HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 18 (9/14/1964 - 3/14/1966) CITY CQ WIL;-OF RENTON REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. September 1%, 196 The regular mecting of the menton City Council was calleu to order by ;Mayor :,'. luster anc the Pledge of Alle;;iance to the Fla,: was recites, by the assembly. t%OLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Hulse, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, that absent-Couneikman Trimm be excused. Carried. i OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmi.e Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasufer, Gerard Shellane City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, James Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, J. havid Jensen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, James Highton, Building Sup't., Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gent Coulun,,.Sup't. of Parks and Ted Kennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of 8-24-64 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED 3Y THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 3UILDING PLRNITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9722 $ 1,200.00 Lloyd L. Kinder 2905 - 9th Avenue Recreation Room 23 400.00 R. L. Edwards Renton Shopping Center Sign (Pending) 24 100.00 John Tomich 515 North Williams St. Fence & Slab 9725 150.00 Carl.Cooks 330 Rainier Avenue Fence 26 75.00 C. N. Goodwin 728 High Street Sidewalk repair 27 425.00 Conner Construction 12519 - 86th Ave. So. Wire new residence 28 2,000.00 K. V. Gilbert 100 Rainier Avenue Temporary Building 29 ' 500.00 Tino Cugini 203 Sunset Blvd. Add to Office Bldg. 9730 38p000.00 Puget Properties, Inc. Grady Way Vet Clinic 31 800.00 ' Everett N. C1.6ussen 10040 - '112th Ave. ,S.E. Garage 32 100.00 Sunrise Motel 219 Sunset Blvd. Reroof Garage 33 4,600.00 Kenn L. Thompson 12901 - 88th Avenue So. Addition to res. 34 200.00 Joseph Farkas 325 Meadow Street Repair Residence 9735 200.00 Russell E. Busk 3408 - 10th Avenue No. Carport 36 200.00 Lyle L. Barger 3502 - 5th Ave. East Carport 37 3502000.00 Renton Village, Inc. Grady Way Comm'l. Buildings 38 400.00 Mamie Thision 2418 - 5th Avenue No. Rewire residence 39 225.00 D. L. Forbes 13224 S.E. 114th Pl. Fence 9740 40,000.00 E. T. Nelson 401 Rainier Avenue Restaurant 41 200.00 Don-A-Lisa Motel 111. Meadow Street Sign 42 12..00 H. W. Hultgren 421 Wells Street No. Wire Addition 43 300.00 K. V. Gilbert 100 Rainier Avenue Wire office 44 350.00 Wm. H. Cloyd 712 "0" Street Enclose Carport 9745 50.00 T#o Cugipi 203 Sunset .Blvd. Wire 2 rooms 46 450.00 Pete Delaurenti 2422 - 6th Ave. No. Wire Residence . 47 150.00 Clarence Burgess 721 Jones Street Add to Basement 48- - .T - George Lewis 1125 Rainier Avenue Demolish Building 49 60.00 Lloyd Kinder 2905 - 9th Ave:-No. Wire Addition 9750 200.00 Barron Used Cars 12925 Rainier Ave. So. 200 Amp. Service 51; 100.00 Sunny's Trucking 418 Park Street 2 ,sided sign 52, 500.00 Conner Construction Co. 8633 So. 127th Wire new Residence 53 400.00 Mrs. joe Fillon 1040 Whitworth South Wire Residence 54 250.00 Don .Jacobson 903 ' E" Street Electric Service 9755 800,00 Doyel W. Burleson 11502 S.E. .102nd Street " Garage 5fk 400.00 G. R. Phillips 422 Bronson Way No. Construct Shed 57 14,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1026 "Q" Street New Residence 58. 100.00 Sunset Outdoors 248 Rainier Avenue Wire Sign 519 100.00 Peter Furzer 1922 7th Ave. No. Carport 9760 800.00 Union Oil Company 320 Rainier Avenue Sign .61 80'0.00 Nando Phillips 324 Whitworth . Bedroom Addition 62 5000.00 Gull Oil Company 2808 Maple Valley ifwy. Service Station -l- 9 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-14-64 PERMITS: (continued) PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6671 - - - - Phillip Mooney 307 Cedar Street Heating Equipment 72 - - - - Marian Wilson 215 Tobin Street Ga€; installations 73 - - - - Edwin Dent 412 Wells Street No. Gas Installat-_^:.s 74 - - - - Mr. Traverso 1315 - 7th Avenue Gas Installations 6675 - - - - Arthur Reigstad 353 Bronson Way No. Heating Equipment 76 - - - - Allan R. Wehrer 12731-88th Ave. So. Plumbing fixtures 77 - - - - L. Barger 3502 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 78 - - - - Herb Hackman 11819 S.E. 102nd Plumbing Fixtures 79 - - - - R. N. Neilson 3107 - 6th Ave. E. Heating Equipment 6680 - - - - George Runions 600 Morris Street Gas Installations 81 - - - - K. V. Gilbert 100 Rainier Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - - Donald C. Anderson 347 Thomas Street Heating Equipment 83 - - - - B. F. Fugitt 13060 S.E. 115th P1. Gas Installations 84 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3250 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 6685 - - - - Elmer Morasch 12647-88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 86 - - - - Joe Fillon 1040 Whitworth Street Plumbing Fixtures 87 - - - - Louie Columbi 10450- 108th S.E. Gas Installations 88 - - - - Mr. Free 3610-7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 89 - - - - J. Curry 346 Garden Street Gas Installations 6690 - - - - W. Robertson 426 Sunset Blvd. Heating Equipment 91 - - - - Richfield Station 12th & Sunset Plumbing Fixtures Mayor Custer invited Johnston-Campanella, Architects engaged to prepare the Civic Center Site plans, to present their proposals to the Council. Mr. David Johnston presented film slides of the two schemes, labeled 2 and 2A with hypothetical settings and building place- ment encompassing those units directed to be included by the Council by previous action. Scheme 2 placed the Library, City Hall and a Multi-Purpose Unit all in the Liberty Park and site 4, West of Houser Way. Site 2-A placed the Multi-Purpose unit in Cedar River Park, and left the basic plan otherwise much the same. Plan 2 called for the Multi-Purpose unit to encompass the present pool providing cover for a year around facility which could be designed so as to allow the pool to be uncovered if desired. Mr. Johnston requested that the Council make its determination as to which scheme is to be developed as the fi.:al plan in order that their Contract might be completed at an early date, and questions were invited. Discussions ensued regarding parking facilities and comparative costs of the two ia site developments which could not be projected without details of floor area and plans, outside of an estimate of$1,400,000.00 for auditorium under dost.-projected-)within the capital improvement program whereas the multi-purpose unit was between four and six hundred thousand dollars. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, that scheme 2 be developed in concern for the inclement weather as it allows year around use of the pool. It was pointed out that the Park Board would have jurisdiction over development of the recreational facilities and members of the Board who were present were requested to comment. Mr. Regis, member of the Park Board, recalled the letter submitted to the Council stating that the preference of the Park Board would be either Site 3 or 2A, it being felt that site 2 engulfs most all of the recreation area. Mr. Johnston pointed out the relocation of the soft ball diamond and other facilities stating that use of Cedar River shotild'be- a consideration ofthe Park Board in developing the City's recreation facilities with the 22 acres extra allowed. Park BoardlMember Tom Teasdale stated his opinion that the parking benefit would not offset the damage to result to the recreation area and that he would like to see the multi-purpose hall in Cedar River Park giving the City a start on development of this area leaving the park as is. Mr. Johnston acknowleged sketch 2 may have greater impact as a govern- mental civic center site from a public viewing standpoint. Mre..Oalldcher, Park Board Member advocated development of Site 2A with families and their children using the same area and not being split up by the picnic area being in one place and the play area in the other. Upon inquiry Planning Director Jensen advised of meeting with the John Graham Company and a general agreement with Council as to the location of the City Hall however, - � it was felt that the multi-purpose building, if to contain recreational facilities, should' be out of Liberty Park and any allied arts or smaller meeting facility might be contained j in a wing of the library. Councilman Perry restated his opinion for developing site 2A placing the multi-purpose building in Cedar River Park with adequate parking, Councilman Delaurenti affirmed his motion for adopting site 2 recommending revision of the parkin- and keeping all of the civic center facilities together, Vote on the question resulted in dissenting voice vote and roll call was requested by the Council as required which resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Pedersen, Garrett and Delaurenti. No: Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini, Perry and Morris. The motion to adopt Scheme 2 for final development and drawings by Johnston-Campanella was carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 9-14-1964 HEARING: Proposed Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. - S.E. 112th Street and 114th Ave. S.E. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open and communications were read from Etta Duke, Y. C. McCullum, and Fred L. 1,1endling, along with a Petition with names of six additional property owners protesting the project due to proper functioning of present septic systems and Contractors interest in the area. A letter read from Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jordan advised of availability of other sewer facilities to their property. A letter read from City Engineer Wilson reported that the protests represented 30.39% of the total Pssessment. It was pointed out that the owner was not included in the assess- ment for Sunset who advised his property could be served from that facility. Mrs. Jordan stated they would p_-efer hooking to the trunk at the front of their property rather than being assessed fro,,-,i the back trunk. As there was no Further comment it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the L.I.D. be referred to the City Engineer to proceed with the project and to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper document. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended execution of Permit from the State Highway Commission, No. Enumclaw 2310, allowing the City to construct, operate and maintain a ten inch C.I. water pipeline across a portion of Primary State Highway No. 5 (SR 167), South Renton Interchange, crossing centerline of PSH No. 5 at approximate Highway Engineer's Station 1008+30, to serve Renton Village. The Permit has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and the 1`ayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Permit. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing of August 26th as follows: 1. Preliminary Plat - Replat of Tract A, Rollin; Hills Village - Approval Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce,, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 2� Variance request V-2-3-64, Ralph Johnson to add to existing residence and reduce rear yard to 227 from required 25 ft. - Granting was recommended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 3. Variance request V-2-4-64, Richard Reeves to construct residence on lot having access to public right of way via 30 ft. easement. Approval recommended. Discussion disclosed that the subject property was fronting upon what has heretofore' been considered private property, however, since an easement granted to the public has been produced the variance would not be needed. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan stated that the dedication was made in 1958 and whether the City had accepted it would be a matter of record. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the dedication be accepted at this time if the record does not show prior evidence of same. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Bruce, that Mr. Reeves be refunded his fee for the variance as it is not necessary. Carried. A letter from Jim Carver, Mgr. of Jim's Tavern, requested that Mutual Amusement Co. be granted the required license to operate an additional pinball device in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, -to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Northern Pacific Railway Company appealed the decision of the Planning Commission in connection with the operation of certain parking lots on railway right-of ways to be leased by United Parking, insofar as the immediate requirement for paving of the lots is concerned, The estimated paving costs of between $4,700.00 and $4,900.00 were prohibitive to successful establishment of the new venture. Service to the City in control of off-street parking was pointed out and the paving requirement reqLe sted to be postponed for a 12 month period at which time it will be paved. if the business proves to be successful. Otherwise, the railroad will cancel the lease and barricade the premises from further parking use per Mr. R. M. Eisen, Assistant Industrial Agent. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen, that the date of September 28, 1964 be set for hearing on the matter and that the requestor and the Planning Commission be notified. _ Carried. A statement in the sum of $7,491.78 was read from Puget Properties, Inc. for the installation of 1241 C.I. watermain per City Engineer's plan from Tiffany Park to Rolling Hills Plat. Summary of the costs was attached according to prior agreement with the City for increasing sizes of new mains. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the invoice to the Fire and Mater Committee and Auditing and Accounting Committee with powe to act. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-14-1964 COMMUNICATIGNS: (cont.) A letter from Mayor D.W. Custer requested concurrence in the transfer of Mr. John Neal to the position of Working Foreman I, Central Garage, at a salary of $572.00 per month for the balance of the year, and for thetransfer of Mr. Lawrence Eriks, Carpenter, from Central Garage (3600) to Street Maintenance (3240) with the salary remaining as it is at present. The transfers will improve control and use of personnel and will eliminate a portion of the inter-departmental charges for the Central Garage from Street Maintenance. Mayor Custer further explained that recent retirement of three men has resulted in these Department Head requests in filling the vacated positions. Moved by Eruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the transfers as stated. It was pointed out that the PAS survey and report called for council concurrence as far as reclassifications are concerned the other action requiring only administrative directive. The pending motion carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan reported -that In-Lieu-Of Tax Statements on Municipal Parking Lot #2 covering the period from 1961 to the present had been received by the City in the sum of $2,400.00 and subsequent negotiations with the King County Assessor had confirmed the opinion that the assessment was excessive due to the fact the City owned only a small portion of the property as the balance was encumbered by the City of Seattle pipeline right-of-way which prevented the use for any building or other im- provement purposes.. The County had not been aware of the encumbrance on the property and a new assessed valuation base has now been established reducing the taxes to $389.58 for the aforesaid period. It was pointed out that Seattle has a similar problem on the Seattle Center Parking Garage and Seattle may contest the matter on the grounds that the taxes only apply where subject parking facilities have been acquired by condemnation. It is not felt that the City of Renton tax is of the consequence to be litigated, however the outcome of the Seattle suit will be of interest. It is recommended that the City of Renton pay the reduced tax under protest and await t'_.e outcome of any suit Seattle may institute to determine whether such tax applies to municipal parking lots which have been acquired without condemnation action. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the revised tax statements be referred to the Auditin w and Accountin� g�Co ttee with power to act. Carried. r+ .nraiw� A report from Mayor Custer submitted list of Transfers of Funds within Budget Classifications for the month of August as required under RCW 35,33 120 and pursuant to City of Renton Resolution No. 1232 as follows: 8-4-64 Library, 5000; Acct. 201, Statewide, Social Security, $140.00, unto: Acct. 203, Industrial Insurance. ; and on 8-10-64, Waterworks (Maintenance) 7120, From: Acct. 417, Material & Supplies, $250,00 unto: Acct. 410, Chemicals; 8-27-64, Parks & Recreation, 6120 M, & 0,, From: Acct. 302, Utility Service - Water-Metro, unto Acct. 310, Rentals, Sundry, $100.00. A request submitted this date was read from the Renton Downtown Merchants` Assn. requesting the City to grant free parking on Thursday and Friday, September 17 and 18, in conjunction with their September Spectacular 31 Hour Sale . Attention was called to prior request listing; all dates to be needed for the year for which free parking had been granted with the stipulation that this was to be the final free parking list. The late date of the request not allowing Committee recommendation and the effect on the City's Budget were discussed and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the request be denied., it being acknowledged that retail business plans for a whole year may not be an easy task but the City finds it a like task in having periodically to adjust its budget. . The pending motion carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen advised of much interest being expressed regarding the widening of Second Avenue and the minimum requirements to be fixed for -the right-of- way. Not less than 85 feet wAs the width suggested in order to convert it to two way and to provide adequate width and capacity to allow access to the adjacent business district with efficient flow of through traffic as well. This width will also provide for left turns at intersections and parking and there would be three moving lanes in each direction. After review with the John Graham Company the recommendation remains the same which would result in a total right-of-way width of 101 feet�byzt_ :rf, wider side- walks are desired and State Standards to bs met the right-of-way would require a width of rf 120 feet. This would allow for planting of street Grecs and 17 ft. wide sidewalks. The latter width was the w1dth:-favordd, hy.' the John Graham Company and the Planning Department in consideration of the facts that it would aid in stabilizing and improving economic ad- vantage of the Central Business District adding to the overall attractiveness. Mayor Custer advised he had requested the John Graham consultation and report from Mr. Jensen and called attention to the fact that a number of business concerns are await- ing a decision before proceeding with construction plans inasmuch as they don't want to build if condemnation is imminent: Mr. Sam Zerwoodis advised a client is contemplating securing a permit but wants to know the plans , Discussion ensued regarding issuance of building permits and relationahip.t6 the right of way, and poss�ililt setback requfterOnts, a 20 foot setback favored by tie business developer. A final O'etermitiation was regsested -4- e-- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meetin, 9-14 1964 COMMUI�CAT-.r0NS: 'cont. ) Widening of Second Avenue to _-void undue delay in planning for construction. The implementation as affected by the 701 Comprehensive Plan was discussed disclosing that the final 701 report is scheduled -o be cu,,-Zleted on October 15 at which .time some determination might be forthcoming. Noveu by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole and -the City Enineer to bring in rough drafts of one and two lane additic-:s to Second Avenue Carried PROCTSEA?'=ON Whereas, P'reoident Johnson has called upon all local officials to pledge their service, .Mayor D.i­ Custer, in observance of Citizenship Day , September 17th, and Constitution Week, a is o uei:,g promoj-ed by the Civitan Club of Renton, called upon the City Officials and Citizens of "enton to pledge themselves to remembrance of the acts which led to the writing of ou_ Constitution and to renewed allegiance and service to our Country, this date having been designated by the Congress of the United States as Citizenship Day also marking the 177th Anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter read from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr, Oscar Anderson to fill the unexpired term of Mr. C.E. McCarthy who has resigned his posit?-on as a member of the Police Civil Service Commission of the City of Renton, effective 9-1-64 and expiring 6-1-68,. Mr.: McCarthy was thanked for his many years of service. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Car_-i ed. A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Al Noble to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Tom Phinney who has resigned his position as a member of the Fireman's Civil Service Commission, effective 9-1-64 and expiring 1-22-69. Mr. Phinney was extended thanks for his service to the community. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. Mrt dobe was in the audience and was introduced to the assembly. He assured chis earnest- effort in fulfillment of his committment. Concurrence was requested by the Mayor in the appointment of Mr: George R. Dobson end Mr. Paul W.. Houser as members of the Renton Aviation Board for the remainder of the two three--year terms ending November 6, 1966. The appointments were effective 4-7-64 and correct an apparent oversight by the ow-mission during term of the prior administration. Move,','. by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. The motion carried.. Mayor Custer^ declared a recess at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken With all Council Members presertc as previously listed. COUNCIL CONVITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, reported that the Committee has been working to get facts and figures together and hoped to be able to report in a week or so. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that the Kennydale Lions Club Park is available for acquisition for park purposes only aril subject to the Lease by the Kennydale Lions Club for the sum of $4,002.00 according to a letter from the State xece'ved by City Attorney Shellan. The Park Board favors the acquisition and it was recomnnended by the Committee that the City Attorney be authorized to proceed requesting, if possible, that the payment be deferred until after January 1, 1965 to allow budgeting and e Mayon and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents required in connection 1erewith, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the *..O operty Committee Carried. During discussion for information pruposes it was pointed out that in the event the property is not used it will revert back to the State. City `tttorney Shel an inquired as to alternative funding in the event the State did not wish oo wait fo_- next years budgeting and it was Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the City Attorney be authorized to proceed, funding the purchase from the current budget if the Sete is not willing --o wait. Carried. -5- �A c:a Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-14-1964 CO'a!CIL OOMMITTEE REPM TS Councilman Pedersen, submitted a revised Agreement between the City and The Boeing Company regarding joint petition to be submitted to the State which seeks to acquire rights to certain additional .shorelands to be made available by the relocation of the Renton inner harbor line as designated by exhibits A and B heretofore filed with the City. The Agreement further provides for Lease by Tho hoeing 'Company of the area^ alphabetically enumerated on said exhibits A and B with first option to purchase area "N" in the event the City should make it available for purchase to the public during the tei*m of the lease. The Property Committee recommendation was read that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized'to�execute-'tbe letter agreement to institute the relocation. iiovcu by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur with the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Regarding the Petition requesting the City to block off the City of Seattle Pipe Line right-of-way in the vicinity of Phillip Arnold Park, the area has been barricaded several months ago and will remain closed indefinitely. 2. Investigation pursuant to petition requestin; a four-way stop at the intersection of 7th Avenue and Renton Street revealed that the accident rate has been only one (1) accident in two years and inasmuch as the use of stop signs merely to control.,speed is not considered good practice it was recommended that the request be denied. Moved by Lelaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Committee recommendation. Carried. 3. Bonnell-Shane Storm Sewer Agreement - 92nd Avenue South - Due to lack of execution by the property owners it was moved that the City files be closed an this matter. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation by the Committee. Carried. 4. '.he Committee requests more time on the matter of prohibiting parking during certain hours on Main Street. Granted. 5. Regarding request of H. E. Nyman that signs be installed on the west side of Pelly Street,between 4th and 6th Avenues North, designating No Parking from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in order to allow two lane traffic movement, it was felt that with Park, Wells and Williams streets being North-South arterials, Pelly is not needed as an arterial and would only create additional hazards at 4th Avenue North requiring additional traffic contr, if so designated. It was recommended that the request be denied. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 6. Regarding request of Mary Miller et al for lowering alley in Block 19 to allow drainage of water, the request was referred to the City Engineer and Street Commissioner to determine whether such would be feasible, and more time was requested. Granted. Street Commissioner TeGantvoort upon inquiry reported that the alley could not be lowered too much or it would not drain out onto the street, however they are working with the Engineering Department to determine whether some lowering might be effected in order to alleviate the immediate problem. 8. Regarding Quit Claim Deed from James and Mary Bone offering 7 ft. of right-of-way on "0" Street, the land instead has been conveyed to purchaser of the adjoining property allowing said property to be contiguous to public right-of-way as required by F.H.A. Since the problem has been solved and the City has never accepted the Deed it is recom- mended, inasmuch as the property would be of no value to the City, that the Deed be returned. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Counciilman Perry called attention to the arduous committee efforts nut forth in promotion of the Kennydale Beach Bond Issue and submitted letter from Citizens Fot -Renton's Orderly Development", opposing the issue. The Clerk read the letter which urged the voters to vote no. Councilman Perry stated he had answered the allegations and given his rebuttal which could not be mailed out in time to reach the voters, in a statement issued to the press and the Clerk was requested to read same. Priority listing of City Improvements was an item of concern,and Mr. Perry's letter reported improvements to be instituted by budgeting which were to be accomplished without a bond issue, in priority interest, and pointed out that Renton needs such recreational facility and this being our last major waterfront park site left on Lake Washington, and City owned, it would not be wise to reject development of a community beach for the entire area. Mr. Perry submitted a letter, directed to him from Mr. Chas. M. Pigott, in reply to a request for Pacific Car and Foundry Company's support of the Bond Issue wherein the Council was requested to be mindful that the proposal in itself might seem insignificant however, as a part of an evergrowing total of taxes, looms large. Mr. Pigott inquired whether this is the best place to invest at this time in view of other requirements and requested, prior to endorsement from his Company, a list of priorities issued by the City Council. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that the party -representing "Citizens for Renton's Orderly Development" be mailed a copy of Mr. Perry's answer by Certified Mail with return Receipt Requested. Carried. Councilman Delaur_enti called attention to the brochure promoting th-2 :;.ssue and congratulated Mr. Perry and his Committee for a f1ne job. i Minutes of 1.-he Renton City Council Meeting NEW OUS:: 1LSS: Mayor (Juster advised that Councilman Trim, who is in the hospital, has ased be relieved of h.'s Council Committee duties for the present time and Councilman L;11,11c,e has bee:i2:e u;ested to assume those duties on all committees which include the 701 Planning Co mn:.-ctee of which he was chairman, the: Street .Lnd Alley Committee alis ::ie Propertk Cbi&i:"L tee Mayor CUs"ter announced than the Preliminary Budget will be presented to the Council nes_=, week, revisions having to be made in accordance with action of the Ccrigress regard .ng Sael11 Security and additional revenues to be included which were rot horea anticipated. Councilman Poli. requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Thursday, September i7t-h at 7:30 p.m. for discussion with Olympic Pipe Line Co. represe .tatives and the Ci':y Attorney and City Engineer were invited to be present. Mr. Perry requested that Mr. and Mrs, Burton Albright be invited, of Kirkland per their request. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, that Vouchers No. 6047 through 6222, hav-ng been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this t-2",1a. Carried. Councilman Hulse announced a meeting of the Capital Improvement Committee on September 16th at 7:30 p.m. and a meeting of the Auditing and Accounting Committee cn Monday, September 21st at 7:30 p.m. Counc .Jman Hulse submitted a report on his attendance along with Planning DIrecto_ Jenson and Planning Commission Chairman Denzer, at the meeting of the Planning Associ:_-­..: 1 of Washington in Yakima, Sept. 11 and 12th, of which he is a charter member, cs included "The definition of a comprehensive plan, , The development and implemeaahiSin of a comprehensive plan and Planning and the news medias'. Informal discussions covered such topics as Orientation for Planning Commission Members and Councilmen, local i.ntergovern-mcnt relations i;► planning and future programs of the Association. Emphasis was placed Gn the need for good communication with other governmental agencies. The next meeting is expec`:^d;;:.o be n Tacoma, February 12-13,; 1965.' . Another meeting will be scheduled for ** May i_:Z ilalia and there is to be a conference of County Commissioners. The Asp,In , has a goal of three meetings a year. An a=•'c:Y.cle was attached from the Yakima Herald which was entitled"U._S� Growth Becomes Big Problem,"the topic of Speaker Karl J. Belser. Further activities of the PlCnnitng Associat on dere outlined along with details of Mr. Belser's speech. Counci2_man Schellert, reporting as a member of the 701 Planning Committee, evised the Mr„ Teeoarden has been appointed Chairman of a Committee to upgrade the Zoning Code and Dr. Bardarsun is Chairman of the Committee to recommend revisions of the .land _,_�e map. . Councilwoman Dahlquist reminded the Council, as Chairman of the Legislative Committee, of the 47th Legislative District meeting on Friday, September 25th at 7:P.M. at the hubs- � Elks. Cou ci?.mar_ Pedersen called attention to the strong movement towards bringing a major league ball club to Seattle which he deems very important to all of King Counl-V as it rep+-esents new industry for the area. It was urged that the Council urge the T.erchants and Chamber of Commerce to support the effort, and moved by Pedersen, ans seconded by Delavrenti, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for a Resolution supporting the ball park issue. Carried. Councilman Perry made the motion that Council go on record in unanimous cuppo_" o the Lake TJn, ;each Bond Proposal, with second by Garrett. Upon voice vote Dail:cu:�^-t: ^^^ ?cl 'ilct��- the st6km sewers were of greater concern at this time.. ORO_:�:L41 1CTS 1,12 nESOLUTIONS: 11.1om ii=-;see Cha firman Morris presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of hen' cr; Vacating a pro'.aor. of County Road #34 lying within Tract 183 of C.D. Hillman's Lake 'hl. Garden of Eden, Division No. 3, which was read by the Clerk. (Gerber Property) Move-1 1-- Del.�1-ren-i, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Ordinance to the Committee fol, recomnendaticn, The Commit tee recommended second and final reading after which it was moved by Po.I:L, :.. seconded by -,uce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2111 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Cou n,:: .1 Woman Dahlquist called attention to the Good Roads Ass'n, mee-.7.ng in on the 16th, 17th and 18th of September. As there tags no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Po=__-, seconded by Gi.:n�:ii3n:, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 1.0.35 r.,m, 1<< were 29 -7- j September 14, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 6047 Aircraft Equipment & Salvage 8.69 6048 Airkem Sales and Service-Seattle, Inc. 47.87 6049 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 38.86 6050 B & B Auto Parts 25.96 6051 Lawrence Bauer 2,40 6052 Bean Electric Company 78. 17 6053 Blumenthal Uniform Co. 89.07 6054 Blumenthal Uniform Co, 76.66 6055 Burnrite Oil Co. 57,02 6056 Cl if ford Carlson 2.,40 6057 Cochran Coast to Coast Store 64.02 6058 Dennis Comer 2.40 6059 The Cris,t Co. 322.40 6060 D & D Auto Upholstery 15.6,0 6061 Daily Journal of Commerce 6062 Eastman Kodak Store, Inc. 1 .. 3 6063 Employment Security Department 55.68 6064 Fire Engineering 10.00 6065 General Aniline & Film Corp. 3,32 6066 Charles A. Goodwin 2,:40 6067 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 144.00 6068 Hartman Office Equipment 5,62 6o69 King Co. Humane Society. 606.66 6070 'King Co. Medical Service ?37.30 6071 Kroesen's 15.08 6072 Kroll Map Co. 12.,48 6073 Market Basket #5 11 .35 6074 McLendon Hardware 32.65 6075 Mead's Heating & Service 83,49 6076 Messer's T.V. and Appliance 88.40 60?7 Mobile Communications Co, 156;00 6078 Jim Moody 2.40 6079 Violet Moore 116,48 6080 Dan Michael Morgan 2;40. 6081 Motorola C & E 26:00 6082 Jack A. Mullin 2.40 6083 Helmie Nelson 3.00 . 6084 Overall Cleaning 42. 13 6085 Pacific Auto Supply 9. 19 6086 Mike ,Perry 4.4o 6087 Mike Potoshnik Fuel Oil 35.02 6088 Seattle-King 'Co. Dept. Public Health 175.00 6089 Service Laundry Z: 70.83 6090 M. L. Snyder & Son - 15.63 6o91 Standard Insurance Co. 217.75 6092 Standard Oil Co. 9. 13 6093 Statewide City Employees Retirement 2,516.98 .- .6o94 Sunset Coal and oil 39.22 6095 Trick - and Murray 3.o6 6096 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 2,360.08 6097 Welding Equipment Co. 1 .56 6098 Westlake Electronic Supply 29.32 CITY STREET FUND 6099 Austin Hendrickson Fharmacy 6. 15 6100 Black River Quarry 82.39 6101 Cochraq Coast to Coast .Store 12. 14 ' 6102 Group Health 'Coop 80.50 6103 McLendon Hardware 196,77 6104 Mobile Communications 52,00 6105 J. C. .Penneys 3024 6106 Preservative Paint 582.23 September 14, 1964 CITY STREET FUND CONTINUED 6107 Raeco Products Corp. 70.28 61oa Reiman Auto Parts 11 . 14 61og Renton and Rainier Printery 52,00 6110 Renton Motor Parts 35,67 bill , Seattle Tent and Awning 12,48 6112 Security Concrete Products 1482,08 6113 Service Laundry 3.64 6114 Standard Oil Co, 26,88 6115 Statewide City Employees Retirement 251 .99 6116 Stoneway Sand 190.33 err• 6117 Sunset Coal 596.44 6118 Sunset Coal 1,632.28 6119 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 7,440.49 6120 Zep Mfg. Co. 404.89 6121 King Co. Medical Service Corp. t42.73 CEDAR RIVER M. & 1 , FUND 6122 King Co. Medical 8. 15 $123 Statewide City Employees Retirement 12.48 CF F STREET PARK I NG F UND 6124 Milt Williams 100.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND -44 25 __. .._-._ :.:___._._.:__ Ams-rican Farts 3x67 6126 Arbuckle Glass 42.26 6127 Atomic Battery Shop 35404 6128 B & B Auto Parts . 41:00 6129 Dewey & Ward 1144 . 6130 , Drager's Harley-Davidson 92,74 6131, Feenaughty Machinery, 86. (1 612 Firestone Stores 60.58 w...r 6133 Fittings, Inc. 2. t4. 6134 Group Hea'Ith :Coop 40,00 6135 King Co. Medical 2047 61 Matthie's Key Shop 3 49 61 William 0. McKay 2.42 6138 McLendon Hardware 2.37 6139 Moore Business Forms `22.85 6140, Pac i f is 'Auto 'Supply 119.23 6141 Reiman Auto Parts 102,29 61.42 Renton Boiler Works 130.42 Renton Motor Parts 178.30 6.144 , Sahlberg Equipment 44 i4 6115 Sery ice .sundry 80.70 61Lj6 Standard Oi 1 ' 165-75 6147 Statewide City Employees Retirement 80.22 6.1.48._._ _ __.:: --.S unse t Coa 1 65.53 6149 Sunset Cgal 36,28 6150 Swain Equipment 213.31 6)51 Bene t i c ,Press 7. 3 6152 Binfords & Mort. (f} 72 6153 Char,es T, Branford 9Q, CO 6154 Frank Cenkov i ch ` 6155 Cons'umer's Research 6156 , Doubleday & Co. v' 278'.08: 6157 D i ese l d'l i 30.88 6158 Gaylord Gros. 53.66 61 59, Group Hea t t h . 8.50 6160 Internati'onal .City Manager's Assoc. 7.50 616o King Co. iMedical 'Service 75, 15 6162 Overall Cleaning 2,50 6163 Pacific NW*Bell 59,i1 . j September 14, 1964 LIBRARY FUND CONTINUED 6164 Paulson Office Supply 20.91 6165 Puget Spund News Co. 1,697.35 6166 Puget Sound Power & Light 77.20 6167 Record Stationery & Office Supply 34.33 6168 State of Washington 3.50 6169 Statewide City Employees Retire. System 131 .59 6170 Story House Corp. 26.06 6171 Washington State Tax Commission 5.68 6172 Mrs. Martha Wlberg 9.00 PARK FUND 6173 Atomic Battery Shop 18.21 6174 Doyle Plumbing Supply Co. 35.78 6175 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 24.00 6176 Janco-United, Inc. 113.62 6177 King County Medical Service Corp. 90,05 6178 Matthiets Key & Sharp Shop 5.41 6179 Mc Lendon Hardware 220.49 6180 Moulden Fuel Company 62.40 6181 North Coast Seed Company 432,64 6182 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 78,.00 6183 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 137.59 6184 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 31 .25 61x5 Scottyts Bulldozing 1 ,991 .60 6166 The Sherwin-Williams Company 10.57 6187 Statewide City Employees Retire. System 120.09 6188 Top Cleaners & Launderers 11 . 18 61a9 Tropical Paint Company 78.25 6190 Universal Sign Company 10.40 6191 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 210.38 6192 Washington State Tax Commission 262.14 6193 Tom Waters Construction 1 ,456.00 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 6194 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 1,273.52 6195 Goodall Rubber Company 56.26 6196 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 48.00 6197 King County Medical Service Corp. 155.45 6198 Mc Lendon Hardware 45.86 6199 Messer's T. V. and Appliance 2.06 6200 Mobile Communications Co. 52.00 6201 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,588.00 6202 Pacific Water Works Supply Co. 1 ,307-90 6203 Pacific Water Warks Supply Co. 1,616.35 6204 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 125.00 6205 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 13. 13 6206 Statewide City Employees Retire. System 186.27 6207 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 9. 17 6208 Tacoma Screw Products 191 .48 6209 W/T City Treasurer Cr Current 2, 1' 3. 9 6210 W/T City Treasurer - Equipment Rental 1 ,618.55 6211 Washington State Tax Commission 19295-,59 6212 Zep Manufacturing Company 106.31 AIRPORT FUND 6213 Cochran Coast to Coast Store 24.38 6214 International N,W. Aviation Council 84,00 6215 Ki rtj ObUM'hy Merl i ca I Service Corp. ' r 6e16 Northern Marine Wholesale, Inc. 24. 13 6217 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 8.69 6218 Statewide City Employees Retire. System 21 .78 6219 W/T City Treasurer - Equipment Rental 65.75 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1184 6220 Aircraft Equipment and Salvage 6.03 6221 City of Renton 150.00 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1894 622 Hord Roffing Cni 147. 14 D. W. Custer, yor - telmic K. Nelsoh, City Clerk J i RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEET ?3 8:00 P.M. September 21, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, :Tulse, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Per---y that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, James Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, J. David Jensen; Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, 'Dern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Sup't. of Parks and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 14, 1964 be approved as written, Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY -11E EUILDI' ^v D£PARTitEN i BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS T"yTE OF WORN' 9763 $ 500.00 Manly Grinolds 308 Cedar Street Roof and Gutters 64 340.00 K. H. Trojovsky 3516 - 6th Ave. East New Electric Service 65 1,900.00 Richfield Oil Co. 12�h Ave,. No. Wire Electric Service 66 275.00 Glen Gibson 932 "K" Street Fence 67 400.00 Western Optical' 915 Third Avenue Sign 68 11500.00 Ralph Johnson 3315 - 11th Ave. No. Addit-7ons to residence 69 800,00 Francis M. Gleason 1003 "E" Street Carport & Demol garage 9770 19,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3250 Rolling Hills ','il. Swimming Pool 71 450.00 Phil Plano 210 Williams S±_ee` Repair roof & Cutter 72 25000 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3250 Roll,, Viils Jil. Wire. Sales Office 73 450.00 Emmett Kindle 9629 - 108th Ave. S.L. WiYe Residence 74 73,000.00 Ren. Shop. ,Cente4 Rainier & Sunset. Co�TM:ercial Building 9775 72,000.00 Ren-. Shop. Center Rainier Avenue 'Resta.ura.nt 76 2,890.00 Robert Clouse 10214 S. £. 94t'i Siding 77 250.00 Clinton Betz 415 - 3rd Avenue New Roof 78 450.00 Mr. Thompson 12901 - 88th Ave. So. ' ' 'Wire Add--'tion 79 250.00 Joseph Rudell 3223-14th Ave. No. :inclose Sundeck 9780 1,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. Roll, Hills Dr. & Puget Dr. Sub-Division 81 750.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc.Benson Hwy. & Puget Dr. Sign 82 50.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. Roll. :Tills & Puget Dr. Sign & Flood Lights 83 40,000.00 A. L. Jones 325 Burnett Street Industrial Bldg. PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 6692 - - = - Ed Beckley 3409 Sunset Place Pl=b-ing Fixtures 93 - - - Mr. Thompson 12901 - 83th Avenne So. Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - John Murphy 529 Cedar Street C'as Installations 6695 ,.. - C. Wiehoff 100th St.-Aloha Ranch Plumbing Fixtures ANNOUNCEMENTS Meetings will begin on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. for. Departmental Budget Review and the following time schedule was announced by Mayor Custer: Mayor & Council - 7:00 p.m. .... Mayor - Executive Budget ,-,7:80 p.m. Council - Legislative .Budget 7:45 Airport Budget - 8:00 p.m. Library Budget - 8:30,p,m, Police Department Budget ; 9;00 .m� ". -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 9-21-64 OPENING OF BIDS: Storm Sewers - South Renton, 5th Avenue from Morris Street to Burnett Street, Morris Street from 5th Avenue to 6th Avenue, 6th Avenue from Smithers to Shattuck Street and 3rd Avenue Extension from Mt. Olivet Road to 4th Avenue North. r This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS SOUTH RENTON 3RD AVENUE NO. EXTENSION Pert Robison 5611 Delridge Way S.W. Seattle 6, Washington $ 24,418.75 $ 38,068 .00 �rgentieri Construction Co. :1815 Jackson Street Seattle, Washington 27,550.00 Charles Calkins 5036 - 117th Ave. S.E. Pellevue, Washington 9 98004 21,620.00 27,998.00 Frank Coluccio Construction 1778 Seward Park Avenue Seattle, Washington 19,628.75 27,885.35 puwamish Associates, Inc. 212 South River Street Seattle, Washington 21,277.50 37,385.00 �. & A. Construction Company 619 Main Street Menton, Washington 22,557.50 31,446.00 Eerkes Contracting Company 920 Lincoln Street Mt. Vernon, Washington 20,562.50 28,367.50 W. C. Frost Construction 820 7 M;; Place Renton, Washington 21,070.00 27.952.25 L. D. L. Land Development Co. 1452 Maltby Rd. Federal Way, Washington 17,335.00 25,697.50 �andaas Construction Co. 6802 -216th S.W. Lynnwood, Washington 19,987.50 Rainier Contractors, Inc. 1927 - lst Ave. So. Seattle, Washington 21,842.50 33.395.25 South End Concrete Products 11061 Pacific Highway South Seattle, Washington 29,875.00 T. & E. Sewer Construction Co. 22705 - 74th P1. West Fdmonds, Washington 98020 24,666.25 29,420.75 Tom Tonnesen .Now 9021 Waller Road Tacoma, Washington 18,545.00 28,763.70 A. & J. Utility Contractors X9137 - 3rd Avenue N.W. Seattle 77, Washington 27,982.50 5% Bid Bonds accompanied all bids except Landaas Const. Co. which submitted a certified check. Engineering estimates were $18,500 for South Renton and $30,000 for 3rd Ave. Ext. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Sciiellert, to refer the bids to the Street and Alley Com- mi_:tce ard t',c Cit-v Engineer to report back. Carried. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-21-64 COMMUNICATIONS: Petitions containing 375 signatures accompanied letter from Mayo= Custer which petitions requested new and safe pedestrian route from Renton Hill to Main Street. The Mayor's letter advised of meeting with a group of the Renton 111111 residents and of his suggestion that a crosswalk might be constructed under -the freeway near the intersection of Mill Street and 4th Avenue. Concurrence of the Council was request-ecd in the construction upon receipt of which Mayor Custe^ w'_.- forc;ard the matter to the State Highway Department for implementation. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlq_uist, to concur -_n the request with referral to the Mayor and City Engineer for further action. Ca_r=ed, 4ayor Custer, in accordance with RCW 35.33.050 presented to the Coanei.l:and a'so -iled with the City Clerk, the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 1965. 'iis preface letter .mm)f- presentation was read reporting balance of $4,5192,615 distributed to reflect the best use of community resources in keeping with the pace of the needs and demands for service of our ever-growing population. City Clerk Nelson advised of receiving the annual lett-el- from the County Assessor's Office and although the State Law allows until October Stn for filing,the Clerk has to Certify the Tax Levies which must be in the Assessor's Office no later than Wednesday a.m., October 7th. This would.. aouire that the Budget rcogramming- be completed by the Council on Tuesday evening so that it could be filed Wednesday morning. A letter read from Mr. Richard L, Rockey filed claim on beha..lf of his Mother, Mrs, Carmela Rockey, in the sum of $65.00 for damages to linol.ei.tm Ind food as a result of flooding of her basement. A call had been made on or about august 15th to Hayor Custer by Mrs. Rockey and this subsequently constitutes her written claim. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse,, .to refer the matter to the C� ty Attorney. The motion carried. Letters were read from Mr. Frank Bonnell, Washington Jockey.Club and Pacific Car and .Foundry Company advising of opposition to. _formation of . Public Utility Di4strict in the City of Renton and that requests were being made to the _;(ing County Commissioners that their properties be deleted from any such District, Pacific Car & Foundry Company further requested _that the City Council take necessary action to request that the entire City be exci.uded from the proposed Public 1lti ity District. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the communica t4.ors be referred to the I.ommittee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from City-Clerk Nelson reported Necessity o-f effecting the following fund transfer within the 1964 Budge.t. Classifications of the r°remen's Pension Fund: From: Firemen's Pension Acct: 9010,.1507 - Misc,., :refunds, etc. -' $4,000.00 Unto: Firemen's Pension Acct. 9010, 202 - Medical Paymert3, - $4,000�'00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to' concur and --efer the r at"Cer to the Law and Ordinance Committee for drafting of the proper Ordinance, Carried. A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its meeting of 9-9-64 as follows: 1. Carl Cooks Application V-205-64 to construct canopy over pump island at gas station on corner of Rainier Avenue and Third Place. Variance recommended allowing 16 ft. setback. Moved by Morris, seconded by .Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. R. S. Shane Application V-206-64 for Variance to construct residence en lot having access via 10' easement to S.E. 104th Street. Commission recommended granting with the provisions that the West 25' of the property be conveyed to the City by Quit ClaimDeed for future roadway and utility purposes, and that the applicant enter into an agreement to improve the future street in accordance with the City's Subdivision requirements, Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Variance be granted after, conditions as outlined have been met. Carried. Proclamations by the Mayor were read wherein October 5, 196 ! was designated as 'rofessional Nurse Day in the City of Renton and all citizens were urged to cooperate —Tn making the public aware of the accelerated program of rec-nuitment to attract a sufficient number of young people into the profession as both student and nursing teachers for the continued improvement of nursing care in our Cite and State. October 24th, 1964 was proclaimed to be Un_*ted dation; Day and citizens were urged to become better informed concerning the WI reaffi-rming balie:'s in the principles for which the UN stands. The United States in.,l947 establishe by Recoluf.:i.on, United Nations Day to commemorate the acceptance of the ►United Nat icnI- Cha:-'Ar an] t-h� 'JI1 has become an important medium for the maintenance of peace, offering for the people of the world an opportunity to affirm their support and„engourage advancement of the cause of human rights and the min .m;_zinU of intenatiora .cantLic Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-21-64 COJNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Councilman Hulse .reported that the Capital Improvement Priority Committee had met and is continuing to compile information. Additional meetings will be scheduled as can be arranfjed between Budget Hearin,, Meetings, Councilman Schellert reported attendance at the Good Roads Association meeting in Spokane on Thursday and Friday as a member of the Street and Alley Committee. Others attending were Gerry Cordell and Walt Reid who were given voting privileges, James Denzer from the Renton Planning Commission, Kay Johnson, Renton Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Will Karg from '"he Boeing Company. Mr. Schellert advised of the Associations concern in promoting the various highway projects by their endorsement upon reading of,.Resolutions, ' pointing out that subsequent to the City's letter regarding widening of Second Avenue, Resolution No- 3 was introduced wherein the State had decided to take no action on 2nd Avenue until traffic patterns have been established upon opening of the freeway. Mr. Schellert stated that the Regional Transportation Study will change the status of 2nd Avenue as far as the Highway Comm--'ss-,on is concerned when its information is reported. Mr. Will Karg was given thanks for his efforts on behalf of the City in his capacity as a member of the Association Board. Walt Reid was given recognition at the meeting for being one of the oldest and Hardest working representatives present. Moved by Dahlouist, seconded by Foli, to take the matter of widening Second Avenue from the Committee µof the Whole and forward a new Resolution to the State for immediate reconsideration. Discussion ensued regarding the action and upon dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye; Poli, Dahlquist and Schellert. No: Bruce, Hulse, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. The motion was lost. It was pointed out that the Committee of the Whole could save time by pursuing the matter and that some lobbying may be required to promote the matter. Moved by Dahlouist, seconded by Derry, that the Street and Alley Committee, City Engineer Wilson, and Planning Director Jensen, present compiled data to the Committee of the Whole in order that a new Resolution might be directed to the State. It was pointed out that the Regional Transportion Study is producing a number of plans, one involving transit and one does not with the schedule projected to 1985. It was further stated that the engineering study on traffic volumes was also in the preliminary stage and that any action by Council would be premature to publication or release of the final information. Dissenting voice vote was followed by Roll Call request which resulted as follows: Aye: Dahlquist, Garrett and Perry. No: Poli, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, De'aurenti and Morris. The motion lost. . Mrs. Dahlquist urged that a Resolution be sent to Olympia at an early date. Councilman Poli submitted his report of the Power and Light Committee recommending installation of 18-7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights at the following locations: ' 2 lights on S.E. 153rd Street in the vicinity of Longacres; 2 lights on 88th Ave. South on Pole No. 12935 and 13021; 1 light on S.E. 129th Street on Pole No. 8840; 2 lights on 87th Avenue South, one at the intersection of S .E. 127th Street and one on the pole .just west of pole No. 12822; 1 light on 2nd Avenue North between Park Street and Garden Street; 3 lights in Woodland Terrace Addition; 4 lights in Brentwood No. 2 Addition; and 3 lights in Honeydew Estates. Moved bY De7aurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Power and Light Committee recommendation and that Puget Sound P ower and Light Company be so advised. Carried. President of the Council Poli reported a meeting on September 17th with the Olympic Pipe Line Company representatives and presented a letter from Mayor Custer relative thereto, wh _ch was read by the Clerk. The letter recommended that the City enter into a franchise agreement as proposed by the City Attorney and that the fee be set at 5¢ per lineal foot of pipe to be placed within the corporate limits of the City which charge should be an annual fee with a minimum charge of $500 per year for 25 years. It was further recommended that a minimum depth of 5' be established and that the right-of-way granted be no more than 10' in width with 30' width allowed during construction only. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Mayor's recommendations. Carried. Mayor Custer advised that this report had been submitted in writing as per request of the Committee of the Whole that the Mayor and Department Heads submit their recommendations in writing at this meeting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for study and information. Discussion ensued regarding amount 2 of pipe to be laid in Fenton and whether Puget Drive is within City jurisdiction, an exhibit to designate the streets involved and two park areas has been submitted for in- formational purposes. The pending motion carried. President of the Council Poli requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:30 n.m. to begin review of the 1965 Preliminary Budget. opies hav;= beer i s -^__bs:.eo to the Counc.�' and Denartments and are available to the J 15 Minutes of the Renton City Council 9-21-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont. ) NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, recommended that Vouchers 6223 through 6279, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Schellert advised that Professor Hannis of the University has undertaken a study on use by Municipalities of the -� gas tax with capital street programming procedures and it was noted with interest that "Renton Arterials" was his pilot project and will be the example City. The City Engineering Department was given praise and accredited with contributing to the study. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington establishing temporary voter registration facilities, including locations and times of operation therefor, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2112 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all Council Members present voting aye and the motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution wherein the City of Renton, acknowledging a considerable amount of interest in the Greater Seattle area as a location for Major League Baseball representation, which establishment would invite an increased number of visitors, stimulate an economic activity and provide a source of additional tax revenue for the State, County and Greater Seattle as well as constitute a tremendouspublic relations channel for the area, goes on record in being completely in favor of the establishment and location of a Major League Baseball Team in this area .. After reading by the Clerk, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1270 as' read. Carried. Mayor Custer announced that Councilman Gianini has accepted the responsibility as Chairman. of Major League Ticket Sales. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, announced ,a meeting of his Committee on Monday prior to Council meeting �to. consider awarding of the Bids opened this evening. The City Engin.eex and .Street C.ommissioner' were requested to- attend. Mayor duster called attention to the Chamber of Commerce Banquet at 6:45 p.m. on Wednesday and advised there would be no Budget Hearings -that evening, the 30th. As there was no audience comment nor further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by. Schellert, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting, was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. There were -34 visitors in the Council Chambers. 5- r 16 Scpteinber 21, 1964 Cit:r of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and .auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VCUCIE"R i?Uit L;n PI.= Ai1UPITT CUIM-317 F U11D 6223 Addressograph-iiulti-raph 14.56 6224 John Alenander ?1.10 6225 American Society of iiechanical Eng. 9.00 6226 Carpenter Paper 65.01 6227 Coast 7!ide Supply 46.00 622 ; The Copy Co. 68.10 6229 1l. S. Darley and Cc. 16.53 6230 Dictaphone Corp. 13.62 6231 Charles Goodtidn 22.14 6232 James Highton 5.20 6233 Fred Johnson 28.24 6234 Motorola C L E 591.76 6235 ilunicipal Revolving Fund 23".90 6236 Pacific Cutfitting 45.91 6237 Renton Clothing 71.95 623" Renton Enterprise 179-50 6239 Renton Radiator 112.32 6240 Renton Tlallpaper 1.55 6241 Seattle Art and Photo 20.43 6242 Sterling Codifiers 375.00 60-43 w. C. Malls 6.05 6244 flash. Finance Officers 22.50 6245 Mash. Natural Gas 25.67 6246 Jack ililson 18.00 STILIET FUiTD 6247 i!. S. Darlez and Co. 34.39 624" Renton Concrete Prod. 16.40 CFF STR.13T Pi..X',111G FUND 6240 A. .i. TrenTer, lang Co. Treas. 3"9.5" E� �JT EPTTAL FUND 6250 _Jayne Buck Sales 120.74 6251 Cox 11achi.nery 61"."0 6252 Richfield Oil 7.47 PARY FUM 6253 i�den Pre-Cast Concrete Steps 165.36 6254 Dest Universal Lock 6.20 6255 Cash-?Tay Lumber 62.40 6256 Ratcico Inc. 1 .72 6257 Renton Concrete Prod. 4.33 625" Top Cleaners L, Launderers 5.20 6259 Turf and Toro 49.71 6260 .laser. natural Gas 363.34 T A'I�]R 'ICRKS UTILITY FUND 6261 Cash-:!ay Lumber 71.97 6262 Coast j!ide Suppler ".80 6203 G. H. Culver, City Treas. 1,482.15 6264 Hersey-Sparling 301.69 6265 Renton Concrete Prod. 140.14 6266 Frank Rhodes 13.26 . 6267 :lash. Finance officers 7.50 026" ?lestern Utilities 245.26 / 7 September 21, 1964 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED AIRPORT FUND 6269 G. V1. Culver, City Treas. 56.75 CWU—ATIVE FUND N0. 1894 6270 Tom Tobacco 778.96 CURRENT FUidD 6271 Gerald Cordell 53.63 6272 James Denzer 92.43 6273 Irvin S. Jensen 2.40 627 . Donna Johnson 2.40 6275 DYarion Johnson 2.40 6276 Norman Pedigo 2.40 6277 Larry Powell 2.10 r 6278 Hilton Wagner 4.80 I,ATER :�)ORKS UTILITY FUND 6279 Olympic Foundry Company 133.81 D J . W. Custer, Mayor. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk / 5 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P .M. September 28, 1964 The reoular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Hulse, Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Frank Henry, Assistant Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, and Bob Puhich, Utility Department. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of toe previous meeting of 9-21-64 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTNE NT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9784 14,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3227 Rolling Hills Ave. New Residence 9785 $ 73.00 Henry Kuga 3222-11th Ave. No. Patio Cover 86 9,800.00 John Peacock 10212 - 116th S.E. New Residence 87 65.00 Kenneth J. Taylor 423 Pelly Street Fence 88 250.00 Peter Furzer 1922 - 7th Ave. No. Wire Residence 89 6,800.00 Safeway Stores, Inc. 10th Avenue & Sunset Signs 9790 4,000.00 Carl Cook 330 Rainier Avenue Steel Canopy 91 400.00 George Madder 410 Langston Place Wire Residence 92 30.00 Patrick Nolan 225 - 5th Ave. West Wire Furnace 93 2,000.00 James Gotti 13102 - 86th Ave. So. Roof and Gutters 94 7,200.00 B. & B. Auto Parts 12627 Rainier Avenue Stock Room Addition 9795 2 50.00 Rusty Wehera 12731 - 88th Place So. Wire New Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6696 - - - - Kenneth Rider 3319 - 5th Avenue East Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - - Robert Lund 1410 - 7th Avenue Gas Installations 98 - - - - Emmett Kindle 9631-B - 108th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - - Jack Ruth 425 - 13th Avenue Gas Installations 6700 - - - - Lloyd Peterson 1432 "K" Street Gas Installations 01 - - - - Lloyd Peterson 1434 "K" Street Gas Installations 02 - - - - Lloyd Peterson 1436 "K' Street Gas Installations 03 - - - - Joe Fillon 1040 Whitworth Plumbing Installations 04 - - - - Jack Stewart 938 "K" Street Gas Installations 05 - - - - Patrick Nolan 225 - 5th Ave. West Gas Installations HEARING: Appeal of Planning Commission decision re Pavin-, of Parking Area owned by Northern Pacific Railway Co. and Leased to United Parking This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open and comment was invited. Mr. Richard Eisen introduced Mr. Eugene Detroit of United Parking and reviewed their request for a 12 months grace period for paving the parking area in question in order to determine whether the business would be feasible to operate. The Clerk read the letter which Mr. Eisen submitted firs-c requesting reconsideration of the paving require- ment. Upon inquiry, Planning Director Jensen advised that the Commission had made its decision regarding designation of access points and certain control having to do with placing cars a certain distance from the rails and Logan Street and the Ordinance says such parking lots shall be paved. It was pointed out that the Commission and the parties had agreed on all of the conditions and that it was not known to the Commission at the time that the paving matter was not satisfactory. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised of no objections to the parking operation, it being felt that controlled parkin; was needed in the area. Mr. Eisen advised that, at the time of the Commission hearing no figures could be furnished and upon recalculation of costs it was felt that the 12 months would be needed to ascertain whether paving and continued operation would be warranted. Upon inquiry, Mr. Detroit advised of development plans which included at present everything on the West side of the Railroad track and a portion on the East Side between 4th and 6th Avenues No., along Burnett. Mr. Detroit is with United Parking 1316 B - Madison, Seattle. Discussion ensued regarding time element requested to have pavin, waived and after motion by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to close the hearing was -1- 4 ,+ y R Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-28-64 HEARING: (cont. ) Appeal of Planning Commission decision by Northern Pac. Ry. carried, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to waive the , require - ment for 6 months. Mr. Detroit stated that the 12 months was desired inasmuch as the winter parking months would not dive accurate subsistence accounts. Dahlquist inquired whether the 6 months would be prohibitive to warrant operation and Perry inquired regarding contract awards which might be a contributing factor. Mr. Detroit called attention to the fact that the parking program was not too far from development but that they would like an opportunity to get the full picture. Mr. Eisen added that they did not want to depend upon contract awards as a basis for operation and that the 12 months period would give them a definitear,swer. Question was called on the pending motion and the vote was announced as motion carried imposing the 6 months waiver. All NOUNCEMENTS Mayor Custer advised of additions to the Agent and revisions of sequence of items. Council members were requested to report to the Chamber of Commerce regarding their attendance at the banquet this Wednesday, September 30th at 6:45 p. m. at the High School. Mayor Custer presented Easel drawings of the proposed site development plans for the Civic Center as submitted by Johnston-Campanella and Associates in completion of their contract. The graphic plans have also been completed and forwarded to the John Graham Company for use�.with the 701 Program. The Easel exhibits will be placed on display at a prominent 1,ocation in City Hall. Meetings will continue for Departmental Budget Review and the following schedule was announced for. Tuesday, September 29, 1964: Fire Department - 7:30 p.m. Purchasing and, Central Garage - 8:00 p.m. Engineering and Utilities - 8:30 p.m. Employ.eet.s .Wage Committee Representatives - 9:00 p.m. This will complete review of Departmental Budgets unless Council wishes to consult with other Department Heads who have not requested nor been assigned to a hearing date. COMMUNICATI013S: A letter read from James L. Highton, Bldg. Director, reported completion of Public Works Contract on demolition of old pump house and construction of new block pump house, on Sunset Blvd. East at 12th Avenue North, by Payne Construction Co. on 9-23-64. Payment was recommended of the contract price less 155Y. retained amount with commencepent of the 30 day lien period as of this date. Amount of total contract, $6,008.49, 15%, $ 901.27, amount due contractor this date, $5,107.22 with release of final payment on 10-28-64 provided no claims or liens are filed with the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the work be accepted and that the matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee in concurrence with the report of the Building Director. Carried. Letter from the Building Director reported completion of public works contract .".n construction of fiberglass roof covering on the North Renton Recreation Building on 9-25-64 by Hord Roofing Company, Contractor. Payment was recommended of the contract price less 15% retained with commencement of the 30 day lien period as of this date. Contract total, $1,237.60, 15%, $185.64, amount due contractor this date, $1,051.96 with release of final payment provided no claims or liens are filed with the City Clerk by 10-28-64. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to accept the work with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee in concurrence with the Building Director's recom- mendations. Carried. Application was read fro m Tom J. Cochran (Cochran's Coast-To-Coast Stores) for Master Locksmith License. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Petition was read containing signatures of four property owners of twenty lots, near 148th; in Block 16 of Earlington Flats requesting that the alley running East and West between Grady Way and South 148th Street. The Mate Highway Department has been working in the area and it had been suggested that the alley be opened to allow access to the back of the properties. -2- r ^0 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-28-64 COMMUNICATIONS (cont.) Petition re 148th So, alley to `Grady Way Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer this matter to the Street and Alley Committee+lar. investigation and report back. Carried. A letter read from the newlyormed RentonrMunfci al Art Commission suggested '_ p that the Mayor and Council remove the existing planter boxes and dead trees and replace them with more permanent construction for a more pleasing appearance with rlew plantings ari d the City assuming; maintenance and care. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Inquiries regarding funding and design ensued, it being discussed tiat offers have been made to aid in designing and plantings gratis. After further discussion as to whether the matter might be consumated administratively vote was -taken on the pending motion. Upon dissenting voice voce and Mayor's announcement of carry of the motion,roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Perry and Morris, No: Poli, Hulse, Bruce and Delaurenti. The motion carried. A letter from the Ass'n. of Washington Cities submitted and requested City support of a Resolution opposing the efforts of Federal Government agencies in attempting to open municipal watersheds for unrestricted access and recreational development without regard to itiie economic requirements of the areas. Discussion ensued regarding various parties involved in the dispute and -the matter of possible water pollution and costs of instituting facilities additionally to be required if access is opened and motion was made and seconded by Perry and Poli, to concur in opposing the opening with referral to -the Law and Ordinance Committee. Further discussion disclosed that the pollution factor was not to be solely considered but other factors were involved including Hpntin, and Fishing entities and tie Municipality of Tacoma among other things warranting consideration and investigation prior to action being taken by the City. It was moved subsequently by Morris, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. :r' A letter from J. F. Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, reported that the construction and safety features proposed in the plans presented by the Olympic Pipe Line Company for piping liquid fuels through the City of Renton, meet or exceed recommendations prescribed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the guiding authority for such installations. A letter read from Mayor Custer submitted Deed from Puget Properties, Inc., conveying the Eastern portion of Puget Drive unto the City of Renton. The right-of-way has been paved according to agreement *and Mayor Custer recommended formal acceptance by -the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Deed to the City Attorney to report back. Carried. A letter from the Renton Downtown Merchants' Association, by Virginia Hashagen, President, requested that the Council grant free parking on October 22, 23 and 24, 1964 during the annual HarV66t Sale. The Merchants' letter or i"1ay 11th requested the dates of October 1, 2 and 3 however it has b, come necessary to change the dates. Permit to hang banners with usual Hold Harmless,�greement and Insurance compliance was requested to advertise the sale;and in addition permission was requested to block off Burnett Street from Third Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue on October 23rd for a new car showing, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letter to the Street and Alley CQmmi'tee, to report back next weep.. Carried. A letter from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, advised re request for aid in promotion of the November Library Bond Issue, thatahough-reeeiv4,no respons4.-to .�. requests for meetings regarding Capital Improvement priority listing for the City, `it* s has voted to undertake the sales program to acquaint the citizens with the importance of the Library to the community and ;-• he ..need for their support. Mr. Don Holm has been requested to assume 'Chairmanship of the Library Bond Sales Committee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor reply to the letter in acceptance of the offer and expressing appreciation for chis assistance. Carried. A request was read from Department Heads, Jensen, Wilson, Gossett, Walls, Coulon Nelson and Williams, requesting consideration of inclusion in the 1965 budget of the approximate sum of $3,500.00 for purchase of an offset printing machine for use by the various departments for quality reproduction and printin, of reports and forms. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Scheller-', to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. ` 21 lanutes of the Renton City Council 9-28-64 CCLAMATIONS: A Proclamation read from Mayor Custer designated the week of October 25 through 31 &s Cleaner Air Week to promote public awareness of the growing menace of air pollution as a health hazard, as an economic factor, and as a general nuisance in discomfort and Inconvenience, the complications of population growth and pollutants created by new 7 oducts and prc-esses contributing considerably to this ever-increasing national problem. al citizens are urged to participate in the observance in promoting correction through incelligont actions involving engineering, equipment, research and education. The ;.,,eek beginning October 4, 1964 was designated by Proclamation as Fire Prevention Veek and all Departments and Agencies of the City Government were called upon to actively Participate in a campaign for improved fire safety along with every citizen of the Community in a coordinated effort to make our City a safe one in which to live and work. " Moved by "ruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Proclamations by the Mayor . ,J rried. 4u OUNCIL COMMIT:-_'2_7 REPORTS: LD BUS _.14 SSS _ Council.man, Druce, Member of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted the Committee deport which Was read by the Clerk which recommended that the low Bids of L. D. L. Land Development Co., 1452 Maltby Road, Federal Way, Wn., be accepted for the installation of `.storm sewers in the South Renton area and for storm drains in 3rd Avenue Extension in the respective sums of $17,335.00 and $25,697.50. City Engineer Wilson also recommended acceptance of the low bids and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contracts upon approval by the City Attorney. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendations of the Street Gnd Alley Committee and the City Engineer. Carried. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, advised That his Committee will require at least one more meetin�y prior to making its report and khat the Library is included on the list but no formal action has been taken as to its Priority at p--resent. Mayor Custer pointed out that the Library has been considered to •� be included us ^ priority as evidenced by the $235000.00 budgeted therefor in his pre- liminary budge`. Council :.: ?erry reported regarding the Lake Washington Beach Bond Issue stating ;he cost o t'_� promotion to be in the approximate sum of $700.00, which was the limit he felt he : c:.?_c' nersonally guarantee. He advised of some of the misinformation which was used against the issue and of Committees formed to oppose it. The issue lacked of the 6,f required to pass carrying a 57.85% affirmative vote on official count. 0336 yes votns we c cast and 2431 No votes which is the reatest number of votes cast i.nd votcr ter n-out on a bond issue in the City. Mr. Perry wished the new Committees Luck with the Library issue statin; that the Library Board was supporting the Lake Wn. r-ach issue, and should warrant support of theirs. i?EW PUS 1:1'SS (resident of the Council Poli reminded the Council of the Committee of the Whole Fluting on Tuesday, September 29t1i at 7:30 p.m. for continuance of the budget meeting. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 6280 through 6365, having ',,een previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. DRDINI'TCES AND RESOLUTIONS: vow Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a prcposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington, authorizing the transfer of T`ircmen's Pension Fund Account money as follows: From: Acct. 9010, 507, Misc., Refunds, cte., $4,000.00 Unto: Account 9010, 202, Medical Payments, $4,000.00, as read by the Cler::. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1271 as read. Carried. -4- er Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-28-64 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance for first reading Granting unto Olympic Pipe Line Company, A Corporation, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, maintain, operate, replace and repair one or more pipe lines, together with equipment and appurtenances thereto for the transportation, storage and handling of oil and any by-product thereof under, through and below certain designated roadways and public properties of the City of Renton, State of Washington, as read by the Clerk. The authority granted under this document runs for a period of 25 years, said line-.tci be in such locations of street crossings and park properties as specified in Exhibit "A" and fees payable by January lst of each year in a sum equal to the total number of lineal feet of pipeline located within the City on January 1, multiplied by the rate of $.05 (5� per lineal foot),but the minimum to be paid annually will not be less than $500.00, with 6 ft. minimum depth and 5 ft. installation width,(30 in construct- ion.)Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper publication and 30 day retention with report back thereafter, according to law. The motion carried on voice vote, with all Council Members present voting aye with the exception of Perry who voted no. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington ordering the construction and installation of sanitary sewer lines an appurtenances in Southeast 112th Street and 114th Avenue Southeast, all in accordance with Resolution No. 1268 of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, estab- lishing Local Improvement District No. 252, providing the method of assessment in said District; providing that payment for said improvement be made by special assessments upon} property in said District, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds", or notes in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council; and providing for the issuance and sale of local improvement district warrants redeemable in cash and local improvement district bonds or notes, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Ordinance No. 2113 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye and the motion carried. A letter from the Firemen's Pension Board was read at this time offering to purchase L.I.D. 252 Sanitary Sewer Warrants and Installment Notes in the estimated total sum of $19.798.20 at the interest rate of 1.75%. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to accept the offer of the Firemen's Pension Fund Board. Carried. A letter frim City Engineer Wilson requested authorization to call for bids on L.F.D. 252, Sanitary Sewers in S.E. 112th Street and 114th Avenue S.E. and October 19th was suggested as the bid opening date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the authorization and bid opening date as recommended. Carried. Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Wally Clarke addressed the Council on behalf of heating oil dealers, some of whom were also present, on Resolution regarding 37, tax proposal being considered in regard to heating fuels. . Mayor Custer advised of no such Resolution and that the proposal was presented to the Council in the 1965 preliminary budget. City Attorney Shellan advised that no action has been taken by the Council on this proposal. If Council approved and the budget were adopted it-, ' would be by subsequent Ordinance.P,iany of the local oil dealers are members of the Oil Meat Institute of Washington and Mr. George Cashman, Field Engineer, of the Institute requested discussion calling attention to the Wenatchee Court Case involving municipal levy on fuel oils, it being felt that a 2nd or 3rd Class City could not impose such tax and that any utility tax would not be applicable, as heating oil is not considered such. It was pointed out that the fuel oil dealers operate competetively with no franchise grant or trade guarantee and that an appeal would be made to the supreme or U.S. Court if necessary. Mayor Custer advised this was not a utility tax and that the dealers would be the collecting agent only, which Mr. Cashman stated was a step along the road to putting the dealers out of business. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the matter on the Agenda of the Committee of the Whole on Thursday. Mayor Custer advised this has already been scheduled and ruled the motion out of order. After discussion on anticipated revenue to be derived from the tax the motion was made by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. There were 26 visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- September 20, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Ar-counting and Auditing Committee, here submitted for Council approval as follows V CUCI R IdUTMuR PAY],IE 1111UNT CU'U-r,I,IT FUIID 6200 Best Universal Lock Co. 19.51 621-1 City of Winton 426.56 6202 City of Renton 405.00 62"'3 Donald '1. Custer 3.50 62"4 Bob Garrison 2.40 62 5 Hord Roofing Company 1,051.96 6206 Bruce Hulse 26.73 6207 J. David Jensen 15.09 62 0 Kennyss Auto Upholstery 36.92 6209 Keuffel and Esser Co. 54.05 6290 King County Lashington, Engineering 9.75 6291 TTarket Basket ;;'3 43.55 6292 TIcGraw-Hill Book Company 13.29 6293 TTcLendon Hardware 141.23 6291, Overall Cleaning L Supply Company 30.94 6295 Pacific Tlorthtirest Zell 1,021.76 6296 Paulson Office Supply 33.34 6297 Puget Sound Power 475.61 6290 Puget Sound Power 6,243.60 6299 Record Stationery L Cffice Supply 90.60 6300 Henry Schellert 3.50 6301 Henry Schellert 77.96 630?_ Service Launder C. Dry Cleaners 101.06 6303 Ernest J. Tonda 21.10 6304 U. S. Post Cffice 80.00 6305 E. C. ?falls 227.06 CITY STRU'j FU11D 6306 A. G. Elliott 57.60 6307 The Lumber Harket, Inc. 49.23 6306 McLendon Hardware 9.03 6309 Pacific Northwest Bell 20.54 6310 Rainier asphalt Paving Co. 3,010.26 6311 Security Concrete Products 93.60 6312 Service Laundry (-'_ Dry Cleaners 2.92 CFF STMT PARKING FUND 6313 Puget Sound Power 11.00 �Y)UIPI,�IiTT M OTAL FUI1D 6314 Campbell Industrial Supply 4.64 6315 Cox Iachinery Company 610.00 6316 Kennyss Auto Upholstery 19.12 6317 TcLendon Hardtirare 5.66 631" l.Ii. Tire Store of Renton 4.36 6319 Renton Auto Glass 14.21 6320 Renton Automobile Co. 66.23 6321 Service Laundry Lac Dry Cleaners 50.11 6322 Shell Cil Co. 1,200.17 6323 'lilliams and Swanson 1.69 P,"Pff FUND 6324 City of Renton 29.CO 6325 City of Renton 25.00 6326 The Lumloor T:arket 20.00 6327 TTcLendon Har&ra.re 155.20 6320 Pacific Northwest Bell V,�7.52 6329 Puget Sound Power 352.32 6330 Renton Auto Glass 5.9U zzr The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee were approved for the month of September, 1964. PAYROLL $110,361.39 CURRENT 22,141.08 STREET 16,841.51 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 20.63 OFF-STREET PARKING 500.58 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4030.00 LIBRARY 2,656.05 PARKS 6,831.83 WATERWORKS 39,239.62 AIRPORT 850.43 FIREMEN'S PENSION 1005.64 CUMULATIVE RESERVE 1184 4445.63 CUMULATIVE RESERVE 1894 926.10 CUMUTATIVE RESERVE 1990 81.81 D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W,. .Nelson, City Clerk •'u RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. October 5, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Hulse, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Gianini and Morris. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Com- missioner and Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of 9--28-64 be approved with insertion of the word "paving" in lieu of "parking" in line 1 Paragraph 1, Page 2 regarding appeal of Planning Commission decision by Northern Pacific Railway Co. and Council waiver of paving requirement for six months. Councilman Gianini inquired regarding Councilman Perry's report on the Lake Washington Beach Bond Issue and expressed concern regarding recovery of the costs involved. Councilman Perry advised that through prior contributions and pledge committments forthcoming the costs will be fully recovered. The pending motion carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILnING P'RMST8: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9796 $ 350.00 Hillcrest Bowl 2908 Sunset Blvd. E. Sign 97 24,800.00 Renton Concrete Products 7th Avenue and Rainier Fence 98 65.00 James A. Holek 513 Pelly Street Fence .J 99 800.00 Carol Dobson 821 - 1st Ave. No. Roof & Gutters 9800 11,000.00 Lewis Purcell 10636 - 116th Ave. SE Frame Residence 01 21,000.00 A. E. Minshull 12534 - 84th Ave. So. New Residence 02 10.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3250 Rolling Hills Wire Swimming Pool 03 10.00 Mildred Paris 515 So. Burnett Street Rewire Residence 04 300.00 No. Renton Clinic 920 - 1st Ave. North Sign 9805 259000.00 Richfield Oil Corp. 345 - 3rd Place North Service Station 06 200.00 Smokey's Used Cars 3rd & Smithers Wire Trailer 07 130.00 Gerald H. Otto 3303 - 6th Avenue North Shed 08 400.00 Skyway Motors 632 Rainier Ave. South Wire Lot 09 200.00 John Bulgarelli 1006 Smithers Street So. Driveway & Curb PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6706 - - - - George Madden 410 Langston Place Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - - George Madden 410 Langston Place Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12509 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 09 - - - - Williams & Swanson 2nd & Burnett Street Plumbing Fixtures 6710 - - - - John Diambri 101 Williams Street Gas Installations 11 - - - - Jacob Pavalc 331 Cedar Street Gas Installations 12 - - - - Jerry Nichols 1118 N Street Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - - Ken Furseth 14831 - 130th Place Heating Equipment 14 - - - - C. R. Sloan 544 Morris Street Gas Installations .HEARING: Fixing the Final Budget and Making the Tax Levies for 1965 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open by Mayor Custer and audience comment was invited. There being none at this time,communicatior was read from tre Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, R. A. Schafer, President, offering obser-ations from the Budget review for 1965. Concern was expressed for tax programs to bp spread over the entire community and not just the business community, a stride by the City in creating a favorable climate towards business being attributed to deletion of the B.& 0. Tax. It was urged that future improvements, in the interest of best use of the tax dollar, be carefully considered on priority basis. The Chamber offered to meet with the Council for discussion of specific items at any convenient time. -1- Minutes- of-the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 10-5-1964 HEARING: Fixing the Final Budget and Making the Tax Levies for 1965 As there were no further communications nor audience comment, Mayor Custer called upon President of the Council Poli to make the Committee of the Whole report on its review of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget for 1965. Councilman Poli reported that after meetings and discussion the Committee recommends adoption of the Mayor's Preliminary Budget with the following revisions: CURRENT FUND Increase Travel Account 504: Legislative, $1,200.00, Executive, $ 900.00, Planning Director, $ 250.00, Planning Commission, $300.00, ,E1*JZeer, $100.00 Increase Civil Service Account 308 (Printing), $ 500�00,'keelassify Assistant City Engineer from 28C to 29C, $ 432.00 Adjust Social Security Accounts 201, $ 242.00 5% Salary Increase, $ 38,944.00, Delete Pump Operator `Classification, $2,160.00, Decrease Municipal Buildings, Cap. Outlay 605, $ 100.00, Decrease Traffic Signals, Cap. Outlay 605, $ 350.00 STREET FUND Adjust Social Security 201, $ 1ZQ.00 ,itr 4 5% Salary Increase,,,$7,428.00 PARK FUND Adjust Social Security 201, $ 157.00 5% Salary Increase, $6,871.00 LIBRARY FUND Increase Page Salaries, $ 140.00 Adjust Social Security 201, $ 75.00, 5% Salary Increase $2,,573.00 Decrease Statewide Payments, $27,000.00 Decrease Cumulative Fund 1894, $29,622.00 Increase Revenue to Current Fund Franchise, Olympic Pipe Line Company. $ 500.00 Increase Tax Payment from Airport,* _$ 500,00 REVENUE FUNDS ; Central Garage. W,$alary Increase, $1,296.00, Decrease Reserve �Fimd, Capital Outlay, $1,296.00- Cedar River M. &. I: '• 5% Salary Increase, $ 264.00, Social Sect Ji' Adjustment, $ 11.00, Decrease Capital Outlay, $ 275.00 Airport: Increase Travel, $ 200.00, 'Inerease Tax Payment Acgouift 503, $ 500.00, 5% Salary Increase, $1,656.00, Inerease Capital Outlay, $''703.00 Cut Training period to 3 months, $3,059.00 Waterworks: 5% Salary Increase, $7,294.00, Adjust Social Security, $ 72.00, Upgrade Utility Supervisor, 27B to 27C9 $ 384.00, Increase Unexpended Balance, $7,750.00 Delete Heating Fuel Tax, $10,000.00 Decrease Cumulative Reserve 1894, $10,000.00 Discussion was invited and Fireman Jack Pringle addressed the Council regarding the deletion of pump operator's pay for Fire Department Personnel,outlining the qualifications required by examination for the position and the responsibility of the operator in maintaining the equipment and insuring proper function at the time it is engaged in service. As there was no further discussion, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation, adopting the Preliminary Budget with revisions as read with referral of same to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The vote was announced as motion carried. Dahlquist opposed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that the Hearing be continued following the regular order of business when the Law and Ordinance Committee makes its report. Motion Carried. Dahlquist opposed, objecting to the water rate increase and in addition,, a few items which she felt warranted additional consideration included fenalpg of the. Springbrook Dam watershed area. ` Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 10-5-1964 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted and recommended execution of a Stipulation agreement between the City and Malone, Inc. to arrange for settlement and dismissal of pending lawsuit. The proposed agreement was tentatively reached after many meetings, and provides for a loadin- zone on a reduced size basis, the matter primarily being a parking problem,insofar as the Planning Department is concerned, with respect to new construction of addition to existing structure . Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur with the recommendation of the +City Attorney authorizins the execution of the Stipulation. Carried. A letter from Mr. Erling J. Torkelson made inquiry regarding Vacation of a "'vportion of Lake Street from Third Avenue to Second Avenue in. order to pursue possible shopping center development. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that a petition for vacation of a public right-of-way must be signed by abutting property owners and called attention to the fact that the subject property has been acquired from the State not too long ago for right-of-way purposes and that it may revert back if not used by the City therefor. lost.Majority vote on the pending motion resulted in negative vote and the motion was Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse,that the Clerk and/or City Attorney write to Mr. Torkelson advising of the procedure required for vacating and of the anticipated consideration of 2nd Avenue as an arterial under the 701 Plan. Carried. A letter read from City Attorney Shellan reported opinion of May 21, 1962 by the Attorney General's office, in regard to the Wenatchee Court Case involving right of the City to tax fuel oil dealers, wherein it was held that a City of the third class operating under the commission form of government (like Wenatchee) has a right in the same manner as a second class city to tax,under its proposed business and operations tax, the fuel oil dealers only. The fuel dealers, after losing this issue,appealed to the Supreme Court which in turn rendered its opinion on April 10, 1964 affirming the decision of the lower court. d A letter read from the Department of Commerce and Economic Development advised f the federal Government's approval of amendment to the City's Urban Planning Assistance -tyrant and in recognition of incurrence of additional costs it wa's urged that the City place on deposit the required $11036.00 additional local contributed share. Letters from Planning Director Jensen requested transfer of Planning Department,1700 Funds, Acct. 308, Advertising, $425.00 and Acct. 417, Materials & Supplies, $611.00 Unto: Acct. 314, Consultant Fees, $1,036.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the transfer with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Planning Director Jensen advised of need for additional transfer to cover temporary help within the Department in completing the final draftin", compiling and printing of material for the 701 Program, in -the sum of $1,530.00 from Acct. 417, Unto: Acct. 120, Salaries & Nages, $1,530.00. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the transfer with referral to the I:aw and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A Claim was read from Jones, Grey, Hehoe, Hooper & 0l_sen, Attorneys'offices, by Wm. C. Ruthford on behalf of Helen M. Robertson, in the sum of $4,350.00 for damages to rental residence as a result of flooding during heavy rainfall on 9-23-64. Moved by Morris, seconded by, Perry,, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. . -" A letter read from Renton School District No. 403, O�.iver M. Hazen, Sup't. , requested permission to display canvas banner promoting the school district's special " ?vy election on November 3rd,.. The banners to be .up from October 28 through November 3, ill be on -.3rd Avenue at Fey's .and on .Brons=oriWay.T tie school district will assume all ,sponsibility for liability. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in t'te request with execution of t}..e usual Hold Harmless Agreement. Carried. A letter read from City Engineer Wilson recommended expansion of the Puget Drive paving project from three to four lanes inasmuch as considerable grading accomplished by Puget Properties now makes it possible to pave the four and still leave room for the water main which could not be anticipated at the time of bid call. City Engineer Wilson upon inquiry advised that the 4th lane improvement is- in next- years budget and that it would be a savings to complete it while the contractor is on tie job, the materials being on quantity bid basis would not nave been affected insofar as bid cost is concerned. Moved by Morris, seconded by ,Poli, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Corami-ctee -"or recommendation. Carried. -3- h Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-5-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter read from Puget Properties, Inc. advised that the construction of the roadway fill has been completed along with installation of drainage to protect the fill on Puget Drive between Benson Highway and Talbot Road, and has been accepted by the City Engineer on September 21, 1964. It was recommended that the slopes of the fill be seeded for erosion control in the near future. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the communication to the Street and Alley Committee to report back regarding fulfillment of committments. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer was read advising of the Urban Land Institute - i Seminar on "Downtown Resurgence' to be held in Denver, Colorado on November 4,5 and 6. Upon suggestion of Planning Director Jensen that this may be an appropriate program for City representatives to attend, Mayor Custer recommended that authorization be granted for at least one Council Member and the Mayor to attend in the beneficial interest to the City for implementing of efforts to begin on the 701 Plan. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole for report back. Carried. A letter read from City Attorney Shellan reported refrarding City of Renton vs. Donald Arthur Garvey, Supreme Court Cause No. 37415. Heretofore, Defendant GArvey, appealed conviction in City Municipal Court at the time -tile population reached 20,000 contending that the City of Renton automatically ceased to have a Municipal Court at that time,under provisions of the 'Justice Court Act of 1961,-, R.C.W. 2 .20 et seq. . The City Attorney had argued that a municipal court, once validly established as ours was, does not automatically terminate when the population exceeds a certain mark, which the Superior Court sustained confirming the conviction. The Defendant, through his counsel Mr. Alva C. Long, then appealed to the Supreme Court but did not file any pleadings and a motion was made to dismiss the case which was granted on September 25, 1964 making the Judgment of the Superior Court final and the City's Municipal Court still validly existing! A letter from City Clerk Nelson_ submitted final statement from Johnston-Campanella & Co., in the sum of $954.00 constituting payment in full on Contract services rendered in connection with the Civic Center Studies. No retained percentage is required on service contracts and Cumulative Fund 1184 had been recommended by the Ways and Means Committee for payment of this contract. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accountin,,; Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer was read reporting the following fund transfers within Budget classifications for the month of September as provided in R.C.W. 35.33.120 and City of Renton Resolution No. 1232: From: Planning Commission 1720, Acct. 417, Materials and Supplies, $50.00 Onto: Travel, 504, $50.00. COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilwoman Dahlquist recalled prior discussion relative -co state law requirements for fencing around watershed areas and moved that the City Engineer bring in information regarding ownershiN and fencing of t;ie Springbrook Dam and Natershed area be considered in compliance with the Statutes. The motion was seconded by Poli and carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: 1. In considering the Renton Downtown Merchants' request for free parking on October 22, 23 and 24 for their Harvest Sale and banners advertising same, the Committee recommended concurrence. In lieu of blocking off Burnett Street from Third Avenue to Walla Walla Avenue from 6:30 p.m. 'Co 9:00 p.m. for a new car showing, it was recommended that the parking area adjacent to Burnett Street be used. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. 2. Regarding referral of 9-28-64 of petition requesting that the alley in Block 16, C. D. Hillmans Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 not be opened as proposed by the State Highway Department, the Committee reported that the streets and alleys in this Plat o have been dedicated for public use providing access to the abutting property owners D and the City is unable to deny opening of dedicated property. The State cut off the access on the east end of the alley by construction of the South Renton Interchange and is required to provide access to certain property owners abutting this alley. Mr. Frank Caniparoli stated that he felt the alley was harmful although it does pro- yide,'the only access for four owners, as it will cut.some o-- the properties in half if it goes all the way through. He was not opposing its openinf but suggested that if it was no opened : e could get enough, support to block the who_''.e c; ing off to access. 4.. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-5-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: cont. ) Street and Alley Committee report Moved by Scheller, seconded by Perry to concur in the Committee determinations. Upon inquiry-, City Attorney Shellan advised that if there were a reversion clause in the dedication of the alley, which he presumes there was not, the property would revert back to the grantor if it were not improved,but the City could do nothing to stop the State from improving the alley once validly established as a dedicated public use right of way. The property owners could petition for vacation but in accordance with City policy 100% of abutting property owners would need to si,-n -the petition, 2/3 being State requirements therefor. Councilman Garret advised that his Committee made report on the request that the alley not be opened and that any Petition for Vacation would require a public hearing which was not the ratter before the Committee. .• Planning Director Jensen called attention to requirements of the subdivision ordinance which provic.+es for a street and not an alley when dedicated for access with which -the State should deal when making the improvements, and suggested referral to the Planning Commission. The pending motion carried concurrinO in the Street and Alley Committee determination that the City is unable to deny the State Highway Department the right to open the alley. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Presid2n`of the Council Poli announced that there will be no Council Meeting next Monday, October 12th, Columbus Day being a national holiday. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Touchers No., 3666 through 3691, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council. Carried. Councilman Hulse announced a meeting of the Capital Improvement Priority. Committee at 7:30 p.m. on. Thursdav, October 8, 1964 in the Council Chambers. Councilman G":rrett reported of being advised of a Chamber of Commerce meeting on Wednesday, October 7th at 10:00 a.m. by Joe Beierlein, Chairman of Interin Committee on Highways ;7here disc>>.ssion and a presentation will take place. The City Engineer and any other interested persons were invited to attend, Councilman Garrett requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on October 19th at 7:00 p.m, and the City Engineer or Assistant were invited to attend. ORDINANCES AND P.ES0:,U IOidS The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, Councilman Morris, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton transferring Planning Department funds as follows: From: Planning Director Fund 1700, Acct. 417, Materials and Supplies, $1,530.00 Unto: Planning D=rector Fund 1700, Acct. 120, Salaries and Wages, $1,530.00 . From: Planning. Director Fund 1700, Acct. 308, Advertising, $425,00 and Materials and Supplies, 417, $611,00 .Unto: Planning Director Fund 1700, Ae ct. 314, Consultants Fees, $1.036.00 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the transfers adopting Resolution 1272 as read Carried. Moved by t`.orris, seconded by Poli, that the Hearing on the Mayor's Preliminary Budget be closed. Carried,. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington adopting a City Budget for the year 1965 which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Gainini, to adopt Ordinance No. 2114 as read. Roll call voce followed with all Council members present voting aye except Dahlquist, The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington Fixing the tax levies uncessary to raise the estimated expenditures for 1965, less ". e estimated revenues from sources other than taxation, for the general fund and for payment of principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City for 1965; and to levy the annual taxes of the City of Renton for 1965, appropriating same to certain funds for certain purposes, as read, Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to put the Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti- , seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2115 as read, Roll call vote was taken :with all Council Members present voting aye except Dahlquist, Carried, 2S Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-5-64 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS (cont. ) Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, addressed the Council on behalf of the City Employees in his capacity as Chairman of the [gage Committees, thanking the Mayor and Council for the considerations granted not only this evening with adoption of the budget, but also during the past weeks for the time given in listening to the various requests. Councilman Sch6llert thanked Mrs. Gwen Marshall for the work she did on the budget. He then inquired regardin„ where he might secure a report on the availability of the North Highlands Recreation Building for use by the Senior Citizens group. Mayor Custer advised that -.the Park Department would be the Department to contact for this information. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry that a vote of thanks be extended to the entire Clerk's office for the help and-service extended during the presently concluded budget hearings. Carried. Councilman Garrett added that this is the first time in his recollection that the hearing has been concluded and the budget adopted so quickly on the first day of the hearing, attributing same to the Mayor's fine manner of presentation of the material and to" President Poli in conducting of the Committee of the Whole meetings. It was also accepted as fact that the Council's harmonious conclusions were contributing factors. Mayor Custer expressed his thanks and appreciation and abrthere was no- further business to come before the Council it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting; was adjourned at 9:28 p.m. There were 42 visitors in the Council Chambers. -6- October 5, 1964 City Of Fenton Vouchers having been Previously approved by the 'Ccoua'Ling and 4'�I)d-ltirg Cor,,,,n :d for Council 1, U _ittee,, were submitt, -1-Proval 4:ss follows" j� ''QTTCTr�rM. P;.YEB !dviOUNT 27 63-"6 James F. kshurst 5.75 Roy D.re--'sonls Fire Truck Service 31.20 6368 King Co. Humane Society 606.66 6369 Violet Moore 99.�34 T1 63 70 HP-1-me CSo i i j _L _'I 6-1077- Paci 4.12 ,�!79 D-m.-fie Outfitting Co. 36-30 S 3 3.50 y 73 S. C. TH. Corporptioti 6-'7. Shaw Eros. Drug87-36 25-75 U. S. Post Offic'e, 240.40 qlaQTRE, FU4i_E111— 73 1j1/T CJ'Y Treas. Equ.-I.p. Rem'-,al 52.78 City Tireas. Water Works kUtility 37? W'/" 19.78 27- -TRZL,7 _TARr JhTCT FUND Hilt Williars 100.00 6379 I'l/T City Treas. Streets 31-50 P—AnIMINP (36"'0 Gene Coulon 6"8! 1 lo.6o 6382 San Jose Steel Co. 1-40-/W Turf and Toro Supply 127.07 611 6383 U. S. Post Office 30-05 AIRPORT FUIND 63814 Earle Big-ler 140-70 6385 S. C. MT. Corporation 638.�� 63.96 WIT City Treas. - Equip. Rental 1.91 A-L WORKS UTILI T Y FUND 6383? Badger Meter J-,Mfg. Co. ()388 98-31 r�9 1'iuniciPaNb!.7.litY of Metro. Seattle 1-17,698.00 63c) Helmie on .0-1 NIS PENSION FUND 6390 Peoples Istat ll Bar!, of Wash. 9.90 rl 7' FUKD NO. JIC5,!� 6319i Johnston--Campanella & Co. 954-00 �x, Do W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk s�R RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. October 19, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Hulse, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that absent Councilman Trimm be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Police Chief, James Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, J,. David Jensen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Robert Puhich, Utility Dept. James Highton, Building Supt. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 5, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: _ No. Amount Name Address Type of Work 9784 $ 14,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. Rolling Hills Ave. New Residence 9810 1,800.00 W. F. tdiemann 10310 - 116th Ave. S.E. Recreation Room 11 450.00 Ed Beckley 3409 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Addition 12 1,000.00 Helene Menke 211 Meadow Street Remodel Residence 13 350.00 R. W. Wiehoff 9842 - 116th Ave. S.E. Wire New Residence 14 900.00 Victor Vieg 10621 - 116th Ave. S.E. Additions to res. 9815 45000 Conner Const. Co. 12709 - 86th Ave. So. Wire Residence 16 450.00 Conner Const. Co. 12501 - 86th Ave. So. Wire Residence 17 7,000.00 Dags Restaurant 3rd Avenue & Rainier Wire Restaurant 18 15,000,00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3264 Rolling Hills Ave. New Residence - 1151 19 16,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3245 Rolling Hills Ave, New Residence - 1164 9820 16,000 00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3261 Rolling Hills Ave. New Residence - 1147 21 14,500.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3276 Rolling Hills Ave. New Residence - 1178 22 15,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3237 Rolling Hills Ave. New Residence - 1.151 23 50,000.00 Peoples National Bank 818 2nd Avenue Drive-In-Bank 24 475.00 Wilbur W. Watts 907 -M'' Street Concrete Driveway 9825 21500.00 Benson & Bowey (Alper) 928 "H" Street Remodel Restaurant 26 29100 United Homes, Inc. 1026 '-Q" Street Wire New Residence 27 1.00 Charles Gibson 11028 S.E. 104th St. Re-roof Garage 28 225.00 Milo Mateer, Jr. 12729 - 88th Ave. So. New Wiring-200 amp. 29 2,190.00 Albert Hutchinson 803 - 1st Ave, North Reside Residence 9830 450.00 Jerry Nicholas 1118 "Ni1 Street Wire New Residence 31 5000.00 Miller Packing Co. 15214 - 74th Ave. So. Addition to Plant 32 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12100 S.E. 152nd P1, New Residence - 1118 33 10,000.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3260 Rolling Hills Ave. New Residence 35 350.00 Vic Diambri 3319 - 5th Ave. East Wire for Elec. Heat 34 60,000.00 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Race Track Rec Rm. & Additions 36 300.00 Louie Delaurenti 301 North Williams St. Carport 37 1,045.00 Safeway, Inc. 10th Ave. N. & Sunset Sign Service 38 250.00 Foster & Kleiser 219 Airport Way Sign - Ground 39 22,000.00 Gene Forler 21823 - 87th Ave. So. New Residence 9840 900.00 Frank Raswick 12713 - 86th Ave. So. Retaining Wall 41 5,110.00 Mapleleaf Restaurant 401 Rainier Avenue Wire Restaurant PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6715 - - - - Conners Const. Co. 12501 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures .... 16 - - - - B. T. Richardson 445 �,H" Street Gas Installation 17 - - - - Covey 3022 - 6th Ave. No. Gas Installation 18 - - - - Renton Hospital 4th & Shattuck St. Gas Installaticn 19 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12501 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 6720 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12704 - 86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - Benson & Bowey 926 liff� Street Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - Vet Clinic 905 Talbot Road Plumbing Fixtures 23 - - - - Dags Drive-In 3rd & Rainier Plumbing-Gas 24 - - - - R, W. Weihoff 9842-116th ScE, Gas Installations 6725 - - - - Lloyd Telkan 525 Cedar Street Gas Installations -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting - October 19, 1964 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS (cont.) NO. Amount NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 6726 - - - Al Hagen 540 Shattuck Street Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - William Brodie 464 ;;H` Street Gas Installations 28 - - - Peoples National Bank 818 - 2nd Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - Barb Restaurant 3rd Ave. & Rainier Plumbing & Gas 6730 - - - Mapleleaf Restaurant Rainier Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - R. Riley 1139 R. Street Gas Installations 32 - - - United Homes, Inc. 1026 "Q, Street Plumbing Fixtures .� 33 - - - Dag's Restaurant 310 Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 34 - -, - Emmett H. Kindle 9629-103th Ave. S.E. Gas Installations 6735 - - - Williams & Swanson 200 Burnett Street Plumbing Fixtures 36 - - Milo Peterson 1503 1:1, Street Gas Installations 37 - - - Maurice Mobley 11511 S.E. 100th St. Gas Installations 38 - - - J. Becker 904 - 6th Avenue Gas Installations 39 - -- F. Donavan 904 - 6th Avenue Gas Installations 6740 - - - R, Sensenback 904 - 6th Ave. Gas Installations 41 - - - L. Van Doren 904 - 6th Ave. Gas Installations 42 - - - R. Farrell 904 - 6th Ave. Gas Installations 43 - - - H. Locke 904 - 6th Ave. Gas Installations 44 - - - L.D. Leech 904 - 6th Ave. Gas Installations 6745 - - - C. Wall 904 - 6th Ave. Gas Installations 4.6 - - - J. Baulken 901 - 6th Ave. Gas Installations 417 - - - L. Norland 904 - 6th Ave. Gas Installations 48 - - - G. Storey 904 - 6th Ave. Gas Installations 49, .- - C.. Fox 904 - 6th Ave. Gas Installations 6,75,0 - - United Homes 1026 Q' Street Plumbing Fixtures 5.1 -Veaco"c'.c 1 10210 - 116th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - Button Animal.Hospital 904 Talbot Rd. Plumbing Fixtures 5 Mapleleaf Restaurant 401 Raini-er--Avenue Plumbing-Fixtures OPENING OF BIDS: L.I.D., 252Saitxy Sewers - S.E. 112th Street - 114th,- 115.th Ave. S.E. This being the da, e set, the City Clerk opened and read,the following, sealed bids: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC`'BID (concrete) ALTERNATE (Clay Pipe) Jay Cee Construction P. 0. Box 8831 - Seattle, Wn. $ 14,919,01 , ' ._ $ 14 919.�',. Frank Coluccio Construction Co. 7778 Seward Park Avenue Seattle 18, Washirg ton 151400.54 None W. C. Frost Construction 820 M Place Renton, Washington 14,351.12 1,4,90 44 South End Concrete Products, 110612 Pacific Hwy. So.' Seattle, Washington 16,357.36, b bG 2,4 Phillip Gesner 11025 - 142nd Ave. S.E.' Renton, Washington 13,581.38 1 ;214:2 Superior Construction Co.. 4610 - 37th Ave. S.W. Seattle, Washington 98126 19,825.`52 20,756.84 T. & t-.--Cons-tructiori 22705 .-. 74th Place Edmonds, Washington 193648:72 21,295.04 Moven by'Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the bids be referred to the laity Engineer and-. San#ation. Committee to report back. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-19-64 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Building Director Highton reported completion,by Contractor Albert Quentin,of public works contract on painting of the exterior of the North Renton Rec- reation Building as of October 14, 1964. Acceptance of the project and payment was recommended with commencement of the 30 day lien period. Contract - $2,783.04 less 15% retained percentage, $ 417.46; amount due Contractor this payment, $2,365.58. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act accepting the project and commencing the 30 clay lien period. Carried. A Petition containing 37 signatures was read requesting that the City limit the number of service stations located within the corporate limits of Renton. The Petition was signed by service station owners and operators now doing business in the City. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Discussion ensued regarding the constitutionality of any such ordinance, City Attorney Shellan advising of this matter having come up only once in the Courts and that the Ordinance was struck down as unconstitutional. City control can only be exercised as the matter may pertain to public health, safety and welfare. After inquiries regarding possible control of distances between the stations and use of public right of way for accesses, the pending motion carried, referring the matter to the Committee of the Whole, Carried. A Petition containing eight signatures beginning with Ballestrasse and ending with Mann, requested Vacation of alleyway running East and West from Rainier Avenue to 87th Avenue South between Grady Way and South 148th Street. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Petition to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. It was pointed 'out by Attorney Shellan that the Petition should be checked for validity inas- much as no procedure 'may be entertained unless 2/3 of the abutting property owners have affixed'signatures to the Petition. The pending motion carried. A Petition was read containing 12 signatures of abutting property owners on the Black River Channel between 2nd and 3rd Avenues requesting Vacation of the subject area. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer for verification of validity. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelson advised of the need for amendment of Chapter 7, (Wards and Precincts) of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" revising boundaries of precincts 22, 30 and 36, and it was recommended that the matter be referred to the .Law and Ordinance Committee for a proper Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter as recommended. Carried. A letter from'Mr. Edward J. Logan, King County Supt. of Elections, Certified the results of the September 15th Special Election Lake Washington Park Bond Proposition as follows: Yes: 3,336, No: 2,431 - Defeated - Results were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on September 25, 1964. The total vote was 5,767 and the issue reached 57.8% of the required 60% to pass. A letter from Mr. Ralph R. Stender, Clerk of the Board of King County Commissionord requested support of the City of Renton in the formation of a flood control zone ellstrict in the May Creek Basin area. Mr. Allen Lang from the King County Engineer's Office, as Public Relations representative, addressed the assembly advising that the City was being asked to participate because the law required that a flood control district include all areas within the control shed and inasmuch as it extends to boundaries within the City it therefore must be approved by the City. The properties to be benefitted would at this time assume the financial obligation and it was projected that the City would not be involved as far as funding unless at some future time the voters should elect to establish inclusion, in which case the properties not the City would be assessed. , . Moved by Hulse,seconded by Perry, .-to refer the matter to the Committee of the e" ` Whole. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan reported receipt of $389.92,and transmittal to the City Treasurer,constituting proceeds of settlement relative to damage to one of the Police Department motorcycles on March 13, 1963 in which Officer John E. Buff was involved-Suit was commenced to recover his damages as well as those to the vehicle and settlement was made a feta days prior to trial date with release being executed in con- nection therewith. -3- SL RL• F Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-19-64 COMMUNICATIONS (cont,) A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted request:to the Board of Natural Resources, .acting as State Harborline Commission, which is to be Jointly executed by the City and the Boeing Company and approved by the Port of Seattle, that relocation of the inner harborline at the South end of Lake Washington, Renton be considered, according to Exhibit A attached to the letter, and that appraisal be given and offer made for sale of the additional shorelands thereby created. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter and attachment to the Mayor for execution and the City Engineer for approval of Exhibit A. Carried. A letter from the Boeing Company requested Revocable Permit covering 7600 ft. from the 35' public right-of-way at the mouth of the Cedar River East Bank to Boeing which area would be enclosed with cyclone fencing and used for movement of airplane sections from the West side of the Camouflage Building. The fencing would not deny access to the area now leased by B.A. Porter and compensation would be made for any access relocation required. The Boeing Company will negotiate any utility relocations which may be necessary. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. A letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, requested authorization to use Cumulative Reserve - Depreciation (Equipment) funds for a new Scooter for parking meter collections which iter, along with repairman Las been included in the 1965 Budget in which there is presently a balance of $1,628.58. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request. Motion carried. A letter from Mayor Custer advised that pursuant to the City Attorney's recommenda- tion a. complete appraisal had been secured regarding certain lighting fixtures and appurtenances to be declared surplus by the City and -chat the purchase price, according to Mr. S. J. Zimmer of the General Electric Company, was fair and reasonable. It was now deemed proper for the Council to adopt a Resolution declaring said fixtures and their appurtenances to be surplus and no longer needed by the City and to. authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Company to complete the sale. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents to complete the sale with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Carried. A letter read from the City Employees Club, Fred Johnson, Recording Secretary, requested permission to work Election Day, November 3rd in exchange for the day after Thanksgiving in order to allow a three day weekend. Discussion ensued followingimotion by Delaurenti and second by Perry to allow the exchange and it was pointed out that the legislature is going to act on the matter of election day being a holiday so that it might be observed by all of industry on a statewide basis so that everyone might have an opportunity to vote,'and if requests are made to work the purpose of the proposal is defeated. It was further discussed and noted that certain offices are required to work election day and are entitled to double time under the provisions of the new budget and the City would in fact save money by the employees choosing to have it a regular rw-vr. work day. After various pros and cons were expressed vote on the pending motion was., announced by the Mayor as carried. Roll call was requested as required and was taken as follows: Aye: Bruce, Hulse, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Poli,schellert, Dahlquist and Morris. The motion carried. A letter from the Renton Municipal Art Commission, Architecure and Landscape Committee advised of a plan presented by the Sunset View Garden Club to plant trees along the top of the river banks. The plan was endorsed by the Commission and it was suggested that the City accept the responsibility for maintenance of the trees if planted; that a master plan of the entire riv" bank be drawn up by the City Landscape Architect to eliminate possible complications in the future with other work that may be done along the river banks; tiiat the Commission approve the master plan and that the �.. Park Department supervise the planting of the trees. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer tine matter to the Property Com- mittee. Carried. A letter from the Renton High School Alumni Association, submitted by Mrs. Larryne DeVous, Secretary, requested permission to display a banner advertising the annual dance on November 14. The banner would be strung ac Fey's Roxy Theatre on Third Avenue from approximately October `>Sth through November 15th. Moved by Poli, second by Morris, that the request .be granted with the usual Hold Harmless Permit and installation under supervision of the Street Commissioner. Carried. A Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) City Clerk, Helmie Nelson presented documents to be recorder: n .u.:nrcf:;u:.: with conveyance to the City of the Fred Nelson Jr. High School Sewa_- 'enc- ''ic transaction had been approved by the Council previously in theyear and the canplct.ior. of the necessary documents has now been consumated with a change in thi aer_ac of +iml for the school district to recover costs by late-comers agreeme,.t from tcn {:a fifteen years per previous transactions. Approval was requested for reco.:din-1 ro revised:. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the documents be approves: t?_-th referral to the Mayor, Ct Engineer and City Attorney with po!ver to act. Ja1.Aied, A letter from Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, expressed than'-.F of t-he pol ice Department for the consideration given by the Council in the recent 7.965 Ludget Nearing . A letter from Mrs. Alan Gosset to-ri Mr, Taylor, Executive Secra.tnry of the Washing- ton Utilities and Transportation Commission was read expressing thanks for invitation to a Hearing regarding telephone solicitation to be held at Rentor. Ci*y i,a,ll a: October 16, 1964. Mra. Gosset expressed protest against the use of the telephone for such callc and stated that she and fellow employees would be willing to sign a petition to reque3t a law banning the practice. Mayor Custer advised that the study will be continued across '-he State as requested by the Legislature and that there were over 30 persons in attendance rit this meeting. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Louie Delaurenti to fill the unexpired term of Harry Lankester who Aes:igned an mam.bow of the fire Civil Service Commission, effective November 1, 1964 and Tiro. Vl g:.nia ,!i ,to to fill unexpired term of Fred Callen who also resigned with this appo-intment a'_so effective November 1, 1964. Mayor Custer expressed his thanks to 'doth Mr, and Mr. Callen for their services to the Commission and the Community as men';crs of this Commission. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appo±nt7,en-- 1.­e Carried. A letter was read from the Mayor requesting concurrence in the appointments of Police Officers John Buff and T. A. Romano to the rants of Sergeant in the Renton Pol cd. Department effective November 1, 1964 with six months probationary regu.':. .t_or. tc be a stipulation as per state and civil service statute requirements. "as ?o'_ ce C :•� Service Commission has certified both officers and the Police Chief has concu,red in their appointments. No salary change will be effected inasmuch as both aanoirtees .re drawing premium pay at present, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the ni;pointments, i^,ai!_led. A letter from Mayor Custer was read requesting Council concur-.--once wn the appownt- ment of Richard Nibargar, Jr. and William D, File to the pos:;.tions of patrolmen _n the Renton Police Department, effective November 1, 1964 on the six months p�-ob:ati on,:y status as required by State and Civil Service Commission regulafilone '..he cans d3'ys have been regularly certified by the Police Civil Service Co:^.micsY on (Letter fro-: 1.1b.-s. Virginia Busato, Commission Chairman attached) and have been recommender; favora')ly ')y the Police Department. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointments, A Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appoint-nent of 1". ,1 Noble to fill the unexpired term of Oscar Anderson on the Po-".ice ftv4 L Se rv.7.co ;orin.`fusion for the City of Renton effective November 1, 1964 due to Mr, Anderson.'n reeignat Mayor Custer thanked Mr. Anderson for his service: Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the annoirtMent PROCLAMATIONS: It was proclaimed by Mayor Custer that the week of October 25 tn-.ough 31 be observed as Liberty Week and all citizens are urged to express united suppo:rt ft):- ':hf� principles of liberty upon which this great Nation is founded through nr_'ycr, erccchcs, rallies and ceremonies so that men and women all over the world w-711 know of our CoA-alt- ment to maintain our freedom and to help strengthen the freedon Ind un=-_y of the world and all of its peoples. In recognition of the charitable viork of the Kiwanis C1u, of ",en*.on Ind of '�`e importance of the apple industry,contributing to the econorr c gr,Pth of the crate i.;ell as the American diet as a healthful food product, the •..7cel: of %tobcw l7th 2�r was Proclaimed by Mayor Custer as "'National Apple ;leek" Moved by Dt'au-�ant ., soca�ded b;� :'cI., to concu-- in the : -roc".a m•.'r_ -�.~: -'_-=a r Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-19-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry to recess. Dissenting voice vote was registered and the motion was announced as lost. President of the Council Poli requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Thursday, October 22nd at 7:30 p.m. and City Attorney Shellan was invited to attend. Councilman Hulse advised that the Capital Improvement Priority Committee has a list drafted but has not yet completed the determinations to make a report. «-•• Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk recommending, due to the commitment by the City to provide a four-lane facility in e�:cha.nre for the right-of-way, that the Contract on the improvement of Puget Drive be extended to allow four lanes including curbing and gutters and that the Contractor be credited with an extension of time if needed therefor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee, Carried. Councilman Garrett recalled request of Mayor Custer for City representation at the Urban Land Institute Seminar on November 4,5 and 6th in Denver Colorado and Moved that the matter be taken from the Committee of the Whole and presented as the next order of business, The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council authorize Mayor Custer and President of the Council Poli, to attend the Denver Urban Planning Convention. The motion carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers 6392 - 6583, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time, Carried. Councilmen Hulse urged support of the November Library Bond Issue to be balloted upon and Councilman Schellert added his hope for the same. ter.. Councilman Pedersen requested a meeting of the Property Committee on Wednesday, Oct: 14th at 5:00 p.m. and Monday, October 26, 1964 at 7:15 p.m. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that proceedings be initiated to acquire site 4 and that the Council approve same as the location of the Civic Center, Upon inquiry City Attorney She llan advised that prior to acquisition some preliminary steps will need to be taken. If the area is definitely decided upon the City Engineer should be instructed to supply maps and documents with the exact area to be acquired together with ownerships broken down by ownerships on tax lots and tenancy ownerships, retain services of professional appraiser to bring in appraisal of each parcel of land. The property owner affected to be notified and negotiations made to acquire the land on a deferred basis so money can be applied each year in the Budget. If agreement is not made re contractual basis condemnation proceedings will have to be instituted and the cash must then be available to pay the award. Negotiations should be tried on the basis of the appraisal if possible and payment made on -time basis. Mayor Custer advised of the possibility of financing the acquisition, interest having been expressed by at least one company to date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the matter to* the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Perry made the motion that the matter of service station, restrooms be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee insofar as the advisability of the entrances thereto not being available without securing a key from the attendant. Discussion ensued as to whether a recommendation was requested or a document requiring the rooms to be locked and it was subsequently moved by Perry seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Ordinance No. 2100 re Wards and Precincts which was read by the Clerk correcting and revising City of Renton Precincts 22, 30 and 36, Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading.. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2115 as read. nipcuc,aion ensued and inquiry of advisability of precinct revisions so close to election date in concern for filing deadlines for Committee Precinct Chairmen. -6- Minutes of :-he Renton City Council 10-19-64 RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) City Clerk Nelson reported that the County Election Supt. was aware of the time element and that the revisions had been previously adopted by County Resolution. After discussion regarding the fact that one precinct had comparatively few voters and the other precinct had 2 line up at closing of the polls and they are located it the same building it was deemed that the revision is best. Councilman Vern Morris submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington transferring funds from the Central Garage Equipment Rental Account, 3600, Salaries, y2,04:,00, Maintenance and Operations: Statewide and Social Security, $65,00, Prepaid Medical, $32,00 Industrial Insurance, 2Q�00 Unto: Street Maintenan Account 3240, Salaries, $2,040.O0, Maintenance and Operations, Statewide and Social Security, $55.00, Prepaid Medical, $32.00 and Industrial Insurance, $20.00, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1273 as read. Carried. As there was no further business to come before. the Body at this time, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. There were 36 visitors in the Council Chambers. r.rri -7- October 19, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUIMER PAYEE A1,10UNT CURRENT FUND 6392 Airkem Sales 0 Service 147.95 6393 limerican Blueprint Co. 67.0 6394 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 21.89 6395 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 118.17 6396 B & B Auto Parts 25.96 6397 Bean Electric Co. 16.94 639" James Bourasa 12,50 6399 Burnrite Oil Co. 136.37 6400 C & G Electronics Co. 470.29 6401 Carpenter Paper Co. 23.98 6402 City of Renton 72.90 6403 Coast Wide Supply Co. 198.54 6404 Cochran Coast to Coast Store 21.42 6405 Kathryn Constantine 2.40 6%06 The Copy Co. 41.08 6407 Daily Journal of Commerce 35.00 640C Department of Labor & Industries 866.98 6409 Dictaphone Corporation 39.62 6410 Claude J. Dodd 45.85 6411 Dotz Chemical Co. 51,48 6412 Econolite 70.C7 6413 Employment Security Department 3,843.13 6414 Carl Entenmann and Son 5.25 6415 Faber Laboratories of Seattle Inc. 51.40 61.16 Every Garrett 3.50 6417 General Electric Co. 644.12 641" Robert Glendinning 2.40 6419 Graybar Electric Co. 105.62 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 144.00 b'421 Hickok's Sport Shop 3.12 6422 Janco-United 131.61 64?_-) King County liedical Service Corp. 737.30 6421, Lawmac Sales Co. 156.51 6425 Market Basket No. 3 34.00 6126 Market Basket No. 5 14.30 6427 Claud A. McPherson 124.92 6428 Mobile Communications Co. 221.52 6429 Motorola C & E Inc. 52.00 6430 Flyers Oil Co. 36.99 6431 Pacific Auto Machine Shop 769.78 6432 Pacific Auto Supply 1.71 6433 Pacific Northwest Bell 66.55 6434 i-like Potoshnik Fuel Oils 106.94 61,35 Puget Sound Power & Light 6,304.26 6436 Puget Sound Power & Light 438.52 6437 Reiman Auto Parts 1.61 6.138 Renton Clothing Co. 145.85 6439 Renton Motor Parts, Inc, 3.06 6440 Seattle-King County Dept. of Public Health 175.00 61441 Seattle Lumber Co. 102.62 6!,.42 Seattle Tent and Awning Co. 5.20 6443 Shaw Bros. Drug 41.70 6444 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 13.52 6445 M. L. Snyder and Son 10.40 6446 Standard Insurance Co. 217.75 6147 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 5.52 6448 Statewide City Ihployees Retirement Sys. 2,515.89 6449 11/T City Treas. - Current 4.79 6450 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 2,410.90 6151 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 134.46 6452 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 4.61 6453 W/T City Treas. - Street 25.79 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED October 19, 1964 CURRENT FUND CONTINUED 6454 Washington Natural Gas Co. 32.12 6455 Washington State Tax Commission .40 6456 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 21.82 6457 Jack Wilson 14.00 6458 F. W. Woolworth Co. 35.57 CITY STREET FUND 6459 Armco Steel Corp. 138.66 6460 Black River Quarry 262.91 hod 6461 Vern Church 4.00 6462 City of Renton 4.00 6463 Cochran Coast to Coa*t Store 5.70 6464 Department of Labor & Industries 413.29 6465 A. G. Elliott 71.20 6466 Employment Security Department 1,416.29 6467 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 80.50 6468 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 1.42.73 6469 Mr. Charles McClurg 10.00 6470 Mobile Communications Co. 100.15 6471 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.54 6472 Raeco Products Corp. 65.12 6473 Rudd Paint & Varnish Co. 133.12 6474 Statewide City Employees Retirement Sys. 243.68 6475 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 160.57 6476 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 6,266.55 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 6477 Lande Feed Company 33.28 CEDAR RIVER 12. & I. FUND -. 6478 Department of Labor & Industries 15.63 6479 Employment Security Department 42.86 6480 King Co. iledical Service Corp. 8.15 6481 Statewide City Employees Retirement Sys. 12.48 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 6482 Puget Sound Power & Light 14.29 !WIPIEM RENTAL FUND 6483 Air Mac, Inc. 121.50 6484 B & B Auto Parts 77.48 6485 Bitco Western, Inc. 36.39 6486 Blanchard Auto Electric 2-4.68 6487 Busy Bee Rental 6.34 6488 Department of Labor & Industries 88.53 6489 Dotz Chemical Co. 56.06 6490 Employment Security Department 395.44 6491 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 31.36 6492 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 24.00 6493 Homelite 55.59 6494 Interstate Tire Co. 192.29 6495 Kenny's Auto Upholstery 44.72. 6496 Kent Oxygen Co. 6.24 6497 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 20.47 ... 6498 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. 39.31 6499 N. C. Machinery Co. 19.86 6500 Nebar Supply Co., Inc. 17.04 6501 Pacific Auto Supply 132.30 6502 Reiman Auto Parts 217.63 6503 Renton Engineering Corp. 41.91 6504 Renton Motor Parts 32.74 6505 Renton & Rainier Printery 43.68 6506 Harry Russak Truck Co. 20.80 6507 Shell Oil Co. 1,250.39 r CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED October 19, 1964 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND CONTINUED 6500 Sweeper Service, Inc. 102.00 6509 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 21.90 6510 Statewide City Employees Retirement Sys. 54.48 6511 Union Oil Co. of Calif. 60.06 LIBRARY FUND 6512 Department of Labor & Industries 76.59 6513nployment Security Department 438.60 6514 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.50 6515 Kinr- Co. Medical Service Corp. 75.15 6516 Statewide City Employees Retirement Sys. 139.72 6517 Washington State Tax Commission 1.07 PARK FUND 6518 Ray Bock Equipment Co. 7.42 6519 City of Renton 21.34 6520 Gene L. Coulon 28.85 6521 Department of Labor & Industries 199.54 6522 Employment Security Department 1,282.80 6523 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 24.00 6524 Holmes Electric Co. 47.32 6525 King Co. Medical Service ,Corp. 90.05 6526 Pacific Northwest Bell 69.04 6527 Puget Sound Power & Light 121.76 652" Ratelco, Inc. 11.12 6529 Renton Motor Parts 1.10 6530 S & T Construction Co. 156.00 6531 Spencer Aircraft Industries 33.51 6532 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 20.90 6533 Statewide City Employees Retirement Sys. 120.02 6534 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 15.95 6535 T.V. Radio Clinic 8.32 6536 United Services Inc. 30,6(s) 6537 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 180.70 . 6538 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 52.85 6539 Washington Natural Gas Co. 16.45 WATER 14ORKS UTILITY FUND 6540 Armco Steel Corp. 150.25 6541 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 2.34 6542 City of Renton 4.00 6543 Coast Wide Supply Go. 32.43 6544 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 956.15 6545 Department of Labor & Industries 312.17 6546 Dotz Chemical Co. 17.16 6547 Employment Security Department 1,184.96 6540 Gamon Meter Division 196.26 6549 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 48.00 6550 Homelite 25.22 6551 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 155.45 6552 IIobile Communications Co. 100.15 6553 N C R Company 3.45 6554 Olympic Foundry Co. 135.38 6555 Pacific Auto Supply 7.96 6556 Pacific N[J Bell 43.94 6557 Puget Sound Power & Light 2,082.42 655" Reiman Auto Parts 13.00 6559 Rockwell Mfg. Co. 13474.20 6560 Statewide City Employees Retirement Sys. 136.28 6561 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 9.17 6562 W/T City Treas. - Current 3,038.59 6563 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 2,355.28 6564 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 16.17 6565 [1/T City Treas. - Street 220.24 6566 11ashi.ngton State Tax Commission 1,317.72 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED October 19, 1964 AIRPORT FUND 6567 City of Renton 37.34 6568 Cochran Coast to Coast Store 50.23 6569 G. H. Culver, City Treas. 14.50 6570 Department of Labor & Industries 23.71 6571 Employment Security Department 130.22 6572 Ted Gatz Photography 56.16 6573 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 24.45 6574 Puget Sound Power & Light 123.55 6575 Reynolds Aluminum Supply Co. 126.48 6576 Statewide Retirement System 21.78 6577 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 310.27 6578 U. S. Post Office 10.00 6579 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 72.65 CATIVE FUND NO. 1182 6580 G & C -Electronics 163.07 6581 Econolite 183.98 CU1FJLATIVE FUND NO. 18394 6582 Albert Quentin, Contractor 2,365.58 CUIRU,TIVE FUND NO. j90, 6583 Puget Sound Power & Light 12.46 Helmie W. Nelson, City Qerk W. Custer, Mayor r RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. October 26, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by the. Hon. D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, Gerard Shellan, City Attnrney, Clarence Williams, Police Chief., M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Robert Puhich, Utility Dept. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 19, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE CF WCRK 9842 $ 300.00 Charles Campbell 406 Bronson Way Porch 43 1,650.00 Mapleleaf Restaurant 401 Rainier Avenue Sign 44 11300.00 Cook's Restaurant 41. Rainier So. Sign 9845 35,000.00 Mrs. Wm. Bennet* V * #ark Street Commercial Bldg. 46 500.00 Northwest Avionics Co. Renton Airport Partitions 47 1.00 Peoples National Bank 800 - 2nd Avenue Demolish House, '48 300.00 John Peacock 10210 -r 116th Ave. S.E. Wire New Residence .49 179.,0q 'Otto Loffler 8,a0 Riversi;de: Drive Addition to Res. 98 50 1,50Q�Q�O Kanney's Auto-Rbui 10fi ,Park street ` SigR 5l 23,00`0;00 Conner Const.' Co, 12723 86th Ave. 9o• Hew' Residence PLUMBING & H£AfiING PISITS ... .- .. ,.., : .S, 6754 -, - Mrw. YEkla eus ,3,0.08 .6th. Ave. E. Plumhxn . Fixtures 55 - - Ee ter ._ i } S 1 - -3rd`Ave. -No.. C,as Instaillations 56 - _ Mer1i ,RinchOxi6 - 6th til No, Heating, equipment i, . 47 - - telma xy. Kelp 631 "R" Street Gas inQ_tallations Mach.em 1425 Pelly Street Gas Installations 59 - - - Drs. Fall & 'Irvin 905 Talbot Road Plumbing fixtures 67f0 - - - Renton Auto Painting 1�72 ,Park Ave. Gas Installations Rey Breda Renton Street Gas Installations 62 - - - Thomas TrImm 19- Sd. Wells Gas Installations 63 - Everett S. Xendrick 520. Stevens Ga,s ..Tnstalkattons 64 - - Conner const. Co. 12723 - 86th Ave. S. riwiio.Lng Fixtures 676,15 - - - Clayton C. Klinger 626 "S" Street Gas Installations COWLIN ICATIM6: A letter' re i4, ,frb,m,Jack Wi`Cson, .C-i.ty Engineer, reported, that the Pet#1on for the Vacation of z' ,po'rtion 'oi? ce Street between 2ndand .3rd avenues contained signatures of 69.20% a ;ebutring ,property .owners. A letter read fr4tF jity Attorney to this area reported that the legend on the."Second Supplemental Maps o�f Rentpn Snorelands" certificated 4-10-63, �.., indicates that.';a' dedication was wade to the public 'o£, the streets'.. ,said,maps for all purposes not inconsistent with. the use thereof: .for. odblic h�g21way p ros .ti, wick; includes the area now ,pruposea dor vacation. 'f�e dedication would that t area would undoubte fty. rev(irr to ,the State if 'the Z, ;L. y ceased to use the` 04a Vis; a,,,public street or determined that it was nat �suitable for such pu' rpos'e.' Mr. Shellan questions the State s"'attitude in the event only a portion of the dedicated street were so Ntjgated -and tho r-ffect .such vacation i would' have on the balance 'of the right-of-way. t-mas point out--that two parcels of property were 'not abutting the right-of-way as re�u:r ed by law and tt�ppe si.naf urea were not. incluc�gq in thR- 69.20°x,,b. , the :City. ed. e _ y .�Q� refe - the matter`-tel Y M. ria,,.secand�c�x by!Perr Ox nahce Committee fer pax Iper� Resolution' shd Ib,cember -7� .waa suggesteA"as site° for hea, �►g. Afte - nquiry 'on.intent of: the'Conr c ;l 'not tc. vacates MaxQr Cit ter•;3 report that M 701"Kel son aas._:rtc-). _oug'ex interested therein. ;.r�' on procefiure., .thek motion i:=nutes of the menton City Council Meeting 10•-26-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (con, ) A wetter was read from Mr. Wm. T. Vaughn requesting on behalf of T. & R. Food Ea-^ket, to be authorized to make Utility Collections for -the City of Renton, 'gloved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the City Treasure- :_ th power to act,. Cabled. A letter was read from Mr, Hardebeci. of Bryn Mawr Disposal Co,, requesting renewal of refuse disposal cont.cact within an area annexed to Renton which collection has been -)roved by Valley Disposal Co., the City's prime Contractor. - Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee Lo report back., Carried . A '-ette;: from City Attorney Shellan was read advising of execution of Stipulation on October 10, 1964 between Malones, Inc. and the City which settles in full the court action and dismisses the Summons and Complaint filed in connection therewith. It was suggested that the City Clerk have the document recorded. A Petition was read containing the signatures of three property owners, Matt Dragin, Patrick A, Nolan and A., L, Major, requesting that the City take necessary steps to open and improve the alley adjacent to Lots 1-7, Block 10, Earlington, between Maple and L'nd Streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee, the Street Commissioner and the City Engineer to report back, Carried. A letter from City Clerk Helmie Nelson advised that the specifications are now prepared and reacy for bid call for purchase of Accounting Machine as authorized in the -965 Budget. It was recommended that November 16, 1964 be set as date for opening of bids thereon. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the City Clerk, The motion carried. City Clerk Nelson reported that she,along with City Treasurer Gossett, Deputv City Clerk Gwen Marshall and Utility Accountant Ted Bennett, had attended the Annual Meeting of ie State Fin,ne!n Officers,on October 15 and 16, at Tacoma which membership is comprised of CtLte Audito--s, Bonding Counsellors, City Treasurers and City Clerks and Assistants, and p::; sen': also are the various Banking Representatives and Business Machine Sales Agents. Some of the important items discussed were to be proposed to the Legislature and Resolutions were adopted for submitting thereto. Included in the discussions was a proposal for elimination of the Vendor's Certificate which we now attach to our Vouchers. A Resolution was adopted for forwarding to the Association of Washington Cities recommending reimbursement to employees for attending official business meetings in their own cities which is now given only when meetings are attended outside the i corporate limits. Another matter recommended for enaction of legislation was to provide II relief for City Clerks regarding compiling of Jury Lists. At present, as of April lst of the odd numbered years, a list muse be submitted -to tiie Superior Court Judge of the District containing all information rrom original voting registrations regarding persons available for jury duty. The Superior Court Judges are sole authority for selecting jurist, It was proposed that the duty of compiling .jury lists might possibly be passed on to the Secretary of State oi as in Cities designated as County Seats. Other interesting sessions were held on Equipment Rental, Cost Accounting and how Cities might secure a greater share of State Taxes, the Admission Tax being the only recent benefit to Cities outside of -the -� gasoline tax -for arterial stl`eet funding. It is felt chat the Street Cost Accounting system is going to provide proof to the legislature that Cities do need a greater allocation for assistance insofar as street costs for traffic control, construction, maintenance, police protection and the program in -eneral is concerned and a Resolution was adopted to this effect. Also proposed was that the City Fiscal Year run from July lst to June 30th, with objections brought forth regarding t1ie fact that so many o-f Che reports compiled by City Treasurers and City Clerks are based upon the annual -fiscal year from January lst ....r to December 31st, It was thought t;.at perhaps eventually the originators of such documents might be educated to use Che new designation. Last, but not least, attention was brought to the -fact Chat Certificates of Merit were awarded to various fire and police and other Departmental divisions of Cities and being a mutual admiration society, Che Finance Officers have decided to institute a ?".erit Award Certificate among their own membership. The Session was reported to have been very interesting and beneficial and enjoyable as well. -2- 43 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-26-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter was read from Mayor Custer advising of the availability of certain properties offered to the City in the vicinity of PSH 5 and 13th Avenue South by Mr. Joe Gottstein,which includes Lots No. 33-41, Block 7, C. D. Hillmans Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 as per map attached thereto. Stipulations of the donation of said property included exclusive use for public purposes forever and officially namin_ of the area as "Luella Park in honor of Mr. Gottsceinh wife. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Council and Fire Chief look .over the property to determine its prospective possible use. Carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer requested permission of the Council to proceed with acquisition of the area known as Site 4 bounded by Bronson Way, Mill Street, Houser Way and the Cedar River,beginning by hiring of appraisers as recommended by the City Attorney. It was recommended that the Mayor and Ci_c_yAttorney be authorized to obtain the services of one local realtor and one member of the M.A.I. to complete the appraisal. Information concerning legal descriptions and ownerships have been furnished by the City Engineer as requested by the Council and acquisition for the Civic Center as proposed in the architects final drawings is now in order as the Council may direct. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the requests and recommendations of the Mayor. Carried. PROCLAMATION: Saturday, October 31, 1964 was proclaimed by Mayor Custer as Unicef Day in Renton and citizens were urged to participate .in trick or treat for Unicef by welcoming the properly identified trick or treaters at the door whose containers carry the official orange and black message with the Unicef symbol of a mother and child. Each coin collected for the United Nations Children's Fund will serve in helping millions of children and mothers to attain better health in more than 100 countries and territories by assisting governments in programs of disease control, nutrition and maternal and child welfare, meaning food or medicine for the sick and hungry children of the world. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: President of the Council Poli submitted his Committee of the Whole report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: From its meeting of October 23, 1964 the Committee recommended that the City Attorney, Fire Chief and Planning Director be requested to obtain additional informa- tion regarding the limiting of the number of service stations in the Renton Area and report to the Committee of tre Whole as soon as possible. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried Recommended that the City E ,gineer be requested to furnish a map encompassing the Black River Channel and Lake Street areas and advise of proposed use and traffic patterns of the area. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that the communication from the Association of Washington Cities regarding use of watersheds for recreational development and accesses be held in Committee for further information. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that the Municipal Art Commissior''s Committee on Landscape and Architecture be requested to present specifications dnd costs for planter boxes and trees for downtown Renton, to the Committee of the Whole and that the Mayor direct that the old planter boxes be removed from the downtown area as soon as possible. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations, The "" motion carried. Recommended that the City Engineer check the boundaries of the proposed May Creek Basin flood control zone district and report to the Committee of the Whole regarding effect as it will pertain to Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-26-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: The City received seven bids for the installation of Sanitary Sewers in the vicinity of S.E. 112th Street and 114th Avenue S.E., L.I.D. No. 252, and it was recommended by the Committee and the City Engineer, that the low bid of Phillip Gesner be accepted in the sum of $13,581.88 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contracts after approval by the City Attorney. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations. Inquiry by Delaurenti was made regarding acceptance of the cement pipe in lieu of clay which he deemed to be superior. City Engineer Wilson stated that in certain types of soil the clay might be warranted, however, it was more brittle and in this instance it was felt that the cement was satisfactory in view of the cost difference between the two. The pending motion carried with Delaurenti voting no. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, presented the following report which was read by the Clerk: 1. Regarding purchase of the Kennydale Lions Club Playfield, it was recommended that the City proceed with the purchase immediately with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for funding and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the documents necessary as approved by the City Attorney. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. 2. Recommended that Council declare the Sewage Disposal Plant surplus and authorize the Property Committee to secure appraisals for the sale thereof. Councilman Pedersen had reported that the plant was in the process of reverting back to the City per prior agreement with Metro and that a communication from"The Boeing Company about a year ago had advised of interest in purchasing the property and also that recent telephone calls had indicated that other parties might be interested in the property. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations. Discussion and inquiry followed regarding possible use by the City of this property and reason for appraisal by at least one appraiser, being a basis for bid rejection as well as affording basis for proper sale price if declared surplus. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Committee of The Nhole. Mayor Custer, upon hearing dissenting voice vote, requested roll call which was taken as follows: Aye: Poli, Schellert, Dahlquist, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Bruce, Hulse, Gianini, Pedersen and Perry. J,arrett, having arrived during the discussion abstained. The 5 to 5 tie vote was broken by the Mayor who voted aye carrying the motion. 3. Recommended that the communication from the Arthitecture and Landscape Committee of the Municipal Arts Commission be referred to the Park Department and the Park Board. The Property Committee concurred with the plan for beautification of the river banks and fee felt that when a comprehensive plan is completed it should be presented to the Council for approval. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. Recommended-that the matter of the Public Use Land in the Renton Highlands be referred to the P blic Relations Committee. Moved by Perry,useconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 6534 through 6681, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Pedersen requested a meeting of the Property Committee on Thursday, October 29, 1964 at 7:00 P.M. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that Councilwoman Dahlquist and Planning r Committee Chairman, Councilman Hulse, be authorized to attend the Urban Land Institute Seminar on November 4, 5 and 6 in Denver, Colorado along with the Mayor and President of the Council. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, and no further audience comment, it was moved by Gianini, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. -4- tJ October 261, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE A1CUNT CURRENT FUND 6554 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. 51.37 6555 American LaFrance 56.43 6556 Roy Ballestrasse 2.40 6587 City of Renton 405.00 6555 Daniel E. Claudon 2.40 6589 Alan Councilman 2,40 6590 Janet Crabb 5.00 6591 Daily Journal of Commerce 17.10 6592 Charles E. Derrick 2.40 6593 Fred A. Fischer 2.40 6594 Sharon L. Gathmann 2.40 6595 General Aniline & Film Corp. 6.15 6596 Dorothea Gossett 20.17 6597 Richard L. Gray 27.00 6598 Joseph F. Henry 15.67 6599 Kroll Map Company 56.68 6600 Market Basket #4 3.65 6601 Gwen Marshall 20.09 6602 Helmie Nelson 20.09 6603 Northwestern University Traffic Inst. 5.10 6604 Pacific Northwest Bell 1,196.69 ,.6605 Pacific Outfitting Company 49.76 6606 Paulson Office Supply 117.15 6607 Dennis E. Raison 2.40 ' 660.8 The Record-Chronicle 3.61. 6609 Renton Cameras-=- .27.33 6610 Renton Enterprise 153.13 6611- - --- Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 56.09 6612 Robert Stevenson 2.40 6613 Urban Land Institute 50000 6614 TJ/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 51.85 6615 li/T City"Treas. - Streets 40.00 6616 Washington Association of Sheriffs 52.00 6617 C. S. Tlilliams 25.00 PARK FUND 6618 City of Renton 25,00 6619 14atthie?s Key & Sharp Shop 4;47 6620 Pacific Northwest Bell 33.54 6621 Puget Sound Power& Light 69.15 6622 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. 226.95 6623, 111/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 45.67 664 Weyerhaeuser Company 4.87 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 6625 Daily;Journal of Commerce 19.35 6626 Renton Enterprise . 9:46 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 6627 American Parts, Inc. 5.5 7 6625 Atomic `Battery Shop 15057 6629 Cox:,1-4achinery Company61$.SO 6630 Cox I%chinery Company_ 45,60 6631 Dragers.Harley-Davidson Co. 30.15 6632 1+1atthie7s Key & Sharp Shop 1.12 6633 Pacific American Commercial Co. 6.01 6634 Paulson Office Supply 143.3.1. 6635 Sahlberg Equipment,. Inc: 3s.3& 6636 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 66.75 6637 Sunset Coal & Oil Co. 66.30 ,6635 TT/T City Treas. - Streets 195.00 T`J/T City Treas. - Waterworks 65.17 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED October 26, 1964 LIBRARY FUND 6640 F. J. Bastrom 27.00 6641 Benific Press 26.63 6642 City of Renton 4.00 6643 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 434.83 6644 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 80.60 6645 Frederick & Nelson 8.32 6646 Gaylord Bros., Inc. 228.76 6647 Gaylord Bros., Inc. 94.64 6648 H & 1,1 Duplicator Corp. 61.68 6649 Market Basket #r`4 11.86 6650 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 2.50 6651 Pacific Northwest Bell 60.46 6652 Paulson Office Supply 2.08 6653 Puget Sound News Company 728.37 6654 Puget Sound Power & Light 39.25 6655 Record Stationery & Office Supply 15.45 6656 Renton School District x#403 16.25 6657 H. W. lalson Company 10.00 AIRPORT FUND 6658 Kline Builders 6,849.30 6659 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 13.63 6660 W/T City Treas. - Current 205.00 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 6661 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. 9.72 6662 W. E. Bennett 25.42 6663 Fred Hanis 12.90 6664 Matthie?s Key & Sharp Shop 3.54 6665 Pacific Northwest Bell 82.15 6666 Pacific Water Works Supply Co., Inc. 1,257.48 6667 Paulson Office Supply 4.21 6668 Puget Sound Power & Light 74.74 6669 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 18.27 6670 W/T City Treas. - Current 417.00 6671 W/T City Treas. - Streets 77.00 6672 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 16.52 FIREMENSS PENSION FUND 6673 A & H Drugs 4.68 6674 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 6675 Theron K. Anderson 291.00 6676 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 6677 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 6678 Renton Prescription Pharmacy 2.34 6679 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic 25.00 6680 Shaw Bros. Drug 3.1-2 6681 Marvin Sherertz 335.00 D. { . Custer, Mayor lelmie Nelson ity Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. November 2, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Brucg,Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, and Morris. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. WOW OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard S ellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, J. David .Jensen, Planning Director, and Robert Puhich, Utility Department. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 26, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. HEARING: Olympic Pipeline Franchise Ordinance - Introduced for first reading 9-28-64 This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The City Clerk reported receipt of no communications of protest and there being no audience comment on the matter, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the proposed Ordinance be place on second and final reading same to be deferred until Ordinances and Resolutions later in the meeting under regular order of business. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9T52 $ 400.00 Orin Dilley 243 Sunset BF77F.. Carport 53 3,500.00 Williams & Swanson 2nd $ Burnett St. Wire New Building 54 600.00 Elmer D. Riede 1054 "G" Street Addition to Residence 9855 30000.00 Williams & Swanson 200 Burnett Street Addition-Paint Booth 56 312.00 [coward Christopherson 2234 - 6th Ave. No. Re-side Residence 57 850.00 Harold Bohlender 2417 - 6th Place Addition to Residence 58 50.00 Tom Farrow 72 Logan Street Fence 59 400.00 Charles Dome 10047 S.E. 95th St. Carport' 9860 1,500.00 Brendel Building 900 - 3rd Avenue Wire Store Building 61 2,000.00 Wn. Jockey Club Longacres Wire & Remodel Bldgs. 62 300.00 George J. Perry 1356 "H" Place Re-side $ Remodel Res. 63 40.00 Harold M. Sagmo 3806 - 6th Ave. No. Remodel Residence PLUMBING $ HEATING PERMITS: 6766 - - - - Melvin Aldrich 247 Factory Street Gas Installations 67 - - - - Norman Krupp 1348 "K" Street Gas Installations 68 - - - - Brendel Building 900 Third Avenue Gas Installations 69 - - - - J. Geiss 1509 - 3rd Ave. No. Gas Installations 670 - - - - T. J. Bell 3708 - 8th Ave. No. Gas Installations 71 - - - Gull Oil Company 2808 Maple Valley Hwy. Plumbing Fixtures 72 - - - - K. A. Beckstrom 1909 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installationss 73 - - - - A. R. Whitham 1910 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 74 - - - - A. Allper 926 "II" Street Plumbing Fixtures 6775 - - - - John Peacock 10212 - 116th Ave. S.E. Gas Installations 76 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3277 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 77 - - - - Tiffany--Homes, Inc. 3261 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 78 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3276 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures �+ 79 - - - - Wn. .Jockey Club Longacres Plumbing Fixtuees 6780 - - - - Williams & Swanson 200 Burnett Street Plumbing Fintires 81 - - - - Barb Restaurant 310 Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - - A. L. Jones & Pepka 325 Burnett Street Plumbing Fixtures 83 - - - - Tash Cooper 525 S. Burnett St. Conversion Burner 84 - - - - Alfred Minshull 12534 - 84th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 11-2-64 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter read from The Boeing Company called attention to a drainage problem into the Black River Channel! on the West perimeter of the Renton Municipal Airport causing flood conditions along the east bank of the river. The City was requested to take corrective action byiinstallation of pipe and replacement of the section under the hangar near the seaplane base. Boeing is having the ditch dredged and will have the culvert under the south access road enlarged however since the culvert under the north access road was installed by the City it was felt that maintenance thereof was not the responsibility of Boeing. Mayor Custer advised of same legal problems dealing with the amount of storm sewage entering the system and of change of circumstances since Boeing assumed responsibility for maintaining the channel. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the City Engineer, City Attorney and the Airport Board for recommendation. Carried. A letter read from the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, submitted by Fred E. Lange, Acting Executive Director, advised that permanent Metro facilities have been completed to replace the City Plant facilities which Metro has been operating and effective November 2, 1964 the City of Renton Sewage Treatment Plant will be re- turned to the City and Metro will no longer be responsible for the maintenance thereof. Discussion ensued and upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that the Metro Council should furnish the City with a Resolution returning the Plant and with a Quit Claim Deed. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to accept the return of the Sewage Treatment, Plant with referral to the City Attorney for proper legal documents as may be required. After assurance by the Property Committee that the facility was being returned in good order, the pending motion carried. A letter from City Clerk Helmie Nelson reported execution of Mutual Fire Fighting Assistance Agreement AG. 814-64 on 10-28-64 between Renton and the City of Seattle. Resolution No. 1259 authorized the agreement and the Council was to be notified upon execution thereof. APPOINTMENT: A letter read from Mayor Custer requested concurrence. in the appointment of Mrs. Mary Muir to the office of Secretary-Chief Examiner for the Civil Service Com- missions of the City of Renton. The Civil Service Commission certification from Acting Chairman Virginia Busato was attached and converted scores from examinations were as follows; Mrs. Mary Muir 88.80, Mr. C. E. McCarthy, 81.75 Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment of Mrs. Muir. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Power and Light Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk as follows: The Power and Light Committee recommended installation of one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light on Pole in front of 841 "P" Street; two 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on 16th Avenue North immediately east of "I" Street; one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light 6n alley South 130th Street east of 84th Ave. So.; one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light in alley behind Fire Station No. 1; one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light in. service way between 7th Avenue and 6th Avenue, west of Morris Street; three 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on Benson Highway in vicinity of Puget Drive; one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light at Earlington Street north of Sunset Blvd. West; one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light at 8th Avenue North at "I" Place; one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light at. "P" Street between 818 and 845. (Cul-de-sac) ; one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light at intersections of Shattuck, Whitworth, Morris and Smithers Streets at Talbot Hill Frontage Road; one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light at approximately 1036 "N" Court; two (or three) 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights at S.E. 116th Street between 132nd and 136th Avenues S.E. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the installations as recommended by the Power and Light Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, submitted his report which was read*N-by the Clerk recommending that the request of Mr. Hardebeck for new refuse disposal contract at expiration of the present period on January 1, 1965 (for collections in annexed areas, Bryn Mawr Disposal Co.) not be allowed and the area added to that of the prime contractor, Mr. Gotti of Valley Disposal Co. who is willing to assume the territory. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to adopt the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee with referral to the City Attorney for necessary documents. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 11-2-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Old Business: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee,presented his report regarding referral of Boeing request for Revocable Permit and the Committee recommended the permit be granted for enclosing area with cyclone fencing 7600 ft. from 35' right- of-way at mouth of the Cedar River to Boeing, said area to be used for moving of plane sections from West side of Camouflage building, subject to 90 day cancellation clause providing release in writing is obtained from Mr. Porter and financial loss settled with Porter's Marina, If .any: Recommended also,the Perrit fee be $25.00 per month payable semi-annually and all details be handled by the City Attorney, with -the Mayor and City - Clerk authorized to sign any documents required. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. The Property Committee submitted recommendation that the lease of the City Hall Cafe by Mrs. Moore not be renewed and that a new lease be drawn with Ralph and Dora Holmes under same terms and conditions as the present lease, for a period of one year, and referral to the City Attorney, Mayor and City Clerk for execution of proper documents. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that Councilman Delaurenti be appointed to act as Mayor Pro Tem during the absence of the Mayor and Council President on November 4, 5 and 6th: Mayor Custer advised that the Planning Commission had selected two members, namely, Dayle Garrison and John Racanello to attend the Denver 'Urban Land Institute" Seminar subject to the availability of funds in the travel account, however, adequate funds are not available and if their attendance is favorable the funding might be effected by the Council therefor. Moved by pulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers 6682 through 6730, having been previously ado,-,t-_d by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to the United Airlines Voucher and moved that the pending motion be tabled and action taken on attendance of the Planning Com- mission Members. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, that Planning Commission Members Racanello and Garrison be authorized to attend the Denver seminar and that expenses therefor be funded from Council Fund. -1100, Account 504, Travel and Expense. Discussion ensued during which Pedersen, Bruce and Perry expressed objection to sending six persons to the conference. Dahlquist called attention to the implementation of the 701 Program and the importance of securing information which would be of significant value to the City in regard thereto with many opinions being better than one. 1wter further dis- cussion regarding the Planning Commission budget, choice of commissioners to attend, and meetings attended prior hereto, inquiry was made as to amount of money involved, which was,per budget provisions a maximum of $221.10 each. Voting on the pending motion follo7,�ed an-a' It was announced by the Mayor as carrying - ; , Roll call vote was requested as required and was taken as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Delaurenti and Morris, No: Bruce, Pedersen and Perry. Seven aye votes and three no votes were cast carrying the motion. Upon inquiry by Lou Weisman of the PressIas to significance of this particular conference, Mayor Custer advised that it would provide an opportunity to view resurgence of a down town area accomplished through a Federal Aid Program and would be a source of information relative to methods of pro- cedure useful and vital to the direct benefit of the City of Renton in its forthcoming program. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert that the motion to pay the Vouchers be taken from the table. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, that the motion be amended with the United Airlines Voucher adjusted to the proper figure. Motion on the amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended, which includes Vouchers 6682 through 6730 with adjustment to 6697. .J- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 11-2-64 ORDINANCES AM RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of -the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton which had been introduced for first reading on 9-28-64, Granting unto Olympic Pipe Line Company, A Corporation, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, maintain, operate, replace and repair one or more pipe lines, together with equipment and appurten- ances thereto for the transportation, storage and handling of oil and any by-product thereof under, through and below certain designated roadways and public properties of the City of Renton, State of Washington. The Committee recommended second and final reading at this time and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2120 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye except Perry. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton and recommended first reading only at this time, levying and fixing admissions tax on horse racing activities and collecting an admission charge therefor; providing for the payment and collection of the tax; and prescribing penalties for violation of this ordinance. After reading by the City Clerk, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A proposed Ordinance was presented amending Section 8-715 of Chapter 7 (Sewers) of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1623 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2117 as read. Roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Poli, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Pedersen, Garrett, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Dahlquist and Perry. The motion carried. (Amending Sewer Charges) The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 3-231 of Title III (Departments) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, which was read by the Clerk, amending water rates. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, second ed by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2118 as read. Roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Delaurenti and Morri6i No: Bruce, Dahlquist, Pedersen and Perry. Six aye votes and four no votes were cast and the motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution establishing and levying a service charge upon the City's Utility Department which shall be in an amount equal to 1.1% of the gross value of the utiYity0s plant, improvements, including its capital assets within the control of said Department. It is hereby determined that said service charge for the calendar year 1965., as set forth hereinabove, shall be in the sum of $68,500.00. The City TreasUrerto for and on behalf of said Utility Department, shall submit to the City Council and City Clerk on or before July lst of each year the valuation of the utility0s properties and assets as of December 31st of the preceding year for the purpose of establishing the service charge rate for each ensuing year and such rate and charges shall be levied ae may be determined by the City Council from time to time, which was read by the City Clerk* Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that Resolution No. 1274 be adopted as read& Carried. A proposed Reielution of the City of Renton was read authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to transfer the Sum of $11x000,00 unto the Park Fund and $151,000..00 unto the Street Fund) from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1894, both transfers to constitute loans bearing tnterelt at the rate of 4V. per annum to be repaid in any event unto Cumulative Reserve Fund Nos 1894 on or before December 31, 1964; such loans and transfers to be effective a$ of the 30th day of October, 1964. Moved bk Bruce. seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1275 as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution of tte City of Renton, Washington was read fixing the day of December 7, 3.964 at 800 p..m. in the City Council Chambers as the time and place for Hearing on the proposed Vacation of a portion of Lake Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to adopt Resolution No. 1276 as read. Carried. Upon inquiry by Hulse, Mayor Custer advised that the party was going ahead with plans without concern for whether the vacation of the channel is accomplished. Councilman Schellert of the Planning Committee reported that tentative zoning Ordinance is prepared and copies may be secured from the Planning Director. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The mePtin;; adjourned at 9:10 p.m. -4- November 2, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER - CURRENT PAYEE AMOUTdT 6682 Arbuckle Glass Company 5.72 6653 J. Ashurst 4.68 6684 Delbert C. Bennett 30.80 _ 6685 Vern Church 39,50 I 6686 General Electric Supply Co. 234.75 6687 Gus Kroesen�s 5.15 '•� 6688 McGraw Hill Book Company 17.46 6659 Violet Moore 149.76 6690 Gerald Nichols 16.60 6691 Olympic Distributors 39.93 6692 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 30-94 6693 Record Stationery & Office Supply 43.72 6694 Remington-Rand Office Systems 47.08 6695 Renton Clothing Co. 321.16 6696 Trick and Murray 310.44 6697 United Air Lines 876.60 6698 Urban Land Institute 100.00 6699 W/T City Treas. - Current 2.40 6700 W/T City Treas. - Streets 95.88 6701 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 7.39 6702 Hilton Wagner 2.40 6703 Westlake Electronic Supply 8.22 6704 Jack Irdlson 47.50 CITY STREET FUND 6705 14/T City Treas. - Water Works 7.51 6706 W/T- City Treas i- Equip. Rental -39-.-91 6707 Sunset Coal &, Cil Co. 1,321.84 6708 Service Laundry& Dry Cleaners 4.3$. 6709 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 1,238827 6710 Pacific Northwest Bell 5.00, 6711 Seattle Lumber Co. 411.18 6712 Victor:TeGantvoort `40.07 6713 Washington Natural Gas. 65.15 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 6714 Helmie Nelson 5.40 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 6715 Arbuckle Glass Co. ' 90:63 6716 Renton Automobile Co. 29:63. 6717 Standard Service Tire Co. 15:78 6718 ti1i.Ltiams & Swanson "81.76 PARK FUND 6719 Washington Natural Gas Co. 176:00 1,1ATER NORKS UTILITY FUND Municipality of Metro. Seattle 17,698100 6721 HeJmie Nelson 11.00 6722 Frank .F,o Modes Co. 13:26 61 Western Utilities Supply Co. ` 230:44 AIRPORT FUND 6724 Tom Dobson & Son 134:00 6725 Dan R. Huntington' 123:71 6726 Renton Cashway Lumber Yard 297.80 6727 W/T City Treas. -"Streets 15:10 672u W/T City Treas. - Equip. -Rental .26 rJr�+ November 2, 1964 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED CURRENT FUND 6729 Gerald Cordell 6.00 IWATER IZRKS UTILITY FUND 6730 Payne Construction Co. 901.27 C' usteY,_ ayor He mie W. NeTson,' City Clerk The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditinj gild Aduounting Committee were approved for the month of October, 1964. TO: CLAIMS FUND PAYROLL. FROM: Current $26,152.99 Current $651493.03 Street 91653.88 Street 14,032.18 Arterial Streets 62.09 Cedar River M $ I 525.00 Cedar River M & I 79.12 Equipment Rental 2,701.29 Off Street Parking 114.29 Library '4,242.65 Equipment Rental 40611.11 Parks 70400.59 Library 2,592.31 Water 12,515.08 Parks 3,277.85 Off Street Parking 10.00 Waterworks 33,887.21 Airport 1,655.38 Airport 8,275.84 Firemen's Pension 1,276.04 Cum. #1182 347.305 Cumu #T184- 954.00 Cum. #1894 2,365.58 Cum. #1990 12.46 Total Claims $93,661.82 Total Payroll $10#1,575.20 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. November T, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D.W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of A1leuiAnee to the Flag was recited by the assembly. + ROLL CALL OF ODUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Dorothea .�. Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerar Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Marcella HillEen, Librarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Gene Coulon, Park Director. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9864 $ 100.00 Paul Loyle 3215 - Q'th Ave. No. Driveway 65 200.00 Wayne Christoferson 837 "I" Street Slab for Carport 66 250.00 R. D. Adams 15532 - 116th Ave. S.E. Basement & Garage 67 40.00 Donald Rodocker 3524 - 5tn Pl. E. Hook up Dryer 68 600.00 Miller Packing Co. 15213 - 74th So. Storage Shed 69 4000.00 Wayne Christoferson 837 "1- Street Carport 9870 13,270.00 Nathaniel Weathers 21411 - 132nd S.E. New Residence 71 200.00 Melania Fillon 1040 Uhitworth South Carport 72 22,700.00 Renton Village Co. 301 Grady Way Service Station 73 2,000.00 Richfield Oil Corp. 345-3rd Pl. No. Service Station 74 250.00 Russ Kenney 519 Shattuck Street Electric Service 9875 800.00 Kenneth C. Cochran 3221-6ti. Ave. No. Addition to Res. 76 1,200.00 Gull Oil Company 2802 Mzple Valley Hwy. Wire Service Station 77 500.00 Al Mitchell 12534 Old-ch Ave. So. Wire Residence 78 3,618.00 Art Jones 325 Burnet-t St. No. Wire Indust. Bldg. 79 5,600.00 Barb Restaurant 300 Burnett Street Wire Restaurant 98810 12300.00 Gull Station V O I D 2808 Maple Valley Hwy. V o i d 81 408.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3277 Rolling Hills Ave. Wire Residence 82 437.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3237 Rolling Hills Ave. Wire Residence 83 478.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3245 Rolling Hills Ave. Wire Residence 84 443.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3261 Rolling Hills Ave. Wire Residence 9885 443.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3276 Rolling Hills Ave. Wire Residence 86 437.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3264 Rolling Hills Ave. Wire Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6785 - - - - Gull Oil Company 2802 Maple Valley Hwy. Plumbing Fixtures 86 - - - - Roger Peterson 1341 "J,. Street Gas Installations 87 - - - - Roger Peterson 1343 ;'J, Street Gas Installations 88 - - - - Renton Shop. Center 300 Rainier Ave. Roof Drains 89 - - - - Leo Rosa 220 - 11-th Ave. So. Gas Installations 6790 - - - - Rentor; Shop. Center 300 Rainier Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - - Barb Restaurant 310 Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 92 - - - - Bert DeLura 453 H" Street Gas Installations 93 - - - - Arthur Neimi 200 Factory Street Gas Installations 94 - - - - Joseph L. Geroy 3515 - 9th Ave. No. Gas Installations 6795 - - - - School Dist. 403 1220-4th Ave. No. Gas Installations 96 - - - - Rose Ann Stewart 3406-7th Pl. No. Gas Installations 97 - - - - Gerald Nichols 1120 'Ni' Street Gas Installations 98 - - - - Gerald Nichols 1120 "N" Street Plumbing Fixtures Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that 'Cite Minutes of the previous meetins- of November 2, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-9-64 COMMUNICATIONS: Letters read from City Engineer Wilson submitted Progress Estimates No. 1 and recommended payment thereof on the following Improvement Contracts: South Renton Storm Sewer Contract work performed to 11-2-64 by L.D.L. Land Development Company. Total $18,384.50 less 10% Retained, $1,838.45, Amount due this estimate, $16,546.05. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer 'the payment to the Accounting and__Auditin Committee with power to act. Carried. Puget Drive, Section I,work performed to 11-5-64, by M.A.Segale, Inc. , Total, $41,646.16 less 10% retained, $4,164.62. Amount due contractor this estimate, $37,481.54. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the estimate to the Auditing and Aorounting_Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from Mr. t•dalter F. Winters, County Engineer, expressed thanks for cooperation extended in helping with informing the electorate re.Green, Rtver Flood Control Bond Issue which was successful in the sum of $5,0001000.00.- The final tabulation of absentee ballots of September 15th decided the issue and Phase II of the three-stage program will go into effect without delay. A letter was read, directed to Metro by City Attorney Shellan. suggesting that the Council prepare a proper Resolution transferring and returning the Renton Sewage Treatment Plant 7_-ac'.: to the City which should be accompanied possibly by a Quit Claim Deed from Metro unto the City to assure that no cloud exists on the City's title thereto. Councilman Delaurenti advised of attending the Metro Council meeting on behalf of Mayor Custer and that the Resolution was read and passed unanimously at that time thanks to intercession of City Attorney Shellan. A letter from the Renton Downtown Merchants' Ase'n. gave permission to the City to remove the planter boxes from the streets in the downtown area. Mayor Custer reported that the boxes have now been removed and will be used at Fire Station No. 2 thereby saving additional landscaping costs. Mayor Custer advised that other communications are forthcomins{ from the Municipal Arts Commission as its planning program piog.�e„ses. A letter from The Boeing Company, E. E. Barnes, Director of Facilities, requested Permit for 55KV tie line across Park Avenue, 3/8" 55KV span guy across Garden street 522 .50' north of inter-7ection of 8th Ave. North and two 3/8" 55KV span guys with 7/16' down guv Carden Street 1161.50' North of intersection of 8th Ave. No. as peg and plan views attached, and with proper Hold Harmless Agree- trent Moved r,- 1,orris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the City Engineer and Cit- rsttorneN7 to report back. Carried. A letter ren C-t37 Attorney Shellan was read reporting on referral of 10-26-64 regarding le,,--1 status of limiting of number of service stations in the City that it would be permissioe nor the City as part of its comprehensive zoning ordinance, to designs,-_ certain areas wher-in the operation or construction of service stations would be permissible.This uo uld, however, require further zoning breakdown of business- zoned properties. Such ordinances are an exercise of police power granted by the Washington State Constitution and the legality of same must be sustained on the basis that such ordinances are necessary to protect or promote the public health, safety, welfare or morals of the public. Adoption of such ordinance would present a serious problem of non--conforming use as to existing service stations which might find them- selves in a zone other than V,at permitting service station operation. Other Cities have rejected the plan of limiting and restrictin; operation of gasoline service stations by means of its comFrehensive zoning-This is a matter that our Planning Director and Commission should seriously consider. Limitation by means of Police power has been explored by other communities in which case a study and findings mustbe made as to health, safety and welfare factors such as fire, explosion, traffic, fumes, etc. and the City must be quite tiiorousli in order to substantiate the granting or denial of any permit for erection and operation of a service station in order to avoid having its decision termed arbitrary or capricious, our Supreme Court in the case State ex rel Nenatchee, etc., V Wenatchee, 50 Wn. (2d) 378 having held that "the ultimate burden of proof relative to alleged arbitrary and capricious zoning action rests upon zoning autLiorities and not upon a property owner seeking a permit. Other cities have attempted to regulate at least part of the problem by prohibiting construction and operation within certain distances from any public building of assembly. There again some ordinances have been struck down as unconstitutional, unless adequate evidence had been adduced to show that any such service station does present a hazard, while others relating to minimum distances from certain structures have generally been upheld where adequate findi_nus substantiated restrictions. There is no question that our Court would not uphold any ordinance prohibiting "any more" filling stations in the City. -2- 55 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-9-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter read from Mr. Robert Spielman, 641 "N" Place appealed decision of the Planning Commission regarding request for variance from front and rear setback requirements, on irregularly shaped parcel of ground. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that next Monday, November 16, 1964 at 8: 00 p.m. be set for he--ring on the appeal of Mr. Spielman. Carried. A letter read from Planning Director J. David Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of 10-28-64 as follows: 1. Application R-207-64, Austin Company, 2930 - 4th Ave. So. rezone from G and ,�.GS-1 to L-1 subject. to setback, landscaping planting strip and dedication of road and utility easement which are standards adopted as minimum requirements for development of industrial uses in this area. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee following compliance with restrictive covenants. Carried. 2. Application R-208-64, Glacier Park and Great Northern Railway Companies rezone from G to Irl with adequate setbacks from the gest Valley Road, of properties lying westerly of the Union Pacfic and Chicago, Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way, and rezone of the balance of the property from G to H-1 with provision for development of standards along South 180th, the East Valley Hwy. and 88th Avenue South as proposed. Moved by Schellert:, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that upon eo.pletion of the covenants the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Discussion ensued regarding ability to comply where the streets are not yet established and the fact that the covenants are upon the land and not retro- active once development has been achieved, the pendin ; motion carried. 3. Application R-209-64, Slavo Ozbolt rezone from S-1 to B-1 which constitutes a natural extension of existing business and zoninC uses. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation, with referral to the Law & Ordinance Committee. Carried. 4. Application R-210-64, W. C. Siegelman rezone from GS-1 to B-1 with provisions .,,,,.,that building setbacks from FAI 405 and landscape planting strip be applied on same basis as with properties lyin'. to the West. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur in -the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. 5. Application V-213-64, A.M.Roberts Variance -to allow construction of addition to existing building at 308 !^Jilliams Street provided -the payment be made to the City of the required "in lieu of parking fee" . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, -to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. A letter read from City Engineer Wilson reported results of survey of all street lights within the City taken in May of this year which resulted as follows: 442 - 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on Puget Sound Power & Light Co. poles 133 - 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on City of Renton poles 834 - 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights Upon sale to Puget Power of City owned fixtures - the 442 - 20,000 Lumen bights, the City would own the 133 - 20,000 Lumen Lights as Puget Sound Power & Light Company now owns the 834. Mayor Custer advised he had requested this report that it might be forwarded to the Law and Ordinance Committee for attachment to the pending Resolution declaring the 442 fixtures surplus so that the sale -thereof might proceed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the referral for attachment to the Resolution. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson, signed also by Traffic Division Captain, "'Ernest E. Henry, Police Department recommended that -the present traffic ordinance be amended in order that a 30 M.P.H. speed limit might be established on Puget Drive from 116th Avenue S.E. to the Talbot Road extension. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -3- J6 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-9-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence of the Council in granting a one year extension of compulsory retirement date, to October 1, 1965, for Frank A. Henry, Assistant Police Chief, it being optional for uniformed personnel, under Civil Service regulations, to retire at the age of 55. Mayor Custer advised that the policy of the City for retirement of its employees is 65 years of age. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the extension. A letter from Chief of Police Williams likewise requested the extension. Referral to the and Ordinance Committee was included as part of the motion which subsequently carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted monthly Fund Transfer within Budget Classi- fications for October, per RCII 35.33.120 and City of Renton Resolution No. 1232 as follows: From: Municipal Buildings, Acct. 417, Material and Supplies, $200.31, Unto: Municipal Buildings, Account 315, Equipment Rentals, $200.31. A letter was received from Jerry Zubrod, managing editor of the Renton Chronicle, and Mayor Custer advised that he had been asked to express Jerry's thanks to The City Clerk, Treasurer, and other Department Heads and offices with whom the Chronicle has dealt over the past years, for the cooperation extended him in his associations therewith. Mayor Custer advised that Mr. Zubrod has been promoted to the position of Manager-Director of the Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association and will be located in Seattle. A letter signed by(St. Mathews Church, )Martin E. Evans, James Weed and Fred Callen requested that the City of Renton Zoning Map be corrected to reflect rezone of properties in accordance with City of Renton Ordinance No. 1840, from R-1 to B-1 zoning. Moved by Delaurer_ti, seconded by Poli, that the necessary changes be made as requested. Discussion on the question ensued, Mr. Joe Keuffler, 1032 Sunset Blvd., advising that he had not petitioned for rezone and had filed a written protest at the time of the hearing on the matter. Mr. John Zanatta advised that he did not wish the rezone ii it would restrict building of a single family residence on the property. These properties along with the Church property had been included in the Ordinance per legal'description.i'v The map had not been changed to reflect the reclassification as so descrbs: , ons of Lhc parcels ha.vir- been delctcd which had been properly petitioned and two parcels added and not petitioningfor the rezone. Mr. Fred Callen, 928 Sunset Blvd. advised that when the petition was originally filed the single family dwelling construction was permissible , The Church has since requested to be included in the rezone. Upon inquiry, following further disco-cion, City F11--11-an recommended that the three parcels, beim + lots 5, 6 and 59, assuming they are contiguous, be re- considered for recl_as—'_fication with the owners re-applying and the regular fees, Navin ; been paid once. '... waived. This action would be followed by repeal of the prior ordi- nance whio': is clearly erroneous. Councilman Delaurenti, advising he had not known oaf the i.--regularities involved when making his motion withdrew same with consent of second and moved to cor::ur with the recommendations of the Counsellor waiving the fees for any new rezone app -action for tax lots 5, 6 and 59 if the owners thereof wish to apbmit an appli.catic.. • for same. The Keuffler and Zanatta properties thereby would remain R-1. The motion carried. A letter was read from Mayor Custer recommending, subsequent to receipt from the John Graham Company of a revised proposal for improvements in the Central Business Dis- trict and scheduling factors -co implement the initial 701 program, the following: 1. Authorization for the Mayor to retain Mr. Charles Mattaini and Mr. Carl Dahlstrom to appraise the properties located in the area commonly known as "site 411 . 2. Authorization for transfer of $3,500.00 from Cumulative Acct. No. 1894, the maxi- mum to be allowed for payment of the aforesaid appraisals. 3. Authorization for the Mayor and City Attorney 'co negotiate in the name of the City for purchase and/or option agreement affecting those parcels which can be acquired for the appraisal price, each proposal for purchase to be presented to the Council for pay- ment approval. The following recommendations were made and it was requested that they be referred -co the Citizens Advisory Council, the Planning Commission and the Council's Committee of the Whole for further discussion: 1. That first priority be given to acquisition of "site 4" and to further study of plans for a new City Hall. 2. That first priority among arterial projects in toe core area be given to the connecting of Main and Mill Streets, utilizing a 1001R/11 curving northward from opposite the Barei property on Main Street and proceeding behind the Wood Building to a junction with Mill Street near the present intersection of Third Avenue and Mill. This project includes widening of Mill from Third Ave. to Bronson Way and a revision of the Mill and Bronson way intersection. -4- of . Y v Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-9-1964 COMMUNICATIONS (cont. ) Mayor's Letter re 701 Program & Civic Center 3. That the Council consider bonding itself, with repayment to come from millage, in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 to specifically provide for: a. Final acquisition and clearing of site 4 b. Construction of a new City Hall c. Extension of Main Street to Mill Street as heretofore described d. Improvements of river banks and Liberty Park e. Planning for a multi-purpose hall f. Conversion of Cedar River Park for recreational uses g. Construction of City Shop facilities 4. That the Mayor be authorized to proceed with the application for a general neighborhood renewal program upon completion of a Workable Program. 5. That Council consider authorizing the Mayor to travel to HHFA Regional Office in San Francisco to determine the precise requirements of reimbursement by the Federal Government upon approval of the GNRP by that office. 6. That Second Avenue be the second arterial priority to include widening to a minimum of five lanes. 7. That third priority be given the Logan-Smithers arterial 8. That all of the aforementioned projects should be accomplished with money raised from bonding with planning to allow for reimbursement by the State and Federal Agencies as applicable. .Council concurrence was requested.iri the first request,and referral of the second Moved by Dahlquist_,, seconded by Morris, to refer the communicat.ion. to the..Committee of the Whole for di.sc,ussion. Councilman Garrett stated that the, �*gr'p request for some of the items to be referred and the others given concurrence should be granted. Council- woman Dahlquist stated that her motion was premised on the basis that additional informa- tion regarding the Urban Renewal possibilities should be expplored prior to any action and that representatives from the Seattle office would meet wit�i''the`Council and she felt a part of the appraisal fees might be reimbursable' from -the government. Mayor Custer advised the fees for appraisal costs can be reclaimed being a reimbursable item under general neighborhood renewal project. After further discussion on appu,%isal and notation that 701 and Urban Rwewal are two different programs,it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, that all of the letter except the first three items: l. . Appraisers, 2. Money transfer and 3. Mayor and City Attorney authorization to negotiate for site 4 properties, be referred to Committee of the Whole, Citizens Advisory Council and the Planning Commission as requested. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the three items in the balance of the letter be given concurrence. Carried. Mayor Custer at this time thanked ;�ouncilman Delaurenti for the manner in which the duties were performed as Mayor Pro-Tem and and expressed appreciation for Councilman Delaurenti's attendance at the Metro Council on the City's behalf while the Mayor was absent from the..City along with President of the Council Poli., Mayor Custer extended personal congratulations to P.r. Garrett on his re-election to his 4th term as State Legislature Re io&tative from the 47th District, noting also that Mr. Grant was again successful as well. Mayor Custer announced that with the defeat. of Referendum 34 the matter is being taken under advisement with a conference being scheduled tonight: Also, the Sheriff and Mayors of adjoining Cities will mee.t. and whatever action is necessary will be taken in the very ,near future. Councilman Poli requested a Cor l'i6e of. the W�ole meeting on Thursday, November 12, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Custer reminded the Council of the meetinf, tomorrow evening, November lOth with the Police Department for their 'Annual Dinner given for the Council. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Schellert., Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, submitted report from .referral, of 10-26-64, that payment.-for-the purchase of the Kennydale Lions Club Pl.ayfield fro State be funded from' Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689; in sum of $4,002,00. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-9-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Ways and Means Committee recommendation for funding of the Kennydale Lions Club Playfield from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689. Carried. Councilman Gianini called attention to the condition of the river and the need for removal of the debris. Mayor Custer advised that such was an annual function and would be accomplished and that it had been brought up at the staff meeting this a.m. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 6731 through 6816, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Cdrried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance which had been introduced for first reading on 11-2-64 and. referred back to the Committee. Notification from the racetrack Officials that as agreed, the tax should read 4� and not A,%,was discussed and the Committee wished to refer the matter to the Council for determination. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the Ordinance be amended to the amount of the original agreement. City Attorney Shellan advised that the 4% was inserted assuming the admission fee was $1.00 which would result in the same amount. Also, a City under state law may not levy tax greater than 57. and if the admission rates were reduced or 75c then the 4� would be greater than 5% resulting in greater percentage than allowed under the law, while if the admission should be raised, the City will lose 2¢ on each ticket sale and the Ordinance would have to be raised accordingly. Discussion followed and Mayor Custer advised that the original agreement had been the 44t per admission and is the basis of the revenue budgeted for 1965. Upon inquiry by Dahiquist if the levy were legal City Attorney Schellan recollected that any City may not levy more than 5% tax and as long as the price does not go down the 4� levy is within the law. The pending motion carried. After amendment of the document ,.ith the 4� tax replacing the 4% ii-i ti.o ti".o places it appears in the proposed Ordinance, it was reeommendged by the Law and Ordinance Committee that R- : be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconder: by Delaurer+l, to concur. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli. seconded by Gianini, that Ordinance No. 2119 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote •.7as taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. As there w:-,s no further business to come before the Council and no audience comment further, the motiun was made by Gianini, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:56 p.m. -6- November 9, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 6731 Addr.Psr^ r ph-Mu 1.:igrapi� Co: :f- 62. 0119 6732 Arbuckle Glass 23.56 6733 Bogue Woodturning Works 21.84 F7.34 C & G Electronics Co.: 29.70 6735 D. W. Custer 36.07 6736 Jeanette Dahlquist 47 .82 6737% Fire Chief Equipment Co . 6. 24 6738 General Binding Corp. 37 .44 6739 Group health Coop 144.00 6740 Hartman Typewriter 96. 17 6741 Hord Roofing Co. 186.64 6742 I .B.,M. Corporation 72. 38 6743 Indianapolis Badge & Nameplate 76 .95 6744 International City Managers ' 5 .50 6745 International Inst of Mun., Clks. 15.00 6746 Bethune Jones i:��at t,bc�r 9, 19050 6747 King Co. Humane Society 606.66 '. 6714eh : F .on V-:-)uciKiAg ;Q0,4-4.*?Pd ,oa-1 SeXYik�, ly apprc,.rs7�7t3 �0 :.1G7 `$crusting aAlc� xW i_ r t!r tt. . , w :r �,ubirl:i.t:-tela C -,rA7,5, I app ro-jaI a ': 1!kja9mejat Information Serv. 75 .00 6751 Maxwell Scientific International 13.85 V*752S,R NUMBFR McLend=,:Haxdware 6753 Mead' s Heating & Service 21.01 CT67:%--;T 2 UND Pacific Coast Stamp Works 39. 52 6755 Pacific Outfitting Co. 35 .31 M 2 675.7- Rerj-tortEc=bazys Dept. Store l ', 53Ei 6:75;83 Royipon fotcbx:z a.artr rnrorit: 28'. 3*-; 675:9. 9:e �ttrieilK �sYr c >ciealth 17 :QA' 6fi�6.p Standarz:d;;iirsurance Co. 2M 75, 6 Statewide RQtir,emant System 2,4 3Z. 95% 67'62 Hie ry ,Dovai11-,-j1Y*r6 1.40 CITY STREET FUND Gr-,-u "t.4�1+�1, Cc�t.;j_ 1.r% X10 Hartman Tyc _wr..:i.ter 96 . 17 Ho"-d- Roo.-:i.ncj C ) 6761. M rig Rounty--;,*e0jva1 Service 14,2;7---1-- 67-64s LT i?:b .�.r: &Dlk i :De1V,6r :9pmerit.i1Co A, G tc:: 16, 54b,).0'S; 67:65; Rudd �Ra-;�nt_�-,Va-rni.sh Ccr,( 511".:61 6766 ST�ate u �- ttir�ment $,y tem Clk- 245.58 B, ?U.i1Ce JC.r',.zD"_ 7[13: .:r: CEDr(YR 'LIVER M. & I. Cc) ;iumaiZ,� ."70C4.0:1 606 , 6 !OtrtLg (z NvC1Ji4�„�k-1 :`,7jC w:Sf viic, 1 ,' ci7'a^�•. ; >:�0 6(7)67; 67)68 8 4 R eti ze�ti":dry st�v ;'...._.,:al-iona1 13 - 2;5 ... OFF MEET PARKING FL�i�I,�r_dc��;',?r,xdwarc:: "WIT _. a.ci' s Hcf.-i*-i rlg h Serax c.- 6.7. . a . i .F Stamp 0-0 . 1 0vu 7 5 7, Paciri_:_ Ou,c ci ttl.fig C 3 5, i EQUIPMENT RENTAL 11F 21ci' "(i 6770,? Ar bik3s�14�i 4'xl s -,rri; 6771 Atoi :el t-;-eTX'-8hgpp,,a2'-?-1 ` c- , 217.+", 7:a,. GO November 9, 1964 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND CONTINUED 6772 Group Health Coop 24.00 6773 King County Medical Service 20.47 6774 McLendon Hardware 3 . 14 6775 Renton Motor Parts 172 .88 6776 Swain Equipment Co ,. 175 . 34 6777 Zep Manufacturing Co . 77 .48 6778 Statewide City Retirement 54 .48 LIBRARY FUND 6779 Group Health Coop 8. 50 .... 6780 King Co. Medical 75 „ 15 6781 Statewide Retirement 137 .82 PARK FUND 6782 Aaberg' s 78.00 6783 Air Mac Inc . 33 .40 6784 Aqua Quip Pool Supply 119. 25 6785 Richard N. Burrows 42 .84. 6786 Gene Coulon 43 . 29 6787 Fire Chief Equipment Co . 14 , 82 6788 Group Health Coop 24 .00 6789 John Julian & Son 11.09 6790 King Co.. Medical Service 90 .05 6791 The Lumber Market, Inc . 4 , 99 6792 McLendon Hardware 144.42 6793 Renton Boiler Works 1,086.88 6794 Renton Concrete Products 167 .04 6795 Renton Motor Parts 172 6796 S & T Construction 312.00 67137 Sahlberg Equipment 11.41 6798 United Services 26 .,00 6799 V--' c-Lor Fuel Ciis 19.,55 6800 Statewide Retirement 120. 10 ;jATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 680"1_ Group Health Coop 4800 6802 King County Medical 155 .45 6803 McLendon Hardware 35 ,80 6804 Olympic Foundry Co., 100 . 38 6805 Pitney-Bowes, Inc . 30 ..70 6806 Renton Boiler Works 622 -96 6807 Renton Concrete Products 237 . 92 6808 W/T City Treas. - Current 21179. 90 6809 Wallace & Tiernan 14050 6810 Wash. State Tax Commission 1, 174 97 6811 Statewide Retirement 198.70 PIRPORT FUND 6812 King Co., Medical 2445 6813 Statewide Retirement 21.78 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1689 6814 Wash. State Hiway Commission 4 , 002 .00 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 6815 M� A, S(--gale 37 ,481. 54 C_I_T_Y STREET FUND 6816 Groin; He_ilth Coop 80. 50 }ielmie W. Nelson, City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL, REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. November 16, 3964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was caller: to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the a3sembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Gia:ini, Pedersen, Garrett, R�rry, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Delaurenti, seconed by Schellert, that the two a3sent Council Members be excused. Carried. It was reported that Mr. Trimm is up and a)out once again and well on the way to recovery, having, returned tc., work for a couple o` hours or so today. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, P�,put,• City Clerk, Gerard 001,ellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C _ Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Harcella Hil'gen, Librarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director and James Highton, Building Direc`_-or. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, that the Minutes of --he previous meeting of November 9, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TIRE'"OF WORK 9887 $ 55,000.00 Dan Davis Corporation 211 Morris Street Office -Building, 88 5000.00 Pacific N. W. Bell 830 Riverside DriveN. Remodel 89 14,000.00 Richard Reeves 10809 - 113th Ave. S.E' New Residence 9890 11,000.00 Oliver H. Torkelson 305 Rainier Avenue Commercial Building 91 1,900.00 F. Faull-Vet Clinic 905 Talbot Road Wire Clinic 92 50.00 Albertsons, Inc. 2825 Sunset Blvd. Wire Phone Booth 93 3.00 P.N.W. Bell 830 Riverside Dr. No. Fans & Oiitlet 94 478.00 Gene Gq4ean 410 Sunset Blvd. Smove House )895 156.00 Harold Poff 2405 - 6th Place Basement Floor 96 21,560.00 Malone's, Inc. 2806 - 10-ih Ave. No. Addition to Bui'_Uling 97 59,600.00 Renton Village, Inc. 900 Grady Way Wire Comm'l. Bldgs. 98 16,000.00 C. J. Peterson 11434 S.E. 96th New Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6799 - - - - F. J. Bastoon 521 Park Street Gas Installations 6800 - - - - Richfield Station 31:,i Place & Marion Plumbing Fixtures O1 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12100 S.E. 7.52nd Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 02 - - - - Ralph Johnson 3315 0 11th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 03 - - - - Richfield Oil Corp. 3rd P1. N. & Marion Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - Bob Edwards 300 Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 6805 - - - - Sofus Nesland 1243 Morris Street Gas Installations 06 - - Alfred Minshull 12543 So. 134th Gas Installations 07 y - Robert Aarhus 2115 - 9th North Heating Equipment 03 - - - - Marvin N. Kersey 760 Rainier Ave. S. Gas Installations 09 - - - - Dan W. Toner 836 "P" Street Gas Installa�ions 6810 - - - - L. Purcell 10636 - 116th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 11 - - - - Wing Mah 92 6 "H" Street G Installa* j.io Mayor Custer introduced Mr. Dave Felthous the new reporter for the Record - Chronicle who will be reporting the proceedings of the meetings of the Council. l{3ARING: Robert N. Spielman, 641 "N" Place, appeal of planning comm._ssion decision regarding request for Variance from required setbacks in building additions to existing residence. This being the date set, the hearing was declared oFen. Mr. Spielman ; addressed the Council expressing appreciation for the investigation and visits to the site by members of the Council, and advised that his neighbors iiad signed a petition approving the proximity of the proposed structure to their properties and that he felt the addition would prove to be an asset to the community and the neighborhood. Mr. Leonard Fortune, 638 "N" Place, advised he had signed the petition along with the other neighbors and they felt the project would be an asset and that Mr. Spielman should be allowed to proceed, . Upon inquiry, Planning Director Jensen advised that the ]ot was of irregular shape and had required a Variance :'or the or'.hinal structure,- that the lot was inadequate in depth and the planned project was too costly for the area and in -the best interest of the appellant the Commission had denied his request, although it was his feeling that the rear portion should ' e brarrced ana tl,,, 20 ft. setback adhered to. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 11-16-64 Hgaring: Robert N. Spielman appeal of Planning Commission decision Councilman Garrett inquired regarding function of the Commission insofar as cos-'L- of a project is concerned. Councilman Delaurenti requested that the drawings and plans be shown to the Council which he thought looked good and he could see no objection to tha improvement. Councilman Bruce reported visiting the property and surveying the plans and that no view is being obstructed and the structure is still 5 ft. within the lone apd neighbors have no objection. Mr. Jensen upon inquiry, advised that the lot is 10 deep enough to accommodate a house, that it is now non-conforming and any furthe_ building would likewise require a variance. Mr. Perry visited the site and these ex- 't:ension plans he felt were fine. On inquiry-, Ar. Spielman advised the property is located on a cul-de-sac and 20 ft. setback at present exists but with the new carport it would be approximately 13 ft., in the front. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the hearing; be closed. Carried. The Hearing was declared closed and Council action requested. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the Variance be granted as requested. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Accounting Machine for City Clerk's Office This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: ( NAME OF BIDDER AND ADDRESS AMOUNT OF BID National Cash Register Company 560 Fairview Avenue North Sqattle 9, Washington $9,562.80 including tax Burroughs Corporation 2625 Third Avenue Seattle, Washington 7,664.80 including tax Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the Bids to the i;uditing and Accounting Committee and the City Clerk to report back. tarried. C2MMUNICATIONS: A letter from the Renton Downtown Merchants' Association, submitted by Virginia Hashagen, President, was read requesting concurrence for free pa:king during the Christmas shopping season from November 27th through December 24, 1964. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, tc refer the request to the Committee of The Whole to report back. Carried. A Proposed Agreement between the City and the Pacific Coast Railroad Company was submitted by City Engineer Wilson advising of no objection being made to deleting of certain raised curbing, however objection was expresses'_ concerning installation of afhphaltrather than concrete pavements. *Mayor Custer called attention to time being of the essence as a client is dependent upon City acceptance. The matter not having been previously before the Street and Alley Committee and a Deed conveying right of w&y in area behind and N.E. of the Pacific Car and Foundry Company being attached, it wos moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the Xa-i:ter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter was read from Planning Director Jensen requestln,, due to expenses in ekcess of anticipation for extra labor ane materials needed to complete tre 701 program, that the City's share of $1,036.00 for addition to the John Graham and Co.- contract be provided from a source other than Plannin, Lepartment Funds. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer t,., request to the Ways anJ Means Committee and the Auditing and Accounting Committee to report back. Carrie;. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: O U BUSINESS: Council President Poli requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Thursday, November 19, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. The City Attorn :y was inviteeto be present. Councilman Schellert inquired regarding the Mayor's attendance at a meeting on 70L �n San Francisco,and Mayor Custer stated he had intended to present the matter under new business but that he has consulted with the Regional Office of the HHFA and a .meeting has been scheduled for Thurs. and Fri., December 3rd and 4th at which we have been asked to present suitable maps and plans for perusal by their technicians and legal counsel in their Regional Office. -2-- b Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-16-64 COUNCIL COMMI'T'TEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Gianini mentioned that he had hoped to have Mayor Custer referee in a wrestling show December 3 and 4 but would make his request therefore later during the preliminary matches. ' Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, requested additional .time on the matter of improvement and opening of alley in the Earlington area between Maple and Lind Streets. Granted. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Fire and [dater Committee with Mr. Pedersen and Mr. Garrett and will announce same when arrangements have been made to meet. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, that Vouchers No. 6817 through 6887, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting; Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Councilman Hulse requested a meeting of the Auditing and Accounting Committee on Monday, November 23rd at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Schellert, Chairman, requested that the Ways and Means Committee meet at that time also to discuss a mutual referral. Councilman Garrett moved that a letter be sent to the local Chapter President of the League of Women Voters expressing thanks and appreciation for the help during the voting registration drive prior to the election. Mayor Custer advised he would take this as A' suggestion. Mayor Custer, wishing to report to the HHFA on the City's representation at the December 3rd and 4th meeting in San Francisco, called attention to referral of the matter to Committee of the Whole and inasmuch as out of state attendance requires .,�authorization, -the' Couuof3 was requested to indicate its pleasure at this time. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the Mayor be authorized to go to San Francisco. Councilman Schellert inquired whether any of the Council Members plan to attend. He felt the meeting was important at this phase of the 701 program and warranted attendance of someone else from the Council along with the Mayor. A con- current trip by Councilman Delaurenti to the Fresno area was mentioned and the fact that his attendance might be possible. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that Councilman Delaurenti be included in the motion. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington extending the time of compulsory retire- ment for Frank A. Henry, assistant Chief 'of. Police, and member of the Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System under classification of Uniformed Personnel, to October 1, 1965, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1277 as read. Upon inquiry by Pedersen, policy under Civil Service Regulations (optional retirement at 55) was .discussed along with City policy of 65 and Statewide Retirement System policy of extension to 70. Councilman Garrett advised of a proposal by the Association of Washington Cities, favored by the Executive Board and City Officials to eliminate the 55 year age and 62 or 65 be the policy instead, which proposal would be coming up asla part of the legislative progLam which is being reviewed. The pending motion subsequently carried. Mow The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 5-2606of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton"relating to Peddlers and Solicitors, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by- Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2121 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all ayes. Carried. As there was no audience comment upon invitation by Mayor Custer, and no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. -3- 64 November 16, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHERS PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 6817 Bean Electric Company 75.89 6818 Blumenthal Uniform Company 34.19 6819 Burnrite Oil Company 144.11 6820 City of Renton 18.00 6821 Wally Clarke Fuel Gil Company 183.49 6822 Cochran Coast to Coast Store 6.66 6823 Craftsman Press 176.80 6824 Daily Journal of Commerce 22.95 6825 Econolite 230.52 60826 Foster Office Equipment 118.56 6827 Dayle Garrison 45.97 6828 Bruce Hulse 26.68 6829 Market Basket ##3 52.10 6830 Market Basket ##5 13.45 6831 Violet Moore 81.54 6832 Motorola C. & E., Inc. 9.88 6833 Pacific Northwest Bell 99.48 6834 Pacific Outfitting Company 93.95 6835 Dan Poli 41.58 6836 Puget Sound Power & Light 6,441.10 6837 Puget Sound Power & Light 400.33 6838 John Racanello 45.97 6839 Seattle Art & Photo Supply, Inc. 85.87 6840 Shaw Bros. Drug 30.75 6841 Franklin L. Todd 15.78 6842 Trick and Murray 5.15 6843 U. S. Post Office 170.30 6844 Valley Regional Planning Commission 200.00 6845 W/T City Treas. - Current 3.44 6846 W/T City Treas. - Streets 40.51 6847 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 2,087.81 6848 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 75,87 6849 Washington Natural Gas Company 40.47 6850 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 24,17 CITY STREET FUND 6851 Cochran Coast to Coast Store 2.46 6852 A. G. Elliott 72.50 6853 Pacific Northwest Bell 20.39 6554 Seattle Art & Photo Supply - 8.10 6855 1^T/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 76.38 6856 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 519.20 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 6857 NIr. Hugh G. White 2,000.00 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 6858 Puget Sound Power & Light 15.02 EQUI P1,0 T RENTAL FUND 6859 American Parts, Inc. 9.36 6860 Steam Supply & Rubber Co., Inc. 12.48 6861 W/T City Treas. - Streets 187.50 66 CI.TY GF R,NTCN VOUCHERS CONTINUED November 16, 1964 P,UIX FUND 6562 City of Renton 22.44 68-63 Coast Wide Supply Company 763.52 6564 North Coast Seed Ccr_-.pany 159.64 6565 Northwest Mower & Karine 99.92 6866 Pacific Northwest Bei? 76.43 6367 Puget Sound Power P. Liget 202.47 6865 Steam Supply & Rubner Co., Inc. 267.63 6869 Sy mons Engineering Company 39.96 6570 Turf and Toro Supp-y 63.25 6571 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Renal 117.50 6572 W/'T' City Treas. - Equip. Rental 54.24 6873 Washington Natural Gas Company 29.64 WATER T%TDRKS UTILITY FUND 6874 Friden, Inc. 30.55 6875 Yfunicipal Revolving -Fund 264.77 6876 Pacific Northwest Bell 43.94 6877 %get Sound Power 8c light, 2,286.98 6575 Renton Boiler Works 10.92 6879 W/T City Treas. - Streets 328.77 6880 IPT/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 1,735.58 6881 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 6.26 AIRPORT ND 68362 City of Renton 14.50 6583 Cochran Coast to Coast Store 31.67 68384 Puget Sound Power & Light 133.18 6885 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 65.75 CUMULATIVE FUND N0. 1154 6886 W/T City Treas. - Streets 203.90 CUMTJIATIVE FUND NO. 1590 68837 Puget Sound Power & Light 12.46 C D. W. Custer, Mayor Ile mie W. Nelson, City Clerk ss RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. November 23, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to -the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Perry and _ Delaurenti. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Udilliams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Bob Puhich, Utility Department. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of -the previous meeting of November 16, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9899 $ 5,15000 Lester Shogren 12924 - 90th So. Addition to Res. 9900 400.00 Sunset Lockers 410 Sunset Blvd. Wire-Fire Damage 01 250%00 Wally.Wieman 13010 - 116th S.E. (dire Addition 02 250.00 D. Bratton 2008 Bronson !day No. Elec. Service-2 Headers 03 2,000.00 Renton Shop. Center 300 Blk.-Rainier Ave. Sign 04 2,000.00 T. & R. Market 11549 Sunset Blvd. E. Sign 9905 100.00 Carl Hanniff 3121 - 6th Avenue E. Re-wire Residence 06 50.00 Bryn Mawr Disposal 8832 So. 153rd St. Repair Service 07 500.00 Robert Huebner 10612 - 108th S.E. Additions 08 2,500.00 Boise Cascade Corp. 8003 Lake Wn. Blvd. Portable Office 09 250.00 B. & B. Auto Parts 12627 Rainier Ave. S. Wire Addition 9910 100.00 tan. Nat. Gas Co. 12th Ave . No. & K St. Wire Telemeter Station PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6812 - - - - Pacific Northwest Bell 830 Rivers_7_de Dr. Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - - Renton Shop. Center Rainier Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 14 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12100 S.E. 152nd St. Plumbing Fixtures 6815 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3261 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3260 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 17 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3277 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3276 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3245 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 6820 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3264 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3237 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - Tiffany Homes., Inc. 3260 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 23 - - - - Carl Hanniff 3121 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 24 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3237 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 6825 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 3245 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - - Tiffany Homes; Inc. 3264 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - - E. Blakesmitil 3205 - 5th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures A leiter from the Renton Public Library Board, submitted by Mrs. Fred Hanis,President, extended -thanks to the Mayor and Council for the generous hours of time devoted to support of the library bond issue and meeting Faith the Board when needed. The first stages of planning for the new building are already in process and hope was expressed that before many months an attractive and functional building of which the community can be proud will be the first step in the plans for a new and better Renton. A letter of intent to annex certain lands to the City of Renton was read from Mildred W. Miles, 15632 W. Valley Rd., described as the So. 1 acre of the So. - of the N2 of the !11 of the NE' of the NW4 of Sec. 10, Twp. 23N, Range 5 E. W.M. except roads, all situate in King County, Wn. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry to refer the letter to the City Engineer to verify ownership and validity. Carried. -1- �a Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-23-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) A letter was read from Puget Sound Power & Light Company, G. L. McDonald, Division Sales Manager, submitting Bill of Sale for acceptance by the City transferring ownership of 442 Mercury Vapor 20,000 lumen lighting fixtures from the City to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company. Payment ib to be based upon $115.00 for 38 fixtures and $55.00 for the balance of 404, resulting in a total payment of $26,590.00 which is consistent with results of a physical inventory. A discrepancy in billing due to removal for freeway construction of eine units and in billing under the ornamental rate per certain poles and fixtures installed by the State and added to the City's ornamental street .lighting rate, was revealed during the inventory and a refund of $2,506.98 will be included in the purchase payment totalling $29,096.98. . A new mercury vapor street lighting energy contract was attached which provides for revised rate schedule. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the documents to the City Attorney and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized -to execute same upon approval. of legal counsel. Upon inquiry, City Engineer (Nilson advised he had made' the inventory and the rates were verified also. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, that the motion be amended to include referral to the Power and Light Com- mittee. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. A letter read from the Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board requested the determination by the Legislative Body as to whether the City's sick leave plan should be in effect for the Firemen prior to the six months disability program allowed under the Firemen's Pension Laws, or in other words, may a fireman collect city sick leave benefits prior to going on inactive status or following -the period of inactive status. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Fire and (dater Committee, to report back. Carried. A letter read from the Lake Washington Good Roads Association, Thomas L. Brown, President, 18425 N.E. 95th Street, Redmond, Washington, advised of adoption of a resolution to call a meeting of civic organizations of suburban communities of the metropolitan basin for the purpose of initiating programs and developing funds to engage lobbying services for the resolution of gammon highway problems. As a result, an invitation was extended to attend a preliminary meeting in wow the Auditorium, Puget Sound Power & Light Co., 10508 N.E. 4th Street, Bellevue, at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, November 30th for pursuance of the matter. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, that that the Street and Alley Committee be directed to attend this meeting. Carried. It was pointed out that there is no council meeting that night and any others who might be able to attend were urged to do so. A letter was read from the City of Seattle, Department of Lighting, applying for permission to provide electric service to certain property within the City cw-ned by Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Edwards, The City of Seattle presently owns electric facilities located on Renton streets which need only be energized to serve the subject property provided permission from the City of Renton is obtained. The property owners have requested such service. A letter from the law. offices of Beresford & Booth, by Wayne C. Booth, was read directed to Seattle City Light on behalf of Mr, and. Mrs. Edwards requesting that City Light serve the Renton Shopping Center on the same basis as a private power company, although City Light had advised that i-� is against policy to provide service in another municipality without invitation and consent. It was pointed out that it is a well-established principle of public utility law that a public utility has an obligation to serve all whom it can reasonably serve on an equal basis and that City tight is now in fact serving customers along its line in the City of Renton, which line crosses the clients' property. The position of the City of Seattle in refusing power to the Center was deemed unreasonable and unjustified and termination of agreement for City of Seattle utilization of the property ,,,W and rental charge for such use in lieu thereof were submitted in a formal notice 'to the City of Seattle, Department of Lighting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole and the City Attorney. Carried. A letter from Attorney Milton Cable, on behalf of client Vic Diambri requested that no further construction be permitted under permit issued by the City to Renton Concrete Products, Inc. on its property at 7th Avenue and Rainier Avenue South inas- much as the planned .installation is heavy industry and the area is zoned for light industry. Upon rea.Uzation of possible violation a stop work order was issued by the Building Superintendent and subsequently when, the construction began again Mr. Diambri was advised that the Department felt there would be no harm in permitting completion of a base foundation 1.ahich had been started. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-23-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Upon inquiry Planning Director Jensen advised that the property is zoned light industry with proposal for operation of 20 horse power machinery. and anything over 5 horse power is classified as heavy industry. The problem is going to be discussed by the Planning Commission and course of action pursued by the Company accordingly, anything other, not complying with the ordinance,would have to be by ,.aay of a public hearing before the Planning Commission and the Council. They had been issued a permit in contemplation that it did not evidence H-1 use perhaps but as soon as it came to knowledge otherwise the stop work order was issued. Mayor Custer advised of administrative action and stop work order until tomorrow mornin,- and of the Planning Commission informal discussion and called for action of the council as it may deem proper at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission to report back. Carried. Mr. Diambri, who was present was invited to comment and stated that ti-e action was satisfactory at the moment. Policy was discussed where two signatures should be affixed to the Permits issued and it was requested that this be adhered to, bein, in effect as yet according to Mayor Custer, in the event that it has not: been enforced fully here- tofore-. A letter was read from the Hub Real Estate Co. submitting petition for relocation of an alley in the Southern portion of Block 8, Car !!orks Addition to Renton as signed by six property owners of record for lots 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 and 14. Also attached was a preliminary plot plan by Texaco, Inc. ;pith the proposed relocation . Moved by Poli, second by Dahlquist, to refer this to the Street & Alle Committee-- Car- ried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission and the City Engineer. Carried. A letter read From Mayor Custer requested that the Council make a determination as to which bonding ca.nsel should be retained in connection with the sale of Bonds Covering General Obligation Bonds in the sum of $400,000 for the North Renton Inter- change approved in the March, 1964 General Election; General Obligation Bonds in the sum of $150,000 for a new library approved in the November, 1964 General Election and Revenue Bonds in the amount of $500,000 for utility improvements as provided by the adoption of Ordinance 2118, increasing •.later rates, on 11-2-64. It was requested that upon clarification of choice of counsel that the Mayor and City Attorney be authorized to proceed with necessary negotiations which must V, precede the bond sale. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that James Gay, of Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay and Moch Law Offices had been retained previously for items 1 and 2 . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Mr. Gay be engaged to counsel the additional bond sale as well. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor and City Attorney be authorized to proceed as requested. Carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer advised that on October 30, 1963, Puget Sound Power and Light Company deeded a portion of the Renton-Snoqualmie Transmission right-of- way for use as a City street at �!hich time it was intended that the Third Avenue Extension would use this route for a connection -to S.E. 128th Street,(Cemetery Rd.). It has since been determined t= at the City will have no use for said right-of-way. The County is contemplating to construct a Health Center immediately adjacent to and within a portion of the ri�ilt-of-way and has asked -the City's consideration in vacating the street, returning the property to P.S.P.L. Co. in order that the County might acquire it. Following conferences wit:, parties concerned it is the opinion of the Mayor and City Engineer that the City's best interest might be served by making this land available for a health center. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole and the City Attorney and City Engineer be requested to attend the meeting on the matter. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of the following as Firemen for the six months probationary period as required by law, on the Renton Fire Department: Edgar V. Wooten - Grade 91.91, Gerald D. Jones, Grade 90.77, Gary L. Newton, grade 90.514. Attached was the letter of certification from the Civil Service Commission and letter from the Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board certifying that the required physical examinations have been passed. The effective date of these appointments will be 1-1-65 or sooner if funds are available. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to refer the appointments to the Committee of the `.-Thole. Carried. _ 3 _ t Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-23-64 APPOINTMENTS: (cont.) A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence of the Council in the appointment of Mr. Charles Camerini to a three-year term as a member of the Airport Board, effective from November 21, 1964 to November 6, 1967. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Custer advised that the term as Board Member has been set to coincide with the change in the election law extending the term from June to November. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: President of the Council Poli submitted his Committee of the Whole report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Regarding the Mayor's letter on implementing of the 701 Comprehensive Plan and the Civic Center Development, it was the Committee's wish to hold the matter in abeyance until the Planning Commission has submitted its recommendations. It was recommended that the land offered as donation to the City by Mr. Gottstein,in the Earlington Flats area,be accepted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Cowaiittee of the Whole. Carried. Recommended to delegate authority to the Property Committee to obtain appraisals on the Sewage Disposal Plant and to declare the equipment surplus. Moved by Perry seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that the City authorize formation of a flood control zone district in the May Creek area as requested by the Board of King County Commissioners. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Recommended to reject the proposed Resolution from the Association of Washington Cities regarding opening of watersheds for unrestricted access and recreational purposes; the Mayor to so notify the Association. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that action on this matter be postponed until a full Council is present. Carried. Recommended that the request of the Renton Downtown Merchants' Assn. for free parking from November 27th through December 24th be denied. The previous request for free parking from December 18-24 has previously been given concurrence. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in -the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, submitted his report recommending that the bid of the N.C.R. Corporation in the sum of $9,562.80 on the new Accounting Machine for the Clerk's office, be accepted inasmuch as the machine covered by the Burroughs Corporation bid of $7,664.80 does not meet several of the specifications and does not have the required c apacity to perform the necessary operations. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, requested additional time for consideration of funding resource for extension of 701 contract, $1,036.00. Granted. Reporting for the Street and Alley Committee relative to proposed Agreement and Deed to the City from Pacific Coast Ry. Co.,for area behind and N.E. of Pacific Car and Foundry Co. , it was recommended that the Deed be accepted and the Agreement executed by the Mayor and City Clerk as revised -ger recommendation of the City Engineer and approved by the City Attorney as to form. (Railroad Ave. or Houser Way Extension) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilwoman Dah�quist submitted a letter inviting attendance of Community Leaders to the 75th Anniversary of Statehood for Washington observance program on Community Development on Thursday, December 3rd at the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, registrations beginning at 9:30 a.m., presented by the area Development Department of Puget Sound Power and Light Company. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Conncil Meeting 11-23-64 OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Mayor Custer called attention to a meeting on December 1, Tuesday evening, to be held at the Chamber of Commerce building for final presentation of the 701 Comprehensive Plan `co the City of Renton. The Planning Commission; Citizens Advisory Committee, Departmen-c Heads will be among those present and all council members are urged to be present as we i'- ec '-his �-il.i be the only detailed presentation of the program. The John. Graham Company will be completinE its contj'act upon chis phase of the plan, and the f--.nal brochure publications are expected to be made available by December 14th. NEt•d BUSIaSC� Moved by . :v_k_se; seconded by Delaurenti, thav Vouchers 6944 through 7001 be approved for payment at this time and attention was called to the fact that this waa not the complete list. Receoc as requested was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously J.�sted. Moved by Hulse, seconded cy D21aurenti, that Vouchers No, 6888 through 7003, having been previously api)roved r,y the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time . Carried. Councilman Hulse inquired regarding completion date of 3rd Avenue extension and City Engineer Wilson advised of the requisite to secure title to a portion of right-of-way which deed therefor the Clerk has .low received. A letter war read from City Attorney Shellan advising of receipt from Mr. White of a Statutory Warranty Deed to the portion of the new roan needed by the City to complete construction which conveyance is submitted upon condition 'chat $2,000.00 will be paid to Mr, and Mrs. Nhite in full satisfaction for this acquisition. Also attached was original of Quit Claim Deed conveying the portion ,of- Monterey Drive and map with such designatica. Phe City Engineer was requested to check the legal descriptions in both conveyances, and recording recommende..1 subsequent 'thereto. A Peti_::ion for Vacr^tion of the portion of Mt. Olivet Road was attached for processing when the new roar' construction has been completed. Discussion ensued and disc.iused that pavin; is planned therefor and bid call will be made in the spring when weather pexmir-, and that the County owns one side of the right of way with a joint agreement for the improvement being negotiated. Moved by ')chelert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Deeds be accepted and recorded as recommended. Carried. CounciLnar, Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, presented his report which was read with Council action taken as follows: Recommended: Amending Title II1, Ch;antPr 2, Section 3-206 of General Code of Ordinances of the City of Rcnton:Par z-graph A - changing of original instal-lation fee for 3/4" water service from $100.00 on an uiipaved street and $125.00 on a paved street to d flat $115.00 for either. Delete that portion which includes only forty k40) feet of 3/4" pipe with -the installation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendatinn. Mr. Chas. Shane, as a builder, objected to the change as not being fair and equitable. The motion sut, dquently carried, Paragraph B - Change original installation fee for 1" water service from flat rate to actual cost basis with requirement of a $150.00 deposit at the time of application. Movee,, by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Mr. Shane objected to the rate structure stating the City is makinr. a profit on the installation of water meters. Mr. Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant,advised that the City meter in-- stallation cost for information purposes,was not operated on a profitable basis. The pending motion carried. Paragraph C - Delete the 75� per lineal foot and $1,00 per lineal foot charge of 31 ,v- and 1' p,Pre used in excess oC forty feet. Moved by Schellert, snt:onded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Amending Title III, Chanter 2, Section 3-232 of Ordinance 1628: Increase water rate for users outside the limit; if the City, such as Water Districts and Cooperative Water Companies, from Twelve cents per 100 cubic feet to Eighteen cents per 100 cubic feet. Y3ved by Schellert, seconded by Dclaurenti, to concur in the recommendation Mr. Rennet-L advised this wa6 to keep in line with the current increase to City Ser-ed units. The motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen that all items be rei:erred tc the _.w and Ordinance Committee. Carried. r Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-23-64 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Perry, member of the Law and Ordinance Committee., submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renbn, Washington amending Section 10-1201 of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" re- lating to certain speed limits, which was read by the Clerk. (30 M.P.H. - Puget Drive) Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the document be placed on second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and "'� find reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, that Ordinance No, 2122 be adopted as read. Roll can vote followed with, all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from "Suburban Residence District" (S-1) to"Business District" (B-1) which was read by the Clerk. Moved byDelaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed document be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommenda- tion. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that Ordinance No. 2123 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. C51Avo Mayor. Custer invited audience comment at this time and Mr. Charles Shane, 1408 K Stree+ addressed the assembly inquiring regarding decisions made by various committees as to the proposed civic center location: and the acquisition of properties therefor in lieu of using acreage across the river now owned by the City. Discussion ensued and it was pointed out that public hearings- and more discussion would be held as different phases of the overall proposal came up for consideration. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert to adjourn.. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. -6- f�Z -Nov ember 23, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers hazing been previously approved by the Accounting and,A �;L-ng,,Committee, way°e.:submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE , ` AMOUNT �; '�► �TR�ENT. FUND 6888 Blumenthal Uniform Co. 70.66 ►�;r� . 6a89 Gerald R. Caldwell 63.95 4 .:6890 Gary Carlos 28.86 6891 Carpenter Paper Co. 378.71 6892 The Copy Company 47.12 6893 Davidson Sales & Service Agency 237.01 6894 Barbara Bishop DeHaviland 2.40 6895 Dictaphone Corporation 13.62 6896 Fire Chief Equipment Co. 10.40 6897 RobertGarrison 2.40 6898 General Aniline & Film Corp. 6.15 6899 The Grand Mattress Co. 20.80 6900 lea Fil#pi Hanson 2.40 6901 Kem Rite Chemical & Supply 10.40 6902 Keuffel & Esser Co. 201.18 6903 King Co. Engineer 2.25 6904 The Linoleum Shop 31.41 . 6905 Market Basket r#4 8.67 6906 Mobile Communications Co. 156.00 6907 Myers Oil Co:. 20.16 6908 Wallace D. Pangle 2.40 -6909 John L. Parks, Jr. 4.00 6910 Paulson Office Supply 134.41 6911 Mike Potpshnik Fuel Oils 198.81 6912 Record Stationery & Office Supply 44.0E 6913 Renton Cash-Way lumber Yard 1.44 6914 Renton Clothing Co. 27.98 6915 Rentor. Enterprise 65.48 6916 Renton Key and Saw Shop 1.41 6917 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 86.38 6918 U. S. Post Cffice 11.00 CITY STREET FUND 6919 Black River Quarry 48.02 6920 Carpenter Paper Co. 22.2 6921 Homel.ite 163.28 6922 The lumber Market 235.04 6923 Mobile Communications Co. 52.00 6924 Municipal Services, Inc. 48.81 6925 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 217.31 6926 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 1,145.48 6927 Service laundry & Dry Cleaners 2.92 6928 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 442.02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 6929 Air Mac, Inc. 278.43 6930 Wayne Buck Sales Inc. 69.23 6931 Carpenter Paper Co. 22.21 6932 Howard Cooper Corp. 36.44 6933 Cox Machinery Co. 618.80 6934 Dragervs Harley-Davidson 74.63 6935 Kenny4s Auto Rebuild 26.26 6936 Kent Oxygen Co. 21.25 6937 O.K. Tire Store 14.33 6938 Renton Radiator, Inc. 46.80 6939 Service laundry & Dry Cleaners 57.30 6940 Shell Oil Comparry 1,500.91 6941 Six Robblees' Inc. 3.52 6942 Standard Cil Co. 479.72 6943 Sunset Coal & Oil 65.80 73 City of Renton Vouchers continued November 23, 1964 LIBRARY FUND 6944 Children's Book Council 9.00 6945 The Dartnell Corp. 2,78 6946 Demco Library Supplies 8.00 6947 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 168.68 6948 Eastman Kodak Co. 59.28 6949 Gaylord Bros. Inc. 3.43 _ 6950 H. & M. Duplicator 46.16 6951 Marcella Hillgen 12.36 6952 Janco-United 14,83 6953 Library Products 5.25 6954 Melmont Publishers 19,80 6955 Overall Cleaning & Supply 5,00 6956 Pacific Northwest Bell. 60,36 6957 Paulson Office Supply 3„88 6958 Puget Sound News Co. 497.48 - 6959 Rarig's Inc. . 2914 6960 Record Stationery 2.55 6961 Storey House 6.47 6962 Wash. State Tax Commission 2.99 PARK FUND 6963 Coast Wide Supply 4,12 6964 L. N. Curtis & Sons 1.4.46 -6965 Keuffcl,& Esser Co. 91.99 6966 - kande Feed' Co. 56.16 6.967 Pacific Water Works Supply 762.23 6968._ Renton Cash-Way.Lumber Yard 17.32 6969, Stoneway Sand &-Gravel 19.94 -6W0 Sunset Coal & Oil•; 86.55,.. 6971 F. iii. Woolworth Cb. 110' 8 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 6972 G. H. Culver 809,2 .6973 Hersey-Sparlin` Meter Col 3,293•I 6974Hoare lite 12.48 6975, Mobile Communications Col52.00 6976 Pacific Water Works Supply 425,10 6977 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 19.19 6978 Service Laundry & Dry Clegners 17,28 6979 Spider Staging Sales Co. 75.90 6980 Standard Oil Co. 2.:06 6981- Stoneway'Sand & Grav61 15,02 . AIRPORT FUND 6982 G. He 'Culver 7.75 . 69,83 Kline Builders 15,584-04 .6964-- The Lumber Market 39.93 6985 Myers Oil Co. 9,29 6986 Reynolds. Aluminum' 80.%( 698.7 Service Laundry &"Dry Cleaners 11."$� FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 69 8 Mrs. E_riza Anderson 150.00 698.9 T. Ke Anderson 291.00 6990 Floyd Iawrence 305,00 6991 Mrs. ,Orpha McDonald 15q,00; 6992 Mar'vifi L. Sherertz 670.00 6993. Bruce Phillips 5,51 6994_ North Renton Clinic 10.00 6995 Dan E. Ranniger, M.D. 1.0.50 6996' Renton Ppescription. Pharmacy 22.21 6997 Ross Montgomery Grimm, M.1% 6995 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clini-c 35;'60'. 6999` Shaw Bros. Drug " 5,��0 7000 F. H. 6danamaker,, M,D. 15,()0" 7001 K?s Prescription Pharmacy 2049, r74 City of Renton Vouchers continued November 23, 1961 CUMULATIVE FUND NC. 1689 7042 Puget Sound Title Insurance 37,44 CUMULITIVE FUND N0, 1182 7003 Mobile Communications Co, 312.00 . W. Custer, Mayor Ite mie W. Nelson, City Clerk The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditimgf aricb Adcounring Committee were approved for the month of November, 1964. TO: CLAIMS FUND PAYROLL FROM: Current $ 20,861.63 Current $ 65,381.01 Street 23,735.97 Street 12,940.03 Arterial Street 399486.61 Cedar River M $ I 525.00 Cedar River M & I 20.63 Off Street Parking 10.00 Off Street Parking 115.02 Equipment Rental 29742.78' Equipment Rental 40287.55 Library 40,684.06 Library 1078.91 Parks 7,780.50 Parks 5,647.74 Waterworks Utility 12,920.55 Waterworks Utility 33,082.49 Airport 10663.00 Airport 16,595.79 Firemen's Pension 10708.01 Cum. #1182 312.00 Cum. #1184 203.90 Cum. #1689 _ 4,039.44 Cum. #1990 12.46 Total Claims $151,288.18 Total Payroll $108,646.93 P RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. December 7,, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shell.an, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Com:.. missioner, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Jamep Highton, Building Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Director of Parks and Recreation and Bob Puhich, Utility Dept. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of November 23, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF Wq� K 9911 $ 500.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. Grady flay and Talbot Rd. Sign 12 379.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc, Rolling Hills Avenue Wire Residence 13 850.00 Tiffany Homes, Inc. 12100 S.E. 152nd Place Wire Residence 14 100.00 Kenneth Meyers Whitworth South Temp. Storage 9915 50.00 Crown Men's Shop 900 - 3rd Avenue Wiring 16 300.00 Sewing Machine Service 916 Walla Walla Neon Sign 17 50.00 R. Marshall Smith 1014 "Q" Street Wire Basement 18 11,250.00 R. S. Shane 100th Street New ResidenFe 19 50.00 Ralph M. Evans 3309 - 10th Place No. Wire GreenYouse 9920 300.00 Lester Shogren 12924 - 90th Ave. So. Wire Additipn 21 - - - V 0 I D 9922 400.00 Lewis Purcell 10636 - 116th Ave. S.E. Wire Reuidence 23 95,000.00 Renton Eagles ##1122 316 Third Avenue New Lodge Hall 24 11,000.00 Ronald Wiehoff S.E. 100th Street New Residence PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 6828 - - - - Renton Shopping Center Rainier Avenue South Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - - Stanley Fitzpatrick 524 "I" Street Gas Installation 30 - - - - Stanley Fitzpatrick 526 "I" Street Gas Installation 31 - - - - Renton Village, Inc. 900 Grady Way Plumbing Fixture 32 - - - - Richfield Oil Co. 3rd Ave. No. & Marion Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - - Wilbert W. Poeschel 14243 - 58th Ave. So. Gas Installations 34 - - - - People National Bank 818 - 2nd Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 6835-50 - - - - Renton Village 301 Grady Way Plumbing Fixtures 51 - - - - R. Fd. Wiehoff 9842 - 116th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - - Conner Const, Co. 12723-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 53 - - - - Les Shogren 12924 - 90th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 54 - - - - A. L. Jones 325 Burnett Street Plumbing Fixtures 6855 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1026 "0" Street Gas Installation 56 - - - - B. F. Scott 3502 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Instal.�ation 57 - - - - Allen Wehrer 12731 - 88th Place So. Plumbing Fi.xtures HEARING: Proposed Vacation of portion of Lake Street (Black River Channel) (Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. City Engineer Wil§onts report advised that the right-of-way under the present arterials plan is an impgrtant part of the system and in the event second avenue is widened would serve as a connection to Third Avenue. It was recommended that the right-of-way not be vacated. A petition was read signed by 7 property owners requesting withdrawal of the request for Acation, and as there was no audience cnepent nor further discussion, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and council action invited. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that the vacation be denied. Carried. -1- i taw i Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 12-7.-64 Mayor Custer announced receipt of the 37th Examination by the State Auditor's Office which report is available in the Mayor's office and on file also in the office of the City Clerk. Mayor Custer commended City Clerk, Helmie Nelson and City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett for excellent work as surveyed and reported by the Auditor for the period of tine from January 1, 1963 through December 31, 1963. The Council was invited to read the commentary of the report especially. COMML-NICATIGNS: A letter was read from the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle advising that included within the temporary facilities which Metro no longer is using are the 24-ingh and 8-inch sewers constructed by Metro within and adjacent to the City of Renton Treatment Plant site. Notice of conveyance to the City as of November 2 was given and operation and maintenance to be discontinued by Metro as of said date. The treatment plant and facilities had been returned to the City by prior action. A letter read from Mayor Custer submitted test scores of recent appointees in the Renton Police Department as follows: Promotion to rank of Sergeant -- T. A. Romano - 85.4996, John Buff - 86.20 New Patrolmen - Richard Nibargar, Jr. - 86.552, [Villiam D. File - 85.632 A letter from City Engineer Wilson was read reporting that the height was adequate in regard to the Boeing Company request for 55 KV Tie Line Guy Spans across Park and Garden Streets, The Permit was submitted as revised per City Attorney Shellan's recon, mendation insofar as the Hold Harmless Agreement was concerned. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that the Permit be granted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents. Carried. A claim was read from William C. Ruthford, Attorney, filed on behalf of Bernard P. Darilek fez° damages sustained in his residence and to personal property at 911 F Street from flooding caused by heavy rainfall on or about September 23, 1964. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. Carried. A letter read frcm Edward J. Logan, Superintendent of King County Election Dep't,, certified that on November 3, 1964 a Special Election was held in the City of Renton for submission of a proposition to the voters for City Library Bonds in the sum of $150,000.00 and that the results of said election were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on November 18, 1964, as follows: Bonds, Yes - 5,979 Bonds, No - 2,963 Carried A letter from R. L. Windom requested permission to put a dumpster for garbage in the alley behind the Sherwin-Williams Co. store at 601 - 3rd Avenue, there being some question as to whether the container might be a hindrance to traffic. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from John N. Sylvester, Attorney for Frank B. Bonnell protesting any construction of heavy industry nature in the area of 7th Avenue and Rainier Avenue South which is zoned for L-1 limiting the size of motors to 5 horsepower. A like letter was read frcm Mr. Leo Lavi7le of 14414 - 5th Ave. South, Seattle, along with Planning Commission recommendation that the proposed extension of any non- conforming use not be allowed. Mayor Custer advised that the subject construction has been a major discussion item between Renton Concrete Products, Inc. and the neighboring property owners, however, no formal application for zoning in excess of Ordinance allowance has yet been submitted to the City and if at some future date the matter should arise for consideration, the protests might be reviewed once again, Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry that the communications be filed accordingly and that the writers be notified of receipt of the letters and action taken on the matter. I-�y'-ilry was made as to action taken previously and whether permit had been issued for construction. After discussion regarding fact that a building permit had been issued and that construction is to be limited to L-1, the pending motion carried. A letter from Norman L. Ross, Secretary, Kennydale Lions Club #4870, requested permission to sell Christmas trees at the Albertson Store in the Highlands by No-Fee Permit during the holiday season, Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried, -2- 7 f Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from the Renton Lions Club requesting a fireworks license for -the applicable period in 1965. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Police and Litems • Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from E. T. Nelson., and Charlotte Nelson, Maple Leaf Restaurant, was read advising of reopening in December and requesting a Dance Hall license. Invitation was extended to inspect the new facilities believed to be -tlie finest in the Renton area. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. A Summons and Complaint was received from Attorneys Roberts & Anderson on behalf of �dilliam F. Bagley and Seattle Rendering Works, Inc. rendered in connection with Clem of December, 1963 when vehicle failed to clear the underpass at South 153rd Street near Longacres. M-ved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the documents to the City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. Carried. A letter from the Citizens' Advisory Council of tte City of Renton, submitted by John Swanson, Chairman recommended that the Mayor and Council immediately have a study made for widening of Second Avenue to five lanes from Main Street to Logan to determine the cost for acquisition, engineering, labor and materials which will be required to complete this phase of the program. Also, Phase II, from Logan Street to Rainier Avenge should be studied for costs which may be involved in realignment and widening. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the recommendations to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Fred Callen, James Weed and Martin E. Evans (for St. Mathew- 7 _Lh__ Church) filed appeal of the Planning Commission decision -to deny rezone request for Lots 5 and 6 of Weed's View Tract and a portion of Tax Lot #59 to B-1. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the date of December 21st be set for hearing on the matter. Mr. Callen inquired whether chis could be expedited however a hearing must be held by law and the motion was carried. A letter from the Renton Union Card and Label Council, Carpenters Hall, 412 Thon,as Street, Chas. E. Taylor, Sec.-Treas., extended the Mayor and Council an invitation to a fund or food raising campaign party on Tuesday, December 8th at 8:00 p,m, Admission will be canned food or non-spoilable items . Twenty-seven baskets were distributed last year. Food and refreshments will be served and there will be music for dancing. A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested transfer of $3,897.19 from Street Maintenance Account 3240, M. & 0. 417, unto Street Maintenance Account 3240, M. & 0. 315. This transfer will b,alznce the Equipment Rental Account. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk,advised that specifications are being prepared for the City's 1965 Legal Publications and it was recommended that the date of December 21, 1964 be set for opening of the bids. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of -the City Clerk and to authorize -the bid call as requested. Carried. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson reporting that the petition submitted by Hub Real Estate for the re-location of a portion of the alley in Block 8, Car Works Addition to Renton contains signatures of 100% of the ad oining property owners. The Planning Commission recommendation submitted by J, David Jensen, Planning Director was read recommending approval of the relocation and proposal for vacation on the basis of the plans submitted. Upon motion by Schellert and second by Garrett to set a date of ...� hearing on the proposed vacation, several dates were discussed after which City Attorney Shellan advised the matter should be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for a , i Resolution and that deeds would be required from abutting fee owners for rededication of the portion relocated as well as a proper description from engineering <7s to what- -- 7 of the alley is to be vacated. Garrett withdrew his second to the motion and it was sub-c- quently moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -3- i s 1 '78 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-7-64 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from the Olympic Pipe Line Company requested authorization for additional pipe line installations now that final alignment of -the system between Renton and Harbor Island has been established sub-iect to conditions of the existing Franchise . Details and locations of the installations as requested were attached along with drawings thereof. Moved by Mcrris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Street and Alley, Committee to report back. Carried. A Planning Commission recommendation was read as submitted by Planning Director M Jensen, for the adoption by the Council of the Final Plat of Aloha Ranch which agrees with the prelimin Ny plat and is in compliance with the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to concur in -the recommendation for approval of -the Plat with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from the Renton Firefighters Local $ 864 extended the Mayor and Council an inviation to their annual appreciation dinner at Kingen§ Restaurant, 423 Airport Way, on Wednesday, December 9, 1964 at 7:00 p.m. A letter from Fred R. Johnson, Recording Secretary, Renton Citv Employees Club, extended the Mayor and Council and Departtent Heads and their guest,invit-scion to the_ Christmas Party to be held on Saturday, December 19th at the Carpenters Hall, 231 Burnett, Street beginning at 6:30 p.m. The following notices and bulletins were received from the Association of lgashington Cities and will be filed in the City-Clerk's office for reference: Letter from Chester Biesen, informing cities of -the far-reaching significance of the Federal Land and Water Conservation Act and State Measures, Initiative 215 and Ref- erendum 11, and how cities might proceed to take advantage of the new statutes. Bulletin on Municipal Policy - 1964-1965, City issues today and Legislative solutio are outlined, su-tmarized as adopted by the Association in Convention assembly on May 1 ; , 1964 at Spokane. Notice of 2nd Annual Public Reporting Awards to be made at the annual A.W.C. Convention in June, and suggested method for report preparation in event of participation. City Clerk Helmie Nelson presented the annual audit report for the City of Renton` for 1963,-Io be on file in her off-ice,which constitutes the 37th Examination by the Division of Municipal Corporations as outlined by the Mayor earlier in the meeting. A letter from City Engineer t-Iilson submitted and recommended for payment final estimate for work performed on the South Renton Storm Sewer installation by L.D.L. Land Development Company in the amount of $136.13. The work was completed November 6, 1961 and accepted by the Engineering Department on November 10, 1964. Acceptance by the Council was recommended as of December 7, 1964 with commencement of the thirty day lien period after which, if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof- of payment of tax liabilities,the retained percentage of $1,853.57 be paid . Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer as read. Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan, directed to Mr. Prahl, Director of -the State Highway Commission, relative to construction of PSH #1 - Green River to the ; Longacres Bridge in Renton. The City's dedicated right of way of South 153rd Street which abuts the Longacres properties has been in existence for many years and is a 60 ft. improved street, also used during the racing season as one of the major means of ingress and egress to said Facilities. Inspection has revealed that,toward the Westerly end of the street,large piers or buttresses are being placed within the City's right of way and in fact within the traveled portion thereof eliminating completely one lane of traffic and creating a hazard as to the second remaining lane, depriving the City and its residents from adequate usage of said roadway. The City has never given consent nor ratified the construction nor was it ever advised that such obstruction was to take place. City Engineer Vd1son had reported the violation to the local district 'f office however, no word had been received to date and -the State was requested to take immediate steps to restore to the City its public right-of-way to provide the same ingress and egrees heretofore allowed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer -the matter to the Committee of The Whole. Carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-7-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Council President Poli submitted his Committee of tte Whole report which was read by -the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Relative to Renton-Snoqualmie Transmission right-of-way it was recommended to concur with the Mayor and City Engineer that the City's best interest might be served to make the subject land available for a health center. This land had been intended for use as connecting route to S.E. 128th upon extension of Third Avenue, however it Now has been Bete mined that the City will have no use for the subject right of way. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Recommended to appoint three new firemen as of January 1, 1965, or sooner if funds are available. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Upon inquiry regarding stipulation on funds it was pointed out that a determination was pending regarding the City's Sick Leave policy as it pertains to Fire Department personnel upon which a transfer of funds was contingent and no action can be taken until the matter has been resolved. The pending; motion carried. Relative to request of Seattle City Light to serve the Renton Shopping Center it was reported that additional -time is needed to meet with the parties concerned, City of Seattle Lighting Department, Puget Sound Power & Light Co. and Mr. Edwards, along with the City Attorney. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant additional time. Carried. Councilman Poli, Light and Power Committee Chairman, submitted recommendation that the City accept the offer of Puget Sound Power and Light Company for purchase of Mercury Vapor Lighting Fixtures with amendment to proposed Contract by modification of the "Ninth" Paragraph so that both parties have the right to cancel in case the Company's property is acquired and also that the period covered read five years in lieu of the ten years proposed in the contract. ,... Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee . Carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, submitted his report recommending that the $1,036.00 payable by reason of extending the John Graham Co. and 701 Contract be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund 41184 in lieu of Planning_ Commission Funds. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported attendance of himself and Councilman Schellert, as directed by the Council, at a meeting of the Lake t,lashington Good Roads Association in Bellevue on Monday, November 30th. It was reported that nothing constructive was accomplished as might pertain to the City of Renton inasmuch as Mr. Garrett was interviewed by participants in his capacity as a State Legislator. Mr. Schellert extended condolences -to Mr. Garrett in reporting his attendance thereto. NE`? BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti., that Vouchers 7004 through 7133, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Councilman Schellert called attention to Committee of the (Thole discussion relative to upgrading of the Civil Service examinations and moved that the Council recommend pro- ceding with efforts in that direction. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. Councilman Gianini, Chairman of the Renton Athletic Commission, reported great success with event of wrestling matches in Renton and a monthly exhibition is being contemplated. Mayor Custer reported relative to attendance of himself and Councilman Delaurenti at meetings with representatives of the H.H.F.A. in San Francisco and conference in San Leandro, California. Meetings are scheduled for the Seattle and Spokane areas and a report will be submitted regarding the matter in full -following these conferences. -5- so Ifi_nuies of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-7-64 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 5-103 (A-2) and (B) of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City or Renton" which was read by the Clerk and relates to the Business License Ordinance of the City. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, -that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Upon inquiry it was pointed out that music when conducted in a separate place of business and having an average of 20 or more students per week, shall be classified under the professional category for licensing. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that we do not have a "Home Occupation" ordinance and that music -caught in a regular place of business away from home is professional, however, other music teachers operating in the home with less than 20 students per week shall be subject to the regular business license fee according to the present ordinance . The pending motion was subsequently carried and after the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to adopt Ordinance No. 2124 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington repealing Chapter 11 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordi- nance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington", relating to punchboards, raffles and similar trade stimulating devices, which was read by the Clerk and which had been drawn by Executive request. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of -the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse to adopt the Ordinance as read. The Clerk reported that the effective date had been amended to read December 15 in lieu of December 7th and the motion was carried adopting Ordinance No. 2125 as read. Carried. As there was no further business and no audience comment at this time, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. There were eighteen visitors in the Council Chambers. -6- December 7, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER i Ul MER PAYEE AHOUidT CURRE11 FUi.'D 7004 Atomic Battery Shop 22.37 7005 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy X1.34 7006 Bean Electric Co. 84.39 7007 Carpenter Paper Company 13.08 .... 700U" Coast Uide Supply Co. 105.02 7009 Cochran Hardware 19.47 701-0 The Copy Company 6.76 7011 Janet Crabb 1.41 7012 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 5.25 7013 Davidson Sales & Service 6.84 7014 Tom Dobson & Son 4.00 7015 Carl Entemann & Son 25.26 7016 H & M Duplicator Corp. 10.97 7017 Hartman Office Equipment Co. 29.12 701u- Paul W. Houser 8.25 7019 11allace L. Hume 14.50 7020 I. B. M. Corporation 42.95 7021 Fred Johnson 28,24 7022 Keller Supply Co. 167.94 7023 Keuffel & Esser Co. 9.89 7024 King Co. Humane Society 606.66 7025 The Kiplinger 1ashington Editors 24.00 7026 Harket Basket ;r5_ _ ..,. 15.35 7027 Dorothea Gossett 1.56 702" McLendon hardware 6.72 - 7029 Mobile Communications Co. 15,6,00 7030 Helmie Nelson 8.00 7031- Helmie Nelson 1.41 7032 Nudelman Brothers 81.32 7033 Overall Cleaning & Supply 20.09' 7034 Pacific Auto Supply 1.79 7035 Pacific Coast Stamp 'forks 4.68. 7036 Pacific Outfitting Co. 118.33 7037 Parker and Sons Publications 6.00 703", J. C. Penney Co. 13.51 7039 The Record-Chronicle 15.60 7040 Renton Automobile Co. 4,481.90 7041 Renton Clothing Co. 222.92 7042 Renton and Rainier Printery 57.20 7043 Seattle Art & Photo Supply 5.15 7044 Seattle-King Co. Dept. Public Health 175.00 7045 Seattle Lumber Co. 133.93 7046 Service Laundry & Dry bleaners 37.19 7047 Smith Corona 1archant 59.75 7048 Jack Sparrow 2.40 7049 Standard Insurance Co. 224.25 7050 Statewide Retirement System 2$ 12.01 7051 Vern Stoppenbrink 2.40 7052 E. J. Towle Co. 2.14 7053 Trojan Lithograph Corp. 43.89, 7054 U. S. Post Office 105.00 7055 Marilyn Sue Vaughn 2.40 7056 !\VT City Treas. - Equip. Rental 11.00 WNW 7057 1.1/T City Treas. - Street 222.00, 7050 M. C. "Halls 10. 3` 7059 Washington Natural Gas Co. 66.2,, 7060 iierlin !.tlinch 2 4q_; City of Renton Vouchers continued December 7, 1964 CITY STREET FUND 7061 Best Universal Lock Co. 13.14 7062 Black River Quarry, Inc. 4583.48 7063 Cochran Hardware 3.67 7064 L. D. L. Land Development 136.13 7065 Mobile Communications Co. 52.00 7066 Preservative Paint Co. 66.39 7067 Reiman Auto Parts 111.07 70683 Security Condrete, Products 1,3083.47 7069 The Sherwi6-Williams Co. 83.23 7070 Star Rentals 177.4 7071 Statewide .Retirement S stem 229.71 7072 Stoneway Sand and Gravel 97.50 CEDAR RITQ i1. & I. FUND 7073 Statewide. Retirement System 12.45 OFF STIi:= PARKING FUND 7074 Milt Williams 100.00 EQUIP%E11`I' Q11TAL FUND 7Q75 Arbuckle Glass 21.11 7076 B & B Auto Parts 221.24 '7077 Blanchard Auto Electric Co. 48.61 767" Vern Church 5.45 7079 Fray Equipment Co., Inc. 80.49 70x0 Raymond Hansen 10.92 7031 Pacific Auto Supply 80.64 7082 Reiman Auto Parts 73.07 7003 Renton Automobile Co. 13.03 704 Richfield Oil Corp. 8.87 705 Harry Russak Truck Co. 26.00 70,";6 Statewide Retirement System 56.85 7087 Sweeper Service, Inc. 132.00 70("e Tuffibre Company 92,00 7039 Williams & Swanson 22.40 PARK FUi,'D 7090 Airkem `Sales & Service 224.45 7091 Anchor Post Products 1,960.40 7092 Arbor Tree Service 117.00 7093 Best Universal Lack Co. 4.45 7094 Norman Buck Mfg. Co. 40.20 7095 Coast Wide Supply Co. 32.95 7096 Gene Coulon 28.55 7097 The Eggers Sharp All 13.22 7093 Hartman Office Equipment Co. 46.50 7099 Janco-United Inc. 209.34 7100 John Julian & Son 113.05 7101 Kent Oxygen Co. 12.11 7102 %icLendon Hardware 350.57 7103 Renton Hardware & Furniture 270.74 7104 Statewide Retirement System 120.41 OR 7105 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 8.15 7106 U. S. Post Office 43.00 MW 7107 United Services, Inc. 15.03 710' Washington Natural Gas Co. 40.25 LIBRARY FU!'D 7109 Ideals Publishing Co. 24.00 7110 Statewide Retirement System 135.27 t 8 City of Renton Vouchers continued December 7, 1964 LATER LOWS UTILITY FUND 7111 Alaska Copper and Brass Co. 45.53 7112 Badger Pieter i•Ifg. Co. 158.17 7113 W. E. Dennett 1.41 7114 Dotz Chemical Co. 50.45 7115 John Julian & Son 30-94 7116 Keller Supply Co. 119,50 7117 Keuffel & Esser Co. 400,92 711 McLendon hardware 30,29 7119 Iiobile Communications Co. 52.00 7120 Helmie Nelson 2.00 7121 Olympic Foundry Co. 100.38, 7122 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 7.25,00 7123 Puget Properties, Inc. 4,522.53 7124 Security Concrete Products 53.04 7125 Statewide Retirement System 205.86 7126 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 9.17 7127 �.festern Utilities Supply 130.2 AIRPGRT i U1!D 7120 Chapman Electric 48.0"' 7129 Cochran Electric 234.51 7130 Smith Corona Harchant Inc. 36.40 7131 Statewide Retirement 21.78 CUITTLATIV FUND-NO. 1182 7132 Moor Mfg. Co. 1,993.00 CUi ULAl IV FUND DIO. 1894 7133 Albert Quentin 417,46 rJ D. W. Custer, Mayor tielmie W. Nelson, City Clerk. i i RENT0114 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEE:'ING f 8: 00 P.M. December 14, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by t>aycr Custer a: d -the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unilcan by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COU11CiI, 11EMBERS: Poli, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. -- OFFICIALS Al-:D DEPA7ii,:31Z_ 1:7-ABS PRESENT_: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, �era_d Sells:, City Attorney, Clarence 6Jiiliams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fine Chief, Jack Wilson, 4lty Engineer, Vic '"eGantvcort, Street Commissioner, Marcella Hillgen, LiL:rarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director:, James Highton, Building Director, led Benr.ett, Utility Depot Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Cene Coulon, Director of Parks & Recreation and Bob Puhich, Utility Department. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDI1u DEPARTMEN2. BUILDING PERMITS: NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS �E O 9925 $ 4,300.00 Charles Pohl 10220 -- 108th Ave, S.E., Swimming Pool- 26 5,000.00 Beatrice Kaiser 527 Wells Street Addition & Ca.rogrt 27 V 0 1 D 28 500..00 Mrs. Kerr 3613 - 6th Ave. No. Electric Heat 29 3,500,00 Harold Nichols 3509* - 9th Ave. No, Adcition to Residence 9930 700.00 Dale Fugere 2428 - 6th Ave. No, Encicse Carport 31 1.00 Luther Bostock 12415 •• 132nd S.E. Demoll'sh Residence 32 4.80 Puget Properties, Inc. 301 Grady !Jay Wire for J-Lft S y,ation 33 2 .20 Carl Cook 3rd Place & Rainier Hang Fixtures 34 400,00 George Nakashima 238 Wells Street Rebuild Storage •Shed 9935 287,000.00 Pac. Car & Foundry 1400 - 4th Ave. No, P nt-- Shop 36 400.00 Virgil Wilson 912 "B" Street Electrical Wiring 37 150.00 Bishop Morris 10045 S.E. 95-th Street W4_re F'.ange & Tar)f. 38 125.00 Finn Hansen 835 - lst Ave , No_ Carport 39 5,425.00 Renton School Dist. 1525 - 4th Ave. No, Rewire Classroc:ris 9940 825.00 Penton School Dist. nst1l1- Partit:=ors 41 800.00 } o Toy Restaurant 926 "H" Street Sign 42 750.00 Barb Restaurant 401 Painier Avenue Sign 43 800.00 Richfield Oil Corp. 12th Ave . No: & Sunset Pole sign i PLUMBING & HEATH PERMITS: 6958 - - - - John Edwards 2720 Maple Valley Hwy. Plumbing Fixtures 59 - - - - Gene Forler 12823 - 87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 6860 - - - - Louise Bevens 625 Morris Street Gas Insta.11atior}s 61 - - - - Joseph E. Wilson 2905 - Sth Ave , E. Plumbing Fixtures 62 - - - - W. F. Bennett 314 Park Street Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - - Standard Oil Co, 301 Grady Way Plumbing Fixtures 64 - - - - Nacional Poultry Co. 615 Wells Street No. Plumbing Fixtu_-es 6865 - - - - Harold Nagel 12923 - 90th Ave. So. Gas install 66 - -• - - Virgil R. Oestrich 3302 - 6th Ave. No. Gamy �.rstalla�iori 67 - - - - Paul Houser 415 Williams Street Gas Installaticnr. 68 - - - - Plumbing Fixtures 211 Morris Street Plumbing Fixtures 69 - - -- - Plumbing Fixtures 10212 - 116th Ave S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 6870 - - - •- John Fannin 714 "R" Street Gas Installations 71 - - - - Bryn Mawr Garbage Disp< 8832 So, 153rd Street Plumbing Fixtu-_es i 72 - - -- - James Hunter 9743 - 112th S,E, C-.s Tnstailatio#s 73 - - - - Cecile Sowers 3025 - 5th Ave, East Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - - Richard Christensen 3105 - 5th Ave, East Plumbing Fixtures 6375 - - - - Charles Guy 3000 - 5th Ave. East ?'umbing Fixtures 76 - - - - Charles Guy 3002 - 6th Ave. East _lambing Fixtilres 77 - - - - & R. Market 11549 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixture; 78 - - D. Phillip Franklin 13024 - 87th Ave. So, Pynmbing Fixtures Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 7, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. Upon request by Mayor Custer, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that tYe offer by Mr. Gottstein to donate park property to the City of Renton be referred -to the Committee of the Whole for a meeting and discussion ;gin 12--17-64 at 7:310 p.m, Carried. i Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-14-64 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter read from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, requested authorization to call fpr bids on three 1965 Police Solo Motorcycles with Trade-Ins as provided in the 1965 Budget. Specifications are ready and the date of December 28th was recommended for Opening of the bids. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to authorize the bid call and to concur ip the recommendation for bid opening date. Carried. A Claim for damages in the sum of $830.61 was read as filed against the City by Mr. and Mrs. Ermo Gregoris as a result of alleged excessive water pressure bursting pipes and causing damages to their property. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the City _Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Discussion ensued regarding policy of excusing absent Council Members and whether report of intended absence should be made to the Mayor or Council President by telephone. After reasons for absences, obligation as officials, possible adjustment of salary and past attendance experiences were related, question on the motion was followed by a dissenting voice vote which Mayor Custer ruled as "motion passed" . Roll call was re- quested as required and resulted as follows: Aye: Schellert, Garrett, Delaurenti and Mbrris. No: Poli, Dahlquist and Perry. The motion carried, four to three. A letter was read from City Clerk Nelson advising that the following fund transfers are necessary at this time: Non-Departmental - 1920 - From 311, Insurance, $2,032. 34; Unto 201, Statewide, Soc. Security, $2,032.3 . and Traffic Signals Acct. 3130 - From 110, Salaries, $380.00 Unto 303, Power, $380.00 Concurrence was requested with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for a proper Resolution. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the transfers and referral as requested. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen requested transfer of funds from Account #306, $120.00, Account #314, $708.00 and Account 417, $122.00 Unto Account 110, Salaries and Mages, Planning Directorts Budget Account 1700. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Councilwoman Dahlquist made inquiry regarding City policy and practice of hiring additional employees without having adequate funds available for salaries,by Department Heads, it being felt that Council should be con- sulted prior to such action. Mayor Custer advised that such a policy exists, that the 701 Program and extension was somewhat responsible in this case but that disuession might be in order to avoid any recurrence. After further discussion regarding printing of the Zoning Ordinance by the City and the authority therefor granted by Council action in budgeting of funds last year. The pending motion carried. A request was read from Vern Church, to appropriate Central Garage Funds received in excess of anticipated revenues into the following accounts: 110 Salaries and Wages, $3,900.00; 201 Social Security and Statewide, $350.00; 202 Prepaid Medical, $ 75.00; 405 Fuel & Lubricants, $500.00; 409 Auto Parts, $6,000.00. Total appropriation, $10,825.00 Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the proposal to the Law and Ordinance Committee. It was explained that the new equipment-rental procedures put into effect: a year earlier than required by law were to be an advantage to the City but estimates mode its first year of application were impossible to establish accurately . It was pointed out that one breakdown on a piece of equipment cost $900.00 and that unforeseen eventualities were not taken into account but we will be better set in the coming year for the practical experience of 1964. Plans for new decal marking facilities for City Equipment are included in the appropriation expenditures cutting present costs from approximately $30.00 to $3.00 per vehicle. The pending motion subsequently carried. Letter from C. G. Prahl, Director of Highways, State Highway Commission, advised Mayor Cpster with regard to the turn-out from the north side of Highway 405 and wood trestle i0to entrance of Longacres, that their District Engineer has been requested to prepare plans for the widening of the intersection of the turn out road with Hwy. 405 in order to make it easier to make the turn. It is intended to reconstruct the trestle and section of road after completion of the new freeway bridge thereby eliminating the bridge bent in the middle of the road so that free passage under the trestle may be achieved. After completion of the bridge it is planned -that Monster Road will be re- aligned onto the trestle and clearances will be provided to avoid any obstruction to traffic at this point. The traffic pattern in the area will be under surveillance and any action taken as necessary to relieve the situation in the racetrack area. -2- f Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-15-64 COMMUNICAT IONS: A letter was read',, directed to Maybr. Custer from P. J> McKay, District Engineer, Skate Highway Dep'aftment, outlining problems discussed at meeting -on 11-17-64 at City Hall as follows: 1. Talbot Road from Grady Way South to Benson Highway- Estimate for four-laning Talbot Road was approximately $70,000 which included -four 12' lanes and using 6' shoulders and reinforced concrete pipe in lieu of present ditch, two manholes and four catch basins to handle drainage. Two 18' culverts would have to be extended. The embankment construction, surfacing and paving amount to about $25,000. Deducting the cost of the work yet remaining would leave a total of about $60,000 in construction to be, shared by the City and -the Developer. 2. North Renton Interchange - Possibility of limiting the City's share to not mor, than $400,000, the amount of the Bond Issue will have to be a determination- of the Stat,,,. Highway Commission but would be a new procedure for the State to do this. A decision will .be requested on the matter. 3. ' South 153rd Street Extension Westerly from Longacres to SSH 2-M - This extension would create some problems which would be costly to overcome if standard clearances of -the railroad crossings are to be observed. .4. Renton to Longacres Paving Project - Investigation was made of lack of effort to get this paving project under way and information received indicates that the sub- grade was not ready for paving until after the November rains had saturated the grade., and the grading project has not yet been accepted. S. Location of SSH 2-M Reconnaissance. Inquiry was made as to planning by the surveyors on the south side of -the Cedar River just east of 405 as the State's men have. not been working in that area. 4. . Lha�nelization of SSH 1-L at 87th Avenue South - This is being left until SR405 is opened next fall (1965) to see if it is really needed. Another letter from P. J. McKay, directed to the Mayor, was. read submitting prints and sepia reproducible of proposed design and right-of-way for the North Renton Inter-' change. The City was requested to provide information outlined therein which is needed -to determine final design for chose portions to be constructed with City funds. The Bureau of Public Roads has not yet approved the preliminary designs as requested by the City of Renton nor has the Headquarters office of the State Highway Commission, however, it was recommended that proceedings be commenced in preparation of an agree- ment at this time, revisions not affecting the limits of construction to be performed with Cityy_ State and Federal funds and final payment based on actual costs. An estimate of $337,000 was given as the City's share which does not include any costs for the proposed pedestrian crossing, construction southerly from 11 Avenue North or for purchase of the necessary rights-of ways. This cost was based on elimination of -t-he proposed street under the railroad overcrossing; provision for a' 40 ft. street to increase the total an estimated $64,000.00. A stage construction plan at reduced cost was proposed if City funds are not sufficient, however, it was believed to be essential that the plan provide for three westbound traffic lanes westerly of the interchange if two westbound lanes are to be constructed on PSH No. 2-RE easterly from the interchange. Mayor Custer advised of meetings held subsequently with the State Highway Department representatives and of the fact that the City Engineering Department is working on the information requested, which will be available For presentation to the State at an early date. The pedestrian ramp was discussed and minimum cost was estimated at $50,000.00 and City Engineer Wilson stated- he had advised the State if they would provide for the portion within the interstate we would provide the connections. Also,the $400,000.issue had -been based upon estimates provided by the State which was in the sum of $337,000 and included acquisition of right-of-ways and widening o the road beneath the structure which ,was now being deleted, in concern for limitation of costs. Mayor Custer advised he had submitted the previous communications to keep the Council apprised of the matters• concerning the City's right-of-ways. �A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted report of the State Highway Commission, C. G. Prahl, Director of Highways, acknowledging problem which has de,�el9ped on South 153rd Street where overcrossing of the railroad tracks is under construction,,and obstru ion of the right-of-way owned by the City has been brought to attention. The District Engineer has taken action regarding the matter and will follow through on the -problem in order that it may be satisfactorily solved as soon as practical. A letter from Mrs. Margaret W. Evans, Acting Secretary, Windsor Hjlls Community Club, Inc.,, called attention to presentation of the new proposed Land,nP se Map to be made by the Planning Commission December 23rd and to -the fact ihat,the, Dobson-Cugini property zoning from R-1 to R-4 had been protested by -the Club,'s petition which had been signed by .117 home owners who felt anything over R-3,.was' e� cessive The Petition had been referred to' the Planning Commission for recommendation and it was .felt that no action should be taken on the Land Use Map until the report has -been received and acted upon by the Council.. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-14-64 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from the Planning Commission was read which requested concurrence by the Council in the findingjthat the manufacturing of concrete products is not an allowable use under the existing Ordinance in regard -co L-1 zoning. The Council was advised by the Mayor that the administratinn had previously determined this finding to be correct and action was taken accordingly. This letter from the Commission would only serve to clarify the situation. Attorney Roger Lewis, on invitation to speak,advised that the height limitation and horsepower restrictions were not being violated by his client, Renton Concrete Products, and they were by right entitled to the building permit requested. Attention was called to written protests received from property owners in the area of the proposed project, and after further discussion by the Council, it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert to concur in the finding of the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Domenic Rockey requested separation of her property from that of the City of Renton Parking Area on Wells Street inasmuch as persons state that they have already paid for their parking as the meters appear to be in her lot. It was requested also that the City place some gravel in her parking lot to replace that washed away due to the slope between the lots occurring when the city parking meters were installed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the letter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. Dwight Pack advised of interest of two firms to locate light manufacturing shops in Renton on the property leased by Lepack Veneer Company, at 714 [Jest 1%7aterway, from the City. It was pointed out by Mr. Pack that such business would bring in a large number of people and add to the payrolls, utilities and taxes of the City and although other cities have offered them land, they have chosen Renton because of the airstrip and Boeing Company. It is Mr. Pack's desire to aid in the financing; and building of the new facilities, however, transfer of the lease would be necessary inasmuch as the funds of the Lepack Company are exhausted. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. City Attorney Shellan suggested that the Committee confer with the City Treasurer, the City Clerk and himself prior to acting on this matter inasmuch as the Company which was leasing the property was now non-solvent and the subject lease had been terminated for delinquent payment. The Lease had been inherited by the City from the Commercial Waterway District, upon its dissolution, in 1951 and covered a ten year period with a fifteen year optiop. The Boeing Company had expressed interest in leasing this land some time ago and Mr. Pack had also offered them the lease at one time. It was suggested that the Property Committee give consideration to this and other inquiries during its deliberations. The pending motion was subsequently carried. A letter was read from Mayor Custer submittirg for approval of the Council, a proposed Employment Contract between the City of Renton (through its Library Board) and Johnston-Campanella & Company, Architects, for professional services in preparing plans, drawings and specifications relating to a new municipal library building, approximately 20,000 square feet in size, to be located in the vicinity of Liberty Park. Said Contract to include all services usually performed by an architect in a building project of this nature. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the proposed Contract to the Committee cf the Whole. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NE!' BUSINESS: Council President Poli announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on ... Thursday, December 17th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. It was suggested that those Councilmen who were absent be notified of the meeting. -4- i S8 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1�-14-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from the John Graham and Company, G. R. Cysewski, Director, advised of factors Which prohibit delivery of the printed brochures of the Renton Central Pusiness Districtbefore the first of January. The City's cooperation and patience was ,requested. A letter from R. A. Schafer, President, Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce= mads recommendation that the City Engineering Department make a cost and feasibility study on -the Logan/Smithers Street Arterial proposal connecting the North Renton Interchange and Talbi t Road at Grady Way. It was anticipated that this may become a major Np' rth- South Artierial Street for connecting the residential area with the commercial aped indus- trial seption of the City. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer -the letter to the Street and Alley Committee, the City Engineer and the Street Commissioner to report back. arried. PROCLAn1ION Mayer Custer declared the month of December, 1964 as Renton International Aviation Month, hgnoring, in conjunction with proclamations by the President of the United States, and Governor of the State of Washington, the twentieth anniversary of the signing on December 7, 1944 at the Convention in Chicago, document creating the Internatiopal Civil Aviation; Organization (ICAO). Mayor Custer invited -the Renton Aero Space Manufacturing Industry., its associates, suppliers, and other interested organizations and individuals to take full cognizance of the importance of this month and to observe same in euch manner as each may find appropriate and fitting. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Cougcilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, submitted his .report which waf read by the Clerk recommending installation of the following street lights: Four 7 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on 86th Avenue North - North from South 132n4 Street. Three 20;000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on Rainier Avenue North - North from So. 122nd St. One 70W Lumen Mercury Vapor Light on 89th Avenue South at 15013 One 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light on So. 150th St. - Pole No. 8817 Two 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights at 5th Place and 132nd Ave. S.E. Two 7000'Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on frontage road South of Freeway on Talbot"Road One 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights on East Valley Highway at South 180th Street Two 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights and install two poles at intersection of 87th Ave. South and Renton Junction Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the installations as recommended. The motion carried. 1 Councilman Delaurenti called attention to a street light authorized along ,the Talbot Road extension where people have to walk in the darkness and requested the Clerk to remind Puget Sopnd Power and Light Company that the installation had not yet been made. Mayor Custer advised that the lights had been approved but there is a lack of poles and the matter of placement yet to be considered. Coypcilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted -his report recommending that the request of Sherwin Williams Co. by R. L. Windom, to place garbage �dumpster in the alley behind the store at 601 - 3rd Avenue be approved 'under supervi§ion of the Street Commissioner. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carred. Regarding request of Olympic Pipe Line Company to install additional pipeline, it was the recommendation of the Committee that the request be granted and installations be made within the Franchise Agreement provisions, and under City Supervisions Moyed by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, reported that the request of the Kennydale Lions Club to sell Xmas trees in the Highlands was approved. Regarding request of E. T. Nelson, Maple Leaf Restaurant, for dance hall license, the Committee recommended that the request be granted and license allowed past experience with this party having always been favorable. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in -the recommendation. Carried. -5- i Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-14-64 TOLT40IL'tOMMITTEE REPORTS NF'a BUST11TSS: Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Auditing and Accounting Committee had approved Vouchers 7134 through 7289 and payment was recommended. Moved by Morris, <seconded by Schellert, to approve the vouchers and that warrants be drawn for payment thereof. Carried. Mayor Custer declared a recess at this time. After the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton which was read by the City Clerk amending Section 8-309, Sub-paragraph (A) of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordira nces of the City of Renton" relating to rated for garbage collections. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinarjce be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, "it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, that Ordinance No. 2126 be adopted as read. After discussion on the 25¢ reduction and the new sweeper budgeted to replace the oldtone Snd costs involved in the clean-up of streets by the City, roll call vote was taken with 411 Council Members voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee Chairman presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 3-206 and 3-232 of Title III (Departments) of Ordinance NQ. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to installation fees and water rates which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, '. that the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the Second and final reading, roll call vote was taken and resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, tchellert, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Dahlquist. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Menton, Washington fixing the 11th day of January, 1965 at 8: 00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers as the time and place for hearing on the petition for vacating a portion of an alley in Block 8, Car Works Addition to the City of Renton. After reading of the proposed Resolution, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution Yo.1278 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a pto''64", d{ Resolution of the City of Kenton, Washington Approving the Final Plat of Aloha` Ranch (Robert Shane Property) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to adopt Resolution No. 1279 as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution was read authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to transfer the follow )ag Planning Director - 1700 - Funds: from:Maintenance and Operation, Account 306, $120.00; M. & 0. Acct. 314, $708.00; M. & 0. Acct. 417, $122.00. Unto: Planning Director - Acct. 110, Salaries and Wages, $950.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution 1280 as read. Carried. F A Resolution was presented by the Committee and read by the Clerk authorizing transfer of Street Maintenance Funds, Acct. 3240, as follows: From: Maintenance and pperation 417, $3,897.19, Unto: Maintenance and Operation 315, $3,897.19. Moved by Voli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1281 as read. Carried. Resolution was read releasing $27,000.00 Statewide City Employees Retirement matching funds, pursuant to R.C.W. 41.44.200,, 'to be;'held by Statewide -,Id subsequently to be applied on future charges made against the City, as provided by law. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1282 as read. Carried. Mayor Custer announced a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee with Mr. Lang of Metro pn Thursday, December 17th at 10:00 a.m. and City Attorney Shellan was requested to be present. I Audience comment was invited and as there was none, nor further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p .m. There were 16 visitors in the Chambers. -6- r 90 December 14, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER TdUT�ER PAYEE ATIOUNT CURT2,T;T MID 7134 Gordon Lee Allpress 2.40 7135 American Public Works Asgoc. 10.00 7136 Avis Rent-A-Car System 49.50 7137 Boumenthal Uniform Co. 15.20 713 Book Publishing Co. 5.55 7139 Burnrite Oil Co. 164.59 7140 City of Renton 459.65 7141 TUal1.y Clarke Fuel Oils 112.30 7142 L. N. Curtis & Sons 175.19 7143 D. T. Custer 65.55 7144 Jeanette Dahlquist 3.64 7145 Davidson Sales & Service 174,36 7146 Charles J. Delaurenti 74.25 7147 James Denzer 5.16 714u Dictaphone Corp. 26.00 7149 Diesel Oil Sales 135.70 7150 Group Health Coop 144.00 7151 Harper Brush Works 7.49 7152 Donald Eugene Hines 2.40 7153 Dora Holmes 68.22 7154 Holmes Electric Co. 61.16 7155 James ?-Nilson Jones 2.40 7156 K9 Prescription Pharmacy 72.64 7157 Keller Supply Co. 3.75 715u, King Co. Medical Service 753.60 7159 The Linoleum Shop 24.2 ; 7160 Market Basket ,`-3 27.55 7161 Gwen Tiarshall 1.41 7,162 Messer4s T.V. 239.15 7163 James Hiller 2.40 7164 Tionroe Calculating Machines 1.56 7165 moto'olaf C. & E. 1.04 7166 ITyers Oil Co. 43.69 7167 Nudelman Bros. 10.47 7160 Pacific N.?T. Bell 1025x.64 7169 George J. Perry 20.64 7170 Kenneth Russell Peterson 2.40 7171 Pioneer Business Forms 34.25 7172 F. Norton Pitt 70.73 7173 F. Morton Pitt 43.46 7174 Potoshnik Fuel Oils 363.56 7175 P.S.P. & L. 5,994.07 7176 John Racanello 6.00 7177 Remington-Rand 5.68 7170 Renton Auto Glass 14.59 7179 Oakland B. Rhodes 2.40 710`0 Howard E. Riggleman 2.40 710"1 Sylvester T. Schmidt 2.40 7102 Seattle Lumber Co. 40.47 713 Shaw Bros. Drug 41.50 7184 Smith Corona Iiarchanrt 141.1£3 71.;5 Trojan Lithograph 178.36 716 United Air Lines 135.00 71L7 State Tax Commission 3.45 7185 W/T City Treas. - Street 509,30 7189 IIT City Treas. - Current 1.72 7190 I'I/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 275.71 7191 U/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 2,022.25 7192 ?Testinghouse Electric 21.r,2 7193 iTestlake Electronic Supply 148.41 7194 ?•,Tilliams & Swanson 3,60 City of Renton Vouchers Continued December 14, 1964 CITY STREET FUND 7195 American Public 11orks Assoc. 10.00 7196 Group Health Coop 50.50 7197 King Cao Medical Service 134.58 719C Lande Feed Co. 3.85 7199 Motorola C. & E. 21.98 7200 Pacific N. T. Bell 24.74 CURRENT FUND 7201 P. S. P. & L. 493.50 CITY STREET FUND ' 7202 City of Renton 4.00 7203 Rudd Paint & Varnish 16.56 7204 State Tax Commission 1.80 7205 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 448.65 7206 ?1/T City Treas. - Equip* Rental 72'.05 7207 ?TIT City Treas. - Water ITorks 165.45 CEDAR RIT Q iI. & I. FUND 7201 King Co. Medical Service x.15 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 7209 P. S. P. & L. 17.54 _ EQUIPHEN^1 RENTAL FUND 7210 B & B Auto Parts 27.62 "J 7211 Cox Machinery Co. 615.50 7272 Dragerss Harley-Davidson 37.05 7213 Feenaughty Machine Co. 2.75 7214 Group Health Coop 24.00 7215 Hallgren Co. 11.23 7216 Homelite 9.72 7217 Kennyvs Auto Upholstery 16.64 7218 King Co. Tiedical Service 20.47 7219 C. K. Tire Store 4.40 7220 Renton Automobile Co. 37.93 7221 Renton Motor Parts 121.35 7222 State Tax Commission 3.65 7223 Tool Crib Co. 741.50 7224 W/T City Treas. - Current .18 7225 1,VT City Treas. - Streets 174.00 7226 1,111liams & Swanson 3.24 LIBRARY FUND 7227 Diesel Oil Sales 165.13 7220 Frederick L Nelson 5.15 7229 Gaylord Brothers 518.47 7230 Group Health Coop 5.50 7231 Hartmanvs Book Store 1.30 7232 King Co,: Medical 53.50 7233 iarquis - lftfs lho, Inc. 47.15 7234 Overall Cleaning 2.50 7235 Pacific N.W. Bell 63.01 7236 Paulson Office Supply 4.01 7237 Record Stationery 23.97 723U. Charles Scribnerts Sons 30.76 7239 University of ITashington Press 11.39 7240 tiTash. State Tax Commission 3.09 A City of Renton Vouchers Continued December 14, 1964 PARC FUND 7241 B & B Auto Parts 52.90 7242 Diesel Oil Sales 5.40 7243 Fire Chief Lquip. 79.75 7244 H.- D. Fowler Co. 144.44 7245 Group Health Coop 24.00 7246 King Co. Iiedical 90.05 7247 National Recreation Assoc. 25.00 ..J 7248 Pacific N.?T. Bell 91.43 7240, J. C. Penny Co; 131.30 7250 P. S. P. &. L. 306.15 7251 City of Renton 59.44 7252 Renton Plumbing e- Heating 20.0`0 7253 Van ','aters & Rogers 60&.71 7254 Victor Fuel Oils 33.07 7255 IYT City Treas. - Equip. rental 125.48 7256 IT/T City Treas. - equip. Rental 25.67 7257 II/T City Treas. - Streets 15.00 ?TATER ?TOMS UTILITY FUND 725u, B & B Auto Parts 19,72 7259 G. H. Culver, City Treas. 908.00 7260 Fog Tite Meter Seal Co. 118.92 7261 Group Health Coop 48.00 7262 Hersey-Sparling I-ieter Co. 7.80 7263 Keller Supply Co. 19.77 7264 Icing Co. Medical 155.45 7265 Ivlesserss T.V. 1.66 7266 Motorola C &7, E. 17,42 7267 I,iunicipality of Metropolitan ,Seattle 17,698000 726C Pacific N.11. BelT 126.Oe 7269 Pacific 11ater ITorks Supply 1,703.03 7270 P. S. P. & L. 2,479.44 7271 City of Renton 4.0'0 7272 Renton Boiler YTorks 46.£30 7273 Smith Corona Iiarahant 36,40 7274 State Tax Commission 1,214.02 7275 Trojan Lithograph 33.80 7276 I%I/T City Treas. - Current 29723,40 7277 W/T City Treas. - _:,quip. Rental 2.87 7273T/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 1,566.04 7279 tiI/T City Treas. - Streets 102.00.. 7200 IrTestern Utilities Supply 196.56 AI ZPOIU FU dT 72u1 G. H. Culver; City Treas. 8.65 7202 Holmes Electric Co. 34.16 7203 King Co. IIedical 24,45 7284 !,�yers Oil Co. 9,73 7205 P. S. 'P, & L, 230.61 726 City-of Renton 10,44 72u7 Trojan Lithograph 33.80, 728 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 63.50 720`9 TIP City Treas. - equip. Rental .78 la 41;��, Y Custer, Mayorfelmie elson, City MrV RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. December 21, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. Gd. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF CC'JI:CIL IEMBERS: Poli, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry, Hulse, Gianini, Pede 'sen, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the absent Council Mlembers be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AID D--PARTMENT HE^')S PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Da�othea Gossett, City Treasurer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C_ Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Marcella H .ilgen, Librarian, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Bob Puhich, Utility Department, Vern Church, Purchase Agent. APPLTCATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9944 $ 255,000.00 Suburban Dodge 12601 Rainier Ave. So. Auto S=ales Office 45 6,200.00 Dan Davis Corp. 211 Morris Street Wire Comm'l. Bldg. 46 400.00 William McCready 2220 - 10th Ave. No. Electric Heat 47 1,700.00 Renton Shopping Center - Rainier Ave. So. Wire Laundromat 48 350.00 Weathers Builders 12411 - 132nd Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 49 50.00 Pacific N.td. Bell 12th No. & Sunset Blvd. Wire Phone Booth 9950 50.00 Pacific N.',.'. Bell 11549 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Phone Booth 51 50.00 Pacific N.';). Bell 3006 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Phone Booth PLUMBI1\00 & F%ATT_";G RRMITS: 6879 - - Campbell Nursing Home 13265 - 91st Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 80 - - - Dan Davis Corp. 211 Morris Street Plumbing Fixtures --• 81 - - - Dwight W. Koch 2808 - 6th Ave. No. Gas Installations 82 - - - Carl ':night 504 Cedar Street Gas Installations 83 - - - J. W. Allan 419 So. Williams St. Gas Installations 84 - - - I'. W. Adkisson 3422 - 5th Ave , E. Plumbing Fixtures Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 14, 1964 be approved as written. Discussion ensued wherein Councilman Gianini and Councilman Pedersen advised they had reported by telephone that they would be unable to be present at the previous meeting. Mr. Pedersen's conversation with the Mayor and Mr. Gianini's with Mrs. Dahlquist were discussed after which it was pointed out that the absent Councilmen had all been excused at the previous meeting and the pending motion was subsequently carried. OPEi111i1G O- 3IL�S: 1965 Legal Publications This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: The Renton Enterprise lst Insertion $0.74 Subsequent Insertions $0.69 The Record-Chrcnicle 1st Insertion $0.75 2nd Insertion $0.70 Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the bid be awarded to the low bid of Renton Enterprise. Carried. ,r.. HEARING: Fred Callen et al appeal-rezone decision pursuant to Ordinance No. 1840 and Land Use Map discrepancies This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open and audience comment was invited. Mr_ Fred Callen, 923 Sunset Blvd. addressed the assembly recalling events leading up to the present request for hearing when it was discovered that the Land Use Map did not reflect the change of zoning effected in Ordinance 1840. -1- 94 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-21-64 HEARING: Fred Callen et al (cont.) Upon request,Planning Director Jensen outlined the subject area on a Land Use r.up which indicated Multiple Residence zoning for this property, which the Planning Commission, in view of the substantial amount of business zoning in the Highlands and proximity of this property; had consequently approved, not wanting to encourage spot or strip zoning any further than necessary. An overlay designated the zoning proposed and property in question, and the zoning if ;ranted would be in conflict with the land use map as presently in existence and with the new one to be proposed in the near future. It was pointed out that Ordinance 18210 in effect had rezoned the Callen and Weed properties but that the Joe Keuffler property would need to be deleted inasmuch as it was arbitrarily added without his signatory consent. Mr. Frank Zanatta had signed the driginal petition but wanted his zoning unchanged when he became aware of restrictions which would be imposed upon his property. Mr. Callen, Mr. [geed, and Martin E. Evans for St. Mathews Lutheran Church had petitioned for rezone and correction of the Ordinance per understanding from prior Council discussion of the matter on 11-9-64, and properties thereby included would be lots 5, 6 and 59. The Commission had denied the request which in effect would be for St. Mathews Church, the others being rezoned,and letter was read appealing the decision. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that the action would have to be taken Nunc pro tune - dated retroactive to time original action was taken - so as not to require amending the recently adopted land use map and that accordingly the properties will contij-"ue to function as a non-conforming use of B-Leven in the event of adopting a new land use map. After further discussion regarding opinions of where the B-1 zoning should be extended, recent development of the area with Multiple and single family dwelling projects, and possible courses of action to be taken, it was moved by Morris and seconded by Delaurenti, to close -the hearing. The motion carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist that Ordinance No. 1840 be repealed. Dis- cussion revealed that the intent of purpose would not be accomplished by this action and City Attorney Shellan advised the Ordinance should be amended as repealing would kill it completely and if property owners have believed -their property zoned B-1 for the past 42 years the only thing to do at this time is to act Nunc pro tune and go back on the grounds that the description was incorrect and should be corrected, the amending ordinance if adopted would then allow continued B-1 non-conforming use. Hulse, with consent of second withdrew the motion and it was subsequently moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist to amend Ordinance 1840 for the purpose of correctinb the legal description of the properties limiting same to properties legally petitioned -therefor. Inquiry followed as to whether this then would include the St. Mathew Church NEW property and as some doubt was expressed Dahlquist withdrew her second to the motion and Mayor Custer ruled that the motion was lost for lack of second. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry that Ordinance No. 1840 he amended to include property that was legally included in the original rezone. The- Clerk read the legal description and it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Pederson to include lot 5. Councilman Hulse stated that since the property owners -thought they had a legal re'7one in 1960, in all fairness that property should be included but that inasmuch as the B-1 zoning is contrary to the land use map he did not think it should be extended to add to the non-conforming use area. Question was called and upon dissenting voice vote and rule by the Chair that the amendment tb�:the•.mdtion iiaas carried, roll call vote was requested as required and resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini and Pedersen. No: Hulse, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Mayor Custer cast an aye vote carrying the amendment. Garrett inquired of the Planning Director and City Attorney whether this constitutes spot zoning and received affirmative reply and it was pointed out that spot zoning exists presently and will eventually as well. Councilman Hulse stated the land use map should be used to determine whether zoning is good for the City and the opinion of the Planning Commission considered for systematic employment thereof. It was pointed out that no protests from residents of the area had been made. Whether the Church property owners thought their zoning is forB-1 was questioned. Moved by Pedersen that vote be taken on thependng. motion. Dahlquist seconded the motion and upon carry, it was pointed out that if voted down they could start all over. The Mayor, upon dissenting voice vote ruled that the motionas amended carried. Roll call was requested as required and resulted as follows: Lye: Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen and Delaurenti. No: Poli, Hulse, SchellertGarrett, Perry and Morris. Six no votes and four aye votes were cast and the motion lost. After inquiry regarding why church property was left out of the original rezone it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that Ordinance 1840 be amended to show legal descriptions of Lots 5, 6 and Tax lot 59 for rezone -to B-1. Mayor Custer pointed out that Lot 5 is the Church property, Lot 6 Callen property and Lot 59 the Saeed property. Mr. Garrett inquired as to what difference this motion is from his and what the end result would be if different and it was pointed out that it was felt his motion would include the Kueffler and Zanatta properties. Mr. Shellan was requested to clarify the intent of the motion and suggest a proper motion. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-21-64 HEARING: Fred Callen et al (coni.) Mr. Shellan stated the question to be whether the church possibly knew of the rezone in 1960 and was willing -to go along but inadvertently omitted, if so and they were willing to so indicate to the City then Ordinance 1340 might be amended and dated back to 1960 as no new petition could be cnnsidered in view of the comprehensive land use map and it would be in conflict. So, if some indication from the church night evidenced action could be taken accordingly. The Clerk re-read the letter appealing for the rezone signed by the Church representative, Mr. Callen and Mr. Weed and Mr. Jensen advised that the former Minister, Rev. Marr, had indicated their desire to put a nursing home on the church property, dependent upon the pact that the property was zoned for Business and although i-t was unknown why, in -the final analysis it was not zoned, this might reflect that they did consider it %o be B-1. It being established that the original petition was thought to include the church property, question on the pending motion to amend Ordinance 1840 to correct the legal description and include Lots 5, 6 and Tax Lot 59 in the B-1 zoning, was called for and subsequently carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer Milson submitted and recommended for payment, Estimate No. 1 of work performed to December 16th by General Pipeline Construction Co. on L.I.D. 252, S.E. 112th and 114-th Ave. S.E. Sanitary Sewers, in the sum of $10,065.15. A letter read from City Clerk Nelson advised of the necessary accounting trans- actions and warrants required at this time on L.I.D. 252 as follows: t,larrant No. 1, L.T.D. 252, Cash Fund, payable to General Pipeline Construction Co. in sum of $10, 065.15; and Warrant No. 1, L.I.D. 252, Revenue Fund, payable to Firements Pension Fund which is funding the project, in the sum of $10,065.15 with interest at 4.75%. Concurrence was requested, and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer and request of the City Clerk as read. Carried. A letter was read from City Engineer"Wilson submitting and recommending for payment the City Clerk's and Engineering Department costs for the South Renton Storm Sewer project, as follows: Clerk's Publication Costs $ 26.10 Engineering Costs 1Y041.36 Total $1,067.96 Final costs including the above and $18.t3t.75 construction costs previously paid amounts to a total of $19,603.71. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Engineer f•?ilson reported acceptance by the Engineering Depart- ment on December 15, 1964 of the work completed by L.D.L. Land Development Company on -the 3rd Avenue North Extension Storm Sewer Contract. Acceptance by the Council as of December 21, 1964 was recommended along with payment from the Arteria. Street Fund of final construction cost as follows: Construction Cost, $26,400.08, less 10% Retained, $2,640.01; amount due contractor this date, $23,760.07. It was further recommended that if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, the retained amount be paid. In addition -to the construction costs, the Engineering costs of $1,817.08 were recommended for payment from the Arterial Street Fund. Total costs of this project, $28,245.97. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in -the recommendations as read with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from Attorney Lewis on behalf of his client Renton Concrete products, reported grievance to action of =the Engineer in issuing a stop work order and the determination of the Planning Commission in its application of the zoning ordinance and appeal notice to all persons concerned was thereby given. Mayor Custer requested permission to correct the letter 'to read that the Buildin; Director issued the stop work order and not the Engineer. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the date of December 28th be set for hearing on the matter. Carried. -3- 96 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-21-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, was read requesting permission to call for bids for two motorcycles and four automobiles in lieu of three motorcycles as budgeted. Discussion ensued inasmuch as bid call has been published for three motorcycles. City Attorney Shellan advised that the specifications should state the change and that they supersede any published bid call as to the number. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, that the Purchasing Agent be directed to send out the specifications for two motorcycles with notice of number of units as suggested. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of calling for bids for police passenger cars be referred to the Police and License Committee for recommenda- tion. Carried. A letter from Gerhardt C. Graep, President, Association of Washington Cities, submitted statement of annual service fee for the year 1965 which the Clerk reported amounted to $.048 per capital on population of 20,600 and $200.00 Membership ttalling, $1,188.80 which will be payable from the 1965 budget. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris to recess. After the recess, roll call- was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Council President Poli submitted his Committee of the Whole Report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: 1. Recommended that Mr. Gottstein's offer to the City of land for park purposes be referred to the Property Committee to report back on negotiations. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. Recommended to concur in the Citizen's Advisory Committee request for consideration of a cost and feasibility study by the City Engineering Department on the iaidening_of _ Second Avenue- to five lanes from Main Street to Logan Street to determine acquisition, costa, etc. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 3. Recommended that the City Planner be directed to complete an economic and physical parking plan and a comprehensive off-street parking plan for the City. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. Recommended that the Mayor forward copies of the Johnston-Campanella architectural contract for the new Municipal Library building to each of -the City Council members. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Commitee, submitted his Committee Report which was read as follows: Relative to the Lease on the City Property to Mr. B. A. Porter now being utilized as a parking lot, it was recommended that the Lease be extended for one year on the same terms and conditions as the previous extension. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the request of Mr. Pack to transfer the City's Lease on West Waterway property be denied and that the Council concur in the action taken by the Mayor, City Attorney and City Treasurer to cancel the lease and to continue action to collect all rent in arrears. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the reoommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his reports with action taken as follows: Regarding the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce recommendation that the Mayor and Council authorize a cost and feasibility study to be made by the City Engineering Department on the Logan-Smithers Street Arterial proposal connecting the North Renton Interchange and Talbot Road at Grady Way, the Committee recommended that the request be granted. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Regarding requests of Mrs Rockey for separation of her property from the City Parking Lot and gravel to prevent drainage onto her property which has washed away her gravel, it was recommended that a rail be installed and t1,.at the Street Commissioner check the drainage situation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. -4- 37 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-21-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Mayor Custer announced that the information requested from the City Engineer regarding 12th Avenue North and the North Renton Interchange has been prepared and submitted to the State. NVI BUSINESS: Councilman Gianini stated in regard to the proposed Library contract with Johnston-Campanella that he did not feel the architect should handle the awarding of fixtures as they will be charging 8% for the service which might otherwise be `., less costly or free of charge, Mayor Custer advised that the Library Board has jurisdiction and question has been raised as to whether this should be handled by the architects. Attorney Shellan recalled his explanation at previous discussions and recommendation that the architectural services be limited to the construction. It was pointed out that suitable supply houses could be found who can make connections and provide fixtures. Councilman Pedersen recommended -chat- the matter of the Contract be brought before the Council at this time and the Chair advised a proper introduction would be reoognized at this time . Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor, City Clerk and Library Board be authorized to execute the contract on the new municipal library with Johnston- Campanella. Councilman Schellert inquired whether the motion included Addendum ##1 and Councilman Garrett advised his intent was to include -t-he contract as mailed to everyone. Councilman Pedersen inquired of City Attorney Shellan as to whom is responsible for the calling of bids and awarding of the contract for the construction of the library. City Attorney Shellan advised of the understanding between the Library Board and Council that all matters and approval of specifications, plans, bids and any changes involving money will have to have prior approval of the City Council, the opening of the bids will be done at the regular business meeting of the Council with the Library Board present and the bid call will undoubtedly be referred to the Committee of the Council. The Architects, Library Board and Council will have to approve the bid award and the Library Board, Mayor and. City Clerk will have to sign the contr_^ct. Councilman Pedersen stated there should be a definite understanding as to who calls for bids. Mr. Shellan stated this to be a matter between the City Council and Library Board, the architects being hired as professional persons to mow perform professional services under the contract including drawings and specifications for information for the bids among others. Councilman Pedersen pointed out sections of the contract not clearly defined and 13 which provides for additional remuneration for copies of specifications required over and above -those to be furnished under terms of the agreement and no specific number being stated. it was pointed out that the number required would not be determined at this point and that in any contract such as this extra copies are additional. Councilman Garrett advised he had made the motion in order to allow anyone to recommend any changes and amendment was in order as desired. Upon inquiry as to number of specs to. be required, City Engineer Gilson advised that each prospective bidder would need one however if the architects .supply a reproducible the City could furnish any additional it might need. Pedersen proposed an amendment that the architects specify how many copies of the specifications they are going to provide which was not seconded nor recognized by the Chair as a motion. Question was called for on the pending motion . The motion carried. The Mayor called for further comment for clarification in order -that there will be no future misunderstanding. Councilman Schellert pointed out that the City will be spending more than $385,000 and quoted section of the contract wherein the City shall provide necessary, information regarding soil conditions , and stated that the Engineering Department has neither staff nor equipment to handle soil condition and a firm will very likely have .to be hired to provide such ,information under terms of the contract. Councilman Pedersen did not feel the contract was a binding one from his past experiences. It was further pointed out that the matter had been reviewed in Committee of the Whole last Thursday and the contract amended and .adjusted to a satisfactory point at that time, including a termination clause and it was felt the City was protected in all _items. It was suggested that the Library Board be advised that any plans or suggested changes be presented -to Council prior to action and it was pointed out that the Property Committee would be submitting any of the plans to the council and as a matter of form any addi- tional expenses would have to 'be by permission of council authorization. Dahlquist stated she did not feel justification .in letting a contract when the 'designation hay not been made, as to where the building will actually be located and inquired regarding purchase of additional property which Mayor Custer advised was a part of site 4. Councilman Perry stated the public in voting the issue had made decision as to its spanning the river as proposed. Councilman Hulse concurred and Gianini stated that there is so much money to-cover the contract and it should be up to -the architects to provide necessary plans at no extra cost. As there was no further discussion the next order of business was requested. -5-• 0s Minutes of 'he Renton City Council Meeting* 12 2V_61t COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NE`1 BUSINESS: A notice from the Association of t)ashington Cities j%,as submitted by Councilman Garrett along with copy of proposed annexation bill amending the annexation Jai and it was reouested that the Council refer the proposals to the Legislative Com- mittee for recommendation. ' Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported attendance on Friday at the Association 0 ' Washington Cities meeting from 10:00 a.m. to 6: 00 p.m. going over many items that will be proposed as the legislative program for the next session and this -as one item he would like the Legislative Committee recommendation on prior to voting. Councilman Perry inquired regarding whether the Library Board has given thought to extending the hours and it was pointed out that this will be a matter for the Board to work out and that the hours would probably be expanded. Dahlquist inquired whether consideration for purchase of the Alden See property for- the library has been given. Councilwoman Dahlquist moved that the matter of purchasinb property across the river to provide parking be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Gianini. It was pointed out that the Council as a rea y authorized an appraisal on the property and that the matter is in the Committee of the Whole at present. Vote on the pending motion resulted in negative majority and the Mayor declared the motion lost. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Fire and Water Committee had a proposed Ordinance revising the Cityts fire zones and presented same to the Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee for introduction-under that order of business later in the meeting. Mayor Custer at this time advised that he had planned to serve coffee and cookies following the meeting however inasmuch as the. hour. was: growing late he would have it served during the meeting and refreshments were served while the meeting progressed and were especially enjoyed at this hour, on this cold winters night, by one and all. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington establishing the position of Parking Meter Checker, Defining term of office, duties, authority, compensation, manner of appointment and removal, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, -that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, that Ordinance No. 2128 be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington adopting and establishing by reference certain Washington Traffic Statutes which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, -to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance 2129 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Chapter 1, entitled"Traffic Code" of Title X, of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2130 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington was proposed amending Chapter 3 (Fire Zones) of Title VII (Fire Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2131 as read. Roll call vote was taken and all Council Members voted aye carrying the motion. -6- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-21-64 ORDINANCES A14D RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton adopting "Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction" supplemental booklet (Refer to Resolution No. 1233) The Clerk read the proposed Resolution and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, co adopt Resolution No. 1283 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of -che City of Renton, Washington repealing Resolution #1208 (Section II) and accepting by Resolution a new Quit Claim Deed in order to accurately establish and define the right-of-way from Puget Sound Power and Light Company which was read by the Clerk (porton of 3rd Avenue North Extension). Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1284 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington, transferring Non-Departmental and Traffic Signal Funds as provided by law, Non- Departmental l`.'90, From - 311, Insurance, $2,032.34 , Unto - 201, Statewide, Social Security, $2,032.34, and Traffic Signals 3130, From - Salaries, 110, $380.00, Unto - Power, 313, $380.00.Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schel.lert, to adopt Resolution No. 1286 as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution was presented appropriating into the Budget revenues received in excess of anticipated funds, to-wit: From-Equipment Rental Fund excess unto Central Garage Department Funds - Acct. 110, Salaries and Wages, $3,900.00, 201, Social Security & SLatewide, $350.00, Acct. 202, Prepaid Medical, $75.00, 405, Fuel and Libricants, $500.00 and Acct. 409, Auto Parts, $6,000.00. Total, $10,825.00, as read by -he Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1285 as read. carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris and seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. President of the Council Poli, wished everyone a Mcrry Christmas, as did Mayor Custer and upon further greeting exchange, themeeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. .r -7- December 21, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VCUCHEPL UMMER PAYEE, AP OUNT CURRE11T FUND 7290 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 53.24 7291 Blumenthal Uniform Company 63.60 7292 Edwin Marion Brooks ' 2.40 7293 Cameron Elizabeth Brown 2.40 7294 Idm.' F. Davis --Roger TI. Davis 47.00 7295 Ear1Q-s Refrigeration and Appliance 291.20 7296 Howard Joseph Edmonds 2.40 7297 Marvel G. Edmonds 2.40 7290 General Aniline and Film Corp. 14.18 7299 General Electric Co. 620.20 7300 Frank Henry 21.87 7301 I.B.M. Corporation 33.35 7302 Nettie C. Irwin 2.40 7303 Kenneth Kindle 2.40 7304 McLendon Hardware 132.74 7305 Paulson 'Office Supply 176.44 7306 Mr. Charles J. Ruesfhenberg 2.40 7307 IZrs. Charles J. Rueschenberg 2.40 7308- Standard Oil Co. .75 7309 C. S. Uilliams 16.00 CITY STRLET FUND 7310 A. G. Elliott 191.70 7311 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 383.76 EQUIPI EMT RENTAL FUND 7312 Air iMac Inc. 42.63 7313 Interstate Tire Company 132.19 r 73114- McLendon Hardware 12.82 7315 Palmer Supply Company 3.64 7316 Shell Oil Company 1,180.99 7317 Sunset Coal and Oil Co. 35.29 PARE' FLUD l 7315 Belknap Glass Co. �4.S 7319 iIcL:endon Hardware 210.45 7320 I1Iorthwegt Mower &I iarine 171.18 7321 Polson 'Implement Co. 120.27 7322 Standard Oil Co. 147.78 7323 Sunset Coal Oil Co. 300.64 IJATER I,'OMQ UTILITY FUND 7324 IicLendon Hardware 61.92 7325 Palmer Supply Co. 13.42 7326 Paulson Office Supply 1.14 7327 Rainier 'Asphalt Paving Co. 38.38 7325 Puget Properties Inc. 2,947.70 7329 Puget Sound Title Insurance 31.20 7330 Standard Oil Co. 8.68. 7331 11/T City Treas. - Current 830.00 AIRPORT FUND 7332 Kline Builders 8,079.13 7333 I-J/T City Treas. Current 410.00 CUINLATIV2 FUND NO. 9050, DEPRECIATION RESERVE 7334 Air I iac Inc. 15628-53 CITY OF R ,TTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED DECEMBER 21, 1964 FIREIQ,JiS PENSION FUND 7335 A & H Drugs 15.54 7336 Austin--Hendrickson Pharmacy 8.11 7337 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 7338 T. K. Anderson 291.00 7339 James D. Hogan, K.D. 3.00 7340 KQs Prescription Pharmacy 25.43 7341 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 7342 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 7343 J. "C. Michel, II.D. 252.00 7344 North Renton Clinic 19.00 7345 L. "Patricelli, M.D. 15.00 7346 Karl Strom 25,00 L.I.D._ 252 CASH FUND 1 General Pipeline Construction 10,065.15 L.I.D._ 252 FZEVEITUE FUND 1 Firements Pension Fund 100065.15 AnTEIJAL STREET FUND 7347 L.D.L. Land Deve lopmerit 23P760.07 7 ` ?HJT City Treas. — Current 1,817.f)8 D. W. Cusler, Mayor , Mile W. Nelson, city MR "moo 0*1' RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. December 28, 1964 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 21, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Poli, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry, Hulse, Gianini, Pedersen, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Bob Pubich, Utility Department, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and James Highton, Building Director. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9952 $ 75000.00 Renton Village, Inc. 301 Grady Way Bank Building 53 1,750.00 Mr. Daran Francis 838 "P" Street Addition to Residence 54 10.00 Standard Stations 301 Grady Way Wire Service Stations 55 550.00 Conner Const. Co. 12723 - 86th Av. So. Wire Residence 56 500.00 Gene Forler 6323 - 87th Ave. So. Wire Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6885 - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12723 - 86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 86 - - - - Renton Shopping Center Bldg. C - Laundromat Gas Installations 87 - - - - Melvin Tappero 847 "M" Street Gas Installations 88 - - - - Renton Village 301 Grady Way Plumbing Fixtures OPENING OF BIDS Two (2) Police Motorcycles with trade-ins per specifications This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID SALES TAX TRADE-IN TOTAL BID Harley Davidson of Tacoma, Inc. $ 4,043.40 $ 161.74 $ 300.00 $ 3,904.74 19th and Fawcett Ave. - Tacoma Drager's Harley Davidson Co. 1207 Dexter Ave. - Seattle 9, 4,125.70 165.02 850.00 3,330.72 Bid Deposit Checks for 5% of the Total Bid accompanied each bid. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bids to the Police and License Committee and the Purchasing Agent with Power to Act. Carried. HEARING: Renton Concrete Products appeal of Planning Commission and Council decisions relative to use of property under existing zoning ordinance. Mayor Custer explained that the appeal was not on a request for a variance, rezone or such but a question of interpretations of the ordinance as they relate to L-1 and H-1 zoning and the hearing was declared open. It was pointed out that the hearing was not tc conducted on any action taken previously but simply on the statement of policy based up a the existing ordinance interpretations. Communications which had not been previously submitted were read at this time and included letter from Garvin, Ashley & Foster, William H. Ellis, Jr., on behalf of Mr. Ewing Stringfellow, owner of property at 627 Whitworth Lane, wherein it was concluded that the Planning Commission finding that the proposed construction does not meet with the zoning requirement was sustained by vote of the Council at its meeting of 12-14-64, and that the result is that no further work on the proposed construction will be allowed. It was requested that reply be given as to whether these conclusions are correct and that -the parties be notified if further consideration of the matter is to be given. -1- 103 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-28-64 HEARING: Renton Concrete Products Appeal (Cont.) A letter read from the Renton Village Company expressed concern over the batching plant construction upon observing construction activities at the site and requested to be notified of date of hearing. A letter from Albert L. Cooper, M.D., dated 12-22-64, expressed disturbed concern regarding the batching plant construction near 7th and Rainier Avenue and protested such construction inasmuch as the noise and dust would prohibit development of business which has been under consideration for some time,on either side of the subject property. am A Petition containing seventeen signatures of-property owners in the vicinity of the Renton Concrete Products plant expressed objection to any change in the City administration's policy which would allow for construction of a concrete aggregate batching plant at this location. It was felt that the Ordinance relating to L-1 zoning has been clearly interpreted, that the existing use is non-conforming and it has been the City's policy not to extend such use which installation would be detrimental to the area because of the heavy industrial character and nuisance factors inherent in a cement plant. It was asked that the appeal be denied. Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Roger Lewis, Attorney, addressed the assembly on behalf of Renton Concrete Products, presenting to each Council Member and Mayor Custer, by way of introduction and for complete information, a 15 page brief containing the nature of the appeal, chronology of events, list of exhibits and exhibits and the appeal. Mr. Lewis advised he would answer any inquiries he could and that Mr. Adams and several other interested persons were present with factual information which he might not have. Pictures were presented of the concrete products site and Mr. Lewis stated that the factors in the communications read by the Clerk were not exactly to be of matter as the hearing was to be primarily a matter of interpretation of what is allowed under L-1 as prescribed in the Renton Code of Ordinances, however, as evidenced in the photos, there is already in existence a concrete batching plant of the physical type proposed to be constructed and none of the protests specified that there is now a nuisance, dust nor other factors mentioned from the present operation. The present facility was described along with its surroundings which include a used car lot and wrecking yard, railroad line and other similar types of. usages, and is several hundred n.r feet from any retail establishment. In September an application was made for a Permit to build a 5 ft. fence and construct the batching plant which application was accepted and a permit issued on September 28. Certain work was performed under this permit and upon complaint,and investigation by the City,stop work order was issued, Planning Commission recommendation requested and the Company advised that the stop work order would be lifted. They proceeded to sand blast preparatory to painting the equipment and batch plant tower now present at the site. A subsequent stop work order was issued and the Company requested to apply for a special permit or variance, the lifting of stop work order being effective only as to the foundation under. construction. Upon review of the matter by Renton Concrete Products, Western Sand and Gravel and Attorney Lewis, it was concluded that the batching plant, as proposed, was an allowable use under L-1 zoning and a special permit or variance would not be a necessary condition and that a renewed demand for lifting of the Stop Work Order on the original permit or issuance of a new permit was to be submitted to the City. Subsequent Planning Commission determination that the batching plant as proposed with limitations was not an allowable use under L-1 and the administration and Council concurred that the Stop Work order not be lifted. It was pointed out that the construction would not exceed the 35 ft. height limit nor operate with larger than 5 horsepower motor and would in fact comply with the ordinance which allows such uses as automobile manufacturing and wineries and distilleries which have an offensive odor and it was emphasized that if a proper interpretation were made and a proper evaluation the construction as requested in the S -ptember 28th Permit Application should be allowed. It was felt that the Planning Commission recommendation was based upon future planning and not as L-1 exists in the presently codified ordinance. Mr. Robert Wing, with Renton Village Company whose main office is located in the Arcade Building in Seattle, displayed an aerial photo of the area in the general vicinity and surrounding the Renton Concrete Products Company site and the acreage to the South now under development (234 acres). The Council was requested, in its determination of interpretation as to what is permitted under L-1 and H-1 under the Code,to consider the-*- concern- of the developer and his tenants sstn the effects a major concrete batching plant in such close proximity might have, especially in the summer when the prevailing winds would carry the dust south to the development and into the windows of the Renton Inn Hotel, which was outlined on the photo. It was recognized that the plant has been in operation but has been used for production of bricks,falling within the L-1 limitations and it was pointed out that the proposed plant represents a major expansion changing the dlaracter of the operation which effects as anticipated are cause for concern. -2- 104 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-28-64 HEARING: Renton Concrete Products Appeal Mr. John Sylvester of Lycette, Diamond & Sylvester Law Offices, on behalf of Mr. Diambri and Mr. Frank Bonnell, called attention to written protest to the proposed construction and again affirmed their protest to the project, upholding the interpreta- tion rendered by the City that this is an improper use under L-1 zoning. It was maint^r^?' that the Council should heed advice of its professional planning staff on the matter. Mr. Lewis stated that with the planned facilities all types of dust would be stifled and that if wineries and distilleries were allowed the concrete products plant would present no problem of odor and felt they were in compliance with L-1 zoning under the existing ordinance. Inquiry was made as to whether qualifications relative to the 5 H.P.M. were to be met and Mr. Lewis affirmed same stating they were subject to abatement as violating the permit otherwise. Mr. Paul Smith of Western Sand and Gravel stated that in Tukwila and Kent a batching plant is allowed as a use under L-1 zoning. Mr. Charles Pausheck of Renton Sand and Gravel explained the filtering system which would eliminate any dust problem, and upon further inquiry advised that the present facilities are using a 7.5 motor and that the business has been operating as a non-conforming use since it was there when the zoning was effected. Anticipated development of a milk bottling plant in the area and effects thereupon which the concrete batching plant might have were discussed. Mr. Diambri pointed out that the trucks hauling the gravel were also to be considered which would be numerous in any large operation of this type. Attention was called to the proposed land use map which reflects non-manufacturing and/or commercial use in the subject area and it was pointed out that air pollution and contamination wn;-e of prime factor. After discussion, inquiry was made as to what degree of dust would con- stitute a• nuisance. City Attorney Shellan stated the problem to be zoning and if desired to have no dust at all. don't Zone industrial but restrict to retail a5 there will be same noise. arid dust,the. alternative being to control it, .?hich presents a problem anew. Mr. Ew3ng' Stringfellow who operates 24 apartment units on 7LI1 Avenue protested on behalf of his tenants citing the fact that he has been in Renton 19 years and hoped that the would not permit the construction as the trucks, dust, and operating hours would be a factor detrimental to his business, the traffic being bad .)ith present situations. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to reaffirm the stand, concurring with the Planning Commission and its finding that the manufacturing of concrete products is not an allowable use under our present L-1 zoning in the codified code of ordinances. Ater discussion regarding the permit and consequences of any action which might be taken i7. review of dates of 11-24-64 and 12-23-64 upon which stop ;.7ork orders were issued, and notice that no work was presently in progress, the pending motion carried. Mayor Custer thanked all those who participated for their courteous and considerat cooperation during the hearing. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mrs. Julia Kuznierz, 7720 South 153rd Street, requested that a street light be installed on the pole in front of her residence. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Power and Light Committee with power to act. Carried. Application was read from Mr. Richard A. Sanders, F. Fl. ?oolworth Company, 724 Third Avenue, requesting Master Locksmith and Keymaker's License. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of this Committee, advised that each of these applications is investigated and approved by the Police Department as well as the Police and License Committee. A letter from City Clerk Nelson advised that application for renewal of Master Pinball License for 1965 had been filed by Rainier Amusement Company and although not sepcific requirement of the Code, it had been requested by a member of the Council that the matter be presented to the legislative body for approval prior to issuance. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Committee of the t,Ihole for discussion. Councilman Delaurenti stated that these licenses were issued'. first sometime during the war and that it was lust a matter of form that they be renewed. It was pointed out that referral is necessary only in the event of a problem being Pre- sented and -chat there has been none of consequence in all the time this license has been effected. It was pointed out that much discussion had taken place during budget time and with approval of the budget revenue it was concluded -that funds would be available as adopted, in view of which Mr. Garrett stated he would have to vote against the motion. Perry stated Referendum 34 had not railed at budget time and Councilman Hulse inquired as to legality and action taken in amending the code was discussed. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised }ie had never given the opinion -that pinballs are legal and -th?-t the primary question is one of economics, the Courts having decided that they are 105 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1;-28-64 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Pinball License gambling devices, which has been the situation all along -.;ich Referendum 34 not being able to change the constitution in any event which states that gambling is illegal. The Cities all along have been doing; this for revenue purpos.s. The Federal Government issues gambling stamps and Cities like the Government have been collecting revenue as a matter of economics. Subsequent discussion ensued and it ,las pointed out that this license referral was not proper action but that the Ordinance possibly should be referred for review instead. Question 1vas called for and upon dissenting voice vote the motion was declared lost. After suggestions it was pointed out that according to the Ordinance the City Clerk and City Treasurer must execute the approval and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Pinball Ordinance be referred -to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Upon dissenting voice vote Mayor Custer declared the motion carried. Roll call vote was requested as required and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry and Morris; No: Poli, Gianini, Pedersen and Delaurenti. The motion carried six to four. An application was read from �!innifred Blythe of Riviera Tavern requesting, that Rainier Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate a Music Machine in said place of business, and transfer of machine ownership to Rainier Amusement Co. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Wm. P. Harper advising of interest of his firm -to provide financial and advisory service for the City in connection with its bond sales. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to various communications and discussions regarding the Springbrook Water Shed ;which area she has urged be fenced in compliance with requirements of the law and moved that any fencing material removed from the sewage disposal plant site which might be reclaimed for use on the watershed area be so utilized and that the cost of -the balance needed to fence the watershed be referred to the Says and Means Committee for funding. It was pointed out that clear title has been established on the portion of the area which is City owned and City Engineer Wilson reported that part of the area is privately owned and contains homes which area cannot be fenced. Councilman Pedersen reported that final action teas not been taken by the Property Committee relative to the disposal plant, that appraisal has been authorized and ordered and various firms invited to bid on the equipment in the plant and although there will be some fencing available it cannot be removed so long as the open vat remains. The pending motion carried and it .las subsequently moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry that -the City Engineer prepare a drawing of the watershed property and make recom- mendations regarding placement and procurement. Mr. Wilson stated as to cost analysis that salvage and replacement might be more costly than new. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers 734.9 through 7394, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment at this time. Carried. Councilman Garrett extended everyone a Happy New Year and called attention to action in the past of extending the hours of establishments within the City so concerned on New Years Eve to be in compliance with the rest of the State and moved to again grant the extension,which is usually requested by the State Liquor Control Board. The motion was seconded by Perry and aarvied. Councilman Delaurenti wished Holiday Greetings for everyone from Walt Reid,former Council Member who was unable to extend them in person and a Happy Holiday Season was extended to the Mayor and Council on behalf of himself. Councilman Morris added his greeting and thereafter moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Poli and carried. The meeting, was adjourned at 9: 40 p.m. -4- 106 December 28, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 7349 Louie Balzarini 2.40 7350 Bead Rubber Type Corporation 6.95 7351 Blumenthal Uniform Co. 6.19 7352 Carpenter Paper Co. 683.32 7353 City of Renton- 395.00 7354 Tom Dobson & Sn 182.00 7355 Hurley Engineering Company 210.34 7356 Kenworth Motor Truck Company 81.21 7357 Ron Klapperich 2.40 7358 The Lumber Market, Inc. 6.12 7359 Fred Murcheson 4.80 7360 National Fire Protection Association 4.51 7361 Pacific Auto Supply 102.54 7362 Pacific Northwest Bell 1,002.70 7363 Jack Pruzan Company 122.64 7364 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 586.51 7365 Record Stationery & Office Supply 62.09 7366 Renton Cameras 5.82 7367 Renton Enterprise 201.10 7368 U. S. Post Office 30.25 7369 Cedar River - ZTarrant Transfer 10,434.00 CITY STREET FUND 7370 Louis Hovland 3.20 7371 The Lumber �Market, Inc. 12.43 7372 Pacific Northwest Bell 10.00 7373 Security Concrete Products 455.47 7374 Victor TeGantvoort --- 3.20 7375 W/T City Treas. - Current 1,067.96 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 7376 Camcal Company 30.35 7377 Pacific Auto Supply 92.21 7378 Reiman Auto Parts 216.57 7379 Renton Engineering Corp. 61.05 PARK FUND 7380 City of Renton 25.00 7381 City of Renton 378.03 7382 The Lumber Market, Inc. 24.75 7383 The Miller Paint Co. 12.80 7384 Pacific Northwest Bell 33.54 7385 Renton Plumbing & Heating Co. 2.39 14ATER IRKS UTILITY FUND 7386 Pacific Northwest Bell 77.15 7387 Pacific Water tilorks Supply Co. 14.04 7388 Record Stationery & Office Supply 30.42 7389 Renton Cash-Way Lumber Yard 5.12 7390 U. S. Post Office 1,000.00 AIRPORT FUND 7391 The Lumber Ijarket, Inc. 4.68 7392 Manufacturers Mineral Co. 6.24 GUMUTATIVE FUND NO. 1184 7393 Dept. of Commerce & Economic Devel. 10036.00 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1894 X394 Washington Title Insurance Co. 234.00 uster, ayor flelmie Wu.Nelson, City Clerk ! ® 7 REidTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. January 4, 1965 Mayor Custer expressed the hope that a new tradition might be established to have the Council President preside over at least one meeting during the year and inasmuch as President of the Council Dan Poli would be leaving office this evening Mayor Custer extended him the gavel and invited him to preside. Mayor Custer ,joined the audience and President Poli assumed the Chair. The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unision. ROLL CALL OF COJi:CIL MEM^LRS: Poli, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, pelaurenti and Morris. Mayor Custer reported receiving phone calls from Councilmen Bruce and Gianini requesting to be excused due respectively to illness and absence from the City. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS SND DEPARTME21T HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. W�ils, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Bob Puhich, Utility Department, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian and James Highton, Building Inspector. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 28, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIQNS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9957 $ 8,50010000 Joseph G. Dugdale 3714 "R" Street New Residence 58 720.00 R. D. Cafeteria XXX 3rd & Rainier Ave. Sign PLUMBING AND HMIIG PERM? 5-: 6889 - - - Motor Mart 415 Rainier Avenue Gas Installations 90 - - - Vathaniel [weathers 12411 - 132nd Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - - S. W. Holt 10046 - 107th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 92 Olav Berg 3506 - 6th Ave. No. Gas Installations 93 - - - i• - R. td. Wiehoff 100th Street Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - -` - Ewing Stringfellow 633 Whitworth Lane Gas Installations 6895 - - - - - Ewing Stringfellow 617 Whitworth Lane Gas Installations 96 - - - = - Lwing Strilgfellow 628 Whitworth Lane Gas Installations 97 - - - - Lwing Stringfellow 622 Whitworth Lane Gas Installations 98 - - - - - Ewing Stringfellow 637 Whitworth Lane Gas Installations 99 - - - - - Ewing Stringfellow 626 Whitworth Lane Gas Installations COMMUNICATIONS; A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommenda- tions from its public hearing of December 23rd which was read by the Clerk with action taken by the Cquncil as follows: ' .., 1. Ada Cou;se Wheeler, Appl. V-216-64 for Variance to add to building - approval recommended provided the applicant discontinues storage or display of boats in parking area and either (a) pay into the off-street parking fund as require per Ordinance or (b) enter into agreement to participate in any L.I.D. for parking facilities which will benefit the prgDerty and be proposed within a period of ten years from date. A letter from t".r. George C. Wheeler appealed the Planning Commission action and requested to be' noti.f;ed of the hearing date. (Seattle Sporting Goods Property on Wells Street) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the date of January 18th be set for Hearing on the appeal, and that the parties be so notified. Carried. -1- 109 lof Minutes of the Renton Council Meeting 1-4-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations: 2. Peoples National Bank, Appl. V-218-64 - Revocable Permit recommended to allow placement of a sign for the bank's new drive-in facility at Second Avenue, provided the applicant agrees to remove same at direction of the City Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk read the following applications for renewal of Master Locksm4th and Keymaker's Licenses for 1965; and Master and Location Music Machine Licenses; Matthie Key and Sharp Shop - Charles Matthie and Homer T. Easley Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy #2 - Ralph White Seattle Sporting Goods, Inc. Countner's, Inc. - Master and 3 Sub-Location Licenses Sunset Music Company - Master and I Sub-Location License Hit Para?e Music Company - Master and 33 Sub-Location Licenses Nelson and Michael - Master and 6 Sub-Location Licenses Farwest Amusement Co. - Master and 3 Sub-Locations and request for one new location at Jim's Tavern Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the license renewals to the Police and License Committee with Power to Act. Carried. A letter from Richard H. Svihus, M.D. ; Dr. P.H., Seattle-King County DepartTent of Public Health, requested that the Council give the Renton School District evefy consideration possible in connection with the new senior high school to be locatgd just outside the corporate limits of Renton insofar as granting a connection to ` he Renton Sewer System may be concerned. The area is not presently served by a sys em of public sewers and the school will have an urgen need for a permanent and sati factory means of sewage disposal. Inquiry was made as to whether any request has been received from the school d#strict and City Engineer Wilson advised that none has be received to his knowledge but that the district evidently desired to be served by the City outside the City which is not the present policy of the City. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Sanitatipn Committee to report back. Carried. A letter read from W. E. Bennett, Accountant, Renton Utilities Department, *ade request for transfer of funds within the Waterworks-Administrative 7100 Fund to make payment of State Tax on Metro Revenues. -' The . City had claimed refund for payments made through June and discontinued payments for the period from July to November, 1964. The claim was disallowed and the City was advised to pay the back tax and resume the tax payment on a current basis. Total transfer required, $2,000.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request with refer.Tal to the Law and Ordinance Committee: The-motion carried. A letter was read from City Clerk Helmie Nelson, directed to Mr. A. J. Stee , King County Assessor, reporting that as of January 5 , 1965 the City of Renton 195 G. 0. Bond Issue is paid in full. This issue was authorized by Ordinance No. 14f4 in sums as follows: $110,000 - Williams Street Bridge, $100,000 - Liberty Park Swi"ning Pool and facilities, $117,000 - Street Improvements. Limits ##2 and #3 may now b'e combined for levy purposes. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Carl N. Sells to the position of Building Director for the City of Renton, selected as ofe of five applicants as the best qualified. Starting salary suggested was $682 per mpnth, Pay Grade 26, Range C. Mr. James Highton who has been acting Building Director since May of 1964 has requested to be assigned to less strenuous duties and is being placed in position of. Building Inspector at Grade 21, Pay Range E, or $590.00 per month. It is anticipated that a further recommendation will be forthcoming concerning creation of an alternative position to be filled by Mr. Highton. Moved by Perry. seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations and apppintment by the Mayor. Carried. -2- 109 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-4-65 APPOINTMENTS (cont.) A letter read from Mayor Custer acknowledged, pursuant to provisions of RCW 41.24.060, his membership as chairman of the Volunteer Firemen's Pension Board of Trustees for the City of Renton and the .following were appointed as members of said Board: City Clerk, Helmie Nelson; Fire Chief M. C. Walls and Councilman Charles Delaurenti. One additional member is to be elected from the Renton Volunteer Fire Department and the organization has been sent a communication requesting the election at the first meeting in January which name will be reported at the first City Council meeting thereafter. A letter read from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Clark Teegarden to a six year term as a member of the Renton Planning Commission, effective January 1, 1965. Mr. Teegarden was appointed originally in June, 1964 to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Jay Holmes who resigned. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Tpointment by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Custer announced one additional appointment concerning the Council.According to ordinance and prior arrangement the City Council has been designated as Civil Defense Council for the City of Renton in case of national emergency. It was felt that the Council Members would be in a better position to administer the expending of funds and to handle the situation and affairs in city hall than others. 3pcia l attention Called of newer-elected council members to Ordinance No. 1431,their first duty thus is to report to city hall in case of national emergency and take up such duties and whatever measures need be taken in a national disaster. A telephone headquarters station is located in City Hall in the police department and the Renton Civil Defense Director and Secretary is retired fire chief Floyd Lawrence. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, reported that the request for Master Locksmith License submitted by Woolworths had been approved by the Police Chief and the Committee. The application of Mr. Blythe of Riviera T-1vern for transfer of ownership on music machine was approved also. Regarding bidssubmitted for the two 1965 Police motorcycles, the Committee along with the Purchasing Agent, Vern Church, approved acceptance of the low bid of Drager's Harley Davidson Company, 1207 Dexter Avenue - Seattle in the sum of $3,330.72. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 7395 through 7457, raving been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending and correcting Ordinance No. 1840 relating to change in zoning classification of certain proper-ties from single residence District (R-1) to Business District (B-1) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2132 as read. Roll call vote followed �. with all council members present voting aye. The motion carried. (Fred Callen rezone who approved the present description) The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to effect transfer of funds from the Uaterworks Administrative Fund Acct. 7100: 201 Statewide & Social Security, $400.00, 202 Prepaid Medical, $100.00, 302 Utility Service - Metro, $500.00, 306 Stationery Equipment Maintenance, $450.00 and 320 Audit - State Examiner, $550.00; unto: !)aterworks - Administrative 7100, 503 Taxes, $2,000.00 -3- 110 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-4-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (cont.) The Law and Ordinance C ommittee introduced a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement of sale with Puget Sound Power and Light Company, a copy of which agreement was attached thereto labeled Exhibit "B", pursuant to which certain filament type street lighting fixtures with related equipment are sold to said Company for the sum of $26,590.00. The City had heretofore secured competent appraisal of said fixtures and equipment and as determined thereby, the price offered by Puget Sound Power and Light Company is fair and reasonable. After reading of the proposed Resolution, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1288 be adopted as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution authorizing the executioh of a contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Company for furnishing of Mercury Vapor Street Lighting for a period of ten years, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the proposed Resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole to report back. Carried. As there wereno further Ordinances nor Resolutions President Poli invited audience comment. As there was none Council comment was invited and Councilman Perry moved that an election be held for a new President of the Council. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. The nominations were opened and Councilman Perry nominated Councilman Pedersen as the new Preaident of the City Council. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the nominations be closed. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Pedersan. Carried. The ballot was cast by City Clerk Helmie Nelson as directed and Councilman Pederson was -congratulated on his election. President Pedersen thanked the Council for the honor bestowed upon him and past President Poli thanked Mayor Custer and the Council for the cooperation and support during his term of office. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing and Account n#t.Committee were approved for the month of December, 1964. TO: CLAIMS FUND PAYROLL FUND FROM: Current_ . _$..62,181,_21 _ ' Current $ 65,761.51 Street 12,532.42 Street 131083.78 Arterial Street 40,627.26 Cedar River M $ I 576.72 Cedar River M & I 262.90 Off. Street Parking 10.00 Off Street Parking 922.33 Equipment Rental 8,348.49 Equipment Rental 8,920.99 Library 4,880.45 Library 3,809.05 Parks 89892.97 Parks 11,846.36 Waterworks 9,796.53 Waterworks 51,739.30 Airport 1 ,663.00 Airport 90832.53 Firemen's Pension 10259.08 Cum. Reserve #.1182 1,972.28: Cum. Reserve #1184 1,286.00 MW Cum. Reserve #1894 651.46 Cum. Reserve #1990 13.30 Depreciation Reserve 1,628.53 Total Claims. $209,485.00 Total Payroll $113,013.45 Custer, Mayor - -i1Tmie_. Nelson, City Clerk— -4- lit Vooc'iers oe December.X1, 1964 ffiY.gtes of Jaivary- 4 19�5 City of Renton Vouchers havin been previousl r approved blr the Accounting; and Auditin-° Co -n-Littee --ere sul-r fitted for Council approval as follo- s VO 'CHER 'IT^1R PAYEE A' 0'T T C17RRE11TT F'7"iD 7395 Philip F. Avery 4,"p 7390 ^111i,ienthal Jnifor^i Company 124.42 7'97 ;urron,hs Corporation 106.0` 739 ` City of Renton 12,00 7399 Cochran HarC pare 26.93) 7400 Dictaphone Corporation 21-2.36 7401 Dictaphone Corporation 13.62 7402 Earl's Refrir-eration °: Appliance 7."-0 7403 Jades TTirhton 4.95 7404 Dora "Tol-ries 1',5. 54 7405 1, Laes Electric Co',pang 2.76 7406 D?ran R. Johnson 2.40 7407 Gus Isroesen's 90.79 740_` John Lie5he 2.40 7409 Jack . '"arler 4.' 0 7410 "iobile Co.,u anications Cor.pan-r 202.' o 7411 "obile Coi inuni cations Co 2pany 156.00 7472 T'Lelmie Nelson 12.00 7413 Overall Cleaning; It Supply Co-man T4 .'",6 7414 Pacific Aerial Survevs _inc. -1 471.60 7415 Pacific Jorth?!est ,ell 5.00 7416 Pacific 'Torth-est ,ell 205.07 7417 Pacific- Outfittin-- Conpanzt 741E Pratto Sales Co-. :pan ,- Inc.' 52.94 7419 Anton A. Ps zano--ski 4.'0 f 7428 _. Pu7et Sound m.,er "{ L ,--ht, Co. 9:73:..19. f ?421 Renton Clothing; Companir -66.0( 7422 Seattle--First '?ational '^anl, 5.71 742^_ Service .Laundry Dr:, Cleaners 99. 57 7424 Si,:c Ro')blees I -Inc. 74.10. 7425 Trick. and "urray' 14-. 52 7426 Jack t-lilson 10,7Q, 7427 '-'am-in tlilson 2.40 74Z" fresco F i re'Apparatus Co man`T 1,2- CITY 2 CITY ;TREET YT TD 7429 Cochran_ ,.lard•,are 1.05 74`0 0';11 Corn uni cations Coripany 52`.00' 74 1 Oly,ipic Foundry Company 213.13 74"2. Renton- -Concrete' Products Inc. 440•32 74 , Service Lau1nc'r�r Dr- Cleaners ^.6',4 ARTERTAL STREET F'J :D 74"4 'ieLe Telson 3.OP, OFF STREET PARK- 'TG Fir--D W5 Pu�.et SO)., .Fo­er L5;-;ht Co, 20.19. EQ�LP Y-,.-,T RE TAL F J 'D _ 74 f Ato)dc.,at,teftr Shon2,1'.'02 74'7 C-illespia-Decals.Tnc. 421.05 '74' Kenny s Atztoo Reb,ild 217.00 74"1 Se'tvide Lai �'!J. � Dry Cleaners 45.79" PARK -r-,TIM 7440 Ab76ott- Electric Conpeny 5.2O, 7.441 ^est '.1nivers41 Loch .Compgn T 13.1,3 I.UZ Cit,r of Renton Vouchers continl,ed Decem')er 31 1964 PARr F'' iD COQ JTI 1'lED 7442 City of Renton 7.56 744 Pacific Equipment Co. Service Center 2" .02 7444 P,,;yet So-.znd Po,.-er Li--ht ^.30 7445 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 52.33 744V/ Tri.,hts .-.o- er EnAne Service 14"•77 WATER WORIfS _UTILITY F ' 'D 7447 -obile Co,Xiuni cations Co?.ipany 52.00 744': Pu,et So !,1d. Po•rer �_ Li,ht 91.91 7449 Service Laundry Dri'r Cleaners 11.90 7450 State Treas. - Dept. o- 'ii:^h ays 244._37 7451 IT/T City Treas. - C­rrent 1 '25.19 7452 Zep "anuiactur4_n- Co.pany 12'. 55 AIRPORT F i:'D 745" Cit-T o- Renton 11.7 7454 Cochran Hare-are 11.42 7455 Pu `et Sound Po?-er << Li ht 42.4' 7450 Service Latmdry , Dry Cleaners 14.77 C''. "JUTIVE F''-TD '0. 1990 7457 Pu,,-et Sound Po-er Li-,ht 1_.30 •, Custer, .Mayor a mie WT.. Ne s.on, city clerk k 7 7 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. January 11, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order. by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL C&L OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gosettt, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, J. David Jensen, planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Bob Puhich, Utility Department, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Com- missioner.and James Highton, Building Director. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 4, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9959 $ 50.00 Pacific Northwest Bell 54 Rainier Avenue Wire Phone Booth 60 350.00 Richard Reeves 10809 - 113th S.E. Wire Residence 61 1,750.00 Doran Francis 838 "P" Street Addition to Res. 62 2SO.00 James E. Banker 530 Rainier Avenue St Screen Fence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6900 - - - - Richard Reeves 10809-113th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 01 - - - - Milo Mateen, Jr. 12927-88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 02 - - - - John Edward 2816 - Sth Ave. E. Sewer Permit Cr. 03 - - - - John Edwards 2818 - Sth Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - John Edwards 3005 - Sth Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 6905 - - - - John Edwards 3014 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - - Borden Sagmoon 12823-87th Ave. So. Heating Equipment 07 - - - - Richard Reeves 10809-113th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - Charles Hamlin 11204 S.E. 112th Plumbing Fixtures 09 - - - - Guy Williams 11212 S.E. 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures 6910 - - - - Jacob McCollom 11208 - 115th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixts. 11 - - - - Cooks Pancakes & Dinner 12431 Rainier Ave. S. Gas Installations 12 - - - - Standard Oil Company 301 Grady Way Heating Equipment HEARING: Vacation of Alley - Block 8, Car Workg Addition to Renton This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. Mayor Custer invited verbal comment. There was none and the Clerk reported no written communications had been received. Upon inquiry regarding the Planning Commission recommendation on the matter the Clerk read the previous communication from the Commission recommending approval upon the basis of plans submitted. Councilman Schellert advised of Street and Alley Committee investigation and concern as to whether the dedication would be adequate for a through street and that the City Engineer had given &ssurrance that it meets all requirements. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. The Hearing was declared closed and Council action requested. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Planning Cpmmission recommendation with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment final construction cost for work completed to 12-11-64 by M. A. Segale, Inc. on the Puget Drive Contract, Section I, as follows: Construction Cost $ 50,686.46 less 1090, $ 5,068.65, less previous payment, $37,481.54. Amount due Contractor, $ 8,136.27. The project has been accepted by the Engineering Department as of the completion date and acceptance by the City Council was recommended as of this date, 1-11-65. -1- i 114 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-11-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (conts) Street Arterial Fund 3220 Acct. 605 A.S.P. #4 Additional costs submitted for payment on the Puget Drive Section I project were recommended by City Engire er Wilson as follows: City Engineering Costs, $ 1,787.57, Publication Costs $ 23.85 and Street Department Costs $ 409.04 Also, recommended for payment were additional. Engineering Costs submitted by Puget Properties per Council Agreement 740 (B) 64 dated 3-12-64 in the sum of $ 4,690.38. The total cost of this improvement including construction, engineering and publication is $57,597.30. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer accepting the improvement and authorizing payment of costs as outlined. Carried. A letter read fan City Engineer Wilson requested authorization to call for bids on items essential for implementation of traffic signal program as follows: Traffic Signal Heads and Traffic Controllers - The suggested bid opening date was February 1, 1965. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request for bid call and bid opening date. Carried. I Applications were read from Custer Hardware, Donald N. Custer, Sr. and Cecil W. Albert, and Renton Paint & !,Jallpaper C ompany, Ione Fletcher, for Master Locksmith and Keymakers Licenses for 1965. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Mr. Rudolph H. Seppi, Director Plant Facilities, Renton School District 403, requested -the City to allow utilization by the School District of the City's sanitary sewer facilities by permitting extension of an existing 8" line easterly along S.E. 116th Street 1000 ft. more or less from 136th Ave. S.E. to serve the new East Renton High School Facility. The same type agreement was requested as now exists with regard to the Honey Dew Elementary School and Fred Nelsen Jr. High School wherein the school district paid for installation of the line per City specifi- cations in return for a late-comers agreement. A letter from Mr. Walter Winters, K;_ng County Road Engineer, was attached advising that the County has no objection to the installation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to_ arefer the matter to the Sanitation Committe^ and City Engineer for recommendation. Carried. A letter from Mr. H. R. Johnson, Secretary, Board of Directors, Renton School District No. 403 advised of problems which exist in regard to the old Honey Dew School Site located at 132nd Avenue S.E. and Sunset Highway insofar as zoning is concerned. It is deemed undesirable for residential purposes due to City Easement for pumping station which is covered with concrete slab and because of the location. The law requires that the School District dispose of the surplus properties however, with the pres en t residential zoning they have been unable to secure a bid which meets even appraisal prices. It was requested that the City consider rezoning to B-1, it being understood that the Planning Commission recommendations for change in the land use map would allow the rezone. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of the 11hole. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelson requested concurrence in amendment to Ordinance No. 1628, Title V, Section 5-3001 to include a fee of $2 .00 each for City Budgets except to members of other Municipalities, Charitableaud non-profit organizations. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. City Clerk Nelson advised that the Library will be cataloging copies of the Budget this year for public use and they may be checked out for as long as thirty days. There are copies on file also in the City Clerkb office and the Mayor advised his copy would be available in his office. The pending motion carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelson advised of -transfer of funds required to meet final quarterly Social Security and Statewide Retirement payments as follows: From: Street Maintenance, 3240, Acct. 201 Statewide, Social Security, $2,460.00 Unto: Non-Departmental, 1920, Acct. 201, Statewide, Social Security, $2,460.00 Council concurrence was requested. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. 2- 14- Minutes Minutes of the Renton City Council meeting 1-11-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Bowden & O'Conner, Attorneys at law, by Allen A. Bowden, advised that a serious water problem has developed in the Renton Mercantile Building owned by their clients Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cugini and the City is being put on notice in the event it may be responsible in which event claim will be filed. Mayor Custer advised of investigation of-mysterious source of water coming up into the basement of the building but that determination has not yet been made as to its origination which may be from City lines or from City of Seattle line which runs under 3rd Avenue. A Claim was read for damages against the City Was reaj,filed by Mrs. Mary H. Meisenbach, surviving spouse of Ned Gerrard Meisenbach who was booked at the Renton Jail at approximately 9: 50 p.m. on October 13, 1964 after arrest by Tukwila officers. At approximately 11:30 p.m. Mr. Meisenbach was found hanged from his cell door bars, and Mrs. Meisenbach claims- wrongful death against the City of Renton in the sum of $50,000.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney. Carried. A letter read from Virginia Hashagen, President, Renton Downtown Merchants' Association, requested that the City remove all parking meters in the downtown area when the city owned off-street parking lot has been paid for and that parking be on a two-hour basis. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Committee of the (chole. Carried Letters from Mayor Custer reported transfers of funds within the Budget classes for November and December, 1964 pursuant to R.C.!d. 35.33.120 as follows: November: From Street Maintenance 3240, M. & 0., $ 968.65- To Street Cleaning 3250 M. & 0. 315. From Maintenance & Operations 1900, 502, Travel Expense, $75.00 Unto.. Office Supplies 402 From Legislative 504 to Planning Commission, $385.00 From Police 312, Care Of Prisoners Unto Police Account 504 Travel, $300.00 From Engineering Traffic Signals M. & 0.315, Equipment Rental Unto Traffic Signals. M.' & 0. 417 Materials and Supplies, $400.00 From Fire 2200 M. & 0. 315, Equipment Rental $906.00 Unto: 303 Utilities, Power, $150.00; 305 Utilities, Telephone, $ 75.00; 309 Repairs to Equipment $275,.00; 325 Laundry, $ 65.00; 402 Office Supplies, $106.00 and 417 Material & Supplies,. $235.00. December: From City Clerk 1400 Advertising Acct. 308,Unto Acct. 417 Material& Supplies, $800.00 From City Clerk 1400, Travel & Expense Acct. 504, Unto Acct. 402 Office Supplies`$100.00 From Executive Publicity & Public Relations 1200 Acct. 505, Unto Books 403, $ 91.00 From Fire Dept. 2200 Heating Fuel Acct. 404,Unto Insurance Acct. 311, $313.65 From Library 5000 M. & O. Acct. 417, Unto, Statewide & Social Security 201, $ 50.00 Prepaid Medical Acct.. 202-, $ 25.00; Industrial Insurance Acct. 203, $20.00; Utility Services, Power Acct. 303, $ 90.00 From Library 5000, Office Supplies Acct. 402, Un-co Books, Maps, Periodicals, $814.00 From Municipal Bldgs. 1800, Heating Fuel Acct. 402, $930.00, Unto Utility Services, Power, $550.00; Utility Services, Telephone, $100.00; Equipment Rentals Acct. 3153, $171.00 Laundry Services, Acct. 325, $109.00 From Non-Departmental 1920, Insurance Acct. 311 $ 3.11 and Assn. Dues, Acct. 313, $200.50 Unto State Audit, Auditing Services, Acct. 314, $203.61 From Parks & Recreation 6120, Fuels & Lubricants, Acct. 405, Unto: Equipment Rentals Acct. 315, $150.00 From Planning Commission, Material & Supplies, Acct. 403, Unto Travel Acct. 504, $10.00 From Planning Director 1700, M. & O.. Acct. 417, Unto Material & Supplies Acct. 402, 1.n $17.05; Material & Supplies, Acct. 403, $ 3.92; Equipment Rentals, Acct.. 315, $11.68 From Planning Director 1700 Acct. 313, Assn. Dues, Unto Advertising Acct., 308, $10.00 From Police Court 1300, Material & Supplies Acct. 417, Unto witness Fees Aedt. 316, $160.00 From Street Traffic Control 3120 Material & Supplies Acct. 417, Unto Equipment Rentals Acct. 315, $194.16 From Swimming Pool 6140, Utility Services Acct. 302 Metro, Unto Industrial Insurance Acct. 203, $ 5.00 From Traffic Signals 3130, Equipment Rental Acct. 315, Unto Utility Services, Power Acct. 303, $ 81.64 From Waterworks - Maintenance 7120, Stationary Equipment Maintenance Acct. 30.6, Unto Acet. 303, Utility Service, Power, $700.00 and Acct. 321, Radio Maintenance, $100.00 -3- L i Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-11-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Mayor's report of monthly transfer of funds From Waterworks - Maintenance 7120, Acct. 309 Building Repair & Maintenance, $ 350.00 Acct, 311 Insurance, $ 650.00,Unto Acct. 417 Materials & Supplies, $1,000,00 Mayor Custer advised that most of the transfers were necessary to balance the equipment rental fund inasmuch as estimates were very difficult to make being the first year of operation. A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendation that the Comprehensive Land Use Map be amended to reflect the following changes: 1. Retail-Commercial use - Area extended along Sunset Blvd. E. from the vicinity of 132nd Avenue S.E. to 138th S.E. for a depth of approximately 150' on either side of both intersections and along both sides of the road. 2. Business use - Area lying between 3rd Place North, Factory Street and 3rd Ave. North. 3. Light Industrial Use - Area East of 3rd Place North, South of 4th Avenue North, and West of Pacific Coast Railroad tracks. 4. Business use - Area on North side of the Maple Valley Highway in the vicinity of the N.E.4 of the S.W.4 of the S.W.4 of Section 16-23-5. 5. The area South of 4th Avenue between Main and Burnett Streets to be designated Multiple Residential use, EXCEPT for the North 100' thereof along 4th Avenue between Main and Burnett Streets which is designated as Business Use. 6. Business Use - Area East of Shattuck, West of Burnett, between the alley South of 3rd Avenue and the Pacific Coast Railroad. Upon inquiry, Planning Director Jensen confirmed that the Planning Commission hearings have been held and public notices posted as required and upon question of the legal descriptions it was pointed out that the boundaries do not encompass specific properties with legals but must be written for locations and were generally rather difficult to define. City Attorney Shellan had advised that further clarification would be required for public notice and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the date of February 1, 1965 to set.for Hearing on the matter with the Clerk being furnished adequate legals for proper public notice thereof. Councilman Schellert, member of the Planning Committee reported that this action by the Planning Commission would be a semi-annual revision of the Comprehensive Land Use map the revisions being requests held over the summer , accumulated for the one hearing,so much consideration has been given and no spur of the moment action was involved. The pending motion carried. Mayor Custer declared a recess at this time. After the recess roll call was taken and all Councilman were present as previously listed. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Delbert M. Miller as Firemen in the Renton Fire Department, effective January 12, 1965. The appointee wits certified by -the Civil Service Commission and Firemen's Pension Board in accordance with all applicable Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Mr. Miller's grade on the Civil Service Examination was 89.94 and he has successfully completed all preliminary examinations. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointment by the Maya . Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEw BUSINESS: President of the Council Pedersen requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on 1,1ednesday, January 13th at 7:30 p.m. Discussion disclosed that the Planning Com- mission would be holding its meeting in the Council Chambers and the Council meeting, after discussion regarding scheduling difficulties, will be held in Police Court Rm. 106. The Sanitation Committee was requested to meet on Monday, January 18th at 7:00 P.M. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, that Vouchers No. 7458 through 7624 having been approved previously by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment at this time. Carried. Councilman Hulse submitted report of attendance on Saturday January 9, 1965 at the Division on Social Ministries Conference of the Greater Seattle Council of Churches at Pilgrim Firs, near Port Orchard, by request of Mayor Custer. The conference was held to consider how the Division might cooperate in community planning generally and in the planning work of the church particularly in our area which is rapidly becoming Urbanized. Approximately one half of those attendinT, were ordained Ministers and Commissioner Ed Munro and the Hon. Robert-F.4- Utter were among others present. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-11-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS (cont. ) Division on Social Ministries Conference (report of Councilman Hulse) It was agreed that one function of the Division should be to help develop social vision and that the Council of Churches might help inspire action in needed planning areas. Concern was expressed that communication between government and the community is not always adequate to beep government aware of areas needing attention and to keep the community aware of what government is doins; to solve community problems. Essentials listed for participation in community planning were (a) Communication with community planning agencies, (b) Cooperation with ocher agencies, (c) Willingness to undertake joint projects with planning bodies of the community, (d) Study cooperatively with other groups, (e) Coordinate efforts, (f) Have a commitment to the concept and worth of planning, with necessity to accept change and to plan adequately for same. Of practical concern to governmental bodies, including Renton, should be the fact that the Division of Social Ministries of the Greater Seattle Council of Churches is aware of a need for better communication between government and the community in matters of planning and is asking what it can do to help, and Mr. Hulse concluded that since we are also aware of this problem we s :ould stand ready to avail ourselves of whatever help can be given in the interest of communicating plans to the people. Councilman Gianini advised he would be out of town and unable to attend the Committee of the Whole meeting. Councilman Garrett called attention to the Washington Good Roads Association, Executive Committee, Biennial Legislative Dinner on January 27th in Olympia and moved that the Street and Alley Committee be authorized to attend this meeting. The affair will be held at the Tyee Motor Inn and will commence at 6: 00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Pedersen and carried. Councilman Perry advised of prior meeting scheduled for Wednesday and that he would be unable to attend meetings of the Committee of the [dhole on this night. Councilman Delaurenti requested meeting of the Police and License Committee on Monday, January 18th at 7:15 p.m. with Mr. Hogan, the Police Chief and City Attorney .... Shellan. Councilman Poli reported that a firm is presently operating a T.V. Cable which involves use of public property and it was moved that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for study and possible Franchise Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Gianini. Upon discussion regarding connection with the telephone company franchise and policy of other cities in this type of operation, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. Mayor Custer informed the Council that he has received a draft of some enabling legislation being presented by the Association of 11ashington Cities to the 1965 Legislature concerning legislation for planning agencies which was available for perusal of anyone interested. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to make the following transfer of funds, effective as of 12-31-64. From: Street .Maintenance, 3240 - Account 201 Statewide, Social Security, Unto: Non-Departmental 3240 - Acct. 201 Statewide, Social Security, $2,460.00 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1289 as read. Carried. Councilman Morris reported ti:at a proposed Ordinance for Vacating of the alley in Block 8, Car Works Addition to Renton will be held in Committee until such time as the deeds have been received from the abutting property owners as required. As there was no further business to come before L-he Council and no audience tcmment upon invitation to speak, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 00 P.M. 118 Vouchers of December 31, 1964 Minutes of January 11, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE A1EOUNT CURB, FU1TD 7450 American Blueprint Company 316.47 7459 Arbuckle Glass 4.01 .,..a 7460 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 53.29 7461 Bean Electric Company 34.48 7462 Bill & Johnss Food 55.03 7463 Book Publishing Company 36.40 7464 Button Animal Hospital 12.00 7465 The California Ink Company, Inc. 70.84 7466 Carpenter Paper Company 45.96 7467 I'lally Clarke Fuel Gil Company 123.97 746-" Coast "fide Supply Company 56.28 7469 The Copy Company 40.25 7470 L. N. Curtis L': Sons 29.64 7471 Davidson Sales & Service Agency, Inc. 36.40 7472 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 26.50 7473 Faber Laboratories 3=.40 7474 General Analine & Film Corporation 18.54 7475 General Binding Corp. & Subsidiaries 11.63 i 7476 H & M Duplicator Corporation 75.57 7477 I.B.ii. Corporation 11.70 747S" I.B.M. Corporation 36.40 7479 Keuffel & Esser Company 16.86 7430 King County Humane Society 606 .74 740`1 The Linoleum Shop 90.69 7402 Litho Film 355.78 74U`3 Matthie's Key & Sharp Shop 1.04 7434 McLendon Hardware 27.80 74U5 14ocr Manufacturing Company 51.13 7436 flyers Oil Company 55.13 7407 National Cash Register Company 254.16 74Helmie Nelson 5.09 74-"9 Pacific Coast Stamp Works 15.08 7490 R. L. Polk e: Company 156.00 7L91 Polychrome Corporation 27.04 7492 Potoshnik Fuel 522.49 7493 Record Stationery L Office Supply 86.55 7494 Renton Boiler ?,forks 56-58- 7495 6.557495 Renton Cameras 6.83 7496 Renton Cameras 30.26 7497 Renton Enterprise 107.12 7490 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 2.14 7499 Renton Veterinary Hospital 13.50 75CO Seagrave Pacific Corporation 343.20 7501 Seattle-King County Dept. Public Health 175.00 7502 Shaw Bros. Drug 24.40 7503 Superior Reprographics 108.16 7504 Trojan Lithograph Corporation 217.15 7505 Trojan Lithograph Corporation 122.26 7506 Il/T City Treas. - Street 52.00 7507 U/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 196.47 750U" 'I/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 2,248.52 CITY ST nT FUND 7509 Black River Quarry, Inc. 543.17 7510 L. N. Curtis & Sons 494.00 7511 Homelite 6.92 7512 R. L. Polk & Company 31.20 7513 Stoneway Sand L- Gravel 399.05 119 City of Renton Vouchers December 31, 1964 CITY STR1]T FUND CONTINUED /- //-/f��S 7514 Trojan Lithograph Corporation 34.74 7515 Turco Products, Inc. 26.75 7516 ti!/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 261.15 7517 `T/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 2535 751 IJ/T City Treas. - 1^,rater ITorks 72.21 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 7519 Puget Properties., Inc. 4,690.3€ 7520 14. A. Segale, Inc, 8.136.27 7521 1'd/T City Treas. - Current l,M-42 7522 IBJ/T City Treas. - Street 409.04 CEDAR RIVER 11. & I. FUND 7523 Dan Katzer 149.76 7524 "TIT City Treas. - Equip. Rental 11.25 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 7525 11ilt Zlilliams 26.41 i4UIP1211T RENTAL FUND 7526 Arbuckle Glass 13.41 7527 Bearing Engineering (';: Supply Co. 56.41 752a Blanchard Auto Electric Company 43.19 7529 -Vern Church 3.09 7530 Dragerss Harley-Davidson Company 61.50 7531 Interstate.,Tire Company 331.37 7532 ICent Oxygen Company ' 15.35 7533 11cLendon Hardware 5.10 753,4 Pacific Equipment Company 16.21 �- 7535 Renton Automobile Company 74.36 7536 Renton Boiler ITorks 2.70 7531_:: ._ ___ . ..__ Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 309.35 7535 Union Oil Company 73.56 7539 W/T City Treas. , - Street 12:00 7540 WV ll .ams & Swanson 104.16 PARK FUND 7541- Anchor Post Products Inc. of Calif. 1,199.12 7542 Garyvs Paint and ITallpaper 264.70 7543 Roger L. Gordon 41.60 7544 John Julian Son 12.95 .7545 The Lumber Market, Inc. 1.50 `7546 McLendon Hardware 172.36 7547 Northwest Hower C= 11arine 62.71 754u" Pacific Equipment Company 5.37 7549 Puget Sound Salvage L Equipment Co. 30.47 7550 Renton Boiler ITorks 25.60 7551 Renton Cash- Tay Lumber Yard 70.99 7552 Renton Conerete.Products, Inc. 149.31 7553 Ernie Rose Sports Equipment 127-'fig 7554 The She nrin-ITilliams Company 63.'1$ t 55 Trojan' Lithograph Corporation 31:20 r 7556 Universal Sign Company 7;28 7557 Victor Fuel Oils 77-23 7 5 5 y"' Washington School'Supply Company 497:43 7559' 11/T City Treas. Equipment Rental 29.$0 7560 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 175.*4Q . r 120 l- /i-/ 96._( City of Renton Vouchers Continued December 31, 1964 AIRPORT FUND 7561 Foster Cffice Equipment 150.00 7562 Franks T.V. L Radio 15.60 7563 Janco-United, Inc. 32.41 7564 (tent Oxygen Company 3.64 7565 i.iyers Oil Company 15.03 7566 Record Stationery & Cffice Supply 4.x'2 7567 Trojan Lighograph Corporation 58.24 756", W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 1.65 7569 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 65.00 TAT- ?;CRKS UTILITY FUND 7570 L. H. Curtis & Sons 125.90 7571 iicLendon Hardware 55.74 7572 Helmie Nelson 2.30 7573 Pacific ?Tater TTorks Supply Co. 1,301.46 7574 R. L. Polk c_ Company 31.20 7575 Reeves Supply Company 36.18 7576 Renton Boiler ?Torks 293.2"' 7577 Frank E. Rhodes Company 9.36 757"' Stoneway Send e: Gravel 45.06 7579 ?dash. State Tax Commission 11168.13 75 0 11/T City Treas. - Current 2,202.9 75 1 W/T City Treas. - Street 130".37 7502 IT/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 5.16 750`3 ?T/T City Treas. - equip. Rental 1,799.36 754 ?Testern Utilities Supply Co. 1,.30 75' 5 Dept. of Labor & Industries 309.05 756 Employment Security Department 396.11 7567 Group Health Coop 45.CO 75�"S' King County iiedical Service 155.45 7569 Statetiride Retirement System 205.36 CURRENT FUND 7590 Dept. of Labor & Industries 917.20 7591 Employment Security Dept. 1,43.00 7592 Group Health Coop 144.00 7593 King Co. I-Iedical 753.60 7594 Standard Insurance Co. 224.25 7595 Statewide Retirement System 2,511.1 CITY STr= FUND 7596 Dept. of Labor & Industries 34.53 7597 Employment Security Dept. 607.10 7596 Group Health Coop 0`0.50 7599 King Co. Medical 134.53 7600 Stateiri.de Retirement System 247.29 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. FUND 7601 Dept. of Labor & Industries 15.26 7602 Employment Security Dept. 45.37 7603 King Co. i,iedical 8.15 7604 Stateiride Retirement System 12.45 EQUIPI1EI,1T RENTAL FUND New 7605 Dept. of Labor Industries 70.72 7606 Employment Security Dept. 92.36 7607 Group Health Coop 24.00 7600 King County Auditor 165.50 7609 King Co. Medical 20.47 7610 Statewide Retirement System 52.11 City of Renton Vouchers Continued /December 31, 1964 J LIBRARY FUND 7611 Dept. of Labor & Industries 71.80 7612 Employment Security Dept. 405.19 7613 Group Health Coop 8.50 7614 King Co. Medical 83.50 7615 Statewide Retirement System 140.61 PARK FUND I 7616 Dept. of Labor Industries 102.43 7617 Employment Security Dept. 468.62 761 Group Health Coop 24.00 7619 King Co. Medical 90.05 7620 Statewide Retirement System 119.64 AIRPCRT FUND 7621 Dept. of Labor & Industries 25.41 7622 Employment Security 'Dept. 34.48 7623 King Co. Medical 24.45 7624 Statewide Retirement System 21.78 lL�sem✓ `�,''- � /' Custer, Mayor a mie Nelson City Clerk... FFYTON CTTY COUP rJT REGUI-AR MEETTYG 8:00 P.M. January 18, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 11, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. i APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT I BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9963 $ 9,500.00 Charles A. `Jiehoff 11632 S.E. 100th St. New Residence 64 400.00 Mrs. Dan McGovern 309 - 3rd Avenue Repair Marquee 9965 100.00 Annie Custer 203 !dells Street Fence Parking Lot 66 25,000.00 Jerry Goodall 512 "1" Place 4-Plex Apartment 67 90.00 Cash Way Lumber Yard 120 Factory Street Screening Fence 68 450.00 James L. McAhern 3603 - 10th Ave. No. Carport 69 300.00 R. W. !iehoff 11608 S.E. 100th St. Wire Residence 9970 100.00 R. B. Edwards 1215 'IN" Place Wire Garage 71 250.00 John Dobson 3215 -6th Ave. East WireElectric Heat 72 400.00 Mrs. D. L. Howard 11211 S.E. 108th St. Electric Heat 73 50.00 Mr. H. E. Michels 3509 - 9th Ave . No. Addition ' PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6913 - - - - Eagles 316 - 3rd Avenue Plumb.Heat & Gas 14 - - - - Dale Traylor 11425 S.E. 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures 6915 - - - - Borden Sagmoen 12823 - 87th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - - Universal Builders 12411 - 132nd S.E. Heating Equipment 17 - - - - R. Shane 11601 - 100th St. Plumbing; Fixtures 18 - - - - John Dobson 3204 Maple Valley Hwy. Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - - Jim Kirkman 9019 - 106th Ave . S.E. Heating Equipment 6920 - - - - Lloyd Pederson 11402 S.E. 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - Jim Burdulis 11216 S.E. 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - Del Belmondo 3714 - Sch Pl. No. Gas Installations 23 - - - - Loneta Curry 343 Factory Street Gas Installation HEARING: Appeal of Planning Commission conditions co Variance request of George Wheeler on behalf of Ada Louise Wheeler. This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk reported no written communications to be reported and audience continent was invited. Mr. Wheeler introduced Mr. Stanford Bean who displayed a drawing of the proposed addition to the Seattle Sporting Goods Store and advised of just completing a ten year lease contract and of being in the process of negotiating a renewal i?ith Mr. Wheeler. This 16 x 40 -••» addition would allow room to carry on Marina operations deemed to be vital in sustaining -their business. They planned -to remove two of tite three carports in the front and maintain one to take care of small wooden boats tha t mush be kept out of the rain, in effect actually allowing more parking than at present. It was pointed out that parking has been provided for ten years and that the firm should be allowed the variance and not be -compared with those business" wlto are unable to provide parking of any kind. It was felt, in keeping pace with the economic growth and to keep the business healthy, that the variance was in order and -chat they have ample parking to accommodate their customers. -1- S Minutes of the Renton City Council (cont.) 1-18-65 HEARING: Wheeler Appeal Councilman Garrett inquired if parking comprised -the reason the variance was necessary. Morris inquired whether the request of Mr. Bean was identical to the one made to the Planning Commission. Perry inquired whether they had enough parking for the size of the building . Mr. Jensen advised that parking was the reason the variance was needed, that the request was the same and that the buildin- was a two story buildin4 and the required parking for two floors or the 10,600 sq. ft. was about 22 spaces. Mr. Bean stated that they should not be judged according to -chose businesses who do not have any parking provisions and that the top floor is not customer used but only about 4300 ft. of space is in use for this purpose. It was stated that the ordinance is applicable to overall floor area and that the addition would require even more parking. It was pointed out "chat the new proposal would allow four more spaces than are now available and that it was adequate for their customers. The Planning Commission recommendation was read upon request which directed removal of boat display from the area and either (a) pay into the off-street parking fund as required by ordinance or (b) enter into agreement to participate in any L.I.D. for parking facilities benefitting the property to be, proposed within ten years. Mr. Bean stated that the business could not stand a parking assessment and that they have provided parking for many years and should not have to pay such fee. Mr. ',?heeler, upon inquiry, advised that he would not agree to sign apy proposal agreement t o guarantee thereby that he would not protest something he did not know a thin; about. Planning Director Jensen advised of anticipated L.I.D. and that the parties now were allowing assumption of moral obligation to participate in the future planning by giving consent at present. This property in future planning is one proposed to be covered entirely by buildings with no parking in the area at all. It was stated by Mr. Wheeler that they were very 00 interested in strengthening and solidification of -the downtown business district and in any circumstance will do their share in making -chat possible but would not bind � themselves to something this remote. They will always do their part but are requesting w a straight out variance without any strings. The present parking operation was a non-conforming use upon institution of the new parkin- policy and any action would v Ll extend such use if given favor. After further discussion, it was moved by Morris and ?- U) seconded by Poli, to continue the hearing for one week. After discussion and dissertin < PJ voice vote which the Chairman ruled as a no majority,roll call was requested and result, f -- as follows: Aye: P©Lid `{ulse, Schellert, Garrett and Morris. No: Dahlquist, Perm, Gianini, Delaurenti,kde,Q5'.. "payor Custer cast a negative vote and the motion was declarwa lost. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, that the Variance be granted and all space except what is covered by the proposed addition remain for use as parking space. This motien eliminates all of the parking canopies. The r ur.bee of parking stalls according to Mr. Bean, would be 16 in this event. The motion carried. Councilman Schellert suggested revision of the anticipated agreement which no one wishes to accept, or drafting of a new one . Mr. Jensen advised that with the granting of variances at this time the non-protest agreement was requested and at a future time with actual adoption of plans,the specifications for another agreement will allow Mr. Shellan to draw a definite L:I.D. proposal,. ., COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment final construction costs on Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. 252, payable to General Pipe Line Con- struction Company which work was completed January 12th and accepted by the Engineering Department on January 15th. Acceptance by the Council was recommended this date and commencement of the thirty day lien period, after which, if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities,the retained amount of $1,391.84 be released to the contractor. Construction cost, including tax, $13,918,42 ; less 10% retained, $ 1,391.84; less previous payment, $10,065,15. Amount due this payment $ 2,461.43. In addition the following costs are to be charged against this district: Engineering charges, $ 1,500.00; City Clerk's Costs, $ 175.00, City Treasurer's Cost, $ 45.00, and street restoration costs, $2,000.00 and interest on warrants, $250.00. Approval of these costs along with total project price of $17,888,42 was recom- mended saving $1.909.78 over preliminary estimate due to favorable bid and close control of -the project. A letter from City Clerk Nelson requested concurrence in accounting transactions necessary in staking payments on L.I.D. 252 which is funded by the Firemen's Pension Fund as follows: -2- 141 Minutes td` +she menton City Council Meeting (cont.) 1-18-65 C UNICATICNS: City Clerk's :Metter on accounting transactions for L.I.P. 252 Final Construction costs payable as follows: L.I.D. 252 Cash Fund Warrant No. 2 to General Pipe Line Construction Co. , $2,461.43 Cash Fund Warrant No. 3 to City Treasurer/Cr. Street, $2,000.00 Cash Fund Warrant No. 4 to City Treasurer/Cr. Current, $1.720.00 L.I.D. Revenue Fund Warrant No. 2 payable to Firemen's Pension Fund, $6,181.43 plus interest @ 4-75,`, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to accept the project and costs and the recommendations of the City Engineer and City Clerk as read. Carried. Letters were read petitioning the City to black top the alley running north and south between 2nd Avenue and between Whitworth and Morris Streets, which were submitted by Dan Davis Corp., Henry Ness, Sup't., Ned Stokes, Stakes Mortuaries, Pratts Renton Flower Shop, Ronald Pratt, and Covey's Ranch Market, Herman J. Covey. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the letters to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carrie d. A letter from Jim's Tavern submitted application for license to operate a pool table. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee ,iith powez• to act. Upon inquiry regarding whether the size of the tavern would accommodate the pool facilities with the other activities,Mr. Carver, the Manager of Jim's, advised that they were discontinuing the dancing and the pool table would be a replacement. The pending, motion carried. A letter from City Clerk Helmie Nelson reported cancellation of Hearing meeting of N February lst on the Amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Maps inasmuch as additional posting requirements must be met,and the matter will be commenced anew by the Planning Commission with recommendations forthcoming thereafter to the Council. A letter read from City Clerk Nelson called attention to Budget provisions for longevity pay in addition to base salary of employees with service of 72 yrs., $5.^0, . 1.0 yrs., $10.00, 15 yrs., $20.00 and 20 yrs., $30.00. Question has been raised regarding longevity to be received by permanent, part-time employees, those persons working on a permanent basis but less than eight hours per day. Intent of the Council was requested as to determination whether such employees are to be included and if so on what pay basis, as the budget makes no reference thereto. Referral to the Committee of the Whole was recommended. ?loved by Delaurenti, seconded by Tulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of The Whole for .report back. Carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer reported filin,; of annexation petition containing signatures of approximately 200 residents of that portion of Kennydale which is now completely surrounded by the boundaries of Renton. There is .a Senate Bill pending before the 1965 Legislature affecting annexation methods dnd procedures but our petitions will be processed at this time and in the usual manner. Mayor Custer expressed his thanks for the exceptional effort of those who helped in circulating the petitions and specifically Mrs. Grace Fisher. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Petitions to the City Engineer for verification of signatures and validation of the petition. City Clerk Nelson reported 214 signatures, that the letter of intent had been submitted on 4-20-64,and the City Engineer verified 11.77% of ownership in value according to assessed valuation. The Preliminary meeting with the property owners was held on 5-4-64 at which time willingness of the petitioners to assume any pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton was affirmed and is included in the petitions filed with the City Clerk. The pending motion carried. s✓ Resolutions being filed or presentation by the Washington Finance Officers Assn. to the 1965 Legislature were outlined concerning; allowing local-banks in the Cities & 'towns to act as fiscal agents for redemption of bonds and coupons issued by cities and 'roams of the State; for authorizing time deposits in local banks;permissive act of setting percentage to be held in the L.I. Guaranty Fund at 10% with excess to be transferred to general fund for use of said city or town; elimination of certification (from venders) and legislation amending R.C.('. to include 2nd and 3rd and 4th Class Cities in investment power now held by 1st class cities. Moved*by Del.aurenti, seconded by Perry; to refer the Resolutions to the Legislative Committee two study and report back at the next meeting. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-18-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Summons & Complaint was: filed by Elso and Carmine Gregoris for damages in the sum of $500.00 due to flooding caused by broken water pipes alleged to have been the result of excessive pressure. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the documents to City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. Carried. a letter from Mayor Custer advised of need for review and revision of program concerning the Equipment Rental Fund initiated by the City in January, 1964 according to report of Utility Acauntant, Ted Bennett and it was recommended that the matter be referred to the Auditing Accounting Committee for study and report back. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the matter as recommended. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer with reference to -the widening of 2nd Avenue advised that recent discussions with Mr. Prahl, State Highway Director, and Highway Commissioner Cowell have indicated little likelihood that the State will provide any financial aid toward this improvement and unless the legislature alters its budget to include funds the City must be prepared to fund the entire cost. Discussion ensued and Councilman Garrett informed the Council that the Highway Department has not been given evidence adequate to substantiate that the problem of 2nd Avenue is a Highway problem and not a local problem. It was pointed out that the 701 plan rates this among priority improvements but the State has not acknowledged it to be other than a local problem. The matter was referred to the Engineering Department for study when the widening proposal was made and this is its present status. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Committee of the i-thole, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk as follows: 1. Recommended that the Nm. P. Harper & Son letter offering financial and advisory services on city bonds be set aside until such services might be needed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. Recommended request of Renton School District 403 for rezoning of Old Honey Dew School property from residential to business classification be set aside until after .- the Planning Commission hearing on the Comprehensive Land.Use Map Amendment. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, -to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 3. Recommended to refer -to -the Light and Power Committee the matter of T.V. Cable operations being conducted in Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. Relative to the matter of the Pinball License, Ordinance No. 1349 it was to be held in Committee until July, 1965 at which time all games and devices should be con- sidered, Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur. Carried. S. Regarding request of Renton Downtown Merchants for parking meter removal at the time off-street parking lbt contract is fulfilled, it was recommended that the Mayor inform the Association that consideration will be riven the request at the time the lot is paid for. 6. Recommended that Resolution providing for 10 year contract for Mercury Vapor Lighting with Puget Sound Power and Light Company be adopted. Moved.by,Morkis-, and seconded by Poli, fo adopt Resolution No. 1290 as read per recommendation. Carried. President Pedersen has designated Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. for meetings of the Committee of the Whole. Chairman Pedersen submitted Sanitation Committee recommendations read by the Clerk as follows: 1. Recommended that Council concur with request of School District 403 to build a sanitary sewer line at no cost to the City to serve -the new Renton Senior High School under the same conditions and contract provisions contained in Honey Dew School and Fred Nelson Junior High School agreements. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in -the recommendation. Discussion ensued regarding the utilization of Metro to residents outside the corporate limits of Renton and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to amend the motion to stipulate that late-comers privilege would be allowed only upon annexation of the property. City Attorney Shellan advised it was doubtful that the City could impose such conditions being merely a collection agent. It was pointed out that the rate differential for service to outside properties might be a factor favorable for use in annexation recommendations. Mr. Shellan stated -the school district could impose such conditions. Vote on the amendment was taken and the noes prevailed failing the amendment. The original motion was voted upon and carried concurring in the Committee recommendation. -4- 126 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-18-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter of rates for sewer services to properties located outside the city to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. �... . Recommended that the Mayor be authorized to purchase twelve additional refuse containers to serve the downtown area. The sum of $1,000.00 was the approximate amount of the cost. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation subject to availability of funds. Carried. Councilman Garrett submitted a letter, directed to him, from C. G. Prahl, Director of Highways, State Highway Commission, advising of meeting held regarding the North Renton Interchange at which meeting it was determined that completion of a traffic analysis now in progress would be necessary before the plan for the inter- change could be finalized, particularly with regard to the number of lanes to be provided. The analysis was to have been completed within a week. Inasmuch as there seemed to have been question during said meetin" as to who proposed the six lanes on the Renton-financed leg of the interchange, an excerpt from a letter written by City Engineer Milson under date of 9-24-64 was quoted wherein the need for six lanes was stipulated with anticipation that the City would construct four lanes in the initial construction with provisions for six lanes later upon • the availability of funds. The -traffic analysis now in progress is being conducted since the Bureau of Public Roads insists that the results of the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Study be used in determining future traffic estimates for new construction in the Puget Sound area. Mr. Prahl advised he would report future developments. NEN BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers No. 7625 through 7718, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment at this time. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist announced a meeting of the Legislative Committee on Tuesday, January 19th at 9: 00 a.m. Councilman Perry announced a meeting of the Public Relations Committee on Monday, January 25th at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Custer invited audience comment at this time and Mr. Charles Shane inquired of City Attorney Shellan whether a Franchise is needed for City Light to serve the City. Mr. Shellan advised that if -the operations within the City require crossing over any public right-of-way a Franchise for permit or contract is needed. If the facility is confined strictly to private property than only a business license is required. Mr. Shane inquired whether conditions could be imposed by the city in event the original plattor in granting the xight-of-ways did not impose them. Mr. Shellan replied that very likely such utilities did not exist but only the telegraph when such land grants were effected and the matter of granting franchises is a matter of common law, of England as well as the U.S. If facility involves use of property, the City holds the trust by said law and may if it wishes give a franchise or con- tract to use the public facility. Mr. Shane recalled that no rate decrease by P.S.P.L. has been made for a year and he felt that City Light should be allowed to serve Ren- ton shopping center as the owner wanted but that like gambling the Council was not doing anything about it. As there was no further business to come before the Council and no further discussion -from the floor, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ,.,,. 12'7 Vouchers of December 31, 1964 Minutes of January 18, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NU,1BER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 7625 Addressograph-Ilulti.graph Corp. 48.35 7626 B & B Auto Parts 72.91 7627 Burnrite Oil Company 381.02 7628 Cochran Hardware 16.82 �- 7629 Dictaphone Corporation 13.62 7630 Diesel Oil Sales 145.77 7631 Hickok Sport Shop 2.08 7632 Keller Supply Company 59.70 7633 Market Basket ##3 36.30 7634 Market Basket #5 9.15 7635 Motorola C & E 226.30 7636 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 51.31 7637 Pacific Auto Supply 23.16 7638 Paulson Office Supply 249.39 7639 Pioneer Printery 290,43 7640 Record Office Supply 38,22 7641 Reiman auto Parts 134.68 7642 Renton Enterprise 163.95 7643 Renton Hardware a Furniture Co. 28.12 7644 Seattle Art & Photo Supply Inc. 71.87 7645 Seattle Lumber Company 160.72 7646 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 96.78 7647 Standard Oil Company 7.74 7648 State Treasurer, Dept. of Highway 876.09 7649 Thermo-Fax Sales 206.96 7650 M. C. Walls 6.49 7651 W/T City Treasurer-Equipment Rental 1.18 7652 Washington Natural Gas Company 104.55 STREET FUND 7653 A. G. Elliott 60,70 7654 ESCO Corporation 33,63 7655 MacWhyte Company 35#33 7656 Motorola C & E Inc. 30#99 7657 Paulson Office Supply 3.64 7658 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 1,467095 7659 Reiman auto Parts 37.02 7660 Security Concrete Products 1,024.59 7661 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 2.45 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 7662 Rockwell Manufacturing Co. 758.19 EQUIP14UT RENTAL FUND 7663 B & B Auto Parts 68.43 7664 Wayne Buck Sales 109.30 7665 Pacific Auto Parts 25.11 7666 Reiman auto Parts 121.47 7667 Renton Radiator, Inc. 80.08 7668 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 61.61 7669 Shell Oil Company 1,465.03 7670 Standard Oil Company 143.00 7671 Standard Service Tire Co. of Renton 328.30 7672 Sunset Coal & Oil Company 58.69 7673 Sweeper Service 182.00 LIBRARY FUND 7674 American Library Association 27,75 7675 Bruce Publishing Co. 6.01 7676 College Place Bindery 9.36 7677 Diesel Oil Sales Co. 173.75 7678 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 40,54 128 December 31, 1964 City of Renton Vouchers Minutcs of January 18, 1965 L7BWiRY FUND (Cont.) 7679 The Everton Publishers 10.50 7680 Fletcher Distributing. 21.46 7681 Gale Research Company 25.00 7682 Gaylord Bros., Inc. 497.74 7683 Outdoor Publishing Co. 9.88 7684 Washington State Tax Commission 9.73 7685 Overall Cleaning & Supply 5.00 7686 Pacific Northwest Bell 58.41 7687 Paulson Office Supply 60.09 7688 Puget Sound News Co. 494.25 7689 Puget Sound Power It Light 121.116 7690 Record Stationery & Office Supply 140.98 7691 City of Renton 4.00 7692 Arlene Schleiger 11.70 7693 U. S. Post Office 71.20, 7694 University of Washington Press 6.70 7695 West Coast Disaster Books 3.74- 7696 H. W. Wilson Co. 160,00' PARK FUND 7697 Pacific Northwest Bell � g 7698 B & B Auto Parts 25.04 7699 United Rent-`ills 22.88 7700 Washington Natural Gas Co. 56.26 7701 Sunset Coal u Oil Compan y 340.66 7702 Renton Hardware & Furniture Co. 42.92 7703 Keller Supply 4.28 7704 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 187.20 WA TZR 14ORKS UTILITY FUND 7705 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 1,003.:66 7706 Hersey-Sparling Meter Co. 6.19 loom 7707 Messer's TV and Appliance 4.40 7708 Motorola C & E Inc. 30.99 7709 Paulson Office Supply 107.63 7710 Rainier Asphalt Paving 'Co• 10.23 7711 Security Concrete Products 9.98 7712 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 28.86 7713 Standard Oil Company 3.26 AIRPORT FUND 7714 Cochran Hardware 1.20 7715 G. H. Culver, City Treasurer 9.25 7716 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 11.82 � 7717 United Rentals 10,40 C TX�1ULA T IVE FGfiI NO. 1184 7718 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 250.00 L.I.D. No. 252 CASH FUND 2 General Pipe Line Construction Co. 2,461.113 3 City Treasurer Cr. Street Fund 2,000.00 4 City Treasurer Cr. Current Fund 11720.00 L.I.D. NO. 252 REVENUE FIND "'■" 2 Firemen's Pension Fund 6,181.43 -z 41e", Custer, Mayor Helm/ie W. Relsnn, City er A RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. January 25, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Motion carried. OFFICIALS AND )&PAHEAPIS SENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer,Gerard� la ln, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, James Highton, Building Superintendent, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, and Vern Church, Purchasing Agentq and Robert Puhich, Utility Dept. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUIIDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF ','ORK 9974 $ 250.00 Clarence E . Burgess 721 Jones Street Rewire House 75 700,000.00 Renton Village Company 301 Grady Way Hotel 76 4,000.00 Milkbar, Inc. 920 "H" Street Cement Block Milkbar 77 90.00 M. McDonald 104 Main Street Concrete Steps 78 500.00 Reid & Cook 701 - 3rd Avenue Remodel Office 79 6,548.00 R. L. Edwards Renton Shopping Center Building C 9980 50.00 Pacific Northwest Bell 200 - 3rd Avenue Wire Phone Booth 81 1,500.00 Albin Urly 413 Wells Street No. Reside Residence 82 250,00 Williams & Swanson 200 Burnett Street Sign 83 2,600.00 Dag's Drive-In 310 Rainier Avenue Signs . - 84 10.00 Gloria's Coffiure's Walla Walla & Main . Construct Sdgns• 9985 1,000.00 Ernest L. Bozeman 112402 S.E. 100th St. Foundation J 86 1.00 Lilly Backman 128 Williams Street Demolish Residence 87 250.00 Dorothy Cook 12431 Rainier Ave. S. Wire Back Bar 88 250.0.0 Wm. Bellando Bronson Way Service Station - Rewire 89 350,000.00 Overmeyer Warehouse Co. 8th No. and Railroad Ave. Warehouse 9990 15,000.00 Rudy Zaputil 11630 S.E. 106th Place New Residence 91 2.50 Reid & Cook 703 - 3rd Avenue Wire Addition 92 150.00 Oliver Torkelson 305 Rainier Ave . No. Wire Com'l. Bldg. PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6924 - - - Joseph Dugdale 3744 - 7th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 25 - - - Victor Diambri 3121 - 5th Ave . E. Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - James F. Russell 3327 - 6th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - Etta Duke 11214 - 114th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixture 28 - - Thomas Hogan 11222 - 114th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - - W. A. Staples 1.0208 S.E. 95th Heating Equipment 6930 - - - - Tom Hogan 11222 S.E. 114th Si . Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - - Charles Swartfager 11221 S.E. 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures 32 - - - William 0. Phillips 11212 S .E. 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - - H. E. Michels 3509 - 9th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 34 - - - - Robert Shane 1.1601 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 6935 - - - - John C. Edwards 2818 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 36 - - - - John C. Edwards 2815 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 37 - - - - John C. Edwards 3006 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - - John C. Edwards 3014 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - - Ray Crookston 13028 S.E 112th SL. Gas Installations 6940 - - - - Suburban Dodge 12 601 Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 41 - - - - Milkbar, Inc. 920 H Street Plumbing-Gas Fixts. 42 - - - - Frank Swaisgood 11225 S.E. 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures 43 - - - - F. 0. E. Renton 3rd & Whit%o rth Plumbing Fixtures 44 - - - - Bennett Grocery 314 aPark Street Plumbing Fixtures 6945 - - - - 0. Torkelson 305 Rainier Avenue Plumbing-Gas Fixts. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-25-65 An arriendment to the Minutes of 1-18-65, Pg. 2 - Ada Louise Wheeler Hearing, corrected roll call vote on whether to table the hearing one week as follows: Aye: Poli, Hulse,. Schellert, Garrett and Morris, No: Pedersen, Dahlquist, Perry, Gianini and Dela`urenti. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to approve the Minutes of the previous week as corrected. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Applications for Master Locksmith and Keymakers Licenses for 1965 were read as follows: Austin Hendrickson Pharmacy, R. H. Hendrickson, Shaw Bros. Drug Store - E. A. Shaw and Delma Stringer, Lee's Keys - Thorval L. Miller Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter containing signatures of seven property owners petitioned the Council for the vacation of a portion of 128th Street South since the hill between 87th Ave. So. and 88th Ave. So. , Tract 33, is too steep to be used as a road. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check the signatures for percentage of ownerships. Carried. A letter read from Mr. John Pankalla inquired regarding lease of a portion of property and hangar facilities at the Renton Airport. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to refer the request -to the Airport Board. Carried. An amended complaint was read from Elso and Carmine Gregoris which changed the results of waterline break from"flooding of their home and creating substantial injury to the Plaintiffs property" to "damage to the Plaintiffs home." Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the document tothe City Attorney. The motion carried. A letter read from the Hon. Gary Grant, State Representative, presented the Council,for information, a 1965-67 Highway Commission Biennial Budget for Highway Construction, Location and Right-of-lVay Acquisition for the 47th Legislative District. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of Washington Municipal Data Book which will be on file if anyone wishes to see the comparisons of the State Municipalities. A letter read flan Mayor Custer recalled council authorization for the Mayor and City Attorney to proceed in preparation of forms and implementation of sale of the two G.O. Bond issues and the Revenue bonds for utility construction. Bonding counsel asked that certain determinations be made relative to public or private market sale, (12 months being required for private and 3 months on public market, ) and whether the city will need all of the $500,000 or a portion at one time. Mayor Custer recommended the sale of $250,000 of the revenue bonds to allow for immediate construction of water line facilities along 3rd Avenue extension prior to its being paved this spring, with $150,000 also being needed immediately to replace deteriorating pipe in the Highlands area. G. 0. bond sale for $150,000 was recommended at this time for library construction and these moneys could be available some time toward the end of -this summer. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to -the Committee of the Whole ,and that Mr. Gay, bonding counsel representative, be invited to attend the meeting. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilwoman Dahlquist, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, submitted minority report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. The Legislative Committee has reviewed the Resolutions,referred on 1-18-65, which are being presented to the 1965 Legislature by the Washington Finance Officers' Association relating to : Allowing cities to designate local banks as fiscal agents for redemption of bonds and coupons issued by the city or town; Authorizing time depositr in local banks; Setting L.I.Guaranty Fund at 10% allowing excess to be transferred to general fund for use of the city or town; Elimination of vendor certifications; and allowing 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class Cities investment powers as are now held by lst Class Cities. The Committee recommended concurrence in these Resolutions. 2. Approval recommended of Assn. of [dn. Cities bill revising methods of annexation pertaining to Review Board procedures. The Clerk, upon request, read the proposals and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Committee recommendations. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 1-25-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported relative to letters petitioning the city for improvement of alley running north and south from 2nd Avenue to Coveys Market and between fJhitworth and Morris streets, that it was recom- mended that the City set the grade but that property owners in the area assume costs of the paving. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: President of the Council Pedersen announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, February 2nd at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers 7719-7780, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Perry moved that maps be furnished to the Council to acquaint them with exact locations at the time the Engineer reports on vacation and annexation petitions. The motion was seconded by Morris and carried. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to the recent opening of Puget Drive and to the increase in traffic on Talbot Road as a result, creating a greater hazard of getting onto Grady Way, and urged that a stop and go signal be installed on Grady at the Talbot Road intersection. The motion was made by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee and Ways and Means Committee with report back requested for next week, Carried. Mayor Custer reported that the refuse receptacles for the downtown area have been selected and are ready for council approval. The cost is $65.00 each less 10% and it` has been recommended that twelve containers be purchased. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the `.Ways and Means Committee for funding. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIOPS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance o f the City of Renton, Washington Amending Section 5-3001 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled ;Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" Relating to Charges for Documen"CS, which was read by the Clerk. (Establishing $2.00 fee -or Budget) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved.by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2133 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the mo'Cion carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist inquired regarding injuries of Sergeant Edman who was hospitalized following "total destruction of his patrol car by teenage "dragster" who ran a stop sign at Wells and 4th Avenue North broadsiding the prowl car. Chief Williams reported that Sgt. Edman had received a broken leg and was beginning to novice stiffness now from being jostled about during impact. During discussion Mayor Custer advised that motor pool cars would be available if necessary and that 5 new cars will be purchased in lieu of the 4 budgeted for 1965. Councilman Poli requested the Light and Power Committee to meet following this meeting to tour the_ area of South 153rd Street in Earlington Flats. As there was no further business to come before the Council and upon invitation by Mayor Custer, no audience comment, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. -3_ 132 January 25, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VCUCHER IIU= PAYEE AMOUNT CURREI,7T FUND 7719 Association of Ulash. Cities 1,188.80 7720 Patricia L. Babin 4.00 7721 Blumenthal Uniform Company 194.57 7722 City of Renton 551.00 7723 Jeanette Dahlquist 3.12 7724 !,tihn. F. Davis - Roger IT. Davis 2,158.00 7725 Mrs. Marie Del Guzzo 4.00 7726 Loren E. Eastman 4.00 7727 Edward A. Garnett 4.00 772 James C. Gotti 4.00 7729 Richard Gray 15.00 7730 Haugan & Shellan, Attorneys at Law 87.50 7731 Bruce Hulse 9.60 7732 Kroesen's 145.71 7733 Robert D. McChesney 4.00 7734 Nudelman Brothers 260.46 7735 Pacific Northwest Bell 1,146.75 7736 Pacific Outfitting Company 15-55 7737 Pacific Outfitting Company 331.30 773L' Henry C. Pedersen 15.12 7739 John E. Pfab 4.00 7740 Pioneer Business Forms 464.38 7741 Dan Poli 2.018 7742 Puget Sound Power & Light 1,100.14 7743 Puget Sound Power & Light 482.10 7744 Renton Clothing Company 367.43 . 7745 Harold R. Slater 4.00 7746 Howard Lee Turney 4-CO 7747 U. S. Post Office 208.55 774-" U. S. Post Office 57.60 7749 U. S. Post Office 29.00 7750 Wash. State Good Roads Assoc. 21.00 7751 I'rilliam A. White 4.00 7752 C. S. ?Tilliams 18.72 7753 C. S. Williams 8.00 CITY STREET FUND 7754 L. D. L. Land Development Co. 1,853.57 7755 Pacific Northwest Bell 28.54 7756 Puget Sound Power L Light 5,473.54 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 7757 L. D. L. Lind Development Co. 2,640.01 EQUIFIETI' RENTAL FUND 7750" Standard Cil Company 4.2L- PAR.'.' FUND 7759 City of Renton 25.00 7760 Pacific Northwest Bell 3&.11 7761 Puget Sound Power & Light 278.57 ITATEM '...0116KS UTILITY FUND 7762 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,544.00 7763 Pacific Northwest Bell 121.09 7764 Puget Sound Power Light 2,543.02 7765 W/T City Treas. - Current 5,708.33 133 3 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS - CONTINUED January 25, 196E AIRPORT FUND 7766 Puget Sound Power & Light $ 296.56 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND war 7767 A. & H. Drugs #2 9.88 7768 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 7769 T. K. Anderson 305.00 7770 K's Prescription Pharmacy 24.86 7771 Floyd Lawrence 305,00 7772 Mrs, Orpha McDonald 150,00 7773 J. C, Michel, M.D. 71.50 7774 Gerald Nichols 5.12 7775 Seattle Orthopaedic Clinic 35.00 7776 Shaw Bros. Drug 16.84 7777 Karl Strom 45.00 7778 S. J. Vukov, M.D. 10.00 7779 P. J. Walsh 12.74 CUMULATIVE FUND NO:. 1990 7780 Puget Sound Power & Light 13.30 The following transfers, havinjo 'been approved by the Auditing and Atuouatifrg.Committee were approved for the month of January, 1965. TO: CLAIMS FUND PAYROLL FUND ,FROM: Current $ 8,921.48 Current $ 72,458.39 Street- - 7,355.65 Street 130558.09 Arterial Streets 2,640.01 Cedar River M & I 592.50 Equipment Rental 4.28 Off Street Parking 10.00 Parks 341.68 Equipment Rental 2,753.63 Waterworks 259916;44 Library 5,072.07 Airport ' 296.56 Parks 8,205.80 Firemen's Pension 1,140.94 Waterworks 13,587.26 Airport 10767.00 Total Claims $ 46,6:17.04 Total Payroll $1189004.74 D. Custer, Mayor fie mie W. Nelson, City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M� February 1, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City, Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly., ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahl44ist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Pali. Councilman Pedersen extended a w01come tw lei; 'rifts who has been absent due to illness and moved that the absent Councilmen be extueed. -The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Uilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Robert Puhich, Utility Foreman. Mayor Custer at this time deemed it his great pleasure to acknowledge an act of heroism and courage displayed in our community recently by Mr. Robert L. Porter, and presented a Proclamation commending Mr. Porter for exceptional skill and presence of mind in saving the life of a young child who had fallen into the Cedar River on January 14, 1965. Mr. Porter was given a copy of the Proclamation pending further community service award and Mayor Custer judged the action a reflection upon the image of the community deserving of the sincere appreciation and respect of all its citizens. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9993 12,000.00 R. S. Shane. 836 "R" Street New Residence 94 1,200.00 Robert S. Shane Aloha Ranch Foundation & Siding 95 350.00 Robert S. Shane 11601 S.E. 100th St. Wire New Residence PLUMBING MD H--,-EATING PERMITS: 6946 - - - - Henry Cooks 346 Park Street Gas Installations 47 - - - - Mary,Guinn 3309 - 12th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 48 - - - - Boise Cascade Co. 8003 Lake Wn. Blvd, Plumbing Fixtures 49 - - •- - Dan Davis Corp. 211 Morris Street. Plumbing Fixtures 6950 - - - - Marion Qualls 2513 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 51 - - - - Homer Creager 11213 S.E. 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - - Joseph Dugdale 3744 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 53 - - - - Covey Brothers 2nd & Morris Street Plumbing Fixtures 54 - - - - Renton Village Co. 301 Grady [day Plumbing Fixtures 55 - - - - Gerard Shellan 1126 "K<' Street Plumbing Fixtures 56 - - - - Alex Cugini 800 - 3rd Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 57 - - - - N. W. Weathers 12411 - 132nd S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 58 - - - - Clifford Rouse 10040 S.E. 95th Pl. Heating Equipment 59 - - - - Lewis Purcell 10636 - 116th Ave. SE Gas Installations OPENING OF BIDS: 1. Three-dial Synchronous Type Traffic Signal Controllers 2. Traffic Signal Heads for 1965 This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened by the Clerk and read: BIDDER AND ADDRESS UNIT PRICE BASIC BID SALES TAX TOTAL BID Bliss - Eagle Signal (Bond) $ 715.25 $ 4,291.50 $ 171.66 $ 4,463.16 736 Federal Street Davenport, Iowa, 52803 Econolite (Cert. Ch.) 609.85 3,659.10 146.36 3,805.46 3533 Stone Way North #262 Seattle 3, Washington ALT, BID 574.80 3,448.80 137.95 3,586.75 It was moved by Pedersen and seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 25, 1965 be approved as written: Carried. -1- 135 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting February 1, 1965 OPENING OF BIDS: (cont.) BIDDER AND ADDRESS 3 SECTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEADs 8" No Bid Bond Required 8", One-Way Two ?ay Three-Way Four Way 12" Sec. ECONOLITE $ 60.85 $ 123.10 $ 182.00 $ 232.50 $ 74.40 3533 Stone Way North ALT. (66.20) (134.00) (198.00) (256.00) (81.00) Seattle 3, Washington BLISS - EAGLE SIGNAL 60.15 126.50 186.40 246.15 69.15 736 Federal Street Davenport, Iowa, 52803 NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO. 57.66 117.41 169.34 218,65 74.22 171 South Jackson Street Seattle 4, Washington Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Bids to the City Engineer and Street and Alley Committee to report back. COMMUNICATIONS: A report from City Engineer Wilson on the Petition for vacation of a portion of South 128th Street, between 07th Avenue and 88th Avenue South, advised that a check of the County Records indicates that owners of 100% of -the property abutting had signed. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting the date of March lst for hearing on the matter. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that the Notice must be given , not less than 20 days and not more than 60 days following passage of the Resolution on Street Vacations. The motion carried. A letter from Mr. Milton Cable requested a street use permit for a sign at the location of White House Realty, 311 Rainier Ave. No. on the pipe which held the Flack Realty sign,the previous tenant. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer -the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for report back. Discussion ensued regarding action on results of a study of encroachments insofar as arriving at some conformity is concerned. A motion by Schellert tb refer the matter of infringement to the Committee of the Whole was seconded by Hulse and after further discussion and clarification by Mr. Cable as to location, the second motion was withdrawn. Planning Director Jensen stated that since the use of public property was involved it had been recommended that tiie Council consider the permit and not the Planning Commission, as they have done elsewhere in the area. He recalled also that Mr. Highton had reported on the encroachments with-the matter being somewhat incon- clusive and no action being taken by the Council at that time. A vote was taken on the original motion and carried referring the request by Mr. Cable to the Street and Alley Committee, for report back. A letter from Chas. E. Taylor and Ace Jones, Chairmen, Blood Banks, announced that the King County Central Blood Banks Mobil Unic will visit Renton on February 3rd from 12 noon to 8:00 p.m, under sponsorship of the Renton Eagles Aerie #1722, and will be located at the V.F.W. Hall, 416 Burnett Street. Any Club, individual or organization may donate to their respecsive blood banks . The City was requested to aid with a Procla- mation designating February 3rd as Renton Blood Donors Day. A letter from J. David Jensen submitted Plannin-; Commission recommendation from its public hearing of January 27, 1965, that the Great Nlorthern Railway Company request for amEndment to Application R-203-64, The Glacier Park Co. rezone be granted., together )it1) Protective Covenants suggested, and that Council concur. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, -co concur in the amended application. Carried. *Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mr. Jensen submitted planning Commission recommendation that a cL arge of $2.00 be established for the John Graham C.B.D. Developmen. Plan Report with a total charge of $5,00 for the series of reports to be published. Discussion ensued regarding manner of aleLertnning fee Qx"tjons and it was subsequently moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, than: no chatge 'shall be made for any- Dopy Shea xeque*ted by any other municipal or quasi icr IxIW CorpErratiott, or ocher non-profit, cri6ritablE nr .edUcationdl organization.Carried. ov +y.Perry, seconded by Hulse, to, refer c je matter' to the Law and Ordinance Committee fbr4 proper Resolution. Carried.' -2- .. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-1-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter read from Mayor Custer reports that the multilith machine now in use and serving all city departments is in need of replacement. It was suggested that the city utilize rebate from Puget Power Company to purchase a new machine and the sum of $1,925.00 was estimated as new cost. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Property Committee and Purchasing Agent to secure at least 3 bids. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer requested a formal statement of policy regarding street improvements on behalf of himself and neighbors who live along "I" Street between Cemetery Road and 4th Place. The previous policy whereby streets may be brought up to grade and a base prepared for paving at no expense to abutting property owners was accomplished on "I" Street and the residents now desire to arange for paving and curbing for which they are willing to pay. They will agree -to provide all materials for paving and curbing upon assurance that the City will provide all necessary labor to complete the improvement. The property owners will make all financial arrangements directly with suppliers and permission to proceed with the project on the east side of the street was requested whether or not the property owners on the west will cooperate. Mayor Custer advised of efforts to form an L.I.D. but that the hospital and another corporation own part afthe property on the other side and that is why they request per- mission to proceed on the East side. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Mayor Custer requested council acceptance of the following persons, appointees to an advisory board to be Down as the Renton Economic Opportunities Policy Committee, established for the purpose of advising and recommending to the Mayor and City Council relative to a program for city participation in implementation of various portions of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964: John Thompson, Joe Testa, Tom Blue, Muriel Barret Ruth Wiltz, Cecelia Partlow, Judge Paul Houser, Judge Gil Duckworth, Helga Karinen, Marian Larsen, Jeanette Dahlquist and Don Holm. The appointments do not require council.... concurrence but official action to implement the program will require approval and this committee will be purely advisory. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. PROCLAMATIONS: A Troclamation was -read designating the week of January 31, 1965 through February 6, 1965 as "Greater Renton Blood Bank Week! and February 3, 1965 as Renton Eagle's "Blood Donor Day". Mayor Custer called upon every citizen to participate if possihle to made this program a success. A Proclamation by Mayor Custer was read Resolving that the week beginning Sunday, January 21, 1965 and ending February 6, 1965, be known as Clergy Week and February 3rd be known as Clergy Day in the City of Renton, all citizens being called upon to take part in an appropriate manner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Proclamations by the Mayor. The motion carried. Councilman Pedersen inquired whether the City Employees have established a blood bank and it was suggested that the President of the Club present the matter to the members. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the [Jays and Means Committee requested additional time for report on fencing of the Springbrook !later Shed as the Engineer will be re- porting to the Committee of the Whole and the fundin to be determined thereafter. Granted. Additional time was requested for the matter of funding a traffic signal at Grady Way and Talbot Road intersection. Granted. -3- 1 13 7. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2- -65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS (cont.) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter of the vacation of South 128th Street to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Carried. Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, Councilman Garrett, requested more time regarding traffic signal : light at Talbot Road and Grady Way intersection. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk as b minority report and the following action was taken by Council The following street light installations were recommended: One 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light on 10th Court No. West of "P" Street and one 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light and pole at the intersection of South 153rd Street and 87th Avenue South. Estimated cost of the pole is $155.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the installations as read. .' Carried. President of the Council Pedersen reminded tie Council of the Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 3rd when Mr. Gay, bonding counsellor would be present to discuss the Citys"bond programs. Mr. Shellan was invited to be present. Longevity of permanent part-time employees was to be discussed and providing time allowed a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee with the Property Committee will follow the Committee of the 11hole meeting. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that Vouchers 7781 through 7820, as approved by the Auditing, and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Mayor Custer extended welcome to Councilman Trimn expressing pleasure at bis return. Councilman Hulse inquired regarding whether the intersection of South 180th Street with the West Valley Highway lies entirely within the corporate limits of Renton and City Engineer Wilson advised about 3/4 of it is in. Inquiry followed regarding traffic control probability and City Engineer Wilson stated that the accident ratio was not in- dicative of need for extensive control. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that the Engineering Department conduct a study on the advisability of a light and report bacT. Carried. Councilman Schellert pointed out that the Planning Commission is now holding its hearings on the C.B.D. Development plans and anyone who has knowledge of parties who may be interested should notify them. The hearing has been continued to February 24th. Lou Weisman, Reporter for the Record Chronicle inquired regarding traffic control and lighting on the curve at 180th and E. Valley Highway and Mayor Custer advised of probable improvement and lighting recommendations Forthcoming for that area. Councilman Schellert inquired regarding status of the library construction program. Mayor Custer advised the plans were in formation and that the architects had requested information which had been-supplied by_1bg9neering and that but a small part needs, to be completed. The plans should be available in approximately three months. Councilman Garrett requested *-Street and Alley Committee meeting with `the City Engineer and Purchasing Agent following this evening's meeting to discuss the bids opened tonight. Audience comment was invited at this time by Mayor Custer. Mr. Jensen advised that had given Mrs. Dahlquist an Easement and Protech ve Covenant for the Austin Company and requested presentation of the Ordinance.relative there- to. Mrs. Dahlquist stated that the Law and ,Ordinance Committee policy to review.the documents after receiting attachments,prior to presentation,would be maintained and the Ordinance would not be introduced tonight. Upon inquiry by Purchasing Agent Vern Church regarding funding cf waste. receptacles it was reported that another week would be needed by the Committee before reporting. . Mr. Harlin Baxter, Bliss Eagle Signal Co. Bid representative,advised that although his bid was high he felt it met specifications that the others did not meet. He was advised to meet with Mr. Garrett regarding attendin_; the Street & Alley Committee meeting. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The.meet{ng was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. There were fourteen visitors in the Council Chambers. i _ 4� 133 February 1, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUIiBER piYEE rdIOUNT CURPETPI4T FUND 7731 Airkem Sales & Service 92.66 772 American Institute of Planners 1.00 773 American Society of Planning Officials 15.00 77;;4 Delbert C. Bennett 19.50 775 Blumenthal Uniform Company 4.22 77UL6 Cairns & Brother, Inc. 11.14 7787 D. 11. Custer I).�5O 7788 Dictaphone Corporation 13.62 779 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 5.36 7790 Dora Holmes 143.10 7791 Gwen Marshall 2.00 7792 ileadTs Heating & Service 20.16 7793 He]mie Nelson 2.00 7794 Northwestern University Traffic In, 7.00 7795 F. Horton Pitt Company 14.51 7796 Polychrome Corporation 22.88 7797 Gerald Pyle 16.60 7791 Renton Clothing Company 293.91 7799 Renton Paint & Trdallpaper 22.17 7100 C. S. TIilliams 3.36 7101 Jack 11ilson 24.55 CITY STi ',7T FUND 7x02 Buckner-?,,Teatherby Company 15.60 7103 llinnesota 11ining & Mfg. Co. 76.23 EQUI PI u-NT RENTAL FUND 7004 L. E. Belcourt Company 7.02 73`05 Coast Equipment Company 5.92 706 Pratto Sales Company, Inc. 2.55 7;;'07 Tool Crib Companies 20.10 7rl 000 Vic's Renton Frame Alignment 4.6 PARK FUND 71J09 Abbott Electric Company 3.66 IIATER ?I(M.S UTILITY FUND 7110 The National Cash Register Co. 246.31 7611 Olympic Foundry Company 113.91 712 Pitney-Bowes Inc. 67.60 7113 Remington Rand Corporation 137.16 AIRPORT FUND 73`11.4. Fleming Photographs 31.20 CURRENT FUND 7815 Ray 0. Beaudry 4.00 7816 Michael D. Borg 4.00 7817 James Denzer 8.94 7818 Oma E. Kegley 4.00 7819 Robert Stevenson 5.00 OFF- STREET PARKING FUND 7820 Milt Williams 100.00 139 City of Renton Vouchers Continued February 1, 1965 CURRENT FUND 7815 Ray 0. Beaudry 4.00 7516 Michael D. Borg 4.00 7517 James Denzer 8.94 7818 Oma E. Kegley 4.00 7819 Robert Stevenson 5.00 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 7820 Milt Williams 100.00 D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk f79 fT 9 140 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. February 8, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilm be excused. Carried. .,■, OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett,City Treas., G. M. Shellan, City Atty., C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Bob Puhich, Utility Dep't. and James Highton, Building Director. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 1, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 9996 $ 6,000.00 John Urch 9623 - 108th Ave. S.E. Addition to Residence 97 1,500.00 Signal Oil Co. 3006 Sunset Blvd. E. Gasoline Tank 98 1,500.00 Signal Oil Company 600 Grady !,gay Gasoline Tank 99 1,300.00 Signal Oil Company 353 Sunset Blvd. E. Gasoline Tank 10000 V 0 I D 10001 3,000.00 Grant's Suburban Dodge 12601 Rainier Avenue Auto Sales Office 002 300.00 Raymond Harris 914 "K" Sireet Patio Roof 003 2,108.00 Jess Rowlee 2809 - Sth Place North Repair Fire Damage:NNW 004 1,125.00 T. & R. Shop Rite 11549 Sunse Blvd. E. Sign 005 50.00 Chic Const. Co. 2809 - 5th Pl. North Rewire Fire Damage 006 6,500.00 Renton Eagles 316 - 3rd Avenue Wire New Building 007 1,000.00 James Haydock 3702 - 8th Pl. North Remodel Garage 008 153,700.00 Ed Wroten, Jr. 12415 - 132nd Ave. S.E. Frame Residence 009 300.00 Burwell Pepka 325 Burnett Street Wire Comm'l. Bldg. PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 6960 - - - - Elliott B. Nelson 11406 S.E. 112th Street Plumbing Fixtures 61 - - - - Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Race Track Plumbing Fixtures 62 - - - - Jerry Goodall 512 "I'' Place Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - - Warren G. Smith 1204 "N" Place Plumbing-Gas Fixts. 64 - - - - R. W. Wiehoff 11608 S.E. 100th Street Plumbing Fixtures 6965 - - - - Cook's Restaurant 12431 Rainier Ave. So. Plumbing, Gas Fixt. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter read from Mr. David A. Johnston, Chairman, Renton Municipal Arts Com- mission, recommended, after study of the past experiences and problems encountered by various cities of the Northwest with regard to planter boxes, that the City consider a box 28 inches high, 36 inches long and 24 inches wide, estimated to cost between $100 and $140 each,contract to be awarded low bidder and contractor to provide 5-year bond on each box against any damage from defects. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to refer the communication to the Committee of"M the Whole. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Stanley E. Grimes, Jr. , Sec.-Treas., Allied Arts of Renton, Inc. , at its membership meeting in December,passed a Resolution for incorporation of art embellishment into the original plans for the new library building. The Art Commission and Library Board, to decide what forms of art would best suit the building and make their recommendations to the City Council for approval and implementation and members of Allied Arts agree to assist in any way possible for fulfillment of this Resolution. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the communication be referred to the Library Board. Carried. -1- 141. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-8-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Frank T. Holert, Jr., Electrical Contractor, requested franch--cc to maintain and operate a Community Antenna System within the City of Renton. D ---. cussion ensued,disclosing the existing operation under investigation - of the Light and Power Committee,pursuance or the matter revealing other cities granting franchis--- for such use of the public right of ways. City Attorney Shellan advised of suggest_og to Mr. Holert that he apply for some kind of permit since he is on city right-of-ways and that fee be determined on lineal ft. or area basis. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Light and Power Committee for report back. Carried. A letter from Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, one of the City Medical Pro- grams, advised of a group plan developed to provide greater coverage for its members and requested the opportunity to discuss the matter with appropriate parties in the near future. A brochure accompanied the letter. It was pointed out that the budget does not provide for city participation in rate increase and employees would assume any rate adjustment if the new plan were adopted, accordingly. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, that the letter and copy of the brochure be given to the President of the City Employees Club. Carried. A letter from Ballinger, Hutson & Eberharter, Lawyers, Hoge Building, reported -trial of King County Cause No. 614699, James McDaniel vs. City of Renton, County of King, Hilltop Sand & Gravel Co, and Ray L. Olels, et ux, commencing on January 19, 1965 and after six days,unanimous jury verdict for the Defendants on January 26, 1955. Thanks and appreciation for cooperation of City personnel of the various department-s involved,in preparation for and actual trial participation was expressed and included Jack Wilson, Robert Puhich, Les Phillips, Sgt. John Buff and Del Bennett, whose knowledge and ability and professional handling of the accident investigation made a very favorable impression. A .letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that the insurance carrier for the City of Tukwila will assume defense of the claim by Mary H. Meisenbach vs. City of Renton, City of Tukwila et al. The recommendation was made also -drat the City ' Council formally deny the claim filed in the sum of $50,000.00 under date of January 8, 1965. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert that certain claim for damages hereto re filed under date of January 8, 1965 by Mary H. Meisenbach, surviving spouse of Ned Gerrard Meisenbach, against the City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation, be and the same is hereby denied in its entirety. Carried. A letter from Foster & Marshall, Inc. Investment Bankers, 400 Norton Building, Seattle, Washington requested an opportunity to meet with the Council relative to the City G. 0. Bond issue of $150,000.00 and the Water Revenue Bond issue for $500,000.00 and to discuss advance refunding of the City's 1959 Mater and Sewer Revenue Bonds. Mayor Custer recalled that the IIm. Harper Co. and Son has also requested to meet with the Council relative to rendering : services as -Financial Consultants, Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Committee of the !Vhole. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson requested authorization to call for bids for the necessary water pipe required by the City for this year's contemplated construction schedule. The date suggested for opening of the bids was March 1, 1965. Permission was also requested to call for bids for installation of the water main in 3rd Avenue Extension so as to provide for paving of the street this summer. April 5th was the date recommended for opening of the bids. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the requests for bid calls ani bid opening dates as recommended by the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from Linda H. Wold, Corres. Sec., requested permit to hold annual Fircw-,:rhs sale at Renton Emblem Club #185 Stand behind the John Julian & Sons Electric Shop, 34.0 Sunset Blvd. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and Lien-:.--c Committee Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Mr. Joe Tedford, President of the Renton Downtown Merchants' AsZ* .-1. requested permission to place a banner on Third Avenue, secured to Feys Roxy Theatre and one on Bronson Way at bridge vicinity to be displayed from February 10th to 2011-111 for purpose of advertising annual Moonlight Sale. The necessary insurance will be provided and Hold Harmless Agreement executed as required. Moved by Poli., seconded by Schellert, to concur with installation under supervision of the Street Commissioner. Carried. -2- 142 ,l 1\` 1 - r, 143 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-8-1965 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from public hearing meeting of January 27, 1965 as follows: 1. Appl. R-222-65, Wayne Johnson for rezone of property located northerly of South 128th Street from R-3 to B-1. (Suburban Dodge). The Commission recommended the rezone with stipulations agreed to by the owner that; 10' southerly, westerly and northerly of the proposed rezone be reserved and planted by the owner as a landscaped area for screening purposes; that owner shall not develop access to ... 90th Avenue South along the Westerly margin of the property and that owner shall not construct or locate any buildings or structures other than enclosing fences within the Westerly 20' of the property, the foregoing to .be imposed upon the land in the form of protective covenants,effective through December 31, 1975. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendations of the Planning Commission. The motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried, 2. Appl. V-219-65 for Variance, requested by Bruce Pickering, to build hoose withip - 5t of rear .lot line. (This property located in vicinity of Langston Road and Thomas Street). The Commission recommended granting the request. " Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 3. Appl. V-220-65 for Variance requested by R. G. Rhodes to erect and maintain a sign on parking area at Triple X at Third Avenue and Rainier. (Extends into setback area) Commission recommended street use permit with fee. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Discussion ensued relative to fees and existing sign encroachments. Upon inquiry as to -number of non-conforming signs which might be encroaching Building Director Highton reported approximately 500 such signs, some in the right-of-way and others are not. It was suggested that a survey and report be made as to the number of signs using right-of-ways. Moved,by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the ?,)hole. Garrett opposed the referral in deference to applicant who would be delayed by the referral and also to the Planning Commission who had investigated and made the recommendation. Mrs. Dahlquist explained that the referral was for _the purpose of setting a standard to cover all future applicants and not have to make individual deter- minations each time they come up charging one and not another. Upon call for the question motion to refer to committee was voted upon and declared lost by majority no vote. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Planning Commission recommenda- tion with deletion of the reference to fee. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the matter of fees to be charged for signs encroaching on public right-of-ways be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. 4. Appl. V-221-65, The Bodcaw Company requesting Variance to replace light poles, sign and fencing on portion of PSH No. 5. (Renton-Ford Used Car Lot at 111 Rainier Avenue) . The Commission recommended a street use permit with fee. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation except for portion pertaining to fees. Intent of Commission per Minutes of 1-27-65 was, discussed insofar as fees are concerned after which the pending motion carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, that the matter of fee to be charged be referred to''the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities was read announcing First Notice of AWC Annual Convention to be held at`the Winthrop Hotel in Tacoma on June 16,17 and 18. The Theme will be "Improving Municipal Government" . Mark your calendar. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS President 'of the Council Pedersen presented his Committee report which was read with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the city proceed with arrangements to sell $250,000 in revenue bonds �»-- and $150,000 General Obligation bonds for the library, together, on the public market. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Dahlquist expressed opposition to concurrence until list was received earmarking revenue expenditures and until the Library Board requests money for the library. Councilman Pedersen stated the approval had been based upon the revenue expenditures as outlined in the Budget and Mayor Custer advised that the Library Board was notified of -the decisions regarding the sale and. had not objected. Discussion disclosed that it had been determined advantageous to call for the sale of both issues at one time upon advice of bonding counsel that the market was good and that it'wouid not 'be detrimental to sell prior to need as surplus may be invested. Although private sale takes less time, public sale was recommended, as the Prospectus required for the Revenue Bond sale takes about 90 days and the City would not be ready for the money until sometime this summer. -3- x. _A_ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-8-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS cont. Committee of the Whole Recommendations Bond Sale - Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that the next step will be to advise bonding counsel and make arrangements for the Prospectus. Thereafter, bids must be called for and Ordinances adopted providing for issuance of the bonds and calling of bids for the sale thereof. The pending motion was subsequently carried. Mayor Custer upon request to inform the two financial investment companies of the Council's possible interest in their service, advised that meetings would be arranged upon notice from the Council President. It was recommended than permanent part-time employees be entitled to receive longevity pay at half of the rate of that granted regular employees and that this matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the motion be amended to read that longevity pay be at a pro-rata rate rather than one-half. Amendment to the motion was carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. It was recommended by the Committee of the Whole to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer that the entire Springbrook watershed be fenced at a cost of $15,000.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted report read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: 1. Due to the fact that the specifications con-L'ained in the call for bids for Traffic Signal Controllers inadvertently prohibited one of the manufacturers from qualifying to bid, it was recommended by the Committee and the City Engineer to reject all bids as received and to readvertise with revised specifications. Date of bid opening recommended was March 1, 1965. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations. The motion carried. 2. It was recommended by the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer that the City accept the bid of Econolite to supply various Traffic Signal Heads which may be required during 1965. Econolite was the lowest bidder to comply with the specifications. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the bid award. Carried. 3. Regarding request for traffic signal at intersection of Talbot Road Extension and Grady Way, it was recommended, in anticipation of volume increase with opening of Puget Drive and planned opening of Renton Village in early spring, that a signal be installed at this location. Moved by Poli; seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Dahlquist inquired whether this light was to take precedence over other areas where t' ere is a known need for signals. Specifically designated was E Street and Sunset Blvd. near the T. & R. Market where children cross to go to the Jr. High School and where several accidents have occurred and which area would undoubtedly increase its traffic volume witi the opening of the North Renton Interchange. City Engineer Filson advised that this area has been under study and will be completely revised upon opening of the Interchange. After further discussion on budget-time considerations and actions,and materialization of the present problems subsequent thereto but not unforeseen, the pending motion carried. It was pointed out that the matter had been referred to the (Jays and Means Committee previously. mom Councilman Garrett reported that relative to 11hite House Realty request for permission to install a sign on the standard used therefore by the previous tenant, it was recommended that Mr. Cable be granted the sign with execution of the Permit and Hold Harmless Agreement: as required. Moved by Morris,seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Perry recalled the authorization last year for certain free parking privileges extended the Downtown Merchants Association and reported that although the permission had expired the decals were still being applied to the meters as of last Saturday. Mayor Custer advised the Merchants will be contacted. -4- 144�r Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-8-65 CObl,gCIL COMZIiTTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Poli called attention to concurrence of the Council in Light and Power Committee recommendation for installation of a pole and street light at 87th Avenue South and 153rd Street and moved -chat the matter now be referred to the Wates and Means Committee for funding in the sum of $155.00. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. NE(q BUSINESS: .•. Councilman Pedersen announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, February 16th at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers No. 7821 through 7895, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Councilman Hulse called attention to a Planning Committee meeting of the Association of 11ashington Cities this coming Friday and Saturday, February 12 and 13th in Tacoma at the Doric Motor Motel. Anyone interested in attending may secure further information from Mr. Jensen or Mr. Hulse. Councilman Hulse inquired when -the newly installed traffic signal at 4th Ave. No. and Williams Street would be put into operation and City Engineer Wilson advised it would be working by Wednesday. Councilman Garrett requested a meeting following adjournment of this meeting to consider the request of Mayor Custer and other residents of "I" Street for street improvements. The Mayor was invited to meet with the Street and Alley Committee. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton !,!ashington,which had been held by the Committee for Easement and Property Restriction covenants which have now been recorded and filed, ..., changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from "General Classification District" and "General Suburban Residence District" (G and GS-1) to Light Industry District, (L-1), which was read by the Clerk. (The Austin Company Property) Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2134 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members voting Aye. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from "General Classification District (G) to "Heavy Industry District" (H-1), recommending first reading and that it then be held for filing of -the protective covenants. After the reading it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee to be held as recommended. Carried. (Glacier Park Co. and Great Northern Ry. Co. Property) The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington fixing -the lst day of March, 1965 at the hour of 8: 00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renton, Washington as the time and place for Hearing on the proposed vacation of portion of South 128th Street, between 87th and 88th Avenues South. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution No. 1291. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton establishing and levying a charge of $2.00 for each copy of that certain Central Business District Development Plan, Renton, Washington, as prepared by John Graham and Company and a charge of $5.00 for a copy of said plan together with all further reports, addenda and supplements thereto, except that no charge shall be made for copy requested by any ocher Municipal or quasi-municipal corporation or a non-profit, charitable or educational orSanization. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1292 be adopted as read. Carried. -5- i Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-8-65 AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Mayor Custer invited au'ience continents and Mr. Wm; 0: Yeasting of Wm► V: Harper & Son in Seattle requested an opportunity to meet with the Council its the neat future to discuss the bond sales and present some ideas which he felt would by helpful: Councilman Perry reported being contacted within the past 3 or 4 weeks by property owners in Tukwila who expressed an interest its annexinU -vith the City of Renton. Inquiry was made as to whether city officials were aware of the fequeste. and they apparently are not. Mr: Ferry advised that he will have further data on the matter which is being gathered at present. Attention was called -to the pending law regarding annexations: As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to ad.joutnt Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10108 p.m. �J- 14'7 February s, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously, approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council a,pprc::val as follows .. .�..._.� _..... . _1:.Yli_ CURREr1 n Si Ui TD Alden Equ4 ment Company ._02.96 7522 Jainas Ashurst 13.60 r/02? Math-:w Bender & Compare,-, Inc. 1<5.20, 7821, Blumenthal_ Uni f or:., Company 14.50 7S2> Boa_:d for V Iurrceer Firemen 243.00 7826 Gerald Wayne Bcdvin 1;..00 7(827 A. 'j. B._-P.ttus 4 a 94 rl�vr.,2 Davidson Sales and Ser T .E ice Agency 30308 7529 General Binding Corp. & Subsidiaries 5.30 7530 Gra bar El Ctri 1 y e c Company, Inc. 2.�. ,,8 7531 H & Id Duplicator Corporation 01; 7532 Sheri, A. Hary 4.00 7533 Ernest E., Henry 11.12 7534 Holmes Electric Company "8' .79 7835 Janco--United, Inc. 131;-.21 7536 King County Humane Society 693.37 7837 Ralph Leber Company, Inc. 333 7838 Allen L. Le-veLs 4.0C 7539 nark Levr.s L..00 7540 Bonnie Lindsey 4.00 7514.1 Market Basket #3 36.80 7842 Market Basket ;-'5 16.30 7543 :Mobile Comm--cations Company 156.00 7844 Monroe International, Inc. 56.16 784' National Cash Register Company g' Y 9,562 80 76 Pacific Outfitting Company 101..89 7,847 Purchasing Agents Association Wash. 40.00 7848 Charles 1.1. Scoby 12.60 749 Seagrave Pacific Corporation 343.2 ) 7550 Seattle-King Co. Dept. of Public Health 17' ()0 7651 Shaw Bros. Drug 38„85 7852 U. S. Post Gffice 19.00 7553 W/'T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 2,858.'':_7 r. 7854 'Mashington Natura- Gas Ccmpany 113,12 7855 Washington State Tax Comlyd.ssion 67 '7856 Western Electronics Company 4331 7557 C. S. Williams 10.2; 7858 Youth Board Reserve Institute 1.15 CITY STREET FJND 7859 The Buyer Finders, Inc, 260.00 7860 Dan Katzer 291�r52 7561 Mobile G:rinm=icat ions Company ;2.00 7562 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 1171.,.37 7-263 Stoneway Sand & Gravel l ?5 7864 T corn_a Screw Products ';5.10 7865 Tict )r TeGantvoort 16.95 7865 Wj T City Treas.. - Equip. Renta?_ 7;C-16 a 1._5 j',RTERTAL STR-, ,T rU1,M 7867 Homeland Real Estate 65.00 c �v Glenn Weal in l%sscciates, Inc. j0.00 CEDAR RIVER M. & I.. _H UITD r,78 6 9 ?ld/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental_ 148 City of Renton Vouchers Continued February 8, 1965 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 7870 Bardahl Lubricants Corporation 106.33 7571 Benz Spring Company 19.55 7572 Blanchard Auto Electric Company 26.46 7573 Esco Corporation 325.33 7574 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 238.31 PARI. FUND 7575 Coast Wide Supply Company 5.10 7576 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 70.46 7577 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 5.10 7575 Stoneway Sand &_ Gravel 137.60 7879 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 141.53 7550 Washington Natural Gas Company 70.01 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 7881 Cascade Sewer District 31.76 7$52 Messer?s T.V. and Appliance 3.23 7553 Mobile Communications Company 52.00 7584 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,544.00 7885 Pitney-Bowes Inc. 28.20 7556 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 5.20 7557 Stoneway Sand and Gravel 50.24 7555 Tacoma Screw Products 4.99 759 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. 9.67 7890 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 19648.45 7591 Washington State Tax Commission 1,183.95 7592 Zep Manufacturing Company 247.10 AIRPORT FUND 7893 United Electric Motors 39.12 7894 U. S. Post Office 8.00 7595 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 65.00 Custer, Mayor 11elmie Wn. Nelson, City rlerk t RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 F.M. February 15, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Bruce, Perry, Poli, Delaurenti, Trimm and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. 1, illiams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman, James Highton, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 8, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMMT NAtM ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10010 $ 14,000.00 R. S. Shane 11607 S.E. 100th Street New Residence 011 650.00 Richfield Oil Company 3rd Place & Marion Street Sign 012 550.00 Bennetts Grocory 3rd (: Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting February 15, 1965 COMMU*1_C. -ONS ID REPORTS: M . David Johnston was introduced at this time and distributed an architectural schedule on progress of the library plans to be prepared by his firm, Johnston-Campanella, & Associates. Mr. Johnston reported delay while awaiting results of a survey,which have now been received,causing an approximate two-weeks lost time which it is hoped can be made up in order to meet the completion of construction date which has been set for 2-1-66. It was reported that many trips have been made to other libraries, some with members of the Tdbrary Board, and that a tentative plan for general organization of the floor plan area has now been formulated. Some of the architectural problems were outlined, such as location of the stacks, need for State and County Agencies approval regarding crossing of the river, location of the piers and hydraulics problems, not all architectural matters, but those which must be resolved prior to final design. On behalf of the Library Board, inquiry was made relative to the proposed bridge connecting the park with other civic center facilities and whether the cost should be assumed by the Library when the benefit was not solely the libraries. The $10,000.00 anticipated cost thereof was felt to be penalizing to the library budget. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. here aiier a discussion ensued relative to provisions of the Ordinance and bond issue as voted upon and approved,and to whether or not the bridge was an appurtenance necessary to ret into the building. Width of the walkway and bridge was discussed as required for library access and as may be desired for access and egress as might be concerned with the civic center facilities involved otherwise. It was suggested that the schematics should be reviewed prior to taking action or making any conclusions after which the pending motion carried referring the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Applica-lien -- from Renton Motor Parts, Inc. for renewal of Master Locksmith License for Arthur Furtwangler was read. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested transfer of funds from Street Maintenance Account 3240, M. & 0. 315, unto, Engineering Account 3100, M. (r 0. 315, in the sum of $525.00 to cover Equipment Rental expenses during 1965 for vehicle P_-45 which was transfer: d to Engineering as of February 1, 1965. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the L^poi and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A. 'Letter was read from the Renton Library Board, directed to Allied Arts of Renton, Inc., acknowledging request for "art embellishment" for the new library buildir q and expressing thanks for the helpful interest.:'-ny ' :. t`' decisions will roc bF.- :rade un' *1 consulting with the Municipal Art Commission,being mindful that this is only a pi of the Civic Center Complex and any monies for features not inclined in the budget should be submitted in time to incorporate ary such features into the original plans. A Claim for damages was filed against the City by Western Sand & Gravel Co. in the sum of $9,850.10 arising out of circumstances relative to Renton Concrete Products, Inc. batching pant construction. A stop work order and determination of zoning violation by the City and denial of appeal of Planning Commission decision prohibited the construction. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney, Carried. A report from Building D-rector, James Highton, advised that a total of 525 signs are now being displayed in the City of which 170 occupy or project onto public property. The Planning Commission had recommended that a fee be established for use of the public 1 right-of-ways for sign purposes. Building Director Highton recommended, in the event a fee schedule for signs is considered, that a fee rental schedule for all types of en- croachment occupancy on and over public property be also given consideration. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried, A letter from the Renton Downtown Merchantst Association, J. E, Tedford, President, requested continuation of the free parking in Downtown Renton on Saturdays, which was felt to have been of great value in terms of business and sales volume. Cooperation of the City in this public oonvenience program has been appreciated. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the request. Discussion ensued regarding possible availability of parking sii--e on the corner of Wells and Second Avenue and it was recommended that the Merchants" Ass n, be informed thereof. Mr. Sam Zerwoodis stated that the City should consider the removal of all parking meters calling attention to v7cant businesses on Wells Street. The pending motion carried: -2- 1Si Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-15-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Purchasing Agent Vern Church, requested permission to call for bids on the following equipment: 4 Police Cars with two cars and ene,three-wheel motorcycle trade-ins 2 Pool Cars with two trades 1 Engineering Survey Vehicle, with trade 1 Cushman or Westcoaster, with trade The date of March 1, 1965 was recommended for opening of the bids. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the bid call and opening date. Carried. A letter read from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recom- mendation that the Preliminary Plat of McKnight Heights be extended until March 24, 1965. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter from Mr. Steve Bennett, Sales Manager, Suburban Dodge, 12601 Rainier Avenue South, requested permission to park two automobiles in front of Bruce Pickering's Appliance Store during the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, February 19th in conjunction with the Moonlight Sale. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur with the recommendation upon Qxceution of Hold Harmless Agreement. Carried. A letter from the U.S. Dep't. of Interior Geological Survey, Water Resource Div'n. requested permit for streamflow measuring structures 5 ft. square to be placed on the banM of the Cedar River 135 ft. downstream and West of Bronson Way, the site to be used for an indefinite number of years subject to removal of any or all equipment upon request of the property owner. (Hold Harmless provision included.) It was moved by Dahlquist, with second by Schellert,to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter was read from Mayor Custer requesting Council concurrence in the appointment of Sue Hawkins and Betty Mattison to position of Clerk--Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department, effective February 16, 1965, subject to the six months probationary period in accordance with the Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Results of the Civil Service Examination were as follows: Genevieve Golden, Grade, 95.86%, rank 1 - Declined the position Sue Hawkins Grade 80.34%, rank 2 Betty Mattison Grade 75.00%, rank 3 A report from Chief of Police Williams disclosed nothing to prevent the appointments a thorough background investigation having been conducted, and the Civil Service Commission letter certifying the candidates advised that medical forms have been com- pleted. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointments by the Mayer . Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Comnittee, presented his Committee recommendation that the State Game Department be requested to cut the brush and berry vines and clean up the Cedar River Waterway properties now being leased from the-City for a public access,�� in vi binfty of 6th Avenue North. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. w Councilman Hulse reported attending a meeting of the Planning Association of Washington in Tacoma on February 12 and 13, 1965 and being impressed especially with the number of people we are going to have to take care of according to population growth figures and the statement made that industrial standards can be just as high as you are able to sell your area. Legislation enabling Cities to secure matching funds for open areas or recreational lands was discussed and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert that the Planning Department investigate regarding participation, and application. Mrs. Dahlquist advised the Legislative Committee has been studying the proposals including this one called the "701 Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan" which provides for $2.00 Federal monies for each $1.00 local funds which she felt may be applied toward development of our Lake Washington Beach Property and recommended referral to the Property Committee. The pending motion subsequently carried; -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : OLD BUSINESS cont. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter of matching funds for open space and recreation areas to the Planning Department and Park Board for determination of what we may intend to acquire. Carried. Councilman Schellert submitted his Ways and Means Committee report which was read by the Clerk with council action taken as follows: 1. Fencing of Springbrook Watershed - Funding recommended from Budget, 7120/606$ $5,000.00 and balance from Waterworks, 7120/609, $10,000.00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Inquiry disclosed this to include the whole area. Carried. 2. Funding of signalizing of Grady Way-Talbot Road Extension intersection was recommended in approximate sum of $3,500.00 from Traffic Signals Fund 3130/605. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation. Dahlquist inquired whether 4-laning in lieu of the light had been considered and if the City Engineer had anticipated the amount of traffic that the interchange would divert when completed and how much back up will result on Benson Highway from a traffic light as proposed. Discussion ensued wherein it was pointed out that widening this area is now in planning, that the freeway will not appreciably divert traffic with the new shopping center soon to open along Grady Way and that the back-up will be controlled by the widening and left turn facili- ties. Upon further inquiry by Dahlquist regarding need for a light at the Benson intersection with Main and Grady Way, City Engineer Wilson advised that he plans to include this in his budget next year. The pending motion carried. 3. Funding of refuse containers for the downtown area in approximate sum of $600.00 to be made from excess revenues with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for appropriation by Ordinance into the Budget. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. 4. Recommended that the power pole at South 153rd Street and 87th Avenue South, be funded from Cumulative Fund #1184 in the approximate sum of $155.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, outlined the Parks and Recreation Commission News Letter Progress Report on Project P-68, 701 Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan and the 5�mpsis of the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Act, Initiative 215 and Referendum #11 and moved,second by Schellert, to refer this tD the Property Committee. Councilman Garrett called attention to the promotion of the bill during time signatures were being solicited and urged action as soon as possible after the `time whEn the money will be available. Councilman Perry reported following progress of the act with the Park Department and that when the time was appropriate the recommendations from the Park Board and Director will be forthcoming. Mrs. Dahlquist deemed it proper for the Property Committee to also be apprised of the situation inasmuch as acquisition of land may be involved. The pending motion subsequently carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist reported that a number of pieces of legislation are of great interest to cities and that the Association of Washington Cities Bulletins and report on legislation may be seen in the Mayor's of-ice and Clerk's office and copies may be secured if personal copies are desired by the council. It was requested that anyone going to Olympia advise Mrs. Dahlquist for report on some of the legislation. Councilman GiFnini urged removal of parking meters from the streets in downtown Renton stating that no new business wants to locate here because of the meters and people will go to the shopping centers because of the parking facilities. He called attention to the vacant businesses in the downtown area and moved that the matter of .�. parking meter removal be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for report back. The motion was seconded by Perry. Discussion ensued regarding whether meters on lots are to be included. Mayor Custer advised his budget for next year will not include revenue from parking meters on the streets. Impact on the present budget if any immediate action is taken was contemplated and Perry recommended that the Committee report also on the hours no parking should be observed if meters are removed, on the main streets especially. Garrett suggested a like procedure as was conducted on the Main Street no parking request which recommendation is still in Committee. The pending motion subsequently carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the City Engineer prepare report on times for no parking and designate the locations. Carried. -4- 1.53 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the IVreet q'd Alley Committee, reported that his Committee recommended that taxpayers nR I Street be allowed to improve one-half of the street conforming to sub-division standards in the event the owners on the other side would not participate, Moved by Morris, seconded by pruc,e, to concur in the recommendation. After discussion on past experiences and acknowledgment that the whole street will be paved but the one-half improved with curb and sidewalks, the pending motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: ... Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 7896 through 8017, —" having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment as listed. Carried. Councilman Perry pointed out that parking meters are supposed to regulate traffic and if meters are removed some other kind of regulations will have to be ef=fected during peak hours which was the basis for his motion for no parking at certain periods of time, to be reported by the City Engineer. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 252 for the im- provement of a certain area within the City of Renton by the construction and installation of sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said assess- ment roll as confirmed by the City Council; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the local improvement fund, District No. 252, of the City of Renta n as created by Ordinance No. 2113, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, and seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2135 as read. Roll call vote following resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-3) to Business District (B-1) . (Wayne Johnson property - Suburban Dodge) Chairman Morris recommended first reading and that the Ordinance be held for filing of proper covenants. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. After the first reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Com- mittee to be held as recommended. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to transfer the sum of $20,000 unto the Library Fund from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1894, said transfer to constitute a loan to bear interest at 44% per annum and to be repaid in any event not later than December 31, 1965, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1293 as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Street Department Funds from Acct. 3240/315, $525.00, unto Engineering Department Account 3100/315 to cover Equipment Rental of vehicle A-45 which was transferred to Engineering as of 2-1-65. Moved by Councilman Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1294 as read. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist recommended that smoking be allowed in the Council Chamber during the meetings to eliminate the need for any lengthy recess periods. After various comments pro and con and no further pursuance of the matter, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. There were 18 visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- 154 February 15, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER. NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 7896 Bean Electric Company 211.94 7897 Blumenthal Uniform Company, Inc. 100.00 7898 Burnrite Oil Company 251.49 7899 Carpenter Paper Company 81.59 7900 City of Renton 93.12 7901 Cochran Hardware 6.10 7902 John Lester Daniels 4.00 7903 Tom Dobson & Son 91.65 7904 C. R. Evans 55.40 7905 General Aniline & Film Corporation 107.90 7906 Ernest Charles Grierson 4.00 7907 Group Health Coop Of Puget Sound 156.25 7908 Sam Heller 73.84 7909 J. David Jensen 11.82 7910 John Julian and Son 8.84 7911 Keller Supply Company 3.47 7912 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 786.20 7913 Kathleen M. Knight 4.00 7914 Market Basket 1r4 22.24 7915 Pacific Outfitting Company 18.67 7916 Pacific Northwest Bell 86.20 7917 Mike Potoshnik Fuel Oils 400.46 7918 Jack Pruzan Company 116.16 7919 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 413.26 7920 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 462.13 7921 Seattle Lumber Company 78.33 7922 Standard Insurance Company 339.69 7923 Statewide City Employees Retirement 413.63 7924 France Louise Tyner 4.00 7925 W/T City Treas. - Street 28.93 7926 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 66.54 7927 W/T City Treas. - Water Works Utility 2.00 7928 C. S. Williams 7. }9 CITY STREET FUND 7929 Black River Quarry, Inc. 187.24 7930 City of Renton 4.00 7931 A. G. Elliott 104.00 7932 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 76.25 7933 Homelite 48.67 7934 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 130.60 7935 Midway Asphalt Company 172.69 7936 Pacific Northwest Bell 18.54 7937 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 5,499.58 7938 Renton Boiler Works 10.77 7939 Safety & Supply Company 9.98 7940 Standard Insurance Company 54.64 7941 Statewide City Employees Retirement 227.40 7942 W/T City Treas. - Street 6.75 7943 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 54.00 7944 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 9.75 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. FUND 7945 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 8.15 7946 Standard Insurance Company 2.23 7947 Statewide City Employees Retirement 12.48 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 7948 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 19.02 City of Renton Vouchers Continued February 15, 1965 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 7949 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 24.00 7950 Kennyps Auto Rebuild 36.40 7951 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 3.15 7952 The Lacal Company Inc. 90.44 7953 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 118.92 7954 Renton & Rainier Printery 46.80 7955 Standard Insurance Company 3.92 7956 Standard Service Tire Co. of Renton 41.4.03 7957 Statewide City Employees Retirement 41.96 7958 Tuffibre Company 92.00 7959 U1/T City Treas. - Street 140.16 LIBRARY FUND 7960 City of Renton 8.00 7961 Diesel Oil Sales Company 95.52 7962 Doubleday & Company, Inc. 275.81 7963 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 80.60 7964 Gaylord Bros., Inc. 108.10 7965 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 8.50 7966 H. & M. Duplicator Corp. 5.71 7967 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 83.50 7968 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. 2.50 7969 Pacific Northwest Bell 59.76 7970 Pacific Northwest Bibliographic Center =80.04 7971 Paulson Office Supply 11.40 7972 The Puget Sound =Jews Company 1,113.63 7913 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 39.53 7974 Record Stationery & Office Supply 59,48 7975 Spencer International Press Inc. 137.96 7976 Standard Insurance Company 20.07 7977 Statewide City Employees Retirement 140.32 7978 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 27.28 PARK FUND 7979 City of Renton 38.02 7930 Earls Refrigeration & Appliance 2.60 7901 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 40.00 7982 Kent Oxygen Company 6.76 7983 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 81.90 7934 Pacific Equipment Company 16.44 7985 Pacific Northwest Bell 57.89 7936 Port of Seattle 1,870.17 7937 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 269,41 7988 Record Stationery & Office Supply 50.44 7939 Renton Boiler Works 67.60 7990 Ernie Rose Sports Equipment 53.70 7991 Standard Insurance Company 28.99 7992 Victor Fuel Oils 69,08 7993 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 38.76 UJATI 1JORKS UTILITY FUND 7994 City of Renton 4-CO 7995 G. H. Culver, City Treas. 858,47 7996 Group Health Coop of Puget Sound 56.00 7997 Keller Supply Company 6.29 7998 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 147-30 7999 Pacific Northwest Bell 43,94 � b00 Puget Sound Power � Light Cc. 2,003,63 8001 Renton & Rainier Printery 15,60 8002 Frank E. Rhodes Company 3.90 8003 Standard Insurance Company 55.75 8004 Statewide City Employees Retirement 201.10 8005 W/T City Treas. - Current 5,708.33 8006 W/T City Treas. - Street 112,30 8007 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 1.60 l56 City of Renton Vouchers Continued February 15, 1965 AIRPORT FUND 0005 American Association of Airport Executives 35.00 ,,009 City of Renton 12.66 8010 Cochran Hardware 8.46 8011 G. H. Culver, City Treas. 10.30 C012 King Co. Medical Service Corp. 24.45 £3013 Port of Seattle 1.00 8014 Standard Insurance Company 6.69 5015 Statewide City Employees Retirement 21.78 8016 W/T City Treas. - Current 410.00 8017 W/T City Treas. - Equipment Rental 1.60 The following transfers, having been approved by the AuditirtW mldt AWourMTtg7,TC9 iUjee were approved for the month of February, 1965. TO: CLAIMS FUND PAYROLL FUND FROM: Current $ 201510.74 Current $ 721,937.98 Street 14,760.73 Street 13,222.60 Arterial Street 115.00 Cedar River M & I 567.00 Cedar River M & I 41.37 Off Street Parking 10.00 Off Street Parking 119.02 Equipment Rental 2,753.63 Equipment Rental, 1,778.73 Library 49939.53 Library 2,457.71 Parks 89318.06 Parks 38125.22 Water 13,305.22 Waterworks 300597.08 Airport 1,767.00 Airp6rt 675.26 Firemen's Pension 1,056.34 Total Claims $ 75,237.20 Total Payroll $117,821.02 D. W. Euster, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Cler N,1 K RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. March 1, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assec:Ily. ROLL CALF OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Bruce, Perry, Poli, Delaurenti, Trimm and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Malls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman, James Highton, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 15, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAMEADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10021 $ 200.00 Laurence Brester 7th Avenue North Fireplace 022 500.00 Leo Zanga 1147 Talbot Road Carport 023 250.00 Doran R. Francis 838 "P" Street Wire Addition 024 400.00 Larry Noll 10027 - 112th Ave. SE Wire Amp Service 10025 550.00 Sylvester Morris 13117-90th Ave. So. Improve Residence 026 25,000.00 Gull Oil Company 10 Renton Village Service Station 027 500.00 Stanford C. Witsoe 804 "D" Street Garage 028 150.00 Milk Bars, Inc. 920 "H" Street Wire Com41. Bldg. 029 375.00 Joseph Dugdale 3744 - 7th Ave. No. Wire Residence 10030 350.00 Charles Wiehoff 11632 S. E. 100th St. Wire Residence -- 031 15,250<00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13312 - S.E. 116th New Residence 032 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13320 S.E. 116th St. New Residence 033 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13312 S.E. 115th St. New Residence 034 993.00 Roy 0. Beemis Renton Shop. Center Signs 10035 13,000 00 United Homes Corp. 3901-10th Ct. No. New Residence 036 13,500.00 United Homes Corp. 1021 "R" Street New Residence 037 14,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1120 "R" Street New Residence 038 15,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1044 "R" Street New Residence 039 14,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1108 "R" Street New Residence 10040 27.00 George Gebhardt 12501 - 86th Ave. S. Wire Den 041 50,00 Foster & Kleiser Lind St. & Sunset Wire Sign 042 2,800.00 Renton Ford 111 Rainier Ave. Office Bldg. 043 21647.00 Clair E. Crandall 930 "E" Street Reside Residence 044 50.00 Milo C. Peterson 1503 "1" Street Fence 10045 995.00 Sunrise Motel 219 Sunset Blvd, Electric Heat 046 15,250.00 Hill Top Sand & Gravel 13336-116th Ave. SE New Residence 047 60,000.00 The Boeing Company Renton Plant Pre-Fab Bldg. PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 6972 - - - - Renton Village 301 Grady Way Banh-Plumbing 73 - - - - Doran R. Francis 838 "P" Street Plumbing-Gas FixtU'7c 74 - - - - Richard Reeves Const. 919 "H" Street Plumbing FixtureC 6975 - - - - R. S. Shane 11601 S.E. 100th St. Gas Installation, 76 - - - - Charles !-?eihoff 11608 S.E . 100th Gas Installations 77 - - - - Robert Hurd 923 "H" Street Plumbing Fixture-, 78 - - - - Vernon Johnson 8810 South 124th St. Plumbing Fixtti ec 79 - - - - William Higgins 10813 - 111th Ave. SE Gas Installations 6980 - - - - Edgar Johnston 435 "J" Street Gas Installations 81 - - - - C, J. Peterson 11434 S.E. 96th St. Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - - M. M. Lackie 405 - 3rd Avenue Gas Installations 83 - - - - Jim Weed 2102 - 10th Ave, No. Plumbing Fixtures 84 - - - - Jerry Goodall 512 "I" Place P:iumbing Fixtures -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-1-65 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: (cont.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 6985 - - - - John Sienda 449 "I" Street Gas Installations 86 - - - - - Renton Shopping Center Rainier Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 87• - - - - Mr. John Urch 9623-108th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 88 - - - - United Homes 3901-10th Ct. No. Gas Installations 89 - - - United Homes Corp. 1021-10th Ct. No. Gas Installations 6990 - -- W United Homes Corp. 1108 "R" Street Gas Installations 91 - - - - United Homes Corp. 1120 "R" Street Gas Installations 92 - - - - United H6mes Corp 1044 "R" Street Gas Installations OPENING OF BIDS: Automotive Equipment for 1965 IDDER Mp ADDRESS ITEM TAX TRADE TOTAL AIRMAC 2-Wheel Scooter 3838 - 4th Ave. $19552,00 $ 62.08 $ 75.00 $ 1,539.08 Seattle PACIFIC EQUIPMENT 2-wheel scooter 1001 South Jackson 1,661.00 66.44 7500 1,652.44 Seattle 2 DUMP TRUCKS BRYANT MOTORS ea 6952250 $ $ $ 1300 Bronson Way No. 2 - 13,045.00 521.80 11000.00 12,566.80 Renton RENTON AUTOMOBILE CO. ea. $ 5095.00 3rd & Burnett Street 2 - 10,190.00 407.60 1,500„00 9,097.1.60 Renton SUBURBAN DODGE ea. 4,810.60 12601 Rainier Ave. 2 - 99621,20 384.85 1,400.00 8,606.05 Renton WMS. & SWA�SON ea. 5,646.92 617 - 3rd Avenue 2 - 11,293.84 451.76 1,500.00 10,245.60 Renton 1965 INTERNAT'L. TRAVELALL BRYANT MOTORS 39396,42 135.86 175.00 32357.28 1300 Bronson Way No, 4 - POLICE DEPIT. PROWLER CARS RENTON AUTOMOBILE CO. ea. $ 29192.24 $ $ $ 3rd & Burnett-Renton 4 - 8,768.96 350.76 1,900.00 71219.72 SUBURBAN DODGE 12601 Rainier Ave, ear 2,167.05 Renton 4 - 82668.20 346.73 2,200.00 6,814-93 WMS. & SWANSON 617 - 3rd Ave.., - Renton ea. 2,367.41 4 - 99469.64 378.79 21,640.00 72208.43 2-POOL CARS RENTON AUTOMOBILE CO. ea. $ 29220004 $ $ $ 3rd & Burnett 2 - 49440.,08 177.60 100.00 4,517.68 SUBURBAN DODGE ea. 2316705 12601 Rainier' - Renton 2 - 49557,54 .182:30 150.00 41589.84 WMS, & SWANSON ea. . '2;298.53 617 - 3rd Ave,-Renton 2, = 49597.06 183.88 150.00 49630.94 Moved by Dealurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Property Committee and the Purchasing Agent for report back. Carried. -2- �S Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-1-65 OPENING OF BIDS (cont.) - 3-Dial Synchronous Type Traffic Signal Controllers BIDDER'S NAME AND ADDRESS UNIT PRICE BASIC BID TAX TOTAL BID BLISS - EAGLE SIGNAL 736 Federal Street $ 595.75 $ 3,57^-.50 $ 142.98 $ 3,717.48 Davenport, Iowa ECONOLITE 3533 Stone Way North Seattle 3, Washington 575.98 3,455.88 138.24 3,594.12 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Street & Alley Committee ... and Purchasing, Agent. Carried. 1965 Supply -Cast Iron Pipe, Valves, Fittings and Fire Hydrants(Project 219 Water Dep't.) BIDDERS AND ADDRESSES SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B Water Line Pipe Fittings,Hydrants, Valves H. D. FOWLER CO., INC. No Bid on A Items 1 to 10 only $ 16,846.54 + Tax 13440 S.E. 30th St. Alternate #8 add $136.40 Bellevue, Washington PACIFIC STATES CAST IRON PIPE 82,176.13 Schedule B $ 28.979.65 2106 Smith Tower Building *Portion subject to order for certain items Seattle, Washington Alternate Item 8 add $ 51.00 PACIFIC WATER WORKS No Bid on A Schedule B $ 29014.10 2900 First Ave. So. Seattle 98134 UNITED STATES PIPE & FOUNDRY $ 82,208.09 NO Bid on B 1836 Westlake Avenue No. Seattle 98109 WESTERN UTILITIES SUPPLY CO. No Bid on A Schedule B $ 22,809.42 P. 0. Box 3524 Seattle 24, Wn. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bids to the Purchasing Agent, City Engineer and Fire and Water Committee, to report back. Carried. 5% Bonds and/or Checks accompanied all bids. HEARING: Proposed Vacation of a portion of South 128th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication, was read from the Planning Director advising that the Planning Commission had voted that the request be denied and from the City Engineer who reported that the City has water and sanitary lines in the proximity of the street and Puget Sound Power has Utility lines covering a major portion and these factors along with the fact that the access to the area west of 87th is very limited led to his like recom- mendation that the street not be vacated. Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Edward Donohue advised he did not believe it feasible technically to build a road between 87th and 88th Avenues South. Also the area was now unsightly, with cans and bottles strewn about, and it was his desire to have the area cleaned up and landscaped, if vacated, adding to the assessment rolls where income is not presently derived. As there was no further public comment, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer and the Planning Commission denying the request for the vacation. Carried. Councilman Schellert suggested the abutting property owners be notified that a Revocable Permit could be made available to landscape the area. COMMUNICATIONS: Applications were read fro 1965 Master Locksmith and Kaymakers Licenses from Tom Cochran; Cochran's Coast-To-Coast Stores, Patricia A. Dearinger, W. T. Grant, Inc, and Norman Cool, Newberry Renton Corporation. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-1-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from the Charm Guild for Retarded Children requested a no-fee permit to sell balloons on March 5 and 6 at the Renton Mall as its fund raising project. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Ron Brannon, President of the Renton Junior Chamber of Commerce announced March 27th as honor day for Clarence Williams, a graduate of Renton High School who subsequently attended WSU and made All-American this year in football and who has now signed for pro-football. One of the honor day functions is to be a parade, to commence about 10:00 a.m. at Shattuck Street, progressing up 3rd Avenue to Wells Street. A motorcycle escort from the Renton Police Department was requested along with assistance in blocking off the street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the request be granted under the supervision of the Police Department. Carried. A letter from Mr. Ray W. Brown, Mgr. , Albertsons, 2825 Sunset Blvd. , requested a crosswalk between Albertsons and the Highland Shopping Center to aid the elderly and people with small children who use the area and have requested same. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. In acknowledging City's request, a letter from the Washington Department of Game advised the leased area, North of 6th Ave. No. for public use, would be given attention and cleaned up within the 60-day period. A letter from Mr. Dan Thompson, requested permission to block off Rolling Hills Avenue South on Sundays to control the youths who have been using the street and sidewalks for skate board activities and to limit the traffic to interested motorists in lieu of Sunday drivers, as well as controlling traffic within the area for the convenience and safety of the persons inspecting the housing development by foot. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Discussion ensued regarding whether a public street can be obstructed. Mr. John Malgarini advised that most of the developers block off the streets during project development so that additional police patrolling is not necessary and as safety precautions as well, in reply to a statement that a precedent might be established. The pending motion carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee inquired of the City Attorney what the legal status would be on blocking off a street on one particular day. City Attorney Shellan replied that, the City may permit the temporary blockading of a dedicated public road if in its opinion public safety demands it. Benefit of the public should be paramount and the matter of safety a factor to be determined at discretion of the Committee when considering its recommendation to the Council. • A letter read from City Engineer Wilson requested authorization to call for bids for the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Park Street and Bronson Way and at the intersection of Main Street and 2nd Avenue as budgeted for 1965. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Bid call with March 15th as date for opening of the bids as recommended by City Engineer Wilson. Carried. A letter from Texaco, Inc. made reference to certain proposed ordinance vacating a portion of an alley in Block 8 , Car Works Addition to the City now in Committee pending filing of covenants including reservation of 10 ft. easement for utility and other public purposes. Such a reservation it was contended would have a serious effect upon the construction of the service station and it was requested that the easement be confined to the area deeded to the City from Texaco, Inc. during the relocation transaction. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the matter be referred to the City Engineer, City Attorney and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. Oliver M. Hazen, Sup't. of Schools, requested that School District 403 be allowed a 15 foot utility easement over the westerly 15 feet of City property from the high school stadium to 6th Avenue North at the site of the old disposal plant in the event the City should sell the property and the new owner might desire to have the sewer line moved. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Sanitation Committee to report back. Carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-1-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from City Attorney Shellan called attention to a Supreme Court decision of 2-19-65 entitled "State ex rel. Longview Fire Fighters Union, Local 828, I.A.F.F. v. City of Longview". The Longview firemen had brought action seeking a writ of mandamus to compel the City of Longview to levy two mills for the budget year 1964 and place the revenue therefrom in the Firemen's Pension Fund, contending that unless the fund received such revenue it would not be actuarially sound. The trial as well as the Supreme Court, held that the City has discretionary power to levy the second mill and even though no actuary report is filed the City may omit the additional mill if it finds the millage is not needed to meet estimated demands for the ensuing budget year. The Court also determined that the Legislature has not provided that the fund be actuarially sound within a given time or at all, giving the City Council the authority to review annually the status of the estimated"demands and requirements" of the act and to make the levies needed. The Court found that the City Council of Longview had fully performed this duty. A letter from Robert Corwin and Muriel H. Fulwiler, Committee for Lower Power Rates, requested that the people in the Renton area be informed of how much revenue has been received from the utility companies from the city levy, paid by the people, since it was imposed and whether the tax is still necessary. Also requested were names of funds to which the monies had been allocated, how they were spent and question was raised IT should this tax have been removed or decreased by the Council". Mayor Custer inquired whether the interested parties present would prefer to have the questions answered at this time. Mr. Corwin stated they would wait to see if a report was made under item 8, Council Committee Reports,prior to his requesting discussion. Mayor Custer called attention to the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (Anti-Poverty Legislation) and to his membership on the Seattle-King County Economic Board, in a letter which submitted sample Ordinance recently passed by the Seattle City Council defining intent of the City to cooperate in the program. It was requested that Council consider like legislation to be enacted for Renton in order that its willingness in providing an area-wide program to combat poverty might be indicated. Upon passage of enabling legislation by the Legislature King County will be able to fully participate under the ""provisions of the Act. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry,to concur in the program with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer reported that the appraisal is now completed on the civic center site proposal and full program for implementation of the plan will be presented at the next Committee of the Whole meeting. It was recommended that $603,000 be appropriated from the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund for use by the Park Department in the planning and construction of recreational facilities in accordance with the 701 plan, in Cedar River Park. Moved by Perry, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation regarding the fund transfer but excluding the referral. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the appropriation to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recommendation from its public hearing meeting of February 24, 1965 that the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map be amended to reflect changes proposed as listed on attached Notice of Public Hearing as held by the Planning Commission. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the recommendation to the Committee of the Whole for a report bac':. Carried. A letter read from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recom— mendation that the Central Business District Development Plan prepared by John Graham i=wand Company, be adopted as a part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the recommendation to the Ccmmittee of the Whole. Carried. Claims against the City were read from Mrs. Susan McMahon for $500.00 to cover injuries sustained in a fall at 211 Shattuck Street (Magnuson Apartments), from Mr. Grant A. Graham for damages resulting to property from broken water mains at 8642 Lake Nashington Blvd., and from Alex Cugini in sum of $902.56 for damages to property located at 800 - 3rd Avenue from water main leak. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Claims to the City Attorney ,V and Insurance Carrier. Carried. -5- i62 Minutes of the Renton Council Meeting 3-1-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont„) Corimianication was read from Mrs,, Carmine Gregoris requesting that the three letters attached thereto be read, The letters were directed to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, the State Tax Commission, King County Commissioners, City Council. of Renton, Senator Durkan and the Puget Sound Power and Light Company., The letters concerned the power rates now being paid to the Puget Sound tower and Light Company by consumers in the P.S.P.L. areas, Letter No. 1 made inquiry regarding the utility tax of ,036%, (It was pointed out that -this is the State tax rate and that the City of Renton Utility rate is .03%). The letter questioned the passing of the tax on to the consumer and detailed the investigations- by Mrs, Gregoris in pursuance of the matter. Letter No,, 2 demanded to know why rates have not been lowered and urged action of the Special Power Rate Committee, the Wn. Utilities & Trans., Commission, the County Commissioners, City Councils and Puget Sound in fulfilling of lower rate obligation. Letter No. 3 called attention to hardships endured by the senior citizens cause by the power rate increase urging that the City Council cause investigation of procedures of the power company in its rate equalization program and private enterprises as they may affect the rates and also, that a comparison rate schedule with Seattle City Light be set forth for the public to view. It was pointed out that according to the lana Utilities Commission; Puget Power may at any time of its own accord lower the rates and action was requested whereby reasons for excessive rates be made available and rate reductions be given immediate attention. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the portion of the communication regarding the .03% Utility Tax to the Committee of the Uhole for discussion at its first budget hearing meeting for possible discontinuation. Councilman Delaurenti recalled numerous meetings attended by his special power rate committee and resulting decrease received and hiring of rate specialist Unevher by P.S.P. L. to study the matter, This study is to be completed in about three months and further decrease is assumed to be forthcoming at that time. The pending motion carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, that the balance of Mrs. Gregoris' letters be referred to the Special Power__Rate._Committee of the Council for investigation and report back with a written report to be submitted to Mrs. Gregoris by July lst, Carried,. mfrs. Gregoris felt the July lst date was too prolonging and Mr. Robert Corwin pointed out that it has been ncaxly a year since a report has been made and he felt a new committee should be appointed. Councilman Delaurenti pointed out th- extensive work his committee has previously done and that investigation of its activities was invited, predicting lower rates at completion of the Specialist's report, Mr. Corwin asked for definite committment which he might take back to the interested public and Mayor Custer predicted lower rates or a new power company and ,iter further discussion it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, to progress to the next order of business„ Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, to recess. Carried. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed with exception of Garrett. Mayor Custer read a letter from Mr,. Milo Peterson, 1503 I Street, requesting permission to close off an 8' right-of-way on the west side of his property and to provide a walkway on the north end of his lot as children cross his lawn at the present time instead of staying on the walkway leaving; litter and disturbing the lawn and flowers, A letter from the Building Director, James L. Highton, was read which advised Mr. Peterson thatthe walkway was provided by the U.S. Government and Mr, Huseland for the use of school children and that no public street or walk may be obstructed -w-Ithout specific permission of the City. It was recommended that a proper permit- be secured and the westerly property line fenced to prevent trespass, and that the walkway fence be removed by March 6th. Neighbors to Mr. Peterson, Mrs, Smith and Mr. Bill Glockner, protested the .� walkway obstruction stating that the children had to take a much longer route as a result and that it merely forces them to cross someone else's property, that they should be trained instead to avoid the private property and stay in the walkway, as previously accomplished by fencing the private property. Inquiry was made whether this is Public Use property and Councilman Perry advised his Public Relations Com- mittee has a report pending regarding such property which would be submitted to the Council in the near future, Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, to refer t' matter to the Public Relations Committee for investigation and report back. Carried. -6- 163 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-1-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen, President of the Renton City Council, submitted his Committee of the Whole report from meeting of February 15, 1965 which was read by the Clerk with actions taken by the Council as follows: It was recommended that the services of financial investment counsel be obtained and that the matter of which company to be retained be held in committee until the Mayor and City Treasurer secure further information. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations. The motion carried. Relative to the matter of planter boxes as recommended by the Renton Art Commission, it was recommended that the matter be referred to the Wks and Means Committee to check on available funds and subsequently recommend how many boxes may be purchased and their placement. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. It was recommended that the matter of fees to be imposed for sign encroachments on public rights-of-Way be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee to draft a sample Ordinance. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the Committee recommendation and that a $25.00 fee be established for future suns or sign replacements. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen announced a Committee of the !,dhole meeting on Tuesday, March 2nd at 7:30 p.m. and a Property Committee meetinn at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March U, 1965. The Purchasing Agent, Street Commissioner and Chief Of Police were requested to attend. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers 8018 through 8116 and ... Vouchers No. 3 and 5 of L.I.D. No. 252, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Hula.e, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee reported that the Committee will be working on the list of priorities for the aid of the Council in preparation of the Budget and with completion of the transportation study for the Puget Sound region and the 701 plans additional recommendations might be formulated. Department Heads were advised to be reviewing their neecb for the coming year which they feel should be given priority ratings. Councilman Pedersen reported that the Property Committee held a meeting with the Insurance Commission and City Clerk to review the City's whole insurance program and that a report will be submitted after the surveillance. Councilman Perry reminded -the Council that the Association of Washington Cities convention will be in Tacoma -this year and in order to avoid being housed a great dis- tance from the central meeting location, as was the case last year, reservations should be filed with City Treasurer Gossett early enough to insure housing at the convention hotel. Also, the American Society of Planning Officials will hold its annual convention on April 25-30th in Toronto, Canada and Mr. Perry requested that the Council consider his attendance as delegate from the City Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Committee oL= the Whole to report back. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, requested a meeting; at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday in the City Engineer's office and Mr. Pedersen, the Mayor and Mr. Bennett were invited to attend. Councilman Poli inquired regarding whether or not property owners are advised of water pressures when services are connected. Utility Foreman Puhich advised that normally the parties are advised. Discussion ensued wherein it was suggested that a degree of claims might be avoided if warnings are issued that pressure valves are advisable. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the matter of making it a policy to advise people of pressure differences as suggested, be referred to the Fire and Water Committee to report back. Carried. -7- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-1-65 NE1,1 BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Morris reported receiving petition circulated by Mayor Custer for Council signatures, if they so desired, supporting SB 360 authorizing collective bargaining for all city employees in lieu of HB 330 giving only members of the Fire Department such rights. Also urging negative vote on HB 391whieh provides for a mandatory two-mill levy for Fireman's Pension Fund purposes, and support of the Assn. of Washington Cities bill to provide for an actuarily sound Firemen's Pension Fund based on dollars rather than mills. Support was urged of HB 537 which provides for sharing in sales tax proceeds by the cities, and of HB 590 allowing more freedom in the investment of city funds. Copies of the letter proposal were designated as going to to Senator Martin Durkan and Representative Gary Grant. Councilman Morris stated that he did not wish to sign having a difference of opinion with respect to HB 330 in lieu of SB 360 expressing opinion that the other Departments in political subdivisions have collective bargaining by economic forces while one has no other regress than collective bargaining with, arbitration. In-effect; one bill covers only Fire Department members and the other all city employees with one giving authority to create a "closed shop" pro- viding for no strike. The Firemen considered as public safety employees cannot strike in any event. I ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris presented a proposed Resolution of the City appropriating the sum of $600.00 from excess revenues in the current fund unto the Street Cleaning Fund, Acct. 3250, Capital Outlay 606, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist that Resolution No. 1295 be adopted as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed O�-dinance of the City of Renton, N ashington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-3) to Business District (B-1) which had been placed on first reading on February 15th and held in Committee for filing of proper covenants. Second and final reading was now recommended by the Law and Ordinance Committee. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2136 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. (Wayne Johnson - Suburban Dodge Property). Audience comment was invited and as there was none at this time, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:48 p.m. Theie were 64 visitors in the Council Chambers. -8- February:- 24, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE FIRE,E;Nt S PENSION FUND 8018 T. K. Anderson 305.00 8019 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150,00 8020 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 8021 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150,00 8022 A & H Drugs #2 16.54 8023 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 14.35 8024 Ernest M. Burgess, M.D. 53.90 Robert L. Romano, M.D, Marr P. Mullen, lv�.D, 8025 Kss Prescription Pharmacy 8026 The Polyclinic 40,00 8027 Karl Strcm 15.00 8028 Patrick Walsh 4,68 L.I.D. 252 CASH FUND 5 General Pipeline Construction Co. 1,391.84 L.I.D. 252 REVENUE FUND 3 Firemen s Pension Fund 1,391-84 March 1, 1965 CURRENT FUND 8029 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. 17.02,. 8030 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 84.49 8031 B .& B Autc. farts 25`.86 8032 Carrcl H."Bacon 4.00 8033 Sumner Stephen Bagley ICU 8034 Blumenthal Unifori Company , 5.24 8035 City of Renton 571.88 8036 [Nally Clarke Fuel Cil`Company 96.0; 8037 Frank Cooper 12,15 8038 . L. N. Curtis L Sons '` 9.35 8039 Jeanette bahlquist 11.48 804.0 James E Denzer 27.4; 804.1 Diesel it Sales Company 229.C4, 8042 E. W. Hall Company 8.11 8043 Joel Sherman Hanson 4.CO 80L44 . .:. _ ._r James Highton 7.71 804.5 I. B. M. Corporation. ._ 49.50 8046 Larry' Whlter "Lee ' 4.00 804.7 The Lumber Market, Inc. 4.9.34 James Magstadt 10.co 8049 McLendon Hardware 97,74. 8050 Motorola C. c ., Inc. 1,4:44:56 8051 Myers Oil Company 4.4.49 3052 Overall Cleaning & Supply Co. _ 66.55 8053 Pacific Northwest Bell 1,215.60 U054 _ _ Paulson Office Supply 114.35 ,80.55 Paulson Cffice Supply 49,56 Paulson Office Supply 124..36 &057 Puget Sound Power & Light 964.9.5 8,058 David Purcell. 4.00 8059 Renton Clothing Company 25.9,E 8060 Renton & Rainier Printery 67..60 8061 Henry. Schellert 12.% 8062 Bruce Dennis Smith 4.00 8063 Robert Stevenson 5.0P. 166 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS March 1, 1965 CURRENT FUND CONTINUED 8064 Trick & Murray 5.51 8065 Urban Land Institute 10.00 8066 Westlake Electronic Supply 11.42 8,067 Jack Wilson 6.00 CITY STREET FUND 8068 Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy 14.46 8069 B & B Auto Parts 59.16 8070 Dan Katzer 773.76 8071 The lumber Market, Inc. 74,8 8 8072 Pacific Northwest Bell 5.00 8073 Paulson Office Supply 1.15 8074 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 409.34 8075 Security Concrete Products Co. 858.82 8076 Westlake Electronic Supply 12,36 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 8077 M. A. Segale 5,068.65 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 8078 Puget Sound Power & Light 17.23 A. 4. Tremper, King-hes Treas. 1��P0 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 8080 B & B Auto Parts 12,27 8081 Best Universal Lock Company 1.27 8082 L. N. Curtis & Sons 13.44 8083 Gillespie Decals Inc. 55.60 8084 McLendon Hardware 10,74 8085 04Brien Mfg. Corporation 36.47 8086 O.K. Tire Store of Renton 6.24 8087 Pacific Auto Supply 104.43 8088 Renton Automobile Company 223,82 8089 Shell Oil Company 1,369.78 8090 Six Robblees' Inc. 3,52 8091 Sunset Coal and Oil 62.82 8092 Williams & Swanson 64.53 PARK FUND 8093 City of Renton 38,56 8094 Diesel Oil Sales Company 66.09 8095 McLendon Hardware 66.12 8096 Pacific Northwest Bell 48.54 8097 Puget Sound Power & Light 58.92 8098 Sunset Coal & Oil 359.26 $099 U. S. Post Office 60.10 8100 Universal Sign Company 4.16 T'JATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 8101 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. 265.82 8102 Best Universal Lock Co., Inc. 13.47 8103 Keuffel & Esser Company 74,28 8104 The Lumber Market, Inc. 64.00 8105 McLendon Hardware 189.00 8106 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 17,544.00 8107 Pacific Northwest Bell 77.15 8108 Pacific Water Works Supply Co. 1,555.32 8109 Paulson Office Supply 92.95 8110 Puget Sound Power & Light 114.32 8111 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. 53.41 "'813 Western Utilities Supply Co. 45.68 1.617 CITY OF RFNTON VOUCHERS March 1, 1965 AIRPORT FUND 3113 City of Renton 14.22 81-14 The Lumber Market, Inc. / 1.12 3115 Myers Oil Company 9.19 5316 Puget Sound Power & Light 210.43 Custer, Mayor -- HelmieW. Nelson, City erg' RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 3:00 P.M. March 8, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of. Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Bruce, Perry, Trimm, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman and James Highton, Building Director. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 1, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. PROCLAMATION: 1 Proclamation honoring All-American Football Player Clarence Williams was read wherein the Mayor and City Council noted with pride the achievements of this Renton lad whose outstanding athletic performances have commanded national recognition, reflecting credit not only upon himself but on the City of Renton as well. March 27, 1965 was proclaimed "Clarence Williams" day in Renton with a Jr. Chamber of Commerce sponsored parade and program to commence at 10:00 a.m. All citizens are invited to attend and take this opportunity to pay tribute to Mr. Williams in recognition of his fine athletic record and to express hope and best wishes for success in those endeavors in which he is about to engage. Mayor Custer introduced Ron Brannon, Jr. Chamber of Commerce President, and members of the Committee to honor Clarence Williams,Dale Traylor, Candidate for State Presidency, Dale Pastore, and Vern Wik. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams, Sr. were introduced at this time and presented with the Proclamation by Mayor Custer who informed them that a Placque was being designed for presentation later. The proud parents were welcomed with resounding applause accepting the honor on behalf o.�: their son Clarence. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Due to the capacity crowd and the number of persons standing in the lobby, Mayor Custer invited audience remarks at this time to allow persons to address the Council and to leave prior to the regular order of business if they so desired. Residents from Sierra Heights and Rcether DouT.s areas as well as others served by the City of Renton Water system protested the recent rate increase and lower quantity of water as they felt most of the improvements were to be inside the City and not to their benefit. Included in the protestors were Bob Hankemeier, 10004 - 126th Ave. S.E., Merwin Weberg .13534 - 140th Ave. S.E., Peter Presley, 10012 - 126th Ave. S.E., Dale Beeman, 13825 - d 101st S.E. , Lynn D. Hall, 13219 S.E. 138th Street who expressed opinions that 505y, over `► rates inside the City were excessive and that new mains were not needed in their areas. w \ Inquiry was made as what course of action the City might take if the bills were not paid. W. , Mr. E. L. Bennett protested the 50% increase and extra rate paid because he has a tenant. Mrs. Eleanor Crock, 10402 - 132nd S.E. stated that in her area and Mr. Bennetts a $2.00 p 0 fee had been applied about 12 or 13 years ago which was supposed to be removed when t he N main was paid for and it was still being imposed besides this 50% increase. Mr. Smith, w W and Mrs. Fleming stated prior water linEsand all assets were turned over to the City and ix they did not feel they should pay such rates when it did not cost the City for their p Z lines. Mayor Custer stated this should be checked if this were the 84th Water District U referred to as these customers were to pay inside rates for ^0 year period according to acquisition agreement. Mr. Thomas Meeker, 13002 S.E. 104th Street, Mr. Fred Bartlett and Mr. Sam Owen added protest to the rate as compared to cu. ft. of water minimum allowed. During discussion, publication dates of the Ordinances imposing the rates was recalled along with reminder that all Budget Hearing sessions are public meetings. Mayor Custer reported that as a result of survey conducted by the Public Administration Service and advice of Bonding Council, the City wasconvinced that in order to finance repayment of revenue bonds, needed to provide better service to all customers (some lines are so deteriorated they require early attention to eliminate corosion leakage and resulting loss of water pressure) it was deemed necessary that the rates be raised as bonds cannot be readily sold unless a sound program with solvent backing can be guaranteed and rates and cu. in, of water were suggested at $3.50 for 900 cu, ft, The rate of $3..00 for the 900 cu . ft was 169 Minutes of the Renton City Council. Meeting 3-8-65 AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Water rate protests (cont.) Mayor_ Custer stated that he feels it only just that benefit be derived by those living inside .the city and he was not recommending that the rates be lowered inasmuch as the City's Cost Accounting system is operated on the basis of double rate schedules for non-residents which is the policy of many cities. It was conjectured that non-residents have no choice of water service when they purchase their homes and perhaps the city was pressing annexation. The Mayor pointed out the possibility that services of Water District 90 might be contracted at the rate of $8.00 per month and that annexation had not been a factor considered in the rate. increase but was also a good possibility for rate reduction, ' Mr. Jack Downing, 12811 S.E. 102nd Street, stated. that non-residents Have no vote for Councilmen and yet the Council establishes their rates which in his opinion was taxation without representation and inquired whether the Washington Transportation and . Utility Commission has any .jurisdiction over the rates. City Attorney Shellan replied that the agency mentioned does not have jurisdiction in this case and in answer to an inquiry regarding what action might be taken if bills are not paid, Mr. Shellan advised that State Law allows a Municipal Corporation to furnish water to consumers outside the city limits on such terms and rates as the council may determine, at its discretion and that the city may shut off the water in event bills are not paid. Various inquiries and discussions regarding expenditures made from the fund followAd., also . regarding costs involved to operate the complete water works system for the city, including development of the water supply at the dam site, reservoirs and pumps equalizing water pressures which result in general benefit to all consumers and summery of costs from production to delivery, after survey of which the consultants had determined the rate increase to be necessary. It was subsequently moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee to study the possibility of increasing cubic measure of water for the rate being paid. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: Nth. AMOUNT TEE ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10048 $ 11,000.00 Lloys S. Peterson 11420 S.E. 112th St. New Residence 049 2,000.00 Jerry Goodall 512 "I" Place wire 4-Plex 050 11,000.00 Renton Ford Company 111 Rainier. Avenue Fence and Sign 051 3,500.00 R. D. Cafeteria (XXX) 3rd and Rainier Sign wr 052 800.00 John Urch 9623 - 108th Ave. S.E. Addition to Residener� 053 600.00 Foster & Kleiser 311 Sunset Blvd. E. Signs 054 2,500.00 Renton Ford Co. 111. Rainier Avenue Wire Used Car Lot 10055 100.00 Emma E. Morrison 2906 - 5th Ave. East Fence 056 500.00 Lester Harm 638 "N" Plage Garage 057 - - - Marvin Sherertz 529 "H" Street Fence garbage cans 058 21100.00 Joe's Drive-In 406 Rainier Avenue Sign 059 999.00 Robert Edwards Renton Shopping Center faire Comm'1. Bldg. 10060 30.00 John Nordlinder 2428 - 5th Ave. No. Fence 061 50.00 Pacific N. W. Bell 7756 South 153rd Street hire Phone Booth 062 100.00 John Bardessano 3004 - 10th Avenue No. Fence 063 1,900.00 Frank''s Sery-U 314 Park Street Sign 064 12800.00 Renton Ford Company 111 Rainier Avenue Signs 10065 600.00 Towner A. Jayne 400 Powell Street Remodel residence 066 21000.00 Patrick F. Murphy 1214 - 3rd Avenue Dormer 067 .390.00 R. Shane 836 "R" Street faire new residence 068 50.00 Warren Smith 1204 "N" Place Wire addition ' PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: A693 - - - Ela Hurd 927 "H" Street Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - Joseph Dugsdale 3744 - 7th Ave. No, Plumbing Fixtures 6995 - - - - C. J. Peterson 11434 S.E. 96th St. Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - Ford Motors 11.1 Rainier Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13312 S.E. 116th Plumbing Fixtures um 98 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel Co. 13320 S,E. 116tb Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13312 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 7000 - - -- - Charles Wiehoff 11632 S.E. 100th Street Gas Installations ^rs� 01 - _ _ _ Kenneth Taylor 423 Pelly Street Gas Installations 02 - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11630 S.E. 106th Pl, Gas Installations 03 - - - - Towner A. Jayne 400 Powell Street Plumbing Fixtures 04 Peterson Development Co. 13320 S.E. 116th St. Gas Installations 7005 - - - - Peterson Development Co. 13312 S.E. 115th Gas Installations 06 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel Cot 13312 S.E. 116th Gas Installations Recess was declared at this time after which roll call was taken will all Council Members present as previously listed. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-8--65 CMPINICATIONS: A notice was read that the Allied Arts Commission is sponsoring; a "Champagne Supper" on Saturday, March 20, 1965 at 8:30 p.m. in the new Barb Restaurant. Owner, David Cohn, is donating two hundred prime rib dinners. Tickets are being cold at $5.00 each and the total proceeds of $1,000.00 will be placed in a special fund to purchase art for the new library. Mrs. Jack Fleming was present to sell tickets. Application for 1965 Master Locksmith License was read from Mr. Owen Frisbie, Jr , of the W. T. Grant Company. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A Claim was read from Mrs. Lily Hedberg for exrenseo incurred on Janu-ary 8 through 1 4 at the Mercantile store,in sum of $119.00, when the basement was flooded. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to refer the claim to the City Attorney. Carried. -�- A letter was read from Mr.. James J. Abraham advising that Mr. Preston Williams, of O.K. Cab Company has discontinued his business and Mr. Abraham requests,at the present time license for one taxicab and assignment of the taxicab zones formerly used by Mr. Williams.Zones incl_u(te: the Southwest corner of 3rd Avenue and Wells Street 20" south of 3rd Avenue and on the east side of Main Street approximately 1201 north of 3rd Avenue. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee. Carried. A letter read from City Clerk Nelson reported execution of Mutual Fire Fighting Assistance Agreement, AG 842-65 between the City and King County Fire Protection District No. 90 on February 26, 1965. Resolution No. 1259 authorizes such agreement with the i Council to be notified upon execution thereof. A letter read from the Green River Chapter of the Barbershop Quartet Society requested permission to display a banner to advertise its fifth annual Showcase of Harmony show at the Renton Highschool auditorium on Saturday, March 20, 1965. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to grant a permit for the banner with execution of the hold harmless agreement and installation under supervision of the Street Commission Carried. A letter from Mr. J. E. Teford, President, Renton Downtown Merchants Association, expressed the wish of the Board of Directors for immediate action on the proposed Civic Center, so many phases of planning being contingent upon the decisions. Mayor Custer stated he believed this was intended for the Committee of the Whole Meeting and was for information only at this time. A letter from Planning Director, J. David Jensen, requested authorization for Mr. Douglas Felker, Chairman of the Planning Commission, and himself to attend the ASPO Conference in Toronto during the last week of April. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from the Renton Downtown Merchants' Association requested free parking privileges for the following events: March 24, 25 and 26, April 21, 22 and 23, May 26, 27 and 28, June 30, .July 1 and 2 (Chamber of Commerce Aviation Festival), July 7, 8 and 9, sidewalk sale, August 18, 19 and 20, September 15, 16 and 17, October 27, 28 and 29, November 26, 27, 29 and 30 (Opening of Christmas Town) Month of December with violation check prohibiting all day parking. Also, it was requested that a meeting be arranged for discussion of the removal of parking meters in the downtown area. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole, Councilman Garrett inquired whether this relieved his Committee from the prior referral of parking meter removal. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the motion be amended to refer the latter portion of the letter, regarding parking meter removal, to the Street and Alley Committee. The amendment to the motion carried and subsequently, the motion as amended. "" A letter from Roger I. Lewis, Secretary, Kiwanis Club of Greater Renton, reported plans to hold an annual "Spaghetti Feed" on Sunday, April 4, 1965 between 1:00p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the Renton High School Cafeteria with all the spaghetti you can eat for $1.50 for adults and $.75 for children. Permission was requested to sell tickets from the sidewalk on 3rd Avenue between Wells and �,Jilliams streets during the day on Saturday, March 20th. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request. Carried. -3- • t Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-8-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of 2-24-65 as follows: Recommended rezone of Wallace Wilson property from B-1 to L-1 which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. (Located along 4th Avenue North (Cemetery Rd.) east of M Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Recommended that Revocable Permit be issued to Mr. Ralph Schomberg for remodeling of a sign for the Rainbow Cafe. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Councilman Schellert advised that the plans presented to the Commission show an overhang from the curb and inquired regarding City Engineer's objection on the matter. City Engineer Wilson advised he objected only to any red and green neon being used as it is too much like traffic signals. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse to amend the motion to concur in granting the permit but to limit sign to curb line and not to extend beyond. The amendment carried and subsequently the motion as amended. A letter of application for 1965 Fireworks Stand permit was read to be operated in the new Renton Village Pay-N-Save Drugs Company. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from the State Department of General Administration, [dill J. Lewis, Real Property Agent, inquired regarding lease renewal for the space in the Renton Highlands Administration Bldg. 'used by the Washington State Patrol Agency. The lease expires on June 30, 1965. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. Robert Corwin and Muriel Fulwiler, Secretary, Committee for Lower Power Rates demanded investigation by the City Council and report regarding lower power rates and elimination of the utility tax. If the council is unable to comply in 15 days they will seek aid of the Wn. Utilities and Transportation Commission, State Representatives in Olympia and/or Representatives in Washington D.C. to examine Puget Sound Power and Light Company rate computation and whether rates are being utilized on land developments and other enterprises. Moved by Poli, second by Schellert to refer this to Committee of the Whol( Councilman Delaurenti advised that his Committee will not have a report until Mr. Unnehver has completed his investigation and study on July lst or sooner, if possible. The motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported confirmation by Texaco, Inc. that they will install a manhole over the utility and this will eliminate the need for further easement. (Vacation Bl. 8, Car Works Addition to Renton) Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter read from City Engineer reported that in the event parking meters were to be removed and parking restrictions imposed during the day his recommendation would be as follows: 1.3rd Avenue from Rainier Avenue to Main Street - "No Parking" between hours of 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. 2. Main Street from 2nd Avenue to 4th Avenue - "No Parking" between hours of 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. A survey of Municipal Parking Lots, conducted from February 23 to February 26, 1965 indicate( that sufficient parking stalls are available to accommodate those automobiles that would be restricted as listed on 3rd and Main. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to restrict parking on 3rd Avenue and Main Street from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the communication be referred to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. The Mayor declared the vote on the motion as carried. Roll call vote was requested as required and resulted as follows: Aye: Pedersen, Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No: Hulse, 11chellert, Garrett, Trimm and Perry. The ayes carried 7 to S. A list of conferences was read which was distributed by the Bureau of Governmental Research & Services as being of interest to officials of local government: March 10,11 and 12, - 16th Annual Road Builders' Clinic, Wn. State University - Pullman, March 17,18 and 19, 12th Pacific Northwest Waste Conference, U. of W., Seattle, March 23 - 31, Pacific North- west Recreation and Park Conference, Benjamin Franklin Hotel, Seattle. -4- 172 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-8-65 COUNCIL COMMI'T'TEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: President of the Council Pedersen submitted bis Committee of the Whole report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: Planning Commission recommendations for amendment of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Maps were reviewed and the Committee did not concur with retail-commercial use of area designated under item a,generally westerly of 132nd Ave„ S.E. and Sunset Blvd., continuously to an area easterly of 138th Ave. S.E., on both sides of Sunset to a depth consistent with the standards for retail-commercial use districts. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, not to concur with the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry,to amend the proposal - recommended by the Planning Commission so that 500 ft. on each side of Sunset Blvd. from 132nd Ave. S.E. to 138th Ave. S.E. is added in the described use area, consistent with standards for retail-commercial use districts, and the date of March 22nd be set for hearing on the matter. Carried. Item b, reflecting retail-commercial use of land lying between 3rd Place North, Factory Street and 3rd Avenue North was recommended to be set aside following the Planning Com- mission hearing-of March 24, 1965. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur with the action. Carried. Items c through g were approved for hearing as presented by the Planning Commission recommendation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse to concur in the Ccmmittee action. Carried, The Comittee of the Whole report recommended that the date of March 22, 1965 be set for hearing on items c through g. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur and that item a as revised is included. Carried. Recommended to concur with Planning Recommendation that Ceniral Business District Development Plan as presented by John Graham and Company, be adopted as a part of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation with March 22, 1965 being set for hearing thereon. Carried. The Committee of the whole recommended to authorize Councilmen Perry and Hulse, (or an alternate), and the Mayor, to attend the American Society of Planning Officials I Conference in Toronto, Canada, April 25-30th. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended to authorize attendance of Council Members Pedersen, Dahlquist, Morris, and the Mayor at the. American Municipal Association Convention in Detroit, Michigan in July. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation.Carried. Recommended by the Committee of the Whole, that the Mayor and President of the Council be designated by the Council as voting delegates at the Association of Washington Cities Convention. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation Carried. Recommended by the Committee of the Whole that Foster & Marshall be hired as the Cityts financial consultants. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted report which was read recommending acceptance of the low bink on the Cityts 1965 automotive equipment as .lows: This was also the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent. 4 Police Cars - Suburban Dodge - b65814.93, 2-Pool Cars - Renton Ford - $4,517.68 2-Dump Trucks - Suburban Dodge, $8.606.05, 1-Engineer Survey Vehicle - Bryant Motors in total sum of $3,357.28 and 1--3 wheel truckster - Air Mac - $1,539.00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the bid awards as recommended. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee,submitt6drecommendatior }. which was also that of the Purchasing Agent, that the low bid of Econolite, in the sum of $3,594.12 be accepted for the 3-Dial Synchronous Type Traffic Signal Controllers. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Street and Alley Committee and Purchasing Agent recommendations. Carried. Regarding request for crosswalk across Sunset Highway at Albertson's, Inc.., the Committee recommended denial inasmuch as a walk already exists at the intersection of "K" Street and Sunset, a very short distance from the proposed location, This was also the recommendation of the City Engineer, Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Regarding request to block off Rolling Hills Avenue South on Sundays, the Street and Alley Committee recommended denial_ and it was moved by Peli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation,. Carried . Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-8-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEF REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Public Relations Committee Report Councilman Perry submitted Public Relations Committee recommendation that the 8 ft. walkway,referral from Milo Peterson letter of previous meeting, be paved 4 ft. wide its entire length with red cinders, that the improvement be funded from the Street Maintenance Budget, Material and Supplies Account and that the matter be referred to the Engineering and Street,_ DePartments. Moved by Delaurenti,, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Inquiry was made as to whether this is a Public Use Area and Mr. Perry advised that it was not. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, submitted his -- Committee report recommending, along with the City Engineer and Purchasing Agent, that bids on Water Pipe and Fittings be awarded low bidders as follows: Schedule "A" (Items 1 through 5) Paciic States Cast Iron Pipe Co. - $ 82.176.13, and Items 11 through 49 of Schedule "B" in sum of $6,427.65 plus tax. Items 1 through 10 and 50 through 52 of Schedule "B" to Pacific Water Works and Supply Company in the sum of $ 21,350.50 plus tax. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee, City Engineer and Purchasing Agent. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen announced a meeting of the Sanitation Committee on Monday, March 15, 1965 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Ted Bennett and Jack Wilson were invited to attend and the Clerk was requested to notify the School District to have a representative present. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 3117 through 8172, having been previously approved ,by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Hulse reminded everyone of the Champagne Dinner tickets which Mrs. Fleming was selling for the Art Commission library fund. Mr. Schellert yielded his announcement time to Librarian Marcella Hillgen to report on the progress of the new library. Miss Hillgen stated the plans to be coming along nicely an� a portion completed and translated into schematics which will be ready very soon. The architects are now working on elevations and schemtic revisions for preliminary presentation in the near future to the Council. Councilman Garrett requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Monday, March 15, 1965 at 7:00 P.M. with representatives from the City Engineer's office, the Street Ccmmissioner and someone from the Police Department who is familiar with the parking and meters. Councilman Poli, Chairman, Light and Power Com,iiittee, submitted Committee report which recommended 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light installations as follows: Garden Street just north of Bronson Way 116th Avenue S.E. at its intersection with Puget Drive Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the installations as recommended. The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman, Vern Morris, presented a propoed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Wn., vacating a portion of a certain alley in Block 8., Car Works Addition to the City of Renton, which was read by the Clerk. (Texaco, Inc.) Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2137 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. 1st reading 2-8-65. The Law and Ordinance Committee advised of holding. Glacier Parl; Rezone Ordinance for filing of restrictive covenants which have now been filed with the City Clerk and it was recorrmended that the document be placed on second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance 2138 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meer.ing was adjourned at 10:23 p.m. There were 73 visitors in the Council Chambers. -6- 1'74 March 8, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Cormittee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: i VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE, AMOUNT CURRENT FUND t 8117 American Society of Planning Officials 75.00 8118 Gerald Lee Anderson 4.00 e 01119 Bean Electric Company 83.19 g 8120 Blumenthal Uniform Company 14.77 8121 Carpenter Paper Company 37.61 8122 Coast Trude Supply Company 179.29 8123 Wm. F. Davis - Roger T'1. Davis 35.00 8124 Eccnolite 495.92 8125 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 105.54 8126 Frank Henry 7.66 8127 Bruce :-Tulse 28.25 8128 Market Basket ;f3 45.70 8129 R. Maxwell 4.00 8130 Mobile Communications Company 156.00 8131 Moor Manufacturing Company 772.20 8132 Helmie Nelson 5.00 8133 Pacific Coast Fire Journal 2.00 8134 Pacific Coast Stamp Works 174.20 8,135 P. Phelan 4.00 8136 Renton Clothing Company 32.03 &137 Seattle-King Co. Dept. of Public Health 175.00 8138 Trick and Murray 15.58 8139 Trojan Lithograph Corporation 70.98 CITY STREET FUND 8140 Janco-United, Inc. 105.63 3141 Macl'Jhyte Company 65.62 3142 Mobile Communications Company 52.00 3143 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company 933.49 8144 Standard Oil Company 26.88 8145 Stoneway Sand and Gravel 33.51 8146 Zep Manufacturing Company 404.89 ARTERIAL STREET FUND 8147 Helmie Nelson 3.00 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 8148 Milt Williams 100.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 3149 Bearing Engineering & Supply Co. 61.78 8150 Bearing Sales and Service 107.57 8151 Bitco Western, Inc. 29.05 8152 Esco Corporation 8.87 8153 Renton Motor Parts, Inc. 177.87 8154 Richfield Oil Corporation 16.14 8155 Standard Oil Company 30.04 8156 Washington State Tax Comni.ssion 7.30 PARI: FUND 8157 Coast Wide Supply Company 332.25 8158 Gene Coulon 17.75 0159 Northwest T•Tower and Marine 56.11 3160 Stoneway Sand and Gravel 108.48 175 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS CONTINUED March 8, 1965 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 8161 American Plumbing & Steam Supply 1,776.47 8162 Mobile Communications Company 52.00 8163 Olympic Foundry Company 328.95 8164 Osmose Wood Preserving Company 16.41 8165 Renton Concrete Products, Inc. 489.06 8166 Stoneway Sand & Gravel 104.05 f' 8167 W/T City Treas. - Current 5,708.33 �r 8168 Washington State Tax Commission 1,480.93 8169 Zep Manufacturing Company 368.08 AIRPORT FUND 8170 Stoneway Sand and Gravel 140.01 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1184 8171 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 155.00 CUMUTATIVE FUND NO. 1894 8172 Butler and Walls 1,400.00 Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City eL'�rk— xti i 1'76 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P. M. March 15, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Poli and Morris. Pedersen, Trimm and Delaurenti were not present. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse that the absent members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C.S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and James Highton, Building Director. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry that the minutes of the previous meeting of March 8, 1965 be approved with the following correction: In reference to the length of time that the residents of the 84th Water District would be paying the inside rates, this should be corrected to read 3 years instead of 30 years. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS : NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10069 100.00 Wilho Kortes 1510 - 6th P1 Fence 70 400.00 Rudy Zaputil 11630 SE 106th Pl Wire Residence 71 14,000.00 Robert Minkler 125 Airport Way Block & Frame 72 500.00 Lester Harm 638 N Place Wire Residence 73 400.00 C. J. Peterson 11434 - 96th SE Wire Residence 74 2,050.00 William B. Franson 517 0 Street S. Improve Residence 10075 1,400.00 Renton Fireplace Shop Renton Shopping Flat Neon Sign 76 350.00 Wroten 12415-132nd SE (dire Residence 78 751,000.00 Keller Supply Company 925 Railroad Warehouse 79 90.00 Clara Berg 420 Earlington Repair Roof-Residence 10080 253,000.00 Texaco Inc. 1408 Bronson Way Pre-Fab Steel Bldg. 81 200.00 Jake Tounsel 603 H Street Partial Basement 82 12,500.00 Roger Peterson 11025-115th SE New Residence 83 150.00 Warren Christopherson 604 Rainier Change Elec. Fixtures 84 2,500.00 Alex Cugini 710-2nd Ave. Remodel Store 10085 600.00 Carl Sportsman 11417-112th SE Construct Garage 87 25-500.00 Mark P. Pugh, Jr. 9621-106th SE Add Rec. Room 10077 and 10086 are pending and will be reported at a later date. PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 1 7007 - - - - R. S. Shane 11614 SE 100th Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - R. S . Shane 11607 SE 100th Plumbing Fixtures 09 - - - - William Franson 517 0 Street Plumbing Fixtures 7010 - - - - R. Monroe 414 Burnett St Plumbing Fixtures 11 - - - - Ernesto Barei 919-5th Ave. Gas Installations 12 - - - - Universal Builders 12415-132nd SE Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - - Renton Village Co. Renton Village Plumbing Fixtures 14 - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11630 SE 106 Pl Plumbing Fixtures 7015 - - - - Frank Swaisgood 11225 SE112th Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - - Emil Fontana 340 Smithers Heating Equipment 17 - - - - N. J. Alaspa 10427-116th SE Gas Installations 18 - - - - Rudy Zaputil 11630 SE 106th Plumbing Fixtures Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-15-65 OPENING OF BIDS: Traffic Signal Installations BRONSON WAY - 1ST AVENUE NORTH AND PARK STREET BIDDER AND ADDRESS AMOUNT OF BID TAX TOTAL General Service Electric $ 9,950.00 $ 398.00 $ 10,348.00 11909 Lakeside P1. N.E. Seattle 55, Washington Chapman Electric Co. 7,489.00 299.56 7,778.56 P. 0, Box 268 Renton, Washington The Electric Construction* 6,880.00 275.20 7,155.20 Company of Tacoma Tacoma, Washington *Alternate bid showing 4% tax on material only. 6,880.00 178.72 7,058.72 BRONSON WAY - 2ND AVENUE AND MAIN STREET General Service Electric 9,980.00 399.20 10,379.20 11909 Lakeside Pl. N. E. Seattle 55, Washington Chapman Electric 7,889.00 315.56 8,204.56 P. 0. Box 268 Renton, Washington The Electric Construction * 7,480.00 299.20 7,779.20 Company of Tacoma Tacoma, Washington *Alternate bid showing V. tax on material only 7,480.00 187.84 7,667.84 Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that these bids be referred to the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE and the CITY ENGINEER to report back. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Pacific Car and Foundry Company was read extending an invitation to the Mayor, City Council, City Clerk and City Treasurer to a luncheon and plant tour to be conducted on April 6th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli that the Council accept the invitation and that as many as possible pian to attend. Carried. A letter from Sgt. H. M. Edman was read, expressing his appreciation for the messages of condolence and the bouquet of flowers which he received during his recent hospitalization. A communication from Mr. R. L. Greenfield was read requesting a change in the ordinance pertaining to the licensing of pawnbrokers. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, that this request be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE to report back. Carried. A letter from D. W. Custer, Mayor requested a transfer of funds from the Mayor's budget to the City Clerk's budget as follows: From Account 1200, Travel Expense 504 to Account 1400, Vacation Relief and Overtime 130, in the sum of $600.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request of the Mayor, and that the matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for the drafting of the proper ordinance. Carried. An application submitted by the Kennydale Lions Club #4870, District #19 B 2, was read requesting a special license to sell fireworks during the 1965 Independence Day Holiday Season. The location of the stand to be the Highlands Bowling Alley parking lot. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that this be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEI with power to act. Carried. An application was submitted by Theron K. Anderson for a locksmith license which is necessary for his employment at Matthies Key and Sharp Shop. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry that this application be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. -2- 1"78 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-15-65 C0MMUNICATI0NS: (cont.) A notice to the Council of intent to initiate annexation proceedings of properties contiguous to the City Limits, signed by August Aucourt and I. J. Brodell, purported to represent not less than ten per cent in value of the area involved, was read by the Clerk. The general location of the property as outlined on the asap; is the Cedar River Area, south of Cottonwood Grove and Maplewood. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the request be referred to the CITY ENGINEER for verification of the Signa-'ures and ten per cent ownership requirement. Carried. A letter of intent to initiate annexation of properties lying contiguous to the City Limits of Menton in the general area east of the present Bomarc Addition, was read by the Clerk. The notice carried fourteen signatures beginning with Mr. and Mrs. William Martin and ending with the names of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Akins. The area involved was outlined on the map. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the CITY ENGINEER to check the signatures and ten per cent ownership requirement. r Carried. With reference to the two aforesaid letters to initiate annexation proceedings, the City Clerk was requested to notify the signatories to have representation at the next Council Meeting. Upon certification from the City Engineer of the- validity..of signatures and sufficient ownership the preliminary meeting could-then be held. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, reported execution of Mutual Fire Fighting Assistance Agreement No. AG 846-65 on March 10, 1965 ,by the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 20 (Bryn Mawr--Lakeridge). This agreement was authorized by Resolution No. 1259, which provided that the Council be notified upon its execution. A letter from D.W. Custer, 'Mayor was read reporting on a series of discussions held with the State Highway Department relative to the status of the North Renton Interchange. In establishing the City's ability to provide the western approach to the interchange , pteliminary negotiations were conducted resulting in an offer from Pacific Coast Railroad to donate approximately $42,000 worth of land required for the City's portion of 'the right--of-way. Uhtil a final determination on the exact location of the approach has been forthcoming from the State Highway Department, it is impossible to determine the land kegiiirements and costs involved. It was further noted that several parcels cif , land adjacent to theproposed interchange location have been sold and that the buyers have indicated a desire to have Houser Way (Railroad Avenue) .extended to a junction with Lake Washington Boulevard. Again a final determination `on the right-of-way requirements for the interchange is necessary prior to acceptance of this dedication. In reply to inquiry from Councilman Garrett as to when some definite information on the western approach would be forthcoming from the State, Mayor Custer advised that this information had been promised by March 5th, and he anticipated an answer soon. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the STREET AND ALLEY C"ITTEE, PROPERTY COMMITTEE and CITY ENGINEER, directing that a ,commun cation be sent to theproperparties requesting the informatioh previously prorrii.sed by March 6th. Carried. `PROCLAMATIONS: A Proclamation honoring the Order of DeMolay was read wherein the Mayor noted that the organization was founded by rrank S. Land during the year 1919, at Kansas City, Missouri, and now has more than 2,500 chapters located all over the free world. The DeMolay members of Renton Chapter, sponsored by Issaquah-RAM, will observe the period of March 14-21 as "DeMolay Week" in celebration of their 46th Anniversary. Therefore, Mayor Custer proclaimed this week, as "DeMolay Week" and called upon all citizens to :loin in saluting the young men of the Order of DeMolay and expressing grateful appreciation, for the fine example set by these young leaders in contributing to the welfare and character of other young men of this City, thus aiding in the development and leadership of tommorrow. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that the Council concur in the Mayor's Proclamation. Carried, aj A Proclamation was read honoring the Kiwanis International, noting that 1965 is the 3 Golden Anniversary of its founding. Whereas, the men of Kiwanis have contributed unselfishly, to the good of this community, the Mayor called upon the citizens to join him in honoring the Kiwanians of Renton, as those Kiwanians have honored us in countless ways throughout the years, and proclaimed this week to be Kiwanis Golden Anniversary Week in Renton. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Council concur in the Mayor's Proclamation with special regards to former Councilman Walt Reid. Carried. 3 -3- *aF_ ,a+ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-15-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Poli., in the absence of Council President Pedersen, submitted the Committee of. the Whole report. 1. Councilman Delaurenti reported as Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee on the water study proposals submitted by two firms. This report was informational only. 2. It was recommended by the Committee to adopt the Mayor's general plan for the completion of the entire Civic Center Complex and authorization be given the Mayor and the City Attorney to proceed with the purchase or trade of all properties in Site "4" . Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee as a Whole. Councilman Morris stated that he would like to speak in behalf of those members of the Council who approve the recum-mendation in principal, but may not be in accord with the methods of financing or other matters as the plan progresses. He felt it should be clearly understood that all action must have the prior approval of the Legislative Body. Councilman Poli stated that the plan is projected into the future and may be subject to review and possible change. Vote on the motion carried with Councilwoman Dahlquist casting a dissenting vote. 3. Request of Renton Downtown Merchants' Association for special free parking privileges for planned downtown promotional events as listed in their letter of March 5th. It is the recommendation of the Committee that the request be denied, with the following exceptions: Continuance of the Saturday free parking and an additional period from December 13th through December 24th. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Discussion ensued, and Councilman Garrett inquired if the Street and Alley Committee can accept this as the general feeling of the Council on the subject of free parking. Councilwoman Dahlquist st:;ted this did not mean that future requests for -free porkisq would not receive consideration, but be reviewed individually until a report has been received from the Street and Ailey Committee and the Council has made a final determination as to the proposed removal of the parking meters. Roll Call vote was taken with the following result: "AYE" - Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Poli and Morris. "NAY" - Dahlquist, Garrett and Perry. Motion carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee requested more time for his Committee to work on the problem of downtown parking. He further stated that recommendations have been requested from the Chamber of Commerce and others and when these are received they will have another meeting. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the Street and Alley Committee additional time on the parking matters. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Power. and Light Committee, submitted his committee's recommendation that one 7,000 lumen light be installed near 2423B - 7th Avenue North. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that the Council concur with the recommendation of the Power and Light Committee. Carried. Councilman Poli inquired as to the eligibility of Councilmen to participate in the Statewide Retirement program. Councilman Garrett advised that all Councilmen were eligible to participate in Statewide and that he is now a member. Councilman Hulse presented a minority report of the Accounting and Auditing Committee recommending the approval of Vouchers 8173 through 8306. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that Vouchers 8173 through 8306 having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment at this time. Carried. �.., Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to the Annual Report of Traffic Accidents and commended the Engineering Department on the report. Councilman Schellert noted that the number of accidents at the intersection of Airport Way and Rainier had been reduced from 34 in 1963 to 13 reported accidents in 1964 and that this was partly due to the efforts of the traffic engineering department. -4- ISO Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cant.) 3-15-65 NEW BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Gianini said he had knowledge of firms conducting business in Renton without benefit of a business license, particular reference being made to sub-contractors. He felt that all general contractors should be required to show their license and list all sub-contractors when making application with the building department for permit. The Building Director and City Clerk were requested to look into the matter and bring in a recommendation and report. Councilman Gianini made inquiry as to the amount of money that has been allocated for a grand stand, stating this project should get under way and Mayor Custer advised that $15,000 has been ear-marked for this purpose. Further discussion pointed out that this mount of money would be inadequate to complete the project and touched on the possi- bility of obtaining more from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund. Councilman Gianini stated he would give the problem further study and present it again at a later meeting. Councilman Perry, referring back to the Traffic Accident Report, pointed out that at another intersection, reported accidents had increased from twenty in 1963 to thirty- three in 1964. A report was requested on what remedial action could be taken and the City Engineer replied that this situation would be corrected as soon as materials now on order for this project were delivered. ORDINANCES' AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Business District (B-1) to Light Industry District (L-1) which was read by the Deputy Clerk. (Wilson property, north side of 4th Avenue east of M Street) Moved by Morris, seconded by Pali, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, that Ordinance No. 2139 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote was taken with all council members present voting "AYE". Councilman Morris presented a proposed ordinance regulating the erection, construction, repair, alteration, location or maintenance of any sign, billboard, marquee, canopy, awning or similar structure within any public place or right of way of the City of Renton. The Law and Ordinance Committee recommended that this ordinance be placed the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Law and Ordinance Committee, Carried. In referring to the subject of grand stands which was discussed earlier in this meeting, it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the matter of the grand stands at Liberty Park be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: At this time the Mayor invited audience comments. Mr. James Abraham introduced himself and made inquiry as to his application to purchase the 0. K. Cab Company from Preston Williams, said application having been presented to the Council last week. It was pointed out to Mr. Abraham the difficulty in processing this type of application in a week's time. The Chairman of the Police and License Committee was absent at this meeting, but a report should be forthcoming at the next council meeting. Discussion ensued as to why two cab stands were necessary if he has only one cab in operation. Mr. Abraham replied that at the present time he had only one cab, but hoped to add another in the near future. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Pali, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. There were 12 visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- March 15, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 8173 John E. Alexander 19.54 8174 Blumenthal Uniform Company 87-57 8175 Burroughs Corporation 11 .32 8176 Duane D. Cederberg 4.00 8177 Chapman Electric 73.28 8178 D & D Auto Upholstery 72.80 8179 Daily Journal of Commerce 22.50 8180 Don Dashnea 10.75 8181 Dotz Chemical Company 5p.45 a132 Econolite Corporation 612.20 8183 Fire Chief Equipment Company 36.40 8184 General Binding Corp. & Subsidiaries 41 .60 8185 Glo-Kien Company 28.60 8186 H & M Duplicator Corp. 29.58 8187 Joy Hoffman 4.00 8188 Holmes Electric Company 18.00 8189 I . B. M. Corporation 36.40 8190 Patricia Ann Johnson 4.00 8191 King Co. Humane Society 693.33 8192 Kroesen's 21 . 14 8193 McCann Associates 115.68 8194. McLendon Hardware, Inc. 170-57 8195 Metropolitan Press 136.54 8196 National Council on Crime 5.00 8197 Helmie Nelson 5.00 8198 Pacific Outfitting Company 13.47 8199 Mike Potoshnik Fuel Oils 381.61 8200 Renton Clothing Company 65.62 8201 Renton Enterprise 20.72 8202 Renton & Rainier Frintery 91 -52 8203 Seagrave Pacific Corp. 287.02 8204 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 86.60 8205 M. L. Snyder & Son, Inc. 9.20 82C6 Thermo-Fax Sales Inc. 205. 12 8207 Trojan Lithograph Corp. 86.37 8208 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 2,570.40 8209 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 89. 19 8210 Westlake Electronic Supply 27. 14 3211 C. S. Williams 7.76 CITY STREET FUND 8212 Black River Quarry, Inc. 186.01 8213 Johnson Paint Company 20.80 8214 McLendon Hardware, Inc. 7.96 8215 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. 152.46 8216 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 3.91 8217 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 5,766.85 8218 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 18.62 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 8219 Bardahl Lubricants Corp. 79-58 8220 Blanchard Auto Electric Co. 77.58 8221 Cox Engine & Supply Co. 33,75 8222 Diesel Oil Sales Co. 87.46 8223 Dotz Chemical Company 8.40 8224 Hallgren Company, Inc. 11 .23 8225 Interstate Tire Company 85.25 8226 McLendon Hardware, Inc. 26.36 8227 Reiman Auto Parts 134.27 8228 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 71 ,01 8229 Sweeper Service, Inc. 182.00 8230 Tuffibre Company 92.00 8231 W/T City Treas. - Street 268.82 City of Renton Vouchers Continued March 15, 1965 LIBRARY FUND 8232 R. R. Bowker Company 21 .75 6233 Childrens Press, Inc. 19.80 8234 Collier-MacMillian Library Service 313. 11 8235. Diesel Oil Sales Co. 103.77 8236 Doubleday & Co., Inc. 119.62 8237 Durham Press 1 .75 8238 Educators Progress Service 6.50 8239 S.J. Gates - Times Rep. 20.00 8240 Nina Greig, Treas. - PNLA 21 .00 8241 American Library Association 53.00 8242 Hartman's Book Store 8.57 8243 Marcella Hillgen 12.67 8244 Virginia Kirkus' Service, Inc. 50.00 8245 Overall Cleaning & Supply 2.50 8246 Pacific Northwest Bell 59.81 8247 Paulson Office Supply 9.01 8248 R. L. Polk & Company 62.40 8249 Puget Sound News Company 284. 12 8250 Puget Sound Power & Light 39.73 8251 Record Stationery & Office Supply 19.93 8252 Renton and Rainier Printery 10.40 8253 Simon & Schuster, Inc. 20.90 8254 Washington Book Store, Inc. .62 8255 Washington State Tax Commission 17.07 PARK FUND 8256 Ray Bock Equipment Company 60.00 8257 McLendon Hardware, Inc. 105.8 8258 Service Laundry & dry Cleaners 17.68 8259 Trojan Lithograph Corp. 41 .60 8260 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 30.99 8261 ITT City Treas. - Equip. Rental 135. 10 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 8262 Book Publishing Company 83.20 8263 Chapman Electric 65.45 8264 L. N. Curtis & Sons 261 ,91 8265 1 . B. M. Corporation 36.40 6266 Market Basket �4 5.50 8267 McLendon Hardware, Inc. 24.64 8268 Messer's T.V. & Appliance 20.58 8269 Helmie Nelson 2.00 8270 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 112.50 8271 Remington Office Machines 22.88 8272 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 22.66 8273 W/T City Treas. - Street 275.94 827.4 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 33.70 8275 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 2,208. 15 AIRPORT FUND 8276 Service Laundry & Dry Cleaners 15.98 8277 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 63.50 8278 King Co. Medical Service 24.45 8279 Standard Insurance Co. 6.69 8280 Statewide Retirement System 21 .78 CURRENT FUND 8281 Group Health Coop 156.25 8282 King Co. Medical Service 802.90 8283 Standard Insurance Co. 346.39 6284 Statewide Retirement System "5.77 City of Renton Vouchers Continued March 15, 1965 CITY STREET FUND 8285 Group Health Coop 76.25 8286 King Co. Medical Service 130.60 8287 Standard Insurance Co. 54.64 8288 Statewide Retirement System 230.55 CEDAR RIVER M, & I . FUND 8289 King Co. Medical Service 8. 15 8290 Standard Insurance Co, 2.23 8291 Statewide Retirement System 12.48 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 8292 Group Health Coop 24.00 8293 King Co. Medical Service 8. 15 8294 Standard Insurance Co. 8.92 8295 Statewide Retirement System 41 .96 LIBRARY FUND 8296 Group Health Coop 8.50 8297 King Co. Medical Service 83.50 8298 Standard Insurance Co. 20.07 8299 Statewide Retirement System 138.86 PARK FUND 3300 Group Health Coop 40.00 8301 King Co. Medical Service 81 .90 8302 Standard Insurance Co. 28.99 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 8303 Group Health Coop 56.00 8304 King Co. Medical Service 147.30 8305 Standard Insurance Co. 55.75 8306 Statewide Retirement System 201 . 10 uster, Mayor Ile mie W. NelSon, City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. March 22, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris. Councilman Bruce was excused by action taken under New Business. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; G. M. Shellan, ity Attorney; C. S. Williams, Chief of Police; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Jack i,'ilson, City Engineer; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Marcella Hillgen, Librarian; and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the minutes of the previous meeting of March 15, 1965, be approved as read. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10088 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13312 SE 116th Wire Residence 89 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13320 SE 116th Wire New Residence 10090 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13312 SE 115th Wire New Residence 91 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13336 SE 116th Wire New Residence 92 25,000.00 Washington Natural Gas. Co. Talbot Rd. $ 156th Storage tanks 93 100.00 Bob Shane 11614 SE 100th Fence 94 12,000.00 R. S. Shane 11620 SE 100th New Residence 10095 120000.00 R. Shane 11613 SE 100th New Residence 96 800.00 Henry Gates 3206 - 6th E Garage 97 180.00 Patrick Murphy 1214 - 3rd Ave. Re-wire addition 98 40.00 Lynn H. Livengood 1053 "L" Wire flood lights 99 840.00 Renton Health Club 315 - 2nd Ave. Roof sign 10100 25.00 William Anardi 365 Thomas St. Repair-roof-doors 01 20,000.00 Linoleum Shop (Jack Regis) 501 - 4th Ave. Remodel Comm. bldg. .a. 02 30,000.00 Cascade Vista Free Meth. 17017 - 122nd SE New church 03 - - - - - Mrs. Alex Rivily 71 Logan St. Demolish residence 04 100.00 Gary Sumpter 2838 - 5th Ave. N Fence 10105 500.00 Aubrey Fry 2507-2509-12th N Garage 06 1,500.00 William A. Orthalony 11430 SE 93rd Enclose carport 07 2S.00 Emmett Eaton 11002 - 112th SE Fence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7019 - - - - - Bozeman 11240 1/2 S 100th Plumbing fixtures 20 - - - - - Clifford Peterson 11434 SE 96th St. Heating equipment 21 - - - - - VOID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 - - - - - D. E. IVilcox 1234 Shattuck St. Gas installations 23 - - - - - Almyro Butler 428 Earlington St. Plumbing fixtures 24 - - - - - R. S. Shane 11620 SE 100th Plumbing fixtures 7025 - - - - - R. Shane 11607 SE 100th Plumbing fixtures 26 - - - - - James Osawa 221 Morris Gas installations 27 - - - - - United Homes 3901 - 10th Ct. N Plumbing fixtures 28 - - - - - United I-[omes 1044 "R" St. Plumbing fixtures 29 - - - - - United Homes 1120 "R" St. Plumbing fixtures 7030 - - - - - United Homes 1108 "R" St. Plumbing fixtures 31 - - - - - United Homes 1021 "R" St. Plumbing fixtures PRELIMINARY MEETING: Held with Property Owners pursuant to Letter of Intent to Annex to the City of Renton - Vicinity of 132nd S.E. and Sunset Blvd. E. The City Clerk read City Engineer Wilson's letter stating that a check of the county records indicates the Letter of Intent to annex the above described property was signed by owners representing over 100 of the assessed valuation.. It was also noted that this area contains approximately 44 acres and has an assessed value of $48,550. Inquiry was made as to whether anyone present in the audience would speak for the owners of the property under consideration.. Mr. John J. Bardessono Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-22-65 PRELIMINARY MEETING: (cont.) filed with the Clerk a letter delegating him as spokesman for property owners named in the letter, which indicated agreement to assume their pro-rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. This letter carried the names of William E. Martin, Bertha A. Johnson, Jack Tompson, Lawrence S. Saviage, and Glenn Jones. There being no further discussion, it was moved �y Dahlquist, seconded by Delaurenti that the prelim- inary meeting be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, that the Council accept this annexation request and that the parties concerned by authorized to circulate a petition that ism would state their willingness to accept their pro-rata share of the City of Renton's pre-existing bonded indebtedness and also bear the signatures of at least 75% of assessed valuation. Carried. PRELIMINARY MEETING: Meld with Property Owners pursuant to Letter of Intent to Annex to the City of Renton - Vicinity of Paulls Maplewood Addition The City Clerk read the City Engineer's report to the effect that a check of the county records indicates the Letter of Intent to annex 'the above described property was signed by owners representing over 10% of the assessed value. This area contains approximately 121 acres and has a .total assessed value of $89,450. The Mayor declared the preliminary meeting open. and invited comments from the audience. There being no discussion', it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, that the preliminary meeting be closed. 'Councilman.Garrett suggested it might be advisable to continue the meeting to accomplish the purposes for which this preliminary meeting was called. At this time Mr. I. J. Brodell introduced himself and stated that he was a property owner in this area and was in favor of this annexation. Councilman Hulse inquired of Mr. Brodell if these property owners were willing to accept their pro-rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. Mr. Brodell replied that he felt they would be, but that he was not in a position to obligate the rest of the property owners and inquired if this could be left to the discretion of the individuals at the time the petition is circulated. Mayor Custer advised that the petition should contain the statement of willingness to accept their pro-rata share of the City's pre-exisiting bonded indebtedness. Inquiries were made from the audience- as to ,... whether the area proposed .for annexation should comprise one continuous piece of property and the effect.;on.the proposed annexation of properties divided by the river. It was pointed out that this would not present a problem as the requirement in this,-:connection was only that the area be contiguous to the City Limits and property descriptions usually ran to the center of the river. Vote on the pending motion carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to accept the Letter of Intent and that the people be authorized to circulate the petition which should include a statement that the petitioners are willing to accept their pro-rata share of the City's pre existing bonded indebtedness. Motion carried. The Mayor submitted for information that the pre-existing bonded indebtedness for' this area at the »resent time was very small, approximately $81,000 plus the General Obligation Bond issue--North Renton Interchange, $400,000; Library, $150,000; authorized by the electorate. The Mayor asked if there wera any comments and being none the meeting progressed to the next order of business. HEARINGS: A. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map The Clerk read the following proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map: RETAIL-COMMERCIAL USE: Area on the north side of the Maple Valley Highway in the vicinity of the NE 1/4 of the SIV 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 16-23-5. The Mayor declared the hearing on this matter open for discussion and called for the wish of ' the Council. A question was posed from the audience as to the reason for the wording, "Retail-Commercial." For clarification the Mayor pointed out that this hearing covers amendments to the land use map and does not concern zoning. It was again asked that the wording "Retail-Commercial" be clarified. Councilman Perry stated that this question had been asked in committee meeting and they had been advised it would cover grocery stores, service stations and similar operation. Councilman Hulse pointed out that this was. a very limited business area and that it should not spread into the residential area and asked for comments from Mr. James Denzer of the Planning Commission. Mr. Denzer stated the reason fev this proposed amendment was to correct an error in the Land Use Map and the intent of the Planning Commission was for a B-1 -2- sss Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-22-65 HEARINGS: (cont.) classification, which would coincide with present usage. An unidentified visitor in the audience stated that in this area there were two service stations separated by unoccupied property which should carry the same zoning and expressed concern as to the Retail-Commercial designation specifically if this would allow a shopping center_ The Mayor answered it was his understanding that this would be permitted. At this time, various comments were forthcoming on whether to consider each proposed amendment individually, finalizing each action as presented, or withold action until conclusion of the hearing on all items. The Mayor felt the proper procedure should be to carry the hearing through to completion and Council then make their determination. The City Attorney reminded the Council this was one hearing. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that each item be considered separately. Cameo. After some discussion, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing on this amendment to the land use mar covering property on the north side of Maple Valley Highway be closed. Carried. Garrett asked if this is a hearing on all amendments and the Mayor stated it is tl7c hearing on the Maple Valley area as read by the Clerk. Hulse requested clarification before proceeding. Garrett stated he understood that the hearing, would be held on each piece of property while the hearing is open and after each description is discussed, the hearing would be closed and action taken on each individual item. (Perry stated that when this was before Committee of the Whole I each item was discussed individually.) The method of hearing each item and closing to act thereon had been satisfactory in the Committee of the Whole and the same method could be used here. Perry requested the opinion of the City Attorney as to the legal method for conducting such a hearing. Mr. Shellan replied that this is not a legal problem, but rather a time problem, and that it should be determined how many people were present regarding these matters. It was moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the Council concur in the Planning Commission recommendation that the Land Use Map be changed to reflect Retail- Commercial use of the area as described lying on the north side of the Maple Valley Highway. Carried. The Clerk then proceeded to the second amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use rl Map, described as follows: RETAIL-COMMERCIAL USE: Area generally westerly of 132nd Avenue S.E. and Sunset Boulevard continuously to an area easterly of 138th Avenue S.E. on both sides of Sunset Boulevard to a depth of approximately 500 feet on each side, consistent with the standards for retail-commercial use districts. The Mayor declared the hearing open on this amendment and Councilman Garrett suggested that if there were no comments pro or con that the Clerk continue to the next item. At this time Mr. Dalpay, one of the property owners in this area, strongly urged the Council to approve this amendment. Mr. Mark Hokenson, another interested property owner, indicated that he was of the same opinion as Mr. Dalray. Mr. Halley Smilley, representing Friendly Investors who plan to develop a portion of this property, stated they are in favor of this proposed change in the land use map. Moved by Perry that this hearing be closed. The motion failed for lack of a second. MOveo by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen that the Clerk proceed with the reading of the nextitem. Carried. The Clerk read the following amendment: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USE: Area east of 3rd Place North, south of 4th Avenue North and west of the Pacific Coast Railroad Tracks. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Garrett, that the Clerk proceed to the next item. Carried. The Clerk read the following amendment: MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL USE: Area lying between 4th and 5th Avenue and between Main and Burnett Streets, EXCEPT the northerly 100' thereof. There being no objections, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the Clerk proceed with the reading of the next item.— Carried. The Clerk read the following amendment: RETAIL-COMMERCIAL USE: Area described as the northerly 100' of the area lying between 4th and Sth Avenues and between Main and Burnett Streets. It was moved by Poli that the hearing on this item be closed. The motion failed for lack of a second. No comments forthcoming it was moved �y Delaurenti, secondeo by Pedersen, that the Clerk proceed with the reading of the next item. Carried. - - - -r -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-22-65 HEARINGS: (cont.) The Clerk read the following amendment: RETAIL-COMMERCIAL USE: Area east of Shattuck, west of Burnett Street, between the alley south of 3rd Avenue and the Pacific Railroad. As there were no comments from the audience, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, that the hearing be closed. Carried. — — It was then moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in Items (a), (c), (d) , (e), (f) , and (g) of the Planning Commission recommendation, representing all proposed amendments to the Land Use Map scheduled for hearing this meeting. r.. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to amend the motion to include referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the drafting of the proper ordinance. Vote on the amendment carried. Vote on the motion, as amended, carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist stated that these amendments should be held up until finalization of Item (b) of the Planning Commission recommendation, which was not scheduled for hearing this evening, and accomplish all of these at one time. Moved !y Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to reconsider their previous action and tTTat Item (a) of the Planning Commission recommendation, namely the area 500' on each side of Sunset Highway from a point westerly of 132nd S.E. to easterly of 138th S.E. , be deleted. Discussion ensued as to the meaning of the terms retail-commercial use and strip zoning. Councilman Hulse inquired if the highway is meant to move traffic or to move people from one shopping center to another, and if the highway is lined with shopping centers, would this comprise strip zoning. Councilman Morris noted the original request was for 150' and was subsequently changed to 500' depth to take care of the problem of strip zoning. A vote was called for and the motion to reconsider and delete item (a) failed. At this time a clarification was made that all amendments have been approved and referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Moved Schellert to include item (b) of the Planning Commision recommendation. The City Clerk advised this could not be done as item (b) was not included in the hearing. The motion failed for lack of a second. Schellert asked the Clerk to read the description of property covered under item (b) of the Planning Commission recommendation, which was read as follows: Land �,.. lying between 3rd Place North, Factory Street and 3rd Avenue North. Councilman Pedersen stated that it was the feeling of the Council at the Committee of the Whole meeting that the property described in item (b) was to be reconsidered by the Planning Commission at their meeting of March 24th. Councilman Perry stated that the motion was made because it was felt that depending on how this hearing (Planning Commission) would go, this item might or might not be approved and that is why it was set aside. As a matter of clarification, the Mayor stated that the Council has now concurred in all items included in tonight's hearing, which would not include item (b) of the Planning Commission recommendation, and that the matter has been referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. B. Hearing on the CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PLAN. The Clerk stated the hearing was to be held on the following: Adoption of the Central Business District Development Plan as presented by John Graham F Company, as part of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. There being no comments pro or con, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Upon—inquiry the Mayor explained that by adoption of this plan the Council was only approving a general plan and that specific matters would be handled as they arise. It was then moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to approve the Central Business District Development 'Flan as drawn up by John Graham & Company. Carried. rte. COMMUNICATIONS: The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Del Mead expressing her thanks to the Mayor and Council for the flowers she received during her confinement in the hospital. The City Clerk submitted the 1964 Annual Financial Report of the City of Renton, which had been prepared by the Office of the City Clerk and read her letter of transmittal. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, reported execution of Mutual Fire Fighting Assistance Agreement No. AG 848-65 on March 18, 1965, by the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 (Hazelwood, Kennydale, Renton Hill) . This -4- Iss Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-22-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) agreement was authorized by Resolution No. 1259, which provided that the Council be notified upon its execution. Applications from Wayne L. and Frank A. McNeil, Riviera Tavern, requested that they be granted the required licenses to operate one shuffleboard and one pool table in their establishment. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the applications _ to the POLICE AND LICENSE -COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Clerk, Helmie Nelson, requested authorization to borrow sufficient monies from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund to cover operating expenses pending receipt of Tax monies as follows: Current Fund - $50,000, Parks - $25,000, Street - $30,000, and Library - $10,000. Said loans to be repaid by December 31, 1965, at an interest rate of 4 1/2 per cent. Council's concurrence and referral to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE was requested. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommen ation of the City C1err.— Carried. A communication from the Central Garage Accountant, W. E. Bennett, was read requesting the approval of the Council to appropriate into the Equipment Rental Fund, Account 3600/606, the sum of $1,984.20, which represents settlement from the Insurance company for the police vehicle which was demolished on January 23, 1965. This appropriation is necessary for the replacement of four vehicles now required rather than three as budgeted. Moved �y Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in this recommendation and to refer the matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. A letter from the Renton Aviation Board requested Council authorization for Earle S. Bigler, Airport Director, to attend the annual meeting of the American Association of Airport Executives to be held at Fort Worth, Texas, April 25 to 28, 1965. Moved by Hulse to concur with the request of the Aviation Board. The motion failed for Tack of a second. Upon inquiry the Mayor stated a new director would be appointed approximately August 1st. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that this request be placed in the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the previous motion (by Mrs. Dahlquistj ee ta3bled. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Airport Director, Mr. Bigler, be authorized to Now attend the meeting. Councilwoman Dahlquist objected, stating that the matter had just been tabled and Councilman Garrett stated only the motion had been tabled, not the matter. Concern was expressed by several Council members with regard to authorizing the attendance when the appointment of a new airport manager is forth- coming within a short time. It was brought out that although the Council must authorize such travel allowance, this had been approved by the Airport Board, from funds allocated at the time of adoption of the budget, and that benefits derived from his attendance at the meeting would be passed on to the Airport Board and the new director. The question was called for and the pending motion to authorize the Airport Director, Mr. Bigler, to attend the meeting was carried. A letter from the City Engineer, Jack Wilson, was read requesting Council authorization to permit attendance of Ted Bennett, Bob Puhich and the writer at the National Convention of the American Water Works Association in Portland, Oregon, June 27th to July 2nd. Moved �y Garrett, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request. Carried. A communication was read from the City Engineer advising that the City is responsible for the design of the structure over the railroad tracks on the westerly approach of the North Renton Interchange and requesting Council authorization to retain a counsultant service. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pedersen, that this request be referred to the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE for recommendation. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer, together with a Memorandum from Fire Chief Walls, were mod read concerning a meeting held by the City Clerk, Fire Chief, City Engineer, Council- man Delaurenti, and the Mayor, with the Commissioners and others from Fire District No. 25, to discuss provisions for fire protection in the Kennydale area proposed for annexation. At this meeting the Fire District representatives submitted their proposals as follows: 1. The City would contract with the District for fire protection services on an annual basis. (This contract would necessarily be on a year to year basis and would provide services in addition to those available by the Renton Fire Department.) -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-22-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Fire District No. 25 Proposals (cont.) 2. The Fire District would give the City certain pieces of fire apparatus and would allow the City to use and/or purchase the fire station itself. 3. The Fire District would request that every consideration by the Renton Volunteer Fire Department be given to the induction of those Kennydale Volunteer Firemen who might wart to join the Department. Fire Chief Walls' memorandum noted the reduction in fire insurance rates that would be enjoyed by the populous of this area upon annexation to the City of Renton. The Mayor further commented that if the Council concurred in this proposal, a resolution would be prepared, the estimated cost for contractual services would be $9,000 per year, and that portion of Kennydale proposed for annexation would add approximately $30,000 in property taxes to the City's revenues. Discussion ensued relative to Statutory requirements for the distribution of fire district property. It was then moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer this communication to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Carried. A letter from the Charm Guild for Retarded Children was read expressing their thanks to the City for its cooperation in their City-Wide Balloon Sale which was held on March Sth and 6th. The Clerk read a letter from Robert R. Wray requesting the City's reconsideration of the present ordinance regulating pawnbrokers in the City of Renton, and also asking that he be considered for a pawnbrokers license should the ordinance be amended. It was moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, that this request be referred to the POLIES AND LICENSE COMMITTEE to report back. Carried. A petition from residents living in the area of S.E. 110th in Kennydale was read requesting a street light on the first power pole off 108th Avenue S.E. , more particularly designated as the pole on S.E. 110th going East. Moved �y Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the petition to the POWER AND LIGHT COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer was read which referred to the work being done by the State Highway Department in the vicinity of So. 153rd near Longacres. It was noted that the City had strenuously objected to the placement of pillars along S. 153rd in that they would seriously hinder the traffic flow. The subsequent plan presented by the State did not, in the opinion of the City, alleviate this problem. The State has continued with construction and it, therefore, appears the City has recourse to legal proceedings in that the State has, in fact, damaged a City street and used same for State purposes without having first held a hearing and without having obtained permission from the City. This procedure is contrary to law and affords the City the possibility of redress through "inverse condemnation." The Mayor urged the Council's concurrence and authorization for the City Attorney to commence legal action as necessary to compel the State to correct the existing situation. Moved by Perry, seconded'by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. The motion carried. An announcement was read from the Association of Washington Cities that the AWC Annual Convention will be held in Tacoma at the Winthrop Hotel, June 16, 17, and 18. The notice called attention to the Public Reporting Contest and if designation had been made of elected officials who are eligible for a 20-year Plaque. The City Clerk noted that the 20-year Plaque referred to, was only in regard to elected officials or those attorneys or clerks who might be in appointive rather than elective positions with twenty years service that are now leaving the employ of the City and that to her knowledge no one from the City of Renton would be qualifying for this award, and she would so notify the Association. APPOINTMENTS: Mayor Custer requested the Council's concurrence in the appointment of the following individuals to the positions indicated in the Renton Police Department: Clerk-Steno II Dora Blanchard Clerk-Steno I Zelda Azeltine Clerk I Dorothy Dixon -6- 1.90 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-22-65 APPOINTMENTS: (cont.) It was noted that these applicants are presently employed by the City and their appointments when concurred in by the Council, will place them under the Civil Service system of the City. Certification of the examination results by the Civil Service Commission was submitted with the Mayor's letter. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor.- Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer requesting an extension of compulsory retirement of Police Chief Clarence S. Williams, under the classification of Uniformed Personnel, was read by the Clerk. The period of extension begins May 1, 1965, and will terminate unless again extended on May 1, 1966. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor.! An inquiry was directed to Councilman Garrett as to the present status of legislation concerning the retirement age of uniformed personnel, and he replied that the bill had passed the House and is now before the Senate. Vote on the motion carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE draw up the resolution extending the retirement date of Chief Williams. Carried. The City Clerk called attention to Senate Bill 527, A New Financial Aid Proposal for Cities. The Clerk noted that one of the basic provisions of the bill would be that 6% of the revenues from the State Sales and Use Tax would be distributed on a per capita basis to cities and towns, and that cities would no longer have the right to levy a B & 0 tax which would be pre-empted by the State. Councilman Garrett mentioned that in discussion with Seattle Officials this would mean approximately $200,000 to the City of Seattle and Renton could expect a substantial increase in tax money received. COUNCIL CON24ITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen submitted the report of the Sanitation Committee wherein it was { recommended that the Renton School District be granted an easement on City Property in the vicinity of Cedar River and the Sewage Disposal Plant according to the recommendation of the City Engineer as shown in an accompanying diagram. It should be agreed that the existing sewer line be allowed to remain until such time as any future purchaser requests it to be moved, and in this event all expenses incurred are to be borne by the School District. It is recommended that the easement be drawn under supervision of the City Attorney and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee Carried. Councilman Pederson, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted the committee's report recommending the Permit to the U.S. Department of the Interior for streamflow measuring* structures be granted, with the new location to be about 30 feet down river from the Williams Street Bridge and that the changes noted by the City Attorney on the application be incorporated into the document and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen stated that the Property Committee had been requested to investigate the possibility of recovering some money from the sewage disposal treatment plant and were authorized to secure an appraisal, and the following is the committee's recommendation: The committee recommends that the former Sewage Treatment Plant be declared surplus property and no longer of any use to the City, and that the City Engineer be requested to prepare and furnish a correct legal description to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for drafting the Resolution. It was further recommended that the Property Committee be authorized to take the necessary steps to dispose of said property by the most beneficial terms to the City, either by negotiations or by public sale upon bids. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Pedersen submitted the Property Committee Report, recommending the acceptance of the proposal from the A. B. Dick Company, for a duplicating machine, the total cost being $1,420.87, and that the matter be referred to the WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE for funding. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendatign of the Property Committee.^ Carried. -7- 191, Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-22-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Mr. Robert Huebner, of 10612 - 108th Avenue S,E. , introduced himself and stated that he was present with reference to Ordinance No. 2139, which had been passed by the Council last week, which contained an incorrect description and asked if this error could be corrected at this Council meeting. After some discussion on this matter the City Attorney advised that upon recwipt of the corrected description he would prepare an amendatory ordinance. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the CITY ENGINEER to furnish the corrected description for an amendatory .... ordinance. It was moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to take a ten minute recess to take care of this matter, Carried.. Following the recess, roll call was taken with all council members present as previously listed. The previous motion was read and vote taken on the motion carried. It was noted here that this ordinance would be presented later in the meeting with other proposed ordinances and resolutions. Councilman Garrett submitted the Report of the Street and Alley Committee with its recommendations V:1 Parking Meters and the Restriction of Parking on Main Street, as follows: (1) Parking Meters , That the time limit on all one-hour Parking Meters be increased to a two-hour limit , Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Inquiry was made as to the cost to the City for this change and if new dials would be required. It was determined it would take two or three minutes for each change and new dials would not be required, the cost would be very nominal. Councilman Delaurenti stated that he would object if any expense at all is involved as the matter of the proposed removal of the meters is now before the Committee of the Whole and no money should be spent on these meters if there is a possibility they will be removed. Councilman Garrett stated this was an attempt to relieve the parking in the down town area, and that if it worked, it might change the minds of those desiring to have the meters removed, the cost being nominal it would be worth the try. Upon inquiry, the Clerk noted according to the 1964 Financial Report, there are 343 parking meters on the streets, and 82 located in the off-street parking lots, making a total of 425. .�. Vote on pending motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for drafting of an ordinance. Carried. (2) Restriction of Parking on Main Street during the P.M. peak , Due to the traffic congestion created within the Industrial area and as a measure to relieve this congestion, the Committee recommended that a "No Parking" restriction be imposed on Main Street from 2nd Avenue to 4th Avenue on the west side, and from Walla Walla to 4th Avenue on the east side during the hours of 3.30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. , Monday thru Friday. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley' Committee. Councilman Garrett noted that the City Engineer's recommendation to the Committee was for a ban to be employed on Main Street and 3rd Avenue. However, it was the feeling of the committee that the ban on Main Street is more urgently needed and also would eliminate fewer parking spaces. The parking on 3rd Avenue would be considered at a later date. Concern was voiced as to where people would park if this restriction is imposed. At this time, the Assistant City Engineer, was asked to report on a survey conducted by the Engineering Department regarding the availability of parking in this area. Mr, Bennett stated the survey indicated that sufficient parking was provided in the off-street parking lots (82 spaces) , and that on the average, only two vehicles an hour were taking advantage of these lots. Councilman Schellert speaking in favor of this restriction, reminded the Council that this year's budget provided for street improvements which would increase the traffic in this area and this would make parking restriction mandatory. Vote on pending motion carried, Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer this RD matter to the LATI AND OINANCE COMMITTEE for drafting of the proper ordinance. Carried. Councilman Garrett noted that a hearing had been held on this matter sometime ago and the City Attorney had at that time requested to prepare an ordinance, which would be presented by the Ordinance Committee. Councilman Garrett submitted the Street and Alley Committee report that in the near future the City must acquire the necessary right-of-way for the westerly approach to the North Renton Interchange and recommended, therefore, that the City proceed immediately with the sale of the General Obligation Bonds authorized by the electorate and this be accomplished jointly with the sale of the Water Works Utility Revenue Bonds, It was moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that this matter be held until the Fire and Water Committee report has been presented. Carried- -8- 192 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-22-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, gave a verbal report recommending the approval of the transfer of the O.K. Cab Company from Preston Williams to James Abraham. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Policee and License Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, submitted a report of his committee, which was read by the Clerk. It was reoznmended therein, pursuant to a meeting and consolation with Foster and Marshall, to proceed with the issuance and marketing of General Obligation Bond Issues authorized by the Electorate for the North Renton Interchange Approach in the sum of $400,000, and the Library in the amount of $150,000. It was further recommended to Put up for sale the Water Works Utility Revenue Bond Issue in the full amount of $500,000. rather than $250,000 as had previously been considered due to marketability and low interest rates available at this time. A two to ten year term was recommended for the General Obligation Bond issues and a twenty-four year term for the Water Works Utility Revenue Bond issue. The fee for services in connection with the public sale to be the same as previously submitted by Foster and Marshall, namely $1,225.00 with a breakdown as to cost per issue to be submitted at a later date. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Mayor Custer pointed out this action would take care of the matter mentioned in the above Street and Alley Committee report. Motion carried. A Fire and Water Committee Report was read noting the 1965 Budget provided for an Engineering Analysis of our Water System including an investigation of our Springbrook Water Supply to determine if more water could be obtained. Two proposals have been received on this project and after consideration by the committee of the two firms, it is the recommendation to retain the firm of Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield for a cost of $11,000.00. It was also recommended that this be referred to the CITY ATTORNEY to prepare the necessary agreement and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same upon completion. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurentiv" to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Poli, referring to Holert Electric's request for Franchise to operate a Community Antenna System, which is pending in the Power and Light Committee, stated the committee cannot proceed until they receive a description from the City Engineer of the property used by Holert Electric to serve its customers. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, that this matter be referred to the CITY ENGINEER to report back. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Council President announced a Council of the Whole meeting with the Library Board and the architects is scheduled for 7:30, March 23rd. A regular Committee of the Whole meeting will be held 7:30, Monday evening, March 29th. Councilman Gianini requested that the Park Board and Park Director be asked to attend this meeting. It was moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, that Vouchers No. 8307 through 8384, having Feerpreviously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment. Carried. Moved �y Hulse, seconded by Garrett, to excuse Councilman Hugh Bruce, who is ill this evening. Carried. Councilman Schellert advised that he had been contacted by a business firm in Renton that handles trophies, calling attention to the fact that outside firms were coming into our bowling alleys and selling trophies without a Renton business license. The .ml Clerk advised this information should be brought to the attention of the City Clerk's Office. Councilman Schellert brought up the need for a Board of Adjustment in view of the fact that the Planning Commission is in the process of preparing a new zoning code. The Planning Commission felt it was not up to them to make a decision in this matter and that it should be brought before the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE.— Carried. -9- 193 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-22-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert that a recess be called to give the Law and Ordinance Committee time to meet on pending matters. The motion carried. Following the meeting, roll call was taken with all Council members present as previously stated, with the exception of Councilman Trimm. Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Morris, presented the amendatory ordinance on the Wallace Wilson Rezone which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the ordinance be place on second and final reading Carried. Subsequent 6w to the reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, that Ordinance No. 2140 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote was taken with all Council members voting, "Aye." A proposed resolution was read authorizing the belowmentioned Departments to borrow from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund to enable proper administration of said Departments pending receipt of tax monies, as follows: Current Fund - $50,000; Park Fund - $25,000; Street Fund - $30,000; and Library Fund - $10,000. Loans to be repaid not later than December 31, 1965, bearing interest at the rate of 4 1/2%. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1296 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed resolution wherein it was noted that the Equipment Rental Fund has received monies in excess of the estimated revenues, which funds have been received in settlement of a certain accident claim involving a police vehicle and hereby requesting appropriation of this excess revenue in the Equipment Rental Fund, Account 3600/606, in the sum of $1,984.20. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 1297 be adopted as read.' Carried. Councilman Morris presented a proposed resolution requesting a transfer of funds required to meet certain obligations and expenditures which were not foreseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1965 Budget. Therefore, it is requested that the City Clerk and City Treasurer be authorized to make the following transfer: FROM: Account 1200, Travel Expense 504 - $600.00, UNTO: Account 1400, Vacation Relief and Overtime 130 - $600.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1298 be adopted as read? Carried. A proposed ordinance was presented by the Law and Ordinance Committee, which would restrict the parking on the west side of Main Street between its intersection with Second Avenue and Third Avenue, and on both sides of Main Street between its intersections with Walla Walla Avenue and Fourth Avenue between the hours of 3:30 p.m� and 5:30 p.m. , Monday through Friday. It was the recommendation of the Committee that this proposed ordinance be placed on first reading, Following the reading of the proposed ordinance, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry to concur in the recommen- dation of the Law and Ordinance Committee and that this proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist reminded the Council of several hearings held in the past wherein interested parties presented numerous protests and at that time Council decided against this action. In her opinion it was unfair to adopt this ordinance now without another hearing to give those people an opportunity to be heard. Councilman Garrett replied that this earlier action had been referred to the Street and Alley Committee, the hearings conducted, and then further study was made resulting in the Committee's recommendation that this parking restriction should now be imposed. Councilman Poli indicated he understood this matter had been held in abeyance because it was felt that completion of the freeway would help alleviate the traffic congestion. Councilman Perry noted that this matter has been publicized suffiently in the past few weeks to afford people an ample opportunity to protest. It should be pointed out there are only a few business firms here and the City has provided off-street parking which is not being utilized. If this restriction is imposed, these people would have only another 100 feet to go to the off-street parking lots and the reduced congestion would off-set any inconvenience to these people. Councilman Hulse reminded the Council that since the original hearings, additional parking has been provided and this it is imperative that parking be eliminated during these hours. Upon request Mr. Bennett outlined the off-street parking areas on the map designated in red: Lot 1, 20 spaces; Lot 2, 21 spaces; and Lot 3, 41 spaces; with an additional 14 spaces to remain on the east side of Main Street. The green area indicated the parking which would be eliminated, a total of 37 spaces. It was further pointed out that this is a two-lane street carrying a traffic load of 15,000 cars per day and that numerous accidents occur in this area, which situation should be relieved by the restriction of parking, The restriction should not hinder normal business activities such as delivery service since only three or four trucks -10- 194 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 3-22-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) were noted operating in this area. Taking into consideration the well being of the public and noting that sufficient off-street parking is provided for vehicles in this area, a vote was called for on the previous motion. The motion carried, ' placing the ordinance on second and final reading. Following the secono and final reading, it was moved �y Hulse, seconded by Perry, that Ordinance No. 2141 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote was taken with Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, and Morris, voting "AYE", Dahlquist and Poli voting "NO." The motion carried. At this time Mayor Custer extended congratulations to Councilman Bruce Hulse on his recent appointment to the Executive Board of the Planning Association of Washington. The Mayor expressed his hope that the Association might be invited to hold their convention in Renton when the proposed Renton Inn is completed. Councilman Hulse noted that the Meeting of the Planning Commissioners would be held in Walla Walla on the 21st and 22nd of May, 1965. It was moved �y Garrett, seconded by Perry, that if Mr. Hulse is available, the Council aut. orize him to attend the meeting of the Planning Commissioners in Walla Walla. Carried. There being no further business to come before this assembly, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. -- -K The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m, and there were approximately 35 visitors in the Council Chambers. -11• 195 March 22, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 8307 Best Universal Lock Company, Inc. 3.52 8306 Lennert Fa+rik Borg 4.00 8309 James Bourasa 35.00 8310 C. L. Bunstine 60,32 3311 Burnrite Oil Company 166.93 83f2 Callaghan & Company 57.50 8313 Wally Clarke Fuel Oil Company 115.76 8314 Cochran Hardware 1 .54 8315 Kenneth Crocker 4.00 8316 Dictaphone Corporation 39.62 8317 Drager's Harley-Davidson Company 46. 15 83.18 Econolite 974,95 8319 Ted G-3tz Fhotography 14.04 8320 General Electric Company 195.36 3321 International Conference Bldg. Officials 74.60 6322 Janco-United, Inc. 17. 19 ,3323 Keuf fe l & Esser Company 314.86 8324 Kroesen's 11 .29 8325 Market Basket W5 11 .20 8326 Facific Coast Stamp Works 7,80 8327 Facific Outfitting Company 198.59 8328 Peerless Handcuff Company 6.50 8329 Puget Sound Stamps 50.01 8330 Dana Rehak 4.00 8331 Renton Boiler Works 79. 14 8332 Renton Clothing Company 79.39 C3333 Renton Enterprise 56. 16 8334 Renton Enterprise 30.60 8335 Sea++ le Art & Fhoto Supply, Inc. 115,55 6336 Seattle Art & Fhoto Supply, Inc. 29. 11 8337 Robert Stevenson 5.00 8338 U. S. Fos+ Office 58.90 8339 Washington Na+ural Gas Company 87.77 3340 Wash. State Assn. of Fire Chiefs 7.00 6341 'Wash. S+a+e Magistrates .Assn. 10.00 3342 !Nes}ern Union 3.74 CITY STREET FUND 8343 Best Universal Lock Company 39,76 831-14 Cochran Hardware 1 .32 8345 A. G. Elliott 29.60 8346 Ray Hansen 18,72 6347 J. C. Fenny Company, Inc. 56.70 8348 Rudd Faint & Varnish Co. 266.24 EQUIFtiENT RENTAL FUND 8349 M. Block & Company, 'Inc. 9.42 6350 Drager's Harley-Davidson Co. 7.80 8351 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 108.95 8352 Kent Oxygen Co- 13.04 8353 Ren+on Boiler Works 4.66 3354 Standard Oil Company 166.09 6355 Standard Service Tire Co. 214.24 6356 Valley T.B.A. Distributors 14.73 PARK FUND 8357 Victor Fuel Oils 37.86 3358 Wash. Natural Gas 50.41 196 City of Renton Vouchers Continued March 22, 1965 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 3359 G. H. Culver, City Treas. 790.42 x3360 H. D. Fowler Company, Inc. 39. 19 t336i LeFebure Corporation 255.50 8362 Pacific Water Works Supply Co. 1 ,321 .93 6363 Preservative Faint Company p y 163 74 8 t 364 Seattle fe Art & Photo Supply, Inc. 25.42 8365 Western Utilities Supply Co. 68.35 AIRPORT FUND 3366 Earle S. Bigler 43.40 6367 Cochran Hardware 37.05 8368 G. H. Culver, Ci+y Treas. 12.25 8369 J. J. Jackson 34.32 FIREMENfS PENSION FUND 8370 A & H Drugs #2 12.38 8371 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 6372 T. K. Anderson 305,00 8373 Aus+in_Hendrickson Pharmacy 15.95 x374 Charles A. Goodwin 340.00 6375 Ross Montgomery Grimm, M.D. 20.00 8376 H & M Duplicator Corp. 136.92 6377 K's Prescription Pharmacy 19.50 3378 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 6379 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150,00 6360 North Renton Clinic 6.00 8331 Renton Hospital 25.00 3382 Sea+tle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic 7.00 6383 Standard Office Systems 17.66 3384 P. J. Walsh 24.44 ix l The following transfers, having, been approved by the Auditing & Accounting Committee, were approved for the month of March, 1965. TO: CLAIMS FUND PAYROLL FUND FROM: Current $ 19,053.78 Current $72,986.93 Street 10,891.94 Street 13,279.02 Arterial Street 5,071.65 Cedar River M & I 567.00 Cedar River M & I 22.86 Off Street Parking 10.00 Off Street Parking 117.23 Equipment Rental 20957.92 Equipment Rental 4,170.20 Library 50154.41 Library 1,528.96 Parks 8,513.20 Parks 1,846.37 Waterworks 13,266.77 Waterworks 360713.89 Airport 13,767.00 Airport 704.39 Firemen's Pension 1,484.85 Cum. Reserve #1184 155.00 Cum. Reserve #1894 1,400.00 Total Claims $ 83,161.12 Total Payroll $118,502.25 Custer, Mayor a mie a son, Citv Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. April S, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Ilulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; G. P4. Shellan, City Attorney; C. S. Williams, Chief of Police; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Jack Wilson, City Engineer; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Marcella Hillgen, Librarian; Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman, W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant; and James Magstadt, Assistant Planning Director. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the minutes of the previous meeting of Mardi 2'2, 1965, be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10108 - - - - - Pending 09 390.00 R. Shane 11607 S.E. 100th Wire New Residence 10110 190.00 R. Shane 11221 S.E. 100th Rewire-New Service 11 600.00 Cascade Center 16660 Benson Rd. Elec. sign constr. 12 120000.00 Stanford C. Witsoe 3018-3020 15th Ave.N.Duplex-Frame 13 386.00 United Homes 1108 R St. Wire New Residence 14 359.00 United Homes 1120 R St. Wire New Residence 10115 400.00 United Homes 1044 R St. Wire New Residence 16 285.00 United Homes 3901-10th Ct. No. Wire New Residence 17 289.00 United Homes 1021 R St. Wire New Residence 18 300.00 Ray Marshall Anderson 603 S St. Garage 19 140,400.00 Boeing Co. Boeing Co. Transportation Term. 10120 25.00 Guy Evans 624 G Pl. Carport storage 21 15,000.00 Robert F. Huebner 3414-4th Ave. No. Block Machine Shop 22 70.00 Carl Hanniff 3121-6th Ave. E. Wire Shop 23 13,087.00 Bell $ Valdez Inc. 3333 Court A New Residence 24 13,379.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 3341 Court A New Residence 10125 14,933.00 Bell $ Valdez Inc. 3266 Rolling Hills New Residence 26 15,124.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 3309 Court A New Residence 27 700.00 Curtis Albrecht 112 Burnett St. Residence addition 28 2,000.00 Williams $ Swanson 3rd & Logan Install lights 29 1,900.00 Walter F. Dale 1304-4th Ave. No. Reside Residence 10130 1,000.00 Seattle Trust $ Savings 301 Grady Way S/F sign 31 900.00 Grant Suburban Dodge 12601 Rainier So. D/F sign 32 750.00 E. Prets 923 L St. Patio cover 33 12,000.00 Lloyd Peterson 11024-115th S.E. New Residence 34 450.00 Gulf Oil Corp. Sunset & K St. Install tanks 10135 350.00 Lloyd Peterson 11420 S.E. 112th Wire New Residence 36 350.00 Roger Peterson 11025-115th S.E. Wire New Residence 37 10,000.00 Gulf Oil Corp. Sunset $ K St. Service Station 38 148.00 Lewis Johnson IS09-3rd Ave. No. Gutters-Downspouts 39 185.00 Lewis Johnson 200 Factory Gutters-Downspouts 10140 185.00 Lewis Johnson 208 Factory Gutters-Downspouts 41 148.00 Lewis Johnson 1507-3rd Ave. No. Gutters-Downspouts 42 400.00 Lewis Johnson 247 Factory Carport "'— 43 99,275.00 Renton Village Renton Village Wire Inn 44 50.00 Foster & Kleiser 311 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire sign 10145 50.00 Foster & Kleiser 311 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire sign PLUMBING $ HEATING PERMITS: 7032 - - - - - Renton Shopping Center Bldg. C Plumbing fixtures 33 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13312 S.E. 116th Plumbing fixtures 34 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13320 S.E. 116th Plumbing fixtures 7035 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13336 S.E. 116th Plumbing fixtures Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-5-65 PLUMBING $ HEATING PERMITS: (cont.) 7036 - - - - - hilltop Sand $ Gravel 13312 S.E. 115th Plumbing fixtures 37 - - - - - Rainier Asphalt Pay. Maple Valley Hwy. Gas installations 38 - - - - - Wroten 12415-132nd S.E. Gas installations 39 - - - - - Roger Peterson 11025-115th S.E. Plumbing fixtures 7040 - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11420 S.E. 112th Plumbing fixtures 41 - - - - - Ronald Rice 848 L St. Gas installations 42 - - - - - Wes Busch (Gem Burgers) Sunset Hwy. Gas installations 43 - - - - - Century Const.-Keller Supply 925 Railroad Ave. Plumbing fixtures 44 - - - - - Don Auguston 11715 Sunset B1vd.E. Plumbing fixtures 7045 - - - - - R. S. Shane 11620 S.E. 100th Plumbing fixtures 46 - - - - - Charles Wiehoff 11632 S.E. 100th Plumbing fixtures 3 47 - - - - - Renton School District 4th No. & M St. Plumbing fixtures At this time Mayor Custer presented a Proclamation to be read declaring "Boone Kirkman Day" to be April 21st. The Mayor noted that Mr. Boone Kirkman is a native and resident of the City of Renton and through his boxing skills and victories, has been named National A.A.U. "Golden Gloves" Heavyweight Boxing Champion.. This title has brought national fame and recognition to not only Mr. Kirkman, but the community itself. The Mayor encouraged all citizens to take advantage of this opportunity to express their interest in Mr. Kirkman's past achievements and future career, and urged citizens to attend the functions in honor of Mr. Kirkman to be held April 21st, including a dinner at the Maple Leaf Restaurant at 7:30 p.m. under the auspices of the Renton Athletic Commission. Mr. Kirkman's achievement is a great honor for the individual himself and reflects creditably, and brings recognition to the City of Renton. At this time the Mayor introduced Mr. and Mrs. Oehme Kirkman, and congratulated them on the achievements of their son, and then presented the Proclamation to Boone Kirkman. The Mayor then introduced Mrs. Stanley E. Grimes, Jr. , Secretary-Treasurer of the Allied Arts of Renton, Inc., who read a letter stating that $1,000..00 had been donated by Rentonites at the March 20th Champagne Supper Party, which now has been placed in a special "Art for the Library" Fund, subsequent contributions by any group or individual would be added to this fund. It is hoped that this fund will grow to enable the City to obtain works of art for the new Library building. OPENT'?r OF BIDS: Watermain Installation - 3rd Avenue Extension CONTRACTOR SUB-TOTAL TAX TOTAL BID Argentieri Construction 18,566.25 742.65 19,3M90 Frank Coluccio Construction Co. 10,860.00 434.40 11,294.40 W. C. Frost Co. 9,459.00 378.36 9,837.36 Phillip G. Gesner 9,062.50 362.50 9,425.00 Industrial Construction 7,525.00 301.00 7,826.00 Shoreline Construction 16,095.25 643.81 16,739.06 South End Concrete Products 13,012.50 520.50 13,533.00 Superior Construction 170252.50 690. 10 17,942.60 Western Pipe Construction 11,361.00 454.44 11,815.44 Necessary bid deposit was submitted with each of the bids. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, that these bids be referred to the FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE and CITY ENGINEER to report back. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters from Mr. Harry Reeder, 1935 S.W. 164th, Seattle; Mr. John C. Blasick, 320 Mill Street, Renton; and Mr. Max Bagby, 22360 - 116th S.E. , Kent, were read expressing approval of the recent parking ban on Main Street. A letter from the Boeing Company, signed by Orval C. Scott, Director of Industrial Relations, e xpressed the Company's appreciation for two recent decisions which have resulted in remarkable improvement in the flow of peak-hour traffic through Renton; namely, the removal of parking on Main Street during peak traffic hours and the installation of a traffic signal at 4th North and Williams . -2- 199 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont: ) 4-5-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A petition was then read which contained the signatures of land owners and business owners on Main Street, protesting the recently imposed parking ban on Main Street for the following reasons: 1.. Timing is improper, in view of the impending opening of the freeway; 2. Additional study should be made for other by-passes; 3. Inevitable business loss to outlying centers, the big hazard to the core area; 4. This ban, as long as it continues, will further weaken the core area and reduce the chance of success of the 701 Program, There were nineteen signatures on the petition, beginning with Virgil Tuntland and ending with Zafira Azzola. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen, that these communications be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Councilman Delaurenti noted there were several persons in the audience concerned in the matter, and they should be given an opportunity to be heard, It was requested that the Engineering Department report on the traffic count of the area. Mr. Wilson noted that the volume of traffic during half-hour intervals between 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p,m.. on four different days from March 29th to April 2nd indicated an increase of 594 vehicles using this street during this two-hour period. This has helped not only to relieve congestion on Main Street but has also greatly reduced the congestion on Bronson Way, Williams Street, and Walla Walla Avenue. A study on the availability of parking indicated that only 63% was being utilized by Friday, April 2nd, It was concluded from this investigation that sufficient parking is available both on and off street during this two-hour period. Mr. Schomberg stated that he could not understand the Council's action in permitting this parking ban at this time, in view of the fact that last summer when this was originally planned, the Council had gone along with the request of the businessmen in this area and had not permitted this ban. Several Council members indicated that during the week they had made a personal observation of the area to determine how the removal of these parking spaces affected the flow of traffic with .�. the conclusion that there was less congestion and that the utilization of available parking spaces was far from capacity. It was felt that further studies and discussion should be held in the Committee of the Whole, with the interested property owners. At this time a vote called for on the above motion. carried. Mr. Hugh Carney, speaking on behalf of Mr. Umberto Barei, asked to be notified when the meeting will be held, in order to be present when the Committee met on this matter. During the discussion that followed, suggestions were made that one-way traffic be incorporated during the two-hour period, that the parking restriction should be for a lesser period of time, and that trains, not cars, created the traffic congestion. Attention was also directed to a drainage problem in the street, and the City Engineer and Street Commissioner pointed out that this project is scheduled for this year. An application submitted by Ace Novelty Co. , Inc. for a Retail Fireworks Stand License was read. It was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that this application be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE with power to act, Carried, The Clerk read a letter from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, requesting a no-fee permit to conduct a fund-raising drive. It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that a no-fee permit be issued to this organization Carried. A letter from Nelson & Michael submitted application for a coin-operated music machine license to be operated at the Nesbitt's Cafe at 602 - 2nd Avenue, Renton.. It was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that this be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried: A letter from the Renton Civil Service Commission, requested that consideration be given for physical examinations for all members of the Renton Police Department and provide funds therefor at an approximate cost of $15,00 per person. Current Police Civil Service Rules call for a physical at least once a year, however, except for entrance physical examinations, no official medical examinations have been given to any member. The approximate total cost this year would be $485.00 as physical examinations were given the four new members on the Police Force. Moved by Hulse seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE for its recommendations, Carried. -3- 200 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-5-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) The Clerk read a request from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, to call for bids for a backhoe attachment and that the bid opening be set for April 19, 1965. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request of the Park Director. Carried. A letter from the City of Seattle, Department of Lighting, was read wherein it was requested that they be granted franchise rights for the aerial crossing with the Seattle Skagit Transmission Line facilities of streets which now lie within the limits of the City of Renton as a result of annexation proceedings. It was further requested that the permissive rights granted for the Cedar Falls installation be incorporated in this franchise. A diagram of the location of these facilities was included with the communication. Mayor Custer stated the request covered lines only and not service. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the PROPERTY COMMITTEE, CITY ENGINEER, and CITY ATTORNEY to report back. The motion carried. A letter from the Renton Sailing, Club, signed by Baird M. Bardarson, M.D., was read wherein the club requested an opportunity to present their program and plans to the Council and a review of the decision of the Park Board denying them access to the Lake Washington Beach area. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this matter to the PROPERTY COMMITTEE and PARK BOARD. Discussion ensued as to the future plans for development of this property as a City park, the City's responsibility or liability in the event of an accident and other legal problems that could arise. Mayor Custer invited comments from the audience at this time. A visitor explained that the purpose of this club would be to train girls and boys in sailing and small boat handling. An area about 16' by 24' is needed for storage of boats, and a sketch of proposed movable structures was shown. The club has received permission to use the lake in this area and now need access to the beach. Club membership consists of local sailing and boating talent, interested in offering this opportunity to the children of this area. The program will be self-supporting, with no cost to the City. Instructors have been hired and a program for safety precautions inaugurated. The question was called for and the motion carried. The club thanked the Council for its time and consideration. _ T A letter from the City Engineer was read requesting authorization to call for bids for the completion of the City's portion of 3rd Avenue Extension, date of bid opening, May 10, 1965. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request of the City Engineer. Carried. Planning Commission recommendations from their public hearing of March 24, 1965, that certain amendments be made in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance were read as follows: 1, That the Comprehensive Land Use Map be amended to indicate a public use rather than commercial for the proposed civic center site, lying between Mill Street, 1� Houser Play, and the Cedar River. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that April 19, 1965, be set as a date for hearing of the proposed change to the Land Use Map. Carried. 2. That the Comprehensive Land Use Plan be amended to indicate a change from Multiple Residential use to Retail-Commercial use of Lots 1 through S, Block 9, Car LL Works Addition to the City of Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pedersen, that Ir this matter be included in the hearing on otiril 19, 1965. Moved by Pedersen, seconded p by Perry, to amend the motion to include in this hearing it—em—(—b)—from the Planning (n Commission recommendations dated March 1, 1965, and which item was deleted from the �w j hearing held on March 22nd. Further clarification outlined this amendment to reflect I Z retail-commercial use of the land lying between 3rd Place North, Factory Street, and U3rd Avenue North. Vote on the amendment carried '`with Councilman Schellart casting a dissenting vote. Motion as amended carried 3. That the property as described in Application No. R-223-65 (Joe Banasky) be rezoned from G to B-1 and R-4. This recommendation was made upon their determination that this proposed zoning change is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that this matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for drafting the proper ordinance. Carried. -4- g tot Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-5-6S COMI.7J14ICATION5: (cont.) 4. That properties as described in Application No. R-224-65 (Cashway Lumber) be reclassified from R-2 to 3-1, subject to approval of the Council of the proposed amen,-Alment to the Comprehensive Land Use Map as heretofore recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that this matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE to be held in abeyance pending the results of the April 1 t eari.ng. B—y way o clari- fication it was noted that this is the property described in item (2) above. The motion carried, S. That properties described in Application No. R-227-65 (Dalpay, School District, hokenscn) be reclassified from G--7200 to B-1 .. This recommendation, based upon previous action of the City Council; will be in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Map, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and refer this matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for drafting of the proper ordinance. Carried. " 6. That properties as described in Application No, R-228-6S (Arthur Webb) be rezoned from B-•1 and G-6000 to L-1. This property is located on Renton Junction Way U between th and 89th Avenues South, This proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with the rezone request of the Planning Commission and to refer this matter to the LAr1 AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for drafting of the proper ordinance, Carried. A letter from Mrs. Bertha Shane was read relative ,to water damage at premises located at 528 "H" Street and requesting that the Council reconsider previous decisions and advise what action she can take to recover these damages from the City. Moved by Gianini, seconded by Perry, to refer this letter to the Fire and Water Con fttee Councilman Delaurenti objected on the grounds that this represents a legal problem and should be referred to the City Attorney. Considerable discussion followed, regarding what had transpired during the past several months and the City Attorney again advi_ed that inasmuch as a claim had-not been filed in writing within the specified tire limitation, this did not represent a legal claim and the Council could take no action at this time. In view of the failurd 117comply with the statutory requirements for the filing of a claim against a second-class city, the �. Insurance Company could not make a settlement, nor could City Funds be used for this purpose without a court order. Mr. Shellan stated that Mrs. Shane had been fully advised of these facts and the action she must take, A vote,on the above motion faiicd Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this matter to the CIff bRNEY, to answer Mrs, Shane's letter. Carried, A letter from the Renton Knights of Columbus was read requesting permission to sell tickets on 3rd Avenue between Wells and Williams Streets on Saturday, May 8th and further requesting they be granted use of one parking stall for display purposes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that permission be granted with supervision of_t3ie7 Police Department, Carried. A letter from Pacific Coast Railroad Company, signed by Clark A. Eckarty: was read stating their position regarding the right--.of-way across their property which will be required for the new freeway access road. Mayor Custer stated that he was pre- pared to make recommendations to 'the" committee to which this matter is referred. Moved by Dolaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, to refer this matter to the STREET AND ALLEY CO3M!,41TTEE and CITY ENGINEER to study and report back. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: A :ltetter was read from Mayor Custer. appointing Mr, Albert Reisberg to the position of Building Director for the City of Renton, effective April 6,. 1965, arud requesting Council's concurrence. The Mayor suggested a starting salary for Mr, Reisberg at Grade 26, Pay Range C, $682.00 a month, effective immediately upon employment. The Mayor further requested that Mr. Jim Highton, acting Building Director, be designated Building Inspector at Grade 21, Pay Range E at $590.00 base pay per month to become effective on the Council's approval of Mr. Reisberg's appointment. Moved �y Delaurenti, seconded by Cahlquist, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor, Carried. At this time the Mayor introduced Mr. Meisberg and he was accorded a welcome " . -5- T Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont..) 4-5-65 F OLD BUSINESS: Council Fresident Pedersen presented -the report of the Committee of the Whole meeting of March 23rd recon-zending that the Council approve plans for the New library as presented by Jo:.as'_.)n-Campanella and the Library 3oard, subject to the certification of the project by the King County Flood Control office; and that $15,000,00 be made available for the construction of a pedestrian footbridge .: - s Cedar River, adjacent to the new library. Moved by Hulse, seconded by 3 uce, to concur with the recommen '.a•- tion of the Corzilttee of the I'Ih Cis.. Caa. fed, Councilman Fedorser, advised certification has been received frost the King County i,l'ood Control Office ar:d they now have full authority to prnf.e^d. The report: of the Committee of the Vhole :meeting of March 29-1--;1 t•:as presented with the following recorri3ndations: . 1. To set: aside (table) the reTaezt of the Ken_ydale Fire District until another meeting can be held with tho people in the proposed annexation_ area, to give them the 'Latest facts and figures or: 21,-surance rates, etc. C_­111ITTEE to act on this. Moved by Mor-1-is, seconded by Poli, to concur i�Eerecomme�recommendation of the Committee ittee of the Whole; Carried. 2., To refer to the Pr,'."'. BOARD and COUNCILMAN GIANINI for further consideration, the matte- of the new grandstandor LibertyPa�r`x—Tas_MaYll field. Moved by Morris, seconded by 9ulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Commi*tee of the Whole. Carried. 3. To refer the proposed ordinance regulating signs, ,billboards, etc. to the MAYOR'S DEPARTMENT HEADS MEETING for consideration and recommendation relative to fees. Moved by'Poli, secendeJ uy Sc ellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of The Whole.. Carried, 4. That consideration of a. Board of Adjustment be set aside until Councilman Schellert is present for Further discussion. 5, That permission be granted to the parents of High School seniors to vacate the w_ea on Burrett: North. just north of 2nd Avenue for loading and unloading students on a train, at. approximately 10:00 p-.mv , June 10; and 6:00 a.m., , June 11, for the Senior's Party,. tender P(,.'i^.e L'ep=rtment supervision, Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Morris, to co,acur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, Carried, Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the YI and Means Committee presented their report regarding the fundip_g for the ne!v multilith machine, The Committee recommends that the amount of .01,420,87 be appropriated from excess revenue in the Current Fund into Non-Departmental Fund, Account 1920, Capital Outlay 605 and that the matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for the proper resolution. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli",to concur in the recommendation, Carried. Counci'Leman Garr:;tl-, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, requested more time in regard to the mati:er of hiring of consulting engineer for the design of the overpass in coin-ction with the North Renton Interchargs: Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Brutes to grant the request. Carried, - -' NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen announced a Committee of the Whole Meeting will be held at 7:30 p, m,, Thursday, April 15, 1965, in the Council Chambers, It was requested that Councilman Gianini be prepared to present the recommendation from the Park Board regarding the request of the Sailing Club. Council-man Gianini suggested that the Park Board and the Mayor attend., Councilman Pedersen noted that the Sailing Club would also be invited, Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurer.ti, that Vouchers 8385 through 8501, which have previously been approved by the Account-r.g and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment at this time and that Voucher 8500 should :!early indicate that payment is made under protest. Carried: A report was r:;cuested from the Mayor on results of a recent conference in Olympia on highway problems: Mayor Custer stated that theme had been numerous requests for a speed up is the freeway construction in the south end and `hat Mr, Prahl felt that *..I.is would b,� accomplisbp l .11115 *)nirted out , `towev,�Y. that, '�hP main purpose of 203 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-5-6S COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont..) NEW BUSINESS: (cont.) the trip was to learn what is being done in regard to money budgeted for the North Renton Enterchange. Councilman Garrett was asked to enlighten the Council on this matter, to which he replied that he could give not definite report until the final roll call is taken on the last night of the hearing, but that to his knowledge no change is contemplated. It was felt that those working on this budget are familiar with the problem and this item would receive every consideration. Councilwoman Dahlquist made mention of proposed legislation which would change the compulsory retirement of uniformed personnel from attained age 55 to the minimum age for Social Security benefits (currently age 62.) and expressed her dissatisfaction that this amendment had not passed. She felt that this would be brought before the State Legislature in 1967. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to the numerous schools which had been attended by members of the Police Department. They should be congratulated for their efforts to keep themselves well informed and to learn new techniques. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, presented the Fire and Mater Committee report with the following recommendations: 1. That the following described property now owned by the City be declared surplus and made available for public sale: The North one-half of Lot 17, Block 6, Plat of Renton Highlands. (This is the property immediately north of the Fire Station No. 2 which fronts on "H" Street.) Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. 2. That the City proceed to purchase the following described property: Lots 1 through 8, and Lots 25 through 32, all in Block 6, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Division No. 1. (This property is located in the Earlington Flats section of the City, adjacent to South 156th Street, extending southerly between 87th and 89th Avenues South.) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in this recommendation. Considerable discussion followed, in which it was pointed out that the property be acquired as a site of a third fire station, and that this location had been recommended by the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau. In regard to costs and funding, Councilman Pedersen pointed out that appraisals had been made of the property described in the . first recommendation of his committee, and that between the proposed sale of this land and the purchase of this site, there should be adequate funds. The City Attorney was questioned regarding the City's position in view of the fact that this property had originally been deeded to the City by the Federal Government. Mr. Shellan replied that the deed should be checked to determine whether there are any restrictions. It was agreed that these matters would be resolved before any action was taken. The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, re-adopting the Comprehensive Plan for the Physical Development of the City of Renton and providing for amendments to the "Land Use Map." Following the reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance 2142 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote was taken with those present voting "AYE." The Clerk read a proposed ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, fixing, the amount, form, date, interest rate, and maturity of installment note and directing the issuance and sale thereof unto the City of Renton's Firemen's Pension Fund, relating to Local Improvement District No. 252. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 2143 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote was taken with all members voting "AYE." Carried. A proposed ordinance of the City of Renton was read by the Clerk, providing for participation by the City in the development and execution of programs for the elimination of poverty under the Federal Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (Public Law 88-452) and participating in the Seattle-King County Economic, Opportupity Board.__ -7- 204 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 4-5-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont,) It was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that this ordinance be Placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following; this reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 2144 be adopted as read. Ronil ll vote was taken with nine Council :embers voting "AYE" and two voting "NO," Councilman Poli was absent from the Chambers during this vote. The motion carried. The City Clerk read a proposed ordinance amending Sections 1.0-705, 10-706, of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 ent-itled, "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to parking meters. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following this reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that Ordinance No. 2145 be adopted as read. Roll Call dote was taken with all Council members present voting "AYE.." Councilman Morris nresented a proposed resolution declaring the City's sewage treat- ment plant site to be surplus and authorizing necessary action to dispose of said property on the most favorable terms to the City, subject to final approval of the City Council. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, that Resolution No. 1299 be adopted as read. Carried The Clerk read a proposed resolution extending the compulsory retirement of C. S. Williams for a period not to exceed one year, to-wit: until May 1, 1966„ It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Resolution No. 1300 be adopted as read~ Carried. At this time the Mayor invited audience comments.: Mr. George Blanchard, 13209 - 132nd S.E. , inquired about the procedures for annexation of properties to the City of Renton. It was moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that the Mayor's Office; furnish Mr. Blanchard with all of the .information that he needs to initiate this annexation. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adiourned at 11:45 p.m. i There were approximately 40 visitors in the Council Chambers. -8- April 5, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 8385 Airkem Sales 97.92 8386 Atomic Battery Shop 44.25 3387 Austin-Hendrickson 36.94 3363 B & B Auto Farts 25.96 3389 Jack Brattus 12.71 3390 City of Renton 611.90 3391 The Copy Co. 53.09 8392 L. N. Curtis 3. 12 8393 Davidson's Sales 208. 16 8394 Dictaphone 13.62 8395 George G. Gomez 8,80 8396 R. L. Greenfield 3CO.CO x397 Frank Henry 12.71 8398 Dora Holmes 115.65 8399 Dora Holmes 85,70 8400 W. L. Hume 20.00 8401 Lumber Market 3.43 3402 Motorola 549-64 8403 Myers oil 57.39 3404 Richard Nibarger 51 .60 8405 Jon A. Northrop 46.00 34C6 Overall Cleaning 55.65 3407 Fac. Coast Inter-Mt. Assn. Fire Cfs. 15.00 3408 Pac. N.W. Bell 1 ,356.85 6409 Paulson Supply 63.63 3410 Jack Fruzan Co. 99.32 3411 Puget Sound Power (,477-48 3412 Puget Sound Power 56.37 6413 Record Stationery 31 ,41 8414 Record Stationery 154.65 +� 3415 Renton Clothing 90. 14 8416 Renton Enterprise 107.38 3417 Seattle Lumber Co. 244.76 8418 Service Laundry 169.81 3419 Karl Strom - F. & K. Fainters 300.00 8420 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 2,535.46 8421 C. S. Williams 25.00 8422 C. S. Williams 50.86 8423 C. S. Williams 12.75 8424 Jack Wilson 4.25 CITY STREET FUND 8425 Austin-Hendrickson 6. 15 3426 City of Renton 4.00 8427 Ingersoll-Rand 6.45 8428 Pac. N.W. Bell 29.26 3429 Puget Sound Power 5,653.00 3430 Record Stationery 17. 16 8431 Reiman Auto 62,40 3432 Rural & Urban Roads 10.00 8433 Service Laundry 2.92 8434 %/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 7,550.82 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 3435 B & B Auto Farts 32,84 8436 Center 5/min. Car Wash. 3,30 8437 L. N. Curtis 11118 8438 Instrument Lab. 47-87 8439 Kenny's Upholstery 4, 11 1440 Motorola 523.93 %41 Pacific Auto 76.99 City of Renton Vouchers April 5, 1965 EQUIPMENT RENTAI, FUND CONTINUED 8442 Fac. Coast Stamps 1 .04 8443 Pacific Magneto 31 . 13 8444 Puget Sound Power 118.27 8445 Reiman Auto 77.56 3446 Renton Auto 18.12 8447 Richfield Oil 4.07 8448 Sahlberg Equip. 354-C14 8449 Service Laundry 62.76 8450 Shell oil 1 , 118.35 8451 Sunset Coal 67.86 8452 Williams & Swanson 65.67 PARK FUND 8453 Atomic Battery Shop 18.21 8454 City of Renton 53.78 8455 Gene Coulon 41 .30 3456 Lumber Market 315.37 8457 Pac. N.W. Bell 91.73 8458 Puget Sound Power 313.24 x459 Renton Cash-Way Lumber 17.32 8460 Sunset Coal 239.98 8461 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental iL4.40 8462 Wash. School Supply 52.57 3463 M. J. R. Williams, King Co. Treas. .90 WATER WCRcKS UTILITY FUND 8464 American Water Works Assn. 45.00 8465 City of Renton 4.00 8466 Fog-Tice Meters 299.52 6467 Friden 177.84 3468 F. W. Hanks Co. 498,05 6469 Metropolitan Seattle 18,080.00 8470 Pac. N.W. Bell 126.09 8471 Paulson Supply 13.00 8472 Puget Sound Power 2,485.30 8473 Renton Enterprise 6.08 8474 Frank Rhodes 9,36 3475 Security Concrete 544,35 8476 Service Laundry 17,22 8477 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 2,552.31 AIRPORT FUND 8478 Kline Builders 114.57 8479 Kline Builders 5,983.00 8480 City of Renton 17, 12 8481 Myers Oil 13.97 6482 Paulson Supply 10.64. 8483 Puget Sound Power 215,85 8484 Service Laundry 10,83 3485 W/T City Treas. - Equip. Rental 67.25 CURRENT FUND 8486 Mrs. John Anarde 4.00 8487 Bill Gorsline 4.00 3488 Dorothea Gossett 26.26 8489 Richard Gregg 4.00 3490 Patricia Ann Johnson 4.00 (3491 Helmie Nelson 5,98 8)492 Karole Lee Powers 4.00 8493 John Sargent 4.00 8494 Janet M. Satcher 4.00 8495 Jack Sparrow 4,00 8496 William M. Sparrow 4.00 8497 Lyle W. Stone 4.00 8498 G. Brent Wynn 4.00 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 99 Puget Power 14.97 8500 M. J.R. Williams, King Co. Treas. 1 ,005.40 A7ER W CRKS UTILITY #8501 Helmie Nelson 3,39 x�777� D. IV. Custer, Mayor Helmie 43. Nelson, itv Clerk 2017 q . RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M." April 12, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; G. M. Shellan, City Attorney; C.S. Williams, Chief of Police; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Jack Wilson, City Engineer; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Marcella Hillgen, Librarian; Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman, W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant; J. David Jensen, Planning Director; and Gene Coulon, Parks Director. Moved1by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the minutes of the previous meeting of April 5,.'1965 be approved with the following correction: in regard to the vote on the amended motion to the Planning Commission recommendation (2), it should read that Councilman Schellert abstained from voting instead of casting a dissenting vote. Carried APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED' BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10146 300.00 August General 515 "I" Place Patio roof 47 30.00 William A. Artholong 11430.S .E. 93rd Wire Addition 48 15,000.00 John F. Yeager 12750 - 87th Avenue S. New Residence 49 432.70 Hickoks Sporting Goods 2834.Sunset Blvd E. Rear Cyclone Fence 10150 300.00 Robert Shane 11620 S .E. 100th Wire New Residence 51 - - - - Pending 52 14,000.00 Joseph Venera 622 - 11th Place So. Frame Residence 53 300.00 Walfrid Kero 7722 So. 147th St. Utility Room 54 14,000.00 Ralph Beck 326 Renton Street New Frame Residence 10155 2,900.00 Arthur E. Cartlile 3217 - 12th Ave No. New Garage 56 1,800.00 Pay'n & Save Drug Renton Village S/F Sign 57 2,000.00 Renton Village Center 301 Grady Way S/F Sign 58 3;000.00 Renton Village Center 301 Grady Way D/F Sign 59 650.00 H.F.C. Loans Renton Village S/F Sign 10160 2;500.00 Ernst Malmo Renton Village S/F Signs 61 718.00 Douglas Blunk 921 "B" Street Patio. & Stairs Cover 62 50.00 Ray Harris 914 "K" Street Wire Patio 63 4,000.00 Robert Hurd 919 "H" Street Wire Commercial Bldg. 64 2,300.00 Robert Minkler 125 Airport Way Wire Commercial 10165 50.00 Peoples Bank 2nd & Wells Wire Flood Lights 66 115.00 Renton Bible Church 11603 - 132nd S.E. Wire Addition 67 1,000.00 Richard A. LaDue 3421 - 6th Ave. N. Enclose Carport PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7048 - - - - Robert Minkler ' 125 Airport Way Plumbing Fixtures 49 - - - - - Bryan Wood Am. Legion 55 Williams St. Gas Installation 7050 - - - - - Eddie Wroten 12415 - 132nd S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 51 - - - - - United Homes Inc. 3901 10th Court N. Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - - - United Homes Inc. 1021 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 53 - - - - - United Homes Inc. 1044 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 54 - - - - - United Homes Inc. 1108. "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures Now 7055 - - - - - United Homes Inc. 11201. "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 56 - - - - - Robert Minkler 125 Airport Way Plumbing Fixtures 57 - - - - - Mrs. A. Grubesic 125 Meadow Plumbing Fixture 58 - - - - - Donohue 616. "S" Street Gas Installation 59 - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11420 S .E. 112th Gas Installations 7060 - - - - - Rogert Peterson 11025 - 115th S .E. Gas Installations ;SOS Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-12-65 COMMUNICATIONS: A note of appreciation from the family of Glenn DeHart was read expressing their thanks to the Mayor and Council for the beautiful flowers. A letter from the Renton Aviation Board was read regarding the accident that occurred April 1st which resulted in the injury to Laurence Melius and the death of Glenn A. DeHart. The Board expressed its appreciation for the fine cooperation of all personnel of the various City departments in their assistance during the time of the accident. City Attorney Shellan's letter was read regarding disposition of U. S. Government's interest in certain public use areas in the Renton Highlands. A copy of the Government letter dated July 28, 1964 was attached to this communication and it was also noted tha a subsequent letter had been received from the Housing and Home Finance Agency dated April 1, 1965 requesting some answer on the part of the City. The City Attorney suggested the City should take action forthwith and advise the Government accordingly, and also, that the effected property owners be notified by the City Clerk, if this has not already been done by the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer this matter to the PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE to report back. Carried. The Clerk read a copy of City Attorney Shellan's letter to Mrs. Bertha Shane regarding her alleged', claim for water damage. Reference was made to a letter written to Mrs. Shane, dated February 19, 1965 in which he had explained the City's position, and again in the subsequent letter he explained that the City legally cannot pay any claim unless such claim had been submitted in writing to the City within 90 days of the occurence of the alleged damage. The City's insurance carrier was furnished with all the information regarding this matter, and the carrier has on several occasions denied this claim, obviously on the ground that there is no legal liability on the part of the City. Mrs. Shane was advised that the only alternative would be for her to seek redress in the Courts by commencing an action against the City. A letter from the Association of Washington Cities was read regarding the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Study which is now nearing completion and noting that this Study is developing a comprehensive regionwide transportation plan. Even though this plan is being based on comprehensive formulations of future developments, the Study's financial participants have agreed that the Study is to be of a continuing nature so as to keep the plan up-to-date to adjust for unanticipated developments and to be of service to th governmental agencies within the region. In order to qualify for Federal-aid funds for street and highway construction after July 1, 1965, the Bureau of Public Roads, which administers the Federal-Aid Highway Act provisions, requires a written Memorandum of Understanding between the State and local governmental bodies to assure a complete awareness of the transportation planning process. It was pointed out that the Highway Department would be contacting the City soon regarding the adoption of this Memorandum, therefore a copy of the proposed memorandum was submitted with this communication for the City's study. It is felt by the Association that adoption of this Memorandum would be in the best interest of all cities. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to refer this matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. A Petition for annexation to the City of Renton was read which contained fourteen signatures, starting with William E. Martin, 10839 - 132nd Avenue S. E. and ending with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Saviage, 10869 - 132nd S. E. The property described in this petition is in the vicinity of Sunset Blvd East and 132nd Avenue S. E. and contiguous to the existing City Limits of Renton. Moved �y Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that this petition be referred to the CITY ENGINEER for verification. Carried. A letter from Olympic Pipe Line Company was read in which they made reference to City of Renton Ordinance No. 2120 which granted to them a franchise to construct, maintain and operate pipe lines in an along certain designated roadways and public properties of the City of Renton. Section 18 of this Ordinance provides for authorization by the Council of additional pipe line installations subject to conditions of this franchise. At this timl it is found necessary to make certain additional deviations in pipe line routing and by this letter they are making application for the deletion of one segment 4nd the addition of two sections as follows: DELETE: STREET DISTANCE LOCATION In 160th St. S. 1357' From West line Highway 5, (Not In) Westerly to the West line 87th Ave. So. ADDITIONS: In 87th Ave. S. 1359.4' From South line of 160th Street South (Not In) to North line of 156th Street South (Not In) -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-12-65 209 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) ADDITION: STREET DISTANCE LOCATION Across Renton Jct. 112' Along 84th Ave. South Way extended. TOTAL DISTANCE 1471.4' Two copies of Drawing No. S-102-1 showing the location of the sections of line in streets included in this application were submitted with this communication. In view of the above, Olympic Pipe Line Company hereby respectfully requested the City's approval and authorization to include these additional streets under the rights and privileges granted by Ordinance No. 2120. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that this matter be referred to the CITY ENGINEER for recommendations, to report back. Carried. The Clerk read Permit No. 3-119, granted by the Department of Conservation, Division of Flood Control of the State of Washington and bearing the City of Renton Permit No. P.A.G. 856-65. This permit was granted under provisions of Ch. 86.16, RCW, on the 9th day of April, 1965, to the City of Renton to construct and maintain a bridge (80-foot clear span) and public library, in perpetuity in the SE4 of the NW4, Section 17, Township 23 N., Range 5 E . W. M. on Cedar River, which said works, structures and improvements are located within Cedar River Flood Control Zone No. 3, all in accordance with Application No. 3-119. Unless the work herein authorized, within the wetted perimeter, is commenced on or before the lst day of June, 1965, and completed on or before the lst day of October, 1965, or before such dates as may be specified by any extensions granted, this permit shall, without notice, become null and void. It was noted by the Clerk that this permit has been accepted and executed by the City, a copy of which was returned to the Department of Conservation and the original is now on file in the Office of the City Clerk. A letter from the Renton Planning Commission was read wherein the Utilities Report, Renton Urban Area, was submitted. It was noted that in the development of a Comprehen- sive Plan for the Renton Urban Area it has been the goal of the Planning Commission and the Planning Department to bring under consideration and study as many factors, influential to the physical and economic growth of the. community, as possible. For this purpose, a utilities study has been made including all of the public and privately owned *90public utility systems available in the area. It is felt that this information can prove - to be a valuable guide in determining the guidelines for annexations, which will be 2 related to natural drainage and service areas for sewers, water, etc. A letter from the Planning Director was read by the Clerk in which it was noted that on January 15, 1959, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1729 rezoning to R-3 pro- perties owned by Roger and Lloyd Peterson and located on both sides of 12th Avenue North near the Renton Highlands shopping center. Subsequently, the R-3 zoning was removed in accordance with the provisions of the zoning ordinance at that time, which provided for reversal of zoning to its original status after one year if unused. A consideration in the original zoning had been the granting of right of way by quit claim deed for a portion of 12th Avenue North. This had not been provided for in the platting of the Renton Highlands. Due to some unexplained circumstance the deed to the street has been in the possession of the owners until this week. Upon review of this matter, the zoning map was corrected to reflect the' R-3 zoning as originally ranted and in consideration therefor, the quit claim deed for the street was released to the City. The deed has now been recorded and the Council's concurrence in the action taken by the Planning Department was hereby requested. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Poli, to concur in the action of the Planning Director. The Planning Director pointed out that this zoning is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and in the best interests of the City. The motion carried. PROCLAMATION: NNW The Clerk read a Proclamation by Mayor Custer wherein he noted the important contributions made by secretaries in the economic and governmental life of our country has been recognized by establishing the last week in April as Secretaries Week, and Wednesday, April 21, 1965, as Secretaries Day. The Mayor hereby urged all citizens to recognize and pay tribute to the efforts made by our secretaries in the operation of industry, the professions, and government, all of which have made them truly silent partners in American business. Moved �y Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Proclamation of the Mayor. Carried. 3- 210 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-12-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OI.D BUSINESS: Councilman Gianini inquired as to what had been done in regard to requiring sub-contractors to purchase a City of Renton business license when operating within the city limits. The City Clerk replied that it has always been the policy of the Building Department to verify with the Clerk's office that a contractor has a current business license before a permit is issued. Mrs. Nelson further pointed out that work done by some contractors woul not require a permit, thereby nuking it difficult to exercise the same degree of control as possible when a permit is required. The Clerk noted that her office endeavors to issue a license to every individual or company doing business in Renton and that the telephone directory, city directory and newspaper advertisements are checked to determine those individuals not complying with the City's business license regulations. If anyone has knowledge of any business operating without benefit of a license they should submit the information to the City Clerk's Office. Mr. Jim Highton has prepared a form requiring contractors to list all of their sub-contractors when they obtain a permit. Councilman Garrett submitted the recommendation of the Engineering Department and the Street and Alley Committee that the low bid of Electric Construction Company of Tacoma, for the installation of traffic signals at Park Avenue-Bronson Way and 2nd Avenue-Main Street, be accepted. It was further recommended that upon approval by the City Attorney of the contract documents, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Moved �y Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of this committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, submitted the recommend- ation of his committee and the City Engineer that the low bid of Industrial Projects on Water Project # 193 in the total amount of $7,826.00 be accepted, and that upon approval by the City Attorney of the contract documents, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Moved �y Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and [dater Committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Council President Pedersen reminded the Council of the Committee of the Whole meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, April 15, 1965, in the Council Chambers. The Mayor requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole in his office immediately following the adjournment of the regular Council Meeting. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vottchers 8502 through 8601, which have previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment at this time. Carried. Councilman Schellert advised that he and Del Bennett, Assistant City Engineer, had attended the Institute of Traffic in Seattle and noted that much could be gained from attendance of these meetings as the comprehensive plans are hard to work with unless the engineers have been in on the ground floor of the development of these plans . Councilman Garrett submitted a copy of a letter he had received from Earle Tinius, Executive Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System which was read by the Clerk. Mr. Tinius expressed the gratitude of the Board of Trustees and the membership of Statewide for the passage of House Bill No. 590, amending the Statewide City Employees Retirement System Law. It was pointed out that certain inequities have been eliminated and that better benefits are available to members who may become incapacitated. The system continues to be maintained on a sound actuarial basis. Councilman Poli inquired if there was a: possibility that the commenceTpnt. date of the City' Annual Budget could be changed to a fiscal year basis to coincide with the receipt of tax monies. Discussion ensued as to the advantages and disadvantages that might accrue if a fiscal year basis were established and itwas noted that revenue was the real need. Councilman Garrett pointed out that the Association of Washington Cities has been well aware of the fact that many towns and cities are in the same position and there has been discussion relative to setting up a committee to study this problem. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. There were approximately 7 visitors in the Council Chambers. -4- 212 April 12, 1965 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUNBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND (3502 Bean Electric 56.64 8503 C & G Electronics 104.48 3504 Carpenter Paper 16.14 6505 City of Renton 4.36 85C6 Coast Wide Supply 21.36 8507 L. N. Curtis 145.53 8508 Charlie Delaurenti 4.25 8509 Mabel Finnegan 4.00 8510 General Analine 19.98 8511 General Binding Corp. 12.48 8512 R. L. Gray 53.04 8513 Group Health 156.25 8514 King Co. Humane Soc. 693-33 8515 King Co. Medical 794.55 8516 Landscape -architecture 5.00 4517 Madison Distributors 49.40 8518 Market Basket 73 30.05 6519 Market Basket W5 16.05 8520 Claude McPherson 31.60 8521 John L. Parks 15.90 3522 Potoshnik Fuel 378.47 8523 Ratelco 20.07 8524 Renton Clothing 23.77 8525 Renton Frintery 15.60 8526 Seattle Fublic Health 175.00 8527 Standard Insurance %4. 15 x528 Statewide Retirement 442.05 a529 U. S. Post Office 25.00 3530 W/T City treas. - Street 2.99 W114 8531 W/T City Treas. - Street 74.33 3532 W/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental 236.92 3533 Wash. Natural Gas 74.47 8534 Wash. Tax Commission .26 8535 Western Union 2.233 CITY STREET FUND 8536 City of Renton 31.64 8537 Graybar Electric 61. 15 8538 Group Health 76.25 8539 King Co. Medical 130.60 8540 Olympic Foundry 334.62 8541 Renton Concrete 1,347.66 3542 Standard Insurance 54.64 13543 Statewide Retirement 227.47 a544 Stoneway 151 .46 8545 W/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental 64.67 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND 8546 King Co. Medical 8. 15 8547 Standard Insurance 2.23 8548 Statewide Retirement 12.48 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 8549 Milt Williams 100.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 8550 Alco Battery 23.83 8551 Bearing Engineering 57.40 3552 Camcal Co. 40.03 212 City of Renton Vouchers Continued April 12, 1965 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND CONT. 8553 Group Health 24.00 8554 Kilsby Tubesupply 5.05 8555 King Co. Medical 8. 15 8556 0. Ko Tires 213.25 8557 Renton Engineering 48.63 8558 Renton Motors 174.47 8559 Russak Trucks 46.28 8560 Standard Insurance 8.92 8561 Statewide Retirement 41 .96 8562 W/T City Treas. - Street 776.97 8563 Wash. Tax Commission 3.68 LIBRARY FUND 8564 Group Health Coop 8.50 8565 King Co. Medical 83.5.0 C3566 Standard Insurance 20.07 8567 Statewide Retirement 143.62 8568 Wash. Tax Commission 16.92 PARK FUND 8569 E. Frances Gallacher 9. 10 8570 Group Health 40.00 8571 King Co. Medical 90.25 8572 Ron Regis 9. 10 8573 Renton Concrete 33.94 8574 Standard Insurance 31.22 8575 Stoneway 47.85 8576 W/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental 44.25 8577 Wash. Natural Gas 41 .40 8578 M. J.R. Williams, Treas. .97 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 8579 Group Health Coop 56.00 ~ 8580 King Co. Medical 147.30 8581 Olympic Foundry 235.76 8582 Renton Concrete 34.25 8583 Standard Insurance 55.75 8584 Statewide Retirement 201 . 10 8585 Stoneway Sand 153. 19 8586 U. S. Pipe 668.30 8587 W/T City Treas. - Current 5,708.33 8588 W/T City Treas. - Street 124.51 8589W/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental I*x:965 590 Wash. Tax Commission a O A IRPCRT FUND 8591 Hayen's Ambulance 18.00 8592 King Co. Medical 24.45 8593 Kline Blders. 3,39896 8594 Renton Plumbing 137.07 8595 Reynolds 249.58 8596 Standard Insurance 6.69 8597 Statewide Retirement 2 1 78 8598 Stoneway 174.06 8599 W/T City Treas. - Street 34.00 8600 W/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental .22 CUMULATIVE FUND NO. 1894 8601 Homeland 1 ,280.00 D.�V l W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk X13 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P. M. April 19, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris. 'FICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; G. M. Shellan, City ttorney; C. S . Williams, Chief of Police; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Jack Wilson, City 'Mgineer; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; J. David Jensen, Planning Director; Albert Reisberg, Building Director; Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gene Coulon; Park Director; and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 12, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10168 13,000.00 United Homes 3909 - 10th Court N. New Residence 69 15,500.00 United Homes 3910 - 11th Place N. New Residence 10170 17,000.00 United Homes 3910 - 10th Court N. New Residence 71 17,000.00 United Homes 1026 "R" Street New Residence 72 15,500.00 United Homes 3904 - 10th Court N. New Residence 73 18,950.00 United Homes 3914 - 11th Place N. New Residence 74 11,930.00 United Homes 1126 "R" Street New Residence 10175 600.00 Van De Camps Bakery Renton Village Illuminated Sion 76 800.00 Cristy's Drive In 604 Rainier Ave . Electric Sign 77 5,000.00 Robert Evoy 235 - 4th Place Wire Addition 78 1,600,000.00 Boeing Company Boeing Steel Structure 79 2,000.00 Patsy Visconte 3321 - 6th North Addition to House ....0180 25.00 Lyle L. Barger 2820 - 8th Place N. 6' fence 81 3,600.00 Seattle Sporting Goods 3rd Avenue New Sign 82 20,500.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 3317 Court "C" New Residence 83 90.00 Terra Savants 401 Airport Way Rewire 84 30,000.00 Dr. Evoy 241 - 4th Place Remodel Interior 10185 8,000.00 Seattle Sporting Goods 516 - 3rd Avenue Remodeling 86 2,200.00 Gull Station Renton Village Wire Station 87 2,060.00 Gull Oil Company Sunset & "K" Streets Wire Station 88 200.00 Gus Lindberg 11016 - 112th S .E. Roof Residence 89 200.00 Orville Harvego 15311-1 - 3rd Avenue Re-Wire House 10190 12,000.00 James B. Carver 3411 - 11th P1. N. Frame Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7061 - - - - - James Nation 919 "M" Street Gas Installation 62 - - - - - Jack Nissen 3205 - 11th P1 N . Gas Installation 63 - - - Elmer Heide 1054 "G" Street Gas Installation 64 - - - - - D. E. Wilcox 1234 Shattuck Street Gas Installation 7065 - - - -- - Emil Fontana 121 Logan Street Heating Equip. 66 - - - .- - Hubner Machine Shop 3414 - 4th North Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - - - Gull Oil Sunset & "K" Streets Plumbing4Fixtures 68 - - - - - Dr. Evoy 235 - 4th Place Plumbing Fixtures Kayor Custer requested a change in the order of the Agenda in that items listed as 7c and 7i would be considered at this time. COMMUNICATIONS: City Engineer -Jack Wilson's letter was read regarding the Petition for Annexation in the Vicinity of 132nd Avenue Southeast and Sunset Boulevard East. A check of the county records indicates the petition was signed by owners representing 56.19% of the assessed value of the property requesting annexation. The letter stated that this petition fails to meet the requirement of signatures representing 75% of the assessed value of the pro- perty requesting annexation. ,�_'rutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-19-65 C0;��UNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter of intent to initiate annexation of properties lying contiguous to the City Limits o= Renton in the vicinity of 132nd Avenue S. E. and Sunset Blvd E. , was read by the Clerk. r'ne notice carried five signatures beginning with James J. Zuver, 10325 - 132nd Avenue S .E . and ending with the name of Lawrence S . Saviage, Sunset Highway and 132nd Avenue S . E . 'Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, that the City Council hold the preliminary meeting with tie initiating property owners at this time . Carried. PRELIMINARY MEETING: Held with Property Owners pursuant to letter of Intent to Annex to the City of Renton Councilman Schellert inquired whether or not the petitioners were willing to accept their pro-rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. Mr. John Bardessono, representing the property owners stated that they were fully aware of the responsibility and willing to accept their share. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that the Council indicate their willingness to consider the proposed annexation and authorize the property owners to circulate the petition which should contain a statement accepting their pro-rata share of the bonded indebtedness. Discussion ensued as to whether this was the same area covered by the City Engineer's report, previously submitted. Mayor Custer advised that it was basically the same, except that the boundaries have been reduced and changed. A report was requested from the City Engineer as to whether this letter of intent carried the required 10.1 in value of ownership involved. Mr. Wilson advised that he has not as yet had an opportunity to verify the signatures, but being basically the same as the previous letter he was well satisfied that it contained more than the 10% requirement, possibly 70% to 30%. Vote on the motion carried. Mioved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to refer this matter to the CITY ENGINEER for report. Carried. :.: ENING OF BIDS: BACKHOE ATTACHMENT FOR PARK DEPARTMENT BIDDER AND ADDRESS TOTAL BID Ray Bock Equipment Company $ 3,316.56 (including tax) llth Street N. td. and River Road *MW Puyallup, Washington International Harvester Company 2,929.63 (including tax) i0 20636 Pacific Highway South A R Seattle, Washington 98183 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer these bids to the PARK DEPARTMENT, PROPERTY COMMITTEE, and PURCHASING AGENT for recommendations. Carried. HEARING: Proposed changes to the Comprehensive Land Use Map a . PUBLIC USE: area lying between Mill Street, Houser Way and the Cedar River. Mayor Custer declared the hearing open on the above mentioned proposed change in the Comprehensive Land Use Map. Councilman Schellert inquired of the City Attorney if this change would have any effect on the purchase of land for the proposed Civic Center. Mr. Shellan advised that this would be a change in the Land Use Map, not the zoning and would have no immediate effect. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Gianini, that this hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and to refer this matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. b. RETAIL-COMMERCIAL USE: i,o'ts 1 through 5, Block 9, Car Works Addition to the C_.ty of Renton. "w Tie 'nearing was declared open and there being no comments from the audience or the Council.. C was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission to change the land use of this area to Retail-Commercial and that it be placed in the hands of the LAIV AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. -2- 215 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-19-65 HEARINGS: (cont.) c. RETAIL-COMMERCIAL USE: land lying between 3rd Place North, Factory Street and 3rd Avenue North. The hearing was declared open and there being no comments, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation for the proposed change to the Comprehensive Land Use Map. Carried. Councilman Schellert abstained from voting of"this' matter. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the proposed amendment referred to in Item (c) above be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mrs. Ralph H. Niemeyer, representing the Children's Orthopedic Guild, was read wherein she requested permission to solicit funds for the Children's Orthopedic Hospital Annual Penny Drive from May 1 through May 14, 1965. There are to be eleven groups working in the Renton Area. _Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that a no-fee permit be granted for the Annual Penny Drive. Carried. An application was read from Mamie Svabosky, owner of the Jockey Inn, requesting that Rainier Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate an Amusement Machine in her place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer this matter to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Howard O'Farrell, Renton Golf Range, .commending the City regarding the mercury vapor lights which were installed along Lake Washington Boulevard recently. Mr. O'Farrell inquired if it would be possible to extend the installation of additional lights so as to include that portion of Lake Washington Boulevard fronting the Renton Golf Range and the adjoining trailer court, both of which are presently without any lighting whatever. This would involve the addition of two mercury vapor lights which would provide proper protection for the area of ingress and egress to the trailer court. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the POWER AND LIGHT -- COMMITTEE. Carried. The Clerk read three communications regarding the restriction of parking on Main Street as follows: (1) A petition bearing 43 signatures, starting with Arthur W. Folsom, 16127 - 126th S. E. , Renton and ending with Mamie V. McMullen, 22024 - 108th S . E., Kent, wherein the petitioners commended the City Council for this parking ban; (2) A letter from the Harold Building Company, signed by Frances E . Carlson, stating that they consider this action to be a breach of specified intent of prior action taken by the Council and believe it should be rescinded. It was further noted that this proposal had been defeated on previous occasions and it was their understanding that it would not again be considered until completion of the freeway which could make such a ban unnecessary. The problem of heavy traffic is evident, however, businesses in this area have been suffering badly for years because of this heavy flow and it is deemed extremely unfair to further penalize them by banning the parking during one of their peak business periods. The letter further requested that the Council reconsider the decision and rescind the parking restriction; (3) A letter from R. K. Stevens expressed his appreciation to the Council for the action taken to restrict the parking on Main Street, greatly improving the movement of traffic which is for the benefit of the majority of the people. It was moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that these communications be referred to the CITY ENGINEER and the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE. Carried. The Clerk read the Association of Washington Cities Convention Bulletin relative to the Annual Statewide Convention to be held June 16, 17, and 18 in Tacoma at the Winthrop Hotel and requesting certification of voting delegates which Mrs. Nelson advised has been done, Mayor Custer and Council President Pedersen to represent Renton. The City Engineer's letter was read reTarding the Olympic Pipe Line request for route revisions and after reviewing the proposed changes, in the vicinity of 87th Avenue South . and South 153rd Street, it is recommended that the revisions as requested be approved. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director was read relative to the Planning Commissior public hearing of December 23, 1964 wherein the Commission recommends the reclassification of properties as described in Application No. R-214-64 from R-2 to B-1 (Clarke Brothers) . -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-19-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) This recommended rezone is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan as amended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that the matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . Carried. A request from Albert Reisberg, Building Superintendent was read for a transfer of funds in the sum of $800.00 from Building Maintenance #1800, Account #309, Building Repair and Maintenance, to Account #609, Capital Outlay, to be used for the purchase of furniture for the Council Committee Room. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Superintendent and refer this matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. boo A letter from Mayor Custer was read recommending concurrence in the request of Police Chief Williams for permission to send one officer to the Northwest Fire and Arson Investigation Seminar to be held in Portland, Oregon May 17 through May 21, funds available from the Officers' Training Account No. 502. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Custer's letter was read presenting a proposed "Memorandum of Understanding" between the Highway Commission of the State of Washington and Municipalities not financially participating in the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Planning Program. The Mayor noted that it was his understanding that in order to receive Federal financial aid for the construction of highways in our area, it will be necessary to approve this memorandum. Mayor Custer suggested that the document be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee and/or the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation to the Council. Following the reading of this letter, Mayor Custer explained that the City is being asked to recognize the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Study and that it is being made a requirement for Federal financial assistance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor and refer this matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE and the STREET ANS ALLEY COMMITTEE. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer was read together with a proposed resolution which must be approved by the Renton City Council before further action can be taken to implement the North Renton Interchange project. The basic content of the resolution is that the City recognizes a responsibility for the completion of the western approach to the Interchangemo It was pointed out that the Bureau of Public Roads had recently informed the City they would consider participating in the costs of extending the ramp from the Interchange westerly to Park Street, but since that time the Bureau has formally declined to participate in this project. The Mayor requested Council's prompt consideration of this matter and recommended approval of the resolution. Moved �y Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the proposed resolution be read and adopted. Upon inquiry from Councilwoman Dahlquist, relative to giving up on rederal Aid, the Mayor stated it is reasonably certain that no funds will be available frem the Federal Government, the only recourse being the State. Councilman Garrett expre4ftd the opinion that the City should adopt this resolution, thereby indicating the City's intent to go ahead with the project and then endeavor to secure State partieipatiox. Vote on the motion carried. This resolution to be presented under "RE3ALUTIONS and ORDINANCES" . — A letter woo read from Mayor Custer recommending that a study be made of the City's "Sick Leave" Ordinance (Oitle 1, Ch. 25, Code of City Ordinances) . Specifically, it is recommended that some provision be made within this ordinance for policemen or other City employee's who have eugtaiaed serious injury while in the performance of their City duties, which injuries require "pv2lescent time in excess of accumulated sick leave. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by ferry, to refer this matter to the FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE—to report back. diDuneilwommn Dahlquist felt that this should more properly be directed to the Polico and LiCeow balbittee than to the Fire and Water Committee and Councilman Garrett adui*ed that wr matter can be referred to any Council Committee . The motion carried. Mayor Custeill; letter wAs read relative to conversations with several property owners within the "Site 4" a7;et, at which time they were advised of the appraisal figures for their propertieg, and announced the City's intention to purchase their property for the appraisal price. It tis suggested that the Mayor and City Attorney be authorized to proceed with the purchase at the noted prices, and that the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign the necessary instruments on the following properties: (1) Lot 2, except north 51, Block 2, Town of Renton, being 5,400 sq. ft. @ $1.67 sq. ft. for a total of $9,000, which property is owned by Sydney V. and Hilda O'Neill, 204 Mill Street, Renton; and (2) West 2 of Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, Town of Renton, being 6,000 sq. ft. @ $1.60 per sq. ft., plus house for a total of $15,000, which property is owned by Frank E. Rhodes, 111 Second Avenue, Renton. It was further recommended that funds be derived from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 or the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund, and that this be -4- 217 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-19-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary ordinance. The Mayor suggested that subsequent to the purchase of this property, the Council set the minimum rental fee for the Rhodes house and guarantee access to both properties under the super- vision of the Property Committee and that the Council set a sale price for these homes in the event they should be made available for public sale. The Mayor requested the Council's concurrence in all of the above recommendations . Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Carried. The Clerk read Mayor Custer's letter regarding the proposed trade of City owned property in Cedar River Park to Seattle City Light in exchange for a portion of their property located in "Site 4", a diagram of the area attached to the letter. The Mayor requested the Council's consideration in order that negotiations might proceed in this matter. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that this communication be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Carried. An application from Thomas J. Hogan, owner of the Renton Radio Cap Company was read wherein he requested the Council's approval for the sale of his taxicab business to Joseph E. Rush and authorize the transfer of the required licenses. The application included the signature of Joseph E . Rush, and also the signature of Harold W. Jordan, approving the sale of Renton Yellow Cab Co. , Inc. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to refer this matter to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE. Carried. A communication, signed by Douglas K. Felker, Chairman, Renton Planning Commission and J. David Jensen, Planning Director, was read submitting copies of a proposed Subdivision Ordinance for the City of Renton. All Council Members were presented a copy of the proposed ordinance. PROCLAMATION: A proclamation by Mayor Custer calling upon the people of this community to ,join in the celebration of National Library Week from April 25 to May 1, 1965, was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the Mayor's Proclamation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS : Council President Pedersen presented the report of the Committee of the Whole meeting of April 15, 1965, with the following recommendations: (1) Recommends removal of the parking ban on Main Street between the hours of 3: 30 p.m. and 5: 30 p.m. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that this recommendation be referred to the CITY ENGINEER and the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE for further study. Discussion ensued with Councilwoman Dahlquist speaking in favor of the Committee's recommendation and expressing opposition to again referring the matter to committee. Councilman Perry recalled the petitions received for an against — approximately 18 signatures on a petition for rescinding the parking and more than 50 signatures in favor of the parking ban. He observed that objection to the ban was due to the location of parking lots on the opposite side of the street and pointed out that there is property on the same side of the street which might be available for lease as a parking lot by business firms in the area. Former Mayor Frank Aliment, 128 Capri, Renton,. stated that a meeting was held last week with interested parties, and he questioned the reasoning in referring this matter back to the City Engineer in view of the fact that he was at last week's meeting and made his recommendations. A vote on the above. motion' carried. (2) That a grandstand be constructed in Liberty Park, and 'that the matter of funding be referred to the WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Moved � Schellert, seconded by Gianini, to concur in this recommendation. Carried. _ _ (3) Recommend to proceed with the renovation of the workroom adjacent to the Mayor►,% .Office for use as a Council meeting room. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur in this recommendation. Carried. Council President Pedersen submitted the ,joint report of the Property Committee and the Park Board recommending that the Sailing Club be denied the use of the Lake Washington Beach property at this time for the following reasons: (1) Do not wish to establish the precedent of permitting groups to use Park Property and construct private buildings on same (2) There is not at the present time proper access to the area -5- z1 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-19-65 OLD BUSINESS: '(cont.) (3) :Could interfere with the present lease agreement with Foss Tug and Barge (4) Concern for the liability and safety problem The Committee agreed that this is a fine program that the Sailing Club has proposed, and they would like to offer any assistance possible. They proposed as an alternative, the use of the street end at 72nd Street, under a mutual agreement, suggesting this location be investigated. Councilman Morris mentioned the City-owned property on Cedar River as another possibility. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli; to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee and the Park Board to deny the application of the Sailing Club. In the discussion that followed, Dr. Bardarson thanked the Council for the offer, but stated the Club had found the 72nd Street location to be unsuitable, due to its marshy MW condition and the cost of putting it in condition would be prohibitive. The Cedar River site would not be feasible due to the bridges spanning the river, as the boats cannot be rigged while underway. Various other opinions were offered - from Mrs. Elaine Fleming, that use of the property would stimulate more public interest in the future development of the. park - from the Park Board, pointing to the problems that would arise when similar requests were forthcoming from other groups and from Councilman Delaurenti, that the facility should be utilized and programs scheduled as in other City Parks. At this point the Clerk, upon request, read the first paragraph of the Committee's report and recommendation for denial of the request. Roll call vote on the motion was requested with Pedersen, Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini� Perry and Poli voting aye, and Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Delaurenti and Morris voting no, resulting in a tie vote of 6 to 6. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, ' to 'call a five--.minute recess. Carried. Following the recess the roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed.. At this time .Mayor Custer announced that he would cast a "NO" vote on the above Motion, and therefore, the motion—failed. The Mayor requested that this matter be delayed for one week, giving him an opportunity to investigate further, particularly in regard to safety measures and the matter of access to the park, Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that action be delayed one week to enable the Mayor to study this matter apd report back. The motion carried. Councilman Perry asked the Council's permission to re-route his return trip from Toronto to enable him to stop in New York to contact various companies relative to locating branch stores in Renton. After discussion, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that Councilman Perry be authorized to extend his trip to New York and that the additional expense be paid by the City. Roll Call vote was taken with Bruce, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, and Morris voting aye and Pedersen, Hulse, Dahlquist, Gianini, and Poli voting no. The motion carried. Councilman Perry requested that the Public Relations Committee be granted more time on the matter of the letter from the Housing and Home Finance Agency regarding the disposition of the Government's interest in certain public use areas. A hearing has been scheduled on this matter and a report will be made to the Council on May 17th. Regarding the Kennydale annexation, it was suggested that if enough signatures are not received, the City should consider the election method aT%d set a procedure as it Vas felt the,same problem would exist in the Cascade area. Police and License Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted the Committee's report relative to the applications received for pawnbrokers licenses and the requested change in the City's present pawnbrokers ordinance. It is the recommendation of this Committee that no change be made at this time, and that these applications be reviewed with the City Attorney, and that the Police Chief make a survey relative to the possible need for an additional pawnbroker. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in this recommendation. Carrie( NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers 8602 through 8747, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment, including a change on 'Voucher No. 8651 to a total of $474.10. Carried. Councilman Schellert made inquiry regarding the hearing to be held on the matter of dis- position of the public use areas, and asked if the newspapers would be notified as to the time and place . Councilman Perry answered that he was preparing a letter which will be mailed to each of the abutting property owners. -6- 219 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-19-65 NEW BUSINESS: (cont.) Council President Pedersen announced a Committee of the Whole meeting for 7:00 p.m., Monday, April 26th, in the Council Chambers. Councilman Delaurenti announced a joint meeting of the Police and License Committee, the Fire and Water Committee, Fire Chief, Police Chief and the Mayor, to be held at the Park Avenue Restaurant at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 24th. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented for reading, the proposed --- resolution from the State of Washington, regarding the Limited Access Highway and Approval of Revision of Plan for the City of Renton, referred to earlier in this meeting. Upon adoption by the Council, this proposed resolution would constitute approval of the Washington State Highway Commission Revision of Plan of Access to P.S.H. #1 (SR 405) and also declare public hearing unnecessary. Attached to and made a part of this resolution was a map indicating the proposed revisions. Following the reading of the proposed resolution, it was moved �y Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1301 be adopted as read. Carried. A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was presented and read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Business District (B-1) and General Classification District (G-6000) to Light Industry District (L-1), (Webb Property) . Moved �y Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2146 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. Motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G-7200) to Business District (B-1); (Dalpay, School District, Hokenson Property), which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 2147 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members voting - aye. Motion carried. Councilman Morris, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District to Business District (B-1) and Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4), which was read by the Clerk, (Banasky Property) . Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, that Ordinance No. 2148 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members voting aye. Motion carried. Councilman Trimm questioned the necessity of reading the ordinances and whether they could be adopted by reference. The City Clerk upon inquiry, declined to comment, stating that this was a matter for the City Attorney. A proposed ordinance of the City of Renton was presented, changing the zoning classifica- tion of certain properties within the City of Renton from Residential District (R-2) to Business District (B-1) , which was read by the Clerk, (Cashway Lumber Property) . Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that Ordinance No. 2149 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members voting aye. The motion carried. A proposed Resolution of the City of Renton was presented and read appropriating from excess revenues in the Current Fund into the Non-Departmental Fund, Account 1920, Capital Outlay 606, the sum of $1,420.87, for the acquisition of a certain multilith machine. Moved �y Trimm, seconded by Schellert, that Resolution No. 1302 be adopted as read. Carried. Councilman Morris noted that a proposed ordinance regarding sign encroachments had been referred to the Mayor's Department Head Meeting and that to date no recommendation had been received. Mayor Custer advised that this matter had subsequently been referred to the Building Department and Building Superintendent Reisberg reported that this ordinance is being studied and that a report will be forthcoming soon. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was moved by Morris, 1econded by Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 0:20 p. m. and there were approximately 45 visitors in The Chambers. -7- z2o April 19, 1965 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER - CURRENT FAYEE AMOUNT 8602 Amer. Fublic Works 15.CO 8603 Arbuckle Glass 3.75 3604 James Ashurst 98.77 8605 Zelda H. Azeltine 15.60 8606 Delbert C. Bennett 10.70 8607 Dora Blanchard 25.95 8608 Blumenthal 4. 16 8609 Geo. Cake Co. 13.00 8610 D. W. Custer 5. 13 8611 Wm. F. Davis 73.00 8612 Dept. Labor & Ind. 655.87 8613 Dorothy Dixon 17.68 8614 Roland Druce 4.00 8615 Eastside Printing 13. 10 8616 Fageol Motors 26.79 8617 Richard Geissler 16.60 8618 H & M Corp. 16.6o 8619 Hartman Equip. 29.95 3620 Hickoks 12.48 8621 Holmes Elec. 152.C5 8622 Intern. Assn. Elec. Insp. 10.00 x623 I .B.M. 36.40 8624 J. David Jensen 202.00 3625 K & E 53.66 3626 McCann Associates 65.68 3627 J. C. McKay 4.00 8628 McLendon 101 .31 8629 Motorola 28.77 8630 Nat. Fire Prot. Assn. 15.32 8631 Helmie Nelson 3.20 3632 Fac. NW Bell 13.95 8633 Pac. Outfitting 129.28 8634 Paulson 118.94 8635 George Ferry 3.48 8636 PSP&L 1 ,227. 11 8637 Remington 14.98 8638 Renton Cameras 152.75 8639 Renton Clothing 60.95 8640 Renton Clothing 132.33 8641 Renton Printery 62.40 8642 Seagrave Fac. 40.95 8643 Shaw Drugs 42.95 8644 Shaw Drugs 26.50 8645 Traffic Eng. 4.50 8646 Trick & Murray 149. 13 8647 Trojan Litho 12.90 8648 Victor Corp. 35.88 8649 George J. Washo 4.00 3650 Western Plumbing Off. 21.00 8651 World Travel Serv. 4C4-OO CITY STREET FUND i 8652 Renton Frintery 14.56 8653 FSF&L 5,612.33 8654 Freservative Paint 515.84 8655 Paulson 43.26 8656 Pac. NW Bell 18.82 8657 N. C. Machinery 307.97 8653 N'.c Le ndon 20.77 3659 Ray Hansen 11 .70 8660 Eltee Tools 11 .14 8661 A. G. Elliott 125.60 d662 Eastside Equip. 3. 12 8663 Dept . Labor & Ind. 303.90 8664 Black River Quarry 131 .38 I 221 City of Renton Vouchers Continued April 19, 1965 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND 8665 Dept. Labor & Ind. 12.42 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 8666 Tuffibre 92.00 8667 Trojan Litho 17.68 9668 Renton Radiator B•32 8669 PSF&L 62.81 8670 N. C. Machinery 453.47 8671 Kent Oxygen 13.43 8672 Dept. Labor & Ind. 45.67 8673 Chapman 12.46 ,3674 Blanchard Auto 53.49 8675 Binks Mfg. 2.60 8676 McLendon 5.70 8677 L. E. Belcourt 3.56 8678 Bardahl 101 .45 8679 Arbuckle Glass 27.35 LIBRARY FUND 8680 Arco Pub. 3.52 8631 Brown Pub. 6.50 8682 Childrens Council 7.00 8683 Collier-Macmillan Serv. 283,33 8684 Dept. Labor & Ind. , 71 .24 8685 Diesel Oil 84. 17 8686 Doubleday 149.92 8687 Eastman Kodak 92.92 8ID88 Gale Research 65.25 8689 Gaylord Bros. 179.91 8690 Marcella Hillgen 14.65 ■.r 8691 Institute Legal Knowledge 7.50 8692 J.B. Lippincott 5153 8693 Overall Cleaning 2.50 8694 Pac. MN Bell 61 .81 3695 Paulson 15.39 3696 P.S. News 643.73 8697 FSF&L 42.23 8698 Reading Improvement 1 .50 3699 Record Stationery 58.78 8700 University Book Store 5. 10 8701 Arthur Wiesenberger 24.00 6702 Wilson Co. 19.75 PARK FUND 8703 Turf & Toro 1 ,685.63 8704 Ren. Cash-Way Lum. 6.70 3705 Pug. Snd. Salvage 7.24 8706 PSP&L 233.98 8707 Fac. NW Bell 72.89 8708 Pacific Iron 2.43 8709 Nulife Fet. 91 .73 3710 McLendon 57.30 8711 Kent Oxygen 13.92 8712 Roger Gordon 30.00 8713 Fire Chf. Eq. 3. 12 8714 Dept. Labor & Ind. 103.35 WATERWORKS UTILITY RrUND 8715 G. H. Culver 914.05 8716 Daily Journal 22.95 8717 Dept. Labor & Ind. 131 .75 8718 Hersey•Sparling 42.40 3719 Hersey-Sparling 1,430.07 8720 McLendon 34.51 City of Renton Vouchers Continued April 19, 1965 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND CONT. 8721 Fac. NW Bell 43.9'+ 8722 PSP&L 2, 100. ;2 8723 Renton Fri ntery 23.1L0 3724 Rhodes Co. 33.54 8725 Rockwell Mfg. 1,474.,20 AIRPORT FUND 8726 Chapman 113,45 8727 G.H. Culver 24.85 8728 Dept. Labor & Ind. 18,38 8729 Tom Dobson 16.66 8730 PSP&L188.64 8731 ;:.Pen. Cash- Way Lum. 211 . 14 8732 Welders Supply 10.80 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 8733 A & H Drugs 26.35 3734 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150„00 8735 T.K. Anderson 305.00 8736 Burgess, Romano, & Mullen, M.D. 's 8'25 8737 Charles Goodwin 680;00 8�38 E. W. Hall Co. 8. 11 8739 K's Pharmacy 26.68 8740 F. Lawrence 305.00 8741 Mrs, MacDonald 150.00 8742 Faulson 25,64 87441 Folyclinic 3.00 87 Shaws Drugs 8;42 8745 Renton Hospital 48:00 8746 U. S. Post Office 60.10 CUNUI-AT I VE FUND NO. 1975 r.rl 8147 Johnston-Campanella 7.811 °00 _..,..._'d_'_.. Helmie W. Nelson, 'City C Fe_F� 1141, Donald W. Custer, Mayor RENTON CITY COUNCIL 8 :00 P _ M. REGULAR MEETING April 26, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; G., M. Shellan, City Attorney; C. S . Williams, Chief of Police; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Gene Coulon, Park Director; Albert Reisberg, Building Director; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; Delbert Bennett, Assistant City Engineer, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Vern Church, Purchasing Agent. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 19, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10191 250.00 Bob Boweman 311 Whitworth Re-Wire 92 150.00 Donita Miller 12 Renton Village Single Faced Sign 93 249.00 Stokes Mortuary 400 - 3rd Avenue Wire yard lights 94 - - - Pending 10195 1,500,00 Wilshire Oil Sunset E. & "K" Street Pole Sign 96 19,500.00 Anton D. Sorensen 13022 86th South New Residence 97 9,000:00 R� W. Wiehoff 11228 S. E. 104th Frame Residence 98 11,000.00 R. W. Wiehoff 11644 S. E. 100th New Residence 99 400,00 Ruby Barrett 123 Factory Gutters & Downspolitt 10200 19,000.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 3293 Court "A" New Residence O1 16,000.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 3253 Rolling Hills Ave. Frame Residence 02 17,500.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 3317 Court "A" Residence 03 250.00 Foster & Kleiser Rainier Avenue Sign 04 350.00 Foster & Kleiser Rainier Avenue S. Ground sign 10205 1,400,00 Tradewell 301 Grady Way Sign 06 16,000.00 Herb Hackman 10614 - 108th S. E. New Residence 07 200.00 Detroit Auto Sales Office 100 Rainier Avenue Wire Carport 08 15,000.00 Richard Reeves Constr. 10836 - 110th Pl S.E. New Residence 09 800.00 Armand A. Pelletier 11517 S .E . 101st Garage PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7069 - - - - - Keller Supply Company 925 Railroad Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 70 - - - - - Highlands National Bank 2834 Sunset Blvd. E. Gas Installation 71 - - - - - Gulf Oil Corp. Sunset Blvd E & "K" Plumbing Fixtures 72 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3309 Court "A" Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3266 Rolling Hills Blvd Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3341 Court "A" Plumbing Fixtures 7075 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3333 Court "A" Plumbing Fixtures 76 - - - - - Anton D. Sorenson 13022 86th South Plumbing Fixtures 77 - - - - - Brown Goodrich 7710 So. 153rd Gas Installation 78 - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11024 - 115th S,E . Plumbing Fixtures 79 - - - - - Stan Witsoe 3018-20 15th Northq Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS A letter was read from Charles F. Wyatt, Assistant Cub Master of Pack ##481 of Renton, wherein saw he requested permission for his Pack to sell tickets for their Fun For All, in down town Renton on May 20 and May 21, 1965. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that permission be granted to this group. Carried. A letter from C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, was read requesting that a vapor-type street light be installed in the alley west of Main Street, between Second and Third Avenues. Proper illumination would assist police officers in patroling this area. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the request of the Police Chief. Carrled. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-26-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson, regarding the Petition for annexation of property in the Kennydale area was read wherein it was noted that a check of the County records indicated the petitions were signed by owners representing 49.37% of the assessed valuation of the area requesting annexation. This petition thereby fails to meet the requirement of signatures representing 75% of the assessed value of the Property requesting annexation. A letter signed by Fred B. Crawford, Assistant General Manager of the Port of Seattle, relative to the Upper Duwamish Navigation Flood Control Study, was read which was in reply to a letter from the City of Renton dated March 3, 1965. The City had requested from the Port of Seattle, an expression of interest in pursuing further studies of the Upper Duwami for navigation and to provide a plan as a basis for evaluation. Subsequent to this reques , the Port of Seattle Commission at its regular meeting of April 13, 1965, authorized economic studies at an estimated cost not to exceed $50,000. It was further stated that the study be closely supervised by Port staff and close coordination be initiated and maintained with King County, the Corps of Engineers, other appropriate public agencies, and the Duwamish-Green River Valley community interests. The Port Commission noted that it would be their endeavor to initiate the study immediately and to have the study and plan completed by the end of 1965. Mr. Arthur H. Yoshioka, Director of Planning and Research, will be the co-ordinator of this study. A letter from City Engineer Wilson was read presenting a permit from the City of Seattle which would allow the crossing of their Cedar River Pipeline Right of Way with a 6" Cast Iron Water Main. This crossing is on Hardie Street in the vicinity of South 134th Street. It was noted that the water line covered by this permit has already been installed, and it is the recommendation of the Engineering Department that this permit be accepted, signed and returned for further processing. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried.- The Clerk read a report from City Engineer Wilson relative to the Letter of Intent to Annex property in the vicinity of 132nd S.F. and Sunset Highway. A check of the County records indicates the letter of intent to annex was signed by owners representing 91.22% of the assessed value of the property requesting annexation. This area contains approximately 5 acres and has an assessed value of $12,500.99 At this time the City Clerk read the petition for annexation, bearing six signatures begi ning with .Tames J. Zuver, 10825 - 132nd S.E. and ending with Ray L. Aultman, 10801 - 132nd .E. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the CITY ENGINEER check the petition to ascertain the vaTidity of signatures and that the signatures contained thereon represent no less than the 75% in value of the property proposed for annexation. In the discussion that ensued, Mr. William Walker, whose signature did not appear on the petition, made inquiry as to whether his recently completed home, valued at $23,000,was reflected in the City Engineer's figure of 91.22%. It was pointed out that this does not as yet appear on the assessment rolls, therefore was not included in the computation. It was further noted that this would probably have no effect on either the letter of intent (10% requirement) or the petition (75% requirement) , and that the figure mentioned probably represented the full value rather than the assessed valuation. The motion carried. The City Attorney, upon request, outlined the next Procedures in the pending annexation. Upon determination from the City Engineer that the petition is valid, the Clerk should then ascertain from the Review Board whether the board, by majority approval, consents to dispensation of review procedures. This is permissible for an area of less than ten acres and less than two hundred thousand dollars in assessed valuation, if the Board agrees that a hearing by the Review Board would not be required for Protection of the interests of the various parties. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the City Council set May 10th as date for Hearing on this petition. Councilman Garrett suggested that the City Engineer could possibly make his report on the petition to the Clerk tomorrow to expedite her handling with the Review Board. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitting the Title report on the Highlands property was read, wherein it was noted that ownership of Lot 17, Block 6, Renton Highlands is rePistered to the "United States of America," and the property is subject to certain restrictions. Item 5 under the heading of "Exceptions" indicates the property was ". . .dedicated. ..for public use for fire station purposes. It was felt that after reviewing the title report, the Council may wish to recondider its previous action in declaring the property surplus. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that this communication be referred to the FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE. Carried. —2— 225 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-26-65 COi"4UNICATIO JS : (cont,.) A communication from Mayor Custer in which the Council was informed that the $11,200 "loan" from the HF-A for use in planning the previously proposed library building may not have to be repaid upon construction of the new library, was read for Council's information. Due to failure of bond issues based upon these plans and because the currently proposed library has little correlation with the previous plans, it is possible that the Government will write off this loan. It was noted that every effort will be made to obtain a release from the Federal Government of the City's obligation to repay this loan. , communication from the Mayor was read wherein he recommended an amendment to the Horse ,...face Admission Tax Ordinance No. 2119 to clarify the matter of which admissions are to be taxed, by deleting all references to "reserved seating" . Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE for discussion. Carried. The Clerk read a report from the Mayor relative to the request of the Renton Sailing Club for use of the Lake Washington Beach property, with the following recommendations: (1) That the Council grant to the Renton Sailing Club the temporary use of the S . E. 72nd Street site for a boat storage and launching site. (2) ghat the Council authorize the Street Department to clear_ and fill this site to make it more readily accessible and acceptable, (3) In the event any complications should ensue from the City's efforts to improve this site, that the Council authorize the temporary use of 50' of waterfront and land to a depth of 200" along the Shuffleton Plant fence in Lake Washington Beach Park to the Renton Sailing Club, providing the necessary "hold harmless agreement" and evidence of liability insurance is first obtained from the Club. (4) Regardless of which site is finally determined upon, the City should require, as a condition of use, the installation of adequate sanitary facilities, the posting of appropriate signs, and contractual arrangements for adequate policing of the area used, in .he interests of the public health, safety and welfare. _ (5) It should be the City's stated policy that the S . E. 72nd Street site will become and remain a boat launching site. At some future date, this site could be made available exclusively for power boats, and the sailing club may be able to make full use of Park Department facilities in Lake Washington Beach Park when permitted. The Mayor stated that he had gone over the request from the Sailing Club and that if the S .E : 72nd Street site was not suitable to the club, recommended that they be granted a one or two year use-permit along the Shuffleton fence, to be terminated at City=s request. A hold harmless agreement should be signed by the Club, and would not present any problem, however, the matter of safe access is a very definite problem. The Mayor noted that the proponents of this plan were responsible people, that this is a good plan and it is a proper use of water front, however, he did not feel that safety features have been entirely taken care of at th _s time . Councilman C,?r„ett as'.-.ed the Mayor if he would state his primary recommendation on this matter. Mayor Custer replied that he would recommend that the Council grant to the Sailing Club the temporary use of S . E . 72nd, and further that the City clear and fill this property. Upon inquiry from Councilwoman Dahlquist on costs involved here, an estimate of $1,000 was made by the Mayor. Requested to speak on the matter, Mr. Coulon stated that the Park Board had covered these points with the Property Committee and although they had some different thoughts, in general they were in agreement. At this time it was moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Councilwoman Dahlquist stated her objection to this motion in view of the fact that the cost of the work to clear and fill this property is still not known, and no decision should be made until this cost is deter- nined as this wort: was included in the Mayor's recommendation, The Mayor called for comments '*"From the audience relative to this matter. Dr. Baird Bardarson., 320 Renton Street, spoke in behalf of the Sailing Club, outlining the program to be offered. Relative to the offer of the S. E . 72nd Street site, it should be noted that a house projects 13 feet on this property which could cause some delay in obtaining use of the property and time is running out for this program. The Club has not asked for the 72nd Street site, and it is doubtful that their plans could be carried out at this location. The site of the Lake Washington Beach Park was chosen because it is centrally located and easily accessible to the children who would be participating in the program. -3- X26 1 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-26-65 COMMUNICATIONS : (cont.) At this time Councilman Morris withdrew his motion with consent of second. It was then moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that the Council grant the Sailing Club the use of the Fark property as requested. Councilwoman Dahlquist stated she was not in favor of going against the Park Board recommenda- tions. The Board was established to consider recreational matters and have made a thorough study of the question. They are more familiar with the problems involved here and are still concerned over many matters involving this request, including the problem of safe access to the property. A bond issue which would have provided the funds needed for the development of Lake Washington Beach did not pass. Mrs. Margaret Evans, 403 Grandey Way, speaking from the audience, commented that the Council should take a more forward look in this matter. She noted that in her opinion there is ample visibility from both directions to permit safe crossing of the railroad tracks and that this program would be of great benefit to the young people of the City. Mr. Charles Shane spoke along the same lines, that this would be a good use of this property and that permission would be granted only by means of a revokable permit. With reference to fees, Mr. Jerome Faull, 316 Renton Street observed that there is an admission charge made at the municipal swimming pool and Mr. Robert Edwards stated that this would be no different than the dues assessed by most youth groups, such as scout organizations. Mr. T. J. Hogan stated that although he was not opposed to the sailing program, in his opinion this would open the way for other groups to make similar requests, including the use of this beach for swimming. Mr. Gene Coulon, Park Director, again expressed the concern of the Park Department and Park Board that other groups would be attracted to the area. Upon inquiry concerning access to the property, the City Attorney advised that the City has been negotiating with the railroad for some time relative to sharing in the cost of warning signals for the crossing of the tracks, which are necessary for safe access. Councilman Bruce stated that upon further consideration ,of the matter, he felt he was now in favor of granting the request of the Sailing Club. A roll. call vote was taken on the pending motion with Bruce, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Delaurenti, and Morris voting aye, and Pedersen, Dahlquist, Gianini, and Poli voting no, 6 ayes and 4 nos. Motion carried. Moved �y Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the LAW'AND' ORDINANCE COMMITTEE and the CITY ATTORNEY to draft an agreement to be presented to Council - for approval. Carried. The Clerk read Mayor Custerts letter appointing Mr. Ivan Umbedacht to serve as Renton's representative to the Green River Flood Control Zone District Advisory Committee. This appointment is subject to the review and approval of the Board of County Commissioners. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamations by Mayor Custer were read declaring the month of April, 1965 to be Teaching Career Month and the week of April 26th through April 30th as "Life Insurance Week". Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist to concur in the Proclamations of the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS Council President Pedersen presented the report of the Committee of the Whole recommending that the Council proceed with the purchase of the OtNeill and Rhodes property at the price of $9,000 and $15,000 respectively, located in Site 4 and that the monthly rental for the Rhodes house be set at $25.00 per month with a six month maximum term. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole with referral to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . Carried. ..� Upon request of Council President Pedersen, the Committee of the Whole was granted more time for the study of the proposed exchange of property with Seattle City Light. The Clerk read a joint report of the Park Board, Purchasing Agent and the Property Committee wherein it was recommended that the City accept the low bid on the backhoe attach- ment for the Park Department from International Harvester Company, 20636 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, for a total of $2,929.63, including tax. Moved �y Bruce, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Cun-MITtQe, Park Board and Purchas- ing Agent. Carried. -4- 2# Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-26-65 OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) The Property Committee report was read recommending that the Burroughs Bookkeeping Machine be declared surplus and the Purchasing Department be allowed to dispose of it under the ,jurisdiction of the Mayor. The Clerk pointed out that this machine was turned in and a trade allowance made by Burroughs Corporation, who own the machine, but have not taken possession. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti presented the Police and License Committee report recommending the approval of the sale of the cab company owned by Thomas J. Hogan to Joseph E . Rush. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur with the recommendation of the Police and License Committee for the transfer of ownership of the taxicab company. Carried. --• Councilman Poli presented the report of the Power and Light Committee recommending that two 20,000 lumen mercury vapor lights be installed on Lake Washington Boulevard in the vicinity of Renton Golf Range and the Trailer Court. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Power and Light Committee. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist inquired if it would be possible to extend the light installation along the remainder of Lake Washington Blvd that lies within the City limits. Discussion followed relative to the possibility of installing more mercury vapor lights along Lake Washington Boulevard, and it was then moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of installation of mercury vapor lights in the area mentioned by Mrs. Dahlquist, be referred to the P014ER AND LIGHT COMMITTEE for investigation and recommendation to the Council. Carried. NEW BUSINESS Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that Vouchers 8748 through 8824, which have previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment at this time. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee stated that two of the ordinances to be presented would require that a Bid Opening be set for May 26th, thereby necessitating a Meeting to be held for that purpose on Wednesday. Discussion ensued relative to notice requirements for this meeting and the Clerk was directed to check with bond counsel and be governed accordingly. Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented for reading a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington providing for the issuance, specifying the maturities and maximum interest rates and fixing the form of $400,000.00 par value of "General Obligation North Renton Interchange Approach Bonds, 1965", authorized by the qualified voters of the City at a special election held on February 11, 1964, and $150,000.00 par value of "General Obligation City Library Bonds, 1965", authorized by the qualified voters of the City at a special election held on November 3, 1964; creating certain special funds; and providing for the public sale of the bonds. The proposed ordinance was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that this proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading, it was moved �y Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Ordinance No. 2150 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. Moveci try i,euersen, seconded by Schellert, that a two minute recess be called. Carried. Following the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed with the exception of Councilman Trimm. Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented for reading a proposed ordinance of the City of Renton specifying and adopting a system or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the waterworks utility of the City of Renton, including ..� the sewerage system as a part thereof; declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be; providing for the issuance of $500,000.00 par value of "City of Renton Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1965," to obtain the funds with which to pay the costs of said system or plan; fixing the date, form, denomination, maturities, maximum interest rate, terms and covenants of said bonds; creating a special fund to provide for the payment of said bonds; and providing for the calling of bids for the sale thereof. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2!51 be ado;:ted as read. Roll call vote was taken with X11 Council Members present voting ave. The !:=�t4 o 228 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 4-26-65 ORDINANMS AND RESOLUTIONS: The Clerk read a proposed Ordinance presented by the Law and Ordinance Committee relating to acquisition by purchase of certain properties (O'Neill and Rhodes) located within the Plat of the Town of Renton for the purpose of establishing and constructing a civic center including City Hall, Library and General Municipal purposes, including parking; and pro- viding for the payment of said acquisition from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1894. Moved Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved � Poli, seconded by Bruce, that {7rainance No. 2152 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with Pedersen, Bruce, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris voting aye and Dahlquist voting no, 8 ayes and 1 no. The motion carried. Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed ordinance which was read by the City Clerk, amending the City�s Comprehensive Land Use Map. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After the ordinance was reads it was moved �y Delaurenti., seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 2153 be adopted as read. Roll caj1.7vote was taken with Pedersen, Bruce, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris voting aye and Dahlquist voting no, 8 ayes and 1 no. The motion carried. /Chairman Morris of the�Law�and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Residential District (R-2) to Business District (B-1), (Clarke Brothers), which was read by the Clerk. Moved ,b,� Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the ordinance be placed on second and final read- ing.'- Carried, Following the second and final reading, it was moved �y Poli, seconded by Schellert, that Ordinance No. 2154 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. '"he motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented for reading a proposed Rcsolution authorizing transfer of funds within Building Maintenance No. 1800, from Account 309 unto Account No. 606 the sum of $800.00. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pali, that resolution No. 1303 be adopted as read. Carried. At this time Councilwoman Dahlquist advised that there were two gentlemen in the audience who wished to present to the City Easements for road purposes over their property, and inquired if , the City Attorney has.any information in regard to this matter, whereupon he advised that this was a dedication of an easement on a dead-end street and recommended acceptance. Moved �y Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the City accept the easements and documents suoject to the verification of the legal descriptions by the Engineering Department. The property involved is in the vicinity of Cemetery Road and M Street, presently serving as access to the Smith Cabinet Shop. A vote on the pending motion carried. There being no further business to come before this Meeting, it was moved �y Morris, seconded by Poli; that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P. There were approximately 42 visitors in tie+Council Chambers. -6- 229 April 26, 1965 City of Renton Vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 8748 Bender & Co. 13.00 8749 Best Lock Co. 1 .89 8750 Burnrite Oil 285.09 8751 City of Renton 555.00 8752 Wally Clarke Fuel 143.47 8753 Davidson Sales 348,72 8754 Dictaphone 11 .39 8755 Downtown Idea Exchange 29.00 8756 Eltee Tools 12.01 8757 Employment Security 5,557.78 8758 Frank Henry 3.00 8759 Mobile Communications 46a.00 8760 Moore Forms 312.42 8761 Nat. Safety Council 7.50 8762 N. A. H. B. 6.00 8763 PNB 1 ,219.01 8764 Pacific Outfitting 10.35 8765 PSP&L 241 .66 8766 Purchasing Week 6.00 8767 Record Stationery 46.41 8768 Renton Clothing 69.27 8769 Standard Office Systems 128.63 8770 Standard Oil 5.60 8771 U. S. Post Office 3.00 8772 C. S. Williams 8.04 8773 C. S. Williams 65.00 CITY STREET FUND 8774 Coast Wide 631 .99 8775 Employment Security 1 ,497.53 8776 Fowler Co. 129.60 8777 Lande Feed 33.28 8778 Lumber Market 246.49 8779 Mobile Communications 52.00 8780 PNB 5.00 8781 Rainier ;asphalt 619,46 8782 Safety & Supply 388,96 8783 Security Concrete 832.86 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . FUND 8784 Employment Security 49.00 OFF STREET PARKING FUND 8785 PSP&L 14.29 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 8786 Diesel Oil 51 .02 8787 Dotz Chemical 57.20 -- 8788 Drager's Harley 3,469.92 8789 Eltee Tools 32.20 8790 Employment Security 253.52 8791 Renton Auto 53.49 8792 Shell Oil 1 ,690.76 8793 Six Robblees' 17,56 8794 Standard Oil 12. 12 8795 Star Machinery 23,49 8796 V!estIake Elec. 17.69 City of Renton Vouchers Continued April 26, 1965 LIBRARY FUND 8797 Employment Security 549,78 PARK FUND 8798 City of Renton 25.00 8799 Employment Security 907.50 8800 Fowler Co. ,4.91 8801 Lande Feed 1 .25 8802 Lumber Market 12..80 8803 Northwest Mower 839.59 8804 Pacific Equip. 47.01 8805 FNB 18.54 8806 PSF&L 56.07 8807 Victor Fuel 56.45 WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 8808 Armco Steel 261 .61 8809 Badger Meters 301 .47 8810 Employment Security 1 ,471 -95 8811 Keller Supply 14.65 8812 Mobile Communications 52.00 8813 National Chemsearch 129.47 8814 FNB 82. 15 8815 Pacific Water Works 21 ,696.58 8816 Pac i f is Water ";orks 695.03 8817 PSP&L 75,24 8818 Rainier Asphalt 6.40 8819 Record Stationery 7.80 8820 Renton Boiler 46.80 8821 Security Concrete 10.45 AIRPCRT FUND 8822 Employment Security 192. 15 8823 Lumber Market 311 .75 8824 WIT City Treas. - Current 410.00 The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing 6 Accounting Committee, were approved for the month of April, 1965. TO: C1L1.IMS FUND O: PAYROLL FUND FROM: Current 27,311.94 FROM: Current 4; 721614.7u Street 27,380.18 Street 13,596.05 Cedar River M.,d. 84.28 Cedar River 14.&1. 567.Ou Off Street Parking 1,134.66 Off Street Parking 1u.00 Equipment Rental 101670.77 Equipment Rental 21862.Ou Library 2,668.72 Library 51123.86 Parks 6,071.29 Parks 7.,914-73 Water Works 65,046-54 Water ?.corks 13,178.27 Airport 11,995.86 Airport 1,649.15 Firemen's r'ensiun 1,804.55 Cumulative x#1894 1,280.00 Cui;iulative //1975 7,840,uu Total Claims 163,318.79 Total Payroll i;> 1173515.76 D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Pdelson, City Clerk � ona ,_-Custer- avor He I m tg_ve I s o n, 231 RENTON CITY COUNCIL 8:00 P. M. REGULAR MEETING May 3, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris. Moved �y Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; G. S. Shellan, City Attorney; C. S. Williams, Chief of Police; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Jack Wilson, City Engineer; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; Albert Reisberg, Building Director; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 26, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: No. Amount Name Address Type of Work 10210 $ 18,500.00 Bell & Valdez 3289 Court B New Frame Residence 11 4,000, 00 James W. Dalpay Sunset Blvd. East Frame Office 12 1,800.00 Gerald Bartlott 512 N Wells Re-side Residence 13 12,500.00 R. S. Shane 11619 S . E . 100th New Residence 14 13,500.00 R. S. Shane 11631 S.- E. 100th, New Residence 10215 50.00 Ronald E . Van Vleet 718 "P" Street Retaining Wall 16 500.00 Donald Schumsky 10 Grady Way Sign 17 300.00 Robert Shane 11613 S. E � 100th Wire Residence 18 100.00 Howard Bartlett 2227 - 9th Place N. Fences 19 15,900.00 Bell & Valdez 3325 Court "A" Brick Residence 10220 100.00 Emil Kowalski 432 N. Williams Move Garage 21 150.00 Francis A. J. Monroe 414 N. Burnett New Wiring -- 22 100.00 Harold Enger Jr. 322 N. Burnett Boat Shed PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7080 - - - - - Robert Shane 11613 S . E. 100th Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 1126 "S" Street Gas Installations 82 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3914 11th Place No. Gas Installation 83 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3910 10th Court No. Gas Installations 84 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3904 10th Court No. Gas Installations 7085 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3909 10th Court No. Gas Installations 86 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3910 11th Place No. Gas Installations 87 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 1026 "R" Street Gas Installations 88 - - - - - Christian Science Church 2nd & Whitworth Gas Installation 89 - - - - - Charles Moore 9631 - 116th Ave S.E . Gas Installations 7090 - - - - - Jim Johnson B523 - 5th Ave. E. Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - - - John Malgarini 3518 - 8th Avenue N. Plbg & Gas Instal. 92 - - - - - Cascade Vista Methodist 16005 - 116th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 93 - - - - - Shanks 809 "0" Street Repair Sewer Line 94 - - - - - R. S. Shane 11607 SE 100th Gas Installations 7095 - - - - - R. S. Shane 11613 SE 100th Gas Installations 96 - - - - - R. S. Shane 11614 SE 100th Gas Installations 97 - - - - - R. S. Shane 11620 SE 100th Gas Installations At this time Mayor Custer introduced to the assembly, Mrs. Penny Wilson, who will be ,-,covering the City Council Meetings an a reporter for the Record-Chronicle. COMMUNICATIONS A letter from the City Engineer was read requesting permission to change the bid opening date for the completion of 3rd Avenue North Extension from May 10th to May 24th. It was noted that the installation of the water main has just been started and it will require the better part of May to complete; therefore a bid opening during the latter part of May would be more desirable. This change would not delay the completion of this project since the installation of the water main is the controlling factor. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. VIZ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-3--65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) The City Clerk read a Summons and Complaint which has been served on the Czty by Bernard P. Darilek and Barbara M. Darilek, his wife, wherein the Plaintiffs set forth their damages to the land and personal property owned by them at 911 F Street, Menton, Washington, in the total amount of $650.00. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this matter to the CITY ATTORNEY for action. Carried. A letter from Mr. Donald Auguston was read by the Clerk, requesting that an alley in Block 2, Plat of Renton Highlands be opened for the benefit of the property owners in this area. Moved �y Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that this matter be referred to the CITY EN_GI_NEER and the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE to investigate and report back. Carried. The City Clerk read the report of the City Engineer on the petition for annexation of property in the vicinity of 132nd Avenue S. E. and Sunset Bbulevard East, stating that the petition was signed by owners representing 91.20.' of the assessed value of the property requesting annexation. At this time the City Clerk reported that the authorization has not been received for dispensation of the Review Board hearing; and requested that the scheduled date for the City Council hearing be set-back one week. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the hearing on the above mentioned annexation be changed. to May 17, 1965. Carried A letter from Dave Felthouse, reporter for the Record-Chronicle was read expressing his appreciation to the officials and employees of the City of Renton for the fine cooperation they have provided during the time he covered City Hall for the newspaper. Special thanks was expressed to Police Chief Williams and his staff, the Mayor's Office and City Clerk's Office. The City Clerk presented the Seventeenth Annual Report of the Statewide City Employees Retirement System and noted that if anyone would be interested in reading this report, it will be kept on file in the Clerk's Office. A report frorr, Mayor Custer was read regarding damage sustained in the City of Renton due to the earthquake of April 29, 1965. The following estimates were made in various categories: Streets 2 t' y - $500; now �; - $15 000 to � 0 000• Utilities - $500• Cit Facilities Schools - $50,000 including a small loss due to a chemical fire indirectly caused by the earthquake; Residential - $25,000 and Commercial - $650,000 in damages to industrial and retail firms sugested as a conservative estimate. Glass damage was sustained by A-H Drugs, Renton Hardware, Washingtor State Liquor Store, Lee's Beauty School, Santi's Furniture, Vocational School, Wigwam Store, J. C. Penney Co., Safeway (Highlands Store), Thomas Auto Rebuild, United Rent-all, McLendon Hardware, Williams and Swanson, Renton ford, and others. Structural damage was noted as follows - Elks Club, Rainier Theater (both temporarily vacated), School Buildings, City Garage and Mother's Park Fieldhouse. ese figures do not fully reflect losses in time or losses in income because of damage. nj uries were, fortunately, both few and relatively ininor. One child was injured when a himney and fireplace fell on him; one woman suffered a broken leg; several older persons J ere slightly injured when thrown to the ground by the earthquake. Lt LU LCouncilman Pedersen ;ave an unofficial report regarding1the Elks Lodge stating that the O U estimated damage was now considered to be approximately '$500,000. Building; Director La Reisburg reported that the Rainier Theater was considered a total loss and probably would W w be demolished. Z The Clerk read a letter from Douglas K. Felker, Chairman of the Planning Commission, requesting the Council approve the attendance of Mr. Wesley Busch at the ASPO Conference in Toronto during the last week of April. Mr. Busch served as an alternate for Mr. Felker who was unable to aake the trip. Moved--by Pedersen, seconded by Morris, that the request be approved. Carried. OLD BUS INE S S Councilman Hulse reported on the ASPO Conference he attended in Toronto last week noting that considerable information had been gained from this meeting which would be of benefit to the City and further stating that he would present a written report at next week's meeting. Mr. Hulse expressed his appreciation for having had the opportunity to attend this meeting. -2- 233 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-3-65 OLD BUSINESS : (cont.) Councilman Schellert recalled that last October a six-month waiver had been granted to United Parking, Incorporated relative to their parking lots located at 6th Avenue N. and Logan, and at 6th Avenue N. and Burnett. At the time this firm had applied for a business license the Planning Commission had made the requirement that they pave these lots, where- upon they requested this waiver until it could be determined if this would be a profitable venture. Councilman Schellert stated that these people should be notified that the six month period is now up and if they wish to continue in business they should be required to pave these lots. Mayor Custer advised that they had asked for and were granted this waiver prior to their opening date of business and that some time remained. City Engineer Milson stated that Mr. Detroit, of this firm, had been in his office and had indicated that a certain amount of profit had been realized and that they planned to expend at least this amount for the paving. Councilwoman Dahlquist requested whether the City Engineer was prepared to report on the petition favoring the parking ban on Main Street as to the number of signers who actually reside within the City limits. City Engineer Wilson replied he had no knowledge of such request. Discussion followed as to which petition was in question and Council- woman Dahlquist advised that she was concerned with the one signed by Boeing employees. The City Engineer advised that these people worked within the City limits and in his opinion, this was the important consideration. Councilman Perry advised that the Public Relations Committee will hold a meeting on May 12, 1965 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, regarding the sale of public use areas in the Renton Highlands and also noted that interested property owners were being invited to attend this meeting. Mr. Perry requested that the Park Superintendent, City Engineer, Planning Director and City Attorney also be in attendance, and that the City Engineer furnish diagrams of the area. In regard to the ASPO Convention in Toronto, Canada, Councilman Perry advised that he would have an oral report to give to the Council next week. Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Power and Light Committee, submitted his report and recommendation which was read by the Clerk, that Holert Electric, Inc., be granted a permit to maintain a T. V. coaxial cable system in the City of Renton for five years, at an annual fee of $100.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that this be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . Carried. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Pedersen announced a Committee of the Whole meeting immediately following this Council Meeting, to be held in the Council Chambers. Mayor Custer mentioned that the Council Members would shortly be receiving an invitation for the evening of May 25th, and that they might plan to keep this evening open. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the subject of town house developments be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE in order that they might arrive at a clear definition of this term. Councilman Perry requested that this matter not be discussed until he has had an opportunity to present his report on the ASPO Convention, as he had gained some information relative to this subject at this meeting. The motion carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, that Vouchers No. 8825 through 8878, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be authorized for payment. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution appropriating the sum of $6,500 into the Street Maintenance Department, Physical Maintenance Account No. 801. This appropriation is necessary to pay for emergency repairs to certain City streets as a result of earthquake damage incurred on April 29, 1965. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 1304 be adopted. Mayor Custer reported that this damage was on Burnett Street, mainly where the Metro line has settled and also along 7th Avenue between Rainier and Burnett. The motion carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented^for first reading a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, granting unto Holert Electric, Inc., its successors and assigns, a permit to construct, operate and maintain a coaxial cable -3- r 1C, Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-3-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (cont.) subscriber system for television signal distribution over and across certain City streets, for a period of five years. After the reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE to be held for a week until further investigation of this matter has been made. Carried. The Clerk read a proposed Ordinance submitted by the Law and Ordinance Committee, amending Section 1-2501 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1625 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to sick leave. This amendment would provide that the sick leave benefits herein specified shall not be applicable to any employee who is covered under any Relief and Pension Act or similar legislation providing for sickness and/or disability payments, of the State of Washington or any other govern- mental unit granting substantially equal or greater benefits than herein provided. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. The motion carried. Following the second and final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 2155 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr. Tom Teasdale commended the Police Department on the work they did following; the earthquake. Councilwoman Dahlquist noted that $12,456 was budgeted for the improvement of the Lake Washington Beach property and suggested that a portion be used for providing utilities at the beach. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of expending funds from the Lake Washington Beach Property Account for water and sewer utilities, and restroom facilities at the Lake Washington Beach, be referred to the PARK BOARD to investigate and report back. Carried. Councilman Perry requested that the City Engineer prepare for the meeting of May 12th, a report on the present condition of the public use areas in the Highlands, which are being considered for sale to the abutting property owners. Councilman Bruce expressed the opinion that the City Council should request the Governor to declare Renton and the surrounding community a disaster area, as a result of the earthquake damage. Mayor Custer advised that there had been some concern as to whether or not the State should be declared a disaster area and that is the reason Renton and many other cities have prepared reports of earthquake damage such as the one presented this evening. The State will receive assistance from the Federal Government if the accumulated totals of the cities of Washington indicates the necessity. It will not be possible to reimburse each individual, but the City will receive funds for street repair and other such items which would be to the benefit of all residents of the City. Moved by Bruce, that the City request the Governor to declare Renton and surrounding community a disaster area. The motion failed for lack of second. Mr. Kay Johnson, of the Chamber of Commerce, advised that the Small Business Loans Association will provide loans at 3% interest for those who need them. Mayor Custer also advised that legislation was being considered for damage by the earthquake. There being no further business to cone before this meeting, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. and there were approximately 20 visitors in the chambers. r -4- �.3S May 3, 1965 City of Renton vouchers, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows : VOUCHER NUMBER PAYEE AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 8625 Addressograph-iwi tigraph 12.50 3826 A & H Drugs 48,84 8827 City of Renton 17. 10 8828 Cochran Hardware 36.81 8829 A. B. Dick 1 ,420.87 8830 Econolite 1 ,655.21 8831 Faber Labs 38.40 6832 Gayle Halsen 4.00 8833 Dora Holmes 135.62 8834 Myers Oil 18.70 8835 Helmie Nelson 7.00 6836 Overall Cleaning 13. 16 8337 Pacific ,\uto 5,87 8838 Raymond Pickle 4.00 8839 Reiman Auto 35,56 8840 Albert Reisberg 12.62 6841 Renton Clothing 38.27 8842 Seattle Lumber 40.32 8843 Service Laundry 87.33 8844 Wash. Finance Officers 30.00 8845 Jack Wilson 3.50 a846 Jack Wilson 6.22 6647 World Travel Service 202.00 CITY STREET FUND 8848 Helmie Nelson 9.60 8849 Service Laundry 6.56 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 8850 B & B Auto 52.55 8851 Camcal Co. 33.88 8852 Motor's Manual 26,99 8853 Pacific Auto 80.59 8854 Pacific Magneto 146. 13 8855 Reiman Auto 195.82 8856 Service Laundry 57.50 8857 Sunset Coal 58.32 8858 Swain Equipment 55. 12 6859 Williams & Swanson 84.41 PARK FUND 8860 B & B Auto 34-�4 a861 City of Renton 4.44 8862 Coast Wide 118.82 8863 Sunset Coal 355.93 8864 Williams & Swanson 4. io WATER WORKS UTILITY FUND 8865 Addressograph-Multigraph 9.72 8866 B & B Auto 39.44 8867 Municipality of Metro Seattle 18,080.00 8868 Pacific States Pipe 29.28 8869 Pitney Bowes 28.45 'of 8870 Service Laundry 21 . 12 'WOf 8871 W/T City Treas. - Current 5,708.33 8872 Wash. Finance Officers 10.00 8873 Western Utilities 363.72 AIRPORT FUND 8874 Earle Bigler 352.44 6675 City of Renton 35.78 _ 6876 Cochran Hardware 225. 11 6877 Myers Oil 9.90 A C-�ervice L-�undry /:Gef �� (� 1P•f'3 Donald W. uster, 11ayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk' �3G RENTON CITY COUNCIL 8:00 P. M. REGULAR MEETING May 10, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti , Poli, and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; G. M. Shellan, City ..W, Attorney; C. S. Williams, Chief of Police; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Jack Wilson, City Engineer; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; Marcella Hillgen, Librarian; Albert Reisberg, Building Director; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant,and J. David Jensen, Planning Director. Moved by Pedersen, seconded Poli, that the minutes of the previous meeting of May 3, 1965, be approved with the following correction: In reference to the earthquake damage, the amount for the Elks Club should read $500.00 rather than $500,000. The motion carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: No. -Amount Name Address Type of Work 10223 465.00 Bell and Valdez 3341 Court A Wire New Residence 24 395.00 Bell and Valdez 3333 Court A Wire New Residence 10225 437.00 Bell and Valdez 3309 Court A Wire Residence 26 464.00 Bell and Valdez 3266 Rolling Hills Ave. Wire Residence 27 30.00 Everett Clausen 10040 - 112th S.E. Wire Garage 28 140,400.00 Boeing Company Boeing Plant Transportation Terminal 29 4,000.00 H. C. Hardebeck 8832 South 153rd Frame & Masonry Bld" 10230 11750.00 Keller Supply Co. 925 Railroad Ave. Wire Commercial B1 31 150.00 John G. Curry 432 Park Street Replace Door & Winc 32 50.00 Peter J. Roffey 627 - 4th Ave. W. Wire Outlets 33 450.00 Peter J. Roffey 627 - 4th Ave. W. Raise Roof-Change Stairs 34 400.00 Center Car Wash Renton Shopping Center Double Faced Plex Sign 10235 William J. Green 1209 0 Street Wire Outlets 36 - - - Pending 37 505000.00 James E. Banker 405 - 7th Avenue Block Commercial 38 200.00 Detroit Auto Sales 100 Rainier Avenue Wire Lights 39 400.00 Nando Phillips 324 Whitworth Carport 10240 100.00 Warren W. Will 200 North Wells Frame, change roof 41 75.00 Williams & Swanson 2nd Ave. & Burnett 4x6 Sign 42 800.00 Robert Hurd 923 "H" Street Lighted Sign 43 750.00 Robert F. Huebner 3414 - 4th Avenue N. Wire Commercial Bldg 44 50.00 Totem Beverages 802 - 6th Ave. No. Wire Sign 10245 750.00 Frank Ames Shopping Center Construct Sign 46 1,550.00 J. H. Baxter & Co. 10195 Lake Wash. Blvd Frame Storage Shed 47 150.00 Dee C. Brooks 3309 - 8th Ave. N. Addition to Building 48 4,188.64 R. J. Storey 9840 S. E. 92nd Fire Job 49 185.00 George Seamster 2010 - 6th Pl. N. Enclose Carport 10250 660.00 Don Bonn 8240 Lake Wn. Blvd Eaves and Gutters 51 100.00 Cecil G. Marshall 1403 - 7th Avenue Construct Wood Shed PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7098 - - - - William J. Green 1209 0 Street Plbg Fixtures & Gas test 99 - - - - Bell and Valdez 3341 Court A Plumbing Fixtures -woo 7100 - - - - Bell and Valdez 3266 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixture 01 - - - - Bell and Valdez 3317 Court C Plumbing Fixture 02 - - - - Bell and Valdez 3333 Court A Plumbing Fixture COMMUNICATIONS The Clerk read a letter from the Retail Merchants Association requesting the City's permission to have ping gong ball drops as a promotional stunt in downtown Renton during the planned Aviation Festival on July 1, 2, and 3. Moved �y Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer this letter to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Carried. 23'7. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) May 10, 1965 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A proposal from Intercity Insurance Agency, approved bu the Insurance Commission, was read relative to insuring the liability of the City for the period May 15, 1965 to May 15, 1966. The premium is still lower than last year's premium of $15,762.47, despite the increase in payroll and the addition of some vehicles. As a result of the favorable loss ratio developed last year, the company is giving a 5% experience credit for the coming year which would amount to $785.34, resulting in a net premium of $15,921.37. The audit premium for last year would amount to $305.10 resulting in a total premium of $15,226.47. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the City accept the proposal from the Insurance—Agency. Carried. ... The City Clerk read a letter_ from Planning Director Jensen submitting the Planning Commission recommendations from the public hearing of April 28, 1965, as follows: 1. Roger and Lloyd Peterson, Appl. No. R-231-65. Recommend reclassification from R-3 to B-1 of property described in the application and generally located along both sides of 12th Avenue N. , westerly of "J" Street. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer this matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE to draft the proper ordinance. Carried. 2. Olympic Pipeline Company, Appl . No. V-229-65. Recommend granting of a variance to allow access by a minimum roadway easement of 20' width for the proposed oil storage and pumping station at South 160th Street easterly of Longacres. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. 3. Signal Oil Company, Appl. No. P-235-65. Recommend that the City Council grant a revocable permit for the erection of a replacement sign at the SW corner of 4th Avenue North and Park Street. Discussion ensued relative to a pending ordinance which would regulate erection or repair of signs and it was pointed out by the City Attorney that this was in reference to signs within any public place or right of way and that the matter before the Council is . regarding a sign on private property. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. The Clerk read a letter from Kenneth E . Koehler, Architect and agent for the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, appealing the decision of the Planning Commission in turning down the requested variance relative to parking spaces in conjunction with construction of a new church. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the date of May 24, 1965 be set as the hearing on this appeal of the Planning Commission decision. Carried. A letter was read from Nicholas A. Maffeo, Attorney for Carl Cooks, submitting an Appeal from Ruling of the Planning Commission .regarding Request for Variance for Tire Display. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the date of June 7, 1965 be set as hearing of the Appeal of the Planning Commission decision. Carried. The Clerk read a letter from Orrin L. Madison requesting Council reconsider their previous action regarding methods used by residents to ward-off marauding birds from fruit trees. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, that this matter be referred to the PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. A letter signed by Kenneth L. Harvey, Secretary of the Renton Lions Club, was read wherein application was made for a safe and sane fireworks license for the applicable period in 1966. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that this matter be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. A letter from Jack M. Weaver relative to Local Improvement District No. 244 was read wherein he stated that at the time of this sewer installation he was not made aware of the ,r fact that the depth of this sewer line was 18 feet, 4 feet beyond the depth of most back- hoes. Because of this, heavier equipment would be needed to make this installation, resulting in a higher cost to the property owner. Moved by Poli , seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the SANITATION COMMITTEE. Carried. A letter from Henry T. Ruggles was read calling the City's attention to a rise in the pavement on S. E. 128th in the vicinity of the newly planned highway. It was noted by Mr. Ruggles that this rise creates a dangerous situation not only for motorists but also for pedestrians, especially children going to and from the Honey Dew School. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer this matter to the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE and the CITY ENGINEER. The City Engineer advised that this matter has been discussed with -2- ;410�3 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) May 10, 1965 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Mr.. Ruggles and also with the County, since a portion of this street lies within their jurisdiction. A vote on the motion carried. The City Clerk read a letter from the Washington State Highway Commission relative to the North Renton Interchange, setting forth the division of work and the financing of this project. The following is the division of work: City's Portion A. Design railroad bridge B. Purchase all right of way from the Interchange (Station 16+63.5 westerly) . State's Work A. Prepare plans for all right of way, grading and paving B. Purchase all rights of way for Statets portion (ABC) and Interstate C. Advertise and award contracts for all work (possibility of one exception which would include the railroad overcrossing) A copy of Resolution No. 1572, adopted by the Highway Commission on April 20, 1965, was enclosed with this letter, which indicates the break in participation in funds at Highway Engineer's Station 17+00, although it is possible that Bureau approval will be obtained on Interstate participation to Station 16+63.5. This change would, of course, slightly decrease the City's portion. An application from American Shuffleboard Sales Corporation was read, requesting that they be granted a license to operate Shuffleboard #323 at the Cougar's Den Tavern, 219 Main Street, Renton, Washington. Moved �y Poli, seconded by Bruce, that this application be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. The Clerk read a letter from Margaret W. Evans commending the Chief of Police and Captain Ernie Henry for their assistance when her automobile was involved in an accident on private property during her absence from the City. Mrs. Evans expressed her appreciation for the promptness in answering her letter and investigating this accident as their findings were of the utmost importance in the case. APPOINTMENTS A letter from Mayor Custer was read announcing the appointment of James R. Hawkins and W. R. Lally to membership on the Municipal Art Commission. These appointments are to fill vacancies created when other members moved from the community. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. PROCLAMATIONS The Clerk read two Proclamations by Mayor Custer declaring May 21 and 22, 1965 as Poppy Day sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary and announcing the annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. The Mayor urged all citizens to support these organizations by the purchase of these poppies. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Proclamations of the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS Council President Henry Pedersen presented for reading the report of the Committee of the Whole meeting of May 3, 1965, with the following recommendations: 1. Concur with the recommendation by Mayor Custer to amend Ordi.nanpe No.. 2119, which concerns the admission tax on Horse Racing. Moved �y Schellert, seconded by Giani to concur with the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole and that the matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for presentation of the proper ordinance. Mayor Custer pointed out that this amendment would clarify the ordinance in that the tax would be charged only on the admission price and not on any additional amount for a reserved seat. The motion carried. 2. Accept the revocable permit for the Sailing Club to use Lake Washington Beach Property, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the permit. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Councilman Garrett requested that the minutes show that it is the intention of -3-- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-10-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) of the Council that the Sailing Club accept responsibility for all people at the beach by virtue of this activity, as children not participating in the lessons might be attracted and should be covered in the Club's liability insurance. Upon inquiry as to who would be eligible to participate in the Sailing Club's program Dr. Bardarson stated that the lessons would be open for anyone from the 4th grade up. Roll call vote was taken on the pending motion with Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Delaurenti., and Morris voting aye, and Pederson, Dahlquist, Gianini, Perry, and Poli, no, seven ayes and five nos, the motion carried. 3. Recommend that the Mayor and Property Committee be authorized to secure another appraisal on the Sewage Disposal Plant property; and two appraisals each on the Cedar River property north of 6th Avenue North and the Mother's Park property. Moved �y Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Council- woman Dahlquist objected in thaf the City has received no offers for the purchase of this property. Discussion ensued as to the advisability of securing appraisals in advance and it was pointed out that this motion only provided authorization in event- appraisals are necessary. Councilwoman Dahlquist noted that considerable thouft, should be given to this matter before disposing of any park property. A vote on the pending motion carried. Councilman Hulse advised that he would have a written report on his trip to the ASPO Convention in Toronto to present to the Council next week. Councilman Perry gave a verbal report on the ASPO Convention in Toronto and -the following are a few of the highlights: (1) The freeway going Toronto serves another purpose in that in some areas, trees have been planted to hide unsightly industrial areas from the view of those traveling the freeway. (2) Many high rise apartments are being constructed in and near the business centers. (3) A new bank is being completed, 56 stories in height covering an area of 4.5 acres and will employ 28,000 people. (4) There is a unique shopping center entirely covered, with a wide variety of shops. (5) One area of Toronto's business center is made up of very old buildings which have been restored to retain the charm and beauty of the past. Yrs (6) Toronto has numerous townhouse developments and as an example, it was noted that these were rented as follows: 1 bedroom units - $120.00 and 2 bedroom units - $140.00 to $150.00 per month. (7) Six miles of subway systems have been completed at a cost of $63,000.000. (8) Traffic signals are now controlled by a 4.5 million dollar computor system. Councilman Perry stated that he had a variety of brochures which would be left in the Mayor's Office for anyone who might wish to look them over. Councilman Garrett commended Mr. Perry for a very complete report. Councilman Hulse noted that from the meetings and planning sessions he had attended, none of the metropolitan cities will be able to handle their peak traffic loads without some type of auxillary system and felt that a study should be undertaken. He thought it would be advisable to have the Planning Director and City Engineer look into this matter and see where Renton will fit into the plan twenty years from now. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the PLANNING DIRECTOR and the CITY ENGINEER be instructed to review this matter to see if Renton should cooperate with other cities in this area in a Mass Transit Study. The motion-carried. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Hulse announced a meeting of the Capital Improvement Committee relative to the Priority List, to be held on Wednesday, May 19th at 7: 30 in the Council Chambers. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers 8879 through 8974, previously IWrapproved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment. Carried. In reply to an inquiry, Councilman Schellert advised that the Ways and Means Committee had nothing to report at this time on the financing of the Stadium. Councilman Gianini brought up the matter of folding chairs to be used in the stadium. It was noted that these chairs can be purchased for less than $1.00 -rach and this would be far less than the cost to build them. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation by Councilman Gianini to purchase the 2,000 chairs suitable for use in the proposed grandstand in Liberty Park for the sum of $700.00. Carried. -4- zoo. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-10-65 NEW BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Gianini noted that a real problem exists in Renton due to the cost of the ballfield lights, an average sponsor cannot afford to support a team for the city league. Following discussion on costs, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini., that this matter be referred to the POWER AND LIGHT COMMITTEE to report back. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed ordinance which was read by the Clerk, amending Section 5-201 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton." Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti., that the proposed ordinance be placed on second and-final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2156 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. Chairman Morris, of the Law and Ordinance Committee recommended the proposed ordinance granting unto Holert Electric, Inc., its successors and assigns, a permit to construct, operate and maintain a coaxial cable subscriber system for television signal distribution over and across certain city streets, now be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Law and brdinance -Committee. Carried. Following the second and final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2157 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was moved �y Morris, seconded by Poli , that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p. m. There were approximately twenty visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- Y 'iay 10, 1965 City of ;Lenton vouchers, having been previously approved by the :accounting and :auditing Committee, were submitted for Council approval as follows: VOUCHER �1Ui'BER P.LYLE i.iiOUPIT C 1 SNIT FUND ou79 .',mer. Public ?!orks �.ssn. 15.00 3800 ..toi,:i.c Battery 22.37 0001 Delbert C. Bennett 35.95 8882 John E. Burns 4.00 0083 Hugh Carney 25.00 8004 Coast Elide Supply 01.11 3005 L. N. Curtis 12.48 8886 Davidson Sales 13.00 8087 Dictaphone 13.62 8088 Econolite 186.47 8809 Carl Entemann 12.00 8890 Fire Technology 5.00 8891 Fog-Tite Deters 62.40 8892 General .1niline 22.04 8393 Glazer's Cameras 64.25 0894 Damon Ilerrton Hillery 4.00 0895 Bruce Hulse 91.38 8896 I. B. H. 36.40 0897 John Orrin Ivanisch 4.00 0898 iiargaret C. Kahoun 4.00 8899 .Henworth iiotor Trucks 2.93 0900 Bing Co. Humane Society 693.33 0901 LeFebure Corp. 132.72 0902 iiarket Basket ;`5 10.60 8903 i-iine Safety r ppliances 17.57 8904 Mobile Communications 156.00 8905 iiotorola 72.80 0906 Pacific Coast Stamps 26.00 8907 Pacific Outfitting 44.62 8900 Paulsons 56.02 8909 George Perry 173.62 8910 F. iiorton Pitt 35.33 8911 Ratelco 34.23 8912 Record Stationery 30.42 8913 1I,enton Clothing 37.85 0914 Sea.-.ding; Co. Pub. Health 175.00 8915 iarL-aret E. Stamper 4.00 8916 Stoneti�ray 12.58 8917 Time Equip. 2.00 8918 ?T/T City Treas. - Street 3.42 8919 W/T City Treas. - Street 147.51 8920 W/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental 2,652.75 8921 W/T City Treas. - Eq. iiental 4.00 8922 ?-VT City Treas. - Eq. Rental 170.12 8923 Washington Tax Commission .48 8924 Westlake .electronic 13.97 8925 Jack Milson 36.90 8926 Zoning Bulletin 15.00 CIT', ST^,EET FUi1D 8927 Eltee Tools 01.74 8928 Ray Hm sen 14.82 8929 Interpace 12.32 8930 i-iobile Communications 52.00 8931 Paulsons 6.89 8932 Raeco Products 9.72 8933 Safety 'c Supply 14.35 8934 Sherwin-?lilliams 3.88 8935 Stoneway 80.90 8936 W/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental 7,102.17 8937 W/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental 64.64 8938 W/T City Treas. - Tlater I!orks 360.72 City of Renton Vouchers Continued May 10, 1965 OFF STREET P:;RKD\TG FUND 8939 1,dlt 'lilI iams 100.00 EQUI 'iLH.T RINT.L FUI,ID 8940 BearinC EnCineerinC 19.56 8941 Diesel Oil 120.70 8942 DraCers Harley-Davidson 6.05 8943 Eltee Tools 11.60 8944 Instrtmcnt Labs 9.36 8945 Renton ilotor Parts 241.76 8946 Harry Russak 20.80 8947 SahlberC Equipment 7.84 8948 Scott-Groves 3•.07 8949 Star Hachinery 9.31 8950 Tuffibre Co.. 92.00 8951 T,uT/T City Treas. - Street 424.00 LIBiLRY FUI1D 8952 WashinCton Tax Commission 16.83 i.'.RX FUND 8953 Pacific Equipment 9.69 8954 SahlberC Equipment 951.37 8955 Seattle Sportine Goods 190.39 8956 Top Cleaners 14.04 8957 Victor Fuels 40.53 8958 W/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental 173.60 8959 W/T City Treas., - Eq. Rental 57.91 14ATLR 1TOI'.:LS UTILITY FUND 8960 B a J Equipment 25.27 8961 Hersey-SparlinC 1,474.20 8962 Interpace 18.96 8963 Mobile Communications 52.00 8964 aulsons 23.40 8965 record Stationery 150.80 8966 Rockwell HfC. 11474.20 8967 Stoneway 62.78 8968 Washington Tax Commission 1,658.86 8969 IJ/T City Treas. - Street 349.71 8970 W/T City Treas. - Eq. Aental 2,632.91 8971 1-1/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental 4.30 A IR'ORT FUND 8972 Seattle Sporting Goods 8.28 8973 I-VT City Treas. - Eq. Rental 66.50 8974 H/T City Treas. - Eq. Rental 2.12 . W. Custer, T�Iuyor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk X43 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P. M. May 17, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, May--11 and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROIL CAII: OF COUNCII MEMBERS: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlqui st, Gianini , Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, that the abccnt Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City ,�. Treasurer; C., M. Shellan, City Attorney; C„ S . Williams, Chief of Police; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Jack Wilson, City Engineer; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; Albert Reisberg, Building Director; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 10, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPI4ICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: No., Amount Name Address Type of Work 10236 750.00 Renton I:odge BPOE 1809 22TMain Street Repan Earthquake Dr-- 102S2 -10252 1.8,000.00 Lester I . Danielson 11238 S. E . 100th New Frame Residence 53 50.00 Renton Highlands Bank 2820 Sunset Blvd Install Burglar Alarm 54 - 35.00 Mr. Patterson 510 -7'0" Street Repair El.ec, Service 10255 15,125.00 Bell & Valdez 3323 Rolling Hills Pl. New Residence 56 30,000.00 Bell & Valdez 3321 Court "C" New Residence 57 - - - - Texaco, Inc. 1408 Bronson Way N. Demolition of 58 150.00 Bob Kingen 9304 Lake Wn Blvd Tool Shed 59 30.00 Harold I. Bohelander 2417 - 6th Place Construct Fence X0260 800.00 Seattle Sporting Goods 510 - 3rd Avenue 2 Flat Signs 61 500.00 Shaw Brothers Drugs 220 Wells Electric Sign 62 800.00 Seattle Sporting Goods 510 - 3rd Avenue Double Faced sign 63 15,000.00 Richard Reeves Constr. 10421 S. E. 98th New Residence 64 15,200.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13313 S.E - 115th New Residence 10265 15,200.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13325 S.E ., 115th New Residence 66 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13329 S,E� 115th New Residence 67 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13317 S.E� 115th New Residence 68 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13321 S.E � 115th New Residence 69 250.00 Foster & Kleiser 3rd Pl N & Marion St. Poster Panel Sign 10270 14,333.00 The Boeing Company Renton Transportation Wire Transportation PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7103 - - - - - Dalpay & Associates 13033 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - - Bell and Valdez 3309 Court "A" Plumbing Fixtures 7105 - - - - Lester Danielson 1204 - 1-2th North Gas Installations 06 - - - - - Robert F. Huebner 3414 - 4th North Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - - - James Dalpay 13033 Sunset Blvd E. Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - - Marten's Constr(Tcx3co) 1408 Bronson Way N. Heating Equipment 09 - - - - - Alexander 10205 S ,E , 94th Plumbing Fixtures 7110 - - - - - Lisa Foley 8816 So. 153rd Gas Installations i`-yor Custer announced that there would be a Special Meeting of the Council on Wednesd—, May 26, 1965 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, for the purpose of opening bids for purchase of the $500,000.00 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1965, the $150,000.00 Genera. Obligation Bonds for the Library, and the $400,000.00 North Renton Interchange Bonds. HEARING: Proposed annexation of property in the vicinity of 132nd S. E . and Sunset Biv" Mayor Custer declared the public hearing open on the proposed annexation. Communication, were read by the Clerk from the Board of King County Commissioners, King County Superin` - dent of Schools and Mayor Custer approving the waiver of the Review Board. The Clerk no'-ed that these letters comprise unanimous approval for dispensation. The Clerk then read a letter from Mr. Ray L. Aultman requesting that his name and property be withdrawn from t.:c annexation stating he had misunderstood the boundaries . At this time, the Mayor called fcr comments from the audience either for or against the annexation and there being no resp-- .-e it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed Carried. Discussir- 244 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-17--65 HEARING: (cont.) followed as to what effect Mr. Aultman's request for the withdrawal of his signature vcs.)Td have on the petition, and the City Engineer advised that if his signature could be withdraw,:: at this point, it would reduce the percentage below the 75% requirement- The City Attorney, questioned in this regard, advised that the statute does not specify at what point a n,-me may be withdrawn from the petition. However, the courts have previously rendered deai�ions that a petitigner can only withdraw prior to the time the Council receives the petition, Once a petition has been presented to the Council and they have acted upon it setting a date for hearing, the petition would stand as filed. Mr. Shellan, queried on the possibility of changing the boundaries, stated the Council could annex all or a portion of the properties described in the petition., but they could not enlarge the area. It was then moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, that "the petition for annexation be accupt� 11 as presented to the City. Carried. It was moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the petition be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for drafting of the proper ordinance . Carried. COMMUNICATIONS A letter from The Travelers Insurance Company was read relative to their insured Carl L Clement, who was involved in an accident at 112 Third Avenue, Renton on March 28, 1965: It was requested that the claim in the sum of $64.06 be submitted to the City's carrier. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that this matter be referred to the CARRIER and the CITY ATTORNEY. Carried. J The City Engineer's report was read recommending payment be made on Estimate No. 1 for work performed by Industrial Projects Incorporated on Water Project 193, installation of taat r in 3rd Avenue North Extension. The amount due the Contractor is $3,931.20. It was moved Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the ACCOUNTING A.5 ING COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. The Clerk read a letter from City Engineer Wilson regarding a Proposed Late Comers Agreement between the City of Renton and 'Metro." It was noted that Metro is in the pzocess of providing water service for their new treatment plant at Earlington. After several meetings with Metro, they have agreed to install a twelve inch cast iron main to City specifi-- cations. In return, they request that the City grant them a late comers agreement Metro has worked with the City Attorney in preparing an agreement; and the final approved draft is submitted at this time for further council action. The Engineering Department has reviewed and approved this agreement. Metro has requested that upon execution of the pro posed agreement by the Mayor and Clerk that all five copies together with a certified copy of the ordinance authorizing the agreement, be returned to them for execution by the Metropolitan Council. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, that this matter be referred to the FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE, to study and report back. Carried. A letter from Robert E. Gaines, Mayor of Auburn was read extending an invitation to the Mayor. Council Members and other City officials who may be interested, to attend the meeting of the King-Pierce Counties Suburban Mayor's Association on Friday, May 21, 1965 at 7:00 p at the Auburn Elks Club. A letter from J. E. Tedford of the Downtown Merchants Association was read requesting a permit to hang banners across Third Avenue and Bronson Way on May 24th through May 30th, promoting the planned summertime carnival and moonlight sale of that week. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the permit be granted with the usual hold harmle s agreement, and to be done under the supervision of the Street Commissioner, Carried The Clerk read a letter from the Renton Elks Lodge 1809, signed by C, Eddie Taylor, Chai=3� t of the Blood Bank, requesting a permit to hang a canvas sign between the Barei Building end the Renton Elks Lodge #1809 on Main Street. it was noted that this will be a Community Blood Bank sign, which will be removed on Thursday, May 20, 1965. Moved by Garrett, seco.ded by Delaurenti, that this permit be granted, subject to the usual hold harmless agreement and under the supervision of the Street Commissioner. Carried, The Clerk read a Convention Bulletin regarding the Annual Statewide Convention of Association of Washington Cities to be held in Tacoma, June 16, 17, and 18th at the Winthrop Hotel It was requested that ideas for the Mayors, Councilmen, Commissioners and City Manager, Roundtable Meetings be submitted as the agendas will be developed from suggestions received.. -2- 245 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-17-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) The Clerk read a report by Mayor Custer regarding the proposed purchase of the Alden See Property, recommending that the Council authorize the purchase of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, A. Alden See 's First Addition to Renton - 41,900 sq. ft. @ $1.90 per sq. ft. for a total sum of $80,000, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary instruments. It was further suggested that funds be derived from Account 1894 (Municipal Buildings), or the Cedar River Acquisition Fund and that the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE draft the necessary ordinance. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor and the purchase be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894. Carried. A letter from the American Red Cross, Seattle-King County Chapter was read wherein it was noted that thirty families in King County have applied to the Red Cross for financial assistance in repairing homes damaged in the April 29th earthquake . The aid is in keeping with the Red Cross" policy of rehabilitation assistance to needy victims of disaster. All Red Cross aid is in the form of grants, never loans. Families who wish to apply for assistance may do so at the Chapter's headquarters in Seattle, 2106 Second Avenue, MA 3-2800. The Clerk read a petition signed by 32 barbers in Renton, starting with the name of Gary K. Grinnell and ending with R. T. Ledingham, relative to the possible location of a barber college within Renton and requesting the Council impose a license fee of $1,000.00 on this type of business activity. _Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that this matter be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE to study and report back. Upon Council inquiry whether a fee as requested could be established, the City Attorney stated that Barber Colleges are regulated by the State under its police power, therefore the City would not have the right to license for the purpose of restriction or regulation, but could impose a reasonable license fee under its taxing authority for the purpose of raising revenue. Mr. R. T. Ledingham, spokesman for the petitioners, stated the City of Everett had established a fee of $1,000 for barber colleges and requested the Council study this matter and possibly put a similar license fee into effect for the City of Renton. He outlined problems pointing to the number of existing colleges in the state (20), the impact upon the barbering trade by the flood of students, some of whom would not pass the course and be required to return for additional training, providing thereby, according to his terms 'free labor' for the school. He stated there are 2,500 full time journeymen barbers in the state and that 5,250 licenses were issued last year. Mr. Glen Gibson offered similar comments in support of their petition. Vote on the pending motion carried. APPOINTMENT A letter from Mayor Custer was read appointing Mr. Dean Wood to act as the City of Renton representative on the Liaison Committee of the King County Fair Board, to be effective upon concurrence from the City Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. PROCLAMATION The Clerk read a Proclamation by Mayor Custer designating Wednesday, May 19th as Blood Donor Day, and urging all eligible citizens to participate in this program to do their part in making this project a successful one . Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Proclamation of the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS Councilman Hulse submitted to the Council his written report on the joint meeting of the American Society of Planning Officials and the Community Planning Association of Canada in �rr�r Toronto, Ontario, which he attended April 25 through April 28, 1965. Councilman Schellert stated that the matter of funding for the grandstand will be discussed at a joint meeting with the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, Wednesday, May 19th. Councilwoman Dahlquist stated that she planned to attend the Planners Conference in Walla Walla on May 20th, and requested approval which was granted. ;c At this time Councilman Gianini asked to be excused from the Council Meeting, and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that Councilman Gianini be excused. Carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-17-65 OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Perry, reporting on the Public Relations Committee meeting with the property owners interested in the sale of public use areas in the Highlands, stated that many questions were raised at this meeting and requested more time for study and noted that another meeting with these property owners and full complement of Council might be necessary. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that this Committee be granted more time on this matter. The motion carried. Councilman Perry called to the attention of the City Engineer and the Street and Alley Committee, that some persons have been using these areas for green houses and other buildings and that they should be required to remove same. Moved �y Garrett, seconded Perry, that any Council Member having knowledge of the improper use of such public use areas, furnish such information to the Building Superintendent. Carried. Councilman Poli submitted the report of the Power and Light Committee recommending that the question of funding the energy costs for the Liberty Park Ball Park lights be referred to the Park Board for its recommendation to the Council. Moved by Schellert, seconded Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Power and Light Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris stated that a proposed ordinance had been referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee relative to Tract 46A, Block 46, Renton Highlands No. 2 Corrected Plat, which did not include the name of persons concerned or a street location as previously requested by the Committee. It was moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, that this proposed ordinance be referred to the PLANNING DIRECTOR for the addition of the requested information. Mr. Jensen stated that the location of this property had been included in the Planning Commission recommendation which was submitted to Council last week. Discussion ensued relative to the need for clarification of descriptions so that both the Council and the audience may be aware of the exact property being considered. It was felt that this ordinance should not be delayed any longer, but should be considered on its own merits. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that this matter be tabled for further discussion with the City Attorney. The motion failed. Councilman Morris stated that this has been discussed with the City Attorney and that Mr. Shellan had advised there would be no reason why the bordering streets could not be included in the ordinance. A vote on the pending motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the following vouchers, previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment: Current Fund, No. 8975 thru 9004, totaling $6,804.65; Street Fund, No. 900§ thru 901.6,- totaling $7,649.76; Cedar River M&I Fund, No. 9017 thru 9019, totaling $34.86; Equipment Rental Fund, No. 9020 thru 9033, totaling $1,899.94; Library Fund, No. 9034 thru 9058, totaling $2,998.81; Parks Fund, No. 9059 thru 9065 and 9086 thru 9088, totaling $947.03; Water Works Utility Fund, No. 9066 thru 9078, totaling $7,549.01; Airport Fund, No. 9079 - 9084 totaling $953.84 and Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1975, No. 9085, totaling $5,480.00, making an overall total of $34,317.90. The City Clerk advised that a new procedure would be used and that the Council would no longer be furnished a list of the vouchers. The Mayor noted that these vouchers are a matter of public record, on file in the Clerk's Office for anyone who wished to see them. The motion carried. Councilman Poli requested a progress report on installation of the new traffic signals on which Council had recently approved bids. The Engineer advised that the work should be started next week. Mayor Custer advised that he had received a letter from Mr. O'Reilly relative to the agreement between the City and the State for connecting roads, but would withhold any report until after the meeting with the Highway Commission. At this time the Mayor called for comments from the audience and Mrs. Margaret Evans stated that whenever matters come before the Council where a legal description is used it is appreciated when the street address or general location is included, which enable more ready identification of the area concerned. Upon inquire for a status report on the new library, Mr. Johnston advised that a request for authorization to call for bids would be presented to the Council at the May 24th meeting. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved �y Morris, seconded by Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. There were approximately fifteen visitors in the Council Chambers. -4- D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk 247 RENTON CITY COUNCIL 8:00 P. M. REGULAR MEETING May 24, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the Assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli, and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; G. M. Shellan, City Attorney; C. S. Williams, Chief of Police; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Jack Wilson, City Engineer; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner; Albert Reisberg, Building Director; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, J. David Jensen, Planning Director; Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. At this time Mayor Custer made the second announcement relative to a special meeting to be held May 26, 1965 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chambers, for the purpose of opening and considering bids on the $500,000.00 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, $400,000 G. 0, North Renton Interchange Approach Bonds and the $150,000 General Obligation City Library Bonds. Considerable discussion ensued relative to the possibility of including the approval of the plans for the library on the agenda of the special meeting in the event Council could not reach a decision this evening and the City Attorney advised that he doubted that this short notice would be snfficient and further noted that the Wednesday meeting has been arranged by the Bonding Counsel for the specific purpose of opening the bids. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the minutes of the previous meeting of May 17, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10108 66,000.00 Olympic Pipe Line Co. P. 0. Box 733, Bellevue Office & Warehouse 10271 340.00 Richard Reeves 10836 - 110th.Pl. S.E. Wire Residence 72 461.00 Bell & Valdez 3289 Court "B" Wire Residence 73 811.00 Bell & Valdez 3317 Court "C" Wire Residence 74 250.00 , Ames Neutrition Renton Shopping Center Wire Shop 10275 250.00 Poodle Shop Renton Shopping Center Wire Shop 76 2,000.00 Texaco, Inc. 1408 Bronson Way North Storage Tanks , 77 50.00 Williams & Swanson Burnett & 47th:'Avenue Wire Addition 78 300.00 Williams & Swanson Burnett & 3rd Avenue Wire Used Car Office 79 425.00 James Dalpay 13033 Sunset Blvd. Wire Office 10280 1,800.00 Forrest W. Schmid 436 North Wells Bedroom Addition 81 200.00 Harry F. Sorenson 10511 - 113 Ave. S.E. Deck Cover & Fence 82 550.00 Stan Witsoe - 3018-20 15th North Wire Duplex 83 16,200.00 Nathaniel Weathers 3803 - 6th Place North New Residence 84 12,000.00 Lloyd Peterson 11309 - 112th S.E. Frame Residence 10285 400.00 Lloyd Peterson 11024 S.E. 115th Wire New Residence 86 275.00 David W. Caton 10025 - 116th S.E. Garage.& Workshop 87 50.00 Pacific N. (l. Bell 710 - 2nd Avenue Wire Phone Booth PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7111 - - - - - Richard Reeves Constr. 10421 S.E. 98th Plumbing Fixtures 12 - - - - - Renton Shopping Center . Renton Shopping Center Gas Installations 13 - - - - - Dr. Evoy 241 ,- 4th Place Heating Equipment 14 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3323 Court "C" Plumbing Fixtures 7115 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3317 Court "A" Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3325 Court "A" Plumbing Fixtures 17 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3293 Court "A" Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3321 Court "C" Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - Bell & Valdez 3253 Rolling Hills Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 7120 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3289 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - - Ralph Beck 326 Renton Street Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - - R. Shane 11613 - 100th S. E. Plumbing Fixtures 23 - - - - - Nellie DeHart 3327 - 7th Ave. N. Plumbing Fixtures 24 - -- - -. - R. Shane 11614 - 100th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 248 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-24-65 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS (cont.) NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7124 - - - - - R. Shane 11614 - 100th Sc E . Plumbing Fixtures 7125 - - - - - Malone 2806 - 10th No. Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - - - Hubner Machine Shop 3414 - 4th North Heating Equipment 27 - - - - - Richard Reeves Co. 10836 - 10th Pl. S �E , Plumbing Fixtures 28 - - - - - Bell and Valdez 3325 Court "A" Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - - - Bell and Valdez 3253 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 7130 - - - - - Bell and Valdez 3289 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - - - Bell and Valdez 3293 Court "C" Plumbing Fixtures 32 - - - - - Bell and Valdez 3317 Court "C" Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - - - Bell and Valdez 3317-Coy rt "A" Plumbing Fixtures 34 - - - - - C. W. Purdy 319 Meadow Street Gas Installation 7135 - - - - - Benjamin Richardson 445 "H" Street Gas Installation 36 - - - - - Gerald Clark 1.348 "H" Place Gas Installation 37 - - - - - Forrest W. Schmid 436 Wells North Plumbing Fixtures BID OPENING: Paving of 3rd Avenue Extension BIDDER ADDRESS AMOUNT OF BID Bass Construction Co. 12526 Aurora Ave., Seattle $ 133,332.25 Doolittle Constr. Co. 510 South Adams, Seattle 127,891.00 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. P. 0. Box 444, Renton 145,469.50 S & T Construction Co. 9 Wood Building, Renton 124,517.10 M. A. Segale & Co. 18010 - 57th South, Kent 139,163.00 The required bid bonds were submitted by each bidder. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the b ids be referred to the CITY ENGINEER and the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE for recommendation. Carried. Mayor Custer announced that a Red Cross representative, Mrs. A. M. Aldredge, would be i Renton for a short time to handle any claims for damage due to the earthquake on April , and could be reached by phone at AL 5-3679. For any further information persons intere should contact Colonel Mann at MA 3-2800. HEARING: Appeal of Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Parking Variance . The Clerk read a communication from Mr. Kenneth E. Koehler, Architect for the above mentioned Church, setting forth reasons in support of the variance request, The application had been denied by the Planning Commission since the parking provisions did not comply with code requirements. However, it was noted that the parking spaces pro- vided would .meet the requirements of the proposed zoning code, presently under consideration. Where will be 43 spaces in the parking lot and an additional 7 spaces on the street, On special occasions such as Easter and Christmas, the Church would be able to utilize the available parking area of the school which will be constructed across the street. Mayor Custer invited audience comments upon which Mr. Kenneth E. Koehler intro! duced himself and pointed out that the seating capacity of the Church is 154 persons and that membership is limited to 250 - 300 persons, after which a split is made and a new group formed, The combination of street parking adjoining the property and that of the school property adjacent would make up any shortage on high attendance days. Inquiry was made relative to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company right-of-way and it was determined that the church owns this property and the, Puget Sound Power and Light Company has an easement for power lines. Moved �y Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed and that the requested variance granted, Councilman Schellert stated that he would be voting in favor of this variance as under the new zoning ordinance they will m the requirements. Council President Pedersen stated he would first like to clear up th matter of the right-of-way. Mr. Koehler advised it was his understanding that the Church owns the property and introduced the pastor, Mr. Clark Coleman, who verified the Church ownership stating that Puget Sound Power and Light Company was granted a right-of-way. Mr. Koehler further noted that an error had been made in laying out 7th Avenue and it was actually school district property and this property was subsequently purchased from the school district. Mr. Howard Anderson commented that at one time the school district presented a petition to vacate the street and that it was through this process that the church purchased from the School District the property in question and there was a clear title at that time ,: A vote on the pending motion carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-24-65 COMMUNICATIONS The City Clerk read a note from former Councilman Walt Reid in which he expressed his appreciation for the plant he received while in the hospital. A letter from Louis Peretti was read wherein he submitted his resignation as a member of the Renton Planning Commission, to be effective as of June 1, 1965. Mr. Peretti st­ 2d that his future plans called for him to be out of the City a great deal of the time and therefore he felt it was his obligation to resign. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, that the Council accept Mr. Peretti's resignation and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to write a letter of appreciation and recognition to Mr. Peretti for his many years of service to the City. Councilman Schellert noted that this resignation will be ftrr a great loss to the City. The motion carried. - - - The City Clerk read a letter from the Boise Cascade Division inviting the Mayor and Council Members to the opening of a new branch of their company, introducing a revolu- tionary new concept in factory built houses. This opening will take place at 8003 Lake Washington Boulevard on Wednesday, May 26, 1965 at 10 o'clock. The City Clerk read an unnumbered Summons and Complaint filed by Western Sand and Gravel Company, relative to the construction of a batching plant in Renton and the subsequent Stop Work Order by the City of Renton, and setting forth the plaintiff's damages in the sum of $9,850.10 plus the sum of $3,000.00 for attorney's fees, together with the plaintiff's costs anddisbursements herein incurred. _Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli,s that this matter be referred to the CITY ATTORNEY for ubsequent legal action. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer was read relative to a Quit Claim Deed for property donated by Broadacres, Inc., which was being submitted for acceptance by the City of Renton. It was noted that this land was first offered by Mr. Joe Gottstein for use as a public park,. Mr. Gottstein is officially conveying title to this property for "park, playground and other recreational and municipal uses" with the provision that the City shall have the right to sell or otherwise dispose of the property "if the proceeds are to be used for recreational and municipal purposes." The Quit Claim Deed has been reviewed by the City Attorney and it was the recommendation of the Mayor that the Council accept the offer under the terms stated. It was further recommended that Mr. Gottstein be presented with a community service award in recognition of this generous act on behalf of the citizens of Renton. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommcnda`._-r *m. of the Mayor. Carried. The City Clerk read a letter from Mayor Custer regarding condemnation proceedings against property in the Civic Center Site. In accord with previous Council decisions concerning the implementation of the 701 Plan, it was the recommendation of the Mayor that the City Council authorize the City Attorney to commence condemnation proceedings affecting two parcels of property described as follows: (1) Owner: L. James Martin - Lot 1 and the north 5 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, Town of Renton; 6,600 sq. ft. @ 1.80 or $18,000 total appraisal with improvements. (2) Owner: Estate of Rocksie Williams - Lot 3, Block 2, Town of Renton; 6,000 sq- ft. @ 1.67 or $10,000 total. It was noted that the City Attorney and Mayor have attempted to negotiate the purchase of these properties, but have been unsuccessful. It was further recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents attendant to such condem- nation efforts. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the Mayor's recommendation to proceed with condemnation proceedings. Carried. A letter from the Library Board of Trustees, signed by Mrs. Fred Hanis was read wherein it was noted that the Board has approved the Architect's plans for the new library building and requested permission from the Council to call for bids. Council's attention was directed to the urgency of this request in view of Contractor limitations in the Cedar River this summer which are imposed by the Bureau of Fisheries and the Flood Control Organization. The suggested date for bid opening is June 14, 1965. Mr. Johnston stated he is prepared to show the plans at this time. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that a recess be called to enable the Council Members to look over the plans as prem ed. Following some discussion relative to the necessity for a recess, it was decided that the plans should be shown to the Council and the audience as well and could best be done in the Council Chambers while the meeting is in session. A vote on the pending moticn failed. At this time Mr. Johnston presented the plans and the next half hour was devo-ced to the individual drawings which were displayed and discussed. Questions posed by Council Members and answered by the architects included the matter of possible future -3- 250 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-24-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) earthquakes and the precautions that have been built into these plans such as the use of pre-cast and pre-stressed units resting on neoprene type settings, giving the building considerable flexibility. Regarding the matter of heating, it was advised that it would be hot water heat with gas fired boilers. Discussion ensued relative to the use of gas rather than oil heat and the Council President mentioned the advantages of using oil heat and Mr. Johnston advised that all types of fuel were considered, and it was deemed to be in the best interests to use gas. The library will be one floor with provisions for a messannine in the future to accomodate additional books and supplies. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the Council approve the plans as presented and authori' _, a call for bids. Carried. A communication from Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, signed by Harold F. Newman, M. D., Acting Director, was read submitting their offer to exchange the present clinic site at 2nd and Mill Street for a portion of the Cedar River Park area. It was noted that a new clinic is needed requiring approximately three acres and that con- struction would be started within the next few months. It was felt that the present clinic site would fit into the proposed civic center development and that the central location of the Cedar River Park area would be more convenient for most patients and would be helpful to the City in bringing more people to the downtown area. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, that this matter be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE for discussion. The motion carried. An application was read from E . T. Nelson, owner of the Maple Leaf Restaurant, requesting that Farwest Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate a coin-operated music machine in his place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that this application be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read a letter from the National League of Cities, inviting the officials of the City of Renton to attend the Congress of Cities to be held in Detroit, Michigan, July 24-28, 1965. The theme of the Congress is, "Communities in Action," and several objectives were outlined in the letter. Moved �y Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the league be notified of City of Renton delegates. Councilman Garrett advised that as soon as these names are received that committee assignments will be made and it would be advantageous to have the Renton delegates serve on these committees. The motion carried. Mayor Custer reported the Downtown Merchants Association has requested a decision from the Council on the proposed ping pong ball drop in downtown Renton during the 4th of July celebration, which matter is now in the Committee of the Council as a Whole. The time and place requested by the Association is Third Avenue between Burnett and Wells Street, Thursday, July 1st, 7:30 P. M. and Saturday, July 3rd, 10:30 A. M. Councilman Poli stated his only objection would be the conflict with the Litter Ordinance, but felt the balls would be picked up quite rapidly so this would not present a problem. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the request of Downtown Merchants Association be granted, subject to compliance with Federal Aviation Agency and State regulations. Council President Pedersen questioned the urgency in this matter to which Mayor Custer replied that Wednesday is the last day the merchants can order the equipment to receive it in time. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to amend the motion by adding that the City authorize the blocking of Third Avenue between Burnett and Wells Streets for one-half hour only on Thursday, July lst at 7:30 P. M. and Saturday, July 3rd at 10:30 A. M., under supervision of the Street Commissioner and Police Chief, the Association to be held responsible for proper clean up and furnish the City a Hold Harmless Agreement. Concern was expressed relative to safety problems in event of fire and accident and the Fire Chief and Police Chief were asked to comment. Police Chief Williams stated that in order to close off streets an advance preparation of at least 30 minutes is required and an additional 15 to 30 minutes to get the traffic flowing afterwards. Fire Chief Walls stated emergency vehicles must go through. The possible dangers in retrieving balls from top of buildings was pointed out - due to the incentive of prizes offered for the persons receiving the lucky numbers. The possibility of using the high school stadium for the event was suggested by Councilman Dahlquist. Inquiry was directed to the Council President as to when the next Council as a Whole Committee meeting was scheduled and he replied that it would be held on June 2nd. A vote on the amendment to the motion carried. Roll Call vote was taken with Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Perry, and Poli voting aye, and Bruce, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm and Morris voting no, five ayes and five nos. At this time Mayor Custer cas an aye vote and the motion carried. Councilman Garrett requested the hold harmless agreement and insurance cover anyone in pursuit of these balls any place and any time . Chief Walls requested that his department be provided -4- 25� Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-24-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) with the exact times for these drops. Mayor Custer advised that he would talk with the Association and call their attention to the inherent safety problems and if these are not properly provided for, there would be no subsequent permits. Councilman Morris stated that a representative of the Merchants Association should be present at the next Council Meeting to give some information regarding the planned event. Councilwoman Dahlquist reminded the Council that this was submitted in the form of a verbal request regarding a matter that has been referred to the Committee of the Whole and that the Council is now taking action without committee recommendation. Councilman Garrett emphasized that the insurance should protect not only the people taking part, but also property damage liability for such a possibility as the helicopter crashing. Mayor Custer advised that he would contact the Association and take care of the matters suggested, and that Mr. Pedersen should invite a representative to attend the next meeting of the Committee as a Whole. A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of the following Firemen to the rank of lieutenant in the City of Renton Fire Department, effective immediately: Richard Geissler - Grade 87%; Jack Colombi - Grade 83.9% and Gerald Nichols - 82.63%. The attached certification from the Civil Service Commission was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS Councilman Hulse submitted his report covering the May Creek Flood Control Zone Advisory Committee Meeting of May 18, 1965 noting that on a proposal for deepening the channels at an estimated cost of $110,000.00, the principal work would be done east of east of 142nd Avenue S. E . and therefore, would not involve the City of Renton directly. Another smaller project at approximately $8,000.00, would include some area in the City and would involve about 3,500 feet of charnel clearing in Honey Creek. Financing is proposed by General Obligation bonds approved by the voters in the district. It was the recommendation of the Committee that the City Engineer review the technical details of these projects with the County Engineer to determine their effects on the City of Renton. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation contained in this Yard report. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that the report submitted by the Capital Improvement Priority Committee be referred to the COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, Councilman Hulse stated that his committee has not completed this task, but would like to have the Council of the Whole review the proposals and submit their comments and recommendations. The motion carried. Councilman Schellert advised that more time would be needed by the Ways and Means .Committee on the matter of funding for the bleachers. Councilwoman Dahlquist requested that the Council officially express to Miss Frances Gallacher their thanks for her many years of service on the Park Board. Mayor Custer advised that he had written a letter and would suggest she also receive a City of Renton Service Award. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that Miss Gallacher be invited to receive this award at.the June 7th meeting of the Council. Carried. Councilman Garrett advised that sometime ago a letter from Mr. H. T. Ruggles had been referred to the City Engineer and the Street and Alley Committee and at this time the committee is submitting a copy of the City Engineer's reply to Mr. Ruggles. Mr. Ruggles was advised that the City of Renton and King County as well, are required to adhere to established design standards in regards to improvements and that nothing sub-standard will be constructed. Councilman Perry remarked that since a vacancy now exists on the Park Board, he would like to submit the name of Dick Stredicke for consideration for appointment to this vacancy. NEW BUSINESS Council President Pedersen announced a Committee of the Whole Meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 2, 1965 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, and requested that the Mayor's Office call all Council Members on June lst or 2nd to remind them of this meeting. He further noted that the Capital Improvement Priority List matter would be on the agenda for that meeting. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5 65 NEW BUSINESS: (cont.) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that vouchers No. 9089 thru 9163, previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment from the following funds: FUND AMOUNT VOUCHER NO. Current Fund $ 9,156.35 9089 - 9111 Street Fund 360.21 9112 9115 Equipment Rental 8,363.30 9116 - 9123 Library Fund 97.20 9124 Park Fund 198.74 9125 - 9130 Water Works Utility Fund 2,144.53 9131 - 9137 Airport Fund 548.20 9138- 9142 Firemen's Pension Fund 1,720.49 9143 - 9161 Cumulative Reserve #1689 . 23.40 9162 Cumulative Reserve #1894 15,000.00 9163 TOTAL $37,612.42 Discussion ensued relative to this method for approving vouchers. The Clerk advised that from information she has received, the City of Renton is presently the only City that has been listing individual vouchers. In addition the Clerk's Office is generally open between 5 o'clock and 8 o'clock every Monday night and the vouchers are available for checking. The Accounting and Auditing Committee is established for this purpose. Their report and recommendation to the Council would be the same as other reports from other Council committees. In addition, the vouchers can be brought to the Council meeting for checking by other Council members. The State Examiner has indicated that the accepted procedure for listing is by fund and total amounts for these funds as set forth above. The Clerk stated she would contact the State Auditor's Office again and request a written statcm^^ if the Council so desires. Councilman Garrett suggested that the Accounting and Audit- ing Committee submit a report and that by motion the Council may take whatever action deemed necessary at that time. Vote on the pending motion carried. Councilman Garrett advised that he had received a letter from George Smith, City Manager of Yakima, concerning the operation of their city's privately owned bus system. Councilman Garrett requested the City Clerk forward this letter together with the questionnaire to the local transit company and request that they complete same and return to the City of Yakima. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented for first reading an ordinance relating to acquisition by purchase of certain properties located within the Plat of A. Alden See's First Addition to the City of Renton for the purpose of establishing and constructing a civic center including City Hall, Library and General Municipal purposes, including parking (for the sum of $80,000.00) and providing for the payment of said acquisition cost out of Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1894. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, that the proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2158 be adopted as read. RollCallvote was taken with Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli, and Morris voting aye, and Dahlquist voting no, 9 yes, 1 no. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed ordinance which was read by the Clerk, annexing certain territory to the City of Renton as follows: All that portion of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. described as follows: The east 289.17 feet of the southeast one-quarter of the southeast one- quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. lying northerly of the northerly margin of Sunset Boulevard East (Primary State Highway No. 2) ; less the east 30 feet. All situated in King County, Washington. (General location - 132nd S. E . and Sunset Blvd.) After the first reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Scheller-, that the proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that Ordinance No. 2159 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. Carried. -6- YBB� Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-24-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from residential district (R-3) to Business District (B-1) property generally located along both sides of 12th Avenue North, westerly of J Street described as follows: Tract 46 A, Block 46, Renton Highlands No. 2 Corrected Plat, according to the Plat recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, pages 92-98, records of King County, Washington; LESS portion deeded for City street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the ordinance be www placed on second and final reading. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist objected to granting business zoning on the north side of Sunset Highway which would encroach on the residents of this area. Following the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that Ordinance No. 2160 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with Pedersen, ,Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli, and Morris voting aye and Dahlquist voting no, 9 ayes and 1 no. The motion carried. Mayor Custer reminded the Council and Department Heads of the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Tacoma on June 16, 17 and 18, and advised that the City Clerk has a roster to be signed by those planning to attend. The Clerk noted that the information needed was for payment of advance registration for those who planned to attend the full three days. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p. m. There were approximately 25 visitors in the Council Chambers° Now D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk -7- ;Z54 RENTON CITY COUNCIL 8:00 P. M. SPECIAL MEETING May 26, 1965 A Special Meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Morris . Perry, and OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; G. M. Shellan, City Attorney; Jack Stilson, City Engineer,and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. ... BID OPENING The Clerk opened and read the following bids: $500,000 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS 1965 BIDDING GROUP NEW INTEREST COST NET EFFECTIVE RATE Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. Dean Witter and Company Francis I. Dupont and Company $ 250,543.50 3.54626 Blyth and Company, Inc. Wm. P. Harper and Son and Company 263,977.50 3.7364 Pacific Northwest Company Foster and Marshall, Inc. 251,657.50 3.56203 John Nuveen and Company, Inc. 249.445.00 3.5307 The Clerk advised that the required 2% bid deposit was submitted by each of the above bidders. $150,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION CITY LIBRARY BONDS The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle First National Bank of Oregon, Portland 28,770.00 3.0444 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. Foster and Marshall, Inc. Seattle Trust and Savings Bank 29,400.00 3.1111 Seattle First National Bank Blyth and Company, Inc. Peoples National Bank of Washington 29,295.00 3.10 The Clerk advised that the required 5% bid deposit was submitted by each of the above bidders. $400,000 G. 0. NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE APPROACH BONDS Foster and Marshall, Inc. Seattle Trust and Savings Bank 76,400.00 3.0806 Seattle-First National Bank Blyth and Company, Inc. Peopled National Bank of Washington 76,880.00 3.10 The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle First National Bank of Oregon, Portland Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. 75,570.00 3.047 r The Clerk advised that the required 5% bid deposit was submitted by each of the above bidders. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, that the Council Meeting be recessed to consider the bids. Carried. Minutes of the Renton City Council Special Meeting (cont.) 5-26-65 Following the recess, roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. At this time the City Clerk advised that the Wational Bank of Commerce, First National Bank of Oregon, Portland, and Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, Inc. was the low bidding group on the $150,000 General Obligation City Library Bonds. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Council accept the low bid of the National+Bank of Commerce, First National Bank of Oregon, Portland, and Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner. and Smith, Inc. on the $150,000 General Obligation City Library Bonds. The motion carried. l The Clerk advised that the National Bank of Commerce, First National Bank of Oregon and Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, Inc. was the low bidding group on the $400,000 General Obligation North Renton Interchange Approach Bonds. Moved �y Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the low bid of the National -Bank. of Commerce, First National Bank of Oregon, Portland and Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, Inc., on the $400,000 General Obligation North Renton Interchange Approach Bonds. Carried. The Clerk advised that John Nuveen and Company was the low bidder on the $500,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1965. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, that the Council accept the law bid of John Nuveen and Company on the $500,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1965. Carried. Councilman Schellert requested comments from Mr. Don Morgan, representative of the Bonding Counsel, relative to the bids received. Mr. Morgan advised that he felt the bids were exceptionally good and that the City had received a very good interest rate. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was moved �y Morris, seconded by Perry, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. There were seven visitors in the Council Chambers. The folloir-ing transfers, having; been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee were approved for the month of I-,ay, 1y65. TO: CLkIIAIS FUND TO: PAYROLL FUND FROM: Current 4 25,311.94 FROM: Current `(2,338.61 Street 15,832.28 Street 13,597.02 Cedar River M.&I. 34.86 Cedar River I>Z.&I. 567.00 Off Street Parking 100.00 Off Street Parking 10.00 Equipment Hental 12,020.65 Equipment Rental 2,766.uu 7 ib nary 31112.84 Library 5,117.71 Parks 3,100.83 Parks 61746.54 1°Tater 41,930.99 !ATater 12.,794.6'7 Airport 2,214.80 Airport 1,916.0u Firemen's Pension 1,720.49 Cumulative 111689 23.40 Cumulative 7;'1975 5,460.00 Cumulative #1894 15,000.00 Tutal Claims $ 125,883.06 117,653.55 n D. W. Ouster, 11ilayor Helmie W. Ne son , City Clerk -2- 257 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. June 7, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called -to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CAII OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that Councilman Gianini be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, J. David Jensen, Plsnning Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Pali, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 21, 1965 and the Special Meeting of May 26, 1965, be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS ASSUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10288 $ 19,000.00 Bell. & Valdez 3325 Rolling Hills Pl. New Residence 289 200.00 Delbert Teter 2102 - 8th Pl. No. Addition 290 486.00 Bell & Valdez 3325 Court "A" Wire New Residence 291 530.00 Bell & Valdez 3317 Court "A" Wire Residence 292 575.00 Bell & Valdez 3293 Court "A" Wire Residence 293 500.00 Bell & Valdez 3253 Rolling Hills Ave. Wire Residence 294 437.00 Bell & Valdez 3323 Rolling Hills Ave. Wire Residence 295 1,125.00 Malone's, Inc. 2806 - 10th Ave. No. Wire Commercial 296 300.00 Beeman .Auto Parts 411 Rainier Avenue So. Sign 297 2,500.00 National Sign Corp. 12701 Rainier Avenue Sign 2900 400.00 Herbert S. Kindle 3319 - 12th Ave. No. .Addition & Repairs 299 200.00 R. S. Shane 116th Avenue S.E . Fence-Aloha Ranch 300 50.00 Foster & Kleiser 7th & Rainier Wire Sign 301 1,950.00 Williams & Swanson 3rd & Burnett Sales Office 302 150.00 Nick Vidos 13217 - 90th Ave. So. Shed 303 500.00 Herbert S. Kindle 3319 12th Ave. No. Carport 304 150.00 R. Beck 326 Renton Street Wire Residence 305 230.00 John Schuchard 10624 - 112-th Ave. S.E. New Elec. Service 306 250.00 John Schultz 513 Park Street Sign 307 300.00 Vics Frame & Axel 195 Sunset Blvd. Sign 308 525.00 W. C. Hicklin 9837 S.E. 92nd St. S.E . Carport 309 233.00 George Smith 1415 Beacon Avenue Wire New Service 310 650.00 Boeing Credit Union 6th & Logan Street Sign 311 395.00 United Homes, Inc. 1126 "R" Street Wire Residence 312 408.00 United Homes, Inc. 3914 - llth Pl. No. Wire Residence 313 291.00 United Homes, Inc. 3910 - 11th P1. No. faire Residence . 314 395.00 United Homes, Inc. 3910 - 10th Ct. No. Wire Residence 315 291.00 United Homes, Inc. 3904 - 10th Ct. No. Wire Residence 316 395.00 United Homes, Inc. 1026 "R" Street Wire Residence 317 289.00 United Homes, Inc. 3909 - 10th Ct. No. Wire Residence. 318 700.00 Lester Danielson 11238 S .E. 100th Wire Residence 319 400.00 R. W. Wei-hof 1.1.648 S .E. 100th Wire New Residence 320 300.00 R. N'. Weihoff 11228 S .E . 104th St. (dire New Residence 321 100,000.00 Renton School Dist. Renton Stadium 14 Portable Bldgs. PLUMBIP?G & HEATING PERMITS: 71.38 - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11420 S .E. 112th Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - - - John F. Yeager 12750 87th Ave. So. Plumbing & Gas Fixt. 40 - - - - - Texaco, Inc. 1408 Bronson f^day Plumbing Fixtures 41 - - - - - C. L. Jennings 10060 - 116th Ave. S.E . Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - - - -- Bill Stolenmayer 326 Renton Street Plumbing Fixtures 43 - - - - - Josep-h Venera 622 - 11th P1. So. Plumbing Fixtures -1- 58 Ren-ton City Council Minutes 6-7-1965 Meeting of June 7, 1965 PIUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: (cont.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK j 7144 - - - - - Joseph Venera 622 - 11th Place So. Heating Equipment 45 - - - - - R. W. Weihoff 11648 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 46 - - - - - R. W. Weihoff 11228 S.E. 104th St. Plumbing Fixtures " 47 - - - - - Richard Reeves 10836 - 110th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 48 , - - - - - J. Carver 3411 - 11th Pl. No. Plumbing Fixtures 49 - - - - - Peter Roffey 627 - 4th Ave. (,?est Plumbing Fixtures 7150 - - - - - Joseph Venera 622 - 11th Pl. So. Plumbing Fixtures 51 - - - - - Renton Shopping Center Building "C" Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - - - A. L. Meakin 621 Smithers Street Gas Installation 53 - - - - - Reid W. Allen 2514 - 6th Ave. No. Gas Installations 54 - - - - - John Schuchard 1:0624 - 112th Ave. S.E . Plumbing Fixtures 7155 - - - - - Jack ScHosser 416 Renton Avenue Gas Installations 56 - - - - - Malone's, Inc. 2806 - 10th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 57 - - - - - United Homes 1126 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 50 - - - - - United Homes 3914 - 11th P1.No. Plumbing Fixtures 59 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3910 - 10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 7160 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3904 - 10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 61 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3910 - 11th Pl. No. Plumbing Fixtures 62 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 1026 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures �! 63 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3909 - 10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 64 - - - - - Lester Danielson 11238 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 7165 - - - - - Lester Danielson 11238 S. E . 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 66 - - - - - Overmeyer Const. 815 Railroad Ave. Plumbing -Gas Fixts. 67 - - - - - Mr. Beck 326 Renton Street Gas Installations 68 - - - - - Herbert Kindle 3319 - 12th Ave . No. Plumbing Fixtures 4 HEARIFG: Appeal of Planning Commission Decision - Request for Variance for tire rack location. Petition for Dismissal of Appeal - Carl Cooks via Attorney Maffeo City Clerk Nelson read a letter from Nicholas A. Maffeo', Attorney, submitting Petition for Dismissal of the requested appeal, the subject rack having been removed from within the public right-of-way setback at 3rd Place & Rainier Avenue. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the request for dismissal be grafted. Discussion disclosed that violation of applicable Ordinance may yet exist by reason of placement of additional structures within the setback area which matter of adminis- tration will be investigated. The pending motion carried dismissing the appeal. t COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 1. for services rendered by Cornell, Howland, Hays and Merryfield through April, in connection with study of the Water System as required for Bond Offering. The payment due this date is in the sum of $348.50 per C.A.G. 858-65. Moved by Delaurenti, sem nded by Poli, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Conihittee with power to act. Carried. + Letter from City Engineer Jack f-!ilson reported completion of the 3rd Avenue Extension !. fJater Main Installation project by Contractor, Industrial Projects, on June 5, 1965 and acceptance by the Engineering Department on June 7th. Acceptance by the City Council this date is recommended along with payment of final construction costs as follows: Construction Cost - $7,104.86 less 10% Retained, $ 710.49, and amount previously paid, $3,931.20. Amount due final payment - $2,463.17. Commencement of the 30-day Lien period was also recommended with payment of the retained amount of $710.49 if after 30 days no liens or claims are -filed against the proiect, upon proof of payment of tax liabilities. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in those recommendations of the City Engineer as read. Carried. A Petition containing approximately 35 names of residents of the Ponderosa areas in the city requested that the City post signs designating "No Through Traffic" at the intersections of 118th Ave. S.E. and 116th Avenue S.E. and at 118th Ave. S.E. and S. E. 157th Street, the increase of Puge : Drive traffic and speed of cars on 118th S.E. being a danger to the safety of the children. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report: back. Carried. -2- 61 2-`'1 Minutes of -the Renton City Council Meeting -6-7-1965 COMMUPICATIOPS (cont.) A Petition was read requesting annexation to the City of Renton of portions of property in -the Maplewood-Cedar River area. (I. J. Brodell et al property) . The Clerk reported prior procedures in accordance with requirements of the law included filing of _ letter of intent and preliminary meeting with property owners on March 22, 1965. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to refer -the Petition for Annexation to the City Engineer to check the signatures and validity of the sinatures. Carried. wl� A letter from Mrs. Jac$ Se requested, on behalf of Sweet Adelines, Inc., a No- Fee Permit for selling balloons at the Fourth of July Parade in Renton to help finance a local Barbershop Quartet to attend International Competition in Denver,Colorado. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that permission be granted for the balloon sale as requested. Carried. A letter from J. E. Tedford, President, Downtown Renton Merchants' Association, requested permission for free parkin privileges during the Aviation Festival weekend, June 31, July 1 and 2, and during t-he Sidewalk Sale on July 9, 10 and 11. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted. Carried. A letter read from the Downtown Merchants' Association reported their decision to drop plans for a ping pong ball drop in view of the possible hazards involved, and the event is thereby cancelled. A letter from the Mason Clinic, written by M. Leo Hughes, Jr., M.D., advised that Councilman Glen Gianini had received medical evaluation and for health reasons it is recommended that he secure a leave of absence for one month from his City Council duties. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Bruce, that Councilman Gianini be excused for one month by reason of illness. Discussion ensued and City Attorney Shellan confirmed the manner of excusing for a definite period of time as being permissible allowing the party to remain on the payroll during the recuperation, rather than to excuse him at each neetin as has been the past procedure. The pending motion carried. Applications were read for 1966 special licenses to sell fireworks as follows: Renton Jr. Chamber Commerce, Appl. 2; Kennydale Lions Club, Appl. ##3; and Nesika Chapter, order of the Easter Star, Appl. #4. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Helmie Nelson reported that quotations had been submitted for printing of the City's Bonds as follows: Metropolitan Press, $425.00; North Pacific Bank Note Company - $458.00; National Lithograph, $508.00 Mr. James Gay, Bonding Counsellor, has directed Metropolitan Press to proceed with the printing of the bonds and costs will be distributed on the basis of 1/2 Revenue, 1/3 North Renton Interchange and 1/6, Library. A letter from. Brightman, Holm, Bereiter & Stone, Attorneys at Law, reported defense for the City by Attorney Holm in argument held on Wednesday, May 26, 1965 before Department 2, Supreme Court of Washington, in the matter of the Appeal of Robert Edwards from decision of the King County Superior Court, awarding him judgment against the City of Renton in the sum of $12,132.00 upon his demand for $18,200.00 reimbursement of the amount he had paid Chapman Electric for installing traffic control signals on the Dunlap Canyon Road and =� Edwards Way in the Renton Shopping Center. It was antic_�_pated in view of decisions taken previously by the Supreme Court that they will confirm the illegality 'of the contract for �. failure to call for bids and inability to pay by reason of funds not having been appropriated• in -the calendar year 1960. It was pointed out that the Cicy was embarking upon a new theory �,,in -the State by urging the Supreme Court to adopt the rule that in an illegal contract situation only the value of the benefit to the City should be allowed the contractor who engaged in -the improper ,contract. This theory has not been applied heretofore. The out- come could not yet be predicted at this time. Bill for balance due on the Appeal was �'+ > rendered in the sum of $500.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bill to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to acct. Carried. s -3- Minutes of -the Renton City Council Meeting 6-7-65 COMMUPi ICAT I0N S: A letter from City Clerk Nelson requested appropriation of funds from excess revenues to the Current Fund as follows: Legal, 1600/314, Consultant Fees, $500.00; Engineerin;; 3100/130, Salary, O.T., Vacation, $500.00 and City Clerk 1400/120, Salary, $826.00. The appropriation for Consultant Fees is balance due Brightman & Holm in connection with the traffic signal Court Case with R. L. Edwards. The maximum allowance was $1,100.00 and $600.00 has been paid previously. The appropriations for City Clerk and Engineering are to supplement the present work force and for vacation relief. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request with referral to -the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Carried. A letter from the City Clerk requested concurrence in a transfer of $160.00 from City Clerk, 1400, Account 402, Office Supplies, unto City Clerk, 1400, 'Account 606, Capital Outlay, Office Equipment, for purchase of a receipt bar'for the newly acquired accounting machine and a cart for the ledger cards. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the transfer with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A letter from Mr. David Johnston, Chairman, Municipal Arts Commission, proposed with Park Board approval, professional band concerts in Liberty Park this summer. The contemplated program would include a 35 piece band of professional musicians, playing four consecutive Sunday evening concerts, beginning on July 11, 1965, The Musicians' Union will pay for half the cost of -the performances which notal cost for each is $500.00. It was proposed that the Park Board be granted a $1,000.00 emergency appropriation to meet chis expense. Mr. Felix Campanella was introduced by Mr. Johnston, also a member of the Art Commission and Mr. Tom Teasdale of the Library Board. Discussion ensued and Mr. Teasdale reported that although the Park Board considered this a very worthwhile activity there is some question regarding availability of funds at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Commit-tee for recommendation regarding funding . Carried. A Petition was read containing approximately 55 signatures, beginning with Donald A. MacWhirter and ending with Verda M. Todd, requesting that the Public Use Areas Bounded by Blocks 26 and 26A and 7th Avenue Forth, not be turned back to the Federal Government for disposition, as recommended by -the City Engineer, Park Department and Street De- partment, but that the City allocate a budget and direct -the Park and/or Street Department to grade and clean up the land and make it suitable for use by the numerous children who live in this area for a play area or park. A letter written by Mayor Custer reported inspection o= the public use areas in the Highlands District, by Building Director Reisberg and reported initiation of administra- tive program as follows: The Bldg. Dep't. will begin a regular program of inspection in the Highlands area for such time as these areas may be under the City's jurisdiction to insure compliance with the City Ordinances. Beginning Monday, June 14, the City Street Department will begin a clean-up program which will include hauling away of .debris and mowing of the grass. All private property or equipment will be removed from the areas by the owners at the City's request; any such equipment not removed within a reasonable time will be assumed to be abandoned and will be removed by the City. All structures within the Public Use Areas not owned by the City will be torn down or removed. Each area will be posted with appropriate s ins to discourage further dumping on the sites. All abutting property owners will be notified that garbage cans and other personal property is to be removed from the Public Use Areas. This program is based upon knowledge that problems in the subject areas have been in existence for many years. The City, through the Public Relations Committee of the Council, is now engaged in finding a permanent solution to the problems. Mayor Custer stated that in his opinion the City will best serve the interests of the citizens,,in the Highlands by completing a thorough clean-up of the areas and then initiating a program of regular periodic inspections to insure the continued maintenance of the areas. Since several considerations were involved beyond those determined to be of an administrative problem, this report was beim* directed to the Council and will be initiated June 14, unless objections are forthcoming. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur with- the program outlined by the Mayor. Discussion ensued relative -to prior action taken -to date on the matter from the Property Committee referral to the Public Relations Committee on 10-26-64. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-7-65 COMMUTTICATIONS: (cont.) Councilman Perry inquired whether such a clean up program might constitute land improvement which might designate that the City intends to retain the property. City Attorney Shellan gave the opinion that since no permanent improvement was being made such as creating or erecting structures the clean-up, though bound to be an improvement in the appearance would not constitute any permanence nor signify intent to retain. It was recommended that a decision be rendered the Federal Government in any case. Further inquiries and recommended referrals followed and after review by Mr. SheUan,from acquisition in 1954 from the Federal Government by deed containing the restrictive reversion clause for purpose of gratis grant, to subsequent vacation and improvement requests from abutting property owners and current referral to the Public Relations Committee,upon recommendation by the Property Committee on 10-26-64, Pedersen moved the question on the pending motion- for concurrence in the Mayor's Clean-up program. It was pointed out that the City could not vacate the area as it did not own it and the Federal Government had signified its willingness to sell to the property owners if the City did not want it and would deed it back. The Petition to retain is from Suburban Heights area.Public Relations Chairman Perry stated that the Committee has been studying the whole public ase area which the present Petition does not cover and that it was intended that a recommendation was to be made for reply to the Federal Government forthwith. Pedersen again called for vote on the pending motion which was entertained at this time and carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, that the Petition be referred to the Public Relations Committee. After further discussion, City Engineer 11ilson posted a map�n — outlined the public use areas as they presently exist in the Highlands area. Morris designated the area covered by the Petition. Motion by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, recommended the area covered by previous letters which Mr. Shellan discussed,be referred also to the Public Relations Committee . 'Discussions ensued; regarding locations of areas referred heretofore, and Mr. Perry stated all areas had been referred previously. The pending motion for referral of the Petition was put to vote and carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted report of the City's Insurance Carrier, Public Employees Mutual, that it would, in view of allegations set forth, be unable to assist in the Court Suit, Western Sand & Gravel Co. vs. City of Renton, and the City's legal department will need to defend exclusively, and will advise of proceedings. A letter read from J. David Jensen reviewed facts and circumstances regarding zoning of properties owned by Mr. Shane, which properties lie between the westerly boundary of Monterey Terrace and the Easterly boundary of the Freeway. The facts were outlined as per request by Mr. Shane recalling circumstances of reclassification from residential use RS to B-1, Business Use District on August 2, 1955 per Ordinance No. 1522; Subsequent use for business purposes included storage of materials and operation of an ice house. The Business use classification was removed at an unknown point in time probably following acquisition by the State Highway of that portion being used for business. The then- existing provision of the Ordinance providing for reversion of zoning to original status if not used would not have been applicable if the property was used for business purposes at the time of zoning or subsequent thereto. The zoning map was corrected on May 19, 1965 to reflect the proper zoning classification on the property described in Ordinance No. 1522. Council confirmation was requested. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer recommended, based upon advice of the City Attorney and Engineer, that the Mayor be authorized to retain a registered land surveyor to determine ownership of a small. parcel of land located within the Civic Center Site, inasmuch as a question has arisen concerning the possible interest of the heirs of the Sartori Estate in such land. A portion of the Liberty Park property was donated by the Estate and the original boundaries in question were probably altered when the course of the Cedar River was chanted and it is felt the boundaries should be verified prior to further procedure. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, to authorize a licensed surveyor to be retained as requested. Carried. A letter from Marshall and Meyer, Financial Consultants, requested opportunity to serve the City and attention was called to the new bond refunding legislation. ' Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Attention was called to the fact that the City has engaged the services of Council. City Treasurer Gossett was requested to be present at the meeting to discuss th3 -bonding program. The pending motion carried. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-6-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Mr. George 0. Pyatt, Manager, Bryn Mawr-Lakeri.dge Sewer District re- quested that the City of Renton, if it determines to annex the property of Mr. W. R. Wood, Wood Construction Company, require the property owners to make the Bryn Mawr Dis-r•ict whole for its expenses incurred on Mr. Idood's behalf. A letter from the District to Mr. Wood recalled circumstances of January 1965 when Mr. Wood petitioned for annexation of his Hilltop Suburban Plat to the Lakeridge Sewer District and acceptance and authorization to proceed per adopted Resolution 109. Upon approval of the annexation of the Plat plans were prepared for bid call. The District was requesting reimbursement for engineering ai legal costs incurred in connection with sewers to serve said Plat. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letters to the Sanitation Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Commission recommendations from its public hearing of May 26, 1965 on the following items: 1. Conner's Lake View Park No. 2., Preliminary Plat, Appl. No. S-240-65 - approval recommended with provision for a minimum 801 turn around at the south end of 85th Avenue South. This Plat is located in the general vicinity of South 126th Street and 84th Ave, So. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendation. Carried. 2. Frew Dickson request for reclassification of property as described in Appl. R-238-65 i from GA-1 to T-1, Trailer Park, with provisions as agreed to by owner at the public hearing, to-wit: (a) Applicant further agrees to grant unto the City an easement for roadway and utility purposes over the South 151 of the property along South 153rd Street. (b) The applicant further agrees to ;rant unto the City an easement for roadway and utility purposes over the South 151 of the property along South 153rd Street. (c) Applicant further agrees to make provision for sewers prior to applying for any building permit. (This property is located between FAI-405 and South 153rd Street north of Longacres. Planning Committee Member, Councilman Schellert, stated he felt the intent of the Planning Commission was that the request be granted upon fulfillment of the conditions in felt the matter should be held in the Planning Commission until items have been taken car _ of. Mayor Custer inquired of City Attorney Shellan whether such requirements to be . ' fulfilled are in effect putting a condition on the rezone. City Attorney Shellan stated the matter should not rightfully come before the Council until after the conditions have been complied with as we have no ordinance which would require these conditions and they would have to be voluntary on behalf of the property owner. Attorney Donald Gouge addressed the Council on behalf of property owners who have a like request upon which conditions have also been imposed, however, as he is planning to be out of the country it would be a serious handicap if the procedure were delayed and if it were known the conditions were to be fulfilled prior to the City granting the rezone the necessary documents would have been presented this evening. (Roe Dykeman & Selvino Mencias, Appl. No. R-237-65.) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for further study. Discussion ensued wherein it was pointed out that the matter before the Council was the recommendation of the Commission and that in the event conditions are not met the enacting ordinance need not be adopted. Planning Director stated that the Commission feels strongly that the terms should be met and that owners are agredable thereto but they do not go ahead until Council -ives concurrence, as they do .not want to invest or transact any negotiations until Council has given assurrance of the rezone by indicating favorably. The pending motion subsequently was voted upon and declared lost by majority dissenting voice vote. Item #2 was pending at this time and it was Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Council-woman Dahlquist ing4irel of the City Attorney whether this were legal. City Attorney Shellan stated that it i m raliyaIv wrong for the City to require properly to be dedicated without compensation as a stipulation for a rezone as the property owner wouI not need to comply once the rezone was ;ranted. This was recently tested in Bellevue. The pending motion was carried. Dahlquist requested that her No vote be recorded. 3. Roe Dykeman & Selvino Mencial Appl. R-237-65, requesting rezone from G to H- 1 cf property on South 180th Street between the East and West Valley Highways. Reclassification was recommended less the South 5001 of that portion abutting South 180th which should be T-1. Owners agree to a 601 setback for buildings along So. 180th with 20' sideyards along the East and West property lines with provision within the setback for landscaping over the South 201 and East and 1?est 101 of the properties to be classified to L-1. -6- 223 Minuttes of -the Renton City Council Meeting 6-7-65 Planning; Commission Recommendations - (cont.) Roe Dykeman & Selvino Mencias, Appl. R-237-65 Owners further agreed to posting of a bond to insure establishment of landscaping at the time building permits are applied for or issued on the L-1 portion and to dedi-ate or reserve by easement, the South 20' of the property abutting upon South 180th Street for roadway and utility purposes. This property is located in vicinity of 80th Ave. So. and South 80th Street. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the Planning Commission. The motion carried. Dahlquist voted No. I Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the prior two items be referred to the Planning Committee for a recommendation. Garrett spoke in opposition stating the `.r proper procedure being to refer to the Ordinance Committee which was the intent of the successful motion. Schellertdefended the motion urging affirmative vote asserting that only the Planning Committee can be sure conditions are taken care of before referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Trimm pointed out that the vote taken was on the recom- mendation to rezone and in any .event. 'to,-2rezone;+istthelegislative recommendation. The ques- tion was called on the pending motion and the motion was declared lost by majority no vote. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the two prior Planning Commission recom- mendations to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mark Hokenson & Ieroy Hokenson, Appl. No. R-239-65, requesting rezone to B-1 and R-s from G-7200. Rezone was recommended with B-1 covering the North 290' of that portion of the property described in the application lying west of 134th Ave. S .E., extended, and to R-3 on balance of property described including that portion lying East of the extenGion of 134th Ave. S.E. originally proposed for B-1. Applicant agreed to (a) Dedicate and improve 134th Ave. S.E. consistent with the City Subdivision requirements and (b) To quit claim or reserve by easement the West 12' of the property along 132nd Ave. S .E . for roadways and utility purposes. This property is located in the vicinity of S.E. 112th Street (12th Ave. No.) and 132nd Avenue S .E. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested as required and resulted as follows: Aye: Pedersen, Bruce, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No: Hulse, Schellert and Dahlquist. The motion carried with 8 Aye votes and 3 No votes. In other action the Commission recommended denial of Application P-236-54 which would allow relocation of an existing sign for the Shell Station at 115 Rainier Avenue North. In the denial the Commission had suggested that the sign be adjusted back to the line of the signs previously located thereat which was the understanding of the wording in the request, the new sign extending too far into the right of way. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. After discussion on problems relating to sign encroachments heretofore, the motion carried. City Clerk Nelson submitted outline of new statutes pursuant to Chapter 116, Laws of 1965 wherein new Voucher Approval methods will become operative. The Vendors no longer need to sign Claimant Certifications which may now be signed by the Department and t1d.s saves much time for all.kw•, in lieu- of individual voucher signing, the program of blanket voucher approval will be recognized. It would seem the blarrket approval in- volvesmuch more work and detail by the Department setting up Vouchers and will place additional certifying responsibility upon the Auditing and Accounting Committee. A sample Voucher Approval Certification was attached and a meeting of the Committee was suggested for discussion of the new provisions. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. The following Notices and Bulletins were announced as being available and on file in the Clerk's office as distributed by the Association of Uashington Cities: 1. Convention Committees - Nominations Committee will welcome any recommendations List of 11 Districts of the Association 2. Parks and Recreation Workshop - Post-Convention - Tacoma - Friday, June 18 at 2:00 p.m. in Presidential Conference Room, Winthrop Hotel 3. President's Golf Tournament - June 16th - 12:00 Noon at Tacoma's Meadow Park Golf Course (Register with Mr. Tyson BEFORE 10:00 a.m. on Wed., June 16.) Registration card in Clerk's office. 4. Request for ideas for Roundtable Discussion Meetings 5. 11-blications - Information ^:7?.11-+-ins• Water Rates in Washington Fringe Benefits in Washington -7- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-7-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A Petition, containing ten signatures, was read wherein residents of the McKnight Heights area requested an increase in water pressure. Mr. Stanley Ruppert and Mrs. Marcia Hawkins addressed the Council stating that some residents did not get enough water to make coffee when opening their taps and that requests had brought inspection from water department representatives to date had no relief to offer. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the Petition to the Fire and Water Committee. Mayor Custer acknowledged the problem and indicated possibility of temporary relief however, a permanent solution will require new lines which are planned but cannot give immediate help to the people. t The pending motion carried. A letter from Mr. Tedford, President, Renton Downtown Merchants' Association, requested permission, with the filing of Hold Harmless Agreement and Insurance, as required, to place small plastic pennants on the store fronts in the downtown area. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request upon filing of the necessary Hold Harmless Agreement and insurance. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Concurrence was requested in a letter from Mayor Custer in the appointment of Mrs. Ethel Hanis to a five year term as Member of the Renton Library Board, commencing June 1, 1965 and expiring June 1, 1970. Mrs. Hanis is currently the President of the Board and has been exceptionally active and effective as a Member for the past several years, giving constructive efforts resulting in outstanding service to the community. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor, Carried. A letter was read advising of appointment of Mr. Vic TeGantvoort as Street Com- missioner for the City of Renton, all the requirements of the probationary period having been fulfilled during his one year "Acting Street Commissioner" appointment,enacted upon anticipated alteration of the City's organizational structure. Concurrence in the permanent appointment was requested, his duties having been performed in a highly satis - facbry manner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. Carried. PROCLAMATION: A Proclamation by Mayor Custer declared the Month of June, 1965,YOUTH OPPORTUNITY MONTH, and all citizens were encouraged to ,join in developing every possible additional work and training opportunity this summer for these young Americans who represent our future citizens and leaders, in cooperation with the President's plea for national effort to provide for the two million young persons who will be leaving school this month. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: President of the Council Pedersen presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with council action taken as follows: 1. Letter from Group Health advising of desire to exchange property at 2nd and Mill Street for a portion of the Cedar River Tract. Referral to the Property Committee to investigate and report back was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recom- mendation. Carried. ?. Relative to acquisition of property in Site 4 of the Civic Center proposal site, the Committee recommended that Mayor Custer be authorized to negotiate with Seattle City Tight for their property interest therein. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Dahlquist opposed, expressing opinion that the Property Committee or City Attorney should also be present. It was pointed out that the acquisition of the site had been referred to all three and all would be advised prior to final action. The motion carried. -8- 2G5 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-7-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS cont. The Committee of the Whole recommended that copies of the Priority Improvement Program be distributed to the various clubs and organizations in the City for study and recommendation. During discussion it was pointed out that a deadline date for the various organizations to submit recommendations might be warranted in order that all suggestions would be available for consideration prior to the first budget hearing. Chairman of the Priority Committee, Bruce Hulse, advised that the support of these groups will be of great importance in successfully promoting; the program and it was felt that they could aid in acquainting the community with the needs and priority de- terminations. Discussion at a later date was recommended by the Committee. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. It was recommended that Councilman Dan Poli be authorized to attend the Detroit Convention in lieu of Mr. Pedersen who is unable to attend. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Recommended that the Mayor and Council President Pedersen be authorized to attend the Public Works Convention in Los Angeles, Calif., from August 29 - September 8, 1965. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with council action taken as follows: Five Bids were received for the paving of 3rd Avenue North Extension: (1) S . & T. Construction Co., Inc., Renton - $124,620.10; (2) Doolittle Construction Company-Seattle, $127,891.00; (3) Bass Construction Co., Inc. - Seattle, $133,312.25; (4) M. A. Segale, Inc. $139,163.00 and (5) Rainier Asphalt Paving Company - Renton, $145,469.50. It was recommended by the Street and Alley Committee and the City Engineer that the low bid of S. & T. Construction Company, Inc., be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract upon approval thereof by the City Attorney. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Councilman Perry made inquiry relative to survey of 72nd Street on Lake Washington and progress of development of this area as a boat launching ramp. A building is at .d present extending about 7 ft. onto City Property and a clearing needs to be created, and no progress as yet reported by City Engineer Wilson. A meeting tomorrow may present a clearer picture Councilman Pedersen reported, and reminded the Property Committee, Mayor, and City Attorney of the 2:00 p.m. meeting with representatives from Boeing. Pedersen, on behalf of Councilman Gianini, Chairman of the Athletic Commission, inquired regarding action taken by the Ways and Means Committee on funding of the grandstands. Chairman Schellert replied that the Ways and Means Committee has requested a recommendation of the Park Board on the matter of finance. NES,,' BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, reported that the Committee recommenck approval of vouchers for payment as follows: Current Fund, No. 9164 - 9206 in sum of $7,905.05; Street Fund, 9207-9215, totalling, $7,762.60; Arterial Street Fund, Nos. 9216-9217, $2,012.55; Cedar River M. & I., Nos. 9218, $ 6.25; Equipment Rental, Nos. 9219 - 9234, $1,49 .23; Parks, Nos. 9235 - 9248, $1,851.46; Water Works Utility, Nos. 9249 - 9266, $32,427.94, Airport, Nos. 9267 - 9268 $ 70.00, and Cumulative Reserve Funds: No. 1894, Voucher 9269, $79,602.44; Cumulative Res. Fund No. 1975, Voucher 9270 in sum of $ 63.45. Grand Total - $133,195.97 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Auditing and Accounting Committee and that Warrants be drawn to cover the Vouchers as listed. Carried. Moved by Schellert that the matter of the Planning Commission recommendations to ym rezone property be referred to the Planning Committee for policy recommendations. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. Councilman Schellert reported publication by the Municipal Finance Associatiols , Publication List No;92,Capital Program and Capital Budget Manual, @ $6.00 which he felt would be an asset to the City in it financial programming. The City Clerk advised the Legislative Budget requisition was prepared and signature of the President is requested. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that the publication be funded from the Legislative Budget. Carried. -9- N i •�rr c Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-7-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Garrett reported inquiries relative to Municipal service billings being on two bills and thus requiring citizen customers to write two checks to cover. It was pointed out that all Municipal services are on one billing but that the garbage contract is a private enterprise which does its own billing. If paid at utility sub- stations where collections are made for the City and the Garbage Company, one check might be written which the sub station would accept and cash, properly distributing the payments. The City of Renton, however, cannot accept checks for the Garbage Company but only for the City's billings. Councilman Poli expressed his pleasure at receiving the flowers from the Council,City Clerk and City Treasurer during his hospital confinement. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of. the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington, ratifying the action of the City officials in accepting the, bids of the National Bank of Commerce of Seattle, Seattle, Washington, the First- National Bank of Oregon, Portland, Oregon, Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, 3 Fenner & Smith, Incorporated, Seattle, Washington, ,jointly, for the issue of $400,000.00 par value of "General Obligation North Renton Interchange Approach Bonds, 1965, and for the issue of $150,000.00 par value of "General Obligation City Library Bonds, 1965' of the City, and ratifying the action of the City officials in accepting the bid of John Nuveen & Co., (Inc.), Chicago, Illinois, for the issue of $500,000.00 par value of "Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1965," of the City; fixing the interest rates on those bonds; and providing for the immediate printing, execution, delivery and sale of those bonds, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that Resolution No. 1305 be adopted as read. Carried. Chairman Morris presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, relating to Acquisiim by Condemnation of Lot 1, and the North 5 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, and Lot 3, Block 2, Town of Renton, according to Plat recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, Page 135, King County, Washington for the construction, operation and maintenance of civic center facilities, including city hall, library and other municipal buildings and for general Municipal Purposes, including Off-Street Parking facilities; providing that the entire cost of such acquisition shall be paid from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, that Ordinance No. 2161 be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No: Dahlquist. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, authorizing payment from Local Improvement Guaranty Fund of Deficit remaining after collection of all assessments in Local Improvement District No. 239, which was read by the Clerk. City Treasurer Gossett reported that assessment in the amount of $783.41 had been made on property which was subsequently unable to be served. All assessments have now been collected, $3,000.00 in bonds, $127.50 in interest due, $2,270.87 cash on hand and $956.63 short of which $783.41 is cost of unassessed parcel and $73.22 balance which is probably interest which would have been assessed on this amount. It was recommended this amount be picked up from the Guaranty Fund to balance as Resolution authorizes. Moved by Schellert seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1306 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton appropriating excess revenues unto the Current Fund as follows: The Clerk read the proposed Resolution: Engineering, Account 3100/130, $500.00 and City Clerk, Account 1400/120, $826.00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1307 as read. Carried. The Committee-presented a proposed Resolution authorizing transfer of funds as follows: From: City Clerk 1400, Acct. 402/Office Supplies, $160.00, Unto: City Clerk 1400, Acct. 616/Capital Outlay, $160.00, which was read by the Clerk. (NCR Bar & Cart) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Resolution 1308 as read. Carried. -10- 267 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-7-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington appropriating from excess revenues in -the 1964 Current Expense Fund Account 1600, the sum of $500.00, unto Current Expense Fund, City Attorney, Acct. 1600, Maintenance and Operation (314 Contractual Services) . The Clerk read the proposed Resolution. (Attorney Holm Fees - Balance due in Court Suit on Signal Light-R. E. Edwards) . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1309 as read. Carried. Chairman Morris reported that the Committee is holding a proposed Ordinance on Signs and Billboards on which the Building Superintendent has been going to bring in a recommendation. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to ad-ourn. Carried . The meeting was adjourned at 10:42 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers. D. W. Custer, Nlayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk bow -11- RENTON CITY COUNCIL, REGULAR MEETING 8.00 P.M. June 14, 1965. The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance co the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALI OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Bob Ptihich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 7, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10322 $ 600.00 Renton Sailing Club Lake Washingtn Beach Storage Building 323 10000.00 J. H. Caldwallader 1003 "N" Street New Residence 324 282.50 James Carver 3411 - 11th Pl. No. Wire New Residence 10325 200.00 Kennydale Memorial Hall 11456 S.E. 97th Wire Electric Serv. 326 60.00 James Russell 3327 - 6th Ave. No. Wire New Residence 327 150.00 Walter L. Claybo 2819 - 4th P1. No. Fence 328 3,360.00 Texaco Oil 1408 Bronson r,?ay No. Wire Service Statio- 329 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13313 S.E. 115th St. Wire Residence 10330 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13321 S.E. 115th St. Wire Residence 331 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13317 S.E. 115th St. Wire Residence 332 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13329 S.E. 115th St. Wire Residence 333 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 10325 S.E. 115th St. Wire Residence 334 50.00 Mark Pugh 9621 - 106th Ave. SE Wire Addition 10335 40.00 H. G. Pierce 2414 - 6th Ave. No. Fence 336 350.00 Linton Hoff 507 "I" Street Carport & Storage 337 620.00 Sunset Outdoor Adv. Co. Logan St. No. Sign 338 600.00 Nellie De Hart 3327 - 7th Ave. No. Remodel Garage 339 100.00 Hubert Minchow 1103 "V' Street Retaining Wall 10340 200,000.00 Austin Company So. 153rd & 84th Ave. S. Commtl. Bldg. 341 1,171.00 Cascade Vista Church 16005 - 116th Ave. SE Wire Church PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7169 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3321 Court "C" Plumbing Fixtures 70 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3323 Rolling Hills Blvd. Plumbing Fixts. 71 - - - - - Bob Shane 11619 - 100th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 72 - - - - - Ted Folk 210 Main Street Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - - Kennydale Lions Club 9805 - 112th Ave. SE Gas Installations 74 - - - - - Seattle Sporting Goods 516 - 3rd Avenue Gas Installations 7175 - - - - - Overmyer Construction 815 Railroad Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 76 - - - - - Charles W. Pillon 2517 - 6th Ave. No. Gas Installations 77 - - - - - Mr. Southered 814 "M" Street Plumbing Fixtures 78 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13329 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 79 - - - - -- Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13325 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 7180 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13321 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 81. - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13317 S .E. 115th St. Gas Installations 82 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13313 S.E . 115th St. Cas Installations 83 VOID 84 - - - - - Henry Johnson 524 Williams Street Gas Installations 7185 - - - - - Overmyer Construction 815 Railroad Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 86 - - - - - Clark 11420 S.E. 112th St. Gas Installations -1- 1 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-14-65 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS (cont.) N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7187 - - - - James Carver 3411 - 11th Pl. No, Gas Installati_.3 88 - - - - R. W. Wiehoff 11642 S .E. 100th St. Gas Installations 89 - - - - R. W. Wiehoff 11228 S.E, 104th Gas Installations 7190 - - - - L. Peterson 11024 - 115th S.E, Gas Installations 91 - - - - Stan Witsoe 3018 - 15th North Gas Installations COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Engineer Wilson was read reporting that the Petition for Annexa- tion of territory to the City of Renton,filed by I. J. Brodell, et al, in vicinity of Paulls Maplewood Addition (Maplewood-Cedar River Area),was signed by property owners representing 79.6651.' of the assessed valuation of the property requesting to be annexed which consists of 121 acres with a total assessed valuation of $106,940.00. ii11s represents a valid Petition, all legal requirements being heretofore complied with as required by law. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the Petition to the Mayor for convening of the Review Board. Carried. A Petition from Ray C. Raab and S, Kaczmarek, requested Vacation of a 16 ft. alley adjoining Tracts 2 and 3, Second Supplemental Plat of Renton Shorelands. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the Petition to the Street and Alley Committee. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to amend the motion to include setting the hearing date of July 12th providing signatures are adequate to validate the Petitio:n _ The amendment carried and subsequently the motion as amended. A letter from the Kennydale Community Club, Carol Powell, Secretary, requested that the City place the recommendation for a Wilderness Park and Recreation Area,East of 116th Avenue S .E. along May Creek, on the Capital Improvement Plan with priority rating. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Property ;ommittee and the Park Board. Carried. A letter from the Renton Democratic Club, Mrs. Albert Shinpoch, requested No-Fee Permit 40 operate a hot dog stand in Liberty Park on the Fourth of July to benefit said Club. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request with Supervision by the Park Department for insurance and permits as may be required. Carried. A letter read from Vern Church, Supervisor, Central Garage, requested appropriation of excess revenue in the Equipment Rental Fund into the following accounts: 3600/110 Salaries & Wages, $3,100.00; 201 Social Security, $115.00; 202 Prepaid Medical, $50.00; 203 Industrial Insurance, $20.00; 204 Employee's Life Insurance, $15.00; 409 Automotive Parts, $3,100.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request as read. Carried. A letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief recalled transfer of funds made late in 1964 from the Firemen's Pension Fund into the General Fund in the sum of $4,103.00 which constituted reimbursement for salaries of firemen during service-connected disability periods in 1964. The money was excess revenue not included in the estimate of available surplus in the budget and the transfer date did not allow enough time to submit extimates and requests for expenditure of the funds. Concurrence in transfer of revenue into Fire Department 2200 account 606, Capital Outlay, $3,500.00 and 417, Maintenance and Operation, $500.00 was requested which money would be used to replace worn out furniture and applicances of questionable condition in both stations as well as to install a new verhead door with controls at Station #2 which is required now that the larger fire ruck is housed therein. The Fire and heater Committee recommended the appropriation, Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation and request for appropriation of $4,000.00 excess revenues as read. Dahlquist opposed the motion callins; to mind the forthcoming needs to be budgeted in the coming year for which she felt any excess revenues should be retained, Delaurenti pointed out that the door mup'- be replaced in any event and will require funding. The pending motion carried w lh one no vote which was cast by Dahlquist. E Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the two previous items be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolutions. Carried. Dahlquist voted no, -2- MINUTES OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6-14-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A Petition signed by residents of the 8400 Block, Lake Washington Blvd. S .E. requested that the City open the branch road leading to their residences from the North by Barbee Mill to provide two means of egress and ingress thereto. At present there is one only and obstruction by vehicles of residents prohibits free traffic, especially in event of emergency such as recent fire, and illness requiring immediate hospitalization. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee for investigation and report back. Mrs. Alta Baronova inquired as to when the Committee would be reporting. Chairman Garrett advised that immediate investigation will begin and if a public right-of-way is involved a report at t':;? next meeting will recommenc City action. Discussion ensued and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Phelps advised of prior requests and of the fact that a log now blocks the road. It was pointed out that if the property is private an expenditure of funds might be involved. The City will advise of its study and will take expediate action if the matter is a City obligation. The pending motion subsequently carried. A letter from Mayor Custer reported that on Tuesday, June 9th he was informed by Johnston-Campanella, Architects, per Mr. David Johnston, that a letter had been received from the State Flood Control office which would require a change in the bid specifications for the new library building (requiring that the pillar footings to be extended 3 additional feet in depth) . There is no appeal from this decision that will not adversely affect the construction of the library and delay it several months. Furthermore, the architects and engineers agree that the increased depth would be an additional safeguard and there- fore desirable. An addendum was thus required to add this revision to the specifications already let to bid. Since the addendum was necessary it was determined that an additional week should be allowed bidders for purpose of revising their bids accordingly. The Mayor assumed the responsibility of notifying the City Clerk who managed to correct the publi- cation and the addendum was mailed to those contractors who had already obtained the specifications and attached to those not yet released. The date of bids therefore, has been officially changed by action of the Mayor, from June 14 to June 21 and ratification of the action was requested at this meeting, the first official meeting of the Council since the notice of change was received. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to concur in the action by the Mayor in the advance of the bid opening date to livc- 21st and ratify decisions relative thereto as outlined. Carried. A letter from the Renton Lions Club, Roger Richert, Chairman High Wire Show, requested permission to place a banner across 3rd Avenue between Williams and Wells Streets from June 16 to June 26th promoting High Wire Show to be held at the Renton High School Stadium on June 25, 1965 at 8:00 p.m. The funds are to be used principally for their youth activity projects. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the request with Permit and Hold Harmless Agreement to be executed as required. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Carl L. Knight, Concessions Chairman, Talbot Hill Athletic Ass'n., requested No-Fee Permit to operate concession stand at Talbot Hill Park on June 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 and July 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Clean up committees, a Health Permit and Insurance have been secured as required by the Park De- partment and the activity is for the purpose of supporting youth activities presently consisting of six baseball and three football teams. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to grant the request with filing of the proper Hold Harmless Agreement and under supervision of the Park Department. A letter from King County Commissioners office reported that the Prosecuting Attorney has filed the City Annexation Ordinance No. 2159 stating that it is legally sufficient and ordered it placed on file with copies directed and distributed to the various departments interested in the matter. (132nd S.E. and Sunset Highway) I A letter was read from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, recalling acceptance in 1960 of employment with the City mindful of his purpose to aid in the preparation of a comprehensive plan for the City. An Urban Planning Grant was secured to supplement City resources and formulation of the comprehensive plan included engaging outside technical help to study theproblems of the central business and industrial districts and one basic element was a broad and comprehensive aerial mapping program. The planning staff undertook, in detail,study of the overall community to coordinate the total program to maximum degree with consultants John Graham and Company, King County and the Puget Sound Regional Trans- portation Study. The preparation of the Plan for the Renton area, though interrupted by numerous delays, including preparation and adoption of the present interim Comprehensive Plan, is nearing completion. The John Graham and Company's "The Technical Supplement" -3- 27JL Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting June 14, 1965 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Planning Director's Letter for the central business district was received by the Planning office on June 4 and copies have now been distributed. With this information in hand the remaining phases of several reports being prepared by the Planning Department can now be completed. It is anticipated that the Planning Commission will call for public hearings in July and recommend adoption to the Council shortly thereafter. Early adoption and imple- mentation of the plan will be a significant factor in guiding the growth of the community during the critical period of the next few years. Hopeful that the fore- going timetable can be met, Planning Director Jensen submitt,u his -request terminating ,... his employment with the city, effective September 1, 1965 or as soon thereafter as may be convenient to the Council and Planning Commission, : It is now his desire to return to full time professional practice as a planning consultant, upon completion and adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Jensen expressed his thanks to the Mayor, the Council, Planning Commission and city department heads and employees for their willing cooperation, and also appreciation to members of the Citizens Advisory Com- mittee who so persistently fought to an understanding of the Central Business District problems. Mr. Jensen also acknowledged the loyalty of Mrs. Carter, Mr. Magstad and members of his staff who often served beyond the call of a long work week. His experiences with the City were deemed to have been of great pleasure, enriched with some controversy and debate, yet rewarding in observance of the substantial accomplishments achieved to date and knowing he played sme small part. Subsequent to departure Mr, Jensen will advise of recommendations for a more effective organization of the Planning Department and for clarification of certain problems of administrative function and coordination between the Planning Commission and Mayor and Council. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. The City Clerk reported receipt of the Agenda for the Association of Washington Cities Convention which will be on file in her office if anyone desires this information. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested council concurrence in the appointment of Clarence Williams as Acting Civil Defense Director for the City of Renton, to fill 'the position since physical disability of Mr. . Floyd Lawrence. A permanent director will be appointed at some future date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Douglas Felker to a six-year term as member of the Renton Planning Commission, expiring June 1, 1971. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. Carried. A letter from the Mayor requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Richard Stredicke as a member of -the Plnning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Louis Peretti who recently resigned. The term will become effective June 23rd and will extend until June 1, 1970. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Concurrence was requested by the Mayor in the appointment of Mrs. Peggy Shid.eler to a three-year term on the Renton Park Board, beginning June 1, 1965. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointment. Carried. PROCUMATZCN: Proclamation read from Mayor D. W. Custer, declared the week of June 13 through 19, L965 as Flag Week, in commemoration of the Third Resolution of the Constitution of June L4, 1777 and in recognition of the principle of freedom everywhere, Citizens are —erged to proudly fly our Country's flag during this week. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen, submitted Property Committee report recommending that the Sewage Disposal Plant and property be sold to the Boeing Company at the appraised price and that the City reserve the right to remove equipment including fencing and shrubs. The ''i`tr ^'-'.-o-re•, ora Mayor to be authorized to proceed with the transaction. -4- 2'72 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-14-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: (Sewage Disposal Plant sale to Boeing) Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Property Committee report and recommendations. Inquiry was made relative to bid call in regard to disposal of this property and it was pointed out by the City Attorney that the Council had the choice of calling for bids or selling to the highest bidder on negotiation basis of appraisals and had chosen the latter.Upon inquiry regarding sale price Committee Chairman Pedersen advised that $20,000.00 had been offered and the appraisal was $55,000.00 which was the price now being negotiated for the 2.97 acres of land. The pending motion carried. Dahlquist opposed. The Property Committee recommended, along with the Fire and Water Committee, that the Mayor and City Attorney proceed with acquisition of property consisting of 2.88 acres in the vicinity of South 156th Street and 87th Avenue South for the location of the City's third fire station. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committees. Mayor Custer advised that this Earlington Flats location had been designated as desirable by the Fire Department and had been approved by the Fire Rating Bureau of the State and that it may need to be am demned for acquisition. Appraisals have been secured. The pending motion carried. Councilman Sebellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, reported that his Committee will meet with the Park Board on June 15th at 6:00 p.m. in the office of the Park Director to discuss funding for the covered grandstand. The Committee requested additional time for funding of the band concerts. Councilwoman Dahlquist recalled that sometime ago the Civil Service Commission had recommended that the City secure examinations for administration to candidates for police and fire positions�to give them phyvical exam and the sum of $500.00 was required therefor. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, to refer funding of the new examinations to the Ways and Means Committee. Police and License Committee Chairman Delaurenti reported that this matter had been referred to his Committee previously and the Committee had recom- mended that funds be budgeted in the coming year for this purpose as it was felt to be more timely than at this time. The Mayor acknowledged the pending motion. Garrett spoke against the motion deeming it improper and irregular to take a matter from a Committee it had already been referred to. Poli withdrew his motion aknowledging the prior referral and Mayor Custer declared the motion lost for lack of second. Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to a referral of 10 weeks ago to the Street and Alley Committee of a Petition regarding restricted parking along Main Street and it was felt that the Committee report should be made by this time. Councilman Garrett reported that the Committee has considerable data and information regarding the matter, some in writing, that Mrs. Dahlquist was welcome to review if she so desired, but that the Committee is making a thorough study and investigation and will report when it finishes the study. Mrs. Dahlquist stated her opinion that reports on petitions should be made within a reasonable time. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, reported, regarding proposed Later Comers Agreement between the City and Metro in connection with installation of a twelve-inch cast iron main to provide water service for the new treatment plant in Earlington area, and it was recommended to concur with the request. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation with the Mayor and City Clerk being authorized to execute the necessary documents. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Special Power Rate Study Committee reported m,?et=.ng with Mr. Clarence Unnevehr, rate expert retained by Puget Power and that the rate study by Mr. Unnevehr is nearing completion and specific recommendations will be made to the P)wer Company by July 1, the target date set a year ago. This will include presentation of th,3 cost and information which will determine whether areas such as Renton may be ... justified in being served at rate levels below the company-wide rate average. The Power Pate Study Committee of the Council will report at the July 12th meeting, which is the first meeting of the Council following the July 1 report date. The Committee has requested Iuget Power to advise when the matter goes before the State Utility and Transportation Commission in order that the city may have a representative present. -5- Y Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-1465 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, reported that the problem regarding lighting of the ballfield on a team participation basis was referred to the Park Board. The original request from the Athletic Commission recommended that the City assume energy costs for the little league games which approximate cost of $600.00 had been suggested to be funded from the executive budget in previous discussion. The present recommendation is for the City to assume one-half of the costs of the Liberty Park lighting energy anticipated to be approximately $500.00 to $600.00 and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer this recommendation to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer reported to the Council that the State has now agreed to limit the City's share in construction costs on the North Renton Interchange to $400,000.00 which amount was approved by the voters for funding of the project by G. 0. Bonds on the February ballot last year. The State had determined Renton's share based on right-of- way acquisition costs. The estimate Mved somewhat below the actual-programmed cost but the City was not favorable to assume costs above those which had been determined to be required for submitting to vote of the people. Confirmation has been received that the city's share will be limited to the $400,000.00. Mayor Custer expressed thanks on behalf of the City to Representatives Garrett and Grant who helped in great measure to solve the problem and also to Mr. Leonard A. Sawyer, House of Representatives,Highway Committee. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson anticipated bid call, according to the State Highway Commission, in July and it was hoped to see some activity yet this year. The State will handle design of our portion and any land the City is able to acquire in the area will be made available to the State for the project. The total cost was expected to be in excess of $1,300,000.00. July 15, 1966 was target date for completion of Maple Valley Y to Longacres portion. Perry inquired whether the plans were now complete for the project and Mayor Custer replied that we have the final plans designating where the interchange will be situated. Mr. Lou Weisman addressed the Council at this time requesting those persons who will be considering construction of a covered grandstand to turn the project down and consider prior to the Liberty Park project some recreation halls in the Highlands the present recreation centers being deemed too small to accommodate the children who are now residing in the area. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Schellert announced a meeting of -the Ways and Means Committee on June 15th with the Park Board in the Park Director's office. Councilwoman Dahlquist, Chairman of the Legislative Committee,called attention to the Gc-r1 Roads Association neeting in Bellingham, September 15-16 and 17th and it was recom- mended that any Resolutions which may be proposed be submitted at an early date. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Fire and Water Committee referral regarding water pressures had been discussed with the Engineering Department and that the water department has assizrred some relief within a week or ten days. This is in the McKnight Heights area and Mayor Custer reported that pressure reducers had been in- stalled, and an 8 inch line serving the area is inadequate, especially at this time of year when lawns are watered and certain times of the day during maximum usage. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Chairman, Vern Morris, submitted a letter which was read by the Clerk from the City Attorney advising that Ordinances regarding rezoning of Dykeman, Mencias, Hokenson and Dickson properties do not contain any reference to the conditions precedent imposed by the Planning Commission and concurred in by the Council, as neither has a right to impose conditions precedent which would require a property owner, in cases of rezoning, to give up property free of cost to the City. The Courts have struck down any such requirements in the past and undoubtedly would do so again if challenged. If, on the other hand, the property owner, on a strictly voluntary basis, is willing to dedicate some right-of-way either outright or by easement to the City there certainly would be no objection to accepting same and thereafter adopting a rezoning Ordinance if such is in the best interest of the City. It was recommended that a proper ordinance be adopted at which time the City can enforce provisions, and that the Planning Commission consider an industrial park type ordinance which would undoubtedly regulate any facets now being considered by means of the conditions precedent. Based on present recommenda- tiDns there is no legal way the City could enforce the various conditions in event the orooerty owners -ail to comp�v. _ F 274 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-14-65 ORDINANCE'S AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris reported that the Law and Ordinance Committee has three proposed Ordinances regarding rezones of property to which City Attorney Shellan had referred and the Committee wished to refer same to the Council for dec=ision as to whether they sha_i be plz.ced on first reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to place the Ordinances on first reading. Mr. Perry recalled that last week when the Council voted in concurrence with the Planning Commission recommendations it was under the impression they were going to vote on the Ordinances and not hold them up for any conditions the Planning Commission had imposed. The passage was urged with the Planning Commission to impose the conditions if they can, The pending motion was carried. Dahlquist opposed. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the city of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Heavy Industry (H-1) and Light Industry ( =j respectively. (Roe Dykeman & Selvino Mencias property) The City Clerk read the docu- ment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Dahlquist stated the Committee has a recom- mendation to do what the City Attorney had written. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to amend the motion to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Mayor Custer ruled this amendment out of order it being contrary to the original motion, Delaurenti stated the recommendation should come from the Law and Ordinance Committee as to whether for or against and Morris replied that the Attorney's communication pretty clearly states what position the council can take and he did not feel that three committee members should decide whether the ordinance is proper or not. Perry stated that the City Attorney advised last week that if the Council carried through with recommendations of the Planning Commission regarding restrictions it was acting illegally and by referring it back to the Law and Ordinance Committee it did not alter the situation., Garrett stated that the property owners may come of their own free will per City Attorney's letter, and make any conci-71.ations on deeding any property or make any agreements the,Iwant and none of this is binding upon the rezone. The Council voted to rezone and that is the only thing before the council at the present time; whether this is a good rezone or nt. Schellert advised that the Commission did not feel this is good zoning under present conditions and it properly should be referred to -the Law and Ordinance Committee or perhaps to the Planning Committee. Inquiry was made as to whether problems had arisen heretofore by reason of property owners not fulfilling conditions. Planning Director Jensen stated that in all instances the people are willing to proceed as requested, other- wise the Commission would not recommend the rezone but the offers had been voluntary on the part of the property owners. All conditions and requests made for setbacks on certain streets , establishment of the uses and landscape were such as might be contained in an industrial park zoning and the people realize the requirements are suitable for the area and some are in the process of preparation of the necessary documents as agreed, and perhaps the matter should be held therefor. Trimm recalled the attorneys ruling of illegality to put restrictions on property when rezoning.He 'felt Planning Commissions recommendaCion to restrict before rezoning is out of order. The motion intent, a.; made last weed; is for rezone and if the people voluntarily agree to any restrictions, it is well. Only one instance of non-compliance was recalled; City Attorney Shellan advised that the Planning Commission and Council have a right to impose restrictions but these have to be established by ordinance by amending Heavy Industry portion of the ordinance, saying from now on they should have setbacks, etc, in lieu of trying to enforce any laws that.have not been adopted. The question was called for and the pending motion to refer to the Law and Ordinance Committee was subsequently carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordiralce of the City of Renton, 11ashington changing the zoning Classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General classification district (G-7200) to Business District (B-1) and Residential District (R-3j, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, that the Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. (Mark Hokenson & Leroy Hokenson property) The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties wtihin the City of Renton from general classi- fication district (GS-1) to Trailer Park (T-1) (Frew Dickcon property), which !;'as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -7- I 275 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-14-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) Councilwoman Dahlquist, recalling suggestion of City Attorney Shellan that Industrial Type Ordinance would provide means of satisfying requirements heretofore recommended to the Council by the Planning Commission on certain rezones, moved that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission and such type Industrial Park Ordinance be considered. The motion was second- by Schellert. After discussion on the motion regarding propriety of the referral and Director Jensen's comment that such an Ordinance is now being considered but not ready for submission to the Council, the pending -motion carried. wrrl The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton appropriating from excess revenues unto the Equipment Rental Fund, the following: Central Garage and Shop, 3600: 110, Salaries and Wages, $3,100.00; 201, Social Security, $115.00; 202, Prepaid Medical, $ 50.00; 203, Industrial Insurance, $ 20.00; 204, Employees Life Insurance, $ 15.00; 409, Automotive Parts, $3,100,00. Total, $6,400.00. The Clerk read the proposed Resolution and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 1310 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved.. by Perry, seconded by Morris, to recess to consider pending Ordinances. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to adjourn. The motion was declared lost by majority .no voice vote. QuEtion was called on pending motion to recess. The motion carried and Mayor Custer declared a five-minutes recess. After the recess, roll call was taken with all members present as previously listed. Chairman Morris reported that the majority of the •Law and Ordinance Committee recommended the Ordinancesbe held for one week. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers be approved for payment as follows: Current Fund, #9271 through 9325 - $71027.74; Street Department, #9326 - 9341, , $7,938.16; Cedar River M. & I., # 9342 - 9344, $ 22.86; Off-Street Parking, #9345 - 9346, X100 $111.00; Equipment Rental, #9349-9370, $5,610.76; Library, 9371 - 9393, $1,597.14; Parks, #9394-9411, $2,020.59; Water Works Utility, #9412 - 9426, $3,610.09; Airport, 9427 - 9436, $ 434.79; Cumulative Reserves: #1698, #9437, $6,00000; #1894, #9438-94393 vY$ 101.76; #1975, #9440, $ 31.05. Total $34,505.94. The motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Mayor Custer announced that a Bureau of Public Roads film would be shown following the meeting,by Planning Director Jenson,which would last for 25 minutes and anyone who wished to stay was welcome. Mr. John Shane called attention to problem in area of 518 "H" Street on behalf of his Mother, Mrs. Bertha Shane, relative to neighbors .junker vehicles sitting about the area and operations which are in violation of City Ordinances. Discussion ensued and it was pointed out that the matter has been under investigation and that a complaint is now in order to be filed for further action. As there was no further business to come before the Council question was called for on the pending motion to adjourn which carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 P.M. om D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W, Nelson, City Clerk -8- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. June 21, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Pe Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Vic Tegantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 14, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10342 $ 4,500.00 Ken Caruthers 2051 Monterey Drive Addition to Res. 343 1,000.00 W. H. Wilkins 642 - 4th Avenue West Remodel Residence 345 4$0.00 Henry Powell 209 Lind Street Garage 345 3,500.00 Emmett Budd 9531 - 100th Ave. SE Remodel 346 450.00 U. S. Post Office 314 Williams Street Fence 347 10,500.00 Gene Meyer 141 Rainier Avenue Masonary 348 17,000.00 Bell & Valdez 3268 Rolling Hills Pl. New Residence 349 13,000.00 Bell & Valdez 3269 Rolling Hills Ave.S. New Residence 10350 16,150.00 Bell & Valdez 3335 Rolling Hills Pl. S. New Residence 351 15,125.00 Bell & Valdez 3312 Rolling Hills Pl. S. New Residence 352 1,083.00 Dora Blanchard 306 - 11th Ave. South Garage 353 554.00 Bell & Valdez 3325 Rolling Hills Pl. Wire Residence 354 733.00 Bell & Valdez 3321 Court "C" Wire Residence 10355 400.00 Joseph Venera 622 - 11th PI South Wire New Residence 356 110.00 John W. Truman 915 "F" Street Utility Shed 357 200.00 Towner Jayne 400 Powell Street Pre-fab Bldg. 358 400.00 John F. Yeager 12750 - 87th Ave. So. Wire Residence 359 193,000.00 Donald Jacobs 13008-87th Ave. So. New Residence 10360 400.00 Paul Walton 13232 S.E. 115th Fence & Patio 361 1411000.00 Harold Mellor 124 Rainier Avenue Car Wash 362 1,800.00 Arvid Widell 2709-14th Ave. No. Remo�el Residence 363 1,000.00 Hubert Lange 3504 - 13th Ave. No. Garage PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7192 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13313 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 93 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13317 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13321 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 7195 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13325 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13329 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - - - Lloyd D. Beckstrom 10212 - 115th Ave. S.E. Gas-Plumbing Fixt 98 - - - - - Harris Baldwin 726 "R" Street Gas Installations ' 99 - - - - - Texaco Oil Company 1408 Bronson !'Jay Plumbing Fixtures 7200 - - - - - Universal Hdrs. (Weathers) 3803-6th Pl. No. Heating Equipment 01 - - - - - Universal Bldrs. It 3803-6th P1. No. Plumbing Fixtures 02 - - - - - Renton Engineering 920 Whitworth St. go. Plumbing Fixtures 03 - - - - - United Homes 3904-10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - - Herb Hackman 10614 - 108th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 7205 - - - - - United Homes 3910 - 10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - - - United Homes 3909 - 10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - - - United Homes 1026 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - - United Homes 1126 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures -1- 277 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting Juno 21, 1965 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: (cont.) N0• AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF W69K 7209 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3914 - 11th P1. No. Plumbing Fixtures 10 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3910 - 11th P1. No. Plumbing Fixtures 11 - - - -- - T, M. Polk 210 Main Street Gas Installations 12 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3312 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3335 Rolling Hills P1. Plumbing Fixtures 1=r - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3325 Rolling Hills P1. Plumbing Fixtures 7215 - - - - - Lloyd S. Peterson 11024 - 115th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 16 - - - - - Mr. Hiekel 2913 - 6th Ave. East Plumbing Fixtures 17 - - - - -- Lloyd Peterson 11309 S.E. 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures AWARD PRESENTATION Mayor Custer, on behalf of the City, presented a Certificate of Award to Miss E. Frances Gallacher in honor of 13 years of devoted service to the Community as a member of the Renton Park Board. The Mayor acknowledged outstanding contributions over the years in providing a growing community with the growing recreation needs with what funds were available, He esteemed it an additional pleasure inasmuch as she had been his fifth grade teacher at Henry Ford School, to make this award. Miss Gallacher,in accepting the award,expressed enjoyment in the- work over the years and expressed especial pleasure in working with Park Director Coulon. She also noted that there were former students among the council members, also from her classes. OPENING OF BIDS: This being the date set, the Clerk opened and read the following sealed bids: CONTRACTOR AND ADDRESS BASIC BID BID SECURITY Brazier Construction Co. $ 3699000.00 Bond 4040 - 23rd Ave. West Seattle, Washington 98199 i Calhoun Construction Co. 3829572.00 Bond 718 South Central Avenue Kent, Washington Investment Contractors 410032.00 Bond 1515 Taylor Avenue Seattle, Washington 98109 Knudson-Riess Construction 366000.00 Bond P. 0, Box 97 Mountlake Terrace, Wash. Phillips, Alton V., Co. 327,400.00 Bond 4055 - 21st Avenue W. Seattle, Wash. Pioneer Development Corp, 351,894.01 Bond 131 S.6?. 156th Seattle 66, Wash. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Committee of the Whole and Library Board to meet with the architects and review the bids. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that the Petition to Vacate an alley adjoining Tracts 2 and 3, Second Supplemental Plat of Renton Shorelands was signed by 100% of the owners of abutting property. Since the alley was platted by the State and -I� turned over to the City it was felt -'chat in event the City does not want the property "IF it then reverts back to the State who will probably offer to sell to abutting owners. a legal opinion from the City Attorney was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee and City Attorney for recommendation. Carried. The City Clerk reported that a new hearing date would be required under the circumstances. Moved by Pedersen, seconded '-c postpone the hearing date pending legal report. Carried. -2- Joey Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-21-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter read from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate #2, for work performed through May 26, 1965 by Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield on the Water Study being conducted in connection with requirements in bond offerings. The amount due this estimate is $593.50. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the recommendation to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted and recommended for payment, bill in the sum of $1,225.00, due Foster and Marshall for financial consultant services rendered in connection with the North Renton Interchange and Library G. 0. Bonds and the Water Revenue Bonds, including preparation and mailing of the prospectus. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. (To be funded from proceeds of bond sales with one-half of fees to be paid from water revenue bonds, ,, one-third from interchange bonds and one-sixth from library bonds.) A letter was read from The Boeing Company, C. S. Sargent, Manager Facilities Engineering, requesting authority to excavate the bed of the Cedar River for riprap toe and to place riprap on the river bank per sketch attached. All dredged materials will be disposed of onto adjacent uplands as directed by the City or its Airport Board. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. A letter read from the Downtown Renton Retail Merchants Association requested permission to place advertising banners across public rights-of-way in the City to promote annual sidewalk sale to be held July 7 through 10. Banners are to be placed on July 2 and remain until July 14, 1965. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to grant the request with placement of the banners to be under supervision of the Street Commissioner and the required Hold Harm- less Agreement to be executed. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Orrin L. Madison calling attention to the problem of starlings which have multiplied and are flocking to cherry trees and other crops. Mr. Madison states his intent to shoot the invaders and charges the Council with responsib ity to make provision so citizens can protect their properties. Poison was an alterna to shooting and it was suggested that a solution would be to let those who are trouble work out methods of control without endangering others; that restrictive ordinances are not fair to raisers of produce. Mr. Madison continued that wars, trouble and ordinances are born in the city, not in the open air and requested that the farmer be given con- sideration. He concluded that heritage of freedom, ,justice and the inviolate privileges of the home warrant protection and that Renton should be for . the people, not for the birds, especially a plague of starlings getting worse each year. Discussion ensued regarding prior communications from Mr. Madison and referral of same to the Public Relations Committee on this problem and Councilman Perry stated the Humane Society did not favor certain methods ofcontrol and suggested referral to the Humane Society of the problem. Councilman Pedersen added that this problem is one of national concern and that it is becoming greater in the Northwest,that shooting would not likely eliminate. No solution was forthcoming and the meeting was moved to the next order of business. A letter from Mr. Thomas Hogan requested approval for the sale of his taxicab business to Mr. Roger Kokanson inasmuch as the previously anticipated sale to Mr. Rush had not been consumated. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from the Civitan Club, Francis Porter, lst Vice-President, requested a No-Fee Permit to sell cotton candy during the Renton Aviation Festival on July 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1965 with all proceeds to be donated to charitable organizations. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that permission be granted as requested. Inquiry disclosed the sale was not to be on airport property but along the parade route and on the streets. The No-Fee Permit however, merely allows a license to operate with- out fee, the place of sale to be approved by arrangements made with Airport Board or other governing owner. The pending motion was subsequently carri@d. -3- 279 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-21-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from W. R. Ney requested No-Fee Permit for a Food Concession at the Renton Airport on July 1, 2, 3 and 4 during the Air Show, with proceeds in amount of 5% of Gross Sales to be turned over to Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs of Renton, Inquiry was made as to whether the Chamber of Commerce were authorizing the sale and ii approval has been secured by the Airport Board, Boeing and the Renton Aviation Co. for use of the airport property. Mayor Custer advised -chat the concessionaire was operating at Crystal Mountain and would contract for vending concession at the Airport. Mr. Kay Johnson advised of executing Permit and Hold Harmless Agreement and additional insurance than generally is required to cover activities on portion of the airport they are using and the City's no-fee permit would permit sale on city property but would not concern people whose welfare and safety the Chamber documents covered. ,... It was again pointed out that the operator of the concession would need to secure permission from the Alrport to use the premises. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the No-Fee Permit request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, that the motion be amended to include referral also to the Airport Board. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. A letter from Mayor Custer recalled the Council's authorization for condemnation proceedings on the two parcels of property within the Civic Center Site and reported that the City Attorney has been negotiating with the heirs of the Rocksie Williams Estate and they have agreed in writing to accept the City's appraisal figure of $10,000.00 covering Lot 3, Block 2, Town of Renton; 6000 sq. ft. @ $1.67. It was recommended that the Council authorize the purchase of the property and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authoaized to execute all documents pertaining thereto, as may be required. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the Mayor. Carried. Dahlquist opposed. A letter from the Mayor was read submitting,for Council consideration, Quit Claim Deed from the State of Washington to the City of Renton, conveying a small parcel of property containing approximately 5S3 sq. ft. on the northeast corner of intersection of 3rd Avenue and Mill Street. The Mayor had requested that all of the State-ecquired property bordering the freeway route, which might be considered surplus by the State, be deeded to the City, which property may become useful with implementation of several road projects. It may be used through sale to replace that of private owners whose land may be purchased by the City for the Main to Mill Street connection project. Also, such surplus lands might be used for public parking. Terms of the Deed restrict the use to public purposes with reversion clause in event the City should not use it for such purpose. Approval and execution authorization was recommended. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the Deed and communication be referred to the City Attorney for recommendation. Carried. Mayor Custer requested m recurrence of the Council, because of changes in State Law, in the adoption of a Resolution authorizing the following; City Officials to sign "Certificates of Claim", to be used by the City in lieu of former Vendor's Certificate: City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk, Purchasing Agent, Library Director, President of the Library Board, Park Director, President of the Park Board, Airport Director and President of the Airport Board. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Discussion disclosed this action to be in conformity with State Law and the City Clerk advised that the head of the State Examiners recommended that officials be designated by Resolution; the City Clerk may sign and assume the duty but it was felt that in certifying receipt of materials ordered it would be better for the purchasing official to confirm their receipt and payment of the bill. The Auditing and Accounting Committee approval still is required. The pending motion carried. A letter from the Valley Regional Planning Commission, directed to the Mayor, submitted 50 copies of the community industrial survey covering Renton and 5 copies ... each of Tukwila, Auburn and Kent surveys. Mayor Custer advised that copies will be on file in the City Clerk,Eidg. .Dept. & Mayor's offices. A letter read from Victor TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested authoriza- tion to attend the American Public Works Association Convention in Los Angeles, California August 29 through September 1, 1965. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request. Carried. -4- W180 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-21-65 CO�DIUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter read from City Engineer', Jack Wilson, requested authorization to attend the National Convention of the American Public Wgpks:.Association in Los Angeles, California from August 29 through September 1, 1965. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to: grant the request. Carried. A letter from Fire Chief Walls advised that he was sending three men to the Washington State Firemen's Association Convention in Vancouver, Washington, July 14-17, 1965. Because of the lack of adequate housing accommodations in Vancouver, authorization was requested for the men to be housed in Portland, Oregon. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the out of state travel author zation. Carried. A letter from Walter F. Winters, King County Engineer advised of Public Hearing to be held on July 26th at 9:30 a.m. in Room 402 of the Court House on proposed Resolution to adopt the 1964 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, together with amendments, A copy was enclosed pursuant to R.C.W. 36.32.170, Paragraph 7,and questions or commer-ts were invited on the Code and amendments along with proposed Resolution, as attached.. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the City Engineer and Building Director. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer reported, as required pursuant to R.C.W. 35.33.120,and City of Renton Resolution No. 1232, Fund Transfers within budget classifications for the period from January through May, 1965, to-wit: From: Firemen's Pension Fund Account 507 to Account 402 $225.00 From Executive Account 1200/504 to City Clerk Account 1400/130 600.00 From Health Department Account 4100/314 to Account 417 20.00 From Civil Service Commission Acct. 1900/308 to Account 402 400.00 From Executive Account 1200/402 to Non Departmental 1920/417 234.00 A letter from Mr. Walter F. Winters, King County Engineer, reported completion of work plans fcr the Eaat Side Project of the Green River watershed to the stage where a review by sponsors and interested parties is in order. Accordingly, an informal hearing has been set for June 29, 1965 at 7:30 p.m. in the Renton City Hall, at which time the Soil Conservation Service spokesmen will present engineering studies on the watershed. Councilman Schellert suggested a copy of this communication be directed to Mr. Hulse who is presently on vacation. A letter from the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, Kay F. Johnson, Executive Secretary, submitted Hold Harmless Agreement and Certificate of Insurance covering the 4th of July parade and use of that portion of the Renton Airport for celebration activities as described therein. Concurrence of the Council was requested. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents. The City Clerk pointed out that the Certificate of Insurance was not made out to the City. Mr. Johnson advisedhe felt the original policy is made out to the City from which the Certificate was derived. The pending motion carried. A letter of intent to annex properties to the City of Renton, was read, which was signed by Harry H. Benton, 900 Lowman Bldg., Seattle, United Good Neighbor Fund. The property was described as located South of 180th Street and West of Springbrook Road. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the letter of intent to the City Engineer for verification of ownership of the signatures. Carried. Mayor Custer reported receiving announcement of 30th Annual Institute of Covernzment, to b: on Wednesday, July 7th at the University of Washington. One of the topics he felt of interest will be "Impact of Federal Aid Programs on State and Local Government. The registration blah"'. will be available in the Mayors office along with folder if anyone wishes to attend. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer, along with Civil Service Commission Certification were submi`�.Pd and Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs. Patricia Dickinson to position of Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Fire Department. The Civil Service Examination had been successfully passed on June 14 with a grade of 75,86% and all records are on file in the office of the Commission Secretary, Mrs. Mary Muir. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointment as recommended. Carried. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 6•-71--65 COUNCIL- COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that the Committee recommended renewal of the State Patrol Lease in the Highlands Administration Building; per letter from the Department of General Administration, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the document upon approval by the City Attorney, and if possible a Hold Harmless Agreement be obtained per recommendation of the Insurance Commissioner, Louis Gebenini. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Councilman Pederson advised that the renewal is being based upon the same terms and conditions as the prior lease. The pending motion carried. Councilman Schellert reported meeting of the Ways and Means Committee with the Park wnr' Board and will have a report next week on the band concert proposal. Councilwoman Dahlquist reported attendance at the Association of Washington Cities 31st Annual Convention in Tacoma and advised of discussions with various Consultants at the Meet the Experts program. She spoke with Lyle Goodrich regarding Fire Service Training, Dr. Ernest H. Campbell regarding Municipal Law who appraised our City Attorney as one of the best in the State, Charles Odegaard, Director of State Parks and Recreation Commission, with whom she discussed the Federal Aid Program for Outdoor Recreation and monies therefor which are available on local levels and progress thereunder. On Friday the meeting attended included problems of Cities and solutions offered by certain Cities which included a discussion on removal of old junker automobiles stored on private property. Ellensburg offered information on its experiences if contacted. The Use of L.I.D. 's for parking Auburn offered to discuss this problem How to deal with Mobile Homes - Some Cities have problem of people parking Camping Trailers in the Streets - Moses Lake would discuss this problem. All in all, Mrs. Dahlquisf felt that the program this year was very good. She added that Dr. Hams spoke on Municipal Government relative to training of children and Mou.ntlake among other cities is trying it in conjunction with the schools and with the people of the communities in order that they may become familiar with the functions of Municipal Gov(_,t- ment. , ... Councilman Pedersen reported that Rentonts two Bennett's received acclaim in the Golf Tournament and that Councilman Garrett retained his position on the Board. The next convention will be held in Yakima. A report of the Street and Alley Committee was submitted by Chairman Garrett which was read by the Clerk. Regarding petition for opening branch road in vicinity of Lake Washington �1 Boulevard and S.E. 84th Street, an investigation reveals that said lane is located entirely upon railroad right-of-way and in some cases is covered by easements from the railroad to private parties. Inasmuch as no public right-of-way is involved, the City would not have jurisdiction to force the property owners to the north to allow access. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the report of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett requested that the petitioners be advised of the findings. A letter from City Engineer, Jack UJilson, was read regarding study of Main Street Parking, a close surveillance over the P.M. parking restriction included volume studies and parking availability study. The volume study indicated an average of 1600 Southbound vehicles per day during the two-hour restriction,(3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m,., Monday throug Friday), which is equivalent to vehicles lined bumper to bumper for six miles and the restriction has without question increased the traffic capacity and reduced conges-tion by providing an additional lane. Parking studies signify adequate parking is avai.I,� I_s both on and off-street in the vicinity of the restricted area. The Engineering Derart!1ent- recommended enforcement of the restriction until traffic volumes are reduced to a point where one lane will suffice, and in order to accomplish same a north-south arterial Lc-.- better orbetter access to the freeway from the industrial area may be needed, which the North Renton Interchange and Logan-Smithers arterial might provide. A reper-t dated 5-5. 63 yead , and Courtesy Notice placed on vehicles to advise of the prohibited parking was attatcl -d along with Police Department Officer's Report by Captain Ernie Henry of the Traffic Division. The Report outlined procedures of enforcement since institution of the restriction ;ith recommendations for additional control by operation of traffic signal at 4th and Main on automatic cycle. No vehciles have had to be impounded and comments from drivers was efavorable and many hoped it would continue. May 13th report indicated no traffic back up in the six weeks of operation, nor congestion with free and easy traffic rn-ovemont. Only three merchants had expressed objection. Captain Henry recommended that the restriction be made permanent. The Street and Alley Committee recommended concurrence _uz Cap-Laf*n 1I4e, rvts reco mmendation. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen to conr_­,_Sr !'1-i r iw:'�A f Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: cont. Councilman Perry inquired regarding status of a request for annexation to the City of properties in the Kennydale area. Mayor Custer advised of receiving various inquiries from the residents of the Kennydale area some who thought they had been annexed and others had requested the City to pursue the matter including other areas. Petitions have not been filed to date with required signatures. There was no comment further on the matter. NEW BUSINESS: President of the Council Pedersen announced a meeting of the Committee of the Who on Tuesday, June 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The Insurance Commission members will be present and the City Clerk, I*paty Clerk, City Attorney and Mayor were invited to be present, as well as the Library Board and Architects. Councilman Schellert remarked that the people here who complain about the core area of Renton should witness the Tacoma area which, even though it received an award as 'All American City" evidences much greater a problem. Mr. Schellert called attention to a matter he found of interest at the Tacoma convention which was the Municipal Fire Alarm System which the Fire Underwriters recommended be seen as now operating at Burien. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to approve City of Renton Vouchers No. 9441 through 9513 as previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee with breakdown by funds as follows: Current Fund No. 9441-9476, $2,006.63 Street Fund 9477-9483 1,384.11 Arterial Street 9484 54.00 Equipment Rental 9485-9493 21,025.43 Parks 9494-9505 489.24 Water Works Utility 9506-9512 4,188.33 Airport 9513 43.32 Total - $10219.3,06 The motion carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman, requested a short meeting of the Police and Licens Committee immediately following this meeting. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, reported .that the three rezone ordinances proposed were all in order and second and final reading was now recommended, the agreements being taken care of. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed ordignce on second and final reading. Carried. (lst reading 6-14-65.) A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was read changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city from General Classification District (g-7200) to Business District (B-1) and Residential District (R-3) .(Hokenson property in vicinity of S.E. 112th Street and 132nd S.E.) Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to adopt Ordinance No. 2162 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Heavy Industry (H-1) and Light Industry, (L-1) respectively, which was introduced for first reading on 6-14-65. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to place the proposed Ordinance on its sem nd and final reading. Planning Director Jensen reported that on all three rezones signed agreements and instruments have all been filed with the exception of one which will be forthcoming tomorrow. The pending motion carried. After the second and final rearing, eft it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that Ordinance No. 2163 be adopted as read Roll call vote following resulted in all Council Members present voting aye. The motio carried. A proposed Ordinance was presented, with first reading held on 6-14-65, changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification (GS-1) to Trailer Park (T-1). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2164 as read. Roll call resulted in unanimous aye vote carrying the motion. (Frew Dickson rezone) -7- 283 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) 6-21-65 The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance regulating the erection,construction, repair, alteration, location or maintenance of any sign, bill- board, marquee, canopy, awning, or similar structure within any public place or right- of-way of the City of Renton; providing for the posting of bond or insurance policy; the issuance of permits and fees,therefore authorizing the revocation of permits; requiring inspection; and providing penalties for violation thereof. Department Heads had been requested to submit any recommendations they might �r have and the Building Director proposed various changes and recommendations which were incorporated by the City Attorney into the presently proposed ordinance. Building Director Reisberg upon request, outlined some of the proposed controls over use of public lands to be imposed which includes a $5.00 fee for non-illuminated signs plus $2.50 additional for electrical inspection on illuminated signs with place- of stickers each ,year to certify current compliance. This totals $7.50 inspection fee for illuminated. A general minimum fee of $10.00 per sign not exceeding 6 square feet shall be paid plus 25 cents per square foot for area greater, which fee shall be non refundable, in addition to inspection fees. Discussion disclosed that the ordinance applies to encroachments over the right-of-way as well. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to place the proposed Ordinance on first reading. Carried. The Clerk read the ordinance and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee.Carried. Schellert suggested the newspapers publicize this proposal. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution authorizing appropriation from excess revenues unto the Fire Department, the sum of $4,000.00 as follows: Fire Department 2200/606, Capital Outlay, $3,500.00 Fire Department 2200/417, Maintenance and Operation, $500.00 The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution and it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1311 as read. Dahlquist spoke against the motion inasmuch as the request of the Civil Service Commission for $500.00 to provide physical examinations for the Police Department personnel was put into the hands of the Mayor upon coming out Of Committee for consideration in next years budget, and she felt this was more important thanexpending $500.00 for furniture from excess revenues. Councilman Perry inquired of Mr. Noble whether the Commission request had been for physicals for this year and the reply was in the affirmative. Councilman Schellert, as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, asserted he , would vote no on all requests for transfers that he does not see. The pending motion subsequently carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m. There were 28 visitors in the Council Chambers. ,,o4ade_'5 D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk -8- I a� L 234 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. June 28, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pederson, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and M rris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Karshall, Deputy City Clerk, G. M. Shellan.. City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chiefof Police, James Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief,Del Bennett,A sst.City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Vic Tegantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Bob puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 215 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAK ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10364 $ 350.00 Bob Shane 11631 - 100th Street S.E. Wire Residence 365 450.00 Bob Shane 11619 - 100th Street S.E. Wire Residence 366 1,000.00 Signal Oil Corp. 4th & Park Street Sign 367 425.00 Herb Hackman 10614 - 108th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 368 40.00 Eugene H. Miller 1152 Morris Street So. Porch & Patio 10370 2,000.00 Gene Meyers 125 Rainier Avenue Com'l. Bldg. 369 Retained for additional information 371 7,100.00 Norman Hash 358 Bronson Way Addition to Res. 372 380.00 N. Weathers 3803 - 6th Pl. North Wire Residence 373 75.00 Boeing Credit Union 6th Ave. No. & Logan Wire Sign 374 2,000.00 Renton Inn 301 Grady Way Temperature Con of room PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7218 - - - - R. W. Wiehoff 11642 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures . 19 - - - - R. W. Wiehoff 11228 S.E. 104th St. Plumbing Fixtures 20 - - - - Bob Shane 11631 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - Gane Meyers Rainier & 2nd Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - Ho Toy Cafe 926 "H" Street Heat & Gas 23 - - - - John Dinius 12206 - 88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures PRESENTATION OF AWARD Mayor Custer, on behalf of the Council and the City of Renton, presented a Certificate of Award to Mr. Joseph Gottstein, as a token of appreciation,and in recognition of outstanding service to the community, for his contribution of land which is -to be used for park or other public purposes. Mr. Gottstein expressed his appreciation for the award and for the friendly cooperation of the City with the racing industry which relationship he hoped would be continued for some time to come. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Attorney Shellan, directed to the Mayor and City Clerk, submitted contract forms from Johnston-Campanella and Company, Architects, and recommended review of same to be sure all pertinent documents of every type and nature are included. It was suggested also that prior to commencement of any work and at time of contract execut...a the performance bond and various insurance policies listed in the Supplementary General Conditions be submitted to him for inspection. The City should be named as an additional insured on the insurance policies for public liability and property damage with evidence of same to be furnished the City Attorney. In regard to Item 11 of Supplementary General Conditions entitled "Warranty Correction of Work after Acceptance, Mr. Shellan wondered whether the contractor could possibly post a "Maintenance bond" with the City to guarantee the material and workmanship. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, to table the communication until the Committee of the Whole recommendation is presented later in the meeting. Carried. -1- 285 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting June 28, 1965 COMMUNICATIONS:(cont.) A letter from City Attorney Shellan reported on Petition to vacate alley adjoining Tracts 2 and 3, Second Supplemental Plat of Renton Shorelands, that the plat filed with the Commissioner of Public Lands on May 10, 1963, stated in the certification that the streets shown thereon were dedicated to the public forever and for all purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway pur- poses. It was therefore assumed from the foregoing language that any vacation would terminate the use of said right-of-way for a highway purpose and a reversion would undoubtedly occur to the State unless the State is willing to release and waive such reversion. It was suggested that no hearing date be set on the matter and the Attorneys will write to the Commissioner of Public Lands in Olympia inquiring whether the State would release its reversionary interest so that the vacation petition could be processed. Letters read from the Mayor and City Engineer,submitted ' an Agreement between the State Highway Commission and the City of Renton concerning the North Renton Inter- change. Basic changes were made regarding financial participation of the City in Part II, paragraph (b) which states that"The City shall pay to the State at the time of the contract award, a sum of $400,000 less the amount the City has actually expended in acquiring the rights of way. . . .", to satisfaction of the Mayor and City Engineer. A second change indicates that the State will design the bridge which is an integral part of the western approach to the Interchange. It was recommended, subject to final approval by the City Attorney,that the Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement on behalf of -the City. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Mayor and City Engineer. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted Quit Claim Deed from the Pacific Coast Railway Company_ conveying unto the City an easement for street, utility and related purposes concerning dedication of a, portion of Houser Way from 4th Avenue North to 8th Avenue North. It was recommended that acceptance of the Deed be withheld pending removal by Puget Power Com. of two poles from the roadway and the City Engineer has questioned the condition of the asphalt paving in the area. Moved by Trimm, seconded Poli, to concur with the recommendations of the Mayor. The motion carried. Irrrr A letter from City Engineer Wilson by Assistant Engineer Del Bennett, reported on a referral of letter of intent to annex property in vicinity of South 180th Street and Springbrook Road, that a real estate transaction is in process and u on completion , further report will be made as .to validity of the letter. (UGN Property A letter from Richard Haag Associates, Landscape Architects, requested the Council to consider their interest in providing professional services in regard to landscape development of the new library site. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the Library Board and Architects. The motion carried. A letter read from Jack,Wilson, City Engineer requested authorization to call for bids for installation of sturm' sewers in Main Street from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue and 2nd Avenue from Main Street East to the Cedar River, and in Mill Street from Fire Station North to 2nd Avenue. July 19th was suggested for opening of the bids. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from Chuck Jensen, Chairman, Renton Jr. Chamber of Commerce, Donkey Baseball game extended invitation to the Mayor and Council to attend the game on Tuesday, June 29th at 7:30 p.m. in the Renton High School Stadium. Mayor Custer was requested to lead the Flag Salute at opening of the game,. A letter from Mr. Orrin Madison advised of destruction of 20 trees of cherries by birds and expressed his displeasure at not being able to destroy them inasmuch as City Ordinance prohibits noise and firearm discharge. Mr. Madison requested to withdraw his properties from the City. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the City Clerk advise Mr. Madison that upon proper application the .City will consider his request. Carried. -2- 286 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting June 28, 1965 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from City Attorney Shellan reported that Quit Claim Deed from the State of !1ashington to the City of Renton,covering 1,553 sq. ft. of property near Houser Way and Mill, contains a very definite reversion clause applicable immediately upon ending the public use of the subject property. Therefore, it is very doubtful that -the City could use said property for purposes of exchange or sale since said transactions would not constitute "use Ior public purposes". It undoubtedly could be used for parking and storage in which event the deed should be accepted. If the primary intent is to use it for later sale or exchange with private owners, then the deed in its present form is unacceptable unless the State agrees to delete its reversionary interest. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to defer action until committee reports later in the meeting. Carried. A letter read from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, advised that the Planning Commission at its public hearing of June 23, 1965 considered the Final Plat of Hill- crest Lane and recommended its adoption by the Council. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordi- nance Committee for the proper document. Carried. Application from Ethel P. Lawrence of Newberrys, for Keymakers License was read. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Baird M. Bardarson, M.D., President, Renton Sailing Club, acknowledged a letter from Mayor Custer regarding hazardous activities at Lake Washington Park and implied revocation action on temporary use permit. The Sailing Club Board wished to report the success of its junior sailing program in teaching 160 boys and girls the elements of sailing, respect of water and survival techniques in the water and that the adult evening program is also receiving enthus- iastic response. Both instructors are qualified life guards and one in addition has both a [eater Safety Instructor rating from the Red Cross and Aquatic Administrator from the Boy Scouts and"no swimming"restrictions have been enforced during the school hours. It was noted that prior to the sailing classes activity a count revealed 50 people on the beach and some ten water ski boats using the area as well as private vehicles whose owners were fishermen which problems did not result from the sailing clubs program. The Park Department had been informed immediately of the defective lock and the Club installed new locks giving duplicate keys to the Park Department. The Sailing Club feelsit has conscientiously lived up to the terms of the Permit and appreciates the trust placed in it by the City. Officials of the City were in- vited to -the facility to get a first hand knowledge of the service to the youth of community offered by this worthwhile program which was deemed an appropriate use of public property. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Mayor for what- ever action he decides might be appropriate. Mayor Custer reported that the City has posted no swimming signs to replace those which had been removed and new signs had been posted at the entrance to the park advising that the area was in development stage and not open to unauthorized persons or vehicles. The creek area has been cleaned up which runs into the lake and it is hoped that the problems will be soon solved now pending. Poli inquired whether posting The area absolves the City from responsibility. City Attorney Shellan advised that the City in posting notices has given warning to the public and if they still go in they are trespassing. The signs strictly serve notice that this is not open to the public generally and the City has done its duty which is about all that can be done. The pending motion was subsequently carried. PROCLAMATION: A Proclamation was read wherein Mayor Custer declared the week of July 4-10, 1965 as Safe Boating Week. All Boating and Sailing interests were urged to publicize and observe Safe Boating Week and to extend efforts throughout the year as well. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Custer inquired as to attendance at the Renton Aviation Festival "Kick-Off" Dinner to be held at the Boeing Cafeteria June 30th at 7:00 p.m. . Tickets are $5.00 each. Parking will be provided and a certain section will be reserved for City Personnel. -3- i Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-28-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, submitted his Committee report which was read by the City Clerk with council actions taken as follows: Regarding Insurance carried by the City, it was recommended that Utility Department equipment, including the various pumping stations and lift stations etc., be insured in accordance with recommendations of the Insurance Commission. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur. Carried. Recommended that the insurance coverage now carried on the City Hall Building and contents, be renewed as it now stands in approximate amount of $125,000 on the Building and $100,000 on contents. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Moved to concur with the Library Board recommendation to accept the low bid of Alton V. Phillips Company in the sum of $327,400 plus alternates of $4,530 for construction of the new library. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Dahlquist spoke against the motion inasmuch as the bid was in excess of the means provided for the construction,and she did not feel the architectural agree- ment had been met, the: eosts being over $325,000.00'. Discussion ensued and it was pointed out that the amount the city would have available was $325,000 and $60,000 for the building and fixtures and furnishings and then the city added $15,000 for the foot- bridge and it is a matter of discretion of the Council as to whatever action it wishes to take, it being evident the' bid amount is somewhat over the estimate of $325000 for the building. The only thing, however, which may not be met within the contract obligations is the fact that architectural fees were to be included in the estimated amount of building costs. The pending motion was subsequently carried. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the funding of -the $151,000 for the footbridge to be constructed at the new library site, be referred to the Ways and Means Committee, and Law and Ordinance Committee with power to act. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. aw The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract for the new library building. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. The Committee recommended acceptance as of September 1st of Planning Director Jensen's resignation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor prepare a letter or thanks to show appreciation for Mr. Jensen's services as may be appropriate. Carried. The Committee further recommended that the Council inform the Planning Com- mission that it is the intention of Council that the new zoning ordinance be adopted as soon as possible. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. The Committee recommended that the letter from Marshall & Meyer on bond refunding be held until such time as it may be needed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur. Carried. A letter from the City Clerk regarding Medical Coverage for the Police Judge will be considered at the next meeting of the Committee of the Whole. Councilman Pedersen reported, regarding request of the Boeing Company to riprap the river bank that they need to extend -the paint shed 20 ft. which would take in part of the roadway and it was requested that they be allowed to relocate the road. Dis- vow cussion ensued disclosing that this is merely an access road and not a dedicated right of way. Additional plans include putting a steel guard rail on -the building side and it was recommended that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for necessary docu- ments and Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign, City Engineer- to supervise.. If the area was a part of the Waterway Commission dedication and if the U.S. Corps of Engineers approval had been considered, were inquiries.it was pointed out that the distance of only about 100 ft. would be involved. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Mortis, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation, the City Attorney to draw up proper documents. Mr. Charles Shane protested sale of property without bid call and it was pointed out thi,^ was not before the Council at this time , T'_Le perding notice Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-28-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont.) OLD BUSINESS: The Property Committee recommends that the City accept the property offered by Deed from the Washington State Highway Commission. Attention was called to defer- ment of this matter earlier in the meeting upon reading of the City Attorney's letter and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Property Committee recom- mendation.. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that Item a. of Communications be taken from the table for proper action at this time. Carried. The letter submitted original and four copies of contract for the new library and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract conform- ing with recommendations of the City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee submitted his report which was read by the Deputy City Clerk with council actions taken as follows: Regarding referral for funding of covered stadium, it was recommended that the Council concur with the Park Board referring the matter to the Priority Committee for programming, Cumulative Reserve Fund being considered as source of funding;. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations. It was called to attention that the Park Board has suggested constructing this project in stages and that the next budget to provide therefor. The pending motion carried. Regarding Band Concerts, requiring funding in amount of $1,000.00, the Committee is unable to recommend funds for such use this year, however, due to the interest of the Municipal Art Commission and cooperation of the Musician's Union, it was recom- mended that the matter be referred to the Mayor for consideration in his preliminary budget for 1966. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Referral of City sharing cost of bal.lfield light energy-report advised that funds cannot be recommended for this year and referral to the Mayor for consideration in his preliminary budget for next year was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his report which was read with action taken as follows: Petition from residents of Ponderosa area for Traffic Control in vicinity of 118th Ave. S.E. and 116th Ave . S.E. - Several improvements have been completed which include posting of "Watch for Children" sign on 118th Ave. S.E. and installation of a Stop Sign on the Northeast corner of Southeast 154th Street and 118th Ave. S.E. with Speed and Curve signs on 116th Ave. S.W. A Community Development Program for sidewalks is now being studied by the residents of this area. ' Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, submitted a letter from the City Attorney regarding action regulating barber colleges pursunnt to Petition from Barbers protesting such an operation in Renton. It was ,pointed out that barber colleges, similar to beauty schools are regulated by the State under its police power and certain requirements as to students, course of instruction , size and related matters are covered by the license issued by the State and the City would have no right to impose any other or different regulations under its police power. The City may impose a license fee for the purpose of revenue in exercising its taxing power, which fee must be reasonable and not arbitrary and capricious. The present Ordinance imposes license or occupation tax upon certain professional or semi-professional persons which tax is $25.00 for each professional and $6.00 for each non-professional employee. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the school would then be covered by the existing ordinance and that the matter will be discussed further during budget time when license are reviewed. NEW BUSIFESS: Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, that the Ways and Means Committee meet with the Engineer to determine a means for demolishing and clearing ground on the Alden See property to prepare for parking and paving coinciding with opening of the new library. Dahlquist objected to the City having to demolish the buildings on property we purchase when we give an allowance in cost when selling property and others demolish the buildings. It was pointed out that the City still will receive appraisal price ^fter consideration given for demolishment on the sewage disposal site being sold to ::ceing. The pending motion carried. -5- P-89 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-28-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: cont. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to approve City of Renton Vouchers No. 9514 through 9600, as previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Fund breakdowns as follows: Current Fund 9514 - 9546 $ 1,734.11 Street Fund 9547 - 9552 873.60 Arterial Street 9553 3,655.08 Off-Street Parking Fund 9554 100.00 Equipment Rental Fund 9555 - 9564 1,235.35 Parks 9565 - 9574 288.15 ,r Water Works Utility 9575 - 9579 438.37 Airport 9580 - 9585 56.37 Firemen's Pension 9586 - 9598 1,044.60 Cumulative.Reserve 1894 9599 - 9600 18,853.44 $34,279.07 The pending motion carried. . Mayor Custer at this time offered congratulations to Councilman Hulse who became a father-in-law while on vacation through marriage of his daughter. Councilman Schellert called attention of the Council to an article on Page 65 of the current . Western Cities Magazine regarding City of Renton Traffic Signal Maintenance program,. The maintenance truck and Mayor Custer, Assistant City Engineer Bennett, Chuck Scoby and Elmer Shaver were pictured and a program of protective maintenance which might be of interest to other cities Was outlined by Mayor Custer and accompanied the pictures. Moved by Poli, 'seconded by Perry, that the City Clerk direct a letter to Mr. Madison advising that the Council takes appropriate action on all matters within its powers but that his problem with birds destroying his crops is not within the scope of duties of the Council. It was suggested the letters be combined that the Council requests be sent to Mr. Madison regarding deleting his property from the city and the problem of birds. The motion carried. Mr. Johnston, of Johnston-Campanella, Architects, upon the Mayors invitation for audience comment, addressed the Council stating that the architectural trade is no more exacting than are, law or medicine. The architect does not build the building nor do the bidding but designs the building and submits to general contractors to bid and if a bid comes in within 10% of the estimated cost it is felt to be a good bid. The library bid awarded was within 70, and it is the Council's decision to make on whether to accept the provisions within the proposed contract and whether to accept bids or ask the architects to withdraw and resubmit for another bid call. It is always hoped the bids will come within the budgeted allowance. The Library Board selected certain furniture and interior and Mr. Johnston felt thatihis possibly may have been changed but his firm had felt that it had done a good job and not a poor job and that they had stayed within the provisions of the contract agreement. Mrs. Wiberg, member of the Library Board, advised that the Board has had wonderful cooperation from the architects and city officials with whom it dealt and the feeling has been that good judgment had been used when hiring the architects. They included things they could have done without, such as the balcony but it adds to the appearance and makes room for expansion at a later time. Heatproof glass was not necessary but for the minimum extra cost it would be foolish not to have it. The Council approved the higher bid and the Library Board appreciates all that the council and city officials have done to help push the library through and it was not felt that the architects need any defense. Mrs. Dahlquist stated the Council had a contract drawn up to protect the city against over spending and yet the bid went over and that it was her belief that the Library Board would come to the Council for more money before the completion of the library and she therefore does not feel the contract was fulfilled. Mr. Johnston attributed some of the cost to the building being over the river, and the Flood Control agency requiring the extra depth after having already given permit for piers although the use of the area over the river possible contributes to a sevings to the taxpayers of some $70,000 - $80,000 which is the probable worth of the land. Upon inquiry Mr. Johnston advised the cost of the building is to be $17.98 per square rt. Mr. Shane again commented that he believes the sale of city property should Le put out on public bid and not sold by negotiation. He knows of several individuals whi would be interested in the bidding and he would submit a certified check himself in tha amount of the price asked. He felt publicppro rty should be advertised for sale. Mrs. Clymer of the School Board felt the Tibrary bid if within the 7% of estimate wu; a vcry nood bid. -6- 9 1 290 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 6-28-65 AUDIENCE COMMENTS:(cont.) Mr. C. A. Krier of 8633 South 127th Street advised that a TV Cable has been installed in front of his residence which obstructs the view from his front window. The cable had been taken down once but has now been replaced. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli , to refer the matter to the City Engineer for investigation as to whether the installation is in compliance with State and local building codes. It was pointed out that the Franchise Agreement requires any extension of the cable to be approved by the Engineering Department. After further ! discussion regarding participation by the telephone company in the installations question was called for on the pending motion which subsequently carried. Councilman Schellert announced that the new ordinance regulating encroaching signs will be placed on second and final reading at the next council meeting. Thanks were extended to the newspapers for their coverage last week on the proposal. As there was no further business to come before the Council and no further comments from the audience, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adiourned at 9:40 p.m. There were 23 visitors in the Council Chambers. D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were approved for the month of June, 1965. TO: CLAIMS FUND TO: PAYROLL FUND FROM: Current $ 240675.53 FROM: Current $ 74,017.28 Street 17,958.47 Street 14,338.78 Arteriil Street 5,721.63 Cedar River M $ I 567.00 Cedar River M $ I 29.11 Off Street Parking 10.00 Off Street Parking 211.00 Equipment Rental 3,506.07 Equipment Rental 10,365.77 Library 5,144.73 Library 1,597.14 Parks 15,149.39 Parks 4,649.44 Waterworks 13,047.06 Waterworks 400664.73 Airport 1,923.50 Airport 604.48 Firmen's Pension Fund 1,044.60 Cum. #1894 98,557.64 Cum. #1975 94.50 Cum;.#1698 60000.00 Total Claims $ 212,174.04 Total Payroll $ 127,703.81 o . RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. July 1a, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. WAN= OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Sheilan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, M. C. (Malls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, previoue Minutes be approved with addition of the Mayor to referrals with regard to preparing property for library parking area . Carried. (New Business, 6-28-65, Pg. 5) APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10369 $ 250.00 Herb Kindle 3319 - 12th Ave. No. Rewire Residence 10375 1,600.00 Robert Krzycki 2207 - 10th Ave. No. Add to Residence 376 2,580.00 Marie L. Larsen 11042 S.E. 104th St. Reside Residence 377 175.00 Arvid Widell 2709 - 14th Ave. No. Wire Addition 378 10,000.00 Gunnar. Komstadius 12607-88th Ave. So. Residence 379 2,500.00 Ivan Unbedacht 17417 Springbrook Rd. Apartment & Shed 10380 1,700,000.00 The Boeing Co. Renton Boeing Steel Building 381 1,500.00 Columbian Optical Co. Renton Shop. Center Sign 382 100.00 R. 0. Bradley 709 High :Street Dark Room 383 14,000.00 H. L. Slauson 10615 - 111th Place New Residence ... 384 13,500.00 Bell & Valdez 3258 Rolling Hills Ave. New Residence 10335 161,500.00 Bell & Valdez 3270 Rolling Hills Ave. New Residence 336 16,500.00 Bell & Valdez 3250 Rolling Hills Ave. New Residence 387 1,000.00 Gene Meyers 2nd & Rainier New Office Bldg. 388 113000.00 Gene Meyer 125 Rainier Ave. Auto Rebuild Shop 389 2,500.00 A. Delaurenti 525 Morris Street Addition to Res. 10390 400.00 Adam A. Goll 646 "P" Street faire Electric Heat 391 100.00 Douglas Blunck 921 "B" Street Fence 392 412.00 H. K. Caruthers 2051 Monterey Dr. Add to Residence 393 400.00 Amelia Telben 508 Cedar Street Roof Gutters 394 350.00 Lloyd Peterson 11309 S.E. 112th St. Wire Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7224 - - - - R. H. Johnson 328 N. Williams St. Plumbing Fixtures 25 - - - - A. L. Yitsoe 3018-20 - 15th No. Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - - Ivan Unbedacht 17417 Spring brook Rd. Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - - Jack Weaver 1246 Talbot Road Gas Installations 28 - - - - Renton Inn 301 Grady Way Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - - Jack Regis 501 - 4th Ave. Plumbing-Gas Fixtures 7230 - - - - Frank C. Shelton 11411 - 312th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - - Norman Hash 358 Bronson Way No. Heating Equipment 32 - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11309 S.E . 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - - Bell & Valdez 3325 Rolling. Hills Dr. Plumbing Fixts. " R 34 - - - - Marion F. Jenson 511 Burnett St. Gas Installations 7235 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13329 S.E. 115th Plumbing Fixtures 36 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13325 S.E. 115th Plumbing Fixtur ;s 37 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13321 S .E. 115th Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 12217 S.E. 115th Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13313 S.E. 115th Plumbing Fixtures 7240 - - - - Gene Meyers 125 Rainier Heating Equipment 41 - - - - Roger Peterson 11025 - 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - - - A. Delaurenti 525 Morris St. Plumbing Fixtures 43 - - - - James A. Moyer 251 Meadow Gas Installation 44 - - - - The Austin Co. 8350 S . 153rd St. Plumbing Fixtures -1- 292 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont .) 7-12-65 COMMUNICATIONS: A note of appreciation from the Wayne Armstrong family was read acknowledging sympathy expression from the City and its Officials in the death of Mr. Armstrong on June 28th from cancer. City Clerk Nelson reported a meeting of the Annexation Review Board on June 24, 1965 on the proposed annexation of the I. J. Brcdell et al properties, also known as property in vicinity of Pauls Maplewood Addition. The Clerk read the findings that the annexation of this area to the City of Renton will be in the public interest and for the public welfare as well as in the best interest of the City and that it appro the annexation fil'x, its findings hereby with the Renton City Council for further action as provided by law„ Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to accept the findings of the Annexation Review Board and that July 26, 1965 be set for hearing on the matter. Carried. A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, requested authorization to call for bids on installation of a galvanized wire mesh cyclone fence around the Springbrook Watershed. July 26th was recommended date for opening of bids. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter was read from City Clerk, Helmie Nelson, requesting authorization to transfer and appropriate into Account 7150, 111965 Water and Sewer Construction Fund" the sum of $500,000.00 which is now budgeted in Waterworks Utility Fund 7120, to-wit: CAPITAL OUTLAY: Acct. 606, Machinery & Equipment, Supply line from Mt. Olivet to Highlands Reservoir, $157,750.00 and Exploration & Development-Springbrook Dam, $80,000.00; Acct, 607, Analysis and Survey, Analysis of Water System, $ 10,000.00; Account 609, Depreciation-Reserve for Future Development, Reserve for future water improvements from proposed 1965 Revenue Bonds, $252,250.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur with the City Clerk's request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance creating said fund and transferring money thereto. Carried. A letter from Mr. Chet Williams offered the sum of $5.00 to buy and remove residence from the premix,;^ at 210 Mill Street, leaving only the concrete foundation and basement. Mayor Custer reported that this offer was made by Mr. Williams with intent that the difference between the $10,000.00 purchase price to the City and.costs to Mr. Wms. for title reports, etc, of $76.15 would thereby be balanced out. This older residence was the family home and Mr. Williams wished to retain ownership for the sentimental values. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to accept the offer made by Mr. Chet Williams. Schellert inquired whether bond shouldn't be required to insure that the site be left in acceptable condition after the building has been removed. City Attorney Shellan replied that a Hold Harmless Agreement should be executed with removal of the building under supervision of the Building Director and the City Engineer and that some evidence of liability insurance should be posted which would be automatically taken care of if the building were to be moved by a house mover as our House Moving Ordinance so stipulates. Garrett stated that some time stipulation should be made as to when the building is going to be moved and questioned whether the sale was general public knowledge so that another offer for more money might not be made at the next meeting and a deliberation should be• r-iale as to whether to accept the first offer or the best offer. Question was called for on pending motion and the Chair ruled the motion failed by majority No vote. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, that informal bids be called for sale and removal of the subject building from the premises at 210 Mill Street. Carried. Applications for 1.966 Fireworks Stand Permits were read as follows: #5, V.F.W., #6, Ace Fireworks Co. , #7, Kiwanis Club of Greater Renton, #81 Explorer Post 493, Boy Scouts of American and #9, Renton Emblem Club. Moved by Poli, secondecd by Schellert to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Discussion disclosed that present City Ordinance allows one stand for every 3,500 population and Attorney General opinion prohibits selection of applications but provides for first come - first served basis. The pending motion carried. -2- 293 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-12-1965 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan reporting regarding Petition for vacation of alley adjoining Tracts 2 and 3, Second ' appleme ntal Plat of Renton Shorelands, that a letter from Mr. M. E. Bowler, Supervisor, Civil Engineering Division, Dept, of Natural Resources advised that it will not be necessary in this case to enter into the State vacation procedure but that the City may proceed -through its regular vacation procedure, by reason of the Shorelands Plat. If found to be in the best interest of the public any vacation ordinance will need to be furnished to the State. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for a date for hearing. ..�. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to amend the motion to add the date of August 16, 1965 for the hearing. The amendment to the motion carried and subse- quently the original motion as amended. Carried. A letter read from the Housing and Home Finance Agency, L. R. Durkee, Director for Northwest Operations, reported determination upon review of Mayor Custer's letter, -that there is no similarity in the design between the library facility planned with the $11,200 advance and the facility now being constructed and that little if any, of the original planning was of value in the re-design. Accordingly, necessary steps were being taken to relieve the City of the liability for repayment of the advance. Councilman Schellert expressed thanks to the Mayor for pursuance of this matter and Mayor Custer advised that this was official notification that the debt is now cancelled. A letter from City Attorney Shellan reported that pursuant to various telephone conversations with the attorney for the Boeing Company the Boeing Board of Directors has approved purchase in the amount of $55,000.00,as previously approved by the Council, of the Renton Sewage Treatment Plant site. The City Attorney advised that the necessary instrument of conveyance and Ordinance are now being prepared. A letter from Mr. Charles F. Shane advised of interest in purcha sinr' the sewage -treatment plant site and requested that the disposition of the site be handled by sale at public auction which he feels is a method fair to all persons interested and which, as a result of competitive bidding,will realize the highest price for the City. A bid of $75,000.00 was submitted and a Cashier's Check in the sum of $2,500.00 was attached as a good faith deposit, balance of $72,500.00 to be paid within ten days of notice of acceptance of this offer. The City shall have the right to remove shrubs fencing and equipment within a reasonable time. The law firm of Dobson, Houser and Dobson, had been retained to represent Mr. Shane and Mr. Dobson was present in the audience. Councilman Garrett inquired of City Attorney Shellan as to course of action the Council might follow. City Attorney Shellan advised that the City has the right or option under the law, whenever it has declared property -to be surplus, to either negotiate a sale or advertise for bids. In this particular case the City Council, sometime in April, voted this property to be surplus and no longer needed for public use and authorized it to be disposed of on the appraised terms. The City had negotiated with Boeing and morally both parties have committed themselves to the sale. Legally the sale is not consumated until the instrument of conveyance is properly executed. Now the City has received a tentative offer by Charles Shane for $75,000 which is higher than the City appraisal, The Council has several options it may con- sider. 1. It has the right to defer any action on -the matter. An ordinance has now been prepared on the sale but the Council does have the right to defer. 2. The Council has the right, if it so desires, to request Mr. Shane to secure a letter of credit from the bank to show that they are holding a sum of money for him to apply on the purchase. 3. In considering which route to take the Council may consider what the property is going to be used for and what effect is will have on the city generally aside from the difference in money. In other words the Council should consider whether Boeing Company will make a more beneficial contribution to the City in general and support it better taxwise and on t1e other hand whether Mr. Shane wishes to use it for ... industrial purposes, for investment or possible resale and make a decision accordingly in the manner it feels is of over all benefit and best for the city. The Council �..ay negotiate and does not have to call for bids. The property may also be leased with economic return and renegotiating the lease every five years or so. It is up to the Council to decide which way it wants to go. Councilman Perry inquired of Mr. Dobson whether he knew the purpose for which Mr. Shane intended to use the property. Mr. Dobson replied that he did not know but that the good faith deposit evidenced Mr. Shanes interest in the property and it was felt that the City should realize as much money as possible and if the Boeing offer for less is to be considered the people should know that Boeing is being subsidized. -3- X94 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-12-1965 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Sewage Disposal Plant Site Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that action be deferred for the present time and Mr. Shane be requested to produce his letter of credit substantiating availability of money to complete the transaction. Councilman Pedersen advised of presence of Boeing representatives who might wish to discuss the matter. Mr. Sargent, Manager Facilities Engineering, The Boeing Company advised of intent to incorporate this property into their planned expansion program with a growing work force and increased airplane sales demanding additional space. Probably it would be used for parking at present and eventually for some other purpose. Since the property was appraised by the Boeing appraiser and the- Cit appraisers and the offer meets the price and since both parties had agreed there_is a moral obligation, and Boeing Company banks on that. The pending motion carried. The City Clerk read a revised letter of intent to annex certain properties to the City of Renton-described as lying South of South 180th Street and West of Spring- brook Road. The City Engineer's letter was read reporting that the signatures on the letter represent 100% of the assessed valuation of the property requesting annexa- tion, also being signed by the future purchaser of the property. The parcel 'contains approximately 1.6 acres and has an assessed value of $500.00. Mr. Harry Benton and Mr. Ernie Coleman were present to answer any questions and it was pointed out that the property will be tax exempt, being owned by the UGN. Upon inquiry by Councilman Schellert, Mr. Benton affirmed that the pro-rata share of bonded indebtedness, if any, would be willingly assumed by the property owners. Moved-by Schellert, seconded by Pedersen, to accept the letter of intent and authorize circulation of the proper petition. Carried. Mr. Benton submitted the Petition signed by owners of not less than 759 in value according to assessed valuation of the property requested to be annexed under provisions of R.C.W. 35.13.130 as amended by Chapter 282, Laws of 1961, which was read by the City Clerk. City Engineer Wilson certified to the validity and 1009 rf the. asseseed value by signature representation and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, -to refer the matter to the Mayor for dispensation proceedings of the Review Board. Carried. A letter from Mr. Fred E. Lange, Executive Director, Municipality of Metro- politan Seattle, submitted copy of Metro's Industrial Waste Resolution requesting review and comment from the Council by July 23rd. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. The City Clerk read a letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, submitting recommendations from the Planning Commission from its public hearing meeting of June 23rd as follows: Worksaver Body Company rezone from G to H-1 - property generally situated South of 172nd Street and the East side of the West Valley Highway - Westerly 60' to be zoned BP, Business Parking and -the balance H-1. Appl. R-241-65 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Planning Commis§ipn recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. The motion carried. Texaco, Inc, Appl. No. V-242-65 - Variance requested for sign at N.W. corner of Bronson Way and Factory Street. Revocable Permit subject to usual terms and conditions in similar instances recommended. Discussion ensued regarding pending sign encroach- ment Ordinance and it was pointed out that the pending document covers signs on public properties only. he sign in this instance not being setback 20 ft. from the State Primary H .ghx:?{y but located on private property entirely. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendation.. ;;.:wiry followed as to why the Commission continues to allow such use when it does not conform with the Code and Mr. Jensen advised that it was deemed to be a reasonable use and is merely replacing a prior sign and that it is consistent with uses by others in the area. Eventually when new construction occurs, such as at . the T. & R. Market and United Rcntajl and the Revocable Permits are cancelled, and zoning will be conforming, but at present competitive advantage would exist if the sign were not approved. The pending motion carried. Martin Healy, Appl. No. V-243-65, Variance request -to divide platted property into two parcels located on Talbot Hill on west side of Lake Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in -the recommendation. Carried. -4- 295 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-12-65 COMMUNICATIONS (cont.) The Planning Commission in other matters set July 21 for initial hearings on the Comprehensive Plan. July 28th was set for hearing to consider Industrial Park Standards as a proposed amendment to the existing Zoning Ordinance and August 18th was set for hearing to consider Proposed Sub-division and Zoning Ordinance. A letter was read from Mayor Custer reporting action toward a final agree- ment with the two railroad companies to enable the Council to proceed with a permanent entrance to Lake Washington Park. The Pacific Coast Railway ,as per prior easement has extended right of entry to the City and several meetings have been held in the past in an attempt to finalize the crossing and access. The City at present does not have adequate funds to complete the project per the railroad's terms which would include filling, grading and paving of a roadway from Lake Washing- ton Blvd. into the park and installation and maintenance of a signal warning system and header and flange rails at an approximate cost of $25,000.00. It was suggested that the matter now be referred to the appropriate committee to begin final negotia- tions for a permanent access to -the park. This is a Park Board priority item. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Property Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. The Clerk reported receipt from the Washington State Highway Commission, of Notification of Limited Access Facilities on the Primary and Secondary Routes of the State Highway System within -the Limits of Incorporated Cities and Towns, which will be on file in the office along with report on other than Limited Access Routes. Mayor Custer at this time requested authorization to appoint a Traffic Advisory Commission to encourage citizen participation in the coordination of municipal services. The object of the group would be to -review programs for -traffic improvement and make recommendations to the City Council, in developing a traffic improvement priority list. In addition to voting members there would be City Officials assigned as non-voting ex-officio members and the Traffic Engineer as recording secretary. Other members include: 1 Downtown Merchant, 1 Chamber of Commerce, 2 Industry, 1 PTA Safety Committee, 1 Auto Insurance Industry, 4 neighborhood citizens. Moved by Federsen,. seconded by Schellert, that the Mayor proceed with this and present the prepared plan to the Council for approval. Councilman Morris recom- mended that ,representative from the Renton-King County Labor Council be included. The pending motion carried. A letter from J. D. Bixby, Director of Facilities, The Boeing Company, requested that the City consider the sale of approximately 3.4 acres of land upland of the Lake Washington City Park property, needed for proposed expansion by the Boeing Company. A map of the subject area was attached and if not r for sale other methods of making the property available were requested to be explored, the sale however, increasing the tax base and creating additional pay- roll for the community. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. Councilman Hulse reminded the Council that the City is desirous to increase its lake frontage and Mr. Garrett added that there is property owned by someone else in the area. The pending motion carried. A Planning Commission report on Arterials and Streets had been distributed, covering plans for the Renton Urban area major circulating patterns,and the Clerk reported that same would be filed in official records of her office Concurrence was requested by the Mayor in the appointment of the following Firemen to permanent positions in the Renton Fire Department, all having successfully completed the six month probationary period as of this date: Gerald Jones, Gary L. Newton, Edgar Wooten, Delbert Miller. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointments. The motion carried. A Proclamation read from Mayor Custer declared Saturday, July 17, 1965 as Renton Shrine Club Day and encouraged all citizens to participate in this program for worthwhile charitable purposes, this date to be Longacres Day sponsored by the Shrine with- all proceeds to be donated to the Clubs' charitable projects including their Crippled Childrens' Hospital project. The public is invited to participate in -this program. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-12-1965 COUPCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Councilman Pedersen, President of the Council, submitted his Committee of the Whole report which was read by the Clerk with council action taken as follows: Recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign the 4,1atershed Work Plan Agreement for the East side of the Green River Valley per Resolution proposed. Resolved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, approving the Workplan Resolution No: 1313.- Carried. Recommended to refer the Seattle City Light Franchise request to the Mayor and that the Property Committee and the Mayor seek acquisition of City Light property. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendatiom Carried Recommended to authorize the Park Board and the Renton Athletic Commission to retain an architect to prepare plans for a covered grandstand in Liberty Park. iioved by Schellert, sedonded by Del:iurerti, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. The Committee of the Whole recommended that Councilman Delaurenti be authorized to attend the American Public Works Association Convention in Los Angeles, California August 29 through September 1, 1965. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur. Carried. Recalling Mr. Shane's offer to purchase the sewage treatment plant site, Mr. Perry moved that Mr. Shane supply evidence of availability of balance of funds for the purchase and that he be requested to advise of intended use of the property. The motion was seconded by Pedersen and carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Special Power Rate Committee, submitted his Committee report that the preliminary objectives of the rate study by Clarence Unnevehr, rate expert, have been met within the period specified by the Council. On the basis of the study a pattern of rate zones would seem most equitable for all customers In the company's service area, with Renton within the most favorable rate zone, justify- ing the 5% differential extended to Renton for the past months. It appears that a re- duction in the end steps of the principal residential schedules would be justified and is anticipated that further adjustments may be made as a result thereof. Mr. Unnevehr is finalizing his results and the Company must submit an analysis of its financial position due to the recent loss of the Baker River power plant, upon the conclusion of which new rate schedules will be filed by the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, not later than September 30th, with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission.: Discussion ensued regarding zone method of providing for rates and rejection thereof by -the Commission previously. Mr. Carter of P.S.P. & L. advised the previous plan had been prepared by their own staff members and the Commission felt this was inadequate, thus, the subsequent employment of Mr. Unnevehr and .justification of the division rates, and zone method application. Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, presented a communi- cation which was read, from the City Engineer, Jack Wilson, reporting relative to TV Cable on South 127th Street West of 87th Avenue South. A resident objected to the cable because it interferred with the view from his front window and it was felt that no one on the street was using the cable. Investigation disclosed that one of the residents had requested service. The Company had been instructed to remove the cable but had since secured franchise to operate and was _requested to use such a location so as to minimize any obstruction of view and is now in accordance with the requirements. Mr. Bland of 8641 South 127th Street stated that the cable obstructs the view from his residence. City Engineer Wilson stated that the power company requires the line to be 4 ft. below its lines and that he will investigate further for possible relocation of the line. Mr. Bland inquired as to how he might get the lines removed. City Attorney Shellan was asked what the council action might be inasmuch as the TV Cable Company is in compliance with requirements of the permit. Mr. Shellan stated that the City Engine could deny any new additional locations the man may apply for but could not arbitrari1 nor capricl3usly find the use unreasonable when it complies with the franchise regulations. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the City Engineer make a new survey to determine solution to satisfy the people who are complaining and those who scant the service. Carried. Councilman Poli, Chairman of -the Light and Power Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that 3 - 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights be installed in the Plat or Aloha Ranch, S.E . 1.00th St. East of 116th Ave , (Bob Shane Plat). -6- 297 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-12-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEIRI BUSINESS: President of the Council Pedersen appraised the wonderful Air Festival and 4th of July festivities celebrated in Renton during the past holiday week end and asked that the Chamber of Commerce, Community Clubs and citizens who worked on the Committees be commended for the way the program was handled. He urged that the affair be continued annually to revive and be able to again talk about the civic spirit such as Renton used to have. The Mayo- replied that he would take this under advisement. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No, 9601 through 9738, - approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council with fund breakdo;an as follows: rr. Current Fund No, 9602-9640 $4;138.59 Street Fund 9641-9653 3,665.86 Arterial Street 9654-9656 1,099.86 No. Renton Interchange 9657-9660 13,409.39 Cedar River M. & I. 9661-9663 22.86 t7 ' ``, r!' ::_.tal 9664-9684 1,336.30 Library 9601-9685-9689 556.76 City Library Construction 9690-9693 907.63 Parks 9694-9709 1,235,39 Water Works Utility 9710-9730 1193,475.79 Airport 9731-9735 56.64 Cumulative Reserve 1894 9736-9737 317.56 Cumulative 1975 9738 5,253.00 Total $139,505.63 The motion carried. Councilman Hulse called attention to efforts 3 or 4 years ago to rezone a large section of Talbot Hill to SR-1 with 7500 ft. minimum lot size, and to the request for division of SR-1 parcel this evening and whether the Planning Department is con- sidering rezoning the area or whether the views of the residents have changed. Planning Director Jensen stated that if the Comprehensive Plan is adopted with the land use element together with the zoning ordinance, the zoning map will be drawn and presented to the Council,after Planning Commission hearings,and will include reclassi- fication of the Talbot Hill area and there will be less misunderstanding. Many of the 6' people who opposed have lost all opposition with one parcel being divided into 4 or S as a direct outgrowth of the proposal. Mayor Custer recalled that many signatures were duplicated on the"for"and'�against petiti8ns. Councilman Schellert thanked the Mayor for recognizing the need for a traffic advisory commission and expressed his feeling that it would add greatly in aiding the administration and the council, there being need for increased citizen participation in our government. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Res.,Iution of the City of Renton approving the final Plat of Hillcrest Lane. (Pederson property) The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1312 as read: Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington which was read ,,i 6-21-1965, _-cgu?=iting fhe erectibn, construction, repair; .alteration, location or maintenance of any sign, billboard, marquee, canopy, awning or similar structure within any public place or right-of-way of the city of Renton; providing for the posting of bond or insurance policy; the issuance of permits and fees therefore authorizing the revocation of permits; requiring inspection; and providing penalties for violation thereof. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse to concur in the Committee recommendation that the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. �.r Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2165 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Councill Members present voting aye. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. C. A. Krier to reinforce the T.V. Cable protest added his opposition and stated that the City Engineer would find additional protest to any relocation of the cable on 86th Street, As there was no further comment nor business to come before the Council it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adiourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:40pm. 7._ Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor :498 CITY OF RENTON REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 8:00 P.M. July 191 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D, W. Cust^--, Hayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly, ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBE'RS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the ago absent Councilmen be excused. Carried, OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S:. Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, 'City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, J. David Jensen, Planning Dir- ector, and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the previous Minutes of duly 12, 1965 be . approved as written. Carried.. OPENING OF BIDS: Storm Sewer Construction - Main Street, Second Avenue and Mill St. This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened Bpd read by the City Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BID BOND OR CHECK AMOUNT OF BID Eerkes Contracting, Inc. 920 Lincoln Street I-It. Vernon, Washington Bond $ 22,225.00 G. & J . Construction Co. 3006 - 21st Street So. Seattle, Washington Bond 22.,157.50 Shoreline Construction 12531 - 15th Ave. N.E. Seattle, Washington Bond 353,868 -00 T, & E. Sewer Construction 22705 - 74th Place West Edmonds, Washington 98020 Bond 20,690 00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bids to the Engineering Department and Sanitation Committee. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR P-F*MITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10086 $ 00,00 Market Basket Nursery 2802 Sunset E. Wire Nursery 10395 554.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 3312 Rolling Hills Wire Residence 396 437,00 Bell & Valdez 3335 Rolling Hills Wre Residence 397 10Q,00 Elden Fischer 714 "D'' Street Elclose Porch 398 200.00 Herbert Weber 650 "P" Street Construct Patio 399 1.800.00 L. E. Graves 10005 S.E. 95th Pl. Remodel Residence 10400 140.00 L_ B. Nanovich 3 :04 - 7th Ave. N. Tool Shed 401 600,00 Richard Geraghty 412 Sunset Blvd. E. M ve Sign 402 200,00 Angie Delaurenti 525 Morris St. Ze Addition 403 36,065.00 The Austin Co. 8350 - South 153rd Wire Commll, Bldgs. 404 500,00 Gary L. Wulf 10811--111th Pl. SE Retaining Wall 104051 2,500.00 Francis Skellenger 827 "K" Street Frame Addition 407 672.00 Bell & Va+dez 3268 Rolling Hills Wjre New Residence 406 4,000-,00 Sunlite Cafe 509 - 3rd Avenue Ceiling Hangars 40.9 420.00 James Highton 312 - llth Ave. S. Reshingle Roof 10410 350:00 Foster & Kleiser 3601 - 6th South Ground Sign -1- 299 Minutes of Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 7-19-65 BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10411 150.00 Roy J. Manifold 74 Williams Street New Electric Service 412 532.00 Roy Manifold 78 Williams Street Add Utility Room 413 250.00 Greater Renton Shopping Center Ground Sign 414 602.00 Bell & Valdez 3258 Rolling Hills Wire Residence 10415 408.00 Bell & Valdez 3250 Rolling Hills Wire Residence 416 56000.00 Smith Cczpery 919 Railroad Ave. Warehouse 417 108,000.00 D. H. Overmeyer 815 Railroad Ave. Remodel & Electric 418 14,462.25 Herbert Mull 4.14 "I" Street New Residence 419 14,572.75 Herbert Mull 408 "I" Street New Residence Now PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7245 - - - - - Ken Caruthers 2051 Monterey Drive Plumbing Fixtures 46 - - - - - James Carver 3411 - 11th P1. No. Plumbing Fixtures 47 - - - - - Robert Care 1047 "G" Street Gas Installations 48 - - - - - Grants Suburban Dodge 12601 Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures- 49 - - - - - Frank Hendersen 12803 Rainier Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 7250 - - - - - Bob Shane 11631 S.E. 100th Plumbing Fixtures 51 - - - - - Bob Shane 11619 S.E. 100th Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - - - Mildred Coler 12508 - 88th P1. S. Plumbing Fixtures 53 - - - - - Harold Mellor 124 Rainier Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 54 - - - - - Francis Shellenger 827 "K" Street Plumbing & Gas. 7255 - - - - - Olympic Pipe Line South 153rd Street Plumbing Fixtures 56 - - - - - James Russell 3327 - 6th Ave. N. Gas Installations 57 - - - - - Mary Henry 2010-8th Ave. No. Gas Installations 58 - - - - Wally Clarke Fuel Oil 203 Airport Way Heating Equipment 59 - - - - - Norm Hash 358 Bronson Way Plumbing Fixtures 7260 - - - -- Dean Rosenberger 513 Smithers St. Gas Installations 61 - - - - - Gene Peacock 341 Pelly Street Gas Installations COMMUNICATIONS: Letters of July 14 and July 15, 1965 were read from Pacific Coast R.R. Co. Omni Clark A. Echart, covering matters in connection with construction of proposed interchange in North Renton, including sale of necessary right-of-way by Pacific Coast to the City of Renton. Quit Claim Deed was attached covering dedication of extension of Houser flay immediately South of Lake Washington Boulevard. A letter was read from Mayor Custer recommending consideration of the matters in the letter of the Railroad Company, specifically with reference to the railroad company statement that no title insurance will be furnished and that taxes will be pro-rated as of date of purchase. City Attorney Shellan had suggested tg the Mayor that council take action on these items and the Mayor now recommended that where property involved will require a $48,000.00 payment by the City, the Title Insurance be required. Also, that the City not pay the railroad's 1965 property taxes. The City is tax exempt so the railroad should pay the balance for this year and the property will be tax free next year. Other portions of the railroad company letter dealt with acceptance by the City of certain street improvements recently undertaken by the Rwy. Co. and it was suggested that the City Engineer be requested to provide information on condition of the streets and liklihood of acceptance by the City. The improve- ments are incomplete with some paving needed to be replaced. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the chatter be referred to the Property Committee to take up the points with the railroad company and report back to the Council. Carried. A letter read from King County Medical Service Corporation, C. H. G:asford, Sales Representative, advised that due to a favorable cost record on the City's Medical-Surgical-Hospital contract renewal will not require any change in rates Now or coverage. An application from Mr. Robert Drew to operate Go Karts at Maxx Tracks, 50 - 7th Avenue West in Renton, was received by the City Clerk and inasmuch as there are no rules and regulations set forth in the Ordinance for such operation, City Clerk Nelson, recalled 1963 license and outlined regulations set forth by Council at that time inquiring whether the same rules be imposed at present. Also, the new owner had inquired regarding observance of a closing time. Moved by Garrett seconded by Hulse to refer the requests to the Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. -2- 1. 00 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-19-1965 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Application from James Barei requested license to operate a Shuffleboard device in Barei's Tavern. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. A letter from J. R. Wilkey, M.D., M.P.H., Seattle-King County Department of Public Health advised that construction is soon to begin on.a new health center to be located on King County property at 12015 S.E, 128th Street'to serve all of the Southeast portion of the County, In concern for desire that the center. be provided with permanent and adequate sewage waste disposal facilities, it was requested that permission be granted to connect to the Renton Sewer System. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to refer the request to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. A letter from- the Renton Aviation Board, C. L. Day, President, requested Authorization to allow. attendance of the Airport Director and interested Board Members at the annual meeting of the International Northwest Aviation Council to be held in Portland Oregon, September 23, 24 and 25, 1965, with reimbursement as provided by the Code. These meetings attract representatives from the Northwest States and Canadian Provinces and it appears-likely that the meeting could be held in this area if sufficient interest is shown as the 1967 meeting is scheduled to be held in Washington. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that authorization be granted. Carried,. Letters from City Attorney Shellan, dated June 30, and July 16 were read reporting,relative to Boeing proposed relocation of perimeter access road and rip rapping and excavating of portion of Cedar River, that the road is not dedi- cated as a public road but is simply a service access road primarily for the tenants of the airport, and that he is not aware of any legal problem once the Council approves the relocation. All costs and expenses in connection with such improvement are to be paid by The Boeing Company and all plans should have prior written approval of the City Engineer with no work to be started until the necessary clearance and approval have been secured by Boeing from the various governmenta agencies. The proposed Permit Agreement was attached and it was presumed that the additional area to be occupied by Boeing would be covered in a separate agreement with the Airport Board. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. Councilman Pedersen reported that his Committee had 'already considered the matter and made its recommendation that the permit be authorized. The motion was withdrawn with consent of second. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Permit subject to approval of the City Attorney and Engineer. Discussion ensued and the Law and Ordinance Committee p6 bmitted the Permit for reading at this time. After the reading the pending 'm6t,1 n 'was voted upon and carried. A letter from M. Leo Hughes, Jr. M.D. reported that there has been no substantial improvement in the general health of Councilman Gianini and continued cooperation of the Council was urged with regard to his absence from the meetings. A copy ofa letter from the Hon. Governor Evans was read which urged the State Highwy. Commission to make every possible effort to expedite completion of the freeway in the RgRton area with specific regard to the Maple Valley to Longacres section by August 10 or 15th and to Tukwila by September 1. DiIsc .--sl'on_ ensur2d the freeway through Renton re caltng the best recourse has seemed to be through the Governor's office. The Highway Commission has suggested that we not open the freeway until we can open all the way to Tukwila. Discussion ensued during which inquiry was made as to interchange it Pactoria,�'f there is •to be one, and the freeway problem is to be resolved prior to other considerations. Progress in ten year periods was denoted by Councilman Poli with the present project noted to be in its 7th year of progress. A letter from Martha G. Wiberg, Secretary, Renton Public Library Board of Trustees was read acknowledging receipt of letter from landscape architects, Richard Haag Associates. Inasmuch as the landscaping must fit into the overall plans for the Civic Center and Waterway it was suggested that the Board take no action at this time until an overallplan has been made. The Board would be pleased to cooperate in such planning and urged that it be commenced at an early date. -3- t 101 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-19-1965 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Mr. Charles Shane advised that in view of the fact that the City would benefit most from the purchase by the Boeing Company of 2.97 acres of land north of the High School Stadium, he wished to withdraw his offer to purchase said property for $75,000.00. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Ordinance _ Committee wheze -'Ad matter has been previously referred. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the payment forfeited by Mr. Shane be referred tc the parks committee for construction of the grandstand in Liberty Park r�.. and that the grandstand be kio-.rn as the Charles F. Shane Grandstand. Mayor Custer requested a legal opinion on this proposal and City Attorney Shellan stated that assuming the motion was a serious one it would be out of order and illegal recalling his opinion of last Monday urging ; to defer action and that the Council would have had to have an offer and an acceptance before there could be a forfeit and although there was an offer, the City did not accept it so -there could be no forfeit. Councilman Garrett stated that in such case he would withdraw his motion and submit another. Mayor Custer declared the motion out of order and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the money be returned to Mr. Shane. Councilman Schellert inquired regarding communication on the agenda to follow and whether it would affect his vote. The letter was from Mayor Custer and was read by the Clerk. It advised that Mr. Shane, in a conversation with the Mayor this date, requested that the Cashier's Check submitted with his bid on the sewage treatment plant site be retained by the City and applied as a credit to his utility account. Mr. Shane's utility account was discussed and Attorney Shellan replied to inquiry that this could be done by special endorsement of the check denoting that same was to be applied to his utility account since withdrawal of his bid. It could be returned and Mr. Shane could submit it as payment of the utility account himself and initial the letter. The pending motion subsequently carried. A letter of introduction was read from Olson, Richert & Associates, Architects a young firm recently located at 231 Williams Street, requesting consideration for any future architectural services that might be required by the City. A brochure outlined experience of Principals, Donald S. Olson and Roger R. Richert and included a biography brief of their backgrounds. It was suggested by Schellert that a copy of the letter for forwarded to Councilman Gianini for consideration in proposed grandstand contract. A letter from Mayor Custer requested that the Council elect three members to the Board of Equalization. This Board meets annually if the City has any appeals from property owners on their assessments of property tax. The County Assessor's office advises if appeals have been received and the hearings are held during the day. Nominations were opened and Councilman Garrett nominated Councilwoman Dahlquist, Councilman Pedersen and Councilman Bruce. Mrs. Dahlquist declined the nomination and nominated Mr. Schellert in her place. Councilman Pedersen declined the nomination and renominated Mrs. Dahlquist. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that the nominations be closed. Carried. Dahlquist, Schellert and Bruce were elected as the new Members of the Board of Equalization. The City Clerk reported receipt of Report No. 157 "Design of Subdivisions" published for Bureau of Governmental Research and Services, U. of W., in cooperation with Association of Washington Cities which is on file in the Clerk's office for informational purposes. A letter was read from Mayor Custer reporting proposals for formation of a Traffic Advisory Commission, as follows: 1. Amend Ordinance 1628, Title X, Ch. 104, to provide for the appointment by the City Engineer of one member of his staff to position of City Traffic Engineer. 2. Duties of the City Traffic Engineer shall be to replace and maintain traffic control signs, signals and devices as required under City and State traffic code. 3. A Traffic Advisory Commission appointed by the Mayor, subject to Council concurrence should consist of no more than nine voting members who shall review programs for traffic control improvement; study and advise the traffic engineer of decisions concerning specific installations; to make recommendations to the City Council concerning the traffic control program. 4. The Commission should have ex-officio members: Mayor, Traffic Engineer, Police Captain (t-raf�ic Division), Police Judge, City Engineer, Street Com- missioner, Planning Director, Street and Alley Committee, City Attorney and School District Transportation Director -4- :302 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 7-19-1965 COMMUNICATIONS: Traffic Advisory Commission S. Voting members should represent such interests as : Downtown Merchants, Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Labor, P.T.A.,Auto Insurance Industry and u citizens' representative from various neighborhoods. 6. The City Traffic Engineer should be designated as the recording secretary of the group and minutes should be filed in a manner similar to those of other City Boards and Commissions; ex-officio members would be requested to attend meetings whenever their presence was deemed necessary. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for consideration and recommendation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, presented his Committee report recommending installation of the following: 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights: Maplewood Area: Cedar River Home Sites: Pole No. 12406, 12416, 12424, S.E. 142nd Place Paulls Maplewood Addition: Pole No. 13057, 13031, 13005 S.E. 148th Street Maple Carden Homes: Pole No. 3, 130th Place S.E. ALSO: 1 - 20,000 Lumen Light on North side of South 180th on East side of the East Valley Highway in vicinity of Auto Bahn - Volkswagon sign. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Upon inquiry by the City Clerk it was pointed out that the Paulls Maplewood Addition was an area previously annexed and not the one in progress at present. Councilman Morris requested the City Engineer to report regarding the coaxial TV Cable operation and City Engineer Wilson advised that he has a meeting scheduled at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow to investigate further on areas which might be used. NEW BUSINESS: woo Councilman Pedersen, Chairman, requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee at 7:15 p.m. on Monday, July 26th in the office of the City Engineer. He reminded the Mayor, Property Committee, Park Board of meeting with Boeing tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. at Lake Washington Beach Park site. Mayor Custer reminded City Council Members of the Public Dedication of the Metro Treatment Plant at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 21st to include a tour of the plant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that Vouchers No. 9739 through 9848, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council at this time with fund breakdown as follows: Current Fund No. 9740 - 9772 $ 13,394.84 Street Fund 9773 - 9781 16326.07 Cedar River M. & I. 9783 - 9786 99.32 Off-Street Parking Fund 9787 10.87 Equipment Rental 9788 - 9795 538.q9 Library 9831 - 9848 and 9796 (Const.) 2,669.38 Parks 9797 - 9801 and 9828 and 9830 2,574.05 Water Works Utility 9802 - 9816 151034.37 Airport 9817 - 9825 570.30 Cumulative 1975 9827 25.39 Cumulative 1990 9826 171.70 North Renton Interchange 9782 .93 Total $ 51,410.7/ The pending motion to approve the Vouchers carried. -5- .303` Minutes or the Renton City Council 7-15-1565 COUNCIL C0111/MITTEE REPORTS: (cont. ) NETA' i US I14ES S Councilman Schellert recalled the Aviation Board communication regardin,j Possibility of holding annual meeting convention in Renton and moved that the board be advised that the Council is interested in hosting such a conference in Renton and. that any cooperation if offered which might be needed in making a successful bid. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and following suggestion that the Chamber of Commerce Con- vention Committee be contacted, the motion carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist reoursted that, as a member of the. Public Relations Committee she be consideree as member of the Traffic Advisory Committee. Councilman Garrett submitted for reading a letter from Mr. Henry W. Maier, President of the National League of Cities and Mayor of Milwaukee, appointing Councilman Garrett a member of the National League of Cities Committee on Action for Traffic Safety. This Committee will meet during the Annual Congress of Cities in Detroit, Michigan on July 24th. Mayor Custer received an appointment from Mayor Maier as a members of the National League of Cities Committee on Housing and Urban Development. Councilman Perry made inquiry of the City Attorney as to how the Council might avoid re-occurrence of the offer to purchase properties when negotiations are already in progress, suggesting an Ordinance. City Attorney Shellan stated an Ordinance was not needed as the Council is covered by law but a contract has to be entered into before any forfeit penalties can be enforced. Then, if there was failure to go through with the transaction the forfeit could be imposed. The Council could have deferred action on the matter and the problem would have re- solved itself as the offer was withdrawn. Just because more money was offered does not mean it was in the best interest of the City and the Council if any time in doubt can call for bids and avoid any criticism. ORDINANCES A1TD RESOLT:,'-IONS Councilman Vern Morris , Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton pursuant to Petition for the vacation of a portion of a certain alley, to-wit: That portion of that certain alley 16 feet in width, adjoining Tracts 2 and 3, Second Supplemental Plat of Renton Shorelands, all situate in Renton, King County Washington, fixing the 16th day of August as the time and City Council Chambers, Rent-on City Hall, as place for hearing on the aforesaid Petition. After reading by the Clerk, it was Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, ; to adopt Resolution No. 1314 as read. Carried. Chairman Morris presented a proposed R ,solution which was read by the City Clerk designating certain officials and officers of the City of Renton as appointees for purpose of authentication and certification of claims, to- wit: Each respective Department Head or his authorized assistant or deputy. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1315 as read. The motion carried. .... The L&T and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton creating and establishing a new fund to be known and designa- ted as " 1965 TiJater and Sewer_ Construction Fund (Account No. 7150) ; trans- ferring and appropriating the sum of $50G, 000.00 from "Waterworks Utility Fund. No. 7120" , as follows: CAPITAL OUTLAY: Acct. 606, Machinery & Equip. Supply line from Mt. Olivet to Highlands Reservoir, $157 , 750.00; Exploration & Development-Springbrook Dam, $ 80, 000. 00; Acct. 607, Analysis of Vater S,�.,stem, 1,:` , 000.:00 and Acct. 609, Reserve for future improvement, S252, 250.00 304 Minutes of the Renton City Council Mter (cont.) 7-19-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Creatin & Sewer Const. Fund) The proposed Ordinance was placed on second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2166 as read. Roll call vote was tae-..gin with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Heavy Industry District (H-1) and Business Parking (BP) respectively,which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and fin`' reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2167 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton providing for the sale and disposition of certain surplus properties commonly known as the former sewage treatment plant, authorizing the sale thereof unto the Boeing Company at the appraised price of $55,000.00, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, and seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, and seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2168 as read. Roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris. No: Dahlquist. The motion carried. City Treasurer Gossett inquired into which fund the moneys from this sale were to be deposited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Councilwoman Dahlquist urged that the money be placed in the Utility Fund recalling recent issue of $500,000.00 water and Sewer bonds and inquired regarding calling of prior bonds which were issued at which time the sewage treatment plant was listed as an asset, and how much was owing on that issue. The matter had been checked by City Accountant Bennett as to where the money from the sale might be deposited. City Attorney Shellan had rendered opinion as well as the State Auditor's Office that when property is declared surplus the sale proceeds may be deposited into whichever fund the Council designates. City Attorney Shellan explained that the treatment plant had been listed as an asset for bond holder purposes and that after Metro came into the picture it was no longer a part or parcel of the Utility.� iAlvo , depositing of funds from sale of surplus properties had been checked with bonding counetl, who after all is responsible to the bond holders, and Mr. She1.lAn had received confirmation that the moneys could be de- posited into whichever fund the Council may authorize. City Treasurer Gossett out- lined the bond refunding transactions on the 1943 issue and explained that the schedule for calling of the bonds was to be followed as had been designated at time of issue and was an automatic procedure. The pending motion to refer to the Ways and Means Committee subsequently carried. City Clerk Nelson requested authorization for the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Easement granted to the School District across the sewer treatment plant area, and it was Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert to authorize the signatures as requested. Carried. Councilman Garrett requested a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee immediately following this evenings meeting. As there was no further business, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. There were 22 persons in attendance other than City personnel. -7- e mie Nelson, City erCuster, Mayor PMTCN CITY emeTL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. July 26, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Henry Pedersen, President of the Council,and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Trimun, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. hellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C. Malls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 19, 1965 be approved as tirritten. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10420 $ 4,200.00 Joseph O'Brien 243 Williams Street Repair Bldg. Damage 421 49,731.00 Suburban Dodge 12601 Rainier Avenue Office Bldg. 422 22,493.00 Renton School Dist. Renton Stadium Wire School Bldgs. 423 19,000.00 Wash.Gas Plant Talbot Road Wire Plant 424 125.00 Hudson Restaurant 7732 South 153rd St. Repair Building 425 1.00 Argano Bldg. Co. 609 - 3rd Avenue Demolish Theatre 426 280.00 Norm Hash 358 Bronson Way New Elec. Service 427 200.00 Signal Oil Co. 351 Park Street Lights 428 60,814.00 Olympic Pipeline South 153rd Street Wire Office & 1-.terse. 429 1.00 Nick Dubick 412 Mill Street Demolish House 430 171.00 Byron Knowles 916 "F" Street Patio 431 1,580.00 Renton Ford School 810 Wells Street Earthquake Damage 432 1,765.00 Sartori Elem. School 315 Garden Street Earthquake Damage 433 2,210.00 Administration Bldg. 1525 - 4th Ave. No. Earthquake Repairs �.. 434 4,327.00 Voc. School bus gar. 4th & Garden Street Earthquake Repairs 435 2.685.00 Aircraft & Engines Bldg. 5-12 Airport qday Earthquake Repairs 436 350.00 Anton D. Sorensen 13022 - 86th Ave. So. Wire New Residence 437 21,280.00 Conner Construction 12712 - 86t-h Are. So. I-lire New Residence 438 435.00 Bell & Valdez 3269 Rolling Hills Ave. Wire New Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7262 - - - - - Theodore Bell 3708 - 8th Pl. No. Gas Installations 63 - - - - Reid Allen 2514 - 6th Ave. No. Gas Installations 64 - - - - Bell & Valdez 3312 Rolling Hills H.So. Plumbing Fixtures 7265 - - - - Bell & Valdez 3335 Rolling Hills Pl.S. Plumbing Fixtures 66 Bell & Valdez 3268 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - - Bell & Valdez 3258 Rolling Hills Ave. S. Plumbing Fixts. 68 - - - - Bell & Valdez 3269 Rolling Hills Ave. S. Plumbing Fixts. OPENING OF BIDS: Fencing of Springbrook Watershed This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS 5% BOND OR CHECK AMOUNT OF BID Anchor Post Products, Inc. Bond $ 14,717.21 r�. 1200 Tower Bldg. - Seattle San Jose Steel, Inc., Bond 14,327.50 1937 Harbor Ave. 'S.W. - Seattle 6 U.S. Steel CorpTCyclone Fence Div. 15,PS7.33 1200 Tower Building - Seattle Bond Mroved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Property Conrittee. 306 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-26-65 HEARING: Annexation of I. J. Brodell et al properties (Maplewood-Cedar River Area) This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The City Clerk reported that no further communications have been received to date and audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. I, J. Brodell,speaking for the property owners,pointed out that the final Petition had been filed carrying names of owners in sufficient amount to qualify for annexation and approval by the Council was now requested. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Moved By Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the Petition be accepted annexing the subject property to the City of Renton, all legal requirements having been complied with, and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper Ordinance. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City ngineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment Estimate No. 3, due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield on Water System Study. Amount due, 120,50. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the Estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with pwoer to act. Carried. A letter from S. & T. Construction, Contractor, requested a 15 day extension of time for contract completion on the 3rd Avenue Extension paving project. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson stated that the contract had just recently been started and he does not know that an extension is necessary to be granted at this time. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to defer action to within two weeks of the 45 day contract completion date which City Engineer Wilson approximates to be about September lst. Carried. Applications for licenses were read as follows Tonkin Cafe request that Rainier Amusement be granted Pinball license and Alexander Moen of Ermst Hardware for Master Keymaker License. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reporting that the TV Cable on South 127th ?gest of 87th Avenue had been removed. Mr. C'. A. Krier thanked the � Council for its favorable actions removing obstruction of the view from their homes. A letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, requested authorizatiLn to atte:rci the Annual Conference of the Pacific Coast Intermountain Ass'n, of Fire Chiefs in Portland, Oregon, September 13 to 17, 1965. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter cont,-Ut ing informal bid on house to be removed from premises at 210 Mill Street was read, submitted by Mr. Chet Williams in sum of $111.11. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bid to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk reported approvals as. requlied on Review Board Meeting dispensation on the UGN property at Springbrook Road and South 180th Street. Mr. Harry Benton requested that the required action be expedited in order that the application for rezone might be submitted in time for the Planning Commission hearing meeting of August 25th. Discussion ensued and it was pointed out that the Commission could not accept application until such time as the annexation has been concluded. August 9 had been suggestQd for Council Hearing but after further discussion, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that August 2, 1965 be set for the Council Hearing, there being time for proper posting and publication. Carried. A letter from Mr. Douglas K. Felker was read submitting r3signation as member of the Renton Planning Commission as of October 1, 1965. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that Mr. Felker be awarded a Certificateof conunendation for his past services. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to accept Mr. Felker's resignation ... as requested. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. G. L. McDonald, District Sales Manager, Puget Sound Power & Light Company reporting that the developer of the Rolling Hills subdivision in Renton has installed sixteen 4,000 mercury vapor street lights near the entry to the area. A sketch was attached and it was understood that three of the lights are to be billed the developer and the thirteen remaining to be billed to the City. It *as requested that a letter authorizing the City billing at $28.20 oath per year be sub?.:itted. "oved by �raLxen1,., seconac;d by F�r:ry, ore cr Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-26-65 CON�NNICATIONSa (cont. ) Puget request to bill City for 13 lights at Access road to Rolling Hills Subdivision this matter to the Power and Light Committee ' be report back. The motion carried. A letter read from Mr. Norman 11I. Schultz advised of his intent to build an 8-unit apartment building on property at 539 Pelly Street North and protested denial of building permit to Contractor ries Busch due to change of fire zone. The building has been designed to comply with Fire Zone 3 regulations which were in effect at the time his property was purchased in August 196' and to conform now to the new fire zone restrictions will require a redesign of the building with con- siderable additional expense. The property is within 50 feet of Zone 3 and is zoned R-4 and not Business or Industrial and a variance was requested to allow construction as planned. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Fire and J'ater Cornnittee and the Planning Commissi-on to report back, Carried. A letter from M. C. 14'alls, Fire Chief, recommended adoption of 1965 Edition of Fire Prevention Code published by the American. Insurance Association, with exception of Appendix D. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Fire and Water Committee to report back. Carried. A letter read from Mr. Al Reisberg, Building Director recommended up-dating of the Plumbing Code to conform to the presently enforced 1964 Uniform Building Code and adoption of the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1964 Edition, was recommended faith amendments deleting schedule of fees in Section 1.13 and substituting fees which were listed, Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Lauf and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer called attention to the need to move the small park department shed located near the site of the new library, said structure hindering the construction at this point. It was previously thought the building would not have to be removed immediately and funds could be appropriated in the 1966 budget. The Library Board and Park Board have agreed to the action and it is their contention also that this is a non-departmental expense. The Council was requested to appropriate $600.00 from Cumulative Fund 1184 for purposes of moving and relocating said structure, the bid price for such a move having been listed at $520.00 by the Phillips Co, and the present contractor is willing to complete the relocation at this price. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Property Cor riittee vrith power to act, Discussion ensued during which time Park Director Coulon advised that the building stores athletic equipment v-fhich is _left in the park and that is is urgent that it be moved at the earliest possible date. The motion carried. A letter was read from John L. Fournier, Publisher, Record Chronicle, analyzing bid costs as awarded in comparison with costs quoted by the Chronicle, which noted a 20% savings for month of April under their terms as based upon per column inch rate. It was recommended that in the future all bid calls for legals be based upon the number of words of a certain type size instead of by inch rate to assure equitable bids, as prescribed by State Code. The writer requested to be advised when the proper Committee will consider the matter. 11oved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Committee of the 14hole. Carried. A letter from the City of Renton Employees Club :,- nt_-�d the Mayor and Council and their families, to attend the annual picnic August 7, 1965 at Alexander's Resort on Lake Sammamish. Bring a picnic basket, Ice Cream & Beverages free. The Clerk reported receipt of a publication by Metro on "Disposal of Digested Sludge to Puget Sound', The Engineering and Water Quality Aspects. This will be on file in the City Clerk's Office. A letter from the Eagles Club requested g q permission to place a banner across 3rd Avenue to advertise and promote the Grand Opening of the new Eagles Hall. The request was submitted on July 273t, too late for Council action and the banner request was for the banner to be displayed from July 21 through August 2nd. The Mayor had authorized the execution of the Permit with Hold Hal-ml.Ass Agreement and Council con- currence in the action was now requested. M"red by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlqu _:st, to c-)recur in the action. Carried. `;0ICof the eoRenton Oity Comail Meeting 7-26-• 5 �Il�IUN A letter was read introducing the Renton Planning Commission 'Community Facilities 1965" report which encompasses details of the needs of facility portion of the City's Comprehensive Plan, now being concluded. Copies had been distributed to the Council and City Officials. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: The Sanitation Committee and City Engineer's report on storm sewer bids for Main and Mill Streets and 2nd Avenue was read and informed that inasmuch as the bids were in excess of money available and also exceeded the City Engineers estimate by 25%, and recommended that all bids be rejected and that the project be placed on second bid .call at a more favorable time. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee and City Engineer. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, submitted further recommendations as follows: 1. City sewer rates have not been heretofore established for service outside the city and it is now recommended that the rate be 50% higher for those serviced outside the corporate limits than the inside service rates. 2. A Late-Comer charge to be assessed against all property abutting the sewer line to be installed by the Renton School District in S.E. 116th Street between 132nd Avenue S.E. and 142nd Avenue S.E. which charge will be assessed on a front foot basis. The cost per front foot will be computed by dividing the cost of the sewer installed in S.E. 116th Street by the total number of front feet available for service. 3. The Sanitation Committee recommended also that the King County Health Center be allowed to be serviced by the Renton Sewer System with all costs of hook-up to be borne by the County and same charges to be paid as for other such services. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations, referring the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Discussion ensued with Councilman Trimm inquiring whether or not this might establish a precedent. It was felt it would not baiii.g djSferent in that these arm • municipal bodies and/or quasi municipal corpora- tions. City Attorney Shellan also advised that Ordinance could not be passed if it does not apply to all people as you could not limit to selected group, however a contract agreement could be arranged to service the two parties. It was pointed out that annexation had been tried but some persons would not sign allowing adequate percentage and the Municipalities could not annex alone. After further discussion regarding the fees and Late-Comer Agreement proposal, the pending motion carried. Dahlquist inquired regarding referral to the Fire and [dater Committee of proposed rate change for water service and progress to date. Fire and Water Committee Chairman Delaurenti advised of announcement heretofore that Committee will conduct a study and report its findings and make recommendations at budget time. The Street and Alley Committee report was read recommending that Title X, Traffic Regulations of Ordinance 1628, City Code, be amended to create a Traffic Advisory C6=is- Rion i.-it,h . authorization for the City Engineer to appoint a member of his staff as the official Traffic- Engineer for the City whose duties shall be traffic control and regu- lation as generally accepted in good traffic engineering practices. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, reported regarding application of Mr. Drew for license to operate Go-Kart track, that the Committee recommends granting the license on temporary basis with same regulations as previously imposed with curfew regulations to be observed per City Ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Police and License Committee. Carried. NZI BUSINESS: Councilman Bruce reported that he has been approached by several persons with regard to unsightly vacant properties which have become overgrown with brush and in- fested with rats. It was requested that the oimers of such properties be notified to clean them up. Building Director Reisberg advised of having contacted various land owners on this problem and suggested some type of form letter be sent in further pursuance of the matter. It eras suggested the matter be referred to the Mayor for ad- i._L ztm ive action and follow up. Enforcement of regulating Ordinances was discussed __nc 'udinF Anti-litter, Fire or Health hazard provis-ons and filing of complaints, :309 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-26-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business (cont.) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 9849 through 9923, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Com- ntiittee, be approved for payment by the Council. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund Nos. 9850 - 9877 $ 3,195.91 Street Fund 9878 - 9882 464.84 Off-Street Parking 9883 100.00 Equipment Rental 9884 —9899 7,518.45 Parks 9900 - 9908 406.56 Water Works Utility 9909 9917 39 :91 W. & S. Construction 9918 120.50 Airport 9919 - 9922 389.14 Cumulative Reserve Fund 1594 9849 125.40 Cumulative Fund 1975 9923 31.05 Total $ 12,743.76 The motion carried Councilman Hulse inquired regarding acquisition of open air space for park purposes as provided for in carr3nt legislative .action of the State, and what progress has been made in applying for assistance as provided. Planning Directon.Jensen advised that;'the epmmunity facilities booklet contains proposal for development of recreation areas and Park Director Coulon reported that request has been filed with the State and a 20 year plan is to be filed -as required-- by the end of this month. Further procedures will be outlined by the State subsequently. Mr. Jensen pointed out that the facilities brochure outlines percentage of funds to be available including 30% Federal money, State up to 40% and Local 30%. Councilman Schellert called attention to Planning Conmission Hearings now being conducted on the Comprehensive Plan and reported that next Wednesday the Commission will be discussing the subject of this Facilities booklet and Councilmen should familiarize themselves with the contents and attend the meeting if possible. booORDINANCES 'AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Perry, Member of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of 'Renton, Washington and recommended first reading and referral to the Committee of the Thole. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance amending Section 10-102 of Chapter 1, Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1625 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to the City's Traffic Code. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee to report back next week. Carried. Audience comment was invited and Ted Bennett announced that the. City Golf Tournament at Mt. Si tirill tee off at 11.20 aym. this coming Sunday. Total fee $4.00. Mr. Jensen advised for benefit of the Council, that the Planning Commission will be hearing- Land Use Facilities and Comprehensive Plan proposals at the Wednesday night hearing proceedings which reports will be ready at that time. As there iras no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse; to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk -5- 310 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. August 2, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City 'Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimmi, Delaurenti, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AK--DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Goesett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shell.an, City Attorney, C. S. bVilliams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 26, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10439 $ 50.00 Foster & Kleiser 7th & Rainier Ave. Wire Sign 440 40,000.00 Victor Diambri 720 Rainier Avenue Comm'l. Bldg. 441 200.00 Ernest L. Frasier 2918 - 5th Ave. E. Re-roof Res. repairs 442 450.00 '�+ally Clarke Fuel 203 Airport Way Wire Fuel Rack 443 175.00 Mary Guinn 3309 - 12th Ave. N, New Electric Service 444 1,500.00 Gene Myers 125 Rainier Avenue 4dre New Office 10445 6,000.00 Robert J. Wixom 454 "E', Street Additions to Res. 446 1,500.00 Gene Myers 7th Avenue Fence 447 250.00 Anton Phillips Liberty Park 200 Amp. Service 448 14,000,00 Roger- Peterson 11026 - 115th Ave. SE Frame Residence 449 878.00 James Gasper 11458 S.E. 106th Carport & Patio '10450 350.00 John H. Schuh 920 "El' Street Carport PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7269 - - - - - Herb Hackman 10614-108th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 70 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3300 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 71 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3292 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 72 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3269 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3268 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3270 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 7275 - - - - - Johanna Jorgenson 10811 - 113th S.E. Gas Installations 76 - - - - - Renton Library Liberty Park Plumbing Fixtures 77 - - - - - Smith Construction 919 Railroad Ave. Plumbing Fixtures 78 - - - - - Renton School Dist. 400 - 2nd Ave. Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Annexation of Property at South 180th and Springbrook Road (UGN Property) This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. The Clerk reported receipt of no communications further relative to the matter. There having been no protest , nor any verbal comment additionally, it was moved by Pedersen,seconded by Poli, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. The Hearing was declared closed. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, the Petition be accepted,annexing the property to the City of Renton, and the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee, all legal requireratnts having been met. Carried. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-2-b5 COMMUNICATIONS . A letter from Mr. iUilliair� R. Knedler was read appealing Planning Commission decision from meeting of July 28th denying request for variance to permit 19.83ft. rear setback in lieu of required 25 ft. setback in connection with proposed carport and storage area addition to existing residence. Also read was attached letter containing signatures of eight residents of the area approving the proposed con- struction stating that such addition will not restrict view or detract from use or values of their properties in any bray. I-loved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the request for appeal be granted and the date of August 23rd set for hearing on the matter. Carried. A Petition containing signatures of of-aners of properties in vicinity of So. 153rd Street, betti,een 77th and 84th Avenues South was read, requesting creation of Sanitary Sewer Local Improvement District at expense of property owners in accordance with the laws of the State of 1'ashington and Ordinances of the City of Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer and Sanitation Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter was read from P. J. McKay, District Engineer, State Highway Com- mission, recalling discussions, over some period of time, regarding opening of t' alley between South 148th Street and Se(D ndary State Hwy. No. 1-L, to a connection with 89th Avenue South in vicinity of South Renton Interchange. He has been informed by legal counsel that the State has no legal standing in the matter, however, the City may open the alley if it so chooses. The State will, upon request by the City, add the work to be done to the present contract and upon completion turn the facility over to the City. All work will be done at State expense and the City was requested to take the necessary action to open the west end of the alley accordingly. A letter from City !'ngineer Iilson, due to past controversy over the matter, referred the ^bove communication to the Council for appropriate action. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Street and A-Ile , Committee. for study and recommendation. Carried. bow A letter from Albert Reisberg, Building Director, submitted application of Snappy Tavern for Sign encroachment and as per recently adopted Ordinance, it ;.as pointed out that fees as established thereunder shall be effective for 41'' x 66`' sign above existing canopy, 14 ft. over sidewalk. Revocable Permit was recommended by the Building Director. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Building Director's recommendation for Revocable Permit. Carried. A letter from City Engineer 1ilson requested authorization to retain the firm of Carey and Kramer to prepare a preliminary design report for the Sanitary Sewer System to serve the Kennydale Lake Front area, the nature of this work requiring services of an engineer vri.th construction experience of such type and this firm has designed the Mercer Island and other waterfront sewer systems. This type report would supply information for holding hearings with the residents in regard to creation of L.I.D. to install the sewers. The report was estimated to cost $1,200.00 to be presently financed from the Utility Fund and charged subsequently to any L.I.D. resulting from the study. The Mayor and Sanitation Committee have approved this action and residents in the area have shown considerable interest perhaps sufficient to allow another important step in eliminating contamination of the Lake. Proposals had been received from two firms which the City Engineer had felt qualified to give quotations. .irl._,d by P_rry,-to concur in the City Engineer's r,qu�st.lode of selecting the firm and whether they would in event of property owners consent for L.I.D., continue with the project was discussed and the City Engineer felt it in the best interest of the City if the same consulting engineer could go ahead ■.. with the work. In further discussion City Engineer Milson deemed it best if the hillside area were handled separately as the Metro system lies between the two and investigation will reveal how connection might be made with Metro and how the whole area would best be served. Method of costs was discussed . ` per- centage of construction cost iasis vs. flat survey rate after which the pending motion was carried. -2- 312 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 5-2 1965 C011MUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Mr. E. D. Greathouse, Renton Village Company, requested that the City install a street light on the South side of Grady tray on an existing pole located in a small landscaped area immediately East of the Gull Service Station, it being felt that this light is a part of lighting systerii beneficial to properties easterly of the Shopping Center which should be a part of the public street lighting system. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Light and Pottier Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Alta Mae Baronovich requested the City to place a street light betzreen her residence and Barbee Mi.11,north of 5445 Lake lin. Blvd. S.E. , it being a very dark area and one frequented by young people until early hours of the morning as irell as an incomplete pier and the entire crater front being hazardous in the extreme dark. I-loved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Light and Power Committee i-dth power to act. Carried. A letter from Building Director Reisberg requested passage of an Ordinance to regulate installation, alteration, repair, maintenance and operation relating to Mechanical Refrigeration which permits and fees therefor shall be in accordance frith the _inerican Standards Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration approved by the American Standards Association May 24, 1950. Referral to the LaUr and Ordinance Coimdttee i.as requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the Latin and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter fron. Katherine E. Sartori advised that inasmuch as property owners have been using the property adjacent to the Cugini, Repenshek and 'hite property, as a roadway for over 25 years, it was their decision to donate it to the City for an alley. Mayor Custer explained that the land lies betiveen the Railroad and Sunset Highway East immediately adjacent to the freeway on the Northwest side of the Maple Valley Interchange near Richfield Service, Former Cugini home, Hub Real Estate and a motel. Property oi�rners have considered opening this parcel by use of 16 ft. alley from the tracks which can be entered from 3rd Avenue No. At present there is no legal opening from Bronson. Upon contact by a property owner, Mayor Custer recommended the matter be presented to the Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Coriardttee and the Property Committee to report back at the next City Council meeting. Carried. A letter from Building Director Reisberg requested amendment of the City Code, Chapter 6, Section 4-605 to establish revised permit. fees for Gas Piping or Appliances. Fee schedule was proposed and referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Lair and Ordinance Committee to report back. Carried. r-r. Reisberg submitted letter which was read recommending amendment of Chapter 1 of the Building Code, Ordinance 2109, adopted 8-17-64, by deletion of Section 4-104 and substituting a new fee schedule as outlined. Referral to the Lair and Ordinance Comrilittee for proper Ordinance was requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee as requested. Carried. A letter from the Renton Municipal Art Commission requested the Council to adopt an Ordinance to give legal status to the Commission. A copy of a sample used by other Municipalities jJas attached. Discussion ensued during which time the City Attorney advised that the Council might as an honorary Coumi.ssion bestow the appointment by Resolution, however, the Commission is not one covered by State law and the question would be what powers they were going to have as they could only legally advise, also there is question 1'4hether we as a second class City can from a legal standpoint confer any other than an honorary commission status. Mayor Custer advised that the ComTflission has only requested the right to pass judgn.ent upon works of art the City might purchase and City :attorney Shellan said the advisory capacity was perfectly permissible but no delegation of authority may be granted to another body than the Council which has only power to act for the City according to State Lair. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Lair and Ordinance Coiixiittee for proper Resolution. Carried. -3•- :313 Minutes of the Renton City Council. Meeting 0-2-1965 COMMUNICATIONS; (cont. ) A Memorandum was read issued to Mayors of Cities in Central Puget Sound Urbanized Areas by Francis E. Holman� advisinj of the re-drafting of original Memorandum of Understanding with the State H` ghway Commission. The changes were outlined and it was recom- mended that those cities n.ot having previously executed the agree- ment, now execute and confirm by Resolution the revised Memorandum, three copies of which were attached. The Agreement provides for cooperation of all cities in providing information pertinent to a comprehensive transportation planning program - - - in development of long-range highway plans and programs, that they may be properly co-ordinated witn plans for improvements in other forms of trans- portation to have probable effect on the .future development of urban areas - - -. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Memorandum to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation Carried. A letter from Planning Director, J David Jensen, submitted Planning Commission recommendation from its public hearing meeting of July 28th that Chapter 7, Title 4, of the City' s Code of General Ordinances be amended to include an M-P, Manufacturin4 Park District. The proposed amendment was outlined thereafter. Mr. Jensen advised that copies of the proposal had been distributed and that the zoning ordinance encompas this also which report all council members and city officials have received as well as various civic organizations which distribution had been questioned by Mr. Kay Johnson, Executive Secretary of the_ Renton Chameber of Commerce. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the date of August 23 , 1965 be set for hearing on the proposed Code Amendment. Carried,. A letter read from Planning Director Jensen, reported that ,... the Planning Commission had considered the Council ' s referral and recruest for recommendation regarding Fire "one 1 Variance request of Mr. Norman Schultz and the Commission recommended that all building construction comply with the code re7uirements of the respective fire districts as delineated on the map. Moved by Garrett, second-ed by Schellert, to refer the letter to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer announced at this time that all Council Members are invited to a meeting at Tonkins Cafe at 0: 00 a.m. on August 10th for purpose of discussing with the merchants and landlords in the downtown Renton area, the subject of program for downtown per"701 Comprehensive Plan"proposals. Mr. Fletcher confirmed time and date of the meeting. Letter from Cedar River B--arracks, No. 200,3, Veterans of World War 1, Renton, Washington, commended the Mayor for this year ' s 4th of July celebration and parade and the manner in which events Pro- gressed so smoothly. It was suggested that perhaps next year the adjoining communities might be invited to join. The World War I Buddies deer:.ed it gratifying to note that the flag of our Country was again to be thus honored. A like letter was .read from the Frank R. Vaise Post No. 1263 Veterans of Foreign Wars of U. S. , Renton, thanking the City, in addition, for recognition of V.F.W. activities during the celebratio.. . Mayor Custer advised that these were but a few of the great number of letters received regarding the festival and celebration and these were selected so that the Council might be apprised that its efforts along with those of other city employees, were not un-noticed. __4 Z Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-2-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. ) Application was read from Mr. Archie Selle, Coast to Coast Stores, for Master Locksmith License for 1065. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. The Renton Planning Commission letter was read, submitting the Land. Use Report, the preparation cL which has been a continuing process throughout the development of the Comprehensive Planning Program. The Planning Director and Commission expressed gratitude for valuable anci timely assistance rendered by other agencies and departments. Copies have been distributed to the Council., City Officials and to r various civic organizations and clubs .. A letter was read from Mr. Dick Stredicke, Editor and Publisher, The Renton Enterprise, referrin3 to letter of last week from Mr. John Fournier, Publisher, Record Chronicle , regarding costs of City legal Publications. Mr. Stredicke assurred the Council that the Enterprise has always and will. continue to comply with all degrees of its contract with the City, that: eight-point type is used as required, and that the City has, in fact, saved money over costs in former years, the legal publication costs having been cut almost in half. Photocopies of exhibits of former Renton Chronicle le,7al publications, when it had the City contract, were submitted and compared with proposed type and. that of the Enterprise and they were in a like type as the present publications . Mr. Stredicke advised that he would be most happy to meet with the Committee to discuss the legal printing contract and expressed his ,Dl-easure at past 21-2 years of business experience with the City looking forward to future and continuous good relations. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. APPOINMENT .' letter read from Iayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Jack ilson, our City Engineer; as representative to the Serer Advisory Committee of the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, and the appointment of Del, Bennett, Assistant City as the alternate, effective as of July 1, 1965. N.oved by Hulse; seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. The motion carried. COUNCIL CO121ITTH'E REPORTS, Property Corimdttee Chairman Pedersen Submitted his Committee report recommending that the loci bid of San Jose Steel, Inc. in the sum of $11 ,327.50 for fencing of the Springbrook Dam Latershed area, be accepted. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Property Corwittee recorrrnendation. Carried. Ays and ivieans Cohmtittee Chairman Schellert submitted his Cor_zaittee report Lrhich i.as read by the Clerk recommending that the $55,000.00 from sale of surplus property, referral of 6-19-65, paid by the Boeing Company for purchase of the sev,age treatment plant site, be used to purchase a capital asset and the money therefore be deposited in Cumulative Reserve Fund 1891+. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the 'gays and IVleans Committee. Councilwoman Dahlquist expressed the opinion that the money should be used -to pori divert storm sewers from sanitary sewer system and that it should be placed in the Utility Fund. She pointed out that the Federal Government had given the subject plant to the City and taxpayers in the Highlands had ultimately contributed to its acquisition v,hen purchasing the homes. The need for neva vaater lines was critical in the highlands area and it Utas felt the money might be used to alleviate this condition. Discussion ensued regarding use allotted under Ordinance 1891 and Councilman Schellert by request read the provisions of the Ordinance- creating the Fund for acquisition; construction and improvement of a City Hall, Civic Center and alteration and addition to 1unicipal Buildings, and the payment of consultant, engineering and architecturLl services in connection there, ith. , 315 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-2-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS; '.,Nays & Means Committee Report (cont.) Councilman Perry requested the City Attorney to relate again what claim the taxpayers have on the treatment plant site. City Attorney Shellan stated that upon punccase by Metro_ t fe p144 site was listed a a ,Pe. and s utility P?��� �.�� therefore,,the price paid by Metro was paid unto',_t1o. Utility Fund, reverting later to the City, the Metro use being temporary. The bond holders had been paid by the ,first sale so proceeds. from .. the sale to Boeing may be used ' .6t _apy -proper mur4oipa.l purpose .as determined by the City :Councilacid considered- a Vindfall. The-, ;:,otion subsequently carried. Dahlquist voted no. Moved by Schellerts seconded by Dahlquist, that the matter of landscaping for the civic center site be referred to the Committee of the Whole for considera- tion. Carried. Legislative Committee Chairman Dahlquist requested proper Resolution requesting landscaping on the freet,ay by the State. After the remarks,it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, that the City of Renton send a Resolution to the Good Roads Association stating our wish that the freeway through Renton be properly landscaped, z1-ith a like document being submitted to the State Highway Commission also. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist reported inquiries regarding widening of Sunset Highway from 116th to 132nd and Mayor Custer reported this being considered, and requested the City Engineer to enlarge thereupon. City Engineer .ilson advised that the City has been tiiorking with the State on widening Sunset out to 138th and that they have promised to do some work in the next biennium allottment program. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, the City adopt a Resolution and forward it to the Good Roads Assn. and Highway Commission urging early implementation of plans for widening Sunset from S.E. 116th to 138th Avenue S.E. Carried. Councilman Schellert inquired whether a copy of the Minutes regarding these Resolutions might be forwarded to the Chamber of Commerce Highway Committee. Councilman Garrett called attention to the Congressional Redistricting Bill which he ti:as pleased to recall was defeated upon roll call vote,and not pre-empting feelings of delegates to the National Convention to which he is a Delegate, ex g y P resse d his hope that it would likewise follow the same course at the National Congress when. presented. 'Mr. Garrett enlarged upon Senator Dirksen's amendment Ynd effect compared of proposals upon urban growth, one bill, if passed, oaetting the other. NEL, BUSINESS Councilman Pedersen, President of the Committee of the Thole, requested a meeting on August ll, 1965 at 7 30 P.m. Councilman Perry advised of meetings i,rith citizens affected, relative to public use areas scheduled for October 10th and 12th in the Council Chambers at 7 .30 p.m. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers x#9924 through 9981, having been previously signed by the Accounting and Auditing Cor.mdttee, be approved for payment by the Council. Fund Breakdown is as follows. Current Nos. 9924 - 9943 $ 3,053.87 Street 9944 - 9946 38.63 Off-Street Parking 9947 9.81 Equipment Rental 9948 - 9954 176.27 Parks 9955 - 9960 399.13 Water `forks Utility 9961 - 9970 21,136.89 Airport 9971 - 9972 138.22 `rr Firemen's Pension 9973 - 9980 1,138.53 Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 9981 10.42 The motion carried. Total $ 26,101.77 -6- 316 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-2-65 COUNCIL C(DIMITTEE REPORTS: NZ.' .BUSINESS (cont.) 11oved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that the Property Committee be requested to select an architect to design a new City Hall for the Civic Center and that the Municipal Arts Ciomlmdssion be advised we are going ahead with making the selection. Dahlquist inquired regarding how one goes about selecting architects. Mr. Roger Richert bras requested to advise of customary procedure, being a member of an architectural firm. Mr. Richert-tated that the basic architectural fees i:ere set by the ALI and ethically were adhered to by the finis, thus the practice of bids was not feasible ethically. As far as competitive planning, the Council n:ay call for plans to be submitted and as has been done in various cities, it 4 usually results in the City being able to get the best design and type of plan best suited to its needs. Discussion ensued regarding places calling for competition by various architects which included a State Tide competition by Salem, Edmonds for a civic center, Seattle Center Fountain, etc. - - after which, the pending motion carried. Councilman Schellert commented that the Band Concert was a success and perhaps .,re can ask that the Park Board uonsider having its request in at budget time. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, requested a meeting of the Committee immediately following this meeting. Councilman Perry called attention to the meetings,regarding the public use areas,to be held August 10 and 12, due to the large number of people involved the two meetings being required, and the Mayor and Council were invited to attend. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to the opening of the freeway through Renton and ribbon cutting ceremony this morning and moved that the Street and Alley CoEmdttee and City Engineer now check Main Street traffic volume to see if parking could be put back on and report back. The motion was seconded by Perry followed by discussion as to whether it was too early to make survey as people were not yet using the free.�ay to great extent. Assistant Engineer Del Bennett reported that traffic patterns will be surveyed at same points as previcu sly to get traffic to be using the freeway henceforth and the pending motion subsequently carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, reported recommendation, regarding proposed sewer rate connection for Municipal Corporations outside the corporate limits of the City, that the matter be referred to the Com- nittee of the ;;hole with copies to be furnished all Council Members. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Lati-r and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Recommendation of the Committee on second proposed Ordinance regarding appointment of a Traffic Engineer was to also refer to Committee of the Whole and copies distributed to Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Lahr and Ordinance Committee. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, kashington annexing certain territory to the City of Renton., described as follows The North 390 feet of the East one-half of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East,. ?T. M., lying West of the Kent-Renton County Road; except the North 30 feet thereof and except the East 166.36 feet thereof, together with that portion of South 180th Street adjoining: All situated in King County, olashington. (U.G.N. Property) The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance after which it t„as moved by Morris and seconded by Hulse, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading; it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Ordinance No. 2169 as read. Carried by roll call vote with unanimous aye vote of all Council Members present. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Annexing certain Territory to the City, which was read by the Clerk, described therein. (I. J. Brodell et al properties in vicinity of Paulls Maplewood Addition) -7- 31 liinutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-2-65 ORDINANCFsS_ AND RESOLUTIONS (cont. ) loved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it tras moved by Delaurenti seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2170 as read. Roll call vote teas taken izth all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. Councilman Hulse called attention to the Land Use Report from the Planning Commission, one of several being distributed after much time and research and upon v hich hearings are presently being conducted in connection idth the City's Comprehensive Plan. It was stated that the Corm,-Lission should be commended for %W the variety and presentations of information irithin the reports. Mayor Custer likewise cormmended the members of the Council tirho helped in the freeway ceremony, the ribbon being cut at 10 00 a. this date opening the section from Maple Valley through to the East Valley Highl�Tay. It iras pointed out that the State plans to open the additional section to Tukwila on September 3rd but the City had its portion opened to speed up determination tirhether parking should be removed from Main Street and in regard also for improvement of 2nd Avenue. Councilman Schellert expressed gratitude for the Governorb help in the matter. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it eras moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting ti:as adjourned at 9 50 p.m. ADDENDUM TO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF 8-2-65 Building Director Reisberg submitted proposed Resoluti6naof the City making application for Federal"Natural Disaster Grant" per Public Law 875 for Renton road and building damages incurred during the past earthquake. The application was authorized by the Council and in order to comply with deadline date is to be forwarded to proper Office of Emergency Planning this date. i The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were approved for the month of July, 1965. TO: CLAIMS FUND TO: PAYROLL FUND FROM: Current $ 20,729.34 FROM`: Current $ 75,312.00 Street 200456.77 # :_ Street 15,495.60 Arterial Street 1,099.86 Cedar River M $ I 574.65 North Renton Inter. 1,410.32 Off Street Parking 10.00 Cedar River M & I 122.18 Equipment Rental 30096.00 Off Street Parking 110.87 Library 51,177.93 Equipment Rental 9,388.24 Parks 190317.68 Library 3,255.67 Waterworks 13,014.74 Library Constr. 908.10 Airport 2,360.64 Parks 4,216.00 Waterworks 134.902.07 Airport 1,016.08 Cum. #1894 442.96 Cum. #1975 5,309.44 Cum. #1990 171.70 1965 W.&S. Const. 120.50 Total Claims $203,660.10 Total Payroll $134,359.24 taw D. Custer, Mayor —e mie W. Nelson, ity Cler -8- 31.8 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8 00 P.M. August 9, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council vras called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag t-ras recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MQERS. Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Trirnm, Delaure.nti, Perry and Poli. Proved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; G. IU1. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. ':.illiams, Chief of Police, Jack ',ilson, City Engineer, M. C. '�,alls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Corriiiissioner, Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 26, 1965 be approved with inclusion of the addendum. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERtv1ITS NO. AMOUNT N'1ME ADDRESS TYPE OF 1,ORK 10451 $ 700.00 Roger K. Halsen 8821 So. 122nd Additions to Res. 452 300.00 Ralph Niemeyer 3207 Honey Creek Dr. Carport 453 350.00 Richard Reeves 11641 S.E. 184th St. Residence wiring 454 45.00 Puget Properties Renton Village Wire Sign 455 500.00 G. 'i,;. Hannus 652 ',B', Street hire Addition 456 331,900.00' City of Renton Civic Center Library Building 457 1;500.00 Texaco, Inc. 1408 Bronson 1:ay Sign 458 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11504-136th Ave. SE New Residence 459 15,200.00 Hilltop Sand 11500 - 136th Ave. SE New Residence 460 15,200.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13337 S.E. 115th St, New Residence 461 50.00 Francis A. Skellenger 827 1K' Street 1:1re Garage & Res. 462 390.00 Gunar Komstadius 12607 - 88th Ave. So. 1tire Residence 463 11,000.00 Jack Colombi 9642 - 106th Ave. SE New Residence 464 3. 500.00 Joe Regis 501 - 4th Avenue ,dire Bldg. PLUPBING & HEATING PERMITS 7279 - - D. H. Overmyer 815 Railroad Avenue Heat & Gas Equip. 80 - - - - Center Car ';,`ash Renton Shopping Center Heating Equipment 81 - - - Vic Diambri 720 Rainier Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - - Bell & Valdez 3250 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 83 - - - - Renton Shopping Center Bldg. A,, Gas Fixtures 84 - - - - Renton Shopping Center Bldg. "C`' Gas Installations 7285 - - - - Renton Shopping Center Bldg. ' C�' Gas Installations 86 - - - - Renton Shopping Center Bldg. : C,, Gas Installations 87 - - - - James Banker 405 - 7th Avenue Heat-Gas-Plumbing 88 - - - - John F. Mohan, Jr. 2014 - 9th Ave. No. Gas Installations 89 - - - - J. H. Cadwallader 1003 'N' Street Plumbing Fixtures 7290 - - - - Richard Reeves 10421 S.E. 98th St. Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - - in. Natural Gas Co. Talbot Road Plumbing Fixtures 7292 - - - - J. H. Caldwallader 1003 N Street Plumbing Fixtures 93 - - - - Pleasant 712 High Street Gas installations 94 - - - - Herbert Mull 408 '.I' Street Plumbing Fixtures C01,1MUNICATIONS A letter was read from J. David Jensen, Planning Director and the Renton Planning Commission, Douglas Felker, Chairman, submitting report on development of the Renton Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. The report had been distributed to the Council; City Officials and various civic clubs and organizations. A Policy Statement was inclµded in the report,to be used to aid in establishing general standards and guidelines in further community development and coordinated approach to the immediate and long range problems no:. experienced or foreseen. The im- plementing tools - the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances have been prepared here- tofore, and the Capital 1 provemient Prograaii will shortly be completed. -1- 319 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 8-9-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A Petition ias read from residents of South 153rd Street requesting vacation of portion of 77th Avenue South between South 153rd and FAI 405. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce; to refer the Petition to the City Engineer to check the signatures and advise �chether or not the Petition is valid. Carried. - A letter from Jack ti- ilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment; Estimate No. 1 for work perforr.ied to August 6, 1965 by S. & T. Construction Company, Inc. on 3rd Avenue paving contract. Amount due the Contractor, $8,370.27. In addition the sure of $32.00 is to be paid frog. A.S.P. #3;unto the Renton Utilities Fund. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the letter to the Auditing and Accounting Committee ,,,lith potirer to act. Carried. A letter was read from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk reporting receipt of v'ashington Title Insurance Company billing for services on 5-25-65, #766618 Lot 7, Bl. 6, Renton Highlands (next to Fire Station #2), $20.80 and billing date of 5-27-65 on W766619, Sewage Treatment Plant site, $243.36. It was pre- sumed that the latter would be paid by the fund benefitted by the sale. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the billing to the Auditinp, and Accounting Conaiiittee :;ith power to act. Carried. (days & Means to be consulted) A letter from City Engineer 'jilson reported that Houser ',,ay between 4th Avenue North and 8th Avenue North has been improved to City standards and recommended that this section of street be accepted for continuous maintenance by the City and that the Deed for the right-of-way be accepted by the Mayor and Council and recorded by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter was read from the City Engineer recommending that the necessary steps be taken to acquire the Water Reservoir site on Puget Drive near Rolling Hills, the money for which was provided for in the Revenue Bonds recently sold. hem, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. F. A. Storey requesting that a fire hydrant be installed at the corner of 108th Avenue and 110th Street in Kennydale. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee and the Utility Superintendent, to report back. Carried. — A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported problem concerning sales tax payment on the storm sewer work completed by L.D.L. Land Development Company}as the low bidder qualified his bid and submitted an alternate to cover the tax on materials. The tax should have been included in the basic bid which the City accepted and not shown as a separate item. He would have been low bidder even if the award had been made on the alternate so there is no problem in this regard. The Contractor has made claim for the reimbursement of the sales tax and the City Attorney's office has ruled that this is a just cla.iril. It was recommended that the sum of $829.79 be paid to the Contractor with funding of $341.66 from Street . Construction Fund for the South Renton Storm Sewers and $488.13 from the Arterial Street fund for 3rd Avenue North Extension Storm Sewer. Koved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson advising that due to excellent working conditions the Water Department was able to complete considerably more WAW water main replacement in the Highlands than was provided for in the budget. In order to continue this program for the balance of the year a transfer of $30,000 is requested from 609-Reserve for Future Water Improvements unto Acct. 606 - Machinery and Equipment within the Waterworks Maintenance Fund ,{7120. t,Ioved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. -2- .32o Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-9-65 C01-MUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted recommendation of the Planning Commission,from its meeting of July 28, 1965, tha property as described in Application R-247-65, be reclassified from G-7200 zoning to B-1, in agreement with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended. The property is located on the Northwest corner at intersection of 132nd Avenue S,E. and Sunset Blvd. East and is owned by Glen Jones and John Bardessano. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter was read from Picture Floor Plans, Inc. advising the City of availability of properties, including approximately 2500 feet of frontage on Cedar River, below the Tiffany Park area in event the City would be considering a park or college site now or at some future time.The 192 acres was deemed to be an ideal location and a spot of great beauty. The letter confirmed earlier conversation with the Mayor regarding the offer and quoted a parcel price. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Property Comr:.ittee to report back. Carried. A letter from the Association of Washington Cities, Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, was read notifying City Officials of a Lawyer-Layman Conference on Traffic Courts and Traffic Safety, to be held September 17, 1965 at the Olympic Hotel in Seattle. Details were attached in a letter from Vernon '41. Towne, Judge. A Summary of Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting of the Assn. of Wn. Cities was read which meeting was held in Seattle on July 9th. Councilman Avery Garrett was elected Secretary and action was taken to send the officers to the National League of Cities convention to represent the Association. Other actions taken were outlined with "Citizen Participation in Municipal Affairs'' selected as the 1966 convention theme. A letter from Frank T. Holert, Jr. of Holert Electric, Inc., requested City approval on Assignment of Permit to operate coaxial cable subscription system to Northwest Cablevisions, Inc., under same terms and conditions of the original agreement. Proposed "Assignment" was attached. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recormendation. Carried. Mayor Custer reminded the Council of the meeting tomorrow morning at 8.00 a.rr. upstairs at Tonkins with some of the merchants and landlords from the downtown area. COUNCIL CW1ITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, submitted his Committee report, regarding Building DireQ-uorb proposed sewer connection fees, and it recommended that the .Amendment to Chapter 7, Section 8-704, be referred to the Law and Ordinance Coi-iuiiittee for proper Ordinance. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation with referral as read. Carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of street lights along Lake Washington Blvd. from the Golf Course to 100th Street, be referred to the Light and Power Committee with power to act. Carried. Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee advised that the funds are very nearly expended and probably only emergency installations will be riade at present but inve st igat ion will be made. NEI BUSINESS: President of the Council Pedersen remindedthe Mayor and Council of the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Wednesday, August 11th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Councilman Hulse encouraged Auditing and Accounting Committee members to be present on Monday, August 16th at 7.30 p.m. to discuss referral items. -3- �Li.nutes of the Renton City Council Fleeting 8-9-65 _COUNCIL C0111MITTEE REPORTS NDI BUSINESS cont.) Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 9952 through 9999 and No. 1 through 75, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Account:.ng Committee, be approved for payment at this time. Fund breakdown as follows: Current #9952 - 9999 and #1 - 5 4,103.62 Street 9 -- 19 13,455.34 Arterial Street 77 --. ,75 5,402.27 Cedar River M. & I. 20 - 22 22.86 ,..� Equipment Rental 23 -- 39 7,446.43 Library 40 -- 44 279.12 Parks 45 -- 52 1,056.73 Ilater 1 orks Utility 53 -- 65 15,512.95 1 . & S. Construction Fund 60 225.00 Airport 70 -- 75 350.66 Cumulative Reserve 76 121.34 Total $ 50,976 . 32 The motion carried. Councilman Hulse inquired regarding development of S.E. 72nd Street with a possible boat launching site having been mentioned. Mayor Custer advised of intention to proceed administratively with some of the work on the site. The street department has been busily engaged in other projects while the weather is good and this one may not be done until next year. There is doterraifiation as to a house being located in the right-of-xray which must be made and several improvements needed on the site. Councilman Schellert inquired regarding paving permits for United Parking and Building Director Reisberg reported receiving notification from the Railroad and United Parking and they plan to proceed with the parking lot paving as per agreement within 45 days. -)uncilma.n Perry reminded the Council that the Public Relations Committee is meeting at 7:30p.m. on August 10th and 12th.. Upon inquiry as to why the two meetings, Mr. Perry advised that the Council referred one public use area to the Committee and they had met with those people and this was their second meeting. The second referral of a different area involved different persons and the meetir, of the 12th would be for these people who had never met before. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONSz Councilman Perry, member of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton determining that is is of the utmost necessity to provide for the improvement and widening to four lanes for vehicular traffic of Sunset Boulevard East, also known as State Highway No. 900, between 116th Avenue S.E. and 135th Avenue S.E. , and any and all of such work to be under- taken by the State of Washington Highway Department and same to proceed with all deliberate haste. Copies of this document to be sent to the Washington Good Roads Ass'n. requesting said body to go on record in favor os such improvement and to forward unto the State of Washington Highway Commission copies of any and all of such actions. The Clerk read the proposed Resolution. 11oved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that Resolution No. 1317 be adopted as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a propcs ed Resolution of the City of Renton requesting the State to landscape and beautify areas abutting and adjoini.r freeway through Renton, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1315 as re The motion carried. The Cor=i.ttee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton approving "Memorandum of Understanding" between the State Htiry. Commission and the Nlunicipalitier not participating financially in the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Continuing Planned Program, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1319 as read. Carried. 4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-9-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington establishing a Municipal Art Commission which shall act in an advisory capacity to the city government in connection with the cultural and artistic development of the City, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1'120 as read. :.-r-.er discussion on whether the Municipal Art Commission had seen the document heretofore, the pending motion carried. i Upon inquiry regarding addendum to minutes of last week, Mayor Custer advised that the application by Resolution was to recover damages resulting from the earthquake among which was the 7th and Burnett Street damage. Metro has filed for portion related to their projects in the City and will make the necessary repairs if claim is allowed. Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Al Noble invited everyone to a little theatre group presentation of 'Send Me No Flowers", a comedy which may be seen at St. Anthony's Hall at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, of this week. i As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. D. 11. Custer, 1 ayor Hebuie Nelson, City Clergy. E r a -5- 323 , RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P. M. August 16, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 9, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. Moved �y Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10465 24,000.00 Conner Construction Co. 12721 - 86th Ave. So. New Residence 66 1.,500.00 Renton Shopping Center Renton Shopping Center Wire New Store 67 1,500.00 Renton Shopping Center Singer Sewing Center Wire Store 68 750.00 Renton Shopping Center Columbian Optical Co. Wire New Store 69 14,440.00 John M. Dennis Jr. 11050 - 112th S .E. New Residence 10470 423.00 J. Cadwallader 1003 "N" Street Wire New House 71 600.00 Renton Eagles 3rd Avenue Neon Transformer 72 700.00 Party Center Renton Shopping Center Kat Sign 73 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11418 - 135th AveS.E. New Residence 74 15,200.00 Hilltop S-,,nd & Gravel 11416 - 135th Ave S.E . New Residence 10475 15,200.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11417 - 135th Ave S.E. New Residence 76 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13324 S.E. 115th New Residence 77 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13320 S.E. 115th New Residence 78 15,200.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11316 S.E. 115th New Residence 79 15,200.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13333 S .E. 115th New Residence 10480 16,500.00 B ell & Valdez 3308 Rolling Hills P1 S New Residence 81 1,500.00 Alpine Hut Renton Shopping Center 2 - Signs 82 125.00 Jacob McCollum 11208 - 114th S.E. Re-side Garage PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 7295 - - - - - James Banker 405 - 7th Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 9" - - - - - James Banker 405 - 7th Avenue Plbg Fixtures 97 - - - - - Coast Auto Exchange 12803 Rainier Ave. Plbg Fixtures 98 - - - - - Anthony Pellegrino 508 Morris Street Gas Installation 99 - - - - - Gunnar Komstadius 12607 - 88th Ave. S . Plbg Fixtures 7300 - - - - - Nate Weathers 38C3 ,- 6th Pl. N. Plbg Fixtures O1 - - - - - Roger Peterson 11022 - 115th S.E. Plbg Fixtures 02 - - - - - Roger Peterson 11022 - 115th S.E. Plbg Fixtures HEARING: Vacation of Alley - Plat of Renton Shorelands, Vicinity of Rainier S. and Logan f This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The Mayor inquired if there had been any written communications regarding this vacation, to which the Clerk advised that none had been received. There were no audience comments concerning this vacation and the Clerk noted that the application carried signatures representing 1005y. ownership. Upon inquiry, the City Engineer stated that the alley has never been opened and it is unlikely that it ever would be. Discussion ensued on the need to retain utility easements and the City Attorney pointed to the problems that could arise if this were not done. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be declared closed. Carried. It was then moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the Council grant the vacation—and retain easements for utility purposes and that the matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. The motion carried. 124 Minutes of Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-16-65 COMMUNICATIONS: The Clerk read a letter from the Board of Trustees of the Renton Public Library, requesting the Council's authorization for Mrs. Fred Hanis, Board President, to attend the Trustees Division of the Pacific Northwest Library Association Meeting in Denver, Colorado, September 1 to 4. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted. Carried. A report from the City Engineer on the petition for the formation of a local improvement district to provide sanitary sewers near Longacres was read, to the effect that the petition represents only 23.0/o of total frontage of the proposed I .I.D. He noted, however, that Longacres has expressed interest in sanitary sewers which would bring the percentage' up to 75%. Therefore, it was the recommendation of the Engineering Department that the City pass a resolution declaring its intent to create a Local Improvement District in this area. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Councilman Garrett expressed the opinion that the City should not proceed with the creation of a local inprovement district by resolution until such time as assurance is received that at least 75% are in favor of this improvement, and further noting that he would favor a petition containing the legally required ownership. A vote onrthe pending motion' carried. The Clerk read a Petition for creation of a Local Improvement District for construction of water mains, signed by owners of property adjacent to the Cedar River and Pacific Coast Railroad right-of-way in the City of Renton, between the northwesterly and southeasterly boundaries of Cedar River Summer Rome Sites. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded Schellert, that the petition be referred to the CITY ENGINEER to determine the validity. Carried. A letter from the Mayor's Office submitted a proposed agreement with the Pacific Coast Railroad granting the City a Temporary Permit for crossing of the railroad tracks at the entrance to Lake Washington Beach Park. At this time a communication was presented to the Clerk for reading, from the City Attorney, regarding this same matter, wherein it was recommended for consideration of the Council that certain modifications and amendments be made to the proposed agreement; Mr. Shellan noted that Paragraph 4 is unacceptable from a legal standpoint, since to all intents and purposes, it makes the City an insurer for all injuries and damages even thou,yh caused solely by the railroad. Section 5, was likewise unacceptable, since the City's insurance carrier probably would not be interested to insure the railroads for their own negligence for the limits specified, not to mention the possible increase in premium costs to the City. Section 6 would require the City to 'pay the railroads any cost of maintenance required to said crossing' , which did not seem equitable since, if the City were to pay any costs, such charges should be limited to those reasonably required by the City's usage of said crossing. A 30 day cancellation clause was recommended, rather than 10 days. Mr. Shellan reminded `che Council that at the time the Lake Washington Beach property was purchased the City did not acquire landlocked property and that at least an implied asement existed for the last ten years, more or less, which allowed the City access to its property. Moved �y Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the proposed permit, with a copy of the City Attorney's communication, be transmitted to Mr. Eckart, President of the Pacific Coast Railroad, to express the feelings of the City. Discussion followed and the City Attorney again pointed out that the document under consideration is only a temporary permit, and if the City were unsuccessful in securing an acceptable agreement it would be his recommendation to continue as has been done during the past ten years. Vote on the pending motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson was read recommending payment of Progress Estimate No. 4 for engineering services by Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield on the Water System Study covering the period of June 26, 1965 to July 27, 1965, in the sum of $187.00; Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engine Carried. The Clerk read City Engineer Wilson's report relative to the work completed by the Electric Construction Company on the Traffic Signal System at Bronson Way, lst Avenue North and Park Street. This work was accepted by the Engineering Department on August ll; 1965 and acceptance by the Council was recommended as of this date with payment of the final construction costs of $7,058.72, less the retained 105y, of $705.87, due at this time $6,352.85. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carrd. ie -2- 4)i+ 5 Minutes of Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-16-65 CO','N1UNICATIOi\TS: (cont.) The City Engineer's report was read relative to the work completed by the Electric Construction Company on the Traffic Signal System, Bronson ;Jay, 2nd Avenue and Main Street. This work was accepted by the Engineering Department on August 11, 1965 and Council acceptance is recommended with payment of the final construction costs of $71%667.84 less the amount of $766.78 being the retained 10% making a total due the company at this time of $6,901.06. _Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur with the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the three preceeding matters be referred to the ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. The City Clerk read the Certificate for Partial Payment for work completed by the Alton V. Phillips Company on the construction of the new City Library, certified for payment by Johnston-Campanella & Company and approved by the Library Board and requesting the approval of the City Council. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur with the recommendation of the Architect and the Library Board, and that the matter be referred to the ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. The Clerk read a Statement of Architectural Services, on the Renton Public Library submitted by Johnston-Campanella & Company having been previously approved for payment by the Library Board and requesting Council approval for payment of Estimate No. 4 in the amount of Y62,185.60. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Library Board. Considerable discussion ensued relative to the amount previously paid to Johnston-Campanella and the balance remaining in relationship to the arount of work left to be completed. It was then moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING COMMITTEE for review. Carried. A letter from Albert Reisberg, Guilding Director was read by the Clerk requesting that a Revokable Permit be issued to cover the sign to be hung in Front of the U. S. Navy Recruiting Office at 3062B Wells Street, Renton, Washington. It was noted that the ' clearance co('..? is an 8 foot minimum, however the existing Army sign adjacent to this office is less than the required 8 foot clearance, therefore this permit should allow a similar 7 foot 8 inch clearance. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommondation of the Building Director. It was noted that there is no potential hazard involved with this sign and that the sign permit fee would be charged in accordance with the City ordiiiance. A vote on the motion carried. The Clerk presp.xted to the Council a Compendium of Maps prepared by the Planning Departmmt—ond read the cover letter contained in the Compendium. Much of the infor- matiow in tnAs booklet had been mapped to include population density and distribution patternfti, SOII types and slopes, land use, utility systems, streets, railroads, .. traff' e'pv*terns, and parks and schools. The preparation of these maps const4btbld a major portion of the Comprehensive Plan effort, representing thoueA in researe�ix graphics, and printing time. COUNCIL CO'VTTTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINTSS: Council President Pedersen presented the report of the CoMittee of the Whole which, was read by the Clerk, with the following recommendations: (1) To refer the proposed Metro Industrial Waste Resolution to the MAYOR, CITY ATTORNEY, and CITY ENGINEER for study and report back. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Council Committee of the Whole. Carried. (2) To request the Municipal Art Commission submit ideas, suggestions, and a plan oncerning the landscaping of the Civic Center, Library, and Cedar giver banks. _Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poliy to concur in ;the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. (3) To recommend to the Council the adoption of the proposed ordinance on sewer rates to municipal corporations located outside the City, Moved ' Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. (4)f it commend to supppport the City Treasurer's request that we bid for the Finance Officer g Convention in B66. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the i'eccmmendation of the Committee of the Whole, Carried. { ` A&,utes of Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-16-63 OLD BUSINESS: (cont.) Council President Pedersen presented a joint report of the Property Committee and the Fire and Uater Committee regarding the acquisition of the Fire Department Site #$3 in Earlington Flats, and recommending that the City Attorney be authorized to proceed with the purchase of the total site of approximately 6 or 7 acres at the appraised price. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the two committees. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti presented a report of the Fire and Water Committee which was read by the Clerk. In regard to the matter of the request for variance by Mr. Norman Schultz it. was noted .that Mr. Schultz will meet the requirements of Fire Zone 1 if he should proceed with his building construction. In regard to. the recommendation of the Fire Chief that the City adopt the 1965 Edition of the Fire Prevention Code published by the American Insurance Association, with the exception of Appendix D, the Committee recommends that the Council concur in the recommendation and that the matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Moved_by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris presented the recommendation of the Law and Ordinance Committee which was read by the Clerk relative to the assignment of Holerts' permit to Northwest Cable- visions, Inc., recommending the Council consent to the assignment providing the proper deposit has been made and certificates of insurance filed as provided by Ordinance No. 2157 and that Northwest Cablevision, Inc. also show they are financially responsible. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Council President Pedersen announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, to be held. in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, august 17th at 7:30 p.m. He further requested that as many of the Planning Commission members attend as possible. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 79 through 155, ( with the exception of the Voucher to Johnston-Campanella in the amount of $2,185.60 which was to be held for review,) having previously been approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved by the Council at this time with fund breakdowns as follows: Current Fund No. 79 - 106 $ 11,676.15 Street Fund 107 - 109 2,453.29 Arterial Street 110 - 111 6,399.74 Equipment�Rental Fund 112 - 114 1,582.00 Library'-Fund 115 - 132 728.77 Library Construction Fund 133 24,432.32 Parks Fund 134 - 142 7,578.43 Water Works Utility Fund 143 - 150 3,783.59 W & S Construction Fund 151 187.00 Airport 152 - 154 91.12 Current 155 391.75 The pending motion to approve the Vouchers carried. Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee in the Council Chambers on Thursday, August 19th at 4:30 p.m. together with the City Engineer and the Street Commissioner. Councilman Perry brought up the matter of the trains holding up traffic during the peak hours in Renton and suggested that letters might be written to the railroad companies asking that they attempt to eliminate this congestion by keeping the trains out during the peak traffic periods. Councilman Poli inquired whether the down town merchants planned to secure the services of a consultant for the Central Business District, to which the Mayor replied that he had no knowledge of such intention. Councilman Poli suggested that a panel be appointed to look after the City's interest in this program. To a suggestion from Councilman Hulse that the Citizens Advisory Committee might act in this capacity Mayor Custer advised that they had requested that a new committee be formed for this purpose. -4- a 327 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-16-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee Morris presented a proposed resolution requesting a transfer of funds to meet certain obligations and expenditures which were not foreseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1965 Budget, transferring from Water [corks, Maintenance, Account #7120, #609 Reserve for Future Water Improvements unto Water Works, Maintenance, Account #7120, #606, Machinery and Equipment, the sum of $30,000."x:. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1321 be adopted as read. Carried. Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed ordinance which was read by the Clerk, amending section 8-715 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of ( rdinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating o sewer charges. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the ordinance be placed on Ywecond and final reading. Carried. Following the second reading of the proposed ordinance, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, that Ordinance No. 2171 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote was taken with Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli, and Morris voting aye and Garrett and Trimm voting no, 8 ayes and 2 nos. The motion carried. The Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed ordinance which was read by the Clerk, changing the Zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G-7200) to Business District (B-1), which property is located on the northwest corner at the intersection of 132nd Avenue S . E. and Sunset Blvd East (Jones-Bardessono Property) . Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the second reading it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that Ordinance No. 2172 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members voting aye. The motion carried. Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed ordinance which was read by the Clerk, amending Section 8-704 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to building sewer permits. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pedersen, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Following the second reading it was _moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry that Ordinance No. 2173 be adopted as read. Discussion ensued relative to the present costs, and the proposed costs and it was pointed out that '-he proposed costs or fees are still far below the fees charged by Seattle. Roll call ote was taken with all Council Members voting aye. The motion carried. The Clerk read a proposed ordinance presented by the Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, adopting and establishing by reference a "Uniform Plumbing Code, 1964 Edition" and repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict therewith. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the second reading, it was _moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that Ordinance No. 2174 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all voting aye. Carried. (Revised fee schedule adopted for Section Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed ordinance which was read by the Clerk amending Section 4-605 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to fees for Gas Piping and/or Gas Appliances. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. Following the second reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, chat Ordinance No. 2175 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote was taken with all voting aye. Motion carried. The Clerk read a proposed ordinance presented by the Law and Ordinance Committee, amending Section 4-104 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to permit fees in reference to Oil Furnaces, Oil Tanks, Storage Tanks, Floor Furnaces, Hot Water Furnaces, and Boilers. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. I.ollowing the second reading, it was moved �y Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that ' dinancc No. 2176 be adopted as read. Roll Call vote was taken with all voting aye. 6,j1e motion carried. Councilman Morris advised that he had copies of Resolutions adopted by the National League of Cities together with other material relative to the Convention which he wou'l place on file in the Office of the City Clerk for those who would be interested in reading them. -5- 328 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meering (cont.) 8-16-65 AUDIENCE COMMENTS Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Robert J. Phelps of 8453 Lake Washington Boulevard stated that since the Railroads improved their tracks in this area the trains are now traveling at excessive speeds. He would estimate that some of the trains are traveling through at 50 to 60 m.p.h. In reply to an inquiry, Mr. Phelps stated that he lives just north of the Kennydale Bathing Beach. Mayor Custer stated that this matter should be investigated and included in the letter to the railroad companies referred to earlier in this meeting. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. There were nine visitors in the audience. v, -A. -C D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk 0 3 V -6- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P. M. August 23, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli, and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S . Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, J. David Jensen, Planning Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Del Bennett, Assistant City Engineer, and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 16, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS 00. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10483 481.61 Walter Sneddon 91 - 2nd Avenue Mire Cabinet Shop 84 100,000.00 The Boeing Company Boeing Plant Interior Remodeling 10485 600.00 Jack Williamson 1380-82-84 "K" St. Add Driveway, etc. 86 155500.00 Ernst Hardware Renton Village Concrete Mixer Plant 87 500.00 H. B. F. , Inc. Renton Village Wire Equipment 88 1,000.00 John Millikin 2228 - 9th North Carport 89 557.00 Bell & Valdez 3270 Rolling Hills Ave Hire Residence 10490 500.00 Ralph Welch 1210 - 2nd Ave. Remodel Interior 91 3,200.00 Vic Diambri 720 Rainier Ave. ;Aire Building 92 2,000.00 James E . Banker 405 - 7th Avenue Wire Body Shop 93 105.00 Gernot K. Brandt 3728 - 6th P1. N. Slab for Carport PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS 7303 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3270 Rolling Hills Ave Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - - Conner Construction 12712 - 86th South Plumbing Fixtures 7305 -- - - - - Conner Construction 12721 - 86th South Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - - - King County Health Ctr 12015 S . E . 128th Plumbing Fixture 07 - - - - - H. B. F., Inc. Renton Village Plumbing & Gas Instal. 08 - - - - - Chester Hussey 334 Burnett Street Gas Installations 09 - - - - - V. Diambri 720 Rainier Ave. Gas Installations 7310 - - - - - Ralph Welch 1210 - 2nd Ave. N. Plumbing Fixtures 11 - - - - - Hitchcock Sport Shop 219 Wells Gas Installation 12 - - - - - Herbert Mull 414 I Street Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - - - John Tomich 515 Williams N. Heating Equipment HEARING: Prcposed amendment to Chapter 7, "Zoning", Title 4, "Building Regulations" to establish a Manufacturing Park District designated as M-P This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The Mayor called for audience comments on this matter and there being none, he inquired of the City Clerk if there had been any written communications, to which the Clerk replied there were none. At this time the Clerk read the recommendation of the Planning Commission from their Public Hearing pf July 28th. Councilman Schellert felt that many persons who would be affected by the new classification, as indicated at the Planning Commission hearing, should present their views to Council. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the hearing be contipued to September 13, 1965. Councilman Garrett suggested that Mr. Schellert contact those persons he had reference to, relative to the continuation of the hearing. Motion carried. HEARING: Appeal for Acceptance of Variance - William R. Knedler This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Upon inquiry the Clerk advised the only communication was the letter appealing the Planning Commission decision from Mr. Knedler. At this time the Mayor invited audience comments and Mr. Knedler introduced himself and explained his request noting that instead of the required 25' clearance he would have only 19.8 feet. However his structures as planned would involve 28% of the total land whereas 35% was permissible. Upon inquiry, Mr. Jensen advised that ordinance Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-23-65 HEARING: (cont.) provides for the issuance of a variance wherein strict application would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship that would deprive the owner reasonable use of property involved. This particular request appeared to be more of a convenience, desirable from an appearance standpoint, but did not fulfill the requirements for a variance as set forth in the Code. Councilman Morris noted that several Council Members had looked over the situation and he felt that due to the location of the sliding glass door which preven. 1 Mr. Knedler from changing the size of the patio, that in fact it was somewhat of a hard- ship. The adjoining property owners have approved this addition, and will be in no way, injurious to the neighborhood. It would appear tErt in the case of an emergency that the remaining 19.8 feet would allow ample room for any fire truck or other vehicle. Councilmen, Perry and Pedersen also advised that they had looked over the property and the plans were very fine and will enhance the area. Councilman Pedersen noted that it would be a very fine improvement and asked Mr. Knedler if he had a copy of the plans that could be shoran to the Council to help them make a determination. After the plans had been reviewed, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the Variance be granted. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: The City Clerk read an invitation to the Official Opening of the Renton Freeway, (Interstate 405) to be held at 2 p. m. Friday, September 3, 1965 at the Railroad Crossi„, (near the Green River Interchange) which will be sponsored by the Renton Chamber of Commerce and the Tukwila Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Washington State Highway Commission and the Department of Highways. The Clerk also read an invitation -10 a No-Host Luncheon preceding the Opening of the Renton Freeway, at 12:00 noon, Friday, September 3, 1965 at the Barb Restaurant, sponsored by the Renton Chamber of Commerce and Tukwila Chamber of Commerce. The Clerk advised that the tickets for the luncheon could be obtained from Assistant City Engineer Bennett. A communication was read from D. W. Custer, Mayor, submitting a copy of the Preliminary Land Value Investigation conducted by Homeland Associates, Inc. on the Pacific Coast Railroad property required for right of way purposes in connection with the westerly approach to the North Renton Interchange. The Mayor recommended that the Council accept the offer of the railroad to convey to the City that property, as set forth in the atta:chec copy of proposed Quit Claim Deed, to the City at a cost of $48,000.00. The Mayor poir. jd to the urgency of this matter, inasmuch as the Highway Commission cannot accept the )ow bid for this project unless the required rights of access are guaranteed within approximately five days. The City Engineer's report was presented stating that the Engineering Department has checked the copy of the proposed Quit Claim Deed and found the legal description to be correct and to meet the requirements of the City and the State Highway Department. The Preliminary Estimate of Value had also been reviewed and found to be reasonable and consistent with all available previous information, and has the approval of the State Highway Department. It was the recommendation of the Engineering Department that the City Council authorize the purchase of the railroad property as described in the deed, and that a Right of Entry be granted the Highway Department immediately upon the purchase of such property. A letter from P. J. McKay, P. E., District Engineer, State Highway Commission, acknowledged receiving a copy of the Pacific Coast Railroad letter dated August 20th directed to the Mayor. Mr. McKay advised that preliminary information indicates that the Commission can support this purchase under the conditions outlined in the railroad's proposal. They expressed the hope that negotiations could be completed immediately and that a right of entry can be furnished to place them in a position to accept the low bid for the project and authorize commencement of the work. At this time the findings and report of the Property Committee were read - that the Purcha Agreement as proposed by the Pacific Coast Railroad Company was determined to be beneficial to the City and recommended that the City proceed immediately to purchase the property required for right-of-way, as described in the Quit Claim Deed, to-wit: PARCEL A All that portion of Government Lot 1, Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., lying Westerly of existing Primary State Highway No. 1-RE, Renton to Kennydale, Easterly of Houser Way North (conveyed by Pacific Coast R. R. Co. to the City of Renton by deed dated July 14, 1965), Southeasterly of Lake Washington Blvd. and Northerly of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Renton recorded December 4, 1964 in Volume 4604 of Deeds, page 557. EXCEPTING therefrom a tract of land conveyed to the Puget Sound Power and Light Company by deed recorded Jdnuary 2, 1929 under Auditor's File No. 2509415. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 9-23-65 COMMUNICATIONS (cont.) PARCEL B All that portion of Government Lot 1, Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5, East W. M. , lying southeasterly of Lake Washington Boulevard, easterly of Garden Street, westerly of a line drawn parallel with and 25 feet westerly when measured at right angles and/or radially from the "Proposed R. R. Relocation" centerline of Primary State Highway No. 1. (SR 405) North Renton Interchange and northwesterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Garden Street which is 75 feet southeasterly when measured at right angles from the A-line survey of said highway: thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point 60 feet southeasterly as measured at right angles from Highway Engineer's Station 7+50, A-Line Survey: thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point 100 feet southeasterly as measured at right angles from Highway Engineer's Station 11+81.83, A-Line Survey and the end of this description. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the. Mayor, Engineer- ing Department and the Property Committee . Carried. It was then moved by Pedersen; seconded by Poli, that this matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for drafting the proper legislation. Carried. The City Attorney pointed out that a Warrarlty Deed should be provided in lieu of a Quit Claim Deed, and recc-mended that Title Insurance be acquired. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the City order title insurance. Discussion ensued relative to payment for the cost of the title insurance, and it was qon- fir.med that this should be paid from the bond construction fund. Vote on the motion carried. A letter from the Assistant City Engineer was read wherein he stated that in order for tha North Renton Interchange project to proceed it is necessary that the City Council accept the deed for the right-of-way on Houser Way, from Lake Washington Boulevard to 8th Avenue North. Upon completion of the improvements to this right-of-way, it will then be submitted to the Council for approval and continual maintenance by the City of Renton. The roadway must be constructed to City Standard before such ma;_ntenance is accepted. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of t _Q Engineering Department. Carried. A letter from the City Engineer submitting letter from K_-nic=_pality of Metro and attarl'ted • plans, noted that before 92nd Avenue South between Rainier Avenue and 7th Avenue can up improved to a reasonable standard, it will be necercary to install the metering manholo and a collection manhole for sanitary sewers to be connected to -she ."etro Trunk. Metra is responsible for the metering manhole and the City would be responsible for the remainder. Metro is prepared to have the system installed if the City will agree to pay for their portion which is 68% of a total estimated cost of `5500 to $7500 . It was the recommendation of the Engineering Department that the City participate in this project with the City's; portion being financed out of Water Works Maintenance; Account 4605. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendat _on of th? City Engineer. Carried. A report from the City Engineer on the Petition for Creation of a Local Improvement District for water mains adjoining the Plat of Cedar River ;Iome Sites, was read by the Clerk. A check of the County records indicates that signatories comprise 55.18% of the owners of the abutting property and 56.59% of the owners of the total area within the boundaries of the proposed improvement district as shown on the attached sketch, and therefore the petition meets the requirements for validity. The report further advised that the assessed valves of the land and improvements of this area are sufficient to support this improvement aDd there are no existing assessments within the proposed district. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that this be referred to the CITY ENGINEER to prepare the preliminary cost estimates and plans and also to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE for the necessary Resolution. Carried. The Clerk read Mayor Custer. 's letter relative to a sign ordinance, wherein he noted th'It in attempting to enforce the provisions of the recently-adopted sign ordinance, the Building Department has encountered some problems which could best be solved if the Highway Advertising Control Act of 1.961 were adopted by the City Council. This Act was previously adopted by the State Legislature and imposes certain restrictions on the posting of signs in and near highway rights-of-way. The specific problems encountered by the Duldi.ng .Department emanate from the location of several signs in the City within State Highwa­ rights-of-way. It has been the suggestion of the State Highlaay Department that more effective control could be exercised over such sign installations if the City would concur in the Advertising Act Therefore it is the recommendation of the Mayor that this matter be referred to the Lary and Ordinance Committee for study anal recommendations. Moved bar Garrett, seconded by Hulse, do concur in the request of t .e 'Iayor and refer '�'ze matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. - 3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-23-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from D. W. Custer, Mayor, pertaining to a proposal by the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company to provide public telephone booths in the City of Renton and submitting a sample ordinance, was read by the Clerk. The elements of the proposal include, (1) location of telephone booths on City property and City Streets, (2) installation costs are to be borne by the Telephone Company, and (3) the City shall receive a commission equal to 15% of the net proceeds from the use of the installations . In forwarding this infor- mation to the Council the Mayor recommended that a study be initiated to determine whether the City of Renton should participate in this program. It was suggested that a pilot program of four installations near the intersections of Third and Williams and Third and Wells Streets be considered, and that the installations be approved by the City Engineer and Building Director. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. The Clerk read a Petition for Creation of a Local Improvement District in the vicinity of South 153rd between 77th South and 84th South, signed by the Washington Jockey Club, (Longacres Race Track) by M. J. Alhadeff. It was noted that this petition was in conjunction with the one presented at the Council Meeting of August 16, 1965. The report of Assistant City Engineer Bennett in regard to the above mentioned Petition for Creation of an L.I.D. for Sanitary Sewers in the vicinity of Longacres, stated that this will increase the percentage of total frontage in favor of the creation of said L.I.D. from 23.4% to 81.0%. It was then moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer this matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE^for presentation of resolution setting the date of hearing. Carried. A communication from Senator Martin J. Durkan, Chairman of the Municipal Code Committee, was read wherein he stated the 39th Session of the Washington State Legislature, recog-. nizing the serious problems faced by Washington municipalities, created an interim Municipal_Code Committee. The letter stated that the Committee is to prepare and submit to the 40th Legislature, in bill form, a code of laws for the government of cities and towns. Such code may revise existing law or may be so designed as not to affect existing law but rather to provide an alternative code of laws for the classification and govern- ment of cities and towns, which any city or town may elect to adopt. The purpose of this letter was to request the Council's participation and thinking in the drafting of the proposed model code. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer this communication tcr— the LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE. Carried. The Clerk read an application from the Renton Independence Day Celebration Committee, for a safe and sane fireworks stand permit (Application No. 10-1966) for 1966. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that this be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE with power to act. Carried. A letter from Earle S. Bigler, former Airport Manager, was read by the Clerk expressing thanks to the City Employees for the going-away party and the Bag Boy golf cart. The Clerk read a letter from the State Highway Commission, signed by James Gray, P. E ., Assistant Director for State Aid, relative to the King County-City of. Renton PSH No. 1 (SR 405), West City Limits to PSH 5, regarding a transfer of Highway Route. The Commission advised that on or about July 1, 1966 a portion of old PSH 1 will be returned to the County. Prior to the actual return of the old highway, a joint maintenance inspection by the State and the County Road Engineer will be made to ensure that the routine maintenance is up to date. A communication from City Attorney Shellan was read by the Clerk regarding a Claim filed by Mr. and Mrs. Elso Gregoris, wherein he stated that the City's Insurance carrier has advised that the attorney for Mrs. Gregoris has taken a voluntary non-suit in this case. This simply means that the case has been dismissed at the request of the Plaintiff. It was the opinion of the City Attorney that the reason for taking this action was that he ha( advised our Insurance Carrier that Mrs. Gregoris did not file her claim in the time alloweenro The Clerk read a communication from C. G. Prahl, P. E., Director of Highways, acknowledging the City's letter of August 11, 1965 submitting two City of Renton resolutions requesting improvements on Sunset Boulevard and on the beautification of the areas abutting and adjoining the new freeway through Renton. The Commission advised that they were fully cognizant of the need for future improvements to the Sunset Highway and have funds in their six-year program to alleviate the situation, at least partially. This program tentatively contemplates the expenditure of approximately $945,000 to improve this highway between the North Renton Interchange and Southeast 136th Street. The Commission has been concentrat- ing on the completion of the Renton section of Interstate Highway 405 and now that the essential features of the freeway are completed, their District Landscape Engineer will be -4- C Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-23-65 COMMUNICATION (cont.) initiating his planning and will be contacting the City's representatives during the preparation of plans. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that a copy of this letter be sent to the Washington Good Roads Association referencing the two previous resolutions. Carried. A letter from the Planning Director was read relative to the Planning Commission recommendation that the following schedule of charges be fixed for the sale of the Comprehensive Plan reports: Population, Utility, and Community Facilities Reports, the Comprehensive Plan (Text), Capital Improvements Program and Subdivision Ordinance, a fie of $1.00 each; Economic Perspectives, Land Use Reports, Arterials & Streets Report and CBD Development Plan, a fee of $2.00 each; and Zoning Ordinance a fee of $3.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendations of the Planning Director and that the matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE to prepare an ordinance. At this time Mr. Jensen stated that one item had been deleted from his letter and he would like to include a fee of $10.00 for a complete set of the above listed reports. The City Clerk advised that the next item on the agenda was her letter requesting a change in the charge for the Code of City Ordinances and requested permission to read same and have this change included in the same ordinance proposed for the charges requested by Mr. Jensen. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to amend the previous motion to include an item of $10.00 for the complete set of the Comprehensive Plan reports and to also include the City Clerk's request for a change in the charge for. the Code of City Ordinances. A vote on the amendment carried. Vote on the motion as amended carried. The Clerk read a letter of intent to initiate annexation proceedings of an area north of 12th Avenue North, east of Bomarc Addition and west of 132nd Avenue S. E . The petition was signed by Mrs. Gladys Melis, Mr. Clifford Melis, Mrs. Catherine Mead and W. I. Mead, being the owners of more than ten percent of the value of the property proposed for annexation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer this to the ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT to check the validity of signatures. Carried. A letter from the Building Director was read recommending that a Revokable Permit be issued to the Coin Shop, 926 Third Avenue, Renton, for a 4 foot by 2 foot sign to be erected above the existing marquee. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to concur_ in the recommendation of the Building Inspector. Carried. .WWK The Clerk read a letter from Clifford E. Logan, Towne House of Renton, requesting Council's approval for live entertainment at his place of business. Such approval being required by the State Liquor Board. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, that this matter be referred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE for recommendation. Carried. The Clerk read a letter from Mayor Custer .relative to a Proposed Cooperative Agreement with the Housing Authority of Renton, and requesting the Council set a hearing date on a proposed resolution approving and authorizing execution of the agreement. The Housing Authority has agreed that Council approval will be secured prior to selection of a building site for elderly housing. Mayor Custer suggested September 20th as a date for the hearing. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Inquiries were made and it was brought out that these matters could be considered at the hearing. The motion carried. The Clerk read a communication from Johnston-Campanella & Company wherein they submitted a request to be considered in the selection of architects for the Proposed Civic Center and pointed to their past work on the Library plans and relationship of this project to the entire Civic Center, and pointing to the National Design recognition received for their Library Plans. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that this matter be referred to the PROPERTY COMMITTEE. Carried. A communication from the Planning Director was read advising that the preparation and publication of the 701 Comprehensive Plan Reports has entailed a number of necessary expenditures which were not foreseeable at budget time last year. Therefore it is requested that the following amounts be transferred from the indicated accounts unto Salaries and Wages of Planning Department Account No. 1700: From Maintenance and Operation: Account No. 304 $ 50.00 306 200.00 308 600.00 315 100.00 402 300.00 From Capital Outlay Account No. 606 150.00 -5- 334 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-23-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) This transfer represents a total of $1,400.00 and will provide necessary salary needs for the balance of the year at the current rate of expenditure. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request of the Planning Director. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the matter be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE to prepare the necessary legislation. Carried. At this time the Mayor called a recess. Following the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously recorded. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS Council President Pedersen submitted the report of the Committee of the Whole meeting of August 17, 1965, recommending concurrence in the Street and Alley Committee report to place the Traffic Engineer Ordinance on its first reading. Moved by Schellert, seconded Morris, to concur in the recommendation of the Council of the Whole. Carried. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen submitted his committee's report recommending that the City Attorney and Mayor be authorized to proceed with negotiations to acquire the City Light property located in the Civic Center Site at the appraisal price of $75,000 or $1.74 per square foot. It was further recommended that a parcel of City property 225' in depth and 100' in width, a total of 22,500 square feet, at $1 per square foot be sold to Seattle City Light for the purpose of relocating their shop facility. This property comprises a portion of Cedar River Park and the 100' width would proceed Northwesterly, adjacent to the Maple Valley Highway from a point 60' from the City's boundary with Stoneway Sand and Gravel Company. It is also the recommendation of the Property Committee that a 60' right of way be reserved along the City's southeasterly property line in Cedar River Park for the purpose of constructing a future roadway to enhance the use of the area for park purposes. The sale and acquisition of the two properties will comprise two separate transactions, and it is recommended that the City's purchase be funded from Cumulative Fund 1894. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Councilwoman Dahlquist felt that the proper procedure would require that the property be declared surplus and no longer required by the City before author- izing its sale. Mayor Custer advised that such a finding would be necessary and Council President Pedersen explained that this is only a basis for negoitations. A vote .on the pending motion carried. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Accounting and Auditing Committee, reported that an invoice for title insurance had been referred to his committee covering the site north of the Highlands Fire Station, and the Sewage Treatment Plant, and it is the recommendation of this committee that these be funded from Cumulative 1184 and 1894 respectively. Council action in this matter is recorded under New Business, with the approval of Vouchers. Councilwoman Dahlquist commended the City Clerk and City Treasurer on their service to the City in the reports that they put out, and had observed that this was not the case in some cities. She further commented that on her recent trip to the East, she noticed the number of cities that have under.gxound lighting. Mayor Custer advised that Puget Power 'has been requested to prepare plans for .,underground.lighti.ng, particularily in conjunction with the Civic Center. Councilman Garrett submitted the report of the Street and Alley Committee with the following recommendations: (1) Regarding the offer of Katherine Sartori to deed 16' Alley to City. It is the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that the City accept the deed for a 16' alley north from Bronson Way along the easterly right-of-way line of the Pacific Coast Railroad. Council President Pedersen noted that this matter had been before the Propert Committee, and that the Property Committee recommends concurrence in the recommendation the Street and Alley Committee. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee and the Property Committee. Carried. (2) Regarding the request of the Washington State Highway Commission to open ar unimproved 16 foot Alley between South 148th Street and Secondary State Highway No. 1-L, to a connection with 89th Avenue South in the vicinity of the South Renton Interchange. (Vomenici Access) It is the recommendation of the Committee that permission to open said alley not be granted. It was the Committee's feeling that a minimum width of 30 feet would be essential, anything less would create a hazardous situation. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee . Carried. - - -- - -6- 335 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-23-65 Councilman Garrett reported that it was the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee that Mr. Schellert be authorized to attend the Washington Good Roads Meeting in Bellingham as a representative of the City. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Perry, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, presented his report which was read by the Clerk, with the following recommendations and action taken by the Council: (1) That the City of Renton enter into negotiations with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, for the acquisition of all of the Federal Government's right, interest and title, — including its reversionary interest in all of the public use and related areas of the Renton highlands and that this matter be referred to the PROPERTY COMMITTEE to negotiate such acquisition as provided by law. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation of the Public Relations Committee. Mayor Custer invited comments from the audience. Mr. Norman Olsen, 547 H Street, inquired as to the purpose of the proposed acquisition by the City, stating he felt that the areas were much too small to be suitable for either parks or playfields, and he understood this was also the feeling of the Park Department. Discussion ensued with questions raised by the Council members relative to costs of acquisitions, the urgency of this matter in respect to the extent it would cut into other budgeted programs, and whether assurance had been given by the Library and Park Boards on the desirability for development. Councilman Perry advised that public hearings had been conducted by his committee, pursuant to which the committee had arrived at these recommendations. He pointed out that if the City does not exercise its option to purchase the property it will then revert to the Federal Government. The pending motion carried.. (2) That the Public Use Areas located in the Renton Highlands described as Blocks 19, 20, 26, 26A and Walkways adjoining them, upon purchase from the Federal Government, be developed as Walkways and Play Areas. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in this recommendation. At this time Councilman Perry outlined on a map the areas under consideration. Upon inquiry, the Planning Director stated that these areas were valuable to the community, and a letter from the Planning Director dated August 25, 1964, to the Property Committee and Park Board was presented in which it was requested that action on the public use tracts be held pending completion of the 701 Program and its specific recommendations pertaining to this and other related matters. It was pointed out that as residential densities increase these open spaces will prove to be invaluable to this ~'° portion of the community and its residents. Councilman Morris stated that the largest of these areas is located in Suburban Heights and that the property owners have requested that this property be held for public use and playgrounds and noted that the children use these walkways in travelling to and from the grade school. Councilwoman Dahlquist stated that from the three hearings that were held, it was her impression that the residents of the area were mainly concerned about having these sites cleaned-up, and that some had indicated a willingness to help maintain such areas. A vote on the pending motion carried. (3) Upon purchase from the Federal Government, that the following described Public Use area, located in the Renton Highlands, be set aside as a site for a future branch library: All that portion of the Public Use Area in Block 46, Renton Highlands No. 2 Corrected Plat, according to the Plat recorded in Vol. 57 of Plats, Pages 92 to 98 inclusive, Records of King County, Washington, lying north of 12th Avenue North and South of the following described line: Beginning at the most southerly corner of Lot 30, Block 46, of said Renton Highlands No. 2 Corrected Plat; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of said Lot 30 a distance of 50 feet to the true point of beginning; thence easterly, parallel with the northerly margin of 12th Avenue North to the westerly margin of Lot 17, 31ock 461 said Renton Highlands No. 2 Corrected Plat. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Public Relafions Committee. Inquiry was directed to the Committee Chairman as to whether this had been discussed with the Library Board and he advised it had not. The motion carried. (4) Upon acquisition of these lands, the Council hold hearings for the use of the remainder of the Public Use Areas, as the abutting property owners have shown interest in developing them as alleyways or purchasing them. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahle_uist, to concur in the recommendation of the Public Relations Committee. Carried. (5) That in the event Council acquires these public use areas from the Federal Government and subsequently determines to dispose of any of these properties the abutting property owners be granted first consideration. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Public Relations Committee. Carried. -7- - - - - 136 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-23-65 NEW BUSINESS Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Trimm, to appoint Councilman Poli as Council President Pro- tem during the absence of the Mayor and Council President. Carried. Council President Pedersen announced a Property Committee meeting will be held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, August 24th, 1965 at 7:00 p.m., and requested the attendance of the City Engineer, Park Director, Park Board and the Mayor. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that Vouchers No. 156 through No. 222, hav}ng been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee, be approved for payment at this time, to include Johnston-Campanella's payment of $2,185.60 held over from last week and the voucher to Washington Title Insurance referred to under old business, covering the Treatment Plant and the site north of the Highlands Fire Station. Fund breakdown as foll Current 156 - 180 $ 3,882.04 Street 181 - 189 8,419.68 Arterial Street 190 - 191 8,732.13 Cedar River M & I 192 10.00 Equipment Rental 193 - 203 601.18 Parks 204 - 209 625.33 Water Works Utility 210 - 216 4,289.28 Airport 217 - 218 106.07 Equipment Rental 219 14.50 Cumulative Reserve #1975 220 2,185.60 Cumulative Reserve #1894 221 243.36 Cumulative Reserve #1184 222 20.80 Total 29,129.97 The motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the matter of Parking Meter removal be referred to the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett called a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee for August 30, 1965 which was sub• equently changed to September 7th, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, to discuss the matter of parking meter removal and that it be designated as a public hearing. Councilman Poli called attention to the litter along Houser Way and the Railroad tracks, ONO and inquired as to the responsibility for cleaning up this mess. Mayor Custer advised that this has been an increasing problem since the opening of the King County Dump site, but was probably the responsibility of the City on the City right-ofwway. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed emergency ordin(-z.nce appropriating monies from the North Renton Interchange Bond Issue into the North Renton Interchange Fund No. 3300, Acccunt No. 600 the sum of $400,000.00 and recommending that a hearing be held at 8:00 p.m. on September 13) 1965. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Law and Ordinance—Committee. Carried. The Clerk read a proposed res(Jution presented by the Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, declaring its intention to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances on South 153rd Street in the general vicinity between 77th Avenue South and 84th Avenue South and to create a Local Improvement District to assess the full cost ands expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefited thereby; and notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on September 20, 1965, Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that Resolution No. 1322 be adopted as read. Carried, Chairman Morris of the Law and Ordinance Committee presented for reading a proposed ordipance of the City of Rentonvacating a portion of a certain alley, adjoining Tracts 2 and 3, Second Supplemental Plat of Renton Shorelands, Renton, Washington, Moved by Morris, seconded by poli, that the ordinapce be placed on second and final reading Carried. Following the-- final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that Ordinance No. 2177 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council members voting aye. Carried. The Clerk read a proposed ordinance presented by the Law and Ordinance Committee, amending Section 10-102 of Chapter 1, Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to the City's Traffic Code, as follows: -8- 337 1",inutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 8-23-65 ODINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (cont.) Whenever reference is made in the City's Traffic Code to "City Engineer" then said reforerce shall also include the "City Traffic Engineer" who shall be so designated and appointed by the City Engineer from the members of his staff and such Traffic Engineer shall have the same rights and duties as are imposed herein on the City Engineer. _Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Councilman Schellert expressed the opinion that this was not the ordinance which the Street and Alley Committee recommended for approval. Chairman Morris advised that this is the ordinance that was referred to his Committee and which had previously been in Council as - a Wncie, an" he hal no information on a third ordinance handed to him shortly before the meeting. Following considerable discussion, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, that this matter be referred back to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. AUDIENCE CO1,MENTS Mr. Jensen, the Planning Director called attention to the fact that the resignation which he submitted was to take effect on September 1, 1965, however, considerable work remained to be done on the Capital Improvements program and he requested a two week extension beyond September 1, 1965. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the request be referred to the HAYOR with power to act. The Mayor advised that if the extension were granted it would probably mean that additional monies would be required, as it has been indicated that another planner would be hired immediately. Councilman Garrett expressed the opinion that this was an administrative problem, and that if `the Council gives the Mayor the power to extend the resignation, it would be implied that the Council will provide the additional money. Carried. At this time Mr. Jensen advised that he felt some overlap of Planning Directors would be advisable, which time would afford him an opportunity to acquaint the new Director with vario::Is phases of the work. Moved � Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor carefully consider overlapping the terms of the two Planning Directors. Carried. Mr. nave Yates, representing the office of the District Engineer, State Highway Commission requested clarification as to whether a right-of-entry clause had been included in the Council's prior action of this meeting on the purchase of property for the connection to the North Rentcn Interchange, and this was confirmed. He requested early notification to the Highway Comimission. Mr. Yates - referred to the previous Council action concerning the alley in the vicinity of South 148th Street and Renton Junction Way, requesting official confirmation of Council action in order that this could be submitted to the Highway Commission at their meet`---E, -co be held on Friday of this week. Mayor Custer requested the Clerk to provide the confirmation requested. !'here being no further business to come before this meeting, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p. m., and there were 18 visitors in the audience. D. W. Custer. Mayor Hclmie W. Nelson, City Clerk �I -9- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. September 13, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance: to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS; Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert,, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HES PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, James Ashurst, Ass1t. Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissionerp Robert Puhich, Utility Accountant, and Jim Magstadt, Acting Planning Director. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 23, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE FUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NA14E ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10494 $ 25.00 Henry E. Legere 451 Pelly Street Circuit for Dryer 495 16,500.00 Bell & Valdez 3283 "Court B" New Residence 496 3,200.00 Suburban Dodge 12601 Rainier Ave. S. Wire Office & Garage 497 1,200.00 Martinizing 53 Renton Village Sign 498 50.00 Leonard Davis 2512-5th Ave. No. Fence 499 250.00 Jim Lombardo 2013 - 9th Ave. No. Wire Electric heat 10500 607,000.00 Renton Vocational School - 4th & M Streets Vocational School 501 120.00 Oliver Craig 409 North Wells Street Carport 502 190.00 E. H. Kelly 724 Grant Street Canopy & Porch Rails 503 13,500.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11425 136th S.E. New Residence 504 141,568.00 Serve Belisle 11009 S.E. 108th St. New Residence 10505 15,000.00 Rudolph Zaputil S.E. 116th Street New Residence 506 16,000.00 Joseph Gatten 9827-115th Ave. S.E. New Residence 507 15000.00 H. 0. Fitzpatrick 3012-13th Ct. No. Storage Bldg. 508 750.00 William Lewis 822 "J" Street Carport & Storage 509 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11418-135th Ave. SE Wire Residence 10510 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11416-135th Ave. SE Wire Residence 511 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11417-135th Ave. SE Wire Residence 512 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13324 S.E. 115th St. Wire Re$idence 513 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13320 S.E. 115th St. Wire Residence 514 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13316 S.E. 115th St. Wire Residence 10515 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13333 S,E. 115th St. Wire Residence 516 300,00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13337 S.E. 115th St. Wire Residence 517 300,00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11504-136th S.E. Wire Residence 518 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11500-136th Ave. SE Wire Residence 519 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11424-136th Ave. SE Wire Residence 10520 6,000.00 Lewis Argaro 3rd Ave. And Logan St. Remodel Bldg. 521 40.00 E. A. Souder 916 Sunset Blvd. E. Fence 522 11,288.00 The Boeing Company 8th & Logan Streets Relocate hangar serv. 523 402.00 Herb Mull 408 "1" Street Wire Residence 524 100.00 Bob Shane 11620 S.E. 100th St. Fence 10525 300.00 U. S. Navy 3rd & Wells Street Sign 200.00 Bert James 9828 - 106th Ave. S.E. Electric SQrvice 527 156,600.00 Renton Vocational School - Highlands Wire School 528 100.00 Marvin Schroeder 8625 South 127th St. Fence 529 50.00 Pac. N. W. tell Renton Village Wire Phone Booth 10530 50.00 Pac. N. W. Bell Renton Village Wire Phone Booth 531 42,000.00 Norman Schultz 539 Pelly Street 8 Unit Apartment 532 500.00 Myrtle Jensen 11222 S.E. 108th St. Garage 533 93,000.00 Jack Benaroya Co. 17100 W. Valley Hwy. Comtl. Bldg. 534 17,713.00 Charles L. cennings S.E. 142nd Street New Residence 10535 500.00 Harold Mallor 124 Rainier Ave. Wire Car Wash 536 300.00 Bruce T. Hulse 11422 S.E. 93rd St. Enclose Porch -1- 3 11 9 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting ew 3--65 BUILDING PER14ITS: cont.) a. N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE 01 10537 $ 300.00 Renton Inn 800 Rainier Avenue So. Sign 538 3,000.00 D. W. Losse 10203 - 115th Ave. S.E. Garage 539 2,000.00 Poole Electric 720 Rainer Avenue Sign 10540 800.00 Floormastgr, Inc. 720 Rainier Avenue Sign 5411 1,800.00 Floormaster, Inc. 720 Rainier Avenue Sign 542 2,000.00 W{ R, I'nedler 541 "K" Street Ca_Mport and Patio _ 543 165001.00 Lloyd Peterson 11023 - 115th Ave. S.E. New Residence- 544 esidence544 16,500100 Bell & Valdez 3295 Court "C" New Residence 10545 15,150.00 Bell 8r Valdez 3349 Cout A New Residence rr.. 546 1,150.00 Roy Danielson 17203 - 4th Ave. South Add to Garage 547 75:00 Tim Riche 1227 "N'I� Place No th Shed 548 390.00 rrry Polley 423 Bronson Way North Wire Electric Heat 549 150.00 H. Neher 2116 - 10th Ave. No. Driveway 10550 50.00 Theodore R. Hill 122' "011 Street Wire Bedroom .551_ 500.00 Conner Construction 12712 - 96th Ave. So. Wire Residence 552 120.00 R. L. Gray 3504 pre8., Park Ct. Concrete Slab 553 16,000.00 Herb Hackman 10614--108th Ave. S.E. Nqw Residence 554 350.00 Ernst Hardware Renton Village Are Cement Mixer 10555 18,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1145 "R" Street New Residence 556 13,578.00 United Homes Corp. 3915 - 10th Ct. No. Frame Iesi4ence 557 13,500.00 United Homes 3916 - 10th Ct. No. Frame residence 558 18,000.00 United Homes Corp. 1027 R Street New Residence.- 559 18,495.00 United Homes Corp. 3905-10th Ct. No. New Residence 10560 18,495.00 United Homes Corp. 11th Avenue North New Residence 561 22,841.00 United Homes Corp. 11th Avenue North New Residence 562 22,841.00 United Homes Corp. 11th Avenue North New Residence 563 6,500.00 Renton Concrete Products 115 - 7th Ave. Travelling Crane 564 200.00 Jerome Bonagofski 509 N. Williams Electric Meat 10565 6,000.00 Bob Kingen 423 Airport Way Concrete Addition 566 5,000.00 Borden Sagmoen 12822 - 87th Ave. So. Addition to Res. 10567 408.00 Bell & Valdez 3283 Court B Wile New Residence 568 403.00 Bell & Valdez 3308 Rolling Hills Pl. S. Wire Resident-, 569 (Pending) The Boeing Company r... 570 1,400.00 Renton Village Renton Village Sign 571 400,00 Roger Peterson 11022 - 115th S.E. Wire Residence 572 3,500.00 Don Dallas 10026 S.E-. 94th St. Garage 573 500.00 Garyts Paint & Paper Renton Shopping Center Sign 574 225.00 Lyle Cline 3516 - 5th Ave. E. Electric Heat PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7314 - - - - - Conner Construction 12712-86th Ave. So. Heat, Gas, Plumbing 15 - - - - - Caesar Tascia 221 Williams St. N. Heat, Gas, Plumbing 16 - - - - - Gene Meyer 141 Rainier Avenue Heat, Gas Plumbing 17 - - - - - James Brunetta. 2723 - 8th Ave. No. Ces Installations 18 - - - - - Elmer Pollack 810 - 4th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - - - May Pericb 224 Rainier Avenue Gas Installations 7320 - - - - Suburban Dodge 12601 Rainier Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - - Jack Benaroya Co. 17170 West Valley Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - - Earl Wiggins 1245 Talbot Road Gas Installations 23 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3308 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 24 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3283 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 7325 - - - - - John Dennis 11050-112th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 26 - - - - - Lillian Swanson 9836 S.E. 95th St. Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - -• - George O'Berg 347 Meadow Street Gas Installaticns 28 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13333 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing; Fixtures 29 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13337 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fi,ctures 7330 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11500 - 136th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11504-136th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 32 - - - - - Renton Village Renton Village Shopping Heating Equipment b! 33 - - - - - John Caldwalder 1003 "N" Street Gas nstallatio:, 34 - - - - - Keith Noble A. & W. 12525 Rainier Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 7335 - - - - - Roy H. Ball 3509 - 7th Place No. Gas Installations 36 - - - - - Roger Peterson 11022-115th Ave. S.E. Gas Installations 37 - - - - - Floyd Peterson 11309 S .E. 112th St. Gas Installations 38 - - - - - Malone Building 2806 - 10th Ave. No. Gas InGtallations 39 - - - - - Herb Mull 414 "I" Street Plumbing Fixtures -2- . 40 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-13-65 PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: (cant.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7340 $ - - - Herb Mull 408 I Street Plumbing Fixtures 41 - - - R. L. Rutledge 226 Stevens Street Gas Installations 42 - - - Ellen Overton 328 Burnett Street Gas Installations 43 - - - Angelo Righi 810 J Street Gas Installations 44' - - - Robert Hughes 10057 S.E. 91st Ave. S. Heating Equipment 7345 - - Grants Suburban Dodge 12601 Rainier Avenue Gas Installations 46 1 - - - Richard V. Neglay 1224.2-88th Avenue So. Plumbing Fixtures 47 - - - Mr. Slauson 10615 - 111th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 48.. - - - Conner Construction 12712-86th Avenue So. Plumbing Fixtures PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Amending Ch. 7 (Zoning) of Title 4, Ordinance 1628, establishing a Manufacturing Park District. (Subparagraphs 2 of Sec. 4.736.030 and 5 of Sec. 4.736.030) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Mayor Custer inquired whether or not communications had been received and City Clerk Nelson reported she had received none. Audience comment in favor of the Amendment was invited at this' time. Mr. Clark Eckart, representing the Great Northern Railroad Company, stated that whether the rail- road is for or against the proposal depends upon circumstances.. Their interest in the proposed reclassification stems from anticipation of requesting some M-H zoning after further study of prospective industry and location desires.. Attention was called to a format study of the proposed draft and preparation of some modifications which the Council was requested to consider. As now drawn the plans call for 60 ft. setback and 10 ft. landscaped area with remaining 50 ft. to be used only for auto parking. It was the recommendation that a portion of the parking area, possibly the rear 20 ft. be used for loading zone only. The second recommendation was that the strip between the curb and 'property line also be required to be landscaped by the owner, otherwise, under present plans, you.have a paved street area with curb line but dirt or gravel area between this and the landscaping. One other matter referred to by Mr. Eckart was the storage of outside materials, the entire area being permitted this use at present. It was suggeste that outside storage be limited to 25% of the area, the classification supposed to be high class industrial zoning. �N1 Mayor Custer invited other comment favorable and against the Zoning and as there were no further remarks action of the Council was invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the proposed changes outlined by W . Eckart be referred to the Planning; COmmiyre.e for recommendation and that the hearing be continued for one week. The motion carried. 2. Hearing on proposed Ordinance declaring that an emergency exists and Appropriating $400,000.00 from city funds for the purpose of providing for payment of the necessary expenses necessitated by such emergency. (First reading, August 23, 1965, first publication, September 1, 1965) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The Clerk reported receipt of no communications relative to the matter and audience comment, favoring or opposing the ptopG&ed Ordinance was invited. None was forthcoming and Council action was requested. Moved by Poli, 'seconded by Bruce, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Mayor Custer declared the hearing closed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Applications for licenses to allow installation and operation of the following were read:l.Alameda Tavern for B. & R. Amusement to install Shuffleboard Machine, 2. Snappy Tavern for B. & R. Amusement to install Shuffleboard, 3. Kingts Tavern for Rainier Amusement to install Shuffel Alley, 4. Pastime Tavern application to install coin operated pool table, 5. Boulevard Tavern application for Rainier Amusement to install Pool Table Game. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter read from Edward G. Sutter, submitted application to operate a public dance hall for teenagers at 12701 Rainier Avenue South, to be called the Teen Cove with ages from 13 to 19 to be participating. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Youth Guidance Committee for study and report back, Carried. -3- 34 1 Minutes of the Renton C2ty Council Meeting 9-13-65 CO ICATTONS r (cont.) Progress estimates were read as follows: 1. City Engineer's recommendation for payment of Estimate No. 5 in sum of $952.00 to Cornell, Unwland, Hayes and Merryfield for work completed through August 26th on City of Renton Water Study, per C.A.G. 858-65 dated 4-12-65. 2. Certificate No. 2 for payment to Contractor, Alton V. Phillips Company, for work completed through August 31st on the new library was submitted by Johnston-Campanella & Company and payment in sum of $38,968 .13,approved by the Library Board,was recommended. -- Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the Estimates to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer recommended that Mr. Frank A. Henry, Assistant Police Chief, be granted a one-year extension of compulsory retirement date to October 1, 1966, attention being called to the fact that police officers may retire at age 55. Retirement at this age is automatic unless extended by official action of the Council and extension was hereby recommended consistent with the Administrationts policy of mandatory retirement at age 65 for all City Employees. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the extension be granted. Carried. A letter was read from Mrs. Janie Henderson and Mr. A. P. Paulson, owners of Janie's Floral Art, 132 Park Avenue and Paulson Office Supply, 130 Park Street, re- spectively, requesting investigation for placement of a two-hour parking limit on Park Avenue from First Avenue to Second Avenue, Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Mrs. Henderson stated that cars are left in the area all day, some belonging to Boeing employees and others to persons boarding the bus to Seattle and leaving their cars parked on the street. Councilman Garrett recommended the two hour parking restriction without referral to Committee as3 now enforced on Wells and Williams Streets in this area. Councilman Bruce called attention to the problem created for the people who live along Park Avenue and Councilman Garrett sajd . the same problem exists for the residents of Wells and Williams and that some degree .,.... of satisfaction is being obtained by this enforcement and the regulation,by two hour parking limit,is xaeec� d�,, . Tbe..panding motion carried, referring the request to the Street and Alley Committee. The following Claims for damages were read: $4,500.00 and $17.00, 1. George R. Hughes - Damage to aircraft while it was housed at Renton Airport 2. Mrs. Kay Conner - on behalf of Son Kelly, iincincfeitnt involving a street department vehicle. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Claims to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Petition containing signatures for pedestrian walkways to be incorporated in plans for the North Renton Interchange was read, and the Clerk reported 201 names on the document. Upon inquiry,City Engineer Jack Wilson advised that the State had not made provision - in this stage of construction for the walkways but space has been provided in event the need is justified. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Petition be referred to the State Highway Department with a letter that advises of the Council's serious consideration of the matter and urging that action be taken by the State to implement the walkway. Mr. A. E. Noble called attention to the fact that tr.o fewt walkways exist at present with about 1100 school children to be considered who use the area. Attention was called to the proposed new High School and additional pedestrian need it would warrant and help from the Council was requested. Mayor Custer advised that he would be attending a meeting with the Governor tomorrow regarding South King County Roads and would bring the matter to his attention. The pending motion carried. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson reporting that,regarding Petition for vacation of portion of 77th Avenue South, between Scuth 153rd Street and FAI 405, a check of the County records indicated the Petition is signed by 100% of the owners of property abutting said street. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Brnce, to refer the matter-,to -the Law and �Ordinance Committee for the proper Ordinance. Carried. -4- i2 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-13-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter was read -from City Engineer, Jack 1,1ilson, reporting that regarding Letter of Intent to annex property adjoining 12-th Avenue North, East of Bomarc Addition, a check of County .records indicated the letter was signed by owners representing 34.95% of the assessed valuation of the property which was requested to be annexed. The area contains approximately 9.05 acres having an assessed value of $8,870.00. Mrs. Gladys Melis was present to speak for the property owners and upon inquiry indicated their willingness to assume their pro rata share of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton if annexed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the City hereby signify its intention to annex the property atid that the property owners be authorized to circulate the required Petition, which shall state their willingness to assume said bonded indebted- ness. Carried. In accordance with RCW 35.33.050, Mayor Custer submitted his Preliminary Budget for 1966. The City Clerk read the letter of transmittal outlining the City's growth and increase in assessed valuations, his recommendations for no new taxes, and*for . addithns and benefits -to personnel. The Budget totals $4,299.895.00 which is slightly less than last years -sinal budget. Special thanks was extended to those who helped with the Budget. Planning r_:-,4ctcr;s recommendations were read urging early adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in its entirety. Completion was reported of Public Hearings on the following elements of the Comprehensive Plan: Land Use Report-Land Use Plan, Arterials and Streets Plan, Community Facilities Plan, Comprehensive Plan Policy Statement, which hearings were begun in July, 1965 and concluded on August 25th. Mr. Jensen stated it to have been a privilege to heve worked with many community leaders, the personnel of City offices and departments and with the John Graham and Company, along with other public agencies and the Commission and Council during the formulation of plans and policies incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan for Renton and its urban areas. Concurrence in the Planning Commission recommendations regarding the above elements along with theproposed Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances was recommended. Councilman Schellert, member of the Planning Committee, expressed thanks to the Planning Department for the fine .job of preparing these portions of the Comprehensive Plan, stating the next step to be for the Council to hold Public Hearings on these various elements. Inasmuch as some portions of -the plan will require more time than others and with a new Planning Director just beginning it was moved that the matter be referred to the Planning Committee for review and recommendations as to hearing dates. The motion was carried by Hulse and carried. A letter read from Planning Director Jensen submitted Planning Commission recom- mendations from its public hearing of August 25th as follows: 1. Rezone - Application No. R-249-65, from G-9600 to R-3 - UGN Property (Chester Anglemeyer, Applicant) located on South 180th & Talbot Rd. Utility Easement was requested Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. 2. Variance - Richard Gray Application No. V-251-65, to allow construction of Carport within sideyard area. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission granting the variance. Carried. A letter was read from the Kiwanis Club oL' Renton, E. L. Bennett, Secretary, submitting Resolution requesting installation of permanent restroom facilities in Kiwanis Park. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole for discussion during Budget Hearings. Carried. A letter from Mr. Bob Wray reaffirmed his protest to limitations imposed upon `- Pawnbrokers under the present Ordinance and withdrew any and all license applications relative thereto. A letter read drom Mr. E. W. Struckmann, Highlands National Bank of Renton, advised of its qualification as a depository of the U. S. Treasurer and solicited designation as a depositary of the City. A letter was read from City Treasurer, Dorothy Gossett making such a designation with request for Council concurrence. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to concur in the regtxpl- of "he ffty Treasurer. Carried. -5- 3 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-13-65 CO'etn ICATIONS: (cont.) A letter was read from Mayor Custer submitted attached Report of Washington Surveying & Rating Bureau which study was requested by the City in hopes the results would show clear improvement in the firefighting capabilities since the 1962 inspection. Mayor Custer commended efforts of the Fire Department, Water Department and City Cc-_.ncil for their efforts which have contributed to maintaining of our Class 5 category. Only 128 points will put the City into a Class 4 rating. Attention was called to certain water installations which have not been given proFer acknowledgment and it•ia likely that reappraisal by the Rating Bureau may provide additional points toward a higher classification, there being no need to point out the importance of the rating upon which fire insurance fees within the city are based. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the Fire and Water Committee for recommendations. Carried. A letter was read from Mayor Custer with attached copy of Salary Savings Franchise Plan of the Northern Life Insurance Company which plan would be sold to the employees on an individual basis. The City's only concern would be in its participation by automatic payroll deduction as authorized by the employee. Since approval of the program is a policy matter the proposal, offering employees an opportunity to augment their pension through monthly savings, was presented for council action. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of The Whole to contact -the President of the employees club for a meeting with report hack to Council. Carried. The City Clerk reported receipt of Association of Washington Cities Legislative District Committee Fall Meetings. The Renton meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 3rd with Mayor Custer as Host and show of hands was requested with 7 designating attendance. Mayor Custer advised that the meeting will inaugurate the opening of the new Renton Inn where the meeting is scheduled to be held. Two letters were read from the Board of County Commissioners reporting that the King County Prosecuting Attorney has reported satisfactory legal description of territories described in Ordinances No. 1269 and 1270 which report was approved by the Commissioners and ordered placed on file together with copy of the Ordinances annexing said properties to the City of Renton. A letter directed to the Mayor and Council, from Holman, Marion, Perkins, Coie & Stone, called attention to legislation amending the Seattle and County Harbor Codes which amendments it was recommended, be incorporated into the City of Renton Code. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, -to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter from Mr. Chas. E. Taylor, Renton Elks and Renton Eagles, gave notice of visitation to the community on September 15, 1965 of the King County Blood Mobile which will be located at the new Eagles Hall at 316 - 2rd Avenue, from 12:00 noon until 8:00 p.m. Councilman Schellert requested the record to show and the papers to print that Chas. E. Taylor is after the Council's blood again! APPOINTMENTS: Letters were read from Mayor Custer requesting concurrence of the Council in the following appointments and action was taken after reading of each: Mr. John Sterling to fill unexpired term of Mr. Douglas Felker on the Renton Planning Commission, effective October 1, 1965. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Mr. Hayden Williams - reappointed to five-year term as member of the Renton Housing Authority, effective, September 10, 1965. Moved by Delaurtnti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Appointment of Mrs. Lee Kirby and Miss Ethel Telban to fill existing vacancies on the Renton Municipal_ Arts Commission, effective September 1, 1965. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointments. Carrieu. Appointment of Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen to position of Planning Director for the City of Renton, effective September 20, 1965 in salary range 29E. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. The motion carried. -6- CZ ` 4 2E! _ 3 � Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-13-65 G- PROCLAMATION: A Proclamation was read designating September 13, 1965 as World Law Day and Mayor Custer called upon all public and private citizens and men of goodwill to arrange appropriate observances and ceremonies in courts, schools, universities and other public places where man's need of international law may be recognized. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, reported his committee recommended approval of request of Mr. C. E. Logan, Towne House, for live entertainment in said place of business. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Police and License Committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS President of the Council Pedersen announced to the Council and Department Heads that Budget Hearings will be commenced on Thursday, September 16th at 7:30 p.m. This meeting will be for general review and next week the Council was requested to hold the whole week open for hearings. Department heads may contact the Mayor's office or President Pedersen to make arrangements for hearings. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers No. 223 through 453, having been previously approved*by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be accepted for payment by the Council. The fund breakdown follows: FUND AMOUNT VOUCHER NO. Firemen's Pension Fund $ _1,006.43 223 - 233 Current Fund 141,030.29 234 - 313 Street Fund 14,215.40 314 - 334 Arterial Street 705.37 335 Cedar River M. & I. 24.76 336 - 339 Equipment Rental 2,340.11 340 - 369 Library 1,363.43 370 - 386 City Library Construction 18,968.13 387 Parks 3,983.11 388 - 411 (,later Works Utility 25,798.23 412 - 438 1965 W. & S. Construction 1,851.01 439 - 442 Airport 157.76 443 - 451 Cumulative Reserve 1698 29,036.38 452 Cumulative Reserve 1894 60.96 453 TOTAL 11-2,535.94 The Pending Motion Carried. It was suggested by Councilman Hulse that the Fire and Water Committee be . prepared to advise the Council if every*nn budgetwise is being done in regard to the fire rating. Mayor Custer informed the Council that addition of a fire alarm system would likely allow a Grade 4 rating which was confirmed by Assistant Fire Chief Ashurst who reported review of the report shows the City is only 117 points from the upgrade at present. Councilman Schellert reported that the current actuarial survey conducted by Marsh & McLenpan Company has found the City's Firemen's Pension Fund to be sound actuarily, which few cities in the state can say. In 1961 the State Legislature imposed laws obligating the pension funds which most cities were not prepared to adequately finance. Renton, however, had put enough money into the fund so that it remained actuarily sound despite the additional burden. Mr. Schellert pointed out that $82,729.00 is the amount needed to keep the fund sound and noted that the Mayor has provided adequately in the Preliminary Budget. The Treasurer was given r credit which was due for securing very good interest rates on investments, greatly benefitting the fund. Councilman Delaurenti reported recommendation of the Police and License Committee regarding referral of license application for operation in the City of amusement devices for children, and moved that this matter be referred to the Youth Guidance Committee for recommendation. The motion was seconded by Bruce and carried. Councilman "oli, C'-,airmar o" t'-e =_,',.t ar.' ^ower Committee, submitted his -eport recommendin installation of. one 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light on pole -7- ; N r� Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-13-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS (cont.) Power & Light Committee Report - No. 10641 near 10609 - 111th Place South and on pole near 632 - 11th Place South. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Light and Power Com- mittee report. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of -the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted, a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classificationof certain property within the city from General Classification District (G--9600) to Residence District (R-3) which was read by the Clerk. (UGN property at 180th Street and Talbot Road. Moved by Morris, seconded by Pali, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2178 as read. Roll cu:;__ vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating mar'_ from city funds for the purpose of providinr, for payment of the necessary expense3 necessitated by such emergency, which was read by the Clerk.first on August 23, 195 and referred back to the Committee to hold during publication and hearing, which hearing was held this date. The Committee recommended second and final reading at this time and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2179 as read. Carried,by unanimous roll call vote. ($400,000) Ther-Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 10-102 of Chapter 1, Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628, entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to the City,s Traffic Code, which was read by the Clerk. (Creating position of Traffic Engineer) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance, on, second and final reading. During discussion it was pointed out that this would not create a new Department and inquiry was made as to whether the appointment should be made by the Mayor and confirmed by Council rather than by the City Engineer, after which the pending motion carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Morr_s, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2130 as read. Roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: . Brucc, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris. No: Pedersen and Delaurenti. The motion carried with eight aye votes and two no votes. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizin;' transfer of Planning Department Funds as follows: From: Planning Department Account 1700, Maintenance and Operation: 304, $ 50.00; 306, $200.00; 308, $600.00; 315, $100.00 and 402, $300.00, and Planning;Department 1703, f:_-om Capital Outlay Account No. 606, $150.00, totalling $1,400.00 .., Unto: Planning Department, Salaries and Wages - $1,400.00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No-., 1323 as, read. Carried, Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Jack Scannell inquired regarding water problem on S.E. 100th Street and 116th Street S.E. where storm sewers were not adequately handling the water. City Engineer Wilson, upon inquiry, stated that the city is aware of the problem and that funds have been budgeted for these areas. Mayor Custer advised some .$39,000.00 has been budgeted and that the street departmcnt can do some work to alleviate the problem but that a new storm sewer will provide t'i'? only permanent solution. This is apparently a new housing area and they cannot keen the lawns .in with: the flooding conditions, which also cause other possible damage, including tp, the streets. The entire length of 116th will need to be provided with storm sewers to completely correct the situation. Building Director Reisberg reported that the Building Department has called for informal bids for repair of storage bins and requested that the bids be given .to h'411 ' if anyone present had brought them to the meeting. 46 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-13-65 Councilman Perry, calling attention to the extension of retirement date for Mr. Frank Henry, moved that this matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation. Carried. Councilman Garrett, referring back to Council Committee Reports,submitted the Street and Alley Committee recommendation that the request of Mrs. Henderson and Mr. Paulson for 2-hour parking be granted per their letter. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the Street and Alley Committee report be approved and referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Bruce stated this 2-hour parking enforcement should be extended on down to 4th to make the whole area conforming. Mr. Chas. E. Taylor reminded the assembly of the Blood Bank mobile unit on September 15th. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. There were 22 visitors in the Council Chambers. D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were approved for the month of August, 1965. TO: CLAIMS FUND TO: PAYROLL FUND FROM: Current 23,107.43 FROM: Current 760045.66 Street 24,366.94 Street 15,163.68 Arterial Street 23,534.14 Cedar River M & I 567.00 Cedar River M & I 32.86 Off Street Parking10.00 OffStreet Parking 9.81 Equipment Rental 3,084.23 Equipment Rental 9,820.38 Library 511203.36 Library 19007.89 Parks 17,357.94 1965 Library Constr. 24,432.32 Waterworks Utility 13,905.67 Parks 91,659.62 Airport 19168.00 Waterworks Utility 44,722.71 1965 {Vater & Sewer Constr. 412.00 Airport 686.07 Firemen's Pension 2,144.96 Cu. #1894 253.78 Cum. #1990 121.34 Cum. #1975 2,185.60 Cum. #1184 20.80 Total Claims $166,318.65 Total Payroll $132,505.44 -9- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. September 20, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D.W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Dahlquist, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hill-en, Librarian, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Robert Puhich, Utility Supervisor and Gordon Erickson, Planning Director. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 13, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10569 $270,000.00 The Boeing Company Renton Boeing Mfg. Building 575 437.00 Bell & Valdez Company 3349 Court "A" Wire Residence 576 25,000.00 Standard Stations 4th Ave. & 132nd SE Service Station 577 38,000.00 Greater Renton, Inc. 3011 Sunset Blvd. E. Comm'l. Building 578 390.00 Sam Hull 3214-5th Ave. E. Electric Heat 579 5,000.00 Williams & Swanson Burnett Street Commercial Bldg. 10580 150.00 Allan C. Folmar 13220 S.E. 115th Fence 581 22,000.00 Conner Construction 12706-86th Ave. So. New Residence 582 16,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13336 S.E . 115th New Residence 583 15,200.00 " it " " 11412-136th S.E. New Residence 584 15,200.00 " " " It 11415-136th S.E. New Residence -- 585 15,200.00 " it " IT 11416-136th S .E. New Residence 586 15,250.00 " It " It 11420-136th S.E. New Residence 587 15,250.00 " IT " It 11411-136th S.E . New Residence 588 15,200.00 " IT " it 11415-135th S.E. New Residence 589 12,900.00 " IT " IT 13332 S.E. 115th New Residence 10590 50.00 Taylor Construction 249 Park Street Temp. Service 591 240.00 Mrs. LaValle Williams 1008 "G" Street New Service PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7349 - - - - - Herb Mull 408 "I" Street Gas Installation 50 - - - - - United Homes, Inc. 3905-10th Ct. No. Gas Installation 51 - - - - - United Homes, Inc. 3915 "R" Street Gas Installation 52 - - - - - " IT " 3916 "R" Street Gas Installations 53 - - - - - " " it 1145 "R" Street Gas Installation 54 - - - - - " " " 3903-11th Ave. No. Gas Installation 7355 - - - - - " " It 3898-11th Ave. No. Gas Installation 56 - - - - - " " It 3894-11th Ave. No. Gas Installation 57 - - - - - " " " 1027 "R" Street Gas Installations 58 - - - - - Conner Construction 12721-86th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 59 - - - - - Jack Benaroya Co. 17100 W. Valley Hwy. Plumbing-Gas Fixt. 7360 - - - - - Renton School Dist. 4th & "M" Street Plumbing Fixtures 61 - - - - - Jack's Drive-In 12th No. & Sunset Plumbing Fixtures 62 - - - - - Olympic Pipeline Co. South 153rd Street Plumbing Fixtures .,. 63 - - - - - Northern Pac. Ry. 6th No. & Logan Plumbing Fixtures 64 - - - - - Arthur West 516 Williams St. Gas Installation 7365 - - - - - Ruth Pryor 2815-4th Ave. No. Gas Installation 66 - - - - Ruth Pryor 2813-8th Ave. No. Gas Installation 67 - - - - - E. Grace Bartelds 651 "R" Street Gas Installation 68 - - - - - Jack E. Clarke 739 "P" Street Gas Installation 69 - - - - - Richard Evans 3226-6th Ave. No. Gas Installations 7370 - - - - - Garry Reynolds 643 "S" Street Gas Installation 71 - - - - - Arthur West 516 Jilliams St. Gas Installation 72 - - - - - Austin Company 8350 S. 153rd St. Plumbing Fixtures -1- %4348 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-20-65 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Housing Authority of Renton Proposed Cooperative Agreement for Low Rent Housing. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. A letter was read from the Housing Authority, Tillie Cole, Executive Director, advising that the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority will seek and obtain prior consent to the establishment of any site which may be selected for the proposed 50 units of low rent housing as proposed. Audience comment on the matter was invited and as there was none it was moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Lw and Ordinapce Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. 2. Proposed L.I.D. No. 253, Sanitary Sewers in vicinity of Longacres Mimi This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. A letter was read from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, advising that the Longacres Racetrack had been added to the L.I.D. upon request, .but that after additional study to reduce costs it was determined that cutting across the racetrack directly to the Metro manhole would result in $10,000.00 less cost for the racetrack. They then requested that they be deleted from the present L.I.D. and be allowed to install their own sewer at their expense. Since cost estimates will increase 25% on the North side with deletion of the racetrack the continuation of the present L.I.D. may not be feasible some of the owners however, are willing to proceed without Longacres . The owners may submit a new petition if they so desire, for their side only to be included in a new L.I.D. This involves revision of.the costs. They may delay action until next year with the thought that all of the area southerly of Grady Way and Westerly of the East Valley Highway might be incorporated into one L.I.D. Discussion ensued regarding validity of the L.I.D. in event Longacres is deleted and City Engineer Wilson pointed out that a couple others would not sign and there could be a 755yo protest. He indicated the proposed L.I.D. on a'.wall diagram and proposal of Longacres to cut across the property to existing manhole. Upon inquiry, there was no audience comment. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to continue the hearing for one week. City-Attorney Shellan, upon inquiry, stated people had been advised of approximate cost of the project and they have a right to rely on this notice and that if Longacres is eliminated the costs will be revised, and they will need to be notified of the continued hearing. Motion carried. Continued Hearing on proposed amendment to Chapter 7, "Zoning", Title 4, "Building Regulations" to establish Manufacturing Park District (M-P) was introduced by Mayor Custer at this time and in regard for the new Planning Director, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be continued to October 11, 1965. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from the State of Washington Department of Natural Resources advising of the availability for purchase by the City of shorelands of Lake Washington created by harbor line revision under provisions of Chapter 139, Session Laws of 1963. Application was attached in event the City wishes to pursue the matter. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Property Com- mittee. Carried. A letter from Preston, Thorgrimson, Horowitz, Starin & Ellis, Attorneys At T,,a'.a, advised that on September 9th the Supreme Court affirmed the declaratory judg=4— of the King County Superior Court in Court Cause No. 37600, Continental Casual'-_ Co., vs. Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, et al. The opinion upbolds the position; of the Municipality throughout the litigation that the contractor is ultimately responsible for damages caused by his construction activities, Damage suits in i_i:� City of Renton totaling approximately two and one-half million dollars will now proceed to trial. Metro will be a party to all of these actions and judgments may from time to time be entered against the Municipality. The effect of the holding of the Sup--reme Court is that the contractor, General Construction Company, must indemnify the Municipality for such judgments whenever damages were caused by construction actin, -les of the contractor. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the City Attorney for reference. Carried. —� -2- 349 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meetings 9-20-65 COMMUNICATIONS: Cont. A letter from Northern Pacific Railway Company submitted Permit No. 96086 to cover the use of a portion of railway property in waterline installation to serve the Metro plant and subsequently to be turned over to the City. The City Attorney suggested that the various obligations specified in the permit should be assumed by Metro only,if it is primarily for serving the treatment plant and the City should be held harmless from any cost or liability. City Engineer Wilson reported that Metro has been so advised and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the City Attorney and City Engineer for report back. Carried. A letter from Mrs. E. H. Dahlstrom protested water bill being doubled and also the condition of water resulting from the location of the dead end line. A letter from Mayor Custer had acknowledged the letter, since there would be no meetings of the Council for three weeks due to the Labor Day holiday and 5th Monday, and referred the matter at this meeting to the Council. Discussion ensued regarding the double charges being due to the outside residency which Mrs. Dahlquist pointed out and expressed her desire to have the Fire and Water Committee reconsider Number cubic - ft. allowed under present rate structure and reduce the cost of non-resident service , thereby. Utility Supervisor Puhich advised the line had been taken care of today and upon inquiry advised that it would require about $10,000.00 to complete the circuit and that about 30 residents would be served in the area. A letter from Renton School District No. 403, Oliver M. Hazen, Sup't., expressed concern of the Board of Directors of the School District regarding the information that no sidewalk is planned for the North Renton Interchange. Hope was expressed that the City and State can work out some plan whereby a plan might be included in this important project. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that a copy of this letter be forwarded to the State Highway Department. Carried. A letter from Northern Pacific Railway Company in reply to City inquiry regarding the speed of trains in the Kennydale area, advised that continuous speed checks are to be continued and that inasmuch as the specific time or date was not given it would be difficult to ascertain which train may have been involved. A letter was read from Emilio Pierotti requesting Vacation of portion of 92nd Avenue South lying west of his property which is bounded by Rainier Avenue 92nd Avenue South and 7th Avenue, being triangular in shape. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the City Engineer for verification of ownership. Carried. A letter from Albert S. Reisberg, Building Director, reported complaints regarding sub-standard buildings which are fire hazards, dilapidated and unfit for habitation which in some instances are being occupied. A list was attached and concurrence requested for action by the Building Director to effect the enforcements of the Uniform Building Code with further pursuance by Council as may be required. Discussion ensued and a letter from City Attorney Shellan was referred to wherein it was outlined that in proceeding with upgrading or abatement of sub-standard buildings per the 1964 Building Code, Section 203, it is absolutely imperative that all the necessary facts and circumstances are ascertained before any notice is given or any other legal proceedings commenced. Any and all defects or violations should be listed, spelled out in detail, so the property owner in each case is made fully aware of what he has to do. The Fire Department, Health Officer and City Engineer's Office should likewise make the inspections with the Building Director so there will be adequate testimony by more than one person as to the defective condition of the premises, it also being important that in each case the true owner be ascertained. Discussion ensued regarding legislative action to be taken and Fire Chief Walls suggested that perhaps a Board should be set up for reporting violations which could relay the problems to the Council for its action. It was ascertained that possibly some legal action might be instituted in some instances and by following the Code in every step, the abatement proceedings would be effected without affecting the peoples' property rights. The buildings in question at present are deemed unsafe and unhealthy for occupancy and pursuant to provisions of said Code, Section 203 it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee and City Health Officer, to report back. Schellert questioned the resulting action of this motion as the Building Director has authority to enforce the Code without Committee recommendation. Mrs. Dahlquist urged that the motion be voted down and the Building Director given assurrance of Council support along with the F' .re CYief,; Health Officer and ot'iers alio should submi r_ a list with their g_ 350 Minutes of the Renton City Council 9-20-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Upgrading City Buildings per Building Director - - - recommendations if further action is needed to get the matter taken care of. Mayor Custer, as point of information on the Administrative side, pointed out that some 12 individual houses had been removed in the City through combined efforts of the Fire Chief, Building Director and Health Officer with aid of his office, and we will now need to commence with rigid enforcement of the Code in pursuance of the upgrading per 701 Plans. Vote was taken on the pending motion. Majority No vote was voiced and Mayor Custer declared the motion lost. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Hulse, that the City Engineer, Fire Chief, Health Officer and any others as required, compile information as needed by Mr. woo Reisberg to pursue condemnation or repair orders on premises, as the case may be. Discussion ensued as to whether a motion was required to have other Departments assist. The motion was declared in order, if perhaps not necessary, and vote was taken. The motion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson reported appointment of Mr. Del Bennett, Assistant City Engineer, as City Traffic Engineer for the City of Renton. Application for license to operate a music machine at the Towne House of Renton was read as submitted by Owner Clifford E. Logan seeking a Master and Location License. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from Mayor Custer constituting a report of the Transfers of Funds within Budget classifications for December 31, 1964 through January 15, 1965, as required in RCW 35.33.120 and City of Renton Resolution No. 1232. 1964 Budget From Airport, 7200/201, Statewide, etc. $ 16.21 Unto Airport, 7200/203, Industrial Insurance From Street Maintenance 3240/201, Statewide / , , $158.16; Unto Street Maintenance, 3240/202, Medical, $97.25 and 3240/203, Industrial Insurance, $60.91. From Non-Departmental, 1920/202, Medical, $349.50 and 1920/203, Industrial Insurance, $350.00, Unto: Non-Departmental, 1920/201, Statewide, $699.50 From Waterworks, 7100/302, Maintenance & Operation, Water Utility, $15.00, Unto, Waterworks, 7100/325, Laundry Service, $15.00 From Fire Department, 2200/315, Equipment Rental, $42.67, Unto, Fire Department 220Q/325,Laundry Service, $42.67 From Police Department, 2100/315, Equipment Rental, $15.63, Unto, Police Department, 2100/325, Laundry Service, $15.63 From Municipal Buildings, 1800/309 Building Repair, $62.13, Unto Municipal Buildings, 1800/325, Laundry, $62.13. -1965 udgg��t� - From Airport, 7200/309, Building Repair, X00, Unto, Airport, 7200/417, Materials and Supplies, $500.00 From Building Maintenance, 1800/417, Material and Supplies, $500.00 Unto, Building Maintenance, 1800/325, Laundry, $499.99 and 1800/403, Books, $1.00 A letter was read from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, submitting and recommending r for payment, arterial Street Project Estimate No. 3, for work performed to September,QoN' woo �a69 f�1jS. &T. Construction Co., Inc., Contractor paving the 3rd Avenue Extension. Moved by' Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council 9-20-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) The City Clerk reported receipt of publication of Washington State Census Board "Population Trends Cities and Towns State of Washington 1900 to 1965, which will be placed on file for reference. APPOINTMENTS: A letter was read from Mayor Custer advising of appointments to Traffic Advisory Commission of the following persons: R. C. Corwin, Reid Allen, James Allen, James Anderson, Harry Fletcher, George T. Gebhardt, William Koshak, C. E. McCarthy, Donald Scholes, Mrs. George Spendiff, subject to acceptance by the appointee. The Commission will be requested to meet at least monthly and will conduct its business with a formal agenda. The purpose of this body, in accord with recent amendment to Title X of the City Code is to review programs of traffic control improvements; to study and advise the traffic engineer concerning specific traffic control installations and to make recommendations to the City Council con- cerning the traffic control program. All appointees will serve for a one-year term beginning October 1, 1965 upon confirmation by the Council. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to confirm these appointments by the Mayor. Discussion ensued wherein it was pointed out that the Street and Alley Committee will be ex-officio members of the new commission and will work together on traffic matters. The pending motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: President of the Council Pedersen reminded the Council of the Budget Hearing meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 21st at 7:30 p.m. in the city Council Chambers. Planning Department will meet with the Council first and the Library is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. On Wednesday, September 22nd, the Utility Department will be heard at 7:30 p.m. and the Fire Department at 8:30 p.m. Mayor Custer announced that next Monday evening pictures will be taken for he Budget and requested Councilmen to wear suits and ties. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers No. 454 through #556, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 2,866.49 Voucher #454 - 485 Street Fund 1,018.14 (490 Void) 486 - 495 Arterial Street Fund 22,694.42 496 North Renton Interchange 3.00 497 Off-Street Parking 100.00 498 Equipment Rental 2,507.77 499 - 520 Parks 7,134.18 521 - 532 Water Works Utility 8,410.82 533 - 551 W. & S. Construction Fund 31.31 552 Airport 345.31 553 - 556 Total $ 45,111.44 The motion carried. Councilman Schellert reported attendance at the Good Roads Association meeting on Wednesday and Thursday, September 15-16 at Bellingham and reported impres!� :on once• again that the State is- fully aware of the highway problems'of the--City of Renton. also, it was felt that the City of Renton Resolution for beautification and land- *moscaping of areas abutting the freeway had met with approval and that highway beautifi- cation is the next problem to be approached, as reported from the President's office. Councilman Schellert also v1 sited their Council Chambers in Bellingham and will discuss this with-,the Council later. Councilman Garrett recalled that Referendum #11, passed at the last election, provides for certain G:©., Bondfunds to acquire land for outd6or public recreational use. Money is available from the Federal, State and local sources with 25% to be provided by the City, 50% by Federal, Outdoor Recreation Agency and 2596 by the State from Ref.11 & unreclaimed tax on fuel used in boats(per Initiative Measure No. 215 14arine Recreation Land Act.) -5- 3�N Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS Cont: Matching Funds for Park acquisition and improvement - - Councilman Garrett continued that there is considerable money available and in order to be eligible cities must have their program in the Comprehensive Plan for Park and Recreation Facilities in the State of Washington,being.compiled through auspices of Mr. Odegaard's office. In talking with Mr. Einar Hendrickson Administrator of Inter-Agency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, he mentioned that the City of Renton has not complied with this particular requirement, that he didn't believe it was there. Mr. Garrett stated it was his impression that it had been submitted, but would like to be sure. Mr. Jim MaWWt reported working with the Park Director in compiling the necessary information to be submitted by the City. Mrs. Dahlquist advised of meetings on September 30th in Seattle and on October lst in Olympia which she plans to attend and that she had received information in the mail regarding the matter and that papers will be available for cities to make application at which time we will be advised. She did not feel anything was being overlooked. Mr. Garrett stated that in order to receive matching money our program must be in the Comprehensive Plan and if it is not there we still have time to get it in. Councilman Hulse stated that this is in line with his request of several months ago that we see that we had complied with whatever is necessary to get into the program and wondered if a report could be made next week as to what has been done. Mayor Custer advised that he will check on the status of the reports and that Park Director Coulon is attending all of the meetings on the matter. Mayor Custer introduced Mr. Gordon Erickson who began work in the City of Renton today as Planning Director. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The following Ordinances and Resolutions were presented by the Law and Ordinance Committee and read by the Clerk with Council action taken as required. Proposed Resolution of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington declaring its intention to construct and install water mains and appurtenances thereto between the northwesterly and southeasterly boundaries of Cedar River Summer Home Sites, in the City of Renton, and to create a Local Improvement District to assess the full cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such District specially benefitted thereby; and notifying all who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the city council to be held on October 11, 1965. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1324 be adopted as read. The motion carried. A Resolution was read authorizing the City Clerk to give notice of time and place for hearing on a petition for vacation of a portion of 77th Avenue South located between South 153rd Street and FAI 405, all situate in Renton, King County, Washington which was fixed therein on the 25th day of October, 1965 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, Renton, Washington. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1325 as read. The motion carried. A Resolution was read extending the compulsory retirement date of Mr. Frank A. Henry, (Assistant Chief of Police), member of the Washington Statewide City Employees Retirement System under classification of Uniformed Personnel, for a period of one year, until October 1, 1966. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1326 as read. The motion carried. A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington was read amending Section 10-504 of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to parking restrictions. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. The motion carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2181 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all present voting aye. The motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. There were 22 visitors in the Council Chambers. ?; Custer, Mayor -6- .353 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEFTING 8:00 P.M. September 27, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bfuep- that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Robert Puhich, Utility Supervisor Gordon Erickson, Planning Director and Gene Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 20, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10592 $ 43,000.00 Mrs. Gus Bachman 3rd Ave. No. & Park Restaurant & Ofic: 593 94.00 Leonard Davis 2512 - 5th Avenue No. Widen Driveway 594 700.00 Richard Gray 3504 Pres. Park Ct. Carport & Workshop 10595 18,500.00 Reeves Construction 10842-110th Pl. SE New Residence 596 10.00 Milo Thompson 505 Morris Street An Entrance Switch 597 6,000.00 The Renton Inn Renton Village Signs 598 Pending 599 2,695.00 Jack Benaroya Co. 17100 W. Valley Hwy. Warehouse & Office 10600 50.00 Pacific N.W. Bell 314 Park Street Wire Phone Booth 601 11,100.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400-4th Ave. No. Commtl. Building 602 425.00 Herb Mull 414 "I" Street Wire Residence 603 100.00 Howard Christopherson 2234 - 6th Avenue N. Shed & Entrance 604 50,000.00 Greater Renton Inc. 12th Place North Warehouse-Retail Store 10605 22,300.00 Conner Construction 12507-86th Ave. So. New Residence 606 75.00 William Stonaker 11915 S.E , 154th St. Fence 607 250.00 Andrew Maytich 417 - 4th Ave. W. Wire Electric Heaters 608 375.00 Slauson 10615-111th Pl. S .E. Wire Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7373 - - - - Harold Mellor 3rd & Rainier Plumbing Fixtures 74 - - - - Mrs. Gus Bachman 3rd & Park St. Plumbing Fixtures 75 - - - - Bell & Valdez 3349 Court A Plumbing Fixtures 76 - - - - If It it 3295 Court C Plumbing Fixtures 77 - - - - " " " 3283 Court B Plumbing Fixtures 78 - - - - " " " 3308 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 79 - - - - Jack's Drive-In 3011 Sunset Blvd. E. Plumbing Fixtures 7380 - - - - Herb Mull 414 "P' Street Gas Installations 81 - - - - Ray Gervais 503 Windsor Place Gas Installation.G 82 - - - - Frank Saklman 636 Whitworth St. Gas Installations 83 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13316 S .E. 115th St. Gas Installations 84 - - - - It " tt it 13320 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations 7385 - - - - it t' " It 13324 S .E. 115th St. Gas Installations 86 - - - - IT IT it IT 11417-135th Ave. SE Gas Installations 87 - - - - It it It It 11416-135th Ave. SE Gas Installations 88 - - - - It " " t' 11418-135th Ave. SE Gas Installations 89 - - - - " " It It 13333 S.E . 115th SE Gas Installations 7390 - - - - " tt If it 13337 S .E . 115th St. Gas Installations 91 - - - - " " It It 11500-136th Ave. SE Gas Installations 92 - - - - " It It ,t 11504-136th Ave. SE Gas Installations 93 - - - - J. D. Stephenson 11430 S .E . 112th St. Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11417-135th S .E . Plumbing Fixtures 95 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11418-135th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 354 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-27-65 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: (Cont.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE Or WORK 7396 $ - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11416-135th S .E. Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - - - " " it It 13316 S.E. 115th Plumbing Fixtures 98 _ _ - - - r+ tI it r► 13320 S.E. 115th Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - - - " it It " 13324 S.E. 115th Plumbing Fixtures 7400 - - - - - t' " it 13332 S.E. 115th Plumbing Fixtures O1 - - - - - +t " It tt 13336 S.E. 115th Plumbing Fixtures 02 - - - - - United Homes Corp. 3916 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 03 - - - - - " " " " 3915 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - - " It t' " 1027 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 7405 - - - - - " it " " 3905-10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - - - " It " 't 1145 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 07 _ _ _ _ _ ++ it ,r ++ 3908 - 11th Ave. N. Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - - " It " " 3898-11th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 09 - - _ _ - ++ it rt " 3894-11th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 7410 - - - - - Conner Construction 12706-86th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 11 - - - - - Helen Day 517 Pelly Street Heating Equipment HEARING: Proposed L.I.D. for Sanitary Sewers between 77th Ave. So. and 84th, adjacent to So.153rd Street. (Continued from 9-20-65) . This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Written protest to the L.I.D. as proposed was read from the Washington Jockey Club, operators of Longacres race track, advising that an engineering analysis had been conducted determining that an estimated $10,000.00 savings would be made by cutting diagonally across the race track directly into the existing manhole on South 153rd Street.­�It was their desire to install sewer services at their own expense and to be eliminated from the proposed L.I.D. Audience comment was invited by those favoring the L.I.D. and Mr. Rongerude, on behalf of his son Melvin, owner of the property at 7650 S. 153rd Street expressed his approval A186,in concern for the trailer parks, restaurants, etc. in the area Mr. Goodrich stated the L.I.D. was needed to avoid future as well as existing problems with sanitation.-- Audience comment was invited in protest and none was forthcoming. Moved by Poli, and seconded by Delaurenti, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Council action was y invited and it was requested that City Engineer Wilson again display the diagram of the proposed line. The City Engineer was excused to secure the map and Council moved to the next order of business during the interim. COMMUNICATIONS: Application was read from Mark Hokenson, Mgr. V.F.W. Club #1263, 416 Burnett Street, for license to operate a pool table at said establishment. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Hearing: (Resumed) L.I.D. 253 City Engineer Wilson posted the diagram of the Proposed L.I.D. and discussion ensued as to revision of cost resulting if Longacres were deleted. The City Engineer estimated that the difference would be within 10% as the line would not need to be as deep nor as large. Inquiry was made as to establishing precedent by allowing one side of a street to be deleted. It was pointed out that the original petition for the L.I.D. did not contain Longacres however, some benefit would be derived to their property as a result of the installation. The total cost would be reduced from $19,000.00 to approximately $10,000.00 with deletion as requested. After further discussion it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen, to delete the portion of property which submitted the protest. After inquiry as to qualifications for tieing the privately installed line into the existing manhole by Longacres as might be allowed another resident and extent of the new service and date of completion, it was pointed out that the manhole was not a Metro facility which did not allow a private connection, that the new service would be adequate to serve 4 times the area covered and anticipated completion yet this year, the pending motion carried, deleting Longacres from the L.I.D. Moved by Schellert,, second by-Poli to refer the matter to the Law. afid Ordinance Committee. Carried. New Notices of hearing must be published twice, and property owners given notice 15 days prior to the hearing according to law and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the City Engineer for further procedure. Carried. Minutes e the Renton City Council Meeting C0',:'11TJNICA'1.1TONS : (Cont. A i.ctter was read from City Engineer Wilson, reporting on Petition of Mr_ %rili.Q Pierotti for vacation of portion of 92nd Avenue South, that according to City Attorney' s opinion, attached, the subject property had never been declared a public right-of-way by the City, therefore itwould not be subject to the street vacation laws and the vacation could not pi-c;c.cd. Councilman Schellert pointed out that the subject area was C onveyed -,o she City by Quit Claim Deed and the City now holds the right and interest pr^v__ously held by the State thereto. moved bv Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the matter be referred to t:_e 2re.-,^rty Ccmmitter� for recommendation. Carried. A le:ttc:�r read from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, attached and recommended for a.Dproval Resolution from the State Highway Department concerning the orth Penton Interchange route, soil studies dictating a revision to be a ecui_red. "�.oved by D laurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the City Fngineer with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motio carried , Lctte - was read from the Boeing Company, C. S. Sargent, Manager, Facilitie3 ^n. incering, inviting the attention of the Mayor and Council to a -ra:-f ic. coy dl tion. anticipated to result from activation of a rental parking fa.c4_lit�7 being constructed east of the east margin of Logan Street, north of St:. avenue. An exodus of vehicles from that area onto Logan during shift deemed to be a potential hazard to life and property. Inver:t<_,a..ti.c � znd ?-2;�edial action was urged. Movcd by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer this matter to the Street and Alley C`r-..Mittee to report back. The motion carried. A letter f::om the Lenton School District Council of Parents and Teachers, Joycn ^clker, Secretary, reported giving consideration to the of provic;ing for pedestrian traffic in the area of the new interchange and determin3- to its satisfaction that there is a very ccmpelli_ng need -`or such pedestrian walkways. The Council reported its endo-c-em-:nt of the Petition previously submitted for inclusion of such crosso:al': _rn the Nort'Z Renton Interchange Plans. roved by Poli.. seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the State Commission. Carried. A letter Teas read from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, outlining the wc= completed to date by the Park Department, in conjunction with the Planning icpv.r_tment to meet requirements of the 701 Outdoor Ree-rection and Open Spacc Plan. To this point, the City has fulfilled all of the necessary requirements including Forms 873, 875 and 879 with appropriate maps and the Comprohenoi.ve f_Co-amuaity Facilities) Plan being completed and forwarded to the Ha,:hincrton State Recreation Commission. A Communication receive_: this pact. :yea'_ f-'-om "_r. Einar Hendrickson, Administrator of the Interagency f'cr Outdoor Recreation advised of policies for allocation of funds and esul- thereof it was recommended that the City submit a letter to the I zterEgency Committee indicating its intent to follow through with a andj acquisition program, indicating the letter to be an in- formal irpli.c-1t_on for matching funds for projects which will be outlined in t;e t: ..t.i s S.-!'_m-Year Plan. Also, as required, the City should prepare and subT:ii_t a Six-Year Capital Plan for acquiring and developing recreation :-gin ..=.t ..,cY -:d communication from Wn. State Parks & Recreation Commission acknowle-:gee: receipt of the BOR Forms relating to inventory of existing and potential citon in the community and the copy of the comprehensive plan for a yen y(,ar period. It was noted that an excellent job has been dorein bath o'_na.; c :-efle_tina .host favorably leadership and administrative ability of *4r , Schellert, seconded by Delaur.enti , that the Mayor direct4 � f `-1� �.?7.Gj of thF. ":ityT' s in .ez. tc participates , as recomm.er"v ;.356 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-27-65 CC'"_�114ICATIONS: 'Cont.) Letters from City Attorney Shellan and Mayor Custer were read regarding issue of "Fixing Ceiling on Tax Revenue" . A proposed Ordinance was submitted by City Attorney Shellan to place the issue on the November 2 ballot,for continuing the 16 mill levy, which Ordinance must be certified to the County Auditor by October lst. The Mayor's letter recommended that the Ordinance be approved, authorizing a ballot proposition, in conformance with action of neighboring cities and it was further recommended by the Mayor that $500.00 be budgeted within the final 1966 Budget to cover costs for such election. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from the Seattle-King County Civil Defense Director's Office reported the disapproval of the application of the City of Renton for assistance for earthquake damage inasmuch as the minimum application must be for at least $1,000.00. The findings of the federal engineers reported $300.00 eligible work involved in the City of Renton. Mayor Custer reported that Metro has made similar application and some aid may be secured therefrom where installations were made and questionable road condition resulted. Memorandum was read extending invitation to a meeting of the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation to be held at the Americana Motel, 242, St. Helens Street, Tacoma, on October 8 and 9, 1965. Petition,containing nine signatures, was read requesting annexation of parcel of land lying North of 112th Avenue North, East of Bomarc Addition. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer for verification of signature ownerships and validity. The motion carried. The City Clerl, read a communication from the State Auditor, Robert V. Graham, which submitted copy of comments pertaining to the 1964 City of Renton Audit. The report is the preliminary report which is submitted prior to release of the formal report which will be forwarded within two weeks hence. The comments will be on file in the City Clerk's office. Mayor Custer stated this to be a very good report and gave due credit to the City Clerk and City Treasurer with whom lies much of the responsibility in connection with the audit. A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted Petition for Refund of Taxes to be forwarded to the State Tax Commission for rebate of taxes paid by the City on revenue which had been earmarked for retirement of water and sewer revcn ue bonds, for period from November 1, 1963 through July 27, 1965, in the sum of $4,129.24 In regards to prior claim filed by the City for Refund of Taxes paid on collections made for Metro, as its agent, the City Attorney expressed opinion that, at this time, there would be no advanta-e in filing another Petition for Refund since this is primarily a legislative matter requiring modification of the existing statutes. It was suggested the contents of the dispute be forwarded to our State Representative and Association for Washington Cities so an adequate bill may be introduced at the next Legislature to remedy the injust- ice. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Legislative Committee to report back. Carried. A PROCLAMATION was read from Mayor D. W. Custer, designating the week beginning October 3, 1965 as Fire Prevention Week. All Departments and Agencies of the City Government, the Schools, Chamber of Commerce and other Community Organizations, and all Citizens of the Community were requested to take part in a coordinated effort to make our city a safe one in which to live. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor . Carried. COJIXIL COM'.-11TI TEE REPORTS., OLD BUSINESS: Councilman DelCurenti, reported a request of Councilman Gianini, as result of medical. reports, to be excused from attending meetings for the remaining three months of the year and moved that the request be granted. The motion was seconded by Poli and carried. -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-27-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : (Cont. ) 14EW BUSINESS: President of the Council Pedersen announced that budget hearings will continue on Tuesday, September 28th at 7: 30 p.m. in the Council Chamber- and also on Wednesday if necessary. Moved by 1:ulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 557 through 612, previously approved by the Auditing andAcco unting Committee be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund #557 - 582 $ 4,441 . 99 Street Fund 583 - 585 5, 663.04 Off-Street Parking Fund 586 10.66 Equipment Rental 587 8, 625. 29 Parks 588 - 592 613 .. 94 Water Works Utility 593 - 596 2,842.32 Airport 597 - 600 345.05 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 601 - 611 1, 671.00 Cumulative Reserve #1990 612 34.3_7 Total $ 2 4; 247.66 Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee announced a meeting of his Committee at 7 :00 p.m. Tuesday evening prior to the Budget Hearing meeting. Councilman Pedersen announced that final hearings on the 1966 Budget will begin next Monday, October 4th in the Council Chambers. Councilman Poli called attention to operation of a T.V. Ar 'te.nna service in East Renton which should be advised of permit requirements., I-loved by Poli, seconded by Schell`rt, that the City Clerk so notify the owner. The motion carried. ORDINANCES A14D RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, Vern Morris, presented proposed Resolutions and Ordinance which were read by the Clerk with council action taken as required. Resolution approving the form of Cooperation Agreement between the City of Renton and the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, Washington, and authorizing its execution. The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution which relates to the construction of fifty additional low rent housing units for the elderly low income families or persons in the City of Renton. Notices of Public Hearing on 9-20-65 were posted on 9-13-65 accord- ing to lava and the hearing held as appointed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti to adopt Resolution No. 1327 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye as follows: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. There were no opposing votes and the motion carried. Resolution of W�ishington State Highway Department, approving revision of North Renton Interchange Route between Engineer's Station 339+00 and 361=-00. Required due to poor soil conditions of prior route) . Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1328 as read. Carried. Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, introduced for first reading, adopting and establishing a "Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration", 1964 Edition, regulating the installation, construction, alteration and repair of refrigeration pro- ducing and similar equipment; providing for additional provisions to said code including fee schedule ; providing for the administration and enforcement thereof; providing for violations and repealing conflicting ordinances and provisions . Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -5- 358 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-27-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) The Clerk read a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, providing for submission to the qualified electors (voters) of the City of Renton at a special election to be held therein on. November 2, 1965 of a proposition for continuance of the 16 mill property tax levy by and for the benefit of the City of Renton, notwithstanding the limitations of Chapter 174, Ex. Esss. , Laws of 1965; providing for certification of said proposition and prescribing the ballot title. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to adopt Ordinance No. 2182 as read. Roll call vote was taken with the Council Members present voting as follows: Aye: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. One No vote was cast by Councilman Schellert. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited. As there were none forthcoming and no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 p.m. There were 23 visitors in the Council Chambers. / � D� W. Custer, Mayor ,211 -��e"ice 3lelmie W. Nelson, City Clerk The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting; Committee, were approved for the month of Septerber, 1965. TO: CLAIMS FUND TO: PAYROLL FUND FROM: Current 21 ,338.77 FROM: Current 74,049.77 Street 20,896.58 Street 14,575.69 Arterial Street 23,400.29 Cedar River M&T 584.21 No. Renton Interch. 3.00 Off Street Parking 10.00 Cedar River MV 24.76 Equipment Rental 3,096.00 Off Street Parking 110.66 Library 5,137.64 Equipment Rental 13,473.17 Parks 10,544.16 Library 19363.43 Waterworks Utility 13,737.94 Library Constr. 18,968.13 Airport 1 ,086.00 Parks 11,731 .23 Waterworks Utility 37,051.37 1965 W. $ S Constr. 1,882.32 Airport 848.12 Firemen's Pension 1,671.00 Cum. Res. #1698 299036.88 Cum, Res. #1894 60.96 Cum. Res. #1990 34.37 Total Claims 1810995.04 Total Payroll 122,821.41 -6- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. October 4, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S . Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Robert Puhich, Utility Supervisor, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director and Gene Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 27, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10598 $ 350.00 Joe Farras 417 Park Street Roof & Repair Residence 10609 2,000.00 Williams & Swanson 330 Burnett Street Wire & Remodel Office 610 500.00 Bonded Escrow Renton Shopping Center Sign 611 200.00 Sunset Outdoor Adv. 250 Rainier Avenue Sign 612 100.00 H. 0, Fitzpatrick 3012-13th Court No. Wire Addition 613 25.00 Butler Construction No. Renton Interchange Temp. Elec. Service 614 400.00 Texaco, Inc. 1408 Bronson Way No. Sign 10615 2,345,000.00 The Boeing Company Renton Boeing Engineering Laboratory 616 450.00 R. S. Christman 421 North Williams Remodel Residence 617 4086.00 R. M. Wells 11023 - 112th Ave. SE Garage & Patio 618 408.00 Bell & Valdez 3295 Court "C" Wire Residence 619 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13421 S .E. 114th New Residence -- 11620 15,200.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13426 S .E . 114th New Residence 621 15,200.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11400-136th Ave. S.E . New Residence 622 15,200.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13430 S.E. 114th New Residence 623 700.00 Harry D. Fletcher 206 Wells Street Wire Lights PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7412 - - - - - Norman Schultz 539 Pelly Street Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - - - Kenneth Steen 235 Factory Street Gas Installation 14 - - - - - Hubert D. Coder 3303-7th Pl. No. Gas Installation 7415 - - - - - James Brunette 2723-8th Ave. No. Gas Installation 16 - - - - - Ewing Stringfellow 624 Whitworth Lane Gas Installation 17 - - - - - Charles McMillan 3720-8th Pl. No. Gas Installation 18 - - - - - William J. Brady 464 "R" Street Gas Installations 19 - - .- - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11424 - 136th S..E. Gas Installation 7420 - - - - - Ken Karinen 2607-6th Ave. No. Gas Installation 21 - - - - - Anton D. Sorenson 13022-86th Ave. So. Heating Equipment 22 - - - - - Renton School Dist. 4th Ave. No. & M St. Heat & Gas Equipment 23 - - - - - Renton School Dist. 4th Ave. No. & M St. Plumbing Fixtures 24 - - - - - Lan Slauson 7425 _ _ _ _ _ g 10615-111th Pl. SE Gas Installations Bell & Valdez 3341 Court A Plumbing FixtLr es 26 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3308 Rolling Hills P1. Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13336 S .E. 115th Plumbing Fixtures 28 - - - - - " it " IT 13332 S.E . 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 29 - - - _ _ " It }' 11418 - 135th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixtures 7430 - - - - - " it " " 11417-135th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - - _ " it " " 11415-135th Ave. S .E. Plumbing Fixtures 32 - - - - - t' " IT It 11416-135th Ave. S.E . Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - - - It It 13324 S.E . 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 34 - - - - - " " it " 13320 S .E , 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 7435 - - - - - " " it " 13316 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 36 - - - - - " It " 13333 S.E . 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 37 - - - - - '} " " " 13337 S.E. 115th St. Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - 39 ITI, 11424-136th Ave, S .E,. Plumbing Fixtures 7440 TT " " 1100-7136th Ave. S :E., Plumbing Fixtures - - - - - ,, „ T, 1150e'--'-','6th '1ve S -F . Flu-!bing Fixtures , '� ,,Rlnutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 10-4-65 HEARING: Fixing the Final Budget and Making the Tax Levies for 1966 This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open by Mayor Custer. Audience comment was invited and reading of any communications received. There being none, the Committee of the Whole report of its review of the Preliminary Budget was read containing the following revisions and recommendations. TAX FUNDS Legal Department: Salaries, increased $1,212.00; Accts. 314-Consultant Fees, $500.00; 402-Office Supplies, $100.00 Planning Department: Increase Accts: 308-Advertising, $500.00; 313-Association Dues, $250.00; 314- Consultant Fees, $250.00; 402-Office Supplies, $100.00; 403-Books, Maps, etc., $150.00; 606-Equipment, $285.00 Police Department: Salaries increased $408.00 to allow Lieutenant position VEd Fire Department: Salaries increased $6,156.00 to allow additional man; Accts. 202-Medical Payments, $98.00; 204-Life Insurance, $41.00; 401-Uniform Allowance, $100.00 Library Department: Salaries increased $4,590.00 to allow Library Assistant and $2,298.00 to allow additional part time Library Assistant; increase, $1,400.00 to allow extra Page help; Acct. 201-Employment Security, $72.00 Park Department: Acct. 605-Liberty Park Grandstand, $30,000.00 Total Increase - $48,510.00 Adjustments made to balance above increases: Cumulative Reserve Fund #1894 decreased $32,870.00 and appropriate $15,000.00 prior year surplus (Appropriated to Park Fund in 1964 for grandstand) ; Legislative Department, Acct. 504-Travel Expense decreased $400.00; Fire Department, Longevity adjustment, salary decreased $240.00 Total adjustments - $48,510.00 REVENUE FUND Water Maintenance Department: Salaries increased $5,046.00 to allow additional man, Reclassification increase, $276.00, Accts. 200-Statewide Retirement increased, $171.00, 201-Employment Security, increased $224.00; 202-Medical Payments increased, $98.00, 203-Industrial Insurance, add; $34.00; 204-Life Insurance, increased $27.00 Total Increase - $5,876 .00 - Adjustments to balance increases: Account 609-Reserve Future Water Development, decreased $5,876.00 SPECIAL PROJECT: Participation in 701 Recreational and Open Space Program Park Department: Account 605-Recreational Development Program increased $494,000.00 Adjustments to balance this increase: Anticipated revenue, State and Federal matching funds, $369,000.00 City matching funds, $125,000.00 to be borrowed from Cedar River Acquisition Fund) Total adjustment, $494,000.00 It was recommended that Uniform Personnel may he hired at second step in the Pay Plan, effective February 1, 1966 ,upon authorization by the Mayor. Recommended that the Mayor's Preliminary Budget be adopted as revised with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the required Ordinances. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Mayor Custer declared the Hearing closed and invited Council action. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Councilwoman Dahlquist advised of objection to budgetary increases where no departmental increase had been requested and to other revisions of departmental requests, and also called attention to her several requests that consideration be given to increasing , water consumption minimum from 900 cu. ft. to 1000 cu. ft, with no action being taken and she would therefore oppose the motion. The pending motion subsequently carried. "` Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poli, that consideration be given to increasing the water consumption minimum to 1000 cu. ft. from the present 900 cu. ft. Upon inquiry, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant pointed out that the 1966 Budget was based upon the 900 cu. ft. minimum and that a great deal of benefit would not be derived by the consumers by such an increase, however, a great loss of revenue to the City would result in such event. Effect of the motion on the prior budget adoption wa. fnllr e by vote which was declared. to be a no majority and t`-e mot-4on Y{ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 10-4-65 COMMUNICATIONS: Communications were read with Council action taken as follows: Application from Joseph T. Curry, owners of Jim's Tavern, for license to operate a pool table device in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Progress Estimate No. 5, submitted and recommended for payment, covering services rendered by Johnston-Campanella & Company on Library Contract CAG 832-64 in sum of $2,034.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Auditing and Accountingfbmmittee. Carried. Jack Wilson, City Engineer's report that signatures appearing on petition for annexation in vicity of 12th Avenue North, west of Bomarc Addition, represent 66.85% of the total assessed value of the area, which fails to meet the 75% requirement. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the petitioners be notified that the petition as submitted is not valid, and they may file anew. The motion carried. Renton School District 403, Oliver Hazen, Supt. request for Permit to display banners promoting the school election November 2nd. One banner to be secured to the Fey's theatres on Third Avenue and the other across Bronson Way at the bridge which would be up from October 27 through November 2. The school will assume all liability in connection with said banners. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that banner placement be granted, under supervision of the Street Commissioner. Carried. Renton Municipal Airport letter, C. L. Day, requested City to approve sponsorship of facility replacements at the airport, including installation of new medium intensity marker light system on the runway and a new 36" Beacon, without cost to the City or its Airport Fund through Federal Aid participation. The necessary "Request For Aid" forms are completed,to be submitted to the Federal Aviation Agency upon City approval. The Boeing Company, under its lease with ':he city is responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of these facilities which are deteriorated to the point where maintenance costs are excessive, and Boeing has agreed to furnish its proportionate share of funds in participation with the Federal Aviation Agency. The intent and ability of the sponsor to undertake the work if the project is made available, is .... contained in the "Request for Aid" . Approval as to forms was requested of the City Attorney. Mo ed by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request for sponsorship and application for aid as outlined. Carried. City Engineer Wilson reported approval by City Attorney of the Northern Pacific Railway Company Permit No. 96086 and recommended authorization be granted for execution by the Mayor and City Clerk. This Permit is concerned with providing water service to the new Metro Treatment Plant and to the industrial area between the plant and Rainier Avenue. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried.(PAG 920-65) Puget Sound Power and Light Company Contract for Mercury Vapor Lighting, 4000 Lumen post-top fixtures in Rolling Hills residential development not heretofore covered in existing contracts. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed contract to the Power and Light Committee for recommendation. Carried. Recommendations of Engineering Department and Traffic Division of the Police Department, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer and E. Henry, Police Traffic Div. , that Speed Limits be established as follows: 35 M.P.H. on 3rd Avenue Extension from Sunset Blvd. East to "M" Street 35 M.P.H. on Renton Junction Way from Rainier Avenue to West City Limits 35 M.P.H. on Grady Way from Rainier Avenue to Main Street 30 M.P.H. on "M" Street from 4th Avenue North to 12th Avenue North It was noted that Grady Way has recently been improved to a four-lane facility. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Discussion ensued after which the pending motion carried. Planning Director Erickson submitted Planning Commission recommendations from public hearing of September 22nd read as follows: 1. Ben Cabreros Appl. R-250-65 for rezone from G to H-1 on property at South 180th Street between the East and West Valley Highways. 60'setback and 20' s side yard recommended in conformance with proposed M-P District and the applicant agreed to grant the City easement for utility purposes over South 20' . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, t refer this matter to the P1_inrine Co�m_ttee for recommendation. Car- iecd. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 10-4-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Planning Commission Recommendations) 2. Brown D. Goodrich Appl. R-254-65 for rezone of property from G to R-4 classification, located on South 153rd Street between 77th and 88th Avenues South. It was further recommended that an easement be granted for roadway and utility purposes, which Mr. Goodrich, being present, had agreed to furnish over the South 15' of the property, adjacent to South 153rd Street, in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the rezone and to re€ef the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Councilman Garrett pointed out that the easement is not a condition for the rezone and after discussion and the Law and Ordinance Chairman's report that such easement is not a provision in the proposed ordinance, the motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm that the Planning and Engineering Departments negotiate for additional-right-of way. Carried 3. William Glockner Appl. V-255-65 request for Variance of 3' from required 25' rear yard setback on property at 10609 - 111th Place S.E. - approval. recom- mended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Variance as recommended. The motion carried. Other matters: Mr. Dayle Garrison was elected to succeed Mr. Douglas Felker as Planning Commission Chairman. Planning Commission will report October 11th on M-P Manufacturing Park District modifications suggested by Mr. Eckart of the Railroad. A letter from Building Director Reisberg submitted application of Dial Finance Company for a Permit for sign 8 ft. x 24 ft. to encroach public right of way. The application was denied inasmuch the projection would be visible without obstruction if placed upon and within property line and such projection as requested would be detrimental to adjacent property. After discussion it was determined further action by Council would be warranted upon action by applicant in event of appeal. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Police Chief Williams and one from Mayor Custer recommended appointment of Mrs. Sue Hawkins to a permanent position as Clerk Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department, effective October 1, 1965 the completion date of the re- quired six-months probationary period of employment. Due to Health Officer's suggestion that additional six-months probationary status be effected for Mrs. Betty Mattison, for health reasons, no recommendation for her permanent appoint- ment was made at this time. Mrs. Mattison's services are satisfactory and she will qualify for all city benefits due, effective October lst and upon subsequent medical clearance will be appointed a permanent employee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. PROCLAMATION: Proclamation by Mayor Custer designated the week of October 4 through 9, 1965 as Professional Nurse Week in the City of Renton and called attention to the role they play in our community. Young people were urged to consider the unlimited horizons in this professional career field and all citizens urged to support the registered nurses of our City to the end that all people may have better nursing care. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Dahlquist, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, reported regarding the City's payment of tax on Metro collections and bond retirement funds, that she has been talking with Senator Durkan and her Committee will report his opinions along with the committee recommendations at a later date. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, submitted report of the Street and Alley Committee as follows: The Committee, upon review of The Boeing Company request that the City forestall installation of parking lot on the Northeast corner of 6th Avenue North and Logan Street, has determined the construction of this facility fully meets City requirements. The zoning is applicable to this use and construction thereof is in accordance with City standards. In order to minimize potential traffic hazards. the Engineering Department has regulated ingress and egress at the facility,which lot creates no more hazard than others in the vicinity. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to concur in the report of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. -4- i f Minutes of the Menton Odby WWI Meeting (tomb.) 10w4•,66 363COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 613 through 675, previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 613 - 642 $ 1,822.44 Street 643 - 648 189.97 Off-Street Parking 649 14.44 Equipment Rental 650 - 655 466.14 Parks 656 - 663 1,196.52 Water Works Utility 664 - 670 19,988.08 Airport 671 - 674 1,856.86 Cumulative Reserve #1975 675 2,034.00 Total $ 27,568.45 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: r.. The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, Councilman Vern Morris, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington adopting an annual budget for the year 1966, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse to adopt Ordinance No. 2183 as read. Roll call vote was taken with ten aye votes and one no vote. Dahlquist opposed. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington fixing the amount ottax levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for the year 1966, less the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation for the general fund and for the payment of principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton for the year 1966; to levy the annual ad valorem taxes of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1966 and appropriating same to certain funds for certain purposes, as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2184 as read. Roll call vote was taken with Dahlquist opposing, resulting in ten aye votes and one no vote The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance which had been introduced for first reading on September 27th, and second and final reading was recommended at this Now time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, Mayor Custer called for Council action. The pending motion carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that Ordinance No. 2185 be adopted as read. (Adopting a Safety Code and setting fees for Mechanical RefrigEration) Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion was carried. The Committee submitted a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington declaring its intention to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances on South 153rd Street in the general vicinity between 77th Ave. So. and 80th Ave. So., and to create a local improvement district to assess the full cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefited thereby; and notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on October 25, 1965,which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1329 as read. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Ted Bennett, on behalf of himself and Del Bennett, expressed thanks to the Mayor and Council for the time granted the Wage Committee during budget hearing sessions and for the considera- tion which was given the requests. Mr. Tom Teasdale inquired regarding Street and Alley Consideration of removing ftw parking ban along Main Street and water problems in the vicinity since the rain. Mayor Custer advised that bids had been rejected, being too high over estimate, on prior bid call but new ones will be requested and the project commenced again to alleviate the problems. Mr. Arnold Hubner, Chairman, Uniformed Personnel Wage Committee, (Police) thanked the Mayor and Council for meeting with them and for the kind and fair consideration given budget requests which was very much appreciated. As there was no further comment, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert to djourn. Ca ried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. There were 23 visitors. D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie Nelson(, City Clerk " .'64 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. October 11, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrey -, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Prank Henry, Asst. Police Chief, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Robert Puhich, Utility Supervisor, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director., Gene Coulon, Park Director and Paul Houser, Police Judge. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 4, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10624 $104,000.00 Whitehall Laboratories 915 Houser Way North Warehouse & Offices 625 50.00 Pacific N.W. Bell 111 Riviera Drive Wire Phone Booth 626 13,000.00 Arthur Ballestrasse 1206 Davis St. So. New Residence 627 550.00 Conner Construction 12721-86th Ave. So. Wire Residence 628 289.00 United Homes Corp. 3916 "R" Street Wire Residence 629 289.00 it " it 3915 "R" Street Wire Residence 10630 395.00 it " " 3905-10th Ct. No. Wire Residence 631 395.00 it " " 1027 "R" Street Wire Residence 632 408.50 " " " 3894-11th Ave. No. Wire Residence 633 395.00 " " 3898-11th Ave. No. Wire Residence 634 408.50 " " it 3908-11th Ave . No. Wire Residence 10635 395.00 " " it 1145 "R" Street Wire Residence 636 160.00 LaVern Graves 10005 S.E. 95th Pl. Wire Addition 637 12,000.00 Bell & Valdez 3328 Rolling Hills Pl. New Residence 638 19,000.00 Bell & Valdez 3316 Roll. Hills P1.So.New Residence 639 13,500.00 Bell & Valdez 3293 Roll. Hills Pl. New Residence 10640 100.00 Sunset Outdoor Adv. 248 Rainier & 3rd Ave. Wire Sign 641 500.00 Mrs. A. Cugini Williams & 3rd Ave. Remodel Building 642 100.00 Guy Pierce 535 Pelly Street Reside Garage 643 50.00 Richard LaDue 3316-6th Ave. No. Wire Addition PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7441 - - - - - Kingens Restaurent 423 Airport Way Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - - - - Conner Construction 12706-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 43 - - - - - Ewing Stringfellow 629 Whitworth Street Gas Installations 44 - - - - - Germaine Grizziffi 3276-7th Pl. North Gas Installations 7445 - - - - - Ray Hartmen 1019 "G" Street Gas Installations 46 - - - - - Ray Hartman 1017 "G" Street Gas Installations 47 - - - - - Robert Nordlyse 2221-6th Ave. No. Gas Installations 48 - - - - - John Biers, Jr. 2509-7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 49 - - - - - Joe Farras 419 Park Street Plumbing Fixtures 7450 - - - - - Mr. Hall 326 N. Burnett St. Gas Installations 51 - - - - - Dick Reeves 10852-110th P1. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - - - Kingents Restaurant 423 Airport Way Plumbing Fixtures 53 - - - - - Roy Ball 3509-7th Pl. North Gas Installations 54 - - - - - S. J. Thorsteinson 3424-7th P1. No. Gas Installations 7455 - - - - - Paul Smith 116 Burnett Street Gas Installations 56 - - - - - John Dennis, Jr. 11050-112th Ave. S.E. PlumbingFixtures -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) PRESENTATION OF AWARD: Mayor Custer advised an award had been authorized by the Council ao presentation of the Certificate of Service was made at this time to Mr. Douglas K. Felker in recognition of outstanding service to the community while a me r of the Renton Planning Commission. Mr. Felker was appointed on October 4, 4)until January 2, 1963 at which time he was reappointed for the present term, e ing in 1966, from which he has found it necessary to resign. Mayor Custer commended Mr. Felker for his able leadership, having served several times as Commission Chairman, and made the presentation as an expression of appreciation for a job well done. HEARINGS: Proposed Amendment to Ch. 7, "Zoning" of Title 4, Building Regulations establishing Manufacturing Park District (M-P) (Continued from 9-13-65) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Planning Commission recommenda- tion was read from its public hearing of 9-22-65 and on basis of review of changes to the M-P District as suggested by the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, the Commission reaffirmed its former recommendation relative to M-P District Classification as sub- mitted with revision of Sec. 4.736.030, Limitations on Permitted Uses, to permit loading areas within the 601 setback. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed. Audience comment was invited and since there was none the motion was voted upon and carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation to adopt the Manufacturing Park District Zoning as amended. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. HEARING: L. I. D. 254 - Water Mains - Cedar River Home Sites This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication read from Mr. E. S. Bryant stated the assessment was high and it was hoped the cost might be reduced, the entire width of his Lot, #6, being under transmission power line. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Leslie Tabor, 12431 - 142nd P1. S.E. presented a petition protesting the cost of the proposed L.I.D. The petition contained seven signatures and advised that in view of the costs involved their present water systems were felt to be satisfactory. Mr. John Lavin, 12401-142nd Place S.E., reported that he owned four lots and two were located under the power line. His assessment was $1,300.00 with reduction to $600.00 plus, due to location of the lots, however, it was felt that this was still considerable and a luxury that he could not afford. As there were no further audience comments,council action was invited. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, that the hearing be closed. Councilman Schellert requested the City Engineer to explain the project and anything relative which might bring out more questions in support of the project. City Engineer Wilson displayed a map of the proposed project and agreed that the costs were high which was partly due to the fact that the line required a tunnel under the railroad tracks and also it paralleled the tracks benefitting only one side which would be sharing the cost alone. Also, the power line easement had been overlooked and costs where this occurred would need to be adjusted as this property would not receive as great a benefit, building not being allowed thereon. A trailer on one is being used as a permanent residence and there would be some benefit thereto. It was the recommendation of the City Engineer that the City share in getting this line across this easement, it being primarily of benefit to the City with the thought of tie-in at Maple Valley when the 1211 line is installed. It was pointed out that the water line installation would afford two hydrants to the area for better fire protection there being only one in Maple Valley at present and only one access to the area. Upon inquiry it was stated that the mode of assessment was by Zone and Termini. Pending motion to close the hearing was voted on and declared lost by majority no vote. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be continued for one week and that the City Engineer check the validity of the L.I.D. in view of the petition received tonight. Mr. Aucourt inquired regarding the percentage that it would take to kill the L.I.D. The Mayor invited the City Attorney to advise and Mr. Shellan stated that under the law if 60y protest is registered by the cost sharing property owners, the city may not proceed with any L.I.D. It was pointed out that the L.I.D. was a request of the property owners who petitioned for the installation following the annexation to the City of their property, which they had also requested. The pending motion carried continuing the hearing to October 18, 1965. COMMUNICATIONS: Application was read from Mr. James J. Abraham, O.K. Cab Company, for two additional taxicab license, present business having grown to where it cannot be adequately handled with cabs presently in service and in anticipation of opening of the Renton Inn. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-11-615 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Application was read from Joseph T. Curry for dance hall license and live enter- tainment at Jim's Tavern. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to amend the motion to require report back. The amendment carried and the motion as amended, likewise. A letter from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton requested approval of property located adjacent to 13th Place North and "K" Street as the site for the new housing project for the elderly. It is approximately three blocks from the shopping area and two blocks from Hillcrest Terrace. Mr. Paul Houser, Housing Authority Board Member, introduced Mr. Hugo Bowe, Architect for the new project. A sketch was displayed of the proposed project and determination made that the area is within the Renton City Limits. Upon inquiry regarding zoning Planning Director Ericksen stated the use to be compatible for the area but felt the Planning Commission should be consulted as to location for such type housing. Discussion ensued wherein it was pointed out that many sites had been considered and this one selected because of land size and cost, proximity to shopping area and recreational facilities, and with maintenance factor in mind, to the other project. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, that a hearing be held on Monday, October 18, 1965 and that the Planning Commission be requested to make recom- mendation at that time. Carried. Haste was urged inasmuch as there is an option on the land. City Engineer's letter reported completion stages of the water study by the firm of Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield and it was requested that a meeting be scheduled for the presentation of their findings. Progress Estimate 46 was sub- mitted and recommended for payment on work performed through September 24th n sum of $1061.50. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, the request for meeting be submitted to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, the Progress Estimate be referred to the Auditing and Accou_rit­ ing Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from City Clerk Nelson reported need for appropriation of $2,550.00 from excess revenues derived from building permit fees, unto: Non-Departmental Acct. 1920/311, Insurance, Casualty & Liability, $850.00, due to increase in the insurance rates, and unto Building Maintenance Acct. 1800/110, Salaries and Wages, Permanent Employees, $1,500.00, due to fact that position of Building inspector was only budgeted for six months and the position has been filled since April. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appropriation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Mr. Floyd Shaff appealed Building Director's decision to deny request for permit for a sign over public right of way. Mr. Shaff pointed out that the sign standard has been on the premises for at least 35 years and that there is a sign there at present which he wishes to modify by adding a small reader board. Building Director Reisberg had recommended set back onto the owners property which would serve the intended purpose and still not obstruct vision at the intersection. Mr. Shaff stated that such a move would result in loss of two parking spaces which he could not spare. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, that the permit be granted according to the recently adopted Ordinance, which governs uses of public property. Carried. A letter from C. G. Prahl, Director of Highways, State Highway Commissinn, acknowledged receipt of PTA endorsement of petition for crosswalk in plans of the North Renton Interchange, and advised that a pedestrian crossing can be added with little additional expense as an item of second stage construction providing the problems concerning cost distribution can be satisf actorily resolved. Mr. McKay, in Seattle, has been requested to continue to work with the City in the matter of costs as well as location for such facility. Mr. Prahl stated there ; '1.1 be little use for the crossing until the main structures under the north and sout-1- bound lanes of Interstate 405 have been completed and the ramps to the interchange are in use. A letter from Mr. John W. Pearl, Audit Reviewer, State Tax Commission, acknowledge' the City's claim for refund of taxes paid on public utility income earmarked for bond retirement. The Claim was considered to be timely filed and further action will not be taken until litigation with the City of Kennewick has been concluded. It was recommended that the City continue to report and pay tax on this income until a final determination is made. -3- 3617 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-11-65 COtIMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Lulletins were received from the Association of Washington Cities concerning the federal and state funds now available for park and recreation purposes and the officia.1 police of the State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, the body responsible for allocation of these funds, was attached. Also attached was a schedule of meetings of the Interagency Committee. These will be on file in the City Cleric's office. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of Supplement to Motor Vehicle Laws as prepared by the Department of Motor Vehicles, also to be filed in the Clerk's office. Cff_icial Exa,iiinati.on report No. 31855 on the City of Renton was received from tiie Office of t11e State Auditor, Robert V. Graham, for the period from January 1, 196, to De.comber 31, 1964. This Division of Municipal CorporationsAuditwill be on f:�.le in the City Clerk's Office. Claim of Alex Cugini et ux against the City of Renton was filed earlier in the year for damages sustained to property at 800 - 3rd Avenue due to broken water main tap. Summons and Complaint were now filed for recovery of $902.56 in con- nection therc;.ith. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the documents to the City Attorney. Carried. APPOIITT1VE14TS: A lett?r from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the following appoInt;ments: Officers C-nude R. Evans, Jonny A, Northrop, Richard Nibarger and William D. pile to e.- anent- position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, all having completed their probationary period and recommended for such appointment by the Chief of Policq. Sergcart . F`., Romano and Sergeant John Buff were appointed to permanent,: ran?: of Sergean",, a.11 appointments, effective six months from rate of original appoir.-_m„cnt. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor Cs rc''d. Car--'ied. COUNCIL COI-fMITTEE REPORTS: T Councilr;,an ��_1,_'.ersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted recommend-?tion or hiF Com:"_'_ttee as follows: Relaa;:i_ve to :Kiwanis Club Resolution for installation of restroom facilities at I:i-;;a =„ Lark, it was recommended that the City Clerk be authorized to reply and report that the new budget recently adopted provides for the request. 'Moved by Morris, seconded .by Perry, to concur in the recommendation and that the Kfwanis Club be advised accordingly, Carried. I;Qla`` �e to the State Patrol Lease in the Highlands Administration Building, Sgt. Baker's Division has moved out and revisions have been made in the space nosv require", and certain alterations were requested releasing additional area to the City, whic' it needs, and adding some space by removel of par_.-J"-.i . ,for -heir use. This i a licensing division only henceforth but the same rental will be effected as previously. It was recommended that the City proceed with alteration and repairs to cost approximately $700.00, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the new revised Lease. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to concur in the reco^mon, aticn of the Property Committee. Carried. Regaruing acquisition of Reservoir Sites at West side of 104th Ave. S.E. aprro;i- mately 50t. south of S,E . 166th Street and between Puget Drive and the Christian Church Site, Renton, Washington, it was recommended that the City Engineer and Ci ty Attorney b-c authorized to negotiate the purchases at the appraised price of $69,550 for bots sites= Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the reccmmcndations. The motijn curried. Regard4ncv Public Use Areas per letter from Housing and Home Finance Agency -referred 3-23-65, the Committee recommended that the City Attorney- be authorized to make an offer of $12,500 to the Federal Government for reversionary interests in propertic s and the City Engineer to provide legal descriptions o all properties involved. moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommen.'ations. Carried. Regarding acquisition of third fire station site at purchase price of $30,000.00, the Comm;.ttee recommended pursuance of the matter with referral_ to the kjD.ya„,ja„ r"fano 0ommittee for the funding. !s6ved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur Carried. -4- 1010 18=7 4! 60001066 0@616"M 0466600 •� �: ont.) Property Committee Report Regarding the request of Emilio Pierotti for vacation of a portion of 92nd Avenue South and City Engineer's report that said right of way is not a dedicated street and is not therefore covered by the vacation rules and regulations,it was recommended that the westerly 101 of the property be retained by the city and the balance declared surplus with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution and Property Committee permitted to obtain appraisals. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, presented her Committee report on Claim' filed by the City for rebate of taxes, referred on 9-27-65,and it was recommended that urgent requests be made to the Association of Washington Cities, the Office of the Governor, our Legislators, and other Cities in King County, to take all necessary steps to amend existing tax laws so as to eliminate the presently existing tax levied upon the Cities which act merely as collection agent for Metro, so that all revenues collected by any City, which are then remitted -to Metro immediately in full, shall be exempt from any such state tax. (Sewer revenues collected for Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle) It was further recommended that the City Clerk file claim against the Tax Commission for the recovery of this tax as an additional protective measure. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendations.Carried. Mayor Custer called attention to the forthcoming Legislative District Meeting in Renton November 3rd at which time the matter might be pursued. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for a proper Resolution. The motion carried. Councilman Trim, Chairman of the Planning Committee, reported concurrence in the Planning Commission recommendation that the Cabreros property be rezoned to H-1 until establishment of the Manufacturing Park Ordinance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. City Attorney Shellan raised some question inasmuch as the use proposed was not one allowed under proposed Mfg. Park•z*ning-:•$imee owner has not been-, properly advised, having understood that Mfg. Park District would be the same as H-1, it was recommended that the property owner be given an opportunity to amend his request or protest before an appeal or ather.peoblem''Aft-ses. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter back to the Planning Committee for further study. Carried. Councilman Delau;renti, Chairman of the Special Power Rate Committee, submitted News Releases of Puget pc�- • and of his Committee, and expressed his thanks to the other members of his Committee, Mr. Sargent, Mr. Morrison, and Councilmen Poli and Garrett calling attention to the many meetings and hours of time given to the matter. The City Clerk read the news re- leases outlin_:.:,g trz proposed reductions filed by the Company in Olympia, and the Committee report with Chairman Delaurentits statement that the Committee is quite satisfied with the report of Mr. Unnevehr e v ea though it was hoped the rates could have been even lower. Because of the study,reductions will result and tariff areas established, based on the company cost of providing service in different locations, and further reduction in residential rates for power used in excess of 1000 kilowatt hours will be made. ($1.05 per kilowatt hour in lieu of present rate of $1.16) i4ayor Custer thanked-the committee for the time and effort contributed to the power rate study and it was suggested by Councilman Garrett that the Mayor forward a letter of thanks to the non-council members of the Committee. Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, submitted proposed Contract for lighting; energy in the Rolling Hills area including 4000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Fixtures not previously under contract. The period covered is ten years retroactive to October 30, 1964 when said fixtures were installed. It was recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Contract. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur and to refer the clatter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 676 through 771, previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Fund Breakdown follows: Current 676 - 702 $ 5,996.06 Street 703 - 713 8,773.65 Arterial Street 714 30.64 Cedar River 1 . & I. 715 - 717 22.86 Equipment Rental 718 - 732 847.90 Library 733 - 737 291.41 Parks 738 - 747 704.34 Water Works Utility 748 - 762 6,178.93 W. & S. Construction 763 1,861.50 Airport 764 - 770 313.81 ri-.niulative P.vserve 41894 771 1.05 I'D t3_ 2 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-11-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) Councilman Hulse included the Progress Estimate on the water study in voucher approvals and the pending motion carried. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, informed the Department Heads that in about a months time the Committee will endeavor to revise the Capital Improvement priority list, now that the coming years budLtt has been adopted. The list will be established through 1972, and it was requested that the widening of 2nd Avenue be reviewed and the Planning Director, City Engineer, and any others con- --erned get together with suggestions for furthering this plan or if there might be an alternate to cross North Renton. Early action was urged with possibility of going for a bond issue in the fall. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, requested a meeting with the newly appointed Traffic Advisory Committee. Mayor Custer was invited to attend and October 21st at 7:30 p.m. was set for the meeting. Mayor Custer called attention to a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on October 20th concerning feasibility of a YMCA facility in Renton. Anyone interested is invited to attend. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract (CAG 926-65) with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for furnishing mercury vapor street lighting for a period of ten years beginning October 30, 1964, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the Resolution, numbered 1330, be adopted as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General classification district (G) to "Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings" (R-4), which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the reading, it was moved by orris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2186 as read. Roll call vote ollowed with all Council Members present voting aye. Carried. (Brown Goodrich prope , :y) Audience comment was invited. Since there was none, and no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 p.m. There were 38 visitors present. D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk r -6- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. October 18, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Police Chief, M. C, Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Acamntant, Robert Puhich, Utility Supervisor, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Paul Houser, Police Judge. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 11, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10644 $ 393.00 Jack Colombi 9642 - 106th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 645 100.00 Ben Lindgren 125 North Wells Street Addition 646 360.00 Richard Reeves 10552 - 110th P1. S.E. New Residence wj__'_ng 647 2,100.00 A. R. Smith Co. 919 Houser Way No. Wire Warehouse-Cffice 648 1.00 Standard Oil Co. 207 Main Street Demolish Building 649 15,250.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11404-136th Ave. SE New Residence 10650 15,250.00 If IT " " 11408-136th Ave. SE New Residence 651 15,200.00 it If " " 11407-136th Ave. S.E. New Residence 652 18,750.00 It " 10600111th P1. S.E. New Residence 653 20,500.00 " Tr 'r " 12505-86th Ave. So. New Residence 654-56 Pending 10655 200.00 Robert Kingen 423 Airport Way Wire Lounge ' 6-7 120.00 Jack Schlosser 416 Renton Street New Roof ' 658 320.00 B. & R. Electric 11050 112th Ave. S.E. Wire New Residence 659 16,200.00 Roger Peterson 11021-115th Ave. S.E. New Residence 10660 250.00 Bell & Valdez 3293 Court "B" Wire Residence 661 17,000.00 Robert Shane 11637 - 100th Street New Residence PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 7457 - - - - - Lang Slauson 10615 S .E. 111th Place Plumbing Fixtures 58 Jack Colombi 9642 - 106th S.E . Plumbing Fixtures 59 - - - - - Whitehall Lab. 915 Houser Way Plumbing Fixtures 7460 - - - - - United Homes 3894-11th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 61 - - - - - United Homes 3898 - 11th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 62 - - - - - United Homes 3908-11th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 63 - - - - - United Homes 1145 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 64 - - - - - United Homes 3916-10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 7465 - - - - - United Homes 3915-10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 66 - - - - - United Homes 3905-10th Ct. No. Plumbing Fixtures 67 - - - - - Unites Homes 1027 "R" Street Plumbing Fixtures 68 - - - - - Jack Colombi 9642-106th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 69 - - C. & H. Rubler Co. 230 Tobin Ave. Gas Installations r, 7470 - - - - - W. E. McGerry 511 Windsor Place Gas Installatio:1 71 - - - - - Knights of Pythias 324 Smithers Street Gas Installation HEARING: L.I .D. 254 - Watermai.n (Continued from 9-11-65) Cedar diver E3ome Sites This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communications were read from Mr. Leslie D. and Mrs. Bonnie R. Tabor, Ellen Dreckman, Jchn and Mary Lavin, protesting the cost of the L.I.D. , and from Mr. Frank Ellis requesting that his name be removed from the petition opposing the proposed L.I.D. A letter from the City Engineer reported that the petition opposing the L.I.D. contained signatures representing 57.62% of total estimated cost of the improvement. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-18-65 HEARING_: L.I.D. 254 (Cont.) Audience comment was invited. Discussion ensued regarding possible deletion of properties protesting the L.I .D. and possibility of city participation in cost of bringing a line under the tracks which contributes to the high assessments. Crossing the railroad tracks accounts for approximately 20% of the total cost or roughly $1,500.00. It was pointed out that deletion of any properties would result in additional cost to remaining properties and that it would not be feasible to proceed with such a small L.I.D. After further discussion regarding the proposed route, city benefit with respect to future development,and benefit to property owners by installation of hydrants and additional fire protection, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed and the L.I.D. be established as proposed. Upon inquiry as to whether the roll might be ad- justed at the time the final assessment is established, City Attorney -Shellan advised that when proceeding by Resolution the preliminary assessment is sent out and that when the job is completed you send out the final roll at which time the Council sits as a board of equalization and has the right to make adjustments. If the City however, should desire to participate and changes the proposed L.I.D. new cards should be sent out and resolution changed and new hearing scheduled and start anew. 60% protest can kill the L.I.D. and the people should decide if they want it or not. AnT rdmert suggested by Perry to have the city bear cost of taking the line to the other side of the tracks was lost for lack of second and recognition, being contrary to the motion. Councilman Garrett clarified that the intent of his motion was that the L.I.D. be set up as proposed and at the time of equalization the Council could determine those properties not getting full benefit and equalize as to true and fair value and if the Council wishes otherwise the motion may be voted down. Mrs. Ellen Dreckman, 12427 S.E . 142nd Street requested that her name be deleted from the protest as she felt the L.I.D. would be of I-enefit to her property. The pending motion carried. Mr. Perry opposed advising that the people may petition the city to participate in this L.I.D. due to the unusual circumstances of its having to go under the railroad tracks. 1�r. :',.- ctt aloe) this .7-sr may be accomplished at the time of hearing when the final assessment roll is set! HEARIPNIG: Renton Housing Authority - Proposed site for 50 unit housing project for the elderly located adjacent to 13th Pl. North and "K Street in Renton. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read ir-�m Planning Director Ericksen reporting review of the site location by the Planning Commission at its October 13th meeting and approval as proposed. Mayor Custer invited audience comments and Mr. Biel, 3012-13th Place North, adjoining the pro- posed site, inquired --egarding height of the proposed construction. Mr. Bowe, architect for the project, advised the units would be connected duplexes, quite flat and arranged in' the form of a u. The drawings were shown to Mr. Biel. Council,vomon Dahlquist, living across from the present project, advised of her observations regarding bad condition of "K" street, being a very narrow right-of- way with sidewalks only on one side, it presents problems to those elderly persons who drive and walk, and consequently use "J" street which has sidewalks. She inquired as to how soon the city might be widening "K" street to alleviate the problem, the new water lines now installed. Mrs. Biel advised that the new water line installation was responsible for some of the bad conditions of the street. Discussion ensued and the City Engineer reported that the street is 24 ft. but that 60 ft. is available for widening with condemnation not being necessary for acquisition. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the hearing be closed and the site be approved as proposed by the Housing Authority. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted application form of repartment of Natural Resources for city acquisition of first class shorelands of Lake Clashing ton per revision of the harbor line . A filing fee of $10.00 is required, to be later applied on purchase price . The new map was filed September 14th and 60 days is allowed to make application for acquisition of available shorelands. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the form and that application along with proper fee be forwarded to appropriate State Agency. The motion carried. A letter read from City Attorney Shel'an advised that after discussion with the Planning Department and others concerned with the proposed Manufacturing Park District zoning classification certain revisions were recommended especially with regard to eventual industrial development of the valley area . -2- .rV2 Minutes of the Renton City Council 10-18-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Application was read from Edna J. Loss, owner of The Spot Tavern, for license to operate coin-pool table device in said business establishment. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Inquiry of Mr. Ericksen was made relative to recommended Manufacturing Park zoning ordi- nance and it was pointed out that the amendment thereto had been prepared by the City Attorney. Memo from Attorney Shellan to the Planning Director was read out- lining amendment under Permitted Uses which added, besides L-1 uses "together with such machinery and products manufacturing uses as specified in Section 4.713 (a) of Ordinance No. 1628. This will allow H-1 uses that are not obnoxious for any reason, serving the City's immediate purpose and amendment may later be desired listing uses independent of what is now quoted in L-1 and H-l. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, the communication and revised ordinance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter from the Renton Kiwanis Club requested permission to conduct an apple sale in Renton October 21, 22 and 23rd, with proceeds to go toward purchase of equipment and playground materials for Kiwanis Park. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to grant the request. Carried. Progress Estimate No . 3 was read payable to Alton V. Phillips Company in sum of $25,001.56 for work completed to September 30, 1965 on the new library construction contract. Work completed to date, $72,938.80 plus sales tax, $ 3,063.43 less 105Y. retained $7,600.22. Previous payments $43,400.45. Payment was approved by the Library Board and architects. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to refer the Progress Estimate to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from Louis Hovland, Recording Secretary, City Employees Club, requested permission to work on Veteran's Day, November 11, 1965 a holiday, in exchange for November 26, 1965, the day following Thanksgiving, allowing a four day week end. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse that the request be granted and that straight time be paid for working on the holiday in lieu of the day following Thanksgiving, just as on a regular work day. Legality and precedent of exchanging dates was discussed after which the pending motion carried. A letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, requested permission to attend the National Fire Protection Association meeting in Los Angeles, California on November 15, 16 and 17, 1965, Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, that the request be granted and expenses of the trip allowed. Carried. A letter from Building Director Reisberg submitted recommendation that revocable permit be granted Fancher Flyways, Inc. to install an advertising and directional sign on the municipal airport property where said business is located, the Renton Aviation Board having approved the application. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter read from Building Director Reisberg recommended issuance of Revocab)p Permit for two 2 x 6 signs to be erected at 800 3rd Avenue,per Ordinance No. 2165. Loved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Gordon Ericksen, submitted Planning Commission recom- mendation from its meeting of October 13th, that the Final Plat of Conner's Lake View Park # 2 be approved as presented. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur and to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer suggested that the Council consider adoption of a "Cabaret" licensing ordinance similar to Seattle's, and that (1) Council reserve authority to grant and revoke such licenses; (2) the Police Chief be granted authority usually given to a board of commissioners for enforcement of licensing regulations; (3) that an .�. appropriate and equitable fee schedule be established. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. The motion carried. A letter from Mr. Jerry A. Kyle, Owner-Manager, Tonkin's Cafe requested Live Enterta-, ment to be conducted on the Roaring 20's or Gay 90's theme with organ, drums and banjo music, a tap dancer and short routines throughout the evening by the waitresses of the Can Can, Charleston and Shag dances. Moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee and the Chairman was requested to report back. Carried. -3- • F Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-18-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Mayor Custer reported many inquiries from residents of the Kennydale area regarding the possibility of annexing to the City of Renton and the Mayor re- called that recent attempt at annexation by petition method failed 'or lack of the necessary number of signatures with the Public Relations Committee thereafter recom- mending consideration by the city of annexing by election method. Based on available information,sufficient interest by the residents of the subject to annex would seem to warrant expense of such an election, a number bordering the area inquiring also regarding sewer services. Comparatively large portions of tax e:-empt properties lie within this area, It was estimated that the cost of such an election would be in an approximate sum of '.atween two hundred and three hundred dollars. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A _letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted final. construction cost on the Springbrook Watershed Fencing contract which work was completed on October 15, 1965 and accepted by the Engineering Department, October 18, 1965. Acceptance this date by the City Council was recommended. Construction Cost, including tax, $14,444.73 less retained percentage, $ 1,444.47. Amount due contractor, San Jose Steel Co. , $13,000.26. It was further recommended that, if after 30 days, no liens or claims are filed against the project, and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, the retained percentage be paid. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the payment be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act and recommendations be given concurrence as outlined. Carried . Mayor Custer reported this project to be a creditable accomplishment and invited inspection by the Council. The City Clerk reported receipt of a letter from the Association of Washington Cities, Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, reporting on"Prevailing Fringe Benefits", Ch. 133, Laws of 1965. Copy of Senate Bill 318 along with Department of Labor and Industries information bulletin was attached, and will. be on file in the office of the City Clerk. A letter from Mr. Howard B. Bodie, 915 D Street requested removal of a utility pole from his property. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the letter to the Ma or for investigation. Carried. Mayor Custer at this time passed .round samples of lining from water pipe installed some three years ago in the Tiffany Park area which is not harmful bacterially but r is a nuisance otherwise. There will be costs to the city in replacement which could go as high as $25,000.00 and there is a test case in court at present to determine responsibility. The city will hawrto sue the supplier and manufacturer which in the court case have in turn sued the developer of the materials. The city has sar. ctime ago adopted cast iron pipe in its specifications. Mayor Cu�:igr idvised there will be need for further discussion regarding the matter and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. PROCLAMATIONS: October 18 through 23 was declared Kiwanis Apple Sale Week in the City of Renton and Mayor Custer's proclamation urged all citizens to promote this worthwhile activity to raise funds for benefit of charitable projec,`s for the Community's children. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Proclamation, Carried. Proclamation by the Mayor declared October 30, 1965 as UNICEF LAY in Renton, urging every citizen to participate in trick or treat by welcoming trick or treaters at the door whose containers carry the official Unicef message and which coins collected thereby will mean food and medicine for the sick and hungry children of the world. The United Nations International Childrens' Emergency Fund is helping millions of children and mothers to better health in more than 100 countries by assisting governments in programs of disease control, nutrition, and maternal and child welfare. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. The motion carried. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer appointed Mr. Norman Abrahamson as a member of the Traffic Advisory Commission to replace Mr. C. E. McCarthy who has declined his appointment. The first meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday October 21st in the Council Chambers. Council members were invited to attend. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment. -4- Inutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-18-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Delaurenti submitted a letter from the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 864, Renton which was read by the City Clerk extending invitation to the Mayor and Council to attend the annual Appreciation Dinner on Tuesday, October 19, at 6:00 p.m., Kingen's Restaurant. Mayor Custer thanked Mr. Alexander who was present from the Fire Department. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 772 through 862, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council. Carried. Fund breakdown follows and includes the library construction fund payment and the watershed fencing payment. FUND VOUCHERS AMOUNT Current Fund #772 - 816 $ 4,766.99 Street Fund 817 - 823 6,145.61 Off-Street Parking 824 100.00 Equipment Rental 825 - 836 770.34 Library Construction Fund 837 25,001.56 Parks 838 - 846 2,575.39 Water Works Utility 847 - 856 9,896.17 W. & S. Construction 857 - 858 13,135.23 Airport 859 - 862 337.47 Total 62,728.76 Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that at the time the Committee-'of the Whole takes into consideration the annexation by election method of the Kennydale area, the Cascade Vista area be discussed as to when and if annexation of this area should be also considered. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Section 10-1201 of Title X (Traffi ) of ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", relating to Speed Limits, and reported approval by the State Highway Commission, by telephone conversation with Mr. Bennett, this date. The City Clerk read the proposed ordinance. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2187 as read. Roll call vote was taken and all Council Members present voted aye carrying the motion. ("M" Street, 3rd Ave. and Renton Junction Way) Councilman Morris presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington declaring certain parcels of property generally known as Cedar River Park, re Court Cause 440308, as surplus and no longer needed for public purposes, and authorizing disposal of same subject to Council approval upon conveyance and after appraisal of same. The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution which concerns 100 x 225 ft. of property proposed for sale to City Light; Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1331 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution appropriating excess revenues to Building Dept. 1800/110 Salaries & Wages and Non-Departmental, 1920/311, Insurance, $1,500.00 and $850.00, respectively, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1332 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution declaring a portion of 92nd Avenue South surplus and no longer needed by the City, and authorizing appraisal. and disposition, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution 1333 as read. Carried< (Pierotti requested vacation of this street which was not a dedicated one A proposed Resolution was presented for forwarding to the Assn. of Washington Cities, various Legislators, Governor and other Cities urging each to join with the.City to protest tax imposed on collections made by cities for Metro, resulting in double tax, tion on the same income which is also charged to Metro by the tax commission, The Clerk read the proposed document and it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Reso- lution No. 1334 as read. Mr. Garrett recommended a copy be sent also to Senator Gissbere Sub-Committee on Revenue and Taxes of the Legislative Council. Motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the matter of rcpid transit under Metro authority be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. As there was no further business nor audience comment, it was moved by Morris, second?d ':)y Poli to adjourn . Carried. The meeting gd4ourned e..t 9:50 p<,7.. D. W. Custer, Mayor 11elmie Nelson, City CLerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. October 25, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce , that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 18, 1965 be ap?roved as written. The motion carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEP ' T. BUILDING PERMITS: N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10654 $ 7 , 000.00 Virginia Hashagen 3rd & Williams Remodel Store 656 400.00 Fletcher-Renton Paint 206 Wells St. Signs 662 19, 173.00 Bell & Valdez 3277 Rolling Hills New Residence 663 19, 173 .00 is If it 3291 Court "B" New Residence 664 480.00 Joe Gatten 9827-115th S .E. Wire Residence 10665 7 , 000.00 Lily Hedberg 249 Park St. Wire Building 666 230.00 Mr. McClurg 505 "N" Street New Elec. Service 667 3 ,000.00 Fletcher' s Paint 206 Wells St. Remodel Store 668 602.00 Bell & Valdez 3293 Rolling Hills Wire Residence 669 40,000.00 LongaereE-Gottstein Race Track 4 Barns 10670 4,000.00 Union Oil Company 6th & Pelly St. Storage Addition 671 10.00 L. T. Ristvedt 1334 "J" Street Fence Posts - 672 300.00 Joe Farras 419 Park Street Rewire Residence 673 85, 000.00 John Burkheimer Restaurant-Park St. Comm'.. Bldg. 674 500.00 Robert J . Wixom 454 "E" Street Wire Addition PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS : 7472 - - - - - Manly Grinolds 310 Cedar Street Gas Installation 73 - - - - - D. Selzler 3202-6th Avenue Gas Installation 74 - - - - - City of Renton 120 Mill St. Lib.Plumbing Fixts. 7475 - - - - - Conner Const. Co. 12507-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixt. 76 - - - - - Rudy Zaputil 10630-116th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixt. 77 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11416-138th S .E. Plumbing Fixt. 78 - - - - - if 11 It it 11420-138th Ave. SE Plumbing Fixt . 79 - - - - - to It " if 11424-138th S .E. Plumbing Fixt. 7480 - - - - - it 11 If it 11415-138th S .E. Plumbing Fixt. 81 - - - - - Is It " to 13426 S .E. 115th Plumbing Fixt. 82 - - - - - " it " It 13421 S .E. 115th Plumbing Fixt. 83 - - - - - Wn. Natural Gas Co. Talbot Hill Plumbing Fixt. 84 - - - - - Greater Renton Center 12th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixt. 7485 - - - - - Burwell Pepka 81 Tobin Street Heating Equip. 86 - - - - - Joe Gatten 9827-115th S.E. Plumbing Equip. HEAR TNG: Proposed L. I .D. 255 - Sanitary Sewers in vicinity of Longacres This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. A communication was read from Mrs. Julia Kuznierz protesting the cost, deeming the need ' not warranted at her residence, being a widow of little means. City Engineer' s report was read advising that protest represented 13 . 25/ of total assessed valuation of properties involved. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Carl Rongerude, representing his Son, Melvin, owner of the subject property, advised that the L. I .D. was greatly needed in the area and with anticipation of apartment development inquired regarding cae~t:a.c�• r47 an P" line and zoning re high-rise and individual buildings. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-25-65 HEARING: L. I .D. 255 - Sanitary Sewers in vicinity of Longacres (Cont. ) Mrs. Goodrich, 7710 South 153rd Street, spoke in favor of the L.I .D. advising of problems in the area with exposed raw sewage, including the property of Mrs. Kuznierz and reported that her neighbor , Mr. Warden wished to express his approval of the project. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson assured the property owners of the adequacy of the 8" line with. respect for the future development of the area and as there was no further comment, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Mayor Custer declared the hearing closed and requested Council action. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that Local im- provement District No. 255 be created with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. HEARING: Proposed Vacation - 77th Avenue South, between South 153rd and FAI 405. (See last item of the Minutes prior to adjournment) COMMUNICATIONS: A communication was read from the Kennydale P.T.A. , Mrs . Jack Scannell , Recording Secretary, supporting the inclusion of a walkway to link the North Renton Interchange and Sunset Highway. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to refer the communication to the Highway Commission as the previous documents have been. Carried. Mayor Custer advised of a meeting on Friday at 10:00 a.m. with Mr. Yates of the Highway Department concerning this walkway. A letter from City Engineer requested transfers of funds to complete the installation of 16" water line in South 180th Street between Springbrook Road and the East Valley Highway. From: Waterworks Maintenance Account 7120/609, Reserve for Future Water Improvements, unto 7120/606 , Machinery and Equipment for purchase of materials, it being to the advantage of the city to complete said line before King County has completed improve- ment of South 180th Street. In addition, it was requested that $1 , 000. 0 l be transferred from Waterworks Maintenance Account 7120,/609 , Reserve for future improvements, unto 607, Analysis and.Survey to provide necessary money for the cost of the Water System Survey now being conducted by Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with the recommendations of the City Engineer . Carried. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Perry, to refer the transfers to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson requested authorization to call for bids on November. 8, 1965 for installation of a Water System in L. I . D. 2.54, (Watermains in Cedar River Home Sites) . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to authorized the call for bids as requested. Carried. A letter from Mr. Kenneth E. Koehler, �rchi.tect expressed desire to institute proceedings in order that properties at S.E. 84th Street presently under development for suburban-type townhouse apartments for families might be served by city sewer facilities, petitions for annexation and the L. I.D. to be circulated as may be necessary and easements to be granted accordingly. it was pointed out that this lies within the "Kennydale Island" area and Mayor Custer advised that this request was one of several. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Delaurenti , to refer the letter to the Committ� to the Whole which will be dis- cussing annexation of City areas by the election method. Carried. A letter from Building Director Reisberg requested permission to obtain price quotes and authorization to proceed with removal or demolition of the following structures: 204 Mill Street (formerly O'Neill Property) , 111 - 2nd Avenue - (Rhodes Property) and Lumber Mart (Alden See property) corner of Mill Street and 2nd Avenue. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request of the Building Director. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COMMUNICATIONS • (cont. ) 10-25-65 A letter from Pacific Car and Foundry requested modifications of the Renton Harbor Code to allow water testing of amphibious vehicles such as the XM701, pilot models of which are now under development in the Renton plant for the Armed Services which, because of certain language in the present Code cannot be legally tested. Adoption of the amend- ments proposed by Boeing, slightly modified,would reasonably regulate and allow proper interpretation to provide testing for the Boeing hydro- foil R. & D. programs as well as the Pacific Car & Foundry programs. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Councilman Pedersen advised that the Property Committee had also been working on this matter and that another letter from the Boeing Company attorney was forthcoming with suggestions for further revisions which will be forwarded to Mr. Delaurenti upon receipt. The pending motion carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer announced a change in date for the Legislative District Meeting previously scheduled for November 3rd. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 1965 at 6: 30 p.m. at the new Renton Inn. A letter was read from the Boeing Company requesting extension of Permit for bridge construction across the Cedar River from Boeing property to the Renton Municipal Airport. Public Notice from the Department of the Army reported application from the Boeing Company for approval of plans to allow repl.acawnt of the movable section of the existing bridge across the mouth of the Cedar River. Fixed clearances were outlined and any parties interested were invited to submit in writing by. 11-18-65:­c6mmentih regard to the proposal. A letter from City Engineer Wilson advised that the bridge replacement would only provide 3 ' of vertical clearance above high lake level and would seriously limit the size of any boat navigating the river and would in all probability prohibit the city from barging out any gravel that might be excavated from the river in maintenance operations. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the correspondence be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted copy of letter to the Commissioner of Public Lands containing the Preference Application, regarding right to purchase Shorelands of Lake Washington now available since inner harbor line relocation. City Attorney Shellan added notation on the application as follows: "This application is submitted without waiver, express or implied, on the part of the applicant to protest any or all of the appraisals heretofore made by or through the Commissioner of Public Lands of the State of Washington" . Referral was made to the letter agreement between the City and Boeing Company of August 10, 1964 according to which the Company wishes to lease some of the area in question. It was suggested that once the appraisal has been resolved, then the city purchase the lands since any acquisition by a third party might interfere with access and the city' s utilization of the rest of the property. It was pointed out that the City can purchase at a down payment of 10% with a balance over a period of nine years in equal annual installments together with interest of 6% on deferred balances and can then rent to Boeings as to leased portions on the basis of a fair return of capital acquisition costs. The appraisal is in the sum of $48, 500.00 requiring thus a down payment of $4,850.00. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the communication to the Property Committee. Carried. - -- A letter from Mayor Custer submitted file concerning property of Mrs. Joseph Dunden located along Primary State Highway 5 adjacent to Maplewood Division No. 2 which Mrs. Dunden has offered to sell to the City if it should be interested. Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Discussion disclosed that possible use might be inclusion in a four-land highway.. The motion carried. -3- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-25-65 COMMUNICATIONS : (cont. ) A letter from Mayor Custer recalled that the Council had previously authorized the Mayor to proceed in obtaining a survey of certain property within the Civic Center Site due to question of ownership. Completion of a survey by Mr. Kenneth Oyler determined that the Sartori family still holds an interest in 3380 sq. ft. of property. An appraisal of this property by Mr. Charles Mattaini determined the property value to be $1, 500.00 and the Sartori heirs now residing in San Francisco, have agreed to accept this price, declining to make a donation because they felt they should at least be reimbursed for taxes paid over the past several years. It was recommended that the Council authorize purchase of this property at the appraised price and that the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney prepare and execute the necessary documents, with funding to be from Cumulative Fund 1894. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendations of the Mayor. Carried. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, reported attendance at the Washington State Finance Officers meeting in Spokane, October 20, 21 and 22, along with City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, Deputy City Clerk, Gwen Marshall and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. The highlight as far as the City of Renton is concerned was the selection of Renton as the 1966 Convention City. Seattle and Vancouver had also issued invitations. City Treasurer Gossett was elected as a member of the Board and of further interest was a talk by Senator Martin Durkan, member of the Municipal Code Committee, regarding proposed Municipal Code which may be adopted by Cities if they so desire. The new Code would allow cities broad general powers and allow the State Legislature to devote more time to details of state government and not be concerned with the housekeeping of the cities. Copies of the bill will be mailed to City Attorneys and City Clerks for response by the cities and hearings will be conducted by the Code Committee throughout the state. A panel discussion by representatives of the Tax Commission outlined various taxable and non-taxable items and upon inquiry regarding payment by the Cities on collections made for Metro, it was pointed out that they do not consider this double taxation, however certain rules allow protest appeal to one body and later a three- mc-mbgr Board. An address by Mr. David Stevens, of Research Division of the Association of Wn. Cities, advised of proposed initiative measure whereby the Cities would share up to 10%, on per capita basis, of the retail sales tax. Cities are realizing that they are unable to continue to support local government on existing revenues and have decided to go directly to the citizens with the problem. An estimated $14. 00 per capita would be the amount realized. The support of this proposal was unanimous by both the Association of Wn. Cities and the Finance Officers and in order to confirm the backing and make known the great need for this revenue, earnest endeavor will be made to secure three times the number of required signatures. Other topics of address were Record Destruction, by the State Archivist and Accounting - State Examiners panel. Mr. Bennett, upon inquiry of additional report he might wish to make, advised of speaking with Frank Thayer of Kennewick regarding payment of tax on revenues set aside for bond redemption, which case is in Court and the outcome of which will decide further action to be pursued. The City is paying the tax and making periodical claims to the Commission for reimbursement while Kennewick is just not paying the tax on the assumption that they are right. Seattle pays the tax and files claims also. This was the advice Of our City Attorney. Mr. Bennett questioned thepanel on matter of budgetary concern relative to non-street costs where costs are in- curred by the Street Fund for other than street construction work and accounted as non-reimbursable items. Constitution provides a fund i8 not permitted to benefit by another fund, and there is no such accounting M allowod for non-reimbursable items, and a City could be written up for such practice. The fund benefitting by the work must reimburAe the ia�1'6idt p Mayor street and for an ..service rendered; Athe close , o:i r diwz Custer cmmanded t*e City clerk and- ffea�ufor A their succegifUl o�fbrt 'a L}..til �.�rl _ :.056 ('otirer.t7.O?'1 b:.c9„ Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-25-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont. ) Summary of Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting held in Seattle on Friday, October 8, 1965 was received from the Association of Washington Cities along with Road and Street Maintenance School Program, to be held at Washington State University, Pullman, on November 10-12, 1965 and at St. Martin ' s College, Olympia, November 16-18, 1965. Advance regis- tration form was attached along with list of housing accommodations available in the areas. A petition was read from residents of the area requesting installation of a street light at the corner of S.E. 112th Street and 115th Avenue S.E. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Power and Light Committee with power to act. Carried. APPOINTMENTS • A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. C. L. Day and Mr. :,an R. Huntington to three-year terms as members of the Airport Board, effective November 21, 1965 until November 6, 1968. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointments. Carried. PROCLAMATIONS - A Proclamation by Mayor Custer designated the week of November 7 through 13 , 1965 as Renton High School Alumni Week and all students and grac'uates of Renton High were urged to join in the observance of all Homecoming activities. Alumni President Dave Marbaugh and other officers of the Association were commended for outstanding efforts in the preparation of homecoming activities. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. Proclamation by the Mayor designated November 11 , 1965 as Veterans Day dedicated by the Congress of the United States of America as a legal holiday to the cause of world peace, to honor our fellow citizens who - served their Country as members of our Armed Forces and by their gallant action advanced the cause of world peace. All citizens were invited to observe this day commemorating the service of our war veterans and their sacrifice in the pursuance of peace. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dela- urenti, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : OLD BUSINESS : Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted his Committee recommendation which was read by the Clerk to renew certain Lease with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Soil Conservation with addition of approximately 240 sq. ft. of the northerly part of the Administration Building at an increase in the rental of $20.00 per month. There will be a cost of about $50.00 to install an outside door. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommenda- tion with Lease preparation under supervision of the City Attorney and Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute same. Carried. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, submitted recommendation that the attached priority list for parks land acquisition and development be adopted and forwarded to the proper agency to supplement the city' s application for 701 matching funds. Moved by ' Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations by the Capital Improvement Priority Committee. Carried. It was requested that the list, which may be amended from time to time if necessary or advisable be incorpoated into the minutes of this meeting. The Park Board has concurred in the priority list. TENTATIVE SIX-YEAR PRIORITY AND CAPITAL BUDGET PROGRAM FOR PARKS DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITION YEAR SITE CLASSIFICATION FEATURES SIZE ESTIMATED COST 1966 Lake Washington Beach Park Community Park Lake Front 22.3 acres $ 450,000.00 - Development Kennydale Playground Playground 7 acres 405000.00 - Acquisition Tiffany Park Playground Wooded Area 5 acres 4,000.00 - Acquisition 1967 Highlands Playfield and Recreation Center Playground Recreation Center 9.4 acres 88,000.00 - Development Cascade Fark Neighborhood Park 10 acres 40,000.00 - Acquisition Sierra Heights Park Neighborhood Park View 15 acres 50,000.00 - Acquisition 1968 Kiwanis Park Playground 8 .25 acres 993000.00 - Development Earlington Playground Playground 5 acres 403000.00 - Acquisition Lake Washington Beach Addition Community Park Lake Front 5-10 acres 150,000.00 - Acquisition 1969 Talbot Hill Playfield Neighborhood Park 10 acres 109,000.00 - Development Heather Down- Park Community Park View 40 acres 90,000.00 - Acquisition 1970 Hazelwood Park Neighborhood Park 10 acres 40,000.00 - Acquisition May Creek Park Major Urban Park Ravine, Stream, Wooded area 145 acres 200,000.00 - Acquisition 1971 Honeydew Park Neighborhood Park 10 acres 405000.00 - Acquisition Maple Va11ey Park (Cedar River) Major Urban Park River, View, Wooded Area 150 acres 2GC 4.00.00 - Acquisition. EXISTING AREAS TO BE DEVELOPED Cedar River Park and Fieldhouse Neighborhood Park River 18.9 acres 600,000.00 Phillip Arnold Park Neighborhood Park View 9.99 acres 975000.00 Liberty Park Neighborhood Park River, Pool 11.89 acres North Highlands Flayground & Rec Center Neighborhood Park 2.64 acres Windsor Hills Playground Playground View 4.55 acres Maplewood Playground Playground 2.2 acres -6- I r I Pg. 2 - Six Year Priority Program for Parks & Recreation 30--2"5 (Continued) AREAS TO BE ACQUIRED Carr Road Park Neighborhood Park View 10-25 acres Bryn Mawr Pla-ground Playground S acres North Kennydale Park Neighborhood Park View 10 acres South Renton Playground Playground 3-5 acres North Bryn Mawr Par:: Neighborhood Park 10-25 acres Lake Boren mark Neighborhood Park Lake Front 10 acres Sunset Highway Playground Playground 7 acres Puget Park Community Park View 40 acres Blueberry Part Community Park 40 acres Nelson Park Neighborhood Park View 10 aces 3 ring Glen Parc Neighborhood Parc 10 ac_cs Spring Glen Playground Playground 5 acres . 382 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-25-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, reported that the Committee has in hand a proposed ordinance for Cabaret licensing which had now been revised in accordance with recommendations of the City Attorney in order that it might be extensive enough to cover the matter, and the Police and License Committee has recommended referral to the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Council President Pedersen reminded the Council of the meeting Tuesday, October 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers to hear report of Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield regarding recently completed water study. Councilman Pedersen recalled referral of last week to Committee of the Whole relative to annexation of certain areas of the City by election. Owners of property on Talbot Hill have inquired whether this area might also be included and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the Talbot island area to the Committee of the Whole for consideration at the same time. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 863 through 937, previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund No. 676 - 702 $ 5,996.06 Street Fund 703 - 713 8,773.65 Arterial •Street 714 30.64 Cedar River M. & I. 715 - 717 22.86 Equipment Rental 718 - 732 847.90 Library 733 - 737 291.41 Parks 738 - 747 704.34 Water Works Utility 748 - 762 6,178.93 W. & S. Construction 763 13861.50 Airport 764 - 770 313.81 Cumulative Reserve 7711.05 _ Total 25,022.15 Councilman Schellert, Chairman announced a Ways and Means Committee meeting on Tuesday, October 26, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers to discuss funding of the 3rd fire station. Councilman Perry called attention to heating problem in the City Clerks office and requested Building Director Reisberg to investigate and report back next week. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, Vern Morris, presented a proposed ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 4-703 of Title IV (Building Regulations), and establishing a new section relating to "Manufacturing Park District" of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled t1Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, and seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2188 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from General Classification District (G) to Manufacturing Park District (M-P) which was read by the Clerk. The Planning Committee reported concurrence in the ordinance as proposed and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Committee with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2189 as read. The motion carried. (Cabreros property) The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington ordering the construction and installation of certain water mains and appurtenances thereto within or about 142nd Pl. S .E. in Renton, all in accordance with Resolution No. 1324 of the City Council of Renton; establishing L.T.D. No. 254, prcviding method of assessment in said District; providing that payment for said improvement be made by special assessment upon property in said District, payable by mode of "payment by bond", or by notes in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council; and providing for issuance and sale of Local Improvement District warrants redeemable in cash and Local Improvement bonds or notes. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. -8- 383 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 10-25-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) Ordinance creating L.I.D. 254: It was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2190 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all the members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington approving the final Plat of Conners Lake View Park #2 which was read by the --WNW City Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1335 as read. The motion carried. Mr. Rongerude inquired regarding proposed vacation of 77th Avenue South between South 153rd Street and FAI 405 (Freeway) (Also known as Lacey Cut-off) Mayor Custer de^lared the hearing open at this time and Mr. Rongerude advised that his son had petitioned for the vacation along with Mr. Warden. This roadway has been closed off by the freeway and is of no use for vehicular purpose as a result thereof, anH it was Mr. RongeruOp's understanding that an easement granted by Fred Nelsen provided for reversion to owner, his concern however, being for that portion of the roadway abutting property of the petitioners. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be continued until the next meeting of the Council. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for investigation and report back. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9: 35 p. m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk � � V D. W. Custer, Mayor The follo7zing transfers, having been approved by the Auditingnd Accounting Committee, were approved for the month of October, 1965, TO: CLANS FUND TO: PAYROLL FUPTD FROM: Current 17,573.99 FROM: Current 74,273.18 Street 23,175.67 Street 12,950.24 Arterial Streets 83.05 Cedar River PI&I 686.85 Cedar River 1,1&1 84.26 Off Street Parking 10.00 Off Street Parking u4.44 Equipment Rental 3,072.46 Equipment Rental 4,889.75 Library 51097.10 Library 2,719.23 Parks 93331.90 Library Constr. 25,001.56 Waterworks 13,575.72 Parks 11,149.06 Airport 1,136.00 Waterworks 38,819.50 1965 I-Z-S Constr. 15,044.14 Airport 2,675.89 -9- Cum. Reserve #1975 2,034.00 ,Cum. Reserve ;Y1894 1.05 I Total Claims 8143,365.59 Total Payroll 120,134.0> 384 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 1, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of -allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Dahlquist, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Marvin Sherertz, Fire Department, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director and Bob Puhich, Utility Supervisor. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 25, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10675 $ 2,000.00 Martin Healy 620 Renton Street Remodel Interior 676 2,112.00 Alfred C. Erdt 10831-112th Ave. S.E. Garage 677 440.00 Bell & Valdez 3328 Rolling Hills P1. Wire New Residence 678 575.00 Bell & Valdez 3316 Rolling Hills Pl. Wire Residence 679 300.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11415-135th Pl. S.E. Wire New Residence 10680 300.00 It it It 13332 S.E. 115th St. Wire Residence 681 300.00 " It " 13336 S .E . 115th St. Wire Residence 682 300.00 rt It rr 11415-136th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 683 300.00 " " it 11411-136th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 684 300.00 " " It 11407-136th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 10685 300.00 " " It 11420-136th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 686 300.00 " " it 11416-136th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 687 300.00 " " It 11412-136th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 688 300.00 " " It 11408-136th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 689 300.00 " " if 11404-136th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 10690 300.00 " " " 11400-136th Ave. S.E. Wire Residence 691 300.00 " " it 13430 S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 692 300.00 " " if 13426 S.E . 114th St. Wire Residence 693 300.00 " " " 13422 S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 694 300.00 " " " 13418 .S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 10695 300.00 " " " 13414 -S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 696 300.00 " " " 13410 -S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 697 300.00 " " " 13406 -S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 698 300.00 " " " 13405 S .E. 114th St. Wire Residence 699 300.00 " " " 13409 -S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 10700 300.00 " " " 13413 S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 701 300.00 " " " 13417 S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 702 300.00 " " " 13421 S.E. 114th St. Wire Residence 703 300.00 " " " 11417 -S.E. 115th St. Wire Residence 704 4,750.00 Jaek Stewart 3011 Sunset Blvd. E . Wire Restaurant 10705 50.00 Pacific N. W. Bell 1408 Bronson Way No. Wire Phone Booth 706 500.00 Greater Renton, Inc. Sunset Blvd. E. Portable Key Shop 707 450.00 A. Williver 2230-10th Pl. North Wire Electric Heat 708 10,500.00 Keith Noble 12525 Rainier Avenue Canopy to Building 709 500.00 Conner Construction 12507-86th Ave. So. Wire Residence 10710 500.00 Conner Construction 12706-86th Ave. So. Wire Residence 711 250.00 Pete D. Rosa 1020 Shattuck Street Wire Electric Heat PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7487 - - - - - Mrs. Gus Bachman 247 Park Street Plumbing Fixtures 88 - - - - - Mr. Peters 421 Windsor Way Plumbing Fixtures 89 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11419-136th Ave. S.E. Gas Installations 7490 - - - - - " " " 13332 S.E. 115th St. Gas Installations -1- .3' Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-1-65 PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS : (Cont.) NO. AHOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7491 - - - - - Whiteall Laboratories 915 Houser Way No, Plumbing-Gas Fixtures 92 - - - - - John Monaghan 815-2nd Avenue No. Gas Installations 93 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3328 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 94 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3291 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 7495 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3277 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3316 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3293 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 98 - - - - - Wm. A. Noble 410 Pelly Street Gas Installations 99 - - - - - Frank W. Purcell 7805 So. 128th St. Gas Installations 7500 - - - - - Jack Colombi 9642-106th Ave. SE Heating Equipment 501 - - - - - Renton Shopping Center Car Wash Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Proposed Vacation - 77th Avenue South between South 153rd Street and FAI 405 (Continued from 10-25-65) This being the date set, the Hearing was declared open. A letter was read from Planning Director Ericksen, reporting Planning Commission recommendation approving the Vacation as proposed. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, Council action was requested. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pedersen, that the hearing be closed. The motion carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Planning Com- mission recommendation to vacate portion of 77th Avenue South. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to amend the motion to read "except the South 15 ft. . The City Engineer inquired regarding possible retention of additional area for utility easement. Schellert moved to include additionally , a reservation for future utility easement,and upon consent of second, the amendments were recognized. Discussion ensued as to whether such future improvement was likely and it was determined that it would very likely not be feasible, the property lying adjacent to the freeway. The question was called for and the motion subsequently voted upon and with majority no being voiced,the Mayor declared the a:7cnuments lost. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to amend the original motion to allow the vacation except the Southerly 15 ft. thereof which will be retained for road purposes. The amendment carried. Vote on the original motion as amended resulted in favorable voice vote. The motion carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordirm ce Committee for the proper Ordinance. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mr. Edward J. O'Brien, Renton Inn, Inc., requested permission to use live music at said business and stated this to be formal application therefor. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson requested permission to call for bids on November 22, 1965 for the installation of a storm sewer system from May Creek to 97th Street on 116th Avenue S.E . and 116th Avenue S.E . extended North to May Creek, Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the requests of the City Engineer , Carried. A letter from the City Engineer requested authorization to call for bids on November 22nd for installation of sanitary sewer system in L.I .D. #255 (Vicinity of Longacres) Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request for bid call. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Gordon Ericksen advised that the Planning Commission, at its October 27, 1965 meeting, went on record approving the proposed site for Seattle City Light Patrol Headquarters,in Cedar River Park . Discussion ensued regarding proposal of four-laning Maple Valley Highway. Mr. Ericksen displayed a map showing the proposed area,designating 60 ft. easement for road beside the subject site. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen reported that the Seattle City Light representatives were fully aware of the possibility of future widening of the highway at the time of negotiations, a=?d 10 ft. or so redoctican will still leave ample space for their purposes. After further discussion,, the City Attorney pointed to the fact that title insurance has been prepared with property description furnished by the Engineer's Office and negotiations made according thereto and any change or suggestion to reserve for future purposes might not be well met. Mr. Shellan advised his office has referred the matter to the Planning Commission and tha, the letter should be amended to also include that the property involved is public use zoning and that their proposed use, to be submitted in writing, is in compliance with the City ordinance, confirming that it is not in violation with our present ordinance. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for rewording of the letter and forwarding to Seattle City Light per City Attorney's suggestions. Carried. -2- 86 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-1-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from Mr. Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, Assn. of Washington Cities, acknowledged receipt of City of Renton Resolution No. 1334 regarding taxes paid by Cities on moneys collected for Metro. The proposal will be presented to the executive Committee at its next meeting and the matter will be given every consideration. A letter from Mr. Phillip E. Gladfelter, of Holman, Marion, Perkins, Coie & Stone, advised of receiving Pacific Car & Foundry letter proposing slight revision to the Renton Harbor Code amendments per The Boeing Company. On behalf of the Boeing Co. the revisions were studied and agreement with the proposals was evidenced. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letter to the Police and License Committee. The motion carried. A letter from C. S. Sargent, Facilities Engineering Manager, requested, for an in- definite term, a 10 ft. easement under Logan Street for a conduit tunnel to contain electrical, communication and compressed air lines. Diagram was attached. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that this case was no different from any other utility in the street and he did not believe there was any special requirement for an easement. The pending motion carried. A letter from C. S. Sargent submitted drawing of proposed office building,addition to existing building 4-04. It was noted that the Southeast corner of the proposed building extends into Logan Street about 22' and in order to provide for utilities, security and the other requirements for the building,an easement was requested as per drawing. The City Clerk noted that the drawing stated "Proposed Vacation"on section of Logan Street which adjoins already vacated portion of the right-of-way. Subject area contains 15,530 sq. ft. of space and lies North of 8th Avenue. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for recom- mendation. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Agreement between the City and the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company to allow the Company to proceed with telephone system revision in City Hall, which changes were authorized by the City Council during budget hearings. The new system will facilitate services and may be used in the new City Hall in which event the telephone company agrees to replace and improve all equip- ment without penalty to the city if further revision should be necessary upon moving. The system will not be in operation until January 1, 1966 however the telephone company's schedule permits all necessary preparation to be made in advance to allow for future expansion of the facilities. It was pointed out that payments will not be made until 1966 as budgeted, and that the City Attorney has not yet approved the document as to form. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to authorize execution of the Agreement by the Mayor and City Clerk upon approval of the document by the City Attorney. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Phillip S. Johnson calling attention to hazardous condition existing on "P" Street as far as children of the area are concerned. The street is heavily traveled and although posted speed limit is 25 MPH he, as well as many of the neighbors have shouted at passing motorists to slow down, some vehicles traveling at least 50-55 MPH. It was suggested that concrete speed bumps might be installed to alleviate the problem. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Trimm to refer the matter to the Chief of Police. Councilman Perry advised that license numbers are being taken by the residents of the area and will be submitted to the Police Chief for follow-up. The pending motion carried. A letter from Mr. Tedford, Downtown Renton Merchants' Association, requested permission to decorate the downtown business area for the Christmas holiday season just ahead. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to grant the request under supervision of the Street Commissioner and Police Chief. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the motion be amended to include execution of the usual Hold Harmless Agreement and insurance . The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. A letter from Mr. William L. Monson submitted application to operate a TV Cable System in the Maplewood area. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Councilman Garrett inquired whether this was the firm operating the Coaxial Cable on Langston and Mr. Poli advised that it was not the same. Mr. Garrett reported that some new installations had been made in the Langston operation and inquired if permits had been issued therefor inasmuch as the new installa�ion has resulted in interference to reception of TV in those residences not subscribing and it was anticipated that this problem might also result in the new area as well. The pending motion carried. -3- X8'7 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-J-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from the Assn. for Muscular Dystrophy, per Mrs. Margaret Hemila, requested a "No-Fee Permit" for house to house march in Renton on November 13, 14 and 15th. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, that the request be granted. Carried. A letter from Housing and Home Finance Agency, Robert B. Pitts, Regional Adminis- trator, announced workshop regarding the new provisions of the Housing Act of 1965 to be held at the Olympic Hotel in Seattle on December 2, 1965 and in San Francisco, California on November 29 and 30. It was suggested that Planning Committee members and Department Heads attend as well as Council Members who were able inasmuch as certain 702 funds might provide the city with additional possibilities for aid. Mayor Custer requested to be advised as to attendance in order that appropriate reservations might be made. A Bulletin from the Assn. of Washington Cities announced the Official Schedule of District Meetings and proposed Agenda .for Host Mayors of the Legislative District Meetings. A letter from D. 0. Thomas Construction Company, Rt, 3, Enumclaw, Washington requested permission to demolish the building on the former See property adjacent to the new Renton Library site, for salvage, the remainder of the material to be piled suitably for burning by the City. It was requested that 60 days be allowed for the operation and liability insurance will be furnished along with Hold Harmless Agreement as required. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, that the request be granted. During discussion it was pointed out that other offers had charges for the clearing up to $900.00 and after inquiry regarding clean-up� and burning permit re- quirements,the offer read was deemed the most economical method of demolishing the building and clearing the property and the pending motion carried. A letter from Mr. Harold I. Mellor, 250 Rainier Avenue, requested variance for signf in advertising Car Wash which extends one foot into public property, and for portion of a fence which projects into the right of way. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry to grant the variance under provisions of the ordinance re"ulating encroachment of signs. Inquiry was made of Building Director Rei.sberg regarding the fence and the variance request for sign. Mr. Reisberg presented a letter advising that the Planning Commission, on October 27, had referred the problem of setback to the Building Director,which was for the sign. The regulating ordinance states setback need not be complied with when 60% or more of existing buildings within the block maintain less than the setback requirements,which is the case in this block. The Building Department recommended the sign be allowed with 'a 2 ft. setback. Regarding the fence,which is situated along the north property line adjoining the Hondo Co., a stop work order had been issued for building without a proper permit and inasmuch as the projection into the right of way blocks vision of vehicles going North, it was recommended that the portion extending into the right of way be removed. The pending motion carried. Purchasing Agenes request was read for authorization to call for bids on 1000 ft. of twenty-four inch, sixteen gauge galvanized, corrugated steel pipe and Forty-nine, 24-inch, connecting bands1with November 15, 1965 set as date for opening of the bids. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to grant the request. Carried. APPOINTMENT A letter from Mayor Custer requested Council consideration of appointment of Mrs. Betty Mattison to position of Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department which was withheld from a list of previous appointments because of Doctor's report suggesting an additional probationary period might be in the best interests of both the City and Mrs. Mattison. According to Civil Service Rules and applicable State Law, extension of the probationary period is not permissible. Since the work of the employee has been satisfactory and procedure has been followed in another case with like circumstances, it was recommended that Mrs. Mattison be appointed to a permanent position subject to signing of a waiver which will release the City from claims and demands arising from the respiratory ailment noted by the City Health Officer. A letter from Chief of Police Williams advised of satisfactory work and approved the permanent appointment upon execution of the Waiver. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment and recommendations of the Mayor. Carried. -4- 3SS Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-1-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: CLD BUSINESS : Council President Pedersen submitted Committee of the Whole Report which was read by the City Clerk with Council action as follows: Relative to offer of Mrs. Dunden to sell her property near Maplewood to the city, it was recommended that the offer be respectfully declined at this time as no Municipal purpose could be forseen at the present time for its use. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Recommended to take immediate action to annex the"Kennydale Island"to the City of Rentor by the election method. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to concur. Carried. Recommended to pursue annexation of the Talbot Hill island and that Mr. Mance be re- quested to circulate the necessary petition. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that the Cascade Vista annexation be referred to the Public Relations Committee to study and report back. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Recommended that fees for Cabaret Licenses be $150.00 per year and $37.50 per quarter. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur, and the motion carried. Recommended that the Cabaret Ordinance be placed on first reading at this meeting of the City Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the matter of the Kennydale area annexation be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, advised that the Committee will need additional time on the referral of funding of $30,000 for a third fire station. Granted. Possibility of purchasing on contract basis was mentioned however, Chairman Schellert stated the Committee did not consider that method when negotiating and the transaction now is by cash sale. Councilman Perry inquired whether an additional council member might be assigned to the Public Relations Committee since there are presently only two members and Mayor Custer advised that it was his intent, with the Council's permission, to assign new Committees at the first of next year. Mr. Perry was advised to select a member to serve on his committee if he needs an additional member at present. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers 938 through 1011, having been previcusly approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current #928 - 968 Street 969 - 971 $ 1,249.00 541.68 Arterial Street 972 70.86 North Renton Interchange 973 19.43 Off Parking 974 100.00 Equipment Rental 975 - 983 604.00 Parks `44 - 989 581.15 Water Works Utility 990 - 996 417.97 W. & S. Construction 997 23.34 Airport 998 27.68 Firemen's Pension 999 -1011 1,041.04 Total 4,677.93 Councilman Garrett, Chairman, announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee in the City Engineer's office on Thursday at 4:30 p.m. Councilman Delaurenti reported receiving phone calls from residents in North Renton bhit Boeing personnel parks vehicles in front of the homes and sometimes in the driveway and it was suggested that something be done to give the people some relief. Penalty to the residents was discussed relative to posting 2-hr. parking limits along with parking lot use reservations on certain Boeing lots. Some relief is to be expected with completion of the lot between Logan and Railroad Avenue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee, Traffic Engineer and City Eng ;i*=: ; a'.led, _,r- ``'89 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-1-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) Councilman Pali inquired regarding excavation at Cemetery Road gravel pit and it was pointed out that a portion .of this pit lies in the County but that there is quite a canyon developing at present. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Public Relations Committee. Carried. Inquiry from the Shell Oil Company was suggested to be referred to Committee of the Whole upon motion by Morris and second by Bruce, however it was determined that the survey was to be made on individual questionnaire basis and the motion was withdrawn with consent of second. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed. Ordinance of the City ordering construction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto on South 153rd Street in accordance with Resolution No. 1329 of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington; establishing Local Improvement District No. 255, providing the method of assessment in said district, pro- viding. that payment for said improvement be made by special assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds", or notes in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council; and providing for the issuance and sale of Local Im- provement District warrants redeemable in cash and Local Improvement District bonds or notes. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final -eading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2191 as read. Poll call vote resulted in all aye votes and the motion carrie d. Chairman Morris presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of. Renton and recommended first reading as had the Committee of the Whole previously in the meeting. The Cabaret License Ordinance was read by the Clerk and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the document be returned to the Law and Ordinance Committee for one week. Carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Resolution authorizing the Clerk and Treasurer to make the following fund transfers: From: Acct. 7120/609, Reserve for Future Water Improvements, $7,500.00, Unto: Acct. 7120/606, Machinery and Equipment, $7,500.00; and From: 7120/609, Reserve for Future Improvements, $1,000.00, Unto: 7120/607, Analysis and Survey, $1,000.00 all within the Waterworks Maintenance Fund, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1336 as read. The motion carried. Mayor Custer requested Councilman Delaurenti and Police Chief Williams to meet with him for a brief period following this meeting. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Moriis, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 p.m. There were 1% visitors in the Council Chambers. D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie Wti Nelson, City Clerk Secretary Nelson stated that the Firemen's Pension Board had agreed to finance L.I.D. 253 at an interest rate of 4.75%. This L.I.D. was dropped and esse nt��iIy, the same av',kA .N(F�'�_�q �lome.what' M size, is now covered by LJ .D. `1.55. 7'hi� Boil:-, ,had agreed��:fiat the action 6 hen on L.I .D. 253 would apply to L.I.D. 255 but official confirmation was requested for the record. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle to concur and approve financing of L.I.D. 255 at 4.75% interest. Carried. 6- 390 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 8, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer at 8:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry, and Poli. Delaurenti arrived during the meeting at which time Garrett took leave for business purposes. Bruce and Morris were in attendance but left the meeting due to illness, having attended to insure a quorum. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of November 1, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10712 $ 12,000.00 Robert Shane 836 "K" Street New Residence 713 1.00 Alex Harding 10221 S.E. 95th St. Demolish House 714 13,800.00 Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13418 S.E. 114th St. New Residence 715 15,250.00 " it it 13422 S.E . 114th St. New Residence 716 16,000.00 " IT It 13413 S.E. 114th St. New Residence 717 16,000.00 " it It 13406 S.E . 114th St. New Residence 718 15,250.00 " it IT 13414 S.E . 114th St. New Residence 719 15,200.00 " " it 13410 S.E. 114th St. New Residence 10720 15,200.00 " It It 13405 S.E . 114th St. New Residence 721 15,250.00 " " If 13409 S.E. 114th St. New Residence 722 15,200.00 " IT IT 13417 S.E. 114th St. New Residence 723 4,800.00 Schultz Apt.s. 539 Pelly Street Wire Apartment 724 340.00 Rose Gigli 725 Renton Street Rewire Range & Heater 10725 50.00 Peter Kiewit Co. Logan St. & 6th Ave. Temp. Elec. Service 726 20.00 M. Moore 641 "D" Street Carport & Add to Res. 727 1.00 Mary A. Hoyos 3806-6th Ave. No. Shelter 728 13.00 Lloyd Peterson 11023-115th S. E . Wire Residence 729 2,000.00 John Thorp (Hickocks) 2834-11th Pl. North Storage Addition 10730 4,000.00 Kazmarek Rainier & Tobin St. Retaining Wall 731 100.00 Robert E. Hann 81 Tobin Street Sign 732 14,000.00 Renton Village Grady Way Wire Office Area PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7502 - - - - - Herve Belisle 11009 S.E. 108th St. Plumbing Fixtures 03 - - - - - Jack Stewart 2011 Sunset Blvd. Heating Equipment 04 - - - - - Renton Village, Inc. Grady Way Climate Control 7505 - - - - - Conner Construction 12505-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3293 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 07 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3291 Court "D" Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3277 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 09 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3328 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 7510 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3316 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 11 - - - - - Reeves Const. Co. 10842-110th Pl. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 12 - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11022-115th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 13 - - - - - The Boeing Company 8th Avenue & Logan Plumbing Fixtures 14 - - - - - Robert Bowron 1367 "J" Street Gas Installations 7515 - - - - - Mrs. T. Gustine 2482 Garden Street Gas Installations 16 - - - - - Robert Wixom 454 "E" Street Plumbing Fixtures 17 - - - - - Greater Renton Shopping Center 2828-11th No. Plumbing Fixtures 18 - - - - - Conner Construction 12507-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - - - Conner Construction 12505-86th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 7520 - - - - - Renton Village Co. Block "B" Heating Equipment -1- 391 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-8-65 OPENING OF BIDS: Water Mains - L.I.D. 254 - Cedar River Home Sites - S.E. 142nd P1. This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read: CONTRACTOR AND ADDRESS BASIC BID TAX TOTAL BID W. C. Frost (Cash Deposit-$350.00) $ 6,173.05 $ 259.27 $ 6,432.32 820 "M" Place Renton, Washington Phil Gesner (Bid Bond) 5,663.40 237.86 5,901.26 11025 - 142nd Ave. S.E. Renton, Washington L.D.L. Land Development Co. (Bid Bond) 7,255.00 304.71 7,559.71 Marine Hills 1452 Maltby Road Federal Way, Wn. 98003 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, that the Bids be referred to the Fire and Water Committee and the City Engineer for recommendation. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from S. J. Black, Deputy Dist. Engineer, Dept. of the Army, gave Public Notice No. P-65-144 (Amended) regarding Bridge across Cedar River at Renton per application of The Boeing Company. Correspondence to reach Corpos of Engineers office at 1519 Alaskan Way South, Seattle, not later than November 18, 1965. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the .Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from The Boeing Company was read amending their request of last week for an easement and requesting instead a permit pending preparation of application for vacation of portion of Logan Street,to allow construction of addition to the office building on the North end of Logan,since time is of the essence and Vacation taking some time to process. The matter had been submitted to the Street and Alley Committee for recor:- �„ mendation and Chairman of the Committee Garrett submitted report which was read and recommended granting of a Revocable Permit with Hold Harmless Agreement. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer advised that although City Employees had worked a full day on November 2, the date had been proclaimed a holiday by the Governor for voting purposes and the Attorney General had ruled, based upon 1963 State Law, that elections for schools and other taxing districts are general elections and therefore the day of the election is a legal holiday. In lieu of overtime pay which is now due most regular city employees, for which the City has not budgeted, it was suggested that the day following Thanksgiving be given as a City holiday to compensate employees for having worked on November 2nd. It was further suggested that the employees be released from working November 11, Veterans' Day in recognition of the importance of this legal holiday as a national tribute to those men and women who have served in our Nation's Armed Forces during war time. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Mayors suggestions. Carried. A letter from Mr. Dominick Delloso requested repair of Mill Street between 4th and 6th Avenues having received numerous complaints from his tenants in the Chalet Apartments. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. A letter from C.S . Williams, Chief of Police reported regarding "P" Street traffic hazard from speeding vehicles per Phillip S. Johnson letter of 11-1-65, that an officer had been assigned to check the street in a plain radar car and was in the area from 11: 50 a.m. until 12:56 p.m. during which time 20 vehicles passed through the radar beam, none of which was driving in excess of 26 mph. On November 3rd the area was again covered and Mr. Johnson was invited to sit in the radar car and commented that the cars seemed to be going much faster than they were the meter reading evidencing that all were going bel;:,,,, the speed limit. Mr. Johnson stated the problem to be the fact that the 25 mile .pr. hr. speed limit was too high in this area and should be reduced to 15 or 20 mph limit. The street will be observed further and the speeding curbed upon evidence thereof. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that this- report be forwards -1 to Mr. Johnson. The motion carried. -2- 392 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-8-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Mrs. Donald Hamblin, President, League of Women Voters of Renton, c--tended invitation to the Mayor and Council to attend an organizational meeting for 3 library auxiliary at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 10, in the Chamber of Commerce building. It was hoped that the wives will become active members of the auxiliary vhich purpose will be to encourage community participation in library functions making the new library a center of community activity. A letter from Mrs. Fred Hanis, President, Renton Public 'Library Esu--d of Trustees, recalled the need for approximately $8,000.00 additional funds tc furnist► the new library which increase has been made necessary due to expenditure of $7,760.00 more than was planned for the footings for the new building. The furniture list has now been prepared and authorization was requested to call for bids on the time payment plan which the City Attorney has advised may now be used by municipalities. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that permission for the bid call be granted: Carried. A letter from Planning Director Gordon Ericksen requested authorization for himself and James Magstadt to attend the Pacific Northwest Chapter American Institute of Planners in Salem, Oregon on November 12 and 13. The conference theme is "Urban Design and Beautification", which it was felt would be of value to -the Planning Department Staff. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Dahlquist, that authorization be granted as requested. The motion carried. A letter from Mr. Leo B. Maas, on behalf of the Talbot Hill Athletic Association,, requested permission for a No-Fee Permit for Little League Members to sell candy in Renton throughout the holiday season to raise funds to support the Little League Athletic teams. The funds from the project will be used to purchase uniforms and equip- ment. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to ,oncur in the request. Carried. A letter from the Boy Scouts of American, Charles Alexander, Chairman, Green River Dist., requested the use of Cedar River Park and Liberty Park in Renton fur the annual Funforarll to be held on Mayo 20, 21 and 22, 1966. Approximately 1000 Boy Scouts would be camping in Cedar River Park and approximately 2000 Cub Scouts will be displaying theme craft and program ideas in about 35 booths. In addition, 10,000 spectators are expected to attend The parks will be left in the same condition as found. idoved by Perry,, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole, the Park Department and the Park Board. Carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and reccm.mcnd?d for payment final estimate of cost due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield on the City Water study and system survey. Amount due this date is $3,688.08. The total cost of the survey is $9,118.92, approximately $2,000.00 less than estimated. $1,367.84 has been retained and should be paid after 30 days if no liens or claims have bcen filed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the reccmmendatiens of the City Engineer, with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer recommended that purchase of the follovi-ing two parcels of property in the Civic Center Site be authorized at prices indicated: L. James Martin et al (Thomas Nursing Home) property at 2nd and Mill Street in amount of $18,200.00, the cost estimated by the City Attorney to cover the acquisition and incidental expense agreed to in the settlement. Also, Property of the Sartori E tate in sum of $1,472.61 which is the appraisal price less cost of title insurance and revenue stamps paid by the seller. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to take proper action, along with any others required, to consumate the purchases. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing of October 27, 1965 which was read with Council action taken as follows: Rezone: George Reinbold, Appl. No. R-253-65 from G-6000 to L-1 - Approval recom- mended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur with refer:^al to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Variances: Edward Biggins, Appl. No. V-256-65 - For apartments on Lot 11, Block 6, Renton Highlands. (G P1. and 9th Ave. N.) 6 Units-2 Bedrocm apts. Approval was recom- mended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pedersen, to concur. Carried. Standard Oil Company Appl. No. V-261-65 request for sign on property on S.E. 128th Street at 132nd Avenue S.E. extending to property line for visibility purposes. Approval was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to ccncur. Carried. Harold Mellor request for sign on Rainier Avenue and 3rd Aver- ze had been referred to the Building Director and subsequently to the Council on '.:nere the roquest was granted under sign encroachment ordinance provisions. -3- 393 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-8-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations: Variance: Myers Oil Co., Appl. No. V-262-65 for 20 ft. setback in building frame for canopy - approval recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur. The motion carried. Conditional Permit: Tina Chapman, Appl. No. P-26-65 for parking lot on Burnett Street between 4th and 5th Avenues, Lot 20, Blk. 15, Renton Farm Plat No. 4. Approval _ .recommended. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Planning Commiss?.on recommendation. Carried. �.. A letter from P. J. McKay, District Engineer, State Highway Commission, Seattle, acknowledged receipt of Kennydale P.T.A. letter supporting the proposal to construct a walkway between the North Renton Interchange and Sunset Highway. It was pointed out that the financial responsibility for such construction needs to be determined at which time the crossing can be added during second stage construction, and efforts will be continued to obtain a satisfactory solution of cost distribution as well as the most feasible location for the pedestrian facility. A copy of the letter was sent to the PTA. A recommendation was read from Building Director Reisberg to grant a Revocable Permit for a sign over existing marquee at at Moscatel's furniture, 920-3rd Avenue per the sign encroachment ordinance. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. A letter was read from King County Assessor's office, Harold D. Tscheu, Deputy, gave notice that the King County Board of Equalization will reconvene on November 16th at 9:30 a.m, in the Assessor's office and there will be two valuation changes of property in Renton. It was reported that copies of the letter had been sent to the Council Members serving as Board of Equalization representatives. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS : Councilman Hulse advised that the Planning Committee had been referred the matter of Hearing dates to be set for the Community Facilities portion of the 701 Comprehensive Plan and although the Chairman was not present to report, the motion was made to set Now November 22, 1965 as the date for the Hearing. The motion was seconded by Garrett and carried. Councilman Schellert submitted Ways and Means Committee report which was read, recom- mending that the $30000.00 needed to purchase the training and future fire station site #3 be borrowed from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund at 412% interest, to be repaid no later than December 31, 1967. Also, that any money derived from the sale of surplus property be applied against this loan. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Moved by Pedersen, , seconded by Dahlquist, after considerable discussion onthe :sequence of procedure, that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A Police and License Committee report was submitted by Councilman Poli recommending that Permit be granted and proper forms be completed with serviced area outlined, to allow operation of TV Cable System in the Maplewood Area by Wm. L. Monson. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS : Councilman Pedersen, President of the Council, requested a meeting of the Committee of The Whole on Wednesday, November 10, at 7:30 p.m. with absent Councilmen to be so notified. Councilman Hulse requested a meeting of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee at 7:30 p.m.. on Tuesday, November 9th in the Mayor's office to discuss the park development program. Mayor Custer advised of the Traffic Advisory Committee meeting also on 'Tuesday, In the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Hulse inquired as to date of resubmission to the electorate of the School issues and proposed that the Kennydale Island annexation proposition be submitted that date also which was reported to be January 18. Discussion ensued relative to whether the County Commissioners would be able to make this possible and matters of passing the Resolution (to be presented next week) declaring intent to annex and arrangment with the Review Board to be made for tht hearings., " Mayor Custer .advised he would have letters . prepared-. . Tt was suggested the City Clerk write Mr. Logan and auvisehim that the Council if a'.- all Possible ; c<,', uId like. to have this on the January ballot, :.394 Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS (cont.) Councilman Schellert advised that the Ways and Means Committee had been contacted by Foster and Marshall requesting the Council to allow them to present a program regarding t benefits possible through bond refunding which it was felt should be a consideration of the City at this time with bond market and treasury issue being favorable. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. 'd Councilman Garrett reported that the matter of easement to Boeing for conduit tunnel under Logan Street had been referred to the Street and Alley Committee with power to act and permit has now been authorized for City Engineer and people having jurisdiction, to proceed. Also referred to the Committee was the parking situation in North Renton and all of the area has been now restricted and enforcement accelerated to a degree in an effort to alleviate the problems. Councilman Poli called attention to a power line along Langston Road that seems to be abandoned and inquired regarding removal of same. Mayor Custer pointed out that this is the line for which Seattle City Light was requesting a franchise and that there is another at Powell and Rainier. Mayor Custer advised he would contact the company and report back on the matter. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Perry, member of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington vacating a portion of 77th Avenue, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to place the proposed _ Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli,, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2192 as read. Roll call vote was taken and all seven Council Members present voted aye carrying the motion. The proposed Cabaret Ordinance was presented at this time and it was recommended that the document,which was introduced for reading at the last council meeting, be placed on second and final reading. Moved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. After the reading, Schellert advised that he was opposed to the proposed ordinance as he felt it would allow Go-Go girls in every tavern in town. Delaurenti expressed hiis opinion that the fee was too low but that he would go along with wishes of majority of the committee. Perry objected to the $37.50 quarterly fee as he felt the $150.00 should be imposed whether or not operations had begun in January. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to table the matter until the full Council was in attendance. Carried. Audience comment was invited and since there was none it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. There were 25 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk //D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 16, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer at 8 :00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Hulse, Schellert, Bruce, Dahlquist, Trimm, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris . Moved by Schellert, - seconded by Bruce, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, James Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic'TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10733 $ 602 . 00 Bell & Valdez 3291 Court "B" Wire Residence 734 602 .00 " " 3277 Rolling Hills Wire Residence 735 1, 700. 00 Robertson 2507 - 9th Ave. N. New Foundation 736 15, 543.00 Bell & Valdez 3336 Rolling Hills New Residence 737 17 ,000.00 it it It 3333 Rolling Hills New Residence 738 10,000. 00 Leber Ink Company 17200 W. Valley Hwy. Remodel 739 150. 00 Charles Jennings 12403 S. E. 142nd P. Wire Res . 10740 200.00 Harold Mellor 250 Rainier Avenue Fence 741 70.00 Ray H. Ball 3505 - 12th Ave. No . Fence 742 150. 00 Harold Mellor 250 Rainier Avenue Sign - 743 150. 00 C. F. Johnson 742 High Street Carport 744 50. 00 Arthur Wood 234-6 Williams St. Tool Shed 10745 2,820. 00 Greater Renton, Inc. llth Pl. No . Block Storage 746 16,000. 00 Reeves Const. Co . 13055 S. E. 115th Pl. New Res . 747 125.00 Albert Caniedo 1162 Talbot Rd. New Elec . Serv. 748 1,550. 00 Joseph H. Cole 1101 "H' Street Add to Res . PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS : 7521 - - - - - - James Ronan 2105-9th Ave. No. Gas Installation 22 - - - - - - Don R. Sybil 726 'TO" Street Gas Installation 23 - - - -- - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11420-136th S. E. Plumbing 24 - - - - - - if if 11416-136th S. E. Plumbing 7525 - - - - - - IT if 13421 S. E. 114th Plumbing 26 - - - - - - " " " 11407-136th Ave. Plumbing 27 - - - - - - " 11411-136th S. E. Plumbing 28 - - - - - - 11415-136th S. E. Plumbing 29 - - - - - - " " 13426 S. E. 114th Plumbing 7530 - - - - - - " 13430 S.E. 114th Plumbing 31 - - - - - - 11400-136th S. E. Plumbing 32 - - - - - - " 11404-136th S. E. Plumbing -. 33 - - - - - - " It IT " 11408-136th S.E. Plumbing 34 - - - - - - " it " 11412-136th S. E. Plumbing 7535 - - - - - - 11412-136th S. E. Plumbing 36 - - - - - - 11408-136th S. E. Plumbing 37 - - - - - - " IT '' It 11404-136th S.E. Plumbing 38 - - - - - - '" if it If 11400-136th Ave. Plumbing 39 - - - - - - " IT it it 13430 S. E. 114th Plumbing 7540 - - - - - - 13422 S. E. 114th Plumbing -1- 1'o_ton City Council Meeting (cont. ) 11-15--65 _F •'.JT �1�i1v c_ HEATING PERMITS TiO !',MOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF ORI: 75•' 1 $ •- - - - IIilltop Sand & Gravel 11411-136th S. E. Plumbing %r2 u - - '° 11407-136th S.E. Plumbing 43 - 19 13417 S. E. 114th Plumbing 13413 S. E. 114th Plumbing 7545 - - - - 13407 S. E. 114th Plumbing 4.6 - -• - - °' '° 11415-135t.h S. E. Plumbing 47 - - - `" Grady Way Plumbing 48 - - `° Renton Shopping Center-Plumbing 49 - - - - °' .iim Phelan Gas Installation` 1°°11oved by pede sen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous racrting of November 8, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Cu.. tcr inquired as to how many would be attending the Legislative District- meeting on Tuesday, November 16th at 6: 30 p.m. at the Renton I--in. Sita Couneii Msmb2rs signified intent to attend. OPS IT'`3 017 riDS: 1000 ft. 16 gauge galvanized pipe and connecting bands `1?3 De3_ns -he date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the C•lcr:•_: BIRD ER' AND ADD1ZESS BASIC BID TAX TOTAL Producz:r, Div'n. $2,880.00 $126 . 89 $3, 1430 . 01 Armco Steel. Corp. 141. 12 Bands y" St . - Seattle tI^rri,-;or IIyd?_auli^ `Uppl:S' Mfg. Co. 2,810.00 123, 80 3,071.4` 750^ - 8�:tr Ave. So. 137 . 69 Bands Seattlos v!i_. iC� _SCJ �-- us l titre & Tanlc Corp. 3, 100. 00 !•"J05Ear s , h T-A r.-la(I 74.40 Bands 133. 33 3, 307 . 71T, Ore;ou 97203 Required bid bonds accompanied all bids . ,. '.y De1=niLenti, seconded by Schelleit, to refer the bids to t :.e Fire an:' Water Ca:Mmittee and CityEngineer with power to act. Carried. I"a,-or Custer requested that the correspondence regarding advance refund _ng o_" ti:•. ,duly 1, 1959 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Issue be read at this t_irn:-:. Vi-- letter and Program Schedule was from Foster & Marshall, Inc. Fina cial Consultants for the City and recalled discussion of last suni- er at =-_rich time they said they would advise of the best time for unde :�nhir— a ­ --funding program. Since at the present a very favorable rel,tics,hi- e_,rists between the municipal bond market and the treasu_y bo-f.(i marl'-.et, a :sizeable saving can now be realized and prompt consideration wcvs now LI--L-gee.. i:a implement the procedure which will save the City •$54,245 . Cor-nc.ilm:aro _'ndersen reported that the Committee of the Whole had discussed this i'antte-�- last Wednesday and alth ugh only six members were present .�_t T--�^ rcconLr.end,-_,.1 that the proposal be accepted and the Mayor and City C J.erl: be to execute the necessary documents. Moved' by ).orris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Reconyiaendattpn of the Com-r=._ttec- of the Whole. Carried. <<":o��ed L � Pedersen_, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the i�aT,7 and O--dl_ once Committee for proper bond Ordinance. Carried. Ma,,,,-..- Custer thanked Mr . Morken, Foster & Marshall representative, and tiZaiik-- him for being present for discussion of the refunding program. -2- Renton City Council Meeting (Cont . ) 11-15-65 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read in protest of "Go Go Girls" in Renton which was one of 13 received expressing desire for legislation clearly defining the law and providing regulatory control of the issue. Six of the letters were from residents of the city and the others were from interested residents of the nearby communities . It was suggested that these letters be answered and attention called to legislation to be enacted upon later this evening under Ordinances and Resolutions. A letter was read from Governor Evans in reply to Resolution and letter received from the City protesting payment of taxes on sewage charges collected by the City for Metro. The Governor submitted memorandum from Mr. George Kinnear, Chairman, Tax Commission, and advised it would appear that under the law as it is now written the essential legal question is whether the City is or is not acting as an agent of Metro. The Governor requested that further communications and information regarding this problem be forwarded to him and that the City contact Mr. Kinnear relative to study of possible and desirable changes in the tax law. Mr. Kinnear' s Memorandum concurred in conclusions previously reached by the Tax Commission that if the City were an agent of Metro or can now amend its contract so as to become an agent, it could then establish a tax exempt position. Also, it was suggested a way might possibly be found to draft an amendment without endangering the constitutionality of the law and Mr. Kinnear offered the City every assistance in this respect and will confer at any time upon all aspects of the problem. A letter from Mr. Floyd Charles , Supervisor, Office Audit Section of the Tax Commission, acknowledged receipt of Claim from the City of Renton for refund of $4, 713. 28 covering calendar period of July 1, 1963 through July 31, 1965 , an extension of original Claim of August 1, 1963, which in the Commission opinion, was not allowed. The Claim will be filed as proof for statutory purpses and it was recommended that the City continue -- to report and pay tax on the income as in the past . It was moved by Pedersen, seconded by . Poli, , that this matter be referred to the City Attorney to continue with the action. Carried. A letter from John M. Nelson, Sup' t. of Lighting, City of Seattle, Dept. of Lighting, advised that since receiving assurance that Renton zoning requirements are adequate for construction of new Patrol Headquarters on property in Cedar River Park, they are about to recommend the sale of their present site to Renton and purchase from Renton the substitute location. Values to be represented are appraised sums of $75,000 for the existing site and Seattle' s appraisal of $22 ,500 for the Cedar River Park site. Upon receiving commitment to this agreement the transactions will proceed and inasmuch as considerable time will be involved in the preparation of the land and construction of facilities at the Cedar River Park site� it was requested that the City advise of the length of time the present site may be temporarily occupied. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Morris , that the communication be referred to the City Attorney who has been handling the matter heretofore. The motion carried. ,® A letter from W. E. Bennett, Renton Utility Accountant, called attention to expending of balance of Street Cleaning Budget Appropriation as of October 1965 which means that approximately $3,600. 00 will need to be carried as an account receivable on Equipment Rental Fund books as of December 31 , 1965 . Also, the Police Department account will not have adequate funds to cover equipment rental costs in December. It is estimated that the unpaid balance due from various funds will be from $22,000. 00 to $25 ,000. 00 by December 31st which will include $18,306. 29 due from 1964. Also, the Street Cost A-counting Program will be affected being -.perated on cash basis, therefore,if equipment is not paid for it is not shown as item of cost making balance impossible. A meeting was -3- 398 Renton City Council Meeting 11-15-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont. ) (W. E. Bennett letter re Equip . Rental) requested to discuss the problems . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole . Carried. A letter was read from Mr. C. S. Sargent, Mgr. , FacilitiesFngineering, Boeing , petitioning for the Vacation of portion of Logan Street North which lies north of the westerly projection of 8th Avenue. Inquiry was made regarding whether or not the letter constitutes a valid petition and City Attorney Shellan advised that if Mr. Sargent is an authorized agent of 2/3 property owners of lands abutting the area as shown on the map which is to be vacated, then it could be valid. Dis- cussion ensued further in which inquiry was made as to whether future use of Logan Street might be anticipated to connect with the North Renton Interchange . City Engineer Wilson advised he could not anticipate or predict future changes which might affect any present decision but that he had not given up hope as to feasibility of such a connection. Hulse inquired as to whether a trade of property might be advisable to allow such a future connection and realignment of facilities. Discussion continued and it was pointed out by the City Attorney that a Hearing would be required upon any valid petition for vacation and after further comments on whether the vacation should be considered during or prior to the hearing, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee, Planning Commission and City Engineer for recommendations and validation investigation of the petition. Carried. A letter from C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, requested authorization for Captain E. E. Henry to attend the Regional Traffic Control Device Workshop in Portland, Oregon on November 29 and 30, 1965 . Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request. The motion carried. A letter signed by W. E. Bennett, Employees ' Club Representative, D. C. Bennett, Engineering Representative and A. J. Hubner, Police Representa- tive, requested approval for payroll deductions of Northern Life Insurance Company premiums. The Employee Consultation Service, is a voluntary program an d premiums would be paid by the employee if addi- tional insurance is purchased. The employees have designated a desire to take advantage of the program and if payroll deductions are approved warrant would subsequently have to be issued to the Insurance Company by the City Clerk' s office, upon deduction of the premiums . Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted. The motion carried. This was not to be an exclusive arrangement but is a completely voluntary service requested by the employees . A letter from Mayor Custer reported that the Council had allowed a $500 item under Civil Service 1966 Budget for "physical examinations" and in preliminary budget discussion of September 21, the Council had determined that the $500 was to provide examinations for the Police Department and that the cost of physical examinations for Firemen was to be paid for by the Firemen' s Pension Fund, evidently intended that the Firemen' s Pension Fund Board make this money available to the budget. The Pension Board discussed the matter and requested a legal opinion. The City Attorney on November 10, 1965 replied concluding "that it may be of Now doubtful legal practice to spend funds of the Pension Fund for annual examinations when they are not related whatever to any injury or dis- ability sustained by the Firemen. Mayor Custer inquired whether the Council desires to provide additional $500 to cover Firemen' s exams or to forego all physical examinations required by the Civil Service Rules and use the $500.00 now budgeted for other purposes . Decision of the Council was requested in order that administration course of action might be commenced without discriminatory inference. Moved by Morris , seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Renton City Council Meeting 11-15-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont. ) A letter from Mayor Custer called attention to list of recommendations. which he had presented on March 9th concerning the Civic Center complex and implementation of the 701 Plan. The Council approved the recom- mendations but declined to specifically concur with suggestion that the City should select an architect" . . . and Mayor Custer pointed cut that this should be done concurrently with the other recommended actions because of delays inherent in process of study and design. Attention was further called to discussions of the subject and requeststhat the Mayor study Federal programs which may be applicable and available to ,- the City for Civic Center and City Hall construction purposes, and prepare checklist so that Council members might evaluate existing City Hall facilities in nearby cities and questionaire so they might collectively determine needs to be met in a new City Hall. All of these requests have been fulfilled in some degree and in the course of study made necessary by these requests, it became increasing apparent that the Council should reconsider the possibility of hiring an architectural firm, and it was suggested that the various firms which have requested consideration be given interviews at an early date. Several possible Federal Aid programs appear to be available, the most promising in the 702 Funds , Public Facility Loan And Planning Grant Programs , the Open Space and Beautification Program and Civil Defense Fall-out Shelter Funds . The City should make decisions to apply for funds, designating who is to be responsible for the application. An urgency is required so early action was recommended. It was suggested that the architect retained be given the responsibility to obtain, with the City' s aid, the Federal grants which may be available. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, to refer the communication to the Property Committee. Carried. Application of the L. & L. Dairy Bar requested license to operate a Coin operated phonograph to be granted Farwest Amusement Company. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A Notice advised of 3rd Annual Public Reporting Contest and set forth standards for judging. This is sponsored by the Association of Wn. Cities. Entry deadline is April 30, 1966 with winners to be announced at the 1966 Convention in Yakima May 11-13. The Deputy Clerk announced receipt of publication reporting Recreation Facilities , Estimated Use and Recreation Charges - Cities and Counties of Oregon and Washington, to be on file in the City Clerk' s Office. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 4 for work performed through November 15 by S. & T. Construction Company on the 3rd Avenue North Extension Project Arterial Street Fund No . 3220, Acct. 605 , A. S.P. #3, $68, 100. 38. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Certificate No . 4 submitted by Alton V. Phillips Company on Library Construction Project reported work completed through October 31, 1965 .�.. in amount of $59,573. 28 . Payment was recommended by Architects and approved by the Library Board. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert , to approve this payment. Carried. Letter from Building Director Reisberg recommended granting of a Revocable Permit for construction of three signs at the Crown Mens Shop at 900 - 3rd Avenue. Two signs , 1 x 6 under existing marquee, one on Wells and one on 3rd Ave. with 8 ft. clearance to sidewalk and one 6 x 8 projecting from corner of structure on 3rd Ave. to Wells Street six feet. This sign to be erected over marquee with 14 ft. clearance over sidewalk. Moved by Schellert; seconded by Dah7_qu4st, to concur. Carried. -5- 400 Renton City Council Meeting 11-15-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont. ) A letter from Mr. R. E. Barnes , Manager , Dial Finance Company, appealed decision of the Building Director regarding denial of permit for sign as requested, to project 5 ft. beyond property line at 607 - 3rd Avenue. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to set next Monday, November 22 , 1965 as date for hearing on the matter. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Dayle E. Garrison, 147 Capri, petitioning for annexation of certain lands to the City of Renton on South side of S. E. 116tr nearl36th Ave. S. E. adjacent to the City Limits. .... Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity of the Petition. Carried. A letter from Mr. and Mrs . Kingen requested permission to have live music at Kingens , 423 Airport Way. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS : President of the Council Pedersen submitted Committee report which was read J-%ith !'ouncil actions taken as follows : With regard to refunding of bonds per letter from Foster and Marshall, as referred last week, the committee recommended acceptance of the proposal and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign as may be required. This item was acted upon earlier in the meeting. Boeing had requested extension of Permit on temporary bridge across Cedar River and had subsequently applied for Permit to build a permanent bridge. The Committee recommended extension of Permit for the temporary structure but it was felt denial of the permanent construction would be in the best interest of the City and was recommended. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommenda- tions . Carried. The City Clerk was requested to notify the Corps of Army Engineers in time for the hearing on November 18th. The request for use of the Cedar River and Liberty Parks by the Boy Scouts for their annual Funforall will be held in committee until recommendation of the Park Board has been received. Councilman Hulse requested that Department Heads submit revisions to the Capital Improvement Priority list this week. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, reported that the Committee and the City Engineer had considered the bids received on L. I. D. 254. Committee report was read and it was recommended that the low bid of General Pipeline Construction, Phil Gesner, Contractor, be accepted in sum of $5 ,901 . 26, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Contract upon approval of the City Attorney. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Fire and Water Committee recommendations . Carried. NEW BUSINESS : Councilman Pedersen requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, November 23rd at 7 : 30 p.m. Matters to be discussed will include Consultant' s report on Sanitary Sewer Survey along Lake Washington; Library Board to talk about disposition of the old library; Utility Accountant - Equipment Rental Program; Firemen' s Pension-referral regarding physicals, per Mayor' s letter. -6- 401 Renton City Council Meeting 11-1 -65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: (Cont. ) Councilman Bruce reported that he has received complaints from persons walking to Boeing from the North Renton areas and it seems that the water standing presents problems when the cars passing by splash it all over the pedestrian. Inquiry was made regarding whether there are storm sewers on Park Street from 5th to 8th Avenue. City Engineer Wilson advised that storm sewers are located at 6th and drains were installed from Garden cutting across parking lots tt, 7th and 8th. It was pointed out that bid call of recent date resulted in all bids being rejected as being too high. Other ..areas which would have been included in this project are also confronted with the water situation. Bids will be let again in the near future. The streets being quiteflat prevent the run-off if great amounts of water are accumulated. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers No. 1092 through 1177 , having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment with exception of No. 1154 which was approved by Mr. Delaurenti' s previous motion. Carried. Fund breakdown follows : Current 1092 - 1115 $ 2, 340. 67 Street 1116 - 1121 2, 134.60 Arterial Street 1122 68, 100. 38 Cedar River M. & I. 1123 - 1125 22. 86 Equipment. Rental 1126 - 1134 433. 50 Library: 1135 - 1153 2 , 127 . 70 Library Construction 1154 59,573. 28 Parks 1155 1165 1, 352.25 - Water Works Utility 1166 -it1172 3,717:69 Airport ' 1173 1176 52. 21 Cumulative Reserv6`4189 + 1177 - 1 ,472 . 56 Total $141,327. 70 inion request from workm�h' at Pacific Car and Foundry u*v go to work in the dark and return home in the dark, Councilman Morris moved that a lighted- Crosswalk at Garden street be given consideration with referral of the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that 'the Cabaret License Ordinance be' taken from the table at this time. Carried. Moved by Morris, second'e'd by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance, No. 2193, introduced bn 11-1-65 and placed on final reading on 11-8-65 , be adopted as ' read. Councilman Delaurenti opposed the fees and moved that the motion be amended to change the fees to $300. 00 annually and $75. 00 per quarter in lieix 'of, the $150.00 annual and $37 . 50 quarterly fee proposed in the Ordinance, with 500 distance instead of 300 from playground, park or school. Councilman Schellert seconded the amendments . Vote was taken and thLa= `amendment carried. Poli opposed.Vote on the original motion as amended follb,aed and carried by roll call vote of all ayes . The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, ' changing ' the zoning classification of certain property within the city from General Classification District (G-6000) to Light Industry District (L-1) which was read by the Clerk. (Reinbold Property) Moved by Trimm, seconded by.' Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. AFter tre second and final reading, it was 7.oved by Poli_, seconk:ed by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No . 2194 as read. Carried. -7- 402 Minutes of Renton City Council Meeting 11-15-65 ORDINANCES .AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont. ) The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton determining it be in the best interest and sc:Lv.�ng general welfare of the City to annex the territory known as the'�Kennydala Island"now surrounded by the City, and requesting the County Commissioners to call an election to be held among the qualified voters of said area upon the question of such annexation .including propositioa that all of the property within the island area he assessed and taxed at the same rats and on the same basis as the property located within the City is assessed and taxed to pay for any then outsEinding indebtedness of the City ccn•- tracted prior to or existing at the fate of annexation:— Moved nnexation:Moved by Bruce, seconded by H°_else; tO adopt Resolution No. 1337 as read. Carried. The Committee presented a p-.-oposed 'Resolution of the City of Penton V7h ich authorizes the City Clerk and U.ty Treasurer to transfer the sum of $30,000.00 from the Cedar River Acq::isitLon Fund unto the Current Fund fol: the purpose of acquiring certain property e-ithin the City for a third f_ir_c station site. Such transfer sr.all consti'Aute a loan and shall be repaid together with interest at the rate of 42% per annum, not later than the 'ist day of December, 1967 . Furthermore, in the event the City of Renton hereafter disposes of any surplus property., then the proceeds from any such sale shall be applied on the repayment of the loan. ?roved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen to adopt Resolution No. 1338 as =-ead.. Carried. Councilman Hulse advised that this was an item listed on the priority improvement program. Moved by Morris , seconded by Hulse, to refer the Resolution to the Law and Ordinance Committee for drafting of e-nergency ordinance. Carried. Audience comment was invited and since tr.ere was none and no further bn,.d.ne�3c to come before the Council, it was moved by Mortis, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 28 p .m. There were 1-5 visitors ire the "ouncil Chambers . Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk. D. W. Custer, Mayor -8- 403 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8 :00 P.M. November 22, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pled-e of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, r-imm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, Citv Treasurer, G. M. S ellan, City Attorney, Frank Henry, Assistant Chief of Police, 24. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director , Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director. Mayor Custer announced that the Council, at its Committee of the Whole meeting, had requested the Mayor to contact the Metro Board and bring up the question of the r� B. & 0. Tax paid the Sta+- by Cities collecting sewer charges for Metro. The Metro Council agreed with the City's Resolution and will be preparing each a Resolirtion for presentation at its next meeting. It is agreed that this matter must he corrected through the Legislature by a change in the laws. The Mayor reported attending the Metro Council Meeting in Seattle and advised that he had brought up the matter of rapid transit service to Renton to Mayor Braman and the Metro Council. Service to Renton and the Valley area would be included in future plans in the event Metro should operate the transit system. Service to Bellevue has been included in the plan and the initial stage of construction was anticipated to be under way by 1985. Renton would not be a paying or economical member of this progran: at that time, however, further studies have been scheduled and additional federal funds are being requested therefore. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT +� BUILDING PERMITS: 94. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10749 $ 50.00 Frank Mathai 525 Grant Street Wire New Service 750 240.00 Bill. Petchnick 15048-89th Ave. So. Wire Electric Heaters 751 450.00 Rudy Zaputil 11630-116th live S.E. Wire New Residence 752 400.00 Shaff Realty 1000-2nd Avenue Sign 753 95.00 J. H. Cole 1011 "H" Street Wire Electric Service 754 40,000.00 Edward Biggins "G'' Place apartment Six Units 10755 12,780.00 D. C. Parman 11210 S.E. 108th New Residence 756 400.00 Harold Mellor 250 Rainier Avenue Sign. 757 500.00 Faull Funeral Home 300 - 3rd Avenue Cement Block Fence 758 300.00 Harry Moscatel. 920 - 3rd Avenue Metal Sign 759 450.00 Local Loan Company 2804 - 30th North Sign 10760 170.00 Wm. Kenny 447 Pelly Street. New Service PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7550 - - - - Conner Construction 12721-86th South Gas Installations 51 - - - -- " " 12706-86th South Gas Installations 52 - •- - - - " " 12507-86th Aouth Gas Installations 53 - - - - Leber Ink Company 17130 W. Valley Hwy Gas Installations 54 - - - - Joe Cole 1011 "N" Street Plumbing Fixtures 7555 - - - - Smith Company 919 Houser Way No. Heating Fixtures rn1 56 - - - - - Ray Heppenstall 111th Avenue S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 57 - - _ - Leber Ink Company 37200 W. Valley Hwy Gas Installations 58 - - -. _ - Puget- Sound Power & Light Shuffleton Plant Heating Equipment 59 - -- - - Roger Peterson 11021--115th S.E. P3_umbing Fixtures Mayor Custer at this time introduced Mrs. Rosemary Wehrman who was selected as the outstanding yound woman of Renton by the Renton Jaycee Wives. Mrs. Wehrman was given an applause of welcome. 1- 404 R::nton City Council Meeting November 22, 1965 C.-ENING OF BIDS: Storm Sewers - 116th Avenue S.E. between S.E. 96th and S.E. 97th Avenues This being the date set, the Clerk opened and read the following sealed id s 11AME AND ADDRESS OF BIDDER TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID American Construction Company Bond 19255 - 156th Avenue S.E. Enclosed j 1%loodinville, Washington $ 5,811 .12 Now Anton T, Bowers Bond 16239 Ambaum Blvd. South Enclosed Seattle, Washington 2,746.44 Duwamish Associates, Inc. Bond 121 South River Street Enclosed Seattle, Washington 5.928.98 W. C. Frost 820 'U" Place Bond ?entnn, Washington Enclosed 9,430.10 Phil Gesner Bond 11025 -. 142nd Avenue S.E. Enclosed Renton, Washington 5,418.40 Soil Solidifiers of. Seattle Cashier's Ck. 15017 Ashworth North 1#6415737 3,386.50 Seattle, Washington Eerkes Contracting, Inc. Bond 920 Lincoln Strec l Enclosed Mt. Vernon, Washington 6,512. 50 moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bids to the City Engineer and 'che Street and Alley Committee. Carried. OPENING OF :LIDS: Sanitary Sewers South 153rd Street - L,I.D. 255 BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID ALTERNATE BID American Construction Co. Bond $ 10,050.87 $ 1,921.65 W. C. Frost Bond 8,363.09 9,003.92 Anton T. Bowers Bond 9,501.99 4,500.99 M. F. Di Orio Cashier's Check Box 84 X66228328 Carnation, Washington 17,005.44 None Duwamish Associates, Inc. Bond 12,084.60 12,084.60 r`erkes Contracting, Inc. Bond 11,816.28 None Ph--I Gesner Bond 7,989..54 8,679.86 South End Concrete Products Bond 13,858.60 16,359.4C 1045 So, 194th Street Seattle, Washington Western Pipe Cons ruction Bond 1-1,884.79 11 ,884.79 2805 .. €8ta Ave. S.E. Mercer island, Washington Move�.. by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the City En ,neer and Sanitation. Committee. Carried. 4-05 , $enton City Couaicil Maetirg 11•-22.65 HEARING: Dial Finance Company, R. E. Barnes, Mgr. appeal of Building Directors decision regarding sign encroachment over public right-of-way This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from Mr. Barnes was read advising that he would be unable to attned the hearing and that A'.:.. Reisberg has now approved the request. A letter from Building Director Reisberg con-- firmed the approve;, following review and further investigation with the Planning Depart- ment on the use of public property by other firms along 3rd Avenue. As there was no further discussion it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be clocec�. Carried. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the action taken. Carried. NEARING- : Community Facilities Plan as reported in 701 Comprehensive Program irr - This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There being no written com- munications , Mayor Custer requested Planning Director, Gordon Ericksen to briefly describe the Communities Facilities Plan. Copies had been distributed to the Council Members heretofore. Mr. . Ericksen advised that the Community Facilities Plan is an element of the Comprehensive Plan which concludes the study of various facilities which relate to community development of parks, schools, libraries, civic center, fire station locations and other public facilities that ,are in the public domain. The report outlines basic standards and needs fpr the Community of the Renton Urban area and makes a generalized recommendation as to long range planning of facilities to 1985. A map was displayed and Mr. Ericksen. designated various existing and proposed facilities. The basic need , as shown,is related to the population growth through 1985. The area extends beyond the corporate limits of the City of Renton into King County and further South into the Kent area to represent coordination of facilities with the other com- munities. The valley area has been slated for industrial development. The Planning Commission has held numerous hearings subsequently adopting the Plan and or. October 25. 1965, recommended that. the City Council adopt the Plan likewise. Council continent was invited and Councilman Trimm pointed out that the maps represent generalized policy which may be amended from time to time. Mr. Lricksen agreed and added that the actual finalization of the Plan will come when the City goes into the Capital Improvement Program at which time details will be drawn as to locations and costs . Also, it is hoped that some State and Federal Aid may be obtained for, possible development. Mayor, Custer added that this plan is subject to change and is meant to be a guide of what is hoped to be accomplished. He then called on Park Director Gene Coulon to report on proceedings to date on Application for Funds to aid in the Park Program pursuant to 701 Outdoor, Recreation and Open Space Plan. Director Coulon advised that the Six Year Comprehensive Plan has been prepared in conjunction with and according to the Community Facilities Plan and has been submitted to the Interagency Committee of the State. As there was no further inquiry, discussion or comment, it was moved by Perry and jseconded by Schellert that the Bearing be closed, Carried, Resolved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the Community Facilities Plan of the City of Renton be adopted as submitted. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. City Clerk read an announcement of a Meeting on Rapid Transit to be held Tuesday, Nov. 23rd at the Seattle Public Library Auditorium at 7 .30 p.m. Panelists include: Mayor Braman, John Mladinov, Israel Gilboa of Deleuw Cather & Co. , Realtor, James Todd and Jack Kniskern, Architect. Moderator: Slade Gorton. Sponsoring organizations: Citizen's Planning Council, The Leagues of Women Voters in King County, Allied Arts of Seattle and the Central Association. City Engineer Wilson's report on letter of intentto annex property to Renton in vicinity of S.E. 116th Street and 136th Avenue S.E. advised that a check of the King County records reveals the letter was signed by owners of property representing 22.5'I of the assessed value and contains approximately 2.5 acres of land with assessed value of $2,000.00.. Mr. Dayle Garrison was present and Councilman Schellert inquired whether-the propevty owners were willing to assume their pro rata share of the pre-existing bonded indebted- ness of the City upon annexation and received affirmative reply fr-)m Mr, Garrison. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to accept the report of the City Engineer avid to authorize the property owners to circulate the proper Petition for annexat9cn whi(�.h shall designate their willingness to assume the bonded ineebtedness as heretofore stated. Carried. -3- 06 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-22-65 COMMUNICATIONS: The City Clerk read a re•iia d:Petition from Boeing for Vacation of portion of u muted an Street. A letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson reported that the Boeing Company had a new request for the vacation of a portion of Logan Street through E. E . Barnes, Director t of Facilities which petition is signed by owners of 100% of the abutting property of that portion of Logan Street requested to be vacated. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution fixing date of hearing. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to amend the motion to include the date of December 13, 1965 as the hearing date. The amendment carried. Vote on the original motion as amended was taken and also carried. A letter was read from Mr. Joseph Gottstein, President, Washington Jockey Club, requesti amendment to the City's Business License Ordinance, Title V, Chapter 1, Section 107a, "Exemptions" to include those concessions within the boundaries of the racetrack, it being their understanding that a four cent per person admission tax would be the extent of taxes imposed other than the annual license fee. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Trimm, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted request for transfer of funds as follows: From: Arterial Street Fund Acct. 3220, 605 D Capital Outlay (Master Controllers) 4th Avenue North: $51,000.00 Arterial Street Fund, Acct. 3220, 605 D (Master Controllers): $35,310.00 Unto: Arterial Street Fund Acct. 3220, Capital Outlay 605 B .(3rd Avenue Extension): $86,310.00 Also, requested was appropriation of excess revenues in sum of $20,000.00 unto Arterial Street Fund Acct. 3220-605 Capital Outlay, 3rd Avenue Extension. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the requests of the City Engineer with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolutions. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment the final estimate for work performed by S. & T. Construction Company on 3rd Avenue Extension in sum of $6,298.11. Work was completed on November 12 and accepted by the Engineering Department on November 18, 1965. Acceptance by the City Council this date was recom- mended and if after thirty days no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, release of retained percentage of $12,634.13. In addition, the following charges against the Arterial Street Fund No. 3220 (ASP#3) are recommended for approval: City of Renton Utilities Department, $ 95.72; City of Renton Utilities Department, $264.00; Engineering Costs, $14,962.15; Puget Sound Power and Light Company $298.00. Upon acceptance of the project by the City, King County will be billed for the portion as per agreement in sum of $16,511.54. The total cost for this last portion of 3rd Avenue Extension was $126,341.31 as compared to estimated cost based on low bid of $124,620.10. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to accept the project and recommendations as submitted by the City Engireer. Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan relative to State of Washington B. & 0. Tax on Metro collections which submitted copy of letter from the attorney for Metro. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the proper remedy to the problem is by amendment to the present State Statute and recommended once again such a bill be supported by the interested cities. Attorney Ellis, representing Metro called attention to fact that it is not possible for Metro to amend its contracts as the State had recommended inasmuch as bonds have been issued on the security of its outstanding contracts and the terms of these contracts were spelled out in the official statements delivered to prC ,pective purchasers of all of the bonds. It is an essential part of the Metro financing plan thi payments of Metro sewage disposal charges by component cities be treated as expenses of operation and maintenance of the city sewer sy6tem, the payment of which must be made before payment of principal and interest on the sewer revenue bonds of tte cities. Bond holders have relied upon Metro's ability to collect its charges from the cities and the districts regardless of whether or not the cities and districts actually collect the required monthly se-vice charge from each individual customer of the city. Thus, if a particular customer is delinquent in paying his bill the city may not fail to remit charges for the disposal of sewage collected from such customer. The foregoing provisions are of vital importance to credit rating of the bonds issued by Metro and also resulted in a saving of interest amounting to several millions of dollars. The right approach to take in solution of this problem will be to seek legislation introduction to exempt the operation of sewage collection and disposal facilities from the State B. & 0. Tax. -4- Renton City Council Meeting 11-22-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Mr. Mac Keith requested permission for Pat O'Day and Associates to hold a Thanksgiving Day dance �n the City of Renton on Thanksgiving with hours to conform to City regulations. The dance will have an off-duty policeman and at least six chaperones. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee wit)) power to act. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. J. E . Tedford, President, Renton Downtown Merchants Ass'n. requesting free parking on Friday, November 26th to help promote opening of"Renton- Christmas Town" with arrival of Santa at Tonkin's Park at Noon. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request. Carried. letter from Statewide City Employees Retirement System advised that City Employees 07very Garrett, Membership 6621-9 and Paul W. Houser, Membership 6654-9 became members of Statewide February 1, 1965 and that the City Council may in lieu of matching the accumu- lated contributions for this service, approve their years of city service as prior service. None of the prior service would become payable until their retirement in 1981 and 1982 respectively. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole . Carried. Tetters were read from the Washington State Pollution Control Commission and the State Department of Health each approving plans for L.I.D. No. 255, Sanitary Sewers - South 53rd Street. A letter read from Mr. Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requested permission to attend the Regional Traffic Control Device Workshop in Portland, Oregon on November 29 and 20, 1965. Mated by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to grant the request. The motion carried. The City Clerk reported receipt of report from Bureau of Governmental Research and Services University of Washington, "Impact of Federal Aid Programs on State and Local Government" , which will be on file in the office of the City Clerk's office. A letter was read from Edward J. Logan, Superintendent of Elections, King County Washington, certifying that on November 2, 1965 there were held General and Special elections in the City of Renton and results of canvass returns of November 12, 1965 were: Proposition: To ,ontinue Present Tax Levy: Yes - 2,400 No - 765 Total Vote 3,331 Carried. bWayor Custer announced that a Review Board Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 24th at 10:00 a.m. concerning annexation by election method of the "Kennydale Island" . COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted his report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. The Property Committee recommended that the Stoneway Sand & Gravel Co. be notified the City wishes to negotiate a new lease on property presently leased on 30 day rental basis by Stoneway from the City. Moved by Schellert seconded by Dahlquist, to concur and to refer the matter to the Property Committee for negotiations. Carried. 2. Bids were taken informally oniemoval of the Rhodes house from Civic Center property site at 1111 - 2nd Avenue and it was recommended that the bid of Donald Loudenbach be accepted as stipulated in the bid and that a bond also be required. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Planning Committee, reported that the Council had adopted the Community Facilities Plan tonight but that two other hearings are recommended by the Planning Committee. December 6th for the Comprehensive Plan Policy Statement and Land Use and December 13th for Arterials and Streets. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, W�o concur in the Planning Committee recommendations for hearings . Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee,submitted recommendation of the Committee that the low bid of Hydraulic Supply Manufacturing Company for supplying 1000 ft. of 24" galvanized corrugated pipe in sum of $2,947.69 plus Sales Tax, $123.80, totalling $3,071.49, be accepted. The bid award was approved by the City Engineer and Purchasing Agent also. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, November 23rd at 7:30 p.m. -5- Renton City Council Meeting 11-22-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: Cont. Councilman Bruce reported that the Committee on the Board of Equalization had not yet been scheduled to hearings on Renton properties as yet but that they are subject to call. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers Nos. 1178 through 1229, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current 1178 - 1197 $ 13,197.01 Street 1198 - 1203 591.84 Arterial Street 1229 6,298.11 Equipment Rental 1204 - 1212 847.74 Parks 1213 - 1218 1,481.75 Water Works Utility 1219 - 1224 13,263.88 Airport 1225 - 1226 211.38 Cumulative Reserve 1894 1227 - 1228 230.44 Total $24,122.15 Councilman Schellert reported attending a rapid transit forum held by the Municipal League at the Seattle Center at which Mr. Gilboa, Mr. Mladinov and Jim Ellis who was appointed by Mayor Braman, were present. Mr. Bilboa had reported a study showed 90% of new rapid tran- sit commuters were already transit users and when recognizing that the figures used were from 1961 it is apparent why his firm felt that the transit line should come from North Seattle to the Seattle central business district. It was also pointed out at the forum that the transit system was not self-supporting and would undoubtedly have to be supported by property taxes. Councilman Perry recalled that the Toronto conference had created the interest of Mayor Braman and the City Council Members where it was reported that the Toronto system is subsidized by money from a form of Metro and they have even greater traffic problems than this area. Mr. Perry cautioned that any such system would be paid for through taxes of property owners. Councilman Perry requested the Council President to allocate time on the Committee of the Whole Agenda for the Public Relations Committee. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The City Clerk pointed out that the Statewide Resolution should be presented if it is prepared inasmuch as the program needs to be set up and time is of the essence, and Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee advised that he did have it and it would be presented in this event. A proposed Resolution was introduced at this time setting the date of December 13, 1965 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of Renton, as the time and place for hearing on proposed vacation of a portion of Logan Street as described therein. After reading of the proposed Resolution, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that Resolution No. 1339 be adopted as read. Carried. The matter of the City taking the option of increasing maximum salary to Full Compensa- tion on Retirement for City Employees had been adopted at Budget time and will be effective January 1, 1966, and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. There being no objection, Committee Chairman Morris presented the proposed Resolution increasing the salary ,retirement contributions are based upon,from $300.00 to full salary compensation--upon which employee's contributions are calculated. The Clerk read the document and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1340 as read. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Police and License Committee follow .ng this meeting. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti,' seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. There were 17 visitors in the Council Chambers. ��,---- � Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- y09 The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were approved for the month of November, 1965. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FUND FROM: Current 14,511.78 FROM: Current 74,078.88 Street 14,265.50 Street 12,924.00 Arterial Street 74,471.35 Cedar River M & I 567.00 i No. Renton In. 19.43 Off Street Parking 10.00 Cedar River M&I 22.86 Equipment Rental 319096.00 Off Street Park. 114.80 Library 5,177.79 Equipment Rental 2,186.05 Parks 10,788.28 Library 2,127.70 Waterworks Utility 13,754.73 Library Const. 59,573.28 Airport 1,136.00 Parks 8,415.51 Waterworks Util. 45,320.80 1965 W&S Const. 3,711.42 Airport 416.26 Firemen's Pension 1,951 .04 Cum. Res. #1894 190894.00 Total Claims $2479001.78 Total Payroll $121,532.68 I i A0 RE.NTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. December 6, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruc, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlouist, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poliand Morris. The Mayor advised that Councilman Pedersen had called in ill and would be unable to attend the meeting. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. .�r OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT BEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, ellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Wills, Fire Chief, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Jack Wilson, City Fngineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director and Albert Reisberg, Building Director. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the Previous meeting of November 22, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE. OF WORK 10761 $ 100.00 Albert Zirk 11003 S.F. 100th Street Carport-Concrete 762 150.00 Francis Matthai S25 Grant Street Remodel Windows 763 - - - - Glen Ford 6828 So. 133rd Street Demolish Building 764 131500.00 Crown Men's Shop 900 - 3rd Avenue Signs 10765 400.00 Herb hackman 10614 - 108th Ave. S.F. Wire New Residence 766 50.00 Pacific N.W. Bell 7.17 - 4th Place Wire Phone Booth 767 50.00 Pacific N.W. Bell 35 Grady Way Wire Phone Booth 768 21830.00 R. Peters 441 Windsor Way Remodel & Reside R1 769 3,095.00 Paul Bautel 3402 - 5th Ave. E. Reside Residence 10770 211300.00 Standard Oil Co. 4th Ave. No. & 132nd Wire Service Station 771 11890.00 William King 3509 - 6th Avenue No. Siding 772 V 0 I D out of City 773 220.00 Mearle Slochmyer 13008 - 90th Ave. So. Electric Meat 774 100.00 Renton Village Inn 800 Rainier Ave. So. Wire Show Case 10775 8,348.00 Burkheimer Restaurant 95 Airport Way Wire Restaurant 776 451.00 Bell & Valdez 3336 Rolling Hills P1. So. Wire New Residence 777 672.00 Bell & Valdez 3333 Rolling Hills Pl. So. Wire New Residence 778 65.00 Alfred Shultz 710 "M" Street Tool Shed 779 450.00 Conner Construction 12505-86th Ave. So. Wire New Residence 10780 34,000.00 Glen Ford 606 Shattuck Street Apartment - 5 Units 781 1,600.00 Tino Cugini 207 Sunset Blvd. Addition to Building 782 200.00 Mt. Olivet Cemetery Third Ave. No. & Olivet Way Sign 783 500.00 Dial Finance Co. 607 - 3rd Avenue Sign 784 550.00 Wm. Glockner 10609 - 111 P1. S.E. Wire Residence 10785 450.00 Beacon Restaurant 155 Sunset Highway Sign 786 400.00 Virginia Hashagen 800 - 3rd Avenue Signs PLUMBING $ HEATING PERMITS:+ 7560 - - - - - Gertrude M. Jones 335 Earlington Street Gas Installations 61 - - - - - Diamond Parking 4th Ave. to 6th-Burnett-Logan Plumbing 62 - - - - - Standard Oil Co. 1633 - 12th Ave.Seattle Service Station 63 - - - - - Conner Construction 12505-86th Ave. So. Gas Installations 64 - - - - - Iaaac Capelonto 1335 "K" Street Gas Installations 7565 - - - - - Richard D. Poff 2117-6th P1. No. Gas Installations 66 - - - - - Verrall Taylor 3420-6th P1. No. Gas Installations 67 - - - - - Joseph Farras 419 Park Street Gas Installations 68 - - - - - James Hind 3409-6th Avenue North Gas Installations 69 - - - - - Shirley Phillips 603 "E" Street Gas Installations 7579 - - - - - Shirley Phillips 603 "E" Street Gas Installations 71 - - - - - Herb hackman 10618-108th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 72 - - - - - Arthur Ballestrasse 1206 Davis Street So. Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11420-136th Ave. S.E. Gas Installations -1- 't Nin•--tes of the Renton City Council Meeting 12-6-65 PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: (Cont.) NO AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7574 $- - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11415-136th Ave. S.E. Gas Installations 75 - - -- - Hilltop sand & Gravel 13421 S.E. 114th St. Gas Installations 76 - - - - - Hilltop SAnd & Gravel 13426 3X. il4th Gas Installations 77 - - - - - Standai"d Oil Company 4th Norte & 132nd S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - Wm Glcckner 10600-111th P1. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 79 - -- - - - dim Glockner 10600-111th P1, S.E. Gas Installations 7580 Stone & Wetster 13th Avehiie South Plumbing Fixtures 81 - - - - Tino Cug:4ni . 207 Sunit bd. dumbing Fiktures 82 - - - - y Eilitop da-,Id & Gtaodl 18450 S, 4}h St. Gas Installations 83 - - - - - Alfred W6st,, . 3721 - 8th Ij No. Gas Installations 84 - - - - - Robert .andbloom 642 E tt e G s Installations 7585 - - -. - Standii"d StAiofts 4tli tyAY' M & 19261 S.E. eatft{g tqdfpment HEARI}VG: Cot� rehensive �i.',A P61icy Statamafit Ahd tan Ude plan of the 701 Comprehensive flan dt the City A Aohtohj Washf6gtont Thin btlhd the date set, tNe heaking was declared open. A letter was read from Planning DireAdji Erickson advising that after public hearings during July and August the Planning Cotigsion had recommended adoption by the Council of the subject elements of the Com- pkehengive Plan, Mr. Erickson was requested by the Mayor to explain the Policy Statement and Land Use Plan. Planning Director Erickson advised that the elements of the plan under consideration this evening were two very basic ones. Others included are Arterial Street Plan, Community Facilities Plan and the present two, Policy Statement and Land Use. The implemented plan will include the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Maps and Capital Imprrve- ment Plan, not yet adopted- The Policy Statement is a general statement and includes description of studies that were undertaken during the development of the plan, explaick�b the general goals and objectives for the various phases of overall city development. The Land Use Report reviews the existing conditions and development of land in the Renton Urban areas, and further defines the general land use requirements for future development to 1985. Both elements are intended to provide a basic guide for the future of Renton and its adjacent areas, Maps were displayed and specific locations by Sections were designated, ie �, Westerly, Easterly and Southerly sections. The land use reviews the present and relates to the future with respect to soil, slopes, analysis of existing current and future trends- It was emphasized that the pian is a generalized plan and has a broad but basic guide which should be reviewed and revised from time to time to keep is updated Mayor Custer pointed out that adoption of the documents will,,not result in dogmatic, stationary, hard and fast rule but will have to be amended with the long range development of the City beIrg implemented. Mayor Custer invited Council questions and Councilman Perry inquired regarding petition containing 117 names which had been submitted to the Council on May 11, 1964 by the Windsor Hills .residents regarding the land use map designations. The matter had been subsequently referred to the Planning Commission. Planning Director Ericksen advised that he had not been with the City at the time, however the present Land Use Plan has the subject area shown as Multiple Residential area. The present zoning, however, is L-1 which allows construction to three stories or 35 feet in height and in his opinion the Multiple Residential designation would be a more logical zoning but the Light Industry does allow the use as contemplated for the area. The intent of the present owners is to develop the area for multiple dwellings or apartment use which they may do under the present zoning so long as they meet the requirements of the Ordinance insofar ` as setbacks, parking and height are concerned, and this complies with the generalized recommendations of the Land Use Plan. The L-1 zoning shows on the existing map and was rezoned by the property owners sometime back. As mentioned earlier, the next logical step will be development and adoption of a new zoning map which will require detailed analysis or study after which the areas will be redesignated as may be determined at completion of the study. Mayor Custer outlined the area in question on the map for the benefit of the audience and it was pointed out that the property is presently zoned L--1 and the Land Use Map indicates Multiple Residential and relates to future anticipated use Councilman Bruce inquired regarding the petition which had objected to ary high rise buildings and the Clark reported a copy had been made for Mrs. Evans from the files this afternoon.. Planning Director Ericksen pointed out that the L-1 zoning permits a he_ght of 35 feet which is also the limit allowed Single Family Residence and is-the height of a 3 story apartment building , -2- r Y 4. 7. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) HEARING: Comprehensive Plan Policy Statement and Land Use Plan of the 701 Plan Audience comment was invited and Mrs. Margaret Evans, 403 Grandey Way recalled that the zoning in this State was passed by the 36th Legislature and this area was zoned around the town as was all property in King County bounding a city or town, to R-3. Then when whispers of a highway or freeway went around this particular ground was asked to be zoned L-1 which would bring a higher appraisal Then the Windsor Hills petitioners came in and asked that it be kept first class residential (R-1) � Mrs. Evans noted that in reading the Ordinance today it included R-4 and that is the reason they protested in the first place and the L-1 permits R-3 and R-4 without rezone. It was pointed out that the L-1 would not permit R-4 because of the 35 ft. height restric- tion. R-4 allows 6 stories and 95 ft. Mrs. Evans stated the ordinance reads R-3 or R-4 and that R-3 is restricted to 35 ft. The City Attorney was requested to paraphrase the Ordinance and Mr. Shellan pointed out that there has been no change in the zoning ordinance as read and that L-1 permitted R-3 and R-4 use with 35 ft. height limit. If apartments are built the height is still limited the same as if the building were being done in R-1. A rezone would be required to build higher. Mr. Hulse pointed out that the land use map will not change the zoning and should have no bearRng on whether they build or not as they could go ahead under the present ordinance. ME. Evans inquired if they could proceed immediately and Planning Director Ericksen tdvised the property owners have every right to proceed with construction under the present ordi- nance. Again, they are limited to the number of units they can put in, certain setbacks defined under R-4 and must observe the 35 ft. height. Mrs. Evans inquired regarding protection against the way it is aligned as the parking will be right against their fences. City Attorney Shellan advised the City is not in a position to control the absolute use of the property unless it is a private development and all that can be done is to establish certain restrictions and regulate the height as it affects the abutting property . Reasonable use cannot be restricted and a residence could be built 35 ft high as long as requirements of the Ordinance are met. The land use and zoning are two different things. Mrs. Evans advised the petitioners had agreed to the R-3 with whatever conditions were imposed as they„}pd wanted restrictions to be such as would do them the least damage. Planning Director Ericksen advised that the comprehensive plan will be used as a guide for future zoning and the essential effect here is for future purposes. Certain areas will be slated for multiple apartment use and study will have to be made in detail and recommendations will be made based upon potential future development by 1985. The City is now working with a new plan and an old Ordinance insofar as zoning is con- cerned which does present a problem so the sooner the new ordinance can be effected and zoning maps adopted the better. The plan proposed by the property owners here is construction permitted in R-3 and this is the intentof the City that it be developed for R-3 aidd the owners are abiding by requirements of the existing ordinance, Mrs. Phyllis McGerry inquted whether they could in the future build six stories if it is rezoned. It was pointed out that there had been no intention declared to rezone to R-4. Mrs. McGerry stated that when the original contractor sold the homes they were purchased with restrictions and a view and if the view is blocked they no longer have view property. Mayor Custer invited further audience comment and Mrs. Evans thanked the Council for the time given her. Moved by Schellert, secrnded by Dahlquist, that the hearing be closed. On the question, Mr. Norman Ross inquired regarding location and proposed use of a parcel of property owned by Edgewater Enterprises and location of the Renton Hospital site. This was out- 11ned on the map. Planning Director Ericksen advised that the intent of the general development plan is that the area be used for multiple -residential and that the height would be restricted to conform with adjacent development. The hopital area is P-1 and Edgewater property R-2. It is presently GS-1, single family with lot size 3500 sq. ft. per lot. Mr. Ross stated it should be shown as it is now as it leads prospective buyers to believe they will very probably be allowed the multiple zoning. Mr. Ross recalled that a petition with several hundred signatures had been presented when the property of Edgewater was requested to be rezoned and Mr. Ross pointed out that SR-1 zoning was �.. in effect when homes were•)purchased='arid except to allow Renton hospital to be built, it was requested that these people be given consideration in making any further change. The pending motion subsequently was carried and the hearing closed Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt the Comprehensive Fxuft Policy Statement and Land Use Plan of the 701 Comprehensive Plan of the City of Renton as presented by the Planning Commission. The motion carried. The Mayor explained that the hospital property will be GS-1 which is shown on the Land Use Map as Multiple Residential and will require a rezone. The Cugini Dobson property will reflect R-3 and did Mow construction to 35 ft. as in S4ic1 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to fefer the matter t,., the Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. -3- 413 ll-n-f 5 ,e'�ters we:_s ilo-=_'es Pe ,nits to Sell Christmas Trees and to hold a bake s,::_c :L.}1 _ ei_to_+1 ac r 135. ,yss"n-,, Boy Scout Troop c89 and Kennydale Lions Club, uta:.vii .,• �• "juth Crc.up : Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to �.. f Pacifi:: ::ar dot adry and The Boeing Company requested .l City of street lights on Houser Way North between � h and 6th %-,,M,.ies, k4oved: by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to y}'_:: Po .,er a.d Liuht,Corm-iittee with power to act. Carried. Pl ._ on requested authorization to advertise -' �'' 1�'•d :-�: ; _: i.:r.�J.� Otorni se--�e-rs in Main Street from 2nd Avenue to Cedar. River- December 20, 1965 was .-r�)c, Of the bids Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dah-1 Ti S to .he cal_`- for hies with bid opening date to be set ]* c= ncol- ' lson c;ubmitted proposed revisions updating :_mp:4ovement :grogram which revisions are required «'� rt n-"c:-_}► uv*r > >.r_s pirrsuant tc.,Chapter 195, Session Laws of 1961. r a: D� . ..`a@i1 s. L :.1: ...inSc and Street Departments have reviewed .'.t..' - -• •C" , n ,- _s (-2d the proposed c2 anges. It was recommended that o 'lae 'Law .)ni':. Ordinance Committee for Resolution f- n F„ c'-_ �%e<.....•..:e= on the p-,:ogram. Moved by Morris, seconded by ' ^.am-r.sn&atien.s and that the matter be refereed to w:� h December 20th set as hearing date. 8445 Lake Washington Blvd. SE was read _•1:, residents, requesting information relative r A �� � t,.a. :a-:y ;ewer S_;, r.D. The petition carried signatures 2.2 family residences. Mrs. Baronovich was f• 'c i_'. Tv: _..v-_r `_'i;J: survey has just been completed in her area r: of su.,zli improvements and that the mat =Y ter has Oan� �-Z�.'::'-. .n Cer.a4m .tteeT,�fhl ich has planned to meet with the owners �`1 .,:..-,•'.�".•.•:.•.: r•�° :�...a \.::'_ �"? f:;._, •a. ^.X14 i:7�-+ possibilities and costs of the program. : c adec b_y 7a"t iqui_st, to refer the Petition to the Zi -na; -reque.stin� annoxa.tion of a parcel of land in vicinity r�1=' ' " O.E. (Dayle Garrison et al property) f r. i a-Y "n_Y _:oxer Vd4_yson, reported that the petition was signed by Of the wners o-= the area and that the parcel contains 2.5 acres with ass`^sed "•_uF: of 82. 001'j.00. ",loved bt, Hulse: seconded by Schellert, to :efF t.:ne 1.a Zttl�: :. '. > the .td_yor to -request dispensation of the Review Board '-.':.� nI ng Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recom- z^� '' - er 24th hearing meeting as follows: .ppio R-265 from R-2 to L-1, on property located -: ,-. :�: ra•� ,a :'ad. lPlacr,: Horth and Houser Way. Approval recommended, r by Hu: e., to adopt the recommendation. Carried. r:co,led bz: _�ruce, to refer the rezone to the Law & Ordinance -► ' t N7- :2C 65 for sign at Northwest corner of Sunset ,... "" �'-- f {.. +.: titPca. on .the basis that majority of signs =. =ev .roment -,nd granting would encourage further `r.:}: i:lrormation, of the'•Council. == -• c: -•• -.-. _ `' 2<< - ,5 `or. sign at intersection of 3rd Place recommended. granting subject to approval c- - tc,`. and provided overhang of right of way __ , ::c:r`.• seconded byAo: ris: to concur. 414 Minutes of the Renton City Council. i` -v-i55 CCiVIITN-CAT`ONS s Cont Planning Commission Recommendations: Special Permit requested by Henry Schellert, Appl. P-264-65, for Art Gallery and School of Arts at 1501 Marion Avenue was approved with understanding that occupancy r quire:nents specified by the City Code will be met. Moved by Pc_ry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the approval. Carried Schellert requester; li~_:.; aos�aini ng vote to be recorded. A letter was read from Planning Director Ericksen advising that the Planning Co:nmiss .on had Considered the variance request of WhitR-hall Laboratories for reduction in dumber of required parking spaces from 32 to 10. In revie,� of prccen`'= parl--ing and anticipated future parking problems the Commission �7oted to recommend (:Aenial o -' the Variance since applicant has additional space available to provide the required parking. It was further pointed out that while seemingly excessive to needs of the present owners, it may be necessary for future owners to have the expanded facility. A letter from Mr. Gordon Adams, Branch Manager of Whitehall Laboratories, appealed the decision and M_-� R., M. Boyd, from Bellevue who was in the audience, advised that he was the land agent for Pacific Railroad Company who sold the property to Whitehall Laboratories and that at present they have only four employees and do not feel the expense of blacktopping a considerable area is a reasonable requirement at. this time but would comply at - ny time the need is warranted- such .a large expenditure not having been set aside the parties re delitour to deal further with the problem.. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Perry, that December 13, 1965 be set for date for hearing and the parties appealing be so notified, as no action may be taken prior to a hearing, Carried. Letters were Vead from John Graham and Company and Olson Richert & Associates, Architects, requesting to be considered by the Council when designing of the new cit .7 hall is contracted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schelle- to refer the lett rs to the Property. committee. Carried. A letter_ was read from the Renton Aerie No_ 1722, F.O.E. reminding that the l)loo,'. 'bank wi li. be at the Eagle ' s on Wednesday, December 15th and meals will be furnished to all dor_ors- A letter from Baird M. Bardarson, M.D. expressed appreciation to the Mayor and Counc=_l for -she work done in bringing the concept of Lake Washington Beach Park nearer tc realization by pledge of $125, 000 by the City to be matched by State and Federal sources, access to the park and recognized need for acquisition of additional property to the Northeast. A point of issue was ra4sed relative to a trade of property referred to as 3 .6 acres, which loss of 1_anc, was deemed disastrous to adequate development of the park. Recommendation of the Community Facility Plan was quoted which proposed extending of the beach property to include additional waterfront and 5 to 10 acres of additional land area and Dr. Bardarson continued that once given to Boeing the - 6 acres will be lost to the City. A 20 year pro- jection wi.t:-,. year-around swimming pavilion, shellhouse, canoeing facilities, rowing, sailing and fishing areas, launching ramp, moorage facilities and beach, swimming, restaurant facilities, bicycle and soot paths available, anticipated . 0� acres would not be too much land for the City' s needs. Mr. Bardarson urged that acquisition pcwers not slacken for additional propert should the council decide loss of present park site is undesirable. Movad by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the communication to the Property Co.m,.Attee, Carried,. A letter from Ma.y,.jr Custer requested ouncil concurrence in the purchase of certain Pa.ci^ic Coast Railroad Co. property needed to complete the wt,sterr. approach -'o the North Renton Interchange. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the purchase and that the Mayor be authorized to pro- : ?ec as requestea.. Cary cd • Ti' .e Mayor advised that another parcel owned by t:i,.e rai;i_ro,-_d was -in-7ol_ved ar.d the, S mate had requested to negotiate for this -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Nlaet+_ars COM^4UNICATTONS. (Cont. ) A letter from Mayor Custer submitted copy of a proposcc- A 4r Pollution Ordinance p epared for Seattle and Xing County by the Municipal League which Mayor Custer feels -is worthy of consideration by the City at t� i.s time. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer tho _"ocurneil"t to .tIrie Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried A letter from W, E. Bennett, Utility Accountant raquestera appropriation of excess revenues unto Account 7100/301. Utility- Ser-vice: Metro, in , .'Tra of $11 , 518.00 required to meet the necessary e.,-penses. Moved by Schel_ert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the regLrst to the Law ane. Ordinance Con- mittee for proper Resolution., Carried.. A letter from City Clerk Helmie Nelson, requested. permission to call for bids for the 1966 Legal Publications for the City„ Specifications shal'1_ include 8 point type of general news style and the price shall, be quoted per 100 words rather than by column inch. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to authorize the bid call with December 20, 1965 fixed as the date for opening of -the bids. Carried. The Clerk reported receipt of an information bulletin No. 278 published for the Ass'n-. of Washington Cities on "Design of Fire Stations" which will be on file in the City Clerk' s office. The City Clerk reported that the annexation Review Board meeting was held on November 24th to consider the annexation by election method of the "Kennydale Island" area to the City of Renton, Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board found that this ann`xation will be in the public interest and for the public welfare and in the best interest of the City and approves submission: of the annexation to the electorate as provided by law; that notice shall be submitted to the City Council tllereof for further action by said body as provided by law. The Mayor was requested to contact the Chamber of Commerce for means of informing Kennydale people of annexation benefits.. A Letter read from School District 403. by 01i_,,-ei M Hazen, Supt- , requested a permit to display two banners acr,Dss City right of ways to promote the January 18 school election and :gond issues, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request with installation of the banners to be supervised by the Street. Cemmiss_oner- Ca^ries . In conformance with prior action of the City of Renton a proposed Reso- lution, No. 615; of the Council of the Municpality of Metropolitan Seat-LlP was read urging the legislature of the State of Washington to exempt the collection of charges for sewage disposal from State Business and Occupa- tion Taxes. Mayor Custer requested council thought on the matter of parking meter removal which hac� been determined an administrative matter:, All on-street parking meter heads to be removed by January Ist. Parking meters will remain at the off-street lots on Main Street, Pipe Line rl.ght of wav and Wells and Walla Walla, The Burnett Street mcters will :oe discontinued as on-street parking and all poles will be taped o^ capped. and appropriate signs will be posted with 2-hr. limit free parking., The week between Christmas and New Years was not included in the free parking requost so there will be meter enforcement APPOINTMENTS : A letter was read from Mayor Custer requesting Council concurrance in t. e appointment of Jack L, Colombi and Richard Geissler and G.. H. Nichols to permanent rank o Lieutenant in the kentor, Fire Department, effective on December 1, 1965. The Civil Service Commission certification was attached and like recommendation of the fire Chief, M C., Walls , Moved by Bruce, seconded by Holse to concur in the appointments. Carried, '1116 • I PROCLAMATIONS: reclamation by :•iayor Custer designated Wednesday, December 15, 1965 as Dlood Donor Day in the greater Renton area and called upon the citizens o,:per�.te n the efforts of the Renton Aerie No. 1722 Fraternal Order (-,,f Eagles:, where the King County Blook Mobile will be stationed, to make this a successful event. A second proclam..ition declared the w:ek of November 29 through December 4, ra Civil yi._ nat-ol week in Renton and encouraged all citizens to reflect cn the importance of the role CAP has played in the community, its 24th znni.versary being celebrated this week. roved by De i:aurPnti - seconded by Bruce, to concur in the proclamati ons The motion c .rri e-a.. COUNCIL CCN1I.:rT`�'E;' FEPORTS : Councilman Pedersen . President of the Council, submitted his Committee report which was read with actions as follows taken by the Council: ?.965 and 1964 Equipment Rental deficits: Recommended to refer to Ways and V..eans Commit-tee, Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. The report of Carey & Kramer on the Lake Washington local sewer improvement survey was presented and it was recommended that the report be referred to •she Sanitation_ Committee and the City Engineer for study. Moved by Perry, _conded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. .L.ecommended that the future disposition of the old library building be referred to the Property Committee to negotiate arrangements for Allied P..r_ts and others to use the building when it is vacated. Moved by Morris , seconded by Poli . to concur. Carried On inquiry re Park Board recom- ;^'Iendation.- it was reported that the Park Board will meet with the Property "ommittee on the matter. Nr� Felix Campanella inquired regarding the motion inasmuch as Allied Arts, of which he is Presidept, had sometime :ego written -requesting use of the building for a Museum and the top to 7:)e used for gallery and bottom for erhi.-Aits which it was felt would be of great cultural credit to the city. Allied Arts had agreed to bring the building up to Code as far as repair is concerned and in event of the grandstand being built the Park needs Would be fulfilled_ After further discussion regarding interest of the Park Department or others, the pending motion carried referring the matter to the Property Committee to negotiate with AA and others , Carried,- Recommended by the Committee of the Whole to refer the $15,000.00 for funding of the footbridge across Cedar River on the new library site, to the Ways and Means Committee for recommendation, Carried. T7.ecommendea that -:he Boy Scouts be allowed to use the Cedar River and Liberty Parks for their Funforall on May 22nd, 1966, approved by the Park :_�oard,, I_o p- by Schcll-ert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur.Carried.. Proved , y Perry; seconded by Hulse, that the parade reque x ..in conjunction with the Funforall be also allowed. Carried. tecommended examinations for Fire and Police Department personnel as per Service ,cmmission request, be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Carr _ed- Recommended tha-� an opinion be requ,_:sted of the City Attorney relative t,-) Membership Service of Councilman Garrett and Judge Paul Houser in Statewide Employees aetirement System. Councilman Garrett stated Mr. Ti.nius, Mgr., of Statewide had written without any request having been made by Mr . Garret . and he did not want the matter pursued on his account but the Council could continue with Mr. Houser if so inclined. i.'otion by Hulse seconded by Schellert Carried, to request Attorney' s opinion. Renton City Council Minutes COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont. ) OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley CornnJ.ttee, ;;uh,:pjc:-,-.=� i report fc:r .Bid Award as follows: Storm Sewers: 116th Ave„ S.E. - r.t recommended that the low bid of Anton T. Bowers, in the :,u:a of '�2.849 ,,_a7 be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authoriz.- to the Contract documents upon approval as to form by the C-_tJ 7. This was also the recommendation of the Citi= Engineer, ivoved 'o_,= PC) '. seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations, Clam J.cc:. Councilman Perry, reporting as Chairman of the Public Rolat-.ons submitted recommendation regarding the hazardous Coll 4 tion o = tY,c Cc:nr: : ::_ Road Gravel Pit, that the Mayor advise the County of th existing cun,-:11th. -1n and request that they advise of actions taken to correct th.e rOa;lela., . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur. Carried. Councilman Morris, submitted report of the Sanitation Committee which recommended, regarding bids on L.I.D. #255, South 153rd Street Sanitz .77 Sewers, that the low basic bid of General Pipeline Construction, (Phil Gesner) be accepted in the sum of $7, 989- 54, Moved by 3r_ice; seconded Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Sani}ati.on. Committee.Car-:ic:C!, NEW BUSINESS- ' Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Wouchers N 1236 through 1360, having been previously approver' by the Ai-cditi.ng an(7 Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council, Ca-.ried.. Fund Breakdown: = Current Fund #1236 -` 1 8 °'` $6,135.82 Street Fund 1287 123 --1 165.00 Off--Street Parking 1293' 1295 2J. . 717 ;'28 ..... Fqui pment Rental.. ,1296- 1364- Parks 36 •Parks 131©j `1 '8 6, 080, 23 Arterial Street -L)''1329 14:, 962.,15 Water Works Utility 13301�`�11341 2402-,83 Water & Sewer Construction ' J :342 547 55 � y � Airport 134 +; `434 �,. a14 , 5?. Firemen' s Pension - 135lJ ;; , xt_359 1i ,23- Cumulative Reserves t+ '1360 678-00 Councilman Hulse announced a mceet4f#M_ '.Cdplitlal .Irrprovernent Committee on, Tuesday , December= {4t i '�i ;x;,34 p.m, Councilman Schellert announced a. i.eeting of tYe'aiys and Means Cdfinlitte(- at 7:30 p:m. on Monday, December 13, 1965 in the City C etkIs, off cc. 4J. wd.ofllv! councilman' Scheller ,�callod"attetttiotiPQ the fact that Citizen Pa.rti_c:i.ra-m tion in Government Week is"�LAIK 11 bserve4 and it was urged that students of the GovernetC, 4')ta �es be irik'i ted `to attend, a: eo'uricil 'rleeti ng,; MayorCuster advised that th �r� "'Ch'ai�il to Commerce''�ised� -to sponsor Studer.,:: Government Day where ,qtudent6flkkeF-dver` the meeit'164b but the clan- as i ,-,re become so large that-.4. had-iibi`been undertaken in recent years. Mayor Custer advised he would exi�rid such an invitation as suggested by Mr„ Schellert. Councilman Perry, on behalf of President of the Council. Pecersc . �_.3-. i that -there will be a Property Committee meeting on Wednesday; Dece-rIbn_. 3 , , and Thursday, December 9 at 7:30 "' p�r.:. to interview pr.•osI_ective for civic center buildings and City Attorney Shellan was requested to attend. NIS Renton City Council Minutes (Cont. ) 12-6-6.5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS., s. Councilman !Aorri s, Chairman of -the Law and Ordinance *Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City, of Renton,Washington, providn ._for the issuance Of ; 540,000:00 par value of "Ci-cy of Renton Water and Sewer Revenge Refunding Bonds, 1965 for the purpose of providing funds to redeem $545,000.00 par value of.-outstanding."City of Renton [later and, Sewe Revenue Bondsy-, 1959; fixing the date,, form, denomination, maturities, interest rate,te ms an..d covenants of such refunding bonds;. creating. a .special fund to pro- vide for the payment ofpch,refunding,- bonds, providing fot :and authorizing the purchase of certain direct obligatlons.:of the United States of America out Qf the proceeds�'of the sale of such refunding -bonds and for the use and ;application of the moneys to..be'� derived fan such investmetrt; provi.ding: f'or the redemption on July 1, 1974, of- the then: outstanding "City of Rcnto::, Water,;4nd Sewer .Revenue. Bonds, '1959;" and providing. for the saleand th6. delivery of the refundng bonds tc Foster & Marshall, Inc:.,, of, Seattle,7.Washington. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance -and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, 'to place the e.ocument on, se.c'ond and final Yeadiag<. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was, moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to adopt Oreinance No. 2195 as read. Roll call vote was taken with, all .Council Members pr6-sent voting aye.- The motion carried. Chairman. Morris presented a proposed Ordinance of .the City of Renton, Washirigiori 'adoptin ' a Community Facilities Plan, as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan for the ,Physical Development of the. City of Renton, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by ,Lrinuis. seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on- second and final reading. 'Carried. After the second and final reading, , it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded;by Hulse, to adopt 0_-dinance "t10 2'96 as read.. Roll call vote taken resulted,in all ayes votes And ' the motion carried - The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington granting unto William L. Monson, an individual, his successors and assigtis5 a Permit to construct, operate and maintain a coaxial cable subscriber system for the television signal distr-ibution over and across certain designated city streets, which was read by the Clerk: I• oved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the proposed Ordi- nance on second and final reading: Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Scheliert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2197 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye, and the motion carried. A Proposed Resolution wac read,appropriating from excess revenues unto Arterial Street Fund, Account blo • 32".0%605, Third Avenue Extension, the sum of $20,000.00. (A.S.P. #3) Moved by Bance seconded by ?o1i to adopt Resolution No. 1342 as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution was read authorizing purchase of Reservoir Sites from Puget Properties located ir, the City of Renton as follows: a.. That certain site consisting of 12, 77 acres located at the Southeasterly corner 017 the intersection of Puget Drive and Southeast 116th Street, all located in Renton, King County, Washington, b Within: the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of Section 29, Twp. 23 N., Range 5 East., W.M., consisting of 5.72 acres Moved by Pcli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1343 as read. Carried. A Proposed Resolution if the City of Renton was read authorizing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to rake the following transfers, to-wit: From: Arteriai Street Fund Acct 3220, Capital Outlay 605 C (4th Ave. No.) $ 51,000.00 Arterial Street Fund Acct., 3220, Capital Outlay 605 D (Master Controllers) $ 35,310,00 Unto' Arterial Street Fund, Acct, 3220, Capital Outlay 605 B (Third Avenue Extension) $ 86,310.00 Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1341 as read. Carried. A proposed R.escluti.cn was read authorizing payment in the sum of $18,191.00 to the Washington T4t1e Insurance Company, Seattle, Washington, Escrow # A-70168MS, for the purchase and acquisition, free and clear of all encumbrances of the following described property: Lot J_ and the North-5 feet of Lot 2. Town of Renton, according to plat recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, Page 135, in King County Washington. The aforesaid sum includes the purchaser's share of title insurance and escrow and conveyance of the prop-dirty shall be made to the City of Renton by Statutory Warranty Deed. Moved by Hulse., seconded by Schellert, to auopt Resolution No. 1344 as read. Carried. (Former Thomas Nursag Home property) -9- ,. Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) i2-5-55 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton. authorizing the City Clerk to attest the Mayor I's signature ani tc impress the officio- City Seal upon appropriate applications to the Inteagency Committee for grants of funds in aid, and also appropriate Grant Agreements with the interagency Committee, pursuan-; to formal adoption of the Renton Community Facilities Plan and application for funds to implement same as may be available under the 701 Outdoor Recreacon and Open Space Plan through the (State and Fedcra.l) Washington literagency Committee for Outdoor Recreat_;,o.l. The Six-year action program has been filed and is hereby adopted and initiated, all in concert with and pursuant to aforesaid 701 Outdcor Recreation and Open Space Plan- After reading of the document, it was Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1345 as read. Carried, Audience Comment was invited at this time Councilman Perry made inquiry of the City Attorney regarding payment of Court Reporter Fees incurred during recent Civil Service Commission Hearing and City Attorney Shellan advised that if the reporter were brought in by the Civil Service Commission the Commission would have to pay the man. If the reporter was requested to come in by the man and not the City then he will pay for his own servant. , As there was no further business to come before the -Council, it was moved by Morris., seconded by Perry, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjcurred at 10:45.,. There were 37 visitors in the Council Chamber. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor _10- S' RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. December 13, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett; Perry, Delaurenti, and Poli. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea GOSG2tt, City Treasurer, G. M. Shel.lan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M.. ..r C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman, God:,:z Ericksen, Planning Director and Albert Reisberg, Building Director. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December: 6) 1966 be approved as writtene Carried. A�ybr N16k Wjp� attetttI-b'" a d d d �wftr, axkii �� �t��d�t whf Ntl �l�d�bee-,I distribtt�ed by his officE�� tl�il�bt�d Wds the tfiedl'pi'd nth �Sdrlt !� t�e�� . emd1 . which advised that beginnif'lg A 8 t tlb a em. ddf 4a* 3, 8� h thb Ja 4 W�"if be !'e nooved from all. on-street parking b�Mlia and meter posts will bei ehpt ok plugged to reduce liable aedidents or injury k th thb shard edges of the pob�d- Tote signs propdoed, deaigndted glop a.m. to 5100 01thi daAy except Sttrldays and �bliddys and the Maydr ad.- Vi,�pd th flew parking p3�cftbtfi woUld be outl fled on a thitflebgtaphed sheet td bid dis- tributed in tie downtown areas (See fu ther action lator fit meeting) APf 1,tAtt0NS FOR PtE#JTS,AS StBMIT EY;', Ng q1 Y bING DEPARTMEft NO, AMOUNT �1AM5- ADDRtSS TYq dP WORK 10787 $ 506.00 Harry Vieicher-Paint Coe Wells & 2tid Ave, Sign its ig�530&00 Bela. & Vaidez 2281 Court "A" New Residence 789 205.00 Titia Cttgini 207 9tinset Blvd. Wire Addition 101901.00 City of kentoh 1111. - 2hd Avenue Demolish Ddiiding 191 41leb0 Mi tel,isie J109 61t4 108th Sti Wite Neu► ;ftesid2nce 792 1,500.00 Richard A. lfleeberger 3425-7th Pi, North Steel Sidlhg 793 3,200.00 G. 0. Lawrence 8655 Lake Wiz Blvd. Carport & Sundeck 794 400.00 Roger Peteraoti 11021-11.5th Ave. S ,E. Wire New Residence 10795 500.00 Carl Coot 330 Rainier Avenue Sign 796 50.00 Stan D. Wolf 910 "N" Street Bathroom & Patic 797 600.00 Henry Schellert 1505 Marion Street Remodel-Electric Ser'V� 10798 1,980.00 Robert Short 711 - 4th Avenue No> Steel Siding PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7581. Tino Cugini 207 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixtures 86 Louis Wohitnan 426 Hills Street Gas Installat-ions 87 .. - - Louis Wohlmati 426 Hili Street Gas Instaliatio7s 88 A. w - - - Louis Wohlm9h 426 Miils Street Gas Installations 89 -+ w - H11#op Sand & Gravel S.E. Gas Installations 7590 - - - + Hill.tbp Sand & Gravel 1.1414-136th S z. Gas Installations 91. - - - - - Burkheimer Restaurant 96 Airtbrt way P:lumb$ng F$xtur.2o 92 - - - - - William Webb, Jr. 654 Street Heatiog t4uipment 93 - - -- Herve Belisle S.E o 108tt► Street Heating 441pmen w 94 - - - - - J. M. Dennis 1.0639-1.12V)i S.L. Heatitig t itipment 7495 - - - - - Stan Wolfe 91.4 IN" -Street Plumbing Z�Lxtures 96 - - - - - F. Si Janes Const:, Co, Rainier Ave, & Airport Way - Gas Inrta i. 97 - - _ Henry E. Schellert 1501 Marion Street Plumbing �ixturas ..w HEARING: Arterials and Streets platy of the 701 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Renton. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open, The City Clerk read a letter from the City Engineerfs Office wherein Jack Wilson, City Engineer and. Delbert Bennett; Traffic Engineer advised of concurrence with the Plan and adopt-. o~ as submitted was recommended. A letter read from Planning Director Gordon Ericksea reported that the Planning Commission held hearings on the subject elements of the Plan in July and August and adoption by the City Council was recommended. -l- M_ . r.ertan City Council Meeting 12-13-65 :FARING: Streets and Arterials (Cont.) Pla siting Director Ericksen presented a verbal report pointing out that the Arterials and Streets plan represents one of the most important elements of the Comprehensive lan being the vital guide for traffic circulation, particularly in terms of relation tc future growth and development of the area which will present additional traffic problems. The long range needs and objectives for arterials and major streets are ;Mined along with principles and standards for highway development. Basic elements a-e delineated for an over all arterial plan with graphic designation of the system, also set forth in the Six Year Comprehensive Plan. Actual implementation will require further study and review relative to specific locations and revisions will undoubtedly be found necessary but the Plan as presented establishes a generalized framework or guide for making decisions. Councilman Schellert called attention to the numerous lanes of traffic and mention of 40 and 50 thousand vehicles .by 1985-90 and if this trend is to continue and the automobile remains the main mode of transportation there will be a need to curb the trend and it was suggested that the matter be approached with open eyes and some thought be given to rapid transit. Discussion ensued on projection figures and likely fulfillment. Upon no further comment, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt the Arterials and Streets report of the City's 701 Comprehensive Plan as submitted and recommended by the Planning Commissions Carried. Mayor Custer advised that there is but one more plan to be adopted and that is the Capital Improvement Plan upon the adoption of which the City should receive payment from the State -to match the funds budgeted in next years budget pursuant to the Outdoor Recreation program. FEARING: Vacation of portion of Logan Street requested by The Boeing Company '2his being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The City Clerk reported that the Revised Petition had been certified by the City Engineer as having signatures representing 100% of abutting property owners. A subsequent letter from City Engineer :'ack Wilson recommended that the vacation be limited to that portion of Logan Street =yang northerly of the Boeing spur track which would enable Boeing to continue with its expansion and still allow for a possible connection to the North Renton Interchange. A letter from the Planning Commission advised of study of the proposal and recommended that the portion of Logan Street extending from 8th Avenue to the railroad track be uczcluded from the proposed vacation, known as the Boeing Spur. The recommendation was based upon possibility that the City may have need for the right of way if connection to the North Renton Interchange were to be considered. While representing what--- _:_be a long range possibility,the Commission feels such connection is not nut of the question and believes the City should retain part of the right of way in event of such future need. Comment was invited and f3ouncilwoman Dahlquist inquired as to disposition of the plan submitted by the former Planning Director to continue Logan Street on over to Lake Washington Boulevard. Discussion ensued and it was pointed out that there is still the poss'.bility of a connection even though a portion. of Logan . has been recommended to be ^acated. A new route for suc-b connection was pointed ut on a map and railroad property was anticipated to be involved in event of future abandonment of certain track area. Inquiry was made as to why if .2 vacation procedures are probably imminent, is only one portion being considered. City Engineer Wilson ad- vised that he felt some public benefit does exist and therefore did not recommend that -the whole street be vacated. Upon inquiry, Mr. Shellan, City Attorney, advised that the law says if there is feasible use of the property fortphblic purpose than the council may not vacate and if there is no public use it is within the Council's dis- cretiotl to vacate and the Council also has the right under the law to retain any easements which might be needed in the future. To vacate with idea of having to return the property is somewhat indefinite and uncertain and the property could not be built upon with such a reversion clause. Some._ further discussion on action to be taken to amend the vacation followed. Hr. 'Sargent of The BQe.iftg,Company, agreed to 'Jacation as proposed, it being adequate for the Boeiwc�: .Comrgny's present need, and , it was subsequently moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, that the hearing be closed, The motion carried, Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, since the Petitioner is willing to amend the petition so as to delete that portion of Logan Street South of the existing spur line, that the amended Petition be approved granting the vacation as revised. "arried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. HLARING: Whitehal� Laboratories appeal of Planning Commission Variance denial. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Mr. Adams of Whitehall distributed printed Brochure of -kmerican Home Products Corporation parent Company and gave a resume' of activities of the Company in Seattle and nearby communities and recent expansion of Whitehall to the present location. It was pointed out that since 1946 there have been 2 and 3 employees and now there will be four and it was felt that 10 parking spaces would be adequate for their needs and that blacktopping for 32 spaces -2- Renton City Council Meeting (Cont-) 12-13-65 ,... HEARING: Whitehall Laboratories appeal of Planning Commission decision on Variance would not be needed for 100 years. They do have adequate land to provide the parking but it was not felt to be a reasonable requirement at this time for them to have to blacktop a 25 ft, strip beside their warehouse -,He pointed out there is no customc- pick up nor retail sales from the warehouse and they - would not utilize 32 parking spaces. Upon inquiry whether the 32 spaces ,are necessary Planning Director Ericksen advised that the Ordinance is based upon per square foot and according to the size of the warehouse that would be the requirement under the OrdiTiance. The Commission had thought in terms of future use of the structure when makirig. its decision and it is realized that the Ordinance does represent .a .generalized €figure. Upon inquiry Mr� Adams stated that they are prepared to provi&`§ parking spaces at this time and will go along with any reasonable agreement to show g6o(1 faith and willingness to comply when they necd r,�,�re narking, and they do not anticipate.. the property will change owner- ship. As there was no further discussion, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Garrett, to close the hearing, Caarrieda :Ori-hxNry whether the area for additional parking will be reserved for same if the lesser space is approved for this time, City Attorney Shellan advised that it would be a violation of the Ordinance, if it were not reserved and they would not be granted a certificate of occupancy, that.'they'are actually in accord with the ordinance by providing adequate..space as' required but are requesting the variance to pour black top for only the 10 spaces in lieu of improving the 32. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that Whitehall Laboratories lie allowed to install the 10 parking spaces only at this time and that the, :mprovement of the additional 22 spaces be defer- red until further action of the Council, Carried, COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer was read submitting and recommending for pay- ment, Final Estimate #8 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes, including the retained percentage, for Water System Study in sum of $1,894.03- Total cost of the study - $9,645.11. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer and to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Application was read from owner of Mike's Place Tavern, requesting that American Shuffleboard Company be granted the required license to operate a coin-operated pool table in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, �to 'refer the appli- .cation to the Police and License Committee with power to act,, The notion carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson requested transfer of funds within Water Maintenance Account 7120, !M:: & 0, as follows: From: 201 unto 303,_ $1;500.00;--from 309 unto 303, $500.00;: yor6m=310 unto 303, $50000; from 407 unto 303; $200,00`;`'f-r0M 202 unto 302, $250,00; frarn7i•305:,unto 302, $250.00; from Salaries & `Wages 110 tntd 302, $200.00. In addition, the folhowng, transfers are necessary to continue normal. departmental operations for the remainder of.the_year From 203 unto 417, $700.00; from 204 unto 306, $70,00; from 609 unto 606, $700,00 and from 609 unto 607, $200.00. Moved by' Schellert, seconded by Bruce to concur in the request of the City Engineer with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation. Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan submitting Quit Claim Deed from Miss Katherine Sartori of San Francisco, California which has been executed by Trustees. The Deed covers 16 ft, alley adjoining Pacific Coast Railr^ad right-of-way. It was suggested the City Clerk place the document on record as soon as possible. (3rd No. and Bronson at Sunset egress) A letter from Mr. Carl A. Olson, Seattle Realty Co, inquired regarding possibility of leasing a triangle of property at 3rd Place North which represents portions of Lots 21, 22, and 23, Block 11, Car Works Addition to Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse to refer the request to the Property Committee for recommendation. Carried. A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission= requested authorization to negotiate for acquisition of property owned by the 96eifig company which is needed for western approach to the North Renton Interchange;' Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that the request be granted. Discussion disclosed that per previous agreement ... the City's cost of the interchange is limited to the'$400,000.00 G.O. Bond Issue and is to include the acquisition costs and the State will.acquire the property and build the Interchange with the City .obligated for the bonded amount. The pending motion was subsequently carried, A letter from the Boeing Company appealed the City's decision in denial of request to construct a fixed bridge at the mouth of the Cedar River in Renton. Attention was called to the fact that the new design provides greater clearance above high lake level for minor navigation and flood control than the existing structure and it was pointed out that permit had been extended for installation of a fixed bridge upstream from the river mouth bridge which would be neither more nor less in the City's best interest< Renton City Council Meeting 12-13-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Boeing appeal re fixed bridge: I' .;x�1s pointed out that the proposed structu_e is .7 .46 fixed bridge in the sense that Pe orld not be possible to move it in an cmergery�..� ?d,if in the public interest i ,IG t-egjr ;required that the bridge be moved; Boeing w1j14 upon: request of appropriate City Vb Kf ials, do so. The existin 3'�design has less cad ility titan is required for heavy '-aircraft now anticipated andUw s �ptalle ' over 23 ,,years ago curi:•g war time and might be considered to have been.Afre'emer�gency struc Cure �'Teoein Company now cans the assembly plant served by tH�11r Lige for its product to gai..i access to the Rento.-r Huni-- cipal airport and recently:;n&gbt'iated a new lease for use of the airport until 2010 A.D. The City has blocked the inst'a'llation of the bridge by i'--s objection. Upon ino irk, City Engineer Wilson reported'' that he hac. not seen the plans for the proposed con- struction but only a sketch. Representatives from -he toeing Company were present and included Mr. C. S. Sargent, Mr. Larry Bisbee and 11r'. H- 0. Blangey. 1'he .letter stated that The Boeing Company had applied to the Corps for its permit for the "mouth'' bridge under an administrative procedure called "advance approval" h--ch is that a stream hasti,��n declared a minor stream and designated by the District Engineer as a minor water , y over which bridges may be built without further approval by -+-he Department of the Amy. If valid objections arey.receiv ,� ,o_- noted the advance approval request is t�fQi1 denied and the applicatio .f_1 ''_'bridge processed in the normal manner. Mn., .B�isbee advised that if t�e � Ry wished to withdraw its objection and so advise the Corps then the Corps would no longer be interested .`_;i -Che stream and would not be involved in any paper w q.*b approval hereafter- The stre7n navigation would under "Advance Approva-VA4 limited to logs, rafts or small crafts and would leave control to the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be re-- ferred to the City Atti V, -px opinion. C=+y r_ghts in avent of allowing the advance approval and minor stream`$Weciaration were diccucsed, 'alsc,the effect to result re Commercial Waterway District and the Federal Go.7ernment with respect to riprapping and flood control. The pending motion was voted upon and declared Lost. Mr. Sargent advised that State Agencies have approved the bridge, Department of Fisheries and the Conservation Department and the City's objection _s hold- ng up the process and he felt it was due to misinformation and would like to pro•;ide the information needed for clarification. Inquiry was made as to whether we have a bridge problem or advance approval problem. Mr, Bisbee advised that the Corps has -wo things before it, the application and the other to invoke advance appro--7al procedure The City hits appT-::ved .... the bridge further upstream but taw-. C(r-ps has-Ty b� since the City objected to putting the bridge at the mouth of the river. Advance approval would simplify the whole pro- cess according to Mr.- Sargent however ramifications to effect existing agreements or affiliations of the City were of concern and after further discussion it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to -ie Com^i;ttee of the Whole and the Mayor was requested to contact '-he Corps of Engincc ^ jc ^ecL:re :LT)rr.rmaricn desired.. Carried. Mayor Custer advised the Boeing people of regrets f6r delay but felt it to be in the City's best interest tc invest'gate the results of proposed actions. A letter was read from Friends of Youth, inc ,, G.riffi;.i Home For 3eys, requesting permission for no-fee permit to sell Christmas Wreaths vh_' cn they have made the proceeds of which will be divided among the boys at the home for Xmas shopping. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the request be granted- Carried. A letter from Emilio Pierotti extended an offer to purchase surplus strip of land off 92nd Avenue South lying west and adjoining his prop rty between 7th Avenue South and Rainier Avenue., Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse., to refer the letter to the Property Committee. Carried, A letter from Mayor Custer submitted Puget Sound Pods r & Light Company report on survey concerning program of underground wiring installations . ?tayor Custerts letter advised that a precedent might be established if the Cou.._ci7_ sh uld decide to proceed with such a project. Approximately 50% cf the cost of such instal:iations will be borne by benefitting property owners and t`ie Company w`_171- par'-icipate based on the depreciation of the existing facilities. One problem would be pole removal which poles now support either street lights or t-jtffic signals and the City would i_acur some cost in replacement of the poles with appropriate light- standards.. It was estimated to cost approximately $10,000.00 to purchase and install new light standards in the Civic Center area and could cost rr)re if more lights are aided than are yenoved. Referral to the Light and Power Compar-y was rccomme. ded fo-- -tudy cf feasibility of contracting with PSPL to provide a given numbe_ of standards each year and possibi_f-ty of pooling purchases with other Municipal agencies for lower cost . A letter from Puget Sound Power & Light Co. outlined a program 'Jo:. _er,,ova.l ane: _-2lccation of facilities and proposed that the first phase begin in the Ci-vyc Center area . As contribution to '.:hc Renton core area appearance Puget w.-11 absorb '30.090 OC of the $66..000.00 costa N:ov-?d by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the mattcr to the '?ewerCarried . 4. _ w S Renton City Council Meeting 12-13-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from the office of the Comptroller, City of Seattle, submitted Seattle Resolution No. 20410, pursuant to City of Renton suggestion, objecting to the State Business and Occupation Tax on Metro charges collected by Metro. A letter from Mayor Custer, pursuant to RCW 35.33.120 and City Resolution No, 1232, submitted a report of Transfers of Funds within budget classifications for the period from September through December, 1965, as follows: From Engineering, Traffic Signal Acct. X130/325 to 504, $50.00; from Executive Acct. 1200/130 to Building Maintenance 1800/130, $100,00; from Executive Acct. 1200/504, to Non-Departmental 1920/507, $541.84; from Airport Acct-. 7200/314 to 504, $100.00; from Airport Acct. 7200/602 to 605, $50.00; from Fire Dept. Acct. 2200/110 to Planning ..� Acct. 1700/110, $544.90 and Purchasing Acct. 1560/110, $250,00; from Fire Dep t. Acct. 2200/201, 202, 315, to 204, $463.00; from Street Maintenance Acct. 3240/314 to 504, $25.00; from Off-Street Parking Acct. 3520/503 to 303, $50.00; from Parking Meter Acct. 3500/130 to Building.Mm intenance Acct , 1800/130, $100.00; from Planning Acct, 1700/314, to 402, $300.00 and 403, $100,00; from Planning Commissicxa Acct. 1720/403 to 417, $1.43; from Police Account 2100/326 to 417, $350,00; from Police Acct, 2100/203 to 204, $492,26; from Police Court Acct. 1300/402 to 202, $2,40 and 204, $26.28 ; from Waterworks, Adminis- trative Acct. 7100/417 to 314, $800,00; from Library Account 5000/306 to 202, $99.00; from Parks & Recreation Acct 6120/201 to 202, $147,00; from tion-Departmental Acct 1920/ 507 to 311, $116.00; from City Clerk Acct 1400/306 to 402, $450.00; from Firemen's Pension Acct. 9010/507 to 314, $625.00, A letter ­,as read from City Attoryey Shellan su;:;ml ted original of Statutory Warranty Deed from L. James Martin to the City pertaining to the ,property formerly operated by Thomas Nursing Home, together with original Washington Title Insurance policy which is free and clear and now vests in the City of Renton- The matter was negotiated and settled without the need for condemnation proceedings which would undoubtedly have re- sulted in additional costs to the City,. Councilman Delaurenti recommended that bids be taken for removal of the building and moved that the matter be referred to the Property Committee. Building Superintendent and the Mayor. The motion was seconded by Perry and carried, A letter from the Board of County Commissioners, Ralph R. Stender, Deputy, advised that the Prosecuting Attorney filed a report stating that City of Renton Resolution No. 1337 regarding the annexation of territory to the City is satisfactory and the Board of County Commissioners has approved the report and set January 10, 1966 at 9:30 a.m. as the date of hearing. ("Kennydale Island") . The Mayor stated that everyone who could possibly attend should feel free to do so. "fit COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD SINESS: Councilman Pedersen, President of the Council., reported that last Monday purchase of 2. reservoir sites had been authorized and a matter of existing easements has come up on the parcel known as Site B. City Engineer Wilson further explained that the subject parcel contains approximately 5,.7 acres and 1.56 of this is under easement and it is recommended--that the parcel not be purchased at this time. Moved by Pedersen and secooded by Perry that the authorizing Resolution No. 1343 be rescinded. City Attorney atel.lan advised that a new Resolution has been prepared and could be presented at this time if so desired. The pending motion carried and President Pedersen introduced newly proposed Resolution for first reading which deleted the subject parcel. After the reading of the document, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 1346 be adopted as read. This provides, as part of a comprehensive utility develop- ment plan,for purchase of the site located at`the southeasterly corner of the inter- section of Puget Drive and S.E. 116th Street, consisting of 12.77 acres. Funds in sum of $53,650, appraised purchase price derived from the 1965 water and sewer revenue bond issue,have heretofore been appropriated for the acquisition thereof from its owners, Puget Western,.-Inc. . The motion carried. Mr, Greathouse, of Puget Western stated that the Sale Agreement presently in escrow would be modified to conform to the motion just passed. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the Arterials and Streets Plan previously adopted, be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation. The motion carried. Councilman Perry recalled that when parking ban was imposed on Main Street the matter was to be reconsidered upon opening of the freeway and moved that the City Engire er conduct a new survey. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, advised that a survey is now in process and the proposed motion was withdrawn..by Mr, Perry. -5- /415 Renton City Council Meeting December 1$, 1965 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Regarding referral of 7-26-65 .relative.toutility charges on 13 lighting standards at entrance to Rolling Hills, it was recommended that beginning January 1, 1966, the City assume payment of said charges as heretofore agreed and that Puget Sound Power and Light Company be advised to bill the city therefor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation 04 the Light and Power Committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen announced a .meeting of the Property Committee at 4:30 p.m December "NOT 14, 19!5 and requested the City Attorney to be present. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 1360 through 1519, having been previously approved by .the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment, including Estimate $#8 on the Water System Study referred earlier in the meeting. Carried. Breakdown by funds follows: Current Fund #1360 - 1402 $ 9,695.61 Street Fund, 1403 - 1415 5,013.55 No. Renton Interchange 1416 - 1417 48,325.00 Cedar River 1418 - 1421 28.26 Equipment Rental 1422 - 1439 1,209.05 Library 1440 - 1472 2,564.75 City Library Construction 1473 ;n 19,550.94 Parks 1474 - 1497' 2,962.46 Water Works 1498 - 1509 45023.98 Water & Sewer Construction 1510 1,894.03 Airport 1511 - 1517 106.10 Cumulative Reserve 1518 - 1519 28,277.44 Total $123,651.17 Councilman Schellert' Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, presented his Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follnwo: Referral of December 6, 1965 —Funding of footbridge across Cedar River at Civic Center .,. Site: Recommended payment in approximate r,um of $15,000.00 be made from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894, Moved by Bruce., seconded by Poli, to concur in the Ways and Means ' Committee recommendation, Carried. Councilman Schellert, referring to Main Street parking restriction, advised that since the invocation of the parking ban and with modificati ;n of the signal system, there has been only one accident since August where previously there were 5 per mi7nth at the 3rd and Main Street intersection and vicinity , Councilman Perry called attention to an area in the Highlands between H Street and the gas station where Sunset Terrace is located (10th Ave. No.) which is not lighted and residents have called asking when action was going to be taken. Mayer Custer advibcd he had received an inquiry and had referred the matter t- the Light and Power C;mmittee and replied that the lighting budget had been overextended and the G--mmittee will be unable to consider the request -chis year, Councilman Delaurenti recalled the sketch which had been submitted regarding tw,-hour parking and Moved that the sign be changed to read from 8:00 u-m, t, 4):00 p.m. in lieu of proposed 9:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m. After discussion on morning hr, use of the meterL, hours the meter reader will be on duty and time the busineus eotabli�-hr-ents open, the pending motion carried, - ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Perry, member of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington appropriating the jum ::f $11,518.00 unto Account 7100, Water Administration, 301 - Utility Service - Metro, which wa3 read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that Resoluti,,n Nr.. 1347 be adopted as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution of the City of Renton.was read authorizing purchase of property required for North Renton Interchange approach in sum of $48,000.00 and auth:>riting payment of $325.00'appraisal fee unto Mr. Charles Mattaini, and neces3ary revenue stanps required on' the deed conveyance be affixed by the City. The area wa3 described- on attached Exhibit "A". The Clerk read the proposedResolution and it was moved by poli, seconded by Hulse; to adopt Resolution N.,,, 1348 as read. -6- Renton City Council Meeting 12-13-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) The Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary expenses and capital outlay necessitated by such emergency. Public hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers of the City on December 20th at 8:00 p.m. and any and all interested persons are invited to appear to voice approval or objection to the Ordinance or may submit same in writing prior to the time of such hearing. The Ordinance proposes appropriation of $30,000.00 for the acquisition of certain properties for a City Fire Station site and training station. The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance and it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee pending proper posting and publi- cation. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli and seconded by Bruce, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. There were 15 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -7� RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. December 20, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF (D UNCIL MEMBERS: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Marcella Hillgen and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 13, 1965 be approved as written. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10799 $ 276.00 Harry Hart 2308 "N" Street Patio 800 3,400.00 Ray Lotto Construction 2830 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Addition 801 150.00 Park Avenue Restaurant 247 Park Street Sign 802 28,000.00 0. J. Harper 5816 So. Pilgrim St. Warehouse & Offices 803 46,220.00 Puget Sound P. & L. Lake Washington Blvd. Building 804 150.00 Frank Omaits 1029 "E" Street Addition to garage 10805 10? 000.00 Reeves Construction 13050 S.E. 115th Pl. New Residence 806 3,500.00 Puget Sound P. & L. 620 Grady Way Line Addition 807 1.00 Sunny's Trucking 6002 Grady Way Temporary Bldg. Loc, 808 800.00 North Renton Clinic 920 - 1st Ave. No. Wire Clinic 809 35,512.00 Realty Investors, Inc. 2714 - 8th Ave. No. 3-Unit Town House 10810 15,840.00 Brown D. Goodrich 7901 So. 153rd St. 4-Unit Apartment 811 Pending The Boeing Company Foundation only - Logan Street �.• PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7598 - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11023-115th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - - - Reeves Construction 13055 S.E . 115th Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 7600 - - - - - Burkheimer Const. 95 Airport Way Plumbing Fixtures O1 - - - - - Joe Gatten 9837-115th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 02 - - - - - Charles Jennings 12403 S.E. 142nd St. Plumbing Fixtures 03 - - - - - Schultz Apartments 539 Pelly Street Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - - Glen Ford 606 Shattuck Street Plumbing Fixtures 7605 - - - - - Local Loan Company 2804 - 10th Ave. No. Gas Installations 06 - - - - - The Boeing Company 4-63 Building Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Six Year Street Improvement Plan for the City of Renton. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The City Clerk reported that copies of the proposed revised plan had been distributed on December 6th at which time the report had been submitted by city Engineer Jack Wilson for council consideratic: Upon request by Mayor Custer, City Engineer Wilson and Traffic Engineer Del Bennett outlined the revisions which included deletion of those projects which have been com- pleted and addition of others in conformance with the Downtown and Arterial Street Program and in with the Planning Department and Comprehensive Plan. Additions include the Main Street transition - Main to Mill-the downtown revision planned to serve the Civic Center Site; Puget Drive - from 2 to 4 lanes- Benson Road to City of Seattle W ter Line right-of-way;Logan to Smithers now more definitely planned upon completion of the freeway; widening of 2nd Avenue; Airport Way overcross .-; of Rainier Avenue; 3rd and 4th Avenues North - one way street system. No priority is established hereby. This report constitutes the Six Year plan required to be revise and updated each two years and filed with the State by law. It also presents a desir program for a six year period which it is evident cannot be financed from general re - enues alone, amounting to some 3-4 million dollars. Bond issues would be necessary- and the Priority Committee is working on on the matter at present. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the Six-Year Street Improvement Plan fc, the City of Renton be adopted as presented with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee . Carried. -1- Renton City Council Minutes 12'20"65 HEARINGS: Emergency Ordinance to appropriate $30,000.00 for fire Station and Training Site This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. 0c�A►ment w4s ipvited: 'The Firms-, 'I rer:;r".ed this area,;isneeded primarily to develop a training area ard,with further section deveJopm:ent to house personnel and equipment. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Cormiittee and member of the Fire and Water Committeeireported that the Committees have been working o this project for some time and' that it is of great importance to the City and to the citizens that this site be acquired at this time as the property valuation w: 1 i­:crease as time passes and the present cost of $30,000.00 is deemed to be a very fair price. Adoption of he emergency Ordinance aas urged in order that the site might be readied for development, some clearing of structures to be' required. Councilman Scheller added that this was in line with the Priority Committee recommendation. Moved by Peders n, seconded .by .pelaurenti, that the hearing be closed._. Carried, Moved by Delaurenti and seconded'`H ' `Hulse' do -, to refer the proposed cumenf''to the Law and Ordinance Committee. V � .. -The motidr ,o,af i-ed. (See action later in meeting) OPENING OF BIDS: Main Street Storm Sewers - From 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue and in 2nd Avenue from Main Street to the Cedar River This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: NAME AND 'ADDRESS OF BIDDER TOTAL BID Duwamish Associates, Inc. Bond Enclosed $ 17,030.00 121 South River Street Seattle, Washington W. C. r'rost Construction Bond Enclosed 15,620.00 820 "M" Place Renton, Washington Phillip G:'Gesnoi` $skid Enclosed 18.067.50 11025 R.-2.zton ''WasMgoon wow Join Patric elli ConstructionBond Enclosed 26,301.86 5316 Rainier Avenue So. soattly, Washington 98118 5 South E`'Rd Concrete Products Bond Enclosed 26,290.00 1045 South 194th Street Seattle, Washington Eerkes Construction Company Bond Enclosed 16,995,PO 920 Liricolr,= Street Mt. ver� shington moven * 'Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the bids to the Street and Alley Com- mitfoe`and the City Engineer to report back. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Furniture for new Library Bank & Office Interiors $ 4,214.00 224 Westlake North Seattle, Washington i F� T. Crowe & Co. No Bid Due to Time Limitation Fal Fngman Bond Enclosed 13,483.80 P. 0. Box 9314 Seattle, Washitigton 98109 r:agna-Design, ' tte: Bond Enclosed 23,546.00 5$04 ,--- 264t §.E•: Lynwsed; WA9h1VigV6n +a , 9tbe@t too' ; nc< + t'( Certified Check #702 -Item 22- 94.00 ea. coat rac'cs .:•w.,' .. 112;Q0 ea. alternate 144 00 ea. alternat.� .gra186.00 ea. alternate Simmerman Equipment Co. ' Bond Enclosed 401888,99 . g2,500 Fourth Ave . So. ' ni-t-io wn%binvton 981A9 429 Renton City Council Meeting 12-20-65 OPENING OF BIDS (Cont.) Furniture for ne Library NAIiE AND ADDRESS OF BIDDER TOTAL BID Seattle Office Furniture Mart Cert. Ck. #3343 $ 3,979.22 3035 - lst Avenue Seattle, Washington Trick & hurray 10,305.00 300 Westlake No. Seattle, Washington 98109 i Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Library Board, Purchasing Agent, Architects and Property Committee to report back. Carried. Mrs. Fred Hanis, Chairman of the Library Board, requested to meet with the architects to review the bids. Recess was declared at this time . After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. OPENING OF BIDS: 1966 Legal Publications for the City of Renton This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: Based on 8-point type - 100 words basis Record Chronicle First insertion 99� per 100 words Box 30 - Renton, Washington Second insertion 89¢ per 100 words Renton Enterprise Box 213 - Renton, Washington First insertion 93t per 100 word folio Second insertion 83¢ per 100 word folio Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the bid be awarded to the low bidder. Carried. CO'.:MUNICATIONS: A letter was read from the Boeing Company which was directed to the Army Corps of . Engineers, withdrawing their application for "Advance Approval's regarding construction of a bridge at the mouth of the Cedar River. Their request was revised to proceed on regular method, the City having had some concern over State and Federal participation on maintenance of the waterway in event it was declared non-navigable for only small craft or raft use . Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the City Engineer for report back. Carried. A letter was read from Johnston-Campanella by David A. Johnston, directed to Alton V. Phillips Company, Contractor, new Renton Library, instructing Superintendent Darrell to hold up on window wall construction on the main span (80') only until determination can be made on main beam deflections. It was requested that transit readings be taken on Monday, December 20, 1965 and Monday, December 27th to determine proximity of center of span to elevation 42.0 ft and date, time and elevation at time of reading be submitted by written copy to the architects at the earliest convenience. The council is so advised inasmuch as such action will undoubtedly be the cause of time extension request on the ultimate delivery date of the building. A letter from Mr. B. A. Porter requested to exercise option on Marina property now under Lease with 5 year option. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. Councilman Pedersen pointc:.d out that this was on the Marina property and the recently leased parcel was the parking lot. It was pointed out that the original lease on the Marina was j.ntered into ten years ago when the Waterway District owned the property. Perry inquired if the last Lease specified oral or written notice and City Attorney Shellan stated that 60 days prior notice was specified but no reference was made to any oral or written notice on the parking lease. The pending motion carried. A letter from the Washington State Highway Department advised of contract award for work on C.S . 1743 PSH 1-RE (SR 405) B-Line Under Bridge 1-RE/5, State Project - 1965 and 90 days were allotted for completion which may vary with weather conditions. Closure of section of the road will be required beginning December 20, 1965 to remain in effect until wor'_; has progressed sufficiently to permit reopening. The State will arrange for barricade and signing of the closed section. City Engineer Wilson, upon inquiry, advised that this is the road from Rainier Avenue to the West Valley Highway by Longacres and traffic will not be able to travel the road during construction. The City had several times called attention to the need for early revision of this hazardous traffic situation. -3- �J Q Renton City Council Meeting 12-20-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from Donald G. Holm, Attorney representing the City of Renton in the Edwards vs. City of Renton Traffic Signal Suit, submitted a letter from the Supreme Court of the State advising that the subject Court case is being returned to the King County Superior Court for further testimony which decision overrules the decision of Judge Walterskirchen in Superior Court and clarifies a heretofore uncertain area in Municipal Law which now indicates that if a Municipal Corporation accepts the benefit of an improve- ment under conditions which existed in this case, it must pay the reasonable value of the improvement which thu City has received and accepted rather than the amount representing tenefitxeceived. . The matter will be discussed with the City Engineer to determine if any further evidence should be presented than has heretofore been considered. A Certificate was read from Ralph R. Stender, Deputy County Auditor and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, submitting Resolution No. 31058 describing the boundarie.,.° of proposed Green River Flood Control Zone District and needs and requirements within the zone, setting a date for public hearing thereon at 9:30 a.m. on January 10, 1965 in Room 402, King County Courthouse, Seattle. The City was urged to approve the Flood Control District as presented. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the proposed District and Plans as specified and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents. It was pointed out that the City Attorney shall approve all instruments to be signed by City Officials. The motion carried. Mayor Custer advised he would be attending this meeting and all Council Members were invited to attend if possible. A letter was read from the State Department of Health acknowledging receipt of report on Renton Municipal Water System Study and the State approval was hereby confirmed. Mayor Custer advised of report from investigation of water line from which lining had broken loose and complaints had been received from residents and inspection has disclosed that the trouble lies only in the six inch lines and the cost for replacement will .not be as great as anticipated. This is in the Tiffany Park area. (Richard E. Wolff report) A letter was read from Mayor Custer requesting Council concurrence in recommendations concerning property transactions as follows: Seattle City Light Property in Civic Center Site - Sup't. John Nelson advised of agreement to sell to City of Renton for appraised price of $75,000.00. The use of the property for minimum period of six months was requested with three months extension to be by mutual agreement, said use to be gratis. A Quit -Claim Deed for the property will be delivered at the end of the use period and final payment to be made of balance owing by the City upon delivery of the deed. A real estate contract with $100.00 down payment was recommended in the meantime. Cedar River Property - The City of Seattle has agreed to pay the City the appraised pr ce of $22,500.00 for this site for new Transmission Line Patrol Headquarters for the Seattle Department of Lighting and will pay the cost in full as soon as possible . Hugh White Property for Civic Center Site - Mr. White has agreed to sell this site for appraised price of $98,000.00 but wishes to retain use of the building and rent therefrom for a period of six months following the City's purchase of the property. He suggests the Deed be placed in escrow with a local bank upon execution of an agreement to guarantee the use and rental until June 30, 1966 with option to extend same by mutual agreement. Mayor Custer pointed out that the City will benefit from the deferred payments on both sites by continuing to derive interest on the money to be used for the purchases which is now invested,and since no construction is planned for at least six mnnths immediate pos- session is not necessary. Moved by Delaurenti, _econded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to executed those documents to be required upon approvql of the City Attorney as to Form. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in extension of closing hours on New Year's Eve for taverns and cocktail lounges in the City of Renton from 2:00 a.m. until 3:00 a.m. as authorized by the State Liquor Control Board upon approval of local authorities, with the Mayor allowed to approve requests for special type entertainment. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Mayor's recommendation and request. Discussion ensued retarding special requests and the members of the police and License Col�- mittee requested to be advised in event of special requests. The pending motion carried. ' A letter of intent was read to annex property to the City of Renton in vicinity of S .E . 162nd Street near Rolling Hills Village as submitted by Charles J. and Thelma J. Redmon. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the City Engineer for check of validity of signatures. -4- Renton City Council Meeting 12-20-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, submitted and recommended for payment the final estimate for work performed by General Pipeline Construction on L.I.D. 254, Water System in Cedar River Summer Home Sites,in sum of $5,295.73. The work was com- pleted on December 16, 1965 and accepted by the Engineering Department on December 20th, It was recommended further that the Council'aecept the improvement as of this date, and that,if after 30 days no liens or claims `are filed against the project and upon payment of tax liabilities, tine retained percentage of $588.41 be released to the Contractor. Upon approval, L.I .D. 254 Ca :h Fund Warrant #1 to General Pipeline Con- struction Co. , $5,295.73 and L.I.D. 254 Revenue Fund Warrant #1 to Firemen's Pension Fund, $5,295.73 @ 4.75% interest to be drawn. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Brace, to concur with referral of the payment to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. James K. Donahue requesting permit to install Community Antenna Television system in Renton. Voved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Light and Power Committee to report back. Carried. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer requested ec:acurrence in the appointment of Mr. Paul W. Houser as Municipal Judge for the City of Renton for the ensuing four-year period beginning on January 15, 1966. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment. Carried, COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee,reported discussion on possibility of a bond issue in the fall, next November, for arterial street improvements. Five items were referred to the Traffic Advisory Committee for recommendations and all are items within the Comprehensive Plan. (1) Logan to Smithers Street (2) On Ramp - Sunset , & 4th Avenue North (3) 3rd Avenue - Logan to Wells - including another Railroad Crossing (4) Widen Sunset Highway East to 138th Ave. S.E. (5) Rainier Avenue Overcrossing from Airport Way to Renton Avenue . There may be some aid available but otherwise, bond issues will be recommended and the Committee will be making further study and reports. Councilman Perry referred to the proposed maps prepared and felt the Council should review the proposals for the street improvements and moved that the subject maps be referred to the Committee ... of the Whole and the Traffic Advisory Committee. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Councilman Schellert referred back to the revision by the Boeing Company of its plans for the bridge structure at the mouth of Cedar River and moved that the matter be re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole as well as the Engineer. The motion was seconded by Morris and carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted report of the Committee regarding vehicular volume studies and parking availability studies during the freeway progress and it is quite evident the freeway has helped to relieve congestion on Main Street but mostly during the non-peak hours. A 24 hr. count taken between 2nd and 3rd Avenues indicated a 35% decrease in traffic following the opening of the"freeway to Tukwila. A 17% decrease was recorded during peak hour restriction from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. A complete parking study was also completed to determine Main Street needs and it is evident that there is more parking space available than parking demands by 507. which may explain lacy: of utilization of the Municipal Lot #1 located between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. The Committee and Engineer are continuing study on the Main Street parking restriction and recommendation will be forthcoming at the conclusion thereof. Councilman Perry, Member of the Property Committee, subm�_tted report which was read by the Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Recommended that the firm of Johnston & Campanella be retained as architects to design the new city hall. with Contract to be negotiated with the firm and City Attorney according to terms discussed during interview. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Committee recommendation. Dahlquist opposed a suggestec' local contractor preference and confirmed bid policy stating bids should be called for and moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Discussion ensued and it was pointed out that the final contract would be returned after being drawn. Percentage difference was pointed out by Dahlquist and members of the Committee advised of much time being spent in interviews and that their recom- mendation was made based upon determineo best interest_ of the City. The pending motion was voted upon and failed, the 1�ayor delcaring same lost upon majority voiced dissenting vote. The original mot-ion to concur int-he Committee recommendation w&s voted upon and carried. -5- Renton City Council t•Ieeting 12-20-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS_ Property Committee report (Cont. Regarding request oe Emilio Pier3tti to purchase surplus property at 92nd Avenue Sr1. :': and Rainier Avenue, the Committee recommended in favor of the sale and that_ the Cit-V Attorney arrange for necessalry documents with ilayor a:id Cit; Clerk au::hcrized to execute same at tiie appraised pr-°.ce, Recommended iurther that upon ccmp-le•tion o-L sale the City Council instigate action to lone said property to B-1 to co=nform with zoning of abuttin=g properties. Dahlquist inquired regarding -tile city iritiatir_g a rezone when property owner had not requested one. Perry advised the request had bef .. made by the property owner to the Committee to whom the ratter had been referred. sine '50.,00 fec 'also r .i-.=e c'' o, area was originally cedi ca t ed as a street a:.d therefore ha6 no zoning. recom�;nendatio:n is in accorca---ce Haiti: the land use map. Dahlquist inquired whether the subject applicant was the ab:ztt I.0 property City A-tq,_ cy Shellan upon innu_iry advised that there is no law or creinance which mal=es it m,,nid story to give abutting prgnerty o� ner fir:,- c:•i^nce bu�� in tis particular case, Mr. Pierotti is the adjoining owner„ This is land which the State granted to the City and was declared surplus which Mr. Pierotti wishes to buy. A part is to remain as City land and is to be dedicated as right of way, Tae City may call for bids or negotiate and _t IS usually a ratter of CCilrtesy to al-,ow aL'1-ti; � proper'.; first. opportunity ','u buy. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to ccneur in the _ecommnendations of the Property Committee as read. Garrett pointed cu- that there would be no fee requIrcd if the City initiates and if the property cti:ner requests •Lite =ezcne he would pay the '50.00. The pending motion carried. The Property Committee recommended that the Porter :.ease cn. the parking lot at Cedar River Waterway property be reg:.ewed on a month to month re--i-1 basis. Moved by Scheller`, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur n the Lease Renewal as recommended. Carried. :Regarding request of Seattle Real Estate Company to use a portion of ?rd Place Vorti. and Houser 'day, it vas recommended that a Revocable Public Use Pe-emit be granted alta a 60 day termination clause for fee of '500.00 payable annually, proper hold harmless agreement to be execute'. and. insurance all to be f=led ,:7i+_h the C=•--y. This pfopestr to be used for egress and ingress and parking only. yaps of -he area were distri;:�tee.. Moved 1--y Poli, seccn.ed by Hulse, to concur in Vne Property Committeez- tion. The motion curried It was recommended by the Property Co->mittee that when t>,e L i_brary Board vacates t'ac old library building that it be transferred to the su-oervision of the Park Board becance the property is a very important part of Li bcr•y Park. Also, that primary consideration given to the Allied Alt Commi_ss .on for use (,)f theb; g to establish an Art Gallcry andpossible beginning of- a Renton :':is-o-. i_ca:__ M-u,;ea:I. Moved by Delaurenti, seccndec by 3^-c_ia_t; t;I con=cur in the recommendation. '1:2 I motion carried. Councilman Delaurenti, -,rentz, Chairman o� .^1.c .:..:.c :71n,",, Commfttee, moved that the matt :. of revision of the Rent-_:n _arl o-^ Codc, prcv_1c°_-1y ::eferred to his Committee, be to the Law and Ordiran^..e Co=__-^ttce for rev?s lcrs I m.�-l0= _,-:. .`.1^r• do a' R� and carried. x.. d by S ch„�1. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting cC `ae F lire and Water Committee with the tlayor, Fire Chief and Citp Engineer J:1 in the t1nyo-P s of f 7 ce Moved by Hulse, seconded by Sche le rt, that Vouchers No. 1.520 through 3_622, having been previously ap .rovcd by the Auditing and Accounting Ccrmittee, bee approved by the Cot-nc -; for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follcras: Current Fund 1521 - 1560 and 162^ $ 5;732.53 Street Fund 1561 1565 52778.52 North Renton I:nt-erchange 1565 2. 0 Equipment Rental Lund 1567 - 1536 2,371 35 Park% Fund 1587 - 1593 19 SKI.7.90 Water Works Utility 1599 - 1515 9,428,65 W, c S. Construction. Fund 152.0 53,65!'.00 Airport Luna 1616 - 15'.': - x'8,;.20 7819-;'..4 L,I,Dn 4254 Cas: `,,1 $ 5,2.95,73 L,I�D, 4254 7evenne ; 1 5,295.73 433 Renton City Council Meeting 12-20-65 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse reported attending a meeting of the Board of Directors of the F� + uyia-:y Planning Association at Richland on Saturday and called attention to a meeting in Renton on June 10 and 11, 1966. It was anticipated that the meeting will be on the format of industrial oriented land use with requirements of industry and what industry expects in the way of land use being outlined. The Association is considering affiliation with the American Association of Planning Officials. It was recommended that a session be includod on electric signs, several people involved in the sign industry indicating that it wanted to be heard. Attention was called by Mr. Hulse to an editorial appearing last week in the Record Chronicle "Requiem - - - For Provincialism" which has been submitted to the Board of. Directors of the Planning Association for consideration for award as an out- standing editorial in the field of planning. The award is given each year and others will be submitted with like merits. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the matter of Air Pollution Ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee for possible drafting of an ordinance. Mayor Custer advised that although the motion is not out of order he had sometime ago sub- mitted a sample which was given concurrence of the Council. Garrett suggested that the Law and Ordinance Committee check with Seattle and the County before bringing in its report. Mayor Custer advised that the proposed Ordinance he had submitted was one provided by the County. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee reported that the Committee had discussed the proposed Ordinance and was holding it to see what changes and additions may be adopted by Seattle which might be incorporated in the City of Renton document. Councilman Garrett called attention to the matter of combining uniform personnel pension funds which the Washington State Pension Committee is studying at present, and moved that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee and Fire and Water Com- mittee for recommendation to be sent to the pension commission. The motion was seconded by Schellert, City Clerk Nelson inquired regarding instances where the City has only a Firemen's Pension Fund System and other uniformed personnel are part of the Statewide City Employees Retirement Svstem. How does that effect our system as a second class City.which'has no Police Pension Fund. The City Attorney called attention to the proposal to establish a new State Law which would permit the combining of the two, but from the correspondence he has seen it is apparent such a move would cost the city more money. The pending motion subsequently carried. Councilman Perry made inquiry regarding use of the library building by Allied Arts and inspection of the building as requested. Mayor Custer advised this can be handled administratively unless a motion to refer is otherwise desired. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating excess monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary expenses and capital outlay necessitated by such emergency. (Fire Station and Training Site) The City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance which had been placed on first reading on December 13, 1965. Moved by Delaurenti and seconded by Pali, to adopt City Ordinance #219 8 as read. Dahlquist opposed the motion stating that funds should have been budgeted for this acquisition. Delaurenti stated that the Council did not know the property could be purchased nor the price at budget time. Roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No: Dahlquist. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, adopting an "Arterials and Street Plan" as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, which was .read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance No. 2199 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. (701 Plan) The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington Changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from Residential District (R-2) to Light Industry District (L-1) as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris., seconded by Schellert, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2200 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. -7- Renton City Council Meeting 12-20-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: '.'he Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to make the following transfers, Via-ler I aintenance Acct 7120, M. & 0., to-wit: irc:a: Water Department ti. & 0. 201, $1,500.00 unto Water Department M. & 0 303; "rom A: : & 0, 3C9, $500,00 unto M, & O� 303; From M. & 0. 310, $500.00 unto M. & O. 30'; room M� C; 407, x'200..00 unto M> & 0. 303• From M. & 0. 202, $250.00 unto M. & 0. 302; prom N. & 0. 305., $250.00 unto M. & 0. 302; From Salaries & Wages 110, $200.00 unto tf., 17 0c 302; iron► M, & 0. 203, $70000 unto M. & 0. 417; From M. & 0. 204, $7000, unto M.. & 0. 306; From C. O. 6097 $700.00 unto C. O. 606; From C. 0. 609, $200.00 unto C. 0. 607; as read by the Clerk. Moved by Scheilert, Seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1349 as read. ..M 'she motion carried. ziie Cc:,Lnittee submitted a proposed Resolution adopting a mutual. aid agreement with Icing County Fire District 14, Bellevue for Fire Fighting Assistance, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in adoption of Resolution No. 1350 as read, Carried. Councilman Morris reported that the Law and Ordinance Committee will be presenting a proposed Ordinance relating to wrecked and junk vehicles next week which has been in Committee for some time !.which has now been approved by the enforcing agencies. Mayor Custer advised chat copies of the Puget Sound Rapid Transit Study are available in the Mayor's office. Councilman Pedersen reported that the report of feasibility study of sewer system along :sake Washington had been referred to the Sanitation Committee and that the people had made inquiries from the area regarding the sewers and a meeting has been set for Wednesday, January 5, 1966 at City Hall at 7:30 p.m. and the Consultants who prepared the report will be present along with bonding attorneys representatives and the City At::orney was requested to be present also. roved by Morr_ls, seconded by Poli, as there was not further business to come before the Council, that the meeting be adjourned. Seasons greetings were extended by the :savor and Council Members and the meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m. There were 24 visitors in the Council Chambers,, gnaw Helmie W. Nelson;, City Clerk T W, Custer, Mayor The following, transfers, having been approved by the Auditi.n,7 and Accounting Committee, were arproved for the month of December, 1965. TO: CLAIMS TO: PAYROLL FUND FROMY Current 78,132.17 FROM: Current 75,221 ,31 Street 31 ,691 .33 Street 13,384.99"' Arterial St. 28,255.61 Cedar River PI $ I 596.79 No. Renton Int. 480330.20 Off St. Parking 10,00 Cedar River MF,I 99.43 Fauirment Rental 3,096.00 Off St. Parking 21,836.74 Library 5,251 .87 F.quirment Rent. 10,878.46 Parks 11,493.80 Library 9,743,94 Waterworks Util . 13,992.64 Library Const. 19,SSO,94 Airrort 1,136,00 Parks 29,095.25 Waterworks Util.62,593.36 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 571539.05 Airport 5,360.94 Firemen's Pens. 1,194.10 Curs. Res. 1975 29,716.16 Cum. Res, 1894 65,65 Total Claims $433,063.23 -8- Total Pavroll $125,183.30 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8 :00 P.M. December 27, 1965 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by president of the Council Henry Pedersen at invitation of Mayor Custer, this being the date for election of a new Council President. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pedersen, Bruce, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried, OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M• 5hellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Del Bennett, Assistant City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic ieGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman and Ted Fennett, Utility Fccountont, APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILD 14G DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS T71PE OF WORK 10812 $ 2,000.00 Pacific Coast Ry. Co. 1580 - 8th Ave. No. Connect area lights 813 2,000.00 Wm. Bellmondo 1019 Bronson Way Remodel door & windows 814 300.00 Fancher Flyways, Inc. Airport Way Sign 10815 350.00 Richard Reeves 13050 S ,E, 115th Pl. W-re new residence 816 10,500.00 Ray Fracker 1137 "N" P1, Norm New Residence 817 215.00 C. J. Peterson 12432 Sunset Blvd, E. Wirq Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7607 - - - - - Greater Renton Shopping 2828 13th Pl. No., Plumbing Fixtures 08 - - - - - C. Warren Marshall 1102 "ta" Street Cas Installations 09 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11407-136tn Ave. SE Gas installations 7610 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11400-136t1h Ave. SE Gas Installations 11 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11415 - 135th Ave SE Gas Installation 12 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3333 rolling Hills Place c _ri'�ino Fixt, 13 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3336 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing iixts, 14 - - - - - Francis Matthai 525 Grant Street Heating Equipment 7615 - - - - - The Boeing Company Bldg, 10-50 Plumbi1.> ney Fixtures COMMUN tATIQNS A letter from the dift], Service Commission was read sub-nittir..g ^' igs anci Conclusions of the Commission on appeal by Patrolman Harold Ray Caldwell of suspension issued by the Chief of Police as a result of a certain -accident occurring while on duty on date of October 24, 1965. The Commission determined and adjudged that Officer Caldwell had fai e{d . o omply with and adhere to the rules and regulations of the Police Department of "of;,�tenton and that the suspension without pay for the eerioe of ilovEmb .1, 1965 to Novembelp"15, 1965 as heretofore imposed by the Chief of Police of the City. . Renton, was thereby affirmed, and submitted for information_ of the Council., 'r A letter was read from City Engineer Jack Wilson requesting authorization to call {v: for opening of bids on February 7, 1966 for covering of the 11- mil'.ion gallon Highlands Reservoir as provided for in the 1965 Water and Sewer Revenue "ond !ssu-. Mr, Dick Wolff was the Consulting Engineer for the project and it was recommended that he be retained to complete the plans and assist in awarding of the bids and inspection of the present improvement. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the requests. Dahlquist inquired regarding hiring of special consultants with reference specifically to work done under Supt. of Utilities Schroeder and Delaurenti stated he was on the Council at that time and believed it to be the same Consultant.. This is engineering work for specialized areas which cannot be handled as expediticusly nor proficiently ... without such aid. The pending motion carried. A letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, repoi�ed-regarding letter of intent to annex properties to the City of Renton, submitted by_".` ;t; zles Jo Redmon et ux, on December 14, 1965, that. the. signatures represented 100/.-:zwn Int" p of the assessed valuation. Thepreliminary, meeting with the property 'owners was held I Mr ,edr._on indicated willingness to assume his pro rata share of the City's -pre-exist ftrg•bended _nelei ted gess, Area of 5.08 acres and assessed value of $2,850-is estimated.l oved `y Schellert, to indicate favorably upon the validated letter and authorize the circuiation by the e"t� uired Petition, Carried. xo property owner of th ,�. q he Clete.; ��Cr'ted :-ecelpt ;,f the petiticn and ;,t was mi,�ved by Schellert, :eco Ldp a Kul se e : ,,o 7-91fw r � _ - - �r J to the �y.- - IT } Renton City Council Meeting 12-27-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter was read from the City of Longview, John Phillips, Traffic Engineer, directed to Mr. Delbert C. Bennett, requesting information relative to the parking meters the City of Renton plans to remove from its downtown area. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to refertle matter to the Mayor to report back. Intent of the motion was discussed as to whether sale is hereby authorized and after suggested motion to refer to the Committee of the Whole, Councilman Perry, with consent of second amended the motion originally made to read that the Mayor shall report to the Committee of the Whole when he has completed investigation of the matter. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. A letter read from City Engineer Wilson advised that his office has no objections to the construction as planned of the proposed Bridge at the mouth of the Cedar River as requested by the Boeing Company in its revised application to the Corps of Engineers. Since review of the plans it is evident that the new structure will provide more clearance both vertically and horizontally than the existing bridge, which was the point of objection prior to plan review. A Permit will undoubtedly be requested in the near future since normal procedure for obtaining permission from the Corps of Engineers and the City has been instituted. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan submitting copy of a letter from the Department of Natural Resources pertaining the the City's proposed acquisition of Blocks "A" and "B", Third Supplemental Maps of Lake Washington Shorelands . If it is the City's intent to purchase said properties on a deferred basis, the down payment of $4,850.00 will be required and the balance then payable in nine equal annual in- stallments together with the interest on such deferred payments. It was pointed out by Mr. Shellan that the City has exercised its right of preference but now must de- cide how it is going to purchase, on deferred plan or outright and that the State is now waiting for the money. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. Discussion ensued regarding time element and Garrett stated his opinion that he felt there was no doubt that the City wanted to purchase the land and that motion should be to vote to buy the land with referral to the Ways and Means Committee or other Committee to bring in recommendations of how to pay for it. Perry, with permission of second,restated the motion to approve purchase of the property with referral to the Ways and Means Committee to report back recommended means of the funding. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, presented joint recommendation of Committee and Library Board that the low bid of Hal Fogman & Associates, Inc. in sum of $14,050.12,for Ames stacks,be accepted at ths_ time. This is a portion of the furniture placed on bid call and opened on12-20-65, for furnishing and equipping of the new library building. Inquiry was made as to whether money had been budgeted for the purchase and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian advised that the money is available for this portion of the furnishings which 16 essential equipment and can be set up com- pletely. The part to be left can be dld6.Qd on time payments but this is budgeted and availdble hoW. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the bid award.Carried. Councilman Schellert called attention to action taken by the Council concurring in rezone of property being purchased by Emilio Pierotti and recommended referral to the Planning Commission for its recommendation. City Attorney Shellan advised that the matter could be referred properly for recommendation and the hearing could be set by the City Council and posted and published as required but this was initiated by the Council, an alternate method of rezoning. It was pointed out by Mr. Perry that the rezone was not to be effected until after the sale. Mr. Schellert called to mind the fact that the Commission only meets twice monthly. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented a joint recommendation of the Committee and City Engineer, that the low bid of W. C. Frost Construction in the sum of $ 15,620.00 on Main Street and 2nd Avenue Storm Sewer Installations, bo accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Contracts upon approval thereof by the City Attorney. moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Perry advised he wished to commend the Street Department for the very fine work on the streets during the recent and sudden snow and ice storm, noting that traffic flowed very smoothly during this period. Councilman Hulse advised that favorable comment was made by a Tacoma resident on the early action of the street department bpon seeing trucksall loaded with sand and ready to go at an early hour. -2- City Council Meeting 12-27-66 COUNCIL COKMI1TTEE REPORTS: 3 OLD EJSINESS (Cont.) Councilman Pedersen reported that one item which has been in the Committee of the Whole for sometime inasmuch as money was not available to proceed heretofore on awarding of a contract, is the designing of the grandstand for liberty park. Funds have been allotted therefor, in the 1966 budget,and the matter may now be acted upon. Moved by Perry and seconded by Schellert, to take the matter from Committee and place on the floor for discussion. Carried. Councilman Pedersen stated that it is recommended that the firm of Olson & Richert be .retained to design the grandstand. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist,that Olson and Richert & Associates, Architects, be in,;_'tcd to sU "lit�t, sir p_c,,c:,,als to the City Attorney for drawing of a Contract and report back. Discussion ensued wherein Bruce indicated the proper procedure to be for anyone qualified to bid on the project design. Upon inquiry by Poli regarding Park Board recommendation Pedei�an advised that the Board wanted to move forward and have a part completed this year at least. Legality of retention without stipulated amount of money to be involved was discussed and Delaurenti felt that the architect the Council might desire to retain should submit a proposal so the amount of the expenditure could be known. Attention was called by Dahlquist to action of last week in authorizing architects to suTiiit proposal. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that before authorizing anyone to Charge for preparation of plans and specifications that a contract be drawn up first so it would be in order for a proposal to be submitted for preparation of a contract to be signed by both parties prior to any further action; as will be cone on the 11- million dollar transaction of last week. The pending motion carried. NEW E'JSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 1623 through 1660, having been previoualy approved by the Auditing and Accounting Co:.min.ee, be approved by the Council for payment. The motion carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund #1623 - 1636 and 1660 $ 32,067.20 Street Fund 1637 - 1642 4,283.03 c2'.: 'r uzd 1643 12,634.13 Equipment Rental 1644 182.35 Parks 1645 - 1652 3,128.24 Water Works Utility 1653 - 1658 21,274.39 Airport 1659 53.04 Total 73,632.38 Councilman Schellert advised that Commissioner O"Lrien has provided a eery of the County Air Pollution Ordinance for information purposes pending action by tha City of Renton on the ratter. Councilman Pedersen advised that it is lime to nominate and elect a new Council President and nominations were declared open. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlcu_st, that Bruce f,ulse be norm—bated as 1966 President of the City Co,incil. As there were no further nominations, it was moved that the nominations be closed upon motion by Delaurenti and second- ;y Poli. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Perry, that the Cleric cast a un,-nimous ballot for Councilman Hulse. Mrs. Dahlquist thanked Councilman Perry for inquiring c-hether she would accept such nem_iration and advised she did not accept since she does not. plan to run for re-election. After other comments C.'.' TTerk Helmie Nelson cast unanimous ballot for the new Council Presicent as directed. Councilm7n Hulse ex- pressed appreciation for the confidence and pladged his best efforts to do a good job. ORDINANCE'S AND RESOLUTIONS: The Law and Ordinance Committee introduced for first reading, a proposed Ordinance of the City of Penton, Washington vacating a portion of Logan Street North within the City of Renton, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the pro- posed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2201 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. A proposed Ordinance was submitted and placed on first reading prohibiting abandonment of ... motor vehicles; restricting the disposition or keeping of wrecked, junked, non-operating or discarded veheiles on streets, alleys and private property; providing for the impound- ing of certain vehicles and imposing penalties for violations the,_eof. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2202 as read. Poli inquired whether other cities have like Ordinances. City Attorney Shellan advised they do not, that under State Law the Sheriff has :_mto -nd rights on such cars. he does net get to Renton too often and in checking, Sheriff Porter has given his o.k. for the City of Renton action and will work with our police Department and the City is on legal ground in effecting such Ordinance. The penuing lotion carried. Councilman Pedersen was commended for his work with the Committee of the Whole during his teem and in turn thanked everyone for the honor of serving. Moved by Morris, seconded by GGaarrreett',' tt adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8: 5�5 M. �/-- -3- Mayor Cify Clerk RENT014 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING j4ttu4rY 3t 1965 8:00 P-M a The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Garrett, Pedersen; Perry, Trimm, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Councilmen be excused. (Garrett was absent the foregoing part of the meeting) The motion carried, OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Dorothea Gossett, Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City ErWineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Ifarce lla Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvwrt, Street Com- missioner, Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director and M. C , Walls, Fire Chief, APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SULMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10818 $ 683"00 The Boeing Company 8th & Logan Street Wire Pumps for Steam 819 152728.00 The Boe=ing Company 8th & Logan Street Filter Duct for power 10820 1,000,00 The Boeing Cc:npany Shuffleton Plant Temp. Elec. Service 821 129,672.00 The Boeing Company Gate D-6 Logan St. Relighting 822 48,525.00 The Boeing Company Gate D-6 Logan Sts Frame Steel Building 823 33,000.00 The Boeing Company 8th & Garden Street Parking Lot Lighting 824 6,900,00 The Boeing Company Building 421 Elec. Service 10825 99,250 00 United Good Neighbors 9395 So, 180th St. Office Building 826 6,194,00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-45 Electric Wiring 827 1,248,000.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 417 Addition to Bldg. 4-04 828 687,000.00 The Boeing Company Warehouse 829 250,00 Harry Hart 230E - 6th Ave. No. Wire Residence 10830 20000 Dial Fi..a.nce Co. 607 - 3rd Avenue Partition Building 831 529,00 Art Ballastrasse 1206 Davis Street Wire New Residence &32 4,500.00 Myers Oil Company 1520 Bronson Way Canopy over Gas Pumps 8.33 6,000.00 Trader Town 12305 Rainier Ave. Zo. Carport 834 9;812,00 City of Lenton Library-Liberty Park 'Wire New Library 10835 50,000.00 The Doeing Company Bldg, 4-45 Steel Mfg. Bldg. Frame 836 100 Robert D. Pattie 13324 S.E . 116th St.. Garage Door PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7616 - - - - -. - Ashley Furniture 2830 Sunset Blvd. E. Gas Installation 17 - - - - Edwin Sheets 815 "K" Street Gas Installations U - - - - - - Pasco, Lackie 11307 - 112th Plumbing Fixtures 19- - - - - - - the Doeing Company Bldg, 4-73 Gas & Plumbing Fixts. 762-0 - - - - - - The Boeing Company No. - So. Warehouse Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - - - The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-63 - Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - - - Burkheimer Restaurant 95 Airport Way Plumbing Fixtures 23 - - - - - - Wm, Glockner 10609 - 111th Pl. S. Plumbing Fixtures 24 - - - - - - R, S. Shane 11625 S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 7625 - - - - - Reeves Const. Co. 13050 S.E. 115th Pl Plumbing Fixtures Councilman Hulse called attention to report made by him in December on his attendance at Washington State Planning Association Board of Directors meeting at Richland, The Minutes designated the "Board of Directors of the Richland Planning Association" in error. Moved by Councilman Hulse, that the Minutes of the regular meeting of December 20, 1965, and the meeting of December 27, 1965 be approved with correction as stated. The motion was seconded by Morris and carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Application from Mr. Dino Patas requ? sted required license to operate a coin-type pool table in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from City Engineer Jack Wilson reporting that the signatures,on the petit;on for annexation to the City of the Redmon properties,represented 100% of assessed valuation. This property is in vicin=ty of S.E. 160th Street West of 114th Ave. S.E. near (tolling Hills, Moved by Scliellert, seconded by Poli, that the matter be referred to Mayor Custer to request dispensation of Review Board proceedings, the property being within lawful requ_i_-ene1'.^ tlierafor ,, Carr _cd.. C � Minutes of. the Renton City Council Meeting 1-3-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter was read from Mr� James Young, Director of Community Services, Renton School District 403, requesting a waiver permitting use of PA systems by car caravans at 10:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on January 15, 1966 in promoting the coming School District election on January 18th. The City Ordinance now provides for the use of PA Systems only in the afternoon hours. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted. Carried. A letter was read from Ralph R. Stender, Deputy, King County Commissioner's Office, which -was- submitted on behalf of Mr. Scott-Wallace, .Chairman, Board of King County Commissioners, fror'n•.Donald L. Kruzner, County Superintti.idebt of Schools, and Mayor D. W. Custer, approving waiver of Review 066:td proceedings 6 �'koposed annexation of property in vicinity of S.E. 116th Street and.136th Avenue SLt,, petition of Dayle Garrison et al, which property is less than ten ares and less than $200,000 assessed valuation and thus, under RCW 35�13.172,by majority action of ROVIew 866rd Members may have such waiver of proceedings. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that January 17, 1965 be set for hearing on the proposed annexation and that said notice be duly posted and published in accordance with the laws Carried. A letter from the City Clerk advised that there are certain fund transfers required at this time in order to maintain proper accounting balances: From: Bldg. Maint. Acct. 1800 201, 400.00; Police Dept. Fund Acct 2100/203, $795.00, 311, $290.00, 312, $700.00; all Current Fund; From Library Fund, Acct. 5000/201, $300.00; from Park Fund, Acct. 6120/201, $45000. Unto- Current Fund, Police Department Account 2100/201, Statewide Retirement ,and Employment Security, $2,935.00; From: TRaffic Control Fund, Acct 3120/201, $100.00, 203, $160.00, 204, $45.00; from: Street Maintenance Fund Acct. 3240/201, $1,200.00, 202, $600.00 and 203, $.282.00; Unto: Street Maintenance Fund Acct. 3240/303 (Street Lighting) $2,387.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request for transfers to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. A letter from Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, requested fund transfers for purchase of urgently needed books and equipment due to the building program as follows: From: Salaries and Wages, Library Fund Acct 50.00/12.0,. $900.00; from Maintera nee and Operation, 305, $275.00, 306, $54.00, 309, $75.00, 313, $19.00, 417, $8.50.00, 504, $43.00. Unto: Maintenance and Operation, 403, Books, Maps, etc. $500.00 and Capital Outlay, 606, Furniture and Equipment, $1,716.00. Total transfer, $2,216.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. .. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recom- mendations from its public hearing meeting of December 22nd as follows: Rezones recommended for approval: Charles Shane, Appl. No. R-263-65, from R-3 to B-1, Property located on Maple Valley Hwy. adjacent to Stoneway Dock Company. Moved by Perry, and seconded by Poli, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Mr. John Day, Attorney representing Mr. John Edwards, addressed the Council on this matter opposing the proposed rezone. It was pointed out that the land use map shows the river is right next to the highway. Mr. Shane's map shows 150 ft.. strip of land in width but that such has been created by fill and possible future widening of' the .highway .should be considered along with potential uses under B-1 zoning which might be a tavern, gas station, etc. which would be borrow- ing trouble. Mr. Day submitted his opinion that the gravel plant should be zoned Com- mercial, that it is a non-conforming use and within sight and sound of City Hall and is certainly not something you would zone heavy industry. It was there previously and r should be a non-conforming use and is not compatible with development of that area. In zoning B-1 the City would be compounding its problems. Mr. Day read excerpts from the Washington Law Review regarding Effective Municipal Zoning which. stated. that zoning is a legal division which complements the comprehensive plan by effectuating the plan. It is an off-spring of urban necessity and divides land into separate and different districts. It must reflect in its use and structures application of the character of the land in each use district. Zoning provisions must comply fully with all regulatory procedural steps. The Ordinances must be integrated to the zoning map. Mr. Day displayed the City of Renton zoning map and pointed out six existing spots of 8-1 zoning in the area and stated that the pending rezone would make seven. He read this time from Pierce vs. King County court case which holds against the Planning Com- mission in a spot zoning ruling and Mr. Day noted that spot zoning is universally con- demned and the Supreme Court finding was based on Good Government and Good Legislation the case criticism being of spot zoning in that such does not open the gates to other spot zoning. Mr. Day stated that Mr� Shane did not state his proposed use of the land and any rezoning in this area will add to problems when the comprehensive plan is adopted, and that it does not benefit the City of Renton. Upon inquiry regarding Mr. Edward's interest, Mr. Day advised that Mr. Edwards is a citizen of Renton who is interested in good government, Dahlquist stated the matter for consideration to be land usage and Mr. Day agreed except fol' point tht a block or b*area should be considered, not a lot or small parcel:. _�_ 440 Renton City Council Meeting 1-3-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations: Shane Property Rezone Councilman Perry inquired whether Mr. Edwards' property abutted the Shane property and was advised that it did not but was about 600 feet away, part of which is zoned B-1 and part Residential. Mr. Shane was recognized at this time and stated that the protestor's property was 2 miles from his and the adjoining property is light industry and the Planning Commission had considered the B-1 to be a logical use and approved the rezone. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert to refer the rezone to the Planning Committee to consider unresolved problems. Morris objected to the motion inasmuch as the Planning Commission has recommended the rezone as well as the Planning staff which had already considered the protest by Mr. Edwards. Dahlquist requested legal opinion regarding the rezone and Schellert stated the intent of the motion was to clarify this point in order that action could be taken with a clear mind that it was the right decision. City Attorney Shellan stated that it is a general principal of law that spot zoning is illegal, and the question here is whether this constitutes spot zoning. First, what does the comprehensive land use map show this property to be as that will tell whether the rezone might be allowed in the first place. If it complies with the plan it can be rezoned. Question was called for on the pending motion. Mayor Custer declared the motion appearing to be lost by dissenting voice vote majority and upon hearing proper request,roll call vote was ordered which resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Trimm, and Delaurenti. No: Bruce, Pedersen, Perry, Poli and Morris. Upon tie vote report Mayor Custer cast a negative vote and the motion failed. Morris requested the Planning Director to report if the rezone conforms to the comprehensive plan. Planning Director Ericksen advised that the Comprehensive Plan and report adopted by the City of Renton indicates that this area would be suitable for Manufacturing use and it takes in the present R-3 area and extends, up along the highway from there. In view of the nature of the area and the- H-1 area adjoining the Commission determined that B-1 was not out of line as far as the Comprehensive Plan is concerned. The subject property is located adjacent to the Stoneway Dock Company property on the Maple Valley Highway and is presently zoned R-3. The Riviera Apartment complex is in the area at present and just down the line on the highway is a business district. The area in question is presently being used as a gravel storage site by the Stoneway Company, which is zoned Heavy Industry. The Com- mission had verified the legal ownership and reviewed the traffic situation with the traffic engineer who confirmed that the rezone would constitute no problem from the traffic standpoint, the main concern having been access The Commission decision was then postponed and a second hearing set to continue for consideration of questions brought up by Mr. Day on behalf of Mr. Edwards. At this time the rezone was approved the matter having been adequately studied and analyzed and the recommendation was con- sidered to be a valid one and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Day ipquired regarding whether, in the area described as being zoned for manufacturing, it was planned for B-1. Mr.Ericksen replied in the affirmative. Mr. Day inquired whether that is also in the comprehensive plan and shown on the map. Director Ericksen advised that Mr. Shane could have, gotten.industrial zoning b,,t since the intended use is for business ft way recommended that the rezone requested be for B-1 instead of Industrial. This is a lesser use and is allowable and in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Question was called for on the original motion to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. The Mayor stated the motion appearing to be affirmative and after a third call declared the motion carried. Mr. Day requested consideration of the motion and roll call was requested by Delaurenti and Dahlquist and discussion ensued on whether members of the audience may appeal ruling of the chair. Dahlquist stated her opinion that any member of the audience who wishes to speak should be recognized. Trimm added that the State Law provides that any two Council Memberg can ask for Roll Call vote and it does not have to be before the Chair rules. City Attorney Shellan stated that each legislative body sets its own rules and the City of Renton has followed Roberts Rules of Order for many years and when any two people are dissatisfied they may challenge the decision of the Chair .and this is done by Roll Call Vote and may be done at any time. Perry pointed out that a member of the audience challenged. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to move to the next order of business. Dahlquist upheld right of the audience to speak aw and opposed the motion, which carried with her dissenting vote. (See action on this matter later in meeting) Planning Commission Recommendation No� 2 was read regarding Pacific Coast Railroad Co. Appl. No. R-269-65, from G to M-P, property located in the Earlington area in vicinity of 7th Avenue South and 92nd Avenue South. Rezone was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur Dahlquist pointed out that the staff report advised this rezone was in line with the Comprehensive Plan. The motion carried. -2- Renton City Council Meeting 1-3-66 COMMUNICATIONS: Planning Commission Recommendations (Cont.) Rezone #3: Charles Mattaini and E. R. Coleman, Appl., No. R-270-65,property located on 90th Avenue South between South 127th and South 128th Streets from S-1 to R-3. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendation. It was noted from Planning Commission meeting minutes that the request had been for R-4. Planning Director Ericksen advised that since R-4 allows six stories or 95 ft. in height, it was recommended, due to the adjacent residential area, and agreed to by the applicants, that R-3 would be the proper designation and not R-4. The pending motion was subsequently voted upon.- The motion carried. Councilman Schellert recalled Council request that Planning Commission rezone recommendations include statement of compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the three rezones heretofore approved be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Variance request of Keith Noble, Appl. V-?67-65, for 7' canopy at A. & W. Dri­-In, 12525 Rainier Avenue to be constructed to within 13' of sidewalk and within t,. , 20' right of way along Rainier Avenue. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in this recommendation, granting the variance. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. John Carl Pavone for the temporary position of Police Patrolman in the Renton Police Department effective January 16, 1966. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. The Civil Service Commission certification was attached along with eligibility approval of the Police Chief. The motion carried. A letter was read from Mayor Custer appointing Mrs. Patricia Dickinson to permanent rank of Clerk-Dispatcher with the Renton Fire Department. The six months probation- ary period has been completed and appointment to permanent rank.has been recommended by Fire Chief Walls, Council concurrence was requested with the, appointment to be effective January 1, 1966 thereupon. Moved by .Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur and the motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Poli, reporting for the Light and Power Committee, advised that regarding inquiry of Mr. James Donahue on installation of Community TV Antenna. System in the City of Renton, the Committee had forwarded communication to the gentleman in Boston, Massachusetts advising that there are two such systems operating in the City at the present time, however, if they desire to submit description and outline of area to be served, the request will be considered. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse called attention to a meeting of the County Planning Officials, representatives of the UGN Agency and Governmental Units, tomorrow at noon in Seattle at the Arctic Club to evaluate the report on the State Welfare Program, The Capital Improvement Priority Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 11, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Meeting room adjacent to the Mayor's office, to consider revised Capital Improvement Priority program. Members Schellert, Poli, Perry and Morris were requested to be present. President Hulse announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on January 18, 1966 at 7:30 p.m, to consider pending matters and to review future outlook with respect to prospective employment in the area. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that Vouchers No. 1661 through 1759, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the,:Couneil for pay- ment. The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 1661 - 1684 $ 1,941.06 Street Fund 1685 - 1687 1,094.19 -Arterial Street 1688 264.00 Off-Street Parking 1689 - 1690 119.46 Equipment Rental 1691 - 1700 645,56 Parks 1701 1732 7,395.54,_ Water Works Utility 1733 -1744 2,428,46 W. & S. Construction 1745 - 1746 1047.47 Airport 1747 - 1748 26.08 Firemen's Pension Fund 1749 - 1759 1,059,74 Total $16021.56 -4- 79 F 1-2-66 Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Schellert called attention to the meeting to be held next Monday, January 10, 1966 in the County Commissioners Office regarding the Kennydale annexation. Councilman Pedersen reminded the Sanitation Committee Members, Perry and Morris, of the meeting with property owners of Kennydale and the Lake Washington areas to be held on Wednesday, January 5th at 7:30 p.m. with Engineering Consultant to discuss feasibility study of Sanitary Sewer project in said area. Mr, Wilson, City Engineer and City Attorney Shellan, the Mayor and any others interested were invited to attend, and a recording secretary was requested. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, Councilman Vern Morris, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to make the following fund transfers in order to maintain proper accounting balances: From: Library Fund Account No. 5000 Salaries & Wages, 120 Temporary Employees, $900.00 Maintenance and Operation, 305 Utility Service - Phone, $275.00; 306 Stat. Equipment, Maintenance, $ 54.00; 309 Bldg. Repair, Maintenance, $ 75.00; 313 Ass n. Dues, $ 19.00; 417 Material & Supplies, $85000; 504 Travel Expense, $ 43.00 Unto: Library Fund Account No. 5000 Maintenance and Operation,403 Books, Maps, etc. $500,00 Capital Outlay,606 Furniture and Equipment $1,716.00 Total $2,216.00 From: Current Fund Building Maintenance Acct. 1800/201, $ 400.00, Police Department Fund Acct. 2100/203, $ 795.00; 311, $290.00; 312, $700 .00 Library Fund, Acct. 5000/201, $ 300,00 Park Fund Acct. 6120/201, $450,00 Unto: Current Fund Police Department Fund Acct. 2100/201 Statewide-Emp� Sec. $2,935.00 From: City Street Fund Traffic Control Fund Acct., 3120/201, $100.00; 203, $160,00; 204, $ 45.00 Street Maintenance Fund Acct. 3240/201, $1,20000; 202, $600.00; 203, $282.00 Unto: Street Maintenance Fund Acct. 3240/303, Street Lighting Energy, $2,387.00 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the transfers adopting Resolution 1351 as read. Carried. City Attorney Shellan with apology to Councilman Trimm,advised that State Statute, Law of 1907 which supersedes Roberts Rules of Order, provides that at any time at the request of any two members of the council, on any question, roll call vote can be implemented. In this instance the Secretary may go back and identify the question and if any two wish to have vote taken or stand on roll call they could do so. City Attorney Shellan advised that it will be well for Planning Commission Minutes where rezones are concerned, to specify that the rezone as recommended is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan as our Ordinances will so state and in the rezone does not comply it cannot be passed without amending the Comprehensive Plan. It was pointed out that there had been no superseding or 'repeal of the .1907 Taw:.- In comment; Mr. Day thanked the Council for the time and Mrs. Dahlquist for her support. Moved by Dahlquist„seconded by Poli, to adjourn, Carried The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m, Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor. ,.443 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. January 10j� 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL ME14BERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquists Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Moftisi Moved by bah-lquistj seconded by Garrett, to excuse the absent Councilman. Catfied. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTME14T HEADS PRESENT: Dorothea Gossett, City `treasurer, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, ClarenCe Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Reisberg, Building Directots Marcella , Hillgen, Librarian,Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls) Fire Chief, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT', BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT I4AME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10837 $. 3,500.00 .C. J. Peterson 12432 Sunset Highway Remodel Residence 838 550.00 L. & L. Dairy Bar 401 - 3rd Avenue New Electric Service 839 1,450.00 Van Freeman 411 Windsor Way Addition to Residence 10840 50.00 John Hogan 11222 - 114th S.E. Repair Fire Damage 841 6,500.00 Leber Ink 17200 West Valley Hwy. Wire Electric Service 842 14,000.00 Roger Peterson 10514-113th Ave. S.E. Frame Residence 843 96,197.00 The Boeing Co. North-South Warehouse Wire Com'l. Bldgs 844 3,253.00 Ed Biggins 928 "G" Place Wire Four-Plex 10845 800.00 Market Basket Renton Highlands Sign 846 800.00 The Austin Co. 8350 South 153rd St. Sign 847 300.00 Maurice I. Moore 641 D Street Electric Service 848 22,274.00 Stanford C. Witsoe 1373-75 "K" Street 2-Unit Duplex PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS : 7626 - - - - - Roger Peterson 11021- 115th S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - - - Jean Torkelson 424 Whitworth St. Gas Installation 28 - - - - - Louis Wohlman 426 Mill Street Gas Installation 29 - - - - - Ruth Simpson 303 Garden Street Gas Installation 7630 - - - - - Roger Peterson 11021-115th S.E . Gas Installations 31 - - - - - Lloyd Peterson 11023 - 115th S.E. Gas Installations 32 - - - - - Rudy Zaputil 10630 - 116th S.E. Gas Installations 33 - - - - - A. W. Hielen 1031 "G" Street Gas Installations Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 3, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. At this time Mr. Harry Fletcher was introduced and addressed the Council on behalf of the Renton Downtown Merchants expressing their thanks for the removal of the parking meters which they felt gives them an equal opportunity to compete for business with the shopping centers. It is their hope that the removal is justified and that the meters can be sold. Upon inquiry regarding marking of employees cars Mr. Fletcher advised the stickers have been purchased and that a meeting is scheduled for January 13th for distribution and it is hoped there- by to eliminate further parking problems to some degree although some of the business people providing certain services feel they are entitled to park at their business locations. Upon inquiry whether it is the intent of the Down- town Merchants' Assn. to pursue the mall concept laid out by the Planners and Mr. Fletcher stated they do and that the meter removal is the first step of the operation and henceforth it will be`up to the businessmen and property owners, and if accomplishment comparable to that over the past months continues it is felt we are on the way. It was anticipated that 95% of the merchants are willing to ,cooperate, and will be working toward the forward move. Mayor Custer announced that the County Commissioners today at a public hearing meeting, set the date of Harch 8th for "Kennydale Island" election. -1- Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 1-10-66 Mayor Custer announced receipt of a copy of the initiative, filed at 8:30 a.m. today by the Citizens' Committee for Community Petterment, on behalf of Cities and towns for the Assn' .-of Washington Cities,wh'ic:. Would allow for, -,haTYng of State' Sales Tax. Further announcements will be forthcoming concernir support by the groups within the cities and towns. COMMUNICATIONS: Application of Lucille J. Wagner, owner of Harold Lui's Cafe, requested that Rainier Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate a pinball machine in said place of business. I.4oved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with P3:ac-r to act- Carried. Now A letter from Mr. Reese Swaim, Executive Director, Seattle-'irg County Mental Health Association, Inc. requested No-Pee Permit to coneuct a dcor-to-door solicita- tion in the City of Renton during the month of tR-- ''3 1966, rice_=uts to be used for assistance to the mentally ill and their families, research and education, and improved facilities for the mentally ill. Iloved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. Inquiry was made by Garrctt the organization is a recipient of UGN Funds. No one present could aevice of tlhc states and the pending motion was voted upon and carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson was read submitting and recommending for payment final costs to be charged against Lccal Improv--ment B .st-_ict 254, as follows: Contract, $5,884.14; Engineering, $ 609.26; City Clerkts Costs, $ 120.37; and City Treasurer's Costs, $ 125.00., The final assessm_nt roll was also submitted and February 14, 1966 was recommended as date for Ule hearing un said roll. L.I.D. 254 Cash Fund Warrant #2, payable to City Treas. , cr/Current Fund in sum of $854.63 and L.I.D. 254 Revenue Bund Warrant •',r2, r t .63 to rircmen's Pension Fund, are in order and on Voucher at this time, Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter was read from Helmie Nelson, City Cle:_.., a6vis_'r.g of fund transfers required to maintain proper accounting balances and to cyear the equipment rental charges for 1965 in sums of $3,532.83 and $1,717.36. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution vas Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation_ of the City Clerk. The motion carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan rrgarding cfemershio in Statewide City Employees Retirement System of Messrs. Garret. and 'riouser as of February 1, 1965 and contributions to be made for Prior service- A i_etter from Mr. Earle Tinius, Executive Secretary of the Retirement System, was attached indicating agreement of their legal counsel with opinion of City F c'.+1`Lr 'y S Cellan that a City cannot contribute matching funds covering a. pe:,.od cf outch prior service since it would constitute an increase in the co7per_sation of such elected official during his term of office. Mr, Garrett has resigned frc:► membership in the meantime,being already a member of t1ha State syctcn and dual membership not allowed. It was recommended that I`r. Iiiouser be for-warded the information so he is fully familiar with this issue. A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised of a m?stip- with i:' . Hugh White relative to the City's acquisition of his property in the proposed civic center site which had been approved by the Council for the sum of $98,000.00, possession to be delivered on or about June 30, 1966 unless otherwise agreed by both parties. Statutory Warranty Deed has been executed by the Whites and placed on record -,with the King County Auditor's office. The City has requested to be named an additional insured on the public liability insurance policy and fire insurance coverage. Funds for the purchase have been appropriated in both the 1965 and 1965 budgets and will be on hand at the possession date. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted for inspection and approval HHFA Form H-1082 called the "Workable Program". The form has been completed under direction of the Planning Director aided by other Department ;Meads and contains information to allow the HHFA to determine whether our city meets the requirements of Section 101 (c) of the Housing Act of 1949 (as amended), and is also a fundamental step toward obtaining federal funds. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried, -2- Renton City Council Meeting 1-10-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter was read from Brightman, Holm Bereiter & Stone, wherein Attorney Holm advised that a copy of the Cost Bill filed by the attorney for Mr. Robert L. Edwards was attached which had been verified and constitutes allowable costs granted by the Court. The statement may be paid when final settlement of the case has been determined. Total amount due $692.23. Moved by Schellert, with second by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee.Carried. PROCLAMATION: A proclamation from Mayor D. W. Custer was read designating January 15, 1966 as "School Voter Alert Dayf1 in the City of Renton and all citizens were urged to inform themselves of the issues to be voted upon in the special election scheduled for January 18th within the Renton School District, and to go to the polls so that a true and accurate concensus may be recorded and so that the will of the majority might clearly prevail. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to concur with the Mayor on the Proclamation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Hulse reported attending a Metro meeting in the Mayor's behalf and outside of year end reports which will be sent to the Mayor and made available if anyone wishes to cee them, the proceedings were routine. One member made the comment that communications with the City of Renton were very good. Councilman Schellert submitted Ways and Means Committee recom"endation from referral of December 6, 1965 regarding deficit in 1964 Equipment Rental Fund, that the Utility Accountant, Ted Bennett, be authorized to make the necessary entries in the books of the Equipment Rental Fund which would indicate the Council had granted a credit to the Street fund in the sum of $17,290.89 and to the Current Fund in the sum of $1,015.40, effective December 31, 1965, which credits are needed to eliminate the Accounts Receivable to the Equipment Rental Fund from 1965, which was read by the Clerk. Mloved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations of the Ways and Means Committee. Upon inquiry regarding the transactions., Accountant Ted Bennett advised that he had phoned Mr. Earry Sites, Chief, State Examin^rs, and according to the - RCW 35.21.088 the legislative body may transfer equipment, materials or supplies of any office or department to the equipment rental fund either without charge " or may grant a credit to such office or department equivalent to the value of the equipment received for future rental thus, the Street and Ci-rrent Funds are being issued such credits. Mayor Custer called a`-11ention to decision at budget hearing time that attempt Mould be made to -repay the $17,000 vhich had been accrued in 1964 duping the time the City had r_atituted tie equ _pment rental fund which was prior to requirement by state IFw and approval of the present recommendation would eliminate the need to:n:-a7cc in future budgeting. Inquiry was made whether this had been checked with our legal counsel and City Attorney Shella7 advised he had been contacted by Mr. Bennett and since this was primarily an accounting problem and not a _legal matter he had suggested he get in touch with Mr. Sites. Garrett inquired whether a written report is to be secured from the State Auditor, Mr. Sennett advised he has received nothing as yet but that it usually takes quite awhile. The pending motion carried. Councilman Pedersen submitted report of the Property Committee, Purchasing Agent and Library Board relative to bids on the library furniture which was read by the City Clerk as follows: 1. As the low bidder has not submitted satisfactory drawings or samples of some custom items, there is some uncertainty as to their meeting specifications. After investigation of numerous installations in many libraries and the plant where the equipment is made, expert opinion determined that it is not in the best ,..,. interest of the City to accept such low bids and it was recommended therefore that all items designated "Custom" be purchased from Magna Design, Inc. in sum of $8,609.50, along with low bid items in additional sum of $1,662,00 making total cost therefore, $10,271.50, plus tax $ 431.40 or total of $10,702.90. Items 64 through 68 will be deferred for further study and certain others to be omitted as designated on Library Furnishings Sheet #1. Balance of items to Timmerman Equipment, Inc., in sum of $3,326.50, plus tax, $370.71, per' a contract for $2,760.00 down payment and $6,437.21 on deferred payment at V. interest for 36 months. Sufficient funds will remain for funding deferred items and authority is requested to act upon completion of studies; contract payments to be budgeted each year,Moved by Perry, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -3- 44f Renton City Council Meeting 1-10-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) NEW BUSINESS Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers No. 1760 through 1959, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment including the Cash and Revenue Warrants pertaining to L.I.D. 254. The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund #1760 - 1830 $14,051.32 Street Fund 1831 - 1847 9,432.62 Arterial Street Fund 1848 95.72 North Renton Interchange 1849 3.00 Cedar River M. & I. 1850 - 1853 30.06 Equipment Rental Fund 1854 - 1888 2,119.63 Library 1889 - 1893 286.48 Parks 1894 - 1921 4,428.75 Water Works Utility 1922 - 1949 11,060.81 Airport 1950 - 1957 4,002.66 Firemen's Pension Fund 1958 3.13 Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 1959 65.65 $45,579.83 L.Z.U. 254 Cash Fund Warrant #2 $854.63 L.I.D. 254 Revenue Fund Warrant #2 854.63 Councilman Hulse reminded the Capital Improvement Priority Committee of the meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 11th at 7:30 p.m. and requested also a short meeting of the Committee of the Whole immediately following adjournment of this meeting. Dahlquist called attention to statement made to her that certain businessmen in the City will not accept bids offered by the City because it takes too long to get their money. It was pointed out that all cities operate under same pro- cedure and City Clerk Nelson pointed out that estimates are submitted every 30 days during progress of the job and Vouchers are issued immediately upon receipt of the progress estimate from the Department Head and are presented to Council for approval every Monday and Warrants are issued on Tuesday. The only delay possible is on the retained percentage which must be held for 30 days or until the Department of Labor and Industry and Tax Commission releases come through and providing no claims are filed against the contract during that period, so if this payment is not released, it is the fault of the contractor. Inquiry was made whether Mrs. Dahlquist referred to a contractor and she said it was a person who builds a lot of things for banks and who is a real good builder in his line of work. She cited the library contract and shelving and tables which might be built. Members of the Council confirmed that warrants are set up as promptly as the law allows and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the matter be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for investi- gation. Morris spoke in opposition to the motion asserting that procedures of the law are available if members of the Council wish to avail themselves of same and that no delay in payment is made otherwise. Upon inquiry, Office Engineer, Dick Houghton of the Engineering Department confirmed that it is required that an estimate be made every 30 days and estimates are figured by measuring the quantity of materials put in place. Progress estimates are filed with the City Clerk and Vouchers are prepared immediately and presented at the very next meeting of the Council, along with the letter with estimates. The only other time there might be a delay the City Clerk advised is when a matter has to go before a Board and when the Board approves the payment it is sutmitted the next Monday and Warrant issued on Tuesday. Garrett added that the bills are handled as expeditiously as the law allows them to be and this perhaps is part of the hazard of doing business with public agencies. It was suggested that the con- tractor be fully advised of the procedure and that the matters are being handled expeditiously. The motion was voted upon and failed and the individual was in- vited to make request to the Council and it will find out what his problem is. Councilman Pedersen announced a meeting of the Property Committee on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the date of February 7, 1966 be set for hearing on Council initiated rezone of Emilio Pierotti property as per "roperty Committee recommendation at time sale of subject land was made to Mr. Pierotti. After discussion regarding ownership and rezone policy, the pending motion carried. Garrett opposed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Carried. -4- a yr Renton City Council Meeting 1-10-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Comrdttee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton,Wazhington authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to pay `he sum of $10,000.00 out of the Waterworks Utility Fund 7120/605, Capital Outlay Account, unto Puget Properties, Inc. per agreement heretofore executed under date of August 20, 1963. (AG.740-63) The City Clerk read the proposed Resolution which covers purchase of certain right-of-way and major sewer trunk line together with additional appurtenances and improvements and the acquisition thereof is duly established to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and in furtherance of proper sanitation and disposal, said system to be made a part of the City's sir system. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1352 be adopted as read. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed. Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to make the following transfers required to meet certain obligations and expenditures which were not forseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1965 Budget: From: Street Fund 3240/315, $3,532.83,unto: Street Fund 3250/315, Street Cleaning Account, $3,532.83 ^rom: Street Fund 3240/315, Street Maintenance Acct., $1,059.94 and Current Fiindn Police Department 2100/130, $657.92, unto Current Fund, Police Dep°t. Acct, 2100/315, $1,717.86 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1353 as read. The motion carried. Councilman Morris reported that the Committee is still holding a proposed Ordinance regarding updating of the National Electric Code, 1965 Edition, until the City Clerk has roceived 3 copies required to be on file. Also pending is t%e Comprehensive Street Plan. As there was no further business to come before the Councils it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. There were 19 visitors in the Council Chambets. Helmie W• Nelson; City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor k _5- ;--EITIC11 Gli� CO_Xj-L!j 8:00 P.Mawry 171 Tho regular m2et-in3r Cf tre .`'eat-oma Gitltca1e1 rb2 - Jer y ane tl-e Pledge of to t3fle 17-- c in unicon by tl"Iie assembly. ROLL 1_'A'Ir� OF 1`31a°�,!.`,,5: ::,:iso, 7­uc-i, Garrett- _L., L Perry, 2c-'_ ?::dVioi% "Ls 1"A'o-vad I-. seconlad by Dela'irent±, -­n!� 11_­ I I that t I-i e a b c.e it 0,:%,j 2 11 1 e,_"._-, Z z r-1 L 1 r '131-15 "1 . NEC l3on -",,.,y C',2r"-,, Charctl) 'Pur OFF101ALS AND --HEADS KE 7 Agent� S-t-c-*'], -1" Atti)-�nay, Clt:rcnce V"i"arii-s L d C, C-f Police, jack Wilsoii, City Eng-inec:L-, Allort i.-Le.i Di::actor. Marce!!a 31-711gen, L-Ibrarianp I Vic Tc,20an'l-voo-1-t- C-, •IV1,-113, 74-,�p "'hlef, r� ­' T�-nnett, i5tility Account-ant, f_:ordcn D-11—ct"r, Ccne Park Diji.Lector, Robert Puhiclh, APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUEMIT'170 F! TKE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NA14E ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10349 $ 17,500.00 . Richard Reeves 13045 S.E . 115th Pl. Frame Residence 850 350.00 Richard Reeves 1304.5 S,E. 115th Pl. Wire New Residence 851 16,490.00 Wilco Properties 10004 Rainier Ave. S. Office Building 852 23,000.00 V. E. Dickason 2300 Sunset Blvd. Dairy Queen 353 400.00 Robert Shane 11625 S.E. 100th St. Wire New Residence 354 100.00 Boeing Company 10-65 Bldg.-Garden St. Wiring Bldg. 10855 50.00 Boeing Company 8th & Garden Street Wiring for Office "56 * 1,400.00 0 Jack Stewart 12th North U Sunset Electric Sign S57 2055092.00 Boeing Company 10-71 Bldg Wire Building 358 "')00.00 Earl Crum Ord & Whitworth Sign B11,111 T T 1,7 &_111-EAT.LNG P7,XM i T S 763 - - - - - Ewing Stringfellow 41hitWorth Lane Gas-Heat Equipmn"_ 35 - - - - - Biggins Apartment 928 "G" Place Plumbing Fixtures .0.5 - - - - - Raymond Johnson 2014 Bronson Way Heating Equipment 37 V. E. Dickson 2300 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixtures S3 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13417 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - - - It It it 13413 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 76/10 - - - - - It 134,09 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 41 - - - - - IT 13405 5 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - - - - 17 13406 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 43 - - - - - 13410 S.E . 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 44 - - - - - 13414 S.E.. .114th' St'. Plumbing Fixtures IT It 7645 - - - - - 11 IT 13418 S.E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 46 - - - - - ?I 1? 134,22 S-E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 47 - - - - - Reeves Construction 13045 S.E. 115th Pl. Plumbing Fixtures /118 - - - - - George Armeni 321 "J" Street Gas Installations 49 - - - - - John Fuller 223 Park Street Gas Installations 7650 - - - - - The Boeing Company 4-73 Building Plumbing Fixtures Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the meeting of January 10, 1966 be approved. "he motion} carie'. HEARING: Annexation - Dayle Garrison et al properties This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There being no communications nor comment from the,,,audience for or against the annexation, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that zhe hearing be closed. The motion carried and the hearing was declared closed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Cominittee for proper Ordinance. Carried. C01,YMUTICAT IONS: A statement from Johnston Campanella Company, in sum of *727-76 was read for servi^--, rendered under Estimate No. 8 on Contract Agreement No. 832-64. Moved by Schellert seconded by Bruce, tolefer the progress payment to the Accounting and Auditing Committee with power to act. The motion carried. 449 Renton City Council 1-17-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Petition was read containing signatures of four property owners and wives from area of S.E. 98th Street and 108th Avenue S -E., calling attention to fund allocation for fencing and cleaning up of water pump site #5 in the Kennydale area where blackberry vines are now restricting vision of drivers as well as being unsightly and a fire hazard. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the Fire and Water Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. Application was read from Renton V.r.W� requesting that Farwest Amusement Company be granted required license to operate phonograph machine in said place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from the Department of the Army, U.,S . Army Engineer District, Seattle, Corps of Engineers, gave public notice of application received from The Boeing Company for approval of plans and location of a fixed bridge across the Cedar River approximately 4000 ft, upstream from the mouth of said river. Principal span will provide 104 ft. of horizontal clearance and 5 ft. of vertical clearance above the high level of Lake Washington. Comments or objections must be received in the office of the Corps not later than February 10, 1966 to insure consideration. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the communication to the City__Eng_ineer. Carried. (See further action.) A letter was read from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitting Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of January 12, 1966 that the rezone be granted on the property purchased by Emilio Pierotti from the City to B-1 zoning, same conforming to adjacent properties and being in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. (Further action per Ordinance later in meeting) A letter -From Planning Director Ericksen submitted recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Six Year Street Program be approved along with improvements as proposed. N,oved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the letter to the Law and Ordinance Committee where the matter has been previously referred. Carried. A letter read from Gerard H. Shellan, City Attorney, made inquiry regarding policy •— decisions to be considered regarding matter of air pollution and possible adoption of an Ordinance relating thereto. It was Mr. Shellan's opinion that the matter is one that can be dealt with most effectively on a regional basis or on a county-wide basis as otherwise any ordinance would have little effect on the problem. Attention was called to R,C.W< 70,9 - entitled "Air Pollution Control" which provides for the creation of control districts and allows the joining of any City, County or combina- tion thereof in the formation of such control district. Apparently each Municipal Corporation is adopting its own Ordinance which, if such is the intent of the City suitable Ordinance will be prepared. Seattle and King County Ordinances had been re- ceived� - The I`aycr pointed out that these Ordinances are intended to be just interim measures limited to each particular governmental controls. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Purchasing Agent; Vern Church, requested transfers of Equipment Rental Funds in order to maintain proper account balance for 1965, in total sum of $1,355.00. Moved by Scheller., seconded by Delaurent4 , to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. The motion carried. A letter read from the icing County Commissioners Office, Ralph R. Stender, Deputy, submitted Resolution No, 31196 officially setting March 8, 1966 as the date for election on annexation of the Kennydale island area to Renton. A letter from the office of the King County Commissioner submitted copy of Resolution No. 31192 creating within King County, "Green River Flood Control Zone District", ordering construction of improvement within that District, declaring the estimated cost thereof and providing that the Board of County Commissioners be the supervisors of that District and that the King County County Engineer be the District Engineer, A letter from Harry A. Sites, Assistant Chief Examiner, Office of State Auditor, confirmed in writing telephone conversation to Utility Accountant Ted Bennett, which referred to RCW of Equipment Rental Fund Act,and provisions for crediting any department for value of equipment which it has transferred into the Fund, to be used thereafter for renting or purchasing equipment, materials, supplies or services from the Equipment Rental Fund. -2- 450 Renton City Council Meeting 1-17-66 COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.) A letter from J. Eldon Opheim, General Manager, Port of Seattle, invited attendance on January 18, 1966 at 2:00 p.m. at the Port of Seattle Auditorium to hear findings and conclusions of Batelle-Northwest, consultants retained by the Port to study the economic feasibility of the Upper Duwamish for barge navigation. A letter from Mrs. Ann B. Scott of Bremerton, Washington commended the City for its offer of City property as a sports park and urged promotion of a covered stadium in connection therewith. A letter from the newly formed Traffic Advisory Commission recommended immediate action of the Council on the following traffic improvements: Designate 4th UNWA Avenue North as a one-way avenue,west bound from the intersection of Factory Street to Logan Street; Designate 3rd Place North a one-way street northwesterly from Sunset Boulevard East to Factory Street; Designate 3rd Avenue North as one way, east bound from Logan Street to Sunset Boulevard East, said avenues and streets to be constructed to provide adequate traffic control and pavement width to permit minimum of two lane traffic each �Qay, Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to refer the recommendations to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Schellert invited Mr. Scholes to introduce members of the Commission who were present this evening and to address the Council regarding the recom- mendations. Mr. Scholes outlined the proposals on a wall map and advised of considerable study and investigation in making the determinations. Mr. Scholes pointed out the traffic count statistics and accident rates which had brought their conclusions for immediate need for relief in the designated areas and ad- vised that cost had also been a factor in limitation of recommendations. Mr. Harry Fletcher, Jim Anderson and Mrs. George Spendiff were. introduced. In discussion, Mrs. Margaret Evans pointed out that the left turn factor was causing blockade on 4th also when people want to turn left and go down Williams heading West which might be alleviated by not permitting left turns, which would also occur on 3rd. Upon inquiry Mr. Scholes estimated the cost of the proposed improvements to be $95,000 with $35,000 for traffic control of this total. Some synchronization of the lights would allow continuous flow of traffic and prevent the back up Mrs. Evans spoke of, according to Mr. Scholes. Councilwoman Dahlquist inquired regarding opening of. 4th Avenue off Sunset again and Mr. Scholes advised this is in the planning but cost for proper improvement prohibited recommendation at this time with $220,000 being approximated as cost, per Mr. Fletcher. President of the Council Hulse invited Mr. Fletcher and the members of the Traffic Advisory Commission to attend the Committee of the Whole meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Committee room off Mayor Custer's office. A letter read from the League of Women Voters invited attendance on Wednesday, January 19, 1966 at 8:00 p.m. at a meeting at which a five-man panel will be discussing "Special Districts" . The meeting will be held at the Puget Sound Power and Light Company Auditorium, 620 Grady Way, Renton, Washington. A letter from the Renton Aerie No. 1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Dennis Donohoe, Co-Chairman, Anniversary Celebration, requested permission to hold a parade on Saturday, January 29, 1966, from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. , and in celebration of their 58th Anniversary, a gala celebration on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of February, the 4th being a western night, costume cowboy dress and chuckwagon food with dancing to western band later in the evening, To advertise this evening an old western saga stage holdup on 3rd Avenue in front of the Eagles Hall and at the shopping centers is planned. There will be 12 horses ridden by Indians 10 Cow- boys and a 12-horse Sheriff's possee with stage coach and 2 buckboards pulled by horses. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request under supervision of the Street Commissioner and Chief of Police. Carried. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs. Frank E . Green to membership on the Renton Youth Advisory Committee to fill vacancy created by resignation of Mr. Charles Talmage. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council President Hulse called attention to referral of last week of HHFA Form H-1032 called the "Workable Program"_ and moved, per recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, that the document be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for prepara- tion of the proper Resolution. "'he motion carried 45i Renton City Council Meeting 1-17-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Cont.) Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to matter of removing parking from 8th Avenue extended to Lake Washington Boulevard and moved that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Mrs. Dahlquist called attention to the primary factors considered when people are making decisions on whether to come into Renton to build or live and they are traffic and housing, and expressed the opinion that one reason for lack of housing is due to the fire zones which she felt need to be evaluated with the idea in mind of helping to correct the existing situation. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee for re-evaluation of the present fire zones. It was suggested the person with whom Mrs. Dahlquist had conversation be referred to the Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee to discuss the matter. The pending motion carried. Councilman Pedersen advised of hearing held by the Sanitation Committee-with residents and property owners in the Kennydale and Lake Washington Beach areas and as a result of the hearing and the favorable reaction the Committee recom- mends that the matter be referred to the City Engineer to check and if desired, to proceed with formation of an L.I .D. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pedersen reported for the Property Committee regarding written request of B. A. Porter to extend his Marina Lease.that the Committee recommends granting the renewal at $250.00 monthly.for( 5 year period as per original waterway lease agreement. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Property Committee. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the Council concur in the findings of the City Engineer and rescind all objection to the Boeing Company's application and request to rebuild the bridge at the mouth of the Cedar River allowing the construction according to plans submitted under supervision of the City's Engineering Department and the U.S.Corps of Engineers. Moved by Schellert, �- seconded by Perrv. to concur in the recommendations and to so notify the Corps. The construction upon approval will then come under our building permit regu- lations and proper permit from the City Building Department must be secured therefor. Upon inquiry regarding permanence and movability of the new bridge it was pointed out by City Engineer Wilson that the new structure could be moved in minutes b; a crane lift whereas the existing one has ballast tanks which have to be inflated and pulled out by a tug. The pending motion carried. Councilman Poli submitted Light and Power Committee report from referral of December 6, 1965 recommending, regarding request from Pacific Car and Foundry and the Boeing Company, that a 7000 Lumen Ifercury Vapor light be installed at the end of 8th Avenue and a second one to the South at the railroad crossing. Further lighting of the area to be held pending completion of construction in the area and Engineering Department report. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Light and Power Committee recommendations. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers, previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee be approved for payment by the Council, including Nos. 1960 - 2067 for 1965 and 2068 - 2093 for 1966. Carried. Fund breakdowns folios: 1965: Current Fund Vouchers 1960 - 1993, 2064 $ 8,508.58 Street Fund 1994 - 3999 5,914.42 -- Arterial Street Fund 2000 - 2001 299.61 Cedar River M. & I. 2002 - 2003 41.11 Equipment Rental 2004 - 2012 2,193.96 Library 2013 - 2035 5,892.61 Parks 2036 - 2047 3,582.13 Water Works Utility 2048 - 2058 11,969.24 Airport 2059 - 2063 315.35 Cumulative Reserve 1975 2065 - 2067 760.72 $ 39,477.73 -4- { 1 t Renton City Council Meeting 1-17-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: (Cont. ) 1966: Current Fund Vouchers Nos. 2068 - 2090 $ 2,031.87 Parks 2091 1,870. 17 Airport 2092 1.00 Cumulative Reserve 1975 2093 24, 355. 13 $28, 258. 1.7 Councilman Hulse recommended street light installations as follows and moved that the matter be referred to the Light and Power Committee for reoommendation: Two lights on S.E. 80th Street, one at its inter- section with 110th Place and the other at pole #10664 at the end of 108th Avenue S.E. . Also,S.E. 108th, poles : 8803 and 9257 and 11418, at the end of S.E. 93rd. These are very dark areas very much in need of lighting. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti Und carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Public Relations Com- mittee and the Chamber of Commerce be permitted to :,m2ske,-a'' presentation to the residents of the"Kennydale Island" area re -propose=d_: annexation to the City of Renton, prior to the March 8th election. Carried. Councilman Perry. requested that the Public Relations Committee be given authorization to work with the Boy Scouts at the Funforall to be held in Liberty and Cedar River Parks May 20, 21 and 22, 1966. Moved by Gareett, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of the Fire and Water Com- mittee at 8: 30 a.m. tomorrow in the Council Committee room and requests at 9:00 a.m. that the Fire Chief, Planning Director and Mayor review the matter of fire zones. Fire Chief Walls advised of previous committment ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington adopting an "arterials and street plan" as part of the City' s Comprehensive Plan, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading.Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Pali, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2203 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington adopting a "Land Use Report" and "Policy Statement For Development of Community" to implement the City' s Com- prehensive Plan as• read-. -:(Repeals 'Or.di:nance: 219.9) Moved by Morris and seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2204 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Wash- ington charging the zoning classification of certain property within the City from General Classification District (G) to Manufacturing Park District (M-P) which was read by the Clerk. (Pacific Coast Ry. property) Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After_ the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2205 as re::gid. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. -5- 453 Renton ci-ltv ,'1 XU-S 'Cont. or.-I]"no.).-ice Committeepresented a proposed Ordinance of the City r,-Z Fashington changing the zoning class.-i4ficat.ion of certain pro- 0 City of Penton froth Suburban Residence District (S-1) to District (F,-3) e Wili.ch Was read by the city, clerk. moved by 4 secondei key Hulse, to place the proposed Ord-Mance on second and re-ading. -Cwric�-d,- hfter the scconrl final reading, ft waw noved Ordiiiance No. 2206 as read. Roll (C01C7 ;.2a. 1)r v tile C44- of Renton, Yaaah=: Ca. pros.c---ty wit�.An tlh.<a Cit-y V read by tj-,e ee; :e-'! r. 1-74e! Car-ice" 4 Io Z (L, that hn foli- ccrr(---4- -.c -CT n-,d t-'al- Uh(- !`ouncil wzi:7, J.n F:04.lso -r. p- -71P-t Clio Plv-nninc, the %7 - C, ..a ?: _ ^ir',e(7- C;.-,---`J.n,ar.cn (1,fP. Ciel' of Renl;on, cf �n C :71 —'ricn't- g for f c,: s 'j rior J.2; z .-rcto nrnv1di 'n r.; r C. .7 lit -.n c e n--k -y • pr.-Tosc�'l Ord trance ©n 1--iln E-CC-CTA final -ecading, re o, 220 a,i 1 74 (c.!s --nd tirn- carricd, 7 C j. J- �j C A. ancl (..xpnnditur(,s 1`11 . Jot C. Z) r-,,ain'ain 2d. 7 -r- -C 0 1 C.Ctl r,j- r n1._ Cal' I' IVA 7 Ce:,mmi-L-toe scj': ittcd a P'-,--)Pose' d R--.-solulion Of `h,,:--, P., rv?- n• T,7ash`n-- c— ad^pting "T.crkable -�:a,-. f-or omm Cunitc--17 j. .-ayor anrlt 1-it-y C-1 %?:rk JL--o cl:ecuto said. -Log--ther with an-v and a.!.-! othp.� instrtuients pertainin. ,A -!;a 7reael !:.,y tha Citv 4ovaf7 17AI So-OnCl3d ':Z�V le s,o u t o n as r:7:E-.d. a r�r e --opt ref-a-red bc,,-ch to matter cf til^ -,A. Porter 11arina r"-,J^' tbat 4-he matter Yc ncferrcd I.-Io the Citv AttoMnoy fox' -c-n of Tjeasc dccumonts . runt; motion etas Eeccnd,-id by s an-:� Jim An;'-�r:7-on nquircd 7- f-If 7r and 'lay—, (71, of C44--: in -cnt to acl 454 Renton City Council Meeting 1-17-66 FUD-EITCE CCY^TENT: C3,ircilm-nn Hulse requested that the Light and Power Committee include in their investigations of needed street lighting, the area of S.E. 73rd Place and extension into S.E. 74th. Council was reminded of the Committee of the Whole meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30 p.m. May -- Custer advised that the Tukwila and Kent City Councils will be considering to endorse u p_ o advertise Renton as a site for a stadium for major sports and a plan of artists concept of such a stadium has been prepared for :resentation to a legislative session of the State Legislature next week. As there was no further business to come before the Council at this time, it was moved by ,:orris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was ad.iourned at 9:35 p.m. There were 21. vi-sltors present in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, Cit Clerk : . �1. Custer, ',4ayor -7- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. January ,� 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison: by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrei , Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Pedersen, that the absent Councilman be excused, Carred. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT_: Helmie W. Nelson, City Cle_k, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, 0. A. She=..- .an, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Enginacr, Albnrt Reisbcrg, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, M. C, Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, 'ebert P uhich, Utility Foreman and Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE C Ti BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORD 10859 $ 4,365.00 Holder Const, Co. 915 Hcuser Way No, Wire Warehouse 860 9,438.00 R. G. Herr 12431 Rainier Ava, S,. Addition to Restaurant 861 250.00 Al Meyers 145 Sunset 114 L, Wire Canopy Fir ure 862 11,000.00 Puget Sound Power 1111 Lt. Wn. Elv6, Stae' D^ _:'.ing 863 150.00 M. J. Lackie 401 - 3rd Avenue Remodel Wind Break 864 8.80 Renton Airport Airport Way t Rai_ ii.Eir Replace lighting 10865 14,024.00 Gunnar Komstadius 88th Avenue Dew aesidence 866 17,196.00 Gunnar Komstadius 86th Avenue thew :yes-dance 867 50.00 Pacific N.W. Bell Riviera Tavern Wira Phone 6woth 868 8,360.00 A. W. Myers 105 Rainier .Ave , No, Aute, Repair Shop 869 150.00 Lennard Stirde 2847 S2 , 934 New Service 10870 - - - J. F. Strnard 2115 - Ot:h Ave, lir i?e�t .!c�ri� TZeczYn 871 1,,000-00.1 Rerrtnn Village CG, Ren:.-on Vill ag.n S ign .r. PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: 7652 - - - - Whitehall Lab. 915 H,uscr Way Plumbing Fixtures 53 - - - - Marin Healy 620 Renton Str L Plunbing Fixt..res 54 - - - - W. Garrett 448 Windsor Way oat i ng Equipment 7655 - - - - Walter L. Claybo 121.0 J Street Gas Installations 56 - - - - United Goad Ncighbors 9395 So, 208th Plain =ng Fixtures 57 - - - - Burkheimer Restaurant 95 Airport Way Cas :nFla! ations 58 - - - - J, & Christenson 1024 'r?;" Street Lias %Ttallati ons 59 - - - - Lennard Hines 15024 S.E. 113?a t-;res installations llations 7660 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13422 S.E.. 114t: Cas Installations 61 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 134:1? S,T114th Cas installations 62 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13410 S2, 114`_h Gas installations 63 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11447 - 114th S3, ^as installations 04 - - -_ - Herr Pancake House 12431 Rai_nley Aver Gas installations 7665 - - - - Ray Frackes 1137 "N" ?I. No . Plumbing Fixtures 66 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 11404-136th S2. Gas installations 67 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 1341.0 S.E 114th Plumbing Fixtures 68 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13406 S 2� 114th Plumbing Fixtures 69 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13414 S Z, 114th Plumbing Fixtures Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of January 17, ':_966 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mr. Walter L, Cook, Vice-President, Wilco Properties, Inc. called attention to parcel of land located on the Northwest corner of Burnett Street North and 4th Avenue North which was conveyed to the City by King County in 1965. The lot is triangular and comprises approximately 29 x 100 feet, and Mr. Cook requested the City allow purchase of said property for use by Wilco for parking purposes, The building presently under construction has minimum parking requirements but it is anticipated additional parking for tenants will encourage full occupancy, The lot would be blacktopped and concrete bull rail installed from R,R- right of way to the existing Burnett Street paving- Moved by Hulse, seccn& by Sche_lert, to refer the request to the Property Committee and Planning 0—TI^siDn_low recommendation. Carried. -1- Renton City Council Meeting 1-24-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A Public Notice No. P-66-4 was received from the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, advising of application by Puget Sound Power & Light Company for permit to place a fill in the waters of Lake Washington, fronting the Boeing Company,as per print attached. Any comments or objections to be submitted not later than February 12, 1966 to the U.S. Army Engineer District office at Seattle. A second Public Notice No. P-66-5 advised of application from Puget for a Dept. of the Army permit to construct outflow water diversion structure and to relocate five 7-pile dolphins in the water of Lake Washington, per prints attached. Objections to be submitted in writing not later than February 12th. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that he had received copies of said Notices,foresees no objection,but further investigation is intended and the pending motion carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised of opinion recently handed down by the Supreme Court of the State of Washington in the case of Baxter-Wyckoff Co. vs. City of Seattle which involved use by a private company of public right-of-way and the charges made therefor by the Municipality. After paying annual fee for many years the Company refused to pay further challenging validity of fees claiming they had a right as abutting land owner to use the street in any fashion which did not inter- fere with rights of the public. The Court's conclusion was that the abutting land- owner has no right to build permanent structures in the street nor to set up storage yards therein for private business purposes. Rights of abutting owners are limited to rights of ingress and egress, light, air, water and certain temporary and non- exclusive uses of the street. Any temporary permit granted by the City was merely a privilege and the use granted could be prohibited by the City absolutely or could be granted upon such terms and conditions as the City may see fit to impose. This is a matter strictly within discretion of the City Council and the City would be within its rights to charge such property users according to the square footage of the street area being used. Since the City has encountered similar problems in the past the information may be of assistance in future deliberations. The City Clerk reported receipt of publication from Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle which comprises Annual Staff Report to Metropolitan Council, 1965. Same will be placed on file for reference in the City Clerk's office. A letter from McLean & Company, Investment Securities, per Mr. S . J. Granberg, recalled discussion co_:cerning long range financing for Renton and advised of review of projected five year capital improvement program, outstanding bonded in- debtedness, and federal grant programs affecting the proposed development. Such investigation revealed that it would appear prudent for the City to retain a financial advisor on a continuing basis and services were offeiEl by McLean and Company for such retention, minimum services to be rondered in such event were outlined and details thereof offered at later discussion with the Mayor and City Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. The City Clerk reported receipt of Claims from Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. for damages to their property,which included poles and aerial cables, resulting when a tree felled by the City Sewerage Department struck said properties. Bills to be submitted at a later date. It was pointed out that the Street Department was in- volved in the incident and not the Utility Department. Second Claim was read from Mrs. Julia Kusnierz, 7720 So. 153rd Street, which called attention to "Metro Mess" on her property which caused loss of trailer rental income. Reimbursement of $105.00 monthly until the project is completed was stipu- lated. It was pointed out that the construction is not Metro but L.I.D. 255,of the City,for Sanitary Sewers; in the Longacres area, Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that the Claims be submitted to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. MW.. A petition was read, containing six signatories, requesting the vacation of a portion of South 130th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South, drawing attached. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check validity of signatures and percentage as to abutting ownership. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Resolution authorizing the filing of application with the Economic Devopment Administration for grants and/or loans under terms of Public Law 89-136 specifically concerning Logan-Smithers arterial project and Third Avenue North project. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- 45'7 Renton City Council Meeting 1-24-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A Petitioning letter from Sandy Merlino requested on behalf of property owners on 106th Avenue S .E. for vacation of portion of said street. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the City Engineer for checking of signature and validity. Carried. A letter read from Mr. Arthur D, Scholes, Chairman, Traffic Advisory Committee, advised that the Committee has recommended that a concrete curbing be placed dorm the centerline of 3rd Place North from Sunset Blvd. East to 1201 west of the railroad tracks, to prohibit left turns from Houser Way into the 3rd Place/3rd Avenue inter- section, relieving existing traffic hazard. This action falls under the Engineering Department function and is submitted herein for information of the Council. A written proposal from Olson-Richert and Associates, Architects, was received with respect to the design of a grandstand in Liberty Park which City Attorney Shellan advised he had recommended be submitted to the Council. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Morris, to refer the communication to the Park Board and Councilman Gianini.Carried. A letter from Gene Coulon, Park Director, submitted copy of letter and "Assurancet"` Forms received from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, for information of the Council. Mr. Vialle, Consultant, Interagency Committee, acknowledged receipt of State and BOR Forms from Park Director Coulon and advised that decision will not be made before March as to which ones will be funded for this fiscal year, evaluation criteria being presently worked out. A letter was read from Mr. Orrin L. Madison calling attention to the approaching time when starlings will be invading the area and concern was expressed over system for protecting his cherry crop. Discussion ensued regarding fact that City Ordinance does not permit discharge of firearms inside the City prohibiting shooting of the birds but no City Ordinance prohibits aid from governmental agencies. It was pointed out that certain federal aid programs are available to farmers or fruit growers in the'cbunt_y but perhaps not in tt.e Corporate Limits of a City. A State o:,= Federal Law would over- ride and be supreme over City laws in any event. Mr. Madison had stated that City Ordinance forbids Federal specialists from coming into the City. Prep-mt operation of Federal Agencies, including Aviation, Department of Fisheries, Corps of Engineers, within the City was called to mind. Councilman Pedersen .statei during discussion that the starling problem is becoming a great menace over the entire country and is ._, of much concern. In regard for the reference to conflict with local ordinance, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee to see if any amendments are in order. Carried. A letter from Building Director Reieberg cal.]_ed to.,min2 ;he revisions made during the past eight months in updating the City Building, Plumbing, Sewers, Gas piping and appliances and Electrical Codes and the adoption of the new Safety Code.:fo'r .N:chanical Refrigeration and Ordinance regulating use of Public Property for signs, billboards and projecting structures over rights- of-way. Mr. Reisberg expressed thanks to the Council Members and to the Legal Department for cooperation and helpful assistance. APP027!$NT: I A letter from Mayor Custer advised of appointment of Herbert M. Edman to the rank of Lieutenant in the Renton Police Department, upon successful completion of Civil Service Promotional examination with a grade of 83.84%. Certification was attached from the Civil Service Commission : - Council concurrence was requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the appointment. Carried, COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: President of the Council Hulse submitted Committee:of the Whole report which was read recommending that the Traffic Advisory Committee suggestions for one-way traffic on 3rd and 4th Avenues North be implemented with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for financing and to the Mayor to initiate negotiations for the crossing of the rail- road and any necessary property acquisition. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett inquired whether letter had come in regarding parking on 8th Avenue which had been referred to the Street *ad Alley Committee last week and as none had been received the matter will be held in Committee pending receipt of same. -3- 458 Renton City Council Meeting 1-24-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS : (Cont.) Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, presented his Committee report which was read with Council action taken as follows: 1. City's Fire Zone Limits - The Committee has reviewed the Fire Zone Map with the Fire Chief, Building Superintendent, City Engineer and Planning Director and the findings are that the Fire Zone Map is in good order. The Committee requested that anyone who has a specific complaint regarding Fire Zone Limits write a letter to the Committee outlining the particular problem. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Pederser to concur in the recommendations and requests of the Fire and Water Committee . Dahlquist stated that her specific reference was to the Highlands area and that she felt the right people had not been contacted in the matter and that builders were not building due to the Fire Zone restrictions, Also, with the anticipated need for additional housing it was felt an additional cost of $700.00 to build in certain areas should be given some consideration and review. It was pointed out by the Building Director that no complaints have been received except where requests were made for sub-standard construction which was not allowed. It was not felt that lowering of standards was desirable gen•,:zally and any request for same should-be made by the person involved and then the area and degree of lowering would be considered. The pending motion carried. 2. Engineering Agreement between Richard Wolff and the City of Renton relative to consultant service for covering of the Highlands Reservoir was recommended for approval subject to acceptance by the City Attorney as to form. The Contract is for the sum of $1,200.00 to be covered in one payment. Moved by Schellert, acid sacanded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee . Carried. 3. The Fire and Water Committee recommends that the Engineering Department be authorized to call for bids for water mains and accessories for 1966 and the date of February 21, 1966 be set for opening of the bids. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 4. The Committee recommended that the Property Committee be authorized to proceed with acquisition of reservoir sites in the Talbot area and vicinity of 132nd Avenue S.E. and 4th Avenue North as recommended in recently completed study of the City's water system. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 2094 through 2137, and L.I.D. 254 Cash Fund Warrant No. 3 and Revenue Fund Warrant No. 3 in sums of $588.41 each, and L.I.D. 255, Cash Fund Warrant #1 and Revenue Fund Warrant #1, in sums of $7,734.27 each, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment. L.I.D. 255 is hereby accepted and 30-day Lien period commenced per City Engineer's recommendation of date, the work having been completed on January 21st and accepted by the Engineering Department January 24, 1966. Retained percentage is $859.36 to be paid upon proper releases. at end of lien period. The motion carried and fund breakdown follows, to-wit: Current Fund Vouchers 2094 - 2124 $ 4,459.01 City Street Fund 2125 - 2126 5,706.72 Equipment Rental 2127 8.76 Parks 2128 - 2131 404.39 Water Works Utility 2132 - 2135 22,690.08 1965 Water & Sewer Construction 2136 29.70 Airport 2137 265.68 Total $ 33,564.34 L.I.D. 254 Cash #3 $ 588.41 L.I .D. 254 Revenue #3 588.41 L.I.D. 255 Cash #1 7,734.27 L.I.D. 255 Revenue #1 7,734.27 Council President Hulse announced a Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday, January 31, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Garrett called attention to an article in the Sunday Times by Walt Woodard calling attention to a Washington State Tour of Europe. Since Mayor Cuter hag been invited to participate, it was moved that he be granted permission to make the *� •: x•eprese,ntative of the City at no cost to the City, same not being a legal ex- penditure. T-cl,ided � . the tour- are Rotterdam, Austria, Stockholm, Zurich, Milan and Brussells, among otilers. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. -4- Renton City Council Meeting 1-24-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: -NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) Councilman Garrett distributed brochures regarding Initiative 226, relative to sharing of the State Sales Tax by Cities and Towns, to the Chairmen of the Public Relations and Legislative Committees and moved that the matter be referred to said Committees for publicity; working through the Chamber of Commerce. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Councilman Perry displayed a newsprint publication which was published for the City of Bellevue as its 1962 Annual Report, and moved that matter of like publication for Renton be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. .•• Councilman Poli stated objection to the Traffic Advisory Committee recommendations inasmuch as there had been no provisions made for right hand turn from 4th Avenue North onto Logan for traffic desiring to progress North,nor for left hand turn by Southbound Logan traffic onto 3rd Avenue North,desiring to go East. He felt in the spending of any considerable amount of money, the greatest amount of use of the right-of-way should be implemented. Provisions for grade crossing at the railroad tracks to serve Northbound as well as Southbound traffic was discussed with funding a factor of deterrence. It was pointed out that the present recommendations have been submitted from preliminary studies and further suggestions will be subwitted following subsequent investigation. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, advised of prior referral and receipt of letter from E.M. Conklin of Tom Dobson & Son, which was read inquiring regarding request for storm sewer to drain excess water from the Usibelli residence on Beacon Avenue. The Committee reports the installation has been made. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a pro- posed Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Ch. 9 of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No, 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to Harbor Regulations as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris and seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to q,06pt Ordinance No. 2209 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of k8iltot Washington annexing certain territory to the City, as read. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2210 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members voting aye. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing filing of an application with the Economic Development Administration for grant and/or loan under Public Law 89-136, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1356 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, adopting amendments to the City's Six-year Compx'ehenslve Street Program, including the City's arterial street improvement plan, and directing filing of b-i -annual amendment and revisions with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington, together with a certified copy of this Resolution and attached "Exhibit A". Moved by Morris, and seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1357 as read. Carried. Maycr Custer reported visit from Economic Development Commission Agent who flew over the area and became quite impressed with the traffic situation. Relative to being declared economically depressed it was pointed out that even though an upturn is anticipated the City is suffering from conditions "existing heretofore which cannot be remedied in time to meet the demands of further expansion. With regard to the current b "'bumper traffic problem especially, the streets were originally -designed for F#!! ting . normal vehicular travel and the demands of a population influx have created problems which are to increase in the future unless some relief can be applied, Audience comment was invited and visitors from a Boeing Company sponsored class on "Practical Politics", instructed by Mr. N. Keith Shawlee, advised of attendance as a group assignment and stated they were very impressed with the way City business was d6nducted. MayarCuster extended thanks for the group's attentiveness and interest in taking time to attend. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m. There were 30 visitors in the Council Chambers. e mie NeIson, city cierk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. February 7, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. Mayor Custer greeted visitors from the Green River District Explorer Scouts, fifte, of whom participated at City Hall today in Student Government Day. Council Members were introduced by way of Roll Call introductions were acknowledged as follows: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, ;_'ianini, Pedersen, Morris, Poli, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm and Garrett. The Scouts were requested to atand for recognition and their Leader Mr. Sven Johnson, was presented. The Mayor's Counterpart Dave Johnson was introduced and the Mayor expressed his hope that the evening would be an interesting one for the visitors. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Arthur L. Haugan, Asst. City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Albert Re'sberg, Bldg. Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, M: C, Walls, Fire Chief, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Marcella Hillgen, T6 d' Bennett, Utility Accountant and Robert Puhich, Utility Foreman. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY T;{E CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10872 $ 17,800,000 The Boeing Company Bldgs. 4-81, 4-82 Warehouse & Office 873 300,000 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-01 Wing Seal Commll. Building 874 596 Bell & Valdez 3281 Court "B" Wire Residence 10875 350 Ray Fracker 1137 N Place North Wire Residence 876 44,384 M. & M. Investments Mil? Street - 412 7-Unit Apartment 877 50 Robert S. Brown 2604 - 11th Ave. No. Wire Water Heater 878 55,126 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21 Wire Mfg. Building 879 42,400 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-63 Wire Mfg. Building 10880 372,056 The Boeing Company Bldg, 10-50 Wire Mfg. Building 881 500 Mr. Herr 12431 Rainier Ave. Wire Addition ..r 882 350 Richard Reeves 130<;-5 S.E . 115th Pl. Wire New Residence 883 19,000 Bell & Valdez 3285 Court "B" New Residence 884 19,000 Bell & Valdez 3287 Court "B" New Residence .10885 1,000 Chas. A. Ruud 520 High Street Remodel Residence 886 500 Renton Inn Renton Village Sign 887 2,600 Mr. Dickason 2300 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Drive-In 888 1,200 National Sign Co. 449 Rainier Ave . S. Sign 889 7,000 Puget Power 1111 Lake Wn. Blvd. Wire Warehouse & Pump 10890 6031 H. L. Colwell 10809-112th Ave, SE Residence & Garage 891 672,000 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-65 Addition 892 2,100 Dino's Bistro 324 Sunset Blvd. E . Sign 893 950 Slimwear Renton Shopping Center Sign 894 573,000 The Boeing Company Bld . 10-65 Wire 10895 17,000 Bell & Valdez 3304 rolling Hills S. New Residence 896 19.,.Q00 Bell & Valdez 3324 rolling Hills Pl. S. New Residence 897 13,500 Bell & Valdez 3300 Rolling Hills P1.. S. New Residence 898 19,000 Bell & Valdez 3315 Court "C" New Residence 899 27,545 Bell & Valdez 3296 Rolling Hills Pl. S. New Residence 10900 2751,000 The Boeirig Company Bldg. 5-64 Mfg. Building 901 335,000 The Boeing Company Apron "C" 4 Airplane positions 902 300 Transport Storage Shed Addition 903 1_3,000 Ray Fracker 3421 - 12th Ave. No. New Residence PLUMBING & HF,�ING 'PERMITS: 7670 - - - - - Ronald H. Campbell 3215-11th Ave. No, Gas Installations 71 - - - - - St. Luke's Church 99 Wells Street Gas Installations 72 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3281 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 73 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13418 S.E . 114th Gas Installatior.- 74 - - - - - Reeves Construction 13045-115th Place Plumbing Fixtures 7675 - - - - - Maurice Moore 641 "D" Street Gas Installations 76 - - - - - Ray S . Fracker 1137 "N" Pl. No. Gas Installations 77 - - - - - Robert S. Brown 2604 - 11th No. Gas & Plumb. Fixts . 78 - - - - - The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-71 Plumbing Fixtures 79 - - - - - Chas . Shane 92nd Ave. South Plumbing Fixtures 7680 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3333 Rolling Hills Plumbing Fixtures _;__ 461 Renton City Council Meeting 2-7-66 PLUMBING& HEATING PERMITS (Cont.) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7681 $ - - - - Bell & Valdez 3281 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 82 - - - - Bell & Valdez 3336 Rolling Hills P1. Plumbing Fixts. 83 - - - - Ronald Van Vleet 718 "P" Street Gas Installations 84 - - - - Dickason 2300 Sunset Blvd. E. Plumbing Fixtures 7685 - - - - Balcom, Robert J. 7732 So. 153rd St. Plumbing Fixtures 85 - - - - Maurice Moore 641 "D" Street Plumbing Fixtures 87 - - - - H. W. Worden 7704 So. 153rd St. Plumbing Fixtures 83 - - - - Jack Van Lewen 530 So. Wells St. Gas Installations 89 - - - - Fred L. Wendling 11419 S.E. 113th Plumbing Fixtures a.. 7690 - - - - Richard Reeves 13045 S.E. 115th Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 91 - - - - Richard Reeves 13045 S.E. 115th P1. Plumbing Fixtures 92 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13412-114th Street Gas Installations 93 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13417 - 114th S.E. Gas Installations Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 24, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Covering of Reservoir - 12th Avenue North This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BOND BASIC BID TAX TOTAL BID K. K. Larsen Construction Co. x $ 71,697.00 $ 3,011.27 $ 74,708.27 13749 Midvale Ave. No. Seattle 98133 Kurth Construction Co. x 68,529.00 2,878.22 71,407.22 800 Northwest Canal Street Seattle, 98107 Ott-Atwater Company 64)955.00 *2,728.11 *67;683.11._ P. 0, Box 3023, Internat'l. Station x Seattle 14 West^rn States Construction Cc. x 59,512.66 2,499.53 62,012.13 Overlake Park-P.O. Box 99 Bellevue Allen 'jnstruction x 68,114.65 2,860.82 70,975.47 2325 Lincoln Ave. Tacoma 98421 Fred A. Lehm x 69,831.00 2,932.90 72,763.90 3833 Stone Way North Seattle 3 Burtco Company x 75,520.00 3,171.84 78,691.84 421 South Michigan Street Seattle 98108 TFS. . Jones Construction Co. x 63,265.00 2,657.13 65,922.13 3706 S.W. Alaska Seattle 98126 Mottner & McCutchen x 85015.00 3,583.23 88,898.23 3814 - 5th Ave. N.E. Seattle 5 Venture Construction x * 67,163.76 *2,821.21 *69,992.97 P. 0. Box 878 Auburn *Correction in bidders addition Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Fire and Water Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. -2- Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-7-66 HEARING: Council Initiated Rezone - Emilio Pierotti property from Unclassified to B-1 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communi- cations regarding the rezone and audience comment was invited. Mr. Pierotti stated that the request was in conformance with zoning of surrounding properties and that he should be entitled to like classification. As there was no objection voiced, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to close the hearing, and Mayor Custer declared the hearing closed. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Communication from City Engineer Wilson reported,regarding Petition for Vacation of �.. 106th Avenue S.E. ,that 100% of abutting property owners on portion of said right-of- way,Southeast of Puget Drive, had signed the petition. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date of hearing and to the Planning Commission and City Engineer for recommendation. Carried. Engineer Wilson reported on Petition for vacation of portion of South 130th Street, between 87th and 88th Avenues South, that 1007. of abutting property owners were represented by the signatures and that the northerly 15 ft. of the Street has been previously vacated by the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee, the Planning Commission and City Engineer Carried. Applications were read from Azzola Tavern, Alki Tavern and Christy's Tavern owners for license to operate coin-device pool tables in said business places and from Rainbow Cafe owner for one additional pinball machine. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Hulse opposed. A letter signed by City Engineer Wilson and Street Commissioner Vic TeGantvoort reported that work under the 116th Avenue S .E . Storm Sewer Contract was completed on January 26, 1966 by Contractor, Anton T. Bowers, and accepted by the Street Department on February 1, 1966. Amount due Contractor - $3,122.87 and if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and all tax _liabilities are satisfied, the retained amount of $346.99 may be released to Contractor. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson recommended that the City retain a Consulting Structural Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for widening the Logan Street Bridge to allow for an additional lane for South Bound traffic which improvement will greatly improve the traffic movement in this area and help reduce congestion. The project is to be funded from Arterial. Street Funds, and at present there are not adequate funds available as allowed. It is recommended therefore that the signal planned for Main Street and Grady Way be postponed and the budgeted funds be assigned to the Logan Street Bridge project. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from Pay'N Save Drugs submitted application for 1966 Fireworks Stand Permit. This is application No. 11 .received to date. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from T. J. O'Connell, Chairman, King County RSCS, advised of interest of the Department of Agriculture and the Soil Conservation Service in taking over the office space occupied by the King County Health Department in the Renton Highlands Administration Building at 802 "E" Street, upon vacation by said Department in April or May of this year. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahl.quist, to refer the request to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter from the City Clerk reported need for transfer of funds within the Street Fund Account, effective December 31, 1965 in order to maintain proper accounting balance in the Functional Budget, as until the working budget was completed, it was not possible to determine amounts to be designated for the functional accounts. From: City Street Fund 3200, M. & 0. 801, Roads, $67,359.74 Unto: City Street Fund Acct. 3200, M. & 0. 902, Street Cleaning, $4,108.78; 903, Street lighting, $2,386.18 ; 1000, Overhead, $52,043.75 and Capital_ Outlay 605, Construction, $8,821.03. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahiquist, to concur and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -3- .463 Renton City Council Meeting 2-7-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from P. J. McKay, P.E . District Engineer, submitted proposed Agreement C .S . 1744 PSH 1-RE (SR 405), North Renton Interchange Agreement No. GC-1919 which provides for relocation of City utility facilities required in connection with the project. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the documents to the Street and Alley Committee, the City Engineer and City Attorney. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted a Permit To Enter which grants the State Highway Department right of entry for access to land the City purchased for the North Renton Interchange. It was recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the permit upon approval by the City Attorney. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. ..r Carried. A letter from Paul W. Houser, Chairman, Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee, requested the City Engineer and City Council to explore the possibilities of overpass, cross- walks, painted lines across highways, etc. in order that citizens living in the Highlands, Windsor Hills and Monterey Terrace areas might walk with degree of safety to participate in programs at Liberty Park, the new library, recreation centers and other activities offered to the general public in the downtown area of the City. Moved by Perry, second-d by Schellert, to refer the request to the Traffic Advisory Committee. Carrie-Z. -" A letter from Mayor. Custer advised of mounting workload in the Building and Engineer- ing Departments caused basically by a sharp increase in industrial construction and also contributed to factors or the new building inspection program, Equipment Rental accounting rc�qui.r-7rcnts and traffic control program increases whe:.,0by additional personnel is now require_..It was suggested that necessary transfers of funds be authorized to allow a secretary for. the Building Department and appropriate M. 6 0. oapration transfers necessitated thereby in total sum of $4,881.00 to be funded from surplus in excess of anticipated revenues, 1965 (building permit fees) . The position to be filled is a Clerk-Steno I, Grade 14, 355-431 per month) with allowance made for the middle pay step. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to tae Committee of the Whole to review and report back. Carried. A letter from t•iayor Custer submitted recommendations upon request of the Chairman of the Property Cc:-mitte^, Councilman Pedersen, concerning initiation of the new City Hall project,. (1) The Council should appropriate $10,000 from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1894 to provide necessary funds for preliminary work on the proposed City Hall. (2) The Propert3, Committee and City Attorney should be authorized to formulate a contract wit; the .ohs ^t wench should be divided into several work phases (3) The first ;_;arc of this contract should provide for the following: a, Topographical and soil studies as required b. Landscaping plan fo-r entire Civic Center site c. Preliminary floc.- plans based upon City's needs projected to 1986 d. Plot Plan e. Preliminry cost estimates f. Building and site perspectives (4) Specific provisions should be included in the contract to authorize the architects to study and determine requirements of other governmental agencies which might be accommodated in the planning of the new City Hall. (5) The architects should be given specific authority to investigate and study the possibilities of obtaining for the City the use of Federal matching funds whether grant or loan in nature. Since the selection of the architects and preliminary negotiations concerning a con- tractual agreement for a new City Hall are matters which had previously been referred to the Property Committee, the Council's concurrence would aid the Committee in com- pleting its assignment, and it was requested that Council act on the recommendations at an early date and refer the decisions to the Committee. dNN' Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted recommendations as requested by Councilman Gianini and the Park Board,to initiate work on the proposed grandstand in Liberty Park. (1�) The Council authorize the Park Board to negotiate contract for architectural services with Olsen, Richert and Associates . (2) The Contract should be in two phases: a. schematic design and b. design development. (3) The Council should authorize expenditure of $2,625.00 from budgeted funds for the grandstand construction as assigned in the 1966 Budget. (4) The Park Board should negotiate the contract to proved two-stage construction. One, two locker an- shc-.7er rooms, public restroom facilities and "seating shell" -4- Renton City Council Meeting 2-7-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Grandstand the second phaseto provide for remainder of the seating requirements and such items as a roof and ticket-selling facilities. The $2,625 suggested for costs of preliminary planning is based on architect fees of 7% with maximum project cost of $75,000.00. In discussion with the Park Board it was decided that preliminary planning should be completed in order to better estimate the total financial requirements of the project. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendations as presented by the Mayor. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Gordon Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations which were read with Council actions taken as follows: Rezones: Archie Gustine, Appl. No. R-275-66 from R-2 to B-1 for apartments and motel- property between Bronson Way North and Second Avenue No. from Garden to Meadow. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the rezone to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Use agrees with Comprehensive Plan. Erminia Paulon, Appl. No. R-272-66 from GS-1 to R-1, N .E . corner of 13th Ave. South and Morris Street South which use agrees with Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. T.S . & L. Properties, Appl. No. R-273-66 from B-1 to L-1 at Northwest corner of Tobin and Shattuck Streets which agrees with Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee . Carried. Velton Warren, Appl. No. R-274-66 from R-1 to R-3 property at Sunset Blvd. East and 10th Place North, which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. John Racanello, Appl. No. R-280-66 from R-2 to R-3 in 1100 Block on K Street, also in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur and to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Variance: Harry Hart, Appl. No. V-277-66 to permit garage to be constructed within 3' of the property line at 2308 - 6th Avenue North. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation to grant the variance. Carried. Public Notice No. P-66-14, C.C. Holbrook, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, Seattle, advised of designation of that portion of Cedar River at and upstream of existing bridge, as a waterway having the advance approval of the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Engineers for location and plans of bridges that may hereafter be constructed across it. This action was requested by the Boeing Company and was the subject of Seattle District Public Notice No. P-65-144 (Amended) . In such case the clearances over high water provided by the bridge owner for the safety of the bridge will be deemed as meeting the reasonable needs of navigation. A letter was read from Charles G. Mathison, Colonel, USAF, Chief of Staff, expressing grievance by tragic loss of Commander, Major General Irving L. Branch whose plane W-.nt down in the waters of Puget Sound. Appreciation of assistance by volunteer divers of the King County Sheriff Department and of City of Renton Fire Department employee Robert Beatteay was also expressed and thanks extended to the City for permitting such dedicated men to perform this commendable public service. The diving was cited to be particularly heroic because of existing conditions of visibility reduced by rain and snow as well as darkness, the divers beginning in the late after- .... noon and continuing on after dark and returning the next morning. Less competent men could easily have been swept away from the boats by the swift current in the area,and it was requested that Mr. Beatteay be advised of the sincere gratitude of the United States Air Force for his heroic effort. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that copy of the letter be forwarded to Mr. Beatteay and to the Fire Chief. Carried. A letter read from Kay F. Johnson, Executive Secretary, Greater Renton Chamber of Com- merce acknowledged letter from Mayor Custer requesting aid in securing $800.00 for promotion of Initiative 226, and advised of referral to Local Government Committee who will be reporting back to the Directors and a meeting with the Council was indicated prior to final decision. -5- 465 Renton City Council Meeting 2-7-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from 0. C. Scott, President, Chamber of Commerce, advised that the Board of Directors has agreed to assist the City and the Public Relations Committee on the Kennydale Annexation program and will be contacting Chairman Perry to work with his Committee on the matter. A letter from Chester Biesen, Association of Washington Cities, Executive Director, advised of approval of the City's Resolution regarding the Metro tax and requested the City to submit a proposal in bill form which the Association could work with. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Legislative Com- mittee. Carried. A Program Outline was received on the Richland Conference of the Planning Association of Washington to be held Friday, February 25 and Saturday, February 26, 1966 and will be on file in the City Clerk's office for information. The City Clerk announced receipt of Special Interim Report of the State Auditor on Audits of State Agencies and Local Governments as transmitted to members of the Legislature in January, 1966. This report will be on file for informational purpose in the Clerk's office. Comments of the State Auditor's Office were received from Mr, Robert Graham,'Auditor, by the City Clerk's Office regarding City of Renton Utility Audit for the years 1963 and 1964. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the report be filed in the office of the City Clerk for reference. Carried. A letter was read from the Department of Housing and Urban Development acknowledging receipt from Mayor Custer of Renton's Workable Program for Community Development. A letter from City Attorney Shellan was read reporting Supreme Court decision in the City of Kennewick vs. State of Washington Court Case wherein it was held. that no provision in the law was found which would allow a deduction from gross income for capital expenditure or interest that is bond redemption and the same reasoning applied to the imposition of the Business and occupation tax pursuant to RCW 82.04 based on gross income for monthly charges for use of the municipal sewer system and no allowance can be made for any deductions for capital construction costs and expenditures. Therefore, in order to provide any relief to the cities at all, legislative changes would need to be made. The Supreme Court Decision is on file in the office of the City Attorney if anyone is intrested in reading same. A letter from the Renton Library Board requested extension of time to February 28th be granted to Alton B. Phillips on the new library contract, which will not interfere with scheduled opening of the library. Committee of the Whole recommendation is forthcoming later in the meeting. A letter from City Attorney Shellan regarding referral of U.S. Government's interest in certain properties in the Renton Highlands area. $12,500.00 was total sum offered for release of reversionary interest primarily directed toward securing clear title for the parks, playgrounds and public use and service areas as well as the North half of Lot 17, Block 6 (Fire Station Site) : After extensive correspondence and negotiation with the Federal Agency (Housing and Home Finance Agency) now known as Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Government insistence that the Highlands Adminis- tration Building area dedicated to the City in 1957 be excluded from release, the sum of $11,000.00 was offered for complete release of all areas described in legal descriptions furnished by the City Engineer, except for the Administration Building. The Government has now accepted the offer and with minor corrections to the Quit Claim Deed to be forthcoming soon the matter can be closed out at an early date. Funds should be properly allocated for payment. Moved by Perry, seconded by Pedersen, to concur and refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee for funding. Carried. PROCLAMATION: A Proclamation from Mayor Custer designated the week of February 6 through 12, 1966 as Electrical Week in conjunction with national observance of the industry and citizens were urged to .join in honoring the observance. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in tt-e Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS : President of the Council Hulse submitted Committee of the Whole report which recom- mended concurrence with Library Board in granting time extension to Alton Phillips Co. on new library contract. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried, -6- 466 Renton City Council Meeting 2-7-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS (cont.) Committee of the Whole Report It was recommended that the letter from McLean & Company requesting appointment as financial consultants to the City be given to the Mayor to reply that the City is presently represented by Foster & Marshall and their request will be placed on file fur future reference. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. Regarding NoticEs P-66-4 and P-66-5 from the 7-partment of the Army, Corps of Engineers, it is recommended the Corps be advised that the City has no objections to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company projects to place fill in the waters of Lake Washington, fronting the Boeing Company and to construct outflow water diversion structure with relocation of five 7-pile dolphins in the waters of Lake Washington. Comments are to be filed not later than February 12, 1966 to insure consideration. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. Regarding legislation for Air Pollution Control, it was recommended that the Maya be authorized to send letters of inquiry to neighboring cities regarding formation of an Air Pollution Control District. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to concur. Carried. Chairman of the Property Committee, Councilman Pedersen, presented Committee recommenda- tion to accept offer of Mr. Cliff Neuman, of 13656 - 197th Avenue S.E., Renton, to de- molish residence at 204 Mill Street, next to the Nursing Home, for the materials and a ment of 20.00 with removal from site except concrete and filling of cellar to be PY $ � P completed within 30 days. Insurance will be secured holding the City harmless and $250.00 performance bond if possible. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported that the matter of parking on 8th Avenue is pending in the Street and Alley Committee and will be held until some communication is received. Councilman Perry submitted report of the Public Relations Committee regarding referral of Initiative 226,for Cities sharing Sales, Use Taxes, for sponsorship by the City. The Committee recommended that the Tentative Draft supplied be referred to the Commi_tte__e of the Whole and person or persons responsible for drafting the Initiative be invited by the Council President to meet with the Council to supply information which the Committee was unable to secure from the brochure furnished. Mr. Perry pointed out that the Tentative Draft is to be subject to revision and wondered how much revision and also whether the Sales Tax would be raised in event the Cities were to receive a share. Councilman Garrett pointed out that no one would be able to answer whether the sales tax would be raised or not except the Legislators and that answer would not be forthcoming until a year from now. The pending motion carried. The matter is also in the Legislative Committee pursuant to referral of last week. Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, submitted report recommending installation of the following 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights : Pole at S .E. 80th and 110th Place; Pole No. 10664 at S .E. 80th Street; Pole 8803 at 108th Ave. S.E. ; Pole 9257 at 108th Ave. S.E. ; Pole 11418 at end of S .E. 93rd Street; Pole at intersection of S.E. 73rd Place and Lake Wn. Blvd, and Pole bearing inscription 965 W.C�P, 1-45 adjacent to Pole 11266 at S.E. 74th Street. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations as read. Carried. NEW BUSINESS : Councilman Hulse requested a Committee of the Whole meeting following adjournment of this meeting and also a meeting on February 15, 1966 at 7:30 p.m, in the Council Chambers. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve Vouchers 2138 through 2273, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried, Fund Breakdows follows: Current Fund Vouchers 2151 - 2199 $ 7,888.25 City Street 2200 - 2206 14,858.09 Cedar River M.& I. 2207 52.65 Off-Street Parking 2208 - 2209 219.60 Equipment Rental 2210 - 2229 1,320.23 Parks 2230 - 2239 764.28 Water Works Utility 2240 - 2267 44,395.25 1965 W. & S. Const. 2268 11.03 Airport 2269 - 2273 226.77 Firemen's Pension 2138 - 2150 1,178 .89 $ 70,915.04 -7- /" /G / Renton City Council Meeting - 2-7-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: cont. Councilman Schellert, Chairman, Ways and Means Committee, announced a Committee meeting on Monday, February 14, 1966 prior to the regular Council Meeting. Councilman Pedersen Moved that the land use map be referred to the Planning Committee for review with revisions in certain areas to provide additional R-3 and R-4 zoning,to be considered. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and carried. Councilman Delaurenti announced a Fire and ',later Committee meeting at 9:00 a.m, with the Fire Chief in the Council Committee room adjacent to the Mayor's office, and a meeting of the Police and License Committee in the Police Department at 9:00 a.m. mon Saturday, February 12, 1966 with Captain Braatus and owners of the Taxie:,b Companies. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to transfer funds as follows pursuant to request of the City Clerk in order to bring the Functional Budget into proper accounting balance: From: City Street Fund 3200 M. & 0. Account 801, Roads, $67,359.74 Unto: City Street Fund 3200, M. & 0. Account 902, Street Cleaning, $ 4,108.78 ; 903, Street Lighting, $ 2,386.18; 1000, Overhead, $52,043.75; Capital Outlay 605, Construction, $ 8,821.03. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1358 as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute, on behalf of the Library Board and the City, certain Agreement (CAG. 980-66), dated February 2, 1966 by and between Timmerman Equipment, Inc., as Seller, and the City of Renton, as Purchaser, for certain furniture and furnishings to be delivered and installed in the new municipal library building. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that Resolution No. 1359 be adopted as read. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington amending Section 5-3001 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to charges for documents, reports and City Codes which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, --to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Ordinance No. 2211 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Audience comment was invited and as there was none and no further business to come before the Council, it was Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. There were 38 visitors in the Council Climbers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk n � D. W. Custer, Mayor The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditin.. and Accounting Committee, were approved for the month of January, 1966. To: CLAIMS To: PAYROLL FUND _From: Current 69490.88 From: Current: . 780505.14 Street 5,706.72 Street 140401 .83 Equip. Rental 8.76 Cedar River M $ I 476.00 Parks 20274.56 Equip. Rental 319318.00 Waterworks Iltil. 229690.08 Library 5$ 62.15 Airport 266.68 Parks 9,462.60 1965 W&S CONSTR. 29.70 Waterworks Util. 140678.75 Cum. #1975 240355.13 Airnort 110199.00 Firemen's Pension 116.00 Total 611822.51 Total 127,7 .47 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. February 14, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by President of the Council Bruce Hulse and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Poli and Morris. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Robert Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by_ Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 7, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: TYPE OF WORK N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS 10904 $ 1,000.00 Harry Hart 2306 - 6th Avenue No. New Garage 10905 1.00 George W. Ames 215 - 2nd Avenue Demolish Shed PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7694 - - - - R. S. Shane 11625 S .E . 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 95 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13418 S ,E. 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 96 - - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13405 S.E . 114th St. Plumbing Fixtures 97 - - - - - Brawn Goodrich 7710 So. 153rd St. Plumbing Fixtures 98 - - - - - Carl Rongerude 7650 So. 153rd St. Plumbing Fixtures 99 - - - - - Bob Shane 11637- S.E. 100th St. Plumbing Fixtures 7700 - - - - - Smiley Apartments 8th Avenue North Plumbing Fixtures 01 - - - - - Fred Buxton 3227 - 7th Place Heating Equipment 02 - - - - - Roy Fracker 1137 "N" Pl. No. Plumbing Fixtures 03 - - - - - Ed Biggins 928 "G" Place Plumbing Fixtures WAM 04 - - - - - The Boeing Company 4-17 Building Plumbing Fixtures 7705 - - - - - The Boeing Company Addition 10-65 Plumbing Fixtures 06 - - - - - Tony DeWitt 2244 - 6th Ave. No. Gas Installations President Hulse advised that Mayor Custer would be attending later in the meeting having the Renton School District Council of P.T.A. Founders' Day Observance to M.C. HEARING: Final Assessment Roll, L.I.D. 254, Cedar River Summer Home Sites Water System This being the date set, the hearing was declared open and communications from E. S. Bryant and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Tabor objected to amount of assessment and the Tabors protested the potentially dangerous hole in the middle of their lawn resulting from level of the valve boxes, as well as "muddy mess" in which the graveled driveway & property was left which he spent over two years in filling, leveling and seeding. A letter Was read from A. M. Roberts, Attorney for Mr. John Lavin of 12401 S.E. 142nd Place, objecting to assessments levied against Lots 2, 3 and 4 due to fact that lots 3 and 4 are entirely within the City of Seattle right-of-way for the Seattle-Diablo transmission line and cannot be improved and would not therefore benefit in any way by the improvement, and also a portion of Lot 2 One water service was ordered for Lots 1 and 2 and it was requested that the subject assessments be re- distributed over the remaining benefitting lots, and deleted from Mr. Lavin's cost. A Fire and Water Committee report was submitted at this time recommending that the City assume the assessments on Lots 3 and 4 since it is not possible to build on these lots with stipulation that if at any time in the future the easement restrictions are removed a connection fee equal to the present assessment should be paid prior to meter installation which total is in sum of $677.64, to be funded from Waterworks Utility Maintenance Fund 7120, Acct. 606, Watermain Extensions. Audience comment was invited and Attorney Roberts urged that Lot 2 be also included in release from assessment. City Engineer Jack Wilson outlined the subject lots on a wall map and stated that Lot 2 could be built upon and therefore should share the assessemnt, the City to pick up the others with concern for the amount of cost resulting from necessity of having to traverse the railroad tracks. Mr. Roberts submitted a different map from the City's which had been prepared for Mr. Lavin by the Department of Lighting of the City of Seattle and urged that the question of Lot -1- Renton City Council Meeting 2-14-66 HEARING: L.I.D. 254 Final Assessment Roll (Cont. ) 2 prior to any conclusive action being taken by the Council. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson stated that from all information he has the City's map reflects the true circumstances but that it does not agree with the map the owner has. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli,to continue the hearing one week for clari- fication of points in question. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Progress estimate No. 7, Renton Public Library Contract was read,as submitted by the Architects and Library Board, in the sum of $48,900.13 for the period from 1 January, 1966 to 31 January, 1966. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from M. J. Alhadeff, Vice-President and General Manager of Longacres Race Track advised of great interest in the new Library under construction at Renton and in view of the fact that Renton is the capitol of Thoroughbred racing in the State, suggested that the Library contain a section on horse racing and the horse in general. Donation was offered consisting of four hundred racing books containing the charts and records of all races run in the United States since 1933 which books are the personal collection of Mr. Joseph Gottstein, President of the Washington Jockey Club, and are valuable in that they are one of the few complete records of racing at Longacres and the United States. The books will be maintained on an up-to-date basis so that the continuity of the information will not be broken. It is planned that there will be donations of other books relating to the horse from time to time along with films on Thoroughbred racing with other racing groups in the State being encouraged to do like- wise. Delivery will be made in time for opening of the Library upon acceptance of the donations. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Library Board for recommendation. Carried. A letter from Building Director Reisberg reported application for Revocable Permit for a sign to be installed over public right-of-way at 323 - 3rd Avenue, by S .R.S . Real Estate, Inc. and National Sign Corporation, and it was recommended that such Permit be granted. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. -- A letter read from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for approval, final costs to be charged against Local Improvement Dist. No. 255 as follows: Contract, $8,593.63; Engineering Costs $802.62; Clerk's Costs $131.92; Treasurer's Costs $20.00; Utilities Department $59.57; Transfer to Street Department for street repair $500.00. The final roll was also submitted and the date of March 21, 1966 was recommended as date for hearing on said roll. The total cost of $10,107.74 exceeds engineering estimate by $723.74 which was attributed to poor soil conditions with additional and more select backfill being required than was anticipated. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Helmie Nelson advised of the need for an additional desk inasmuch as one used until recently was returned at request of the Planning Department. The desk needed would cost approximately $220.00. Since it has been recommended that the sum of $356.70 in Cumulative Fund 1182 be depleted due to limited purposes for which it had been established and to accounting involved in maintaining the balance, it was recommended that the required amount be transferred and appropriated unto the Current Fund, City Clerk's Department 1400, Capital Outlay Account 606. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert to concur in the request, however upon some question by the City Attorney regarding procedures best suited to the transaction involving Cumulative Funds or outright appropriation, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refei the matter to the Ways and Means Committee to determine mode of funding. Carried. ,.� A letter read from Louis Peretti, Appraiser, submitted preliminary appraisal of the two sites involved in the 3rd Avenue North connection to Logan Street, namely, the Carpenter property to the South and Burwell R. Pepka, Arthur L. Jones property to the North which is zoned L-1. "Plan A" Land, 13720 sq. ft. @ $1.25 per Sq. Ft. _ $17,150.00 and"Plan B" , 11,150 sq. ft. @ $1.25 per Sq. ft. _ $13,950.00 ($13.927.00 rounded out) Date inspected: February 11, 1966. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the Appraisals to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. -2- Renton City Council Meeting 2-14-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, was read submitting findings of the Park Board relative to the request of the Boeing Company and Puget Pcwer re Lake Washington Beach Park property. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to table the communication until later in the meeting when the Property Committee report is presented. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Phyllis M. Grimes, Secretary, Allied Arts of Renton, Inc. , expressed concern over actions being considered by the Council with respect to proposed grandstand in Liberty Park, it being suggested that such an improvement be located in Cedar River Park rather than to overcrowd Liberty Park, the Council being commended for planning to build the grandstand The other action anticipated was selling or trading of portion of Lake Washington Beach land which was protested and the Council was urged rather to .. develop the park for public use as quickly as is feasible, additional recreational facilities being greatly needed especially in view of growth of the community. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission was read, which was directed to the Renton Chamber of Commerce and copy to the Mayor, outlining progress of the North Renton Interchange construction and the City connection as well' as, to the East, the location of Primary State Highway No. 2-RE and its construction. It was reported that operations are moving along very satisfactorily and every effort is being made to assure expediate progression. A letter from Herb Williams, Commander, Fred Hancock Post #19, American Legion, invited the Mayor and Council to the annual Boy Scout Bean Feed on Tuesday, February 22, 1966 at 6:30 p.m. at 55 Williams Street. A letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, Assn. of Wn. Cities, requested suggestion for pane] participants and items for the agenda for the 1966 State convention in Yakima, May 11, 12 and 13. The theme selected is "Citizen Action In Government" . An outline of the proposed program was attached and will be on file in the City Clerk's office if anyone wishes to read the details. A Brochure from the Association of Washington Cities announced 3rd Annual Public Report- " ing Contest and outlined judging standards. This will be on file in the records of the City Clerk. A letter from Mr. John M mson, President, Colorcable, Inc. submitted application for Permit to construct and operate a CATV System in the City of Renton. Proposed Franchise Ordinance was attached. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry to refer the application to the Power and Light Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Leslie Hood, Chairman, Mid-fainter Conference, Frank R. Vaise Post $1263, V.F.W., Renton, Washington thanked the Mayor and Council for cooperation and participation at the recent conference at the Renton Inn. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of the following to position of Fireman in the Renton Fire Department: William H. Larson, John J. McLaughlin and Larry R. Weiss, effective February 16, 1966 at which time the six-months probationary period will commence in accordance with rules and regulations of Civil Service. Commission certification was attached and approval of the Fire Chief. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Pedersen advised of meeting regarding bids on covering of the Reservoir and Fire and Water Committee report was read recommending that the low bid of Western States Construction Company of Bellevue, in the sum of $62,012.13 be accepted. Moved by Schellert, 'seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. ' Councilman Pedersen reported regarding request of Wilco Properties, Inc. to purchase parcel of land on Northwest corner of Burnett Street No. and 4th Avenue No. , that the Committee, after conference with the Planning Director, City Engineer and Traffic Engineer, has recommended that the request be denied it being determined that parking in this small area would force the vehicles to back out onto the lanes of Burnett Street. Also persons using the area would have to cross 4th Avenue North and the poor visibility due to the railroad crossing would not allow desirable crosswalk. When the 3rd & 4th Avenue North complex is constructed it would seem likely this right of way could be utilized for a free right turn lane onto 4th Avenue North. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -3- Renton City Council Meeting 2-14--66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted his Committee report which recommended that the City exchange 3.5+ acres of Lake Washington Beach property, and The Boeing Company to meet considerations proposed as follows: 1. Provide the City free and clear title to approximately 1.8 acres of Foss property according to map submitted. Estimate of cost $77,000 2. The Boeing Company to install cyclone fence with cedar slots along newly created property line between the park and Puget Sound Power and Light Company steam plant apron. Cost, $ 4,725.00 3. Pay to the City in cash, $92,500.00 for culverting of the stream and for payments to provide perpetual maintenance of railroad crossing signals at park entrance; all legal matters to be handled by the City Attorney. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the Park Board Communication be taken from the table for action at this time. Carried. Park Board which was submitted by Gene Coulon, Park Director, outlined the Board's findings and actions which followed study of the proposal from the Boeing Company. Regarding release of 3.5+ acres of beach park property,it was pointed out that .just recently the City completed a "701 Study" a part of which related to community facilities which in- dicated a need to acquire additional land to the north side of the present site, and the Puget Sound Governmental Conference three-year study resulted in recom- mendation that top priority be given to water recreation sites and that every piece of existing public recreation land should be held inviolate against any other kind of development. The City's six-year plan submitted to the interagency Committee in Olympia timely enough to be eligible for funds this year,part of work required in establishing eligibility for state and federal matching funds also indicated a need to acquire additional property adjacent to the present park site. The Board feels there is need to retain and add to the land we already have, and that reclaiming of 1.22 acres is not necessary for the park development, the stream having been purposely re- located to act as a natural barrier between the park and railroad property. Also, there is an existing cyclone fence separating the properties which is quite adequate. Regarding the railroad crossing signal maintenance, this is a charge requited by the railroad for maintenance. It is a one-time cost and since Puget Sound Tower& Light Co. will be using the crossing to get to its property, it should share in the cost. It is the Park Board's belief that the benefit to the community from recreational standpoint far surpasses other use which may be made of the property and it recommended that the Boeing Company request be denied. Planning Commission member. Dick Stredicke advised the Planning Commission,at its last meeting,had recommended that a letter be directed to the Council opposing the sale of any property in the Beach Park area and urging acquisition of any additional land which might be available , Pedersen objected to discussion not within confines of the Council, Councilman Morris, speaking on the Property Committee recommendation advised that an appraisal of the Foss property had been requested and he would not be able to vote until comparison values had been secured. Councilman Perry, Member of the Property Committee, outlined monetary factors deemed to be advantageous to the City and reflected that 9 months of study and consideration have gone into the matter and the Committee feels the package deal is a good one, it being dgsirable to acquire the Foss property as the water in front of this land is now owned by the City by reason of the recent harborline revision. Dr. Bardarson pointed out that with the anticipated growth of the area the present water front property is in- adequate and that there comes' a time when the needs of the citizens are to be realized. After reading of excerpt from letter by Dr. Bardarson, on behalf of the Renton Sailing Club opposing sale of property in the beach area, citizens spoke against the release of. any land in the interest of the children and families of the Community whose rights are to be protected as a proper city function. Speakers included Mrs. Jean Gosse, 10203 - 115th Ave. S.E., Mr. Roth Courtney, 10107 - 115th Avenue S.E., Mr. Wilburt Olsen, 1251 S.E . 90th Street, Phyllis Grimes, Secretary of the Allied Arts organization, Peggy Shideler, of the Renton Park Board, and Tom Teasdale, Chairman of the Park Board who inquired when encroachment of park property is going to cease stating that the concern of,:the Board is to protect the taxpayer and to secure additional property for their leisure hour enjoyment. He also pointed out that the valuation of the properties involved is quite different and that ours is improved and level and the Foss property is not. Mrs, Bardarson, speaking for Allied Arts, Inc., pointed out that this is one of the few green areas left along the lake and that it is a peaceful and lovely spot which should not be measured in dollars and cents but consideration should be given to its <-,stheti:: and spiritual value and its development for public use is the hope of the citizens of the community. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur with the Property Committee report. Schellert inquired regarding affect on future land acquisition of the vote on this moti6p. Attorney Shellan pointed out that if the property is sold some question may arise if the City then tries to condemn to acquire property in the area where it has just traded off 3.5+ acres of the property. The City has the right to trade with other municipalities and with private parties but whether it is advantageous to trade needs to be decided. -4 Renton City Council Meeting 2-14-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: cont.) Property Committee Report - Lake Wn. Beach property Pedersen reported the Property Committee felt it would be able to reclaim land which it cannot now use as it would be fixed to eliminate hazard presently existing for children and with addition of the Foss property the city would lose only a portion of an acre Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Poli and Morris. No: Pedersen, Bruce, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm and Perry. With four aye votes and six no votes the motion was lost. Upon inquiry by Hulse regarding proximity of the sailing club building to the subject area Park Director Coulon advised within 250 feet or e ,cn closer. Park Director Coulon pointed out that the Council is talking in terms of money not roal estate, that what the City is going to get for return was not considered by the Par's Loard. Its only concern is ' with property and what it could do for t:>e City with water front property being at a premium and being mindful of the recom,n-_'atof the bud-,et for the governmental project that a hold should be put on all ^_•e;erty, Planning Director Ericksen recalled adoption of the City's Co7prchensive and Community Facilities Plans in which the subject area is included End a(:vised that if there is to be readjustment possibly the matter should go back to the Plarnin,d Commission for public hearing prior to any conclusive Council action. Pedersen moved the previous question on motion to concur in the Cc:nm_ttee recommendations. It. was pointed out that a ,2/3 vote is required and the matter is not debatable. Morris stated the business cannot be conducted for the citizens properly if debate is cut off. The welfare of the community is involved and it s':c,.: 1)? c^A_i ascus--'-_,1 and vote not forced. Moved by P611, "seconded by Morris, to table the matter until the next meeting. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that neither motion is dcbata'Dle and that it ta:;es a 2/3 vote on each with motion to table having priority and tc,king precedence. Pedersen stated inasmuch as his motion w"as not debatable vote s'..ould have been, taken.. ' The motion to table was voted upon and hearing discenting voice vote roll call vote, was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Gian r,i, Po"I and Morris No: Bruce, Pedersen; Garrett, Trimm and Perry. A 5 to 5 tie resulted and the motion was lost Vote was taken on the previous question for concurrence in the Committee report and was declared lost. Garrett deemed speeches to be now in order. Dr. Bardarson again spoke stating that although it mirlht- be a good deal money wise would the city then dispose of one.-half or all of the property if offered good deals and where does it stop. Mr. Jack Scannell, 9514 - 100th 'Ave. S4E. advocated justification in actions of both the Park Board and the Property Committee in doing -1-7:-.^ir job., Mr. Sconnell was advised upon inquiry that approximately 20 acres are involved in toe total park site and he observed that we are concerned. in' losing about 1.7 acres and re^_laimir.; 1,22 acres which we own now and could reclaim anyway, for an estimated $80,0)0.00, the price per acre not being particularly important. Inference that Boeing might go elsewhere was discounted inasmuch as they need only this 3.5 to complete a total 20 or 30 acres they are getting in the area and although work has been stopped at present the additional 3.5 acres is not a requisite for completion of the final assembly plant. The factor of $4.8,000.00 per year property tax was to be considered inasmuch as in ten years receipts of $480,000.00 would allow purchase of any parcel. of land desired. It was confirmeid that the Park Board has not expanded the park site 'to date due to lack of funds as if we had already picked up the ten acres to the north then the 1.7 acres we would lose would be in- significant. He inquired whether the transaction with Boeing could be delayed pending acquisition of additional land desired and then perhaps re-negotiate. It is Council's position to decide what will be best for the citizens of Renton and to be concerned with anticipated expansion and the whole community not two or three interests. Perhaps the matter should be returned to the Property Committee for appraisal of the undeveloped property. Inquiry was made Tegarding affect on applications for matching funds which list present sites as they now exist and Director Coulon advised that this is the concern expressed by the Park Board. Regarding reclaimin3s,f nds therefore are not ,presently available nor for development of the park but if they so decide at a later date and funds are available they could proceed. Levelling is an important factor with railroad property levels involved. -5- Renton City Council Meeting 2-14-66 4,73 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Lake Wn. Beach-Property Committee report) Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter back to the property committee to re-negotiate on square ft. per square ft. basis. Perry and Pedersen advised this has been done, that additional property cannot be secured for us by Boeing, that the matter has been negotiated for nine months and gone over again and again. Also no authority has been given -to get appraisal on land we may buy. It was suggested that if this proposal is favorable it should be approved and if not, turn it down. Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter back to the Property Committee to secure an appraisal and renegotiate the 3.5+ acres. Pedersen reported this has been attempted and cannot be accomplished as Foss does not want to sell. The City Attorney pointed out that it could be condemned. Vote resulted in dissent and roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Poli and Morris. No: Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm and Perry. The vote was 5 to 5 and the motion was lost. Mayor Custer had arrived and it was suggested he break the tie. Recess was declared after which roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Upon request, the Property Committee recommendation to accept the Boeing Company proposal was again read. After discussion on propriety of the action, Mayor Custer assumed the chair which Hulse vacated. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to reconsider the motion which had just lost. The motion was declared out of order as the maker was not on prevailing side of the prior motion. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter back to the Property Committee for appri al and determination of valuations of areas involved, and to the Park Board, which was added upon request and with permission of second. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was taken and resulted as follows: Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Poli, and Morris. No: Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm and Perry. The five to five tie vote was broken when Mayor Custer voted aye sending the matter back to the Property Committee and to the Park Board. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported that no letter has been received regarding parking on particular streets which had been referred to his committee. Councilman Perry reported that the pamphlets to be submitted to the Kennydale voters is ready and may be seen at the Chamber of Commerce at this time. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers 2274 through 2401, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2274 - 2310 $ 7,173.47 City Street Fund 2311 - 2326 3,521.52 Cedar River M. & I. 2327 - 2329 30.18 Equipment Rental 2330 - 2339 456.36 Library 2340 - 2364 3,665.17 P-rks 2365 - 2374 553.44 Water Works Utility 2375 - 2393 4,170.64 Airport 2394 - 2400 771.44 Cumulative Fund No. 1975 2401 48,900.13 $69,242.95 Councilman Hulse announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, February 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Councilman Pedersen inquired as to whether his Property Committee or the Park Board has jurisdiction over the property acquisition which was referred to both earlier in the meeting. Upon request, City Attorney Shellan answered that the Property Committee's function is to acquire property and negotiate. Once it has been acquired and turned over to the Park Department then the Park Board has sole jurisdiction of maintenance until such time as the property is disposed of and all thg control the Council then has is matter of finance. Perry added that at the last meeting with the Park Board and Committee of the Whole, all were agreed that the City would accept payment in lieu of improvement and otherwise there had been no objection so the Property Committee pro- ceeded on that basis. -6- 174 Renton City Council Meeting 2-14-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Garrett submitted a letter for reading from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, Assn. of Wn. Cities, advising of National League of Cities special legislative conference to be held in Washington D.C. March 29-31, 1966. It was • requested that notification be given in the near future whether Mrs Garrett or other representatives of the City of Renton will be attending, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the LeCislative Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer advised of receiving letters concerning operators digging through property lines in gravel pit near 112th Ave. S.E. and 102nd Ave. S.E., Kennydale. Parties have been contacted and the problem is believed to be resolved City mandate having been given in eLforcement of Building Code regulations. Councilman Morris stated the referral of problem on 2nd Avenue is a like matter and perhaps the same procedure should be followed rather than referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the City Clerk to give public notice that the 14th day of March, 1966 is fixed as the time when expressions on- vacation of portion of South 130th Street, between 87th .and 88th Avenues South, will be heard. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution 1360 as read. Carried. Councilman Morris, presented a proposed Resolution fixing the date of March 14th at 8:00 p.m. in theCity Council Chambers as the time and place for hearing on Petition for vacation of a portion of 106th Avenue S.E., South of Puget Drive. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, that Resolution No. 1361 be approved as read. Carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from (GS-1) Single Family Residence District to Residential District (R-1) which was read.(Property owner - Mrs. Erminia Paulon) Moved by Moriis, seconded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance 2212 as read. All present voted aye upon roll call vote and the notion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City changing zoning classification for certain property within the City from Residential District (R-2) to Business District (B-1)which was read by the Clerk. (Archie Gustine property located on Garden and Meadow Streets between Second Ave. No. and Bronson Way No.) Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2213 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting aye. Carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance changing zoning classification from Unclassified zoning to Business District (B-1) on Emilio Pierotti property at Rainier Avenue South and intersection with 92nd Avenue South. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2214 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance changing zoning classification from Residential District R-2 to Residential District R-3 which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, secopded by Poli, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. A ter the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No: 2216 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. A proposed ordinane was read changing classification of property located on N.W. corner of Tobin and Shattuck Streets from B-1 to L-1 zoning. (T.S. & L. Property) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bruce , seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance 2216 as read. Roll call resulted in ayes by Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry and Morris. Poli voted No and Trimm was not present at this time, having left the meeting. Ordinance was read for rezone of Velton Warren property on Sunset near 10th Place North. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli to place same on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Ordinance 2217 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried Adjourned at 11:05 p-.m. Mayor ^.1r 475 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. February 21, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Hulse, seconded by -- Sahlquist that the absent Council Member be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Com- missioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director, and Vern Church, Purchasing Director. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 14, 1966 be approved as written. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDIIG DEF T. BUILDING PERMITS : NO,. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10906 $ 1, 900.00 Larry F. Hougardy 11408 S.E. 97th St. Add to Residence 907 17,500.00 R. S. Chane 11626 S.E. 100th New Residence 908 2, 500.00 Robert B. Mathieson 1203 "0" Street Rec ',Room 909 294.00 Jerome Bonagofski 509 N. Williams St. Enclose porch 10910 50.00 The Boeing Company E. Access Rd. Temp. Serv. 911 750.00 Homer Creager 11218 S.E. 112th Wire Residence 912 11000.00 Texaco Oil Co. 3005 Sunset & K Sign 913 2, 500.00 Robinson-Lyon Ford 3rd & Burnett St. Sign 914 11000.00 Imperial Carpet Co. 305 Rainier Ave. N. Sign 10915 20,000.00 Archie Gustine 111 Meadow Street Motel Units 916 950.00 SRS Real Estate 323 - 3rd Avenue Sign 917 12,000.00 E. W. Peters 11332 S.E. 116th New Residence 918 250.00 Mr. Ericksen 8815 So. 131st Wire Elec.Heat 919 50.00 Gene Meyers 2nd & Rainier Ave. Connect Booth 10920 16, 000.00 William Jackson 3420 11th Pl. No. New Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7707 - - - - - Brown Goodrich 7710 So. 153rd St. Plumbing Fixt. 08 - - - - - Herb Hackman 10618-108th S.E. Plumbing Fixt. 09 - - - - - Hilltop Sand 13405 S.E. 114th Gas Install. 7710 - - - - - George T. Perry 1354 "H" glace Gas Install. 11 - - - - - Robert J. Balcom 7732 So. 153rd Plumbing Fixt. 12 - - - - - Dickason 7756 So. 153rd Plumbing Fixt. 13 - - - - - H. Bohlender 2417 - 6th Place Heating Equip. 14 - - - E. Edwards 10811-113th Ave. SE Gas Install. 7715 - - - - - C. J. Peterson 12432 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixt. Mayor Custer at this time presented Award Certificates tp past City Council Presidents Dan Pali who served in 1964 and to Henry Pedersen, who served in 1965. Such awards are presented in recognition of out- standing service to the community and are extended to all those who serve in capacity of Council President, among other acts- arid services as deemed meritorious -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-21-66 C?ENING OF BIDS : Cast iron, pipe, valves, fittings and fire hydrants ^his being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: F'T D1 ER "All "B" 11C11 "D11 D11 11 Ell 1'.. D. Fowler Co. $ No Bid $ No Bid $16, 552 . 93 $ No Bid $1, 522. 28 13440 S.E. 30th St. ellevue (Bond Enc. ) Pccific States Cast 113,420. 73 9, 102. 39 15, 512.88 4, 668.42 No Bid Iron Company 211 - 6th Ave. No. Seattle 98109 (Bond Enc. ) Pacific Water Work No Bid 9, 366.84 15;842.47 4, 514.47 1, 742.87 Supply Co. , Inc 2900 First Ave. So. Seattle (Bond Enc. ) - - U.S . Pipe & Foundry Co. 118, 516.83 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid 1836 Westlake Ave. No. _ Seattle 98109 (Bond Enc. ) Western Utilities Supply No Bid 10, 083. 33 15,468.49 No Bid 1, 550.06 54-09 Ohio Ave. SIe, 24 (Cet. Cks. ) by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Bids to the Fire and ?,,' .ter Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. I-L',A_ RTITG: (Continued from 2-14-66) L. I.D. 254 Final Assessment Roll Cedar River Summer Homes - Water System This being the date set, the continued hearing was declared open. The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Ellen Dreckman protesting the cost of the final assessment which she stated would be a burden to her. Mr. John E. Crowell, 12423 S.E. 142nd Street protested the cost-arid any increase by reason of right-of-way credit for easements. Mr. Leslie Taber, 12431 5..E. 142nd Place reported damage to his property at end of the water 1_ine where pipe was flushed and inquired regarding restoration of his driveway. The City Engineer upon inquiry reported acceptance of the project and inspection and that he will check Mr. Taber' s property and correct any inequity remaining. Council action was invited and it was 'b-'y_ Pedersen that the Fire and Water Committee recommendation to delete assessment from lots not benefitting from the improvement, also a nn,rt of Lot 2 as well as Lots 3 and 4 of John Lavin property. A letter �.aas read from City Engineer Wilson that the portion of Lot 2 under the easement be deleted from assessment which recommendation follows check r�,n location of easement. Discussion ensued regarding extra cost for having to go i..nelar the railroad tracks. Moved by. Schellert, seconded by Poli, to the hearing. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli that the Utility Fund assume ... carr of assessments on portion of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 and 4 and the cost of running the water main under the railroad track. Carried. It was inted out that assessments will be reduced about an approximate 15% by the City assuming the excess costs. Moved by Hulse, seconded by ^erfy. to approve the Final Assessment Roll as amended with referral to 1:he Law and Ordinance Committee. C rried. r -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-21-66 COMMUNICATIONS• A letter was read from -Jack Wilson, -City Engineer, submitting and recommending for payment final estimate on Main Street storm sewers in su.m of $14,672. 25, payable to W. C. Frost Construction Co. , from Waterworks Utility 7120 . Capital Outlay 605. Acceptance by the Council is recommended as of this date, the work under this contract having been accepted by the Engineering Department on February 15, 1966. Also, if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, the retained amount of $1, 630. 25 may be released to the Contractor. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti to accept the project and to concur in the recommendations of the" City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power .to act. The motion carried. A letter was read advising of intent to request annexation of property in vicinity of So. 128th and So. 129th Streets, West of 87t-h Avis o. , as petitioned by property owners S . Kaczmarek, John A. ThOM_ gn., E. Childers, and Richard M. Glad. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter of intent to the City Engineer to check val percentage of signatures. Carried. A letter from James J. Abraham submitted application for thy!401ti'OAb-- license issuance within the City when official population count w J l_,.:i permit fifteen licenses. His Company presently operates three- cabs and the competing Company has filed application for eleven. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Polis& end 7 : cense Committee with Power to act. Carried. A letter from Mr. D. Wellfelt, Commander, V.F.W. p£,;.Sky0ay Pct t 9 --0, requested permission to conduct a poppy sale within the, City ,q€..Renton between May 15 and May 30, 1966. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request. Carried. A letter was read from Arthur D. Scholes, Chairman, -Trfc A# i spry Committee for the City recommending that the Chief of,-police authorized to placer on an overtime basis , police officgXe'from his department to facilitate the movement of traffic dura peaky_hours, specifically, three men from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. an.' six meal, rom 3 :00 p.m. to 6 :00 p .m. daily except Saturdays and Sunda-..s ` Viso, - that a minimum of five additional officers be added to the -i Y6.-Division v of the Police Department on a full time basis beginnin4 J_am_dry, 1967, the traffic situation having become so critical so as t�yregtxAre such emergency program until additional roadways are cpnstruct4 ' Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that-: r� '� tha. or �`nd�Police Chief n��et on this matter and report back. Carried. = " ..r.i- A letter from Jill Rosenstrom requested, on behalf. ,pf GirL." r Troup 41723 , as a part of their "Promise in Action" to plant s ;taWers and shrubs on the Northeast corner of Sunset Blvd. E. and ;;3fel'Avenue north, for beautification and bird sheltering purposes.- �4Qved by .,D.9 trenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the request to the Park; Dep5jrtment to work. out the details. Carried. A letter was read from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, submitting recommendations of the Planning Commission and its actxQns taken '-al the meeting of February 9, 1966 as follows: 1. Final Plat of Rolling Hills, A replat of Tract :A.:;and_ Portion of Tract B, Appl. S-283-66, located at intersection of Puget Drive and Roiling Hills Avenue and extending to the Bonneville Power Line right- of-way. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to approve the final plat as recommended.- referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. "`Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-21-66 COMMUNICATIONS : (cont. ) Planning Commission Recommendations: 2. Preliminary Plat of Pacific Coast Railroad Company' s Earlington properties in vicinity of 7th Avenue and extension of 87th Avenue South The proposed Plat is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Morris, referring to a letter from the Pacific Coast R.R. Company, directed to Planning Director Ericksen, outlining pro- visions and stipulations relative to the Plat, moved to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the Plat with deletion of the next to last paragraoh of the Railroad Company' s letter which providlE for reversion to the railroad company on May 1, 1976 of the subject land ilz�l unless the City, prior to that date, has constructed the extension of 87t1rr Avenue South from 7th Ave. So. to a connection with Sunset Highway. The motion was seconded by Hulse and discussion ensued. After recommendation that the reversion date be effected in event the construction has been commenced instead of completed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Planning Committee, several points having been offered which it was felt needed further discussion. Mr. Paul Tjossem, Attorney for Great Northern Railway Company, advised of the need for early action there having been some delay of extent during time the matter was before the Planning Commission. Several Council Mcmbers expressed opinion that action should be taken without additional delay and spoke against the motion including, P(:dersen, Garrett, Morris and Perry. Schellert felt to oppose would establish precedent. Verbal vote on the pending motion resulted in majority no vote and the motion was declared lost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen, to amend the present pending motion by m•ikin1; .thc foJ3. �viinh substituti,)n-unless the City has commenced the construction of an extension by Play 1, kg7C, the property will revert to the �;ailroad Company. Hulse pointed out that the arterial plan included this street and if need is warranted the right of way would be undercon struction within ten years. The amendment was voted upon at this time and Carried and the original motion, as amended, to concur in the recc mendation with provision for commencement by May 1, also carried. The letter from the Railroad Company was amended by Mr. Tjossem to con- form to the Council ' s action, and the Mayor advised that the Preliminary Plat was now accepted. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess roll was taken and all Council Members were present as previously listed. Upon inquiry by Hulse regarding effect of prior action on future develop- mont insofar as time limit is concerned, City Attorney Shellan advised that it was not likely that precddent would be set unless a situation arises involving industrial plat bordering the railroad. Letter from Mr. Dwight Gardner, Citizens Advisory Committee, Green River Flood Control Zone District, submitted names of the five-man Committee and advised of offer to cooperate in any way to assist development of the Watershed Project in the best manner consistent with Comprehensive Planning. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of February 9th that the Council be advised of the critical need for park and recreational land with par- ticular emphasis on the need for public water access and the -Commissi.on , would like to go on record as opposing any sale of park property with respect to the need for the City to acquire additional park land while it is still available. The Commission requested to be advised of any negotiations x-eJALtive to the sale or trade of park or recreational property in view of public interest involved. -4- February 21, 1966 ADDENDUM TO THE MINUTES - Supplement to Page 4 - Planning Commission Recommendations Preliminary Plat of Pacific Coast* Railroad Company's Earlington properties in vl�.inity of 7th Avenue and extension of 87th Avenue South which proposed Plat is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. City Attorney Shellan reported that the matter had come before the Planning Com- mission a few weeks ago and representatives of the Railroad were present. The parcel was outlined in green on wall map,to which City Attorney Shellan referred, and the railroad apparently had agreed with the Planning Commission recommendation that the street right-of-way below 7th Avenue would be dedicated. The Planning Commission :arid Planning Director felt an additional dedication should be made of area to the North of 7th Avenue with the idea in mind that sometime in the future a connection would be established with Dunlap Canyon Road.l.The railroad took the position that this would cut up and interfere with the orderly development of the property located North of 7th Avenue. 2. The City didn't need it as it would be too costly to improve. 3. Would not benefit railroad property as it would be served by 7th Avenue exclusively. There was some doubt as to whether such proposed improvement, involving corssing of the railroad tracks, would be feasible or probable in the foreseeable future and it appears there was some difference of opinion among the City officials in regard thereto. It should be remembered that the City can demand dedication of right-of-way within a plat where it is reasonably required to accommodate the users within the platted property, but that if any such right-of-way, such as an arterial, is primarily for the benefit of the general public then the question arises as to whether the city can require a plattor to dedicate same free of charge. Mr. Shellan advised that he had discussed the matter with Mr. Clarke Eckart, President of the railroad, on several occasions in an attempt to work out a compromise. Mr. Eckart offered a two-year period which in Mr. Shellan's opinion was completely unacceptable. After some more discussion, a ten-year reversion period was arrived at which, in view of the serious legal questions involved, was considered a reasonable period. Mr. Shellan also discussed this matter with the Chairman of the Planning Com- mission whQ discussed it with the individual members of the Commission who indi(zated this compromise, in their opinion, was a very reasonable and fair one to the City. Mr. Shellan's only further suggestion was that the Railroad's letter of committment be clanged so that the corrected sentence will read as follows: "We will convey the area outlined green to the City for street purposes on condition that this property will revert to the Railroad Company on Mayl, 1976 unless the City, prior to that date, has commenced construction of an extension of 87th Avenue South from Seventh Avenue South to a connection with Sunset Highway, including an underpass under or an overpass over the Pacific Coast R.R. right of way. ALSO TO CORRECT: In Paragraph 2 of Page 4, line 10 should read, "After recommendation that the reversion date be effected in event the construction has not been commenced, instead of completed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Planning Committee, several points having been offered which it was felt needed further dis- cussion. - - - -4A- .J ). t. 1... ",, � s-;, -: i �, �. 1inutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-21-66 CO:�'=ICATTONS : (Ccnt. ) A letter from :"ayor Custer advised of several changes to the Suburban 1ayors ' Associat .on _y-Laws ratified by the membership and report was for, Council information �.7ith no action recruired at this time. A letter fro--.i _"payor Cus'-e=- reported according to requirements of RCW 35, 33 , 120 and r .'i,y Resolution Lo. 1232, --ansfers of funds within the bude<et classi ri ca.' ions effected to December 31 . 1965 as follows: rrc^z: 31d,. __-, .._=�na::r_n Acct. 1800,/303 , ,$350, 00, unto Police Dep' t. F.cct. 2100/20..; Fro-: Bldg. r�ai_�it. p.cct, 1800/309 unto 325, $148.65; Fro,,. Crrdar _''iTI car r',. t;c^_t,. 34-00/20'_ into 2.03 , $10. 56; From City Cler?. Acct. 1400/1.02 Cff ice ,suppl ' cs unto 507. $60.00; From City Treas. acct. 1500/501:-, ~109.00 and 507, $250. 00 unto 402; From Police 2100 to Civil Defense. 5.^-2; rrcm Civil Service 1900/308, $150.00, 402, $ 55.00, ~90. ^0 unto 314.; From Ing neerirg Fund 3130/130, $250,00, 3100/130, ; 97. 37; Iiegislative 1100/130, $70. 73 unto 3100/110; From Engineering 31)0/315., to 41;, $1. 15; From Engineering 3100/201, $14.69, unto 403, . 25 c-ne, 417, ^rc ; Traffic Control 3120/412, $135.85, Unto 315, $90. 00 and 4-17, $4-5.85; Lac"? health 4100/314, $403. 52 unto ^rarf- Si -nal 3130/303, $403 . 15 an.d 417, $ . 37; From Water Maintenance 7'_00/4-17; y9 7,8i u-ntc 7120/302: ' '20/302: '948. 75 and 325, $ 19.06; From Equip. :ental 3600/50 ? �a.nto 500, $ 21. 70; From Executive 1200/504 unto Planning Director 1700/.50%, :.19. 20; a.d 1200/306 unto 202 , $ . 20; From Fire Dep' t. 2200/4.04, 720' and 6.0'n,, $15.68. unto- 3,21, $44. 52, 325, $25. 13,--:49.4;)•., X 2.3'9, 606:: $15.65; 7-__ Legal 1600/201 unto 402, $31. 54; From ]library 5000/301 into 303 . $72.00, cnd 5 00/404, $195, 00 unto 305, $27.00 and 40.2, $1.68.00.; ::`ro_n P-lanni,ig 17DO/314, $10.0.00 untcL: 403; and from-1300/201 AA'n-to 315E fi5;rcr; ^ _ _1_70,0/203c unto204,- -S .40; and' 1720/403, $10.00.- and 50/-, $5. 00 unto 3i3;.:_^Yom Police- 2100/305, $12.02: unto- 3124< $7.42 and 325, x.60; F;_c tt Purl-inq Meters 3520/201, $6288, 203 , $25. 77, 417, $35.40, 306, . .50.0"0, 4_72, 5000 untp},.3 5 From.-Street Maintenance 3240/417 unto 504 r , �i ,. .��8,00. ._j:�C::_ t the C"i`1, o.`'"' rIL _-nc,�i.pt of, the official, repoort.:fon Municipal. Water- -ion U .i1'.' C T'entOn. , ."i:Zc Ounty including. 3rd gx; 1n331,at'ion and 4'.-:h FYa �. " _ ;:s f ._ 1953 a_d' 1964 which audits w.il_1;Ybc. n file in the c :7 of the ri'v Clerl-.. A propos a_. Tan raar; C,uc 1 C. Ar::^ld and Associates concerning plan roc `.''i dening cr t7l— T,c:r4 ;;t r-Pe' �r_dge. ^oved by Delaurenti, seconded by Da'�.s.q:ai sf:, .:o _-ere_-rtne nC.tter to 1:':e Compittee of the Whole UP,- report ''?a c',. and t'..-:e Engineer Teas -requesIC.ed to be present ate; the meeting, Carried, -A letter �!aas rears from City Attorney Sbellan requesting; prompt, action by the Coincil re^-a-^dina_ purc'nase of- U. S. Gov' t. interest in public use areas in th-e, acnton u ic.'Aland.s and *:he City Engineer was requested_ _:<, to make,- final � ��i�,n and, approve descript_ons to insure that all, : i_ of the sul ject _areas except for the Administration Building., tis, included. !wormer Lanham Act Project) The matter of funding the::$,1II;Q, 00.4+A hf4x, thiss pnrchase is in the Ways and ^:eans Committee.. A Proc-1 c m tion was read �• herein the week. of Parch 6th through 12tIX -0-f, th-_s gear ;,a^ c?enigna.ted as Girl Scor-r�: week in the City of Rentork,And?tc, Mlayo- Custer Negn.i.%s}ed the City to join in implementing 54th Anniversary of t :e of purpose expressed in their promise to Do Their Duty '::_i - ' r1 ,anal Cay. n�-r�, `e �Ielp other people :at all times and to obey the Gini- S=»_- 1 -•;s of lc-� '_ty,. honesty, 'courtesy, cheerfulness, usefulness" kindness cn ?i�Yi"t -heroas we the- people have been the beneficiarieisi ',. of that constanc-yr and F. :r-pesc as exe.mplif ,ed in the lives of our daught_e= o nd .4n t` r'ir des,'.s., r:oveCi by nelatl.Yenti, seconded by Poli, to ccncu-_ in t:i(-. by the 11alur. Carried. .. 5-- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-21-66 PROCLAMATIONS: (Cont. ) Proclamation by Mayor Custer was read designating the week of March 6 through 12, 1966 as "Housing for the Handicapped Week" wherein all organizations of the physically handicapped, agencies and committees serving the handicapped are called upon, along with the general public to give recognition and observance to this week in an effort to aid correction of existing housing problems of the handicapped. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried,. A Proclamation was read calling attention to the concert to be presentee by Mr. Milton Katims and the Seattle Symphony Orchestra on February 27t1 at the Renton High School auditorium at 3 :00 p.m. , for the enjoyment o' .■mb& all interested citizens of our City. Citizens were encouraged to attend this cultural activity which is afforded our community only once ea.cl-� year. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli . to concur in the Mayor' s Proclamation. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Councilman Hulse, President of the Council, submitted Committee of the Whole report with recommendations as follows: Recommended the Mayor, City Attorney and Property Committee be authorized to negotiate a contract at cost of $10, 000 with Architects, Johnston-Campanella Co. , Inc,, , so that planning for the new city hall may be commenced. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur. After discussion, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to amend the motion to include recommendations that the amount of contr,'.ct cost shall not exceed $10, 000 and that the contract be drawn with phases and definite designation of services and program to be covered by the fee, The motion to amend carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Recommended to allow the request for a new Steno I, Grade 14, ($355-$431_ with allowance made for third step, for the Building Dep t Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation° Carried. Recommended to refer the letter from the Allied Arts, Inc. regarding placement of ballfield and a grandstand in Cedar River Park in lieu of Liberty Park, to the Pz,.--k Board for recommendation. The motion carried-, In other actions, Chief Walls outlined details of Fire Department need for training site and it was decided to leave the matter in the Fire and Water Committee. Mayor Custer requested to consult with each Council Member regarding changes in Council Committee assignments and no objection was raised, Initiative 226 was tabled for this time. Councilman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee Chairman, reported financial position of the City regarding available funds in various budget accounts. Councilman Schellert, submitted Ways and Means Comn.: ttee report recommending that approximate sum of $270.00 for purchase of desk for the City Clerk ' s office, be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund #1182. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur_ Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted letter which was read as written by Mr. J. D. Bixby, Director of Facili- ties, The Boeing Company outlining proposals relative to the Lake Washing- ton Beach Park property which reaffirmed the previous offer with exception of the fencing costs in sum of $4, 725, and Boeing would be willing to adjust the offer to provide any combination of materials or services or cash to extent of original offer or, should the City desire, will pay $169, 500 cash with understanding that Boeing would install the fencing at the earliest possible date- Also , extra fill materialis available at present and 10, 000 cubic yards will be placed on the park property if so desired, the construction schedule requiring immediate disposition, and is not contingent upon transfer of }.he park Proparty- .. 6.... i Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-21-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont. ) Councilman Pedersen reported that the Property Committee recommends the original proposal be accepted, it being considered fair and equitable. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter back to the Property Committee pending renegotiation with Park Board included,,. and to also report, there having been previous joint referral of the matter. After some discussion and suggested motion lacking second the vote was t-aken and upon voiced dissent, roll call was properly requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Poli, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, and Perry. Seven ayes votes and four no votes were cast and the motion carried. .•- Delaurenti suggested meeting of the Council Members Saturday at 10:00 a.m. to visit the Park property. Councilman Poli submitted recommendation of the Light and Power Committee that a 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light be installed on Pole No. 2203 on 10th Place North. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendhtion. The motion carried, NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that Vouchers No. 2402 through 2467, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Cou-.-^il for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2402 - 2431 $ 2, 571.27 City Street Fund 2432 - 2438 1, 639.37 Equipment Rental Fund 2439 - 2447 2, 529.80 Park Fund 2448 - 2450 404.82 Water Works Utility 2451 - 2464 20, 177.82 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 2465 526.84 Airport 2466 11.05 Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 24617 10.42 $27,871.39 Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, reported investigation of capabilities of Electronic Stencil Producing Machine for Non-Departmental use per City Clerk' s request and it was recommended that the machine be purchased in approximate sum of $1,400 from excess of anticipated revenues, 1965, Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Schellert called attention to M-P zoning of property on South 180th Street with a portion zoned L-1 and H-1 and moved that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission to review consideration of zoning all M-P. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist referring to letter anticipated regarding parking on Garden Street, movci+ that parking be removed between 8th Avenue and Lake Washington Blvd, allowing 2 additional lanes of traffic movement. Failing to be seconded the motion was declared lost, and it was pointed out that more parking facilities will be solution to such problems. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the Council consider its previous action in motion to refer Lake Wn. Beach property matter to the Property Committee and Park Board. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that this motion be tabled. The motion was declared out of order, the mak�.i:. not having been on the side of prevailing vote and second motion thereby void, and not recognized by the Chair% As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. There were 18 vis yrs/T% > -0 Citw Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. February 28, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Schellert, Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Member be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vic TeGant- voort, Street Commissioner and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 21st with Addendum, be approved. Carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10921 $ 1,275.00 Brown Goodrich 7710 So. 153rd St. Wire Apartments 922 2,200.00 Merrick Hindes 11645 S.E. 102nd St. Addition to Residence 923 52,000.00 Wn. Jockey Club Longacres Add to existing facil. 924 15,221.00 James T. Childs 10614 - 111th Pl. S.E. New Residence 10925 15,221.00 James T. Childs 10620 - 111th P1. S.E. New Residence 926 800.00 Tonkins Restaurant 811 - 3rd Avenue Roof sign 927 1,400.00 Lloyd S . Peterson 11020 S .E. 115th St. New Residence 928 1,000,000.00 The Boeing Company Apron "D" Runway 929 200.00 Bruce's Select Cars 100 - 3rd Avenue Sign 10930 500.00 George Hjlem 822 "N" Place Garage 931 17,500.00 John W. Carlson 10626-111th Pl. S.E . New Residence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7716 - - - - - George Mileswich 433 Langston Road Gas Installation 17 - - - - - Gerald Rasmussen 2831 - 5th Ave. No. Gas Installation 18 - - - - - Stan Witsoe 1373-75 'T' Street Plumbing Fixtures 19 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3285 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 7720 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3296 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 21 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3300 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 22 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3304 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 23 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3315 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 24 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3287 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 7725 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3324 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures COMMUNICATIONS : A letter read from City Engineer Wilson reported that the letter of intent to annex properties to the City in vicinity of 87th Avenue South and South 128th Street was signed by owners representing 100% of the assessed valuation of the area, and contains approximately 3.43 acres having assessed valuation of $3,740.00. The City Clerk was directed to advise the property owners of the required meeting with the Council to determine whether pro-rata share of pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City will be assumed by petitioners in event of annexation. A letter read from Mayor Custer recommended that Police Chief Clarence S. Williams be granted aone-year extension of employment in his present position, effective May 1, 1966. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur with .referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Letter from J. E. Holmes called attention to proposed extension of Houser Way to Main Street which would greatly alleviate traffic congestion in this area. Offer of his property in trade for some of the City's property near Stoneway on the Maple Valley Highway was made. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Property Committee, Carried. -1- 483 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-28-66 COMMUNICATIONS:(Cont.) A 'letter from Mayor Custer submitted City of Seattle Ordinance #94549 and Real Estate Contract pertaining to exchange of property between the City of Renton and Seattle City Light, as previously authorized by the Renton City Council. It was suggested that the Contract be reviewed as to form by the City Attorney. Moved by Hulse, and seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole and the City Attorney. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Agreement from Mr. Harold Hagestad, City Engineer of Auburn, regarding an areawide traffic plan study in which the City was requested to participate. The City's share of anticipated cost would be about $5,000 to be paid during 1967 and 1968 in two payments. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to defer this matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter,from Building Director Reisberg recommended, for purposes of control, that Revocable Permits be issued to cover temporary use of portable school and church buildings inasmuch as general classification under the Uniform Building Code requires minimum standards of construction, sanitation facilities, etc, which cannot be met by portables. The use is to be limited to schools and church purposes and will be for a period of 3 years, subject to extension by further action of the Council. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, City Attorney Shellan advised that this would be a Variance and is covered by presently existing Ordinance. The motion carried. A letter from Renton Aerie #1722, F O.E., requested Permit to place banner over 3rd Avenue during month of March to welcome Northwest Eagles Bowling Tournament partici- pants. Moved by Bruce; seconded by Morris, to grant the request. Carried. A letter from Mr. Charles K. Stimson was read regarding proposed sale of 3.5 acres of Lake Washington Beach Park Property and its intended use for transformer storage. It was felt the sale was not in the public interest and that conflict of interest would be involved in Council vote and that private utility encroachment on city land is of qestionable .justification. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the Property Committee and the Park Board. A letter from the Renton Police Officers Benefit Association, Inc. invited the Mayor and Council to the Circus-Variety show on March 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the Renton High School, funds to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Fund. A letter from Purchasing Agent Vern Church requested permission to call for bids for the City's 1966 Automotive Equipment, as budgeted. March 14 was recommended as date for opening of the Bids., Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request for bid call and date recommended for opening of the bids. Carried.. A letter read from Martin R. Hill requested No-Fee Permit to allow YMCA Indian Guides to 'sell light bulbs door to door in the City on Saturday, March 19, 1966. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to grant the request for the Permit. Carried, Mayor Custer reported for himself and the Police Chief, that the matter of additional personnel for traffic control purposes, as recommended by the Traffic Advisory Com- mittee, has been implemented. The Budget allowed for three new patrolmen and only one has been hired so far,so funds from the salaries not yet expended will be used to pay for six men for three hours extra per day during peak traffic hours to help alleviate the problem. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councilman Schellert submitted report of the Ways and Means Committee as follows: Recommended that until tax moneys become available,loans be made to funds now to finance city operations with repayment to be made not later than June 30, 1966 at 3% interest. From: Cedar River Acq. Fund, $80,000 and Cumulative Reserve Fund #1894, $70,000. Unto: Park Fund, $36,000; Street Fund $35,000; Library Fund $29,000 and .Current Fund $50,000. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur, Carried. Further recommended that $11,000 be borrowed from Cedar River Maintenance & Improve- ment Fund at 3% interest, to finance purchase of public use areas from the Federai Gov't. in the Highlands area, said loan to be repaid not later than December 31, 1967. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with both loan matters being referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation. Carried, Also recommended that $15,000 for funding of the library foot bridge be funded from Cumulative Fund #1894. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-28-6,4j COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Cont.) Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that his Committee had met with the Park Board and other Council Members last Thursday and again this evening and no further progress has been made on the Lake Washington Beach Park matter insofar as any mutual agreement is concerned and it was recommended that a public hearing date of March 14th be set, for public review of the matter. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur and the City Engineer was requested to furnish a map showing all en2roachments and pertinent features for exhibit. The motion carried. Mr. Charles Shane stated he would like to call attention to the fact that the same members who were opposed to sale of the property to him were now in favor of selling and he wished to make inquiry of each member beginning with Mr. Pedersen. Remarks from the audience were declared out of order at this time and Mr. Shane was invited to speak later in the meeting when audience comment is invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to move the next item of business. Pedersen advised he would willingly answer any questions at the proper time in the conduct of business but that the regular order should not be interrupted by comment from other than Council Members. The pending motion carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his report regarding referral of possible removal of parking from Garden Street between 8th Ave. North and Lake Wn. Blvd. Attention was called to previous action,when the area parking was restricted, and upon a request of The Boeing Company to utilize the street for parking purposes the subsequent lifting of the restriction. Due to the expansion program presently under way the problem in the area has not yet reached its peak. The Boeing Co. is aware of the need for additional parking area and is negotiating at present for additional _land. Inasmuch as Garden Street is not a part of the City's arterial street system, serving primarily only as access to the Boeing Parking lots and since critical need still exists, the Committee recommended parking not be restricted until additional off-street parking areas are developed. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, submitted Committee report also signed by the City Engineer, that bids on 1966 water main equipment be awarded various Companies as follows: Award to low bids of Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe:Sehedule A, $113,420.73 and Schedule B, $ 9,102.39 and second low bid on Schedule C, $15,512.88 inasmuch as low bidder, Western Utilities Supply qualified the bid to extent that the City would have to unload the material, They also made an error of app. $300 per valve on the 16" valves. The second low bid exceeds the low bid by $44.39. Schedule D to low bidder Pacific Water Works Supply Company, $4,514.47 and Schedule E to low bidder H. D. Fowler, Inc. in total amount of $1,522.28. Moved by Trimm, and seconded by Gianini, to concur in the bid awards as recommended. Carried. The review of the City's Fire Zone Districts had been referred to the Fire and Water Committee and Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Committee recommends a public hearing be set for March 28th for review of proposed amendment to the present Fire Zone Ordinance and modification of the maps. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 2468 through 2520, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, along with L.I.'). #255 Cash Fund Warrants 2,3,4 and 5 and L.I.D. #255 Revenue Fund Warrants 2 and 3, be approved for payment. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund #2468 - 2494 $ 41731..21 City Street Fund 2495 - 2496 30.62 Off-Street Parking 2497 16.93 Equipment Rental 2498 - 2499 57.04 Parks 2500 - 2501 168.84 Water Works Utility 2502 - 2507 3,641.09 Airport 2508 - 2511 285.44 Firemen's Pension Fund 2512 - 2520 1,064.66 L.I.D. 255 Cash Fund Warrant #2, $ 954.54 #3, 59.57 #4, 500.00 #5, 859.36 L.I.D. Revenue Fund Warrant #2 $1,514.11 #3 859.36 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-28-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: Cont. Councilman Hulse cslled to mind the Committee of the Whole meeting Tuesday, March lst at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the matter of Bonds, insofar as finance and capital improve- ments of the City are concerned. Councilman Schellert reported attendance at the Washington Planning Association meeting in Richland, the the^:e of which was Industrial Expansion for Cities, the "image" of a city being an important factor in determining whether industry settles in the area , in- cluding implementation of a Comprehensive Plan: Mr. John Swan,of the Department of Commerce and Economic Development in Olympia, pointed out that a brochure guide is available to cities whereby msy ucrxx,various points therefrom to determine if a certain city qualifies or is the type in which it would like to settle. Councilman Schellert advised he had attended a Board Meeting on behalf of Board Member Hulse and appointment was accepted on a Committee of which notification will be coming forthwith. Councilman Pedersen requested a Property Committee meeting on Thursday, March 3rd at 7:30 p.m. and urged full attendance. Councilman Garrett requested a Street and Alley Committee on Tuesday, March lst at 7:00 p.m. in the City Engine-.r's office. Councilman Delaurenti moved that the Cabaret License Ordinance be amended to reduce the fee for Piano Bar entertainment,: ._ L' c'exclus •ie :::n i ,o ;r,';er c : e_^t•.in,est is provided in addition thereto, to $100.00 per year or $25.00 per quarter; with the matter being referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion was seconded by Poli and carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilor&n Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to transfer the following: "A" - From: Cedar River Acquisition Fund, $80,000-00 and Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1894, $70,000.00 Unto: Park Fund, $36,000,00; Street Fund, $35,C00,.00; Library Fund, $29,000.00 and Current Fund, $50,000.00. ."2` - From: Cedar River M, & 0., Fund, Dept. 3400, Acct, 605,, $11,000,00 unto: Current Expense Fund, Non-Departmental Fund 1920, Acct. 601, all of the aforesaid constituting loans bearing interest at 3;'. interest with "A" being repayable not later than June 30, 1966 and "B" not later than December 31, 1967, as read by `he Clerk- Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1362 as read- Carried. The L.--w and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution of the City appropriating from excess revenues in excess of estimated for 1966, the sum of $1,400,00, unto Current Fund 1920, Aecou^'- 605, Non Departmental. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to adop•,- Resolution No. 1.363 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of L.I,D. No: 254, as amended, for the improvement of a certain area within the City of Renton by the construction and installation of certain water mains and appurtenances thereto and by doing all the work necessary in connection therewith: levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots, tracts, parcels of .land and other property as shown on said assessment roll, as revised, and as confirmed by the City Council; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund, District No. 254 of the City of Renton as created by Ordinance No. 2190, as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Poli, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried, After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2218 as read. Roll call vote follo� ed with all aye votes being cast. The motion carried. The Committee submitted for first reading, a proposed Ordinance declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary expenses and capital outlay necessitated bJ such emergency. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee p�:nErg_.proper pub i.c.-:-tion, --Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, and no audience comment, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. There were 24 visitors in the Council Chambers. D, W. Custer, Mayor Helm e W, Nelson, City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. March 7, 1966 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to excuse the absent Councilman. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea low Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 28, 1966. The motion carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10932 $ 15,000.00 Herb Hackman 10608-108th Ave. S.E. New Residence 933 24,000.00 Robert Huebner 3416-3422 - 4th Ave. N. Mfg. Building 934 1,500.00 Pioneer 4 Real Estate 1147 "K" Street Sign 10935 3,000.00 Glen Ford 606 Shattuck Street Wire Apartments 936 17,605.00 John Stnard 2115-10th Ave. No. New Residence 937 14,356.00 Lewis H. P rcell 11600 S .E. 105th Pl. Frame Residence 938 400.00 Michael L. Thrasher 10015-115th Ave. S.E. Partition 939 480.00 Robert Shane 11637 S .E . 100th St. Wire New Residence 10940 Pending 941 1,000.00 Walter Cook 4th & Burnett Street Wire Comm'l. Bldg. 942 1,800.00 Renton Terrace 8908-133rd South Wire air purifiers 943 14,020.00 Joe Boehme 9634 - 106th Ave.. S .E. New Residence 944 35,512.00 Realty Investment 2718 - 8th- Ave. Nb. Towne House Apts. 10945 525.00 Stan Witsoe 1373-1375 "K" Street Wire Duplex 946 50.00 Richard Hardebeck 228 Burnett Street (No.) Extend Weatherhead PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7726 - - - - - Howard Grambush 13008 - 87th South Plumbing Fixtures 27 - - - - - C. J. Peterson 12432 Sunset Blvd. Plumbing Fixtures 28 - - - - - Glen Ford 606 Shattuck Street Plumbing Fixtures PRELIMINARY MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS: Annexation - W. of 87th Ave. South Kaczmarek et al This being the date set, the meeting was declared open. The Clerk reported no written communications of protest or other and Mr. Kaczmarek was present in the audience to represent the property owners. Upon inquiry, Mr. Kaczmarek advised that the property owners were willing to assume their pro-rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to accept the proposed annexation and the property owners were authorized to circulate the petition which shall indicate their willingness to share in the debt as stated. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS : Letters were read frcm Robert A. Morris, Clerk of the Board of King County Com- missioners, approving request from the City for waiver of Review Board Proceedings in matter of annexing portions of Aker's Farms No. 6, to the City. (Redmon property) Approval of dispensation of Review Board meetings was also given by Mayor Custer and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, that Monday, March 14, 1966 be set as date of Public Hearing on the proposed annexation. The motion carried. -1- Minutes of Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 3-7-66 A letter read from Victor TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner advised of expiration of Lease agreement between the City and Mrs. Anna Elliott for the lease of her gravel pit and it was suggested that a new agreement be executed for an additional three year period, commencing May 1, 1966. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter read from Mr. Edward R. Haines, 19833 - 106th Ave. S.E ., Renton, requested to lease property on the East bank of the Cedar River Waterway lying North of 6th Avenue North, identified on Engineerii;o Map B-9.2-50 as Parcels 1, 2 and 3. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. The motion carried. A letter from Leo A. Daly & Associates, requested, on behalf of The Boeing Company, certain easements in connection with proposed improvement of Lot 15 and prior sewage treatment plant site east of Cedar River and South of 6th Avenue - LAD Job No. 221565, Nine Airplane Po[-,4 Lcor - Apron "D" . Easement instruments were attached. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Druce, to refer the request to the City Engineer and Property Committee. Carried. A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission, P. J. McKay, District Engineer, advised of Federal Aid route hearing at 10:00 a.m. on March 23rd at the Kent City Hall, 303 West Gowe StreeL- regarding C.S. 1740 SSH 2-M (SR 181), Kent West By RL 94. An informal pre-hearing will be he-d March 22nd during hours of 1:30 p.m. and 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.m. to 9:00 P.M. . Considered will be the proposed improvement of Secondary State Highway No,, 2-M (West Valley Highway) by realignment to bypass the commercial areas of :Cent beginning in vicinity of South 262nd Street, Northwesterly to Meeker Street and then North and Northeast to a connecting with SSH 2-M near South 228th Street. All interested persons were invited to attend. A letter from the Renton League of Women Voters, Mrs. Donald Hamblin, President, referred to matter of Lake Washington Park property and suggested referral to the Planning Commission for hearing,changes in the Comprehensive Plan and rezone being involved, and also, a "cooling off period" since the Council has final decision. Delaurenti suggested the League be advised that the matter has been to the Planning Commission and that a hearing has been set for next Monday. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of February 23rd which were read with Council actions taken as follows: I. PLAT: Preliminary Plat of Rolling Hills Village No. 3, the 3rd stage development proposed for single family residential use, Appl. 5-279-66 area bounded by Puget Drive, 116th Ave. S .E. and S .E. 160th Street, the proposed plat is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and adoption is recommended with 501 Cul de sacs in lieu of 401 as shown as required by Ordinance. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. REZONE:Application- R-286-66, Michael Mastro, from R-3 to B-1, property located on Benson Road north of S.E. 168th Street. Proposed use would be extension of existing B-1 use at intersection. The Comprehensive Plan indicates Multiple Family Residential use in the subject area, however the proposed use is considered feasible for a neighborhood type shopping facility and approval was recommended subject to change of the Comprehensive Land Use Map to reflect a business use. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the rezone request to the Planning Com- mittee, the area not in accord with the Land use map. Carried. 3. REZONE : Appl. R-288-66, Ralph Richardson, from G-7200 to B-1, property located at intersection of S.E . corner of Benson Road and S.E. 166th Street. Proposed use is for a service station and although the Comprehensive Plan indicates multiple family residential use, the location appears to be a logical business use area and the Commission recommended aprroval of the request subject to change of Comprehensive Plan to reflect proposed use. Councilman Perry recalling that some months ago it had been requested that the Planning Commission not submit recommendations with contingencies, moved that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission until rezone is in accordance with the Plan. The motion was second-eTTy Bruce, and during discussion, Planning Director Erickson noted that upon the inception of the Comprehensive Plan only major business areas and centers had been considered with small neighborhood type centers not having been taken into consideration and as requests were made and the zoning being logical and feasible use of the areGs,handling of the problem was now confronting the Commission and requests had been forwarded to the Council. --2- 4SS Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (Cont. ) 3-7-66 Planning Commission Recommendations: Ralph Richardson Property Rezone: Mr. Ericksen advised it had been his opinion that the rezones should be reviewed by the staff then presented to the Commission for review and. public hearing and subsequent recommendation to the Council. City At-41orney Shellan advised that the Planning Corimission has no jurisdiction to proceed with rezones unless they do concur ;with the Comprehensive Plan and that as agreed the whole Plan.should be generally reviewed which can be initiated by the Planning Commission and after the changes ar? set up the Council :vo-L.ld then hold public hearings on the same matter as required by law. After discussion the Fending motion to refer this rezone back to the Planning Com:_i_ssion was voted upon and carried. MW Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the Council reconsider its action on the previous motion to concur in Planning Commission recommendation to approve Michael Mastro rezone from R-3 to B-1 on property located on Benson Rd. North of S.E. 168th Street. Carried, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris to refer the subject rezone Lack to the Pl�crning Commission. The motion carried. REZONE: Appl, R-239-66, , 1. E. St. Clair property located on 10th Place North and Sunset Blvd. East, the proposed use an extension of existing apartment zoning. The Compre`teasive Plan showo this area as potential multiple family residential use, and the Commis:-,ion recommended approval. Moved by Poli, seconded-by Dahlquist, to "`concut' in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. (Subsequently referred to Law and Ordiaance CoTriitt-2) , f Benson Properties, Appl, R-290-66 requested rezone from R-3 to R-4 on property located in v_^.:inity of S.E.. quadrant of Benson Highway and Puget Drive, North of the Fred Nelson Jr. ::igh School. The proposed R-4 would allow higher density than R=3, maximum ht. of six storios or. 95f, and would not �be detrimental to the adjacent properties. The Comprehensive. Plan denotes this area as being suitable for R=4 and the Commission recommended approval of the request. Moved by Hulse2 -sec.ondedby Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendation. Carded. Walt Dragin Property, Appl R-271-66, requesting rezone from R-4 to L-1 on property at S,W. corner of 6th Avenue Northand Williams Street North. The proposed use, would be extenni_on of existing service station and parking area, applicants represen`ative verball;? amended request from L-1 to B-1. The Comprehensive Plan designates high density res4_dential use for the area and the Commission recommended � the rezone to B subject to change of the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Hulse and seconded by Morris, to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission. Carried. 3 VA',,! '1%,,L APS T,I-f- Lk,, : Raymond Brown, Appl. J-291-j66 for variance -on minimum lot size located at l!')51-_ - ?,til Av S,E, presently zoned G-7200 for single family residential wit-h 10C zi e of x_•4$0 so, ft., the State Highway is taking one-half. of the lot for inters : ,nu,� right, o-.-: way and "he Comm fission felt this was a hardship case and recommended granting the request. t;oved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to concur iri the recommendation. Car= ..eu, Lloyd Atwood application V-293-66 for variance to permit two residences on ,a non- dedicated street, property "located in vicinity of 86th Avenue South and' Langgton Road, the proposed sites to have access over existing casement 141 in width. The Commission recommended approval on the b sis of hardship in that the owner would otherwise ',be deprived of the use of his property. Moved by Scliellert, seconded by Bruce, to :concur in the rec^ ..mendation. Carried. With reference to letter from Mayor Custer regarding formation of a Board of Adjustment as provided in Section 4.753 of the proposed zoning Ordinance of the City of Renton, the Commission went on record concurring with the proposal to adopt this section of the Ordinance pertaining to Variances, Conditional Permits and Appeals, the consensus of opinion being that such a Board would reduce work load of the Commission allowing more time for long range planning matters. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the formation of the Board of Adjustments as per Planning Commission 6W approval ?rquiry was made of City- Attorney Shellan as to whether this would require an ordinance. City At-c--rney Shellan advised of only a part of the zoning ordinance is going to be adopted a separate ordinance will be required. Carried. Moved by. Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to go ahead with Board of Adjustment as separate -portion of the Zoning code; adopting only the sections t:;at refer to the Board of Adjustment .with the apTcals of the decisions of the Board of Adjustment coming to the Council directly. Attorney Shellan advised this was taking, work from the Planning Commis-pion and adding it on to trc Council, Upon. verbal vote, the Chair declared the motion lost. Two requests for roll cavi vote were voiced and the vote resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, 5.`:Tsllert, Perry and Morris. No• Bruce, Giarini, Delaurenti and Poli ;he ayc3 nu,�mbered 7 and the no votes 4 and the Mayor declared the ':..otic curried. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 4,89 3-7-66 A Letter from Mr. Robert G. Anderson, President, Wn. State Chapter American Public Ass'n., extended invitation to the Mayor and Council to attend the Spring Conference to be held at the Tyee Motor Inn in Olympia, March 9-11, 1966. Coffee hour notice and Programs wer-o attached, Notices from Chester Bieson, Executive Secretary, Ass n. of Wn. Cities, advised of schedule for Governor's Forum on Urban Affairs on March 23, 23, 1966 , in various Cities, and meeting regarding Fluoridation of Water Supply to be held in Seattle, Friday, April 22nd at the University of Washington's Health Sciences Auditorium. A letter was read from E. E. Barnes, Director of Facilities, The Boeing Company, requesting a Revocable Permit to install a fence within four feet of the curb line on the Ilest side of Garden Street North in order that there might be room for a firc lane between the Mock-up Building expansion and the relocated fence per the drawing attached thereto. Since the matter requires a variance, it was moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Perry to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Jack E , Downing, Sec., Green River Chapter of S .P.E .B. S .Q.S.A. advising of Sixth Annual Showcase of Harmony to be held at the Renton High School auditorium on Friday and Saturday, April 1 and 2, 1966. Permit was re- questcd to display a banner promoting the show from March 14, 1966 through April 4, 1966, to be located at Bronson Way, north of Park Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to grant the request. Carried. PROCLAMATION: Proclamation. by Mayor Custer designated Wednesday, March 16th as Blood Donor Day, the •King County Blood Bank Mobile unit to be at the Renton Elks Lodge 1809 from 12:00 Noon until 8:00 P.M., the Renton Eagles Aerie 1722 joining the effort to promote blood donations from Renton residents. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse submitted Committee of the Whole report which was read by the City Clerk with Council actions taken as follows: 1. Recommended to accept proposal of Seattle City Light to continue occupancy of the premises (civic center property) and at the time the property is vacated City of Renton will pay to Seattle City Light the sum of $52,500 and at the same time convey 22,500 sq. ft. of property located in Cedar River Park per con- tract,to Seattle City Light. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. Recommended that the City Engineer proceed with plans m d negotiations with Cecil Arnold and Associates for widening of Logan Street Bridge, and that the City enter into contract for such services with said Consulting Firm. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. 'Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted his report regarding request of the City Engineer for authority to purchase water reservoir sites, and it was recommended that site in general vicinity of S.E . 128th Street and 132nd Avenue S -E, and the site at Talbot Hill be referred to the,<City Attorney to proceed with acquisition. Funding of purchases is`to come from 1965 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Fund and the Mayor and City Clerk be- authorized to execute any documents which may be required. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Appraisals were attached. Councilman Pedersen reported that the City Attorney had submitted first draft of the details .for architectural services regarding the new city hall. Several copies had been distributed to the Council and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, __.. to refer the matter of agreement,for services to be rendered,to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. It was requested that copies be presented to all Council Members ir) the meantime. Carried, Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his report which advised that after review of the proposed Utility Agreement (GC1919) between the City and State Highway Department, the Committee recommended that the City not par- _ ticipate in the storm sewer improvement as proposed as it was felt the City's share of bo`st exceeds the benefit. The Committee would, in all probability, recommend approval of 'a proposal that established the share of cost within the neighborhood of the actual cost .of increasing pipe sizes to include City storm waters. It was recommended that the portion of the Agreement pertaining to watermains be approved. Moved by Schellert, condec? by :�r:cc, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley Committee Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-7-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Perry, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, advised of TV Program on Channel 9 Tuesday, March 8th where Initiative 226 will be discussed and the panel will include Mayors Braman, Tollefson and Graep. Attention was called to Kennydal.e election tomorrow, March 8th and it was pointed out that returns will not be given at City Hall as this is a County election. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, referring back to Planning Commission recom- mendations, to refer the St. Clair property rezone and the Benson Properties rezone to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to approve City of Renton Vouchers No. 2521 through 2606, as previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund 2521 - 2566 $ 4,603.58 City Street 2567 - 2571 6,455.29 Cedar River M. & I. 2572 17.60 Equipment Rental 2573 - 2582 270.36 Parks 2583 - 2587 266.51 Water Works Utility 2588 - 2600 23,770.74 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 2601 5.79 Airport 2602 - 2603 96.26 Firemen's Pension Fund 2604 - 2606 70.50 $ 35,556.63 Councilman Hulse announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on March 13th at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the service contract for new city hall plans. Councilman Hulse announced that the Capital Improvement Priority Committee would like to consider the possibility of three bond issues for financing capital improve- ments and hearing dates were proposed with Council action taken as follows: Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of setting date of - April 4, 1966 for hearing on park acquisition and development program - Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the date of April 11, 1966 be set for hearing on Arterial Streets. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that April 25, 1966 be set for hearing on General Government projects including a new city tall, and the motion carried. Councilman Schellert requested reading of a letter he had received from the Dept, of Public Health in reply to a letter he had directed to Dr. Lehman to indicate interest of the Renton City Council in adopting an air pollution ordinance. The Department is presently in the process of trying to develop a county-wide control program with uniform criteria and offered to meet to discuss types of services available and approximate cost of various possible courses of action the City might want to consider. It was pointed out that, being a member of the TRAK Valley Planning Commission, of Mr. Noel Bicknell is Chairman, the City might want to contact them regarding future planning for areawide air pollution control, an Air Pollution Control Committee having been established by the Commisc-ion. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Councilman Schellert advised that as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee he is concerned insofar as cost might 6ffect__the- budget. After inquiry whether the Council President would invite someone from the Department for dis- cussion, the pending motion carried. _- Councilman Perry submitted communication from E. B. Kasper, Mgr. King County Fair, Enumclaw, inviting the City to participate in the Community Section of the fair. A booth would be made available for use in one of the new buildings with electrical outlet, etc., reply requested within two to three weeks. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the Public Relations Committee. Carded. Councilman Delaurenti moved that bid call be authorized on one control console com- munication system for the Police Department as budgetzd with March 28th being set as date for opening of the bids. The motion was seconded by Garrett and carried. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-7-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: (Cont.) Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, presented a request for new speed limits, from 50mph to 40 mph on the West Valley Highway, and speeds posted by the State in Interstate Highway 405, Renton-Tukwila Freeway, 60 mph for passenger cars and 50 mph for trucks; PSH 167, Valley Freeway 50 MPH for cars and 40 for trucks from Rainier Ave. South on Valley Freeway to our South City limits at South 180th Street. The Renton-Tukwila freeway speed limit to be from our North City Limits to our West City Limits. These changes were approved by Traffic Engineer Del Bennett of the Engineering Department. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary expenses and capital outlay necessitated by such emergency, which had been placed on first reading on February 28, 1966 and was now placed on second and final reading. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Ordinance No. 2219 as read. Roll call vote followed with all Council Members present voting aye and the motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton approving the Final Plat as revised for subdivision of Tract "A" and part of Tract "B", Rolling Hills Village, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1364 as read. The motion carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, which was read by the City Clerk, authorizing the appropriation of revenues in excess of the esti- mated revenues for 1966 in sum of $4,881.00 unto Building Department Fund 1800, Maintenance and Operation Accounts as follows: Salaries, 110, $3,992.00; Statewide Retirement/200, $100.00; Employment Security/201, $168.00; Prepaid Medical/202,$85.00; Industrial Insurance/203, $ 9.00; Employee Life Insurance, $ 27.00 and Capital Outlay, Office Machines/606, $500.00 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Resolution No. 1365 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington, extending time of compulsory retirement of C. S. Williams, a member of the Wn. Statewide City Employees' Retirement System under classification of Uniformed Personnel, to May 1, 1967, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Resolution No. 1366 as read. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. There were 21 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor The following transfers, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, were approved for the monthe of February, 1966. TO: CLAIMS To;` PAYROLL FROM: Current 22,352.98 FROM: Current 80,144.26 Street 20,049.60 Street 14,321 .82 Cedar River M Cedar River M & I 476.00 $ I 82.83 Equipment Rental 3,318.00 Off St. Parking 236.53 Library 50429.21 Equipment Rental 4,363.43 Parks 9,835.16 Library 3,665.77 Waterworks Utility 140383.76 Parks 19891.38 Airport 1,232.00 Waterworks Util.72,384.80 Firemen's Pension 116.00 Airport 1;294.70 Firemen's Pen. 2,243.55 Cum. #1975 489900.13 Cum. #1894 10.42 -6- 1965 W & S Con. 537.87 Total 178,013.99 Total 1290256.21 49; RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. March 14, 1966 The regular- meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Albert Reisberg, Building Director, Jack Wilson, now City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Bob Puhich, Utility Foreman. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 7, 1966 be approved as circulated. The motion carried. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 10947 $ 28,000.00 Aero-Plastics Shattuck Street Office & Machine Shop 948 595.00 Bell & Valdez 3300 Rolling Hills Pl. Wire new Residence 949 575.00 Bell & Valdez 3285 Court "B" Wire Residence 10950 575.00 it " " 3287 Court "B" Wire New Residence 951 789.00 it " " 3296 Rolling Hills Pl. Wire New Residence 952 575.00 " " " 3324 Rolling Hills Pl. Wire Residence 953 575.00 it " " 3315 Court "C" Wire New Residence 954 672.00 it " " 3304 Rolling Hills Pl. Wire New Residence 10955 300.00 Gunnar Komstadius 12603-88th Ave. So. Wire Residence 956 350.00 " it " 12612 - 88th Ave. So. Wire Residence 957 15,000.00 G. F. Pomeroy 10215 S . E. 88th St. New Residence 958 400.00 E. Peters 13332 S.E . 116th St. Wire Residence 959 187,551.00 Renton School Dist. 108th S .E. & S.E. 164th Jr. High School 10960 400.00 Lacey L. Allen 437 North Wells St. Rewire Residence 961 250.00 Foster & Kleiser 3601-6th Avenue South Sign 962 200.00 United Good Neighbor 9395 So. 180th St. Temperature Control 963 500.00 Maple Leaf Restaurant 321 Rainier Avenue Neon Sign 964 21,220.00 Dr. Leonard Siebert 85th Street South New Residence 10965 700.00 Stokes Mortuary 400 Third Avenue Remodel 966 980.00 Robinson-Lyon Ford Third & Burnett St. Overhead Lighting PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 7729 - - - - - Bell & Valdez 3300 Rolling Hills P1. Plumbing Fixtures 30 - - - - - it " it 3324 Rolling Hills P1. Plumbing Fixtures 31 - - - - - it " It 3304 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 32 - - - - - it " " 3285 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 33 - - - - - It " " 3287 Court "B" Plumbing Fixtures 34 - - - - - it " " 3315 Court "C" Plumbing Fixtures 7735 - - - - - it " " 3296 Rolling Hills Pl. Plumbing Fixtures 36 " " " 3285 Court "A" Plumbing Fixtures 37 - - - - - Gunnar Komstadius 88th Avenue South Plumbing Fixtures 38 - - - - - Gunnar Komstadius 88th Avenue South Plumbing Fixtures 39 - - - - - Bob Shane 11637-100th Ave. S.E . Plumbing Fixtures 7740 - - - - - Bob Shane 11220 S.E. 104th Street Plumbirg Fixtures 41 - - - - - E. W. Peters 13332 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 42 - - - - - Mr. Shelby 15520-118th S .E. Gas Installations 43 - - - - - Mrs. James Nelsen 160382 W. Valley Rd. Gas Installations 44 - - - - - Arthur Korsh 16038 W. Valley Rd. Gas Installations 7745 - - - - - Walter Koeing 3426 - 6th P1. No. Gas Installations 46 - - - - - Fred Kiely 644 "A" Street Gas Installations 47 - - - - - E . W. Peters 13332 S.E . 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 48 - - - - - 0. J. Harper 200 Tobin Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 49 - - - - - John Strrard 2115 - 10th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures 7750 - - - - - Phillip Lande 96 Burnett Street Gas Installations 51 - - - - - C. L. Jennings 12403 S.E. 142nd St. Plumbing Fixtures 52 - - - - - Terra Savants 401-9 Airport Way Gas Installations 53 - - - - - Bob Wixom 454 "E" Street Plumbing. Fixtures 54 - - - - - Smiley's Townhouse 2118 - 8th Ave. No. Plumbing Fixtures -1- - 4.93 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3414-66 OPENING OF BIDS: 1966 Automotive Equipment Totals tabulated by City Alerk's office where not designated by Bidder and are unconfirmed at this time. This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS 5 Police Cars TRADE-IN TAX TOTAL BID Williams & Swanson $12,619.50 $ 3,775.00 $ 530.00 $ 9,37430 617 - 3rd Avenue Renton-(Cashiers Check) Robinson-Lyon Ford 11,846,14 31730.00 497.55 81614.2 3rd & Burnett Street Renton (Certified Check) Bill Hazlette, Kent Chev. 12,766.30 3,922.00 536.18 9,380.45 118 So. Central Kent - (Cashier's Ck.) Wilson Motor Co. 11,738.15 3,900.00 493.00 8,331.15 5433 Leary Ave. Seattle (Check) z Ton Pick Up Truck - - - M - - Williams & Swanson 2,169.23 100.00 91.11 2,160.34 2ryant Motors 2,656.94 100.00 111.59 2,668.53 1300 Bronson Way Renton (Cert. Ck.) Robinson-Lyon Ford 1,959.25 130.00 82.29 1,911.54 Suburban Dodge 2,035.95 50.00 85.51 2,071.46 Renton (Cashier's Check) idilson Motor Co. 1,850.60 125.00 77.73 1,803.33 Bill Hazlett - - - - - - 1,958.58- - - - - _198.5_0 - - - 82.26 11842.34 3/4 Ton Flat Bed Truck- - - Wilson Motor Co. 2,147,25 150.00 90.18 21087.43 Williams & Swanson 2,215.87 150.00 93,07 2,158.94 Bryant Motors 3,252.55 200.00 136.61 3,189.16 Robinson-Lyon Ford 2,281.05 150,00 95.80 *2,2;fJ5 *Rear Spring Exception Suburban Dodge 2,232.28 150.00 93.76 2,176.04 Bill Hazlett 2,294.56 201.50 96.37 2,189.49 - 3 Dump Trucks Williams & Swanson 14,947.38 1;475100 627.79 14,100.17 Bryant Motors 20,728.14 1,450.00 870.56 19,198.72 Robinson-Lyons Ford 14,833.05 1,450.00 622.99 14,006.04 Suburban Dodge 15,015.18 1,175.00 630.64 14,470.82 Wilson Motor Co. 14,299.05 1,450.00 600.56 13,449.61 *With hoist *14,351.55 1,450.00 602.77 13,504.32 Bill Hazlett 14,952.72 2,975,00 628.09 12,605.7.4 Sweeper Feenaughty Machinery Co. 14,763.00 717 So. Michigan Disc. 1,820.00 Seattle (Bond) TZJ43W 3,266.61 543.61 10,220.00 Sahlberg Equipment Co. 14,489.00 5000.00 609.54 10,098.54 5950 - 4th Ave. So. Seattle (Cert. Ck, -2- '4 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-14-66 OPENING OF BIDS: 1966 Automotive Equipment (Cont.) BIDDER AND ADDRESS BACKHOE BASIC BID TRADE-IN TAX TOTAL BID Fray Equipment Co. $ 16,900.00 $ 4,900.00 $ 709.80 $ 12,709.80 5821 - 1st Avenue So. Seattle 98108 (Bond) Craig Taylor Equipment Co. 15,585.00 5030 First Avenue So. Disc. 2,700.00 Seattle 98134 (Bond) 121885.00 3,685.00 541.17 9,741.17 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 183530.00 �... 717 So. Michigan Disc. 2,875.00 Seattle 98108 (Bond) 15,655.00 1,000.00 657.51 15,312.51 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the bids to the Street Commissie:er, Purchasing Agent, Police Chief and Police and License Committee . Carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Vacation of portion of 106th Avenue S .E. in vicinity of Puget Drive (Sandy Merlino property) This being the date set, the hearing on the proposed vacation was declared open. A letter was read from City Engineer Wilson reporting it doubtful.,that this right- of-way would ever be developed as a street but possibility of utility installation be- ng fess_ble, it was recommended that a 20 ft. utility easement be retained in event of vacation. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Com- mission review of the proposed vacation and inasmuch as the right of way emends to the Fred Nelson Jr. High School property and would provide access from the North in the future, and since the area is under development and future need not now known, it was recommended that the hearing be continued in order to permit additional study. It was recommended a meeting with the duel-apers be set up in order to determine future street needs. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, Council action was requested. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Po1L, that h^a -i_,g-be continued for two weeks with referral back to the Planning Com- mission. Mr. -Ericksen sated that the Planning Commission would be willing to Set up a meeting with the developers to determine street needs in the area . . The motio-� .rel carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Tl. e Proposed Vacation of portion of South 130th Street between 87th and 88th Avenues South This being the date set, the hearing was declared open and reading of the communi- cations was requested. A letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director, advised of Planning Commission recoiiunendation from its meeting of February 23, 1966 that the right of way be vacated if an easement is retained for utilities. City Engineer Jack Wilson's letter was read advising that the Engineering Depart- ment has no objections to the vacation providing a 10 ft. utility easement is retained, to be centered on the existing sanitary sewer. Audi-nce comment was invited and since there was none it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to close the hearing. Carried,and the hearing was declared closed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee . PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed annexation of property at 162nd Street near ^oiling Hills Village. (Redmon property) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no objections or comments, written nor verbal and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to accept the annexation of this property to the City of Renton with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, and closing of the hearing. Carried. -3- winyy�0 �/ � w� wM ��'MM 4MwM11�A, M11���1►r 40016"do PUB TC HIAR ispos tion of �Laake ashsngton Beach Park Property < 95 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Jerome and Adeline Faull opposing relinquishment of the Lake Shore property and recom- mending development and improvement for use by the public as a recreational park. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that this letter be referred to the P=e rty Com- mittee. The motion carried. — Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Dean Morgan was introduced and repreb.-.,t- ing the Boeing Company, outlined the proposed exchange of properties, including service and monetary considerations,which were presented with the aid of maps and charts to illustrate various factors: Included in the exchange would be a purchase for benefit of the City of 1.8 acres of the Foss owned property at cost of $77,000.00; provide 1175` of culvert material, reclaiming thereby 1.22 acres of land, $80,000.00; perpetual sig al F- 7.ntenance contract for railroad crossing, $12,500.00 and install cyclone fence with far slats along property line, $4,725.00, or any combination in lieu thereof as the :y may wish per prior discussion. The Boeing Company expansion plans vee outlined anM the need for the additional high bay area now occupied by Puget dou.d Power and Light Company which cannot be sold until land is acquired to relocate existing, buildings and facilities which,as proposed, would be the 3.5 acres Boeing desires to secure fon the City to exchange with Puget. Audience comment was invited and those persons making inquiry and speaking in opposition to the transfer of property included Mr. Tom Cooke, who pointed out that 4 acres of land were available across the street which Puget Power might utilize for relocations in lieu of the City land. He also inquired regarding right of public domain and =t was pointed out that the City has condemnation rights but must have funds available to so act. Mr. Addison Ames inquired whether the proposal will infringe upon existing buildings a marina would be in. futurd development plans. Infringement was designated on the 3,5 acres and a marina had been planned as a facility in the finished patter-.. J1 n -,ry Parc-._Director, ,Gene . Coulon, in connection with this particular develop--ont p:_,��� pointed out that an inventory had been taken so that the City might quailfy for funds and that a six-year plan for park development and acquisition has been filed ,,here-n a need to acquire additional property within two years adjacent ':o -hg Beach Park property was designated,as shown a l-o in the 701 Plan which denotes need for acquisition to meet pressing needs of the Puget Sound area. Mr, Morgan stated that the building in question (sailing club structure) could be relocated _f its to be subject to infringement; the Boeing Company would make such acco-mmodation as may by necessary. Others speaking regarding relocation of the Puget Sound facilities a opposing the property trade included Mr. Charles Shane, Dr. and Mrs Bardarson, Mr, a Mrs. David Gosse, Charles Stimson, Dr. Peter Roffey, Mr� James Marenakos, Wilburt OMn, Mrs. Phyllis McGerry and Ben Wagner. Inquirle •lnclOdcd. ques'..w ,.I c-z � v :trade based on sq. ft� per sq, ft. was not made and Mr. Morgan advised this had been attem_oted but the land was not available for such negotiation. Also speaking during ensuing discussion were Ann Pile, Elizabeth Rivily, Frank Ives and Phillip Erwin. Prior trade of portion of Mothers Park for the Lake Washington Beach property w brought up and inquiry made as to whether restrictions had been transferred in the transaction. Park Beard Member Tom Teasdale recalled that at the time the park had been acquired on Lake Washington the legislators were informed, and it was the intent that the property be likewide dedicated for park and recreation purposes only. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that Mr. Lee Monohan had donated Mothers Park to the City with restricted use and that later heirs had claimed interest and at this time had been paid and the interest released and restrictions removed with no transfer of restrictions being made in the exchange. Mr. Shellan pointed out that under the law a City has the right to exchange or trade property with a Municipal Corporation or with private parties, 1. If they find the part that is traded is of no further use to the City and 2. If the transaction would be of benefit to the general public. If the Council feels that even though some land is being lost the money makes up for the difference then the Council only can decide this, He also stated that the City may condemn as far up the lake as it has money for, however cautioned against , just after_ selling, its buying property it has just disposed of for private use, as problems may arise. Park Director Coulon advised that in 1954 the Park, Board, City Council and Planning Commission had instructed him to look for water front urc and that 15+ acres were traded forthis 22 acres of swamp which was subsequently filled 2 sloped to provide maintenance at less cost with thought in mind it could be later i eloped, and that work has been done over the past year and a half t^lard securing mewching funds to proceed. The Six year report said in the first part of 1968 the City would attempt to acquire an additional 5-10 acres. The recommended acreage is 4 acre per 1000 persons and we are short 22 acres according to present population. Question arose as to effect the exchange may have on the City's application for aid, $55,000 having been allocated pursuant to application filed with the interagency Committee which application would now be changed in content. It was felt in the near future with the $110,OOO.00 ,development of the area might be commenced, Mr. Coulon asked that the application be kept active and accordingly the Park Board felt no other action could be taken. Mr. Coulon displayed a drawing and a Qvis�-d the area to be reclaimed was closer to 3/4 acre rather than 1.2 acres. int-nutes of the Renton City Council sleeting 3-14-1966 PU,C C HEARING (Co-nt.) Lake Wn. Beach Park Property President of the Council Bruce Hulse advised that since matter of park development has creme up he wished to announce that the Council has scheduled a public hearing on Park Development and Acquisition on April 4th at which time stock will be taken and some determination made as to what action is to be taken in pursuance of the Six-Year Park ire; :n and putting it into effect which will be dependent upon what the Park Board, the Council and the people of the community want to do. If development is desired they can get behind a bond issue and raise enough money to get the job done. This is only a small part- of the 701 Comprehensive Plan program and Capital Improvement plan but anyone interested is invited to be present in the Council Chambers on April 4th. t°owed by Pedersen.; seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed, Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Eruce, that Council concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee as submitted on iebruary 14th, accepting the offer by the Boeing Company with exception that It92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park develop- ment with refp_rral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, all of which was felt to be -n the best public interest and the subject property no longer of use for park purposes, Councilman Hulse, referring to control of water in front of the Foss property through the inner harbor line relocation and to the fence already in place, the hope to trade on sQuare foot for square foot basis, reclaiming question and railroad maintenance co-tract where legal problems may be involved, and with deference to the Comprehensive Plan and application for matching funds, stated he would have to vote against the motion. Perry c=alled attention to recommerdat-ons that the reclaiming is not necessary for the para- development and that the area to be exchanged had been for anticipated parking use ,�,hich can be relocated onto the Foss property, and referring to inner harbor line re- location outlined approximate 500 ft- of land was available for use as well as the island for additional development- After further discussion on funds to be available .if1 pr^perty to be developed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that in place of the recommendation of the Property Committee, motion be substituted that the land ne,5otiations be held to square ft. per square ft, basis. Inquiry was made as to w_�eth^:r this meant improved for unimproved pre erty and dollar value for dollar value. Perry and ?-edersen stated this would not resolve the problem this having been tried unsuccessfully during the past nine months, that the negot'���tions had been in good faith and +he offer is a fair one and to start all over again will accomplish nothing. t--ited '' e had. not favored selling park property and recalled 20-25 years ago wkien to City LFd no industry and wanted it and now that it was here and the Property Cormm ttee '_,.as Leen appoint-d to act on behalf of the Council, he fejt the Council should n 'pack t?:e Committee. Vote was taken on the pending substitute motion and declared lost. 5959 F- \9 'Dote by ro!-, call was requested by at least two members and resulted as follows: Aye: � r ;Tulse, Schellert No: Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, `r L Delaurenti and Poli. The motion lost. Schellert called attention to rezone which will ^ca be necessitated in order for Puget Power to use the property for their purposes and moved to refe_ the matter to the P1_Inning Commission to determine uses which could be justified o O in V-e area. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. After discussion regarding whether 'tile motion was in order and Attorney Shellan's comment that a motion to refer has priority, LU W the voce was taken and motion declared lost, Roll call was requested and resulted as Ufol,�ows:'ti Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. U z N EHiclse, Schellert and Dahlquist. The motion was lost. Qle^tion called for on original or main motion to concur in the Property Committee rccoms:tendation of February 14th with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used fcr park development with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Upon dis^ranting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gla_h :ni, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dall1quist and Poli. The motion carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Eembars present as previously listed. CC '"`J,?ICFTTO 'S A statemen'c was read of architectural services by Johnston-Campanella on the Renton P>'hlic Library for the month of January, 1966 in sum of $678.40. Estimate No. 9, bran b r. 532-64, Certificate No, 8, recommended for payment in sum of $56,211.54 for work completed to iebruary 25, 1.966 by A� V. Phillips on the new Renton Public Library Contract constructlm. b-,% Schell�_N',:, seconded by Hulse, -to concur in the payments with referral to the , fuditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) 3-14-1966 A letter. from J. E. Hoving, Asst. Chief Engineer, Northern Pacific Railway Co., advised that the Company has no objections to undercrossing grade separation structures being installed at 3rd Avenue North and 4th Avenue North, provided that such installation will be made at the expense of the City of Renton and that the Railway Company will not be obligated to any expense in connection therewith. A letter was read from P. J. McKay, Dist. Engineer, Wn. State highway Commission, confirming attendance in the Mayor's office at 10:00 a,m. on Thursday, March l7th for conference with representatives of the Kennydale School and P.T.A. Acs'n. regarding pedestrian crosswalk to handle school traff.7c_ Alco submitted was list of right of way parcels required for completion of the North Renton Interchange which at present appear to involve condemnation proceedings. Assistance in the acquisition was urged. Previous request of the city for illumination under the Freeway will be discussed. Copy to be forwarded to Traffic Engin2or Del Bennett. Letter read from the State Highway Commission submitted proposed Consulting Agree- ment for Green River Valley Traffic Study, A;reemants Y-885 and GC-1940 to be con- tracted for a fee of $55,000.00, Ic was prcposec that Renton participate in tha sum of $5000,00, Auburn, $5000,00; Kent, $5,000,00, Tukwila, $2)500.00, King County, $7,500.00 and State of Washington, $30,000.,00' Ilov`d by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer this matter to the Committea of the Whole, The motion carried. Form for City of Renton Recertificat oii-:-by the Dcpartment of housing and Urban Deve-1-op•- ment, Determination and Certification of a Workable Program for Community Ilaprove-,,ant, approved rendwal'until April 1, 1967 of tha City le ]oz;:au'e pro�a�zm, ' Association of Washington Cities Bulletin submitted Annual Convention Agenda and Entry Form for President's Golf Tournament, Wednesday, May 11th a 1.00 Invitation from King County Justice Court was read to vi-,"`t ',he Justice Court Probation and Parole Department on Thursday, March 17th between 2:00 -4:00 p.,m. A letter from Mr. Joseph Regis requested to lease the City-owned property adjacent to the new Linoleum Shop building, Smithers 2nd Additior. to Renton, Jots 1-2 and 3; Block 35, Code 0751. (4th Avenue) The property is desired for customer parking arH .... two-hour parking signs were requested in fron-t of the bu. lding for on-street parking. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to tiIc Street and Alley Committee & Street Commissioner , to report back,. A letter from the Boeing Company requested No-tce Revocable Permit to allow installation of temporary signs at main entrance points to Rent-o-, to alert applicants to the new employment office location in the Renton Village Shopping Center cn I-larch 19, 1966, Diagram of the signs was attached, Moved by '_Oerry, seconded by Bruce, that Council concur in this request of the Boeing Company .uprl '' g of the proper hold harmless Agreement and Insurance and installation to be uL7ce •,uP3_,,vis1on of the Street Com- missioner. Carried. A Six-months period ,.Is cLc1.pQted as the length of time for the signs to be up. APPOINTMENT: A letter from Mayor Custer reported for information of the Council, the appointment of Mrs. Hazel O'Harra as the Renton Representa'_i17e on the �Cing County air Adviso.-y Board. Public Relations Committee efforts in having Renton repre3ented at the fair this year might be coordinated through Mrs O'Farra, COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Hulse, President of the Council, submitted Committee of the Whole repor't: recommending concurrence in the Mayor's request chs' $10,000 be appropriated for "che improvement of the parking lot in the civic center site adjacent to tha new library and that the matter be referred to the Ways and (leans Ccmmittee for funding„ MoveJ by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recomm:?ndations with -referral to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried, -6-- Minutes;-- Renton City Council Meeting 3-14-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) NEW BUSINESS : Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 2607 through 2781, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund No. 2607 - 2659 $14,289.89 City Street Fund 2660 - 2673 9,597.50 Cedar River M. & I. Fund 2674 - 2678 106.89 Off-Street Parking fund 2679 - 2680 120.00 Equipment Rental 2681 - 2705 2,471__52 Library Fund 2606 - 2733 1,50239 Park Fund 2734 - 2748 1,361.62 Water works utility 2749 - 2771 8,027.81 Airport 2772 - 2779 51114 Cumulative Fund 1975 2780 - 2781 56,889.94 Councilman Hulse announced that the Capital Improvement Priority Committee will be meeting with the Traffic Advisory Committee on March 22nd at 7:30 p.m, to review the Priority List. There will be no meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, March 15th as previously scheduled. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, submitted report recommending that $10,000 for a parking lot for the civic center site adjacent to the new library be funded by transfer from Cedar River Maintenance and Improve- ment Fund 3400, Account 605, Capital Outlay, unto: Library Fund 5000, Account 605 Capital Outlay, Other structures and improvements, said transfer to be and consti- tute a loan bearing interest at the rate of 3%, repayable not later than December 31, 1967. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Gianini announced a meeting of the Athletic Commission Members at 7:30 p,m, in the Mayor's office on Wednesday, March 16th. Councilman Garrett submitted a letter from the National League of Cities advising of a meeting of the Committee on Action for Traffic Safety on Tuesday, March 29, at 1:30 p.m. at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington D .C. Councilman Garrett advised he would be unable to attend this meeting. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Poli reported driving on 4th Avenue North and inquired regarding possibity of opening West Bound lane of traffic at end of 4th to connect with Sunset Blvd. E. and moved that the matter be referred to the City Engineer and Street and Alley Com- mittee for report of cost and possibility of such actin. The motion was seconded Sy Delaurenti and carried. Moved by Perry,seconded by by Schellert, that the Property Committee work with the Boeing Company on relocation of the inner harbor line as desigriated,City Attorney Shellan called attention to some $48,000 yet owing on the previous inner harbor line revision. The Boeing Company relocates the line and the State sells to the abutting property owners and the State has been appraising this land at a pretty high figure. It was suggested that we may not be able to afford the cost of the relocation and that investigation be made and report be furnished as to gain in such transaction. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. There were 57 visitors in the Council Chamber. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor