HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 17 (3/25/1963 - 8/24/1964) RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 25, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. i The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman John Pearson and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Kelly Johnson, Calvary Baptist Church. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Sup't. Parks & Recreation, Marvin Schroeder, Sup't. of Utilities and William Gordon, Assistant Librarian. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 18, 1963 as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: 1963 Budgeted Vehicles for City Departments as follows: Street Department: 1 Dump Truck with trade and 1 --Ton Pick-Up Truck Police Department: 3 Four-door sedans with trade Fire Department: 1 Four-door station wagon with trade Motor Pool: 1 Four-door sedan with trade Park Department 1 One-Ton 4 x 4 (Flatbed) This being the date set, the following bids were opened and read by City Clerk Nelson. BIDDER ITEM AMT. TAX -TRADE TOTAL Renton�"aFord Company � "Police (3) Sedans $7,120.41 $284.82 $1.,900.00 $5, 505.23 3rd & Burnett St. Motor Pool Sedan 2,360.37 94.41 150.00 2004.78 Renton, Washington .ter Williams & Swanson Street Dump Truck 5,089.00 203.56 600.00 4,692 .56 617 Third Avenue (Optional Hoist) ADD $176.00 Renton, Washington Street - Pick-Up 1,835.00 73.40 OPt ADD 84.45 1,908 .40 *2.O0 H.P. Engine Motor Pool SedAn' 2,3109.00 92 .36 100.00 2,301.36 Police (3) Sedans 5,113.00 284.52 5,397.52 'Fire-Station Wagon 2,141.00 104.04 2y245.04 Bryant Motors Street-Pick-Up 1,954.99 79 .40 21064.39 300 Bronson Way Street-Dump Truck 5955'.76 238 .23 600.00 5, 593.99 Renton, Washington Park - One-Ton Flatbed3,895.50 155.82 4,051.32 (Internat'l. Trucks) Valley Motors Street - Dump Truck 5,104.44 204.18 500.00 4,808.62 423 Auburn Avenue Street - Pick Up 1,909.76 76.39 15986.15 Auburn, Washington -Motor Pool Sedan 2,342 .50 93.70 100.00 2,336.20 (Dodge) Police (8). -Sedans 7,128.33 286-13 1,480.00 5,933.46 Fire - Station Wagon 2,689:.12 107.56 300.00 2,496.68 Park- Flatbed Truck 31696.00 147.84 3,843.84 Certified checks accompanied all bids in the amount of five percent ot the Iota i . Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, to" refer the bids to the Accounting & Auditing Committee, the Purchasing Agent and the Department Heads concerned, to report back. Carried. ?� COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mayor Aliment requested council concurrence in extending compulsory date of retirementfor Matthew Kauzlarich' from May'=1;'- 1963 to December 31`, 1963. Letter, from Marvin Schroeder requesting the extension forsaid Water Department employee-'was attached and sari rEquest approvedby the_Mayor. Moved by Pali, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the extension as requested. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, - seconded by` Bruce, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Com- mittee. Carried. 2 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-26-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission by P. J. McKay, District Engineer, advised in response to the City's request that debris from the freeway be removed from the Cedar River area channel- at :rouser Way, that the necessary arrange- ments will be made with the contractor for general clean-up of the area at an early date . A letter was read from Mr. George W. Berend, Mr. Arthur E. Berend and Mr. Theodele La Valley requesting that Mr. Goodall, in developing 10th Place North, be requested to establish a 40 ft. right-of-way by deed to the City as other residents have heretofore done in this area. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Planning Com- mission. Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan, directed to Planning Director Jensen, relative to the proposed changes in Section 4-712, (a) (5-1) Wrecking Yards, (a) (5) Lumber Yards, coal & Fuel yards and Section 4-713 (a) (1) Use Permitted in L-1, "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", recommended by the Planning Commission. The City Attorney questioned the legality of certain requirements recommended by _ the Commission and alternative of licensing such activities was suggested. A pending Court Case was cited relative to mandatory solid structures as fence or wall and it was pointed out that it would be questionable whether it would be in order to require a minimum of 500 feet from any residential zone or freeway 6r� 8tockpile •within view of any adjacent street as it would be doubtful that it would hold up in Court. It was suggested that the Planning Commission further study the matter and revise their recom- mendations. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan advising that the lawsuit instituted by Mr. Thomas J. Hogan, owner of Radio and Yellow Cab Companies, against the City came to trial in the Superior Court on March 19, 1963 before Judge Mifflin, and was for the alleged over-charge by Renton for various license fees since 1954 asking for $2,010.00 together with costs. The brief prepared for the trial is on file with the City Clerk who was present through the trial in answer to Mr. Hogan's subpoena. The Judge held in favor of the City and allowed no refund for the Plaintiff. The brief is available for inspection for anyone interested. A letter from the Firemen's Pension and Relief B6ard offered to purchase L.I.D. No. 249 Warrants for $87,939.00 at the rate of 4.40% interest per year and subsequently to purchase the installment note in lieu of bonds. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to accept the offer of the Firemen's Pension Board. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. A letter was read which was signed by Harold and Phyllis Jordan, William and Dorothy Hess and Clarence and Alice Sylliaasen, objecting to the establishment of a tavern at 2231 Maple Valley Highway on the Charles Shane Property, because of the dangerous highway condition at this location where there is only one shoulder and a blind curve within three hundred feet of the tavern site. Cars attempting to make left turns into the tavern will be endangered by those rounding the blind curve. Children walking to and from the school bus as well as those alighting from the bus and walking east from the stop will also be endangered. Attention was called to nine accidents at this location in 1962 and three so far in 1963. The Council was requested to support these protests and that the liquor board be so notified. It was pointed out that this license is a transfer of location and not a new license being issued and after discussion it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. f A letter was read from Park & Recreation Sup't., Gene Coulon, on behalf of the Park Board, requested the Council to give consideration to appropriating funds for the mainten- hnce of the Liberty Park ballfield lighting system. Said funds to be used for replacement pf broken lens, burned out lamps, general maintenance and labor required. The cost of energy is to be borne by the teams using the field. Mr. Coulon upon inquiry estimated $350.00 for maintenance the first year which would need to be adjusted thereafter accordingly. Councilman Delaurenti, expressed opinion that the City should assume some of the obligation for recreation in the area and moved that the matter be referred to the Power and Light Committee. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. -2- 'A 1W i 3 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-25-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Building Superintendent, James Highton, submitted a report which was read by the Clerk advising that the construction being done by Percy Welch at 1539 "I" Street is in full compliance with all requirements of the City Code and the Permit under which the Tri-Plex is being built. Height, front, rear and side yards and lot area as well as parking provisions were included in the inspection and no violation is in existence. Inquiry had been made by neighboring residents who had complained to Mr. Custer and Mrs. Dahlquist with the foregoing action being subse- quently taken. Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Planning Com- mission, Councilman Garrett suggested the complainants be notified of the Building %moo Inspectors report. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS% Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington providing for the taking of a census within the corporate limits of the City, providing for the appointment of enumerators, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordi- nance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recom- mended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Committee recom- mendation_ Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2018 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. The following enumerators were appointed by the Mayor to take the census of persons residing within the corporate limits of the City of Renton: Edna R.S. Alvarez, Rodol€o Alvarez, Mrs. Ray Collier, Betty Cowan, Alice Daniell, Lorraine M.' Davis, Berniece Ersland, Phyllis A. Ewer, Fredericka Fogman, James 0. Gibbs, Darlene M, Green, Ted C. Hastings,Shirley A. Hertz, James C. Hackler, Robert J. Kennick, David W. Larson,Wilfred G. Marston, Margaret Mooney, Robert Nobbe, William S. Packard, Howard A. Parker, Louise Wallace, Martha G. Wiberg -and Judith Ann Wilks. The Ordinance Committee Chairman presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington annex ng certain territory to the city of Renton which was read by the Clerk. (Jay E. Holm property in the Bryn Mawr area) Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading._ ,carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2019 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. Motion carried. Councilman Dullahant reported an additional Ordinance would be held pending report of the Council As A Whole Committee which report was submitted by Councilman Reid and read by the Clerk as follows: 1. It was recommended by the Council As A Whole that the bid of Wesco Fire Apparatus Company, 3900 N.W. Yeon Street, Portland, Oregon, in the sum of $39,394.76 be accepted, being the second low bid. The low bid contained 24 exceptions to filling our 'specifi- cations and the bid recommended for acceptance is able to meet the specifications without exception. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, toconcur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. Carried. 2. It was recommended that the funding of the balance required to pay for the fire truck be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. 3.. The Council As A Whole recommended that the proposed Ordinance .combinfng the city's sewerage and storm systems with the water system, be referred back to the Ordinance Com- mittee. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Com- mittee. Carried. Chairman of the Ordinance Committee Dullahant advised the Ordinance had been placed on its first reading at the previous Council Meeting and the Committee at, this time recom- mended second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, secoMed by Dullahant, to adopt Ordinance. No. 2020 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting aye. Carried. •3 i Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-25-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: City Clerk Nelson reported that the Permit to Tiffany Homes for display of advertising signs upon public right-of-ways within the City had been prepared and bond in the sum of $300.00 had been submitted in conjunctinn therewith guaranteeing removal within two years after March 14, 1963, of all signs displayed under this Conditional Permit. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Permit. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Custer called attention to the need for cleaning of the World War I commemorating placque located on the front of the City Hall building and suggested that the Building Superintendent be notified. Councilman Reid called attention to the need for an additional street light at the entrance to Cedar River Park from Houser Way., and it was moved by Hulse, seconded^ by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Power and Light Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen requested a meeting of the Property Committee on Wednesday, March 27, 1963 at 10:00 a.m. with the Building Superintendent. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday, March 30, 1963 at 8:00 a.m. Moved by Councilman Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 458 through 499 be accepted for payment having previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. Councilman Custer requested a meeting of the Accounting and Auditing Committee on Monday, April 1, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Custer in concern for the present policy of reducing the rate for garbage collection for pensioners moved that upon signing a proper Affidavit any person or couple with a total income from all sources of $115.00 per month or less may be eligible for such garbage rate reduction and the Superintendent of Utilities authorized to execute the transaction subject to .approval of the Contractor. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience and as there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. 11=rank Aliment, P,Iayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk -4- 'I March 25, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval , as follows : VOUCHER NO. PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 458 J. F. Ashurst 20.90 459 Blumenthal Uniform Company 49.50 460 Jose Luis Esrevez 2.40 461 I . B. M. Corporation 35.88 462 international Business Machines 7.80 463 Fred Johnson 23.32 464 Warren Daryle Kaplan 2.40 465 McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 14.79 466 Mobile Communications 18.20 467 Helmie Nelson 7.98 468 Nudelman Bro+hers 75.87 469 Pacific Northwest Belt 1 ,082.49 470 Pacific Outf i +ting Company 13.47 471 Puget Sound Power & Light 12.99 472 J. L. Parks 16.50 473 K. R. Parks 16.50 474 Renton Clo!-hing Company 61 .58 475 Mrs. Gordon Shangrow 2.40 ► 476 Sportcaster Company 10.93 477 E. J. Tonda 16.50 478 University of Washington Press 17.56 479 Victor Business Machine Company 495.62 480 M. C. Walls 41 .38 481 D. C. Walsh 16.50 482 Pearl Woods 2.40 CITY STREET FUND t 483 A. G. Elliott 104.20 484 Kilsby Tube Supply 5. 17 485 Mobile Communications 100.31 486 William A. Nicman 26.99 487 Pacific Northwest Bell 10.00 PARK FUND 488 Richard Burrows 4.50 489 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.54 490 Puget Sound Power & Light 9.80 491 Beverly Travis & Associates 256.67 AIRPORT FUND 492 Puget Sound Power & Light 71 .27 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND fi 493 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 494 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 495 J. C. Michel , M.D. 68.00 496 Fred W. Reebs, M.D. 82.25 WATER FUND 497 Mobile Communications 100.31 498 Pacific Northwest Bell 50.50 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 499 Pacific Northwest Bell 14.05 .... _...:.,... :. .................................. Frank Aliment, Mayor ` Ei 6 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 1, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Trimm, Garrett, Custer, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce . Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman James Goodwin, and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Glenn Camper, First Baptist Church. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard S e11an, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Pur- chasing Agent, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks and Recreation, Marvin Schroeder, Supt. of Utilities, and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 25, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson requesting authorization to call for bids on the improvement of Burnett Street between 2nd and 4th Avenues and on the improvement of Meadow Street between Bronson Way and 4th Avenue North, with May 6th being set for opening of the bids. Moved by Dullahant, Seconded by Hulse, to concur, authorizing the bid call and setting said date for opening of the bids. Carried. A letter read from the State Highway Commission submitted a proposed Supple-' ment to No. GC-1145 Agreement relative to the City contrecting a portion of the work in lieu of using City forces as stipulated in tte original Agreement,on the PSH No. 1-RE project, Longacres to Cedar River Bridge. I-405-2(138)156, C-2988. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Supplemental Agreement. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Wm. A. Hess requesting that his name be stricken from a letter opposing establishment of a tavern on the Maple Valley Highway, his name having been signed by someone other than himself through a misunderstanding regarding consent. A letter from the American Water Works Association was read announcing the Annual conference to be held in Eugene, Oregon on April 17, 18 and 19, 1963, and urging that a representative be sent. Permission was requested by the Supt. of Utilities to attend this conference. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, that permission be granted for Mr. Schroeder to attend the conference. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recom- mendations, after review of the City Attorney's suggestions and further study of Ordinances and standards adopted and enforced by nearby communities and the County, relative to regulating wrecking yards, junk yards, etc. .. .T he Commission recom- mended that the words "wrecking yards and auto wrecking places" be deleted from Paragraph (a) (5) of Section 4-712, of Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton. Further recommendations were that Section 4-713 be amended as follows: Paragraph (a) Items (5), (6), (15) and (30) be combined under Paragraph (a) new Item 68, to-wit: Blast furnaces; boiler works; charcoal manufacturing and pulverizing; junk, rags, scrap iron or paper storage or hailing; auto wrecking yards and auto storage yards for vehicles in a non-operable condition, providing that when unhoused, such uses shall be surrounded by an 8-foot sight-obscuring fence known herein as a structure and provided further that such uses shall not be maintained closer than 500' to the sidelines of a residential district nor 500' to the right-of-way line of any Federal Aid Interstate Freeway, Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to refer the communication to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. -1- r^y R Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting April 1, 1963 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter was read from the Renton Downtokn Merchant's Association requesting permission to hold a Pet Parade in Renton on April 11, 1963 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. agreeing to execute a hold-harmless agreement and adequate insurance in connection therewith. Moved by Delaurenti; ,seconded by ,Bruce to grant the request with'the fold Harmless Agreement being provided as stipulated. Carried. A letter was read ,from'property,towners in the area of. S.E. 110th Street thanking the City - for installing storm sewer system with material furnished by said property owners which alleviated a problematic water condition. The letter was signed by Frank A. Storey, Joseph M.. Puhich, Ralph J. Storey and Frank Dalry. Tl-W City Clerk reported that the Census Enumeration conducted in the City during the past week has been completed. Final count has not been submitted how- ever, an unofficial figure of 20,175 has been reported to date. PROCLAMATION: f Mayor Aliment declared Aprilj' 1963 to be "Teaching Career Month" and called upon all citizens to give their support towardproviding conditions to encourage the best teachers to remain in the 'profession, opportunities to apply knowledge to make their teaching more effective and to help instigate. enthusiasm and increase morale of the classroom teacher in order that our young people might consider the teaching profession as a career. M6ved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur,-in the Proclamation by the Mayor. . Carried. } ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of.theCommittee, presenteada 'pro- posed}::Resolution of the City of Renton'extendiri'g the -time of compulsory'retirement for-„Matthew Kauzlarich, who, is a member of the Washington Statewid4`'City Erhployees Rpt rement System under the classification of "Miscellaneous Personnel",. from May 1';, 1963 to December 31, 1968:. Moved by Bruce, secondod-by,Custer, ',to'-Adopt Resolut 'o-n 7 No. 1192 as read. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: - Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, pre'sen'ted a report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: A meeting was held on March 20, 1963 to discuss the proposed Model Traffic Ordinance whieh the Association of Washington Cities has recommended be adopted by all Citie*. %Mr. Edward S: Singler, Municipal Legal Consultant of the Bureau of Governmental -Research and Services was present to answer inquiries and after corple, - low and discussion it was the unanimous opinion that the City of Renton�:adopt the Ordinance. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Model Traffic Ordi,fiance`''be refefre'd to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the required- documents for adoption thereof. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dah'lqui,st to'concur. : Carried: Co6neilman Pedersen, Chairman of_the Property Committee, reported that need for certain improvements and repairs fo fhe City Hall have'been .studied and reeommenda- . tions by: the Committee' -along with Building Superintendent Highton, were submitted for approval as follows: ' Construct vault for Clerk's office by dtil zing a 'portion of the furnace room connected thereto. Cost estimated at $1000.00. Painting of interior of City Hall Building, $3,800.00 and Painting exterior of City Hall Building, $1,800.00, #1A lifter from the Building Superintendent advised that thESe costs were estimates . Permission was requested to call for informal bids on each of the three items'"and 'paymefit for the work to be made'from Cumulati vel Reserve - Fund No. 1183. , The Property Committee recommended that the Sup't.� of Buildings ' be authorize&to- call for separate informal bids on each of -the three items and, thatthe improvement' §%O funded as proposed. Mr. `Highton advised he will publish bid notices'. '- Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by 'Dahlquist, to concur in the recommenda- tiors of the Property Committee and the Superintendent of Buildings: C'ar'ried. 2 S Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-1-63 %_ COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS (cont. Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Accounting and Auditing Committee, submitted his Committee report recommending bid awards for automotive equipment for 1963 as follows: Williams & Swanson, low bidder, - Station Wagon - Fire Dep't.s - ton pick-up, Street. Department, Dump Truck, Street Department, Motor Pool Four boor sedan, three (3) four-door sedans, Police Dept. Valley Motors of Auburn, low bidder - One ton flatbed for Park Department. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the bid awards as recommended by the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid advised consideration should be given to one car which might include additional accessories to be used for special occasions, ie. tour of City by visiting dignitaries, as well as regular service vehicles. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee repofted in- vestigation pursuant to complaint received regarding establishment of a tavern ori the Maple Valley Highway and reported that the area is zoned B-1 and the license issued is based upon a transfer of location and not a new license and as further action is not within the jurisdiction of the City. The Committee recommended no further action at this time. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid pointed out the need for widening of the portion of Third Avenue which goes up Renton Hill under the new Freeway attention being called to the volume of traffic now using this route. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for study. Carried. Councilman Hulse requested a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on Monday, April 8; 1963 at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Satur- day, April 6, 1963 at 8:00 a.m. Councilman Custer moved that Vouchers No. 500 through No. 558, having previously been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Mayor Aliment invited audience comment and Mr. Coulon, Supt. of Parks and Recreation inquired regarding decision of the Council regarding the funding of the maintenance of the Liberty Park Ballfield lights, which had been referred to the Power and Light Committee at the previous meeting. Funding from Cumulative Fund 1184 was specified to be the conclusion of the Committee members and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that the City absorb the funding of subject repair and maintenance for this year from Cumulative Fund 1184. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m. Frank Aliment,, P�layor Nel mie Nelson, City Clerk -3- April 1 , 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Counci ; approval ; as follows.: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 500 Frank Aliment 96. 13 501 City of Renton 72.20 502 Mrs. Ray Collier 2.40 503 Betty Cowan 3�3i 504 Alice M, Daniell 10.. 505 Dictaphone Corporation 3 110 506 Phyllis A., Ewer 5188 33100 507 James 0. Gibbs 11;00 508 Dorothea Gossett 509 Dareene G-een 17.03 510 James C. Hack ler 2. 103750 511 Ted Hastings 72 512 Shir;ey Hertz 4.255 513 Robert J. Kennick 3,66 7 4� 514 Catherine Kindred 162,24 5�5 David W. Larson 3373 516 Wilfred G. Marston 33.73 517 Helmie °Nelson 4.20 5'8 Charles`'Nobbe 82. 10 519 Northwest Office Equipment 7.97 520 Facific Coast Stamp Co, 521 11 .54 522 William S.� Packard " 75.14 Howard 0, Parkers - 45-40 523 2 Puget Sound Power & Light 248.71 24 Ratelco, Inc. 8.24 525 Ser.ttle Art & Photo 21 .61 5226 415.00 treas.City TreaCr. Water 527. .. Martha G, Wiberg 4. 12 528 Judith Ann Wilks 27.00 CITY STREET FUND 529 Benz, SpringoCo. .9.0 530 C 9 ' ty' of Renton' 9.00 531 Coast Wide Supply 10.24 532 N C Mach;nery Co: 70.35 533 Sah berg Equ:'ipment Co. 490.46 534 Six Robbleest Inc,. 2.39 535 Time Equipment Co. 536 1 . Toschi 16.22 5376.oo United Rent-.Ails 3. 12 538 Vickers Inc 101 .92 PARK FUND 539: A1.1 Be•ar1ng. Service- City of Renton 35.32 5f-r Lande Feed & Seed 267.80' 5!� W/T C'1 ty Treas.: Cr. Water 25.00 A !RFORT. FUND 543 W/T C i ty Tr=eas. 'Cr. Current 205.0.0 �-/ATER FUND . 514 C1ty, of Renton 4.00,' 545 Coast:-W;de SuPp'''Y SI . :. 546 La 3onte Rambler, Inc -3-. 3.90 547 Northwest Office Supply 43.07 Pug 5,+a _ Penn Salt Co., `j49 Sound Power & L`ght 15.00 . et.- 55 Tax. Comm'ss i�,�n "' 69. 195 � . 551 W/T' C't/ Treas; Cr-" Current 8 0. 1 36o 00 552 W/T C .ty T;-eas, Cr-, Current I ,062.,74 . 10 City of Renton Vouchers Continued April I , 1963 SEWER DISPOSAL FUND 553 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17, 122.00 Puget Sound Power & Light 9.87 555 Tax Commission 317.63 556 Tool Crib of Kent 4.8.66 557 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 175.00 558 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 1 ,429.32 -- -------- Frank Aliment, P"ayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Auditing & Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the gAmaoe Committee, were approved for the month of March, 1963: PAYROLL $ 104,344.24 CURRENT 24,797.13 STREET 5,566.85 CEDAR RIVER M $ I 24.08 OFF-STREET PARKING 125.00 PARKS & RECREATION 1,428.41 LIBRARY 1,261.82 AIRPORT 803.59 CUMULATIVE RESERVE #1184 3,052 .63 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 450.25 WATER 8,726.72 GARBAGE 37,500.00 SEWER 26,391.37 ... �..-•-...... .. Frank Niment, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 8, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to` order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that absent Councilwoman Dahlquist be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marvin Schroeder, Supt. of Utilities, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, David Jensen, Planning Director and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman John Pearson and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. .Earl Dean, First Methodist Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, that the Minutes of.the.previous meeting of April 1, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. OF B S: Prefabricated Lift Station for Sewage - Sunset Blvd. E.-132nd Ave. S.E. This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Klerk, JIDAER AMOUNT TAX TOTAL hi,INIER CONTRACTORS, INC. $ 139500..00 $ 540.00 $ 14,040.00 1927 % 1st Ave. South Seattle 4, Washington VALLEY .CONSTRUCT COMPANY 13,094.00 523.76 13,617.76 7722 Rainier Avenue Seattle $, Wa§hi;ngton. Bids were accoq%pap ed by 5% ,Bid Bonds,, .,It; was moved by pulse, -seconded. by Custer to refer the Bids:to ,the Sanitation Committee for recommendation. ' Carried. COMMUNICATIONS; i, ixJ A,fetter w� read` ffr7o tFie"" Sia of Washington Census Board `advising, per. Mr. Wilfred G. Marston, •Dirgctor, Renton City Census, ,that _the;4�numeration has been com- pleted as of April 1, 1963 and the certified officialpopulatign_count is _,20,175. A communication read from the Renton Ministerial Association, written by A.E. Osmundson, President, requested that the City givo, consideration to allowing an extra half hour lunch period on Good Friday in ,prder;that City Employees might attend special services being held in observance ,.of the day.. An "Open Letter" accompanied this com- munication advising of a Three-hour,Good 'Friday.- Service to be held -from-12 noon to 3 p.m. at the Renton Theatre, 507 Third Avenue, with six half hour peribdg* on the hour and half hour enabling those desiring to come and go. The Renton Ministerial Assn. extended an invitation to the publie_,to attend. A letter wast,read+from Mr, and Mrs, Joe Crass, $816 So. 148th Street South and i; , Mrs. Alice M. Ashley, 8826 So. 148th, advising that any rezone action of Lots 51 and 52, Block 27, Hillmans Earlington Gardens,, located at 148th Street in Renton wile protested. (Douglas Buck property).' The.-Clerk reported that-'n6- rezone rezone requests'- to been 4made .11h. th6'-sub 66t .area to date .according to a check with :the City Departments concerned. Moved by De3aurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Planning ■•• Commission. Carried. A letter read from the Soroptomist Club of Renton, by Ruth Wiltz, Secretary, advised that the Club had given further consideration to the project and wished to withdraw their application for a license to operate a. fireworks stand during the Independence Holiday. ; Moved-by Custer, seconded by Polite that the communication be referred to the Police and License Committee. Carried.. 12 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-8-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter read from City Clerk Nelson advised that total expenses for the Census Enumeration amounted to $3,305.54 which exceeded the budgetary appropriation by $305.54. Salaries and wages totalled $2,748.66 which amount will need to be transferred into the Payroll Account for disbursement at this time. The following transfers were deemed in order and authorization requested therefor at this time: FROM: Non-Departmental 7035/625, Assn. Dues $ 115.00 7035/631, Miscellaneous 190.54 7035/632, Census 2,443.12 $ 2,748.66 UNTO: CITY CLERK 7003, Salaries & Wages $ 2,748.66 Moved by Bruce, sem nded by Gianini, to concur in the transfer of funds as outlined. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from the Renton Aerie No. 1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, announced their annual City Employees Night, Wednesday, April 17, 1963, at 316 Third Avenue, at 8:30 p.m. All City Personnel(and sp:.-)use)are invited and it was requested that the City Clerk be notified how many persons from each Department will be planning to attend. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to notify the Eagles of acceptance and express thanks on behalf of the City Personnel. Carried. The Clerk reported that communications have been received from Mayor Aliment, the Supt. of Schools within the area, Department of Commerce and Economic Development and the County Commissioner relative to dispensation of review board proceedings in the pending annexation of property in the Bryn Mawr area owned by Earl McLaughlin. Pursuant to Section 4, Senate Bill #16, Chapter 282, Session Laws of 1961, the proper} being less than ten acres and less than $200,000.00 in assessed valuation and written consent by proper parties being given thereto, the review board proceedings are hereby - dispensed with. Hearing on the matter had been requested for April 15, 1963. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to approve the dispensing of proceedings and the date requested, Monday, April 15, 1963, be set for Hearing on the matter. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. Application was received from Fantella Simkins, owner of Pat's Cafe requesting that the required license be granted to operate a Finball machine in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter from Vincent D. Miller, Jr. , written on behalf of his sister and brothc- as well as himself, requested Council consideration of recinding action relative to recently instituted No Parking along Hardie Place which Mr. Miller deems has caused their tenant Glen Grant to close his used car lot. It was pointed out that parking is allowed on the North side of the adjoining property and it was requested that two- hou:: parking be allowed in lieu of the no parking now prevailing. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to refer the communication to the Street ani Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks & Recreation, advised of receipt of Deed transferring Kennydale Beach to the City as authorized by King County Resolr..'=: on No. 25252, and covering the following described property: Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, Block A, Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seatt.:T` No. 1, located in King County. It was the recommendation of the Park :hoard that this document be accepted. li Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Property Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter was read from the City Clerk advising that the sum of $11,000.00 must appropriated to the proper budgetary account to provide necessary expenditure for the new fire truck. Councilman Hulse submitted the report 6f the Ways and Means Committee relative thereto as follows: Recommended that $11,000.00 be appropriated from moneys received in excess of anticipated revenues in .tbt.current find and placed in Cumulative Reserve Fund #16.98 in order that expenditure may be made for funding of the new fire truck. Moved by Ctster, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Custer to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee, Car ed. -- Minutes of the Rerrton City Council Meeting 4-8-63 -A ` ;� COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Mr. Eugene R. Smith, 10461 S.E. 164th Street, Renton, called attention to improper-function of septic tanks and drainage fields in the area of his residence and requested, in view of the recent annexation of the area by the City, that action be taken to remedy the situation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A letter from M. H. Schroeder, Sup't. of Utilities, advised that the 84th Co-Op Water District has now relinquished assets of two cash account in respective sums of $9,917.82 and $894.13, totalling .$10,811.95. The Utility Departn+ent is in receipt .of said funds and requests that a ,proper Ordinance be prepared appropriating the funds into Water Maintenance Account 7090,12, Capital Outlay Fund 1713. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to refer the metter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter was read from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, written by Harry A. Benton, President, advising of the completion of a study by the "First Class City Study Committee" of the Chamber of Commerce. A compilation of materials relative thereto and their source of information was presented in a brochure which had been distributed to the Council this evening, a copy of which was attached to this communication. Included in the report were procedures required for a City to become a First Class City and the estimated costs involved. After analysis and consideration the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce adopted the following recommendations: 1. That the Chamber go on record a being opposed to the City of Renton changing to a first class city at this time. 2. That a study of the advantages inherent within the present framework of a second class city be explored. A Chamber of.Cdina►eree Committee will be appointed to investigate lrecommendation No. 2. City Counci<l:concutience was requested in recommendat on'No'. 1. Moved by Trimm, seconded by. Bruce, to refer the matter t6 the Council As A Whole. Carribd`, A letter was read 4rom City' Attorney Shellan.-which had been directed to the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle claiming damages incurred by reason of the low" recent excavation undertaken on`•behalf bf.Metro'-ta city properties and° buildings fin-An estimated sum::in excess of $1,000.00 Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advis.ed. of, pehding court suit�.'and of a Declaratory Judgment request (that a' decision-. be rendered as to whether Metro or the Contractor is liable to pay the damage claims). Superintendent of Buildings Highton had been requested to furnish `an estimate of damages and it was pointed out that once' a;•release is signed no ,further claim can be made. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, that the Building Inspector make a de- tailed report back to Council after checking for all possible damages which may have been caused by the Metro Installation. Carried. City' Clpi-k No.esoid ailvised of receipt of a volume containing Special Districts In the State.:of Washington which publication was issued by the- Bureau of Governmental Research and Services.of the University of Washington which was available if anyone wished to use it. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS:- ; Councilman Dullahant; Chairman of the Ordinance• Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance Amending Section 4-712 (a) (5-1) and Section 4-713 (a) (1) relative to Wrecking Yards, Lumber Yards, Coal &Fuel Yards and Use Permitted in L-1 zonings, of Ordinance 1628 entitled "General Code of Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the pro- posed:Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. .w. A letter from City Attorney Shellan was read,again advising that the.' Amendin'g Ordinance yet contained points which were vulnerable insofar as the legal contesting action is concerned,based on previous court actions,and it was suggested further study be given prior to adoption of the document as it now exists. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution which was read by the Clerk authorizing the following transfers of funds: FROM: Non—Departmental: 7035/625, Assn. Dues, $ 115.00, 7035/631, Misc., $ 190.54, 7035/632, Census, $2,443.12 = Total; $2,748 66 UNTO: CITY CLERK - 7003, Salaries and Wages - $2,748.66 Moved by Bruce, se0onded by Delaurenti, to adept Resolution No. 1193 as read. Carried. -3- 14 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-8-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (cont.) The Committee presented 'a "proposed, Ordinance of the City of Rennton, Washington transferring certain funds in excess of estimated revenues for the purchase of fsre fighting equipment, which was read by the Clerk. There is hereunder approprfhted T. bm excess revenues, derived mainly from extra franchise fees now within the-Cent-_.Find -`" to and for Cumulative Fund No. 1698, the sum of $11,000.00 for the purchase of the. new fire truck. Moved by Druce, seconded by Custer, to refer the.`proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recorhmehdat on. Carried. The Committee'- recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. AFter the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2021 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS::;` Coisncilman Reid advised that the Street, and Alley Comihittee is 'considering.. the widening of Thir Avenue at the Renton Hill"aces and w 1''report: their recommetrdation at the following meeting. Councilman Hulse moved that cit' 'employees. be granted an extra half' ' our`for lunch on Good Friday if they plan to attend the special services at the theater as outlined in the Ministerial Assn. communications. The motion was seconded. byDelaurenti and carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Job Evaluation Committee, advised that his Committee has reviewed -plane presented by the Public Service Administration which had also been presented to the Council As A Whole.�It was nuq recommended that the two- package plan be adopted and that the Public Service Administration be authorized to draw up a contraet,to be submitted to the City Attorney for approval with the matter referred to the Ways and Means Committee for funding of the project. (Comprehensive review of the City's pay policies and practices) Moved -by Cutter, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendatiors of the Job Evaluatior4 Comrhittee. Carried:' Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the 701 Planning Comi�ittee, reported on the progress of the program outlining the proposals for re-routing of the railroad tracks for possible removal of all rail facilities between 4th Avenue and 4th Avenue North and,-relocations-- thereof which hats"f ' urther'beeti proposed. The necessity had been stressed"that`prime consideration be given to solvirig those problems in the industrial and cammercial aroas and studies subsequently directed to overall community problems in areas `such 'as the Highlands, Earlington, Benson Hill and the Kennydale area. Councilman Bruce invited the public to attend the Citizens Advisory Committee meetings each Wednesday at 8 a.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. i NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid inquired regarding maintenance of the road going up to Mt. Olivet cemetery which was in need of repair. Mayor Aliment advised inclement weather has not allowed repair and that tentative plans are under consideration for relocation of the road from the Third Avenue North extension to the cemetery. Responsibility for the maintenance of the road and ownership of same was discussed after which it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday, April 13, 1963 at 8:00 .a.m. Moved by Custer, seconded' by Delaurenti, ',that Vouchers .4o-v 55.9 through 664, 'having previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditib _'tormittee be*accepted for pay- ment. Carried. Councilman Custer requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee on Monday, April 15, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. and the City Engineer and Supt. of Utilities were requested to attend. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Police and License Committee on Saturday at 9:00 a.m, following the Street and Alley Committee meeting. -4- 15 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-8-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: cont. Fire Chief Lawrence called attention to the approach of Spring Clean-Up time and requested that the week of April 20 through 26 be designated therefor with April 25 and 26 being pick-up days. The Chamber of Commerce is helping out with the program this year. It was requested that all burnable materials be gathered and placed for collection and all telephone calls will be acknowledged with a list being prepared for the Street Department. Moved by Custer, secnnded by Delaurenti, that April 20 through 26 be designated moo Clean-Up Week with collections to be made the 25th and 26th. Carried. Mayor Aliment invited further comment from the audience and Mr. Chas. E. Taylor inquired, on behalf of the musician's union, relative to the progress made to date for permitting live music in City of Renton establishments. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee advised that this subject will comprise a portion of their meeting to be held this coming Saturday. As there was no further busi.ruess to come before the Council it was moved by @ri�eP, GP.cC7rxled by N.1i, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. .... .... .. Frank Aliment, Mayor -leir iq-,NelsOn, City..Clerk -5- Aprill 8, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the '!accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval, as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE MAOMT CURRENT_FUND 559 Addressograph-Multigraph Co. 27.41 560 Atrierican Blueprint Co. 1 .25 ' 561 American Blueprint Co. 22.93 562 Robert Anderson 50.00 563 Otho Beatty 2.40 564 Atomic Battery Shop 11 .39 565 Blumenthal Uniform Co., Inc. 50.45 566 George Braziller, Inc. 5.30 567 BurnrIte: OiI Company 192. 18 568 Ed Carman .' 2.40 569 Dotz Chemical Company 7.80 570 Downtown Idea Exchange 4.00 571 Firestone Store of Renton 177.22 572 George Hami .Iton 2.40 573 Hickok Sport Shop 1 .04 574 I . E3. M. Corporation 10.89 575 Kroll Map Company 10.92 576 Ann Lavelle 2.40 577 F. E. Lawrence 4.66 578 L Sc H Printing 77.79 579 Herman Kenneth Lougee 2.40 580 Market Basket -#3 30.00 581 Market Basket #4 18.75 582 Market Basket f5 11 .95 583 Motor Mart 110. 19 584 Messer's T. V. & Appliance 8.53 585 Helmie Nelson 6.07 586 Pacific Outfi `ting Company 31. 15 5137 Paulson Office Supply 125.46 568 Donald J. Fessemier 2.40 589 Renton Auto Glass 2.60 590 Renton Cash-!Nay Lumber Yard 9.83 591 Renton Hardware Company 46.74 592 Renton Motor Parts 213..38 593 Renton Valley Fuel 311 .21 594 Seattle-King County Dept. of Public Health 175.00 595 Charles Schulfz Jr. 2.40 596 Marvin L. Sherertz 72.24 597 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 357.54 598 Sunset Coal & Oil Company 186.07 599 U. S. Post Office 10.00 600 U. S. Fost Office 85.00 601 M. C. Walls 100.49 602 Washington Natural Gas Company 85.34 603 Clarence Williams 13.37 604 Woodbury Business Forms, Inc. 232.90 605 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 883.05 606 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 4.52 CITY STREET FUND 607 Atomic Battery Shop 30.130 608 Black River Quarry 123.76 609 Eltee Tool Company 13.98 610 Kenny's Auto Upholstery 6.76 611 Market Basket #3 2,40 612 Stoneway Sand & Graved Company 110.90 613 0 K Tire Store of Renton 120.79 614 Pacific Auto Parts 89.73 615 Paulson Office Supply 137.51 616 Preservative Paint Company 1,031 .613 617 Rainier Asphalt 381 .71 61a Reiman Auto Parts 120.35 i City of Renton Vouchers continued April 8, 1963 CITY STREET FUND CONT. 619 Renton Auto Glass 5.22 620 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 74.71 621 Renton Motor Farts 235. 12 622 Sunset Coal & Oil 59.99 623 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 125.31 624 WET City Treas. Cr. Water 33.39 62F Dewey Ward 37.94 626 Welders Supply 30.23 627 Zep Manufacturing Co. 91 .63 OFF-STREET PARKING FUND 628 Milt Williams 125.00 j PARK FUND 629 Air Mac Inc. 13.52 630 Atomic Battery Shop 18. 16 631 Glo-Kien Company 49.40 632 Facific Northwest Dell 33.73 633 Renton Motor Parts 2.40 634 Sunset Coal & Oil 54.20 635 Victorts Fuel Company 42.61 636 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 90.09 637 Washington Natural Gas Co. 40.53 L HRARY FUND 633 Renton Hardware Company 55.38 AIP,PCRT FUND 639 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 51 .45 I 640 Motor Mart 12.90 641 Renton Hardware L1 .L4 642 U. S. Post Office 5.00 643 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 102.20 WATER FUND 6L4 B & 5 Auto Parts 51 . 18 645 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 1 ,024.59 646 Daily Journal of Commerce 35.40 647 Manitou Equipment Co. 885.30 648 Market Basket #4 2.24 649 Messer's T.V. & Appliance 5.32 650 Helmie Nelson 6.38 651 Facific Water Works Supply 2,037.63 652 Faulson Office Supply 156.35 653 Rainier Asphalt 133.85 654 Renton Hardware 57.61 655 Facific Northwest Bell 62.56 656 Puget Sound Power & Light 31.70 657 Marvin H. Schroeder 46.55 658 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 521.32 SEWER DISPOSALFUND. 659 Daily Journal of Commerce 27.00 e 660 Graystone Overlake 20.38 661 0 K Tire Store of Renton 59.28 662 Pacific Northwest Hell 11 .39 663 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 24. 19 664 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 62.43 665 C n"i'31)y 5.3n . :,ravt,1 357.54 Frank Alimen , Mayor ;Helmie Nelson, City Clerk i8 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 15, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Jedex'sen, Garrett, Custer, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Delaurenti, snd Seconded by Custer, that absent Councilman Trimm be excused. Carried. 4 OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea .Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shell-ain, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marvin Schroeder, Supt. of Utilities, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, David Jensen, Planning Director and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Partolman Frank Cooper and the Invacation was delivered by Councilman Bruce Hulse. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 8, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. HEARING: Annexation - Earl McLaughlin property in Bryn Mawr area This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk reported that no further communications have been received and that the proceedings have progressed i through all necessary channels, including properly authorized dispensation of Review I Board proceedings . Audience comment was invited and as there was none the Hearing was delcared closed and Council action requested. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, to annex this area to the City of Renton and the matter referred to the Ordinance Committee . Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson requesting authorization to call for bids for storm sewer work at 12th Avenue North, Factory Street, 12th Place North and on "E" Street in order to eliminate present storm water connections to the Sanitary ewer System. It was suggested that May 20, 1963 be set for bid openings. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request for bid call and the date for opening of the bids. (All projects to be encompassed in one bid call) Carried. A petition containing 27 signatures requested the City to take action to remove a portion of the embankment at the S.E. corner of M Street and Sixth Place North to eliminate existing traffic hazard, both embankments obscuring the sight of motorists using Sixth Place North. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to refer the communication tothe Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that a certain written "Option to Purchase Real Property", acquired May 20, 1958 upon a 60-foot right-of-way, will expire on May 1, 1963. The option allows purchase for $1.00 of a proposed street right of way extending southerly from the new bridge abutment constructed by the Pacific Coast Railroad Co., a Deed for same is presently in the City's possession but has not been filed for record. The right of way is being used by the general public and the City has done some maintenance work intermittently. Cost of im- provement to the street was discussed and it was pointed out that the City should determine whether it would want the right-of-way and either exercise the option at $1.00 or decide to drop the option which perhaps might require condemnation at a greater price in the event it would ever need the right of way. Mayor Aliment pointed out that an L.I.D. was to have been instituted in conjunction with the work on the railroad bridge and the abutting property owners have not complied to date. Discussion ensued regarding protests which had been submitted to the proposed L.I.D. and rejection of same by the Council. The owner had consented to improve and main- tain the road in the event the City had participated in the maintenance and ful- fillment of this work has not been evidenced. Upon inquiry, Planning Director Jensen advised that the Planning Commission would recommend acceptance of this extension of road to 7th Avenue. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to meet with Mr. Edwards and report back After further discussion and comparison to requests of other property owners tnd tht 'City's commit- tment of $12,500.00 in connection with the bridge improvement over the subject right- af way, the motion carried. -1- y 19 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-15-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) An application was read from Howard O'Farrell, requesting that Rainier Amuse- ment Company be granted the required license to operate a pinball machine at the Renton Golf Range. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, ,Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Rentm, Washington annexing certain territory to the City of Renton, which was read by the Clerk. (Earl McLaughlin property in the Bryn Mawr area.) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordi- nance No. 2022 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all council members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance r,f the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 4-712, 4-713 of Title IV, (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances :of the City of Renton", which had been introduced for first reading at the prior council meeting. The Ordinance Committee now recommended second and final reading. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2023 as read. Roll call vote was taken which resulted as follows: Aye: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. No: Custer Abstained: Dah-lquist Nne''aYe votes were cast one no and one council member abstained from voting carrying the motion. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of-the City of Renton, Washington transferring certain funds received, in excess .of. estimate•d .revenues unto, the Utility Departm'entz..which was read by the Clerk. Excess revenues received from the 84th Co-op Water Association upon its acquisition by the City in the sum of y $lfl 811,95 are`hereb app' ro P riated unto Water Maintenance Department, Fund 7090.12, Capital Outlay Acct. No. 1713, $10,811.95, for purpose of expansion and improvement of water dine facilities. - Moved by Delaurenti-,''secondedby Custer; to I refer the proposed'Ordinance to the Ordi-nance Committee for recommendation., Carried The Committee recommended favorably'and that the 'propose-d' Ordinance be placed= on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, to adopt Ordinance No. 2024 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all council members present voting aye. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman. Reid, Chairman of the Street and.Alley 'Committee, ,'presented his Committee report which was- read by the Clerk with council action taken,as' follows:, 1. The Committee'recommended, 'relative to request of Vincent Dr. Miller,' that 2-hour parallel parking be instituted on the north side of• Hardie'�Place where no- parking is presently posted. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the tecommehdation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Garrett,,''se'Eonded by Dela`ur4mti, to refer the matter to the 'Ordinance Committee Carried. 2. Due to increasing traffic volume and extremely narrow-width of the street, the Committee recommended widening of 3rd Avenue on the "South'side from'''Mil'l'Street'to ' Renton Street. The Street Commissioner .is requested to furnish an estimate of cost. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. � - A request from'the`Boeing' Company, by C. S 'Sargent, Manager, f'acili'ties Engineer- ing, Transport Division, was read petitioning the City to install an asphaltic sidewalk on the East side of Park Street south from 8th Avenue' North' 520"-x 5? to eliminate hazardous conditions to pedestrians who must now walk in the 'street--during inclement weather. A suggested method of installation and material list was attached and all costs not in excess 6f' $800.00 will be reir►burseable'to the City by Boeing. Moved'by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried,. -2- 20 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-15-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Huise, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, reported that his Committee recommended that $15,000.00 be appropriated from monies received in excess of anticipated revenues in the Current Fund unto: Non-Departmental Fund 7035, Account 603 - Expert Services, for funding of the Comprehensive Review of the City's pay policies and practices. ` Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee and that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that his Committee recommended acceptance by the City of the Deed from the County coveli. ng the Kennydale Beach property, and the proper officials authorized to execute same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported on referral of Eugene Smith inquiry regarding Septic tank and drain field in area of his residence o n SE 164th St.,suggestions that the City Engineer prepare a proper legal description to be used for initiating an L.I.D. in the area for sewer line connection. 2. Recommended that the Firemen's Pension Fund Board offer to purchase L.I.D. 249 Warrants at 4.40% interest in a total sum of $87,939, be accepted. Moved by Po=_i, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. 3. Recommended by the Sanitation Committee that all bids received in connection with the Prefabricated Sewage Lift Station at Sunset Blvd. E. and 132nd S.E. be disallowed inasmuch as it has been the finding by proper evidence that the City can make the installation more economically, all bids being excessively over and above the Engineering Department Estimate of cost for the project. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee which had conferred with the City Engineer and .Sup't. of Utilities in making said recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid, on behalf of the Power and Light Committee, submitted requests for light at S,E. 110th on unnumbered pole (pole to the East is 10850). Moved.by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Power and Light Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid reported the need for a light between the railroad track overpass and the freeway at the entrance to Cedar River Park, and recommended incandescant light for more illumination. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Power and Light Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett submitted for reading a letter from Mr. David D. Rowlands, City Manager of Tacoma, Wn., soliciting membership of the City in the Municipal Fire Defense Institute. A copy of a page from the MFDI bo chure was attached. Cities under 3000 in population are required to pay $25.00 annually and 14 cities and towns in the State are presently participating, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the communications to the Fire Chief and the. Fire and Water Committee, to report back. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 666 through 798, having been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be accepted for payment. Carried. C6uncilman Poli inquired regarding whether the Street Commissioner might be legally authorized to post signs upon Council directive without having to prepare and publish Ordinances prior thereto. City Attorney Shellan called attention to the Model Traffic Ordinance now being proposed for adoption which gives authority to the Traffic Engineer (City Engineer) to post signs or notices without Ordinance by author it,- of the Council. The publication expense would be eliminated under the new-proposal. Mayor Alirent invited comment from the audience at this time and as none was forthccming it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.` --•................. ..........,....,,, 'Helmle Nelson, City Frank Aliment, Mayor Clerk April 15, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accoun+ing and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval , as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 666 Austin-Hendrickson Drugs 42. 16 667 Del Benneft 31 .44 668 Paul D. Henson 2.40 669 Benjamin Lee Bese 2.40 670 Chapman Electric 3,1x45,58 671 Wally Clarke Fuel 123,01 672 Cochran Coast-to-Coast 9.67 673 Don Dashnea 30,55 674 Wm, F, Davis 32;50 675 A. 6. Dick Company 186.42 676 Drager's Harley-Davidson 207.71 677 H. M. Edman 13,35 678 Employment Security Dept, 4,675.66 679 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 169.00 680 H & M Duplicator Company 129. 17 681 Hartman Typewriter 520.22 682 James L. Highton 15.25 683 Holmes Electric 15.60 684 Indianapolis Badge & Nameplate Co. 29.30 685 Keuffel & Esser Company 129.45 686 King County Humane Society 606.66 687 King County Mddical Service Corp. 693.80 688 Gus Kroesen's 26,31 689 Lumber Market 96.48 690 McLendon Hardware 1!-41 691 Michael Distributing Co. 6,93 692 Myers Oil Company V32.25 693 National Bank of Commerce 7.23 694 The National Cash Register Co. 221 .00 695 J. C. Fenney 'Co., I nc. 7,24 696 Fioneer Printery, Inc. 217.75 697 Public Administration Service 5,10 698 Puget Sound Power & Light 325,03 699 Puget Sound -Power & Light 5,.128«03 700 Record Office Supply 196.89 701 Renton Automobile 2%07 702 Renton Clothing Company 55.84 703 Renton Rainier Printery 22.88 704 Mr.. Robert Richardson 2.1.0 705 Mrs, Robert Richardson 2.40 706 Marvin Sherertz 7.62 707 Standard Insurance Co. .211 .25 708 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 2,358.10 709 Gary E. Tangen 2.40 710 Tele-Car Communications 130.00 711 U. S. Post Office 25-75 712 Jack Wilson II ..00 713� Jack Wilson 37..74 CITY STREET FUND 714 American Parts, Inc. 29..13 715 Austin-Hendrickson Drugs 18..17 716 The Blackler Co:, Inc. 12..82 717 California Brush Company. 432..00 718 Cochran Coast-to-Coast 57.42 719 A. H. Cox Co, 19..08 720 A. 6. Dick Company 47•,84 721 A.. G.. EI I iott 49.20 722 Employment 'Securi.ty Dapt. 1,593.43 723 Group Health Coop of Puget 'Sound 104-50 724 Humble Oil Company 1 ,345. 16 725King County Medical Service Corp. ,144.55 t 2� CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED April 15, 1963 CITY STREET FUND CONT. 726 Joseph Lynch 30.84 7�7 McLendon Hardware 5.87 728 Record Office Supply 22.83 729 Renton Automobile 179.68 730 Renton Rainier Printery 81 . 12 731 Security Concrete Products 98,38 732 Star Machine Company 2.40 733 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 278.39 734 Charles Stewart, Inc. 117.17 735 Tele-Car Communications 65.00 CEDAR RIVER M & I FUND 736 Employment Security Dept. 42.87 737 Group Health Coop. of Puget Sound 8.00 738 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 16.08 PARK FUND 739 Chuck's Radiator Specialists 13.31 740 Employment Security Dept. 712.63 741 Group Health Coop. of Puget Sound 16.00 742 King County Medical Service Corp. 79.35 743 McLendon Hardware 37.33 744 Pacific Northwest Bell 19. 16 745 Puget Sound Power & Light 202.62 746 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 97. 10 LIBRARY FUND 747 R. R. Oowker Co. 11 .00 748 City of Renton 4.00 749 Demco Library Supplies 21 .20 750 Doubleday & Co. 140. 14 751 Educators Progress Service 6.50 752 Employmen+ Security Dept. 468.34 753 Gaylord 3ros., Inc. 14.29 754 'Villiam R. Gordon 35.54 755 Group Health Coop. of Puget Sound 8.50 756 H c' M Duplicator Corp. 41 .96 757 Marcella Hillgen 14.00 758 King County Medical Service Corp. 74.95 759 Market Basket 4;'4 8.47 760 Mrs. Claudia Maze 11100 761 National Directory Service 3.07 762 Overall Cleaning & Supply 2.50 763 Pacific Northwest Sell 56.81 764 Puget Sound News Co. 443.04 765 Renton Record & Stationery 29.58 766 Service Laundry 2.50 767 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 139. 17 AIRPORT FUND 768 Employment Security Dept. 178.78 769 King County Medical Corp. 24.45 770 Myers Oil Company 7.99 771 Puget Sound Power & Light 161 . 17 772 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 37.86 CUMULATIVE FUND #1184 773 Security Concrete Products 762.71 ,� � . .. ... Helmie Nelson Clerk........s.. Frank Aliment, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 22, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Dullahant, Hulse, Dahlquist, Garrett, Delaurenti, Custer and Poli. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilmen be excused, Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Janet Crabb, Assistant City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Arthur Haugan, Assistant City Attorney, Frank Henry, Assistant Police Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marvin Schroeder, Supt. of utilities, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Joe L;mnch, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks & Recreation and William Gordon, Assistant Librarian. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Wallace Hume and Invocation was delivered by Rev. L, G. Randall, First Presbyterian Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 15, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from the U.S. Army Engineer District, Seattle, gave public notice that application has been received for placement of 14 temporary buoys in Lake Washington, north of Renton to be used for a water-skiing slalom course from May 20 through October 1, 1963. Objections were invited in writing to be submitted not later than May �5, 1963. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Airport Board. Carried. A letter from Joe Lynch; Street Commissioner, submitted cost estimate for the widening of 3rd Avenue from Mill St-reet to Renton Street which covered the cost for labor., equipment and material, work performed by the Street Department in a total estimated sum of $2;400,00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the estimate of cost to the Ways and Means Committee for funding recommendation. Carried. A, letter was read from Howard O'Farrell, withdrawing application for license to operate a game machine at the Renton Golf Range, 10600 Lake Wn, Blvd. Moved by �`er, rc=.ded by Iul-e to refer the letter to the Police and License Committee. Carried. An application was read from Mr. Owen Fair, owner of the Jockey Inn, for a license to allow Hit Parade Music Company to operate a Juke Box in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dablquist, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee. Carried, Convention Bulletin No, 3, Assn. of Washington Cities was read, announcing the 1963 Statewide Convention at Longview on June 12, 13, and 14, and requesting that the City appoint two voting delegates. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, that Councilwoman Dahlquist and Councilman Pedersen be appointed to attend as voting delegates representing the City of Renton. Carried. A Petition containing 20 signatures was read protesting any rezone from resi- dential to business use or an;7 variance which may be filed concerning Lots 51 and 52, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition. (So. 148th Street) The Clerk reporter: no evidence of any request in the subject area at the present time. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Petition to the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Estimate No. 4, on work com- pleted to date by George Pcngracz•-Brtha under terms and provisions of Base Mapping Contract. Total estma-:.e, %5,780,00 less 15% -retained, $4,913.00. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti., to refer "': e , ,mat--_ the 1_ccounting & A iditir..g Committee. Cary d. -�-- 24 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-24-63 COMMUNICATIONS; (cont.) setters from Planning Director Jensen, directed to Mr. Howard Hamilton, 315 N.W. 80th Street, Seattle, and to Mr: Clarence Mitchell, 9206 Lake Wn. Blvd. S .E. called attention to the fact that their building lots did not meet the Citys Subdivision Ordinance re- quirements and requested,as has been the established policy in similar circumstances, that the property owner execute an agreement to participate in an L-I.D. should one be instituted and that a 30ft right--of--way on either side of the roadway centerline be deeded for future development of a street, Building permits had been issued in each case and Permittee's were advised that a Variance would need to be issued for non- conforming use which application foams had been mailed to each party. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Council waive the need for, a Variance provided conditions regarding .execution of Deeds and Agreements are met within 48 hours. After discussion the motion was amended by Custer to read "within 48 hours of notification of 'tris council action"', with consent of second. After further comment regarding authority and past experience 'of stop work order and inquiries relative to circumstances under which Permits are granted, it was suggested by Mayor, Aliment that if Council recommended signatures of the Planning Director and City Engineer as well as the Building Superintendent on the permits it might avoid further problems. The Department Heads named were questioned and it was pointed out that all Permits would not need three signatures as only certain ones would concern the additional departments. After further discussion the pending motion was carried and it was subsequently moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the Mayor be authorized to- effect the require- ment for additional signatures which would be secured by the Building Superintendent when issuing the Permit. Locations for construction were stipulated as the Permits which might csa32 concern and it was to be at the discretion of administration to designate perm:--, noeding additional signatures. The motion carried. A letter froffi' Ci'ty Engineer Wilson submitted letter and Permit from the State Highway Department grahiipg the City permission to cross a portion of P.S.H. #1-RE in installing 8", newer'line. in Windsor Hills area. It was recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Permit. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried, A Summary of proposed plan for including Group Life Insurance for City Employees such as the current plan which rovers Fire and Police personnel was submitted by the StandardInsurance Company, copies of which had been presented to the City Employees Club and 'City.Council Members as well as Department Heads. Coverage of 193 members includes $673,000 of Life Insurance and would cost $3,876.00 annually. The City now pays $2,532.00 for the Fire and Police Department coverage for ,65 employees with $325,000 of Life insurance in force. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposal to the Job Evaluation Committee_to report back, Carried. Lotters.,';Ue.re read from Mr. Wm. F. Davis and Mr. Louie Gebenini, members of the City's Insurance Commission, recommended that the present Insurance carrier, Public Employees Insurance Company, be retained another year and that the Comprehensive General Liability limits be increased to $300,000 per person and $300,'00'0 per accident, in view of'high court awards. The ten percent experience credit is to be allowed and the increase by annexation of areas and increase of City payroll will, result in a net annuah,`,p�oipium for 1963 of $10,727.50. The 1962 premium was $10,181.47. Mr. Gebenini upon inquiry, addressed the assembly outlining the Commission's procedures in seeking competitive rates and their conclusions as recommended. Councilwoman Dahlquist reported that L,e' ,Prbperty Committee recommended the increase in the Liability Policy and renewal with the present Company. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendations of the Insurance Commission and the Property Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending section 10-504 of Title X'(Tr�tffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the. .City of Renton,' which was read by the Clerk, (Establishing 2-hour parking on Hardie Place.) Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed-.on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the .recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading,' it was moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Ordinance No. 2025 as read_,4-Roll call vote was taken ;with all Council_ menbers present voting aye. Carried. s' Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4.72.E-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington appropriating and transferring certain funds in excess of estimated revenues, to-wit: franchise payments, which Ordinance proposal was read by the Clerk. Said appropriation for the purpose of Expert Services, $15,000.009 Non-Departmental Fund 70355 Account No. 603 for funding of a survey of the City§ wage and administrative policies. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Committee recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2026 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. Councilman Dullahant advised that the Committee would hold the proposed Ordinance relative to Traffic for study and subsequent report at the next Council Meeting, COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Comment and inquiry was made relative to construction permits issued on 103rd Street and action to be taken subsequent to letters advising of Council wtiter of variance requirements. Mr. Jensen anticipated no problem the permits being issued having administrative .jurisdiction. Councilman Delaurenti, reported - for the Street and:.Alley Committee that Council concurrence is recommended in the installation of asphaltic sidewalk on the East side of"Park Street South''from 8th Avenue North, 5201 x 5' 2requested by C.S. Sargent; Mgr. Transport Divan. Facilities:hngineering,foi the Boeing Company costs up to $800.00 to be reimburseable to the City by Boeing. Moved ,by -Dullahant, seconded by Dahlquist, to conbur in the 'installation as . recommended. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that Contract's. for Job- Cla8sification study be referred to the Job Evaluation Committee and the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. u.r NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse requested a meeting of the Ways and Means -Committee on Monday, May 6, 1963 at 7c30 p.m. Councilman Garrett requested a meeting of the Public Relations Committee on Monday, May 6, 1963 .a:� 7:00 p.m., a progress report to be made on the 741 program, subsequent thereto. , Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to approve Vouchers No. 799 through 850, as peviously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 8562 ' $ 12,400.00 William A. Dunn 11026 S.E. 100th _St. Residence - 63 450.00 Ethel R. Bailey 520 r'I" Place Fence 64 50.00 Carl F, Cook 206` Sunset Blvd. W. Connect Service 8565 20000.00 Humble Oil Co. 16660 Benson Road Service Station 66 250.00 Mrs. Hudson' 7732 South 153rd St. Elec. Service 67 50.00 J. K. Davis 1061 "L}1 Street Carport 68 750.00 John Nirk 245 - 10th Pl. So. Rewire Service 69 11,000.00 Edward A. Coury 3010 Sunset Blvd. E. Comm'l. Bldg. 8570 15,000.00 United Homes, Inc. 1145 "Q" Street ' Residence 71 11,000.00 Lewis Purcell 11618 S.E. 106th Place. Residence 72 500.00 D. G. Sarver 1355-57 "J" Street _ Carports 73 4,005.00 Arne Goedecke Lake Young Way Pump House .74 . 85.00 Nick Shoman 1108 "P" Street Wood Fence 8575 15000.00 James Wiehoff 11010-104th Ave. S.E. Residence 76 9,200.00 A. D. Johns 3815-7th Ave. North Residence 77 9,200.00 A. D. Johns 3901-7th Ave. North Residence 78 9,200.00 A. D. Johns 3811-7th Ave. North Residence 79 9,600:00 A. D. Johns 3807-7th Ave. North Residence' 26 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-22-63 APPLICATIONS FOR LERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE' BUILDING DEPARTMENT -.. ECILDING PERMITS (cont.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 8580 $ 9,200.00 A. .D. Johns 3905 - 7th Ave. North Residence 81 350.90 P. J. Trippyy Const. 9826 - 116th S.E. Wire new Residence 82 350.90 P. J. Trippy 9822 - 116th S.E. Wire New Residence 83 250.00 A. D. Sorensen 401 Grady Way New Elec. Service PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS 5548 - - - Lloyd Welch 13007-91st Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 49 - - - Tiffany Homes 11915 S.E. 154th Plumbing Fixtures 5550 - - - Tiffany Homes 15473-120th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures - 51 - - - Tiffany Homes 15481-120th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - Tiffany Homes 12103 S.E. 152nd P1. Plumbing Fixtures 53 - - St. Andrew Church 3500-10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 54 - - - Joe Lissman 13025-91st South Plumbing Fixtures 5555 - - - Edward A. Coury 3010 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixtures 56 - - - Mr. Monohan 530 Pelly Plumbing Fixtures 57 - - - Tiffany Homes 11915 S.E. 154th Plumbing Fixtures 58 - - - Tiffany Homes 11908 S.E. 154th Plumbing Fixtures 59 - - = Tiffany Homes 15473-120th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5560 - - Tiffany Homes 15481-120th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures As there was no further business to come before the Council it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. :.................. -""`�� a or Frank Aliment, M Y ,�. ti. Helmle Nelson, City Clea Ic —4- =s April 22, 1963 27 Cit, of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted to Council for approval , as follows : VOUCHER NUM3ER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND . 799 Al B. 27.00j , 800 Dept. of Labor & Industries 863.40 80! M. I .T. Fress 18. 19 302 Helmie Nelson 3.45 803 Overall Cleaning & Supl;ly 17.37 804 Fac i f is Northwest Be I I 744. 83 805 George Pongracz-Bartha 4,913,00 806 Renton Cameras 337.11 807 Renton Town Talk 127.09 808 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 68.95 8o9 Standard Oil Co. of California 35,65 8!0 Standard Service Tire Co. 233. 11 8! 1 Transport Clearings of Wash, 7,96 8!2 U. S. Fost Office 10.00 313 Clarence Williams 18,79 CITY STREET FUND 'j 8 !4 Dept. of Labor & I ndnati4 i es 1",42 8i5 Howard-Cooper Corp. 311 .20 8 '6 MacWhyte Company 70.32 8!7 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 66.62 8:8 Standard Oil' Company 25.97 819, Standard Service Tire Co. 236. 19 320 1. Toschi 3,00 8217 Williams & Swanson 103.9( k CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND i (22 Dept. of Labor & Industries 13.45 a FARK FUND 823 Anderson & Sherman 13305 821+ C� C, Fuel Company 18200 825 Dept, of Labor & Industries 66,40 826 He i m i e Nelson 3.00 i 827 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.51 j k L!BRARY FUND 828 Dept. of Labor & Industries 50.51 d29 Wash— State Tax Commission i .67 s AIRFORT FUND i 830 Dept. of Labor & Industries 19..51 831 Service Laundry & Dry- C,leaners j 892 Williams & Swanson 9,87 A F I REPP�EN'S FENS ION FUND 833 Mrs; Enza Anderson 150.00 834 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 7." 835 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00' 836 North Renton Clinic 56.00 837 Renton Prescription Pharmacy 38.51 838 Bruce Zimmerman, M.D. 12.00 GVATER FUND 839 Dept of Labor & Industries 28222 i 840 Gamon Meter Division 378.08' 81"! The New Oregon Motel & Coffee Shop 11.E-00 842 Puget Sound Power & Light . 6-47 7 5 28 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED April 22, 1963 WATER FUND CONTINUED 8143 Record-Chronicle 56.68 814 Rockwell Mfg. Co. 100.62 845 Marvin H. Schroeder 115.96 816 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 24.08 817 Standard Oil Co. 7.23 818 Western Ut i I i t 330.61.E SEWER DISFOSAL FUND 819 Dept. of Labor & Industries 46.29 850 Renton Town Talk 9.50 c-1`� ...................�...... frank Aliment, Mayor •••••••••••� }lelmie Nelson, City Clerk Auditing $ Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the Llaa:ap Committee, were approved for the month of April, 1963: 4 PAYROLL $ 102,138.73 CURRENT 32,578.83 STREET 10,005.47 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 80.40 OFF-STREET PARKING 125.00 PARKS & RECREATION 2,263.78 LIBRARY 1,644.62 AIRPORT 851.45 CUMULATIVE RESERVE #1184 762.71 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 413.98 WATER WORKS UTILITY 34,254.57 r ._ ......��� Frank Aliment, `4ayor .. etmie Nelson C . Clork S I 6 PENTON CITY COt "IL REGULAR MEETING a�, May 6, 1963 ., The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MIBERS: Dullahant, Hulse, Gianni, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Custer, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer that absent Councilman Reid be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marvin Schroeder, Supt. of Utilities, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Jim Highton, Building SupTt. and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Emmett Kindle and Invocation was delivered by gckun.cilwoman Jeanette Dahlquist. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, that the minutes of the previous meeting of April 22, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Street Improvements - Burnett Street between 2nd and 4th Avenues Meadow Street between Bronson flay & 4th Avenue This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk; SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE II ALTERNATE A BIDDER BASIC BID BASIC BID M. A. Segale, Inc. - Kent, Washington 18,104.00 24,189.00 $ 25,564.00 R. L. Moss & Co. - Zenith, Washington 17,340.25 23,402.00 24,652.00 Bellevue Bulldozing , Inc. - Bellevue, Wn. 18,496.50 22,602.00 23,852.00 Bid bonds accompanied all bids. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Custer, to refer the bids to the Street Commissioner, the City Engineer and the Street and Alley Committee to report._back...._Carried* APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: N0, AMOUNT NAME TYPE OF WORK 8584 15,000.00 Rudy Zaputil 11606 S.E. 106th Place New Residence 85 40.00 Rena Delaurenti 517 - 12th Place So. Fence 86 15,000.00 Zdms. & Swanson . 3rd & Burnett Street Repair Building 87 600.00 Marie Clifford 815`'-701 Street Add Utility 88 200.00 Harold L. Johnson 562. '-1Jt1 Street Carport 89 18,000.00 Heppenstall Homes 10609 - 111th Pl. S.E. New Residence 8590 850.00 Laurence Brester 3718- 7th Ave. North Additions 91 325.00 Foster & Kleiser Grady Way .&_Williams Pogter Panel 92 325.0 Foster & Kleiser State Highway No. 5 Signs 93 = 325.00 Foster & Kleiser Sunset Blvd & 114th SE Sign 94 200.00 Alta Nunn 335 ?'dilliaritis St. Elec. Service 8595 4,000.00 Ed A. Delp 3211 Honey Creek Drive Addition 96 12,000.00 Harold C. tpany 2829 - 8th Ave. North New Residences - 97• 1,400.00- Union Oil Rainier & Renton Ave. Sign°'` , ,. }• - 98 500.00 Daneilson 11230 S.E. 100th St. Wire Residence 99 9,000.00 Tiffany Homes, 'Ine.. 15508-1.19th Ave. S.E. New Residence ` 8600 102000.00 Tiffany HBmes,Inc. 15490-119th Ave. S.E. New Residence Ol 11,500.00 . Tiffany H mes,Inc: 15498-719th Ave. 30E. New Residence 02 11,500,00 Tiffany HOmes,Inc. 15512-119th Ave. S.E. New Residence 03 11;750.00 Tiffany Homes,Inc. 15482-11.,-,th 'Ave. S.E. new Residence 04 4-P000.00 Pan Abode,In¢._._ .......__.SE 30th & Lk. 11na :B1-zd_ _.._ .Addin._ tiato ..Shed 8605 Heid by Bldg.-Depot. 06 450,00 Jerry Goodall 2203-10th Pl. No. 'dire Residence 07 11300.00 ErnielQ445 .S.E. 100th St. Remodelling 08 22;000.00 A. J. Koreello 10439-108th Ave. S.E. New Residence _-.09- , . .__. .2,500,00 G. F. ichards 1047 Street Reside House 8610 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13220 S.E. 116th St. Wire New Res. 11 _ 3QO.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226 S.E. 116th St. Wire._Adw.Res. 12 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13220 S.E. 115th St. Wire New Res. 30 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 5-6-63 BUILDIM PER111ITS NO. ATOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5613 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Grevel 13222 S.E. 114th St. Wire New Res. 14 300.00 Hilltop Sand c Gravel 11402-134th S.E. Wire New Res. 8615 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13232 S.E. 114th St. . Wire New Res. 16 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13228-114th Place Wire New Res. 17 757°00 Tiffany HBmes,Inc. 15473-120th Ave. S.E. Wire New Res. 18 813.00 Tiffany Hores,Inc. 15481 - 120th 'Ave. S.E. Wire New Res. 19 ;815.00 Tiffany Homes,Inc. 11915--S.'Eo• 1:54th• Street ?lire -'dew Res. 5620 .24300.00 Stanley Nelson: 419 Cedar Street Reside House 21 200.00 Paul..Thomas 535 I,orris St. Patio 22 200.00 Don Yee "',9151-100th S.E. Wire Outlets 23 1,700.00 Harry E. Nabors 1020 WP;; Street Add. to Patio 24 1.00 Milton E. Williams 203 Burnett Street Demolish Res. 5625 350.00 Trippy Construction 9821-116th Pl. S.E. Wire New Res. 26 350.00 Trippey Construction 9827-716th Place S.E. Wire New Res. 27 750.00 Emmett Kindle 9631-108th Ave. SE Wire Residence i 28 1,2.50.00 Williams & Swanson 317 - 3rd Avenue Wire Offices PLUMBII;3G & HEATING PEFLITS: 5561 - - - -- - Emmett Kindle 9633-108th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 62 _ _ Joe Mance Sr. 17209 - 94th South Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - - - Terminal Facilities 1579 - 8th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 64 - - - - - Busch Construction 3500-10th Ct. No. Gas Installations 5565... — — -- - Harold Foss 12605-88th Ave. South Plumbing Fixtures 66 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13225 S.E. 115th Gas Installations 67 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13225 S.E. 114th Pl. Gas Installations 68 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13221 S.E. 114th Pl. Gas Installations 69 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13220 S.E. 114th Pl. Gas Installations 5570 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13222 S.E. 114th P1. Gas Installations 71 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13224 S.E. 114th Pl. Gas Installations 72 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13228 S.E. 114th Pl. Gas Installations 73 Sand & Gravel 13230 S.E. 1114th .Pli-, Gas Installations 74 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13232 S.E. 114th 5t. Gas Installations 5575 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13240 S.E. 114th St., Gas Installations 76 — — — - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13402 S.E. 114thS t. Gas Installations 77 — — - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11402-134th Ave. S.E. Gas Installations 78 - - - - -- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11406-134th Ave. S.E. Gas' Install.ations t 79 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11108-134th S.E. Gas Installations 5550 - - - - -- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11409-134th Ave. S.E. Gas Installations 81 - - - - -- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11403-134th Ave. S.E. Gas Installations 82 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13235 S.E. 114th St. Gas Installations 83 -- - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13231 S.E. 114th St. Gas Installations 84 -- - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13228-132nd Pl. S.E. Gas Installations 5585 — — - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226-132nd Pl. S.E. Gas Installations 86 - -- - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13224-132nd Pl.' S.E. Gas Installations s 87 - - - - = Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13222-132nd Pl. S.E. Gas Installations 88 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13220 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 89 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 5590 - - - - -- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13232 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 91 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13308 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 92 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13309 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 93 - -- - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13227 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 94 - - - -- - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13215 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 5595 — — - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13209 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 96 - — — - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13202 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 97 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13308 S.E. 716th St. Gas Installations APAR 98 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13302 §.E. 116th St. Gas Installations 99 — - - - -- Hilltop •Sand .&' Gravel 13326 .E. 116th St. Gas Installations 5600 — - - - Hilltop Sand &Gravel 13220 S.E. 116th St. Gas Installations 01 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13208 S.E. 116th St. Gas Installations 02 -- - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13202 S. 116th St. Gas Installations 03 - - -- - R. S. have 1010 :2ks7 Street Gas Installations 04 . _- - - - - Roger Jenkins 746 Renton Street Gas Installations 5605 - - - - - Jerry Goodall 2203 - 10th Place Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - - - John Nirk 245 - 10th Pl. So. Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - - - Dravland 15028 Benson Road Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - - Williams & Swanson 321 - 3rd Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 09 - - - - _ Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing & Gas Fixt. 5610 - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13220 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing & Gas Fxt. -2•- - ,.31 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont,) 5-6-63 PLUMBING & HEATING PERIITS NO. AI,'OUNT 1wkjE ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5611 ;1 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13232 S.E. 114th 3t. Plmb. & Gas 12 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13402 S.E. 114th St. Plmb. & Gas 13 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13222 S.L. 114th St., Plmb. & Gas 14 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13212 S.E. 114th St. Plmb. & Gas 5615 i - - - - United Homes Inc. 1145 :2Qs; Street Plmb. Fixtures 16 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1013 '-:Q7-? Street Plmb. Fixtures 17 - - - - Unit ed Homes Corp. 1032 UQ:l Street Plmb. Fixtures 18 -- - - - United Homes Corp. 1007 !1QU Street Plmb. ixtures 19 - - - -- Mr. Nesland 1243 Iiorris So. Plumbing Fixtures 5620 - - - - C. Wakelam 442 Langston St. Plmb. Fixtures 21 - - - -- F., D. Eyring 12620-88th Ave. So. Plmb. Fixtures 22 - - - - Clarence Mitchell 11633 S.E. 102nd Plmb. Fixtures 23 - - - - Bob Hansen 11831 - SE 1.02nd Plml1, Fixtures 24 - - - - L. Peterson 10511-113th Ave. SE Plmb. Fixtures 5625 - - - - R. Wiehoff 10100-112th Ave. SE Plmb. Fixtures 26 - - - - R. Peterson 11430 S.E. 112th St. Pimb. Fixtures 27 - - - - Kenosha Auto Trans. 1604 - 4th I�Iorth Plmb. Fixtures 28 - - - George H. Flyer 12616-88th Ave. So. Plmb. Fixtures 29 - - - - Louis Peretti 1023 - lst Ave. No. Gas Installations 5630 - - - - R. S. Shane 12606-87th Ave. So. Plmb. Fixtures 31 - - - - Ray L. Heikes 3224 -- 8th Ave. No. Plmb. Fixtures 32 -- - - 111i. L. liathews 11302 S.E. 100th Gas Installations COMMUNICATIONS: .1 A letter was read from Planning Director Jensen submitting Planning Commission recommendations with Council actions taken as follows: . , . _ Approval of Preliminary Plats of Honeydew Lane and Donna Vista- Film slides of the proposed Plats were shown by Planning Director Jensen after which it was moved by Custer seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Planning Comrdssionirecommendation for approval of the- Plats. Carried. (10th Place North, westerly of the Preliminary Plat to be established as a one-way street following opening of the streets in ,Donna Vista.) Recommended Rezones= William C. Dillon property - Tracts 62, 65 & 66, Hillman'.'s Garden of Eden No. 1, from G-7200 to R-4. Slides were shown of the area and a letter read from Mrs. 14inifred Pohl requesting consideration of a Park site for future development in the May Creek area recalling actions of Seattle7s governing bodies which resulted in surveys and adoption of recommendations leading to acquisition of Lake Wn. Blvd., Seward Park, Green Lake and Seward Park. MdVed by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer the com- munication to the Park Board, Mr. Coulon and the Property Committee for investigation of possible park locations for said area. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to .concur in the Planning Commission recon- mendation, rezoning Mr. Dillons property as requested. Carried. Richard Dondero- property - Lots 12 and 13, Block. 181, Renton Farm Plat No. 3 from R-2 to R-4. Slides-were shown of the subject property after which 1r.• Gene Petchneck voiced his protest to excessive height allowed under R-4 ,zoning, advocating same to be detrimental in the residential area proposed for Mr. Donderovs construction. Pir. Jensen, Planning Director advised of two story structures which had been recom- mended for. better use of the property and after discussion Mrs. Mary Roberts also voiced displeasure at prospects of excessive heights inasmuch as her residence is located behind the proposed construction. ' After further discussion it was roved-by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in.the Planning Commission recommendation for rezone of the property. Upon inquiry Mr. Petchneck advised he would have no ob- jection to a two sto ry- structure and Mr. Dondero agreed to such.a height limitation after which it was moved by Garrett, seeonded by Hulse.. to amend the' motion to -in- clude the 'uwo story height limitation as agreed to by Mr. Dondero. Carried. The pending motion was subsequently carried. 1,1oved by Custer, seconded by Dah1quist, that the two prior rezones be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Albert Balch property - A large parcel lying southerly of 4th Avenue North (Cemetery Road), northerly of I,Tt_ Olivet Way and comprising approximately 46 acres as described in Application .No. R-327-63,-- from R-1 & GS-1 to R-4. Slides were shown and a new street proposed for connection with Cemetery' Road was described. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Giani.ni, to concur in the Planning Corriission recommendation. Carried. _3_ Minutes ok` the Renton City Council Meeting 5-6-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations - Rezones Albert Balch Property Rezone: There were no objections to the rezone of this property. Moved by Dahlquist, and seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Jay Holmes property - vicinity of South 120th Street and Rainier Avenue as des- cribed in Application No. R-117-63 dated 3-1-63, from G and G-6000 to E-1. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the rezone and to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. k Nick Vidos property - Tracts 3, 4 and 6, Block 30, Earlington Acre Tracts from G-6000 to R-3. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission rec- ommendation and to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried Douglas luck property - Lots 52, _3, 54, 55, �6, 57 and 58, Block 19, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens #1, from G to L-1, with restrictive covenants relative to rear yards and setback effective until December 31, 1975 Moved' by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendations. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. ;,Carried. Variances recommended by the Planning Commission and/or Permits: John Burkheimer property - recommended that a Revokable Permit be granted in lieu of rezone - nor carwash installation adjoining Union Oil Station at intersection of Renton and Rainier Avenues. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendations, the applicant having indi++��aced his willingness to accept such Permit. Carried. Moved by-nPoli, seconded b1gruce, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee . Carried. Knute Beckstrom property - Lot 1, Block 13, Renton Highlands, fft..:variance relative to rear property line allowing construction 15' therefrom. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Tom Farmer - Band lox Restaurant, Rainier Avenue.- Revokable Permit to allow sign construction 10' behind front property line. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. A letter was read from Raymond P. Rosa requesting building permit to locate a house on property in the Talbot Hill area which permit had previously been held by the Planning Commission pending completion of State Highway acquisition in order that determination might be made as to whether lot size requirements would be met. An Engineer's sketch of the proposed lot plans was attached to the letter and Planning Director Jensen advised that the permit would probably be allowed by the Planning Commission in view thereof. Protest was made verbally by Mr. D'Agosto to the house being moved so close to his property. Engineer Oyler's plans provided the proper setback requirements however, and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, that the party be allowed to store the structure on their property with the Permit being held pending Planning Commission consumation of the matter. After further discussion the motion carried. A .letter from Mr. Wilbur L. Repp requested permission to locate a structure on property located at 1019 1st Ave. North. Upon inquiry Mr. Repp advised the matter had been presented to the building department. Mr. Highton, Bldg. Supt.. , advised that the building was a frame structure not meeting requirements o: the code insofar- as the fire zone was concerned. Mr. Repp advised of features of the structure which provided a higher degree of fire resistance including plastered interior and asphalt composition roofing his plan to be also to reside the building with asbestos fire re- sistant materials. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the mattertD,the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter was read from Sup't. of Utilities Schroeder, requesting permission to call for bids for pipe line materials with date of May 20, recommended for the bid openings .. Moved' by Dullahant, seconded by Dahlquist, to authorize the call for bids as requested and the date for opening of the bids. Carried. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Edwards was read demanding return of deed which had been submitted with option granted the City to purchase real estate which option expired May 1, 1963, (Access street' to Renton Shopping Center from Rainier Ave . ) City Clerk Nelson had surrendered the Deed upon receipt of the demand for same . -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-6-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter was read from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce expressing appreciation for the support received on the Spring Clean-Up program. A Memorandum to Operators and Owners of Float Planes was read directed from Mr. Earle Bigler, Airport Manager relative to the proposed water skiing course planned for Lake Washington. Written objections were invited. This matter had been referred to the Airport Board at the previous meeting. An application was read from Mike's Place for required license to allow the Mutual Amusement Company to operate a Bowler Amusement Machine in said place of business. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application.to 'the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A Petition containing signatures representing the Renton School District 403, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, along with those of Mr. L. D. Fox, I . B. Nanavich, and Harvey Laird, requested vacation of a portion of right-of-way lying north of the existing 50 ft. right-of-way of 7th Avenue North between "K" Street and "M'' Street, which street has never been improved. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer the petition to the .Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Moved by Custer, secnnded by Dahlquist to refer the matter to the City Engineer to check the validity of the petition. Carried. A letter was read from the Lester Improvement Club requesting permission to hold a rummage sale by no-fee permit on June lst, proceeds to be used for hiring legal counsel - condemnation by Tacoma of the City of Lester to be contested if adequate funds are raised. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Winfred E. Warren, 1239 Davis St. So. requested the City to repair drain which crosses Davis Street which has caused gulley by washing away of the soil. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer-the matter to the City in ineer and Sup't. of Utilities to report back at the next Council meeting. Carried. The Clerk advised of' receipt of the Association of Washington Cities Convention Program if anyone wished to use it. The Convention dates are June 12, 13 and 14, 1963. The annual Statewide City Employees Retirement System report is also available at this time in the City Clerk's office. Letters were read from the City Clerk, directed to Mr. Clarence Mitchell and Mr. Howard Hamilton relative to non-conforming use of property and actions taken by the City Council relative to the matter. A letter from City Attorney Shellan, dir- ected to Planning Director' Jensen was read advising of being contacted by legal counsel for Mr. Hainil.-on relative to unwarranted ultimatums since his client was the holder of a valid permit. Suit was assured if any stop work order were issued. Mr. Hamilton had agreed to dedicate 20 feet toward a road and to pay his pro-rata share of the cost if an L.- .D: is established but would not be willing to dedicate ten additional feet without just compensation therefor. A letter from the City Ch rk advised that she and one of her employees have been using their personal typewriters for some time now and one of the typewriters is no onger in proper operating condition and it was requested that funds be appropriated from excess franchise fees in the Current Fund unto City Clerk's Account 7003, Capital Outlay No. 1714. $510.00 was requested for purchase of the typewriter and o-ne Kardex Cabinet for filing duplicate registrations of voters cards. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request. Carried. PROCLAMAT1.01-1: A Proclamation was read from Mayor Aliment declaring the week of May 6th as " "Renton Community Blood Bank Week" in conjunction with the efforts of Renton Aerie No. 1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles. The Mobile'Blood Bank will be at the Renton Eagles Hall on Wednesday, May 8, 1963 from Noon until 8:00 p.m. and anyone may donate blood at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. -5- 34 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting May 6, 1963 Mayor Aliment declared a recess at this time. After the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance CoLmittee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington adopting and establishing; by reference certain Washington traffic statutes which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, 6hd seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to to Ordi-a nce Committee for - recommendation. Carried. The Chairman reported the document would be held in. Com,- mittee. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ord...aance of the City of Renton, Amending Sections 10-501, 10-502, 10•-503 and 10-506 of Title X, (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled, "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to restriction of parking which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommnenda.- tion. Carried. The Committee advised the proposed Ordinance would be held for an additional week. Councilman Dullahant advised that the Committee now has had a 39 page Ordinance prepared adopting the Standard Traffic Code which the Assn. of Washington Cities had recommended and same would be forthcoming for introduction in the near future. A letter was read which had been presented by Councilman Hulse calling attention i to the need for the creation of a Water L.I.D. in the May Creek area, a petition for which had been declared invalid due to the lack of adequate signatures when presented to the City on 9-17-62. One reason cited for the failure of the petition was that the owners of several large plots of land were not available in the area for signatures. Some of the present residents are now deemed to be in critical need of a good water supply which project would improve the City's fire fighting capability as well. Such supply could be fulfilled by installation of a circulating link between S.E. 80th St. and 116th Ave. S.E., along 108th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 93rd Street which project the City was requested to institute forming the requested L.I.D. by Resolution. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dullahant, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee and Supt. of Utilities for recommendation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Old Business: Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the proposed Ordinance amending Section 1-2501 of Chapter 25, Title I, (Administrative), of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City ofRenton" be removed from the table, where it had been placed on 3-11-63. (Granting City Employees 90 days ac^u.iulative Sick Leave) Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Custer, to grant the 90 days sick leave as re- quested by the City Employees. After discussion regarding the forthcoming study of City Job Classifications and Administrative Policies, the pending motion carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee; presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk. The City Council on April 1, 1963 had authorized the Building Department to call for informal bids for construction of a vault in the City Clerk's office and for the painting of the interior and exterior of City Hall. Only one bid has been received though the call for bids was advertised and invitations mailed to nine contractors. Bell Construction has submitted a bid of $2,685.28 on the vault construction and a bid of $4,927.52 on the painting contract. Discussion follewod on estimate'l" cbsts. The Building Superintendent advised increased fire protection plans for-- the vault and specifications that work be performed on Saturdays and Sundays resulted in the higher cost. The Committee, considering the work essential recommended award of separate contracts for each proposal to Bell Construction Company upon approval of the contracts by the City Attorney. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. -6- d 9s�i� Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-6-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Old Business: (cont.) Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Job Evaluation Committee, reported that his Committee recommended that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Contracts submitted by the Public Administration Service for Comprehensive Blob Classification and Finance Study .& 't1,, .tZLyor Aliment request periodic reports as the survey progresses. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Job Evaluation Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti submitted the Street and Alley Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Proposed 3rd Avenue extension improvement - Upon receipt of properly executed Quit Claim Deeds, the Committee recommends that the Engineering Department be authorized to call for bids on the construction and development of 3rd Avenue with financing of the project to be funded from the Arterial Street Fund. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 2. Traffi.: Signal System at Bronson Way and Park Street - The Committee recom- mended that a signal plan, including pedestrian controls, be developed for the inter- section of Bronson Way and Park Street to be financed by the Arterial Street Fund. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried, 3. Option to Purchase Right-of-Way (Edwards Street) - The Committee recommended referral of this matter to the Planning Commission for recommendation, however, the matter had been consumated by action taken earlier in the meeting. 4„ Petition requesting removal of embankments on corner of M and 6th Place North- Due to dangerous visionary obstruction causing vehicular traffic problems, the Com- mittee recommended that the City_-Attorney prepare an Agreement between the City and property 'owner, Mrs.' `Lova Merlino, 530 "M" Street in order that the City might perform 'the.wark to eliminate; this hazard. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Street'-and: Ailey 'Committee.- Carried. t.!: New Business: •�• Councilwomali DaHl �rist'arinounc�ed a''rneebrig o tHe` Street and Alley Committee on Saturday, May 11;1I963;�+at -1D,:00 ��m. .. . Moved 'by Coster, sec6M6'd' bye Hulse; that Vouchers'' No. 8'51 through '96'1', having previously' been approved by"'h `iAddounting ah`d'iAuditing Committee, be accepted for payment. Carried. _ . ._ Councilman Delaurenti called attention to the dismay of adjoining property owners in many instances when Variances have °been granted and Moved that all appli- cations for Variances be required to contain the signatures of those property owners whose land adjoins the parcel upon which a Variance is being requested. The motion was seconded by Custer and carried. Councilman Delaurenti also expressed concern over temporary permis issued for placement of 'buildings being moved and located within the City and' made the motion that a `performance :bond be',required in connection 'therewith to insure removal of such structuress within'"a Certain period of time if permanent location is not estab- lished and/or permitted. Carried: Councilman Poli, Chalx'ctman of the Fire and Water Committee, presented his Com- mittee reports which were 'read by the Clerk''as fallow At a recent meeting the Committee discussed increased administrative costs of- the Utilities Department and it was the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee that the billing and ''accounting of Utilities 'be returned to its former status in the City Treasurer's office. A report 'was,,8ubftiiwtted, by',Chairmain Ouster,,; of''the' Sanitation Committee; reporting concurrence in the Fire and Water Committee recommendation for transfer of the accounting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, to refer the matter to the Council As "A. whole. : q,7 iry_. * adv as to date of transfer and details involved in such transi- tion.Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Fire and Water Committee and the Sanitation Committee. Roll'Call vote was requested and resulted as follows: A}e:' 'Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. No: Dullahant, Hulse, and Delaurenti. The motion carried. Discussion ensued regarding- legal status, effective date of the changeover, and stipulations of precise operations to be transferred`, after which it was moved by Custer,- seconded` by Poli., to refer the matter to the Accounting and Auditing Committee to set up a meeting with the respective Department Heads, the City Attorney and speci- fically with the S'-ate F:aditorn order that details might be worked out and' a date set f tri: - j=' 'c bla: in any event 'within 60 days. Carried. r ..hc - . _ Y��R Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-6-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS New Business: Fire and Water Committee Report: Read by the City Clerk as follows: The Fire and Water Committee respectfully requests the assistance of the Property Committee in the selection of a site for the new fire station to be located in the general vicinity of Earlington Flats. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Dullahant called attention to the loon chairs in the assemblyroom which caused disturbance and prevented the audience from hearing the proceedings of the meetings and moved that the matter be referred to the Property Committee. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. It was suggested by a member of the audience that the chairs of the Councilmen be included. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by D(�laurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Ole Frank Aliment, Ma or Helmie Ne(sod, City Clerk f , 4 1t. i 4 • -8- May 6, 1963 R -y e : Lity of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved try the Accouni-ing and Auditing Committee, were submitted to Council for approval, as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 851 Airkem Sales & Service-Seattle, Inc. 50.03 852 Mrs. John Azzola 2.40 853 B & B Auto Parts 25.96 854 Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 10.40 855 City of Renton 23.54 856 Csast-Wide Supply Company 510.93 857 Wally Clarke Fuel Oil Company 96.68 858 Ralph James Claudon 2.40 859 The Copy Company 332.90 860 L. N. Curtis Company 42.43 861 Dictaphone Corporation 23.38 862 Tom Dobson & Son 50.00 863 Fire Chief Equipment Company 10.40 864 Sandra Gibson 2.40 865 Gillespie Decals, Inc. 35.52 866 Dorothea Gossett 15.00 867 H & M Duplicator Corporation 177.25 868 Hickokts Sport Shop 4. 16 869 I . B. M. Corporation 13.00 870 International Conference of Building Offic. 17.50 871 H. Kienle 2.40 872 Catherine Kindred 161 .41 873 King County Humane Society 606.66 874 Jacob Lenting 2.40 875 Donald Ernest Lindberg 2.40 876 Market Basket #3 38.25 877 Matthie's Key & Sharp Shop 14.66 878 Meads Heating and Service 26.23 8?9 Messer's T. V. & Appliance 46.68 880 Metsker Maps 2.08 881 The M. I .T. Press 9.64 882 Motor Mart 126.00 833 Helmie Nelson 10.70 884 Pacific Northwest Bell 467.85 885 F. Morton Pitt Company 34.89 886 Puget Sound Power & Light 238.57 887 Purchasing Week 6.00 888 Ratelco 20.07 889 Renton Automobile Co. 29. 19 890 Renton Clothing Company 67.47 891 Safety & Supply Company 16.90 892 Seattle Art & Photo Supply 66. 11 893 Seattle-King Co. Dept. of Public Health 175.00 894 Shaw Bros. Drugs 53.35 895 Sportcaster 16. 15 896 State of Wash. Dept. of Conservation 2.00 897 Dale Matthew Stevens 2.40 898 The University of Chicago Press 6.95 899 James Thomas Wall 2.40 900 Wash. Finance Officer's Association 30.00 901 Westlake Electronic Supply 72.87 902 Clarence Williams 8.72 903 Jack Wilson 31 .65 904 Wrights Mower & Engine Service 23.92 +%TCHERS SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL 5-6-63 VOUCHER NO. PAYEE AMOUNT CITY STREET FUND 905 American Parts , Inc. $ 6.77 906 Atomic Battery Shop 27 . 82 907 B & B Auto Parts 25. 96 908 Builders Mart 316.99 909 Busy Bee Rental 5 .89 910 Vern Church 2. 90 911 Coast-wide Supply Co. 24.61 912 L. N. Curtis & Sons 350.72 913 W. S . Darley & Co. 21. 59 914 Raymond Hansen 9. 36 915 Lande Feed Company 21°74 916 Pacific Magneto & Engine Co. 19. 31 917 Renton Motor Parts , INc. 221.07 918 Rudd Paint and Varnish 515 .84 919 Safety & Supply Co. 36.40 920 Standard Service Tire Co. 196. 33 921 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 838.72 922 Transport Equipment Company 36. 26 923 Trojan Lithograph Corp. 140 . 24 924 Welders Supply Company 17 .46 OFF-STREET PARKING FUND �T 1t'925 Milt Williams 125.00 926 Ray Bock Equipment Co. 7 .47 927 Landp, Feed, Company 5 . 20- 928 Renton Motor Part§, Inc. 3. 08 929 Service Motors, I c . 48.43 { 930 Sherwin-Williams Co . 36. 23 931 A. A. Tremper, King Co . Treas. . 90 932 Valley _Metals 20 . 16 933 Victor ,-Fuel Oils. 37 . 32 AIRPORT FUND 934 Bonnell Nurseries 7 .80 935 Empire Way See & .GFrden 8.84- 936 .84936 Thomas. AutoRebuild 56.16 937 W/T City Treas. , Cr. Current 205 .00 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 938 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. 251. 21 939 Air Mac, Inc. 5 .46 940 American Parts, Inc . 28.88 941 B & B Auto Parts n 45. 58 92 Gamon Meter Division 7 . 15 '`i ( i El' 9!4.- 4 Goodall Rubber Company 82 .42 944 Goodyear Service Stores 8.32 945 Hallgren Company, Inco 80 . 18 946 Raymond Hansen 23.40 947 Holmes Electric Company 62 . 96 948 Manitou Equipment Company 885.30 949 Messer' s T.V. & Appliance 5 . 32 950 Municipality of Metropolitan Sea. 17 , 122.00 951 Neptune Meter Co. 223 . 51 952 Pacific Northwest Bell 79. 55 953 Pitney-Bowes, Inc . 24.49 954 Puget Sound Power & Light 287 .04 955 Ruget Sound Power & Light 74.45 956 Renton M;>tor Parts, INc . 5.04 957,p,JPT ;,` , Stoner-Forsyth Co. 8. 37 95$=_ _-=- - Stoneway Sand & Gravel 205 . 59 959 W/T City Treas. , Cr. Current 360.00 960 W/T City Treas. Cr . Cumnt 175.00 96 ; W/T City Treas Cr . Current 1 9487 �..... .....:�� 8 ti . - -1....�. ... Frank Aliment, P,^ayor ~Helm;e Nelson, City RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 13, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, _ Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. irrr.i OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marvin Schroeder, Sup't. of Utilities, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, James Highton, Building Sup't. , Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks & Recreation and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman James Phelan and the Invocation was delivered by Reverend Starkey of the United Missionary Church. .Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 6, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 8629 $ 575.00 Venton Wooton 11815 Boss Blvd. Rewire service 30 350.00 Lloyd Peterson 10511 - 113th Ave. S.E. Wire new residence 31 300.00 Howard Hamilton 11813 S.E. 102nd St. Wire new residence 32 450.00 R.S . Shane 12.606 So. 87th St. Wire new residence 33 500.00 Al Hackman 10446 - 112th Ave. S.E. Frame Shed 34 400.00 0. W. Loken 607-9 Morris Street Garage _ 8635 19,000.00 Conner Const. Co. 8640 So. 127th St. New residence 36 19,000.00 Conner Const. Co. 8628 So. 127th St. New residence 37 18,500.00 Conner Const. Co. 8654 So. 127th St. New residence 38 565.00 Matt Coetz 3703 - 6th Ave. No. Garage 39 350.00 P. J. Trippey 9818 - 116th P1. S.E. Wire new residence 8640 17,120.00 James T. Davis 11033 S.E. 97th St. New residence PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 5633 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1111 "Q" Street Gas Installation 34 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1115 "Q" Street Gas Installation 5635 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1119 "Q" Street Gas Installation 36 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1073 "Q" Street Gas Installation 37 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1067 "Q" Street Gas Installation 38 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1051 "Q" Street Gas Installation 39 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1025 "Q" Street Gas Installation 5640 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1019"Q" Street Gas Installation United Homes Corp. 1013 "Q" Street Gas Installation 42 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1007 "Q" Street GlAs Installation 43 - - - - Inited Homes Corp. 1032 "Q" Street Gas Installation 44 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1145 "Q" Street Gas Installation 5645 - - - - Connor Const. Co. 12531-87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 46 - - - Connor Const. Co. 12601-87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 47 - - - - Nord Hames, Inc. 15488-118th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 48 - - - - Nord H mes, Inc. 15475-118th Ave. S.E . Plumbing Fixtures 49 - - - - Nord Hoomes, Inc. 15491-118th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5650 - - - - Connor Const. Co. 12601-87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures Ww 51 - - - - Connor Const. Co. 12531-87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - - C. T. Peterson 11631 S.E. 104th St. Heating Equipment 53 - - - - Seattle Lumber Co. 8030 So. 153rd St. Gas-Plumb. Install 54 - - - - John P. Lynch 8816 So. 131st Street Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan advising that a copy of a Memorandum Decision by Judge Eugene A. Wright held that a portion of Sci:..131st St- no longer exists as a street by reason of automatic vacation provision of the laws of 1889/1890, as well as by Council and Planning .Commission action in initially recommending the vacation even though no formal ordinance was passed. City Attorney Shellan expressed his opinion that -1- 40 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-13-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) City Attorney's report re Court decision on vacation of South 131st Street adoption of an ordinance is mandatory and an oral vote of the Planning Commission or Council would not be binding. It was requested that the Council determine whether or not it was necessary to possibly appeal the decision on the matter to the Supreme Court. In any event a motion will be made to the Court to reconsider its Memorandum Decision. Councilman Reid submitted a Street and Alley Committee report which was read by the Clerk on the matter recommending, due to the effect upon other streets within the City, that the City Attorney appeal the court decision on So. 131st Street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson in response to referral of a Petition from the School District and Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, L. D. Fox, I. B. Nanavich and Harvey Laird for vacation of a portion of 7th Avenue between "K" and tiMti Streets, and it was reported that the Petition contained 87.6% of property owners signatures of the land abutting said right-of-way. A Street and Alley Committee recommendation was read for referral of the Petition to the Planning Commission. Moved by Dahlquis t, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission, Carried, Moved by Garrett, seconded Ey Custer, that the motion be amended to include June 10, 1963 as the date set for Hearing on the matter. The amendment to the motion carried, followed by the vote on the motion as amended which likewise carried. A letter was read from P. J. McKay, Dist. Engineer, State Highway Commission, submitting Resolution covering revision to Interchange in the vicinity of May Creek and S.E. 80th Street, C.S. 1744, FAI-405, PSH 1-RE, Renton to Kennydale and Kennydale North, L-2050. A report from the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Resolution. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee, adopting Resolution No. 1194 as submitted. Carried. A letter from Mr. Wilbur Repp requested that Council reconsider their action of the previous meeting wherein his request for waiver regarding fire zone requirements was referred to the Planning Commission. He requested to move a building into a zone which did not fully comply with requirements thereof. It was now requested that the matter be considered by a Committee within the Council in order to expedite the trans- action. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. C. E. McCarthy, Chairman, Renton Civil Service Commission and Mr. George H. Thomas, Secretary-Chief Examiner, reported an examination held on April 27, and May 4, 1963 for establishing Eligible List of applicants for classification of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department. Top six candidates listed were: Robert C. Fritsvold, Raymond A. Saude, William D. File, Brpce E. Smith, Robert L. Hastings and Richard A. Colbeck. A letter was read from the Association of Washington Cities advising Fire Chief Lawrence that he is to be honored at the Annual Banquet of the Statewide Convention in Longview on Thursday, June 13, at 6:00 p.m. at which time a public citation and acknowledgment is given to those officials retiring after twenty or more years of service . .Mr. Lawrence was commended for his outstanding service to his community and State. City Clerk Nelson announced receipt of a pamphlet Edition of the 1963 Session Laws which was available if anyone wished to use it. A copy was sent to each City and Town Clerk with the compliments of the Secretary of State. Additional copies are available at $1.00 each. A letter from the Downtown Renton Merchant's Association requested a no-fee permit to operate a sound truck through the City streets on May 29, 1963 announcing the Moonlight Sale and Square Dancing Exhibition to be held after 6:00 p.m. in the vicinity of Wells and/or Williams to Walla Walla south of Third Avenue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to grant the requests with particulars of the project to be reported and cleared through the police department . Carried. A letter from Mr. James Carver advised of the willingness of property owners on 11th Avenue North to participate in an L.I.D. to improve the north half of the -2- t Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-13-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Jas. Carver letter re L.I.D. on 11th Ave. No. street between N Straet and N Place to conform to the south half of the street which has been improved with black top and curbing. It was requested that an estimate of cost be furnished. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter was read from Superintendent of Utilities, Marvin Schroeder, submitting his termination of employment, effective 30 days from this date by reason of criticism from City Council members regarding the administration of the Utilities Department,which �r he states is not warranted but based upon lack of understanding of administrative duties and functions of a Utility Department. Thanks and appreciation wm expressed to those cooperating during his four and one-half years of employment with the City. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Sanitation Committee and the Fi e and_Water Committee. Carried, — A letter from Holmes Electric, written by J. E. Holmes, made inquiry relative to a proposed by-pass road behind the Wood Building from Main to Third Avenue and Mill Street with projected plans for remodelling or relocating being dependent upon whether the City might intend acquisition of their property sometime in the future. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the communication to the Street and Alley Committee and the Planning Commission for reply to Mr. Holmes. A letter from the Renton Elks Lodge No. 1809 requested No-Fee Permit to hold a Charity Circus to benefit crippled children of the State on Wednesday, July 17, 1963 at the Renton High School Stadium, sufficient insurance to be carried as required. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to grant the request. Carried. A letter from City'Enginee'r Wilson redoMmmended,. along-with CoftwiasiQuer Joe Lynch, of , the Street Department, that the combined low bid of R. L. Moss" and Company for Schedule I and II on Burnett and Meadow Street improvements be accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Contract. A Street and Alley Committee report was read recommending award of the bid on Schedulks I and II to R. L. Moss, being the combined low bid. .Moved -by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations awarding the bid to the R. L. Moss Company in a total sum of $40,742.25. Carried. ' A letter was read from Councilman Reid expressing thanks for the many calls, visits and gifts which he received while hospitalized after his accident and upon his return home and anticipating httendance to his seat on the Council at an early date. A letter from City Clerk Nelson was read suggesting a proposed ordinance setting forth fees for public documents as follows: MAPS: City Maps, 1600 ft. per inch_ - $1.00, 800 ft. per inch, $2.50, 400 ft. per inch, $5.00 Zoning Maps, $2.50 ea. - Aerial Maps, $200 ea. - Precinct Maps, Large; $2.50 Small., $1.00 PLATS: First Page - $1.00 - ea. additional page, $.50 PHOTOSTATIC COPIES: , 82 x 11, $.25 per page, 82 x 14 or double sided, $.35 per page, TYPED COPIESt $.15 per page ORDINANCES - Printed or Mimeographed, _$,15 per page except Dog License Laws, Business Tax Ordinance and Zoning Code DWELLING - House Construction Pamphlet $1.00 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE - $1.50 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - $5.75 PRINTED ZONING CODE with Amendments - $1.00 - CITY CODE, $10.00 CLERK'S CERTIFICATION - $1.00 each, CLERK'S REGISTRATION RECORD OF VOTER - $1.00 -- NOTARY PUBLIC FEES - In accordance with R.C.W: 42.28.090 It has always been 'a policy to furnish other municipalities and/or governmental agencies �.r with free ordinances,. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letter to the Ordinance Committee for review and recommendation. Carried. A letter from Sup"t:- of Parks& Recreation,- Gane Coulon, submitted Progress Estimate No. l on Liberty Park Ballfield Lighting Installation in favor of Chapman Electric;Con- tractors: Total amount of contract $19,000.00 Work completed to 'date, 75% 14,2500-00 Less 15% retained 2,137.50 Amount :due Contractor this estimate . 12,112.50 Moved by Delaurenti,' seconded by Poli, to refer the estimate to the Accounting and Audit- ing Committee with power to act. Carried. -3- 42 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-13-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter was read from Gene L. Coulon advising that due to weather conditions the Liberty Park Light Poles could not be set in the ground until Friday, May 10th, and the underground work including the service connections to all poles could not be commenced until the poles were in place. It was recommended therefore, that the request of Chapman Electric for an additional extension of time to and including May 24, 1963 be granted, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the exte4aion be granted. Carried. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of a Report from the Bureau of Governmental Research and Services, University of Washington, in cooperation with the Association of Washington Cities relative to Fringe Benefits In Washington Cities which would be on file in the Clerk's office if anyone wishes to see it. A letter was read from City Engineer; Jack Wilson,reporting on referral of 5-6-63 on drainage problem in vicinity of the Warren residence at 13th Avenue South and Davis Street. Said problem, from the water collection in a low area of Davis Street flowing thence westerly across private property in a natural drainage coursef would be quite expensive to correct by diverting the water South to 13th Avenue South. However, if the property owner is desirous of filling the channel there would be no objection on the City's part if culvert pipe of the same type and size was to be extended from the existing culvert through the area to be filled. A letter from James L. Highton, Supt. of Buildings, submitted final estimate for repair of the City Hall roof by R. L... Greenfield and Son; Contractors. Total amount of Contract - $4;004.00; amount previously paid, $1,539.20.- Balance due $2,464.80, less 15% retained percentage, $600.60; amount due contractor this estimate, $1,864„20. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to refer the estimate to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. PROCLAMATION: A Proclamation from Mayor Aliment designated May 24 and 25 for observance as Poppy Days in the City of Renton honoring veterans of all wars, both living and dead. The popp3- program is vital in raising money to care for all needy veterans and their families and the flowers are made by bed and wheel chair patients in veterans hospitals and community centers as part of their occupational therapy. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahnt, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of jthe City of Renton, Washington, changing the zoning classifica- tion of certain property within the city of Renton from General Classification District (G-7200) to "Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings", (R-4) which was read by the Clerk. (William C. Dillon Property). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance 2027 as read. Roll call vote followed with all council members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from residential district (F.-2) to "Apartment H uses and Multiple Dwellings" (R-4), which was read by the Clerk. (Richard Dondero property). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by CusteA to refer the proposed Ord.iance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. , ' The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its WN second and final reading. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2028 as read.. Carried by roll call vote upon which all council members voted aye . The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, Changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Single Residence District (R-1) and Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to "Apart- ment Houses and Multiple Dwellings" (R--4), which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti. seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-13-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont. ) (Albert Balch property) proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2029 as read. Roll call vote followed with all council members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington —� changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G-6000) to Business District (£-1), which was read by the Clerk. (Jay Holmes property) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Com- mittee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2030 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members voting aye. 'he motion carried. Mayor Aliment declared a recess at this time . After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council members present as previously listed. The Ordinance Committee presented a PezmWissued to John Burkheimer for establish- ment and operation of an automatic car wash business in deviation from the presently applicable zoning laws. The Council had previously recommended a revocable permit how--- ever consideration was given to the fact that the investment of $65,000 to $100,000 was perilous a venture if subject to revocation within ten days notice and such a Permit would not be fair. The Permit was therefore modified to exclude the revocation clause and presented by the Committee thusly. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the revision and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same. Carried. Councilman Dullahant presented a proposed Ordinance for his Committee changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city of Renton from General Classification District (G-6000) to Residential District (R-3), which was read by the Clerk. (Nick Vidos property). Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer theproposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recom- bow mended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, and seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2031 as read. Roll call vote followed with all council members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington appropriating enrtain funds in excess of estimated revenues, which was read by the Clerk. ($510.00 from excess Franchise Fees, unto City Clerk's Account No. 7003, Capital Outlay No. 1714, $510.00,1 zaid funds presently in the Current Fund.) Moved by Delaurenti) seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2032 as read. Carried by roll call vote with all council members present voting aye. The Ordinance committee presented a Conditional Permit issued in favor of Tom Farmer for installation of a sign approximately ten (10) feet east of the property line on premises of the Band Box restaurant, 540 Rainier Avenue, subject to revocation by reasonable notice, said Permit to bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto.- The Clerk read the document after which it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that same be granted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: QLD BUSINESS: The Street and Alley Committee report was read recommending a complete bridge parking plan be developed by the Engineering Department for utilization of the area under the Cedar River Bridge freeway overpass and that the completed plans be submitted to the State Highway Department for approval. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 4 -5-- 44 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-13-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Old Business (cont. ) Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, reported, relative. to request for L.I.D. in the May Creek area, that the Committee recommended referral of the matter to the City Engineer for preparation of plans and to the Ordinance Com- mittee for Resolution�of Intent to initiate an L.I.D. Moved by Read, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Dullahant, referr ing back to Ordinances, presented a proposed Ordinance which had been placed on first reading on May 6, 1963, recommending second and final reading. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Com- mittee. Carried. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance amending Sections 10-501, 10- 502,_ 10-504 and 10-506 of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to restriction of parking. After second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2033 as read. Roll call vote followed with all council members present voting aye. The motion carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Power and Light Committee, presented a recommenda- tion that a Mercury Vapor Light be installed on Pole No. 712 in the vicinity of E Street between 4th and 5th Avenues North, requested by Ernie Tonda and neighbors. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pedersen requested a meeting of the PropertZ Committee at 9:00 a. m. on Wednesday, May 14, 1963. Councilman Reid requested a-Councii As A-WHUIe meeting with the Planning Commission and Citizens Advisory Committee on Wednesday, the 15th at 8:30 p.m. Councilman Custer reported an error in the bill.ikg.. from Puget; Pinwe'r -on pole location, thereafter moving that Vouchers No. 962 through 1116, having previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be accepted for payment. The motion was seconded by Trimm and carried. Counciiman Custer requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, 1963 and the Mayor and Sup't. of Utilities were ixnvited. ' Mr. Reidtre- quested a meeting of the Council as A Whole following this meeting. Councilman Custer called attention to dump at junction of Rainier and Tobin Street and Mayor Aliment advised that the matter had been taken care of at the Citizens Advisoriff Committee meeting this morning. Councilman Reid scheduled a Street & Alley Committee meeting on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. Councilman Delaurenti suggested that Mayor Aliment appoint a committee to arrange for a ceremony at the time the new Liberty Park Ballfield lights are turned on. Mayor Aliment advised of plans in the formation therefor and appointed Councilman Gianini as Chairman of the event. Councilman Poli, reporting for the Fire and Water Committee recommended that Mr. Wilbur Repp be granted the variance requested in connection with location of a building at 1019 - 1st Avenue North, proper siding to be installed to be approved by the Building Superintendent, It was pointed out that the matter had previously also been referred to the Planning Commission and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to table the matter pending recommendation of the Commission. Carried. Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience at this time. Mr. Ernie Coleman made inquiry regarding by-pass road to Lake Washington Blvd. at the Renton Boeing plant calling attention to traffic delay and dust hazard presented by its present status. It was reported that crews would be moving in to pave the area in the very near future. Mr. Coleman also made inquiry relative to drainage and materials to be discharged in connection with the proposed carwdeb activity and discussion ensued relative to possible pollution of Lake Washington. Building Supt. Highton called attention to City Ordinance regulating discharge of harmful substances into the sewers and it was pointed out that inquiry might be made to the State Pollution Control Office for approval prior to release of the Permit. The Building Supt, was requested to follow this up. Mrs. -Fred Evans addressed the assembly reporting problems where streets were to be restored upon acquisition of properties in connection with the freeway construction and related problems in the area of the Chas. Bowen residence relative to drainage due to construction of the drains and existence of a mud hole which needed attention as well. Moved by Custer, seoonded by Delaurenti to refer the matter to the C _Eng_ineer and Street Commissioner to investigate and report back. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. -6- May 13, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted to Council for approval , as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 962 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 116.6i 963 Book Publishing Company 36.40 964 Burnrite Oil Company 262.80 965 Pearl Carter 37.20 966 Cochran Coast-to-Coast Stores 16.57 967 James Denzer 43.55 968 A. B. Dick Company of Washington 42.34 969 Drager+s Harley-Davidson Company 37.47 970 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 16q.00 971 Intercity Insurance Company 11 ,691 .96 972 Janco-United, Inc. 433,46 973 John Julian & Son 15.29 974 J. David Jensen 38.25 975 King County Medical Service Corp. 688.00 976 KroesenTs 41 . 15 977 Market Basket #5 7.95 978 McLendon Hardware 40.23 979 Myers Oi 1 Company 31 . 14 98O Northwestern University Traffic Inst. 17.85 981 Pacific Northwest Bell 85,92 982 Paulson Office Supply 204.56 983 Puget Sound Power & Light 352.96 984 Puget Sound Power & 'Light 5, 173.97 985 Ratelco, Inc. 28.07 986 Record Stationery & Office Supply 291 .60 987 Renton Clothing Company 136.52 988 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 18.58 989 Renton and Rainier Printery 22.62 990 Renton Town Talk- 113,30 991 Renton Valley Fuel Company 334.20 992 Standard Insurance Company 206.55 993 Statewide City Employees Retire. System 4,018. 15 994 Sunset Coal & oil Company 203.77 995 Tax Commission 10.46 996 Tele-Car Communications Company 130.0p 997 Victor. Business Machines, Inc. 35.88 998 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 10,.25 999 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 881 .30 1000 Washington Natural Gas Company 73-95 1001 Western Electronics Company 30,26 1002 Western Union 1 .30 1003 Williams and Swanson 2,362.73 CITY STREET FUND 1004 Cochran Coast-to-Coast Stores 53-89' 389 1005 Howard Cooper Corporation 1 , 13402 1006 Af B. Dick Company of Washington 15.55 1007 A. G. Elliott 29.00 1008 Eltee Tool & Supply Company 17.42 1009 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 104.00 1010 Humble Oil Company 1620.06 1011 Kenny's Auto Upholstery .52 1012 King County Medical Service Corp. 1 1313.92 1013 N. C. Machinery Company 56. 12 1014 National Chemsearch Corporation- 149.29 1015 0. K. Tire Store of Renton, Inc. 26.99 1016 Pacific Auto Supply 65.92 1017 Pacific Northwest Bell 10.00 1018 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 1 ,369.22 1019 Record Stationery & Office Supp 33.28 1020 Reiman Auto Parts Company 113.72 CITY OF PENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED May 13, 1963 CITY STREET FUND CONTINUED 1021 Renton Auto Glass 17 . 12 1022 Renton Boller Works 565.,34 1023 Renton Paint & Wallpap.-r 3.,85 1024 Security Concrete Products Co. 666. 28 1025 Statewide City Employees Retire. System 597,70 1026 Sunset Coal & Oil Cor,pany 34„24 1027 Tax Commission 17 28 - 1028 Tele-Car- Communications Company 6500 - 1029 Union Oil Compcny of California 103:,59 1030 W/T City Treas, Cr, Str:)et 1031 W/T City. Treas. C;-, W133„ater 172;24 10j2 IVilliams & Swanson o4 47 ARTERIAL STREET FUND !033 Dai !_y; Journal of Commerce 18,80 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND 1034 Group Health' Coop of Puget Sound 8-.00 1035 Statewide City Employees Retire. System 27.08 PARK FUND 1036 Chapman, .E.1.ectric -Company 12 112,50 1037 Diesel O'- I` Sales Company 26031 ' 1038 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 16,00 1039 John Julian and Son 40.56 1040 King County Medical Serv°ce Corp, 81 ..70 !o4! The Linoleum Shop 21 ^74 . 1042 McLendon Hardware 160,67 1 f043 Northwest Mower & Marine 12,58 1044 Pacific Northwest Bel ' 57,89 !o45 Puget Sound Power & Light 89,02 1046 The Rccord-Chronic ;e 23,-92 i047 Renton Boiler Works 16.61 1048 Renton Cash-Way Lumber- Yard 5,46 1049 Renton Hardware & Furniture IPO-00 1050 Statewide City Emp'oyees Ret 're System 247,2- 1051 Sunset Coal & Oil Comoanv 138,4g '052 W�T City Treas, Cr. Str,:?et 76,81 !053 Washington Natura; Gas Ccmpany 35,58 LIBRARY FUND 1054 Amer°can Library Asso:iation 41 ,00 1055 Diesel Oil Sales 178 71 1056 Doubleday & Co ., ' nc. 84 1057 Enc;� clrp^diz Br°tanni� 84 a, ! nc_ 5,_8 1058 Gayiord Bros, , 'nc, 1 ,56 1059 Go!den Pres^ 11n98 1060 Group Heath Coop of Puget Sound 8,50 1o6 ! Marcel 'a H' 1lgen 10,54 i062 King County Medical Serv;ce Corp. 74,95 1063 Overall Cleaning & Supp►y Company 2-501054 Pacif 'c Northwest Bell 57.,91 Io65 Pau;son Off 'ce Supply 6.93 !066 Puget Sound News Company 72, 19 1067 Puget Sound Power & Light 3 0 01 1068 Record Stationery & Off 'ce Supply 7„39 !o69 Renton Pa1nt & WaIIpaper 5,63 1070 Shaw Brothers Drugs 164 •071 Statewide City Employees Retire, System 269.25 1072 Washington Book Store 32..76 1073 Washington State Tax Commission 2,36 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED May 13, 1963 4 7 A l R PORT FUND 1074 G H,'Culver,, C!jy. Treasurer 62.40 1075 King County Medical Service Corp, 24.45 1076 4 Myers Oil Company 11 .99 107,7. '' Puget Sound Power & Light 153. 10 1078 Record-Chron i c`l.e4.00 1079 Record Stationery & Office Supply 4.76 1080 Renton Hardware & Furniture Company 50. 12 1081 Statewide City Efnp l oyees. Retire. System= - 70.86 1082 W�T City Treas. .Cr. Street : 79m96 CUMULATIVE FUNGI ,; 1184 1083 Puget Sound Power & Light 160,00 1084 Rainier Asphalt. Paving Company 22a & 1085 Security Concrete Products Company 985,58 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 1086 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 1,032,80 1087 Daily Journal of Commerce 16.80 1088 A. B. Dick Co, of, Washington 29.34 1089 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 56.00 logo King County Medical Service Corp. 180-50 1091 King County Treasurer 325 1092 The Linoleum Shop 1 „56 1093 ` McLendon Hardware 25,26 1094 National Chemsearch Corporation 15959 1095 Pact f.i c Auto Supply 34- 11 109b.'. Pac.1-f1c, Northwest BeI1 5955 1P97. Pacific Water Works Supply Co.,;, Inc. 400,68 f�9F Paulson Office Supply 17.1 -36 1O9 Puget S,4und Power & Light 1 ,591 -54. 1.1.00 f;a-tinier Asphalt Pavin Cbm an P g:. P Y' 56. 16 1'.101 Record Stationery & Office Supply 8055 1,,102 Renton Auto G l ass 1 .05 1 03 . ..._,Renton Boiler Works 282.88 1 101 ,':Renton. Cash-Way Lumber Yard 1 I ,66 1105 ;, Rentoh Concrete. Products, Inc. 101.92 1106 ;13e,ntbn Hardware & Furnitune 97,01 1107 Rent bn Town Taik 5- 7. 13 1108 Frank E. Rhodes Company 7.80 1 109 Security Concrete Products;-��--ompany 61 .78 1110 Star Machinery 59.40 IIII Statewide City Employees Re'iire'.-,System " ' 586.49 1112 Tax Commission 1 , 104,08 1113 Tele-Car Communications Company 65,00 1114 a;lnited Rent-AIIs of Renton 4016 L.115 A_ C;ty Treas. Cr. Street 779,46 Western Utilities Supply Company 81 . 12 .......K,. ' .. }:, Me'mIe f 1'';:'n, C;, Clerk �Y { .. I n RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 20, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 ppm. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Reid,, Dullahant, Hulse] Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett. Trimm, Custer, Delaurentis Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADSPPESENT; Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett,, City Treasurer,, Gerard' Shellan, City Attoiney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police,, Jack Wilson, City Engineer., Marvin Schroeder, Supt. of Utilities,, Floyd Lawrence,, Fire Chief, Vern Church., Purchasing Agents Joe Lynch,, Street Commissioner, James Highton' Building Sup:t.; Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks & Recreation and J. David Jensen, Planning Director, The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Donald Dashnea,, and the Invocation was delivered by Reverend Ernst of the Assembly of God Church. Moved by Poli., seconded by Curter., that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 13., 1962 be appx-owed as written. Carried. APPL.T_CATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: N0. AMOUITT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 250X0 Ernie Henr7 10445 S,E, 100th Wire new residence 8642 350,00 R. D, Weihoff 1.0100-1.12th Ave. S,E„ Wire new residence 8643 350X0 Roger Peterson 11430 S.E� 112th Wire new residence 8644 25,00000 Jet Foods, Inc. 603 - 2nd Ave. Type 4 Commercial 8645 70000 Edward Coury 3010 Sunset Blvd, Wire Commercial Bldg. 8646 3,336.00 Carl St�Johnson 2908 - 7th Ave. Nod Residence A1um.Siding 8647 50,00 LaVerne E� Graves 9530-100th Ave, S,E. Construct Fence 8648 750,00 Godecke & Associates Lake Young Way Wire Pump House 8649 1.,900.,00 Ca•esor P, Tosca 221 North Williams Residence Alum.Siding 8650 46,000,00 St,,Andrews Presby.Chur- 3500-•10th Court North Type 5 New Church 8651 4,000,o0 P.Roffey 627 - 4th West Carport 8652 10,000,00 Tiffany Homes Inc 15524-1.19th Ave.S.E. New Residence 8653 9;00000 Tiffany Homes Inc, 155]-6-•119th Ave,S.E, New Residence 8654 10=0X0 Tiffany Homes Inc„ 15511•-120th Ave.S.E, New Residence 8655 575-00 Floyd Hewitt 11019 S-E, 97th Wire New Residence 8656 200.00 Wi i li_a-n A, Dunn 11026 S,E. 100th Wire New Residence 8657 50,00 Band Box (Tom Farmer) 540 Rainier Ave. Serv.for Floods & Sign 8658 64.,000,00 Four?e Company 932-938 "G" Place 11 Unit Apartment 8659 10,000 00 Allen R„ Wehner 12809 •-• 90th South New Residence 8660 16,000„00 Cecil Wakelam 436 Langston Road New Residence 8661 2,355 00 Martin Hill. 3503 Pres.Park Court Aluminim Residing 8662 2,4o0.0o Joseph Irwin 844 "N" St. Alum,Siding-Conv.Carp. 8663 150000 Charles A� Ramsey .1031 Whitworth South 9x12 Shed 8664 4.,947,00 Puget Sound Power & Lght, Tiffany Park Underground Wire PUM KING & HEATING PERMITS- 565$- ERMITS:5 55 ••----•-•- Ray hrocker 98lo-106th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5656 ------ C� J,. Peterson 11631 S.E. 104th Pl, Plumbing Fixtures 565 Percy Welch 1539 "1" Sts Plumbing Fixtures 565 - --- Wil.liam A, Deenn 11026 S,E, 100th Plgb,Fix,& Gas Install. 5659 - -- - Standard oil Co, Third & Burnett Sts.. Heating Equipment 5660 -- -- Terminal Facilities Inc-.1579•-8th North Gas lastallations 5661 ---- Ray Heppenstall 1o6o9-111th Pl. S-E., Gas Installations 5662 ____..._ T,ewis Purcell 11618 S.E. 106th Pl. Gas Installations 5663 -- -•- R� Wiehoff 10100-1_l2th S.E. Gas Installations 566+ ------ Roge Peterson 1430 S-E, 112th Gas Installations 5665 - ----- Lloyd Peterson 10511-113th SoE, Gas Installations 5666 ------ Lewis H� Purcell 11618-s,E.lo6th Plumbing Fixtures 5667 ------ Wayne Dorsey 12210•-90th South Plumbing Fixtures 5668 ------ Mrs G_lcrest 8414-130th South Plumbing Fixtures 5-20-63 OPENING OF BIDS: This being the date set, the Clerk opened and read the following sealed bids•;,POr the Storm Sewer Project at (1) Factory Street; (2) "E" Street; -and' (3) 12th Avenue. North and 12th Place Bidder Amount Frank Coluccio Construction Co, $ 38,186.7 Seattle 18, Wn. E &-A-,Construction Co. 431922.50 Renton, Wn Knowles Construction Company 36,33700 Bothell, Wn. Lundberg Construction Co. 31,450.00 Seattle 4, Wn. L MacRae Bros Construction 43,504.50 Seattle 24, Wn. Bert Robison Construction Co. 35,230.75 Seattle 6, Wn. John W, Schade 35,302.75 Seattle 3, Wn„ OP- arbird -Construction 36,5o6.00 , Seattle 55Wn. ryry "' Superior Cdz'i t' it61t±6n `Co. ( ) S s �._: 37,412.00 Seattle' 6, Wn. J Valley-Construction Co. Seattle 8, Wn. 36;371.50 Bid Bonds were7'eizc osed• with the above. ~ Moved by Reid, seconded-, by Custer, to refer these bids to the Sanitation Committee and the City Engineer, to report back. Carried. This being the date set-, the Clerk opened and read the following sealed bids re- ceived for the Utility Department Pipe Line Materials (pipes) valves, fittings, fire hydrants):. 'A'. Bidder. w ' ' Schedule A Schedule B Schedule C Schedule D H. G. Fowler Co, Inc. No Bid 725.71 F1-,+ 2 No Bid Seattle 4 'Vni, (Bid Bond enclosed) Beall Pipe & Tank 'Oorp, +" '• $14,180.45 $ 84'7-59 No �.d ''^ ° No Bid Portland 3, Oregon (Bid Bond enclosed) Western Uti7.ities Supply Co, $14,976.00 $ 637.61 $ 1,512.58 No Bid ieattle 24, Wn. ,Certified Cheers enclosea'"rib"r each Schedule) low Pacific Water Works Supply Co. $14,882.40 $ 655.96 $ 1,364.48 $ 2,496.00 Seattle 4, Wn. , (Bid Bond enclosed) The above bids incld66�1 j;r6s tax. ;r lT ' l•t7n Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer above bids to the Sanitation Committee theL'C•+ty- Engineer, and the:Ahilities Superintendents to report back. Carried. icy C, A-n the1 x VO r�rr -2- '50 5-2o-63 COMMUNICATIONS: A Petition, signed by fourteen property owners abutting the 16' alley in Block-18, Renton Highlands (starting with "Guy Evans" and ending with "E. A,6 Shaw"}, request' vacation of this alley, was read. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer this Petition to the City Engineer, the Street & Alley Cgmmittee, and the Planning Commission. Carried A letter was read from the Almo Furniture Renton Inc. requesting a permit to con- duct a 30-day tent sale from approxmately June 1 through June,;30-: 1963, such sale to be conducted in accordance with the previous requirements stipulated'by Council in its meeting of August 20, 1962 in granting a similar permit, as follows: (1) A cash bond •� to the City guaranteeing the removal of the tent upon expiration of the permit; (2) adequate fire protection by hiring one Renton City Fireman to work during his off hours as a fire guard on the premises; (3) one Almo Furniture Company employee as an addition- al fire guard when the Renton City Fireman is not available; ,(4) adequate parking facil- ities; (5) the erection of a flame-proof tent; (6) required fire extinguishers; and (7) 24-hour on premises fire patrol. Moved by Poli, second by Gianini, to grant this permit under the supervision of the Fire Chief, with ;the Agreement to be drawn up by the City Attorney. Question .on the motion disclosed the advisability of adopting a City Ordinance to govern and r6gulate "Going Out of Business" Sales, such ordinance to define among nt4er things.,the length of time that such sales may be conducted; sale to be limited to ;the merchandise on hand; and an understanding that the "going out of business" is to be actually a termination of business operations. Roll Call vote resulted as follows: "Aye" - Hulse, Gianini, Peder- sen, Garrett, Trimrq 'Custer, Delaurenti and Poli; "No" - Reid, Dullahant,;Dahlquist and Bruce. Eight "Ayes"'Wand Four "Nos" - the motion carried. It was further moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter of "Going Out of Business" Sales to the Ordinance Committee for drafting of an ordinance to cover. Carried. , ., See later action in these Minutes. The City Clerk's request, directed to the State of Washington, Department of Gen- eral Administration, Division of Archives & Records Management, for permission to destroy the following obsolete public records, as provided under the provjsions of Chapter 246, Laws of 1957, Section 7, was read: Item Record Description Incl.Dates Approx.Volume Receipts Clerks' Oct,1946 to 3 drawers Dec.1953 104'x24'1 Cancelled Warrants All Funds 1944 to 1947 5 drawers 1949; 19501 1952, 101lx24" 1953 Cancelled Warrants Payroll 1951 to 1953 3 drawers 10"x24" Cancelled Warrants Street & Library 1946 to 1950 3 drawers 10"x24" Cancelled Warrants Current Expense 1946 to 1950 2 drawers 10"x24" Cancelled Warrants Sewage Disposal 1948 1 drawer 10"x24" Cancelled Warrants Parks, Airport, Athletic 1948 to 1950 2 drawers 10"x24" Vouchers Commercial Waterway Dist. #2 1944-1945 2 drawers 10"x24" Vouchers Water 1944 to 1949, 3 drawers. . 1951, 1953 10"x24" Vouchers Library 1944 to 1949 2 drawers 10"x24" Vouchers= =- Park - 1944 to 1949 1-drawer 1.0"x24' Vouchers Sewer Disposal 1947,1948 1 drawer (listing continued on next page) -3- 101lx24" 5-20.63 Item Record Description Incl,Dates Approx.,Volume Vouchers Current " 19+x+ to 1953 10 drawers 10"x24" Vouchers Payroll 1938 to 1944 10 drawers 19+6 to. 1950 1011x24" 1952 1953 : Vouchers Streets 1944, .1946, 3 drawers 18494. 1952; 10"x2+" 1953 NNW Vouchers General 1.953 1 car awer lo if ;.24„ Vouchers' Airport 1952, 1953 1 drawer 10"x24„ Vouchers Firemen's Pension 1952, 1953 1 drawer., ;,, ].0''x24" Vouchers Civilian Defense 1951. to 1953 2 drawers l_0"X_24" Voucher:: W_scellaneous 1944 to 1946 l craaer 10"x9_4„ Voucher, Cedar River Park 1952 1 -rawer 10"x24„ Vouchers All "Funds 1}50 t&.1553- 3 drawees Vouchers Athietic_'. Registerq Dog Licenses 1946, -1.947, 1948 2 Dooks Permits Building-City Clerk's Copy Borx Original Register Voters Cards Cancelled Cancelled prior 6 drawers Duplicate Retained to 1953 82111xll"x�V D-_scussion disclosed that the above request does not required Council. approval., having been submitted to. Council for general information purposes only. It was 'therefore moved by Garrett; seconded by Dahlquist, to proceed with the next order of-business on the agenda. Carried, The City Clerk z-ead the following: (1) Assn. of Washington Cities' Convention Bulletin #5, detailing ,°egistration requirements and program'_i'or the convention to convene at Longview-Kelso, June 12', 13,1+, 1963; and (2) Assn. of Washington Cities ' announcement of an Exhibition Golf performance before-the A.W.0,, Conventibneer5w on Wednesday, June7.`122 1.963:,'' at the Kelso Nev- "Elks Club, from 5:30 to 7:30 PQM. Mayor Aliment advised Councilmen who plan to attend the event to adv:.--.,e the City Clerk according'r„ _ Utilities Superintendent Schroeder's letter., attaching a Certified Copy of the Reso3ution passed by•the Board of Directors of the :Tziciependent_ Water Co.; ioaated :on 153rd Street North of the Racetrack, calling for the transfer of all assets,•mains, meters, etc to the City of Renton Water Department at no cost to the City; such transaction to it 1voj�ve only six customers and connection hook-up to; tb_v existing 153rd Street-maln, were read. ,Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce; to refer above matter to the Firo & Water Com- mitte'e'-n_th po;aer to 'act; Quo§tion on the motion discles�-_d that: a-Resolution ,fbi! 'the acquisition of the Independent Water Co. will require adoption by the Council. Body; there- fore Uzi amendment to the,Tiotion, •snot' . be 'made to refb.-r the above matter- to the Fire & Wa:tor Comm ttea to report back to Council for subsequent, .acti on,,.,,:t was the*efore moved 52 5-2o-63 by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to strike out the words "with power to act", and to sub- stitute "to report back"„ Vote on the amendment carried. Vote on the motion as amended carried Building Superintendent Highton's letter to Mr., Charles Shane, advising that the building foundation at 14423-14425 •- 92nd Avenue South extends 514..", into the "G" zone in violation of the Ordinance for Business use, and that construction without inspection is a Building Code violation, was read Mr. Shane advised that he had petitioned the Planning Commission for a zoning of this property. to "B-1", Cnly recently had he beer: aware that the Planning Commission had retained the "G" zoning applicable to the front 10' ., Mr. Shane stated that the City normally has 60' as a right-of-way and that only on Primary State Highways is an 80' right-of-way required, This street is not a Primary State Highway but the right-of-way here is 80' in width. Property across the street is presently zoned "Business Ques- tion was raised as to whether that property has a 10' front setback; if so, this would make a 100' right-of-way; yet 92nd Avenue South covers but one block,. Further, that City is taking 10,' strip without c-cmpensation to him, yet he is required to pay tax on this property. Upon request for his comments, City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the City has a right to establish setbacks on streets other than. Primary State Highways. While the City cannot fo-_-ce an owner-.to give up property; an owner cannot force City to. zone to his liking. City can condemn property however and pay for it. A Planning, Comm ssion recommendation from its Administrative Meeting of May 15, 1963; tha' the request of Mr, Wilbur L. Repp relative to waiving certain requirements of the Building Code as applicable in F-;.re zone l_, be denied, after considering the following factors, was ,read* (a) The proposed relocation of an existing building to this location and its con- version to a duplex would be in violation of the present zoning code, which prohibits dq- plexes or single family residences in the Business District as new uses, (b) The proposal as outlined wculd require the granting of a variance, a request for which has not been submitted to the Planning Commission for consideration. (c) gin,connection with the general improvement of structures in the Business District, it 'is anticipated that the Council will reasonably soon initiate a program of code enforcement to require the upgrading or removal of certain buildings and structures. The granting of this request would not be consistent with the probable future action of the Council, Moved by Dizl.lahant, seconded by Bruce, to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Carried A letter from Arne G. Goedecke was read, regarding the City of Renton's participa- tion in solving the Tiffany Park Area sewage disposal problem; more specifically making inquiry as-to whether the City would undertake the construction of the line Southerly -to the top of the hill (North boundary of property of Tiffany Park Development) provided Metro will cross the Cedar River with the proper siphon, Thereafter, installation and dedication of necessary trunk line and related sewer system within the limits; of ,Tiffany Park would„be made to the City, Moved by Trimm, seconded by Gianini, to refer the above matter to the Sanitation Committee, Carried. An Announcement was read frcm Chairman Gianini of Appointees for the Dedication and Ceremony Comm-ittee of the newly-lighted Liberty Ball Park Field, and the planned dedication ceremony and program scheduled tentatively for a date in the second week of June, 1963, Presentation of a luggage case with keys was made to Councilman Poli on behalf of the Mayor and City Counc .1 Members for his extended vacation trip in,Europe. Councilman Poli extended his thanks to all, The Mayor declared a recess at this time. After the recess Roll Call was again taken with all Councilmen present as previously indicated. A Petition was read, signed by fifty-five property owners in, the Talbot Hill Area (starting with "Umberto_' Barei" and ending with "Geraldine Wilson"): requesting that the Talbot Hill Area now zoned "GS-1" be changed to "R-1", by reason that a 35,000 squar- foot lot to build in the area is no longer reasonable since the highway -route has now been determined and these is little mason to prohib. t changing the size of the lot requirement to 7,000 square feet. I�Ioved.by`Reidj.'seconded by Custer, to refer the Petition to the Planning Commission,.. Carried, .5- Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, that a letter be directed to the Retail Merchants Association on the previously discussed "Going Out of Business" Sales matter (referenced above), requesting their suggestions and recommendations for transmittal to the Ordinance Committee for consideration. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman Dullahant of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, Establishing Certain Fees for Maps, Prints, Ordinances and Similar Documents, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Ordirm ce Committee recommended favorably and that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Custer, to concur in the re- commendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2034 as read. Roll Call vote followed with all Conncil Members present voting "aye" . The motion carried. Chairman Dullahant of the Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington, fixing June 10, 1963 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, as the time and place when the petition for vacating a portion of right-of-way of 7th Avenue North, lying North of the existing 50 ft. right-of-way of 7th Avenue North between K and M Streets, shall be heard and determined. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1195 as read. Carried. OLD BUS[NESS: Chairman Reid submitted the Street and Alley Committee report regarding the following which was read by the Clerk. (1) Letter from J. E. Holmes regarding proposed by-pass behind the Woods Building. This By-pass is part of an overall proposal for future arterials for the City. In the final analysis this proposed by-pass could be deleted, therefore, until the arterial plan is adopted by the City Council, no positive action can be taken as far as acquisition of right-of-way is concerned. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Mr. J. E. Holmes is to be notified of the action. Carried. (2) Letter from James Carver concerning improvement of 11th Avenue North. It is the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee to refer this letter to the City Engineer to prepare cost estimates and to contact Mr. Carver. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur with the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. ' Mayor Aliment commented that a request has been received from residents in the vicinity of 104th, 112th and 116th streets for street repairs and the matter should be referred to the Street and Alley Committee accordingly. Chairman Hulse presented the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee that the project of widening Third Avenue be funded, in the sum of $2,400.00, from the un- budgeted surplus in Cumulative Fund No. 1184, Public Improvements. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur with the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen presented the Committee's concurrence of the Park Board's acceptance of Puget Sound Power & Light Company's request for a ten ft. easement bordering the Westerly line of the proposed playground area in Tiffany Park, provided that (1) this easement is limited to underground distribution and the necessary ground level cabinet encased transformers and stitches; (2) Service is made available for the proposed playground from this installation; and (3) The City is held harmless from any and all liability. 1 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur with the recommendation: of the Property Committee. Carried. Chairman Custer presented the joint recommendation of the Sanitation Committee and the Fire and Water Committee to regretfully regretfully recommend that the resignation of Superintendent of Utilities, Marvin Schroeder, be accepted by the City Council. After discussion of the matter, it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to concur with the Sanitation Committee and the Fire and Water Committee's recommendation to accept the resignation. Roll Call vote resulted as follows: Aye Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen. Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce, No: Dullahant, Hulse, Garrett, and Delaurenti. Councilman Reid abstained- from voting. Seven "Ayes" and Four"No" votes carried the motion. -6- Councilman Custer brought forth a matter discussed several months ago for the inclusion in the City Building Code (if it had been determined that subject has not already been covered therein) of a requirement for commercial establishments to have rear lights (alley lights), 150 Watts for each 30 feet. If this requirement is not found in the Building Code, subject will be brought up again next week in the form of a formal proposal. Councilman Delaurenti brought forth recommendation that in connection with the Comprehensive Job Classification and Finance Study owrk to be performed by the Public Administration Service, Mr. H. Dewayne Kreager be retained as Consultant to ramrod this survey. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to retain Mr. H. Dewayne Kreager as Consultant. Question on the motion disclosed that the consultant matter had previously been discussed in committee and while it is felt that a consultant may be needed, possibly a consultant in the bonding field might better serve the purpose, the services of a consultant not required at this time. It was noted that Mr. Kreager quoted the sum of $2,000.00 for the work. Mayor Aliment advised that he had signed the contract in connection with the Position Classification but that he was withholding his signature on the contract for the financial study because he felt the need for a consultant in connection with this program. It was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Custer to refer this matter to the Job Evaluation Committee. Roll Call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Dullahant, Hulse, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce; No: Reid, Dahlquist and Delaurenti. Nine Aye votes and three no votes carried the motion. Chairman Poli presented the Fire and Water Committee recommendation that the ladder in the hose tower of Fire Station No. 2 be replaced with a new steel ladder at an approximate cost of $555.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist,. to concur with the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Chairman Poli of the Fire and Water Committee reported that the Property Committee and the Fire and Water Committee have been searching for a suitable fire station site in the Renton area. Preliminary negotiations between Mayor Aliment and Joseph Gottstein have produced a suitable location on 153rd Street which Mr. Gottstein is willing to give the City for $1.00 per year on a 99 year Lease. It was suggested that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for further negotiations with Mr. Gottstein. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the possible fire station site location to the Property Committee for further negotiations, as suggested. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid made inquiry for some possible form of ventilation for the Council Chambers. Councilman Hulse inquired regarding the street restoration work on Grandey Way and Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee advised this matter was presently in the hands of the State for the required restoration work. Mr. Charles Bowen, 431 Grandey Way, property owner adjacent to the State right-of way, approached Council on the matter of the State's contemplated street restoration work. As a condition of an easement he notes that the property was to be restored to its original condition. Mr. Bowen reported a large hole under his sidewalk as a result of drainage �roblems. Upon inquiry, Street Commissioner Lynch advised that the State will definitely take care of this matter. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, that the City Clerk prepare a letter of thanks to Utilities Superintendent Marvin Schroeder for his services t.- o the City. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers #1117 through 1149, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Custer requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 23rd in the Council Chambers, requesting attendance of the Council, Mr. Arne Goedecke, Utilities Sup't., M. Schroeder, City Engineer Wilson, and Cascade Sewer District personnel, to discuss the matter of Bids received and what progress might be made on Cascade Utilities. Councilman Poli asked to be excused during the period of his extended vacation in Europe, requesting the appointment of a temporary Chairman in his absence on the Fire and Water Committee, and taking this opportunity to thank the Mayor and Council Members for their gift. -7- 5-,-63 Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Councilman Poli be excused from the regular Council Meetings for the _period of his extended vacation trip to Euro e. Carrie(i. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Carried, The Council Chambers were filled with visitors. --- --•............. ---•---•----............ ...... Frank Alirnei;t, Mayor 4� Helmie I`de„crl, City Clerk -8- #.y Ie, 1965 5�tity of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Aceaw fng and Auditing Committee, were submitted to Council for approval , as foliows ; VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMO;;NT CURRENT FUND 1117 Frank Aliment 117. 14 1118 Blumenthal Uniform Company 44.95 1119 City of Renton (Hydrant Rental ) 405.00 1120 R. L. Greenfield and Son 1 ,864.20 1121 Keuffel & Esser Company 77.89 1122 Kroll Map Company, Inc. 46.80 1123 One Price Stores, Ince 6.41 ii�4 John Racanello 45.80 1125 Shaw Brothers Drugs 30.35 1126 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 77.50 1127 Standard Oil Company 1.82 1128 U. S. Geological Survey 1 .00 1129 U. S. Post Office 29.45 1130 U. S. Post Office 85.00 1131 W/T City Treasurer Cr,. Street 35.70 1132 Jack Wilson 34.00 CITY STREET FUND ii33 Eltee Tool & Supply Company 53.56 ii34 Kroll Map Company, Inc. 85.28 1135 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. 944.63 1136 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 64.86 1137 Standard Oil Company 263.54 PARK FUND 1138 C. C. Fuel Company 364..00 1139 City of Renton (Water Service) 25.00 1140 Keller Supply Company 4.81 1141 'Frank E. Rhodes Company 3.90 1142 Standard Oil Company 10.88 ~� 1i43 Charles R. Watts Company 4.23.71 AIRPORT FUND 1144. Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. 58.24 1115 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 12.66 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 1146 iddinga Farm Service 20.59 414.7 Keuffel & Esser Company 3. 12 I14s Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 18.51 1149 Standard Oil Company 9. 15 � --- -- ------- Frank Aiimeat, P,^,ayor j Helmie Nelson, City Clerk � E P i j, E E t r RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 27, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen; Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Delaurenti and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, 'City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Purchas- ing Agent, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Harold Caldwell and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Glenn Camper, First Baptist Church. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 20, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: 0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 8605 100.00 Walter Dale 1304 - 4th Avenue North Garage Foundation 8665 250.00 A. D. Johns 3807 - 7th Avenue North Wire New Residence 8666 250.00 A. D. Johns 3811 - 7th Avenue North Wire New Residence 67 250.00 A. D. Johns 3901 - 7th Avenue North Wire New Residence 68 250.00 A. D. Johns 3905 - 7th Avenue North Wire New Residence 69 250.00 A. D, Johns 3815 - 7th Avenue North Wire New Residence 8670 15,000.00 Gary Mahoe 17321 - 94th Avenue So. New Residence 71 295.00 United Homes, Inc. 1073 "QW Street Wire New Residence 72 285.00 United Homes, Inc. 1145 "Q"-Street Wire New Residence 73 200.00 T. H. Williams 357 Bronson Way North Re-shingle roof 74 150.00 : John Sienda, Jr. 449 '►J" Street Garage 8675 300..00 Leroy D.. Shower 3608 4th Avenue North Fruit Stand 76 17,000.00 Conner Construction '12521 = 87th Avenue So., New Residence 77 16,500.00 Conner Construction 12511 - 87th Avenue So. New Residence 78 300:00 Verda Todd ' . . 425 "J" Street Patio Roof 79 425.00 Conner Construction 12601 - 87th Avenue So- Wire New Residence 86.80 425.00 Conner Construction 12531 - 87th Avenue South Wire New Residence 81 400.00 Conner Const. 11618 S.E. 106th Place Wire New Residence 82 100.00 Myrton Fuller 405 Bronson Way North Driveway 83 1,600.00 Tom Farmer 1540 Rainier Avenue Neon Sign 84 50.00 Fred Callen 928 Sunset Blvd. Wire Office 8685 100.00 Eugene Laville .-. 544 Whitworth Street Patio Cover 86 15,000.00 United Homes, Inc. 3905 - 11th Ct. North New Residence 87 18,500,00 United Homes Inc. 3904 - 11th Ct. North New Residence 88 18;500.00 United Homes 1115 "R" Street New Residence 89 18,500.00 United Homes 3906 - lith Ct. North New Residence 8'69U 18,500.00 United Homes 3907 - 11th Ct. North New Residence 91 18,500.00 United' Homes 3903 - 11th Ct. North New Residence 92 18,500.00 United Homes 3901 - 11th Ct. North New Residence 93 17,000.00 United Homes 3902 ; 11th Ct. North' New Residence 94 15,000.00 United Homes 1103 "R'r 'Street New Residence 8695 500.00 Hertz-Rent.-A-Car 1210 Bronson Way Sign 96 2,456.00 Marshall Oakland `708 110" Street Addition 97 150.00 Ralph Parker 837 "N" Street Enclose--Carport 98 1,150.00 Richard Scott 2.916 - 5th Avenue No-* Patio Roof Addfn. 99 600.00 George Abylhanz 12517 _-88th Avenue So, Carport - Wall ... 8700 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes 15447 Lake Youngs Way New Residence 01 10,000.00 Tiffany Hammes 12115 Lake Youngs Way New Residence 02 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes 15467 Lake Youngs Way New Residence 08 93,000.00 Tiffany Homes 15473 Lake Youngs Way New Residence 04 9,000.00 Tiffany Homes 15441 Lake Youngs Way New Residence 8705- 10,000.00 Tiffany Humes- 12115 S.E. 115th Street New Residence 06 9000.00 Tiffany Hpmes 15435 Lake Youngs Way New Residence Oy. 9,000.00 Tiffany Homes 15526 119th Ave. S.E. New Residence 08 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes' 15528 - 119th Ave.."S.E. New Residence 09 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes 15474 120th Ave. S.E, New Residence 8710 11,000.00 Tiffany He.mes 12112 S.E. 152nd Place New Residence -1- &-nutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-27-63 BUILDING PERMITS: (cont.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 8711 $ 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes 15453 Lake Youngs Way New Residence 12 11,750.00 Tiffany Homes 12108 S.E. 152nd P1. New Residence 13 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes 12104 S.E. 152nd P1. New Residence 14 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes 12107 S.E. 152nd Pl. New Residence 8715 11,000.00 Tiffany Homes 12111 S.E. 152nd Pl. New Residence 16 1,000.00 Irvin Brandow 429 North Wells St. Addition 17 16,999.00 Boeing Company Park Street Door Cables 18 10,000.00 Pete Agnesini 217 Pelly Street Addition 19 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13230 S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 8720 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13235 S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 21 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13231 S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 22 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 114th P1. Wire Residence 23 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13402 - 114th P1. S.E. Wire Residence 24 200.00 Homer Creager 1301 Talbot Road Patio-Walk-Drive PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 5669 - - - Rudy Zaputil 11606 S.E. 106th Plumbing Fixtures 70 - - - Conner Construction 12601 - 87th Ave. So. Gas Installation 71 - - - Conner Construction 12531 - 87th Ave. So. Gas Installation 72 - - - Seattle Lumber Co. 8600 So. 153rd Street Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - Conner Construction 8640 So, 127th St. Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - Conner Construction 8654 So. 127th St. Plumbing Fixtures 5675 - - - Conner Construction 8628 So. 127th St, Plumbing Fixtures 76 - - - E. Coury 3010 Sunset Blvd. E. Plumbing Fixtures 77 - - - A. D. Johns 3901 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 78 - - - A. D. Johns 3905 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 79 - - - Harold Lee 2829 - 8th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 5680 - - - Louis Purcell 11618 S.E. 106th P1. Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - L. Dravland 15028 Benson Road Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - E. Coury 3010 Sunset Blvd. Er Gas Installations 83 - - - United Homes, Inc. 1007 "Q" Street Plumbing Fixtures 84 - - - United Homes, Inc. 1073 "Q" Street Plumbing Fixtures 5685 - - - United Homes, Inc. 1067 "Q" Street Plumbing Fixtures 86 - - - United Homes, Inc. 1013 "Q" Street Plumbing Fixtures 87 - - - United Homes, Inc. 1145 "Q" Street Plumbing Fixtures 88 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 89 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13220 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 5690 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226 S�E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13220 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 92 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 93 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13228 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13230 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 5695 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13235 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11349 - 134th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13230 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 98 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13222 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11350 - 134th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5700 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13232 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures O1 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13228 S.E. 114th P1. Plumbing Fixtures 02 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13224 S.E. 114th Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 03 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13222 S,E. 114th Pla. Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13309 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 5705 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13220 S.E. 114th P1. Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13221 S.E. 114th Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13225 S�E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - Tri-City Const. Co. 2nd & Burnett St. Plumb.-Gas Install. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, requested authorization to call for bids for Local Improvement District No. 249, Sanitary Sewers in the Maplewood area and the date of June 24, 1963 was recommended for Opening of the Bids. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request for bid call authorization and in the date for opening of the bids. Carried. Bills in a total sum of $117.76 were submitted by Mr. Irwin F. Gerlt for sewer line repair which damage was attributed to the Utility Department during a fire plug installa- tion at 1432 K Street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-27-63 59 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer Wilson, reporting on a referral of Petition to Vacate Alley in Block 18, Renton Highlands, advised that a check of the County records reveals that 90.7% of the owners of property abutting this alleyway have signed the petition.. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the Petition to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter was read from Superintendent of Utilities Schroeder calling attention to relocation of certain water facilities in the City due to the freeway construction which ..have been authorized in the Earlington area by Agreement No. GC-1145. An estimated $60,000.00 worth of mains hydrants, services, etc. are covered by said Agreement and Budget appropriation of funds into the Utilities Department is requested in order that warrants may be issued as the work is completed. A Resolution was requested effecting the appropria- tion. Reimbursement for the work to be made by the State upon progress reports. Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Com- mittee. Carried. —" A list of Convention Committees from the Association of Washington Cities was intro- duced and also the .City Clerk displayed the registration application for the Golf Tourna- ment to be held at the Kelso New Elks Club and Golf Course on Wednesday, June 12, 1963, and the schedule of interviews and consultations for the Convention. A letter from the Kennydale P.T.A. requested tle City to give consideration to the development of a park in the vicinity of May and Honey creeks below the "Devil's Elbow" . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letter to the Property Committee and the Park Department. Carried. A letter was read from Mayor Aliment expressing his veto of action taken in connection with erection of a tent by Almo Furniture Renton, Inc. for conducting a going out of busi- ness sale. Attention was called to a Permit for the tent sale and Council was urged to reconsider last week's motion. City Attorney ,hellan advised there 1.s no veto under state law of a Permit or Contract but only of an Ordinance. Moved: by Reid second=by Bruce to concur in `he `Mayor'g request. Inquiry was made relative to reason for denial of the tent. Mr. Shel- Lan brought to attention that allowing the tent would be permitting violation of the +•isuilding and Zoning Code as the tent would occupy most of the parking area depriving not only the customers but the abutting businesses of parking accommodations. This fact as -well as various viewpoints of detrimental nature of such a business transaction were brought outduring discussion, and attention was called to a proposed Ordinance to be presented per- taining to "Going Out of Business Sale" . Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to defer further action until later in the meeting. Carried. A letter signed by R. J. Evoy, on behalf of the Doctors and Dentists on 4th Place requested a temporary permit for angle parking on 15 ft. of hospital property along 4th Place as approved by hospital authorities. The parking, for public and hospital employee use, to be effective only until such time as a sidewalk is installed or other parking pro- visions are made. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to refer the communication to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. Wilbur Repp requested reconsideration of proposal to relocate a building into Fire Zone I at 1019 - lst Ave , North which had been denied at the previous council meeting. The Planning Commission had recommended denial and received concurrence of the Council. Mr. Repp outlined his plans and Planning Director Jensen advised that such was not his understanding but that if the building s were tied together the requirements of the Code would be met, insofar as this respect is concerned. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee. Discussion on the motion disclosed non-compliance with requirements of the 'ire Zone into which the building is to be located and Fire Chief Lawrence cautioned 4NUMtgainst permitting below- standard structures to be moved into such Fire zone. Mr. Repp called attention to long range planning of the Commission advocating the consideration which must be given to present planning of the individual as"well. After discussion, the pending motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Aliment requested concurrence in the appointment of Robert C. Fritsvold and Raymond A. Saude to fill existing vacancies under classification of Patrol- man in the Renton Police Department, said appointments having been certified by the Police Department Civil Service Commission and recommended by Police Chief Williams. Said appointments to be effective June 15, 1963 and June 1, 1963 respectively, subject to the -3- d-inutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-27-63 POINTMENTS: (cont. ) Patrolmen six months probationary period as provided by the rules and regulations governing such appointments. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. A letter from Mr. Nathan E. Ward expressed interest in obtaining title to an unused public acess adjoining his property in Block 26, Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands #2. Request was made for purchase of the access, a long term use permit, or division of the property between property owners on each side of the access and deeded to them without charge. (2819 - 7th Avenue North) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from the Civil Service Commission reported results of an examination for Classification of Chief in the Renton Fire Department held on May 20, 1963 and completed by M. C. Walls and James F. Ashurst. A letter read from Mayor Aliment requested, in view of results of the rating information received from the Commission, concurrence of the Council, in the appointment of M. C. Walls as Fire Chief effective upon retirement of our present Fire Chief, F. E. Lawrence and subject to the six months probationary period. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in tle appointment by the Mayor. Councilman Delaurenti stated there should be no replacement until such time as a pension has been established for retiring Chief Lawrence, after which the pending motion carried. NEW ORDINA14CES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Fenton, Washington, Licensing and regulating certain sales known as "Going out of Business Sale" establishing fees for the licensing thereof, and providing penalty for the violation of this ordinance, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee fir recommendation. On the question, it was reported that a communication had been received from the Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Kay Johnson advised that the Chamber recommended passage of the Ordinance. The pending motion carried and the Committee reported favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance 1-10. 2035 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye carrying the motion. CO'.JrICIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUS-, Councilman Reid requested and was granted additional time for the Street and Alley Committee reports. Councilwoman Dahlquist proposed that the Mayor's recommendation relative to the tent sale by Almo Furniture, Renton, Inc. be accepted and it was subsequently moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, that the motion of last week relative to the Permit for said tent sale be reconsidered. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer that the request for tent sale Permit be refused because of inadequate parking and for the reasons otherwise outlined. w2^ussion�o.nx the, questiien includb4d, d-tractitirt *af thw'area, fire hazard, instigation for others not to construct sound buildings as permanent structures which may be placed on the tax rolls, concern for purchasers of such exposed merchandise. The pending motion was carried and Councilman Garrett recommended that Almo Furniture be given a copy of the Ordinance along with a letter advising vE=the action by the Council. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted a list of additions and repairs needed on City Buildings, as prepared by Building Sup't. Highton which was read by the Clerk as follows: I. The United States Department of Agriculture now leasing the Annex to the Renton Highlands Administration Building requests an addition to the Annex to provide more office space, The addition proposed would be 12' x 12' constructed on the West side of the Annex 1.'2 the north end. The cost is estimated at $1,200.00 using City labor or $1,400.00 by contract. Consideration of this request is subject to revision of the Lease agreement or payment for the work by the Lessor. 2. Paint exterior of Annex and Accessory Buildings and interior of State Patrol Offices at Renton Highlands Administration Building C:=;± -•'::section of metal gutter on City Hall roof along Cafe and Furnace room, and install metal gutters beneath screened jail windows to prevent staining of the walls. The work under Item 2 is estimated to cost $750.00. This may be added to the present contract with Eell Construction and funded from Municipal Building Maintenance Funds. Chairman Pedersen., upon inquiry, assured the Council that the cost would be within the -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-27-63 6 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS; (cont. ) OLD BUSINESS: bid limits and City Attorney Shellan pointed out that two contracts are presently in process for different construction purposes under the $5,000.00 limit of the law and one of them to be executed next month could encompass the additions. There was only one bid on the work although notice had been published. It being established that such was within the legal limits of the law, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations on item 2 . Carried. Inquiry was made regarding maintenance of the Highlands buildings and it was pointed out that the City as owner and Lessor was responsible for the maintenance. Councilman Pedersen, reporting for the Fire and Water Committee, upon referral two regarding request of Board of Directors of Independent Water Company to transfer all assets, mains, meters, etc. to the City, advised that after meeting with the Supt. of Utilities and City Attorney the Committee recommends concurrence in such transfer with referral to the City Attorney and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents to effect same. (Six customers and connections are involved and could be hooked up to our existing main on South 153rd Street and all are within the City limits) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the transfer as recommended. Carried. Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, submitted Committee Reports for reading as follows: Utility Department Pipe Line Material Bids: Recommended that the Bid of Pacific Waterworks Supply be accepted. This firm was the only one to bid on all four pipe schedules. They were not the low bidder on all four, but $701.95 higher on Schedule A than Beall Pipe & Fitting Co., however, the Beall firm could not guarantee their pipe on a thirty year life expectancy, a serious exception to the City's specifications- _°. A further difference of $18.35 between Western Utilities Supply and Pacific Waterworks Supply was not considered in the interest of the economy of buying from one firm. ' . Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee, accepting Pacific Waterworks Supply bid in a total sum of $19,398.84. Carried. Storm Sewer Bids - Factory Street "E" Street and 12th Avenue North and 12th Place !The Committee recommended that the low bid of Lundberg Construction Company be accepted for the storm sewer-work in a total sum of $31,450.00. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. A letter from the City Engineer and Supt. of Utilities likewise recommended acceptance of this bid. Councilman Custer submitted a report from the Accounting and Auditing Committee recommending that only the billing function be removed from the Utility Department and transferred to the City Treasurer's office, and that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance with no action taken concerning the Accounting until further study and discussion with the Treasurer and Council As A Whole. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to refer the Committee recommendations to the Council As A Whole. Discussion on the question followed. Councilwoman Dahlquist expressed her opinion that the billing and accounting should be together and only one Ordinance thereby required. Councilman Custer advised that the Treasurer should be given notice as soon as possible in order that administrative plans might be completed. The pending motion carried. Councilman Delaurenti inquired regarding vacancy for position of Supt. of Utilities and Mayor Aliment advised one application has been received to date. Councilman Bruce reported that residents on North Burnett had made inquiry regarding disposition of strip of property between the sidewalk and pavement (across from Carpenters Hall),and moved that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for investi- gation and report back. The motion was seconded by Custer and carried. Y.NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant reported a request for painting of a crosswalk at the 6th and Garden Street access to the Pacific Car and Foundry parking lot, and moved that the 01request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The motion, seconded by Delaurenti, was carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday, June 1, 1963 at 8:00 a.m. and a meeting of the Council As A Whole the same date at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-27-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: (cont. ) Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti' that Vouchers #1150 through $1175, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be accepted for payment. Carried. Councilman Custer inquired of the City Engineer whether he had been contacted by the (MerryHill) Nursing Home on Talbot Hill relative to connecting onto the City's Sanitary Sewer Line. Mr. Wilson advised that they had not made inquiry since sometime last year. Discussion disclosed that the Health Department has given a 15 day ultimatum 1 regarding the Home's sanitary facilities and that a petition for annexation of the subject area has been initiated which would resolve the problem in the event the element of time were not a determining factor. The City's policy otherwise is not to allow any outside residence to hook-up to the facilities within the corporate limits. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Custer, to refer this matter to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience -at -this time and Attorney John Dobson, addressed the assembly on behalf of Mr. Charles Shane, requesting removal of t}* restriction from the ten feet of Mr. Shaneb property upon which he has begun construction. This ten feet according to Mr. Shane's knowledge, had allegedly been included in the B-1 rezone of the entire .tract and not reserved for right-of-way. Mr. Dobson pointed out that adequate area was now available for any right-of-way and City Engineer Wilson advised of additional land deeded the City by the Highway Department therefor, upholding that in view of the circumstances connected with the retainment of Edwards Street, the ten feet in question is no longer required. Discussion followed regarding Planning Commission status and action and other proceedings on the matter, Planning Director Jensen advising that the restricting action was taken in pursuance of establishing a uniform building set back in anticipation of future development. The matter was brought up regarding non-compliance by Mr. Shane with requirements of the Code in construction of the foundation (which extends onto the 10 ft. strip)and a letter directed to him by the Building Department regarding a stop work order, it being the duty of all builders to comply.without exception. City Attorney Shellan inquired to determine width of the established right-of-way.and if the present right-of-way is satisfactory an amendatory Ordinance would eliminate G zone ofhe ten feet. Mr. Dobson requested that Council take consideration of the restriction on the feet.Moved by Custer, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole. 2 Carried. Considering the matter of violation Councilman Garrett queried whether the matter should be referred also to-.th® Building Inspector and Councilman Reid advised he would be invited to participate in the Committee meetiing. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. There were ,33 visitors in the Council Chamber / e� . . \/ .� � - Frank Aliment,, Mayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk —6— 63 May 27, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 1150 Association of Washington Cities $ 168.00 1151 Delbert Bennett 64.95 1152 Chapman Electric 362.70 I 1153 City of Renton (Metro) 63.56 1154 Dual Parking Meter Company 1.30 1155 Motorola C & E 68.42 1156 Helmie Nelson 11.75 1157 Overall Cleaning & Supply Company 16.12 1158 Pacific Northwest Bell 1,172.27 1159 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 236.22 1160 Renton Clothing Company 215.26 1161 U. S. Post Office 20.00 CITY STREET FUND 1162 City of Renton (Metro) 4.00 1163 Pacific Northwest Bell 10.00 1164 Sahlberg Equipment Company 711.15 PARK FUND 1165 City of Renton (Metro) 16.68 1166 Pacific Northwest Bell 62.96 1167 Puget Sound Power & Light 22.60 AIRPORT FUND 1168 Puget Sound Power & Light 60.89 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 1169 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 1170 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 1171 City of Renton (Metro) 4.00 1172 Metro Disposal, Inc. 9.88 1173 Pacific Northwest Bell 64.55 1174 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 219.69 1175 Frank E. Rhodes Company 5.46 Helmie Nelson, Ci y Clerk PrAink Aliment-,-Mayor 01 Auditing & Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the :4-wCommittee, were approved for the month of May, 1963: PAYROLL $ 102,859.11 CURRENT 37,665.93 STREET 12,401.50 ARTERIAL STREET 18.80 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 35.08 OFF-STREET PARKING 125.00 PARKS AND ATHLETICS 14,377.33 LIBRARY 906.60 AIRPORT 871.23 FIREMEN'S PENSION 300.00 CUMULATIVE 1184 1,374.38 WATER WORKS UTILITY 29,505.03 Frank Aliment, Mayor Hmie Ci'.y.Clerk elNelson, .. . f RENTON CITY COUNCIL 65 REGULAR MEETING June 3, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by President of the Council, Walt Reid at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Reid, Dullahant, Hulse, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Delaurenti and Bruce. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, that the absent —i Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, James Highton, Building Superintendent, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, and Marcella Hillgen, I? brariari. The Flag Salute was led by Patrolman Frank Cooper and Invocation was delivered by Councilman Bruce, Hulse. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve the Minutes of the previous Council Meeting of May 27, 1963 as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS M PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE CF WORK 8725 $ 350.00 C. J. Peterson, 11631 S.E. 104th P1. WTre Residence 26 1,480.00 Raymond Rosa 1408 - 7th Avenue Tri-Plex 27 350.00 P. J. Trippey Const. , 9815-116th Pl. S,L1 Wire Residence 28 350.00 P. J. Trippey Const. 9809-116th P1. S,�, Wire Residence 29 350.00 P. J. Trippey Const. 9810-116th Pl. S.E. Wire Residence 8730 2,000.00 Eugene K. .Muller 2016 Bronson Way N. Reside- Home 31 13,000.00 R. Shane 10825-112th Ave. S.E. New Residence 32 200.00 Joe C. Drazich 108 Factory Street New Elec. Service YrJ 33 275:_00 H 'Lee 2829-8th Avenue N. Wire Residence 34 15.00 Agnes'Gullengsud 602 - 5th Avenue $. Wire Fence 8735 100.00 Rinehart Mitzel 580 "J" Street Replace Fence 36 350.00 Harry Ballard 506 N. Wells Street Garage-Remodel 37 '4,200.00 - 'Wm:-, Perry Welch 338 Renton Street Addition to Res. PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 5709 - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11606 S.E. 106th P1. Plumbing Fixtures 10 Fred Callen 928 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixtures 11 - - - - Jerry Goodall 938 "G" P1ace� Plumbing Fixtures 12 - - Fourge Company 938 "G" Place Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - - Tom Farmer 540 Rainier Ave. Heating Equip. 14 - - - - Marshall Oakland 708 "O" Street Plumbing Fixtures 5715 - - - ;'Ted Jones 9305 Mt. View Dr. Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - - A. D. Johns 3807 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 17 - `T1A. D. Johns 13811 7th AV'e. Nd. ; ': Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - - A. D. Johns 3815 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures Heppenstall Homes, Inc. 111 P1. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5720 - - - - M. L. Mathews-Danielson 11242 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 21 �1oe Drazich 108 Factory Street Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - .. J:. Peterson 11631 S.E.. 104th St.. Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mary J. Jones requested the- City to give consideration to: a park site in the Devil's Elbow region of the May and. Honey Creek areas. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Property Committee and the Park Board. Carried. Councilman Pedersen advised that the Property Committee, upon prior referrals of like requests, has been making survey and investigation of park possibilities; ,in the subject areas and have been on a visit to the area with the Park Board. Recommendations will be submittedafter ownership and various other matters have been resolved: . . -1- 66 TTS t T Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting'' , T + `' 6-3-63" COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted a summary of certain 1963 Session Laws affecting cities,deemed to be some of the more important' legislation which would,: be of interest to the Council, which was read by the Clerk. Additional information and furthbi-patti6u.1ars may be secured from the City Attorneys upon inquiry. A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendations. . from its; public hearing meeting of May 22, 1963, read by the Clerk as' follows: 1. Preliminary Plat"- Hillcrgst Lane - Recommended approval incorporating the revised street:` ayout as 'presented by the City Engineer and Planning Director. Moved by Trimm, secon4ed' by Bruce to concur in''the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 2. Rezone - Mrs Harold Jordan and A. W. Burchill - Recoinm400,&�rezone of the property as described in Application R-132-63 from G-7200 to B-1, Less ' North 150' thereof, and Further that the Nora ,-150' be rezoned from G-7200 to R-1 with provision that the South 20' be developed as a planting strip, with posting of 'a $2,000.00 Bbnd to insuecompliance:: Inquiry was mach as to whether this was the zoning requested by the applicant's and Mr. Jensen advised B-1 had been requested for the entire parcel however the Planning Com- mission had felt this zoning to be satisfactory for the South portion but `treco tnend�_Wti. the R-1 for a portion in concern for the "best land use. Hpon inquiry an cdnnt,fi'c�;the zoning as recommended,.by the Jordans,who also expressed consent of Mr. Burchill, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the Planning ltommi§,pi it,-ecommendations with referral of the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Discussion 'ori' t6 question dis- closed that the %: hbol District had been contacted and had no object' ,to'the proposed ff rezon ,ng,. after which, the motion carried. 3 Rezone - Earl McLaughlin - Recommended rezone of the property defscribed in Application No. R-131-63 from G6000 to R-3 with a Permit for a Nursing Home. ' Moved byi`Pullahant, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in'tle recommendation of the Planning Commi sion. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquisto refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 4. Variance =RlcTiard Pollard - Recommended granting of Variance 'to allow construction of a residence on a certain lot as described in Application No. V-136_�63,,, (located above Renton Avenue) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 5. Revokable Permit - Signal Oil Company (Second and Burnett Street) Granting of Revokable Permit recommended to allow construction of a sign within the 20' setback as required along Second Avenue on property described in Application No. P-134-63 with provision that said sign shall not overhang or extend into the public right-of-way. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the�'recommenda'tion of the Plan- ning Commission with referral to the Ordinance_ Committee for proper Ho h Harmless Agreement. Carried. The Clerk advised of receipt of the 1963 Annual ConventionrjVdle-A� from the Asstn. of Washington Cities which was available if anyone wished to read it. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed '``OiMnance of the City of Renton, Washington, which was read by the Clerk, regulating "'m6tor vehicles, traffic, travel and transportation and their incidents upon the public 8 �`6treets, bicycle paths, and other ways open to the public; prescribing the powers and duties of officers and others in relation thereto: defining offenses; providing penalties, and repealing the City's Traffic Code known as Chapter I of Title X (Traffic), except Section 10-1-207 re speed limits thereof, of Ordinance No. 1628, known as "Gode. of General Ordinances1of the City of Renton" and all other ordinances and sections of ordinances inso- far as giAC ,:are in conflict therewith. Recess.was declared by Chairman Reid during the reading of this Ordinance as it contained 22 pages. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilpenpbers t.,t. present as previously listed. �_.r, _ r Upon completion of the introduction and First ',reading of the.-proposgd 0 dinance, it was'lmoved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer' the documenti'to thg Qrd nance Committee. Motion was carried., The Committee reported a request from the Police, bepar�, nent f?r certain revisions and that the proposed Ordinance would therefore be held inSor�mit,t ons w -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-3-63. ,617 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Reid submitted the report of the Council As A Whole Committee which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. The matter of Encroachment by Mr. Charles Shane's building on a 10 foot strip of property not zoned B-1 was considered and in view of the fact that the following con- ditions have changed since the rezoning, (a) withdrawal of Edwards Deed, (b) information of additional right of way deeded to the City, it was recommended that a Variance be granted for the building as started, but that until the street pattern is fully established the zoning should remain as is, it being possible to effect a desirable street arrangement without disturbing the proposed building. Inquiry was made as to whether Mr. Shane was agreeable to the propcscd arrangement and inasmuch as Mr. Dobson, counsel for Mr. Shane had left the Council Chamber, further action on the matter was deferred until later in the meeting. 2. Relative to the referral of the Sanitation Committee report to transfer only the Billing operation from the Utilities Department unto the City Treasurer's office, it was recommended by the Council As A Whole to concur in this transfer of Billing only at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mr. Dobson had returned to the Council Chamber and upon inquiry advised he had made a request that Mr. Shane be present to determine whether or not he was willing to accept the condition proposed for leaving the 10 ft. strip under "G" zoning. Mr. Shane would be present later in the meeting but inasmuch as it was not known whether he would arr-'_ve prior to adjournment of the meeting, it was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Bruce,- to defer action on the matter until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee; presented his Committee report which was read as follows: I.' Petition.fox :Vacation of a 16, ft.' alleyway in- Block 18, Renton; Highlands +was considered. The Petition contained fourteen signatures of'•residents on "G". Place and abutting the alleyway. Inasmuch as this is an undeveloped alley having doub.tful. value insofar as -the public isconcerned, it was .recommended that a Public Hearing bet:held on ... the matter, Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti; �ta concur' in the recommendation, of the Street and Alley Committee with referral to the Ordinance Qommittee for a Resolution setting the Date of July 9, 1963 for the Hearing. Carried. 2. Request for painted Cross-wails at 6th ?Avenue North and Garder. Street access to Pacific Car & Poundry parking lot was considered and it was recommended that the Street Department paint the cross-walk area on the north side of the intersection of said streets Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 3. Requestfor Temporary Permit for Angle Parking on,!the North aside of 4th,Place between Shattuck Street and Rainier Avenue was considered and it:eras.-the recommendatfm ?that �a ; ;, Revocable Permit be granted to Dr, R. J. Evoy for development of angle parking as requested subject to the understanding that the Permittees will bear all costs involved and that approval of the plans be secured from the City -Engineer and Street Commissioner prior to commencement of the construction. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by. Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and alley Committee. Carried. 4. Request from Mr. Nathan E. Ward for acquisition of public use area - Since the property in question provides the only access to a large public use area to the South in the same block, no disposition could be made, without considering all of the public use area within Block 26 of the Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands . Even in the event the City were to receive petition from all of the abutting property owners, it is questionable whether the City would have the authority to vacate. this Public Use Area., inasmuch as� such area-was established. by the .Fedir.al Government. Moved by Garrett,. seconded :by Dahlquist, to concur in the report of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Upon investigation. of a complaint concerning use.�of property -'on' Burnett Street In the vicinity of the Carpenter's Hall, the Committee reported no-determination could"be made inasmuch as the nature of the complaint was not detailed, Councilman Bruce reported receiving the complaint from Mr. Wm. Rusden and it was in regard to h�.s driveway not having been restored in good condition subsequent to the sewer line fnsta'!'latio : by Metre. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter tc the Stteot anu Alley Committee'. 68 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-3-63 NEW B,;SINESS: Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the 701 Planning Committee, reported that the public was invited to attend a meeting with the Citizens Advisory Committee at the Chamber of Commerce Building on Wednesday, June 5, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. where the 701 progress was to be reviewed. Councilman Dullahant called attention to the Month of June being the designated tim; for changing of positions on the Council and election of a new Council' Pres d�flt. His nomination for the new President was Councilman Delaurenti for the ensuing year anzi'the nomination was seconded by Trimm. Other nominations were invited and as none were offered it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Pedersen, that the nominations be closed. The motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, that the record show that Councilman Delaurenti is unanimously elected as President of the Council for the ensuing year. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti expressed his thanks to the members of the Council for his election pledging his endeavor to carry out the duties as President of the Council to the best. of his abilities. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 1176 through 1230, having previously been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be also. hpproved by- the.'Council': ":Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist requested a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee on Tuesday, June 4, 1963 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Audience comment was invited and as there was none forthcoming it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m. There were approximately twenty visitors in the Council Chambers including Representative to Girl's State, Miss Shirley Morrison. 9-0 Frank Aliment, Mayor ------- -- ----------Y-------------- �Wrn -ie Nelson, Cit Clerk 69 June 3, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers; having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 1176 F, Americao- Blueprint Company 9. 15 1177 Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 19.2+ 1178 Jack Brattus 15.00 rri 1179 Harold R. Caldwell 10.35 1180 Coast Wide Supply Company 98.66 1181 Daily Journal of Commerce 25.80 1182 Tom Dobson & Son 1,252,30 1183 Claude J. Dodd 10:35 1184 Charles Goodwin 2.40 1185 Dorothea Gossett 15.00 1186 Richard L. Gray . 50 1187 Frank Henry 12.50 1188 Catherine Kindred 151+.75 1189 Gus Kroesents 19-56 1190 Market Basket #3 27.20 1191 Moore Business Forms 153.11 1192 Olympic Foundry Company 296.00 1193 Pee'nton Plumbing & Heating Co. 94-83 1194 Hazel M. Rupe 2.40 1195 Save More lumber 5.20 1196 Sidney R. "Shong 2.40 1197 George H.'*Thomas 8,30 1198 Valley Glass Company 11 ,70 1199 Clarence Williams 16.87 CITY STREET FUND 1 60 1200 American Parts, Inc. 5„24 1201 Atomic Battery Shop 22,37 1202 Busy Bee Rentals 3.12 1203 Howard Cooper Corporation 5.93 1204 Nebar Supply Company, Inc. 38. 12 1205 Rudd Paint & Varnish Company 1,031 .68 1206 Truck Welding & Equipment Co. 10.52 1207 Western Foundry Sand Division 15.60 PARK FUND 1208 Walter C. Best Company 21 .84 1209 Ray Bock Equipment Company 113.36 1210 Bosley's Upholstery 12.22 1211 Gauthier Bros. Lumber & Logging 1212 Northwest Mower & Marine , 18 1213 NuLife Fertilizer 53 55.o8 1211 Olympic Foundry Company 20.07 1215 Pennsal"t Chemicals, Corporation 101 .00 1216 Washington Turf & Irrigation 14.53 AIRPORT FUND 1217 Arbuckle G.1 ass 21 ,68 1218 Bonnell Nurseries 7.80 1219 Coast Wide Supply Company 4.94 1220 Pacific Coast Aviation Directory 12.00 1221 Renton Radiator, Inc. 4.68 1222 Shaw Brothers Drugs 7.81 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 1223 Dr. C. David Heflen 36.00 1221.E Fred W. Reebs, M.D. 15.00 . 1225 Renton Prescription Pharmacy 21.37 1226 Seattle Orthopaedic &' Fracture. Clinic 7.00 70 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED June 3, 1963 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 1227 Coast Wide Supply Company 19.87 1228 A. H. Cox Machinery Company 30. 11 1229 Kenny's Auto Upholstery 18.72 1230 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 71 ,59 Frank Aliment, Mayor Helime Nelson, CI y Clerk — b — RENTON CITY COUNCI , REGULAR MEETING June 10, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order and Mayor Aliment relinquished the Chair to newly elected President of the Council, Charles Delaurenti, who was invited to preside. ROLL CA,3, OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reidy Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Custer and Bruce. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Counci]men be excused. Carried , OFrICIA Z AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT. Helmi Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City -Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, amity Engineer, Floyd Lawrence, F-re Chief, James Highton, Building Superintendent, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, J: David Jensen, Planning Director and William Gordon, Assistant L;brarian, and Marvin Schroeder, Superintendent ^f Utilities and Gene Coulon, Sup t: of Parks. The Pledge of Allegiance to the ^lag was led by Patrolman Harold Caldwell and the T nvocation was delivered by Rev. A. Brunner, Cross and Crown Lutheran Church. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer; that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 3; 1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMIT`T'ED isY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO AlwfOiTiIT NAME ADDRE130 TYPE OF WORK 8738 $ 40O.OD Lowell Crabb 1730% Sprngbrook Road Construct Patio 39 15C..CO Rex Anderson 1508 "T" Street Construct Patio 8740 400.00 Marvin E. Jacobs 10040 S.E. 88th Street Uonstruct Patio 41 1,800. 00 'Marvin ,Jacobs + 10040 S,E.. 88th Street Reside, residence 42 50.00 Holmes ;Electric 4th'& -Burnett Wire :Sign 43 250, 00 Sunset Trailer 3rd Ave _ & Sunset Hwy, Meters & Poles 44 3_50.00 Band Box 540 Rainier Ave. Wire Service , 8745 425.00: Conner Construction :8654 So. 127th Street-: Wire Residence 46 425.00: Conner Construction 5640 So. 127th Street Wire Residence 47 400.00 Paul Maxin1035 S.E. 97th Street Add Sundeck 48 100.00 Edwin J. Overton 1050 M Street Fence 49 100.00 Mauricel.avachek 1144 "P" Street Fence 8750 12,000,00 Hilltop Sand & fGravel' .1411 134th Ave S,E. New Residence 51 12,500 00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13236 S.E. 114th Street- New Residence 52 12,500.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13302 S.E, 115th Street New Residence 53 12, 500.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226 S.E, 114th Place New Residence 54 12 ,000.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13223 S-E 114th Street New Residence 8755 5,000.00 Ted Moines 9307 Mt. View Drive Remodel 56 659,386.70 Renton So-hdol Dist. , 400 - 2nd Avenue Addition to School 57 823.00 Tiffany"Homes; Inc _. 12105 S.E. 151st Place Wire new Residence 58 76.7.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12103"S.E. 151st Place Wire New Residence 59 823,00 Tiffany Homes., Inc. 15512 - 119th Ave. S. E_ Wire New Residence 8760 767.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15508 - 119th Ave. S.E. Wire New Residence 61 815,00-1 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12109 SZ. 151st Place Wire New Residence 62 100x00 Robert Long 11050 S.E.. 104th Patio Cover _6'3 2,500:00 Ralph Johnson 3338 - 6th Ave. North Add to Residence 64 5000 Charles E: Simmons 818 "A" Street Wire Dryer 8765 150,.00 Claude Trott 3326 6th-Ave. North Elect c_ Heat 66 13,000.00 Wendell Largaard 678 Sunset Blvd East Frame & Brick Res> 67 100„00 Nick Biewer' 2806 15th Ave'. North Carport 68 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12113 S 'E. 152nd Place New Residence 69 18, 500. 00 United Homes` Corp. 3915 '-` 11•th Ave North New Residence u"770 15,500.00 United Homes, Corp: 1114 "R” Street New Residence 71 16,000. 00 United Homes Corp " 3894 - 11th Ave. North :New-Residence 72 15, 500.,00 United Homes Corp., 1100 "R" -Street New-Residence 73 18, 500;00 United Homes, Corp 1032 'R" :Street New Residence 74 15,500,00- United Homes Corp. 1038 R1.' Street New Residence 411-riutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-10-63 PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5723 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13229 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 24 - - - -• Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13235 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing - Gal- 5725 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13230 S.E. 114th St: Plumbing Fixt. -Gas 26 •- - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13231 S.E, 114th St. Plumb.-Gas, Fixt. 27 - - -- - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13228 S•E. 114th St, Plumb--Gas. Fixts. 28 - -- - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226 S.E. 114th St. P1jmb -Gas Fixts . 29 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226 S.E. 115th St. Plumb.-Gas Fixts. 5730 - - - Tiffany Homes, inc. 15511 - 120th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15524 - 119th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 32 - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 1556 •- 119th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15512 - 119th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 34 - - -- Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15508 - 119th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 5735 -- - -• - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15498 - 119th Ave, SE Plumbing Fixtures 36 - -- - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15490 - 119th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 37 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15482 - 119th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - - R. Wiehoff 10004 - 112th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - R. S. Shane 12606 87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 5740 - -• - - Howard Hamilton 11813 - 102nd S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 41 - - - Conner Const. Co. 8628 So, 127th St. Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - Conner Const. Co. 8640 So. 127th St. Plumbing Fixtures 43 - -• Conner Const. Co. 8654 So. 127th St, Plumbing Fixtures 44 - - Heppenstall Homes 10609 - 111th Place Plumbing Fixtures 5745 - - - -- Harold Lee 2823 - 8th Avenue North Gas Installation 46 -- - Alien Wehrer 12809 - 90th South Plumbing Fixtures 47 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12511 - 87th Ave. So, Plumbing Fixtures 48 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12521 - 87th Ave- So. Plumbing Fixtures 49 - - - - Conner Const. Co, 8654 So. 127th St, Gas installations 5750 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 8040 So. 127th St, Gas :installations 51 - - •- - Jim Wiehoff 11010 104th S,E, Gas Installations 52 - - - Allen Wehrer 12809 - 90th South Plumbing Fixtures 53 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12521 - 87th South Plumbing Fixtures HEAKIN?G: Vacation of 7th Avenue North between K and M Streets This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open and President Del.aurenti invited comment from the audience. Mr Howard Anderson, on behalf of the Latter Day Saints Church and other petitioning property owners whose land abuts the right of way in question, re- quested favorable consideration of the Council. The Clerk read the previous Street and Alley Committee referral of the matter to the Planning Commission and the Planning Com- mission recommendation that the Vacation be granted. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Chairman Delaurenti declared the Hearing closed and requested Council determination, Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that the portion of 7th Avenue between K and M Streets be vacated. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Copy of a letter from Street Commissioner Lynch directed to the American Legion Post #19, advised of placement of Street Closure sign by the City Street Department for one day, June 27, 1963, according to law and by request of the Legion Post, said right- of-way having been previously vacated. Letters were read from the Seattle-King County Department of Health, and from the owners of the Merryhill Nursing Home again expressing their anxious desire to have the Nursing Home sewers connected to the City's facilities. Discussion followed regarding pending annexation petitions, Sanitation Committee investigation and costs involved in such hook up after which it was moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, that upon signing of the proper petition and annexation initiation, the Merryhill Nursing Home be authorized a suitable connection to the City facilities, w:;th connecting cost paid'by - owuR rs of the Nursing Home. The' costs were discussed & City Attorney Shellan pointed out that an L.I.D.. is not considered on one piece of property and that cash payment will need to be made for the connection. City Engineer Wilson recommended assessment be made in an amount equal to appropriate share in the event of an L.I.D. after which the pending motion carried. -2-• Mfir.utcs cf the Rcrton City- i'::ouncii Meeting 6-10•-•63 73 Ii lett-6 - I-.1Jm Mayor Aliment requested counc-_i_L concurrence, as requested by the City cf Rcn``:,n A•,iatik.;n E;,ard, in the recommendation for extension of the com- pulsory dc.te ;,f 1eti emcnt for Pr. Earle S, Bigler, AirNort Manager for one year from August 1, .1963 to :-i:zguot 1, 1964, N,3ved b-; Cus-i ar-, seLo.-ided by B:Kucc: to concur in the recommendaticn by the Mayor. Carrie']. A -mom r_-: iecuwi t� aded ^:•ncurrence in the extension of compulsory retirement datc for Yr_ .Ralpil 'Whit-eha.11, as I'equested by Street- Commissioner, Joe Lynch.. from September 1 +963 Sept,:m�>er 1 196,1 a period of one year, M, -ied b-; EI'uce, Se vrided by. r uotery to concur in the retirement extension as reconrnended by t:ne Mayr_�r. Carried , A letter from Magor Aliment requested concsrren.-a of the Councii in extension of comou'sor_y ret Deme t date f , Mr. 13cd iii. M17-?muff f .r one year from September 1, 1963 to September �_9�% �.'JIZ, at th!'� cqu, st of Street Commissioner Lynch. t�crved. U-17 3-ace, sect dee by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. .arrieet. 14Lvad b;y Jarrett; secozl.ed by 11ic:1sc -to refer the three retiremer_t extensions to the Or inance +,om—ittae rar°ried, suer-` -s fr.m III,-,y:r Aliment were read requesting Cnunci.l concurrence in appointments to CommiCsios. 3n4 ijoal-'IS as follows: Insvran^e_ William Davin, Miss Ella Con lin and M.:--, Louie Gebenini xc.- a �.erm of�onc a r effective until June 1., 1964, Moved by Custer, seaOnded by Re:�_d. . ccncuz =_,_ appointments to the Insurance Commission as recommended. Carried, Loard _. Mr. Anga,.c P, Righi to be effective until June 1, 1969, a period cf five years: M-,)-,.-ed by Reid, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the appoint- ment by the Mayor. ar:ried: Pa-..k Boa:_d 14-r. Thomas Teasdale for a '`erm of three years; effective until June 1, _ 7_566, Moved _c­ Reid. seconded by Custer; to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. c /IJ_ar3 A 1e' 1 ::.,m .:ral-1_ey's, 7ne. in observance of :national Pickle Week, saluted the Cit- ,f en-.o. sniex epsed thanks for efforts received from farm industries of the E j community: ac .1ea.d-_,n�; c,�cumber producers thrsughcut the Ncrthwest., lettex from E Ien Paddock, Recording Sccre`arv, Renton Carpenter's .Ladies 1 . Aux-`�.I ar=. 'rr it-I the Mayor and Council. Members to the -regular Carpenter's Dance on t Sair as 7 :iunn .`2.nI at .30 p.m. spouses are included. wa: read. from tha Seat le -`king County Department of Public Health to the 14ayo_r_ and S-ca f to attend an open house and introduction to the staff of the new a cohol-�.sm treatment cii-nwc., Rm, 1.40C, PL'h.LIIc Safety Building from 2:00 4:00 p.m, on =viday, 6une 14, 1763:, A iett-e:_ from Planriner Director Je:n; 2n requested amendment to the Engineering Sery-.ice Ag--eement *-N,.:;, 701- A Between the City and ler r _ge Porgracz--Bart'r.a to include complete mapping �f Sections 1, 11, .12 & 14, of Two. 23 N.,, Range 4 E. ; at a cost of $200.00 and to de]-ete the aerial mosaics at a reduction of $875,00 resulting in a net contract: diffsrenc- of $6' 5.00.. Upon inquiry, Planning Director advised of the desire to have enlG_--gement ;;f certain portions of the mapping areas and that the mosaics may be deferred u.:ti]_ .::7mp1?*len off the freeway and new photography mater:?a]_s, for one year, Moved by Barrett, seconded by Custer, to concur in the Amendment as proposed by P ,,,lanr_�.ng L. -; ect...r :�ersen, F..arr:ped A let--er frim the Xeon,,-dale Commun-Ay Club expressed appreciation for services rendere i cy -. .,en seal and c:a�s and slt:des presented regarding the 701 Program at their Apr.l mcf-t-in't5,, need for recreation in the Kennydale Mc--Knight area was stipulated LIand the ty was petitioned by said communit ? club for a park and recreation develop- meat in the. Devii's Elbow ar.ea.. A_ Petr{-_ ­ c=ta ning 39 -games was. read 1]kewise requesting acreage to accommodate by-fI?e i;.-12 a,,:IJ natu-re trail_a;; picnic and overnight camping areas for juvenile groups.. 4n the 1)e-�y I_`s Elbow L-rea. of May and Honev creeks Mr-,vel'. h-; j uc'?.cr., seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the communications to the Proper y Commi-­tee and p­.k Board. Carried. Minutes of the Fenton City Council Meeting 6-10-•63 COMMU]NI SAT IONS: (cont.) A letter was read from Mr. Paul S : Ford, Director of Taxes; The Boeing Company, in rep-,,- to a letter from City Clerk Nelson inquiring in regard to payments in lieu of taxes heretofore collected from the Department of Defense under Public Law 86-498 on certain buildings which have subsequently been acquisitioned by the Boeing Company. Taxes to be allocated to the City by The Boeing Company for 1963 and comparison made to prior payments in 1962 to establish an increase being evident were outlined ay"Mr. Ford anC that the property will be appearing on the rolls for assessment in 1964. No further reference to in-lieu-of-tax payments was made except that it was pointed out that Boeing did not participate in the assessment negotiations Under the aforementioned Public Tx--w nor had it any responsibility for payments made thereunder. Inquiry was made by Council as to whether the City would thereby assume that moneys were not to be forthcoming as budgated. It was further pointed out that Pacific Car & Foundry in the same circumstances had made the payment in the year the property was under private ownership.. After further discussion of the obligation it was moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist; to refer the matter to the City Attorney to report back. Carried. A letter from '.:;harles Shane requested that an error be corrected on zoning of a 10 ft. strip of property and Mr. Dobson, Counsel for Mr. Shane advised that this was to pursue the matter which had been deferred from the previous week, which would be probably coming up under Committee reports, but in any event on which they would like to be heard.. Moved D;7 Garrett, seconded by Custer, to refer the letter to the Building Department_. Carried. A Petition c,-staining approximately 25 signatures requested the City to place Stop signs at the intersection of "N" Street and 9th Avenue North in the interest of safety- to the children of the area. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee and the Street Commissioner with Power to Act, Carried. A letteM- from the Fourge Company, Builders, by Jerry Goodall, requested Council action in release of Building Permits which have not been issued due to question re- garding participation in future road improvements,_ (Property formerly owned by Mike Saruent) Mr. Jensen advised of Agreements which had been executed by property owners in the subject area in conjunction with Permits for building to insure proper extension of the existing -right of way. City Engineer Wilson pointed out that a Quit Claim Deed was given by Mr. Sargent but the document has not been recorded pending committment to the right of way improvements. Mr, Goodall has indicated that he is willing to sign the agreement to participate in the road improvement. A bond was recommended as good faith.Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to allow Mr. Goodall to proceed upon posting of adequate bond to insure improvements, This was adequate according to Mr. Jensen and .the pending motion carried. A latter was read,which had been directed to Dr.. Robert Evoy from the Renton Hospital Board,advising that the application for permission to use the southerly portion of hospital property along 4th Place `.'or parking was denied . Consideration is being given to the establishment of such a parking area along the East side of the property which it is felt would be more suitable for both the public and hospital employees, it being closer to the hospital entrance. This action renders the City's Permit for 4th Place void until such time as a definite location has been established. A letter was read from Councilman Gianini, recommending that Fire Chief Lawrence, Assistant Chef Walls and the entire Fire Department be given special commendation for the fine manner in which they prevented the fire, which totally destroyed the Renton Hardware, from spreading to other buildings which may have resulted in disaster -otherwise. Mr. Puhich was given mention for providing the necessary water pressure and the Utility Department for the installation of the new system which made such pressure available. Councilman Custer., on behalf of the merchants, gave special thanks for service above and beyond the call of duty, in so little damage being sustained by neighboring buildings, and moved that letters be directed to the Fire Department from the Council giving recog- nition to their outstanding performance. The motion was seconded by Reid and carried. A let:ter..1^ SuF't. of Utilities Schroeddr advised that the Council, in concurrence with recommendations of the Sanitation and Fire and Water Committees, regretfully accepted his resignation, Thanks and acknowledgement for services were rendered. _.4_. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont, ) 6-10-63 75 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Ordinance Committee presented a Revocable Permit and Hold Harmless Agreement"for. a si g n which had been authorized at the previous meeting and it was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Bruce, that the Mayor and City Clerk execute same. (Signal Oil Cp.lried. Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from General classification District (G-7200) to Business District (B-1), and Residential District (R-1), 'whic h was read by the Clerk. (Jordan & Burchill property). Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation . Carried.. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Custer, seconded by'Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No, 2036 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee Chairman presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton Washington amending Section 1-1305 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", which was read by the Clerk. (Duties of Sup't. of Utilities and transfer of Utility Billing to Treasurer's office) Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Moved .by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer to adopt Ordinance No. 2037 as read,. Roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Delaurenti, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Custer and Bruce. No: Dullahant and Dahlquist. Eight Aye votes and two no votes were recorded carrying the motion. Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton fixing the date of July 8, 1963 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, as the time and place when the Petition for Vacation of a certain alleyway, Block 18, Renton Highlands, shall be heard and determined. The Clerk read the proposed Resolution after which it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Resolution No. 1196 as read. Carried. Chairman Delaurenti, upon request, declared a recess at this time. After the recess roll call was taken with all council members present as previously listed. Councilman Dullahant, on behalf of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (R-3) with special permit for a nursing home, which was read by the Clerk. (Earl McLaughlin property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Committee recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2038 as read. Roll call vote followed resulting with all Council Members voting aye The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Light Industry. District (L-1), which- was read by the Clerk. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. After the . second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance 'o. 2039 as read,. Roll call vote was taken and resulted as follows: Ayes: All (10) MW he motion carried. (Douglas Buck Property) COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Trimm introduced the 5ubj8ct of the Shane property zoning and the Clerk read the Council action of the previous meeting deferring the matter until this meeting. Councilman Delaurenti invited audience participation and Attorney John Dobson addressed the assembly reviewing Mr. Shane's position that the restriction placed on the ten foot strip of property was done so through misunderstandings as to right of way requirements and the restriction being only on this property and not adjacent parcels was deemed to be unlawful and arbitrary action on the part of Council. Reconsideration was requested and -5- 76 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-10-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: cont. Chas. Shane Property Rezone rezone of the whole property to B-1 as recommended by the Planning Commission. It was suggested that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission in view of the additional right of way grant. Mr. Dobson objected to the delay such course of action would cause. Discussion ensued regarding Mr. Shane's building violation and his counsel advised the building would be moved back if the property is not rezoned and that he will then proceed to recover damages sustained which will include the loss of one additional office space. The right-of-way was discussed in anticipation of futix e development as well as location of centerline for best alignment. City Engineer Wilson advised plans had been drawn previously encompassing the right of No way for which Mr. Edwards had reclaimed his deed upon expiration of the option, and it was determined that problems exist in any event. In one instance a wedge of land will be required and in the other alternative the right of way will be moved requiring new alignment. Mr. Edwards advised that the street was built according to the City Engineering Department recommendation and should go to the quarter section corner, that he intended it be kept open if Mr. Shane does not build within the right of way, and that a petition for vacation and subsequent L.I.D. could be circulated and the street placed where it should be. Mr. Emilio Pierotti spoke on the matter advocating adequate right of way admonishing any plan for sub-standard street. After further discussion and recommendations it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse that the matter be referred to the Council As A Whole and the City Engineer to bring in maps and des- criptions. Carried. As City Engineer Wilson advised the maps were available at this time Attorney Dobson requested that the Council convene tonight in Committee instead of Monday as had been suggested. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant made reference to expiration of Mr. Reid's term as President of the Council and made the motion that he be given a vote of thanks by the Council and that a letter from the Mayor be given in recognition of his consicentious service . The motion was seconded by Bruce, and carried. Councilman Reid thanked the Council and requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 1231 through 1349, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council. Carried. Councilman Custer presented a letter which had been directed to the Superintendent of Utilities from the Boeing Company requesting permission to discharge wastes into Metro facilities without interception. by City lines in areas of the Renton plant com- plexes where the Metro trunk is either closer or approximately equidistant to City interceptors, enabling the City to avoid expense of acquisition, installation and maintenance of sewer lines and Boeing to consequently avoid payment of additional costs of 50% of fee for water discharged as provided under City Ordinance. Request was also made for waiver of assessment of the 50% charge on Buildings 10-60 and 10-65 which sewer line and lift station conveying sewage therefrom were recently donated to the City. Mr. Charles Shane protested the direct hook-up by Boeing to the Metro line ad- vocating that he likewise had a Metro line close to his property. Mr. Schroeder, Supt. of Utilities, advised the Metro connection by Boeing is considered an industrial line and a metering manhole would cost Mr. Shane at least $7,200.00 prohibiting such private connections costwise. Inquiry disclosed City Attorney Shellan had not seen the request. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm to refer the letter to the City Attorneys and ganitation Committee for report back. Carried. Attorney John Dobson requested a recess at this time and convening of the Council As A Whole Committee for disposition of the matter of zoning of the 10 ft, strip of the Charles Shane property, and Chairman Delaurenti, upon motion by Hulse, seconded by ... Gianini, acknowledged the motion to recess. Prior to dismissal and recess Chairman Delaurenti expressed the wish to convey to Mr. Schroeder . TT- A Bon Voyage"and succsss in his new venture along with appreciation for the work he has done during his 41- years with the City. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Mr. Schroeder be given a letter of recom- mendation from the Council. Carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. -6- 77 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-10-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: (cont. After the recess, the Council As A Whole Committee reported to the Council that its recommendation is to adhere to the original Ordinance passed by the Council which maintains G zoning on the 10 foot strip of Mr. Shane's property. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to concur with the recommendation of the Council As A Whole Committee. Dissenting voice vote was registered and roll call was taken by request and resulted as follows: Aye: Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, ilyd Dahlquist, and Custer. No: Garrett, Trimm, Bruce and Delaurenti. Four no votes and six aye votes were recorded carrying the motion. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, and seconded by Custer, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. rank Aliment,. Mayor - ----- - .r ,Helmie Nelson, City Clerk r -7- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 37, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor wank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti., Dul.lahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, arrett, rimm, Custer, Pedersen and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurex, Qerard S e an, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, James Highton, Building Superintendent, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and Gene Coulon, Suptt. of Parks & Recreation. 'Phe Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman John Pearson and Tnvocation was delivered by Rev, A. Brunner, Cross and Crown Lutheran Church. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Minites of the previous meeting of June 10, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FW PERMITS AS SUBMITTER SY THE 81MMI 15EPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 8775 $ 2,150.00 C. Emmett Smith 10036 S.E. 94th St. Reside Residence 76 4,000.00 St. Andrews Church 3522 10th Ct, North Wire Church 77 - - Tom Stanlick 127 Park Avenue Demolish House 78 1,000.00 Carl Sportsman 11417 - 112th Ave. S.E. Reside-Remodel 79 1,200.00 Signal Oil Company 600 Second Avenue Sign 8180 400.00 Seattle 1st Nat'l. Bk. 311 Williams Street Sign 81 17,000.00 Ken McLeod 10801-108th Ave. S.E. Residence 82 - - Globe Development Co. Old Hil.ands Center Demolish Bldg. 83 L1,000.00 Lewis Purcell U631 S.E. 106th P1. Residence 84 5,500.00 Jerry Goodall 938 "G" Place Wire Apt. 848s 300.00 Nelson Rouse 2807 - 15th Place Patio Cover 86 500.00 L. E. Sturman 11638 S.E. 104th P1. Addition ` 87 400.00 Ray Heppenstall 10609 - 111th Pl. S.E. Wire New Residence 88 2,500.00 Joe Drazich 108 Factory Street Remodel for apt. 89 350.00 Trippey Construction 9814 116th Pl. S.E. Wire New Res. 8790 350.00 Trippey Construction 11619 - 98th S.E. Wire New Res. 91 350.00 Trippey Construction 11613 - 98th S.E. Wire New Res. 92 400.00 Orville Millard 340 North Wells St. Wire Elec. Heat 93 300.00 James Wiehoff 11010 S.E. 104th Wire New Res. 94 200.00 George Dorn 337 Pelly Street Re-roof Residence PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 5754 - - - - Joe Mance Sr. 17304 - 94th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 5755 - - - - James Wiehoff 11010-104th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 56 - - - - A. D. Johns 3807 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 57 - - - - A. D. Johns 3811 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 58 - - - - A. D. Johns 3815 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 59 - - - - A. D. Johns 3901 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 5760 - - - - A. D. Johns 3905 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 61 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1103 "R" Street Gas Installations 62 - - - - United Homes Corp. 3907 - llth Court Gas Installations 63 - - - -- United Homes Corp. 3905 - 11th Court Gas Installations 64 - - - - United Homes Corp. 3903 - 11th Court Gas Installations 5765 - - - United Homes Corp. 3901 -11th Court Gas Installations 66 - - - - United Homes Corp. 3902 - 11th Court Gas Installations 67 - - - - United Homes Corp. 3904 - 11th Court No. Gas Installations 68 - - - - Unified Homes Corp. 3906 - 11th Court Gas Installations 69 - - - - United Homes Corp. 115 "R" Street Gas Installations 5770 - - - - A. D. Johns 3909 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 71 - - - - A. D. Johns 3807 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 72 - - - -- A. D. Johns 3909 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - A. D. Johns 3901 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - - A. D. Johns 3811 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 5775 - - - - A. D. Johns 3815 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-17-639 PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS (cont.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5776 - - - - William Dunn 11026 S.E. 100th Street Plumbing Fixture 77 - - - - W. Stewart Pope 107 Rainier Ave. No. Plumbing Fixture 78 - - - - Anthony Porcello 10439 - 108th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 79 - - - - Ted Jones 9305 Mt. View Drive Plumbing Fixtures 5780 - - - - Tiffany. Homes, Inc. 15526 - 119th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15528 - 119th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15535 - 120th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 83 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15474 - 120th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 84 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15520 - 120th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5785 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12107 S.E. 152nd St. Plumbing Fixtures 86 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12115 S. . 152nd St, Plumbing Fixtures 87 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12115 S.E. 151st St, Plumbing Fixtures 88 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. Lake Young Way -154th St. Plumbing Fixtures 89 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. Lake Young Road-15452 Plumbing Fixtures 5790 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15448 - 120th P1. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 152nd Pl. - Lake Young Way Plumbing Fixts. 92 = - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12100 S.E. 152nd St. Plumbing Fixtures 93 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12101 S.E. 152nd P1, Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12105 S.E. 151st Place Plumbing Fixtures 5795 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12109 S.E. 151st Place Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - - - Trippey Const. Co. 9810 - 116th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - - Trippey Const. Co. 9821 - 116th P1. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 98 - - - - Trippey Const. Co. 11613 S.E. 98th Street Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - - Trippey Const. Co. 9822 - 116th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5800 - - - - Trippey Const. Co. 9815 - 116th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 01 - - - _:_Trippey Const. Co. 9826 - 116th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 02 - - - - Trippey Const. Co. 9827 - 116th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 03 - Trippey Const. Co. 9818 - 116th P1. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - Trippey Const. Co. 9809 - 116th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5805 - --- - Trippey Const. Co. 9814 - 116th P1. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 06 -- Trippey Const. Co. 11619 S.E: 98th Street Plumbing Fixtures 07- - Trippey Const. Co. 11625 SSE. 98th Street Plumbing Fixtures 08 . Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13223 132nd P1.' S.E. Gas Installations ... 09 - - Hilltop Sand &. Gravel 13226 -S.E. 114th.Pl. Gas Installations 5810 - Gateway Homes, Inc.. 13236 S.E. 114th. Pl. S.E. Gas Installations 11 - - - Gateway Homes 11411 --•134th Ave.. S.E. Gas Installations 12 - -• Gateway Homes 13302 S,E: _ 115th, Street Gas Installations 13 -- Gateway Homes 1330.3 &-.E.. 115th Street Gas Installations 14 - -- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13321 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 5815 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13205 S.E.. 115th Sheet Gas Installations 16 --- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13214 S.E. 115th Street Gas Installations 17 - - J. Rouse 10042 S.E. 95th P1. Plumbing Fixtures 18 --; - Ray Fracker 9810 - 106th Ave. S.E. Heating Equipment 19 Allen R. Wehrer 12809 - 90th Ave.. So. Plumbing Fixtures 5820 - - Jerry Faulls 316 Renton Street Gas Installations 21 - - -- - Harold Lee 2829 - 8th. Ave. No:* . Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS-: ' A letter -read from Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, owners of-Merryh ll.1tursing Home, 15629 Springbrook Road, -declared intent to petition for annexation of their property to the City of Renton-a-nd-for connection to the City's sewer facilities. Mayor Aliment" advised of additional petitioners in the subject area declaring intent 'to request annexation. City Engineer Wi-ls-on advised the Gibsons were 100% owners of the property covered by the letter of intent-a-nd it was moved by Reid, seconded by-Bruce, that the Clerk notify the property owners -to- be present at the following Council-meeting of 6-24-63 far the Pre- liminary Hearing-•i-n accordance. with requirements bf the law. Carried. Applicati-on-for License to Hit Parade Music Company to: operate.music machine at:'the Spot Tavern and -application for 'License to permit,Rainier Amusement Co. to operate an amusement machine at Rondeevoo. Tavern. were read. '.Moved by. Bruce,. seconded by Gianini; to- refer the applications to the Police and License :Committee with Power to Act. Carried.. A letter read---from Supt. of Utilities. Schroeder recommended payment. of Estimate No. 1 payable to favor-6f Contractor Frank d'oluccio Construct-ion Co.,; Inc. in.performance of Contract in connection with relocation of water mains due to .freeway construction, Agree— ment with City-No.'--GC-1145. ' Value of work`corgpleted to. date: Project 1, completed 100%, . $ 9,555.00, Project 3, completed 100%, $2,402.50, Project 5, 30% completed, $2,827.75, plus sales tax- $591.41 and less 15% retained $2,306.50. . Due this estimate $13,070.16. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6. 17-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Estimate No. 1 to Coluccio Construction Company, certified correct and recommended for paycdent. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, that the Estimate be referred to the Accounting and. Auditing. Committee with Power to Act. Carried, A letter from Mr, J, C. LundS Superintendent of Renton Hospital District No. 1 of King County] tequosted that the City in the preparation of its 1964 Budget limit its millage levy to 15 mills in order that the 1 mill will again be available for the hospital budget) the 40 mill limitation being reached when the city levies 16 mills precluding any levy for the hospital. vwr Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the Co_Lhcil As A Whole for consideration at its Budget Hearings, Carfted. A letter from City Attorney Shellan re�bktod upoh referral of legality relative to Boeing Company request for direct hookL-up to Metro Sewer facilities that such arrangement is permissible provided the City gives its written consent thcreto. it was suggested the City first consider whit loss of tevenUe would be sustained as compared to the cost of the improvement and tnaihtenahce involved 6 fore taking any final action. Insofar as the request for waiver of sewer Assessment charges for Boeing Buildings 10--60 and 10-65 is concerned; this is a matter of policy which the Council will have to establish and the possible loss of revenue and matter of precedent as far as other large industrial consumers are concerned should be carefully studied. Councilman Custer advised this matter was in Committee and the report of the Sanitation Committee would be made later in the meeting under Committee Reports. A letter from City Attorney Shellan, directed to Mr. Paul S. Ford, Director of Taxes, The Boeing Company, acknowledged letter relative to "payments in lieu of taxes," and con— curring with remarks as to Boeing acquisition of the governmental property and that up to that time the City, School District and others were receiving regular payment in lieu of taxes pursuant to acts of Congress, including Public Law 86-498. ' Tbe whole purpose and ihtent of such Congressional action was to compensate municipal government for services rendered on the same basis and extent as if such property were privately owned and on the tax rolls. Other large industry within the city on a voluntary basis has made proper payment, each business concerned usually expressing willingness to pay its pro rata share of the cost of local government, it being fully realized that the City's expenses are furnishing services to the community and Being *facilities in particular do not lessen by reason of a one year vacuum in the tax revenues available to the City. The Budget requires l*pry of sufficient amount of revenue to meet demands of continuing proper governmental fungi— tions:_ and it. is imperative that the City receive its full share of taxes from all proper— ties not exempt by law. Mr. Ford's reference to tax increase was noted to be substantially due to creation of new facilities by his Company it being pointed out that greater demands by business, industry and the citizenry have caused the cost of local government to rise, attention being called to Boeing's request for waiver of revenues due the City by allowing direct hook—up to Metro facilities. Mr. Shellan offered to meet for discussion of the matter. A letter from the American Water Works Association Safety Awards Committee expressed Congratulations and presented the City of Renton Water Utility Department a Safety Award Certificate for their successful effort and achievcment of an accidentless year in 1962 . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, that the Certificate be posted where all the Utility Department Employees might see it. Carried. A letter from Miss Virginia Hashagen expressed the thanks on behalf of the Downtown Merchants Association for the cooperation of the City during the recent Moonlight Sale. A letter from Gene Craig, Chairman Playfield Committee, Kennydale Lions Club, advised of development of a playfield in the Kennydale area north and east of 112th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 100th Street. Requests for crosswalks at the corner of 112th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 100th and one in line with the Kennydale Lions Clubhouse near their present sign were .. made and installation of signs warning drivers they are approaching a playfield area. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A proposed Easement to Puget Sound Power & Light Company was submitted which had been executed by Mr. and Mrs. Arne G. Goedecke for an underground power distribution line to proposed playground site in plat of Tiffany Park, the City to be given Hold Harmless for any liability arising from installation and use of said line in the park are. Councilman Pedersen advised that the matter had been approved by the Conncil, the Park Board & Property Committee and was submitted for final execution. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the document If the 'City Attorney approves the document and subsequent action. _34 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-17-63x'81 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton extending the compulsory retirement date of the following members of the Washington Statewide City Employees' Retirement System in the classification of Miscellaneous Personnel, the Department Head of each`of said employees together with the City Council of the City of Renton having approved the request of each to—wit: Earle S. Bigler, from August 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964, Airport Manager Reed M. Millhuff and Ralph Whitehall, September 1, 1963 to September 1, 1964, Street De— partment, The proposed Resolution was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1197 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance .of the City of Renton, Washington vacating a portion of a certain street located in the 'City known as 7th Avenue North lying North of the existing 50 ft. right—of—way of 7th Avenue North between "K" and "M" Streets, all situate in Renton, King County, Washington; which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse to concur in the recommendation`of-the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2040 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council members present voting aye., The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Reid requested more time for report relative to request for stop sign until traffic count has been completed. Granted , (Intersection of "N" Ht. and 9th Ave. N.) Co3iicilman Custer reported for the Sanitation Committee regarding Boeing Company's request'to hook—up to Metro sewer facilities that-a meeting is requested on Thursday, June 27 1963 at 7:00 p.m. He would like Mr. Hanis and Mr. Bennett of the Utility De— partment,. the City Attorney and members of the Sanitation Committee to attend to discuss the matter with Mr. Bisbee of The Boeing Company. An estimate of revenues involved in compari.s.on to loss if waivered was requested from the Utility Department for the meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid urged all Council members to be present on Wednesday, June 19, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. at the Dedication of the Liberty Park Ballfield Lights and called attention to the letter from Dedication Chairman Gianini. Councilman Hulse requested action in clarification of the zoning code insofar as setbacks are defined in relation to major streets and arterials.In concern for avoiding future problems such as have been experienced recently and in the past, it was moved by Hulse, . seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to'the,,Planning Director and Commission and the City Engineer for report back with recommendedOrdinancedefining such setback requir ,nts on major streets and arterials. Carried. Councilman Gianini announced that the first game under the lights at the Liberty Park Ballfield will begin at 7:30 and the Dedication Ceremony will follow. The second game will begit at approximately 8:30 p.m. CodTicilwoman Dahlquist requested a meeting of the`Fire and Water Committee on Tuesday, June 18, 1963 at 1:00 p.m. at the Elks on Main Street. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers 1350 through 1432, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee be likewise approved by the Council. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday, June 22, 1963 at 8:00 a.m. Mayor Aliment introduced Councilwoman Dahlquist who in turn requested that Fire Chief Lawrence step forward at which time he was presented with a framed Citation for Civic Duty for the many years of devoted service to the Community and the State, having served from 1929 to 1947 as Councilman and 1947 to 1963 as Fire Chief. Fire Chief Lawrence expressed his humble pleasure. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. —4— / - - -- -- �........,. - H�i�liia Nels0n, City Cleric Frank Aliment, Mayor S2 Jun. 17, 1963 CITY OF RENTON Vouohers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Audit- ing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 1350 American Reseaxch Council $ 10035 1351 Don Armstrong 2.40 1352 Delbert Bennett 38.30 1353 Jack Brattus 13.51 135+ Vern Church 71.67 1355 Wally Clarke Fuel Oil Company 6536 1356 Harry Comford 10.00 1357 Dorothea Gossett 1-7.20 1358 International City Manager's Assn. 7.50 1359 Janco-United, Inc. 28.21 1360 The Macmillan Company 23.60 1361 Market Basket #4 14.51 1362 Gwen Marshall 15.05 1363 Earl McKinney 9.39 1361+ McLendon Hardware 8.1-7 1365 Helmie Nelson 15^05 1366 Record Stationery & Office Supply 196.81 1367 Regal Shoe Shop 19.75 1368 Renton Clothing Company 29,38 1369 Renton Valley Fuel Company 144.71 1370 Sunset Coal & Oil Company 121.33 1371 Walmsley-Degginger & Co., Inc. 450-76 1372 Williams & Swanson 85.5 1373 Williams & Swanson 7,642.c;(S 1374 Clarence S. Williams 6-,99 1375 Jack Wilson 13i25 CITY STREET FUTND 1376 Feenaughty Machinery Company 779.52 1377 Joe Lynch 1+1.90 1378 Market Basket -#3 2359 1379 McLendon Hardware 12.08 1380 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 1+,016n53 1381 Record Stationery & Office Supply 16 58 1382 Renton Hardware & Furniture Com 4-39 1383 Sunset Coal & Oil Company 177.70 1384 Tacoma Screw Products 6.24 1385 Williams & Swanson 1,908.1+0 1386 Williams & Swanson 48.30 PARK FUND 1387 McLendon Hardware 43.05 1388 Universal Sign Company 101+0 1389 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. 256,92 June 17, 1963 LIBRARY FUND VOUCHER NO. PAYEE AMOUNT 1390 F. J. Bastrom Company $ 27.0^ 91 Cash-Way Lumber Yard 37.73 92 City of Renton Utility Department 4.00 93 Coast-Wide Supply Company 9.88 94 Diesel Oil Sales 54.99 1395 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 190.79 96 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 6.76 97 Gaylord Bros., Inc. 25.99 98 Hartman's Books, Inc. 30.45 99 Institutional Book Service 81.47 1400 Library Products Inc. 36.21 O1 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 2.50 02 Pacific Northwest Bell 59.31 03 Pacific N.W. Bibliographic Center 156.07 04 Puget Sound News Co. 480.37 1405 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 64.50 06 Riches and Adams, Inc. 382.34 07 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaning 1.66 08 The Shorey Book Store 11.70 09 U. S. Post Office 200.00 1410 City Treasurer, Cr. Current 2.99 11 W/T, City Treasurer, Cr. Street 30.13 12 Washington Book Store, Inc. 207.18 13 Washington State Tax Commission 4.60 14 William R. Gordon 21.60 AIRPORT FUND r� 1415 The Lumber Market, Inc. 373.63 16 McLendon Hardware 11'12 17 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 447.72 7.070 -CUMULATIVE DEPRECIATION RESERVE 1418 Williams & Swanson 4,692.56 WATER FUND 1419 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. 8.57 1420 Armco Steel Corp. 818.73 21 Frank Coluccio Const. Co. 13,070.16 22 Fog-Tile Meter Seal Company 108.73 23 Homelite 102.81 24 The Lumber Market, Inc. 2.50 1425 Manitou Equipment Company 755.2, 26 McLendon Hardware 290.24 27 O.K. Tire Store of Renton 45.12 28 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 39.37 29 Renton Boiler Works 28.44 1430 Renton Hardware & Furniture 20.38 31 Tacoma Screw Products 46.18 32 Van Waters & Rogers 9.52 Irl' Frank Aliment, Mayor --- Helmie Nelson, City Clerk { RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 24, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Frank Henry, Assistant Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks & Recreation, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Harold Caldwell and the Invocation was delivered by Councilman Bruce, Hulse. Councilman Pedersen called attention to transposition in dates on the prior Council minutes and ommission of his name on the roll call and moved that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 17, 1963 be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by Custer and carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WOR1( 8795 $ 2,500.00 Walter E. McGerry 511 Windsor Place Reside Residence I 96 - - - Corp. of the Catholic Ord. 327 Whitworth Street Demolish Building 97 19,000.00 Conner Const. Company 8625 So. 127th St. New Residence 98 203000.00 Conner Const. Company 12511 - 86th Ave. So. New Residence 99 10,500.00 B. E. Wood 9830 - 115th S.E. New Residence 8600 400.00 Brenda Lee Homes, Inc. 11033 S.E. 97th St. New Residence-Wire 01 400.00 Allen Weheer 12809 - 90th South Wire Residence 02 100.00 Walfrid Kero Grady Way & Rainier Sign 03 11,750.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15474 - 119th Ave. S.E.New Residence 04 200.00 Gene Craig 9828 S.E. 95th St. Patio 8805 14000.00 Richard Pollard 12743 - 88th Ave. So. New Residence 06 400.00 Rose Ann Stewart 3406 - 7th Pl. No. Carport 07 14,000.00 Gerald Polack 11203 S.E. 112th New Residence 08 2,300.00 Mike Rubattino 616 - 11th Place Double Garage 09 849.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12107 S.E. 151st Pl. Wire Residence 8810 813.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12101 S.E. 15lat P1. Wire Residence 11 849.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15511 - 120th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 12 813.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15524 - 119th S.E. Wire Residence 13 767.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15516 - 119th S.E. Wire Residence 14 823.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15498 - 119th S.E. Wire Residence 8815 849.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15490 - 119th S.E. Wire Residence 16 907.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15482 - 119th S.E. Wire Residence 17 700.00 Signal Oil Company 600 Grady Way Sign 18 425.00 Conner Construction 12521 - 87th South Wire Residence 19 425.00 Conner Construction 8628 So. 127th St. Wire Residence 8820 1095.00 A. C. Porcello 10439 - 108th Ave. SE Wire Residence 21 100.00 Elmer MacDonald 815 - 3rd Avenue Repair Steps 22 2,552.00 Myrton Fuller 405 Bronson Way No. Reside Residence 23 100.00 Kenneth R. Taylor 803 "K" Street Fence PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 5822 - - - - Bud Vanderford 12743 - 88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixture ' 23 - - - - Ray Rosa 498 7th Ave. North Plumbing Fixtures 24 - - - - R. S. Shane 10825 - 112th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5825 - - - - Bryon Wood 9820 - 115th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12511 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12511 - 87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 28 - - - - Richard Pollard 12743 - 88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - - John Gilland 302 Sunset Blvd. W. Gas Installations 5830 - - - - Delmer L. Maas 1023 "G" Place Gas Installations 31 - - - - Conner Construction 12511 - 87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 32 - - - - Conner Construction 12511 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures -1- -2- 8.5 Minutes of the. Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 6-24-63 PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5833 $ - - - Rudy Zaputil 10606 S.E. 106th Place Gas Installations 34 - - Conner Const. Co. 12511 - 87th Ave. So. Gas Installation 5835 - - - Conner Const. Co. 8628 So. 127th Street Gas Installations 36 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12581 - 87th Ave. So. Gas Installations OPENING Of BIDS: L.I.D. No. 249, Maplewood Sanitary Sewers This being the date set, the following bids were opened and read by City Clerk Nelson. Each bid was accompanied by a 5% Bid Bond. CONTRACTOR AND ADDRESS BASIC BID ALT. BID Concrete Pipe Clay Pipe Coluccio .Construction Co., 7778 Seward Park Ave., Seattle $ 73,235.76 $ 81,804.32 Deer Construction Co., 4223 So. Graham Street, Seattle 783,341.22 None E. & A. Construction, 619 Main Street, Renton 75,476.96 None Kaeser Construction, 3629 - 34th St. So., Seattle 63,239.28 None Lundberg Construction, 3420 - 13th Ave. S.W., Seattle 81,510.00 None John Patricelli, 5316 Rainier Ave., Seattle 85,944.56 93, 247.86 Rainier Contractors, Inc., 1927 -- lst Ave. So., Seattle 60,676.70 71,300.32 Shoreline Construction, 12531 - 15th Ave. N.E., Seattle 94,745.56 106,312.48 T. Tonnesen Construction,, 9021 Waller Road, Tacoma 66,620.32 None k `7alley Construction Co., 7722 Rainier Ave., Seattle 68,786.17 73,955.98 Western 2 11,:-e Co., P. 0- Box 3767, Seattle 61,707.36 72,778.16 Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, that the Bids be referred to the Sanitation Committee and the City En ineer to report back. Carried. PR.E:TMT\TA"Y FFAR*JNG MEETING: Merryhill Nursing Home Annexation This being the date set, the preliminary meeting was opened for hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, owners of the Merryhill Nursing Home were present and upon inquiry indicated their willingness to assume any pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City in the event of annexation--of...their property. Attention was called to the presently circulating Petition of property owners in the general area of the Gibson property who thereby declare their intent and desire to be annexed as well. Policy and precedent were discussed in relation to connection at' present of the Merryhill sanitary sewers to City facilities and it was subsequently moved by Garrett; seconded by Dullahant, that the letter of intent to annex their property to the City of Renton, submitted by the Gibsons, be accepted and they be authorized' t-P circulate the proper Petition in accordance with the law. Carried. The Gibsons were advised to contact the City Engineer for further procedure. COMMUNTICATIG'S: A letter from the King County Assessor, A. J. Steen, announced the annual meeting of the Board of Equalization in the King County Assessor's office on July 1, 1963, the City to be notified if complaints have been filed. Councilm_:n Walt Reid and Hugh Bruce are the present appointees for representing the City of Renton at said Hearing. A letter from City Attorney Shellan was read advising,relative to the proposed Easement between Arne G. Goedecke and Puget Sound Power and Light in the Tiffany Park playground area, that the City having no ownership or interest in the subject property should not appear as Grantor on said instrument. There are no objections to the Easement as to form so long as the proper hold harmless agreement is contained and the facilities are completely underground, however, clarification should be made inasmuch as such above ground st:^uctures would undoubtedly interfere with .the operation of a park or playground if and when instituted. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-24-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson recommending that extension of time be granted R. L. Moss & Company on the Meadow and Burnett Street improvement contract. A letter from Contractor Moss outlined the reasons for their progress delay which in- cluded relocation of lines by the Gas Company and Water Department in the area as well as wet upgrade conditions. Extension was requested to July 4, 1963. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the request be granted. Carried. A letter was read from Blue Cross, Washington Hospital Service Association, requesting review of their plan by appropriate committee and presentation for con- sideration of the City employees of the program they have designed for adequate health benefit needs for City employees and their dependents. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that consent .be given by the administration for interview of employees by the Blue Cross representative. Carried. A letter from J. E. Brooks, State Chairman, appointed by Governor Rosellini, requested aid of the Mayor and the community in making preparations for the observance of the 1963 United Nations Day by organizing activities for UN Day throughout the State. October 24, 1963 was designated to be UN Day and committee appointments were urged at this time. An information Bulletin containing summation of the Civil Defense activities for the past year was presented and.it was-rroved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the bulletin to the Civil Defense Director, Floyd Lawrence. Carried. A letter from the Renton Jr. Chamber of Commerce was read commending Fire Chief Lawrence and the Fire Department for their performance during the destructive fire at the Renton Hardware on June 8. Pride was advert in the knowledge that the Fire De- partment is thorough and equipped to handle a fire of such magnitude. Submitted by Building Superintendent Highton and recommended for payment, was Progress Estimate No. 1, Proposal No. 1 for construction of fireproof vault in the City Clerk's office and painting of the interior of the City Hall by Bell Construction, Con- tractor. Amount of Contract, $4,927.52, Work completed to 6-21-63, $2,704.00, less 15% Retained, $ 405.60. Amount due Contractor, $2,298.40. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the payment request to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter from The Boeing Airplane Company requested the City to assume ownership of two 1211 water mains extending down Logan Avenue to the vicinity of 3rd Avenue. A Memo from City Attorney Shellan advised that the Franchise does not contain specific maintenance clauses but the general wording seems to indicate that the grantee is re- sponsible for maintaining the lines. The Franchise contains a hold harmless agreement in favor of the City. The property has been recently conveyed by the Government to the Boeing Company. It was suggested that the matter be checked prior to acquisition so that City interests will be fully protected. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee, to report back. Carried. A letter was read from James Highton, Bldg. Sup't., advising of completion on May 3, 1963 of the repairs to the City Hall roof by R. L. Greenfield & Son, Contractor for which final payment less the 15% retained amount of $600.60 has been paid. A Lien has been filed with the City Clerk by a painting contractor for repair of damages caused by the roofing contractor to newly painted portions of the City Hall, in the sum of $458.12 which Contractor Greenfield deemed to be excessive and refused to pay. Release of the retained percentage is now in order with settlement of the claim a private matter. Attention was called to the fact that a Voucher has been presented for approval of the Council for payment of the retained percentage accordingly and the Warrant therefore made payable jointly to the F. &. K. Painting Company as well as the roofer, Greenfield & Son. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen advised of Planning Commission review of the general requirements and conditions existing in other communities insofar as parking for commercial and manufacturing establishments is concerned and it was recommended that Section 4-718, Chapter 7, Code of General Ordinances of the City be amended to require that parking for commercial and manufacturing shall be within 300' of the property's front entrance, instead of 1000 feet presently stipulated. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, to refer the recommendation to the Street and Alley Committee with Power to Act. Carried. -3- 97 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-24--63 COMMUNICATIONS (cont.) A letter was read from Planning Director Jensen submitting Planning Commission recommendations as follows: 1. Preliminary Plat - Aloha Ranch - Approval recommended with conditions, to-wit: a. Southeast 100th Street shall be aligned with the existing street to the West at the intersection of 116th Avenue Southeast b. A connecting street shall be provided to the North of the property approximately 850' East of 116th Avenue S.E. c. Southeast 100th Street shall extend to the Southeasterly corner of the property with provision for a temporary turn-around. Planning Director Jensen added aladditional provision which the Planning Commission had recommended which he had omitted from his letter as follows: d. Variance deleting requirement for construction of that portion of the street to the North of Mr. Shane's property except for curbing to point agreed upon around the corner of the right of way, Inquiry was made by Trimm if this were recommended by the Commission in order that no repercussion might beforthcoming henceforth and Mr. Jensen affirmed the Commission's intent to include this as a condition of approval of the Plat. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Planning Commission recommenda- tions 'a""through ''d as outlined. Carried. 2 . Approval was recommended of a request from Raymond Rosa for a rezone from GS-1 to SR-1 as described in Application No. R-122-63. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Ordinance Committee . Carried. A letter from the Renton 'Local No. 1797, United Carpenters Union, Chas. -W.- Paddock, Business Representative, expressed concern with recent Council action in connection with Va'nA uct on on' the property of Charles Shane it being deemed consideration was not being given the 'same as to other property owners in the area, namely 97th Avenue South and 7th Avenue. The 'ten foot setback requirement decrearsing the size of the-.,buildingl.thereby lessens the' work for the carpenters. Reconsideration of the council's position on the matter-was reque s'_-ed.° Moved, by Garrett', seconded, by Hulse', to refer the• communication to the Council As A Whole. Carried. , A letter was read from the Greater Renton' Chamber of Commerce, inviting the Mayor, City Council and employee's and their wives an-d husbands to the coranatiorrof Miss Renton on Tuesday, June 24th at, 8:0'0 p,.m. inFthe Renton High School Cafeteria. The Planning ,1ireetor submitted the Planning Commission recommendation that the 16 foot alley in Block 18, Renton Highlands be vacated as requested, which was 'read by the Clerk and the letter wa's ordered placed on file pending the Hearing on the matter which has been set for July 8, 1963. PROCLAMATION: .A-Proclamation• was,- read wherein Mayor Aliment .delcar�ed Sunday August 25, 1963 as "Renton-King County Pioneer Day" in conjunction with the efforts of the Renton-King County Pioneer Association. A picnic commemorating the day will be held at Liberty Park on that dater ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed new .Ci-tk Traffic Code Whid`h had been placed on fis-st.,r6a!ding :at :the[-regular meeting of June 3, regulating motor vehicles, traffic, travel and transportatio-h and their,incidents upon the public streets, bicycle paths, and other iways open to the public, prescri-bing�th, tluties- of 4officers and others' in relation, thereto;' defining offenses; pr6viding penalties, :arid repealing:- the, City! Traffic Code known as Chapter .I of Title Z (Traffic) � except Section 10-1-`207 re speed limits thereof, of Ordinance No. 1628, known as "Code--of General Ordi- nahces& of the City of Renton and all other Ordinances and sections of Ordinances insofar as same .`are in conflict therewith. The Committee_ Chairman reported amendments +and':,1n6difications -and,,,rbcommended reading thereof. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After compliance by the Clerk, discussion ensued regarding enforcement of the Bicycle Licehsing: sect:ion insofar.asithe 50� 'license ;tag-fee is; concerned', the period of annual renewal and- enforcement policies after which: it Was''moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to referfth6.mattdr to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Committee recommended second and final reading. Moved by Poli,second by..Bruce . to concur:. Carried-. :Af'tar reading, motio:l,by Bruce; second by Poli; to adofft s',read followed with all':C.ouncil members present voting aye by roll call &\oep't Reid'- � Ord. No. %042 ,wa•s adopted as. read. � 0 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-24-63 ORDINAPIC IS AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, adopting and establishing by reference certain Washington Traffic Statutes, wh'ch was read by the Clerk on May 6, 1963 when it was first introduced. The Ordi- nance Committee recommended second and final reading and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Gianini, tc concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee . Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2042 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members voting aye . The motion carried. CO'JNCIL,COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLL' BUS(NESS Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Petition for Traffic Control at 9th Avenue North and "N" Street-recommended by Com- mittee that stop signs be placed on 9th Avenue North on the East and West sides as request- ed on "N" Street Moved by Luster, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee , Carried. 2 , Request of Kennydale Lions Club for Playfield sign and Crosswalks - recommended that appropriate playfield signs be installed and that the request for crosswalks be referred to the Engineering Department for future study and recommendation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer the crosswalk request as recommended and to concur in installation of the playfield signs. Carried. 3. Traffic Control for Grady Way and Burnett Street Extension - recommended that the Engineering De--,artment prepare a plan and cost estimate for traffic signals and control for this important intersection. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the StrLet and Aller Committee. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist reported attendance at the Annual Assn. of Washington Cities Convention 4n Long;-ie-,a of Councilman Pedersen and herself as delegates of the City and called attention to the review of legislation which had been outlined and distributed to the Council by the City Attorney. CcjnC-_J1nan Grimm, Chairman of the Job Evaluation Committee, reported that it was the recommendation of his Committee that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute and enter into a contract with Mr. H. Dewayne Kreager to act as consultant between the Job Evaluatic•. Committee and the City and the Public Administration Service during the survey now being conducted. roved by Reid, seconded by Garrett, -to concur in the recommendation of the Job Evaluat-ion Committee . Carried. 1dEW EUSI113S: Councilman Custer called attention to the Voucher listed for approval which has been made out to Greenfield & Son and F. &. K. Painting & Decorating, inquiring as to what wli need to transpire to cash such a warrant. City Attorney Shellan advised that both parties will have to sign the warrant which should designate on the back that the pa..•ment is In full for any and all claims, demands for either labor or material, or both ar-s=ng out of or in connection with repairing of City Hall roof, the matter now being a private one upon final payment of the -retained percentage covered within this warrant. Moved by ouster, seconded by Trimm, that Vouchers No. 1433 through 1488 be accepted for pa ,ment and approved by the Council, having previously been approved by the Accounting ar.,� Au1,_-tinS ^ommIttee . Carried. Counci3izan Custer announced a meeting of the Sanitation Committee will be set at a later date for consideration of the Maplewood Sanitary Sewer Bids. Councilman Pc_i, having just returned from a vacation trip to Italy reported a fine 'rr� visit and than- he had come home to see what he has been missing. He was welcomed back to his place at the Council table . Mayor Aliment advised of a letter regarding the pipe line road extension which re- quests the City of Seattle and School District to observe a 20 ft. setback and it was moved '-y Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Coir mittee . Carried . Upc,n inquiry regarding costs which might be involved, Planning Director Jensen advised t was general practice of school districts to dedicate land for such purposes. Councilman Re-J.d requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday, uune 30, 1961' at 8-00 a.m. -5- 89 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-24-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Custer called attention to a problem presented ata Committee meeting held prior to the City Council meeting relative to right of way on the Sargent property and inquired whether a decision had been made. Upon inquiry, City Engineer, Jack Wilson, advised that the problem had involved a prior indication that a 60 ft. right of way was to be developed and unwillingness of the developer to pay for a 60 ft. strip when only half abutted his property. Mr. Goodall, the new owner of the subject portion of the property had stated willingness to assume posting of a bond covering the 30 ft. the 2 of right of way abutting his property which the Council Committee has found to be favorable. Mr. Wilson advised of an L.I.D, to be instituted in the not too distant future which would resolve any such prob}Rms, Councilman Custer made the motion that Mr. Goodall be allowed to post bond on only the 30 ft. of right of way pertaining to his property and not the whole 60 ft. The motion was seconded by Bruce and carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council it wasmoved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. There were 29 visitors in the Council chambers. Tank Aliment Mayor ------ Helmie Nelson, City Clerk -6- 90 Juno 24: 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 1433 The American Academy of Political and ; 10.00 Social Science 1434 City of Renton 405,00 1435 Cochran Coast-to-Coast Hardware 126„8' 1436 Jeanette Dahlquist 39;40 1437 E l tee Tool & Supply Company 14.07 1438 Everett Lee Frazier 240 1439 Avery Garrett 54.38 1440 R. L. Greenfield & Son - F. & K. 600.60 Painting & Decorating 1441 James Highton 9.50 1442 Bruce Hulse 56.48 1443 1 . B. M. Corporation !8:,62 1444 Floyd Lawrence 38,00 1445 Earl McKinney 2,00 1446 Motorola C & E 14482 1447 Overall Cleaning & Supply Company 15,50 1448 Pacific Northwest Bell 1 ,008-75 1449 Henry C. Pedersen 47,72 1450 Puget Sound Power & Light 365,:3; 1451 Walt Reid 35„3� 1452 Renton Clothing Company 59, 17 1453 Renton Town Talk 90.75 1454 Tele-Car Communications Company 130.,00 1455 Water Works Engineering 5„00 1456 Jack Wilson 8-73 CITY STREET FUND 1457 Cochran Coast-to-Coast Hardware 25.58 1458 Eltee Tool & Supply Company 150„51 1459 Humble Oil & Refining Company 1 ;3M !8 14,50 Motorola C & E 1872 1461 Motorola C & E 4i �08 1462 Pacific Northwest Bell 10.00 1463 Security Concrete Products Company 24,75 1464 Standard Oil Company 25,97 1465 Tele-Car Communications Company 65 00 1466 Washington Belting & Rubber Company 97,48 PARK FUND 1467 City of Renton 2500 1468 Messer's T.V. & Appliance 5922 1469 Pacific Northwest Bell 3770 1470 Standard Oil Company 110.61 1471 Valley Motors 3,843-84 AIRPORT FUND 1472 Puget Sound Power & Light 100,.30 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1183 1473 Bell Construction Company 2,298,40 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 1474 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 1475 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150,00 -7- CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED June 24, 1963 91 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 11.76 J. H. Brown Agency 24. 16 1477 Eltee Tool & Supply Company 6.90 1478 Gamon Meter Division 122.68 1479 Homelite 7,44 1180 Motorola C & E 41 _08 11. 81 Motorola C & E 18.72 1482 Pacific Northwest Bell 64.55 1483 Pacific Water Works Supply Company 1 ,637.93 1484 Puget Sound Power & Light 350-85 1485 Renton Town Talk 9.02 1486 Standard Oil Company 5.36 1487 Tele-Car Communications Company 65.00 1488 Western Utilities Supply Company 259.51 Auditing $ Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the Committee, were approved for the month of June, 1963. PAYROLL $ 110,013.90 CURRENT 27,385.52 STREET 13,136.24 PARKS- 6,285.88 AIRPORT 1021.57 FIREMEN'S PENSION 379.37 WATER WORKS UTILITIES 45,138.78 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 24.08 OFF-STREET PARKING 125.00 LIBRARY 2,354.92 DEPRECIATION RESERVE 4,692.56 CUMULATIVE #1183 2,298.40 . ..... ....... rank Aliment,. Mayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk ilra -8- 92 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 1, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Preside-at of the Council Delaurenti at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Custer that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Mayland Walls, Fire Chief, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks & Recreation, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, James Highton, Sup't. of Buildings, and James Denzer, Chairman of the Planning Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman James Boursma and the Invocation was given by Reverend Osmundsen of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 24, 1963 as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE GF WORK 8824 $ 5,000.00 Kathryn Kirkman 216 Wells Street Remodel Store Bldg. 25 24,663.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400 Fourth Avenue No- Wire Paint Shed 26 236.90 James A. Lombardo 2504 - 7th Ave. North Wire Electric Heat 27 2,500.00 Tri-City Const. Co. 2nd & Burnett Street Wire Drive-In Cafe 28 500.00 M. S. Heitman 50 Logan Street Repair roof-side gar 29 14.340.00 G. 0. Lawrence 8655 Lk. Wn. Blvd. SE New Residence 8830 100.00 Delbert Teter 2102 - 8th P1. No� New Garage 31 330.00 Cecil Wakelam 446 Langston Road Wire Residence 32 125.00 August General 515 "1" Place Parking slab 33 400.00 Richard Pollard 12743 - 88th Ave. So. Wire New Residence 34 300.00 R. S. Shane 10825 - 112th Ave. SE Wire New Residence 8835 100.00 Douglas Rowe 354 Meadow Street Concrete Driveway 36 200.00 Wm. L. Bowen 2329 - 6th Place PaF:io 37 495.00 Orland Bresan 741 High Street Fireplace 38 250.00 John Winans 119291- S,E. 108th Carport 39 350.00 P. J. Trippey 11625 SE 98th St. Wire New Residence 8840 200.00 Donald Dvorak 2713 -• 8th Ave. No. Carport 41 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12020 S.E. 154th New Residence 42 11,750.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12008 S.E. 154th New Residence 43 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15458 - 120th Pl. SE New Residence 44 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12108 S.E. 3.54th New Residence 8845 300.00 Gateway Homes 13223 S.E. 114th Wire Residence 46 300.00 Gateway Homes 13302 S.E. 155th Wire New Residence 47 300.00 Gateway Homes 11411 - 134th S.E. Wire Residence 48 300.00 Gateway Homes 13236 S.E: 114th Wire Residence 49 300.00 Gateway Homes 13226 S.E. 114th P1. Wire Residence 8850 1,500.00 Manuel Abrahms 634 "P" Street Siding 51 150,00 Jessie J. Anderson 10420 - 112th Ave. S.E . Repair fire damage 52 140,000:00 Safeway Stores, Inc. Sunset Blvd. & 10th No. Retail Store 53 450.00 Rudy Zaputil 11606 S.E. 106th Wire Residence 54 425.00 Conner Construction 12511 - 87th Ave. So. Wire Residence 8855 - - - Ray •M_ Anderpon 603 "S" Street Demolish Carport 56 22,000.00 Conner Construction 12701 - 86th Ave. So. New Residence 57 200.00 Wn. Broadcasting Co. East 'Xalley Hwy. Radio -S#r_ataon 58 30.00 George DeMoss 439 Grandey Way Extend Eaves 59 2,000.00 Frederick Harvill 8402 So. 148th St, Aluminum Siding -1- 93 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7 -1-63 PERMITS: (cont.) N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF K 5837 - - - LeRoy Shower 3608 - 4th Ave. No, Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - William P. Welch 338 Renton St. Plumbing Fixtures 39 - -• - Brenda Lee Homes 11033 S.E. 97th Street Plumbing Fixtures 5840 - - - Rainier Homes 3260 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing F .xtures 41 - - - iii-City onstruct on 12642 - 87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - _ Renton School Dist. 1525 - 4th Ave. No. Plumbing-- C,atiro 44 - - - Hih top Sand & Gravel 11411 - 113th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5845 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13223 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 0 46 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13226 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing-'as Inst. 47 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13236 S,E. 114th St. P_u*�,bing-Gas r-ixts. 48 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13302 S.E� 115th St. Plumbing--Gas Fixts. 49 - Jack Colombi 1204 "M" Street No. Plumbing Fixtures 5850 - - - Harry Killian 432 Smithers Street Gas Tnstallatiops 51 -- - - United Homes Corp, 3901 - 11th Ct, Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - United Homes Corp. 3905 - lith Ct. Plumbing Fixtur:s 53 - - - United Homes Corp, 1038 "R" St-eet Plumbing Fixture• 54 - - - United Hcmes Corp. 1100 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtur 3 5855 - - - United Hcncs Corp, 1114 "R" Street Plumbing fixturas 56 - - - United H mes Corp. 1103 11R11Street Plumbing Fixtures 57 - - - United Homes Corp. 1032 "R" Street Plumbing Fixturc-s 58 - - - United Homes Corp 3915 - 11th Avc . N F Plumbing Fixturef7 59 - - - United Homes Corp, 3907 - 11th Ct., Plumbing fixtures 5860 - - - United Homes Corp, 3903 - 11th Ct,, Plumbing Fixtu-.. 61 - - - United Homers Corp. 3906 -- 11th Ct. No. Plumbing rixturti s `62 - United Homes Corp. 1115 "R" Street Plumb ng`,Fixtures 63 - - United domes Corp,. 3897 - 11th Ave. N.E. Plumbing Fxtur_s United. Homes Corp, 3904 - 11th Ct, Plumbing Fixtures 5865 - United Homes Corp. 3902 - 11th ,Ct. Plumbind Fixtures 66 - - Ray Rosa 408 - 7th Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12105 S.E 152nd Pl. Plumbing fixtures 68 - -- Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12.109 S;E. 152nd Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 69 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc, 15482 - 119th Ave. S E Plumbing Fixtures 5870 _ _ _ Tiffany Homes, Inc 15490 - 119th Ave., .S.,E. Plumbing Fixtures ��� 11 Tiffany Homes; Tnc. 15498 - 119th Ave. S.E. Plumbi :g Fixtures 72 - - -- Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15508 119th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - Tif-_any Homes, Inc.. 15512 - 119th Ave, S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. _ 15516 .119th Ave., S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5875 - - - Tiffany Homes, !no, 15524 --• .119th Ave. S<E> Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS: A request was read from ??a„-nbcde for City permission to cross the public right=of way with a rail spur for loading of box cars. Maps of the proposed location were attached. Moved by Hulse, Fpeonded. by. Gianini, to refer the matter to the City Engineer_ to r_oport- hack. Carried. A lettere-from Mrs.- E, H. Dahlstrom requested removal of tree tops which obstructed. her view of Lake Washington in the vicinity of 86th Ave. - South. Her residence address is 10055 S-E. 86th Street, This is located on private property owned by the railroad a d the City Ordinanceiegulating the height of shrubbery was discussed after which it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committ"^_ to report back.- Carried. A letter-from the Tukwila Planning Commission by Helen B. Nelsen, Secretory, was read objecting to proposed H-1 Heavy Industry zoning of certain"property located Souti- of the Tukwila City Limits to approximately 180th Street South which zoning they felt is not compatible with either of present zoning classifications in that area and which r.. also would have adverse effect upon future developers: Reservation of that area West of the Great Northern Railroad was requested for Light Industry zoning classificatl'.on< Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli,. to refer the communication -to the ,Plar_ni.ng Com- mission for -recommendation. Carried. A Court Order was presented numbered 604372, Chas; Shane, et al) vs. City of Renton, etal, to Show Cause Why A Writ ot..Prohibi'_-ion should Not Issue, filed on Ju-e 26, 1963 with N. R. Riddell, Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Washington Moved by luster, scconde-d by Dahlquist, to refer the document to the City Atto'nf --7. Carried. - 9ti��utes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7--1-63 ,IMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter was read from the Lake Washington Haze1w-oQd IMprovement Club expressing appreciation of interest of the City in the future pJAnnsng consideration being given to development of a park site in the Devil's Elbow area of Honey and May Creeks. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the communication to the _Park Board and the Property Committee. Carried. A letter from Bldg. Superintendent Highton recommended payment of progress estimate No . 1, Proposal No. 2, Repair and painting of City Hall exterior; painting exterior of Annex and Accessory Bldgs and In�erior of State Patrol Office at Renton Highlands Adminis- tration Building; install metal gutters at City Hall. Amount of contract, $ 3035.28, work completed to July 1, 1963 - 1005Y., less retained 15%, $515.29, amount due contractor $2,919 .99. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the estimate to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carred. A letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended for payment, estimate No, 1 on work performed to July 1, 1963 on improvement to Meadow Street by Contractor R. L. Moss ana Company, Attached estimate described project progress. Total due this estimate, $17,740.95; less 15% retained, $2,661.14; amount due contractor this estimate, $15,079.81. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the isccounting and Audit- ing Committee with Power to Act., Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment estimate No, 1 of work completed on Burnett Street to July 1, 1963 by R. L. Moss, Contractor. Amount due this estimate, $14,036,08, less 15% retained; $2,105.41; total due contractor this estimate, $11,930,67. Moved by Pori, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the estimate to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. - A letter was read from Attorney Nicholas A. Maffeo in regard to the proposed annexa- tion of Merryhill Rest Home to the City and the Agreement between the City and the King County Water District No. 78 which provides that no portion of the said Water District shall be annexed unless 75% ofthe assessed valuation has been represented on a petition therefor, the purpose of this clause to prevent piecemeal annexation of the remaining Water Dictrict. `fhe Agreement had been executed April 16, 1962. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the _Cit- At orney foil report back, Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan advising in regard to proposed contract letter between . the City and Mr, DeWayne Kreager, that the agreement needs to definitely define the duties to beperformedby the consultant and must designate that he would represent the Mayor and Council but not act upon their behalf as it is only legal for the Mayor and Council to take action while Mr, Kreager may consult with the Council and make reports from time to time as their representative, Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Job Evaluation Committee advised that such was the intent of the Committee and the Mayor , Nor: Kreager is to subsequently work out and recommend policies with the com- pletion of the administrative study but is not empowered to take any action. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to refer the matter to the City Attorney authoriz- ing him -to prepare a proper contract to cover the purposes- as outlineH, Mr.. "Kreager to be contacted in working out the terms thereof; and report back to be forthcoming upon consumation. Caxrie�l A letter from the Renton Downtown Merchant's Association, by Virginia Hashagen, Secretary, requested permission to hold their annual Sidewalk Sale on July 17, through July 20, 1963. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to grant the request and the proper Hold Harm- less Agreement to be executed in connection therewith. Carried. Councilman Reid advised of the need for a meeting between the merchants and the City in regard to the free-parking on Saturdays and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from School District No. 403 was read in which Supt. of the District Hazen made inquiries regarding development of a street along the south side of the elementary school site formerly called Royal Hills, The City has requested observance of a 20 ft. setback for utility purposes along the pipe line road and Mr. Hazen advises that the School Board has passed a motion of intent to grant an easement of 20 feet to the City along the south site of the school site. Specific information was requested as to the responsibilities of the School District in connection with development of this roadway alongside of its p_operty, ie. 1 . Will the District be expected to pay the full cost of the deve'_cpmant of t1e street or will it be assessed only a part of the cost, or none wi4:h the ; _t}% being .respons.=.ble for the installation. 3 95 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-1-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) School District Letter: 2. If the School District is to be charged with part of the cost would credit be granted for the value of the land should it be deeded to the City in place of an easement? 3. What is the time schedule for the development of this street along the side of the school property? 4. Will the City guarantee that it will have suitable and adequate roads either on the east or west for access to the school property, both for pedestrians and vehicles? i Moved by Hulse, seconded by Reid, to refer the communication to the City Engineer for study and recommendation. Carried. The Clerk read an article from a National publication called Balls and Strikes which had been submitted by Councilman Gianini as a point of interest to the Council, reminiscing the bygone days of softball in Renton, and highlighting the recent ceremony dedicating the lighting of the Liberty Park Ballfield on June 19, 1963 where the old time famed "Cowboys" once played, managed by Glenn Gianini. Chairman Delaurenti recalled his experiences in connection with the teams and expressed his enjoyment at attending the dedication ceremony thanking those who were responsibile for the program and pre- sentations of the evening, especially to Chairman of the Dedication Committee Council- man Gianini. APPOINTMENTS: Chairman Delaurenti invited Mayor Aliment to preside however the Mayor commended Chairman Delaurenti and asked that he continue., A letter was read from Mayor Aliment appointing retired Fire Chief Lawrence as Chairman of Civil Defense for the City of Renton. Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. PROCLAMATION: A letter from Mayor Aliment in conjunction with a nationwide program sponsored by the National Federation of Republican Women, proclaimed July 4, 1963 as "Let Freedom Ring" day and all places containing chimes or bells shall coordinate with ringing of the bells across the country originating in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Penn. at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, 11:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: ,= Councilman Bruce, Member of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, Changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city of Renton from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Suburban Residence No. 1 District (SR-1), which was read by the Clerk. (Raymond Rosa Property) Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordira nce to the Ordinance Committee.The motion carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the Committee recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2043 as read. Roll Call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMiITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: lir.r 1. Recommended concurrence in Planning Commission recommendation to amend Section 4-718 Chapter 7, Code of General Ordinances to require parking for Commercial and Manu- facturing industry to be within 300' of the property's front entrance instead of the 1000' presently in the Ordinance. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Street and Alley Committee report. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Pedersen to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 2. Letter from the Highway Department regarding the North Renton Interchange was read advising that approval of said interchange was granted on the basis that the City of Re:;.ton will accept the responsibility for the portion of the interchange extending between S'-ai:io,.s A+00 and A17+00. The total cost of the work through this particular -4-.- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-1-63 f 9iCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) section amounts to $337,260.00. The City should indicate an intent to improve Lake Washington Boulevard southerly from its intersection with the Interstate crossroad and in order to obtain final approval on the layout it is necessary that the City give a definite committment setting forth the limits of construction considered to be an obliga- tion of the City. A letter is requested indicating the City's intent to improve Lake Washington Boulevard, formal approval of the interchange project to be withhled pending receipt of committments from the City as outlined. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City accept the responsibility for the connection between Park Avenue and the Interchange and for the .nidening of Park Avenue between 8th Avenue North and the connection. The estimated cost for this work is $350,000.00. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. After discussion on the question, the motion was amended with consent of second, to include concurrence being subject to approval of G. 0. Bonds by the electorate or any other such means as the City might have for such pruposes, thus insuring financing. City Attorney Shellan had suggested clarification of the motion in order to avoid incurring an obligation and committment without provision for payment. The pending amendment carried and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to adopt the motion as amended. Carried. 3. Recommended meeting be held with the Downtown Merchants relative to the free parking program. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. Regarding the 20 ft. setback requested along the pipeline road, referred to the Committee last week, it was recommended that the matter be referred to the Planning Com- mission for recommendation. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that his Committee recommended that the low bid of Rainier Contractors in the sum of $60,676.70 be accepted on L. I. D. Sanitary Sewers No. 249, Maplewood, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract upon approval by the City Attorney of the forms. Loved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. (The recommendation had City Engineer'Wilson's signature of approval ' also.) Councilman Delaurenti, reporting for the Council As A Whole advised that his Committee recommended referral to the City Attorney of the matter of the Shane property and letter from the United Carpenter's Local relative thereto, for report back. Moved by Rriee, seconded by Hules, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilwoman Dahlquist reported having toured the area of the City's watershed and attention had been called that State Law required that the shed is required to- be fenced. It was moved therefore, by Dahlquist, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee for report back. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 1489 through 1553, having been previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be likewise approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Poli requested a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee on Tuesday, July 2, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. with the Fire Chief. Mayor Aliment was invited to introduce the new Fire Chief, Mayland Walls. The Mayor advised of "swearing in" scheduled in the immediate future thereafter introducing the new I Chief pointing out the many years Mr. Walls has worked with retiring Chief Lawrence and the Department. President of the Council Delaurenti extended congratulations and assured the new Chief of full cooperation of the Council. Retiring Chief Lawrence was greeted and in turn thanked the Mayor and Council for their cooperation and expressing pleasure in his work over the past years, to be continued in his new retirement capacity. Mayor Aliment proposed that Council bestow the title of "Honorary Chief" upon Mr. Lawrence and that a proper Badge be appropriated therefor. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. Mayor Aliment requested a meeting of the Council following adjournment. Audience comment was invited as as none was forthcoming, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. -5- 1 Frank Aliment, fv,ayor Helmie Neisor•, Ci y ; ;:-k July 1, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Audit- ing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 1489 American Blueprint Company $ 18.68 1490 Bean Electric Company 27.22 1491 Burroughs Corporation-Todd Division 1,953.01 1492 Chapman Electric 547.45 1493 City of Renton (Metro) 21.78 1494 Dorothea Gossett 19.80 1495 I.B.M. Corporation 536.12 1496 Katherine Kindred 134-78 1497 Market Basket #3 39.60 1498 Nudelman Brothers 51.84 1499 Pacific Northwest Bell 159.86 1500 Pratt Institute 4.00 1501 Puget Sound Power & Light 169.37 1502 Renton Clothing Company 14.51 1503 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 80.76 1504 Sure-Fit Seat Covers 66.56 1505 Thomas Auto Rebuild 47.81 1506 E. J. Towle Conp any 2.14 1507 Urban Land Institute 25.00 1508 U. S. Post Office 30.05 1509 U. S. Post Office 30.05 1510 U. S. Post Office 30.05 1511 Jim Woly n' 2.40 1512 Zoning'Bidlletin, 12.00 CITY STREET' FUND 1513 Bearing Engineering 16.80 1514 R. L. Moss & Company 15,079.81 1515 Pennsalt Chemicals .Corp. 117. 32 1516 Renton Plumbing'&:Heating Co. 53.24 1517 Service Laundry- & Dry,Cleaners 92.61 1518 Six Robblees' , Inc. 3.52 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 1519 R. L. Moss and Company 11,930.67 PARK FUND 1520 B & ,J Equipment Company 16.31 1521 Belknap` Class Company 41.27 1522 City of Renton (Metro) 18.44 1523 Eggers Sharp-All 8.24 1524 Fisheries Supply Co: 16. 20 1525 K:D.L. Hardware' Supply 4.16 1526 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 78.00 1527 Renton Sand & Gravel 149..29 1528 Ernie Rose' Sporting Goods 26093 1529 Turfco, Inc. 61:63 93 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED July 1, 1963 A IRPCRT FUND 1530 M. Block & Company, Inc. 17.61 1531 Chapman Electric 31 .20 1532 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 2,587.77 1533 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners - 11.52 1534 U. S. Post Office 6.00 1535 U. S. Post Office 9.00 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1183 1536 Bell Construction Company 21919.99 FIREMENtS FENS ION FUND 1537 A & H Drugs #2 4,65 1538 Rolf K. Eggers, iv1,D. 65.00 1539 1.3—M. Corporation 36,40 1540 Kts Prescription Pharmacy 12.27 1541 Laboratory of Clinical Medicine 6.00 1542 L. Patricelli, M.D, 62.00 1543 Fred �,% Reebs, M.D. 10.00 15 4 Renton Hospital 8.CO 1545 T. K. Ander"son 4VATER WORKS UT 1 L I TY FUND 1546 Homelite 60,89 1547 I.B.M. Corporation 36,40 1548 Nebar Supply Company, Inc.. 66.93 1549 Puget Sound Power & Light 79.22 1550 Safety Factors, Inc. 309.40 1551 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 18.32 1552 Standard Service Tire Company 58.84 1553 Jack Wilson 35.00 Frank Aliment,, Mayor >.... ............ ..... Helmie Nelson,.City Clerk 99 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 8, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Reid, Hulse, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, .Custer and Poli.. Moved by Delaurenti', seconded by Custer, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City reasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of. Police, Jack Wilson, �NWCity Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Joe. Lynch, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, .Sup't. of Parks & Recreation, Vern. Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarianand bhe Sup't. of Buildings, James Highton. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Raymond Saude and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. A. L. S. Mathrie, Renton Lutheran Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the. Minutes of the previous meeting of July 1, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. . . APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. :AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 886C $ - - - - F. E. Griffiths 204 Logan Street Demolish Bldgs. 61 11,750.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15520 - 120th Ave. S.E. New Residence 62 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15525 - 120th S.E. New Residence 63 600.00 Arts Drive Inn 526 - 2nd Avenue Sign 64 450.00 M. Welch 338 Renton Street Rewire Residence 8865 10,000.00 Larry McNeight 1803 Monterey Drive New Residence 66 50.00 Mrs. Anderson . 3221 -. 9th Ave. No. Add Wiring 67 .`295.00 United Homes, Inc. 1032 "Q" Street Wire New Residence 68 327.00 United Homes, Iric. 1111 "Q", Street Wire New Residence L69 312 .00 United Homes, Inc. 3897 -' lli�h Ave. N.E. Wire New Resid?nce 870 327.00 United Homes, Inc. 1032 "`t" 'Street Wire New Residence 6 71 295.00 United Homes, Inc. 1038 "R"� Street. Wire New Residence 72 295.00 Tiffany Homes Corp. 1100 "R" Street Wire New Residence 73 295.00 United Homes Corp. 1114 "R" Street Wire New Residence Ti4 295.00 United Homes, Inc. 1103 "R" Street Wire New Residence 8875 327.00 United Homes Corp. 1115 "R" Street Wire New Residence 76 295.00 United Hgmes, 7prp. 3905 - 11th Court Wire New Residence E•' 77 327.00 United Homes Corp. 3903 - 11th Court Wire New Residence '78 327.00 United Homes Corp. 3901 - 11th Court Wire New Residence 79 318.00 United Homes Corp. 3902 - 11th Court Wire New Residence 8880 327.00 United Homes Corp. 3904 - 11th Court Wire New Residence 81 327.00 United Homes Corp. 3906 - 11th Court Wire New Residence 82 327.00 United Homes Corp. 3907 - 11th Court Wire New Residence 83 327.00 United Homes Corp. 3915 - 11th NO. Wire New Residence 84 327.00 United Homes Corp. 1119 "Q" Street Wire New Residence 8885 295.00 United Homes Corp. 1115 "Q" Street Wire New Residence 86 327.00 United Homes Corp. 1051 "Q" Street Wire New Residence 87 323.00 United Homes Corp. 1040 "Q" Street Wire New Residence 88 310.00 United Homes Corp. 1019 "Q" Street Wire New Residence 89 250.00 Johnson, Mayer 3338 - 6th Ave. No. Wire New Service 8890 18,600.00 Tom Stanlick 127 Park Street Office Building 91 310.00 Ray Fracher 9810 - 106th Ave. S.E. Wire New Residence 92 250.00 James Kirkman, Jr. 216 Wells Street Wire Addition 93 3,500.00 Ray M. Anderson 603 "S" Street Side & Remodel Gar. 94 100.00 Ronald Lavett 11244 S.E. 97th Street Remodel Roof 6 id895 200.00 E. D. D'Agosto 239 - 10th Place South Retaining Wall-Porch 96 500.00 Andrew Zappalo 2015 - 7th Ave. No. Addition to Kitchen 97 50.00 George M. Vedos 2122 - 10th Ave. No. Wire Outlets PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 5876 - - - - Conner Construction 12511 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 77 - - - Conner Construction 8625 So. 127th Street Plumbing Fixtures 78 - .- - Lloyd Peterson 10511 - 113th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 79 - - - Roger Peterson 11430, 8.E. 112th Street Plumbing Fixtures -1- i 100 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-8-•63 HEARIN',: Petition for Vacation of 16 ft. Alleyway, Block 18;. Highlands. (Between "G" Street and 6th Avenue North)(Planning Commission and Street and Alley Committee approved the Vacations) This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open and audience comment was invited. No reply was made and the Clerk reported no written protest,, inquiry fol-I.owed regarding; property owners not represented on the Petition inasmuch as only 90.,7% of ti.- abutting property owners had signed. City Attorney Shellan advised that 2/3 of owners is actual requirement but that past experience has been to have 100°o and effect of the vacation on all properties should be determined as well as possible reservation of a portion of the area for utility purposes. He suggested continuation of the Hearing with ' notification of same to the property owners, and further investigation- Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to continue the Hearing for one week and to refer the matte_ to the City Engineer to contact the property owners not represented on th= Petition, Carried. COMMUN T.OU Ick?S A request was read from V. L, Tuntland, owner of the Pastime Tavern, for license to operate a pool table in his place of business, 229 Main Street. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Police ar:?_Lieense Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from A. J. Steen, County Assessor, advised of Board of Equalization Hea.rincrs at 9:30 a.m. and receipt of one appeal from Renton which will be heard on July loth. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, to refer the communication to the members of the Equalization 3oard. Carried. An invitation was read from the American Municipal Association to City `.22ficials to attend the American Municipal Congress to be held in Houston, Texas, Shamrock Hilton, Fu�sst 10-14. 1963. The invitation was extended by Mayor Lewis Cutrer of Houston, Pres.L- dent of the Association, Councilman Carrett presented a letter from Mayor Cutrer extending him an invitation to the meeting and advised that he ; had attended this meeting last year as a Member of the Association of Washington Cities Executive Board.. Discussion followed regarding a representative who might attend for Renton after moo which it was moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, that President of the Council relaurcnti be the C-_ty's de _etlate to Houston. Carried. A lette-_- from C. S, Williams, Chief of Police, thanked the Council for the paint and building improvements recently completed in the Police Department expressing appreciation also for cooperation of Councilman Gianini and Building Superintendent Highton during the remode.11ing. ';_qty Clerk Nelson conveyed her thanks and appreciation for the new vault which was constructed for her office and Mayor Aliment advised his office has been brightened by the new paint. A letter read from H, Dewayne Kreager acknowledged receipt of notice of Council ac'icn in approving appropriate contract as outlined by City Attorney Shellan and advised of a meeting with Mr. Laird Dunbar of the Public Admiaf.stration Service, .^ ha,--, .been condu-Cing the perso net st=udy. It was suggested that a meeting be arranged sometime in July, follow- � ing the week of July 8-13, with the Council, Mr. Dunbar, Maycr Aliment and h. mself... A letter from G, M. Morris, Associate Director of the Public Admin4.stration Servic?, acknowledged receipt of the executed Contract covering the-Fiscal Management and Praci*_ce,s study for t:he City and advised of the arrival in Renton of Mr. Ralph De Santis who will, help complete the personnel study and initiate the finance study ^ity Clerk Nelson advised of having received the current Certification of Routes of Primary State Highways within the. State from the State Highway Commission if anyone wishes t" cm for perusal.. A letter was read from Planning Director Jensen submitting Planning Commission rP�om•- , mender tions :1 follows: In Recommended rezone of Lots 3 and 4, Block 16, D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens addition No, 1, from G to E-1. (Guy Williams property) Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee a�rrie?- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-81601'; ` COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations 2. Recommend granting of a variance to allow construction of home on rear portion of Tract 244, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div. No. 4. (Charle. Gardner property) Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendation. Carried. 3. Recommended granting of variance to allow construction of residence on segregated portion of lot described as: The East 110' of Lot 8, Block 9, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition. (Victor Diambri property) Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the variance as recommended. Carried. 4. Recommended variance to allow construction on south side of the property to conform with existing structure resulting in setback of approximately 19 feet in lieu of the 20 feet otherwise required. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Planning Director Jensen advised that Mr. Rdwards was requesting.. a rezone of property fora- carwash' installation;and three locations were proposed, a hearing to be held on the matter by the Planning Commission on July 10th. Moved by Reid, and seconded by Pedersen, that the matter be held until the next meeting pending Planning Commission recommendation of appropriate location. Carried. Attention;.was called to the need for proper drainage for such installation and-recent problems .relative -.thereto.. Building .Superintendent Highfon advised that pollution of public-water§ comes under Federal and State control as well as local and that the recent carwash request has not been activated to date however,. that in this particular instance of Mr-. Edwards there would not..be such a problem due to the drainage flow. A.letter was read from Planning Director Jensen wherein the`Planning= Commission requested -that-the City-Council cause a study or survey to be' conducted',to determine.-the extent of violations and encroachments by advertising signs along Rainier Avenue and especiallybetween Second and Tobin,Streets, and to initiate correctivb- actiohl.�' Moved'by; Custer, seconded by Poli, that the Building Superintendent and City Engineer make a survey and report back to the' .Council. Planning Commission action on. application of Lovera;• Inc. operators: of the West Wind Motel requesti.ng,permit for signs was deferred pending determination by the.Council. City Attorney Shellan' pointed out that any Ordinance regulating -the signs would have to be City wide and could not be passed requiring only certain areas to comply, further advising that some cities pass an ordinance requiring. all'non-conforming signs to conform within a given period of time, such as a year or two, it applying equally to all sdch signs in the city. Discussion ensued regarding posting of-,signs without proper permits and it was suggested the Planning' Committee participate ih' the investigation: Prior actions in connectionwith encroachments were'-recalled and'inquiry made whether individual enforce- ment of conformance'were possible in the event health and safety hazards existed by reason of such encroachments. City Attorney Shellan advised that if a particular sign constituted a„hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic the owner could be required to move it back; however if remedial legislation-i9 'adopted'it would have to ,apply equally to all. The pending motion subsequently. carried. A letter from Snp't: of Buildings, James Highton, submitted -and reoommended-f or payment, the Final. Estimate on'work completed' b_V Bell Construction under Proposal No. 1, Fireproof vault in City Clerk's office and paint Interior of City' Hall Total'contract ,� . $4,927.52, previous'_•paymeRt., $2;298.40 less retain&percentage $ , 739.13; total due Contractor this eptimate, $1;;889:99: Moved by Custery seconded by Reid, to refer the Final Estimate,-to the Accounting and`�Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. r A letter from,'the Assembly, of, God:`Church of Kent,, wr tteri' by Mrs-.. -Paul, Huff-, 'requested €tpproval 'of the Council to hold meetings in the city:of Renton �in the vicinity of-.the' ' ' taverns: Moved by Poli, %seconded, by Custer, to refer the matter.to �the Council As;4 Whole, Discussion on the: question.Aisclosed .that under law::no priior, permit' is necessary if: the activity engaged_ in is .a religious- one and it was moved, by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti,: that.the-Assembly be advised that- they:'may conduct,their"fieotings' so long as they do not interfere''w th the property rights of -others, 'create any)traffic ha)zards- • or nuisances or' disturb the public order. ` No-'permit is 'required for holdii'g' meetings consent or second was withdrawn and the pending current�Motion. carriied: on public roperty 'while en a in in reli sous activities The ori anal motion with' Nffnu't�es of the Rentor City Council Meeting 7-8-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Letters from the Renton Emblem Club No. 185 and the RentD n Lions Club were read requesting that their applications be placed on file for consideration at the appropriate time in the future for licenses to again operate Safe and Sane. Fireworks stands in the City in 1964. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the communications to the Police and License Committee%with Power to Act. Carried. A letter was read from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ,appealin'g a recent Planning Commission decision which rejected their request for a variance in side and rear yard requirements in connection with an addition to the existing church structure. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to set the date of July 22, 1963 for Hearing on the matter. Carried. A Petition was filed from owners of the Merryhill Nursing Home requesting annexation of this property to the City of Renton and in reply to protest from Water District 78 to any piecemeal annexation of its customers, subsequent report and letter directed to Attorney Maffeo, who represents the Water District was presented, advising of the City's desire to alleviate the health hazard within the City caused by the subject property located outside the corporate limits. City Attorney Shellan advised that t e Water District has the right to waive the requirements of its agreement with the City ifit so desires, however, under the present circumstances city services could be instituted only for the sewer facilities. Mayor Aliment advised of discussion with Attorney Maffeo and remarks followed regarding the agreement not to annex without 757, of signatures of the approximate 20 water customers of the district, and the present health hazard now existing under present conditions insofar as discharge of effluent is concerned at the nursing home. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Reid, that the Water District be notified that the City has .no intention of assuming water service to the subject property and that the Gibsonts be advised that we can provide only sewer facilities and not water in the event of annexation. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, that the Petition for annexation be accepted and the Mayor authorized to convene the Review Board. Carried. City Clerk-Nelson advised that the Renton Downtown Merchants' Association has additional requests as follows in connection with their Annual Sidewalk Sale to be held on July 17„ 18, 19 and 209: 1. Free Parking 2. Blocking off Williams Street for exhibition,by King County Sheriff's Posse (if they are available) and 3. Banners on 3rd Avenue between Morris & Smithers and Bronson Way near .intersection with Park. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee and the Street and Alley Committee with Power to Act. :Carried. A report from°City Engineer Wilson was- read relative to referral of Pan--Abode request for a spur rail track advising that such installation crossing Lake Washington Boulevard would be'in conflict with the State Highway Department's May Creek Interchange. Pan-Ahod4bfts been notified and a new location recommended. APPOINTMENT: A letter was read from Mayor Aliment requesting council concurrence in the appoint- ment of Mr. Burton L. Andersen as Utility Department Head 'for the City of Renton, to be effective on or before August 1 1963. Mr. Andersen's application was attached con'- taining his qualifications and past experience. Moved by Custer, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Garrett, member of the Ordinance Committee, presented a•proposed Ordinance amending Section 4-718 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of 0iA,1hapte No, 1628 entitled ".Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" which was read, by the Clerk-. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti,_ to refer the proposed Ordinance to#he Otdinanee Committee for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported the }nature of the Ordinance would tend to iiecessitate more stringent parking requirements. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the Planning Comte mission had recommended the amendment which provides that parking areas be within 300 ft. of businesses it now being allowed to be within 1000 ft. of the business entrance. t Councilman Garrett recommended that the proposed Ordinance be held in Committee for an additional week. Granted. -4 - Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-8- COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse recalled recent action taken in connection with the indicated participation by the City in extension and improvement of the North Renton Interchange connections provided adequate financing is available and moved that the matter be referred to the Council As A Whole for discussion of bond issue proposition if the matter is to be submitted to the electorate. The motion was seconded by Garrett and carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist inquired whether the proposed ordinance relating to City Employees' Sick Leave was ready for presentation. The ordinance was sent for and in the meantime Councilman Custer requested that the Ordinance Committee consider legis- lation to provide for a definite policy for service of sewer facilities to properties Wei outside the corporate limits in the event that a health hazard existed. It was suggested " that the matter be discussed with the new Utility Department Head with Metro to be taken into consideration in outside servicing after which it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole, Carried. Councilman Poli called attention to a request of the fire department for a ladder in Fire Station No. 2, estimated to cost approximately $533.80 plus tax and moved that the request be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for funding. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. The proposed Ordinance relating to City Employees Sick Leave, amending Section 1-2501 of Chapter 25, Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" was presented at this time and the Clerk reported intro- duction and first reading on March 11, 1963 with subsequent action and referral to the Ordinance Committee on March 6, 1963: Councilman Garrett reported the job classification study the reason for holding the document and that as far as the study is concerned the status remains unchanged and by,motion recommended second and final reading which was seconded,by Delaurenti and carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that Ordinance No. 2044 be adopted as read. Roll call was taken with the vote resulting as follows: Aye: Delaurenti, Reid, Hulse, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm and Custer.. No: Pedersen and Poli. The motion carried. A letter read from Mr. E. D. Greathouse, 'Project Engineer for Puget Properties, Inc., signified the :Corporations willingness to observe the requested setback along the pipeline road and to 'deed 30'- feet of 'Section 20-23-5 from S.E. 160th Street North to the Seattle Pipeline right-of-way therefor. Also, it was indicated that South 157th Street will be extended along the Southerly margin of the First Christian Church property as will 154th be extended upon finalization of water reservoir requirements by the City. Planning Dir- ector Jensen advised, that the church had been sold land which does not abut a public right- of-way and therefore could not secure a permit for construction and the letter of intent was requested from Puget Properties,' Inc. by way'of a solution to the problem, the letter to serve in lieu of a bond to insure extension and imprdvement of 116th Ave, S.E. If approved by the Planning Commission the proper permit may be issued for the church to build on' their property. Moved by bahlquist, sdconded by Custer, to concur in the action subject to approval by the Planning 'Commission. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen requested a Property Committee meeting with the -Building Supt. and Park Sup't. on Wednesday, July 10, 1963 at 10:00 a.m. Councilman Reid requested a Street and Alley Committee meeting on Saturday, July _13, . 1963 at 8:00 a.m. Councilman Custer moved that Vouchers 1554 through 1624, having been previously ` approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Recess was declared at this time, and after the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. Moved by Garrett, seconded byCuster to refer back to Ordinances and Resolutions. Carried. An Ordinance of the City of 'Rento,n w'as presented amending Ordinance No. 2013, changing the zoning classification of certain. property within the City from General Classification District (G°) to Business' Disttrict'(9-1),which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, . seconded by Poli, to'.'refer the document to the Ordinance Committee . for recommendation. Carried. - The Committee recommended favordbly and that- the Ordinance be placed on its second and- final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, ,seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. After_ the second and. final reading ,roll =call vote followed with all Council Members present voting. aye. The motion carried.,: As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli,- _ seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. t0nk�_il;��W,__Mayor Hzlmie Nelson, Q'Iy Clark . 104 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 1554 Frank Aliment $ 79.97 1555 Blumenthal Uniform Company, Inc. 40.52 1556 Coast Wide Supply Company 311 .98 1557 L. N. Curtis & Sons 6.24 1558 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 177.00 1559 Ernest E. Henry 45.00 1560 Janco-United, Inc. 73.53 1561 King County Humane Society 606.66 1562 King County Medical Service Corp.. 679.85 1563 O.K. Tire Company of Renton 29.48 1564 Paulson Office Supply 31 .57 1565 Photo-Tronics, Inc. 47.58 1566 Puget Sound Power & Light 4,619. 12 1567 Puget Sound Power & Light 334-99- 1568 Ratelco, Inc. 27.98 1569_ Betty Roche 2.40 1570 Seattle-King County Dept. Public Health J75.00 1571 Standard Insurance Company 215.95 1572 Statewide ,City Employees Retirement 2,387.81 1573 U. S. Post Office 6.00 CITY STREET 'FUND 1574 American Parts, Inc. 7.25 1575 Grou,p. Health Coop of Puget Sound 104.00 1576 King County Medical Service Corp. 146.90 1577 Motor Wheel and Parts, Inc. 3.06 1578 Paulson Office Supply 6. 14 1579 Raeco Products Corporation 62.56 1580 Renton Auto Glass 15.23 1581 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 128.42 1582 Renton Motor Parts 209.36 1583 Safety and Supply Company 11 . 13 1584 Statewide City Employees Retirement 278.70 1585 Charles Stewart, Inc. 15.29 1586 y Stoneway Sand & Gravel 250. 11 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND 1587 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.00 1588 Statewide City Employees Retirement 16.08 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 1589 Milt Williams 125.00 PARK FUND 1590 American Parts, Inc. 2.81 1591 H. D. Fowler Company, Inc. 3.74 1592 Gilbert Piledriving Company 130.62 1593 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 16.00 1594 King County Medical Service Corp. 81 .70 1595 Puget Sound Power & Light 299.48 1596 RateIco, ' Inc. 7.42 1597 Stoneway Sand and Gravel . 11 .62 1598 Universal Sign Company 12.48 1599 A. Wilcox Company 36.54 1600 Statewide City Employees Retirement 102.28 LIBRARY FUND 1601 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 9.25 1602 King County Medical Service Corp. 74.95 1603 Statewide City Employees Retirement 136.99 CITY OF RE NTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED July 8, 1963:1015- AIRPORT 9631015-AIRPORT FUND 1604 King County Medical Service Corp. 24.45 1605 W/T City Treasurer Cr. Current 205.00 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1183 16o6 Bell Construction Company 11889.99 -' WATER WORKS UT I L I TY FUND 1607 Atomic Battery Shop 18.21 1608 H. D. Fowler Company, Inc. 784. 16 1609 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 56.00 1610 Hersey-Sparling Meter Company 28.70 1611 King County Medical Service Corp. 180.50 1612 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,3.8.00 1613 Olympic Foundry Company 142.85 1614 Paulson Office Supply 25.55 1615 Paulson Office Supply 11 . 14 1616 Puget Sound Power & Light 2,334.64 1617 Renton Auto Glass 16.67 1618 Renton Concrete Products, Inc: 91 .73 1619 Statewide City Employees Retirement 278.99 1620 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 45.57 1621 Tax Commission - State of Wash. 1 ,307.64 1622 WIT City Treasurer Cr. Current 2,238.25 1623 W/T City Treasurer Cr. Current 535.00 AIRPORT FUND 1624 Statewide City Employees Retirement 37.86 Frank Aliment,, Mayor �- --- ........ J-Jelmie Nelson, City Clerk 9 - 106 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 15, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Hulse, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Dullahant, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti that absent Councilman Reid be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DE;.,RTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief Of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Joe Lynch, Strutt Com- missioner,, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, James Highton, Supt. of Buildings and James Denzer, Chairman .of the Planning Commission. The .Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Richard Gray and the Invocatiqn was delivered by Rev. McIntyre of the First Church of God. Movqd by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July ,B, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 8898 $ 400.00 Williams and Swanson Ath & Burnett Street Wire Car Lot 99 450.00 Lester Shogren 12924 - 90th Ave. So. New Electric Serv. 8900 50.00 Henry Gerber 2204 - 8th Place No. Cover Patio 01 50.00 Wallace & Sharon Const. 307 - 3rd Avenue Addition 02 75.00 Boris Andressen 1128 Talbot Road Temporary Woodshed 03 60.00 Gene Bonomi 15022 - 84th Ave. So. Rewire Building 04 85.00 Russell Weaver 629 Cedar Street Change Service 8905 450.00 M. R. Metzger 3233 - 6th Ave. No. Carport & Patio 06 30.00 Audry Wilson 3402 - 5th Ave. E. Wire Dryer 07 450.00 Conner Construction Co. 12511 - 86th Ave. So. Wire New Residence - 08 425.00 Conner Construction Co. 8625 So. 127th Wire New Residence 09 300.00 August General 513 "I" Place Remodeling 8910 500.00 Tonkins Restaurant 811 - 3rd Avenue Sign 11 50.00 Leo A. O'Brien 418 Shattuck Street Fence 12 175.00 Bill Goodwin 1243 So. Morris New Electric Service 13 500.00 John W. Van Eyke 324 No. Williams Change Elec.- Service 14 1,661.53 First Christian Church 15491-116th Ave. SE Personage 8915 600.00 Charles Shane 14423 - 25 92nd So. Wire Tavern 16 10,000.00 Fourge Co. Builder 1544 "I" Place New Residence 17 10,000.00 Fourge Builders 1548 "I" Place New Residence 18 6,500.00 Baruch Katsman 3316 - 14th Ave. No. New Residence 19 2,000.00 J. W. Van Eyk 324 Williams No. Garage 8920 2,000.00 Anna Tonkin 304 Williams Street Remodel 21 14,000.00 J. C. Kirkman 10739 - 108th Ave.S.E. New Residence 22 550.00 Marshall Oakland 708 "0" Street Wire New Residence 23 50.00 ABCO Aluminum 603 "S" Street Wire Addition PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 5880 - - - Conner Construction 8625 So. 127th Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - Allen Wehrer 12809 - 90th South Gas Installation 82 - - - Cecil Wakelam 436 Langston Rd. Gas Installation 83 - - - LeRoy Shower 3608 - 4th North Plumbing Fixtures 84 - - - Bud Vanderford 12743 - 88th Ave. So. Gas Installation 5885 - - - Conner Construction 12703-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 86 - - - Wendel Forgard 678 Sunset Blvd: Plumbing Fixtures 87 - - - Charles Shane 14423-25 92nd So. Plumbing-Gas Fixts. 88 - - - Cecil Wakelam 436 Langston Rd. Plumbing Fixtures 89 - - - June Evans 129 Wells Street Gas Installation 5890 - - - Cecil Wakelam 436 Langston Rd. Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - Conner Construction 12511 - 86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 92 - - - Pete Agnasini 217 Pelly Street Plumbing Fixtures 93 - - - R. Shane 1010 E Street Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - Scott McBee 13400-138th S.E. Heating Equipment 5895 - - - Gary Mance 17321-94th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 5896 - - Ray Heppenstall 10801-108th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures -1- 10 'Vy Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-15-63 HEARING: (Continued from 7-8-63) Vacation of 16 ft. Alley, B1. 18, Highlands This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open for continuation and the Clerk reported that the Petitioners had been advised of the continued Hearing and a letter was read which had been directed to the two owners of property abutting the alleyway whose names had not appeared on the Petition. Mrs. W. George Pitcher, 2503 - 7th Avenue addressed the assembly on behalf of Mrs. Charles Brunette advising that certain property owners wished the matter to be held in abeyance at this time for further consideration and investigation and requested the Council to act accordingly at this time. There was no additional verbal comment from the audience and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to continued the hearing for one week. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A Petition was read containing approximately nine signatures which requested the City to institute a Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in the vicinity of 12th Avenue North and Sunset Blvd. East on a portion of "M" Street. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer to check the percentage of signatures represented on the Petition for validity and report back. Carried. A letter from M. G. Hanis, Utility Department, requested approval for transfer of Funds in the total sum of $12,300.00 from Sewer Maintenance Account 7092.12/1713 Unto Water Maintenance Account 7090.12/619, $1,300.00; Sewer Administrative 7092.11/627 M. & 0., $10,800.00 and Sewer Maintenance 7092.12/619, M. & 0., $ 200.00: in order that proper budget control may be maintained. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter from Rev. Earl L. Dean, First Methodist Church, was read which requested the Council to give consideration to the City's favorable support of open housing ordinance and human rights commission and equal employment opportunities in the Renton area. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole. Carried. Letter was read from The Citizens Advisory Committee advising that the grow unanimously recommended that the location of the new civic center be South of Walla Walla Avenue rather than North of Second Avenue. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli. to refer the letter to the Council As A Whole. Carried. Letters read from the Renton Planning Commission and the Renton Library Board advised that the proposal for the civic center location South of Walla Walla Street met with favorable approval of these bodies. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the letters to the Council As A Whole. Carried. A letter from Supt. of Parks, Gene Coulon, submitted and recommended for payment, final estimate on work performed by Chapman Electric, Contractor in the installation of the Liberty Park ballfield lighting system. The work under this contract was completed and accepted by the Park and Recreation Department on July 1, 1963 and Council acceptance was now recommended. Total contract and work completed to date, $19,760.00; amount paid previously, $12,112.503, retained percentage, $2,964.00. Amount due Contractor this estimate, $4.683.50. If after thirty day, no liens or claims are filed against this project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, release of the retained percentage is recommended to the Contractor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the estimate to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to act. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Custer, that the improvement be accepted. Carried. City Clerk Nelson reported that the City's request for destruction of old records as previously submitted to the State of Washington Division of Archives and Records Management has been approved in its entirety by Robert Graham, State Auditor's Office, R. F. Hauth, Asst. Attorney General and Ralph Burcham, State Archivist. A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted final estimate and retard percentage ) payment in the amount of $3,215.45 to Contractor George Pungracz-Bartha request- ing acceptance by the Council of completed work under Contract No. 701 A, Aerial Mapping. The City Engineer and Planning Director certify that the work has been completed as Rrequired by th Contract and its amendments and final payment was recommended. Moved by lse seco deed by Custer to accept the work with referral to the Auditing & Accounting ommi�tee. �Garried. -2- 104inutes of the Renton City Council 7-15-63 COMMUNICA.XNS: (cont. ) A letter was read from Building Sup't. Highton reporting regarding setback violations along the East side of Rainier Avenue between Second and Tobin Avenues as requested by the Council. The tabulations revealed that all of the signs listed have less than the 20' requirement. The two overhanging the sidewalk slightly do have sufficient height and setbacks so as not to constitute any pedestrian or vehicular hazard. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the report to the Council As A Whole, attention having been called to the Planning Commission request for report of the Council so that a pending request for permit may be acted upon. Carried. Communication was read from Mayor Aliment calling attention to the two recent very damaging fires in the City pointing out the need for additional fire fighting equipment and it was recommended that the City Council immediately consider purchase of a new fire engine, complete with snorkel equipment, at an approximate cost of $55,000.00. It was pointed out that such a piece of equipment may be budgeted over a period of years and it was requested that Fire Chief Walls be authorized to prepare specifications for the acquisition since several months would be required before any transaction could be con- sumated. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations of the Maycr . Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. A KI.TI-TV Bulletin announced the appearance of Governor Rosellini on "Meet The Press" which was read by the Clerk as follows: "Gov. Albert D. Rosellini, Chairman of the Annual Governor's Conference in Miami Beach, Florida, will be interviewed on NBC-TV's "Meet the Press", Sunday, July 21, at 5:00 p.m, over KING-TV, Channel 5. Gov. Farris Bryant (D. Fla.), host Governor of the conference will also be inter- viewed on the half-hour program along with Gov. Rosellini. The program will originate from the conference headquarters in Miami Beach's Deauville Hotel before an audience of other governors. Interviewing the Governors will be Lawrence E. Spivak, producer of the program, Jack Bell of the Associated Press, William Theis of United Press International. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the letter be grade a part of the Minutes and be set forth therein. Carried. APPOINTHE 7.?'�': A letter from Mayor Aliment requested Council concurrencpin the appointment of Fireman Robert Beatteay to a permanent position on the City of Renton Fire Department, his probationary 6 months to be completed on July 16th. Recommendation of Fire Chief Walls for this appointment was acknowledged with favor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendations and the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. O:DINAIT,CES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordz>_a.nce of the City of Renton, Washington, changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Business District (B-1) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. rried. she Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on it3 second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer to concur in the Co,---mdttee report. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 2046 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. (Guy Williams property) Councilman Dullahant advised that the Ordinance proposed for regulating off-street parki._; was being held in committee pending further study. C0UNCI, COMMITTEE REPORTS: OJD E J S 1", ,SS: Iounc loran Hulse, Chairman, presented the Ways and Means Committee report on referral of Ju=g 8, 1963 recommending that the new steel ladder proposed for the hose tower in Fire Station No. 2, Renton Highlands, be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1182 in the sum of $533.80 plus tax. loved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Hilse Called attention to Councilman Garrett's invitation to attend the American Municipal Congress in Houston Texas on August 10-14, and moved that Mr. Garrett also be named delegate to attend subject to availability of funds. The motion was seconded by Custer and carried following discussion on funding. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-15-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS cont. Councilman Hulse presented a Petition containing sixty signatures of resident voters of the Kennydale, Hillcrest and Hazelwood areas urging development of a park in the general vicinity of the "Devil's Elbow" area, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Petition to the Park Board and the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett made the motion that the Clerk notify the Renton United Brother- aood of Carpenters, Vocal 1797, that the matter of their inquiry of 6-24-63 has now been resolved. The motion was seconded by Bruce, and carried. (Rezone classification on .Chas. Shane property) Councilman Delaurenti, member of the Street and Alley Committee, presented the Committee's report which was read with Council action taken as follows: (1) Recommended that the Downtown Merchant's Association be granted the request for free parking and banner displays and that they be advised that Burnett Street, between 3rd and 4th Avenues would be a better location traffic-wise for exhibition by the Sheriff's Posse rather than Williams Street. Sidewalk sale to be held July 17; 18, 19 and 20, 1963. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. (2) The Street and Alley Committee requests that the City Treasurer prepare a financial report on Off-Street Parking Lot No. 1. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, that the Treasurer be requested to furnish the report. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Custer requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee following this Council meeting. Mr. Hanis and Mr. Bennett of the Utility Department were invited to attend along with the Auditing and Accounting Committee members. Councilman Custer announced a meeting on August 6th with representatives from the 'ascade Sewer District, the new Utility Department Head, along with the Mayor and City ,ttorney at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 1625 through 1747 be approved, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, Carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Council As A Whole on Tuesday, July 16th at 8:00 p.m. with Mayor Aliment and City Attorney Shellan. Councilman Poli, member of the Power and Light Committee, presented the Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: A proposed street lighting plan for Noith Renton was read which lighting is to be replacements for existing lights from incandescent to Mercury Vapor, to provide a more adequate and modern lighting system. The plan was prepared by Puget Sound Power and Light and submitted by Mr. R. D. Richards. Poles Removal Installations 16th Ave. S.E. - Sunset to 97th Street 15. incan.. 10-7000, 6-20,000 S.E. 97th - 12th S.E. to 16th S.E. 2 Merc. V. 2-7000 112th Ave. S.E.-Sunset Hwy. to S.E. 97th 16 incan. 13-7000, 4-20,000 4th Ave. No. - Park to Garden Burnett Street - lst Ave. No. to 6th Ave. No, 7 incan. 4-7000, 3-20,000 Williams Street - 1st Ave. No. to 6th Ave. No, 8 incan. 4-7000y .5-20,000 Wells Street -1st Ave. No. to 6th Ave. No. 8 incan. 5-7000, 5-20,000 Pelly Ave. - lst Ave. No. to 6th Ave. No. 8 incan . 7-7000, 3-20,000 Meadow Street - Bronson Way to 4th Ave. No. 3 incan. 4-7000, 2-20,000 Garden Street - 4th Ave. No. to 8th Ave. No, 5 6-7000, 3-20,000 Garden Street - 4th Ave. No. to 8th Ave. No,(alternate) 6-7000, 3-20,000 Cost of 55 - 7000 Mercury Vapor Lights @$35.40 ea. $1,947.00 Cost of 31- 20,000 Mercury Vapor Lights � 60.00 ea. 1,860.00 $3,807.00 Less existing 65 fixtures @ $19.40 ea. 1,261.00 Net Additional Cost 2,546.00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the installation of lighting as proposed by the Power and Light Committee. Carried. Audience comment was invited and inquiry was made regarding zoning of Renton Shopping center Lreperty for Mr. Robert Edwards. It was reported this was under con- sideration by the Planning Commission and would be presented to Council next week. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it' was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli., to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm. Frank Aliment, Mayor _,Helmie Nelson, Ci,y Clerk July 15, 1963 c}ty;of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved ,b tib Arc®tntiag. =a1 ;_outritj Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as f61� jj - ITTT,�OV ,:£?IO'/IilOD VOUCHER NUMBERGdo PAYEE y MOUNT""� , CURRENT Ft��) �:.n,.1.1 __ .r i.y_� 'M, ' x '_ _. .. ...r r C' i'r•f,..:rsnnY ..rr 1 ,., �Y:1'$i¢V .1625 American Society of Planning Officials $ 2 .50 1626 Architectural Record, 4.00 1627 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 64.11 1628 Busy Bee Rentals 25.11 1629 Callaghan & Company 20.00 1630 Wally Clarke Fuel Oil Company 43.22 1631 Cochran Hardware 28.07 1632 Daily Journal of Commerce 29.40 1633 Rev. Earl Dean 2 .40 1634 Dept. of Labor & Industries 878.51 ' 1635 Tom Dobson & Son 368 .87 '1636 H. & M. Duplicator Corporation 23.50 '1637 James Highton 49.76 1638 Holmes Electric Company 118.63 1639 Homelite 5.88 1640 Logg's Supply Company 19.22 1641 The Lumber Market, Inc. 445.45 1642 McLendon Hardware, Inc.' 76.33 1643 Motorola C. & E. 52.00 1644 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.54 1645 George Pongracz-Bartha .3,.215.45 1646 Peter Presley 2.40 1647 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 363.36 1648 Record Stationery & Office Supply 326.98 1649 Renton Plumbing & Heating Co. 25.22 1650 Renton Valley Fuel Company 96.13 1651 Seattle Art & Photo Supply, Inc. 6.69 1652 Shaw Brothers Drugs 27.70 1653 Standard Oil Company of California 28.92 1654 Tall's Camera Shop 25.75 1655 Tele-Car Communications Co. 156.00 f 1656 W/T City Treasurer, Cr. Street 83.01 t 1657 W/T City Treasurer, Cr. Street 943.47 1658 W/T City Treasurer, Cr. Current 3.07 1659 Washington Natural Gas Company 26.30 1660 Western Union 1.90 1661 Westlake Electronic Supply 55.32 CITY STREET FUND 1662 Air Mac, Inc. 80.81 1663 Builders Mart 374.07 1664 Busy Bee Rentals 9.15 1665 City of Renton 4.00 1666 Cochran Hardware 11.08 1667 A. H. Cox Machinery Company 91.62 1668 Department of Labor & Industries 541.86 1669 A. G. Elliott 21.20 1670 Howard Cooper Corporation 20.96 1671 Humble Oil & Refining Company 1,423.76 1672 ' Kenny's Auto Upholstery 13.36 1673 McLendon Hardware, Inc. 3.71 1674 Pacific Auto Supply 66.49 1675 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 2,072.88 1676 Reiman Auto Parts 126.61 a 1677 Renton Auto Glass 9.80 1678 Sahlberg Equipment Company 476.44 A 1679 Security Concrete Products, Inc ' 424.33 1680 The Sherwin-Williams Company 2 .45 f CITY OF PENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED July 15, 1963 CITY STREET FUND CONTINUED 1681 Standard Oil Company of California 198. 12 1682 Tele-Car Communications Company 52.00 1683 WIT City Treasurer Cr. Water 265.33 1684 WIT City Treasurer Cr. Street 127.73 1685 Welders Supply Company 16.00 1686 Williams & Swansor l4-48 CEDAR RIVER M. & 1 . FUND 1687 Department of Labor & Industries 16.77 PARK FUND 1688 Air Mac, Inc. 9o.o6 1689 Chapman Electric 1 ,683.50 1690 Department of Labor & Industries 95. 15 1691 Dewey's Cycle Shop 8.32 1692 The Lumber Market, Inc. 28. 13 1693 McLendon Hardware, Inc. 131 .35 1694 Pacific Auto Supply 14.71 1695 Pacific Northwest Bell 134.21 1696 Preservative Paint Company 13.89 1697 Reiman Auto Parts 40. 16 1698 Renton Boiler Works 171 .72 1699 Shaw Brothers Drugs 3.37 1700 WIT City Treasurer Cr. Street 181 .27 1701 Washington Natural Gas Company 322.81 1702 Williams & Swanson 3.60 LIBRARY FUND 1703 American Library Association 1 .00 1704 Department of Labor & Industries 53.40 1705 Doubleday & Company, Inc. 252.30 I;o6 Follett Library Look Company 128.38 1707 Marcella Hillgen 8.29 1708 Ideals Publishing Company 6.50 1709 Overall Cleaning & Supply 2.50 1710 Pacific Northwest Bell 57.81 1711 Paulson Office Supply 5.31 1712 Puget Sound News Company 373.76 1713 Puget Sound Power & Light 29.78 1714 Record Stationery & Office Supply 51 .49 17;5 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 2.51 1716 Washington State Tax Commission .112 AIRPORT FUND 1717 Cochran Hardware 150.04 1718 Department of Labor & Industries 21 .56 1719 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 69.35 1720 H & M Duplicator Corporation 2.77 1721 The Lumber Market, Inc. 67.80 1722 Puget Sound Power & Light 91 .30 1723 Renton Hardware & Furniture Company 7.50 1724 Re nolds Aluminum Supply Company 251.00 1725 WCity Treasurer Cr. Street 57. 17 1726 Wallin-Edwards, Inc. 50.00 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1990 1727 Puget Sound Power & Light 108.37 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED July 15, 1963 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 1728 Alaska Cooper and brass Company 9.96 1729 8 & B Auto Parts 30.09 1730 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 1,359,83 1731 Department of Labor & Industries 108. 10 1732 Department of Labor & Industries 250.89 1733 Holmes Electric Company 24.96 1734 Kenny's Auto Upholstery 25.48 1735 The lumber Market, Inc. 7.28 1736 Mclepdon Hardware, lnct 11� 5 1737 Natlolal Chemsearch Corporation 172,98 1738 Paciflc Northwest- Bell 73,35 1739 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. 972.36 1740 Puget Sound Power & Light 263. 12 1741 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 28.08 1742 Renton Hardware & Furniture Company 12.66 1743 Service Controls Company 988.00 Ml, Smith and Loveless 7,051 .20 1745 Tele-Car Communications Company 52.00 1746 W/T City Treasurer Cr. Street 17.39 1747 W/T City Treasurer Cr. Current 4.42 1748 W/T City Treasurer Cr Street 493.79 1749 Western Ut'i I hies Supply Company 415.98 ..... ....... raUt U Ju I 15 I 'Helmle Nelsons City Clerk Fit( 11*1 L I rY 17216 r -:�24c-� 172 Erank Aliment, Mayor 0.0'3 lYi y r,>i.' ;'-u�p,�rtnient of t_,ibor <s In<iu tri ,s iCid. i'� 2 of L3bor «; i ndust r i its 250.89 1733 Holmes E lectl^ic Ce.rlp>,ny 24., 6 17311 Denny's 'o+o al.l Is'ery ?_S.Lt±3 T1h, l..u:li, :L" 'J.;:,t h Inc. 7.23 17'f: t Ac j ,r i f i c St:�r s C�,:: !- I rc,n Pip- Cc 6 I �11 l ;T e t141C1 kUti':;:C h 'l t Lk� -F;3 I {74c R��Ini, 1 va;ph,:,l t I ,jvi n,i C.c;aipclny 17!,.:- 1 er;tc,n H�:rr+4var<. four-rat + u;*(: Gomp�_�r.y I.71�3 5;. rvicr> Contr(;l:* ComF;r�ny I'J% ;mit►t on(a 7,C�`� , .< 1745 Communic,it Ions Ccmp--+ny 1746 -'Ij/T City Treasurc,r Cr. 5trev; t 17L 17 �,,+,Xl City Trc�.1s;;r�tr Cr. Currf�nt 1748 u:/T C i I y Tr,? ),,>urer Cr, Street 79 1'j43 -stern Ut'i I it i ot, itipply Company ;I x.98 1 �r r •dtjj �, r RENTON CITY COUNCIL 113 REGULAR MEETING July 22, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Hulse, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS, PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Joe Lynch, Street Com- now missioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Sup t. of Parks, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Rcbert Fritsvold and Invocation was delivered by Rev. Kelly, Johnson, Calvary Baptist Church. Moved by Polf, seconded by Hulse, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 15, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS ^ 'BMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING $ '_ NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 8924 $ 16,000.00 John Sammalisto 88th Ave. South New Residence 25 400.00 Harold`Mitchell 2319 - 7th Avenue No, Carport 26 700.00 Myers Oil Company 110 Renton Ave. W. Loading Rack 27 1pjQ0Q.00 Allen Wehrer 12741 - 88th Pl. So. New Residence 28 5,500.00 Christine M. Corcoran_ 9613 - 108th Ave. SE Additions 29 525.00 Gary Mance 17321 - 94th Ave. S. Wire New Residence 8930 18;500.00 Conner Construction 12713 - 86th Ave. S. New Residence 31 1,000.00 F. E. Lawrence 305 Pelly Street Remodel Garage 32 800.00 Theodore W. Woodard 607 - 12th Pl. So. Carport & Patio 33 300.00 Mr. Anderson 711 "A" Street Rewire Residence 34 75.00 E. H. McGuire, Jr. 11526 SE 101st St. Wire Addition r..r 8935 200.00 George H. Jacobson 2405 - 6th Ave. No. Remodel PLUMBING AND HEATIEG PERMITS: 5897 Gerry 'Goodall 10th Pl. & Sunset Plumbing Fixtures 98 Floyd Hewitt 11019-SE 97th St. Plumbing Fixtures 99 R. S. Shane 2606 - 87th South Plumbing Fixtures 5900 Jet Foods, Inc. 603 - 2nd Ave. Gas Installations 01 Thomas Carrolli 1216 "K" Street Gas Installations 02 - Myers Oil Co. 110 Renton Ave. W. Heating Equipment 03 Margaret Tharp 333 Renton Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 04 United Homes, ^.o-7p. 3897 - 11th Ave. N. Gas Installations 5905 T United Homes Corp. 1032 "R" Street Gas Installations 06 .- - United Homes Corp. 1038 "R" Street Gas Installations 07 United Homes Corp. 3915 - 11th Ave. N. Gas Installations 08 United Homes Corp. 3916 - ll--h Ave. N. Gas Installations 09 United Homes Corp. 1114 "R" Street Gas Installations 5910 r - - United Homes Corp. 3894 - 11th Ave. NE 'as Installations 11 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12112-152nd Place Plumbing Fixture, 12 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15534-119th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - Tifn y Homes, Inc. 15466 Lake Youngs Way Plumbing Fixtures 14 - - - Tiffany Ho...-.,, Inc. 12112 SE 152nd P1. Plumbing Fixtures 5915 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12008 SE 154th St. Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15525-120th S. E. Plumbing Fixtures 17 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12113 S.E. 152nd St. Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12115 S.E. 152nd St. Plumbing Fixtures N., • 19 - - - Wallace L. Conn 307 - 3rd Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 5920 - - - Brenda Lee Homes 11037 S. E. 97th St. Heating Equipment 21 - - - Ernie Arnone 9425 - 49th South Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Proposed Vacation of Alley in Block 18, Renton Highlands (continued from 7-15) This being the date set, the continued Hearing was opaned. The Street and Alley Committee recommendation was read as follows: "In view of the fact that some interest is shown in improving the Alley, it is the recommendation that the Hearing' be continued until the next Council ,meeting to allow time for the City Engineer to prepare a cost estimate and notify interested parties." Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting .(eont. ) 9-22-63 HEARING - Vacation of Alley, Block 18, Renton Highlands Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid advised of a meeting at which property owners indicated they would be willing to participate in the cost of improving the alley and ,Mrs. Palmer Aasand addressed the Council on behalf of her mother Mrs. Charles Brunette advising that their desire was to do away with present litter in the alley by improvement and advised of various opinions secured by her in investigating the reasons .petitioners _ had signed for the Vacation. Mr. Guy Evans who circulated the petition said he would withdraw same if the alley could be improved and cleaned up but anticipated excessive costs to be required by the improvements indicating willingness to participate however should it be improved. Rental duplexes contribute at present to the alleys condition. Mayor Aliment at this time declared the hearing continued. APPEAL - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints appeal of Planning Commission decision. Planning Director Jensen displayed film slides of the proposed additions to the church and Mr. Paul Diehl outlined the parking facilities available in the area. Thi church would require a variance waiving the parking requirements of the Code as it is related to the additional construction and the Planning Commission, according to Planning Director Jensen did not feel that this was the proper time to begin waiving requirements, After further discussion regarding the church not being competitive to the busine^s _and possible additional parking facilities which might be available for its use, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, that the variance waiving parking requirements be granted as requested by;the -Church. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: ~ A letter from John Lotto, Postmaster advised of problems with mail distribution in the Tiffany Park development due to numbering of the residences with county numbers when they are actually in the City. City Building Inspector Highton pointed out that the Streets are named with County street names and could not logically bear the City numbers, Moved: by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to Mr. Highton for dis- cussion with Mr. Lotto. Carried. r A letter from Austin-Hendrickson Drugs by Orville W. Simpson, Promotion Director, was read requesting, on behalf of the commercial tennants of Benson Center, 240th Street and Benson Highway, to publicize the opening of the Center by releasing several hundred inflated balloons from an aircraft near residential areas under City of Renton jurisdiction. Police Chief Williams advised that the Center is outside the City however winds would be carrying them into the area and in concern for possible violation of the litter Ordinance the matter had been referred to the Council. City Attorney Shellan, upon inquiry, advised c]earance with .the C.A.A_ would be required and as it is anticipated that some would land in the, City of Renton a Hold Harmless Agreement should be required as this might cause accidents. Atj> ntion was called to a like request previously turned down by Council. Moved by Dolaurenti, seconded by Custer, to reject the request. Carried. A letter wigs read from Frank R, Vaise Post No. 1263, Veterans of Foreign Wars of U.S. requesting permission to place a sign at each entrance to the City, as follows: Benson Highway, Maple Valley Highway, Sunset Blvd. East, Rainier Avenue and Dunlap Canyon Road. A sketch of the sign was attached. (L. Hood, Commander) Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to refer this request to the Street and Alley Committee with Power to Act'. Carried. A request was read from,,J: R„ McGranahan, owner of Jim's Tavern, for a license to present live music (three piece comuo) three nights per week, (Wed., Fri., and Sat,) from 9:00 p.m. until closing. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act Carried. The City Clerk reported receiving authority for dispensation of the Review Board Meetings from L, M. Dimmitt, Supt. of Schools, Robert A. Morris, County Commissioner Office, Joe K. Alderson, Department of Commerce and Economic Development as well as Mayor Frank Aliment relative to the Petition of Merryhill Nursing Home owners for annexation to Renton of said property. City Attorney Shellan advised of correspondence with the Water District regarding waiver requested in this particular instance ands of no action to date due to absence of the Commissioners from the City ,dt present. It: was suggested that a hearing date be fixed with the matter being held pending the Water Dis- trict's reply, Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that August 19, 1963 be set for the date of hearing on this annexation Carried. 2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 7-22-63 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from the public meeting of July 10th. The Clerk read the recommendations as follows: 1. Robert Edwards - Rezone of property located on Sunset Blvd. West between Maple and Edwards Street, as described in Application No. R-138-63, from S-1 to B-1. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the reclassification and to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 2. Robert Edwards - Permit on above-described property if reclassified to allow construction of an auto laundry, as described in Application No. P-142-63. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission to grant the auto laundry construction as outlined. Carried. 3. Robert Edwards - Variance for construction to the northerly property line adjacent to Sunset Blvd. West along the widest portion of the Highway and Easterly of the 20 ft. jog in the right-of-way. Moved by p3rrett, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Committee. Carried. 4. Following''ampodments and general approval by the Planning Commission, a Map was submitted which had been prepared as an element of the 701 program proposing plans for Major Arterials of cc ] through the City. The map was referred to the Council for comment and further recommendation prior to public hearings by the Commission and final Council adoption. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. --- -- A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment final estimate on the Meadow Street improvement by Contractor R. L. Moss. Construction cost $241951:95, Tess 15% retained, $ 3,742.79, Previous payment, $15.,079.81. Amount due Contractor this date, $ 6,129.35. The improvement was accepted by the Engineering De- partment on July 19, 1963 and Council acceptance was recommended at this time in order that the thirty day lien period might be commenced. If, after thirty days, no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities,the retained amount may be released to the Contractor, Publication costs were submitted in the sum of $9.50 and payment recommended from the Street Construction Fund. A complete resume of the improvement was attached. (Street Construction Fund 7037.1 C,O. 1712 Moved by Poli, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Councilman Reid advised of machines working in the area this date and the City Engineer and Mayor reported they are filling in the top soil which the retained percentage adequately covers, after which dissenting voice vote necessitated a roll call and all Council Members voted aye with the exception of Reid and Garrett. The motion carried. City Engineer Wilson also submitted final estimate and recommended payment of funds on work completed in full on the Burnett Street improvement contract by R. L. Moss, Contractor, accepted by the Engineering Department on July 19, 1963 and acceptance of the Council rec- ommended as of this date with commencement of the 30 day Lien Period. Construction cost, $19,172.07, Less 15%, $ 2,875.81, Less previous payments, $11,930.57; amount due this estimate, $ 4,365.69. Additional costs for Engineering Services, $ 1,917.21 and Cost of Publications, $ 18.80 were recommended to be paid from Street Arterial Funds. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter was read from Mayor Aliment submitting and recommending payment of bill from H. Dewayne Kreager, consultant on the personnel and financial management survey now being conducted and approximately 25% completed, in the sum of $500.00. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Reid, to refer the statement to t'.ie Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. The Clerk reported that the City of Renton, Thirty-sixth Examination, Second Class report from the State Auditor's office is now on file and available for examination if anyone wishes to sceit. The report, numbered 29642, covers the period from January 1, 1962 to December 31, 1962 and will remain on file in the City Clerk's office. A letter from Mr. Ewing Stringfellow requested permission to post a sign on the Northwest corner of Grady Way and 7th Avenue. A sketch of the proposed sign was attached. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Custer, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee to report back, along with the Building Superintendent. Carried. Mayor Aliment declared a recess at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken 'h all Council members present as previously listed. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 7-22-63 Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, that absent Councilman Gianini be excused. Carried. A letter read from the Greater Hi—Lands Center Merchants' Association, Harold McDonough, Publicity Chairman, requested permission to hold free Bingo games at its "Frontier Days" celebration August 15, 16, 17, 1963. There will be no consideration involved, anyone wishing may play and prizes will be awarded. Discussion ensued on the legality of Bingo, City Attorney Shellan, upon inquiry advising that the Council does not have authority to authorize Bingo as the game is known, which in the opinion of most attorneys constitutes ,_ lottery having the three elements making it such: 1. Payment to get in. 2. Prizes are awarded 3. Element of chance exists. If held as stated, however, no action by the `Council is required. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that, ihe 'ASsooiation and letter writer be advised that bingo as known violates the gambling 4aw's. brat if, they conduct the game as explained they may proceed. Carried. Custer abstained from voting. Retired Fire Chief Lawrence was requested to approach the Chair and was at this time presented with a "Gold Honorary Fire Chief's Badge" from the Mayor and Council for meritorious services rendered.':. "Honorary Chief Lawrence"expressed his thanks to all. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance "Committeey presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending. Section X11 of Ordinance No. 2041 relating to and regulating motor vehicles, traffics travel and transportation and their incidents upon the public streets, bicycle paths, and other ways open to the public; -prescribing the powers and duties of officers and others in relation thereto; defining offenses; providing penalties, and repealing the City's Traffic Code known as Chapter I of Title X (Traffic), except Section 10-1-207 re speed limits thereof, of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City. of Renton" and all other Ordinances - and $ections'of Ordinances insofar as same are in conflict therewith. The Clerk read, the proposal and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee' for recommendation. Carried. The' Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. ,2047 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD_BUS.INE S S: Councilman Delaurenti, President of the Council, presented his Council As A 4ho16' Committee report which was read by the Clerk.. 1. Regarding Rainier Avenue sign encroachments, the Committee recommended that all sign owners on the East side of Rainier Avenue, between 2nd and Tobin Avenues, be asked to secure Permit and Hold Harmless Agreements, except for those who already hold permits, and that the West Wind Motel, whose application for sign permit is pending, be granted said Permit and Hold Harmless Agreement. Recommended further that the Building Superin— tendent hake a city—wide survey of all sign encroachments and report back at the end of three months. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendations of the Council As A Whole as read. Carried. 2. Recommended concurrence in the proposed location of the new Civic Center (South of Walla Walla) and requested that the John Graham and Company submit reports on possible use of Liberty and/or. Cedar River Parks for possible site. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the approval of the new Civic Center. location. Discussion ensued regarding other possible locations and Planning Director 4 Jensen advised that the Liberty Park and Cedar River Park areas had been considered and the one location proposed had evolved from among the various sites, the others not having been ruled out, however. Suggestion was made that Council be given a report on all loca- tions and attention was called to the joint meeting of August 7, 1963 where the various sites might be discussed. The pending motion carried. _` 3. Recommended that the City advise the Renton Hospital Board, ,Dist;i No. 1, that 'the full 16 mills to which it is entitled will be required by the Citk.,and:the Hospital Budget should be prepared accordingly. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. Carried. —4— 127 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 7-22-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE Ri ..JRTS: OLD BUSINESS: Council As A Whole Committee Report 4. Recommended by the Council As A Whole that a bond proposition for financing the North Renton Interchange be placed on the February ballot. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 5. Recommended that the present policy not to serve properties located outside the City with sewer facilities unless they annex to the City, be continued. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. 6, lst Methodist Church request for support of open housing and human rights com- mission, it was duly moved that the matter be tabled for future reference, the Committee desiring further study and information. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Clerk notify the writer of the letter of the action taken by the Council, and it was suggested that the legislative Committee keep the Council posted on the events pertaining to the matter. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid called attention to the need for a survey of the Maple Valley, Bronson Way and Sunset traffic control system where he deems the lights are not properly coordi- nated with the movement of the traffic. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the City Engineer to investigate and report back. Carried. Moved by Councilman Garrett that Mr, Hanis, who has been acting as Utility Superin- tendent, be paid commensurate salary for that period of time. Discussion ensued relative to the Utility Foreman and Engineering Department also carrying portions of the duties and responsibilities of this position and it was determined that the rnsitinn,lbeing under direct supervision of the Mayor, should not be acted upon by Council but recommendation for any such adjustment of salaries should come from the Mayor. Councilman Custer reported that the Accounting and Auditing Committee and 'Sanitation Committee hadimet' regarding transfer of Utility Department Funds, referral of 7-15-63, and it was recommended that the Resolution transferring the funds be introduced at`this !time. Councilman Dullahant advised that-'hie Committee was holding the Resolution for - Committee report and the document was presented for reading at this time. Transfers are authorized therein as 'foliows: From: Sewer Maintenance, Acct, No.. 7090..12/1713, Capital Outlay $ 12,300.00 Unto: Water Maintenance, Aect. No 7090".12/619, M. & 0. $` 4300'.00 Sewer Administrative, Acct. No. 7092.11/627, M. & 0. 10,800:00 Sewer Maint_nance, Acct. No. 7092,12/619, M.&O. 200.00 14oved 'by Custer, seconded by Dullahant, to adopt Resolution No. 1198 as read. Carried. Councilman Custer advised of a meeting on August 6, 1963 on the Cascade Sewer t-onnection .to Metro insofar as the City will be concerned. The City Engineer and Members of the Council were invited. Moved-by Custer, seconded by ,De'laurenti, that Vouchers No. 1750 through 1915 be' approved- by the Council at this' tiine, having previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing. Committee. Carried: _ ' Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, presented a letter from Wesco Fire Apparatus CbQ,'=i4hichadvised` of 'problems' encountered in' construction of:'the new Renton Pumperirsofar as' the hose bed is concerned'-`if a 500 gallon- water''tarik iS to be provided, the weight of the'two also making it difficult to=get proper weight distri- bution. Although it was` fe'lt the specification can be met it was suggested such a unit* would not be best suited for' usein the fire service with such balance and stability, and that the City consider reduction`to 200 gallons on the tafik size allowing the tank to be mounted ahead of the hose bed reducing overll height and weight allowing proper weight distributiQTL and allowing a' larger' hose bed, Fire Chn?'Vtk1&, upon inquiry, advised that this recommended 'chalige-'met with--his approval and met approval also of the Fire Underwriters.� The Fire & Water -Corrimittee' recom, mended. concu;:7L-i3ce and it *aas moved by'Delaurenti, seconded bj7' h'ti�l; to, coricuf h the tecommendations of the Fire Chief and the Committee. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the-Council, it was moved by Bruce, and seconded by Poli', to adjourn. Carried. ' The meeting wasadjourned at 9:35'p'.m. Frank Aliment, Mayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk July 22, 1963 City of. ,Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by tbe.Account ng and Auditing Committee, were, submitted for Council approve VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE, AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 1750 American Munic#41 Assoc. $ 60.00 ` 1751 C. K. Barber 2.40 1752 Chapman Electric 1,297-14- 1753 Drager',s Harley-.Davidson &x:76: 1754 E1tee Tool & Supply Company. x!'.45 1755 Empl.aywnt Secarity_ Department 4,523.61` 1756 Willis Eugd �. 2.40 '�' 71.58 1757 KeSt *• 1758 H, Dwayne-Kreaaget 500.00 1759 L & H P'rimt1ug C6MP y-, 99.22 1760 Evangeline Mar `` ret!Lund. 2.40 1,761 Market Basket #5 6' - 1762 Moore Business Foss 303..77 1763 Helmie Nelson IL 52 1764 Nudelnman Brothers I`$2 1765 Overall Cleaning & Supply ,J.74 1766 Pacific Northwest Bell1,083.06 1767 Pioneer Business Forms, Inc. 56.32 1768 Fred W. PoescbeZ 2.40 1769 Puget Sound Power •& Light 12.99 .1770 The Record Chronicle 4.00 1771 Remington-Rand Corporation 479.44 1772 Rentoo Town' Talk 417.32. 1773. Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 73.02 1774 Sunset. Coal &,Oil Company 42.32 1775 Charles,,Swar'tfa er, 30.12 177fr; Traffi En i 4.50 ' - !ch Vii" 17717 ;- W/T Ci1 .Txex�� tj. Current 5.31 1778 WET � bmwo,� P'f. street 306.64 36.40 1779 Dewitt. i ,' ,t. CITX., $TREET FUND 1780 Eltee- `root. & Supply Com_py 136.27 17$1 Employment Security Department 1,7�9,�• 6,1 _ . 1782 R. L. ,Moss and Company 1783 N. C. Nachinery Company � '•� 1784 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 69.47 1785 Sunset Coal & Oil Company 860.65 ARTERIAL STREET FUI1� 1786 R. L. Moss aped,, Company. 41365.69 CLIWiR RIVER M & I FUNn 1787 Employvpu$W.Security Departl` 42.87 PARD FUND 1788 Cummings Machine Shap 46•0 . 1789 Employment Security Depertmert- 900,1�. 1790 Firestone Stores 20,4 1791, H. D. Fpwler Company, Inc. 0.$ 1792 Pacific NbKbwest Bell 1793 Puget Sound Power & Light 16.01 LIBRARY FUND 1794 _.w Employment Security Department 5 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED July 22, 1963 AIRPORT FUND 1795 Chapman Electric 236.88 1796 Employment Security Department 177.35 1797 Puget Sound Power & Light .63 1798 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 10.51 ••. FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 1799 A & H Drugs #2 4.14 1800 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 1801 Theron K. Anderson 7 .3:%4.26 1802 Theodele LaValley 4.37 1803 Dr. C. David Heflen --,6.00 1804 Floyd Lawrence 610.00 1805 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 1806 Renton Prescription Pharmacy 36.71 1807 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic 42.00 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 1808 Chapman Electric 66.30 1809 Employment Security Department' 1,576.73 1810 Homelite 7.89 1811 R. L. Moss and Company 275.00 1812 Helmie Nelson 2.55 1813 Pacific Water Works Supply 1,710.52 1814 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 23.93 1815 Zep Manufacturing Company 123.55 T Frank Aliment, Mayor ... .-...,..,�.. . _., Helmie Nelson, City C!-r� .�►+«rr. Auditing & Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the ZWwwww Committee, were approved for the month of July, 1963: PAYROLL $ 111,494.37 CURRENT 31,903.87 STREET 32,000.10 PARKS 8,264.78 AIRPORT 4,124.27 FIREMEN'S PENSION 2,549.86 WATER WORKS UTILITIES 42,438.84 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 83.72 OFF-STREET PARKING 125.00 LIBRARY 15670.52 DEPRECIATION RESERVE w. CUMULATIVE ##1183 4,809.98 CUMULATIVE ##1990 108.37 ARTERIAL STREET 16,296.36 RENT ON C ITY C OUNC IL REGULAR MEETING August 5, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. ,OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Dorothea`Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Jim Highton, Building Sup't. , B. L. ....e Andersen, Utilities Sup't., M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks, Vera Church, Pur- chasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, and Jim Denzer, Chairman of the Planning Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Harold Caldwell and Invocation was delivered by Rev. Claude Saben, First Christian Church. Mayor Aliment, at this time, introduced mr. Ed Sullivan of the Boeing Company to the Assembly. Mr. Sullivan, upon the request of Mr.. L. E. Scott, presented ,the Mayor and the City Council with a painting of Boeing's 727 Jet Plane in flight, expressing his belief that this painting would add polish and dignity to the Council Chambers. Mayor Aliment extended his thanks and appreciation of the gift on behalf of the Council Members and the Citizens of the City of Renton. It was moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that a "letter of appreciation" be directed -to Mr. L. E. Scott. Carried. t,Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 22, '.1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work 8936 $ 1,000.00 Richard L. Gray 3504 Pres. Park Court Add Recreation Room 8937 1,700.00 Margaret Tharp 333 Renton St. Remodel, Re-wire Hse. 8938 300.00 Mrs. E.W.Matthews 430 Wells St. No. Replace roof, 8939 500.00 Bell Construction Co. 678 Sunset Blvd. Wire new residence 8940 45000 Ray Heppenstall 10801-108th S.E. Wire new residence 8941 450.00 Jerry Goodall 1008-115th Ave.S.E. Elec.Ht.,Wire new res. 3942 450.00 Jerry Goodall 1009-115th Ave.S.E. Elec.Ht.,Wire new res. 3943 450.00 Jerry Goodall 1014-115th Ave.S.E. Elec.Ht.,Wire new res. 8944 375.00 Gr.Renton Shopping 2838 Sunset B1vd.E. Const.Wood Platform 8945 500.00 Russell Kenny 519 Shattuck St. Encl.carport for Bdrm. 8946 300.00 Emmon Beil 247 Pelly St. Reroof residence 8947 2,000.00 E. Delrosa 1145 Lake St. So. New garage 8948 1,500.00 Dominic Capallaro 75 Williams St. Reside res.Alum.siding 8949 907.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15482-119th S.E. Job 237-wire new res. 3950 823.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15498-119th S.E. Job 235-wire new res. 8951 813.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12101-S.E.151st P1. Job 127-wire new res. 8952 908.50 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12112-S.E.151st Pl. Job 131-wire new res. 8953 849.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12113-S.E.151st P1. Job 121-wire new res. 8954 813.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12115-S.E.151st Pl. Job 120-wire new res. 8955 908.50 Tiffany Homes, IEc., 12020-S.E.154th St. Job 115-wire new res. 3956 907.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15520-120th S.E. Job 199-wire new res. 8957 908.50 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12111-S.E.154th St. Job 122-wire new res. 8958 767.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12144 S.E.151st Pl. Job 132-wire new res. 8959 767.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15452 Lake Young Way Job 138-wire new res. 8960 813.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12115 Lake Youngs Way Job 145-wire new res. 8961 849.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15458 Lake Youngs Way Job 112-wire new res. 8962 907.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12008 S.E. 154th Job 113-wire new res. 8963 849.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15453 Lake Youngs Way Job 133-wire new res. 8964 300.00 Earl Bierman 1354 "J" St. New driveway 8965 42,000.00 Richard Donero 345 Pelly Ave. 8-unit apartment 8966 24,073.00 Pacific Car & Foundry Constr.Water-Pump Hse. 8967 100.00 Lewis Pappas 3415-6th P1.No. Constr.shed 101x16' 8968 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11406-1.34th S.E. Wire new residence 8969 300,00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11408-134th S.E. Wire new residence 8970 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11409-134th S.E. Wire new residence -1- , August 5, 1963 BUILDING PERMITS (continued) No, Amount Name Add-cess Type of Work �1. $ 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11+03--134th S.E. Wire new residence 8972 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13228-S.E.114th St. Wire new residence 8973 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13224 S.E,1 .4th St. Wire new residence 8974 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13225 S,E.115th St. Wire new residence 8975 300.00 Hilltop Sand &Gravel 132'72 S.E:115th St. Wire new residence 8976 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13308 S.E,.115th St, Wire neer residence 8977 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13309 S.E,115th St. Wire new residence 8978300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13227 o.E.1?.5yh St. Wire nova residence 8979 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13215 S,E,115th St. Wire new residence 8980 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13209 S.E.L15th St. Wire new residence 8981 300,00 Hilltop Sand & Gr.vel 13202 sz.,li th St. Wire new residence 8982 300?00 Hilltop Sand & Grav-1 13203 S 2 1?.6th St. Wire new residence 8983 300.00 Hilltop Send & Gravel 1.3202 S.EA.1?6th St. Wf.we new residence 8984 300:00 Hilltop Sand &C Gravel 13308 S.E.46th St. Wire new residence 8985 200.00 Donald Dvorak 27'5-8th Ave.No. Carport 8986 300.00 Galvin Supply Co. 329 wells St. Board up windows 8987 1,000.00 Verne W. Thompson 1145 Morris St. So- Ext.Gar.Add Util.Rm. 8988 250.00 Dale Church 710 "C" St. Covered patio 8989 50.00 KRE_V Radio Station 16600-92nd Ave.So. Wire radio station 8990 500.00 John W. Van Eyk 324 No, Williams St, Elec.'Tt,,wire res. 8991 200.00 Mrs, Jessie Dahlstul 97 Airport Way Fruit Stand 40x1.6 8992 123,178.00 Renton Senior 3.S. 400-Second St. Wire addition to H.S. 8993 18,500.00 United Homes Corp, 3908-11th Pl.No. New residence 8994 18,500.00 Un-4.ted Homes Corp, 3912-11th Pl.No. New residence 8995 18,500,00 United Ilomes Corp. ?903-1.1th PI.No. New residence 8996 16,500.00 United Homes Corp- 1139 "R" St, !TL-,4 residence 8997 16,500.00 United Homes Corp. 1133-11th P1.No. New residence 8998 _. .8D(1.Q0 '. 'Shaughnessy & Co. 881 So. 148th Construct foundation 8999- _'609.00 Pete D. Rosa lD20'.Shattuck South Alum.win6aws, Siding 9000 325.00' J'. Eli, Schneider 824. "L"' St. Fence & Covered'`Patio 9001 1..8060.06" Phyla is E. Doctor• 802 "M" St: Alum,residing of-hse. 9002 100.00' Rentbri_Radi:o-& T.Vs 3232. Main, St,, Plastic Sign ,3x4-' 9003 l�000 00 Alf-Haaversen 3602 Drys spark Cotii-t Add Fam�Rn�,BdrmUext. PMB3NG AND" XW NG 'PERMITS LU 5922 Ra Gro�re. 132J- 4ti� 9vpNo. -- -- y r Plumbing Fixtures 5923 ----- Humble OiI 'Cbm7An�r Zi660 Benson Rd. Plumbing Fixtures ' 5�2kc ---- Cecil•`Whitaker 1.27, Park St: Plumbing FlAures 5925 Tiffany Homes T,,. .. g ----- •�- _•�c, �- 12:01. 5,E-,152nd P.l-., Plumbin Fixtures 5926- ----- Tiffany Homes ince 151511-120th Ave S.E. Plumbinf Fixtures ' 5927 ----- Tiffany Homes _;.nc 127.12 S.E.152nd Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 50 - Tiffany ITom^G Mn, 1.21.03 S,E.152nd P1. Plumbing Fixtures 599 ----- Tiffany Homes enc, 1220 S,E.15)4th St, Plumbing Fixtures $930 ----- Tiffany homes Tnc. 15520-120th Ave,S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5931 ---- Washington Broadeastingl6600-92ndAve.So, Plumbing Fixtures 5932 ---- Paul Fishcr. 12908-90th South Plumbing Fixtures 5933 ----- Jerry boodal.l. 1108-1:15th,Ave.So. Plurhbing :Fixtures 5934 ----- Jerry Go6d.alI 1009=115th SE. P1uzlbing Fixtures 5935 --- Jerry Goodall 101)L-115th- Ave 4S Z. P uwbing Fixtures' 5936 ----- • Cof:ner ".,onstruct an 86:25 Sbuth, 127th Gas' lnsta}1at3ons-, 5937' Tiffany Fomes' Inc', 12020 'S'.E:1%tth St. PlUinbing Fixtures 5938 ----- • Tiffany-IIomes enc 122111-122111-o 12 - S,E.Z52nd Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 5939 Tiffany=Homes ::nc e• 15453 Lake Youngs Way Plumbing Fixtures 5940 -- - INitted Homes Corp-. 1139 `R" St, Plumbing Fixtures 5941 -- United .mes: CoTii 3908-11th Place Pluinbing Fixtures 5942 ----- • United Homes Corp, 391.2-11.th Place'• Plumbing Fixtures 5943 United Homes Corn•. 3963-11th Place Plumbing Fixtures 5944 ----= United Homes Corp,, 1133 "R."8t Plumbing Fixtures . -- e. 5945 ----- - Be- F.` Fugitt 13065 S.E.115th P1. Plumbing Fixtures 5946. --- Ken McLeod 10801-108th- S.E. Plumbing -Fixtures S947- ----- • R. S. Shane 126o6-27th South Gas Instailatians 5948 -= -- • Earl Clymer.` 526 Ccdar St, Gas Installation:^ . 5949 -- -- • R. S. Shane 10825-112th Gas Installations 5950 �- '__' $t ._Andre rs Church 3522-10th Court No. Plumbing Fixtures 5951- ----- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 3-11408•-134th`Ave.S,,E. Plumbing.FixturesF 5952' ---^- Hilltop Sand::& "'ravel 13309'S�3�3,25th Plumbibg Fixtures. 5953 ---- Hilltop Sa.Id-_& Gravel 13224 S .rL4th Plumbing Fixtures 5954 =---- Hilltop Sand & ,ravel 11409-13) •th Set. Plumbing Fixtures 5955 -- x� t.i'.c ,.Sand ; 1?308 S.r,?.J.Suh Iliumbing Fixtures' 5956 -=-- IlilItcn Sand t Gravel l?^32 S,71 _15th P:',umbing Fixtures -2- 1�2 8/563 PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS (continued) No. Amount Name_ Address Type cf Work 5957 ---- Hilltop Sand & Glave:_ 13227 S.E-115th Plumbing Fixtures 5958 ---- Hilltop Sand & Gravel. 132.5 SZ-115th Plumbing Fixtures 5959 - -- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13209 S,,Ecll5th Plumbing Fixtures 5960 -----• Hilltop Sand & Giave l 13202 S,E, il6th Plumbing Fixtures 5961 ----- Hilltop Sand & Gravel '..3208 S,E 116th Plumbing Fixtures 5962 -- --• Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13302 S.E,.116th Plumbing Fixtures 5963 -- - Hilltop Sand & Cravcl 1.3306 S.E.116th Plumbing Fixtures 5964 ----- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11.403. 134th S E,, Plumbing Fixtures 5965 ----- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11402-134th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 5966 ----- Hilltop Sand & Gravel ll4ol•-1?4th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures •••. 5967 ----- H, 11� Kelly 35o8. 6,.:.h Place Gas Installations 5968 ----- Dick Hayen 211-11th South Heating Equipment 5969 -- Vista View Builders 1549 . 116th S E� Plumbing Fixtures 5970 ---- Barber & Fannon 8655 Lake Wash.Bld.SE Plumbing Fixtures 5971 --- - Jay Goodwin 1803 Monterey Dr. Plumbing Fixtures 5972 ---- Unit.3d Homes Co-,-p, 3912 11th Place Gas Installations 5973 - -- United Homes Corp. 3908-11th Place Gas Installations 5974 ----- United Homes Corp, 3903-11th Place Gas Installations 5975 ----- United Homes Corp, 1133 "E" St.., Gas Installations 5976 ------ United Homes Corp. 1139 "R" St. Gas Installations 5977 - --- .Jerry Goodall 1003•-115th S.,E� Plumbing Fixtures 5978 -- --- Jerry Gooda'I- 1015-115th S,.E., Plumbing Fixtures 5979 --- Jerry Goodal_. 1014-115th S,E, Plumbing Fixtures 5980 ----- Jerry Goodall 1008-115th S ,E� Plumbing Fixtures 5981 ----- Jerry Goodall. 1009-•115th S,E, Plumbing Fixtures 5982 ---- Jessie Dahlstu.l. 97 Airport Way Plumbing Fixtures 5983 ----- James Wiehoff 11010 S,E. 104th Plumbing Fixtures 5984 ----- Bell Construction Co.. 678 Sunset Blvd. Gas Irs tallations HEARING: Proposed Vacation of Alley in Block 18, Renton Highlands (continued from 7/22/63). This being the date set, the Mayor declared the continued Hearing opened. Mr, Guy Evans, 624 "G" Place, resubmitted the signatures of the original peti•• tioners for the alley vacation, as evidence of the continued desire of that group to vacate same, One additional signature was produced, that of Mrs. Betty Mattson, 636 "G" St., and Mr. Evans noted that this left but one known dissenter, Mrs. Charles Brunette, for alley vacation. Mr, E-vans stated that the cost of improving the alley, per City Engineer, was determined to be approximately $10.000, and after such improve- ment the alley would not be used. Firs. W. George Pitcher, 2503-7t'�. Ave, , addressed Council on behalf of Mrs. Charles Brunette z?ho opposed vacation of this alley, in summary, her request to Council was to leave alley "as is" or have it improved- There being no further comments forthcoming on this subject, the Mayor declared the Hearing closed. After further discussion, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, that any action on the 16' alley be denied until such time as there is 1000 signature concurrence. Carried. COM!4UNICATIONS: The Deputy C-_ty Clerk read the .fol.lowing communications: (1) A letter from the Assn, of. Washington Cities, citing pleasure in learning that Renton is sending two delegates to the American Municipal Assn. Congress in Houston, August 10-14, adv_sing .further that Councilman Garrett has been appointed as an official voting delegate representing AWC at the busi.ness meeting, and that if there are not more than ten Washington c _t;_es represented at the conference, Councilman Delaurenti will also be appointed as a voting delegate, (2) A letter from Mayor Lewis Cutrer of Houston (President of the American Municipal Assn.) to Honorable Avery Garrett, announcing his appointment as a member of the Committee on Intergovernmental Relations & Metropolitan Areas, A letter was read. from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, thanking Council and the Planning Commission for consideration and fair treatment of their park- ing code variance., Acting Utilities Supt M.. G, Hanis ' request to pay Stevens & Thompson, Consult- ing Engineers, $1,575.49:. to corer preparation of detailed plans, specificatinns and bir, forms, to advertise for bids on the Longacres to Cedar River Bridge and Overcross- ing Project, was Mead. City recei-rcd payme,it from the State for this amount in May, 1963. .4;-.---d. by sccord.ed by ClUbter, to refer matte- to the AccountinE and Auditing with por�er to act. i:ar ried. A from Fad Munro, 3hairman of Board of County Commissioners was read, re(p-ri; ;4.ag -1M�:_sic ipaJ.it�.es a�ad Taxing Dia tr cts "i;o work toward submitting Budget:, as -°&: ly 2os:;:b3-e prier to the second Monday in October-, to expedite the County :;ork it; com-,)uting m l.:.age E; and completing necessary preliminary work On the tax -"U.2.11. 1 A ':,.- pc4o.:. Li, t om -1 PI Falkcafuagea ?daw read., r eq::zesting City assistance in cxe_•V.:1g the Washington State Highiiay Department for providing pedes- trian acaf::-s "rom Ta.:,:not. to thuc W,:r,. side of the East Va:_iey Freeway A photostat of Pstitior. c� : _tig t;aun �^ e o-; gnat re.: rre�;iaasly sibm.!tt•ed to the Washington Hwgh- gray ; f - ,Y:a.. -:;jV-ac -wi Mr, I''a_k l.<:,..r a-I?"05:,?E:d ��.�ln.. .: is ti"Ig t'Ae "�:1g i1:j' Ji - a'r-d7.ng z�UCYl access for co-=tc::,^s - �.,ou 1 . Bus to accts .� .toting that thl e olz,..y means of access from th^ hill as _.,j4 r__� ,enp:rated ?roanld be :from the corner. of the Hill near Bsnson Highway r12 mi. es, .�' 'Road, The ideal _point -oa^cess, it is believed, would be in the or ?th or .2 h A�r�Q u. Snzt]he. ':n discu:..'sion of, matter, Paul McKay .x suggested `,M ;;..s. _,,.:.;T ,::e �� :-rhou:d. Bus Company could. re-route their ]ane over Talbot Hila. but th.1,- undesirable.. Greyhound officials will however explorF .:Ct­ ,.:_th .i.;bttiay Dn.,ar-tment, as the bus company .finds that turnouts from traffic .: , : i x buoes tc dis:,ha: ge and/or pick up passengers are provided for on many fr.ee- a;Yr- M-, F'alkennaguu at this point of hi,-z discussion submitted to the Deputy C�.'.�- C.__.:?' t t on c;r^_y:i.ng approximately _65 sig:�atures of Talbot Hill resident;, �;-'.:at-'.jng iy:i.to 'Teresa Pozzobon and ending iiith Emmett J. Donchers) calling for such acces_r in t'N.. a;ca o-f ll th o.: 12th Avenue South, Mayor Aliment stated that the C1ty 'Z�� b- Sao:^'�i.ig7n):- ;came three month.; on an overcrossing for this area, and that Pau,-,. McKay lh.-Z - v-ise�d City to wait until. lower highway was completed to see what the intercha,:,e c fAec-. had here Vt ?e there would have to .by an._cnrerpass. over. the .. hill, Mr. 2n voa2:ted out tlip anything beyond 155th -aould be out-of-the-way for area A1C,2"n3. :twac by Garrett, seconded by Custer, that the above Petition be referred to the I L o .d. ^ity E gineer. Carried E7 =:_cd�ng 7 t ; H;._g.1t-I :s -. �:,'-. r s reed.., or .s�rg -hat -the +h-rty-day retention period. on t ..: Pr-oposal No. 2 Contract, for _repair and exterior paint- ing O_` .; c.~ pr inting ofAnnex and Accessory Bua_3_dings and interior of the Stat pN �V r ; in the Rentcn Highlands Administration Bui3.d ing; and insta]1a- tion of m:y a,2- g ; ::r' a+ :5_tyHa?, a axpired August 1, 1963,. No claims or liens have been C:wty - .erk and paanent of +,he retained 1% amount of $515,29 is therefore t:c^ � � �s:ed. Mo":^d. b-r Dclai .•enti �:econdea b r Ous ter, -to refer request to the AccountinZ_nd Audit:iii Gomm�,,-,e w:_th power _to act, Caxried. A ; upp:Lement to the Pel-ition to Create a Local Improvement District for Sanitary SewP�o on 'V Street: between Sunset Highway and 124,11 Avenue North (Lm No. 250), s .gncd. b, Ge3rg^ ;ohnson. was read. A Jr`,t—..r. .from the Renton Avia:t .on Board. regaesting approval for t-ro Board Members and AlMpor-% Amager to attend the 37t1z Annua3. Meeting of the International Northwest C'ounci3_ in Bdmouton,. Alberta, September 3.5: 16 and 17, 1963, and advising as,rb:;tantia7. portian of the expense invol,red wi3.3.. be borne by the in- dividuR'.s TN,-Ao `: rn va,- re ad.- T >. seconded by 'us-1;ev, that Council approve the request,, Carried.. A � r _.r` c ,o ng S?ip+, of T ;_ties M. Ga Ennis was read, attaching a Reso:i -tio :.. :.",:g thv: execution and de3_Lvery of a contract with Puget Sound Power & Ligh+ fz2-�.Ghing electra.c power for the Sewage Lift Station located at 132nd Ave�,ru.p S.R. and Sunset Highway for a ten-year period., effective August 15, 1963, requesti ng t'ce' Councia. adopt the Resolution, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute: the contra+. -_ Ci':.y At orney She _:L,n r A Lewes. contract and stated it was standard form. Moved. by Po.-U, secondee. by Reid,. to concur with the recommendation of Acting Uti3itiez Supt, and to authorize the-Mayor and City Clerk to execute contract accord- iY^. Ga.~raed A comzmznicaion ira.s read from Statewide City Dmployees Retirement System esti- mating amolants :.hat, should l.e included in :::ity's 1964 Bitd.ga t to cover Pension Costs com�te" �h g Mat �g Co.itributions '.6ta -wide ane, Social Security) , Share of Operating Costs, and Pr or Scr`rice Idab.1 ity, ;ri'.h added saoge:; :ions for the 1964 Budget to permit ge-neral emp._c",gees -to mainta�oa a in proportion to their x�05rl-ii?1.e . ??C._( $_, x �iCM',r1 ecu .._vucosto, 8/5/63 The Deputy City Clerk read the following three letters received from Puget Properties, Inc: (1) Letter from Project Engineer E. D. Greathouse, outlining basis for joint participation of Puget Drive Program between Puget Properties, Inc. and the City of Renton covering: Section I. of Pu-,et Drive, extending from Talbot Road to 11th Avenue South to Benson Road at approximately S.E. 156th Street. a. Puget Properties in 1963 to deed the necessary right-of-way to Renton, place approximately 115,000 cubic yards of roadway fill and install necessary drainage to protect the fill, an estimated total of ;54,000 in land value and construction costs. b. City of Renton will, in 1964, ballast and pave three traffic lanes with necessary drainage facilities and pay incidental engineering and traffic device costs, an estimated total of 05,600 plus related contingencies. Section II. of Puget Drive, extending from Benson Road to North-South centerline of Section 20: a. Puget Properties in 1963 to deed necessary right-of-way to Renton, exca- vate to grade using material to fill Section I, relocate gas mains and install the necessary drainage to protect the work, an estimated total of $110,000 in land value and construction cost. b. City of Renton will accept responsibility for the balance of work neces- sary to complete Section II. and will investigate all sources of income from benefitted area. Puget Properties requests earliest possible consideration of Council on above proposals. 1,1r, Greathouse addressed Council at this point; advising that this proposal is but a small portion of the overall work. The offer to the City is designed to take advantage of the large contract Puget Properties has in the shopping center area, which is the subject of three letters to be presented to Council, representing some 450,000 cubic yards of dirt -- roadway fill here only 100,000 cubic yards. Requested Council's consideration of matter after these letters have been presented. (2) Petition and application for vacation of the following described streets and alleys (as illustrated on area map identified as E.-hibit "A") noting Puget Proper- ties, Inc. to be 1001ll owner of abutting properties: 1. That portion of 9th Avenue South between the East margin of 94th Avenue South and West margin of 96th Avenue South. 2. That portion of South 148th Street (Memphis Avenue) between the West .�. margin of 94th Avenue South and the East property line of PSH No. 5-C. 3. That portion of 9th Place South between the East margin of 94th Avenue South and the West margin of 96th Avenue South. 4. That portion of South 149th Street (Manning Avenue) between the West margin of 94th Avenue South and the East property line of PSH No. 5-C- 5. That portion of 10th Avenue South North of the North line of PSH No. 1 and lying between 94th Avenue South and 96th Avenue South. 6. That portion of 94th Avenue South between the North line of PSH No. 1 and the North margin of 9th Avenue South. 7. That portion of 96th Avenue South between the North line of PSH No. 1 and the South margin of Grady Way (South 147th Place) . 8. The sixteen-foot alley between the East margin of 94th Avenue South and the West margin of 96th Avenue South in Block No. 12. 9. The sixteen-foot alley between the East margin of 94th Avenue South and the West margin of 96th Avenue South in Block No. 11. 10. The sixteen-foot alley in Block No. 14 between the West margin of 94th Avenue South and the East line of PSH Pao. 5-C. 11. The sixteen-foot alley in Block No. 15 between the West margin of 94th Avenue South and the East line of PSH No. 5-C. (3) Project Engineer Greathouse 's letter to City Engineer Wilson, advising that studies for the sanitary trunking and interceptor systems for the areas known as Renton Hill, Talbot Hill and East slopes of Talbot Hill, the topography of area, per Exhibit "A", dictates need for three separate trunking systems to service entire drainage pattern with the westerly boundary defined as the Renton to Kent Freeway, PSH No. 5; these three separate trunking systems to flow to an interceptor sewer which will be the connection to the existing Metro 108 inch trunk; temporary sewerage facilities will be required to re-route the flow and allots City sufficient time to remove valuable pumping equipment. Council approval requested on this portion of the Comprehensive Plan. Upon inquiry regarding this Southeast Renton Sanitary Trunk Plan, City Engineer Wilson produced, as a matter of record, supplemental letter received from Mr. Greathouse for a proposal to re-install the existing sewage lift station near the North edge of PSH-1 on Shattuck Street or to modify the temporary pump facilities to be constructed to a permanent status in the event that Metro does not agree to construct the gravity interceptor in accordance with its past policies. Approval of above to be made with the -5-- understanding 8/5/63 that Puget Properties will relocate and restore permanent type service, whether by gravity trunk or pumping, Upon request of Mayor Aliment, Utilities Supt, Andersen elaborated on proposal informing Council that his discussion of matter with Puget Properties Engineers and City Engineer Wilson produced only a possible question on the temporary line that would be in use during their construction period. Puget Properties is assuming maintenance of this line during construction period because it must be moved from time to time. Temporary lift station will be City's responsibility; however on the temporary line our responsibility will not exceed what we are now doing in maintaining present lift station. Guarantee has been received from pump supplier that they will function properly for a one-year period. City Attorney Shellan informed Council of requirement for City Engineer Wilson to certify Puget Properties as the recorded owner of property, Letter (2) above, setting public hearing date on matter for not less than twenty days or more than sixty days thereafter. Resolution must also be prepared to cover. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Custer, to set September 9, 1963, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, as the Public Hearing Date on the Puget Properties Street and Alley Vacation request. Carried. It was further moved by Trimm, seconded by Custer, to refer the above two Puget Properties package deals, of requested street and alley vacations, and the matter of street construction and sewer project, to the Council As A Whole for consideration in meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 8th, at 8:00 P.M. , Council Chambers. Carried. A joint recommendation of the Engineering Department, Street Department, and the Street & Alley Committee was read, citing soil conditions encountered on 12th Avenue North which make it impossible to control the width of trench with the result of losing more street than anticipated, and requesting that this work be deleted from the work items to be performed by the Lundberg Construction Company, to be assigned instead to the Street Department for required restoration work; further that the $3,500 contract amount 'be' transferred to the Street Fund to cover such costs. Moi'red -by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation above. Carried. A *letter-proposal from C E. Leman, 519'ThirdAvenue, Seattle, for consideration `off a five-year contract with .the City of Renton for authority to place and maintain advertising signs, including- parking regulations, in suitable metal folders affixed' to tops- of parking meters,-'for the consideration of 75¢ per parking post, per month, for all posts upon which such advertising signs -and parking regulation 'signs are 'plaeed, �. Was read, Moved',by'Custer, seconded by Del:aurenti,- to refer this proposal to the Council As A Whole. ' Carried. City Engineer Wilson reports that'a check of County Record's covering Petition for a Sanitary Sewer L.I.D„ on "M" Street, between Sunset Highway and 12th Avenue North reveals Petition to have been signed by 704i of the owners of the abutting property and 71.6'p0 of the owners of the total area within .the..boundari,es ..of_t.he..proposed .district. Assessed.latd,.valuation for purposes of taxation is $6,790.00 and the improvements.._.are assessed at $18,150.00; at twice the land assessments plus one-half the improvement assessment. This establishes the limit for LID assessmentst__.$22,6.554 There are no outstanding assessments within the district; therefore there .is sufficient -valuation to support' a L.I.D. Moved by Custer, seconded by Polis that the City Engine.er_.be authorized to com- pile the preliminary assessment roll and submit such roll to Council upon completicn. Question on the 'motion covering L.I.D , financing disclosed that the Firemen's Pension Fund may be interested in purchasing the L.I.D, bonds; cost for which would be small, somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000 to $12,000. The motion carried. The Deputy City Clerk advised Council of receipt of- the Citizens ' Committee for Better Government 's request for consideration of an Open Housing Ordinance by the'City Council. Moved by Delaurenti, 'seconded-by;4u1.s0,''..tQ-'xefer matter to the Council As A Whole. Carried. A notice from Fred Hani-s, President of the City Employees Club; -advising that the Blue Cross Hospital Service Representative had met with the City Employees for the purpose of presenting a proposed group coverage plan, was readil Mr. Hanis advised that City Employees are not interested in the plan submitted. An invitation`extended to Mayor Aliment-, Members 'di..the.City-.Council, City..Attor- .ney, City Treasurer, and City Clerk to attend the City Employees ' Picnic to be held at Alexander's Beach on Lake Sammamish, Saturday, August 10th, was read. 8/5/63 A Petition, bearing the signatures of approximately fifty-one residents on Mill Street, starting with Raymond Houser and ending with Bertha J. Smith, requesting surfac- ing of Mill Street with asphalt or at least graded and oiled, and further requesting that lighting be checked for necessary installations of new lights and replacement of existing facilities, was read: Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this Petition to the Street & Alley, and Power & Light Committees. Carried_, A Complaint filed by Wesley H. Kreger, 2317 West Raye St., Seattle, against the City of Renton, covering an automobile traffic accident on June 5, 1963, at approximate- ly 10:15 p.m., reported to be the result of negligence on the part of the City to main- tain proper and adequate notice of road conditions, was read. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer this complaint to the Legal Depart- ment. Carried. A notice from Mayor Aliment to Council Members announcing the ribbon cutting ceremony for Burnett Street for Monday, August 12th, at 10:00 a.m., was read. A letter, in duplicate, from Puget Sound Power & Light Co. was read, quoting a firm cost estimate of $17,500 to make certain changes in Puget's Snoqualmie transmission lines to permit extension of Third Avenue, and attaching thereto a quit claim deed con- veying to the City that portion of right-of-way necessary for the improvement contem- plated, in exchange for which the City is to reimburse Puget Sound for its costs of relocating the lines. As evidence of acceptance of these arrangements, Puget Sound requested that City sign the duplicate letter of transmittal accordingly. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, to refer matter to the Mayor and City Attorney to draw up contract with Puget Sound for $17,500 price involved, Carried. A letter from Fred Hanis, President of the Employees ' Club, for permission to meet with Council As A Whole to discuss the inclusion of all employees in the life insur- ance program which presently covers Police and Fire Department personnel, was read. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to concur with this request, and to refer communication to the President of the Council accordingly._ Carried. The Mayor declared a recess at this time. After the recess Roll Call was again taken with all Councilmen present as previously indicated. A recommendation from Mayor Aliment was read, for improving area between Maple Valley Highway and City Hall by plowing, regrading and seeding same for a pleasant park site, cost of such work not to exceed $2,000, for referral to the Property, and Ways & Means Committees for financing. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur with the Mayor's recommenda- tion. Carried. A request from Planning Director Jensen was read, to transfer $3,500 from M & 0 Account 603, Expert Services, to Salaries & Wages within the Planning Director's Budget Account 7009.1, based upon the need for additional draftsmen for the balance of the year in connection w ith the 701 Comprehensive Planning Program. Moved by Hulse, seccnded by Bruce, to grant the Planning Director's request. Carried. It was further moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to refer matter to the Ordinance Committee for preparation of Resolution to cover. Carried. A Preliminary Letter of Intent to initiate annexation proceedings, signed by Estella A. and I. J. Brodell, owners of more ti,an 100 of the value of certain lands con- tiguous to the City Limits of Renton covering the following described property, was read by the Deputy City Clerk: All that portion of said section 16 lying southerly of existing City Limits according to City of Renton Ordinance 1293 and 1789; and northerly of exist- ` ing City Limits according to City of Renton Ordinance 1961; mew together with that portion of the southeast one-quarter of said section 17 lying southerly of existing City Limits according to City of Renton Ordinance 1789, easterly of existing City Limits according to City of Renton Ordinance 1212.- together 212;together with that portion of the northwest one-quarter of the northeast one- quarter of said Section 21 lying southerly of existing City Limits according to City of Renton Ordinance 1293, and northerly of existing City Limits accord- ing to City of Renton Ordinance 1961; also together with that portion of the northeast one-quarter of the; northeast one quarter of said Section 21 lying northerly and easterly of existing City _7- 8/5/63 Limits according to City of Renton Ordinance. 1961;southerly of the northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. 5 (Renton-Maple Valley Road Pdo. 11+0) ; and northwesterly of the southeasterly line of Paull;s Maplewood Addition according to the plat recorded in Volume 53 of Plats, Page 77, Records of King County, Washington; also together with that portion of the southeast one-quarter of the south- east one-quarter of said Section 21 lying northwesterly of the southeasterly line of said Paull's Maplewood Addition and easterly of the easterly bank of the Cedar River. also together with all of that portion of Lot 1, Block 2, said Paull's Maple- wood Addition lying within -the northwest one-quarter of said Section 22. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to refer Preliminary Letter of Intent to City Engineer for validation of ownership, and report back, Carried. Utility Supt. Andersen's letter requesting approval to transfer Auditor Ted Bennett and Meter Readers from the Utilities Department to the Treasurer's Department as soon as possible, to complete the transfer of all accounting and billing personnel to the Treasurer's jurisdiction, was read. All transferred personnel should be picked up in the City Treasurer's 164 Budget, and the Utilities Department charged with a flat fee for services rendered to the Utilities Department by the City Treasurer. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli; to concur with the Utilities Superintendent's request. Carried. It was further moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, that any necessary corrections and amendments to existing Ordinances pertaining to the personnel transfers be referred to the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman Dullahant of the Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton Changing the Zoning Classification of Certain Properties within the City of Renton from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Business District (B-1) (Robert Edwards Property), which was read by the Deputy City Clerk,. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer proposed Ordinance to the Ordin- ance Committee for recommendation.. Carried. Chairman Dullahant advised that the Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur with the recommend- ation. Carried. After the final and second reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No 20+8 as read. The motion carried unanimously. Ordinance Committee Chairman Dullahant reported to Council that a proposed 15-page Harbor Ordinance was now in-committee, and a copy of same was given to each Councilman. Upon request, Deputy City Clerk read City Attorney Shellan's memorandum to the Committee explaining the proposed ordinance as a joint-venture with cities to control the waters of Lake Washington. Ordinance would regulate water craft, swimmers, divers, water skiers, etc. on lake. Problem here is that each community does not have the necessary finances to enforce ordinance. Sheriff by contract may have to enforce ordinance on East side of lake. Financial arrangements can be worked out for next year. City Attorney She Lan suggested that a hearing date be set now, and requested City Clerk to notify people affected by this ordinance, such as mariners, and those who rent boats as records of such boat rentals would have to be kept. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to set August 19th, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers as the Hearing Date, and to notify people affected by this Ordinance. Carried. Chairman Dullahant presented Resolution No. 1199 of the City of Renton, Washington, Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Contract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for Furnishing Municipal Water Pumping Service for Sewage Lift Station located at 132nd Avenue S.E. and Sunset Way, Renton, for a period of ten years, effective August 15, 1963. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute this contract. Carried. OLD BUSINESS: Chairman Reid of the Street & Alley Committee submitted the committee 's recommenda- tions as follows, which were read: (1) Resolutions to Good Roads Convention: That the City pass resolutions along the lines of ose prepared by t e am er of commerce urging early action on improve- ment of S.S.H. No. 5-C (Benson Highway) and early completion of the Valley Freeway. Moved. by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, Carried. 12$ 0/5/63 (2) Request to Dost Sigz Advertising Apartments within Right of Way_ That tae request of Mr. Ewing Stringfellow to post a sign upon street right of way be denied. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. (3) Request of V.F.W. to Post Signs: That this problem be referred to the Chamber of Commerce with the suggestion that they try to unite the various clubs in their publicity efforts with the goal of obtaining a more desirable sign through cooperative participation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. (4) Traffic Signal Installation for Grady Way and New Access to Talbot Hill: The Engineering Department has prepared a cost estimate in the amount of10,022.50 for this necessary work, and it is the recommendation of the Street & Ai.+_e ;7 Committee to concur, and refer to Ways & Means Committee for financing, Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee, and refer :natter to the Ways & Means Committee for financing, Question on the motion disclosed some feeling that State should bear the cost for this work and the matter was then referred to Councilman Delaurenti and City Engineer Wilson for discussion w-Pth Paul McCabe. The motion did not carry. Thereafter, it was moved by Dahlquist, secondee? by Custer, to table the matter for one week. Carried. (5; Arterial Plan as prepared by Planning Commission: The committee recommends concurrence with the plan as submitted by the Planning Comm;_ssion. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation _o` the Planning Commission. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist advised that the housing discrimination material she h--^s will be passed around for attention at Thursdav Night's Council As A Whole fleeting. Property Chairman Pedersen submitted the committee's recommendation ;:o accept the Insurance Commission's estimate for coverage of the Park Department property only at an approximate additi-onal cost of $300.00 per year. This would be fire and extended coverage on such property as field lights, back stops, flag poles; briefly almost ary park property excluding fences and sidewalks. Upon inquiry, Mr. William Davis advised that it would cost $2,500 per year for insurance to cover traffic signals, signs and parking meters. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett stated that a motion had been passed to put the North Renton Interchange on a bond issue in the Spring, and arrangements for such issue should be started now. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Huse, that the necessary stens be-taken -to-obtain Bond Counsel and prepare Resolution to cover. Carried. Chairman Custer reported change in meeting date previously scheduled for Tuesdcy, August 6th, between Sanitation Committee, City Engineer, City Attorney, Utilities Sunt. , Mayor, Metro Representative, and Cascade Sewer District Commissioners, to Thu_sday Night, August 8th, 7,15 p.m, , Council. Chambers, prior to the scheduled Council As A Whole Meeting. While i+ is known -that a restraining order has been filed by people on the hill and action will be deferred pending clearance of same, City will follow thru on matter concerning the line going through Renton and servicing Tiffany Park. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant requested that the Street Department be authorized to c'.2ar debris from the Cedar River (area b..-_tween bridges) while river is at low ebb, such wo_�K to be financed from the Cedar River Fund; Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Trimm, to refer this request to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. woo Moved by Reid, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Mill Street Improvement Petition, referred to the Street & Alley Committee at tiis nigh-t`s session, to the Council As A Whole. carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Council approve Vouchers No. 1816 thru 1892, such vouchers having previously been approved by the Accounting & A>>dit?.rg Com_ mittee. Carried. -9- 8/5/63 Because of Army Reserve activities, Councilman Custer asked to be excused from the next two meetings. Moved by Cianini, seconded by Hulse, to excuse Councilman Custer from the next two regular City Council Meetings, Carried. Councilman Custer made inquiry as to what improvement considerations (plantings, sidewalks, lights, etc. ) Cedar River would receive under the 701 Comprehensive Program. Planning Director Jensen said there would be a proposal in the plan which deals speci- fically with the river, either commercial, or a combination of commerical and park. President of the Council Delaurenti called a meeting of the Council As A Whole for Thursday Evening, August 8th, at 8:00 p.m. , in the Council Chambers, requesting attendance at meeting of the City Attorney, Mayor, City Engineer, Utilities Supt. Andersen, and Planning Director Jensen. Councilman Poli inquired regarding the entrances to the First Baptist Church, at 221 Langston Road, Discussion disclosed that an entrance bad been estAblished at Langston and Hardie, and an additional access entrance is being developed further up Langston Road. Planning Director Jensen stated that side plan provides for access on west side of their property; however no access is possible on Hardie. The business concluded, the Mayor asked for comments from the audiences Joe Venera, 12913-91st South requested consideration on two matters; (1) Street improvement work for 91st South; street only about 1-1/2 blocks inlength. Full of chuck holes which have been filled with gravel; (2) Two lights are required; one light at Nelson Place and 91st, and the other at 192nd and 91st. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer above requests to the Street & Alley, and the Power & Light Committees. Carried. Henry Shellart, 1505 Marion inuired as to the City's policy of improvement of unimprove alleys. Th `e 6efx4g rio '�urf � l_1Siisiriess 'to come' Bdfore__tT 'Ccsuricll,_ '_taas_:mo �by.' Bruce, secldnce :.hy_� + , ,_flt.a}te_meet3ng be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Carried. t v •:,i: ..�.rU' .i:_ i- '•�,A1:. i.Ct1:L';3i.lfin`= (j)133'it:a't}. There wei"e api3�co 'it t y� $''`tai tri s riii,_jh6 did t !:'.` 71 i' deal` 1 1' 1.('i p(i :f» the 2.':i '1`_., ._ •_,OTiiI[IO .'C1%1l or a .ombin.tion oi` �rrtll•I�'1l .'a1 aIlCl 1)t Y.Ti. rclr7 7'{: t 'nr i.� ii _I{l_ UY'f?:t1r I Ir- A.1 �l 6th at � •11• L11 !'f `TT' r» Y ,. i:. ;^r rf ..__ _ L T J .:r.V 1•'laty')L :iYy E,1 l �.0 dor „ . .. .......... ...... ......... Helmie Nelson, City Clerk ,..... 1 ..C .i::...,./.., i=1a ria' _ _ llf?.1'l. 17 :t.2o�lE.'f� Itat i M` k August S, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 1816 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. $ 32.15 1817 American LaFrance 34.38 1818 Atomic Battery Shop 89.71 1819 Ronald Charles Bari 2.40 1820 B & B Rug Cleaners & Upholsterers 17.68 1821 Bell Construction 515.29 1822 Blumenthal Uniform Company 93.32 1823 Book Publishing Company 5.20 1824 Business Control, Inc. 130.00 1825 City of Renton 507.00 1826 L. N Curtis & Sons 15.22 1827 Downtown Idea Exchange 15.00 1828 W. E. Frazee 34.90 1829 Dorothea Gossett 17.00 1830 Catherine Kindred 182.20 1831 King County Humane Society 606.66 1832 Market Basket #3 27.70 1833 R. L. McClung 2.40 1834 Motorola Communications & Electronics Inc. 560.04 1835 Pacific Northwest Bell 215.30 1836 Harold I. Phillips 2.40 1837 Pioneer Business Forms, Inc. 318.92 1838 Puget Sound Power & Light 193.90 1839 Puget Sound Stamp Works, Inc. 11.48 1840 Ratelco Inc. 447.87 1841 Renton Clothing Company 134.31 1842 Seattle Art and Photo Supply, Inc. 21.62 1843 Sterling Codifiers 375.00 1844 Superior Blue Print Co. 20.54 1845 M. G. Thomas 2.40 1846 Donald Robert Thompson 2.40 "" 1847 M. C. Walls 10.90 1848 Westlake Electronic Supply 7.99 1849 World Travel Service 523.40 CITY STREET FUND 1850 Atomic Battery Shop 42.04 1851 Black River Quarry, Inc. 383.73 1852 City Transfer Company 1,945.96 1853 A. H. Cox Machinery Company 54.29 1854 Eltee Tool & Supply Company 87.53 1855 Feenaughty Machinery Company 54.45 1856 McGraw- Hill Publishing Co. Inc. 5.00 1857 Motorola Communications & Electronics Inc. 312.00 1858 Pacific Magneto & Engine Co. 35.68 1859 Pacific Northwest Bell 5.00 1860 Washington Belting & Rubber Co. 8.48 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 1861 City of I6�ntcn - Engineering; 1,917.21 PARK FUND 1862 AirKem Sales & Service-Seattle, Inc. 231.92 1863 Air Mac, Inc. 13.49 1864 Chapman Electric Co. 2,964.00 1865 City of Renton 78.32 1866 G. L. Coulon 24.30 1867 International Sales Corp. 25. 71 1868 O.K Tire Store of Renton, Inc. 7.98 1869 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.54 1870 Ernie Rose Sports Equipment 377.87 1871 Scientific Supply Company 6.24 $ (S qt CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS (continued) August 5, 1963 AIRPORT FUND PAYEE AiiOUNT 1872 /T City Treas. Cr. Current 205.00 1873 :'m. F. Davis - Roder W. Davis 15.00 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 1874 William E. Bennett 2.00 1875 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 535.00 1876 City of Renton 4.00 1877 City of Renton 2 706.15 1878 Fairbanks-Morse & Co. 85.62 1879 Gray stone of Kent 309.73 1880 Hersey-Sparling Meter Co. 1,474.20 1881 Kenny's Auto Upholstery 20.12 1882 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17048.00 1883 Neptune Meter Co. 1,476.G0 1884 Olympic Foundry Company 407.46 1885 Pacific Northwest Bell 84.55 1886 Puget Sound Power & Light 65.05 1887 Riverton Machine Works 7.28 1888 Romaine Electric Company, Inc. 40.97 1889 Service Controls Company 1,292.20 1890 Star Machinery 2. 70 1891 Stevens & Thomspn 1,575.49 1892 Washington State Tax Commission 991.69 Frank Aliment, Mayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk .,. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 12, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, \ Pedersen, Poli and Bruce. d` OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: HeLnie W. Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea LULJ ",. 'Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief Of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, B. L. Andersen, Utilities Sup't., M. C. Walls, p Fire Chief, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks, Vern cn Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. UThe Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Thomas Bingaman and Invocation was delivered by Rev. Louis Brunner, Cross and Crown Lutheran Church. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9004 $ 285.00 St. Anthonys Church 327 Whitworth Street Driveway 9005 3,100.00 Humble Oil Company 16660 Benson Road Wire Station 9006 103000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15534 - 119th Ave. SE New Residence 9007 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15532 - 119th Ave. SE New Residence 9008 1,000.00 Tri-City Const. Co. 603 - 2nd Avenue Sign 9009 600.00 Charles Mace 10820 SE 104th St. Garage 9010 30.00 Dale Russell 11440 SE 106th St. Fence 9011 50.00 Ben Lindgren 125 N. Wells Street Repair Founda�.ion 9012 250.00 Mr. Halseth 2710 - 13th Ave. No. Elec. Service, 9013 100.00 Maynard 0. Svor 1318 "M" Street Ingtall Meter Box 9014 83664.00 George Jonientz 7438 So. 180Th Street Additioh 9015 400.00 A. L. Latten 532 Grant Street 13erage 9016 340,00 Goodwin 1803 Monterey Drive New Residefte 9017 600.00 Conner Construction 12701 86th Ave, Sbi New Residence 9018 15.00 Dan W. Toner 836 "P'' Street Wire Rec Room 9019 575.00 Boeing Company Shuff�eton Wiring 126A to%eder 9020 1,000.00 Eller Dodge 40646"- 132nd SE Garage 9021 50.00 Rainier Ice Rainier Avp, South Connect Wii-lhg 9022 24,700.00 St. Anthony Recotry 406' 4th Avehue Addition PLUMBING ANA UJAIING PERMITS: '" 5985 .. - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15511 SE Plumbing Fixture 5986 - - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12020 SE ]_54th Plumbing Fixtures SW - - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12113 SE 152Nd Pl. Plumbing Fixtures S'988 - - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12115 SE 152nd Pl► Plumbing Fixtures 5989 - - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15459 Lake Youngs Way Plumbing Fixtures 5990 - - - - - Rebton School Dist. Fred Nelson Jr. High Heating Equipment x.991 - - - - - Renton School Dist. Highlands Elementary Heating Equipment 592 - - - - - Gerry Goodall 1548 "I" Place Plumbing Fixtures 5993 - - - - - Gerry Goodall 1544 "1" Place Plumbing Fixtures 5994 - - - - - Pacific Car & Foundry Factory St. Relocate proprane 5995 - - - - - Tony Porcello 10489 - 108th SE Plumbing Fixtures 5996 - - - - - Edward Shemel 739 Jones Street Gas Installations COMMUNICATIONS: ..r A letter read from Martha M. Burfit , owner of Cougar Den, ,219 Main Street, requested that a license be granted to operate a shuffleboard device at said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. Re:=ton C_ty Cru:,,cil Meeting 8-12-63 �OMMUi1ICAT IONS: (cont. ) A Claim was read from Mr. Allen L:, Oakley for damages sustained' to hi's' airplane' whi'8 taxiing along the parking strip at the airport, and a bill accompanied the claim in the sun of $1150,3:8 Moved by Bi-ince, 4oconded by Hul se, -tb,refer the communication to the City A .':.orney. "arried. A communication read from City Engineer Wilson reported relative to the Puget 'roperties, inc. request for vacation of streets and alleys located within the - � area north of PSH.. No. 1-RE, south of Grady Way, east of PSH No. 5 and West of Shattuck Street, tlitat the petition was sig.-.ed by 100% of the owners of the abutting properties. The %z.L ngLneer's letter relative to Maplewood-Ceuar River area annexation in._tiatior by Mr, and Mrs: Brodell, owners of �' t ?property, was read and the County record check revel ed that the letter of intent to annex represented 12.86% of the assessed :valuation of the area contain approximately 121 acres with a '_otalassessed valuation of $73,970,00. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Pahlquis-t, that the petitioners be requested to attend a preliminary tear-ing meeting witz the Council at its next regular meeting` for further proceedings in accordance with law. Carried. A let,'tpr w,s -e& from C_7ty Attorney Shellan advising relative to the proposed bond issue--to, be placed cr, ttiie ballot next spring for North Renton Irtercharigeim- provement ;. ,that the issue involves $337,260.00 allocated to the City and; n''sdditio?ri' i.ne City, is. to-„i>nprove �,ake Washington Blvd. southerly from its intersection with the Interstate crossroad for which no estimate, .of cost ha- been given. In consideration of the magnitu,bo...of the is,3ue., ” was deemed necE_•ssa_r_y to retain bond counsel and the Informa,tion as to. type of construgt Qn, location, purpose, etc. was requested to be furnished for preparation of the proper resolution and ordinance as well as the matter for the ballot. JI--'pis letter was directed to the City Engineer and a subsequent letter ` o Roberts, Shefalman, L4Wrence.Gay and Moch, bonding counsel, was read advising them of 1,11C 1:;ity°s intent and requesting preparation of the required documents. , The cost for the additional Lake. Washington Blvu. improveme .t was anticipated to be about '150,000.00 a.nd the,:entisg--C>. 0. bond issue in the approximate amount of $400,000.00. letter was read from City Attor.:ey Shellan relat_ve to proposed Quit Claim Teed from Puget So,.ind Power & Light Company to the City concerning extention of Third , Avenue, advising that in event the $17.. 500,00 for the cost of relocating Puget's trans- mission lines to permit construction of the right-of---way has not been budgeted, an emergency Ordinance should be passed. I-t was recommended that the Quit C1r_.im Deed be gra ted for no-, ori y a public highway but also to other municipal purposes or at least installation and maintenance of utility lines, and that any facilities of the . Grantor to remain along and across the right of way do not interfere with traffip but. relate solely to overhead transmission lines. City Engineer Wilson advised the changes recommended were adv sable and he would be contacting Puget Sound Power & Light Co. for relocat-ion costs. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Re--'d, to refer the matter to the City Enginee�rto report back. Carried. A letter from F,ttorney Malcolm S. McLeod advised on behalf of R. L, Greenfield tat a suit wJ.11 be file! against the City of Renton unless the matter of payment in the sum of 6540.00 is made in conr_ection with goofing contract between Mr, Green- field and the City. `:i'ar was splashed on and about the building during the roofing project- and in removal and repainting which follow_­i a lien was filed against the retained percentage of $600.00 which the City subsequently released to Mr. Greenfield in favor of the F & R, Painters along with Mr, Greenfield in satisfaction of the Lieu. City Attorney Shellan adrised:;that -the City does not owe Mr. Greenfield anything and that the matter is a r,vateJ,,ne between the parties. "ouncilman Gianini advised of actions ta�wn i t!r. Greenfield in using spray cans to cover the tar and subsequent Irl directives that proper coverage should be made by a union painter or craftsman, and after further discussion it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the City Attorney. ' arried. A letter from Utility Accountant W. E. Bennett submitted and recommended for payment estimate No. 2 in favor of Frank t,oluccio Construction Co,, int. , for relocation of rreewa,7 Water Mains, State Freeway Agreement No G' C-1145, Cedar River to 80th So. Projects I through 5 completed to date:, $35,865.50 plus sales tax, $1,434.62,' less 1.5% retained, $5,595..02, less amount previously paid, $13,070.,16. Total due this estimate :?�8,634�.94, certified correct by the Utilities Deartment: Moved ;y Da-aahant, seconded by Gianini, te. refer the estimate to the Accounting and Au lit r�r Committee pit,_ Power to AcG Carried, Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-12-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A communication from Group Health advised of extensive changes anticipated in the present coverage to provide broader benefits and subsequent increase to be considered for the City's 1964 Budget7and ars additional 75c per employee was designated as the additional premium to be used therefor. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Council As A Whole. Carried. A letter was read from Utility Superintendent Andersen requesting reclassifi- cation of Mr. Mathias Kohl from Pipeman, Grade 9, to Sewer Main Foreman, Grade 10, to fill the vacancy created by resignation of Mr. Zvarich.• Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Bruce, to re ftr the request to the Job Evaluation Committee to report back. Carried. City Clerk Nelson advised of availability of Washington State Research Council publications, as follows: "Surplus Cash on ;land", $3 00 per copy, "Xobr Guide To Budgeting In Local Government", $1.00 per copy and both publications, $3,50, which may be secured from the Council at 6127 Arcade Building, Seattle, Washington. A communication from the City Atterneys' office submitted Agreement between the City and Water District #78,permitting the annexation of the Merryhill Rest Home which provides that the Water District will continue to serve and supply water to the home with terms of the original agreement between the District and the City remaining in effect as to requirement for 100% of signatures of water district customers prior to any annexation proceeding by the C:.1.ty, the waiver being granted in consideration of the existing health hazard which will be eliminated by connection of the Rest Home sewer facilities to the City line upon annexation initiation, Attention was called �b''p bblem 6f"bi111A ig under` the''circumstances and it was determined that it wbuld' be iiribbbNa�,)�'f6t+;the�'Gibsons to supply the City with a copy of their billings from the Water District, the City being obligated to Metro for each residence within the cor- porate limits'oflRent6vi. Moved_by;Hulse,,Iseconded •bReid; that 1the 'Agreem8nt='.ineorporatetherequire- _ ment• fore tlre(<owners`-of `tNF'Nursing Home'to'�fuehish!'th6 `City 'wi.th 'a dbpe,dit,their bill*ngs 1n-.order. that-eubie metp_ed feet might 'bei'asceftained for sewage billings, the Mbyor,and City Clerk toting l>authdr zed''to execrate gatne�'tbiere�ftek '(3ar� ed:i A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted for payment final estimate, recommending acceptance:-of Storm 12th12th Place No;.4.on :work ,co6pleted by Lundberg 7,Construction Company," as follows: ' to fiPYoject 1. (Factory Street),- $4,640t.�50, f-less retained 10%, $464.05 = $4,176.45 due Protect, Ii, „E", Street y-)$3,43t '62,fess 10%, $343.56, 'amount due, $3,._042.06, �:o;niTl.iPra eet IIT; 12th 'Ave. Nb: 1 12th Pi. No., , $16,110.70, less 10%, $1,611.07, amount due this project, $14,499.63. Total due, $21,768.14. Retained amount $2,418.68 ) recommended for release after 30 days if.no liens or claims aresfiled' and upon roof .of payment of:tax liabilities. Publication 'costs re`c6mmehd6d for payment, f>>.uti48., $61-:All:projects.ac�pted'by he Engi eering Departnidnt on Aptg ust 'i"2, X963. Moyed !by Pol'i•, s'econ46-d byl'Dah1,gaist"i-'o �acc�pt�'the OkbjeCts, cortciiztr Ink-with the r�•commendations of the City Engineer with -referral to the Accounting and Auditing Com- mitte6. Carded. t�l--letter- kead'­flwv Richard M , Streai�kc�, Pu�lis'h�r, `Rentm� �aw�tT�t31�, triol Cited sti4poft�-6f redistrkct%iig In the State':of Was'hiihgtor thto4jgh 'publi'c' ot�t f°btfti�#i . D6i itiom may•'be mafled•to,.:,the ReDfstr1Oti+hg.rAVp6a'1 Rind' (RAF); Puget Satirid mit"i6nil B�.nky �fiidv��t�c.Drarach; :�3�;50.P`acific Highiaay south,' Mtdaray,' Wasktingtori. . ResaliitrirY`Na; ]:199 cif;the' ity'af=?Renton was'picsenteti aufdriin e7tecuon'- and rI err vsr,T of d:G :ts'a t` aith PugL6t SO'Vilid'`Power &'Ligh't c6mp1iY1--Poi'1fi�rn1shing Oelpal wateti�pttioi'g,-4,ei-vice:f,6t sewage:lift,stati:'d#r:'at:lkv `:Avid and Sunset VO4- of:',a'pe-riod'af f4myears, e'f'fective $-15 63',` wli3'ch'<'t'ont'ract`'�i'a'd burr authorized by,the- dmeeting cf 8-5-63, when the Resolution was also introduced and read. _ i - Moved"by D-ul_Lahant; ' seconded!;by B,)puce, fe:adopt Resolutidn46. 1199., Mofid"n A notice was read, from the Chamber of Commerce, to remind the Mayor and Council and other.iintcrdsted 4�1*'r:i'�s of "t tc �CitY ei § Advisc�rtj C6uncil niditxn :: an 1 . 7Wedn 4daj`,"'Afttift 14,' 1963 at 7:80""Osmat the Chamber,Wt 'Gbommeic'e $u 1d'ing Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-12-63 Mayor Aliment requested that the report of the Council As A Whole Committee be read at this time. Councilman Reid submitted the report which was read by the Clerk with actions taken by the Council as follows: It was recommended by the Council As A Whole that: 1. The petition from Mill Street residents for asphalt or grading and oiling of the street and new installations and replacements of street lighting facilities be referred to the City En ineer and the Street and Alley Committee to check progress of work being done by the State with periodic reports back to the Council. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. Carried. 2. The request of C. E. Leman to install advertising on city parking meters be denied; the Clerk to so advise Mr. Leman. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. Carried. 3. All materials on Civil Rights and Open Housing be referred to the Legislative Commit- tee to study and report to the Council. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation. Motion Carried. 4. Vacation of certain streets as requested by Puget Properties, Inc. be referred to the Planning Commission; the Commission to call a special meeting to study the matter and make its recommendation to Council prior to the scheduled public hearing of September 9th, 1963. Moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. Carried. _M4,5. Proposal of Puget Properties, Inc. for Southeast Renton Cuaprehensive Development Plan be given general approval as far as Section I (extension of Puget Drive from `,. `Talbot Road at;�llthrAvenue South to Benson Road'=at.approximately S.E. 156th, Street), the :City Engineer:ft inddrporate this'p�ubiic road'int& the Arteria l 'Stree't,10ogram ah&the Six year: Corhprehensive road ,plan land- that, C6uncil sial] cam'for a' public n' hearing to amend these programs. Further recommended that the City Engineer and Mr. Greathouse of Puget Properties submit- t6T the Council''aiticipated' aMount of the City"s obligation to be funded •-fxom the- Arterial Street Fund, all, pertafr ng !to Section I' of the proposed Puget Drive Arterial, to-wit: a. Puget Properties, Inc. will in 1963; deed the necessary right-of�vay to. Renton,- place approximately 115,000 cubic yards of roadway fill and install necessary drainage to protect the fill, an estimated total of $54,000 in land value and construction costs. b. The City of Renton !will in 1964, ballaat'and pave three !traffic laanea- with necessary drainage facilities and pay incidental engineering and traffic device costs, an estimated total.'of $35,600.00 plus related contingencies. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. Carried. 6. The-: City shall accept the 100 foot right-of-way with a 2-lane road at the present ' , time-and await future development of the area before Considering a- 4-lane rdad all pertaining to Section II of Puget Drive Arterial, to-wit: . a. Puget Properties, Inc. will iw,1963, -deed the-'necessary right=-of-way to'Retfto!i' excavate:to gra0e . using material .to fill Seietion I, relotatie gats. mains'arid' install'' necessary drainage to' protect the work,, an estimated"total !of $-116,,ioo i joo . in land value anUconstruction cost. �XXx`�i�fXg��EX�f$X9��f�(�'? XXX (�(�X��t�€�i�t�t�Y�EIC�3C��fXR�[�tX�f�i�F7C1i�X�i3i#�fX#RXDQDt7�KX�fiI�E�#�X �� '� : . if�iX�f�Fdd�i�$(��EXR�i�F�CX3f�IXXXX�Di�x�Q3c�9cXX�[i��(�KS���iXd(��X��F�tx�i#�X�E�X�IQ��Q�X�x�fA�X�IIi�f�7t�fC�t1� Mbyved'by Reid, ',seconded by Brube,. to i concur in the recoatrienddifdrt'taf "the Council As A Able relative to Section II of Puget Properties, Inc. proposals. '''.Carried. 7'. The Southeastt'Renton Sanitary Trunk Plan.sttbmitted by Puget Properjties be referred Ohm to the Superintendent of Utilities, the City Engineer and thd.,'City Attorney for preparation of the requireddocuments '. loved by Dullahant, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. ; 8. The Sanitation Committee had• regraesited the Council As A Whole to recommend that Jthe City Attorney and Sup t. of Utilities be authorized to consult with Mr. Dodge., Engineer for Cascade Sewer'District to determine cost of a sewer line, 1. financed by the City through L.I.D., 2. financed in cooperation with Cascade Sewer: District. The Committee recommends concurrence. Moved• by Reid, secorided by Pc i, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. -4- {5 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-12-63 Council As A Whole Committee Report (cont. ) 9. It was recommended by the Committee that the City purchase the Dale & McLendon property on Wells Street between 4th Avenue and Walla Walla for purposes of Off- Street Parking., for the sum of $30,000.00. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. Carried. Mayor Aliment submitted a report from Mr. H. Dewayne Kreager, Consultant, regarding the Classification and Pay Plan study now being conducted for the City by the Public Administration Service through its representatives Mr. Ralph DeSantis and Mr. Laird Dunbar g P P Two plans had been submitted and Mr. Kreager advised that his study and review of each revealed the plans to be thoroughly adequate for the needs of the government of the City of Renton. It was recommended, due to the cost difference as well % consideration of the existing pay levels, that Plan A rather than Plan B be accepted for the inauguration of the program. Discussion ensued during which Mr. DeSantis pointed out that a handful of inequities wi]1 result under this plan requiring that those few employees be placed in the next established step of the pay range. Mayor Aliment advised that the Department Heads had met regarding the plan proposals and that there would be a meeting for City employees on Thursday, August 15, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. so that they may be apprised of the function of the new plan. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to table the matter for one week. Carried. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of the State Auditor's examination of the City of Renton Water-Sewer Department which will be on file for reference of the Council. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to refer the examination to the Council As A Whole for discussion. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, advised of Civil Service certifications for appointment to the Renton Fire Department of Gerald T. Pyle and Ronald A. Bergman and the appointments, effective 8-16-63 were recommended upon receipt of physical reports. A letter was read from Mayor Aliment concurring with the Civil Service Commission and Fire Chief's recommendations and Council concurrence was recommended for the six- months probationary period in accordance with the law. City Clerk Nelson advised that the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board had received Physicians reports from Dr. Michel and that both men had been given unconditional physical recommendations. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointments. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington, fixing the 9th day of September, 1963 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington as the time and place for hearing on the petition of Puget Properties, Inc. for vacation of certain streets and alleys within the City, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1200 as read. Carried. (Talbot flats area) A proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington was read, authorizing the transfer of the following funds within the Planning Department Accounts: From: Planning Director, Maintenance and Operation, Acct. No. 603, Expert Services, $3, 500.00, Unto: Planning Director, Salaries and Wages, Acct. No. 7009.1, $3,500.00. Additional draftsman in connection with the 701 program will be added to the Planning staff for the balance of the year by this transfer. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dullahant, to adcpt:.Resolution No. 2001 as read. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: mom Moved by Hulse, seconded by Reid, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. Mayor Aliment called attention to the additional funding to be required on the purchase of the McLendon property an d it was moved by Reid, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee and the seller to be notified by the City Clerk and Attorney of the Council action. Carried. Councilman Bruce, member of tle Sanitation Committee, presented a proposed Agreement between the City and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gibson, owners of the Merryhill Nursing Home, permitting hookup to the City's sanitary sewer system now existing along 13th Avenue So. in consideration of the sum of $945.49 and the condemnation of the Nursing Home present sewerage disposal system by the King County Health Department. -5- City Council Minutes (cont. ) 8-12-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS (Merryhill Nursing HomeeA;&reement) Owners agree to secure an easement for the sewer line across adjoining premises so as to provide for the hook—up. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant called attention to the need for removal of accumulated r•. debris from the Cedar River in the area between the Houser Way and Maple Valley bridges and moved that the matter, referred to the Street and Alley Committee last week, be also referred to the Street Commissioner with power to act. The motion was seconded by Bruce and carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dullahant, that Vouchers 1893 through 2021, having previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, and no further remarks from the audience, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. FrankAliment, Mayor ----------------------------- ---------------......... 'Helmie Nelson, C�iy C'crk GV ` :,�e 3': .x..1 1'?.tV7` •' �A1i, b5�'ii:za . 138 t,u,;ust 12, 1963 city of Rcnton Voucher:-, havin; been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 1893 Frank Aliment $ 74.58 1894 American Blueprint Company 41.60 1895 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 42.23 1896 Bevan's Plumbing and Heating 1.25 1897 Burnrite Oil Co. 108.38 1898 Busy Bee Rentals 2.08 1899 [dally Clarke Fuel Oil Company 46.22 1900 Coast Wide Supply Co. 19.56 1901 Coast Wide Supply Co. 167.78 1902 Cochran Hardware 89.17 1903 Dictaphone Corporation 1,088.04 1904 C. M. Doty 234.00 1905 General Binding Corp. & Subsidiaries 12.38 1906 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 177.00 1907 H & M Duplicator Corporation 223.88 1908 Hartman Office Equipment Company 31.20 1909 Hickok's Sport:Shop 4.16 1910 Holmes Electric Company 52.10 1911 House & Home 4.80 1912 Janco-United, Inc. 224.59 1913 Keuffel & Esser Company 15.71 1914 King County Medical Service Corp. 671.70 1915 The Lumber Market, Inc. 49.95 1916 McLendon Hardware 130.41 1917 McLendon Hardware 134.62 1918 Moore Business Forms, Inc. 35.62 1919 Pacific Auto Parts 30.15 1920 Pacific Coast Stamp Works 19.47 1921 Pacific Outfitting Company 38.84 1922 Paulson Office supply 185.15 1923 The Record-Chronicle 23.92 1924 Record Stationery & Office Supply 376.73 1925 Reiman Auto Parts 3.17 1926 Renton Automobile Company 24.53 1927 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 29.45 1928 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 9.17 1929 Seattle-King Co. Dept. Public Health 175.00 1930 Standard Insurance Company 208.00 1931 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 2,485.31 1932 U.S. Post Office 60.10 1933 Washington Natural Gas 22.56 1934 World Travel Service 7.60 1 CITY Cl` RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED August 12, 1963 CITY STREET FUND 1935 Cochran Hardware 4.32 1936 Howard Cooper Corporation 4 +.46 1937 Esco Company 51 ,31 - 1938 Group Health Coop of Fuget Sound 101 .00 1939Hartman Office Equipment Company 31 .20 1940' Keuffel & Esser Company 4.37 WNW1941 King County Medical Service Corp. 146.90 19!2 The Lumber Market, Inc. 5. 10 1943 McLendon Hardware 92.1. 0 1914 Pacific Auto Farts 61 .09 1945 Reiman auto Farts 116.42 1946 Renton Automobile Company 112.72 1947 Renton General Tire Service 11.75 1948 Renton Motor Farts, Inc. 222.21 1949 Shaw Bros. Drug 1 .26 1950 Statewide City Employees Retire. 27x.70 1951 Stoneway Sand and Gravel 89.01, CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND 1952 Group Health Coop of Fuget Sound 8.00 1953 Statewide City Employees Retire. 16,08 OFF STREET -PARKING FUND 1954 Milt Williams 125.00 PARK FUND 1955 B osley's Upholstery 18.72 1956 Coast Wide Supply Company 37.68 1957 The J. K. Gill Company 4.56 1958 Group Health Coop of Fuget Sound 16.00 1959 Janco-United, Inc. 332. 10 1960 King County Medical Service Corp. 81.70 1961 McLendon Hardware 238.1.1+ 1962 Northwest Mower & Marine 82.52 1963 Fennsalt Chemicals Corporation 78.00 1964 Polson Implement Company 19.35 1965 Frank E. Rhodes Company 9.31 1966 Statewide City Employees Retire. 107.39 1967 Stoneway Sand and Gravel 145.74 1968 Sun Aired Bag Company, Inc. 105.53 1969 Beverly A. Travis & Associates 278.33 1970 Van Waters & Rogers 137.36 1971 Washington Natural Gas Company 452.56 140 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED August 12, 1963 LIBRARY FUND 1972 Americana Interstate Corp. 6.00 1973 City of Renton 4.00 1974 Diesel Oil Sales Company 24.32 1975 Doubleday & Company, Inc. 73. 12 1976 Gaylord Dros., Inc. 267.86 1977 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.50 1978 King County Medical Service Corp. 74.95 1979 McLendon Hardware 131 .76 1980 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 2.50 1981 Pacific Books 4.65 1982 Pacific Northwest Bell 56.81 1983 Puget Sound News Company 762.32 1984 Puget Sound Power & Light 29.99 1985 Record Stationery & Office Supply 17.35 1986 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 1. 17 1987 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners .83 1988 Statewide City Employees Retire. 138.69 1989 Washington State Tax Commission 8.34 1990 H. W. Wilson Company 198.00 AIRPORT FUND 1991 Cochran Hardware 35,85 1992 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 74.00 1993 King County Medical Service Corp; 24,45 1994 The Lumber Market, Inc. 12. 17 1995 Record Stationery & Office Supply 7.75 1996 Renton Cash-Wast' Lumber Yard 66.21 1997 Frank E. Rhodes Company 4.37 1998 Statewide City Employees Retire. 37.86 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 1999 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 3,500.00 2000 Frank Coluccio Construction Co. 18,634.94 2001 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 2,004.93 2002 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 1,565.64 2003 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 56.00 2004 Esco Corporation 81.66 2005 Holmes Ellectric Company 21 .59 2006 King County Medical Service Corp. 164.00 2007 The Lumber Market, Inc. 79.04 2008 McLendon Hardware 134.39 2009 Helmie Nelson 3.00 2010 Pennsalt Chemicals Corporation 125.00 2011 Pitney-Bowes, Inc. 4.99 2012 Record Stationery & Office Supply 18.86 2013 Renton Automobile Company 63.31 2014 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 126. 12 20115 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 14.24 2016 Frank E. Rhodes Company 9.36 2017 Statewide City Employees Retire. 283.25 2018 Charles Stewart,. lnc. 35.88 2019 Stoneway Said & Gravel 210.40 2020 Washington State Treasurer 35,00 2021 Lundberg ConB'kructjon Co. _rank Ailment,. Mar Helmie Nelson, City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 141 August 19, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, to excuse the absent Councilmen. Carrsl. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer., C'erard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Richard Burrows, Park Department, J. David ""' Jensen, Planning Director, Jim Denzer, Ch&irr,an, Planning Commission and Floyd Lawrence, Civil Defense Director. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman John Pearson and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Louis Brunner, Cross and Crown Lutheran Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting,8-12, with deletion as recommended by the City Attorney and inclusion of motion by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to approve Minutes of the previous meeting of 8-5-63. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS] NO.AM'.`'-J•' NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9023 $ 500,00 Joseph Diambri 3120 - 5th East Wire addition 9024 160.00 Jchn Milliken 2206 - 8th Ave. No. Panelling & Wiring 9025 15.00 Grace Dunkle 312 Wells Street Replace Sign 9026 350,00 J. Reuse 10042 S.E, 95th St. Wire New Residence 9027 1,000.00 :ed R'dke 440 No. Williams Additions 9028 435,00 Allen Wehrer 12741-88th Pl. So. Wire New Res. 9029 24<00 Roy Johnson 328 N. Williams Windows 9030 300.00 A. L. Lloyd 568 "I" Place Wire Elec.. Heat 9031 25000 Luis P. Sutter 721 High Street Carport r..� 9032 300.00 Lackie 401 - 3rd Avenue Windbreak 9033 50.00 E. V. Wooten 11815 Boss Blvd. Repair Bldg.-Fence 9034 100.00 Fred Akero 911 - 3rd Avenue Sign 9035 335,00 B-,eing Company Park Street Transformer 9036 90000 Signal Oil Company 600 Grady Way Sign 9037 375.00 First Christian Church 15491 - 116th Ave., SE Wire Residence 9038 250.00 Gerry Goodall 1544 "TT' Place Wire Residence 9039 ;.50.00 Gerry Goodall 1548 "1" Place Wire Residence 9040 10000 George Hagerty 1306 "H" Place Fence 9041 1.00 Ben Lindgren 1006-5th Ave., No. Tool Shed PLUMBING & HEATING PERMLT S: 5997 - - - -- Corner Construction 12703 - 86th Ave.- So. Gas Insta.11atlofis 5998 - - -- - Joseph Diambri - 3120-5th Ave., < Plumbing Fixtures 5999 - - - Allen Wehrer 12741-88th Plx So. Plumbing Fixtures 6000 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1100 "R" Str"t Plumbing Fixtures 6001 - - - United Homes Corp. 1114 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6,002 - - - - United Hames Corp. 1115 "R" .$street Plumbing Fixtures 6003 - - - - United H mes Corp: 3903-11th Ct, No. Plumbing Fixtures 6004 - - - - United HOmes Corp< 1103 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6005 - United Homes Corp. 1038 "R'} Street Plumbing. Fixtures 6006 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1032 "R" Stxeet Plumbing Fixtures 6007 - - - - United Homes Corp, 1145 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6008 - - - - United Homes Corp. 391541th Ave. X9, Plumbing Fixtures 6009 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1032 "Q" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6010 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1111 'TQ" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6011 - - - - Ben Fugitt 13060 SE 115th Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 36012 - - - - J. C. Kirkman 10739--108th SE Plumbing Fixtures 6013 - - -- Humble Oil Company 16660 Benson Road Plumbing Fixtures 6014 - - -- - William Bibby 441 Whitworth Ave. Gas Installations 6015 - - - -- L. H. Burnham 82 Williams Street Gas Installations 6016 - - - •-• C. & R. Construction 12807-88th Ave. So., Plumbing Fixture:- 6017 •- - - - Bryan E-Woods 9830 -115th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 6018 - - - Fred Sacchetti 1: 06 Davis St. So., Heating Equipment __l- 2 Renton City Council Meeting - (cont.) 8-19-63 HEARINGS: Merryhill Nursing Home annexation (Gibson property) Continued to 8-26-63 pending receipt of Agreement from Commissioners of Water Dist. 78. HEARING: _ Prop--sed Harbor Ordinance This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open and the Clerk reported that all parties who might be affected had been informed of the Hearing and phone call from Mr. Ted Moser requesting that the Hearing be continued pending further investi- gationthar eotand it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to continue the Hearing for one week. Carried. PRELIMINARY MEETING - is J. Brodell letter of intent to annex property to Renton (Maplewood - Cedar River area) The Clerk advised of the presence of the Brodells in the audience and inquiry was made by Councilman Hulse as to whether the parties were willing to assume the pre- existing bonded indebtedness of the City. Mr. Brodell advised they did not wish to assume any prior existing indebtedness but would be interested to know what it comprised. Mayor Aliment advised that the Treasurer would furnish any information they may desire and it was moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, to give favorable consideration to the letter of intent with the proper petition being thereby allowed to be circulated. Carried. Mayor Aliment so advised Mr. and Mrs. Brodell. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Building Sup't. Highton advised of expiration of the 30-day lien period on the Bell Construction Contract for construction of a vault in the Clerk's office and interior painting of City Hall, with no liens having been filed and all tax liabilities having been cleared. Release of the retained percentage, in the sum of $739.13 was recommended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and referral of the payment to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Hugh Mathews, 11415 S.E. 104th Street and Mr. Charles Eaton, 11423 S.E. 104th advising that City installation of culvert had diverted the waters to their properties and the problem could be averted by locating a dry well in the area which, according to Street Commissioner Lynch required permission of the pro- perty owners due to the required location of such well. Permission was granted for loca the installation and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the dry with referral to the City Attorney for required documents. Carried. A letter from the University of Washington announced a no-host luncheon and agenda for the King County Civil Defense Conference on September 19, 1963 at the University, Cafeteria: and Room 233, Savery Hall, registration at 9:15 a.m. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letter to the City's Civil Defense Director, F. Lawrence. Carried. A letter from the Association of Washington Cities, submitted questionnaire which various cities are being requested to complete in connection with possible inadequacy of the existing city planning enabling act under which most cities operate. The Association Committee is hoping to have a bill prepared for the 1965 session and suggestions were invited. Clerk Nelson advised that Planning Director Jensen had been furnished a copy. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to refer the letter to the Legislative Committee. Carried. A letter from the Washington Natural Gas Company was read applying for easement or permit to cross a portion of Cedar River Park property with a gas main adjacent to existing Metro and Pacific Northwest Bell easements. Drawings were attached, No. 7D-283. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the City Engineer, the Park Board and the Property Committee. Carried. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson requesting authorization to call for bids on grading work to be required for the 3rd Avenue North extension. September 9, 1963 was the date recommended for opening of the bids, the tentative plan being to grade this year with the paving work to be completed next summer. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. Application read from Wagner's Cafe requested that Nelson Micheal be granted the required license to operate a Music Machine in said place of business. A second appli- cation requested that Rainier Amusement Company be granted required license to operate two Pinball, Devices in the Cafe. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the two applications to the Police and License Committee with Power..to Act. Carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, was read requesting to go on record one hundred percent: on behalf of the engineering department personnel in favor of the proposed Position Classification and Pay Plan Study now being conducted for the City by the i t Renton City Council Meeting Minutes 8-19-043 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Public Administration Service and adoption was recommended thereof. It was deemed that such a plan would be an asset in the recruitment of professional and technical personnel as well as serving to maintain a proper balance between salary rates and levels. A letter. from City Engineer Wilson was read submitting attached Preliminary Estimate and Assessment Roll for proposed Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. on "M" Street between 12th Avenue North and Sunset Highway. The estimated cost for the work including contingencies and engineering was $8,358.00. Discussion ensued regarding the size of the bond issue and the mode of possible financing by the Firemen's Pension Fund Board. Moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposal to the Firemen's Pension Fund Board for consideration. Carried. A letter read from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recom- mendation that the Replat of a portion of Block 2, Tiffany Park, be adopted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendation, Director Jensen advising the replat to be necessary due to location of trunk sewer lines. The motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. -T An opinion from John J. O'Connel, Attorney General, was submitted by Councilman Garrett. Pursuant to a presently pending court action involving the City of Renton Councilman Garrett had made inquiry whether a court created urd er 3.50.060 RCW ceases automatically to exist when the population exceeds 20,000 and if not, when and under what conditions does a court validly created under that chapter cease to exist. The Clerk read the opinions which cited Ch. 3.50 RCW providing for creation of municipal courts by cities having a population of 20,000 or less and RCW 3.50.060, infra, re termination of any court created under Ch. 3.50 RCW. Several cases were cited and the Attorney General concluded that a municipal court duly created under Chapter 3.50 » `� remains in existence until terminated in the manner provided by RCW 3.50.060. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that when the City's court was established the population was not 20,000 and whether the Supreme Court would uphold the rulings as cited in the various other cases was not known. If the Municipal Court were abolished, the Justice Court would try Renton's cases, however, the Council will be advised of the decision on .. the pending case now before the Court. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Bruce, member of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton declaring its intention to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances on a portion of "M" Street between 12th Avenue North and Sunset Blvd. East, and to create a local improvement district to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefited thereby; and notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and presort their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on September 16, 1963. T�" proposed Resolution was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1202 as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington, for the adoption, maintenrMce and administration of the position classification and pay plans, was presented by the Ordinance Committee. Discussion following disclosed dissenting opinions on reading at this time, it being felt that the City employees, having met the previous Thursday, mai% not have had ample time to express their views on the matter. Upon invitation, City Employees in the audience addressed the Council. President of the City Employees Club, Fred Hanis advised of having been on vacation and that the Club has not met since his return and that pro and con expressions had been received. Mr. Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, stated his opinion that employees should have been given opportunity to express their individual concerns at the Thursday meeting (which many did) and also in- quired regarding policies and state law relative to overtime. Discussion ensued and City Attorney Shellan advised of the legislation passed on 40 hour weeks and time and one- half for over 40 hours and of some question as to whether City and County Municipal Cor- porations were to be included in the intention of the law. It was pointed out that the matter of the reading should be held up one week for further consideration, Councilman Trimm and Garrett expressing concern for employees and/ or Department Head reports of their views. Mayor Aliment cautioned against prolonging action any longer than one week in concern for budget preparation, and it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the document be placed on reading at this time- -3- 14*utes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-19-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (cont. ) Position Classification and Pay Plan: Fireman Jerry Nichols advised that the Chairman of the Fire Fighters Wage Committee had j attended the meeting and while it was felt that the plan contained several favorable attributes they could not endorse the over all program 100%. at that time. Dissenting voice vote on the pending motion resulted in roll call vote as follows: Aye: Reid, Hulee, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, poli and Bruce. No: Garrett and Trimm. The Clerk Read the proposed Resolution. Attention was called to the fact that the matter had been tabled at the previous meeting and it was therefore moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to remove the matter from the table for subsequent action. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to adopt Resolution 1203 as read. Resultin dissenting voice vote necessitated roll call vote request which was registered as follows: Aye: Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, and Poli. No: Garrett, Trimm and Bruce. The motion carried, there being six Aye votes and three no votes. An Agreement was read between Puget Properties, Inc. and the City providing for in- stallation of a temporary lift station near Shattuck Street by Puget Properties, Inc., to be connected to the City's telemetering and water system along with temporary force main from the lift station to the outfall, at the sole cost and expense of Puget Properties, Inc., and all plans and specifications to be submitted to the City Engineer's office and Supt. of Utilities for approval. The City's existing lift station to be removed and and permanent installation to be installed upon expiration of one year in the event no gravity sewer line has been installed to eliminate the necessity of a lift station. The City shall be responsible for normal and ordinary operation of the temporary lift station to the same extent and in tlu same manner as the operation of the existing lift station, all pursuant to the developing of a tract of land located in the South and Southeasterly area of the City, including proposed construction of residential units and a shopping cen- ter South of Grady' Way, by Puget Properties, Inc. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement as read. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk as follows: Re: Referral of 8-12-63, Funding of Dale-McLendon property - to be purchased by City for use as off-street parking lot. ($30,000.00) It is recommended that the $20,000.00 now in the 1962 Budget, Parking Meter Fund, Capital Outlay Acct. 7036.233, be applied on the purchase of the property and that the additional $10,000.00 be borrowed from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund, to be repaid from the Parking Meter Fund no later than December 31, 1963. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Inquiry on the question was raised as to adequacey of time for amortization aand discussion disclosed the revenue to be adequate, which the fund would produce. Mr. Charles Shane addressed the Council inquiring in his capacity as a taxpayer, relative to provision by the City of parking facilities for downtown business areas to the benefit of merchants in that area when funds were not contributed to facilities at- any of the shopping centers, and inquiring regarding use of tax funds for this purpose. ." The Council advised that the merchants are paying for the paving and meter installa- tion with the city retaining title to the properties and Councilman Reid advised that ? the property was in temporary use as parking facilities but was acquired pursuant to future plans for civic centtr use contingent upon development of the 701 plans. Also, s funding has not been from tax funds but expended from Parking Meter revenues, therefore ' the purchases will be funded solely from self-supporting moneys which indrectly are how- ever public derived funds, all within the Parking Meter Fund. Councilwoman Dahlquist advocated endorsement of the additional parking facilities for the good of the community. The pending motion carried and it was subsequently moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, x to refer the matter to the Ordinance Commj,tle-e_ for the proper Resolution. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported recommendations of his committee as follows: 1. Proposed park in May Creek area - The committee has been doing extensive investigation- and research and to date a tract map has been produced showing ownerships and size of the various tracts and contacts are being made regarding availability of certain parcels which the Committee feels to be desirable for such park purposes. Attention was called to the fact that sizable acreage will be needed for a park of this type. Further reports will be made intermittently. 2. Regarding cleaning of Cedar River Parts area - - Cost estimates have been requested from the various departments concerned upon receipt of which recommendations will be made fo: referral to Ways and Means. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-19-63 - � COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS (cont. ) Property Committee Report. 3. Regarding Lease Agreement between the City and Occupational Rehabilitation, Inc. the premises have not as yet been restored to original condition as agreed upon termina- tion of the Lease and a list of the necessary work which will be required has been made and referred to the City Attorney who now advises action recommended by the Committee as follows: The park department take possession of the premises and proceed with the necessary repairs to place the quarters in satisfactory condition so that they may be utilized for recreational purposes. Also, that the City Attorne1- nontinue to press the Occupational Rehabilitation, Inc. people to reimburse the City for the damages according to the Claim which has been filed against them. ,... Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Propetty Committee. Carried, Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to a Resolution to be presented at the Good Roads Association Conference which City Clerk Nelson had received from the Council As A Whole Committee and the fact that a Council member should be elected to represent the City of Renton. Councilman Reid advised he had made reservations to attend and it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, that Councilman Reid be elected delegate to represent Renton at the Good Roads Assn. meeting. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported his attendance along with Councilman Delaurenti, at the American Municipal Congress in Houston, Texas, pointing out the resemblances between cities presenting various documents and printings which he had brought back as a matter of interest. An application for a copy of the transcript of the meetings was submitted to the Clerk and Councilman Garrett felt it would be of interest if the Council wished to have one on file. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to approve Vouchers No. 2022 through 2082, having previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience and as none was forthcoming and there was no ..further business to come before the Council, it was moved by-Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adj-ourtied at 9:35 p.rn. frank Aliment,,Mayor : Helmie Nelson, City Clerk 4 146 August 19, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows ; VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 2022 8 & B Auto Parts 31. 11 2023 Jack Colombi 15,80 2024 Firestone Stores 54. 17 2025 General Electric Supply Co. 199.61 2026 J. David Jensen 7.60 2027 Kenneth J. Oyler 2,40 -87 2028 R. L. Polk & Company 24' .60 2029 Puget Sound Fower & Light 4,62, ,85 2030 Fuget Sound Power & Light 359.71 2031 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 4.41 2032 Tele-Car Communications Co. 176.80 2033 U. S. Post Office 20.00 2034 WET City Treas. Cr. Current 10.63 .2035 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 1 ,803.70' 2036 Wesco Fire Apparatus Company 35,41 2037 Williams & Swanson 3.60 2038 Charles Delaurenti 106.00 CITY STREET FUND 2039 Firestone Stores 319,59 2040 Humble Oil Company 1,81.42, 19 2041 In,strume vt Laboratory, loc. l,57 2042 R. L. Polk & Compawy 31',20 2043 Raeco Products Corporation, 61.86 2044 Ranter Asphalt Paving Company 11q,25 2045 Reston Radiator, Inc. $.32 2046 Sahlberg Equipment, loc. 599.33 2047 Security Consrete Products Co. 32 ,60 2048 Standard 011 Co. of Calif. 152.00 2049 Sunset Coal & 011 Company 1,71K. 15 2050 Swaim Equipment Company 22.55 2051 Tele-Car Communications Co. 5x.00 2052 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 135.o78 2053 Welders Supply Company 23.80 2054 Williams & Swanson 411,55 CEDAR RIVER M. & 1 . FUND 2055 Dan Katzer - Bulldozing 49.50 FARK FUND 2056 Lande Feed Company 56. 16 2057 Reston Ooiler Works 12i48 2058 Restoo• Concrete Products, Inc. 137.59 2059 Sahlberg Equipment, Inc. 14$,46 2060 Standard Oil Company of Calif. 1y..06 206) U. S. Fost Office 22.30 2062 Victorts Fuel Oils x;43 2063 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 179,33 AIRPORT FUND 2064 Welders Supply Company 6.55 2065 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 5x.48 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1990 2066 Puget Sound Power & Light 86.42 147 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED August 19, 1963 WATER W CRKS UTILITY FUND 2C67 B & B Auto Farts 6. 18 2068 Pitney-Bowes, Inc. 22.1x-6 2069 Preservative Pa i.r�t C mprlflaC.._.- 14.48 2070. Puget Sound Power & Li' ht 2,512.95 2071 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 67.08 2072 Renton Auto Glass 9.82 2073 Renton Boiler Works 609.96 2O74 Security Concrete Products Co. 10.50 2075 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 9. 15 2076 Sunset Coal & Oi*l Company P Y 09.20 2077 Tele-Car Communications Co. 52.00 2078 Thor Power Tool Company 16. 17 2079 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 738. 18 2080 Western Utilities Supply Co. 2,516-71 CUPULATIVE FJND NO. i i;33 1.1 2081 ?e 1 I Cons`ruc'•i on CUFF:Ef1T FUr'n el I Cons+ruc' ions 6).51 2062 Frank Aliment,lllayor + '� �Heimie Nelson,- City.Clerk irrr '� y • .v 2 14S RENTON CITY COUNCIL ktgular Meeting August 26, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer,- Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett_ City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, B. L. Andersen, Sup t. of Utilities, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Richard' r,urrows, Park Department, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian and Floyd Lawrence, Civil Defense Director, and Vern Church, P-rchasing Agent. The PlQ'dge of Allegiance to the. Flag was led by Patrolman Richard Gray and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Fred Harter, Village Chapel. Moved by Fo�1, seconded by Bruce, 'to approve the Minutes of tHiE� previous meeting of August 19, 1963 as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTRtNT OF.,RENTON BUILDING PERMITS 1 NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TM OF WQM 9042 $ 5.80 Henry Johnson 524 Williams Street Chg. Elec. Service 9043 1, 500.00 James Feroe 834 "N" Street V.Garage 9044 50.00 Manio Phillips 221 Airport Way Storage Shed 9045 11,300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13303 SE 115th Street Residence 9046 12,800.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13205 SE 115th Street Residence 9047 11,300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13221 SE 115th Street Residence 9048 11,300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13214 SE 116th Street Residence 9049 1, 500.00 L. L. Wingard 442 Windsor Way Re-roof Residence 9050 300.00 Jim Kirkman Const. 10739 - 108th Ave. SE Wire New Residence 9051 100.00 Globe Development Co. 830 - 9th Ave. North Screen Fence 9052 37,000.00 First Methodist Church 2025 Fourth Ave. No. Add to church 9053 400.00 Johnson Grocery 251 Factory Street Replace gutters,etc. 9054 2,500.00 Tom Stanlick 127 Park Street Wire Building 9055 89.00 Matt Sporcic 1316 "H" Street Tool Shed 9056 600.00 J. Barber 8655 Lake Wn. Blvd. Wire Residence 9057 9000.00 Raymond Nestor 1221 Morris St. So. Add to Res. & Carpt. PLUMBING & HLATING PERMITS: 0. 9 - - - - Gerald ibl.lack 11203 SE 112th Street Plumbing Fixtures 6020 - - - - Wilbur Repp 1019 - 1st Ave. No. Gas Installations 6021 - - - - Jolly Boy Restaurant 111 Airport Way Gas Installations 6022 - - - - Tom Stanlick 117 Park Street Plumbing Fixtures 6023 - - - - Katsman Brothers 3316 - 14th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 6024 - - - - Jim Kirkman 10739 - 108th S.E. Heating Equipment 6025 - - - - Joe Mance 17321 - 9th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 6026 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15528 - 119th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 6027 - - - - Tiffany homes, Inc. 15526 - 119th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixture 6028 - - - - Glen Wallin 922 - 3rd Avenue Gas Installation'^ 6029 - - - - John Bulgarelli 1006 Smithers So. Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: - Harbor Ordinance (continued from 8-19-63) This being the date set, the continued Hearing was opened and Mayor Aliment invited comment. City Clerk Nelson reported that inquiries bat -no pr©tosts were received and that all interested parties had been notified of the continued hearing. Mr. Campbell of Foss Tug and Launch requested a copy of the proposed Ordinance and the Clerk presented him with a copy. The Ordinance having been irytroduced 'for"reading on 8-5-63 was presented at this time. As there was no further verbal comment, the Hearing was declared closed, and i, was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading,(the speed limit of 7 nautical miles being inserted and effective date to be upon publication). Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by 3uster, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 2049 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with all council members present voting aye. Carried. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-26-63� 4 HEARING: Annexation of Gibson's Nursing Home Property This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The Clerk read the proposed Agreement between the City and Water District No. 78 permitting annexation of the Merryhill Nursing Home property. Also read was City Attorney Shellan's Memo submitting the document to the Mayor and Council. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement. Carried. There being no verbal comment, the hearing was declared closed. Acting upon the Petition for Annexation, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that the pending Petition be accepted and the property annexed to the City, all procedures having been followed in accordance with the law, and the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLaughlin advising of existing cloud on the title to their tract of property by reason of faulty quit claims made some years ago in connection with the widening by the County of Goodwin Street, Due to use of the wrong commencement point the description is inaccurate as recorded, making an encroachment on the tract which, however, does not form any part of the improved and paved 60 ft. right of way known as Goodwin Street. Mr. McLaughlin is selling the property and inasmuch as the City has annexed this area in June of this year, it has succeeded to the rights and obligations of the County in respect thereto. The City is requested to provide a Quit Claim Deed at this time in order to release any claim on the pie-shaped area along Goodwin Street thereby clearing the title. (A proper legal description to be determined by the City Engineer for the Deed) The title survey also disclosed that no title or document of record exists on the asphalt road on the -south" boundary of 'the tract which right-of-way, known as ��qoiith 133rd Street (extending west from 91st Avenue So.) is located partyly upon the subject tract according- to descriptions thereof. ''The McT;aughlins are willing to Quit Claim said road to' the 'City;upon presentation of a proper description foci sitch` Deed. Moved by Hullse'; seconded bye Custer, to •re'fLhr?-the' matter to th _-Uf�ty Engineer tocheck and report .back. Carried. _ .,,,, r- A letter was"read from City Eng=ineer Wilson.,submitting, a 'd tdcbmtfleri'ding-f-ot* payment; supplement to, final estimate)-on the "E" 'Street"�etorm sewer project,' in the sum' "of $48.75 less 10% retained, $4.88. Amount due contractor at this time, $43.87 which covers an additional 15 square yarldi-of asphaltic -concrete pavemeftt in t'h'e restoration work. t Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the estimate to the' AccountingI and Auditing Committee with power to act. Catritd. A letter from School District 403 submitted Agreement between the District and the Boeing Company pertaining to lease of school district building which is located on the Renton Airport. The City as original-lessor of the property was requested to approve the option renewal as is customarily thre proce'dare'. Moved by' Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the documents to the City Attorney for approval. Carried. (See subsequent actibn later in meeting) A letter from B. Lit Andersen, 'Sup't. of Utilities; requested permission to call ;for bids on pipeline -materials to be installed in replacement of existing wood''sthve pipe whieh.has deteriorated beyond repair, in,Maplewood Su-bdivision ,aht =te alsd provide for future. connection oto`the'12" main to be''_installed along' PSH #5. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini,• to authorize-' the'call for! bids a3 �egtLe to - Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by'Hitlse,' ihat''September 16, 1963 be set for opening of bids. Carried: A letter. from Supt. of Building's Highton requested -p6ithis-srib)i-' for Claude Mcpfibtgon to attend the Northwest Conference of the "tnternational Assbciatlon of."Electrieal' rn- spectors in Salt Lake City, Utah on 9-9-68 the 'cost to be fuihded from the Blds Dept. Travel -and Convention Fund and limited,-to' $250.00. Moved by Garretts seconded by Gianini, that the request be granted. Carried. A letter read from Haugan' & Shell.an submitted by` City Attorney 'Shblldh, advised that the Pacific Coast R:R. vs. City of Renton and' Robert'-L. Edwards, 'et" u§; Third" Party Defendants Cot action• will �oo me befbre the Superior Court for Hutting on ' September 17th or I8th•,' the 'railroad .company seeking to recover Ithe sum of$25,407.40 along with interest and court costs. Affidavits and Briefs are on file in the City Attorneys' office and may be inspected• by anyone who may be interested �_.. i.i:� '( ! r- •.1'... �_... . .. .. —2... _...'i::it]_ � L1•,'F'!. is �_.;i.. i.14. "1 .. �.i.v, .. 1.50 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-26-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.} City Attorney Shellan advised that after commencement of suit by the Railroad Company action had in turn been brought to join Mr. Edwards in the suit and he is now a party thereto since his obligation to the City consists of payment- of half of the amount as specified heretofore. It is the position of the Railroad that the work was done in compliance with the contract that had been entered into with the City and that the amount is still owing. They reject any defense of failing to call for bids as s_ggested by the State Auditor for the reason that it would be highly impractical for the city to call for bids to c struct one-fourth of a bridge and for the additional reason that the State law provi4e:s that all construction changes and alterations of railway highway crossings "shall in every case be done by the railroad company owning or operating the same", perhaps overlooked in audit.AtterrdanBaas called to certain persons making an issue of the case and contributions of constructive nature tiere invited to be presented -to the Attorneys office and :to Court at the time of the hearing of the pending litigation,. A letter from Street Commissioner Lynch requested permission to build a storm sewer on Mill Street between Third and Fourth Avenues at a total cost of $2,350,00, funding to be allocated from the Water Works Utility Storm and Sanitaty Sewer Fund, 7092,12, Capital Outlay 1713, Replace Sanitary Sewers. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request of the Street Commis- sioner. Carried. A letter from E. C. Sorensen: protested denial_ of building permit to construct addition -to his present building on Lot 13, Block 7, Rentor_ Farm Plat due to lack of proper setback as established by Ordinance No, 1942 on March 5, 1962. Demand was made that the City either condemn the property and pay reasonable value therefor or grant the requested building permit. Planning Director recalled the ordinance which designates certain streets within the City that shall have setback requirements of 20 feet among which 4th Avenue had been one of the right-of-ways so designated,, and in keeping with the scheduled development as planned the Department has insistently held by the city's policy requiring the 20 ft. for all construction and improvements requested on said streets. After discussion on the legal aspects by Cit..- Attorney Shel! n it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Council_ As A Whole, Carried. A letter from Assistant City Engineer Del Bennett submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No. 1 on work performed to August- 23, 1953 by P'ainie_. Contractors on Maplewood Sanitary Sewers, L.I. D. No. 249, in the sum of $23,243,89. A letter from City Clerk Nelson advised that since the Firemen's Pension Fund is financing this L.I.D. and it is therefore necessary that the following accounting trans- actions be made accordingly: Warrant No. 1., L.1.D, 249; Cash Fund, payable to Rainier Contractors, Inc., in the sum of $2 ,243.89; and "Warrant No. 1, L.I_D.. 249.. Revenue Fund, payable to Fire men's Pension Fund, $23,243.89. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Engineering Department and the accounting transactions as outlined by the City Clerk. Carried. A letter from the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board Fund offered to purchase L.I.D. No. 250, "M" Street Sanitary Sewer Warrants in the sum of $8,358.00 at a rate of 4.75% interest and subsequently, the installment ,note in lieu thereof. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to accept the offer providing the L.I.D. is approved. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that a Preliminary ii-;le report has been received on the Dale-McLendon Property and though a few items require clearing up through the sellers, the matter should be closed out sometime next week for purchase of the property. PROCLAMATIONS: A letter from Mayor Aliment proclaimed the weak of September_ember 2-8, 1963 as Union Label Week in the City of Renton calling upon all citizens to observe this special period in honor of organized labor by displaying the Union Labe:', the Shop C?rd, Store Card and Service Button and by patronizing the products and services of union labor which are identified by these time honored emblems. A Proclamation from Mayor Aliment declared the week of September 10---17t'h, 1963 as Renton Golf Week in promotion of goodwill between the service clubs and business people of the City and to extend the application of sportsmanship i -to the everyday business and community 'Life. -3- Minutes of the Renton Cit; Council Meeting 8-26-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Bruce, member of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Reso- lution of the City amendiig the Plat of Tiffany Park by a replat of a portion of Block 2 having heretofore been approved by the Plannliig Commission and being required due to the location of certain utility facilitiesy which was read by the Clerk.. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, ;o adopt Resolu.t'-on No. 1204 as road. Carried. The -Ordiriance Committee presen-Led a proYos.ed resolution of the City of Renton, Washington, a-_,`ho�izing and directi::zg -the City C-ferk and the City Treasurer to transfer funds From the Cadar River Park Acquisit: cn Iund unto Parking Meter Fund 7036.233, Capital Outlay,1712, as loan to be repaid not later than Decembar 31, $,IO,UOO,.00,to bear interest at the rate of four percent (451o) per annum, which was read by the Clerk. (For purchase of McLendon property) Mova.d by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt ;.zs oiution No. 1205 as read. Carried. COUNCIT, COMMI..'EE REPORTS: NEW BUSILIESS: Councilwoman Dahlquist, Chairman of the 14egislative Committee..reported that the Association of Washington Cities has distributed its publication of policies for 1963-64 which ma;;: be of interest co the Council Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini; that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 2083 through 2131, having been previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee be likewise approved by the d)uncil at this time. Carried. Councilman Poli called attention to population signs within the City which have not been revised to show the new census figure of 20,175 and it being determined that such signs, were those placed by the State, motion was made and seconded by Hulse, that the State Highway ll•2nartment be notified of -the change. Carried. City Clerk Nelson called attention to the Schocl District 403 - Boeing Lease Agreement which had been referred to the Cty Attorney and to the fact that there wi:i7 be a two-week per_od until the next Council Meeting due to the Holiday week end. The School D .strict concern for early action p 6wpts Council approval and authori- zation for execution if approved by the City Attorney. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement upon appr•a=la1 of the Cita A'ctorney, Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Frank Af ment, Mayor He1mie Nelson City Cterk, August 26, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 2063 Blumenthal Uniform Company 36.63 2084 Avery Garrett 100.00 2085 Hartman Office Equipment Company 37. 18 2086 Holmes Electric Company 85.70 2087 Market Basket 15 10.95 2088 Messer's T.V. & Appliance 93.35 2089 Overall Cleaning & Supply Company 14.92 2090 Pacific Aerial Surveys, Inc. 68.64 2091 Pacific Northwest Bell 1,249.62 2092 Pacific Outfitting Company 42.54 2093 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 90.37 2094 Shaw Bros. Drugs 49.35 2095 Washington State Research Council 7,28 2096 Western Plumbing Officials Association 15.00 CITY STREET FUND 2097 Lande Feed Company 5.67 2098 - Pacific Northwest Bell 5.00 2099 Preservative Faint Company 6.71 2100 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 62.50 2101 Smith Gandy, Inc. 22. 10 PARK FUND 2102 Fisheries Supply Company 4.37 2103 Moulden Fuel Company 58.24 2104 Pacific Northwest Bell 132.87 2105 Puget Sound Power & Light 326.80 2106 Smoky's Auto Parts 26.00 2107 Sunset Coal & Oil Company 1 ,425.84 AIRPORT FUND 2108 International Northwest Aviation 91 .00 Council 2109 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 11.49 FIREMEN'S FENS ION FUND 2110 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 2111 T. K. Anderson 15.24 2112 Theron K. Anderson 565.00 2113 J. H. Hartwig, M.D. 10.00 2114 K's Prescription Pharmacy 11 .75 2115 Floyd Lawrence 610.00 2116 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 2117 The Neurosurgical Clinic 15.00 2118 Fred W. Reebs, M.D. 5.00 2119 Renton Prescription Pharmacy 4.99 2120 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic 14.00 2121 Shaw Bros. Drugs 1 .82 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2122 Messer's T.V. & Appliance 1 .32 2123 Pacific Northwest Bell 127.30 2124 R. L. Polk & Company 31 .20 2125 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 14.26 L. I .D. 249 CASH FUND I Rainier Contractors, Inc. 23,243.89 L.1..D. 249 REVENUE FUND I Firemen's Pension Fund 23,243.39 Z CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED August 26, 1963 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 2126 L. Fatricelli , M.D. 15.00 2127 Dan E. Ranniger, M.D. 10.00 2128 Vukov Clinic 28.00 2129 J. C. Michel , M.D. 11.6.00 2130 Renton Prescription Pharmacy 6.76 WATER WCf�KS UTILITY FUND 2131 -. Lundberg Construction Company 4387 (rI ='r /�� Nelson, City,Cle.rk. Frank Aliment, Mayor Auditing & Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the Fix Committee, were approved for the month of August, 1963: PAYROLL $ 112,632.18 CURRENT 24,630.45 CITY STREETS 10,428.10 ARTERIAL STREETS 1,917.21 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. - 73.58 OFF STREET PARKING 125:00 PARKS 81t444.59 LIBRARY 1,811.16 AIRPORT 650.18 CUMULATIVE #1183 669.62 CUMULATIVE #1990 86.42 FIREMEN'S PENSION 1,758.56 WATER WORKS UTILITY- 84,671.54 --- /� Frank Aliment, Mayor w .Helm , City C12rk ie Nelson "" y 154 RENTOiI CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Sepl;�mbek q) 1963 The regular meeting of the Ren'm n City Council was called to order by Mayor .F'rank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL, MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMEIIT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Sheilan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack 'Nilson, City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, James Highton, Sup't. of Buildings, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing (gent, Floyd Law--,-ence, Civil Defense Director and James Denzer, Chairman of the Planning Com-nissicn. The Pledge of Allegiance to Flag was led by Patrolman Richard Gray and the Invocation was delivered by Pev. Sta-zley I'ile, :ririty Baptist Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting of August 26, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTME'IT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. A11C)711^ `Jfl1E ADD'tESS TITE OF WORK 9058 $ 50.00 Hub Trailer Park 641 Wells Street Trailer Service 59 5.60 George Elliott 315 Meadow Street Circuit Breaker 9060 100,00 Harold Bradbury 3314 - 7th Place Driveway 61 180.00 Nord Homes, Inc. 15475 - 118th Ave. SE Fence 62 100.00 Guy Pierce 535 Pelly Street Fence 63 14,000.00 James Carver 1111 " I" Place Frame Residence 64 7.40 Mary Mathews 430 Porth Wells St. Wire Electric Heat 9065 15,000.00 Clyde Addington 12540 - 87th Ave. So. New Residence 66 15,000.00 Al Wolf 10434 - :112th Ave. SE New Residence 67 30.00 T. J. Passmore 436 Smithers Street Fence 68 400.00 C. & R. Construction 12307 - 88th Ave. So. Wire Residence 69 900.00 Four Star Homes 1'003 S.E. 112th Wire New Residence 9070 20,000.00 Conner Cons-1--ruction 12730 - 86th Ave. So. New Residence 71 100.00 R. 0. Murrhrey 9833 - 112th Ave. SE Fence 72 310.00 United Homes, Inc. 3S^3 - 11th Place Wire New Residence 73 295.00 United Homes, Inc. 1133 "tR" Street Wire New Residence 74 295.00 Un tad Homes, Inc. 1139 "::" Street Wire New Residence 9075 327.00 United Horses, Ize. 3908 - Lith Pl. So. Wire New Residence 76 327.00 United Homes, Inc. 3912 - .nth Place Wire New Residence 77 5,000.00 Washington Jockey Club Lcngzx=es Race Track Repair to Bldgs. 78 205,000.00 Washington Jockey Club Lomas Race Track New Barns 79 75.00 J, C. Tigner 515 mon Place Sun Deck Foundation 9080 5,500.00 Ray Heppenstall 345?*3y Street Wire Apartment Bldg. 81 450.00 Rosalie Evans 22'0 Shuck Street New Roof & Gutters 82 50.00 George :auer �6Ci Shattuck Change Elec. Service 83 50.00 Walter H. Hay 9814 5o. 132nd St. Change Service 84 6,800.00 Seattle Lumber Co. 8,600 So. 153rd St. Storage Shed 9085 50.00 Clarence Jones 11643 S.E. 97th St. Change Elec. Service 86 13,000.00 Vi:.Jil Fox 12654 - 88th Place New Residence 87 500.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 163�h & Benson Rd. Sign 88 10,000.00 Renton Methodist Church 2025 - 4th Ave. No. Wire Church Addition 89 150.00 Mansel H. Ehlers 643 "G" Street Add Porch 9090 200.00 Baruch Katsman 3316 - 14th North New Residence MW I PLUMBM & HEATIN13 PERMITS: 6030 - - Jerry Goodall 1548 "I" Place Gas Installations 31 -a - -- ..ferry Goodall 1544 "I" Place Gas Installations 32 - - - - Uwis Purcell 1163' SE 106th Place Gas Installations 33 - - - - 9411 3p Sand & Gravel 13307. S.E. 116th Plumbing Fixtures - done;° Dew states 13302 SE 1-16th St. Plumbing Fixtures 61635 Still" 'Sand & Gravpl 132:1^• S. E. 116th Plumbing Fixtures Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cora . ) r 9-9-63 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME AiJDRESS _. � T 1'PE OF WOi�: 6036 - - - - Honey Dew Estates 13208 S. E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 37 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13202 S.E, 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - - Honey Dew Estates 13205 S. E. :115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - - Honey Dew Estates 132C9 S. E. 115th St. Plu;mo ng Fixtures 6040 - - - - Honey Dew Estates 13215 S.E, li5th St. Plumbing Fixtures 41 - - - - Honey Dew Estates 13221 S.E. 115th St. Plumb.- :g Fixtures 42 - - - Honey Dew Estates 13227 S. E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 43 - - - - Honey Dow Estates 133::3 S°E. 115th St. Plumig F=xtures r, 44 - - - - Honey Dew Estates 13308 S, E. 115th St. Plumbi._g F xt��res 6045 -. - - - Honey Dew Estates 13302 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 46 - - Honey Dew Estates :3232 S.E, il5th St, Plam'ain9 Fixtures 47 - - _ - Loney Dew Lstates 3224 .$. l5th St, Plumb�rg Fixtures 48 - - - Haney Dew Est4tes 13226 S,E. 114th Sty Plumbing 1Rixtures 49 -. .. -. Honey Dew Estates 13201 S.E. 114th St, c lumbing Fixtures 6050 - - - .- Honey Dew Estates 114.03 134th Ave. SE Plumb-Ing Fixtures 51 - - - - Holley Dew Estates 11409 - 13rth Ave. SE P.lumbin� Fixtures 52 - - - - Hone Dew Estates 4"" i� Y 11_ � th Ave, SE P ilm�Ji:1v l,ixtures 53 - - - - Honey Dew Estates 11408 - 134th Ave. SE Plumbing F--,:,tures54 - - - - Honey Dcw Estates 114.06 - 134th Ave. SE Plum',ing Fixtures 6055 - - - Honey Dcw Estates 13403 S.E. 114th St. Plum'oing F-4-tures 56 - - - _ Honey Dew Estates - 57 - _ - _ � ?3236 S �. 114th St. Pl��'-='a Fixtures '�iffany T:o;1es, Inc. 15t,,' 58 _ _ _ _ 7 Lal:l_ Bourg Way P'�umbin� Fixt�:re„ Tiffany Homes, Inc, 12008 SZ� 154th St. Pllambing, Fi:,-tures 59 - - - 1 T•ifrary Hcr11es, Inc i2C20 ,S.E. -5t.i 4th St. P _umbing Fixres 13520 �. 120th S.E. Plumb -- i--.;,t. umo�r:� riares Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15458 - 120th S.E. Plumb n Fixt',2rec !ky Homes 2 Inc. 15452 Labe Youngs Way P_ Spring,. �umbir�_ Fi, x tzr c sRenton SchoolHist. rleiP u-Ahul-g Mixtures64 _ - - Katsman Construction Inc 14th PIo Gs us 'b�is Jrta.l�l. ati` ons , uresUri�t;.dy 116mA 66 ` 11th -C 4 11--,;h- C67 leHoe390 Unitlit. 1 _ gip- g r�x�*reg ed'Homes, T±:c. 39 1� z r± 68' - - - - - U:Ated'iIbme ^o u�tyr, Fix` rS s, re, C•-L ►:1.�i1 Plc. a' M_ :T'ixtTaxes' 69 .l _ _ _ - United"Homes, ne'� 39i5 -�` lith Gt. leo; �T T 60701:. - ufltl.:ing rik-tures Uri.�ted Hot e5b 'Tile'. 39#}.7 11th Gt: N0 P1u f1*ing :rzx'tiires 71 - United. H&iesl, Irc':= 390E ith 2 _ No: p�u 72�` r No° ��!n� ( xt, es' 73 - - •� Urited'rtc�r►Ps Inc° 3a0 r ` to x ter. Tes 74<<-. ._ .� - 3- .:-tz 17o':. P1 Tr i^� United homes -nc. ]_'33 11.1t: F x+u 'e.� 6075 _ _ _ ,, ' - r _ No 'ta+il;; F_'�_tures 76` ; _ _ - Unite. Locales, Inc. 139 -1"rl P1, No. P umb�'lg F,c United Homes, Inc. 1019 ', ' ' S - xtL_res 77! .' _ _ _ _ c .street " Plaatbkl'-s Fixres United Homes, 1.1C 1025 " " Street Plumbing Fixtures 78' - - - United Domes Inc. 1053. :7 , "Q" Street.,Street , P1um?air:g Fix*L.rEs' _ United Homes; Inc. 1119'I1. " Street P' 1�i r 6080>.- - = -_ = United Homes Inc. ` 1 J U�'_e t , � = '115. r1�1k... r •� : ,. . Py�„b:i:ng Fixtures• 81 - - _ - _ - Robert`P rl.er a_ 3232-- 6th Avenue-`No. Gas i:?stalletio s 82 - _ - _ - Paux'P,' 'Coad: 1330`-32 °iIi" dace Gas 1.'-"'ll at.; 83 _ _ - - 011`�m Ki' z •, _ "' 431'-So We11s-St -81I; _ _. _ __ _. . � � Gas i:�ste3.xa'tzaris - - Al'hert J Nator 922 S>>nse' E1vc1 E Plumbing Ftu�-es 6085 ^ - = = =, John SAmMalisto 12807 -- 88th A'v' pi. :�r¢ i. rilkt l_reu 86 - _ Conner Cons�ruc-ion 127?_3 . =86th Ave,' So`:'' p '' ' ling 'F �c tLres'' 87 ^ - = '- = - Canner 'Construc ti-6jl 88 _ _ _ _ 127$0 86th 50 P1umb�ng First Ch ishan Church 1 .1 7 ' es l� 9_ _ 6,.h'A1,16,"SE P_umb_.:g rix , b•s ., 90 Con:e^ worst; Co 60 - - - - G I- �, :;8 - 86'tr. Ave, So. Pltztrtb �. F .':" T eic - _ eorg'e';Eav,.s 1;Or S` ee 3~ ri �l 835 t`' Heat g �quipme = _ Baruch'I�atsme 3316 1'4t z eve o'No Plumb ilg F� '*fures 92' Gerald"Pollack 130n3 1 t12 Street Plumb ': "Fix es 93' - = = -_ - For 'aare g -. `�' 728 Tse't'Blvd. P•r - 94` - . _ = ._ .. Hutnole'0i.1..Co _ . . umber.; �'ixtr re . T Road `Y � 1. 1660 Denson Pamb,-?, Fix ttre5'. , r _ a. _y a � t v ,,Jt 15.6 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 9-9-63 BID OPENING: For the Clearing, Grubbing and Grading of 3rd Avenue Extension This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS BID R. J. Boe Construeion Co. 9718 -- 42nd Ave. So., - Seattle 18, Wn. $ 53,900.00 Bocek Bros., Inc., 1455 - 134th N.E. -- Bellevue, Washington 55,680.00 Boulevard Excavating, 14017 - 8th f;ve. So. - Seattle 88, Wn. 35,410.00 Select Contractors, 4102 S.'iI. 106th Strect •- Seat.-1.1e 46, Wn. 26,020-00 Northwest Construction, 3950 - 6th Ave. N.W. - Seattle 7, Wn. 42,340.00 S. & T. Construction, 17620 Springbrook Rd. - Renton, Wn. 68,695.00 Bay Const-ruck:ion Co., 1762 Airport Way - Seattle, Wn. 57,410,00 Riley Pleas, Inc., 522 - 19th Ave., East, Seattle 2, Washington 25,155.00 M. A. Se-ale, 18010 -• 57th Ave. So. Kent, Wn. 20,885.00 Moved by Poli, secnnded by Hulse, that the Fids be referred to the Street and Alley Corrsnittee and the City Engineer to report back. Carried. HEARING: Vacation of streets and alleys (Talbot Flats) requested by Puget Properties, Inc. This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk read communication from Wn. Natural Gas Co.. advising of facilities located in the subject area which would be required to be roved. Provided compensation for relocation is negotiated there would be no objection to the vacation as reauested. A ccmmunication from the Planning Commission, by Planning Director Jensen, advised that the Planning Cosi- ssion, at a Special Meeting of 9--7-63 had considered the proposed " vacation and rccormended granting same p-roviding proper utility easements and any other pubic requirements have been given adequate purveyance. City Attorney Shellac► called attention to the existence.Df legal requirements for meetings of a public bode advising t1hat the Commission: must publish a notice of its meeting date when a special meeting is called for transacting matters requiring acts of administration. The next regular Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for the 25th of September eue to the absence of its members and Mr, Greathouse, Puget Properties representative, was asked whether such delay of action would be of consequence. Mr. Greathouse advised that construction Perini- has been secured and they would be proceeding with portions : of the construction project; thereunde-r., and also advised that agreements have been negotiated with Washington Nat;tral Gas Co,'for relocating those facilities out- lined in the letter previously read by the C"erk, The Planning Commission Chairman, James Derzer, advised that a meeting of the Commission would be publicized and held on Monday, September 16th as suj-;ested by City Attorney Shellan and a legal recommenda- tion would be submitted at the next regular council meeting in order that the matter might be consumated without undue delay, After discussion it was moved by Garrett and seconded by Custer, that the hearing be continued until next Monday and the Planning Commission be requested to submit its recomme..dations at that time. Carried. A proposed Q ei.t 102.aim, Deed was re,.d wherein Puget Properties, Inc. conveyed to the City of Renton a portion of right-of-•way known as Puget Drive which is to connect the Benson to Talbot Rd. In proximity of l_th Avenue South. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, that the Deed be accepted, subject to approval of the City Attorney. Carried. A Petition was read from Mr„ Arne Goedecke requesting vacation of a portion of McAlli_ste- road as it affects Tiffany Park development, City Engineer Wilson recom- mended that vacations be considered upon suL)sequent development of the Plats only. Mr, Greathouse advised of anticipated development in the area for a school and plans for street vacation requests pursuant thereto In the near future. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer., to refer the Petition to the City EnLineer_ for percentage of ownership check and to the Plann .n., Commission for recommendation. Carried. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 157 -9-63 Upon motion by Custer, second by _oli, Easement-was accepted permitting the City to install a dry well to control storm waters in vicinity of the High Mathews residence. Motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted additional request from the Washington Natural Gas Company to install gas mains in the Cedar River Waterway right-of-way per attached drawing #7D-285 which Mr. Wilson explained is in the vicinity of Boeing property and which proposal will require some slight revision with an easement to adjust for portions of leased tracts. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dullahant, to refer the request to the Property Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. � A letter from the Ci ty Engineer reporting upon referral regarding proposal for exchange of Quit-Claim Deeds with Mr. Earl McLaughlin to establish and fix the South Line of Goodwin Street and North line of South 133rd Street as now existing, advised that investigation disclosed that a disparity does exist and it was recommended that Deeds be exchanged for properly adjusting said properties. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and that the proper documents be drawn and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same. Carried. A letter was read from the Greater Hi-Lands Merchants' Association requesting aid from the City in relieving traffic congestion and dangers on Sunset Highway in the vicinity of the shopping center. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer, to report back. Carried. A Claim from C. Henry Heckendorn, Attorney for Mr. Howard Hansin advised that the City has diverted a small stream which had been running across the property on 107th S.E.,which alteration deteriorates the market value of his property by at least one thousand dollars. It was requested that the stream be restored to its previous course and condition or reimbursement be made in the sum of one thousand dollars. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the City Engineer and the City Attorney for investigation and report back at the following council meeting. Carried. IIS Communication read :from Mr. Sam Pappas, owner of the Alameda Tavern at 206 Sunset Blvd. E. advised -that after considerable inconvenience and interference with his business by reason of the state highway construction, a fence has been erected alongside of his property preventing patrons to leave the parking area by going south onto Third Ave. No. as well as leaving the premises by Sunset Highway going Northerly. The Street De- partment barricade between his property and Third Avenue North now makes it impossible for any cars to enter Third Avenue North creating a traffic hazard as well as being detrimental to his business. Investigation by the City was requested. Loved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the latter to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer to report back. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Ace Moroni reported that the sidewalk was deteriorating in the front of her residence at 202 No, Burnett where the contractor for Metro had restored it after sewer installations and the City was requested to investigate. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee for report back. Carried. The City Clerk rejorted receiving the schedule for the fall meetings for legislative districts, Mayor Aliment being Chairman of the October 18th meeting at North Bend with Mayor G. P. Hall hosting at the Mar T Cafe in North Bend at 7:p.m. Population Trend publication was presented which designates Renton to be 12th in the State in population comparison. Growth and decreases werf designated by maps and tabulations. The brochure will be on file in the Clerk's office for reference if anyone is interested. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson submitting estimated cost of the City's committment for development of Puget Drive between Benson Highway and Talbot Road, in the sum of $47,190.25 which represents the cost of tlie completed street less traffic control. Original plans contained only three lanes, however it was the recommendation of the City Engineer that the street be improved to its full cross section of four lanes initially,thereby decreasing overall costs as well as allowing for a better ,job. The improvement for V-Xee lanes was estimated at $35,700.00. A traffic signal at the in- tersection of Benson Highway and Puget Drive was estimated at $9,000.00 Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. -4- 1;58 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting(cont.) 9-9-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution re Conveyance between the City and Berton L. Haugum and Lela Mae Haugum, transferring rights and interest to those certain water mains located in the platted property known as Adams Vista.(This Agreement had been authorized by the City in 1961 however the property owners had inadvertently failed to affix their signatures).Late Comer Agreement and Bill of Sale accompanied the Conveyance Agreement. The Clerk read the proposed Resolution and it being determined that conditions and circumstances still prevail relative to said water line and it being to the best interest of the City to no execute Agreement, effective as of September 1, 1961, terminating September 1, 1966; it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to adopt Resolution No. 1206 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington annexing certain territory to the City of Renton, which was read by the Clerk. (Gibson's Merryhill Rest Home property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2050 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members voting aye. The motion carried. ,he Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing exchange of Quit Claim Deeds affecting two street right-of-ways w.aich abut the Earl McLaughlin tract of property at Goodwin Street and So. 133rd St,, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to adopt Resolution No. 1207 as read. Carried. COUNCT_L CO':;'.gh'TEE REPORTS: OBD BUSINESS: Councilman Custer reported that the Sanitation Committee will present recommenda- tions relative to the Cascade sewer lines as the City will be affected, following its meeting next week. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to the difficulties now encountered by motorists entering the Talbot area through the Burnett Street extension urging that provision be made for traffic control at an early date, there having been one accident already.. Mr. Wilson was directed to contact Mr. McKay of the Highway Department to instigate early action. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the City Engineer. Carried. N%;J BUSIi4ESS: Councilman Dullahant inquired regarding progress on the petition for improvement of Mill Street and it was pointed out that Mr. McKay had agreed to participate in the project, however storm sewer installations are being installed by the City at present. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 14, 1963. Councilman Hulse called attention to the existence of traffic hazards created by trucks engaged in the freeway construction at S.E. 80th Street advising that the school buses have been discontinued in the area as a result and the children are required to walk this route to the highway creating pedestrian danger as well. After discussion disclosed that the school buses are protected by State Law and have equal rights to use of the roads and that the school announced the discontinued service it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, that the matter be referred to the Police and License Com- mittee, the Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Division of the Police Department to report back. Carried. Councilman Custer called a meeting of the Sanitation Committee with the City Engineer, Supt. of Utilities and Council Members who may wish to attend,on Thursday, September 12, 1963 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. City Engineers estimate for trunk connection to Metro (Cascade District) was requested. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 2133 through 2174 being previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, now be likewise approved by the Council. Carried. N,oved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that complaints regarding storm sewers in area of 2906 - 8th Ave. No., be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. 9-9-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Council As A Whole on Thursday, Sjeptember 12, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Delaurenti suggested that the population signs be brought up to date by the Street Department and City Clerk Nelson advised that the State has been notified of the change to be made on signs which were installed by the State. Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience at this time and Mr. Paul Coad, 8010 110th S.E., remarked that the tractors and trucks working in the vicinity of his residence `began warming up for freeway construction at 3:00 a.m, and that when they began work it was practically impossible for anyone to have room on the right-of-way and not only the school buses previously mentioned. Mr. harry Lombard, 14675 - 89th Avenue South inquired regarding the fact that be had a prospective buyer for his business zoned property and upon inquiry the person was advised that the business zoning did not allow for storage of equipment and supplies such as intended. Clarification was requested by Mr. Lombard and Planning Director Jensen advised that in this particular instance the contractor wished to store certain materials on a lot zoned B-1 and the ordinance prohibits the storage of brick, tile, etc. as a use 1 in B-1 but must be zoned L-1. After further discussion, Mr. Lombard was directed to make formal application to the planning commission-whose decision he would then have the right to appeal. City Attorney Shellan advised that negotiations have now been completed for purchase by the City of the Dale-McLendon property on Wells Street between 4th and Walla Walla and City Clerk Nelson advised .thatthe' Warrant lir the- eum of $30,000.00 had been approved among the Vouchers this evening being No.2274. Mavod by Custer'.!061seconded by Dahlquist, that the Mayor and City Clerk be empowered tro,exeeu`te .any necessary documents required in connection with the transaction. Carried. City Attorney Shellan called attention to the matter of approximately $82,000.00 con- templated by the city in anticipation of in-lieu-of-tax moneys to be received from Boeing, in reference to property tacquired from the Federal Goverment,which'property will riot 'be placed on the tax roll in time for the City to ,receive revenue prior to 1964: Mr. ,Shellan advised of meetings relative to the matter mith .6fficials ofthe -Boeing Company. Dis- cussion ensued wherein it was pointed out that other Companys in like situation had met the obligation and the -State of emergency which may be"prevalent incth6'-event vital expohdi- tures are thereby curtailed Mayor Aliment advised of meetings and,disdv8sions whereiM �' voluntary tax payment was reviewed " and the 'fact' that no legal obligation exists but some pending..settlement being indicated in fulfillment of moral obligation. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by. Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Heimie Ncison, rity Clerk .. rank Aliment, Mayor u6_ City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NO. PAYEE AMOUNT WATER WORKS FUND 2132 Washington State Tax Commission $ 947.67 CURRENT FUND 2133 Airkem Sales & Service 47.87 2134 American Blueprint Co. 5.15 2135 Atomic Battery Shop 18.21 2136 Chapman Electric 918.29 2137 City of Renton 394.22 2138 City of Rentor 420.56 2139 Coast Wide Supply Co. 57.97 2140 Dictaphone Corporation 13.62 2141 Drager's Harley-Davidson Co. 124.88 2142 Fire Chief Equipment Co. 2.60 2143 Dorothea Gossett 20.00 2144 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 177.00 2145 H. & M. Duplicator Corp. 1.25 2146 James Edward Hall 2.40 2147 Internat'l. City Managers Ass'n. 22.50 2148 Janco-United, Inc. 7.72 2`149 John Julian & Son 17.13 2150 Keuffel & Esser 161.95 2151 Catherine Kindred 105.04 2152 King Co. Humane Society 606.66 2153 King Co. Medical Serv. Corp. 671.70 2154 Gus Kroesen's 33.18 2155 Kuker-Ranken, Inc. 10.47 2156 League of Women Voters 1.56 2157 The Lumber Market 84.39 2158 Market Basket No. 3 42.35 2159 Matthie's Key & Sharp Shop 1.56 2160 Murray McLeod 50.00 2161 Messer's T.V. & Appliance 12.15 2162 Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc. 185.57 2163 Pacific Multiforms Company 47.22 2164 pacific Northwest Bell 115.08 2165 F. Morton Pitt Company 15.08 2166 Preservative Paint Company 4.97 2167 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 5,516,32 2168 Radio Supply Company 15.60 2169 Renton Clothing Company 204.36 2170 Renton Hardware & Furniture Co. 540.90 2171 Don Riebhoff 2.40 2172 Mrs. George Rogers 2.40 2173 Seattle-King Co. Dep't. of Public Health 175.00 2174 William Spencer 2 .40 2175 Standard Insurance Company 217.40 2176 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 2,504.89 2177 Swift Letter Shop 16.68 2178 Time Equipment Co. 3.86 2179 U. S. Post Office 10.90 2180 U. S. Post Office 64.60 2181 M. C. Walls 15.55 2182 Stafford G. Webster 2.40 2183 C. S. Williams 5.80 2184 Williams & Swanson 10.15 STREET FUND 2185 Allied Body Works, Inc. 6.24 2186 Atomic Battery Shop 37.82 2187 Bearing Engineering & Supply 17.86 2188 Black River Quarry, Inc. 182.56 2189 Brulin & Company, Inc. 78.76 2190 Vern Church 4.36 2191 Fray Equipment Company, Inc. 57.76 2192 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 104.00 2193 Kenny's Autp Upholstery 39.94 2194 King County Medical Service Corp. 146.90 CITY Or UNTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED September 9, 1963 CITY STREET FUND (continued) 2195 The Lumber Market, Inc. 166.56 2196 R. L. Noss & Company 3 742.79 2197 Mrjtorola Commuaictions & Elec. Inc. 66.37 2198 Rae--o Products Corporation 71.14 2199 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 252.62 2200 Rudd Paint & Varaish Company 515.34 - 2201 Safety & Supply Compaay 11.13 2202 Sahlberg "Equipment, Inc. 53.75 r.a 2203 Security Concre--c Products Co. 474.51 2204 Statewide City Employees 278,71 2205 Stonei:•ay Said & Gruver. 279.45 2206 Tool. Crib Ccrlr ani es 72.24 2207 U,lion Oil Cc;np,_, 7 6Q,06 2208 Welders Suppl-y Company 14.35 2209 Williams & S•a-r-son 2.25 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. FUND 2212 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.00 2213 Sta¢e,Nide City Employees Retirement System 16.03 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 2214 Milt Wi11-i arts 125.00 ARTERIAL STREET!FUND 2210 Daily Journal of Commerce 15.20 2211 R. L. Moss & Company 2,875.71 PARK :FUND 2215 C....0.: Fuel. 382--20 2216' Coast ;Wide Supppiy. Company 239.37 2217 Ernie -Rose- Sports -Equipment:,;- 103.92 22181 H:.:D-'---,Fowl--.--Co ;.:Inc, 170..85 2219 Gooay.ear, Se�rvice.:Stores 10 ,40 2220 Group. L ec-Ith. Cc!.op of- Puget Sound 16..00 2221' King CQ�ur.t�7 :°edical Service Corp. 87 .70 2222 Mine , Co. 55..96 2223: Fire C'11 nef Equ-;,r ear Co. i 8,0.,8;6 2224 Nor�thwes:- tilc:-7e- & Marine 513.08 2225 Paci-`fic -Be-ll 75.81 2226 Perinsa't Chem.LcEis Corporation 78,00 2227 Puget Sound Po%er & Light 310.86 2228 -,. 1. Renton Hai dware O Furniture Co. 60.77 2229 San Jose Stcel Co. Inc. 421.46 2230' Stax ewide;:C.z ty : 1)lay ee;& .Ret rement System 111..42 22.31 Stem S'Jpply_'& Rubve3r>:,C,o. 41.18 2232 Stoneway Sana & Gravel 1.16 2231,:1 i.aNG 11",!" United Ren-11-ALL s of Renton 41.08 Universal Sign Company 18.20 2235 Washington School Supply Co. 7104..49. 2236 Wenham Lumber Supply Co. 83.20 LIBRARY FUND 2'237 Group Health G'oop,7of Puget Sound ?;B;..SO 2238 King County Me-icz;1. Service Corp. 74.95 223-S:; Statewide City Employees Retirement System 133.63. AIRPORT.'FUND ire C1,1i&F Co.' Coon L3, S'er Ace Corp. 442 T.J. & i'p-�-,za-ce 2274 huge t� Sc :fi c' 1 'e t �y ,! i lj'C6 S' °Retirement System 16 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED September 9, 1963 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1990 2245 Puget Sound Power & Light 62.93 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2246 Atomic Battery Shop 43.44 2247 B & B Auto Parts 11.97 2248 Chapman Electric 277.65 2249 Coast Wide Supply Company 84.68 2250 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 48.00 ow 2251 Hersey-Sparling Meter Company 83.43 2252 Homelite 17.58 2253 King County Medical Service Corp. 171.95 2254 Motorola Communications & Elec. Inc. 66.87 2255 Municipality of Metropolitan Sea. 17,348.00 2256 Olympic Foundry Company 37.07 2257 Pacific Magneto & Engine Co. 6.04 2258 Pacific Northwest Bell 33.02 2259 Pacific Pumping Company 1035.15 2260 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. 1,969.82 2261 Pacific Water Works Supply Co. Inc. 19,513.95 2262 Pacific Water Works Supply Co. 1,986.05 2263 Pitney-Bowes, Inc. 1.98 2264 Puget Sound Power & Light 2,455,.13 2265 Puget Sound Power & Light 364.00 2266 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 98.09 2267 Renton & Rainier Printery 26.00 2268 Standard Service Tire Company 68.00 2269 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 269.25 2270 Soneway Sand & Gravel 41.69 2271 W/T City Treasurer Cr. Current 2,147.25 2272 Totem Equipment Company 18.45 2273 Williams and Swanson 1.06 CURRENT FUND CONTINUED 2274 Carle Dale, et. ul(, and M. J. McLendon & 30,000.00 Helen McLendon f' rank Aliment, Mayor _ NeFmie Nelson, City Clerk .......... RENTON CITY COUNCIL ' '. REGULAR MEETING September 16, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Dahlquist, Garrett, Custer, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Janet Crabb, Assistant City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, B. L. Andersen, Supt, of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks, Vern Chuxch, Purchasing Agent, Vic Tegantvoort, Street Department and James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Robert Fritzvold and the Invocation was delivered by Rev, Earl Dean, First Methodist Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 9, 1963 be approved as written. Carried, APPLICAT'10S FOR PLRMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PER, '' S: NO, AMOUINT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK CITi" COUN01j. 9091 $ 250.00 Ronald C. Wa$d(=)LAR `EFTA�o 110" Street Carport & Storage 92 3,300.00 Russell Theflilfie,.r,ber 10,8181'"N" Place Rec Rm. _ 2 Bath 93 5":,00 Leonard Peterson 539 Shattuck St. Fence 94 45.00 Harry Zimmerman 323 - 5th West Conduit 9095 Thv regu2g0 OOcrti"Norman''Cai tH Ct City Col;mss-VietoriAlWLsir' Dti it 0bii@1 Franl: 96-%ent atll$5001 Go. Ermo Gregoris 228-13th Ave. So. New Residence 97 1,050.00 Chester Samples, Jr. 9606-112th Ave. SE Build Garage 98 Rt)LL CryI50r00,JLI�(•)5orat�r�lanei�',-;r ti;898 ,�Pta .9trent't'; rp6zl.c; .� 99r0tt, C24�000.00 a!u-Tid4Devclopmtnt-06 • `Mill Str6ot' 0,LUnit *bY'tmenht"` 9100 absent C+_57,54-00en :'A.c'PIt.-Me}fersC ir='<'!j• 110 Renton Ave. W. Wire Electric Motor 01 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13214 SE 116th Wire New Residence 02 02 I.t IAT 00 00 _;f "RTi1.+jiip"igiha 9174ii''l 613303 8E1115thCjtY Clwiie Aew Residenee 03[stunt C t-300�00r',': �f?_ tbpi9ai��L 'Gpave�t-y 28205 SE 11St15-'Yce t.'*Irid ;New Residence 04 i c,, B. 300.'00 Hi?.lt6p Sind 4-4tavel J,318321 SE 115th Fn,,. %'Wire New Residence 9105 ±" 3,'000.00 Wi13iam Gre �1'.: 1209 110" Street ",:, "Rec. Rm:-Patio-Bath PLUMBING AND HEATIP'v PERMI' S: 6095 ti;-:;, _ - _ _ Elio D'Agosto !!, Ci-: 227-10th Place So. Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - - E1-4o D'Agosto 239-.10th Place So. Plumbing Fixtures 97 Novel 1 f 1'cr,,d, (John, E o Nit :-i,�t! ` c24$w10th Plaee{'Sti* PlumbingxFixtures 981L-ernber 9., :19.6.4 50 '1'PXirkn!an I'Cons-t� 'Cb. Curr"10139-108th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - Clyde & Walt Powers 615 Wells St. No Gas Installations 6100 APPI,I, :'�± C ,�^rJbse R1' p 1509-$rd"Ave. No Installations 01 - - - - Joe Ricardi 12807-87th Ave. So. Gas Installations Owen Hogan 335 Smithers Street Gas Installations 03 - - - Marion Howell 809 "P" Street Gas Installations '``"" '^' St, An€r{Ytt s 406-4th h Plumbitljil � 44 _ �� .b . ^ y 6105 -• - - - ,:rank Tonkin';` 811-3rd Avenue Gas Installations 06 _3StL00 i'�! cel , 1131 $!'E tit. h Pl. 07' : _ 'U)O-00 1fY6 Pltii�rlrlg :'., P, t Vi4 -S'ct ool 400=24 A 'cri PitVhbifig rikt44 Fence 7° ilin � s' for, Maplewood ' Ltbdi' 'sion OPENING OF BIDS � '" fbteCoz',rtuit This , be .Z .� , eried and acsV *6t Clerk:seae ; 4�rt J' 96o69' OC i, 8L;i1d t,clr,I e BIDDER ,,�� 00�LIy(13w:rti; R�. fr,r�5 ? :: nt:i 4�sr-Pt' ! *HEDULES . E,:=L1r S A-E'lVtm`�'e� _ 1.!0�? —310 Rc�n t.rr Ave. iJi:r( cctric^ ntoY H. D Fowler, Sea`t�1e`' 'lilltop u21� 'i-IU15.02 1� 'sb' • , h �i ✓VA 11 ;!!yy, * rYY,,)5.. (( {•} ;Johns-Manville Co., Seattlg".'.'! N)"OISJai�jl: ' �- Nat: R �s`ir4e*�ct 9I(Jr ;,Qiitl.0 �cl� i.. ,G.ree*! --1- ' '� a `-' � ' Y tt,.c�. RIn•.-1?:rtir�-Iiatl•I PLUMBING ANN) 1 AT11-y PER`fD' S: Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-16-63 OPENING OF BIDS: (cont.) BIDDER SCHEDULES A B C D E F Andrew Miller - Seattle $ 2,340.00 $ 465.00 $ 160.98 $ 107.32 $ 186.49 $ 128.83 ,Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. Seattle No Bid 434.72 334.46 333.22 No Bid No Bid Pacific Water Works & Supply Seattle 22396.16 476.32 143.52 106.08 190.32 121.68 United States Pipe and Foundry Co. Seattle No Bid 453.44 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid Western Utilities Supply Company Seattle No Bid 440.96 169.57 122.51 181.84 135.42 Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Bids to the Supt. of Utilities and the Fire and Water Committee to report back. Carried. HEARING: Preliminary Assessment hearing L.I.D. No. 250, "M" Street Sanitary Sewers This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The Clerk advised of having received no communications relative to the proposal and verbal comment was invited from the audience. Mr. Floyd Hathaway, 1209 "M" Street and Mr. Chester Baze made inquiries relative to the location of hook-up lines relative to minimum depth allowances and to the preferences of property owners. City Engineer Wilson, after further discussion, advised that the presently proposed plan results in less cost and is more equitable to the District than a two line proposal. Mode of payment along with future plans for street improvements were discussed after which it was moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, that the L.I.D. be instituted as proposed by the City Engineer with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. ,HEARING: Vacation of Streets and Alleys as requested by Puget Properties, Inc. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The Clerk reported proper and legal notice of Special Planning Commission Meeting by publication thereof'and- read the Commissionb recommendation from said meeting of 9-16-63 to grant the vacations as petitioned with condition that provisions are made for utility easements and such other public requirements as may be warranted in connection with the development. Moved by Bice, seconded by Hulse, to concur. -Carried. As there was no comment fyrther it was moved by (:uster,..seconded by Reid, t6 close the hearing. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted cost breakdown on the relocation of utility poles in connection with 3rd Avenue North extension and recommended that the Quit Claim Deed from Puget Sound Power and Light Company, which has been revised according to the City's request, be accepted. The total cost for relocation of the utility lines, including labor and materials is $22,709.00 and Puget Sound requests that the City assume $17,500.00 of this amount. It was recommended that this item, to be funded from the Arterial Street Fund, be approved and the City Engineer authorized to notify Puget Sound Power and Light Company to proceed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer, Carried. Superintendent of Buildings Highton submitted a proposed revision to the Building Code relating to regulation of the mixing of concrete in order to clarify the intent of the present Code and to eliminate confusion as to interpretation of the wording as to whatpod constitutes "an approved batch mixer". Discussion disclosed that it was not the interrt of Council to change standards from present policies, but to clarify the fact that transit mixers are not outlawed. The owner or operator of any mixing plant) upon request by the City, Must submit the results,, tests, findings and analysis of duly established laboratory of the quality of the mix. The report shall be in writing and all mix must meet required standards. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- Council Minutes (cont.) 165 9-16-63 A Letter from Mr. A, D., Gustafson requested that the City convey to him a Quit Claim Deed for a 121 x 3001 parcel of land bordering the Northerly edge of the City park site or, 132nd Ave. S .B. which parcel was erroneously included in a Deed to the City during vesting of the park site interest. City Engineer Wilson substantiated the fact that the property had been recorded in error, as picked up from the County records and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, that the Deed be executed to clear the title to MrI Gustafson's p-roperty. Carried. A letter from the Citizens' Committee for Better Government was read, submitting a Brief of Amicus Curiae prepared by td, ii, Philipp, Secretary,relative to the pending King County Superior Court Case No. 597 256, Pacific Coast Railroad vs, City of Renton.- Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the document to the Cty Attorney. Carried. i A letter from City Engineer Wilson and the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the low Bid of M. A. Segale, in the amount of $22,991.00, received on clearing, grubbing and grading of 3rd Avenue No,. extension, be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contracts upon approval of same by the City Attorney. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer and Street and Alley Co�-nittee. Carried The City s Preliminary Budget for 1964 was filed with the City Clerk in accordance with provisions of the law, copes having been distributed to the Council and presented for public distribution and Mayor Aliment's letter of preface to the Council therein was read„ A :Letter was read frc:m In ?'J. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, submitting Transfer and Bili of Sale covering the Independent Water Company, its six customers along with all mains, meters and other appurtenances being thereby transferred unto the City of Renton„ The transfer caused by the freeway construction to be with nocost �fo the City except for connection from the Renton water line on South 153rd Street, the present District no longer being able to serve these customers without prohibitive costs. The documents have been approved by the City Attorney, Moved by Poli, seconded' by Dullahant, to assure the ownership as recommended by Supt. of Utilities Andersen. Carried. (The contract stipulates that in the future, when the City has water available, any other customers of the independent Water Company within the City shall be transferred at no cost to the City other than that of connecting to the City main. ) A letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended,, along with the Property Committee, that. Easements be granted the Washington Natural Gas Company across Cedar River Park and Cedar:.- River Waterway properties as requested, upon approval by the City Attorney as to form. The Park Board submitted approval. of the transaction providing engineering and legal requirements are met.. Moved by Delau.rent ., seconded "by Bruce; that the Easements be granted. Carried. A letter -2rom Attorney Donald Holm advised that Mr. Edwards, through his attorneys, has served a motion upon the City for hearing of the pending law suit on September 25, 1963 at 1:30 p.m, upon records of the Minutes and Depositions which have been taken of Mr, James Highton and Mr. Walt Reid concerning events which led up to installation of the traffic 1_ghts, subject of this suit. The case will be argued and the Court's decision will be submitted to the City subsequent thereto. A letter from Mr., nloyd Hughes, president, Renton Downtown Merchantls Association, requested permission to Mace advertising banners across the right-of-ways of 3rd Avenue and also at Bronson Vlay to publicize the Moonlight Sale to be held. September 26, 1963. The banners will be n'_acee on Monday, September 23rd and removed the 27th. Hold Harmless Agreement ;nd insurance will be filed with the City as required. Moved by De?aurenti, seconded by Garrett, to grant the request, Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan was read suggesting various changes 'in the proposed Quit Claim Decd offered by Puget Properties, Inc. insofar as the legal im- plications are concerned. The Council was advised to familiarize itself with the ' restrictions and reservations contained therein, it being deemed to the City's best interest, especiaE y in view of the fact that over four acres of public right=of-way are being vacated without the City reserving any easements whatsoever, that the City likewise received a dedication free from, restrictions and reservations in the proposeu Deed. City Attorney Shellan advised of subsequent pursuance of the matter and rewriting of the Deed by Puget Properties, Inc. Attorneys, which document will be Lforthcoming in a few dais, Council having previously approved execution upon approval' of the City Attorney, 16S Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-16-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: B Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton Washington, amending Section 4-103 of Chapter I, (Building Code), of Title IV, (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to concrete mixing, which was read by the City Clerk. ` Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. Chairman Dullahant advised that the document would be held in Committee for one week more. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Whshington vacating certain streets and alleys within the City of Renton, King Co., Washington, which was read by the Clerk. (Puget Properties, Inc. ) � Moved by Bruce seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Orditidnce Committee for recommendation. The Committee advised it would hold the document for the present time. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS; OffBUSINESS, Str et and Alley Committee - Councilman Reid, Chairman, submitted his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: 1. Recommended that a hearing be held to add Puget Drive to the City's Arterial Street System and to the six year comprehensive street construction program. October 28, 1963 was suggested as the date for said hearing. Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 2. Request of Mr. Sam Pappas for access to 3rd Avenue North from Alameda Tavern- Denial recommended due to traffic hazard which would be even greater with the subsequent widening of 3rd Avenue North to four lanes which is scheduled for next year. Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 3. Mrs. Ace Moroni's request for restoration of broken sidewalk in front of her residence at 202 Burnett Street - recommended that the matter be referred to the Street Commissioner. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. Recommended that the Street Department change population figures on the City signs and the Chamber of Commerce be requested to correct those installed by them. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 5. The traffic hazard created by trucks and tractors engaged in freeway construction on 108th Avenue S.E. has been investigated by the Police Department along with the Committee and the situation has been corrected. 6. Recommended that the drainage problem at 2906-8th Avenue North, reported by Councilman Custer, be referred to the Street Commissioner and City Engineer to develop a plan and pprepare cost estimate for correcting the problem. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Power and Li ht Committee - Chairman Reid submitted recommendations for various light installations which was read by the Clerk and acted upon by Council as follows: (proposed layout submitted by Puget Sound Power and Light Company which Chairman Reid advises are not all new but propos4�d replacements of Incandescent with Mercury Vapor lights). 7000 M.V. Added 2500 Incandes. removed "M" Street - 4th Ave. PJ` 19 Mill Street - 6th Ave. to Pipeline 7 19 Burnett Street - 7th Ave. to Walla Walla 6 7th Ave. - Rainier to Smithers 7 8 Renton Street - 9th Avenue to 6th Avenue 73 Grant Street - 9th Avenue to Pipeline 5 5 High Street - 9th Avenue to 6th Avenue 5 Jones Street - 8th Avenue to 7th Avenue 5 4 3 3 Cedar Street - 8th Avenue to 3rd Avenue 8 8 Beacon Street - Area of 6th Place 2 1 Annual cost of 68 - 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor lights @8$33.00 62 Less 62 - 2500 Lumen Incandescent lights @ $21.60 - $1 339 80 1 339.20 Additional annual cost 4 0 -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-16-6. s , COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont. ) Power and Light Committee - The following new lighting installations were also recommended: Two lights on Grady Way One light - 7th & Grady - 20,000 M.V. One Light - 4th Ext. & Grady, 20,000 M.V. One light - 4th Ext. & Grady, Pole 615 - 7000 14th between "J" and "K" on South side Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the installations as outlined in the Power and Light Committee report. ' Carried. Development of the President Park Playground discussion ensued.Councilman Delaurenti stated that students and parents used the pathway to attend P.T,A. and other school functions and the area was in need of lighting whereafter it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that two lights be added to the Power and Light report for installation in the Park area. Carried. Property Committee - Councilman Pedersen submitted Park Department memo which was read by the Clerk, advising that certain work has been completed at President Park Playground; namely, installation of 6501 of 1011 storm drain, 2 manholes, 601 of 8" storm line and a catch basin along with considerable grading to eliminate standing water. A pathway will be graveled through the park for the use of school children as soon as additional grading eliminates the waters yet standing. Sanitation Committee - Councilman Custer, Committee Chairman, apprised the Council of developments regarding Tiffany Park and the Cascade sewer project and it was re- quested that Council make committment as to anticipated participation by motion of intent,-however, the Council:did. n©t wish to act upon the matter without knowing factsfigures and conditions of its involvement. It was subsequently moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, that the matter be referred- to the Superintendent of Utilities, and the City Engineer along with the Sanitation Committee to bring in figures for consideration by the Council. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilwoman Dahlquist expressed thanks to7the Utility Department for the Water [,corks Utility report:.' Councilman Garrett suggested that the�Council Members attending the Good Roads Ass1n. meeting in Aberdeen be designated official delegates representing the City at the Con- vention. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 2275 through 2354, having been previously approved by the 'Acdounting and'"Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council. Carried. A Sanitation Committee` meeting was scheduled Monday, Sept. 2334 At 7:OO p.m. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Council As A Whole on Thursday, Sept. 19, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. to work,on the Budget and all members were requested to attend. Mayor Aliment invited audience comment at this time and ;Mrs. Margaret Evans advi ed of activities of the residents in clearing brush in a pathway on the North side of Windsor Hills and ,participation by the. Street Department along Sunset which had1great1y._re- duced the traffic hazard. It 'was requested that the Street Department aid in clearing the Windsor Hills area also and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the Street Commissioner for investigation Car7�,*ed,. .. Mr. Charles.,Shane addressed the Council at this time advising that a, Petition;was. being circulated, since the rate increase by Puget Sound Power and sight Co., in purq-uance of additional power franchise to be granted in.Renton to allow another power company to operate. in the City. It was suggested that 'such.a proposition might-,bb. placed,on :the ballot for .decision by the people. ,presentation of the. Petition to r�arxs�nt. c©nsieation how by the Council. -. _. . . As there ,was ,no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, and seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. There were 22, visitors in the Council Chambers. ..: ...... ........ .................... ....... .... .. ......' ran�t'Ali�nent, Mayor y Helmie Nelson, City Clerk 168 f September 16, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted to Council for approval as foll1ws : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 2275 American Judicature Society 10.00 2276 American Municipal Association 6.00 2277 L. N. Curtis & Sons 3. 12 2278 James Denzer 6.75 2279 Tom Dobson & Son 121 .09 2280 C. M. Doty 586.56 2281 Drager's Harley-Davidson Company 22.93 2282 Firestone Stores 7.23 2283 Betty Fullerton 13.49 2284 I . B. M. Corporation 13.00 2285 Market Basket #5 9.05 2286 McLendon Hardware 164.63 2287 Nudelman Brothers 13.80 2288 Paulson Office Supply 2466.48 2289 Puget Sound Power & Light 318.05 2290 Renton Automobile Company 21 .47 2291 Renton Boiler Works 12.48 2292 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 59. 17 2293 Renton Town Talk 264.33 2294 Bill Santi Furniture & Appliances 2. 18 2295 Shaw Brothers Drug 31 .40 2296 Tele-Car Communications Company 156.00 2297 Trick & Murray 3.90 2298 Washington Natural Gas Company 19.45 2299 W/T City Treas. Cr, Current 3.28 2300 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 6. 14 2301 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 838.81 2302 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 321.82 CITY STREET FUND 2303 Air Mac, Inc. 178.80 2304 A. H. Cox Company 13-88 2305 L. N. Curtis & Sons 16,78 2306 A. G. Elliott 241 .20 2307 Firestone Stores 59,90 2308 McLendon Hardware 12.02 2309 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 950,82 2310 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 6,073.70 2311 Renton Automobile Company 67.34 2312 Star Machinery Company 5.41 2313 Tele-Car Communications Company 52.00 2314 Washington Belting & Rubber Company 11 .84 2315 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 126.65 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 2316 Renton Town Talk 8.55 PARK FUND 2317 Air Mac, Inc. 5849 WWI 2318 City of Renton 57.44 2319 Hord, Roofing 762.69 2320 McLendon Hardware 69. 18 2321 Sherwin-Williams Company 10-93 2322 Washington Natural Gas Company 406.76 2323 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 108. 10 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED1 6 0, September 16, 1963 LIBRARY FUND 2324 Denco Library Supplies' 34.75 2325 Doubleday & Company, Inc, 232.66 2326 Eastman Kodak Stores, Incl 23.40 2327 Fletcher Distributing 9.39 2328 Follett Library Book Compan 81.08 2329 H� & M. Duplicator Corporation 22.73 2330 the Lumber Marked 65-52 2331 Orveral'l Cleaning & Supply Company 5.00 2332 Pacific Northwest Bell 58.46 2333 R6 L. Polk & Company 62.40 2334 Puge} Sound News Company 310.02 2335 Puget Sound Power: & Light 29.92 2336 Record Stationery & Office Supply 37- 13 2337 Washington State Tax Commission 1 .39 A I RPCRT FUND 2338 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 83.00 2339 Puget Sound Power & Light 43.88 2340 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 6.70 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1182 2341 Renton Boiler Works 555. 15 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2342 Air Mac, Inc. 5,51 2343 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 1,477.76 2344 Gamon Meter Division 86.62 2345 McLendon Hardware 360.85 2346 Pacific Northwest Bell 64.20 2347 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. 1 ,732.61 2348 Paulson Office Supply 8.97 2349 Puget Sound Power & Light 13.60 2350 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 34.94 2351 Renton Automobile Company 5.81 2352 Service- Controls Company 1,513.20 2353 Tele-Car Communications Company 52.00 2354 Western Utilities Supply Company 94. 10 rank Aliment, Mayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk 170 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 23, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti., Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Custer, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Bluce, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS A14D DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M, Shellan, City Attorney, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, B. L. Andersen, Sup t. of Utilities, Jim Highton, Building Sup't., Vic Tegantvoort, Street Department, Jack Wilson, City Engineer and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Patrolman James Boursma and.the Invocation was given by Councilwoman Dahlquist. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of 9-16-63 be approved with the inclusion of Mr. Pedersen in the roll call. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TIPS OF WO:'.K 9106 $ 20,000.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Race Track Barns 07 350.00 Henry Wedlund 422 Grady Way Wire Electric He at 08 1.00 Wilbert W. Poeschel 12440-87th So. Demolish Residence 09 15,000.00 Lisa Foley 8816 So. 153rd St. Steam Bath 9110 2,500.00 C. Provin 712 Renton Street Remodel Residence 11 800.00 St. Anthony's 406 - 4th .venue Incinerator 12 33,608..00 Safeway Stores Sunset & 10th No. Wire Store Bldg. 13 390.00 Lewis Purcell 11631 S.E. 106th P1. Wire New Resi�ance 14 42500 Conner Construction 12713 - 86th Ave. So. Wire New Residence 9115 1.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400 - 4th Avenue Demolish Tower 16 813.00 Tiffany Homesi Inc. 15532 - 119th S.E. Wire New Residence 17 849.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15534 - 119th S.E. Wire New Residence 18 813..00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15528 - 119th S.E. Wire New Residence 19 813.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15474 Lake Youngs Way Wire New Residence 9120 767.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15441 Lake Youngs Way Wire New Residence 21 767.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12101 S�E. 154th Wire New Residence 22 849.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15526 - 120th S.E. Wire New Residence 23 849.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12100 SE 152nd Place Wire New Residence 24 250.00 Al Prost 623 "R" Street Block Fence 9125 200.00 Byron Wood 9830 - 115th S.E. Wire New Residence PLUMBING & HEATJ'°TG PERMITS: 6108 - - - Charles Shane 11423 - 92nd Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 09 - - - A. L., Motor 922 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixtures 6110 - - - C. E. Douglas 204 - 5th West Plumbing Fixtures 11 - - - Paul Mayer 835 "N" Place Plumbing Fixtures 12 - - - G_ N. Gibson 15629 Springbrook Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - J. Goodwin 1803 Monterey Dr. Plumbing Fixtures 14 - - - Allen Wehrer 12741-88th P1. So. Plumbing Fixtures 6115 - - - N. A. Medley 8420-So. 130th Plumbing Fixtu cs 16 - - - Porcello 10439-108th SE Gas Installations 17 - - - Tiffany Homes 15473 Lake Youngs Way Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - T- fany Homes 15534 - 119th SE Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - Tiffany Homes 15532 - 119th SE Plumbing Fixtures 6120 - - - Tiffany Homes 15528 - 119th SE Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - Tiffany Homes 15453 Lake Youngs Way Plumbing Fixt::res 22 - - - Ann Burdulis 239 Well Street Heating Equipment 23 - - - G. A. Halsen 1218 Talbot Road Plumbing Fixtures -1... { Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-23-63 COMMUNICATIONS: The Clerk read an announcement of open house to be held at Renton's new Radio Station on Monday, September 30, 1963 at 7:00 p.m. and invitation was extended to the Mayor, Council and City Officials by Mr. Ray Pounder to attend. Submitted by City Clerk Nelson and recommended for payment were Progress Payments #1 and 2 for work performed by the Public Administration Ser-.ice representa- tives on the position classification and pay plans during May and June $364.37, and in July, $2,210.68. Total payment due this period - $2,575.05. Details attached. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payments to the Accounting and low Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. Submitted by the Clerk and recommended for payment to the Public Aruministration Service was progress payment No. 1 due for work performed in Jul.' relative to the Finance and Revenue system study in the sum of $530.40. Detailed report was attached. ! Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the payment to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. L. P. Falkenhagen addressed the Council requesting further pursuance of access to Greyhound Bus Services via East Valley Highway from Talbot Hill, all access and egress having been eliminated in construction of the new freeway. Mr. Falkenhagen reported the results of survey of bus patronage which disclosed same to be insufficient to warrant overpass, haaever it was pointed out that the survey was taken some time after the con- ptruction of the freeway had been in progress and much of the patronage from these areas had been given up by the residents already. Possible routes off Talbot for such an access were outlined by Mr. Falkenhagen who cited vacant propert4es which might be used. tt was requested that the City take some action and request aid of the State Highway Department in a survey of costs for such overcrossing. Councilman Delaurenti acknowledged the problem reviewed by Mr, Falkenhagen and advised of acute problem existing relative to access and egress in the Talbot area especially in anticipation of subsequent growth and development and moved that the matter be referred to the Street Commissioner and City Engineer to meet with the Street and Alley Committee and Mr. McKay, District Engineer for the State Highway Department. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Laurence Jayne expressed pleasure at the :yew p"-_r_cing lot on Burnett and requested that the City leave the traffic control signals en continuously at the Dunlap access to the Renton Shopping Center(neir Grant's Auto Bro:cers by Langston Road, ) instead of switching to caution blinker control at certain periods of the day. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. -- Requests were received from the Jaycees and the Kennydale Lions Club for Fireworks Stand Permits for the 1963 season. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Police and License Coittee for review in the spring. Carried. A letter from P. J. McKay acknowledged City Engineer Wilson's letter requesting aid in providing traffic control at the new Burnett Street - Grady'Way intersection and the Benson Highway to alleviate presently existing traffic hazards, however, it was pointed out that the State Highway Department is not authorized to participate in such construction within the limits of an incorporated City. A letter from Chief of Police Williams reported attendance of himself and Captain Robert Connell of the Renton Fire Department, at the King and Snohomish County Civil Defense conference at the University of Washington on 9-J_9-63 and a well attended and informative session was enjoyed. Council opinion was requested by the Mayor relative to the desire of International „Correspondence School representative C. Murray, to post pamphlet brochures on the City Hall bulletin board for free distribution to the public. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, to grant the display,. Carried. Mayor Aliment recommended that the Power and Light Committee meet with Puget Sound Power and Light and Puget Properties for discussion on C__tv rates. Mo,;ed by Custer and seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. Councilman Poli stated that he felt the schedule of new rates should be published in order that the public might be info,_med of how much is involved and what the schedule code represents. -2- x."72 ,. Minutes of the Renb n City Council Meeting 9-23-63 COMMUNICATIONS: �(co�nt. ) Letter from City Engineer Wilson was read requesting authorization to call for bids for installation of LII.D. No. 250 Sa itary Sewer in "M" Street between Sunset Blvd. and 12th Avenue NoAh. October 21, 1963 was the date recommended for opening the bids. Moved by Polis, seconded by Custer, to grant the bid call request and to concur in the date for bid opening► Carried. Brightman & Holme Attorneys represent g.tne City in the Edwards vs. City Traffic Light suit, submitted invoices from Court rorters for depositions as follows: Dean Moburg deposition upon oral examination of james L. Highton, taken 6-7-63, $25.00, and Merritt G. Dyer for e4y, of de�csition of Walter P. Reid, taken 8-15-63, $15.60. Moved by Hulsey Rd9 nded by Custer; to refer the invoices to the Ways and Means Committee for recommenMion, Carried. -�- 7 APPOINTMtNTS! A letter read from �ayor Aliment requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Ge6rgb C, Garris to fill the vacancy created by resignation of Mr. Holger A. Toftoy, as mbtnbek' of the Valley Regional Planning Commission, effective to 7-1-64. Moved by Duster, seconded by Reid, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried! Due to vacancy in the Valley Regional Planning Commission created by resignation of Mr. Maurice Alhadeff, Mayor Aliment requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Paul B. Jassney to fill the vacancy, said appointment to remain effective for balance of unexpired term, to July 1, 1965. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Letter from Mayor Aliment requested concurrence in the re-appointment of Mr. Lyle Sandelius and Mr. Charles McGarrigle to the Valley Regional Planning Commission for a three year period, to remain effective to July 1, 1966. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointments. Carried. PROCLAMATION: ... Mayor Aliment proclaimed the week beginning October 6, 1963 as Fire Prevention Week calling upon all departments and agencies of City Government to participate actively in a campaign for improved fire safety and requesting each citizen of the community to take part in relieving and eliminating hazardous conditions in making our City a safe community in which to live and work. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. Mayor Aliment reported that telephone conversation this date confirmed that the Boeing Company has orally agreed to pay the in-lieu-of-tax money, said payment in the sum of $62,000.00 to be verified by letter and check to be remitted forthwith. The Council expressed its favor and extended congratulations to Mayor Aliment for his efforts in negotiating the transaction. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman'_'Dullaharnt,. Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington vacating certain streets and alleys within the City of Renton, King County, !Washington, reporting that same had been placed on its first reading on 9-16-63, the Committee now recommending second and final reading. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordi- nance No. 2051 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. (Puget Properties, Inc. property) The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 4-103 of Chapter I (Building Code) of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled t1Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" re- lating to concrete mixing, which Councilman Dullahant reported had been introduced for first reading on 9,16-63, recommending on behalf of the Ordinance Committee, second and final r*.ading at this time. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the second and final reading. Carried. After reading of the proposed Ordinance, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2052 as read. Roll call vote followed with all CouncilMemberspresent voting aye. Motion carried. -3- 173 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-23-63 ORDINA*2S AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont. ) Councilman D-r1'_ahanc, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Rei.ton, Washington ordering the construction and installation of sanitary sewer lines r_nd appurtenances on a portion of "M" Street, all in accordance with Resolution No,. 1212 of the City Councii of the City of Renton, Washington; estab- lishing Local Improvement District No. 250; providing that payment for said improvement ba made by special assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of "Payment by bordo", and providing for the issuance and sale of local improvement dis- trict warrants kedeemable in cash,.and local improvement district bonds or notes. The C:"Lerk read the proposed Ordinance., Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance- Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Com- wow mittee recommen d favorably and,,, the � y proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommenda- tion of ;the 0-dinance Com:rittee, Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by`C,uster, secnnde6 by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2053 as read. Carried. A, letter from City Attorney Shellan, directed to City Engineer Wilson, was read, regarding proposed Resolution on Puget Sound Right-Of-Way dedication and relocation of electrical transmissicn lines in connection with the Third Avenue North Extension. City At-torney S le._.ia_�t �d�:iscd -chat it was assumed that the Grantor insists that all work done on i�_:s facilities be done by its own forces so that the City would not be in a position to call for bids; furthermore, the payment by the City would constitute consideration for t'ie deer in any event;. The 0_iinance ComT.it-tee presented the proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington accepting that certain Quit Claim Deed, dated 8-20-63, executed by Puget Sound Power & Light Company, as Gra::tor, and conveying unto the City a certain strip of land 50 fs=t in width, the City in consideration for said deed agrees to pay unto Puget Sound Power € Light- Company, the sum of Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, on account of cost and removal and relocation of .electric transmission lines within the right-of-way w'iic'_-_ work is necessary and vital to the construction and establishment of the Third Avenue lic_th Exconsion. After reading by the Clerk, it was moved'by`Bruce, secoKdTd by R::-id, that Resolution No., 1208 be adopted as read. Carried. Presid- t of the Council. Delaurenti reported on referral of 846-63 regarding E. C. Sorensen inquiry on building permit denial, that it was recommended that the `.r matter be refevred to the Planning Director and the Planning Commission forxecommenda- tion, ' Move,-11 by Del ..u.rcnti; seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman _- aurenti inquired of Planning Director Jensen as to progress of the comprehensive plan and .,Yhen same would. be presented to the Council. Planning Director Jensen a+.7isad Heerings will be set by the Commission next Wednesday and referrals will be made to -1.1e ouncil w__--h a pr5posal of tentative recommendations forthcoming some- time dur_ng the month cf October. Land Use proposal with respect to the whole community, relocation of railroad facilities and matters dealing with the Civic Center were cited to be nearing the point where proposals might be presented. Fire and Wats_ Committee Chairman Poli presented his committee report on the Maplewood Subdivision P'_?,-line Bids which report also contained the signature of Supt. Andersen, recommending that the low combined bid of Pacific Water Works, 2900 1st Avenue So., Seattle, Schedules A through V inclusive, be accepted in the sum of $3,379.08 which constltutss bid of $3;434.08 less $55.00 freight in event of total bid award. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee and the Sup't. of Utilities. Carried. Delaurenti opposed. Councilman Reid reported that he had attended the Good Roads Assn. meeting in Aberdeen, had met the new officers and felt the session netted very fine results. Councilman Hulse requested a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, 9-24..-63, and Councilman Delaurenti requested the Council As A Whole to meet immediately following at 7:30 p.m. to ,cork on the Budget. Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to a Kindergarten at 10th and K Street and after her investigation it was recommended that there be a "Slow" traffic sign posted in the area. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee - r.nd the Street Commissioner with power to act. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 2355 through 2415, having been previously approved by tl-e Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this tine. Ca-.-ried. -4-- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-23-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Custer presented a Petition for creation of a local improvement district signed by owners of property in the vicinity of the lots acquired by the City for off-street parking purposes. It was requested that the City institute by Resolution an L.I.D. to develop said lots for off-street parking by paving with as- phaltic concrete pavement, installation of mercury vapor lights, necessary striping, curbing and such other works as will be determined necessary by the City per plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer. Said improvements to be at expenses of the owners of the properties within the proposed district to be paid by such method as may be determined by the City in compliance with the law. The Petitioners further certify that they are owners of property to an aggregate amount of a majority of the area within the limits of the proposed assessment district and a study was requested to be made by the John Graham Company in connection therewith. Councilman Custer advised that mode of payments will be discussed and if the City will initiate by the Resolution the L.I.D. and cause the study to begin, . negotiations may establish financing possibilities to be incorporated therewith. (Property acquired from Dale-McLendon) In connection with development of the off-street parking area it was recommended by Building Supt. Highton that the building be demolished and not removed. It was suggested that the City consult with the John Graham Company in conjunction with the comprehensive planning program, and burning was not recommended in concern for the proximity to dwellings. Sanitation Committee Chairman Custer called attention to a request made by the Boeing Company to hook certain sewer lines directly onto Metro due to their proximity to the Boeing line thereby by-passing City of Renton facilities, reporting that a written recommendation will be proposed by the Sanitation Committee as soon as its study of the proposal is completed. It was requested that Pacific Car and Foundry sewage accounts be referred to the Sanitation Committee for investigation and review, it being anticipated that post war utility billing has not been instituted deeming study of pre-existing contractual agreements. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer the Pacific Car and Foundry Account to the Sanitation Committee as requested. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee at 8:00 a.m. Saturday, 9-28-63. As there was not further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk rank Alim nt, Mayor -5- September 23, 1963 1 r City of Renton Vouchers, hawing been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Commtttee, were sbbmttted for Council approval as _follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 2355 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 77.81 2356 Blumenthal Uniform Company 65.94 2357 Chapmam Electric 721•.66 2358 City of Renton 405..00 WOO 2359 Cochran Hardware 148.92 2360 Colonial Refining & Chemical Co. 62.92 2361 Gerald Cordell 49.09 2362 Lucille Culliton Studio 18.72 2363 James Denzer 82.55 2364 Pacific Auto Supply 1 .31 2365 Pacific Northwest Bell 11.25 2366 Pacific Northwest Bell 1, 164.22 2367 Pacific Outfitting Company 36.50 2368 Planning Association of Washington 15.00 2369 R. L. Polk & Company 31,20 2370 Public Administration Service 3, 105.45 2371 Puget Sound Power & Light - 13.02 2372 Record Stationery & Office Supply 216. 10 2373 Walt Reid 75.54 2374 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 89.84 2375 Standard Oil Company 8. 14 2376 Westlake Electric Supply 67.41 2377 Jack Wilson 28,65 CITY STREET FUND 2378 American Parts, Inc. 74.42 2379 Cochran Hardware 12,78 2380 Humble Oil & Refining Company 1,376.86 2381 Pacific Auto Supply 111.68 2382 Pacific Northwest Bell 5.00 2383 Reiman Auto Parts Company 117.94 2384 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 81 .35 2385 Standard Oil Company 18.30 2386 Sunset Coal & Oil Company 428.63 PARK FUND 2387 Chapman Electric 76.47 2388 City of Renton 50.00 2389 Pacific Northwest Bell 37.70 2390 Precision Equipment Company 13.90 2391 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 41.07 2392 Rona-Id W. Scott 3, 156.40 2393 Seattle Sporting Goods, Inc. 2.43 AIRPORT FUND 2394 Cochran Hardware 11.47 2395 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 23.87 2396 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current .66 2397 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 40..30 I FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 2398 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 2399 Theron K. Anderson 565.00 2400 Kis Prescription Pharmacy 27,77 2401 Floyd Lawrence 610.00 2402 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 2403 L. Patricelli, M.D. 5.00 2404 Renton Hospital 17.50 2405 Shaw Bros. Drug 8.42 2406 Vukov Clinic 42.00 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED September 23, 1963 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2407 Chapman Electric 65.53 21. 08 Pacific Northwest Bell 10.00 2409 Puget Sound Power & Light 5.72 2410 Record Stationery & Office Supply 78.56 2411 Renton Plumbing & Heating 2.74 2412 Frank E. Rhodes Company 9.36 2413 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 11 .30 2414 Smith & Loveless 12.48 2415 Standard Oil Company 42.sa Auditing $ Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the X.::.&*" Committee, were approved for the month of September, 1963: PAYROLL $ 103,657.09 CURRENT 53,490.76 � io,1,13 STREET 16,775.77 ARTERIAL STREET 2,899.46 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 24.08 OFF-STREET PARKING 125.00 PARKS 7, 533.44 LIBRARY 1,190.93 _ AIRPORT 374.50 CUMULATIVE #1182 555.15 CUMULATIVE #1990 62.93 FIREMEN'S PENSION 1, 575.69 WATER WORKS UTILITY 55,161.18 Frnk"Aliment, Mayot Helmie Neison, City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL BUDGET HEARING MEETING October 7, 1963 The Budget Hearing Meeting for fixing the final budget and making the tax levies f or - 19 6-4 , and regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL M.EMntRS: Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Frank Henry, Assistant Police Chie , B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, James Highton, Building Sup't., Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Department Sup't., Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Denzer, Chairman of the Planning Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Patrolman James Bourasa and the Invocation was delivered by the Rev. Glenn E. Camper, First Baptist Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF IJORK 9126 $ 1,050.00 St. Anthony's Parish 406 - 4th Avenue Wire Addition 27 11,750.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15526-120th S.E. New Residence 28 9,000,00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12101 S.E. 154th St. New Residence 29 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15474 Lake Youngs Way New Residence 9130 4,500 00 Edward A.Coury 3010 Sunset Blvd. E. Block Bldg. 31 52.00 Irvin S. Brandow 429 N. Wells Street Addition to Res. 32 -13,000.00 Rudy Zaputil 11613 S.E. 106th Pl. New Residence 33 3,000.00 Rosalie Lawrence 3405 - 8th Ave. No. Reside Residence 34 900,00 0. S. Svennungesen 530 Whitworth Garage 35 1,300.00 Donald McWilliams 9520 Lk. Wn. Blvd. Garage 36 50.00 Clyde Fox ,904 - 6th Avenue N. Trailer Service 37 200.00 Harold I. Bohlender 2417 - 6th Place Concrete Foundation 38 1,000.00 Humble Oil Company 16660 Benson Road Sign 39 1,925.00 Paul Ballatore 11625 S.E. 104th P1. Foundation 9140 18,500.00 United Homes Corporation - 1039 "R" Street New Residence 41 16,500.00 United Homes Corporation 1138 "R; Street New Residence 42 16,500.00 United Homes Corporation 3909 - 11th Ave. N. New Residence 43 18,500.00 United Homes Corporation 1033 "R" Street New Residence 44 16,500.00 United Homes Corporation 1020 "Q" Street New Residence 9145 250.00 Raymond Nestor 1221 Morris St. So. Addition [-hiring 46 350.00 George Gunderson 3812 - 7th Ave. No. Add to Garage 47 150.00 Robert Moser 3645 - 10th Ave. No. Carport 49 800,00 0. E. McManus 2907 - 14th North Fireplace 9150 250.00 William Bowden 3015 - 6th Ave. E. Carport 51 200.00 La Bonte Rambler 330 Main Street Flood Lights 52 120.00 Russell T. Heflin 835 "N' Place Wire Addition 53 1,500.00 Clarence Burgess 721 Jones Street Remodel Residence 54 75.00 Neil F. Holbrook 2207 - 8th Place Roof Porches 56 400.00 Earl Waltner 1526 - 3rd Ave. No. Remodel Garage 9155 320.00 RosaLee Lawrence 3405 - 8th Ave. No. Electric Heat 48 . 40.00 Richard Gray 3504 Pres. Park Ct. Wire Addition PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6124 - - - - C. E. Douglas 204 - 5th Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 25 - - - - Harry Haroldson 12221 Morris Street Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - First Methodist Church 2025 - 4th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixti-ares 27 - - - Safeway Stores Sunset Blvd. North Plumbing Fixtures 28 - - - Lester Bach 3219 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 29 - - - Ed Prets 923 "L" Street Gas Installations 6130 - - - Dondero 345 Pelly Street Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - Ken Thompson 12901-88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 32 - - - Clyde Foster 8902 So. 150th Heating Equipment 33 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12730-86th South Plumbing Fixtures -1- „ro inu sof tie RehtQn:-A 'Courjcl Meeting (cont. ) 10-7-63 HEAtfNG;-PEAfT'i S N0. AMOUNTN!AtwiE ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 6134 $ - - - Al Wolf 10436 - 112th S. E. Plumbing Fixtures 35 - - - Jerry Goodall 10th Place North Plumbing Drains 36 - - - Larry McKnight 1803 Monterey Drive Heating Equipment 37 - - - United Homes Corporation 1033 T1Rt1 Street Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - United Homes Corporation 3909 - 11th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - United Homes Corporation 1039 "Ri1 Street Plumbing Fixtures 6140 - - - United Homes Corporation 3906 - lith Place Plumbing Fixtures 41 - - - United Homes Corporation 1020 11011 Street Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15532 - 1L19th Ave.SE Plumbing Fixtures 43 - - - Al Wolf 10434 - 112th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 44 - - - Richard Gray 3504 Pres, Park Ct. Gas Installation 6145 - - - Richard Dondero 345 Polly Street Plumbing Fixtures 46 - - - Lisa Foley 8816 So. 153rd St. Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Fixing the final budget and making the tax levies for 1964 The Hearing was opened and a letter from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce was read submitting recommendations resulting from a study of the City's Preliminary Budget. No further communications were reported and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to advance the Hearing to follow the regular order of business of the regular meeting. Councilman Garrett suggested that any persons in the audience who wished to be heard be given opportunity at this time and the hearing continued there- after in the event they did not wish to wait through the business transact ons. Dissenting voice vote on the pending motion resulted and raise of hand vote was taken. Five yes votes and 6 no votes were counted and Mayor Aliment invited audience comment at this time. Mr. W. Philipp Lddressed the assembly advocating budget hearings to be void by reason of his determination that a question exists as to whether the Courts have jurisdiction over binding of public contractual funds and that intervention was not allowed by the Court when Mr. Philipp requested to be heard on behalf of Costain citizens during the Railroad Bridge lawsuit. As there was no further verbal comment the motion was restated by Custer and seconded by Dahlquist, to continue the hearing to the end of the regular business meeting session. Carried. COMMUNICA'T'IONS: : . A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No. 2 on Maplewood Sanitary Sewer Construction, L. I. D. No. 249 in the sum of $20,843.56 ;` , :payable to Rainier Constractors, Inc, for work completed to October 7, 1963: Sub-Total, %. $41/,101.98 plus 4% State Sales Tax, $ 1,884.08, less 10% retained, $4,898.61 and less amount previously paid, $23,243.89. A letter read from City Clerk Nelson requested concurrence in accounting transactions pursuantto financing,.of the L.I.D. by the Firemen's Pension Fund, ie: Warrant No. 2, _LrS.D. No.249 Cash Fund�payable to Rainier Contractors, Inc., $20,843.56, and issuance 'f Warrant �`'L-J. No. .2 D. No. 249 Revenue Fund, payable to Firemen's Pension Fund in the amount of $20,843.56. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the payment and accounting trans- actions as outlined by the City Engineer and the City Clerk and to refer the matter to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with mower to act. Carried. A letter read from Street Commissioner, Joe Lynch advised that preparations are how in order for Storm Sewer project on Cedar Street between 7th and 8th Avenues. Figancing of Material, Equipment and Labor in the estimated amount of $2,200.00 was requested. The Clerk advised that $994.14 comprised material and supplies for bidding purposes. Inquiry was made regarding benefit to be derived from the work and it was explained by Street Commissioner Lynch that water is draining from City property onto the freeway and the City is responsible for diversion of the water waich will be contained by piping it south to a connecting pipe at 8th. A motion was proposed for referral to the Ways and Means Com- mittee however it was ascertained that the matter should be considered by the Street and Alley Committee and it was so moved by Trimm, seconded by Pedersen and subsequently carried. A letter from Mr. J. 0. Yeasting, Vice-President, Airplane Division, The Boeing Company, transmitted $62,Q00.00 in lieu of taxed by Peas on of purchase of former Air Force Plat #20 by the Boeing Company., Subsequent dbrrespondence and various meetings between officials of Boeing and the City precluded the payment which was made on a volun- tary basis by the Boeing Company upon their determination that difficulties imposed on the City by loss of the government payments warranted the payment. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 10-7-63 COMMUNICATIONS '179 A letter was read from Mr. Carl F. Cooks appealing rejection of application for a reader sign board at his place of business, 206 Sunset Blvd. West. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the date of October 14, 1963 be set for hearing on the matter and that the Planning Department and Mr. Cooks be so notified. Carried. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Dahlquist, that the matter be also referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that the Pacific Coast RR. Co. vs. City of Renton and R. L. Edwards Railroad Bridge Suit came on for hearing before the Hon. Judge James Mifflin on October 1, 1963 and it was held that the City is liable to the Railroad for one-helf of the cost of the bridge which amount cannot exceed $25,000.00 and that the City is entitled to collect one-half of that liability from Robert L. Edwards, Third Party Defendant, Details of the case were further outlined and it was also mentioned that Mr. Edwards is pleading an additional claim against the City arising out of an agreement re- garding improvement of the public right-of-way of Black River Channel, claiming the City owes his $30,000.00 for not contributing adequate equipment and help in establishing the street. City Attorney Shellan, in reading over the contract documents does not believe this claim has merit. Endeavors are being made by the City Attorney to rfach some agreement with the Railroad to waive Court Costs and interest so as to cut down the City's expenditures . Copies of the pleadings may be secured upon request of Mr. Shellan. Mr. Philipp again outlined his position in the case. Letter from Street Commissioner Joe Lynch recoffirended that the compulsory date of Retirement for Mr. Arthur R. Cooper, be extended to November 1, 1964. Mr. Cooper's physician submitted report that Mr. Cooper is in first class condition. (Dr. J. S. Vukov) Letter from Mayor Aliment recommended that the extension be granted and Council concurrence was requested. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the extension of the retirement date as requested. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted proposed Agreement between the City and County wherein a portion of right-of-way (S.E. 128th St. ) is dedicated to the City for 3rd Avenue North extension, the County also to pay construction costs, including engineering costs, for all of the improvement that is outside the City Limits. It was recommended that the document be executed and the original returned to the County Board of Commissioners as requested. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement. Carried. A letter read from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted franchise from the State Highway Department covering the Lift Station discharge line at 132nd Ave. S.E, and the Sunset Highway Department, C.S. 1713 PSH #2, R-E, Renton to Issaquah, Franchise No. 3311. It was recommended that the City accept the Franchise and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. Planning Commission recommendations were submitted by Planning Director Jensen from the public hearing meeting of 9-25-63 as follows: 1. Preliminary Plat for Trippy Construction as revised was recommended for approval. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in acceptance of the Preliminary Plat. Carried. 2. Rezone of George Yaba et al property from G to H-1 was requested, however, after due consideration the Commission recommended that the property be zoned from G to L-1 to which the property owners had agreed. Provisions for widening of the West Valley Hwy., setbacks and landscaping were to be covenants of restrictions in accordance with the rezone recommendations. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation for L-1 zoning with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Inquiry was made by Trimm on legality of changing the zoning from the request of the property owner and it was pointed out that this was actually less restrictive and accordingly, deemed to be a better zoning for the use of the land,--to te6t interests of both, and it being agreeable, was a proper action. 3. Request of Puget Properties from GS-1, G9600 and G7200 zonings to R-1, SR-1, R-3, R-4 and B-1 were recommended for approval with reservations on B-1 and R-1 areas. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in approval of the rezones. Carried. 4. Recommended approval of rezone of F, L. Monohan property from R-4 to B-1. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the Planning Commission recommenda- tion for rezone of this property. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to M fer the rezone to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Garrett, to refer the Puget Properties rezones to the Ordinance_Committee also-, Carried. 1 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 10-7-63 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted the Planning Commission recom- mendation that the requirement for building setbacks from 4th Avenin be enforced in the matter of denial of building permit for Mr. E. C., Sorensen, 350 Perk Street, A letter was read from Mr. Sorensen advising that in the event the permit is denied he will have no alternative but to start suit to determine whe-Mier the City can restri_' the use of his property. Discussion ensued and City Attorney Shellan advised tha-C in accordance with legal posi- tion a city may, if it wishes, under its police power require a property o,.aner to provide a set back to widen a street, however, if the City wishes to widen the street it must pay the property owner since he can no longer use his property,: if cn the other hand as part of your comprehensive plan you have set back requirements saying a building must be within so many feet it is perfectly legitimate, for purposes of averting traffic cniigestion or otherwise, but you must have a comprehensive plan. After further discussion and suggestions, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole. Carried, Planning Commission recommendation on the Petition of Arne Coedecke for the vacation of a portion of McAllister road as it affects Tiffany Park was to deny the request until a proper legal description is furnished and adequate access provided to abutting properties which use or depend upon McAllister road. Upon inquiry City Engineer Wilson advised such vacation might create a landlock without adequate ingrees and egress to certain properties. Mr. Greathouse of Puget Properties commented that inasmuch as much of this road runs through their property and tentative_ new school property they would like a clear title and will petition for vacation of any rights as they exist, the road description having been �ritten from aerial survey and constituting a right that is under shadow, If vacated the Cite may be acting on something that is a cloud and not a clear title. Moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, to table the matter until a clear description of the street can be furnished. Carried. A Petition containing approximately 450 signatures was read requesting the City to provide immediate relief from traffic hazard existing on Sunset Blvd. East, especially between its intersections with 10th Avenue North and 12th Avenue North, by widening the improved portion of the right of way, providing for left turn lams at orcper locations and installation of adequate traffic control lights. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Petition to the Street and Alley Committee to whom the matter has been previously referred. Carried.. A letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, requested an Ordinance appropriating $55,000,00 unto Cumulative Reserve Fund #1698 from moneys received by the City in excess of estimated revenues paid by Boeing in lieu of taxes on the former Air Force Plant No, 20. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Com itteg_ for drafting of an Ordinance as requested. Carried. Communication read from Fire Chief Walls requested authorization to call for bids on motorized fire apparatus with October 28th recommended as the date for opening of the bids. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request to call for bids and that October 28, 1963 be set for the opening of the bids. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelson was read submitting and recommending for payment Progress Payment No. 3 due and payable to the Public Administration Service for work performed during the month of August, 1963 in connection with the position clasFif-ication and pay plan study, to be funded from Non-Departmental Acct. No. '1035/603 in the sum of $319.11. Detailed report of personal services of Mr. Ralph DeSantis attached thereto, Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payment to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. City Clerk Nelson submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Payment No. 2, due . and payable to the Public Administration Service for finance and revenue study during the Month of August by Mr. Ralph DeSantis and Mr. G. M. Morris in the amount of $2,592,67, to be paid from Non-Departmental Acct. 7035/603., Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the payment to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried, -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council :;eetinp; 10-7-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington conveying unto A, D. Gustafson, et uX, a Quit Claim Deed on a portion of property erroneously deeded to the City during trans- actions between the City and the First Investment Company, regarding purchase of certain park properties. It being determined that the 12 foot strip of land described in the Quit Claim Deed did not belong to The First Investment Company and it being advisable ..Y. to quiet title to said strip of land in and to its record owners, the Quit Claim is now given in conveyance to the Gustafsons. The Clerk read the proposed Resolution and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1209 as read. Carried, The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington appropriating and transferring certain funds in excess of estimated revenue, which was read by the Clerk, Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee Chairman advised that the Committee did not have an opportunity as yet to meet on the document and it was subsequently moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to recess. Carried. Mayor Aliment declared a recess. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed, Chairman Dullahant reported that the Ordinance Committee recommended second and final reading of the Ordinance. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommenda- tion. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2056 as read. Roll Call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. Motion carried. City Clerk Nelson at this time advised that Mrs, Jack Fleming wished to address the assembly on behalf of the League of Women Voters and Mayor Aliment invited Mrs. Fleming to speak. An invit-tion was extended to attend a public debate on Thursday, October 24, 1963 at the Chamber of Commerce Building, sponsored by the League, The topic for debate is to be Mayor vs. City Manager Type of Government and speakers will be Dean Hunter, Jr. , City Manager of Mountlake Terrace and Gerhardt Graep, Mayor of Redmond. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Recommended that the request of Mrs, Laurence Jayne concerning the operation of traffic signals at Langston Road and Sunset Highway be referred to the City Engineer_ and Police Traffic Division__for appropriate actinn. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2.. Recommended that the problem of bus service to the Talbot Hill area which was presented by Mr. Falkenhagen, be referred to the Public Relations Committee to meet with the bus company and investigate alternate routes. T Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, requested to be furnished with material on the proceedings to date. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk with council action taken as follows: Recommended that the payment to Dean Moburg in the sum of $25.00 and to Merritt G. Dyer, for $15.60 for depositions of Bldg. Sup t. Highton, and Councilman Walt Reid, in the Traffic Signal lawsuit, be funded from the Current Fund, Non-Departmental Acct. 7035/631. 1�. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Hulse presented a Petition containing 99 signatures requesting a park development in the May and Honey Creek area. Councilman Pedersen advised that the Property Committee is still working on this matter. It was moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Petition to the Property Committee. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, that the Building Superintendent be given authorization to call for bids on demolition of the old building located on the Dale- McLendon property recently purchased by the City for parking lot purposes. Carried. -5- 1S2 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-7-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Councilman Pedersen advised that the Property Committee had been renegotiating the Washington State Patrol Office Lease and a letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that the Department of General Administration had agreed to a $25.00 increase in the rental from $237.00 to $262.00 per month and the Leases were in order at this time. It was the recommendation of the Property Committee that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same, and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee submitted a letter from City Attorney Shellan, directed to City Engineer Wilson, relative to the Cascade Sewer District Trunk Line recommending that the $50,000.00 construction contribution to be paid to the Cascade Sewer District be either made by the benefited developers in cash or that a Local Improvement District be established to assess the benefited ploperty owners. The City, of a)urse, is permitted to enter into an agreement with the Cascade Sewer District for any joint construction or maintenance of sewer facilities, however if no city funds are to be used it would appear the two aforementioned alternatives would be considered. Since the improvements are undertaken by the Cascade Sewer District, no Late Comer Agreement would be in order. Councilman Custer reported that the Cascade area is still attempting to and the Sanitation Committee will be meeting and presenting subsequent reports on the Sewer matter. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant reported complaints along Park Avenue on the parking of vehicles in front of residences all day and it was moved that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate the possibility of instituting one-hour parking. There was discussion on problems which this might create after which it was seconded by Custer and carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday, October 12, 1963 at 8:00 a.m. Councilman Pedersen moved that a meeting of the Council As A Whole be called with the Park Board and the Park Superintendent to discuss plans for future developments over the next few years. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 2416 through 2543 and L.I.D. No. 249 Cash Fund Warrant No. 2 and Revenue Fund Warrant No. 2 be approved for payment having previously been approved by the Accountirg and Auditing Committee. Carried. The Sanitation Committee presented a proposed amend.nent to Ordinance ##1727, Section 8-715 of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" in order that clarification might be made concerning sewage charges for multiple dwelling units, ie: Single Family Dwelling Units - $1.25 per month, Multiple Dwelling Units, $1.25 per unit including Duplexes, Tri-plexes, Four and Five-plexes. All other multiple Dwelling units (including all multiple use property, now considered "Commercial Property", 509 of metered water charge. Moved by Custer that the proposed amendment be adopted and the matter referred to the Ordinance Committee. The motion was seconded by Hulse and after discussion on effect of change on revenue which was stated to be of slight consequence, and Mr. Charles Shane objected to the differentiation in the rates advocating they should pay the same rate when on the same ratio, calling attention also to the increase in rates over the past years. Councilman Custer outlined the intent of the Committee to merely clarify the rate structure by the amendment advising Mr. Shane that in the event people use water which does not go into the sewer system a consideration is warranted and he should contact the City treasurer for further .information. The pending motion carried. Councilman Poli reported complaints from numerous persons relative to the no deposit beverage containers now on the market which were becoming a serious problem inasmuch as disposal was causing slashed tires and littering of the beaches and entire city, and it was his contention that there should be some action taken by Ordinance or other measures for controlling the hazard. After further discussion, Mayor Aliment appointed Mr. Poli and Mr. Dullahant to investigate and report back on the matter. -6- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-7-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW' BUSINESS (cont. ) Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience at this time and Mr. Charles Shane made inquiry regarding the cost of 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights and he advised it was his knowledge that City Light could furnish this power at a more reasonable rate than the City is now paying. Mr. Shane went on to compare the Puget Sound Power and Light Schedules. Mr. Shane requested that the citizens be given the right to vote on whomever they wished to furnish their power. A hearing on the matter was suggested in th ensuing discussion, and Mayor Aliment advised of present meetings of the Power and Light Committee with Puget Sound Power and Light Company for discussion of the rates and Councilman Reid advised of several meetings which have been scheduled in the future the results of which would be reported to the Council thereafter. A letter from Mr. George Ames, Acting Secretary, requested permission for the Renton Kiwanis Club to hold an apple sale to raise money for the ,youth programs and activities which they sponsor. The sale will begin October 10, 1963 and end on October 19th. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, that the request be granted with the matter being referred to the Street Commissioner to secure the required hold harmless agreement if deemed necessary. Carried. A letter from Captain W. E. Fra7l4e, of the Renton Police Department, directed to Police Chief Williams, advised that Taxicab Driver Robert Cline has been found guilty in our Municipal Court of speeding ana drunk driving and it was therefore recommended that his taxicab Driver's License be revoked. It was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Custer, that a Hearing be set on the matter according to law and the Driver be so notified. Carried. Mayor Aliment declared a recess at this time after which roll call was taken with aJU Go+uncil Members present as previously listed. The Hearing for fixing the final budget and making the tax levies for 1964 was declared open at this time. It was suggested, due to the lateness of the hour that the meeting be recessed and reconvened at 7130p- m. the following evening, however inasmuch as visitors were present who had waited to -hear the budget presentation, it was decided to continue the meeting. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, -that the -Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 1964 be adopted as presented with the following exceptions and adjustments: Create an Equipment Rental Fund and adjust various departmental budgets to balance. Allow $900.00 for Travel and Convention in Executive Budget, Allow $1;249..00 for files in City Clerk's Capital Outlay Budget. Increase Planning Director's salary budget by . $3,228.00.(Up Assist. Planner 1 step - allow Jr. Planner for 6 months)', decrease Material and Supplies $200.00. Increase Planning Commission M. & 0. Budget $200.00 for Association Dues for Valley Regional Planning Commission. Increase Police Department salaries by $3,132.00. (Officers up 1 step - delete premium pay $15.00 for 3 wheeler.) Increase Fire Dept. salaries $1,872..00 (Officers up 1 step - delete premium pay $15.00 for driver operators). Increase Park Department Capital Outlay to $4,760,00 for President Park Im- provements, $300.00 for net posts and relocation, and $15,000.00 for bleacher seats at Liberty Park Ballfield. Decrease Parking Meter, Capital Outlay - Land Acquisition by $1,000.00. Decrease Equipment Rental, Capital Outlay-,Executive :Car by $1.,000.00. Decrease Park Department Capital Outlay - Amortization -by $1,000.:00, Increase Revenue - Surplus $7,000.00, Licenses, $5,000.00, Bail Fines, $1,159.00, 3% Tax, $5,000,00. Increase the var ous5 Puget Sound Power accounts by $2,655.00 to meet rate increase. Councilman Garrettrequested a copy of the revisions and Councilman Trimm made' inquiries regarding a discrepancy in the requirement for balancing the budget and the Budget Clerk, Gwen Marshall outlined the adjustments made pursuant to the Council As A Whole meeting of October 4th. Fireman Jack Pringle, Chairman of the Wage Committee, remarked.on the changes made in the Fire Department Budget without benefit of consultation; and Councilman Trimm inquired again as to additional funds not shown which would be neces- sary to balance the budget from previous amount of $32,941 which he shows. Budget Clerk Marshall advised that the Cumulative Fund 1698, Fire Equipment was omitted from the motion and should be reduced by $11,037. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to amend th^ original motion to include the reduction of the Reserve Fund to $4,000..00.-: Councilman _h,, Trimm moved that the motion be amended to include $10,000..00 in the Park Fund for the , Talbot Hill Park. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Dullahant, Garrett, Trimm and Bruce, No: Reid,- Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Custer,, and Poli. Seven No votes and four aye votes -lost the motion. The pending amending motion was carried and Roll call vote on the original motion as amended was requested and resulted as follows: Ayer Reid, Gianni, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Custer and Poli; No: Dullahant, Hulse, Garrett, Trim and Bruce_ Motion Carried. /1of i:cii ileo ting 10-7-63 tJ '-ix;.` g Rinai Budget oral Making the Tax Levies for 1964 (cont. ) 'oli, secoi:dec b­ vianini, to refer the hearing matters to the Ordinance M:. Char.�e. 3aa.:e mo,dc inquiry relative to license fees paid by Longacres to operate i;:. the Cit;• as conA a::od to the master pinball machine operator's license, and was advised fia es were correct.. Vow IL was suggasued t1hat the Hearing be continued until Ordinances can be prepared. y Atter,.;y S7,21-ar advised tie documents have been drafted if the figures can..now be 31__1pli e� th,_j: car. b =s2nted ut t1.is time and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by ar:'.rrii to rocess a,.low the Ordinance Committee time to have the proper insertions , . �xr`yied. ifia,/or L__me:t declared recess. /A- -_-ar { c .-coess., rc_- cali was taken with all Councilmen present as previously •._1 v� ..e�e Ccunc_'tar Dui =ahan-I-, Chairman of the Ordinance committee, presented a proposed Ordi.narc^ of t^e 3-ft- of Rentcn. Washington adopting a City Budget for the Year 1964 which vas is a� by '�: ? C _e17Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ord_-,n,.:.c. 'moo th :rdi_-iance Cnmn-'ttee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recom- ,nend c fa:orab__y and. `_i;:+ the proposed document be placed on its second and final reading. by c. _, c.ec•ondea b-�, Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. 'ar�-ied. Ef-te__ the seccne and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, ',:c ~o^t Grn:ncmca No, 20!54 as read. Roll call vote was taken which resulted as follows: r- Rcid, Oiarin , Dal.ilCuist, Pedersen, Cis ter, and Poli. No: Dullahant, Hulse, Garrett, and n_ur Motion car2_ied. T.---, Cexn=ttee ;-,.resented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington fi,;ing t*,:c amorist of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures fog tle year 1964, 'less the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation, for the !.,.r^ral. fIind anu 'Lc, the pamnent of principal and interest upon the general bonded indebt - nnas o:' the Ci:- cr Ra "nor: for the year 1964; to levy the annual taxes of the City of Renrft fo-: t'.-;e yes:: '*1964 appropriating same to certain funds for certain purposes, which was -"-ead by +he S.�_erl: 14cved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to 'he Crdi.narc^ Comm=' tee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended second an:- girl,: read_ :g. Mcved by Poli , seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of th^-. Co;,ur:ittee a .ried. !after the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer and seco-1 ded by J _a;: .n . to :adopt Ordinance No. 2055 as read. Roll call followed with all ,o;znci'_ Vemte-rs �.,oting aye except Dullahant, and the motion was carried. Co ;nan D '.ia'_za.ra .requested that a copy of the budgetary recommendations be s,," :ra=tted t each membe__• of the Council. CoaT.ciIman Garrett recommended that a letter of thanks be sent to the Chamber of Co-?me:ce for he=_ ettsr a.-.,-,d budgetary comments. Councilwomer_ naz=ouist thanked Mrs. Marshall for her patience and the time spent oreFara+ion. :,f fi-e ' udgef and Councilman Garrett suggested she be given some time off over and �.bcve vac;=`_-i cn allo.•:ed as the Council has granted in the past. C. b,> Da'i_.qu_fst, seconded by Hulse, that a letter be directed to The Boeing Co. acinow_.ed.g .rg jai `: -.arks the $62,000-00 payment of In-Lieu-Of-Tax money. Carried. As `here s?as no ru^caer audience comment and no further business to come before i was mcvcd bS'ruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting ?a^ ad4c;3.­.ed a' x_0:56 Y ;:1, There were 28 visitors in the Council Chambers. VANW Frank Aliment, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk -8- Oc obei is :953 City of Renton Vouchers, having been p�-eViousiy cy the Ac cunt :r:g and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council , app;o.•a; a,3 iollovVc : VOUCHER NUNBER PAYEE Ai40UNT CURRENT FUND 21.E16 Addressograph-Mi I t gr apr 4r 68 2417 Frank Aliment Iuli,60 2418 Architectural Forum 3,3.0 21+19 Atomic Battery Shop 22:37 2420 B & B Auto Parts 25.,96 2421 Bevan's Plumbing & Heating 1;OL�O 2422 Blumenthal Un; form Comna;,• , - 0. L 2423 Burnrite 0; 1 Compary X0; .85 2424 City of Renton 87 ,60 2425 Wally Clarke Fuel Ji 1 Com,;-a-.; 23,.70 2426 Coast Wide Supp ;y Ccmpan•; !9 :3C 2427 Dictaphone Corporatiot: +3,62 2428 DrageY s Harley-Davidcon Co, 49:,5L 2429 Merritt G. Dyer ".5.60 2430 Mrs. Floyd F"'gge:-s 2.44 2431 James P. Goodfellow 2,40 2432 Dorothea Gossett 8 ,00 2433 Eugene Hoenig 2.40 2434 Holmes Electric Comparr/ 3962 2435 Paul W. Houser, Jr " 3'n•J 2436 I. B. M, Corporat ; CITY OF RENTON VOUCERS CONTINUED October 7, 1963 CITY STREET FUND 2475 Atomic Battery Shop 26. 17 2476 City of Renton 4.00' 2477 Vern Church 3.49 2478 Commercial Paint Company 13. 10 2479 A. H. Cox Company 42.L4 2480 Eltee Tool & Supply Company 163.36 2481 W. P. Fuller& Company 60.84 2482 Hartman Typewriter 31 .20 2483 One Price Store, Inc. 20.97 2484 Pacific Auto Supply 73.62 2485 Raeco Products Corporation 72.66 2486 Reiman ,auto Parts 237.33 2487 Renton Automobile Company 4.29 2488 Renton Engineering Corp. 10.40 2489 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 230-I4 2490 Harry Russak Truck Company 13.00 2491 Safety Factors, Inc. 270.26 2492 Sahlberg Equipment Company 733.45 2493 Standard Service Tire Company 97. 13 2494 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 163.68 2495 Tele-Car Communications Co. 52.00 2496 Welders Supply Company 16.00 2497 Williams & Swanson 5.04 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 2498 Milt Williams 125.00 P/\RK FUND 2499 City Construction 382.20 250( City of Renton 20.14 2501 John Julian & Son 6.34 2502" Lande Feed Company 594.88 2503 NuLife Fertilizers 257. 14 2504 Olels Construction Co. 2,461 .68 2505 Puget Sound Power & Light 19.97 2506 Reiman Auto Parts 9.36 2507 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 53.00 2508 Universal Sign Company 15.60 2509 Washington Natural Gas Co. 10.36 2510 Washington State Tax Commission 4.48 2511 Williams & Swanson 7.21 LIBRARY FUND 2512 Marcella Hiligen 14.62 AIRPORT FUND 2513 Earle S. Bigler 179.30 2514 Paul W. Houser 220.70 2515 Janco-U.ii ted, Inc. 10.97 2516 Puget Sound Power & Light 9.56 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND P-517 American Parts, Inc. 26.61 2518 Atomic Battery Shop 19.6; 2519 B & B Auto Parts 8.59 2520 City of Renton 4.00 2521 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 2,67. ,,-2 2522 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 1,060.05 2523 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 14.85 2524 Wm. F. Davis - Roger W. Davis 25.00 2525 Eltee Tool & Supply Company 58.34 2526 Fog-Tite Meter Seal Company 99.84 2527 Hersey-Sparling Met-r Co. 389. 19 CITY OF RENTON 4OUCHERS CONTINUED October 7, 1963 MATER WORKS UTILITY 2528 Keuffel & Esser Co. 174.82 2529 Lundberg Construction Co. 2,423,56 2530 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,410.00 2531 Helmie Nelson 7.00 2532 Pacific Northwest Bell 74.55 2533 Puget Sound Power & Light 172.58 2534 Reiman Auto Parts 12.74 am 1 2535 Renton Automobile Company 7.05 2535 Renton' Concrete Products, Inc. 369.96 2537 Frank E. Rhodes Co. 3.90 2538 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 46.8o 2539 Tele-Car Communications Co. 52.00 2510 U. S. Post Office 3,48 2541 Washington State Tax Commission 1,049.82 25 .2 Western Utilities Supply Company 11. 8. 10 2543 Williams & Swanson 3.60 L,, I ,D, 249 2 Rainier Contractors 20,843.56 Firemen's Pension Fund 20,843,56 Helmie Nelson, C- ity Clerk '--- Frank Aliment, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 14, 1963 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Custer, seconded by Garrett, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorre y, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence .K. Williams, Police Chief, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Superintendent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian and M. C. Walls, Fire Chief. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Patrolman Richard Saude and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Harold McIntyre, of the Church of God. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be held for approval until the following week. Carried. HEARING: Carl Cooks Appeal of Rejection of Sign Application This being the date set, the Hearing was opened. There were no communications or verbal comments relative to the matter and the Street and Alley Committee reported that they had reviewed the request and inasmuch as the post was already in from the previous sign and two additional brackets will be eliminated in the installation of the reader: Board sign, granting of the request was recommended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the sign be allowed with removal of two other signo,with the reader board pointing in toward the station and execution of the proper Revocable Permit with Hold Harmless clause. Carried. CALL FOR BIDS: Demolition of Building on Well s . Street property recently purchased from Dale-McLendon for off-street parking purposes. The Clerk reported that no bids had been received and discussion ensued regarding possible razing by the Fire Department after which it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Clerk Nelson was read submitting and recommending for payment Progress Estimate No. 2, due H. Dewayne Kreager for professional services during the quarter period of July, August and September, in connection with the Personnel and Finance Study being conducted by the Public Administration Service. Amount due this estimate, $500.00. Total contract, $2,000.00, previous payment, $500.00. Balance subsequent to current payment, $1,000.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation and referral to the AcCounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from City Clerk Nelson advised that a letter sent to Robert Cline in connection with revocation of his taxicab driver's license(due to conviction in Municipal Court for violations while driving a taxicab, )had been returned with notation that the addressee rad moved leaving no forwarding address. The Hearing has been set and the Police and License Committee and Police Department to pursue the matter with the license being revoked in the event the subject does not appear. A Claim was read from Mr. Chas. J. Steger resulting from injuries sustained when he fell in a hole which had been excavated by the City during the interim when he parked his car near the S.E. corner of Fourth-'.Avenue and Burnett Streets and his return at 11:00 p.m. The sum of $21,500.00 was stipulated for personal injuries and damages. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the City Attorney for ■./ subsequent report. Carried. A letter from Attorney Donald Holm reported relative to the Edwards vs. City of Renton Traffic Light Suit that the Agreement between the City and Mr. Edwards was void due to his not calling for bids in having the work performed, however, the further ruling was made that the City is benefiting from the installation and must pay the reasonable value of the benefit in tle sum of $12,132.00. The City will be further advised when Judgment has been entered and payment is to be made. Argument was held 9-25-63 before Judge F. A. Walterskirchen. _1_ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-14-63118 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont, ) A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan, directed to Mr. John Swanson, Chairman, Citizens Advisory Committee, giving resume`of the existing laws relating to- off-street parking facilities. The law, known as Chapter 35.86 of the Revised Code of Washington, adopted in 1959, declares that the use of real property for off-street parking purposes is a public use and allows financing thereof by means of revenue bonds, genual fund bonds and on-street parking revenue bonds, also permitting the City to establish Local Improvement Districts and finance same in the manner as other L.I.D. 's. The law also permits cities to acquire property by lease, purchase, donation, gift or condemnation. Such property, or any portinn thereof, may also be sold, transferred, exchanged, leased or otherwiLe disposed of by the City when its legislative body has determined that it is no longer suitable or necessary for off-street parking purposes. Detailed provisions were also made including the calling for bids for the operation of parking lot facilities. Before any acquisition for strictly off-street parking facilities,and providing for financing thereof can be undertaken,a plan must be developed by making proper economic and physical surveys as are necessary, including a comprehensive plan for such facilities. One or more public hearings must be held prior to the lease or acquisition of such property and the financing thereof, It would seem mandatory that the foregoing steps have to be complied with before the City can initiate a L.I.D. whether by resolution or one commenced by petition. No final adjudication of this law by the Supreme Court seems in evidence and problems would arise if the City tried to finance such project through bond sale. It was recommended that the City not proceed by regular local improvement district methods for the aforementioned reasons and voluntary contributions by property owners and others to benefit by the parking facilities was recommended. This should bercn a cash basis paid to any contractor who might install the improvement or if the City can do it more cheaply, then the funds would be used therefor. The City Engineer might prepare a pre- liminary sketch dividing the area into three zones with those properties located nearest to .the parking paying aSrelative]}t greater. share than the next two. Any property owner who;'now -has adequate parking in compliance with City Ordinances could not be legally assessed if there is no corresponding benefit. Councilman Custer reported that the Sanitation Committee has ..presented a Petition-for L.L.D. and it would now like.to make the irecommendation that.-it-.be" withdrawn and moved that no L.I.D. be. ,farmed :far,improve- ment l of- the parking lots. The two lots, formerly known.as the Dale--McUndon 1propeities acquired by the City as part of its:l701 program for the purposeslamong`,othdra of estab ' lishing municipal buildings and related-facilities. in the interim, theseiaots ,could be used. for .parking purposes; according to City Attorney Shellan. The pending� motibli.`was seconded. by Poli and ca-tried., Mayor-Alitnent advised of meetings between t:he Citizens Advisory Committee and: the:Adburn group,-for.14 -comparison of park:ing:prablems,)an&*policy. A letter from -the United Missionary-Army, 'Ind. .1214- E. Jefferson .:.Seattle :'advised of. soliciting -plans from,dooroto "door over the cities,of the world in the distribution of Braille Bibles toithe Blind. July 1,,, 1964 was the date scheduled for their Renton campaign and inquiry was made as to whether further information is required. Moved by Garrett:, seconded by Custer:, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. H. P. O'Rej-Uy, Asst. ,Yist:. Engineers Washington:State Highway'?:: Commission, advised,that their .-investigation of.t-M traffic` count to and; from the ,utle.nced Greyhound bus service_on East Valley Hwy. .from the' Talbot Hill area does not.warrant~ •: a.-structure for pedestrian overciiassing., C.S r743, PSH-'Nos. 1 & 5, Longacres to Cedar River Bridge, however,. if deemed ,justified it 'should.be, located South of the So. Renton . Interchange in vieinity -of StationED 1993+ :and an estimated cost' would' be -approximately'-; $50000.00. Di-gcuss- 6ri,ensued regarding the limited access' tm, tlie' area iMr. &alkdnhagen addressing: the Coundil- suggested alterriative location for overci ssirig-'mhi*h ,-he -,felt would be. less, costly,rand inquired as t6'what- would'be adequate=use' t6;-i4arrant-<the 4n stallationf. . `Discussion; disclosed further 'tentative rdoetings to'lbe thel;d- with :thee now.'', Assistant' District- Engineer and the Highway Department at which 'time thU, jivercto8sing . aswell as other:ri'ght+iof-way:p`roblems would- be, presented. o«lc! not be ae A letter was read from C.S. Sargent,' Mgr.:, facil,i•tiesi 'the- Boei�fig -iCotnjid6y inquiring regarding two pending: items in their file-s; to-wit: Lettdr. of�-8 13-63, to City Council re two 12-inch water mains , Third Avenue to Boeing Plant,- arid letter of 12-4-62 re Crosswalk on 1.8th AVenue Igor.. City Engineer Milson advised that he had verbally expressed his objection to the (crosswalk as originally requested due to the stairway location opening onto a driveway at 8th Avenue; -however the stairway has now been rel.ocated..and although protection will be provided: only from. Boeing, traffic for Boeing personnel, the prime ob•jecti.on:'no,1onge-r exists. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee `to report back. Carried. ox *'rrovf!- e I<li_ 1011 i1fJ, th: ti:�:Lt: 4t �. -2 ,'a`c. �.t>'4�1' "; f �3 ,.rat..;,' ``T:a ( I 'Q♦.: t � ` Qnutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-14-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont,) Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, recalled the letter regarding the two water mains which the Boeing Company had urged the City to assume now that Boeing had purchased the Federal Government property. Discussion ensued during which Sup't. of Utilities Andersen advised that the subject lines are carrying City of Seattle water for fire protection purposes contracted by the government due to the high pressure which the City at that time could not provide. It was questionable as to whether the lines should be assumed by Seattle rather than Renton, however, it should be resolved one way or another and intentions of Boeing as to anticipated future diversion should be secured. Policy of another utility furnishing water to the City was discussed after which it was moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, that the matter be referred to the Sup't. of Utilities. Carried. A letter was read from Robert E. Korn, Taxpayers Legislative Committee, advising of in.-.bil_`t� to balance, the City of Renton Budget with adjustments. It se6ning out of balance and a number of salaries not reasonably commensurate with the position and responsibility, an . examination of the accepted budget was requested by said Committee who has contacted the State Auditor's Office (Cliff Yelle) therefor. A letter was read from the Wage Committee, Renton Police Department, Chairman Arnold Hubner, submitted by C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, thanking the Mayor and Council for consideration during preparation of the 1964 budget., ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordira nce of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 8-715 of Title VIII of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried, The Committee recommended that the Ordinance be forwarded to the Sanitation Committee for report on its study and Councilman Custer advised the Committee recommended that the last paragraph of Section I concerning the billing of the State Utility Tax be deleted and that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Also, that the City Attorney and Mayor be authorized to arrange a hearing in conjunction with any other interested cities within. 0: the Metro district, before the tax Commission with the intent of elimination of this p U: dual taxation. Councilman Custer explained that the City is paying the tax and Metro 0)Uf is also making payment which amounts to 1%. Sup't. Andersen advised likewise and that w the State has indicated deletion of one as dual taxation exists at present with it being ij likely that Metro will be the one relieved. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to O _Z concur in the recommendation of tie Sanitation Committee. Carried. Moved by Dullahant, 0 5- seconded by Custer, that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2057 as read. Roll call vote was taken will all Council Members voting aye except Reid. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Rem1ution of the City of Renton, Washington extending the compulsory retirement of Arthur R. Cooper, employee of the City of Renton. Street Department, Traffic Control Division, who is a member of the Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System under the classification of "Miscellaneous Personnel", from November 1, 1963 to November 1, 1964. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in adoption of Resolution No. 1210 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning clastification of certain property within the City of Renton from Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4) to Business District (B-1) which was read by the Clerk(F. L. Monohan property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Com- mittee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reeding, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2058 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Light Industry District (L-1), which was read by the Clerk, (George Yaba Property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the pro- posed Ordinance to the Committee "or recommendation. Carried. The Committee advised it will hold the document until property owner ha; complied with required conditions and the Planning Commission will advise of filing thereof by the property owner. -3- /4'/ Minutes of the Renton City Council 10-14-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (cont.) A proposed Ordinance of the City of Rentor, Washirg ton was presented by the Ordinance Committee, changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (GS-1) (G-9600 and(G-7200) to Single Residence District (R-1), Suburban Residence District (SR-1), Residence District (R-3), Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4) and Business District (B-1), which was read by the Clerk. (Puget Properties, Inc. rezone) Moved by Fruc e seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee advised it would hold the Ordinance pursuant to execution of certain documents to be submitted by Puget Properties, Inc. in connection therewith. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Proposed storm sewer on Cedar Street between 7th and- 8th Avenues - The Committee recommended that the City install such a line and that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for financing. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. 2. North Renton Interchange - Recommended that the City pass a Resolution placing the North Renton Interchange on the next election ballot and the issue referred to the Public Relations Committee to publicize the matter. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the recommendation and to refer the matter to -the Ordinance Committee. After inquiry and deterbiination that the proposition would be submitted to the- electorate at tle February Primary. Election, . the pending motion carried. Councilman Reid�submitte'd the Power and Light Committee report with proposed street lighting,-installations seconded as follows: Monterey Drive, add 7000 Mercury ;,Vapor: 9, Capri' 3,,_ "K" St. &, 15th No., 9, 5th Avenue East (Maplewood), 11, 6th. At ntie- E., Maplewood, 7, "Kf':.Street, 2, 'N" :Street, 1, "0'° Street 1,; 5th P1act. East,, 1; 118th S.E., Ponderosa, 4, S:.E'. 15.6th, 1,,,116th S.E. `l, total, 50 Remove-Incansescent: Monterey Drives 9, Capri, 3, "K" St. & 15th No., 6, 5th Ave. E. Maplewood,: 8, 6th Avenue East, 6, "M" Street, 2, '!N'" Street; 1, r'0'r; Sheet, 1, 5th Place East, 1, total -. 37. Annual;cost of 1 5,0 - 7,,000 lumen mercury vapor street lights @- $33:,00-ea , $1;680.0,0 Less, 37 r 25500 lumen incandescent, open reflector, street lights at $21.60 each $799.20, Additional annual cost, $880.00. Add 3 or 4 Mercury lights, 20,000 lumen on Logan at the Stadium 'as recommended� by the Police Department. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Power and Light Committee report. Carried. Discussion ensued relative to' the, propnsition of the Interchange; for the spring ballot and the State Highways view of the matter and whether additional issues would possibly be considered. City Engineer Wilson advised the State would-require committment in the form of Resolution prior to agreement for any construction and &Imeeting has been tentatively proposed for further di:scussion�with the State Assistant Director of Highways. Councilman Garrett requested that the Public Relations Committee be relieved of the referral to meet with the bus company for alternate routes which:-,mightbe adopted in lieu of the E. Valley Highway rouge which. now..eliminates. service from. that -side of Talbot Hill, until the matter has beenresolve& regar:ding possible overpass construction. It -was suggested that the matter be discussed with the State Highway_Ddrector to try to work out a plan for access to the bus line: wher& 3tvis now operattithg: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, toldefer action'*on alternate route until at least one meeting has been held with the Highway Department. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. '2545 throh 2623, having been previously approved' by the Accounting and Auditing' Committee be jnbwproved' by Council. Carried. Councilman Custer` requested a':mee'ting' of the Sanitation' C6M' mittee' on Thursday, Sept. 17 1963 at 10:15 a.m, and the Mayor, Supt. of Utilities Andersen, Mr. Ted Bennett, and the City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett we"re• invited to attend for the purpose` of discussing Pacific Car and Foundry $ewer rates with representatives of that Company." As there was` no further business to. edtne- before'the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to'adjourn. Carried'. 'The meeting ''ad`iourned� at 9:fib -p-.m. `= -4- ----------r_ _ . ......,...., Frank AlimentLayer ---- .�• fiP r n,- t t - r Helmp Nei�on..City Clerk M2 October 14, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT GARBAGE FUND 2%4 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 30,000.00 CURRENT FUND 2545 John Alexander 14.95 2546 Blumenthal Uniform Company 52.01 2547 Cochran Coast-to-Coast Store 4.41 2548 L. N. Curtis & sons 45.41 2549 Dictaphone Corporation 26.35 2550 James Highton 2.87 2551 H. Dewayne Kreager 500.00 2552 The Lumber Market, Inc. 94.48 2553 Market Basket #5 13.90 2554 McLendon Hardware 39.69 2555 Myers Oil Company 35.09 2556 0. K. Tire Store of Renton 3.95 2557 Pacific Outfitting Company 50.50 2558 Puget Sound Power & Light 5,288.97 2559 Mrs. George Rogers 2.40 2560 Shaw Bros. Drug 50.05 2561 Star Machinery 22.54 2562 U. S. Post Office 67,00 2563 WET City Treas. Cr. Street 250. 16 2564 Jack Wilson 15,00 CITY STREET FUND 2565 Air Mac, Inc. 229.09 2566 Bearing Sales & Service 29,41 2567 Cochran Coast-to-Coast Store 11 . 13 2568 L. N. Curtis & Sons 47.42 2569 A. G. Elliott 56.40 2570 The Lumber Market, Inc. 26.96 2571 McLendon Hardware 28.29 2572 Preservative Paint Company 153. 13 2573 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 1,894,36 2574 Renton Radiator, Inc. 6.24 2575 Standard Oil Company 145.29 2576 Star Machinery 2.40 2577 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 106.30 2578 W/T City Treas. Cr. Water 33. 14 PARK FUND 2579 Air Mac, Inc. 34,81 2580 The Lumber Market, Inc, 13.47 2581 McLendon Hardware 45.86 2582 Pacific Northwest Bell 95.59 2583 Puget Sound Power & Light 224.89 2584 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 8.72 2585 �PJIT City Treas. Cr. Street 135.48 2586 Washington Natural Gas Company 129.02 low LIBRARY FUND 2587 City of Renton 4,00 2588 Coast-to-Coast Stores 1 .50 2589 Diesel Oil Sales Company 10.64 2590 Doubleday & Company, Inc. 328.48 2591 Follett Library Book Company 43. 10 2592 Gaylord Bros., Inc. 5.93 2593 H. & M. Ribbon & Carbon Company 5. 15 2594 H. & M. Duplicator Corporation 41 .23 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED1 •n October 14, 1963 LIBRARY FUND CONTINUED 2595 Marcella Hillgen 6.o0 2596 Overall Cleaning & Supply Company 2.50 2597 Pacific Northwest Bell 58-462598 Paulson Office Supply 17.4.9 2599 Puget Sound News Company 808,25 2600 Puget Sound Power & Light 33.79 2601 Record Stationery & Office Supply 9.21 2602 Washington State Library 90.35 AIRPORT FUND 2603 Cochran Coast-to-Coast Store 37.89 2604 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 75.70 2605 Myers Oil Company 1 .56 2606 Puget Sound Power & Light 50,63 2607 U. S. Post Office 5.00 2608 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 3o80 26o9 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street io2,63 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1990 2610 Puget Sound Power & Light 10.68 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2611 Air Mac, Inc. 25.72 2612 A. H. Cox Machinery Company 618.80 2613 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 1, 118. 10 I 2 Hersey-Sparling Meter Company 501 . 10 2615 McLendon Hardware 76.07 2616 Paci-fic Northwest Bel] 28.94 2617 Puget Sound 'Power & Light 1,982.39 2618 Rainier Asp.h.alt Paving Company 1244.8 11w 2619 Renton Boiler Works 156.,00 2620 Security Concrete- Products, Inc. 1,080.26 2621' Se.rvi,ce Controls Company 1,518. 0 2622 WIT C!iay' Treas. Cr.' Parks 14:50 2623 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 884.51 --- Frank Aliment, Mayor Helmie Nelson, City C►erk' 194 Renton City Council Minutes - Meeting of 10-14-63 APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9157 $ 5,000.00 Raymond Rosa 1040 Lake Street Remodel Residence 58 135.00 A. L. Latten 532 Grant Street Wire Garage 59 2,692.00 Marvis Haas 414 Grandey Way Reside Residence 9160 150.00 Art L. Hancock 2802 - 8th Place No. Enclose Sundeck 61 600.00 Al Wolf 10436 - 112th S.E. Wire New Residence 62 300.00 Al Edlund 10039 S.E. 95th Place New Electric Service 63 500.00 James Strecker 3010 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Addition 64 500.00 Jonientz Packing Co. 7438 South 180th Hang Fixtures - Wire 9165 20,000.00 Robert L. Edwards Renton Shopping Center Car Wash Building 66 4,700.00 Tide Development Co. 420 Mill Street Wire Apartment PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6147 - - - - Rouse Elec. 10042 S.E. 95th Plumbing Fixtures 48 - - - - Nick Dubick 422 Mill Street Plumbing Fixtures 49 - - - - Frank Mathewson 115 Rainier Ave. No. Gas Installations 6150 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1020 "Q" Street Gas Installations 51 - - - - United Homes Corp. 3909 - 11th Ave. No. Gas Installations 52 - - - - United Homes Corp. 3906 - 11th Place Gas Installations 53 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1039 "R" Street Gas Installations 54 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1033 "R}9 Street Gas Installations 6156 - - - - Safeway Stores 10th N. & Sunset Hwy. Plumbing Fixtures . .-- --- `'=Z� Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Frank Aliment, Mayor -7- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1963 8 :00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garret; Custer., 'Pali A Bruce. Delaurenti moved., second by Hulse, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, B. L. Andersen, Suflt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Superintendent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Don Dashnea and Invocation was delivered by Rev. Arthur Osmundson, St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUITDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9167 $ 300.00 Lee Snyder 3204 - 4th Avenue Wire 3 Phase Motors 68 100.00 Leo B. Maas 1030 Shattuck St. South Remodel Building 69 800.00 Howard L. Courtney 11242 S.E. 96th Street Demolish Garage 9170 200.00 Renton Refrigeration 211' Wells Street Sign 71 425.00 Conner Construction 12730 - 86th Ave. South Wire New Residence 72 682.00 People Nat. Bank 900 - 3rd Avenue Re-Roof Building 73 18000.00 United Homes Corp. 3907 - 11th Pl. No. New Residence 74 12,000.00 H. B. Creighton 1110 "N" Street r,?ew Residence 9175 450.00 Christian Science 3rd & Whitworth Wire New Residence 76 2,500.00 George McNeil 3806 - 5th Ave. North Addition to Residence 77 50.00 John T. Welch 17420 West Valley Rd. Chg. Electric 6arv. PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6156 - - - Fourge Company 1544 "I" Place Plumbing Fixtures 57 - - - Fnurge Company 1548 "I" Place Plumbing Fixtures 58 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13205 S.E. 1.1-5th St, Plumbing Fixtures 59 - - - Donald Johnson 1503 - 3rd Ave. No. Gas Installations 6160 - - - Rudy Zaputil 11613 S.E. 106th Pl. Plumbing Fictures 61 - - - Highlands Community Church 10th & K Street Gas Installations 62 - - - Ray Fracker 9810 - 106th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - Dilley 243 Sunset Blvd. E. Gas Installations OPENING OF BIDS: "M" Street Sanitary Sewers - L. I. D. No. 250 This being the date set, the following bids were opened and read by the Clerk as follows: CONTRACTOR BASIC BID TAX TOTAL BID COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION - Seattle, Washington $ 9,125.00 + 365.00 $ 9,490.00 No Alternate Bid W. C. FROST CONSTRUCTION - Renton, Washington $ 5,188.25 + 207.53 $ 5,395.78 :. No Alternate Bid HAROLD KAESER CONSTRUCTION— Seattle, Washington $' 9,592.00 + 383.68 $ 9,975.68 No Alternate Bid OHN PATRICELLI - Seattle, Washington $12,260.00 + 490.40 $125-7.50.40 ALTERNATE 12,335.00 + 493.40 12,828.40. RAINIER CONTRACTORS - Seattle, Washington $ `8,108.50 + 324.34 $ 8,432.84 ' No Alternate Bid SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION - Se t,tlo, Washington $ 8,222.50 + •328.90 $ 8,551.40 ALTERNATE 8,560.00 + 342.40 8,902.40 _ Moved by Reid, seconded by Hulse, that the Bids be referred to the Sanitation Committee, the City Engineer and the Superintendent of Utilities, to ."aport back. Carried. A Certified Check accompanied Coluccio Construction Bid and Did Bonds accompanied all other bids, in the sum of 5% as required. -1- 196 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 10-21-63 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Building Superintendent Highton reported receipt of price quotation from W. C. Frost for complete demolishing of the old building on the McLendon property, which the City recently purchased, in the sum of $3,286.00. This price less filling to allow immediate parking, would be $2,686.00 condition to be included that burning shall be permitted in open area at Cedar River Park. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, to refer the communication to the Property Committee for report back. Carried. A Petition containing fifteen signatures beginning with Carlson and ending with Evansd was read requesting that the Mayor and Council again consider the Vacation of a portion of Block 18 in the Renton Highlands. A previous petition, upon which a hearing was held, had been considered and action deferred until 100% concurrence of ownerships is secured. The new petition advised that due to address of property of previous protestor no hardship can possibly affect the subject lot. Moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for review and further investigation. Moved by.Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the City Engineer to check validity of the Petition by amending the pending motion. The amendment was carried and subsequently the motion as amended. A letter from FireChief Walls requested, in order to allow manufacturers ample oppor- tunity to bid on the aerial platform specifications on the motorized fire fighting appar- atus. that the bid opening date be extended from October 28, 1963 to November 4, 1963. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire Chief. Carried. A =ette- was read from P. J. McKay, District Engineer, Washington State Highway Commission, confirming telephone arrangements for a meeting to discuss the following improvements for the City of Renton: Resurfacing of Mill Street, Additional access, both vehicular and pedestrian from the Talbot Hill area, Access to the Highland Shopping Center from Primary State Highway No. 2, (Sunset Highway), Follow up on Metro clean-up, Grady Way access, widening of Second Avenue and North Renton Interchange. Mayor Aliment advised of a tentative meeting to be scheduled the first part of November which will be announced at a later date. A letter_ from the Boeing Company requested that parking be allowed on the West side only of Garde- St-reet3necessary due to increase of Boeing Personnel. Moved by .3� uce, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Com- mittee to report back. Carried. A letter from Friends of Youth, Inc. invited the Mayor and Council to an open house at the Griffin: Home for Boys on Sunday, October 27, 1963 and requested that they be allowed to accept a donation of sheep to provide the boys with a project, control the weeds and grass and provide meat. A special permit was requested therefor and it was moved by Custe , seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter from Supt. of Utilities, Burton L. Andersen, requested pezmission to attend a meeting of the Trustees of the Pacific Northwest Section of the American Water Works Assn. in Portland on October 25 and 26. Mr. Andersen advised he would furnish his own transportion Wi.,h no expense to be incurred by the City. Moved by Reid, seconded by Hulse, to allow the request. Carried. The City of Seattle Department of Lighting advised by communication read by the Clerk that their equipment has been removed from three Seattle City Light poles on which the City of Renton has traffic signals and it was desired that the entire interest in said poles be conveyed to P.enton.at this time. Said poles had been set in 1930, 1935 and 1951. Mo-,ed by Glarrett, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the communication to the Street and AL_ey Committee. Carried. (NE corner Rainier Ave. and Seattle Pipeline Right-Of-Way, NW corner of Logan and 2nd Avenue and SW corner of Logan Street and 2nd Avenue.) A letter from Planning Director Jensen requested authorization to attend the American Institute of Planners Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from October 27 through 31, 1963. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renter, Washington Amending Section 4-718 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Cede of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", relating to off-street parking areas, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation, Carried. The Committee advised the document will be. held for one meek, -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-21-63 1 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted a letter written by James L. Highton, Supt. of Buildings, estimating the cost of painting the interior of the Main Fire Station at $2,500.00 for which funds were available in the 1963 budget,per discussion during budget hearings, and it was the recommenda- tion of the Property Committee that Call for Bids therefore be authorized. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations and that informal bids be authorized. Carried. Councilman Pedersen reported that his committee has been negotiating with the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee regarding its lease of the Annex ..r. to the Renton Highlands Administration Building(inherited by the City from the Housing Authority) and that the renewal of the existing Lease is now presented for execution as amended, to-wit: An option be granted for a 1 year renewal, Rent be increased from $175.00 per month to $200.00 per month, Janitorial Services be added to heat-lights & water. Clause. The 30 day cancellation clause to be for both Lessee and Lessor, and, in the event the Lessee cancels lease during the two year period they shall reimburse the city for such portion of unamortized expense of remodelling as outlined in said document. City Attorney Shellan has prepared the amended Lease proposal. Minor repairs and painting along with renewal of floor tiles will be required and it is recommended that the Building Superintendent be authorized to perform said work' and call for bids when deemed necessary. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Lease and to concur in the Property Committee recommendations. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, requested that the City Clerk write a letter to the Cham+)er of Commerce asking that a Committee be appointed to help publicize the North Renton Interchange Bond Proposition which is to go before the electorate on the February ballot. The City Engineer was requested to prepare a package of material relative to costs and a list of pertinent information which might be used upon inquiry by the man on the street. Mayor Aliment advised of cooperation of the State Highway Department in compiling of various facts and figures and it was moved by Garrett seconded by Hulse, that all such materials be submitted to the Public Relations Committee in order that they may proceed with their publicity function. Carried. Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that his Committee recommendation relative to The Boeing Company request to by-pass City of Renton facilities and to hook directly onto Metro Trunk Lines was to deny permission at this time in concern for: loss of revenues; establishing of precedent; and continuation of study being desired prior to permitting exceptions or deviations from present policy. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported for the Police aid License Committee, that a Hearing had been held on Saturday, October 19, 1963 at 8:00 a.m. for Mr. Robert Cline to determine whether his taxicab license No. C-664 should be revoked subsequent to conviction of a speeding and drunk driving charge rendered by the Renton Municipal Court on August 21, 1963. The City attempts to notify the subject were unsuccessful and he did not appear for appeal therefore the Committee recommended that the License be revoked. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the action of the Police and License Committee, it being that of the Police Department as well. Carried. Councilman Dan Poli, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, presented a letter from M. C. Walls, Chief, Renton Fire Department, advising that due to location and condi- tion of the McLendon building on Wells Street, and in the interest of public safety and good public relations, said building should be torn down and hauled to the dump or burned in small piles. Discussion ensued with inquiry as to whether it were possible for the City to pull the building down and the fire department supervise the burning and suggested possibility that landlord dispose of the building on voluntary contribution basis. Street Commissioner Lynch advised he would like to investigate prior to committment on behalf of m..the City and it was subsequently moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Property Committee, the Street Commissioner and Building Department to report back, and report relative cost comparisons. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the 701 Program Committee reported attendance at the Citizens' Advisory Committee meeting with John Graham Company representatives relative to attracting major Department Stores to Renton, as well as Hearing meetings in connection with the comprehensive plan, and further hearing to continue on Wednesday, September 23, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Bruce also reported a meeting in Auburn where a 500 capacity parking lot by L.I,.D. is being proposed which discussion proved very impressive. Additional reports will be forthcoming pursuant to the matters. -3- 1�itutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-21-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, changing the zoning classification of certain peroperties within the city of enton from general classification district (G-9600) and (G-7200) to single residence district (R-1), suburban residence district (SR-1), residence district (R-3), apartment houses and multiple dwellings, (R-4) and Business District (B-1), which had been introduced for first reading on '0---7-63. The Committee now recommended second and final reading. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2059 as read. Roll call followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee and the Power and Light Committee on Saturday, October 26, 1963 at 8:00 a.m. Councilman Pedersen inquired as to whether it would be possible to schedule a meeting of the Council As A Whole with his Committee and the Park Supt. and Board in the near future. Councilman Delaurenti advised he had been waiting until all parties were availab_e to schedule a meeting. I4oved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 2624 through 2678, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, now be approved by the Council, Carried. Counciiriian Custer requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee on Monday, October 28, -963 at 7:30 p.m. to consider the "M" Street Sanitary Sewer Bids, L.I.D. No. 250. Mayor Alime.it called attention to tho Fublie Administration Service report on the ":leview of Finance Administration and Accouti1W o the City compiled by Mr. Ralph De San';is, PAS representative who has been condU41ting:the survey for the past several months. Each Council Member has been furnished a copy and it was requested that the Council meet ?;: -ch Mr. DeSantis for apprisal regarding the rPPP:rV. Movcd by Garrett, seconded by Custer, that the request be granted with referral to Council As A Whole -fix examination of the report. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, P:•esiuent o the r`ouncil As A Whole, called the meeting for Tuesday, October 29, 1963 which date had been recommended but io sUbject to confirmation with Mr. DeSantis. As there %as. no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Po-,-I, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. : � .L_. .......... .... ...... --------...... Frank Aliment, Mayor �'� }lelmie Nelson, City Clerk October 21, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and 1.99 Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 2624 Frank Aliment 107.31 2625 Austin-Hendrickson Drugs 27.36 2626 Delbert C. Bennett X9.62 2627 Mr. :Marsha I I Brenner 2.40 2628 Mrs. Marshall Brenner 2.40 2629 James E. Denzer 10.25 2630 Dotz Chemical Cpmpany 92.49 2631 Dual Parking Meter Company 1.45.60 2632 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 177.00 2633 J. David Jensen 173.80 2634 King County Medical Service Corp. 688.00 2635 Paulson Off ice Supply 14.3,30 2636 Record Stationery & Office Supply 138. 11 2637 Renton Town Talk 151.07 2638 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 81 .23 2639 Statewide City Employees Retirement 2,462. 17 2640 Jack Wilson 36,$0 CITY STREET` FUND 2641 Dotz Chemical Company 56.06 2642 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 104.00 2643 Humble Oil & Refining Company !,694.90 2644 Richard Huxley 9.96 2645 King County Medical Service Corp. 146.90 2646 Joe Lynch 37,72 2647 Scarff Motors, Inc. 3 .24 2648 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 61 .54 2649 Statewide City Employees Retirement 273.86 CEDAR RIVER M. & 1 . FUND I0AW 2650 Group .Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.00 2651 Statewide City Employees Retirement 16.08 PARK FUND 2652 Athletic Supply Company 94D.9i 2653 Befit Universal Lock Company 655,54 2654 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 16m 2655 King County Medical Service Corp. 81 .70 2656 Renton Sand and Gravel Company 3,757-00 2657 Scotty's Bulldozing 483.60 2658 Statewide City. Employees Retirement 110,39 2659 Turfco Inc. 857.74 LIBRARY FUND 2660 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.50 2661 King County Medical Service Corp. 66.$0 2662 Statewide City Employees Retirement 133.47 AIRPORT FUND 2663 T. M. Carstensen Company 1100.00 2664 Ki.ng County Medical .Service Corp. 24-45 Wr 2665 Paulson Office Supply 7.33 2666 Service'Laundry & Dry Cleaners, 2.46 2667 Statewide City Employees Retirement 37.86 1 { 4-00 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED October 21, 1963 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2668 H. D. Fowler Company, Inc. 2,073.98 2669 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 48:00 2670 King County Medical Service Corp. 17105 2671 Renton Town Talk 8.08 2672 Service Controls Company 1,024.40 2673 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 17.22 2674 Statewide City Employees Retirement 267.22 2675 Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. 57,41 2676 Western Utilities Supply Company 567.26 2677 Jack Wilson 13.00 CURRENT FUND 2678 Standard Insurance Company 214.5o (/ / -• i J p.`....................... .......... :� L Heimie Nelson, City Clerk .. ...... ....... . _ Frank Aliment, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 28., 1963 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Dahlquist, Trimm, Pedersen, Garrett, Custer, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, r.. Joe Lynch, Street Superintendent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, James Highton, Sup t. of Bld�n:• and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. O The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Wallace Hume and the c Invocation was delivered by Rev. Frank Starkey of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. - n APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT p BUILDING PERMITS: NO. . AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WOR': , m 9178 $ 1,500.00 Edward Coury 3010 Sunset Blvd. E. Retaining Wall 1�1 3 79 425.00 Ermo Gregoris 228 - 13th Avenue So. Wire Residence �'' 4 9180 140.00 Clarence E. Burgess 721 Jones Street Replace Service 49 81 150.00 George McNeil 3806 - 5th Avenue No. Wire Addition 82 6,500.00 Insur-o-mat Sunset Street Frame Office 83 200.00 Emile Longville 316 Tobin Avenue Storage Shed 84 182000.00 R. A. Narey 11846 S.E. 102nd New Residence 9185 50.00 Charles Mace 10820 S.E. 104th Wire Garage 86 1,800.00 Robert Blusher 716 110" Street Reside Residence 87 14,500.00 Homer Creager 11220 S.E. 112th St-: New Residence 88 1,400.00 Safeway Stores Sunset & 10th Ave. No. Sign 89 18,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1014 "Q" Street New Residence 9190 1.00 Fred Callen 928 Sunset Blvd. Sign (Existing) 91 1,500.00 Jacob Lind . 3209 - 6th Ave. So. .Addition bm 92 20,000.00 Conner Construction 12736 - 8th Ave. So. New Residence 93 1,855.00 Sibyl Gillespie 1204 - 3rd Avenue Remodel Fireplace PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6164 - - - Tide Development Co. 422 Mill Street Plumbing' Fixtures 6165 - - - Mrs. Nobis 12611-88th P1. So. Plumbing Fixtures 66 - - - Clyde Addington 12640-87th South Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - United Homes Corp. 1027 "R" Street Gas Installations 68 - - - United Homes Corp. 1021 "R" Street Gas Installatiors 69 - - - United Homes Corp. 1015 "R" Street Gas Installations 6170 - - - United Homes Corp. 3901 "R" Street Gas Installations 71 - - - United Homes Corp. 3903 "R" Street Gas Installations 72 - - - United Homes Corp. 3909 "R" Street Gas Installations 73 - y - United Homes Corp. 3915 "R" Street Gas Installations 74 - - - United Homes Corp. 3916 "R'T Street Gas Installations 6175 - - - United Homes, Corp. 3910 "R" Street Gas Installatio_zs 76 - - - United Homes Corp. 3904 "R" Street Gas Installations 77 - - - Dr. L. A. Lackie 115. - 3rd Avenue Gas Installations 78 - - - Homer Creager 11218 - 112th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Revision of Arterial Street and Six Year Comprehensive Street Program by Addition of Puget Drive.. This being the .date set, the Hearing was declared open. Clerk Nelson reported that no communications have been received regarding the matter and as there-Avas no verbal�: 0! inquiry or discussion the Council was given the floor and it was moved by�-6�ts that the C ;U r �addition be incorporated and the matter referred to the Ordinance Committee for the propem Resolution. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti'and-carried. The Hearing was closed �6 ri COMMUNICATIONS: v. A letter from Hays Fireworks Company submitted opinions of the Attorney General and rq King County Resolution 26125 relative to current State Fireworks Laws enacted in 1961. I t a. was pointed out that a rlty nr T-Fm may ro4- by ordinance limit or restrict the issuance o a permit for the manufacture im rotation ex ortation possession, sale use or discha � �� P > P � P � P > of fireworks to charitable. and public service groups. :h' governing authority must co_�^ fr- each application and then exercise its discretion in den,,,--'ng or granting same. i :ZO'3 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-28-63 COMMUNICATIONS (cont. ) Hays Fireworks communication: Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the communications to the 'ttee. Carried, A communication read from the Renton Aviation Board requested a transfer of funds in the amount of $600.00 from M. & 0. Acct. 611, Utility Services, Unto M. & 0. Acct. 618, Insurance, in order to pay the annual premium now due for fire insurance on airport buildings as scheduled. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter read from City Attorney Shellan reported that the City vs. Garvey Superior Court Cause No. 39064 came on for trial on October 23, 1963. Judge Colemod, held that the Renton Municipal Court continues to legally exist even though the City now has a population of more than 20,000 and that it would be against public policy to create a "void" by eliminating or abolishing the Court. The appellant, through his attorney, Mr. Alva Long, it would appear will appeal to the Supreme Court of the State. The appeal by Defendant Garvey,upon certain convictions in the Renton Municipal Court on May 1, 1963 relative to negligent driving, driving without a valid operator's license and driving while license suspended, was based on position as to whether the Renton Municipal Court continued to legally exist once the City had reached a population of 20,000 or more. City Attorney Shellan will advise of all further proceedings and anyone further interested may secure a brief on the subject from the office of the City Attorneys. A letter from Lloyd and Catherine Kindred requested renewal of their lease on the City Hall Cafe and storage premises. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Property Committee with Power to Act and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the document. Carried. A letter from the City Employees Club requested permission to exchange the legal holiday of November 11th for Friday, November 29th, the day following Thanksgiving, with November eleventh becoming a regular work day for City Employees. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted. Carried. Upon inquiry re Council obligation to meet on November 11, 1963, Veterans Day, City Attorney Shellan advised that if the 11th is a State Holiday the Council does not have 3 to meet. A letter read from Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, advised of an excessive amount of water now standing on the west side of 92nd Avenue South due to the heavy rains of last week. It was suggested that the City Engineer make a survey to determine whether the Bonnell and Shane buildings and parking areas might be serviced by a storm sewer, both property owners having indicated their willingness to share in the cost. As a temporary measure Mr. Bonnell has agreed to allow the City to cut a drainage ditch through his property to alleviate the problem. Mr. Pierotti was not interested. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to concur and to refer the matter to the City Engineer to report back. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Julia H. Kusnierz advised of being stricken from carbon monoxide fumes from the heavy equipment being used in construction of the freeway directly in back of her residence, resulting in respiratory damage for which she has been under Doctor's care since October 16, 1963. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that the communication be forwarded to the State Highway Department and Mrs. Kusnierz be notified of the Council's action. Carried. A letter was read from Planning Director Jensen advising that the Planning Com- mission at its public hearing meeting of October 23, 1963 recommended that the Final Plat of Honeydew Estates No. 2 be adopted. Council concurrence was requested. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen advised that the Planning Commission hard recommended granting of a revocable permit to the Friends of Youth, Inc. allowing Sheep or grazing animals at the Griffin Home for Boys per 10-21-1963 referral from Council. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter from Burton L. Andersen, Sup't. , Waterworks Utility, requested transfer of $15,000.00 from Sewer Administrative Department, Acct. 7092 .11/612 .1, Utility Service, Metro, unto Water Maintenance Dep't., Acct. 7090.12/1713, Capital Outlay. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-28-6 COMMUN+_CATIONS: (cont,) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the transfer of funds between Waterworks Utility accounts as requested, with referral to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act,, Carried. -- A letter from SJ. E. Bennett, Waterworks Utility Accountant, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 3 in favor of Contractor, Coluccio Construction Co., Inc, for relocation of water mains pursuant to Agreement with the State Highway Dept. No: GC-1145, in the sum of $2;227.60. Projects No. 1 through 5 now 100% complete in total contract amount of $ 38,849.00 plus 0.' Use Tax on Materials, $1,071.82, less 15% retention, $5,988,12, total, $ 33,932 .70 less amount previously paid $ 31,705.10, leaving balance now due this estimate. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the progress estimate to the Account- ing and Auditing Committee to report back. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Archie Gustine advising of problems incurred regarding his gaining title to property which he assumed he had purchased in 1940 from the Renton Fish & Game Club. The property has been improved and he now reports his attention has been called to transactions of condemnation during the 1930's wherein the Commercial Wat6rway District No. 2, under Superior Court Cause No. 211409 apparently extended its ownership southward for the purpose of redredging the waterway and le-establishing banks and that the property is no longer used for the benefit of the Waterway. (In 1956 the Commercial Waterway District No. 2 was dissolved by "Findings of Fact and Conclusions Of Law and Decree of Dissolution" at which time its assets and properties of every type and description were distributed unto the City of Renton) Mr. Gustine requests aid of the City in cleaj-jnL title to said property. Moved by Yrimm, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. Carded. The Clergy: read a Notice of Hearing to be held on Wednesday, November 13, 1963 at 10: 00 a.m. in Dthe Hearin; Room (Rm. 200) of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Colman ock, Seattle, Washington for considering the application of the Greyhound Corpora- tion for revisions of its operating authority within the Seattle area, and the application of Overlake Transit, Inc. for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to operate motor vehicles in funishing passenger and express service. (including service to all points discontinued by Greyhound) Discussion ensued and the Council expressed concern for the welfare of Renton citizens using the service and City Attorney Shellan recommended that the Council take proper action to advise the Utility Commission of its support of the taking over of routes and continued bus service to residents who have had need of same within the City and it was subsequently moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for drafting of a proper Resolution which c^uld ue presented at the Hearing by City Attorney Shellan on behalf of the City. Carried. A letter read from The Boeing Company requested modification of the traffic control signal at Park Street and 8th Avenue North. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised of discussion regarding the sharing of costs and estimated the revision to be between two and three hundred dollars. Moved by Poli, secon6ed by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities was read announcing Legislative District Meeting in North Bend on November 1, 1963 at the Mar-T Cafe at 7:00 p.m. The Host Mayor .requested the number attending be mailed in per attached post card. A letter from W. E. McKibben, Acting Director of Highways, State Highway Commission, submitte3 b_111ing in the amount of $5,972 .80 covering costs incurred by the State De- partment of Highways in connection with construction work at PSH #2 and PSH #5 inter- sections in Renton, said billing made in accordance with Agreement No.GC-600-B dated September 29, 1959, Contract No. 6287. (Ag.538-59 and 540-59) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley ... Committee and to ti:e City Engineer to report back with certification if correct. Carried. Congratulations were extended to Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent, due to his being presented with an Honor Fellowship Award for distinguished service to the Public Recreation Profession, along ;with a Life Membership in the Washington State Recreation Society. The ' award was made in Vancouver, Wn., on Friday, October 25th at a joint meeting of the Washington and Oregon State Recreation Societies. Moved by Bruce, seconded by 'Julse, that a letter o7 congratulations be directed 'co Mr. 'Coulon on behalf of the Council. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-?8-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter from Sup t. of Buildings, James L. Highton, presented four informal bids submitted on demolishing and removal of the old McLend6n store building at 390 Wells Street and recommended referral of the bids -to the Property Committee for its recommendation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, roported that --he Petition for the vacation of portion of alley in Block 18, Renton H4ghi,:nds, was signed by owners of 92.57% of the abutting property on the alley and contained all but one of the owners of property abutting the alley sought to be vacated. The Street and Alley Committee report was read and it was recommended that a meeting be arranged with the property owners to consider improvement of this alley on the date of November 5, 1963 at 7: 30 p.m. at wh _--h time a cost estimate will be presented to advise each property owner of his proportionate share. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation and that the City Clerk notify the Petitioners of the meeting. Carried. A letter was read from City Clerk Nelson advising of the necessity, pending receipt of tax moneys, to request a loan of $10,000.00 from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund unto the Street Department Fund, said loan to be repaid not later than December 31, 1963 at 4% interest. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to grant the loan. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for drafting o.F. the proper Resolution. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Ordinance Committee Chairman, Councilman Dullahant, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to transfer and advance the sum of $10,000.00 from the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund unto the Street Department Fund, constituting a loan pending receipt of tax monies, to be repaid as soon as possible, but in no event later than December 31, 1963, bearing interest at the rate of 4%. The Clerk read the proposed Resolution and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution Pio. 1211 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Crdinance of the City of Renton, Washin ton amending Section LIX,Rental Agencies of Ordinance No. 204'_ relating to and regulating motor vehicles, traffic, travel and transportation and their incidents upon the public streets, bicycle paths and other ways open to the public; prescribing the powers and duties of officers and others in relation thereto; defining offenses; providing penalties and repealing the City's traffic code known as Chapter 1 of ''itle X (Traffic), except Section 10-1-207 re speed limits thereof, of Ordinance i;o. 1628, knou:n as "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" and all other ordllnai7ccs and sections of ordinances insofar as same are in conflict therewith. (,elating to Rental Agencies-licensing of bicycles). The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance and it was moved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Custer, to refer the document to the Crdira nce Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur and the proposed Ordinance was read by the Clerk, upon carry of the motion. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2060 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carped. Inquiry was made by Councilman Bruce relative to the licensing of bicycles according to prior council action and Chief of Police Will4ams advised of meetings relative to re- visions of the ordinance and the several determinations to be made prior to issuance o" the tags,which had required further study, therefore the matter is pending at present, which is also the reason for the subject not being publicized at this time. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, ,M, Washington amending Section 4-718 of Title IV (Building :'egulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", relating to off-street parking areas, which was read by the Clerk, on its second and final reading as recon17-ended by the Committee. The document was introduced for first reading on 10-21-63 and held for one week. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to =dopa Ordinance No. '1061 as read. Roll call vote was taken which resulted as follows: Ayes: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Dahlquist and Poli: . No: Pedersen, Uarrctt, Trimm, Custer and L'suce. Motion carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council 10-28-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS A report was read from the Power and Light Committee recommending that the bid submitted by Holmes Electric Company (informal bidding) for fur.oishing of 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights be accepted, and it T,-11;,.r3ved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation. Subsequent discussion disclosed that this was not the low bid and upon inquiry, City Attorney She"Lian advised that as far as purchases are concerned that exceed the amounts which are exempt, namely, more than $2,000.00 for materials or $5,000.00 for public works, the City is legally bound to accept the lowest bid, however, as far as items on which bid call is not iequii2�, less than the $2,000.00 for materials and/or less than $5,000, 00 for public works, :she CI y,.is not -OWNlegally required to call for bids and may establish policy where local bidders are allowed 5% preference. It was suggested, however, that each case be decided upon its own merit. During discussion regarding dollar difference J�n the inforinal bids now being considered, Purchasing Agent Vern Church advocatedlocal purchasi::g to be favorable but requested that Council establish a policy waereby bidders will all be advised that bids will be considered with local precedence. The pending motion to accept the Holmes Electric Company bid was subsequently carried after which it was moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist that the polio.;, b2 to give 5% preference to local bidders on those bids under the $2,000.00 material cost :which roams are exempt from formal bid calls. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented a report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Regarding the request by the Boeing Company for a crosswalk or: 8th Avenue North, the Committee recommended that a crosswalk be provided for pedestrian protection betwesn the parking lot andthe new administration building, Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, 'to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Regarding request by the Boeing Company for parking on Garden Street from 8th Avenue North to Lake Washington Boulevard the Committee recomm--nded that the request be granted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The City of Seattle Department of Lighting had in writing expressed its desire to convey to the City of Renton interest in three utilities poles within the City and it was recommended by the Committee that the poles, now being used to support City traffic signals, be accepted. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the -recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Due to the heavy traffic in the alley between Wil-'ams and IGIells Street, South of 4th Avenue, in Block 191 Renton Farm Plat No, 4, the Street and Allev Committee recommended that a no through traffic sign be posted in the alley. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation, Carried. It was recommended by the Street and Alley Committee that the Engineering Department prepare plans and estimates of costs for widening and channelization of Grady Way in the vicinity of Burnett Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to ce. ncbr and refer the matter to the City En ineer to submit estimates. Carried. --- Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Ways and Weans Committee, presen-i.ed his Commit+ee report recommending that the Storm Sewer Project on Cedar Street between 7th and 8th Avenues, referred to the Committee on 10-14-63 be funded from Sewer Maintenance Fund 7092.12, Capital Outlay 1713 Acct., Storm Sewer and Sanita,-y Sewer Replacement, in the sum of estimated $2,200.00. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Coundilman Trimm stated his opinion that the State, having requested the work, should be responsible for financing inasmuch as the pity p<=,yc :or those pro ---ts the State is requested to do. After further discussion, the pending motion carried. Inquiry was made by Councilman Hulse regarding availability of the Highlands Recreation Building for public use. He had been approached on the matter. Building Superintendent Jim Highton advised that the former occupants, O.R.Q. have been requested to repair the damages done during their lease of the premises and he shrnild have a report on the matter this coming week. - -5- 2ffinutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-28-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: (cont. ) Councilman Garrett advised of requests from residents of Earlington Hill,who drive their children to school,for stop and go signals at Langston and Hardie and Sunset Hwy,. to be turned on earlier in the mornings, and moved referral to the Street & Alley Committee. Prior inquiry & check was made.. at which time it had been determined the traffic volume was not sufficient to warrant a change. The pending motion was seconded by Custer and carried. Councilman Reid advised it would be taken up at the Street and Alley Committee meeting this coming Saturday to be held as usual at 8: 00 a.m. Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that the Committee along with the City Engineer and Sup't. of Utilities, recommended that the low bid of W. C. Frost, in the sum of $5,395.78 be accepted on the "M" Street Sanitary Sewer Project, L.I.D. No. 250. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the 701 Committee, reported recent land use study by the Planning Commissioners and others in connection with the 701 program and much planning and rezoning is to be involved. The next Comprehensive Hearing meeting will be held November 6th. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 2679 through 2746, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Custer inquired as to the possibility of having photographs of the present Council and Department Heads. President of the-..Council Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Council As A Whole following this Council meeting as requested by Mr. DeSantis of the Public Administration Service, and Mr. Kreager, Consultant for the study now being conducted for the City by PAS. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. elmie Nelson Ci �liment, Mayor City Clerk Auditing $ Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the wee Committee were approved for the month of October, 1963. PAYROLL $103,498.41 CURRENT 25,735.65 STREET 10,583.64 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 80.91 OFF-STREET PARKING 125.00 PARKS 9,792.87 LAKE WN. BEACH IMP. 3,757.00 LIBRARY 2, 176.27 AIRPORT 1,152.70 CUMULATIVE #1990 10.68 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 1,205.22 GARBAGE 30000.00 WATER WORKS UTILITY 40,880.99 -6- WOOF Not Iii! City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows ; 2017 VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 2679 James Ashurst 21 ..70 2680 Blumenthal Uniform Company 24,45 2681 Dictaphone Corporation 13.$2 2682 K. M. Furseth 12.50 2683 General Binding Company 1 .99 2684 Dorothea Gossett 27,72 2685 Leslie Johnson 2.40 2686 K-D-L-Hardware 4.68 v... 2687 Kts Prescription Pharmacy 22.57 2688 Ted LaValley 16,50 2689 Gwen Marshall 27.52 2690 Claude A. McPherson 249.96 2691 Helmie Nelson 27.52 2692 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 14.92 2693 Pacific Northwest Bell 1 , 198.24 2694 Pacific Outfitting Company 30,47 2695 Puget Sound Power & Light 599. 13 2696 Ratelco Inc. 19 82 2697 Trick and Murray 112v58 2698 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 664.67 2699 Charles R. Watts Company 23924 2700 C. S. Williams 10.09 2701 Cj S. Williams 4. 13 2702 Yale University Press 13.50 CITY STREET FUND 2703 Goodyear Service Stores 64.47 2704 Pacific Magneto & Engine Co. 5.28 2705 Pacific Northwest Bell 5.00 2706 Sunset.-Coal & Oil Company 124.27 2707 H.7 W. Thomas 208.00 2708 WIT City Treas. Cr. Water 30.25 PARK FUND ` 2709 M. B-Ioch *:Company 19.77 2710 Gene L. Coulon' 73,90 2711 Haws Drinking Faucet Company 210.89 2712 Olels Construction Company 416.00 2713 Pacific Northwest Bell 37.70 2714 Puget' Sound Power & Light 13,03 2715 Valley Motors 12.01 AIRPORT FUND ` 27i6 Ruget, Sound Power & Light 16.on 2717 S-gnse_t Coal & OiI Company ( 17,52 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2718 Armco Stee), Corporation 140.96 2719 Wm.; F. Davits = Roger W. Davis 25.00 2720 Fred W. Hanks Company 180.29 2721 National Chemsearch Corp. 81 .08 2722 Pacific Northwest Bell 104..33 2723 Puget Sound Power & Light 32.20 inr . i pr f�>y CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED October 28, 1963 FIREMENtS PENSION FUND 2724 Enza Anderson 150,00 2725 Theron K. Anderson 565,00 2726 Kts Prescription Pharmacy 8.84 2727 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 2728 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 2729 L. Patricel1i , M.D. 5.00 2730 Peoples National Bank of Wash. 9.90 2731 Shaw Bros. Drug 9.98 2732 Wash. Council Fire Fighters 1 .50 � CURRENT FUND 2733 Department of L,-bor L- Industries 829. 18 2734 Employment Security Department 3,931 .68 CITY STREET FUND 2735 Department of Labor & Industries 555.45 2736 Employment Security Department 1,747.31 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND 2737 Department of Labor & Industries 13.99 2738 Employment Security Department 42.84 PARK FUND 2739 Department of Labor & Industries 147.46 2740 Employment Security Department 1 , 185.73 LIBRARY FUND 2741 Department of Labor & Industries 47.59 2742 Employment Security Department 420.21 AIRPORT FUND 2743 Department of Labor & Industries 21 . 11 2744 Employment Security Department 128.23 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2745 Department of Labor & Industries 337.36 274,6 Employment Security Department 1 ,372.52 l ' ..y.. Z ..._..' r te Helmie Nelson, City Cl,jrk Frank Aliment, Mayor RENTON CITY COUiTUIL REGULAR MEETING 209 November 4, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delauranti, L L:ahant, Raid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, P;'_i and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTWM HEADS PRESENT: Halnf-,e Pelson, City Clark, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Atterney, `tern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, B. L. Aid?rcn_1, Sud't. of Uti l hies, Jack Wilson, M City Engineer, Joe Lynch Street Sup't., M. C. '7-11s, :ire C .`cf, James Highton, Supt. of Buildings, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, J. d ucsaa ►, r'lannf ; Director and James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commissio:I, The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by P trolman Da;=e Orr and the Invocation was delivered by Councilman Bruce Kulse. Councilman Poli called attention to ommission of the approval of the Minutes of the prior meeting and that the referral of the addition of Puget Drive to the City's Arterial and Comprehensive Street Program was upon his motion in lieu of Custer with the Hays Fireworks communications being referred to the Po-ice and License Committee instead of the Fire and Water Committee. (Minutes of t,-.a previous meeting,10-21, upon motion by Custer and second by Poli, were approved as written. It was moved by Poli at this time and seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the meeting of 10-28-63 be approved as corrected. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMI'T'S AS SUBMITTED B'_' T `E BUI.LDINC DEPAITIMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9194 $ 200.00 Marvin Welty 72 Rainier Avenue Wire Electric Heat 95 400.00 Carl Cook 206 Suns^L D _vd. W. Sign 96 30.00 Carlos L. Ditto 1721.5 5prirgbrook Rd. Fence 97 50.00 Bill Santi 914 - 2nd F lenue Combine Meters .. 98 50.00 Hawkins Construction 15000 Denson Road Temrorary Elec. Serv. 99 250.00 James Carver :1..11 "N" Place Wire Residence 9200 2,000.00 Williams & Swanson : 617 3rd Avenue Masonary & Frame 01 18,500.00 United Homes Corp. 1015 " " Street Frame Residence 02 150.00 Junior Isaacson 3502 7th P1. No. Electric Heat PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6179 - - - - E. Gregoris 13th So. & Lake St. Plumbing Fixtures 80 - - - - Byron E. Woods 9830 - 115th Ave. SE Gas Installations 81 - - - - R. C. Cochran 3221 - 6th Ave. No. Gas Installations 82 - - - - Renton Shopping Cen-,er Sunset & Rainier PILLnbing Fixtures 83 - - - - McDonald 123 Pain Street Gas Installations 84 - - - - Don Axt 9613 - 108th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 6185 - - - - James Carver 1111 "N" Place Plumbing Fixtures 86 - - - - J. 'Isaackson 7916 So. 153rd St. F lambing Fixtures 87 - - - - Ben Renegar 915 "G" Strcct Gas Tns`allations 88 - - - - Shaughnessy & Co. 88'1 So. 148th St. Plumbing Fixtures 89 - - - - Shaughnessy & Co. 8809 So. 148th St. Plumbing Fixtures 6190 - - - - Glenn Gianini 811 - 4!-th Ave. ' Gas Installations 91 - - - Paul Ballatore 11625 S<E. 104th' Heating Equipment 92 - - - - W. Brester 627 "P" Street Gas Installations OPENING OF BIDS: - Motorized Fire Apparatus This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: Bid Bonds of 5% accompanied all bids. BIDDER AMOUNT American La France - El Mira, New York Basic Bid $ 69,973.00 including Tax (Used Equipment'on alternate) Alternata rid 57,625.36 Crown Coach, Los Angeles, California T' .;{.c`S d 58,549.51 plus max Wesco, Portland , Oregon ___d 60-X36.88 Including Tax Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to Dids to the Council As A Whole. Carried. gla 11-4-63 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COMMUNICATIONS: A communication read from Mrs. Gene Rothrock requested installation of a street light in the 800 block of Jones Street where no present lighting exists. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letter to the Power and Light Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelson was read submitting and recommending for approval Progress Estimate No. 3, payable to the Public Administration Service in connection with finance administration and revenue system study being rendered by Mr. Ralph DeSantis, covering the month of September, 1963 in the sum of $2,025.67 to be paid from Non-Depart- mental Account No. 7035/603. Detailed report of PAS was attached. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to refer the statement to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter read from Mrs. WIm. F. Bennett, offered to sell to the City a parcel of property on the S.E. corner of Walla Walla Avenue and Wells Street, containing approximately 7000 square feet, for the sum of $21,500.00, closing costs to be excluded. A letter from the Central Business Property Owners, signed by Louis Barei and John Swanson, advised that based upon anticipated acquisition by the City of another municipal parking lot at the afore-designated location the C.B.D. property owners will pay to the City the sum of $1,500.00 plus closing costs toward this purchase and in addition to pay costs for the demolition of buildings and subsequent improvements on said lots. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, to refer the communications to the Property Committee with power to act. Discussion resulted in subsequent amendment to the motion by Custer, seconded by Dullahant, that the Committee report back. The amendment was carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Communication read from City Attorney Shellan submitted schedules proposed for bond maturity on the proposed North Renton Interchange Issue as prepared by Attorney James Gay of Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence Gay & Moch. Mr. Gay pointed out that a $400,000.00 bond issue would not be rated either by Moody or Standard & Poor as Moody requires minimum of $600,000.00 issue and Standard & Poor ratings require at least $1,000,000.00. Consequently, the interest rate assumptions presented were based upon a non-rated bond issue, and it was pointed out that all the rates secured are dependent upon market conditions at the time of the sale of the issue. Based upon the present market the following suggestions were presented: 2-10 years, non-callable for prior redemption, 3%;(a five year call would increase the interest rate by approximately 1/8 of 17o to 3-1/8%.) 2-15 year maturity and non-callable, 31-y% interest (5-7 year call provision the interest would increase to 3-3/8%) 2-20 year issue non-callable, 31,% rate of interest(and if callable in 10 years, probably 4-5/8%. ) In view of the City's plans it was recommended that the City provide the shortest term feasible in order to secure the lowest interest rate and interest cost over the life the the issue commensurate with the ability of the taxpayers to service the debt. If property owners would be willing to service annual debt requirements for a non-callable ten (10) year bond issue it was recommended that the issue be set up on that basis. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse,that the issue be presented on the ten (10) year noncallable basis. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendations which were read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the Highlands Enterprises, Inc. properties, Application No. R-151-63 dated 9-26-63, be rezoned from GS-1 to B-1 with exception of that portion lying East of the gest margin of the Puget Sound Power and Light Co. transmission lines easement. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Planning Commission recommenda- tions. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Recommended that a Variance be granted to George McNeil to construct an addition to an existing residence, located in the vicinity of Sth Avenue No. , West of 132nd Ave. S.E. which property does not abut upon a public right of way. odd Moved by Reid, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Planning Commission recommenda- tion. Carried. City Clerk Nelson inquired regarding number of sheep to be allowed the Friends of Youth, Inc., f o.r the Griffin Boys Home in connection with Revocable Permit granted per request of 10-21-63. Not more than twelve (12) had been the recommendation the Planning Commission Chairman according to Clerk Nelson and it being determined that a limitation should be established, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Custer that 12 be the maximum. The motion carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-4-63 COMMUNICATIONS (cont.) 2 q Letter read from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Estimate #3, the final estimate on L.I.D. 249, Maplewood Sanitary Sewers, for work performed by Rainier Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $3,206.91. The project was completed and accepted by the Engineering Department on November 1, 1963 and Council acceptance as of 11-4-1963 was recommended with commencement of the thirty (30) day lien period. It was further recommended that the retained amount of $5,254.93 be paid the Contractor if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities at end of said lien period. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid to concur. Carried. Letter by Clerk Nelson. requested concurrence in accounting transactions necessary in connection with financing of the L.I.D. by the Firemen's Pension Fund, to-wit: Warrants be drawn: No. 3, L.I.D. No. 249 Cash Fund payable to r.. Rainier Contractors, 'Inc., $3,206.91 and Warrant No. 3, L.I.D. No. 249 Revenue Fund payable to Firemen's Pension Fund in the amount of $3,206.91, Moved by Hulse, second by Delaumnti to concur i:. t>-_e accounting 'transactions as submitted by the City Clerk. Carried. A letter from the State Highway Commission, directed to Mrs. Julia H. Kusnierz, advised of-regret concerning her health problem due to inhalation of fumes from the heavy equipment being used in freeway construction in vicinity of her residence and informed her that legal control cannot be imposed upon Contractor's operations in this connection as King County has no anti-pollution law. Copies of the letter had been directed to the prime contractor for the subject area as well as the City who had for- warded Mrs. Kusnierz' letter to the Highway Commission. A letter from John H. Swanson, Chairman, Citizen's Advisory Council, called attention to two important meetings, the first on- .November 6, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers to present review of land use study being conducted by the Planning Commission and the second meeting will be held at 12 noon, November 13, 1963 at Tonkin's Restaurant and will be a no-host luncheon at which time a presentation by John Graham and Co. will be made relative to the Downtown Renewal Program and .related, Land Use. A document from W. Philipp, Secretary, Citizens' Committee. for Better Government called attention to King County Superior Court Case No. 597 256 Pacific Coast Railroad Co. vs. City of Renton and submitted copy of a Request for Vacation of. Judgment ,which was filed on behalf of said Committee by Mr. Philipp. Mr. Philipp addressed-the Council questioning the authority of the Court in issuing Order for 'Summary Judgment inasmuch as the State Auditor and: Attorney General had not given written approval for .such trans- action, and .a,dvising that in event of inadequate disposition the Statutes would be pur- sued- in accordance with provisions as clearly defined and, pawers. pre seribe;d.:therein. Letters from the Association of Washington Cities, Luke Williams; 'Chairmari,. Initiative Study Committee and Chester Biesen,. Executive Secretary, submitted names of appointees to a special study committee on feasibility of submitting initiative to the voters providing for an increase in the cities and towns share of state revenues. Ballots to be completed by the Council relative to said initiative were enclosed and early return to the Association was requested. Moved by. Trimm, seconded by 'Reid, to refer the materials to the Legislative Committee. Carried. A Petition containing the signatures of 1073 residents of the City, _requested Council action in rescinding Puget Sound Power and Light Company 'rate increases and granting franchise to Seattle City Light for serving the Renton area. A motion by Custer, seconded by Reid, to have the Clerk check validity of signatures against voting register was rescinded after discussion disclosed that validity would not be -determined thereby unless: the issue were made a proposition for the electorate._ - Mr.- Shane 'asked' in the 'event franchise isnot considered that the matter be placed on the ballot 'for' a vote of the people, and expressed his hope that determination might be made within 'two weeks time. It was subsequently moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole Committee Carried. r,.. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman 'Dullahant, Chairman'of the Ordinance Committee,` presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washingt6n-Amending Section 10-501 bf Tide X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled, "Code of General Ordinances'of 'the City of Renton", relating to "No Parking Areas", which was read by the Clerk.' (Allowing parking, on Garden Street) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli; to refer the'-proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Com- mittee for recommendation, Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. ' After the second* and filial reading it was moved by 'Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to, adopt Ordinance 2062 as real.'. Ca-fried by unanimous roll call vote. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-4-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont. ) Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton Amending the 6-year Comprehensive Street Plan and Arterial Street Program by the addition of Puget Drive, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in adoption of Resolution No. 1212 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton adopting the Final Plat of Honey Dew Estates No. 2, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1213 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington requesting the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission to give all due con- sideration and attention to the problem presently facing many of the City's residents z regarding a continuous and adequate bus service within the City Limits of Renton,pursuant s to Application D 2142 and D-2143-Med respectively by the Greyhound Corporation and the Overlake Transit, Inc. and Hearing thereon scheduled for November 13, 1963 at 10:00 a.m. s Rm. 200, Colman Dock, Seattle. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1214 as read and that the Clerk forward a copy to the Transportation Commission. Carried. A proposed Resolution of the City of Renton was read authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to transfer funds between Airport and Utility items as follows: From: Sewer Administrative, Acct. 7092.11/612.1, Utility Service, Metro, $15,000.00 Unto: [,later Maintenance Dep't., Acct. 7090.12/1713, Capital Outlay, $15,000.00 and From:Airport$600.00 7045/611, Utility Services, Unto: Airport, 7045/618, Insurance, $600.00. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Custer, to.adopt Resolution No. 1215 as read. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Walt Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the City Clerk with actions taken by the Council as follows: Regarding request of the Boeing Company for a time clock traffic signal at 8th Avenue North and Park Street, the Committee recommends the installation with one also at 10th Avenue North which signals will operate on flashing except during peak traffic hours. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. . Relative to the request for change of time schedule on Sunset Blvd. and Langston Rd. light signal, it was recommended, based upon Police Traffic Division report, that no action be taken at this time to change operation at this location but that observation be continued to determine if change might be warranted at a future time. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Property Committee Chairman, Councilman Pedersen, reported that the Property Committee had accepted informal bids for demolition of the old frame hardware store building at 320 Wells Street and the low bid of $572.00 submitted by Mr. Maurice Williams, 7031 - 32nd Ave. So. was recommended for acceptance. Work to commence within ten days and be completed within 5 days of execution of contract, waiver of performance bond requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation, granting the waiver and proper insurance and hold harmless requirements referred !to-.the Legal Department. Carried. Discussion ensued regarding receipt of funds from the central business owners toward parking lot sites and improvements and City Attorney Shellan advised that an appropriation into the budget by Ordinance would be necessary upon notice from the City Treasurer of receipt of funds inasmuch as this is the mode by which the business owners wish to contribute for tax purposes and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlqui_st, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for proper document when the transactions have progressed to that stage of completion. Carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-4-63 COUNCIL COMMITPEE RE!'MTS OLD BUSINESS (cont. ) Councilman Custer inquired re utility and tax payments made to the State on Sewer and Water collections upon which the City is requesting rebate. City Attorney Shellan advised of research on the matter, other cities likewise petitioning for hearing and refund of assessment on portion of payment covering bonded indebtedness and that City Clerk Nelson has secured procedure for appealing the assessment. The Metro payment might probably be resolved by negotiations however that portion relative to the bonded indebtedness will take a legislative amendment. The City Clerk and Utility Accountant are preparing a list of payments which the City will petition for reimbursement. Mayor Aliment reported meeting with Mr. P. J, McKay, District Director, State High- way Department and discussion including tour to various areas of the City with right- of-way problems: to-wit, Talbot Hill overcrossing of freeway at E. Valley Highway in the vicinity of 153rd which the State has proposed be vehicular in lieu of pedestrian, Mill Street now ready for topping, possible widening of 2nd Avenue, traffic control at 180th rerouted due to freeway construction, grading and finishing in Maple Valley area at Metro sewer construction project. Sunset Blvd and re-route of Benson Highway at Petro- vitsky Road. Subsequent progress reports to be made as studies and projects are completed. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the 701 Committee announced the next meeting at 7:30p.m. on Wednesday, November 6, 1963 in the Council Chambers. Mr. Jensen advised that the area of Kennydale lying East of ttn freeway will be the topic for discussing. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse inquired regarding availability of the Highlands Recreation wilding for public use and Building c$upat6 i Ri h ton advised that previous occupants haws- ergrood to restore the premises-tTv' "roper conditions and the hall should be available w1thin 2 weeks. Councilman Reid submitted a request for street light on Pole 11.1>18 S.E. 106th Street and it was inoved by Delaurenti, seconded: by Custer, to refer thA ratter to :the Power and Light Committee -with .p".Aer tb,,act. Carried. Moved by Coaster, seconded by mulse; to approve Vouchers 2747.through ,277.4 ;and L.I.D. 249 Cash and. Revenue Fund ;Warrant$,T�io. 3, which have received prior approval.of the Accounting and Auditing ,Committee, _ r',arried. Councilman 'Custe.r advised of tentative :plans for taking pictures- of the• Council and memher:s,'will;be notified. President of the Council Delaurenti, called-attention to the meeting of the, Street and Alley Committee --on Tuesday, November 5, -19:63 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss vacation of the alley in Block ,18 of the, Highlands snd announced a meeting of the Committee! of the Council As A Whole with Mr. DieSantis, Public AdministrationtService•representative at 8:30 on Tuesday following the Street and Alley Committee meeting. Councilman De, ur : q e ed a,meeting ofth© P,olice and License;,,Committee,ommittee on Thursday, November 7, 1963at 730 p.m. .in the. Council .Chambers and the, City Attorney and Police Judge were invited to attend, Inasmuch as;November J I th, is a legal holiday and State.pbserved,, the regular mee:tillg of*the :City', Council scheduled, for,.that, date! was ,cance.11o-d. The, Next. m 4aing will be held on 11-18-63. Mayor ;Aliment:;,i;n%4 ted atrdi,enee t comment :at thrid!-t�itriei and Mr., ,:W.'. t?hil pp: ca1le.�t:aftteri iQh tax his letter.' requesting:._,;r. i.ng,,af'the: "Request!for '.Va'dationr of; Judgment',': zdvi sing . hat--,(Jh'e i Mayou and 'Council; apprise thiem .eive8; of -the contents-ibf the d6cumerrt :sn.iebn ak. is dor the liabilities which may arise therefrom. Mr.: Charles Shane addxes,seal :the. assembly acrd (a-ccording to his iimderst4nding the 18geing1• YswQomkM ry_participate$;im project-s, io, Plant 2 area, when right ,of way situations result directly benefitting them, paying a portion or even all of the costs and it was his suggestion +that#-wrhaps th6y�.st*Auld:finance :thy'Nbrth';,Renton inferchange 'ih lieu:.of ,. a' bond :issue: . . •. Mt'!`b.'' W'. Mo d, 0440� 108'th Ave.' S.Ef req'ifested aid in problem of water diversion onto his property. It was reported•that inasmuch as it lies outside. the city limits the City, does not`have `auth'ori`ty to do `any-wnxrl':' Sugg ti'ons`lia+d been •ma`do:by the S reet`'Commissioner ai d'''it''was rd commerrded''t'hat the County be contacted regarding the problem. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, .to refer the matter to the. Council As A Whole. . Carried. J � .Moved by Bruce; s�eonded 'by' Pd1i to a'dj6urn. : .!Carried'. The'- meeting` adjourned at 91:20 p.m. Aexe were 28 visi'ttrrs;irt,,the' Council Chambers,,; , -:5 . . 214 November 4, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 2747 Frank Aliment 103.35 2748 American Blueprint Company 2.77 2749 American Society of Planning Officials 28.50 i 2750 Eltee Toot & Supply Company 17.42 2751 Dorothea Gossett 17.00 2752 Catherine Kindred 179.71 2753 King County Humane Society 606.66 2754 Market Basket #3 x,4. 15 2755 Moffat Distributing Co., Inc. 6.80 2756 Helmie Nelson 2.00 2757 Pacific Outfitting Company 23.87 2758 Public Administration Service 2,025.67 2759 Seattle-King Co. Dept. Public Health 175.00 2760 Shaw Bros. Drug 27,45 CITY STREET FUND 2761 The Sherwin Williams Company 49,09 2762 Six Roblees Inc. 9.88 2763 Charles Stewart, Inc. 64.86 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 2764 Helmie Nelson 3.00 PARK FUND 2765 Norman Buck Mfg. Company 298.90 2766 NuLife Fertilizers 55.e4 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2767 Frank Coluccio Construction Co. 2,227.60 2768 Cox Machinery Company 4.99 2769 The Issaquah Press 14.98 2770 Nebar Supply Company 104- 12 2771 Pacific Water Works Supply Co. 3,300.20 2772 Pacific Water Works Supply Co. 2,246.93 2773 Pitney-Bowes, Inc. 27,77 2774 Zep Manufacturing Company 123.55 L. I .D. #249 CASH FUND 3 Rainier Contractors Inc. 3,206.91 L. I .D. #249 REVENUE FUND 3 Firemen's Pension Fund 3,206.91 � - --- ---------------- Helmie he!son, Clty Clerk -- Frank Aliment, hll4or RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING r z November 18, 1963 The -regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by President of the Council, Charles Delaurenti, at 8:00 p.m, in the absence of Mayor Aliment. RO':,i, CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. O:,F:C A-US A:dD 1DEPARTME�IT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Wil'iams, Chief of Police, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Erg ineer, Joe Lynch, Stroet Sup't., N. C. Ida11s, Fire Chief, James Highton, Building Sup't., David Jensen, P-anr.i_:g Director and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. The Ple6ge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Dayle Orr and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Ervin Gerlitz, Sierra Hts. Baptist Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of- November 4, 1963 be approved as written. Carried: APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERT :QTS: Num AMOU_IT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9203 $ 400.00 Harry Neyers 3022 - 6th Ave. S.E. New Electric Service 04 700.00 George Davis 835 "0" Street Frame Carport 9205 600.00 Lisa Foley 8816 So. 153rd St. Wire Steam Bath 06 5,000.0c) J. S. Covey 3rd & Morris Street Addition 07 225.,00 Kent Meat Market 3010 Sunset Blvd. E. Chg. Elec. Service 08 130.00 Paul Ballatore 11625 S,E. 104th Remodel Garage 09 20(),00 Jim's Tavern 214 Williams Street Ti'e Walls 9210 1,2.00.00 Wn, Jockey Club zongacres Race Track Wire Barns 11 300.00 Ivan Lewis Hub Trailer Park Wire Electric Heat 12 450.00 Rudy Zaputil 11613 S.E. 106th P1. Wire Residence 13 450.00 Clyde Addington 12640 87th Ave. South Wire Residence 14 250,00 Don Holm 238 Main St. Rewire 9215 750.00 Aetna Life Insurance Sunset W. & Hardie St. Wire Office L6 1,200.00 Insur-•O-Mat Renton Shopping Center Electric Sign 17 6,000.00 Standard Oil Co. Rainier & 2nd Ave. Addition =8 1,000.00 Harry Ballard 506 No. Wells St. Addition to Residence 19 800.00 Albert Ellingson 2010 - 5th Avenue Garage 9220 300.00 Skyway Lumber 1046 "K" Street Carport 21 285.00 United Homes Corp. 1020 "Q" Street Wire Residence 22 295,00 United Homes Corp. 3909 - 11th Ave. No. Wire Residence 23 429.00 United Homes Corp. 1033 "R" Street [dire Residence 24 310.00 United Homes Corp. 1039 "R" Street Wire Residence 9225 295.00 United Homes Corp. 3907 - 11th Pl.North Wire Residence 26 310.00 United Homes Corp. 1014 "Q" Street Wire Residence 27 295.00 United Homes Corp. 3906 - 11th Place Wire Residence 28 7,000.60 Otis L. Donham 1521 - 8th Avenue Tela Residence- 29 700.00 Robe,^t Barickman 847 Pres. Pk. #6 Carport 9230 -01000,00 Norman Abrahamson 3304 Honey Creek Dr. New Residence 31 50.00 Mike's Tavern 11505 Sunset Blvd. E. Rewire Tavern 32 250.00 Mrs. Stearns 2504 - 6th Ave. No. New Elec. Service 33 27,200.00 The Boeing Co. Logan Street Loading Dock 34 2-8.00 W. W. Watts 907 "M" Street Fence 9235 168000.00 'Ida Kresser N. Home 2405 - 116th Ave. S.E. Nursing Home 36 106.00 Artistic Neon Co. 91 - 2nd Avenue Wire Office ?:EAT;:?G PERMI°"S. 6193 - - - - Tiffany Homes Corp. 15474 Lake Youngs Way Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - •- -- Tiffany Homes Corp. 75441 Lake Youngs Way Plumbing Fixtures 6195 - -• - Tiffany Homes Corp. 12101 S.E. 154th St. Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - - - Tiffany Homes Corp. 15526 - 120th Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - - Tiffany Homes Corp. 15532 - 119th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 98 - - Tiffany Homes Corp. 15530 - 119th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - -- Tiffany Homes Corp. 15514 - 119th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 6200 - •-- - - Tiffany Homes Corp. 15620 - 119th Ave. Plumbing Fixtures -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11_18-63 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: (cont.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 6201 $ - - - - United Homes Corp. 1014 "Q" Street Plumbing Fixtures 02 United Homes Corp. 3907 - 11th Place Plumbing Fixtur:.s 03 - - - - Paul Ballatore 11625 S.E.. 104th St. Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - J. Moran 449 Rainier Ave.- So. Plumbing Fixtures 6205 - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11613 S.E. 106th Pl. Gas Installations 06 - - - - C. M. Costner 439 Renton Street Gas Installations 07 - - - - Ed Cook 346 Park Avenue Gas Installations 08 - - - - H. Favro 504 Renton Avenue Gas Installations 09 - - - - Ken McLeod 10801 - 108th S.E.- Heating Equipment 6210 - - - - L. Belmondo 512 Williams Street Gas Installations 11 - - - - Western Optical 915 - 3rd Avenue Heating Equipment 12 - - - - Tom Stanlick 127 Park Avenue Heating Equipment 13 - - - - Howard Higgenbottom 3208 - 5th Ave.. E. Heating Equipment 14 - - - - Ermo Gregoris 228 - 13th Ave. So. Heating Equipment 6215 - - - - Market Basket Stores 2810 Sunset Blvd. Heating Equipment 16 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12111 S.E.. 152nd Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 17 - - - - Insur-O-Mat Renton Shopping Center Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - - United Homes Corp. 3907 - 11th Place Gas Installations 19 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1014 "Q" Street Gas Installations 6220 - - - - Lisa Foley 8816 So. 153rd St. Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - Clyde Addington 12640 - 87th Ave. So. Heating Equipment 6222 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1015 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS: An application was read from the Elks' Club requesting that Nelson & Michael be granted license to operate a music machine in said club at 123 Main Street,and appli- cation from Christy's Tavern requested license to operate music machine and permit for dancing at said place of business located at 308 Wells Street. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter read from Mrs. Delmar Maas,Secretary, Sierra Hi-Lites Homemakers' Club requested No-Fee Permit to solicit ads., starting 11-19-63,from merchants,in Renton for a recipe booklet which the Club plans to sell to finance Christmas projects at the Griffin Home and Merryhill Nursing Home. The soliciting will be done by the publishers of the brochures and no funds will be exchanged between the Sierra Club & No. American Press; moneys from sale of the recipe books is for Club projects.as outlined. Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee to report back next week. Upon inquiry, Mr. Kay Johnson advised that the Chamber of Commerce has not contacted the merchants on this request and therefore no action has been taken. The pending motion carried. A letter read from Mrs. Esther Hardie requested that the one-block extension of Hardie Street (known as 91st Avenue So.) be officially designated as Hardie Street, it being so designated at the time of annexation but the signs recently having been removed and replaced by 91st Ave. So. signs. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Reiman, 9631 - 116th Ave. S.E., requesting aid of the City in eliminating hazardous condition resulting from standing water at the corner of 116th S.E. and S.E. 97th Street, where adquate storm drains are not presently available. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. „o A Claim= read from Mrs. Lena Roberts in the sum of $500.00 was filed against the City for injuries sustained in accident at 5th & terns. Streets where claimant slipped in crosswalk due to mud injuring her left knee. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the City Attorneys. Carried. Letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Final Plat of Donna Vista be adopted. (Jerry Goodall property) Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. _2_ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9, �11 COMMUNICATIONS: (coirt. ) 11-186 4 ' A letter submitted by Councilman Gianini invited all interested parties to an organizational meeting of the Renton Athletic Club, Inc. in promotion of sports activities in the Renton area. The meeting has been scheduled for November 19, 1963 at 8:00 p.m. at the Eagles Hall, 316 Third Avenue. President of the Council Delaurenti advised of many preliminary meeting3laying the ground work for re-establishing the program and promise:' an interesting evening to all who attend. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for approval the final costs to be charged against Local Improvement District No. 249, Maplewood Area Sanitary Sewers, to-wit: Contract amount $ 52,549.29 Engineering 5,500.00 Clerk's Costs 211.77 Treasurer's Costs 100.00 Bond Attorney 350.00 Water Department 352.58 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 1,580.01 Security Concrete Products 176.80 Transfer to Street Department 4,380.74 Interest on Warrants 1,170.61 $ 66,371.80 The preliminary estimate was in the amount of$ 87,939.00, therefore, the final cost represents a reduction of $ 21,567.20, accomplished by the very favorable bid received along with the ability of the City to provide good inspection and control of the project. The Final Assessment Roll was also submitted at this time and the date of December 16, 1963 was recommended for hearing thereon. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer, approving final costs and setting December 16, 1963 as the date for hearing on the Final Assessment Roll, L.I.D. No. 249, Maplewood Sanitary Sewers. Carried. A letter from the International Assn. of Fire Fighters, Ray Barilleaux, Sec.-Treas., Renton Fire Department, Local 864, invited the Mayor and Council to the annual appreciation dinner at Kingen's on Thursday, November 21, 1963 at 6:30 .p.m. A letter from Floyd Hughes, President, Renton Downtown Merchants' Association, requested permission to install small Christmas trees on the City sidewalks during the Holiday Season, the necessary insurance 'and�hold harmless agreement to be provided. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law on the'City of Renton vs. Donald Arthur Garvey Court Cause No. 39064 relative to whether the City's Municipal Court was valid and .continues to exist since the population has reached 20,000. It was ordered, adjudged and decreed under date of November 13, 1963 that the Court as established by City's Ordinance No. 1927 was and is a duly established and legally constituted inferior 'Court - - - An appeal undoubtedly will be taken by the Defendant to the Supreme Court. A letter from Terhune, Schlosstein, Riveland and Elliott submitted Claim against the City on behalf of James McDaniel in the sum of $60,000.00 for injuries sustained when his Harley-Davison Motorcycle struck a hole in the road. causing it to upset and injure claimant. The accident occurred at approximately 13220 S.E. 116th Place. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the Claim to the City Attorneys. Carried. A letter from the Association of Washington Cities, Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, advised that on October 18, 1963 a judgment was entered regarding City of Kennewick v. State of Washington Court Action wherein the court held on behalf of the plaintiff, that the state public utility tax (3.6% provided for in RCW 82.16.020 and 82.16.026) and the service business and occupation tax (1% provided for in RN 82.04.290) do not apply to that portion of water or sewer revenue that has been earmarked for the retirement of water or sewer revenue bonds. Notice received advised that the Tax -Commission has decided to appeal this case to the ,Supreme Court and the Tax Commission Secretary-indicated that since the Commission has not ruled that the collection is to be held in abeyance pendi.— a decision of the State Supreme Court, the Cities are expected to continue payment until such opinion has been rendered. Meanwhile, in order for Cities to protect their interests pending the disposition and in view of the two year statute of limitations for refund from date of payment provided for in RCW 82.32.060, it would' seem advisable for cities to file a petition for refund seasonably for such past taxes that 'have been paid, filing periodically until the case has been decided by the Court. City Clerk Nelson advised that this has been done on behalf of Renton and shall be continued. _3_- mutes of the Renton City Council 11-18-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from City Attorney Shellan was read which was directed to the State of Washington Tax Commission, Excise Tax Division, Olympia, Washington pertaining to the taxes paid by the City of Renton in connection with its collection for the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle. It was suggested that the allegation the City is not acting as agent for Metro could not be well taken since these duties are imposed upon the City as a matter of law and it was requested that the Commission reconsider its previous action denying refund and allow the City's Claim. A meeting was invited if same would serve to be of benefit. APPOINTMENTS: A letter was read from Chas. Delaurenti, Mayor Pro Tem, appointing Mr. Dan Rich and Mr. James Wolvin as new members of the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee for the remainder of the current term of one year, expiring on January 1, 1964. Council concurrence was requested. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the appointments. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington Changing the Zoning Classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District (GS-1) to Business District (B-1), which was read by the Clerk. (Highlands Enterprizes, Inc. Property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the final reading it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Ordinance No. 2063 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington Amending Ordinance No. 2041 relating to the regulations for bicycles, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Custer, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee reported it would hold the Ordinance in Committee for one week. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Company for furnishing Munici- pal Water Pumping Power for a ten (10) year period in the Kennydale area. Discussion disclosed this to be a renewal of an existing contract and inquiry was made relative to the prior period being for five years in lieu of the ten and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the proposed Resolution to the Fire and Water Committee to report back next meeting. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, providing for the construction of a westerly approach to the "North Renton Interchange" from Lake Washington Boulevard and the widening of Lake Washington Blvd. from 8th Avenue North to approximately 10th Avenue North to four lanes continuing Northeasterly to the Westerly ramps to said "North Renton Interchange," including a grade separation over the Pacific Coast Railroad tracks; declaring the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be; providing for the borrowing of not to exceed $400,000.00 and issuing and selling negotiable general obligation bonds in such amount to pay the cost thereof, said bonds to be payable by annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount; de- claring an emergency; and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring said indebtedness and issuing said bonds to the qualified electors of the City at a special election to be held on February 11, 1964, in conjunction with the City primary election to be held therein on the same date. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed document to the Ordinance Committee for recommenda- tion. Carried. The committee recommended favorably and that the proposed ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur. Carried. Mr. Charles Shane inquired regarding the matter now being an emergency and it was pointed out that since the new highway construction the problem has been in existence and the addition to the system has been needed and desired. It was also pointed out that traffic would thereby be diverted from the City streets lengthening their life span as well as alleviating the congestion in the downtown Renton area which is constant each day during peak traffic hours. Urgency was thus deemed to be necessary in keeping with these conclusions. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No, 2064 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members voting aye. The motion carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting '211-18-g�x1- . ,-. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: President of the Council, Delaurenti, announced a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26, 1963 to hear opinions regarding the Puget Sound Power & Light rate increase and franchise matter. All interested persons were invited to attend. Councilwoman Dahlquist urged that all persons possible be contacted regarding the meeting and as much publicity be given as possible in order that a good representation might be given opportunity to be heard. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, resented his Committee ,,m report which was read by the Clerk recommending that the City proceed with the purchase of the Bennett property on Wells and Walla Walla at a cost to the City of $20,000.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Discussion on the question disclosed that the sum - 500.00 has been contributed to help defray the cost. The pending motion carried and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to refer the funding of the $20,000.00 balance to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett submitted a Statement By The Governor calling for observance of Air Force Reserve Week during November 9 through November 15, 1963 in recognition of the accomplishments of these veterans and of their dedication to our country. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley and Power and Light Committees on Saturday, .November 23, 1963� at 8:00 a.m. Councilman Reid called: attention to requests for street lighting on Jones Street and on 89th Avenue at Grady and it was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Garrett, that the matter be referred to the Power and Light Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman. Hulse calledrattention .to the need fora "Yield" sign at the S.E. 94th Street access to PSH #kl which hazard should be pointed out to the State Highway Department and City Engineer Wilson advised that he would call the State on the matter. r�. 'Councilman Pedersen requested a meeting of the Property Committee following this meeting and President Delaurenti requested the Council As A Whole Committee to meet at the same time for discussion of the new fire truck. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers 2775' through 2976,' having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Inquiry by Dahlquist regarding Voucher 2832 in the sum,of $696.80 ,was made. City Clerk Nelson advised the invoice covered purchase of cinders for the Park Department and Purchasing Agent Vern Church confirmed same advising that a certain red type of cinder was required and was furnished only by the Wolden Fuel Company in the area to his knowledge. The pending motion carried. Councilman Custer announced a Sanitation Committee meeting ori Monday, November 25, 1963 at 7:00 p.m: to discuss The Boeing Company request to' hook up to 'Metro sewer facilities. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. There were 24 visitors in the Council Chambers. how -5- . 220 November IR, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows ; VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 2775 Addressograph-Multigraph Corperatitn 54.67 2776 Bean Electric Company 8.47 2777 Callaghan & Company 20.00 2778 Wally Clarke Fuel Oils 75.91 2779 Daily Journal of Commerce 64.80 2780 Dragerts Harley-Davidson Company 224.32 2781 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 177.00 2782 Hartman Office Equipment Company 10.82 2783 Frank Henry !0,75 2784 Holmes Electric Company 54.34 2785 Interstate Tire Company 13. 10 2786 Janco-United, Inc. 9.32 2787 J. David Jensen 54.98 2788 King County Medical Service Corp. 696. 15 2789 Gus Kroesen's 76.07 2790 Market Basket Store #3 27-85 2791 Myers Oil Company 40.79 2792 Paulson Office Supply 131 .76 2793 Richard Pellegrino 2.40 2794 Mike Potoshnik Fuel Oils 181 .86 2795 Record Stationery & Office Supply 229.22 2796 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 23481 2797 Renton Clothing Company 246.56 2798 Standard Insurance Company 214.50 2799 Statewide City Employees Retirement Sys. 2,483.27 2800 Superintendent of Documents 2.50 2801 U. S. Post Office 10.50 2802 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 248. 11 2803 Washington Natural Gas Company 41 .79 2804 Western Union 2.42 CITY STREET FUND 2805 B & B Auto Parts 179.28 2806 Bearing Engineering & Supply Co. 31,92 2807 Bearing Engineering & Supply Co. 8.87 2808 Bearing Sales & Service 20-71 2809 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 104.00 2810 Hartman Office Equipment Company 31 .20 2811 King Cvunty Medical Service Corp. 146.90 2812 Pacific Auto Supply 22.36 2813 Raeco Produots Corporation 34-79 2814 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 910.47 2815 Reiman Auto Parts 72-38 2816 Reiman Auto Parts 72.86 2817 Renton MAtor Parts, Inc, 169.93 2818 Standard Service Tire Company 7.06 28(9 Statewide City Employees Retirement 293.00 2820 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 730.73 2821 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street X41 .02 2822 W/T City Treas. Cr. Water 53.45 2823 Welders Supply Company 1394 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND 2824 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.00 2825 Statewide City Employees Retirement 16.08 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED November IN, 1963 221 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 2826 Milt Williams 125.00 PARK FUND 2827 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 16.00 2828 Keuffel & Esser Company 19.27 2829 King County Medical Service Corp. 81 .70 2830 The Lumber Market, Inc. 41 .20 2831 Matthie's Key & Sharp Shop 2,39 2832 Moulden Fuel Company 696.8o 2833 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 48. 11 2834 Renton Motor Parts, Inc„ 5.04 2835 Statewide City Employees 111.78 2836 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 20.62 2837 Victor Fuel Oils 10. 10 2838 Washington Natural Gas Company 20.68 2839 Washington.State Tax Commission 8.42 LIBRARY FUND 2840 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8-50 2841 King County Medical Service Corp. 66.80 2842 Statewide City Employees Retirement 135-98 AIRPORT FUND 2843 King County Medical Service Corp. 24.45 2814 Myers Oil Company 5.21 2845 Statewide City Employees Retirement 37..86 2846 WIT City Treas. Cr. Current 615.0# WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2847 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. 1 .52 2848 B & B Auto Parts 41.69 IBM 2849 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 56.00 2850 H. & M. Duplicator Corporation 3. G8 2851 Holmes Electric Company 49.61 2852 King County. Medical Service Corp. 171.95 2853 LaBonte Rambler, Inc. 1 .30 2851+ The Lumber Market, Inc. 3.00 2855 Messer's T.V. & Appliance 1 .85 2856 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,410.00 2857 Paulson Office Supply 42.20 2858 Record Stationery ,& Office Supply 7.24 2859 Renton Engineering Corporation 13.97 2860 Star Machinery Company 138.01 2861 Statewide City Employees Retirement 208. 11 2862 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 19.57 2863 WIT City Treas. Cr. Current 2, 168.66 2864 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 1,605.00 2865 Washington State Tax Commission 1,084.63 2866 Western Utilities Supply Company 683.23 i Z22 November 18, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 2867 American Society for Testing & Materials 14.50 2868 Blumenthal Uniform Company 17.82 2869 Chapman Electric 490.52 2870 Chapman Electric 864.31 2871 City of Renton 434. 12 2872 Cochran Coast-to-Coast Store 25.21 2873 L. N. Curtis & Sons 52.50 2874 James R. Goodwin Jr. 60.59 2875 I . B. M. Corporation 73. 18 2876 J. David Jensen 54-39 2877 J. David Jensen 6.07 2878 Market Basket 1'�5 6.45 2879 McLendon Hardware, Inc. ?9,73 2880 Mead's Heating & Service 62.72 2881 Messer's T.V. & Appliance 21 .72 2882 Moffat Distributing Company, Inc. 12.57 2883 Overall Cleaning & Supply Company 20.14 2884 Puget Sound Power & Light 5,542.59 2885 Puget Sound Power & Light 484.02 2886 The Record-Chronicle 65.00 2887 Renton Automobile Company 169.42 2888 Renton Town Talk 186.81 2889 Renton Valley Fuel Company 178.62 2890 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 93.66 2891 Sunset Coal & Oil Company 27.00 2892 Tele-Car Communications Company 3i4. 18 2893 Trick and Murray 78.00 2894 Trojan Lithograph Corporation 118.40 2895 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 895,90 2896 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 6. 14 2897 M. C. Walls 7.02 „ 2898 Westlake Electronic Supply 29.95 2899 Williams & Swanson 51 , 13 CITY STREET FUND 2900 Bestway Building Center 491.82 2901 Black River Quarry, Inc. 60.98 2902 Cochran Coast-to-Coast Store 6.85 2903 L. N. Curtis & Sons X49,76 2904 W. S. Darley & Company 85,64 2905 Fletcher Distributing Paint & Wallpaper 1 .37 2906 Humble Oil & Refining Company 1,355.03 , 2907 Dan Ketzer Bulldozing 183.04 2908 McLendon Hardware, Inc. 185. 14 2909 0. K. Tire Store of Renton, Inc. 2.86 2910 Preservative Paint Company 257.92 2911 Security Concrete Products, Inc. 279.20 2912 Service Laundry cc Dry Cleaners 66.94 .2913 Sunset Coal & Oil Company 57. 16 .2914 Tele-Car Communications Company 52.00 2915 Mr. I. Toschi 33.00 .2916 Union Oil Company 99. 14 2917 Williams & Swanson 4.60 PARK FUND 2918 Chapman Electric 69.56 2919 Chapman Electric 696.80 2920 City of Renton 12.00 2921 McLendon Hardware, Inc. 77.89 223 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED November 18, 1963 PARK FUND CONTINUED 2922 0. K. Tire Store of Renton, Inc. 16.05 2923 Puget Sound Power & Light 124.08 2924 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 16.31 2925 Frank E. Rhodes Company 3.90 2926 Security Concrete Products Company 47.84 2927 Sunny Sipe's Radiator Repairs 6.24 2928 Tool Crib Companies 186.34. 2929 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 100. 16 'LIBRARY FUND r.. 2930 R. R. Bowker Company 29.00 2931 Coast-Wide Supply Company 14.84 2932 Consumer's Research, Inc. 1 .00 2933 Diesel Oil Sales Company 59, 16 2934 Doubleday & Company, Inc. 86. 12 2935 Gaylord Brothers, Inc. 2.68 2936 Hartman Office Equipment Company 50.96 2937 Library Products, Inc. 3,90 2938 New York Herald Tribune 6.00 2939 Overall Cleaning & Supply Company 2.50 2940 Pacific Books, Publishers 20-50 2941 Pacific Northwest Bell 60.46 2942 Paulson Office Supply 6.55 2943 Puget Sound News Company 936.56 29-4 Rarig Motion Picture Company 26.o4 2945 Record Stationery & Office Supply 12.38 2946 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 29-37 2947 Renton School District No. 403 10.75 2948 The Scarecrow Press, Inc. 12.50 2949 The Shorey Book Store 16.58 2950 Washington Book Store, Inc. 4,31 - 2951 Washington State Tax Commission 2.32 AIRPORT FUND ■.r 2952 Cochran Coast-to-Coast Store 3.80 2953 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 58.80 2954 Puget Sound Power & Light 127. 12 2955 Security Concrete Products Company 2.86 2956 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 7-70 2957 WIT City Treas. Cr. Street 29.63 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1184 2958 Holmes Electric Company 1,684.80 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 2959 Best Universal Lock Company 13,51 2960 Black River Quarry, Inc., 42.28 2961 Cox Machinery. Company 618.80 2962 G. H, Culver, City Treasurer 1,021 .43 2963 L. N. Curtis & Sons 33,28 2964 Goodall Rubber Company 153.61 2965 McLendon Hardware, Inc. 23,69 2966 0. K. Tire Store of Renton, Inc. 1 .39 - 2967 Pacific Water Works Supply Co., Inc. 294. 15 2968 Puget Sound Power & Light 2,098.38 2969 Renton Boiler Works 650.21 2970 Frank E. Rhodes Company 9-36 2971 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 14. 12 2972 Tele-Car Communications Company 52.00 2973 Tool Crib Companies 103.42 2974 Trojan Lithograph Corporation 355.32 2975 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current .J� 2976 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 1,42341 Frank Alir _._.. - ,... _...._.--------• gent, P�iayor Fielmie Nelson, City Clerk - 22� THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 27, 1963 WAS CANCELLED, THIS DAY HAVING BEEN DECLARED A NATIONAL HOLIDAY IN OBSERVANCE OF TRIBUTE TO THE LATE PRESIDENT, JOHN F. KENNEDY WHO WAS ASSASSINATED ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 243 1963 WHILE RIDING IN A MOTORCADE THROUGH THE STREETS OF DALLAS, TEXAS. rank Ailment, Mayor --�- �_ . .T.�...�•------- =`�'--`�.�. Helmie 1\11,;son, City Clerk r Accounting $ Auditing The following Claims, having been audited by the e-Committee, were approved for the month of November, 1963. PAYROLL $102,944.42 CURRENT 19,265.93 STREET 6,468.29 ARTERIAL STREET 3.00 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 24.08 OFF-STREET PARKING 125.00 PARK & RECREATION 25,793.22 LIBRARY 1,608.76 AIRPORT 912.43 CUMULATIVE #1184 1,684.80 WATER WORKS UTILITY 38,669.66 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 2, 1963 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Frank Aliment, Mayor at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer and Poli. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City ` Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Frank Henry, Assistant Chief of Police, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Sup't., M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, James Highton, Building Sup't. J. David Jensen, Planning Director and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Delaurenti and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Kelly Johnson, Calvary Baptist Church. A minute of silence was requested by Mayor Aliment as a tribute to our late President, John F. Kennedy after which it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting Of November 18, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9237 $ 3.60 Paul Ballatore 11625 S.E. 104th St. Rewire Service 38 186.34 Everett C. Clymer 505 Windsor Place Carport 39 100.00 Virginia Hashagen 317 Williams Street Sign 9240 700.00 B. G. McElderry 402 Thomas Street Garage & Fence 41 950.00 Peggy Loftus 3520 - 5th Place E. Re-Roof Residence 42 250.00 City Center Motel 112 - 3rd Avenue Elec. Service 43 50.00 Pacific Tel & Tel. 2nd Avenue Wire Phone Booth ... 44 750.00 Gerald A. Pickett 2014 - 7th Ave. No. Additions 9245 25.00 James E. Banker 333 Sunset Blvd. W. Combine Elec. Service 46 50.00 Emil Fontanna 109 Renton Avenue Change Service 47 150.00 Clarence Hund 726 110" Street Carport 48 - - - Center Car Wash Renton Shopping Center Sign 49 305.00 Crown Men's Wear 2292 Wells Street Sign PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6223 - - - Clifford Rouse 10042 S.E. 95th Pl. Heating Equipment 24 - - - Edward Plute 1516 - 3rd Ave. No. Gas Installations 6225 - - - Hugh Creighton 1110 "N" Street Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - Archer & Creighton 1110 "N" Street Gas Installations 27 - - - Paul Carman 11615 S.E. 102nd St. Heating-Plumbing 28 - - - Arthur Cooper 3222 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - R. Shane 10825 - 112th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 6230 - - - Charles Pillon 2109 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 31 - - - Terry Hamilton 2822 - 15th Place Gas Installations 32 - - - H. B. Creighton 1110 "N" Street Plumbing Fixtures Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, proceeded with assignment of council position numbers according to law, and numbers were drawn by each elective Councilman as follows: Position No. 1 - Charles Delaurenti, Position No. 2 - Avery Garrett, Position No. 3 - Thomas W. Trimm, Position No. 4 - Walt Reid Position No. 5 - Clarence Dullahant Position No. 6 - Hugh Bruce Upon inquiry regarding the procedure, Clerk Nelson read the bulletin from Secretary of State Meyers outlining the new law and urging uniformity by directing that the council position numbers be determined by lot, having each councilman draw a numbered slip of pamper or the Clerk drawing for all by drawing a slip with a number and matching with a name slip until all are paired. As in the prior election each Councilman drew his own number. Councilman Delaurenti advised of making inquiry of the County Election Superintendent and although positions are assigned as outlined it is not necessary that the Council members file for that position to which they have been assigned. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-2-63 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter read from City Engineer Wilson submitted revised summary of final costs for L.I.D. No. 249, a $553.58 Street Department transfer having been inadvertently included in Engineering costs. The revised breakdown, as follows, does not increase the total of the final assessment roll and December 16, 1963 is still satisfactory for hearing thereon. Contract Amount $ 52,549.29 Engineering 4,946.42 Clerk's Costs 211.77 Treasurer's Costs 100.00 Bond Attorney 350.00 Water Department 352.58 Stoneway Sand and Gravel 1,580.01 Security Concrete Products 176.80 Transfer to Street Department 4,934.32 Interest on Warrants 1,170.61 66,371.80 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the revised summary and that the matter be referred to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. Letters read from City Clerk Nelson and Purchasing Agent Vern Church requested permission to call for bids on the 1964 Legal Publications and the 1964 Gasoline Supply, the legal proposals to be submitted on basis of eight (8) point type, nine (9) lines to the inch and the 1964 gasoline requirements to be approximately 80,000 total gallons with 32,000 ethyl and 48,000 regular, delivery to be made to the municipal shops underground storage tanks located at lst Ave. No. and Williams Street, storage capacities 1,000 and 2,000 gals. as and when required. The date of December 16, 1963 was recommended for opening of the bids. It was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Legal Publi- cation Bid Call. Motion Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the request for Gasoline Bid Call and the date for opening of the bids. Carried. A letter from Floyd Hughes, President, Renton Downtown Merchants' Association, requested approval of installation of a 40 ft. Christmas Tree on the vacant lot at 3rd & Williams Street, a proper Hold Harmless Agreement and the required insurance to be furnished and the installation to be supervised by the Fire Department and Building Department. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request as outlined. The motion carried. A letter read from Mayor Aliment recommended extension of the compulsory retirement date of Assistant Chief of Police Frank A. Henry, for one year, from January 1, 1964 to January 1, 1965. Concurrence was requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the extension of retirement date as recommended. Carried. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Carried. A letter from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System requested a Resolution from the City to provide for retention of retirement credits of Willis W_ Sparrow and Walter L. Barnes, pursuant to Contract allowing same, these prior City of Renton employees now in the employ of Metro, are now covered by the State Retirement program. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request and that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Application was read from International Pancake, Inc. 12431 Rainier Ave. requested that Hit Parade Music Co. be granted the required license to operate a Music Machine at the designated business location. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter from Kenneth L. Harvey, Secretary, Renton Lions Club was read requesting license to operate a fireworks stand during the week of July 4th, 1964. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. Councilman Poli called attention to Session Laws previously submitted by the Hays Fireworks Co. and referred to the Fire and Water Committee and inquiry from said Company as to whether or not the present City Ordinance restricted the sale of fireworks to Service Clubs and Charitable Organizations which was deemed illegal. A review of the City's ordinance disclosed that it was not prohibitive . -2- Renton City Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) 12-2-63 A letter read .from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, submitted and recommended acceptance o-f- a Permit allowing a grade crossing of the Northern Pacific Railroad tracks on Burnett Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues, the improvement deemed necessary for proper circula- tion of traffic and to best utilize the parking development on the West side of Burnett Street. The City is to pay all expense incurred except such maintenance as may be im- posed by law upon the railway company and the railway company further will install double flange rails and do other required work in preparation for the paving at an estimated cost of $582.00 for which the City shall pay the actual cost within 60 days after receipt of bills therefor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the Permit to the Street end r. Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Submitted by Jack Wilson and recommended for acceptance was Easement from Bonneville Power Administration for the Sanitary Sewer Line to the riew Fred Nelson Jr. High School which the school plans to deed to the City. A Hold Harmless Agreement was attached and the Easement had been checked by the City-Attorney. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to accept the documents and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same subject to approval of the City Attorney. Carried. A letter read from Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, outlined costs of labor, equipment and materials for the improvement of Grady Way in a total sum of $3,929.95 with $1,810.22 of that amount covering materials. Inquiry was made of Joe Lynch as to whether adequate funds were available in his budget to cover the cost of this improvement which had been recommended by the Street Department and approved by the Council sometime ago. Street Commissioner Lynch advised of availability providing taxes are received but that the paving will be held up pending provision for funding. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for funding. Carried. - A communication read from Frank Aliment, Mayor, reported that the second study,conducted by Mr. Ralph A. DeSantis, Public Administration Service representative, entitled, "A Review of Financial Administration and Accounting", was released in October and it was recommended that the City Council hold a series of meetings for the purpose of making decisions on the various issues involved. Also, of primary importance is adoption of r..an Ordinance authorizing establishment of the Equipment Rental Fund as set forth in the 1964 Budget. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, that the establishment of the Equipment Rental Fund be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Discussion ensued during which City Attorney Shellan advised the matter shoul e resolved as to who is to administer the Equipment Rental Fund and it was disclosed that intent was to have the Superintendent of Utilities administer said Fund. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to amend the motion to include the name of Burton L. Andersen, the Superintendent of Utilities, who shall be appointee to administer the Equipment Rental Fund. The Amendment to the motion carried and subsequently, the original motion as amended. Mayor Aliment suggested commencement of meetings on the study and called attention to the need for an additional ordinance which should be considered in connection with the study. A letter read from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief requested transfer of surplus Fire Department Funds, as follows: From: Fire Dept. 7026, Salaries & Wages, $3,500.00, Acct. 605, $1,200.00, 621: $800.00, 622: $1,100.00. UNTO: Depreciation Reserve Fund, $500.00. Cumulative Reserve #1698, $1,000.00, Fire Dept. 7026, M. & 0. Acct. 605.1, $100.00, 607: $28.00, 611: $50.00, 616: $10.00, 619: $580.00, 623: $3.00, 624: $300.00, 624.2, $107.00, 624.3: $60.00, Capital Outlay 1714, $3,862.00. Councilman Poli advised of the Fire and Water Committee having met with Fire Chief Walls regarding the transfers and it was the recommendation of the Committee that the request be allowed. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the verbal committee report and that the transfer be effected, with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter read from Charles E. Taylor, Committee Chairman, Renton Card & Label Council, extended an invitation to the Mayor and Council to attend a Christmas Party on Tuesday December 10, 1963 at 8:30 p.m. for distributing baskets. Donations of non-perishables toys, etc. will be appreciated. Refreshments, food and music at no charge and wives and husbands are welcome at the K. Of P. Hall, 123 Burnett Street. An invitation extended by the Renton City Employees' Club invited the Mayor and Council and_a• guest to . the annual Christmas party at the Carpenters Hall, 231 Burnett Street at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 14, 1963. Fred Hanis, President. -3- 22*. nton City Council Meeting Minutes (cont. ) 12-2-63 A lettei- from the Washington State Highway Commission submitted Franchise No. 3341, grant- ing the City of Renton the right to construct, operate and maintain a 12" cast iron water pipe upon a portion of PSH No. 5, in the vicinity of the Maplewood Golf Course. Upon inquiry Sup't. of Utilities Andersen advised that the franchise had been requested to run a water line to the addition on the south side of the track across from the golf course. Plans were outlined for serving prospective area where annexation is presently tentative, a petition now being circulated and for extension on up the highway. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter read from the State of Washington Tax Commission, John W. Pearl, Audit Review, acknowledged receipt of the City's Claim for Refund of Taxes paid on water and sewer revenue which was earmarked for bond retirement. The Claim, considered timely filed with' respect to tax paid during the two year period immediately prior to the date the claim was filed, November 22, 1963, will be held pending conclusion of the City of Kennewick litigation. PROCLAMATIONS A 1963 Christmas Holiday Safety Proclamation from Mayor Aliment was read declaring par- ticipation in the 1963 safety campaign and calling upon every citizen to be especially thoughtful of his responsibility toward his neighbor and himself to help reduce the annual Christmas season highway accident toll and prevent home tragedies during this coming holiday season. The campaign, as part of the National Safety Council's accident- prevention program is being conducted by the National Committee of Religious Leaders for Safety. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. A Proclamation declared the period from December 11, 1963 through January 11, 1963 as "Registration Month" and all residents under ,jurisdiction of this City government are earnestly urged to register, if not already properly registered, and to assist their unregistered friends, neighbors and relatives in the orderly process of registration, the right to vote being a privilege granted the electorate in a democratic society and the best interest of every citizen being served by his active participation in government. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton transferring Fire Department Funds between items in the total sum of $6,600.00, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1216 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington appropriating certain funds in excess of estimated revenues(received from property owners in lieu of regular L.I.D. assessments to be used in connection with the improvement of certain off-street parking facilities) unto the City's "Off-Street Parking Fund", Acct. No. 7039.1, Capital Outlay 1711 Land Acquisition, $1,900.00 and 1713 Improvements, $5,550.00. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the document to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2065 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council members present voting aye. The motion carried. Upon inquiry by Clerk Nelson it was disclosed that additional funds for this purpose would be forthcoming and subsequent Ordinances would be required appropriating said moneys into the proper budgetary account. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington adopting the Final Plat of Donna Vista which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, secondee by Dullahant, to adopt Resolution No. 1217 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authori- zing the execution and delivery of a contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Company for furnishing Municipal Water Pumping Power for a ten (10) year period in the Kennydale area. This document had been placed on first reading on 11-18-63 and referred to the Fire and Water Committee. Councilman Poli, Chairman of that Committee,reported that the ten year period had been granted to the Power Company by the Public Service Commission in 1960 with all contracts thenceforth being for the ten years instead of the five year period which had been contracted prior thereto. Acceptance of the Contract and second and final reading was now recommended. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommenda- tion. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Gianini, that Resolution No. 1218 be adopted as read. Carried. Rate benefit under the 1.0 year contract was explained by Sup't. of Utilities Anderson upon inquiry. Reid opposed. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-2-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (cont. ) Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington which had been placed on its first reading on 11-13-63, relating to the regulations for Bicycles and second and final reading was recommended at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, to concur. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, to adopt Ordinance No. 2066 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council members voting aye. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows; 1. Request of Mrs. Hardie to change 91st Ave. So. to Hardie Street'- The Committee agrees that this is a proper request but recommends that the matter be delayed for incor- poration in the street naming and numbering revision project now under consideration, thus saving extra expense. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 2. Drainage problem at intersection of 116th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 97th Street - In view of serious traffic hazards created by this drainage problem, the Committee recommended that the Street Department take such measures as are possible to alleviate the condition at this time, L.I.D. for storm sewer installations being necessary before the problem can be solved in its entirety. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 3. Speed Limits on Grady Way and new connecting road to Talbot Hill - Due to heavy turn movements on Grady Way from Main to Rainier Avenue, the Committee recommends that the speed limit on Grady be 'established at 30 miles per hour and likewise on the new extension of the Talbot Road i6- Grady Way. ' - Moved ay. -Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee Carried. ` Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to refer the speed limit regulations to the Ordinance Committee. Carried'. Councilwoman Dahlquist advised of receiving a letter and the proceedings from the 56th Annual Convention of Washington Good Roads Association Meeting-'which was available if anyone would be interested in reading same. .Councilman Custer' .�.requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee on Wednesday, December 4, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers with representative of the Boeing Company, Mr. `Bisbee:' Council members were invited as well as the City Engineer and Sup t. of Utilities. This meeting was previously• sclieduled for Monday, November 24th but was can- celled due to the President's death observance. The meeting was requested by Boeing to discuss connecting certain lines to Metro which had been previously denied by the City. Councilman Delaurenti, President of the Committee of the Council As A Whole, reported - his Committee had met regarding bids on the motorized fire apparatus and it was recommended that the low bid of Wesco, of Portland Oregon; in the sum of $60,036.88 including tax, be' accepted. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole Committee: Carried. President of -the Council Delaurenti requested a meeting at 8;00'p m. on Wednesday, December 4, 1963 and requested the attendance of all Council members. Mr. Charles Shane 'inquirod regarding possible reduction of sewer rates and expressed con- cern over the City's'negotiations with Boeing regardng sewer connection transactions, and requested discussion under new 'business. NEW BUSINESS: *.. Councilman Reid; Chairman of the_Powef and Light Committee, submitted•PuO Power-:$ Light report which was recommending light installations as follows: "E" Street 13 - 7,000 Mercury Vapor remove 9 incandescant 2,500 11H" Street 10 l0 5th Ave. North 5 5: "J" Street 1 1 "K" Street 11 12 10th Ave. No. 3. l 7th Ave. North 8 7 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-2-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS (cont. ) Power and Light Committee Report Locations 10th Ct. North 1-7,000 Mercury Vapor added -0- 2,500 incandescant removed "I" Place 4 2 "I" Street 2 -0- 100th Ave. S.E. 10 9 Cedar Street 2 -0- 11th Avenue South 1 -0- Annual cost of 71 - 7,000 lumen mercury vap" lights at $34.20 each, $ 2,428.20 Less 56 - 2500 incandescant, open reflector lights at $22.20 each, 1,243.20 Addftidfial annual cost 1,185.00 11th Avenue So. -0- Add 21 ,000 Mercury vapor 1 20,000 M.V. removed Cedar Street --- 2 "E" Street --_ 1 Park Ave. (Lake Wn. Blvd. ) 11 -_- Annual cost of 11 - 20,000 lumen mercury Mawr lights at $54.60 each, $ 600.60 Less 4 - 20,000 lumen mercury vapor street Athts at $54.60 each, 218.40 AdditiohA t1inual cost 382.20 Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to ftfer the recommended installations to the Power and Light Committee. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that VOUthers No. 2977 through 3075, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditthg Committee, have the approval of Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Custer advised in reply to inquiry by Mr. Shane that Boeing had requested opportunity to meet to explain proposals relative to hooking sewer facility lines directly onto Metro and the courtesy was being extended although the request has been turned down previously. Regarding the rate structure, mimeographed copies are to be distributed to Council Members and interested parties and a copy will be directed to Mr. Shane. Mayor Aliment invited audience comment at this time and Mr. Charles Shane again addressed the assembly advocating City liability to cause a reduction in the rates comparing the costs of other communities since Metro was instituted. Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to the Finance Study recently conducted for the City and advised that pursuant to subsequent meetings and decisions to be rendered therefrom an answer would be forthcoming but time would be needed for the review prior to action being taken by the Council. Mr. Shane acknowledged the study recalling other studies and change in the personnel in subject department of the City but declared any Councilman could make the requested rate reduction. Mayor Aliment advised that the recent Finance study report would be available on December 16th which proposals should be of interest and consequence to the topic now under discussion. Councilman Poli inquired regarding restoration of the roads in the Maplewood area subsequent to the recent sewer line installations and Street Commissioner Lynch advised they were being serviced but could not be completed during the winter weather. Councilman Poli requested a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee with the City Attorney and Supt. of Utilities following this meeting to discuss the franchise for the Maplewood water line. Councilman Reid requested a Street and Alley Committee on Saturday 12-7-63 at 8:00 a.m. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to adjourn. Carried. There were 18 visitors in the Council Chambers and the meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m. -6- '231 December 2, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 2977 Airkem Sales & Service-Seattle, Inc. $ 47.87 2978 American Public Works Association 10.00 2979 Austin-Hendrickson Drugs 19.68 2980 Bean Electric Company 31.37 ,.� 2981 James A. Belles 2.40 2982 Blumenthal Uniform Company 80.96 2983 Robert Brustad 2.40 2984 John E. Buff 9.35 2985 Ourroughs Corporation 106.08 2986 City of Renton 405.00 2987 Paul. Coad 2.40 2988 The Denominator Co,, Inc. 142.32 2989 Drager's Harley-Dav,4dson Company 27.59 2990 Earl's Refrigeration & Appliance 49.45 2991 Florsheim Shoe Shop 24.29 2992 Dorothea Gossett 10.00 2993 H. & M. Duplicator Corporation 3.74 2994 Indianapolis Badge & Name Plat Company 86.70 2995 K's Prescription Pharmacy 10.61 2996 Catherine Kindred 194.69 2997 Gus Kroesen's 25.64 2998 Lowman & Hanford Printing Co. 178.88 2999 Peter J. Madsen 2.40 3000 A. L'. Major 2.40 3001 'Matthie's Key & Sharp Shop 2.29 3002 Mead's Heating & Service 27.54 3003 Motorola C. & E. `411412 3004 Harold F. Neal 2.40 3005= Pacific Northwest Bell 1,266.97 3006- Pacific Northwest Be11. 11.67 3007 Pacific Outfitting Company 100.00 3008 Rudolph ;L. 'Parhanelmi ' 2.40 3009 Beverly'Ann -Patricelli 2.40'' 3010 Patricia Ann-Please 2.40' 3011 Public Administration Service 1:10 3012 Puget Sound Power & Light Company 13.19 3013 Puget Sound Power & Light Company 268.99 3014 Renton Clothing Company 141.74,- 3015 Ralph J. Rieman 2.40' 3016 John Smail 2.40- 3017 Standard Oil Company 10_.54- 3018 Robert Stubbs' 2.40'' 3019 Tert" Stuber 2.40 3020 Thomas, Auto Rebuild. 53`.77 3021 F. 1, Todd` 3022 Tonkiri's Men's Wear 45.45 ' 3023 Underwood torporation 46.80 3024 U. S. 'Departmbnt o'f Commerce 1:05. 3025 W/T' City Treas,. Cr. Street 23;94 3026 Wesco:,Fire Apparatus Company 82;;30 CITY CF RENTCN VCUCHERS CCITT. Dec. 2, 1963 ITY STREET FUND 3027 American Public lJorks 1.ssoc. 10.00 302� Armco Steel Corp. 196.45 3029 The Blackler Co., Inc. 65.33 3030 Howard-Cooper Corp. 9. 0 3031 :t. G. Elliott 206.80 3032 Pacific Northwest Bell 5.00 3033 Sahlberg Equipment Cc. 407.01 3034 Six Robblees? Inc. 3.52 3035 Standard Cil Co. 20.46 3036 ?,%Tash. Belting & Rubber 97.4u PARK FUND 3037 Airkem Sales L Serv.-Seattle Inc. 142.0' 3030= 233 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 9, 1963 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by President of the Council, Charles Delaurenti, in the absence of Mayor Aliment. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence ... Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, PUrchasing Agent, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, James Highton, Bldg. Sup't. and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.. was led by Patrolman R. C. Fritzvold. The Invocation was delivered by Rev. A.L.S. Mathre, Renton Lutheran Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 2, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9250 $ 50.00 Russell Eager 1321 T oma's Street Wire Elec. Range 51 498.00 Marvin Sherertz . 2603 - 6th Ave. No. Wire Elec. Heater 52 50.00 Traylor Pamco Newport Way Wire Motors 53 77140 Peggy Loftus 3520 - 5th Pl. E. Electric Heat 54 350.00 LaBonte Rambler 328-330 Main St. Finishing Office 9255 12;500.00 Dean Bobier '10810 - 108th Ave. SE New Residence 56 24,000-.00 Vida Kresser Home 2405 =116th Ave: SE Wire• Nursing Home 57 - - - To be issued •.. 58 50.00 La,_,Bonte Rambler330•Main� Street Wire office PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6233 • - - Brrno Gregoris' 228-13th Ave. So. 'Plumbing Fixts. 34 - - - - United'Homes Corp. 1138 "R'' Street Plumbing Fixts. 6235 - - - - United Homes Corp '390--11th P1, No. - Plumbing Fixts. 36 - - - - United Homes Corp. 3909-11th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixts. 37 - - United Homes-Corp. 1015 "R" Street Plumbing Fixts. 38 - - = - united HOmes Corp. 1033 "R" Street Plumbing Fixts. 39 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1039 "R" Street Plumbing Fixts. 6240 - - - United Homes Corp. 1020,"Q,' Street Plumbing Fixts. 41 - - - United Homes Corp. 1b3.4• "Q" Street plumbing Fixts. 42 - - - - C. E. Nystrom 3214-6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixts. - Donald Ballen 1317 "Hl' Place Ga''s Installation '44 - Nick Dubick 422 Mill Street Plumbing Fixts. 6245 - - - - Jerry Cheyne 2226-7th Ave. No. Gas Installation 46 L - = i- Conner Const. Co: 1 73686th Ave: So Plumbing Fixts. 47 Conner Const. Co. 12736-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixts. 48 Richard Fulfer 1201 - 3rd Ave. No. Heating Equip. 49 - - - - Floyd L. Hathway 1209 "M" Street Plumbing Fixts. 6250 - - --= I, J. Dunkel . 1302 "-M" Street Plumbing_'pixts. 51 - - - - Chas. K: Fore 1240 `'W' Street Plumbing Fixes. 52 - - - - Ray Beach 1239 "M" Street Plumbing Fixts. 53 - - - - 0 Wt Harris 1215 '"M" Street Plumbing Fixts. COMMUNICATIONS: ' A letter read from Oletta M. Gillean requested Keymakers•License at Newberrys Store in the* Renton Shopping Center. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the re4ue8t' tothe Police and License Committee with power' to act. Carried. Request for permission to' sel.l.' Christmas T'ree.s in the parking area of Joe's on Rainier Avenue during the holiday season was read from the Talbot Hill Jr. Athletic Association and it iaas moved•by Dullahant, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the request with NO-Fee Permit. Carried: Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-9-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Kennydale Lions Club requested permission to operate a Christmas Tree lot for a two week period in Renton during the holiday season. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to grant a No-Fee Permit for the sale. Carried. A letter from the Renton Chapter of the International Spades Association, which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, and is comprised of high school students, requested permission to sell stockings filled with candy and toys in the City of Renton during the holiday season. President of the Club, Sallee Frazee, advised proceeds will be donated to the United Gerebral Palsy Center of King County. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to gra-lit the request. Inquiry was ..r made by Councilwoman Dahlquist as to whether Hold FIazmless Agreements should be required in connection with the various No-Fee Permit requests and City Attoriy Shellan advised that the sales on private properties would not r ve the City reason. ta Ask for a Hold Harmless Agreement. The pending motion subsequently carried. Letters from the Association of Washington Cities and the Spate Highway Com- mission requested opinions and recommendations from City Officials relative to proposed adoption of certain portions of the Manua-_ on Uniform Traffic Control Services which will be binding on cities and towns if passed. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Letter read from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recom- mendations as follows: 1. THE PRODUCTION COMPANY: Recommended granting of the rezone from BP to B-1 as described in Application No. R-156-63 with provision that the applicant reserve for parking an equal area within the overall property owned now zoned B-1. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Gouncilman Hulse advised ofan existing problem in the area pertaining to right-of-way dedication. It being ascertained that dedications had been made heretofore by the applicant and further acquisition would be up-to other property owners who were presently being contacted to mie_le dedications. Planning Director Jensen chalked a projection on the blackboard and explained NEW the rezone as recommended by the Planning Commission and Attorney Don Gouge spoke on behalf of the Production Company urging early action of the Council, inasmuch as the problem was not related to the applicant. The pending motion was subsequently carried. 2. VIKING INVESTMENT CORPORATION: Recommended granting rezone from GS-1 / and G-7200 to R-3 as described in Application No. R-158-63 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Upon inquiry relative to zoning of contiguous properties it was explained by Planning Director Jensen that the area was a somewhat isolated area and not adjacent to any high density residential area and was a reasonable use in this location. The pending motion carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, that the two rezones be2eferred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Evelyn McBirnie and Herbert Randall, owners of Jim's Tavern, requested Master License to own and operate a Music Machine in said place of business, to supplement their source of income since discontinuing live music. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the mater to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Mayor Aliment submitted and recommended granting request of the Renton Downtown Merchant's Assam. for free parking in the City of Renton December 17th through 24th, 1963 to aid shoppers as well as the merchants during the Christmas season. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the 'avcl_`s recommendation granting the free parking as requested. Carried. -2- 235 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-9-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A communication from Attorney G.M. Shellan suggested, as one member of the downtown business community in view of the shocking assassination of our President which will undoubtedly be considered by future historians as one of the greatest tragedies of our time, that the Mayor and City Council consider some action to memorialize the late President such as re-naming one of our major arterial streets "John F. Kennedy Drive" . Puget Drive, Airport Way or possibly Second Avenue were suggested inasmuch as the city is not in a financial position to construct any statue for said purpose. Recomme.ided motion was made for placing of a bond issue on the March ballot for possiLle construction of a public library which would be designated -- the John F. I:ennedy Public Library . After discussion on various aspects of the proposal, ie: Library Board consideration, site, amount of issue to be re- quired and time element it was moved by Custer,seconded by Dullahant, that the Council go on record u :an1mously approving the name designation for a future library and that the m:;,tter be referred to the Council As A Whole for further discussion. Following inouiries relative to mandatory and advisable actions prior to procedure, the pending motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for approval the final costs on L.I.D. No. 250, to be charged against the District as follows: Contract Amo_-.:t $ 5,518.66 Engine e--in3 700.00 Clerk's Coes 142,00 Treasurer's Coct-s 50.00 Transfer to St"eet Department 350.00 Interest on Warrants 75.00 District 1b Total cost $ 6,835.66 The final Assessment Roll was submitted therewith and the date of January 20, 1964 recommended for h;aring thereon. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that final costs be approved as read and that January 20, 1964 be set for the Hearing with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment the final estimate for work performed by Frost Construction Company on L.I.D. No. 250, "r:" Street Sanitary Sewers. Amount due contractor $4,966.79 and the' work was completed and accepted by the Engineering Department on December 5, 1963 with Council acceptance recommended as of this date. If after thirty days no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, it is recommended that the retained amount of $551.87 be paid. Breakdewn of costs was attached and payment cost certified as correct. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer with referral to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. Application read from the V.F,W. Club at 416 Burnett Street requested that Rainier Amusement Ccmpany be granted the required license to operate one pinball machine at said place of business. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A petition containing eleven signatures was read requesting blacktopping of the driveway zunn4ng west from Grant Street in the 500 Block with expenses to be shared equally by petitioners. Moved ,y Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee to.-report back. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson submitted and recommended for payment invoices on L.I.D. 249 as follows and required accounting transactions inasmuch as the Firemen's Pension Fund is financing the L.I.D. , ie: Warrant No. 4, L.I,.D. No. 249, Cash Fund payable to Stoneway Sand and Gravel in the sum of $i,580.00 Warrant ItIo. 4, Ii-I.D. Revenue Fund, payable to the Firemen's Pension Fund in the amount of $1,580.00 City Treas. , Cr, Water Works Utility Warrant No. S, Warrant IIo. 6, 249, Cash 7und, payable to Security Concrete Products in the sum of $1"6.80 -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-9-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) L.I.D. 249 Warrant No. 6, Revenue Fund, payable to Firemen's Pension Fund, $176.80 Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the accounting transactions as outlined by the City Clerk, with referral to the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, amending Chapter 12 (Speed Limits) of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordi= nance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee. recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli; to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Eruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2067 as read.ead> Ro11 call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington extending the compulsory retirement date of Assistant Chief of Police Frank A. Henry, a member of the Washington Statewide City Employees' Retirement System under classification of Uniformed Personnel, to January 1, 1965. The Clerk read the proposed Resolution and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1219 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington approving retention of retirement credits and accumulated contri- butions of Willis W. Sparrow and Walter L. Barnes, due them under the "State- wide City Employees Retirement System" . These former City Employees are now in the employ of "Metro" . Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to adopt Resolution No. 1220 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington creating and establishing an Equipment Rental Fund, which was read �►' by the Clerk. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Reso- lution tothe Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee advised the document would be held for one week and Chairman Dullahant moved that a copy of the Equipment Rental Rate Schedule be given to each member of the Council.. The motion was seconded by Gianini. Upon inquiry by Councilman Poli, Supt. of Utilities Andersen advised that the equipment rental fund will allow a better use of the equipment at a lower cost inasmuch as each Department now has its own and it sits idle at times. We now will provide for each De- partment to use the same equipment intermittently giving more service from the equipment. The fund must be established next year by law and this will be just instituting it a year early. The pending motion carried. C�7i�N �1,�.C�C�MMImTEE REPORTS: BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant advised that the proposed Taxicab Ordinance was ready for introduction and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, that a public hearing be held on Monday, December 16, 1963 on the proposed Taxicab Ordinance. Carried. Counci]_iman Reid submitted a report of the Street and Alley Committee which was read by the Clerk with council action taken as follows: 1. Vacation of Alley in Block 18, Renton Highlands - The Committee recom- mended vacation of the subject alley and a 10' Easement be retained for utility purposes. Moved by Custero seconded by Hulse, toconcur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that January 18, 1963 be set for Hearing on the proposed Vacation. Carried. 4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-9-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS (cont.) it Street and Alley Committe report 2. Railroad Crossing on Burnett Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues Recommended installation of this crossing. Estimated cost of $582.00 is to be funded for reimbursement to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company for necessary work to be done to the track in conjunction with this project, and it was further recommended that this cost estimate be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. 3. Agreement No. GC-600-B between the City and Department of Highways which has not been paid to date and covers installation of storm sewer on 9-29-59, in the amount of $5,972.80. The Committee recommends payment of said amount upon receipt of moneys due the City for utility relocation in connection with the new freeway installation. Funding to be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Council inquiry was made and Sup't. of Utilities Andersen advised a portion of the amount due the City has been paid and that the balance is to be forthcoming upon audit by the State according to law, our final bill having been rendered to Olympia. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the recommenda- tions with referral to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. 4. Proposed parking restrictions during Christmas holidays on Main Street, 2nd Avenue to 4th were recommended as follows: Main Street at Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue on the West side shall be be cleared between the hours of 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, ending January 1, 1964. Main Street from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. shall be restricted to parking on the East and West sides between Walla Walla and 4th Avenue. (This was recommended for permanent restriction by the Police Department). The evening restriction on parking along Main Street between 2nd and 4th on the West side would be controlled by the Traffic Divi- sion who will locate portable parking restriction signs on parking between 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. which signs will be removed as traffic allows: One hour prior to clearing of the street notices will be placed on the parked vehicles to insure clearing of the street. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the restrictions during the holiday season as recommended by the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, submitted his committee report recommending that the $20,000.00 referred for funding of the Bennett property be borrowed from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund and appropriated to the Off-Street Parking Fund, 7039.1, Capital Outlay, 1711, to be repaid by December 31, 1965, and that the City Attorney proceed with the necessary earnest money arrangements. Councilman Hulse called attention to expenditures above the budgeted amount for parking facilities advising of con- cern for committing future funds. An indication as to how much parking area the City intends to acquire and the locations, the downtown parking problem only being scratched on the surface as far as solution is concerned, were pointed out as matters to be resolved. After discussion on implementing of the 701 program in connection . with the acquisition of properties, it was subsequently moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the transfer of funds to purchase the subject property for immediate use as parking and future use in conjunction with possible civic center. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Pedersen, that the Council As A Whole meet to discuss land acquisition and permissible use of funds derived from the sale of the old city hall premises. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman'of the Property Committee, presented a letter from James L. Highton, Bldg. Sup't. advising of receipt of only one bid for painting of'the Central Fire Station interior from Mr. Albert Quentin in the sum of. $2,990.00 including tax and only one bid for repairing the floor and painting the interior of the Highlands Administration Building Annex now under lease to the U.S. Department of Agriculture which was submitted by Mr. Clarence L. Bunstine in the sum of $884.00 including tax. Award of the two contracts was recommended, and transfer of $2,500.00 from Municipal Bldgs., Acct. 7036.121, M. and 0.,621 Fuel to M. and 0. 606, Building Repairs and Maintenance. Councilman Gianini disclosed that local contractors holding Union Cards allowing them to hire men did not have adequate equipment to do the work and other contractors hold one-man cards, thus, the lack of bids from local contractors. Moved by Custer, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in award of the bids as recommended by the Building Superintendent. Carried. - loved y Dahlquist, seconded by -Custer to refer this to the Ordinance Committee . 3S Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-9-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS (cont. ) Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Sa.iita;-ion Committee, submitted an invoice from Hugh G. Goldsmith in the sum of $904.,25 fcr services rendered in connection with Lift Station at 132nd and Sunset in the Re.-:toa Highlands. Chairman Custer submitted the bill to the City Attorney for investigation as there was some question as to its validity. The matter of reducin- rental on the parking lot owned by Milt Williams was discussed and upon inquiry City AIL:torney Shellan advised of a proposed Agree- ment whereby the rental price would be reduced from $125.00 to $90.00 per month with the Chamber of Commerce contributing $25.00 (through merchant contributions), and if the gross income exceeds $180.00 Mr. Williams then received one-.calf of the excess over $180.00. A new Lease Agreement has been prepared and is bein, negotiated by Mayor Aliment. Councilman :Hulse, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, reported that adequate money has been received to cover funding of the Grady Way Improve- ments from budgeted funds in the Street Maintenance Account, 624. This matter was referred to the Committee on 12-2-63 for investigation. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse called attention to crosswalk on West side of Burgett to 3rd Avenue and suggest,2d that it be moved East to connect with the sidewalk between the two third tivcn'._1e parking strips. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, that this crosswalk be investigated, City engineer Wilson advised that the re- location would be a bit costly inasmuch as it would require moving the stop light as a pedestrian signal is now located there, as well as moving the walk way lines. The pending motion carried. Councilman Hulse cal?ed attention to the discrepancies in the designation of Park Strcet as Park Avenue and discussion disclosed that Park Avenue was the early name which had been changed to Street inasmuch as the Avenues run East and West and the Stree11-s run North and South Lader the newer street projection plan. Moved by Caster, seconded by Poli, that Vouchers No. 3076 through 3163 and No. 249 L.I.D. Vouchers 4, 5 and 6; Cash U - avenue Funds ; approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. It was requested by Councilman Custer that the Accounting and Auditing Committee meet with Purchasing Agent Vern Chug_-ch fo?lowing tz -s Council Meeting. Chairman Delaurent-i invited audience comment and Mr. Tom Teasdale requested that someone investigate the crosswalk floodlight on Main Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues in t11-1c vicinity of the Washington State Liquor Store. The Power and Light Committee was requested to investigate the matter. Mr. Guy Evans made inquiry relative to the Hearing on the proposed vacation of the Alleyway in 3L ck 18 , Renton Highlands and City Attorney Shellan advised that this was the procedure required by law. Councilman Poli called attention to requests for additional street lighting on shattuck Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues it being pointed out that there are no Mercury Vapor lights in said area at present. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Power and Light Committee with Power to Act. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. December 9, 1963 239 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Counci ! approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 3076 American Blueprint Company 1 ,25 3077 Bevan's Plumbing and Heating 65,00 3078 Blumenthal Uniform Company 100.62 3079 Burnrite Oil Company 254,4; 3080 City of Renton 88:.00 3081 L. N. Curtis & Sons 19,.2+ ,.. 3082 Dictaphone Corporation 13„62 3083 Drager's Harley-Dav;dson Company 24 9.1. 3084 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 177.00 3085 Sam Heller 79.o4 3086 King C6wnty Humane Society 606.66 3087 King County Bledlcal Service Corp; 688.00 3088 Robert Lindley 2.40 3089 Nellie Luck to 2,40 3090 Market Basket #3 27.25 3091 Market Basket f5 15,65 3092 McLendon Hardware - 48.68 3093 Pacific Northwest Bell 65.00 3094 Pacific Outfitting Company 100.00 3095 Pacific Outfitting Company 56463 3096 John L, Parks, ,Jr. 16,50 3097 Puget Sound Power & Light 5, 126.62 3098 Puget Sound.Power & (Light 489-46- 3099' Renton Cameras46.80 3100 Renton Economy Department Store 15,54 3101 Renton PIumb1ng & Heating Co. 3.1-02 Renton Va i l ey'Tue l 36578 3103 Seattle-King Co. Dept. Public Health 175„00 31-c4 Shaw Bros. Drug 48.70 3105 Robert e.E 1mer.;Sm i th 2'11.0-; 3106 Standard Insurance Company 214ZO;' 3107 ' Statewide City'Employees Retirement 2,487,79::.: 3108 Gordon :Strong 2.40 3109 Lett ie L. Taylor 2'40 3110! Wa i l y ,Clarke, Fue' Q': I Company 127,,45, 3111 Waghington Natura{ Gas,Company 9293 3112 West i ake E I ectron i c.,,Supp�.y, 321;.22' CITY STREET FUND 3113 B & E Equipment Company 20..75 3114 Black River Quarry 59.0.0 3115 City, 'Of Renton 4 ,00- 3H6 ,00,3J I6 Esco;:Corporat iori 205:;1. 7 3117 , Group Health Coop of Puget. Sound 104;00 3198 Interstate Tire Company 3119 King`County Medica! Ser;v`:ce Corp, 155'.05. 3120 The Lurbber _.Mar.kety_ Inc. 16, 12 3121 McLehdon Hardvi6re,. 80:;26_ 3122 Renton Motor- Parts, !nc, 16q.�'75 3123 Standard Service Tire Company 15 .54. 3124 Star Machinery Company 315,,•08 3125 Stoneway. Sand & Grave ' 945,;551, 3126 Union Oil, Company 7143' 3127 Welders SupplyrCompany 7,.80-? 3128 Statewide City Employees Retirement 299:; CEDAR P I VER M, & 1 . FUND 3129 Group Hea l th Coop of Puget-.-Sound 8.; qO 3130 Statewide City:Employees Retir�eme'nt' :►bp.�, 240 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED December 9, 1963 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 3131 M. Williams 572.00 3132 Milt Williams 125.00 PARK FUND 3133 City of Renton 13.34 3134 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 16.00 3135 Interstate Tire Company 26.E4 3136 King County Medical Service Corp. 90.05 3137 The Lumber Market, Inc. 28.08 3138 McLendon Hardware 30.82 3139 Pacific Northwest Bell 58. 19 3140 Statewide City Employees Retirement 110.E+5 3141 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 20347 3142 Victor Fuel Oils 4032 3143 Washington Natural Gas Company 43.80 LIBRARY FUND 3144 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.50 3145 King County Medical Service Corp. 66.80 3146 Statewide City Employees Retirement 131.96 AIRPORT FUND 3147 Statewide City Employees Retirement 37.86 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 3148 Atomic Battery Shop 18.21 3149 City of Renton 4.00 3150 Friden, Inc. 177.84 3151 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 56.00 3152 Fred W. Hanks, Inc. 73.53 3153 Interstate Tire Company 34. 19 3154 King County Medical Service Corp. 163.80 3155 McLendon Hardware 51 .20 3156 Pacific Northwest Bell 43.94 3157 Penn Salt Chemicals Corporation 125.00 3158 Puget Sound Power & Light 1,919.70 3159 Renton Auto Glass 105.04 3160 Renton Boiler Works 10.40 3161 Statewide City Employees Retirement 199.50 3162 U. S. Post Office 200.00 AIRPORT FUND 3163 King County Medical Service Corp. 24.45 L. I .D. 249 CASH FUND 4 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 1,580.00 5City Treas. Cr. Water Works Utility 352.58 Security Concrete Products 176.80 L. I .D. 249 REVENUE FUND i 4 Firemen's Pension Fund 1,580.00 5 Firemen's Pension Fund 352.58 6 Firemen's Pension Fund 176.80 Frank Allr cit, Mayor ... .... ,.............�.�•:••:••=:�.�... H :..:. f "; p, City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL 24,1 REGULAR MEETING December 16, • 1963 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Frank Aliment, Mayor, at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. ROLL CALL OF COIJIZCILMEMBERS: Delaua�en;� , Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, rimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. ;'loved by Pedersen, seconded by Custer, that- the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTI.4LNT HEADS PcrSENT: HeI'mie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, Cit;, Ireasurer, Ge_c d Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, 14. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, James Highton, Building Sup't., J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Denzer, Chairman of the Planning Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Sergeat George Gomez and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. W. F. Harter, Village Chapel. APPLICATT014S FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED EY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT NO. AMOU111T NAME ADDRESS T'A'PE OF WORK BUILDING PE?'cI4�-,S: 9259 $ 9,000.00 Jerry Goodall 2117 - 10th Pl. No. New Re-idence 60 9,000.00 Jerry Goodall 2115 - 10th Pl. No. New Residence 61 2,500.00 Homer Creager 1305 Talbot Road Remodel Residence 62 900.00 Phillip H. Foss 12605 - 88th Ave. So. Addition 63 600.00 Williams & Swanson 4th & Burnett St, Fence 64 700.00 Orin Dilley 243 Sunset Blvd. E. Roof & Truck Loading 9265 2, 500.00 G. & M. Auto Sales 12501 Rainier Avenue Quanset Hut Garage 66 400.00 News Record 801 Walla Walla Replace Doorway 67 3.10.00 R. Narey 11846 S.E. 102nd Wire New Residence 68 600.00 Arthur Cooper 3222 - 6th Avenue E, :',eroof Residence 69 500.00 ` • Covey Bros. 3rd & Morris Street Wire Addition PLUi BIENG AND HEATING PERMITS: 6254 - - - Edwin Plute 1512 - 3rd Avenue Gas Installation: 6255 - - - Mrs. Marion Emard 243 No. Wells Street Gas Insat3lations 56 - - - Domer Creager 1305 Talbot Rd. Gas snstaliations 57 - - - Russell Kenny 519 Shattuck Street Plumbing Vixtures 5 - - - 13i'i Mendenhall 423 Williams Scuth Gas installations 59 - - - Ted Flaherty 3414 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbin Fixtures 6260 - - - Peggy Loft»s U.^20 - St:1 Pl. E. Plumbing Fixtures 61 - - Elmer Yohne 31.1 Main Street Gas Installations 62 - - - F. W. Slater 1335 "J" Street Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - Frani: Rasmussen 335 Earlington Rd. Plumbing Fixtures 6264 - - - Robert Edwards Rent-on Shopping Center Plumbing Fixtures Mot,^f' b- Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 2, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. OPE ''LNG CF BIDS: 1964 Supply of Gasoline This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read'by the Clerk as ,follows: BIDDER PREMI JM REGULAR 40-199 gals. 200-399' Humble Oil Company, Seattle .2318 .2096 Mobil 04-1 Company, Los Angeles .2312 .2_-;O ,.2613 - .2390 .2413-.2190. Richfield 0il Co., Los Angeles .2263 .2030 Shell Oil Co., Seattle .2538 ,2138 Signal Oil Co ,Los Angeles .2401 .2101 ,'Standard Oil of Renton .2514 .21-54 Texaco Oil Company .2304 .2D7' add 3Y add 1 ' Union Oil of California .29 .25 Tidewater advised no bid was, to be sub:n itte3. 1'c-,-_,1. --;7 Ci:;ter, seconded by DelauMenti to ref^r the bids to tie P.couintinr & Ari~ *� c� `'; t C d __.___.,_ r g___, �.rchas:.i_g_F_a nt ..c Report.. ..rrie 242 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 12-16-63 OPENING OF BIDS: 1964 Legal Publications This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: Record Chronicle - $ .90 per column inch - $ ,85,2nd insertion per column inch Renton Enterprise - $ .90 per column inch - $ .90, 2nd insertion per col. in. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the bids to the Accounting & Audit Committee with request for report back. Carried. HEARING: L.I.D. 249 - Final Assessment This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open and Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience, after Clerk Nelson and City Engineer advised of receiving no written protests. Attorney Walter Acheson addressed the assembly on behalf of Mr. John E. Edwards and made inquiry regarding the assessments which Mr. Edwards received, preliminary and final, as compared to the preliminary and final L.I.D. costs. City Engineer Wilson advised that Mr. Edwards' Assessment had been reduced , from $473.85 to $362.00 on the final due to a good bid being received and ability of the City to make close inspection, the entire cost being lowered approximately $21,000.00 allowing a savings to all assessees .of the District. The side sewers were installed to the property lines. Inquiry from Mr. Coulter. Lot 2, Block 11 was made wherein he had compared his assessment to others and it did not seem equitable. Mr. Neil Hickel also made inquiry regarding his assessment. City Engineer Wilson advised that the square footage method had been used as it was felt to be the most equitable overall mode of assessment although inequities would result in any manner which might be used. Zone & term- ini is prescribed by law unYess another mode is more equitable. The mode chosen was to the best interest of the District, the front foot method less so. Mr. Coulter inquired regarding rights of appeal and City Attorney Shellan advised that the property owner has the right to appeal once the Ordinance is adopted by taking their problem to the Superior Court in Seattle within ten days and appeal any decision of the Council. Mr. Hickel advised that his land had peculiar topography widening in the middle and narro.2ing at the ends which resulted in greater assessment by the chosen method, although it ;,?as a one house parcel which could not be used otherwise. Mr. Dave Nicholson 3013 - 5th Avi E. advocated dividing total cost of the L.I.D. equally among the residents of the District. Councilman Garrett, suggested that inasmuch as the Council was sitting as Board of Equalization, it consider referral of the matter to the Sanitation Committee to review the assessments with the property owners and City Engineer. Mr. Acheson, on behalf of Mr. Edwards inquired regarding depth of sewer service facilities between his vacant properties and the two Maplewood Service stations (Richfield_ and Payless) and running a stub to the Metro line. City Engineer Wilson advised that the installations were made in accordance with feasibility of servicing the properties and that Metro prohibits individual connection to its mains. Mr. George Bair advised of owning properties in Seattle as well as Maplewood and that the assessments in Seattle are made on an equalization basis. It was subsequently moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that the Hearing be con- tinued for one week with referral to the Sanitation Committee to meet with the parties interested and the City Attorney and Engineer. Carried. The meeting was arranged for Wednesday, December 18, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The Hearing was declared continued. Hearing: Proposed Taxicab Ordinance This being the date set the Hearing was declared open and Mr. Bennett Hoffman, Attorney, addressed the Council on behalf of the Renton Radio Cab Company and its owner Mr. Thomas Hogan, requestirg that a meeting be held to discuss various sections of the proposed ordinance appearing restrictive to trade,constituting invasion of private rights and property, and not of best interest to the City of Renton citizens nor his client. City Attorney Shellan advised that the City has the legal right to require display of the driver's picture and that the document was drawn to incorporate many suggestions of the cab company owners themselves made over the years as well as those particular sections of the Seattle Ordinance which mi(lht be well suited to use in this City, with invasion of privacy not being a valid objection. Any clauses which might be objectionable from the standpoint of Mr. Hoff-man's client would be considered if set forth in writing or expressed verbally to Mr. Shellan with specific designation of the objectionable sections. Most other Cities have ordinances of this type. It was pointed out that the clause relating to limit of cabs per population count was requested by the Cab Company. Attorney Hoffman advised that he felt a discussion would allow better understanding as a lawyer would have to interpret it for any layman at present. After further discussion it was moved by Reid, seconded by Dahlquist, to continue -the Hearing one week and there be a meeting with the Attorneys, and Police and License Committee and Police Department to report back., Carried. -2- I 243 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes 12-16-63 COMMUNICATIONS: Application was read from Barei's Tavern owner requesting that Farwest Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate a musi.c.mhchine at the Tavern, and application of-Farv)69t for-+MafterMusic.Machine license was submitted herewith. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from W. Er Bennett, Acccuntant, City Water Works Utility, requested, For purposes of good accounting, a transfer of 1959 Construction Fund Cash Account in the sum of $88.44 which balance has been carried since October, 1962. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the City Clerk and City Treasurer be r authorised to make the transfer as requested. Carried. Moved qty pulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter read from R. T•. Ledingham, made clain: on behalf of Winifred Daniels and himself for a reducing valve installed on his water line in the total sum of $31.15 which he felt was necessary due to excessive water pressures. Mrs. Ella Siegfried advised that she and others in her residential area had installed such valves likewise from time to time due to the pressurre..paseeha.1�.ties - - - Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to refer the matter to the City Attorney and the Superintendent of Utilities. Carried. A letter from Mr. Louis Peretti requested permit to allow replacement of a sign with another of the same size at 1416 Bronson Way North on the puhli.c-right-of-way. (Texaco Station). Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from Mr. John Morrison advised of receiving a citation in Renton for an improper U-Turn and although justly given he was prompted to write to make suggestions which he felt would contribute to some alleviation of the traffic congestion in the Southbound Rainier Avenue lane and turning left- onto Airport Way in the early morning hours as well as the Renton Avenue traffic moving east ac.:"oss Rainier Avenue, which traffic back-ups and bottlenecks contribute to the violations by harried motorists. He suggested that two lanes be allo-. �d to move sirlultaneously instead of single lane _ movements along Rainier and Renton Avenues which aypers poss;u _e b,7 narrowing the right turn island of northbound Rainier Avenue '��aif _L c^to Airport u'ay and to provide a third lane "feed in" for traffic moving from the South on A--'.-,-,ort way by -restricting parking during peak hours,. A hazard existing b,,- season of the many car sales lots on Rainier into which sudden turns are made. Moved by Delaurenti-, seconded by 7arrett, to .refer tiie matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. -�-- A letter read from City Clerk, Helmie Ia lson, submitted and recommended for payment Progress Report No. 4, Public Administration Service, in the sum of $2,828.08 for Finance and Revenue Study conducted by Mr. Ralpr DeSantis and T. R. Jacobi, during the month of October, 1963. Detailed report accompanied the recommendation. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse,_to .refer the -statement to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter read from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for acceptance a proposed Quit Claim Deed conveying unto the City a porton of right-of- way (3rd Avenue North Extension) Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to accept the conveyance as recommended by the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelson submitted and recom:nended for ra k.gent, final costs on L.I.D. 249, as previously certified by ;.I.e City Engineer and approved by Council, and requiring the following accounting transactions inasmuch as the L.I.D. is being funded by the Firemen's Pension Fund: �r. Warrant No. 7, Cash Fund, City Treasurer, Cr. Current, $3 ',77 Warrant No. 7, L.I.D. No. 249 Revenue Fund payz'ale to the Firemen's Pension Fund Warrant No. 8, L.I.D. No. 249, Cash Fund, Cit_ Trcasurer.. Or. Street Fund, $4,934.32 Warrant No. 8, L.I.D. too. 249, Revenue Find, to ''mnemen's Pension Fund, $4,934.32. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the ^_a.yments to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from Mr. Wm. 0. Belmonde., Transcortation Director of School District No. 403, requested installation of a street light at- the corner of �031th Ave. S.W. and S.E. 164th in anticipation of the open-Ing on Ja_ a ::y 2. 1964 of the """son r. High School for Spring Glen area students. I-loved by Pool, seconded by Hulce, `o refer the letter to the Power and Light Committee with to act. Ca::ried. -3- 244 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-16-63 Mayor Aliment called attention to the need for additional street lighting on Shattuck Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Power and Light Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOliTIrIO.,S Councilman DLliahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Emergency Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating money for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary expenditures necessitated by such emergency, which was read by the Clerk. The sum of $20000.00 is appropriated herein and shall be allocated for acquisition of off-street parking and other municipal purposes within the Off-Street Parking Fund, Acct. 7039.1, Capital Outlay - 1:11. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. The Committee Chairman advised the proposed Ordinance will be held in committee pending public notice thereof, upon carry of the motion. Chairman_ Dul_ahant presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from "Business Parking" to Business District (B-1) which was read by the Clerk.(Production Company property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation . Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2068 as read. Roll! call vote following resulted in all Council members present voting aye and the motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordira nce of the City of Renton, Washington, changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (GS-1 and G7200) to Residence District 3 (R-3) which was read by the Clerk. Proved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the pro- posed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final wO reading. Moved by De'anrezt:_, seconded by Poli, to concur in- the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, and seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2069 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Counci_ Members present voting aye, The motion carried. (Viking Investment, Inc. property) The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, transferring funds between items in the below-mentioned departments and classifications which was read by the Clerk, to-wit: From: Legis a-ive - 607, Stationery Equipment, $8.05 Unto: 628, Travel Expense $8.05 From: City Clerk, 607, Stationary Equipment, $500.00, Unto: 622, Office Expense, $100.00 and Unto 624, Mate-,~ial and Supplies, $400.00 From: City Treasurer - 622, Office Expense, $20.00 Unto: 624, Material & Supplies,$20.00 From: Police Court - 622, Office Expense, $15;00 Unto 607, Stationary Equipment, $15.00 From: Police Department, 605.1, Shop Labor, $87.50 Unto: 616, Laundry- Serv#e, $20.00 and Unto: 624, Material and Supplies, $60.00, 628, Travel Expense, $7.50: From: Non-Departmental, Police Salaries, $5,800.00, and 601, Industrial Insurance $600.00 601.1, Medical, $100.00, 615, Street Lighting Energy, $700.00 and 618, Insurance, $2,30000 Unto: 601.2. Statewide Pension Fund, $9,500.00 From: Munieipa_s_ Builldings, Salaries, $1,100.00, 621, Fuel, $2,200.00 Unto: 606 Building Repair, $2,200.00, 612, Telephone, $1,000.00 and 616, Laundry Service, $100.00 From: Motor Pool, Capital Outlav $130.0O3 1714, Equipment, Tinto: 605, Hotdr Fuel, $130.00 From: E inee=:1-gig, 624, material and Supplies, $6.00 Unto: 623, Tools and Equipment $6.1" From: Parkin_ Meters, 624, Material &. Supplies, $10.00, Unto: 619, Auto Parts, $10.00 From: Sheet Maintenance, 607, Stationary Equipment, $1,200.00, 613, Rentals, $500.00, 628, Travel Expense, $163.00, Unto: 601.2, Pension, $1,100.00, 605, Fuel, $400.00 .i 6 ..6Laundry Service, $280.00, 624.2, Radio Parts, $65.00 and 1714 Equipment, $18.00. ' From: Cedar River M. & I., 624 Material and Supplies, $155.00, Unto: 601.2, Pension, $155.00 From: Swimming Pool, 601.2, Pension, $�43 Unto 601, Industrial Insurance, $.43 From: Library, Sala-ries, $1,106.01 Unto: 601, Industrial Insurance, $75.50, 601.1, Medical, $169.55 and 601.2, Pension, $860.96 -4- 245 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-16-63 ORDINA.4CES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) Transfer of funds between classifications: From: Water Administration, 627, Taxes, $1,655.00 Unto: 601.2, Pension, $930.00, 605, Motor Fuel, $50.00, 607, Stationary Equipment, $450.00, 613, Rental, $75.00, 1714, Equipment, $150.00 From: Sewer Administration, 612.1, $2,420.00, Unto: Water Administration 604-Audit, $2,420.00 From: Water Maintenance, 606, Building Maintenance, $4,000.00, 607, Stationary Equip- ment, $2;000.00, 621, Heat, $1,000.00, 623, Tools and Equipment, $1,700.00 Sewer Administration, 612.1, Metro, ?4,480.00, Unto: Water Maintenance, 605, Motor Fuel, $700.00, 605.1, Shop Labor, $300.00, 611, Power, $10,800.00, 613, Equipment Rentals, , , y , , 619, Auto Parts, $150.00 616 Laundry Services $130.00 $800.00, 624, Material & Supplies, $300.00. From: Sewer Administration, 612.1, Metro Payment, $848.00, Unto: 604, State Audit, $514.00, 601.2, Pension, $334.00 From Sewer Maintenance; 606, Building Maintenance, $50.00, Unto: Industrial Insurance, 601, $30.00 and 605, Motor Fuel, $20.00. The Clerk read the proposed Resolution after which it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, to adopt Resolution No. 1221 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, proposing the vacation of a certain alleyway in Block 18, between G Street and 6th Avenue North,and fixing the 13th day of January, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambe._-s as the time and place when the matter shall be heard and determined, which was read bI the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1222 as read Carried. Chairman Dullahant reported that the Ordinance Committee will hold the Equipment Rental Ordinance for an additional week. COUNCIL C'9�1!TTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Hugh Bruce, Chairman of the 701 Committee, submitted a report which was read by the Clerk which advised of proposal jointly developed by the Pacific Coast, Great a.. Northern, Northern Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee Railroads relative to relocation and removal of the crt:ern Pacific tracks on Burnett Street and removal of the Pacific Coast tracks on Walla Walla. The railroads proposal would involve construction of a new crossings over Rainier Avenue in relocating with realignment along 7th Avenue East Along Grady Way and north along Main Street. Future abandonment and removal of the Northern Pacific tacks East of Rainier Avenue was anticipated. The overall cost was estimated ath,273,O00 plus acquisition costs of new right of way. The study is being continued and future developments will be reported. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant called attention to an article in the current issue of American Cities publication, page 83 wherein the City of Tacoma reported savings by pooling the City's purchases of gasoline and cars. Mayor Aliment advised that the City has been discussing such a transaction with Seattle. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday December 21, 1963 at 8:00 a.m. Councilman Custer made reminder of the Sanitation Committee meeting on the Maplewood L.I.D. and the Engineer and Attorney were requested to attend as well as the Mayor and Council, on Weanesday, December 18th at 7:30 P.M. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dullahant, that Vouchers No. 3164 through 3285, and L.I.D. 249 Vouchers Cash and Revenue Funds 7 and 8 and L.I.D. 250 Cash and Revenue Fund r.. Warrants No. 1, be approved by the Council, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. Councilman. Delaurenti, President of the Council, requested that the Council members all attend the Sanitation Committee on Wednesday and that a Council As A Whole meeting would be held thereafter. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the Washington State Liquor Control Board be granted permission to extend closing hours to 3:00 a.m. on January 1 to those establishments wit"1_n the City of Renton so concerned. Cariied. -5- 246 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1.2-16-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) NEW BUSINESS Mr. E. L. Munson, 753 M Street requested annexation of a parcel of property described as, Lots 5 and 8, Block 2, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No. 7 and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that the request bQ referred to the City Engineer for certification of owner- ship and validity. Carried. Upon inquiry City Engineer Wilson advised the property was located East and to the South of the Production Company property between 106th and 110th Streets. City Clerk Nelson advised the Preliminary Meeting could be set at this time and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Reid, that Monday, December 23, 1963 be set for the preliminary hearing meeting.on the proposed annexation. Carried. Councilman Custer in anticipation of the coming election and sentiments arising from filings which are now open expressed his thanks for confidence of the Council Members while he'has been Junior member of the Council and for the faith expressed by the cooperation and help received as the youngest member, all offered in the Goodwill Spirit_ of Christmas. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers. -6- CITY OF RE NTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED December 16, 1963 PARK FUND 3220 Ray Bock Ecp i P. 16.56 3221 Gene Coulon 27.55 3222 H. D. Fowler Co. 1 .35 3223 Rainier isphalt 12.48 32214. Renton Cash-Way Lumber 51 .60 3225 Service Laundry 17.68 3226 Top Cleaners 22.81 LIBRARY FUND 3227 A. S. Barnes 19.89 3228 Robert Bentley 38.03 3229 Book Division Hearst Mag. 33.52 3230 R. R. Bowker Co. 10.00 3231 City of Renton 1+,00 3232 Diesel Oil Sales 78.00 3233 Eastman Kodak Stores 753.92 3234 Gale Research 66.75 3235 Gaylord Bros. 626.82 3236 Marcella Hillgen 13.84 3237 Holmes Electric 32.68 3238 Ideals Pub. 6.00 3239 Janco-United 32,43 3240 McKinley Pub. 25.32 3211 McLendon Hardware 5, 15 3242 National Geog. 103. 15 3214.3 Oceana Pub. 13.01 3214 Overall Cleaning 2.50 3245 Pacific NW Bell 60.86 3246 Fau 1 son Supply 12.1.48 3247 Pourette Mfg. 8.10 3248 Puget S. News 1,218.59 3219 Puget S. P. & L. 75.76 3250 G.M. Putnan's Sons 8.96 3251 Record Stationery 18.52 3252 Regent Book Co. 57.85 3253 Renton Paint 15.20 3254'5- Salem Press, Inc. 7.95 3255 Scarecrow Press 32.50 3256 Shaw Bros. Drug 5.98 3257 U.S. Fost Office 650.00 3258 Wash. Book Store 1.4.21 3259 Wash. Tax Com. 17.50 AIRPORT FUND 3260 Cochran Hardware 2.56 3261 Myers Oil 3.82 3262 Record Stationery 6. 19 3263 Serv. Laundry 12. 18 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 11814. 3261.E Holmes Electric 191 .36 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 3265 Address.-Multigraph 15.68 3266 i�i r Mac 18.10 3267 B & B Parts 15.42 3268 Feenaughty Machinery 7.65 3269 Hallgren Co. 12.26 3270 Holmes Electric 56.38 3271 Motorola C & E 11.4.38 3272 Helmie Nelson 2.00 3273 Fac. Water Works 219093 3274 Paulson Office 16.14.5 248 December 16, 1963 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 3164 Address.-Multigraph Corp. 203,31 3165 Frank Aliment 112,25 3166 American Society of Planning Officials 167.85 3167 Austin-Hendrickson 75.87 3168 Blumenthal Uniform Co. 33;29 3169 Chapman Electric 87757 3170 Cochran Coast-to,Coast Store 38,, Ii 3171 The Copy Co, 1 ,093.98 3172 Mrs, Lewis Dotson 240 3173 Mrs. Edward, J. Doyle 2,.40 3.174 Drager's Harley-Davidson 400,00 3175 General Binding Corp. 53.32 3176 Hartman Office Equipment 49:76 3177 I .B,M. Corp. 1300 3178 I .B.M. Corp. 28,82 3179 K ez E Co. 46.84 3,180 John Kracht 2„40 3184 Carl Kristofferson 2.40 3182 Kuker-Ranken 174.20 3183 Mario's Custom Tailors 103.95 3184 Messerts T.V. , ,17,28 3185 Motorola C & E 574,60 3186 Overall Cleaning r 40c.82 3187. Paulson 0-ff'ice. Supply ! 546„26 3188 Public Ndmin. Serv. 2,828;06, 3189 Readerts Digest MO 3190 Record Stationery & Office Sply. TO4.65 3191 Renton Automobile 10,.45 3192 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 23,.64 3193 Renton Radiator; Inc. 3. f2 3194 Service . Laundry 99.34 3195 Marvin L. Sherertz a i f?696 3196 Standard OH:Co, 4,,54 3197 Trojan Lithograph Corp. .16,.x;7 3198 U.S. Post aff•ice 3'0.05 CITY STREET FUND 3199 Air Mac, Inc _ 95.95 3200 Cochran Hardware 13,35 320d> A.: G. Elliott 40„80 3202 Feenaughty. Machinery �1,�68 3203 Hartman Office Equip. 31 .20 3204 Hartman ”. ” 31 .20 3205 Humble Oil Co. 1,448.50 3206 Dan Katzer 183,.04 3207 Minnesota Min.i.ng 37856 3208 Motorola- C cz E ;'14.38 3209 Pacific Auto 3„7 3210 Pac i f;ic Water Works 14,,82 3211 Paulsons Office Supply 2426 3212 Rainier '\sphalt. 56202 3213 Reiman A utoiParts 120.96 3214 Sahlberg Equip. 749.22 3215 Security Concrete 620„53 3216 Service Laundry, 67.83 3217 Standard Oil � ' 18-30 3218 Williams & Swanson lig87 OFFSTREET PARKING FUND 3219 Lavina Bennett 11500.00 �!4 9, CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED December 16, 1963 WATER WORKS UTILITY CONTIP 3275 Rainier Asphalt 18,72 3276 Renton Automobile 21 -41 3277 Rockwell Mfg. 67.97 3278 S.C.M. Corp. 41 .08 3279 Sahlberg Equip. 30.58 3280 Service Laundry 19. 14 3281 Washington State Tax Como 935.74 3282 W/T Cr. Current 2,503.36 3283 Western Utilities 11248 3284 Williams & Swanson 20.80 L,I .D, CASH FUND 7 City ,lrreas. cr. Current 311 „77 8 City Treas. cr. Street 4,934.32 t Frost Ccnstruction Cc. ,966,79 L. I .D. REVENUE FUND 7 Firemen's Pension Fund 3'11,,77 8 -4,0"32 t Fircmen's Tension Fund4,9W79 CURRENT FUND r t 3285 Washington State Tax Com. 5bj -rank Aliment, Mayor • �•y•--_---•--�_..__..._ _ y Helmie Ne,son, City Clerk i RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 23, 1963 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Heimie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shollan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks, James Highton, Building Sup't. and James Denzer, Chairman of the Plan--_'ng Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Raymond Saude and Invocation was delivered by Rev. Louis Brunner, Cross and Crown Lutheran Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 16, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT 2'AME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9270 $ 5000 Shaughnessy & Co. 8809 So , 148th New Elec. Service 71 50.00 Shaughnessy & Co. 8811 So, 148th New Elec. Service 72 25.00 Mathewson Shell Station 216 Rainier New Meter Sockct 73 13,500.00 Carlye J. Hanson 3305 - 14th Ave. N. New Residence 74 800.00 Charles Shane 14425 - 92nd South Sign 9275 300.00 Harry Ballard Jr. 506 N. Wells St. Electric Heat 76 - - - St. Anthony's 334 Whitworth Demolish Bldg. 77 8000.00 Ernie Arnone 8910 So. 132nd St, New Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6265 - - - - Albert J. LaPlant 506 "0" Street Plumbing Fixtures 66 - - - - R. A. Narey 11846 SE 102nd Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - - St,. Andrews Lodge 2717 Williams St. Heating Permits 68 - - - - Chet Baze 1216 "M" Street P'?umbingu Fixtures 69 - - - - George 0, Johnson 1222 "M" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6270 - - - - Mary Omack 222 Wells St. No. Gas Installations 71 - - - - Glen Arnone 3423 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 72 - - - - Al Coulter 520 0 Street Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - Tiffany Homes Corp. 15441 Lake Youngs Way Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - - Tiffany Homes Corp. 15474 Lake Youngs Way Plumbing Fixtures 6275 - - - - Tiffany Homes Corp„ 12101 SE 158th St. Plumbing Fixtures 76 - - - - Tiffany Homes Corp. 15526 - 120th Ave. SE Kumbing Fixtures 77 - - - - Tiffany Homes Corp. 15526 - 119th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 78 - - - - Sharlyn Hair Fashions 307 - 3rd Ave. Gas Installations 79 - - - - Ralph Smith 3504 6th Ave. E, Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: (Continued) L.I.D. 249 Final Assessment Rell-Maplewood Sanitary Sewers The continued hearing was opened and the Clerk reported no written protests had been received. There were no verbal comments from the audience and Mayor Aliment declared the hearing closed requesting Council action at this time, ouncillman Custer submitted the Sanitation Committee report of a meeting with the residents of the subject area and City Officials wherein a discussion and hearing on the matter produced the recommendation that the Council accept the Final Assessment Roll as 'IV submitted by the City Engineering bepartment.,and that the City Treasurer proceed with the publication as required b�. law► It was further recommended that the com- plaints registered'durjpg the meeting be forwarded to the appropriate departments fur 401on As deemed ne'eessary. Mooed by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Sanitation Committee. Carried , ! 9t Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 251_ HEARING: 12-23-63 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open on the proposed Ordinance appropriating funds for acquisition of property for off-street parking. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer to refer the Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Preliminary hearing meeting with the property owner, E. L. Munson, on proposed annexation of his property to the City of Renton was declared open. City Engineer Wilson's certification was read reporting that the letter of intent represented signature of 100% ownership of .6A6 acres of land having an assessed valuation of $2,570.00. Upon inquiry,Mr. Munson stated that he was willing to assume the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City and it was moved by Custer seconded by Delaurenti, to accept the proposed annexation, proceedings having been in full compliance with the law and the property owner was advised he may proceed with the petition to be annexed. The hearing was closed. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from Roy. R. Henneberg, Pastor, Seventh-Day Adventist Church requesting a permit to erect two signs on Sunset Blvd. E. near 10th Avenue North. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Attorney R.L. .Anderson advised on behalf of Mr. William F. Bagley and the Seattle Rendering Works, that the truck driven by Mr. Bagley had failed to clear the Longacres Underpass at the 153rd Street intersection and claims in the sums of $50,000.,00 and $3,000.00 were hereby filed against the City by reason that the vertical clearance of said underpass was not marked and posted in accordance with regulations. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the claim to the City Attorney. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Phizia A. Williams claimed damages in the amount of $500.00 for medical expenses resulting from cut knees and a cracked bone in the right side of her right foot when she fell while walking ,North on the West side of Wells Street between 2nd Avenue and Cedar River The fall was allegedly due to a. broken sidewalk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, to refer the claim to the City Attorney. Carried. A letter from the 84th Avenue South Cooperative Water District Board was read requesting_revision of the Ordinance acquiring the District to provide the water service at a rate the same as paid by the residents of the City or more in line with cost of providing the service which it is stated was the rate basis upon which the Directors had authorized the transfer of their facility pursuant to verbal proposal by former Utility Supt. Schroeder, who indicated the transfer would be highly beneficial to the City since it would allow a loop with a facility in the adjacent area. 100 customers were added to the City system along with $11,000.00 cash assets and the Board could not justify the new rate where additional facilities did riot have to be established in the acquisition. The City's present rate structure provides for minimum rates of $4.00 for non-resident water service-and the minimum - for residents is $2.00. Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee and Utility Supt to report back. Carried. Letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that pursuant to determination of the Court on the Pacific Coast-Railroad vs, City. of Renton vs. Robert L. Edwards et-ux, King County Cause No. 576256, Judgment has been rendered against the City 'in the sum of $25,407.40. Accordingly it is necessary that this sum be appropriated to the 1963 Budget unto Street Construction Fund 7037.1 Capital Outlay, to satisfy said Judgment of Record. Answers by City of Renton To Third Party and Third Party De- fendants were attached,. Mr. Edwards has filed cross-claim for $30,000.00 which City Attorney Shellan deems in his Answer to be unrelated to the subject Court Cause. The railroad has waived all interest and costs due in relation to the Judgment subsequet to negotiations with the City Attorneys. - A letter from City Attorney Shellan called attention to provisions of. R.G.W. 35, 33.120 as last amended by the 1961 legislature allowing transfers between items within any class in the budget by the City's chief administrative or financial officer, sub- ject to such regulations as may be imposed by the Council. If a Resolution were adopted it would eliminate many Resolutions which would otherwide have to be adopted. Salaries may not be increased over and above budgeted amounts in any event. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-23-63 COMMUNICATIONS (cont.) City Attorneys recommendation for Resolution to allow transfers between items: It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole for report and recommendation. Carried. A letter read from W. E. Bennett, City Utility Accountant, recommended release of retained amount of $5,988.12 to Contractor Frank Coluccio for work contracted for the relocation of water line facilities, Cedar River to Longacres. No liens or claims have been filed and the releases have been received from the Department of Labor and Industries and Excise Tax Division of the Washington State Tax Commission. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the letter to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from James Highton, Building Supt. advised that the painting of the Central Fire Station interior has been completed and payment in the amount of the contract price, $2,990.00 less 15% retention, $448.50, total due $2,541.50 was now recommended. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letter to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. Application was read from owner of Barei's Tavern requesting that license be granted Mutual Amusement Co. to operate two Pinball Machines at said place of business. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the application to .the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letters were read from the King County Labor Council and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America recommending that the bid for the 1964 Legal Publications be awarded to the Renton Enterprize Newspaper inasmuch as the publica- tion is a 100% Union paper. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, to refer the communications to the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. A Special Holiday Greeting was read from Chester Biesen thanking the City Officials for the dedication to the complex and difficult task - The Job Of Government. The unique and humorous gretting'expressed thanks for the sacrifice of time (away from wife and kids), accusations taken in public service, financial setbacks as more time is devoted away from business - making more political enemies, subjection to the glare of publicity, etc., ending with the very serious thought that ours, the best government in the world could not be without the men and women willing to make such sacrifices to keep our "ship of state" going forward, making our free democratic society really work. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, which had been introduced and placed on first reading on 12-16-63. The Committeerecommended second and final reading and it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to eDncur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading,`-it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2070 as read. Roll call vote resulted in 11 ayes and 1 no. Carried. (Hulse opposed) (Off-Street Parking - Bennett Property) Chairman Dullahant presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 249, which has been created and established for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing and installing sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances in the Maplewood area of the City, as provided by Ord. 2015, levying ar;d assessing against lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property shown on said roll, amounts thereon. : Upon reading it was Moved by Poli, seconded b� Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordirmce to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2071 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. ::Gdrried... .�_Hmed by'Poli, seconded by Bruce that 5% be the rate of interest. Carried. A proposed Emergency Ordinance was presented and read by the Clerk appropriating i money for the purpose of providing for the satisfaction of a certain Judgment of the Superior Court, King County, Washington which was to cover costs incurred in the construction of the Pacific Coast RR,. Overcrossing;ohe City of Renton Defendant and Robert L. Edwards et ux, Third Party Defendants, Court Cause 597 256). Moved by Bruce secondad by Poli to refer the document to the Ordinance Committee, for .publication. Carrie. 253 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-23-63 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to transfer the sum of $88.44 from the 1959 Construction Fund Cash Account unto the Water Works Utility Cash Account for the purposes of good accounting principles, it having been determined that there is no longer need for said balance to be retained in said Construction Account. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1223 as read. Carried. The .Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington. creating and Establishing a special fund, to be known as the "Equipment Rental Fund' to be used. as a revolving fund to be expended for salaries, wages and operations required for the repair, replacement, purchase and operation of equipment; and for the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies used in the administration and operation of said fund, The ordinance had been introduced and placed on first reading on 12-9-63 and discussed in a meeting of the Council As A Whole on Wednesday subsequent thereto. The Committee recommended second ani final reading and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carri d, After the second and final read;'.ig it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Brace, to adopt Ordinance No. 2072 as read. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous hye vote. Motion carried. Councilman Dullahant advised the new Taxicab propos 1 ordinance will be held in Committee with further report thereon the following week. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: 1. The Committee concurs in the adoption by the Washington State Highway Commission of Part V, Traffic Controls for Highway Con- struction and Maintenance Operations from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the action of the Committee. Carried. 2. Recommended by the Street and Alley Committee that the request of Mr. Louis Peretti for permit to replace a sign on the public right of way .r at 1416 Bronson Way North be granted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation with the usual hold harmless agreement and revocable permit being executed by Mr. Peretti. 3. A letter from Mr., John Morrison suggesting traffic patterns which he felt would alleviate the congestion at Airport Way and Rainier and Renton Avenue traffic moving East across Rainier, was considered by the Committee and City Engineer and it was recommended that Mr. Morrison be advised of determinations resulting from the discussion. The traffic Department deemed the proposed suggestions not possible in this particular instance, the back up of traffic which would be created thereby posing greater danger than now exists. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Reid, to concur in the Committee recommendations. Carried., Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, reported no recommendation of his Committee but recommended Cumulative 1184 as alternative for funding Burnett Street Railroad crossing, $582.00, the Arterial Street Fund not being available without 'amending the present program. More time was granted and Clerk Nelson advised the Permit had been authorized for the construction on 12-2-635, Qxecution.'pending reporf,lori funding. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that the Lease of Cedar River Waterway property to B. A. Porter for parking lot purposes expires on December 31, 1963 and it is the recommendation that the .Lease be re- newed with the Mayor and Clerk authorized to execute the necessary documents. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Accounting and Auditing Committee submitted his report and that of Purchasing Agent Vern Church recommending that the low bid of the Richfield Oil Company, ie: Regular$ .203 & Ethyl $ .2263 be accepted for 1964 providing revised proposal which includes cancellation clause is executed, as requested in the Call for Bids. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee and Purchasing Agent. Carried. -4-- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-23-63 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont.) OLD B'dSINESS: Councilman Custer submitted two communications which were read by the Clerk relative to the 1964 Legal Publication Bid Call. The Letters were from the King County Labor Council and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America urging that the Renton Enterprise be awarded the Bid inasmuch as the publication was a 100% union paper. The Chairman advised that the Bids will be held in Committee one week and the Council was invited to discuss the matter with the parties involved, a meeting to be held with the papers and the union representatives. NEW BU:INESS: Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Power and Light Committee was granted additional time relative to lighting installations in vicinity of the Fred Nelson Jr. High School, as requested by School. District 403, and the light on Shattuck between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers no. 3286 through 3345, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Poli reported a request for street lights from residents of Thomas Street on Earlington Hill and especially across from house no. 423, and moved that the requests be referred to the Power and Light Committee with power to act. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Councilman Poli extended holiday greetings and Mayor Aliment, on behalf of the Council and City Officials also extended a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. -5- December �5, 3.963 City of Renton Vouchers, having; been previously approved by the ".ccountin� & r`:uditinr• Committee, trere submitted for Council approval, as follojrs: " VOUCH_:R INTO. P, S CE i-iqOUNT CM...1T T MID 3276— Austin-Henexickson 20.00 3287 Blumenthal Uniform Co. 76.79 3288 Blumenthal Uniform Co. 141.63 3289 City of Renton 405„00 3290 Tom Dobson vc Son 115.64 3291 hroesents 136.14 3292 Hilcired Miles .40 3293 Moore Business Forms 1022,51 .r 3294 Nat�1, Fire Protection :':ssoc,� t 3295 North?:7estern University 91480 3296 Pacific NT,-! Bell 7,00 3297 Pacific 0utfittin,- Co, 1'137946 329$ P,S,F,& ,� co, 46'. 3 3299 626126 �_lbert Quentin 2,541o5o 3300 Sunset Coal u Oil 106,59 3301 U. S. Post Office 54.00 3302 Tele-Car Communications Co, 156.00 3303 Trick & Murray 204.67 3304 !!P1 City Treas. Cr. Street 730.15 3305 Clarence T!illiams 8.00 CITY STRL -11T FUND 3306~ Pacific IW Bell 5.00 3307 ,Sunset Coal &. oil 95.00 3308 Tele•-Car.Communications Co. 52.00 3309 VT City Treas. Cr. Street 116.75 3310 T',T/T City Treas. Cr. T-Tater 39450 `_R'T_;'Rl'_L SI ET FUYD 33 Helmie i,Telson, 3,Q0 P-".RX FUI\?D MW 33 1:merican Parts, Inc. 3313 City. of Rentcn 147.7 2540,, 3314 Hemmin, •sdn� Ha.rdirood Floors 10.40:- 331-5 , John Julian :&;:Son 594$0 1,4racle Equipment Co,, FT.' Div,331 752,.29..:.. 3317' Pacific IT!-,f Bell 18.54 3318 P.S.P.�1. Co. - 261.41.. 3319Sunset Coal & oil Co. 3320; H/T City Treas. .Cr, Street _82,;95 X50.93 I.IRPORT. FU-1\M 3321, `.mgriCan ..ssoc. of, Lirport Executivesy 3322 G. I1, .Culver 3 .QO. 55.40 3323 P.S.-F. & L. _ ,•� -, 22.2. 42 3.324U. e 3325 TT/T C::ty.-Treas.. Cx. Current 3326 T?/T City Treas. Cr. Street 205�Q0 21.57 C iTi�UI�'_i 11�. 'D`.1990 332 P.S.P. & L,, CO. 24.79 FIW1--,1�i�GN S PENSION FUND 332 . & H Dru;;s .-No.-.2 3329 firs. Enza Lnderson 10.55` mow 3330 T. i,4 _,nderson 150'00 3 73.78 Dr. 'C. -D. HefJ:en 12±QO, . 3332 Its Prescription Pharmacy 11.97 3333 Floyd Laurence 305,00 3334` Mrs, Orpha HcDonald�,. 150.G0 G:":RBLGr FUND 3335 /T City T reas.. Cr. Current 3,500.00- a? -6- ;�,rj(�ty of Renton Vouchers, (Coni) December 239 1963 Y L VOUC 'R NO. P." l�i '_F' iOUNT 1,117_'Rt,'ORA UTILITY 3336 Coluccio Const..Co. 51988.12 3337 G. H. Culver 19047.75 3338 Feenau`hty Piachinery Co. 99.55 3339 I,iaplew8od Golf 'c Country Club 52.00 3340 Pacific N?•? Bell 82.15 3341 P.S.P. & L. CO. 53.59 3342 Tele-Car CommunicationsCo. 52.00 3343 I%T/T City Treas. Cr. Street 835.09 3344 1VT City Treas. Cr. Current 535.00 3345 t-restern Utilities Supply Co. 24.70 ?u HClerk .. . Frank Aliment, Magor Auditing & Accounting The following Claims having been audited by the �Committee were approved for the month of December, 1963: PAYROLL $105,970.43 CURRENT 52,708.40 STREET 42,299.25 ARTERIAL STREET 3,654.90 CEDAR RIVER M & I 106.40 OFF-STREET PARKING 2,341.44 PARKS 12,883.01 LAKE WN. BEACH 1,157.00 LIBRARY 8,586.82 AIRPORT 3,145.55 CUM. #1184 3,953.56 CUM. #1990 24.79 DEPREC. RESERVE 663.68 FIREMEN'S PENSION 2,113.55 GARBAGE 7,500.00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 47,794.00 -7- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 6, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTME11:1:' HEADS PRESL:1T: Helmie i,;elson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, Cit;; Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasi-ng Age_-, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe L�;T? c;i, Street Commissioner, N. C. Walls, Fire Chi, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, James Highton, Building Sup't., J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Danzer, Director of the Planning Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led .7 Pat::olman Dale Orr and the Invocation was delivered by Councilwoman Dahlquist. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to approve the previous minutes of 12-23-63. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBM aTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9278 2,500.0 Alex Cugini, Jr. 36 Logan Street Repair Block Wall 79 600.00 J. L. Ives 15820 Benson Road New Garage 9280 435.00 Conner Const. Co. 12736-86th Ave. So. Wire Residence 81 250.00 Standard Oil Company 213 Rainier Wire Addition 82 150.00 Mrs. R. S. Standal 13209 S.E. 115th Storage Shed 83 1,500 00 LaBonte Rambler 328-30 Main Street Partition Bldg. 84 - - - A� C. Lovinger 520 Rainier Ave. So. Demolish Bldg. 9285 - - - F, W. Bennett 231 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Heaters 86 50.00 Albert Foss 12605 - 88th Ave. S. Wire Outlets 87 1,000.00 Metro of Seattle Cedar River Park Wire Lift Station 88 250.00 77 -ourge Company 2115 - 10th P1. No. Wire Residence 89 250.00 Fourge Company 2117 - 10th Pl. No. Wire Residence 9290 50.00 Ted Jones Mountain View Drive New Electric Service .- 91 2,300.00 Robert Edwards Shopping Center Wire Car Wash PLUMBING AND HEATING -P "IMITS 6280 - - Norman Abrahamson• ` 3304 Honey Creek Pk. Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - Wm. Bowden 3015 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - Robert Edwards Edwards Street Plumbing Fixtures 83 - - - E. R. Harris 501 ''N" Street Plumbing Fixtures 84 - - - Robert Narey 11846 S.E. 102nd St. Plumbing Fixtures 6285 - - - Harold Gemar 2400 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 86 - - - Myrtle Bates 2.16 ?1. Wells St. Heating Equipment 87 - - - H-rmanrSmith 3011-6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 88 - - - R. E. ugitt 13D65 S.E. 115th Gas Installations 89 Jerry Coodal'_ 2115 - 10th P. No. Plumbing Fixtures 6290 - - - Robert A. ^seen 505 "0" Street Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - Rubatino 633 Smithers Street Gas Installations 92 - - - I'orman G. Ellis 3002-5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 93 - - - Samuel Cantwell . 3510 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - Coe Shope 3014 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Proposed Emel-gencv Ordinande appropriating $25,407.40 to Satisfy Judgment of Superior Court This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. There were no written nor verbal comments. The appropriation is an addition to provision and allocations of the City Budget, Street Construetion.Fund, Capital Outlay Account for the purpose of satisfying judgment of tYe Superior Court, King County Cause No. 597256. (Pacific Coast Railroad vs. Citv and R. L. Edwards). Upon closing of the Hearing, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-6-64 COMMUNICATIONS: A Petition read from Mr. Eben L. Munson, 753 "M" Street, affirmed desire to annex approximately 6.06 acres of land to the City of Renton. City Engineer Wilson confirmed that 10051.' ownership was indicated on the petition along with willingness to assume appropriate share of pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City. The area petitioned to be annexed is described as: Lots 5 and 2, Block 2, together with Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, C. D. Hillmans Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 7 as recorded in Volume 16 of Plats, Page 18, Records of King County, Washington, together with that portion of 110th Avenue S.E. (LakeView Avenue), as platted according to the above plat, lying between the south line of Southeast 80th and the Easterly extension of the South line of Lot 2, Block 3 of said sub-division; together with a portion of S.E. 83rd Street adjoining; also together with a portion of 109th Avenue S.E. lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the Westerly line of said Lot 8. The area has a total assessed valuation of $2,570.00. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Reid, pursuant to Ch. 282, 1961 Session Laws, that the Petition be accepted and-.'-referred to the Mayor for convening or dispensation of the Review Board. Carried. Estimate No. 1 of �z rk performed by M. A. Segale, Inc. on Arterial Street Project No. 3, 3rd Avenue Extension to December 31, 1963, was submitted and recommended for payment by City Engineer, Jack Wilson, in the sum of $3,645.90. Detailed report was attached. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to refer the progress report to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. Submitted and recommended for payment was progress statement No. 3 in favor of H. Dewayne Kreager, for professional services rendered to 12-31-63 in connection with the current personnel and 'finance study in the sum of $500.00. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the statement to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. A Summons and Complaint was submitted by James McDaniel's legal Counsellors, Terhune, Schlosstein, Riveland & Elliott in connection with injuries sustained in a motocycle accident on August 8, 1963 on S.E. 116th Place. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the documents to the City Attorney for further action. Carried. A letter from Mr. Oliver Hazen, Supt. of Schools, Renb T. District 403, requested permission to display a canvas banner across Third Avenue from February 5 to 12,1964 to promote the school district special levy to be decided at the c6ming-alection. The banner would be secured to the Fey theatre buildings. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, that the request be granted with the installation under supervision of the Street Commissioner. Carried. A letter read from R. C. Easton, representative for Standard Insurance Company, advised that as consequence of the retirement of 5 City employees aged 63 to 72, in the Fire and Police Department Insurance program,a rate decrease results. The present coverage provides $5,000 life insurance and $5,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance. Alternatives offered were to divide the savings among insurees and the City Qz,'increasing the benefits to $7,500 each coverage at the present rate of $4.70. The new rate would otherwise be reduced to $3.15 per month. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee, the Fire and Water Committee and respective Departments for discussion and recommendation. Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan calling attention to 1964 tax lien due and payable to the County on the Bennett property recently purchased by the City for off-street parking and municipal purposes. The taxes, which will be exempted in the ensuing years are $519.86. Discussion ensued regarding an agreement of 1913 between the Milwaukee; St. Paul Railroad and Mr. and Mrs. Avk-inson for easement and use of portion of the parcel, which appears on the Preliminary Title Report and further discussion on possible contributions and balance of tax- considering county rebate after which it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer to refer the matter to the Property Committee for recommendation. Carried. -2- r- Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 1-6-64 COMMUNICATIONS° A letter from Richard M. Stredicke, Publisher, Renton Enterprise, was read calling attention to previous and present rates charged by the Record-Chronicle for legal publications in Renton and adjoining communities and the rate decrease from $1.35 to $.95 since the beginning of competitive bidding. Letters attached were read from the Tacoma Allied Printing Trades Council and the Seattle Typographical Union urging that the legals be awarded the Renton Enterprise as it is produced by 100% union labor„ Both Bids were $.90 for first publication with the Record-Chronicle bid for 'second insertions being $.85'. Second publication in the bnterprise, $.90. A letter from the Internat'l. Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union advised that the Valley Publishing Company has a valid contract with Local No. 44 of the Internat'l. `.. Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union AFL-CIO and as such is entitled use of the Pressmens Union Label on any of its printing, and that said Local has been certified by the National Labor Relations Board as legal representative of the offset production employees of the Valley Publishing Company. Also, the Valley Publishing Company is not on the unfair list of any central labor council nor State labor council and cannot be so listed due to the contractual relationship above-stated. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, to refer the lettersto the Accounting and Audit Committee. Carried. Letter from Frank Bonnell and Charles Shane requested storm sewers on the West side of 92nd Place South to alleviate flooding conditions. Cost of materials would be assumed by property owners in event the City will furnish labor. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Letter from Mr. William E. Ruth was read requesting an Easement for ingress and egress to property on behalf of clients Harold and Myrtle Osterhouse which access would normally be gained from thirty foot county road. The City however, has title to a strip of 18 feet between said road and subject property, thus permit must be secured for purposes of clearing title in mortgage lending and insurance transactions. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the City Engineer, Supt. of Utilities and Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Letter read from Floyd Hughes expressed appreciation of the Renton Downtown Merchants' Association for free parking allowed during the holidays which was deemed most benefic- ial to shoppers and merchants as well. Letter read from the Washington Disposal Co., Inc requested Franchise for collection and disposal of refuse within areas between So. 124th and 128th streets and 84th and 87th` Avenues South, a portion of which has been annexed to Renton, requested purusant to RCW 35.13.280 providing for franchise for term of not less than 5 years from date of annexation. Superintendent of Utilities Andersen advised said area was annexed as ^f 1-14-58. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Reid, to refer the communication to the Sanitation Committee, the Supt. of Utilities and City Attorney. Carried. City Clerk Helmie Nelson reported receipt of Quit Claim Deed from Albert S. Balch, et ux, Ben A. Serra, et ux and Tino Cugini, et ux, in connection with extension of 3rd Avenue North Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Deeds. Carried. Letter read from Mrs. Martha Aho, 828 "A" street, appealed for relief from flooding of her basement since additions to the storm drains serving her area, claiming damage to the rockery at each side of the drive as well as to contents of her basement which included furniture and appliances stored for another party. Moved by Garrett, and seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. Donald M. Malone, Secretary-Treasurer, Malone's, Inc. a corporation owning the Northwest corner of 10th Ave. North and "I" Street in the Highlands was read advising of denial of building permit to construct new building in further develop- ment of the shopping area, due to lack of parking space required under the present Code. Mr. Malone advised that he had checked on October 31, 1963 with the Building Department and based on interpretation received that one parking spot for every 500 sq. ftp of building was sufficient had employed an architect, negotiated leases and arranged for financing and contractor for construction. A King County Zoning interpretation of the County Code was attached from County Engineer Winters. ; Upon inquiry, Planning Director Jensen reported that the matter was approached with the point of view that duplication of problems existing in the downtown area should be avoided and in concern for the future subsequent development,increased personnel of the business establishments will leave little public parking a majority of it being used by employees. Being not single, but multiple use buildings the requirements should be met as provided for at the present in the City Code. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission. Carried. -3- ;Z6U Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-6-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from the City Attorney submitted a. Lease between Milton Williams, Lessor and the City of Renton, Lessee for certain premises for the purpose of operating and maintaining parking facilities and other purposes and uses incidental thereto which term shall be for a period of one year commencing on January 1, 1964. The Lessee shall pay as rental the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month, payable on or before the 20th of each and every month and in the event that the monthly income of the City from said off-street parking facilities exceeds One Hulidred Dollars, ($100.00) per month, then Lessor shall be entitled to receive one-half of the excess of said income, constituting additional rental to Lessor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Lease. Attention was called to additional payment of $25.00 monthly to Lessor by the various business establishments through the Renton Chamber of Commerce which shall not be any obligation of the City. The motion carried. Requests were read from Casey's Corner, Alki Tavern and the Hut that the Hit Parade Music Company be granted the required licenses to operate music machines in said places of business. Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. ORDINANCES A14D RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, King County, Washington, providing for transfer of $20,000.00 from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund heretofore, under Ordinance No. 2070, appropriated unto Off-Street Parking Fund 7039.1, Capital Outlay 1711 for acquisition of certain property for off-street parking and other municipal purposes, which shall constitute a loan to be repaid not later than December 31, 1965 @ the rate of 4% interest per annum. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Resolution to the Property Committee. Carried. Discussion ensued on the matter, City Clerk Nelson calling attention to the deadline for expenditure of 1963 budgetary moneys and it was recommended by the Property Committee that the Resolution be adopted. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce to concur and adopt Resolution No. 1224 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing transfer of, excess revenues received in the Garbage Fund in the sum of $3,958.33 unto the Current Fund, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1225 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington which had been introduced for first reading on December 23, 1963 appropriating $25,407.40 for the purpose of satisfying that certain Judgment of the Superior Court, Cause 597 256 in connection with Pacific Coast Railroad Underpass improvement. Second and final reading was recommended and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2073 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington regulating and licensing certain motor vehicles and drivers for hire; fixing rates; providing for the issuance and suspension or revocation of for-hire licenses; defining offenses and prescribing penalties and repealing Chapter 19 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", which was read by the Clerk. Mpved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2074 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members voting aye. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter read from Mayor Aliment requested concurrence In the re-appointment of Mr. Charles McGarrigle and Mr. Louis Peretti to the City of Renton Planning Commission for the ensuing six year period from January 1, 1964 to January 1, 1970. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointments. The motion carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-6-64 APPOINTMENTS (cont. ) A letter from Mayor Aliment requested concurrence in' the following appointments to the Youth Guidance Committee for a one year period from January 1, 1964 to January 1, 1965: Paul Houser, Chairman, Clarence Williams, Ruth Wiltz, Alvin G. Warwick, Alex Zemeck, Gordon Thompson, Harry Benton, Muriel Barrett, Lewis Curtis, Frank Henry, Walter Tracey, Dan Rich, Father Pine, Charles Delaurenti, Gil Duckworth, Jr. Norman Hash, Myron Finch, Leo Ward, Rev. John Schaeffer, Donald Holm, Gene Coulon, Bill Fra:6ee, Charles Talmage, and James Wolvin. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, to concur in the appointments. The motion r.. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Reid, Chairman, submitted a report of the Power and Light Committee recommending installations and removal of lights as follows: LOCATION 7000 M.V. ADDED 2,500 INCAND.-REMOVE "E" Street 13 9 "H" Street 10 10 5th North 5 5 "J" Street 1 1 "K" Street 11 12 10th Ave. No. 3 1 7th Ave. No. g 7 10th Ct. No. 1 _ "I" Place 4 2 "I" Street 2 _ 100th Ave. S.E. 10 9 Cedar Street 2 _ 11th Ave. So. 1 _ 71 56 Annual cost of 71 - 7,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor street lights @$34.20 ea., $2,428.20 Less 56 - 2,500 Incandescant open reflector lights @ $22.20 ea., $1,243.20 Additional annual cost, $1,185.00 ALSO: 20,000 M.V. Added 20000 M.V. Removed 11th Ave. So. _ 1 Cedar Street _ 2 "E" Street _ 1 Park Avenue (Lake Wn. Blvd.) 11 _ 11 4 Annual Cost of 11 - 20,000 lumen mercury vapor lights @$61.20 - $673.20 Less 4 - 20000 lumen .mercury vapor lights @ $61.20, $244.80 Additional annual cost, $428.40 Remove ex. incandescant on Pole #1504151 - Burnett Street and Replace with 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapors Install 2 - 7000 lumen mercury vapors on 92nd Ave. So. between 7th Ave. & Rainier Install 1 - 7000 lumen mercury vapor on Edwards Street just North of Underpass Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the installations as reported. Carried. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Bruce, that the installation of a light at the underpass entrance to Cedar River Park be included in the above installations. Carried. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, .-submitted his report am which was read by the Clerk with action taken by Council as follows: "It is the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee that the construction of the Burnett Street crossing be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund #1184, Public Improvements in the approximate sum of $582.00." Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -5- 262 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Accounting meeting with parties concerned with the bid aw�._d on -x.)e City's Publications. The Clerk read the majority repos-" cf the Cmmtn tees that the plow bid of the Record-Chronicle be accepted. 4.\.v z L os eJ th'at k State Law does not distinguish between Union enc:. No%---OA(.oY) 4o OT : the bid be given to the lowest responsible bid,`etc. ._'. exceptions where service warrants otherwise. ttov that the bid be awarded to the Renton Enterp -ice. resulted as follows. Aye: Delaurenti, Dullahau , Poli and Bruce. No: Custer, Hulse, Gianini protested the bid award pointing out that the '_:ec-c_:a could not be considered other than a local pub::.it . ` _. The 701 Planning Committee report was prese:-.te meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 1964 in the Coupon hambeys "at 6'.-0 a.ai. at hi,ich time alternative proposals for planning of the CentrtI D slne s be presented for discussion, NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Delaurenti, President of the Council as a P'--le request-ed a mse L ;, of t-. -_ Council As A Whole on Thursday, January 9, 1964 at- 3:00 P.1"O Councilman Poli requested a meeting of the Fire a �Ja: e_N o Lm tltee January 9th at 7:00 p.m, The City Treasurer, Ut! Ity Sr,.y�erintandent, and �<;ti", ;t Accountant were invited to attend. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 3346 through. 34.13, having beer previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Co�n,i`:tee, , apnro•,led h./ ti_e Council at this time. Carried. y Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street: a�,c l -ey ^_•01 :""vee on Sai-•,IIIC,^47, January 11, 1964 at 8:00 a.m. As there was no further business to come before 'i:i;e Cc i.;^�1, �:t �a-s mcoved b _^uce; seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carr"=ed. 'I'­- rrieetin6s was d of..::rned at 9:45 p.m. rt�� 1114149101100 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the AcCounting and Auditing Committee, were Srfbmitted for Council aWroval as follows: 263 VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 3346 Frank Aliment 97,89 3347 Bean Electric Company 67,76 3348 Bill & John's Food Center ?7.33 3349 Citizen's Planning Councit 10,00 3350 Coast Wide Supply `Co. i59. 14 3351 The Copy Company $9.45 3352` L� N. Curtis & Sons 3. 12 3353' Drage-'s Harley-Davidson Col 22.93 3354 Econclite 104.00 3355 Dorothea Gossett 19,00 3356 ltltersfate Tire Co. 408,60 3357' JahCo United Inc, 59.46 3358 Keuffel & Esser Co. 5,70 RCatherine Kindred 14,0,80 0 H. Dewaype Kreager 500.00 3* Lion Brothers Co: Inc, 119,00 3362 Main Office Machines Co. 9.88 33.63 Market Basket #3 38,55 3364 Mead's Heating & Service 780 3365 Motorola C & E 1,323,40 3366 Helmle Nelson 4;00 3367 He;mie Nelson 8.43 3368 Ratelco Inc. 3369 Remington Rand Corp, 587.33 3370 Renton Clothing Co. 48. !0 337J Renton C16thi ng Co, 1.22.22 3M Renton Enterprise 40.04 3373 Rubattinots Restaurant 1 .56 3314" Seattle Office Furniture Mart 451 .41 3375 Seattle; Platen Co. 288.&o 3376 -Gerard M. She IIan 87,.50 3377 Tants Camera Supply 3.85 3378 Te ler-care Communicat i ons 124.80 3379 Thomas Auto Rebuild :153,76 .� 3380 Uarco Business Forms 397.33 3301 M.. C� W&I1s 20,00 3362 Wesco F-ire Apparatus Co. 4.,06 CITY STREET FUND 3383 Bearing .Engineering & Supply 23.94 3384 Cox Machinery Co. i00.11.E 3385 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 32.40 3386 Janco Uni tedr-Ca, 1 1 1, 19 3387 ,Ifi.:C. Mach inery:,CO.; 5.71 3388 Time E qu',i pment:.Co. 5„72 3389 Char les R.: Wath Co. 49 i.4p ARTERtAL STREET FUND 3390 M. Se:g:aIe :inc. 3,b45.90 OFF STREET PARK i NG , 339-J Puget!-:Sound, T-i t i,e..,l ns. Co. i i 9.34 PARK FUND i i r 3392 Busy Bee: Rentals 3,42 3393 C.C. Fue.a -Co-.� ; 131,„c4 3394 The. C-1 ock-•Shop- .. 5.84 7,395 Gods.t Wide Su:pp1y Co.- 200,25 3396 -junco-United 469°51 3397 K O- L Hardware Supp-ty 94,70 3398 Ke ld er Supply Co. 720,.83 3399 Market' &aste.t Garden Store #3 286,69 34.00 Messerts TV & Appliance 16682 3401 Northwest Mower & Marine 234.21 _ 02. .. _�� - Preservative Pa I nt. Co. 207.58 2G4 Page 2 Park Fund cont. 3403 Puget Sound Salvage & Equip. 180.49 3404 Ernie Rose Sports Equipment 650.94 3405 Wright's Mower & Engine Serv. 138.84 Airport Fund 3406 Tom Dobson & Son 1,852.80 3407 Reynolds Aluminum Supply Co. 32.91 Waterworks Utility Now 3408 Busy Bee Rentals 4. 16 3409 Cox Machinery Co. 623.38 3410 Homelite 10.09 3411 Helmle N:ISOs 2.88 3412 O.K. Tire Store of Renton 10.67 3413 Spencer Aircraft Industries 5.97 `G �1 � ......................................... 1. U; Clerk Frank Ailment; Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 13, 1964 8:00 P,M1 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COU?,101L MFNBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AI4D DEPARTMEITT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer,^Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe synch, Street Commissioner. M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, James Highton, Building Sup't., and David Jensen, Planning Director The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Raymond Saude and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Earl Dean, First Methodist Church. Moved by .oli, seconded by -Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 6, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICAT19"S FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDT'.JG P'-,",I;;TS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9292 $ 175.00 Harold I. Bohlender 2417 - 6th Place Retaining Wall 93 15,000.00 John Bardessano 3004-10th Ave. No. New Residence 94 350.00 Sunset Outdoor Adv. 442 Park Street Sign 9295 10,000.00 Wilbert W. Poeschel 12440-87th Ave. So. New Residence 96 800.00 R. B. Edwards 1215 "ll" Place New Garage 97 150.00 Dean Bobier 10810-108th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 98 9,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15620-119th Ave. S.E. New Residence 9900.00 Lake Shore Line Bus 4th and Park . Change Meter 9300 5,C09,C0 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400 - 4th Avenue Steel Roof 01 27,259.44 The Production Company 8040-108th Ave. S.E. Com. Bldg. 02 450.00 Ted Radke 440 North Williams Wire Elec. Heat PLUMBING AIND HEATING PERMITS: 6295 - - - - RenTen, Inc. Shattuck & Walla Walla Plumbing Repair 96 - - - - Steve Car]mas 2915 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - - Mario J. Favro 3419 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 98 - - - - 0. R. Shope 2814 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - - Jerry Goodall 2117 - 10th P1. No. Plumbing Fixtures 6300 - - - - Romeo Charbonneau 3415 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 01 - - - - Gel_trude Lovejoy 3415 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 02 - - - - Jo;ce Bower 636 Shattuck Street Gas Installations 03 - - - - J. J. Fink 3007 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - Eugene Orcutt 3323 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Vacation of alleyway - Block 18, Renton Highlands This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. City Clerk Nelson advised of receiving no i%a tten communications relative thereto and verbal comment from the assembly .-• was invited 1`:_s. Charles Brunette protested the Vacation, having been the one and only resident of the ad;`oin4_ng properties who did not sign the petition for vacation, deeming inability to care for any additional property. There was no further protest and the Hearing wai c'osed .he Street and Alley Committee having recommended the vacation, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to vacate the alley. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dullahant, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-13-64 COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City Clerk, Helmie Nelson, advised of expiration of the thirty day lien period, receipt of proof of tax liabilities and satisfaction of lien on retained percentage of L.I.D. No. 249, Maplewood Sanitary Sewers in the sum of $5,254.93 now payable to Rainier Con4racters, Inc. Financing of the L.I.D. being by the Firemen's Pension Fund, the following accounting transactions are required and concurrence was requested therefor L. 1. D. No. 249 Cash Fund Warrant No. 9, payable to Rainier Contractors, Inc., in the suis of $5,254.93, L. I. D. No. 249 revenue Fund Warrant No. 9, payable to Firemen's Pension Fund in amount of $5,254.93. VMd Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request with referral to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with Power to Act. Carried. Application from R. D. Ashley -requested Master Locksmith (automotive keymaker) license. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Communications were read from Moschetto, Alfieri and Driano, Attorneys, on behalf of Mrs. Fay Gibson, owner of Tiffany House Beauty Salon, 932 "K" Street, whose application for 1964 business license is pending compliance with zoning re- quirements, and City Attorney Shellanewho advised that Mrs. Gibson is planning to relocate and 60 to 90 days was requested in the meantime for said purpose. Variance petition or zoning change was suggested by Mrs. Gibson's Counsel, however this would constitute spot zoning and would not be feasible. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole. Carried. A letter was read from the Renton Public Library Board thanking the Mayor and Council for the time devoted to the meeting on January 9th to discuss problems and plans for a new public library site. Attached was Board of Trustees letter advising that the 701 Program site proposals had been considered and the plan placing the Civic center south of Walla Walla Ave. with space on the south side of Fourth Avenue between Wells and Williams, for the proposed Library building had received unanimous approval. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the communications be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter from Ace Jones, Secretary, Renton Aerie No. 1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, announced visit of the Mobile Blood Bank at the Aerie Hall on Wednesday, January 15, 1964 from 12:00 noon until 8:00 p.m., Support of the donor program was urgently requested. Letters were read from the State of Washington Tax Commission and the City Attorney relative to the City's ciaim for rebate of tax paid heretofore on Metro collections for sewage disposal. The Tax Commission outlined RCW 82.04.290 imposing the tax and RCW 82.04.080 defining "gross income of the business" and further set forth Paragraph 6 of Section 5 of the Agreement between the City and Metro, after which it was maintained that the taxes would be a City obligation and oould be recovered by rates and charges i.mp ose d by the .City so .as to meet the covenants; the City binding itself by said agreement with Metro. City Attorney Shellan replied that State Statutes necessitated the elimination of sources of water pollution through a governmental agency such as Metro, thus making it mandatory for cities within the pollution area to join Metro and the City was in no position to act or not to act as far as Metro's sewage disposal was concerned. In regard to Paragraph 6 of Section 5 of the agreement, it was maintained that the City is presently making the charges to cover its costs and is not concerned with or asking for exemptions for payments that accrue strictly to the City's benefit but simply about the charge to be paid to Metro in which the City acts as a collection agent. A further letter read from City Attorney Shellan directed to .Clerk. Nel.snn deems it unlikely that the Tax Commission will voluntarily relinquish the collection of the Uo tax, and that, the view shared in by other City Attorneys is to seek relief from this burden through legislative means, requesting State Representatives and possibly the Association of Washington Cities to aid in resolving this problem. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Legislative Committee. Carried. Reid opposed. -2-- 2(N)f7 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-13-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Summons and Complaint filed against the City by Burgess & Hallin on behalf of Joseph Len Long, Jr. requested $25,000.00 damages for injuries sustained when alighting on the ramp from his float plane at the Renton Municipal Airport. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer the documents to the City Attorney. Carried. A document from W. Philipp, Secretary, Citizens' Committee for Better Government, advised that the King fountySuperior Court Judgment of $25,407.40, Case No. 597 256, Pacific Coast Railroad Co. vs. City of Renton was rendered without statutory authority and was being moved to the point of making the Surety liable therefor. The communication was directed to the State Auditor with copies to the Mayor and City Clerk. Discussion ensued gnd.dt. was pointed out that the Council in making payment of the Judgment had done so without recour-se it ,being set down by the Court and made a matter of record. 'The pending litigation and recovery of one-half of the Judgment sum from Third Party Defendants was discussed after which it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the document to the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. A letter from James W. Dalpay and Frank and Angeline Pillo expressed their intent and desire' to annex properties in the vicinity of 132nd S.E. and Sunset Highway to the City of' Renton. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the letter to the City Engineer to verify percentage of ownership. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by f-u se;That the date of January 27, 1964 be set for hearing meeting with the property owners. Carried. An Association of Washington Cities letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, announced a Special L.I.D. Conference to be held in Bellevue on Thursday, February 6, 1964, to begin with a no--host luncheon at 12:00 noon at the Crabapple Restaurant. A reservation card was attached and those who can attend were directed to so notify the City Clerk. A letter from Mr. Angus M. McLeod was read requesting that attention be given to a catch basin in front of his residence at 13107 - 90th Ave. So. which was not function- ing properly and which has caused settlement of rockeries as well as being hazardous to motorists and children. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Restraint and Show Canse ordering appearance of the City of Renton in the King County Superior Court on Janu:,:y 22, 1964 was read along with Complaint For Injunction, Case numbered 614281, as filed by the Record-Chronicle against the City in connection with the Bid award foi. the 1963 Legal Publications. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the documents to the City Attorney, Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant' Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to transfer funds between items as provided by law From: Library, Acct. 7041, 624, Materials and Supplies, $900.00 Unto: Library Fund 7041, Acct. 1714, Capital Outlay, -$900.00, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1226 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing transfer of funds from: Purchasing Department Fund No. 1560, Salaries, Unto: Street Maintenance Fund 3240, Salaries, in the sum of $1,980.00. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Reid, to adopt Resolution No. 1227 as read. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BT SINl,SS: Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Power and Light Committee 'submitted rep6rt which was read by the Clerk. The Power and Light Committee recommended lighting installations as follgws: 1. Install 4 - 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on S.E. 100th Street on Poles 11024, 10815, 10735 and 11005., Remove existing incandescent on Pole 10735. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-13-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Power and Light Report (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: 2. Install 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor light on 112th Ave. S.E. on Pole 9836 3. Install three (3) 30,000 Lumen Mercury 'Vapor lights on Talbot Rd. Extension' 4. Install one 7000 Lumen-Mercury Vapor light on S.E. 97th St. on new pole East of 116th Ave. S.E. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the installations. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted report which was read by the Clerk with actions taken as follows: 1. Request of William E. Ruth on behalf of clients for EasCment to property over City owned strip of land in vicinity of 98th Ave. So. and S.E. 100th Street•3 Revocable Permit with Hold Harmless agreement was recommended in lieu of Easement. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. (Osterhouse property) 2. Request of Frank Bonnell and Charles Shane for storm sewers on West side of 92nd Ave. So.: Authorization was recommended with property owners to assume all costs of materials and City to perform labor. The City Attorney to be requested to prepare all documents required. There being no present policy on storm sewers, the Late Comers Agreement was not to be included. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to anncur in the recommendations. Carried. 3. Request of Mrs. Martha Aho, 828 "A" Street for aid in problem of basement flooding: Since the problem is on private property and could be remedied by a backwater valve, the Committee recommended that the Street Commissioner so advise the party. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur. The motion carried. 4. Restriction of parking on Main Street an Both sides between 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. from Walla Walla Avenue to 4th Avenue, to be permanent restriction and to be posted. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee reported on matter regarding County Tax Lien on Bennett Property recently purchased by the City,after discussions and communication_ from the City Attorney that the tax could be rescinded and not become a lien against the property,according to the Assessor's office. It was recom- mended that the matter be taken from Committee and referred to the City Attorney,. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer to excuse the absent Councilman, Carried. President of the Council Delaurenti d a meeting of the Council As A Whole with Mr. Ralph DeSantis on Thursday, Jammry 16th at 7: 30 p.m. Councilman Bruce reported that the regular Wednesday meeting of the Citizenst Advisory Council had been re-scheduled for Thursday, January 16th at 8:00 a...m. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid presented a list of lighting installations recommended by the • Police Department where no lighting presently exists and it was moved by Reid, and seconded by Custer, to refer the list to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee and Power and Light Committee on Saturday, January 18, 1964 at 8:00 a.m. Councilman Custer thanked the Council for appearing in their fineries to have a group picture taken. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 3414 through 3524 La,.D:4249 Cash & approved by the Council Auditing and Accounting Committee be approved. Carried. Coundilman Poli, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee and Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee submitted reports from referral of 1-6-64 relative to Standard Insurance rate decrease due to retirement of aged personnel and it was recommended by both committees and the Department members that the coverages be increased from $5,000 Life to $7,500 Life and from $52000 Accidental Death and Dis- memberment to $7,500 in lieu of rate reduction, alternatives proposed by the Insurance Company. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Custer, to concurein the recommendations. Carried. Councilman Poli reported a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee with the interested parties of the 84th Water District and further meetings are to be held before the matter can be consumated. As there was no further business, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 55 p.m. -4- �Elece_mber-�I, Jc� OPiL'NPCS City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows ; VOUCHER NUIOBER PAYEE AMOUNT STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND 3414 Pacific Coast R.R. Company 25,407.40 CURRENT FUND 3415 American Institute of Planners 8„00 3416 American Society of Planning Officials 15,00 3417 Bartel I Drug Store 4,,-L6 2,.04 3418 Burnrite Oil Company 301 ,77 3419 Button Animal Hospital j5,()0 3420 Callaghan & Co. 37.50 3421 Wally Clarke Fuel Oil Co. 117,82 3422 Michael G. Coy 2.40 3423 Mrs. Michael G; Coy 2.40 3424 Pete Delaurenti 2.40 3425 A.B. Dick Company 114.82 3426 Dictaphone Corp. 39.62 3427 Renton Vet. 29.00 3428 Drager's Harley-Davidson Co. 47. 12 3429 Holmes Electric Co. 226.05 3430 Janco-United, Inc. 48,65 3431 King County Humane Society 606.74 3432 The Kiplinger Wash. Editors, Inc. 24.00 3433 Loren R. Lofgren 2.40 3434 Market Basket n5 8.80 3435 Urban V. Massott 2,40 3436 Thomas Mclver 2.40 3437 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 705.28 3438 Myers 0ii Co. 44.57 3439 Helmie Nelson 6.00 3440 Pacific Coast Stamps Works 2.08 3L41 Pa c i f i c NW Bell 1 -75 3442 Pacific Outfitting Co. 60.68 3443 Paulson Office Supply- 160.65 31444 Mike Potoshnik Fuel C.o. 471 . 12 3445 Puget Sound Stamp forks 69.00 3"6 Record Stationery 149.97 3447 Renton Automobile Co. 5.84 31448 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 18.06 3449 Renton "rotor Parts, Inc. 115,92 3450 S.C_M. Corp. 36,40 3451 Seattle-King County Dept. Public Health 175.00 3452 Shaw Bros. Drug. 27.00 3453 Sunset Coal & Oil 228,85 3454 Jene..11e Thielbar 3.71 3455 U.S. Post Office 240,00 3456 U.S-. F ost O,ff ice 30.00 3457 John A.' Vadney 2.4.0 1458 W//T City Treas. Cr. Street 995.23 ,459 WIT City Treas. Cr_. Street 68.47 ;460 M. C, Walls 4. 16 %v Wash i ngtdn Nat ural .Gas Company 86.90 CITY STREET FUND 31462 A i r Mac Inc. 32.81 3463 American Parts, Inc. 54,33 3464 Atomic Battery Shop 80,58 3465 A. G. Elliott 149,60 3466 The l.uiiber Market 9.98 3467 Pacific Auto Supply 67.96 3468 Raivier Asphalt Paving 1,599.57 . 3469 Reiman Auto Parts 134,73 M CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED December 31 , 1963 CITY STREET FUND CONT, 3470 Renton Auto Glass 4. 10 3471 Renton Auto, 77. 17 3472 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 193.45 3473 Renton Radiator, Inc. 14.56 3474 Harry Russak Truck Co. 20.80 3475 Sahlberg Equip. 102.58 3476 Security Concrete Prod. 124.01 3477 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 362.55 3478 Sunset Coal & Oil 51 .04 3479 Victor Ffuel Oils 7.66 3480 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 470.47 3481 W/T City Treas. Cr. Water 76.90 3482 Welders Supply Co. 30.56 3483 Western Utilities 8.61 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 3484 Helmie Nelson ",.00 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 3485 Haugan & Shellan 25. 10 FARK FUND 3486 Bell Construction 1,055.65 3487 Best Universal Lock Co. 66-51 3488 Bestway Building Center 12.4.8 3489 Diesel Oil Sales 12.64 34.90 Roger L. Gordon 120.00 3491 Holmes Electric 131 .04 3492 Kimber Nursery 573.92 3493 The Linoleum Shop X40.92 3494 Matthie's Key Shop 3- 12 3495 NuLife Fertilizers 231 .64 34.96 Fuget Sound Power 16.90 3497 Renton Cash-Way Lumber 662.28 :3498 Renton Motor Parts 49.30 3499 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 76.69 3500 Sunset Coal & Oil 179.47 3501 United Rent-Ails of Renton 34.32 3502 Valley Motors 89.44 3503 Victor Fuel Oils 62.46 350LI W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 96. 16 3505 Washington Natural Gas 49.73 AIRPORT FUND 3506 The Lumber Market 103.50 3507 Myers Oil Co. 17.20 3508 Paulson Office Supply 5.99 3509 Rainier Asphalt Paving 6.24. 3510 Renton Cash-W-iy Lumber 19. 14 3511 W/T City Treas, Cr. Street 93.53 CUMULATIVE FUND N0. 1184. 3512 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 3,762.20 CITY OF RE NTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED + I, 1963 �/ WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 3513 Pacific Water Works Supply 296.61 3514 Paulson Office Supply 67,74 3515 Rainier Asphalt Faving 12,48 .3516 Record Office Supply 8,50 3517 Renton Automobile 76,72 3518 Renton Boiler Works 34.32 I - 3519 Renton Radiator 8;32 3520 Security Concrete 955: 19 6.r 3521 Standard Service Tire 6:97 3522 WIT City Treas. Cr. Street 2,520:68 3523 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 1,493;69 3524 Western Utilities 69:33 L. I .D. 249 CASH FUND 9 Rainier Contractors 5,254.93 L, I .D. 249 REVENUE FUND 9 Firemen's Pension Fund 5,254.93 .: ..........� ....., ..... ank Aliment, Mayor H��n�ie I`delon, c,; y Clcrk RENTON CITY COUNCIL r*r-y REGULAR MEETING January 20, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Denze Chairman of the Planning Commission. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of January 13, 1964 as written. Carried. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman James Goodwin and the Invocation was given by Rev. Ervin Gerlitz, Sierra Hts. Baptist Church APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT, BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9303 $ 900.00 Ralph Shafar 10803 S.E. 166th St. Addition to Res. 04 300.00 Safeway Stores 10th North & Sunset Wiring 9305 100.00 Edward Plute 1516 - 3rd Ave. No._ Car Port 06 350.00 Norman Abrahamson 3304 Honeycreek Drive Wire Residence 07 18,000.00 Conner Const. Co. 12501 - 87th Ave. So. New Residence 08 500.00 Woolworths 3rd & Williams Remodel Showcase 09 Lester Hansen 10810 Lake Wn. Blvd. Demolish Residence 9310 500.00 E. Arnone 8910 So. 132nd St. Wire Residence PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 6305 - - - Jerry Goodall 2117 - 10th Pl. No. Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - Jerry Goodall 2115 - 10th Pl No. Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - Schaff Realty 1000 - 2nd Avenue Gas Installations 08 - - - Kenneth Trojovsky 3516 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 09 - - - N. Abrahamson 3304 Honey Creek Dr. Plumbing Fixtures 6310 - - - Lawrence Snyder 3322 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 11 - - - Robert Nielsen 3107 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 12 - - - Henry Gates 3206 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - Douglas Millard 31.24 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 14 - - - Grants Suburban Dodge 12601 Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 6315 - - - Guinn Construction 10810 - 108th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - Heppenstall Homes 8910 So. 132nd Street Plumbing Fixtures 17 - - - C. J. Hansen 3305 0 14th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - Warren Hudson 3213 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - Al Ellingson 3010 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 6320 - - - Guinn Construction Co-10810 - 108th Ave. SE Gas Installations 21 - - - Vernon R. Robinson 3306 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - George Brown 3509 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 23 - - - Vida Kresser Nursing Home 116th Ave. S.E. & Sunset- Plumbing 24 - - - Daniel Asmussen 3204 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Final Assessment Roll - L.I.D. 250, "M" Street Sanitary Sewers The Hearing was declared open, this being the date set, and there being no written nor verbal comments action of the Council was requested and the hearing declared closed. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Final Assessment Roll as prepared and filed with the Clerk by the City Engineer, be accepted and the matter referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. -1- 2Q. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-20-64 COMMU'NICAT IONS: The City Clerk reported that under authority of Section 4, Senate Bill #16, Ch. 282, Session Laws of 1961, the Review Board meetings on the proposed annexation of the E. L. Munson property, has been dispensed with bnanimously,the-wltten approvals having been received from its members, including the Mayor of the City of Renton, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the Supt. of Schools within the area. The property contains 6.06 acres of land and has an assessed valuation of $2,570.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, in view of the dispensation, and prior proceedings having progressed through all required channels of the law, that the date of February 3, 1964 be set for hearing. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelson submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Report No. 5, for services rendered during November, 1963 by Mr. Ralph DeSantis,, in connection with the finance and administration study recently conducted for the City by the Public Administration Service. Detailed reports were attached. Total due, $1,803.20 to be funded from Non-Departmental Acct. 7035/603. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the Statement to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter signed by Mr. Joe A. Kuffler, Art Berend, Mrs. Violet Berend and Mrs. Ted LaValley, petitioned the Council for restoration of 10th Place North}; by Mr. Jerry Goodall who had disturbed same in sewer installation projects ,in the area. City Engineer Wilson advised that Mr. Goodall has been contacted and will make the restoration at an early date. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be refeired to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. COMMunication from Murray, Dunham & Waitt, Attorneys At Law'was read. Mr. Waitt, on behalf of various residents of the Renton Highlands area, Haglund, et al, having voiced objection to the proposed location of the vocational or technical school in the Highland area and receiving no response favorable to their action, requested aid of the Council in their quest for prohibiting use of the property as specified. Inquiry was made as to whether the vacation of the streets by Ordinance No. 1951 was was contingent upon development of school facilities as had been outlined. City Attorney Shellan upon inquiry called attention to relocation and realignment of certain streets within the area and to a number of deeds and documents in escrow in event the property is not utilized within a period of time expiring in 1967. Mr. Waitt advised the Ordinance calls for construction of a high school as a condition for street vacations. The matter will be heard at the Planning Commission meeting on Wednes- day. Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, to refer the communication to the Council As A Whole. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti urged attendance of all Council Members at the Planning Commission meeting. A letter from the Hi-Lands Merchants' Association requested early effort of the City iu regard to a need fce traffic control by left turn lane establishments, and also need for adequate lighting in the highlands area in vicinity of the shopping center,pursuant to petition of several months ago signed- by residents of the subject area. Discussion disclosed that a visit had been made to' the office of the Governor and a report was forthcoming from the Power Company and the State who were requested to participate in the improvements. The matter is in Committee and report will be given as determination for recommendation is made. % Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee and the Power and Light Committee Carried. An announcement from the Association of Washington Cities gave notice ,that the L.I.D. Conference scheduled for February 6th had been changed to Thursday, February 13, 1964, at 12:00 noon, Crabapple Restaurant, Bellevue, Washington. A letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, thanked the Mayor and Council on behalf. of Department Personnel for the paint and building improvements recently completed at the Main Fire Station. An Association of Washington Cities Bulletin called attention to the amendment to RCW 47<24.020 by Ch,. 150, 1963 Legislature, which new statute requires approval of only those regulations pertaining to speed, parking, and traffic control devices on streets forming apart of the State Highway System so that it is no �lQnger necessary for cities and towns to submit all their traffic regulations affeefing said streets. -2 Vl� Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-20-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A Summary of Executive Committee Meeting was read which had been received from the Association of Washington Cities. The report advised of survey in view of which results the Committee concluded that an initiative proposal to enlarge the local sharing of state collected revenues should not be sponsored at the 1964 election. In further business, it was agreed that all possible cooperation be extended the City of Kennewick in the case being appealed to the Supreme Court in- volving application of the State public utility tax on that portion of the utility receipts utilized for debt service. The Summary is on file in the Clerk's office if further perusal is desired. A letter from Chas. W. Paddock, Exec., Sec.., King County Labor Council of Washing- ton expressed appreciation for the position taken by the City in regard to the 1964 Legal Publication bid award. Letter from James Highton, Building Superintendent, recommended payment on work completed January 15, 1964 by C. L. Bunstine for repairing floor covering and painting interior of the annex to the Renton Highlands Administration Building, as follows: Contract price, $884.00, work completed - 100%, $884.00 less 15% retained $132.60. Amount payable, $751.40. This was an informal bidding. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the payment to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, reported regarding Letter of Intent to annex properties of Dalpay & Pillo to the City that a check of the County Records indicate the signatures comprise 43% of the assessed valuation of the area requesting annexation with land area of approximately 3.60 acres and assessed valuation of $10,530.00. The Clerk reported that therdee t ing on this matter has been set for January-'27, 1964. A letter from LuVerne Koestner, Recording Secretary, Local 1797, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, congratulated the members of the council who voted to award the City's 1964 Legal Publication to the Renton Enterprise. A letter from Keller Supply Co. 3209 - 17th Ave. West, Seattle, called attention to branch office recently opened at 330 Burnett Street in Renton and requested loading zone extending over the space now occupied by two parking meters and the twenty feet from the one meter to the "No Parking" sign. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee to _report back. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washing- ton, which was introduced for first reading, approving and confirming assessments and roll of L.I.D. No. 250. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the document to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. The Committee reported the documebt would be held for one week. (This District was created by City of Renton Ordinance No. 2053. Chairman Dullahant, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington Vacating a certain Alley located within Block 18, Renton Highlands) Renton, King County, Washington, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation, Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in.the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer; seconded by Garret to adopt- Ordinance No. 2075 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 10-502 of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628, entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Br,-;e, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried_ The committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, ' seconded by Gianini, to adopt Ordinance No. 2076 as read. Roll call vote was taker `'ttnd all Council Members present voted. aye. The motion carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council 1-20-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Street and Alley Committee Chairman, Walt Reid, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Pursuant to letter from Mr. Angus McLeod, 13107 - 9th Ave. So. concerning manhole catch basin in front of his residence which needed attention, the Street Commissioner will make the necessary corrections within ninety days. Mr. McLeod is to be so notified. 2. Regarding request by Petition for City participation in paving of an access road in the 500 block West of Grant Street, there is no evidence on file of any dedicated right-of-way or easement for public use, therefore the City cannot participate at this time, however, if the property owners involved desire to dedicate the necessary rigbt- of-ways, it is recommended that the Street Department aid in the paving. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Proper Committee Chairman, Councilman Pedersen, presented a report recommending that the informal bid of Mr. George Houston for demolishing and removal of building located at 909 Walla Walla Avenue, excluding foundation, in the sum of $595.00 be accepted. Completion time - 8 days. One other bid was received from Maurice Williams. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Regarding 10-28-63 referral of letter from Mr. Archie Gustine the Property Committee recommends that the small parcel of ground 11.60 ft. by 16.35 ft, containing approximately 95 sq. feet upon which Mr. Gustine's building is presently encroaching, be declared' sur- plus since it is no longer used or needed by the City and that same be sold to Mr. Gustine for $500.00, said price being established by informal appraisals. The Committee further recommends that the City retain ownership of the remaining portion occupied by Mr. Gustine under prior lease from Commercial Waterway and subse- quently the City through the acquisition thereof. Since the prior lease has expired it is recommended that Mr. Gustine be given a renewal for aperiod of two years with a two year option at the fee of $40.00 per month. All past due payments shall be paid in full. The lease should reserve overhead rights for a viaduct in event the City . should need the right in connection with the 701 program. Further details are to be consumated between the Property Committee and the City Attorney. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendations as read. The motion carried. Sanitation Committee Chairman Custer announced a meeting on Thursday, January 23, 1964 in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. with parties from the Cascade area in regard to the Metro Sewer project. The City Engineer, Supt. of Utilities and City Attorney were invited to attend and the Clerk was requested to advise Attorney Holm and Mr. Goede6ke and his counsel of the meeting. NEW BUSINESS: The Ordinance Committee Chairman, Councilman IDhllahant submitted" proposed Agreement between the City and Frank Bonnell and Charles S. Shane wherein owners Donnell and "Shane agree to furnish and provide at their sole cost and expense, materials and supplies as described therein at an approximate cost of $1,135.73 to be used for installation of a certain storm sewer project on 92nd Avenue. The City therein agrees to furnish labor and equipment at a total cost of around $1,150.00 for the installation, the aforesaid supplies and materials to be arranged for with vendor for delivery to the City and shall furnish any further supplies required in connection with the completion of the installation. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Bruce, to approve the installation and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement. Carried. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday January 25, 1964 at 8:00 a.m. Councilman Hulse advised of request for additional street lights on Burnett Street N3rth of Second Avenue and moved that the matter be referred to the Power and Light Committee to investigate. The motion was seconded by Poli and carried. Councilman Hulse reported inquiries for use by the Scouts of the North Highlands Recreation premises and wondered whether the remodeling could be expedited. Park Sup't., Gene Coulon advised a partition was being installed to make two rooms and that the work was scheduled for completion the 15th according to Building Supt_ Highton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the inquiry to the Building Department to report back regarding completion of the remodeling and the matter of use by the Scouts to the Recreation Department. Carried. -4- 276 Minutes of the Renton-City Council Meeting 1-20-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS - cont. Councilman Hulse reported cpm la�.nts from the residents of the Senior Citizens Housing Project in the Highlands t at pars have been parking on the s}dewalk along "IC' Street between the houses and the shoppipg center requiring the residents to walk around in the gravel making it difficult to get by, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by.Dahlquist, that the Pollee Department check and post those cars in violation, Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist,recalling her objection to location of the pioject for the elderly due to the lack of accessibility to recreation facilities stated that the citizens therein are anxious to get the ree'. building in order to provide somg,,,,. y diversion. It was urged that persons make a visit and contribute a little time to ` these people who are in dire want of companionship most of them not being able to get out after 5:p.m. there being no transportation. Property Committee Chairman, Councilman Pedersen advised that his Committee has been discussing this matter and use of the •Rec' Center by-these- { ople.Plans are being formed for fixing the building up so it could be used by them. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 3525 through 3686, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Custer advised additional pictures would be forthcoming for those persons who did not receive a print of the group of Council Members and Department Heads pictures distributed this evening. Councilman Delaurenti, President of the Council As A Whole, requested a meeting on Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. with the Planning Department and John Graham Company regarding the 701 Program. Councilman Bruce called attention to Library Board communication which gave concurrence to proposed site for a new library building as proposed by the 701 Planning Committee and moved that the Council go on record approving the designated location. Upon second by Dahlquist discussion ensued regarding advisability of taking action first on proposed location for the Civic Center Site and it was subsequently moved by Del.aurenti, seconded by Dullahant, that the matter be tabled pending the meeting with the John Graham Company this coming Thursday. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Brueg seconded by poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M. There were 35 visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- January 20, 1964 "�"� City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: 1963 VOUCHERS ia- CURRENT FUND 3525 Austin-Hendrickson Drugs 56.64 3526 B & B Auto Parts 25.96 3527 Book Publishing Co. 72.80 3528 Clarence L. Bunst i ne 751 .4o 3529 Cochran Hardware 22.70 3530 Dept. of Labor & Industries 857.42 353f Emp 1 oyment Security Dept. 1,4.60.,36 3532 Group Health Coop 177,00 3533 James Highton 4.97 3534 Catherine Kindred 5.63 3535 King County Medical 688.00 3536 Keuffel & Esser 70.20 3537 McLendon Hardware 46.95 3538 Overall Cleaning 19,81 3539 Pioneer Business Forms 251 ,23 3540 Public Admin. Service 1,803.20 3541 Renton Cameras 487'48 187448 3542 Renton Enterprise 3543 Renton Hardware 7462 3544 Renton Key & Saw Shop 30:59:98 3545 Seattle Art & Photo Supply 7.95 3546 Service Laundry 29. 11 3547 Standard Insurance ' 214,50 3548 Standard OiI Co, 8.75 3549 Statewide Retirement System 2,572,29 3550 Tele-Car Communications 156 00 355! Trick and Murray 109.72 3552 U, (3f W. Accounts Receivable 1,50 3553 U. S. Post Office 60x; 10 3554 Wesco Fire Apparatus Co. . 1,249-99 3555 Williams & Swanson 3..66. 3556 Jack Wilson ll•,57 3557 Tax Commissi&n 4,76 CITY STREET FUND 3558 Vern Church 1 ,27 3559 Cochran Hardware 62. 17 3560 Howard Corper Corp. 8.05 3561 Dept. of Labor & Industries 494.05 3562 Employment Security Dept. 772.92 3563 Group Health Coop 104.,,Q0 3564 Hartma.n Typewriter 247°32 3565 Humble Oil Com 1,588.35 3566 King County Medical 146.90 3567 McLendon Hardware 2.38 3568 Servjce Laundry 64.31 3569 Standard Oil Co. 186,37 3570 Statewide Retirement ,System 286. 19 3571 Tele—Car Communlcations 52,;00 3572 Williams & Swanson 35.43 3573 B & B Auto Parts : 2.06 CEDAR R-I VER M. & 1 . FUND rim 3574 Dept.. of Labor & . Industries 15.38 3575 - Employment Security Dept,. 42.86 3576 Group .Head th .Coop 8.00 3577 Statewide-Retirement System 16.08 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED January 20, 1964 PARK FUND 3578 Group Health Coop 16.00 3579 King County Medical 90.05 3580 Lande Feed Co. 34.32 3581 McLendon Hardware 292.54 3582 Renton Hardware 74.73 3583 Statewide City Employees Retirement 110.94 3584 Tax Commission 259.68 3585 Van Waters & Rogers 508,71 3586 Cochran Hardware 82,89 3587 Community Planning Assoc, 600..00 3588 Dept. of Labor & Industries 74.00 3589 Doyle Plumbing 348,24 3590 Employment Security Dept, L46,58 LIBRARY FUND 3591 American Library Assoc. 12.00 3592 R. R. Bowker Co. 36,50 3593 Bremner-Davis Phonics 25.00 3594 Dept. of Labor & Industries 45.59 3595 Diesel Oil Sales Co. 108,83 3596 Doubleday & Co. 200039 3597 Empliyment Security Dept. 343.22 '3598 Field Enterprises Educational Corp. 132.26 3599 Funk & Wagnalls Co. 8.22 3600 Gaylvrd Bros. 192.92 3601 Gaylord Bros. 1041.09 3602 Group Health Coop 8,50 3603 Hartman Office Equip. 208.26 3604 King Co. Medical 66.80 3605 Carl J. Leibel 47,97 3606 The Linoleum Shop 31 .72 '3607 Oregon Historical Society 39.86 3608 Overall Cleaning & Supply 2.50 3609 Pacific NW Bell 59.26 3610 Pacific NW Bibliographic Center 167.65 �.. 3611 Puget Sound News Co. 1,1x41 .71 3612 The Reader's Digest 20.86 3613 Record Stationery 14,51 3614 Regent Book Co. 1348 3615 Remington Rand Corp. 493.79 3616 Howard W. Sams & Co. 34,54 3617 Seattle Times 20.00 3618 Statewide Employees Retirement 131.81 3619 Trail-R-Club of America 27-79 3620 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street 63-o6 3621 Washington Tax Commission 17,67 3622 The H.W. Wilson Co. 167.00 3623 The Writer, Inc. 5.00 A IRFORT FUND 3624 Cochran Cast-to-Coast 9.48 3625 G. H. Culver, City Treas. 51 .80 3626 Dept. of Labor & Industries 20. 13 3627 Employment Security Dept. 38,94 3628 King County Medical Service 24.45 3629 Service Laundry 13.48 3630 Statewide Retirement System 37,86 3631 Williams & Swanson 7,91 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 3632 B & B Auto Parts 26,58 3633 G. H. Culver, City Treas, 961 .81 3634 Dept, of Labor & ind. 220. 12 3635 Dept, of Labor & Ind. 99.20 CITY OF_RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED January 20, 1964 279 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND CONT. 3636 Empl`yment Security Dept. 465.27 3637 Employment Security Dept. 188.24 3638 Group Health Coop 8.00 3639 Group Health Coop 48.00 3640 King County Medical 89.65 3641 King County Medical 74. 15 3642 McLendon Hardware 37.01 3643 National Cash Register 441 . 10 3644 Helmie Nelson 2.00 3645 Renton Automobile 2.86 . 3646 Frank E. Rhodes 7.80 . 3647 Service Laundry 13-37 3648 Statewide Retirement System 95.58 3649 Statewide Retirement System 167,94 3650 Tax Commission 195128 3651 Tele-Car Communications 52.00 3652 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 2,295.49 1964 VOUCHERS CURRENT FUND 3653 Association of Wash. Cities 9gg,50 3654 Blumenthal Uniforms 4, 15 3655 Chapman Electric Co, f, 13 134.86 3656 City of Renton 415.00 3657 Wm. F. Davis 1,735.49 3658 W. E. Frazee 15.59 3659 Frank Henry 42.58 3660 Frederick Karl Houston 2.40 3661 King County Auditor 11.20 3662 Kroesen's 27.56 3663 Mildred Mills 2.40 3664 Nudelman Brothers 38,27 3665 Pacific Outfitting Co. 770179 3666 Renton Ciothing 137.39 3667. Marie L. Schultz 2.40 3668 Seattle-King Co. Safety Council 197.50 3669 Service Laundry 51 ,71 3670 U. S, Fost Office 57.05 3671 Volunteer Firemen's Relief Fund 268.00 3672 C. S, Williams 3,51 E W I I ME NT rE NT\t FUND 3673 King County Auditor 139.20 CITY STREET FUND 3674 King County Auditor 3.20 PARK FUND 3675 City of Renton 25.00 3676 King County Auditor 9.60 OFF STREET PARKI NG FUND 3677 Milt W i-I l i ams 100.00 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 3678 W. E. Bennett 2.50 3679 King County Auditor 1 .60 3680 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,688.00 3681 Town Clerk iO4.00 3682 U. S. Post Office 1,000.00 3683 U. S. Post Office 8.00 3684 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 417.00 :?,So CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED January 20, 1964 AIRPORT FUND 3685 King County Auditor i.60 3686 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 205.00 rank A,;mert, Mayor CitY Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 27, 1964 8:00 P.N. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist; Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Denzer, Planning Commission Chairman. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 20, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman James Phelan and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Glenn Camper, First Baptist Church. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPT. BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9311 $ 1,200.00 G. E. Sundquist 1301 Shattuck Street Foundation 12 2,500.00 G. M. Auto Sales 12501 Rainier Avenue Addition to Bldg. 13 190.00 Wm. Larson 714 High Street Chg. Elec. Servica 14 2, 500.00 George Walmer 9620 - 108th Ave. SE Add Family Room 9315 250.00 Strato Lanes 605 Rainier Ave. So. Reader Board 16 100.00 Renton Economy Store 916 - 3rd Avenue Sign WM0 17 50.00 Barie Building 225-8 Wells Street Wire lights & fa^. 18 330,00 Jane L. Storey 346 Pelly S'=_eet Re-roof' residence PLUMBING & HEAVING PERMITS 6325 - - - - Harry Neyers 3022 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - - Bob Narey 11846 S.E. 102nd Gas Installations 27 - - - - St. Anthony Church 406 - 4th Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 28 - - - - Audree Wilson 3402 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - - C. E. Nystrom 3210 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6330 - - - - C. E. Nystrom 3521 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - - Katsman Bros. Const, 3304 Honey Creek Dr. Gas Installations 32 - - - - Ray Rosa 220 - 11th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - - Mrs. Anderson 3112 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures PRELIMINARY MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNER - Annexation request of Dalpay & Pillo This being the date set and property owner Dalpay being present to represent the petitioners, inquiry was made as to whether the owners of the subject prope��tics were willing to assume their share of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City. Mr. Dalpay answered that they did not wish to assume the pre-existing d^b-:: Past precedent and policy was discussed as well as recommendation of the Public Administration Service survey urging that only if willingness is affirmed should the annexation of property be considered. Motion by Dullahant and seconded by Gianini r.. to refuse the annexation was offered. It was pointed out that the bonded indebtedness was nil and that the bonded indebtedness to be assumed would be that of re%ord at `he time of annexation and thenceforth which would be apportionataly shared. Mr. Dalpay advised he would in this event assume appropriate share of the indebtedness and the pending motion was withdrawn with consent of second. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, that the Council declare favorable int,,^_ticn and the property owners be now directed that they may circulate a proper petition_ for annexation. Carried. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-27-64 COMMUNICAUONS: A letter from W. E. Ruth, Realtor, advised that the Permit offered by the Council as a means for access to the Osterhouse property was not adequate for the primary intent of purpose as it would not satisfy Title Insurance nor mortgage purposes. An Easement had been originally requested. Discussion disclosed that the property in question doe not abut a public highway and in order to get to it access must be gained through an 18 ft. strip of City owned property. City Attorney Shellan advised that an easement would hinder future sale of the property and that it was doubtful that the City could give the land for private use without consideration. The matter' should be considered with a concern-- as to proposed future use of the property with any easements considered at such time a road is established. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted Answer By City of Renton to Complaint for Injunction and Memorandum of Defendant City of Renton in Superior Court Cause 614281, Record-Chronicle Publishing Co. vs. City of Renton, along with letter regarding intricacies of defense relative thereto. President of the Council Delaurenti had requested that each member of the Council be given a copy of the letter. A letter from Building Superintendent Highton recommended release of the 15% retention on the Contract with Albert Quentin for painting of the interior of the Central Fire Station in the sum of $448.50, no claims or liens having been filed against same. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to refer the release to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. A brochure furnished by the Association of Washington Cities advised of availability of Interest Bearing U.S. Government Securities for Investment of Short Term Cash Balances of Local and State Governments. The brochure will be filed in the Clerk's office for references. A letter from the Boeing Company, submitted by C.S. Sargent, Mgr., Facilities Engineering requested consent of the City to discharge sewage and industrial waste from the Boeing Renton Platn directly into the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle facilities at the two locations designated on enclosed sketch, deemed to be feasible since no City facilities are now available at the subject locations. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee the City Engineer and Sup't. of Utilities Carried. A letter from Mr. Frank S. Henderson, 12932 Langston Road, Seattle 78, Wn. called attention to a parcel of property on the West side of Rainier Avenue between South128thand 129th Streets, across from the Chamber of Commerce Building in Renton, owned by him and leased by Westlake Motors which has flooded and the drains filled with sand and debris. The condition was attributed to installation of sewer system by the City in the vicinity which has caused the water to run across his property which had previously not done so, and by diversion through catch basins causing it to flow in a new direction. Legal action was contemplated if the matter cannot be resolved otherwise. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the communication to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from Col. Donald J. Leehey, 9641 Hilltop Road, Bellevue, Washington as an interested citizen having no connection with the matter, congratulated the Council for the action taken in connection with the 1964 Legal Publications, with specific note being given the continuing picketing denoting unsettled dispute, dhd affirmation of the State Superior Court in upholding the Council decision. A letter from Ralph White, President, Greater Hi-Lands Center Merchants' Ass'n., advised of sponsoring a non-profit open circus show with approximately six amusement rides on the vacant lot behind the Market Basket Store #3. Tickets for the rides are to be donated to patrons by the various merchants on May 6,7,8 and 9, 1964. A waiver of license permit and cash bond was requested and Certificate of Insurance was attached for proof of liability and property damage coverages as provided by the Circus Company. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Gianini, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 1-27-64;?-83 COMMUNICATIONS A letter from Jane Duff, by Edmund Duff, appealed -Planning Commission denial of request for variance from off-street parking requirements in respect to replacement of building at the corner of 3rd Avenue and Williams Streets,which was destroyed by fire on June 8, 1963. Moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that the date of February 10, 1964 be set for Hearing on the appeal. Carried. A letter from Mr. Kenneth Lund, Owner of Kenny's Auto Rebuild advised of moving his Auto Rebuild business from a business zone (415 Rainier Avenue) to another business zone (106 Park Street) because of larger building and better facilities and subsequently not being issued a 1964 Business License. The welfare of five employees was deemed to be matter of concern for early disposition . Councilman Pedersen, being personally involved abstained from participating in any action to be taken but requested legal opinion of the City Attorney as to the City's position, The license Was not issued due to an interpretation of the zoning Ordinance which according to Mr. Shellan is somewhat ambiguous in its designations, ovdrlapping in regard to uses and warranting chang6, in which event favorable action in begard to the property owners welfare is primarily to be considered. B-1 allows a public garage, repair shop, battery service station and tire repair shop and L-1 allows auto laundry, - fender and body repair shop and any use permitted in B-1. Mr. Lund took the position that the City allowed other businesses of this nature to operate in B-1 after the Ordinance became effective and since he has not changed the type of business and it tis a repair shop he should be allowed to operate. Planning Director Jensen advised hat in administering the Ordinance body repair was felt to be an L-1 use and not B-1 with repairs of vehicles in service stations intended as B--1 use, and that place where specifically designated,being under L-1 an this instance ,is where it would belong. Moved by Custer that inasmuch as conflict does exist the advice of the City Attorney be followed and Mr. Lund be granted his 1964 Business license- as applied for. The motion was seconded by Poli. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that the Clerk advise the Planning Commission of the problem concerning the conflicting portions of the Ordinance,and of the action taken by the Council on this License,so that it might be changed to avoid future Like problems. Carried. A letter read from Purchasing Agent Vern Church advised that specifications have now been readied and permission was requested to call for Bids for following automotive equipment. The date of February 10, 1964 was suggested for opening of the bids. Central Garage!: One (1) Portable Roller with trade One (1) Power Grader with trade Four (4) Police Cars with three (3) trades Three (3) Pool Cars with three (3) trades Fire Department: One (1) Pick-up truck, no trade. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the request for Bid Call and the date of February 10, 1964 for opening thereof. Carried. A letter directed to Street Commissioner Lynch, from City Attorney Shellan was read regarding contention of Mr. Donald Moje that installation by the City of catch basin and curbing during improvement of the road adjoining his property has caused excessive flow of water and accumulation of sand and silt on his property. The State law,affirmed recently by Supreme Court action,states that a City is not liable for accelerating the flow of water through a natural drain as long as the City properly constructs the means of collecting and channeling the water, such as by means of ditches and culverts. According to Street Commissioner Lynch the stream is an all year round water course and the flow is accelerated but the total amount does not differ from the prior condition. The sand and silt complained of apparently comes mostly from the property north of the road and south of the subject property. Various City officials have investigated the matter although no question has been raised as to Mr. Moie's water rights to the creek or whether the Department of Fisheries has approved his arrangement of a pond and damsite. The City cannot do any work on private property relative to the _tand and silt and this problem will have to be resolved by Mr. Moje, possibly by means of a sand trap or other remedies, based upon findings of the City officials to date. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Aliment requested, since Fire Chief M. C. Wails has satisfactorily served the six months probationary period that he be appointed as Fire Chief of Renton on a permanent basis. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. n Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 1-27-64 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a propoeed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the City Treasurer and the City Clerk to transfer the following sums from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund, constituting loans pending receipt of tax monies, to be repaid not later than December 31, 1964 and to bear interest at the rate of 4%, to-wit: FROM: Cedar River Acquisition Fund, $120,000.00 UNTO: Park Fund $ 35,000.00 Library Fund 15,000.00 Street Fund 20,000.00 Equipment Rental Fund 50,000.00 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1228 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 250 for the improvement of a certain area within the City of Renton by the construction and installation of sanitary sewers together with all necessary appurtenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the local improvement Fund, District No. 250 of the City of Renton created by Ordinance No. 2053, which document had been introduced-and placed on first reading on 1-20-64. The Committee recommended second and final reading at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordira nce No. 2077 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD.,BUST IU$_: Street and Alley Committee Chairman, Councilman Reid, presented his report which was read by the Clerk with council actions taken as follows: 1. Referral regarding request of Keller Supply for loading and parking zone will be held in Committee for further consideration. 2. Recommendation regarding petition for restoration of blacktop by developer Goodall is that the petitioners be advised that this work is being done. 3. Relative to request of Highlands Merchant's Assn. and resident petitioners of the area for traffic control and lighting, it was recommended that a meeting be held with all parties concerned to explain progress to date. Moved by Pali, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Hulse made inquiry as to progress of the remodelling on the Highlands Recreation Building and it was reported that the work would be completed within a week or two. Attention was called however, to damage to the roof and interior as a result of the recent weather conditions which will require extensive repair and participation by the Housing Authority in curbing and installation of storm sewers was mentioned after which it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid that the matter be referred to the Building Department. Carried. Councilman Custer submitted a complaint from Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bastock, 12428-132nd Ave. S.E. regarding water drainage onto their property since culverts were installed in the area by the City and moved that the communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Councilman Custer requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee following this meeting to discuss the Tiffany Park sewer problem, and to consider a contract in connection therewith. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-27-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: (cont. ) Council As A Whole Committee report was presented by President of the Council Delaurenti and read by the Clerk as follows: Recommendation #1 - that a Resolution be prepared authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute budgetary transfers between items within any class in the budget. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommendation #2 - Mr. Moje Drainage Problem - The Committee recommended that the City Attorney inform Mr. Moje to take this matter up directly with the County since it is outside the City Limits and that the City, according to law, is not liable. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur. The motion carried. The Committee considering the Review of Financial Administration and Accounting as prepared by the Public Administration Service of Chicago, took following action on the Summary of Recommendations and Report: Recommendation #1 concerning reorganization of City Clerk's Office into Stenographic, Personnel, Budgetary and Accounting Divisions was that the City Clerk be authorized to so reorganize at such time as might be feasible. It was moved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Reid, to concur in this recommendation. Carried. Regarding transfer of accounting functions of the Water Works Utility from the Treasurer's Office to the City Clerk's Office, it was recommended that this matter be referred to the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Recommendation #2 that the Director of the Waterworks Utility be relocated from City Hall to the Central Garage has already been enacted. Recommendation #3 provides that the tax levy should support the General Fund and the Firemen's Pension Fund and th6 other funds as are supported by excess millage levies only. The balance of revenues for supporting all other funds to come from transfer from the General Fund. Recommendation #4 was to approve preparation of a detailed accounting manual compiling procedures of each person's work in respect thereto. Recommendation #5 was to approve back-up person for each ,job in order that activities can be maintained during extended absences of regular employees. .ti r Recommendation #6 provides for re-coding of Funds, to-wit: Lake Washington Beach Fund and Old Swimming Fund to be abolished by transfer of balances to the Park Fund with necessary Resolutions drawn to cover. Establish a special deposit fund as a trust fund with Ordinance drawn to cover. Establishment of Equipment Rental Fund has been completed-Ordinance 2072 Establishment of General Group of Fixed Assets Accounts - to be compiled by City Clerk now in process Recommendation #21 An Equipment Rental Fund (now established) will support a Central Garage and Shop which will own all City motorized equipment except fire fighting apparatus and each Department shall rent its automotive equipment from this Central Garage costs for which shall be established by an Equipment Rental Schedule. This recommendation has been adopted by previous action of the Council. Recommendation #22 - Emphasis and priority be given to developing a cost accounting system which goes beyond meeting legal requirements and extends to serve as a positive tool for evaluation of total performance in terms of efficiency and economy. .Approved. (to conform with procedures established by State Auditor. Recommendation #23 - approved,adopting the use of Property Record Forms in connection with General Fixed Assets Ledger. Recommendation #24 was approved providing for maintaining of Bond and Interest Record Cards for subsidiary records to general ledger control account Recommendation #25 was approved providing for Investment Ledger Cards for each security or investment . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendations and actions of the Council As A Whole and that the necessary Resolutions and Ordinances be prepared as required. Carried. -5- ?36 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-27-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS Accompanying the Council As A Whole Report was a proposed street lighting program for the City as recommended by Mayor Aliment. The program provides for replacement of all filament type street lighting fixtures with 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor fixtures. The City-owned 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor fixtures would be acquired by the power company under the new proposal and the new rates would apply to the city-owned ornamental system The present annual cost of operation is $56,773.20 and the new plan would be approximate $63,000.00 with the increase however being absorbed by savings of maintenance and repair as well as interest which would be involved. Councilman Delaurenti moved that the new lighting proposals be adopted and the motion was seconded by Custer and carried. Councilman Delaurenti added that when the plan has been effected Renton will be one of the best lighted Cities in the country. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant reported there was a need for urgent attention on Beacon above High Street where water runs in river-like streams down both sides of the sidewalk and clear back up to Philip Arnold Park areas making it impossible to walk . Silt and debris are also being deposited on the street as a result of this condition. It was moved by Dullahant, seconded by Delaurenti, that the problem be referred to the Street and Alley Committee . Carried. Street Commissioner Lynch called attention to budget item for such improvement. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, that Vouchers No. 3687 through 3732, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Poli made inquiry regarding City regulations in regard to tow trucks. City Attorney Shellan advised that State Law presently governs such operations and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Police and License Com- mittee and Ordinance Committee for investigation. Carried. Councilman Poli requested that a 1964 Calendar with numbers large enough to be legible to all Council positions be posted in the Council Chamber. Councilman Delaurenti requested a Council As A Whole meeting on Tuesday, January 28, at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Aliment invited audience comment at this time and Mr. Donald Malone inquired whether the Planning Commission had made recommendation relative to issuance of a building permit. This has been pending due to parking and loading zone requirements of the Code not being satisfied under present construction plans. Planning Director Jensen advised that in the opinion of the City Attorney Mr. Malone should be allowed to apply for his building permit on the basis of meeting the parking requirement of 500 sq. ft. of building apace for each .parking space provided. However, Mr. Jensen advised that the Ordinance also requires unloading space and if it could not be met a variance should be requested. Mr. Malone's architects had been so advised and no request had been received so no action has been taken by the Planning Commission. Mr. Malone deemed a loading gone to be unwarranted in this instance in view of the type of businesses and inquiry was made as to whether future use would remain the same which could not be guaranteed. The downtown problem was cited as cause for careful con- sideration and it was subsequently moved by Custer, in view of the Attorneys recommenda- tion, to concur with parking requirement of 1 space for each 500 square foot of building. The motion was seconded by Gianini and carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee requested a meeting of the Committee on Saturday, February 1, 1964 at 8:00 a.m. Mr. Gerald Cordell announced a meeting to be held February 4, 1964 at the Elks Hall in Auburn with the Naches Tunnel Ass'n. hosting a dinner @ $3.50 per plate. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m. -6- January 27, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 3687 The Copy Company 62.08 3688 Wm. F. Davis 10.50 3689 Wm. F. Davis 10.50 3690 Drager's Harley-Davidson Co. 5.62 +■•� 3691 Hickok's Sport Shop 2.08 3692 Dennis Hoyan 2.40 r 3693 I .B.M. Corporation 463.32 3694 Knights of Pythias, Delphia Lodge #2 150.00 3695 Peter McGregor2.40 3696 Mead's Heating & Service 53.82 3697 Metsker Maps 4, 16 5 3698 Monroe Calculating Machine Co. 6. 16 3699 F. Morton Pitt Co. 56. 16 3700 Purchasing Agent's Assoc. of Wash. 40.00 3701 Albert Quentin "8.50 3702 U. S. Post Office 15.00 STREET FUND 3703 Dan Katzer - Bulldozing 326.04 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 3704 Lavina A. Bennett 20,000.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 3705 Vern Church 1 .60 1 3706 Cox Machinery Co. 623.08 3707 0. K. Tire Store 14.33 3708 Pacific Magneto & Engine Co. 6.55 3709 Standard Service Tire Co. 160.37 PARK FUND 3710 Belknap Glass Co. 32.04 3711 Vern Church 7.20 3712 Mortemp Corporation 16. (0 3713 Puget Sound Power & Light 294.65 3714 State Treasurer 1 ,870. 17 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 3715 A. B. Dick Co. 57.41 3716 American Water Works Assoc. Inc. 15.00 3717 Fog-Tite Meter Seal Co. 199.68 3718 iMrket Basket #4 13.69 3719 Olympic Foundry Co. 158.56 3720 Pitney-Bowes Inc. 62.92 3721 Puget Sound Power & Light 2,057.76 AIRPORT FUND "M 3722 State Treasurer 1 .00 FIREMEN'S FE NS I ON FUND 3723 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 3724 Theron K. Anderson 291 .00 3725 Baird M. Bardarson 5.00 3726 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 3727 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS (cont.) January 27, 1964 F-_REMEN'S PENSION FUND 3728 L. Patricelli, M.D. $ 17.50 3729 Renton Hospital 16.50 3730 Shaw Bros. Drugs 19.60 3731 Swiech & Co., Inc. 80.60 CGMULATIVE FUND NO, 1184 3732 Pacific Car & Foundry 576.26 i Auditing & Accounting i The following Claims, having been audited by the ., : Committee, were approved for the month of January, 1964. ................................ City ....w.... _. .. ..... Clerk Frank j',::T11e1 t, Mayor PAYROLL $1075574.65 CURRENT 7,262.87 STRDET 329.24 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 945.13 OFF-STREET PARKING 205100.00 PARKS 384.59 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH 1,870.17 AIRPORT 207.60 CUM. $1184 576.26 WATERWORKS UTILITY 21,786.12 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 1,035.20 -8- 2H9 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 3, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, °"' City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Denzer, Planning Commission Chainnan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 27, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. The Pledge of Allegiance to -the Flag was led 16y Patrolman Frank Cooper and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Harold J. McIntyre, Church of God. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEFT. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9319 $ 35.00 Safeway Stores 10th No. & Sunset Blvd. Aire Phone Booth 20 5,500.00 Standard Service Logan & 2nd Avenue Addition to Bldg. 21 1,750.00 Sylvester Morris 13117 - 90th South Patio & Remodeling 22 25.00 Humble Oil Company 168th & Benson Road Wire Phone Boo-ch 23 50.00 Dixon Long 2714 - 7th Avenue No. Replace Meter 24 350.00 Carlyle Hanson 3305 - 14th Ave. No. Wire New Residence 9325 350.00 G. M. Auto Sales 12501 Rainier Ave. So. Wire Garage PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS �. 6334 - - - - Sunny Trucking Tobin & Lake Street Plumbing Fixtures 35 - - - - Ted Flaherty 3314 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 36 - - - - Vernon Brunette 3203 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 37 - - - - Howard Higgenbotham 3208 - Sth Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - - Caryle Hanson 3305 - 14th Ave. North Gas Installation 39 - - - - Vida Dresser Home 2405 - 116th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 6340 - - - - Joe Boehme 9694 - 106th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 41 - - - - Arnone 8910 So. 132nd Street Plumbing Fixtures HEARING - Annexation of E. L. Munson property This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk reported receipt of no further communications and as there was no verbal comment the Hearing was declared closed and Council action requested. The Annexation having progressed through all necessary channels including dispensation of Review Board meetings and being in full compliance with requirements of the law Pursuant to Ch. 282, Session Laws of 1961 of the State of Washington, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, that the property be annexed to the City of Renton and the matter referred to the Ordinance Committee for the proper Ordinance. Carried. A letter read from Ewing Stringfellow, General Manager, Whitworth Lane Apartments, re-submitted a request to install a sign on the Northwest corner of Grady Way and Seventh Avenue encroaching a public right-of-way. Rental situation was deemed to be continually slow and it was felt that the sign would attract additional prospects. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter read from City Clerk Nelson advised that Engineering Costs on L.I.D. No. 249 are now payable in the total sum of $4,946.42. Concurrence in accounting trans- actions was requested as follows: L.I.D. No. 249 Cash Fund Warrant No. 10, City Treasurer, Cr. Current Fund, $1,946.42. L.I.D. No. 249 Revenue Fund, Warrant No. 10, payable to Firemen's Pension Fund in amount of $4,946.42 @ 4.40% interest. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the transactions as requested, with referral to the Fc _ tin nd Auditin C mmittee. Carried. Minutes of -the Renton City Council Meeting 2-3-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from J. D. Bixby, Director of Facilities, The Boeing Company, requested that the City consider relinquishing the sewage disposal plant property comprising some 2.97 acres located at the Southeast corner of the intersection of Sixth Avenue North and the Easterly right-of-way line of the former Commercial Waterway No. 2, which the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle will soon be vacating. The sum of $25,000.00 was offered based upon appraisal by the State on adjacent 2.7 acres which Boeing is purchasing from the Renton School District. - Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the request to the Property Committee to rEport back. Carried. ..r1 Application read from the Eagles Lodge #1722, 316 - 3rd Avenue, requested that Farwest Amusement Company, 129 - lst Ave. No., Seattle be granted the required license to operate a Music Machine at said business establishment. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from E. D. Greathouse, on behalf of Puget Properties, Inc., advised of recent- completion ecentcompletion of study of water demand for ultimate development of Renton Village and of recommendations for connecting their internal watermain loop with the City's existing 12-inch industrial main on 87th Avenue South when constructed. Proposed plans were outlined with the loop system being deeded to the City which would begin a full fire protection watermain grid for the City in the subject industrial area and sufficient hydrants to comply with Wn. Surveying and Rating Bureau standards. Early construction and completion prior to permanent freeway installation west of PSH #5 was proposed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the Fire and Water Committee fcY report back. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Garceau claiming damage to contents of their basement i.. quo of $1,020.75-. due to the back-up of storm and sewage effluent in the area of their residence located at 2607 - 7th Ave. No. on January 1, 1964. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Claim to the City Attorneys. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted conformed copy of the Judgment and woo Decree in the Record-Chronicle vs. City of Renton Court Cause No. 614281 wherein that certain Complaint for Injunction together with Order of Restraint and To Show Cause were dismissed with prejudice and the City awarded its costs and disbursements in connection therewith. The Document was dated January 30, 1964. The trial was held on January 22, 1964. Summons and Complaint was served on the City by R. L. Greenfield & Sons for Judgment in the sum of $600.00 plus interest since June 1, 1963, and for attorneys fees and all costs and disbursements incurred herein, in connection with repair of the City Hall roof and painting required as a result thereof, which was done by F. & K. Painting and Decorating Co. The City's Warrant No. 1440 was issued on June 25, 1963 in the sum of $600.60 to cover the work done and made payable to both R. L. Greenfield and Son and F. & K Painting and Decorating to satisfy lien filed With the City against the rocfirg contract retained percentage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the documents to the City Attorneys. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted recommendations of the Planning Commission from its regular meeting of January 22, 1964, as follows: 1. Hillcrest Lane Application for approval of revised preliminary plat S-130-63 Approval was recommended with Variance for 50' right-of-way. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. The motion carried. 2. Frank Bonnell Application No. R-159-64 for rezone of properties from G to B-1 and L-1. Recommended with willingness of property owner indicated to provide 30' right-of-way over north 30' of the property and an additional 20' at such time as the need develops. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the rezone to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-3-64 291- COMMUNICATIONS: 91COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations: 3. Barron's Clean Cars - recommended that Revocable Permit bebranted for purpose of erecting a sign within the 20' setback at Rainier Avenue and Nelson Street as outlined in Application No. P-160-64. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. The Clerk advised of receipt of Assn. of Washington Cities calendar of events for 38th and 39th Legislative District Committees which will be available in the office of the City Clerk if further information is desired. bw A letter read from Mrs. Jean M. Gosse, 10203 - 115th S.E., Renton, expressed pleasure at the North Renton Interchange issue being placed before the electorate. It was recommended that attention be given to inclusion of a walkway in the present planning, none being evidenced in her investigation of the matter. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the communication to the City Engineer. Carried. A Resolution submitted to the Hon. Albert D. Rosellini, Governor of the State of Washington and members of the Washington Highway Commission by the Valley Regional Planning Commission, requested consideration of the addition of a second off-on ramp from the proposed freeway to South 153rd Street in proximity of 82nd or 84th Avenue South in the area between the East and West Valley Highways. The Clerk read the document. Upon motion duly made by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, and unanimously carried, it was Resolved by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington to go on record in fully supporting, confirming and ratifying that certain Resolution regarding the Green River Interchange Supplement, and to adopt same in its entirety. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington creating and establishing a certain trust fund to be known hereafter as the -"Special Deposit Fund", which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2078 as read. Roll call vote fo4lowed with all Councilmen present voting aye . The motion carried. t The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to effectuate the transfer of presently existing balances in the Lake Washington Beach Fund, Acct. No. 6160, $7,139.83 and the Old Swimming Pool Fund, Acct. No. 6180, $7,071.96 unto the Parks and Recreation Department abolishing said funds as recommended by the Public Administration Service in its survey of the financial administration and accounting practices of the City. Said funds are hereby terminated on the records of the City) as read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1229 as read. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington amending Resolution No. 1005 establishing and fixing certain subsistence rates for officials and employees of the City which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1230 as read. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: Street and Alley Committee Chairman, Walt Reid, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with actions taken by the Council as follows: 1. Upon investigation of request of Keller Supply Company for additional loading and parking area at 330 Burnett Street by deletion of parking meter zones, the Committee has determined that adequate loading facilities exist at the rear of the warehouse and parking stalls cannot be reserved for a single use; that the request therefore be den'::d. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 2. Wm. Ruth request for Easement to Osterhouse Property over strip of City owned land lying parallel to 98th Ave. South in vicinity of 200th Street. Recommended City dedicate the said stxip to King County for street purposes retaining utility rights by franchise or easement. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation if the `City Attorney advises favorably. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-3-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported investigation of road conditions in the vicinity of S.E. 73rd Street and Take Washington Boulevard where yards of fill which the City has used in correction of the sinking road has disappeared leaving constant hole which has not been abatable to date. Mayor Aliment advised that the University of Washington is being requested to investigate the ground condition at this location. It is believed to have been in the quake area of recent years. Attention was also called to excessive water along Rainier Avenue and various other areas which have been visited by the Street and Alley Committee which problems will be handled by the Street Commissioner at such time as it is possible to schedule the work and call for bids on portions which the city cannot undertake. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that Call for Bids be authorized as warranted specifications to be prepared on projects at discretion of Commissioner Lynch. Carried. Councilman Custer advised that the Highlands Merchants were unable to meet with the Street and Alley Committee last Saturday and a new meeting date was requested. Mayor Aliment advised of a meeting to be held on Thursday, Feb--ruary 6, 1964 with the Highway Commission at which time the merchants might discuss their problems regard ag traffic controls and lighting in the vicinity of the Highlands Shopping Center. Mr. Custer advised he will so notify the proper representatives. Councilman Delauren .i called attention to a petition regarding power rates within the City which had been referred to the Council As A Whole and advised of subsequent meetings and investigation pursuant to which a meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, February 6, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. for discussion with Mr. Ken Billington, representative of the Public Utility District. Members of the Council were requested to be present and all interested persons were also invited to attend. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen inquired regarding appraisals of the sewage treatment plant property and it was requested that the Committee confer and report its recommendations relative '" to advisability of selling the property prior to action on appraisals. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 3733 through 3781 and L.I.D. No. 249 Cash and Revenue Warrants No. 10, having been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Custer called attention to holes in the pavement in front of the Market Basket Store in the Highlands and Mayor Aliment requested the Street Commissioner to investigate. Councilman Delaurenti submitted a request for a crosswalk across Rainier Avenue at 3rd Place made by three of the 8th Grade students of St. Anthony's School,on behalf of the Civic Club, and moved that the request be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried, Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street and 2iley Committee on Saturday, February 8, 1964 at 8:00 a.m. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. There were 26 visitors in the Council Chambers. -4- "?93 February 3, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 3733 Bean Electric Company $ 65.12 3734 Blumenthal Uniform Company 3.04 3735 City of Renton 3.54 3736 Dictaphone Corporation 13.62 �• 3737 Beverly Ertelt 2.40 3738 Douglas Hayworth 2.40 3739 Holmes Electric Co. 24.00 3740 International Assn. Fire Chiefs 15.00 3741 Catherine Kindred 163.90 3742 Moore Business Forms 35.62 3743 Doreen Moriarty 2.40 3744 Helmie Nelson 4.00 3745 Pacific Northwest Bell 4507.16 3746 Bruce Phillips 2.40 3747 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 508.04 3748 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 6,535.01 3749 Oliver Rouse 2.40 3750 W/T City Treas., Cr. Equip. Rental 2,220.22 3751 Westlake Electronic Supply 17.97 3752 C. S. Williams 9.50 3753 C. S. Williams 9.25 3754 Geraldine Williams 2.40 CITY STREET FUND 3755 Pacific Northwest Bell 10.00 3756 Preservative Paint Company 52.67 3757 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 88.37 3758 Shaw Bros. Drugs 18.01 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3759 Atomic Battery Shop 18.21 3760 Drager's Halley-Davidson Co. 66.63 3761 O.K. Tire Store 27.58 3762 Penn Salt Chemicals Corp. 117.32 3763 Renton Radiator, Inc. 12.48 3764 Star Machinery 6.86 3765 Welders Supply Co. 8.20 PARK FUND 3766 City of Renton 11.12 3767 Holmes Electric Co. 39.52 3768 Pacific Northwest Bell 76.43 3769 Puget Sound Power & Light 6:63 3770 W/T City Treas., Cr. Equip. Rental 228.28 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 3771 Holmes Electric Co. 2.25 3772 LeFebure Corp. 12.19 3773 Matthie's Key Shop 5.72 WM 3774 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,688.00 3775 Helmie Nelson 5.00 3776 Pacific Northwest Bell 121.09 3777 Pitney-Bowes, Inc. 27.39 3778 Puget Sound Power & Light 20.65 3779 Renton Concrete Products 140.14 AIRPORT FUND 3780 L. N. Curtis & Sons 12.48 3781 Puget Sound Power & Light 245.20 City of Renton Vouchers (cont.) February 3, 1964 L.I.D. 249 CASH FUND 10 City Treas., Cr. Current $ 4,946.42 L.I.D. 249 REVENUE FUND 10 Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund 4,946.12 'FrAnlc Aliment,, Mayo. Wdsot), City Clerk t RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 10, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, M. C, Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, David Jensen, Planning Director and James Highton, Building Superintendent. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Patrolman Claude Dodd and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. M. Clugston, of the Village Chapel. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 3, 1964 as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PEXTS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9326 $ 200.00 Frank.J. Podrezwik 218 Meadow Street 27 1,200.00 Russell Kenn �; Cedar Siding 28 Y S19'Shattuck Street Addition to Res. 300.00 Ray Ball :_.`.' B50S 12th Ave. No. Addition to Res. 29 5,000.00 Bonded Escrows 11429 - S.E. 110th 9339 .767.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15620 - 119th Ave. S.E. Wire RemodResel idenccence 31 1;820.00 Safeway Stores Sunset Blvd. & 10th No. Wire Connections -32 500.00 Lisa Foley 8816 South 153rd Street Re air Fire Damage 33 .10,000.00 Williams & Swanson 333 Burnett Street 34 20.00 Ralph Shofar Metal Carport 9335 , P 10803 S.E. 166th Street Wire Addition 125.00 G. F. Burkey '430 Whitworth '-'.'Ne w`Elec.I Service 36 300.00 Harold Loman 37 1"815 "E" Street Electric Heat 210.00 Autobahn, Inc. 222 Mill Street Wire Offices 38'1J-,`t,-, 1`25p:700 ' Bdjftdh Aut6'Sales ; 12925.,-Rainier Avenue.. 39 1.1'1,1-1. s.,00,1-16,60 Wn. J6cke Club Y LongaCres Race Tracie c. I a.=Meet Adoms� 9340 20y 000:..00;. )Conner .Const. Co. 12740.= 86th Ave.' So.• (71"'. 'NeSa;Re s ideiice ;41 43,000,00 Louis Gl.. Malesis 800 -"H" Street is Apartment "Bldg. :42 1,000.00 ,., Melvin,Katzer 1215 Davis Street South Garage PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: X342 - - - - Jack Lasek `43 2922 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixt. - - - Jacob Lind , 3209-6th Avenue!44 ;P16mbing Fixt. - - - G. -H: Matthewson 425 Maple Street Gas Installation 6345 - - Emma E Morrison 2906 - 5th Ave. East 46 7 n:,t :� �'+.' Cer �rt'Caz�`Fh Plumbing Fixt. 47 .._ _ - 2elttlton Sl�oipingeer Installatmn - - - - Conner Const. Co. - "12501-87th Ave. South Plumbing Fixt. , z,c _ - __. - - - John Stach 3018 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixt. 49 - - Thomas W. 'Pjgtt 3521 - 5th Pl. East _ Pl�utb�.rig:_P" 6350 - - - - Gladys Plessel 2822 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixt. HEARING: Appe6X of. Planning Commission decision - Jane!iTJitff This being the date• set, the Hearing was declared -open -on the apodal by Mrs. +0uff of 'the Planning Commi.ssiowdtnial of�•building permit to econstr'uleta building(which had been destroyed by fire) diie to i,- 'Ability to comply with pai-king"fequirerdents• of the' Code. Mr. ,Edmund Duff advised., on behalfi•o►F his Mother, that they were desir�Axs of replacing the building but that it would b6 difficult under present conditions to arrange parking as now required. They''felt it should be permissible to replace''tthe building which was destroyed. Upon inquiry, Planriing Director Jensen adrti'sedthat film slides would give a clearer picture 'of the Commission's viewpoint, and proceeded to show the slides which included a Fire Rating Map designating the former buil3ing 'as being unsafe. ' Mr. Jensen advised that a -Building Condit',)n Map had shown the bulding' unsafe to be rebuilt but would require removal in accordance with total projection of land` use plans and the 'Commission in keeping with "the 701 plans , d 'd not 'feel it would be reasonable to allow reconstruction unless required- l arking is px1bvided, Minute of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-10-64 HEARING: (cont. ) Jane Duff Appeal of Planning Commission decision Discussion ensued wherein Councilman Custer called attention to the City Ordinance providing for payment in lieu of parking and it was subsequently moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that the Hearing be closed and Council action taken be taken as desired. The Hearing was declared closed. Mr. Baffero advised the offer was still valid to which Mr. Custer had made reference in the sum of $2,500.00 and that they would be willing to participate in any future L.I.D. 's for off-street parking, in' Accordance with inquiry by Custer. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to accept the offer of $2,500.00 in lieu of full parking assessment along with execution by applicant Duff of an agreement to participate in any future L.I.D. , waiving full requirement of parking assessment required in the Ordinance. Councilman Poli inquired of legal status of such action and City Attorney Shellan advised it was perfectly legal to accept the $2,500.00 in lieu of parking which sum should go into a special fund for acquisition of off-street parking, however, this is only a part of the amount required by the Ordinance and if the $750.00 per stall is not going to be required , the Ordinance should be amended to repeal the specified require- ment. Regarding the L.I.D. , Mr. Shellan advised a specific and definite area would need to be determined in preparation of an agreement. Further discussion ensued re adhering to rules,it being deemed exceptions thereto would hinder rather than alleviate the down- town parking problems. The pending motion subsequently carried, after which it was Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole for recommendation on amending or repealing the existing Ordinance. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter of the $2,500.00 payment to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Automotive Equipment - 1964 This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: BIDDER ITEMS DEPT. _BID TAX TRADE NET Renton Automobile Co. (Ford) 3/4 Ton Pick Up Fire) $2,493.94 $ 99.72 - - $2,5913'.16 Bid Bond 1964 " 4-Dr. Sedan Cent. Garage 2,303.94 92 .12 70.00 2,326.06 (Pool Cars) It IT 4-Dr. Sedan it IT 2,303.94 92.12 35.00 2,361.06 " Ford Custom' 4 Dr. Sedan Police 2,222.57 88.88 750.00 1,561.4 +1 It +1 11 11 ++ " 2,222.57 88.88 750.00 1,561.4,` (Pool Cars) „ it ,1 11 11 ,1 11 2,222.57 88.88 750.00 1, 561.4,9-- 2,222.57 61.452,222.57 88.88 300.00 2,011.45 Total cars - ,80 Williams & Swanson - 4 Dr. Sedan Bisc. 1269(Garage) 2,282.77 91.31 35.00 2,339.08 2 (Pool Cars) " " " T' I I I I2,`282.77 91.31 75.00 2,299.08 1 it if 4 dr. Chev. Bel Air 1669(Garage) 2,355.92 94.24 450.00 2,000.16 4 It Police 4 Dr. Bisc. Sedan 1269 Police 2,313.52 92.54 1000.00 1,406.06 Cert. Ck. submitted 4 Dr. Bisc. Sedan 1269 If 2,313.52 92.54 1025.00 1,381.06 4 Dr. Bisc. Sedan 1269 it 2,313.52 92.54 1025.00 1,381.06 4 Dr. Bisc. Sedan 1269 If 2,313.52 92.54 350.00 2,056.06 oral - 4 cars - b,224.24 Cox Machinery POWER GRADER-GALION Model 118 20.150.00 806.00 5,971.00 14,985.00 1757 First Ave. So. Option Model T-500 Add 939.12 Seattle 4, Wn. Cert. Ck. Submitted ROLLER - GALION Model 4-6 ton 6,133.00 245.32 11500.00 4,878.32 Option - Used Roller as above 4,650 00 186 00 1,500 00 3,336.00 _Gert. chk, b fitted eenaug ty achliaery ROLLER - Ferguson Model 4-6 ton 5,650.00 226.00 1,000.00 41876.00 717 So. Michigan Options- Deduct $300.00 plus tax if torque not desired Seattle 8, Wash. Add $450.00 plus tax if electric tow brakes are desired Ce Ck. submitted SaQberg Equipment, Inc. ROLLER - Buffalo-Springfield 6,495.00 259.80 1, 500.00 5,254.8e 5950 Fourth Ave. So. Model KT-8 Tandem Seattle Washington lr nullu Fray Equipment Co., Inc. GRADER - Pettibone Mulliken 20,842 .57 833.70 3,000.00 18,676.27 5821 First Ave. So. Model 502-C Seattle, Washington Cert. Ck, submitted Howard Cooper Corporation GRADER-Pacer 300 21,377.00 855.08 81000.00 14,232.08 5055 - 4th Ave. So. Seattle, Washington Moved by Custer, seconded by Garrett, that the bids be referred to the Accounting and Auditing Committee to report back. Carried. -2- 29 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-10-64- COMMUNICATIONS: Progress Report ##6 was rendered by T. R. Jacobi in the sum of $219"98 for services in connection with the finance and revenue system study conduced recently by the Public Administration Service. A detailed enumeration of costs was attached, and letter read from Clerk Nelson recommending payment from funds budgeted under Non-Departmental Fund 1920, Account No. 314. Moved -by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. ,... Application was read from Keith G. Gonsolves, F. W. Woolworth Co. , for Master Lock- smith License. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted proposed Amendment to the City's !eater Rate Ordinance,pursuant to various meetings and discussions held with representatives of the former 84th Avenue Cooperative Water District,in order that credit may be given to the property owners for any cash payment made to the City when such systems are taken over. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed amendment to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. A letter read from Planning Director, J. David Jensen, advised that the Planning Commission has acted favorably in accepting the City's proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan and proposed Arterial Street plan pursuant to the 701 Planning Program including proposed land use maps and proposed arterial maps but not limited thereto, and it was now recommended that the Council consider likewise adopting same. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that February 24, 1964 be the date set for Hearing on the matter. Carried. City Clerk Nelson advised that Mr. Charles Shane had requested that execution of the Agreement for storm sewer project installation on West side of 92nd South be held for discussion of revision. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington declaring a parcel of land surplus and authorizing sale and conveyance thereof to abutting owner. (Archie Gustine) The Clerk "read the document. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1231 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City or Renton, Washington annexing certain territory to the City of Renton. (E. L. Munson property) The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance and it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to refer the Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The committee recommended that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2079 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washing- ton authorizing the Mayor, pursuant to R.C.W. 35.33.120, to make transfers between items within any Classification in the City's Budget. Any transfer in excess of $1,000.00 shall be submitted to the City Council for approval and no salary shall be adjusted; unless having prior approval of the Council if thb adjustment would result in a change of budget allocation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1232 as read. Carried. ... The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending section 5-1603 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" which was read by the Clerk. (Fixing reduced fee of $.50 for replacement of lost or stolen dog license tags) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed Ordinance back to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordi- nance be placed on its second and -Final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to adopt Ordinance No. 2080 as read. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Rents% 4ity 40"GAb Mseft"s ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (cont.) ' 29S Chairman of the Ordinance Committee Dullahant presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within -the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Business District (B-1) and Light Industry District (L-1), which was read by the Clerk. (Bonnell property) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee advised it would hold the document pending receipt of certain legal documents to be filed in connection therewith. b COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Street and Alley Committee Chairman Reid submitted report which was read by the Clerk with actions taken by the Council as follows: 1. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the City request the State Highway Department to properly post all construction areas within the City of Renton wit adequate signs in accordance with the Uniform Manual on Traffic Control Devices, the City Clerk to direct correspondence to the Highway Department accordingly. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 2. Request of Mr. Stringfellow for permission to post signs on 7th Avenue at the Whitworth Apartments was considered and it was recommended that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 3. The request of the Seventh Day Adventist Church was considered and it was recommended that this request also be referred to the Planning Commis-ion. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Committee recommendation. Carried. 4. Request of Civic Club of St. Anthony's school for a Crosswalk at Rainier Avenue and Third Place was considered and due to the low volume of pedestrian foot traffic and the extremely dangerous crossing area of Rainier Avenue, the Committee recommended this request be denied. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Custer inquired regarding signs posted along frontage road(which follows the river behind the new paint hangar) designating "No parking`, inquiries having been received from Boeing personnel, and requested investigation by the Street Commissioner. Councilman Delaurenti, President of the Council As A Whole, reported that the Committee recommended concurrence in a 90 day extension of time on the Business License of Tiffany Salon as requested by Attorneys for Mrs. Faye Gibson inasmuch as she is planning to relocate, the present location being in violation of the zoning ordinance. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Recei t was reported of complaint regarding lack of adequate storm sewer facilities at 1246 M Street and the Street Commissioner was requested to investigate this matter. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers 3782 through 3921, having been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee be approved by Council at this time, along with L.I.D. 250 Cash and Revenue Warrants No. 2. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti announced a meeting of the Council As A Whole on Thursday, February 12, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. with the Planning Commission and Citizens Advisory Committee for discussion of John Graham Co. recommendations relative to Central Business District plans of the 701 program. The meeting will be held at the Puget Sound Power and Light Company Auditorium. Councilman Delaurenti commended the City Engineering Department for publication of a detailed traffic accident report for the past year in the City of Renton, the first of a series of such tabulations which was very well presented and which will be of signif7can value to the City in its traffic planning. Councilman Poli announced a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee to be held Wednesday, February 12, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Mayor Aliment invited audience comment and Mr. Henry Schellert made commendation to the engineering Department for the traffic report which he felt was a giant step to progress in this area. Mr. Frank Storey made inqu ry 49. to whether the City has gone on record in Olympia protesting the gct�qn taken ubtap Jncreased the power rates and President of the Council Delaurenti advised a petition is being directed to the utility Commission. As there was pq further business it was moved by Bruce; seconded bv Po _i to Carried. Tho meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. , 299 2-10-64 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted and approved by Council as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 3782 Frank Aliment $ 111.25 3783 Maynard R. Anderson 2.40 3784 Jim Bowron 2.40 378.5 Burnrite Oil Company 290.59 3786 Burroughs Corporation 6.24 3787 Callaghan,,&, Company 20,00 3788 City. of Renton 61,34 3789 Wally Clarke Fuel Oil Co. 168,96 3790 Coast Wide.Sppply. Co. 113.32 3791. Walter L. Cook 2.40 3792', ; Gerald Cordell 8.50 3793 James E. Denzer 8,80 3794 Dotz Chemical Company 51.48 3795 Bob Garrison 2.40 3796 Donald Gerber 2,40 3797 Dorothea Gossett' 21.00 3798 Group Health Coop, of Puget Sound 160.50 3799 Sam Heller 76.39 3800 R. L. Ingram 2 .40 3801 International Pipe and Ceramics 2 .39 3802 King County Mecical Service Corp. -_ _ ,.. ,720.80 3803 Gus Kroesen;'s 7, i57.62 3804 George L. Lubbers 2.40 3805 Bill Luedke 2.40 3806 Market Basket #3 33.50 3807 Market Basket #5 13,:35 3808 Dale E. Markham --2 --40 Ilr�d 3809 Mead's Heating & Service 9.62 3810 Mobile Communications Co. 156.00 3811 Pacific Northwest' Bell 7.410 3812 Patrick L. Phelan 2.40, 3813 Public. Administration Service 219,98 3814 Puget Sound Power' & Light Co. 5,232.96 3815 Puget Sound Power &Light Co. 470.10 3816 John' Racanello •8.80, 3817 Renton Clothing Company 82.71 3818 Renton 'Clothing. Company 264.03 3819 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 1.,88 3820 Renton Rainier & Printery 26..00 3821 . Renton Valley Fuel Co. 516.43 3822 Clifford, L. Robertson 2.40 3823 Seattle Art & Photo Supply, Inc. 3,.,.8 3824 Seattle King Co. Dept. of Public Health 175,,00 3825 Luella Smith , 2..40 3826 Tall',s Camera Supply 3..85 3827 Tonkin's Men's Wear 28',.55' 3528 Uarco' Business Forms 10..60, 3829 W/T City Treas., Cr. Equipment Rental Fund 51.91' 3830' W/T City Trea!s. ,7 Cr. Equipment Rentarl Fund 36:..38 3831 W/T City Treas., Cr. Equipment Rental Fund 46..32 3832 Washington Natural Gas Co. 95,.42 3833 Jack Wilson 5..60 .3834 StateWide` City Employees Retirement System 2,565..53 3835 Standard: Insurance Company zt�. 50 _JT. 300 CITY CF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED February 10, 1964 CITY STREET FUND 3636 Best Universal Lock Co. 38.77 3837 Black River Quarry 603,75 3838 Burdic Feed and Garden Store 20.01 3839 Esco Company 30, 17 3840 City of Renton 4.00 3841 Coast Wide Supply 15-50 3842 A. G. Elliott 129.40 3843 Group Health Coop 80.50 r 3844 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 130.60 3845 Mobile Communications 52.00 3846 Rainier Asphalt Paving 1 ,001 .31 3647 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 134.87 381+8 Security Concrete 43.24 3849 �`VIT City Treas. Cr. Equipment Rental $,281990 3850 Statewide Retirement 244.64 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND 3851 King Co. Medical 8. 15 3852 %q/T City Treas. Cr. Rental Fund 5..00 3853 Statewide Retirement 9.96 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 3854 Milt Williams 100.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 3855 Best Universal Lock Co. 33.89 3856 Cox Machinery 618.80 385.7 Group Health Coop 40.00 3858 Kenny's Auto Upholstery 9.86 3859 King Co. Medical 1650 3860 Renton Motor Parts x72.57 3861 Sahlberg Equipment 584.24 3862 Statewide Retirement 80.22 PARK FUND 3863 Belknap Glass 17.21 3864 City of Renton 21.56 3865 Group Health Coop 16:00 3866 John Julian & Son 15.70 3867 King Co. Medical 31 ,90 3868 Northwest Mower 11 .03 3869 Pacific Northwest Bell 38.32 3870 Puget Sound Power 279,53 3871 Renton Sand & Gravel 56. 16 3872 Renton Boiler `Norks 14.98 3873 Sherwin-Williams Co. 42.59 3874 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 12.74 3875 Victor Fuel oil 63..06 3876 Wash. Natural Gas 47. ►0 3877 Statewide Retirement 108.40 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 3878 Black River Quarry 19. 12 3879 City of Renton 4.00 3880 Dotz Chemical Co. 17. 16 3881 Group Health Coop 48.00 3882 King Co. Medical 163.80 3883 Messer's T.V. 4.99 3881.E Mobile Communications 5200 3685 Pacific Northwest Bell 43.94 City of Renton Vouchers (cont.) 2-2.0-1964 VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 3886 Puget Sound Power & Light Gumpany $ 2,077.90 3887 Renton Boiler Works 339.62 f 3888 Frank, E. Rhodes Co. 9.36 l 3889 W/T City Treas., Cr. Current 417.00 b, 3890 W/T City Treas., Cr. Current 2, 582.60 3891 W/T City Treas., Cr. B.I.D. 248 113.87 3892 W/T City Treas., Cr. Equip., Relta3"Fu 4. .:3,005.88 3893 Statewide City Emp. Retirement System 185.63 AIRPORT,F%; 3894 Frank's Soundtronics 66.77 3895 King County Medical Service 24.45 3896 W/T City Treas., Cr. Current 205.00 3897 W/T City Treasurer, Cr. Equip. Rental 66.51, 3898 Statewide Retirement System 35.57 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1184 3899 Stoneway Sand & Gravel Co. 342.17 LIBRARY FUND 3904 A. S. Barnes & Co., Inc. 2.80 3901 Benefic Press 97.82 3902 The Children's Book Council, Inc. 11.80 3903 Diesel Oil Sales Co. 90.08 3904 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 176.20 3905 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 30.60 3906 Gaylord Bros., Inc. 158.72 3907 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.50 3908 Hartman Office Equipment Co. 15,60 3909 Marcella Hillgen 13.65 3910 King County Medical Serv. Corp. 75.15 3911 Virginia Kirkus Service 50.00 3912 McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. 178.44 3913 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 2,50 3914 Pacific Northwest Bell 59.56 3915 The Puget Sound News Co. 1,285.73 3916 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 39.18 3917 Record Stationery & Office Supply Co. 4.06 3918 Remington Rand Systems 88.40 3919 City Treas. W/T, Cr. Waterworks 78.76 3920 Washington State Tax Commission 9.60 3921 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 140,61 L.I.D. N0. 250 CASH FUND Frost Construction Company 551.87 L.I.D. NO. 250 REVENUE FUND ;")- Firemen's Pension Fund 55-1,87 6�.... t ... ... .......... Fra nk Al�p}ar�t, Mayor _ Helmie N�, �:,, C;tY Cly 1,k RENTON C�;T'Y COUNOIij REGULAR MISET'L­i-I,'7 302 February 17, 1964 8:00 2.11. The regular meeting of -the Renton City '%",'ouncil w,;s caned to o;:de--- b Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p-in. ROL.L CAVL UF CCffl% 'E'L MEMDERS: llriulce, '7 an n Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm,, Custer., Po-"--' u,ad L_­u.ce OFFICIAIJS A:-,.,:) D'_E­'A'A."'.'I4E-."-­ HEADS lRRES"2'.4": He_'_mle Shellan, City Attorney;, Frank Henry, Assistau!'_- Chief of Po_1ice., Ve:.--n 101119irch, Purchasing Agent,,, B. L. Andersen, Sup't... of Uti-7-ties, lack W-F.10-01" Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, V.. C. WaJ1165, F-L-'e Ma�ce_"I'Z 7 Gene Coulon., Park Super-_'-ntendent &.1d V_ David Ule-ns-3n, z7g, Dir-3--tor- bl- Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent '.-on.ici_.']mz,'n be excused. Carried. The Pledge of A_"..egiance to the Flag was led by -_atzolman James PIL-ala n a-_-id the Invocation was de-7-vered by Rev. 2zank Sta-rk,,2-17, St_ Aac-Lews Moved b; Pc-"--*. seconded by ;zace, -Lo 'L'ae 1,L-nutez; of pI­.za-,:_-'ous of February 10, 1963 as written. Calizied., 1 "Ir 'I :�,E*,�, APPLICA71- URS FOR BUI'LID-ING PIEIIIUI�I'S AS SUBNME-22-ED 1.01 li"- A BUILDING PER141"I"S ­ LOU 77E 0'0 W'19�11.'_" NO. AV,I,1rYJI' H&E X r-.% 9343 $400,,000>00 Willis C'ampbell, Gene Iynn-So. 133rd C& 91st Nurs--ing Home 44 100.00 Dave Franceschina ]�73 *Lake Street So. Too'.'_ Shed 9345 '100.00 William. Collins .10030 .712th S.E, Fence 46 1,000,00 A. C. Eugit-7"t ".0824 I'-0th PI, S.E. 'Re-roof residence 47 IWOO Oscar Svennungsen 425 Whit,.,7orth Stzeet W--'re residence r"', fIDII --i - - eet Frame "� s`d(- e 48 15,00o'co "United Homes Corp. I I. Street I.e i Electric Hea4- 49 300-00 Bob l77 ikek 21­8 - 5;:h PI. !-o. L 9350 600.00 Will-liams & Swanson 4ild Ave Burnett Wl.­e Carport 51 1,500.00 7 Codiga L08-19 SQAE� .':00th �Iou.L- s Basement PLUMBING & HEATING PERI,11T S 6351 - - ;Tian •`J. Gabriel'son _]_12 2_1 S-7, :08th St. Gas Installat'lo-no 52 - - Washington Jockey C'Iub 4jonga-cres, Race Track 131"UMbing Fixt_-ureE 58 - - Washington Jockey Club 'Long: c-_-­es Race `Track P'um'DILIg 7FILxt­L'A-re!:-9% 54 - - Eric Englund 5.;w ','7ra n(2 ey Way Heating Equipment 6355 - _ Robert H. Johnson 3.104 - 5th Ave. E2 Pl�=bing '7-'4'x-IUures 56 - - Howa.-d L,, ParkeT 320'1 - 5th Ave. E,., Plumbing F-`_'xt-ures 57 - - - - S. T,. May 32.15 - 5th Ave. E, P-*"!X-nb--;ng Fixtu.­ec 58 - Eurkey 433 IW"h-"­"--,I7or-'th Sas "; - 5th Ave . E, 59 - George M. Gorden -11" _U.- 6360 - J;ohn 3a-:dessanno 3004 - !Cth Pitu-Iji;ing 61 !1. .'ouis Ma-.esf's 2722 - 8411 P-1 ., 74,orth ?1i-m--b' ing Fixt-u:—'s 62 Rufus Morrison 2906 - 5th Ave. 7. 10'11.xr.bing Fix!_­_­­",; COMMULCAT IG"'S: A letter from Pe--!-,:-;'s; 41-1 W--,"-".-'ams St-reet. requestaul 1--cense t-c'. opez^aI_--_ a Music Machine at sa--d n of 'business. Moved by Po—ii, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Po"-"-ce and L,:Lcen; e Committee withii2ger ta--act. Carried. Claims for damages were submitted by Jesse and 'Elsie Swanson, *.:�-'nzda [)"mstead, and Mrs. Padf,-4e.."C', 0-f 915 11 St--e"-.Ij- ., x1hich apa-rtment was f:"Gode6 venen storm sewers backed up from excessive ra.-,rfa.'---' on t7anuary 16, '--�964. Moved by Reid, seco=nded by Dahlquist-, to .--efe-1 the Claimo to 'cite Ci' , Atcrrk Carried. A communicat-ion IL"rom Hawkins, Ing,9.'";_"L'S & '33onj At coriheys at la7.,Y, requested that action be taken on behalf of 'Lv,'-. W, Lester Mc­n"osh '-o a`aev-;.:,."e the flow of water onto Mr. McIntosh-s proper-ty Which ­­ •Is al"J_,age� was ca-Lise(I t�.- Oft j __L �i., A. - , . .. ;.j� installed culverts T-.ade,_- .'132nd S.7",. causing diversion of the vlatel-s,' Moved by Huse, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter '`o "Che I Al-le Committee- "arried,. 03 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-17-64 A letter from Renton School District 403 was submitted by H, R. Johnson, Secretary, Board of Directors, requesting an Agreement and Conveyance with proviso for late-comes hook-ups for both the sewer and water facilities at the Fred Nelson Junior High School, Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to -refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee to meet with the Sanitation Committ--ee and report back. Carried. A letter from Mr. Berton L. Haug-am requested reimbursement of funds paid in connection with installation of water line in Adams Vista there larger than 6" line was installed which refund had been indicated by the utilities engineer at the time of installaticn. Upon inquiry, Sup'to of Utilities Andersen advised of meeting with �.. Mr. Haugum and that investigation disclosed no written provision for any such re- imbursement and that policy has been established for such procedure when the line is within the City Limits but when installed for benefit of outside territory the parties benefited would bear full cost: Mr. Haugum has received all late-comers fees collected by the City for subsequent hook-ups to the line and Mr. Andersen had denied Mr. Haugum's request inasmuch as his property is outside the City, Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Com.•nittee to report back. Carried. '—""'--- A letter from Attorney Donald Holm reported decision rendered on January 31, 1964 by the Hon. F. A. Walterskirchen relative to the traffic control light suit, Edwards, vs. City of Renton,and Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Judgment was submitted for the City's records, The sum of $179500.00 plus tax was paid by Mr. Edwards, however, the Court found that Mr. Edwards had benefited one-third the amount invested and therefore the City should pay the reasonable value of the im- provement or the sum of $12,132.00.: In capacity as special counsel for the City for this,-one action it was'recommended. by Attarre y Holm that the Judgment be paid;. plus interest @ 6% from 1-31-64 and the statutory cost to which plaintiff will be entitled, which have not-yet been determined. • .Mr; ,Edwards .has -indicated that 'he Vill:,appeal this decision for recovery of full cost: of the installation but no..,actiow has ,been taken to.-,date. Mo ed- by Sruce, . seconded by Custer, to refer the communication to the City Attorney for recommendation: Carried:. , A letter from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce expressed f p sed appreciation m City official_s for assistance in suceessfully promoti.ng. the North RentonInterchange Bond .:issue with special thanks and acknowledgment being -extended to the City Engineers, Jack Wilson,' Del Bennett and staff and 3ielmie-Nelson, City'..Clerk anal staff ;and to- Police Chief Clarence Williams and Captain Ernie: Henry-for-the fine iagsistance;,rendered. President of the Chamber of Commerce; S,,14. Cayce, expressed pleasure- of.the. Chamber in' being able to: assist the City with this program.' President of- the Council, Delau.renti, conveyed appreciation to the Chamber of Commerce for its excellent work in publicizing the Bond Issue attributing greatly to its 'passage� APPOINTMENTS: _ A letter was read from Mayor Aliment, affirming recommendation of Fire Chief M. C. WaL.s, that Firemen-Jerry Pyle and Ronald. Bergman be appointed -to permanent' positions on the City of Renton Fire Department, having 's,atisfactorily cbmpieted the' six months probationary period -tequired:by law. Council concurrence was: ., requested. Moved by Custer., seconded by Reid, to• concur with the appolntm'ents ,by the. Mayor. Carried. :- ORDINANCES_PTO' RLSOLZU1OKS: i r. :Councilman. Dulahant, .Chairman of the Ordinande Committee, Presented proposed' Resolution::of tip City providing'for es blighment :of cbrmection oharge�s;,fot,water n.r and sewer utilities systems for certain facilities heretofore conveyed to the City, for those property owners hereafter -w shing. to ,tonnect to said system and ;who. have not he been assessed. It was requested by Chairman Custer of the Sanitation' Com- mittee, that the document be held for one week. Granted. The 'Ordinance Committee presented•a proposed Agreement betweenthe -city,and : Jane M;! Duff., providing' for :granting of,i .Variance to construct .a building.: on-.Ther. property .at 3,-d'and Williains Streets . reviousl destro e:dd ;b fire -Agreeing, �P Y Y y ) � owner to pay the� sum of!$2,500.00`unto the City in lieu of parking facilities. and-to. par•tieipate in 'any '.future:L.I:D. or pian[ .in lieu thereof-for the'-purpose,of acquiring parking.-facilities within the -confines: o-f the :downtown area. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, that the, Mayor. and Clerk be authorized. to execute the document. . Carried. -2- 304 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-10-64 Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that conflict still exists as far as the in lieu of parking fee is concerned in the existing Ordinance and correction is in order as previously recommended. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 3-232 of Title III (Departments), of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances . of the City of Renton", relating to certain private or public cooperative water districts, which was read by the Clerk. It was then subsequently iNoved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 2081 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Old Business: Councilman Garrett made the motion that the City Clerk be authorized to direct a letter to the Chamber of Commerce txpressing thanks for efforts contributing to passage of the bond issue. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried unanimously. Councilman Garrett, reporting for the Public Relations Committee, to whom the matter of publicity of the North Renton Interchange Bond Issue, has been referred, advised of meetings with the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and that the hard work of the Committee had proven its merit. Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Accounting and Auditing Committee, presented a report of his Committee recommending acceptance of automotive bids as follows: ROLLER - Recommended that the low bid of Feenaughty Machinery Company, 717 South Michigan Street, Seattle 8, Washington, in the sum of $4,876.00 be accepted. GRADER - Recommended that the low bid of the Howard Cooper Corp. in the sum of rf $14,232.08 be accepted. POOL CARS (3) - Recommended that the low bid of Williams & Swanson in the sum of $6,638.32 be accepted, POLICE PROWLER CARS - (4) - Recommended that the low aggregate bid of Williams & Swanson, in the sum of $6,224.24 be accepted. 3/4 TON TRUCK (Fire Department) - Recommended that the low bid of Renton Automobile Company (Ford) be accepted in the sum of $2,593.16. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendations of the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Chairman Councilman Custer reported that one pool car item was lower in the bid of Renton Automobile, however, the aggregate pool car bid was low as submitted by Williams & Swanson and in the interest of better service and parts economy by having the same type equipment, it was recommended thusly. The pending motion carried. New Businesst Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, requested a meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 3922 through 3955, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by rrr the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported a request from the Knights of Columbus to park a car downtown on the 25th of February do which 'raffle tickets were to be sold and moved that the request be granted. The motion was seconded by Poli and carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Council As A Whole on Thursday, February 20, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers and Councilman Custer requested Sanitation Committee members to meet following this meeting. Mayor Aliment announced a King and Pierce County Mayors meeting at the Maplewood Gol'' Course on Friday, February 21st at 6:30 p.m. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adl urn^c at � : ::0 n,m, 305 February 17, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 3922 B. & B. Auto Parts $ 25.96 3923 Blumenthal Uniform Company 39.44 3924 Chapman Electric 1,654.58 3925 City of Renton 50.44 3926 Jeanette Dahlquist 16.50 3927 Richard L. Gray 40.90 3928 King County Humane Society 606.66 3929 McLendon Hardware 83.91 3930 Pacific Outfitting Company 6.19 3931 Plastic Sales & Service 9.24 3932 Dan Poli 3.50 3933 Puget Sound Power & Light Company 661.08 3934 E. J. Tonda 46.07 3935 C. S. Williams 8.00 3936 Jack Wilson 4.50 3937 M. C. Walls 7.37 CITY STREET FUND 3938 McLendon Hardware, Inc. 8,39 3939 B. & B. Auto Parts 58.33 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 3940 B. & B. Auto Parts 7.80 3941 Howard Cooper Corporation 9.76 3942 Williams & Swanson 43.34 PARK FUND' 3943 Kent Oxygen Company 3 .64 3944 McLendon Hardware 50.99 3945 McLendon Hardware 143.55 3946 Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone 19.57 3947 U. S. Post Office 30.05 WATER WORKS UTILITY 3948 B. & B. Auto Parts 24.65 3949 McLendon Hardware 24.70 3950 Puget Sound Power & Light Company 27.28 3951 Tax Commission 1,161.17 3952 Transport Clearings 5.38 3953 Western Utilities 1,578.29 3954 Pacific Water Works 805.60 AIRPORT FUND 3955 Puget Sound Power & Light Company 231.75 WMW frank Aiir;)�,> '..`•r..a 1�crmie Ne,;on, City te ., kiayor Crk 30r� RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 24, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL_OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Pedersen, Dahlgaist, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli. and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing ... Agent, D,, L< Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissiouner, J. David Jensen, . Planning Director and James Denzer, Chairman of the Planning Commission. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 17, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDIPIG PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9352 $ 338,00 Standard Service Tire 2nd & Logan Street Wire Addition 53 1,200.00 :ene Meyers 140 Rainier Ave. S_ign-.at Building 54 1.00 Willis E. Campbell So. 133rd & 91st Ave. S. Demolish Bldg. 9355 450000 Claude P. Rogers 420 Renton Street Remodel Residence 56 245.00 Mrs. Stearns 643 "H" Street Re-roof Residence 57 245,00 Mrs. Stearns 2220 - 9th Place Re-roof Residence 58 50.,00 Louis Codiga 10819 S.E. 100th New Electric Service PLUMBING & H PfING- PERMITS: 6363 - - - -• Jim Allen 2623 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 64 - - - - Bonded Escrows 11429 S.E. 110th Plumbing Fixtures 6365 - - - - C. E. Nystrom 3316 & 3318-6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixts. 66 - - - - Earl Conlow 3109 - 5th Ave, E. Plumb--ng Fixtures 67 - -- Ray Bancroft 518 "N" Street Plumbing Fixtures 68 - - - - Wilbert Poeschel 12440 - 87th So. Plumbing Fixtures 69 - - - - Ernest L. Frasier 2918 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6370 - -- -. - Ralph J_ Storey 3223 - Sth East Plumbing Fixtures 71 ::o-?yier Const. Co. 12501 - 87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixts. 72 -- - - - Conner Const Co. 12740 - 86th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - Albert May 3007 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - - United Hgmes Corp, 1101 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6375 •-- -- -- - William parrow 227 Wells North Gas Installations 76 - - - - Ernest D. Fairclough 1233 Davis South Gas Installations 77 - - - - n*ted Homes Corp. 1101 "R" Street Gas Installations 78 - - - - George Johnson 3525 - 6th Ave, E, Plumbing Fixtures HEARING : Proposed Comprehensive & Arterial Plans and maps relating to land use and Artera's in the City of Renton. This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk read a Petition objecting to the portion of land use proposed for R-4 in the Windsor Hills area. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, to delete the subject area from adoption at this time Carried, Mr. Ernest R. Coleman, of Homeland Realty addressed the Council at this time inquiring as -to the lenth of time the proposed land use is to remain in effect in concern for interests of future business transactions wherein change of zonings might be desirable. Planning Director Jensen advised that this is not the land use proposal which will come as a result of the 701 program but rather one which will serve in the interim, perhaps for five or ten years. it will be subject to amendment and up-dating but will serve as a basis for the p:'.--.1z, City Attorney Shellan upon inquiry pointed out that the proposal is a general guide to tel-1 where the City is going over a certain period of time and includes not only maps but general proposals showing present status and looking into the future for a certain number of years. The City has the right to amend the plan as circumst,:.:rices change over a period of time . Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-24-64 HEARING: Comprehensive Land Use and Arterial Plans & Maps (cont.) Mayor Aliment invited further comment and Mrs. Evans inquired regarding zoning Z change which had been made temporarily and then returned to its original zoning of R-1. Mr. Henry Schellert inquired regarding advisability of development of parallel arterials on 3rd Avenue North and 4th Avenue North when there is a school between causing danger to the children as well as a traffic problem where 4th intersects 3rd on the other side of the tracks. Mr. Jensen advised of the need for increased traffic facilities from East to West directions in recognition of the Pacific Car and Foundry and Boeing traffic as r... well as the school in the subject vicinity, and outlined with a pointer on a wall map the proposed changes to come about as proposed under the comprehensive plan which in- cluded relocation of the railroad facilities and development of overpasses and possibl alternative grade crossings in lieu thereof. Mr. Norman Ross, 420 I Street,called attention to Edgewater Enterprise properties and school and hospital property and the petitions and verbal objections of property owners to change of zonings from other than single family dwelling: uses-in this area and requested deletion thereof from the plan adopted. Moved by Custer, seconded by Dullahant, to adopt the land use maps and plans as presented with deletion of properties aforementioned and the Edgewater, School and Hospital property to retain present zoning fox this time. Discussion on the motion ensued and Planning Director Jensen, upnn inquiry advised that the Commission did not feel the Edgewater property was desirable for single family dwellings due to extensive excavations which have been made as well as concern for the adjacent zonings. Color key was explained and designations thereof as well as the Commissions'justifications for their determinations. Mr. Louis Purcell called attention to reversion of property to original zoning if not developed within 7 years for designated public use and urged retention of R-1 zonings. The Hearing was closed and Council action requested. Question was called on the pending motion, there being no further comments, and there being ,disseriting ve0al vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Ayes: Delaurenti, DullahanYt, Hulse, Garrett, Trim, Custer and Bruce. No: Reid, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen and Poli. Seven Aye votes and five no votes carried the motion. Moved by Custer`, seconded by Hulse, to adopt the proposed Arterial Map and plans as presented. Discussion ensued and proposals were outlined by Planning Director Jensen for various connections of arterials, relocation of railroad facilities and changes subject to new proposals which might be incorporated, as well as matter of funding which must be resolved, after which the pending motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mr. Dean Bobier, of Dean Sign Co,, requested temporary license to operate his sign business from his residence at 11005 - 112th Ave. S.E. until such time as he can relocate in a proper business area. Planning. Director Jensen advised of investigation of the matter and that Mr. Bobier has been requested to confirm a date for relocation. Moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted easement agreement from the City of Seattle to be executed in connection with development of an arterial in the Tiffany Park Area. The City Attorney and City Engineer recommended certain changes in the document and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the matter be referred to City Attorney. Shellan to advise the Seattle City Council of the changes requested. Carried . A letter read from James G. Frazer, Consultant, requested to be retained in regard to assisting with the $400,000.00 Bond Issue passed by the electorate in February. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to refer the letter to the Finance Committee to report. back. Carried. A letter from 'City Attorney Shellan recommended payment of the Judgment rendered by the Court as reported by Attorney Holm including costs which the City will have to pay. The amount will be furnished by Mr. Holm and should then be paid to the County Clp:rk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recommendation and to refer the matter to the Accounting and Auditing Committee and Ways and Means Committee, for subsequent action. Carried. -2- 'FT Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-24-1964 COMMUNICATTIONS: (cont. ) A letter read from C. H. Anderson, 2714 - 162nd N.E., Bellevue, advised of receiving traffic citation in Renton and cited near-accident situations at this same location (Intersection of Bronson Way and Houser Way with Sunset and Maple Valley Highway) thereafter and it was recommended that left turns be prohibited or storage lane provided at Houser Way or that Maple Valley Lane be stopped when other two lanes stop at intersection leaving it open for left turns. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to refer the letter to the Street and A11cy Committee for investigation. Carried. A letter from Sup't. of Utilities Andersen requested authorization to call fo r bids on construction of 12 inch cast iron water main on South 153rd Street between �. the East Valley Highway and Longacres racetrack. March 23, 1964 was recommended for opening of the Bids. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to authorize .the bid call and to approve the date set for opening of the bids. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Lucy Buxton, 2002 - 9th Avenue North, proposed that the City pass and enforce a dog leash law. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the communication to the Council As A Whole. Carried. A Memorandum from City Attorney She3lan submitted proposed Lease from the City to Archievustine and wife for a two year basic term with contingent option for two additional years to take place of present expired lease. The property description excludes small corner parcel encroached on by office which parcel is conveyed to the Gustines by Quit Claim pursuant to Resolution No. 1231 adopted 2-10-64. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Lease'. Carried. A letter from Wallin-Baffero requested on behalf of•Jane 'Duff, .thdtjthe City grant a :ioading �zone for materials and supplies being used for reconstruction of building at 3rd '0enue' and Williams, along 3rd Avenue. Moved by ,Ouster, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. ' Carried. ' ; APPOINTMEW_ c ; A letter from the Civil Service Commission Certified candidate James F. Ashurst, who qualified through examinatiot►5ias eligible',applicant 'for Classification.,of Assistant Chief of the Renton Fire Department. Approval of'Mayor Aliment'was'submitted therewith 'and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, that the appointment be made for the' 'probationary period of six months as required by ]raw, Carried. ORDINANCES AND'RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the -Ordinance Committee, presented :a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington declaring the intention of the City of Renton © adopt standard specific tionstfor municipal public works constrtictiata which wasroad by the Clerk. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to adopt Resolution No. 1,233 As read, Carried. COUNCIL 'COMMITTEE REPORTS Old Business: Councilman Reid requested a'meeting of the Street and..Alley Committiee`on Saturday Pebr. •29, 1964 at' S:Ob ci.m. ]r Sanitation Committee 'Chai'iiiiian`Custer presented his committee report recommending that proposed Ordinance relating to. sever connection charges for water and sewer facilities heretofore conveyed to the City for those property owners Iwishing to connect and who have not previously been asaeS'�od be adopted with one addition under Sub-Section (B) of 'Section I, to-wit: "The special connection char&e 'shall be ,paid in, cash whenever such charge is' $500 .00 or less; when such special connection charge is greater- than $500,40 an application may be made - - '- Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur. Carried. Referral--of '2-_17-64 regarding Fred Nelson Jr. High School - Recommended that subject to receipt of an agreement between School District 403. .and the City for easement rights for waterline's crossin9'tfi school property, the Mayor and .C.ity Clerk be authorized to then enter into an agreement and conveyance regarding j6w-e.r's as proposed in Agreement of 2-17-64., Moved by'Bruce,' seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS 2-24-1964 OLD BUSINESS: (cont. ) President of the Council Delaurenti reported meeting Thursday for discussion regarding transfer of lighting assets of the City to Puget Power and the Committee recommended that appraisals: be secured thereon. Moved by Delaurerti, seconded by Custer, that the Power and Light Committee secure the appraisals. Carried. ow Ordinance relating to in lieu of parking fees will be held for further determination. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Garrett reported the need for a stop sign at 2nd Avenue North and Pelly Street and a sign on Langston "Children At Play", and moved that the Street_ and Alley Committee look into the possibility of posting same. The motion was seconded by Custer and carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 3956 through 4033, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be now approved by the Council, and the motion carried. Councilman Custer requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee following this Council meeting and the City Attorney and Attorney Holm and Mr. Goedecke were invited to participate. Fire and Water Committee Chairman Poli reported that his Committee had investigated the request of Berton L. Haugum for reimbursement of funds paid in connection with installation_of oversize water line in Adams Vista and in concurrence with the report of Suptt. of Utilities Andersen, and in establishing future policy insofar as extension outside the City is concerned, the payment be required in full and 100% of cost assumed therefor by anyone requiring mains outside the City. It was recommended that Mr. Haugum be so advised and no refund' paid accordingly. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by %W, Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. There were forty visitors in the Council Chanb ers. Auditing $ Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the ^. . Committee, were approved for the month of February, 1964. PAYROLL $108,269.10 CURRENT 30,309.06 STREET 115109.48 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 2.00 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 23.11 OFF-STREET PARKING 101.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,988.27 PARKS 11881.70 :LIBRARY 2,617. 76 AIRPORT 959.27 WATER WORKS UTILITY 36,262.23 CUMULATIVE #1184 342.17 F.IREMEN'S PENSION FUND 1,102.25 -4- February 24 , 1964 City of Renton vouchers , having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval: VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 3956 American $lueprint Co. 7 .49 3957 American Municipal Assoc. 2 .00 3958 Austin-Hendrickson 60 .62 3959 Blumenthal Uniform Co. 5 .47 3960 City of Renton 415 .00 ... 3961 Cochran-Coast to Coast 11. 95 3962 Pirs_ Edward Ferrari 2 .40 3963 Edward A. Ferrari 2 .40 3964 Glen C . Gianini 8. 50 3965 K & E 52 . 31 3966 Kuker-Rankin, Inc. 2 .06 3967 Lumber Market 91. 25 3968 Myers Oil Co. 42 . 99 3969 National Council on Crim? & Juvenile Delinquency 7 . 65 3970 Helmie Nelson 6.00 3971 Nudelman Brothers 81.55 3972 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 18. 62 3973 Pacific NW Bell 1, 228.49 3974 Paulson Office Supply 244.73 3975 James E. Phelan 17 . 10 3976 Record Office Supply 7. 96 3977 Remington Rand 937 .05 3978 Renton Cash-Way Lumber 81. 12 3979 Renton Clothing Co. 16. 54 3980 Renton Enterprise 200.60 .., 3981 Sunset Coal & Oil 174.46 3982 Troy Laundry & Cleaners 14 .04 3983 U. S. Post Office 28. 80 3984 Washington Title Insurance Co. 2 . 10 3985 Kenneth G. Yergensen 2.40 3986 Delbert Bennett 8.00 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 3987 Helmie Nelson 2 .00 CITY STREET FUND 3988 Cochran-Coast to Coast 6. 56 3989 Lumber Market 3 . 37 3990 Pacific NW Bell 10. 00 3991 Renton Cash-Way Lumber 6. 80 3992 Standard Oil Co. 36. 32 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 3993 R::nton Enterprise 1. 50 PUBLIC WORKS REVOLVING FUND 3994 Air Mac Inc. 46 .07 3995 Myers Oil Co. 1, 289. 63 3996 Pacific Auto Parts 318. 93 3997 Paulson Office Supply 46. 33 3998 Reiman Auto Parts 90. 38 3999 Record Office Supply 46.07 4000 Renton Automobile 65 . 55 4001 Standard Oil Co. 9. 63 4002 Sunset Coal & Oil Co. 101. 60 31 Page 2 Feb. 24 , 1964 VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT PARK FUND 4003 City of Renton 25.00 4004 Diesel Oil Sales 10.77 4005 Paci =ic NW Bell 18. 54 4006 Puget Sound Power & Light 7 . 99 4007 Renton Cash-Way Lumber 6. 55 4008 Sunset Coal & Oil 359.72 4009 Chas. R. Watt Co . 17 .07 AIRPORT FUND 4010 Cochran-Coast to Coast 7 .04 4011 Myers Oil Co. 9. 56 4012 Paulson O ,_Lice Supply 1 .55 4013 Seattle Water Dept . 53 .40 WATERWORKS UTILITY 4014 H.D. Fowler Co. 2 , 958. 54 4015 Hersey Sparling Meter Co. 1 , 386. 70 4016 Lumber Market 5 . 99 4017 Pacific NW Bell 77 . 15 4018 Paulson Orrice Supply 16. 59 4019 Remington Rand 137 . 16 4020 Seattle Water Dept. 944.47 4021 Standard Oil Co. 1 . 26 FIREMEN' S PENSION FUND 4022 Mrs . Enza Anderson 150.00 4023 Theron K. Anderson 291 .00 4024 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 6. 66 - 4025 Baird M. Bardarson 5 .00 4026 K' s Prescription Pharmacy 61.82 4027 Floyd Lawrence 305 .00 4028 Drs . McConville, Callahan & Ellinger 45.00 4029 Mrs . Orpha McDonald 150.00 4030 North Renton Clinic 42.00 4031 Renton Hospital 25 . 35 4032 Shaw Bros . Drugs 8.42 4033 Vukov Clinic 12 .00 Frank Aiilrent, h?ayop l Cierk 'l 312 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 2, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Hulse, Gianini, Dahlqui.st, Pedersen, G rrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, James Highton, Building Supt. and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Harold Caldwell and Invocation was delivered by the Rev. Glenn Camper, First Baptist Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting of 2-24-64 be approved with correction of name of speaker during the Hearing on the Comprehensive Land Use and Arterial Plans and Maps, being Rudy Zaputil and nor Lewis Purcell. Mrs. Margaret Evans submitted letter correcting 2-24-64 minutes and stated that she had wanted it a matter of record that certain changes had been made in regard to the Land Use Map in a certain area. The letter was read and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to amend the original motion to include both changes. Planning Director Jensen commented that there were items in the amendments proposed by Mrs. Evans which were not correct. Councilman Garrett stated that the minutes were supposed to show what was said and if that was what Mrs. Evans said it is what the minutes should show. Mr. Jensen advocated that all which was read had not been said. City Clerk Nelson stated that a part then would be an addition to the minutes and the letter should not be entered in its entirety as a matter of record. Mrs. Edwards advised that the B-1 zoning reference was incorrect in the minutes and that she had presented the letter for the Clerk to use her own ,judgment as to deletions. City Clerk Nelson advised this was a matter for Council determination. Further discussion followed including suggestion by Garrett that the letter be made a part of tlu minutes. Question was called for on amendment to the pending motion and carried. The original motion as amended was then voted upon and carried, Mrs. Evans Letter follows: "Re: Hearing held Monday 2-24-64 by the City Council on Proposed Land Use Map. Correction - - Mrs. Evans said- - - - The first Land Use Map of. the Planning Commission showed the area (Dobson-Cugini) we are interested in as entirely yellow or R-1. The John Graham Company works in close collaboration with the Planning Commission. This then must have been their considered opinion because of its close correlation to the :Hain core of their 701 Project. Later the Planning Commission set up a meeting to explain the map to the public by Mr. Jensen and John Graham Company. When Mr. Jensen was questioned regarding the proposed land use of this area as shown per map, he said - -'that the yellow R-1 was the considered opinion as the best use and most compatible with the surrounding area. ' A week or so later it appeared in the newspaper that it was the majority opinion of the Planning Commission that this area (Dobson-Cugini) be R-4. I looked at the map and found that a piece of vellum had been thumb tacked over this area and daubed orange or R-4. Now when the matter is referred to the Council and a Public Meeting called, the Land Use Map shows the vellum removed and the map itself of this area is orange or R-4. Although the City Council, December 17, 1963 executed an agreement regarding this property. Margaret W. Evans. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT v BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9359 $ 350.00 Kenny's Auto Rebuild 106 Park Street Neon Sign 60 425.00 Conners Const. Co, 12501 Des Moines Way Wire Residence 61 70.00 Gary Dotson 3303 - 9th Ave. No. Antenna Tower -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-2-1964 BUILDING PERMITS: (cont. ) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9362 450.00 Montgomery Ward Co. 319 Williams Street Remodel Interior 63 2,500.00 Jack H. Schlosser 416 Renton Street Additions 64 15,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1102 "R" Street New Residence 9365 300.00 Hartman's 217 Sunset Blvd. E. Sign 66 600.00 Elsie Beach 1353 "K" Street Storeroom 67 155000.00 Robert Castonguay 3412 - llth Pl. No. New Residence 68 500.00 Art's Drive-In 526 - 2nd Avenue Sign 69 400.00 Bonded Escrow, Inc. 11015 - 116th Ave. SE Wire Residence 9370 100,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 1301-07--13 - 9th Ave. 36 Unit Apartment 71 11,000.00 Lewis Purcell 11625 S.t► 106th Pl. New Residence 72 21,000.00 Mrs. Gus Bachman 315 - 2nd Avenue Store Building 73 125.00 Romeo Charbonneau 3415 - 5th Ave. E. Remodel Carport 74 300.00 Russell Rhoads 915 - 1st Ave. No. Re-roof & gutters PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6379 - - - Riley A. Burroughs 3001 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 80 - - - John Dobson 3520 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - William J. Piesch 3022 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - John Marshall 420 No. Williams St. Heating Equipment 83 - - - Jack E. Oden 3113 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 84 - - - Winifred Flatebo 3116 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6385 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12740 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 86 - - - Joseph Diambri 3120 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 87 - - - Eldon Fluegel 3524 - 5th Pl. E. Plumbing Fixtures 88 - - - John Dobson 3419 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 89 - - - L. Codiga 10819 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 6390 - - - James Shull 3501 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 91 United Homes, Corp. 1103 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 92 - - - Thomas Pratt 3521 - 5th Pl. E. Plumbing Fixtures 93 - - - John Dobson 3217 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - Bernard Spunaugle 1246 "M" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6395 - - - Hery Belisle 10807 - 111th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - - R. T. Prather 338 Pelly Street Heating Equipment COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from Building Sup't., James Highton, advising of expiration of 30 day period for retention of 15% of contract price on informal bid award for repairing floor covering and painting of the interior of the Highlands Administration Building. With no liens or claims being filed it was recommended that the retained percentage in the sum of $132.60 be released at this time to Clarence L. Bunstine. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to refer the recommendation to the Accountinf; and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. A Memo from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, reported that Mr. Dean Bobier has relocated his business to 8112 - 4th Avenue South. Previous request for temporary business license to operate from his residence had been referred to the Planning Commission on 2-24-64. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the Planning Commission be advised of the relocation of the "Dean Sign Company" and that a recommendation is no longer needed. Carried. A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, submitted and recommended approval of Agreement between the State Highway Department and the City providing for relocation of water main in S. E. 80th Street to accommodate the May Creek Interchange construction. .�. All costs therefor are to be borne by the State with the City to assume responsibility for continued maintenance of the relocated facilities. State Agreement No. GC-1542. It was recommended that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the document upon approval of the City Attorney. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that this is a standard agreement form used for all such type matters. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur with the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. -2- Hinutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-2-1964 COMM iN!CATTONS: (cont.) Letter read from Mr. Sam Zerwoodis, for the Estates of James & Helen Zerwoodis, requested a Use Permit on a portion of alley and street right-of-way in connection with proposed service station in development of the Estate's property. Diagram attached designated general location for proposal being between 3rd Pl. No. and Factory also abutting Marion Avenue and 4th Avenue North. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Street and .Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Dickson advised that they operate Pat's Cafe during the Longacres Racing Season only and requested waiver of payment of water rates Fri for the period that the business is closed at which time the water is turned off and all pipes drained. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Fire and (dater Committee. Carried. A letter read from Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ballatore appealed for permission to secure special permit to begin immediate construction on a six-unit, one story apartment building on the corner of 3rd Avenue North and Garden Street. The matter is pending in t.e Planning Commission who has held the matter for further consideration until its meeting of March 25th. Planning Director Jensen explained that the Planning Com- mission has proposed certain revisions in the plot plan so as to eliminate parking prop;=crus as well' as the plans not being in keeping with requirements of the Ordinance regarding S?ecial Permit in R-2 zoning and it is within the realm of reason that the Commission if not satisfied might ask for revisions. Councilman Reid stated that the party's plan met requirements of the Ordinance as presented according to his under- standing and CcunciLman Delaurenti stated that from his impression from the letter the requiremnents are being met and if it has been in the working process since last April there should be no reason for delay. Planning Director Jensen advised that it was a mattes of fact that some things could be met however under the Special Permit the Co::unissicn has the power to make and require certain conditions felt to be in the best nlarni:g interests. The present plan provides that 3rd Avenue North be used as a sidy- street and the Commission feels that 3rd Avenue is more important from a traffic stand!oint than Garden and although the 20 ft. setback would be met on Garden and the 10 ft. on 3rd Avenue, the Commission would like to see the plan fronting on 3rd Avenue with greater setback on both streets and there are various plans which could be used to effect :Nana. In granting the Special Permit the Commission sets its approval upon the p?:;.ns fcr deviation from the present requirements and inasmuch as the present plan does not meet with approval the Commission has not sanctioned it at present but wished to discuss and consider it further and it was felt the Commission has authority to request rQasonable..length of time"for such -.determinations. Councilman Delaurenti inquired whether the buildings as set out meet the line of buildings on both streets and Mr. Ballatore stated they would do so and asked that City Attorney Shellan give his opinion_ regarding setback requirements. City Attorney Shellan requested to look at the plans and then cited setback requirements of the City Code to be 10 ft. for side yards under R-2 and R-3 zonings on abutting streets. Mr. Jensen stated this were true if in this instance the flanking street were 3rd Avenue but that it was possible that 3rd Avenue might be used as an arterial and the Commission therefore recommended the revisions. City Attorney Shellan replied that as he understood it the parties have a ten foot setback on 3rd and around 33 on Garden and the Ordinance under R-2 and 3 requires a 10 foot setback. The Council has been presented with the same problem several times before and not so long ago in property involving 4th Avenue. If the City feels the setback is not sufficient under R-2, R-3 or R-4, and greater setback should be observed and the City may want to widen or increase traffic loads,it cannot arbitrarily require greater than the Ordinance provides. If the City wants to acquire addLtioral property it can negotiate and if the party does not want to negotiate the City will have to buy the property but it cannot require more than the 10 feet. If looking ahead and anticipating what is wanted or will be needed the property should be acquired by buying or purchase through condemnation and this applies to this case or one on 4th Avenue or any other. If needed it should be acquired as the cost after "r buildings are put up would be too costly. The problem is whether 3rd Avenue is to become a 60 ft� right-of-way. Mr. Jensen pointed out that it was so designated on the map which Council :las just adopted being shown as an arterial thereon for carrying traffic East from the area and that some time had been spent to develop an alternative proposal. The Commission felt that at the time this street was developed under their proposal it would not be detrimental to the Ballatore property, that it would not require removal of a substantial portion of its valuation. Inquiry followed as to how many years this I would be effected. -3- { I Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-2-1964 315 Ballatore Special Permit Request - (cont. ) Mr. Jensen asked for sketches which Mr. Ballatore submitted and proposed plans as well as the original were shown with turning problems being cited where backing out onto 3rd Avenue would be necessary. It was also pointed out that widening of 3rd Avenue might require acquisition of further right of way for sidewalks and if 20 ft. were observed less damage would result to the property thereforethe Planning Commission, being desirous of giving thought to other possible arrangements for a development of this size in the public interest without penalizing the parties in- volved, felt it would like an additional period of time to work out relative details. Mr. Ballatore cited objections to the plan which Mr. Jensen had prepared due to lack of windows which Mr. Jensen stated might be overcome with introduction of light through the roof as well as ventilation with use of glass or plastic as is done frequently in building at this time. Also that this plan was only one arrangement which might be worked out. Mr. Ballatore pointed out the adequacy of his plan as far as setbacks are concerned and pointed out cement patiosto service the units as well as 8 ft. space between the buildings and the rear yard. Mr. Jensen stated that the traffic problem was not being considered and the plan .is too close to 3rd Avenue North according to the viewpoint of the Commission. Coun ilman Gianini inquired regarding amount of parking space and it was stated to be 33 ft.which brought further inquiry by Councilman Bruce as to why it was contended that this was not adequate to turn around in. Mr. Jensen stated the radius required for turning was 32 or 33 ft. and up to 38 for some cars but other vehicles would need to be considered in the maneuver. Mr. L. W. Sanders, owner of adjoining property to the South advised that he as well as other neighbors were quite interested in what type of structure was to go there and he had looked over the plans and fully approved of them and felt that it was going to be good for the community. No parking problem was anticipated it being felt that the 16 ft. right of way could be utilized if it were needed for turn around and anyone who could not turn around in 33 feet should go to driving school. The only problem he can see is the 10 ft. offset, which is a technical one, but it will blend in with the surrounding property and will be adding something to the community. And not to interfere, but regarding backing out onto the street, Mr. Sanders stated he would be willing to bet you wouldn't have to and inquired as to what is being . served here, whether the people of the Community don't have something to say. r' Mrs. Florence Bennett inquired whether these rules apply to all of North Renton stating that she lives on First Avenue North right across from the clinic and has 28 feet for parking and every car has to back out. The cars are parked all along by the clinic, the traffic is really terrific and they all have to back out from her residence. Mr. Joe Ricardi advised he was the man who submitted the plan to Mr. Jensen and when he asked if there were considerationsto be taken further and was told to consult an architect. Councilman Trimm inquired the date that the matter would be coming before the Planning Commission and Mr. Jensen replied that it would be heard again on March 25th. Councilman Trimm stated that the Council cannot act until the matter is again presented to Council subsequent to the hearing and Mr. Jensen advised that if the Commission denies the request an appeal may be made to the Council, the Ordinance providing for an appeal of decision. Discussion disclosed Planning Commission shall render recommendation on a matter within 30 days if change of use or reclassification of property is involved so the matter might be consumated without undue delay. Mr. Ballatore advised he had been working since April and didn't feel he should have to wait any longer. Mr. Jensen advised the matter had been presented to the Commission the latter part of January or ' first part of February and is not as old as April as far as the Commission is concerned. Mr. Ballatore stated he had submitted the application the 6th of February, however he had tried to get rid of a house on the property last April and it was the wrong zoning for the house in regard to fire regulations so he had moved the houses himself and now he is getting kicked around some more. Mr. Jensen advised that when people come in with proposals for multiple dwellings he very customarily suggests that if they have not employed an architect they do so, wanting the best for the City it is felt that often an architectcan be of valuable assistance to the people in such matters and time is always given to people when they come in with specific problems. Mr. Ricardi said that Mr. Jensen was too busy when he was in with his problem. Upon inquiry Mr. Ricardi advised that his business is known as C. & R. Construction. Mr. Jensen advised he may be too busy to design buildings which is not a part of his job, and Mr. Ballatore statedthe matter has been knocked around and he thought they had gotten everything and the Planning Commission hasn't done what they should have done and Mr. Jensen hasn't done what he should have done. Councilman Trimm inquired whether action will be taken by the 'Planning Commission at the meeting of March 25th. Mr. Jensen said the Commission will have it before them at that time but he could not tell what action would be taken. Councilman Trimm asked if it would be returned by April 6th and Mr. Jensen replied that it may not be appealed but the people would know by March 25th.,, Q Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-2-1964 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Ballatore - Special Permit request Councilman Garrett. asked,since Mr. Jensen had saiA the Planning Commission was reasonable in requesting this amount of time, did Mr. Jensen feel that this is a reasonable amount of time to determine either one way or another, yes or no, which is what the fellow is really after. It was questionable whether the Council could take care of it. as long as the matter is in the Planning Commission, until they reject it, in' which case it could be appealed and presented to the Council for action,: but if it is approved it will not come- before 'Council again. Mrs. Margaret Evans stated she travels Third Avenue a great deal of the time and felt that on Third and on Park cars must all back out, even 'Ot Mk? Derters home. Mrs. Ballatore stated that she felt if they have s legitimate complaint they should not have to wait that longs If they meet all the requirements why the hold UP. Councilman Hulse stated the Planning Commissiol shoUd have a go at it at the next meeting if they had reason to 6ld itup; and if it is not granted it could come before the Council. Councilman Reid inquired whether the B61iatores were willing to wait, and Mr. Ballatore replied that he was not willing to wait. Mr. Ricardi asked if it were legal or not legal the way it is set up. That this is the question and tie only question involved. Councilman Reid advised the Planning Commission was considering the matter following procedures on the time but he did not go along with them. Further discussion ensued'.xelative to the sebpe of the Planning Commissinns powers as set forth in the Ordinance. Councilman Trimm addressed Mr. Ballatore and advised that under the legal procedure altha# the Council may like to do something,they could not do so now and would have to take the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the 25th. City Attorney Shellan advised these folks had applied for a Special Permit because R-2 zoning does not allow them to put up the building as they have it in mind, that the Planning Commission has a reasonable amount of time to grant the permit but the Planning Commission cannot be arbitrary. . 11he only-point he wished to make was the legal one that if 'the Ordinance did call for a 10 ft. setback, the Planning Commission cannot require 20 or 30 feet. If land is wanted for street purposes the City must negotiate or acquire by purchasing. Upon further inquiry, Mr. Shell.an advised that it would be well for the Council to remind the Planning Commission that if they want to acquire land for public use; that require moving back greater distances than the ordinance provides for they will have to pay for it and whatever the recommendation, it should not include any more than the present Ordinance entitles them to insist on. Councilman Garrett requested members of the Planning Commission who were present to carry back Mr. Shellan's legal opinion. Mr. Guy Evans stated he had no interest one way or another but with the present figures being 40% of the work forces employed in building and rental construction out of work he thought the should let them begin working. Planning Commission member Cordell advised that Mr. Ballatore had approached him after the Commission meeting and that he expressed his opinion that the matter had been held up in the wrong way and he felt they should have been allowed to go ahead but one man could not follow through on the whole-works alone and get it done. Mayor Aliment suggested a Special Meeting of the Planning Commission at which the Council would sit in and designated next Monday, March 9, 1964 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers therefor. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, that the matter be referred to that meeting. The motion carried. A letter read from the State Highway Commission acknowledged the Council's letter requesting posting of all construction areas within the City and advised that the Com- mission had adopted the Manual for Traffic Controls to which the City refers at its December meeting of 1963 and that contractors currently working in Renton are required to comply with the provisions of the Standard Specifications and any special regdirement included in special provisions of specific contracts. Thanks were extended to the Council for its interest in public safety and the address was submitted where additional copies of the Manual may be obtained at 25� per copy. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-2-1964 CUA1Mu1��EsTIO:JS: {cont. ) A ,ulletin from the Association of Washington Cities called attention to Petit-'on for initiative 222 to take liquor profits from Cities, the Initiative proposing that all revenues be allocated for public school building construction. The bulletin urged that committees be formed to advise citizens not to sign said petition., Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the bulletin to the Legislative Committee. Carried. An invitation was extended the Mayor, ,City Council and Administrative Staff to attend the opening of tl-e new Bellevue Municipal Building at 111-116th Avenue Southeast, Bellevue, Washington at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 7, 1964. P"O^LA?':TICidS A letter read from Mayor Aliment proclaimed March 8 - 14 of this year 1964 as Girl Scout Week and March 12th as the 52nd Anniversar,- of the founding of Girl Scotitirig in the United States of America, calling on all citizens to give the Girl Scouts now and in the coming years their continued interest, cooperation and support so that in- creasing numbers of girls may benefit from the program cf training in citizenship which this organization offers. Mcved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayo Carryed. recognition of their active interest in good government in the City of Ren4-,,n and the State of Washington and the United States of America, Mayor Aliment proclaimed the week of.March 1, 1964 as "League of Women Voters Week' in the City of Renton. N'oved b77 Reid, seconded by Custer, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried, 0 T/I . S 'in TI S` :J`"IONS: a Courci- an Dullahant, Chajrman of the Ordinance Gon_r:­� ee, presented a proposed Ordinu�ce of the City of Renton, Washington relatin to s .r2r connection charges for Property nct previously assessed or otherwise charged t..ara�or, 1;hic . was read by the Clerk. Move-: by Poji� seconded by Hulse, to refer the prcposed Ordinance to the Crdina-ce Committee for recommendation. Carried, lir. Char "les S'. L:2 inquired as to content':S of the Ordinance and whether the City on its c•,, can go ahead with sewer E ne _.n­ -al_L.ations and assess the property benefited if an L..I,D. had been initiated and t_croper';y owners had turned it down. Cite A`tor�e,� She.; an advised that the O=Uira^� read was proposed to , p p provide for hock r.:� cha'r' ges tc thc�e pecp�e who wish to hook up and have not been assessed before or shared in the cost of the im- prcvement. Mr, Shane stated he did not get it straight owning the reading a it was r�,a3 17f72 of f.-st and there was a lot to it. Mr. Shel_�n explained further Sections of the `.ordinance which provide for credit to be given fcr any payment made in case an L.I.D, is created later on. The property owner is going to pay equn.i share of the improvc,rent whether by L.I.D. or otherwise if connecting to the system. Mr,, Shane further inquired as to whether,if an L.I.D. is initiated by the City and the property owners voted it down, the City could then in:ftia-ftit anyway through means of Health, and Walfare conditions telling everyone to hook on. City Attorney Sre llun replied that this could be possible though not likely because the City does not commence an L.I.D. if voted down because the purpose is to have the property owners shape in the expense and the prime reason of this particular ordinance is to have the City charge, in addition to the regular hook-up charge and recoup a portion of the initial outlay fwcr:. people who have not paid for initial improvements. ter. Shane was given a copy of the Ordinance an(r upon inquiry regarding funding of such i'rrprovements by the City Mr. Shellan advised that if adequate public funds are available the City can use them fez nci ir:- prover►ents Ft any time. i Mr. James Anderson asked if his understanding L corxect then that for example, with W, property in President Park not presently served by the sewer, this means the City could institute a program and force the people to hook up if t .ey have septic tanks) that the City col.ild put in a sewer and force the people to pay,, N'ayor Aliment advised that this would occur only in instances where the health and welfare of ti,e cozmunity might be impaired bat cthez-wi e it eaou�•a not by done. Mr, A_;. rscn inquired further regarding the zra`e establishme,nt and City Attorney She21-' n suggested the document be held and those persons h-Ving inquiry could then make their requests before further action is taken. Cotuncl�_nan DullIn`rant stated the Corrnittee would hold the document in Committee for the p_-eset t� v --6- 318 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-2-1964 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) The Ordinance Committee Chairman presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton relating to construction, installation and maintenance of a certain inter- ceptor sewer line which extends from the Cascade Sewer District's present sewer system through portions of the City and connects to the sewer system of the Munici- pality of Metropolitan Seattle, providing also for collection by the City of Renton for and on behalf of said District, certain hook-up charges from any and all property owners desiring to hook-up to such interceptor line. An Agreement between the City and the District accompanied the proposed Resolution. MW Councilman Custer, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reperted that these documents have been prepared pursuant -to many months of meetings and negotiations and with all parties finally agreeing, the documents are written up accordingly. City Attorney Shellan advised of requesting revisions to the original�Cee: el-,t which had now been incorporated and the document received this date was as amended. During discussion regarding the agreement it was pointed out that the City does not commit itself to share in any expense even though perhaps $60,000 worth of pipe is to be located within the City Limits. Its responsibility is to collect from abutting owners certain rates before allowing connection to the system) during the 30 year life of this agreement, and right is reserved to charge for bookkeeping expenses involved in collecting and remitting and also in case any taxes are levied as was done in Metro. Further aspects of the matter were discussed after which Councilman Custer requested recommendation of the Ordinance Committee, the Sanitation Committee having approved same. The Committee recommended favorably and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 1234 be adopted as read. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Street and Alley Committee Chairman Reid submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Wallin-Baffero request on behalf of Jane Duff for Loading Zone at 3rd Avenue and Williams Street: The Committee recommended that the Police Department, Street Department and Engineering Department work with the Contractor to provide adequate loading and unloading space duringr the mod construction. Discussion disclosed that a permanent loading zone was desired and that the bolding would not be constructed otherwise as the type of operation required the permanent zone. The Street and Alley Committee acted with:an impression that the loading zone request was for that time only while the building was being constructed for materials and supplies, and after confirmation by Ips. Glen Wallin of the need for a permanent zone, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to grant truck loading zone on 3rd Avenue as requested. Carried. 2. Stop signs on 2nd Avenue North and Pelly have been authorized by the Engineering Department as requested. 3. Children at Play sign requested on Langston is being investigated by the Engineering and Police Department. 4. C� H. Anderson letter regarding left turn traffic at intersection of Bronson Way and Houser Way - recommended that the Engineering Department write a letter to Mr. Anderson informing him of the present status of the Maple Valley Intersection control and future development proposed related to the Interchange. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Custer reported that the Sanitation Committee has considered request of Fred Nelson Jr. High' School for a Late Comers charge on the water system in that area. The Agreement had not been executed pending the granting of an easement across the property. Also Mr. Lynch brought up the problem of storm sewers on the West side of the property which the Committee feels should be made a part of the conditions for granting of rights to the water system. Moved by Custer that before the Agreement is executed the conditions be amended to include construction of adequate storm sewer or containment for storm waters on the West side of the property. The motion was seconded by Poli and carried. -7- 19 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-2-1964 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse stated that there had been discussion over power rates and made the motion that the Council recommend to the County Commissioners that a proposition be put on the ballot so that the people in the area comprising the Renton School District could vote whether they would like a P.U.D. and the motion was seconded by Custer. Inquiry was made of Mr. Hulse whether he meant to include all of the school district and he replied affirmatively. Councilman Delaurenti stated he had attended the meeting regarding the' P.U.D. 's imm coming into a City and he did not see where the 'Council has authority outside the City. Mayor Aliment inquired if the recommendation was to be made to the County Com- missioners and Mr. Hulse advised it was his understanding that the proposal could get on the ballot by action of the County Commissioners; and thus Council so re-com- mend-The Commissioners did not have to take the advice, however he felt ample evidence had been submitted from the citizens of the City to indicate that they are interested in doing something and so it should be put to a vote. If they don't want it they can turn it down , . It will have to be faced eventually and to date has not been treated fairly but brushed aside like a hot potato and he did not think it should have been and by the recommendation he feels the matter would be given the chance it should have, Mayor Aliment appointed Mr. Hulse as Chairman of a Committee to see the Commissioners and report back. Mr. Hulse inquired whether the Commissioners have been approached heretofore and Mayor Aliment replied that they had not. Councilman Custer was appointed on the Committee also at-this time. Councilman Delaurenti stated that as President of the Council he had called several meetings including one with Puget Power and Light Company, one with Seattle Light and twc private meetings and also had a representative of the P.U.D. in to explain the full s-'-cry so he did not understand the "hot potato" statement as if such were so he would have held it until after the election. Mr. Hulse replied that the way to begin on the matter was w11—h the Com- missioners and he had understood the matter hay' been dronpee. Mr. Charles Shane addressed the Council statIrg the only taing he wanted to say was that he agreed with Mr. Delaurenti that he has been trying to cdo something; that there had been 1200 names of people signing this and four or five Meths have gone by with no action and if there had been real concentrated effort and that group of rww people considered some effort wmald be made as far as these people s:- concerned instead of being ignored and he believed tha matter would be much further along the road. No matter whether a.P.U.D. or what if you want something lou have to get a motion on the floor. It was recommended that the Petition be sent to the Commissioners by the Committee to get it going. Councilman Delaurenti advised that the Petition had been received the second week of December and it was not four or five months ago. Councilman Custer advised that the intent of his second to the motion.-.,?as that this was one possible route of action and he would now like to lay the vote until an answer is received from the County Commissioners. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to table the motion pending report from the County Commissioners. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 4034 through 4110, having been previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be now approved by the Council. Carried. Councilman Custer reminded the Council of request of Boeing ha4 1�-aen discussed for possibility of hooking Boeing facilities directly into Metrots sewer line and by- passing the City's which had been turned down for vai. ous reasons w' ich included setting of precedent and loss of revenue. A new request has now been received from Boeing to hook onto these lines and to continue present payments. Mayor Aliment and Supt. of Utilities Anderson Have been apprised of the matter and the Mayor has a .meeting planned within the week with the Boeing Company. Councilman Reid requested a meeting of the Street andAlley Committee on Saturday ion March 7 1964 at 8.00 a.m. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.,m. There were 39 visitors in the Council Chambers. -8- 3240 ..arch 2, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the ;.uditing and A ccountin Committee, were submitted for Council approval: VOUCHER P2.YEE 1,140UNT CURRENT FUND 4034 Lmerican National Red Cross 9.00 _ 4035 Bill & John's Food Center 8.48 4036 Blumenthal Uniform Co., Inc 31,73 4037 Clarence L. Bunstine 132.6o 4038 Burien Office Iiachines, Inc. 8,38 4039 City of Renton 18,22 4040 Coast 1,Lde Supply 141.35 4041 The Copy Company 10,92 4042 James E. Denzer 108.50 4043 Dictaphone Corporation 1362 4044 Tom Dobson LSon 170.65 4045 Helmut '!alter Gabler 2,40 4046 Dorothea Gossett 32.10 4047 ilichael T. Grandinetti 2,40 4048 H L I1 Duplicator Corp. 2.50 4049 2,rnold J. Hubner 19 50 4050 International .'.ssoc. of Fire Chiefs 27.01 4051 Catherine .:indred 122,30 4052 Harry Floyd LeTwris 2,t40 4053 Head's Heating 5476 4054 Larry ,-Nichols 2,40 4055 Pacific Northwest Bell 65.00 4056 Pacific Outfitting Co. 52.78 4057 John Pedeferri 2,40 4058 Public 11dmi.nistration Service 3.i5 4059 Puget Sound Power a Light Co, 295,53- 4060 Radio Supply Co. 8.42 4061 Seattle-Kind Co. Dept of Public Health 175.00 4062 Robert Stevenson 2,40 4063 Trick and ,--Hurray 2,04 4064 U. S. Post Officc 355.60 4065 U. S. Post Office 30.05 4066 D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc. 14.25 4067 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current ,-Fund 14.18 4068 11VT City Treas. Cr. 'iquipment Rental 173..68 4069 W/T City Treas. Cr. Street Fund 17409 4070 Kenneth G. Wells 2,40 4071 i!estern Plumbing Officials 2,ssoc. 5.00 4072 Mike 1,Tiedel 2,40 4073 Jack 1,Tilson 23.95 4074 Jack Milson 6,25 CITY STREET FUND 07 Iiinnesota !,-inning Cc Manufacturing 21M8 4076 Raeco Products Corp. 68,02 4077 Rudd Paint Co. 511,68 4078 Service Laundry ' Dry Cleaners 73.53 4079 !VT City Treas, Cr. Equipment Rental 219.:69 4080 1!ashington Belt U Rubber 11,45 4081 I'lelders Supply 7,80 EQUIP 10IT RENV L FUND 40d2 Busy Bee Rentals 23,83 4083 L. N. Curtis 'c Sons 112.32 4084 Frey Equipment Company 84,76 4085 Goodall Rubber Co. 510 4086 0. K. Tire Store 16,49 4087 Six Robblees' Inc, 3,52 4088 Sweeper Servicers Inc. 260000 4089 Union Oil Company 60,06 409a !VT City Treas. Cr. Street Fund 30.00 4091 fielders Supply Co. 1435 r 3A1 Pace 2 P.hRK FUND 092 City of Renton 17.56 4093 Interstate Tire 33.02 4094 Janco-United 3.70 4095 WIT City Treas. Cr. Equipment Rental 25.40 UTER WORKS UTILITY FUND r4096 Coast Wide Supply 11.99 4097 Fred ?T. Hanks Co. 352.,07 4098 Janco-United 55.23 4099 Hunicipal Revolvinc Fund 114.40 4100 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,688.00 4101 Pennsylvania Salt 125.00 4102 Pucet Sound Power 0. Li ht Co. 15.98 4103 Frank Rhodes 9.36 4104 Service Laundry u Dry Cleaners 9.63 4105 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current Fund 417.00 4106 [-,l/T/ City Treas. Cr. Street Fund 64.38 4107 11/T City Treas. Cr.Equipment Rental 3.97 AIRPORT FUND 4106 Service Laundry �z Dry Cleaners 9.68 4109 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 205.00 411.0 U/T City Treas. Cr. Street Fund 7.79 ire � MJ Frank Aliment, Pv,uy ,r City Clerk —i0— RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 9, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, James Highton, Building Sup't., J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Harold Caldwell and Invocation was delivered by Pastor Jack Ernst, Berean Church of God. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 2, 1964 be approved as written. Councilwoman Dahlquist pointed out that Mrs. Evans had been called Mrs. Edwards in one sentence of the Minutes and with this correction the motion was carried and the Minutes approved as corrected. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT I BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORI< 9375 $ 300.00 David Youngman 423-425 Airport [%Iay Repair Fire Damage 76 250.00 Cecil Wakelam 9009 South 133rd St. Change Elec. Service 77 250.00 P. R. Rupprecht 820 "C" Street Cover Patio 78 14,500.00 Custom Remodelling 2808 - 4th Ave. No. New residence 79 150.00 Edward Shemel 442 Walla Walla Wire new residence 9380 3000.00 Gus Backman 315 - 2nd Avenue Wire Store r,:ilding 81 450.00 G. L. Tuttle 10612 S.E. 100th St. Wire Electric Heat 82 50.00 G. E. Sundquist 1301 Shattuck So. Change Elec. Service 83 2,000.00 Wallace Riley 11426 S.E. 100th Addition and siding 84 - - - Peter J. Raffey 627 - 4th Ave. 14. Demolish garage 9385 500.00 D. Youngman 423-425 Airport !Jay Storage shed 86 4,300.00 Ed Stanley 530 Renton St. Addition to residence 87 1,000.00 Theresa Jullian 59 Logan Street Garage PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 6397 - - - Walter L. Warren 3111 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 98 - - - Edward Shemel 442 Walla Walla Plumbing & Gas Fixt. 99 - - - Donald Jacobson 3508 - 5th Pl. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6400 - - - Dean Bobier 10810 S.E. 108th Plumbing Fixtures 01 - - - Lowell & Aws 3221 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 02 - - - Malcolm Campbell 3124 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, submitting final costs on L.I.D. 2501, "M" Street Sanitary Sewers, as follows: Engineering costs, $700.00, Clerk's costs, $142.00, Treasurer's costs, $50.00, Street Department costs, $350.00. This L.T.D. was funded by the Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund and the following accounting transactions were presented for concurrence. L.I.D. No. 250 Cash Fund Warrant No. 3, drawn to City Treasurer, Credit Current Fund, $892.00 L.I.D. No. 250 Revenue Fund Warrant No. 3, payable to Firemen's Pension Fund in the amount of $892.00. L.I.D. No. 250 Cash Fund Warrant No. 4 drawn to City Treasurer, Credit Street Fund in the amount of $350.00 L.I.D. No. 250 Revenue Fund Warrant No. 4, drawn to Firemen's Pension Fund in the amount of $350.00 Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur and to refer the matter to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-9-64 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Homeland Associates, Inc. submitted by Mr. E. R. Coleman appealed, on behalf of Bertha Isaacson, the decision of the Planning Commission relative tosetbacks on application for B-1 zoning. Moved by Garrett, secnnded by Poli, that the date of March 23, 1964 be set for Hearing on the appeal. Carried. A letter from Mr. Ed Munro, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, invited attendance of the Mayor and Council at a meeting to be held on March 24, 1964 at 10.AM in the Renton City Council Chambers, regarding the Green River Watershed study. A plan for the Green-Duwamish Basin will be presented by the Soil Conservation Service and 'rlocal sponsorship cooperation will be reviewed as well as feasible means of raising locally required funds. A letter from Cassie Sande expressed her thanks to the police department for their cooperation arra interest in a recent problem which was solved for her. Mrs. Julia Setzer requested aid of the Council in settlemert of the bus strike suggesting there be some pressure brought to bear by the City Officials and Customers. She has been riding the buses for over 16 years being physically unable to drive and is greatly inconvenienced by the strike. Mayor Aliment appointed a Committee to contact the Bus Company and the Union for current status and report back, as follows: Cbuncil Members: Delaurenti, Reid, Dahlquist and Garrett.' Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that Mrs. Setzer be advised of the action being taken. Carried. Deputy City Clerk Marshall reported that the Planning Commission has granted Mr. Stringfellows request to post a sign at the Whitworth Apartments, the area being zoned L-1 wherein such use is permissible. The matter had been referred to the Planning Commission by the Council on 2-10-64. A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission ecommendations from its public hearing meeting of 2-26-64 as follows: 1. Tiffany West - Recommended approval of the plat as revised. Moved by Custer, irr seconded by Poli., to concur in the Planning Commissions recommendation. Carried. 2. Rezone per Application No. R-166-64 from S-1 to B-1 - Slavo P. Ozboldt property recommended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation n Carried. V. 3. Variances: Willis E. Campbell & Gene E. Lyon - Application No. V-170-64 was recommended for approval. Inquiry was made of Mr. Jensen regarding location of the property and Mr. Jensen advised it was the site of the new Nursing Home at Earlington Hill and that the Variance was, for use of a portion of the 20 ft. setback line. Slides were shown after which it was moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur, Carried. 4.- Fraternal Order of Eagles - Application No. V-172-64 - The Commission recommended approval of the request provided that the Eagles obtain from the adjacent property owners binding agreements which will establish permanent use of joint parking facilities. Moved -by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Councilwoman Dahlquist inquired whether such agreement has been reached to date. Planning Director Jensen advised of having letters in the file from owners of the adjacent properties indicating their willingness to allow parking but the Commission had felt it should be in the form of an agreement. Mr. Wm. Lee, was .present representing the Eagles and expressed the opinion on behalf of the Lodge that inasmuch as they are just using the peoples property and not vice- . versa it was not felt that there should be anything binding upon the properties,. that the letters in writing giving permanent use should be sufficient. Planning Commission member Felker advised the Commission did not feel such document was a r binding committment and that the Commission desired something more of a permanent nature. Motion was offered by Gianini to refer the matter to the Council As A whole and discussion continued upon lack of second, it being determined that the matter was how far the Agreement now in writing was binding in permanence. Mr. Lee inquired as to the number of years the Commission meant by permanent and Councilman Delaurenti inquired of City Attorney Shellan whether they should b _nd other property owners to provide parking for the Eagles. City Attorney Shellan advised the Eagles has requested a Special Permit because they cannot provide enough parking of their own without joint facilities so they have to use their neighbors facilities. What the Planning Commission contends is that with just the written permit it can be revoked upon 30 days notice or maybe even shorter so if the permit is issued and parking later revoked they cannot say to remove the building as you do not have adequate parking, so what they -2- TZ4. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-9-64 COi1MUiI-U .-ONS: (Eagles request for Special Permit) perhaps an easement and covenant running with the land but the property owners do not wish to encumber their own property which would affect the salability as if they should seal tomorrow the buyer would take it as his right that it would not be binding Twp::n h_m 1, Mr. Felker stated some arrangement might be worked out so that the arrangement m_at be binding on both parties for perhaps a period of ten year and Councilman Bruce advised it might be to the interest of the Eagles to have such an agreement if the present fol°m could be revoked in the 30 days as counsel had pointed out. After further discussiq it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer to refer the matter to the Street and Alle Committee for investigation and report back with recommendation. Carried. A letter submitted from the Renton Chamber of Commerce, S. W. Cayce, President, was read making recommendations relative to the Public Administration Service report on Capital improvement programming for the City. The Board of Directors of the Greater ::erton Chamber of Commerce concurred that properly executed, the long term financial planning as proposed can only assist in more effective utilization of funds for fulfilling ' purposes in the best interest of the City. Comments and inquiries followed regarding the program and methods for execution and concurrence of the Council was requested in those recommendations outlined by the Board therein. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the communication to the Council As A Whole. Carried., PRO10 IATILGII: A letter from Mayor Aliment was read proclaiming the week of March 15-22, 1964 to be :-nternational Demolay Week, calling upon all citizens of Renton to join in commending the young men of the Order of Demolay and expressing grateful appreciation of the fine exa7ple set by these young leaders in contributing to the welfare and character of other young men of the City, thus aiding in the development and leadership of tomorrow's citizen. Mcved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the proclamation. Carried. ' ORD : IF:??C?3 Al") R SOLUTIONS: OLD BUSINESS: Coci'ar:. _� ^al" ahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed .esolut=on of the City of Renton authorizing and directing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to transfer the sum of $6,335.11 from the Current Fund unto the Street Fund as a loan only to be repaid not later than December 31, 1965 at 4% interest. Loved by Poli, seconded by Reid, to adopt Resolution No. 1235 as read. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington , declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating money for the purpose of providing for the satisfaction of a certain .judgment of the Superior Court, King County, "V7ashington, Cause No. 585794, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seccnder' .y Reid, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recom- mendation, Carried. The Committee reported that the emergency ordinance will be held for one week for proper publication according to law. (To satisfy Judgment - Traffic signal lawsuit - $12,392.39). COUI'CIL C%HITTEE REPORTS: Street and Alley Committee: Chairman Reid submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with actions taken by the Council as follows: 1. :request of Sam Zerwoodis for Street Use Permit in development of service station at intersection of 4th Avenue North, 3rd Avenue No. and Factory Streets was considered and it iaas recommended that a "No Fee Revocable Street Use Permit be granted. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Street �-.nd A-1-ley Committee. Carried. Ways and Means Committee; Aceountigg and Auditing Committee: Councilman Custer, er' Y. -' nt-report recommending that a Resolution be presented authorizing the borrowing of $x,335.11 from the Current Fund by:the Street Fund which constitutes balance necessary '-o fund the Judgment against the City from the Traffic Signal lawsuit. (Edwards ,s vs. Cite of "entor. It is further recommended by the Committees that an Emergency Ordinance be presented appropriating the sum of $12,392.39 from Street Funds unto Street Construction Fund 3200, Account 605 in order that the Voucher may be prepared. Moved by Coster, seconded by Bruce, to concur in these Committee recommendations. Carried. -3- 325 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: -9-1964 Councilman Custer referred to prior weeks motion by Councilman Hulse to contact the County Commissioners regarding encompassing the Renton School District in a P.U.D. proposal for the City and submitted report of the City Attorney which was read titin,; RCW. 54.08.010 setting forthe the procedure for establishing a Public Utility Distric=t. It provides, briefly, that the Board of County Commissioners may, or on petition of ten percent of the qualified electors of the county shall, by resolution, submit to the voters of the county the proposition of creating a public utility district which should be co-extensive with the limits of the county. - - - However, where a P.U.D. is proposed for an area less than the entire county, then such action must be initiated by petition of the people within the subject area and when such petition is submitted the Commissioners shall fix a date for a hearing during which hearing the commissioners have the right to reduce the boundaries. Thereafter the matter is submitted to the Election Board and then to the voters at the next General Election. City Attorney Shellan called attention to the fact that the City Council has very little,if anythinU, to do with these procedures and any such petitions, in order to be legally sufficient, have to be in a certain Form and of course, must be submitted to the County Commissioners and not to the City Council. This was a brief summary of the statute and many procedural requirements are necessary in addition thereto. Councilman Custer advised he was submitted this as the report of the Committee which had been appointed to investigate the matter and that he at this time moved to take the matter from the table resubmitting the motion that the County Commissioners be petitioned for a P.U.D. encompassing the entire school district. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and was lost through negative voice vote. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. Fire and Water Committee: Chairman Poli presented his Committee report which was read with Council action taken as follows: F. H. Dickson request that City discontinue water charges during time rental property known as "Pat's Cafe" is not open-was considered and after study of the Ordinance and discussion with the Supt. of Utilities, it was recommended that the City continue charging at the present rate and not change the Ordinance. In this particular instance two separate units are being supplied water from one single service �.. connection which is allowable under the ordinance provided it has approval of the Utilities Department and provided that one owner agrees in writing to assume and be responsible for and pay the total water bill without any deductions for vacancies or other reasons. If it is desired that service to the cafe be discontinued it is suggested that a separate meter be installed to serve that unit. They would then be able to reques the meter to be turned off at a fee of $3.00, for the duration of the vacancy and no charge would accrue during that period of time. It was recommended that the Dicksons be advised of the Committee's recommendation.. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with the recommendations of the Fire and Nater Committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid advised of inquiry and request for a street light at 8901 South 150th and Grady Way and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to. refer the matter to the Power and Light Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Custer, that tdpy. of letter on:P:II,:D. "Formation from City Attorney be forwarded to Mr. Shane. Carried. Moved by Custer, secEnded by Pedersen, that Vouchers No. gh L.I.D. No. 250 Cash and R venue Fund Vouchers Nos. 3 and 4, having beenpr 4209 and eviously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee be approved by the Council. Carried. r Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, that the Accounting and Auditing. Committee investigate and report back as to possibilities of re-financing the City's Revenue bonds for the greatest benefit in interest rates that might be secured. Carried. Mr. Kay Johnson, on behalf of the Downtown Renton Merchants Association, submitted request for permission to hold the annual Pet Parade at 10:a.m. on March 21, 1964. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to grant the request with the usual Hold Harmless Agreement as a condition thereof. Carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council 3-9-64 t1EW BUSINESS (cont.) Mr. Gerald Cordell requested that a letter be read relative to remarks made by his opponent at a recent political candidates meeting inasmuch as he felt that it was his responsibility to the people to have the matter claTifled. The Deputy City Clerk read the letter"which was from the NaAes Paso Tupre'U "Jghwgy Association to which Mr. Cordell showed his membership card, and the letter Affirmed endorsement of Mr. Cordell puzzling that such endorsementshould "k$ck up such a fruasT1. Mr. Cordell's efforts on behalf of the Naches Tunnel. cause were ompanded kpA' w ondorsement fully upheld. Mr. Garrett advised he did not wish to bring the election campaign before the official meeting of the Renton City Council and that he wished to make no comment. 4 Mr; Henry Schellert, candidate for Position No. 6 on the Renton City Council stated he-would like to end the campaign by pointing out to the City Council that in the two months past he has talked to a great number of people and was favorably impressed by their impressions of the employees and department heads of the city and that the Department Heads had shown him all the respect and courtesy they would show any citizen and accordingly he wished the record to show that the citizens are commending the City employees and Department Heads. Tomorrow, he hoped the best man wins. As'there was no further business to come before the Council it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to -adjourn. Councilman Reid-requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. after which the pending motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. There were 34 visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- I 327 March 9, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the AuditinC and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval: VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUN32 'Lail George Abraham 4.80 4112 IiddressoCraph-Hultigraph 35.95 4113 Association of Washington Cities 15.00 4114 Wally Clarke Fuel 104.43 4115 Downtown Idea Exchange 34,00 4116 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 152.50 4117 William Henry 9.35 4118 Holmes Electric 69.78 4119 King County Humane Society 606.66 4120 King County Medical Service Corp. 704.70 4121 Kroesen's 33.75 4122 Kroll Hap Company 23,40 4123 McCann Associates 154.00 4124 McLendon Hardware 28.13 4125 Mobile Communications 156.00 4126 Motorola C & E 52.00 4127 Pacific Outfitting Co. 23.87 4128 Peoples national Bank 4,02 4129 _Pioneer Business Forms 591.90 4130 Potoshnik Fuel 257.70 4131 Puget Sound Power L Light Co. 461.74 4132 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 51225.01 4133 Renton Clothing Co. 121.51 4134 Renton Valley Fuel 470.28 4135 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 104:53 4136 Shaw Bros. Drug 47,05 4137 Standard Insurance Co. 214.50 4138 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 2,544.70 4139 Urban Land Institute 2.00 4140 I^1/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental Fund 2,125.91 am 4141 Washington Hatural Gas Co. 107.54 4142 Westlake electronic Supply 31,52 STREET FUND 41.13 Black River Quarry 170.07 41-4 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 80.50 4145 King County I-Zedical Corp. 138.55 4146 HcLendon Hardware 9.90 4147 Ilidway Asphalt Co. 187.20 4148 Iiobile Communications 52,00 4149 Olympic Foundry Co. 57.66 4150 Pacific Northim st Bell 38.37 4151 Preservative Paint Co. 1,117.54 4152 Rainier Asphalt 510.12 4153 Security Concrete Products 87.80 4154 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 240.20 4155 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 74.82 4156 W/T City Treas. CR Equipment Rental Fund 5,907.54 CEDAR RIVER M & I FUND 4157 King County Iiedical Service Corp. 8.15 OFF STREET PARKII,IG FUND I-Lilt Williams 100.00 r.. EQUIPMENT REITZLI, FUND 9 Atomic Battery Shop 6501 4160 Automotive Service Co. 2.45 4161 DraCerts Harley-Davidson 12.53 4162 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 40.00 4163 King County Medical Service Corp. 24.65 4164 iicLendoh Hardware 9.72 4165 Hunicipal Finance Officers 2.75 Page 2 EQUIPMENT RENT`iL FUND Con I t 4166 N C T•tachinery Co. 37.42 4167 Palmer Supply Co. 11.84 4168 Renton General Tire Service 28.93 4169 Renton I-IOtor Parts 181.42 4170 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 84.96 LIBRARY FUND =I�171 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound '8 51 4172 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 75.1 4173 Statewide City. Employees Retirement System 136.3 11 PARK FUN_ D 4 Best Universal Lock 30.30 4115 Bestira.y Building Center 6.74 ?5 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 24.25 4177 Ehrlich Harrison. Co. 7.17 41.78 King County Medical Service Corp. 98.20 4179 McLendon Hardware 1113.55 4--.3o Pacific Northwest Bell 57.89 4'-81 Puget Sound Power & Light Go. 304.72 4182 Sherwin-Williams 33.27 418> Statewide City Employees Retirement System 110.68 4184 Victor's Fuel 67.34 4135 t-r/T City Treas. CRui Eq Amen t Rental 167.28 4 -86 Washington Natural Gas Co. 52.51 -87 hater Refineries K20 ti I T'ER WORKS UTILITYFUND �_W87 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. 9.36 4189 Black River Quarry 57.75 4190 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 48.00 4191 King County Iiedical Service Corp. 171.95 4192 McLendon Hardware 58.49 4193 Mobile Communications Co. 52.00 4194 Pacific Northwest Bell 43.94 1,857.7 4195 Puget Sound PPowercc Light Co. 4 1 .74 4196 Rainier lisphalt 5 4197 Record-Chronicle 11 .91 00 4198 Renton Concrete Products 29.89 4199 Robert's Chemical Co. 18.72 4200 Service Controls Co. 296.40 4201 Statemde City Employees Retirement System 203.04 4202 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 100.78 4203 W/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental Fund 2,017.62 4204 tl/T City Treas. Cr Current Fund 2,059.33 4205 Washington State Tax Commission 1,130,55 A IRPORT FUND ' 4206 King County Nedical Service Corp. 24-45 4207 Northern Harine Zlholesale, Inc. 730.08 4208 Stateiride City Employees Retirement System 37.86 4209 W/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental Fund 65.00 L.I.D. No, 250 CAM FUND 3 i^7 City Treasurer Cr Current Fund 892.00 4 W/T City Treasurer Cr Street Fund 350.00 L.I,,D. NO. 250 REVENUE FUND 3 Firemen's Pension Fund 892.00 4 Firemen's Pension Fund 350.00 i .......... ....... - ...-`F........ NCiS,n, City Clerk Frank Lilayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL 329 REGULAR MEETING March 16, 1964 8!00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Reid, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND AEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Arthur L. Haugan, AssistantMy- Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Denzer, Planning Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Thomas Bingaman and Invocation was delivered by Rev. A.L.S. Mathrie, Renton Lutheran Church. Mayor Aliment introduced the newly elected Councilmen, George Perry, Vern Morris, Henry Schellert and the elected incumbents, Avery Garrett, Tom Trimm, Charles. Dela-arenti, and-the Mayor, Donald Custer who were greeted with welcome applause. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of -the previous meeting o--1 March 9, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF f-!ORK 9388 $ 1,400.00 David Barber 1450-1452 "K" Street Siding 89 115000.00 Rudy Zaputil 11619 S.E. 106th Pl. New Residence 90 398.00 United Homes Corp. 1101 "R" Street Wire new residence 91 275.00 United Homes Corp. 1102 "R" Street Wire new residence 92 80000.00 Shopping Center 11th Place No. Comm'l. Bldgs. 93 250.00 Hub Trailer Park 641 Wells St. No. Wire trailer serv, 94 5,800.00 Louis Malesis 2722 8th Pl. No. [Dire Apartment 9395 700.00 Gene Meyers 141 Rainier Ave. Fence 96 12,000.00 Evelyn H. Moffatt 540 Rainier Ave. So. Fire repair 97 700.00 Conner Const. 12740 - 86th Ave. So. Wire Residence 98 8,100.00 toeing Company 1055 Park Street Wiring Platform 99 310.00 John Bardessono 3004 - 10th Ave. No. Wire residence 9400 40.00 Alan Van Deusen 664 "A" Street Fence 01 400.00 John Millikin 2212 - 9th Ave. No. Siding 02 50.00 Standard Oil 213 Rainier Avenue Wire Phone Booth PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6403 - - - H. Smith 1219 "J" Street Gas Installations 04 - - - United Homes Corp. 1101 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 05 - - - United Homes Corp. 1102 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - Myrtle Borgen 3515 - 5th P1. E. Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - F. [%J. Peery 3218 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fi::tures 08 - - - Robert Nystrom 3411 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 09 - - - Larry F. Crook 3513 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6410 - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15620 -119th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 11 - - - Ed Stanley 530 Renton Street Gas Installations 12 - - - John J. Bardessono 3004 - 10th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 13 Gordon McConville 10421 - 112th Ave. SE Heating Equipment 15 - - - George !J. Bair 3511 - 5th Pl. E. Plumbing Fixtures 14 - - - C. Martell (Bosworth) 11429 S.E. 110th Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - Clarence Girard 2912 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures ... HEARING: Proposed Emergency Ordinance Appropriating Moneys to Satisfy Judgment Edwards vs. City - Traffic Light Suit - $12,392.39 This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk reported receipt of no written communications relative to the matter and as there was no oral comment the Hearing was declared closed and Council action invited. The Ordinance Committee Chairman, Clarence Dullahant, reported that the document had been placed on first reading on March 9th and second and final reading was now recommended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to cnneur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, roll call vote was taken on motion by Custer, second by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No.2082 as read and the motion carried by unanimous aye vote. -1- npt;r0 Minutes of the Renton City Council�geetin+g 3-16-64 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ballatore appealed the decision of the Planning Commission denying their request to secure a Special Permit in connection with the construction of a six-unit, one-story apartment building on the corner of 3rd Avenue North and Garden Street. Mr. and Mrs. Ballatore declared compliance with the City Ordinance in every respect and did not feel there was justification in further delay of their Permit. Suggested motion for hearing date was made and discussion ensued wherein Planning Director Jensen advised that at the close of prior meetings he had felt that it had been arranged with the Contractor and the owners of the property to adjust the site plan to allow a solution to the problem. He would not recommend granting of the Permit under the present parking arrangement deeming it a hazard to the future tenants, and people using 3rd Avenue North, as the tenants would be backing out into the Easterly bound traffic movement which would be contrary to public interest and welfare. Such special permit constitutes a rezone and permissible construction under R-3 and R-4 was compared to the requested six-plex . Special Permit considerations were out- lined regarding right of the Planning Commission to call for changes beneficial to the property owners, the tenants and public affected by the use. Upon inquiry it was pointed out that the Planning Commission members present at the prior meeting had voted unanimously to deny the Permit under the present proposals. Councilman Bruce, stated it was his understanding that the present arrangement was in accordance with the present Ordinance and moved that the Permit be granted. The motion was seconded by Custer. Contractor Ricardi stated his interpretation that the setback of 10 ft. had been the only concern and as far as parking is concerned he felt it could be pro- vided for adequately, there being 43 x 16 ft available on one side and 33 on the other. Mr. Jensen called attention to mistakes made in the community over the past years and expressed his opinion that this would be one also if the Council allows it as he feels there is a better solution. Mr. Schellert pointed out that the site is near a school and that backing out would be dangerous. Assurance was given that it would not be necess-xy to back out and that a turn around could be provided. As there was no further verbal comment from the audience, the Hearing was declared closed and Council action requested. Councilman Bruce stated his opinion again that if the requirements of the Code are met the Permit should not be held pending future development of the area and restated his motion that the Permit be granted. The motion was seconded by Reid and carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, was read submitting Quit Claim Deed dedicating an eighteen foot strip of land to King County for street purposes, as recom- mended by the Street and Alley Committee and approved by Council on 2-3-64. The parcel is located at 98th South and 200th Street. (Springbrook Road) Action taken hereon was pursuant to W.E. Ruth request for access to W.E. Osterhouse property. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the conveyance with the Mayor and Clerk being authorized to execute the Deed. Carried. A letter from the City of Seattle, Department of Lighting, Francis A. Scarvie, Director of Administrative Services, requested approval for construction of a steel tower line for transmission purposes to extend from the existing transmission right of way in the vicinity of Grady Way Westerly to a point of termination near the Metro sewage treatment plant. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlqui.st, to refer the request to the LLhi and Power Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. A letter from Mr. Harold Dunham, of Harold's Shell Service, 330 Sunset Blvd. E., Renton, Washington requested the City to consider the dangerous traffic situation at the intersection of 3rd Avenue No. and Sunset Blvd. E. where people will not take the chance to enter the business places in the vicinity of the intersection because of the great hazard involved. It was suggested that the two traffic lanes on 3rd Avenue North be marked-thru traffic only for the right hand lane and - left turn only for the left hand lane which would allow turn movements without someone pulling to the outside of them. `•+ Also, the solid island causes a problem of egress and ingress to businesses and it was suggested that the island be replaced with button bumpers. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the communication to the Streit and Alley Committee and the City Engineer to investigate and report back. Carried. A note advised of the need for street light at 9846 S.E. 95th as requested by Mrs. A. Lee and Mr. Dennis Tully of 127 Logan called attention to a large puddle located in front of his residence when it rains. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to refer the requests to the Light and Power Committee and the latter to the Street and Ailey Committee. Carried. -2- r�rl� Minutes o-F the Renton City Council Meeting 3-16-64 City Clerk Nelson advised of receiving a copy of the proposed Comprehensive Plan text for King County which would be on file.in her office i - anyone is interested. A letter 'as read from City Attdrney Shellan, directed to Mr. Douglas K. Felker, Secretary of the Planning Commission, submitted legal opinion regarding a recent Attorney Generales Opinion relative to Comprehensive Zoning Plans and amendments thereto. Reference was made to R.C.FJ. 35.63.120 which refers to any Ordinance or Resolution adopting a Comprehensive Zoning Plan, or any part thereof; the Attorney General's Opinion being that in order to amend any Comprehensive Zoning Plan, pursuant �* to such Statute, a public hearing must be held by the City Council in addition to any public hearing held before the Planning Commission. Likewise, whenever the City wishes to amend a Zoning Ordinance which has been adopted pursuant tothe Comprehensive Zoning Plan, a public hearing must be held before the Counoil as well as before the Planning Commission. Application was read from M. A. Segale, Inc. requesting extension of time in which to complete contract for improvement of 3rd Avenue North extension, from March 15, 1964 until June 13, 1964 for the reason that ground conditions (clay) prohibit excavation and placement of materials during adverse weather. City Engineer. Wilson's recommendation for granting of the extension upon approval of Surety was read and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in -the recommendation. Council- man Trimm inquired how much of the work has been completed and City Engineer tdilson estimated 70% after which the pending motion carried. A Bulletin read from the Association of Washington Cities announced the Annual jonvention in Spokane on May 13, 14 and 15th, 1964. A card attached requested names of two voting delegates. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Custer, that the selection of the voting delegates be referred to the Council As A Whole. Carried. ORDIDPaNCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Dullahant, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington declaring a parcel of land surplus and authorizing conveyance thereof to the County of King. (98th Ave. South and 200th St. ) (Springbrook Rd. ) Action taken pursuant to W.M. Ruth request for access to Osterhouse property. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, that Resolution No. 1236 be adopted as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton which had been placed on its first reading 3-2-64. The Committee recommended second and final reading and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. After the second and final reading of the Ordinance providing for sewer connection charges for property not previ.gusly assessed or otherwise charged therefor, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse,' to adopt Ordinance No. 2063 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members voting aye. The motioncarried. *Additional Ordinance later in meeting #2084 COUNCIL COMMITTEE RVDCRTS: OLD BUSINESS Street and Alley Committee Chairman, Walt Reid, submitted his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Parking Meters for Wells Street Parking Lot - Installation of four_#c u,'V meters was recommended in the new parking lot at Walla Walla Avenue and Wells Street, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. Eagles Lodge request for Special Permit for parking - recommended that the letters of committment from adjacent property owners to allow parking be accepted as meeting requirements. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Property Committee Chairman, Councilman Pedersen, presented a Memo from the office of the City Attorney which was read by the Clerk reporting that pursuant to agreement with the Chief Deputy of the King County Assessor's office the Real Estate Tax for 1964 on the former Bennett property purchased by the City has been cancelled. -3- 332 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-16-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Reid called attention to current references regarding reduction of rates and moved that the rates on Sanitary Sewers be reduced to 75¢ per month. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. Motion was made by Custer to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole with second by Hulse. Council Member Dahlquist objected to the referral to Committee stating that the matter had been before the Council for some time and she would like to see it voted upon rather than having it lost in Committee. Councilman Custer advised of having information at present which will be pertinent to the matter, that three rates were going to be under consideration, sewer, water and garbage rates, and'he felt it should be referred to the Council As A Whole for con- sideration and recommendation for lowering or raising the rates as need may be and that his intent is that it will not be lost in Committee. Upon dissenting voice vote roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Delaurenti, Dullahant, Hulse, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer and Bruce. No: Reid, Dahlquist and Poli. The motion carried. Councilwoman Dahlquirt moved that the 3% Utility Tax be deleted and the motion was seconded by Poli. After discussion it was moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to fhe Council As A Whole. Carried. Mrs. Dahlquist stated such referral means present Council Members will not have an opportunity to vote on the matter. Mr. James Anderson stated he would like to See the U utility tax eliminated Councilman Dullahant called the actions political moves and Councilman Hulse stated the matter to be one for consideration at Budget time recalling actions taken then. After further discussion the pending motion was carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to approve Vouchers ^,210 through 4271 which have been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. Councilman Poli moved that the garbage rate be reduced 1.rom $2.50 to $1.50. Councilman Bruce voiced objections to the action and stated he would not vote on such issues. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Council As A Whole. Carried, Councilman Dullahant, reported that the Ordinance Committee had received a proposed Ordinance at this time and requested that it be placed on first reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be read. Carried. The Clerk read the document which changes the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Business District (B-1). (Slavo Ozboldt property) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recom- mended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, to adopt Ordinance No. 2084 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. Attorney Donald Gouge, Planning Commission Member, inquired regarding the Street and Alley Committee report and council concurrence on the matter concerning the request of the Eagles Lodge for a Variance as to whether the Variance was granted as the report merely stated that the Committee recommended acceptance of the letters granting parking rights. Councilman Bruce stated that the Eagles had felt they might need more protection than -the letters afforded but that they were satisfied with the present arrangement so the City was likewise, and the request should be granted. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Variance be granted. After further discussion regarding the meeting of Saturday on the matter and the intent of the Committee report, the pending motion ..W carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee requestdd a meeting on Saturday, March 21, 1964 at 8:00 a.m. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. -4- 3�3 March 16, 1964 City of menton vouchers, havin, been previously approveC' by the auditing; and '.ccounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval: VOUCIICR PI:YEE I11,I0UNT CURD\?T FUi�TD 4210 John E. iIlexander 14.35 4211 Frank I�liment 157.65 4212 1`ustin-Hendrickson 41.43 4213 Rona Um 4213 Ber^ an �� 16,50 4214 Bevan's Plumbing & Heating; 41:34 4215 Blumenthal Uniform Co,, Inc. 2;08 4216 Francis Briere 240 4217 Chapman Electric Co. 11213.28 4218 Phyllis E. Doctor 2.40 4219 Douglas Felker 50.00 4220 Frank Henry 5.25 4221 I B 12 Corporation 39.00 4222 Fred Johnson 56.48 4223 Xeuffel c Esser 252.08 4224 11.rket Basket Y3 41.30 4225 !Market Basket #5 10.90 4226 Thomas McIver 2.40 4227 Myers Oil Company 53.11 4228 Helmie Nelson 4.68 4229 Shirley Inn Yovak 2.40 4230 Paulson Office Supply 51.20 4231 Arthur J. Pringle 13,,50 4232 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 664.70 4233 Renton I1uto Glass 1,33 4234 Renton Cash-?lay Lumber 58.86 4235 Renton Clothing Co. 81.05 4236 . Renton Enterprise 11&,59 4237 Record office,Supply 31.30 t'" 4238 . . S C M Corporation 194.71 4239 Shaw Bros. Drug 27.25 4240 George Shumway 2.40 4241 LeRoy I., Snith 16.50 4242 E. J. Tonda 106.08 4243 U. S. Post Office 20400 4244 C. S. Williams 104.00 4245 C. S. Williams 8,00 STREET FUND 4246 Lumber Market 383423. 4247 Paulson Office Supply 7.38 4248 Renton Boiler 14orks 46.61 4249 Walter W. Rentschler, County Clerk 12,392.39 4256 I. Toschi 3.00 EQUIPMENT RENTI,L FUND 4251 G H Cox Company 618.80 4252 A. H.. Cox Company 106.0$ 4253 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 57'920 42.54 Richard Hurley .95 4255 Myers Oil 'Cempany 17311.95 4256 Pacific I ,;uto Parts 80,i8P 4257 Renton luto- Glass 100,33 4258 Renton Boiler T„Toxks 69.07 4259 , Renton Radiator, _ Inc. 34.32 4260 Sahlberg Equipment 3.26 334 March 16, 1964 CITY OF REDTTON VOUCHERS Con It ':RIS FUI\;D 2.261 Holmes Electric X262 Lumber Market 7.49 3 .21 4263 Renton .Boiler T�Torks 8.24 1,.264 S C M Corporation 18.20 TrELT 'RWORM UTILITY FUND 4265 Pacific Water Works 364.88 4266 Paulson Office Supply 36.90 4267 PuSet Sound Power cz Li.,-,,ht Co. 50.23 4268 Record Office Supply 12.51 AIRPORT FUND 4269 Lumber Market 23.96 4270 14yers Oil Company 11.64 4271 Puget Sound Power vc Light Co. 137.69 Flank Aliment Ma ,.. ......:..................�...__.._..�...,._..............;� yQ.r �Jdt„Id Nelson,_ C1ty Glerh i i I RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 23, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council wds called to order by Mayor Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Dullahant, Reid, Gianini, Pedersen, Hulse, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DESPAR7MENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, -• Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks and James Highton, Building Superintendent. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman James Goodwin and the Invocation was delivered by Rev. Earl L. Dean of the First Methodist Church. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 16, 1964 be anprcved as written. Carried, APPI-1ICATI01-IS F0 PEI:MITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT YAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9403 $ 2,400.00 Riley Burroughs 3001 - 6th Ave. E. Siding & Roof 04 1,00C.00 ferry Goodall 2111 - 10th P1. No. Basement Foundation 05 100.00 Warren Eliseuson 618 - 5th Ave. W. Playhouse-Toolshed 06 7,000:00 Renton Shopping Center 28302 11th Pl. No. Wire Store Bldg. 07 47.00 Mrs. Norstead 941 "E" Street Wire outlets 108 1,400.CO Elizabeth' Yates 1500 Beacon Ave. Siding 09 625.CO Louis LeFebure 557 "J" Street Shed & Patio Cover PLUMBING & EEATIJT�' PER"ITS: 6417 - - - - Jo;-'n Dobson 3219 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures ` 38 - - - - Earold Slater 11509 S.E. 104th St. Gas Installations 19 = - - - Harold A. Schultz, 3512 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6420 - - - - United Homes Corp.' 1102 7RR" Street Gas Installations 21 - - - - Loretta Slough 251 Wells No. Gas Installations 22 - - - - Gr. Renton Shop. Center 11th P1. North Gas & Plumbing Fixts. 23 - - - - Eugene Methven 1234 "M" Street Plumbing Fixtures 24 - - - - Standard Oil Company 3304 Maple Valley Hwy. Plumbing Fixtures 25 - - - - Agnes Morgan 119 Main Street Gas Installations 26 - - - - John Dobson 3202 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 27 J. C. Hansen 3305 - 14th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 28 - - - - John Dobson 3122 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 29 Wm. Standifird - 3525 - 5th P1. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6430 - - - - Gus Backman 311 - 2nd Ave. Gas Installations 31 - - - - M. -A. .Hughes 3013 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures OPENING OF B*'DS:. Water Line Project W-191 - South 153rd Street from 77th Ave. So. to 91st Avenue So, This being the date set, the following bids were unsealed and read by the Clerk: BIDDER BASIC `PAX'I * TOTAL BID A. & J. Utility Contractors, Seattle $ 27,010.30$ 1,080.41 $ 28,090.71 Austin Construction Company, Seattle 28,051:60 1,122.06 29,173.66 Frank Coluccio Construction Co., Seattle . 30,923.88 ' 1,236.96 32,160.84 E. & A. Construction Co., Fenton 30,412.05 1,216.48 31,628.53 W. C. Frost Construction Co., Renton 26,777.52 1,071.10 ` 27,848.62 Harold Kaiser Comoany, Seattle 33,038.26 1,321.53 34,359.79 Linson Construction Co,, Se--ttle 32,565.10 1,302.60 33,867.70 C. J. Rockey Co., Inc., Tacoma 28,165.54 1,126.62 29,292.16 Shoreline Construction Co., Seattle 29,008.69 1,160.35 30,169.04 South End Concrete Products) Inc.,' Seattle 27,933.90 1,117.36.1- '29,051.26 Superior Construction Co., Seattle 29,803.72 1,192.15 `' 30,995.87 Jack Thorburn, Inc. , Seattle- , 31,833.34 1,263.33 33,086.67 Valley Construction Company, eattle 32,165.00 1,286.62 33,451.62 Western Pipe Construction Co., Mercer Island 30,940.80 1,237.63 32,178.43 Minutes of the Rencon City Council Meeting 3-23-64 OPENING OF BIDS: (cont. ) All Bids submitted on the South 153rd Street Water line were accompanied by 5% Bid Bonds except the Western Pipe Construction Company which enclosed 5% Cashiers Check. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to refer the Bids to the Fire and Water Committee, the City Engineer and Supt. of Utilities to report back. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: General Pipe Line Materials for the City This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and reu3 by the City Clerk: BIDDER SCHEDULES John Davidson & Co., Inc. - Seattle 6" Pipe $8,293.50, 8" Pipe $3,691.80 1 2 3 4. 5 .� plus tax $479.41 $12,464.7.1 110 Lids on Balance H. D. Fowler Co., Bellevue NB Schedule 1 - No Bid, Schedule 2,$1705.45 $1,773.67 plus tax $68.22 Schedule 3 - $1494.85 plus tax $59.79 $.1,554.64 Schedule 4 - $432.25 plus tax $17.29 $ 449.54 Schedule 5 - No. Bid F3 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co., Seattle Schedule 1, $11,919.10 plus tax $476.76 $12,395.86 Schedule 2, $1,545.20 plus tax $61.81 1,607.01 Schedule 3, $1,410.15 plus tax $56.41 1,456.56 Schedule 4, No Bid 113) Schedule 5, $1,694.40 plus tax $67.78 1,762.1" United States Pipe & Foundry Co., Seattle Schedule 1, 6" - $8,595.00, 811 - $3,836.00 plus tax, $497.24 $12',928-24 No Bids ori Ba?ince Western Utilities, Seattle Schedule 1, No Bid, NB Schedule 2, $1,948.24 plus tax, $77.93 2,026.17 Schedule 3, $1,651.38 plus tax $66.06 1, 7:17.44 Schedule 4, $612.59 plus tax $24.50 637.09 Schedule 5 - No Bid NB Pacific Water Works Supply Co., Seattle Schedule 1 - No Bid NB Schedule 2, $1,777.10 plus tax, $71.08 1)848.18 Schedule 3, $1,428.00 plus tax $57.12 1,4°5.12 Schedule 4, $. 530.80 plus tax $21.23 552.03 Schedule 5, $1,776.00 plus tax, $71.04 1,847.0: Moved by Reid, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Bids to the Fire and Water Comm4ttee ' and the Supt. of Utilities, to, report back. Carried. Hearing: Appeal of Planning Commission regarding setback requirements on Bert-iia Isaacson property. The Hearing on the above-captioned appeal was opened and Mr. Ernie Coleman, represe_:c__:< Mrs. Isaacson requested that Mr. Jensen present the Planning Comm_ssion proceedings to date. Mr. Jepsen advised that the Commission had recommended the B-1 zoning hojae',!:;7' the property owner had been advised of the actions of other property owners in `ham regarding setbacks and landscaping which were deemed to be to the best interest of t: n City insofar as beautification in proximity of the freeway is concerned. A sixty foc': setback was recommended by the Commission for the proposed use which was regarded to be a reasonable one in this area although the comprehensive plans indicate it to be for the most part residential area. Mr. Coleman replied that setback agreements as heretofore designated are, on properties located on the other side of the freeway, teat the B-1 zoning was favorable to the Commission and that in bringing new industry to the City his Company did not feel restrictions should be imposed which would be a hindrance to the disposition of the land which any covenant of record on a title would be. Discussion ensued wherein problems of beautificat16n were d__scussed with respect. to freeway and power transmission towers and intent of improving to the best interest of the City by working around existing and proposed structures. Pyr, Cbler'an advised they were willing to work with thQ people of the community and would agree to certain setbacks but that the City Ordinance should be governing as far as condition for a rezone is concerned, ,37 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 3-24-64 Hearing: Appeal of Planning Commission Decision regarding Bertha Isaacson Property Planning Director Jensen advised that the area recommended for setback could be used for parking but the Commission felt that structures should not be in close proximity to the freeway. Mr. Coleman advised his client was willing to observe a 30 foot setback and planter area if desired but that people cannot be forced to beautify their property only to that extent which they may wish to participate. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Mayor Aliment invited Council action at this time. Moved by Custer, seconded by Bruce, to grant the B-1 zoning. City Attorney Shellan �.. advised of the fact that existing Ordinances must be observed in regard to setbacks and until such time as revision has been effected the zonings could have no conditions other than provided therein. Mr. Coleman advised of his company's desire to work harmoniously in the community and to meet legal requirements but that in business zoned property there was more potential for change of ownership and where they might agree to covenants future tenants may not. Mr. Jensen stated the matter of compliance to the Commission recommendations was purely a voluntary consent by property owners heretofore and must be in this case likewise. Mr. Coleman again stated willingness of his client to observe a.80 ftr setback and planter area and the pending motion subsequently carried. Moved by Luster; seconded by Bruce, td refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIbM i A letter from Mayor Aliment recommended that the compulsory retir-ment date be extended on Chief Lt S. Willi'afnsifrom May 1, 1964 to May 1, 1965. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, that Police Chief Williams be granted the extension as recommended. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Ord' an -p,_QQWittee. Carried. A letter from Planning Director J. David Jensen requested authorization to attend the annual conference of the American Society of Planning Officials in Boston, Massachusetts during the week of April 5 - 9th and that Planning Commission member Douglas Felker also be granted authorization to attend. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, that authorizations be granted as requested. Dissenting voice vote on the motion resulted and roll call was taken upon request as follows: Aye: Hulse, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. No: Reid and Dullahant. The motion carried. Request was read from William T. Rowe, Sup't., Water District ##63, to purchase the City's obsolete type water meters which that district currently employs. $4.00 per meter was the offer and approximately 50 meters were to be required. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Custer, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. Jack M, Zaborac submitted application to operate billiard tables at 403 - 3rd Avenue which business he presently operates in Seattle. Moved by Pali, seconded by Custer, to refer the license application to the Police and License Committee. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer, that the Committee be granted power to act on this application. Carried. A letter from Steve Bennett, Board Member, requested permission for the Renton High Alumni Association to display a promotional banner to advertise the Annual Alumni Dance to be held April 11, 1964. The banner will be installed on March 27th and will be removed April 13th and is to be fastened to the Fey's Roxy Theatre on 3rd Avenue. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, to allow the banner with installation to be under supervision of the Street Commissioner and Hold Harmless Agreement to be executed. Carried. A letter from Earle S. Bigler, Renton Airport Manager, extended invitation on behalf of Clayton L. Scott, Chief Pilot, Production Flight Test, The Boeing Company, to the Mayor, Councilmembers and Councilmen-elect with wives to take a one-hour ride in a new Boeing 727 on Tuesday, March 31, 1964. Guests are to assemble at the new tower on the Renton Municipal Airport at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 31, 1964. Those interested were requested to leave their names, addresses and telephone number with the City Clerk's office no later than 8: 30 a.m, the morning of the flight. -3- ;;3 S Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-23-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) An invitation from "Urbie", the Eager Beaver Mascot of the Hoquiam Citizens Urban Renewal Committee extended welcome to the all day celebration and demolition of the first building in the Hoquiam Urban Renewal Project on Saturday, April 4, 1964 beginning at 9:30 a.m. Luncheon costs - $1.75. Reservation form was attached. A letter from Purchasing Agent Vern Church requested authorization to purchase thirty two meters to be installed in the new Wells Street parking lot. The meters are four hour meters and the balance of the lot will be furnished with presently owned two hour meters. Approval was requested for purchase contract with it being explained that the meters will cost the city nothing originally but that the revenue therefrom will be divided on a 50-50 basis until paid. If after one year the City may wish to pay the balance due, then a 5% discount on the unpaid balance will be honored. Moved by Cuoteia seconded by Bruce, to concur with the request and the necessary documents be executed upon approval by the City Attorney. Carried. A letter` read from Purchasing Agent Chuirch adv fd of eligibility of the City to participate with the City of Seattle in a bink gasoline purchase program. The City's presont contract, ha been cafidelled by written thirty day notic and, the new contract will become effec ive on April li 1964. It was anticipated that the City will save ah approximate $1,600.00 on gasoline purchases in the next twelve months. A Bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities submitted entry form and invited participation in the AWC Golf Tournament on May 13, 1964 at the Down- river Golf Club in Spokane. City Clerk Nelson reminded the Council of the meeting with the King County Commissioners and interested parties on Tuesday, March 24th at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, Renton City Hall relative to plans and costs of the Green River Watershed and flood control project. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Street and Alley Committee Chairman Walt Reid presented his report which was read r by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Dennis Tully request for attention to puddle in front of residence during rains was considered and Street Commissioner Lynch will have the problem corrected at the first available opportunity of the Street Department 2. Harold Dunham letter concerning traffic problems at 3rd Avenue and Sunset was reviewed. 3rd Avenue has been marked to help facilitate the movement of traffic at this intersection however it was recommended that no changes be made in the channelization. City Engineer Wilson was requested to write Mr. Dunham explaining the City's reasons for such determination. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Reid presented a request from Ms. Craig for a street light oto the curve at 94th Street and 108th Place S.E. between the Kennydale School and the Enco Station. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the request to the Power and Light Com- mittee to determine whether this is located within the City.limits. Carried. Power and Light Committee Chairman Reid submitted the report of his Committee which was read by the Clerk as follows: 1_ Seattle City Light request to install towers along north side of Renton Junction Way. More time was requested for further investigation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to grant the additional time. Carried. 2. Recommended that 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor lights be installed at 14th Avenue North on the First pole east of "K" Street, and on 14th Place North on the first pole east of "K" Street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Custer,to concur in the installations. Carried. The Council As A Whole report was submitted by Councilman Custer in the absence of Chairman Delaurenti, as follows: Petition of January 20, 1964 objecting to location of proposed vocational school in the Highlands was considered and the Committee recommended that City Attorney Shellan advise the protesting petitioners that there are some legal opinions that a school, being a separate Municipal Corporation may build on its own property without special approval as to site by the City or by special zoning as one Municipal Corporation cannot govern another. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur. Carried. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-23-64 .339 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont. ) OLD BUSINESS - Council As A Whole Committee Report The Council As A Whole recommended that Mrs. Lucy Buxton be given a copy of the present Ordinance regarding animal control in Renton pursuant to her request that a Dog Leash Law be introduced for balloting by the electorate at the next City election. and that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and the City Clerk. Carried. r It was recommended that the newly elected Mayor and the President of the Council be designated as voting delegates to represent the City at the Association of Washington Annual Convention in Spokane on May 13, 14 and 15th. Moved by Poli, seconded by Reid, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. It was recommended by the Council As A Whole Committee that Councilman Pedersen be authorized to attend the Planning Conference in Boston during the week of April 5-9 and it was moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. Councilman Garrett called attention to the fact that the new terms of office fixed by legislative action will now provide that the new Council will take seats on the first Monday in April instead of June and the terms will expire the first Monday in January of 1970 and the terms of the other council members whose terms continue will be extended until the fall election of 1967 as there will be no more spring elections. It was suggested that thought be given to election of the new Council President and to consider the transition for January to coincide with the future council term. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the law provides that the Council President be elected immediately after the new council has taken office and thereby the present term will be shortened and Council might take action ae Mr. Garrett suggested so that each new term would be the same as the Council terms. The pending motion was subsequently carried. Councilman Bruce called attention to a visit from officials of the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency and that a return visit to the San Francisco office by Mayor Aliment might well p ro vide information regarding urban renewal participation which would be of great benefit to the City. Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid that Mayor Aliment be authorized to go to SanFrancisco to meet with HHFA officials on behalf of the City. Carried. .w NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Dullahant advised of an article in the new issue of the Readers Digest magazine regarding urban renewal programs which he felt would be interesting reading for the council members. Councilman Garrett advised that Councilman Gianini had become ill and moved that he be excused from the Council Chamber. The motion was seconded by Custer and carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, that Vouchers No. 4272 through 4366, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Planning Director Jensen advised that the Comprehensive Plan and Maps and part of the text will be on display at Williams and Swansons on Thursday, March 26th from noon until 8:00 p.m. and that the King County Planning Commission and staff will meet with the Planning Department in the Renton Council Chambers on Thursday after 8:00 p.m. The Council was invited to attend. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 50 p.m. There were 48 visitors in the Council Chambers. -S- March 23, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the auditing and accountinC Committee, were submitted for Council approval: VOUCHER P�.YEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 11272 l.irkem Sales & Service 50.03 4273 Glen If. Bristow 2.40 4274 Cochran Coast-to-Coast 54.59 4275 James Denzer 4.90 4276 Douglas Felker 304.50 4277 Larry Frazier 17.25 4278 Donald Guertin 2.40 4279 J. David Jensen 304.50 4280 Kroesen 's 52.00 4281 George HcLauChlin 2.40 4282 James HaCstadt 17.25 4283 Hotorola C & E Company 21176.20 4284 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 15.29 4285 Pacific Northwest Bell 13,212.19 4286 Pacific Outfitting Co. 6.19 4287 Penney's Clothing 6.20 4288 Puget Sound Power & LiCht Co. 13,19 4289 Renton Cameras 34.32 LL290 Renton Clothing Co. 6.24 4291 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 102.75 4292 Sunset Coal a Oil Co. 146.86 4293 Tonkin's Hen's ?Fear 20.75 4294 Trick and Murray 24.23 4295 Trojan Lithograph 70.20 4296 Troy Overall Supply Co. 24.66 4297 Williams & Swanson 3.60 STREET FUND F2_97+ + Cochran Coast-to-Coast 46.56 4299 .1. G. Elliott 162.80 4300 Pacific Northwest Bell 5.00 4301 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 77.48 4302 Trick and hurray 3.06 EQUIPMENT REI Z1L FUND 4303 B & B �.uto Parts 57.10 4304 Cochran Hardware 4.09 4305 Howard-Cooper Corporation 6.54 306 Motor 14a,rt 53,30 1.307 Reiman Auto Parts 23.86 4308 Renton Automobile Co. 28.73 4309 Sunset Coal & Oil Co. 59.68 4310 Trojan Lithograph Corp. 60.13 4311 Williams & Swanson 169.74 LIBRaRY FUND -4312 Binfords & Mort 13,63 4313 Bookcraft, Inc. 6.01 4314 R. R. Bowker Co. 4.30 43.'15 City of Renton 4.00 4316 Diesel Oil Sales Co. 91.81 4317 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 129.13 4318 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 59.28 4319 Educators Progress Service 78.05 4320 The Everton Publishers 14.65 4321 Folklore associates, Inc. 3.75 4322 Gaylord Brothers, Inc. 861.93 4323 H & M Duplicator Corp. 3 4,61 4324 Marcella HillCen 14.60 4325 Carl J. Leibel, Inc. 45.75 4326 Lerner Publications Co. 28.09 4327 National Directory Service 4.10 4328 Overall Cleaning & Supply 2.50 341- March 23, 1964 T.B�R��RY�FUND Con't .11 329 Pacific Northwest Bell 59.11 4330 Paulson Office Supply x1.17 4331 Prescott Publish inC Go. 5.85 4332 Puget Sound Netas Co. 1,440.05 4333 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 79.63 4334 Renton & Rainier Printing 42.64 4335 Riches & ldams 1.04 4336 Transport Clearings 2.75 4337 ?•Tashinaton Book Store, Inc. - 36.01 PARK FUND 4338 Northwest Bell 18,54 4339 Puget Sound :ower €c Light Co. 5.82 4340 Sunset-Coal & Oil 296.66 4341 Willians & Swanson 13..20 TLTERWORKS UTILITY FUND 4342 ochran Coast to Coast 175.00 4343 I. B. 1I. Corporation 10.92 4344 Pacific Northwest Bell 87.15 4345 Seattle Water Dept. 978.69 4346 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaning 31.63 4347 Tacoma Screw Products 167.91 4348 Trick and Murray 6.24 4349 Western Utilities 322.39 AIRPORT FUND 4330 Cochran Coast to Coast 14.83 4351 Puget Sound Tower & Light Co. 39.30 4352 Seattle Water Dept'. 52.20 4353 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 14.30 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 3 1. & H Drugs No. 2 6.53 *. 4355 Mrs. Enza .'.nderson 150.00 4356 Theron K. Anderson 291.00 4357 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 7.96 4358 Baird 11. Bardarson, I.I. D. 5,00 4359 Dr. C. David Heflen 2400 4360 Floyd Lawrence 305400 4361 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 4362 Ilodern Prescription Pharmacy 4.42 4363 L. Patricelli, N. D. 8.00 4364 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic 7.00 4365 Shaw Bros. Drug 3.17 CURRENT FUND 4366 Henry Pedersen 30 a% 11�rn ...-.... Helrnie Nelson, ............................... ity C .„ �... Frank Aliment, Mayor 342 Auditing $ Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the Free Committee, were approved for the month of March, 1964. PAYROLL $1079400:18 CURRENT 24,128.81 STREET 22,9 4.83 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 8.15 OFF-STREET PARKING 100.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 49377.97 LIBRARY 29521.47 PARKS 1,672.14 UTILITIES 29,939.'53 AIRPORT 1,423.78 FIREMEN'S PENSION 962.08 it i i I I { RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 6, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8: 00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Delaurenti, Reid, Gianini, Dahlquist, Hulse,Dullahant, Garrett, Trimm, Custer, Poli and Bruce. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C.. Walls, Fire Chief, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks and James Highton, Building Sup't. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Frank Cooper and the Invocation was delivered by the Rev. A. E. Osmundson, St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Moved by Poll, peconded by' Custer, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 23, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. PENDING BUSINESS: A letter was read from Councilman D. W. Custer tendering resignation from his position on the Council to assume the office of Mayor and appreciation and thanks were given to the members of the Council for the aid and advice contributing to his political education during their nearly two years of indulgence to the "Boy Councilman" . Best wishes fot success were given' for the Council in both their personal and political lives. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to accept the resignation. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS AND OLD BUSINESS Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 4367 through 4471 be approved, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk along with report of the Engineering Department and Utility Department. The City Engineer, Jack Wilson and Utility Director, B. L. Anderson, reported that bids for South 153rd Street Water Project W-191 resulted as follows; W. C. Frost Construction Co. $27,848.62 Superior Construction Co. $30,995.87 A. & J. Utility Contractors 28,090.71 E. & A. Construction Co. 31,628.53 South End Concrete Products 29,051.26 F. Coluccio Const. Co. 32,160.84 Austin Construction Co. 29,173.66 Western Pipe Construction 32,178.43 C. J. Rocky Co., Inc. 29,292.16 Valley Construction Co. 33,451.60 J. Thorburn, Inc. 301,024.11 Linson Construction Co. 33,579.89 Shoreline Construction Co. 30,169.04 H. Kaeser Company 34,359.79 It was recommended that the low bid of W. C. Frost Construction Company be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Contract documents. Carried, The Fire and Water Committee concurred in the Engineering and Utilities Department recommendations and recommendedon the bid for general pipe line materials to be used by the City that the low bid of H. D. Fowler Company on Schedule 4, in the sum 6f $449.54 , and the low bids of Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. on Schedules 1, $12,395.86, Schedule 2, $1,6 77.9P, Schedule 3, $1,466.56 and Schedule 5, $1.762.18, be accepted. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the bid awards as recommended by the Utility and Engineering Departments and the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Recommended that the City declare its obsolete type water meters surplus and allow -''Water District 6g1tio purchase them. Moved by Reid, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Mayor Aliment at this time invited Police Judge Paul Houser to conduct the ceremony of Swearing In the new officials. Newly elected Councilmen, Morris, Schellert, Perry, Delaurenti, Trimm, and Garrett repeated the Oath of Office and were congratulated with hearty applause, assuming their new seats thereafter at the Council table. City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, resumed her office upon official administration of the Oath followed by City Clerk, Helmie Nelson, who likewise repeated her Oath in solemn dedication. 1- INSTALLATION OF CITY OFFICIALS (cont.) 4-6_64 Mayor-Elect Donald W. Custer was given the Oath by Judge Houser.- -At 'this time,. Mayer Aliment,prior to relinquishing the gavel, thanked the citizens of Renton for the pleasure and opportunity to have been their Mayor during the past four years expressing his appreciation to the Council, the City Treasurer and City Clerk, for a job wen done and a public well served. He further thanked the Department Heads and City Employees for the fine efforts put forth during his administration citing the strides of City improvements being within all capabilities allowed by the funds available. The gavel was turned over to Mayor Custer along with oishes for cooperative unity within the Council and continued growth of the City to give its citizens a community of which they might be proud. Mayor Custer, as his first official act, declared a 15 minute recess at this time. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9410 $ 1,000.00 Hurshell Smith 1219 "J" Street Foundation 11 50.00 Phil Plano 216 North Williams St. Repair Fence 12 175.00 Claude Bouchard 1506 Beacon Avenue Fence 13 1,000.00 Kennydale Meth. Church 94th & 104th S.E. Remodel Interior 14 2,500.00 Chad Jensen 407 Grandey Way Extend Basement 9415 10,000.00 Hanley Warren 8425 South 130th St. Residence 16 - - - - Idward D, Stanley 530 Renton Street Rewire Residence 17 13,000.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13328 S.E. 116th St. New Residence 18 100.00 Harold I. Mellor 54 Rainier Avenue Auto Sales Office 19 8,000.00 Chas. Robinson, Jr. 815 - 8th Ave. & Jones Residence & Carport 9420 400.00 Cottage Candies 2840 Sunset Blvd. E. Sign 21 3,500.00 Band Box 504 Rainier Avenue So. Rewire Restaurant 22 1,800.00 Williams & Swanson 236 Burnett Street Wire New Service 23 5,000.00 Pope Ford Co. 3rd Avenue Pre-Fab Bldg. 24 150.00 Clarence McWilliams 10424 S.E. 98th St. Wall, Fence & Patio 9425 500.00 McLendon Hardware 1020 Bronson Way Sign 26 800.00 Harold Gemar 3400 - 5th Ave. E. Garage 27 375.00 Eunice Karr 1509 Marion Street - J Residence roofir 28 21;000.00 Conner Const. Co. 12724 - 86th Ave. So. New Residence 29 500.00 E. Stringfellow 7th Avenue & Grady Way Sign 9430 100.00 Delbert Bennett 3611 - 10th Ct. No. Fence 31 150.00 Max E. Fisk 3424 - 10th Ct. No. Fence 32 40.00 Richard Huggett 16621 Springbrook Rd. Carport PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMr S: 6432 - - - - Russell Langberg 2902 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 33 -- - - - Fred Hedlay 3505 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 34 - - - - John Bardessano 3004 - 10th Ave. No. Gas Installations 6435 -- - - John Dobson 3514 - 5th PI. E. Plumbing Fixtures 36 - - - - John Dobson 3302 - Sth Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 37 - - - - 0. H. Torkelson 311 Rainier Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - - Ronald Hauge 12439 - 156th S.E. Gas Installations 39 - - - - Alfred Lemcke 3715 - 8th Place No. Gas Installations 6440 - - - - Joseph C. Patterson 3411 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing fixtures 41 - - - - James Carver 1111 '"N" Place Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - - - Mrs. Whitish 3303 - Sth Ave, E. Plumbing Fixtures 43 - - - - 0. M. Wright 3209 - Sth Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 44 Leon G. Charboneau 509 - "0" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6445 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13328 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 46 - - - - Wm. A. Standifird 3525 - 5th P1. E. Plumbing Reverse 49 - - - - R. Cartonguay Jr. 3412 - llth P1. No. Plumbing Fixtures 47 - -, _ - Walter L. Barnes 3018 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 48 - - - Ed Bakken 1310 I'M" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6450 - - - - Seattle First Nat. Bank 709 - 3rd Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 51 Ralph E. Bradley 3003 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - - Ray Jackson 3108 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 53 - - - - Bill O'Conner 3106 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures S4 - - - - John Walker 1228 "M" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6455 - - - - Dennis Vadney 1210 "M" Street Plumbing Fixtures 56 - - - - Lewis Purcell 11625 - S.E. 106th Plumbing Fixtures 57 - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11619 S.E. 106th Pl. Plumbing Fixtures i M a i. 4 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 446-64:� After recess introductions were made by the newly,'elected,'offitials, City I6U ki Nelson:: introduced her husband, John,and members of'herrstaff who were -present;.GwennMarshall, , Deputy City Clerk, Ann Parker, Florence Morris. and::Del"Mead:, City Treasurer.-Gossett introduced staff members Janet Crabb, Assistant;-Treasurer;,Gkace Crow, Fred.lHanis and Ted Bennett. President of the Council Delaurenti introduced his wife Doll.,,and Sons, Charles and Michael, Councilman Vern Morris presented 'his wife Florence, Councilman Schellert presented his wife Barbara and CouncilmanT.Garrett presented,'his wife Edna,: May and his Mother and Father, Mr. and Mrs. John Garrett, , CouncilmantIrimm introduced . his wife, Fannie, and daughters Frances and Maureen. Councilman Perry,-advised his wife, was not present as the new twins did not want to come. Mayor Custer­introduced 'his. Great Aunt, Annie Custer, his Cousin, Charles .Custer, his Mother-In-Law, ,Maria Rosa„ . and his wife, Lorraine. Mayor Custer at this time. introduced Mr- .Davi&Hgndrey, of the Washington Utility and Transportation Commission.-and Mr::Pat' Sutherland,. who was the representative of Governor Rosellini. Mr. Sutherland, in behalf of the Governors extended greetings and best wishes in, the months ahead offering his offices: once again., to assist the City of Rentoh in anyway. Appreciation, of. the efforts of 'thbse officials-: moving on as well as welcome to those'who were beginning were given.-in the hope that-:a, continued warm and friendly relationship might prevail. Invitatibn!lwas extended to.: visit the Governor whenever in Olympia and Mr. Sutherland'advised:�h'e, was: rightl across” the way in the Insurance Building and welcomed the,.,use- of his, faciiit3e4vas well;, Good luck was wished for the years ahead and thank's -forsthe: courtesies' of,, the, past:: extended to the Governor by the City of Renton. The meeting was turned over to President of the, CbuncII D`elAurent . who made: presentations:: to fast—Mayor Aliment hnd the pant-Council Members;of.'gifts as tokens: of- esteem from the,: remaining Council and City Treasurer, City Clerk and'Oity Attorneys:;. President° Delaureat4; gave a resume of the terms of the outgoing Councilmen, h� totalled-'altogether! 41, years; of public service, Councilman Reid being credited. withllT;, Counci!Man,Brme- lb; and?. Councilman bull.ahant 8. Each person'expressed his­thankb,and'appreciation,for4•the,gift- and pleasure at having served the City and'for the:cooperation,received'fromilalli during that time. The regular business was resumed at this time- Roll" call was taken with Council,Members present as follows: Deleurenti, Hulse, Schellert`, Dahlquist, Gianini,, Garrett,, Trimm Perry, Poli and Morris. Councilman Delaurenti advised Mr. Sutherland that a group of 8th gradb students from St. Anthonys School were vial ting the Capitol this week and would appzeciate the courtesies; of Mr. Sutherland. Mr. Sutherland advised it would be his plbasure. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters from Mr. J. P. Kelleher and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown were read along with, ai petition containing 18 signatures beginning with H. W. Sloane- and.' ending with; Ralph: R., Drew and a petition containing 65 signatures beginning with B'.. G'.. McElderry,and' ending with Carl W. Howard, recommending and urging appointment of Mfg- Mater P. Falkenhagen to the City Council position being vacated by the resignation of Mayor� Custer-_ Tetter read from the King County Labor Council',. Chas. Paddock,. Secretary,, Renton Division, recommended selection of Hugh Bruce in considbration of his; gpalifications. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer- the matter. to� the,Couneil As A Whole. Carried. A Petition for Annexation to the City of Renton was raad'. containing names of James W., Dalpay, Frank Pillo, LeRoy A. Crookston, and George and': Thelma Rogers,, on behalf of.' Newcastle Grange, confirming their desire to annex approximately, 3.60 acres of land, fto, the City of Renton. Letter from City Engineer Wilson accompanying- the Petition, reported that 81.4% of the assessed valuation of the property requesting annexation, was represented by the signatures on the petition: whic h property was assessed' at a; vad,�ur_ ation of $10,080.00. . The petition indicated willingness of the property owners to assume the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton:.. Moved by 'Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to accept the annexation with referral to, the Ma or for convening or dispensation of:the Review: Board'.. Carried'.. Letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, submitted' and' recommend'ed; payment of Estimata. No. 2 on work performed to April 3, 1964by Contractor M'R A. Segale,, Inc. on: Arterial Street project No. 3, 3rd Avenue extension in the sum:.of' $10,826.W. Contractors breakdown was attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the payment tathe: Auditing and: Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-6-64 COMMiJNICATIONS: (cont,) Statement was read from H. Dewayne Kreager for payment of $500.00 in connection with professional services rendered during the Public Administration Personnel and Finance Study pursuant to Agreement of June 10, 1963. For information of the incoming Mayor and Council Mr. Kreager advised that he would be available to meet with them as they explore the application of the PAS report. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A Petition containing signatures of John J. Golithko, 2808 - 7th Avenue North, and Harold J. Metcalf, 2820 - 7th Avenue North, requested Vacation of a portion of public use area adjacent to Block 26B in the Renton Highlands No. 2 lying North of 7th Ave. No.., South of 8th Ave. No. and East of I Place and West of K Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission. Discussion on the question disclosed this to be land possibly dedicated by the Federal Government which could not in such event be vacated as it would revert with relinquishment by the City. The Federal Government might be willing to sell the area to abutting property owners. The opinion requested by Dahlquist was given by City Attorney Shellan and it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, that City Attorney Shellan give an opinion in writing to the Planning Commission. Councilman Delaurenti stated that on the question he would like to add that the City Engineer verify the signatures on the petition. The original motion was put to question and carried . The pending motion was carried and the Engineer directed to chcdk the validity cbf the petition. Carried. A letter read from Bryn Mawr Garbage Disposal Co. requested Franchise to serve the recently annexed area described in City of Renton Ordinance No. 2079. (Munson Properties) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Sanitation Committee to report back. Carried. Summons and Complaint were served by Attorm y Michael R. Alfieri on behalf of Wesley Kreger relative to damages sustained when his auto col440pd with railroad overpass abutment on Rainier Avenue South. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the City Engineer and City Attorney.'Diacussion ensued regatding the referral and policies hereto ea. established regarding such documents after which the pending motion carried. A Claim was read ?Yeah Attorney Murray B. Guterson filed in behalf of Eleanor Baugher for porfthil injuries sustained in a fall on the sidewalk in Renton.. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. Carried. A letter from the City Attorney directed to Mr. Allan C. Haglund was read answering,by Council request,inquiries regarding proposed construction of a vocational or technical school on property located in the Renton Highlands. The City+s legal position was given by City Attorney Shellan and his letter advised that information received in- dicated the proposed use to be a Vocational School and that deeds and other related documents held by the City do not specifically refer to the building of a High School, and that it may be advisable,in order to straighten the record, to amend the Ordinance. Our present zoning Code allowing a school to be constructed and operated in a residential district, is being complied with and there are legal decisions indicating that a school district, being a separate municipal corporaticn,may build on its own property without approval by the City or specific zoning for that purpose as one municipal corporation may not prevent another from building a school on its own property unless some strong showing can be made that any such operation would constitute a serious nuisance % or would be detrimental to the health and welfare of other property owners. Attention was called to certain streets within the subject area which were vacated and -the Ordinance which refers to deeds which would establish new rights of ways in the event the school district does not commence const�!uction of a new high school and related facilities within the area for a period of seven years from date thereof. The Ordinance served to vacate existing streets which vacation become effective at that time. A letter read from Renton School District No. 403, Oliver M. Hazen, Sup't., requested that the City amend Ordinance No. 1951 relating to the school construction in the Renton Highlands by substituting "school facilities in lieu of the words "new high school" . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Council As A Whole. Carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-6-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter read from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, announced the designation of the week of April 19th - 24th as Spring Clean-Up Week. Calls for pickup of burnable materials will be taken at AL.5-3333 until 4:30 p.m. April 22nd and pick-ups will be made by the Street Department on April 23 and 24. A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted recommendations of the Renton Planning Commission from its public hearing meeting of March 25, 1964 as follows: 1. Preliminary Plat - Talbot Crest: Recommended approval of original presentation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 2. Rezone - Laura Nowotny property: Recommended that the reclassification as described in Application No. R-165-64 from G-6000 to R-4 be granted. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the rezone to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. 3. Variance - Kenneth Olson: Recommended granting as per Application No. V-174-64 to allow construction of a carport within three feet of the side yard line. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendation. Carried. 4. Revocable Permit - Kenneth Gilbert Recommended granting of such permit for the construction of a temporary carport (car sales pavillion cover) as described in Application No, P-175-64. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. In other actions the Planning Commission granted a Conditional Permit to Beulah Edwards for use of a residence as temporary office for a period of nine months. Concurrence of the Council was requested. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the action. Carried. It was further recommended that the Council call for hearings on the final ' adoption of the Land Use and Arterial Plans together with text of the Comprehensive Plan and that the Mall concept as presented by John Graham and Co. for the Central Business District be approved and adopted. The date of April 20, 1964 was recommended for hearings. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the date of April 20 be set for hearing on the final adoption of Land Use and Arterial Plans and the text of the Comprehensive Plan. City Attorney Shell.an upon inquiry pointed out that the Mall Plans of the John Graham Company is a completely different matter for consideration than the hearing matter and Councilman Garrett suggested this portion of the Planning Commission recommendation be held until after the hearing. The pending motion setting the hearing date was then carried. Advance Registration Notice on the Pacific Northwest Workshop on Litter-Prevention and Beautification was read. The Workshop will be held Friday, April 17th at the Olympic Hotel in Seattle and reservationrblanks may be secured from the City Clerk's office. A letter read from the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, C. Carey Donworth, Chairman of the Council, advised of vacancy in the office of Metropolitan Councilman created upon Mayor Aliment's leaving office. A new appointee to represent the City of Renton was invited and a certified copy of Resolution taking such action was requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that Mayor Custer be appointed to represent Renton on the Metro Council. Ccrncilr70rcan .Dah'Iquist suggest e d that the matter be tabled or referred to the Council As A Whole for discussion inasmuch as the appointment-.wad not limited to that of the Mayor. Time required to attend the meetings was discussed along with factors of remuneration and the pending motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Carried. '. An invitation was extended to attend Dedication Ceremonies and Open House for the new Auburn Public Library, 808 Ninth. Street S.E. , Auburn, on Sunday, April 12, 1964. 'Ile Dedication will begin at two o'clock and Open House will follow from three until five o' clock. A letter from City Clerk Nelson,to the Mayor and Council, submitted Annual Financial Report for the City of Renton for 1963. Copies have been distributed to the Mayor and Council and Departments of the City and others as required and requested. The report aims to fulfill the statutory requirement as well as to provide such information so as to lead to better public understanding of the financial program of the City. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-6-6!1 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Letter was read- from' Mayor Custer submitting formal acknowledgment of State Laws and City Policies which prohibit the sale of merchandise to the City by a full time elected official of the City, and declaring that as of the 6th of April, 1964 he has no financial interest in the Custer Hardware nor is he employed in any manner by the firm, and that during his term of office Custer Hardware will neither solicit nor accept orders from the City. It was his hope that his intentions in the matter need never be questioned and it was requested that the City Clerk and Purchasing Agent retain copies of this letter in their files. APPOINTMENTS: Department Heads were appointed by Mayor Custer, in accordance with his appointive powers as described in Titics. I, II, and III, of Ordinance 1628, entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, as follows: CITY ATTORNEY - G. M. Shellan, PURCHASING AGENT - Vernal Church, CITY ENGINEER - Jack Wilson UTILITIES SUP't. - Burton L. Andersen In addition, it was requested that the Council concur in re-affirming the followin appointments as a "vote of confidence" to those already filling positions: FIRE CHIEF - M. C. Walls, PARK SUPT. - Gene Coulon, LIBRARIAN - Marcella Hillgen POLICE CHIEF - Clarence Williams and MUNICIPAL JUDGE - Paul Houser. The letter continued that Although nut all of the appointive positions have herein included it is his intention to devote further study, in the best interest of all concerned, to the remaining appointments during the ensuing weeks. Board and Commission appointments will be forthcoming in the near future. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurerti, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Dahlquistinquired on legal status of"vote of confidence"appointments and determination was that it has been done In accordance with procedures of the past as a- matter of courtesy. The pending motion carried. List or' Appointments of Committees of the City Council was read submitted by Mayor Custer in accordance with Chapter 6, Title I, Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, as follows: (City Ordinance 1436) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING POLICE & LICENSE DR,!-CE kU'I,SE CHARLES DELAURENTI Charles Delaurenti Avery Garrett Vern Morris Dan Poli FINANCE & CLAIMS PROPERTY THOMAS TRIMM HENRY PEDERSEN Bruce Hulse George Perry Henry Schellert Thomas Trimm FIRE & WATER PUBLIC RELATIONS CHARLES DELAURENTI GEORGE PERRY Avery Garrett Jeanette Dahlquist Henry Pedersen Glen Gianini LAW & ORDINANCE SANITATION V£RN MORRIS HENRY PEDERSEN Jeanette Dahlquist Vern Morris George Perry George Perry LEGISLATION STREET & ALLEY JEANETTE DAHLQUIST AVERY GARRETT Glen Gianini Henry Schellert Henry Schellert Thomas Trimm LIGHT & POWER WAYS & MEANS DIN POLI HENRY SCHELLERT Glen Gianini ' uce Hulse Vern Morris Lan Poli -6- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-6-1964 PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Custer, by Proclamation, endorsed the BUY NOW-JOBS NOW campaign scheduled for April 15 - May 15, 1961 calling upon all local employers, leaders of industry and labor, members of civic, fraternal and professional organizations, and all private citizens to cooperate and assist the Job Corps committee in carrying out a successful drive, thus =n- creasing local payrolls and stimulating the buying power necessary to keep our economy healthy and vibrant. A second Proclamation was read proclaiming the week of April 5-11, 1964 as Home Safety Week. 164 King County residents died as a result of home accidents during 1963 and our citizens are urged to avail themselves of this opportunity to learn more about the pre- ventative measures regarding needless home accidents. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Proclamations by the Mayor. The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Ordinance Committee Chairman, Vern Morris, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington which was read by the Clerk, extending the compu;sory retirement date of city employee C. S. Williams who is a member of the Washington Statewide City Employees' Retirmeent System under classification of UNIFORMED PERS01,1117-1, for a period of one year until May 1, 1965. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Gianini, to adopt Resolution No. 1237 as read. Carried. Chairman Morris presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Rentn authorizing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to transfer the sum of $25000.00 from Cedar River Acquisition Fund Unto Current Fund which transfer shall constitute a loan to said fund bearing interest at the rate of Ay., effective March 30, 1964 and to be repaid not later than December 31, 1964, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1238 as read. Carried. President of the Council Delaurenti, advising it customary to appoint a new Council President at the end of each Council term, nominated Councilman Dan Poli to serve as President for the balance of the present year. , The nomination was seconded by Trimm, Mayor Custer called for additional nominations. As there were none it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Poli. Carried. City Clerk Nelson declared unanimous ballot cast electing Council- man Poli as President of the City Council to serve until January 1, 1965. Councilman Delaurenti expressed his appreciation for the cooperation of the Mayor and Council during his term as President and urged their continued support during Mr. Poli's term. He advised that pending matters will be turned over to the new President. President Poli advised that he would call a meeting which date will. :_ announced later, As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9: 50 p.m. The Council Chambers were filled to overflowing with approximately 200 visitors. -7- April 6, 1964 350 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval: VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 4367 Addressograph-Multigraph 41.05 4368 Frank Aliment 274 . 07 4369 Frank Aliment 37 . 61 4370 American Public Works Assoc. 15.00 4371 Arbuckle Glass Co. 35. 96 4372 Assoc. Wash. Cities 125 .00 4373 Carpenter Paper Co. 136. 28 4374 City or Renton 533 .90 4375 Copy Company 13.43 4376 James Denzer 11.85 4377 Carl Enterman & Sons 24 . 50 4378 Fire Chief Equipment Co. 3 . 12 4379 Gilbert Paul Gaveno 2 .40 4380 Joan Gaveno 2 .40 4381 Orville Geving 2.40 4382 Dorothea Gossett 21.00 4383 Hartman Typewriter 422. 93 4384 Hearne Bros . Map Co. 148. 20 4385 Hickok' s Sport Shop 3 . 12 4386 I.B.M. Corporation 10 .62 4387 International Assoc. Elect. Inspect. 10 .00 4388 Catherine Kindred 128. 12 4389 King County Engineers 9.00 4390 Robert Knapp 2 .40 4391 H. Dewayne Kreager 500.00 4392 Market Basket #3 31.45 4393 Market Basket #4 7 .74 4394 Mathew Bender & Co. 13 .00 4395 McLendon hardware 97 . 12 4396 Myers Oil Co. 32. 95 4397 N.C.R. Company 26.00 4398 National Retail Assoc. 32 . 50 4399 Helmie Nelson 4.00 4400 Pacific Coast Stamp Works 73 .48 4401 Pacific NW Bell 65 .00 4402 F . Morton Pitt Co. 35. 33 4403 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 303 . 32 4404 Record Chronicle 98. 80 4405 Remington Rand Corp. 14 . 32 4406 Renton Rainier Printery 21.84 4407 Renton School Dist. #403 22.50 4408 Sanborn Map Co. 102 . 18 4409 Raymond Saude 45. 35 4410 Larry Scyler 2.40 4411 Seattle Art & Photo 7 . 52 4412 Seattle-King Co. Dept . Public Health 175.00 4413 Ernest Tonda 35 .05 4414 U of W Research Accounting 115 .88 �TARF§�D 4415 Victor Comptometer Corp. 35 .88 1116 Y1. A. Segaie, Inc. 10,826.10 STREET FUND 4417 City of Renton 4.66 4418 Hartman Office Equip. 97 . 97 4419 Hearne Bros. Map Co. 49.40 4420 McLendon Hardware 11.05 4421 Ratelco, Inc. 62 . 19 4422 Renton Concrete Products 464.08 4423 Rudd Paint Co. 511.68 4424 Shaw Bros Drug 3 .06 4425 Sherwin-Williams 4 .71 4426 Stoneway Sand & Gravel sio y z, 456-a 60 4427 Union Oil Co. 20. 13 1.pri1 6, 1964 VOUCHERS - Cont'd OFF STREET P,.RIMIG 4428 Pacific Car and Foundry 21.84 4429 Stonevay Sand a Gravel Co. 515.26 4430 Hilt 41illiams 100.00 EQUIPMENT RENT:,L FUND 4431 i'�merican Parts, Inc. 12.43 4432 Bearing Engineerin Co. 59.84 4433 Drager's Harley-Davidson 24.33 4434 Econolite Company 985.56 4435 Gillespie Decals, Inc. 40.56 4436 Howard Cooper 27.94 4437 Mac lvbyte Wire Rope Co. 61.66 4438 McLendon Har&rare 29.81 4439 Motorola C & E 710.84 4440 Iiyers Oil Company 1,704.97 4441 N, C. Iiachinery 9.00 4442 Palmer Supply Company 14.16 4443 Sahlberg Equipment 707.27 4444 Shervrin Williams Co. 37.08 4445 Six Robblec's, Inc. 2.63 4446 Spencer .,ircraft 14.56 4447 Standard Oil Company 170.24 4448 Star Ilachinery Company 2.40 PARK FUND i9 Belknap Glass 28.91 4450 City of Renton 49.00 4451 Eggers Sharp-.ill 13.85 4452 Eicher and Company 9.23 4453 McLendon Hardware 54.51 4454 Renton Plumbing & Heating 111.80 4455 Ernie Rose Sporting Goods 4.99 4456 Sherwin-Z,Jilliams 9.84 4457 Transport Clearings 2.75 IL,TER CORKS UTILITY FUND 4458 Association of Ilashington Cities 25.00 4459 City of Renton 4.00 4460 Daily journal of Commerce 14.40 4461 Hersey-oparling ieter Co. 1,386.70 4462 Aeuffel and Esser 11.21 4463 KcLendon Hardware 106.27 4464 Pacific Northwest Bell 15.00 4465 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 44.37 4466 Ratelco, Inc. 62.19 4467 Renton Concrete 140.14 4468 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 652,23 ; !JRPORT FUND 4469 Dyers Oil Company 13.54 CUNN ATIVE RES. /`1698 4470 ?:Tesco Fire l.pparatus Co. 39094.76 CUMUNATIVE RES. #1184 4471 Northern Pacific Railway Co. 396.35 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Donald W. Custer, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 13, 1964 8: 00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D.W. Custer at 8: 00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, James Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks, James Highton, Building Sup't. and James Magstade, Planning Department. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrolman Richard Gray. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting `of April 6, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. ,' APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE_ OF WORK 9433 $ 1,000.00 Jockey Inn 7732 South 153rd St. Remodel Wall & Floor 34 150.00 Tony Brubesic 817 Grant Street Add utility Room 35 75.00 H. G. Pierce 2414 - 6th Ave. No. Widen ur:ive -Fence • 36 75.00 Eugene K. Muller 2016 Bronson Way No. Tool Shed 37 65.00 Jack Wilson 3707 - 10th Ct. No. Fence • 38 - - - Louis Balzarini 413 Renton Street Demolish Residence • 39 200.00 Kennydale Methodist Church 93%1-104th S .E. Lighting &- Recep-caca 9440 1,675.00 Wms. & Swanson 319 - 3rd Avenue Add electrical fixt� 41 399.00 Robert Castonguay 3412 - 11th P1. No. Wire New Residence 42 100.00 E. C. Jenson 10212 S.E. 95th St. Fence and Sidewalk 43 1,000.00 K, V. Gilbert 100 Rainier Avenue Breezeway 44 7,886.00 The Boeing Company 10.80 Bldg. Park St. Wire 9445 100.00 Delbert Teter 2102 - 8th Pl. No. Add Utility rm._ PLUMBING & HEATING PERMIT 6458 - - - - May Cole 3114 - 6th Ave. E, Plumbing Fixtures 59 - - - - George Bair 3517 - 6th Ave. E. plumbing Fixtures 6460 - - - - H. 0. Fitzpatrick 3019 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 61 - - - - Mr. Shemel 442 Walla Walla Plumbing Fixtures 62 - - - - Thomas R. Bailey 510 "N" Street No. Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - - Weatherwax 3222 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 64 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13328 S.E. 116th St. Gas Installations 6465 - - - - Ed Stanley 530 Renton Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 66 - - - - William B. Franson 517 "0" Street Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - - Peter E. Olson 3310 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 68 - - - - Bob Harris 10843 - 116th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 69 - - - - Draton Odell 12902 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 6470 - - - - Leroy Petty 513 "0" Street So. Plumbing Fixtures 71 - - - - Wm. & Swanson 319 - 3rd Ave. Plumbing & Gas Inst. _ 72 - - - - Glen Gibson 2842 Sunset E. Plumbing & Gas Inst. 73 - - - - Band Box 540 Rainier Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - - Edwin M. Bakken 1310 "M" Street Gas Installation s COMMUNICATIONS A letter read from Mr. Eugene C. Jensen requested permission to installt2mporary fence in the alleyway at the rear of his residence at 10212 S.E. 95th Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Com- mittee with power to act. Carried. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-13-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Application -for Wm. T. Jensen was read for license to allow operation of two shuffleboard machines at Snappy Tavern. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Police and License Crmmittee with power to act. Carried. Letter was read from Robert DeLancey requesting Master Punchboard License to do business in the City of Renton. Mr. DeLancey operates as "Bob's Specialty Sales" and is located at 5938 Eastwood Drive, Seattle 78, Washington. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Councilman Hulse inquired whether punchboards are legal according to City Ordinance. City Attorney Shellan advised that this is a matter that the Supreme Court at this date has not yet decided; that the City has an Ordinance which licenses punch boards: as the Federal Government sells stamps for wagering which licenses illegal activity according to the Attorney General's opinion that punch board activities being considered lotteries,and such others, are. illegal. Councilman Hulse stated his point to be whether this is contrary to City Ordinances at the present time. Mr. Shellan advised that it is not contrary to City Ordinance, that he would say it is contrary to State Law. The pending motion carried with negative vote by Hulse. A letter from the Puget Sound Chapter, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Peggy Dillman, Chairman, requested permission to solicit charity funds in the City of Renton from June 2, through June 8, 1q6A Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. A letter read from the Exchange Club of Renton requested permission to again sell fire- works in Renton at 631 Rainier Avenue during the Fourth of July holidays. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Brightman & Holm reporteu that Mr. Robert Edwards is proceeding with appeal to the Washington Supreme Court from the decision of the King County Superior Court award of judgment of $12,132.00 plus costs pursuant to King County Cause No. 585794, (Traffic Signal Suit) Within the next few weeks, therefore it will be necessary that brief be prepared in defense of the action. The original agreement between Attorney Donald Holm and the City covered the defense to date however the appeal is not within the scope of the original agreement. The South King County Bar Association minimum fee for such appeal, oral argument and support thereof is $550.00 and the continuation by Brightman & Holm, if Council wishes to again use Special Counsel, would be undertaken for the amount of $500.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that the firm of Brightman & Holm be retained to pursue the case through the Supreme Court appeal action, as stipulated. The motion carried. A Statement of Account was read from Brightman & Holm, Attorneys for balance due in the sum of $600.00 covering attorney's fees and costs in connection with defense of King County Court Action No. 585794, Edwards vs. City of Renton, Traffic Signal Suit. City Clerk Nelson reported that the payment will require an Emergency Ordinance to appropriate from excess revenues to the current expense fund, a/c 1600, Legal - M. & 0. No. 314, Contractual Services. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accounting and Ways and Means Committee to rep6rt back and the proper Ordinance be drawn. Carried. A letter from The Boeing Company confirmed their prior offer and agreement to continue payment of present sewer charges should the City allow direct connection of the Renton Plant into Metro facilities. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the communication to the Council As A Whole. Carried. A letter was read from City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, requesting concurrence in the designation of Renton Branches of the following banks as depositaries for the City of Renton: Peoples National Bank of Washington, Seattle First National Bank, National Bank of Commerce and Seattle Trust and Savings Bank. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the depositary designations as submitted by the City Treasurer. Carried. -2- 3 4 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-13-6% COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Park Superintendent, Gene Coulon, advised that the April 10th meeting of the Park Board brought official motion to name the recreation area located on 132nd Avenue S.E., near the Honeydew Elementary School, "Kiwanis Park" . Council concurrence was requested. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in renaming of the Park as recommended. Councilwoman Dahlquist stated her opinion that the residents of the area should be given an opportunity to express their views prior to any action bein taken to rename the park site. Mayor Custer advised of tentative plans for meetings with the Council, Park Board and people of the area and after further discussion in- eluding suggested amendment to the motion and protest thereto, the pending motion to concur in the name of "Kiwanis Park" was carried. Dahlquist opposed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, that the official maps and documents be changed to conform to the new name. Carried. Report from Statewide City Employees Retirement System advised that the City's Released Matching Funds have been credited with 25% retention contributions for prior employees Edwin L. Carson, terminat,d, $1,10.04,, Robert J. Maxwell, terminated, $98.35. The City may refund the amount withheld from the employee and apply the credit in the same amount on any current obligation the City may have with the system. Moved ty Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to -the City Attorney to report back. Carried. A letter was read from the Civil Service Commission advising of certification o two candidates from the eligible list of Patrolmen compiled following examination o` March 7, 1964 and subsequent examinations of March 21 and 30, 1964. Mr. Claude R. Evans and Jonnie A. Northrop were recommended to be appointed on a six-months probationary basis as required by Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Letter from Police Chief Williams was read advising that thorough background check had warranted said appointments and letter read from Mayor Custer concurred with selection of Mr. Evans and Mr. Northrop to fill the vacancies existing in the Renton Police Department. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointments as stipulated. Upon inquiry regarding procedure for this type appointments City Attorney Shellan advised '. that according to law the Civil Service Commission must certi:ry the list of eligible candidates,rpon requisition for a Patrolman,designating the high ranking men, in this case the high two. The Police Chief then makes his recommendation to the Mayor who in turn recommends 'to the Council. The Mayor and Council together are the appointi.ng authority and must act accordingly. The pending motion subsegw ntly carried. A letter read from the King County Labor Council again expressed concern regardin, the appointment of a Councilman to the vacantposition, and in concern for representation of labor it was urged that Huth Bruce be considered for the vacant seat on the Council. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the letter to the Council As A Whole. Carried. Bulletins and Publications were read from the Association of �,?ashington Cities as follows: 1. Letter from David W. Stevens, Research Dep't. , to City Clerk Nelsbn', praieed the 1963 �in<incial Report and pleasure was expressed at the amount of descriptive detail of-the economic and statistical data which .he feels ha a made the document much more interesting and helpful than many coming to -his o--=,-ice. Mayor Custer advised that copies of the report could he secured from his office adding his opinion that this was an especially fine report. 2. A Bulletin was read regarding newly developed thermoplastic traffic control si,rn material which sign, though having many fine qualities, cannot be considered reflec-torized according to state standards. 31 Notice o-F Consultation at Annual Convention on Wed. May 13, 1-5:00 p.m. on Traf"ic Control Devices, Reflector Tapes and Signs was read along with announcement of Convention Registrations being offered to delegates until May lst. The Program was also attached. wo Advance Registration on Litter Prevention and Beautification to be held on Friday, April 17, at the Olympic Hotel in Seattle. Luncheon, $4.00. Ideas were requested for roundtable meeting of Mayors Councilmen and Managers. Post card was attached for submitting same for Friday morning session, May 15, 1964, Ridpath :total & Motor Inn. Mayor Custer advised he would like to have the card if no one else wanted it. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting '1-13-6 _ COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Assn. of Wn. Cities Materials The Bureau of Governmental Research and Services, University or Washington, and The Association of Washington Cities presented the City with a copy of Municipal Regulation of Mobile Homes (Trailers) and Mobile Home Parks in the State of Washington, which wi�-L be filed in the office of the City Clerk. Additional copies are available at $3.50 ea. from U. of [J. Press, Seattle 5, !,,n. An information Bulletin regarding; Garbage Rates in Washington Cities has been received from the Assn. and will be on rile in the office of the City Clerk. A letter from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, S . !V. Cayce, President, advised it would welcome any action taken to encourage the citizens of Renton to clean up their properties and to beautify the City in conjunction with the Annual Clean-Up Campaign to be conducted in conjunction with the Renton Fire Department designation of April 19-2z�th as Spring Clean-Up Neek. Letter read from City Clerk, Helmie Nelson, requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mrs. Gwen Marshall to again serve as Deputy City Clergy: during the ensuin; term o� office. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the appointment by the Cicy Clerk. Carried. Letter read from City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, requested concurrence in the re- appointment of Mrs. Janet Crabb as Assistant City Treasurer to serve during the ensuing term o' office. Moved by Pali, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointment by the City Treasurer. Carried. PROCLAMATIONS: A Proclamation read from Mayor Custer declared the week of April 12 to 18, 1.96 _ to �. be National Library Week and in order to focus attention on -the impertance of reading and libraries in our national life and the need to read in order to prepare for expansion in the mastery of the scientific revolution era in which we live, attention of the citizens is called to the power of the printed word and its importance in the world of today. A Proclamation from Mayor Custer designated the month of April, 1964 as Teaching Career Month to honor those dedicated to the teaching of our youth and to recognize the achievements and programs of the teaching profession, it being imperative that all or us participate in the encouragement of our youth to consider teaching as a career in order that the best possible teachers may be secured and retained For our nation's schools and colleges. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Proclamations by the M.Zyor. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Suburban Residence District (GS-1_) to Business District (B-1). The Committee recommended passage o`= the Ordinance. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that Ordinance No. ' 085 be adopted as read. Roll call %o to -F=ollowed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. (Bertha Isaacson property) The Committee presented and recommended passage of a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, changing the zoning classification of certain properties with'- the City of Renton from General Classification District (G-6000) -co Residence District (R-2) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2086 as read. Roll call vote was taken and all Council members present voted aye. The motion carried. (Laura Nowotny property) -4- ;356 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-13-6!1 ORDINANCES-A!71D RESOLU^IO14S (cont.) The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Chapter 10 of Title I, (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" by adding a sub-section thereto relating to Street Commissioner's Bond which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. Ater the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2087 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members voting aye. The motion was carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution appointing Mayor Donald W. Custer .r to represent the City of Renton as Councilman on the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle effective as of April 6, 1964 and to continue concurrently with the Mayor's term of office. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1239 as read. Carried. COU14CIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSI14ESS President of the Council Poli requested a meeting of the Council As A Wbole on Thursday, April 16th at 7:30 p.m. with the Library Board and Green River Valley Flood Control representatives in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Attention was called by President Poli to the Chamber of Commerce Dinner at Kingens on Monday, April 20th at 5:30 p.m. Upon inquiry it was evident most everyone indicated his intention to attend. Reservations are to be made by the individuals. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, submitted Committee recommendation that billing in the amount of $5,972.80, payable to the Washington State Highway Commission for services rendered in connection with storm sewer installations and reps-,, cemc7t a.s L , r d during 3rd Avenue exteLaion and PSH#l, PSH#2 and PSH#5 widenin'; and construction, ije paid from a/c 7120/606. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist reported attendance at the Open House and Dedication of the neW Auburn Pub-__c Library building, and advised that the total cost including equipment and landscaping was $225,000.00 which carried successfully by favorable vote of the people at the first Bond 11s:m:;ue presentation. The building was very impressive and it was sugested that perhaps :-penton might be encouraged by the event and give further thought to local needs. Councilman Pedersen thanked the Mayor and Council for sending him as representative of the Council to the Annual Planning Convention in Boston and reported verbally that it was an extremely interesting experience, and that he would relate those things which he felt would be of particular interest to the City of Renton. It was pointed out that Boston planning goes back about 330 years being one of our eldest Cities and it is one of the very first public use land areas in the U.S., having been purchased for the purposes of training the military and the grazing of cattle. A 40 acre tract right in the downtown area still observes the special right of cattle grazing which is exercised monthly in -the spring although it is located beneath a very large parking garage. (Imagine the Park Department allowing monthly cattle grazing in Liberty Park). A mutual problem is the railroad situation and in Boston tracks run everywhere. An insurance company deciding to establish home offices in Boston acquired a parcel of ground which was traversed with railroad tracks thus they built a 52 story office building right over the tracks which is one way of coping with the problem. Bcston's planning program was very slow in progressing but with the reel za;.ion that its population was falling away they instituted their presen+- plan which incluves renovating projects and a 200 acre urban renewal program. The 12 year plan includes a Government Square with a new City Hall with complete removal of "Sculleys Square" . Much of the estimated $287,000,000 total cost is from private funds and the approximate cost to the City of Boston will be $155,000,000. At the conclusion of the 12 year period in 1975 the City hopes to hold a World's Fair. During the interim, property owners and landlords are requested to cooperate in renewal programs and special agreements have been made with loaning instituions and banks so that people can get money at special rates of interest to do their own renovating. Councilman Pedersen compared like situations now existing in Renton on a smaller scale and like Boston City Government needs to get vigorously behind this type of program working closely with home owners, business people and the community and with cooperation of the State and Federal Government, things can happen. Courciman Pedersen recommended that each Council member be given an opportunity to attend at _least one such meeting during his term on the Council. -5- 357 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meetings 4-13-6^. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont. ) NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse commented that from Mr. Pedersen's remarks it was quite obvious that it was worthwhile to send a representative to these meetings and he was very glad the opportunity to attend had been given to him. Councilwoman Dahlquist, Chairman of the Legislation Committee,called attention to the need for opposing Initiative 222 which calls for use of liquor profits for the State's public schools' construction fund which previously had been apportioned to Cities and Towns, and it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee for oPosing Resolution. Councilman Garrett inquired as to the disposition of the document � d furthet acticn. Discussion disclosed that the Initiative has apparently not received backing of the School Officials so there would be no conflict between the Cities and Schools. City Attorney Shellan upon inquiry advised that the Association of Washington Cities will go on record as opposing the initiative and he is quit sure all Cities will go officially on record likewise and that Mrs. Dahlquist's intent would be to call people's attention to the matter- and send copies of the Resolution to the Association of Washington Cities. The pending motion carried. Attention was called to drainage ditch on 108th Ave. S.E. which is not functioning properly due to slide of debris and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the natter be referred to the Street Commissioner to investigate. Mayor Custer advised such reports could be handled adminstratively and in the future would not need to be presented to Council. The present motion was accepted and carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Vouchers No. =,472 through 4571 be approved having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, requested a meeting of the Committee following this council meeting. Mayor Custer invited comment from the audience at this time. As there was none and no further business to come before the Council it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers. -6- April 13, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval: VOUCdER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 4472 Burnrite Oil Co. $ 241.84 4473 Chapman Electric Co. 8.16 4474 Edward Combs 31.55 4475 Commercial Business Supply 82.88 4476 Dictaphone Corporation 39.62 4477 Group Health Coon of Puget Sound 152.50 4478 If $ H Duplicator Core. 7.28 4479 James Iiirhton 7.78 4480 Janco-United 96.22 4481 John Julian & Son 44.72 4482 King County humane Society 606.66 4483 King County Medical Service Corp. 712.85 4484 King County Treasurer 57.75 4485 Harket ;gasket #5 13.68 4486 Mobile Communications 156.00 4487 Helmie !.'. Nelson 2.00 4488 Pacific Auto Supply 2,03 4489 Pacific Outfitting Co. 51.85 4490 Puget Sound Power $ Light Co. 5,964.72 4491 S.C.H. Corporation 192.89 4492 Standard Insurance Company 211.25 4493 Standard Oil Co. 3.64 4494 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 2,532.07 4495 Robert Stevenson 2.40 4496 Tax Commission .96 4497 Thomas Auto Rebuild 156.05 4498 ilashington Natural Gas Co. 94.62 4499 ':est Publishing Co. 5.20 4500 Jack I;ilson 10.17 4501 74T Cr. Equip. Rental Fund 2,553.54 CITY STREET FUND 4502 Black River Quarry 186.11 4503 A. G. Elliott 73.30 4504 Group health Coon of Puget Sound 80.50 4505 King County Medical Service Corp. 142.73 4506 Lande Feed Company 59.87 4507 Pobile Communications 52.00 4508 Pacific N.U. Bell 19.70 4509 Preservative Paint Co. 295.83 4510 Rainier Asphalt Co. 802.44 4511 Renton Motor Parts 8.36 4512 Renton Paint & !Iallpaper 6.01 4513 Seattle Lumber Co. 358.47 4514 Standard Oil Company 42.96 4515 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 240.20 4516 11T Cr. Equip. Rental Fund 5,399.47 CEDAR RIVER M&I 4517 Brulin Co. 127.41 4518 King County tiedical Service Corp_ . 8.15 4519 !'!/T Cr. Equip. Rental Fund 368.00 OFF STREET PARKING 4520 Renton Paint $ !allpaner Co. 6.66 7 VOUCI1ERS - Cont'd. 359 April 13, 1964 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 4521 A. H. Cox $ Co. 4522 Group health Coon of Puget Sound $ 618.80 4523 King County Medical Service Corp. 0.00 4524 p' 20.47 Pacific Auto Parts 4525 Reiman Auto Parts 46.04 4526 Renton Boiler :forks 113.62 4527 Renton Motor Parts 74.05 4528 Standard Oil Company 119.97 4529 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 191.11 4530 Thomas Auto Rebuild y 84.96 26.00 LIBRARY FUND 4531 Group 1lealth Coop of Puget Sound 4532 King County Nedical Service Corp. 8.50 4533 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 75.15 4534 Washington State Tax Commission y 136.96 8.42 PARK FUND 4535 Chapman Electric Co. 4536 Group Health Coon of Puget Sound 3.97 4537 Janco-United 24.00 4538 John Julian & Son 153.41 4539 King, County Medical Service Corp. 67.60 4540 Pacific ]d.11. Bell 90.05 4541 Puget Sound Power $ Light 58.14 4542 Renton Notor Parts 297.30 454321.25 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 113.35 4544 Turf $ Toro Supply Co. 62.80 4545 Victor's Fuel Co. 49.35 4546 Washington Natural Gas Co. 45.93 4547 W/T Cr. Equip. Rental Fund 142.10 WATER WORKS UTILITY FU14D 4548 Goodall Rubber Co. 70.12 4549 Group Health C000p of Puget Sound 48.00 4550 Hersey-Sparling ileter Co. 7.44 4551 King County Medical Service Corp. 163.60 4552 Mobile Communications 52.00 4553 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 8,574.00 4554 Olympic Foundry 66.66 4555 Pacific N.;'1. Bell 28.94 4556 Puget Sound Power $ Light 1 819.30 4557 Rainier Asphalt Co. , 29.95 4558 Reiman Auto Parts 82.11 4559 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 194.00 4560 Trojan Lithograph Corp. 8.63 4561 'lashington Natural Gas Co. 146.27 4562 ' ashington State Tax Commission 1,163.41 4563 '1/T City Treas. Cr. Current 2,539.47 4564 11/T Cr. Current 417.00 4565 J/T Cr. Equip. Rental Fund 2,347.03 AIRPORT FUND 4566 Colonial Refining & Chem. Co. 355.72 4567 King County Medical Service Corp. 24.45 4568 Puget Sound Power $ Light 186.99 4569 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 37.86 4570 I1/T Cr. Current 205.00 4571 i7/T Cr. Equip. Rental Fund 66.50 e(�C Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Donald W. Custer, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 20, 1964 8: 00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer at 8: 00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Clarence tdilliams, Chief of Police, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Delbert Bennett, Assistant City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks, James Highton, Bldg, Sup't., J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Com- m ission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was repeated in unison by the Assembly. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 13, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9446 $ 400.00 Rudy Zaputil 11619 - 106th P1. South Wire new residence 47 450.00 Lewis Purcell 11625 - 106th Pl. South Wire new residence 48 75.00 Gay R. Ring 823 "P" Street Cover Patio 49 70,000.00 Jerry Goodall 1033 Sunset Blvd. E. 12-unit apartment 9450 38,000.00 Jane Duff 801 - 3rd Avenue Business Building 51 50.00 Lowell Crabb 17307 Springbrook Rd. Wire addition 52 25.00 Mrs. Henry Powell 320 North Wells Street Re-roof garage 53 300.00 Kersey & Sampson 760 Rainier Avenue Replace windows 54. 803000.00 Suburban Const. Co. 90 - 2nd Avenue 3-Unit office Bldg. PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 6475 - - - John McLlvaine 9001 South 124th Street Plumbing Fixtures 76 - - - Albert Shinpock 12809-89th Ave. South Plumbing Fixtures 77 - - - Henry I. Lee 3103 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 78 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12724-86th Avenue South Plumbing Fixtures 79 - - - Louis Malesis 800 "H" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6480 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12724-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - Orris H. Speten 3102-6th Avenue East Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - Martin Rasmussen 8801 South 124th Street Plumbing Fixtures 83 - - - Kenneth Brown 8809 South 124th Street Plumbing Fixtures 84 - - - Francis Quimby 3200-5th Avenue East Plumbing Fixtures 6485 - - - Wayme E. Ellenberger 3019-6th Avenue East Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Comprehensive Plan for the City of Renton, including Land Use Map, Street and Arterial Map and the Text which illustrates briefly the history of the City, the studies heretofore undertaken and goals set forth for achievement under said plan. This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. Mayor Custer requested that Planning Director Jensen give an explanation of the particulars to be acted upon this evening. Mr. Jensen directed attention to the maps on the wall pointing out specific designations for land use by colors. Black: Industrial Uses, Purple: Public and Quasi- Public (semi), Yellow: Single Family Dwelling, Orange and Yellow-brown: Multiple and High Density Dwelling, Green: Public and Private Commercial area, Blue: Schools White: Basically Undeveloped, Red: Commercial - Retail Sales and Service M This map which designates the lands as used today is the criterion then for future land use development based on anticipated expansion and use of the areas. The areas were specifically enumerated as to special present uses after which attention was called to the Streets and Arterial Map. Probable or expected uses within the community or surrounding environment with growth and development in the planning or under present construction stages are designated on this map and includes connection be- tween Sunset and Dunlap Canyon Road and better alignment with 2nd Avenue. Also, a con- nection from Burnett .to Loghn Street and Logan to 3rd Avenue North. These proposals have been submitted after much study and appear to be most desirable and pertinent to the future development of the community; proposed routes intended to carry the greatest emount of traffic smoothly and expedit _ously tarcugh -the City- Minutes of the Menton City Council Meeting 1_20-6/1 `y # HEARING (coni, ) Comprehensive Plan Mayor Custer requested the City At-corney •to_ c?arify the purpose of the Text. Mr. Shellan advised the purpose of the text is to explain why a comprehensive plan is necessary and to set forth anticipated growth of the City based upon enumerations and data compiled through investigations of the Planning Department and consultantG during the last few months. The "Text" advises of annexations undertaken and growth of the City thereby as well as other potential growth and explains why the maps have been adopted. The Comprehens=ve Plan actually consists of three phases, the land use, street and arterial plan and the text which all have been approved by the Planning Commission after several public he ;r ngs and the first two items have been before the Council at a pub._ic hearing meeting. This meeting is to review what has transpired to date and to give the people a chance to be heard. favor Custer invited audience comment and Mr; Stensen advised that these maps have been amended to incorporate changes recommended by the Council along the Cemetery Road area. As there was no further continent the Clerk was directed to read the communication presented on the matter. The communication, from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce recommended 31-and, use changes between State SH-�.-�., Highway S T g g y and Interstate Route z!05 and from the South Een-ton ."_'nterchange 1,1esterly from proposed residential use to industrial and related commercial uses and change in the vicinity of Third Avenue North and Green- wood Cemetery from industrial to residential and associated commercial use. The text reference to inGustrial park type operations was reco! mended to read "It does not result in excessive smc-oke, dirt, glare, smog or odors. (Pg. 13) And, the last sentence on Page 14 delete the word. "pa_rk" in reference to industria (park) standards. As :here no further discusion nor communications on the matter it was moved by De-J.al.ir^r.=:i, seconded by Huse, that the matter be closed to further public hearing; Xot ,on C,_,rried, Mayor Custer requested Council action. Moved b,' Des_aurnnti, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Comprehensive Plan and the Chamber of Comm,e_rce _�etter be referred to the romml_ttee of the whole and the Hearing be continued for report back. Carried. COMMUi �CATTO' ^;S: A letter from Puget Properties, Inc, requested aid of the City in finalizing plans for sanitary sewwdo facilities in connection with the Renton Village Shopping Center Development. Move6 b-, Delaur2nti, seconded by Poli, to refer the -request to the Sanitation - Committee and the Suaerintenuent of Utili;:ies to report back next week. Carried. The Clerk reported Summons and Complaint received from Attorney Samnel B. Bassett on behalf of Charle., J, Steger in connection with accident on September 19, 1963 when plaintiff Steger stepped into a hole sustaining injury to his person, which excavation it is, allLeged was made between the time he parked his auto prior to noon and his return about 11: 00 p.m. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the City Attorney. Carried. Claim read from Alfred J. Arnone submitted bill for $3.84 covering wheel alignment damaged from driving over a ditch on 88th Avenue South in Renton.. Moved by Poli, seconded by Deiau 2iiti, to 'efer the matter to the City Attorney. Carried. A letter from rlt~or:zay 'Roger [. Tewts, on behalf of Malone, Inc., application for variance, adv-13e6 th.::"t r.,quest of 2--26-'.4 for waiver of loading zone requirements had been denied by the P1ariYii.ng Commission and although the ten day appeal period had elapsed it was requested that the time lim_+_t be waived and this be considered a timely appea..!;_, ii; ?,^ing supposed that the Planning Commission would act in a like manner if a second reque3t were presented and undue delay would thereby result. Moved by Delaurenti, ,second?d b�7Dahlquist, inasmuch as the Planning Commission meets this Wednesday, thatthe matter be referred thereto for recommendation. Discussion on the Witter of setting a hearing or waiting for -recommendation ensued after which the pending motion carried, referring the matter to the Planning Commissinn. A lei e _ read from the Renton Aviation Board requested increase in budgeted Airport Capital Outlay item 605, Hangar Construe 'on from excess revenues in the total amount of $23,000,;00 in order that the Board might proceed with construction of a new T-HEngpr this year as recommended in the Capital Improvement Program of the DeSantis Pubic Administration Service report, pg. 85. The improvement was recommended too -ate for the 196,1 Budget but would bring added revenue to the Airport, furnish needed employment and save possible increase in future construction Costs. elov?d by Sclie.111ert, seconded by Poli-, to refer the request to the ways and Means Commis:tee Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-20-6 ' COMMUNICAT104S: (cont. ) A le-L-ter read from Mr. Walter L. Gonnason, of Gonnason Explorations, advised of earthquake ftu_t pattern passing through King County, including Renton and Seattle and offered his services in B=inding precise location as it affects the City of Renton, if the City would be interested in such a survey. Moved by Delaurenti9seconded by Dahlquist, that the Mayor set up a meeting between Mr. Gonnason and the Committee of the Whole, Carried. A letter of intent to annex properties to the City of Renton was read along with Ass't. City Engineer' :-c-:port that the letter, signed by 21 property owners represents 11.77% of the assessedi valuation of the area requesting annexation. Approximately 210 acres is included in -the proposed annexation with an assessed valuation of $843,350.00 which area presently constitutes an island completely surrounded by City properties. (Kennydale area) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that May 4th be set as the date for the Prelirainary Meeting with -Che property owners. Attention was called to the Public Administration Service report -reuabmending property owners be urged to designate their willingness to accept pre-existing bonded indebtedness and it was pointed out that the amount is now very little and should not be of concern to annexation petitioners at this tiwe, The Clerk was requested to advise the persons submitting the letter of intent of the Preliminary meeting date of May 4th. The pending motion carried, A letter read from 111tetro Disposal, inc ., James Gotti, President, requested that the City -renew its present contract for collection and disposal of garbage within the City which contract %xpires Jnnhe 30, 1.964. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse., to refer the letter to the Sanitation Committee and the Superintendent of Utilities for recommendation. Councilwoman Dahlquist stated tint lowering of garbage rates should be considered at the time the Contract is being de liberated. The pending motion carried. Park Sup't. Coulon, and the Park Board requested authorization to call for bids on a loader-tractor as budgeted. Specifications have been prepared and the date of May ^th was recommended for opening of the bids . Moved by 'I'rimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request. Motion carried. A letter from Mr.. Robert M. Fleming, Jr. advised of being licensed by the City of .� Renton and receiv�_ng notification of approval from the Washington Utilities and Transport-ation Commission for operation of a bus from Seattle to the Renton Boeing Plant. Sind changing of the parking designations by the City along Logan Street Mr. Fleming finds that when he arrives about 3:00 p.m. there is no parking space availabe, :it was requested that the City investigate the parking situation and consider that the "Private Buses Only" zone be lengthened northward with the area South being used for 30 minute parking (now designated "No Parking This Side) which would not =interfere with traffic. Scheduled operations are to begin May lst and temporary parking permit dor some designated location at the end of Logan Street was requested until the Council reaches a decision for permanent provisions. It was also pointed out that a statinn wagon will be used during initial operations and when there are only a few passengers and in concern for the City Code designation of a bus and same not being defined therein it was Mr. Flemings wish that the City be apprised of -the use of this vehicle and the City Attorney was requested to define a bus as per intent of the Code, it being hoped that the definition be based upon use. Mayor Custer -requested Mr„ Shellan to interpret the definition of "bus" as requested and Cita? Attorney Shellan advised such to be a vehicle designed to trans- port a large number of people however if the State, which has jurisdiction, wants to call a station wagon a bus and licenseris approved thereon as a vehicle of con- veyance then such would not be disputed as it might pertain to the City's reference in it: Code, with Mr. Fleming's prime conic-ern being that he be granted a parking .one. I-loved by De�_aurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Comm .ttee with power to act. Carried. Material from the Association of Washington Cities was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as folloT.-7s: Bulletin li ,-ting Channel 9 TV Program Series at 9:p,m. on Urbanism. April 23: Private Dream - Public Nightmare, April 30: How Things Get Done, May 7: What Will You Tear Down Next, May 14: How To Live In A City, and May 21: Three Cu=^es For A Sick City Description of the 11 Districts of the Association of Washington Cities Information regarding Convention Committees and -their Duties -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) 4-20-6r A Petition containing 287 signatures beginning with George Hannah and ending with Ruth Fryer Skalbania, was read recommending the appointment of Louis B. Barei to the council position vacated by Mayor Custer. ThelMoved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the Petition to the Committee• of e. Carried. APPOINTMENT: A letter read from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Dr. James H. Hartwig as Health Officer for the City of Renton. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. The motion carried. A letter read from City Attorney Shellan gave notice, in compliance with Ch. 18, of Title I, (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", of his appointment of Arthur L. Haugan to the position of Assistant City Attorney. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a pro- posed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington which was read by the Clerk changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General (LClassification District (G-6000) to "Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4). aura Nocaotny property) The Committee recommended second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Committee recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Ordinance No. 2088 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members voting Aye. Ten Ayes carried the motion. (Repeals Ordinance No. 2086) The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton Washington authorizing the City Clerk and Treasurer to appropriate excess revenues unto the Current Expense Fund, Acct. No. 1600, Maintenance and Operation, 314 (Con- tractual Services, Consultant Fees) in the sum of $1,100.00,whieh was read by the Cleric. (To defray cost of special counsel for defense of Edwards vs. City lawsuit - King County Superior Court Cause No. 58579^- - traffic signal suit balance due and appeal defense in Supreme Court. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1211 as read. Carried. Councilman Hulse advised this matter had been referred to the days and Means Committee and the Auditing and Accounting Committee and funding as outlined was recommended by the Committees. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton decla ring the City's vigorous and unalterable opposition to the terms and provisions of Initiative No 222 which Initiative serves to deprive cities and towns of revenues available and apportioned otherwise from State liquor profits. The Clerk read the document and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adopt Resolution No. 1242 as read. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Council President, Dan Poli, presented his Committee of the Whole report which was rtpdd by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Green River Valley Flood Control Project - Recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute Amended Application for Assistance in Planning and Carrying out Works of Improvement under the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act indicating that Renton become a sponsor of said amendment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. Recommended that Ordinance No. 1951 be amended by deleting the words "high school" -19nd substituting the words "school -facilities". Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Recommended: 3. Boeing request to connect directly to Metro sewage facilities agreeing to continue payment of rates to City as provided by Ordinance No. 1628 be` grantedC. Payment per Code of Ordinances of the City of Renton); the City Attorney to advise Boeing and installation to be under directiorl of the Superintendent of Utilities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations of the Council Committee of the Whole. Carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-20-6n! COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont. ) OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse submitted the joint report of the Auditing and Accounting Comm'tteu and the (Jays and Means Committee relative to funding of the Spec=al Counsel fees which was placed on file by the Clerk. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented Specifications and Informal Bids taken by the Street Commissioner fo 3ituminous Surface treatment of streets in the Maplewood area. The Bids w, re read as follows: Diesel Oil Sales Co. $4,996.50, City Transfer Company, $8,400.00 and Sunset Coat & Oil ^,od, $6,158.50. Councilman Garrett reported the Committee recommendcd that the low 'r, .c be ,accepted providing it is within the legal limitations of informal bidding. J�ocn -.'�quiry City Attorney Shellan advised that if this is a public improvement the amount can go up to $5,000.00;if the bid is for materials and suppiles the limit would be $2,000.00. H1S CQi1Cei 11 WaS 6_.Lp:L-eS5eC the ' CiL r; Yi> ail the hiss .d assul"a lcc! rL-qua3'',Cd that: the low bid was to be entire tuta'. cost., Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, in view of -the bfd prices, -that bids be called for and date set for opening thereof: Discussion ensued during which Street Cummiss=ion•,r 7vnch advised that the prier Street and Alley Committee had authorized informal hies on this work and that h : felt bids would not afford the City as low a bid as the one receive(, his ec"tir::ate being $6,500.00 if the City were to do the work; the larger concerns being ..^.blc to purc1:1oc in carload lots thereby gaining the savings. Furth­�r �aico�zss�.o.z po_�::zt a out that bac•. called for at this time would not be exactly in order inasmuch as quot.ticim 1«-Jn been publicized. After further discussion the pending motor: was punt to vete aad the _esro". by Oral vote was dissenting and tha mot so:,7. failed:, Movec by Dahlqu_'st, ca-coded by Po'.", to concur with the recommendation of the Street and A'"__e'v Coma.?ctea thcrT3a low bid of Diesel Oil Sales Co, in the sum of $4,996.50. Carr`Lec_, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, that the Vouchers numbered 4572 thrcugh 4555 be allowed and approved by the Council at this time. Carred. NEW BUSINESS: President of the Council Poli requested a meeting of the Commifcee of tho Whole on Thursday, April 23, 1964 at 7:30 p.m, Councilman Schellert inquired regarding adjustment and designation of votfng precinct boundaries and City Clerk Nelson advised that the actual divicior_ is entirely under direction and supervision of Mr. Ed Logan, the County Sup?rintendent of Elections. The actual breakdown is our recommendation which Mr. Logan mrpst approve and the County then adoots a Resolution outlining the precincts , ^he Colinci.J_ adontc an i'.rdinc-AA106 and our Engineering Department makes recommendations ac wel.- P.0 t:he :;'._ening Department from area and population studies. When a precinct hae a vote cast =otali:_ng over 300 it is mandatory that the precinct be split. Persons vote in the precinct in which they are registered: Councilwoman Dahlq_uist reported that the LegislF.-tion Committee -recommended `hat the Council go on record by Resolution in favor of (.,.iit_'ati_ve ':To , 2'_5, ?_s^ k^.o,.7n as the "Marina Recreation wand Act" which provides for apportionment of taxes paid by boaters of the State and it was moved by Dani qu=.st-, sc:con3.-d b; to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the i zop•^r Carried. Recommended by Dahlquist, seconded by Schel.lert that the Finance an'_ and Auditing and Accounting Committee, having overlapping duties, be i"nco por;::ted :as one and an additional Planning Committee ,)e -added, the matter to be r-fd ':o t:�c Law and Ordinance Committee therefor,. Discussion ensued wherein it we-, si ocM--:' to ".. the Auditing and Accounting Committee name be retained end the C_di.nu.�ce be drawn '.o incorporate the changes even though they could be effected by appoin::tawnt., The pardi_-.g motion carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Comm:'_-tee, -._­quested ;-< meet=ng at C7-.D0 �o,m, on Thursday, April 23rd with the Sup't, of B=_i.i?_dings in his office .:zd advised 'ie wi?.'-. schedule a Sanitation Committee meeting later. Moved by Garrett, s,-conded by Delaurenti, that the ia:-fitter of _n1.¢_tat:ive '_o out'Z;w parking meters be referred to the Legislation Corni-itee for reco:nmendati^n, the matter being of vital interest to the City and there being a need for ;':.c "p,;,b`'>c 'to be so' informed. Carried. -5- �f Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-20-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPGRTS NEW BUSINESS: (cont. ) Councilman Perry inquired regarding amount of money on deposit at present in the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund and Mayor Custer advised that there is approximately $410000.00. Mr. Perry moved that $200,000.00 of this money be set aside as matching funds for any participation from merchants and other businesses in completion of the Lake- Washington Beach. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. Upon inquiry regarding legality of such use of this money City Attorney Shellan advised that under the pre3ent Resolution it was provided that this money is to be used for civic improve- ments in the Cedar River Park area only, such as City Hall, Civic Center, Library or Playground. Changes have since been made by amendment to the Resolution and this would again be necessary if it is determined that the Cedar River Park area for which the money has been designated is no longer suitable for the purposes for which the money has been saved and that the money is no longer needed for the purposes and place to which it presently is committed" It :could have to be decided that the use otherwise is more in the public interest in which case the legislative body could act accordingly. Stating the motion to be oo mmendable, but needing further thought and discussion, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurerti, to refer the matter to the Committee of The Whole. Carried. The audience was invited to comment at this time and Mr. Louis Barei, 614 - 12th Place South, made inquiry regarding decisions of the Council from meeting with the Library Board as to location of the proposed library site. Mayor Custer advised this matter will likely be ready for report at the next council meeting. Councilman Schellert requested a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on Monday, April 27th in the City Clerk's office at 6:50 p.m. As there was no further business to be presented, it was moved by Delaurenti,seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. There were 56 visitors in the Council Chambers. Now -6- 366 April 20, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the i;uditing and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval: VOUCHER P,'=E i'J40UNT CURREN T FUND 4572 Austin-Hendrickson X3.52 4573 Julia C. Brown 2.40 4574 Wally Clarke Fuel 142.97 4575 Coast-Wide Supply 16.21 4576 L. N. Curtis & Sons 52.10 4577 Wm. F. Davis, Insurance 83.71 4578 Earl's Refrigeration & I.ppliances 36.87 4579 Employment Security Department 4,828.18 4580 Matthie's Kay Shop 4.68 4581 Mine Safety .Ippliances 9.10 4582 N.F.P.A. International 13.06 4583 Helmie W. Nelson 16.63 4584 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 12.28 4585 Seattle Window Shade Co. 175.92 4586 Shaw Bros Drug 47.60 4587 Trick & Murray 37.81 4588 U. S. Post 8ffice 60.10 4589 U. S. Post Office 5.00 4590 M. C. Walls 84.37 4591 Western Plumbing Officials 10.00 4592 Westlake Electronic Supply 60,'54 4593 Department of Labor & Industries 878.25 STREET FUND 4594 Coastwide Supply 133.43 4595 Department of Labor & Industries 379.66 4596 Employment Security Department 1,417.61 4597 Lumber Market 28.70 4598 Matthie's Key Shop 7.17 CEDLR RIVER M & I FUND 4599 Department of Labor & Industries 14.84 4600 Employment Security Department 42.22 OFF STREET PI,RKING FUND 4601 Rainier l,sphalt 35058.85 EQUIPMENT RENT:,L FUND 4602 L. N. Curtis & Sons 143.52 4603 Department of Labor & Industries 105.20 4604 Employment Security Department 411.27 4605 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 4,876.00 4606 Fire Chief Extinguisher Co. 9.36 4607 Lumber 11arket 5.99 4608 Matthie's Key Shop 3.22 4609 Wm. A. Nieman, Dist. Mgr. 26.99 4610 0. K. Tire Store of Renton 291.18 4611 Renton Auto Glass 78.46 4612 Renton I'lutomobile Co. 77.55 .4613 Welders Supply Co. 16.00 4614 Williams & Swanson 7,1.98.32 LIBR[iRY FUND 4615 American Library Association 75.50 4616 City of Renton 8.00 4617 Department of Labor & Industries 62.46 4618 Diesel Oil Sales %'2.47 4619 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 139.55 367 VOUCHERS Contid April 20, 1964 LIBRARY FUND C on t t d 4620 Employment Security Department 449.33 4621 Encyclopedia Britannica Press 264.16 4622 Gaylord Brothers, Inc. 141.04 4623 Carl J. Leibel, Inc. 6.05 4624 McGraw-Hill Book Co. 45.1,3 4625 The National Observer 4.67 4626 Overall Cleaning & Supply .50 4627 Pacific Northwest Bell 622.81 4628 Paulson Office Supply 4629 Puget Sound News Co. 8.16595.95 4630 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 14.20 4631 Record Stationery & Office Supply 23.57 4632 H, W. Wilson Company 106.00 PARK FUND 4633 Coastwide Supply 407.57 4634 Gene Coulon 40 .50 4635 Department of Labor & Industries 97.96 4636 Employment Security Department 829.79 4637 Renton Cashway Lumber 15.03 4638 Renton Plumbing & Heating 7.78 IETER WORKS UTILITY FUND 4639 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 908.27 4640 Department of Labor & Industries 345.69 4641 Employment Security Department 1 518.92 4642 0. I. Hall Co. ' 4643 Lumber Market 722.4916.31 4644 1•1atthie's Key Shop 7.80 4645 Helmie W. Nelson 3.93 4646 Paulson Office Supply 15.66 4647 Pacific Water Works 169.22 4648 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 19.08 4649 State Treasurer-Department of Highways 5,972.80 4650 Western Utilities 122.22 AIRPORT FUND 4651 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 48.60 4652 Department of Labor & Industries 23.14 4653 Employment Security Department 176.45 4654 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 36.80 4655 U. S. Post Office 5.00 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk onald W. Custer, Mayor ;36S RE14TON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR KEE'i ING April 27, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer at 8: 00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Ilulse, Jchellar.:., Dahiquist, Cianin , Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Mores. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMEIIP HEADS PRESEN'i: Halmie Nelson, C'_ty Clerk, Pera d Shel'an, City Attorney, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Clarence Nill_ams, Chief of Police, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Marcella H_1'Igen., Librarian, B. L. A de-rcen, Supt. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C, Walls, Fire Chief, Cone Coulon, Supt. of Parks, James Highton, Building Li oct)r,u.. David Jansen, Planning Di_c:ctor, Earle Bigler, Airport Manager and Jamds Denner, Chai.-man, Planning Commission. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was repeated in unison by the Ascambly. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the t`._nutcs of the previous macting of April 20, 1964 be approved as written. Carried, APPLICATIONS FOR PEF.MITS AS SUE: ITiEO ZY TriE' BUT LDIiVG D'?AR^p�41Im BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME, ADT,R7SS T�TE C= V707- 9455 $ 100.00 C. L. Tillman E,2 - 3rd Avenue S;:orage Sher] 56 1,000.00 Ed Arne _Penton Shopp:'.`ng Center Sign 57 300.00 Tom Staniick 127 Park St ret !,dire Office Bldg. 58 400.00 17 Kenneth Olson 34^5 _. 3th Avenue Po, Carport- 59 2,500.00 Jolie Urch 962;1 - :08th5. . 'ler^,cel Res- dence 9460 2,500.00 Seattle '_st. Nt. Bank 37.1 Wil_!--_,=s St::ee�,- Air Conditioning 61 500.00 Car' Hanniff 32C4 Maple V �^-1e I wy. S�toreroom 62 97,072.00 Albertscn's, Inc. 2325 ^:Inset.• _•lvd. Food Center 63 3500 `ick Chase 15C3`7 - 86t:% Ave: 3o, Electrical ServicEw 64 790.00 Ray Hansen 335 Hill 331--reet 17 ew Roof 9465 1,251,00 Seatt?e -st Nat.. 3k, 3_11- W :t11Gms Jt-�nn` , , Wim wnc,c. 66 29000.00 Gerald Unger 7327 - 36`h Ave. So. 17,_­., Rcoidence 67 4,000.00 Domin_c Carpine 2_12 Tobin 1.venue 'oun ;;.on 68 200.00 Riviera Tavern 22 Mar"_s Va:_=ey Li n 69 275.00 ':onald Anderson. S8C So, 123t:h S A letter from City Engineer Wilson, pursuant to i i^truc•tion to invc:-7t gLte the feasi- bility of creating a Local Improvement District fo-r Water Mains in ii-he Kcrnydale area East of the Freeway, reported that a prelim`_nary design and cost est_mate had b^.en prepared and a notice sent to all owners within the pr;;posed L,I.D.,=ndicat_ng their share of the prc,4j4ct,with request that they rep-ly whether favorable 0- c72003d .c th• improvement. 64.92% voted no, 4.42°0/ voted yes, o votcd to go :a-Cn„ �oy._'_,� approved and 24.95 did not return their cards. Tt .,., t'iaref rc rccommend%dwt;hat� an L.I.D. is not initiated until such time - e� t4 y 1-•:. m. a_ c V2.. "in � �1.,. O'_1 i� S11�7mr.�"."1 �..^,Ci�Ct<.v:" such initiation would net be turned down by 60o protest, Moved by Pol:_, seconded by Perri• to concur in the fecommendat-ion of the Cit it Engineer. Carried. A letter from M. C. Wal]_s, Fire Ch=ef recd mended, in view of tr-i p=: ng I_esarvoy by the Washington Surveyi,ig and Rats ng Bcxeau, a;zd thr, growth of the d.rr_,,g the past few years, that the proper Commr.ttee raview `'i+le 7, Chapter 3 the Cencral Code of Ordinance of the City of Renton entitled "Fire Zones". Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer '-ae request to "-he F r_e and Water� Committee to report back. Carried. Letter read from James L. Hfghton, Bldg. D`-rector, requested perm:iss_on for Claude McPherson to attend a conference of the Intarnatlonal Assn. of Elact�ic- . Inspectors in Portland,Oregon on May 2, 1964, Moved by Morris, seconded by ianini, to grant- the x_aquest. Car Ied.. City Clerk Nelson reported serv_7.ce of Sum-.;o ^� .nc: ('omp' . .nt against -.11a City by Plaintiff residents in the area of the prcpcsed Sero 1 •,: la^;7 : rart prays that the City be restrained from issuing buy .,I nc p r;;,_ for co'nrr`r?tcr o.; of s --rade or technical school in the Highlands diotr:_-•t. jxr.,,od b :Iii?^eq sero .;,err by, ?erre, to refer the documents to the Cita At'_or-,e. d^,- .:: '. '. ✓ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 4-27-64 A letter read from City Attorney Shellan was directed to the Boeing Company , pursuant to referral by Council on 4.-20-64 and advised that the City has no par- ticular objection to hook-up of the Boeing sewer facilities to the Metro System provided that the Company complies with all applicable terms and provisions of the City of Renton's Ordinances,i.,�. Ch. 7 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1628, "Code of General Ordinance of the City of Renton" and as the rate may be amended from time to time. Attention was directed to Section 8-715, the present rate schedule' and reference made to the Agreement of 11-16- 1962 between Metro and The Boeing Company which was approved by the City. Any such hook-up shall be under the direction and supervision of the City's Superintendent of Utilities. Communication was read directed by the City Attorney to Mr. Wayne C. Booth, Attorney at Law, acknowledging receipt of letter and enclosures, returning original Order to which Voluntary Non-Suit is being taken on Cost Claim against the City on the Pacific Coast Railroad Lawsuit, Check to be cleared for benefit of the City on April 29th according to Judgment Clerk. A letter from E, R. Coleman, Associate Broker, Homeland Associates, Inc. was read affirming intere-t of his Real Estate Company in the future welfare and growth of the community. Areas of the City having unsightly features, including Cedar River and the South end of Lake Washington were pointed out to be areas which should be taken into consideration under the 701 program with such conditions eliminated there- under. Inquiry was made relative to certain zonings and development prospective of the property West of the East Valley Hwy. and North of the new freeway, and interpre- tation was requested regarding coverage of the land use program with respect to in- dication that changes may be made immediately after adoption when it has been explained by the City Attorney that it should extend over a 10 year period at least. Mr. Coleman expressed his opinion that rezoning applications will drop to a minimum if this plan is adopted. He further stated his many years of contact with City Hall relative to planning and zoning have been enjoyable and that he will continue .his efforts toward issues in which he believes have justification for Council consideration. .;,,:_Moved by D'e-3;aurenti-� seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Committee of-the Whole Carried -- A letter from $ob .Iyraham announced his appointment as Assistant State Auditor, replacing Clem ,Yelle who retired and the appointment of Dick Husk as Deputy State Auditor and Chief Examiner of the Division of Municipal Corporations, as of April 1st. His expanded sphere of operations were outlined and facilities of the office of State Auditor were extended in the interest of the citizen taxpayer dictates and improved state and local government. A letter from J, David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission . decision reaffirming the prior action of 2-26-64 on the Malone's Inc. Variance request that if he provides additicnalparkina and unloading space by eliminating a portion of the proposed construction the Commission would give approval however, otherwise, the construction would need to be limited to comply with that allowed under the Ordinance without the necessity for --granting a variance. Waiver of the 10 day appeal period was not recommended: in view ;of alternatives presented. Discussion ensued with Mr. Malone addressing the Council inasmuch as his attorney was out of town,advising that upon advice of the former administration he waited until after the election to pursue the matter notrealizing that by so doing he would not meet the 10 day appeal period requirement. 'fle stated his variance request was made inasmuch as his property was only' 30 ft. and the requirement was for a 44 ft. loadin-' zone which was impossible for him to meet. He stated the same Ordinance prevails at present ;as did when he was allowed and advised to construct his present building as it is situated and that other buildings in the Highlands were of comparative status; thcit".,2 loading zones °as proposed by the Commission with still lesser requirements than the Ordinance provide's and a' variance therefore was not compatible with the type of services rendered''under',the proposed construction. He deemed parking to be one Plannin, Commission factor in the decision rendered which should not be a consideration inasmuch as it meets-the requirements under.-.the present Ordinance as the City Attorney has nonfirmed.. . . Upon inquiry Planning Director Jensen advised that inasmuch as Mr. Malone does not have adequate square ft. aggregate space to comply with the 44 x 60 loading zone the Commission in attempting to uphold provisions of the Ordinance recommended the lesser construction and additional loading area; that in the interest of maintaining standards the request was a reasonable one. Mr. Malone and his Architect, •Mr. Jack Bryant advised of conversation with Planning Director Jensen that enforcement.-of a part -of the Ordinance was not always in keeping with feasible compliance in which event reasonable consideration was given. Mr. Jensen cited smaller constructions such �as 10 or 11 ft. basis to have been his inference during such discussion. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-27-61 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) The Chairman of the Planning Commission, James Denier, requested that before the Council take any action they take a look at the subject property and check the proposals and the Ordinance and they will find the reasons why the Com- mission has made its recommendations as it had. In view of the circumstances of this particular situation, Delaurenti moved to grant a hearing of Mr. Ma�one 's appeal on Monday and the Council look at the property in the meantime . The motion was seconded by Perry. Discussion ensued on the question and Mr. Malone requested the Council to keep in mind that parking was not the problem to be considered as it has been approved and is in compliance with requirements of the Ordinance. Inquiry was made by Trimm regarding establishment of policy by waiving of the 10 day appeal period. Citv Attorney., Shellan advised that Council has the right to waive the appeal period; or they could require a new application and filing fee and go through same motions and Planning Commission denial and bring right back to present appeal status, each case having to be considered on its own merits, he did not feel this would result in new policies and would not establish precedent as the facts are unique for each case. Upon inquiry by Gianini regarding renters for the proposed building Mr. Malone advised he had released a tentative lessee,due to the delay in construction, from lease obligation. The pending motion was subsequently carried setting* May 4th as date for Mr. MAlone 's appeal. A letter from Mr. Charles Shane was read which recommended the appointment of Mr. Louis Barei to the vacant council seat and urged open roll call vote rather than secret ballot. APPOINTMENTS: A letter read from Mayor Custer requested concurrence of the Council in the appointment of Mr. J. David Jensen as Planning Director for the City of Renton. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton declaring the City is in favor of Initiative No. 215, also known as "Marine Recreation Land Act" . All interested parties are urged to support said Initiative which provides means for acquisition and development of marine recreational areas and the apportionment of unreclaimed gasoline taxes paid by boaters on fuel consumed in watercraft in the Counties, Cities and Towns within the State of Washington. The Clerk read the document and it 1,,as moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 1243 be adopted as read. Carried. Chairman Morris moved that the proposed Ordinance combining the Auditing and Accounting and Finance and Claims Committee be referred to the Committee of the Whole for study. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. (A Pl new anning_Committee had also been recommended to the list of Council Committees. Mayor Custer declared a recess at this time and after the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Poli, President of the Council, reported that he had been advised by the members of the Council that they are prepared to elect a candidate to fill the vacant council seat and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to hold the election by paper ballot at this time. Carried. Councilman Poli read the names of prospective candidates as follows: Lester P. Falkenhagen, James Anderson, James Denzer, Jerry Cordell, Charlie Shane, Clarence Dullahant, Hugh Bruce, Louis Barei, John Malgarini and Walt Reid. ' . . - - .- . . . - ` Mr. Reid was in the assembly and had requested his name be deleted and that he would like to see open balloting. Councilman Schellert advised he wished to have it known that he likewise favors voice or standing vote in order that the public might know whom each was supporting, and moved that the motion be amended by striking "by paper ballot" . The motion failed for lack of second. The pending motion carried. The Clerk was directed to distribute ballots, to be counted by City Attorney Shellan and City Treasurer Gossett. Ballots were taken and resulted as follows: 1st Ballot: Bruce - 4, Anderson - 1, Barei - 4, Malgarini - 1 2nd Ballot: Bruce - 4, Barei = 4, Malgarini - 3 3rd Ballot: Bruce - 4, Barei - 3, Malgarini - 4 4th Ballot: Bruce - 4, Barei - 3, Malgarini - 4 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, that the low vote be eliminated after the next ballot. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-27-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont. ) Ballot - City Council Position 5th Ballot: Bruce - 4, Barei - 4, Malgarini - 3 6th Ballot: Bruce - 5, Barei - 5, Malgarini - 1 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to table the matter. Voice vote was dissenting and Mayor Custer declared the motion lost. 7th Ballot: Bruce - 4, Barei - 4, Malgarini - 3 Moved by Schellert that his previous motion to drop the low vote be rescinded. The motion was seconded by Garrett and Mayor Custer called for vote by show of hands which resulted in 8 aye votes and 3 no votes carrying the motion. 8th Ballot: Bruce - 4, Barei - 4, Malgarini - 3 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to table the balloting until the following week. Carried. President of the Council Poli presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the text material for the Comprehensive Plan, be adopted with acknow- ledgment of the two changes in wording as recommended by the Chamber of Commerce, to-wit; Pg. 13, Paragraph 2 - inserting word excessive prior to smoke deleting excessive :From the paragraph prior to the word odors. Pg. 14 - delete the word park from the last sentence of the final paragraph thus reading industrial standards instead of industrial park standards. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, that action be withheld on this until the Comprehensive Plan is presented in its entirety during a public hearing to be set. Discussion ensued and Councilman Poli advised that there had been four recommenda- tions but the Committee recommended only changes in wording having no respect to land uses which wording has no bearing on the hearing. It was pointed out that other changes might be warranted which all could be made at once, however Planning Director Jensen advised the wording has been incorporated in the text. City Attorney Shellan �... advised the Council should decide whether it wants to adopt the Plan or not and that any changes must be presented at public hearing which has been properly advertised. The Hearing of last week should have been continued and inasmuch as it was closed the Council would have to set a new hearing date and publish notice of same so the public may be informed of any changes to be made. If the Council was not going to take action it should riot be referred to Committee. A part of the plan should not be adopted by piece-meal but the whole plan considered and acted upon with public hearings on the whole plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to take the matter from Committee with May 4th set as the hearing date, the City Clerk to so publish the notice. Carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the gays and Means Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that excess revenues of $23,000.00 over and above the budgeted anticipated revenues be appropriated to Airport Account 7200, Capital Outlay, 605 - Hangar Construction, thus increasing the budgeted amount from $15,656.00 to $38,656.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation witr referral to the�Or_dinan ce Cybiumittee . Discussion ensued regarding excess revenues which Airport Manager; ,Earle—B glei, -- ' 'inquiry: advised would in the course of normal operation of the Field be accrued to cover the proposed new T-Hangar construction with deft tual additional revenues a-dded,. The pending motion carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, that the Clerk send a communication to the Ministerial Association expressing appreciation of the Council for the Invocation services at meetings •f the Council during the past two years. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that parking be prohibited at all times on the South side of walla Walla Avenue between Wells Street and Main Street to allow better access to the new Municipal Parking Lot which will also tend to reduce traffic congestion at the Main and Walla Walla intersection by allowing free right turn lane. This will involve removal of four parking meters and a truck loading zone and it was further recom- mended that the proper Ordinance be amended and signs be posted accordingly. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry to concur in the recommendations. Carried. -'4- 3'72 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-27-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont. ) OLD BUSINESS Councilman Garrett reported that in regard to request of Eugene C. Jen: en on 4-13-64 to erect a temporary fence in the alleyway behind his residence at 10212 S.E. 95th Street, the Committee recommends that he be allowed to build to the centerline of the alley providing the neighbors do not object. The Committee had been given power to act on this matter. NEI.,? BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers 4656 through 4737, previously ..••. approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Pedersen announced a meeting of the Sanitation Committee on Tuesday, April 28th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers with the Superintendent of Utilities, the City Attorney, Mr. Gotti and Mr. Greathouse. Councilman Garrett advised that he has received Advance Registration Announcement of ?!Oth Anniversary meeting of the American Municipal Congress, July 25-29 at Maimi Beach, Florida. The announcement is on file with the City Clerk. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the notice to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk with Council action -taken as follows: 1. Recommended that the Flaterworks Utility purchase a water extension on 138th Avenue S.E., East of Sunset Hwy. E. , from Mr. G. E. McDowell who in 1952 was given permission to extend the City's main approximately 900 it. East along 138th Avenue S.E. . He retained ownership of this two-inch line and there are now possible customers to be added to -the line and it is advisable that the City now acquire the line. A price of $500.00 has been mutually agreed upon which was approved by -the Committee who now recommended that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary documents and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute transfer of the property. Funds for said purchase are available in the Waterworks Utility, Capital Outlay Account. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. 2. Recommended approval of installation of approximately 575 L.F. of 16" C.I. pipe in S.E. 180th Street and State Hwy. No. 5, by City forces. The total estimated cost is $11,000.00 including approxina tely $6,200.00 of reclaimed material from contract No. GC-1145 with the State of Washington, Department of Highways. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in installations as approved by the Fire and Water Committee . Carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Police and License Committee with the Chief of Police, in his office, at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Mayor Custer was invited to be present also. Chief of Police, Clarence Williams, requested permission to temporarily extend the compulsory retirement date of employee Laureine Keil, which expires May lst, until replacement can be made. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, toconcur with referral to �aw_F _Qrdi:nance Committee. Carried. Audience comment was invited at this time and Civil Defense Director, Floyd Lawrence, reported attendance at a two day meeting at the Kent Civil Defense Control Center last week and outlined events which transpired during a simulated attack and bombing , supposedly dropped at the lower end of the Boeing Field ,as it would probably extend to affect the populace. It was pointed out that the only building constructed -to withstand destruction at present is the telephone building in our City. Suggestions were welcomed for possible shelter and control area for Renton, there being none at present and the Lake Youngs Niki site not being available. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Vere were 48 visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- l;pril 27, 1.964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the i.uditinC and 1.ccounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval: VOUCHER PAYEE 'J,IOUNT MIRENT FUND 4656 American Society of Planning Officials 65.25 4657 1�nker .ndersen 30-p0 4658 Association of Idashington Cities 25.00 4659 B & B I'.uto Parts 25.96 4660 Delvert C. Bennett 23.40 4661 Jack L. Brown 2.40 4662 John E. Buff 25.00 4663 City of Renton 415,00 4664 City of Renton 21.78 4665 Cochran Coast-to-Coast 11:37 4666 Harold Floyd 2.40 4667 Harvard Business Review 10.00 4668 Frank .:, Henry 3,50 4669 Kroesen's Uniform & ClothinC Co. 15.03 4670 ICroesen's Uniform & Clotaing Co. 15.86 4671 Jack Lytle 2.40 4672 McGraw Book Co., Ino. 69.93 4673 Moore Business Forms 295.21 4674 One Price Store 4.58 4675 Pacific Northwest Bell x,308.94 4676 Pacific Outfittin,; Co. 52.78 4677 Paulson Office Supply 125.39 4678 Potoshnik Fuel 351.76 4679 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 614.38 4680 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 297.64 4681 Record Office Supply 77.75 4682 Renton ClothinC Co. 03.1.3 4683 Renton Enterprise 53.11. 4684 Seattle Art & Photo 5.15 4685 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 76.A7 4686 Sunset Coal and Oil 211.. 0 4687 Todd Co. Division, Burroughs Corp. 23.92 4688 Trick & 11urray 197.60 4689 U. S. Post Office 5..00 4690 Di-right Nark t-aCConer 2.40 4691 Was'ninCton Finance Officers !sssoc. 30.00 4692 C. S. Williams 11.34 4693 C. S. Williams 8.00 4694 Jack Wilson 36.28 4695 Jon W. Wilson 2.40 CITY STREET FUND 4696 Binks NanufacturinC Co. 31.72 4697 Cochran Coast to Coast 14.38 4698 Joseph J. Lynch 33.41 4699 Pacific Ndorthwest Bell 10.00 4700 Paulson Office Supply 85-A 4701 Safety and Supply Co. . 13;76 4702 Security Concrete 360.80 4703 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 72 '66 4704 Victor TeGantvoort 31.52 EQUIPIMT RENTAL FUND . 4705 B & B Auto Parts 66..69 4706 Benz Spring Co. lO.p6- 4707 Steam Supply & Rubber Go. 43..14 4708 Sunset Coal & oil 65.80 4709 Williams & Sira.nson 45..27 I P VOUCHERS - Cont'd April 27, Pi,RK FUND 4710 Best Universal Lock 28,97 4711 City of Renton 6.66 4712 City of Renton 25.00 4713 Eicher and Company 35.63 4714 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 7.82 4715 Sunset Coal & Oil Co. 409.35 4716 Charles R. Ziatt Co. 315.88 1Z.TER ?v'ORKS UTILITY FUND 4717 B & B l�uto Parts 56.94 4718 National Chemsearch 55.60 4719 Olympic Foundry 86.47 4720 Pacific rlorthwest Bell 72.15 4721 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 26.43 4722 Renton Enterprise 14.40 4723 Richards Brush Company 22.65 4724 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 9.47 4725 I°Jashington Finance Officer's 1 ssoc. 10.00 A IRPOR T FUND 4726 Cochran Coast-to-Coast 8,48 4727 Security Concrete 181.4r 4728 Service Laundry u Dry Cleaners 12.49 FIREIEI IS PE1SION FUND 4729 A & H Drugs 7.28 4730 Mrs. Enza ,nderson 150.00 4731 Theron K. �"nder son 291.00 4732 Baird M. Bardarson, Ii. D. 10.00 4733 K'S Prescription Pharmacy 32.14 4734 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 4735 Mrs. Orpha I1c Donald 150.00 4736 Shaw Bros. Drug 16.84 4737 Swiech & Company 13.57 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Donald W. Custer, Mayor Auditing & Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the X.Iaaa` Committee, were approved for the month of April, 1964. RN dM PAYROLL $108,394.65 CURRENT 29,200.46 CITY STREET 12,127.76 ARTERIAL STREET 10,826.10 OFF-STREET PARKING 3,888.66 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 560.62 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 19,424.32 PARK 3,642.07 LIBRARY 2,358.58 AIRPORT 1,201.02 CUMULATIVE 1184 396.35 CUMULATIVE 1698 39,394.76 WATERWORKS UTILITY 29,887.02 FIREMEN'S PENSION 975.83 375 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 4, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. _. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks, James Highton, Building Director, J. David Jcnsen, Planning Director, Mr.. James Denzer, Chairman, Planning Commission, and Vern Church, Purchasing Agent. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given in unison by the Assembly. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 27, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9470 $ 140.00 Frank Podriznik 218 Meadow Street Wire service 71 25.00 McLendon Hardware 1020 Bronson Way No. Connect sign 72 20.00 State Hwy. Dept. Freeway & Cemetery Rd. Wire for Hwy. Lighting 73 20.00 Jacob Lind 3209 - 6th P1. East New mast to clear roof 74 100.00 Edward Souder 916 Sunset Blvd. E. Fence 9475 2,000.00 Fred Callen 928 Sunset Blvd. E. Apartment Addition 76 475.00 Conner Const. Co. 12724-86th Ave. So. Wire New Residence 77 30000.00 Williams & Swanson 224 Burnett Street Repair Fire Damage 78 600.00 Carl F. McLuen 12501 - 86th P1. So. Retaining Wall 79 5,000.00 Renton Shopping Center - "K" and Sunset Office Building 9480 200.00 Smith Brothers 77 Burnett Street Add partitions 81 50000.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 4th Avenue Deck Cover PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6486 - - - Mr. Donahue 12801 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 87 - - - Ralph J. Gathman 2919 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 88 - - - Alvin M. Rhodes 3522 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 89 Conner Const. Co. 12718 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 6490 - - - V. Malone 3418 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - Robert 0, Bunker 516 110" Street So. Plumbing Fixtures 92 - - - W. H. Piersee. 12918 - 87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 93 - - - Gr. Renton Shop. Center - 2830 - 11th No. Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - Chas. McClurg 505 "N" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6495 - - - Irving Chapman 77 Burnett Street Plumbing & Gas Fixt. 96 - - - J. E. Clayton 3023 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures OPENING OF BIDS: One Diesel Tractor-Loader - Park Department This being the date set, the following bids were opened and read by the Clerk: BIDDER BASIC BID TRADE TAX OTHER TOTAL Ray Bock Equipment Co.-Puyallup Disc. 11th St. N.W. and River Rd. $ 6,506.50 $ 518.30 $ 200.00 $-1, 506.50 $ 4,681.70 5% Cert. Check attached Craig Taylor Equipment, Inc. 5030 First Avenue So. - Seattle 69499.00 100.00 259.96 6,658.96 International Harvester Company 5,361.56 700.00 214.46 4,876.02 20636 Pacific Highway South - Seattle Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer these bids to the Property Committee and the Park Director. Carried. -1- 375 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 5-1-64 PRELIMINARY MEETING with property owners pursuant to letter of intent to annex to Renton - Kennydale area Inquiry was made as to whether anyone present in the audience would speak for the property owners.Mr. B. I. Nicoli, 8904 - 100th S.E. advised that Mr. Ambrose had been the initial person to institute the annexation however he would remark that other than to invite pro and con discussion he had no comment except that it was felt in concern for long range planning, the annexation request was a step in the right direction. Councilman Schellert directed the question as to whether the property owners would be willing to assume their appropriate share of the City's bonded indebtedness. Mr. Nicoli advised he could not speak for his neighbors however from his under- standing County vs. City expenditures balance so that in considering whether to stay in the county or join the City, he would be willing to assume the pre-existing bonded debt. The City was asked to present benefits to be derived by owners if they annex. It was pointed out that the indebtedness is very small at present and would not be of consequence after which it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the City and the property owners be authorized to circulate the proper Petition,which must bear at least 75% of assessed valuation in signatures,and which•also shall specify acceptance of pro rata shares of the existing bonded indebtedness. Discussion on the question followed regarding assumption of existing bonded in- debtedness upon inquiry by Mr. Ernie Coleman, 10208 S.E. 80th Street, and City Clerk Nelson was requested to enlarge on the point. Mrs. Nelson explained that the County Assessor urges that Cities require the newly annexed areas to assume the indebtedness inasmuch as a new limit No. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 etc. must be established for worm? parcels. . . annexed without assuming the debt ,and they would eventually be figuring a hundred or more different tax limit rates for the Cities. Also, in fairness to the large industries bearing the major portion of the taxes and the core area likewise assuming its share it is felt the new areas should thus also assume -their, shaxes,having the same rights as far as benefits are concerned. Mayor Custer advised that although public hearings would follow in the course of normal events, if the Council so directs, a meeting would be arranged with the property owners to acquaint them with the benefits to be derived by the annexation. The pending motion carried. REPORT OF REVIEW BOARD - Pillo-Dalpay et al annexations �- City Clerk Nelsor reported receiving confirmation of dispensation of review board proceedings by majority approval of the Review_..Board, including the Sup Pt. of Schools, the County Commissioner and Director of Commerce and Economic Development and the Mayor of Renton, the area being less than ten acres and less than $200,000.00 in assessed valuation, pursuant to Sec. 3, Ch. 282, Laws of 1961. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, that the date of May 18, 1964 be set for Public Hearing on the proposed annexation. (Property located in vicinity of 132nd Ave. S.E. and Sunset Blvd. E. ) Carried. CONTINUED HEARING: Comprehensive Plan for the City of Renton including Land Use Map, Street and Arterial Map, and the Text which illustrates briefly the history of the City, the studies heretofore undertaken and goals set forth for achievement under said plan. This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open and public comment was invited, The Clerk reported no : fuither communications regarding the matter. Mr. Ernie Coleman addressed the Council calling attention to his letter of 4-27 and inquiry therein regarding prospective development of the property West of the East Valley Highway and North of the Freeway which he now stated should be considered for some type of zoning other than residential. Inquiry was made also on the portion deleted previously regarding zoning and attention called to the need for action in regard to areas which need cleaning up and elimination of unsightly features, all in the interest of the Community, new people and industry wise. Consideration was requested on said proposals prior to final action. Mr. Kay Johnson, 2101 - 7th Avenue North, recalled the items from the Chamber of Commerce letter of recommendation dated 4-20-64 for changes in land uses between State Highway SSH-11 and Interstate Route 405 and from the So. Renton Interchange Westerly, stating they maintain their position. It was pointed out that additional requests for changes in wording had been incorporated into the text as recommended. Mr. Wyman Dobson objected to the present land use designation on the Cugini-Dobson property just East of the Wigwam from L-1 to R-1 calling attention to existing Agreement wherein land owners and the City agree that the zoning shall remain and not be changed until the Highway is completed. It was pointed out that the land use designation will not change zonings , 9- Minutes of the Renton City Ccuncil Meeting 5-4-64 HEARING: (cont. ) Comprehensive Plan For the benefit of the new Council Members the %it- At-Liwas requested to review the matter and it was recalled that the Agreemen-c had been executed between the City and the owners and concurred in by people living in the Windsor Hills area who had interest in this particular property. An amendment made about six months ago allowed a certain area to be deleted for purpose of allowing a residence to be built. The purpose of the original agreement was to hold the whole matter in abeyance until the location of the highway had been established and construction campleted (one year being anticipated time and it has been approximately six years now) `file matter may be re- submitted by the property owners to Council for 7ny final zoning or rezoning. The Comprehensive Plan is not for zoning o::_^poses but sim_ply a '= an Which is to show officially the eventual anticipated development of til ; csty �r i eutai;._4.;hmei1 of land uses within the City. Inquiry was made by May or Custer as -to r7he.`:her lir. Dobson was requesting that the land use map be changed t08f icCi ,.r� Sl f 1 L'oe tia:l S1D?arl at present. It was pointed out that the P_ann._.lg 'ommi�cior: hGd ecomme..ded multiple use and the Council had, upon hearing objections of people in the area, amended it to single family residence. Upon inquiry as to ?ega ity of chang^rig design.-itions at -`h s time City Attorney Shellan advised it could be changed howeve-- the Coun..cAi w__shed until such time as it is adopted. The Hearing nLV:is o a_'_lc,•, people to express their opinions bearing in mind the purpose of the plan being to try to oStai.n a; realistic view in showing development of the Citi, with. n the next 5-1C-'5--or 20 years. _f, however the map is presently adopted which is part of the Ccmprehens;ye P'an and someone wants it changed next week it could not be done ;aithout hold_ng searing„ and re--fi_ing amendments with the King County Auditor's Office of pi.ile 'ompreIensiye Pian. Mr. Dobson advised that on behalf of the property owners he was requesting desi_gnatiop of R-4 use as this was their intent which would otherwise be addit on�:l hurdle to be overcome when they want it changed. 1. . Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by. Poli, that the Cugini--Dobson property in question be changed to R-4 land usage from the present ^_.i designation.. Mrs. Evans, 403 Grar.3ey Way, advised that 14 of the tdindscz- Hills residents in 1957 had presented a signed statement and they would agree to a R-2 use, 6na6 ,1.1 were in favor of the development of that area but in a manner tint does not destroy their property values or views, citing Seattle Court ruling that first property owners should -' be considered and in no way injured by subsequent ceve�cpment. In 1960 they again nick and the property owners were advised they could proceed with building upon release from the agreement which Mrs, Evans savored if R-2 use or in accordance w4 th topography of the land so as not to obscure views. She belie,.7ee the land across the road zoned .R-4 has little room left after right-of-way use,and advised -4yuse would be approved here-oh.-the South part cr lower edge, but mmediate y back of them :?-4 would not beacceptable. Discussion ensued regarding multiple zoning recommended by the Comm _ssion and Mrs. Evans pointed out there is only one outlet to ematery Rcad .and. no playground and the children would have to go over their yards *_o get to `cboo'.s t;.a;` peal_ es'ate men and other persons had looked at the land and agreed with them. Question was called for on the pending mot_on, and. upon: dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Ayes: Poli, Schell.ert, 'Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen and Delaurent-_, No: Fulso, 1=La,,2-:tt, Tri.mm, Perry and, Mc-iris. Motion Carried. Councilman Tr-,!mm inquired _regarding Mr. Coleman I s _anter -and it Tags moved by. Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to take the matter rrom commtitt- ee of the WI.o_'e and open the matter to discussion at this time. Carried. Mr, Yc.rs.en pointed the area out on 'the map. Councilman Scheller` declaring t%c matter to be .s milar to the' prev ous. and in concern for long range use of the subj ect property- m ,qac ' that •L i.e-,iar;,d use map for -i his property be changed to ref?ect Ccmmerci_a:� Use. .. The mo-c--on was seconded by Perry and laria. n.fica- cof Susi_ness use as compared to Non---Manu- after further discussion and cfacturing Industry use Counc-1-man Schell--rt w-ithdrew "]Is motion but second did not consent to withdraw. '"he motion was voted upon and fUi?ad: Moved by Delaurenti, secondedby Glu r ri, that the area b tiered by-.: Grady t;�ay on the North, the Freeway on the South, Rainier Avenue oil pile past �E. Valley Hwy. ) and the junction of approximately the west boundar,;� e" the Race Track, be changed on the map to designate lion-Manufacturing Industry. Carried, Moved by Trimm, seconced by Hulse, that the Hearing be c1wed. Carried. Moved by Trimm:, seconded by Hulse, to adopt the Comprehensi�ie Phar, 'including 1--id Use Maps, Street and Arterial Maps and the Text a,- �.� c ' �,�itn :ref4rra'+ to the Jaw and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Recess was declared at this time and after the recess call ass �takeri with awl Council Members present as previously listed, -3- C' Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-4-64 HEARING: Malone's, Inc. - Appeal of Planning Commission Decision Attorney Roger I. Lewis addressed the assembly in behalf of Mr. Malone and appealed the Planninff Commission denial of Variance to waive loading zone requirements of the Code. Mr. Malone's proposed addition to his present commercial building is one-hale the size specified in the Code to require a 44 x 60 ft. loading zone and it was deemed therefore that the loading zone,as designated on exhibits which had been distributed, would be adequate, especially with respect to the type of services operating therein. Discussion disclosed that tenants of Mr. Maloneb had registered opposition at the Planning Commission meeting to the Variance and Mr. Malone advised that the problem mom discussed at that time was one of parking only which has no bearing on the loading zone variance. Discussion regarding use of the loading zone for parking followed along with designation of the zone by striping which Mr. Malone said had not been his intent to do and the fact that trucks load only once or twice a month was reason not to prohibit general use for parkins. He stated further that the loading was not a factor previously and his building was approved 3 years ago with expansion provisions as constructed under the same Ordinance presently in effect. It was pointed out that the Planning Commission was unanimous in its decision on the matter and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to uphold the decision of the Planning Commission. Carried. Appeal was denied. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter read rrom Intercity Insurance Agency, Louie Gebenini, and a letter from Wm. F. Davis, Chairman, Insurance Commission, recommended renewal of the present policy with the Public Employees Mutual Insurance Company covering liability "or the City. Excessive Losses amounting to $7,999.43 or 75% loss cause removal of experience credit and addition of annexed areas including 7.0 acres, 2 .3 miles of streets, 3.9 miles of sidewalk, 1.5 miles of sanitary sewers, 1.0 miles of storm sewers,additional vehicles and increase in payroll along with adjustment of the National Bureau Commercial Ratin,; Classifications have caused an increase in the premium for renewal of the policy from May 15, 196'1 to May 15, 1965 to 115, 558.46. Immediate safety program was recommended to help curb losses to again effect the 10% experience credit discount. Councilman Pedersen reported that the Property Committee has been working with the Commission on this matter and renewal as outlined was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee and to renew the liability insurance as outlined by the Commission. Councilman Schellert made inquiry as to why insurance is different and not being required to be let for bid when it exceeds the amount allowable without bid. Louie Gebenini advised that it has been the ruling by the Attorney General that due to the type of insurance bids would not be required. Mr. Gebenini advised that in most cases the proposal -type of bid is best and that the Commission had about 7 refusals with -:our in writing assome of the Companies do not want to handle it because of the Airfield or swimming pools, etc. (the loss ratio too great far bidding to recover if outbid -the ne::t year)The biggest change in premium was due to the loss of experience credit which cost the City $1,555.00, the other thing the Bureau Rating Plan which last year shows the City had 24 heavy trucks classified therein and this year winds up with 64. Forty different companies are represented by members of the Commission and none were interested Those interested have had past e::perience in this type of business. Mayor Custer advised several companies have been contacted and bids in that respect have been taken and in this case most of them did not accept the insurance and the ones who will carry it have had past experience, furnishing it for their 8th year. It was pointed out that along with the $8,000.00 losses 9-cases-ak&,,pending,.and one in. reserve, and Mr. Gebenini advised the City to revieN fpty practices at this time. The pending motion carried, and the matter of t e Cfer. s Bond, upon Motion by Poli, second by Dahlquist, was referred to the Property Committee for discussion .witil the Commission and report back, carrying unanimously. A letter from City Attorney Shellan was read submittin, remittance in the sum of $13,102.89 from Robert L. Edwards et ux, constituting Judgment due the City in amount of $13,703.70 together with interest at 6% from date of Judgment in amount of $399.19 which satisfies the Pacific Coast RR. Co. vs. City of Renton vs. Robert L. Edwards e-c Ir, Judgment in full. King County Clerk's Check was attached. Mr. Edwards has taken a Voluntary Non-Suit on his Cross Claim. A letter from the Renton Public Library Board, by Martha Wit-erg, Secretary, was read requesting to meet with the Mayor and Council, Planning Director Jensen and the John Graham Company's representative on Tuesday, May 5th to continue with planning for a new library building and site. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the reques� and to refer the communication to the Committee o' the (thole . Carried. _a_ 379 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-?.-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Letter was read from Robert L. Edwards requesting that a meeting be arranged with the Commit-cee of the Whole for -the purpose of discussing the possibility of the Renton Shopping Center being served by Seattle City Light, aster May 5th. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry to refer the communication to the Commi-ctee of the Whole to set a meeting date. Carried. Letter from Charles E. Taylor requested to be considered or the vacant council position in the event of a deadlock and no decision can be made. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the letter -co the Committee o the (ghole. Carried. A letter from Mr. H. G. Bostick was read registering complaint against Puget Power Company's recent rate increase in behalf of home owners with all-electric homes. It was pointed out that a year ago when they purchased their home they felt the rates were a bit high but worth it and now it has gone up $20.00 per month. Their rate was thus increased by $240.00 per year over their anticipated rate of $360.00 which is beyond considerable reason. Room temperatures are maintained at 70°. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the complaint to the Committee of the (Thole. Carried. A letter from Robert Snow, Parole and Probation Officer II, State of Wn. Board of Prison Terms and Paroles, advised that the Renton office located at 817 - 3rd Avenue has a serious parking problem, there being no space provided by the owner and the State not allocating funds for such purpose. (Tonkin Building) Due to the emergency nature of the work in dealing with offenders in the community it was necessary that they have readily accessible transportation available and to facilitate this end it was requested that the City provide two parking meter vacations in the newly constructed Walla-t-lalla and We1:hs street municipal parking lot. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended execution of Permit from the State Highway Department allowing the City to cross the freeway with a Sanitary Sewer line to serve Puget Properties, Inc. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with the recommendation and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same. Carried. Applications read from Jim's Tavern owner, Evelyn McBernie, requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate an additional pinball machine at this business location at 214 Williams Street, and Lonnie Blythe, Riviera Tavern requested that Rainier Amusement Company be granted license to operate two pinball . machines at said business, 2231 Maple Valley Hwy. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning: Commission recom- mendations from its public hearing meeting of April 22, 1964 as follows: 1. Gayle Halsen Rezone - Recommended favorably as described in Appl. R-155-63 from R-1 to R-3. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti to concur in the recommendation . of the Planning Commission. Upon request, Planning Director Jensen pointed out on the wall map the location of the subject property between 8th & 9th Aves. on Ren- ton Street abutting R-3 on the West. Councilman Trimm inquired whether there had been protest at the hearing by residents in the area and Planning Director Jensen replied there had been about 30 objectors however it was .just an extension of R-3 zoning; that it was the first request in that block and was on a corner lot on the East side of Renton Street. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Donald Gouge, Attorney, representing the Halsons pointed out that this was a unanimous recommenda= -tion of the Planning Commission by a vote of the quorum, that the zoning is the same across the street and in the next block South as well as abutting the subject property, that there is adequate parking and in full compliance with requirements of the Code and favorable action was requested. The pending motion subsequently carried. 2 . Renton School District request for rezone from G-7200 to B-1 of that property described in Application No. R-173-64 situated on 132nd Ave. S.E. between Sunset Highway and S.E. 112th Street. Councilman Schellert pointed out such oning was in conflict with the designated use under the Comprehensive Plan which shows Multiple Residence use. Inquiry was made by Councilman_ Delaurenti regarding a parcel just across the street,the owners of which had requested B-1 also. Mr. Jensen advised this parcel was at present the subject o:" annexation proceedings. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-1-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (Planning Commission Recommendations - cont. ) gove& :by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendation. Upon inquiry regarding the adjacent property, Mr. Jensen advised that -the property in annexation had petitioned the County for rezoning and had been denied and had since requested to be annexed to the City. Councilman Delaurenti stated that in the event the School property is rezoned the other should be likewise . Councilman Schellert inquired of the City Attorney as to �7b ether, in the event this should be granted and Ordinance prepared, the land use map would need to be changed. City Attorre y Shellan advised that when adopted, all subsequent requests will need to conform to the land use plan, however prior to its adoption, the Resolution still in Committee at present, the Council may act as it deteimines1proper. The question was called "-or and dissenting voice vote on the pending motion to grant the rezone was followed by roll call vote resulting as "ollows: Aye: Poli, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Trimm, Perry and Morris. Five aye votes and six no-, votes were cast and the motion failed. 3. Mark Hokenson rezone request,from G-7200 to B-1 as described in Application No. R-179-6 !,,!Was rec6mmdnded "'.ox reclassification. (Located on Sunset Highway betraeen 132nd S. E. and 135th S.E. ) Inquiry by Councilman Hulse was made to Mr. Jensen as to whether the applicants had comments on the land use plan at -the Planning Commission hearin;. Mr. Jensen advised that the Planning Commission was aware of the situation and that these people had also been advised. Mrs. Evans reminded the Council they had allowed R-4 on the property discussed earlier (Dobson-Cugini) and the.-same principle applies there as on this matter. Councilman Trimm inquired whether there wasn't already business at the subject location and Mr. Jensen advised that at one time it had been zoned business but the County had since adopted its Comprehensive Plan which designated a different use, that the business could still operate as a non- conforming use but no further such zoning would comply,.,-:-,,.,Business zonings had been determined by distance` ftom .business`::-the intersection of Sunset and 138th is con- sidered to be appropriate for business location based on the 'act that the Highlands is from one or miles distance.,.Hesbtid the Dalpay request had been denied by the County because of ;t he.: designated use under the Comprehensive Plan which had been adopted. Present businesses niy continue operating but may nog expand or enlarge the use. The pending motion was voted upon and dissenting voice vote was followed by roll call vote as follows: Aye: Poli, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Trimm, Perry and Morris. The motion lost. -- 4. Standard Oil Company request for Variance to enlarge sign at 2705 Sunset Blvd. as described in Application No. V-13'?-6 - was favorably recommended. Moved by Schelle - , seconded by Poli, to concur in -Lbe Plannin<, Commi-cion reco:rlmendation Councilman Garrett inquired as to location and reason for the variance a1d Plannin- Director Jensen state it was located at the intersection of Sunset Highway and H Street and they had wanted to enlarge the sign and it had been suggested that it be moved back in enlArging ltrwhich,. kequires a variance. The pending motion carried. S. Aloha Ranch Preliminary Plat - Approval recommended Moved by Poli, seconded by Perxy-,'+tb.concur-.in -the Plannin-; Commission recommenda- tion. Carried. A letter was read from Mayor Custer requesting a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Thursday or Saturday to discuss 'urther progress plans regarding the 701 Planning Program. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, that Saturday, May 9, 1964 at 9: 00 a.in. be set for this meeting, in the Council Chambers. Carried. PROCLAMATION: In Honor of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States who have risked their lives in defense of the freedoms which we continue to enjoy as American citizens, i-t was urged that the community citizens all purchase and wear Duddy Poppies on those days set aside for distribution o'= these symbols of loyalty in this city; the basic purpose of the sale being eloquently reflected in the desire expressed by their motto "Honor the Dead by Helping the Living. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer reaffirmed appointments of Dave Dobson, Jim Julien, Bev Morrison, John Swanson and Herb �,lilliams as members of the Citizens' Advisory Council to worI: in conjunction with development of the 701 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Renton. Meetings will continue at 8: 00 a.m, each Wednesday morning-'in the Council Chambers. -6- Minutes of the Renton City Council 5-4-64 APPOINTMENTS : Continued Mayor Custer, in addition to reappointment of former Citizens Advisory Counci members, appointed Archie Gustine, Mike Lotto and Kay Johnson as new members. A letbr prom Mayor Custer requested concurrence of the Council, pursuant to provisions of R.C.W. 35.39.020, that the Council appoint a member of its body to serve on the City's Finance Committee which has ,jurisdiction over the investment'6f public funds. Councilwoman Dahlquist had servdd in this capacity in behalf of the previous Council. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to concur with referral of t1v matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer was read advising the Council of his appointment of Marvin Schroeder as a member of the Citizens Flood Control Advisory Committee, effective May 1, 1964. COUNCIL COM,11TTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: President of the Cduncil poli, requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, May 5', 19F&4 at 7:30 p.m. and a meeting on Saturday, May 9, at 9: 00 in the Council Chambers. Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, submitted his report Which t5as read by the Clerk .with Council actions taken as follows: Installation of 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights wore recommended as follows: One (1) at intersection o" 'ch Avenue North and Garden Street and three (3) on S.E. 104th Street on Poles No. 11019, 11005 and 10819. Moved by Deaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations of the Light and Power Committee. Carried. Councilman.Pedersen,. Chairman or the Sanitation Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Recommended that - l. Title VIII, Sec. 303 C. of Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General ORdinances of the City of Renton be amended to require residents to remove garbage cans from -the curbline on the same day of collection with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the -- Sanitation Committee. Councilman Garrett inquired whether this gives the public the right to use the right of way a specified length of time for placement of trash cans. After discussion as to what constitutes the right-of-way and to li e ris­ft'4i.11 be related to 'crash can placement and removal by private citizens, bus:�.nesses being covered in -the Code already, the!.question was called for and . Lhe pending motion carried. 2. The request of Washington Disposal for a Franchise to serve areas recently annexed to the City be granted under supervision of the Sup't. of Utilities and the City Attorney with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry to concur in the recommendations of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. 3. Recommended establishing a policy of granting such Franchises as soon as possible after annexation in order that the five year period may be retired as soon as may be done. City Attorney Shellan advised this might be accomplished by referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee as the annexation occurs. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. The committee concurred in the request of the City Engineer to recommend to the Council that a Sewer L.I.D. be initiated in the area North of Sunset Highway from; 114th Ave, S.E. proceeding North -to S.E. 112th Street, then f-!est on S.E. 112th Street, 'Ua ?12th !venue S.E., thence North on 112th Ave. S.E. to approximately S.E. 108th Street to include a new development in the area. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur with the recommendations of the Sanitation Committee and the City Engineer authorizing initiation of the L.I.D. as out- lined. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers No. 4738 -through 4794, having been p-eviously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time,j; Carried. -7- 38iinutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-4-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont. ) NEW BUSINESS Moved by Gianini, seconded by Perry, that the matter of electing a Council Member to fill the vacant position be taken from the table. Carried. Moved by Perry that the voting be limited to three ballots. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to vote by written ballots. Carried. Mayor Custer appointed Chief of Police Williams and City Attorney Shellan to count the votes. Ballots were cast and resulted as follows: lst Ballot - Bruce, 4, Barei, 4 and Malgarini, 3 2nd Ballot - Bruce, 4, Barei, 4 and Malgarini, 3 3rd Ballot - Bruce, 5, Barei, 4 and Malgarini, 2 Further new business continued and it was moved by Councilman Perry that as a prior condition to granting a franchise to Seattle City Light or any other public utility to provide electric service within the corporate limits of Renton, that a contractual agreement be entered into between the City and the servicing utility requiring payment to the City of Renton, affected school districts, taxing districts, and any other governmental entities of Renton, the same amount of taxes and other levies as would be received by such governmental entities if electric service in -the City of Renton were provided by a private utility. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. 0. Moved by Delaiirenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. Moved by Perry that the Park Board and its Superintendent prepare and submitto the Committee of the Whole as soon as possible, but not later than 4 weeks from date, a report in summary form of the proposed improvements to be placed on the City's Lake Washington Beach, including site preparation, and cost therefor. The purpose of such report to allow the Council to study method of financing. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that the matter be referred to the . Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti announced a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee with the Police and Fire Chiefs and Property Committee Chairman on Wednesday, May 6, at 4:15 p.m. Building Director. Highton was requested by Mayor Custer to have the Councilmen's chairs oiled. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman Morris, of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton extending the compulsory retirement date for 60 days, to July 1, 1964 for City of Renton Employee Lauraine I. Keil who is a member of the Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System under the classification of "Miscellaneous Personnel". Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that Resolution No. 1245 be adopted as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Amending Section td- 501 of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances"' the City of Renton Relating to No Parking Areas, which was read by the Clerk. (Soith side of !^!alla Walla Avenue from Wells Street to the pipeline right of way. ) Second and final reading; was recommended by the Committee and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2089 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Ordinance No. 1951 relating to vacation of certain streets and portions of streets located in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, which was read by the Clerk. (Changing designation of high school to school facilities regarding construction per-'od) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended second and Final reading after which it was moved by Oelaurepti1 seconded by Perms tv Carried, After the second and final reading it was moved by Delauren seconded by Poli, to adopt Ord#nauce No, 2090 as read. Roll call vort-e fo)- Aritejd 'tVr members voting aye except S6hellert. Minutes of the Renton City Council 5-4-64 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont. ) Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinanc Committee, presented a proposed Resolution adopting a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the City of Rento n which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1240 as read. Councilman Garrett inquired of Planning Director Jensen if—the.. Planning Commission recommendations had been given concurrence by the Council there would have been the two parcels different From and in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan as it is now. Planning Director Jensen stated affirmatively and that there are now and will be properties in conflict with the proposed land use comprised of certain businesses not shown as businesses on the map and they will continue to operate as non- conforming uses. Councilman Garrett pointed out that the situation already exists and would not be new if the subject znnings had been allowed. The pending motion carried. Councilman Morris reported recommendation of the Committee that the Comprehensive Plan be filed with the King County Auditor. Mayor Custer invited audience comment at this time. Planning Director Jensen advised that the documents including maps and text of the Comprehensive Plan would require signatures of the Council Members at their convenience. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Police and License Committee on Saturday morning at 8: 00 a.m. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. There were 72 visitors in the Council Chambers. Addition to Minut s of 5-4.64 Councilman Garrett, Chairman -of tl-)e Street and Alley Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk. The Committee recommended that the City create a Traffic Signal Maintenance position, #n.:order that the City could provide for its own maintenance, Due to termination of the former traffic signal contractor on April 7, 1%4 the Engineering Department has negotiated ar, agreement with the State Highway Department to ..perform maintenance on all traffic signals in the City and under terms of the agreement the State Highway Department has agreed to perform emergency maintenance as required nor the period of time not to exceed ninety days. It is felt that within this time the City cduld provide for its own maintenance and with a quarter of a million dollars invested iD its traffic signal system it is imperative that a maintenance program under a full ' time city employee be instituted rather than depend on a private contractor for repair. Under the present system, the City has no preventative maintenance program and conse- quently we have more controller fdilures and lamp burnouts than a system ten times the size of Renton's. The Committee also recommended that the matter be referred to the Council Committee of the Whole and the Ways and Means Committee to work out the necessary details. It was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee on Wednesday, May 6, 1964 at 5: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers Nos. 4738 through '4795, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved at this time by the Council. Carried. He,lmie W. Nelson, City 'Clerk `VAS , Donald W. Custer, Mayor, .i�.. ., -iZ ',, ; ! ! l..�' t•"�1 i?rte :l.T"%( '�;'' , ... ;.t. � .',-• � .'i.t. •,� .'e• ... .art,' _. .. .. .. my 4, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accourt; r,Z Committee, were submitted for Council approval : VOUCHER PAYEE. a Al.,OUNT CURRENT,FUND 4738` . Arbuckle Glass "+ 7.37 • •.�� Bean Electric is Co. 40.68 X739 . 47461 Blumenthal Uniform Co. 50.W 4741 Brightman & Holm 600.00 4742 ''les ley Busch 211,20 4743 Jeanette Dahlquist (3-75 __.... 4744 Dictaphone Corporation 30.24 4745 Homelite Company 11 .62 4746 Al Imhoff Men's 'leap- - 56.01 4747 •` Catherine Kindred 132.29 4748 Ted LaVa' I16 i3. 12-= 4749 Ndoffat Distributing Co.y. Inc. 11 .75 4750 Pacific Outfitting Co. 32.14 4751 Henry C. Pedersen 211.20 4752 Remington Rand Company 25.90 4753 Seattle King Co. Dept of Public Health 175.00 4754 Seattle Platen Company 140.40 4755 Trick & Murray 406.27 4756 M. C. !'la I Is 13. 19 4757 `.';1T City Treas. Cr Current 21+•55 4758 ';l/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental 2,3544.63 4759 !'!/T City Treas. Cr. Equipment Rental 241 .14 4760 !'!,T City Treas. Cr Street 17.23 4761 !'lestlake Electronic Supply 5.41 4762 Zep Manufacturing Co. 6t•52 STREET FUND 4763 Busy Bee Rentals 3. 12 4764 Preservative Paint Co. 515.84 4765 Rudd Paint Company 511.68 4766 t:'/T City Treas., Cr Equipment Rental 6,532.21 4767 !'1/T City Treas. Cr �aterworks Utilities 412.68 4768 Zep Nanufacturing Co. 404.89 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 4769 !°!/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental 99.00 EQU I Ph'FENT RENTAL FUND 4770 American Partg;. Inc. 23.45 4771 Drager's Harley-Davidson 71.56 4772 Homelite Corporation 23.63 4773 Huletz Electric Co., Inc., 41.09 4774 Spencer Aircraft' 15.00 4775 Sweeper Service 291 .20 4776 !.'/T City Treas. Cr Street 294.96 PARK FUND 4777 Airkem Sales & Service 64.8E 4778 Bevan Plumbing & Heating 28.60 4779 Haws Drinking Faucet Co. 26. 13 47$0 Chas H.. Lill y Co.., 1,742.20 4761 Notorola C c,_ E 176.42 4782 Packer Scott Company 8.04 4783 ';1/T City Treas. Cr Street E0.50 4784 Vj/T City Treas.. Cr Equipment Rental 216.57 3 p3 VOUCHERS - Cont'd May 4, 1964 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 4785 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,438.00 4786 Sanfax Corporation 119.52 4787 Tool Crib of Kent 62.42 4788 United Rent-Ally 8.11 4789 W/T City Treas. Cr Street 29105.38 4790 W/T City Treas... Cr Equipment Rental 2,230..71 4791 Western Utilities 67.14 AIRPORT FUND 4792 Arbuckle Glass Co. 2.08 4793 T. M. Carstensen Co. 500.00 4794 W/T City Treas. Cr Street 4.47 4795 W/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental 67.30 I`r 5006 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 11, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurentf and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, =y Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, P4rt+osing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Sup't. of Utilities, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Highton, Building Director. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 4, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: N0. —AM-OT RT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9482 $ 200.00 Arvid Widell 2709-14th Ave. No. Fence 83 50.00 Louis Fosberg 10217 S.E. 94th Street Fence 84 400.00 John Azzola 1130 Davis Street So. Retaining Wall 9485 1,500.00 The Boeing Company 7755 E. Marginal Way Frame Building 86 800.00 Hanford N. Engum 9723-116th Ave. S.E. Garage 87 200.00allace Riley 11426 S.E. 100th Street Wire Addition 88 75.00 F. R. Carey 65 Rainier Avenue Wire ice house 89 28,500.00 Paul Ballatore 247 Garden Street 12 Unit Apartment 9490 225.00 Thomas Richter 325 Factory Street New Roof 91 300.00 Ed Arnie Renton Shopping Center Appliance Store 92 395.00 A. & A. Custom Bldrs. 2808 - 4th Avenue No. Wire New Residence 93 21,000.00 Conner Construction Co. 12718-86th Ave. South New Residence PLUMBING& HEATING PERM"- 6497 - - - Mis. Holma 329 Meadow Street Gas Installations 98 - - - A. & A. Construction 2808 - 4th Avenue No. Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - H. Pnff 2405-6th Pl. No. Gas Installations 6500 - - - Backman 315-2nd Avenue Plumbing & Gas Fixts. 01 - - - G. F. Pomeroy 8425 South 130th St. Heating Equipment 02 - - - Emil Mueller 827 "L" Street Gas Installations 03 - - - Smith Bros. Farms 77 Burnett Street Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - Jane Duff 801 - 3rd Avenue Plumbing & Gas Fixt. 6505 - - - Brendell Estates 900 Third Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - G. F. Pomeroy 8425 South 130th Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - Glen C1ou 8821 South 122nd Street Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - Greater Renton Shopping Center-11th No. & "K't St. Plumbing Fixtures 09 W. Burskey 3218-6th Avenue East Plumbing Fixtures 6510 - - - Charles M^Creager 1133 Davis Street So. Gas Installations 11 - - -- Charles W. Martin 11517 S.E. 100th St. Gas Installations 12 - - - Cr. Renton Shop. Cent. 11th & "K" Street Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS: A letter read from W. 0. Schram, Manager, Sewing Machine Service Co., 313-315 Main St. called attention to an awkward situation created for business firms by elimination of the loading zones along Walla Walla Avenue. It was agreed that removal of the meters and loading zone was appropriate action for peak traffic hours ho*ever it was requested that loading be permitted until 3:p.m. and that parking on Main Street from-Walla Walla to 4th Avenue be restricted until 8:30 a.m, instead of 9:00 a.m. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the requests to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. -1- ii 0 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-11-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter was read from Mayor Custer requesting that the Council appoint a President of the Council Pro-Tem to preside over the affairs of the City while he and President Poli are absent to attend the Annual Association of Washington Cities Convention in Spokane May 13 through 15th. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, that Councilman Delaurenti be designated President Pro-Tem. Carried. A letter from the Renton Aviation Board requested that the compulsory retirement date of Airport Manager, Earle Bigler, be extended one year to August 1, 1965. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, to refer the request to the Council Committee of the Whole to meet with the Aviation Board. Carried. Application was read from Strato Lanes for license to operate two billiard tables at said business located at 605 Rainier Avenue. Moved by Poli, seconded by Sche llert, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from James Highton, Building Director, recommended granting of a Street Use Permit without Fee for construction of a retaining wall along "K" Street for containment purposes in connection with excavation for the new Albertson Food Center in the Highlands. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the Permit be granted with Hold Harmless Agreement or other legal documents which may be necessary. Carried. Letter read from W. E. Bennett, Utilities Accountant, called attention to the need for amending Ordinance No. 2072 which establishes and provides for the "Equipment Rental Fund" inasmuch as the rate schedule needs to be up-dated to cover rate changes and added equipment. (Exhibit "A") Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for drafting of the Ordinance to then be submitted for Council approval. Carried. A letter from B. L. Andersen, Director of Utilities, advised of need for transfer of funds for accounting purposes and approval was requested of the transaction as follows: From: Non-Departmental 1920, Acct. 311 - Insurance, $5,630.07, Unto: Central Garage, 3600, -- Acct. 311 - Insurance, $5,630.07. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Auditing and Account- ing Committee with power to act. Carried. (See referral to Ordinance Committee later in meeting). Mayor Custer announced a meeting with Commissioner Bayton Witten, of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission on Friday, May 22, 1964 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers and members of the Council and Department Heads were requested to be present. The meeting is to discuss the possibility of lowering the power rates, and the reason behind the increase. A letter from Mrs. Peter J. Paulman submitted article which had been published in both local newspapers and requested reading at the Council meeting. The letter,regarding filling of the vacant council position, made comment relative to the news captions used in publicizing the matter and upheld candidates who showed an active interest in their City Government by running. Attention was called to the financial expense and burden on time and energy in conducting a campaign and it was deemed the Council should be reminded that some of them were victorious by a narrow margin and should remember their opponents were the choice of almost as many people,although defeated. Then, would not one of these defeated candidates be considered a-s being desirable as a Councilman?. Councilman Delaurenti pointed out that every member who ran had been considered as a possible candidate to fill the vacancy during the meetings of the Council Committee...of the whole. Discussion'ensued and it. was subsequently moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter the the Council President for action. Carried. A letter from the Coalfield Five Star Athletic Club, Roberta Anson, Chairman, Ways and Means Committee, requested permission to solicit funds from the businesses and civic clubs within the City of Renton to help organize a baseball program in the Coalfield area. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Councilman Gianini advised that the group could contact Mr. George Wyse, Superintendent of the County Park Department, who would very probably be able to assist in their recreation program. The pending motion carried. -2- 383 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-11-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A Petition containing 117 signatures of residents from the !Windsor Hills area requested that -the Council reconsider its action of May-4th in changing use= colors on the Land Use Maps of the designation on the Cugini-Dobson property. Mrs. Margaret Evans, 403 Grandey Way, in behalf of the petitioners requested that the use in this area be limited to R-3 instead of R-4 as contained in motion of last week and that a buffer be established thereby reducing the space which would not allow R-4, except for the -south 200 ft. on Cemetery road to the Freeway. It was requested that all Council Members view the area. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, to refer the Retiton tb, Committee of 'Che Whole for consideration. Mrs. Phyllis McGerry and Mrs. Jack Bryant addressed the Council advising that Mrs. E van s has been delegated to represent the Windsor Hills residents and report back and that she had their full support and her views were theirs. Discussion ensued regarding intent of the motion of May 4th and it was pointed out and confirmed by Councilwoman Dahlquist, who made the motion, -chat the land use map was changed -to designate multiple dwelling use or high density as usage while:.,R=4 designation is a �,oning and not referenced on the maps. Zonings to be classified as requested by property owners henceforth. Upon inquiry Planning, Director Jensen advised High Density usage allows S units per acre or more provided Council in its final analysis zones it to do that, However, the map as proposed is merely to look into the future to anticipate use and this does not mean the transposition is going to be done immediately. Mrs. Evans advised that the construction to which she is referring is coming in right away and Council was requested to keep in view that R-4 as mentioned last week allows structures to 95 ft. high, and she would like it clear where she and GAndsor Hills stand and they feel high density land use leaves too much of an opening -to owners as R-4 is what they are endeavoring to do regardless of what it does to the surrounding area. `Referral to the Committee is alright but it should be understood that high density or R-4 is opposed for zoning of this area. The pending motion carried. A letter from Mayor Custer informed the Council that he had been invited to be Chairman o:L' a meeting to be held on May 26, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. in the Puget Power audi- torium on Grady Way, to discuss the pros and cons of an annexation in the Kennydale area. Department Heads and King County representatives have been invited as are all Council Members. A letter from Mayor Custer was read recommending the following plan of action in an effort to resolve the issue o:lc the best location for the City's Civic Center and Library,pursuant to the 701 Comprehensive Plan study: 1. Recommended that the Council approve Liberty Park as the site for a new Library, City Hall and related facilities. 2 . Recommended that the Council authorize a bond issue to be placed on the ballot in the November, 1964 election which amount of bond should be $500,000.00 with $400,000.00 thereof proposed for a new main library in Liberty Park and $100,000.00 for a new branch library to be located in the Renton Highlands. 3. Recommended that Council authorize the Mayor to initiate action through negotiation, inquiry and appraisal toward eventual acquisition of civic center sites I and 4a, the area bounded by Houser Way, Main Street, Bronson Way and Cedar River, -the purpose of such acquisition to be to provide for future location of a civic auditorium and/or a convention hall. 4. Recommended that subsequent to adoption of aforementioned plans the City. Council consider gradual removal of the ballfields, tennis courts and other park facilities to Cedar River Park. 5. Mayor Custer urged the Council to take immediate actions on these recommendations so that steps can be taken to provide the citizens of the City with these badly needed facilities at the earliest possible date. The ,Mayor stated it to be his opinion that this proposal is the best application o" our resources, both present and expected, to accomplish the goals set forth in the 701 Comprehensive Plan, although not perfect, being feasible and practical, both financially and politically and that the community as a whole will be best served by the acceptance of these proposals by the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur with the recommendations of Mayor Custer as outlined. Mrs. Ethel Hanis recommended that the Mayor and Council meet with the Library Board prior to deciding definite amount o' Library Bond Issue and Councilman Perry advised that he has talked with property owners in the Highlands who will donate for $1.00 enough land for a new branch library, and others who will provide parking space. Discussion ensued regarding details to be worked out. Mrs. Nell Moran and Mrs. Merle Crook addressed the assembly advising that they have resided in their present homes '-or many many years and would not like to have to move away in this period of their lives, it being ported ouc that this is the reason Council did not consider favorably the originally proposed site for the Civic Center and library, etc. -3- 9 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) 5-11-64 Mayor's letter re Civic Center and Library site: Mayor Custer invited President Poli to preside and outlined his proposals designating areas entertained therein, from the floor, Discussion ensued regarding Mayor Custer's proposals and inquiries were made regardin,; the parking facilities and traffic circulation which Councilman Hulse advised was the reason for his reservations regarding the site especially when approaching from the Highlands. as Mrs. Sue Smith pointed out having to go around the block to �;et into the library in order that a right turn may be made instead of a left turn in Front of on tra_---ic. Councilman Perry wished to go on record strongly recommending building of a new_. branch library in the Highlands. Mr. Frank Storeycommended ;:e Mayor and Council for _. taking an initial step in the program and enthusiasm was expressed by Mrs. Hanis and Mrs. Wiberg who urged early action in setting up meetings for working out details of the proposals, Mrs. Wiberg suggesting that Council take some action disapproving the site previously recommended. As there was no further discussion Mayor Custer resumed the Chair-The pending motion was carried approving the Mayor's proposals, with actual details to be worked out. Mayor Custer entertained a motion for recess and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to recess at this time. Carried. Ater the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. Mayor Custer requested Police Chief Williams to approach the Chair and presented him the Walker Safety Award for the year 1963. The award is named in honor of a police officer killed during enforcement of the traffic laws of his state and is issued each year to any village, town or city which has either reduced or maintained a safe level of traff=ic deaths in the community. The Mayor commended and Police Department for its achievement of this award and Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and Licence Committee, added b6agratulations on behalf of the Committee, which was echoed by the Council. A letter read from Virginia Hashagen, President, Renton Downtown Merchants' Assn. requested that the Council grant free parking all day on Friday, May 29th which will be the date of .the annual Moonlight sale, Moved by Poli, 'seconded by Gianini, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from -Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Dale Garrison to the Renton Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mike Lotto who resigned. The term will expire January 1, 1969. Also, Dr. Baird Bardarson to complete the unexpired term of Mr. Charles McGarrigle which term shall expire on January 1, 1970, the resignations effective March 13th and March 20, respectively. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. Due to his many years of devoted service to the communi-ty,•Xalt Reldcwas appointed by Mayor Custer to serve as ex-officio member of the Citizens Advisory Council for an indefinite period of time as may be designated by Mr. Reid. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment. Carried, Mr. Reid thanked the Mayor and Council for his appointment. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: President of the Council, Poli, submitted his report of the Council Committee Of The Whole which was read by the Clerk with Council attion taken as follows: 1. Recommended that President of the Council, Dan Poli, serve as the Council's representative as member of the City's Finance Committee, the term to run concurrently with his term as President of the Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur with the recommendation of the Council Committee Of The Whole. Carried. ? .The Committee recommended concurrence in the proposal of the City Engineer and the Resolution to create a ,job position of "Traffic Signal Maintenance" Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 3. Recommended that the bill in the sum of $400.00 for appraisal by Mr. Charles Mattaini, of Homeland Realty, Inc. , be referred to the Wks and Means Committee to report back. Carried. -4- 39[) Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMNNTZE RZ13OR'_S OLD BUSINESS: (cont. ) Committee of the Whole Report - 4, The Committee recommended that Mr.- Gonnason be thanked by°the Mayor for is offer to conduct an earthquake fault study in Renton and advised that our budget does not presently aglow such expenditure at this time.. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur An the recoremendation. Carried. Recommended that the Mayor and President of the Council be authorized to attend the American Municipal Congress Convention in Miami, Florida on July 25th through 29th, 1964. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to ccncur. Carried. President of the Council Poli announced a. meet ng.;of the Couneil Committee of the Whole to be held on Thursday, May 21, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. with the Park Board. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to attempt to fill the vacant council position. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to amend the motion to liftit the- voting to 4 ballots, Carried- Mayor Custer directed that a letter be read at this time which was submitted by John Malgarini. : The Clerk read the letter which thanked-the Council Members who supported him for the council vacancy and in concern for fulfillment of the City Charter calling for l2 Councilman,and in a desire to allow a. majority vote' Mr. Malgarini withdrew his name ,from any- further--cons. deration. The pending motion as amended was Moved by Polia,: seconded by-Schellgrt, that voting be by paper ballot meth od Carried. '. lst Ball , .-4, Barei - 5, Shane oI•. O 2nd Ballot:. Bruce,- 4 Barei 5 Shane-l-. Anderson - l if 3rd t Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to continue with balloting by'Voice -vote:- Oarridd Roll call vote. was ,taken and resulted as follows: Poli: Barei, Hulse: 'Barei, " Schellert: Barei, Dahlquist: Anderson, Gianni: Barei, Pedersen: Bruce, Garrett- `Bruce, Tiimm; Bruce, Perry: Shane, Delaure.nti, ,Barei, Morris, Bruce. Barei- 5, Bruce- 4 Shane 1 and Anderson 4th Ballot-r'.1. Roll call .vote resulted as follows: Poli: Barei, Hulse. Barei,-Schellert: Barei, Dahlquist: Anderson, Gianini, Barei, Pedersen, Bruce, Garrett, Bruce, Trimm, Bruce, --. Perry, Bruce, Delaurenti, Barei ,and Morris, Bruce. -Bare-'L - 5, Bruce - 5, Anderson - 1. Moved by De aurenti, seconded by Poli, to, table the,balloting. Carried. Cpunc-11man Sche,llg.i�t, Chairman of the .Ways and Means Committee' submitted his report .yhich was. read 'by the Clerk with Council action. as follows: 1.., . It is recommended that the transfer of fundr;.-as_-proposed for addition to Traffic Signal Budget be executed in order to provide maintenance: system for the City's traffic signals, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with the recommendations., Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, presented his report regarding Bid Call on 1964: Diesel Tractor-Loader for- the Park Department and it was recommended that the low bid` of Ray Bock Equipment Company, in the sum of $4;681.70 be accepted, as recommended also by the Park Department. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the bid award. Carried. The Property Committee and the Insurance Commission recommended thattheCity' " Clerk's Bond be:raised from $3;000.00 to $10,000.00 with referral to the 'Ordinance '­�(i Committee for proper amendment. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendedations to increase the City Clerk's bond. Carried. Further Property Committee recommetio'ns were: .. :. 1. It was reported that the lessee. f the Highlands-=Administrat3drj 3?dg hc,d' pbposed construction of an addition to provide additional off" ,ue 'spce, howtevr,.'the proposa has been withdrawn temporarily thus the Committee w'11­1o1d the matter for further action. The estimated cost on the project had ,been $1,600.00, s_ -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-11-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Property Committee Report (cont. ) 2. The Building and Park Departments had requested improvements and repairs to the building and grounds at the North Renton Highlands Recreation Center as follows: Asphalt paving for additional parking space $ 785.00 Parking lot curbing 540.00 Storm sewer for draining grounds 700.00 Lawn sprinkling system 4,500.00 Lawn in unpaved area 600.00 Convert building locks to master system 275.00 New shingle roof 3.600.00 Estimated total cost 11,000.00 Funds available from Housing Authority - 4,800.00 Estimated balance of cost $ 6,200.00 The Committee recommended approval of the improvements and repairs with exception of the lawn sprinkling system. With this deletion the estimated balance of cost would be reduced to approximately $1,700.00 and it was recommended that this cost be funded from Cumulative Fund No. 1894. It was further recommended by the Property Committee that all Public Works Projects costing over $1,000.00 be on bid call basis. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the report to the Council Committee of the Whole, It was pointed out that roof repair was urgent and that the building was in demand and should be readied without undue delay and that the present parking strip is not deemed adequate and for proper use should be extended as recom- mended. Pending motion failed by dissenting voice vote and it was subsequently moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert to concur in the property committee recommendations. Discussion ensued regarding the parking improvement and anticipation of that area being used for tennis courts. Upon inquiry regarding cost of tennis courts, Supt. of Parks, Gene Coulon, estimated $7,000.00 for a double court and one-half that amount for a single court with perhaps a bit better price for the double inasmuch as the fencing cost would be reduced by the greater quantity used on the double court. Councilman Pedersen advised that his committee had felt tennis courts might be a project for the future but that money was not available at this time. Discussion followed regarding .�tha sprinkler system it being maintained that it would pay for itself in a few years by reason of eliminating need to move hoses and that it would also extend use of the playground by watering automatically prior to 4:00 a.m. so the ground would be dry for use whereas now a portion is continually being sprinkled during hours when it could otherwise be used. A suggested motion to over-ride committee recommendation and add $4,500.00 for sprinkler system died for lack of second and the pending motion to concur in the recommendations of the committee carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the matter of the sprinkler system be referred to the Ways and Means Committee to report back. After discussion and inquiry whether it was desirable to take action thusly without Property Committee investigation and recommendation, Councilman Hulse withdrew his second to the motion and it was sub- sequently moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Property Committee for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Ailey Committee, requested additional time for consideration of request of Parole Officer Snow for free parking stalls at Walla Walla Municipal lot. Request granted. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 4796 through 4925, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be authorized for payment by the Council. Carried. The Auditing and Accounting Committee recommended approval of the transfer of $5,630.07 'from Non-Departmental 1920, Unto Central Garage 3600 per request of B. L. Andersen, Director of Utilities, referred earlier in the meeting and that the matter now be referred to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Saturday, May 16, 1964 at 8:00 a.m. and a representative member of the Police and Engineering Departments was requested to be present. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-11-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Perry called attention to his motion of last week which had been referred to the Council Committee of the Whole which felt it should be held until motion is made to grant a Franchise to Seattle City Light to serve Renton. Mr. Perry moved that such Franchise be granted under terms and con- ditions of his last week's motion with the public power being subject to the in-lieu-of-taxes and assessments now imposed upon private power utility, and that the Mayor appoint a committee of Councilmen and businessmen to get to- gether with Seattle City Light and report back. - Discussion ensued and it was determined that it would not be feasible to grant a franchise until the legal and remunerative aspects had been resolved. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Council Committee of the Whole. Mr. Perry objected stating the matter had been in Com- mittee to no avail. It was pointed out that no action should be taken until the meeting with the Utilities and Transportation Commission on May 22nd, nor until a meeting has been held with Seattle City Light to discuss the matter. The pending motion to refer to Committee of tle Whole subsequently carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported notice from Fire Chief M.C. Walls that there is a lack of parking in the vicinity of Fire Station No. 1. An estimate of cost for installation of parking slab behind the fire station was submitted in the sum of $675.00 which would also provide an area for drying hoses and tarps which they do not have at present. The Committee recommended the improvement with funding from Cumulative 1184. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton providing for City acquisition of a certain two inch water pipeline located within the right-of-way known as 138th Avenue S.E., Renton, for the sum of $500.00 from Gerald E. McDowell et ux, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution 1246 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, authorizing the City Clerk and Treasurer to transfer the following funds between items and classes in order that certain obligations and expenditures may be met as now required by reason of establishment by the City of its own maintenance system for all traffic signals within the City, as read by the City Clerk. From: Engineering Dep't. , Acct. 3100, Item 130, Vacation, Overtime, $700.00 Unto: Traffic Signal Dep't., Acct. 3130, position of Traffic Signal Technician, Salaries and Wages, $700.00. From: Traffic Signal Dep't., Acct. 3130, M. & O. No. 306, Stationary Equipment, Maintenance, $3,400.00 Unto: Traffic Signal Dep't., Acct. 3130, Salaries & Wages, $3,400.00 From: Traffic Signal Dep't., Acct. 3130, Capital Outlay 605, $700.00 Unto: Traffic Signal Dep't., Acct. 3130, Equipment Rental - 315, $700.00 (traffic signal) From: Traffic Signal Dep't., Acct. 3130, Capital Outlay 605, $600.00 Unto: Traffic Signal Dep't., Acct. 3130, Material & Supplies - 417, $600.00 From: Traffic Signal Dep't., Acct. 3130, Capital Outlay No. 605, $4,800.00 Unto: Traffic Signal Dep't., Acct. 3130, Equipment Rental Fund, Capital Outlay 606 (Acquisition of maintenance truck, labor and materials for truck equipment) $4,800.00 and $825.00 from Cumulative 1182 Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1247 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution amendirg Resolution No. 1203 relative to adoption, maintenance and administration of the position classification and pay plans which was read by the Clerk, establishing and creating position of "Traffic Signal Technician" . Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to adopt Resolution No. 1248 as read. too As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. There were 75 visitors in the Council Chambers -7- May ll, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval .. VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 4796 American Judicature Society IO.OU 4797 Howard F. Alexander 2.40 4798 Blumenthal Uniform Co., Inc. 52.62 4799 George A. Braun 2.40 4800 Burnrite Oil Company - 184.91 4801 Carpenter Paper Company 78,48 4801 Wally Clarke Fuel 67.93 4803 Coast Wide Supply 89.47 4804 L. N. Curtis & Sons 19- 19 4805 Dabit Manufacturing 8.27 4806 Dan Dedo 2.40 4807 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 152.50 4808 Hammond, Collier & Asaac 5.25 4809 Hickok's Sport Shop 13-52 4810 Jim Highton 7. 13 4811 Holmes Electric Co. 19.72 4812 Intercity Insurance 'Agency 306.64 4813 Intercity Insurance Agency 5,326.98 4814 Kano Laboratories 3,37 4815 Keuffel and Esser 213. 18 4816 King County Humane Society 606.66 4817 King County Medical 721 .00 4818 King County Engineer 11 .75 4819 Gus Droesen's 9.31 4820 Linoleum Shop 7.49 4821 Mc Lendon Hardware 13.22 4822 Claude A. McPherson 56.60 4823 Market Basket W3 46,35 4824 Mead's Heating & Service 7.80 4825 Messer's TV and Appliance 4,80 4826 Mobile Communications Co. 468.00 4827 Alice Morgan 2.40 4828 Paulson Office Supply 134,69 4829 Pioneer Printery 10* 17 4830 F. Morton Pitt Company 18.52 4831 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 458.84 4832 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 5,393.07 4833 Edward Joseph Ravert 2.40 4834 Russell S. Raymond 2,40 4835 Record Office Supply 116.23 4836 Renton Clothing Co. 138,47 4837 Renton Enterprise 63.02 4838 Renton Rainier Printery 46.28 4839 Bill Santi Furniture 130.00 4840 Seattle Art & Photo 9. 10 4841 Standard Insurance Company 220.65 4842 Statewide Retirement System 4, 142,20 4843 U. S. Post Office 12.50 4844 W/T City Treasurer Cr Street 1 .72 4845 W'/T City Treasurer Cr. Equip. Rental 47.59 4846 Wash. Natural Gas Comoany 76.33 4847 Westlake Electronic Supply 17,73 I� 4848 Jack Wilson 6.74 Imo.' STREET FUND 4849 Black River Quarry 100. 17 4850 A. G. Elliott 194.80 4851 Group Health Coop 80,50 4852 King Co. Medical Service Corp, 126,43 4853 Midway Asphalt Co. 19. 19 4854 The Lumber Market 8,58 4855 Mobile Communications 52,00 4856 Pacific Northwest Bell 18,54 _g- 394 Vouchers$ Contfd May ll,. 1964. STREET FUND CON't 4857 Raeco Products Corp. 159172 4858 Rainier Asphalt 665.54 4859 Renton Cashway Lumber Yard 3112 4860 Renton Concrete Products 166. 12 4861 Statewide Retirement System 562494 4862 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 25;61 CEDAR R I VER M da 1 FUND 4863 King Co; Medical Service Corp% 8,1, 15 4864 Statewide Retirement System 12,400 OF TItEE7 -ARKI NG FUND 4865 Milt Williams 100,,00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 4866 Air Mac, Inc► 125.30 4867 Atomic Battery 42.04 4868 A. H, Cox Company 618,80 4869 L. N. Curtis & Sons 35,88 4870 Group Health Coop. .40.00 4871 Intercity Insurance Agency $1513.,07 4872 Interstate Tire Company 131.07 4873 Kennyts Auto Upholstery 27.04 4874 King Co-. Medical Service Corp.. 20.47 4875 McLendon Hardware 23.03 4876 0 K Tire Store 76.22 4877 Renton Auto Glass 14,20 4878 Renton Motor Parts 267.24 4879 Shell Oil Company 1,233.81 4880 Standard Service Tire :10537 4881 Statewide City Retirement System '170.22 4882 Welders Supply 16.00 L 1BRARY FUND 4883 Group Health Coop,. 8.50 4684 King Co,.. Medical Service 75.15 4885 Statewide Retirement System 270. 10 4886 Wash. State Tax Commission 4.67 PARK. FUND 4887 Group Health Coop 24.00 4888 Kent Oxygen 70.88 4889 King County Medical Service 90.05 4890 Lande Feed 349.44 4891 McLendon Hardware 210-57 4892 Pacific Northwest Bell 106.77 4893 Puget Sound Power & Light 148,85 4894 Puget Sound Salvage & Equipment 104.00 4895 State Tax Commission 1 . 11 4896 Statewide Retirement System 275.97 4897 Victor's Fuel Oil 20.41 4898 Washington Natural Gas Co. 38.39 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 4899 Badger Meter Mfg. Co. 55.38 4900 Black River Quarry 30,52 4901 Coast-Wide Supply 16. i1 3 4902 Group Health Coop 48,00 4903 Holmes Electric Co. 1 ,87 4904 Intercity Insurance Agency 1,358.93 4905 Keuffet & Esser 28,71 4906 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 163,80 4907 Mr. G. E. McDowell 500-00 4908 McLendon Hardware 42.70 4909 Mobile Communications 52.00 49to Pacific Northwest Bell 48.94 4911 Pacific Water Works 217,76 -9- VOUCHERS, CONT. 5-11-64 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND (cont. ) 4912 Paulson Office Supply $ 3.12 4913 Pitney-Bowes, Inc. 28.95 4914 Puget Sound Power & L1ght Co. 1,665.76 4915 Rainier Asphalt 13.75 4916 Frank Rhodes 17.16 ,.. 4917 State Tax Commission 1,134.71 4918 Statewide Retirement System 516.76 4919 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 131.21 4920 W/T City Treasurer, Cr. Current 2,044.54 4921 W/T City Treasurer, Cr. Equip. Rental 6.88 AIRPORT FUND 4922 Intercity Insurance Agency 256.85 4923 King County Medical Service Corp. 24.45 4924 Statewide Retirement System 73.86 CUMULATIVE FUND 1184 4925 Rainier Asphalt 941.87 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk too Donald W. Custer, Mayor RE'[d':O:.V CITY COUNCIL:, REGULAR MEETING May 18, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer at 8;00 p.m- ROLL CALJ OF i3OUNIC-11 MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trim, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. OFFICIA"S AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard elan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Joe LyAch, Street Commissioner, Vein Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Utilities Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, ,r M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gene Coulon, Park Directox, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Haighton, Build-ng Director. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly, and Rev. Ervin Gerlit%, Sierra Heights Baptist Church, delivered the Invocation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 11, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPJCAT'ONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9494 $ 1,000.00 Edgar H. Ragsdale 315 Wells Street Remodel market 95 800.00 A. Nyman 1042 "L" Street Carport 96 100.00 Ethel Bailey 520 "I" Street Retaining Wall 97 1,000.00 Joe Schwartzenberger 606 - 12th Ave. So. Finish Roof 98 350.00 Foster & Kleiser Sunset Blvd. E. Sign 99 250,00 Stanley A. Warren 8425 - South 130th Wire Residence 9500 3,000.00 Jane Duff 3rd Williams Wire Building 01 250.00 Greater Renton Shopping Center-Highlands Wire Office 02 300.00 Wn. Natural Gas Co. 319 - 3rd Avenue Sign 03 600.00 Shell Oil Company Renton Shopping Center Sign 04 300.00 Kennydale Memorial Hall - S.E. 97th St. Addition to Hall 9505 1,400-,00 Renton Bible Church 11603 - 132nd S.E. Addition to Church 06 1,000.00 Jack A. Graves 1553 - 118th Ave. S.E. Frame Garage 07 100.00 Kenneth Parks 1204 "0" Street Construct Fence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6513 -- - - Gerry Goodall 1033 Sunset Blvd. E. Plumbing Fixtures 14 - - - Ronald Pearson 510 "0" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6515 - - - Peggy Loftus 3520 - 5th P1. E. Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - Albertsons Food Stores 2825 Sunset Plumbing Fixtures 17 - - - Roger Burke 10217 - 115th S.E. Gas Installations 18 - - - G. E. Sundquist 1301 Shattuck Street Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - Stephen Surcamp 12823 - 90th South Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Annexation of property to City of Renton - Dalpay-Pillo et al The Clerk reported receipt of no further communications and no protest to the matter. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Dalpay introduced himself and affirmed willingness to assume appropriate shares of bonded indebtedness and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the Hearing be closed, the annexation accepted and the matter referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer +.dilson submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No.l for work performed to May 15, 1964 by W. C. Frost Construction Company on Water Project W-191 in the sum of $25,862.85. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A Claim in the sum of $130.00 was read from Mr. Warren P. Stewart who alleged that improper traffic signal operation had been deemed responsible for collision of vehicles in the City of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Netter to the City Attorney, Carried.. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-18-611 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) The Clerk advised that the Downtown Merchants requested permission to string advertising banners across 3rd Avenue in the vicinity of the Renton and Roxy theatres and on Bronson Way, in promotion of their Moonlight Sale which is to be held on May 29th. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request with installation under supervision of the Street Commissioner and Chief of Police. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, that the motion be amended to include requirement of a Hold Harmless Agreement. The Amendment carried and sub- sequently the motion as amended, The Clerk reported receipt of a Letter of Intent to annex properties to the City o- Renton as signed by C. E. Dolman and Marjorie G. Dolman and submitted by Peter V. Gulick. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that the property is comprised of approximately 120-130 acrea and is mostly undeveloped property with about 15 houses and abuts the City at 125th S.E. and lies basically north of the golf course, being known as Heather Downs No. 2. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the date of June 1, 1964 be set for the preliminary meeting with the property owners,(pursuant to Ch. 282, Session laws of 1961, Sec. 18, to determine whether the city will accept the proposed annexation and whether the assumption of existing City indebtedness shall be required. ) Carried. A letter from Renton School District No, 403, Oliver M. Hazen, Sup't. requested that the Council reconsider its denial of the School District's request for rezoning from G-7200 to B-1 of its property located on 132nd Avenue S.E. between Sunset Hwy. and S,E. 112th as described in Application No. R-173-64. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to refer the communication to the Cn m3'-'-P of the Whole and that the President set a meeting date for discussion with the Schoo' Board.-- Discussion ensued regarding position of the Council in relation to the recent adoption of a Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Dalpay and Mr. Hokensen, owners of land in the same area advised of business operating .in the area since 1924 and urged that in the event rezone is considered. the. other p.roperties. should be included as ,per owners desire. ... Upon inquiry .City Attorney Shellan advised that such rezone would be'`improper and regal without hearings and amendment of the Comprehensive Plan as Multiple Dwelling usage is designated for this area, on the land use maps at present. Further inquiry was made by Dahlquist as to.wbether County zoning is assumed when. an area Iis, annexed and City Attorney Shellan advised that one Municipal bod althou h it assumes . , P Y g JlirisdtCtion when annexation occurs, and does allow operations as non-conforming uses as before, would riot just automatically retain zoning that had been given by another Muncipality. The pending .moti.on carried. A'letter read from Catherine Kindred gave notice that she will be terminating her lease on the City Hall Cafe on July 1, 1964. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to r fei'the. let teX to the Pro ert Committee for, report back. Carried. �' A letter. From,�}puget Properties, Inc., E-' D. Greathouse„ Development' Hngineer, requested approval of the City on water system plans for the Plat of Talbot Crest. Drawings of the proposed installations were attached.. : Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to' re' fer the request to, the Fire and Water Committee and the Director of Utilities with poyer to act. Discussion ensued regarding favored policy of requiring cast iron pipe and establishment of same upon Committee recommendation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse to amend the motion by striking the, words "power to act” and report back to be inseried.' ' The amendment carried and subsequen4Y,,the motion as amended. A letter was read from the State Highway; commission, directed to.City. Attorney Sllellan with copy to. City Engineer Wilson, advising that investigation as ,requested had been made on the condition along Main Street where retaining walls were left at abutment of Secondary State Highway.'5-C and the new Freeway, .the, walls are in poor condition and should`be removed' or reconstructed however, soil`and foundation examinations are yep needed in order to determineprocedure for permanept, cQnsrµption and, be completed as soon as possible,., -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-18-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Recommendations were read from Mayor Custer, directed to the Council as follows: 1. It was requested that the Committee of the Whole investigate the possibility of a change in the present procedure for granting building permits for both residential and commercial structures in order to insure that water and sewer utility problems be resolved by the builder prior to issuance of a Building Permit. 2 . Recommended that the Street and Alley Committee investigate and report back to the Council its finding concerning the feasibility of requirirng r, cash payment from abutting property owners prior to oiling streets or alleys and whether it is advisable for the City to do such oiling or to contract for the oiling with private contractors and the City do only the necessary grading preparatory to the oiling. 3. Recommended that the Committee of the Whole and/or the Property Committee clarify apparent discrepancy in Chapter 21 of the Uniform Building Code concerning specifically the definition of an incombustible wall in Class I fire zones of the City. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the recommendations to the Council Committee of the Whole. Carried . A letter from the Renton Park Board, Gene L. Coulon, Supt. of Parks, advised that the Board is opposed to the use of Liberty Park for any other than park or recreation purposes and that, as in the past, if desired, the Board would be willing to meet for discussio• of this and other park problems which concern the City. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole.. Carried. A letter from Mr. Robert M. Fleming, Jr. expressed appreciation for the bus loading zone extension at the end of Logan Street granted by the Council recently. Licensing by the State due to mode of finance is withheld at prestht on Mr. Fleming's stationwagon but it was his intent to resolve the problem at an early date and to use the zone in commercial operation at that time. APPOINTMENTS: Councilman Gianini, Chairman, Athletic Commission for the City of Renton, announced appointment of the following members to the Athletic Commission: Charles Delaurenti, James Rosa, Tom Teasdale, Louie Gebenini, Gerard Shellan, Lou Weisman, Ned Stokes, James Bell, Paul Houser, Bill O'Neill, Dick Stredicke. Mayor Custer made the following recommendation to the Council regarding function of the Athletic Commission: It shall be the specific purpose of this group to coordinate the activities of private athletic groups with the appropriate city agencies whose facilities must be used to make these activities possible. Further, it shall be the purpose of this committee to recommend to the Mayor proposals for the improvement of athletic facilities for both public and private use and to suggest changes to our existing Codes, Ordinances and policies which will serve to promote recreational facilities and programs within the City. A letter read from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Clark Teagarden to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Jay Holmes, who resigned from the Planning Commission. The term will expire January 1, 1965. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. City Clerk Nelson reported that three Budgets had been selected at the Association of Washington Cities Convention out of 267 and were reported to be Well- done and the best . submitted for the year 1964 and that Renton's was among the three,which had been deemed an honor. Mayor Custer advised that next year the City would enter the Budget and Annual Report contests to be sponsored by the Association and commended the City Clerk's office ant, other Cffices- and Departments who helped make the budget outstanding. The other two Budgets selected were those of Tacoma and Walla Walla. -3- �r Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-18-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Poli presented a letter which the Clerk read from Mr. George C. Robison advising of his interest in local government and offering, under the present cir- cumstances of agreement not being reached for filling the vacant council position, his candidacy for consideration of appointment to the Council. Mr. Robison has been a resident of Renton for ll,-:years pa's$ plus 3 years prior during the 1940's has children attending Renton schools and hc, 'majored in Political Science at the University of Washington. y ' Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenta; to refer the communication to the r.. Council Committee of the Whole. Carried. MP. .Robison was in the audience and was introduced at this time. ` Councilman Schellert reported on his attendance at the Association of WashingfSn `- Cities Annual Convention that he had been impressed with th;: type of people;that the Association represents and felt good of heart to know other Cities have similar problems and that he felt the meetings and associations with experts in the various fields had been of great benefit. Councilman Schellert submitted the report of the Ways and Means Committee regarding-, referral of 5-11-64 for funding of the $=400.00 appraisal fee to Mr. Chas. Mattaini for appraisal of proposed library site and it was recommended that the fee be funded from Cumziative Reserve Fund 1184. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Yayse and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman or the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Regarding request of Renton Office of the Wn. State Board of Prison Terms and Paroles for two reserved parr; areas in the Walla Walla Municipal Parking Lot, the Committee recommended rather, that all exempt vehicles, including City, County, State and Federal Government be allowed to park in the Municipal Parking Lot No. 2 located between Main and Mill Streets in the vicinity of the Wood Building and that the stalls not be reserved specifically for one particular agency but that n.r they be allowed to use any one of the sta.11s ,which are vacant inasmuch as it is felt that these agencies do not use the meters for a full day but only a couple of hours at a time and designations would prohibit the parking for any other usage. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 2. It was reported regarding' a request of the Downtown Merchant's Association for free parking all day Friday, May 29th,' that the free parking was granted. Moved by Perry, second.eA'=by Gianini, that Council open balloting- for.election. to the vacant council position;, Motion tarried. Councilwoman Dahllul st presented a letter which was read by the Clerk advising the Council that due,�b its inability to fill the vacant council seat at thelast meeting when he ha&,withdrawn his name from consideration, Hr. John Malgarini would again accept the position if his name were placed on the ballot and a majority vote reached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, that the vote be by voice with 3-ballot limit. Carried, 1st Ballot: Bruce - 4, Malgarini - 3, Barei - 3 and Robison - 1 2nd Ballot: Bruce - 4, Malgarini - 4, Barei - 3 3rd Ballot: Bruce - 4, Malgarini - 4, Barei - 3 Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that further balloting be set aside for 6 weeks -to June 15, 1964. Dissenting voice vote resulted and Roll Call was requested by Perry and Dahlquist which resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, r.. Pedersen and Perry. No: Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Delaurenti and Morris. Carried by 6 affirmative to 5 negative votes. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Poli requested that provision be made on 3rd Place North of the hospital for left turn movement onto Rainier Avenue by striping and lane indication as this is use for shopping center approach and needs additional control. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act Carried. -4- Icy 315, �• o 400 Minutes of the Renton City Council 5-18-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: (cont. ) MOVED by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers 4926 through 5006, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee be authorized and approved by the Council at this time. Carried. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Mayor appoint a Capital Improvement Committee to establish priority for the City's Capital Improvement program. Mayor Custer called attention to the need for professional and expert services ror financing purposes rather than establishment of priority ratings. Councilman Schellert advised his intent was that the priority committee be established as the program is so big and consideration could be given to this specific matter thereby. The pending motion carried. MOVED by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Ways and Means Committee set a meeting with Mr. Gottstein and Mr. Alhadeff, of Longacres Race Track to discuss the possibility of imposing an admission tax. Discussion ensued regarding such appoint- ments and it was MOVED by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Council Comrlittee of the Whole. Further discussion followed and Councilman Perry stated it had been his intent that with institution of the admission tax the 3% utility tax might be lowered. Upon dissenting voice vote roll call was ordered and resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Pedersen, Delaurenti and Morris No: Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, and Perry. The motion carried referring the matter to the Council Committee of the Whole. Councilman Perry requested reading of excerpts from the Seattle City Light News- letter which had been brought to his home by a lady whom he stated had advised him that she represented approximately 200 people in the Renton Highlands. The Clerk read the report which stated Puget Power was not forced to raise Renton's power rates and involved rather a conflict of interest between consumer and stockholder and that the clamor for City Light Service and its lower rates is not limited to Renton but also from adjoining areas as the full impact of the Puget Power rate increase is being felt. MOVED by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Mayor form a committee of Council Members and Businessmen to talk to Puget Power and Seattle Light to see which actually has lower rates and to report back to the Council. Councilman Hulse called attention to the meeting of May 22nd to be held with the Wn. Utilities and Transporation Com- mission at which time the history of the Puget rate increase and what was allowed will be discussed as well as what can be done to lower it and who can.'initiate such action. Councilman Perry stated that regardless of the outcome of that meeting a committee should be appointed to determine which is cheaper and from that recommendations can be made on what to do. Councilman Schellert submitted a letter and rate comparisons along with brochure comparison of Municipal and Private ownership of an Electric Utility Regulation which he wished presented to Committee in event the motion is carried. Councilman Delaurenti suggested appointment immediately if the motion prevails in order that such a committee might sit in on the meeting the 22nd with the Utilities and Trans- portation Commission. The pending motion carried. Mayor Custer advised he would appoint 5 me.nbers to the Committees and that the priority Committee for Capital Improvement Programming will be notified during the week and presented formally next week and that the following would be appointed at this time from the Council to serve on the Power Rate Study Committee: Delaurenti, Chairman, Poli and Garrett. The two businessmen would be appointed during the week. Councilman SclmlYxtb letter from Seattle City Light was read and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry to refer the letter and related brochure and literature to the special committee just appointed for report back. Carried. MOVED by Perry seconded by Hulse that the Committee report back by June 15, 1964. Carried. Councilman Poli announced a meeting of the Council Committee of the Whole on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. , May 21st in the Council Chambers. Mayor Custer announced a Planning Commission meeting May 27th to which the Council was invited along with the Library and Park Boards to discuss the matter of Civic Center proposals. The Commission meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. -5- 410 . Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-18-64 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to Transfer the following funds: From: Current Fund, ac/Non-Dept. 1920 - 311 - Insurance, $5,630.07, Unto: Equip. Rental Fund, ac/ Cent.Gar. 3600,-311 Ins. $5,630.07. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1249 as read. The Motion carried. ,... The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington Amending Section 1-1002 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" which was read by the Clerk. (Providing for filing of bond by City Clerk in the sum of $1.0,000.00 prior to assuming duties of such office) MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2091 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Single Family Residence District (R-1) to Residence District R-3, which was read by the Clerk. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt the document as read. Attorney Roger I. Lewis, 2626 "N" Street, addressed the Council representing Mr. J. L.. Starwich advising that his client has a new home on the adjoining property and it was requested that the Council take a look at same particularly with respect to the fact that this is a first. class resi.dence .and that a petition containing 70-75 signatures has been sbmi,tte.d o. Plannin the, g Commission objecting to the subject zoning even though it is -in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan recently adopted by the City. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by. erry, . that the matter be tabled for one week in order that Council might look at the subject property., and, that the Council.be; Furnished-copy of; petitions with signatures and. addresses .by the. Planning. Commission if such are submitted henceforth. Carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, amending' Section 8-303 (C) of Title VIII, (Health and Sanitation), of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General .Ordinapees of, the City of Renton". relating to garbage collection, which was. read by the Clerk. MOVED by Morris-, . seconded by Hulse, that. the proposed Ordinance be. placed on second and final reading. Carried. After , second and final reading, it was moved by, Poli, seconded by Trimm, to adopt Ordinance No. . 2092 as read. Councilman Garrett called attention to the City's liability which might; be incurred. by allow-ing. the use of the right-of-way.. It was pointed out that. the placement of cans is not affected but that due to numerous complaints the document was drafted for the purpose of requiring, removal of. the .cans. :from the right-of-ways .after collection. Inquiry followed regarding enforcement of removal when cans are on private properties and City Attorney Shellan affirmed.ahis if they constitute a nuisance .and are detrimental to; health. . After furiher ,discussion the pending motion- carried by .roll call vote with Garrett opposed.. As there was no further_ .business to come.. before the Council, .it was MOVEI�. by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn'. Carried. The meeting was adjournQd at, 10:00 p.m., There were, 38 visitors: in the'. Council Chambers. -6- A .z May 18, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval : VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 4926 Addressograph-Multigraph 2, 13 4927 Association of Washington Cities 25.00 4928 Austin-Hendrickson Drug 70,07 4929 Charlene Brown 2,40 4930 Cochran Coast to Coast 15.29 4931 Donald W. Custer 59,36 4932 Darrell Eckhart 2.40 4933 David Earl Fergerson 2.40 4934 Danny Flynn 2.40 4935 T. Gillespie 2,40 4936 Dorothea Gossett 35.28 4937 Arlen Hill 2.40 4938 Edna May Jensen 2.40 4939 Bob Keller 2,40 4940 Edward L. Mangan 2.40 4941 Gwen Marshall 35.43 4942 Myers Oil Company 36.84 4943 Helmie Nelson 35.43 4944 Ryan 011enburger 2.40 4945 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 17.99 4946 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 18.26 4947 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 519.57 4948 Renton Valley Fuel 292.84 4949 Edwin A. Savage 2.40 4950 E. A. Shaw Drug 26.85 4951 Sunset Coal & Oil 91 .97 4952 Charles F. Ulrich 2.40 4953 Trojan Lithograph 53. 19 4954 Zoning Bulletin 15.00 STREET FUND 4955 Cochran Coast to Coast 15. 12 4956 Reiman Auto Parts 78.87 4957 Security Concrete Products 644.81 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 4958 B & B ;auto Parts 79.57 4959 Frey Equipment Co. 18.51 4960 Howard-Cooper Corporation 14,232108 4961 Pacific Auto Parts 75165 4962 Reiman Auto Parts 14o.47 4963 Renton Radiator 69. 16 4964 Sahlberg Equipment 264-30 4965 Sunset Coal & oil Co. 29.37 LIBRARY FUND 4966 Baker-Taylor Co. 9.00 4967 Coast wide Supply Co. 38.62 4968 Diesel oil Sales 67.35 4969 Doubleday & Co. , Inc. 223.66 4970 Gaylord Bros. , Inc. 282.98 4971 Elizabeth M. Greggs 15.60 4972 L. H. "Bill" Hart 2.25 4973 Marcella Hillgen, Petty Cash Fund 8. f0 1 4974 Maxwell Scientific International , Inc. 2.51 4975 Motor Book Dept. 15.92 4976 National Geographic Society 7.95 4977 Overall Cleaning & Supply 2.50 4978 Pacific Northwest Bell 61 .86 4979 Paulson Office Supply 9. 14 7 - May 18, 1964 VOUCHERS, Con' t LIBRARY FUND Cont 4980 Puget Sound News Co. 840.79 498i Puget Sound Power & Light 3o. 10 4982 Record Stationery & Office Supply 29.97 4903 Regent Book Co., Inc. 6.74 4984 Thomas Publishing Co, 20.00 4985 H, W, Wilson Co, 6.00 PARK FUND 4986 Farwest Electronics 3,20 4987 Janco-United 33662 4988 Security Concrete Products 47.36 4989 Sunset Coal & Oil io4 97 4990 Washington School Supply 71 .05 WATERWCRKS UTILITY 4991 B. L. Andersen 60. 10 4992 W. E. Bennett 22,94 4993 Coast to Coast Stores 2. 14 4994 W. C. Frost Construction Co, 25,862.85 4995 Gamon Meter Division 239. 18 4996 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 9,33 4997 Robert W. Puhich 60,95 4998 Reiman Auto Parts 5.06 4999 Seattle Water Dept. 786.94 5000 Washington State Treasurer 10.00 AIRPCRT FUND 5001 Cochran Coast to Coast 16.49 5002 Myers Oil Company 8.69 5003 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 137.67 5004 Seattle Water Dept. 22„ 15 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 5005 Helmie Nelson 2„00 OFF STREET PARK I NG FUND 5006 Puget Sound Power & Light 182,00 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Don ld W. Custer, Mayor I RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 25, 1961 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald Custer at 8:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recite— ROLL ecite-ROLL CALL OF ODUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. MOVED by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, that absent Councilman Gianini be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard She lan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief Of Police, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Utilities Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Dire Chief, Gene Coulon, Park Director, and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the minutes of the previous meeting of May 18, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9508 $ 860.00 James A. Toman 434 Mill Street New Roof 09 600.00 Donald W. Custer 402 "I" Street Patio and Drive 9510 19,000.00 Conner Construction 12726 - 86th Ave. So. New Residence 11 21,000.00 Conner Construction 12624 - 86th So. New Residence 12 400.00 City of Renton Tr. 1 & 2, Ceder River Waterway-Gas Pumps 13 200.00 Albert Culp 17031 Springbrook Rd. Rewire Residence lis 1,100.00 Warren Rasmussen 708 - 5th Ave . No. Garage & Patio 9515 900.00 Donald Wittwer 612 "S" Street Side Residence 16 500.00 Fred Callen 1025 Sunset Blvd. Wire Apartment PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 6520 - - - A. W. Meyers 101,103, Rainier 110 Renton Plumbing 21 - - - Irene DeChon 3503-5th P1. E. Plumbing Fixtures Conner Construction 12718-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 23 - - - Gilbert 0. Somers 11232 S.E. 108th Gas Installations 24 - - - Ray Baglien 2923-6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6525 - - - Custom Remodeling 2802-4th Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - City of Renton 302 Airport Way Heating Equipment 27 - - - Suburban Construction 92nd Avenue Plumbing & Gas Fixt. 28 - - - City of Renton Cedar River Waterway Underground Tanks 29 - - - V. D. Norden 3405-6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6530 - - - Dave Swanson 3513-5th Ave . E. Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - J. C. Eades 11422 S.E. 100th Gas Installations 32 - - - Lyle Evans 3214-5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - Sam Hull 3314-5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - Rayburn L. Brown Jr. 3224-6th Ave. E. _.Plumbing Fixtures 6535 - - - Garry Sarrett 510 "N" Street So. Plumbing Fixtures Mayor Custer made announcements that on Tuesday, May 26, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. at the Puget Power auditorium a meeting will be held for the purpose of discussinf; matters relating to annexation of property in the Kennydale area which meeting is for informative purposes and the City will provide information as requested but pro or con discussion is to be moderated. On Wednesday, May 27th Council is invited to attend a meeting of tYe Planning Commission concerning civic center proposals at 8:00 p.m, in the Council Chamber. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 5-25-6 1 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, requested permission to call for bids for traffic signal maintenance truck. June 8, 1564 was recommended as the date for opening of the bids . Authorization for the van and transfer of funds therefore were approved at the council meeting of 5-5-64. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent with bid call authorized as requested. Carried. A letter from the Renton Jr. 14omens' Club requested no-fee permit to solicit businesses in Renton for advertising in a Personalized Recipe Book to be sold to ,r club members and their friends to raise funds to support the Senior Citizens and the Nashington Childrens ' Home, their charity projects for this year. The Continental Publishing Company will be contracting the publications and May 26th through 30th were dates requested for contacting the merchants. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from the BoeingCompany, J. D. Bixby, Director of Facilities, called attention to Laws of 1963, Ch. 134 authoriving the State Harbor Line Commission to alter a portion of the Lake !lashington Harbor line which action has been the concern of The Boeing Company and the City of Renton for its affect on their respective properties. An attached relocation plan indicated the additional shoreland which would be available for purchase by the Boeinr Company and the City of Renton. The Boeing Company plans to purchase a portion of the land within 60 days after final action of the State Harbor Line Commission and it was proposed that the City rile applications concurrently for acquisitions of areas past of which Boeing would then like to purchase and lease :p=rom the City. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from the Downtown. Merchants' Association requested free parking duri n 196n, as F=ollows: ZJ All day every Saturday, July 9, 10 and 11 during Sidewalk Sale, October 1, 2 and 3, during Harvest Sale and December 18 through 24 - Christmas promotion. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Council Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from the United States Department of Agriculture, submitted by the Proporty Committee, 'advise d. the estimated cost of $15,600.00 was _felt to be too great a sum for the Department to finance for a 14 x 14 addition to the present office in the Renton Highlands Administration Building and unreasonable with respect to $14,000,00 rental fees paid the City and $3,400.00 already spent on remodelling. Also, the Lease provides that any additions made to the building become the property of the lessee which would not be a satisfactory arrangement. Councilman Pedersen reported that the facts were that the Property had intended the cost to be shared on a 50-50 basis with the Departments share to be spread over the term of the lease. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Property Committee for report back Carried. A letter from the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce advised of sponsorin, a Donkey Softball game in Renton on July 10 at 7:30 p.m. and the Mayor, and City Officials were challenged to be the opposin;f: team. The project will be a (days and Means for the Jaycees' annual projects. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, that the Mayor give formal acceptance and return the challenge. Carried. A letter from Carl Cook, Manager, Texaco Service Station at 330 Rainier Ave. So. , requested Street Use Permit and Building Permit to allow construction of a non-conform- in� pole sign at said business location to replace a sign recently removed bthe Union Oil Company. y Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, toiefer the request to the Planning Com- mission. Discussion ensued regarding present encroachments and if allowed a Revocable mit Perbe issued in order that the City eventually could terminate all such uses or require relocation and setback from the public right of taa S. Such present use is non- conforming and not within the requirements of the Code. The pending motion carried. -2- 406 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) May 25, 1964 APPOINTMENTS: Mayor Custer submitted letter appointing the following to serve on the Special Committee to Study Power Rates: Councilmen Charles Delaurenti, Chairman, Dan Poli and Avery Garrett Mr. Bev Morrison, Mgr. , Peoples National Bank Mr. C. S. Sargent, Manager Facilities Engineering Division, The Boeing Company. The council had requested a report from this committee by June 15th. Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence of the Council in the appointment of the following to serve on committee for study of Priorities and Capital Outlay • d Projects for the City: Councilmen Bruce Hulse, Chairman, Vern Morris, Dan Poli, George Perry and Henry Schellert. Mayor Custer suggested that, since a study of the capital outlay priorities and programming is a part of the 701 Comprehensive Plan, the new Committee meet with Mr. Jensen and Mr. Cysewski in avoid duplication of effort. Attention was also called to the report of Mr. DeSantis which contained a very nearly complete schedule of financial plans based upon the requests of various city departments with G.O. Bond items to modify the requests and necessitate changes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer appointed Councilmen Delaurenti and Gianini to accompany him to a meeting with officials of the Longacres Race Track to discuss proposed taxation. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Councilman Poli presented the report of the Council Committee of the Whole which was read by the Clerk with council action taken as follows: 1. Regarding petition of Windsor Hills residents protesting change of the Dobson Cugini property designation on the land use map from Residential to High Density Resi- dential, the Committee recommended referral to the Planning Commission to be held until such time as specific zoning is requested for this property. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Recommended that the Park Department prepare an estimate of costs for completion of the Lake Washington Beach Property along with recommendation on whether bond issue should be presented. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur with the recommendation with amendment to the motion to include referral and report whether the City should proceed with all overall comprehensive park improvement program and bond issue..plan. for the- City in lieu of. one for Lake Washington Beach. Vote carried on the amendment and subsequently on the original motion as amended. 3. Request of School District 403 for Council reconsideration of rezone on Certain school property located at 132nd S.E. and Sunset Blvd. E. was recommended to be referred to the Planning Commission to determine whether changes are warranted in the Land Use Maps and Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in -the referral to the Planninn Commission for recommendation. Carried. 4. The Committee recommended that -Fire and Water Committee conduct review and study of Buildin_ Permit procedures so as to insure that adequate utilities be fully provided for prior to granting of permit. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry that the Motion be amended to include the Street and: A]..ley +J Committee in the referral. Dissenting voice vote was registered and the- Chair requested roll call which resulted as -follows: Aye: Hulse, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Morris, No: Poli, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen and Delaurenti. Mayor Custer voted aye and the amendment to the motion carried, six to five. The original motion as amended was subsequently carried. 5. Recommended that the Street and Alley Committee study pre-payment requirement for street oilin, . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. -3- 40"Y Minutes of the Renton Council Meeting 5-25-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont. ) OLD BUSINESS Council As A Whole - 6.Recommended that the Fire and Water Committee study Chapter 21 of the Uniform Building Code to clarify definition of "One-Hour Incombustible Walls" . Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee reported that with the assistance of the Sup't. of Utilities and City Attorney a proposed contract for the _- re-negotiation of the present garbage collection and disposal which expires June 30th has been ,prepared and it was requested that the Clerk read the proposal. The Committee report recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to grant license and franchise according to proposal just read and that the name Metro Disposal, Inc. be changed, the term of service to be 40 months with agreement that the company continue to perform for 90 days until a new contract is negotiated, and that the right to negotiate be retained. If the recommendations are approved it is further recommended that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper documents. The proposal from the present contractor provides for a rate reduction from the previous schedule of 4� per customer and the new contract would extend the present franchise for three and one-half years or at option of the City for five years from termination of the existing contract. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry,to concur in the recommendations of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist pointed out that there is a difference of 63(� between the contract price and present charge and Moved that this savings be passed on to the customer. The motion was seconded by Perry. Councilman Delaurenti suggested the matter be given further study and moved that it be referred to the Council Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Pedersen and upon dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Pedersen and Delaurenti; No: Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Morris. Mayor Custer cast an affirming vote breaking the tie and carrying the motion. Councilman Poli called attention to a Resolution adopted by the County Commissioners to prohibit use of no deposit bottles and suggested that the Valley Industrial Commission be contacted along with other Municipalities to also adopt a like resolution in concern for the anti-litter program and hazard caused by these containers which are discarded and broken all over the countryside. Mayor Custer advised that he would pursue the matter further. Planning Director Jensen again called attention to the Wednesday meeting of the Planning Commission with the Council Committee of the Whole at 8:p.m, in the Council Chamber. Council President Poli requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 28, 1964. Mr. Edwards is to be invited and the Renton Airport Board. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers 5007 through 5098, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time . Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, reported of review and study of the Ordinance relating to Detective Agency and Detective licenses and moved that this matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee and the Police and License Committee. The motion was seconded by Poli and carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Police and License Committee with Mr. Kay Johnson and the Chief of Police immediately following this evening's Council meeting. Councilman Perry advised that the "newspapers wished to be advised when the Committees meet and Mayor Custer requested that the Committee Chairmen so advise the papers and requested also that the Clerk's office be notified of action taken by the Committees when power to act is granted in order that the files may be completed. It was pointed out that if the meetings are designated in the minutes with the time date and place the papers would not need further notification. -4- 108 Minutes of -the Renton City Council Meeting May 25, 195''_- ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington annexing certain territory -to the City of Renton, which was read by the Clerk. (Dalpay-Pillo property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2093 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Ordinance No. 2072 relating to the "Equipment Rental Fund"' and amending rental rates therefor which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2094 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee reported holding proposed rezone Ordinance (Gayle Halsen Property) which had been tabled 1 week and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the document be taken from the table. Carried. Chairman Morris advised the matter had progressed to Roll call vote and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to adopt the Ordinance as read. Councilman Delaurenti requested that Planning Director Jensen advise of the Planning Commission recommendation. Mr. Jensen advised that the Commission had recommended favorably for the Rezone as requested from R-1 to R-3. Upon inquiry by Schellert, Director Jensen advised a quorum or at least 5 of the Planning Commissioners had been in attendance and the prevailing vote was in favor of the rezone. Upon inquiry regarding number of protestors petitioning against the rezone and proximity of addresses it was pointed out that there were..quite a number.,however�beyond 300 ft. of the proposed use was considered to be outside the area influenced by change. Mayor Custer inquired whether a date had been previously mentioned relative to removal of this matter from the table and it was pointed out that the matter had been tabled for one week. The inquiry was made in concern for the `,act that none of the protestors was present at this meeting. It wasp ointed out that the Council was to make an inspection of the area during the week. Attorney Donald Gouge addressed the Council on behalf of property owners Halsen advising that there had been no protest at the meeting when the matter was first pre- sented and the matter had been referred to the Ordinance Committee and the Ordinance prepared at which time Mr. Lewis appealed on behalf of the ad,.;oining property owner. It was pointed out that 54 names were on the petition and that the addresses were scattered about the hill as gar away as Beacon Avenue and that it was mainly the objection of the one property owner. The property immediately across the street is zoned R-3 and a multiple unit is now being built on Renton Street in the 900 block. Attention was called to the fact that the matter had progressed to roll call and concurrence in the Planning Commission recommendation was requested with passage of the Ordinance at this time. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen. No: Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Mayor Custer voted no breaking the 5-5 tie and the motion was lost. Mrs, Margaret Evans requested a copy of Committee of the ?hole Minutes referring, to the �,!indsor Hills matter be sent to her. Mr. Walt Reid addressed the Mayor and Council requesting a signal light at Sunset Highway and 12th Avenue North in the vicinity of the new Albertsons Market now under construction. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the Mayor send a letter to the Windsor Hills Community Club in care of Mrs. Evans advising them of 'the action taken by the Committee of the Whole. Carried. As there was no further business to come before -the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. There were 30 visitors in the Council Chamber. -5- 419 May 25, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval ; VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 5007 American Municipal Association 70.00 5008 Delbert C. Bennett 24.85 5009 Hugh Carney 25.00 5010 Vern Church 27.07 5011 James E. Denzer 88.40 5012 Downtown Idea Exchange 2.50 5013 Avery Garrett 72.29 5014 The Givens Company 3. 12 5015 Haugan, Shellan & Pain 10.00 5016 King Co. Office of Co. Engieers 15,75 5017 Market Basket No. 5 11 .35 5018 Vern H. Morris 125.91 5019 National Assoc. of Municipal Judges 25.00 5020 National Cash Register 160.08 5021 National Safety Council 7.50 5022 Helmie Nelson 18.00 5023 Pacific Coast Stamp Works 18.72 5024 Pacific Northwest Bell 686.86 5025 Pacific Outfitting Co. 77,85 5026 George J. Perry 59.48 5027 Dan Poli 49.35 5028 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 270.40 5029 Purchasing Week 6.00 5030 City of Renton 115.00 5031 SCM Corporation 928.27 5032 Henry Schellert 47047 5033 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 88,31 5034 Joni Staley 2.40 . 5035 C. 0. Swartfager 7.54 5036 Trick and Murray 351 .56 5037 Thomas W. Trimm 107.57 5038 U. S. Post Office 101 .70 5039 U. S . Post Office 60010 5040 W/T City Treas. CR Current 4. 11 5041 W/T City Treas. Cr Street 49.89 5042 W/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental 214. 15 5043 Monte Arnold Webb 2.1. 0 5C44 Wesco Fire ;apparatus Co. 57.26 5045 Williams & Swanson 3.60 5046 Daniel 0. ;'!i Ison 2,40 5047 Jack �.'I i I s on 27.55 STREET FUND 50048 Pacific Northwest Bell 5.00 5049 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 82.20 5050 Victor Te Gantvoort 42.51 5051 y//T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental 110.49 5052 W/T City Treas. Cr Waterworks Utilities 8.30 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 5053 A. H. Cox Machinery 534. 11 5054 Dewey-Ward 18.55 5055 International Harvester Co. 32.65 5056 Renton Automobile 73.94 5057 Standard Oil Company 54.34 5058 Sure-Fit Seat Cover Store 66.56 5059 Victor Te Gantvoort 10.47 5C6o Totem Equipment 104.97 5061 WIT City Treas. Cr Street 117.82 5062 Williams & Swanson 351 .72 5063 Williams & Swanson 6,224.24 -6- 410 VOUCHERS Const PARK FUND 5064 C. C. Fuel Company 1100.140 5065 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.511. 5066 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 5.92 5067 City of Renton 25,00 5068 Van Waters & Rogers 24-55 5069 W/T City Treas. Cr Street 12,50 5070 W/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental 148.00 5071 Wenham Lumber Supply 57.66 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 5072 H. D. Fowler Company 1149.54 5073 National Assoc. of Railroad & Utilities Comm. 9. 10 50714 National Cash Register Co. 153.97 5075 Helmie Nelson 5.00 9,076 Pacific Northwest Bell 82. 15 50?7 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. 17,267.26 5078 Puget Sound Power & Light Coe 10,00 5079 Service Controls 31 .20 5080 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 21 .112 5081 Standard Oil Company 8.68 5082 Washington State Tax Commission 86.514 5083 W/T City Treas. Cr Street 212. 15 5084 W/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental 84.81 AIRPORT FUND 5085 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 19. 13 5086 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 14.47 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 5087 Drs. McConville, Callahan & Ellinger 5088 Dan E. Ranniger, M. D. 25.00 5069 Renton Hospital 15.00 5090 Shaw Bros. Drug 4.68 5091 Leroy Smith 4.50 5092 Franklin Todd 13.00 5093 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150„00 50914 Theron K. Anderson 291 .00 5095 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 5096 Mrs. Orpha Mc Donald 150.00 CUMULATIVE FUND +1 181 5097 Homeland Associates, Inc. 11.00.00 DEPRECIATION RESERVE FUND 5098 Renton Automobile Co. 2,593. 16 Auditing $ Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the Epee Committee, were approved for the month of May, 1964. PAYROLL $109,591.81 CURRENT 30,148.84 STREET 11,550.98 ARTERIAL STREET 2.00 mod CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 20.15 OFF-STREET PARKING 381.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 34,719.13 LIBRARY 2,048.46 PARKS 4,871.53 WATERWORKS 75,640.15 AIRPORT 4147.61 CUMULATIVE 1184 1041.87 DEPRECIATION RESERVE 2,593.16 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND "' 7 1005.18 Helmie Nelson, City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 1, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer at 8:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Gianini'and Morris. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that absent Councilwoman Dahlquist be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella . M Hillgen, Librarian, Jack ?ilon; City Engineer, James Highton, Bldg. •Sup't. M.C. Wails, Fire Chief, Gene Coulon, Park Director and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the minutes of the previous meeting of May 25, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF r!ORK 9517 $ 250.00 John Milliken 2204 - 8th Ave. No. New Electric Service 13 1,000.00 H. W. Hultgren 421 North Wells St. Bedroom Addition 19 400.00 Richard V. Millott 8435-South 130th St. Drive & Patio 9520 680.00 John Krieg 680.00 Fireplace '?1 1,250.00 Arthur J. Stirn 3411 - 7th Avenue No. Re-side Residence %? 5000.00 Chad Jensen 407 Grady Way Addition 23 250.00 Al Flack 701 Sunset Blvd. E. Move sign 24 275.00 St. Anthonys Church 332 Whitworth Drive entrance 9525 150.00 Seattle Trust & Say. 707 Rainier Avenue Sign 26 500.00 Nova Properties 319 - 3rd Avenue Sign 27 150.00 Bruno Rafanelli 9517 - 100th Ave. S.E. Re-side residence 78 :00.00 R. B. Sykes 843 'IN" Street Roof additions 29 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15516-120th Ave. S.E. New Residence 9530 500.00 Janie Henderson 132 Park Street Move sign PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6536 - - - - Matt Miverveck 629 So. Burnett St. Gas Installations 37 - - - - Eric Haslam 3123 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 38 V 0 1 B Smith Bros. Bldg. 77 Burnett Street Duplicate Permit 39 - - - - Standard Oil Company 207 Main Street Heating Equipment 6540 - - - - F. B. Keller 12822 - 87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures rl - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12108 S.E. 154th St. Plumbing (Storm ) PRELIMINARY MEETING - Proposed Annexation - Heather Downs No. 2 . A report of the City Engineer, Jack Wilson, was read advising that the Letter of Intent to annex -the subject area, submitted by Mr. Peter V. Gulick and signed by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dolman, represented 12.8% of the assessed valuation of the property requestin` annexation. The property is located south of the Evergreen Cemetery near 132nd Ave. S.E. and contains approximately 123 acres with an assessed value of $73,626.00. Mr. Gulick was present, representing the Dolmans and Mayor Custer invited his comment. Mr. Gulick stated issues to be resolved at this meeting, whether the City was favorable to the annexation and whether the property owners were willing to assume the pre-existing bonded indebtedness. A 1962 proposal for annexation was recalled at which time the Council had not required the assumption of the debt. The Petition had been circulated about the area at that time but had failed for lack of adequate signatures ..�. thereby not meeting the 75% requirement in value according to the assessed valuation. It was contended that the Council should not require assumption of the debt inasmuch as -this was additional efort to pursue the same petition and also it would be much easier to secure signatures even -though the debt is now negligible, than to try and explain -the pro rata share of pre-existing bonded indebtedness to each property owner. Mr. Gulick explained that the Dolmans were seeking the annexation in order to further develop their properties which sub-divisions were at a standstill presently due to the limitation allowing but a certain number of septic tanks in a given area by the County. Thus, the area must be annexed to be further developed in pursuance of bringin`; a sewer line in from the Maplewood area up into Heather Downs No. 2, to be financed by the Sub- dividor, opening future annexation possibilities as the time becomes appropriate. -1- 4V Minutes of the RentDn City Council Meeting Preliminary Meeting - Proposed Annexation - Heather Downs No. 2 (cont. ) Inquiries followed from Mr. Mike Noble, 13573 S.E. 140th Place, Cliff Travis, 13569 S.E. 140th Place, Mr. Donald Anderson and Mrs. Carol Anderson, 13914 - 137th S.E. regarding the annexation and proposed sewer line and protest procedures if desired. Mayor Custer requested City Attorney Shellan to outline the legal aspects and due processes of law. Mr. Shellan pointed out that in order to petition for annexation the property must be contiguous to the present City Limits and that Heather Downs No. 1 was not included in the letter of intent now under consideration and would therefore not become annexed with Heather Downs No. 2. Mr. Gulick, upon inquiry advised that 'the( area was deleted due to former unsuccessful attempts at getting required signatures for a valid petition. It was further pointed out that annexation would mean only that a sewer might be available, however an L.I.D. may or may not go through. Khen sewer lines are- installed residences within 300 feet are required to 'hook up within 90 days, but this is an entirely different item from annexation which is the matter before the Council at this time. Mr. Shellan advised that public hearings must be held on the annexa- tion and the public may then protest; also,if not favorable, -the property owner need not sign the petition. Review Board Meetings must be convened and hearings held before the Council but foremost, a Petition with signatures representing an assessed valuation of 75% of, property must be secured. Mr. Gulick upon inquiry outlined the benefits of street improvement, upgrading of property values, and $10,000.00 sewer trunk line without L.I.D. as the developer had offered to bear the cost. Further discussion ensued regarding -the sewer and septic tank conditions in the area after which Councilman Schellert stated his opinion that the matter of requiring assumption of pro rata shares of bonded indebted- ness should be the issue under discussion at this time and that he would not feel inclined to authorize or vote in favor of further procedure unless the pro rata share of the Cities indebtedness was included as a condition. Councilman Hulse affirmed this as policy established over the past months and inquired whether Mr. Gulick felt ammenable to the condition. Mr. Gulick advised the petitioners would cooperate as far as the as- sumption is concerned although it was his contention that inasmuch as the petition was allowed to be circulated without it in '62 it was logical that it again be allowed. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the annexation proposal be accepted and that the petitioner-owners be required to assume their pro rata share of the City's presently outstanding indebtedness with the proper petition,so stating, authorized to b� circulated. Carried. Mrs. Margaret Evans, 403 Grandey Way stated that she believed it would be well to advise the people how small the bonded indebtedness is at present and that it would not add very much to their costs. Upon inquiry City Treasurer Gossett advised the total was approximately $113,000.00 plus the newly voted $400,000.00. The amount of about $3.20 per year was determined to be the cost to each taxpayer involved. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mrs. Paul Moore applied to the Council for operation of the City Hall Cafe beginning July 1, 1964. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Property Committee to report back next week. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Bertha Shane filed claim for damages incurred to apartment due to water which had been turned on by the City November 8 and off on November 10 resulting in flooding of the residence and undermining of the premises as five weeks were required to drain the area underneath. The City Attorney had directed the claim to be filed with the City for inspection by the Insurance Adjuster. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded, by Poli, to refer the matter to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. A letter from the City of Seattle Department of Lighting requested confirmation of City's position relative to prior request for approval of construction plans for steel tower line along the property north of and adjoining the Northern Pacific right-of-way, and subsequent understanding that the City decision is that its consent to the installa- tion is not required as it will be entirely upon private property. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that the lines will traverse public right-of- ways and it was MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Citv Engineer and City Attorney to report back at the next Committee of the Whole Meeting this coming Thursday. The pending motion carried -2- 411 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-1-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan calling attention to October communication from his office concerning existing laws relating to Off-Street Parking Facilities and requirements to be complied with in the establishment of such parking. R.C.W. 35.86.050 provides that the City must, before proceeding with development of such off-street parking facilities, make and prepare a Comprehensive Plan for that purpose, including such economic and physical surveys as may be necessary, and after the preparation of such Comprehensive Plan, and data incidental thereto, to hold a public hearing, prior -to the adoption of any Ordinance relating to the leasing or acquisition of property. Having no knowledge as to whether the Planning Commission or Council have adopted such a plan the law was again being brought to attention so the proper steps may be taken to comply fir with the requirements as needed. A letter read from Attorney Donald G. Holm called attention of progress made to date by the Cascade Sewer District in construction of the interceptor line to the Metro line on Cedar River bringing service to the Tiffany Park area, which is now in operation. The Commissioners of the Sewer District requested that the City now remit to the District the amounts due for connections made to the line, in accordance with Contract of March 27, 1964 and that records be set up on a regular basis in order that the accounts might be kept current. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the Utility Director, the Sanitation Committee and the City Attorney for report back. Carried. Letter was read from the Citizen's Advisory Council advising of factors which lead to change of site location for the Civic Center which included prohibitive cost of removing railroad tracks on Walla Walla and Burnett Streets and subsequently the following Resolution was adopted by the Council: "Resolved that the Citizens' Advisory Committee favors a study of a combination o_`_= Liberty Park, and sites 4 and 4A(which comprises the area within boundaries o Main Street on the West, Houser Way on the East, Bronson !lay on the North and Cedar River & Walla Walla on the South, generally) for development of a Library and Civic Center and that the specific location of a library and city hall be determined by an architectural site plan and cost study. Letter from Planning Director Jensen was read advising that the Planning Commission after joint session with the City Council, the Park Board, Library Board r and Citizens Advisory Council, reviewing the civic center site proposals, recommended adoption of the Resolution submitted by the Citizens Advisory Council and recommended further that the firm of John Graham and Company be employed by the City to develop a site plan for the integrated development of Liberty Park and sites I and 4A. Letter from Johnston-Campanella & Company, Architects and Consultants, advised of vital interest in being retained for preparing studies to determine feasibility of locating buildings and establishing costs in connection with development of the civic center site. It was proposed that the firm be engaged at the rate of $12.00 per hour, not to exceed the sum of $6,000.00 nor to exceed two months duration. A letter from the John Graham and Company, Architects, Planners and Engineers, reported that pursuant to City Resolution of 1-23-64 approving location of the civic center south of Walla Walla, adjacent to the Central Business District, they had developed general plans, perspectives and procedure toward completing; phase of the 11701" Planning Project which included the printed brochure. Subsequent to review and the new discussions between the various committees and organizations which revised the civic center site a portion of the previous work will no longer be applicable. The change in location will require revision of the central business district and circulation plan elements and further cost evaluation. It was pointed out that the Civic Center planning was not a function under the -701 program but we--e added services rendered in the interest of developing an effective plan. The revised plan must be incorporated in the final 11701" report and the feasibility analysis will require property appraisal. It was recommended that the City employ local realtor or appraisal authority. Added cost and time will be incurred in incorporating the features into the final report whether or not this firm develops the feasibility study and plan and a four month time extension was deemed necessary, or three if another firm is employed to develop the Civic Center Plans. An added $8,000.00 or cost under "701" to the City in the sum of $2,666.67 will cover charges exclusive of property appraisal. The extension and delay in a large measure was attributed to inability to secure information from the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Study and not solely due to the Civic Center location change. A letter from Marie Thomas, 7535 So. 134th Street, Seattle, was read expressing; alarm at proposed relocation of the Civic Center, it being deemed that near -the High School was the most logical location for the library. ' Letter frofl].Mrs. Frances E. Carlson commended the action locating the new library in Liberty Park where it is easily accessible and clearly visible, and although critical of using park land for buildir. purposes,in hearing the factors of the City's position,she agreed i-t- 5-as ^est. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-1-64 (Civic Center communications) cont. Mayor Custer advised of receiving only one letter opposing the new site and that he had selected one representative of the views of the others as -1'ar as approval of the location. Mrs. Carlson felt the removal of the tennis courts and ball fields to Cedar River Park will add much needed park land and that the development of the area southwest of the river will benefit the whole of the area, and the change of site will take advantage of land already publicly owned. MOVED by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the letters °rom the Planning Com- mission and Johnston-Campanella be referred to the Committee of the Whole for study at its next meeting on Thursday at which time the firms may be considered for the civic center feasibility planning. Carried. Mayor Custer requested President of the Council Poli -to assume the chair and ad- dressed the assembly outlining particulars of the John Graham letter requesting an extension on their contract. It was pointed out that their feasibility study was not part of the contract but had been directed and carried through with considerable time being spent in doing so and even if they do not effect the new site study a 3 months extension is requested to finish the present work. Mayor Custer resumed the chair and inquiry followed whether the extension was felt to be excessive and if the present contract expiring in July would not be completed until November in such event. Mayor Custer invited Mr. Delbert Davis, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, State of Washington, to comment. Mr. Davis advisedunder the present contract the planning studies were to be completed by the middle of next month however, if the consultant can prove necessity and the Council is willing to rant the additional time the Department could grant the extension of some time, however, a period of three or four months would need to �.o to the Federal Government and would not be guaranteed. If the Council does not wish to grant the extension the necessary efort must be put forth to complete it within the time limit. Mayor Custer inquired as to the reason for extension as requested of the State Department by the John Graham Company and Mr. Davis advised Mr. Cysewski's report was that they had countered difficulties in preparing -the economic base study having assumed certain information would be available from the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Study which apparently was not available. Additional information over and above that estimated had to be developed as a results and because of the modification to the plan and delay in receiving 'Mai approval of the Council or Planning Commission during reviews of the matters, added time was deemed necessary. Mr. Campanella advised -that as their letter stated they would be able to complete the work within 60 days if retained and would be through before the John Graham Co. if extension is granted. Mr. Davis pointed out that the site plan would not be eligible for financing under the 701 planning program, that the general land use, related traffic circulation network and relationship to Business area was included but to take a certainpiece of property and specify locations for development of the site was not an eligible cost. Councilman Delaurenti inquired whether this leaves the $5,400.00 questionable as to eligibility and Mr. Davis advised it would have to be determined. This is, however in addition to the present contract and would cover the feasibility study which Mr. Davis felt would not be eligible for the Planning assistance under 701. Mr. Johnston advised that their application to be retained was applicable to the specific detailing of the area within the site of the civic center which work could go along with the John Graham work concurrently and the two could work together in coordinating their• general plans for the 701 program and the integral feasibility ,plansfor the specific civic center site. After further discussion it was MOVED by Trimm, seconded by Morris, -that the John Graham letter be referred to the Committee of the �Hhole. Councilman Garrett suggested the John Graham Company be advised of the meeting in order -that they may be represented when the Committee o the Whole considers 'the extension request on Thursday. Mayor Custer advised he would notify them and that Mr. Cysewski and Mr. Davis had also been invited. The pending motion carried. MW A letter from Mayor Custer was read submitting recommendations for referral of matters as follows to appropriate committee for study and decision: 1. Should the City Ordinances be amended to allow the operation of billiard tables on Sunday. MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the letter to the Police and License Committee. Carried. 2. Should City Ordinances be amended to allow setbacks to be measured from the centerline of the roadways or rights-of-way. (signs, buildings, poles, etc. ) MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry to refer the matter to the City Engineering Department for recommendation. Carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) 6-1-64 Mayors Recommendations from Department Head Meeting: 3. Changes to be considered in present method of granting temporary and revocable permits for placement of non-conforming signs with respect to delay permittee must endure awaiting Planning Comm=ssion ruling on each request as some must wait 30 days. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for review of procedure to see if earlier action is not possible on - such permits. Carried. A letter` from Mayor Custer announced r ced that the Street Department will change its working 'hours to a summer schedule beginning June 8, 1964 and the working day will commence at 7:00 a.m, and end at 3:30 p.m. daily with lunch period from 11:00 a.m, to 11 :30 a.m. Personnel will be on the premises until 4:30� p.m., however, to answer inquiries or impart information as the case may be. The Association of Washington Cities "Summary of Action taken at Executive Committee Meetings" of April 23rd, at Yakima and May 13th in Spokane were reviewed by Clerk Nelson wherein action was taken to increase the XIC Service Fee, (by $185.00 for Renton,) ,nd to confine twenty year service citations -to the elected rather than appointed officials, except for positions of City Clerk and City Attorney (which are appointed in sone cities but elected in others). These are a few of the items and the bulletins will be on file in the Clerk's office. MaYo" C'=.stcr declared a recess at this time and after the recess roll taken result<d in all Council Members being present as previously listed. COUNC L CG11f4.LTL7 R17PORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman. Poli announced a meeting of the Council Committee of the Whole on Thursday,. Jur_c 4±th at 7: 30 p.m. Mr. Edwards, the City Attorney, the Airport Board and Police D;-apartment representative were invited. to attend, as well as Mr. Davis l and Mr. Cys`w?si:i wham the Mayor had invited earlier. i Councilman Delaurenti reported as Chairman of the Fire and. Water Committee, that the Committee with regard to policy recommended that cast iron pipe be required in all new water main installations in concurrence with the suggestion of the Utility Director, Mr, Andersen. The request of Puget .Properties, Inc. to deviate from this standard was denied. MOVED by Morris, seconded by Gianini, to ,concur in the recommendation. Carried. NEW' DU S' :', SS: MOVED by Hulse., seconded by Gianini, that Vouchers No. 5099 through 5141, having been previouSiy approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, .be approved by the Councl at this time. Carried. Councilman Gianini, Chairman of the Athletic Commission, .suggested that there be more participat:'.on for Seafair Celebration by the community this year and that he woui. . ?__ke to e,rtertain the possibility of� securing the all-Indian Rodeo to perform in Renton during the celebration. A co-sponsor was suggested and request to be sub- mitted to Council in the event public facilities are involved. Councilman Pedersen announced a Property Committee meeting on Tuesday, June 2nd with Mr. Highton, :building Supt., in his office, and a meeting with the Boeing Co. at 2:Q0 p.m. on '-'hursday i-2 Mr. Bisbee can be present - to be confirmed. ORDINANCES AND rESOLUTIONS: Chairman ?Morris, of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed rr Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington relating to licensing and regulation of Private Detective Businesses, etc. which Was read by the Clerk. MOVED by Trimm, seconded by Ilulse, to refer -the proposed Ordinance to the Law & Ordinance Committee. Chairman Morris r^ported the document would be held one week. As there was no further business to come before the Council it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, -to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. There ware 37 visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- June 1, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Auditing' and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval : VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 5099 Auto 1 . D. 10.00 5100 Econolite 41 .60 5101 H & M Duplicator Corp. 34.58 5102 Catherine Kindred 173.06 5103 Robert Maxwell 2.40 5104 F. Morton Pitt Co. 36.93 5105 Dante Foli 3.25 5106 Puget Sound Stamp Works 76.90 5107 Renton Auto Glass 15.31 5108 Renton Radiator 67.60 5109 Grant S. Severson 2.40 5110 Harold Doyle Thumma 2.40 5111 Todd Company 6.24 5112 Water Works Engineering 8.00 5113 Westlake Electronic Supply 18.89 5114 William A. UVyres 2.40 STREET FUND 5115 Eltee Tool 5. 19 5116 Raeco Products Corp. 61 . 15 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 5117 A. A. Tremper, King Co. Treasurer 1 .71 PARK FUND 5118 Argens Safe and Lock 44.72 5119 Norman Buck Mg., Co. 6.49 5120 Holmes Electric 10.40 5121 Penn Salt 104.00 5122 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 21 .83 5123 Renton Cash=jay Lumber 3.43 I EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 5124 Atomic Battery Shop 42.04 5125 M. Bloch and Co., Inc 824, 18 5126 Holmes Electric Co. 5.20 5127 Homelite Pump 2.55 5128 Renton Auto Glass 2.08 5129 Renton Radiator 14.56 5130 Six Robblees' Inc. 3,52 5131 Standard Service Tire Co. 17.76 WATER 1NCRKS UTILITY FUND 5132 Holmen Electric 14.98 5133 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,438.00 5134 Pacific !Vater 1Jorks 275.50 5135 Penn Salt Company 125.00 5136 Preservative Paint Co. 71 .04 5137 Renton Concrete Products 683.68 5138 Frank Rhodes 9.36 5139 '.'dallace and Tiernan 22.88 AIRPORT FUND 5140 W/T City Treasurer Cr Equipment Rental .78 5141 "fielders Supply 12.67 Helmie W. Nelson it Cle'r cF- � Y Donald W. Custer, Mayor 41 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 8, 1964 8:00 t ,:•1. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald [a. Custer and Reverend McKlevey was invited to deliver the Invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed and was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF f';',T<CII, MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Pedersen, Dahlquist, Gianinit Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. OFFIC`_AI,S A ?D DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, <70e Lynch, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hi llgen, Librarian Jack Wilson, City Engineer, James Highton, Building Director, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, , Gene Coulon, Park Director, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, B. Anderson, Director of Utilities and James Denner, Planning Commission Chairman. M07ZD by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes or the previous meeting of June 1, 3964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUUMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMEI F BU--,?,DING PE?RMI.T S: NO. AMOUNT NAME 7-- E G, F10RIC 9531 $ 6,000.00 Suburban Construction 90 Second Avenue Wire Building 32 16,000.00 Willis pampbell Nursing Home - 91st Ave. So. Wire Pursing Home 33 1,000.00 Roy A. illiams 10833-110th Pi. S.E. Addition to 34 250.00 Williams & Swanson 3rd & Burnett Streets Move existing sig;: 9535 4,000.00 Gr. Renton Shop. Center Highlands Revolving Disp'ay 36 475.00 Conner Construction Co. 12718 - 86th Ave. So. Wire New Residence 37 7,320.00 Jerry Goodall 1133 Sunset Blvd. E. -]ire Apartments 38 25.00 Arthur Graves 611 "H" Street Fence 39 100.00 W. D. Conn 408 Grandey Way Fence jr 9540 15,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1144 "R" Street New Residence 43 15,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1121 "R" Street New Residence 42 15,000.00 United Homes Corp. 3905 - 11th Place New Rcsidence 43 15,000.00 Herb Hackman 102nd Street I?ew Residence 44 =50.00 Tory Tvanich 405 - 3rd Avenue Rep"j ace exist. n—, cig_: 9545 886,00 Mr. Goodman (Honda) 1400 Bronson May Repair Fir-- DamZ"C 46 250.00 Claude B. Rogers 420 Renton Street Wire Electric Heater 47 200.00 Honda Garage 1400 Bronson Way Rewire - Eire Dam ;g 48 250.00 Art Johnson 236 Meadow Street Additional Wiring-!, 49 3000.00 Domenic Carpine 21? Tobin AvenueTri-Flex �!p r-hie 9550 50.00 Kemps Signal Service 600 Grady Way Phone Looth PLUMBING & HEA"'1 ?G p 7-,—'--'T S: 6542 - - - - Renton Shopping; Center Rainier Avenue Plumbing Fixture: 43 - - - - John Dobson 3215-6th Avenue Plumbing FIxtL_re 44 - -- - - Ward Hampton 12624 - 88th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixture4, 45 - •- - - D. W. Mac Gregor 3517 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6546 - - - - Lewis Purcell 11625 - 106th Pl. S. Gas Installations 47 - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11619 - 106th P1. S. Gas Instal__"_aticnc 48 Conner Const. Co. 12625 - 86th Ave. So. Plu,-nbing Fixtures 49 - - - - Lyle D. Cline 3516 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6550 - - - - Cambell Nursing Home 13265 - 93st Ave. S. Plumbing Fixture,: 52- -- G. E . Sundquist 1301 Shattuck Street Plumbing Fixturos - Mrs. Schutten 3406 - 6th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtu=es 53 - - - - Maynard Svar 1315 "M" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6554 - - - - Lowell Crabb 17307 Springbrook Rd. Repair Drainfield 55 - - - - Albertson, Inc. 2825 Sunset Blvd. E. Plumbing Fixtures 56 - - - - United Homes Corp. 3905 - 11th Pl. No. Plumbing Fix-Lures 57 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1121 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 58 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1144 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures -1- 4115 Il notes o the Renton City Council Meeting 6-8-64 G-_'.NT_'NG G17 BrDS: Traffic Signal Maintenance Truck This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: Renton Ford - 7-h--'-'rd and Burnett Streets, Renton per specs - Net $4,309.52 without 'e�eral Excise Tax, State Tax, $172.36, and State license. 5% Bid Bond enclosed. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Bid to the Property Committee and the Engineering Department. Carried. COMIVUNTCATTONS: A letter read from Mayor Custer confirmed previous recommendation that a firm policy be adhered to on retirement age, 65 being deemed the limit for City Employees, with exception only where an emergency exists. A letter was read from the Renton Aviation Board, C. L. Day. President, advising of withdrawal of request for retirement extension for AirDCrt Manager, Earle Bigler after 8-1-64, and that a qualified applicant to be' trained as successor is being sought. The Board will advise of further progress. t;o further action of the Council is required at this time, Mayor Custer stated his recommendation to be based solely on the premise that a policy should be established and that it was his belief that Mr. Bigler was a competent, capable and qualified airport manager wi'ch whom he has enjoyed working both while Mayor and Councilman. A letter read from Mayor Custer called attention to need for additional traffic control at the intersection of 4th Avenue North and Williams Street and it was suggested, as proposed by the Engineering Department, that a signal be installed at this location. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Cemm__ttee to reeporj back. Carried. A letter from Chief of Police Williams called attention to poor visibility at the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Wells Street and it was suggested that a stop sign and/or light be installed for northbound movement on Bells Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, recommended that Section 4-716 (a) of the Zoning Ordinance entitled Primary State Highway Restrictions be amended to provide for a fifty foot setback from the centerline of the right-of-way rather than 20' from the property line. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Carried. A letter from James Highton, Building Director, advised that measuring of signs from the center of the right-of-way would provide uniformity, however there being 98 old existing signs along Rainier Avenue,of which 74 do not comply with the Ordinance for setback, attention was called to the necessity of additional legislation and en- forcement 4j tkgn a stipulated time to avoid encountering resistance to compliance. These matters as well as legal obstacles to be expected in ordering moving of the non- conforming sigr_s should be considered in drafting any revision to the present Ordivance. Moved by Carrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Law and Ordinance Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from the Civitan Club of Renton requested permission to install service cJ_ub signs at various _locations within the City including the main arterials at th6 City Limits. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Street Co"missionc_ wits power to act. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer requested transfer of funds from M. & 0. Acct. 504, Travel Expense, $300.00, Current Fund, £xecuVive 1200, unto, Capital Outlay Acct. 606, Office Equipment, Current Fund, Executive 1200, for the purpose of replacing the seven year old typewriter in his office. MOVED by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Street Commissioner Joe Lynch requested transfer of funds to cover cost of contract award to Diesel Cil Sales for labor and materials to resurface and sealcoat certain Maplewood streets in a total sum not to exceed $41,996.50, This sum to transferred from St=reet Maintenance Acct. 3240, M. & 0. 417, to Street Maintenance Acct. 3240, Capital Outlay !?C-5 $4,976.5!`, t dE'� by Trimm, seconded by Hulse to concur and proper Resolution be drawn. --2- 419 Mi-,iutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-8-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Application read from Mrs. Lala Irene Cobler requested to operate the City Hall Cafe upon termination of the present Lease. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the application to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommenda- tions and actions from its public hearing meeting of May 27, 1964 as follows: 1. Louise and Florence Delaurenti - Appl. R-178-64 rezone of property from R-1 to B-P. (Business Parking). -1 MOVED by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. 2. Tiffany Homes - Appl. R-186-64 - rezone of property from SR-1 to R-3. Discussion ensued regarding use of the property under the proposed Toning and whether there had been protest. Planning Director Jensen advised of proposed condominium type structures, severally .joined, but individually owned, thus in a sense being single family, however, there was negative viewpoint inasmuch as the land use map does not reflect R-3 -oning but SR-1, and such rezone would be conflicting with the comprehensive plan. It was pointed out that R-3 can go to 35 ft. in height and present building plans are not binding upon future owners. Mr. Jensen advised a covenant deed restriction had been offered. After further discussion, it was MOVED by Hulse, seconded by Morris, that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission to study and review the land use maps and requirements for changing of Ordinances relative to the comprehensive plan if such rezone is allowed, and to report back. Carried. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Planning Commission as a Natter of policy, report to the Council along with each rezone request, if in conflict with uses on the land use maps and comprehensive plan. Carried. 3. UNion Oil Company - Appl. V-183-64, Revocable Permit recommended for a sign located near the west property line adjacent to Rainier Avenue, also, a street use permit with annual fee for Third Avenue ingress and egress. MOVED by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer to report back. MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the motion be amended to grant the Revocable Permit for the sign and th9t the matter of the street use permit be referred as stated. The amendment to the motion carried and subsequently, the motion as amended. 4. The Commission, in other action, denied the request of Faye Gibson to continue operation of a beauty shop at 932 "K" Street and recommended that 90 days be granted in which to relocate or discontinue the business. The Clerk .reported that an appeal of this decision had been received and a letter from Moschetto, Alfieri and Driano, Attorneys, on behalf of Mrs. Gibson, was read requesting hearing on the matter. MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that the date of June 22nd be set for hearing of the appeal and that all interested parties be advised. Carried. A letter from Johnston-Campanella and Company, Arthitects and Consultants, amended prior proposal from $6,000.00 to $3,000.00 as sum that the cost for planning the feasible locations for the Civic Center would not exceed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that the letter be referred to the Committee of the Whole and the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. Del Davis, Regional Planner, Dep t. of Commerce and Economic Development, was read in asnwer to inquiries of the Council relative to revision of the 701 Program under provisions of the federal planning assistance grant. A request for extension of time and additional financial compensation has been submitted by the John Graham & Company, the revision requiring reconsideration of certain land use and traffic proposals as well as changes in the report text and graphics. The Department is of the opinion that an amendment mould be in order however, an amendment will be granted only for new work to be performed over and above that specified in the existing contract and it was anticipated that the federal government may not approve an increase in total project costs, it being of the opinion that the total costs were approaching the maximum allowable for a city the size of Renton. After appriasal, the sum of $3,100.00 was esti- mated to be excessive with the fact to be considered that all projects over 24 months in length require a project inspection fee of twice the original amount by the federal government. A two months extension was recommended and attention called to various facets of the present contract requirements not yet completed by the consultant which must be accomplished in fulfillment of the contract. Mayor Custer advised that this letter had been read at the Committee of the Whole meeting, however, in the absence of some of the members it had been presented for reading at this meeting for informational purposes. It was pointed out that progress reports have been filed up to May, 1964. -3- 1 4a® Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-8-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter was read from Planning Director Jensen advising that revision of the 701 Planning Program involving an additional expenditure of $3,100:00 would reflect the following change in the 701 Budget: Services by private technical consultants, John Graham "t Co. $ 87,100.00 Services by the City (to remain at original cost) 63,023.00 Project inspection fee 484.00 Total Urban Planning Assistance Budget $1001607.00 Federal Government Grant Requested $ 67,071.00 City's share 33, 536.00 It was requested that the City Council approve the amended budget and authorize preparation of a Resolution and necessary exhibits for submission to the State. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the Planning Director. It was pointed out the the Committee of -the Whole had a recommenda- tion to submit regarding this matter. The pending motion was not put to -vote but Mr. Poli was invited to submit his report for reading which advised that the Committee of the Whole by motion at its regular meeting last Thursday, recommended that the John Graham Company be granted a three months extension of time at a cost of not more -than $3,100.00; as recommended by Mr. Del Davis, to conclude the 701 Comprehensive Plan using the Civic Center location involving Liberty Park and sites 4 and 4a (not to in- clude a site development plan. ) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation-and Budget amendment as read. Inquiry ensued on additional fund.in lythe :: City. Mr. Jensen estimated approximately $1,036.00 would be required but no money i needed at this time to accompany the application to the State. Further discussion followed regarding the specific omission of site development plan and Mr. Davis' state- meut that this was not an item eligible for allowance under the 701 Planning Assistance Program. The pending motion was carried. Dahlquist opposed. A letter from City Engineer Wilson advised that the proposed Steel Tower Trans- mission Line requested by Seattle City Light Department does not conflict with City operations and presents only a minimum interference with the orderly development of adjoining properties. MOVED by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur since installatio does not traverse public properties. Carried. Application was read from the Jockey Inn requesting that -the Rainier Amusement Co. be granted -the required license to operate an amusement machine in said place of business, and -the Pink Paddle Club, Inc. requested license be granted Rainier Amusement Co. for operation of four amusement machines. MOVED by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Councilman Gianini was read requesting -that-the Renton Athletic Commission be granted permission to use the northern portion of Cedar River Park for the purpose of presenting an "All Indian Rodeo" as one of the activities of the recently appointed commission. The Rodeo is now playing in the Toppenish area and will agree -to come into Renton if suitable grounds can be obtained to house the personnel and equip- ment. The tentative dates are September 10 through 12, 1964. MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Mayor Custer declared a recess at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: President of the Council, Dan Poli, submitted his Committee of the Whole Report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: 1. Recommended that the request of Mr. Robert L. Edwards for permission to allow Seattle City Light to service the shopping center be tabled until June 15th when -the Special Power Study Committee makes its report. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. i -4- 4, Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-8-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: (cont. ) 2. Request for recommendation of the Mayor following meeting with Airport Board on extension of retirement for Airport Manager Bigler. (No further action required) Acted upon earlier. 3. Recommended that the Renton Downtown Merchants Assn. be allowed free parking as requested, subject to execution of Hold Harmless agreements as may be required. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Discussion followed regarding the posting of the meters and problems relative thereto after which the pending motion carried. MOVED by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, that the Street and Alley Committee study the problems regarding t covering of all meters and not just a portion (whose responsibility), the time they are to be posted (reports of early posting), whether only street meters are to be posted or lots as well and any other suggestions Captain Henry may wish to have included. The report should then be directed to the Downtown Merchants Assn. and subsequent report made to the Council. Carried. 4. Recommended that Chapter 6, Section 1-601 of Ordinance No. 1628, entitled, "Code of General Ordinance of the City of Renton" be referred to the Legislation Com- mittee for recommendation regarding merger of Committees and formation of a new Committee. Councilwoman Dahlquist, Chairman of the Legislation Committee, reported that the Committee recommended combining of the Finance and Claims Committee and the Auditing and Accounting Committee, with retention of the former name, and the addition of a new Committee to be called Planning Committee, with the proper Ordinance drawn to cover. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Legislation Committee. Carried. MOVED by Dahlquist, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Referral of 5-18-64: Kindred Lease Termination on City Hall Cafe. It was recommended that the termination be accepted subject to Lessee finding a suitable replacement acceptable to the City in which case, the City would consent to assignment of the existing Lease. MOVED by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, reported, as Chairman, that the Sanitation Committee has been working with the Engineering Department and Mr. Greathouse, of Puget Properties, Inc. regarding sewer line facilities to serve the new Talbot Crest development and the matter should be consumated in the near future at whip time recommendations will be made to the Council. Regarding Attorney Holm's request on behalf of Cascade Sewer District for remittance of connection fees under terms of late-comers agreement, the billing has gone out to Mr. Goedecke in the sum of $5,759.97 and upon collection will be remitted to the District. This covers charges for permits issued prior to operation of the sewer. The charges thereafter are collected upon issuance of the Permits. Inquiry was made by Councilman Perry whether the Special Committee had met with the Longacres Racetrack Officials as yet to discuss the matter of -taxation and Mayor Custer advised that such a meeting has not yet been held. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Special Committee to study power rates, submitted his first report at this time instead of June 15th as scheduled, advising of meeting with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission at which information was obtained and steps pursued as follows: _ 1. The Committee met with representatives of Puget Sound Power and Light Company and Mr. Clarence Unnevehr, a nationally known expert in the field of rate analysis has been engaged by Puget and will begin his study in the Renton area. A meeting will be held with Mr. Unnevehr to discuss the problem existing in Renton. 2. A meeting will be scheduled with the Utilities Committee of the Seattle City -ft" Council and a City Light representative. 3. As soon as additional information is obtained a second meeting will be scheduled with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in Olympia. Councilman Delaurenti enlarged upon the various meetings and efforts made by the Committee attributing the Renton study by Mr. Unnevehr to'be first being a result of their rate reduction request and anticipated meetings were outlined including a visit to Olympia to further pursue the matter. Attention was called to a petition circulated regarding the rates and statistics were given as to percentages of the viewpoints of signers. Councilman Perry requested the record to show that Council action had been taken prior to circulation of the Petition and prior to formation of the Power Study Committee. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-8-64 9 COUNCIL 03MMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: (cont. ) Power Committee report: Councilman' rDe]aurenti advised the Committee ,could not possibly complete it, report in"view of subsequent meetings to be held, by June 15th and that it will ;uxge and request that a rate ,deduction„be allowed and hope. that Mr. Unnevehrt .report will be a basis for 'such'acton. An extensign..of time was requested for further pursuance of the matter,'and itswas Moved by ''Hulse.;` �ecgided by Schellert, to .concur with the request. Carried. Mayor ,Custer inquired whether1 . other Council Members mjht attend the various meetings and up9p affirmative answer ,and request that the. Mayor. attend all sessions it was suggested that any Council Member,;,,wish'ing to attend check with the Mayor or the Committee for s'cleduled sessions. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Power and Light Committee, presented:b isireport which was read by the Clerk recommending installation of 7000 Lumen Street; iLights at the intersections of "N” Street and President Park Court and " t N" Street and. 10th, Court North. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommended installations. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by D.elaurenti, that Vouchers 514 . through 5244, having been previously approvgd,by the. Auditing and Accounting. Comm#jtee,,-be approved by the Council at this time. . Carried. Councilman Pedersen._requested a meeting..of the Property Committee on Wednesday June 10, -1964 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Engineer's Office. The City Attorney, Chief of Police and Purchasing Agent were invited to attend. Councilman Garrett requested ,a: meeting,of the Street. and Alley Committee on Saturday, June 13, 1964 at ,8; 00 a.m.. and the Citi Engineer and Traffic De.p'.t. representative were invited. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington granting a Franchise for Garbage Collection and Disposalwithin a certa in area of the City of Rento.rn, which was read by the Clerk. (Washington Disposal Co., Inc. ) „ Mo,ved,.by Morris, secq;nded;py Hulse,. that the proposed Ordinance be placed on„second, and,final, reading:.,, .Car ried After- the second and final reading, it was 'Moved by belaurenti, seconded by Poli; to adopt Ordinance No. 2095 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington granting a Franchise 'for .gaibage collection and disposal within a certain area of the City of Renton.unto Bryn Mawr Disposal Company, Inc. which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, -to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. ; ;Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No 2096 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. Motion .carrie d. The Committee presented a propes ed. Ordinance of the City,of ;Renton,, Washirg ton amending Chapter 6 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance N,6.. 1628:; entitled;U odd Of General Ordinances of the City of Renton".. relating to Committees of the Cit,*..C6uncil,; which combines the Finance and Claims Committee and Auditing and Accountind.�Committee retaining the former name and merging the duties, and establishing a new Committeeitn be called the. Planning Committee Moved by Schellert,, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on .Introduction reading.. Carried. After reading; it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delqurenti, to place toe,document on its second and final reading. ,, Carried. ,After the se,eond and final -read ng,., ,i.t. was moved by pelaurenti, seconded by woo Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2097 as read. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous affirmative -vote and the motion carried. _ The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of t46 City of Renton, Washington transferring funds between items, as provided by law,, ,as follows: FROM: Street Maintenance Account,,':,' 240, M. & 0. •417,.., $4,9.96.50, -TO: ; Street Maintenance Account;3240, Capital Outlay, 605,, $4.,996.50 ;and FROM: Current Fund, Executive Accqunt,,;120,0,; M. 8, '0. 504•, Trove]. Expense, $300.00 UNTO: Current fund, Executive Acct. 1200, Capital Out ;ay, 606, Offic.e,Equippent., $300.00., MOVED by Poli, :seconded by Perry, �to adopt Resolution No. 1250 as. read,.. Carried 4r?` Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-8-64 ­,.Minutes AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont. ) The Lai) {and Ordinance Committee resented a proposed 'or.dinanice. 6r.dinance. which `.had ' been introduced for first reading orr'6-1=6'4. Movedel by Daurenti, seconded by Pedersen, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and .final reading. Carried. Th&_.Clerk read the proposed document as directed whi6t,""relates to and provides=for the licensing and regulation of Private Detective Businesses, Detective Agencies, Merchant Patrol Agencies, Private Detectives and 'Merchant Patrolmen as there-rn=._--= defined, fixing license fees therefor, defining offenses, providing penalties for -the violation thereof and repealing all ordinancesand parts of ordinances in conflict the 'ewith. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by'P.eAersen,: to adopt Ordinance No. 2098 as Mead. Roll call vote followed with'`a11 Cod nci 'Meml?ers present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolgtion i the City of Renton, Washington declaring its intention to construct and insta!,Y sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances in 112th Avenue S.E. and 114th Avenue S.E. in 'the' City and to create a local improve- ment district to assess the full cost and 'expe'rise of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefite'd 'thereby; and notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement 'to appear'"and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on July ;6, .1964, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to adopt Res,glut'ion No. 1251 as read. Carried. PROCLAMATION: `i A Proclamation read from Mayor Custer endorsed,on behalf of the City of ,Renton, a 4th of July celebration undertaken by the P'oli.tical, Affairs Council of the,'City to ?dvive the formal observance of this important date, that of our birth as.a, nation. tV.6gb the organization of a parade end other"activities designed to re-kin e the latelit and patriotism of spark P p pride wh � , die's with each American. The ,tl�i�e of`,tihis observance is to be "The American Fa, iand�$he epithet "I Remember"t � ;All citizens of the community are urged to su, ort rich rpmote this effort to revive 'the "Spirit of '76" on this coming 4th day of, 34yp Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry,��' cpn{cu�•' in the Proclamation t� � ,the Mayor. Carried. ; Councilman Delaurenti extended eongra`tu'ations to 'President of the Council Poli r.r for his conscientious observance of civic' duty' by attending -this meeting, it being his birthday. Best wishes were extended by the other council members. Mr. Kay Johnson, upon invitation of the Mayor' fo'r' audience comment, inq'u�red whether the City planned to be represented at the ,joint legislptive committee meeting at the Ben Franklin Hotel in Seattle. Mayor Custer advi'� .d he had planned to attend in the afternoon. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by I�ulse, that President of�.;the Copp l Poli and Councilman Garrett be authorized to„f, tend the joint highia y meeting with Expenses allowed. Carried. As there was no further business to, come before the'`” Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:0G,p,m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers, 414" -7- 42 ._..Juhe 8, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having heeb previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval : VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRE NT FUND 5142 Eddie B. Andrews 2.40 5143 James Neilson Bougette 2.40 5144 Burnrite Oil Company 138.64 5145 Carpenter Paper Co. 163.89 5146 City of Renton 78.98 5i47 Wally Clarke Fuel 78.02 5148 Laurine Colby 2.40 5149 L. N. Curtis & Sons 246,04 5150 Jeanette Dahlquist 5. 12 5151 Wm F. Davis - Roger W. Davis 1086. 08 5152 Dictaphone Corp. 13.62 5153 Avery Garrett 5,52 5154 G,Ie). Gi:anin1 5.52 5155 Group Hgalth Coop. 152-50 5156 Ethel;. H. Harris 2.40 5157 Hickok'$,-,Sport Shop 5.20 5158 H i I I & hn9n►pn 2.25 5159 George Howell 2.40 5160 International Conference of Building Officials 65.00 5161 Jeanne Johnson 2.40 5162 King County Humane Society 606.66 5163 King County Medical Service Corp. 728.95 5164 Gus Kroesen's 4.63 5165 Edwin Clair Lanning 2.40 5166 Market Basket #5 12.70 5167 Market Basket #3 25.85 5168 Mobile Communications 1.56.00 5169 Pacific Coast Inter-Mountain Assoc Fire Chiefs 51 5170 Pacific Northwest Bell 631 .73 5171 Pacific Outfitting Co., Inc. 57.45 5172 Kenneth Parks 16.60 5173 Mary Pringle 2.40 5174 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 5,760•71.- 5175 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 476.83 5176 John Racanello 88.60 5177 Renton Cameras 34. 10 0178 Renton Clothing Co. 321 . 17 5179 Seattle King Co. Dept of Public Health 175.00 5180. Standard Insurance Company 217.75 .5181 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 2,525.05 .5182 Thomas W. Tri mm 5.52 ,z 5183 M. C. Walls ' 4. 16 5184 Walmsley-Degginger & Co. , Inc. 450.76 5185 1'VT City Treasurer Cr Equipment Rental 2,560.94 5186 Washington Natural Gas Co. 55.98 5187 Maxwell L. Watkins 2.40 »t STREET FUND 5188 Group Health Coop. 80.50 5189 King County Medical Service Corp. 126.43 5190 Messer's T. V. 38. 19 5191 Mobile Communications 52.00 5192 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.82 5193 City of Renton 4.00 5194 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 232.61 5195 W/T City Treasurer Cr Equipment Rental 6,625.76 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 5196 Washington Title Insurance Co. 182.00 CEDAR RIVER M & I FUND 5197 King County Medical Service Corp. 8. 15 5198 W/T City Treas. CR Equipment Rental 36.00 VOUCHERS Cont t June 8, 1964 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 5199 Milt Williams 100.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 5200 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 73.35 5201 Group Health Coop. 40.00 5202 Kent Oxygen Company 14.35 5203 King County N'edical Service Corp. 20.47 5204 N C Machinery Co. 778.47 5205 0. K. Tire Store 1 .07 5206 Statewide City Employees Retirement System- 82.59 5207 Williams & Swanson 72.56 LIBRARY FUND 5208 Group Health Coop. of Puget Sound 8.50 5209 King County Medical Service Corp. 75. 15 5210 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 135.02 PARK FUND 5211 Builders Mart Paint Center 159.66 5212 Crane Supply Co. 4.64 5213 Robert L. Force 1,076.40 5214 Group Health Coop 24.00 5215 King County Medical Service Corp. 90.05 5216 Pacific Northwest Bell 56.86 5217 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 77. 13 5218 City of Renton 8.00 5219 Scientific Supply 4. 12 5220 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 107.65 5221 United Rent-Alts 26.00 5222 Universal Sign Company 218.40 5223 Van Waters & Rogers 251 .64 5224 W/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental 174.20 5225 Washington Natural Gas Co. 27.37 5226 Williams & Swanson 3.60 WATER WCRKS UTILITY FUND 5227 Empire Way Seed & Garden 68.94 5228 Group Health Coop 48.00 5229 King County Medical 163.60 5230 Messer's T. V. and Appliance 3.00 5231 Mobile Communications 52.00 5232 Pacific Northwest Bell 43.94 5233 Puget Sound Power & Light 1 ,993.54 5234 City of Renton 4.00 5235 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 190.00 5236 Tacoma Screw Products 168.91 5237 W/T City Treas. Cr Current 834.00 5238 W/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental 2,577.03 AIRPORT FUND 5239 King County Medical Servide 24.45 5240 Northern Marine ±iJholesale Co. 48.57 5241 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 37.86 5242 W/T City Treas. Cr Current 410,00 5243 W/T City Treas. Cr Equipment Rental 65.00 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1990 5244 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 90.91 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk 4DonalW. Custer, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 15, 1964 8:00 P.H. Tht=.:regular meeting; or the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor bgn;ald !1. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by';the Assembly. ROT,L, CALL OF 03UNCIL: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahiquist, Gianini, Pedersen, SSW Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTME 'T HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Joe Lynch,Street Com- missioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Jack;�llson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Director of-Utilities, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Denzer, Chairman of the Planning Commission. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meetin:, 'P June 8, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. , , ' i APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED" Y ENTM BUILDING PERMITS ; NO. AMOUIN7 NAME ADDRESS TIE_ OF !%1OR:C 9.551 1P4,000.00 Standard Oil Company 2.705 Sunset Blvd. E. Sign 152 2,000.00 John Schuchard ,.1064 - 112th Ave. S.E. Add to Residence 53 250.00 Wayne A. Beyer a311�, - 5th Ave. E. Rewire. ,Serv-1ce 54 205000.00 Union Oil of Cal. Rainier at Third Service Station . 555 1,850.00 Gerald Ungr 1302.7-86th Ave. So. Wire Residence 56 17,000.00 Conner Construction Co.. 1?709-86th Ave. So. Frame .Residence 57 600.00 Sunset Outdoor Adv, 524 Rainier Ave. So, Signs , 58 2,500.00 Sunlite Cafe 509tbird Avenue Remodel 59 2,000.00 R. L. Edwards Shopping Center I,anascaping 9560 4,000.00 Transport Storage 1580-4th Ave. No. Additions 61 500.00 Richard !q. Ramseur 2414 - 6th Place No. Add to Residence 62 - - - - Delphia Lodge 42 12� Burnett Street Demolish Bldg. 63 300.00 Wilbert !J. Poeschel ?�440-87th Ave. So. !vire New Res. 64 120.00 Russell N. !;leaver §;Cedar Street Sundeck .9565 450..00 Conner Construction. Co,',12625-86th Ave. So. Wire Residence fr ,66 501000.00 Union Oil Company. " Ranier & Third Ave. Drive-In Restau. �i7 400.00 Conner Construction Co-:," o., 725 - 86th Ave. So. Wire Residence 68 135.00 James D. Booker 1,148 "P" Street Driveway 69 3,000.00 Edwin L. Beckley 3409 Sunset Blvd. E. Addition to Res. PLUMBING & HEATING PERMIT S: 6559 - - - - Willis E. Kirkland 3506 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixts. 60 - - - - E. W. Uhite 12916 - 90th Ave. So. Plumbing Fiats. 61 - - - - Williams & Swanson 31.6 Burnett Street Plumbing Fixts. 62 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12725-86th Ave. So. Plumbng' Fixts. 63 - - - - Conner Const. CQ. 12729-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fiats. 64 - - - - Mr. Maxwell , .,280$ - 4th Ave. No. Gas Installation COPINIUNICATIONS: A letter read from City Clerk Nelson advised of necessity at this time to appropriate additional money unto -the Off-Street Paik ing Fund of the Budget,- d L-7 ..• ttte local Aerchants,in the sum of $3,498.00 which is money received in excess of anticipated revenues. Concurrence in the appropriation unto Fund 3520, Capital Ouclay 605, Improvements,was requested with referral to the Law and Ordinance Com- mittee -for the proper document. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations of -the City Clerk. Carried. -1- Minutes oL the Renton Cit Council Meetinf� 6-l -649 { Y (cont. ) COMMUNICATIONS: A letter read from Mayor Custer reported a meeting on June 10th with the County Engineers to discuss the manner of "inancing the Green River Flood Control Project at which time the Mayors of Auburn, Kent and Tukwila proposed,for action by their respective Councils, that the cost of implementins this drainage problem be divided equally among the State of Washington, King County and the Flood Control District itsel`. It was recalled that Renton has voted to co-sponsor the federally financed study of the Green River. Valley Drainage system and is a part of the Flood Control District. The District would assume .$961,000.00 of the total $2,884,430.00 project cost. If payment were to be paid by general obligation bonds over a 20 year period at 3% interest, the annual cost for the District would be $86,750.00 or 87� per $1,000.00 assessed valuation per year. The Engineering Department and County Com- missioners would like each City Council to report as to whether they feel this is a plausible means of financing the project. The reply does not commit the Cities to any financial responsibility but will merely indicate the direction the financial adviser should proceed with revenue programming. MOVED By Delaurenti, seconded by GJaninl, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole to study and report back. Carried. A letter was read from Wage Committee Chairmen, Del Bennett, Engineering Dep't. , Ted Bennett, City Employees Club and Jack Pringle, Renton Firefighters, requesting to meet .lith the Committee of the -!hole to discuss the wage and fringe benefits for the forthcoming year in order to comply with time schedule for completing of tte preliminary budget. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the request. Carried. A letter from Mrs. W. G. Ableman, 1405 "I" Street reported that her sister, Mrs. Soliday had driven her car in front of her house at 501 Bronson [day North and ran over a City ',Dater implement left by the meter reader which punctured the front tire, and that when contacting the City she had been advised to write to the Council. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the letter to the City Attorney and the City's Insurance Carrier. Carried. A letter from C. H. Glasford, King County Medical Service Corporation Sales Representative, advised that the City's Contract, due to a favorable cost record, .� will be renewed for 1965 with no change in rates or coverage. A letter from Harold F. Newman, M.D. , Assistant Director, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, advised that the Vroup plan for 1965 has not yet been evaluated and a-t this point a 50� subscriber increase was estimated to cover additional operating costs for the City's Budgetary purposes. MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Mayor and Budget Clerk for information in drafting the Preliminary Budget. Carried. MOVED by Delaurenti that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole for determination as to whether the cost shall be absorbed by the City or passed on to the subscriber. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and after discussion reJardin15 the meeting with the City Employees (Mage Committee Chairmen, the motion carried. A Petition containing eight signatures was read requesting the Vacation of a portion of 129th Avenue South, between 87th and 88th Avenues South. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer and the Planning Commission for recommendation. Carried. A letter read from R.L. Greenfield & Son, Roofing Contractors, requested to meet with the Property Committee -to negotiate regarding payment for roofing of the City Hall which check was made payable to the Greenfield firm and F. 8! K. Painting Contractors who had filed a Lien against the retained percentage. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen advised the matter had been in the hands of the City Attorney pursuant to prior action. City Attorney Shellan advised that the matter was now in Superior Court, suit being filed last year by Mr. Greenfield, and that the City has paid its obligation with the dispute being; between the two contractors. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the City Attorney. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-15-64- COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Estimate No. 3, the final estimate on work performed by M. A. Segale, Inc., on the 3rd Avenue Extension improvement, Arterial Street Project No. 3, in the sum of $10,899.76. If, after 30 days, no Liens or Claims are filed and proof of payment of all tax liability is received, it is further recommended that the retained percentage in the sum of $2,819,09 be released. City Engineer Wilson reported that further construction will follow and bids let later in the year when acquisition problems have been resolved regarding rights of way. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the improvement be accepted, the 30 day Lien period be commenced and the matter referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. A letter was read from the Rev. E. E. Backman advising that the Church of God has rented the First Baptist Church at 326 Smithers Street in Renton and permission was requested to hold evening street meetings once or twice a week to advertise their services and to use a public address system to play gospel music and announce the meetings. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the requests to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Mr. Richard Bowen submitted a Resolution adopted by the Valley Regional Planning Commission, which was being sent to Renton, Tukwila, Kent and Auburn for endorsement. The Resolution requests early continuation of the State Valley Freeway between Renton and Auburn and more effective planning and financing of freeways in =the Valley. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request endorsing the Resolution. It was suggested that Councilman Garrett be given a copy and Councilman Garrett recommended that a copy also be directed to Mr. Paul McKay along with the City's endorsement. Upon inquiry regarding financing of the freeway it was pointed out by Councilman Garrett that all of the construction funds come from the Motor Vehicle Fund which is the gas tax and the matching fund receipts from the Federal Government. It is hoped by the Resolution that Mr. McKay in his preliminary budget, to be presented to the Highway Commission in July, will recommend additional moneys to cover work durin- the next biennium thereby allowing continuation of the wor!c and no delay in the interim to await allocation of additional funds. If the money is put in by Mr. McKay and kept in when Mr. Prahl submits his final budget to the Legislature in January and it is subsequently retained, this would expedite the construction somewhat and is where and how project funds are supplied. The pending motion carried. City Clerk Nelson reported that the Exchange Club has advised that plans have been dropped for operation of a Fireworks Stand as previously requested. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Police and Lic(n se Committee. Carried. A letter from the John Graham Company was read which outlined planning work completed to date on the 701 Planning Program and revisions to be required, it being understood that the $3,100.00 extension cost does not include the site planning and feasibility analysis of the Civic Center as included in the original $6,000.00 proposal. It was pointed out that if another firm is engaged, the plans, separations, renderings, etc. if offered in a camera-ready condition, can be incorporated in the brochure and the project completed, however, candidly, some contingencies might arise which might be otherwise avoided if two firms must coordinate their efforts, no implication being intended regarding abilities of the other firm being considered. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Louis Barei to a five year term on the Renton Library Board, effective June 1, 1964. 6w Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. The motion carried. A letter from the Mayor was read requesting concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Ronald J. Regis as a member of the Renton Park Board for a three year term, effective June 1, 1964 to fill the vacancy arising from expiration of -the term of Mr. James Rosa. Thanks were expressed to Mr. Rosa for his outstanding service. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. -3- 429: Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-15-64 APPOINTMENTS: (cont. ) Mayor Custer confirmed the appointments of William Davis, Elia Conklin and Louie Gebenini to a one year term on the Renton Insurance Commission, to be effective June 1, 1964. Concurrence was requested. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Mayor's letter confirming; appointments as read by the Clerk. Carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Victor TeGantvoort as Acting Street Commissioner for a period not to exceed one year, effective July 1, 1964. This appointment was made in preparation for reorganization of the Street and Engineering Departments which it is hoped will be completed within a period of one year and which might involve a change in the position now designated as "Street Commissioner" . Mr. Joe Lynch will be employed in the capacity of "Foreman II" assuming the special duties of inspection and liatsm as well as those of Street Depart- ment Foreman. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. For information of the Council Mayor Custer advised by letter of the appointment of the mellowing to serve as members of the Renton Municipal Art Commission for an indefinite period: Mrs. Helen Anderson, Mrs. Evelyn Allyn, Mrs. Eleanor Dobson, Mr. Roger Ford, Mr. David Johnston, Mr. George Kawachi, Mr. Werner Mueller, Mr. Roger Richert, Mr. Randy Rockhill, Mr. Ed Sullivan, Mr. Allen Wright, and Mrs. Chris Wright. The duties and purposes of creating the Commission were outlined it being intended that Renton might follow other Washington Cities who have profited greatly from such Com- missions. The Mayor feels that Renton has unlimited potential in the form of material beauty through geography which must be developed to become of beneficial asset. Some of the duties and plans include beautification of the City, setting of standards in design and construction of public facilities, encouragement of culture through sponsor- ship of concerts, exhibits, and other programs of artistic merit, for implementing general improvement of the community. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to omnfirm such Commission and Appointees. The motion carried. A letter from the Mayor we-5 read announcing the appointment of the following Councilmen to serve on the newly created Planning Committee of the Council: Thomas Trimm, Chairman and Bruce Hulse, and Henry_ Schellert. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Custer declared a recess at this time and after the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council President Poli announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on June 18, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. The City Attorney, Library Board representative and Chairmen of the City Employees Wage Committees were invited to be present. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk recommending that the Bid of Renton Automobile boitiparty, as quoted for the 1964 P400 Walk In Van in the sum of $4,309.52 plus Washington State Sales Tax of $172.36 be accepted. Acceptance was also recommended by the Engineering Department. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the bid award as recommended by the Property Committee and the City Engineer. Carried. A Property Committee report was read recommending that the Lease of Lloyd and " Catherine Kindred for the City Hall Cafe be assigned to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore with the following revisions: 1. The rent shall be $35.00 per month instead of $25.00 per month. 2. The Moores shall render a copy of their state sales tax report to the City monthly. All legal aspects shall be under supervision of the City Attorney and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute the required documents. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. -4- 49-3U Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-15-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee reported that two items were being held in Committee with recommendations to be forthcoming later. One was the request from The Boeing Company to purchase the Sewage Disposal Plant and the other the Boeing letter regarding relocation of the inner harbor lines of Lake Washington and available lands as a result. Mrs. Moore who will soon assume Lease of the City Hall Cafe was in the audience and Mr. Pedersen introduced her to the assembly. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Posting of meters for free parking by Downtown Merchants Ass'n. - It was recommended that permanent type decals be installed on all on-street parking meters in lieu of stickers or fliers presently being applied, said decals to be purchased by the Downtown Merchants Association and to be installed by the Street Department. The decal would state that the meters are to be in operation Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. It was suggested that the merchants advertise free parking days through the newspapers, overhead banners, in store windows or other methods required to inform the general public of the free parking privilege extended by the City. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 2. Additional time was requested on the Mayor's recommendation for a light for traffic control at 4th Avenue North and Williams Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant additional time. Carried. 3. Regarding Police Chief William's recommendation for additional traffic control at 4th Avenue and Wells Street, it was recommended that the zone on the Southwest corner of Wells Street, at the 4th Avenue intersection, be lengthened to allow better vision. Prior to any such action on the Southeast corner s.meeting with the Committeeto beextender Service Laundry operators, and invitation to be forwarded advising of the next meeting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. 4. An investigation of the request for traffic signal at Sunset Blvd. E. and 12th Avenue North indicated traffic accident record and traffic volume warrants no signal at this location, however it was recommended that signs be posted to inform motorists they are entering the Business District and congested area. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 5. It is recommended by the Street and Alley Committee that Municipal Parking Lot No. 3, located at Wells Street and Walla Walla Avenue be designated as a 24 Hour Lot and that the lot and meters be posted accordingly. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 6. Regarding establishment of policies regarding street oiling projects, it was the recommendation that this matter be referred to the Mayor, the Engineering Department and the Street Department to study, the results of such investigation to then be given to the Street and Alley Committee for further action. Moved by Morris, and seconded by..Poli,to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Perry called attention to a previous motion regarding appointment of Acting Street Commissioner TeGantvoort which had been referred to Committee and since talking with Mr. Lynch,. it was moved by Perry and seconded by Hulse, that the vote on the previous motion be reconsidered. Carried. The vote on the- motion to-refer to Committee was taken and the motion declared lost. Motion by.Morris, second by Delaurenti followed,to concur in the appointment of Mr. Victor TeGantvoort as Acting Street Com- missioner as outlined by Mayor Custer's letter. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist inquired regarding the necessity of having a position classified as Street Commissioner under our form of City Government and City Attorney Shellan advised that under State Law the office of Street Commissioner is one of the Statutory requirements. Councilman Delaurenti recal-led: .earl ex: action taken ou Vacation of a portion of 129th Avenue South and Moved that the matter , be referred to the City Engineer to check the validity of the Petition and percentage of ownership represented in the signatures thereon, to the Law and!Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution, and the Street and Alley Committee requested to snake recommendation. The motion was seconded by Morris and after discussion regarding procedures and order of the motion it was subsequently carried. -5- 431 Minutes of -the Renton City Council Meeting 6-15-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OT,D BUSINESS (cont. ) Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Special Committee on Power Rates, submitted his report advising of further meetings regarding the study,with Mr. John M. Nelson, Supt. of Lighting, Seattle City Light, and Mr. Paul Alexander, Member of the Seattle City Council. Service to Renton by Seattle City Light was the topic of discussion and Mr. Nelson stated that Seattle City Light is ready to serve the Renton area but would do so only upon invitation of the governing body of the City. The Committee recommendation as a result of this meeting was to with- hold decision on this matter until Mr. Unevehr, the rate specialist recently retained by Puget Power and Light Company, makes his report and further meetings are held with Puget Power, it being likely that lower rates would be forthcoming in the near future. Councilman Delaurenti reported subsequent meeting with the State Utilities and Transportation Commission which he is sure will recommend the reduction and proper procedures therefore. Mayor Custer advised of discussion with Mr. Davis of Puget Sound Power and Light Company and stockholder's concessions relative to revision of rate structures. Mr. Edward's request was discussed but no action taken at this time. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Poli inquired regarding proposed legislation pertaining to no deposit .- no return bottles which are litterinE the countryside. The matter had been discussed at various times and as yet nothing has been forthcoming as a remedial measure. More time was granted upon motion made by Poli, seconded by Hulse and carried for investi- gation of the matter. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 5245 through 5346, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, including the Seale payment presented earlier in the meeting, be approved by the Council at this time. The motion carried. Councilman Gianini called attention to his experience of taking an accident victim to the Renton Hospital and not having a Doctor available for two hours. Other cases were cited where children had been brought in on emergencies for injuries and adults who needed attending and had to wait two and three hours. It was suggested a Committee �.d be appointed to investigate feasibility - of having a Doctor available at all hours. It was pointed out that there is a Board to whom such appeal should be directed and it was moved by Gianini, seconded by Dahlquist to approach the Hospital Board concerning complaints on service on behalf of the citizens whom are represented by the Council.V Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, announced a meeting of his Committee on Saturday, June 20th at 8:00 a.m. at the Park Avenue Cafe and the Clerk was requested to notify Service Laundry of the meeting. ORDINANCES AND RPSOT tJT:7ONS Councilman Morris, Cha4rman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to make appropriation of funds into the Budget from Excess Revenues received over anticipated revenues, unto the Off-Street Parking Fund 3520, Capital Outlay, 605, Improvements in the sum of $3,598.00, which was read by the Clerk. (Donations from Merchants for parking facilities) Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1252 be .adopted as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton revising the Ui1oan Planning Assistance Project Budget by extending the contract completion date three months beyond the present completion date, July 16, 1964, and adding $3,100.00 to the cost, authorizing total payment to the State Department of Commerce and Economic Development in the sum not to exceed $33,536.00, with the total project as planned to cost $100,071.00. (John Graham Company Contract) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, that Resolution No. 1253 be adopted as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from Residence District (R-1) to Business Parking (BP) which was read by the Clerk. (Delaurenti property) Moved by M orri s, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to approve the Ordinance as read. Roll call vote followed and Ordinance No. 2099 was adopted as read by unanimous carry of the motion, --6- A t Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 6-15-64 Audience comment was invited at this time. None was forthcoming, however, Councilwoman Dahlquist requested reading of the "Acting Street Commissioner' appoint- ment again. After the reading attention was called by Mrs. Dahlquist to the usual six months probationary period which Mayor Custer advised applies as a matter of pro- cedure. Councilman Perry at this time Moved to ballot on filling of the vacant council position. The motion was seconded by Morris and upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested resulting as follows: Aye: Hulse, Pedersen, Garrett, Trinun, Perry and Morris, and No: Poli, Schellert, Gianini, Dahlquist and Delaurenti. The ayes prevailed six to five and the motion carried. Nomination of Louis Barei was made by Delaurenti and seconded by Perry. Hugh Bruce was nominated by Trimm with second by Morris,and Dahlquist nominated John Malgarini with second by Perry. After discussion regarding second of the nominations and the letters from Mr. Malgarini withdrawing and re-submitting his name as a candidate, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the nominations be closed. Carried. The City Attorney and City Treasurer were appointed to count the votes. The Clerk called the roll and ballots were voiced as follows: Barei: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini and Delaurenti, Bruce: Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm and Morris. Malgarini: Dahlquist, and Perry. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to table the matter of filling the vacant Council position at this'time. Roll call was requested by Garrett and Morris upon dis- senting voice vote. . Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini and Delaurenti. No: Garrett, Trimm, Pedersen; Perry and Morris. The Ayes prevailed six to five and the motion carried. n As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:08 p.m. There were 39 visitors in the Council Chambers. r -7- June 15, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having Leen *previously at},,roved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were suk,itted for Council an-1roval: VOUC 1E.is "AYEL --- A^IOUNT CURRE;IT FUND 5245 Bonnie J. Androcs 5246 Austin- 'endric%son 2.40 5247 Lest Universal Loc'.: Co. 44.53 5248 !1urienthal Unicorn Co., Inc. 78.08 5249 Carla :lressler 4.94 5250 Daniel Eduard Claudon 2.40 5251 Chas Creaffer 2.40 52522.40 Carolyn '(oorycndorn 2.40 5253 Intercity Insurance A,ency 245.43 5254 James Lloyd Jones 5255 E. "I. Hindle 2'40 5256 Iis Lendon :lardware 45.00 5257 :line Safety Arnliances 39.47 5258 Ayers Oil Company 48.71 5259 NVIrlie .Ielson 35.88 5260 Euocnc Orcutt 3 .66 5261 Pacific Auto Supply 2.40 526213.49 Paci�'ic Outfittin�- Co. , Inc. 99.63 5263 Ratelco 117.02 5264 Reiman Auto Parts 6.86 5265 Renton :anter rise 124 65 5266 Renton r .17 otor Parts 117 5267 Scattic Art & Photo 10.95 5268 Seattle Lwber 35.79 5269 Seattle Police Atholetic Association 187.20 5270 Shay: :;ros. Drug 43.15 5271 Linda Ann Snit?' 2.40 5272 Judy Stair 2.40 5273 State Tax Commission 5274 nobby Tanner 1.80 5275 2.40 Thonas Auto Rebuild 270.70 5276 Trick is l-urray 1.34 ARTERIAL STR E T FUND 5277 11. A. Seale, Inc. 10,899.76 OFF STREET PARKI;i(; FU ID n 278 .1/T City Treasurer Cr street 230.03 5279 ;:/T City Treasurer Cr Cur;ulative #11,24 356.46 ST;,i;ET FUND 5250 Blac1, I;ivcr (uarry 28.85 52331 Diesel Oil Sales 4,996.50 5282 A. G. Elliott 528339.60 Lur3bcr l:arl:ct 1u8.48 5284 :2atelco 22.65 5285 l:einan Auto Parts 5286 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 48.36 642.96 QUIP :EiIT RE:�'TAL FU'rID 5287 u & D Auto Parts 96.14 5288 A. N. Cox Con-any 618.80 5289 :'c Lendon Aarduare 5290 Pacific Auto Parts 16.39 5291 Rcir.,an Auto Parts 81'83 5292 Renton ':otor Parts 85'06 5293 Shell Oil Comn any 315.30 5294 Thomas :auto Rebuild 1,687.33 107.12 3' VCUCUER5 Const June 15, 19 4 LIuRARY FU°:D 5295 Ancrican Library Association 3.75 5296 Americana Interstate Cors. 10,40 5297 Association Press 1.15 5298 ::r. Louis 3arei 17.68 5299 Childrens :'ress, Inc 113.12 5300 Sylvia Cline, Treas. P.:�.L.A. 6.50 5301 Columbia University Press 5.55 5302 Congressional uarterly, Inc. 21.50 5303 ::r. Donald Custer 1.95 5304 Diesel Oil Sales 72.44 5305 Doubleday & Co. , Inc. 137.06 5306 Eastr.ian 1:odak Stores, Inc. 80.60 5307 Gaylord 3rothers, Inc. 234.07 5308 7'iss li'arcella :?ill�en 1.95 5309 Lane uool: Coi..�-)any 50.19 5310 Carl J. Leibel, Inc. 2.76 5311 Library Products, Inc. 31.32 5312 ;rational Library ,ices.: 10.00 5313 ?atiom.ide Plan .3ook Co. 5.00 5314 Overall Cleaning & Surnly Co. 2.50 5315 Pacific Coast Publishers 12.75 5316 Pacific "North%:est O'cll 60.76 5317 Puget Sound ;seers Co. 689.52 5318 Puget Sound ^oe:er G LiPht Co. 40.24 5319 The Record-Chronicle 4.00 5320 Record Stationery & Office Sun-ly 11.62 5321 Riches & Adams, Inc. 545.24 5322 Seattle Lumber Co. SS7.56 5323 J. D. Sinnson & Corriany 7.4- 5324 Varsity Press 3.60 5325 ashinnton State Tax Commission 2.80 5326 Franklin :atts, Inc. 26.32 PAR?, FUND 5327 ..ay :sock F,quinr;cnt 40681.70 5328 G;cLcndon Parde,,arc 94.10 5329 Renton ;oiler . orl:s 47.43 5330 Scott Cleaners 16.12 5331 Tronical Paint Co. 22.37 5332 Truf $ Toro Sup-ly 58.00 :DATER ;lORI.'S UTILITY FUND 5333 J & B Auto Parts 24.65 5334 �:c Lendon Ilardt:are 75.15 5335 Olyr.nic Foundry 175.28 5336 Seattle Art and Photo 25.18 5337 Security Concrete Products 48.07 5338 SiAth $ Loveless 11.65 5339 State Tax Connission 1,178.60 5340 Stonevay Sand & Gravel 73.43 5341 IT City Treas. Cr Current 2,588.37 5342 'estern Utilities 967.8n, AI RPORT FUND 5343 Lumber ;;ar%et 65.33 5344 iycrs Oil Com'Pany 8,34 5345 Pu£eIr Sound Power $ Light Co. 96.49 CU;iULATIVC FUND NO. 1184 5346 Stoneway Sand and Gravel 29.94 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk /'v Donald W. Custer, Mayor AXA3s RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 22, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald 'q. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the Assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, T.rimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Janet Crabb, Assistant City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, B. L. Andersen, Director of Utilities, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, ,James Highton, Building Director, Captain Jack Brattus, Police Department and Gene Coulon, Park Supt. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 15, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: N0. AMO!T!7, NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9570 $ 700.00 Service Laundry 4th & Wells Street Re-roof building; 71 60.00 Benjamin L. Waggoner 3905 - 11th Court No. Frame Playhouse 72 350.00 August General 513 "I" Place Parking Lot 73 300.00 C. E. Albrecht 112 Burnett Street Concrete slab 74 50.00 John Cline 537 Rogers Street Picket Fence 9575 1,000.00 Harold I. Mellor 124 Rainier Avenue Remodel Residence 76 280.00 C. E. Robinson, Jr. 815 Jones Street Wire Residence 77 100.00 Leon Gruhala 13006 - 90th Ave. So. Replace old shed 78 200.00 John Zanatta 1020 Sunset Blvd. Sign 79 700,C0 Lewis Pappas 3415 - 6th Pl. No. Addition to Residence 9580 Void 81 130.00 R. H. Johnson 328 North Williams Re-roof Residence 82 2,000.00 Arnold Hagen 540 Shattuck Street Remodel Garage 83 1,000.00 Williams & Swanson 2nd & Burnett Street Wire Com'l. Bldg. 84 13,000.00 Rudy Zaputil 11624 S.E. 106th Place New Residence 9585 14, 470.00 Albertsons 2825 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Store Bldg. 86 250.00 Grant Auto Brokers Rainier Avenue Move Electric Service PLIPMBING HEATING PERMITS: 6565 - - - Robert Lynch 3318 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 66 - - - Suburban Const. 90 - 2nd Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - Claude Rogers 420 Renton Street Plumbing Fixtures 68 - - - Conner Construction 12729 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 69 - - - Joe Carbonatto 12636 - 88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 6570 - - - E. W. White 12916 - 90th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 71 - - - Kenreth L. Harvey 12807 - 89th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 72 - - - United Homes Corp. 1121 "R" Street Gas Installations 73 - - - United Homes Corp. 3905 - 11th Pl. No. Gas Installations 74 - - - United Homes Corp. 1144 "R" Street Gas Installations 6575 - - - C. E. Robinson, Jr. 815 Jones Street Heating Equipment 76 --- - Jack Stokes 12824 - 88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 77 - - - Lilly B. Lynn 12623 - 88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: "Tiffany House" - Faye Gibson appeal of Planning Commission Decision denying permit to operate existing beauty shop in an R-1 zone at 932 "K" Street. This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open and public comment invited. Mr. Derrill T. Bastian, Attorney representing Mrs. Faye Gibson, advised that his client, being desirous of opening a beauty salon in her residence had inquired of the City Clerk's office regarding procedure and was advised that since the operation would be located in a residential area it would be necessary that a permit be secured for such use althouUh it was likely that same mig:_:t not be allowed,it being contrary to the zoning ordinance. She was subsequently issued by mail 1963 Certificate of License and accordingly assumed she had complied with all requirements. and invested some $3,500.00 in equipment, and cont-inued to operate during the year. She received notice subsequently that her operation did not comply with the Code and that she should stop at which time she contacted Mr. Bastian. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 6-22-64 HEARING: Faye Gibson appeal of Planning Commission Decision A 90 day provision to relocate had been posted on the 1964 license, expiring 8-27-64. Mr. Bastian quoted from the Ordinance covering home occupations,, See. IV, 5a, referring; to the fact chat the Courts hold in the favor of the property owner and his individual right to use his property. The Ordinancein part states' "or similar uses" and might.'be in- terpreted to include such operation as a beauty parlor. It was pointed out that this use was compatible with uses such as offices for dentist or physician allowed under the Ordinance and that determining criteria is the impact on the land which does not reflect detriment to health, safety or general welfare, and no protest being registered in -the neighborhood and parking provided by the Church across the Street. A letter was read from the Rev. Wallace Wilson, Highlands Community Church, granting parking privileges to patrons of the beauty salon. Mr. Bastian stated Mrs. Gibson had contemplated a movemw but the cost was prohibitive. Discussion and queries ensued and City Attorney Shellan upon inquiry stated his opinion that this was nota home occupation otherwise it would need no permit and that another attorney had requested the 90 day extension on behalf of Mrs. Gibson, the violation being that this is an occupation engaged in by people hired and not -the occupation of Mrs. Gibson or members of the household. Also, anyone might obtain a business license which issuance however does not guarantee proper zoning; which is strictly the responsibility of the applicant. Mr. Bastian outlined various circumstances regarding Mrs. Gibson's efforts to comply with requirements and requested that the Council consider a Conditional Use Permit to continue the operation of the beauty parlor. After further discussion, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Fearing, be closed. Carried. MOVED by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Conditional Permit be allowed not to exceed two years for continuation of existing business operation. Dissenting voice vote t-:-_�s registered and Roll call was requested which resulted as follows: NO: Poli, Hlj.ise, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, and Morris. AYE: Dahlquist, Pedersen, '-'.aurenti and Perry. Seven No votes and four Aye votes- were cast and the motion was lost. MOVED by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, that an extension of an additional 30 days be granted, to Ser..-tember 27, 1964 for -the relocation or discontinuation of tl�e business. Carried. s. COPTMUN ICA`i'1,0i'S: A letter read from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, reported that a check of County Records indicates that owners of 100% of the abutting property on South 129th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South have signed the petition for Vacation. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the letter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. P. J. McKay, District Engineer, State Highway Department, acknowledged receipt of the City's letter and endorsement of Resolution adopted by I the Valley Regional Planning Commission pertaining to the urgent need for construction of the Valley Freeway from Renton South through Kent to Auburn. It was doubtful, due to weather conditions that the new section could be opened this year. Acquisition for the section through Kent must be completed before construction can commence. The heavy traffic problem was acknowledged and assurance offered that future improvements of Valley Free•v7ay will be given due consideration during the priority programming for the 1965-67 biennium. Notices of Claim and Suits were presented as filed by Jesse Swanson and Elsie Swanson and Richard Padfield and Linda Padfield against the City by reason of damages incurred during sewer line back-up on January 16, 1964 during overflow caused by rain & excessive water inadequately being drained. MOVED by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the documents to the City Attorney and the Insurs:-� carrier. Carried. A letter from Metro, by Fred E. Lange, Acting Executive Director, reported audit to check error in the number of Residential Customers and equivalents of same as the City had reported. The City had withheld the sum of $8,864 from its April billing .r. due to over-report and the audit by Metro disclosed that a credit balance of $7,216.00 in favor of the City exists as well. It was requested that the proper authorized City officials execute and return the letter if satisfactory. Mr. Andersen advised that the tabulations were mainly on- Boeing account and a check was being made at present to verify the figures. Action was requested at this time in order that the entry might be made on the Cites records during this quarterly report so that it wouldn't be carried for another ninety days, with any adjustment to be forthcoming if warranted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents. Carried. Mrs. Dahlquist requested a report back on the matter and the Mayor advised he would accept the suggestion. -2- Minutes of tLe Renton City Council Meeting 6-22-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, Virginia Hashagen, Chairman, Queen Contest Committee, extended invitation to the Mayor, Council, City Employees and families, to attend the coronation program for "Miss Renton" on Monday, June 29th at 8:00 P.M. at the High School Cafeteria. A letter from Planning Director, J. David Jensen, submitted Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of June 10, 1964, that a Variance be granted to Jacob Booher to construct a carport addition to his home at 728 "P" Street with a minimum side yard of 3 feet. Moved by Morris, secondbd by Hulse, to concur in the recommenda- tion. After discussion regarding fire zone condition, it was moved by Dahlquist and seconded by Schellert, that the motion be amended by adding that the structure meet the requirements of Fire Zone 2. Upon the question, the vote was favorable and the amendment to the motion carried. The motion as amended was subsequently carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen advised that consequent to extension of the 701 Planning Program it has become necessary to request of the State a three months extension on the City's portion of the program and the transfer of $2,000.00 from Planning Director's Budget 1700, M. & 0. Contractual Services, Acct. 314, Unto Planning Director's Budget 1700, Salaries and Wages, Acct. 120, Temporary Employees, was likewise necessary. Concurrence was requested with the Mayor and Clerk bein; authorized to execute the necessary documents and request the extension from the State. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the requests for extension application and transfer of funds with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from the Citizen's Advisory Council, John H. Swanson, Chairman, was read submitting recommendations that the City proceed to acquire property in site 4, excluding; property being used by -the Volkswagon Auto Agency, in accordance with the Mayor's letter of June 9th to the Council. Also, that the Planning Department be directed to make several alternate lay-outs of a Civic Center and other City Land Uses for the presently owned Liberty Park.and Cedar River Park and site 4 and, as necessary, 4a site.. It was further recommended that the Council defer action on location and construction of main and branch libraries until said lay-outs are com- pleted. Mayor Custer advised that the letter had been presented for information purposes having been intended that it be introduced at the Committee of the Whole meeting of last week. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. A letter from City Attorney, G. M. Shellan reported that investigation had been made to determine whether restrictions exist in the records of conveyance to the City of the property now known as Liberty Park. No restrictions were found in the documents as furnished by the City Clerk's office except in the deed from the Sartori's et al, dated 3-11-1917, which deed pertains to the southerly portion of Liberty Park and the restrictions contained therein refer to public park purposes and a covenant, runnin;� with the land, that the subject property will not be used for any "other use or purpose than that of a public park and as a site for public buildings of the grantee", which would indicate that public buildings within the park area would be permissible as long as they are not incompatible with a general park use. A library, city hall or civic center buildinf within the park would not appear to be incompatible so long as the primary area is used for park purposes. The north half of the park, consisting of Tax Lots 38 and 40 (present library site) and Tax Lot 55, have no restrictions. A letter from the Boeing Company, C. S. Sargent, Manager, Facilities Engineering, reported a need for proper storm drain to eliminate standing waters,after rainy weather, which accumulate on the west side of Park Street between 6th and 8th Avenues North which at times extend from the curb nearly to the middle of -the street and cause in- convenience to pedestrians who in several instances have been drenched when sprayed with the water by passing vehicles. The City was requested to correct the situation at the earliest practical time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Street andAlleY Committee atd the Cit Engineer to investigate and report back. Carried. A letter from the Downtown Merchants Association, Virginia Hashagen, President, requested permission to hold its annual "Sidewalk Sale" on July 9, 10 and llth, and to place a banner on the street from July 3 through 11th advertising the sale. Also, on July 9th permission is requested to block off Wells Street at Walla Walla and 3rd Avenue for square dancing for an hour or so in the evening. The Association will execute the proper Hold Harmless Agreements and necessary insurance will be furnished. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry to grant the requests as outlined. Carried. -3- 434 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-22-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: President or the Council Poli presented his Committee of the Whole report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions -taken as follows: 1. Recommended that $235,000.00 be set aside for the library building; in Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund and that $150,000.00 additional to be required, as estimated by -the Library Board, be placed before the electorate as a proposed Bond Issue. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Inquiry by Garrett followed as to whether the issue was to be presented at the Primary or General election. Schellert moved to amend the Council As A Whole recommendation to the effect that .... the City share 45% of the total cost of the library project and that this be a standard amount to be financed by the City in any civic improvement program, maybe sharing also 45% in the Park development. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. After discussion regarding the fact that any funds placed in a Cumulative Account cannot be used for any other project than that specified and in the event the issue fails the balance will need to be funded elsewhere in order to complete the library. Point of information followed regarding order of the amendment and it was ruled by the Chair that the amendment was out of order until the original motion had been disposed of and the original motion was stated by the Chair. Inquiry followed regarding whether $350,000 would build a library and Mrs. Wiberg of the Library Board advised that according to amount of space required and advice of several reliable sources,what Renton needs can be funded for $385,000.00. It was pointed out that this would not include a Highlands Branch. Mrs. Wiberg advised that we have a Renton Highlands Branch and there is possibility of improving the Highlands branch outside of this. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, that the motion be amended to read that $115,333.00 be taken from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 and placed in a Cumulative Fund for a branch library in the highlands. Moved by Garrett, in concern for the amendment causing the whole proposition difficulty in passing, that the matter be referred back to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. The motion was seconded by Schellert and upon dissenting voice vote roll call was taken as follows:No: Poli, Gianini, De2aurenti and Morris. Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry. Seven Aye votes and four no votes were cast and the motion carried, 2. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the City engage Johnston-Campanella & Associates to conduct the feasibility study and Site plans for the proposed civic center encompassing the areas of Liberty Park, Cedar River Park and sites 4 and 4a and that a contract be entered into pursuant to provisions of the architects revised schedule of costs and completion time. Upon inquiry, Mr, Campanella assured willingness of his Company to meet to discuss plans and design proposals and to furnish any periodic reports as may be requested regarding their services. The pending motion subsequently carried. 3. The Committee further recommended that the Mayer contact the proper authorities to secure additional details regarding proposed financing of the Green River Flood Control Project. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. Recommended that Group Health anticipated increase be assumed by the employees carrying the insurance. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to concur. Discussion ensued regarding the rate structure, after which it was moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Mayor to meet with the Insurance Companies and the Employees. The vote was negative in the majority and the motion lost. Dahlquist restated once again their original motion,seconded by Poli,and the motion carried. 5. Recommended that the requests of the City Employees Wage Committee Chairmen be referred to the Mayor to consider in his preliminary budget and -that the matter be retaine in Committee of the Whole until Budget time when its recommendations are submitted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur. Carried. -- Councilwoman Dahlquist requested action on her former recommendation that the difference in the garbage rates charged by the contractor and collections be passed on to the benefit of the people and moved that the matter be placed on the agenda of the next Committee of the Whole meeting. The motion was seconded by Perry and carried. Councilman Gianini reported many calls and inquiries regarding; the problem of expeditinz service and availability of physicians for emergencies at the hospital and Mayor Custer advised he had called the proper authorities and was directed to a Board to whom appeal mi ht be made with a Committee to be designated for appropriate action, of Which Mri alanihi 14111 bd thgf4Hdtti r4� Minutes of the Renton City Council Meetinti 6-22-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS cont. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk recommending that the matter of available lands due to relocation of the Inner Harbor Line along Lake Washington, as reported by the Boeing Company, be referred to the City Attorney and that the City join with Boeing in petitionin for the relocation, purchasing such property when arra if it becomes available. Negotiations to be made with the State and Port of Seattle or with the Boeing Company at the discretion of the City Attorney who is regLee sted to report back. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations of the r, Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented a report of his committee which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the matter of a traffic control light at 4th Avenue North and Williams Street be referred to the City En&ineer and the Mayor for consideration in the 1965 Budg ,.. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported that regarding the traffic problems at 4th and Wells, a meeting was held with the Service Laundry people and a study made of the accidents and it was discovered that the trucks were not operating during the hours of the accidents. The service laundry and traffic department will endeavor further measures to remedy the situation as required. The safety zone lengthened by previous action on the Southwest corner of Wells and 4th should serve -to alleviate the hazard. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Mayor's Special Power Rate Committee, submitted his report advising of meetins`, with Mr. Unnevehr on June 17th, the rate specialist engaged by Puget Power and Light Co., and the Company's officials, to discuss rate making philosophy and Mr. Unnevehr's plan to study rate structures in the area and other areas under the Puget Power account. Mr. Unnevehr advised that customer density is considered an. important factor in establishing rates and that Renton has one of the highest density,ratios in the Puget Power system, indicating that some relief in rates is in order. Timing is dependent upon completion of studies and recommendations to be submitted to and approved by the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission with whom the •"" Committee plans to meet in the near future to discuss possible temporary rate relief pending completion of the rate studies, within the next few weeks Mr. Charles Shane pointed out that cooperation with Puget Sound should not become paramount to the wishes of the people and suggested that the City invite City Light to come into Renton and that City Light is ready and willing to serve the area when asked, Mr. Shane's Petition now in circulation for P.U.D. service was discussed. . Councilman Morris advised that the Valley Disposal Franchise had been referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee and inasmuch as certain hydraulicly hondl.ed containers were not specified as to rate, it was recommended that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the rate to be set for 10-20 yard and 20-40 yard containers to the Sanitation Committee for recommendation. Upon inquiry regarding tke rate which mi; ht be impose , up t. of Utilities Anderspn advised that he would recommend 75� ai.d 80t encompassing the 25% basic fee or the same .s now imposed on the other containers which should be added tr!the. eXatbtff �ldinance�`Mcit3�n to refer to Committee of the Whole by Perry, in concern for Mrs. Dahlquist's request regarding rates being adjusted to benefit of the people, died for lack of second and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to amend the original motion to include referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee to amend,the-gairbage Ordinance, The amendment carried and subsequent y the motion ag amended. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Power and Light Committee, presented his report -.recommending installation of a 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor light on Lake Washington Blvd, at the intersection of S.L. 95th Street, Moved by Poli, seconded by Aahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No, 5347 through 5418, havin;; been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting 5o=Lt:L e, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Schellert requested a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on Monday, July 6, 1964 at 7130 p,m. _5.. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meetin„ 6-22-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: cont. Councilwoman Dahlquist inquired retarding progress to date on street improvements and projects budgeted for this year which she felt should be underway prior to inclemen-c weather. Street Commissioner Lynch reported that bids must yet be let oul.certain of--these improvements..-.Others are;Artdrial'Strdet -- Comprehensive Plan'project's: .; .- Councilman Gianini inquired whether resurfacing was to be done on 153rd where the contractor had installed a water line. Mayor Custer advised that the street was to be restored to its original condition and may or not involve resurfacing. Councilman Garrett moved that Council reconsider its previous action earlier in the meeting and adopt the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole to appropriate from Cedar River Acquisition Fund $235,000.00 to be placed in Cumulative Fund 1975 for the construction of a new Main .library, with $150,000,00 to be placed on a bond issue. The motion to reconsider the previous vote was seconded by Hulse and upon- dissenting voice vote Roll Call was requested and'-res(31ted as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Dahlquist, Pedersen and Perry. The motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recoiinendation of the Committee of t1v Whole re-arding funding of the main library-construction by placing $235,000.00 in Cumulative 1975 and placing the $150,000.00 on the bond issue. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Library Board advise of the date of preference for the matter to be placed on the ballot and any other recommendations they may have regarding the matter. Mrs. Wiberg and Mrs. Hanis of the Library Board advised they would meet immediately and thanked the Council for its favorable action. The pending motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the funding of a branch library as proposed by Mr. Perry in the earlier action this evening be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Perry inquired whether the Council would like to meet with a representative of the property donor regarding acquisition of lands in the Highlands for a proposed branc library. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of thy: Ordinance "",ommittee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton fixing the 20th day of Ju.iy, 1964 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renton, Washington as the time and place when the Petition for vacating a portion of South 129th Street located between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the adoptfon :of'Besolution No. 1254 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance for first reading, granting a franchise unto Valley Disposal, Inc., formerly known as Metro Disposal, Inc. for the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse for a period of thirty-nine months in the City of Renton pursuant to renewal of contract dated 12-8-61 which expiration dace is on or about June 30, 1964. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance and Councilman Morris advised the document will be held in Committee following proper publication as required by law. Councilman Hulse, Chairman, announced a meeting of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee on June 30, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. with City of Renton Department Heads. Mayor Custer invited audience comment at this time asd as there was none forthcomin .� and there was no further business -to come before the Council, it: was moved by Poli, and seconded by Perry, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:58 p.m. There were 29 visitors in the Council Chambers. -6- June 22, _. 964; City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval : VOUCHER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 5347 Cochran Coast to Coast 7.22 5348 Henry L. Downs 2.40 5349 James ilighton 13.69 5350 J.'Cavld Jensen 62.18 5351 I. B. M. Corporation 145.60 5352 Keuffel & Esser 34.16 5353 Keuffel F Esser 811.15 5354 Steve Krenciprock 2.40 5355 Moffat Sales 5.67 5356 Overall Cleaning $ Supply Co. 18, 88 5357 Pacific Northwest Bell 884.32 5358 Paulson Office Supply 65.96 5359 J. C. Penney Company, Inc. 4.16 5360 Public Administration Service 5.15 5361 Ray's Shoe Repair 10.40 5362 Renton Enterprise 16.12 5363 Renton Valley Fuel 197.03 5364 Service Laundry $ Dry Cleaners 75.73 5365 Standard Oil Company 3.48 5366 Sunset Coal & Oil 87. 18 5367 Urban Land Institute 25.00 5368 W/T City Treasurer Cr Current 13.92 5369 W/T City Treasurer Cr Street 14.69 5370 !J/T City Treasurer Cr Equipment Rental] 479.87 5371 Jack Wilson 3.68 STREET FUND 5372 Cochran Coast to Coast 26.94 5373 Keuffel & Esser 63.74 5374 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. 587.29 5375 Rainier Asphalt 3,603.87 5376 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 75.25 5377 Sunset Coal $ Oil Co. 886.60 5378 "!/T City Treasurer Cr Equip. Rental 52.28 5379 ;!/T City Treasurer cr Glater '01orks 38.59 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 5380 Renton Auto `.Jreckers 5.20 5381 Renton Automobile 66.36 5382 Manitou Equipment Co. 8.74 5383 Sahlberg Equipment 36.19 5384 Standard Oil Company 178.87 5385 Sunset Coal & Oil 50.88 5386 Sweeper Service Inc. 234.00 PARC FUND 5387 Roger Gordon 65.00 5388 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.54 5389 Pacific Northwest Bell 22.00 5390 Sahlberg Equipment 277.33 5391 7/T City Treasurer Cr Equip Rental 58.45 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 5392 Chapman Electric 107.16 5393 I B N Corporation 16.68 5394 Keuffel $ Esser 10.28 5395 Paulson Office Supply 24.85 5396 Puget Sound Power $ Light Co. 8.98 5397 Rainier Asphalt 142.31 5398 Seattle !Fater Department 942.38 5399 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 13.98 5400 W/T City Treasurer Cr Current .34 5401 W/T City Treasurer Cr Street 485.75 5402 W/T City Treasurer Cr Equip Rental 7.21 442 June 22, 1964 VOL'CiIERS Cont t IRPORT FUND 5403 Cochran Coast to Coast 16.19 5404 Puget Sound Pourer & LiCht Co. 15.17 5405 Seattle I'later Departr;ent 15.55 5406 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 15.09 5407 IT/T City Treasurer Cr equipment Rental .44 FIRE I.171\1 t S PERSION FUND 5408 firs. Enza .nderson 150.00 5409 Theron X. I;nderson 291.00 5410 Ernest i-I. BurCess, 1I. D. 20.75 5411 Donald Goodirin 9.00 5412 I. B. ii. Corporation 36.40 5413 K's Prescription Pharmacy 23.20 5414 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 5415 Mrs. Orpha lie Donald 150.00 5416 North menton Clinic 12.00 5417 Renton Hospital 5.00 51L18 Milton Joseph Schultz, ii. D. 11.00 4:T1�POi ^1 <UI'D . . .. 5419U. Past Office - ✓20. 0 Auditin & Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the Skme. ommittee, were approved for the month of June, 1964. PAYROLL 166o968.61 18;526.61 ARTERIAL STREETS 11,083.47 CEDAR RIVER M & I 44.15 OFF STREET PARKING 686.49 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5,582.96 LIBRARY 2,990.00 PARKS 71861.69 WATER 31,715-50 AIRPORT 851.93 FIREMEN'S PENSION 1,013.35 Cull. #1990 90.91 CUM. ##1184 29.94 Helmie Int. Nelson, City Clerk Donald W. Custer, Mayor 443 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 6, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer. Rev. A.L.S. Mathrie, Renton Lutheran C}iurch,delivered the Invocation and tl.e Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL 0? CGUNC_L MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Delaurenti. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that absent Councilman Morris be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, Cit,> Treasurer, Arthur Haugan, Assistant City Attorney, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Com- missioner, Vern Churci;, Pure' asing, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, M. C. [-falls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks, and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. Announcements by the Mayor: 1. Donkey Baseball. Game on Friday, July 10, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. in Liberty Park 2. Flood Control Project mee-tinss - Kent City Hall on Tuesday, July 14th at 10:00 a.m. 3. Host to Governor Rosellini and Congressman Stinson - [-fed., July 15th all day also Boeing Courtesy Flight. 4. City Engineer Wilson to assume duties of Sup t. of Utilities,l3ob Puhich to supervise field work and Ted Bennett in charge of office. APPLICA`? OMS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PE]Pd-7"S: NO. ANIOUI4T NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF NORK 9587 $ 150,00 Pallet, Incorporated 7646 - 180th Ave. So. Meter for Saw 88 3,500,00 Russell G. Herr 12431 Rainier Ave. Addition to Bldg. 89 250.00 Domenic Carpine 212 Tobin Avenue Waterproof Boxes 9590 226.00 Foster & Kleiser 601 Sunset Blvd. W. Sign 91 22'x.00 Foster & Kleiser 653 Sunset Blvd. W. Sign 92 225,00 Foster & Kleiser 603 Sunset Blvd. W. Sign 93 1,4.50,00 LeRoy Hayes 1238 Shattuck Street Garage 94 800,00 Edwards & Brooks 2833 - 14th Avenue No. Foundation 9595 2,600.00 Paul Ballatore 247 Garden Street Apt.Wiring 96 500.00 Theodore Hill 1227 "0" Street Garage 97 - - - Harry Gilmour 10035 S.E. 95th Wire for pool heater 98 12,500.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13314 S.E. 116th St. New Residence 99 12,800..00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13324 S.E. 116th St. New Risidence 9600 86,000.00 T. & R. Market 11549 Sunset Blvd. E. Add to Comm'l. Bldg. 01 12 000.00 Brendel Bldg. 900 - 3rd Avenue Remodel Comm'l. Bldg. 02 1,400.00 Dorothy Houseman 409 Bronson Way North Concrete work 03 300.00 George I,�. Spencer 10451 - 108th Ave. SE Carport 04 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11406 - 134th S. E. Wire Residence 9605 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11409 - 134th S.E. Wire Residence 06 80000 Dealers Service Center 1579- 8th Ave. No. Wire gas pumps 07 600.00 Jane Duff 801 - 3rd Avenue Sign 08 200.00 Douglas Rowe 334 Meadow Street New Eaves 09 100:00 Glen Ellenberger 437 North Williams Carport 9610 100,00 1st Presb. Church 164th & Benson Hwy. Sign 11 100,00 Richard Houghton 1032 "Q" Street Fence 12 800.00 W. B. Branin 75 Rainier Avenue Temporary Office 13 2,500.00 Emile Longville 316 Tobin Avenue Add Bedroom 14 150.00 Sunset Outdoor Adv. 524 Rainier Avenue Wire Sign 9615 25,00 Pacific Car & Foundry 4th & Factory Streets Phone Booth 16 500.00 John Calhoun 419 Morris Street Garage 17 250.00 Foster & Kleiser 321 Rainier Avenue Sign 18 1,000.00 Norman Schultz 540 No. Williams Sunscreens 19 2(',000 Standard Service Tire 205 Logan Street Electric Sign 9620 275.00 United Homes 3905 - 11th Pl. No. Wire New Residence 21 275.00 United Homes 1144 "R" Street Wire New Residence 22 275.00 United Homes 1121 "R" Street Wire New Residence 23 800.00 R. E. White 330 Renton Street Add to garage 24 300.00 Edith J. Griffiths 1123 Morris St. So. Repair Chimney & Eaves Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 22nd be approved as written. Carried. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-6-64 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 6578 $ - - - Stanley Warren 8425 So. 130th Street Plumbing Fixtures 79 - - - Jim Roaback 13027 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 6580 - - - C. E. Robinson 815 Jones Street Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12729 - 86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 82 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12713 - 86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 83 - - Conner Const. Co. 12730 - 86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 84 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12736 - 86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 6585 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12501 - 87th Ave. So. Gas Installations 86 - - - Conner Construction 12740 - 86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 87 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12724 - 86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 88 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12718 - 86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 89 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12725 - 86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 6590 - - - Tiffany Homes 15516 - 120th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - Unger 13027 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 92 - - - Paul Ballatore 417 Garden Street Plumbing Fixtures 93 - - - Goodall Apartments 1033 Sunset Blvd. E. Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - United Homes 1121 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6595 - - - United Homes 1144 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - - United Homes Corp. 3905 - 11th Pl. No. Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - S. W. Wittmeyer 339 Meadow Street Gas Installations HEARING: 112th S.E. - 114th S.E. initiated by City - Proposed L.I.D. No. 251 This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk read letters of of^protest from 9 property owners along with petition containing an additional 14 names of residents of 112th Avenue S.E. which had been filed with -the City as of 5:00 p.m. and report of the City Engineer was read computing the percentage of protest to be 34.30/. of the total estimated cost of the project. Another petition, containing 9 additional signatures from residents of 114th Ave. S.E., S.E. 112th and 112th S.E. (12th Ave. No.) and S.E. 112th was presented and read by the Clerk. City Engineer Wilson was requested to report regarding the L.I.D. and a map was posted on the wall designating protesting areas in red as of 5:00 p.m. as reported in the Engineers percentage computation, and the route of the proposed sewer line was outlined. Audience comment was invited at this time and inquiries followed regarding effect of the new interchange on the properties involved in the L.I.D. Mr. Lloyd Peterson, 10029 S.E. 88th Street advised that the L.I.D. had not been initiated by the developers but that in order to improve undeveloped properties they are required -to install sewers and were therefore favorable to the improvement. City Engineer Wilson stated it was -the hope of the City that the L.I.D. would be accepted by the people in concern for savings in cost to everyone in the area by completing the plan prior to construction of the interchange as a greater savings in cost would undoubtedly be gained by consumating the L.I.D. for the whole area at this time and the City perspective is that everyone in -the corporate limits will be on sanitary sewers eventually. Mr. Peterson was advised that in the event the developers install the lines during improvements to their properties a Late Comers Agreement is provided allowing recovery of costs as each new connection is made. Comments followed from Mr. John Hogan, 11222 - 115th Ave. S.E. regarding the interchange and Mr. Charles Hamlin, 11204 S.E. 112th advised lie was speaking for at least six parties in his area who did want the sewers installed. Objections due to satisfactory septic facilities were expressed along with cost factors by Mr. Gus Lindberg, 11016 112th Avenue S.E., Mr. Joe Payne, 10814 - 112th Ave. S.E, Mr. Fred L. f. . Wendling, 11419 - 112th Ave. S.E., Alfred Erdt, 10831 - 112th Ave. S.E. and Mr. Emmett Eaton. Inquiries regarding deletion of a portion of the area and allowing the balance of the line were made along with inquiries regarding undeveloped land and mode of assess- ment on the proposed improvement by Ray Wells, 11025 - 112th Ave. S.E.,dim Burdulis, 11216 S.E. 112th Street, Mario Belmondo, 11021 - 116th Ave. S.E., Roger Peterson, 10514- 113th Ave. S.E., Milt Williams, 215 "M" Street, Jerome Stephenson, 11430 - B.E. 112th and Mr. Harold Jordan, 11607 Maple Valley Hwy. Upon request that the L.I.D. be computed with the added protests,by the Engineer, and that the cost be also estimated on the basis of deletion of the 112th Ave. S.E. portion and percentage of protest figured accordingly on a separate basis, it was Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Hearing be continued until later in the meeting when the Engineer had completed the computations. Upon inquiry the Clerk reported that there were 59 property owners benefitting by the L.I.D. and included on the present roll. The motion carried. Mayor Custer,during announcements,requested that Mr. Schellert and Mr. Trimm, Planning; Committee Members, alternate at attending the Planning Commission meetings and that Planning Committee Member Hulse attend Citizens Advisory Council meetings. -2- 445 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-6-64 COMMUNICATIONS: A Petition for Annexation to the City of Renton was read containing signatures of -ten property owners, I. J. Brodell, et al properties, located in the Maplewood - Cedar River area, pursuant to letter of intent introduced to Council on 8-19-64. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer for verification of signatures and validity of the Petition. Carried. A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission, by Roy 0. Nesbitt, Dist. State Aid Engineer, requested in an attached Agreement, permission to use 4th Avenue North from pit site to the freeway as a haul route during construction. Agrees nt Code C.S. 1727, PSH #1(SR 5), So. 144th Street to Ryan Street, L-1803. rw Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee,the City Engineer and the City Attorney with power to act. Carried. A letter read from the King County Assessor advised that the July Board of Equalization will reconvene on July 8, 1964 at 9:00 a.m. in the Assessor's office to hear appeals. City Clerk Nelson reported that no appeals have been filed for Renton to date according to the Assessor's office. A letter from City Clerk Nelson recommended that Ordinance No. 1628, Chapter 30, Section 5-3001 be amended to add a fee of $2.00 for each Permit and Hold Harmless Agreement or other such type document not otherwise provided for by City Ordinance, in order that the City might be reimbursed for those services rendered in connection therewith. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the recommendation to the Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. The Green River District of the Boy Scouts of America, in celebration of American Heritage Week, has scheduled a program at the High School Stadium on July 18th and now requested permission to hold a parade preceding the program. The Mayor and Council and their families were invited to attend the program. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request upon execution of H61d Harmless Agreement per usual procedure. Carried. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson requesting permission to attend the rr annual conference of the Institute of Traffic Engineers in Portland, Oregon on July 13, 14 and 15. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request. Carried. n A transfer of funds was requested by City Clerk Nelson from Account 1400, City Clerk's Department, 308, Advertising, $120.00 Unto, Account 1400, Clerkts Department, 606, Capital Outlay, Office Equipment, which constitutes the difference in price between a nine and twelve total capacity Monroe Printing Calculator purchased for use in the Payroll operation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer advised of an offer of $26,590.00 by Puget Sound Power & Light Company in connection with transfer of ownership of existing 20,000 lumen Mercury Vapor fixtures from the City to Puget Power, which offer is somewhat less than anticipated when the plan was adopted by the Council in order to relinquish the maintenance required thereon and have only the energy to pay for. Mayor Custer requested authorization to have_aniatppr'Aisal to assure a payment to the best interest of the City and referral of the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for appraiser's fees, with report back prior to acceptance of any payment for the fixtures. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appraisal and referral with report back as Mayor Custer suggested. Carried. A letter read from the City Clerk advised of request by the Park Department to appropriate $2,575.00 from Account 6120, Parks and Recreation Capital Outlay, 608, bow Amortization of Equipment unto a Depreciation Reserve Fund in order to replace Park Department movable equipment when amortized. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Park Department request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution creating said Depreciation Reserve Fund. Carried. A letter read from Mr. Orrin L. Madison submitted claim for $200.00 for the loss of his cherry crop by reason of marauding birds which due to City Ordinance may not be n dispersed by use of firearms. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the claim to the City Attorney. Carried. -3- i 44 n Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-6-64 COMMUNICATIONS (cont.) A Petition was read for vacation of a portion of County Road #34, submitted by Yolanda and Walter Gerber, 10828 S.E. 80th Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the Petition to the Street and Alley Committee, the City Engineer and the Planning Commission, to report back. Carried. A Petition was read requesting the vacation of a portion of S.E. 128th Street between 91st Avenue South and Rainier Avenue. (Henderson-Rivily property) The City Engineer's report accompanying the Petition advised that according to a check of the County records the signatures represented 100% ownership of abutting properties. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the Petition to the Planning Commissio and the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation with August 17, 1964 being set as the datefor Hearing, the Law and Ordinance Committee to submit a proper Resolution. Carried. A letter read from the Citizen's Advisory Council, John H. Swanson, Chairman, recommended that the Council adopt and pass a resolution calling for the State Highway Department -to widen 2nd Avenue from -the State Highway 169 - 405 interchange to a Rainier Avenue connection with State Highway 900 and that funds be budgeted for this project in the 1965-67 biennium period. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution requesting priority consideration for forwarding to the State. Carried. Mayor Custer declared a recess at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. HEARING: L.I.D. proposed for 112ti Ave. S.E. and 114th Ave. S.E. (continued) City Engineer Wilson at this time reported that the total protests amount to 40.85% of the total cost of the project and deleting tle 112th Ave. S.E. portion the protest totals 12.62% and the total remaining project cost will be $25,282.00, which City Engineer Wilson surmised would not cost the individual owner any additional over the preliminary estimate considering the 10% contingency factor. Mr. Harold Jordan requested his protest to be recorded and after further discussion regarding percentage of protest it was Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be continued to July 20, 1964. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that all persons affected by the L.I.D. be notified of the continued hearing. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of 6-24-64, as follows: 1. Variance - Herb Hackman, Appl. No. V-187-64 to construct residence on non- dedicated right-of-way. Quit-claim deeds and agreements executed by Mr. Hackman to be accepted by the City and the Variance allowed. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. 2. Revocable Permit - Carl F. Cooks, Appl. No. P-188-64 'to allow a sign within the 20' setback at Texaco Service Station at 3rd Place and Rainier Avenue. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gainini, to concur in the recommendation to grant -the Permit. Carried. A letter from Park Sup't., Gene Coulon, submitted Park Board recommendation that a bond issue in the amount of $450,000.00 be placed on the September 15th ballot for -the construction, development and equipping of the Lake Washington Beach property. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Park Board recommendation and to refer the matter to the City Attorneys for engaging associate bond counsel. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Chamber of Commerce again be requested to aid in promotion of the bond issue . Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer outlined the street construction program accomplished to date in 1964 in accordance with the budget allowances as well as availability of funds, and requested changes in the street construction program as budgeted,with allottment of --� $5,000.00 from Account No. 3200 (Street Construction) Code 605, Capital Outlay, unto 605 Storm Sewer Construction within -the same classification. Ic was further requested -that Council give some thought to participation by benefitting property owners in construction and improvement of interior streets, a policy change to be recommended in the Mayor's forthcoming preliminary budget. Attached was a list of anticipated expenditures and projects scheduled during the next year and the balance of this year, copies of which have been distributed to each Council Member. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the change of budget allocation in the Street Construction Account No. 3200 as outlined for S.E. 128th Street between 88th and 90th Avenues S.E. and the additional suggestions of the report. Carried. --4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-6-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Letters read from the Political Affairs Council thanked ti-e Mayor, Council and various Departments of the City for cooperation during the Renton Fourth of July Parade and celebration which was deemed to have been a successful event. Mayor Custer added his thanks and appreciation for the efforts of the Council Members who attended the functions throng' out the day while the1Governor and Congress- man Stinson were visiting the community. Certifications of Routes of Primary and Secondary State Highways within the limits of incorporated Cities and Towns other than routes of Limited Access Facilities were received by the Clerk from the Washington State Highway Commission along with notice of Limited Access Facilities on the Primary and Secondary Routes which will be filed in the Clerks office for reference. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer was read reporting appointment of the following to serve as a special committee to study the complaints arising from the emergency medical service now available at the Renton Hospital and to meet with the proper authorities regarding the matter: Glenn Gianini, Chairman, and Roger Lewis and Larry Gibson. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Council President Poli presented his Committee of the Whole Report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Financing of the Green River Flood Control Project to be held in committee pending information from the County Engineers. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur. Carried. Recommended garbage rate adjustment be referred to the Ways and Means and Sanitation Committees for report at budget time. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in -the recommendation. Carried. Recommendations from the Citizens Advisory Council to be held in Committee of The Whole until site plans and other data is submitted by Johnston-Campanella. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. Request to be made that the Planning Commission designate any land use changes advisable in sites 4 and 4a prior to acquisition proceedings by-the City. Moved b Perry, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. # a \ Recommended that the City place a $150,000.00 bond issue on the ballot, contingent upon suitable site donation, for a new branch library in the Renton Highlands. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Discussion followed during which Marcella Hillgen, City Librarian, was requested to advise of the Library Board's opinion on the matter. She reported that the Library Board had met with the Property Committee and would submit a recommendation in the near future but that she could not, with the contingency factor of the site, express an opinion for the Board at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the motion be tabled. Dissenting voice vote brought required requests for roll call and the vote was taken as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Trimm and Delaurenti. No: Pedersen, Garrett and Perry. The ayes carried 7 to 3 and the motion carried. A letter from the Library Board was presented for reading and advised that the Board approved appropriation and transfer of $235,000.00 from the City's Cedar River Acquisition Fund unto Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1975, and a proposed Resolution to effect same, for designing, constructing and equipping a main library building within the general area or vicinity of Liberty Park. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Discussion on the quiestion followed with inquiry by Perry as to whether the money could, by adding a contingency, be returned to the original fund if the bond issue fails. City Attorney Haugan advised that once in' a special cumulative reserve fund and designated for a specific purpose, the money cannot be spent otherwise and may be transferred out only by vote of the people. Inquiry was made as to whether some othef type of fund might be established and Mr. Haugan affirmed possibilities of creating A. special fund, earmarking certain funds in the budget or .other funds. The pending motion carried. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-6-64 COUNCIL COMMI 2EL REPORTS: OLD BUST14ESS - (cont.) Councilman Hulse reported meeting of the Capital improvement Priorities Committee and review of expenditure proposals and announced a subsequent meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, July 7, 1964 at 7:30 o:m, Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Regarding referral of 6-8-64 for funding of feasibility study and site plan for Civic Center development to be prepared by Johnston-Campanella & Associates, it was recommended that the $3,000.00 payment be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1184. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that the sum of $2,812.00 for securing of equipment for the signal maintenance truck recently purchased by the City, be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1182, Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried, Property Committee Chairman, Councilman Pedersen, reported meeting with the Library Board regarding the new library site and will hold the committee recommenda- tion until the Board has made determinations at its meeting of the 15th and reported to the Committee. Councilman Cianini called attention to $15,000.00 budgeted for grandstand seats to be installed in Liberty Park and requested a meeting to institute building of the seats. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the matter to the Park Board_ for consideration and report back to Council. Carried. Council-man Timm, Chairman of the 701 Planning Committee, reported that the Contract agreement between the City and Johnston-Campanella & Company has been prepared and reviewed - md its is recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute and `_-.::, same. Moved by �e'aurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Comm 1. ee authorizing the execution of the document. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers 5420 through 5515, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by Council at this time . Carried, Inquiry vers made by Councilman Hulse as to whetlhe+: 10th Placerdorth, just East of Sunset Highway, is going to be oiled. City Engineer Wilson stated it 1•1as expected to be oiled by the developer of that Plat and is supposed to be taken care of this year. Mr. Hulse stated the street to have been in fair shape prior to sewer installations. Mayor Custer advised of forthcoming recommendation to be submitted to the Street and Alley Commitee regarding funding of street oiling but until further notice authorization has been given to proceed in the usual manner until available funds are expended. Councilma:: Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee with the Cite :,nginse-.- at 7:00 p.m. on July 13, 1964. Moved by -3e__-y, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Mayor consider lc.wexx: ­-g..sewer rates in prelim._nary budget by 25t. Carried. Moved by _erxy, seconded by Trimm, that the Mayor's preliminary budget reflect �, setting aside of funds to establish a policy of contributing 50% of the cost of future L.I.D. 's for improvement of interior streets. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer this matter_ to the Capital:: Improvement Priority Committee for recommendation- Escence of time wa- s.-mentioned and 'vpOn impending discussion and inquiry, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Pedersen, to adjourn. Carried: The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Where were 64 visitors in the Council Chambers. -6- July 6, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were submitted for Council approval: VOUCHER - PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 5420 Aircraft Equipment & Salvage 10.04 5421 Airkem Sales & Service 50.03 5422 Blumenthal Uniform Co., Inc. 93.81 5423 Business Control, Inc, 130,00 60 5424 Busy Bee Rentals 41.72 5425 J. Charesko 2040 5426 Coast Wide Supply 85,35 5427 D. W1 Custer 255 5428 Th. F. Davis - Roger W. Davis 10400 5429 Drager's Harley-Davidson Co. 22.93 5430 Robert Nelson Failing 2,40 5431 W. E. Frazee 39.95 5432 J. K. Gill Company 41.50 5433 Paul Henry 15.94 5434 J. David Jensen 1'26.63 5435 Catherine Kindred 158.08 5436 L & H Printing 77,79 5437 Market Basket ¢#3 45.20 5438 Market Basket #5 9,07 5439 Meter Components 182.91 5440 Motorola C and E 288.86 5441 Pacific Northwest Bell 368473 5442 Pacific Outfitting 'Co. 6.19 5443 J. C. Penney Company, Inc.. 1036 5444 Potoshnik Fuel 87-79 5445Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 750,31 5446 ._ Rateico _ 35.00 5447 Record Office Supply 224.62 '5L48 Remington-Rand Company 14.56 " 5449 City of Renton 433.66 5450 Renton Cameras 124.70 5451 Renton Enterprise 155.74• 5452 Seattle King Co. Dept. of Public Health 175.0n 5453 Donald Stickles 2.40 5454 V, b. Stiles 2.40 5455 U. S. Post Office 71.06 5456 David Walsh 31.80 5457 W/T City Treasurer .Cr Equipment Rental 2,396,37 5458 Wesco Fire liparatus Co. 13.52 5459 Westlake Electronics Supply 29.54 ARTERI: 450 July 6, 1964 VCUCHERS Con t EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND Con't 5475 Ray Hansen 18.72 5476 Interstate Tire Company 98.44 5477 Lubrication Equipment Co. 30.11 5478 0. K. Rubber Stores 16.18 5479 Pratto Sales Co., Inc. 3.48 5480 The Rucker Company 120.64 5481 Totem Equipment 267.32 PARK FUND 5482 1",irkem Sales & Service 50,03 5483 B & J Equipment 19.25 5484 Best Universal Lock Co. 31.25 5485 John Julian and Son 25.54 5486 Pacific Northwest Bell 19.57 5487 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 30.97 5488 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 162.06 5489 ' Puget Sound Salvage & Equipment 14.39 5490 City of Renton 29.00 5491 Renton Concrete Products 11.90 5492 Renton Sand & Gravel 234.00 5493 Sherwin-Williams 24.04- 5494 Turf & Toro Supply 18.49 5495 U. S. Post Office 20.00 5496 W/T City Treasurer Cr Equipment Rental 206.18 U ITER ZroORKS UTILITY FUND 5497 iunerican Plumbing & Steam 612.77 5498 B & J Equipment 3.38 5499 Empire Way Seed & Garden 4.16 5500 Mr. Charles B. Guy 17.30 5501 N C R Company 53.91 5502 Helmie Nelson 2.00 5503 Pacific Northwest Bell 97.15 5504 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 8.28 5505 Record Office Supply 7.86 5506 Renton Concrete 'roducts 140.14 5507 Frank E. Rhodes "3.90 5508 W/T City Treasurer Cr Equipment Rental 2,089.26 AIRPORT FUND 5509 Bevans Plumbing & Heating 29.33 5510 Coast Wide Supply 4.94 5511 Itn F. Davis - Roger W. Davis 15.00 5512 Universal Sign Company 20.80 5513 W/T City Treasurer Cr Equipment Rental 66.50 CUP'NLITIVE FUND NO. 1184 5514 Black River Quarry 33.95 5515 Bonnell Nurseries 139.84 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Donald W. Custer, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETI NG July 13, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald I1. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Arthur L. Haugan, Assistant City Attorney, Vic TeGantvoorL-, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Richard Houghton, Engineering Department, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gene Coulon, Supt. of Parks, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Highton, Building Supt. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, that the minutes of the previous meeting of July 6, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. Announcements by the Mayor: 1. Flood Control Project meeting - Kent City Hall Council Chambers, Tuesday, at 10:00 a.m. to discuss mode of financing the program. 2. Tuesday, July 14, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. - Special Power Rate Committee meeting with Puget Sound Power and Light Company representatives at the Puget Power Building. 3. Wednesday, July 15, 1964 at 10:00 a.m. a hearing will be held in the Renton City Hall Council Chambers to establish the final route of the North Renton Interchange. 4. Wednesday, July 15, at 2:00 p.m. the Boeing Company will host a courtesy flight for the Mayor and Council Members. If transportation is needed a bus will be leaving from the 1060 Building,(new administration building), at 1:00 p.m. and return you to that point following the flight. Also, Mayor Custer will be leaving City Hall at that time and will be glad to take anyone along from this location. 5. On Saturday, July 18, 1964 the Green River District of the Boy Scouts of America is holding American Heritage celebration which will begin with a parade in the vicinity of 4th Avenue North and Williams Street, followed by a ceremony and program in the High- school stadium at 8:00 p.m. The parade is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. and everyone is cordially invited to attend the event. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9625 $ 400.00 Arnold Hagen 540 Shattuck Street Addition to Bldg. 26 100.00 J. B. Marchetti 547 Pelly Street Incinerator & Barbecue 27 225.00 Mr. Schlasser 416 Renton Street Wire Addition 28 400.00 James Denzer 305-11 Meadow Street Drive & Roof repair 29 12,500.00 Emmett Kindle 9629 - 108th Ave. S.E. New Residence 9630 100.00 Fred Calhoun 3303 - 11th Place No. Fence 31 2,000.00 P. Harder So. 153rd & 89th So. Office Building 32 100.00 Raymond Rosa 408 - 7th Avenue Utility Room Addition 33 50.00 Robert L. Richardson 405 Wells Street Repair Skirting on Res. 34 200.00 U. S. Army 91 - 2nd Avenue Sign 9635 900.00 Robert L. Boggs 2414 - 9th Avenue So. Remodel Bath 36 9,000.00 Elmer Morarch 12647 - 89th Ave. So. New Residence 37 14,000.00 Gerald Nichols 3405 "N" Street New Residence 38 300.00 Herb Hackman S.E. 102nd Street Wire new residence -- 39 722.00 Tiffany Homes 15516 - 120th Ave. S.E. Wire new residence 9640 50.00 Roy Williams 10833 - 110th P1. S.E. Wire new addition PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6598 - - - Mrs. Dickenson 12506 - 88th Pl. So. Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - Mrs. Coffin 12901 - 90th South Plumbing Fixtures 6600 - - - Robert CastonE-uay 3412 - 11th P1. No. Plumbing Fixtures 01 - - - Austin Eaton 11423 S.E. 104th Gas Installations 02 - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13324 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures -1- 45L. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-13-64 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS (cont. ) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 6603 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13316 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - Standard Stations 201 - 3rd Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 6605 - - - - Robert L. Boggs 2414 - 9th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11624 S.E. 106th P1. Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - - Herb Hackman S.E. 102nd Street Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15516 - 120th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 09 - - - - Arnold Hagen 540 Shattuck Street Plumbing Fixtures 6610 - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11624 S.E. 106th Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 11 V 0 1 D D. W. Ballew 1317 "H" Place Gas Installation COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from the Renton-King County Pioneer Association, Paul Houser, Secretary, requesting the City to adopt a Resolution designating Sunday, August 23, 1964 as Renton-King County Pioneer Day. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan advising that Mr. James Gay, of Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay & Moch, Bond Counsel, has been notified of the City Council's action of placing a general obligation bond issue, in the sum of $4505000.00, on the primary ballot in September, 1964 for the construction, development and equipping of the Lake Washington Beach property. Inquiry was made as to determination of the Council regarding time element for the main library bond issue in the sum of $1503000.00 if it is to go on the September ballot. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that City Attorney Shellan be advised that Council has determined that the Lake Washington Beach bond issue will be the only one on the September ballot. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the library bond issue be placed on the November ballot. Carried. A letter from the King County Engineer, Walter F. Winters, was read advising that upon reviewing the Soil Conservation Service's Watershed Work Plan for the Green River Basin, the proposal has been approved and the best mode of financing is now being determined, the most expedient method presently acknowledged to be through a flood control zone district. It was requested that the Mayor and/or Council members attend a meeting on Tuesday, July 14 at 10:00 a.m. in the Kent City Hall Council Chambers. A request from each of the Cities would authorize the Board to commence proceedings to create the zone district. A map of the watershed boundaries was attached, A letter was read from the V.F.W. Post 1263, Renton requesting consideration of application to again operate a safe and sane fireworks stand in Renton in July, 1965. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the communication to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from Mayor Custer reporting authorization of Fund Transfers within budget classifications for the period from April 15, 1964 to June 15, 1964 as follows: Planning Commission Account #1720 From 417, Materials and Supplies, Unto 504, Travel Expense, $250.00 - April 30, 1964, Planning Commission Account #1720, From 417, Materials and Supplies, unto 504, Travel Expense, $100.00 - June 8, 1964. Police Civil Service Account #1900, From 504, Travel Expense, Unto 417, Materials & Supplies, $16.34. Application was read from A. & B. Sportsman Headquarters, 317 Main Street, F, Aliment and 0. Bausano, owners, for a dance hall license for the tavern side of the premises. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the request to the police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from Mr. Leo Lazetti called attention to irregular spacing of mercury vapor linhts on Shattuck Street South between 11th Avenue South and 13th Avenue South and a fourth light was recommended for pole located on property line at 1132 and ll" v Shattuck Street South. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the Light and Power Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from the Olympic Pipe Line Company, Wm. J. Collins, Right-Of- Way representative, requesting francilise from the City in connection w=_th construction of a pipe line for transporting refined petroleum products from refineries e� T4obi1 Oil Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-6-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Olympic Pipe Line Company request for franchise: Company at Ferndale, Washington and Shell Oil Company and Texaco, Inc. of Anacortes, Washington, to terminals in Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia, Washington and to Portland, Oregon. Certain portions of the route will run along, over, through, across and under public lands and rights of way of the City. Forms were provided for further processing of the application and check No. 2113 in the sum of $1,023.00 accompanied the application in regard to Easements to be required as outlined therein. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee, the City Engineer and the City Attorney to investigate and report back. Discussion ensued regarding the referral and inquiries were addressed to Mr. Collins regarding the proposed installation after which the pending motion carried. A letter read from the Renton City Employees Club invited the Mayor and Council and their families to attend the Annual Club Picnic on August 8th all day at Lake Sammamish - Alexanders Resort, for lots of "picnic fun" . A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommenda- tion from its meeting of July 8, 1964, that the Final Plat of Talbot Crest be approved at this time and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A letter from Mr. Albert J. Meyer, Acting Regional Director, Urban Renewal, of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Box 36003, San Francisco, California, confirmed observations of Code Specialist Harold C. Powell and Field Representative Merrell L. Watts, that the proposed civic center site identified as 4 and 4a, (bounded by Bronson Way, Main Street, Walla Walla Street and Cedar River) did not contain obvious conditions warranting total clearance and therefore eligibility for qualification has not been established at this time. Under Federal requirements, more than 50% of the primary buildings in a project must be structurally deficient to an extent that warrants clearance. It was suggested that the community consider undertaking a feasibility survey conducting inspections necessary to determine the eligibility or lack of it. It was further suggested that abutting properties might be included for the purpose of establishing eligibility and subsequently adjusting project boundaries as dictated by the results of the survey. Discussion ensued regarding prior action and proposals for a civic center site, none of which qualify, or would be suitable on the whole forgeneral neighborhood renewal and general clearance. Inquiry was made regarding the contract recently executed between the City and Johnston-Campanella & Associates for a feasibility and site plan which encompassed the 4 and 4a sites and Attorney Haugan advised that the firm had inquired about reducing the hourly work a few days ago. Mayor Custer pointed out that sites 4 and 4a were not impossible to acquire but their eligibility for getting matching funds was not assured and it was felt that Johnston-Campanella would be amenable to contract changes if needed. It was pointed out that the contract does generally call for investigation of all City properties in this area however determina- tion is in order if specific locations are to be recommended. Councilman Gianini affirmed his convictions that in lieu of seeking acquisition of additional properties the City should develop its presently owned lands and Moved that the City Hall and Library be located in Cedar River Park with referral of the recommendation to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and dissenting voice vote brought the required request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Trimm, Perry, and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, and Morris. Seven Aye votes and four no votes carried the motion. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk reported receipt of Continental National Insurance Group Check ##458665 from proceedings against a bond which represents payment for work performed in completing city requirements in the development of the Plat of Sandee Terrace. The check was issued to the City and in order to eliminate appropria- tion into the budget for expenditure a Resolution was recommended authorizing the City Treasurer to endorse the check to Valley Cement Construction, Inc. P. 0. Box 838, Auburn, Washington, who completed the work. This method of handling the payment was in order according to the advice of the State Examiner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the recommendation of the City Clerk. Carried. A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, reported that the County Records indicate that the Petition, submitted by Yolanda and Walter Gerber, to vacate that portion of County Road ##34 lying within Tract 183 of C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 3, was signed by 100% of the abutting property owners. Garrett then Moved that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution fixing the date of August 24, 1964 for hearing on the proposed vacation. Carried. -3- 454 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-13-64 COMMUNICATION: A letter from the Renton Jr. Chamber of Commerce was read thanking the City's participants in the July 10th Donkey Ballgame and Mayor Custer returned the expression adding reticence of certain "Donkey Riders", however. Chuckles indicated that the affair was gleefully enjoyable and return invitation to the City was extended. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to proposed motion of the previous week and after discussion on whether the Priority Committee for Capital Improvements, the Ways and Means Committee, or the Street and Alley Committee should be the proper author - tative body, to make recommendation of extent of City participation on interior street L.I.D. 's, and Dahlquist's further recommendation that the Committee of the Whole meet with Mr. H. DeWayne Kreager to review the Capital Improvement portion of the recent Public Administration Service report submitted by Mr. DeSantis, it was Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the suggested 50% city participation in any interior street L.I.D. to the Capital Improvement Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, presented his report recommending, in concurrence with suggestion of the Park Board, that the City Attorney be authorized to negotiate with the State of Washington to seek acquisition of the park site at 112th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 100th Street, known as Kennydale Lions Club Playfield. Mr. Pedersen explained that the Lions Club had made the request in anticipation of future lease security. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the recommendation be referred to the City Attorney with report back to follow. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, that the matter of $150,000.00 bond issue proposition, tabled at the previous meeting, be taken from the table at this time. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that the $150,000.00 proposed bond issue for the Renton Highlands Branch Library, be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers 5516 through 5627, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that Mayor Custer be requested to contact Mr. Kreager to meet with the Committee of the Whole regarding implementation of the Capital Improvement and further pursuance of the program as outlined in the Public Administration Service report. Carried. Councilman Garrett presented a letter from the American Municipal Association which was read by the Clerk and advised of the appointment of Mr. Garrett as a member of the American Municipal Association's Committee on Intergovernmental Relations. The committee is responsible for reviewing and updating existing policy statements of the Association in the areas covered by Committee and for considering any additional proposals referred to the committee, who will meet at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach Florida at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 26, 1964. Mr. Garrett advised he has accepted the appointment, recalling the election of Councilman Floyd C. Miller of Seattle as Second-Vice President, Association of Washington Cities Executive Board, and Councilman Garrett as Secretary and Delegate to the American Municipal Congress. Councilman Delaurenti submitted a report of the Fire and Water Committee recommending, as a result of a meeting with the Superintendent of Utilities, the following: That the Utility Department be authorized to call for bids, under the supervision of the buildings department, to remove and dispose of existing frame water pump house building and to construct a new concrete block water pump house building at the S.E. corner of 12th Avenue North and Sunset Blvd. East with bid opening to be set for Monday, July 20, 1964. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that the Utility Department abe authorized to pay for the difference in cost between 6" cast iron pipe and 12' cast iron pipe to be installed by the Developer to serve the plat of Tiffany West,the difference in cost to cover materials only. The larger pipe anticipated to be an economy measure in future development. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. The City Clerk inquired regarding the authorization as to beim within the bid call law requirements. --4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting NEW BUSINESS: (cont. ) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to recess at this time. The motion Carried. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. Council President Poli requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 16, 1964. Mayor Custer advised that a representative Engineer from the Olympic Pipe Line Company would be present regarding the request for a franchise to pipe various types of fues through the City and it was requested that the City Attorney, Street Commissioner, City Engineer, Utility Sup't., Planning Director, Park Sup't., Fire Chief be present with anticipated costs that may be incurred by reason of the pipeline installation. Prior referral to the Fire and Water Committee was discussed after which it was moved by .,.. Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Gianini announced that he has films of the all Indian Rodeo which he would like to show to the Council and moved that this presentation be placed on the Agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting on Ttiursday. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and seconded. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman Morris, of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Chapter 7 (Wards and Precincts) of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City Of Renton", which was read by the Clerk. (Revising Precinct boundaries and establishing precincts 43 and 44) Moved by Morris, seconded by DelaurEn ti, to place the proposed Ordi- nance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Ordinance No. 2100 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Chapter 10 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" by establishing a new section licensing and regulating Ping Pong Parlors, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and firs 1 reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the adoption of Ordinance No. 2101 as read. Roll call vote resulted with all 'Council Members present voting aye and the motion carried. The Committee presented `a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the City Clerk to give Notice that the 17th day of August, 1964 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington is the time and place fixed for hearing on the Petition for vacation of South 128th Street between 91st Avenue South and Rainier Avenue. (Henderson-Rivily property) After reading of the document, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1255 be adopted as read. Carried. The Committee presented a,proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington requesting the State Highway Commission to take all necessary steps and actions to provide for and have allocated,sufficient funds in the next State Budget for the widening of 2nd Avenue from State Highway 169-405 Interchange to its connection with Rainier Avenue and State Highway 900, and that the State Highway Department, together with all other proper agencies, give all necessary priority to the project. Upon reading of the document, it was Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1256 as read. Discussion followed regarding the reason for widening of Second Avenue as being related to implementa- tion of the 701 program rather than excessive traffic volume and inquiry was made as to the intent of the Citizens Advisory Council and Chamber of Commerce who instigated the request for the Resolution. After further comment regarding the widenings program as it would be affected upon reaching Rainier Avenue, the pending motion carried. A proposed Resolution was presented and read by the Clerk authorizing transfer of pity Clerk's Department Funds, Account 1400, from 308, Maintenance and Operation - .—kdvertising, $120.00, Unto 606, Capital Outlay - Office Equipment, $120.00. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1257 as read. Carried. Chairman Morris advised of a proposed Resolution regarding appropriation of $235,000.00 into a Cumulative Reserve Fund #1975 which was to be held in Committee pending Committee of the Whole report regarding referral for funding of the Highlands Branch Library. Mayor Custer again reminded the Council of meeting dates and events as contained in his earlier announcements and audience comment was invited at this time. As none were forthcoming and there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, secnnded by Morris, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. -5- July 13, 1964 City of Renton vouchers, having; been previously approved by the :auditing and :.ccounting Committee, trere submitted for Council approval: VOUCIIER P= :.MOUNT CURRENT FUND 5516 l.rbuckle Glass 6.79 5517 atomic Battery Shop 88.76 5518 Book Publishing 26.00 5519 Jack Brattus 47.60 5520 Burnrito oil Company 88.02 5521 ??ally Clarke Fuel 69.21 5522 Copy Company 128.25 5523 L. N. Curtis and Sons 9.61 5524 Enployment Security Department 43914.62 5525 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 152.50 5526 Frank Henry 55.78 5527 Ding Co. Humane Society 606.66 5528 Ding County Medical Service Corp. 720.80 5529 HcLendon Hardtirare 54.67 5530 Natthow Bender & Co., Inc. 34.84 5531 Mobile Communication 156.00 5532 I-iotorola C & E 10.78 5533 Byers Oil Company 20.24 5534 11cnton Enterprise 43.86 5535 Seattle ':rt & Photo 6.64 5536 Shaw Drug 25.85 5537 Standard Insurance Co. 217.75 5538 Stateti-ride City Employees Retirement System 2,504.34 5539 Trojan Lithograph 75.71 554o U. S. Post Office 60.00 5541 TT/T City Treas. Cr. Current 8.74 5542 `VT City Treas. Cr. Equip. Rental 204.27 5543 Washington State Research Council 16.00 CITY STREET FUND to 5544 Employment Security Department 13572.27 5545 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 80.50 5546 ming County iiedical Service Corp. 134.58 5547 The Mid-Way ',sphalt Co. 48.41 5548 i,iobile Communications 52.00 5549 Renton I�iotor Parts 35.67 555o Statoiride City Employees Retirement System 239.96 5551 Stoneiray Sand & Gravel 13 2.91 5552 IT/T City Treas. Cr. Equip. Rental 40.74 CED.•.R RETER II. & I. FUND 5553 Employment Security Department 41.58 5554 ming County Hedi.cal Service Corp. 8.15 OFF STREET P_'.RhING MID 5555 hilt ?!illiams 100.00 EQUI MIT RrIIT'L FUND 5556 ,rbucklo Glass 5.41 5557 itomic Battery Shop 198.84 5558 :. H. Cox Co. 618.80 5559 Employment Security Department 411.57 5560 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 40.00 5561 Dent Oxygen 13.04 5562 Xing County Hodical Service Corp. 20.47 5563 HcLendon Hardware 17.33 5564 iJ. C. Iiachinery 90.91 5565 Renton Rotor Parts 200.24 5566 Renton Radiator, Inc. 17.68 5567 Standard Service Tire Co. 3.45 5568 Statewide City Employees Ro tircment System 80.22 457 July 13, 1964 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND Con't 5569 Thomas Auto Rebuild 26.84 5570 W/T City Treasurer Cr Street 3.00 LIBRARY FUND 5571 Bro-Dart Industries 7.28 5572 California Library lissociation 1.83 5573 Children's Book Council, Inc. 5.4o 5574 Council of State Governments 13.00 5575 Demco Library Supplies 4.00 5576 Dept. of Conservation 7.5o 5577 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 306.24 5578 Employment Security Dept. 462.56 5579 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.5o 5580 King County iiedical Service Corp. 75.i5 5581 Overall Cleaning & Supply 2.50 5582 Pacific Northwest Bell 62.81 5583 Puget Sound News Co. 1,523.28 5584 Puget Sound Power & Light 41.53 5585 Record Stationery & Office Supply 2.44 5586 St. Liartins Press, Inc. 7.57 5587 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 138.59 5588 University of Chicago Press 4.50 5589 Washington State Tax Commission 10.67 5590 ITashinrton State Tax Commission 12.03 5591 H. 111. Milson Company 223.00 PI�RK FUND 5592 Coast Wide Supply 4.o8 5593 Employment Security Department 11018.69 5594 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 24.00 5595 King County iiedical Service Corp. 81.90 5596 Mc Lendon Hardirare 187.02 5597 Hine Safety Appliance Co. 74.88 5598 Nu Life Fertilizer 82.56 5599 Penn Salt 78.00 5600 Renton Boiler I-Torks 210.00 5601 Renton iiotor Parts 6.53 5602 Renton Plumbing & Heating 11.42 5603 Statewide City Employees Retirement System 96.50 5604 Victor's Fuel 3.41 5605 W/T City Treasurer Cr Equipment Rental 71.14 5606 W/T City Treasurer Cr Street 10.50 !E,TER WORKS, UTILITY 5607 Employment Security Department 1,470.09 5608 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 48.00 5609 icing County ISedical Service Corp. 163.60 5610 I-Ic Lendon Hardware 26.18 5611 Mobile Communications 52.00 5612 1iunicipality of Metropolitan Seattle 9,574.00 5613 Staternide City Employees Retirement System 190.00 5614 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 86.63 5615 Trojan Lithograph 6.24 5616 W/T City Treasurer Cr Current 23126-52 5617 W/T City Treasurer Cr Current 417.00 5618 W/T City Treasurer Cr Equipment Rental 5.36 5619 W/T City Treasurer Cr Street 659.31 5620 Kashin-ton State Tax_ Commission 13189.53 *f 'AIRPORT FUND 5621 Tom Dobson and Son 1,015.65 5622 Employment Security Department 180.87 5623 King County Medical Service Corp. 24.45 562 Renton f viation, Inc. 100.40 562 Statet-ride City Employees 37.86 5 I^J/T City Treasurer Cr Current 205-CO CU14UL,TIVE FUND FO. 1184 5627 W/T City Treasurer Cr Street x,308.07 Helmie W. Nelson D na]_d W. Custer. Mayor 5 K RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 20, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Highton, Building Sup't. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 20, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9641 $ 100.00 William J. Cameron 9839 S.E. 93rd Street Shingle shed roof 42 450.00 Albert E. Ellingson 3010 - 5th Ave. East Driveway and curb 43 150.00 A. E. Van Wyck 11401 S.E. 112th St. New electric service 44 150.00 Martin Seaholm 2215 - 6th Ave. No. Fence 9645 20,000.00 T. & R. Market 11549 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Market 46 350.00 Smitty's Pancake House 12431 Rainier Avenue Wire Addition 47 10,000.00 C. 0. Nickell Greater Renton Shopping Remodel Coffee Shop 48 50.00 Vanguard Corporation Park Avenue between 5th & 6th - Sign 49 200.00 Glen Gianini 10421 S.E. 98th Street Retaining wall & 7% 9650 250.00 Foster. & Kleiser 519 Airport Way Sign 51 250.00 Foster & Kleiser Henry C. Tobin DC 37 Sign 52 2,000.00 C. E. Nystrom 3316 - 5th Avenue E. Addition to Bldg. 53 73.00 Donald B. Henning 8810 South 126th Fence AUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 6612 - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11624 S.E. 106th Gas Installations 13 - - - - W. B. Branin 75 Rainier Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 14 - - - - Mr. Anderson 616 Morris Street Gas Installations 6615 - - - - D. W. Ballew 1317 "H" Place Gas Installations 16 - - - - Renton Shopping Center Unit A - Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 17 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13328 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13214 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11502 - 133rd S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 6620 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13326 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13316 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - Richard Coe 12629 - 89th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: (continued from 7-13-64) Proposed L.I.D. No. 251, 112th Ave. S.E. area This being the date set the Hearing was declared open and continued. The Clerk read written protests from Etta Duke and Harold Jordan and a Petition from Guy Williams H. W. Jordan, Mario Belmondo, J. Welch and letter from Alede B. Hefferman protesting the proposed L.I.D. City Engineer Wilson reported 57.8% protests from the over all area and 39.6% from remaining area with deletion of 112th Avenue S.E. Verbal comment was invited and protests were registered verbally by a number of the residents including Mr. Gustav Lindberg, Fred and Mrs. Wendling, Ray Wells Mrs. Dayle Traylor. City Engineer Wilson outlined the proposed route and cost. Mr. Charles Hamlin and Mr. Thomas Hogan voiced approval of the project and discussion ensued regarding costs, mode of installation, and institution of the L.I.D, Mr. Lloyd Peterson outlined his position as developer in the area. As there was no further audience comment it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert to delete the 112th Avenue S.E. area from the project as proposed. Carried. Cost was discussed and relative percentage of protest. A motion was proposed to institute an L.I.D. on balance of the property however City Attorney Shellan advised the City could add to but rot delete Lrom Petitions and t'-at a new proceedin would need to -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-20-64 HEARING (cont. ) Proposed L.I.D. 251 - 112th Ave. S.E. - 114th Ave. S.E. be initiated and notice given to the property owners as to different boundaries to be encompassed within the newly proposed L.I.D. especially with the figure of approximately a 40% protest. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the pending L.I.D. No. 251 be disapproved at this time, Discussion on the question ensued regarding revision of the boundaries and whether the small area would feasibly warrant an L.I.D. City Engineer Wilson advised it would be a likely project, not objectionable and that the cost would not exceed those formerly estimated. Property owners were advised they might circulate a new Petition and after inquiry regarding addition by the City to the prior original petition and sub- sequent protest, the pending motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Remove existing; name pump house and erect new concrete block structure This being the date set, the following sealed bid was opened and read by the City Clerk: Glenn L. Payne - Payne Construction - 633 South Burnett Street - Renton $5,455.67 plus sales tax, $218.23 - total bid, $5,673.89. Certified check #$1118 in suns of 5% accompanied the bid. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry to refer the bid to the Fire and Water Committee with power to act. Carried. HEARING: Proposed vacation of South 129th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. (Keller et al properties) The City Clerk reported no written protests or objections had been received and that the City Engineer's investigation had disclosed that signatures on the Petition represented 100% of ownerships. Upon inquiry, Planning Director Jensen advised that the Plannin- Commission recommendation was favorable to the Vacation with the usual utility easements to be executed in conjunction -therewith. There being no audience comment or further discussion, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to grant the vacation as recommended with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper Ordinance. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: w.. A letter read from Mayor Custer requested that the Council designate one of its members to be Mayor pro-tem for the period of July 25 through August 1, 1964 during; the absence of the Mayor and President of the Council Poli from the City while attending the annual convention of the American Municipal Association. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that Councilman Delaurenti be designated to act as Mayor. Councilman Delaurenti consented to acceptin ; the responsibility and the pending motion carried. A letter from the State Highway Commission, C. G. Prahl, Director of Highways, acknowledgin,c; the City's letter and Resolution No. 1256 re.ardin the widening of 2nd Avenue was read and ti-e new budgeting procedure known as the Priority Program Act whiclo was passed by tLe last Legislature requiring budgeting on the basis of need and providin for determinin, priority throu€h criteria contained in the Act, was outlined. A Petition was read, containing 43 signatures,of Tiffany Park residents, w!Ach requested additional safety measures in regard to surveillance of new construction areas in order to eliminate hazards to small children, such as t` e construction ditcl w' ich was left open and unprotected, by contractors_in the area where a four year old boy was drowned on July 8th. A play area was requested for this development which does not have- easy access to City parks. Complaint was included regarding the Spring Glen Fire Department responding to a call prior to the City Fire Department. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stoleson, parents of the small boy related the circumstances which led to the tragedy, advising of certain other open excavations wi-til water accumulations during rains, an open electrical power box and scraps of wood witi: projecting nails - all hazards temptin[ to a little boy at play. A play area has been establislied by the residents on adjacent vacant property and inquiry was made regardin;_; legislation for inspection of property under development. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of Lie Whole, the Building Department and City Attorney. Fire Chief Walls advised that the City responds to all calls within the City immediately upon notification and that the Spring Glen Fire Department noti-+-ied the City of the referenced fire in the Petition as that was where it was reported. Much faster response can be made if the calls are made directly to the City and not through another Department. Discussion ensued dis- closing that insofar as legislation is concerned adequate provision is made in the Building Code, Plumbing & Heating;, and other portions of the City's General Code of Ordinances, under public nuisance section, police powers, and provisions for boarding up -2- 0 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 7-20-64 COMMUNICATIONS: Drowning-Petition of dangerous places, and may be enforced by the Building Superintendent pursuant to issuance of Building & Plumbing & Heating Permits. It was suggested that the various City Departments observe the subject area immediately to determine if violations of the City O-dinances or State Law are in evidence and subsequent inspection of all areas of the City, to be discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting as referred. The pending motion carried. Mayor Custer advised that the inspections as suggested have already been directed as well as filling of the excavation and any violations will be reported. A letter from Johnston-Campanella & Company requested, in order to carry out their �• site planning program for the Civic Center, a statement from the Council as to exactly what buildings the City wishes to be included in the plan as anticipated for development and need over the next 20 years. Suggestions have been - a City Hall, Public Library, Fire and Police Stations (could be in City Hall), Multi-purpose Hall, Museum (could be in Library), Art Gallery (could use Multi-purpose Hall for Show), and a Public Auditorium, (could be Multi-Purpose Hall) A decision was requested as to those particularly to be incorporated in the plans at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole for priority determination and report. Carried. A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, submitted and recommended for payment the final Estimate for work performed to date by W.C. Frost Construction Co. on Water Project 191 - So. 153rd Sewers. The amount due contractor, $92.66. The work was completed and accepted by the Engineering Department on June 8 and 9, 1964 and acceptance by the City was recommended as of this date, with commencement of the lien period, at the expiration of which, (thirty days) if no liens or claims are filed against the project, and upon?pr6of of payment of tax liability, the retained percentage in the sum of $2,883.95 be released to the Contractor. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter read from the Kent Chamber of Commerce requested endorsement of attached Resolution urging the State to allocate funds and seek acquisition of necessary rights- of-way for valley freeway continuation from South 228th to the Auburn T Echo Lake cut- off real and a new East - West Highway from the Primary State Highway No. 1 to the Auburn - Echo Lake Road . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse to concur in the request. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution to forward to the State Highway Commission ana Director a Hig ways. Carried. A Notice of Suit, Renton District Justice Court, was read filed against the City by Ronald and Lynda Olmstad in the sum of $499.99 together with costs by reason of sewer overflow causing damage to personal properties in apartment where they reside at 915 `;H" Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the City Attorneiy and Insurance Carrier. Carried. A letter read from Fire Chief Walls requested authority to enter into mutual agreements with the following City Fire Department and County Fire Districts: King County Fire Protection District #20, Bryn Mawr - Lake Ridge area, King County Fire Protection District #25, Kennydale and King County Fire Protection District ##40, Spring Glen. A proposed Agreement providing for mutual assistance was attach and the Council was requested to authorize proper Resolution accordingly. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, to concur with the request and referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution as recommended. Carried. The Republican Organization of the 47th Legislative District request was read for Permit to place banners across 3rd Avenue at 913,Headquarters address, until after the elections. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to grant the request with installation to be^ supervised by Chief of Police and Street Corn &&ioner and the proper Hold Harmless Agreement be executed. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-20-64 COMMUNICAT"-ONS: (cont. ) A letter was read from the Board of Trustees of the Renton Public Library advising that in concern for sound economics and providing Renton with an adequate library they would endorse plans for an adequate main library large enough to serve a population projected for 25 years hence with provision for enlargement if required,but would not give consideration to construction of a branch library until branch use patterns have been established by the new main building operation confirmin` the need. The Greater Renton Shopping Center was given thanks for its offer to donate property for a branch library in the Highlands and advised that in the event a new branch building is warranted -- in the future and the land is still available, careful consideration would assuredly be given. Councilman Pedersen advised that the Property Committee had meetings with the Library Board and that the majority of the Committee concurred with the Boards opinion regarding the matter. Councilman Perry stated the Council was to act upon the recom- mendation of the Library Board subsequently, pursuant to prior motion, and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, toiefer the letter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried APPOINTMEN"S: A letter read from Mayor Custer informed the Council of the appointment of Mr. Farris Anderson, an employee of the Peoples National Bank, Renton Branch, to serve on the Valley Regional Planning Commission, replacing Mr. Lyle Sandelius, effective as of July 1, 1964. Appointment of the following men to serve as the Comfort Heating Ordinance Committee, to conduct a study for improvement to existing Uniform Building Code to improve present heating standards covered thereunder: Chairman, Guy Evans, Ray Heppenstall, Norm Ross, Dale Smith and Francis Holman, who represent a cross section of labor industry and professional engineering concerned with the nationwide trend toward improved heating, both residential and commercial. Recommendations will be made to the Mayor at completion of the study, Mayor Custer declared a recess at this time. Following the recess, President of the Council Poli assumed the Chair and roll call followed with all Council Members present. as previously listed. Mayor Custer addressed the Council from the floor where he displayed a length of corroded and punctured water main, 22 years old, from the Renton Highlands area, installed in a "temporary section" where approximately six miles of the line now exists which needs to be replaced. The pipe was used when installed and at that time was laid in connection with rights-of-way acquisition. The pressure is very light; approximately 25-35 lbs. in concern for add_tional holes any added pressure would cause. Mayor Custer continued that no funds have been budgeted for such replacement and the cost would total approximately $150,000.00. Alternative modes of payment suggested were by L.I.D., by water rate in- V. crease of 50� percustomer, which would not allow completion in one year, or by Revenue Bonds. Fire Chief galls advised of problems encountered by his Department in maintaining Fire Rating Bureau Standards in this area as far as testing is concerned due to low pres- sure.Inquiry by Dahlquist followed regarding priority of capital improvements and Mayor Custer was asked whether a meeting has been arranged with Mr. Kreager as yet. The Mayor advised that Mr. Kreager would meet with the Council on Thursday, August 6th and would be here to meet at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers and again at 7: 30 p.m. that date to answer any inquiries. After further discussion, Mayor Custer resumed the Chair and President poli returned to his council seat. Announcement was made of a meeting of the Council with the Citizen's Advisory Committee at 6:00 p.m, on Thursday, July 24, 1964, upstairs at the Towne House. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Council President Poli submitted his Committee of the [chole Report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Regarding request of the Olympic Pipe Line Company for franchise to run a fuel line through Renton, it was recommended that the matter be referred to the City Attorney, for consultation with the Fire Chief and City Engineer and report back. Moved by Dela- urenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. -4- 46 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-20-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS - cont. Committee of the Whole Report 2 . Recommended that the communication from the Housing and Home Finance Agency regarding eligibility for clearance of sites 4 and 4a be referred to the Mayor. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with the recommendation. The motion carried. 3. Recommended to withold decision whetl-,er to locate City Hall and Library in Cedar River Park until Johnston-Campanella Company has completed site plan study. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. Recommended that decision regarding financing of a Higllands Brancli Library be held in Committee for further study. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Inquiry as made by Hulse regarding completion date of t1lie North Renton Interchange was followed by discussion regarding Rights-of-way acquisitions and the summer of 1966 was anticipated to be the approximate date established. Councilman Schellert reported attending the Green River Flood Control meeting conducted by County Engineer Walter Winters at Kent . He inquired whether Resolution had been received which all of the Valley Cities are requested to consider executing (for the purpose of providing an addendum to the previously passed Resolution creating the flood control district) to provide for administration of the entire district by the County. Mayor Custer advised he had received a copy of the proposed Resolution and discussion ensued regarding financing and who will assume the debt and who will ballot on the issue, which are to be discussed further at later meetings, along with actual Council appointments comprising members from each City. Inquiry was made by Dahlquist as to the status of the Program for Community Improvement (workable program) and how the Council could assist in its reactivation. Mayor Custer reported that the program is veritably stopped by reason of Code Enforcement and that Council might aid by taking action on matters previously referred to the Committee which relate thereto in order to effectuate close and strict code en- forcement which is required before any considerations , will be acknowledged. Dahlquist inquired further whether the program could be effected by outside implementation as was the previously instituted program, Mayor Custer advised that the Planning Department an Renton Housing Authority were now doing research and that legislative backing of the administration in Code enforcement was the next step. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist moved that Mr. Johnston of Johnston-Campanella Company be invited to attend the next Committee of the Whole meeting where the civic center site development will be discussed. Carried. Councilman Gianini, Chairman of the Athletic Commission, reported that the all Indian Rodeo will be postponed this year and will be held next year during the 4th of July celebration or in September of 1965. Councilman Pedersen, Sanitation Committee Chairman, reported that a request by Puget Properties for sanitary sewer facilities to serve Renton Village had been referred to his Committee and an agreement executed therefor. ( off U// 20, 1964) It has been since agreed that the size of the pipe be brought up to policy standards as recommended by the Utility Department from 8" to 18" in anticipation of future needs and that the City assume the cost for enlargement in the sum of $10,000.00 and acquire in conjunction therewith the sewage lift station valued at approximately $5,000.00 now located on the property which would not be required upon installation of the gravity flow sewer line. The Committee submitted the proposed amendment to the original agreement covering the transaction as outlined and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement amendment as recommended by the - Sanitation Committee,(funds being available in the Utility Department to cover. )Carried. Councilman Pedersen recalled an offer regarding a park site in the Tiffany Park area and moved that the Park Superintendent contact Mr. Goedecke regarding acquisition at this time. The motion was seconded by Schellert. Mr. Jensen advised that Mr. Goedecke had advised this date that he would suggest a location in the area about 5 acres in size directly to the (Jest of the previously proposed location. The pending motion carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that Mayor Custer direct a letter to the Boeing Company on behalf of the Council expressing appreciation for the Airplane flight on July 15th which was enjoyed by all who participated. Carried, -5- U`l Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting July 20, 196,1 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont, ) OLD Business: Councilman Delaurenti, as Chairman of the Special Power Rate Committee, reported meetin;;s held with objectives in mind to urge lowering of rates. Puget Sound this date has filed : ffor rate reductions in the Renton and Tukwila areas effecting 5% residential reduction and 15% for customers with high load factor. The Mayor had hoped for a 10% residential cut. Councilman Perry requested reading of an article from the Labor newspaper and upon authorization by Mayor Custer the Clerk read the article,written by Senator Maurine Neuberger (Dem., Ore.) which stated that the main purpose of the tax cut bill was to put more money in the people's pockets and thereby increase purchasing power and stimulate ... prosperity as well as provide more jobs, however, the utility companies are not passing their tax savings along to their customers. A New York Times report on a national survey showed that the regulatory commissions of most states are putting pressure on electric, gas and telephone concerns to pass their tax savings along to consumers. California has obtained $24,000;000 for the staters consumers that would have gone to the utility stock- holders this year if the savings from the tax cut had been added to profits. Other states have decided to forego rate cuts for utilities customers and let corporations keep the -tax savings. Discussion ensued regarding the 5% cut and its relation to the article and the possible results of the study being conducted by Rate Specialist Unnehver who would be meeting with the Power Rate Committee again. After further discussion on anticipated Gas Co. actions and service extension by the phone company, Councilman Perry requested report of the Committee on Power Rates as to which Company has the lower rates and Councilman Delaurenti stated that indications were that Seattle City Light had lower rates except- on all electric homes where Puget is lower. The Committee will continue its efforts in pursuance of further reduction and will make subsequent reports. NEW BUSINESS: Council President Poli announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole followin,( the dinner meeting at the Towne House and it will convene at City Hall at 8:00 P.M. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 5628 through 5703, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee be approved by the Council at -chis time. Carried. Councilman Pedersen announced a meeting of the Property Committee at 4:30 p.m.on Wednesday, July 22nd at the main Fire Station with the Fire Chief. Councilman Garrett reported receipt of a communication from the Washington Good Roads Association announcing a meeting at Spokane on September 16, 17 and 18. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution reporting that the Committee had been unable to meet and therefore the documents would be presented without Committee recommendation. The Resolution first reported was providinsY for transfer of $235000.00 unto a Cumulative Reserve Fund for a-ne :library and�$150,000.00 on bond issue, said transfer to be effected only upon successful passage of the bond issue. A second proposed Resolution was to appropriate the $235,000.00 unto a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the library construction with no reservations. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to introduce the first Resolution proposed, for first reading, making the transfer contingent upon passage or the bond issue. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, the proposed Resolu=tion without restriction be substituted and placed on first reading, as first and originally authorized. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to table the motion.:- until t1}e Law and Ordinance Committee can meet and make keeommendation. Upon.--dissenting voice vote roll call was requested by the Mayor and resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Triiruri, Perry, Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Sciiellert, Garrett and Morris. Carried. r. A proposed Resolution was presented and read bv the Clerk, authorizing the Fire Chief to enter into Mutual Fire Fighting; Assistance Agreements with t,,e City of Seattle, Kin- County Fire Protection District #20 (Bryn--Mawr - Lakeridge), King County Fire Protection District #125 (Kenn✓dale) and Kin,f Count,i Fire Protection District #40 (Spring Clen). Moved b,• Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1259 as read. Carried. A Proposed Resolution was presented and read authorizing t1he City Treasurer to endorse check of continental National Insurance Co. in sum of : 1,020.00 in favor of Valley Cement Construction Compan;- for work completed in accordance with City Code requiretients on the Plat of Sandee:Terrace. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1258 as read. Carried. -6- 46 1 Minutes of the Renton Cite Council Meeting 7-20-64 ORDINANCES AND RESOLITIONS: (cont.) Discussion followed regarding presentation of further documents without the Committee recommendation however upon determination that time was of the essence in regard to some the Chairman continued and submitted a proposed Resolution adopting tine Final Plat of Talbot Crest which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1260 as read. Carried. (Puget Properties, Inc. propert») Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, that inasmuch as the Committee had not reviewed ti:e documents pending-the Chairman pass on to the Lake Wn. Beach Ordinance.Since SQp!.t.. bond issue is concerned, (Lake Washington Beach proposition - $450,000)"time may necessitate reading at this time. The motion was declared lost by negative majority of verbal vote. The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington fixing the 24th day of August, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. at the Cit - Council Chambers, City Hall of Renton as the time and place for I-{earing on the Petition for Vacation of a portion of County Road ##34 lying within Tract 183 of C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden, Division No. 3, all situate in Renton, King County, Wn., the City reserving the right to retain an easement for utility and other-'..public purposes. After reading of the document, it was moved by Hulse, seconded b;., Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1261 as read. Carried. The Committee Chairman presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to transfer the following Planning Department Funds: From: Planning Director, Maintenance and Operation, Contractual, Acct. 31., $2,000.00 UNTO: Planning Director, Salaries and Wages, Acct. 120, $2,000.00, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1262 as read. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to present the Lake Washington Beach Ordinance as the next order of business. Moved by Hulse, seconded b­ Schellert the motion be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, t#it that the proposed Lake Washington Beach Ordinance be introduced for reading at this time. Carried. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance providing for developing and equipping the Lake Washington Beach propert7 of the City as a Public Park by dredging, filling and planting, constructin�" and installing bathhouse, picnin and pla;ground facilities; declaring the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be; providing for the borrowing of not to exceed $450,000.00 and issuing and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost of developinf; and equipping the Lake Washington beach property as a public park, said bonds to be payable b, annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate and amount; de- claring an emergency; and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring; such indebtedness and issuing scull bonds to the qualified electors of the City at a special election to be held in conjunction with the state primary election on September 15, 1964. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Discussion ensued regarding element of time to submit the proposition for the September ballot and anticipated backing by the Chamber of Commerce or lack thereof after which the pending motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee reported a majority in favor of the reading. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Dissenting voice vote was registered and roll call was requested resulting as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, No: Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Five aye votes were cast and six no votes defeating the motion. Question was called for on motion to concur in second and final reading of the Lake Washington Beach Ordinance and after discussion regarding promotion of the issue and cost involved and mention of organizations who had offered support or not, dissenting voice voce was registered and roll call properly requested was taken as follows: Aye: Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, . Garrett, Trimm. 4 aye votes and 7 no votes were cast and the motion declared lost. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the matter be referred to the Public Relations Committee for report. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Gianini, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers -7- 465 July 20, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted to Council for approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 5628 The American Academy of Political 8.00 and Social Science 5629 B & B Auto Parts 9.31 5630 Department of Labor & Industries 891 .28 5631 Dictaphone Corporation 39,62 5632 Tom Dobson & Son 12.00 5633 Tom Dobson & Son 2,093,65 5634 Fingerprint Equipment Laboratory 9.65 5635 Hartman Office Equipment Co. 39.52 5636 Monroe Calculating Machine Co. 635.00 5637 Helmie Nelson 10.35 5638 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 19.66 5639 Pacific Auto Supply 1.86 .5640 Pacific Northwest Bell 57-57 5641 Pacific Outfitting Company 45. 14 5642 Paulson Office Supply 108.73 5643 J. C. Penney's Inc. 4, 16 5644 Dan Poli 2.08 5645 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 511 . 11 5646 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 6, 112.79 5647 Ray's Shoe Repair 11 .96 5648 Renton Clothing Company 265.59 5649 Henry ScheIIert 2.09 5650 Seattle Tent and Awning Co. 11 .23 5651 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 107,06 5652 State Treasurer 203,00 5653 W/T City Treas. Cr. Equip. Rental 2.60 5654 W/T City Treas. Cr. Streets 1 .92 Now 5655 Washington Natural Gas Co. 41 .29 5656 Western Electronics Company 30.26 5657 Jack Wilson 64.85 5658 Pacific Northwest Bell 151.59 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 5659 M. A. Sega le Inc. 2,*ft9*09 CITY STREET FUND 5660 Department of Labor & Industries 451•53 5661 A. G. Elliott 17.90 5662 The Lumber Market Inc. 14,98 5663 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.54 5664 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 1 ,322.00 5665 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 53.81 5666 Sunset Coal and Oil Company 1 ,326.00 5667 I , Toschi 6.00 CEDAR RIVER M. & I , FUND 5668 Department of Labor & Industries 1554 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND NINO 5669 Air Mac, Inc. 119.68 5670 B & B Auto Parts 23.56 5671 Department of Labor & Industries 102.86 5672 The Lumber Market Inc. 1.23 5673 Pacific Auto Supply 138,27 5674 Reiman Auto Parts 123.35 4�- July 20, 1964 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED EQU I PIVENT RENTAL FUND CONTINUED 5675 Renton Automobile Company 30.60 5676 Richfield Oil Corporation 27. 17 5677 Shell Oil Company 11240.25 5678 Sunset Coal and Oil Co. i0i .45 LIBRARY FUND 5679 Department of Labor & Industries 68.95 PkRK FUND 5680 Department of Labor and Industries 138,96 5681 The Lumber Market, Inc. 8. 14 5682 Northwest Mower & Marine 88.99 5683 Pacific Northwest Bell 159.2+ 5684 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 301.90 5685 Sunset Coal and Oil Company 81 .69 5686 Wash. Natural Gas Co. 372.97 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 5687 B & B Auto Parts 49,30 5688 G. H. Cu 1 aver, City Treas. 900.22 5689 Departmem# -af labor & Industries 340.68 5690 Eddings ' Farm Service 22.46 5691 W. C. Frost Construct4orCo., 92.66 5692 Helmie Nelson 3, 18 5693 Pacific Northwest Bell 28.94 5694 Paulson Office Supply 77. 14 5695 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. ?,279.99 5696 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 155.23 5697 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 24j l9 AIRPORT FUND 5698 G. H. Culver, City Treas. 16,30 5699 Department of Labor & Industries 23.95 5700 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 87.06 5701 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 12,19 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1184 5702 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 153.50 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1990 5703 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 77,80 Helmie W. Nelson, Tlity Clerk CMZ Donald W. Custer, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR FETING July 27, 1964 8:00 P. Int. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council eras called to order by the President Pro-tem, Charles J. Delaurenti at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL I0,1BERS: Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Trimm, Perry, De aurenti and Iiorris. OFFICII.LS ..i:D DLP�.RTI,IE1,1T M'.DS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, My At orney, C arMe 71 lams, hief of Police, H. C. Halls, Fire Chief, Victor TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Jack 1-Tilson, City Er,-ineer, Gene Coulon, Supt of Parks and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. The Pledge of jLlle;iance to the Flag was led by City Ittorney Gerard Shellan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the iiinutes of tha previous rzZ of July 20, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the absent Council Hembers be excused. Carried. IiPPLICATIONS FOR PI RiiITS AS SUBiiITT:ID BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PEREITS: NO. id-IOUNT NA1,4E ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 974 00.00 Pietro Gatti 501 N. Tells Street House hoof 55 1,000.00 1,1illiam Bryant 1300 Bronson 1-lay Demolish House 56 3,500.00 R. N. Neilson 3107 - 6th ' venue E. Addn. to Bldg. 57 28,000.00 Richfield Oil Sunset � 12th Ave. No. New Station 58 19,000.00 Conner Constr Co. 12519 - 86th So. Residence 59 203000.00 tl it It 8633 South 127th Residence 9660 400.00 Rudy Zaputil 11624 S.P. 106th Pl. Hire New Res. 61 375.00 Sunset Outdoor 248 Rainieri,ve. Sign 62 61000.00 . Cecil Ilarshall 2834 Sunset Blvd. E. New Bldg. ,.y. 63 1,500.00 Mrs Edith Simpson 408 Shattuck Street Alum. Siding 64 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gr 13324 S.E. 116th Wire New Res. 9665 300.00 " 't 13312 S.E. 116th It It it 66 250.00 Foster 4 neiser 3601 - 6th South Sign 67 250.00 11 " Grady Ilay 11 68 300.00 Mrs. 1-1, Smarje 3342 N. Williams Reroof Res, 69 800.00 Floyd Hughes 512 Bronson Way Reroof 9670 100.00 Foster & iileiser 321 Rainier Ave. Wire Sign 71 100.00 John E. Urch 9623 - 108th S. E. Repair Fence PLUI.1BING HEATING PER 1-ITS 23 - - - - '.. Carson 431 Smithers Street Gas Installation 24 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gr 13316 S. E. 116th it it 25 ': u n 13324 S. E. 116th 12n 6626 - - - .. Robert Soleri 503 Langston Road it f, 27 - - - - George Dobson 315 :'ells Street Plmbg Fixtures 28 - - - - Russ Herr 12431 Rainier Avenue Gas Installation 29 -» - - - Adolph Diambri 450 N. Burnett Htg Equipment 6630 - - - - George Poff 643 I'D" Street Gas Installation President Pro-Tem Delaurenti announced that the order of the Agenda would be '-' revised placing "Ordinances and Resolutions" prior to 'lCorrmunications" as it was necessary for Ordinance Committee Chairman iiorris to leave the meeting early. ORDIIWMES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman iiorris, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, recommended the proposed Ordinance granting a franchise to Valley Disposal, Inc., for collection and disposal of garbage and refuse for a period of 39 months, be placed on second and final reading. Roved by Trimm, seconded by Gianini to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading it eras moved by Trim, seconded by Gianini, that Ordinance No. 2102 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The r;otion carried. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-27-64 The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed resolution appropriating and trans- ferring the sum of ;,1235,000.00 from the Cedar River 'iLcquisition Fund into the Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1975, provided that this transfer shall not be used for site acquisi- tion bt. only for the purpose of designing, constructing and equipping a main library building; within the general area or vicinity of Liberty Park and for no other purpose without the prior approval of the City Council. The Library Board shall furnish to the City Council its ',mitten approval and consent to the aforesaid condition, It is contemplated by the Library Board and the City Council that a genera obligation bond issue in the sum of approximately `; 4�9 _inutcs o' the Renton City Council Meeting 7-27-64 ORDINANCES Cont) (<eEer to follotiring. Corrnunications for presentation' af.Izesolut on No. 1266 on Plat of 'tolling Ilius Village.) C OMMUN ICA TIONS: A letter was read from Mrs. Martha G. Wiberg, Secretary of the Renton Public Library Board expressing Library Board approval of the Council Committee of the whole recommendation that the City accept the offer of land donation in the Renton Highlands irea by the Greater Renton Shopping Center, Inc., for a possible branch library site. The Board -- further indicated that when in a position to plan a new building for the Highlands area, this site will be given first consideration. A communication was read from the Merchants lissociation of Renton Shopping Center, Inc., requesting a no-fee permit to hold an open-air circus on its premises Tuesday, July 28th through Saturday, August 1st, three performances per day to be scheduled. Proof of liability insurance in the amounts of $1003000.00 and `,,'300,000.00 7,ras presented together with their check in the amount of ',1,000.00 as performance bond. Councilman Hulse inquired as to any prior situation of this nature and President Pro-Tem Delaurenti stated this is similar to the circus held in the Renton Highlands recently. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse that a no-fee permit be granted to the 'Merchants :.ssociation of Renton Shopping Center, Inc., however, charging the nominal fee of ; 2.00 for the hold harmless agreement as provided for by Ordinance No. 2103. Carried. Letter was read from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, expressing the thanks of the Fire Department for the completion of the parking lot at the rear of the Headquarters Station and appreciation to the Street Department for its cooperation. A letter from Police Chief Williams submitted Resolution No. 173 of the City of Tukwila authorizing execution of a hold harmless agreement in favor of the City of Renton for use of Renton jail facilities on a temporary basis. Acceptance was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini to concur in the recommendation of the Police Chief. Carried. A letter was read from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, requesting permission to show the City of Renton Float to the citizens of the Community on Friday, July 31st from 8:00 P.II. to 9:00 P. M. This would entail moving the float from the Highlands to the Shopping Center and into downtown Renton, accompanied by the Blue i�ngels Drum and Bugle Corp. In concern for traffic conjestion on a Friday night, Councilman Trimm inquired if this was desirable and the Police Chief indicated it could be accomplished with adequate supervision. Delaurenti, Council President Pro-Tem stated that this is a Community effort and the Community should be permitted this advance showing. 'Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, that the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce be permitted to so display this float under the supervision of the Police and Fire Chiefs. Carried. Letter read from the Chamber of Commerce concerning a promotional campaign on a bond issue for funds to improve the Lake '.lashington Beach Park and the Capital Improvement Plan. The Chamber expressed the view that the City should first determine their needs and identify them to the voters with their recommendation for priorities, time schedule and financing. When such Capital Improvements plan is developed, covering a period of at least five years and generally accepted, the Chamber would be more than happy to support the promotion of the required funding. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pedersen that the matter of the promotion of the Lake Washington Doach '-ark Dond Issue bo referred to the Public Relation Committee. Carried. A letter was read from the Boeing Company regarding a Petition for relocation of the Renton Inner Harbor Line. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Giani.ni to refer this matter to the Property Committee to report back to Council. Carried. A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director submitted the Planning Commission .. recommendation from the meeting of July 22, 1964, for the adoption of the final plat of Rolling Hills Village, (Preliminary Plat - Tiffany test). Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Councilman Perry requested that the Resolution adopting the final plat of Rolling Hills Village be presented. Following the reading of the Resolution, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry that Resolution No-. 1266 be approved as read. Councilman Schellert made inquiry whether this includes the Town House Development, or represents only "Tract B". IJIr. Jensen stated that the Town House is only designated as Tract A with the swimming pool. Councilman Perry asked what bearing passage of this Resolution would have if the Town House Development were later disapproved. City Attorney Gerard ISI. Shellan advised this had no bearing on the Resolution, since it does not pertain to zoning. The pending motion carried. - 3 - 470 Minutes of the Renton City Council fleeting 1-27-1964 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont. ) Letter was read from J. David Jensen, Planning Director requesting Council concurrence in the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the granting of a Variance to Williams and Swanson under Application No. V198-64 which would permit construction of a building at Second Avenue and Burnett Street along the north property line. It is noted that this recommendation is consistent with the location of the Citizen's Federal Savings and Loan !association Building, immediately to the East in the same block. Moved by Gianini, seconded by Hulse to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A communication was read requesting the ratification of the formation of a Flood Control Zone District as provided under the State of Uashington Legislative Act of 1961. It was noted that the matter of the Flood Control District is in the Council as a tlhole at the present time. Iioved by Schellert, seconded by Perry to refer this matter to the City Attorney to report back. Carried. Mr. Carlton Nau, representing Foster and Marshall, Inc., addressed the Council. He stated that he had been requested by Mayor Custer to make a study and report on costs with respect to the City's bond program. Their firm has reviewed the studies conducted by Public lidministration Service and at this point it will be necessary for the City to establish their priorities before they can be of specific help. Their primary function is to assist in marketing bonds at the most attractive rates. They feel they are in a position to be of service to the City through proper offering procedures and the development of a wide interest among bidders. It taas noted that due to the high rate of interest on the 1959 Mater and Sewer coupons, they could not advise the Council to seek any refunding of the outstanding debt at the present time. Thr. Nau introduced another member of the firm, Mr. James Pierce, who has been studying and comparing financing problems in Switzerland. 4'r. Markin of their firm, who is very interested in the City's program, is in Idaho and was unable to attend this meeting, He requested the opportunity to meet Vrith the Council and discuss specific proposal and retaining costs, at such times as the priorities have been determined. COUNCIL COI111ITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Gianini stated that he would like to place before the Council a recommendation that the entire approximate amount required to construct and equip the new main library building, $385.000.00 be funded from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund in ord-r that this project could get under way without any further delay. He felt that the amount of interest that this money would draw over the next two or three years would not justify the higher cost of construction if the project is delayed another two years. Councilman Perry voiced an objection to this, stating that a petition was being circulated requesting that the additional $150,000.00 be used for the branch library. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that it should be clearly so stipulated if it is intended that this money is to be used for building'purposcs only. -By merely placing the money into a cumulative fund without reservation, the funds could be used for site acquisition and little or no money left for actual building purposes. !,loved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be tabled for further study. Carried. Councilman Gianini also pointed out that ;,;15,000.00 had been budgeted for the purpose of providing a grand stand at Liberty Park. An opinion had been requested from the Park Department on a previous suggestion for portable grand stands, but no decision had been reached„ This type of stand, Gianini stated, might be more practical, permitting removal to a stadium wherever constructed. Mr. Tom Teasdale, member of the Park Board, commented that the board had considered a movable-type stand but were waiting to see if the Library would be taking over Liberty Park, in which case it would be unwise to build the stands now, Councilman Gianini stated this would further support his recommendation for a movable grandstand, which could be removed readily to Cedar River Park or other location if the need arose. Miro Teasdale indicated he would present this matter to the Board at their next meeting, Councilman Pedersen presented the Property Committee report concerning a training area for the Fire Department. A final decision on a third station in the Earlington Flats area has not boon made and the training area need is now, as in a short time the depart- ment will be rccoi%ring the snorkle and if the men receive the necessary training by the time the next rating commission report is made there is a possibility of a No. 5 rating and opportunity to gain points for a No. 4 rating. The Property Committee Chairman recommended "hat the Fire Department be allowed to use the property east of the City Hall for a temporary training site, constituting an expenditure of approximately $500.00, and the funding be referred to the I^days and iieans Committee. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Pedersen to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. - 4 -- Hinutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7_27-1961 OLD BUSINESS: (con 't) Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and :rater Committee presented the combined recommendation of the Committee and Building Superintendent that Payne Construction Company be awarded the bid at the corrected figure of ;"5,673.89 for the removal of the existing Flood Frame rump House and the construction of a new Concrete Block Building on Sunset Boulevard East at 12th kvenue 17orth. Iloved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and ?,later Committee. Carried. Committee reports of the Council of the T-Jhole fleeting of July 23, 1964. The Committee recommended that the Building Inspector and the Cityengineer advised the Council on any necessary action to be taken to correct any hazards as existed in the incident in Tiffany Park. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a Whole. Carried. The Committee recommended that the architects be instructed to plan specifically for a City Hall, Library and a Iulti-Purpose :Tall to be located within the Civic Center, the City Hall to include the Police Station but not the Fire Station. Roved by Hulse, seconded by Perry to concur in the recommendation of the Council as a i.dhole and that Johnston-Campanella be so notified. Carried. It was recommended by the Committee of the `.hole that the City accept the offer of the property in the Highlands with the contingency that the Council could have the option to use it tirithin the next two to three years. lilso recommended that this be referred to the Property Committee to continue negotiation for this piece of property, with a report back to the Council. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the .,.hole. Carried. The Co::mittee reaffirmed their original position to transfer ;4235,000.00 into the Cumulative Fund irithout any contingencies. This action was taken earlier in this meeting by adoption of resolution No. 1263. NEW BUSI1\7ESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that VouchersTo. 5704 through 5734 be approved having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Councilman Schellerto Chairman of the I'lays and 111eans Committee presented the Committee 's recommendation that the >500.00 for the Fire Training site be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund Noe 11844 Noved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse to concur in the recommendation of the Hays and Means Committee. Carried. Council President Pro-Tem Delaurenti invited comments from the audience at this time. Mr. Frances Holman, 15520 - 120th S. E. inquired as to what steps are being taken to correct the problems at Tiffany Park, as many hazards still remain. The President Pro-Tem stated that tiayor Custer has instructed the departments concerned to tai:e the necessary steps to keep on top of any problems in this and other similar areas to prevent any future occurrence of this nature. Firs. Aoger Stoleson presented some pictures taken in their neighborhood showing the hazards that exist and noting the temptation they present to small childreno Councilman Schellert reminded the Council and audience that the matter of a park site had been brought up at the Council lieeting of July 20, 1964 and suggested that I,Ir. Goedecke be again approached concerning his offer of property for this purpose. He, further suggested that had the Renton Fire Department been called directly they could have responded more quickly. Ilr. iialcolm Blom, 12020 S. E. 154th was interested in '.rotiring what action the City can ta'-.e in situations where the foundation for a house has been poured and construction halted. He stated that such hazards exist where the foundations fill with water to a depth of three feet. President Pro-Tem Delaurenti stated that h6 Mould notify the 3uilding Department to determine what action is necessary$ Discussion ensued 'as to the length of time for which a building permit would be valid# firs. Fleming inquired whether the City has the authority to make daily inspection of construction jobs in concern for hazards which could arise in a days time. Council President Pro-Tem Delaurenti answered in the affirmative, that i•iayor Custer has .so instructed the departments concerned i-rith this enforcement, and that he would personally inspect the area in the morning. There being no further comments or business to come before the Council, it was moved by 1edersen, seconded by Gianini that the neetin g be adjourned. Carried. There were approximately 35 visitors in the audience. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. - 5 - i72 July 27, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers as approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 5704 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. 5.77 5705 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 57.71 5706 Cochran Coast to Coast Stores 5.26 5707 Harstad Associates, Inc. 2.56 •� 5708 Kalberer Hotel Supply Co. of Wn. 156.00 5709 Municipal League of Seattle 10.00 5710 Music Vend Distributing Co. 10. 19 5711 David Eugene Warnock 2.40 STREET FUND 5712 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 5. 14 5713 Dan Katzer - Bulldozing 330.72 5714 Pacific Northwest Bell 10.00 PARK FUND 5715 Aqua Quip Pool Supply 106.34 5716 Mine Safety Appliances Co. 10$..49 5717 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.54 5718 Puget Sound Power & Light 43.94 5719 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 43.73 5720 Ernie Rose Sports Equipment 1 ,224.96 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 5721 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. 163.55 5722 Pacific Northwest Bell 77. 15 5723 Pacific Water Works Supply Co. 161.75 *M10 5724 Puget Sound Power & Light 10.49 5725 W/T City Treas. Cr. Current 2, 164.33 AIRPORT FUND 5726 Cochran Coast to Coast Stores 27.82 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 5727 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 5728 Theron K. Anderson 291 .00 5729 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 5730 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 CURRENT FUND 5731 Pacific Northwest Bell 975.87 5732 Puget Sound Power & Light 216.42 5733 Record Stationery & Office Supply 45.96 5734 U. S. Post Office 28.80 He mie W. Nelson, City Clerk Donald W. Custer, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGUI AR MEETING August 3, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meetin` of the Renton Cite Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer, at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT;. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorot: ea Gossett, City Treasurer; Gerard Shellan, Cit/ Attorne , ; Clarence Williams, Chief of Police; - M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Victor TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Marcella Hill4en, Librarian; Jack Wilson, City Engineer; Gene Coulon, Sup t of Parks, James Highton, Buildin; Director; J. David Jensen, Planninb Director and Bob Puhich, Utilities Department. The Pled!e of Alle-iance to the Flab; was led by t' e Mayor, Donald W. Custer. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, teat the absent council members be excused. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded br Perry, that t',e Minutes of t e previous meeting, July 27, 1964, be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT: BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9672 200.00 Lloyd Peterson 3012 - 15th North Carport 73 100.00 Henry Powell 32o Wells Street Patio Roof 74 50.00 Joseph Carroll 344 Meadow Street Wire Dryer 9675 200.00 Joe Frisina 115 Park Street Move Sign 0 76 49.0Harold Bruce 430 Pelly Street Fence 77 6, 00.00 Mrs. Joe Fillon 1040 Whitworth South New Residence 78 ,. 5,000.00` Wiil ams & Swanson 2nd & Burnett Streets Foundation 79 1,200.00 Button & Priebe Hospital 203 Sunset Blvd West Move Sign 96,8,0 1,Q00.00 Rohert H, Knapp 3811 - 6ti_ Ave No Basement & Patio 81 40q,:00 bon*-lutnble 352 Stevens Street Sundeck & Windows _182 1,690..00 Union .bil Company 3rd & Rainier Wire Gas Station Y;LUMBING & HEATING- PERMI'T'S 6631 Domonic.,Carpine 224 Tobin Avenue Plumbing Fixture 32 - - - - Domomic Carpine 224 Tobin Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - - Russell. Bergeson 2333 - 6th Place N. Gas Installation 34 ! = - - - M. Miller 9828 S.E. 91st Place Plumbing Fixtures 6635 - - - _Northwest Equipment Co. 2834 Sunset Blvd E. Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS: An applicationro� +licepse,-f ;om the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce, for the sale of fireworks during June and July` bf 'D65 was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse,. to ,refer the app`l anon ,to the Police ,and License Committee with power to act. Carried. T 'A fetter was read from the Fire Chief, M. C. Walls, requesting authorization to attend the annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Intermountain Association of Fire Chiefs, to be held in San Diego, September. 21st thru September 24, 1964. -' -Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the request. •be granted. Carried. The City Engineer submitted a request to call for bids to improve Puget Drive between Benson Highway and Talbot, Raad; recommending the date of August 17th for bid opening. Moved by Trimm, seconded by ;1oli;to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from Policee" Chief Williams, stated that a refund of $75.00 had been received from the Knights of Phythias for unused rent on the gun range and requested that this money be appropriated'to account 2100%504. Moved by Morris, seconded b•,, Hulse, that the request ,be granted and this matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. 174 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-3-1964 COMMUNICATIONS: (con't) Mayor Custer submitted the following report of Transfer of Funds covering the period of June 15th through July 15th, and for the date of April 7th, which had been omitted from previous report, in accordance with provisions of Resolution No. 1232 and RCW 35.33.120: FROM UNTO Planning Commission #1720 Planning Commission, #1720 Acct 310, Equipment Rental $50.00 Acc't 504, Travel Expense $150.00 Acct 313, Association Dues 100.00 Acc't 504, Travel Expense .100.00 Acc't 417, Materials & Sup. 100.00 Off-Street Parking #3520 Off-Street Parking #3520 Acc't 320, Lease Payments . . . 100.00 Acc't 303, Electrical Exp. .100.00 Equipment Rental, #3600 Equipment Rental, #3600 Acc't 409, Auto Parts . . . . . 800.00 Acc't 325, Laundry Service .800.00 Cedar River M & I, #3400 Cedar River M&I, #3400 Acc't 417, Materials & Sup. . 1,000.00 Acct 315, Equip. Rental .1,000.00 A letter was read from the City Engineer submitting a permit from the State Highway Department which allows the City to attach a 1611 water line to the South 180th Street Bridge across the Valley Freeway. The City Engineer stated the City Attorney has reviewed this permit and it is the recommendation of the Engineering Department that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the document. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A communication from James D. and Mary E. Bone submitted a Quit Claim Deed offering an additional 7 feet of that portion of 0 Street that txtends south from 12th Avenue No., to provide access to their property as described in the deed document. Upon request for clarification the City Engineer stated these people at the present time do not have adequate access to their property, 20 to 30 feet being the normal requirement. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse to refer this matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Building Director Highton submitted a letter recommending the adoption of the 1964 Edition of the Uniform Building Code with amendments and revisions to be filed with the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director in adopting the 1964 Edition of the Uniform Building Code and to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper ordinance. Carried. A communication from Martha Wiberg, Secretary, Renton Library Board, was read stating the Board had unanimously approved the action taken by the Renton City Council at its regular meeting of Monday, July 27, 1964, in adopting Resolution No. 1263, (providing for the transfer of $235,000.00 from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund into the Cumulative Fund No. 1975, for the purpose of designing, constructing and equipping a main library building within the general area or vicinity of Liberty Park and for no other purpose without the prior approval of the City Council). The Board further declared this to be an important first step toward securing a new main library building. City Clerk, Helmie Nelson reported receiving the following brochures from the Association of Washington Cities which would be placed on file in the Clerk's Office: Information Bulletin No. 264, June, 1964, "30th Annual Convention" ; No. 265, July, 1964, "Intergovernmental Relations" ; and No. 268, July, 1964, "Washington Municipal Salaries in 1964". PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS FROM PUBLIC HEARING OF JULY 22, 1964: The Planning Commission after reconsideration of their prior recommendation to reclassify properties from R-1 to R-3 as described in Application No. R-186-64 and following further investigation of the proposal of Tiffany Homes, determined that an R-3 reclassification was not required and upon motion the Commission denied the request for rezone and further recommended to the Council the granting of a permit to construct twenty-four towne houses as proposed in plans and sketches on Tract A in the Plat "Rolling Hills Village." Upon request for clarification by Councilman Garrett, Planning Director Jensen stated that upon closer inspection of the Ordinance, it was felt that the R-3 zoning was unnecessary as there will be approximately five dwelling units per acre and under SR-1 approximately 5.1 dwellings would be allowed per acre. The Commission considered it best not to grant the R-3 zoning, but to recommend instead that the Council grant a permit which would allow construction of the towne house development. Discussion ensued regarding the type and purpose of the proposed permit and Mr. Jensen explained that it is basically a permit to construct or build specifically along certain lines, adding, that the permit would waive two regular requirements, conformance to the 7,500 square feet for each individual unit and the normal five foot side yards. Each individual - 2 - t:inutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-3-1964 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: (con"t) parcel would comprise an area of approximately 25' by 751 , the difference between the total footage per dwelling and the 7500 square feet, being held in common ownership. This area would be developed into parks and enjoyed jointly by residents. The second waiver is in regard to side yards, A Towne-House development would have common walls, thereby eliminating the normal five foot side yard requirement. Councilman Hulse inquired if these would be apartment houses with individual ownership. Mr. Jensen replied that in terms of appearance perhaps there is no real difference, but you cannot sell units individually in an apartment house. The R-3 zoning does not require separate ownership for each unit, nor does our Ordinance contain a Condimimium proposal. Mr. Bob Brown representing Tiffany Homes upon inquiry, stated that Tract A contained approximately 4.9 acres, with 23 units and living area varying from 1150 to 1350 square feet. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Concern was expressed by Councilman Trimm whether this action would be setting a policy in regard to other R-1 areas. Mr. Jensen stated that it would make it possible, but would still require Council action. He further remarked that this is a reasonable proposal and well worth while for the community. Councilman Hulse expressed the opinion that this should be a one-time proposal and the Council should consider revising the Code for any future construction of this type. Councilman Morris inquired if the permit would show all non-conforming items in regard to our Code. Planning Director Jensen stated that it would and reiterated there are only two items not now covered by our Code, being, side yards and the platting of area. The motion carried. Councilman Hulse inquired if we have reasonable assurance that the construction would conform to the proposal. Councilman Schellert stated that the Planning Commission made it clear that they would want the plans and maps to be a part of the permit. City ^ttorney Shellan advised that the Council put this in writing and that all exhibits discussed should be incorporated into the permit. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the exhibits be marked and turned over to the Building Inspector and made a condition to the granting of the permit. The motion carried. See later action under 'Old Business' ) The Planning Commission recommends the granting of a variance to Donald C. Wittwer to allow construction of a Carport with a 3 foot side yard at 612 "S" Street, with the provision that construction shall meet the requirements for Fire Zone ##2 . Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. The Planning Commission further recommended that a variance be granted to Puget c Properties, Inc. and Holman Properties, Inc. to allow construction of a Multi-Story building to a height of 72.6 feet. The building is located on land predominately classified as H-1. The requested variance is to eliminate possible conflict between the proposed building height and a small portion of the property, which is zoned B-1. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The Planning Director outlined the area, describing it as the N/E quadrant of the Freeway and the East Valley Highway, to be known as Renton Village. The motion carried. The Planning Commission recommended that the request for street vacation on South 128th Street between 91st Avenue South and Rainier be denied. The Clerk noted that Council hearing was set for August 17th. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, that this communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. The Planning Commission recommended that the request for vacation of County Road ##34 Portion Tract 183, C. D. Hillman's Garden of Eden Division No. 3, be denied, or held in abeyance until the Right-of-Way requirements of the State Highway Department have been _ illy determined. The City Clerk reported this hearing is scheduled for August 24th. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Street and-Al-ley Committee. Upon question from Councilman Garrett, Mr. Jensen advised that the Commission favors the vacation, but not until the Highway Department has acquired all of the rights-of-ways in this area. Further, that if it must be done now, the recommendation is for denial. The motion carried. The City Clerk read a report from Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, on a proposed letter to the Board of King County Commissioners, relative to the formation of a Flood Control District. The City Attorney stated that the letter form appears to be in order. However, there are two items that should be kept in mind, first, the City signed the last application on the date of April 20, 1964, which application imposes, once a district is formed, certain obligations on the local organization, such as the City, which include acquisition of rights-of-way, easements, etc. It would appear that most of the finances in question will probably be undertaken by General Obligation Bond Issues 3 - 4%6 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-3-1964 COMMUNICATIONS: (coni) which have to be approved by the electorate within the district. Secondly, in the formation of the district according to R.C.W. 86.15, the county commissioners will act as the vehicle to handle the business of such district, which district can be initiated by board action or by a petition signed by 25 per cent of the electors within the proposed zone. If a city, such as Renton, is included its legislative body has to approve it within 120 days, and if no action is taken by the city, approval is presumed; alternately, after legislative approval or disapproval, 10 per cent of the electors of the city may request an election to be held to determine whether the city should be included or exclude( It is left to the discretion of the county commissioners to establish an advisory committee. Following discussion relative to what portion of the City is involved, Councilman Perry requested that a map of the area be furnished the Committee as a Whole, if available. Motion carried. At this point, Mayor Custer introduced Mrs. Yolanda Johnson, of the Boeing Company and invited her to introduce her group to the assembly. Mrs. Johnson stated that Boeing is conducting classes in Public Affairs and it was felt the best way to learn about City Government was to see it in action. Several members of her class were in the audience. On behalf of the Council, the Mayor welcomed the group to the meeting. A recess was called at this time. Following the recess, roll call was taken with all Council members present as previously listed. OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse called the Council's attention to the Capital Improvement priority list before them. The committee and department heads have been working on this and it represents only a tentative report at this time. Councilman Hulse requested the Council to refer back to the Planning Commission recommendation on the Rolling Hills Development. He wanted to know if this matter was referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee to prepare the permit and add all exhibits. City Attorney Shellan answered that the permit is to be issued by the City Council and would go to the Law and Ordinance Committee to prepare the .permit. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert to refer the action on Rolling Hills development to the Law and Ordinance Committee for preparation of the permit and that the exhibits be attached and made a part of the permit. Carried. Councilman Pedersen presented the Property Committee report on the Building Director's request to call for informal bids for repairing the roof and painting the exterior of the North Renton Recreational Building under separate proposals. The roof repair is estimated at $1,500.00 and would be paid from the Building Department budget. The exterior painting is estimated to cost $3,000.00, funding recommended from Cumulative Fund No. 1894. The Property Committee concurs in the recommendation of the Building Superintendent, with the exception that this project be put out on formal bid. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. The Property Committee recommends that the Boeing Company request for relocation of the Inner Harbor Line be referred to the City Attorney with the recommendation that no lease or sale be negotiated until title to the property has been acquired. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Poli inquired if this is the week the Council is to meet with Mr. Kreager. Mayor Custer answered that Mr. Kreager will be here the afternoon of August 6th at approximately 4:30 P. M. for a meeting with some of the Department Heads and would be available in the evening for a meeting with the Council regarding the Public Administration Service survey. Council President Poli requested a meeting of the Council of the Whole at 7:45 P. M. on Thursday, August 6th. Mayor Custer then announced there would be a special meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, August 6th with all Council members, Library Board, Planning Commission, Citizens Advisory Council and Department Heads to discuss the final plans for the civic center as proposed by Johnston-Campanella and to decide which plans will be used. The Mayor also reminded the Council of the Thursday luncheon with the Metro Council, to be held at the Towne House, upstairs. The Mayor and Council from Seattle have also been invited. Following the luncheon a meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. at the City Hall and then board busses for a tour of the new treatment plant. It was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert that Vouchers No. 5735 through 5798, previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment. Carried. - 4 - Ta F Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-3-1964 NEW BUSINESS: (con't) Councilman Schellert presented an informal request from the Kennydale Lions Club for the City to take over operation of the park. Councilman Pedersen stated that -his Committee already has this matter under consideration. Councilman Garrett scheduled a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee, Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, and requested that the Street Commissioner and City Engineer also be present. .., Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to vote on filling the vacant council position, Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Council as a Whole, due to absence of three Council Members. The motion lost, Discussion followed on vote requirements to fill the vacant position and City Attorney Shellan stated it was his understanding that the vacancy is filled by a majority vote of the Council and that he knew of no requirement that it represent a majority of all councilmen elected. He further stated a quorum can conduct the regular business of the City, and filling a vacancy is regular business. A point of order was raised by Councilman Garrett pointing out the motion as stated was merely to decide whether to ballot. Roll Call vote was requested on the matter with the following results: Poli, Hulse and Schellert "NO` ,Garrett, Trimm, carried with five "Aye" Perry and Morris "Aye" . The motion votes, three "No" votes. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, that the ballot be taken by voice vote. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the City Clerk call the roll and each Councilman cast his vote for the candidate of his choice. Roll call vote was taken with Poli and Schellert voting "NO", and Hulse, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Morris voting "AYE". The motion carried. The City Clerk then called the Roll with nominations as follows: Poli - Malgarini, -Hulse - Barei, Schellert - Barei, Pedersen - Hugh Bruce, Garrett - Hugh Bruce, Trimm - Hugh Bruce, Perry - Hugh Bruce, Morris - Hugh Bruce. The Clerk reported, Malgarini 1, Barei 2 and Bruce 5. The Mayor announced that Mr. Hugh Bruce has been elected to fill the vacant chair. Mayor Custer asked City Attorney Shellan if there were any further requirements regarding the election of Mr. Hugh Bruce to fill the vacant council position. The City Attorney stated the record should show there were eight councilmen present and that five votes were cast for Bruce. Councilman Garrett mentioned it might be possible for the candidate to appear and be sworn in before the meeting adjourned. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that a fifteen minute recess be called at this time. Carried. Following the recess a Roll Call was taken with all councilmen previously listed present. The Mayor then administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Hugh Bruce and the Councilman took his seat, with applause from the assembly. Councilman Pedersen, referring to previous action of the Council, recommended August 24th to be set as the date of bid opening on work to be performed at Mother's Park Field House. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented a pro- posed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, vacating portion of Street known as South 129th Street between 87th Avenue South and 88th Avenue South, Renton, Washington. This ordinance was placed on first reading at the Meeting of July 27th, at which time the City Engineer had indicated that a 10-foot easement would not be sufficient for this area of the City. The Ordinance Committee presented the ordinance with a recommendation for second and final reading, incorporating into the ordinance the change from a 10-foot easement to a 20-foot easement. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, that the Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading by the Clerk, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 2106 be adopted as read. Carried. Mayor Custer at this time invited comments from the audience and there being none, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. There were approximately 30 visitors present, The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. - 5 - r� August 3, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 5735 Airkem Sales & Service-Seattle, Inc. 16.47 5736 Andrews Machinery of Washington, Inc. 121 .80 _ 57337 Bevon Plumbing & Heating 125. 12 5738 Burroughs Corporation 6.24 7 us 5 39 Busy Bee Rentals 2.08 i` 5740 Callaghan and Company 20.00 5741 Campbell Industrial Supply Company 12,43- 5742 ..Hugh Carney, Attorney 25,00 5743 Carpenter Paper Company 18.94.. ' 5744 Mie Cartwright2.4a 5745 City of Ren+on 405.06 5746 "City of Penton ?5.56 5747 Coast Wide Supply Company 36.40' 5748 H. & M. Duplicator Corporation 16.57 5749 I .-B.M. Corporation 288.64:. 5750 Everett Kick 2040 5751 Gwen Marshall x.1.50. 5752 McGraw-Hi I I Book Company "14.43 5753 Violet Moore 183.87 5754 Municipal Revolving Fund 1 ,670,55 5755 National Fire Protection Association,, : 24.00 5756 Helmie Nelson 3,50 57572.40 John Nordlinder ::, 5758 Pacific Northwest Bell 65.00 5759 Renton Clothing Company2)4 . 18 5760 S.C.M. Corporation 88,56 5761 Fernand Scheff ler. 2.40 5762 Seattle Art & Photo Supply, , Iinc.. 1 .05 5763 Standard Oil Company , 23.40 5764 Time Equipment Company 3.84 5765 Trick and Murray 98,75 5766 Ted Walton 2.40 5767 Water Works &..W..�stes Engi neer ,ng 5.00 STREET FUND 5768 City of Renton 4.00 5769 Seattle Art & Photo Supply,. lnc. 5,48 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 5770 Puget Sound Power & Light 19.27 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 5771 Arbuckle Glass 8. 11 5772 Atomic Battery Shop 22. 11 5773 je'a Br,i ng Eng i neer i ng & Supp I y Co. 3.53 5774 N'. C. Nh i nery Company.,., 1 . 15 5775 ' ' Standard• Oi I Company 158.07 5776 Sweeper Service, Inc. 254.80 5777 Thomas Auto Rebuild 211 .90 5778 Tool Crib Companies 45,38 5779 Williams and Swanson 175,99 - 6 - 8 August 3, 1964 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED PARK FUND 5780 Norman Buck Mfg. Company 38-48 5781 City of Renton 59.24 5782 Coast Wide Supply Company 83.4.0 5783 Ma+thie's Key & Sharp Shop 2.03 5784 Facific Northwest Bell 13.50 5785 Seattle Sporting Goods, Inc. 3. 18 5786 Standard Oil Company 72.04 'NATE R WORKS UT I L I TY F UND 5787 City of Ren+on 4..00 5788 H. & Nu. Duplicator Corporation 2,77 5789 Matthie's Key & Sharp Shop 2.60 5790 Pitney-Bowes Inc. 2540 5791 Fuget Sound Power & Light 222.98 5792 S.C.M. Corporation 67.76 5793 U. S. Post Office 1 ,000.00 5794 Wallace and Tiernan, Inc. 29,33 5795 Washington Natural Gas Company 23.35 5796 Western Utilities Supply Company 287.27 AIRPORT FUND 5797 T. M. Carstensen Company 500.00 5798 H. & M. Duplicator Corporation 2.77 L. I .D. 249 CASH FUND II Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, 350.00 Gay & Moch Auditing & Accounting The following Claims, having been audited by the .F4% ommittee, were approved for the month of July, 1964. PAYROLL 118,694.61 CURRENT 29,752.00 STREET 14,926.18 ARTERIAL STREET 20821.09 CEDAR RIVER M & I 65.27 OFF STREET PARKING 188.40 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,266.57 LIAR' 21989.33 PARKS 5,554.29 WATERWORKS UTILITY 25,605.83 AIRPORT 1,868.42 FIRFZ ENCS PENSION 896.00 CUM. #1184 635.36 CLTY. #1990 77.80 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Donald W. Custer, Mayor 7 — Oso RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 10, 1964 8:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Schellert; seconded by Perry, that absent Councilman Hulse be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Arthur L'. HAugan, Assistant City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, James Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, Victor TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, James Highton, Building Director, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Ted Sennett, -Utilities Department and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 3, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9683 $ 50.00 Peter J. Paulman 1203 Davis Street So. Wire Garage 84 1,000.00 Peter J. Paulman 1203 Davis Street So. Build Garage 85 1,600.00 Frank Miles 721 - 5th Avenue Repair Fire Damage 86 170.00 James Hays 10823 S.E. 100th St. Wallboard Building 87 50.00 Fred Katzer 411 - 11th Avenue So. Re-roof residence 88 250.00 Clarence Nystrom 3316 - 6th Avenue E. Wire Bedrooms 89 350.00 Harold Partridge 815 "N" Street Carport & Bedroom 9690 12,500.00 Allan Wehrer. 12731 - 88th Avenue So. New Residence 91 12,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. Rolling Hills Village Bath House 92 4,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. Rolling Hills Village Sales Office 93 200.00 Pete Serosky 58 Logan Street Roof & Shingles 94 20.00 Lambert Feskens 500 Pelly Street Fence 9695 300.00 John E. Biers, Jr. 2412 - 7th Ave. No. Cover Patio 96 12*000:00 R. Wiehoff 100th Street New Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6636 - - - Mike Giras 1915 - 7th Avenue No. Gas Installations 37 - - - Union Oil Company 3rd Avenue & Rainier Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - Paul Ballatore 247 Garden Street Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - Conner Construction 8633 So. 127th Street Plumbing Fixtures 6640 - - - Mr. Morasch 12647 - 89th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 41 - - - Conner Construction 12519 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - - T. & R. Market Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixtures 43 - - - Domenic Carpine 212 Tobin Avenue Gas Installations 44 - - - Mr. Marion Nass 3322 Sunset Blvd. Gas Installations 0645 - - - James Van Winkle 619 "R" Street Gas Installations 46 - - - Gerald T. Pyle 631 "D" Street Gas Installations 47 - - - C. E. Robinson 815 Jones Street Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS: A Petition was read containing signatures of ten residents on property adjacent to 114th Avenue S.E., 12th Avenue North, between Sunset Blvd. East and 12th Avenue North, and S. E. 112th Ste, and 116th Avenue S.E.,requesting creation of a Local Improvement District for Sanitary Sewers. A report read from City Engineer Wilson advised that the Petition was signed by 61.60% of owners of abutting properties and 58.90% of the owners of the total area within boundaries of the proposed improvement district and that same constituted a valid Petition with the assessed values being sufficient to support such improvement. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Petition to the Law and Ordinance Cottee for proper Resolution. Carried. A letter was read from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, recommending adoption of an Ordinance providing for additional registration facilities during the fifteen day period prior to the last day to register for the State Primary Election, fcr convenience of the voters, pursuant to RCW 29.07.105. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur and to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. _ -1- _ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) 8-10-1964 A Petition conta .ning 49 signatures was read requesting that the City block off the City of Seattle right-of-way road leading past Arnold Park (Pipe Line Road) in order to alleviate traffic on Renton Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the Petition to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A Petition containing 35 signatures requested the City to install four-way stop signs at the intersection of 7th Avenne.and Renton Street in order to curtail the speed of the traffic on said streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the Petition to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised of .discussions with Olympic Pipe Line Co. representatives regarding Franchise request of 7-8-64 for transporting refined petroleum products through Renton and of recommendAtions from the City Engineer regarding the City's Position in the matter. Questions and answers were submitted,as exchanged between Puget Properties, Inc. and the Pipe Line Company and City Attorney Shellan had requested that other Department Heads submit any particular recommendations they might have after which further meetings with the Pipe Line Company will be arranged. Mayor Custer invited comment from Mr. Collins of the Pipe Line Company and his request was that the recommendations be submitted to the City Attorney at an early date in order that undue delay may be avoided. He pointed out also that the questions posed during; the Council meeting of 7-13-64 were much the same as those which the City Attorney had submitted as propounded by Puget Properties, Inc. Further inquiries regarding the matter disclosed that the Fire Department recommendation would be forthcoming soon, a reply having been received from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers upon in- quiry regarding such pipe line installation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the City Attorneys communication be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelson reported that an Agreement between the City and Frank Bonnell and Charles Shane had been authorized on January 13, 1964 for installation of storm sewers on 92nd Avenue South. The Agreement, requested by the property owners, has been executed by Mr. Bonnell however Mr. Shane has not yet signed it, and concern for closing the files on the transaction was expressed. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that it was desirable that a storm line be installed in the area and in the event the Agreement is not executed another route will need to be established. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street Commissioner and the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. during its public celebration and annual Frontier Days activities August 12 througA letter from the Greater Hi-Lands Merchants Association requested carulval.fee waiveh loth, r to be located at 11th Avenue and 10th Avenue North behind the Market Basket Store #3. Approximately 15 concessions will be operating with 8 amusement rides. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to Carried. '----- A letter read from Walter, Woody & Heimerdinger, Municipal Bond Counsel, requested permission to submit proposal on the Lake Washington Beach Development Bonds. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Prahl, District Engineer, State Highway Commission, acknowledging receipt of City of Renton Resolution No. 1265 uring the State to allocate necessary funds for acquisition of rights-of ways for Valley Freeway construction and a new East and West Highway from PSH No. 1 to Auburn-Echo Lake Road. Assurance.: was given that every attention was being given to the matter and the proposed construction schedule wee outlined with inquiry regarding the East-West proposal as submitted. -- A letter from the Renton Democratic Club requested permission to place a banner across Third Avenue between Wells and Main Streets designating its Headquarters office until after the General Election of November 3rd. Councilman Delaurenti advised that while he was acting Mayor he had granted the request and that formal, filing of the proper documents had been made-a stipulation at the time. Moved by Schel lert, seconded by Perry to ratify the action of the acting Mayor and to grant the request. Carried. Mayor Custer announced a meeting on Wednesday, August 12th at 9:30 a.m. at the Seattle Municipal Building with Mr. J. Ray Heath to discuss the water rates the City of Renton now pays -o Seattle, -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-10-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilwoman Dahlquist recalled requests of City Employees Wage Committees on June 16-th for 1965 Budget consideration and recommended appointment of a three-man committee to meet with -the Chairmen for clarification of the requests. Mayor Custer advised he would take the recommendation as a suggestion and would appoint such a committee prior to the next Council meeting. Councilman Pedersen inquired regarding a referral from the Mayor.-in a communication, relatin,; to improving procedures in accordance with requirements of the Code, which matter had been referred to other committees by prior council action. Mayor Custer advised the committees might work tog;ether on the matter, if there were no objection. -. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Request by James and Mary Bone to deed 7' x 20' to the City of Renton for street purposes to provide access to -their property - recommended matter be held for further study. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. In considering the request of the State Highway Department to use 4th Avenue North as a haul route during freeway construction from the pit site,the committee hdvised that in lieu of previously submitted agreement a letter will be forthcoming to provide for certain revisions to warrant -the use, there having been some disagreement recardinzi wordin" of -the original agreement. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the City Attorney to prepare a proper agreement. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Council President Poli submitted his committee report recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement wherein -the Board of King County Commissioners is requested to proceed with the necessary steps for formation of the Green River Flood Control Zone District. A representative from each city shall upon formation of such District, serve as a member of the five-man advisory committee. At the time of execution of this document no legal obligations, financial or otherwise shall be incurred by reason of affixing signatures thereto, 'he primary purpose of the letter agreement being to indicate approval of formation of the aforementioned District. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Schellert called attention to recent accident at 104th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 94th Street and advised that the property owners in the area were requesting official action for additional traffic control. Mayor Custer advised that the matter had been discussed at a Department Head meeting this morning and that the Police Department had felt some improved warning could be effected to alert the motorist. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, Councilman Vern Morris, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington establishing temporary voter registration facilities including locations and times of operation therefor, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final readin`;. Carried. After the second and final reading;, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2107 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting; aye. The motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Vouchers No. 5799 through 5900, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. NAM Mayor Custer advised that a writtt�n..report will be distributed_cn the attendance of him- self, and Councilmen Garrett and Poli at the American Municipal Association Convention in Miami covering items of importance to the City. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Police and License Committee on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the office of -the Chief of Police. Councilman Morris requested a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee on Monday, August 17th at 7:40 p.m. As there was no further business it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carriecl. The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. There were 20 visitors this evening;. -3- August 10, 1964 401, City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and ;Auditing Committee, were submi+ted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 5799 Delbert C. Bennett 4. 19 5800 Dick Bisiack 2.40 5801 Carpenter Paper Company 25.20 5802 L. N. Curtis and Sons 7.28 5803 Donald W. Custer 452.50 5804 Dictaphone Corporation 21 .20 "' 5805 Tom Dobson and Son 50.00 58o6 Ted Gatz 132.08 5807 Graybar Electric Co., Inc. 45.37 5808 Hickok's Sport Shop 20,28 5809 Holmes Electric Co. 60.37 5810 I.B.M. Corporation 27.30 5811 International Conference of Bldg. Off. 55.60 5812 Janco United, Inc. 44.26 5813 King County Humane Society 606.66 5814 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 737.30 5815 Market Basket -f3 30.85 5816 Market Basket W5 16. 10 5817 Mobile Communications Co. 156.00 5818 The Municipal Yearbook 30.00 5819 John Peterson 2.40 5820 F. Morton Pitt Co. 38.40 5821 Dan Poli 452.77 5822 R. L. Polk & Company 88.40 5823 Puget Sound Power & Light 62.40 5824 Renton Cameras 97. 12 5825 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 12.06 5826 Renton Clothing Co. 105.08 5827 Renton Hospital 14.00 5828 Renton, Pain+ and Wallpaper 12,85 5829 Renton Valley Fuel 31 :52 5830 Seattle-King Co. Dept. Public Health 175.00 5831 Seattle Police Athletic Assoc. 280:80 5832 Shaw Drugs 43:85 5833 Tacoma Screw Products 36:95 5834 Trick and Murray 5. 15 5835 U. S. Post Office 88.00 5836 U. S. Post Office 315.50 5837 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 2,366. 15 5838 Jacqueline Watson 2.40 5839 Neil Lloyd Watson 2.40 5840 Western Electronics Co. 42.28 5841 Westlake Electronic Supply 5.41 5842 Standard Insurance Co. 217'.75 5843 Group Heal +h Coop of Puget Sound 144.00 5844 Washington State Tax Commission .38 5845 Statewide City Employees Retirement 2,506.60 CITY STREET FUND 5846 Black River Quarry, Inc. 172.01 5847 King County Medical Service Corp. 134.58 5848 Mobile Communications Co. 52.00 5849 Palmer Supply Co. 8.94 5850 Preservative Paint Co: 4:97 -- 5851 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 117:65 5852 W/T City Treas, - Equipment Rental 7,205:34 5853 Statewide City Employees Retirement 249:92 5854 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 80.50 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND 5855 King County Medical Service Corp. 8. 15 5856 Milt Williams 100.00 48l C I TY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED August 10, 1964 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 5857 L. N. Curtis and Sons 3.74 5858 Ray Hanson 9.36 5859 Homelite 10.45 5860 Homelite 72. 18 5861 Kent Oxygen Co. 32.70 5862 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 20.1. 7 5863 MacWhyte Wire Rope Co. 92.64 5864 Tacoma Screw Products 8. 11 5865 Union Oil Co. of Calif. 99. 14 5866 X L Saw Service 5.41 5867 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 1. 0.00 5868 Statewide City Employees Retirement 80.22 LIBRARY FUND 5869 King County Medical Service Corp. 75. 15 5870 Group Health Coop.' of Puget Sound 8.50 5871 Statewide City Employees Retirement 136.58 PARK'FUND ' 5872 Fire Chief Equ.ipm6nt Co. 3.90 5873 Janco-United, Inc. 34.49 5871 King Co.' Medical Service Corp. 81 .90 5875 The Lumber Market, Inc. 4.49 5876 Moulden Fuel Co. 62..00 5877 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 78.00 5878 Renton & Rainier Printery 78.00 5879 Seattle Tent & Awning Co. 57.72 5880 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 229.03 5881 Wenham Lumber Supply 83.20 5882 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 24..00 5883 Statewide City Employees Retirement 100. 15 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 5884 Hersey-Sparling Meter Co. 1 ,174.20 58135 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 155.45 5886 Kroesen's 3.89 5887 The Lumber Market, Inc. 31 .59 5888 Mobile Communications Co. 52.00 5889 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 12. 17 5890 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 2, 144.22 5891 Western Utilities Supply 132.41 5892 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 48.00 5893 Statewide City Employees Retirement 178.50 5894 W/T City Treas. - Current 2,668.85 5895 Washington State Tax Commission 1 ,234. 11 AIRPORT FUND 5896 Daily Journal of Commerce 26. 10 5897 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 24..45 5898 Pacific Coast Aviation Directory 12.00 5899 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 66.50 5900 Statewide City Employees Retirement 37.86 He mie W. Nelson, City Clerk Donald W. Custer, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8'00 P.M. August 17, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. ^uster and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Hulse; Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. DEPARTMENT }MEADS AND OFFICIALS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, James Magstad, Assistant Planner, Jack .WilsoD, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian and Gene Coulon, Superintendent of Parks. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 10, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9697 V . 800.00 Albertsons, Inc. 2825 Sunset Blvd. E. Construct Sign 98 22100100 Wilbur White 2245 - 6th Ave. No. Addition to residence 99 300.00 Robert B. Carl 11044 S.E. 104th Street Cover Patio - Shed 9700 300.00 Richard Lane 2332 - 6th Place Basement 01 10000.00 Donald C. Wittwof ¢12,,!'V-,Street Garage 02 400.00 Paul J. Utschink ;;; 81� M';'.`Place Enclose carport - Patio j ,; � 03 100.00 Reinholdt Remick` '2411-�O '`th' Ave. No. Fence Cover 04 - - - Stanley PritcharA 511 - 2nd Avenue Demolish Residence 9705 300.00 Elmer Morasch 12647 - 89th Ave. So, Wire Residence 06 31�700.00 Robert Hurd 923-25-27 "H" Street Commercial Bldg. 07300'490,; `George, Btown 3509 6th Ave�' E. `' Furnace cubicle-;Patio 'Olga Koriey 609'Williams Street Remo%e6 House Cover 09 _ 1,500,90 j t Aft l��rgillo 128 Logan Street Sign } PLUMBING & H£Al'Ima- !'.Rdhaxde.- _ 2332 6th Place Cies. Installations 49 - - - - Russ ReI rr "' . '12441 Rainier 'Aveijue hum6ing`Fixtures 665d - - - - Wholesale`'Dept., Autd "I5'Ra3Yiier Avenue PYuimbing'Fixtures Frank Miles Sunset & 116th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - William Middelton 1228 110" Street Gas Installations 53 ' Cohder Construetion' '86Jk go'uth 127th Plumbing Fixtures 54 `' - = kend6fia' Auto'Ir'altsport 1604 - 4th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 6655 - - Geode Bro n ,,3509 - �th Ave., ,40gV. Gas Installations S6 - - = ` '` `C. 'Head ' t t. > 1458 "Mn Street c.' : t Gas Installations OAiIN6:'0 'S : 'Puget Drive - Paving, installation of curb and gutters and storm drains ,;,-AT,­,Talbot Road to•,�enson Highway beim thi'datt'e set`_*K{ �6110,v .rig sealed' &'g''wcre '� 'etre '•and read 'by' s 'Clerk: lirifer Aspha .i:; avin ;0b:, s 0.'� ox 444, 'Renton31,6�5,40 M. A. Segale," 1S01iD _'Oit `Av+ ue;Sauth, Keret: !$30,920.50 5% Bid Bonds ic' o*fpanjed'bat i gids.. Inquiry was` made-Ad to •engineering estimate of cost for the. improvement and .City, Engineer Wilso4'stat44 approximately $323,000.00 rias estimated. Moved ,by Delaurenxt; ti, rsecppded by DahlgJi4st, that,the gids 'be referred`to the Street arid.Alley Committee to repo ,:back. Carriet,,Y j,ji %Ivwyi y"74 � ".! = t•� • ii .-.. .. .it._ +. 'S Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-17-64 HEARING: Vacation of S.E. 128th Street between 91st Avenue South and Rainier Avenue Petitioned by Frank S. Henderson and Robert J. Rivily This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk read a letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitting Planning Commission recommendation from its July 22nd meeting, that the vacation be denied. A Petition was then read, signed by ten residents of the area, protesting the vacation and._urging the City`to consider instead the opening of the right-of-way for additional access`to Rainier-flvenue-: :-A letter from Robert J. Rivily requested favorable decision for the vacation, contending that the south 30 ft. of said street had reverted to the adjacent owners, under the laws of 1889-90, Ch. 11,,,_ Section 32, and Lissman vs. City of Renton court decis oti-� _'4.438-�63 rendered-that--a portion of 131st street no longer exists as a street. This lies within.the same N.H. Latimers Lake Washington Plat as the subject street. It was pointed out 'the"`porth 30 feet thus would not meet the City's minimum standard street width nor would it be 'a desirable connection to Rainier Avenue from a traffic engineering standpoint. Upon inquiry by the Mayor, the City Engineer advised that the access could be,provided as far as engineering is concerned, however it was felt that S.E. 129th street adequately serves the area and that less access to Rainier affords greater traffic control and less chance for accident. The hazard of the steep grade was discussed and channelization and traffic control devices which might be utilized were the street to be opened. Upon, . inquiry regarding reasons for denial by the Planning Commission, Mr. Magstad stated that the Commission deemed it advisable to hold presently owned properties in anticipation of future expansion and development of the area. Councilman Perry requested the City Attorney to enlarge,upon_ the 1889=90 laws which Mr. Rivily mentioned and Mr. Shellan explained that the law stated that ifyou platted property and dedicated streets or road's 'and the County took no. action within five years, the property would automatically comeback to the Plattor. This law was repealed in 1909 but caused considerable trouble all over the state. There is some question as to whether the roads exist or not in the Latimer Plat as he said that the *lots and blocks were platted except streets, which ordinarily would mean that the streets had ,,not been dedicated to the County. Action could be taken on vacations only on dedicated streets and if the dedication is still good, so no one can say if a valid street exists or not, but it would take a court case to test it. Mr. Tom Nelson called attention to the time when second Avenue ended near the present unemployment office and to its present great volume of traffic since being opened. The need for additional streets was deemed necessary with expansion and Mr. Nelson also stated his belief that if it had not been designated as a right-of-way the subject area would undoubtedly have reverted to the Nelson estate which was not the case. Opening of the street rather than vacation was recommended. Mr. Walt Reid called attention to certain streets in the subject area which had been vacated and later had to be acquisitioned. Previous denial of this vacation was also brought to mind. ' Mr. Rivily made reference to traffic control and development of the new intersection below his property and discussion regarding grade separations and anticipated planned improvement of Airport Way ensued including' the possible width in view of the reversion which City Engineer Wilson maintained to be 60 ft. until otherwise established. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation denying the vacation. Discussion disclosed that signatures represented 100% of abutting property owners on the Petition and Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting were read by Planner Magstad wherein the Planning Director had recommended the vacation, the City Engineer having expressed opinion that the street would most likely not be used. Vote on the question resulted in dissenting voice vote and roll call, properly requested, resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, Bruce, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Hulse, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, and Perry. The motion carried and the vacation was denied. COMMUNICATIONS: A Claim filed by Karol Worley on behalf of her daughter, Jill Stewart, was read for -- damages in the sum of $250.00 as a result of a fall in the City Pool dressing room at which time a front tooth was broken. Attorneys Dobson, Houser & Dobson represent the injured party. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the CitX Attorney. Upon inquiry regarding possible preventative measures by the City, Park Director Coulon advised that the floor was steel trowelled providing a non-skid surface and it is presumed the accident occurred as a result of two children playing in the dressing room and slapphi1g o- The pending motion carried. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-17-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter was read from W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, requesting transfer of Water Department Funds as follows: Unto: Waterworks, Adm. Equipment Rental, 7100/315, $1,200.00, and Waterworks, Maint. Equipment Rental, 7120/315, $15,000.00. From: Waterworks, Adm. Utility Service - Metro, 7100/302, $15,000.00; Waterworks, Adm. Material and Supplies, 7100/417, $200.00; Waterworks, Maint., Rental - Office and Equipment, 7120/310, $1;000.00. The total transfer in the sum of $16,200.00 is necessary in order to meet certain obli�a- tions to the Central Garage, it being impossible to accurately estimate requirements since the City has had no prior equipment rental experience. . Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the transfer of funds with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Letters from Police Chief Williams and City Engineer Wilson recommended that parking alon; Main street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues on the West side, and between Walla Walla and 4th Avenue on both sides of the street, be prohibited from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday to improve traffic flow in this area. This was effected and proved very successful during the Christmas shopping season. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee_ to hold a hearing meetin„ with the persons in the area who will_75e of ected. It was suggested that written notices be sent out in the same manner as before. The pending motion carried. Councilman Garrett advised that the hearing will be conducted on Wednesday, September 2, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. Council Members and Department Heads, including Street, Engineerin and Fire Department are invited to be present. A letter read from Mr. H. E. Nyman submitted recommendation that signs be installed on the West side of Pelly Street, between 4th and 6th Avenues North, designating No Parking -from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in order to allow two lane traffic movement with the right turnimg vehicles usin curb lane only, in order to speed up the evening traffic from Boeing. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the communication to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter read from the Renton Park Board requested to go on record again opposing any use of park property for other than park purposes. Schemes 2A or 3 were the only Civic Center plans presented by Johnston-Campanella that were acceptable to the Park Board which Mrs. Wiberg explained was due to the location of the library and its parking facilities. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur with the Park Board decision. After discussion relative to location of the buildings on the architects schemes and conflicting; opinions relative thereto, City Attorney Shellan called attention to costs which might be incurred if a decision were not reached for a definite plan and suggested that the Planner bring in -the film slides for review. Recess was called, and after the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. Planner Magstad showed the film slides of the architect's schemes after which Perry, with consent of second, withdrew his previous motion and moved that scheme 2A be accepted as the final plan. The motion was seconded by Hulse and after discussion regarding costs in the event a change is desired later, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, than Scheme 2 also be included a a possible final plan. The amendment carried and the motion as amended thereafter. Mayor Custer will so notify Johnston-Campanella & Co. A letter from the Citizen's Advisory Council, John H. Swanson, Chairman, iecommended:-.ti,I Scheme 2 and requested favorable consideration thereof by the Council. A letter from City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of Estimate No. 1 from Johnston-Campanella & Company for 170 hrs. of service @ $12.00 per hr. rendered in connection with the Civic Center study Contract AG.-776-64, payable at this time in the sum of $2,046.00. Funding; of this project had been authorized from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1184 in a total of $3,000.00. Approval and authorization for payment was requested. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the request authorizing the payment. I A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, recommended that the City make payment of ')alance due of $1,746.20 on the Rockwell Mfg. Co., Type K. Parl--O-Meter Contract 31456 which provided for remittance of 507. of gross revenue monthly by the City until paid in full and for a 5% cash discount on the remaining balance at such time as the City may elect to pay the contract balance in full. Two payments have been made in a total of $117.09 to date and inasmuch as funds are available from merchant contributions appropriated into the budget by Resolution No. 1252, it was recommended that the statement be paid. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the City Clerk authorizing payment of-the contract balance. Carried. -3- 48� Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-17-1964 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter read from Hon. Gary Grant, State Representative, acknowledged receipt of the Resolution adopted by the City requesting budgeting of funds and continuation of the freeway construction 'post haste" by the State Highway Commission and Representative Grant assured that his voice will be heard urging such action.likewise. A letter from Mayor Custer was read advising of completion of the Parking Meter study recently concluded for the City at no charge by the Rockwell Corporation. It was recom mended that the Council consider the suggestions contained therein and that the study along with the subject of parkinc meter changes as proposed be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. s Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer advised the Council of the appointment of a special com- mittee to meet with representatives of the City Employees' organizations for review of wage and fringe benefit requests as follows: Chairman, Jeanette Dahlquist, Hugh Bruce and Glenn Gianini. A letter from Planning Director J. David Jensen reported that the Planning Commission, f_*c - its August 12th meeting recommends that at such time as the City has acquired proposed Civic Center Site 4, the Land Use Map and Comprehensive Plan be amended to designate said site as a public use area. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Powbr Committee, presented his report with recommendations for installation of 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor li; hts at the following locations: Pole No. 426 on "I" Street, Pole No. 1140 on Shattuck Street and Pole in front of house No. 3605 10th Court North. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist reported that Mrs. Margaret Evans, a regular member of the audie had been in an automobile accident. Mrs. Evans is Secretary of the Windsor Hills Com- munity Club and attends the meetings in behalf of the Windsor Hills residents as well as her own civic interest. Her absence has been conspicuous at the last several meetin"s and it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert that the Council wish her well by official record in the Minutes which she receives. Councilman Bruce reported that Mrs. Evans was not seriously injured and was at home at this time. The motion carried. moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that the $150,000.00 needed to fund the balance for the new main library be placed before the electors on the November ballot. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that the City Attorney be authorized to obtain Bond Counsel. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that the Chamber of Commerce be informed of the Council's action and that they be requested to aid in publicizing the bond issue. The matter of publicizing the issue was discussed. Mrs. Wiberg advised that t)-e Library Board would welcome all t e r�elp offered. The pending motion carried. City Attorney Shellan,in concern for particulars required to proceed with the library bond issue details,inquired as to wilether the library buildins; raay be referred to as being located in tie general vicinity or' Liberty Park and if it is conclusive that tine money is to be used exclusively for building and equipping and not site acquisition. Mrs. Wiberg confirmed that the site was excluded and building, equipment and architect included in the Library Board's interpretation. After furtiler discussion it was Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the ballot issue read that the site of the liurar,? be located in the general vicinity of Liberty Park. It was pointed out that this was language to be used specifically on the ballot and that in publicizing the issue the exac. site could be advertised, after whici� tl!e pending motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 5901 throu` i: 5972 excepting No. 5910 which is Void, hosting- been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment at this time by the Council. Carried. -4- 489 MINUTES - Renton City Council Meeting 8-17-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont.) NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Garrett reminded the Mayor and Council of the public hearing meeting on Wed., September 2nd to be held by the Street and Alley Committee at 8:00 p.m. Councilman Perry announced a Public Relations Committee meetin, on Monday, August 24til at 7:15 p.m. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington Amending Chapter 7 (dards and Precincts) of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton," as heretofore amended by Ordinance No. 2100, which was read by the Clerk. (Boundary adjustment on precincts 26, 27, 38 and 44.) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2108 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton appropriating revenues received by the City in excess of the estimated revenues,constituting refund of rental from the Knights of Pythias Lodge, unto Account 42100, Travel Allowances (504), Police Department Budget, in the sum of $75.00. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1267 as read by the Clerk. Carried. The Committee pre^ented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington declarin`; its intention to con�;truet and ,install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances in S.E. 112th Street and 134th- Avenue- S.E. in .the City and to create a Local Improvement District to assess the full cost and expense of said improvement against . the properties in such specially benefitted thereby; and notifying ai.,l.;persons who may desire to object to said -- improvement to appear and present their objections at ,a meeting of the City Council to 'be held on September 14, 1964, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded bi Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1268 as, read. ;Carried. A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, adopting and establishing by reference a "Uniform Building Code", 1964 Edition, Volume I, was introduced for first reading by the Committee. After the reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti. to place the document .on. seeond and final reading. Carried, After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No, 2109 as read. Roll call vote followed with. aa.L`Counci,l Members ,presgnt,voting aye,y ,Carried. . ._ Mayor Custer invited audience comment at this time and asthere was none. ax)d`no further business to come before the Council, it.was moved by DIelauxenti, .,seconde4 '* Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 p.m? ADDENDUM: Councilman Morris requested''re*adi'ng of a Permit which was authorized by Council action on 873-1964, granting unto Tiffany Homes, .Inc. the construction of certain ".town . house" single family dwellings.- Moved by Schellert; seconded by ,Hulse, that the Permit be read. Carried. The Permit wa.s read describing tje' construction 'and . tached exhibits, - 11A", the map of proposed development o,f the .Plat of. Ro`l'ling `Hills Village ;` exhibit "B", drawings entitled "Tiffany, Homes Rolling Hills Village'Town House" ; exhibit "C'T; that certain large rendering of town house structures (reproduced on 24 x 24 film slides; exhibit "D", Preliminary Plat of a replat, of. Tract "A", Rolling- Hills Village. This Permit is granted for and limited -solely to 'allow Ota er of vary and 'deviate .from certain side yard and lot size requirements,, ofierwise applicablqto all Suburban Residence Ivo.., 1 District Zoning (SR-1). The ~Ordinance' Committee recommended execution 1.of the Permit-. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist,. ,to concur in th'e .recommendation arfd the Mayor.. and City Clerk be authorized to execute. the Permit. Councilman Schellert inquired•regarding',the exhibitof a replat of Tract "A"�, Rolling Hills Village, which matter has riot been before the `Coun-cal.`, Councilman Perry requested that all documents be signed, 'initia'le'd and''dated n"orcder that.there will be no deviation. The pending motion carried. August 17, 1964 490 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval f follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 5901 Blumenthal Uniform Company 49.65 5902 Chapman Electric 1 ,213.28 5903 Wm. F. Davis-Roger W. Davis 427.00 5904 H & M Duplicator Corp. 26.21 5905 Keuffel & Esser 49. 11 5906 Moore Business Forms 124.77 5907 Pacific Outfitting Co., Inc. 17.63 5908 Paulson Office Supply 122.39 5909 Public Personnel Association 9.50 591'8 T44e-4- n� _hrc- }e !Cd 10 5911 Roy A. Tongue 2.40 5912 W/1T City Treas, - Equip. Rental 162.84 5913 WET City Treas. - Streets 46.40 5914 W/T City Treas. - Streets 67.50 5915 Judy Wilkinson 2.40 5916 C. S. Williams 4.96 5917 C. S. Williams 12.88 5918 Williams and Swanson 182.33 5919 Jack Wilson 7.25 CITY STREET FUND 5920 Keuffel & Esser 30.94 5921 Midway Asphalt Co. 121 .52 5922 Seattle Lumber Co. 9.32 5923 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 125.06 5924 W/T City Trees. - Equip. Rental 54.24 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND r' 5925 The Instrument Lab., Inc. 4.09 5926 Kilsby Tubesupply 5.84 5927 Renton Motor Parts 154. 12 5928 Renton Radiator, Inc. 12.48 5929 Sahlberg Equipment 205.92 LIBRARY FUND 5930 Archway Bookstore 3,37 5931 Arco Publishing Co. 88.20 5932 Book Publishing Co. 19.24 5933 R. R. Bowker Co. 19.90 5934 City of Renton 4.00 5935 ' ' 5936 _ mcoILibrary Supp .74 lies ent 14.20 5937 Doubleday & Co. 149.a. j 5938 Eastern Wash. Historical Assoc. 3. 12 5939 Encyclopedia Britannica Press 5-20 5940 Gaylord Bros. 54.6.0 5941 Hartman Office Equipment 25.48 5942 Marcella Hillgen 14.23 5943 Lerner Publications 28.41 5944 The Municipal Yearbook 10.00 5945 Overall Cleaning & Supply 2.50 5946 Pacific Northwest Bell 61 .86 5947 R. L. Polk & Co. 88.40 5948 Puget Sound News Co. 702.50 5949 Record Stationery - 33-07 5950 Renton Cash-Way Lumber 24.34 5951 Seattle Lumber Co. 80.55 5952 Sturgis Library Products 6.03 5953 United Nations 5,75 5954 Washington Book Store 21 . 15 5955 Washington Historical Society 4.00 5956 Washington Tax Commission 5,97 4 9.11 August l',', :S64 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED PARK FUND 5957 Aqua Quip Pool Supply : ; _4 5958 Best Universal Lock Comaarn/ 109,58 5959 NuLife Fertilizers 9i0.,00 5960 San Jose Steel Co., Inc. 20.80 5961 Stoneway Sand & Grave ' 919) f5962 Van Waters & Rogers 59,65 5963 W/T City 7reas, 5964 Washington Natura : Can L!2-4 8 WATER WCRKS UTILITY FUND 5965 H, D. Fow;er CO,- 3J_y.0 5966 Alunicipa: io` Pe 41-:-oposi`an Seatt :e `,7,588.00 5967 Frank E. Rhodes '3,26 5968 Stoneway Sand & Gra-,,el 83,70 5969 W/T City Tr eas, Equip, Renta! ,0,i.12 5970 W,yT CIt;/ Treas. Si-;-eets : .655,2.' A IRPCRT FUND 597: The Record-Chron .le ; ►.1_�2 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Donald W. Custer, Mayor �J RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. August 24, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Donald W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Hulse, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that absent Councilman Garrett be excused. Carried, OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, James Highton, Building Supit. and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 17, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9710 $ 1,000.00 Lloyd S. Peterson 1432-4-6 "K" Street Building Repair 11 200,00 Lloyd S. Peterson 3.010 - 15th-Avenue Carport 12 22,000.00 Conner Const. Co. 12501 - 86th. Ave. So. New Residence 13 60.00 Wilbur White 2245 - 6th Avenue No. Wire Addition 14 228.00 Peret Bowles 3107 - 6th St. East Wire Addition 9715 2,500.00 Warrent Smith 1204 "N" Place Additions to Mt i 16 400,00 Wm. A. Thompson 2308 - 6th Pl. North Carport 17 30,000.00 Wms. & Swanson 200 - Burnett Street Auto Sales B1OLA- 18 250.00 Bruce T. Hulse 11422 S.E. 93rd St. Enclose Porch 19 500.00 Herman G. Olson 11609 - 112th Ave. S.E. Addition to res. 9720 50.00 Shell Oil Company 130th-Rainier Avenue Wire Phone Booth 21 11,000.00 George Madden Langston Place New Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6657 - - - - Mr. Gaul 424 Wells Street 068 Nstaliations 58 - - - - Maud Riley 8' 6 Morris 8t-keet Gas installations 59 - - - - Elmer D� Heide 1056 "G" Street Gas Installations 6660 - - - - Lavina A. Bennett 301 Park Street Gas Installations 61 - - - - Robert Nielsen 3107 - 6th St. East Plumbing Fixtures 62 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12519 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - - Union Oil Company 3rd and Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 64 - - - - James Harr 420 North Wells St. Gas Installations 6665 - - - - Emmett Kindle 9631 - 108th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 66 - - - - Solomon Knott 2715 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - - J. H. McTigue 10434 S.E. 96th Pl. Heating Equipment 68 - - - - John Duncalf 423 Williams Street Gas Installation 69 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3250 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 6670 - - - - Dominic Carpini 212 Tobin Avenue Heating Equipment OPENING OF BIDS: Painti.nC exterior of North Renton Recreation Building This bein".; the date set, the followin sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk. BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID TAX TOTAL BID W. Lyle Rooks, Painting $ 3,719.00 $ 148.76 $ 3,867.76 16833 S.Ea 134th St. Renton, Washington Rainbow Decorators 3,955.62 15.22 4,113.84 18118 - 31st Ave. So. Seattle, Wn. Albert Quentin 2,676.00 107.04 2,783.04 9842 N. E. 24th St, Bellevue, Washington 493 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting OPENING OF BIDS - continued - Paintinr of Exterior of North Renton Rep Building After each bid was read with report of attachment of Cashier's Checks for 5% of total bids, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the Bids to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. Report back was not requested inasmuch as there will be no further meetings of the Council until September 14th BIDS: Fiberglass roof covering for North Renton Recreation Building This being the date set, communications were read as follows and the sealed bids opened thereafter: Letter from R. L. Greenfield and Son requested the following to be made a part of the record of the Minutes of this meeting: His letter advising that the specifications received from the City for the roofing of the North Renton Rec. Hall were not recommended for the type of roof to be covered and that he refused .o bid on City jobs last year which called for same. Subm_.tted therewith was a letter from Johns-Manville Corporation, directed to Mr. Greenfield and one from the Owens- Corning Fiberglas Corporation which the Clerk read, both recommending that new roof- ing never be solidly mopped to old roofing and that the new roofing be separated from the old by nailing down a base sheet to receive the new plies of finishing felt or that the old roof be completely removed and the underlay be inspected for dry -rot or other structural defects and a new roof installed in accordance with occupancy and life expectancy. Covering of an old roof may result in fractures being transmitted through the new felts, secure adhesion is questionable and moisture may be trapped between the applications to cause subsequent blistering. Bids were read as follows, Mrs Greenfields not being based upon the City'S specifications but on the Owens-Corning recommended specs. BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID TAX TOTAL BID R. L. Greenfield & Son (error in $ 1,909.80 $ 76.40 $ 1,98630 611 Walla Walla St. contractor's Renton, Washington computation) Hord Roofing Company 1,190.00 47.60 1,237.60 3805 South 312th St. Auburn, Washington ... Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the communications and bids be referred to tl.e Property Committee with power to act. Carried. HEARING: Petition for Vacation of portion of County Road #34 in vicinity of S.E. 80th and 108th Avenue S.E. - Walter Gerber property This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The Clerk read the Plannin % Commission recommendation from its July 22nd meeting recommending that the vacation not be granted until such time as the right-of-way requirements of the State Highway Department have been completed. Mr. Walter Gerber, 10828 S.E. 80ti1 advised that he had received payment on July 23rd and that the transaction is consumated with the Hi-ohway Department having taken possession a few days later and the land subsequently cleared. Upon inquiry Planning Director Jensen explained that there was no objection to the vacation of that portion South and West of the area the state had acquired. Mr. Gerber submitted a map of the proposed vacation and City Engineer Wilson outlined the area stating that there would be no likely use of this as a street and that the City should. rptain easement rights. Mr. Jensen advised the area to the North and the County property beyond may perhaps be used later on to connect the old Lake Washington Blvd. with the County Road at S.E. 64th Street, and other purposes, Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Hearing be closed. Carried_ Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the Vacation be granted and the nat--er referred to the Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary documents including provision for retaining the easement rights. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter read from City Attorney Shellan submitted a copy of a letter from the Housing and Home Finance Agency of the Federal Housing Administration appraising parcels of Public Use Areas in the Renton Highlands No. 2, including Blocks 19, 20, 26, 26A and 26 B and Vista Heights, Block No. 2 in the amount of $9,850.00. A Dead releasing the Government's interest would be granted in consideration of the appraisal sum as stated, if the City proposes to vacate or sell the land, If, however, the City wishes to reconvey the land to the Government by the same ti.--le it received it in 1949, the Government will then dec!_..re .it as excess andmay offer it for sale to ,the abutting property owners 494 Minutes of the Rento n City Council Meeting 8-24-64 COM14UNICAT-OIIS cont.) Letters re Public Use Areas Moved by Dah1qu`st, seconded by Poli, to refer the communications to the Park Department and the Property Committee. Mr. Shellan explained that it was his understanding that the Park Department was favorable to disposition of the pruperties -_nasmuch as they were too small for parks yet too large tc justify maintaining, in which event the City should disclaim any interest. It wao suggested that the abutting property owners be notified of the government's Information in the event the, wish to purchase the lands. Councilman Bruce reported occasion to visit the area and felt that it should be relinquished. The pending motion carried referring the matter to the Park Department and Property Committee. �t A letter read from City Attorney Shellan reported that the Zaputil et al vs. City of Renton, Renton School District 403 had come on for trial in the Court of Judge Wright on August 17 and vas completed the folloT,,;ing day. The case concerned an attempt by the Plaintiffs to enjoin the school district from erecting a vocational school and the City from issuing a build-;ng permit therefor. it was found that the proposed improvement, even though a tr,de school, is considered a proper school within the terms of our zoning ordinance and that there is no evidence to show that same would constitute a nuisance, nor that the construction would damage the abutting property owners. A Brief written by Attorney Shellan covering the factual and legal matters surrounding the case was submitted for the City's files. A clair, was read;filed against the City by Mr. and Mrs. Lyle L. Corbin and their minor daughter, 7:aren L. Corbin;through their attorneys McDowell & McDowell, 3080 - 148th . Ave. S.E,, 3ellevu,�, in the sum of $15,000.,00 as a result of injuries sustained 1.4hen the daughter was struck by an automobile while crossing S.L. 94th Street at -the inter- section of 104th Ave. S.E. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to .refer the Claim to the City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. Carried. A letter from the Renton Aviation Board, C. L. Day, Chairman, requested permission to send the A _rport Manager and at least two representatives to the International Northwest Aviation Council at Helena, Montana on September 24, 25 and 26th. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the request. Carried. A letter from Mary R. Miller, 814 - 3rd Avenue North, containing signatures of six additional property owners, requested tt,at t�,e alle, in Block 19, between 3rd and 4t Avenues North be lowered to allow drainage of flood waters other than in Vieir yards. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by ScLellert, to refer the request to tle Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A Bulletin was read announcing the Legislative District Meeting places and dates and City Clerk Nelson called attention to the meeting hosted by Auburn on Friday, September 25th at the new Auburn Elks Club, for the 30th and 47t1i Districts among others, and the Visiting Chairmen will be Don Custer, Renton and J. T. Stahlhut of Sumner. A letter from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, R. A. Schafer, President, was read requesting that the Council defer any action on the Library Bond Issue until further meeting and discussion with the Members of the Council, the next Council meeting allowing suff eient time to ma'_tc a recommendation prior to the 45 day requirement for placing; the issue on the ballot. Councilman Perry pointed out that this ordinarily might be true, hcw ever, the Council does not- meet again until September 14th due to next week being the 5th Monday and the following a holiday. Also the Chamber does not meet again until the 3rd Monday in September, therefore it would not be possible to arrange a meeting and still meet the 45 day deadline. Councilman Morris reported that the Ordinance Committee has a proposed Ordinance to present and it was suggested that the Committee be allowed to introduce the proposed Ordinance at the proper time. a, A letter read from City Engineer Wilson requested permission to advertise for Bids for the installation of storm sewers in 5th Avenue from Morris Street to Burn�`t Street, in Morris Street from 5th Avenue to 6th Avenue, in 6th Avenue from Smithers Street to Shattuck Street and in 3.d Avenue Extension from Mt. Olivet Road to 4th Avenue North., September 21, 196A was recommended as the date for opening of the bids. Moved by Poll, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request, authorizing the bid call, and September 21st as the opening date thereof. Carried. -3- 9,5 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-24-1964 4 COMMUNICATIONS (cont. ) A letter was read from Mayor Custer requesting Council consideration for the use of funds in the amount of $6,000.00 from account 3200, Capital Outlay 605 for emergency storm sewer work in the vicinity of 9th Avenue North and "E" and "F" Streets, which funds had been allocated for Smithers Street improvement. Mayor Custer called attention to a number of premises flooded by the recent rain and the fact that a stopgap measure may avoid damage suits. This proposal will prevent re-occurrence in this area and he will be open to suggestion as problems arise and work is necessary if money is available. It was suggested that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, however after further discussion regarding how other properties in the vicinity of this area will be affected, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the request of the Mayor be granted and the funds allowed for the storm sewer construction. Carried. Mayor Custer at this time welcomed Mrs. Margaret Evans back after her absence due to an automobile accident. Announcement was made by the Mayor that the Suburban Mayors Meeting scheduled for September 18th had been cancelled and replaced by meeting previously announced for the 25th of September sponsored by the Assn. of Washington Cities at Auburn. APPOINTMENTS: A letter read from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in making the appointment of Mr. James Ashurst,as Assistant Fire Chief of the Renton Fire De- partment, a permanent appointment, the six months probationary period having proven Mr. Ashurst capable and qualified for the position. The Fire Chief has submitted his approval of the action. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the permanent appointment as recommended by the Mayor. Carried. Notice from Mayor Custer was read advising that a vacancy exists in the office of Secretary and Chief Examiner for the Civil Service Commissions of the City of Renton due to the resignation of Mr. George Thomas, effective September 1, 1964. Mr. Thomas was extended thanks for the many hours whidz he devoted unselfishly to the betterment of the City of Renton and sincere best wishes on retiring from this position. A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence of the Council in the appoint- ment of Mrs. Virginia Busato to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Herb Williams on the Police Civil Service Commission for the City of Renton, effective September 1, 1964. Mr. Williams was extended thanks and appreciation for the many years of service to the community. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Inquiry was made regarding appointment to the vacant position as Secretary-Chief Examiner and Mayor Custer advised that this position is filled by Civil Service Examination only and is not an appointive position. City Attorney Shellan advised that the examination can be restricted to members of the Departments of the City or opened to the general public, the latter being suggested by the Mayor. The pending motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Trimm, member of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted recom- mendation,( signed also by City Engineer Wilson, that the low bid of M. A. Segale, Inc. in the sum of $30,920.50, be accepted for the paving of Puget Drive from Talbot Road to Benson Highway. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer awarding the bid for Puget Drive to M. A. Segale, Inc. The motion carried. Councilman Perry, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, submitted his Committee report,along with Chamber of Commerce communication referred to the Committee on 7-27-64 and again read by the Clerk this date, regarding the Chambers offer to support and promote required funding for City improvements at such time as a Capital Improvement Plan coverin;; at least 5 years with priority listing is adopted. The Public relations committee recommended referral of this letter to the Priority Capital Improvement Committee as the requests therein do not fall within the functions of this Committee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Public Relations Committee. Carried. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-24-1964 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont. ) NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman, requested a meeting of the Property Committee on Wednesday, August 26th at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that Vouchers No. 5972 through 6046, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accountin Committee be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti directed inquiry to City Engineer Wilson as to the plans for traffic control at the intersection of Talbot Road and Puget Drive now that the _ . contract has been let. Problems anticipated also at the Talbot Road intersection with Grady Way were posed and traffic control was..discussed. City Engineer Wilson acknowledged the need for additional control witn the subsequent development and stated it would be Necessary to find out what traffic will be using the route before the type of control can be established, pointing out that even more of a problem will result where traffic leaves the Denson Highway to enter Puet Drive. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee 4o confer with the City Engineer to plan for adequate control at the Talbot Road intersection with Puget Drive, Talbot Road intersection with Grady Way and the Benson IighwGy acces. to Puget Drive. Carried. Mayor Custer calleO attention to the newly installed signs throughout the City which warn the motorist to "Watch For Children" . The Mayor requested that report be made to Traffic Control Engineer, Del Bennett, if a location should be posted that might warrant caution of this type. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman_ of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, which authorized the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to transfer Waterworks funds unto the Equipment Rental Account as follows:From: Waterworks, Adm. Utility Service, Metro, 7100/302, $15,000.00; Waterworks, Adm. Material and Supplies, 7100/417, $200.00; Waterworks, Maintenance Rental, Office Qz Equipment, 7120/310, $1,000.00, Unto: Waterworks, Adm. Equipment Rental, 7100/315, $1,200.00 and Waterworks, Maintenance Equipment Rental, 7120/315, $15,000.00. Total transfer is in the sum of $16,200.00. After reading of the proposed Resolution, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1269 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington providing for the constructing and equipping of a new City Library in the general area of Liberty Park; declaring the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be; providing for the borrowing of not to exceed $150,000,00 and issuing and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay a part of the cost of constructing and equipping such new City Library, said bonds to be payable by annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate and amount; declaring an emergency; and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring such in- debtedness and issuing such bonds to the qualified electors of the City at a special election to be held in conjunction with the state general election on November 3, 1964., which was read by the Clerk. Councilman Morris reported the Committee was recommending second and final reading and it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that Ordinance No. 2110 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. Mayor Custer invited audience comment at this time and Mrs. Margaret Evans addressed the Council stating that throughout the long years as she had attended the City Council meetings there were times when she thought she was regarded as _. a fixture such as a map, calendar on the wall, or a chair, however, during her absence due , to her automobile accident the thoughtful acts and kindness of Mayor Custer, Mrs. Dal,lquist and the Councilmen gave her occasion to think otherwise. Mrs. Evans expressed her thanks and appreciation and gave assurrance that she will continue to be frank, direct and outspoken as always. Applause followed along with the Mayor's verbal official welco;,ie back. As t'iere was no further audience comment and no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, secondee by Delaurenti, to ad-ourn. Carried. The meetin- was adjourned at 9:28 p.m. T ere were twenty visitors in tie Council Chambers. -5- August 24, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 5972 James Ashurst 70.82 5973 Oral Calmer Bjorgo 2.10 5974 Blumenthal Uniform Co. 37,,32 5975 Blumenthal Uniform Co. 21,30 5976 Book Publishing Co. 57.72 �.r 5977 Econolite 18071 5978 Casper W. Fox 2.40 5979 Thomas Honnold 2.10 5980 International Municipal Signal 7.00 5981 F. E. Lawrence 12,60 5982 Nancy Ann Manz 2.10 5983 Nudelman Bros. 61 .73 5984 Ilmar Jacob Orni 2.40 5985 Pacific Northwest Bell 678086 5986 Koneer Business Forms 120.60 5987 Puget Sound Power & Light 6,328." 5988 Renton Enterprise 9.90 5989 Renton Enterprise 126.69 5990 Seattle-King Co. Safety Council 25.00 5991 Seattle Lumber Co. 20.37 5992 Wall St. Camera Exchange 153.45 5993 Washington Natural Gas 4o. 15 CITY STREET FUND 5994 Pacific Northwest Bell 23.54 5995 Paulson Office Supply 47.21 5996 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 2$ 61,99 5997 Seattle-King Co. Safety Council 50,0.0 =Mai OFF STREET PARKING FUND 5998 Rockwell Mfg. Co. 1,746.20 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 5999 Howard Cooper Corp. 113. 13. 6000 Drager's Harley-Davidson 206.46 6001 Renton Automobile 11 .92 6002 Shell Oil Co. 1.$5".84 6003 Sweeper Service 234.00 6004 Wayne Buck Sales Inc. 15.03 6005 Williams & Swanson 27.47 PARK FUND 6006 Aqua Quip Pool Supply 28.08 6007 H. D. Fowler Co. 144.82 6008 Pacific Northwest Bell 129.43 6009 Fuget Sound Power & Light 326.01 6010 Ernie Rose Sports Equipment 80,57 6011 Universal Sign Co. 26.00 60I2 Tom Waters Construction 894.40 WATER W CRKS UTILITY FUND NNW 6o13 W. C. Frost Construction 2,883.95 6011 Keuffel & Esser 12.36 6015 National Chemsearch 61 .78 6o16 Pacific Northwest Bell 127.03 6017 ` Puget Sound Power & Light 2,409. ii. 6018 Renton Enterprise 9.00 6019 Seattle-King Co. Safety Council 50.00 49-3 C I TY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED August 24, 1964 AIRPORT FUND 6020 Puget Sound Power & Light 60.29 6021 Renton Enterprise 12.60 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 6022 A & H Drugs No.-2 28.57 6023 John Alexander 15.95 6024 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 6025 Theron K. Anderson 291.00 6026 Ernest M. Burgess, M.D. 17.50 Robert L, Romano, M.D. Charles B.. Andrews, M.D. 6027 Chas. Cullen Co. 124.28 6028 Dr. C. David Heflen 7.00 6029 K's Prescription Pharmacy 24.64 6030 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 6031 Allan W. Lobb, M.D. 150.00 6032 Mason-Busteed Medical Lab. 12 ZO 6033 Drs. McConville,- Callahan, & Ellinger 5-DO 6034 Mrs. orpha McDonald 150._00 6035 Physicians Anesthesia Service 90..00 6036 Donald J. Rohrssen, M.D. 5.00 6037 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic 512..00 6038 Shaw Bros. Drug 18.40 6039 Marvin Sherertz 880.00 6040 K. B. Skubi, M.D. 1x4.00 6041 The Swedish Hospital 1:599.45 6042 F. H. Wanamaker, M.D., D.D.S. 250.00 James W. Phillips, M.D. A. George Rockwell, M.D. Alvin J. Novack, M.D. 6043 Western Optical Dispensary 27„04 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1184 601x4 Johnston-Campanella & Co. 2,046.00 QUMULATIVE FUND No. 1990 6045 Puget Sound Power & Light 56.99 CURRENT FUND 6046 Book Publishing Co. 19.24 The following Claims,, having been audited by the Aindit iagC6r-AMaa;ing were approved for the month of August, 1964. Committee PAYROLL 116,998.72 CURRENT 23,413.84 STREET 10,859.21 CEDAR RIVER M & I 108.15 OFF STREET PARKING 4765.47 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,890.76 LIBRARY 4701.15 PARKS 4,929.41 WATERWORKS 34,741.17 AIRPORT 753.99 FIREMENtS PENSION 4,707.33 CUM. #1184 2.046.00 CUM. #1990 56.99 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk , Donald W. Custer, Mayor