HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 20 ( 10/23/1967 - 12/23/1968) RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S October 23, 1967 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE and CITY ENGINEER Vacation of portion of 91st Avenue South AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final statement from Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc. consultants on Rdsf,'jer Avenue -Traffic Signal Project, $1,950.00 (To be reimbursed by the State) Cornell-Howland Hayes & Merryfield Talbot Springbrook Water Development services,$53.63 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Loan to City Street Fund from Cedar River Acquisition, $41,000.00 and loan to Library Department from Current Fund, $20,000.00 pending receipt of tax moneys Appropriation of $1,200.00 excess revenues for office supplies, City Clerk's Department Transfer from 1190/610, Loan Repayment, Fire Department, unto Uniformed Personnel Accounts to provide for funding of additional clothing allowances, $2,450.00. Appropriation of excess revenues into water maintenance account 7120/311, $2,000.00 for Insurance Premiums Library Director's request for $247.62 transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 to purchase additional library furniture Proposed Cumulative Reserve Fund Ordinance for fountain donation MAYOR & *CITY CLERK *To execute Intergovernmental Agreement for Puget Sound Conference clearance on all applications for fund grants Mrs. Daniel E. Winchester request that City have fall pick up of excess leaves PROPERTY COMMITTEE To bring in recommendations re leases and appraisals at time lease is to be negotiated STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Bids on the reconstruction of Rainier Avenue MEETINGS: Collective Bargaining meeting in Tacoma October 26 - 28th Street and Alley Committee and Property Committee with Pacific Coast Ry. Co. on November 6th at 7:00 p.m., City Engineer, City Attorney, Street Commissioner invited. Law and Ordinance Committee - November 1 ch at 7:00 p.m., Mayor and City Attorney invited to attend. I RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 23, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Fledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL WMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the absent Council Member_ be excused. Carried. Moved by Trimn, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 16, 1967 be approved as written. Councilman Perry called attention to motion on Pace 6, Paragraph 41which states "Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of Airport Leases be referred to Mr. Stredicke for checking with the Amort Board and that the matter of other City Leases be referred to Henry Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, for a report. Mr. Perry requested correction to show that "Mr. Perry suggested that Mr. Stredicke contact the Airport Board for information regarding Airport Leases, and Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the other City Leases be referred to Mr. Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman for a report. - - - ..Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to amend the motion as rioted. Carried. The motion as amended was voted upon and carried approving the Minutes as corrected. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT F.EADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasure ,, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, 'Dern Church, Purchasing Agent, James Magstadt, Asst. Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gene Coulon, Park Director., Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Jack Jones, Librarian, Sven Johnson, Building Director and Del Bennett, Asst. City Engineer. OPENING OF BIDS: Reconstruction of Rainier Avenue This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BAS- ALTERNATE "At' R. L. Moss & Company.,(Bid Bond Enclosed) $ 81,840.00 $ 5,100.00 Box 37 Zenith, Wash. 98073 Rainier Asphalt & Paving (Bond Enclosed) 840470.80 5,760.00 P. 0. Box 444 Renton, Wash. 98055 Red Same Mining Co., Inc.. (Bond Enelosee) 65,6SO.00 5,500.00 P. 0. Box 776 Redmond, Washington Sea-Tac Asphalt Company (Bond Enclosed) 91,870.00 71000.00 P. 0. Box 100 Cent, Washington Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refor the bids to the Street and Alley Committee and the Traffic Engineer to report back. The motion carried.- Mayor arried. ___Mayor Custer reported receipt of Certificate from the American Public Works Association acknowledging the City's 10 Year Membership in that organization, same to be displayed appropriately in City Hall. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Citizens ror Clean Air Corporation requested permission to sell. "clean air buttons" in Renton during the week of Goctober 22nd- to raise funds for activities of the non-profit organization. Moved by Oelaurenti., seconded by Perry, to grant the request with usual No-Fee Permit to be executed. Carried. Letter Erten City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield statement in sum of $53.63 for engineering services from August 25, to September 25th in connection with the Talbot-Springbr-wok Water Development. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refs:' the payrilkerat to the A�,dxtinand Accounting Committer with power to act. Carried. Park Board hid award Letter was submi'l-ted in regard to the Li.i,:?rty Park Grandstand and Councilman Gianini. at this time su,.nni�.ted a-Petition. containing 316 si..i x-aturc's recommending <<I:a t the construction. be commenced ati scoon as bids aa_"f. received and accepted, the delay of ` ., —ta'-Ili needed facility ry'nly il;c,.'E'arinw, thf? �.f5 i'C �:i) t:�he 4; ;Cpay4?Y"s irF the Minutes - Renton City Co-incil Meeting 10-23-67 COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Gene .L. Coulon, Park Director, submitted Park Board recommendation and Property Committee Chairman Pedersen, submitted Property Committee majority report of concurrence, in award of Liberty Park Grandstand bid, as revised, to low bidder, Century Construction, 1617 South Jackson Street, Seattle, in total sum of $133,400.00 which includes Basic Bid of $118,700.00 and Alternate No. 3, (roof) $14,700.00, exclusive of State Sales Tax and Architectural Fees. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendations approving the bid award as reported. Hulse noted that the matter of joint use of facilities was to be discussed with the Superintendent of Schools. Council President Trimm advised that a meeting was planned to be held but he was not sure that Dr. Hobbs would be able to attend, however, the recommendation came in at this time and was now before the Council. Perry -' of the matter had been referred -tri the Park -Bd. &- Property Coar nittoe for a mee`-:ng but that a joint meeting had not been called and he had some questions he wished answered prior to making his decision. Pedersen stated that the Park Board has made its recommendation and being responsible for Park property and facilities, had reviewed the bids and the Property Committee Members had agreed with the report. Bids were compared and it was noted that the award was for the Center section and roof and upon inquiry,+by Schellert, Park Board Chairman Tom Teasdale stated that the seating capacity of 400 was likely not enough capacity,_. U.-t:t: that we have been getting along without any for a number of years and this is at least a start and a good boost for the Fntira community, it being hoped that at a later date it may be completed and enlarged to plans .as funds might become available. Hulse stated that the Park Board has responsibility over park facilities but that Council has responsibility for City finances and that the Property Committee was requested to review the expenditures involved and this was not done. Pedersen advised that it had been analyzed and this this was the recommendation of the majority of the Property Committee. Plans had been revised to cut the cost back and it was noted by Mr. Coulon upon inquiry, that the lst bid was $252,600.00 fc,• total cost and the second bid $203,900.00. Perry felt the matters of costs and portion to be built should have been discussed at a joint meeting. After further discussion on possible ,joint use of the facility by the School District and regarding the cost in relation to whether the proposed construction is adequate, it was pointed out that delay would be more costly, possible committment . available whereby contractor within certain period of time may agree to build the structure by wings, thus getting --� the project under way with no penalizing costs to the taxpayers. Question was called for on the pending motion to concur in the acceptance of the low bid. The Chair ruled the ayes to be in majority and roll call vote was requested resulting as follows: Aye: Trimm, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. No: Hulse, Schellert and Perry. The motion carried, seven to three. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted Intergovernmental Agreement relative to applications for fu--.d E,-rants" new to be submitted to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference,as well as the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and Interagency and others, for project clearance. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement. Carried. Councilman Perry re- quested that Department Heads advise him of any application, filings in that he is the City's Delegate to the Conference and wishes to be aware of these when attending the meetings. Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported that it will be necessary, in order to operate Departments to the end of the year, that loans be authorized from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund to City Street Fund in sum of $41,000.00 and from Current Fund to Library Fund the sum of $20,000.00 which loans shall be repaid no later than December 31st and shall bear interest at the rate of 35Y. per annum. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, finalc7timate due Engineered Industrial Systems; Inc. for consulting services on ,_. the Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal Project in sum of $1,950.00 which will be reimbursed by the State Highway Department per C,AG. 1185-67., Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Mrs. Daniel E, Winchester, 10631 - 116th Avenue S.E, requested that the City arrange to pick up leaves since the Air Pollution Ordinance prohibits burning .and she has too many to handle ctherkise. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Mayor, Carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-23-67 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) Letter from City Clerk Nelson was read requesting appropriation of $1,200.00 from excess revenues into Account 1400/402, Office Supplies, the purchase of data processing equipment having depleted funds from this account. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson advised that the additional allowance for clothing for Fire and Police Officers in sum of $2,450.00 was inadvertently omitted from the final budget and it was suggested that said sum be provided from Account 1190/610, Repayment of Loan, Fire Department, and transferred into Uniformed Personnel Accounts as follows: Police Administrative, 1181/401, $ 75.00; Police Records, 1182/401, $ 50.00; Police Detective, 1183/401, $100.00; Police Traffic, 1184/401, $200.00; Police Patrol, 1185/401, $900.00; Police Jail, 1186/401, $ 25.00 and Fire Department 1190/401, $1,100.00. Concurrence and referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee was requested. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendations and referral. Carried. Letter from the International Conference of Building Officials expressed appreciation to the Council for permitting attendance of Building Director, Sven Johnson,at the 45th Annual Business Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer,requested that since the insurance costs for Water Maintenance Account 7120/311 have exceeded the budgeted amount for 1967, $2,000.00 appropriation be authorized from excess revenues within Water Utility into Account 7120/311, Insurance . Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommenda- tion, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from J. L. Jones, Library Director, requested transfer of $247.62 from Cumulative Reserve Fund #1975 unto 5000/606, Capital Outlay for additional furniture needed for the library. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Petition was read requesting vacation of portion of 91st Avenue South lying South of vacated portion and North of intersection with 128th Avenue South. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the request be referred to the Committee of the Whole and the City Engineer. Carried.Thoe $1.00.0,0. fee, was 4pa:i& when- the Petition. was filed. Letter from Mayor Custer submitted a- list of Fund Transfers within budget classifications ` which report is required per Resolution 12329which. covers January through September, 1967: From: Waterworks Administration 7100/402, $ 30.00; To 7100/313; From Legal Account 1600/200, to 1600/204, $81.00; from Building Maintenance 1800/309 to 1800/315, $500.00; From Waterworks Administration, 7100/314, To 7100/504, $300.00; From Bldg. Maintenance, 1800/417 To 1800/308, $250.00; From Non-Departmental 1920/417 to 1920/201, $ 37.73; From City Clerk 1400/402 to 1400/313, $ 10.00; From Bldg. Maintenance 1800/404 to 1800/402, $250.00; From City Clerk- 1400/402 to 1400/315, $ 65.00; From Firemen's Pension 9010/501 to 9010/314, $750.00; From Arterial Street A.S.P. #8 to A.S.P. #9, $ 65.00; From Planning 1700/308 to 1700/305, $125.00; From City Treasurer 1500/313 to 1500/402, $ 10.00; From Parks & Recreation, Swimming Pool 6140/417 to 6140/503, $151.38; From Street Maintenance 3240/306 to 3240/504, $350.00; From Waterworks Maintenance 7120/120 to 7120/130, $1,000.00 and from 7120/412 to 7120/504, $100.00; From Police Traffic 2120/326 to Police Patrol 2130/502, $350.00; From Fire 2200/404 to 2200/313, $ 5.00, 2200/402, $100.00 and 2200/409, $100.00; From Street Maintenance 3340/606 to 3340/605, $500.00 and From Non-Departmental 1920/507 to 1920/203, $ 65.23. This report is for information and does not require Council concurrence. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Hulse reported attendance at the meeting of the Planning Association of Washington at Pullman,October 13-14th which was as usual a very interesting meeting . -- Items of special interest included Communication between the taxing districts such as School Districts, Cities, and Hospital Districts and any other Districts that "have their hand in the taxpayers pocket". Tenure of the discussion was that there are many duplicate functionsof services because of the lack of planning comprehensively for better use of facilities and that the community would have more money if efforts were coordinated. A second topic was making legal ads readable perhaps putting a notice in some other part of the paper referring to the legal. The third item was relating to visible pollution and -coneems efforts toward underground wiring to im- prove the appearance of the City. Mr. Hulse thanked the Council for the opportunity to attend this meeting adding that the two Planning Commissioners and Assistant Planning Director who also attended,he was sure would benefit from the."meeting a.; great deal. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-23-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee,reported that a meeting was held in regard to problem from dust and dirt in vicinity of parking area under the freeway at Mill Avenue South and North 3rd Street and that report would be submitted at the next Council meeting. The Committ•. e also considered matter of Mr. Tom Carrolli's protest to receipt of bill for sidewalk installation and it was reported that the Street Commissioner had contacted a member of the family and received authorization for participation in the project. Perry called attention to matters pending in the Property Committee noting reference to his attendance at meetings and requested that the Property Committee Chairman announce meetings on Monday, so they won't conflict with other meetings which have been set. Pedersen requested & meeting the following evening and it was noted that the :'OMnittee of the Whole will be meeting at this time. Meeting- was set for-. 7:30 p.m..-on Wedi*esf;•'y Octotxxt951u% by Chairman Pedersen. Discussion ensued regarding difficulties of fixing a time cor7enient for all and that the Chairmen set the meetings and those who are able will attend, majority reports forthcoming and minority reports may be made at any time. Councilman Garrett, Street and Alley Committee Chairman, announced a meeting with the Pacific Coast Railway Co. with regard to the Houser Way Crossing Franchise, on Monday November 6th at 7:00 p.m. and it was requested since this was a joint referral, that the Property Committee attend along with the City Attorney, City Engineer, Street Commissioner and Traffic Engineer. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, Moved that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 0315 through 0408, having been previously approved by his Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 0315 - 0356 $ 4079.96 Arterial Street 0357 - 0358 1,973.40 Street 0359 - 0366 11,212.14 Equipment Rental 0367 - 0371 2,035.13 Parks 0372 - 0386 2,038.92 Water Works Utility 0387 - 0397 3,996.11 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 0398 53.63 "'.^nnrt 0399 - 0403 143.57 Firemen's Pension 0404 - 0408 1,356.00 $ 27,188.86 Councilman Perry, calling attention to a lease with the Boeing Company and policy set about a year ago on renegotiating procedure,noted Council request for an appraisal of the land before lease was negotiated and the fact that parcels are regotiatcd.month by month so far. 'Mr. -Perry requested that the Council authorize the Property Committee to obtain an appraisal on all lands under lease or to be leased, prior to the approval or renewal of leases and so moved. The motion was seconded by Schellert. Inquiry was made as to whether this was a personal recommendation or recommendation of the Property Committee and whether the cost involved in appraisals had been considered and the matter of funding same. Perry stated it was his request and that subsequent motion was intended to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee, it being felt that by appraisal and renegotiation each time enough revenue would be derived to fund appraisals. Hulse in- quired regarding the number of anticipated appraisals to be required so the Ways and Means Committee might be aware of amount of money to be needed. Perry suggested prior appraisals be reviewed for costs, that two appraisals should have been made last .. , •,r and leases negotiated with regard to Stoneway and Porters Marina. Pedersen noted thiA*lease was Portefs Parking Lot not the Marina and had been upgraded twice and is now on a month to month basis. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the _Property Committee to bring in requests regarding appraisals at the time property is to t_� leased or renegotiated. It was stated by Schellert that the intent of this is oppcsite to and changes the intent of the main motion. The Chair ruled it would be accepted as a substitute motion. Question was called on the motion to refer which was voted upon land - carried. Councilman Morris proposed a recess to allow a meeting of the Property Com- mittee however it was decided that this would not be adequate time for proper discussion of the matters. Letter from the Light and Power Committee, submitted by Chairman Poli, recommended street light installations as follows: Two 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor lights on S.E. 100th St. Easterly of 116th Avenue S.E. ; one 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor light on Rainier Avenue Southerly of Renton Avenue; one 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor light on Sunset Blvd. at 116t'l P-;,2nue S .E . and six 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor lights on North 4th Street between "M" and the East City Limits. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Light and Power Committee recommendations. The motion carried. U,. .-.--man Vern Morris announced a meeting of- the Law and Ordinance Committee on November J at 7:00 p.m. and the Mayor and City Attorney were invited to be present. -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-2:.)-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) New Business: Councilman Vern Morris, Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing loan of $41,000.00 to the Street Fund from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund and $20,000.00 to the Library Fund from the Current Fund pending receipt of tax moneys, to be repaid no later than December 31, 1967 and to bear interest at the rate of 3% per annum, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1493 as read. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing the City Clerk to transfer funds within the Civil Service Department Account from 1900/314, Expert Services, $100.00, 1900/308, Advertising, $350.00 and 1900/328, Physical Exams, $100.00, Unto: 1900/606, Capital Outlay, for office equipment. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adapt Resolution No. 1494 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Cumulative Reserve Fund #2283 moneys into City Street Fund, in sum of $600.00 for landscaping design on the North Second Street islands in front of the High School. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1495 as read. Carried. Councilman Schellert inquired regarding legislation creating the Board of Public Works and was advised that the meeting scheduled for November 13th is to discuss this matter which is now in the hands of the Law and Ordinance Committee. Audience Comment was invited at this time and Mr. Tom Carrolli inquired regarding the billing received for sidewalk installation. Discussion ensued regarding action of the Street and Alley Committee and whether the billing was .justified, Mr. Carrolli stating that a sidewalk had existed prior to the widening of the road and this was a replace- ment, inquiring of the City Attorney whether he was required to pay twice for an im- provement. City Attorney Shellan noted that payment was not required twice for the same benefit, however if by replacenent,improvement had benefitted the party he would have to pay. The Street Commissio �.r noted- the work included curbing and gutters as well as the new sidewalk and the realignment and grade had been changed and there would have been a 6" drop off if the old sidewalk had been left and that Mr. Carrolli had benefitted from the improvement and had only been billed for the material for the sidewalk and no labor was charged although his broken driveway had been replaced with a new one as well. It was noted that no other owners had objected to the billing and comparison of City charges to t .e ect" s r:3r improvements -in other -Cities -riG .made and Renton's program deemed very much of a bargain to its taxpayers. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, that "Jol_,ncl reaffirm the action of the City and the billing stand. Carried. Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916-10th Ct. No., recalled his request regarding status of City leases and the Council's references to leases on a month to month basis at present, noting he is a taxpayer and is entitled to know the reasons for the action taken on the leases. The next matter he wished to note was information he had received that the new library had a new door installed and was having problems which he thought should be brought up at Council meeting; the $450,000.00 building should not be falling down at this point. Next, he would like to know what action has been taken by Councilman Gianini who was appointed Chairman of the Youth Opportunities Committee, and whether the Committee has met and what has been done. Finally, he wished to inquire what action the Council C,.unmittee ftd.taken regardirrgr his request that the Renton Athletic Commission be investigated, from which he had resigned,and that a new Chairman be named, as he falt the Commission was stagnant as it hadn't done any thing for several months and h, feels it should be working with the Youth Opportunities Commission. Mr. Stredicke asked whether the Council had discussed the matter and if so why he had not been invited down to give his views. Pedersen advised that if Mr. Stredicke had attended all Council meetings he would be fully aware of matters regarding leases as every lease has been brought before the City Council and approved by the Council and the City Attorney has prepared the lease:-dDi ument all if t`l . ii public records on file in the City Clerk's office. Mr. Stredicke advised that his inquiry was made and the matter brought up to see if a report could be made by the Mayor or Property Committee in light of investigations going on in King bounty and Boeing Field he was not saying the City had or did not have leases that were behind or what the rates for leasing should be. He did wonder regarding the Council's interest. in Airport Board actions and leases. Mayor Custer in reply to the lilrz!ry, in,,0r i, advised that he refuses to bring every rumor to the City Council, there being an election and this breeds rumors. He and the Building Director have discussed the rumors and the newspapers having heard commentb- 1,.-,d come in and would have reported but there is no particular problem: -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-23-67 A,�dience Comment (Cont.) 111 . Stredi':::e was advised that the Youth Opportunities Committee Chairman has been in contact with the Park Director and the Mayor and parts of a general program have been form�:lated which included involvement of students and local government, athletics clnd .. activities for other than_high school people , .-repc t. to t s�b-,i�-ted .sho�~t�y; in its entirety, being held at present until the election to avoid political implications. Mayor Custer noted that with regard to Mr. Stredicke being invited to a Committee of :.ha Whole meeting to discuss his views there has been no request and perhaps f�.r her i:_terest is '-scking. Upon -inquiry Council President Trimm noted that this portion of t:r.. Stredicke's letter of resignation had not been pursued, that they would be meeting on two items tomorrow evening which would take considerable time. City Clerk Nelson reported attendance along with the City Treasurer, Deputy City Clerk G-;an Marshall, Assistant City Treasurer, May Duncalf and Utilities Accountant, Ted ennett, at the Washington St-ace Finance Officers Convention in Yakima which meeting waas very interesting and informative noting new law pertaining to investment of funds wnere $15,000.00 is maximum which can be invested in one particular bank. City Treasurer Gossett added that the Finance Officers did go on record passing a Resolution to send to our Congressman opposing the maximum, the number of banks being limited and both savings and Loan and Commercial Savings Banks included in the Resolution. 1-fayor Custer welcomed students of the Senior Government classes of Renton High School and their Instructor Mr. Kerslake and invited them to stay following the meeting to meet with the Council Members personally. isle Mayor called attention again to the Collective Bargaining meeting in Tacoma this coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday to be sponsored by the Association of Wn. Cities noting that reservations are required and should be made. t�^yo-- Caister advised he has received a reply to his letter to the Governor regarding recently appointed State Members of the Boundary Review Board and that he has a new City Organizational Chart and some further information on Urban Arterial Board all if anyone might be interested. _ Go:.nc iman Morris reported that the Law and Ordinance Committee has received propoSLd i;rd-'_:la:ice setting up a Cumulative Reserve Fund for acceptance of donations towards a fo :.n-�ain within the civic center site and it was recommended that the document be placed on its first reading only at this time. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur the Law and Ordinance Committee recommendation. Carried. After the introductory rz-riing, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Comm_ttoe for report back, Carried. P.s ;:here was no further .business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris and seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned aV.10:25 p.m. no re were 38 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W, Nelson.,,City Clerk 'L D W. Custer, Mayor -6- 8 10-23-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0529 $ 9,800.00 Manufacturers Mineral Co 15025 72nd Ave So 36 x 26 office bldg. B 0530 13,500.00 11 " 15025 72nd Ave So Lean to shed 31 250,000.00 Wayne C. Locke 107 Main St 24-Unit 3 story apt b . 32 17.950.00 Robert A. Petty 351 South 13th St New residence 33 --- Lily Bachman 446 Walls Ave N Demolish residence 34 700.00 Eugene Harris 731 13th Ave So Addition to home B O335 201000.00 Emmett J. Donckers 606 11th So Construct duplex 36 900.00 Leo Jones 324 Williams Ave N Patio cover ..� 37 13,100.00 Gene Flansburg 2823 4th P1 N Construct family dwell. 38 200.00 Miles Morbough 719 "E" St Erect carport 39 650.00 Dana G. Sarver 2704 15th No Bld. carport & storage B 0540 31000.00 Jim D. Hurley 911, S. Third St Remodel exist. bldg. 41 242000.00 Jessie Hoffman 435 Park Ave N Stacked duplex 4-units 42 --- Jessie Hoffman 435 Park Ave No Demolish existing bldg. 43 9,000.00 Leslie E. Sturman 11630 y.E. 204th P1 House move-in 44 20,000.00 Sternoff Metals Corp 7430 S. 180th Erect 2-story building B 0545 39,000.00 Clyde & Ellen Raub 447 Park Ave Build 5-unit �apt bldg 46 --- " " " 447 Park Ave Demolish existing bldg. 47 50.00 Dino' s Tavern 336 Sunset Blvd N Repair roof 48 600.00 Epcon Inc. 3833 4th Ave 14 Install sign for Autobahn 49 18,950.00 Robert A. Petty 319 13th Ave So Single family dwelling B 0,550 850.00 Vern R. Sutherlund 10219 S.E. 95th Construct carport ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0321 , 200.00 Robert Henry 545 Morris Ave So Wire service 22 250.00 Louis Barei 900 S. Third St " " 23 50.00 Chicago Bridge & Iron Co 16065 87th Ave So " 24 200.00 Leo Maas 1036 Shattuck Ave So " E 0325 --- Bell & Valdez 1904 S.E. Cottonwood " 26 --- 11 It 2200 20th S.E. " 27 --- Le Fever Construction 1802 S.E. Urban Ct now 28 --- Vista View Bldrs 1903 S.E. Taylor Ct " 29 --- Church of Lat. Day Sts. 705 "M" St " E 0330 --- Pacific N.W. Bell 549 Garden Ave N " 31 --- C. E. Wakelam 413 Langston Rd " 32 --- Bell & Valdez 1806 S.E. Birch Ct " 33 --- " 11 1809 S.E. Birch Ct " 34 --- Beorge Butko 435 Langston Rd " E 0335 --- Bell & Valdez 2002 Aider P1 S.E. " 36 --- Wakelam Construction 9834 S. 160th It It 37 --- Pacific N.W. Bell 11th So & Puget Drive " 38 --- " " " Puget Dr & Benson " 39 1,000.00 Free Methodist Church 16005 116th S.E. " E 0340 --- C. Pemco S.E. corner Longacres " 41 300.00 Dorothea Gossett 2110 9th P1 N 42 500.00 Carpenter's Union 231 Burnett Ave N " 43 12,000.00 1st Federal Savings & Loan 201 Wells Ave No " 44 --- VOID E 0345 695.00 J. Baxter 1802 S.E. Urban Ct " 46 375.00 Catalina Homes 12325 132nd S.E. " 47 375.00 12319 132nd S.E. 48 375.00 " 12313 132nd S.E. " 49 375.00 " " 12307 132nd S.E. E 0350 375.00 12301 132nd S.E. " 51 2411;00 Jim Danzer 436 Smithers Ave S " MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0381 --- Wm. H. Bruce 524 Park Ave N Install space heater 82 --- The Boeing Company 10-55 Building Plumbing & fixt. 83 --- Robert Cave 10820 S.E. 100th Septic tank 84 --- E. Parsons 1903 S.E. Taylor Ct Plumb. & fi.xt. -7- 9 MECHANICAL PERMITS, Continued M 0385 --- Valda M. Mayes 643 "G" St Plumbing & fi.xts. 86 --- Gambriell Construction Inc.1216 Morris Ave S " " It 87 --- Mobil Oil Co 251 Sunset Blvd N. " to to 88 --- Scott Gavin 940 "H" St it it 89 --- Cecil Wakelam 411 Langston Rd " It ti * 0390 --- A. W. Meyers 101 Rainier Ave N it SEWER PERP•IITS rr. No 247 --- Ed Brady 1710 S.E. Upland Ct Sewer service 48 --- Gambriell Construction Co 1216 Morris St if 49 --- It It It 517 12th Ave So It It No 250 --- Parsons (Vista View) 1903 S.E. Taylor Ct It to October Fund transfers authorized and approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council. TO: CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund $ 24,580.05 Arterial Street 4973.40 City Street 28,803.10 Parks 8,119.75 Library 2,098.99 Equipment Rental 45591.92 Cedar River M. & I. 50.85 Waterworks Utility 575378.08 Airport 607.48 1965 Water & Sewer Construction 45327.68 Firemen's Pension 1,372.50 City Hall Construction 35,157.33 $169,061.13 Total Claims 6 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current $ !_1033460.71 City Street 17,545.38 Cedar River M. & I. 535.00 Equipment Rental 35701.90 Library 85548.50 Parks 12,636.69 Waterworks Utility 175395.21 Airport 1,552.00 Firemen's Pension 90.84 $165,166.23 Total Payroll -8- I i 10 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S November 6, 1967 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Franchise Ordinance with Puget Sound Power & Light Company BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Annexation - South 180th and Springbrook Road - Margullis et al properties 'SAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Resolution to set date of December 4, 1967 as date for public hearing on proposed vacation of portion of 91st Avenue South Resolution appropriating $194.56 from Statewide retained matching contributions to cover Metro payment for Walter Barnes, terminated employee. Appropriation of $3,980.00 from excess Waterworks Utility Fund into Acct. 7100/130 $500.00 and 7100/302, Utility - Metro (Taxes) Rezones: George Butko Property, R-1 to B-1 Ditler Berg, G to R-3 Appropriation of excess revenues, Current Fund into Building Department Account 1800/504, Travel Account $300.00 PARK DEPARTMENT AND PARK BOARD To review Compre ensive Plan and designate areas desirable for park use SANITATION C"ITTEE 'Fed Bennett request for authorization to exercise option extending garbage collection franchise with Valley Disposal, Inc. for 120 days Seattle-King County Health Department letter urging installation of L.I.D. 256 along Lake Wn. APPOINTMENT Gary Dime - Renton Aviation Board - 3 year term effective November 7, 1967 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 6, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Garrett, Delaurenti, and Poli. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to excuse the absent Councilmen. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 23rd be approved as written. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Jack Jones, Librarian, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vic Tepantvoort, Street Commissioner and Jan Klippert, Asst. to the Mayor. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from W. E . Bennett, Utility Accountant, requested authorization to exercise the City's option with Valley Disposal, Inc., to extend the Franchise for garbage and refuse collection for an additional 120 days. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Donald G. Evans, District Health Officer, S.F. Health Center, Seattle- K--'ng County Department of Public Health, reported that survey of area known as L.I.D. No. 256, between Lake Wn. Blvd. and State Highway 4051was conducted, flourescein dye being introduced into household plumbing systems and citizen complaints on sewage problems being investigated and completed on October 24th. Such tests are usually made during the wet season when ground water tables rise and surface runoff is at its maximum, however this investigation, made at the end of one of the driest summers on record, still evidenced sewage discharge on the surface of the ground in about 20% of °-- the residential property surveyed with citizen complaints of septic tank drainfield failures also being verified. The area to the North with like topography and similar soil and drainage conditions has a record of many septic tank overflow problems also. The Seattle-King County Health Department recommended strongly the installation of sanitary sewers at the earliest opportunity for the protection of the health of the community as well as to support orderly development of a public utility in one of the most rapidly growing areas of this State. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Trimm, to refer copy of this letter to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported regarding Petition for vacation of a portion of 91st Avenue South, North of South 128th Street, submitted October 18th, that signatures represent 100% of the frontage abutting said right-of-way. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the date of December 4th be set for public hearing on the proposed vacation with the matter being referred to the Law and Ordinance Co~unittee for the necessary Resolution. Carried. (Johnson, Rive y et al, Petitidners) Letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, advised that former Employee Walter L. Barnes, who was transferred to Metro when the sewage treatment facility was closed, has since terminated and withdrawn his Statewide City Employees Retirement. Metro paid the match _ng contributions, his Statewide Retirement status having been frozen and retention of funds allowed and Metro is now requesting refund of its share in the sum of $194.56. Since the City has authorized the use of released matching funds for its matching contri- butions this year, no funds have been budgeted and it will be necessary that a Resolution be authorized to appropriate the necessary amount from released matching contributions to be placed into budget account 1920/220, Non-Departmental, Statewide Retirement, for refund to Metro. Authorization therefor was requested with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee to effect the budgetary accounting provisions. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the request and referral as reported. Carried. Letter from W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, requested appropriation of $3,980.00 from Waterworks Utility excess revenue into 7100/130, Salaries & Wages-Vacation Relief, ': C-,,?--'-Lime, $ 500.00 and 7200/302 Utility Service-Metro, $3,480.00, which funds are necessary to complete the conversion to the new Data Processing System. Moved by Poli, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Law and Ordi- nance Committee. Carried. c) Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-6-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Paul Houser, Renton Municipal Court Judge , requested authorization for the Chief Clerk of the Municipal Court to attend a Traffic Court Administratorst and Court Clerks Conference in Chicago, Illinois, November 13-17, 1967. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request. Carried. Mayor Custer announced that a movie will be shown following the Council Meeting in regard to Air Pollution Control wherein problems and responsibilities of local government are explained,and anyone interested was invited to attend. Further announcement was made advising that the dates of November 20 through 30 have been set for "clean-up" in the City of Renton and leaves, etc. will be picked up and this will be ari amual, event with possible extension of time if necessary. Revised letter of intent to annex properties to Renton in vicinity of the Heather Downs area was read and City Engineer's report attached thereto reported that signature represented over 14 of the assessed value of the property comprising approximately 73 acres with an assessed value of $51,600.00. This letter amends previous letter c October 2nd and the property encompasses both sides of 132nd Avenue S.E. between S 132nd Street and S.E. 140th Street. (Sylvina Pague et al properties) . Council President Trimm reported that the Committee of the Whole has met regarding the first letter of intent and that the annexation as proposed therein was denied. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the denial action of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Concerning the present letter of intent, Councilman Schellert made inquiry as to whether the owners would be willing to assume the;r pro rata share of the Cityts pre-existing bonded indebtedness, circulating a petition indicating same thereon. Upon affirmative reply, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to accept the letter and look favorably upon the annexation authorizing circulation of the proper petition. Upon inquiry, it was noted that the Boundary Review Board has now been formed and communications have been received regarding some procedural questions it being indicated that the Petitioners may be required to state reasons for their annexation request and they will be notified as soon as the City is advised. %ctellcrt inquired as to when last action may be taken regarding any reduction of boundaries and City Attorney Shellan advised that once the proposal is referred to the Annexation Boundary Review Board no further changes may be made. The pending motion carried, authorizing circulation of the petition. Petition was read requesting annexation of property to Renton located in the vicinity of the new Valley General Hospital, at South 180th Street and Springbrook Road. The City Engineer's report attached advised that signatures represent 1005Y. of the assesszd valuation of the property which comprises approximately 13 acres having an assessed value of $13,080.00,sane deemed to be a reasonable extension of the exist- ng City Limits. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the petition being proper, z regard to containing statement of willingness to assume pro rata shares of the Cityts pre-existing bonded indebtedness, be accepted and that the matter be referred to the Boundary Review Board. Carried. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of October 25th as follows: Preliminary Plats: Glencoe (revised Plat of Honeydew Lane), Appl. PP-387-67, property located on the NE corner of S.E. 107th Street and 132nd Avenue S.E., 28.7 acres (115 Lots), existing zoning G-7200, proposed use, Single Family residential, meeting requirements of the Platting Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to approve the Preliminary Plat as recommended. Carried. Victoria Park No. 7, Appl. PP-429-67, 15.2 acres (57 lots) located between Talbot Road and Benson Road, South of So. 160th Street and Southe4sterly of Talbot Hill Park. Zoni,ig SR-1 proposed for single family residential use, in accord with the Platting Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in approval of the Preliminary Plat as recommended by the Planning Commissfon. Carried. Rezones: George Butko Appl. R-423-67, R-1 to B-1, property located on Sunset Blvd. West between L,7ngston and Stevens Street comprising 6,500 sq. ft, + with existing zoning of R-1 and proposed use Commercial. Comprehensive Plan indicates commercial and multi-family residential. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the rezone. Carried. -2- 1 � MMmntxt?s - Renton City Council Meeting 11-6-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations: Rezone - Ditler Berg property, Appl. R-425-67, G to R-3, East side of Lake Wn. Blvd. between S.E. 82nd and 84th Avenues, Area comprises 1.3 acres with existing use of single family residence and proposed use, multi-family residential. The Comprehensive Plan indicates low to medium density multi-family residential and the Planning Commission recommended approval. The property was recently annexed from King County at which time it was zoned RM-1800 (medium density multiple family) . Letter read from Curt and Evelyn Agren and Thurely and Hannah Agren, opposed proposed rezoning of the easement road, jointly owned by the Agrens, which ends at the Berg property line,and the R-3 zoning of the property. Upon inquiry as to whether the protest constituted an appeal of the Planning Commission decision, Mr. Agren stated petition submitted by adjacent property owners was mainly in concern for rezone of the road as they would not like the heavy traffic. City Attorney Shellan, upon inquiry, advised that an easement cannot be rezoned, being private property, and should be excluded from any rezone, the City being in no position to rezone a mutual easement. Mrs. Bob Fawcett, 8404 - 106th Avenue S.E. stated the area is single family now using the right to the ingress and egress but if the multiple duplex goes through Lake Wn. Blvd. would have to be used. It was noted that this is not a dedicated street and City minimum width standards would not apply and if an easement runs up� to the property the people would have a legal right to use it9 however, the easement is a private matter and not within the jurisdiction of the City. Planning Commission Member Stredicke suggested a lower density than R-3 be allowed in order that the Planning Commission might retain control over how the property is developed insofar as screening, parking and lay-out are con- cerned. With R-3, access from a public right-of-way is required which would be Lake Wn. Blvd. anyone having use of the easement road as long as an access is provided out to Lake Wn� Blvd. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the rezone. The motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the rezones approved be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Richard M. Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. North, submitted observations for the consideration of the Council regarding pending Franchise to Puget Sound Power and Light Company, that 30 years is a long term franchise which terms often cause problems, noting the railroad franchises and tracks now hampering traffic. Attention was called to an Agreement for cost sharing plan for underground wiring whereby the Company would pay 507., concern being expressed for possible increase during the term and resulting cost to the City. It was felt the term of the Agreement should be the same as that in the Franchise, and matter of using rights-of-way at no charge and cancellation provisions were questioned. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pedersen, that the action on this letter be deferred until later in the meeting at the time the proposed Ordinance comes before the Council. Carried. Letters from Roger E. Polzin, Executive Secretary, State Urban Arterial Board, submitted copies of project agreements filed by Renton to which urban arterial trust funds have been allocated, to be filed for release of the allocation, along with Agenda for the Wn. State Board meeting of November 2nd in Olympia and publication of Guidelines to Cities and Counties Urban Arterial Program wherein procedures and rules and regulations adopted to date by the Board are outlined. Letter from the State of Washington Joint Committee on Highways, submitted schedule of orientation and instructional meetings regarding Highway classifications and need study. List will be on file in the City Clerks office. APPOINTMENT: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Gary Dime to a three year term on the Renton Aviation Board, effective as of November 7, 1967. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to concur. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPOn_TS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm reported recommendation of the Committee of the Whole that determination be made as to whether appraisal is to be required on a request for right- of-way vacatinn, at the time of the Public Hearing. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. It was recommended by the Committee of the Whole that the Park Department and Park Board review the Comprehensive Plan with purpose of desigxating specific areas which may be desir- -ble for park and recreation sites, and to report back to the Council. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -3- -1 `t Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-6-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: (Cont.) Council President Trimm submitted Memo from Sven Johnson, Building Director, directed to the Committee of the Whole, calling attention to meetings and a short course concerning Building Codes and Air Pollution Control, Bldg. Code meeting in Pullman,10/30/61 which is past, meeting in Salem, Oregon November 8,9 and 10, and Seminar at Oregon State University. Funds in approximate sum of $300.00 and use of a city vehicle were requested if attendance is authorized. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole. Discussion ensued regarding time element and funding if referred. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Gianini, that the required funds be appropriated and attendance authorized as requested. Question was called for on the motion to refer, which has precedence,and the motion upon majority negative vote was declared lost. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Pedersen, that money be appropriated from excess revenue to •.r Building Departmental Account 1800/504, Travel Expense to allow attendance as requested. Outstanding job done by Mr. Johnson in capacity as Air Pollution Control Officer was noted by Councilman Schellert, attention being called, however, to the creation by the last Legislature of a Regionwide Council for Air Pollution Control covering Pierce, King and Snohomish Counties, all Agencies within this area to be under the new Board, others being dissolved when the new Act became effective. Expenditures in duplication of efforts concerning the program were questioned. Dahlquist urged approval of attendance stating that one person should be authorized to attend the meetings and keep informed to help the City and Council Members keep advised and up to date. Vote on the pending motion resulted in dissenting voice vote and the Chair ruled the motion carried. Roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen and Garrett. No: Hulse, Schellert, Perry and Poli. The motion carried. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the low bid of Red Samm Mining Co., Inc. in sum of $71,150.00, be accepted on Resurfacing of Rainier Avenue & related improvements. The State Highway Department is participating in the project in amount of $55,290.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of bid award. Carried. Recommended that the necessary steps be taken to prohibit parking under the FAI 405 structure in vicinity of the Cedar River Bridge, until such time as the area is improved to meet the City Code requirements; pursuant to letter from Mm John C. Blasick regarding dust and dirt from the parking areas. Application for leasing the area from the State will be submitted to the Highway Department and joint participation between the City and the State for landscaping is recommended. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations. Discussion ensued regarding use of the area by employees and merchants in the downtown area and possibilities of assistance fur the improvement through beautification program agreements. The pending motion carried. The Street and Alley Committee, City Engineer and Traffic Engineer recommended that the firm of Lewis-Redford Engineers be retained to provide the necessary engineering for the North Third-Fourth Street one-way couplet project recently approved by the Urban Arterial Board, providing for 907, financial participation, the City to pay the 10%, a=id contract to be established on the basis oftourly rates which,beeause of the complexity of the project,would be most economical for the City. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. i?ew Business: Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee reported that the Committee has previously approved City of Renton Vouchers No. 409 - 570 and Council approval for payment at this time was recommended. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 409 - 487 and 570 $ Street Fund - Arterial 488 4,434.99 City Street Fund 489 - 498 3,877.08 Cedar River M. & 1. 499 - 500 91.43 Equipment Rental 501 - 515 1,229.35 Library 516 - 517 1,113.88 Parks 518 - 540 9,7/4,4 Water Works Utility 541 - 562 37,478.07 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 563 3,046.17 Airport 564 - 568 309.00 $ 79,2#10;r -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-6-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: Cont. Councilman Pedersen inquired whether the parking restriction in front of the entrance to City hall is necessary. Traffic Engineer Del Bennett advised that the area is used for mail pick-up and delivery and the pedestrian cross walk requires restricted parking on either side for safety reasons. Attention was called to the new parking lot directly across the_ s.Vreet with size of restricted area being discussed. Recess was requested and declared at this time, after which roll. call was taken with all present as previously listed. .-- ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilwoman Dahlquist, Member of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton transferring funds within the 1968 Budget to correct account balance to reflect increased clothing allowance for uniformed personnel, as read by the Clerk, from Account 1190/610, Fire Department, Repayment of Loan, unto Police Administrative 1181/401, $ 75.00; Police Records, 1182/401, $ 50.00; Police Detective, 1183/401, $ 100.00; Police Traffic, 1184/401, 200.00; Police Patrol, 1185/401, $900.00; Police Jail, 1186/401, $ 25.00; Fire Department, 1190/401, $1,100.00, totalling $2,450.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No, 1496 be adopted as read. Carried. The Committee submitted proposed Resolution appropriating $2,000.00 excess revenues from the Water Utility Fund unto Water Utility Account 7130/311, Insurance, to cover increased premium for the current year. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, that Resolution No. 1497 be adopted as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution was submitted authorizing appropriation of excess revenues Current Fund, ionto City Clerk's Department Account 1400/402, office supplies in sum of $1,200.00 which account was depleted by purchase of data processing equip e nt. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that Resolution No. 1498 be adopted as read. The motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was submitted and placed on second and final reading, having been introduced for first reading on October 2nd and held 30 days pending publication for public information. The proposed Ordinance granting unto Puget Sound Power & Light Company, A Corporation, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to set, erect, construct and maintain poles and wires, underground cables, together with appurtenances thereto, upon, over, under, along, across the streets, avenues, alleys of the City of Renton for the purpose of transmission, distribution and sales of electric energy, for power, heat and light and for any other purpose or purposes for which electricity may be used. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to adopt the Ordinance as read. Mr. Dick Stredicke called attention to his letter and relationship of the franchise to - keparate letter - agreement for sharing of costs and it was noted that the Franchise Ordinance does not outline extent of participation for cost sharing. He also pointed out that the present Franchise does not expire until July of 1968 and that since new Council Members are going to be on the Council there is no reason to adopt the Ordinance tonight, it being felt that the 30 year period is too long a term, and there being question as to termination or cancellation provisions. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan pointed out the various locations within the ordinance with cancellation clauses and termina- tion rights, noting that it is a non-exclusive franchise subject to revocation- with acquisition rights without allowance for unexpired portion of the franchise. Lengths of various franchises were discussed including a 999 year franchise withthe railroad company and Refuse and Garbage Collection Franchise which is limited by State law to 5 years. Mr. Robert L. Edwards, 12906 - 86th Avenue South,Renton, acknowledged the need for 30 year franchise by the power company to borrow money on low interest rates noting also the power company reasoning that they cannot furnish power as cheaply as thbee Municipal and Public Utility Districts because they have to pay interest in excess of the others. Attention was called to alleged monopoly being operated by Puget Power and with view to future expansion of the area the 30 year Franchise period was deemed to be a mistake, it being noted that the merchants are paying $50,000.00 per year over what would be paid to any- other utility, and that the schools and citizens are also being charged accordingly which costs restrict business competition, the extra savings being utilized therefor in other communities. Mr. Edwards, of Renton Shopping Center, called attention to the new shopping center installation in Tukwila and to a special power rate being offered due to all-electric operations which cannot be utilized by the existing centers, conversion costs being prohibitive. It was urged that the Ordinance be held for an additional 30 days to allow the public further discussion and understabding. Mr. Edwards suggested that other power companies be invited into the area. -5- Jn tes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-6-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS New Business: Cont. Others speaking on the matter were Mr. Leo Lazetti, 247 Garden Street who inquired regarding costs to be charged property owners in regard to underground wiring noting that the power company should bear the costs for going underground. Mr. Otis Brown, 1243 South Morris Avenue inquired as to how designation will be made regarding a corner lot. Mayor Custer advised that it may or may not cost anything depending on City participation and that interpretation of the fee schedule would have to come from the Utility Company. It was noted that the matter before the Council is not the Underground wiring Ordinance but the granting of the 30 year Franchise. Further discussion ensued regarding the 30 year term, Mr. Charles McGarrigle, local manager of Puget Power noting that 30 years is not such a long time recalling that 37 years ago he worked on the very one about to expire. The July 1968 expiration date was noted and Councilman Gianini reported that negotiations between the Company and the City Council Light and Power Committee had commenced last June the matter then going to the Committee of the Whole and Public Relations committee and after meetings and much discussion to the Council and Law and Ordinance Committee for the Ordinance which was accomplished at this time. During discussion inquiry was made regarding public access to related documents and it was noted that the proposed ordinance appeared in the legal publications and copies were available in the office of the City Clerk revisions having been made prior to finalizing and publication. Question was called for on the pending motion and Schellert challenged the Chair ruling appealing decision that call for the question ends debate expressing desire to continue debate it being indicated that other persons wished to speak. Mayor Custer requested voice vote as to whether to continue debate, Pedersen having moved the previous question. The no's prevailed and debate enntinued. Schellert suggested that since the public has expressed concern regarding the term of the franchise perhaps it should be discussed in Committee of the Whole. Hulse proposed motion to reduce the term to 20 years rather than refer back to Committee. Pedersen noted pending motion on the floor to accept the Ordinance as read. Mr: Stredicke felt it would not be unreasonable to table the matter for 30-40 days or 3 monthsto allow the people to further clarify the various points and certainly 30 days more would be of no consequence to the power company. Mr. Edwards urged that the public be allowed an additional 30 days for discussion and an understanding with a view toward more compatible meeting of the minds. Mr. Art Scholes, 15526 - 120th Avenue S.E., urged that the Council not disregard the public but consider its request for delay and consideration of a shorter term with regard to this matter that is of vital importance to everyone. Mr. Bill Grant, candidate for Council position, of 3710 - 10th Ct. North, stated that he was not against Puget Sound Power and Light but was concerned for the citizens of Renton and urged that action be postponed for 30 days, noting that he would be 58 years of age and his son. 30 when the franchise expires. Bill Buzzo, 314 Garden Street, inquired as to benefit of underground wiring if the poles were left for use of the Fire Department and others. Mayor Custer called attention to the fact that the City would be re- placing poles or street lights in event of going underground and that various costs are involved in the project. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair rules the ayes to have it. Roll call was requested and resulte as ollows: Aye: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, and Poli. No: Gianini, Pedersen and Delaurenti. The motion carried As there was not further comment nor business to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, ity erk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- i 11-6-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF 140PJC B 0551 16,000.00 Warren E. Lindell 1228 Morris St S New residence 2 360.00 L. L. Shaeffer 2007 S.E. 18th Ct Storage shed 3 2,500.00 M. J. Lackie 405 S. 3rd St New glass store front 4 75,00 Francis D. Prior 333 Sunset Blvd N Sign on road side of bldg 0555 750.00 Merchants Assn Shop Ctr. 7th & Rainier Installing sign on legs 6 9,000.00 Manio Phillips 217 Airport Way Conc. block building 7 17,630.00 Leo V. Roush 12804-89th Ave S New single fam, residence 8 100,000.00 First Fed. Say. & Loan 201 Wells Ave S Bank office building 9 200.00 Karl Strom 11444 - 112th S.E. Shed B 0560 190,000.00 Wn.Mutual Say. Bank 606 S. 2nd St. New 2-story bank bldg. 1 192000.00 Roger Peterson 11018 - 115th S.E. Single fam. residence 2 4,000.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Foundation only 3 150.00 Hugh Bowman 3515 Maple Valley Hwy Reroof residence 4 1001000.00 B & T Construction Co 446 Wells Ave N. 10-unit Apt Bldg B 0565 120.00 Fletcher Oil Co 404 Sunset Blvd Not Erect cover for tire dis. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0352 388.00 Gambriell 517 12th Ave S. Wire service 3 3,000.00 Cortina, Inc. 2445 10th P1 N. It " 4 27500.00 Jim Gotti 8640 So 148th " it E 0355 1,794.00 J. H.Baxter 7635 Lake Wn. Blvd. " to 6 51000.00 J. H. Baxter 7635 Lake Wn. Blvd. if of 7 200.00 0. K. Tire Co 710 Rainier Ave S. 8 3,156.00 Union Oil Company 13205 Sunset Blvd E. to It 9 50.00 Geraldine Free 3610 7th Ave N. to of E 0360 400.00 Bell & Valdez 1815 S.E. Birch Ct " " 1 400.00 " It 1803 S.E.Birch Ct " " 2 400.00 " " 2100 20th P1 S.E. It of 3 2000.00 Autobahn 3883 - 4th Ave N. " of 4 250.00 Jim Denzer 1:36 Smithers Ave.. " E 0365 4,300.00 Park Associates 904 6th Ave N. 6 300.00 Robert R. Karinen 14815 - 130th P1 1S.E. " of 7 Big "C" Stores, Inc. 805 Rainier Ave S. " It 8 6,000.00 Lily Bachman 446 hells Ave N. " of 9 29,000.00 a. Wines 12810 - 90th Ave 01. " " E 0370 50.00 Jim Barei 200 S. 2nd St. " It 1 50.00 Joe Fades 11422 S".E. 100th " to 2 450.00 Stan Tletsoe 11016 - 115th S.E. " of 3 50.00 Amos Huseland 11619 S.E. 104th B1 of to 4 500.00 C. Warelam 413 Langston Rd " MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0391 --- Central Puget Inc. 715 S.11. 87th Install plumbing & f ixt. 2 --- Archie Hotchkiss 605 "K'r St. 11gas hot wtr tank 3 --- Howard Hanson 10821-109th P1 S.E. ofHot wtr. tank- 4 --- Autobahn 3883 Fourth Ave N. suspended heater M 0395 --- Lily Bachman 118 S. Williams St plumbig & f ixt. 6 --- James Gotti 861:0 a. 148th Septic tank 7 --- Free Methodist Church 16005 116th S.E. Install gas furnace 8 --- Gambriel Construction Co 1216 Morris Ave S. Install gas furnace 9 --- Carpenters Union 231 Burnett Ave N. Install plumbing & fixt. 77 0400 --- Bell & Valdez 1824 S.E. Birch Ct " 1 --- 1913 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 2 --- to " 1928 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 3 --- Is 11 1910 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 1� --- to 111916 S.E. Cottonwood Ct to It to -7- � 7 MECHANICAL PENT-Ta,._ Continued M 0405 --- Bell & Valdez 1904 S.E. Cottonwood Ct Install plumbing . 6 --- 11 1800 S.E. Birch Ct Install plumbing & fixt. 7 --- It ti 1809 S.E. Birch Ct Install plumbing & fixt. 8 --- It 111803 S.E. Birch Ct " 9 --- 1815 S.E. Birch Ct " M 0410 --- '• " 1806 S.E. Birch Ct " 11 --- 1812 S.E. Birch Ct " 12 --- " " 2118 - 20th Pl. S.E. it 13 --- " " 2200 - 20th P1. S.E. " " It 14 --- " " 2206 - 20th Pl S.E. " „ It M 0415 - •' 1922 S.E. Cottonwood Ct +.r 16 --- 1934 S.E.Cottonwood Ct " 17 --- " 1937 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 18 --- " 1931 S.E. Cottonwood Ct '* " 19 --- 1925 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " M 0420 --- 1919 S. E. Cottonwood Ct" " 21 --- 1907 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 22 --- 1818 S.E. Birch Ct " 23 --- 2100 - 20th Place S.E. " 24 --- Garcia 3408 6th PI N. Gas Space heater M 0425 --- Union Oil Co.Inc. 13205 Sunset Blvd E. Install plumbing & fixt. 26 --- Leo Hyatt 13431 S.E. 116th Install gas furnace 27 --- T. Laitina 536 S. Williams Ave Install gas dryer 28 --- Robert R. Karinen 14815 - 130th Pl S.E. Install plumbing & fixt. 29 --- Lily Bachman 446 Wells Ave N. •' M 0430 --- Joe Boehme 9693 - 106th Ave S.E. " 31 --- K. Arita 1802 S.E. Polling Hills Dr. gag furnace 32 --- Renton Bible Church 11603 132nd Ave S .E. Install plumbing & fixt. 33 --- J. Kane 2105 7th Ave N. Install gall heater 34 --- Troye T. Rowe 3204 Honey Creek Dr. Added load hot wtr tank M 0435 --- Larry Noll 10627 - 112th S .'2. Install washer 36 --- Alta Munn 443 Tlells Ave N. Install space heater 3; --- Latter Day Sts Church 705 "M" St. Install plumbing & fixt. 38 --- The Boeing Company Bldg 4.21 Col 5-29 Install floor drain 39 --- " 11 It Bldg 4-82 Col R 2/3 Drinking fountain vow M 0440 --- R. Ell inwood 406 Windsor Way Install wall furnace 41 --- John Anderson 9650 - 106th Ave S.E. Septic tank 42 --- Flansburg Construction Co 2823 - 4th P1 N. Plumbing & fixt. SErm,a PERMITS No 251 --- Pacific N.W. Bell 549 Garden St Sewer service 2 --- „ „ It It „ 11 „ 3 --- Roy Tutt 321 & 325 Factory St " 4 --- Orita 1802 S.E. Polling Hills Dr Sewer Service No 255 --- Lily Bachman 118 S. 17illiams St oewer service 6 --- Southerland Corp 1175 "L" St 7 --- Louise Rockey 325 13th Ave S. 8 --- Stuth Ditching 13205 Sunset Blvd S.E. " -8- u RFNTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Nov.13, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimates: Estimate No. 4 due Absher Construction Company on new city hall, $32,165.10 Johnston Campanella, Murakami, Estimate #16, architectural services on new city hall plans, $1,487,43 Chapman Electric Co, Progress Estimate #1, new city hall electrical contract, work completed through October 31st, $5,293.13. Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, Estimate #1, for engineering services in designing Well No. 8, Cedar River Park new water supply, $348.60 Now Estimate #1 due Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc. for consulting engineering services rendered in connection with resurfacing of Reinier Avenue, $5,528.00, and final billing for services in connection with traffic signal project at 116th Ave. S .E . and Sunset Blvd. East, $1,200..00. Progress Estimate #2 due Olson, Richert, Bignold & Co., for Criteria and Budget Study in connection with Cedar River Park development, $2,250.00. Invoice submitted by N.G. Jacobson & Associates, Inc. payable to Shorett & Riely, in sum of $3,000.00 for appraisal and economic analysis of ;jwntown retail stores. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Copy of Central Business District Parking Feasibility Study and Comprehensive Parking Plan for downtown Renton. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Park Board request for fund transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 in sum of $2,200.00 to cover 1% fee due Interagency Committee fro administrative services POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Applications for pinball machine license from Longacres Cafe and two coin operated pool tables at Eagles Club SANITATION COMMITTEE New garbage collection franchise Meetings: Association of Washington Cities, District Meeting, November 14th at Renton Inn APPOINTMENTS Carol 0. Bryan - Fire Civil Service Secretary-Chief Examiner Charles Delaurenti - Delegate to Renton Board of Equalization meetings RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 13, 1967 8:00 P .M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Council Members be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, John Pain, Asst. City Attorney, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, James Ashurst, Asst. Fire -� Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, and Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the meeting of November 6th be approved as written. Perry noted statement by Gianini that the Puget Power Franchise matter had been referred to the Public Relations Committee stating it was referred to the Law and Ordinance and Power and Light Committee but not his committee. The remarks were accepted and noted. The pending motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Johnston-Campanella, Murakami & Company, Architects, submitted Progress Estimate #4 and certified payment due Absher Construction Co. in sum of $32,165.10 on the new city hall construction contract. Payment was recommended and Mayor Custer had approved same by signature initials. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Other progress estimates and certifications for payments were read by the Clerk as follows: Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co., submitting and recommending for payment,Chapman LM Electric Co., Progress Estimate #1, for work on the new city hall through October 31st. Approved by the Mayor in sun of $5,293.13._ C.AG. 1158-67 City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, estimate #1 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, for engineering services in design of Well No. 8, in Cedar River Park for developing a new water supply. Amount due, $348.60 payable from 7120/605, per C.AG. 1204-679 Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Station to be accepted as of 11/13 and 30 day lien period begun with $2,856.43 retained percentage held until released. Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate #1, due Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc. in sum of $5,528 .00 for consulting engineer- ing services rendered in connection with the Rainier Avenue resurfacing project, South 3rd Street to South 122nd Street. C.AG. 1193-67, ASP #8. Letter from the Traffic Engineer submitted and recommended for payment, final billing for professional engineering services rendered by Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc. in sum of $1,200.00 in connection with traffic signal project at 116th Ave. S.E. and Sunset Blvd. East. C. AG. 1179-67 Statement of Johnston, Campanella, Murakami and Company was read for architectural services rendered on the new city hall plans, estimate #16, in sum of $1,487.43, per C.AG. 1014-66. Gene Coulon, Park Director, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate #2 due Olson, Richert Bignold & Co., for Criteria and Budget Study, in connection with proposed development of Cedar River Park, $2,250.00 per C.AG. 1177-67. Invoice submitted by N, G. Jacobson & Associates, Inc., payable to Shorett & Riely, in sum of $3,000.00 covered appraisal of three proposed parking sites and the economic analysis of retail stores, Third and Wells. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to refer the payments to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Council accept the Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Statinn improvement as of November 13th as recommended, commencing the 30 day lien period upon expiration of which if no claims or liens are filed and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, retained percentage of $2,856.43 to be paid the Contractor, Venture Construction. Carried. -1- Z / Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-13-67 COMMUNICATIONS: Mayor Custer extended welcome to Mr. Card_ Johnson and his group of high school students who were present as they have been for several weeks, as a part of a Social Studies learning experiment. Also introduced were Councilmen-Elect, Thomas R. Edwards and Paul Maxin and Louis Barei, others arriving and being introduced later in the evening. Letter from the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation, Mrs. T. W. Chandler, Secretary, requested permit to conduct door-to-door canvas for funds in the City of Renton on December 7, 8 and 9th. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant a no-fee permit granting the fund solicitation as requested. Carried. Application. from Longacres Cafe requested that Mutual Amusement Co. be granted the required license to operate a pinball device at said business, 9072 Third Street, and Application from the Renton Eagles requested that Mutual be granted license for two coin operated pool tables at 316 South 3rd Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schelleirt, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, requested, on behalf of the Park Board, a transfer of $2,200.00 from Cumulative Fund 1689 unto Park Fund 6120/604, State and Federal Participation, to cover ]Yo fee to be paid to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for administrative charges in connection with the Lake Washington Beach Park project grant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconder by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution to effect the fund transfer. The motion carried. Letter from the Municipal League of Seattle and King County, C. A. Crosser, Executive Secretary, submitted report prepared by the Public Safety Committee, regarding recom- mendations on Police Recruitment, Salaries and Fringe Benefits, which will be on file in the City Clerkts Office. Letter from Councilmen-Elect, Louis Barei, Charles F. Shane, William F. Grant, and Thomas R. Edwards, requested that the present City Council not take any action in .... regard to the 30 year non-exclusive Puget Power Franchise until they have been sworn into office as they are basically opposed to the franchise presently being considered. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the request be granted. The motion carried. i Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, requested authorization to call for bids for drilling a new well in Cedar River Park and recommended the date of December 11th for bid opening. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request for bid call and in the recommended bid opening date. Carried. Letter from Charles A. Ruud, Record Stationery and Office Supply gave notice to the city of termination of lease dated May 18, 1959 providing for use of his business property for public parking purposes, it being felt that the City has not adequately policed the area. It was requested that the $1.00 payment provided for by the lease, be placed in a fund to support policing of Fourth Avenue South as per posted parking limits. Mayor Custer advised that this matter has come up for discussion heretofore and that one public official has received a ticket for parking in the lot so there has been some degree of policing. He noted that the lot has not been advantageous to the City and acceptance of the termination was recommended and a motion entertained for referral accordingly. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request acknowledging the termination of lease as contained in the letter. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Pain advised that the letter was adequate notice and the lease could be terminated as per action taken. It was noted that the signe should be 'removed save in accordance with the lease terms were put up and..the lot striped. The motion carried. Notice from the Association of Washington Cities urged that the date of November 14th be reserved for attendance at the District Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City of Renton at the Renton Inn, at which time Municipal Problems and Community Development will be the topics for discussion. Mayor Custer extended invitation to the newly elected Councilmen to attend. Project Agreement was submitted for acceptance and execution by City Officials to be returned to the Urban Arterial Board per C.AG. 1224-67, regarding allocation of funds in sure of $67,500 and authorization to proceed with the North 3rd and North 4th Street one-way couplet protect (Priority No. 5) . Also enclosed was a supply of Vouchers to be used by the City in billing the Urban Arterial Board for costs incurred. Moved by Q'iied.ert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Agreement as submitted with the Mayor and Ci4oi Cleric au:t*horized to execute and return same. Carried. -2- zz Minutes - Refit City Cou cil +4eeta,ag 11-13-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Mayor Custer announced that the metter of t+e-R infer Aver Ce �ction pr ject was brought up at staff meeting,with regard to the treffic problem and volume to contend with during construction, and there is some possibility of a union agree- ment whereby work schedule may be arranged during the darker hours rather than during the daylight traffic. Letter was read from N. G. Jacobson & Associates, Inc., transmitting copy of the Central Business District Parking Feasibility Study and Comprehensive Parking Plan for the downtown Renton area as authorized by agreement of 4-21-67. (C.AG. 1124--67). Mayor Custer advised that this report constitutes completed study and that 50 copies of the report will be made available. It was noted that major recommendation is that the City purchase all of the property to be required for the parking facility and then sell the completed package to a non-profit corporation, which plan was deemed less expensive and more feasible than others considered. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. The Committee is to hold action on the matter until the new Councilmen take office. APPOINTMENT: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs. Carol 0. Bryan as Secretary-Chief Examiner for the Fire Civil Service Commission of the City, certification of the Fire Civil Service Commission being attached. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinis ed Business: Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported meeting with the Pacific Coast Railroad Company representatives regarding for crossing in the Houser Way vicinity, and an Ordinance has been prepared with intent that the City shall have the right to regulate the time the railroad shall use the franc'hise. Councilman Poli reported receiving notice that a street light is located on private property at 1006 Smithers Street South and urged removal if sueh is the case. Councilman Morris noted that the Sanitation Committee Chairman was absent and unable to meet on the extension for 120 days of the garbage and refuse collection franchise and moved that the matter be taken from Committee and acted upon so that the existing franchise may be kept in force. After discussion regarding whether the matter should be taken from Committee and urgency of exercising the option, the pending motion carried, taking the matter from Committee and placing it on the floor for further action. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that the option be taken extending the franchise for 120 days from expiration to February 27, 1968. Carried. (Ord. 2102) Moved by Schellert, seennded by Hulse, that the matter of a new franchise for refuse and garbage collection be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer at this time introduced Councilmen-Elect William Grant and Charles Shane wo had arrived since prior introductions. New Business: . Councilman Garrett, President of the Council Pro Tem, reported that Councilwoman Dahlquist will be unable to attend the Board of Equalization meetings and has re- quested to be relieved of the membership on this Committee, the next meeting to be held at 9:00 a.m. on November 20th. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that Councilman Delaurenti be named as delegate to serve on the Board of Equalization for the City of Renton. Carried. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, advised that the Committee has approved City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 571 - 713, and it was recommended that the City Council approve same for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 571 - 605 and 713 $ 11,558.20 Street-Arterial 606 - 607 4,728.00 Street 608 - 614 2,039.23 Cedar River M. & I. 615 - 617 33.35 Equipment Rental 618 - 631 602.14 Library 632 - 668 3,916.77 Parks 669 - 679 and 712 4,360.21 Water Works Utility Fund 680 - 694 14,684.88 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 695 696 4 5 .67 Airport 697 - 700 'R .70 93 Minutes - Renton City Co4w-il Meering 11-•13-b7 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Voucher breakdown: (Cont.) Firemen's Pension Fund 701 - 708 $ 974.35 City Hall Construction Fund 709 - 711 38,945.66 $ 86,307.16 Councilman Perry reported that while representing the City of Renton as delegate to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference meetings he has been elected delegate voter for the South King County area. Copy of Summary Report of the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Study with recommendation projected to 1990, was submitted to the City Clerk. In concern for benefits to be derived by the City of Renton compared to Seattle's as result of using metro boundary lines, Councilman Perry will be making further reports as studies of the matter progresses. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, requested to meet with the Committee of the Whole regarding problems concerning the new fire station site. Predident Pro Tem Garrett announced that the Committee of the Whole will meet on Monday, November 20th at 7:30 p.m. Inquiry was made as to when the newly elected Councilmen will assume office. City Clerk Nelson reported that the County has ten days to canvass the ballots and that it will take some additional time for them to make the certifications so it would not likely be until November 27th or December 4th that the new members can be swn.m in. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted pedpogod Ordinance of the City of Renton, creating a special fund to be known as the "Cumulative Reserve Fund For Fountain and Pool for Civic Center." The document had been placed on introductory reading on October 23rd and was placed on second and final reading at this time. Moved by Morris, to adopt Ordinance 2369 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Chairman Morris submitted proposed Resolution of the City authorizing appropriation of $194.56 from released matching contributions in the Statewide City Employees Retirement System to Current Budget, Non-Departmental Account 1920/200, to cover �-- refund to Metro for prior contributions paid for Walter L. Barnes who has terminated. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1499 as read. Carried. The Committee Chairman submitted proposed Resolution appropriating funds from Water Works Utility excess revenue unto 7100/130, Salaries & Wages, Vacation Relief and Overtime in sum of $500.00 and into 7100/302, Utility Service - Metro, $3,480.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1510 as read. Carried. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Single Residence District (R-1) to Business District (B-1). Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Poli, with second by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2370 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (George Butco property) Chairman Morris submitted proposed Ordinance of the City changing the zoning classi- fication of certain properties within the City from General Classification (G) to Residential District (R-3) which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2371 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Berg property) Proposed Resolution was read setting December 4, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, as time and place for public hearing on the petition for vacating portion of 91st Avenue South. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1501 as read. Carried. Mayor Custer invited the visiting high school students to remain after the meeting to personally meet with the Council and as there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. There were 52 visitors in the Council Chambers. / 1 Helmie W . Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING A14D EWTNEZitj,DtO DeFARTA 91"S BUILDING PERMITS 140. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0566 $1,500.00 Mobile Oil Company 251 Sunset Hwy North Erect D/F Plex sign 67 1,200.00 South Land Corporation 1175 "L" St It D/F Plex pole " 68 700.00 Gerald M. Neisinger 104 Rainier Avenue Panel walls, sauna 69 750.00 Ila & Lyle G. Barger 936 "H" St Install alum el.sign B 0570 200.00 United Homes, Inc. Talbot Rd & 11th Ave S Is 41x6' sign 71 100.00 Dr. Neal S. Jensen Suite 51, Renton `tillage Relocated non brg.wl. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0375 21800.00 L. B. Bachman 124 Williams Ave S Wire service 76 700.00 Renton Concrete So. 7th & Rainier Ave S It It 77 550.00 Flansburg Construction 2839 4th Place N " 78 500.00 Robert Shane 11661 S.E. 100th St " 79 400.00 Bell & Valdez 2206 20th Pl S.E. " E 0380 --- 11 112200 20th PI S.E. " 81 400.00 It It 2118 20th P1 S.E. " 82 400.00 It1812 S.E. Birch Ct " 83 400.00 1806 S.E. Birch Ct " 84 400.00 1800 S.E. Birch Ct " E 0385 400.00 1809 S.E. Birch Ct " 86 --- Ila & Lyle G. Barger 936 "H" St it to 87 34,456.00 The Boeing Company Bldg 10-65 Sub #4 Add feeders to bldg 88 300.00 E. A. Irwin 719 "D" Street Wire service 89 12,800.00 Olyaoi.c.:Pipe Lines 16065 - 87th Ave S Motors & controls E 0390 1,000.00 SouthLand Corporation 1175 "L" St Wire service MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0443 --- Union Oil Company 13025 Sunset Blvd N Install oil furnace 44 --- Gerald M. H6isinger 104 Rainier Avenue Install pltg. & fid M 0445 --- Sternof£ Metals 7430 S 180th St I, septic tans 46 --- William Baxter 13035 S.E.147th " 47 --- Charles Pohl 10230 108th S.E. 48 --- Cecil 0. Whittaker 447 Park Ave N plbg & f ixt. 49 --- The Boeing Company Bldg 421, Col 28-29 " it It M 0450 --- K. R. Hake 511 Airport Way Itit 51 --- Stan Witsoe 11016 115th S.E. Install gas furnace 52 --- Walley Gustman 1417 "1" St " 53 --- Dale Crampton 325 - 13th St S " SEWER PERMITS No 259 --- Carpenter's Union 731 Burnett Ave N Setaer service No 260 --- Mrs Cowan 905 "L" St " " 261 --- M. Belmondo 11021. - 116th S.E. " 262 --- Cortina Corporation 2445 10th P1 N " 263 --- Glen Ford 221 Park Ave N " 264 --- Nick Andrews 2107 10th Place N " No 265 --- Parking Investors Pelly & 6th Ave N " 66 --- Mr. Dedicolzuane 13611 S.E. 116th St " —5— 2,5" RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. November 20, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Black River Quarry invoice in sum of $46,339.48 for fill at the new fire training site CITY ENGINEER Petition from Stanley E. Chapple et al requesting vacation of portion of South 128th ...� Street between 90th Avenue South and Rainier Avenue LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE 19,575.00 appropriation from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 for underground electrical supply to new city hall site $10,000.00 appropriation from Current Fund excess revenues and establishing Urban Arterial Fund to contain same Adopting revision in R-2 zoning height restriction $15,000.00 appropriation into Fire Department Account for additionalfm at fire training site. Appropriation of excess Waterworks Utility Funds into Water Maintenance Accounts to maintain proper account balances for remainder of the year MEETINGS AND EVENTS: December 11, 1967 - Public Hearing on appeal of Board of Adjustment decision (J. David Jensen Property) December 11, 1967 - Opening of Bids - 1968 supply of waterpipe, meters, valves and appurtenances December 18, 1967 - Public Hearing on Petition for vacation of portion of "J" Street December 4 - 9th - Brush & Pallet Guild Christmas Showcase at Kent West Mall , C 7' i . 2� RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. November 20, 1967 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Hulse, Schellert, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry and Delaurenti. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the absent Council Members be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, .... City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, James Ashurst, Asst. Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort,Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of November 13th be approved as recorded. Perry inquired of the City Attorney whether the six Councilmen present constituted a quorum. City Attorney Shellan advised that since one Councilman was deceased and the regular Council was comprised of eleven members, six would constitute a majority needed for the quorum. The motion to approve the previous minutes carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Petition was read from Stanley E . Chapple et al, requesting the vacation of portion of South 128th Street between 90th Avenue South and Rainier Avenue South. The petition was signed by 14 property owners of record and the $100.00 fee was paid to the City Clerk.when the document was filed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the City Engineer to check validity of signature ownerships. Carried. Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, requested, on behalf of the Park Board, that the Revocable Permit granted the Renton Sailing Club, Inc. now be terminated so that construction development of the Lake Washington Beach Park may proceed and progress expeditiously and in an orderly manner. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request of the Park Board. Letter from Harry Fletcher requested,on behalf of the Renton Merchants' Association, permission to hold a "Santa Claus Parade" Friday, at 12:00 noon, November 24th, to commence at 3rd and Shattuck and continue to 2nd Street and Wells Ave. So. The Police and Fire Departments have been contacted and have approved the parade. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse to concur and permission be granted. Carried. Letter from Fire Chief Walls submitted and recommended for payment an invoice for work completed to date by Black River Quarry at the new Fire Department Training site in sum of $46,339.48. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pedersen, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from J. David Jensen, appealed decision of the Board of Adjustment in denial of Variance No. 6092 on property located on 132nd Ave. S.E. South of 7th Avenue ?forth. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that December 11th be set for hearing on the appeal. Carried. Letter from the Renton Civitan Club, Stan Eggers, Vice-President, requested No-Fee Permit to sell fruitcake in the City of Renton from November 24th to December 24th, 1967. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the Permit as requested. The motion carried. Letter from the Renton Jr. Women's Club requested permit to place containers in local businesses to collect money for Dr. Pat Smith's Montagnard Hospital in Kontum, Viet Nam, submitted by Mrs. Gerald R. Hill, 14504 S.E. 114th P1., Renton. Moved by Hulse, and seconded by Delaurenti that the request be granted. The motion carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, requested appropriation of excess revenues in the Water Maintenance Fund into account 7120/302, $4,500.00; 7120/303, $500.00; 7120/315 $4,000.00; 7120/417, $3,000.00 to maintain proper accounting balances for the remainder of this year. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution. Carried. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-20-67 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) Letter from Mayor Custer reported transfers of funds within the budget classes for the period from September 29th through October 30th, 1967, as required by City of Renton Resolution No. 1232: From Building Maintenance Account 1800/306, unto 314, $500.00; From City Clerk Acct. 1400/402 unto 308, $450.00 and 507, $35.00; and unto 507, $20.00; From City Treasurer Account 1500/403 unto 306, $8.69; From Police Adm. 2100/417 unto 325, $6.67; Unto Purchasing 1560/504 unto 402, $178.00. Concurrence of the Council is not required. Letter from the BRVsh & Pallet Guild, Leola G. Chucci, President, invited the Mayor and Council to attend a Gala Christmas Showcase at Kent West Mall, W. Valley Hwy. and Meeker Street, Kent, Washington, December 4 - 9, 1967 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., funds to be raised for a Gallery to serve the Green River Valley areas. Report was read from the Joint Committee on Highways, State of Washington outlining information regarding assistance to certain cities and counties for the Highway Classification and Needs Study , All requests for assistance to be made directly to Mr. Joe Thornton, State-Aid Division, Wn. Dep't. of High-ays, Olympia, Wash. 98501, or to any District State Aid Engineer. Attendance at the November District meeting was urged. The City Clerk reported receiving copy of the Catalog of Federal Assistance Programs, which is produced by the Office of Economic Opportunity and distributed by the Bureau of Governmental Research and Services which will be on file in the City Clerk's Office. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, requested authorization to advertise for bids on the City's 1968 supply of waterpipe, meters, valves and appurtenances. December 11th was recommended for opening of the bids. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to authorize the bid call and concur in the bid opening date. Carried. The 1967 First Annual Report of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission was submitted to the Mayor and City Cc�ncil and transmittal letter from Chairman Randall Rockhill was read noting completion of three years as an advisory group to the Mayor and City Council and outline of accomplishments and projected needs to adequately fill the cultural and artistic aspects with respect to its role in the City of Renton. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Pro Tem Garrett reported recommendation of the Committee of the Whole that the Council authorize and refer to proper Committee the expenditure of up to $15,000.00 for additional fill at the new fire station site. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Mayor Custer noted that the present Contractor is willing to continue the work at the same price as was bid and it was felt that this would be most advantageous to the City rather than to wait until the training area has been developed and the fill having to be placed around it at maybe a greater cost. The motion carried. The Committee of the Whole recommended that Council approve and refer to the Law and Ordinance Committee the matter of expenditure of $19,575.00 for undergrounding of the electrical supply to the City Hall site. The expenditure is included in next years budget, however, with the building program at present it is felt that it would be more eennomical for the City to go ahead with the project at this time. It was recommended that moneys from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 be used and repayment from the 1968 budget. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the City Hall Building Committee, reported that the new city hall construction schedule is about six weeks behind, three weeks being attributed to scheduling of equipment, two weeks because of some additional excavation needed, a stump removal and fill in preparation for the foundation, and one week due to weather and not being able to put men up on the steel metalwork because of the hard rains. The -- foundation and first floor are now in place and the schedule should be adhered to hence- forth, Councilman Schellert, Chairman.of the Planning Committee, recalled referral of Planning Commission recommendation that the R-2 zoning classification be amended to increase the height limit from 22 to 25 ft. and building structures be increased from one story to two stories and the Committee recommended approval of the revision. It was noted by Mayor Custer that a single family dwelling could be built to a higher height than the duplex in R-2, the dwelling limit being two story and 35 ft. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried,. Perry Opposed. Moved by Schellert; seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried, Moved by Schellert., seconded by Hulse, that December 11th be set for hearing on this major change in the R-2 zoning classification. Carried , -2- i 28 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-20-3967 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: Cont.) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the matter of funding for underground project at the civic center site be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary legislation to effect the funding. Councilman Schellert reported that the Planning Committee -had considered referral of request from developers of Tiffany Park #2 that the platting fees be waived Facts were .noted that ,the. fees. had .been paid once but the. time had expired due to an .over- sight on the. part of the developers in getting the .project commenced and that- 7 acres of property are to be dedicated for a park site. which the Park Board feels would .be of significant value., to the community. Moved by Garrett, secondedi ' by .Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. . Perry inquired whether this parcel was swamp land... Discussion ensued" rega,rding' the fill to be required and Plattor is to provide culvert and fill to city specifications and Park Director Coulon reported that the area is one of the park sites projected on the .community facilities plan. The platting fees amountto approxi- mately $800.00 and .it was estimated that the, culvert and drainage estimates of cost are between $12,000.00 and $15,000.00 and there is actually no requirement .that a park be dedicated as. noted by .Planning Director Ericksen who added that fill and grading will „ be required but, that much of .the problem..will be alleviated by the culvert and"connection to the existing culvertgoing ,through 'iffany Park #l. Much of the,drainage problem actually comes from:an ar.ea. outside of the city.. .;City. Attorney .Shellan advised that the waiver should be conditional on 1. that the drainage the be. installed. under' the supervision of the:Ci..ty_Engineer and Street Commissioner; 2. any conveyance made shall be by Warranty Deed with title insurance furnished to the Council. Perry suggested, 'referral of the matter to the Park Board however, it, was noted that they had aprr6vedj and it was moved by Garrett with consent of second,that-the original.motion to concur include provisions" as'suggested by the City Attorney. 'Question was called for and'.the "motion was voted upon and carried. Perry opposed. New'Business: Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, reported approvel by his committee of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 714 through 779 and moved that the City Council approve same for payment at this time. The. motion was seconded by Schellert and carred. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 714 - 742 $ 52,311.21 Street Fund 743 - 746 6,339.35 Cedar River M. & I, 747 16.25 Equipment Rental 748 - 754 509.32 Library 755 13.47. Parks 756 - 760 3,3"1-3.89 Water Works Utility 761 - 774. 8,758.96 Airport 775 - 776. 141.69 Firemen's Pension'Fund 777 - 779 17.50 $ 71,481.64 Councilman Hulse inquired regarding status of the "Workable Plan" application for fund grant and Mayor Custer advised that it may not be re-certified dependent upon whether we are.going to have ,a house to house survey and whether we are going to undertake it in, a manner acceptable to the .H.U-D.. office and if we. do we..may..be certified." No official notice has been received from San Francisco where the planrl was submitted. It was noted that some private "builders wish to construct ,low.income housing and' the question is whether 'the .housing authority of the city wi-shes to par,- ticipate in such a problem .tiut without approval. of the workable plan no funds will be made available .to the area. Discussion entailed income limitations. of persons, being discussed with respect to .$9,400.00 Limit' and actual salary of some families who are unable to'.find housing they can afford.in the area. Councilman Schellert report ed,regarding referral "to the Ways and Means Committee of funding for the North 3rd '- North 4th Street one-way couplet project, that the legislature has set up the Urban Arterial Board with new rules for-method-of funding and that the City has been allocated $67,000,00 for the right-o.f-way and acquisition.for this major arterial and it appears thata new fund .must be established and $10,000.00 will be required to begin .the construction.. As work progresses the City will submit reports and be rein nursed accordingly, however the $10,000.00 must be appropriated at. this time from excess revenues in the Current Fund. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to adopt the Ways and -Means. Committee report.with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee .for necessary Ordinance. Carried. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council 11-20-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Perry, Law and Ordinance Committee Member, submitted proposed Resolution fixing the date of December 18th, 1967 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, as the time and place for public hearing on petition for the vacation of a portion of "J" Street. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 1502 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted proposed Resolutio:z of the City of Renton authorizing transfer of $2,200.00 From Cumulative Reserve Fund #1689 into Park Department Account 6120/604, Capital Outlay which was read by the Clerk. Funds to make payment to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation in connection with grant for improvements of Lake Wn. Beach Park. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1503 ... as read. Carried , Proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of $247.62 from Cumulative Fund 1975 unto Library Account 5000/6065 Capital Outlay to purchase certain furniture needed in the Renton Public Libtary. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1504 as read, Carried. The Committee submitted proposed Emergency Ordinance to be placed on first reading only, declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating $15,00000 unto Fire Department Account 2200/602, Capital Outlay, Fire Station Site Development. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Com- mittee pending proper publication and public hearing on November, 27th. Carried. Audience Comment was invited at this time and Mr. Fred Miller, speaking as taxpayer and a member of a lural fire district questioned the $46,339.48 and $15,000.00 expenditures for fill at the new fire training site, inquiring as to cost of the site and matter of a site having been offered within a few blocks of the present site without cost. Mayor Custer advised that the Council had been asked the same questions at the Committee of the Whole meeting. It was noted that the City had desired to purchase 5.7 acres of property but that the owners would not release the back portion unless the whole parcel was purchased and condemnation would result in even greater cost; the property had been appraised at $10,000.00 to $14,000.00 per acre and we are approaching the $14,000.00 per acre cost.with fill-appraised price does not include fill. The present site was approved by the Survey and Rating Bureau and would bring more advantage to the entire area while the site offered by Mr. Gottstein was felt to be more to the good of the Longacres area and it was felt that the purchase as made was in the best interest of the City and within market price, The Committee had determined that the -fill should be secured now and with the road into the site to be prepared and drainage and water problems the Council has given much thought to the matter before making its determina- tion Mr. Richard Stredict.e noted that when audience comment was made at the public hearing regarding Puget Sound Franchise there was mention that stateruents tzothe Council should have been made earlier prior to the hearing which was being done in this instance, noting in agreement with Mr. Miller that the cost seemed great especially when the free site was within six blocks which difference he did not feel the Survey and Rating Bureau would pick individual lots. Mayor Custer pointed out that the Bureau was shown the other site and suggested aga-i-7-t �t and they suggested another site. Mr. Robinson, 1019 Q Street, inquired whether the $15,000.00 would be enough to complete the fill, and it was reported by Pro Tem President Garrett that it was enough, Mayor Custer adding that the 95¢ delivered price was being extended for the additional fill and it was felt to be in the best interest of the taxpayer to finish the fill now as opposed to waiting and picking it up in the future at possible greater cost, or to use the site with less that, adequate fill. It will depend on the settling but it is felt that filling a foot over the level may result in a few inches excess which can be moved off into the street area, attention being called to the fact that some dirt was received gratis. Mayor Custer advised that the new training site will contribute to raising the City's Fire rating from Class 4 to Class 3. Mr. Roger Burgess of Cascade Vista, Member of Fire District 40 noted that the training tower is a requirement for reclassification,and Mayor Custer added that the tower is a most .important single item, .but-a site is also needed. Tom Teasdale inquired regarding petition for crosswalk at Talbot Road and Grady Way. Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett advised that the matter is in Committee, cost of signal installation being investigEted. Petitioners will be advised as soon as study is completedsurvey indicating that few persons use the crossing in its present state. As there was no further business to come before fhe Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. There were 28 visitors in the Council Chambers. D. W. Custer, Mayor -4- Jelson, City Clerk a 11-20-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS N0� AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0572 20,000.00 R. S. Shane 11650 S.E. 100th St Single family resid. 73 267000.00 Robert Larson 2000 Roll. Hills PI SE Single fam. residence 74 2,000.00 Transport Storage 700 Houser Way Add'n to building B 0575 750.00 Gordon A. Pritchard 436mith s AveS er South Remodel ceiling/walls 76 21,500.00 Robinson & Lyon Ford 750 Rainier Avenue S Grading ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0391 25.00 Gerald M. Neisinger 104 Rainier Avenue Wire Service 92 250.00 Simon Bolstead 514 N. Williams 93 398.00 Gambriell Construction 1216 Morris Avenue 94 21800.00 Salvation Army 65 Williams E 0395 1,000.00 Seattle Lbr. Company 8600 S 153rd 96 --- L & 14 Construction 10633 111th Pl S E " 97 --- Harry E. Livers 251 Sunset Blvd N " 98 --- Robert R. PP. ty 351 S. 13 St 99 --- Catalina Homes 12301 - 132nd Ave S E " E 0400 --- Bell & Valdez 1925 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 01 --- Elmer Morasch 403 N. Wells 02 2,098.00 Gordon Adderson 15025 - 72nd Ave S " 03 266.00 Humble Oil Company 600 Grady Way " 04 --- The Boeing Company 10.30 Elec, MECHANICAL PERMMITS Ni 0454 --- James E. Snible 631 Morris Avenue S Plumbing & fixt. M 0455 --- Gordon Anderson 15025 77th Ave S Itto 56 --- John 1-% Butler 2117 - 8th Ave North Space heater 57 --- Harold holey 448 "I" St Plumbing & fixt. 58 --- Elmer Morasch 401 Wells Ave N It 11 59 --- 47. Fisler 8905 - 131st k-ve S Install gas furnacr� M 0460 --- W. Fisler 420 Cedar Ave " .. it 61 --- Warren Lindell 1228 Morris Ave S Install plbg & fixt. 62 --- "" .. 10021 Renton Ave S " it " 63 --- C. Thelander 514 Mill Ave ,8 gas furnace 64 --- Big "C" Stores 705 Rainier Ave S 9-unit heater M 0465 --- Carpenter"s Union #1797 231 Burnett Ave N heating unit SEWER PER14ITS No 267 --- Evergreen Terrace 3018 13th Place N Sewer connection 63 --- '• .. 13-2 3024 13t1t 21 to .. 69 --- -5 3054 13th 21 :1 •' ::0 270 --- -6 3057 13th '1 11 to it 71 --- " „ A-3 3030 13th 21 1: it .. 72 --- .._t:. 3036 13th 21 is 11 •' 73 --- to -� 3051 13th 111 " It 74 --- " A-7 3045 13th 21 11 •' •, i:o 275 --- " -3 3042 13th el i1 to If 76 --- "-4 3043 13th 21 11 to 77 --- A-2 3016 lath 21 A " 78 __` " •' A-2 3021 l3th 21 1 „ 79 --- X,, 3027 13th i'1 :1 " •' ::o 280 --- :Tines Construction 12810 - 90th .',ve " ' ? f RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. November 27, 1967 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Appeal by Harry B. Morrison of Building and Planning 1epartment denial of Certificate of Occupancy to repair cars in garage in R-1 District. CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim from Alva Long on behalf of Max R. Martin concerning water damage in basement of residence after water meter installation PUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final Estimate due General Pipeline Construction Co. in sum of $4,686.04 on Windsor Hills Pump Station Tie Line, C.AG. 1198-67 Olson-Richert & Associates Invoice for architectural design of Liberty Park Grandstand, $8,058.40 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Appropriation of $15,000.00 for additional fill at new fire training site (Ord. 2372) Transfer of Street Maintenance Department Funds to balance street blacktopping accounts Vacation of portion of South 128th Street between 90th Ave. So. and Rainier Ave. So. Appropriatinn of $19,575.00 from Current Fund excess revenues into City Hall Construction Fund for undergrounding electrical supply to new city hall site MEETINGS AND EVENTS: December 9, 1967 - City Employees Christmas Party at Carpenters Hall at 6:30 p.m. December 11,1967 - Opening of Bids - 1968 Legal Publications December 14, 1967 - School for new Mayors and Councilmen sponsored by Assn. of Wn. Cities - Sheraton Motor Inn, Seattle 32 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 27, 1967 8:00 P,M_ Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL_CALL OF_COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, 121aur<:a-i,LPoli and Morris. 077 ICIALS AND DEPARTMENT_ HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson City Clerk Dorothea Gossett City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon E:ricksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, :Tack Jones, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, and Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of November 20, 1967 be approved as prepared by the City Clerk. Councilman Perry requested an addition on Page 3, regarding discussion of waiver of Tiffany Park ##2 Platting Fees and the park area to be acquired in connection with the development, asking that his comments be included "that this was swampland, 7 acres, and it would probably cost as much to fill as the land purchased for the 3rd fire station site, and noting also emission of his inquiry if the Committee had been to the area and taken a look at it, and the reply." He felt it would cost $50,000.00 to $60,000.00 to fill; that they were not aware of the fill needed when the fire station site was purchased and that they should now go through with that, but he questioned the acquisition here when they knew it would be costly to fill. Moved by Schellert, that the minutes be amended to show the fill would cost $60,000.00. The motion died for lack of second. Question was called for on the original motion to approve the minutes which carried with Perry opposing. Mayor Custer pointed out that all that is probably required to be in the Minutes is the item before the Council and action taken, only certain items required to be recorded in full, and that all comments of necessity are not put in, the City Clerk having to make such determination. If the Council wishes an addition an amendment to the motion would be in order but comments are not .-Omitted purposely, but as necessity. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Garrett, that the absent Councilmen and Councilwoman be excused. The motion carried. Announcement was made that the Association of Washington Cities is sponsoring a one-day School for New Mayors and Councilmen at 8:45 a.m. on December 14th at the Sheraton Motor Inn, 400 N..E� 45th, Seattle (next to the freeway near the University of Washington) The Association requested to know how many would be attending and card was attached to be returned by the City Clerk. Mayor Custer added that not only new Councilmen could attend but that encumbents were also welcome. Please advise Mrs. Nelson if you are able to attend. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Emergency Ordinance appropriating $15,000.00 for fill at new fire Training Site This being the date set, the public hearing was declared open. City Clerk Nelson advised that- the matter of funding will be brought up later in the hearing and that there were no written communications regarding the matter. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Court North, called attention to the fact that the school districts have been calling every year for a special levy and the City for the last two or three years has been adopting emergency ordinances which in fact he did not feel were emergencies,, i'he City bought this property for $30,500.00 and he could not see that the City bought i not knowing that fill would be required before it could be built upon, the City having Engineering Department and the Council a Property Committee and he did not believe they would not say at the time of purchase that fill would be required and how much. An emergency ordinance was passed to put lights in the ball park, money was put up for a grandstand and money was transferred from one thing to another and last week when this was brought up he asked why this was an emergency; why we had to spend $15,000.00 more and h e did not think the answer indicated the expenditure would be an emergency. There were no further audience comments and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Poli, that the heating be declared closed. The motion carried. The hearing was declared closed. -1- 33 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11-27-67 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont.) Appropriating $15,000.00 for fill at fire training site It was noted that a proposed Ordinance is in Committee and would be presented later under that order of business. Councilman Schellert reported Ways and Means Committee recommendation that the money be funded from excess revenues in the Current Fund on the assumption that the State will be forwarding allocation prior to the end of the year and if that does not come about then it is recommended that the proposal to borrow from the Firemen's Pension Fund be accepted. Moved by Schellert, to refer the matter of the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee for presentation under Ordinances and Resolutions. Carried. COMMUNICAT IONS: Letter was read from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitting and recommending for payment, final estimate of $4,686.04 due General Pipeline Construction Company on C.AG. 1198-67 Windsor Hills Pump Station Tie Line. It was recommended that Council accept the project as of this date with commencement of the 30 day lien period, retained amount of $520.67 to be released thereafter if no liens or claims are filed against the project. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendations, accepting the improvement commencing the lien period with payment being referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. The motion carried. Invoice from Olson, Richert & Associates was read covering architectural services rendered in design of the Liberty Park Grandstand, now 807. complete. The fee is based upon 7% of the basic bid plus alternates, $203,900.00 which work is now 807, completed. Amount due this estimate, $85058.40. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and AccountingCommitteefor recommendation. The motion carried. Letter from Victor TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested fund transfer in sum of $1,400.00 from Street Maintenance Department 3340/417, Material and Supplies, unto 3340/605, Capital Outlay, Structures and Improvements. (Street Functional Account 3300/801, Roads unto 3300/1200) to maintain proper accounting balances in accounts covering blacktopping of 11th Avenue South, Shattuck Street South, Whitworth Street South, Morris Street South and Smithers Street South. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, requested authorization to call for bids for the 1968 legal publications. December 11th was suggested as date for bid opening. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the bid call and opening date. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported regarding Petition for the vacation of portion of South 128th Street, between 90th Avenue South and Rainier Avenue South, that the petition is signed by owners representing 100% of the frontage abutting said street. Moved by Schellrt, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date for hearing. Carried. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recom- mendation to approve the Preliminary Plat of Tiffany Park No. 2, Appl. PP-420-67 which property is located North of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline right-of-way and Northeast of Tiffany Park Plat. Total area is 125 acres with existing zoning G7200; proposed use is single family residential, also the designation in the Comprehensive Plan, 267 single family lots, a 7 acre park and 10 acre school site are planned. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Carried. Letter from Alva C. Long, Attorney at Law, submitted Claim, on behalf of Max C. Martin, Sr., 408 - 11th Ave. South, for water damage in basement of residence resulting when water meter was installed. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer the claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. Notice was read from the Wn. Utilities and Transportation Commission submitting Order Granting extension of time in which to answer Petition of City of Renton for authority Y to cross the Northern Pacific Railwav tracks at 87th Avenue South. Order extended the time for the Railway Company to answer to January 19, 1968 in view of a number of matters to be settled between the petitioner and respondent. Letter from Mr. Harry B. Morrison, 330 Stevens Street, appealed decisions of the Planning and Building Departments in denying a certificate of occupancy to do light auto repair in his garage. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Board of Adjustment. The motion carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council meeting 11-27-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Mayor Custer and City Clerk Nelson recalled Council action of last week in authorizing emergency Ordinance to appropriate money into the City Hall Construction Fund for underground wiring facilities at the new City Hall site, said amount to con- stitute a loan from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 (Acquisition and Development of Park Sites), to be repaid from the 1968 Budget. Such action if pursued will require passing a Resolution to authorize the loan, and an Emergency Ordinance to appropriate the money, requiring two publications and public hearing, and a Resolution in 1968 to adjust the Budget accordingly, some great time and money involved in the necessary transactions. For a better method, it was suggested that the $19,575.00 could be funded through a transfer of funds from excess revenues in the Current Fund into the City Hall Construction Fund by a single Resolution, eliminating the otherwise numerous procedures. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to reconsider the Council action of last week in regard to funding of the underground wiring. Carried. Ti.� mcti6n was reconsidered to loan Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 in sum of $19,575.00 for undergrounding electrical supply to the new city hall site with repayment from the 1968 Budget, and declared lost. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in suggestion of the Mayor and City Clerk and fund the underground wiring project from excess revenues in the Current Fund, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Letter from Randall Rockhill, Chairman, Municipal Arts Commission, advised that the Commission is still vitally interested in beautification of the area around the new City Hall and in this regard would like to lend its full support to the concept of underground wiring in and around the Civic Center complex. Letter from Terry Bartley, Recording Secretary, Renton City Employees Club, invited the Mayor and Ccuncil and guest to attend the annual Christmas dinner and dance at the Carpenters Hall, 231 Burnett Avenue North, commencing at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 9, 1967, Letter from the Renton Jaycees requested permission to extend four decorative garlands over South Third Street in downtown Renton in conjunction with the Christmas decorations project, to be removed after New Years. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concu in the request with execution of usual Hold Harmless Agreement and installation to be under supervision of the Street Commissioner. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, submitted Committee recommendation that the Grandstand Contract be amended to conform to bid award, contract amount not yet incorporating the entire project as finally authorized. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Auditing and Accounting Committee recommendation concerning amendment to the Liberty Park Grandstand Contract. Carried. New Business: Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the City Hall Building Committee, submitted Committee report recommending that low bid of Keith Parks, submitted as an alternate in the General Contractor's Bid, be accepted in sum of $28,772.00, money for which has been included in the 1968 Budget. Alternates include Gl, G25 G3, G4, G5 and G6. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the recommendation of the City Hall Building Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, reported approval by the Committee of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 780 through 841, and moved that the City Council approve same for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows:. PRO Current Fund 780 - 801 and 841 $: 5,056.83 r� Arterial Street 802 14.54 City Street Fund 803 - 810 6,654.27 Equipment Rental 811 - 8.12 9.75 Parks 813 - 823 8,684.70 Water Works Utility 824 - 832 8,476.55 Airport 833 - 834 176.68 Firemen's Pension Fund 835 - 840 12385.20 $30,458.52 -3- a ! l A Renton City Council Meeting Minutes (Cont.) 11-27-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman -Morris, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton which had been placed on first reading on November 20th, now submitted for second and final reading, declaring that an emergency exists and appropriat- ing monies for the purpose of providing funds for the Fire Department, Fire Station Site development, necessitated by such emergency. Public hearing was held earlier in the evening. Appropriation in sum of $15,000.00 authorized unto Fire Department Account No. 2200/602, Capital Outlay, as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to adopt Ordinance No. 2372 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all 9 Council Members "�.. present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, amending Section 10-111 of (A) of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, relating to permits for parades, processions or assemblies, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. It was noted, upon inquiry, that the City at present has no regulatory Code provisions and many other cities have such an Ordinance and with matters having come before the Police Department Chief Williams felt the Ordinance would be to the City's advantage and now recommended its passage. The pending motion was carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2374 as read. The roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution of the City appropriating funds from excess revenues in Waterworks Fund unto Water Maintenance Fund 7120, to-wit: Account 302, $4,500.00; 303, $500.00; 315, $4,000.00; 417, $3,000.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Resolution No. 15CS as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution was presented authorizing appropriation of Current Fund excess revenues in sum of $19,575.00 unto City Hall Construction Fund #9600, Underground Wiring, City Hall site, which was read by the City Clerk. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1506 as read. The motion carried. As there was no audience comment, nor fuxthex business to come before the Council, it was moved by Del.aurenti, .and seconded by Poli, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ' r Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. uster, Mayor -4- 36 11 m27-ea PERMITS L&SUD 54 TRL MTY 80IEZ149 +bio THOINRERING DEP.A.RTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0577 1,979.00 Harry Black 13164 .$&h Ave S` Addition to living room 78 181000.00 Gambriell Conctruetioat 614 - 12th Ave S New residence 79 18,000.00 " It 613 - 12th Ave S " " B 0580 --- Pearl & Patricia Ank 11416 S.E. 108th It It 81 --- Union Oil Company 13205 Sunset Blvd E Erect illuminated signs 82 280.00 John Malgarini 3518 - 8th Ave N Fence 83 ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0405 50.00 Harry Black 13160 - 86th Ave S Wire service 06 250.00 George Hughes 2711 - 13th Ave N " " 07 --- The Boeing Company Renton Village Wire service MECHANICAL PERMITS H 0466 --- Warren Lindell 10633 - 111th P1 S.E. Plumbing & fixtures 67 --- Grineli Fosnaugh 10819 - 108th S.E. Space heater 68 --- Sternoff 7430 S. 180th Plumbing & fixtures 69 --- Robert Petty 313 - 13th S M 0470 --- Robert Petty 319 - 13th Ave S " 71 --- Gambriell Construction 523 - 12th Ave S " 72 --- The Boeing Company J-2N, Bldg 10-55 Relocate 2 drink. fountains 73 --- Baxter Pole Company 7635 Lake Wash. Blvd Install saPti.0 tants _ 74 --- Big "C" Stores, Inc, 717-729 Rainier Ave S PZuing & fixtures M 0475 --- F. R. McAbee 65 Williams Ave It " 76 --- The Boeing Company Eereton Village Alteration of air-coedit. SEWER PERMITS .,o 281 --- caultna Homes 12301 - 132nd S.E, Sewer service 82 12325 - 132nd S.E. " 83 _-- 12319 - 132nd S.E. " 84 --- " 12313 - 132nd S.E. No 285 22307 232nd S.E. " } RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. December 4, 1967 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #17 due Johnston, Campanella & Murakami, Architecttural service on new City Hall to 11-30-67 per Contract Agreement 1014-66, $1,487.43 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Seating arrangement of the City Council Library request for appropriation of excess Library funds into the Library Budget Appointment of Mr. Wm. G. Snyder to Renton Fire Department Civil Service Commission To consider revisions to Code, Ch. 5, Sec. 1-501, 1-502 relating to election of Council President and term of office To consider revision of Ordinance 2097, Chapter 6 of the Code to establish new Council Committee appointing powers CITY ENGINEER Agreement from State Highway Department conveying ownership to Renton of South 153rd Street, access road to East Valley Hwy. Petition for vacation of portion of 102nd Place S.E. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Vacating portion of 91st Avenue South - subject to retention of utility easements and costs to i of appraisal Sign Permit Ordinance for possible revision regarding authority to approve Permits Final Plat - Powells First Addition to Renton Transfer of funds between Buildr-ag Department Accounts to cover cost of installing radio equipment POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE and*POLICE CHIEF Application for license to operate music machine at Covey Bros. *Hokanson request for Council consent to Incorporation and license transfer of Renton Yellow Cab Co. and Radio Cab Company PROPERTY COMMITTEE Appraisal of portion of 91st Avenue as per Petition for vacation MEETINGS AND EVENTS: December 18, 1967 - Opening of Bids on 1968 Legal Publications January 8, 1968, Public Hearing on appeal of Planning Commission denial of Interl= Construction Co. Preliminary Plat January 8, 1968 - Public Hearing on Petition for vacation of portion of So. 128th S_ Y � RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 4, 1967 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. bhellan, City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Bldg. Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, that the Minutf.s of the previous meeting of November 27th be approved as mailed out. The motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse recalled Council action authorizing termination of Revocable Permit granted the Renton Sailing Club, Inc., in order that construction development of the Lake Washington Beach Park might be commenced and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, that the Club be granted a 30-day extension to comply with vacating terms of the Permit, hardship otherwise resulting to conform. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Hulse reported Committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 842 through 942, and moved that the Council accept same for payment at this time. (Including payment to Olson-Richert & Associates which had been held for amendment of the Contract amount). The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 842 - 890 $ 16,213.66 Street Fund 891 - 896 28,625.20 Cedar River M. & I. 897 98.54 Equipment Rental 898 - 901 836.07 Parks 902 - 917 & 942 12,840.29 Water Works Utility 918 - 935 �cS;7f Airport 936 - 940 1,307.77 City Hall Construction 941 1,487.43 $ 86,710%4,2 Mayor Custer at this time,in- first recognition of services of elected officials, presented Community Service Award Certificates to the outgoing Council Members, Bruce Hulse, Jeanette Dahlquist, Glen Gianini, Henry Pedersen and Dan Poli, for five years and upwards of service. Each Member expressed thanks, noting fulfillment of duty for love of City, expressing pride in accomplishment, citing tribulations making service at times a doubtful privilege, and- condescending that all in all, it was in fact an educational and rewarding experience. Letter from the King County Auditor's Office was read. Mr. Edward J. Logan, Deputy Auditor and Supt. of Elections, certified that on November 7, 1967 elections were held in the City of Renton the results of which were duly canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board of Election Returns on November 22nd,to-wit: Council 4 year term Bob Wray 2,035 Thomas R. Edwards, Elected 2,046 Kenneth Bruce, Elected 2,128 Henry C. Pedersen 1,829 Louis Barei, Elected 2,893 Charles F. Shane, Elected 2,229 Dan Poli 1,343 Bruce T. Hulse 2,002 Bill Grant, Elected 2,582 Paul Maxin, Elected 2,627 Charles Hamlin 1,404 Glen C. Gianini 1,515 Total Vote 4,667 Municipal Judge, Paul Houser, administered the Oath of Office to five of the new Council Members, Councilman Shane to arrive later in the meeting, and the Councilmen assumed their places at the Council table. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-4-67 ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Barei, Maxin, Schellert, Grant, Bruce, Edwards Garrett, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. PUBLIC HEARING: Petition for vacation of portion of 91st Avenue South This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication fwim City Engineer Wilson reported no objection to the vacation action provided that utility easements ten feet in width are retained over existing water and sewer lines and over the West ten ft. of the east 24 ft. of the South 60 ft. of the proposed vacation for a water line proposed in Project No. 255. The balance of this street to the North has previously been vacated by Ordinance No. 1645 and the existing portion would serve .... no purpose other than as a right-of-way for utilities. Two properties adjoining abut South 128th Street which is adequate access to the area. City Engineer Wilson had submitted drawings of the proposed vacation to each Council Member and,designating the area on the large wall map,noted the area involved to be 200 ft. long and 60 ft. wide. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be declared closed. The hearing was closed and Council action invited. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, that the vacation be granted with retention of utility easements as outlined by the City Engineer. It was noted that this was the first right-of-way vacation considered since the new session laws were passed, which provide for filing fee and allows assessment of a fee in amount which shall not exceed one-half of the appraised value, and perhaps the Council should consider whether to have an appraisal and charge the abutting owners. Perry noted no objection, in dicating no fee other than filing fee of $100.00 was to be charged. Morris recalled Committee of the Whole decision that determination would be made regarding appraisals after the public hearing and that now is the time for a decision. Barei stated it to be fair and just and for the good of the City that an appraisal be made and that the property owner would be benefitting by getting the land for - of the appraisal and the City as well by receiving the funds as provided by the 1967 State Law. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, that the motion be amended to make the vacation subject to appraisal and payment as per provision of the session laws. The amendment to the motion carried and subsequently the original motion as amended to grant the vacation with retention of utility easements and subject to appraisal & costs provided by law. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti,that the subject of appraisal on the property be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of the Ordinance for the vacation of the street be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Barei inquired whether the action taken has set a precedent and it was noted that this may not be true, Trimm pointing out that in some instances an appraisal may cost the city more than the property is worth so each case must be reviewed and its own individual circumstances considered. COMMUNICATIONS: Progress estimate No. 17 payable to Johr.9ton, Campanella, Murakami & Co. was read for services rendered on the new City Hall contract, C.AG. 1014-66 in sum of $1,487.43. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. (To 11-30-67 Application from Covey Bros., 3rd & Morris, requested that Canteen Service, Inc. be granted required license to operate a music machine in said place of business. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letters from the Water Pollution Control Commission aid the Wn. State Highway Commission approved City of Rentnn plans and specifications for proposed L.I.D. No. 256, Sanitary Sewer Extensions in the Kennydale area. Upon inquiry by Barei, it was noted that no project has been instituted in the area at present, but that this is a proposed Local Improvement District for Sanitary Sewers, and the State finds no fault in the plans. Proposed Agreement was submitted providing for reversion of ownership to Renton of access road, South 153rd which connects to the East Valley Highway. The Highway was returned after completion of the freeway and now the access road is being cony?yed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Agreement be referred to the City Engineer for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Beckman, Kuvara & Gooding, Attorneys at Law, appealed, on behalf of Interlake Construction Company, Renton Planning Commission denial of Preliminary Plat approval on property located between S.E. 100th and 104th Streets and 100th and 112th S.E. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that January 8, 1968 be set for hearing. Carried. -2- 40 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting Cont.) 12-4-67 Councilman Shane arrived at this time and called attention to seating chart on the black board in the Mayor's conference room which indicated he would be sitting where Councilman Schellert was now sitting. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin that the matter of the seating arrangement of the Council be referred to the Committee of The Whole. After some discussion regarding the new members desire to all sit on one side, W anoosse preference had been asked,Mayor Custer noted this had been extended the other Councilmen upon their election, and after further comment regarding the fact that courtesy had not been extended in securing Councilman Schellert's wishes as to whether Hp.vor not he wished to move, the pending motion -� Moved by Grant, seconded by �, Barei, that the Council at this time observe the seating arrangement as posted in the UMayor's conference room and that Councilmen Schellert and Shane take their places n: Z accordingly. Objection was registered by Councilman Schellert it being felt that as U incumbent he should not be required to move from his regular seat. It was mentioned that no objection ha been registered heretofore to the posted arrangement and that Gentlemen's agreement should be observed. Vote was taken on the pending motion and the Chaii ruled negative majority with the motion lost. Roll call vote was requested by at least two Council Members,as required, and results were as follows: Ayes: Barei, Grant, Bruce, Edwards, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Trimm, Maxin, Schellert, Garrett and Perry. The motion carried with six aye votes and five no votes. Upon inquiry as to whether the Council Chair could be filled prior to administration of the Oath of Office, Mayor Custer advised that the position had been certified and the seat could be assumed. Councilman Shane was invited to step forward at this time and Helmie Nelson, City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and seat was assumed at the Council table vacated by Councilman Schellert, Councilman Shane stated that he was late for the opening of the Council meeting as he had to take his boy to the airport as he was leaving for Viet Nam tonight. COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) Petition was read; signed by owners of adjacent properties, requesting vacation of portion of 102nd Place S.E., also known as Garrison Avenue, located in Eldon Acres. City Clerk Nelson reported that the filing fee of $100.00 had been submitted with the petition, filed by Matsen, Cory, Matsen & Sprague, Attorneys at Law on behalf of the property owners. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer to check validity of the signatory ownerships. Carried. Letter from Ryan, Carlson, Bush, Swanson & Hendel, Lawyers, submitted Petition of Mr. FAMN and Mrs. Hokanson, owners of Renton Radio Cab Co. and Renton Yellow Cab. Co, Inc., for consent by the City Council of license transfer pareuant to currentiiaeorporation which sale proposes that all owners shall be stockholders with equal shares.The members of the new Corporation are all holders of City of Renton For-Hire licenses at present ind will continue to operate as drivers after the transfer. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee and Chief of Police for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Jerry Myers, Deputy for Cadets, Civil Air Patrol, requested No-Fee Permit for their non-profit organization to se'I Christmas in Renton from December 5th to 24th. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the Permit as requested. Carried. A letter from the Association of Washington Cities reflected on 1967 accomplishments and anticipated turnout at the annual convention in Spokane, May 15, 16 and 17th, also submitting statement for the 1968 Membership Fee. Moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, that all communications coming in for Council information only be omitted from the Agenda and copies be distributed to each Councilman to read at his leisure. Discussion ensued regarding cost and that the City Clerk compiles the Agenda and is given various items by ' -partment Heads with request to place them on, Morris noting this certain communication as beiig to the interest of the Department Heads the Press and Elected Officials who participate . Moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane, that the motion be amended to include sending copies to the area press media as well as the Council so they might be aware of correspondence that is not going to be read at a public meeting, so that if the public should be aware of the matter they might be. Upon inquiry, City Clerk Nelson advised that the City has always mailed the Minutes to Community Service groups and organizations who have contributed services to the City such as the League of Women Voters, also to Planning Commission Members, the Chamber of Commerce, and copies are available to the public upon request at the City Clerk's office, adding upon inquiry, that if requested and postage were paid, Minutes would be mailed to others. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, that Council Minutes be made available to the public by mail upon request. The Chair ruled the amendment to the amendment in order as itrelates to the subject of communications. After discussion regarding gap in communication„ between the public and government which might be bridged, the amendment to the amendment (regarding public distribution of minutes) was voted upon and carried followed by vote on amendment as amended (furnish copies of material to the press when not on the Agenda), and the Original motion to distribute copies to the Council of material that is for information only and not requiring action. Both carried. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-4-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Mayor Custer, as point of information, advised that the previous action of the Council regarding the distribution of the Minutes, did not clarify whether a charge will be made. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Bruce, that if mailing of the Minutes is requested, charge will be made to cover the postage and if copies are picked up in the City Clerk's office no charge will be assessed, no postage being required. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson recommended that a sign permit be issued to the American Bedding Company to allow an advertising sign to project over the public right-of-way ten feet, sixty percent of the signs in the area presently non-conforming to the 20 ft. setback requirements. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Discussion ensued regarding problems involved and why the Building Director does not have discretion to grant the permits, it I'eing noted that existing Ordinance which may be amended if desired, requires Council approval. The pending motion to grant the permit carried and it was subsequently moved by Grant and seconded by Bruce, that the matter of revision to the sign Ordinance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. (Ordinance 2165) Carried. Letter from Police Chief Williams requested concurrence in the temporary appointment of Mrs. Edith J. Ocker as Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department to fill existing vacancy pending successful passage of the Civil Service Examination within four months of appointment,which must be completed to qualify for a probationary appointment to a permanent positinn. The effective date requested was December 5th. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the appointment as requested by the Chief of Police. Carried. Letter from Mr. Jack Jones, Librarian, requested appropriation of excess revenues received in the Library Fund into the Library Budget Account 5000/606, Capital Outlay in sum of $4,436.03 to purchase necessary machinery and equipment including 20 Carrels to aid in control due to the large student usage @ $1,306.25; heating unit for the Bookmobile room, $731.50; and a Dennison Coin-Operated Copy Machine for library and patron use which cost would be recovered through fee for copys as provided by City Ordinance, $2,398.28. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Brace inquiled as to why heat was not provided in the bookmobile .room an Councilman Barei, former Library Board Member, advised the room was for future use and Cities our..size by State and National standards do not have a branch library but we had inherited one and the bookmobile room- is being used for storage until such time as we get a bookmobile. The pending motion carried. Delaurenti opposed the referral. This room is also used as voting precinct for Precincts 11 and 12) Letter from City Clerk Nelson advised that in order to meet proper publication time requirements it will be necessary that the opening date for the 1968 legal publication bids be advanced from December 11th to December 18th, the original notice having been inadvertently routed to the wrong department of the newspaper. Concurrence in the date for new bid call was requested, the publications to appear on December 7th and 14th. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson advised of election of Mr. Bernard Ruppert, Renton Code Enforcement Officer, to position of Vice-President of the Northwest Chapter of Build- ing Officials. It was requested that the Mayor and Council concur in granting permission to Mr. Ruppert to accomplish the responsible duties of his office with this added responsibility. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the Council send a letter to congratulate Mr. Ruppert on his election. Carried. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted recommendations of the Planning Commission from its public hearing meeting of November 22nd as follows: Final Plat: Powells First Addition to the City of Renton, Appl. FP-431-67, 5 acres located on S.E. 108th Street between 112th and 114th Avenues S.E. Existing zoning G-7200;proposed use is single family residential. The Preliminary Plat was approved by the Planning Commission and City Council and the final plat remains unchanged and meets the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance and approval by the c uncil .... was recommended at this time. Inquiry was made regarding lack of information on the matters to be voted upon and it was noted that the new Council Members will be receiving the Minutes of the Planning Commission meetings henceforth and will thereby be apprised of matters to come before the Council as matter of procedure and Code requirement. Audience comment was invited in regard to the matter of the Final Plat of Powells First Addition and effect of delay in Council action on the matter. Mr. Bob Thomas, associated with Powell Construction advised that a weeks delay would perhaps cause some difficulty since earnest money is involved which carrys stipulation as to when a deal must be consumated and maximum date is very near. Planning Commission Member,• Dick Stredicke noted prior approval of the Plat which is unchanged and it was noted that the Commission vote waG unanimous for approval. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, that with exception of this item,all other Planning Commission recommendations be held for one week.Carried, J Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-4-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Planning Commission Recommendations: Final Plat: Powell's Addition To Renton Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission approving the Final Plat. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for preparation of the proper Ordinance. Carried. Letter from Rodney Griffin requested, on behalf of Wolf Patrol of Troop 464, Boy Scouts of America-, a No-Fee Permit to sell Christmas trees in Renton during the holiday season. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to grant the request. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson requested transfer of $307.23 from Building Depart- ment Account 1800/303, Utility Service, Power, into 1800/606, Capital Outlay, Current Fund, to cover expense of installing radio equipment in the Building Department cars and office. Discussion ensued regarding why funding was neede: at this time and it was explained that funds anticipated had not been adequate, Mr. Johnson noting that existing mobile transmitter unit owned by the City and used for Civil Defense services, had been utilized to allow for future expansion of facilities by other City Departments and the cost was for additional coaxial cable it being felt in making the decision that the City was acquiring additione use of this equipment which would be valuable to the City, and a new unit would not be required. Motion by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution was subsequently carried. APPOINTMENTS: Council Committee Appointments were read at this time and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the Mayor's appointment list be referred to the Committee of the- Whole. heWhole. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. William G. Snyder as a member of the Renton Fire Department Civil Service Commission to fill unexpired term of Louis Delaurenti who recently resigned from the Commission and to ...r replace Mr. Hughes who after appointment finds he cannot fulfill the duty because of business commitments. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. After discussion regarding introduction of the appointee to the Council prior to its taking action, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to refer the appointment to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Chairman Garrett submitted report recommending, along with the Traffic Engineer, Del Bennett, that the request for crosswalk at Talbot Road and South Grady Way be granted. The improvement will include painted crosswalk and the necessary pedestrian signal heads and will be included in the Traffic Engineering construction program for 1968. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, to concur in the report. Carried. New Business: Council President Trimm announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Monday, December 11th at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Shane requested the Council to consider revision of Chapter 5, Section 1-501 and Sec- 1-502, of the City Code, to provide for election of the Council President for a term of six months. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Councilman Shane had read frim the Code and stated he would like to have this in the form of a Resolution and the Chair had not recognized such as a motion and upon indication that it had been such Mayor Custer now allowed fora second which was offered by Barei. Councilman Delaurenti challenged that his motion had been duly seconded and recognized by the Chair',noting that referral to Committee takes precedence over other motions. Parliamentarian, Attorney Shellan, advised that the motion, properly seconded, to refer had been accepted and recognized and Bras stated to 'be properly before the Council at this time. Vote was taken and the motion declared carried. -5- 43 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-4-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business:(Continue:) Councilman Shane referring to Chapter 6, Committees of the Council, of the Code, Section 1, moved that Ordinance No. 2097 be revised and amended to substitute in each instance where appointment by the Mayor is designated, the wording "shall be appointed by the President of the Council and two Members elected from its own ranks by the Council." The motion was seconded by Schellert. Upon inquiry as to how this relates to State Law, City Attorney Shellan advised it was strictly a local matter and not regulated by State Law, noting that legally a Mayor and 12 Councilmen constitute a City Council and reference to the Mayor would need to be eliminated to do it that way. The pending motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Discussion ensued regarding existence and composition of Council Committees and City Attorney Shellan advised that Committees function until the new one takes over. Grant proposed motion for referral and appointment which died for lack of second and vote was taken upon pending motion to refer to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion lost. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert that the matter of Council Committee Members be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Shane objected requested discussion at this time. The motion was voted upon and carried. Discussion ensued regarding the Committee of the Whole meetings it being noted that any action taken in Committee must come before the Council in regular session for final action,. and upon inquiry as to where the meetings will be held, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that all Committee of the Whole meetings be held in the Council Chamber. The motion carried. Councilman Garrett submitted report, (,f the State Highway Department District Engineer covering Legislative Study on the proposed cross walk &t the North Renton Interchange, and referring to one sentence which states the City of Renton has acquired property to be developed - - - it was noted that the City had owned the subject property before the freeway was developed and Garrett suggested that Mr. Carl Minor be so informed the matter having been referred to the Interim Highway Committee and the Commission. Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Vern Morris advised that there are presently only two members on the Law and Ordinance Committee and volunteers were invited to serve. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Chairman, Vern Morris, submitted legislation at this time. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing appropriation from excess revenues in the Current Fund the following amounts into Traffic Engineering Account 3130, to-wit: 3130/110, Salaries, $4,750.00; 200, Statewide Retirement Fund, $20.00; 201, Employment Security, $400.00; 202, Prepaid Medical, $50.00; 203, Industrial Insurance, $20.00,, and 204, Employees' Life Insurance, $15.00. Shane inquired as to why the money was not. budgeted to start with. City Clerk Nelson reported that the requtEt for additional personnel was from the Traffic Engineering Department and was granted in 1966 after the 1967 Budget had been prepared and at that time the exa-t amount required was undetermined and it was felt that the matter should be brought up later in the year. After further discussion involving procedures in budgeting, the Mayor's veto powers, and advanced borrowing to take advantage of a savings, pending motion by Schellert, seconded by DelaLrcrti, t^ adr-4' Resolution No. 1507 was voted upon and carried, Shane opposing. Chairman Morris submitted proposed Resolution authorizing transfer of funds within the Street Maintenance Budget, Working Budget Account 3340/417, M. & 0., Material and Supplies, Functional Budget 3300/801, Roads, unto: 605, Capital Outlay Account, Structures and Improvements, Functional Budget 3300/1200, Structures and Improvements, $1,400.00, $1,400.00. (To cover blacktopping of City Streets) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt -Resolution No. 1508 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read fixing the 8th day of January, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. in the _ . City Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, as the time and place for hearing on the petition for the vacation of a portion of South 118th Street, between 90th Avenue South and Rainier Avenue South. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt .r.. Resolution No. 1509 as read. Carried. Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was read creating and establishing a revolving fund to be known as "City of Renton Urban Arterial Fund". Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on its second and final reading. Upon inquiry as to reason for the Fund, City Clerk Nelson reputed that the fund is required by law under RCW 34.04, Chapter 83, 1967 Extraordinary Session Law, in connection with Arterial Street Funds. An areawide "Urban Arterial Board"has been established and in order to receive matching funds for construction and improvement of city arterial streets a fund to keep the money''separate from other moneys is required. It was noted that some $67,500.00 has been allocated to the City for the North Third-Fourth Street Couplet Arterial project and the fund is required before work can be started and the money spent. -6- 44 r Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-4-67 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) Ordinance to establish Urban Arterial Fund: The pending motion to place the proposed Ordinanee on its second and final reading was a!it:lsequently voted upon and carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2375 as read. Roll call vote followed,as required on Ordinances, and resulted in all ayes with exception of Shane who opposed. Moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, the hour being late, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. There were 64 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie Wd. lson, City Clerk D,r��litis��,Mazar November fund transfers authorized and approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council. TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund $ 88068.71 Arterial Street 7,977.53 City Street Fund 18,909.93 Cedar River M. & I. 141.03 Equipment Rental 2050.56 Library 5044.12 Parks 26,135.43 Waterworks Utility 69,398.46 1965 Water & Sewer Construction 7,398.84 Airport 739.07 Firemen's Pension 2,377.05 City Hall Construction 38,945.66 267,486.39 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund 102,438.08 City Street 17,072.50 Cedar River M. & I. 535.00 Equipment Rental 3,701.90 Library 8,235.08 Parks 12,810.07 Waterworks 17,194.16 Airport 1,276.00 Firemen's Pension 90.84 163,353.63 -7- 45 12-4-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0583 --- Winfred E. Warren 1239 Davis St S Demolish residence 84 --- James E. McGoldrick 820 "M" St It It B 0585 (Valley General Hospital) $6,318,152.00 Public Hospital Dist t#1 17901 Springbook Rd S Erect Typo T Structure 86 125,000.00 B-C Company 2920 N 12th 14-Un4 ifarttnmt. 'Bidlg. 87 1,000.00 B. G. McElderry 1001 Rainier Ave S Erecc sign 88 91500.00 Puget Sound -lower & Lt. Shuffleton Plant Erect 3 portable shelts. 89 21000.00 Roy E. Danielson 12826 S.E. 128th Bld storage structure B 0590 --- Pasco-Lackie Realty,Inc. 3333 4th Ave N Install electric sign 91 6,000.00 A. F. Price Renton Center Erect building 92 162500.00 Whitespar Homes,Inc. 649 "P" St New residence 93 --- City Motel 102 S. 3rd St Demolish old garage 94 120.00 Edwin Baley Goebel 444 Williams Bld storage shed ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0408 $ 350.00 Robert Petty 313 13th S Wire service 09 400.00 Robert Petty 319 13th So It " E 0410 199500.00 Wash. Mutal Savings Bk 150 Logan Ave S " 11 1,100.00 Mr. Hurley 9112 3rd " 12 400.00 Bell & Valdez 1934 S.E. Cottonwood Ct 13 400.00 Bell & Valdez 1922 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 14 400.00 Bell & Valdez 1904 S.E. CottonuD od Ct " E 0415 --- Assembly of God 13121 91st Ave S " 16 50.00 Valley General Hospital 17901 Springbrook Rd S MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0477 --- Speede Mart 1175 "L" St Refrigeration equipment 78 --- Phillips Petroleum 3002 Sunset Blvd Install. gas unit heater 79 --- C. Pohl 10230 - 108th Ave SE Install plbg & f ixt. M 0480 --- Gambriel Const Co 523 12th Ave S Install gas furnace 81 --- Catalina Homes 12325 - 132nd SE " It 11 82 --- Catalina Homes 12319 - 132nd Ave SE " " 1 It 83 --- Catalina Homes 12313 - 132nd SE " " It 84 --- Catalina Homes 12307 - 132nd SE " It M 0485 --- Catalina Homes 12301 - 132nd SE it 86 --- Pasco & Lackie 3333 4th Ave S " " It 87 --- The Boeing Company G-9 2d level bldg,10-50 Install drinking fount ., SEWER PERMITS No 286 --- Robert Petty 313 So. 13th Sade^ Sewers, 7 --- 11 11319 So. 13th " 11 8 --- Mobile Oil Company 251 Sunset Blvd N " " 9 --- Jim Baxter 1802 S.E. Urbat " No 290 --- Lily Bach4aan 426 N 5th " -g- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. December 11, 1967 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Capital Improvement Priority Committee list Elimination of 3% Utility Tax Endorsement of Forward Thrust Adherence to Roberts Rules of Order in conducting City Council meetings COUNCIL PRESIDENT Appointment of Capital Improvement Priority Committee, City Hall Construction Committee, and Board of Equalization FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE and PURCHASING AGENT Bids - 1968 Waterworks materials and supplies and Bids on Well: No. 8 and 9 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Revision of R-2 zoning height limitation (Ordinance No. 2377 adopted) Appropriation of $3,000.00 excess revenues in Waterworks Utility Department into Budget Account 7100/503 to pay State Taxes for balance of the year Vacation of portion of 102nd Place S.E. - Resolution to set hearing date Rezones: Rogstad property: GS-1 to R-4; Eugene Richards property, G6000 to L-1, and John T. Welch, G to M-P Police Chief's request to charge service fee of $1.00 for fingerprinting Transfer of Library Department Funds to purchase equipment and machinery, $4,436.03 (Resolution No. 1510 adopted) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #1 due General Service Electric, Inc. $9,137.70, traffic signals Balance due on Comprehensive Parking Study, N. G. Jacobson, $300.00 Progress Estimate #5 due Absher Construction Co. on new City Hall construction, $46,554.75 submitted by Johnston, Campanella & Murakami, Architects, and approved by the Mayor, LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Puget Sound Power & Light Company Franchise proposal Proposed Ordinance establishing Cumulative Reserve Fund for underground wiring CITY ENGINEER Bids - Wells No. 8 and 9 in Cedar River Park PLANNING COMMITTEE J. David Jensen appeal for Variance for subdividing of land POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for license to operate coin-type pool table at Cougar Den James Abraham, O.K. Cab Co., request for Ordinance amendment to allow front seat passengers PROPERTY COMMITTEE Library Director's request for appropriation of funds in sum of $3,275.00 for purchase of transportation equipment E. R. Coleman request to lease city-owned property adjacent to North Renton Interchange WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE To review Budget for possible cuts in event 3% Utility Tax is eliminated SANITATION COMMITTEE Letter opposing further action on L.I.D. 257 MEETINGS: Committee of the Whole - Tuesday, December 19, 1967 at 7:30 p.m. '{ APPOINTMENTS: Mr. William Snyder, Fire Department Civil Service Commission Police Officers: Steven Bakko, James Sundvall, David N. Smith and Kenneth Pierson 4--month temporary status effective January 1, 1968 �RLC� Pio�4C` -1-30,420 s RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 11, 1967 8:00 P.M� Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Trimm, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Garrett, Perry, '�:laurenti, Schellert and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan,!City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor and Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurs:iti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 4th be revised to indicate that the motion to refer to the Committee of the Whole, Page 3, line 14, regarding seating arrangement of the City Council, failed and was not carried, and that the Minutes be approved with such correction. Carried. u . Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, that the order of voting by roll call be reversed ' monthly beginning with December, each. Cou-n^;lman thux, being-gi en--a pertunity--to t>c'kw_`rc 0 O O vote fir t. The motion carried. Delaurenti opposed. w :) OPENING OF BIDS: Waterworks material for 1968 including pipe, valves, meters, fire p hydrants and appurtenances. U � .his being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: BIDDERS AND ADDRESSES Kersey-Sparling Pacific States Cast Pacific Waterworks U.S. Pipe & Western Utilities Neter Co, Iron Pipe Company Supply Co., Inc. Foundry Co. Supply Company ?,. 0: Box 31 211 - Sixth Ave. No. 2900-First Ave. So. 1836 Westlake N. P. 0. Box 3524 S at e, Wn . Seattle, Wn. 98109 Seattle, Wn. 98134 Seattle, 98109 Seattle, 9F '14 (Certified C_c.) (Bond) (Bond) (Bond) (Cert. Cks.2) f. No Bid $61,969,83 No Bid $64,524.09 No Bid B No Bid No Bid $12,683.69 No Bid $15,530.13 C No Bid No Bid $ 4,242,03 No Bid No Bid D No Bid Pio Rid No Bid No Bid $ 3,544.33 E $14,060.48 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid F $ 3,492.39 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid G $13,714.37 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid A=`�12,936.58 11oved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the bids to the Fire and Water Committee and Purchasing Agent to report back. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Construction of Wells No. 8 and 9 in Cedar River Park --his being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: bid bonds accompanied all bids. BIDDERS AND ADDRESSES H. 0, Meyer Drilling Co. Richardson Drilling Co. L. R. Gaudio Well Drilling 6424 Lace Wn. Blvd. N.E. 219 South 115th Street 601 Le-Lou-Wa Place N.E. iri{land, Washington Tacoma, Wn. 98444 Tacoma, Wn. 98422 $13 Rase Bid $14,916,37 $16,172.42 $13,459.60 4-9 14,524.46 16,172.42 13,459.60 Moved Ly Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the bids to the Fire and Water_Committee nd Ci':v Engineer for recommendation.. S"..ane noted Seattle Water Line proximity and costs bljdret?d for water projects End suggested a citizens committee survey the needs. Mayor Custer noted that a study by Consultants resulted in the well recommendations. The pending mo-L--on carried. _1_ 48 Iainutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-11-67 PUBLIC HEARIX: Continued from 9-11-67 on L.I.D. 257, Sanitary Sewers, Kennydale Lakefront area. This being the date set, the hearing was declared continued. Communication was read from Jack Wilson, City Engineer,recalling that the matter had been continued pending notice from the State Pollution Control Commission relative to possible allocations for L.I.D. 257 p roject9 dependent upon Congress which, however, cut the appropriation for the year in half and funds were not available. If the project had been funded it would have been p-ssible that protests would have been withdrawn, however, at this time, the protests of cost bearing owners stands at 60.5% which is sufficient to defeat the project as it is now established. Problems still exist and the Bellevue Engineering Department has been contacted to discuss possible agreement whereby they would serve the northerly portion of the project and this proposal will be further pursued. Letter from protesting petitioners J. H. Baxter & Co., Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp. , Pan Abode, Inc., and Barbee Mills, Inc. , stated that their combined ownerships total greater than 60% protest and legal counsels have advised that the City is without further jurisdiction to act. They had proposed by letter to Mayor Custer, to construct sewer facilities in the industrial area which they believed would meet the immediate and future needs of industry at no cost to the City and the August 25th missle has not been acted upon at present. Objection was made for the record, to any further hearings and closing of the matter was urged, their offer to construct the facility to be withdrawn by the lst of January if action is not taken by the City thereon, Mayor Custer advised that the offer had been discussed with the City Engineer and the matter turned over to the Sanitation Committee it being felt that the proposal was not satisfactory to the whole area requirement filling only the needs of the industrial portion and like referral of the current. letter was recommended. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Sanitation Committee to report back. she motion carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. James Denzer, 8653 Lake Wn. Blvd. , one of the original petitioners for the L.I.D-, advised that their request was for a somewhat smaller and although they were not against the businesses being included they do not want to be left with no further recourse as they have tried for a long time to get the sewers. Mr. Gene Brandzell, Attorney representing the business protest, cited RCW 35.43,regarding Council losing jurisdiction after filing of the required protest, and urged consideration of the offer to sewer the business area before it is withdrawn and suggested funeral be held for the dead L.I,D, issue- Upon inquiry as to status of the L.I.D. City Attorney Shellan acknowledged the citation as being correct, qualifying however, that Council's jurisdiction to proceed does not cease if it should determine that a health hazard does exist from reports of the Health Officer and Agencies and the Sanitation Committee has been working on this aspect to find out if such hazard does exist, the Council, however, having had taken no further action since the last meeting. There being a new Sanitation Committee it is doubtful that the study has been completed but the Council could accept the recommendation of the Health T.nspector if so inclined. Otherwise the L.I.D. proceeding dies from malnut-rition. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed there being no further comments. The motion carried and the hearing was declared closed. Mayor Custer noted that the Committee report will be forthcoming. PUBLIC HEARING: J, David Jensen -- Appeal of Board of Adjustment denial of Variance This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There being no written communications subsequent to the appeal letter, audience comment was invited. Mr. David Jensen submitted maps and drawings of his property calling attention to his unusual situation in that to plat is impossible since adequate right-of--way cannot be provided to meet the Subdivision Platting Ordinance and maintain minimum lot sizes. The owner of undeveloped property to the South does not wish to develop at this time and therefore additional right of way cannot be secured. Future development of same would provide the required access however, variance was requested at this time to subdivide the land into four lots three of which would have access to 132nd Ave, S.E. via 17 ft. half road with utility easement. Mr. Jensen stated builders were ready to proceed upon approval and that the improvement would be a very desirable asset to the City, the presently undeveloped area being quite unsightly. Nearby developments with like problems were cited and the proposed plan is felt to be the best use for what property they have it being noted that City Ordinance does provide for 2 streets. Mr.. Jensen noted that the Ordinance sets out that the Planning Commission may, =der certa conditions grant a variance for platting of ground or Subdividing of Plats but specific conditions are not set out and the Board of Adjustment felt that perhaps this was a Planning Commission matter because it had to do with subdivision of land, their denial being based upon lack of power governing subdivision of property. Upon inquiry of City Eng:-neer Wilson as to why 17 ft, easement cannot be allowed, Mr, Wilson stated he had not had occasion to rule but that the Ordinance requires 25 ft. a plat needing minimum 50 ft. right of way under normal circumstances, which this was not,however. Mayor Custer pointed out that the Board of Adjustment has to find a hardship exists or the requirements of the Ordinance stand. Traffic problems regarding a 17 ft. road were noted by Perry with Grant noting hardship would be to the property owners. Recalling Board of Adjustment action, Morris inquired regarding Planning Commission thinking on the mater. Planning Director Ericksen recalled Commission action in regard to a rezone with R-1 being determined the -2-- 49 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-11-67 PUBLIC HEARING: J. David Jensen Appeal (Cont.) best use of the property, only two residences being permitted on an easement access and this proposal is to allow 5 to 6 residential units which would require a variance and thus the referral. Attorney Shellan was asked regarding action which might be taken on the matter and advised that the variance could be granted if the Council in its findings determines that special circumstances exist which do not usually apply to other people in the neighborhood and the circumstances are such that the strict application of the ordinance would interfere with the applicant having reasonable use of the land or building and 4f it is a minimum variance being granted which would not be in general arbitrary or injurious to the neighborhood or the property in question. Upon inquiry Building Director �. Johnson reported that the Board of Adjustment did hear the case very thoroughly and it was felt that this case would set a precedent but that everyone does have the right to appeal. Moved by Shane, seconded by Delaurenti, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and Council action invited. Moved by Shane, seconded by Edwards that the variance be denied. Discussion ensued with regard to the impossible development of the property without a variance and wisdom of leaving a parcel that cannot be used and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to refer the matter to the Council Planning Committee at this time. The motion carried, referral to Committee taking precedence. PUBLIC HEARING: Revision of R-2 zoning to inereas-,height limitation This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communi- cations nor audience comment and Planning Director Ericksen was requested to review the recommendation which had been made by the Planning Commission_ Mr. Ericksen noted that the revision was to eliminate an inequity in the Code as R-1 zoning can be built to two stories or 35 ft however R-2 Ordinance provides only for one story or 20 ft. and it is felt that Sections 4-708 and 4-709B of Title IV (Building Regulations) should be amended to increase the height limitation to 25 ft. Perry inquired regarding number of residential units allowed under R-2 and whether 3 could be included if one is below the ground level. Mr. Ericksen outlined possibilities under a special permit which the Planning Commission may grant, also UBC Code allowing ,under R-3 ,the daylight basement which if 50% underground could go to 4 stories. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committeo for presentationunder that order of business later in the meeting. Morris noted that the matter is now in Committee and the document has been on first reading and will be submitted for second and final reading if no objections. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Helga Karinen advised of desire to take issue with proceedings of the City Council meeting of December 4th stating the body of mature men should find it more imper*ant to consider the pressing problems of the city than to argue over a seating arrangement. Letter from Mrs. Barbara Shinpoch expressed embarrassment by the exhibition admonishing that the Council has a responsibility to the Community to conduct the council proceedings in a mature and thoughtful manner. Letter From Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted progress estimate #1 due General Service Electric, Inc. on C.AG. 1206-67, traffic signal installation on Sunset Blvd. E. and 116th Ave. S.E. in sum of $9,137.70. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with porter to act. Carried. Schellert requested the record to show that he abstained from voting on this item. N. G. Jacobson, Consultants on the Comprehensive Parking Study for downtown Renton, submitted invoice for balance due in sum of $300.00, and it was moved by Morris, second by Barei, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Schellert inquired as to whether all services contracted for have been rendered. (C.AG. 1124-67) . Mayor Custer advised that the study has been completed per report accepted by the Council and upon request by Perry for oral report the Mayor stated he would take this as a suggestion and take the necessary action accordingly. Motion carried. Moved by Shane, seconded by Maxin, to recess. ' The motion carred. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Members present as previously listed. Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co. submitted progress estimate #5, approved for payment by Mayor Custer, in sum of $46,554.75, due Absher Construction Co. on the new City Hall construction. Moved by Morris and seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. -3- 50 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-11-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from W. E . Bennett, Utility Accountant, requested appropriation of $3,000.00 excess revenues received in the Waterworks Utility Department into Budget Account 7100/503 for payment of State Taxes which exceed the estimated amount budgeted, the payment to cover November and December Excise Taxes. Moved by Morris, seconded by Grant to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that petition for vacation of 102nd Place S.E. located between S.E. 100th Street and the north line of Eldon Acres, is signed by owners representing 74.83% of the frontage abutting said street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution to set date for hearing. Carried. Application from Ronald W. Harris requested required license to operate a coin-type pool table at Cougar Den, 219 Main Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, reporting regarding referral of proposed Agreement for conveyance to the City of South 153rd access road connecting East Valley Highway to City streets, advised that the right-of-way is in good repair and condition and the acceptance was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement documents. AG. 1238-67. Carried. Letter from J. L. Jones, Library Director, requested transfer of Library funds to allow purchase of transporation equipment for the Library Department, transporting of books to the branch library now accommodated by the Purchasing Agent via pick-up truck. Other uses were cited and the sum of $3,275.00 from Account 110, Salaries, unto 606, Capital Ogtlay, was requested at this time since funds are available but cannot carry over into the new budget. Mayor Custer noted that appropriation could be made into the budget next year if the Council felt that this would be a better method. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from James J. Abraham, O.K. Cab Co. requested revision of the Taxicab Ordinance to allow for passengers in the front seat for various reasons including wheel chair convenience in convalescent cases passenger preference and Renton being the only City in the greater King County area which prohibits this. Loss of fares were attributed to this factor and it was noted that the insurance company places no restrictions on where passengers may ride, seat belts being provided for both front and rear seats. Updating of the Ordinance to allow competition by updating of service was requested, the present restriction deemed to be antiquated. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. Planning Commission recommendations which had been held one week by the Council were submitted as follows: Rezone: Tom Rogstad et al property, Appl. R-419-67, GS-1 to R-4, located on Benson Road between FAI 405 and South 11th Street. App. 31 acres proposed for multi-family residential which is indicated in the Comprehensive Plan and approval was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Rezone: Eugene M. Richards, Appl. R-424-67, G-6000 to L-1, app. one acre located on 86th Avenue South between South 153rd Street and FAI 405. Proposed use, light industrial. Comprehensive Plan indicates non-manufacturing and the Commission recommended approval. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Rezone: John T. Welch, Appl. R-432-67, G to M-P and H-1, app. A acres located East of the West Valley Hwy between extension of South 174th and 175th Streets. Proposed use was Manufacturing Park and Heavy Industry and the Comprehensive Plan indicates future non-manufacturing. The Planning Commission found that H-1 was not in accord with the Comprehensive Plan and applicant amended his application to M-P (manufacturing park) and the Commission recommended approval of the revised application. Moved by Perry and seconded by Morris,to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the three rezones to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Ordinances. Carried. Letter from Police Chief Williams requested permission to charge for finger printing of citizens who request same for employment clearance in connection with Federal Govern- ment requirement for organizations contracting, and for travel concerning foreign countries, immigration matters, etc. $1.00 was the suggested charge. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards to concur. Carried. -4- 5- / Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-11-67 COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.) Letter from Building; Director Johnson recommended that permit be granted the Epcon Sign Company to install a sign at 9112 South 3rd Street, for Dr. J. D. Hurley. The sign will project over public right-of--way ten inches, and sixteen signs in this block encroach the public property. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director. The motion carried. Letter from E . R. Coleman inquired regarding the possibility of leasing public property adjacent to the North Renton Interchange for development as a parking area . Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Property Committee for recom- mendation. Carried. The City Clerk reported receiving report on Comprehensive Public Transportation Plan For the Seattle Metropolitan Area compiled by DeLeuw, Cather & Company, Consulting Engineers, in association with other Agencies, which will be on file for reference in the City Clerk§ office Letter from C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, recommended that hiring of four Police Officers be authorized at this time to bring the authorized complement as close to maximum as possible. The appointment of the following on the four-month temporary employment basis was requested effective January 1, 1968: Steven Bakko, James A. Sundvall, David N, Smith and Kenneth J. Pierson. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur. The motion carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in observance of closing of Class H and Tavern License establishments according to the Wn. State Liquor Control Board policy.of optional hours on Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24th, 2:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. and on New Years Eve, Sunday, December 31st, from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. , January 1, 1968. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. APPOI14TMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Bruce Hulse to position on Board of Adjustment to fill current vacancy due to resignation of Mr. Paul Maxin. Moved by Shane, seconded by perry, to concur. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: nfinishe Business: Council President Trimm reported that the Committee of the Whole had met and oral .report was mode with the following recommendations: Recommended that the City Council seating arrangement remain as it is at present. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that the Mayor's appointment of Mr. William G. Snyder as member of the Renton Fire Department Civil Service Commission be approved. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane to concur in the appointment. Carried. Recommended to concur in the request of Library Director Jones for transfer of funds in sum of $3,275.00 to provide transportation for the Library Department. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary legislation. Carried. Recommended concerning election of the Council President and term of office that the Code be observed and the term of office be left at one year. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur. The motion carried. Shane opposed. Recommended that the Council Committee list be adopted with revision of Public Relations Committee which shall be Chairman, Tom Edwards instead of George Perry and Legislation Committee which shall be Chairman, Gecrge Perry instead of Tom Edwards.(Perry requested a revision in Corr-:=ttee —Fo-ntmdnts . ) Moved by Morris, second by Schellert to concur'in the Council Committee appointments as stated. The motion carried. ' Recommended that the pending Puget Sound Power and Light Company Franchise be taken from the Committee of the Whole and referred to the Light and Power Committee. Moved by Grant, seconded by Edwards to concur. Carried. Recommended,regarding revision of the Code ,to transfer appointing power of Council Committees to the Council President and two elected Council Members chosen from its ranks and that proposed "rdinance presented at the Committee meeting be approved. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to concur. Carried. Delaurenti opposed. -5- Minutes - Renter City Council Meeting 12-11-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: (Cont.) Councilman Barei iecalled suggested revision last week to the Sign Ordinance (No. 2165) relative to authority to grant permits covering encroachment of public property and the c:,, that the Building Director be given such authority and that if the permit --s denied for whatever reason it may be, the applicant may appeal directly to the City Council for final dec_sion. Mayor Custer noted that persons directly involved are allowed to appeal and inquired whether any affected property owner is to have the same right if PRR he is opposed to the installation. Shane inquired regarding intent of the Ordinance and if all Ordinan :-2s could be reviewed some night to allow the Department Heads to have Wd authority. Mayor Custer advised the prior council had felt there was some point beyond which authority was not delegated to the Department Head noting a quote that there were once ten good laws and everyone was amended making it hard at times to enforce them. He . queried as to whether all details had been covered in allowing the decision as submitted. Morris stated there has to be some definite cut off in granting the authority as to how far o-ler the e r,:-.y project, this being the big problem with pressures coming to bear upon the grantor if distance is not specified in the Ordinance upon which determinations can be made. The sign ordinance was the only one being reviewed in this particular instance and no further action was taken by the Council at this time. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police and License Committee, reported review of the request of Mr. rind ',.Ins. viol-,anson for consent to license transfer and incorporation proceedings to combine the Renton Yellow and Renton Radio Cab Companies, and it was recommended that the Council approve the transaction. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Schellert recalled that last week the report had been distributed to the Council from the Capital improvement Priority Committee and moved that the report be referred to the Committee of the Whole, seconded the motion which carried. Councilman Morris noted referral of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Franchise to the Light and Power Committee and since Ordinance has been prepared which provides for funding of underground wiring which closely relates to the Franchise, it was moved that the Ordinance be referred to the Light and Power Committee also. The motion was secnnded by Grant and carried. (Setting up Cumulative Reserve Fund for underground wiring.) New Business: Councilman Trimm stated it was now in order to elect a new President of the Council and nominated Councilman Garrett. Delaurenti nominated Councilman Perry. Moved by Bsrei seconded by Delaurenti, that the nominations be closed. Carried and so declared, after di3cussion regarding terms of office and query as to whether candidates would be willing to serve a 6 month term Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that voting method by by Roll Call with oral voicing of choice. Carried. The vote resulted as follows: Garrett: Trimm, Grant, Brine, Maxin, Edwards, Garrett, Schellert and Morris. Perry: Darei, Perry and Delaurenti.. Shane abstained. Garrett was declared elected. Schellert nominated Councilman Perry for President of the Council Pro Tem. Garrett nominated Councilman Morris and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the nominations be closed. Carried. Moved by Bare; , seconded by Perry, that the same method of voting be used. Carried. Perry: Trimm, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Perry Schellert and Delaurenti. Morris; Garrett ' aazd Morris Perry was declared elected. Councilman Barei stated that it would of benefit to the School District and to citizens of the City if there could be a cooperative venture between the Renton City Council, Renton City Government, and the School District in areas where there might be duplication of services, such as swimming pool in the Renton Highlands, say at McKnight School, where the City might participate in its cost, providing services to the children during the day and to open to the public at night and on weekends, there being school only 180 days thus"" 185 days are left to be utilized. Also possibility of using the school-owned property in o:nection with recreation programs including softball, dances and all of the school gyms for more than just roller skating, was outlined. Councilman Barei moved that letter be directed to the Renton School Board with copy to Dr. Hobbs requesting a meeting to informally discuss the possibilities. The motion was seconded by Maxin and carried. Discussion ensued regarding fixing of time for a meeting, Perry suggesting the President of the Council write and arrange for a meeting, Garrett requesting information from Barei if he is to write noting the first step to sae if such a meeting is wanted. Mayor Custer requested a copy of the letter. -6- 1 3 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-11-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS : New Business: Cont Councilman Shane suggested that the 3% Utility Tax be eliminated since it was to have been a temporary assessment and recommended cutting it to 1% in 1968 and deleting it in 1969 and moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole for study. The motion was seconded by Schellert, Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to amend the to read that f .e entire 3% be considered for deletion in the study with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for recommendations regarding where to cut. Schellert stated this motion would pre-judge action of the Committee of the Whole. The Chair ruled the amendment in order since the Council could decide if it can or cannot afford to cut the 3% when the Ways and Means Committee report is made. The amendment to the motion was voted upon and carried and subsequently, the original motion as amended referring �..• the matter to the Committee of the Whole to study elimination of' the 3% -Utility Tax with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for recommendation on where budget cuts could be made., Schellert and Grant opposed. Councilman Shane reported listening to a talk in Renton regarding Forward Thrust and according to his understanding the cost for Renton would be approximately one-half of the total millage the City receives in taxes, 7 mills being desired or $1,260,000.00 from Renton alone. Mr. Shane felt this was a lot of money to be taken out of the City noting improvements which could make it a Utopia if used locally. He did not see how citizens could be asked to finance L.I.D. 's and other improvements if they pass this and suggested that the City Council or the press show the other side of the coin. Councilman Shane also recommended that the Agenda be revised to allow Audience Comments earlier in the meetin-- and moved that this appear preceding Communications in event a person wished to comment but not stay through the whole meeting. The motion was seconded by Perry and upon discussion regarding the fact that many intend to stay the whole meeting and wish to comment upon things transpiring throughout the meeting, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to amend the motion to allow audience comments before Appointments and after Communications. Barei moved that the amendment be amended to allow audience comment after communications and at the end of the meeting as well. The motion was seconded by Perry and the second amendment carried. The amendment as amended was voted upon and carried and subsequently, the original motion as amended, to allow audience comment after communications and again at the end of the meeting. .... Mayor Custer commented regarding Forward Thrust that there are 13 different and separate items and it is going to cost money, the question being what is to be provided and if it is worth it, and do you want it, some of the items being too costly to ever be provided by the City. Councilman Perry stated that in representing the City the program had been supported and he felt the Council should take a position and moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole to decide whether or not to endorse Forward Thrust. Carried. Schellert opposed. Bruce proposed motion that an Ordinance be adopted concerning seating arrangement of the City Council and that each newly elected member assume the seat of the member he is replacing. Grant seconded the motion and discussion ensued during which City Attorney Shellan advised that this is a procedural matter, each new Council having the right to vote with majority ruling and that enacting of legislation would not solve the problem. Grant withdrew the second and the motion was lost. Councilman Maxin reported receiving a phone call from Tom Forsyth. of Tukwila suggesting joint meetings between City Council Members and it was recommended that the Mayor look into possible formation of a Municipal Relations Committee to involve Kent, Auburn, Tukwila and Renton. Mayor Custer stated he will investigate the matter. Maxin inquired regarding rules of order by which the Council proceedings are. _onducted proposing motion that Roberts Rules of Order be adopted. Mayor Custer advised that normally the Council operated according to Robert's Rules in the past but that they have not been strictly observed, most of the recent discussion otherwise would not have been allowed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, that the question of operating under Roberts Rules of Order be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Shane opposed. Council President Garrett announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, December 19th at 7:30 p.m_ Councilman Delaurenti reminded the new Councilmen of the Institute for new Mayors and Councilmen at the Sheraton Inn on December 14th. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the matter of appointment of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, the City Hall Building Committee, and Board of Equaliza- tion be referred to the President of the Council. Carried. -7- 54 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12-11-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business Cont,: Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 943 through 1077, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 943 - 990 VZ1 Ei''oz Street Fund 991 - 1000 6,988.38 Cedar River M. & I. 1001 - 1004 44.85 Equipment Rental 1005 - 1028 2,958.19 Library Fund 1029 - 1032 418 .70 Parks 1033 - 1043 3,127.9,* Waterworks Utility 1044 - 1058 4,519.54 "No Airport 1059 - 1064 658.29 Firemen's Pension Fund 1065 - 1076 213.65 City Hall Construction 1077 46,554.75 $ 861846.75 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Vern Morris submitted the following legislation which was approved and passed by the City Council. RESOLUTIONS : Resolution appropriating Library Fund Excess Revenues to Library Budget Account 5000/606, Capital Outlay,$4,436.03 for purchase of machinery and egciplzarst. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1510 as read. Carried. Resolution trans fps ring funds within the Building Dep't. accounts for payment of balance due on installation of certain radio equipment. From: 1800/303, Utility Service, Power, Current Fund unto 1800/606, Capital Outlay, $307.23. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to adopt Resolution No. 1511 as read. Carried. Resolution adopting Final Plat of Powell's First Addition, F.P. 431-67. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to adopt Resolution No. 1512 as read. Carried. Resolution appropriating from Excess Revenues in the Waterworks Utility Fund, the sum of $3,000.00 unto Account 7100/503 for payment of State Taxes above amount anticipated and budgeted. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to adopt Resolution No. 151 as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution was read appropriating $10,000.00 into Renton Urban Arterial Fund No. 2373, Acct. 3250/605, structures and Improvements. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to adopt Resolution No. 1514 as read. The motion carried. Ordinance was introduced for first reading adopting and establishing by reference 1966 Washington Traffic Statutes. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on its second and final reading, Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to adopt Ordinance No. 2376 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance submitted amends Chapter 7, Title IV (Building Regulations) Sections 4-708 and 4-709, of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled 'Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to Residence District (R-2) Increasing Height limitation to 25 ft. The document had been placed on its first reading on 11/28/66. Moved by Garrett, and seconded by Schellert, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, that Ordinance No, 2377 be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read amending Section 1-601 and 1-617, Chapter 6, Title I, (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances , of the City of Renton" relating to appointments of Committees, the Council President and two of the Council Members being appointing power for Council Committees to serve during their respective terms of office and having authority to designate the membership of Council Committees in lieu of the Mayor, Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried, After final reading, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards to adopt Ordinance No. 2378 as read. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Trimm, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Garrett, and Morris, and Schellert. No:Delaurenti and Perry. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited and since there was none, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Barei, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11: 50 p.m. There were 52 visitors in the Council Chambers. �_ Helmie Nelson, City Clerk . W. (;aster, Mayor it -8- 12-11-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0595 '14 350.00 D. M. Auto Check 3420 4th Ave No Erect sign 96 -- Wayne Dorsey 12210 - 90th �-o Addition to house 97 500.00 Roy Danielson 12816 N. 4th "t Install door, cover flr, 98 40,000.00 The Boeing Co Bldg 10-60 Construct Dartitions "EMB -- .99 16,000.00 Whitespar Homes, Inc. 818 "0" St Single family residence B 0600 375.00 B. L. Waggoner 3905 11th Ct N Addition to carport 01 36,000.00 t7illiam A. Clarke 7200 Lake Wash. Blvd. Single family residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0417 475.00 Joe Boheme 9693 - 106th Ave. SE Wire service 18 355.00 Joe Shope 3C14- 6th Ave. No If 19 39P889.00 W. W. Nettleship 7015 Ripley Lane E 0420 994,00 Transamerica Development 1207 Thomas Lane 21 -- Les Daniels 14625 - 130th PI "E ++ 22 30.00 Richard J. Samek 10620-111th P1 S.E. " 't 23 200,00 Howard O'Farrell 10600 Lake Wash. Blvd " 24 1,500.00 Robert J. Baleolm 7732 S 153rd " 7t E 0425 400,00 Bell & Valdez 1910 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " " 26 400,00 1937 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " " 27 400,00 " " 1931 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " " 28 400000 1916 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 29 - Mobile Oil Corp 16355-87th Ave So MECHANICAL PERMITS 0488 Robert Karinen 14815-130th P1 SE Installation of septic tk -.. 89 •- Frank Pellegrino 10609-108th SE Install gas heater 1-7 0490 __ Robert G. Bale 3315-7th P1 N 11 1 91 furnace -- Mr. Rosenberger 445 Smithers Ave S Replace furnace with gas 92 Mr, Pritchard 436 ^mithe rs Ave S Install furnace system 93 Bob Shane 11650 S.E. 108th of gas furnace 94 Bob Shane 11661 ^.E. 100th forced air furnace M 0495 -- Wn. Mutual Savings Bank 2nd & Logan Plumbing & fixtures 96 Dry Hurley 911 3rd St S " + 97 -« The Boeing Co Bldg 10-52,Col. RTA-0 It 98 -- Jessie Hoffman 435 Park Ave N to 99 First Federal Saaiags & Ln201 Wells Ave N It M 0500 B-C Company 2920 12th Ave N it + SEWER PERMITS N4% 291 Gambriell Construction 523 - 12th So Side sewer -9- 56 57 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 18, 1967 R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL PRESIDENT To request Association of Wn. Cities to make study of pros and cons of the City going First Class under present statutes or Chartering under the new Municipal Code provisions. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Statement in sum of T6-51:70- due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield on design services for Wells No. 8 and 9, Cedar River Park FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Ralph H. Duey, D.D.S. letter suggesting that flouridation of Renton water be an item of business in the near future LAW AND ORDI14ANCE COMMITTEE Bids on 1968 Legal Publications Library Director's request for Code revision to incorporate 10t charge for duplicating documents on coin-operated reproduction machine LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE To hold hearings and conduct study of power rates and related matters, including franchises and underground wiring PJAPINING CO11MITTEE Vacation of portion of J Street between 9th and 10th Avenues North Proposed zoning changes outlined in C.B.D. Plan prepared by N. G. Jacobson Co. PROPERTY COPAfITTEE Foss Launch and Tug Company request for extension of lease on harbor area Renton Sailing Club request to use portion of Lake Wn. Beach Park area and recommendations for separate development areas SANITATION COMMITTEE School District request to use City Sanitary Sewer System for Sierra Hts. Elementary School and that Late-Comers Agreement be authorized in connection therewith. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Possible use of North Renton Airfield Road (River Rd.) to route traffic from arterials APPOINTMENTS: Robert H. Margraf and Samuel H. Rainier - Patrolmen - 4 Mos. probationary period MEETINGS: Sanitation Committee - January 4th Committee of the Whole - December 19th at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers Public Hearing on Petition for vacation of 102nd Place - January 8, 1968 g MINU'T'ES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING December 18, 1967 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Renton City Council Chambers by Mayor Custer. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edward- . Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Verr .Church Purchasing Agent, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst, to the Mayor, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer and Delores Mead, Recording Secretary. Corrections and additions or deletions to the Minutes of the previous meeting were invited., Perry requested deletion of wording "each Councilman thus being given an opportunity to vote first, on Page 1, paragraph 5, regarding motion by Barei to reverse order of roll call vote, since this was not a part of the motion but was stated later and serves to mislead the actual intent. Grant noted on Page 5, Paragraph 6, in roll call vote regarding ,method of voting for Council President Pro Tem, that Garrett was not included in the affirmative vote for Morris whom he nominated and that Morris was substituted for Delaurenti in the roll call vote for Perry. Moved by Garrett, with second by Schellert, to approve the Minutes of December 11th as corrected. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: 1968 Legal Publications This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read: NAME OF BIDDER AND ADDRESS 8-Paint Type 5 -- 6 Point Type *104 __-`-'rhxonicle $3.00 per 100 words, ^irsf- $2:95 M words, 1st Pub. Box 30 publication si Renton, Wn. $2.20 per 100 words, Add'nl. $2.20 M words, Add'nl. publications Proposal #2 Combination of the Renton Record-Chronicle and Valley Times utilizing both Wednesday and Sunday publication dates as desired. 8-Point Type: Circulation 47,950 $3.20 pa-r 100 words, 1st publication (Valley Times) $2.40 per 100 words for additional publications (Valley Times) Seattle Post-Intelligencer 52 Point Type, Circulation 92,350 $3.15 per 100 word folio on first insertion $2.35 per 100 words folio on 2nd and subsequent insertions Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bids to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of "J" Street between 9th and 10th Avenues Nori. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from City Engineer 'Milson reported that upon review the Department does not/feel the vacation is in the best interest of the public at this time, the right-of-way being presently occupied by two utilities, sanitary sewer and natural gas lines and future development of the abutting properties may require the street for access, which is also the boundary between B-1 and R-1 zoning. Upon request the letter requesting the vacation was read, submitted by Samuel Bean & Co., Inc. Real Estate and Insurance, on behalf of Petitioners Globe Development Co., Inc. and Highlands Community Church. Audience comment was invited and there being none, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to close the hearing. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Planning Committee for recommendation. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Renton School District, per Mr. Rudolph Seppi, Director of Plant Facilities, request that Sierra Heights Elementary School be served with City sanitary sewer system and that in such event, late-comers agreement be authorized to allow the School District recovery of costs of the installation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Sanitation wommittee for recommendation. Carried. 59 MINUTES - Renton City Council reeting 12-18-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Mrs. Richard Neglay, noting newspaper accounts of the December 4th Council Meeting, urged that the Council treat one another with a semblance of dignity,in public at least, if they expect the public to hold them and their offices with any degree of respect 3hinquired regarding smoking privileges of citizens compared to those extended Councilman Shane and if the City Officials will be able to conduct the city affairs in a business-like manner rather than in harrassment of each other.as to who sits where; etc; expressing hope the seating matter had been laid to rest. Moved by Grant, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Public Relations Committee for reply to Mrs, Negla; . The verbal vote was in the negative majority and the motion failed, �.. Letter from Ralph H, Huey, D.D-S . suggested that the Council make flouridation of the Renton water supply an iter.: of business in the near future. Kiro Radio-Television Editorial was attached,which had been directed to the Seattle City Council, outlining benefits to be derived by louridation. Moved by Garrett, secc:--c2d "by Morris, to refer the communications to the Fire and Water Committee for recommendation. Carried, Letter from Foss Launch & Tug Company requested extension of lease covering harbor area until it is actually needed for the Lake Wn. Beach Park Development, or alternatively, for 90 to 120 days in order that the log storage may be vacated in an orderly manner without ndze expense and inconvenience to the industries served. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Property Committee for report back, Carried, Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended f -: pc.yme&,statement in sum of $651.40, due Cornell, 'Howland, Hayes & Merryfield for design services on wells 8 and 9 in Cedar R=ver Park per C,AG. 12:`4-67. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the jluditing and Accounting u^ommittee with power to act Carried, Letter from Jack L. Jones, Library Director, requested permission to charge library patrons i0¢ per copy for duplicating of documents on the coin-operated reproduction machine; and recommended that the Code be changed accordingly. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, Carryed_ Letter from the Renton sailing club requested use of portion of Lake Wn. Beach Park °' for small craft` and sailing club activities in vicinity of 72nd Street and recommended development of other separate areas for wester sic' enthusiasts and motor boats. Permission was requested to anchor off ;2nd sheet for their building and equipment so the sailing activity can continue. Moved by Perry, seco a-ed cy Bare_, to refer the request to the .Property Committee to repo-:: back. Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Dick Stredicke, 3910 - 10th C'L . North agreed with comments made by Mr. Shane regarding Committee referrals delaying, ac-t-ion, and inquired regarding communication submitted by him which had been referred to Co-, _tt_6e so-.e time ago, submitting his resignation from the Athletic Commission and requesting investigation of procedures regarding its function. Councilman Perry, reported that the communication will be forwarded to the new Committee Chairman as he was no longer on the Committee ? ut as previous Chairman was in possession of the letter, Mr. Charles O'Dell, 1101 R Street, stated that ethically he felt the communication should have been returned to the full Council for disposition in this case. Mr� James Abraham voiced opinion that the Committees serve a purpose in researching a matter; that sometimes power to act and other times must report back, but if a matter is not acted upon there should be follow-up by the person submitting same to see what has happened. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Robert H,. Margraf and tr. Samuel H. :rainier, to probationary position of patrolman in the Renton Police Department. Test results, Civil Service Certification and Police Ch_�`ef's recommendation were attached, Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur and the motion carried. -2- 60 MINUTES - Renton City Council Meeting 12-18-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Shane, Chairman, Sanitation Committee, reported meeting regarding the contract- franchise for garbage and refuse collection and the meeting has been continued for further discussion to January 4th. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, submitted recommendation that low bids be accepted on construction of two new Wells, No. 8 and 9, in Cedar River Park, submitted by L. R. Gaudio in sum of $26,919.20 and on 1968 waterworks material and supplies with exception of the Fire Hydrants, and that bids be called for on all meters from 3/4" 2" . Schedule "A", Cast Iron Pipe, Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company, $61,969.83 Schedule "B", Gate Valves, Pacific Water Works and Supply Company, $12,683.69 Schedule "D", Pressure Reducing Valves, Western Utilities Supply, $3,544.33 Schedule "E", "F" and "G", Compound and Detector Meters, Detector Checks and Backflow Preventors, Hersey-Sparling Meter Co., $14,060.48; $3,492.39; $13,714.37. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the Fire and Water Committee recom- mendation. After discussion regarding preparatinn of the specifications and their affect on the bidding, the motion carried.(Suggestion was made that the bids be published in the Daily Journal of Commerce as well as the City's Legal Publication-paper.) Councilman Schellert inquired regarding report or recommendations regarding L.I.D. 256 and L.I.D. 257, since the original petitioners have inquired if a new L.I.D. might be intro- duced. Sanitation Committee Chairman Shane noted the issues as presented, according to legal Counsel, were no longer active and Mayor Custer added that the letter had been referred to the Sanitation Committee which probably has not yet met on the matter. New 3usiness: Moved by Morris, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 1078 through 1177, previously approved by the Committee, be approved by the City Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 1078 - 1120 $ 5,204.78 Street Fund 1121 3128 22,732.26 Equipment Rental 1129 - 1138 1,973.78 Library 1139 - 1140 76.58 Parks 1141 - 1155 4,198.18 Waterworks Utility 1156 - 1168 4,864.92 Airport 1169 - 1172 252.77 Firemen's Pension Fund 1173 - 1177 1056.00 $403,659.27 Council President Garrett announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, December 19th at 7:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, that the City Council, through its President, ask the Association of Washington Cities to make a thorough study of the pros and cons of the City going First Class under existing Statutes,or Charter per terms of the proposed Municipal Code of 1969, and to report back as early as possible. After discussion regarding prior study pertaining to First Class City and prohibitive costs c1' First, CUSS insofar as the City of Renton was concerned, the pending motion carried. Councilman Shane made inquiry regarding number of electrical bills the City is now receiving and possibility of entering into a contract covering total electrical energy which he felt would result in a better rate and less cost to the City, suggesting that perhaps it might be advantageous to hire a man to survey the bills for possible reduction. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, that a study be made of the power rates,and public hearings be held by the Light and Power Committee, reporting back to Council. In dis- cussion ensuing, intent of-the Motion was extended to include related matters such as franchises, underground wiring, and rates for the citizens and corporate City,as well as the city's own municipal rates to be included in the study and hearings)to• enlighten citizens as well as the Council. The pending motion carried. Councilman Shane advised that he would like to ask the Central Labor Council to come to the City of Renton and to ask all the employees of the City who are not members cf a union of their craft to join in order that they might be paid wages according to scale. Some discussion ensued, initiated by Councilman Shane, on the problem of conflicts of interest that may arise and comments were made by various Councilmen, City Attorney Shellan explaining the State Law that defines conflicts. Councilman Shane inquired whether the V utility tax removal might be put up to a vote of the people at the aame time as Forward Thrust. City Clerk Nelson reported that the Superintendent of Elections has stated he cannot accept any more proposals at this time. It was noted that this matter is in Committe at present. -3- MINUTES - Renton City Council Meeting 12-18-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business Cont Councilman Shane called attention to the pouring of concrete in the city during the cold weather advising that concrete loses its elastic value if frozen. Councilman Delaurenti reported discussion of this matter in the City Hall Building Committee meetings and no pouring was to be done on the new City Hall building in freezing weather. Building Director Johnson reported that his Department has been checking closely and has records on all pours made in the City including listing of pours being required on the actual prints and 500 temperature being specified;dates of pours are recorded and the temperature and it was felt that good records and controls are being maintained. Eoa�way at the Ncrth end of the Renton Airport to alleviate traffic on city arterials was proposed and it was moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, that the North Renton Airfield -- Road (River Road) proposal be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for study and recommendation Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane,that the report submitted by N. G. Jacobson Co. with regard to zoning changes in the CBD area be referred to the Planning Committee. Upon inquiry regarding verbal presentation on the completed plan, the Council's pleasure will be observed as to when it is to be held. The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton fixing the 8th day of January as date for hearing on the petition for vacation of a portion of 102nd Place S.E. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1515 as read. Carried. (Also known as Garrison Avenue) Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4) . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on second and final reading, Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2379 as read. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. No: Edwards. The motion carried 11 to 1. (Rogstad property) Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the city from General Classification District (G) to Manufacturing Park District (MP) . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2380 as read. Roll call vote followed with all present voting aye and the motion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr, Charles O'Dell addressed the Council reporting problems encountered since moving to Renton Brentwood area with regard to garbage collection, outlining experiences involving neighbors as well as himself with regard to the problems. He requested the Council to research this matter when considering the new contract. Commenting on other items discussed this evening, he stated his opinion, as a Construction Engineer, that restrictive bidding is fine as long as the legal department oversees and the bid awards are justified, noting the semantics may for a time be misleading. He voiced disturbance of suggestion in the Council Chambers that the union be invited in to meet with City Employees, objecting to the use of taxpayers money to set up meetings for the union. Mr. E. V. Teutsch inquired regarding involvement of his property with proposed vacation of 102nd Place S,E, and was advised that the hearing has been set for January 8, 1968 which he was invited to extend. Mr. Norman Abrahamson reported a number of problems regarding garbage collection in the Highlands area, Precincts 35 and 28, which he had encountered at election time. Mr, Richard Stredicke, 3910 - 10th Ct. North, inquired if smoking would be permitted in the Council Chambers as has been previously discussed, his Dr. having ordered that he smoke. Discussion ensued and with respect to the female attendance and non-smokers, it was decided to leave the no smoking signs intact. There being no further audience comment nor business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, secnnded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p,m. There were 28 visitors in the Council Chambers. DIV. OF MUN. CORP, -4-- Helmie Nelson, City Clerk FATE EXAMINER OF F ICu OF CITY CLEF;' 12-18-67 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS PUILDING PERMITS Nn AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 0602 $ 500.00 A & H Drug Store ##1 301 So. 3rd St Remove door,strai,ght.b: 03 700.00 M. J. Lackie 405 S. 3rd St Install sign 04 600.00 Gary Riffle' 11602 S.E. 163rd Construct garage B 0605 $ 50,000.00 Alex Cugini, Jr. 710 So 2nd St Footings and foundation 07 $133,000.00 City of Renton Liberty Park Construct grandstand 06 VOID 08 200.00 Diamond Parking 222 Williams Ave S Install sign B 09 162000.00 The Boeing Company Boeing Bldg. 10-52 Construct lab. complex ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0430 7,400.00 Elmer Morasch 403 Wells Ave N Wire service 31 50.00 The Boeing Company Renton Plant " " 32 3,137.00 Alex Cugini, Jr. 710 S. 2nd St " It 33 150.00 Eastway Auto Center 12305 Rainier Ave S " 34 17,800.00 Central Puget Inc. Lind Ave S.W. (715) " E 0435 --- VOID 36 --- Wayne Rossman 533 Grant St 37 50.00 Blevins, Inc. Vic 8626 So 180th 38 550.00 E & L Construction 10633 111th P1 S.E. " 39 400.00 Bell & Valdez 1919 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " E 0440 400.00 " 1928 S.E, Cottonwood Ct " 41 400.00 1913 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 42 400.00 1907 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 43 400.00 1925 S.E. Cottonwood Ct " 44 250.00 Arthur D. Benson 644 "D" St It E Oli45 --- The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-52 " It +6 225.00 Mr. Hjelmestead 108 Wells Ave N " 47 --- The Boeing Company Bldg 10-57 " 48 400.00 Manio Phillips 217 Airport Way " ANICAL PERMITS M 0501 --- The Boeing Company Bldg 10-71 Install Plbg & fixtures 02 --- Lefever C6nstruction 1802 S.E. Urban Ct '• furnace 03 --- Gambriel Construction 619 - 12th So furnace 04 --- L &t W Construction 1228 Morris Ave S " It M 0505 - it It 10633 111th PI S.E. " It .)6 --- Joe Boehme 9693 106th Ave S.E. septic tank 07 --- The Boeing Company Bldg 10-59 drink. fountain 08 --- M. Ehlers 648 "G" St wall heater 09 - Robert Petty 2000 Rolling Hills P1 plbg & fixtures M 0510 --- Gambriel Construction 613 12th S " -5- 63 December fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council . TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund 83,356.98 City Street 76,497.88 Arterial Street 25,491.37 �r Cedar River M&I 4,064.38 Equipment Rental 11,042.25 Library 25, 145.67 Parks 57,267.62 Waterworks Utility 57, 102.92 1965 W&S Const. 2,845. 13 Airport 3,586. 16 Firemen's Pension 1 ,729.43 City Hall Construction 49,529.61 $397,659.40 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund $107,362.74 City Street 17,'076.41 Cedar River M&I 535.00 !, Equipment Rental 3,701 .90 Library 8,716.40 Parks 14,880.05 Waterworks Utility 16,986.21 Airport 1,276.00 Firemen's Pension 90.76 $170,625.47 DIV. OF MUN. CORK STATE EXAM[NM I 64 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 8, 1968 R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Donald H. Jacobs request for envision of Comprehensive Plan to allow R-4 zoning on his property Delegates to represent City at National League of Cities Conference in San Diego, Calif. in December Motion regarding appointees appearing before the Committee of the Whole prior to their appointment being confirmed by the City Council Formula suggested by Councilman Barei for arriving at rental fees on new city1hall space Appraisals on property and funding of appraisal costs Matter of increasing salaries of Utility Department personnel Securing Code Books for new Councilmen Appointment of Council Members to serve with President in selecting Committee Members pursuant to the new ordinance AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #1 due Venture Construction Co. on Liberty Park Grandstand, $13,637.25 Estimate Statement #$18 for architectural services of Johnston, Campanella & Mdrakami on new city hall, $1,487.43 Statement for engineering services of Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield on design of Well No. 8 in Cedar River Park in sum of $500.00. CITY ATTORNEY To prepare new Permit document for Sailing Club use of city-owned property CITY ENGINEER To investigate possibility of commencing Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in Kennydale area for those residents originally petitioning for same LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Street Department Fund transfer in sum of $6,500.00 for equipment rental to perform additional street work as the good weather permits Ordinance creating Department and position of Traffic Engineer Revision of Taxicab Ordinance Ordinance regarding Pacific Coast railroad crossing in vicinity of Lth Street North Adoption of Uniform Mechanical Code, 1967 Edition Appropriation of excess surplus into Waterworks Utility Department account for NCR Programmer services POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application of A. & B. Tavern for license to operate 3 coin-type pool tables PROPERTY COMMITTEE Appraisal of South 128th Street from 91st Ave. So. to Rainier Avenue per vacation petition of Chapple, Rivily, Henderson et al SANITATION COMMITTEE Matter of sewer trunks referred pursuant to Committee of the Whole report WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of appraisal costs on portion of 91st Avenue South APPOINTMENTS Lorraine M. Nietert, Secretary-Chief Examiner, Fire and Police Civil Service Commissions Delbert Bennett, Traffic Engineer Antone Mola and Norman Ross to Renton Planning Commission Rules Committee - Edwards, Grant and Trimm Capital Priority Committee - Schellert, Barei and Maxin City Hall Building Committee - Custer, Garrett, Delaurenti, Hulse and Gwen Marshall Board of Equalization - Schellert, Delaurenti and Grant Municipal Affairs Committee - Public Relations Committee - Edwards, Bruce and Grant MEETINGS AND EVENTS: January 15, 1968 - Street and Alley Committee at 7:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole at 7:30 p.m. February 5, 1968 - Attorney Kuvara appeal on behalf of Interlake Construction Co. to Planning Commission Plat denial (Cont. from 1-8-68) February 5, 1968 - Hazel W. Chenaur appeal of Planning Commission rezone denial February 5, 1968 - Opening of bids on sale of public use property in the highlands area REFERRALS (Cont.) City Council Meeting of 1-8-68 STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE, TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND CITY ENGINEER To confer with County in regard to widening of Springbrook (Talbot) Road from Puget Drive to South 180th Street PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE and WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Matter of an Annual Public Report and Funding thereof SANITATION COMMITTEE Newspaper notices regarding Tacoma garbage collection January 22nd - Public Hearing by Sanitation Committee regarding Renton garbage Collection and proposed Franchise MAYOR OR COUNCIL PRESIDENT To attend public hearing meeting to be held on January 15th by County Commissioners to determine whether to impose fees for dumping at County dump sites MAYOR Study authorized of Tukqila request for City to assist in improvement of bridge at South 180th Street 1 65 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 8, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Rent:n City Council Chambers, City Hall, by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti,Schellert, Morris. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer and Delores Mead, Recording Secretary. As there were no corrections nor revisions, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 18, 1967 be approved as prepared and mailed out. Carried. Mayor Custer at this time presented Community Service Awards to Councilman Tom Trimm, for his services as President of the City Council for the past year, to Councilman Paul Maxin for services as a member, since its inception, of the Board of Adjustment, until elected to the Council, and to Stanley E. Stone, for serving on the Renton Planning Commission during the past nine months, thanking each on behalf of the Council,the Community and himself for their contribution of service. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal of Interlake Construction Company to Planning Commission Denial of Preliminary Plat This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter was read from Robert Kuvara, of Beckman, Kuvara & Gooding, Attorney at Law, requesting, on behalf of Interlake Construction, Inc., continuation of the hearing, the date set be-ing in conflict with a prior commitment. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be continued to next Monday evening, January 15, 1968. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of South 128th Street between 90th Avenue South and Rainier Avenue South. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter was read from the Engineering Department, Traffic Engineering, Planning and Fire Departments opposing the proposed vacation as submitted due to anticipated and in-progress developments within the area to require the right-of-way for access and traffic circulation, the Fire De- partment ability to provide fire protection also to be restricted in event of the vacation. Utilities now exist within the right-of-way and an additional water line is planned for 1968. 60 ft. easement would be required if the street were vacated. The departments would not object to vacation of the street between 91st Avenue South and Rainier provided th^t the utility easement is retained. There were no verbal objections expressed. Mrs. Elisabeth Rivily, Stan E . Chapple and Frank Henderson urged the Council to vacate the street with regard especially to the portion between 9"st and Rainier to which no departmental objection was expressed. Moved by Shane, seconded by Edwards, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Shane, seconded by Barei, to grant the vacation subject to easements and restriction of no permanent type buildings erected including hold harmless to the City for any future construction. Discussion ensued wherein City Attorney Shellan advised that upon such vacation clear fee title is given the new owners and no restrictions can be imposed, the City having the right to retain utility easements however. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Planning Committee for recommendation. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested resulting as follows: Aye: Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Delaurenti and Schellert. No: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Edwards, Trimm, Perry and Morris. The motion lost 5 ayes to 7 no votes. Voice vote was taken on the original motion which resulted in majority negative vote and the motion likewise lost. There being no challenge, subsequent motions were invited, and after discussion regarding the possible granting of vacation of one block rather than the two proposed and upon petitioners ex- pressing willingness to so amend their petition, it was moved by Shane, seconded by Morris, to grant vacation of that portion of South 128th Street from the East line of 91st Avenue South to Rainier Avenue, subject to the requirment of Utility Easements. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to amend the motion to include referral to the Property Committee to obtain an appraisal, recipients to be charged up to z ra of such appisa according to provisions of the law. The amendment was voted upon and carried and subsequently the original motion as amended which also carried. -1- fU Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1/8/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Petition for Vacation of 102nd Avenue S.E. (Friends of Youth et al) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Mr. Jack T. Champion objecting to the vacation along with letter from the Engineering, Traffic, Planning and Fire Department Heads objecting to the proposed vacation since it is the only access to abutting properties where development is anticipated, and vs-ca- . .c7 action was deemed premature at the present time. Mr. Tom Sprague, 4534 - 87th Ave. S.E., Merc r .Island on behalf of the Friends of youth, the Griffin Home, Lots 33 and 38, �Eltsb/Trojan Lithograph, requested the grant--'ng of the vacation so the property might be beautified and put to use for athletic purposes. Pictures were shown to illustrate the terrain and its relationship -o existing pi-operties, 98th to provide additional access to adjacent properties if developed, It was noted the vacation would make the area more restrictive to the neighboring properties. Mr. E. V. Tesch objected to the vacation and restriction of access along with Mr. Richard Morris. Attorney Don Gouge, on behalf of Mr. Tesch, advised of anticipated development in the near future of a sizeable portion of land noting the route in being very precipitous without adequate access to Lake Wn. Blvd. , and the petitioning owner's land lying between the Blvd. and undeveloped area and the vacation would eliminate the possibility of further access. It was requested that the City and Petitioners meet with the other property owners to resolve the problems. Moved by Morris, seconded by Scheiler't-' - the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, that the vacation be denied. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 1 due Century Construction Company on C.AG. 1220-67, Liberty Park Grandstand, in sum of $13,637.25. Olson-Richert-Bignold, Architects certificate of completion of ggn1struction to this date was attached. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer fthe payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. .Statement rendered by Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Company reported architectural services rendered to December 28, 1967 on the new City Hall comprising Estimate No.. 182 now due and payable in sum of $1,487.43. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, :to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried- t Loiter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment billing for final design, phase I, Cedar River Park Well No. 8, due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield in sum of $500.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from hurray, Dunham, & Waitt, Attorneys, on behalf of Hazel W. Menaur,. appealed Planning Commission rezone denial. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, that the date of February 5th be set for hearing on the matter. Carried. Letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested transfer of Street Maintenance Department Funds in sum of $6,500.00 for equipment rental, the good weather allowing more work to be performed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper 'resolution-. Carried. Letter from D. W. Custer submitted and recommended concurrence in report of the Heating Code Committee for adoption of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1967 Edition and repeal of all existing ordinances conflicting therewith. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter-to the Law and Ordinance Committee for revision to existing Code. :tarried.. Application of Edward G., Johnson requested that license be granted to operate 3 coin type pool tables at the A. & B. Tavern. Moved by Delaurenti, secnnded by Barei, to refer the application to the Police and "License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that sign permit be granted Northwest Neon & Plastic to place a sign at Tony & Judy's Donut Shop, 304 Wells South, projecting six feet over the public right of way, overhead on marquee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards to grant-tho sign permit a's requested. Carried. Gctter from Mr. Donald H. Jacobs requested revision to the Comprehensive Plan to allow R-4 zoning on his property to afford the maximum potential use of the land. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole,Carried.o -2- Minutes - Renton Ci-,:;7 Council Meeting 1- 1 -68 COMMUN IC,-.T IONS: (Cont.) Letter from W. E. Lelnett, Utility Accountant, reported that the Data Processing Programmer for the Utility Department has terminated her services with the City and to date replacement has Dot been secured, Since the next two or three months will be the most critical in our conversion to data processing, the National Cash Register Company has offered to provide an experienced employee to assist the City and the City would be billed for her � services 11C:2 actually paying her salary. It is neces-Lry, since funds therefor have not been budgeted, that appropriation of $1,500,00 excess surplus, Waterworks Utility Fund 1810 be authorized into account 314, Expez- Services, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper ordinance. The motion carried Discussion ensued regarding salary and availability of new ,.., personnel from local training centers and schools Letters were read from the national League of Cities advising of appointment of Councilman Morris as a member of the Committee on Revenue and Finance and of Councilman Garrett as a member of the Committee on Transportation and Communication of the National League of Cities, each to be members of a three-man committee from this State representing its Manicipal interests, Meetings are held during the year and help formulate policies and recommendations to be consumated at the Annual meet;-',o in December, in San Diego, California. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter of delegates to the 1968 Convention to the Committee of .'10__ . _arried Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Frank Storey, 11007 - 109th Ave. S .E. requested that 3 weeks notice be given in regard to the public meetings to be held concerning the Puget Sound Power and Light Company Franchise Light and Power Committee Chairman Grant advised that the Committee plans to hold public meetings and notice will be given as requested; the news media aiso ' to be utilized. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs. Lorraine M. Nieter` as Secretary-Chief Examiner to both the Fire and Police Civil Service Com- missions ,of the City effective January 2, 1968: Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to concur in the appointment , Carried. Council concurrence was requested in the appo _ntment by Mayor Custer of Mr, Delbert Bennett as Traffic Engineer for the City of Renton with referral to the Law. and Ordinance,Committee for proper Ordinance creating the position pursuant to Council action in establishing a new Department of Traffic Engineering in the new Budget. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to concur in the appointment and referral. The motion carried. Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Antone Mola and of Mr. Norman Ross to membership on the Renton Planning Commission to fill vacancies created by resignation of Mr Stone and active-duty status of Mr. Brower who returned to the U.S. Navy. Mr. Ross was present and was introduced. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the appointments. .The motion carried Mayor Custer invited opinions regarding definite procedure to be followed in appointments and after some discussion, it was moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, that all persons appear at a Committee of the Whole meeting the week prior to the City Council meeting at which the appointment is to be recommended. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that this motion be referred to the Committee of the Whole Carried Moved by Bruce, seconded by Shane to recess. Carried< Recess was declared. After the recess roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Garrett submitted Committee of the Whole report which was read with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the 3% Utility Tax remain as adopted. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant that the recommendation be approv-,d. Councilman Perry submitted Minority report that the 3% Utility Tax be removed as of April 1, 1968 with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for supplementing the budget, Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation of the minority report of the Committee of the Whole, The substitute motion was voted upon and lost. Main motion to concur in the majority report of the Committee of the Whole to retain the 37. Utility Tax was voted upon and carried, z i 60 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-8-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: Cont.) Committee of the Whole Report: Recommended that: The matter of rules be referred to Sub-committee of Mr. Edwards, Mr. Grant and Mr. Trimm. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole.. Carried. The Capital Priority Committee Members be Mr. Schellert, Mr. Barei and Mr. Maxin. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm to concur in this recommendation. The motion carried. The City Hall Building Committee be Mayor Custer, President Garrett, Mr. Delaurenti, Gwen Marshall and Bruce Hulse. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to concur. Carried. The Public Relations Committee will function as "The Municipal Affairs Committee" .Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur. The motion carried. The matter of trunk sewer lines be referred to the Sanitation Committee for recommendation to the Council. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. Regarding referralcmn ceridng .joint use of facilities and meeting to be scheduled between the City and the School Officials, President Garrett submitted a letter from Superinten- dent of Schools, Earl Hobbs, acknowledging request for meeting and advising that the Board of Education had adjourned until after the Christmas Holidays but would meet on January 4th and would discuss the Council request and call the Mayor's Office to determine a mutually convenient time for a joint meeting. Councilman Barei suggested that Mr. Coulon, Park Department Director, attend this meeting. Council President Garrett reported that pursuant to a letter received from the Mayor regarding the matter of a Board of Equalization and meeting which was to have been held; he had selected Councilmen Schellert, Delaurenti and Grant to serve. The meeting was rescheduled to January 10th at 9:30 a.m. in the Assessor's office but Council approval was requested in the appointments. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, that these appointments be confirmed. Carried. President Garrett reported contacting the Association of Washington Cities regarding the City advancing to a First Class City or going to the option of Municipal Code City and detailed report is to be furnished. Councilman Cole of Bellevue, hired to draft the Municipal Code,will meet with the Council for discussion. President Garrett will notify the Council when such meeting is scheduled. City Hall Building Committee report was read recommending that the Architect and City of Renton Building Director draw up specifications for window washing equipment for the new City Hall with authorization to call for bids being granted. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Edwards to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. City Hall Building Committee report recommended that the Architects be authorized to redesign certain facilities in the new City Hall to comply with the new State Law concerning access to public buildings for the handicapped, such revisions not to exceed the sum of $1,500.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recom- mendation. The motion carried. Councilman Barei, Property Committee Chairman, submitted recommendations to the Council upon which actions were taken as follows: Renton Sailing Club request to use public property, referral of 12-18-67 - Grant the use of right of way on 72nd Street where it abuts Lake Wn. for purposes of an ingress and egress to and from the lake; allow the sailing club to anchor a sailing boathouse on floats in the inner harbor at the end of the street right-of-way; allow the Club until February 28, before removal of the house from the Lake Wn. Beach property; allow the Club to construct a raft at the site and move the boathouse onto the raft. The Sailing Club shall renew its Revocable Permit and Insurance with the City now existing to hold the City harmless against any liability and /or damage which may be incurred as a result of the activities. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Property Committee recom- mendations. Carried. . Moved by Garrett, seconded by vlarei, to refer the recommendations to the City Attorney to draw up the Permit document. Carried. Foss Launch and Tug Company request for lease extension, referred 12-11-67 - Recommended that the lease for log stora'e in the Lake Wn. Beach inner harbor area be extended to February 28, 1968. Mov-d by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the lease extension. Carried. -4- 69 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-8-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: (Cont.) Property Committee Recommendations: Recommended that the City enter into Lease Agreement with the Xerox Corporation on machine Model 2400, per communication from Jan Klippert 9-29-67 and outline therein. Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to concur. Carried. Upon inquiry it was noted that the machine will be located in the City Clerk's office of the new city hall building. Recommended that the lease with the Department of General Administration, Motor Vehicle Division be renewed and extended to July, 1969 with the rental adjusted at an amount equal to $324.00 per month. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. Recommended that the public use strip located between 7th and 8th Avenues North be advertised for sale on a sealed bid basis with the City reserving the right to reject any and all bids. (Referral of 5-8-67, John Racanello offer to purchase public use properties in the Highlands) . Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to concur. After discussion regarding time lapse since appraisal, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Shane to amend the motion to include a new appraisal. It was noted that the last appraisal was made in October, 1967. The amendment to the motion for an appraisal was voted on and lost. The original motion for bid call carried. (Bid opening 2-5-68) Regarding referral of 12-4-67 to the Property Committee, whether to secure an appraisal of portion of 91st Avenue South located to the North u:f the intersection of 128th Avenue South, it was recommended that appraisal be secured with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for funding of appraisal costs, the vacation to be granted at a charge to abutting property owners of one-half of the appraised price. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards to concur -.n the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Barei called attention to the need for a bid opening date on the sale of the surplus public use properties in the Highlands area. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that February 5th be set for opening of the sealed bids. The motion carried. Councilman Grant reported that the Light and power Committee has held informai.meetings with Puget Sound Power and Light representatives but has had no formal meetings as yet. Councilman Maxin, Chairman of the Planning Committee, submitted recommendations to the Council regarding J. David Jensen Variance request and appeal of Board of Adjustment Decision as follows: Reduce total number of lots (one entire ownership) from five (5) to four (4) in accordance with the discussion with the developer; develop. 20' access road to serve all four parcels, variance to be granted for the initial lot due to 3' reduction in minimum width (60' to 57'), variance also to be granted to serve the three lots not presently fronting on a public access street; require developer to develop access road to City standards including curbs, sidewalks, paving, gutters and sewers in accordance with City Engineer's specifications; recommend developer provide a building setback of 30 ft. for the Lot (#1) fronting on 132nd Ave. S .E . ; recommended developer provide an easement for future street on the Easterly 10' of the property alone 132nd Ave. S.E. Developer has indicated his approval of the recommendations and provisions as outlined to the City Council. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the Planning Committee recom- niendations. The motion carried. Councilman Trimm, Chairman, submitted Law and Or Committee recommendation that the low bid of the Record-Chronicle be accepted on the City of Renton 1968 Legal -Publi- cations as follows: 8 Point Type; $3.00 per 100 words for the first publication and $2.20 per 100 words for additional publications. Moved by Shane, seconded by Edwards, to accept the report concurring in the recommendation as read. Carried. Councilman Perry recalled that authority was given to the Park Department to hire an Architect to plan development of the Cedar River Park area, and ad-,ised that the report is ready at the convenience of the Council. Council President Garrett announced that the meeting for this purpose is to be held next Monday, Janta ry 15th at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Delaurenti, reporting for the Police and License Committee, recommended that the request for ordinance revision to allow*ssenger� in the front seat and to delete the second paragraph of Section 5-1905, Ch. 18, regarding requirement that vehicles be operative for at least ten miles per day for two hundred ano forty days to be eligible for license the succeeding year. Moved .by Delaurenti, seconded by Ferry; to� concur. The motion carried. COPRECi EU REFER "rO -5- MINUTES OF_J1 6 70 Minutes - Rent©n City Council Meeting 1-8-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS New Business: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 1178 through 1510, and , 7^ zzc .nd , that the Council approve same for payment at this time. Carried, Fuad breakdown follows: Current Fund 1178 - 1310 $ 16,303.97 City Street Fund 1311 - 1331 12,440.53 Cedar River M. & I. 1332 - 13b3 3,797,C0 Equipment Rental 1334 - 1365 22060.,95 Library 1366 - 1402 15,393.31 Parks 1403 - 1456 32,642?20 Water Works Utility 1457 - 1481 15,923,94 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 1482 500 G0 Airport 1483 - 1499 c875,01 Firemen's Pension Fund 1500 - 1509 159.78 City Hall Construction 1510 1,4137.43 $2.01,584.12 Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, repel*ed recommendation that the proposed ordinance regarding railroad crossing in vicinity or 'r?orth 8th Street, requested by Pacific Coast RR. Co. be referred to the -aw and Ordinance Committee. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. President of the Council Garrett announced a meet;_:.: of the Ste-eot and Alley Commlttee at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 15th and the 'raffic Er_gincer was invited to attend. Attention was called also to the Committee of the Whole Meeting pinch was scheduled for Monday at 7:30 p.m. to hear the Architects report regarding Cedar River Park development. Councilman Barei submitted formula which he proposed be used for rental of the new city hall space: Total building and land costs divided by -total square footage of the building, multiplied by 10% and divided by 12 shall equal. the monthly rental and 90-day cancellation clause was recommended with lease -to be for an indefinite period and annual review of rent. Governmental agencies shall b2 given preference for rental space with exception of the restaurant. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the formula as proposed to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Barei inquired regarding authority of the Property Com_nittee in securing appraisals and discussion ensued regarding mode of funding of costs after which it was moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to refer t1ae matter to the Committee of the "•?hole for_furthcr discussion, the costs involving various departments of the City, Carried. Councilman 'Shane, Chairman of the Sanitation Ccmmittee, advised of inquiries from residents of the Kennydale area who had petitioned for a Sanitary Sewer L.T_.D., and requested that the City Engineer investigate the ma'":2r of comamencing the L.I.D. for these people who petitioned originally. Moved by Shane, seconded by Perry, to increase budgetary salary allocated to Utility Supervisor Puhich to equal classification of the. Street Commissioner as in the past- Discussion ensued regarding, as with proposal for charge of utility tax status, effect upon the 1968 budget balances, and that tAis .:ia-ter is administrativc and not legislative jurisdiction. Moved by Trimm, seconded.by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole, Carried. Councilman Shane suggested a study be made, perhaps by Chamber of Commerce members,or others ­al-_-f-'_,,d, vlio-n the Mayor and Council President might suggest, to make a study of personnel needs and equipment operation as it pertains to intra and inter departmental functi ons of the City,which he felt the Council might not b:--.ng--Lo light for improv&-,•.~: , Councilman Grant moved that the matter of securing additional Codification Binders for the new Councilmen be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Councilman Grant recalled new Ordinance granting the Council President and two City Council Members the power to appoint Council Committees and moved that the matter of electing two additional Council Members to serve on this Committee be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Garrett and carried. -6- il. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-8-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: Cont. Councilman Perry submitted Sanitation Committee recommendation that a public hearing be held on January 22nd, to be conducted by the Sanitation Committee for discussion and consideration of the matter of City of Renton Garbage collection and proposed Franchise, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur. Carried. The meeting was set for 7:00 p.m., in the Renton City Council Chambers. Councilman Perry called attention to public hearing meeting to be held on January 15th by the King County Commissioners to determine whether or not to impose a charge to persons for dumping of refuse at the King County Dump sites and the Committee recommended that the City Council go on record opposing charges to Renton Citizens who use the sites and specifically the S.E . 128th Street trarsfcr station and that its resolve to so object be forwarded to the Commissioners prior to the public hearing; and that the Mayor or City Council President attend the hearing and voice opposition to any assessment of charges Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendations. Discussion ensued regarding authority to object, the enlargement of present contract or city service in collecting additional refuse for its citizens to reduce the need for utilization of the County sites, air pollution control problems and effect of restrictions after which the pending motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, that the matter of widening Talbot Road from Puget Drive to intersection of South 180th Street be referred to the Street and Alley Committee, Traffic Engineer and City Engineer, to work out with the County, it being noted that the completion of the Valley General Hospital will result in an additional traffic load along this right-of-way. The motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the matter of an Annual Public Report be referred to the Public Relations Committee and funding therefor be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer reported that Tukwila has asked the City to participate in improvement of the bridge,at the Ori.11ia intersection of South 180th Street, across the Green River and Council permission was requested to authorize a study and report back. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards that the Mayor's request be granted. Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mrs. Margaret Evans, 403 Grandey Way, expressed disdain at the late hour notedit to be the fault of both new and old Council Members in not reporting matters directly and concisely instead of speaking on matters in the proper order of business and then going around and around on matters. Also, with regard to improvement of the road to go to the new hospital to eliminate traffic hazards the relative matter of traffic danger and problem was noted due to allowing high density on Cemetery Road which is only 1/3 complete and will be even worse than it is now. Mr. George Robinson, 101: Q Street reported mud and hazardous condition of the Maple Valley Highway in front of the Stoneway operations. Mayor Custer advised that this problem has been presented and that the Company has been quite good and consistent about cleaning up. Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Court North, submitted newspaper notices on Tac6me garbage collection and suggested the City of Renton take like action. Attention was called to campaign sign which remain up from the election which should be removed. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the matters reported by Mr. Stredicke and the newspaper clippings be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to adjourn. Carried. He1_mie W. Nelson, City Clerk 0 D. W. Custer, Mayor -7- i a 72 oFFM 9F MY PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK NO AMOUNT _ B 0606 H M OFarrell 10600 Lk Wash Blvd Excavation 10 1001,000,00' 'The Boeing Co -0-50 B--.dg Erect balcony 11 750 .00 StandL.rd Oil Co 3900 4th i.ve N Sign install 12 16, 800.00 Mcnio Phillips 209 .irport Const new Bldg 13 Icing County 12015 4th Ave N sign lz 750.00 1-2-3 Cleaners 940 H St signs 15 70,000.00 Pac N W Bell 225 Williams Ave S 3rd add 16 425 ,000.00 Renton Village Co Renton Village theatre 17 20,000.00 C E Anderson 103 Rainier Ave concrete :.)ldg 18 20, 000.00 R S Shane 11656 SE 100th New residence 19 110,000.00 Highlander Inv Co 1.3200 90th Ave S Const *.pt bldg 20 200.00 James- Ward — 95 Lirpott Wy Remodei 21 17 , 500 .00 Wood Const Co, Inc 12014 132nd Ave S New residence 22 17 , 500.00 to 1112010 IN Itit 23 17 .500.00 Is " 12016 No of to 24 17 . 500.00 Is 12012 it It " 25 22, 950.00 Robert Petty 1309 Shattuck St it " 26 58,000.00U Wash Jockey Club Longacres P_dd to grandstand 27 1,000.00 Frank Tonkin 200 Rainier 1'.ve Sign install 28 16,000 .00 Bell & Valdez , Inc 2312 SE 19th P1 New residence 29 16,000 .00 " " 1906 Dogwood Ave SE it of 30 .16,000.00 " " 1916 " It " 31 16,000.00 " " 2016 It " to 32 16, 000.00 " 2013 It " Is 33 16 ,000.00 " " 1921 It it Is 34 16, 000.00 is2303 SE 19th P1 it 35 16 ,000 .00 It to 2006 SE Dogwood Ct " to 36 16 , 000.00 it it2016 11it to -37 161000.00 it Is 2009 It " to 38 16,000.00 It is 2005 to " It 39 16,000.00 isIt 2212 SE 20th P1 it 40 16,000.00 to " gw 2004 Dogwood Ave SE If 41 16 ,000.00 " " 1908 it Is If 42 16, 000.00 2012 SE Dogwood Ct nit 43 16,000.00 " " 2015 Is IN to 44 16,000.00 2002 Dogwood P1 SE Isif 45 16 ,000.00 " " 2008 " IN Is 46 16 ,000.90 20141 of " 47 „ „ 2020 If , 4.8 to If ,i 2023 it of to 419 11 91 111923 i, ,N 11 50to 1911 Dogwood ;:ve SE " " 51 it 2306 SE 19th P l " 52 °' " 1900 DBgwood %:ve SE " 53 „ „ 1912 „ 54 „ to It 2010 If „ ,o 55 It It it 1917 Dogwood P1 SE " 56 11 to " 2011 as It „ 57 It It It 2021 SE Dogwood Ct " 56 „ 11 „ 2024 ll If 59 „ it „ 2000 It 60 1915 Dogwood Ave SE " 61 „ „ 2001 " 62 „ „ „ 2007 „ n„ „ 63 „ „ „ 2019 it 64 15 , 000.00 " if 2218 SE 19th P1 " IN 65 13 , 920.00 " " 2224 " to to 66 „ „ ,� 2221 " „ t, 67 " " 2017 Dogwood P1 SE Ifif 8 #µN+140 44W I? Mx'�g CON T. �'����'���� L! B 0668 1, 500 .00 Robert L Herbert 3817 6th B1 N Gonst Addition 69 Void 70 1, 500.00 Ernest M Holm 3318 7th Ave N " 71 1, 500 .00 Robert L Edwards 250 SW 7th St Office Bldc 72 350.00 Foster & Kleiser 3333 4th Ave N sign 73 700.00 3rd Ave N Ext signs ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0449 398.00 Gambriell 523 12th Ave S Wire Service 50 27 , 600.00 The Boeing Co Bldg 10-56 " " 51 395 .00 W Lindell 1228 Morris Ave S 11if 52 8, 280 .00 B C Co 2920 12th N It " 53 500.00 The Boeing Co Bldg 4-62 Install motors 54 5, 700 .00 Sternoff Metals Corp 7430 S 180 Wire Service 55 35.00 Renton Center Center Mall Flower " 56 3 , 000 .00 Church of Jesus Christ 705 M St " 57 Jack Benaroya 250 SW 7th " 58 200.00 John Cyweski 2807 8th I1ve N " 59 2 , 600.00 Jessie Hoffman 435 Park Ave N " 60 Void 61 300 .00 Wayne Dorsey 12210 90th Ave S " 62 The Boeing Co Bldg 10-71 if 63 ItBldg 4-21 it 64 itBldg W H Co " 65 It " Bldg 4-63 " 66 it IfBldg 10-80 if 67 500;. 00 St Anthony' s 505 S 4th " " 68 450.00 Robert S Shane 11650 SE 100th " 69 The Boeing Co Bldg 10-50 " 70 ItBldg 4-73 it 71 It " Bldg 4-45 " " 72 100 .00 it IfS of Bldg 10-85 " (trailers) 73 1 , 000.00 It IsBldg 4-01 " 74 500 .00 Wilbur L Repp 815 3rd Ave N " 75 575 . 00 Leo V Roush 12804 89th S " 76 Wick Const 35 Grady Wy " (temporary 77 250.00 Gov-Mart Bazaar 705 Rainier Ave S Gas heaters 78 250 .00 The- Boeing Co Bldg 4-21 Wire service 79 Northwest Bell 4th Ave N & 132nd St it " 80 3 , 000 .00 Northwest Avionics Renton Airport If " 81 450 .00 Foster & Kleiser 1001 Rainier Ave S at It 82 250 .00 William G Bxter 13035 SE 147th It " 83 1 , 900.00 Pac NW Bell Co 225 Williams Ave S it Is 84 250 .00 Earl Bargum 205 S 3rd it Is MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0511 Roger Peterson 11018 115th Ave Se Install furnace 12 --- 11 If it plumbing fix 13 --- Karinen 14815 130th P1 SE " furnace 14 --- Dorsey 12210 90th S to plumb fix 15 --- Wick Const Co Renton V Shopping Center" " of 16 --- Joe Ricardi 217 Airport Wy is " It 17 --- McLendon Hdw Inc 710 S 2nd St If of Is 18 --- 11 11 It 14 It heaters 19 --- J Landers 542 J St It " 20 --- Ashley Brigham 9804 108th Ave SE it " 21 --- E Forbes 13225 SE 114th " dryer 22 --- Oscar A Pederson 522--'Wells Ave S burner 23 --- Alma Dravland 521 Wells Ave S Furnace 24 --- The Boeing Co Bldg 10-71 breakers 25 --- Bob Shane 11650 SE 100th plumb fix 26 --- Manufacturers Mineral Co 15025 72nd Ave S septic tank 27 --- Renton Bible Church 11603 132nd Ave SE furnace 28 --- The Boeing Co 9 Bldg 10-50 fountain i 74 MECHANICAL PERMITS CONT. 1-8-1968 M 0529 --- Carol S Conley 706 D St Install water tanf; 30 --- Pac N W Bell 549 Garden Ave Itfurnace 31 --- Market Basket 2810 Sunset Blvd E is heaters 32 --- Geo Roush 12804 89th S plumb rix 33 --- The Boeing Co Bldg 10-56 interceptor 34 --- Gov-Mart Bazaar 705 Rainier Ave S heaters 35 --- Lowell Leckenby 426 Mills Ave S " 36 =_- Brewer William 11222 SE 104th septic tank 37 --- R S Shane 11661 SE 100th it 38 --- L & W Const Co 10633 111 P1 SE " Is 39 --- Gambriel 607 12th S plumb tix 40 --- Whitespar 649 P St " SEWER PERMITS NO . 292 --- Elmer Morash 4th & N Wells Sewer service 3 --- 11 I1 11 11 11 11 4 ---- Pac N W Bell 7th & 92nd Ave S " 5 --- if It It to 6 --- W W Nettleship 7421 Ripley Lane " 7 --- B & C Co 2920 12th N " to It If It 9 --- Flansburg Const 2823 4th P1 N " If 300 --- Vern Gambriel 613 12th Ave S " 1 --- Leo Roush 12804 89th Ave S 10 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S January 15, 1968 Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate 41 due General Service Electric on Rainier Avenue So. traffic signal installations, CAG. 1166-67, $25,491.37 AIRPORT BOARD & MANAGER & FAA Grant Offer documents Roadway around North end of airport property CITY ATTORNEY To check Grant Offer documents connected with airport inner harbor line area west of Cedar River CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRIORITY COMMITTEE Appropriation and budgeting of balance of State Allocation $24,894.48 ($15,000.00 already appropriated,for neofire training site, into Fire Department Budget Cedar River Park development plan - presented to Committee of the Whole by Architects COMMITTEE OF THE k4HOLE Matter of flouridation of City water supply as suggested by Dr. Ralph Huey FIRE GA lt:1 To prepare report on requirements and costs to advance to 3rd Class Fire Rating District LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Street lighting contract and its maintenance costs POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE 0, K. Cab Company request for license to operate additional taxicab .,. PARK DIRECTOR To prepare and distribute Annual Report concerning operation of City Parks PLANNING COMMISSION Interlake Construction Co. appeal granted - Planning Commission to resolve matters relative to cul de sac, etc. as needed. PROPERTY COMMITTEE and * INSURANCE COMMISSION *Bell-Anderson Insurance Agency recommendations for changes to City's Insurance program Federal Grant Offer for Airport to recoup portion of costs for inner harbor area To consider demolition and bid call on Autobahn garage and old library TRAFFIC ENGINEER To contact The Boeing Co. regarding participation of cost for roadway around north end of airport property. SANITATION COMMITTEE City ts policy on sewers as would affect plats Comprehensive plan for storm and sanitary sewers for the entire city. Robert E� Hennen letter requesting meeting for possible Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in the Honey Creek Park area Orrin L. Madison letter regarding refuse in City Parking Lot on Wells Ave. South and Houser Way South. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE To make recommendations regarding Parking Checker costs APPOINTMENTS Charley D. Ankeny and Roger J. Newton - Firemen in Renton rrf\ F Department, effective January 16, 1968 for 6 months probationary period MEETINGS AND EVENTS: January 19, 1968 - Fire and Water Committee meeting at 4:30 p.m. in office of the City Engineer January 22nd - Capital Improvement Priority Committee - 11:00 a.m. Ways and Means Committee - 7:00 p.m. Law and Ordinance Committee - 7:00 p.m. January 29th - Public Hearing by Light & Power Committee - 7:00 p.m. in Council Chamber_, 76 RCNTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 15, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor D. W. Custer in the Council Chambers, City Hall and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer and Delores Mead, Recording Secretary. Corrections to the minutes of the previous meeting of January 8, 1968 were invited. Councilman Maxin referred to Page 5, line 2 of the last paragraph, noting that the intent of the motion to revise the Taxicab Ordinance was to allow only one passenger to ride in the front seat and the word passengers should be changed to singular accordingly. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the minutes of the prior meeting be approved as corrected. Carried. Mayor Custer announced a meeting on January 23rd to be held by the State Highway Department and Federal Aid Director regarding reconstruction of Sunset Hwy. from vicinity of the North Renton Interchange, 116th Ave. S.E. to a junction with S.E. 138th Street with two routes to be proposed. Interested parties are invited to attend, at 1:30 p.m., Carpenters Hall, 231 Burnett Avenue North. PUBLIC HEARING: Interlake Construction Co. appeal of Planning Commission denial of approval of Preliminary Plat. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported that the Planning Commission had considered the Plat on October 25, 1967 holding subsequent meetings for further information and the Plat submitted at the November 22nd public hearing had met the minimum requirements of the City's Sub- division Ordinance. The Commission in discussing the general need for sewers in the upper Kennydale area indicated that all new Plats should have sewers it being noted how- ever,this plat was so located that sewers were not available and were not likely to be for some time in the future. Feeling that the matter of sewer requirements should be brought to the attention of the City Council, the Commission, on this basis, denied the approval. Audience comment was invited and Attorney James Gooding, on behalf of Interlake Construction Company, advised that the land involving approximately 4.3 acres is located on S.E. 100th Street between 108th Avenue S.E. and 112th S.E. and that the matter of sewers had not been an issue heretofore, the line being over a mile away with no present plans for extension to the subject area. Perctests were excellent and there would be no septic tank problems, installations being approved by the Health Department. Possible L.I.D. could be covered by restrictive covenant on deeds of prospective owners of the 14 parcels and Interlake has agreed to install storm drainage and consented to deed certain 25 ft. area as requested Mr. Gooding advised that Inter- lake has some $25,000.00 worth of work in the property and denial for reason of sewers would be unreasonable since the line is over a mile away with no available connection. Mr- Miles Drake, Civil Engineer for the project added that subdivision requirements have been met and the property could i:ot be used if this sewer requirement is to be enforced. Inquiry was aide regarding dry sewering the area until service is available and the Engineer stated this was not probable as a depth for such line and various factors could not be determined and the cost for septic tanks with this would double their cost and then it might not be utilized and was thus not feasible. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant:, to close the hearing. Carried.Having the sewer problem before the Council in this method was discussed, City Attcruey Shellan; advising that the Planning Commission must make its decision on the basis of the law and in regard for existing ordinances and that if all subdivision requirements are met action should be taken accordingly. It was noted that a variance would be required for a 40 ft. cul de sac which is supposed to be 50 ft. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Effect of septic tanks on property below this area was discussed along with matter of the restrictive covenants for L.I.D. to be imposed upon the new owners of each lc". It was subsequently moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant that the appeal of Interlake Construction Co. be granted. Carried. Moved by Garrett with second by Morris, the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission to resolve the matter of the cul de sac and any others now unresolved. It was noted that the Planning Commission denial for sewer reason was improper of of no further issue. After discussion regarding policy and sewers, the motion carried. -1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 1-15-68 After discussion and action on Interlake Construction Co. appeal, servicing of new construction and annexed areas with sewer facilities was discussed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the subject of the City's policy on sewers as they affect plats be referred to the Sanitation Committee for recommendation. Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, that a Comprehensive Plan for storm and sanitary sewers for the entire city be prepared. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garre*t that the previous action be referred to the Sanitation Committee. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS'. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted and reaammended for payment, —Progress Estimate No. 1 due Contractor, General Service Electric Co. on Rainier Avenue South traffic signal installations. Amount due this estimate, $25,491.37 per C.AG. 1166-67. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Robert E. Hennen, 3311 - 14th Avenue North, Renton, Wn., requested on behalf of residents of the Honey Creek Park area, a meeting with the Sanitation Committee to continue discussion on proposed sewer L.I.D. for the area. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee to set up such a meeting. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer submitted communication from Mr. Dan Friday, of the Bell-Anderson Insurance Agency, containing several suggestions for changes to the City's insurance program which might broaden the coverage and lessen the cost. Referral to Committee was suggested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Property Committee and the Insurance Commission to study and make recommendations to the Council. The motion carried, Letter was read from the Federal Aviation Administration submitting copies of Grant Offer providing for federal participation in City of Renton Airport project, No. 9-45-030- 0804 up to 51.52% or maximum amount of $15,662.00. It was requested that the City adopt a Resolution authorizing city officials to complete and execute the document. (To recoup part of cost for area within inner harbor line,off thO Airport,Whst from Cedar River) Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to authorize execution of acceptance and the Resolution as proposed by the FFA upon approval of the Property Committee City Attorney and Airport ..Board. Carried. Roll Call vote was requested and resulted as follows, a prior motion having been proposed on referral including Committee of the Whole. Aye: Garrett, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Barei, Maxin, Perry and Schellert, and the motion carried. eight to four. Letter from Mr. Orrin L. Madison called attention to need for additional attention to the City Parking Lot on Wells Avenue South and Houser Way South which still persists as a threat to car owners as well as being unsightly due to broken bottles and refuse ;although steps had been taken to improve the situation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee for review. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer reported that the Building Director has advised that his budget account for Consultant Fees on Plans Check services has been obligated in its entirety for 1968 . Mayor Custer advised that although from an administrative standpoint the problem might answer itself, the Council, in adopting the budget left the question unanswered as to whether the City is to continue to submit building plans to consultants for a plans check, in which event additional funds must be made available to Building Department Account 1165/314., The Council in prior action limited the plan check fees to $500.00 but has included some $7,500.00 in the revenue section of the same budget which is in the Current Fund but would need to be appropriated into the expending fund by Council action, Also, should the City charge a plans check fee and if so should any such revenues derived be directly applied in retaining the consultants performing the check. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means ;ommittee for recommendation. Carried. ""-Letter from Xesika Chapter, No. 54, Order of the Eastern Star, requested that the City permit the use of the old Volkswagen Building to hold a rummage sale on February 1, 2 and 3, 1968 ., Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to grant the request subject to the usual Hold Harmless Agreement and Insurance requirements. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer recalled appropriation of $15,000.00 for development of the new fire station-training site and authorization for funding from State Funds if City allocation were received prior to December 31st. The City's payment was received December 28th in sum of $39,894.48. The money must be used for parks, health, police or fire purposes and it was recommended that the Council consider appropriating the reLLining amount into the 1968 Budget, Park Department Fund No. 1710, Account 602, Capital Outlay, Buildings and Improvements, to provide for a teenage center to be located in Mother's Park. -2- 78 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 1-15-68 COMMUNICATIONS : Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to concur in the Mayor's recommendation for budgeting of State allocation funds in the Park Department Fund for teenage center. Councilman Barei inquired whether this money might rather be used to supply needs to raise the City to a Rate 3 Fire District. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Capital Improvement Committee The motion carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson requested that the Property Committee consider bid call for demolishing the recently vacated Autobahn garage building located on the new city hall site noting another bid matter for demolition purposes being the old library building, appropriation of funds to be required in connection with the demolitions at such time as bid calls are authorized. Discussion ensued wherein it was noted that the library building is under jurisdiction of the Tlibrary Board t.T :-h how Councilman Shane calling attention to the good condition of the Lu-Iobahn as compared to others in the City which might well need to be demolished, Mayor Custer advising that the newly proposed parking garage L.I.-D,; implementation would encompass a good number of these. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the communication be referred to the Property Committee. 'Carried. Letter from James J. Abraham, President, O.K. Cab, Inc., requested an additional taxicab license noting that four cabs are now operating under this company while the Renton Radio-Yellow Cab Co. operates only six vehicles and holds eleven licenses, Investigation into this situation and additional license award was requested, prior actions to acquire another license and ordinance provisions being outlined along with reasons for the new request, 'Moved by Bruce, seconded by Edwards, to refer the letter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, reported storm water problem at 132nd Avenue S.E. located in the Honeydew Elementary School area and extending South for approximately 1,400 ft., and requested waiver of bid call for the city to proceed with this emergency project. City Attorney Shellan advised that an emergency would be in event of earthquake, flood insurrection, etc. and not for standing surface water and that if the project cost is over $5,000.00 bids'must be called according to State Law and if the work can be done for less the City may proceed. Discussion ensued regarding contracting the work with the City doing the maintenance, and the hazard of standing water to children in the area at present, Mayor Custer noting that the immediate hazard will be eliminated. APPOINTMENTS: Letter. from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Charley D. Ankeny and Mr. Roger J. Newton to position of Firemen in the Renton Fire Department effective January 16th which commences the six months probationary period per Civil Service rules and regulations. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to concur in the appointments. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Garrett reported attendance at the public hearing held by the King County Commissioners for determination as to whether to charge for use of the King County dump facilities, noting that the charges will be effected this week with auto- mobiles to pay 50� and trailers and pick-up charges to be $1.00, Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, reported approval by the Committee of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 1511 through 1683, and it was recommended that the Council approve same for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 1511 - 1561 $ 24,292.11 Arterial Street 1562 25,491.37 Street Fund 1563 - 1578 5,711.51 :Cedar River M. & I. 1579 - 1583 123.99 Equipment Rental 1584 - 1603 3, 113.26 Library Fund 1604 - 1639 9,257.08 Parks 1640 - 1655 4,459.01 Waterworks Utility 1656 - 1670 5,988.81 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 1671 2,845.13 Airport 1672 - 1683 492.32 $ 811,914.59 -3- Minutes - Renton City t"ouncil Meeting 1-15-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business Cont.) Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, recommended that the bid of Pacific Waterworks Supply Co., Inc. on the Fire Hydrants be rejected and bid options be prepared - o allow new and broader bid call. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (Not to be inferior equipment) Councilman Bruce reported that the matter of flouridation of the City water supply 1�as recommended by Dr. Huey,had been considered and the Committee recommended that this matter be referred to the Committee of the_ Whole for discussion. Carried. Shane opposed. Councilman Barei, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that appraisals have been secured on 91st Avenue So. r__gzt--of-way ,at $9,CCO.00 and South 128th Street westerly to Rainier Avenue South f,om 91st Avenue South, $25,200.00. City Attorney Shellan advised that perhaps the appraiser had nit been advised that the City does not hold fee title but only has an easement right for its benefit,the fee title being owned by abutting property owners. Apparently the appraisal was made on a square ft. basis and assumption of clear fee title which in this instance is not the proper basis for appraisal. Councilman Barei advised he would so inform the appraiser. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, reported regarding matter of a road around the north end of the airport and it was recommended that the Traffic Engineer contact the Boeing Company regarding participation in the cost With referral. to the FAA and Airport Board for further action. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to concur in tie-recommendatiors. Carried. New Business: Councilman Garrett, noon p_-b.iicity on Seattle activitisurged that Renton prohibit the practice of staging crimes. Discussion ensued regarding public apathy and pros and cons of the matter it being noted that other than for training officers privately, " ,­:`.:cn should not engage ` i playing or faking staged crimes with approval of our police department. Councilman Schellert, announceda .meeting of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee at ll:a ,:u. on Monday, January 22nd and a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee January :L.nd at 7:00 p.m. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter of the Cedar River Park development as presented to the Committee of the Whole by the Architects, to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee to meet with the Park Board and report back with recommendations Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, that Fire Chief Walls be requested to prepare a report on the requirements to advance the City to Class 3 Fire Rating including equipment and where same is to be located and the cost of such project. Carried. Councilman Shane inquired regarding referral of various _ machine licenses to the Police and License Committee last week and wondered why the pinball machine licenses were not submitted. Police and License Committee Chairman Delaurenti advised that all licenses concerning amusement devices have been before the Police and License Committee for investigation and recommendation prior to receiving their licenses. Shane inquired regarding punch board operations and Mayor Custer advised that the punch board license ordinance had been repealed as being a game of chance and gambling, Per !tate Law. The Ordinance allowing pinball amusement' device operations which are considered games of L;kill, io in effect and each application must go to the Council and is referred to the Committee.. :.ouncilman Shane inquired regarding availability of material to appear on the Agenda by Wednesday. City Clerk Nelson advised that copies of the materials are placed in the individual mail box of the Councilman to whose Committee it may be of concern and may be picked up prior to the Council meeting. Councilman Grant announced a Public Hearing to be held by the Power and Light Committee at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 29th in the Council Chambers. The subject to be discussed will be power rates and it was moved by Grant, seconded by Perry, that the notice,to be furnished the City Clerk by the Light and Power Committee, be published in the local newspaper. Carried. Mayor Custer informed the Council that the Street Lighting program is now under responsibility of the Traffic Engineer and that a report will be compiled and submitted to the Committee in regard to this matter by Traffic Engineer Bennett. (Formerly under City Engineer and changed administratively.) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane,, to refer the street lighting contract and its maintenance costs to the L ht and Power Committee. Carriod. —4- Minutes .- Renton City Council Meeting 1-15-68 COJNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: Cont, Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, announced a meeting on January 19th at 4:30 p.m,: in the office of the City Engineer. Moved by Maxin seconded by Schellert, that the Park Director be requested to prepare and distribute an annual report concerning operation of the City of Renton Parks to also include locations, acquisition information, cost and proposals for use. Councilman Maxin noted report from another city such as he would like to see for Renton. The motion carried. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to recess. Carried. Recess was declared. After the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed except Shane who returned to the Chambers later. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution authorizing transfer of Street Functional Budgetary Fund 3300/1003, Non- Street Costs, Non-reimbursible unto Street Functional 3300/801 roads, $6,500.00; and From (Street working budget, 3340/416, Non-Street Costs, Non-Reimbursible,) Utzto (Street working budget - 3340/315, Equipment Rental)(To cover work performed on City streets allowed by the good weather) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1516 as read. Carried. Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Resolution authori7i.ng appropriation of surplus revenues in the Waterworks Utility Fund into Account 1810/314, Expert Services, in sum of $1,500.00~ Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to adopt Resolution No. 1517 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton amending Section 5-3001 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to charges for documents and services. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2381 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all eleven members present voting aye. The motion carried. (Authorizing Library to charge 10t for coin operated duplicating services and the Police Department to charge for fingerprint cards $1-00 per set and providing for $2.00 fee for miscellaneous Permits.) Proposed Ordinance was read amending Section 5-1901, 5- 931 and 5-1549 of Title V , (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to "For-Hire Drivers nand Taxicabs". Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to place the document on its Second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordire nce No. 2382 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all eleven present voting aye and ,the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read adopting and establishing by reference a "Uniform Mechanical Code" (Uniform Building Code Volume 11) 1967 Edition, Moved by Trimm, seconded.by, ,Garrett, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2383 as read. Roll. call vote was taken with all ayes except Shane who opposed. The motion carried, 11 ayes to 1-no. There was no debate on the adoption of this ordinance. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs- Margaret Evans, 403 Grandey Way, commented that she felt the fake crimes, set up by the Chief of Police in Seattle, were to rouse people so they would notify the police when they see activities that are out of the ordinary or against lawful regulations. Mr, David Gosse, 10203 - 115th Ave. S.E. commented that undue comment by the Council in regard. to items on the agenda was. extending the length of the meetings and did not leave the audience with a good impression; extended bouquet & compliment to Councilman Garrett for the presentation of the City's position on charges to be assessed for use of the King County dump sites, his wife having attended the County Commissioner's public hearing; and, compliment was extended to the Council for making decisions after listening to the public rather than having its decision made no matter what is said. It was suggested that the Committees when reporting on referrals give some background on the matter being reported. -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-15-68 AUDIENCE COMMENT: (Cont.) Mr.. Ron Tremayne, Renton Auto Glass, 133 Rainier Avenue South, reported that the added new left turn lane has restricted parking and that the movement of traffic in front of the business makes it very hazardous to their customers who must back out or pull out into oncoming traffic and he felt the businesses should have been contacted prior to changing traffic patterns. It was requested that the traffic department give some assistance in regard to getting customers in and out of their property safely. Traffic Er:o5_neer Bennett advised that the project was publicized over the past six months and that the curb lane which is now being utilized does not restrict access but does restrict the on street parking. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Councilman Shane inquired regarding the right to use the full street width and City Attorney Shellan advised that the City has the right to improve to the full width for benefit of the public; that private property encroaches without cost and when the City finally makes improvements and uses its full right-of-way sometimes the property owners are disappointed, but Supreme Court ruling having judged that access from one way only is required. It was noted that the grade changes could constitute problems but not full use of the right-of-way; that Mr. Tremayne is the lessee of the subject property and that the new traffic pattern on Rainier has alleviated accidents, this being one of the worst areas having had 2702 accidents thereon. Councilman Garrett requested that the Traffic Engineer meet him at Renton Auto glass in the morning. The pending motion carried, Councilman Trimm requested a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee on January 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Fire Chief Walls called attention to problems involved where cul de sacs are involved as far as fire protection is concerned and recalling action of the Council in referral Of the City over all sewer plan, requested that the street development plan also ,be prepared. Mayor Custer called attention to the tentative plan of renaming the K Street extension which is to be straightened out and the new designations will facilitate the overall plan in the City. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved .by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk f C�X�" D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- 82 OFFICE OF CITY CLLRii 1-15-68 2Eri.,ITS i,j 3UL'b 31 Tiiu CiTY 3UILLli4G u ;riGTir' : �R ��ts L%PART.WiI1S B C6 BUILDING PERMITS 74 65,000.00 Roberts ..: Anderson 111 illiams St �o Cons. office, 6 50, 000.00 ,,lex Cugini Jr. 710 :o 2nd at E,ddition to sto. 76 5 .0.00 Glaser 3everaes 354 ,unset Blvd _.o. Erect sign 77 --------- Ri;)ley Lade ,pt. Co. 7421 iii )ley ,ane He,aove Bldg 78 800. 00 Globe Levelo -)anent Inc 930 "1I" St Remodel 79 17,000.00 Catalina ho.,ies Inc 12215 "T" St iJew residence 30 4,000.00 Aero Lyne Corp. 4JO Alrport tray remodel 81 17,000.00 Catalina iioiaes Inc 12203 "T" at view residence 82 11 " 12201 "T" St " 33 it 12209 SIT" St 34 42, 000.JO Robert Petty 535 Renton .eve So " 85 VOID 86 100.00 Dr. J.D. Hurly 9112 So 3rd St Inst. of sign 87 250.00 Dorman L. Ross 127 Rainier ,:ve So Remodel 88 275.00 Valentino i3ellinato 1150 Shattuck St Add garage .EELECTRICAL PERMITS --- 85 3enson ?roperties 15920 3enson ted Temp. Service 86 50.00 kelvin R. Gray 9836-116th live S.E. i.'iring garage 87 250.00 The Boeing Co. 10-65 Col. J-iv - 10-12 .Fire service 88 450-JO The Boeing Co. Vlt 15, '�/sd 31dg 4-42 ?ire service 89 350.00 The 3oeing Co. Bldg 4-21 .,,ire service 90 525.00 The :3oeing Co. 31dg 4-42 :Tire service 91 3,000.00 Cecil ..hitaker 447 Park Ave ire service 92 4JO.J0 Sell & Valdez 1018 S.E. Birchet lire new res. 93 " " 1824 S.L. 3irchet " 94 " " 1902 S.L. 3irchet it 95 " " 1908 S.L. Birchet it 96 315.00 :ihite Spar 1- omes 649 "P" St " 97 --------- Select Cont. Inc . 8626 So 130th Temp. service 98 50.00 Rainbow Cafe 2314 ,,ain at Inst light fixt. 99 50-JO i aple Leaf Cafe 321 Rainier So. inst flasher 500 VJID Ol 50.00 The Hoeing Co. 3ldg 10-80 idire service 02 " " 31dg 10-8 Col. D-17 :Tire service 03 " " 3ldg 10-85 " A-C 1-2 Wire service 04 31dg 10-51 " 9-7 r:ire service 05 42.00 Edwin 3. Goebel 444 ',,?illiams Ave ido Rep. panel wire 06 100.00 iir. Beckwith 10617-112th S.L. Increase service 07 550.00 Sir Loin Inn 95 iirport .:ay Install sign J8 50.00 Sell & Valdez 1824 3.-. 3irch Ct Temp service 09 It Robert ?etty 2000 Rolling Hills Temp service Pl. S.E. 10 50.00 Bell & Valdez 1902 S.E. 3irch Ct Temp service 11 " B & T Const. 446 :'ells Ave iio Temp service 12 " Harold Miles Const. 12512-86th So Temp service 13 " Cecil Whitaker 447 Park Temp service 14 " Guaranteed Homes 435 Park Ave .4o Temp service 15 " Howard S. Lease Const 150 Logan Ave So Temp service N, 05 MECHANICAL PERMITS '1l --------- Carol S. Cohley 706 "D" St Install heaters 42 500.00 Gambriel Const Co 613-12th j'>ve So Install furnace 43 " " 607-12th Ave So It 44 " " 523-12th Ave So " 45 " White Spar I_omes 649 "P" St " 46 --------- C .L. Anderson 103 Rainier Ave So Inst ;dumb fix 47 --------- Leo Rousl 12804-89th So Install furnac 43 --------- Louie r jelmstad 108 .ells Ave leo " 49 --------- Robert L. Herbert 3817-6th Pl Jo Floor drain 50 --------- Latter Day Saints 705 "IV St Inst boiler 51 --------- Richard Shear Co 7430 So 180th Install furnce 52 --------- Robert Petty 319 13th 3o " 53 --------- it313 13th So " 54 --------- Central Puget Const 715 Lind Ave S.:'. Inst boiler 55 --------- irir. Klabo 11651 S.E. 100th Install furnce 56 --------- Richfield Oil Co 17200-140th S.E. " 83 i-1 -68 M 05 MECHANICAL PERMITS CONT. --------- George Kalasountas 6142 "E`" St Inst. furnace 58 --------- Dr. Ken Murakmi 1417 So 4th Remode'�l plumbing 59 --------- Elmer Bergman Apt. 205 So 3rd SEWER PERMITS No. 302 --------- Clyde Raub 1x147 Park Ave No Sewer service 303 --------- Melville 12637-89th Ave So Sewer service Iir -S- I✓ 84 85 R E F E R R A L S RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 22, 1968 Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final payment due W. C. Frost Construction on Water Project W-245 in sum of $12,181.21 and commencement of the 30-day lien period. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRIORITY COMMITTEE Municipal Arts Commission report of acceptance of Cedar River Park development plans CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Wilho Cortes claim for automobile damage incurred at High Street and South 7th Street LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Airport Board and Director's letter approving execution of Grant Agreement for federal aid for airports (Inner Harbor area acquisition assistance) Ordinance creating office of "Traffic Engineer" LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Lighting of Houser Way North in vicinity of The Boeing Company MAYOR Monterey Terrace Community Club beautification project award To furnish Capital Improvement Priority Committee with anticipated revenue projected from 1969 to 1974. PARK BOARD Jo nston-Campanella-Murakami & Co. letter requesting to be interviewed with respect to design of individual buildings for development of Cedar River Park PROPERTY COMMITTEE - Library Board and Director's letter of request for appropriation of $3,450.00 from excess surplus for transportation equipment for the Library SANITATION COMMITTEE Peoples Bank - Request to connect Rainier Avenue branch office facility, King County, to City Sewer system at South 122nd Street C. E. Powell request for Late-Comers Agreement for Sanitary Sewer installation on S.E. 108th Street which will serve the Plat of Powell's First Addition to Renton STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Suggestion for widening and draining of 87th Avenue South, 92nd Avenue South and South 7th Street entranccsto the Renton Shopping Center (Edwards Avenue So.) APPOINTMENT John P. Pringle. Lieutenant, Renton Fire Department, effective upon concurrence of Council MEETINGS AND EVENTS: January 24, 1968 - Sanitation Committee at 7:30 p.m. City Attorney and Utility Accountant invited to attend. January 25, 1968 - Property Committee at 7:00 p.m., Mayor or Assistant invited to attend Fire and Water Committee at 4:30 p.m. in City Engineer's office January 29, 1968 - Light and Power Committee Public Hearing regarding City Power Rates January 30, 1968 - Committee of the Whole at 7:30 p.m. MINUTES RENTON CITY COiRICIL REGULAR MEETI14G January 22, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m., by Mayor Custer in the Council Chambers, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the ,Flag was recited in unison by the assembly, ROLL CALL_ OF COU14CIL MEMBER': Garrett, Barei; Shane, Bruce, ilaxin., Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris.. Grant arrived Tatar in the meeting. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Helmie nelson, City Cierk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G� M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vera Church, Purchasing Agent, M C<, Walls; Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gordon Ericksen, Plannir_g Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert., Administrative Asst to the Mayor, Del Bennett., '"raffic Engineer and Delores Mead; Recording Secretary Correction to the minutes of the previous meeting of January =5th were invited. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, that the minutes be aporo-;-e as prepared and mailed. The motion carried, there being no revisions. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment with commence- ment of the 30-day lien period, final payment due W, C. Fret Construction on Water Project 245, (132nd Avenue S-E,, Watermain), in sum of $12,181.21. Retained amount of $1,353,47 to be released after 30 days if no li,ns or claims are filed and tax liability proof of payment has been received. Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to "�_to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to ac's- Carried. Letter from Library Director Jones requested on behalf of the Library Board and himself., that the sutra of $3,450.00 be appropriated from excess surplus into Library Fund 1610, Capital Outlay Account 606, to be used for purchase of a vehicle for transportation for the Renton Public Library Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the mate,.r to the Property Committee. Carried, after discussion regarding use of City vehicles, Letter from Z. G- Bourque, Asst, Vice-President, Peoples lTat-io_ ai Bark of Washingtcc:, requested permission to connect branch office facility on Rainier Avenue South, V_.:ng �, r,,to City of Renton sewer system which is close by on South 122nd Stree-1,1 Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee - Discussion ensued regarding policy of serving only other Muazicipa �or Health Agerc _e > with City if located outside the corporate Limits of the City for special purpose of enhancing annexation be_.efits� City Attorney S -Wllan noted that State and Federal Laws do not permit more than one branch in a City unless it haptens to be the home office, and the banks thus build outside and lat-er annex. If it had to annex prior to getting sewer service it would not be allowed to be built as it can only get a branch in the County. There is no ordinance prohibiting service the City and the law encourages sewer and water liras by lute comers agreement in order to provide services to the people the City policy,however,having made exception e1z.iy :ior other Municipal agencies and one party about to annex. Proposed motion to grant power to act was withdrawn and the original motion to refer to the S-nitation Commi-ttec w;-.^ voted upon and carried. Letter from C. E . Powell, requested Late-Comers Agreement to recover costs for fa rr-'7 connections to sanitary sewer being installed on S .E, 103-4h Street which was requ,-rcd to sewer the Plat of Powell's First Addition to '-he City of Rcrton; consideration to be given Mr, Palmer D. Heivran and Mr. Edward S, Smith who have granted easement rights for the sewer- Moved by Morris., seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Letter from Building Director ?ohnson recommended that Rcvocable Sign Permit be grunt?d People's Rank for sign to extend over public right of w^y 4'9"<. gloved by Schellert, seconded by Earei, to concur, Discussion ensued regarding policy of encroachment a::.d regulatEon!'1heretofore established along with provisions of the Ordinance and it was moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, to refer the co-nmunica`.icn to the Street and Alley Committee. After further discussion regarding circumstances of this particular case and provisions of the Revocable Permit the motion to_zr, co:icurrnncebrought di.p­it ar.d roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Maxin; Trimm, Deiaurenti and Schellert. No: Grant, Bruce, Edwards, Perry and Morris, The motion to concur in the Building Director's recommendation Carried, save-i ayes to five no votes- grant-ng the Permit , T_t was recalled that the Sign Ordinance was referred to the law and Ordinance Committee to consider auchori7lrg the builling Director to gr�7- t ---ign permits without c•.uncii action . _1_. 7 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-22-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont) Councilman Barei, at this time, extended welcome to Mrs. Hodges, Teacher from Lakeridge Elementary School and her class of 6th Grade Able Learners attending to observe City Government at work. Letter from Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Company, Architects, Consultants and Planners, advised of interest in the comprehensive study for development of Cedar River Park and requested to be interviewed with respect to commissions to design the individual buildings. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to refer the request to the Park Boardo Carried. Letter from the Municipal Arts Commission reported review and approval of drawings and -� design proposals for development of Cedar River Park and expressed hope that the project might be commenced in the very near future, Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letter to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee. Carried. Letter from F. A. Grabner, Airport Director, reported that the Renton Aviation Board has reviewed the Grant Agreement providing for Federal participation of 51.52% of costs of inner harbor area land acquisition and approved_ same for execution by City Officials upon approval of the City Attorney, Moved by Morris, seconded By Barei, to concur authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee with regard to the required Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from Mayor Custer reported fund transfers within the budget classifications from November 1, 1967 through January 15, 1968, pursuant to City of Renton Resolution No, 1232: From Airport Account 7200/309, to 311, $300.00; From Building Department Account 1800/200, to 201, $400.00 and 202, $35.00; from 200 to 204, $8.00 and 202, $117.00; From 303 to 314, $500,00; from 404 to 4025 $150.00 and 403, $325,00; from Non_Departmental Account 1920, 203 to 201, $65.00, 203, $61.00, 204, $15.00/1400, City Clerk; from 1400 City Clerk, 306 to 308, $75..00; From 317 to 402, $7375 and 507, $20.00; From Non-Dept. 1920/313 to 310; $190,00 and 1400, City Clerk 402, $16000, 417, $300.00; From Non-De- partmental, 1920/507 to 417, $200.00; From Cedar River M, & I. Acct. 3400/200 to 201, $2,00; From Non Departmental 1920/203 to Executive 1200/202, $1900, City Clerk 1400/203, $5.00, Building Department 1800/200, $1.00, Police Administration, 2100/200, $129.00 and Engineering 3100/201, $269.00; From Non-Departmental 1920/606 to 606, $125.00; From City �. Treasurer 1500/200, $20,00, 402, $66.31, 504, $80.00 and 507, $125.00 unto 203, $20.00 and 402, $271.31; From Engineering, 3100/605, to 606, $50.00, From Engineering 3100/200 to 201, $140.00; From Equipment Rental, Central Garage 3600/311 unto 405, $715.00 and 506, $85.00; From Executive Acct, 1200/200, to 201, $111.00, 202, $11.00 and 203, $17.00; From Fire Depit. Acct 2200/204, to 203, $5,00, From 404 to 315, $50.00 and 403, $65.00; From Firemen's Pension Fund 9010/507 unto 315, $12.00;From Library Account 5000/200 unto 203, $7..00; From 200 unto 203, $85,00; from 404 unto 305, $13.00; from 504 unto 403, $200.00; From Library Acct, 5000/404, to 403, $130.00 from 301 to 403, $150.00, from 200 to 403, $500.00; From Municipal Court Acct. 1300/403 to 504, $150.00; From Legislative Acct. 1100/504 to 417, $91.19; From Parking Control Acct. 3150/200 to 201, $10.00, from 306 to 315, $21.00; From Parks and Recreation Acct 6120/303, $147.90 and from 504, $244.10 unto 203; From Parks-Swimming Pool Acct 6140/303 to 203, $11.00; From Planning Acct. 1700/200, $68 ,00 to 203 and from 308 to 310, $400.00; From Police- Detective Acct. 2110/200 to Police Administrative Acct, 2100/200, $60.00; From Municipal Court 1300/130, $9.44 and 201, $25.00, unto 110, $9,44 and 203, $25.00; From Purchasing Acct. 1560/200 to 202, $13,00, from 313 to 315' $10,00; From Street Maintenance Acct. 3340/200 to 203, $100.00; From Traffic Engineering Acct, 3130/315 unto 201, $1000, 202, $37.00 and 204, $10.00; From Water Administrative Acct 7100/305 to 310, $108,16 and 310, $50.00, from 204 to 200, $3.00, from 402 to 200, $135,00, 201, $70.00 and 203, $4.00; From Water Maintenance Acct 7120/305 unto 303, $38,.09, 317, $35,00, 321, $26.10 and 325, $45.00. Mayor Custer advised that these transfers, authorized by the Mayor, do not require Council concurrence and were made to maintain proper accounting balances due among other things, :to -changes in the State Statutes affecting Tndustrial Insurance, which could not be anticipated for budget purposes. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin to approve the Fund transfers as submitted. Carried, Letter from Mr. Wilho Cortes reported damage to his vehicle caused by hole in the roadway at corner of High Street and South 7th Street. Reimbursement for damage to tire and rim were requested along with tests for further possible damage. The date of accident was January 19th at 11:45 p.m. Residence address of claimant is 1510 - 6th Place South, Renton, Wash. It r,as noted that the Claim was not in proper form and the proper documents would be forwarded. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Letter from Mrs. Elroy IV, Dillman, Chairman, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, requested No-Fee Permit to conduct Mothers March from 3/8/68 to 3/13,/68 in Renton. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the request , Carried. -2- 88 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-22-68 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr, Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. No., Renton, Wn., suggested that the City gjmv a commendation award to the Monterey Terrace Community Club for landscaping and beautification of the entry way to the area. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin that the comments be referred to the Mayor. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Leiter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. John P. Pringle to position of Lieutenant in the Renton Fire Department, effective upon approval. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. COUNCIL _COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: Council President Garrett reported that each Councilman has been given two bulletins from the Association of Washington Cities with Memorandum regarding legal steps involved and arguments pro and con of a Second Class city changing to First Class status,and also other various forms of Municipal Government are outlined. There will be information furnished from Mr,: Ken Cole regarding the subject of whether to wait and become a Municipal Code City. The Street and Alley Committee and Traffic Engineer are meeting with interested parties regarding the road across the North end of the airport and upon receipt of written consent for cost sharing , further action will be reported, Sanitation Committee Chairman Shane reported that the matter of sewering the Kennydale area has been discussed with City Engineer Wilson and investigation will be made in regarding to getting such a project started again, prior petition on enlarged area having been defeated by protest. Councilman Maxin inquired regarding annexation efforts and it was noted that a portion of the Kennydale Island had been annexed and that petitions have been received for additional areas to date but with the new Boundary Review Board operation as set up by State Statutes the area will need to submit new petitions with required percentage of signatures to institute any proceedings, Councilman Maxin, Chairman of the Planning Committee, submitted recommendation that the vacation of portion of J Street, between 9th and 10th Avenues North be denied for reason of possible future access needs as reported by the City Engineer. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee requested that the Mayor furnish the Committee with a report on projected revenue from 1969 to 1974 in order that it might proceed with preparation of the Committee recommendations, and Council permission was requested for such authorization. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request with referral to the Mayor. Carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, reported Committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 1686 through 1730, and moved the Council approve same for payment at this time, Thermotion was seconded• by. Maxi:n.and carried. Fund break- down follows: Current Fund 1686 - 1719v-/73� $ 5,7.2s.3S City Street 1720 6,076.10 Equipment Rental 1721 5.74 Parks 1722 - 1724 13358 Waterworks Utility Fund 1725 - 1728 42,082.36 Airport 1) 1729 - 1730 24.70 $ 55J3V./0 r/ -f, 7CvS.o,.' New Business: Council President Garrett announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, January 30th at 7:30 p,m Councilman Barei, Chairman of the Property Committee, announced a meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 25th. Mayor Custer or Asst. Klippert were requested to attend. Councilman Shane called attention to hazardous condition of the Renton Shopping Center access from 87th Avenue South and 92nd Avenue South where new private construction is in progress noting condition of 7th Avenue from Rainier to that point also suggesting that co;isideration be given to widening and draining the right-of-way. Attention was also called to the need for street lighting along Houser Way North in vicinity of Boeing. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, the 7th Avenue & vicinity problem be referred to the Set_and Alley Committee and the lighting matter to the Lighand Power Committee. Carried- -3- 89 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-22-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) New Business: Councilman Grant reported meeting for discussion regarding Public Utility Districts with regard to Power and Light Committee investigations on power rates, on Thursday evening,and reminded the Council and the public of the hearing meeting to be held on Monday January 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers regarding the matter of power rates. Councilman Bruce announced the Fire and Water Committee meeting to be held on January 25th at 4:30 p.m. in the City Engineer's office. Councilman Perry requested that any and all meetings to be held by Council Committees be announced at the Monday night Council meetings so that interested persons might attend. Councilman Schellert inquired regarding action to be taken pursuant to` the memo from the City Clerk with regard to the proposed City Ordinance which contains provisions for Cumulative Reserve Fund for underground wiring in sum of $54,000.00, now in the Light and Power Committee Committee Member Morris advised that the matter had been discussed and the City Attorney was requested to render an opinion regarding action to be taken with regard to the fund, Inquiry was made regarding the problem at hand and City Treasurer Gossett advised that the Budget Ordinance contains .31255 mills of tax levy for underground wiring. Some of the funds have been received and since the Ordinance creating the Fund, No. 2373, has not actually been adopted as yet, she has no fund in which to place the moneys coming in from this millage levy. Clerk Nelson added that the Budget Ordinance was certified to the King County Assessor and at that time the millage levy was spread on the tax rolls and assessed as:••prdperty tax and t'-ere may -- L i.0 obligation to provide the Fund for depositing money now being received from the tax levy. Councilman Grant, upon motion by Barei, 2nd by Edwards to take the Ordinance from Committee for action, asked that his Committee be allowed the traditional perogative of reviewing the matter which has a direct relation to items the Committee is now bringing before the public, and report prior to the Council indicating its agreement or disagreement to underground wiring, Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that in placing the money in a Cumulative Fund set up for any specific purpose, the money can only be used for that purpose without a vote of the people and although the 'fund has not been set up the Council has by the adoption of the Budget Ordinances and Tax Levy Ordinance has spread the tax levies to be collected for this specific purpose, noting -� that he would have to investigate further before advising of consequence of diverting the money or not setting up the fund.by Ordinance. The pending motion was voted upon after some additional discussion, and lost by majority negative voice vote. It was noted that there are some Accounting questions, Auditing questions, and political as well as legal questions involved, City Attorney Shellan advising that he will rule on the legal matters upon investigation -£3nitation c-imittes "Chairman Shane requested a meeting of the Sanitation Committee on Wednesday, January 24th at 7:30 p.m. and the City Attorney and Utility Accountant were invited to be present. The Sanitation Committee had a public hearing this evening regarding garbage collection and proposed Franchise and the matter will be held for further discussion and negotiation. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submittta legislative documents which were read with Council action as follows: Franchise Ordinance was submitted and the Council was requested to designate the term it wished to run with the document. It was noted that the City has for the first time been able to reotrict the hours of operation of trains as incorporated by agreement 'n the Houser Way and 8th Avenue Franchise document and that the term requested by the railroad and recommended by the Committee is 25 years. City Attorney Shellan advised .�. that during the 30 day waiting period while the document is published as a proposed Ordinance changes favorable to the City but not detrimental may be made and Chairman Garrett noted that in regard for Future franchises and the privileges to the City allowed herein the 25 years would be of benefit. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, that the term of this Franchise be set at 25 years. Shane suggested that perhapj better control might be maintained over a lesser period of time. The pending motion was voted upon and failed, and it was moved by Shane, seconded by Garrett, that the term be five years, It was noted that the period could not be increased and that the Company may not accept the franchise under this term. The motion carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, the Ordinance be placed on first reading. City Attorney Shellan advijed it would be well for the Council to read the proposed Ordinance over before acting, the document having been written and re-written over many months of negotiating, meetings and discussions and inclusion of various protective conditions for the City never befr,re included. -4- 90 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting ORDINANCES AND RES0LUTIONS: (Cont.) Northern Pacific RR Co. Franchise - Houser Way Crossing at 8th Avenue North City Attorney Shellan noted that this franchise involves service to the industrial manufacturing businesses in North Renton and that the matter should be discussed by the Council before final action is taken. Also, the document must be published as a proposed Ordinance and held for 30 days involving expenses which will not be recovered if the Franchise is not accepted. Discussion ensued regarding 999 year leases, railroad mergers and business need for the track, after which it was moved by Barei, seconded by Morris, to postpone first reading of the proposed Ordinance for two weeks, each Councilman to be furnished with a copy in the meantime. Carried. The City Clerk distributed copies of the document to the Council at this time. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing acceptance and execution by City Officials of Grant Offer Agreement from the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration approving project application for federal aid in development of airports. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to adopt Resolution No. 1518 as read. Carried. (Recoup of portion of costs of inner harbor area acquisition). Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was read amending Section 1, Chapter 13 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", establishing and creating the office of "Traffic Engineer". Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Mr. Ron Tremayne, Renton Auto Glass, thanked Councilman Garrett and Traffic Engineer Bennett for prompt action in regard to parking problems at his business location, outlining same with regard to restriction of parking in the block and creation of hazards to customers leaving the premises. Discussion ensued regarding the new traffic control installations and Traffic Engineer Bennett, upon inquiry, diagrammed on the blackboard the subject area and effect of improvements which have been instituted for the prime purpose of moving the traffic expeditiously. Various problems involved were discussed, Mrs. Margaret Evans commenting on Off-street parking requirements and dangers encountered in the subject area from parked cars. - During discussion it was noted that possibly some temporary morning or part time parking might be granted in front of the church which may however, cause problems traffic=wise and utilization of parking and access from the rear of the business were discussed. Mr. Norman Ross, new business neighbor, remodelling the church structure at present, inquired regarding the utilization of the right-of-way and public notice involved. City Attorney Shellan advised that the City may utilize all of its right-of-way without public hearing or notice if development is to be at no cost to the taxpayer. Dick Stredicke inquired whether the City had taken out a building permit for the new City Hall building and City Attorney Sbellan advised that the Supreme Court has ruled that a City does not have to take out its own building permit and upon inquiry by Mr. Stredicke regarding number of stories, Building Director Johnson advised that it was to be seven stories, one to be under ground level. Mr. Stredicke advised that a property owner had been denied a permit to build higher than six stories and it was stated that this had been a Board of Adjustment decision which Board had not been formed when the City Hall was commenced. Some further discussion ensued regarding right-of-way development, consequences of not adhering to the Code, and Council action taken on the Rainier Avenue improvement following Street and Alley Committee study and recommendations. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. There were 27 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- 91 OFF ICE OF THE C I TY CLERK (4-1968 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTh\ENTS BUILDING PERhd TS NO Amount Name Address Type of work B o68g 30,000.00 Mrs. Henry Kumasaka 3320 Rolling Hills PI . New residence 90 16,350.00 Transamerica Dev. Co. Thunder Hill Div. �2 50 carports 91 10,000 00 William P. Vauthier 11216 S.E. 104th New residence 92 10,000.00 11 11224 S.E. 104th if 93 175,000.00 Allied Homes, Inc. 50 - glst Ave. So. Const. of apt, 94 175.00 Arthur Moerer 2829 - 8th Ave, No. Patio and roof 95 1 , 100.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-80 Prov. office sp, 96 5, 100.00 It Bldg. 10-54 11 97 ---------- Jackie Wilson 130 Garden Ave. No. Demolish dwelling 98 VOID 99 ----------- Larry Paradis 107 Main Ave. So. Demolish dwelling 700 ---------- it 113 Main Ave, So. Demolish church ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0516 2,800.00 C,E. Anderson 103 Rainier Ave. Wire comm. bldg. 17 200.00 Hub City Trailer Park 64.1 Wells Ave. No. #22 MJire service 18 398.00 Gambriel Const. 613 - 12th Ave. So. Wire residence 19 ---------- Louis Malesis 326 Morris Ave. So. Inst. elec. pn1 , 20 619,4.34..00 Valley General Hospital 17613 Springbrook Rd. Wire service 21 4.,000.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Renton Junct. Wire grandstnd. 22 ---------- V'I.C. Frost Co. 153 Longacres Lamp service 23 100.00 Robert L. Herbert 3617 - 6th Pl . No. Wire addition 24. 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-54. Lights & recpts, 25 1 ,200,00 " Bldg. 4.05, 4.-17 ug Underground wire 26 ---------•- " Bldg. 10-80 Inst. feeders 2 Sub. Sta. 3 to 4-21 it 28 850 00 Bldg. 10-54. Inst. fixtures 29 50.00 Bldg. 5-14. Renton Fid. Relocate control .,_ 30 425.00 " Bldg. 10-80 Relocate fixtures 31 397.00 Roger Peterson 11018 - 115th S.E. Wire residence 32 4.50.00 Robert A. Petty 2000 Rolling Hills PI .SE " MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0556 ---------- Richfield Oil Co. 17200 - 140th S.E. Inst. oil fern. 60 ---------- Iris LLoyd 803 "E" St. Replace fixt. 61 800.00 Jim Gott i 14.94.1 - 87th So. Inst. gas/des i I tk 62 ---------- Robert Petty 1309 Shattuck Inst. plmb/fixt. 63 ---------- Whitespar Const. Co. 818 "0" St. " 64. ---------- Gambriel Homes 61g - 12th So. It 65 ---------- The Boeing Co. Bldg. 5-14. Renton Fid. Inst. drains/brk. 66 ---------- City of Renton Lib. Pk. Grndstnd. Complete plumb. 67 ---------- Mansel Ehlers 648 "G" St. Inst. gas furn. 68 ---------- Bell & Valdez 1821 S.E. Birch Ct. Inst. plumb. 69 ---------- 1827 S.E. Birch Ct. " 70 ---------- " 1902 S.E. Birch Ct. " 71 ---------- " 1827 S.E. Birch Ct. " 72 " 1905 S.E. Birch Ct. " 73 ---------- Washington Jockey Club Longacres-Renton Junct. Inst. plumb. SEWER PERMITS NO 304 ---------- Steve Gambriel 64.9 "P" St. Sewer service 305 ---------- It 818 11011 St^ 11 306 ---------- Vern Gambriel 619 - 12th So. It 307 ---------- it 607 - 12th So. " 308 ---------- Manuel Phillips 217 Airport Way " 309 ---------- Frank LoVan 12425 - 88th PI . So. " 92 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 5, 1968 February 5, 1968 R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Payment due Black River Quarry for work completed to date on new fire station training site fill, $4,798.64. Progress payment due Johnston-Campanella-Murakami for architectural services on the new city hall to 1/31/68, $1,487.42 Progress Estimate #2 due Chapman Electric, Inc. on new city hall electrical installations, $13,922.60 Progress Estimate #2 due General Service Electric on Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal installations, $31,782.15 BUILDING DEPARTMENT To investigate encroachment of house on S.E. 72nd Street and report back to Council BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Annexation of property in vicinity of Sunset Hwy. and 134th Avenue S.E., Althoff, Smith and Beale ownerships CITY ENGINEER Notice of intent - Annexation of property at Sunset .Blvd. and 134th S .E. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE McGrath Corp. request for variance from City Ordinances in Glencoe Plat development FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE 1211 main in-tallations in North 8th Street and matter of high pressure line between the Highlands Reservoir Syptem to Boeing PLANNING COMMITTEE Requests for zoning revisions to Comprehensive Plan proposal, C. K. Mullins, 1.4816 S.E. 128th Street and F.E. Lawrence, Lots 24 and 25, Bl. 13, Kennydale POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for additional pinball. device license at Cougar Den LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Resolution to appropriate surplus revenues for 50 "Code of Ordinance" binders and supplements Mrs. John Lovell - Dog problem at 822 "1" Street Sick Leave Ordinance returned to committee for retroactive provision Appropriation of $2,000.00 excess revenue to Building Department Budget Account for Plans Check costs Cumulative Reserve Fund Ordinance No. 2373 to present later in meeting PROPERTY COMMITTEE Bids on surplus property in the Highlands Formula for rental of space in new city hall STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Storm Sewer Bids - 132nd Ave. S.E. (Emergency Authorization) Reported-all bids reiected and City to install. Ernest Lobe, 16429 Springbrook road - report of need for road repair in vicinity of his residence X13 REFERRALS: (Cont.) Renton City Council Meeting 2-5-68 STREET COMMISSIONT.R To have brush removed from S.E. 72nd Street access to lake and dirt to be dumped thereon as available APPOINTMENTS: RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION - Mr. Al Hopkins James Arnold Sundvall - Probationary position of Patrolman in Renton Police Dep't. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT = Mr. Cliff- Rost Councilmen Morris and Garrett to represent City as delegates to N.L.C. Convention Councilmen Morris and Delaurenti to serve with President Garrett to recoimAlend members for appointment to Council Committees MEETINGS AND EVENTS: Committee of the Whole - February 6th at 8:00 p.m. with School Board Street and Alley Committee - February 6th at 7:00 p.m. with Mr. Klippert Light and Power Committee - February 7th at Puget Sound Auditorium on Grady Way 7:30 p.m. - Informational meeting Property Committee - February 8th at 7:00 p.m. in Committee room adjoining the Mayor's Office Committee of the Whole - February 12th at 7:30 p.m. Ways and Means Committee - February 19th at 7:00 p.m. OPENING OF BIDS - February 26, 1968 - 1968 Budgeted Equipment and Machinery PUBLIC HEARINGS: February 26, 1968 - Albert Balch appeal of Board of Adjustment denial of R-4 rezone for high rise apartment construction February 26, 1968 - M. C. Rathbun appeal on behalf of Mobil Oil Co. to Board of Adjustment denial of sign variance ('44 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING RENTON CITY COUNCIL February 5, 196 8.00 P�M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. CITl OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klip,^_ert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 22nd be approved as prepared and mailed out. Carried. Mayor Custer at this time presented a special Community Service Award Placque to Mr. Ed Howard in recognition of the efforts of the Monterey Community Club members in remode ing. and beautification improvements to the entrance to Monterey Terrace. Mayor Custer announced that there would be no meeting next Monday as Lincoln's birthday is observed as a holiday. OPENING OF BIDS: Surplus Public Use Property located in the Renton Highlands between 7th and 8th Avenues North and West of "I" Place. This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read: JOHN RACANELLO, 14235 S.E. 146th Street, $3,150.00 - deposit filed heretofore, $150.00 GAIUS S . BUXTON, 14450, Sunset Highway, $1,105.00 - bid deposit attached by Bank Money order, First Federal Savings & Loan Assn., ##006601 in sum of $56.00 Moved by Delaurenti, :seconded by Schellert' to refer the bids to the Property Committee with power to act. Mr. Racanello had requested assurance, in event of successful bid, that the property,having only app. 35 ft. frontage, would have similar use as his ad- joining property. It was noted that zoning would have to be granted by the Planning Commission subsequent to purchase, and that $3,000.00 was the appraised value as of October, 1967. The pending motion carried. ')PENING OF BIDS: Storm Sewer Installation, 132nd Avenue S.E.,-Emergency Authorization This being the date set, the 'ridding was declared open, and the Clerk read a letter.and the following sealed bids, v7 on motic-._apprnvinc Street =Alley Committee recommendation. BIDDER AND ADDRESS Check or Bid Bond TOTAL BID J . J. Jackson's, Inc. C ;,ier's Ck. $ 12,892.17 100 Rainier Avenue Renton S . & T. Construction Co., Inc. Bond 163822.50 10010 Carr Road Renton Kohl Excavating Bond 16,397.00 12811 - 84th Ave. So. Seattle W,C. Frost 8005 So, 222nd-Kent, Wn. Bond 13,795.00 McDonough Construction Co. Bond 15,662.50 13249 Northrup Way-Bellevue Gesner & Brown, Inc. Bond 16,635.00 11025-142nd Ave. S .E., Renton Anton T. Bowers Bond 17,332.50 16239 Ambaum Blvd. So.-Seattle Moved by Garrett, seconded by Sruce, to refer the `aids to the Street and Alley Committee, _0 Wrack. Carried. -1- 95 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-5-68 Mayor Custer introduced a group of students from Renton High School Boys Club who are attending the Council meeting in participation of Student Government Week. Attendance on a voluntary basis included about 25 youths who will also be coming to City Hall during the coming week for two hours daily to observe operation of various departments. A mock City Council meeting will be conducted by the group on Saturday, February 10th, between 10:00 a.m. and noon and Councilmen and Depart- ment Heads were invited to attend. PUBLIC HEARING: Hazel W. Chenaur appeal of R-3 rezone denial on property located on she West side of 116th Avenue S .E . between S .E . 110th and S .E. 112th Streets. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Erickson reported Planning Commission recommendation that,since detrimental effects could be anticipated and such rezone not being in the best interest of the surrounding residential area, R-1 be considered the best and highest use for this property. Petition containing approximately 20 signatures was attached objecting to the rezone which document had been submitted to the Planning Commission. Mr. Robert Hall, 419 Securities Building, Seattle, Attorney representing Mrs. Chenaur, stated that the proposed use is felt to be the fullest and best for the property noting the proximity of other multiple dwellings in the immediate vicinity and apartment directly behind the proposed development. He added that such housing is greatly needed, that the plans meet with the presently existing Comprehensive Plan and that the property had once been rezoned to R-3 but reverting according to an ordinance which had a one year construction commencement provision, since repealed. Topography of the area was outlined with embankment division from singly family area being noted and Attorney Hall stated developers would be able to furnish parking as required and would be willing to work out any further matters required or desirable. Film slides were shown by the Planning Director after which Councilman Shane inquired regarding apparent drainage problems noted when visiting the site and also in regard to sewering the area. Planning Director Ericksen advised that all such details have to be worked out prior to occupancy of the premises and all Departments concerned must approve the particular portion of the proposal which is under their jurisdiction. Discussion ensued regarding conformancy of procedures on various applications submitted and Planning Director Ericksen noted that the Commissions actions are uniform and on the basis of the Comprehensive standpoint. Specific detrimental effects were noted to be traffic congestion and loss of privacy to individual property owners on the lower sites. The Planning Director noted the project does not meet with the proposed Comprehensive Plan -Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the appeal be denied in concurrence with the Planning Commission recommendation that R-X is the best and highest use for the property. A dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin and Bruce. No: Garrett, Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion carried denying the appeal. COMMUNICATIONS : Application from Mr. Robert H. Schlosser, Mgr.,Cougar Den, 219 Main Avenue South, requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate an additional pinball device at said business location. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act, which'-carried after .inquiry regarding tne Tegality of pinball machines and their comparison to punch boards. Discussion ensued wherein the City Attorney advised of Supreme Court ruling, based upon Attorney General's Opinion that they are both gaming devices and where chance predominates over skill the activity is outlawed and illegal with the three elements under which court decisions are determined being 1. consideration is paid to participate; 2. must be some kind of reward; 3. element of uncertainty exists. In further discussion City Attorney Shellan stated the City has a right, which goes back to common rule law, to license under its police power and can im- pose a license or regulatory fee. Councilman Shane felt the pinball and punch board devices should be treated equally and moved, with second by Schellert, that if pinballs are illegal they be taken out tomorrow. It was subsequently moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee to report back. Moved by Barei, seQonded by Perry, to table the matter. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, reported that specifications are now prepared and requested permission to call for bids for equipment which has been provided for in << the 1968 budget. February 26th was recommended as the bid opening date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request and recommended bid opening date. Discussion ensued regarding the City maintenance program for city streets and the possibility of contracting such work. It was noted that cities usually do their own maintenance, and after further discussion regarding operation of the city equipment, budget, and departmental administration, question was called for on the pending motion to concur in the bid call and opening date and the motion carried. -2- 7 6.- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-5-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, submitted and recommended for payment, invoice in sum of $4,798.64 due Black River Quarry for work completed to date on C.AG. 1202-67, the new fire station training site fill. Proved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to refer the invoice to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Johnston-Campanella-Murakami, & Co. submitted statement in sum of $i,437.42 for architectural services on C.AG. 1014-66, New City Hall Plans, work completed to January 31, 1968. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Mr. G. E, Taylor of Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Company, submitted progress estimate #2 payable to Chapman Electric Company in sum of $13,922.60 on new city hall electrical installations, C.AG. 1158-67. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Traffic Engineer Del Bennett submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 2 in sum of $31,782.15 due General Service Electric on Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal Installation, C.AG. 1166-67. Proved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Acccunting Committee with power to act. Carried. Let-er from C. K, Mullins, 14816 S.E. 128th Street called attention to the proposed Comprehensive Plan zoning in the Honey Dew area East of the Renton corporate limits and requested that his property be included in the business zoning when the Plan is adopted to permit development of the property to its highest and best use. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards to refer the request to the Planning Committee it being noted that other than encompassing a greater area than the City within the Comprehensive Plan, the City would have no jurisdiction as to zoning if the area is outside the corporate limits of the City. The motion carried. Letter from F. E. Lawrence, owner of Lots 24 and 25, Block 13, C. D. Hillman's Lake Wn. Garden of Eden Division I, in the Kennydale area of Fenton, requested Council considera, ticn in designating the area in which his property is located as multi-family residenti of R-3 or its equivalent, due to proximity to the freeway and population increase to demand apartments in the area, Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to refer the request to the Planning Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from residents in vicinity of Sunset Highway and 134th Avenue S.E. gave notice of intent to annex properties to the City of Renton which area lies► North of S.E . 112th Street, West of 136th Avenue S.E. and Easterly of the 'boundary of Voting Precinct 38. Petitioners include Anton A. Althoff, Clayton Smith and Arthur R. Beale. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the letter to the City Engineer to check signatures for percentage and validity., and to the Boundary Review Board for further action. Carried. Letter from Mr. Albert S. Balch appealed Board of Adjustment decision in denial of R-4 zoning request to allow high rise apartments on property located in the vicinity of Bronson Way North, 4th Avenue North and the 3rd Avenue Extension. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that February 26th be set for hearing on this appeal. Carried. Letter from M. C. Rathbun, on behalf of Mobil Oil Corporation, appealed Board of Adjust- ment denial of application for variance to install a new sign at height of 67' at 251 Sunset Blvd. North. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, that the date of February 26th also be set for hearing on ,.ppeal of the Board of Adjustment decision. Carried. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported upon referral by the Council of the Interlake Addition No. 2 Variance request, that the Planning Commission has reviewed the variance request and recommended the variance be granted in accordance with Section 9-109, Regulations for Subdivisions, Ordinance No. 1628, since irregularities of the property ownership constitutes a special condition which prevents the best lot layout under strict application of the ordinance; also, the request is reasonable and would not be detrimental to adjacent and surrounding properties nor public welfare. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to concur in the Planning Commission recom- mendations. Carried. -3- 97 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-5-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from McGrath Homes Division of McGrath Corporation, 6702 - 220th S.W., Mountlake Terrace, Washington, advised of preparation for development of Glencoe Plat 'w•ith-in the City and requested review of City Ordinances for variances to allow certain lesser installations to avoid unnecessary expenditures in keeping the building in the medium- to-low-priced housing range. Mr. Arthur Grice, 6035 - 132th Ave. N.E., representing McGrath Corporation, advised that the Council has been given copies of the letter and that a meeting is desired to discuss the matter further. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer this matter to the Cc1m1-ttee ^f the Whole. Carried. Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, submitted recommendation of Olson-Richert- "" Bignold, Architects and Engineers,, architects on the Liberty Park Grandstand Construction; to grant the Contractor, Century Construction Company, a seven day extension to contract completion date due to delays in steel delivery. Fourteen days had been requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. There was discussion on this matter regarding advisability of extending contracts this early prior to completion date., which will now extend into the first week of 'April. Recess was requested at this time upon motion by Grant and second by Shane. Granted and recess was declared. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Mayor Custer at this time introduced visiting guests which included Councilwoman Mrs. Jean Masters, Kent City Council, and State Representative John Barden. Welcome was extended along with a greeting of applause. Letter from Paul W. Houser, Chairman, Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee, reported action of the Youth Guidance Committee in going on record as endorsing Forward Thrust and particularly the passage of Propositions 3 and 6, the Community Center and Park proposals. It was urged that the City Council also endorse the Forward Thrust Program with emphasis on the two propositions. Mayor Custer noted this was for information of the Council. (See later action on this matter) Letter from Mayor Custer submitted easement documents concerning request of Puget Sound Power and Light Company for right of way in Liberty Park for underground electric service to serve the civic center installations including provision for power to the North Renton area as well as an internal distribution system for the Library, City Hall, and Liberty Park Grandstand and facilities. Light and Power Committee report was read recommending that the easement be granted with provisions to be included that Grantor is permitted to construct sidewalks, pathways and landscaping; and that Grantee shall not without written approval of the Grantor, remove trees or other vegetation, level or grade the right-of-way, nor construct additional surface facilities. It is to be further understood that the Comittee in recommending the granting of said Easement will further study the costs of the project per correspondence with Puget Sound Power & Light Company dated 10/27/67 and 12/18/67. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Light and Power Committee recommendations. Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mrs. John Lovell, 822 I Street reported problem existing in her neighborhood with regard to a problem with dogs who were congregating in the area and frightening the small children who were afraid to go out to play. Mayor Custer had received a petition from the neighborhood residents and the Animal Control Officer had been detailed to the area for periodic check. Discussion ensued regarding incidents of dogs endangering children, leash law, and Dog Control District, and the regulations and control under present City Ordinance, after which motion by Perry, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee was voted upon and carried. Mr. Ernest Lobe called attention to the need for repairs to Springbrook Rd. in vicinity of his residence which is 16429 Springbrook Road, calling attention to the fact that contractors and developers have been working in the area during the past year and that the road is at present in need of attention. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee and the Street Commissioner. Discussion ensued regarding specifications as to aggregate to be used ae replacement and the requirement covering bonds and insurance carried by contractors and filed with the City on each project . The pending motion carried. -4- Mnutes - Renton City Council 2-5R6� APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer reported appointment of Mr. A1.Hopkins as a member of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission to fill vacancy created by resignation of Mrs. Marnie Wright. Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. James Arnold Sundvall to probationary position of Police Patrolman in the Renton Police Department. Civil Service test results were attached and recommendation for appointment from Police Chief Williams, effective upon concurrence by the Council. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointment. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Garrett submitted Committee of the Whole report which was read by the City Clerk with Council action taken as follows: The Council Committee confirmed the appointment by the Mayor of Mr. Cliff Rost as a member of the Board of Adjustment. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the confirmation. Carried. Recommended that the space in the new city hall building be rented on a square foot basis. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur. Carried. Recommended that the formula for rental charge be referred to the Property Committee for further study and report back. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. Recommended that the city buy fifty copies of additinnal Renton City Code books with supplements and funding to be provided from excess surplus revenues. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, that the appropriation of funds be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Recommended that Councilmen Morris and Garrett be Delegates to the N.L.C. Convention with expenses allowed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur. After discussion regarding costs the pending motion carried. Shane opposed. Recommended that the Mayor refer all appointments requiring Council confirmation to the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, to concur. Carried. Recommended that appraisals in prnpPrty and funding mf appraisal costs be considered on each individual case. Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to concur. Carried. Councilmen Morris and Delaurenti were appointed to serve with Council President Garrett on the Committee to designate the appointees to serve nn Committees of the Council. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to concur. The motion carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, reported Committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 1739 through 1895 and recommended that the Council approve same for payment at this time. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 1739 - 1818 and 1892-1895 $ 15,745,80 Arterial Street 1819 31,782.15 City Street 1820 - 1826 414.27 Equipment Rental 1827 - 1849 4,087.56 Parks 1850 - 1859 #fO,15 Water Works Utility 1860 - 1878 and 1893 26,856.96 Airport 1879 - 1882 105.12 Firemen's Pension Fund 1883 - 1889 135.81 City Hall Construction 1890 -, 1891 & 1894 15,410.02 $ 95,Oy7 Council President Garrett reported that the Council Committee of the Whole voted to endorse Forward Thrust and its package as a whole. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the endorsement as recommended. Discussion ensued regarding various opinions as to whether or not Council should endorse the program, some' beirig that although in accord it may not be proper action; and that it should be unanimous if endorsed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Mnrris, to table discussion of this subject. Dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call vote which was taken,resulting as follows: Aye: Morris, Perry, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. No: Garrett, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Edwards and Maxin. Moved by Schellert,bguh-equdntb seconded by Edwards,to recess. The motion lost. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Upon dissenting voice vote roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Morris, Worry, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. No: Garrett, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, -5- 99 Minutes - ReniD n City Council Meeting 2-5-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Cont.- Roll call vote cm forward Thrust referral to Committee of the Whole No: Edwards and Maxin. It was noted that since the Council does not meet again until after the election, this would be a killing motion as was the prior one just defeated. Mayor Custer voted no and the motion lost, it being noted that if endorsement is going to result in a 6 to 6 split vote and is not unanimous the point of ensorsement is lost. The question was called for on the original motion to endorse the Forward Thrust package, and after inquiry regarding impact upon the public of endorsement and note that each one is going to vote individually on it, dissenting voice vote resulted. Roll call was properly requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm and Maxin. No: Morris, Perry, Edwards, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion lost 7 to 5. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee submitted report with recommendation that appropriation of $2,000.00 from excess surplus in the Current Fund be appropriated to Building Maintenance Department 1165, Account 314, Expert Services, to cover the cost of Plans Check, the matter of fees to be discussed for further recommendation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Earei, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, submitted recommendations which were read by the Clerk with Council action as follows: Recommended that City forces install 12" C.I. Water Main in North 8th Street from Park Avenue to Garden Avenue with- referral to the Law & Ordinance Committee, expense to be paid for by Boeing. Moved by Garrett, second by Bruce, to concur.Certain parking situation exists and work can only be accomplished at certain hours of the day which may be more con- veniently handled by the City. City Attorney Shellan advised that the concern of the City is whether the project cost will exceed $5,000.00 and that it is on public property, and if over $5,000 bids must be let. It was noted that it is on public property and time.-and labor issue was discussed. It' w a s moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, to refer the matter back to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Recommended City force proceed with the design and cost estimating for high pressure tie line between the Highlands Reservoir system and the Boeing Company industrial area. Moved by Edwards seconded by Morris, that this matter also be referred back to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Recommended the City proceed with installation of 8" C.I. Watermain to replace existing 3" and 4" mains in Langston Road between 84th Avenue S.E. and Hardie Street as planned for in the 1968 Budget which main is critical because of the lack of water for Fire Protection in this area, Funds were budgeted for material only. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur. Shane suggested all such small mains not meeting the Code be investigated, The pending motion carried. Light and Power Committee Chairman Grant submitted report advising the Committee has approved proposed Cumulative Reserve Fund Ordinance No. 2373 and recommended that the document be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for presentation and adoption by the City Council under that order of business this evening. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur, The motion carried. Recommended that the Easement through Liberty Park requested by Puget Sound Power and Light Company be granted. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur. Carried. Councilman Grant announced an informational meeting is to be held by the Light and Power Committee on Wednesday, February 7th at 7:30 p.m. at the Puget Sound Auditorium on Grady Way. Councilman Shane, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that the specifications .� are being prepared for bid call on the garbage and refuse collection contract and the present contractor has been offered second extension to the existing contract during the interim,, and Moved that the Council authorize bid call upon completion of preparation of specifications. The motion was seconded by Morris and carried. The hour being past eleven o'clock, it was moved by Barei, seconded by Edward to adjourn. The motion lost negative voice vote being in the majority. It was noted an emergency exists with need for action which the Street and Alley Committee wishes to recommend. Barei suggested motion to suspend further business except for Ordinances and Resolutions but moved to include the emergency recommendation of the Committee. Second by Garrett. The motion failed upon majority negative voice vote other business needing attention as well. -6- 100 Minutes - Renton City Council 2-5-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Cont.) Councilman Barei inquired regarding status of the hospital rtiquest -forreznne' of property and Council President Garrett advised that the Planning Committee will be discussing this matter at the Committee of the Whole meeting which is to be held at 7:30 p.m. on February 12th. Councilman Barei inquired regarding status of the talks with the Boeing Company on the airport bypass. Councilman Garrett advised he would have Mr. Bennett give Mr. Barei the information if further information has been received, the.matter still being discussed'! and pending. Councilman Barei requested that the City Street Department clean the brush from the access down to the Lake at S.E. 72nd Street and that surplus dirt be dumped there as may be available, and so moved. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Councilman Barei called attention to the house which sits on the S.E. 72nd right-of-way and inquired regarding action to be taken in regard thereto. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the question of encroachment of the building be referred to the Building Department for investigation and report back. Carried. Councilman Garrett, reporting for the Street andAlley Committee,recommended ., inasmuch as all bids received on the 132nd Ave. S.E. storm sewer installation were over estimated cost, that all bids be rejected and the City make the installations immediately, urgency being required in the matter. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur. Carried. Shane opposed, New Business: Council President Garrett announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, February 6th at 8:00 p.m. at which time the School Board will be present. Councilman -Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee at 7:00 p.m. to discuss landscaping of projects under the freeway with Mr. Klippert and the Traffic Department and dthers .interestediiaere••invited to attend, on Tuesday, February 6th. Councilman Schellert announced a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on February 19th at 7:00 p.m. with the Building Director to discuss the Plans Check fees. Councilman Perry inquired regarding the differencein cost between male and female dog licenses. It was noted that the Council has established the fees by Ordinance at $1.00 for male and spayed females,and $4.00 for unspayed females which are more of a nuisance than the others. Councilman Maxin requested that the City Clerk write to the Hospital Board and the representatives of interested citizens advising them of the Committee of the Whole meeting of February 12th. Councilman Barei requested a meeting of the Property Committee on Thursday, February 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the Committee room adjoining the Mayor's office and requested that the Mayor's Secretary invite the Insurance Commission to be present then, and representatives of Stoneway to be scheduled at 8:00 p.m. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City to regulate the operation of Health Salons and advised that copies have been furnished all Councilmen for information at this time. Proposed Ordinance was submitted amending Section 15, Chapter 13 of Title I (entitled Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", establishing and creating the office of "Traffic Engineer", which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No. 2384 as read. Roll call vote resulted unanimously affirmative, and the motion carrie . Proposed Ordinance of the City was placed on first reading amending Section 1-2501 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to accumulative sick leave benefits. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to place the document on second and final reading. Mayor Custer stated that a provision was to have been included to make this benefit retroactive and it has not been inserted. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the document back to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. --7- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2_5_68 O lliNANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) Proposed Ordinance was submitted authorizing settlement of lawsuit upon action instituted by Western Sand & Gravel Company. Warrant in sum of $2,500.00 to be L3&ued as total compromise settlementtof said claim and dismissal of said action in the Superior Court, King County, Cause No. 641105, with. prejudice. It was Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris seconded by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No. 2385 as read. Roll call vote,resulted in unanimous ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance of the `Cityt of Renton was read creating and establishing a ,special fund to be known as the "Cumulative Reserve fund for Underground Wiring and/or Conversion" to underground installation and purposes related thereto", which was read by the Clerk, i` Moved by Morris, seconded by Giant, to place the document on second .and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded `by Grant, to adopt the Ordinance numbered 2373 as read. Roll call vote vote was. requesteo. following dissenting voice vote and discussion regarding city participation. and dower company participation and remoteness as to-, matter of relationship to power rate studies. now in progress. Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Grant and Barei. No: Garrett, Perry and Shane. The motion carried- AUDIENCE COMMENT: As there was no audience comment Council remarks were invited. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, that the No Smoking signs be removed. It was stated that this matter has been concluded in prior session and it has been determined that in respect for the women in attendance who have indicated preference that the signs remain in force, no smoking is to be allowed during the meetings. The motion lost. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 22:12 a..m. There were 52 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D- W Custer, Mayor. January fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council . TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund $ 5,928.35 City Street 6,076. 10 Equipment Rental 5.74 Parks 133.58 Waterworks Utility 42,082.63 Airport 24.70 Firemen's Tension 1,488.00 $ 55,739. 10 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund 115,332.76 City Street 191358. 11 Cedar River m&I 596.00 Equipment Rental 4,210.51 Library 8,866.29 Parks 15,204.34 Waterworks Utility 18,579.37 Airport _8_ 1,354.00 Firemen's Fension 90.82 $ 183,592.23 4 e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FE RR°.ITS ISSUED BY 1'tIE CITY BUILDINr, EttGINEERING DEFARTf ElflS BUILD 1 tr> FER1;•17S • No A'nount� Nam.? Address Type of Work, B 070E 16,500.00 Joe Ecehme IC432 S.E. 9Bth St, New residence 02 900.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 11-•81 Const. office 03 VOID 04 600.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10--60 Rowork for ric-W o ce l B 0705 400.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4.-63 Partitions in bldg. 06 1,500.00 Steers Steak House 109. 3rd St. S.W. Inst. new sign 07 350.00 Union Oil Co. 11-00 Bronson Nay N. Erect sign 08 22,000.00 The Production Co. 8040 103rd S.E. Erect building 09 300.00 A. Usibelli Ang's Glass 217 Airport Way Inst. sign B 0710 16,000.00 6'ik: fotoshir,k Jr. 111102 Sunset Blvd. N. Inst. tan-ks ll 2,500.00 The Boning Co. Bldg. 4-•55 Pert:ove blcg-•co,:st. fe 12400,00,}.00 Benson Propertics 1125 Puget Drive Cont. apt. bldg. 13 1, ICO.("O Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 305 So. Grady '!!ay Erect sign 14 910.0 AlL•ert Capel taro 1218 Lake St. -So. Cf)nst-. carport & sited B 0715 1,000.00 Benson Properties, Inc. 1511 Puget Drive Const. guard sta. 16Glen & Basia Tuttle 521.1 Burnett Si . Dome ! ish house Garg. 17 29,61 .00 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1829 Grant St. Corsi-.. apt. blcg. 18 29,612000 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1823 Grant St. Cons'-. apt. b!dg. 19 It it 1817 Grant St. " B 0720 30,076.00 it 1805 Grant St. " 21 1100.00 Tony Zr Judy 's Donut Shop 3011. Well,, Ave. So. Ereca s.i rgn 22 160.00 Sea Tac Cycle 77 Rainicr• Avc. So. Eraci s'gn 23 25C•0.00 George Crump 11637 S.E. 103rd Add--rr. hr•rasO 24 2,000.C'0 Tino Cugiri 2880 3rd No. Inst. t >nks B 0725 11500.00 Ted Nilson 321 Rainier Ave. So.- Inst. ceiling 26 30.00 i.1. Phillips 22.1 Airport !'lay Rui Id fence t ELECTRICAL. PERMITS E 0533 90.00 CrestviewApts. 329 Lind apf-' 17 Inst. rai,ge outlet. 34 50.00 A L- H Drugs., 301 So. 3rd Ave. Inst. 1t ': ixtur'es E 0535 I, IC0.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4.•-82 Yli re sett •.-ice 36 50.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 11--64. till i re se: Ace 37 50.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-•51 Wires ice 3$ The Boo 1 no Co. B 1 dg. 11.•21 Y1 i re sery i c 39 _ The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4--63 W i re se,-v ice E 0'51.10 ~~ 50.00 _ The Bce i ng Co. B 1 dg. 11..64 W i re sel- ice 41 50.00 The Booing Co. Bldg. It.•8 I W i re sery i cc 4? 400.00 Be•11 L: Valdez 1621 S.E. Birch Ct Wire: rc.siderce 113 1100.00 " 1827 S.E. 8i,-ch Ct, " u 1905 S.E. B i r c.I l C t.- E 0545 r• 4�M50.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-5I Wire servic::- 46 5O.Ci0 " Bldg. I C-•80 t' 1i7 250.0 ► Bldg. 10-r-6 & 10- 5$ 148 210.00 " B l cig. 5.60 " l49 50.00 " B1dg. 11..63 u E 0550 333.00 Gambrie I ^Hlor:ies Inc. 607 12th Ave. So. Wi re res i dencc 51 38$.00 " 619 l2th Ave. So. " 52 315..03 WIIitespar Flomes 816 "o" St. " 53 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10••65-•'02 Wire. service 54 150.00 Areodync Renton Airport Aeter exist. s-I E 0555 250.00 Leonard Davis 2512 5th No. Wire new servic< 56 250..00 George Seth 13.253 lath Ave. No. Novi Service 57 Robert Groth 3415 6th No. Wire Hoer service 58 Roy1 'P-i I ton 152.20 :10tth P1 . S.E. Wire nev sr-.•r•v ice 59 50.00 Benson P1 '1 15920 Benson Rd. Temp. r*orvice . 4-•1;I `'I I re serviceserviceserviceE: 0500 115.00 The BoeingB I G Co. g 61 250.00 1 It B I dg. 10•-59 It 62 50.0o " Blcic,. 10-s2 " 63 50.00 ' B I dg. 10.-71 " 611 250.(53 " BI dg. lt•-21 It E 0'.-1 e:,5 50.00 " B 1 ctg. 14.•21 Remova !:ery i ce 66 1;5",.00 Iris Y,ay I.Loyd 803 E St. New scr'vicc: E17 610117.00 POcific N01-11 U5-11 253 S.1'!. 711) St, Inst. Wiring P-5-63 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEFARTPENT'S CONT. MECHANICAL PERNATS No ' Arrounf____ Name Address Type of Work !A 0571 »--»»- -••»-•• The Production Co. 80110 108th Ave. S.E. Inst. septic tank N, 0575 •----•------- Allen R. Viekrer, B 1 dr. 3320 Rollin- Hills PI SE Inst'. Plumbing 76 VOID 77 1,000.00 Adderson & Adderson 15025 72nd Ave. So. Inst. gas tank 78 2,000.00 N.X. Avionics Renton Airport Furnace &; heaters 119 -••-----•••.- Sun Light Cafe 509 So. 3rd St. Inst. hot/0. fit" h1 058. Bell k Valdez 2011 Dogwood P1 . S.E. Inst. gas furrec 81 2020 Dogwood Pl . S.E. " 8_' - -- ------ " 2023 Dog--,,rood P1 . S.E. " 83 • •--•--- -•-.- " 2017 DogwoOd PI. S.E. " 8 •-- -_• " 2011 Dogwood P I. S.E. " A.. 05005 2005 Dogvood P1 . S.E. " C6 . .. ,_..__.._.. " 1923 Dogwood Pl. S.E. " 3.7 __._.w-_-. ._ it 1917 Dogwood P1 . S.E. ': 881911 Do6wood P I. S.E. " - 89 - •--• " 2000 S.E. Dogwood Ct. " !A 059;) • •--•---- " 2006 S.E. Dogwood Cf. n 91 __,.• ••. W. " 2012 S.E. Dogwood Cf. 9;? •..--- -_ " 2018 S.E. Dogwood Cf. " ov 3 20rJ1 S.E. Dogwood Cf. c:It. _.._.-- FN«••� " 2021 S.E. Doglaood Cf. " !l, 0j�;j �•- »�•--» " 2015 S.E. Dogwood Ct. „ 95 »..._••-�.._..• " 2009 S.E. Dogwood Ct. " 97 .,____.._. __ " 2002 S.E. DoT%,00d Cf. " 98 200£1 Dog:-rcod PI . S.E. 99 ••-- --- " 2016 Dogwood Ave. -S.E. it h1 0600 -••-.-••.-• --•• " 2019 Dogwood Ave, S.E. " 01 2013 'Dogwood Ave. S.E. if 02 ---. - ».,•.•»a " 2007 Dogwood Ave. S.E. " 01 2001 Dcgi.-ood Ave. " Ott 1921 Dog:%.00d Ave. S.E. " R, 060511,915u " 11,915 Dogwood Ave. S.E. »-�. _...^' 05 " 2303 S.E. 19th PI . " 07 » ....__-.,.-a " 2221 S.E. 19th PI. n 081;'08 Dogwood PI . S.E. " 09 2212 S.E. 20th PI , " rl 0:51U 2218 S.E. 19th P-1 . " Il .-.-•a••• " 222.11 S.E. 19th FI. 'r (^ 2305 S.E. 19th PI . " 13 2312 S.E. 19th P1. " 1I1 ••••- • --_ " I;00 Dogwood Ave. S.E. h', 06!F, 1906 Dogixod Ave. S.E " 16 _ --- _•. " 1912 Dog-;r odf Ave. S.E._ 1'1 1;18 Do0wood Ave. S.E. - 18 -.-a--R.•-«.- " 20011 Dogwood Ave. S.E. 19 70000 Pacific N.W. Bel 1 5119 Garden Ave. - 1 ns I-. I a:,rn sl r i n':ler M 0620Catalina Const. 12209 132nd Ave. S.E. Inst. plurr;ing 21 It 12203 132nd Ave. S.E. " 22it 12201 132nd Ave. S.E. " 23 ••------- If 12215 132nd Ave. S.E. " 214 ...-. . . . ... Pacific ts.l'l. 6e.1 1 250 S.W. 7th St. " hl U62 •.•- •--.�• Re i I I y Tay & Chea. Corp. 78►_t t Lake ':'lash. Blvd. Inst . s I ecr: bc,i I 26 ....•,-...-•,-.-.. Betty Karrpen 647 A St. Inst-, hot wrrtr/t,ir. 27 Byron Kno.rles 916 F St. Inst. hot *WAI - 2$ •.•,•---.-.•. .. Ricardi Const. 217 Airport flay Inst. gas heater 29 Coo i I Wake I em 1113 Langston Rd. m 0630 -•_. •..,...•...•., Robert Petty 2000 Rolling Hills PI SE 1 nst. gos furr.r.cc 31 Robert J. Ela Icons 7732 153rd Ave. So. Inst. water heater 32 • » -- ••-••�� Rot�4rt Petty 525 Fenton A.�c. I rst. pI rb i ng 33 .. .r.. .... " 1709 Shattuck Wit. 11 34 - r• •••- Chuck l..orisette IOs36 110th P1 . S.E. Inst. fur1W--ce l.10�3j .•..-...... .,<.... '!'l.C. Hossr.:un 471 1 St. In_;1- ho, watcr tan'; 50.00 The Boc•i r,c, Co. B I dg.. K-71 71 Ne>w pan'A bC":'N1 37 Th^ Bo^i rg Co. BICIa, L1-111 Inst. sucip puri`(' -10- 104 2.•5-6a FER611 TS I SSLED BY TILE CITY BU I LD I NG EKG I N:EERI N'G DLPARTR-ENTS CONT. SEWER I"EF-W.iTS No Arncunt Marne Address Type of Work No 310 Peorgan i zed Church of 705 fr1 SI . Sevier service Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints No 311 ---------- It No 312 Flash. V.utual Saving Bank 150 Logan Ave." So. Sewer service No 313 ..<.._. _. ... C.E. Anderson 103 Rainier Ave. So. +t i 105 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 19, 1968 8:00 P.M. R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate 2, Liberty Park Grandstand, $26,390.43 due Century Construction Co. Statement for $3,500.00 due Olson-Richert- Bignold, architectural services on design for Lake Wn. Beach Park Development. Progress Estimate #1 and $#2, $48,739.59 and $8,960.00 due McKinstry Co. on new City Hall Mechanical Contract Invoice for $11,595.32 due Black River Quarry for fill at new fire station training site, Invoice in sum of $383.88 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield for engineering services in connection with Well $#8, Cedar River Park CITY ATTORNEY AND *INSURANCE CARRIER *Claim of Rodney Stewart et ux for damage to hot water tank when water was shut off Late-Comer Agreements: School District for Earlington and Sierra Hts. elementary school sanitary sewer lines and Powell Construction Co. - Plat sewer line Letter from the Wn. State Council of County and City Employees AFL-CIO requesting Council recognition of organization of City of Renton employees CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT To be responsible for Master Sewer Plan for the City of Renton BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Disposition of City owned public use areas in the Highlands COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE People's Bank request to connect temporary branch office to city sanitary sewer system FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Proposed Agreement between the City and Fire District 425 City Engineer's recommendation to retain consultant to design pumping station for Well $#8 and that specifications be prepared for bid call LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE School District and Powell Construction Company requests for Late Comer Agreements for sanitary sewer lines at Powell's Plat and Earlington and Sierra Hts. Schools. LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Proposed Resolution for retaining consultants to study power rates and related matters. Matter of dual franchises for power companies PLANNING COMMITTEE Hazel IV. Chenaur rezone matter per Attorney Robert Hall David Haddad et ux request for change in land use on Comprehensive Plan for property at 12005 Maple Valley Hwy. Park Department notice of interest in hospital property for park and recreation use. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for coin operated pool tables - Koffee Haus and Eagles, F.O.E. ##1722, and Valley Vending Co. .for Master Music Machine License Matter of whether to continue licensing pool tables, Shuffleboards, Music Machines Hokanson request for consent to transfer and sele-of Renton Radio Cab Co. interest PROPERTY COMMITTEE Ray Van Hollebeke request.,onibehalf of The Boeing Company to install propane gas tank on property leased from City at 6th Avenue North vicinity Harry Fletcher request to lease Autobahn garage building for paint storage REFERRALS : Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-19-66 PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE - Letter from tin. State Council of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Franchise Ordinance for Railroad one-way track crossing Houser Way prepared by City Attorney Monterey Terrace Community Club request for pedestrian crosswalk from area to central district. Commencing Urban Arterial Projects at 87th Avenue South and Grady Flay pursuant to Urban Arterial Board Grants TRAFFIC ENGINEER Mrs. Phyllis McGerry request for pedestrian light for use of children going to Sartori School (WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of Van for Library transportation n6t to exceed $3,450.00,-:;. Recommendations in event of deletion of 3% Utility Tax STREET AND ENGINEERING,-DEPARTMENTS Repairs to Springbrook Road ' MEETINGS AND EVENTS: ' 4F 4 interim Committee on extension of Highways - Hearing regarding pedestrian crossing in vicinity of North Renton Interchange) ""arch 12 at 2:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE:' - February'.-)21st.at 2:00 p.m. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE-February 26th 7:00 p,m. to hear Mr. Cole CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRIORITY COMMITTEE - February 29th at 3:30 p.m. LIGHT .& POWER COMMITTEE - February 20th at 7:30 p.m. - Mayor's Conference Room PLANNING COMMITTEE - February 24th at 9:00 a.m. SANITATION COMMITTEE - Public Hearing Meeting - March 6th at 7:00 p.m. re L.I.D. in ... . Honey Creek Park area. OPENING OB BIDS: February 26th - 12" Watermain on 8th Avenue North 1'o MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 19, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Custer in the Council Chambers, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that Councilman Delaurenti, who reported the need to be absent from the City, be excused. o+... The motion carried. CITY OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor, and Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer. Moved by G:irrett, seconded by Maxin, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 5th, be approved as prepared and mailed out. The motion carried. Mayor Custer at this time presented a Community Service Award Placque to the Beta Chi Chapter of Beia Sigma Phi, for contributions of shrubbery to the Civic Center Site. The award was accepted on behalf of Mrs. Blaney, President and the Sorority Members and thanks was expressed with like service by other organizations being urged. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Gene Coulon, Park Director, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 2 on the Liberty Park Grandstand Contract, C.AG. 1220-67, payable to Century Construction Company in sum of $26,390.43, with work completed to 1/31/68. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment, statement from Olson-Richert-Bignold, architects, for services on design of the Lake Wn. Beach Park development, 255Y. complete. Amount due $3,500.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the payment to the Auditina and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from JohnADn-Campanella-Murakami & Co., submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimates No. 1 and 2 of McKinstry Company on the Mechanical Contract, C.AG. 1160-67, new city hall building, $48,739.59 and $8,960.00 with work completed to 1/31/68. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to refer these payments to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, submitted and recommended for payment, invoice in sum of $11,595.32 for work completed to date by Black River Quarry on C.AG. 1202-67, new fire station training site fill. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing ELn A.Agcouilting Committee with power to act. Carried. Applications requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required licenses to operate coin-type pool tables at the Koffee Haus, Logan Street and the Eagles, F.O.E. ##1722, So. 3rd Street, and Valley Vending Company application requested Master Music Machine License for the City of Renton. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to refer the requests to the Police and License Committee with ower to act. Shane opposed this type of license being imposed upon these devices and proposed motion to do away with same which was declared out of order and the motion to refer was voted upon and carried. Moved by Shane, seconded by Barei, that the only license any business in Renton shall have to buy will be a regular business license. Discussion ensued regarding the intent of limiting the motion to specific items as coin-operated pool tables, shuffleboards or music machines and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce,that this matter be referred to the Police and License Committee to study and refer back. After further discussion regarding comparative costs to operate different businesses and advisability of regulating the free trade enterprises by imposing fees, the motion to refer was voted upon and,upon explanation by the Attorney that one motion can be nullified by motion to refer, carried. -1- 108 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted statement in sum of $383.88 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield for work in connection with Well No. 8 to January 24, 1968. Approval for payment was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Claim submitted by Donna and Rodney Stewart was read requesting reimbursement of $49.87 for damage to water tank elements when water was shut off and water drained out of the tank. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Document from Robert J. Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Hazel W. Chenaur, requested Council reconsideration of rezone denial noting grievance that all evidence had not been presented at the hearing, particularly exhibit of photographs and color slides as shown to the Planning Commission. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Council reconsider its action of the prior meeting--as requested. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter of the rezone to the Planning Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Renton School District 403, Rudolph Seppi, Director of P1ant 'Facilities, requested approval from the City for service to the new Earlington Elementary School, to be located at South 132nd Street and Langston Road, King County, by the sanitary sewer system of the City, costs to be the School Districts and Late Comers Agreement to be allowed for recovery or portion of the cost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee to prepare the necessary documents. Councilman Barei reported that the Sanitation Committee has a recommendation for approval of this request. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Ray Van Hollebeke, Property Management, The Boeing Company, requested permission to install a 12,000 gallon propane gas tank on property located in area North of 6th Avenue North, now under lease from the City. Drawing attached indicated the location of the tank and piping. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Property Committee for recommendation. (Fire Chief and City Engineer to be consulted) Carried. ^ Letter from John E. Iverson, Attorney, petitioned, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hokanson, for consent to transfer,and sale of their interest in the Renton Radio Cab Co., Inc. New owners are individual holders of For-Hire Licenses and will contin>>e to operate as drivers and include: Phillip A. Schmolke, present owner, Gerald Halstead, present owner, and Michael Craig, 10931 S.E. 164th Street, Renton. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that the letter of intent to annex property to Renton which ad-'oins Sunset Blvd. E., between 132nd Ave. S.E. and 13811 Ave. S.E. is signed by owners representing 84.74% of the assessed valuation of the property, which is located on both sided of the highway and contains approximately 13.6 acres with an assessed valuation of $15,600.00. Annexation would make the City Limits more uniform in this area. The petitioners are Alhoff, Smith & Beale and the matter has been referred to the Boundary Review Board. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, recommended that Revocable Sign Permit be issued for sign encroachment of public right-of-way for Montgomery Ward & Co. at 319 Williams Avenue South. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Building Director Johnson recommended that Revokable Sign Permit be granted upon revised application of Dr. Hurley at 9112 South 3rd Street, since original sign was installed to different plans than submitted. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation of the Building Director. Carried. Letter from W.E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, submitted proposed Agreement between the City and Fire District No. 25 regarding obligation and responsibility for fire hydrant,,-maintenance and inspection, and consideration to be paid the City of Renton therefor. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to authorize and approve the execution. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant to refer the document to the Firms e and Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. -2- J C9 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from David and Eva Haddad,. 12005 Maple Valley Highway, Renton, requested the City to consider a change from R-1 to R-4 in the land use designation on the existing Comprehensive Plan for said property. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to refer the matter to the Planning Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from the Washington State Council of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO, requested that the Council recognize Local 21R as the "exclusive bargaining representative" for non-uniformed employees of the City,pursuant to Chapter 108, Session Laws of 1967 with exception of Executive, Legal, Municipal Court, City Clerk, Purcahsing, City Treasurer, Planning, Civil Service Commission, Health, Engineering, Library, inspectors and Office Personnel in the Building Department. There are approximately 91 employees in this bargaining unit and claim for recogni- tion is supported by 65 signed membership cards. Moved that this matter be referred .� to the Public R.e'.ctions Committee and City Attorney, by Perry. The motion was seconded by Shane. It was likewise noted that Council is excluded and the motion carried. Grant abstained from voting since he is a Staff ;.eresentative of the Wn. State Council of County and City Employees. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that drilling and development of Well No. 8, in C*dar River Park, has been completed and tests have proven this to be an excellent water producer. The next step is to design the pumping station and then to construct same. It was recommended that a Consultant be retained to design the Station and prepare plans and specifications for the bid call. Moved by Schellert, by Garrett, to concur with referral to the Fire and Water Committee to proceed with negotiations and report back. Carried. `� Letter from P-irk Director Coulon, reported that the Park Boird wishes to express its interest in the King County Public Hospital District Property located in the vic-ri.ty of 4th Avenue Yorth ar,d "E" Street, for future parks and recreation use. Moved by G ,rrett, Peconded by Perry, to re Per the communication to the Council 's P? >nning ComTittQe for recommendation. Carried. letter from City Attorney Shellan advised that the proposed Franchise Ordinance for Houser way crossing at 8th Avenue North vicinity is not needed inasmuch as the Railroad had —served the right to maintain tracks when they quit-claimed the right- of-way unto t'rte City. It does however, require a franchise at another location in- volving the ore way track crossing which was not reserved in the dedication deed. New Franchise Ordinance was attached and description approved by the City Engineer. Moved by Korris, seconded by Garrett, to refer the document to the Street and Alley Committee for rve ommendation. Carried. Letter fro-m Ed Howard, Presidents Monterey Community Club, requested a pedestrian crosswalk overpass to connect Monterey Terrace, Windsor Hills and the Highlands to the central district, there presently being no way a pedestrian can safely cross the Sunset FIig,-way. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Commjt,'•2e for recommendation. Carried. Mrs. Phyllis NeGerry inquired regarding prior requests of citizens for pedestrian lights for children going to Sartori School. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Traffic Engineer for study and report back. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson requested authorization to call for bids for 5/81' to 2" watermoters which will be required this year. Bial opening date of March 25th was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards,to concur in the request for the bid call and opening date. Carried. Letter from Harry Fletcher, Fletcher's Paint "tore, advised of damage to his building* recently sustained due to a fire. The Fixe Department was commended for its efficient action in preventing more serioue damage. It was requested that until remodelling is accomplished the City grant temporary use of the Autobahn garage building for paint storage. A twb month lease for approximately 500 sq. ft. of floor space was requested, insurance evidence to be furnished as required. .� Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Property Committee with power to act. Carried. - Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Phillip I,. Beckley reported that the Renton Citizens Independence Day Committee can no longer sponsor, organize and manage the annual celebration and parade, the legal responsibility becoming too great for the group to bear. It was hoped that other civic organizations might assume this responsibil- ity and thanks was expressed for the help and consideration given the Committee in the past years. The Beckleys were introduced and given recognition of applause and verbal commendation for their irany civic contributions. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, the Council go on record thanking the Beckleys and the Committee for the fine efforts &nd successful Independence Day Celebrations to their credit heretofore. Carried. :s- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter submitted by City Engineer Wilson and Fire Chief Walls recommended that the , City initiate an L.I.D. for a watermain from Rainier Avenue at Tobin Street, to the North City Limits of the City. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards to concur in the recommendations for L.I.D. as outlined. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Resolution,compiled by representatives from Cities of Mercer Island, Kirkland, Bellevue and Renton declaring intent regard- ing financial costs of Health Services under agreement with the Seattle-King County H alth Department as required by Ch. 51, Laws of the Extraordinary Session, 1967, and suggesting a study by a consultant to determine a more equitable formula than there has been proposed to date. Mayor Custer requested to meet with the Council to discuss the situation. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to set the communica- tion aside until after new business is presented. Carried. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Norman Ross, 420 1 Street, thanked the Park Director for recognizing the need for recreation facilities in the area where the hospital property is located and noting the present construction underway for a number of other facilities urged that this prosect be pursued to completion for concurrent availability. Mr. Robert Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Cheneur invited discussion or inquiries by the Council or Planning Committee regarding the request for reconsideration on the rezoning matter for this property, Moved by Shane, seconded by Barei, to recess for ten minutes. The motion lost, verbal no being in maiority. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council President Garrett reported Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows: Recommended that requests of McGrath Corporation for varianees to the Code relative to double side sewer installations be denied. Carried. Recommended that the McGrath Corporation request for variance to build sidewalks to the curb line be denied. the matters had been reviewed by the Board of Public Works and denial recommended. Moved by Perry, '7secanded by Barei, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. ' 'i Regarding report of Mr. Lobe of need for repairs to Springbrook Road near his residence. 16429, Springbrook Road, the Committee recommended that the Street and Engineering Departments combine their efforts to expedite repairs as soon as possible, and the Departments have been so advised. Councilman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee, submitted report recommending that the Plan Check Fee, required under Sec. 303(b) of the Uniform Building Code, be reduced from present fee of k the Building Permit Fee to 30% of the Building Permit Fee. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur Carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, reported Committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers 1686 through 1730 and me& the mo- tion that the Council approve same for payment at this time. Councilman Perry seconded the motion which carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 1896 - 1975 $ 309498.24 City Street Fund 1876 - 1988 16,131.05 Cedar River M. & I. 1989 - 1992 21883.06 Equipment Rental 1993 - 2010 49069.64 Library 2011 - 2051 51,592.53 Parks 2052 - 2079 32,380.60 Waterworks Utility 2080 - 2103 11,704.13 Airport 2104 - 2109 533.82 City Hall Construction 2110 579698.59 $161,491.66 Councilman Barei,. Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted report read by the City Clerk with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the Library Board request for a sum not to exceed $3,450.00 to purchase a Van type vehicle for library use, be granted, bid call specifications to be prepared and the Library. Board to call for bids through the Purchasing Agent. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Regarding request of Mr. E. R. Coleman to lease property adjacent to the North Renton Interchange, it was recommended that the lease of:"-er be rejected since the Park Dept. desires to use the area in parking and storage of boat trailers v�^ upon subsequent development of the Park. Moaned by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to -,oncur. Carried. A Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) The Property Committee recommended that the monthly rental rate to the State of Washington, Department of Motor Vehicles, be set at $300.00 per month rather than $325.00 as previously established. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur. The motion carried. Councilman Barei advised of the Committee concurrence in the Building Director's request to demolish the Autobahn garage and old Carnegie Library Buildings, the City to reserve the salvage right on any part of either structure or items therein or adjacent thereto. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Grant, to concur. Discussion ensued regarding the pending request to lease and possible other uses and it was noted no time element has been established for the demolition. The motion carried. Recommendations for rental formula on lease of Cedar River Park area to the Stoneway Company were submitted, one at $.50 per sq. ft., Berei, $455.93 per month,and one at $.40 per sq. ft., Trimm,$364.75 per monthly rental fee. During discussion it was noted that Stoneway plans to move facilities from the area and would stay until Jan. lst of 69 if the lower rental were allowed and they would commence the revised rental retroactive to February, otherwise they would leave by July of 1968. Motion was made by Schellert, seconded by Maxin to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole, and after discussion of the matter the motion was voted down,andit was noted they presently pay $166.00 per month. Moved by Grant, seconded by Edwards to concur in the minority report of Councilman Trimm accepting the $.40 per sq. ft. and $364.75 monthly rent, retroactive to February. The motion carried. Property Committee Chairman Barei inquired of the Mayor regarding appraisal of City properties and Mayor Custer advised information had been received that it would cost between $15,000.00 and $20,000.00 for a complete insurance appraisal, however, there may be another method if the present Commission would supply details and discussion with the Committee was requested regarding further aspects of the matter. The Property Committee noted Mr. Racanello's condition of bid and recommended his high bid be accepted with Mr. Racanello to be advised that the Council cannot make any type of assurances regarding the use since any revision of existing zoning requires the City's Planning Commission review and action according to the Code. Moved to concur by Schellert and second by Shane, Mr. Racanello to be advised as recommended. Carried. Councilman Shane, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee,submitted report advising that Valley Disposal, Inc. present garbage contractor, was requested to continue the service for an additional 60 days beyond the March 4th expiration date to allow sufficient time to prepare specifications and contract for a new bid call. The contractor will continue on condition that present rate increase of 727,, is allowed. It was recommended that the service be continued with the increase allowed and the City to absorb the additional cost and not the citizens. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Grant, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. Councilman Shane submitted Sanitation Committee report which was read,with Council action taken as follows: Recommended the requests of the Renton School District for use of City sanitary sewer facilities for the Earlington and Sierra Heights Elementary Schools and for Late-Comer Agreements to allow recovery of portion of the costs' be granted. Further, it was recommended that the total cost be borne by the School District and that this matter now be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for the necessary documents effecting the legislation. Carried. Recommended that a master sewer plan for the City be drawn in two stages with the main line sewer plan first and service line sewers second, the Engineering Department to undertake the responsibility to create the plan, said project to commence immediately and semi-monthly report on progress to be given to the Council. Moved by Trimm, and seconded by Grant, to concur. After discussion regarding survey crew and other needs, the motion carried. 4"Letter from People's bank had been reviewed by the Committee and it was recommended that the City grant temporary connection of the branch bank located on Rainier Avenue South near South 122nd Street, King County, to the City sanitary sewer system. Discussion ensued regarding policy of extending such service outside the corporate limits and the instances of like cases were recalled and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Matter of Logan D. Garrison and others requesting L.I.D. for Sanitary Sewer in Harries Garden Home Tracts is under consideration and recommendation as to feasibility will be submitted upon completion of the study. -5- 112 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business: The Sanitation Committee recommended that the Powell Construction Co, , Inc. be granted a Late-Comers Agreement for the S.E. 108th Street sewer line being in- stalled in connection with the Plat of Powell's First Addition to the City of Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur. Carried. Regarding petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in the Honey Creek Park area, submitted by Mr. Hennej'. et al, it was recommended that the City Clerk write a letter inviting all property owners to attend a Sanitation Committee meeting on March 6th at 7:OOp.m. in the City Council Chambers, to discuss the request. The City Engineer and City Attorney are requested to be present. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to concur. Carried. Recommended that the Council authorize the City Engineer to initiate an L.I.D. in the Kennydale area formerly known as L.I.D. 256 as requested by residents of the area . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur. The motion carried. Councilman Grant inquired of the City Attorney as to what steps might be taken to go tcr- a First Class City. City Attorney She llan recalled that this matter was now in the Committee "of the Whole for report and the Association of Washington Cities as asked, had just sub�itted s.uchla. report, and a report regarding the Optional Municipal Code was, also to 'be „presented, the first steps however, would probably be an election, and a majority of the Council would have to agree to move under existing laws or to wait until'lth"e new law takes effect next year. Moved by Grant, seconded by'' Barei, that A4'Council take action to state its intention to go to First Class status and the City Attorney be requested to prepare a report regarding legal matters pertaining to the subject move and report back to the Council. On the ques- tion,Council President Garrett reported that Mr. Ken Cole will be here speaking to the Council on Monday, the 26th at 7:00 p.m. regarding the Optional Municipal Code and wondered whether the Council would want to proceed considering the pending motion. After further discussion vote was taken on the motion which re- sulted in dissenting vote and roll call was requested, resulting as follows: Aye: Perry, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. No: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Trimm, Edwards, and Maxin. The motion lost, six to five, and the City Clerk was requested to confirm the meeting with Mr. Cole whom the Association of Washington Cities had hired to write the Municipal Code. Mayor Custer noted that the taxpayer would be much better off under the Optional Municipal Code than First Class and advised of a hearing to be held Friday at which Senator Durkan will be speaking on the subject. Barei urged that the information provided by the Association of Wn. Cities regarding first class cities be read by all Council Members., it offering additional benefits other than the Code City offers. Moved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, to reconsider the removal of the 37, Utility Tax, in regard for funds to be derived by the City next year as a result of Forward Thrust issues for streets and arterials and parks & State Grants. Attar inquiry on time, Edwards moved and seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the [Jays and Means Committee. Shane objected to the referral urging action to remove the tax without delay and Grant withdrew his second noting that.cuts would not be a worry since the extra revenue is to be derived. Schellert offered second to the referral motion and discussion ensued, it being noted that the Budget would be out of balance if the tax is deleted and thus the referral. After other comments the question was call- ed for upon the pending motion and upon dissenting voice vote being registered, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Schellert and Morris. No: Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce and Perry. The - ayes being in majority, the motion carried, referring the matter to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Grant reported meeting with the Power and Light Committee and Puget Sound representatives to resolve some of the matters pertaining to power rates and announced a meeting on March 5th at 7:30 p.m. in the Mayor's conference room and the public is invited to attend. Proposed Resolution was submitted by Mr. Grant and he proposed that a consulting firm be retained to conduct a study of rates charged within the City and throughout the State, with analysis of possible im- provement of items of mutual concern between Puget Power and the City and possible means whereby the City might develop its own power distribution system or join with another public power utility. The Power and Light Committee shall interview consulting firms and recommend to the Council which firm to hire and report the cost thereof, and at a future date report its findings. Grant moved adoption of the Resolution. Barei seconded ehe motion. After further discussion as to the action to be taken by the Committee, this being report of one member, it was moved by Edwards, seconded by Schellert, to refer the proposed Resolution to the Light and Power Committee. After further discussion the motion was voted upon and Carried. -6- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS New Business: Councilman Grant announced a meeting of the Light and Power Committee tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in the Mayor's conference room, February 20th, Council President Garrett: stated that the Interim Committee on cL the Highways, of the State Legislature, will hold a hearing on March 12th at 2:00 p,m. in Renton in relation to the proposed crosswalk in the North Renton 1'..-itcrehange area and the Clerk was requested to advise the Co„imit'Lee in 01;:mpia, Public Lan03 Eldg., Rm 421, that the use of the council chambers has bo-:i cenfirmec'. President-Garrett announced a Committee of the Whole mociing imuAiately fc1lc;•7irg this Council meeting adjournment,, to hear the Eayor's ccmmu.nts regarding tho ::eI.lth District; and suggested recess and reconvening of 'Lhe regular meeti:-g t'leroaftor. Committee of the Whole Meeting .will be held on March 26th at 7:00 pm, to listen to Mr. Cole speak regarding the Optional Municipal Code. Moved by Perry, to refer the public use areas b2loni:�; to the City in tnc Fenton Highlands to the Public Works Board for recomm�ndat1 n as to disposition : Seconded by Schellert and carried. e Par Department was invited to be present during any discussion by the Public Works Board on the matter. Councilman Schellert called attention to the Urb"n Arterial Doard Grunt and approv^1 of the 87th Avenue South and Grady [day projects, and urged that the City commence tn action to get started on the projects and r::oved that this m7tter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendations on i-niplemcntation of the projects. The motion was seconded by Perry; and carried. Schellert announced a meeting of the Capital Impro�7ement Priority Committee on February 29th at 3.:30 p.m. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to grant Puget Sound and City Light Non-Exclusive Franchises to serve in the City of Renton and terms be drU;-;:a up by the City Attorney with the period of franchise to be ten years. Discussion ensued regarding whether Seattle City Light desired the franchise and the benefit that competition might bring, matter of undergrounding, including comments by 11rs. Ella Siegfried, Tugs. Sue Smith and Mr. Charles McGarrigle. Motion Lad been offered to require all franchise holders to go underground on new construction, as amendment. Subsequent. mo'--l—, made by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, to refer the matter of dual franchises to the Li-II-It and Power Committee, wh_ch carried. Councilman Bruce, submitted report of the Fire and Water Committee, recommending that the Utility Department be authorized to call for bids for the installation of ti-.? 12" watermain on 8th Avenue North with February 26th the dace for bid opening. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 21st. Moved by Perry, and seconded by Bruce, to recess for ten minutes. Carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess roll cEill was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. The Committee of the Whole had met and Council President Garrett reported concurrence in the Mayo:es comments regarding the Health District proposals , Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted propo^ed �. Resolution of the City which was read authorizing appropriation of excess revenue from the Current Fund unto Building Maintenance Department 1165, Account 314, Expert services re cost of plans check fees), $2,000,00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to adopt the Resolution numbered 1519 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing appropriation of excess revenue in the Current Fund unto Legislative Department 1110, Account 308, M� & 0., Codification of Ordinances, $1,160.00. (50 binders and supplements) Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Maxin, to adopt the Resolution armbered 15`'0 as read- Carried. -7- 114 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-19-68 Remarks: Councilman Maxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 24, 1968. Councilman Barei requested that the Janitor oil the Chairs around the Council table to reduce the noise. Councilman Perry noted that the tables had been removed which had been used by the City Attorney and the Press and suggested they be replaced. Mr. Robert Hall, Attorney for Mrs. Chenauer addressed the Council advising that he had been mistaken regarding photographs which were submitted to the Council on the ,atter and offered apology to Planning Director Ericksen noting however, that Multiple zoning is the only feasible use for the subject property and that it is economically impossible to develop the area as R-1. After further comments in regard to the subject property Mr. Hall was advised that the matter was now in the Planning Committee which would be meeting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow at which time his remarks might properly be addressed the Committee. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D, W. Custer, Mayor 115 2-19-68 OFFICE: OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS IS SUED BY THE C I TY BUILDING & E NG I NEER l NG DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No Amount Name Address Type of Wark B 0727 3,500.00 Shell Cil Co. 115 Rainier Ave. No. Add. of lub• bay 28 --- ----- Peter J. Roffey 627 4th Ave. W. Const. sun deck 29 500,00 G.O. Somers 11230 S.E. I08th Const. carport & shed B 0T30 115,308,00 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1811 Grant St, Const. apts 31 250.00 H.A. Jorgensen 2010 & 2012 8th Ave. N. Replace windows r..� 32 600.00 The Boeing Co, Bldg. 10-50 Const. wall 33 250.00 Foster & Kleiser 710 Grady Way Erect sign 34 19,000.00 Rudy Zaputil 11612 S.E. 105th. Pl . New residence B 0735 690.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-80 Install partition 36• 17,000.00 C.W. Switzler 10872 S.E. 97th St. New residence 37 20,000.00 R.S. Shane 116;0 S.E. IOOth St. New residence 38 ---------- Jackie L. Wilson 128 Garden Ave. N. Demolish residence 39 2,000.00 Westwind Motel 110 Rainier Ave. Sc. Three signs B 0740 8,760.00 Rufus M. Sparague Jr. 628 Shattuck Ave. Addition to apts 41 18,000.00 Donald Patrick Monaghan High Ave. So. New residence 42 --VOID-- 43 ---------- Northwest Bell Tele, 108 Burnett Ave. So. Demolish residence 44 ---------- Northwest Bell Tele. 112 Burnett Ave. So. Demolish residence B 0745 20,000.00 Richard Tibeau 10837 110th Ave. S.E. New residence 46 ---------- The Southland Corp. 1175 "L" St. Add roof, raise floor 47 5,000.00 Ripley Lane Apts,House Co, 7421 Ripley Lane Const. swimming pooh 48 100.00 Fred A. Garrahan 532 Cedar Ave. So. Const. fence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0568 550.00 R.S. Shane 116;6 S.E. 100th Wire residence 69 250.60 Burnrite Oil Co. 2880 4th Ave. No. Conct. pump, wire sery E 0570 200.00 Hub City Trailer Park 641 Yells Ave. No. Wire service 71 150,00 Charles B. Guy 3000 5th Ave. E. Wire new service 72 ------ -- Rudy Zaputil 105th P1 . ( 11612 S.E.) Temp. service 73 --VOID-- 74 50,00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. IC-50 Alter service to mach. E 0575 34,607,00 Cinema 950-550 25 Grady Way Wire cinema 76 350.00 George Crum 11637 S.E. 103rd St. Wire rec-room 77 250,00 Steve Oliver 403 Bronson Way No. New service 78 300.00 Andrew Mayat ich 41 111th Ave. V.I. Wire baseboard heat 79 1 ,200.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-21 Wire service E 0580 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-64 Wire service 81 230.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-21 Wire service 82 ---------- The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-01 New service 83 50.00 The Boeing Co, Bldg. IC-60 Install exit lights 84 50.00 Westwind 110 Rainier Ave. So. Elect, work on sign E 0585 350.00 Betty Mattson 636 B. St. Wire baseboard 86 9,976.00 Roberts &. Anderson III Williams St. Wire new building 87 50.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. IC-55 Service to pump 88 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-65 Wire for alarm 6; spri.k 89 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-01 Wire service E 0590 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-56 New service 91 390.00 Catalina Homes 12201 132nd Ave. S.E. Wire new residence 92 390.00 Catalina Homes 12203 132nd Ave. S.E. '+Dire new residence 93 390.00 Catalina Homes 12209 132nd Ave. S.E. Wire new residence % 390.00 Catalina Homes 12215 132nd Ave. S.E. Wire new residence E 0595 475.00 Don Dallas 10026 S.E. 94th St. Wire new residence 96 50.00 Transamerica Dev. Co, 1831 Grant Ave. So. Temp, service MECHANICAL FEF<M,I TS M. 0638 --- R.S. Shane 116% S.E. ICOth Inst. plumbing 39 ---------- Humble OiI Co. 600 So. Grady May Inst. oil system m 0640 4,480.00 The' Boeirig Co. Renton Plant Inst. sprinklers 41 ---------- Steve Oliver 403 Bronson Way No. Replumb washing mach. 42 ----------- The Boeing Co. So. of Bldg. 10-ICI Cap-off water main 43 ---------- Paul Houser 411 ',,Villiams Ave. So. Inst, hot water heater L1t _-_.... ._._ L. Sedgwick 10827 IC9th F'1 . S.F. Inst. furnace M 0615 ---------- Don Dallas 10026 S.F. %th Inst. plumbing 46 ---------- R.S. Shane 11656 S.E. 100th St. Inst. furnace 47 -- ----- Catalina Homes 122'01 132nd Ave. S.E. Inst. furnace 48 . .--__--__-- Catalina Homes 12203 132nd Ave. S.E. Inst. furnace 119Catalina Homes 12209 132nd Ave. S.E. Inst. furnace 9 116 2 1968 FERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTA'ENTS CONT. MECHANICAL PERMITS No Amount Name Address Type of Work M 0650 ---------- Catalina Homes, Inc. 12215 132nd Ave. S.E. Inst. furnace 51 ---------- Robert Logue 3261 Polling Hills Ave S. Furnace replacement 52 ---------- C.E. Anderson 103 Rainier Ave. So. Inst. gas heater 53 ---------- First Federal Savings 201 Wells Ave. So. Inst. gas piFing 54 ---------- Washington Jockey Club Penton Junction ' Floor drains, sinks M 0655 ---------- Pacific Northwest Bell 225 Williams Ave. So. Inst. oil tank SEWER FERMI TS No 314 ---------- Ed Smith 11119 S.E. 108th Sewer service No 315 ----------- Peoples Bank 1114 4th Ave. So. Sewer service No 316 ---------- E. Pierotti 715 Rainier Ave. So. Sewer service No 317 ---------- Schokley 708 So. 7th St. Sewer service No 318 -------- L & L Construction 1228 Morris St. So. Sewer service No 319 ---------- Donald Monaghan 1009 High. Ave. So. Sewer service a 1c 1 .� e R E F E R R A L S RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 26, 1968 Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COmhd TTEE Progress Estimate No. 3 Absher Constr. Co., prime contractor City Hall . (Power to Act) Specifications and retaining of consultants - Salaries and Pay Classification Study, BUILDING DIRECTOR Investigate Mobil Oil sign for possible violation. CITY ATTORNEY and/or MAYOR Seek permission from the Federal Agency to establish the Renton Airport-Rainier Ave. access route. CITY ENGINEER and FIRE AND WATER COfoi/ ITTEE Bids on Water project W-283, 12" Watermain in 8th Ave. No. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 141Iorkable Plan Mayor's letter regarding street name changes. AIR POLLUTION ADVISORY COUNCIL Proposed Air Pollution Control Regulation I from Puget Sound Air Pollution Advisory Council . LAW AND ORDINANCE COANITTEE Resolution for fund transfers within Street Maintenance Functional Budget. Change the 2 hour parking limit - Parking Lot No. 3. hAYOR AND CITY CLERK Execute agreement with Fire District Jf 25 for hydrant service and water supply. Execute agreement with firm of Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield for the design and preparation of plans and specifications for Well No. 8. MAYOR'S ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Landscaping plan FAI 405, vicinity of So. 3rd and Mill Ave. So. PLANNING COMMITTEE Letter from Glenn M. Burrelle regarding setback and Access, Apt. building, 10th and 'K' Street. PLANNING COMMISSION Request of C.K. Mullins and F.E. Lawrence for revisions to Comprehensive Plan. PURCHASING AGENT Bids on city vehicles. POLICE AND LICENSE COIVdMITTEE Mr. Charles Ruud letter regarding Great Northern Raitway trains blocking intersections. PROPERTY COhMITTEE Negotiate lease with King County Commissioners for Justice Court facilities, fifth floor, New City Hall Building. Requested use of Autobahn building for rummage sale by Senior Class girls. (Power to Act ) Secure appraisals , right of way Bronson Way and Park Ave. (Funding referred to Ways and Potieans Committee) Bids on city vehicles. REFERRALS Page 2 February 26, 1968 Renton City Council STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Redesign and reconstruction of roadways in the vicinity of Mr. Albert Balch's Apts. TRAFFIC ENGINEER Right-of-way 116th S.E. between Puget Drive and S.E. 157th Street. Negotiate with the First Christian Church. Acquire right of way for improvement of intersection of Sunset Blvd. West, Langston Road and Hardy Street. U/AYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Additional personnel requirement of Engineering Department to prepare Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Funding for new parking meter mechanism, Parking Lot No. 3. Funding for appraisals on right-of-way at Bronson Way and Park Ave No. SCHEDULED BID OPENING Landscaping the traffic islands on South Second Street, March 18th, 1968. MEETINGS AND EVENTS : February 28, 1968 - Froperty Committee at 7:00 p.m. isayor's Conference room. February 29, 1968 - Capital Improvement Priority Committee in the Mayor's Conference Room at 3 :30 p.m. March 4, 1968 ----- Committee of the Whole at 7:00 p.m. March 6, 1968 ----- Street and Alley Committee at 1 :00 p.m. Ways and Means Committee at 7: 15 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room. a MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 26, 1968 Office of the City Clerk �i1e re gula_ meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegianc^_ to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF CCUNCIL 1wMLERS: Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Sch?llert, Morris, Haxin, Bru.c?, errant, Shane and luarei. Moved by Perry, s::conded by i z-,ce, t',-at the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. L:TY OFFICIALS AND E-EPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Pelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gene Coulon, Park Director, 'Dern Chur-a, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Thief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gordon Zrickscn, Plarning Director, Jack Wildon, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, B-_ilding Diroctcr, J c;c Jc:.2s, Librarian, Vic Te Gantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted ;;ennett, Utility Acca.lntrin'C, Jan ltlippert, Ad:in—_'Lstra- tive Assistant to tre Nayor and Del Eennett, Traffic Engineer. (loved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, that the Linutes of the previous meeting of Fel=_,ary 19th be approved as mailed out. Carried. OPE'77"' OF BIDS: Vehicles and Equipment for 1968 : :his being the date set, se::,'ed.:dids wore opened b, tho City Clerk and read with Council action tak-^n as follows: 0•.3 our t%iieel Front End Loader -n- Zack i:oc Loader Truck 1.1ounted i.erial Ladder Ore ion Tandem Roller Pc,?er Trower Grader Asphalt Paving 1'3chine (SE-Er- !=AC:'.ED TABULATIONS) 1!7_ve3 by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Purchasing Agent and ire Property Committee for recommendation. Carried. O71 rli 07' BIDS: 12" Watermain in 8th Avenue North, Water Project W-283 b,2iny the date set, the following seamed bids w^_re opened and read: B'.�7E? AND ADD:cESS BID DEPOSIT/3011D BASIC 31_D SALES TAX TOTAL BID F_'1.'CN T LOWERS -BCi1D- $ 3,91-0.00 176.40 $ 4,096.4.0 16239 Amba,-,-n Blvd. So. ;;tattle, Wcshington GESKE & EROWN, iI1C -BOND,- $ 8,950.00 y 402.75 $ 9,352.75 11025 - 142nd Ave. S.E . Renton, Washington UINITLD UTILITIES -CASHIERS CHECK- $ 7,945,00 y 357,52 $ 8,302.57 7027 N.E. 134th St. Kirkland, Washington I'C D^.`tOUGH 0011STRUCTION -B91D- $ 3,2 5.,00 y 236.07 $ 5,412,07 1324 Northrup Way Bellevue, Washington 98004 llovsd by Garrett, seconded by Schllert, to refer the bids to the City Engineer and Fire and 1Jater Committee for recommendation. Carried. PU7—,TC HEA1;1110: Mobil Oil Corporation appeal of Board of Adjustment denial of Variance to install sign over height limitation. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There being no written communications, audience comment was invited and Mr, Mike Rathbun,Mgr., P.B.R. Sign Company and 111r. Bill Wood, Engineer for Mobil Oil Company, spoke on behalf of Mobil Oil Corpor ion stating hardship exists since the present sign is obstructed by the various poles and objects in the area and cannot be readily seen from the freeway, &nd tho businesses depend upon the freeway trade with up to 30-35% revenue being lost L; restriction of the advertising media , Photographs of the subject sign and others in the vicinity were circulated and projection up,.�.7ards to 50-53 ft. height w-s felt to re,.a6r:^ an&c'ee ir_� ., 67 f±. was the height originally requested. Discussion ensued regarding speed of the passing motorist and possible danger to attempt to get to the off ramp and back to the station and distance of visibility required in order -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-26-68 PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal of Mobil Oil Corporation to sign variance denial (Cont.) to exit properly and safely.In:comparing other signs,it was noted that the Board of Adjustment had not been in operation when the other signs were installed, and with specific reference to one which appeared above the limit, Building Director Johnson stated it to be within the 40 ft. allowed in this area and that in the Mobil Oil case the Board of Adjustment could justify no hardship. After further discussion regarding recommended height of signs and regulations of other Cities, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to concur in the Board of Adjustment denial, refusing the request for variance . Carried. The Building Director was requested to investigate the sign questioned for possible violation. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal by Albert Balch of Board of Adjustment of variance to exceed Height limit n6 R-4 zone; property located in vicinity of Bronson Way North, 4th Avenue North and 3rd Avenue Extension This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported review of the matter by the Planning Commission,upon referral by the Board of Adjustment,and return to the Board with notice that study of height limits under present zoning ordinances would be initiated for possible amendments to provide for high rise type structures in Renton. Prior letter from the Commission to the Board advised that upon completion of review the Commission had no objections to the multi-storied buildings on the site with suggestions that variances be granted for each building as required with setbacks to be provided as recommended. Mr. Balch's letter of appeal was read requesting the Council to consider the appeal and outlining prior actions taken which included FAA approval for construction of 10 to 14 story high rise apartments on the subject property which Mr. -Balch feels is ideally situated for the apartments and condominiums desired. It was noted that a hardship must be established in order for the Board of Adjustment to take affirmative action on variances. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Balch, 6850 - 50th Ave. N.E. , Seattle, advased that to date all Boards, Departments and parties concerned expressed approval of the proiect and urged expediate action but the meetings continue with no consumation. The present six stories and 90 ft. limit were felt to be not in keeping with the growth and development of the present community and it was urged that Renton commence updating to present trends. Hardship noted was that it is more economical to build the type of structure high rise allows and that lending institutions have reached maximum loans for the lower income type housing. Mr. Balch wished to build structures that would serve the upper income families which he feels is needed in Renton, and any further extension of time would possibly cause difficulty in securing the building loan. It was felt the buildings would enhance the City and add somewhat to the City's valuation, the apartments to cost to 11- million dollars. Mr. Don Johnson, associate of Mr. Balch in the project, added that no objections have been expressed to the height and that it was a matter of the Commission completing a study of advisable high rise structures, but it was felt that this was not a proper delay and that the time to commence was now as costs will increase with passing time . Mrs. Margaret Evans, 403,G'r1ndey Way expressed concern for the density to result from the 140 ft. structure in regard for the traffic urging that the roadway be enlarged to accommodate the vehicles and prevent additional danger to the motorists in this area. Richard Stredi_cke, 3916 - 10th Ct. No. urged the Council to compare other construction now in progress on the City Hall building and allow the private individual like benefit. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, that the hearing be closed. Carried. So declared. Moved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, the variance be granted on height of the 3 buildings.After noting need for additional lanes from the church Gn and Mrs. McGerry stating motorists at the Group Health site leave those premises through the entrance road and causing traffic problems, the pending motion carried. It was subsequently moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the reconstruction of the road and design -of 'same at problem areas be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Mayor Custer announced that Councilman Grant was the father of a new baby boy and Councilman Grant stated the new Council has not been altogether unproductive. COMMUNICATIONS: City Clerk Nelson reported approval letter from the Boundary Review Board has been received in regard to annexation of property in vicinity of the new Valley General Hospital , said property lying South of 180th at Springbrook Road. (Talbot Road) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that March 11, 1968 be set for public hearing on the proposed annexation. Carried. (Margullis et al) -2- a Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-26-68 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) Letter from Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Co. submitted and recommended for payment Progress Estimate No. 3 due Absher Construction Co. on new city hall construction contract, $65,835.00 for work completed to 1/31/68,and approved by the Mayor. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. It was noted during discussion that the work is 74 days behind and only 14 have been approved and it is hoped there may be some increase in activity which will allow recovery. The pending motion carried. Letter from the Renee Guild of the Association of Retarded Children requested No-Fee Permit to sell sunshine balloons in Renton on March lst and 2nd. Moved by Perry and seconded by Shane, to grant the request subject to execution of the required hold .�. harmless agreement. Carried. Letter from Llane Kelly, Renton High School, requested use of the Autobahn garage building for a rummage sale for one weekend in March for Senior Class girls to raise funds for a tour of Washington, D.C. and a donation to the Methodist Church. The date has not yet been determined. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Property Committee with power to; act. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson requested authorization to proceed with population census which the Council had budgeted for in 1968. The Jaycees were to perform the census at $3,500.00 but will new be unable to do so and the cost for supervision and completion by the State Planning and Community Affairs Agency, (formerly State Census Board) will be approximately $.20 a person ; on assumption of 26,000 count, some $3,000.00 additional will be required for mileage and supplies not heretofore budgeted. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur. It was noted that Resolution appropriating funds and transferring of presently budgeted money will be required. Mr, John Walker, State Supervisor was present and advised that he would make a survey to determine whether the City would benefit by a new census count. The week of March 19-23 had been recommended as a desirable time for the census,. if._warranted. Motion carried. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen, reported review of the Preliminary Plat of Rolling Hills Village No. 4 by the Planning Commission at meetings of January 14th and February 14th and applicant has requested variance in lot width requirement on Lots 41 through 46 to 67.5 ft. at the building line and lots 32 through 37, 72 ft. at the building line, rather than the 75 ft. The Commission felt the request was justified on the basis of hardship due to existing gas, power and telephone easement passing through the plat and the lots varying from 128 ft. to 155 ft. in depth would more than meet minimum lot size of 7500 sq. ft. required. Easement areas will be incorporated into a landscaped blvd. and private park and green area. Approval of the Plat was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Moved by Shane, second by Barei, to approve the Plat but not lot size reduction in concern for future residents of the area. Mr. Robert Scholes, Engineer for the project,outlined difficulties in platting the area which had required much redesigning and although part of the park area might be utilized to wider, them-,lots as, shown oth design proposed was felt to be the best solution to the problem of the best functional use of the land. After discussion concerning the design of the structures in relation to utility and easement restrictions, the vote was taken on the pending motion to approve the plat with 75 minimum lot size and dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call vote which resulted as follows: Aye: Perry, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane, and Barei. No: Garrett, Morris, Schellert and Trimm. The motion carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported that Fund transfers will be required at this time to bring the Street Maintenance Functional Budget into balance, as follows: From: City Street Fund, M. & 0. No. 3300, Physical Maintenance Acct. 801-Roads, $60,293.27, Unto: City Street Fund, M. & 0. 3300, 803, Storm Sewers, $13,216.16; Overhead Acct. 1003, Non Street Costs, Non-Reimbursible, $411.60; Overhead Non Street Costs, Reimbursible, Acct. 1004, $427.56; Capital OUtlay, Structures and Improvement, Acct. 1200, Storm Sewer Construction, $46,237.95, Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested appropriation from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2283, Beatufication of Property, unto Street Fund (Functional), Department 1310, M. & 0. , Acct. 801 - Roads for purpose d landscaping the traffic islands on South Second Street in front of the Renton High School, which project was included in the City's Beautification Plan and reviewed by the Municipal Arts Commission as to design. The design was submitted by local landscape architect Gerald Edlund and it was suggested the architect provide general supervision with the work completed under supervision of the Street Commissioner. Bid call was recommended with opening date of March 18th. Some discussion as to cost and what is covered for this amount of money, followed motion by Garrett and second by Maxin to concur and the motion subsequently carried. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-26-68 COMMUNICATION'S: Letter from Harold Austin,President, Renton Downtown Merchants Association, called attention to wells Avenue & Houser Way City Parking Lot with 24 hour meters and recommended that two-hour parking limit be put into effect on this lot to enable more persons to park in the area. It was urged that on-street parking be policed, where one or two hour limits are posted,to a greater degree, Moved by Barei, seconded by Grant to limit the subject parking lot to two-hour parking as requested. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to amend the motion that the parking be restricted to two }Yours from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. The amendment was carried and subsequently the original, motion as amended.. Street Commissioner TeGantvoort advised that it would be some time until the change can be made since all new mechanism for the meters will be required and money is not budgeted for this expense. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter of meter change to two-hour limit parking to the Law and Ordinance Committee. It was noted that final action may not be taken until the money has been provided in the budget for the expenditure. The motion carried. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to recess for ten minutes. Carried. After recess roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. Moved by Mo;:ris, seconded by Perry, that the matter of funding for new parking meter mechanism be referred to the (nays and Means Committee. Carried. Letter from Mr. Charles A. Ruud called attention to problem of the Great Northern Railway trains blocking the Burnett, wells and Williams Avenue corners on Houser Way due to switching in the downtown area which blocked these corners for one-half hour recently while people were trying to get to work. It was noted that this is a fre- quent 'nappentpg. and it was suggested that some control might be included in the franchise documents granted by the City. It was noted that the lawful regulation for blocking of the right-of-way is not more "than five minutes. After discussion regarding action of the State Highway Interim Committee and the Valley Regional!,.,, Planning Commission on such matter, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Grant„ to refer the matter to. the Police and License Committee to report back, it being. felt agme police action might be taken. Carried,. . Letter from Mayor Custer caped-attention of, inviting action by the Council, on they f ollowir}g Federal Urban Beautification Funds Application - Recommended the City .not apply during 1968, ,the maximum eligibility being $20,759.40 and it appearing from the point system devised by HUD that Renton would not likely be able to qualify until a beautifi- cation program had been competed and implementation coordinated , with our Capital Improvement Program.. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur, Carried. Workable Plan: Since FHA is unable to provide federal funds for specific programs in a community unless a "workable Plan" is in force,the city would not be able to file- for certification, The last workable plan,submitted in 1967,was held for approximately six months and then denied certification. and the City is presently without a workable plan, thus no public or private agency within the city limits is eligible to obtain loans or grants for housing construction. The new Council may desire to review, the matter and it was recommended that the subject be referred to Committee for recommenda- tion. Moved by Perry,, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Salary and Pay Classification Study: The sum of $5,000.00 has been budgeted in the 1968 budget for a study of the existing pay plan which is needed to update and correct the plan. Study of comparative salaries between the City and other-governmental agencies and private industry is needed along with a review of procedures concerning the pay plan foi changes which may improve efficiency and general administration., ..Mgyor•Custer urged referral to committee ,£or setting of specifications and retaining of consultants. Moved Moved by Perry,, seconded 'by Bruce,. to refer this portion of the communication to the Auditing and Accounting Committee for recommendation. Carried. Street Name Changes: In January of 1967 a Comprehensive Street Naming Program was im- ..w plemented and the new numbering system putinto effect in order to align city ,ctreets and avenues into a grid pattern compatible with the County system and to eliminate the irregularities resulting from,repid growth, to more clearly define addresses and eliminate confusion for purpose of emergency and public safety services. The Plan is to be put into effect in three stages and the second phase is ready to be implemented upon.Counci.l approval, City Ordinances will need to be revised and all affected property owners must all be giver 0arge,notice� by mail, and new street signs made and posted. Moved ,by Peary, seconded by Shane that this portion of the Mayor's letter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried, Funding for this project is budgeted. -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2-t firms COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) City Clerk Helmie Nelson reported receipt of a Text of Proposed Air Pollution Control .egulation I and Announcements of Public Hearings,from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the document to the Air Pollution Advisory Council. The motion carried. Letter from Mayor Custer advised that the Council, during discussions regarding the Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the City, to be conducted under Engineering Department responsibility, had been apprised of the need for additional personnel for such program. It was noted that the City will receive some 42 million dollars as result of the Forward Thrust arterial street bond issue passage but only a portion has been budgeted and appropriation of funds will be required in order to obtain the needed personnel and equipment. It was estimated that $48,630 will be required for salaries and $8,510.00 for equipment and referral to Committee was requested for consideration .... of the matter. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to refer the letter to the [days and Means Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Mr. Glenn M. Burrelle, 1010 K Street, called attention to apartment building at 10th and "K" Street in the Rentcfi Highlands and noted inadequate setback from Code requirement and to the poor K Street access which was to have been on the [Jest side of the building both of which were not in the proposed construction as shown to the public at the hearing meetings held by the Planning Commission, but granted subsequently by the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Planning Com- mittee for review. Carried. Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Wood, Mobil Oil Corporation, in view of action taken by the Council in assisting businesses and citizens in their community activities,requested reconsideration of action denying elevation of sign height to excess over limits of the Code in order that equal opportunity might be given to com- pete in business with those who were operating prior to the establishment of the Board of Adjustment,it being felt that such restrictive an ordinance was prohibiting the business efforts and not in keeping with progress, the greater speeds along freeways making it mandatory that their advertising medium be seen to reach prospective customers. It was noted that Council may still reconsider at the next* meeting and another presentation might be made at that time if any new findings might show adequate hardship. Mr. Wood stated that he was sure it •:)uld be recognized that a hardship exists when tip to 35% increase would be realized which would be a great advantage and alleviate the hardship of inequitable competition. Mr. Wood noted that the City Council earlier had felt $9,000.00 a great amount for landscaping and advised that the sum of $2,000.00 had been spent in landscaping the corner and beautifying the area which type of service station and additions are a credit to the community. Mr. Richard Stredicke at this time called attention to letter from Mr. Burrelle and inquired regarding the matters of deviation from the Code and Departmental control and pursuance of the matter. It was noted that the Committee to whom the matter was referred will be investigating this matter. Mr. Stredicke noted constructions (Church) prior to permit issuance and urged the Council to pursue the apartment matter by inquiring of the Department Head involved in regard to plan checks rather than referral to the Planning Committee and waiting to find out •the answers to the questions raised, the fact that it was 11:25 p.m. bein; acknowledged,- however. Mr. Al Osmond, 222 Meadow Street, noting copious amount of paper accumulated in the Households of today, cited the smoke from burning same to be negligent compared to that put into the air by industry and automobiles and favoring some type of incinerator, inquired why burning is prohibited. Mayor Custer advised that burning is allowed in the City under controlled conditions which does include several types of incinerators which, however are too costly for the home owner, but serve as a beginning to the program now being instituted by the State, Federal and City Agencies which problem of pollution control is only- commenced. Discussion ensued and various aspects of the general control program were outlined as to eff- orts to establish effective pollution control. U.pon inquiry by Mrs. McGerry, Pollution Control Officer, Sven Johnson, noted that incinerators,to meet required specifications,must have a 3 chamber fire b-ox, one combustion chamber and two with 180 changes in flame path direction. Function of the unit was explained and the respective services of the Air �" Pollution Advisory Council noted,which Members are donating their time and efforts toward diminishing pollution control in this area, of their free will as are Board of Adjustment members and no small task lies before them. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Chairman Garrett, City Hall Building Committee, submitted report recommending that the matter of lease agreement with King County and rental fee for floor space in the new city hall be referred to the Property Committee to negotiate a lease. Preliminary discussion as to need and design for use by Justice Court,on the Sth floor, has been completed and the Contractor and Architect will need to be advised without delay in order to effect the necessary changes. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert to concur. Carried. -5- 4ihutes - Rentp n 0$ty Cqunpil MgptfpV 2-26108 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORT§: (Bent.) Un inis a Business: Council President noted discussion this evening by Mr. Ken Cole regarding the Optional Municipal Code and material furnished heretofore regarding lst Class Cities and advised the Committee of the Whole will continue the matter at its subsequent meeting and decide what action it wishes to take. Councilman Garrett, reporting for the Street and Alley Committee, submitted letter from the Boeing Company confirming agreement to pay cost of establishing the Renton Airport- Rainier Avenue access route, in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00, subject to the City obtaining necessary approvals. The Boeing Company advised that the expenditure can only be .justified if permanent use of this route can be assured and two-phase construct- ion with restricted operating time was recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei to concur in the Committee recommendation that the City Attorney and/or Mayor seek per- mission from the Federal Agency for the installation and if obtained the Committee wily make recommendations as to various steps to be taken. Moved by Grant, seconded by Barei to include that a copy be sent to Congressman Brock Adams. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. City Attorney Shellan noted that the Airport Board is the appropriate Board since they have jurisdiction over the airport property and advised that permission would have to be secured from the FAA and that the Council some 3 weeks ago obligated itself not to obstruct nor put new structures on the airport in seeking $15,000.00 federal funds. Councilman Garrett submitted Street and Alley Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows re landscaping plan for FAI 405, in the vicinity of So. Third Street and Mill Avenue South: Recommended that the Mayor's Administrative Assistant present this plan as proposed by the Wn. State highway Dept. to the Downtown Merchants' Association for consideration of participation in improving the parking areas under the freeway. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur.. the motion carried. Regarding citizen complaints on condition of Talbot Road, the City Engineer has forwarded a letter to the TransAmerica Corporation requesting installation of the storm drainage system on Talbot Raod which will correct the drainage problem and allow the repaving of the street. The Traffic Engineer recommended along with the Street and Alley Committee that the right of way at Bronson Way and Park Avenue be acquired by the City in order to allow the proper turn radius for vehicles southbound on Park Avenue North with referral of the matter to the Property Committee for the necessary appraisals. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert,to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, that the funding for this project be referred to the Wks and Means Committee. Carried. Recommended that right-of-way be acquired to improve 116th Avenue S.E.,between Puget Drive and S.E. 157th Street and that the Traffic Engineer be authorized to negotiate with the First Christian Church officials therefor. Moved by Shane, seconded by Garrett, to ooncur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended that the Traffic Engineer negotiate to acquire necessary dedication of right of way to allow improvement to intersection of Sunset Blvd. West, Langston Road and Hardy Street. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee. Carried. A meeting of the Street and Alley Committee was announced for Wednesday, March "6th at 1:00 p.m. Councilman Garrett submitted copy of Seattle's Underground Wiring Resolution which was stated to be the most advanced policy of any city in the Nation with possible exception of Washington D. C., and moved that the document be referred to the Power and Light Committee for information. The motion was seconded by Morris and carried. Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris submitted list of Vouchers approved ..� by the Committee and moved that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 2111 through 2172 be approved by the Council for payment at this time;Seconded by Schellert and carried. Current Fund 2111-2127 $10,727.31 City Street Fund 2128 - 2133 964.30 Cedar River M. & I. 2134 - 2135 27.02 Equipment Rental 2136 - 2140 360.10 Library 2141 - 2142 299.60 Parks 2143 - 2147 522.00 Waterworks Utility 2148 - 2154 4,124.78 Airport 2155 - 2158 85.92 Firemen's Pension 2159 - 2171 1,609.09 City Hall Construction 2172 65,835.00 $84,555.12 -6- Minutes - Rentm City Council Meeting 2-26-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business Councilman Maxin, Chairman of the Planning Committee, submitted report recommending that requests of C. K. Mullins and F.E , Lawrence for zoning revisions to the Compre- hensive Plan, be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation, Carried. Recommended that appeal of Hazel Chenaur be allowed and R-2 zoning be granted on the subject property, owner agreeing to amend her application as discussed with Attorney Hall on her behalf. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the rezone as recommended, Carried. Councilman Maxin announced a meting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday, February �.. 28th at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Bruce, Chairman, Fire and Water Committee, submitted recommendation that the firm of Cornell,Howland, Hayes and Merryfield be retained for the design and preparation of plans and specifications for Well No. 8, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary agreement documents, upon approval thereof by the City Attorney, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. The Fire and Water Committee recommended that the Agreement between the City and Fire District No. 25 for hydrant service and water supply be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the document. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. The Public Relations Committee met regarding the request of Local 21R, Washington *ate Council of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO for Council acknowledgment and it was recommended that the Department of Labor and Industries conduct a check for certification purposes as provided by law. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett to concur. Carried. Councilman Grant, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee reported that a formal request has been made of Mr. John Nelson, or a representative of Seattle City Light, to appear at a public hearing of the Light and Power Committee to discuss proposed franchise and power rates within the City, date for hearing to be determined. Also, the Light and Power Committee submitted a proposed Resolution resolving that the interests of the City would be best served by employing a Consultant to provide rate analysis and technical assistance _'n r^-nrd to power problems. T'ae'services to be ^nOored in a ^tud,.- of power supply and rates were outlined with areas'to be analyzed i,nerein the City- and .Puget Power may work together to improve the City with regard to :'tems of mutual concern, the studies to be coordinated with the Traffic Engineering Department. The Light and Power Committee will interview Consulting Firms and made a recommendation as to the firm to conduct the study and shall report cost for such study, and at a future date, report the findings to the Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the proposed Resolution,No.. 1521. Councilman Grant moved that his minority report be incorporated as item 3. of the Resolution that: In event the City is unable to resolve the study areas to its satisfaction, the consulting firm be directed to analyze the means whereby the City could develop its own power distribution system, ,join with another public power utility (Seattle City Light) or public utility district. The motion to amend the original Resolution was seconded by Barei,and after discussion and dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Perry, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. No: Morris, Schellert, Trimm and Maxin. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion approving the three resolution .proposals. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to adjourn. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call request which was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Maxin, Trimm. No: Garrett, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Perry, Schellert and Morris. The meeting moved to the next order of business. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant that the meeting be adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Carried. Councilman Grant inquired regarding the status of the request for dog control in the Highlands area. It was noted that the matter is in Committee and a study will be made and report submitted upon completion. Councilman Grant reported a request from property owners that the vacant property to the East of 509 Tobin Avenue South be cleaned up and shrubbery cut as the litter is piling up and attention is needed. Mayor Custer advised that the owner has re- moved a house from the lot and further attention will be given the matters reported. -7- 16 Renton City Council Meeting-Minutes 2-26-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont) Councilman Barei announced a meeting of the Property Committee on Wednesday, February 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor's conference room. New Business: - 1 Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee at 1:00 p1m. Councilman Schellert announced a meeting of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee on February 29th at 3:;"0 p.m. in the Mayor's conference room, and a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on March 6th at 7:15 p.m. in the same location. Councilman Morris moved with second by Schellert, after some discussion regarding operation of the tape recorder, that if excerpts of the Minutes are requested and prepared that the excerpts be attached to the Council Minutes in order that the Council may be advised in this regard. Upon inquiry, City Clerk Nelson advised that the staff is not adequate to provide the excerpts which transcription is time consuming., and it is seldom done. The motion carried. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 1: 45 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D, W. Custer, Mayor _g_ v 1 D : A B 1if L A T 1.. 0 14 S G E j68 VEHICIwS AND EQUIPIMNT , BASIC BID j TI,ADE-I1I } AM0UNT SALES TAX ' 'ESS I .-lisu R �,- �JDi. TTE�•f �OXD O:Z CI�CiC i COX MACHINERY CO. ALT.$1, 470.00 150.00 j $ 1,320.00- $ 66.15 � A/$ 1,386.15 ONE�TON i s i 3200 Fourth Ave. So. s `Seattle 98134 TAM)EM ROLLERS' ► $ 1,320.00 j $ 150.00 f $ •1,170.00 $ 59.40 i 3 Weeks j $ 1 ,229.40 SANLBERG EQUIPMENT ONE-TON f } - i FF 1959 Roll-Pac s - , ea�tleu8l08ve. So. TANDEM ROLLER 1 Cert3_fied Checic 1,325.00 200.00 ` 1,125.00 59.63 { 1 184.1;^ is 3 4 Weeks ! _ FRAY EQUIPMENT CO.INCiF 1959 Roll-Pac j j 5821 First Ave. So. ! OvE-10I: 3 I TANDEM, ,. t �. Seattle 981-08 �...'��` ROLLER ; Bid Bond i 1 X95.00 # 453.28 � °�'� 72 58.28 t �0 Days 900.00 1NORTHWEST ROADS INC. I FONT END 4 i A-C 11957 Scoopmobile' It P. 0. Box 46107 f s POUR } i i t ( Seattle 98146 ; WHEEL LOADER i Bid Bond } $25,200.0.0 i $2,000.00 � $23,200.00 $ 1,134.00 � 60 Days }{ $24,1,34.00 N.C. MACHINERY CO. FRONT END i Cat 944 11957 Scoopmobilei (ExciseSTax ($26,709.54) f 17025 W. Valley Hwy. WHEEL LOADER Certified Checks t t i Seattle 98124 , 3 28,691.00 t 3,191.00 , 25, 500.00 f 1,291.10 ;Rebate-Tires) 26,791.10 90 Bays HOWARD COOPER CORP. FRONT END ; Hough H60 1.957 Scoopmobile4 5055 Fourth Ave. So. iSeattl.e 98134 1WHEEL LOADER 3Certified Check( 24,160.00 3,500.00 20,660.00 1,087.20 i 45 - 60 Days 21,747.20 ~p�R ' Mich 85 1957 ScoopmobilQ ! 3838 - 4th Ave. So. FRONT END Seattle 98134 WHEEL LOADER Bid Bond 22,660.00 1,900.00 24,760.00 } 1,019.7030 Da s } 21,779.70 Y FEENAUGHTY MACHINERY i gj,Ij i FRONT END i } } 717 So. Michigan St. �� ; > 95? Scoopmobile, 1 { Seattle (' WHEEL LOADER Bid Bond 21,576.39 ; 777.33 ; $20,799.05 970.94 Factory l0 Days ? 21,770.00 L, e a e 98 08 1 ,� s , IFRAY EOUIPMENT 5821 First Ave. So. I. Seattle 98108 _ ,; BACKHOE/LOADER ti Bid Bond i X16 387.50 cone t 16 387 50 ' 3 Weeks $ ti $ 737.44 j $17,124.94 FEENAUGHTY MACHINERY 1 s 1 + ! 717 So. Michigan St. t i Seattle 98108 BACKHOE`/hOADER, Bid Bond 16 284.26 None $;�, 284.26 s 732 .79 30 Days 17,017.05 AIR MAC, INC. - 3838 - 4th Ave. So. T s i # 30 Days Bid Bond ! 15 517.00 None f $15 57.00 698•.27 Y 16 15.27 I Seattle 981.34 �BACKHO,-,/LOADER � � + �� S i 1 COK IACHINERY CO. !Miller Spreader { :3200 Fourth Ave. So. !ASPHALT i Seg , lg 9813P3 +TICr I•i4(`VINE ! X2.600.00 �y 200.00 { 1'2)400,00 } $117.00 j 3 Weeks. V2,51; .00 r s J 1 I 12 3 1 � BID TAB IO i�T J y� T � ' �� Tome and Address C1 I3idi" S` r Basic Did �� Sa I e s Ta Yy T r a d.a r, i '.1-0r-"-,'.LB1� i, x'11•.1. •" ar�!�.r'r�•�r�.` Rp �yn5G5 .-?0.: �r�7rf _7,..__ -- P None - F'av y, I . ; ;991293 i • e t.lu•n7n Tntp.(,iirl-l-,I1Zr`;rtTO n� +e�}l" J2 i �• & Cn'?ttI--., OYi 48�_h7 � �ri X00 C-VI", a / jo U0a'. s - ..Y...� k y ft. 2• .rt A. gt Or C)n 108 � 2l O G 0 ^"T'`i � � =— , -•� „ a C.;n�_POvTPrs Bogy l:Cl?'p=� �' 975 �5 1�-r� r -- Fc 41 , .3 ' 9 None ,1� 424 •V 32 ft � ' _-r•• e 3. 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SP?.ttle, ti,r Shinn tom 9812'4 � � � � 0 TGv 6 2-26-68 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No Amount Name Address+ Type of Work B 0749 --VOID-- 50 300.00 Intercont. Trade Ccrp. 54 So. Grady Way . Inst&1I sign 51 2,500.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-81 Construct office 52 2,500000 Ralph Carter 630 High St. Const. carport & stor. 53 2,200.00 Eugen C. Jensen 10212 S.E. 95th St. Addit. to kitc!-!en 54 650.00 Montgomery Wards Co. 319 Williams Ave. So. Inst. sign B 0755 ---------- Wallen & Edwards 547 Wells Ave. No. Demolish residence 56 1 ,000.00 Robert F. Logue 3261 Rolling Hills Av 3 f=inish baseme :. 57 --VOID-- 58 7,000.00 The Boeing Co. 10-80 Bldg. R-emodel, reise floor 59 --VOID-- B 0760 40,OOC.00 Edward C. Biggins 523 Vlells Ave. No. Const, api-s. 61 ---------- Edward C. Biggins 523 Wells Ave. No. Demolish residence 62 3,500.00 Gill Cetioli 603 So. 2nd Inst. storage, ice-box 63 200.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-63 Remove receiving dock ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0597 50.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-01 Add recEptacles 98 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-60-1 Rem. elect. & tele. 99 1 ,800.00 The Boeing Co. Parking Lot Rearrance I 'ohling E 0600 ---------- Maverick Steak House- 74 Rainier Ave. So. Telephone Boo-h 01 50.00 West Wind Motel 110 Rainier Ave. So. Wire signs 02 ---------- Fred Callen 928 Sunset Blvd. Wire basement apt. 03 50.00 Benson Hill Apts. 15920 Benson Rd. Temp. service 04 1 , 100.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-81 Inst. ckis. E 0605 --VOID-- 06 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-71 Inst, to motor-s 07 325.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-21-2 Iris,. ckts. 08 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-65 Inst. skis, 09 2140.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-63 Wire service E 0610 200.00 Mathewson's Rainier Tire 115 Rainier No. Inst. fixtures 11 50.00 Pamco Const. 84 So. !80th Teirp, service 12 5,000.00 Washington Jockey Club Renton Junction Wire bleachers F_ MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0656 ---------- The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-01 Inst. water pipe & hose 57 ---------- Public Hospital #1 of 17901 Springbrook Rd S. Inst, pIinhir.g King County 58 ---------- William Vauthier I/A 11216 S.E. IOLLth Inst, P!umbir^ 59 ---------- William Vauthier 2 11224 S.E. 104th Inst. plumbing M 0660 ----------- Terry Hamilton 2824 15th FI . No. rust. Pias heater 61 ---------- Huseland 11602 S.E. 104th Pl . !rst. dra*n ' ine 62 ---------- The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-71 !r.st. ? dr-E i n 63 ---------- Louis Malesis 13201 90th Ave. So. 'rst. F."umb'ng SEVER PERMITS No 320 ---------- 12201 132nd S.E. Catalina Homes Sewer service No 321 ---------- Catalina Homes 12203 132nd S.E. Sewer servica No 322 ---------- Catalina Homes 12215 132nd S.E. Sewer service No 323 ---------- Catalina Homes 12209 132nd S.E. Sewer service No 324 ---------- Cecil Wakelam 411 Langston Rd. Sewer serv:ce No 325 ---------- Cecil Wakelam 411 Langston Rd. Sewer service No 32.6 ---------- Ist Fed. Savings Fc Loan 201 Wells Ave. So. Sewer sery?ce No 327 ---------- Robert Felly 2000 Rolling Hills FI . SE Sever service No 328 ---------- J.E. Hoffman 435 Park Ave. No. Sewer- sErvi:e No 329 ---------- J.E. Hoffman 435 Fark Ave. No. :;,?V;er service 131 R E F E R R A L S RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 4,__1.9-68 Office of The City Clerk i AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #2 due Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co. in sum of $1,487.44 on new City Hall plans per C.AG. 1014-66. Invoice for $6,140.00 due Carey & Cramer for engineering services in connection with proposed L.I.D. 257 up until its defeat by opposition. Progress Estimate $#1 due Lewis-Redford Co. in sum of $3,754.17 for engineering services on the North 3rd-4th Street Urban Arterial Project. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Relocation of South 180th street bridge for temporary detour-new bridge, $18,163.00. Mobil Oil Corporation request to raise advertising sign over height limit of the Code Matter of Agenda and material to be included CITY CLERK -*MAYOR To proceed with estimate of population for census * To execute Hold Harmless agreement documents with The Boeing Co. in regard to propane gas tank installation in vicinity of 6th Avenue North * To execute contract documents with Bower Construction Co. on Water Project W-283 LAW AND ORDINANCE CONMITTEE Resolution to transfer funds for financing change orders on new city hall landscaping projects, McKinstry, $15,875.00 and Chapman Electric $4,850.00 Resolution to authorize fund transfer to allow full payment of balance due on Parcel VM B, Lake Washington Shorelands Proposes' Ordinance regulating massage parlors, etc: e POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE O.K. Cab Co. request for additional vehicle license (Granted later in meeting upon concurrence with Police and License Committee recommendation) .SANITATION COMMIME McGrath Corporation request for Late Comer Agreements to recover costs on installation of Sanitary Sewer facilities to serve the Plat of Glencoe WAYS AND MEANS CO�,$IITTEE 35.00 appraisal- fee due Fred Akers for appraisal of Park Avenue North and Bronson Way North tight-of-way areas $100.00 to retain professional accountant to determine proper rental fees to be charged for new city hall building APPOINTMENT` Jan Klippert - To serve a•s official representative at Arterial Board Meetings PROCLAMATION May 1, 19687 Law Day U.S.A.. MEETINGS & EVENTS March 5, 1968 - Committee of the Whole at 7:30 p.m. March 6 1968 - Ways and Means Committee at 7: 30 .m.. j � Y P March 7, 1968 - Light & Power. Committee at 7:30 p.m. March 9, 1968 - Planning Committee at 9:30 a.m. March 11, 1968 - Law and 'Ordinance Committee a 7:00 p.m, i i i i 't4TIItJ'i'ES RENT 014 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR rcETING March 4, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the :penton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by D. W. Custer, Mayor, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL ti M LF., : Garre-it, Trimm, Perry, Schellert, Morris, Maxin, Bruce, Delaurenti,Edwards Grant, Shane and barei. CITY OFFICIALS A."D DEPAR` MENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Vern C-...rcin, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams :thief of Police, Gordon Eric;,sen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Vic `.eGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Jan aippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor and Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer; and Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer. Council President Garrett noted that ud.journment time should have been 12:45 a.m. in the Minutes of the previous meeting of i'ebruary 26th and there being no further corrections offered, moved that the Einutes of said meeting be approved as corrected. The motion was socon2'.ea cy Maxis_ and carr:=ed. COMMUNICATTO;IS: Statement of Architoctcral services r,ndercd by Jchnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co. was read,with Progross Estimate No. 20 being $1,487..44, on new City Hall C.AG. 1014-66, as approved by Mayor Custer. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to refer the payment to the Auditin. Fnd Accounting Committee with po-er to act. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, invoice in sum of $6,140.00 due Carey and Kramer for engineering services rendered on proposed L.T.A. 257 until it was defeated by protest. Preliminary plans and information prepared will be -:alid and can be utilized by the City at such time as the project may be re-activated at w'nich time the Utility Department would be able to recover the expenditu-". Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to refer the matter to the Auditing and Acco,nting Committee with p07.1^r to act. Carried. Letter frc:n City Engineer Wilson submit-ced and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 1 for engineering services for the north 3rd - 4th Street Urban Arterial Project, due :.ewis-Redford Engineers, inc. in sum of $3,754.17. Moved by Morris and seconded by Schellert, the payment be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act, Carr eO. Letter from C,K, Cab Company recallel prior request for additional vehicle license and urged favorable council action at this time. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the _ olice and License Committee. Councilman Delaurenti stated the Committee has a report to be prccented under that order of business later in the meeting. The pending motion carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted State Highway Utility Franchise document allowing installation of a Sanitary Sewer in Sun2t Highway to serve the Plat of Glencoe Addition, It was recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Franchise upon approval by the City Attorney. Letter from McGrath Homes Divis'_on requested that Late Comers Agreements be authorized in connection with se.,er installations to serve the Plat of Glencoe. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to refer the request for Late-Comer" Agreements to the Sanitation Committee and the City Engineer. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Franchise documents. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer reported concensus of opinion that a Census estimate be made, based on available data from the City Departments,which would be less costly than the "_^ of $6,000.00 an official census would cost, " net result likely to be similar to actual count. It was recommended that the Council authorize the City Clerk and other City Officials to proceed with formulation of population estimate,to be filed with proper authorities as required. Moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, to concur in the Mayor's recommendations. Carried. Letter from Mayor Minkler, City of ^u.w�.la, reported prior initiation of program concerning recon�:truction and improvement of the South 180th Street bridge and streets :vithin the vicinity for which fundo bad not been heretofore available. Since the Urban Arterial Program w s instituted by t ,e State funds are no•:,, available and the proposed construct;on and related impr,oementc were outlined. The portion of the bridge and street loci.:rte l in Ren'.on would result in $18,163,00 as the City's share -1- 133 i Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-4-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) - - Letter from Mayor Minkler re So. 180th St. bridge: The:`State `w=11' be dndiing,°-90%-�bf this co t' and the balance will"be' divided between Tukw' -r , and.'Rentony each bearin '5 . _ 'lker' from Ha i R. Powell .Assoc Engineers g. g , . . f E3�ra�ifng illustrating the bridge r ocation to serve ofor the,Pred print as_.teftipbrary detour and requested Council approval of the relocation proposal. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the communications to the Committee of the Whole. Carried.; Preliminary meeting �With'thef•`pro erty owners who have filed-letter of intent-to -;annex--,property to`1iiaton'! the` vicinity+, of Sunset Highway and 134th Ave.•S.,E ,was held; fllthoff, Smith and Bi�+ale ownerships. Mr. Smith was.present and indicated '.willingness ��, xQ:;aaeume his pro;-;rata share of the City's pre-existing.- bonded indebtedness and to petitiotv!for .the 'others to sign bearing statement of such willingness. citnquiry `Planning Director Ericksen reported that �thv:.,Comprehensive Plan indiA*tes`{gartially commercial, Multiple residential and some single family resi- dential use in the area; the subject area being designated on wall map and on a drawing of the present Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, that=00,•Council accept the proposed annexation letter, authorize the ` roperty owners ,gy to ,circulate the propelaettion, and resolve to accept that port3�rrr the Compre- . :plan which includes' `this property. Discussion ensued regafding' advisability ;,of:.iannexations with cost of services to be 'provided being' of concerns, She pending motion carried. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, submitted recommendation thatis Revocable Sign Permia.be grantod' Campbell Neon, Inc. to..;install a sign at 92§:South 3rd'Street for Schuling91'H60Ang'Aids. Moved by Trim, seconded by Edwa.rds.',' oto concur. Carried. C" Letter from Mayor Custez^ requested change of bid opening date for Landscaping of the traffic islands on South 2nd Street from March 18 to March 25. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert;-.- t6 :66n6ur. Carried. IN APPOINTMENT: i Letter from Mayor Custer'requoSted,- concurrence in the.,Appointment.:c£ .Jan KHRppert as official representative at`'Vrb4W Arterial; Board meetings. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin to concur in the�.appointment.. Carries.., PROCLAMATION: Document from fthe Maui 'designeted Wednesday, May 1, 19b$ Vie, Lbw qct U,$.A„ 3n, the City' of Renton: )4oved by DeiauYenti, seconded by Edwards, . Q.;c ;, t►.'.xhe p�ecom- mended Proclamatiofl.' Carried: ' ' r t Audience comment was invited and Mr. Ernest Lobe inquired regarding efforts to date to improve Springbrook Road in vicinity where Transamerica Corporatiop.,..;a..•dgveloping its residential project. City Engineer Wilson advised that the Con�.V, t -)#nd Developers have been`'advised in •i&itirig to complete storm line faciA-4v a;.Order that the paving of the road can be � "aceom lished. Mr. Lobe urged 6ied aVI action r; and was:advisedFthat`e'bdperative efforts of parties involved will bring: tha.-!problem to �cahsumatibn and�-`limination and' ah"s'L�eps possible are being taken with special �I serVices of culvert installations tieing'' Jiven for protection of Mr. Lobe'sproperty. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Couneil President Garrett reported' Comm 'e of the Whole recommendations rerding perming Court Case 666340 wherein the Cit 'Icommenced suit against the Seale , i.pe Line Co. et al, for defective waterlin6-,- 'ta1 ations, that the City Attorney be authorized to settle out of Court.­ Mo,0ed'`§chellert, seconded by►Maxin, to concur, The motion carried. Letter;,from the Special City Ha11 ,Bdilding Committee, submitted, by .ChairmAn Garrett,, recommended that Change Order #2, McKinstry Cd.., $15,857.00,' lawn sprinkler system and Ghar�ge Order #2, Chapman Electri`6'6L',, $4,850.00, wiring'iand yard lighting ,fixtures, be approved, money for which is budgeted in Cumulative Reserve Fund 1844 in the, 1%8 Bcadget ; Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur': Ca�rr<iae,d ` " Moved by Schol1ert, seconded by :Maxin, to refoi 'tie muter tol.the Law and brdiiaance Committee fox: tesglut ion authorizing the, fund:-ttasnrsfer from the-tw lative Fun n e t e ity Hal]:,.Cv*otruction-i,and then--6kpftndi ,r d. Carried.." _.) LAI Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 3-4-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett submitted report- recommending, in regard 'tb : Letter from Monterey Community Club for improved pedestrian access, that upon the reconstruction of Third and Sunset early this fall, full pedestrian signals and cross wallcs be included to enable pedestrians from Monterey Terrace, Windsor Hills, and the Highlands to safely cross the Sunset Highway. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the report. Carried. Regarding feasibility study for connection of 87th Avenue South to Sunset Blvd. [Jest, from South 7th Street, money has been allocated by the Urban Arterial Board for such study on 87th Avenue South and it was recommended that Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc., be retained at a cost not to exceed $7,500.00. Funds were also approved for the construction of 87th Avenue South to connect with South Grady Way which portion of the project will be done by the City Engineering and Traffic Departments upon availability of the necessary personnel. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur. After some discussion regarding retention of engineering consultants and personnel needs of the City Departments, the pending motion carried. Proposed improvement to South 7th Street, from 92nd Avenue South to Rainier Avenue So., was discussed and to properly complete the project,additional right-of-way will need to be acquired-The deeds have been drawn and submitted to property owners involved and it is recommended that upon receipt of the executed deeds, the City seek help of the property owners,by their financial participation,toward implementation of the im- provement. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, 'ro concur. Carried. Fire and Water Committee Chairman Bruce, submitted recommendation of the Committee and the City Engineer,taat :the low bid of Bower Construction Company on Water Project W-283, in sum of $4,200.90 be accepted and that upon approval of the City Attorney the Contract documents be executed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Light and Power Committee Chairman Grant reported that Seattle City Light Representa- tive will be cnmiflg to Rerrtnn to discuss proposed franchise and power rates and the date is to be determined later. The Light and Power Committee will be meeting on Thursday, March 7th at 7:30 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Office or the Council Chambers and the meeting is open to the public. Letters have been received from several consulting firms and this matter will be discussed at the Committee meeting. Property Committee Chairman Barei submitted report which was given with Council action taken as follows: Recommended that the request of the Boeing Company to place 12,000 gallon propane gas tank on property leased from the City in vicinity of 6th Avenue North be granted with the Mayor and City Clerk being authorized to execute the necessary hold harmless and agreement document. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. (Fire Chief to check) The Property Committee recommended that the Autobahn Garage building be rented for approximately two month at $175.00 per month to Harry Fletcher for paint storage during remodelling of his fire damaged store building. No vehicles are to be parked so as to interfere with the new city hall construction progress and two-weeks notice may be given as the right of the City to cause vacation of the premises. Front half of the building only is to be used as needed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Recommended that the bid of Paul K. Haggard, Co. for Aerial Ladder/ Truck Mounted, be accepted on 35' ladder in sum of $10,591.38. The bid is $10.67 above low bid, however, since the equipment can be supplied in 45 days against 90 days and from a maintenance standpoint, the Haggard Company being located closer to Renton for service, the award is recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur. Carried. Recommended bids be accepted on equipment as follows: One, 1-Ton Tandem Roller: Low bid of Fray Equipment Co, $900.00. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to concur. Carried. Asphalt Paving Machine: Low bid of Cox Machinery Co. in sum of $2,517.00. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to concur. One Backhoe Loader: Low bid which meets specifications of Feenaughty Machinery Co. in sum of $17,017.05. Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to concur. Carried. One Power Mower Grader: Low bid which meets specifications of N. C. Machinery Co. in sum of $21,608.20. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to concur. Carried. Front End Loader: Northwest Roads, Inc. , low bid which meets specifications, in sum of $24,134.00. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur. Carried. -3- of Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-4-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business Property Committee Chairman Barei reported recommendation of the Committee minority that request for use of the Autobahn Garage Building by four high school girls be refused since the rurnage sale is for private benefit and the No-Fee Permits issued only to Charitable organizations, it being noted that the premises have been rented to Mr. Fletcher @ $175.00 per month in part and like situation might warrant consideration. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris reported approval by the Committee of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 2173 through 2268 and moved that same be approved by the Council for payment at this time . The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2173 through 2212 $ 4,764.36 Urban Arterial Street Fund 2213 3,754.17 City Street Fund 2214 - 2218 1,579.87 Cedar River M. & I. 2219 14,800.00 Equipment Rental 2220 - 2235 1054.99 Parks 2236 - 2246 1,330.32 Water Works Utility 2247 - 2264 37,419.81 Airport 2265 - 2267 187.02 City Hall Construction Fund 2268 1,487.44 $ 66,777.98 Councilman Delaurenti reported a meeting of the Police and License Committee on February 26th with the Taxicab Company and it was then decided that the 0.K. Cab Co. be allowed an additional vehicle license bringing their total to five,and the Renton Radio and Yellow Cab Co. be authorized to license a total of ten upon evidence that they actually have ten available for use at all times, physical check to be made by the Police Department. Also, with regard to the matter of trains blocking the right-of-way, per letter from Pir. Ruud, Police Chief Williams has written the- Ry. Co. and a meeting will be held to try to resolve the problem. Subsequent report will be forthcoming. Councilman Barei reported receipt of appraisal of Park Avenue i?orth and Bronson Way ltorth at $3,025.00 market value,and statement in sum of $35.00 to cover same. Moved ry Schellert, seconded by truce, to refer the payment of the invoice to the Ways and trans Committee. Carried. New Business: Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to reconsider previous action of rejecting request of Mobil Oil Corporation to raise advertising sign in excess of height limit of the Code. Discussion ensued regarding fact that if raised to height allowed the sign would be hidden from view by competitors sign across the street and included was inquiry as to whether the competitors sign (Phillips 66) was in violation of the height limit. Dissenting voice vote upon the motion brought two requests for roll call vote which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Schellert, Delaurenti, Edwards, Bruce, Grant, and Shane. No: Morris, Perry, Trimm, Maxin and Barei. The motion to reconsider carried, 7 to 5. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the request of the Mobil Oil Corporation be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Building Director Johnson, upon inquiry, reported that the Phillips sign is 442 ft. ,42ft. over height limit which was felt to be reasonable to insure against a blockage .conflict. Council President Garrett announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on March 5th at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Maxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee on Saturday, March 9th at 9:30 a.m. ... Councilman Bruce noted need for repair of railroad crossing at Second and Burnett and was advised that this is the responsibility of the Railroad Co. and work was in pro- gress at present and they would be reaching this area shortly. Councilman Shane inquired as to the amount of surplus funds available at the first of the year noting the Mayor's estimate of $150,000.00. City TreeEurer Gossett noted this is not in any one fund but is distributed among the many City Funds and that these excess r^-eys have been invested until such time as they are appropriated into the budget for expenditure. Discussion ensued regarding the Budget content and manner of forms which denote fund balances and available surplus. It was noted that the operation is in accordance with prescribed accounting principles of the State Law and that the three reports, published monthly, present the City's financial status, City Clerk Nelson -4- 13 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-4-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business Cont. noting the three to be the Treasurer's Report of Cash,City Clerk's Revenue Report which indicates actual receipts per classification of source, and the City Clerk's Report of encumbrances and expenditures, the matter of appropriation being determined by allocation at budget time or as may be determined for the excess. City Treasurer Gossett noted that cash balances will go down in the next two months before the tax monies are received and then will appear to be in an excessive amount but will need to last through December. Councilman Barei reported Property Committee recommendation that $100.00 be authorized to retain a professional accountant to determine market value per square ft. of the new city hall building for purposes of rental fee establishment, the Committee and Mayor to proceed accordingly. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to concur. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to amend the motion to include referral of the funding to the W. sand Means Committee. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, that the Council urge the Library Board to take recommendation under advisement that the Library Facilities continue to be available as a Polling Place for Precincts 11 and 12 through the September and November, 1968 elections and until the new City Hall building can be available therefor. Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Trimm, thatthe Council establish a policy not to accept any new items of business for the Agenda after Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, that the motion be amended to include that the Agenda be -oared and made available to be picked up by noon on Friday of each week. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, to amend the amended motion to include, except in case of emergency. Amendment to original motion regarding availability of the Agenda on Friday was voted on and carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that any new business to be presented by the Council be submitted on the Wednesday prior to the meeting as well as those to be submitted by the public. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the entire matter to the Committee of the Whole. Dissenting voice vote brought ruling by the Chair that the ayes had it. Roll call was requested by two members and the vote resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Edwards and Maxin. No: Perry, Trimm, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. Mayor Custer voted aye, breaking the tie vote and referring the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Schellert recommended that since moneys are now available in the Cedar River M. & I. Fund, 605, Capital Outlay Account, Lands and Improvements, that the balance due on Parcel B, Lake Washington Shorelands, of $14p800.00 be paid in full at this time. (Property acquired when InnQr Harbor Line revision made the shorelands available) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the payment concluding the annual contract agreement. Carried. This area was acquired to protect the City's access to the Cedar River area and payment in full will result in a great savings in interest, one yearts interest amounting to $999.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Law and Qrdinance Committee for necessary Resolution. Carried. T Councilman Schellert announced a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on Wedne-1— March 6th at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Perry called attention to action of the prior Property Committee with regard to Parcel B,Lake Shorelands property, and matter which had been pending with the Boeing Company for possible lease of part of City's portion of this area. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Trimm announced a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee on Monday, March 11th at 7:00 p.m. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Trimm, Law.and Ordinance Committee Chairman, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, amending Section 4-101 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", relating to Building Permit Fees. Reducing Plans Check fee from 50% of Building Permit Fee to 30% of Building Permit fee. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to place the docu- <aent on second and final reading. Carried. After the final readingg it was moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to adopt Ordinance No. 2386 as read. Rol call vete resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Mayor advised he will veto) -5- 137 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-4-68 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution which was read, authorizing transfer of moneys.in the 1967 Budget, City Street Fund, M. & 0., 3300/801, Roads, $66,869.18_ Unto: City Street Fund, M. & 0. 3300/803, Storm Sewers, $14,667.94. Overhead Account No. 1003, Non-Street Costs, Non-Reimbursi.ble, 13;29U.2� , Overhead, Non-Street Costs, Reimbursible, 1004, $1342.11 and Capital Outlay 1200, Structures and Improvements, Storm Sewer Construction, $47,568.89. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1522 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution of the City was presented and read authorizing transfer of $9,000.00 .... from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2283 unto City Street Fund for beautification of islands on South Second Street, 1310/801, Roads (Street Fund working Budget 1320/605, Structures and Improvements) . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to adopt Resolution No. 1523 as read. Carried. Proposed Ordinance was presented and read regulating the operation and maintenance of massage parlors, health salons and public bath houses and similar facilities; requiring a license for the operation and maintenance of such facilities; establishing standards and requirements for such facilities and for the operation and maintenance; providing for the inspection thereof, granting exemptions, and providing penalties for the violation of its provisions. Fees for Facility License to be $50.00 per annum; for Operator's License, $20.00 per annum and Attendant's License $20.00. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to refer the document for second and final reading. Moved by Parry, seconded by Delaurenti, to hold final reading for two weeks to allow the public time to be advised, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee accordingly. Carried. --__ _ Mayor Custer called attention to the matter of Building Code Revision and Ordinance 2386 adopting certain plans check fees and advised of his intention to veto portion of the document and recommending reduction of the fee with none to be charged in event that the service is not rendered, City Attorney Shellan advised that if only part is vetoed, publication of the rest would be required and the 50% presently enforced would remain. Mayor Custer advised of his intent to veto the entire document and recommend a new one be adopted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adjourn. Majority negative voice vote was rendered and the motion lost. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Norman Ross, 420 I Street,advised that the Government Committee of the Chamber of Commerce had a meeting with the [Jays and Means Committee members with Chamber Board of Directors also present and the City Budget had been discussed and it was felt that benefit was derived and subse- quent meetings were anticipated to allow citizens to better understand how the money is spent and for what purpose. Upon inquiry, it was noted that the 'days and Means Committee members were the only Council representatives invited. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was. adjourned at 10:35 a.m. There were 27 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie IJ. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor 138 3-- ;.-68 OFFICE OF THE CITY CL 2K PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & EINGINEE.ING DEPAR 111ENTS BUILDING PERMITS . No Amount Name Address Tempe of Work B4O764 6.00 Fred Hannis 507 Windsor Place Rep. Fire Dam. to Res. 0765 9.00 Anton J. Schatz 77 Rainier Ave. So. Canopy 66 5.00 Neil F. Holbrook 2207 8th Pl. N. Fence 67 9.00 Robert D. Hopkins 1123 Morris St. So. Addition to Residence 68 10.00 Record Stationery 801 Houser Way Sign 69 27.00 Eilien Collman 211 Third Ave. So. Remodel Apartments B 0770 24.00 John A. Azzola 1130 Davis Street Addition to Residen 71 63.00 R. S. Shane 11663 SE 100th St. New Residence 72 128.00 F. Arthur Kay 12512 86th Ave. So. New Residence 73 9.00 Carlis Roy Chaussee 642 110" Street Addition to Residence 74 10.00 C. E. Anderson 103 Rainier Ave. So. Sign B 0775 45.00 Powell Construction 10732 114th Ave. S.E. New Residence 76 42.00 Powell Construction 10726 114th Ave. S:E. New Residence 77 51.00 Herue L. Belisle 9601 112th Ave. New Residence 78 12.00 Wash. Builders 3652 9th Ave. No. Garage to Residence 79 5.00 William H. Potts 710 "R" St. Enclosing Patio }x,.,0780 10.00 Hartman Office Equip.217 Sunset Blvd. E. Sign 1`81 10.50 Dr. J.D. Hurley 9112 So. 3rd St. Sign 82` 94.00 Peoples Nat. Bank 858 So. 2nd St. Signs 83 9.00 Seattle Sporting Gds 510 So. 3rd St. Enlarging door 84 2.00 James Lenon 830 "C" St. Fence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0613 8.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-63 Col. A-B, 19-20 Recircuit for 2 new feed 14 18.80 Henry Kumasaka 3320 Rolling Hills Pl. S. New Residence 0615 13.00 Robert Petty 1309 Shattuck New Residence 16 76.66 L. Ma.lasis 13201 90th Ave. S. 12 Unit Apt. Bldg. 17 14.60 Joe Boheme 10432 S.E. 98th St. New Residence 18 10.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-50 Col. C-E, 1-6 Install 2 new feeder- MECHANICAL remove excess corI-Lt ?•��CHANICAL PEWITS M 0664 27.50 Joe Doheme - 10432 S.E. 98th Fixtures for New Res. 0665 161,.00 Allied Homes, Inc. 50 91st Ave. S. Plumbing & Fixtures 66 7.00 Powell Const. Co. 10732 114th S.E. Install Gas Furnace 67 7.00 It ,f ► �� �� �� �� SE?:JTER PER',1ITS No 330 --- J.J.Jackson Septic Ser. 201 Wells Ave. So. Sewer Service 331 --- Modern Sewer 200 Mill Ave. So. 332 --- If it 333 VOID 334 --- Gesner & Broi-m 1555 No. 4th St. 335 If " 11018 115th S.E. 336 Leo V. Roush 3320 Rolling Hills Pl. S.E. .337 --- Tori Tobacco 307 Main St. " +' i m 1-13 9 February fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and -*-- the Renton City Council. I TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund 56,991.35 Arterial Street 31,782. 15 City Street 17,509,62 Cedar. Ri.ver M&I 2,910.08 Equipment Rental 8,517.30 Library 5,892. 13 Farks 33,392.75 Waterworks Utility 42,685-87 Airport 724-86 Firemen's Pension Fund 1 ,744.90 City Ha LI•_,Construct ion 138,943.61 $341 ,094.62 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund $114,9P1.09 City Street 20,753.75 Cedar River M&I 596.00 Equipment Rental 4,511 .36 Library 8,567. 12 Parks 15,956.72 Waterworks Utility 18,067.80 Airport 1,397.00 Firemen's Pension 90.82 084,861.66 i !I 40 BENT(* OTTY GOUN'CTL REGULAR MEETING March 11, 1968 REFERRALS : Office of the City Clerk AIRPORT BOARD Requested to revise Airport Layout Plan and submit for FAA approval and that Boeing Street and Alley Committee representatives be present at Airport Board meeting to discuss the matter. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate 8 due Absher, General Contractor, new city hall construction, in sum of $40,911.75 Progress Estimate 3 due McKinstry Co, Mechanical Contractor, new city hall., $38,837.94 Progress Lstimate 3 due Chapman Electric, Electrical Contract, $12,368.23 Progress Estimate 3, due Century Construction, Grandstand Construction, $37,572.97 CITY ENGINEER To report cost of fluoridating city water supply. Honey Creek Park area Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. petition. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 57,000.00 funding recommendation for additional engineering personnel and equipment. FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Recommendations of Fire Chief in Annual Report Advancing to Class 3 Fire Rating District LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Annexation of property located at South 180th Street and Springbrook Road in vicinity of new Valley General Hospital site. Rezones: Dean A. Singer property, R-2 to R-3 on "H" Street between llth• and 12th Avenues North; F. Beanblossom & E. Roe property, R-2 to R-4, S.W. corner of Wells Avenue North and North 4th Street; Chas. & Minnie Harris, S-1 to R-1, 132nd Ave. S.E. between 6th Place No. and 7th Avenue North; L. C. Lorenson & J. D. Jensen, G to R-3, 132nd Ave. S.F. between 4th and 6th Avenues North. Ordinance 2386 and Mayor's Veto letter. Library Fund transfer - $3,450.00 for Van Appropriation of $2,000.00 excess surplus, Current Fund, for additional costs on extension of present garbage contract. Proposed Ordinance for garbage collection MAYOR To proceed with street-naming change program. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE John C. Scott application for billiard table license and request for amendments to Ordinance to allow Sunday operation and 2:00 a.m. closing during the week. Louise English, L.B. 's Tavern application for Shuffleboard and coin-type pool table and License for Mutual Amusement Machine Co. to operate pinball at said location Karl's Coney Island application for Hit Parade Music Machine Co. to operate music machine at said location. PROPERTY COMMITTEE Lighting of gymnasium floor to standard level at Mother's Park Fie-ld House WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Elevation of roadway connecting Lake Wn. Blvd. with Lake Wn. Beach Park City participation on So. 180th Street bridge and street improvement program, $18,163.00 Compensation for stenographer at Light and Power Committee meeting MEETINGS AND EVENTS: March 13, 1968 - Light and Power Committee public hearing with Seattle City Light Co. representatives, 8:00 p.m., Carpenters Hall March 14, 1968 - Property Committee, 7:00 p.m. in Mayor's Conference Room March 18, 1968 - Law and Ordinance Committee meeting at 7:00 p.m. March 18, 1968 - Lyle Barger appeal of Planning Commission R-3 rezone denial March 19, 1968 - Light and Power Committee meeting with Consultants re Power Rate Study March 25, 1968 - Thos. Hogan et al appeal of Planning Commission rezone, R-3 denial April 29, 1968 - Special City Council Public Hearing meeting to consider Planning Commission recommendations for revision to the Comprehensive Plan 141 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEET�:;3 March 11, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by D. W. Custer, Mayor, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. CITY OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Jack "ones, Librarian, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer and Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Maxin, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 4th be approved as mailed out. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation - Area at South 180th and Springbrook Road near new Valley General Hospital - Margullis et al properties phis being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Audience comment was invited and Mr. L. P. Margullis, on behalf of the petitioners, urged favorable consideration by the Council of this request to become a part of the City of Renton. It was noted that this area is included in projections of the Comprehensive Plan, and that some single family residence use, and to the South some Multiple Family use is evidenced and may be extended to the subject area dependent upon demand. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the hearing be closed. Carried Moved by Sane, second by Grant, to allow the annexation and if street lighting is requested the petitioners agree to bear the costs. City Attorney Shellan advised that assumption of the pre- existing bonded indebtedness and acceptance of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted with regard to the subject area are the only conditions to be considered and the only question is to be whether this is to become a part of the City, unless such other matters appear within the petition when signed by property owners and they are then aware of same when signing. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to accept the annexation of this area to Renton and that the comprehensive Plan be adopted which covers the subject property. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Ordinance. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters from Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co, Architects on the new City Hall project, submitted and recommended for payment, progress estimate #8, due Absher Construction, General Contractor, C.AG. 1156-67, in sum of $40,911.75; McKinstry Cr,mpany, Mechanical Contract, C.AG. 1160-67, $38,837.94; Chapman Electric; the Electrical Contractor, C.AG, 1158-67, $12,368.23. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payments to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with po•..Ter to act. Carried Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 3, due Century Construction Co. on the Liberty Park Grandstand construction contract, C.AG. 1220-67, in sum of $37,572.97. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to concur. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer advised that the Park Director has announced the commencement of Lake Wn. Beach Park development about May lstr. t elevation of portion of the road connecting the park with Lake Wn. Blvd. will be required, to allow a level grade to the park entrance; at: safer access.. lic-.,ed by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur '. referrp1 to the-_s', s and "cans Committee £cc. funding. Discussion ensued in -' to the installation having been authorized by Council action in an Agreement with the Railroad to provide better access and possible funding, determination being que--' .oned whether this is City Street or Park Department liability, after which the pending motion carried. -1- c Ad Minutes - Ronton City Council 3-11-68 COMMUNICATIONS : (Cont.) Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted recommendations of the Planning Commission from its public hearing meeting; of February 28th as follows: Rezone - Dean A. Singer Property, Appl. R-434-67, from R-2 to R-3 (amended from R-4 by applicant) property located on "H" Street between 11th and 12th Avenues North. The proposed use would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and approval was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation, to grant the re::one. Carried. Perry abstained from voting. Rezone - F. Beanblossom and E. Roe property, Appl. R-438-68, R-2 to R-4, property located on S.W. corner of Wells Avenue North and North 4th Street. Proposed use is in agreement with existing and proposed comprehensive plan and rezone approval was recommended. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. Rezone - Charles and Minnie Harris property, Appl. R-442-68, S-1 to R-1, located on 132nd Avenue S.E . between 6th Place North and 7th Avenue North. The request is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and approval was recommended. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur. Shane proposed additional motion to waive the fees and refund same to applicant. Grant offered second, if legal,which City Attorney Shellan advised was not, the property owner being responsible to see that his own property is rezoned, the City being unable to see that private properties are rezoned this not being a function of government, unless in some event it made a mistake in an area or inadvertently omit a change,but when an area is S-1 a fee cannot be legally waived. The pending original motion to concur carried. Rezone - H. C. Lorensnn and J. D. Jensen property, Appl. R-448-68, G to R-3, located on 132nd Avenue S.E. between 4th and 6th Avenues North. The request is in agreement with the comprehensive plan and approval was recommended. Moved by Schellert, second by Barei, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer all of the rezones to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Ordinances. Carried. Letter from Mr. John C. Scott advised of consideration of operation of a billiard table within the City of Renton and requested that the Ordinance be amended to permit such operation until 2:00 a.m. daily and to permit Sunday operation. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, to refer the request to the Police and License Com- mittee. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Lyle L. Barger, 2820 - 8th Place North, requested R-3 zoning on his property and appealed the denial of same by the Renton Planning Commission. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant that March 18th be set for hearing on the appeal. Motion proposed by Bruce and seconded by Shane to waive the hearing and act immediately on the matter. After discussion and suggested hearing dates the motion carried to hold the hearing on the 18th, the motion to waive hEaring having failed. Letter from Carl Erickson, Homeland Associates, Inc., Real Estate Co., and T. J. and Marie Hogan, appealed Planning Commission R-3 rezone denial. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that hearing date for this appeal be set on March 25th. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer reported regarding referral of processing through FAA, the City proposal to construct a roadway across the north end of the airport. Mayor Custer advised that FAA approval would be required advising that the City would be violating prior assurances made to the FAA in the process of obtaining funds under the Federal Aid to Airports program if the road implementation is begun. The road would need to be a part of the "Airport Lay-out Plan" which must be approved by FAA and the City shall also be subject to terms and conditions of a Surplus Property Quit Claim Deed dated September 25, 1947 which states the Airport shall be used for public airport purposes, and only for such purposes. If the Council should wish to pursue the matter a formal request would need to be submitted to the Renton Aviation Board for an amendment to the Airport Lay-out Plan and submission to the FAA for approval. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, the Council request the Airport Board to revise the Layout plan as outlined. Moved by Grant, seconded by Barei, that the Street and Alley Committee and representatives of the Boeing Company be invited to the meeting with the iirport Board when this matter is discussed. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. -2- 143 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-11-68 COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.) Letter from Mayor Custer, in accordance with RCW 35.23.300, notified the Council that he had vetoed Ordinance No. 2386 in its entirety. The Ordinance adopted on 3/4/68, related to Building Permit Fees with specific reference to revisions regarding plan- check fees. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the Mayor's veto letter and copy of the subject Ordinance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Sandra A. Polley requested No-Fee PLimit for the Orthopedic Guild Penny Drive in Renton, May 1 through 14, 1968. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request. Carried. -- Letters from Louise A. English requested license to operate a shuffleboard and a coin-- type pool table at L.B's Tavern, 214 Williams Avenue South and applied for Mutual Amusement Company to be granted required license to operate a pinball machine at said place of business; a third application from Carl's Coney Island, B. H. Louthan, Mgr. requested that Hit Parade Music Corporation be granted required license to operate a music machine at said place of business, 354 Sunset Blvd. North. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer submitted a "News Release" concerning a proposal by the telephone company to make available a single emergency number "911" to be dialed by anyone placing a call for fire, police, or any other available emergency public service. Mayor Custer recommended the Council study the program with authorization to be given to him to proceed with the implementation upon availability of the service. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur. Inquiry was made as to cost and Mayor Custer advised he would make a report to the Council on the subject. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. Ernest Lobe called attention to new roads being installed by TransAmerica and noted that they are not in condition to be accepted by the City (located on the East and West sides of Talbot Road) and reported the barrier chains have been taken down and garbage is being dumped on the site. It was suggested that the Companies involved be directed to put in a permanent bulkhead since cars are using the area. The City does not have juris- diction over private property and no request has been made for the City to accept the subject roads. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council President Garrett submitted Committee of the Whole which was read with Council action taken as follows: 1. Recommended that the City participate with Tukwila in the South 180th Street bridge and Street improvements,the City's share of cost estimated to be $18, 163.00. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to concur. Carried, Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the funding to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. 2. Recommended that the City Engineer prepare a cost estimate forfluoridation of the City water supply and submit said report to the Committee as a Whole. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 3. Recommended that the date of April 29th be set for a Special Council Meeting for a public hearing on the Planning Commission's proposed change to the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur. Carried. 4. Recommended that the Mayor be instructed to prepare and submit application for certification of "Workable Plan". It was noted that only 7 Council Members were present at the Committee meeting and that 4 had voted for the plan and 3 voted against. Mayor Custer outlined benefits which might be derived by the City noting that cost of $25,000.00 would be involved in additional personnel to abide by the regulations of the program under Sec. 221D, HUD or Turnkey project. Shane noted that the regular tax- payer must pay the going interest rate while this program would allow certain persons .... and agencies to secure a lower interest rate. It was noted by Perry that an active condemnation program must be enforced under the plan and the City must show effort to remove sub-standard housing structures, which might be harmful to homeowners in certain instances, although Individuals would have the right of appeal and hearings. After additional discussion Grant moved the previous motion, this matter having been reviewed at the Committee of the Whole meeting and Mr. Shane not being present, was now calling for further details. Schellert seconded the motion for the previous question which was subsequently carried. The original motion authorizing preparation of the "Workable Plan" was voted on and upon majority negative vote being voiced, declared lost. -3- 144 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-11-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business: Committee of the Whole Report) 5. Recommended that the Mayor be instructed to proceed with the second phase of the Street name change program. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards to concur. Carried. 6. Recommended the President of the Council obtain copy of the Optional Municipal Code for each Councilman. President Garrett reported that he had distributed these this evening. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Schellert submitted Committee report which was read by the Clerk with Council action taken as follows: 1. Funding of Van for Library referred 2"19-68: The Committee recommended an amount not to exceed $3,450.00 be funded from excess surplus in the Library Fund. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, to concur. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution to appropriate the money into the expending fund account. Carried. 2. Funding of right-of-way appraisal and acquisition costs, Bronson Way and Park Avenue North, referred 2-26-68, $35.00 appraisal bill: Recommended the costs be funded from excess surplus in the Arterial Street Fund. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur. Carried. 3. Funding for new parking meter mechanism' at Parking Lot No. 3, referred 2-26-68: Recommended the necessary funds be expended from Off-Street Parking Department, 1175, Account 605, Capital Outlay. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. 4. $2,000.00 cost on extending garbage contract with present franchise holder granted, referred 2-5-68: Recommended the additional cost be funded from excess surplus in the Current Fund with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. 5. Funding for additional personnel in the Engineering Department, referred 2-26-68: Recommended $57,140.00 be funded from excess surplus in the Current Fund with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur, and after some discussion as to departmental division f6r Traffic personnel and the fact that two different requests had been combined, $48,630.00 and $8,510.00, the latter for equipment and balance for salaries, per the Mayor's letter, which called attention to some 42 million dollars to be received from the Forward Thrust program. Minute excerpts were read wherein the Mayor's letter was referred to the Ways and Means Committee which noted need for additional Engineering Department personnel to implement institution of the Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the City. After further discussion regarding City participation and operation of the reiinburse- ment program, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that this recommendation be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Dissenting voice vote brought proper request for roll call vote which resulted as follows: Aye: Barei, Shane, Bruce, Trimm, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Garrett, Grant, Maxin, Edwards, Schellert and Morris. The vote was tied six to six. Mayor Custer voted aye carrying the motion and referring the recommendation to the Committee of the Whole. Sanitation Committee Chairman Shane submitted for reading proposed Garbage Collection Ordinance. After the reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee with copy to be furnished to each Councilman. Councilman Schellert inquired as to whether any provisions of the proposed Ordinance would "unbalance" the revenue budget, such as deletion of the Franchise costs. It was noted that this would be a contractual provision and does not appear in the Ordinance document. After further discussion with proposed changes being outlined, the motion carried. Sanitation Committee Chairman Shane submitted petition,containing 22 signatures of residents of the Honey Creek Park area,requesting a Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. with City participation in regard to lift station to the Sunset Highway Trunkline pending-future connection with the Metro system. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the City Engineer to check validity of signatures and ownerships. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that this matter also be referred to the Committee of the Whole for further discussion. Carried. Light and Power Committee Chairman Grant reported that Tuesday, March 19th has been set as the date to meet with various Consultants in regard to the City Power Rate study at 7:00 p.m. Six firms have made inquiry to date. Councilman Grant read a letter which the Light and Power Committee had received from Mr. John Nelson confirming date of March 13th at 8:00 p.m. for Seattle City Light representation before the Light and Power Committee to discuss proposed Franchise and power rates within the City of Renton. Perry stated that the statements of Mr. Nelson or City Light representative should be on record and suggested that this be a regular City Council hearing. It was noted that the Planning Commission meets in the Council Chamber on the night set and Carpenters Hall has been secured for the Committee meeting. -4- 145 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-11-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (Cont.) Unfinished Business: Light & Power Committee Report Perry felt the proceedings should be at a regular meeting so official. Minutes are_ recorded. Councilman Grant stated that the Recording Secretary could be requested to be Present with the tape recorder. Rental fee, if any, was brought up along with funding of stenographer's salary and it was moved by Barei, seconded by Morris, that the compensation for the stenographer at the Carpenter Hall meeting be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Gran,t noted mode of this payment is up to her boss. Carie Ci Li ht Newsletter was read- noting Puget truck license cost of $579.00 and PUD cos o , �a ich. sav nes, are p&ss� on. Paul axin, anning Geo ittee airman, submitted recommendation of the Committee that, regarding the apartment at 2930 - 10th Avenue North conforming to Code require- ments, referred 2-26-68, curbing be installed immediately in accordance with the Off- Site Improvement Ordinance No. 2295, and that the parking lot be completed according to original plans,submitted to the Planning Commission and agreed to by the owner, with an access on "J" Street and no "K" Street access. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur. Carried. (Mr. Glen Burrelle letter referral) New Business: Councilman Trimm announced a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee on Monday, March 18th at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Trimm reported meeting with the residents of the R.ighlands who had reported problems with neighborhood dogs and that the matter has been resolved within the limits of the present Code and it was felt the problems will be worked out satisfactorily. Councilman Perry requested a report of revenue received last year and to date this year from plans check fees, and asked that same be furnished for use by next Monday, at the Law and Ordinance Committee meeting. He also noted that the inquiry into fluoridation is to find out what the cost to the City might be. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to the annual report of the Renton Fire Department and noted recommendations included. Fire Chief Walls was commended for the very well detailed report and the Council was requested to take note of their copies and to refer the recommendations included to the Fire and Water Committee for study and report back. Moved by Delaurenti, seconed by Schellert, to concur in the referral. Carried. Moved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, to recess. Carried. Recess was declared. After the recess roll call was taken with all Council Members previously listed being present. Councilman Schellert recalled presentation made to the Council by the Fire Chief in regard to what is needed for the City to advance to a Third Class Fire Rating District and moved that the matter be referred to the Fire and Water Committee. Seconded by Shane. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to amend the motion to include referral to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, that the Council approve City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 2269, through 2407 which have been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2269 - 2310 $ 85663.28 City Street Fund 2310 - 2329 18,047.58 Cedar River M. & I. 2330 - 2331 11.09 Equipment Rental 2332 - 2346 858.86 Library Fund 2347 - 2350 190.18 Parks 2351 - 2371 40,060.41 Waterworks Utility 2372 - 2394 9.658.83 Airport 2395 - 2401 194.21 Firemen's Pension Fund 2402 - 2404 33.03 City Hall Construction 2405 - 2407 92,117.92 $169,835.39 Discussion ensued regarding the Vouchers and it was noted that it was payment of the City's monthly bills and is a function of the City Clerk's Office. Each Voucher sets up a bill for payment and is inspected and approved by reembers of the Auditing and Accounting Committee with signatures of at least two members being affixed to each along with that bf the Department Head whose department incurs the liability. The State Auditor checks the payments during his annual audit of the City accounts and operation. Vouchers are available to the Council if they wish to inspect them. -K_ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-11-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: New Business: (Cont.) Councilman Barei inquired regarding encroachment of residence on 72nd Ave. So. where the Renton Sailing Club has been given permission to moor their houseboat. Mayor Custer advised that the Street Department has been investigating this problem and action will be taken, the owner having been advised. Councilman Barei reported that lighting level on the gymnasium floor of the field house at Mother's Park was found to be inadequate and it was estimated that $2,050.00 would be required to bring the lighting up to an acceptable standard and Committee referral for recommendation was requested. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Property Committee . Carried. Councilman Barei announced a meeting of the Property Committee on Thursday, March 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference room. Councilman Shane made inquiry as to progress made by the City toward Capital Improve- ments, noting problems reported by Department Heads of obtaining qualified engineering help, 'and suggested getting a list from The Boeing Company of candidates for various positions, noting that Boeing gets them and that we m igh t have some in Renton who would be available rather than paying consultants for such services. second by Schellertz Councilman Morris moved/that the specifications for the new garbage contract be provided to the Council Members along with the Ordinance so they might be apprised of its contents, upon its completion, this documentation not yet completed. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to letter from Truckweld Equipment Company regarding the fact that the City did not accept their apparent low bid on the new Ladder Service Truck. Mayor Custer noted that a meeting is scheduled for discussion of the matter and that the Truckweld sales representative has been invited to attend. This is the meeting scheduled for March 14th as announced earlier. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned upon motion by Trimm and second by Delaurenti. Adjournment was 11:25 p.m. There were A 32 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk /n %l I D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- 3-11-68 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No Amount Name Address Type of Work B 0785 -- Howard S. Lease Const. Co. 129 Burnett Ave. So. Demolish Residence 86 4,000.00 Renton Shopping Center Renton Shopping Center Remodel Restaurant 87 1,000.00 Paul R. Duke 11510 SE 102nd St. Carport to Residence 88 100.00 Jim A. Romstad 1112 No. St. Fence 89 21000.00 Byron's Improvement Co. 720 Rainier Ave. So. Wall in store B 0790 250.00 Universal Sign Co. 727 Rainier Ave. So. (2) signs 91 5,500.00 Rotta Sheet Metal Works 2800 Sunset Highway Change roof 92 500.00 Louis Codiga 10819 SE 100th St. Carport to Residence ELECTRICAL PER1,jTS E 0619 600.00 Eugene C. Jensen 10212 SE 95th St. Replace service 0620 250.00 Holmes Electric Co. 720 Rainier Ave. So. Wire partition 21 250.00 The Boeing Company West of Bldg. 4-64 Service to compactor 22 250.00 The Boeing Company East of Bldg. 4-02 Service to compactor 23 6,712.00 Atlas Electric Service 1817 Grant St. New Apartment Bldg. 24 6,712.00 Atlas Electric Service 1811 Grant St. New Apartment Bldg. 0625 240.00 Bert A. Frye 1108 - 4th South New home 26 50.00 Industrial Electric 17901 Spring Brook Rd. Temporary service 27 235.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-58 Col P-6N Emerg. Alarm System 28 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-21 Bal. G-27 (9) new recpt's 29 50.00 Holmes Electric Co. Cemetery Road Temp sery gravel pit 0630 -- Robert F. Logue 3261 Rolling Hills Wire basement 31 250.00 Holmes Electric Co. 329 Renton Street Rewire basement HECHANICAL PERMITS M 0668 -- Eugene C. Jensen 10212 SE 95th St. Move fixtures 69 -- Martin Fuel Co. 3320 Rolling Hills Install furnace res. 0670 -- N.W. Hydronics 311 Burnett Ave. No. Boiler replacement 71 -- Indoor Climate Control 150 Logan Ave. So. Condensing units 72 -- Lakeside Heat & Sheet Mtl 2429 5th No. Furnace for residence 73 -- MacDonald Miller Co. 250 SW 7th St. Install Comp; boiler 74 -- Renton Burner Service 329 Renton St. So. Gas Furnace 0675 -- Repton Burner Service 10026 SE 94th St. Oil Furnace 76 -- Robert F. Logue 3261 Rolling Hills Fixtures Hook Up SEWER PERMITS No 338 -- J. J. Jackson 100 Rainier SeKer Service 7 __ 148 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 18, 1968 R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE $3,500.00 payment due Olson-Richert-Bignold Co. for architectural services rendered, Phase I, Lake Wn. Beach Park Development Plans 4"1'11,936.83 due L-. R. Gaudio Well Drilling Co., on C.AG. 1248-67, Well #8 E-JILDING DIRECTOR Seattle Lumber Company use of parking area for lumber storage Tom Teasdale report regarding Sternco Land Co. development and complaint of neighbor CITY ENC=NEER ADD PROPERTY COMMITTEE'S iazel Chenaur petition for vacation of portion of right-of-way COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Boeing letter regarding emergency secondary water supply for Renton Plant Specifications for new garbage contract and bid call ;1AW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Barger Property -rezone, R-1 to R-2 Loan authorized from City Hall Construction Fund for use by City Funds pending receipt of tax moneys Honeycreek Park Sanitary Sewer L-I.D, Resolution Tom Nelson letter regarding the proposed "Massage Parlor" Ordinance Garbage-Refuse Collection Ordinance (Adopted) Appropriation of $18,163.00 excess surplus for City's share of South 180th Street bridge project in conjunction with Tukwila and the State 37o Utility Tax elimination Pacific Coast R,R. Co, franchise-Houser Way main line, to be held 30 days following publication PARK DIRECTOR AND PARE BOARD Nancy Richards request for assistance to Sr. citizens regarding dancing facilities POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE jim Natucci, Melrose Tavern, application for Regal Amusement to be granted required license to operate coin-type pool table at said business STREET AND ALLEY COMMi.TTEE 14r. Bessie MacClurg letter regarding need for attention to pedestrian walkways in the Highlands area MEETINGS AND EVENTS: March, 1968 - Ways and Means Committee at 4:30 p.m. in City Clerk's Office March 19, 1968 - Light and Power Committee meeting with Consulting Firms at 7:45 p.m. March 25, 1968 - Committee of the Whole at 7:00 p.m. April 5, 1968 - Seattle Chamber of Commerce "Association Day" Luncheon April 8, 1968 - Opening of Bids - Painting of Fire Stations April 15, 1968 - Opening cf Bids - Garbage and Refuse Collection NEW MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 18, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by D. W. Custer, Mayor, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti5 Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. d" CITY OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, John Pain, Asst. City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor, and Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 11th be approved as printed and mailed out. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Lyle Barger appeal of Planning Commission R-3 Rezone Denial Property at 2502 - 04, 9th Place North presently zoned R-1. This being the date set,the -hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen outlined Planning Commission actions to date, noting applicants Intent to construct a triplex behind existing duplex with proposed access being 9th Pl. North. It was noted the duplex is an existing non-conforming use and the present Comprehensive Plan indicates medium density multi-family use, however a low density multi-family use has been proposed for the Comprehensive Plan now under consideration by the Commission. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Barger, 2820 - 8th Place North, pointed out the proposed construction on drawing exhibited on the wall and stated he would like an R-2 if the R-3 is not acceptable. He noted there have been no objections from the residents of the area during the five months the matter has been pending and upon inquiry, advised he did plan to remove the existing duplex.Mr. Stredicke noted 7-1 vote to reject by the Ccmmissiofi.Moved by Bruce, second by Grant to close the hearing.Carried. Shane noted therevas no objection and that turther delay results in additional increased interest costs to the applicant and moved that the property be zoned R-3. The motion was seconded by Bruce. Discussion ensued regarding Planning Commission study and the Comprehensive Plan, it being noted that this is on a fringe area and the Commission had felt that 9th Place North should be the breaking line between the medium and low density multiple use, and that the proposed use is considered to be premature for this area at present. It was pointed out that adjacent and nearby properties have apartment and multiple-residential units at present,also the duplex needs repair befit could be 'brought to '.eodo. On dissenting voice vote,-roi1 Ball- was taken. The vote resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Shane, Grant and Bruce. No: Barei, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. The motion lost 7 to 4. Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to grant R-2 zoning, bringing the property into legal and current reflection of use, the petitioner having agreed to amend his appli- cation to R-2. The motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to refer the rezone to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Ordinance. Carried. Mayor Custer submitted a communication he received from the City Attorney,with regard to the North Renton Interchange and costs in sum of $1,256.40 which the State has requested be reimbursedto it as being the City of Renton's share of the project, and it was passed to the Council President. He submitted another communication regarding proposal for a secondary water supply for the Renton Boeing Plant, received from the Attorney, which item is on the Agenda. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment, statement in sum of $3,500.00 due Architects, Olson-Richert, Bignold & Co. for services on Phase I development plans for Lake Washington Beach Park. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. -1- 150 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3/18/68 COMMUNICATIONS: ' Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate due L. R. Gaudio Well Drilling Co. in sum of $11,936.83, C.AG. 1248-67, Well No. 8, Cedar River Park. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to concur with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported the necessity, pending receipt of tax money, to borrow funds for operating the following City Funds. Loan from City Hall Con- struction Fund until June 30, 1968 @ 3% interest was recommended, for distribution as follows: Current Fund - $300,000.00; City Street Fund, $140,000.00 and Library Fund, $ 70,000.00. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for required Resolution was also recommended. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur. The motion carried. Application was read from Melrose Tavern owner, Jim Natucci, requesting that Regal Amusement Co. be granted required license to operate a coin-type pool table at said business located at 819 Walla Walla Avenue. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported, regarding Honeycreek Park Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. Petition, that the document contains signatures representing 54.42% of the frontage in the proposed service area and due to irregularities in signing, such as wives signing for husbands, it was recommended that the Council adopt a Resolution as necessary to create the Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Maxin, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from Mrs. Rosalie Evans requested No-Fee Permit to allow the use of the Volkswagen building by St. Luke's Episcopal Church for a rummage sale,May 9, 10 and 11th. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to grant the request. City Clerk Nelson reported that,'Mr. Fletcher had decided not to lease the building for paint storage pending repair of his fire damaged store building. The motion carried. Letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, requested to call for bids on painting interior of both fire stations, and exterior of the main station. April 8th was recommended for bid opening date: Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur.Carried. Letter from Attorney,s:.Murray, Dunham & Waitt, Attorneys at Law, petitioned the;'City, on behalf of Mrs. . Hazel Chenaur, for the vacation of 30 ft. right-of-way strip to the East of 115th Avenue S.E. abutting Mrs. Chenaur's property. $100.00 filing fee was paid as required. ; ,Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to verify the. signatures and report back. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Property Commfttee.Carried. Letter from.'City Attorney- Shellan submitted copy of letter received from the Boeing Company regarding a. secondary water supply for the Renton Plant. It was suggested that Council approve same a's 'a' matter of record, the City Engineer having given his signatory approv►al' here.tofore. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter. to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from Mr. J. T. Nelson, Masseur whose. business is located at 118 Park Avenue in Renton,°-submitted his observations and objections to proposed Ordinance regulating Massage Parlors, Health Salons and Public Bath Houses. Mr. Nelson felt the restrictions were not'reasonable' for this City and that the fees were out of line compared to the Business' License `Fees for other type of businesses. He felt the wording was detrimental to the subject businesses and that the local police under existing statutes handle quite efficiently any problems which may have resulted in complaint, and the scope of requirements being such that an attorney would not advise his client to sign. It was suggested that the Council meet with parties to be affected prior to enactment of such prohibitive Ordinances. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti to refer this letter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. Committee U4 Chairman Trimm noted that .every Councilman had received a copy of this Ordinance and it -was:being. held for review until after March 28th and a meeting is to be held then on this at 7:30 p-.m. Parties concerned have been notified, and anyone interested is invited to attend. Letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, Association of Washington Cities, announced that the Seattle Chamber of Commerce is holding an "Association Day" luncheon on Friday, April 5th. Invitation was extended to attend. -2- 15 J. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3/18/68 COMMUNICATIONS: Councilman Grant requested the reading of a letter distributed to the Council wherein Mrs. Bessie MacLurg called attention to the condition of the two blocks from "M" Street to "K" Street where no provision exists for pedestrian traffic both of the school children and also those at the opposite end of the life span. Especially noted was the corner of "M" and 10th Avenue and the condition of bus stop areas. It was urged that inspection be made and suggested that grading would help in part. Moved by Grant, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the communication to the Street an_d Alley Committee_ . Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to amend the motion to include that the Committee report back. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. North, complimented Mr. Maxin and his Planning Committee for the prompt action in reporting on the matter of Code violations in the development at 10th and "K" Street, with respect to setback and access and parking. Mr. Norman Ross, 420 "I" Street, as a Member of the Planning Commission, congratulated the Council in its action on the Barger rezone, the R-2 being more compatible with the area than R-3. Mrs. Nancy Richards advised that the Senior Citizens Club in Renton located in the Liberty Park Area and the group in the Highlands have received donations from the VFW and Altrusa Clubs and for those who play cards and bingo it is very wonderful, however there is no provision made for dancing which many of them enjoy and which in fact allows them therapeutic exercise. At present, the Eagles Club allows the space for dancing but the group has a problem of paying for the orchestra. The Members must be 55 and older and they meet on the second and fourth Thursdays. They are called the Evergreen Chapter of Senior Citizens, and she takes one lady 92 who gets a great Pleasure dancing "up a storm`. Inquiry was made as to whether the Ci,t� might be able to give .some assistance in this regard. Discussion ensued with the recommendation that the Musician's Union and other Fraternal and Civic groups be contacted in this regard, the City not being legally al-owed to use tax funds for specific private groups. It was noted that it might provide for general use of the elderly public citizens, through the Park Department recreation program, some facilities, perhaps space in the North Renton Rec Hall. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Park Director and P_a_rk Board. It was requested that the Board report back to the Council its recommendation on this matter. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business Councilman Garrett submitted Street and Alley Committee report and letter from the Airport Board invited the Committee and Boeing representatives to the Aviation Board Meeting on March 19th at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the proposed road at the North end of the Airport. Committee members were unable to attend and it was suggested that the Airport Board be requested to hold the matter until its April meeting or that the Board be invited to a Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss the matter. The Chairman will be contacted and President Garrett will report back on arrangements made. Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett reported that the proposed Franchise requested by the Railroad had been revised to reflect the required location and the Committee recommended granting same for a 25 year period. Moved by Schellert, second by Maxin, to concur. Discussion ensued regarding the time element and it was moved by Barei, seconded by Shane that the term of the franchise be 15 years. Upon dis- senting voice vote, roll call vote was properly requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce and Morris. No: Garrett, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti and Schellert, and the motion lost 6 to 5. Vote was taken on the original motion to concur in 25 year franchise period on Pacific Coast permit docu- ment. Roll call vote was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. Carried. Property Committee Chairman Barei reported meeting regarding letter from Truckweld questioning the bid award,however, the Truckweld representatives did not appear at the meeting. The Committee has written an explanation in lieu of meeting further, and considers the matter closed. -3- 152 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3/18/68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business Councilman Shane, Sanitation Committee Chairman, inquired regarding the progress on preparation of L.I.D. proposal in the Kennydale area. City Engineer Wilson advised that information has been prepared for use by the City Attorney in preparing the necessary Resolution of Intent and Public Hearing Notice, and they expect to complete the prerequisite data within two weeks. Sanitation Committee Chairman Shane submitted proposed garbage collection Ordinance and the Committee recommended that it be placed on first reading. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to refer the document to the Law andOrdinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. _._ Councilman Grant submitted Light and Power Committee report advising that a public hearing meeting had been held on 3/13/68 to discuss a proposed franchise and power rates. Representatives of. Seattle City Light were present and included Mr. Cliff Tyler, Director of Commercial Activities, and his assistant, Mr. Joe Recci, who furnished information and answered inquiries for the Committee and citizens present. The Committee will. be pursuing the subject and related matters further and will make subsequent reports to the Council. Councilman Grant noted that the meeting was- felt to have been worthwhile and although the newspapers had reported incorrectly on the date of the meeting the Light and Power Committee had informed the local press of the correct meeting date and it had been inadvertently mis-stated in the publication, which may have prevented attendance of some citizens . Councilman Grant announced a meeting of the Light and Power Committee on March 19th at 7:45 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room Office at which time two Consulting Firms will be interviewed, meetings to be arranged with other firms at a later date. Upon inquiry by Barei regarding the meeting notices in different issues of the paper Gordon Holt, the Record-Chronicle Press Representative, explained that his story contained the words "March 13th" which is incorrect language according to the news style set which should have said Wednesday or today. The copy reader,looking at a. June calendar saw Thursday, which was."inserted. A headline said tonight in some issues but they saw Thursday in the story and blocked that out of some issues, quite a few having gone out with "tonight" in the headline however. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Schellert submitted recommendation that the funds needed for City participation in the South 180th Street bridge project be appropriated from excess surplus in the Current Fund. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to concur. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution. Carried. Councilman Schellert inquired whether copies of the minutes of the special Light and Power Committee public hearing meeting would be available, and Councilman Grant advised they would be available tomorrow. (Tuesday) Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, that City of Renton Vouchers, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the City Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2408 - 2459 and 2552 $ 8,655.99 City Street Fund 2460 - 2468 957.57 Cedar River M. & I. 2469 - 2470 25.06 Equipment Rental Fund 2471 - 2482 3,239.93 Library 2483 - 2518 7,308.19 Parks 2519 - 2530 4,818.20 Water Works Utility 2531 - 2546 14,360.30 Airport 2547 - 2550 234.43 Firemen's Pension Fund 2551 694.19 $ 40,293.86 New Business Councilman Garrett announced a Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:00 p.m. on March 25th. Councilman Shane submitted Committee recommendation that the Council authorized bid call for garbage collection at this time with April 15th set for opening of the bids. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to concur. Carried. -4- 153 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-18-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) New Business , Councilman Shane stated he felt the matter of th& 3% Utility Tax and.-.all License and Permit fees should be put to a vote of the people and this would be final as far as City assessment would be concerned. Grant raised a point of parliamentary inquiry .as to whether this wasn't in the Ways and Means Committee at present and would need to be taken from Committee for discussion. Mayor Custer stated related referral,but not the same matter,is in committee, Attorney Shellan added that the Committee could report back prior to the September election and the two actions are not inconsistent. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to refer the suggestion to the Committee of the Whole. Discussion ensued and Mayor Custer noted that 1/3 of the tax had been deleted in the last preliminary budget and the re- maining 2/3 was projected to be omitted in the coming preliminary budget. The pending motion carried. Councilman Trimm, noting the referral to be whether to place the issue on the ballot, moved that the 3% Utility Tax be taken off as of January 1, 1969. Morris recalled that at the last budget hearing 1% of the tax was to ave ee Z—ele -ed' but some police and other salary needs came up at the last minute and it was not taken off, but the Council agreed that it would be taken off in full, if at all possible, at the next budget session. Councilman Schellert recalled that the matter has been referred to the Ways and Means Committee, and noted that payments collected for the tax are paid to the City quarterly and the final quarter tax would not be received until January 1969 and would appear in that budget,unless the tax is eliminated prior to the 3rd quarter of the year. It was noted that this would cut the budgetary anticipated revenue,estimated at $203,000.00, by 1/3. After further discussion, the motion carried. Mayor Custer s"aced it would be appropriate now to take the matter out of the hands of the Ways and Means Committee. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Shane called attention to the Stadium issue which was successful on the rorward Thrust ballot program and urged that the City protect the site selection by urging that the area chosen by the "experts" is upheld and that they are not swayed by any influence or that their findings be set aside. Discussion ensued and Mayor Custer advised that Mr. Ellis is coming out to talk to the Suburban Mayor's and this will be discussed. It was noted that public funds were going for the study and in further discussion noted the drainage program needed in the valley area did notpass ._ which may have some bearing on negating the South King County site as well as there being no transportation facilities. Mayor Custer advised he will report to the Council on current status of the matter after the meeting on Thursday. Grant inquired regarding status of the request that the lot on the corner of Logan and Tobin Street be inspected and the owner directed to remove the debris and clean it up. Building Director Johnson advised that a number of such areas have been re- ferred to the Building Department and that they have not all been inspected to date as the ersonnel has been taxed to the limit momentarily on extensive building in- spections and will be checking this as fast as they can get to it. Councilman Grant inquired regarding status of the Renton School District and City joint cooperation in the development of a swimming pool. Mayor Custer reported that the Resolution was presented to the School Board and it was understanding that it had been approved but no letter has been received back as yet. Councilman Bruce referred to the garbage collection contract and problems resulting when cans are left out on the street and recommended that the cans be returned to the regular location by the garbage men, and the provision be deleted which gives a reduction if cans are carried to the curb. Councilman Schellert announced a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on Monday, March 25th at 4:30 p.m., in the City Clerk's office. Councilman Morris inquired when the garbage contract bid specifications will be sent out and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, advised they would be sent out tomorrow but some items would need to be filled in before they are sent out. Morris noted the deletion of the 5% Franchise Tax fees will result in about a $5,000.00 revenue loss in the 1968 budget and the reference to the Superintendent of Utilities and inquired what services are to be cut and who is to promulgate the rules and regulations. It was noted that at present the City Engineer is assuming duties of the Utility Superin- tendent and that the blank has not been completed regarding the franchise fee. After discussion regarding provisions of Section 6 and Committee's notice of intent to delete the charge with no cut in services since the City does have surplus funds, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the proposed specifications for contract to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. 154 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont,) 3-18-68 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, Trimm, submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton appropriating $3,450.00 from excess revenue in the Library Fund unto Account 1610/606 Capital Outlay, Machinery & Equipment, Library, for the purchase of a Van for transportation service to the Library. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1524 as read. Carried. Councilman Trimm presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing transfer of $20,707.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 unto City Hall Construction Fund '2810, Account 605, for lawn sprinkling system and lighting within the civic center site. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Barei, to adopt Resolution No. 1525 as read. The motion carred. The Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Residence Single Family Dis- trict (R-1) to Residence District (R-2) which was read by the Clerk. (Hazel Chenaur property) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Grant, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, roll call vote was taken on motion by Dela-' urenti, second by Earei, to adopt as read. The vote resulted in unanimous aye vote carrying the motion and adopting Ordinance 2387 as read. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Beanblossom and Roe property within the City from Residential District (R-2) to "Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings (R-4) , Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to place the docu- ment on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2388 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Dean Singer property within the City from Residential District (R-2) to Residential District (R-3) . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to place the document on second and final reading, Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by i'?xin, to adopt Ordinance No. 2389 as read. Carried, upon unanimous aye roll call vote, Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Lorensen-Jensen properties on 132nd Ave. S.E. from General Classification District (G) to Residential NJ District (R-3) . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, after final reading, to adopt Ordinance No. 2390 as read, Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Harris property on 132nd Ave. S.E ., within the City of Renton, from Suburban Residence District (S-1) to Single Residence District (R-i). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No. 2391 as read. Carried upon unanimous aye roll call vote. Proposed Ordinance was read amending Section 10-705 of Title X, (Traffic), of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", relating to Municipal Parking Lot #3. (Limiting to 2 hour parking rather than 24 hr. parking use) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No- 2392 as read. Carried upon unanimous roll call vote. (Publication to be withheld until new meter heads have been installed) Proposed Ordinance of the City,granting Pacific Coast RR Co. a franchise for establish- ment, maintenance and operation of its North Renton Main Line track in, upon and along Houser Way, and fixing the location, terms and conditions of such franchise, was placed on first reading. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee to hold 30 days following publication as required by law. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane that the Garbage and Refuse Collection Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Revisions were outlined, and the motion carried. After final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Shane to adopt Ordinance No. 2393 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. -6- 155 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 3-18-68 AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Court North, called attention of the Council to the Seattle Lumber Company, and existing setback with parking at the front, noting the Planning Commission attempt to maintain setbacks and conformance in the area to coiitinue the trend along with the Austin Company development. Seattle Lumber, however, has been using the parking area for storage and it is filled with lumber and this was not in compliance with the Code and it was suggested the Council check into the matter. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the complaint to the Building Diractor to check. Carried. iem Teasdale, 506 - llt,i'_Avenue South, recalled that about lZ years ago Sternoff, Inc. presented some beautiful plans and drawings for development between the East and West 'Dalley Highway on South 180th Street, however the actual structures are a long way from v,.iat was shown. While putting in a road they tore down a private fence and this owner is tying to l•un a business where inspection is pretty strict. This is a dirt road and they promised to blacktop it but nothing has been done. Mr. Teasdale was asked to find out what procedure would be needed and what the City can do in regard to the natter; and it was suggested the City look into this matter and see about helping out. Mrs. Lillian Plute, President of the League of Women Voters was introduced and welcomed as a visiting dignitary, representing the Renton League. Also introduced was Mrs. Henry Schellert. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p,m. "_'here were 32 visc.tors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D� W. Custer, Mayor -7- IIS 156 3-18-68 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No Amount Name Address Type of Work B 0793 350.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-51 Enclose stairway 94 600.00 " Bidg. 10-60 Const, .partitions B 0795 1,500-00 it Bldg. 10-52 Const. air intake 96 13,700.00 Whitespar Homes 237 S.W. 153rd. Const. new residence 97 --VOID-- 98 10,000.00 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Addtl. work per pt 99 20,000.00 Gayle A. Halsen Const. new residen B 0800 600.00 Wyatt Frost 11659 S.E. 103rd St. Replace fence 01 415.00 Miss Gladys Berry 227 So. Tobin St. Inst. new fence 02 --VOID-- 03 --VOID-- 04 325,000.00 Robinson & Lyon Ford 750 Rainier Ave. So. Const. new office B 0805 22,000.00 William A. Gifford Jr. 1714 Rolling Hills Ave. Const. new residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0632 50.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg- 4-21 Remove & inst. recpts. 33 240.00 " Bldg. 10-50 Lighting recpts. 34 50.00 " Bldc. 10-51 Install light E 0635 50.00 " Bldg. 10-60 Relccate fixtures 36 400.00 " Bldg. 10-60 Rearrange elec. stacks 37 250.00 " Bldg. 10-50 Electrical serv. 38 6,712.00 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1823 Grant St. Wire apt. building 39 800.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-65 Electrical service E o640 500.00 tt Sub. Sta. +#3 Inst. 200 amp. feeder 41 650.00 Dick Tibeau 10837 110th Pl . S.E. Wire new residence 42 50.00 Robert Petty 1309 Shattuck Temp. service 43 50.00 Cawdrey & Vemo 225 So. Williams Temp. service 44 50.00 North Beach Builders IC3 Rainier Ave. So. Temp. service E 0645 50.00 Robert Petty 535 Renton Ave. So. Temp. service 46 50.00 Patricia Ank 11416 S.E. 108th St. Temp. service 47 50.00 Burnstead Const. 11117 112th S.E. Temp. service 48 50.00 Leo V. Roush 3320 Rolling Hills Pl. S Temp. service 49 50.00 `"food Construction 12010 132nd Ave. S.E. Temp. service E 0650 50.00 it 12014 132nd Ave. S.E. Temp. service 51 50.00 Bell Construction 71C So. 2nd St. Temp. service 52 50.00 Whitespar Homes 649 "P" St. Temp. service 53 50.00 it 818 110" St. Temp. service 54 150.00 George Girias 508 Smithers Serv. for greenhouse E 0655 400.00 Bell & Valdez 1917 Dogwood Pl . S.E. Wire new residence 56 400.00 " 2011 Cogwood Pl . S.E. Wire new residence 57 400.00 " 2005 Dogwood PI . S.E. Wire new residence 58 2CO.00 Henry W. Thomas 3652 9th No- Wire rec. room 59 50.00 Pacific NW Bell Ilth & Springbreok Temp. serv. on tele. E 0660 27.00 The Boeing Co. Parking Lot #7 Alter lighting 61 2.00 " Bldg. 10-133 Elec. serv. to trailer 62 250.00 Flora Mae Blankenship 437 Pelly Ave. No. Wire service 63 250.00 Carl Cook 327 Stevens St. Wire electric heat MECHANICAL PERP�A TS M 0677 ---------- Dian Fontana 113 Burnett Ave. So. Inst. hot water heater 78 250.00 The Boeing Co. Blldg. 4-42 Water and drain 79 4W-00 « Bldg. 4-01 Water and drain M O68o ---------- Robert Dobson 112 'dells Ave. So. Inst. gas wall fur 81 100.00 Sie W. Holt IO047 107th S.E. Inst. oil 'rank 82 --VOID-- 83 ---------- Robert Edwards Hungry Wolf Restaurant Inst. plumbing 84 ---------- E.J. Honkers 606 lith Ave. So. Inst. plumbing M 0685 ---------- John Azzola 1130 Davis Inst. plumbing 86 ---------- Clarence Williams 12426 132nd S.E. Refrigeration unit 87 ----- ----- R. Tibeau 10837 110th Ave. S.E. Inst. plUrbing 88 ---------- Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Inst. - plumbing 89 ---------- Bob Shane 11652 S.E. 100th St. Inst. septic tank M e690 ---------- Dick Tibeau IC837 '110th Pl . S.E. Ins+. septic tank ISS f RENTON CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING ING 1-;arch 25, 1968 REFERRALS Office of the City Clerk trr�. AUDITING AOD ACCOUNTING CO111.1ITTEiE Progress Estimate 1r'3 due General Service Electric on C.AG. 1166-67, Rainier Avenue Traffic- Signal Installation, $23,126017 Progress i:stimate i�r'2 due General Service Electric on C.AG. 1206-67, Sunset Blvd. and 116th Ave. Soi:o Traffic Signal Installations, $1,539000 CITY ATTORNEY AILD INSURANCE CARRIER Nary Dodd claim of auto damage from traffic control button. CITY ENGIIEi ER Letter of intent to annex properties to Renton, W. of 1008th Ave. S.Z. COF;c1ITTEE OF THE :THOLE Pali-cy concerning outside residents connecting to city seiner system Policy regarding payment for sidewalk installations, pursuant to Bessie MacClurg request for pedestrian walks in the Highlands COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND PLANNING CO12-1ITTEE F. A, Storey protest of revision to Comprehensive Plan with regard to Tract 289, Ca De Hillmans Garden of Eden #'40 FIRE MID UATiER C01,14ITTEF, CITY ENGINEER AND PURCHASING AGENT W atermetcr Bids LA:I AND ORDINANCE COhliITTEE Document;; on sale of Renton Hill ;dater tank site to Mario Tonda Final Plat of Glencoe Resolution appropriatin $57,140000 into Engineering and Traffic Departments from exce s .revenues, Current Fund for additional personnel and equipment PARK DEPAP.'TI iE11T Landscaping Bids - South 2nd Street Traffic Islands SANITATION C0111ITTZE Stream pollution reported by Phil Hoggard MEETINGS AND EVENTS Narch 28, 1968 - Fire and Mater Committee at 4: 30 p.m. in Nayor' s Conference Rm. City Engineer and Purchasing Agent invited to attend April 22, 1963 - Opening of bids on new city hall window washing'-.equipment FA-ay 6, 1960 - Opening of Bids on garbage and refuse collection April 29 , 1968 Special City Council Fleeting APPO INTF,ENT S Patrolmen in Renton Police Department - 6 months probationary status - Steven Bakko; Wm. E. Brooks; Johnny P. Potts; Robert Bo Vaughn; David No Smith Clerk-Dispatcher in Penton Police Department: Edith Jo Ocker and Louise A. Craft MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 25, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by D- W. Custer, Mayor, in the Council Chamber, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. RGLL CALL OEEQUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Edwards, Bruce, Maxin, Trimm, rry, `jDelau pti, Schellert and Morris. Moved by Barei, seconded by Trimm, that the a�oent Councilman be excused. Carried. CITY OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea ..K ( ossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, { �)rdon Ericksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor, and Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 18th be approved as prepared and mailed out. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Cold Water Meters This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS ITEM #1 ITEM #2 ITEM ##3 ITEM #4 5/8"x 37T" 1" Meters 12"r Meters 2" Meters Gamon Meter Division (Cert. Ck.) $ 92960.00 $ 1,763.52 $ 31486.96 $ 3,877.74 Worthington Corp. 296 South Street Total including tax, $19,947.19 Newark, N.J. 07114 Hersey-Sparling Meter Co. 93,969.00 1,750.80 31,428.64 3,830.58 250 Elm Street (Cert. Ck.) Dedham, Mass. Tmtal including tax, $19,833.08 02026 Neptune Meter Co, (Cert. Ck.) 10,200.00 1,795.20 31,529.20 3,947.40 861 Hinckley R. urlingame, Calif. 94010 Total including tax, $20,348.03 Pacific Water Works Supply (Bond) 9,699.00 1,749.60 3,417.60 3,825.00 2900 - lst Ave. So. Seattle, Wn. 98134 Total including tax, $19,532.30 Wm. G. Rawson (Cashier's Ck.) 7,950.00 1,476.00 No Bid 31,204.00 3441 Iowa Ave. S.W. Suggest 2" Seattle, Wn. 98106 Total including tax $13,198.35 Moved by Garrett, seconded by Trimm, to refer the bids to the Fire and Water Committee, the City Engineer and the Purchasing Agent. Carried. 4POT1111" OF BIDS: Landscaping of Traffic Islands on South 2nd Street This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS Sprinkler Exp. Aggreg. Topsoil, fill Trees YIv'DSCAPING BY System Concrete lights wells & grater 2"-2 it cal. Parsons, Wacker Co. $ 5,065.00 3,200.00 $ 4,002.00 '- $.2,332.00 1447 N.W. 95th St. rel Seattle, 98107 (Bond) Alternate tl $1,700.00 Smaller trees.A-1k" 1,280.00 •• without trees Total $14,599.002less alt., $12,899.00 LANT CAPING, NORTHWEST, INC. 111, F!arrison 42336.00 2,759.00 12969.00 2,768.00 7504 Bridgeport Way W. Tacoma, Wn. 98467 (Bond) Alternate ##1 - $1,500.00 Smaller trees 1,200.00 Total, $11,832.00, less alt., $10,332.00 Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to refer the bids to the Park Department. Carried. -1- Minutes - Kenton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 3/25/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Thomas J., Hogan appeal of Planning Commission denial of rezone from G7200 to R-3; property located onll4th Ave. SSE. between 12th Avenue North and north Renton Interchange, This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Petition containing 56 signatures was read protesting the R--3 rezone for reasons of increased traffic and pc:;::.ing problems with regard to ingress, egress and da..ger to children of the area, new single family residences being purchased with thought that the Interchange would be a natural barrier or buffer from another type zoning, noting denial of the same type reqLest on property immediately across the street to prevent spreading into the single family residential privacy. It was requested that the Council uphold the Planning Commission decision, Letter from the Planning Director outlined actions taken by the Planning Commission in its denial of the rescne, ruting that the revised Comprehensive Plan indicates single family re-sid ential use for this area, the present Plan showing multi-family residential, medium density, and that the Commission had visited the area and upon completion of its review felt the area is a good single family residential area and development otherwise would be detrimental on adjacent. and surrounding properties. R-1 was recommende-d as the highest zoning on the subject property. Audience comment was invited and Mr , Ernest Coleman,1.0208'S,<E. 88th for the re ene, called attention to changes effected by the North Renton Interchange;principally to access and lesser use of 114th which the development would not contribute as great a traffic•.1.1oc.7 L,^. previous .to the Interchange. Attention was called to the surrounding and adjacent R-3 and B-1 zonings and B-1 was not felt to be the best use nor would it upgrade the property to the extent proposed. Mr. Carl Ericksen, Homeland Realty Co., agent selling the subject property, called attention to the objections of access noting petitioners did not reside in the vicinity and future access provisions to be available upon implementation of the Capital Improve- ment arterial program now to be effected with the passage of Forward Thrust.Haxdship was noted that the property value is approximately $4,000.00 if developed for single family residences and with the multiple zoning a sale is available at $30,000.00. A deluxe 24- unit fac. 1`7y.. with. '"a swimming pool, and tennis court is planned. Letters were read from Wn. Mutual Savings Bank, denying financing for two single family residences due to the proximity of the North Renton :interchange and current zoning to the East and adjoining, being R-3 and Business, it was stated in their opinion the property is not suitable for single family residences, and was signed by F. A. Vernon, Asst Vice-Pres and Mgr, Second letter from Citizens Fea.eral Savings & Loan Assn., Sam W. Cayce, Mgr. advised that based on discussion with the real estate appraiser, it was concluded under the fair market value that the subject property would be at its highest and best use multiple residence. It was noted that a member of the Commission had said R-3 would be a good use. Further audience comment was invited and Mr. and Mrs . Fred Wendling, 11419 S'E' 112th noted that with proposed access development the property was not very large to contain all the propo�­,ed facil=ties contemplated and also that grade school children use this right of way to go to school; Mrs. McCollon,!, and Mrs. Ferris adding that hese very small children do not watch for traffic and that the grade is very steep. Mr. Robert Secrest noted that signatures of persons noted to be from some distance were also owners of property in the vicinity, Mr. Roger Duke noting no recollection of Planning Commissioners statement that R-3 would be a good use, and that the reason they didrl�t- put in the single family units was lack of access to the back. Upon request, Planning Director Ericksen presented slide photographs of the area and adjacent properties Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried, Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, to uphold the Planning Commission recommendation and that the appeal be denied Carried. Mayor Custer advised appellants of the decision, noting that hardship need not be shown except in certain variance and Board of Adjustment findings. COW—TNICATIONt: Letter from Traffic Engineer, Del Bennett, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 3, due General Service Electric Co. on C..AG. 1166-67, Rainier Avenue Traffic Signal installation, $23,126.17. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, .... to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committe4 with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from the Traffic Engineer submitted and recommended for payment , Progress Estimate No. 2, due General Service Electric in sum of $1,539.90 on C.AG. 1206-67, Traffic Signal installation on Sunset Blvd. and 116th Ave. S.E. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Ap.di_ting and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. -2- t 60 Minutes v Renton City Council Meeting (Pert.) U25v68 COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Planning Director Ericksen, submitted Planning Commission recommendation that the Council approve the Final Plat of Glencoe, Appl. FP-443-68, property �.'u int,ersec- tioh-of S.E . 107th Street and 132nd Ave. S.E. Proposed use is single family resi- dential as indicated in the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution, Carried. Letter from Mr, F. A. Storey,. 11007 - 109th Ave. S.E; protested the new Comprehensive Plan with regard to Tract 289, C. D. Hillmans Garden of Eden #4, requesting that this tract be retained at the existing designation on the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the President of the City Council for presentation at the April 29th �Publi& Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan and revisions.therero.,Councilman Garrett requested the City Clerk to prepare a package of all items concerning the Comprehensive Plan which might expedite the hearing,also noting that steps would need to be taken for the notice of Special meeting of the Council. The City Clerk advised that the notice has _been prepared and will be submitted for publication twice in April in the Cityts legal newspaper. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, to amend the motion to include referral to the Planning Committee for recommendation at the Public Hearing The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Claim for damages was read, submitted by Mrs. Mary Dodel, 13016 S.E. 112th Street, for damages incurred to her automobile from-'channel:ization button that was loose on Sunset Blvd. and 12th Avenue North, Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the claim to the Cid Attorney and the Insurance Carrier• Carried. Letter from Mr. Phil. Hoggard, 10888 S.E. 97th Street,reported stream pollution in vicinity of Houser Way and passing under Lake [+fin. Blvd., emptying into Lake Washington just East of the Shuffleton Plant, The water is black & murky with oil and it was his understanding that this creek runs through the Pacif c`Car & Foundry site. It was requested that the City investigate and correct the situation. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee to report back. The motion carried. Letter of intent to annex properties to Repton'06s read, in an area West of 1.08th Ave, S.E. and Northwest of S.E. 166th Street_ Petition contained approximately 14 signatures, Christopherson et al. Moved by Schellert,...seconded by. Delaurenti,to refer the letter to the City Engineer for report and to the Annexation Review Board. Carried. Letter from the Department of Health, State of Washington, advised of receipt of docu- ments for Well sites No. 8 and 9, which have been reviewed in accordance with 248-54 WAC and approved as to site 8. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of the fol:owing Patrolmen to six months probationary status in the Renton Police Department: Steven D,. Bakko, William E. Brooks, Johnny P. Potts, Robert B. Vaughn and David N. Smith, upon completion of background check, and the appointment of Edith J. Ocker and Louise A. Craft to the position of Clerk-Dispatcher for the probationary period as required by Civil Service rules and regulations. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce., to concur in the appointments. Carried. (£ffective,`April 1, 1968) Recess was declared at this time upon motion by Bruce, seconded by Shane and carrded. Roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Chairman Garrett submitted report of the. City Hall Building Committee that bid call be authorized for Window washing equipment for the new City Hall. Specifications have been prepared by the Building Director and the Architects and bid opening dates of either April 15 or 22nd were recommended. Moved by Barei, seconded by Maxin, to concLr in the bid call with April 22nd being set for opening of the bids. Carried. Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett reported investigation and discussion of letter from Mrs. Bessie MacClurg regarding pedestrian walks in the Highlands and inasmuch as sidewalk construction is involved it was recommended that the matter now be referred to the Committee of the Whole to decide the policy as to who shall pay for sidewalks Moved by Barei, seconded by Maxin, to m ncur in the Street and Alley Committee recom- mendation. Carried. -3- Minutes -• Renton City Council T-ieeting COUNCIL COM-L'ITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: Council President Garrett reported Committee of the .thole recommendation that Peoples branch bank located on Rainier Avenue South, adjacent to South 122nd Street, be granted temporary use of City sewer facilities. Roved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to concur. The motion carried. Re,arding ;ferral of funding of $57,140000 for additional personnel in the City in�iaeer- in and Traffic Engineering Departments recommended by the Uays and cleans Committee, it wan the Committee of the Glhole recommendation to concur with the Mays and Means Committee rLport to fund this money from excess surplus in the Current Fund with referral to the L^.%-r and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. ►loved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the [Thole. Carried. Regarding a letter from the Boeing Company regarding emergency water supply, the matter was discussed and the letter was to be given to the City Engineer to review prior to c.uncil action. The matter of the specifications for the proposed garbage collection contract had been -.,.cher consideration at a meeting of the Committee of the :Thole earlier and at the time of adjournment a. motion was pending to add 5% Franchise Fee requirement to the present specifications, and this matter is still pending. Property Committee Chairman Barei reported Committee request that the Council convey a Q,Ait Claim Deed for the Renton Hill water tank site to adjacent property owner, Mario Tonda, for $2,200000 (the appraised price) and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution and to the Aiayor, City Clerk and City Attorney for necessary legal documents and signatures. I-ioved by Dorris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Property Committee recommendation. Carried. The Property Com-aittee recommended that the price of the City' s interest in 91st Avenue So�ith b. established at $2,250.00 and for South 128th Street at $6,250.00, respectively. This ;muter was referred in connection with petitions for vacation of the right-of-ways and the price represents =4 of the fair market value of the property. The City is to retain all existing utility easements. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. The motion carried. Move(i by Barei, seconded by Shane, that the matter of the garbage collection specifications ? e taken from the Committee of the ?thole and placed on the floor for discussion at this time. Carried. lioved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the bid specifications retain the 5% Franchise Fee provision as carried in the present franchise. Discussion ensued wherein Councilman Shane objected to the charge to a business for operating in the City likening the fee to the 3% Utility Tax which he did not feel should be imposed. Councilman Barei urged that the '-% fee be eliminated and that the City impose the fee by Ordinance if it wishes to tax the operation increasing the collection rate a certain amount over bid price, passing the cost on to the consumer, but getting a better bid price than if a contractor has to consider a 5% cost factor in figuring his bid. Upon inquiry by Perry, Utility Accountant Ted Bennet advised that the 5% is paid to the City by the Contractor on his gross collections and also that the rate for 2-can pick up is $1.75 per month while the Contractor' s charge is $1.38 so the City receives 37G per month for each account. Councilman Garrett called attention to other franchises which have been granted noting that the Franchise Fee grants privilege of exclusive right to certain revenues in the City and if the bid is advertised with no fee than exclusive right to collect in the City is being T.he rate of how much more or less to charge than the bid price to the people;to be set after the bid award, being a different matter. Morris noted the fee is budgeted and additional funds will need to be provided if `.he.; 5`% is eliminated. Shane noted additional funds the tax increases of Forward Thrust will provide and felt excess revenue would cover the deficit. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised the Franchise Fee, if set at a 5 year period could not be waived later on. The specifications might state a lesser period than 5 years but the Contractor is entitled to know: what taxes he is to pa;T and his bid will be high enough to cover all such contingencies. After further discussion and note by Schellert that it has been a normal procedure for cities to derive revenues from franchises for privileged business and that everyone subscribing thus pays a portion and that financing of city operation solely by property tax is not a good method as the newer Counc4.lmen will find at budget ti=. Shane felt it should be tried this time and that removal of all basic business license fees be considered., Question was called for on the pending motion and dissenting voice vote resulted with roll call being properly requested and taken as follows: Ay - Garrett, Norris, Schellert, Trimm, i;dwards and Iiaxin. No-, Delaurenti, Perry, i3,uce, Shane and Barei. The Chairs ruling that the ayes had it was confirmed and the -_^tioa to include the 5% Franchise Fee in the specifications for bid call carried. i 6 214 Linutes - Renton City Council Iieeting (Cont.) 3-25-600 COUNCIL COiI.IITTi c. REPORTS Unfinished Business: Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, that the garbage franchise fee, `the 3"7. utility tax and per capita business license tax be placed on the September ballot 'allowing the people to vote on whether to retain or eliminate such taxes. City Clerk Nelson noted that there are 20 - 30 different types of licenses now issued and various Ordinances regulate them. !,Loved by Barei, seconded by Eaxin, to table the motion to put the fees as specified on the ballot. Dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call vote which was taken and resulted as follows; Aye: Garrett, Lorris, Schellert, Trimm, Edwards, I•laxin and Barei. No: Delaurenti, Perry, Bruce and Shane. The motion carried tabling the motion. Councilman Shane reported that a lettersigned by Light and Power Committee Members & othei was being sent to hr. Tyler of Seattle City Light requesting them to write a letter formally applying for a Franchise in the City of Penton and Councilman Grant had requested Tiro Shane to inquire if any other Councilmen wished to sign the letter. Iioved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to approve the specifications for garbage collection as submitted by the Sanitation Committee and amended by the Council.Carried Time element was discussed and it was noted that bidders would not have much time to prepare bids, and also that the present contract would need to be extended further. Noved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, that the Contragtor be requested to' extend the present collection tendre from IL'ay 4th to June lst. iioved by Perry, seconded by liorris, to extend the bid opening date to Eay 6, 1968, as amendment to original motion. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended, it being understood and intended that the neer contract mill become effective June 1st or sooner as such award may be consumated. Noved by Norris, seconded by Barei, that City of Renton Vouchers Nose 2553 through 2612, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2553 - 2579 $ 5,175.61 Arterial Street Fund 2530 - 2531 23,161.17 City Street Fund 2532 - 2585 1,297.22 Equipment Rental 2506 - 2537 51.15 Parks 2533 - 2594 11637.89 Water Uorks Utility 2595 - 2604 1,442.66 Airport 2605 51.15 Firemen' s Pension Fund 2606 - 2612 2,476 00 $ 35,292.35 New Business: lioved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, that the City policy concerning connection to the City sewer system be liberalized to permit new perso" outside the City to connect at no cost to the City and connections to be per city specifications. Fates shall be set at twice the charge of inside rates. !loved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the motion to the Committee of the Fihole. Carried. Councilman Shane inquired regarding action taken in regard to the request for city assistance to the senior citizens dancing program by providing funds for the band. Park Director Coulon reported that the Park Board has not yet acted upon the referral but that some investigation has been made as to what comprises the membership of the Evergreen Chapter, which may have some bearing on the decisions. Ilayor Custer recalled prior request and inquiries to the Nusician' s Union whic4 is now in effect giving some assistance as evidenced by the nominal fee being charged. City Attorney Shellan noted that the Auditor might question the actions unless it vier6 a part of an overall program, in which event it might be alright. Councilman Barei submitted a bulletin entitled "Fluoride Concentrations in Public Water Supplies of tdashington", published by the State Department of Health and noted that Penton has some flouride, 0.10 part per million while Kent has 1..00 ppm, ten- times as much as Renton. The City Clerk was requested to write for additional copies for the other Council members. The Fire and Grater Committee Chairman, Councilman Bruce, announced a meeting at 4130 p.m. on Thursday, March 28th and the City Engineer and Purchasing agent were invited to attends Councilman Perry advised he had distributed a news report regarding accomplishments of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference which is published monthly and he will try to furnish the Council with copies henceforth for their information. -5- 1iinutes - Renton City Council meeting 3 YSv COUNCIL CODUTTEE R ,PORTS_ Neer Business: Councilman Perry noted receipt of report on Federal Review of Federal Aid applications prepared by Harold F. ?:i se for the Conference and it contains an itemization of funds which are available to cities. The Puget Sound Governmental Conference functions as an Agent to review programs for federal assistance and there are 29 areas in which funds are available. The City Engineer has a copy which will be available for perusal. Councilman Garrett inquired of Piro Perry regarding a newspaper article noting transfer of money to Pendalton, Oregon due to inaction of the P.S.C.C. Councilman Perry had- heard nothing at the Conference meetings regarding such report,noting action tiakeri to by-pass the State and apply for federal loans to avoid delays caused by going through the State. Councilman 'iorris reported for Chairman Grant that the Light and Power Committee has interviewed tiro consulting firms and that the Committee plans to interview two more firms before submitting the Committee recommendations to Council. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Trimm, Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, annexing certain territory to the City of Penton which was read by the Clerk. (South 180th Street and Talbot Road in vicinity of new Valley General Hospital site. Margullis et al properties) I•loved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2394 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing loan from the City Hall Construction Fund to City Funds pending receipt of tax moneys as follows: Current Fund, $300,000.00; City Street Fund, $140,000°00; Library Fund, $ 70,000.00, such funds to be and constitute a loan to be repaid unto said City Hall Construction Fund not ]ater than June 30, 1968 and to bear interest at the rate of 3`Jo interest per annum. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1526 as read. Carried. The Latr and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution authorizing appropriation of excess revenues in the Current Fund in sum of $18,163000 unto the City Street Fund Functional Account 1310, Capital Outlay Account. No. 605 - Structures and Improvements (Working Budget, City Street Acct. 1320, Capital Outlay Account Noo 605, Structures and Improvements.) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to adopt Resolution No. 1527 as read. Carried. Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the city of Renton from Single Residence District (R-1) to Residence District R-2o (Lyle Barger Property) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to adopt Ordinance No. 2395 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye and the motion carried. Proposed Resolution of the City of Penton was read declaringintention to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the Kennydale area, Penton, ,Aashington and to create a local improvement district to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefited thereby; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on Flay 6, 1968. iioved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to adopt Resolution No. 1528 as read. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. There were 41 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Do Custer, Mayor —6— 164 3-25-68 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PER11ITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINr, ING DEPART1,1LNTS BUILDING PER11ITS No Amount Name Address TT o f Z^dork B 0806 $ 125.00 Schuling's Hearing Aids 928 So. 3rd St. Install Sign 07 400.00 John Phillip Cook 628 "G" Place Finish Basement to Res. 08 15,500.00 Herve L. Belisle 11040 SE 97th St. Const. New Residence 09 500.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-20 Install Walls B 0810 2,000.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-60 Const. (5) Offices 11 14,000.00 E; Wechselberger 12434 87th Ave. So. Const. New Residen 12 500.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 5-14 Const. Room. 13 45,000.00 Monte B. Powell 527 Williams Ave. No. Const. Apt. Bldg.( it 14 --VOID-- B 0815 25,000.00 David Hyde Chick 720 Lind Ave. S.W. Const. of Foundation 16 3,500.00 Arthur Taini 10818 111th Pl. E. Stone Waincot Facing 17 250.00 Ames Nutrition Center Renton Center Constr. Sign 18 20,000.00 H. M. Edman 10036 - 107th Ave. S.E. Constr. Nein Residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0664 50.00 Charles Switzler 10827 S.E. 97th Temporary Service E 0665 50.00 Transamerica Development Grant & Puget Drive Temporary Service 66 50.00 Bell Construction 111 South Williams Temporary Service 67 50.00 Bell & Valdez 1917 Dogwood P1. S.E. Temporary Service 68 50.00 Bell & Valdez 2011 Dogwood Pl. S.E. Temporary Service 69 50.00 Dick Tibeau 10837 110th Pl. S.E. Temporary Service E 0670 50.00 City of Renton Liberty Park Grandstand Temporary Service 71 50.00 Bell & Valdez 1918 Dogwood Ave. S.E. Temporary Service 72 50.00 Bell & Valdez 2218 S.E. 19th Place Temporary Service 73 50.00 Bell & Valdez 2023 Dogwood Pl. S.E. Temporary Service 74 750.00 City Center Motel 112 So. 3rd Street Rewire Apts. E 0675 50.00 John Phillip Cook 628 "G" Place Wire Basement in Res. 76 21000.00 The Production Co. 8040 108th Ave. S.E. Wire New Addt'n to Co. 77 The Boeing Company Bldg. 1.0-80 Install Lighting 78 137.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21 Install 3 Recept'1 79 50.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-20 Install Lighting E 0680 1,900.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-63, 4-75, 4-62 Sub feed to Panels 81 250.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-71 Service for Thermodryer 82 1,500.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4--21-2 Provide new Circuits 83 2,000.00 The Boeing Company Sub-station rel Upgrade Transformer 84 250.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-03 Provide new Circuits E 0685 800.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 5-14 Provide new Circuits 86 500.00 Robert Petty 535 Renton Ave. So. Wire New Residence' 87 .400.00 Bell- & Valdez 2017 Dogwood Pl. S.E. 1 ire Nev; Residence 88 400.00, Bell & Valdez 1911 Dogwood P1. S.E. Wire New Residence 89 250.00 Renton Shopping Center Bldg. "C" Run Conduit; Fixtures E 0690 275.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-50, 10-51 Provide power heaters 91 800.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-85 Alter existing Circuits 92 500.00 Albert Baker 505 Whitworth.. Ave.So. Rewire arel.ling 93 300.00 Don Quackenbush 507 Windsor Fire Job Repair 94 500.00 Seattle Sporting Goods 510 South 3rd St. Remodel Work E 0695 1,500.00 Renton Shopping Center Hungry Wolf Remodel Stores MECHANICAL PER ZITS Al 0691 ----------- The Boeing Company Bldg. 7-65707 Install Drain & Sink 92 ----------- R. S. Shane 11656 S.E. 100th St. Install Septic Tank. 93 ----------- Transamerica Development 1829 Grant Street Install sinks,tubs,etc. 94 ----------- Transamerica Development 1823 Grant Street M 0695 --------•-- Transamerica Development 1817 Grant Street 96 ----------- Transamerica Development 1811 Grant Street 97 ------------ Transamerica Development 1.805 Grant Street " " it it 98 ----------- Northwest Avionics Renton Airfield Install Air Conditioning 99 ------------ Rudy Zapitul 1161.2 S.E. 105th Pl. Install Sinks, Tubs, etc 11 0700 ------------ Comstock 657 "P" St. Install Gas Heater Res. Ol ------------ City Center 11ote-1 112 So. 3rd Street Install basins,tubs,etc. 02 ----------- Poole Electric 720 Rainier Ave. So. Remodel Heating 03 ----------- B & T Construction Co. 1011 3rd Ave. Plumbing & Fixtures 04 ----------- Renton Shopping Center Bldg. "C" Install Walkin. Cooler _ 7 _ 3-25- ii OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PETIU4ITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPAMIENTS SEWER PERi'•1ITS No Amoilnt Name Address e of Work 338 ----------- C. Shane 111 Riveria Drive Sewer Service 339 -- Pacific N1,1 Bell 2nd & Burnett ----------- Bell & Valdez 1911 Dogwood Place S.E. ;.1 ------------- Bell & Valdez 1917 Dogwood Place S.E. 601,2 ----------- Bell & Valdez 2005 Dogwood Place S.E. 343 ----------- Bell & Valdez 2011 Dogwood Place S.E. 344 ----------- Bell & Valdez 2017 Dogwood Place S.E. " . 345 ----------- Bell & Valdez 1923 Dogwood Place S.E. n n 346 ------------ Bell & Valdez 2023 Dogwood Place S.E. 347 • ------------ Bell & Valdez 2020 Dogwood Place S.E. 348 ---------- Bell & Valdez 2002 Dogwood Place S.E. 349 ----------- . Bell & Valdez 2015 S.E. Dogwood Court 350 ----------- Bell & Valdez 2021 S.E. Dogwood Court 351 ----------- Bell & Valdez 2024 S.E. Dogwood Court 352 ----------- Bell & Valdez 2012 S.E. Dogwood Court 353 ----------- Bell & Valdez 2001 Dogwood Ave. S.E. 354 ------------ Bell& Valdez 2218 S.E. 19th Place if it 355 ----------- Bell & Valdez 2224 S.E. 19th Place " it 356 ----------- Bell & Valdez 1918 Dogwood Ave. S.E. 357 ----------- Bell & Valdez 1912 Dogwood Ave. S.E. " 358 --------- Bell & Valdez 1906 Dogwood Ave. S.E. 359 ----------- Bell & Valdez 1900 Dogwood Ave. S.E. 360 ------------- B & I Construction 3rd & Bronson Play No. " " 361 ---=------- B & I Construction 3rd & Bronson Y1ay No. at " 362 ----------- James Kane 2105 7th Ave. No. If " 363 ----------- Angelo Barie 209 Airport Way If it March fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council. TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund $ 27,255. 14 . Arterial Street 23, 161 . 17 Urban Arterial 3,754. 17 City Street 21,882.24 Cedar River M&I 14,836. 15 Equipment Rental 5,604..93 Library 7,498.37 Parks 47,846.32 Waterworks Utility 62,881.60 Airport 666.81 Fi.remen's Pension 3,203.22 City Hall Construction 93,605.36 $312. 195,99 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund $116,446.04 v City Street 19,953. 13 Cedar River M&I 596.00 Equipment Rental 4,488.42 Library 9,44o.89 Parks 16,386.20 Waterworks Utility 18!301 .03 Airport 90.82 Firemen's Pension $167,099.55 I i 166 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 1, 1963 R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk COMPITTEE OF THE WHOLE Athletic Commission for the City of Renton CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE COMMISSIONER Claim of Narvin Lo Sherertz for automobile damage from water shut-off fixture Lease of 2400 sq. ft. of space in new city hall to King Co. for Justice Court LIGHT AND POWER C04=TLE Seattle City Light Newsletter regarding annual rates being among lowest in the nation LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Resolution to endorse Riverton Site first and secondly, the other suburban areas as location for stadium Appropriation of $24,894.48 into budget from State Grant for Teenage Center MAYOR AND CITY CLERK To execute new city hall lease documents to King Co. for Justice Court facility PROPERTY COMMITTEE To secure operator for new City Hall Cafe a STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE AND��CITY ENGINEER *Frank Storey request for meeting of City Officials in regard to pedestrian walkway in North Renton Interchange vicinity -Peter Vo Gulic, Sec , Newport Hills Sewer District request to construct sewer line within city limits of Renton Letter from Mayor Thornton, Kent, requested Renton to consider possible agreement for servicing-maintenance of traffic signals TRAFFIC ENGINEER Kent request for Renton to maintain traffic signals Renton Aviation Board and City Council authorization to pursue with FAA the matter of a road at North end of the runway WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding for appraisal bills, 91st Ave. Soo , $100:00 and So. 128th Street, $125000 MEETINGS AND EVENTS April 2, 1968 - Light and Power Committee meeting at 6:00 p.m. in Mayor' s Conference room Property Committee meeting at 7:00 p.m. in Mayor' s Conference room April 4-5,1968 - Citizens' Conference on Crime - Playhouse, Seattle Center, $10000 April 4-5,1968 - Planning Association Conference - Wenatchee April 6, 1968 - Sanitation Committee at 10:00 a.m. , Park Avenue Cafe April 11, 1968- Valley Regional Planning Commission Conference at Renton Inn, $5000 April 26, 1968- Opening of Bids on garbage collection contract 7 7 167 NINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 1, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by D. W. Custer, Mayor, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, and the fledge of Allegiance to the Fla- was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL 1!a1B:RS: Garrett, Norris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, haxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. rioved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, thatthe absent Councilman be excused. Carried. CITY OFFICIALS AND DEPARniENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. N. Shellan, .... City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. 1Jalls, Fine Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Ted 'Bennett, Utility Accountant, Jan Klippert, Administrative Aset. to the Mayor, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, and Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the previous meeting of March 25th be approved as prepared and mailed out. Carried. COMMUN ICAT IONS: Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, reported regarding request of Mrs. Daisy Richards do behalf of the Evergreen Chapter of Senior Citizens for funds to prov:.de dance band music, that Mrs. Richards indicates they are completely happy and satisfied with the existing location and since the City cannot legally fund an activity for a private group it was recommended that several civic or fraternal clubs in town be con- tacted to share the monthly cost, two groups already having offered to contribute on this basis. Park Director Coulon offered his personal help in any way he could be of assistance. Letter from the King County Board of Commissioners reported approval of Renton City Ordinance No. 2366 annexing the James and Marlene Baker property to Renton and advised of Prosecuting Attorneysuotice that it is in order and ready for distribution and filing. Letter from Mr. Ray Brown, 3113 Sunset Blvd. East, appealed Planning Commission rezone denial, from R-2 and GS-1 to R-3 on property located north of 12th Avenue North between 125th Ave. S.E. and Sunset Blvd. Moved by Shane, seconded by Trimm, that Apri1; 15th be set for hearing on this appeal. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted recommendation of Olson-Richert-Bignold,Inc. Architects recommending a six calendar days extension on Liberty Park Grandstand completion date. The strike and inclement weather were causes for delay and ten days had been re- quested. iloved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to grant the six day extension. Carried. April 7th was the original completion date scheduled. Letter from the Hon. Alex Thornton, r:ayor, City of Kent advised that Kent will be faced with traffic signal maintenance during the coming year and that the limited number of signals within their jurisdiction mould not warrant hiring full time signal maintenance personnel. Since there are no private firms in the Kent area it was requested that Renton consider entering into an agreement fqr possible maintenance of Kent signals. hoved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the _Street__&UA AlleXCommittee_ and Traffic Engineer for recommendation. Dissenting voice vote on the motion brought two requests for roll call which was taken as follows; Shane having noted that the City should not enter into contracting business as there is a local contractor available and any additional work will cost the Renton taxpayers more money. Aye: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Maxin, Grant and Barei. No: Bruce and Shane. The motion carried. ;i Letter"from Gene E. Lynn advised of intent to annex properties to Renton located at 18032 Springbrook Road. A convalescent care facility is proposed adjacent to the recently annexed parcel on So. 180th in vicinity of the new hospital site. Moved by Schellert, second by Delaurenti, to refer the letter to the City Engineer and the Boundary .Review Board for report. Carried. Letter from Byron G. Sneva, Construction Mgr., Puget Western, Inc. requested Late-Comers Agreement for recovery of costs of Grant street watermain installation to extent of excess over their specific benefit. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. -1- 1G8 I•iinutes - Renton City Council Neeting 4-1-63 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from F. A. Storey, 11007 - 109th Ave. Solo noted agreement at the March 12th meeting of the Legislative Joint Committee on Highways held in the Renton City Council Chambers, that the State had an obligation to help provide a Pedestrian Walkway at the North Renton Interchange Clover Leaf and it was requested that a meeting be set with proper City Officials to further this goal. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer this communication to the Street and Alley Committee and City Engineer to report back. Carried. Letter from Peter Vo Gulick, Secretary, Newport Hills Sewer District reported pending annexation to Newport Hills Sewer District of an area north of and adjacent to the Renton City Limits and it appearing the annexation will be completed and the District -a requested to serve the areas this summer, a plan had been submitted to City Engineer Wilson wherein service utilizes the proposed lietro Play Creek Trunk. A portion of the planned 15 or 13 inch line will lie in the city limits from 103th S.Z. and S.E. 94th St. intersection to 110th S.E. and 30th Street intersection and will be capable of serving areas both in the City and the area north of Nay Creek. Permission was requested to construct and maintain the necessary lines, the District desiring to cooperate with the City to the end that the drainage basin be properly served by these lines regardless of political divisions, the line to be made available for local use within the City upon proper contribution to the cost by the users. Noved by Perry, seconded by Norris, to refer the request to the Sanitation Committee and the City Engineer to report back. The motion carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported regarding the Hazel Chenaur petition for right-of-tray vacation of 30 ft. street adjoining the west 2 of the North 2 of Tract 211 of the Co Do Hillmans 'Lake 11ashington Garden of Eden Division No. 40 , that the sub- division represents 50% of the total frontage abutting said right of way failing to meet the minimum requirement of signatures which is 2/3 of the property ownerships abutting. Iioved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the petitioner be notified that the petition as submitted is not valid. Carried. Claim was read from Narvin L. Sherertz for damage to automobile on liarch 25th when oncoming car forced his auto into unfilled shoulder which was incompleted due to sidewal; and curbing addition under construction. In coming off the shoulder vehicle struck unbarricaded water shut off facility damaging the vehicle for which $90036 is claimed. Location of incident approx. 300 block of Bronson Way North. Pioved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Perry, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Agency. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Uilson reported regarding Christopherson et al' letter of intent to annex property in vicinity of 100th Ave. Solo and S.E. 164th Street, to Renton, advised that signatures thereon represent 91054°/ of the assessed valuation of the subject property which area contains approximately 6071 acres with a total assessed valuation of $43,750000° Annexation of this property would create a more uniform city limits line in this area. Noved by Schellert, seconded by M axin, that April Fath be set for preliminary meeting with property owners concerned and that the owners be notified. Shane questioned annexation of any additional property noting services needed by present areas. It eras noted that the process of law must be enacted and when requested the City must take action accordingly granting the property owner the right provided by law. The motion carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon advised that since all bids received on the landscaping of the South 2nd Street Traffic Islands were in excess of the amount authorized by the Council, it was recommended that all bids be rejected and that the landscape plan be redesigned to meet the budget allocation. Noved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to concur in the recommendations Intent of rejecting and modifying was confirmed and Grant inquire if the redesign would require additional costo Mayor Custer advised it would not, but �... that it would be a question of deleting part of the sprinkling system and some of the cement and rock to meet the $9,000.00 sumo Grant had withdrawm his second and Barei offered second to the pending motion. Shane objected and Grant noted the : discussions heretofore regarding elimination of sources of revenue and things that have to be cut out to balance and stated forthe record at this time he would like to see the islands in front of the hi-h school retained as presently landscaped. Question was called for on the pending motion and dissenting verbal vote resulted in two requests for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye; Garrett, Norris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Maxin and Bruce. No: Grant, Shane and Bareio The motion carried. Discussion ensued regarding the vote and school districts participation at one time and change of heart by reason of hazard involved in maintenance and fact that water is not available. -2•• Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting COI.11UNICATIONS: (Cont.) Bulletin from the office of John Jo O':Connell, Attorney General, announced a Citizen' s Conference on Crime on Friday, April 4th and 5th at The Playhouse, Seattle Center,$10.00e Valley Regional Planning Commission Program announced a Conference on April 11, 1968 at the Renton Inn with registrations commencing at 8:00 a.m. ($5000 Registration) Suttle City Light Newsletter was submitted by Councilman Shane who requested reading of portion which noted that City Light customers, according to Federal Power Commission booklet, paid close to the lowest rates in the nation for their electricity last year, all-electric home owners using 20,000 killowatt hours paid $154000 and only two cities had lower rates, being Huntsville Alabama, $151000 and Chattanooga, Tenn.,$14,�o00.Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that this literature be referred to the Light and Power Committee. Carried. AUDIENCE C%11ENTS: Mr. Tony Mola, 516 - 11th Avenue South, Planning Commission Member, noted matter he felt to be very important to all of our taxpayers and that being the point of the stadium site and it was urged that the Mayor and Council take a stand on the matter, the Riverton site being the `l preferences He had attended a meeting of the Riverton landowners and b>>.sinessmen and it was felt the matter should come to the attention of the City Council for endorsement of this area. It was requested that Nayor Custer represent the area at a meeting on April 9th at the Holiday Inn at 7:30 p.m. , also open to the publico Mr. Dick Franklin, land owner in the area as is Nr. Nola, Chairman of the landowmers and business people,noted that the taxpayers will be required to pick up any additional costs and quoted article excerpts from the Record-Chronicle to this effect as had been noted by Piro O'Brien. It was pointed out that the downtown sites would require another look at the cost and could not possibly be utilized within the amount allowed by the bond issue. Actions of the Consultants was discussed with 5 sites still being under consideration. Nayor Custer noted actions of Suburban Mayors' in formation of an Ad Hoc Cormittee to have a joint Resolution prepared endorsing the suburban sites. Discussion ensued regarding Council action to date on the matter and it was moved by Grant, seconded by Maxin, to adopt a Resolution going on record as favoring a suburban site. Mr. Franklin noted that Western Engineering, the consultants had suggested the Riverton site as #1. :: .yor Custer noted that it will be the responsibility of the King County Commissioners to recommend the site as well as the decision on money, the site commission recommending to them, and the Resolution of the City should be directed to the Stadium Commission, the County Commissioners and the Consultants. Discussion ensued regarding City site benefits. Moved by Barei to amend..the pending motion by striking the words "Suburban Site" and inserting "the Riverton site". The motion was seconded by Perry. Dissenting voice vote brought proper request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Delaurenti, Perry, Bruce, Shane and Barei. No: Garrett, Schellert, Trimm, Maxin and Grant. The motion carried. The original motion to authorize a Resolution endorsing, as amended, the Riverton site was voted on and roll call was requested upon dissenting voice vote resulting as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Bruce and Barei. No: Garrett, Trimm, Maxin, Grant and Shane. The motion carried, six to five. Moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, following City Attorney' s inquiry of the intent, that the special Resolution include as a second recommendation the endorsement of the other Suburban sites, Riverton being the ill choice. Carried. Proved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for preparation of the special Resolution. Carried. Mrs. Jeanette Dahlquest, former City Councilwoman, was noted to be present, having served the City from 1962 through 1967. lirso Dahlquist noted the proceedings to be continuing with little change in the old "modus operandi". Ploved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to recess. Carried. COUNCIL .CO1,1MITTEE RF.POAT�: After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed„ Unfinished Business: Councilman Garrett, Street and Alley Committee Chairman, submitted Renton Aviation Board letter advising the Board had granted the City Traffic Engineer permission to explore with the FAA the possibility of a road across the north end of the runway. The Committee recommended concurrence of the Council in authorizing the Traffic Engineer to pursue the matter with the FAA. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, application to the FA:,. be authorized as recommended. Carried. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-1-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: (Cont.) Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that the matter of finding an operator for the new City Hall Cafe be referred to the Property Committee. Following discussion regarding rental and operating costs, the motion carried. Councilman Schellert, Ways and Neans Committee Chairman, submitted report recommending payment for secretarial services at the Light and Power Committee' s Public Hearing meeting, with Seattle City Light, be funded from City C1(rks' s account 1140/140, Council and Committee heetingso Noved by Schellert, seconded by i•iaxin, to concur. Carried. C'iairman Schellert, Capital Improvement Priority Committee, submitted recommendation the Council concur in the Nayor' s recommendation for expenditure of State Grant Funds for a Teenage Canter at 11others Park, $24,8940 48. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur. Carried. hoved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Barei suggested if possible a portion of the State money be used to improve lighting at the Mothers Park Fieldhouse Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris moved that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 2613 through 2711, be approved for payment by the Council at this time, having been approved by the Committee. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2613 - 2660 $ 6,033042 City Street Fund 2661 - 2666 1,074.45 Equipment Rental Fund 2667 - 2679 1,391003 Parks 2680 - 2685 2,285064 Water Works Utility 2686 - 2703 1,255.47 Airport 2704 2.00 Firemen' s Pension Fund 2705 - 2711 300035 $ 12,842.56 Property Committee Chairman Barei filed gill for appraisal of 91st Ave. Soo in sum of $100000 and for appraisal of portion of Soo 128th St. , $125000, due Fred Akers Real , Estate Coo 1-loved by Morris, seconded by Perry to refer the payment to the Ways and Heans Committee. Carried. Property Committee C11airman Barei submitted report recommending the Council grant a five year Lease to the King County Commissioners for 2400 sq. ft. of space on the sixth floor of the new city hall for a King County Justice Court. Rental fee is to be $1,000.00 per month with terms providing for two year firm commitment and one year written cancellation notice by either party. Referral to the City Attorney was recommended for preparation at the proper time of the lease documents with the Iiayor and City Clerk being authorized to sign same. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, to concur. Discussion disclosed rental is to include utilities, janitorial services, etc. but not furnishings, it being further noted that restrooms and movable partitions are to be installed, Ilrs. Dahlquist having inquired recalled that certain portions of the building were not to have been completed to this extent. Rental negotiations were outlined after which the pending motion carried. Councilman Shane, noting the present garbage contractor has indicated he did not intend to extend the present contract past I•.ay 6th, proposed motion that the 5% Franchise Fee be waived and that no other revenue be added to the contract. Upon parliamentary inquiry, the evolutionary processes and development of rules of order and present usages were out- lined and Attorney Shellan expressed concern of effect of any number of changes may have on bidders and the bid price. Noved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to get rid of the 5% Franchise Tax. It was noted that bid documents have gone out and Attorney Shellan stated if any changes are made an addendum will need to be furnished to each person who has received the specs and Paragraph 7 of the contract will need to be deleted to eliminate the Franchise Fee and two sentences of the following paragraph if the differential is to be eliminated. Intent of the motion as far as differential,or other license fees were concerned was discussed, attention being called to effect on other licensesyfranehises and budgets and Accountant Ted Bennett noted the Franchise Fee affects $10,000.00 while the differential involves some $40,000.00 - $50,000.00. I,ioved by Barei, seconded by Grant, to amend the previous motion to strike any words or intent leading to elimination of the differential and just the Franchise Fee be eliminated. Moved by liorris, seconded by Schellert, the pending motions be tabled until the next budget hearings. notion failed. Amendment carried and verbal dissent on the vote upon original motion as amended brought roll call request which vote resulted as follows: Aye: Delaurenti, Perry, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. No: Garrett, Piorris, Schellert, Trimm and Maxin. Carried, 6 to 5. Councilmen Garrett and Schellert requested that their votes be changed from no to aye. iir, Gotti, present garbage contractor, confirmed the collection cut off date. I-iinutes - Renton City Council 11inutes 4-1-60 COUNCIL C01,21ITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Councilman Grant, Light and Power Committee Chairman, announced a meeting on Tuesday, April 2nd at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room off the I•iayor' s office. Discussion ensues: re-arding problem of the garbage contract bid opening date if no further extension is granted and it was moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, that the bids be opened April 26th at noon in the City Clerk' s office with service to commence on May 6th and the award to be made at the special City Council meeting of April 29th. Carried. Mayor Custer noted legal requirement that upon request in writing of four Councilmen special City Council meetings may be called by the liayor who shall give written notice of the time and place of such meeting stating the purpose thereof, to each member by handing it to him personally, or by leaving it at his last and usual place of abode or at his place of business during business hours. The sittings ofthe concil shall be open to the public except where the interests of the city require secrecy. No Ordinance of any kind nor any Resolution or order by payment of money shall be passed at any time other than a regular meeting of the council. Council President Garrett noted he did endeavor to bring this out during the last council meeting and in relationship to the late hour was advised this was to be done. Councilman Bruce, submitted Fire and Water Committee recommendation that the bids on Water Meters be awarded as follows: 1" and 1" and 2" Mater lieters - Hersey Sparling whose bid in grand total is low but second low individually, and additionally approximately 90% of the Cities meters of like sizes are Hersey-Sparling meters and it is desirable to standarize on one make if possible for reasons of maintenance and stock of spare parts with resulting savings. The Committee requests more time for study of the 5/$' bid award. Moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and dater Committee. The motion carried. New Business: Councilman Perry distributed several publications which describe the Puget Sound Governmental Conference membership and outlining the budget, legal status, etc. copies also in the Engineering Department. Councilman Perry noted also receipt of ASPO Program and urged that the Planning Director or representative attend the meeting since it is beneficial to send someone. The date is May 4 through 9th in San Francisco. Councilman Schellert called attention to the Planning Association Conference in Wenatchee this -week and, Friday and Saturday, which is very informative and Council members were urged to attend. Councilman Barei announced a Property Committee meeting on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor' s Conference room, Mayor Custer announced that Blevins, Co. has been commissioned to demolish the old Volkswagen building through informal bidding, under $5,000.00 and there will be no salvage rights retained except some rubble to be used for fill for the fire station training site and the library building has been similarly contracted. Schellert in- quired if there were written agreement to insure satisfactory performance. riayor Custer advised that the demolithn was authorized and money budgeted and that the payment would not be made until the work was properly completed. Private interest was noted in securing some of the materials and it was noted the Contractor would need to be contacted in this regard. lira Grice, in regard to Glencoe Plat development, inquired regarding status of his request for Late-Comers Agreement which has been referred to the Sanitation Committee. Chairman Sha: : advised that the Committee will be meeting Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at the Park Avenue Cafe and will be discussing this request. -5- ZZ Minutes - Renton City Council i,ieeting 4-1-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Resolution of the City adopting the Final Plat of Glencoe, FP 443-68, which was read by the Clerk. Noved by Schellert, seconded by Iiaxin, that the Resolution be adopted as read. Carried. The Committee submitted for reading proposed Resolution of the City appropriating excess surplus in the Current Fund as follows: Unto Engineering Department 1171, Salaries and Wages, 110 Regular Salaries, $31,365000 and M. & 0,, 200, Statewide Retirement, $1,254000; 201 Employment Security, $1,346000; 202 Prepaid Medical, $440000; 203 Industrial Insurance $340000; 204 Employee Life Insurance, $105.00; 606 Capital Out- lay, iiachinery & Equipment, $7,510000: Total $42,360°00 Unto Traffic Engineering Department 1172, Salaries and Wages, 110 Regular Salaries, $10,001.00; 120 Temporary Help $2,500.00; Il. & Oo 200 Statewide Retirement $407.00; 201 Employment Security $510000; 202 Prepaid I•iedical $170000; 203 Industrial Insurance $150°00; 204 Employee Life Insurance $ 42.00; Capital Outlay 606 Pachinery & Equipment $1,000.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to adopt Resolution No. 1530 as read. Carried. Late Comer Agreement document granting Powell Construction Company a five year recovery period was read. Noved by Schellert, seconded by Perry to concur and the T•;ayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same. Carried. Mrs. Helen Shook, 17022 - 106th Ave. S.E. inquired regarding former L.I.A. 256 which was defeated last August and recent action of the City to revive same. Inquiry was made by Schellert as to boundaries of the LeloDo initiated by Cauncil action of the previous week. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to refer the inquiries to the City Engineer and Sanitation Committee to reply. Upon inquiry Nrso Shook noted that she was West of 405 and the neer L.I.D. only goes to 100th. 'Councilman ,Shane noted the City Engineer' s acknowledgment of the number of prior rejections from this area and thus the boundary was drawn where the sewers are wanted and avoid another defeat. The pending motion carried. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. No., recalled prior inquiry and requests that the responsibilities and activities of the Athletic Commission be investigated, and wanted to know if it is still operating; people having asked him about Boxing Smokers and Amateur Boxing for Renton. Mayor Custer noted that this is not an official Council Committee and that the Commission has disbanded and the Chairman is no longer serving, and the Council may wish to consider reinstating such a Committee as an official function of the City. Councilman Shane noted persons who were promoting sports at present who should be given some official backing. I-loved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of forming a Council Athletic Committee be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trimm and seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk now D. W. Custer, Mayor 170 ®MCE OF THE CITY CLERK 4-1-68 PER1,,ITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTIMITS BUILDING PERi•ITS No _ ..mount Name AddressTye e of Work __.._� B0819 �-1115,308.00 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1308 Thomas Lane Const, of 12 unit Bldg. 0820 44,418.00 1, , , „ „ 21 44,418.00 �� „ �� Const. of 6 unit Bldg. 22 44,418.00 11 „ „ Const, of 6 unit Bldg. 1 Const. of 6 unit Bldg. 23 88,836.00 it " Const. of 12 unit Bldg. ...� 24 18,000.00 Model Homes, Inc. 16624 Benson Rd. Sales Ofc & Display Ara 0825 885836.00 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1308 Thomas Lane Const. of 12 unit Bldg. 26 88,836.00 " " „ " " " Const. of 12 unit Bldg. 27 883,836.00 " " " " " " Const. of 12 unit Bldg. 28 88,836.00 Const. of 12 unit Bldg. 29 88,836.00 " " " " " Const. of 12 unit Bldg. B0830 88,836.00 " " " " " Const. of 12 unit Bldg. 31 20,500.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2531 Prince Ave. Const, of Residence 32 20,50.00 It " " 2604 Prince Ave. Const, of Residence 33 20, 0'0.00 " " 706 Trinity Ct. Const. of Residence 34 17,250.00 " " " 712 Trinity Ct. Const, of Residence 80835 17,250.00 '" " 2510 Prince Ave. Const. of Residence 36 18,500.00 " " " 2525 Prince Ave. Const. of Residence 37 185600.00 " " 2610 Prince Ave. Const. of Residence 38 18,750.00 " " " 2504 Prince Ave. Const, of Residence 1 39 21,750.00 if " " 709 Trinity Ct. Const, of Residence B0840 17,250.00 it 11 703 Trinity Ct. Const. of Residence 41 600.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-60 Partition alterations 42 VOID 43 23000.00 Maurice Lavachek 1144 "P" St. Addition to Residence 44 4,000.00 Durwood Larson 9817 SE 94th St. U it " B0845 650.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-65 Const. Partitions 46 13,000.00 Powell Construction Co. 10723 114th Ave.SEConst. of Residence 47 13,000.00 „ it " 10735 114th Ave.SEConst. of Residence ... 48 St. Andrew's Bldg. Corp. 719 & 721 5th St. Demolish Buildings 49 300.00 Thomas C. Rumsey 3203 7th Pl. N. Construct Carport B0850 Monte Powell 52321 Williams Ave. Demolish Residence 51 800.00 The Boeing Company 10-82 Trailer Construct Valve House ELECTRICAL PERMITS E0696 400.00 Bell & Valdez 1918 Dogwood Ave.SE Wire New Residence 97 400.00 " " 1912 Dogwood Ave.SE 98 400.00 " " 1906 Dogwood Ave.SE 99 400.00 " " 1900 Dogwood Ave.SE E0700 400.00 " " 2224 SE 19th Pl. 01 310.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 7-65-01 Alter 20 Circuits 02 50.00 „ „ ,i B1dg.10-85-2 " 11 03 115.00 It " IT Bldg. 10-60 Install Lighting 04 200.00 I. W. Carue 13418 SE 128th Wire New Service E0705 26,000.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21, 4-81 Install New Cables 06 9,550.00 City of Renton Park Dpt. Liberty Pk.Grandstands Wire Grandstands 07 . 1,000.00 Renton School Dist. 403 Renton HS Cafeteria Install Wiring 08 300.00 N. Roger Johnson 9607 108th Pl. SE Rewire and add new cks 09 69,950.00 Mobile Oil Company 16355 87th Ave. S. Wire Bulk Plant E0710 13,100.00 B & T Construction Co. Wire Apt. Bldg. 11 900.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 403 Wire New Service 12 2,100.00 " if " Bldg. 10-50-60-65 Rework Emerg. Feeders 13 800.00 " it " Bldg. 4-21-2 Recircuit exist service 14 50.00 it " " Bldg. 10-80 Install Outlets E0715 155.00 If if 10-82 Trailer Circuit to Valve House 16 245.00 it " it Bldg. 5-14 Service to Trailer 17 1,865.00 A. Barie 209 Airport Way Wire Tavern 18 195.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-50 Provide Service -7- . 7 4 WY 4-1-68 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PER1jiITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS MECHANICAL PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work M 0705 ------ Joe Gosteen Longacres Install Condensing Unit 06 -------- Dick Tibeau 10837 110th S.E. Gas Furnace New Res. 07 ------- White Spar Homes 10423 SE 96th Septic Tank New Res. 08 ------- Mobile Oil Co. 16355 87th Ave. S. Install Plumbing & FixtureQ 09 ------ Roberts & Anderson 111 Williams Ave. Install (2) Gas Furnaces we H 0710 ------ " " " it it Install Plumbing & Fixtures 11 ------ Bob Shane 11663 SE 100th St. If it 12 -- --- Benson Properties 15920 Benson Road itIt " 13 ------ Bell & Valdez 2023 Dogwood Pl. SE it Fixtures 14 ------ " " 2213 SE 19th Place 1! 0715 --------- " " 2011 Dogwood Pl. SE " 16 -------- " " 2005 Dogwood Pl. SE 17 ------- 1923 Dogwood Pl. SE " 18 ------- " 1911 Dogwood Pl. SE " 19 ------- " " 1917 Dogwood Pl. SE ISI 0720 -------- " " 2312 SE 19th Pl. 21 ------- 1900 Dogwood Ave. SE 22 ------- " " 1913 Dogwood Ave. SE 23 ------- " " 1906 Dogwood Ave. SE 24 ------- " " 2224 SE 19th Place TSI 0725 ------- " " 2017 Dogwood Pl. SE 26 ------- Ed Biggins 523 Wells Ave. N. " Plumbing & Fixtures 27 ------- Robert Petty 1309 Shattuck St. Install (1) Gas Furnace 28 ------- Robert Petty 535 Renton Ave. So. " it it " 29 _ Wha.tespar Homes, Inc. 10423 SE 96th St. " Plumbing & Fixtures SEWER. PERMITS 364 ------- Robinson-Lyon Ford 750 Rainier Ave. So. Sewer Service moo —8— 175 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April_ 8, 1968 R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Health Service Agreement (Approved and execution authorized by subsequent action) CITY ATTORNEY AND *INSURANCE CARRIER *Joyce E . Claflin Claim re auto damage from collision ellegedly involving faulty traffic signal 60V Mary Dodd appeal of claim denial CITY ENGINEER People's Bank letter of intent to annex property to Renton LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Adoption of Final Plat of Victoria Park Rezone - James Hawk Property LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE City of Seattle Lighting Department request for rights of electrical service in Renton Louise Rockey, 325 - 13th Avenue South, request for street light MAYOR AND*CITY CLERK To invite Railroad representatives to public hearing meeting on the railroad Franchise at which time related matters will be discussed *To execute Health Service Agreement upon approval of City Attorney PARK BOARD AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE Living Memorial Association of Kennydale offer to donate property to the City for park purposes POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE AND POLICE CHIEF Mr. Charles Ruud's letter regarding trains blocking streets for undue period of time Mr. Robert Willingham complaint of non-licensed business operations PROPERTY COMMITTEE Harold I. Mellor letter regarding rental of property at 3rd and Rainier to which j he is not afforded exclusive rights of use Living Memorial Association offer of property to the City for park purposes MEETINGS AND EVENTS April 15 1.968 - Law and Ordinance Committee meeting at 7:00 p , ee g p.m. Capital Improvement Priority Committee meeting at 7:00 p.m. May 14, 1968 - AWC Convention, Ridpath Hotel in Spokane it i i f r' i 176 N'INUTE S PENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING' April 8, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The .regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by D. W. Custer, Mayor, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLI, CALI OOF COUNCIL 'AMBERS: Garrett, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, r)a� _n, Face, Grant cl Shane. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the absent Councjjt�wn be excuse(:. Carried. CITY OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Dorntlossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S . Williams, Chief Vii' Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Sven Johnsen, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vic Te^antvoort, Street Commissioner, Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director and Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer. . Moved by Garrett, seconded by Maxin, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 1, 196 be approved as prepared and mailed out. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Painting Interior of doth Fire Stations and Exterior of the Main Station. This being the date set, the fol.lowint sealed bids were ol:ened and read by the Deputy ^.i.ty Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID SALES TAX ALTERNATE SALES TAX GIANINI'S DECORATING CO. $ 5,5318.00 $ 249.21 $ 445.00 $20.02 811 - 41--h Avenue Renton, WasLington 98055 (Cashier's Check) I.M.A. PAINTING CONTRACTOR,INC. 234.36 252.00 11.34 230 Main S,:reet Renton, Wasilr,gton 98055 (Bid Bond) Moved ;r Garrett, seconded by Schel.l.ei_t, to refer the ;yids to the Property Committee to rep ort '.lack.. Carried. PRELIMINARY MEEETING: Annexation, Christopherson et al property owners, vicinity of 108th Ave. S.E. and N.W. of S.E. 166th Street Since t1le prof;erty owners had given notice they would be attending later in the evening, it was moved by Schell.ert, seconded by Perry, to move this item to the foot of the calendar. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported, regarding Gene Lynn letter of intent to annex property in vicinity of South _£:nth Street and Springbrook Road to Renton, the signature represents 100% of the assessed valuation of the property and said parcel contains approximately 2.39 acres assessed at valuation of $4,150.00. Mr. Charles Lytle, 1420 N.E. 130th Street, Bellevue, was present to represent the property owner and was requested to be present later for the preliminary meeting as required., since the Planning Director was to return shortly with some pertinent data. Letter 1'.rom Mr. Charles A. Ruud, Record Stationery and Office Supply, called attention to sw:i.tcld.ng activities of the Great Northern Railroad on Rouser_ Way South which had bl_ockec ti.e intersections :for the better part of an hour on April 3rd. The City was investigating this matter recently ani the actions to date were outlined along wit-1 problems of enforcement and it was subsequently moved by Garrett, seennded bar Shar -�, to refer the letter to the Police and License Committee and t � Cbi.e �­ Polices T%e motion carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, that the ?,:'7�yor be authorized to wr ..te to the Rail-road Company requesting a representative to a.r_ to discuss t':< mattrr at the time the pending Franchise hearing is held. (Tlii.s document was planed on ft—st reading March 18th and publisiied March 20th, to be held 30 days therc.;�rfter, as re qr-rr;ul by law.) The motion carried. i ' I 1. 7 7 Minutes •- Renton City Council Meetipg 4-8-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Ed Grimes, Master Counsellor, Renton Chapter, Order of DeMolay, requested No-Fee Permit to sell Easter Lillies in Renton to raise funds for the Chapter projects, during the week of April 10- through 13. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the request. Carried. Letter from Peoples National Bank of Washington declared intevt-to annex laud to the City of Renton at South 122nd Street West of Raiaie r Avenue. Moved b j Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to refer the letter to the CEJ Engineer to check signatures for validity. Carried. Mr. Kenneth Burroughs ,-iris _ `'S:s n-c for -the dank. Letter from the Seattle-King County Department of Healt"ri noted submission,as a follow-up to the Suburban Mayors' Ass=n. Resolution, a Health Services Agreement as required by Ch. 51, Laws of 1967, Extraordinary Session. Mayor Custer noted the presence of Dr. D. G. Evans from the Healtr. DepartrrQi-it and requested authori- zation to sign the :�?reement, inviting questions on the matter. Moved by Delatirenti, secon-led by G i,nt, to refer the document to the Committee of the Whole to report Carrie( Letters from Everett Plywood Corporation and Anacortes Veneer, Inc. objected to the proposed Green Belt which proposal has been under discussion for the City ofRenton. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to refer the communications to the special public hearing meeting of the Council on April 29th at which -t1ms t',.e Comprehensiv,4 Plan is to be discussed. It was suggested the objectors be invited to this meeting. Carried. Since Planning Director Ericksen had returned City Engineer Wilson upon inquiry noted proposed annexation of the Lynn property location to be in the vicinity of the new hospital and that it was a sole ownership. Mr. Ericksen reported that the general vicinity is indicated as medium density multiple and single family residential dis trictp and it is included in our Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Schellert inquired whether the property owner would be willing to assume his pro-rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness, and to agree to acceptance of provisions of the existing Compre- hensive Plan. Mr. Lytle stated thn owner would,inquiring regarding proposed use for a nursing home whereupon Planning Director Ericksen noted that subject to interpretation of the Planning Commission the nursing home facility could be allowed in Multiple use zoning. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the property owner be authorized to circulation proper petition which shall bear the statement of willingness to assume indebtedness as outlined and accepting land use provisions of the Comprehensive Plan for the subject area. Attention was called to the Public Hearing to be held the 29th of April for purpose of considering changes to the Comprehensive Plan which the petitioner may wish to attend. The pending motion carried, Shane opposing annexation of additional property in view of the needs of the incorporated presently served areas. Fetter from Harold I . Mellor objected to rental on property to which he does not have an exclusive use. The subject area is located at 3rd Avenue and Rainier Avenue South and has been used as a Used Car Lot from May 16, to Sept. 30, 1967. At present others have been parking in the area. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the letter to the Property Committee to report back. Carried. Claim from Joyce Elizabeth Claflin reported damage to her automobile from collision with pick-up truck allegedly due to faulty traffic signal operation; $775.00 loss was noted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Agent. Carried. Letter from Mrs. Mary B. Dodd advised that her claim had been denied by the City's Insurance Carrier on grounds of negligent driving and it was her contention that the insurance company does not have the right to judge her driving and that damage to her automobile fender and tire resulted from a loose traffic button which she could not see. Witnesses signed statements were attached. Upon inquiry as to procedure, City Attorney Shellan advised of receiving no written notice that the Claim had been turned down and that a letter has been directed to the insurance carrier for recon- sideration if such is the case, which was done following Mrs. Dodd's appeal. Moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney which motion by Delaurenti was seconded by Perry and Carried. -2- 178 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-8-68 COMMIINICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter frord-, Seattle Department of Lighting, Mr. John M. Nelson, Supt. , on behalf of the City of Seattle, applied for the right to construct, operate and maintain electric transmission and distribution lines upon, over and under the streets in the City of Renton. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to refer the application to the Light and Power Committee. Carried. Letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of March 27, 1968, as follows: Recommended the final plat of Victoria Park No. 3, App. FP-450-68, which property is located South of 14th Ave. So. , North of S.E . 166th Street and East of Talbot Road, be approved. Proposed use is single family residential which Final Plat meets City requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Rezone of James Hawk property, Appl. R-451-68 from G to M-P,was recommended on property located on the East side of 87th Avenue South between South 158th and South 160th Streets,which rezone would be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the two items to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Ordinances. Carried. Letter from W. E. Bennett and R. W. Puhidh requested permission to attend the Pacific Northwest Section meeting of the American Water Works Association in Salem, Oregon, May 2nd and 3rd. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to grant the request. Carried. Bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities listed committees for the Convention the first meeting of which will be at 4:00 p.m., May 14th at the Ridpath Hotel in Spokane, Rm. 308. It was requested that suggestions for the roundtable discussion topics be submitted on attached postcard, the Agenda to be developed from the ideas received. Letter from L. E . Sturman, President, Living Memorial Assn. of Kennydale, offered approximately 3 acres of property and building on S.E. 97th Street to the City for park purposes with provision that monument denoting memorial purpose be placed in a conspicuous place on the property if the building is demolished, the Association being organized in memory of the men who served in the wars. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, to refer the matter to the Park Board and the Property Committee. Carried. Letter from Louise Rockey, 325 - 13th Avenue South, requested a street light in front of her new residence, the street being dark and quite narrow and cars going into the ditch on the other side. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to refer the request to the Light and Power Committee with power to act. Carried. Presence of Mr. Christopherson, 10643 S.E . 164th Street and Lawrence Ashley, 10625 S.E. 165th Street, was acknowledged at this time and the matter of holding preliminary meeting with property owners on annexation of an area located West of 108th Ave. S .E. and North of S.E. 166th Street was again brought to the floor. Councilman Schellert advised of Council intent to adopt portion of the Comprehensive Plan encompassing the subject area and inquired if property owners would be willing to assume their pro rata shares of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness upon being annexed. The Comprehensive Plan presently indicates Single Family Residential District. Mr. Christopherson replied affirmatively and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the letter of intent to annex be accepted and the owners of the property be authorized to circulate proper petition indicating thereon their willingness to assume pre-existing debt as outlined with adoption of that portion of the Comprehensive Plan covering the subject area. Discussion ensued regarding the acquisition of the right of way and City Engineer Wilson advised the entire street is to be annexed and not only to the center which creates problems otherwise, it being noted that 108th S .E. ends at S.E. 164th and acquisition or dedication would follow for further development. The pending motion carried. Mr. Robert Willingham, 3221 - 6th Ave. No. , inquired regarding Janitorial Service operations in Renton which are not licensed, one of whom was sub-contracting for him at present and requested that City check be made and firms doing business be required to secure licenses. The Deputy City Clerk advised that the list of names furnished by Mr. Willingham had been checked and if licenses were not issued already application was mailed therefore. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, that the Comments of Mr. Willingham be referred to the Police and License Committee. Carried. -3- 179 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4/8/68 AUDIENCI: COMMENT Mr. Tony Mola, 516 - 11th Ave. So., member of the Renton Planning Commission, called attention to placement of the stadium and reminded the Council of the meeting on Tuesday at the Holiday Inn, noting that one of the architectural designers of the Houston Astrodome will be the guest speaker. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Custer submitted two Proclamations designating the week of April 21 - 27th as United States Army Reserve Week in the City and second proclamation designated May lst as Law Day USA, as observed across the nation. Moved by Delaurenti and seconded by Perry, to concur in the Proclamations. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: Councilman Grant, Chairman, Light and Power Committee, reported interviews of I Consultants have been completed in the power rate study and a written report and recommendation will be submitted by the Committee pursuant to provisions of the Resolution on the matter recently adopted by the Council. New Business: Council President Garrett suggested a recess prior to adjournment to allow the Committee of the Whole to consider the proposed Health Service Agreement. Councilman Shane suggested granting Puget Sound Power and Light Co. and Seattle City Light Co. each a Franchise to operate in the City and save Consultant fees recommending this be discussed by the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Maxin, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 2712 through 2794, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2712 - 2752 and 2794 $ 2,715.04 Arterial Street 2753 756.37 City Street Fund 2754 - 2760 3082.59 Equipment Rental 2761 - 2763 572.43 Parks 2764 - 2778 567.08 Water Works Utility 2779 - 2790 26,755.77 Airport 2791 - 2792 20.92 City Hall Construction 2793 25.20 $ 35,295.40 Chairman Trimm announced a meeting of the Law and Ordinance Committee on Monday, April 15th at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Perry recalling citizens' protests to dogs roaming in the Highlands and causing danger to children, reported that his son had been attacked by a German Shepherd dog and although he was not bitten, the matter is to be pursued to see if some protective measures can be taken for the citizens in this regard. Councilman Schellert announced a Capital Improvement Priority Committee meeting on Monday, April 15th at 7:00 p.m. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Trimm, Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City advocating that it would be for the best interest of all bmw of the Citizens of King County and adjoining Counties that a stadium be located in a suburban area as recommended by the consulting firm, from the standpoint of cost, land and site development, accessability and general cost-economic benefit ratio, and intention was declared to fully support with all means legally available the Riverton site as recommended and in addition, al alternate sites, those which were recommended in the Northrup Way and South Park areas respectively. Other cities, community organizations and clubs and individual citizens residing outside the corporate limits of Seattle were urged to take all necessary steps to voice their support for the suburban sites and to vigorously insist that the total cost of the stadium and related improvements proposed be kept substantially within the limits of the authorized general obligation bond issue. Moved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1531 as read. Carried. -4- 180 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance of the City `of Renton which was read, establishing and creating an advisory Board to be known as the Board of Public Works; providing for the membership of said Board, defining its duties and responsibilities. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to place the `. proposed ordinance on second and final reading. The motion carried. After the , final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to adopt Ordinance No, 2396 as read. Roll call vote was taken as required and resulted as follows:` Aye: Garrett, Sehellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin and Bruce. Abstain: Grant and Shane. The motion carried. Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Resolution authorizing appropriation of excess surplus in the Current Fund unto the Park Fund, 1710/605, Structures and Improve- ments, in sum of $24,894.48. (State Grant to be allocated for Teenage Center in Mothers Park) . M-)ved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1532 as read. Carried. Proposed Ordinance was submitted and placed on introductory reading, amending Chapter 5 of Title I,Administration, of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , providing for procedure at. City Council meetings, powers and duties of presiding officers, rules of debate, and matters relating thereto; and repealing any and all Ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt the Ordinance as read. y ,GraDiscussion followed and amendments were proposed and it was subsequently moved by, ,- Grant, nt, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Committee of the Whole. Upon dissenting voice vote, the C .air ruling the ayes to rave it, roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin , Delaurenti and Schellert, No: Edwards,, Trimm, Perry and Garrett. The motion carried 6 to 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Bruce Hulse expressed pleasure at the number of persons representing the City . at the meeting of the Planning Association in Wenatchee this past week end and passed along the comments of persons complimenting the City on the caliber of the people representing Renton at that meeting. Councilman Schellert noted that Mr. Hulse had been elected President of the Association State Planning Officials which honor was acknowledged by applause,and verbal congratulations at this time . Mrs. Lillian Plut, President, League of Women Voters, advised that the League is in the process of publishing a booklet on Renton City Government which will be available soon and no doubt will be of interest to the Council and the. ci.tizens., Councilman Maxin commended the Police Department on the action taken in regard to gravel trucks operating in vicinity of his residence which vigilence and presence greatly assisted in maintaining safe and proper operation. Recess was declared at this time upon motion by Garrett and second by Delaurenti, which carried.. After recess, roll call was taken with all Council members present except Shane who arrived shortly after the meeting convened. Council President Garrett reported the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole that the Health Service Agreement, upon approval by the City Attorney, be executed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation of the Coeunittee of the Whole. Carried. Shane opposed. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 02 p.m. There were 37 visitors in the Council Chambers. ----- Gw Marshall, Deputy City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4-8-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTDIENTS BUILDING PERMITS No, Amount Name Address Type of Work B 0852 $ 5,000.00 John P. Becker 1034 "K°' St. Addition to Residence 53 50.00 Milton Cable 1407 N. 4th St. Install Fence 54 14,000.00 Powell Construction Co, 10738 114th Ave SE Construct Residence B 0855 13,000.00 " " " 10714 114th Ave SE " it 56 80.00 Jim Weed 2102 10th Ave No Install Fence 57 2,500.00 M. J. Lakie 227 Langston Rd. Remodel Basement 58 3,000.00 P. M. McLendon 2820 5th Ave No Install Swimming Pool 59 1,100.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10=5$ Construct Stud in Bldg. B 0860 City of Renton 222 Mill Street Demolish Autobahn Bldg. 61 19,100.00 Joe Blonde 2127 10th Ave No Construct Residence 62 Holmes Electric Co. 511 Burnett Ave So Demolish Shed ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0719 450.00 R. S. Shane 11663 SE 100th ST. Wire Residence E 0720 400.00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 1923 Dogwood Pl. SE it 21 400.00 11 it 11 2023 Dogwood P1. SE 22 400.00 it " if 2020 Dogwood Pl. SE 23 400.00 if " if 2002 Dogwood P1. SE 24 400.00 it " it 2015 SE Dogwood Ct. E 0725 50.00 Robinson & Lyon Ford 750 Rainier Ave So Install Temp. Service 26 50.00 L. L. Barger 934 "H" Street Convert Service 27 322.00 White Spar Homes 10423 SE 96th Wire Residence 28 500.00 Rude Zaputil 11612 SE 105th P1. " " 29 250.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-58 Alter Existing Circuits E 0730 50.00 " " " Bldg. 10-65 Install Receptacles 31 1,200.00 " " " Bldg. 4-20 Recircuit Service 32 210.00 " " " Bldg. 4-21 New Circuit 33 3,307.00 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1117 Thunderhill Rd.Wire New Apt. Bldg. 34 8,965.00 " It it 1811 Grant St. It " It " E 0735 6,724.00 " If it 1119 Thunderhill Rd. " it It " 36 6,724.00 " it " 1131 Thunderhill Rd. " if " It 37 6,724.00 " if " 1215 Thunderhill Rd. " it " 38 81965.00 " " 1231 Thunderhill Rd. " if 39 2,136.00 " " " 1805 Grant Street " It E 0140 50.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-60 Recircuit Service 41 230.00 " " " Bldg. 10-71 " if 42 250.00 " " " Bldg. 10-71 " if 43 325.00 Wood Construction Co. 12016 132nd SE Wire Residence 44 325.00 " " " 12014 132nd SE it it E 0745 325.00 " '° " 12012 132nd SE 46 325.00 " it " 12010 132nd SE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0730 Robert Edwards Hungry Wolf Rest. Install Furnace & Heater 31 VOID 32 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1231 Thunderhill Rd Plumbing & Fixtures 33 ------ it 11 of 1215 Thunderhill Rd it " 34 -------- " if " 1213 Thunderhill Rd It " M 0735 -------- " It " 1135 Thunderhill Rd it It 36 -------- " if " 1133 Thunderhill Rd it it 37 ------- " it " 1714 Rolling Hills Install Furnace 38 -------- The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-60 Alter Water Piping 39 -------- Gayle Halsen 1307 So 9th St. Plumbing & Fixtures M 0740 Bell & Valdez 2015 SE Dogwood Ct. if if 41 " it 2024 SE Dogwood Ct. 42 --------- if It 2001 Dogwood Ave SEAMON 43 -------- " 1912 Dogwood Ave SE " 44 --------- it " 2020 Dogwood P1 SE M 0745 " " 2015 SE Dogwood Ct. 46 --------- " " 2012 SE Dogwood Ct. 47 --------- Powell Construction Co. 10738 114th Ave. SE 48 -------- " if tt 10725 114th Ave. SE n n 49 -------- 10735 114th Ave. SE IT 0750 10726 114th Ave. SE " 51 --------- " " " 10732 114th Ave. SE 52 -------- " " " 10714 114th Ave. SE SEWER PERMITS 365 Rudy Zaputil 11612 SE 105th P1. Sewer Service 182 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Payment 44 due Century Company on Grandstand Project $28,205.60 Progress Est. #9 due Absher Construction, new city hall contract, $118,208.32 Progress Est. #4 due Chapman Electric on new city hall contract, $23,655.37 Progress Est. #4 due McKinstry Co, Mechanical contract, new city hall, $75,554.13 Payment #21 due Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co. Architects, new city hall $1,487.43 Payment due Lewis-Redford Co, Consulting Engineers for services on North 3rd - 'North 4th Street proiect, $10,859.87 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRIORITY COMMITTEE Donald Emmons inquiry regarding city purchase and funding of King Co. Hospital Dist, 41 surplus property in the Highlands CITY ATTORNEY Rev. Van Slyck, First Christian Church letter urging open housing legislation in Renton and proposed Ordinance on Open Housing introduced by Councilman Grant. Easement from Northern Pacific RR Co. re crossing under tracks in vicinity of 72nd Avenue S.E. and Ripley Lane Late-Comers Agreement for Glencoe Plat area Late-Comers Agreement for Puget Western, Inc. CITY ENGINEER Backamus Petition for Vacation of portion of 10th Place Davis Gummere Petition for vacation of portion of Alley in Block 2, Smithers 6th Addition to Renton Late-Comers Agreement for Glencoe Plat area authorized by Couneil Late-Comers Agreement for Puget Western, Inc. authorized by Council COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Whether fluoridation shall be placed on November ballot Proposed Contract Agreement with King County providing 'dor transfer of certain prisoners from city jail to Cedar Hills Rehabilitation center. LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Authorized to meet with H. Zinder Consulting Firm to discuss cost and sr ode of Power Rate and Service study LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Appropriation of $13,152.64 received from State, into Urban Arterial Fund Budget Account 1250/605 Rev. Van Slyck letter urging open housing legislation and proposed Ordinance document re open housing introduced by Councilman Grant PLANNING COMMISSION Emmett Kindle request for revision to Comprehensive Plan - Property located in Kennydale area POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for Rainier Amusement to be granted licenses to operate additional pinball machine and coin-type pool table at Earlington Tavern and 3 pinball machines at the Sahara Tavern W. J. Fahnestock application for license to operate taxicab company in Renton STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Impr6ving alignment and acquiring property therefor at Renton Ave. and So. 3rd St. - Easement from No. Pac. RR Co. for crossing under tracks at 72nd Ave. S.E . WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding for demolishing Carnegie LOrary building Funding cost of repairs to Highlands Administration Bldg. roof, gutters, etc. APPOINTMENT Arnold E . Olmsted - 4 mos. temporary status as Patrolman pending passage of Civil Service Examination RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING REFERRALS (Cont.) MEETINGS AND EVENTS: April 16, 1968 - Light and Power Committee at 7:30 p.m. in Mayor's Conference Room April 23, 1968 - Fire and Water Committee at 7:00 p.m. in Mayor's Conference Room April 24, 1968 - Fire and Water Committee at 7:00 p.m. in Mayor's Conference Room April 18, 1968 - Property Committee at 7:30 p.m. in Mayor's Conference Room May 1, 1968 - Public Hearing on RR Co. Franchise (Cont. from 4/22/68) May 5, 1968 - Sailing Club Open House on Lake Washington - 72nd St. access rr.. May 6, 1968 - OPENING OF BIDS, repair of roof on Administration Bldg. in the Highlands, 802 E Street �. \ / i \ /i / \\ i 1 �. � 8 `3 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGApril 15, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by D. W. Custer, Mayor, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, that the absent Councilmen e excused. The motion carried. b"FFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Library Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor and Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the ;previous meeting of April 8th, be approved as written. The motion carried. Mayor Custer announced that the City had submitted 31,371 persons for population census III count and the State had allowed-crL1y24,550. Written reply had been sent by Mayor Custer and an audience has been requested with Dr. Slavin, Director of the new Planning and Community Affairs Agency, to discuss the matter further. Mayor Custer advised that he has received a copy of the proposed Initiative No. 244 which provides for earmarking two mills of State moneys from property taxes for County use which affects cities. The document is available if anyone might wish to look it over. PUBLIC HEARING: Ray Brown appeal of Planning Commission R-3 rezone denial. Property located north of 12th Avenue North between 125th Avenue S.E. and Sunset. "r. Ray Brown requested that the Council not act at this tjime but that the hearing be xtended one week as he felt additional trhme was needed on the matter. Moved by Bruce and seconded by Grant, that the delay be granted. Upon inquiry as to number of persons present just for this hearing, 16 person--Q were counted and in deference to the representation, the motion to continue the hearing failed. The hearing was declared open and communications were read including a petition signed by ten businessmen in the immediate vicinity of the subject property who were for the proposed use which they felt was needed in the area; a petition of objection signed by 28 persons; and letter from the Planning Director outlining Planning Commission actions and reasons for denial which included that the zoning, in view of plans for widening of Sunset Highway, was premature; that the rezone would be incompatible with the surrounding single family residen- tial area; increased traffic would have a detrimental effect and regard was also given to the considerable interest and objection of the residents of the neighborhood. The Commission recommended R-2 as the highest and best use for the property. Upon motion by Perry, seconded by Grant, which carried, slides were shown by Planning Director Ericksen showing access from Sunset Blvd, and from I'M" Street and various views of the property, the residences and the business in the area. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Ray Brown urged consideration of the R-3 zoning, noting that there are a total of 13 houses involved with 11 being on the far side of "M" Street and only two on the side of the property in question; that a portion of the property is already R-2 and a part GS-1 but with a water tower and power line in the vicinity it was not felt that R-1 would be a good use for the property. He noted various business and multiple residential uses in the area and stated than widening of Sunset would absorb additional i :raffic. �VA"r. Eugene Methven, 1234 i'M" Street, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, 1222 "M" Street, Mrs . Dennis Vadney, 1210 I'M" Street and Mrs. Dennis Ossenkop, 3208 - 12th Avenue Noi-,-th, spoke against the rezone noting possible tax increases, loss of privacy, additional traffic and access problems and that the power line is a very desirable buffer zone. Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. No. , Member of the Planning Commission, stated he had recommended that the portion already zoned R-2 remain the same and that the GS-1 be zoned R-1 as the highest use, which was voted down.He recalled Planning Commission reasons for denial noting his primary reason being factor of Sunset being widened and proposed use being premature. Councilman Shane noted that when the property owner is ready to bui].d tlian that is time f.'or the development and he dial not ;ec how the time could be considered mature. (Cont, next page) L 184 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-15-68 PUBLIC HEARING: Ray Brown Appeal of Planning Commission R-3 rezone denial (Cont.) During discussion it was noted that 74 units are proposed and 109 parking spaces, and at the conclusion of audience comments, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Shane, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and council action invited. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, that the appeal be denied. Discussion ensued with regard to the fact that such denial could conclude further action for six months and upon suggestion that another zoning might be warranted, Attorney Shellan advised that the Council could not arbitrarily change the zoning without consent of petitioner to amend his application, but if he should consent, the Council may so amend and refer the matter back to the Planning Commission. Mr. Brown was asked if he would care to amend his petition and he stated three other parties were involved in the project and he would consuat them. Discussion ensued regarding prior appeals and revisions after which the pending motion was voted upon and carried, denying the appeal. Upon inquiry as to how soon the matter could come up again attention was called to the fact that reconsideration could be requested tonight or next week by a Council Member voting affirmatively to deny, otherwise there may be no further action taken until six months from this date . COMMUNICATIONS: Card from Mary Corbett acknowledged sympathy of the Mayor, City Treasurer, City Clerk, and the Council in family death. (Mother of-Councilman Schellert) Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 4, due Contury Construction Company on the Grandstand Construction, $28,205.60, C.AG. 1220-67. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the payment with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee . Carried. Letters and supporting documents from Johnston-Campanella, requested payment on Progress Estimates and service invoices for Absher Construction Company, Est. #9, $118,208 .32 on new city hall construction, C.AG. 1156-67; Chapman Electric, Est. 4, City Hall Electrical Contract, $23,655.37, C.AG. 1158-67;McKi.nstry Company, Est. 4, City Hall Mechanical Contract, $75,554.13, C.AG. 1160-67; and Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co., Architectura' services, Est. 21, $1,487.43. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the pay- ments with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Applications were read requesting that Rainier Amusement Company be granted the required licensEs to operate an additional Pinball Machine and coin-type pool table at Earlington Golf Course and three pinball machines at the Sahara Tavern. Moved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Perry, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, recalled that $10,000.00 was placed into - the Urban Arterial Fund in December, 1967 with additional moneys to be appropriated as payments were received from the State. $13,152.64 has been received and it is necessary at this time to appropriate from excess revenues in the Urban Arterial Fund into the Budget, Urban Arterial Fund Account 1250/605, Structures and Improvements. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported recommendation that attached invoice due Lewis- Redford, Engineering Consultants, on services in connection with the North 3rd Street North 4th Street project p befunded from the Urban Arterial Fund in sum of $10,859.87, be paid at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported, regarding letter of intent to annex property to Renton in vicinity of South 122nd Street and Rainier Avenue, submitted by Peoples Bank, that 100% of the assessed valuation of the property is represented by the signAture on the letter. The area comprises approximately 1.15 acres with assessed valuation of $350.00. Mr. Kenneth Burroughs, 2112 Wn. Building, Seattle, representing the property owners, upon inquiry indicated willingness to assume pro rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness and acknowledged Council's intent to accept the portion of the Comprehensive Plan covering the subject area, shown as Commercial use. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to accept the annexation proposal and to authorize the property owner to circulate the proper petit4on ind'cating 'thereon debt acceptance and provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, as outlined above. The motion carried. -2- 185 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-15-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Alec Bakamus, Pete Bakamus and Delores Bakamus, 14040 - 192nd Ave . S.E. requested the vacation of 10th Place from intersection with "J" Street and northeast- erly to intersection with M Street. $100.00 fee was filed with the request. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the City Engineer to check signatures and ownerships. Carried. Petition sign d by Dan Davis, Pres. , Dan Davis Corp. , and Donald R. Gummere, Pres. , Renton Lutheran Church, requested vacation of alley in Block 2, Smi.thers 6th Addition to Renton, according to Plat recorded in Volume 26 of Plats, Page 47, Records of King County. $100.00 fee was filed with request. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, tow to refer the request to the City Engineer. Carried. Letter from Mr. Emmett H. Kindle,noting special meeting of April 29th for Council consideration of revisions to the Comprehensive Plan, requested change from SR-1 to at lease Medium Multiple family housing for the area of Kennydale located between 108th Avenue S.E . and the Freeway and between S.E. 96th and S .E . 100th Streets. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, to :refer the request to the Planning Commission for recommendation to the Council at its special meeting of April 29th. Carried. Mayor Custer inquired whether any Council Member has failed to receive written notice in the mail of the special meeting in which event he would hand deliver such notice to them. Letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Contract between the City and King County to allow transfer of certain prisoners from our city jail to the Cedar Hills Rehabilitation Center. Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to refer the document to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from Dayle E . Garrison, Chairman, Renton Planning Commission, and Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, requested authorization for attendance of Dayle E . Garrison, Richard M. Stredicke, from the Planning Commission, and James L. Magstadt, Asst. Planning Director, at the American Society of Planning Officials National Con- ference in San,'Francisco, May 4-9, 1968. Also, it was requested that if James Deneer is able to attend that he be designated alternate Planning Commission representative with registration expense authorized. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Dela urenti, to amend the motion mallow Mr. Denzer's hotel expense as well as registration. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Letter from Donald C. Emmons, 408 I Street, requested that the Ways and Means Com- mittee,("to whom acquisition recommendations in regard to the King County Hospital Dist. No. 1 surplus property at 4th Ave. No. and "E" Street, have been referred,)pub- licly offer suggestions for financing of the site purchase by the City for park and recreational purposes . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to refer the letter to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee . Carried. Mayor Custer recalled that Mr. Eckart of the Railroad Company had been invited to the Public Hearing meeting on the pending Franchise to be held Aprill 22nd, however since he will be unable to attend, it is requested that the hearing be continued until May 6th. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, to concur, continuing the hearing until said date as requested. Carried. City Attorney Shellan noted than anyone may be heard on the 22nd if they desire and the hearing can then be continued. Letter from Mr. Anthone R. Mola requested No-Fee Permit to sell tags in Renton during the March of Dimes Healthy Baby Week, May 6 - 11, 1968. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barie, to grant the request. The motion carried. Letter from the Hon. Martin J. Durkan, Senator and Chairman of the Municipal Committee, submitted list of Municipal Code and Citizen's Advisory Committee Members and advised that hearings will be held on the Code during the 1967-69 biennium to allow all in- terested persons to appear and submit suggestions for amendments. Information on meeting dates and places will be made available later. Advance Registration Form and Agenda for the 1968 Association of Wn. Cities Conven- tion, Ridpath Hotel, Spokane, May 14- 17, 1968 was read. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that the Mayor and City Council President be authorized as voting delegates for the City. Deputy Clerk Marshall requested names of all who wished advanced registrations. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that Councilmen Maxin and Grant be designated as alternate voting delegates. Carried. -3- 'I i 186 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-15-68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Deputy City Clerk Marshall reported that a copy of County Initiative No. 244 regarding allocation of two mills of the property tax from the State to the County and Association of Wn. Cities recommendations in regard thereto, will be on file in the City Clerk's office if anyone wishes to look it over. Petition for annexation of property adjoining Sunset Blvd. , between 132nd Ave. S.E. and 138th Ave . S.E. was read, (SR 900) ; Althoff, Smith and Beale properties, along with City Engineer's report that the signatures represent 84.74% of the assessed valuation and the area contains approximately 13.6 acres with assessed valuation of $15,600.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the petitioners be advised to file their petition with the Boundary Review Board. Carried. It was requested that outlines of procedural steps required in annexations be furnished the Council and Mayor Custer advised that the Clerk would provide a list however some changes have resulted since the creation of the Boundary Review Board and revisions would need to be incorporated. Letter from W. J. Fahnestock, Jr. Skyway Taxi Company, requested license to operate in Renton. His office is in Skyway but he would like to pick up and drop passengers inside the City and meeting with the Police and License Com- mittee was requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee . Carried. Letter was read from Earle B. Van Slyck, Minister, First Christian Church of Renton, advisirg that he has been authorized by the Renton Ministerial Associa- tion, of which he is President, to make a statement supporting such Ordinance as may be introduced on the agenda of the Council this evening, providing for open housing within the City of Renton. Councilman Grant at this time sub- mitted a proposed Ordinance defining and prohibiting unfair housing practices and moved that the letter from the First Christian Church and the proposed Ordi- nance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee and the CitySa��&ef oEruce. formal preparation with report back at the next council meeting. 4Discussi(5n ensued regarding element of time and matter of public hearing and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the Law and Ordinance Committee report to the Committee of the Whole its recommendations. After discussion and Attorneys report that the emergency clause is not applicable to second class cities as our Ordi- nances become effective upon publication and inquiry regarding whether the Council Committee which is a legislative body, should be sitting as a fact finding agency, prosecutor or jury, as the case may be ; that possibly it should be an independent group, the pending motion carried and subsequently the original motion as amended to refer the letter and proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney with report back to the Committee of the Whole. It was requested that copies of the proposed Ordinance be furnished to all Councilmen. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted Non-Revocable Easement from the Northern Pacific Railroad Company for crossing under the tracks in vicinity of S.E. 72nd Street and Ripley Lane which would replace the existing easement which contains a 30-day cancellation clause. This will provide access to the area west of the tracks and northerly of S .E . 72nd Street as well as permanent access to the proposed boat launching ramp. It was suggested that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and Street and Alley Committee for review and recommendation. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the referrals. Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Mr. Bob Wray, 1033 R Street, speaking on the proposed open housing Ordinance, stated he did not believe the Ordinance is necessary and that the Federal Government has passed legislation which will cover anything necessary for Renton. He felt the Ordinance was a political move and that the matter should be put to a vote of the •r people if brought up at all in Renton. Councilman Grant objected to the inference that a political move was involved and added he would consider it a very serious insult for anyone to infer this, Mr. Wray stating that his remarks have no reference to any individuals or personalities but that the issue in general is a political one. Mr. Art Kent, Vice-President, Renton Division of the `Lc;bdr Council, noted that the Laborers have had no chance to make a study of this issue and urged that Council not rush this through. Mr. William Kline, 321 Smithers Street stated the Council should go to the Central District as delegate or Committee and offer something positive rather than a housing ordinance . Mr. Phillip Beckley, 2421 - 7th Ave. No. favored open housing -4- h 18 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-15-68 AUDIENCE COMMENTS: (Cont.) and Mr. Beckley felt the open housing proposal should also include single family homes and quoted from the Record Chronicle portions of the article regarding the housing situation. Mr. David Gosse, 10203 - 115th Avenue S.E., Officer in the Renton Sailing Club, noted accomplishments of the Club in clearing the access to the Lake at 72nd Avenue S .E. and putting the Clubhouse on floats and advised that they are ready to begin summer activities and will be holding an open house on Sunday, May 5th from 1:00 - kow 6:00 p.m. Invitation was extended to everyone .to visit the area and see what the program plans to offer. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Arnold E . Olmsted as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department for period of four months within which time he must successfully pass the Civil Service Examina- tion to qualify for further appointment, as per rules and regulations of the law. Police Chief Williams' letter recommending the appointment was attached and the effective date is to be April 16, 1968. Moved by Shane, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to recess for ten minutes. Carried. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. PROCLAMATION: Proclamation from Mayor Custer designated May 1, 1968 and of each year, as Loyalty Day in the City of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business: Councilman Delaurenti., reporting for the Police and License Committee, advised of meeting with representatives of the Railroad Company, in regard to trains blocking t for undue length of time who were directed to Mr. Ruud and Mayor Custer the streets g , Y has also talked to Mr. Eckart, who will be meeting with the Council May 6th to discuss the matter. Councilman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee Chairman, submitted report which was read recommending that the funding for elevation of the roadway access to Lake Wn. Beach Park,.:in sum of $15,000.00, be funded from Street Department Account 1320/605, widening North 3rd Street which item has since been included in the Urban Arterial No. 3rd - No. 4th Street Couplet Project. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Schellert, Capital Improvement Priority Committee Chairman, submitted report which was read recommending that the Council adopt in principle at this time the general land development plans for Cedar River Park as presented by the Park Board and Consultants, Olsen-Richert & Associates, Architects. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Barei, Property Committee Chairman, moved that the funding of demolition costs on the old Carnegie Library building be referred to the Ways and Means Com- I i-tteeee for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Barei reported that the Highlands Administration Building roof and windows are leaking and need to be repaired and it was moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to tow refer the funding to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Shane, Sanitation Committee Chairman, submitted Committee report recom- mending that the request for Late Comers Agreement covering Sanitary Sewer Line installations for the Plat of Glencoe be granted for a period of fivey ears with exception of request covering property ro erty north and east of the Plat, since extending P of main line sewer from any downstream agreements is exempt from agreement. Moved by Shane, seconded by Schellert, to concur,with referral to the City Engineer and Citv Attorney for preparation of the necessary documents which the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute upon approved completion thereof. Carried. -5- 188 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-15-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Unfinished Business Councilman Grant commended the Traffic Engineering Department and City Engineer's Department and the Street Department for the improvements made with the State on Rainier Avenue and at the corner of 132nd Avenue S.E. and Sunset Highway which are both progressively helpful in the traffic situation. Councilman Grant, Light and Power Committee Chairman, requested that the Council authorize the Light and Power Committee to sit down with the Consulting firm of H. Zinder & Associates and determine definite scope of work and cost,and Committee report was read noting Committee actions to date and recommendation that the firm of H. Zinder & Associates, Inc., Seattle, be retained as being best able to ful- fill needs of the City as outlined in Resolution No. 1521. The Committee felt because of its broad base of clients both in public and private sectors of industry and government, that this firm would be best suited to make a fair and impartial power rate and service study. Costs of $4,000.00 to $8,000.00 were given according to requisites desired and exact contract provisions will need to be determined. Moved by Grant, seconded by Maxin, to authorize the Light and Power Committee to negotiate with the named Company and report back to the Council the cost and scope of the study. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to substitute the motion that the City Attorney be authorized to write to Seattle City Light requesting a policy statement concerning terms of service to be given the City in event a franchise would be granted, with report back to Council. The substitute motion was voted upon and declared, upon majority negative voice vote, to have failed. The original motion was subsequently voted upon and dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Perry, Trimm, Maxin, Bruce Grant and Barei. No: Schellert, Delaurenti, Edwards and Shane. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Fire and Water Committee Chairman, reported Committee recommenda- tion that Late-Comers Agreement be granted Puget Western, Inc. for recovery of costs(as per installation of sanitary sewer service,on Benson Road from Puget Drive to Eagle Ridge Drive,�in excess of direct benefit, now to cover main in Grant Street from Puget Drive to Ethier Road. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. Councilman Bruce called attention to condition of the street at 12th Avenue North and Sunset Blvd. East)inquiring whether this were the responsibility of the City or the State. Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer advised of awareness of the road conditions and noted that improvements through the Highlands area are under consideration from 116th to approximately 138th Ave. S .E., meetings presently being arranged with the merchants regarding access and construction is contemplated in 1969 and a portion is under State jurisdiction. It was suggested that inspection be made regarding the specific area noted to determine responsibility and measures which may be taken. New Business: Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that the City Clerk send for or purchase copies or 4_r1f ;n onen housing legislation r•ecentl;r passed by the Federal Government, for distribution to the Council, Mayor and City Attorney. Mayor Custer declared the motion not necessary and that the Clerk is so directed. Councilman Perry reported he is still working on the matter of a dog control ordinance and has received copies from several other cities of their ordinances. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the funding of demolition of the old Carnegie Library building be authorized from excess revenues in the Current Fund with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for appropriating Resolution. Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, regarding nrrded repairsat the Highlands Adminis- tration Building, that the Council authorize bid call for the roof and window re- pair and that May 6th be set for the bid opening. Carried. (Bldg. Director to prepare specs.) The motion carried. Councilman Barei announced a Property Committee meeting April 18th at 7:30 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference room. Councilman Share advised of complaints regarding area of Renton Avenue and South 3rd Street and 90 tign and suggested acquisition of property by the City to better allp the right-of-wa4,. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to refer this to the ltrpet and Alley Co* ttee for recommendation. Carried. -6- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-15-68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS New Business: Cont. Councilman Shane, noting number of inquiries regarding fluoridation of the City water supply, moved that the question of whether or not to fluoridate Renton's water supply be placed on the ballot in the November election. The motion was seconded by Perry. Attention was called to the fact that this matter had been to Committee of the Whole and to the City Engineer for recommendation and was still pending. After proposed motion by Schellert seconded by Grant to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, that the jow motion to refer to Committee be tabled, Mayor Custer noting that the motion to table means the entire subject and it is not debatable. The motion was voted upon and upon majority negative voice vote, declared lost. The motion to refer to Committee of the Whole was voted upon and carried, placing the item of fall balloting on fluoridation in Committee. Councilman Grant announced a meeting of the Light and Power Committee at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday in the Mayors Conference Room with representatives from Puget Sound Power and Light Co. (April 16, 1968) . Councilman Bruce announced a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee on Tuesday, April 23rd at 7:00 p.m. and on April 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor's conference room and requested the City Engineer and Purchasing Agent to be present. Moved by Maxin, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers, No. 2795 through 2918, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Com- mittee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2795 - 2848 $ 8,468,06 City Street Fund 2849 - 2858 14,297.06 Cedar River M. & I. 2859 - 2860 175.99 Equipment Rental 2861 - 2875 1,996.43 Library Fund 2876 13.36 Park Fund 2877 - 2889 29,993.35 Water Works Utility 2890 - 2909 37,886.74 Airport 2910 - 2914 299.78 City Hall Construction 2915 - 2918 218,905.25 $312,036.02 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton adopting the final Plat of Victoria Park. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to adopt Resolution No. 1533 as read. Carried. Proposed Ordinance was placed on introductory reading changing the zoning classi- fication of certain properties within the City from General classification District to Manufacturing Park District, (G) to (MP) . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Barei, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Tr* mm, secon?�ded by Maxin, to adopt Ordinance No. 2397 as read. The motion carried. f ��A fAawK ) Councilman Barei inquired regarding status of the School District and City joint development of Highlands recreation area. Mayor Custer advised that he has not received any letter confirming the School Board action on this matter as yet. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. There were 67 visitors in the Council Chambers. �w !moi en Marshall, Deputy City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -7- 190 0"Im of nm C.M CLERK PMWTs ISSiSP�D 7HE CM SOILDM & M=MM DF,PAR2ME % BUILDING PERMITS No. mount urge Address Tvpg of Work B 0863 $ 50,000.00 The Boeing Company Logan Street Construct Gallery 64 15,000.00 Phillips Petroleum Co. 311 Sunset Blvd. E. Construct Addition B 0865 4,000.00 Washington Mutual Bank 150 Logan Ave. So. Erect signs 66 Anna Creek 2203 8th Pl. N. Construct Fence 67 Donald A. Moran 425 Wells Ave. So. Construct Fence 68 25,500,00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 707 Spruce Court Construct Residence 69 26,750.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2710 Prince Ave. Construct Residence B 0870 19,500.00 Edwin C. Davis S.E. 96th Street Construct Residence 71 200.00 Adolf Koestl 1216 Morris Ave. So. Construct Fence 72 350.00 Arthur W. Pound 11619 S.E. 98th St. Chain Fence on Res. 73 160,000.00 Sterling V. Jensen Co. 12740 90th Ave. So. Construct Apt. Bldg. 74 1601000.00 Sterling V. Jensen Co. 12750 90th Ave. So. Construct Apt. Bldg. B 0875 VOID 76 16,000.00 Whitespar Homes, Inc. 10419 96th Ave. S.E. Construct Residence 77 17,000.00 Whitespar Homes, Inc. 10407 96th Ave. S.E. Construct Residence 78 14,000.00 E. Wechselberger 12432 87th Ave. S. Construct Residence 79 18,000.00 Elmer Morarch 11646 S.E. 100th Construct Residence B 0880 645.00 First Federal Savings 201 Wells Ave. So. Erect Signs 81 Ste Andrews Bldg. Corp. 505 Williams Ave. So. Demolish Residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS_ E 0747 660.04 William Gifford 1714 Rolling Hills Wire New Residence 48 100,000.00 The Boeing Company Building 4-21 Extend Feeders 49 215.00 The Boeing Company Building 10-65 Provide service for AC E 0750 50.00 Earl Leibhardt 2825 Sunset Blvd. E. Temporary Service 51 Jim Tumelson E,, Dorihsra 606 11th Ave. Se. Wire Duplex 52 400.00 Bell & Valdez 2001 Dogwood Ave. S.E. Wire New Residence 53 220.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21 Install Recpt. & Units 54 VOID E 0755 375.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-65 Provide Pwr to Mock-up 56 50.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-01 Run Circuit to Press 57 250.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21 Provide Pwr to Equipmt 58 50.00 Glen Payne 9817 S.E. 94th Wire 1 Room Addition 59 250.00 Harold Haeknion 10028 91st Pl. S.E. Wire 200 Amp MultiSer E 0760 240.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21 Provide Pwr to Equi.pmt 61 50.00 The Boeing Company Sub Station No. 3 Temporary Service 62 26,890.00 The Boeing Company Sub Station No. 3 Remodel Exist Wiring MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0753 •------- Maxine Arnold 3813 6th Ave. No. Install Gas Heater 54 ------- Mobile fil Corp* 16355 87th Ave. Se. Install Septic Tank Ni V' 55 ------- J. A. hensn 830 "C" Street Install Gas Furnace 56 ------- Charles Camerini 104 North We11s Furnace to Exist Ducts 57 ------- E. Weehslberger 1.2434 87th Ave. Se. Plumbing & Fixtures 58 ------- The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21 Install Fountain 59 ------- Sterling Jensen 12750 90th South Install Fixtures M 0760 ------- C. L. Jennings 11612 SE 103rd St, Install Gas Furnace 61 ------- C. L. Jennings 10060 116th BE Install Gas Furnace 62 ------- The Boeing CempW Bldg. 10-56 Install Chiller Unit 63 --- -Robert Edwards Renton 5hgppd.ng C rater Flumhing & Fixtures 64 ------- The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21 Install Service Sink M 0765 ------- Angelo Barei 209 Airport Way Plumbing & Fixtures 66 ------- Monte B. Powell 527 Williams Ave. NP. Plumbing & Fixtures SEWER PERMITS 366 Dysar 12029 132nd S.E. Sewer Service 367 ------- Transamerica 1805 Grant Street " it 368 ------- Transamerica 1817 Grant Street " " Now 369 ------- Transamerica 1811 Grant Street 370 ------- Transamerica 1823 Grant Street 371 ------- Transamerica 1829 Grant Street 372 ---- John Meyer 1714 SE 18th Court -8- 191 RENTON CITY COUNCII. REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S April. 22, 1968 Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #1 due Red Samm Mining Co. , Inc. , $67,158.38 on C.AG. 1230-67, Reconstruction ofRainier Avenue Payment due Cornell, Howland, Hayes& Merryfield for engineering services on Well No. 8, C.AG. 1204-67, $1,039.90 and C.AG. 1262-68, $162.42. ' Payment due Blevins Co. on demolition of the Autobahn Garage building, -in sum of $4,387.50, commencing the 30-day Lien period. *COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND COMMITTEE OF TIM WHOLE *Joi.nt Resolution with School District 403 to provide recreation facilities for the community Matter of various forms of government under Charter Code, Non-Charter Code and First Class City CITY:ENGINEER Peoples National Bank of Wn. petition for annexation of property to Renton CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE Bids on window washing equipment for new city hall LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Resolution required to transfer Cumulative Reserve Funds in sum of $1,1.00.00 to Park Department to pay 1% fee to Interagency Committee Transfer of $30,000.00 from Cedar River Acqusitiion Fund as loan to Park Dept. for commencing Stage 2 of Lake Wn. Beach Park development Appropriation of $2,800.00 excess Waterworks Utility Fund surplus for Salaries and Employee Benefits for additional temporary personnel in Utility Dept. Resolutions to set hearing dates for Vacation petitions - portion of 10th P1., and Alley in Block 2., Smithers 6th Addition to Renton Proposed Resolution as adopted by Puget Sound Governmental Conference providing for equal opportunities in housing, etc. - SANITATION COMMITTEE To meet with King County regarding rates being charged Renton citizens for use of.Highlands area dump site facility STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Modified Landscaping Specifications - Second Street Traffic Islands Traffic Safety problems on the Freeway MEETINGS AND EVENTS April 22, 1968 - Committee of the Whole - following this evenings' meeting April 27, 1968 - Light and Power Committee at 10:00 a.m. in Conference Room April 29, 1968 - Street and Alley Committee at 7:15 in Conference Room May 1, 1-968 - Property Committee at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room May 6, 1968 - He -aring and reconsideration of rezone of Ray Brown .property May 6, 1968 - Ways and "Means Committee at 7:00 p.m. in City Clerk's. Off.ice May 6, 1968 - Opening of Bids on 1968 Automotive Equipment May 13, 1968 - Opening of Bids on Phase I, Lake Wn. Beach Park development 192 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING April 22, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by' D. W. Custer, Mayor, in the Council Chambers, City Hall and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion carried. Moved by Schellert and seconded by Perry, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan; City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. *Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 15th as prepared and mailed out. Shane noted ommission of second on Page 4, Paragraph 4, Councilman Grant's motion to refer open housing documents. Mayor Custer advised that the seconds are not actually required to be recorded. The motion to approve carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Window washing equipment for new city hall This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk. BIDDER AND ADDRESS BID TAX TOTAL BID ADVANCED SCAFFOLDS NW, INC. Refund of bid deposit was requested since no 3636 East Marginal Way bid quotation was to be submitted. Seattle, Washington 98134 SPIDER STAGING SALES CO. P. 0. Box 182 Renton 98055 (Certified Ck. enc.) $ 8,700.00 State Tax Not.Included Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Special City Hall Building Committee to report back. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requested payment of Progress Estimate No. 1 to Red-Samm Mining Company, Inc. , in sum of $67,1.58 .38, on C.AG. 1230-67, Reconstruction of Rainier Avenue. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Tetter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, submitted and recommended for payment, final payment due for services in connection with drilling of Well No. 8 in sum of 41,039.90, and for pumping station design of Well No. 8, $162.42, payable to Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, Consulting Engineers, per C.AG. 1204-67 and C.AG. 1262-68. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to refer the payments to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, reported completion of demolition of the Autobahn Garage by the Blevins Company. Invoice for the work was attached and it was recommended that the work be accepted and payment authorized in sum of $4,387.50 with 10% being retained and commencement of the 30-day Lies: Period at this time. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power .to act. Carried. Letters and Petitions were acknowledged from the following objecting to or requesting revisions to the proposed Comprehensive Plan,Green Belt and various Zonings being specifically noted by Amos E. Huseland, Harvey E. Pehling and John B. Curbow; Leab L. Johnson et al petition; Pope & Talbot, Inc. ; Chain Gear, Inc., Jack L. Johnson et al petition; B. & J. Equipment Company and Department of Commerce and Economic Develop- ment. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant to present the comnunications at the Special meeting of the Council., April 29th at which time changes in the Comprehensive Plan proposals wi11 be considered, Carried. 193 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-22-68 COM-NIUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Earl W. Hobbs, Sup't. of Schools, Renton School District 403, sub- mitted proposed Resolution, as adopted by the School Board, to provide for joint cooperation with the City in serving the citizens with needed facilities and the Council was urged to adopt like legislation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to refer the matter to the President of the Council. Moved by Perry, 'and seconded by Bruce, to refer the communication also to the Committee of the Whole. The amendment to the motion carried and subsequently the original motion as amended, . authorizing both referrals. Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, advised that bid specifications for landscaping of the South second street traffic islands have been modified and new bid call authorization was requested with May 6th recommended for date of bid opening. Moved by Grant, seconded by Barei, that- the bid specifications bereferredto the -Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Joseph F. Lightfoot, Chief Clerk, King County Boundary Review Board, acknowledged receipt of Notice of Intention to annex property to the City of Renton, dated February 29, 1968 and advised that same has been accepted and filed effective March 5th with File assignment #A-43. The Review Board will advise of further action relative to the file. (Althoff, Smith & Beale) Letter-- from Park Director Coulon requested authorization to call for bids on Phase I of the Lake Washington Beach Park development, inc luding Site Work, Building Work, and;Landscaping work. May 13th was recommended as date for the opening of the bids. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to concur in the bid call and opening date . Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon requested, upon direction of the Park Board, transfer of $1,100.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 unto Park Department 1710/604, Capital Outlay, to remit 1% fee to the Interagency Committee For Outdoor Recreation for administrative services in connection with the grant for the Lake Wn. Beach Park project. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution . Carried. Petition was read from Robert G. Perry, Peoples National Bank of Washington, requesting annexation of property,in vicinity of South 122nd Street and Rainier Avenue,to Renton. The petition indicated willingness of the property owners to assume their pro-rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness and to accept the zoning designation of the Comprehensive Plan: Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to .refer the petition to the City Engineer to check the signatures for validity of ownerships and report back. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, requested permission to call for bids on 1968 automotive equipment as provided for in the Budget, Specifications are ready and May 6th was suggested as the bid opening date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the bid call and opening date. Carried. Letter. from Park Director. Coulon reported that the Interagency Committee has approved Stage 2 of the Lake Washington Beach project and the City is thereby authorized to proceed accordingly. Letter from Gene .Coulon, Pai�k Director, requested. -as directed by the Park Board, transfer of $30,000.00 from .the Cedar River Acquisition Fund to constitute a loan _ to the Park Department Account 1.710, Capital Outlay 604, for commencing Stage 2 development of the Lake Wn. Beach project. Repayment to be no later than 12/31/69, @ 376 interest. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, requested appropriation of excess surplus in the Waterworks Utility fund into Account 1810/120, Temporary Employees, $2,000.00; 181.0/130, Overtime, $600.00; 1810/201, Employment Security, $150.00; .181.0/203, Industrial Insurance, $50,00.Additional personnel is needed on temporary basis since one employee is programming for the data processing operation and one is on jury duty leaving the department short. Also, the street name changing pro- gram will. require extra personnel in changing customer ledgers and supplying the Traffic Engineering Department with data on present addresses, in order to complete this task on a timely basis. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to. concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee . Carried. -2- 194 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-22-68 COMMUNICATIONS: Letters from City Engineer Wilson reported that petition for vacation of portion of 10th Place from "J" to "IST Street, contained signatures -of owners representing 85.85% of the frontage abutting said right of way. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, td refer the matter to the Law-and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date ,of hearing. Carried. Also reported, in regard to petition for vacation of portion of alley in Blook 2, Smithers 6th Addition, generally located South of South 2nd Street between Whitworth Avenue South acid Morris Avenue South, was that signatures represent 75.657. of the frontage abutting said alley. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting hearing date. The motion carried. Letter from Mrs. Matthew Brislawn, Annual Drive Chairman, Child Hearing League, ro- ' quested No-Fee Permit to sell cut flowers in the parking lot at North 8th Street and Park Avenue North on Friday, May 10th during Boeing shift change. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request. The motion carried. 'Letter from the Renton Aerie No. 1722, Fraternal Order of Eagles, requested Permit to display advertising banners over right of ways to promote annual Rodeo to be held on May 4th and 5th. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane to grant the request, the normal Hold Harmless Agreement to be executed in connection therewith. Carried. Letter from C.S . Williams, Chief of Police requested authorization to send a Police Officer to attend Riot Control School at Fort Gordon, Virginia, either May 27 - 31st, or June 3 - 75 1965. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to grant the request. The motion carried. Letter from John M. Nelson, Supt. of Lighting, City of Seattle, Dept. of Lighting, directed. to the Mayor, acknowledged letter from Mayor Custer to Mayor Braman and outlined events leading 'to a Franchise request;advising regarding aspects of :inquiry. Mayor Custer requested that the letter be given to the Council President, the Council having referred this matter to the Mayor previously, to pursue by correspondence. Letter from Board of King County Commissioners acknowledged receipt of City of Renton Resolution 1531 regarding stadium location and advised that copy had been directed to the Wn. State Stadium Commission. , Letter from the Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development noted economic effects of Barbee Mills, Inc., J. H. Baxter Co., and Reilly Tar and Chemical Corp. in Renton and calling attention to responsibility of the Department to involve itself in helping local industry, cautioned that any alteration in the Comprehensive P1-an to change said properties to recreational areas would zone out of business three very fine firms since waterfront industrial property for relocation is not likely available. It was noted that 700 employees are supported within the firms with 7.1 million dollars being generated by their operation and proposed action by the City is felt to be one that the City and State could ill afford. This letter, along with others received, will be presented April 29th at the Public Hearing meeting of the Council- on the Comprehen sive Plan. Letter from Mr. Bruce T. Hulse'recalled Renton Ministerial Association letter urging open housing legislation by the Council, and pointed out that the East Valley Health, Welfare and Recreation Study Committee in its report to the Council of Planning Affiliates, U.G.N., urges that "the valley communities make known an open housing stance with regard to race, color and creed - - " . It was suggested the Planning De- partment of the City secure a copy of this report. Councilman Perry- submitted proposed Resolution, as adopted by the Puget Sound Govern- mental Conference, providing for equal opportunities in housing, employment, education, public accommodations and public facilities without regard to race, creed, color, national origin or ancestry, and moved that the document be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper wording and form. The motion was seconded by Grant and carried. Councilman Shane urged that any open housing ordinance proposing penalty for act of discrimination also carry penalty for double jeopardy against the accuser in event. defendant is found not guilty, and inquired of City Attorney Shellan if such recourse is possible. City Attorney Shcll.an advised such rights are available at present through Civil action, any person who can show malice can proceed against -the other person, and Mr. Shane's inquiry may be a matter of philosophy, all rights being qualified and not absolute, rather than legal. -3- 195 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-22-68 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mrs. Kenneth Karinen addressed remarks regarding open housing to the Council conveying the fact that the church does get involved in spite of Mr. Wray's comment last week,as a member of St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church, to the contrary: Mr. Tom Teasdale, 506 - 11-th Ave. So., called attention to the number of acci- dents on the new freeway, noting another last week at specific location where cars jump the freeway and land on Talbot road below. It was urged that the State be contacted to work with the problem. Mayor Custer advised that there was question regarding super elevation in relationship .to the. speeds and that meetings have been held with City and Highway officials and the speed limit had been lowered in the subject areas, however, much .of the problem was due to negligence of drivers. He will pursue the issue at subsequent meeting next week noting need for immediate action if deemed advisable. It was suggested that perhaps the barricade at the hazardous points could be made • higher. to keep the cars on the freeway, attention being called to the "S" curve above Talbot & Benson roads which it is anticipated will cause some future problems if precautionary measures are not taken now. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer this matter of traffic safety to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Mr. Bruce Hulse, 1.1422 S.E. 93rd Street,expressed delight at commencement of the Lake Wn. beach Park development and commended the Park Department on the work it has done in securing the grants. Mr. Hulse also commented that the City Council meeting attendees 4iould soon be able to enjoy the new city hall environment. Rev. Dick Christianson, 1.1325 S.E. 168th Street, and Rev. Duane Emberg, spoke in regard to local aspects of discrimination and urged early action on the proposed Open Housing Ordinance, noting that Renton should not wait until Ghetto's do develop, but in view of the agony of our times, to simply do what is right and act now. Mr. Frank Storey noted that the Supreme Court ruling has substantiated that any conditions on deeds conveying property cannot be upheld and that this has been in effect for quite some time . Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm reported that the Committee had met in regard to the Open Housing legislation and letter has been written for copies of the Federal legislation passed on the matter. Letter from the City Attorney was submitted for reading. Grant inquired, as originator of the Ordinance proposal, regarding the meetings which were held, expressing his desire to be in attendance. . It was noted that the Committee meets on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. in the -City Clerk's office to consider all legislative documents to be presented to the Council. City Attorney Shellan's letter was read noting the proposed Open Housing Ordinance to be a copy of the Seattle document. Opinion was rendered that: an agency or—committee other than the legislative body act as hearing or quasi-judicial body for hearing complaints, holding hearings and taking testimony, some question existing in regard to Section 4(4) in pursuing an unfair practice it was felt such independent body should be empowered to bring any matters of this type to Court or sign a complaint as in event of violation of any City Ordinance which matter is then heard in the Municipal Court. Time element for making of decisions by hearing panel was deemed advisable and empowering of the City Clerk to administer oaths to any witness or party to the action. Inconsistency in definitions, Section 1 and exclusion in Section 6 (1) was noted and it was felt that no emergency clause is needed since the City does not have the problem that Seattle, under its charter provision has, our Ordinance when adopted becoming effective upon publication, unless otherwise determined by the Council. It was stated by the City Attorney that with proposals as outlined such an Ordinance would not only be legally proper but certainly morally right and should be duly considered. Attention was called to the fact that if an independent agency is created some budgetary appropriation will be needed to allow it to function. Upon inquiry regarding Committee action on the legislation, the Committee Chairman stated that if an answer is received from the Federal Governmcnt the matter would be discussed at the next Committee meeting. City Attorney Shellan noted that the document was presented last week and that a number of important determinations in regard to enforcement must be made and suggested that the Council and not just the Committee supply the missing links needed to prepare the Ordinance to provide for proper enforcement. It was recalled that the Law and Ordinance Committee had been directed to report to the Committee of the Whole. (contintied next page) -4- 196 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 4-22-68 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Open Housing Ordinance Discussion After further discussion regarding time element and importance of proper enforce- ment provisions, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, in regard for their concern, that the Renton Labor Council and Ministerial Association be mailed copy of the proposed Ordinance document and City Attorney's letter for recommendations. The motion carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, to recess. Carried. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. COUNCIL COMMITTEE.REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Chairman Garrett, Special City Hall Building Committee, submitted report which was read by the Clerk recommending that the Electrical Contractor be instructed to pro- ceed with installation of an Intercom System,at cost of $4;663.08,in the new. City Hall Council Chambers. 1 microphone for each 2 Councilmen, 1 for the City Clerk, 1 for the Mayor and l on the Council Chamber floor wi7.]. be included. Moved by 'Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur. The motion carried. The Property Committee recommended the Lease between the City and Archie and Eva Gustine be continued on month to month tenancy basis and that terms and conditions remain as in existing lease L.AG. 777:-6442!..00_ sq. ft. of Cedar River Waterway property located at Logan Avenue South.) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. New Business: Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Monday April 29th at 7:15 p.m. in the conference room next to the Mayor's office, and a Committee of the Whole meeting immediately following this meeting tonight. Councilman Barei announced a meeting of the Property Committee on Wednesday, May 1, 1968 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room and the Mayor was requested to invite the Insurance Commission and Bell-Anderson Insurance representative and Mr. Mellor. The Mayor and City Attorney were also invited to be present. Barei moved that a Resolution be prepared for adoption by the Council declaring intention to submit to the electorate, in the first primary or general election following final ddopti.on of the Optional Municipal Code by the State Legislature, the question of becoming a charter code city also calling for election of free- holders to serve as Charter Commission, to be charged with task of creating a Charter for the City of Renton. The motion was seconded by Perry. Schellert noted that once adopted the Charter cannot be changed for six years and suggested that the City instead give the Non-Charter Code City a try and then .if this is not within the needs for City operation than go to a Charter City. It was noted in further discussion by Garrett, that the Optional Municipal Code must go through the Legislature again and revisions and amendments will undoubtedly be made prior to its finaladoption,during the next session of the Legislature and the Council may have to rescind its action by setting a definite date . After further dis- cussion regarding timeliness of this action, the pending motion was voted upon and declared lost. Roll call vote was requested and was taken as follows: Aye: Perry, Shane and Barei. No: Garrett, Schellert, Delaur_enti, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce and Grant. The Chair's ruling was confirmed and the motion was lost. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, that the question of Charter Code vs: First Class vs. Non-Charter Code City be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Grant announced a Light and Power Committee meeting on Saturday, April 27th at 10:00 a.m, in the Conference room, to meet with H. Zinder & Associates. Moved by Maxin, seconded by Edwards, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 2019 - 3016, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 291_9 - 2936 $ 3011.00 Arterial Street 2937 67,158.38 Urban Arterial Fund 2938 103859.87 City Street Fund 2939 - 2944 6,683.74 Equipment Rental 2945 - 2951 28,757.50 Library 2952 - 2992 3,506.05 Parks 2993 - 2999 685.82 (Cort.) -5- 197 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Vouchers Cont.) Waterworks Utility 3000 - 3008 $ 20,808.31 Airport 3009 8.72 Firemen's Pension Fund 3010 - 3015 2,438.00 City Hall Construction 3016 43,387.50 $148,604.89 Councilm?n Barei, Property Committee Chairman, reported recommendation of the - Committee that bid award on painting of the Fire Stations, including alternate bid per specifications, be granted to I.M.A. Painting Contracotrs, Inc, of Renton, low bidder, in total sum of $5,705.70. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur in the bid award as recommended. -The motion carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, that the Council reconsider its action of the previous meeting in regard to the Ray Brown property rezone. Carried. It was - noted that Mr. Brown has agreed to amend his application to R-2 and Mr. Brown confirmed that in consulting with the other property owners they had agreed to the lesser zoning. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, to grant the rezone as amended. It was pointed out that notice should be given to the public prior to final Council action and about 15 persons were counted as being present in regard to this rezone, and it was indicated that they would not object to R-2 providing it didn-'t include R-3 provisions. Grant had withdrawn his motion to hear petitioners comments upon motion by Perry, second by Barei,that Mr. Brown's revised rezone requestfor R-2 be considamd again at the meeting of May 6th and • the persons protesting the original petition be informed. This motion carried. Councilman Perry advised that each C ;uncia.:.:an had been furnished a copy of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference publication "The Regional Statesman", which "is issued monthly and there will be copies in the Mayor's Office and Clerk's office. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, that the Sanitation Committee meet with :the County Commissioners regarding charges to Renton citizens for dumping the clippings and refu'se not otherwise collected by the regular garbage collect6r, in the Highlands area dump site. Shane madeinquiry regarding services by the County rendered in comparison to revenue remived and reLa-rd n- difference in burning of material in land clearing and clippings and leaves i_nso.l.ar as air pollution is concerned. The pending motion carried. Perry reminded the Council that the Bi--' Opening on the garbage contract 3s to be held on Friday, April 26th in the City Clerk's office. Councilman Schellert announced a 'Jays and Means Committee meeting on May 6th at 7:OO p.m. in the City Clerks' office, and also inquired regarding "Spring Pick-Up" which he was advised will be May 22nd. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Trimm, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Resolution authorizing appropriation of excess revenue from the Current Fund in sum of $.1,965.00 unto Bldg. Maintenance Dept. 1165/309, Bldg. Repair, Maint. , etc. and From Urban Arterial Fund excess revenues, $13,152.64 unto Urban Arterial Fund 1.250/605, Structures and Improvements. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxi.n, to adopt Resolution No. 1534 as read. The motion carried. i Proposed Resolution was read, declaring intention of the City to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the H )neycreek Park area of Renton, King County, Washington and to create a Local Improvement Dis- trict to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefited thereby; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council. t-) be held on May 20, 1968. Moved by Shane, seconded by Perry, tliat Resolution No. 1535 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Maxin, to acV ourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:4[ p.m. ' Helmie Nelson, City Clerk I). W. Custer, Mayor OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4>22--68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING. & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. h exit Name Aldo° s _T of Work B Ernest$0882 �Q. � � J. Tonda 21+25 5th Ave-. No. Deznollsh Residence ``' 83 29000.00 Northwest Yras1.c Center Renton Shopping Center Install Face Plex_ 84 20,0 0.00 Parkwood Ho me s9 Inc. 713 Spruce Court Construct Resid nce B 0835 219250.CO Park400d Hanes. Inc. 710 Sp->_uce Court Construct Re.idenc- 85 900.00 Goa Mart Bazar 725 Rainier Ave. So. Construct Part_do 87 900.00 Goer Mart Bazar 71.7 Ra,LnJAer Ave. So. Construct Partitio 88 18,250.00 Parksyood Homes., Inc. 2716 Prince Ave. Constr-act Resident 89 2000:,00 Louise Rockily 325 13th South Addition to Residence B 0890 VOID 91. 15,000,,O0 L.ci° _i .,coalL.herboe 9811 10816h S.E. New Residence 92. 22500.00 Phillips Pe-Llrol.eum Co. 311 Sunset BlVd. E. Reconstruct Sign 93 2,000.00 Huey L. IMurgin 1038 "Q'' Street Addition. to Residence 94 350.00 W. E. B-owden 1905 S.E. 19th Ct. Sun Deck B 0895 VOID 96 222000.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 701 Spruce Court Construct Residence 97 1009000,00 Pacifies Coast R.R. Co. Earlington Ind. Site Excavation & Fill 98 170200000 B & T Cons+.rtieti.on 1738 N. 3rd St. Construct Apt,. Bldg. 99 VOID B 0900 59000M Centrai Puget Const. Co. 725 Lind Ave. S.W. Partitilons in Warehouse ELECTRICAL PF-P,14?T:S E 0763 $ d. Earl Mi.ron 12434 87th Ave. So. Wire New Residence 64 500.00 The Boeing Company Bidg . 4G89to4m2194-44 Install Pl-,mip ControlUni E 0765 216.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21 Ina.tall Receptacles 66, 250.00 Renton Shopping Center Renton Center Rew-1,r•a 01itlets 67 713.00 Gale Halsen 1307 So. 9th St. Wire: New Residence 68 1,000.00 John Edwards Renton Shopping Center Wire Beauty Shop 69 3,900.00 GoY41:,art Bazar 717-725 Rainier So. Wire Part of Bldgs. E 0770 165.00 John P. Becker 1034 "K" Street Wire Addition To RF 71 147.00 Pat McLendon 2820 5th Ave. No. Wire Swj.sr»ring Pool 72 1000.00 General Ruaet Const. Co. 715 Lind Ave. Wire Nee Addition 73 370,00 William Vauthier 11216 S.E. 104th St. Wire New Residence 74 370.00 Williaip Vauthier 11224 S.E. 104th St. Wire N�Ervt Residence E 0775 600.00 J. Azzolla 1130 Davis Street Wire New Addition MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0767 -•«----w- Rudy Zug atil I.a_612 S.E. 105th Pl. Ins-ball Gas Furnace 68 ------ Gayle Ha?sen 1307 S. 9th St. Install Gas Furnace 69 Donald P. Monaghan 1.009 High Ave. So. Plur'b ,ng & Fixtures M 0770 R, S, Shane 1652 S.E. 100th Ste Fixtures Installed 71. John Meyer 1714 Rolling Hills Fix-tures Installed 72 Rcnal.d Bingham gham 11224 S.F. 1.04th Inst_?_l 'Ga, D:c°-i er 73 md- Gov-:,Mart Bazar 777725 Rainier So. Fixtures Inet,alled 74 R. S. Share 11663 S.E. 100th St. Insta-1-i Gas Furnace M 0775 -a---._---o Arnold E. Eslinger 3304 Rolling Hills Instal?_ Gas Furnace 76 Bell & Vald'ez 2002 Dogwood P1., S.E. instc.e.11. F ..xt=.;.res 77 Bel? & Valdez 1903 Dogyood Pl. S.E. Insta"! Fixtures 78 Bell & Valdez 2006 S.E. Dogwood Ct. Install Ff—xtuires 79 Bell & al'dez 2014 Dogwood Pl. S.E. . Ins'Uill Fixtures M 0780 Bell & Valdez 2008 Dogwood Pb. S.E. lnr.;tal:? F=x-bur e,o 81 Bell & Va.eCd�Qz 2010 Dog-eoi)d Ave.* S.E. Inst4.171 Fi:it:fres 82 Be11 & Valdez 1915 Dogwood Ave. S.E. In&ta.11. Fixtures 83 Be11 & Valdez 2019 DogwiDod Ave. S.E. Tnstal.?, F xdu.t z.s 84 Bell & 'da-ldes 2016 Dogwood Ave. S.E. Insta?1 Fixtures M 0785 Be-21 & Valdez 2101.3 Drgwo,d Ave. S.E. ?_?cta,11 Fixt�U.r s 86 Bell & Valdez 2018 S.E.Dogiacod Ct. 7nst,:,,11' Fji_xture�; 87 �< < �._,.,," B1 & Valdez 2;09 S.E.Dogwood Ct. L. re 11 nst.r:.?"! Fixtures 88 Bell & Valde-z, 2600 S.E.D�g;,rcod Ct. In6ta,.:ll Fixe,, rea 89 Bali. & Vr7.Gez 222x1 ".F:. 19th Pl. I:ns4?1]. F-1 xtuj:e:e> M 0790 Be?..T do V z d.en 2,30, p.-,g`;ood. A?7o. S.E. ins F � n taI �ac�:• ,ar<:s 91 Daaa & �&JDALIIZ 1.92.E Liv{rrcod Ave:. S.E. lnsta1 - Fixtured 92 Fc?1 & V '. . r 2303 S-E 19th Pl. Tn0t,a:1.1_ F:2 x.tUr e, 93 John. P. Decker 1C13L "KII Str.net. lnstF.11. F-1 xtuxev 94 rm.,.��.,.v C;:,Y tz ,l P get C,onit. Co. 715L�.r.c�. A.-Ye. instwlL F xu�: °e , -7- 9 9 i I RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING R E F E R R A L S 8:00 P.M. ,F7� Office of City Clerk MAYOR, CITY CLERK AND CITY ATTORNEY Preparation and execution of Garbage and Refuse Collection and Disposal Contract documents, bid awarded to Valley Disposal, Inc. on Alternate No. 2 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Garbage Collection Ordinance WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Reduction in City Revenue by garbage bid award and effect on present Budget COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE De-ignation of area North of Kennydale Beach on Comprehensive Plan, H-1 having been .requested by Attorney Hanken who represents J. H. Baxter and related in- dustries along the lake imw _ - goo RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 29, 1968 M I N UT E S The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, by D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. BID AWARD: City of Renton Garbage and Refuse Collection Bid opening was held at noon on April 26th in the City Clerk's office and three bids were opened and read. Parks & Sons, Pocatello, Idaho, Valley Disposal, Renton, Wn. , and General Disposal Co. , Seattle. (See attached bid exhibits) Letter from Mr. Melvin Parks was read requesting the Council to allow him to withdraw his bid and bond on Collection of Garbage and Refuse for Renton as he had misunderstood terms and conditions of the bid call and lacked certain specific information with reference to existing commercial containers. Sanitation Committee report was read recommending acceptance of low Alternate No. 2 Bid of the Valley Disposal Company with referral to the City Attorney for preparation of the necessary Contract documents and to the Mayor and City Clerk for execution of same. Recommended further that the bid prices as con- tained in the successful bid of Valley Disposal be adopted as the City rate, except that the actual price be set at the next higher 4 amount where rate is not rounded off. Recommended bid bond be returned to Parks & Sons, in acceptance of his bid withdrawal. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendations of the Sanitation Committee. Councilman Schel- lert expressed dismay and dissatifaction with the bid prices and requested further clarification of the reasons the apparent low bidder withdrew his bid. Councilman Shane outlined actions to date on bid call noting that with the time available since the new Sanitation Committee was elected, all was done that was possible and he felt the Committee had done the best it could with time available and material furnished. It was noted that 11 bids specs were picked up and only 3 bids submitted, Shane stating that the bids were con- sidered and recommendation submitted for Council action, dome bids were higher of Parks & Sons and Some of Valley Disposal's were high but Mr. . . Parks was under the impression in reading the specs that certain things were to be assumed and by human error -found otherwise and decided he could not meet the bid prices quoted. After further discussion regarding the effect on the present budget that the bid award would have,since the total amount now goes to the Contractor,who will be doing the billing and collecting, a portion of which heretofore has been budgeted in the Current Operating Fund along with a Franchise Fee having been in effect, the pending motion carried. It was noted that some $70,000.00 - $80,000.00 reduction will result in City revenue and it was. moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer this matter to the Ways and Means Committee . Carried. M-ved by Por.ry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the bid award matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance . Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: REVISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN This being the date,-3--,t,the hen ring was declared open. Commpnicati.ons were read objecting to proposed Green Belt area on the Eastern shore of Lake Washington and elimination of industrial waterfront facilities. It was pointed out that such. action would deprive employees of jobs and also take property. off the tax rolls causing "loss of local revenue and economic decline. It was urged that the City develop the properties it has or seek other properties rather than to sacrifice the industries . The objectors included Foss Launch & Tug Co. , Drew Foss, Vice-President; Reilly Tar & Chemical Corporation, W. W. Roberts, Plant Mgr. ;International Union of. Operating Engineers, Local 286, Al Horat, Business Representative, on behalf of Operating Engineers employed at J. H. Baxter Co. ; West Tacoma Newsprint, Steilacoom, Wn., Kenneth E. Swanson, Wood Supply Coordi nator in concern for log storage ; Ring County I:abor Council, Chas. W. Padden', Sec., Renton Division; Barbee dill Co., Inc., Alex Cugi.ni, President; -1- 901 MINUTES - Renton City Council Special.-Meeting 4/29/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Comprehensive Plan (Cont.) Puget Sound District Council, Lumber and Sawmill Workers, George CassaQay,Pres., on behalf of 2519 Lumber & Sawmill workers of Barbee Mill Co., Boise Cascade and Pan Abode; International Woodworkers of America, Local .No. 3-1.57, Pete Mariotti, Fin. Sec. B.A., Enumclaw, Wn. ; Lumber and Sawmill Workers' Union, Local No. 2519, Alton P. Clay, Business Representative, Seattle, Wn. ; Scott Pacific Terminal, Inc. G. D. Ellis, Mgr. of Woodlands and Pacific Tow Boat Co., W. D. Wallace, President. Communications had been received heretofore regarding the Green Belt from B. & J. Equipment Co., R. 0. Burlingame ; The Department of Commerce and Economic Develop ment, Tom C. Hynes, Jr., Chief Field Services Section; Chain Gear, Inc., Fred F. Travis, Vice-President, Pope & Talbot, Inc., T. J. Driscoll, Chief Forester, on behalf of J. H. Baxter Co., AnaCortes Veneer, Inc., F. Douglas Mavor, Logging Mgr.; Everett Plywood Corp. Leroy Nesseim, Pres . ; Johnson, Jonson & Inslee, Attorneys for J. H. Bax-' 2r .& Co. Letter from Norman L. Ross and Petition with 4174 signatures, urged designation of Hospital property in the Highlands as Park: land use.Requests .on revisions of zoning designations were read from Gene E. Lynn and Gary Cornell., Springbrook Lands, Inc., Bellevue, R-3 extension; at South 180th & Sprin brook Road, proposed medical center site;Stoneway Concrete, with respect to NE 4 of SE4, Sec. 17, Twp. 23 N., R.5E, request for L-1; others had been received from Jack Johnson, 112th Avenue No. and "0" Street, request for Multiple Residential zoning; Emmett H. Kindle, for Multiple family housing of at least medium density for Kennydale area between 108th Ave. S.E. and the freeway and between S.E. 96th and S. E . 100th Streets. ; F. A. Storey request to retain former plan use on' Tract #289, C. D. Hillman's Garden of Eden 44; Mr. and Mrs. .David S. Haddad for R-4 on property located at 1.2005 Maple Valley Highway; C. K. Mullin, request for Business zoning on property in Honey Dew area West of Collins Lumber Yard; (outside City) ; Donald Jacobs, Trend Realty, Inc. for R-4 on parcel on 87th.Ave. So. at So. 130th Street; Petition of Amos E. Huseland, John B. Curbow and Harvey E . Pehling request for Business Zoning for property at S.E. 91st Place and/or Lake Wn. Blvd in the Kennydale area; F. E . Lawrence, request for R-3 or equivalent for Lots 24 and 255 Block 13, C. D. Hillman's Lake Wn. Garden of Eden. Other Petitions and requests were acknowledged, having been presented at the Planning Commission hearings and Planning Commission reports Irr.• on Council referrals were read regarding requested changes to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Donald H. Jacobs, C. K. Mullins, F.E. Lawrence and David S . Haddad. The Commission felt that after restudy and field trip to subject areas the requested changes could not be recommended at this time. In review of the request of Mr. Emmett H. Kindle, it was recommended that the area remain single family residential_, the area being predominately this zoning with new homes now being constructed and access to the property in question being through a single family residential neighborhood. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, that the matter of the Green Belt :area be considered first. Carried. Mayor Custer called attention to copies of the Comprehensive Plan Outline and Proposed Revisions distributed to everyone and noted that the purpose of this meeting is to hear from the public and Council. may or may not make any decision. Purpose of the Plan, General Development Objectives and Elements of the Plan were enumerated and it was noted that the Council_ may change any part of the 3 phases under the law. Audience comment was invited.Mr. Start Delong, 6406 - 60th Place So., Seattle inquired whether zoning will be affected by the Comprehensive Plan and was advised by Mayor Custer that no zoning will be changed per se tonight but that zoning re- visions are considered upon proper application and not without Public notice . Mr. James C . Hanken, Attorney, on behalf of J. Fi. Baxter Company and related industri.es,objected to proposed designation of the industrial properties as Green Belt and Park and Recreation areas citing same to be a matter of elimina- tion rather than relocation,the unique characteristics of the subject property being crucial to the operation and unavailable elsewhere in the area, and this basically being local industry. It was requested that the present Comprehensive Plan be modified to allow Heavy Industrial. use in the areas involved which is the -nature of the operation at present. It was pointed out that the present propos«1 as recreation site was speculative in nature since funds for acquisi- tion were not presently available andthat financing for expansion will be difficult and property values limited if Park use is designated. Also, the present leaves much to be desired as legal proposition and protectiveposition for the City. 202 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4/29/68 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont.) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 30th Ct. No. , Renton, noting per Easel Map,that property of Barbee Mill, Kennydale Beach and Lake Wn. Beach is designated for Park purposes now and could be condemned at- present if funds were available for acquisition and in order to receive funds the City has to have some planning and this Plan is- a beginning for a means to apply for federal funds, the present plan being in effect for some 5 years now needs updating and adopting the new plan will not cut ;jobs, or change zoning nor affect any of the persons present this evening. Mrs. David Martin, 8609 Lake Wn. Blvd. stated the people felt this was a question of confiscating property and they did not feel they could improve or utilize the property with the stigma of Green Belt on their properties. Mr. George Cassaday, Al Horat, Herman Shelton, representatives of protesting Industries and other objectors including Stuart Neill, Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Vice-President, Kay Johnson, representing Chamber of Commerce of Renton, and citizens, Donald Savoy, Wayne Goddard and David Martin, spoke on the matter ex- pressing concern of being "zoned" out of business, industry being as important to the community and tax base as recreation areas; not restricting development or utilization of natural resources; possible lowering of property values and in regard for employees working in the industries, supporting the communications. Mr. Larry Gibson noted that property values are based on per ft. price and that in the coming years the costs would raise accordingly and he did not feel the designation on the Comprehensive Plan will decrease property values. Dr. Baird Bardarson, 320 Renton Avenue, in support of the recreation proposal,felt there would be a great need for this type of facility in 15 years, and Mr. Bruce Hulse pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan is long range projection and no immediate removal from tax rolls would result but since 20 years from now the businesses may now be operating the same as now and the recreation designation was show so if the industries should discontinue present operations the area could then be utilized for recreation purposes rather than other industrial use, attention being called to the number of parks which have been added to the City over the past five years. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to reces's for ten minutes. The motion carried. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Planning Director Ericksen presented slides of maps and drawings of the Comprehen- sive Plan now existing and proposed, outlining the proposed revisions,noting pre- dicted 750,000 persons coming into the area in the future,the _impact of some now being felt. The updating of the. Land Use Map between'63.and'67 constituted basic changes effected in the General Development Plan, the Community Facilities Plan and Arterials and Streets, being updated and problem of interpretation being re- solved by extensions or cut-back as deemed necessary. Each of the 3 elements of the Plan were exhibited and proposals outlined and compared to existing Plan, after which audience comment was again invited. Planning Commission Chairman Dayle Garrison affirmed the Commissions intent to update the existing plan and in view of the need for water oriented property established this as a guide to be used for the next 20 years and that something should be done with regard to establishing potential properties that might be acquired ata future date. Moved by Shane, seconded by Delaurenti, that Council-disaffirm the recornmendation of the Planning Commission with regard to area West of Lake Wn. Blvd. between Lake Wn. Beach Park and S.E . 95th St., which was proposed recreation use. The area is presently indicated as multi-family residential (low density) . Discussion ensued regarding timeliness of the city's declaration of intent since funds are not now available and advisability of developing its presently owned sites, effect of the motion upon tho—City securing securing Forward Thrust moneys now available and problem of interpretation to remain. Also,fte Foss property will have changed and the Barbee Mill site will not have changed.. After further expression of concern for the property owners and employees of the industries concerned, the pending motion was voted upon and carried. It was noted that the area is not a Green Belt on the Comprehensive Plan. -3- 20 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4--29-68 PUBLIC HEARING: (Comprehensive Plan, cont.) Attorney Hanken expressed hope that the North portion of the area under discussion might be designated Heavy Industrial. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards that the area North of the Kennydale Beach area be shown on the Comprehensive Plan as Heavy Industrial. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call votq was requested and was taken as follows: Aye: Morris, Delaurenti, Edwards, Bruce, Shane and Barei. No: ' Garrett, Schellert, Perry, Trimm, Maxin, and Grant. The mayor voted no and the motion lost. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of designation of the property which was subiect of the prior motion, be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. The proposal of Petitioners for designation of Hospital District #1 properties in the Highlands for Park and Recreation purposes was presented by Norman Ross, 420 I Street who noted that ten years ago the taxpayers purchased the property at approximate cost of $30,000.00 to be used by the Hospital District and it was now felt the property should remain in the hands of the people and not be used to sup- port the hospital District in King County. The petition signed by over 1.100 persons, . requested development of the property for primarily a 9 hole,Par 3 golf course and park purposes and purchase and development of the property which has been surplus-6 by the Hospital District was urged. Mr. Archie Graham, 408 I Street calling atten- tion to the need for parks as discussed earlier in the evening noted that this par- cel proposed for park use contains 17 acres and that the petitioners are fully behind any action to further the proposal. Dick Stredicke added that this is the last large area of ground undeveloped in the vicinity and heretofore there was not much interest expressed nor support given to its development during Planning Com- mission discussion, but with the new growth of the community and anticipated even larger population increase, it was felt that the additional park facilities are needed and now is the time for action. Larry Gibson recalled bond issue of 1964 for Parks and lack of interest at the time or lack of being informed which re- sulted in its failure and it was felt that in the time since with updating and growth within the community that time should be taken now for subsequent action on the matter. Upon inquiry Planning Director Ericksen advised that the area is designated Medium Density Multiple Use on the existing plan and had been proposed as location for a school or administration building for the school district, how- ever, the school district is no longer interested. The Commission had recommended R-3 RSR-4 but the matter was referred to the Planning Committee of the Council in February when the Park Board had expressed interest for Park use, the Revised Plan having been referred to Committee of the Whole in September, 1967. Moved by Schel- lert seconded by 'Perry, that designation ofthe subject property on-the Compre- hensive Plan; including the Land Use and Community Facilities elements, be Park Use. The motion carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, that the matter of City acquisition of this property be referred to the Property Committee. The motion was withdrawn when it was noted the subject of this action was not within the specific limit of the purpose of the spec--'al meeting. Moved by Shane seconded by Edwards to adjourn. The motion lost. Audience comment was invited with regard to requested zoning changes and Mr. S.C. Iffert, 820 Lakeside Dr., Seattle, noted his vested interest in property South of Sunset Highway, #5 on the Revisions proposed, and calling attention to widening of Sunset to 4 lanes with a 5th turn around lane, and zoning of adjacent and nearby properties, requested revision to prior zoning rather than SR-1 which he did not feel was proper lying right next to a* fast highway nor would lending institutions provide money for such use . Mrs. Josephine Peterson, 1458 Hillcrest Lane, urged the Council to consider 4�1., proposed revision of the F. E. Lawrence property, in the Kennydalc Area, l'rnnr Multi. Family Residential, Medium Density to Single Family Residential. which in view of its location in-relation to the mainline road from Boeing and in concern for adja- cent and surrounding uses, urged that it be designated either Business or remain Multiple Use, not lending itself to single family use . Lennis Hutchens, 15614 - 106th Ave. S.E., requested consideration of Item 18 on the Proposed Revisions, in the Rolling Hills area between the Thunderhil:l Apart- ment and TransAmerica development on the other side. Some 20 acres of land in this strip formerly designated multiple-family residential, (medium density), are now proposed a single family residential and it was requested in fairness to the property owners now being enclosed by multiple developments, that the area be al- lowed R-3,remaining as it was, the land value otherwise to go down and owners to be squeezed out of possible benefits,l.oss of view and land some of which was acquired as early as 1929. --4- 204 Minutes - Special Meeting of City Council 4-29-68 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont.) Comprehensive Plan Audience comments continued with F. E. Lawrence urging reconsideration of Item 41 to B-1 or retain Multiple zoning as shown on the existing plan, Mrs . Pederson adding that owners are anxious to develop the property and with Business on the ad-iacent corner and apartments nearby it did not seem logical to change this to Single Family Residential. Mr. Jim Dalpay, 13033 Sunset Blvd. E ., requested that Item #5 be set aside until he and Mr. Iffert and the Council could discuss the property. Mr.. Koo n , representing Stoneway Concrete, Inc. requested that the area adjacent to Monterey Terrace and the area South and East of Monterey Terrace be designated Light Industrial Zoning as in the past. Future use of the property outlined the sand and gravel operation to be removed by September and anticipation of possible interest on basis of present L-1 use which is on adjacent properties at:present also. Mr. Dean Singer,1915 Monterey-Drive, called attention to proposed revision 413 noting that business areas usually are backed by Multiple Residential and some buffer rather than directly abutting Single Family Residential areas and with many of the City's better homes located in this area the proposed zoning was not felt to be the best use for the property in this area. Mr. Chester L. Hartsock, 1463 L Street, noting vested interest in Item 4 of pro- posed revisions,stated he could see no reason for cutting back the North 4 of the area since medium density multiple use should be just as valid in this area as it is in the South 2 of the property, especially since the East side is backed by the power line and the North side by a hill, and he felt the areas should be the same between 12th Avenue and 14th Avenues North and between 14th Ave . No. and S.E. 104th St. Attorney Douglas Felker, on behalf of Amos Huseland, called attention to Item No. 1 of the proposed revisions in concern for property owners interest at- 9841 Lake Wn. Blvd., pointing out that when property was annexed in 1960 they were assured that they would have the B-1 zoning and it was requested that this be considered by the Council rather than single family residential for this area, as had been promised. Mr. Charles Littel; 1410 S.E. 130th,inquired regarding the request of the Valley Medical-Dental developers, property located at South 180th., for R-3 zoning and in view of the lateness of the hour, requested that he be allowed to return at a later date to discuss the matter with .the Council. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, to recess the Special Meeting of the City Council and to continue the public hearing to Tuesday, May 7th at 8:00 p.m. Carried. The meeting recessed at 11.:45 p.m. There were 103 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Aeti `ie �� —Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor 20ta CITY OF RENTON j Garbageyranchise Bid Bid Opening 4/26/68 Alternate Alternate Alternate No. l No. . 2— No. 3 E OF BIDDER 3dre.ss Not more'than 25 feet 1 -can a 2 cans er week �' �� ��/ /•�� • 3 cans er week -4 cans per week 5 cans Per Week .More than 25 feet but less than 60 / 7, 171 1 ran aper geek 2 3 cans per week" a.G<�� a.y� a• 7© 4 cans�er week - 5 cars er wee-.k �'�f `�•`� � �/ More than 60•t f ect 1 can per week 2 cans Per'week - -- 3 cans ver week j 4 cars per %•geek 5 cans per week G 3.SPS" .P. 77 Business and COMTII_ erci-al first 20 garbage Cans in excess of 20 – ontainers 6 1 yard -- �� .� a s z l _ and .r 2 vard 10–to 20 vara 20 to 30 vard _ - - - - 6S— 63 -- Percent: Rer uction should City do bi 11ing % 206 y CITY OF RENTON Garbage Franchise Bid Bid Opening 4/26/68 Alternate Alternate Alternate No. 1. No. 2 ro• 3 NAf�F OF BIDDER . Address Not more than 25 feet �5-- 1 -cans..per week J � 2 cans Per week 3 cans per week '2 '4 cans per week a as" a 5 cans per week More than 25 feet but less than 60 1. can L ---ep-r week 2 cans per-week /•9.�' -~ /9� 3 cans Per week" --- ---� 4 cans per week 5 More L!-,an 601`eet 1 can per we�U o� LSD a?•60 `� a. tNi 2 cans per week 3 cans per week .3 a a 3 4 cans per week -- 5 cans per weeY. -- — ��- ---� Business and Commercial ,{ •F_i.rst. 20 garbage cans 3`� ►" , �` -- , `a a1 ;z ad Cans in excess of 20 --_ i7)�l�J; cAG- P�� rrnoryts a, oo a • Oo 09. Q0 containers 1 yard 1_ yard 3.1 vard rd 10 to ?_0 yard / --- //0 _ __ �w /67- _--- 20 1-rcent I;c�auct_ion should City do billing /d�O CITY Or Y},NTON Garbagc yranchise Bid Bid Opening 4/26/G8 Alternate Alternate 'Alternate No. 1 No: 2— No. 3 Alf NA14E Or BIDDER Address J Not more than 25 feet �1 cans ppr week 2 rans�per. wecr: G o? ��0 �7 •�?--- 3 cans. a, VS 4 cans Der weel_ _ __ 70 ---- 5 cans per week More Vhan 25. feet` buts`less than 60 ?.gran_=.per week _y _ 0 C7t;7G �?•�?0 _ _ 2 cansper-Week -- 3 cans or avec -- ��?U__ ___ ` a -- 0 4 cans. por %-m-elk 5 cans or week _ ?�`a `. 'YO ------ `3 %��---- more than 601€eet l•�can _pe:r week 3 cans per week C;P. `�� L— `=c, . . ,der. 1t'CCl: �Y�tJ �c•�Cl �?c� 5 cans; ��er week ______ _�_ _ .__ ___ ��� �.� _� `�S� _��_ __ •�: i�s-- ---' Business_ and, caa�ncrci.al. . First ?.O,ge�rbac E: cans �! -- '�.S`� __.__•;3S1-_V...__.—_ , 3Sw ��._ Cans-in_ercc:s_s of 20 --- 471/iV -il)Oni • Sp �2 ,S76 f niitincr.s $CJ � 75� 7s" 5 _ 10 to 20 „ rc2 _ -- —.. _.___ ___ 90 �O- to •� ard- - _f�. _.... IJ - P1 Percent lierluct:ion should City do hi.l.l i ng �/���? 10��' 208 April Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council. TO CLAIMS: FROM: Current Fund $ 39,548.78 Arterial Street Fund 67,914.75 Urban Arterial 10,859.87 City Street Fund 30,150.23 Cedar River M. & I. 308.74 Equipment Rental 33,543.87 Library 5059.36 Parks & Recreation 36,699.02 Waterworks Utility 90,551.35 Airport 645.79 Firemen's Pension 3,279.35 City Hall Construction 223,317.95 Total April Claims $ 542,179.06 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund $119,129.91 City Street Fund 20,485.40 Cedar River M. & I. 596.00 Equipment Rental 4,565.96 Library 9,554.98 Parks 17,258 .53 Waterworks Utility 18,633.59 Airport 1097.00 Firemen's Pension Fund 90.82 191,712.19 209 .,. RENTON CITY COUNCIL • REGULAR MEETING •RE F E R R A L S May 6, 1968 Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress estimate #22 due Johnston, Campanella, Murakami. & Co. C.AG. 1014-66, new City •Hall � lans $5,537.37 P Progress Estimate No. 3 due Olson, Richert, Bi.gnold & Associates, C.AG. 1240-67, Architectural services, Phase I, Lake Wn. Beach Park development i CAPITAL IMPROVETI:NT PRIORITY COMMITTEE Acquisition of right of way on SW corner of So. Third Street and Renton Avenue Acquisition of Highlands hospital property for Park & Recreation purposes CITY ENGINEER AND -STREET COMMISSIONER Wn. Utilities and Transportation Commission inquiry re Petitions of Pacific Coast RR Co. for new crossings in Renton. Letter of Intent to Annex-Richard T. Sanders et al request Petition for Annexation--Christopherson et al COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Radio Equipment requirements to comply with FCC regulations-$18,350.00 Funding of Radio Equipment (27 radio units--$18,350.00) Letter from Mrs . John R. Newell re Cp en Housing Carbage Collection Rate Ordinance MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute agreement 3rd phase Revetment work on Cedar River Bank,Kin6 County Eng7r_eers Authorized to execute Easement .from Northern Pacific RR Company-Houser Way Main Line Tracks FIFA AND WATER COMKITTEE Wm. P. Vauthier request for late-comers agreement-Water line at 11216-11214 SE 104th St. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Request by Renton Lions Club for No-Fee Permit--"White Cane"Fund Drive--May llth Applications for 1968 Fire Works Stands Letter-Wn. Society of CPA re sale of pistols PARK DEPT.,%,PARK BOARD AND LIBRARY BOARD Petition to consider opening City Library and recreation facilities on Sunday -Living Memorial Assoc. of Kennydal.e-withdrawal of offer to donate property for park PROPERTY COMMITTEE AND- PURCHASING AGENT "aids on 196b Automotive equipment Living Y Memorial. Assoc. of Kenn dale-withdrawal of offer to donate property for park operate food facility Dept. of Public Assistance Services for the Blind, request to p y P � for . the City Hall LAW AND ORDINANCE C014MITTEE Proposed Franchise Pacific Coast RR--No. Renton Main Track Line, .Houser Way (Ord. 2398 'adopt.) Reconsideration of Ray Brown rezone request, amended to R-2 k Proposed L.I.D. 258, Kennydale area Resone Eugene M. Richards Property, Appl. R-449-68 Rezone Walter L. Cook Property, Appl. R-426-67 Franchise Ordinance for Garbage Collection to be held pending publication as required by law 2 1- 0 �. �t Referrals May 6, 1968 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE-cont. ' Ordinance regulating dissemination of indecent material to minors Appropriate $3,000 from surplus in Library Fund to provide funds for typist PLANNING COMMISSION Recommendation by May 20-Manio Phillips requost CAPITAL IMPROVErTNT PRIORITY COMMITTEE Right-of-Way on SW corner of S. 3rd St. and Renton Ave. Acquisition of property known as 11the Hospital property" PROPERTY COMMITTEE Negotiate for- property known as "the hospital propertyP BOUNDARY REVI54 BOARD Petition to annex, Peoples National Bank property MAYOR'S_YOU TH GUIDANCE COMMITTEE Legislation re regulating the dissemination of indecent material to minors APPOINTMENTS Lester Kovach to Youth Guidance Committee W. Robert Lally to Municipal Arts Commission MEETINGS AND EVENTS May 19bt - Property Committee, Conference Room 7:00 P.M. May 13, 1968 - 'Committee of the Whole and Law and Ordinance, Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. Opening Housing Legislation May 13, 1968 - Street & Alley Committee to meet with Kent representatives to discuss Traffic Signal maintenance May 13, 1968 - Public Hearing on annexation - Althoff, Smith, Beale May 20, 1968 - Public Hearing on Manio Phillips rezone request GS-1 to SR-1 May 17, 1968 - State Joint Sub-Committee on Highways, Appropriations-Spokane Desert'' Sahara Motel, 9:00 A.M. May 20, 1968 - Opening of Bids, Landscaping So. 2nd St. Traffic Island May 20, 1968 - Opening of Bids, Comprehensive Liability Insurance May 14, 1968 - Light & Power Committee, Conference Room 7:30 P.M. June 3, 1.968 - Public Hearing Street Vacation, portion of 10th Pl. bet. "J" & "K" Sts. June 3, 1968 - Public Hearing Alley Vacation, Portion of alley, Block 2, Smithers 6th Add. 11 . RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 6, 1965 The regular t.eeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Custer in the Council Chambers, City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MIBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert, Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Hezunie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, 'Dern Church, Purchasing Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director and Jack Jones, Librarian. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the minutes of the previous meeting of April 22nd and the .Special meeting of April 29th, be approved as prepared and mailed out. Councilman Barei noted in the Minutes of 4-22-65 that his Property Committee report noted 27 sq. ft. of Cedar River Waterway being leased to the Gustines and the Committee should have reported 2500 sq. ft. of property. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane to amend the motion to include change in the minutes to reflect the correction. The amend- ment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended, to approve the Minutes as revised. OPENING OF BTDS: 1965 Automotive Equipnent This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk. BIDDER AND ADDRESS_ 5% BID DEPOSIT Bryant Motors Cashier's Ck. (SEE TABULATIONS ATTACHED) 1300 Bronson Way Renton, Washington 95055 Courtesy Chevrolet, Inc. Cashier's Ck. 3711 Rainier Avenue South Seattle, Washington 951.41� Drager's Hasley--Davidson Co. Ck. 15575 1207 Dexter Ave. Seattle, Washington 95109 Williams & Swanson Certified Ck. 617 Third Street South Renton, Washington 95055 Tom Matson's Valley Motors Cashier's Ck. 2925 Auburn Avenue Auburn, Washington 95002 Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to refer the bids to the Property Committee and the Purchasing A&2nt to report back. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Franchise for Pacific Coast Railroad Company for North Renton _ Main Track Line, Houser Way This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Mr'. Taylor and 11r. Eckart, the Railroad Company Representatives, displayed a wall diagram of the existing line and out.- lined its use by the industrial firms co-n.cerned, noting it to be vital to the continued operation of some. Mr. Ivan Haynes, Transport Storage Co., pointed out the automobiles must be removed from the terminal within 21¢ hours under the General Motors agreement and the subject track is pertinent to this operation, Mr. Eckart advised of recent actions to alleviate the problem reported by Mr. Ruud An another part of the City and urged that specific information be secured when a _report is to be made in order that the railroad company may properly administer the appropriate disciplinary action. The delays are not always avoidable at certain cross.-i.ngs but it is desired that if there are problems noted with undue traffic restriction that the period of time be reported and specifics b. remembered, the Walla Walla inc-ident hava.ng been remedied. Moved by Sci.ellert, seconded by Maxin, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the proposed Franchise Ordinanv.e to the 1,aw and Ordinance Cornmu.ttee for recciim endation. Carried. 212 5-6-68 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) PUBLIC HEARING: Reconsiderat`on of Ray Brown request for rezone amended to R-2 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There-being no written com- munications nor audience remarks, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, that the hearing be 'elosed. The .motion carried and the hearing was declared closed. Council. action was invited and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Grant, to approve the R-2 request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Ordinance. The motion carried. Inquiries from the audience followed regarding possible use under the R-2. Planning Director Ericksen read from the Code the use allowed and it was noted that in order to secure a special permit application would have to be filed with the Planning Commission followed by public notice and public hearing. It was urged .that persons wishing to be advised of any public hearing which should result leave their names with the Planning Department. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed L.I.D. 258, Kennydale area on Lake Wn. Blvd. ; S.E . 91st Place, SE 91st Street; S.E. 92nd Street and S.E. 93rd Street This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from J. R. Fawcett, 9003 = 100th Ave. S.E. , inquiring regarding 35% increase in cost over prior estimate and urging city participation, suggesting 60% since this is the addi- tional cost since the July, 1967 proposal which was lost due to protest. Mr. Fawcett had been instrumental in formation of the district and upon inquiry,it was noted that there was no'-protest at this time and City Engineer Wilson displayed drawing of the proposed line advising that the area was divided at the point where gravity flow runs to the North for connection and this is part of an over all system which could be pro- jected however since the last was defeated by protest it was felt a smaller unit as requested will be instituted at this time. It was noted that the increase in cost is mainly attributed to the smaller size of the district with fewer benefitting property owners sharing,and to the fact that the Lake Wn. Blvd. area requires 10" pipe and only one side of the street will be in the district,limiting the number participating. Mr. Jack Hodges inquired regarding reason his property was not included and was advised that his residence is beyond the division of the district since gravity flow to the connecting line would run to the South and this would involve another cost factor. Mr. Graham Bell commented that his assessment was for two lots and his house extends onto the other lot and a second connection would be unnecessary. City Engineer Wilson advised that consideration is given if such is the event. Inquiry was made as to the possibility of cutting costs by elimination of manholes and City Engineer Wilson stated the State Law required manholes-and this would be necessary whether the district were extended or not. It was noted that part of the area is railroad property and is not included in the benefitting properties. Upon inquiry it was noted that the total district will contain approximately 640 ft. of 10" line, 3200 of 8" line and about 1100 of 6" line or about 3850 main line and 1150 side sewers Mrs. Roberta Hodges in- quired regarding storm water run off and problems caused on their property. City Engineer Wilson suggested interceptor. drains lead into the storm system as the ulti- mate answer but that no sanitary sewer system is under consideration b t this time and would not be unless the whole area could be served. He stated that the Engineering Department along with the County Health Department have begun investigations of faults in septic tanks in the area which will be available at such time as another L.I.D. is commenced. Mayor Custer added this is the first effort of the Joint Agreement with King County Health and Sanitation Department and the Kennydale area will be the first work under this proposal. As there was no further comment, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, the hearing be closed. Carried. Mr. Fawcett inquired regarding possible city participation in the present L.I.D. where the oversize pipe is required for future service and- it was noted that this factor will be considered during the public hearing on the final assessment roll. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to refer the. matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Barei at this time moved that the City initiate annexation proceedings for Kennydale and Talbot Hill "Islands" and that the matter be placed on the Primary E lecti Ballot in September of this year. The motion was seconded by Perry. It was noted that petitions have been circulated in the Talbot Hill area and City Attorney Shellan advised that in such instance the City will have to pay the election cost and money will need to be appropriated. Schellert suggested alternate method by 10%petition of the owners, and not try to force the annexation since previous attempts with nearly 70% signers had resulted in failure. Barei felt that new residents might make the difference at this time. Edwards stated the people should be given an opportunity to petition. After discussion as to timeliness and order of business, question was called and vote was dissenting,resulting in request for roll call vote. The roll call: Aye: Delaurenti, Perry, Bruce, Grant and Barei.. No: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Trimm, Edwards, Maxi.n, and Shane. The motion lost as had been declared by the Chair. -2- 2 .10 ) Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting . 5/6/68 COMMUNICATIONS: Communications were read with Council actions taken as follows: Progress E!�ztijtate No. 22 payable to Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Co. for architectural services rendered on new city hall, C.AG. 1014-66, $5,537.37. Moved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Edwards, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Progress estimate No. 3 due Olson-Richert-Bignold, & Associates on C.AG. 1240-67, archi- tectural services rendered in connection with Phase I -Planning of Lake Wn. Beach Park development. Moved_ by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards to refer the payment to the Audit- ing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Planning Director Gordon Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommenda- tions from its public hearing meeting of April 24th recommending that rezones be granted on the Eugene M. Richards property, Appl. R-449-68 from G-6000 to L-1, located on 86th Avenue -South between South 153rd Street and FAI 405; and Walter L. Cook property, Appl. R-426-67, from G-6000 to L-1, located on 89th Avenue South between South 153rd Street and FAI 405. The proposed L-1 zonings are in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve Item 1 was carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Shane, to concur in item 2 with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried_. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that item 1 also be refer- red to the- Law and" Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. Letter from Mr. Joseph*lightfoot, Chief Clerk, Boundary Review Board, King County, re- ported receiving no request for review on Notice of Intention to Annex property to Renton, File A-43 and has not itself chosen to invoke jurisdiction and the action proposed is deemed approved. (Althoff, Smith, Beale property lying North of S.E. 112th, West of 136th S.E. and East of Precinct 38 boundary) .Moved by Schellert', seconded by Morris, that the date of May 13th be set for hearing on the proposed annexation. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson,reporting on petition to annex property to Renton submitted by Peoples bank, in vicinity of South 122nd Street and Rainier -Avenue, advised that signature thereon represents 100% of the assessed value which contains approximately 1.15 acres of land with an assessed valuation of $350.00. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Boundary Review Board for further action. The motion carried. Letter of intent to annex properties to Renton in vicinity of S.E. 106th & 132nd Ave.. S.E . was read, Richard T. Sanders et al request. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dela- urenti, to refer the letter to the City Engineer for report. Barei urged that survey be made and possibility of combining areas into one be given consideration rather than parcel coming in week after week. The pending motion carried, Barei opposing. Petition was read for annexation of properties to the City of Renton, designating agreement to assume pro-rata shares of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness and the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan for the subject area, submitted by Christopherson .. et al, which property is located Northwest of S.E. 166th Street and West of 108th Avenue S.E. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer. The motion carried. Letter from the Wn. Utilities and Transportation Commission noted prior correspondence relative to four petitions of Pacific Coast Railroad Co. for establishment of street grade crossings in Renton, their. file FS-6434, numbered T9940 through T-9943 and noted that letter of 7/13/67 might be sufficient answer except for conditions outlined in regard to future gradients and automatic signals. It was asked that the City either request hearing for furnish an unconditional answer and in event no reply is received the petitions will be set for hearing and 15 day notice was given with this letter. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant that the City Engineer_ and Street Commissioner in- vestigate and report back what the City's position should be. Carried. Letter from Wm. P. Vauthier requested late-comers agreement or recovery of costs,in connection with installation of water line to serve two new homes at 11216 and 112.14 S.E. 104th Street, to extent of direct benefit to others in the future. Moved by Perry; seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee for recom- mendation. Carried. Mr. Vauthier noted that Mr. Robert Shane has constructed two residents on adjacent property and has been granted water service without such charge and the Committee was directed to investigate this item also. The motion carried. Shane abstained. _g_ 214 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5/6/68 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Letter from Charles 0. Carroll, King Co. Prosecuting Attorney, submitted draft of a statute regulating the dissemination of indecent material to minors and suggested the City enact such legislation in Renton as had been done in New York. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee and the City Attorney for preparation of proper Ordinance. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to include amendment for referral to the Mayorls Youth Guidance Committee. The amendment carried and subsequently, the original motion as amended. Letter from the Renton Lions Club requested No-Fee Permit for "White Cane" Fund Drive in Renton on May 11th to support sight conservation program. Moved by Shane, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. City Clerk Nelson reported receiving applications for Fireworks Stands for the 1968 Fourth of July holidays as follows: The Kennydale Lions Club; Nesika Chapter, O.E.S.; Kiwanis Club of Greater Renton; (per Ace Fireworks) , Ace Fireworks for themselves; V.F.W. of Renton; Emblem Club; Renton Jaycees; Explorer Post 493, Boy Scouts and Renton Lions Club. Moved by Shane; seconded by Perry, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from the Living Memorial Association. of Kennydale advised that the membership had voted to retain the property for community center purposes and the offer of donation to the City`for park purposes was hereby being withdrawn. Moved by Barie, seconded by Shane, to refer the matter to the Park Board and the property Committee. Carried. Petition signed by approximately 250 persons urged the Council to consider opening the City Library and recreation facilities on Sundays. Rev. Emberg added that since this is the day when most people have free time it was felt such services would be utilized if available on Sunday. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Park Department and Library Board to report back. Carried. Letter from the Library Director, J. J. Jones, and Mrs . Fred Hanis, Library Board Pres., requested immediate transfer of funds in amount of $3,000.00 from surplus revenues in the Library Fund, unto Budgetary Account 1610/110 Salaries and Wages to provide funds for an additional typist in the cataloging department. Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Maxin to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from Manio Phillips, 221 Airport Ways requested waiver of rezone procedure to al- low rezone from GS-1 to SR-1 without delay, or for prior building permit issuance to allow construction to begin on residence, in the 600 Block of 11th Place South on Talbot. Hill. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to refer the request to the Planning Com- mission for recommendation. Carried'.Moved.by Perry, sebonded by Dela.urenti,._that May 20th be.set '-for hearing on the rezone. . Carried. Discussion ensued regarding justification of Council initiation of the matter and timeliness of the application,a.nd problem in the sub- ject area with zoning status since annexation was discussed,which is to be remedied by the Comprehensive Plan and prior attempts to rezone the area in general which were nul.li- fled by budgetary cutback during budget hearings were noted after which, the pending motion carried. Letter from W. B. Gillespie, Chief Engineer. , Flood Control Division, Office of the King County Engineer, submitted proposed agreement for third phase of Revetment work on Cedar River bank stabilization program in the vicinity of the library and civic center site. Cost of this phase is $5,000.00 which funds have been budgeted. Np ved by Garrett, second by Maxin, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the documents. Carried. Letter from Mrs. John R. Newell, Clerk for the Session. of St. Andrew United Presbyterian' Church, advised of April 28th meeting of the Church and vote to communicate to the City concern and interest in Open Housing for the City of Renton. The City was urged to pass such legislation at an early date. Moved bV Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to recess. Carried. After the recess, roll call was 'taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Rev. Allen Marshall, St. Anthonys Catholic Church, in clarification of press statement quoting Mr. Bob Wray, advised that he had. discussed the matter with Mr. Wray and while the church does not get into politics it is very interested in the rights of all people and does back civil rights also backing legislation on it, this also being hi_s_personal conviction as :roll.. It was noted that the Taw wild. Ordinance Committee will be. reporting to the Committee of the Whole on the open housing ordinance on May 13th at 7:00 P.M. 215 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 5/6/68 COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Mayor Custer, complying with Council request, submitted copy of the "Radio Equipment Requirements" necessary to bring the City into compliance with FCC regulations. The total cost would be $24,850 and $6,500.00 is now budgeted and is available from the Utilities Department. The $18050.00 balance would complete the program needs and provide for purchase of 27 radio units as required. The mobile units could be installed within about 90 days. It was urged that the Council discuss the matter soon. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, to refer the matter to the Com- mittee of the Whole and the funding to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Letter .from the Dept. of Public Assistance, Services for the 'Blind, requested the Council to consider their services in equipping, installing and supervising operation of a food facility for employees and/or the general public at the new city hall. Moved by Delaurenti, secm.ded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Property Committee for report. The motion carried. Letter from the State Department of Labor and Industries Certified that Local 21R, Wn. State Council of County and City Employees has been designated collective bargaining representative for City of Renton employees as denoted. Meeting Notice from the State Joint Committee on Highway advised of first of a series of statewide hearings of the Subcommittee on State Highways-Appropriations, will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, May 17th, Desert Sahara Motel, Spokane. AUDIENCE C CIVZ ENT: I Larry Gibson, 2909. No. 7th Street, recalled that when he lived in the Kpnnydale area their house had shifted over a number of years, from the water saturation of the area and urged that L.I.D. 258 be implemented as a measure which might contribute to the alleviation of problems residents of this area do have. Mr. Kay Johnson, Sec., Renton Chamber of Commerce, inquired regarding additional meet- ings of the Joint Committee on Highways and urged that one such session be arranged in `r the local area. Councilman Garrett advised he will follow-up q this request. Mr. Norman Ross, 420 I Street, inquired regarding designation of the hospital property for park purposes. Mayor Custer noted the public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan is to be `continued tomorrow evening and that actual implementation of the designations will be accomplished through adoption of an ordinance. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested confirmation of appointment of Mr. Lester Kovach as member of the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee, effective immediately. Moved by Delaurenti; seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. The motion carried. I Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. W. Robert Lally to another three-year term as member of the Municipal Arts Commission, effective upon con- firmation. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointment. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Letter was submitted for reading, received by Councilman Garrett by mail, from the Wn. Society of Certified Public Accountants, urging adoption of an ordinance to regulate. the sale of pistols and requiring a 72 hour cooling-off period before delivery of the weapon to the purchaser. Moved by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to refer the letter to the Police and License Commitee for recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street, and Alley Committee, submitted report which was read with council action taken as follows: Recommended the City accept the proposed Easement- from Northern Pacific Railroad Co. in vicinity of Ripley Lane and S.E. 72nd Street, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authori- zed to execute same if $100.00 fee is waived or paid by the benefiting property owners. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Ba.rei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported that the revised specifications for design landscaping for the South 2nd Street traffic islands have been reviewed and the Street and Alley Committee rec- ommends approval with Monday, May 20th being set for opening of bids. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to concur. Carried. 216 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5/6/68 , COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) The Street and Alley Committee report recommended that the matter of additional right-of- way on the S.W. corner of South Third Street and Renton Avenue be placed on the list of capital improvements in terms of -comparison with other projects_ Meded in the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded 'by Morris, to refer the is item to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee. Carried. The Street and Alley Committee report advised that a meeting has been scheduled May 13th with Mayor Thornton and Kent representatives, to discuss the request for Renton to provi . Kent with traffic signal maintenance. Law and. Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm reported thatthe Committee has the proposed ordinance on open housing and will present the document to the. Committee of the Whole on May, 13th at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Schellert, Ways and. Means Committee Chairman, requested additional time to report on possible funding of repair of the Highlands Administration building, since the excess revenues have been diminished and $9,500.00 has been estimated as the cost at this time. It was noted that there will be some reduction in street lighting costs which may afford some funding for this purpose, however, it was urged that this money be used for additional street lighting. New Business: Councilman Garrett moved that two street lights be installed at the crosswalks .located between 8th Avenue and Lake Wn. Blvd. on Garden Street to improve the safety especially during the swing shift change of personnel. The motion was seconded by Perry and Carried. Councilman Garrett announced the Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:00 p.m. , May 13th to hear the report of the Law and Ordinance Committee regarding the proposed open housing legislation, copies of which have been furnished each Councilman, sivah. copies suggested to be brought to the meeting. The Committee will have copies if needed. Councilman Barei, Property Committee Chairman, announced a meeting on May 9th at 7:00 p. in the conference room off the Mayor 's office. Councilman Barei reported recommendation of the Property Committee that bid call be authorized on the Comprehensive Liability Insurance Coverage Policy with May 20th as date for opening of the sealed bids. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur.Carried. Councilman Grant, Light and Power Committee Chairman, announced a meeting on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference room, May 14th. Councilman Grant stated that the Light and Power Committee with assistance of the Traffic Engineering Department and the Power and Light Company has made definite progress in the area of Franchise and and Underground Wiring Ordinances and Street Lighting matters and it was hoped that recommendation will be ready prior to July lst as to the Power Company Franchise. Councilman Maxin, a. member of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, moved that City of Renton Vouchers No. 3017 through 3226, having been approved by the Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 3017 - 3022 $ 19,02 1.26. City SVreet Fund 3023 - 3028 4,212.39 Cedar River M. & I. 3029 - 3033 132 .75 Equipment Rental 3034 - 3039 826.48 Library 3040 - 301.6 1,839. 95 Parks 3046 - 3051 3,166.93 Waterworks Utility 3052 - 3057 3,845.06 Airport 3058 - 3062 314.37 Firemen's Pension 3063 41.00 $33,400.19 Current Fund 3064 - 3143 12,509.94 City Street Fund 3144 - 3155 21992 .77 Equipment Rental 3156 - 3177 1,781.00 Library 3178 37.62 Parks 3179 - 3193 11,834.78 Waterworks Utility 3194 - 321.4 30,023.60 Airport 3215 4.00 Firemen's Pension 3216 - 3224 lol.)46 City Hall Construction 3225 - 3226 5,551-72 $57,836.89 -6- i Minutes - Renton.City Council Meeting 5/6/68 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS New Business : Cont. Recalling action of the Council to designate the hospital property in the Highlands as Recreation or Park property, Councilman Perry moved that the Property Committee be authori- zed to proceed with negotiations 'to acquire the property for park purposes, said property known as ?'the hospital property" located above Windsor Hills on E Street between 4th and 5th Avenues North. The motion was seconded by Schellert. It was noted that matter of rezone on this property is in the Planning Comittee and discussion ensued regarding the Comprehen- sive Plan as this area will be affected, $30,000.00 cost and possible acquisition costs, advisability of appraisals, after which the pending motion carried. Councilman Perry suggested that a Committee be appointed to negotiate with the new Local 21R when they come before the Council on the Budget. Mayor Custer noted certification of the Local had just been received tonight and plans had been discussed in this regard. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, that the acquisition of the hospital district property be referred to the Capital Improvement Priority Committee. Upon dissenting vote it was requested that roll call vote be taken and results of same were as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Schellert. The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted the following legislative documents"; Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington granting to the Pacific Coast RR Co. a Franchise for establishment, maintenance and operation of its North Renton main line track in, upon and along Houser Way, and fixing the location, terms and conditions of such Franchise. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to adopt Ordinance No. 2398 as read. Roll call vote followed will all ayes except one. Shane opposed. (25 year period) Proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of $1,100.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1689 unto the Park Fund 1710/604 to pay 1% Interagency Fee in connection with Grant Applications. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1536 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing appropriation of excess Waterworks Utilities revenues unto Utility Department Salary Accounts, to-wit: 1810/120, Temporary Employees, 1810/130, Overtime 600.00. 1810/201 Employment Security, $150.00 and 1.810/203, $2)000.00; � $ > > Industrial_" Insurance, $50.00. Total: $2,800.00Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1537 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing loan from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund unto the Park Department Fund No. 1710/604 Capital ital Outlay Account, the sum of $30,000.00 such December 1 1 6 at interest, transfer to constitute a loan to be repaid not later than3 , 9 9 3� , per annum. (Lake Wn. Beach Park development matching funds, - Stage II.) Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1538 as read. The motion carried. h r e he Cit and Sc. ool Proposed Resolution was read providing fa point agreement between t y District 1,03 to formulate policies of interest and benefit to both municipal corporations and to the publi..c generally for new and improved educational and recreational facilities and services without undue burden upon the taxpayer, through employment of mutual resources facilities and efforts. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to adopt Resolution No . 1539 as read. The motion. carried. Proposed Resolution was read providing for policy of equal opportunity to all citizens of the City in the field of housing, employment, education, public accommodations and facili- ties without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin and ancestry, to safe- guard against discrimination which endangers those rights and privileges of each and:.every citizen,. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to adopt Resolution No. 1540 as read. The motion carri d. Proposed Resolution was read fixing the 3rd day of June, 1968 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington as the time and place when Petition for vacating portion of 10th Place, between "J" Street and ?'K" Street shall be heard and determined. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No . 1541 as read. , The motion carried. .t' al. T)Ai.t.a.on -7- ' 1 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5/6/68 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) Proposed Resolution was read fixing the 3rd day of June, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington as the time and place for public hearing on Petition for vacation.of portion of alley, Block 2, Smithers 6th Addition to Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, that Resolution No. 1542 be adopted as read. Carried. (Davis- Gummere petition) Proposed Ordinance of the City was read vacating portion of 91st Avenue South, subject to payment of $2,250.00 by abutting property owners, which sum does not exceed one-half Oft appraised value. Subject to utility easements as described. Moved by Delaurenti, second . by Morris, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final read . , it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No. 2399 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read vacating portion of South 128th Street, lying between 91st Avenue South and Rainier Avenue South. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, secoriled by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No. 2400 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes end the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance of the City was read granting a Franchise unto Valley Disposal, Inc., a Washington corporation, for the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse, as provided for by the Ordinances of the City of Renton, for a five year period. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the document back to the Law and Ordinance Committee to hold for proper publication. Carried. Councilman Trimm reported that the proposed Ordinance for garbage rate structure was in the possession of the Committee but it had not yet been checked by all parties concerned. The rates were discussed and it was subsequently moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Committee of the_Whole for further discussion. Matter of changing the rate structure was discussed and City Attorney Shellan cautioned that the award had been made unanimously, and that the present collection contract has expired. The pending motion carried. After further comment regarding the loss of revenue to the City and the comparison_ of rates affecting two-can residences as to those for additional containers and commercial schedule, it was noted that the hour was late and discussion could resume another time . There was no audience comment further on matter presented this evening and it was moved by Maxin, seconded by Bruce, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:05. p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor I r, -8- 2J9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5'6--68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS I BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 0901 $ 3 ,000.00 Martin Hill 3503 Pres. Pk. Ct. Add to Residence 02 US Post Office 309-313 Wells Ave.S . Demolish. Bldgs. 03 3, 500.00 Faull Funeral, Home 300 S. 3rd St. Add to Building 04 City of Renton Kiwanis Park Construct Shelter i 0905 200.00 E. J. Calvin 329 Wells Ave. So. Install Window ■.. 06 16, 000 .00 Whitespar Homes 10.403 SE 96th St . Construct Res. 07 20 ,000.00 N. A. Magnason 1.7123 92nd Ave. So. Fill Property 08 100.00 Bert E. Neal 330 Morris Ave. So. Rearrange_Door 09 4 , 500.00 Harry Fletcher 206 Wells . Ave. So. Repair Fire Damage B 0910 200.00 Ann Monelli 437 Burnett Ave. So. Install Fence 11, 480 .00 Norman R. Johnson 9607 108th Pl. SE Remodel Residence 12 2 ,400.00 Alfred Heiden 1031 "G" Street Add to Residence 1.3 2 ,000.00 Ben Swenson 817 11011 Street Construct Carport 14 1, 985 .00 Kenneth Loch 1.231 Morris Ave. So. Construct Garage B 0915 400.00 Helen M. Robertson 251.7 9th Ave. No. Repair Residence 16 400.00 George Vedos 2122 loth Ave. No. Construct. Carport 17 125.00 Diamond Parking Mill Ave. So. & 2nd Install Sign 13 500 .00 Bell & Valdez Puget Dr . & SE 20 Pl Install Signs 19 500 .00 Bell & Valdez Puget Dr. & SE 20 P1 Install Signs B 0920 200.00 David E. Thompson 1.081.5 SE 96th St. Construct Shed 21 10 ,000.00 The Boeing Co. 10-80 Bldg. Remodel ComputerAra 22 450 .00 Christy' s Drivein 604 Rainier Ave. S . Change Sign j 23 2 , 500.00 The Boeing Co . Bldg. 10-57 Construct Partition 24 800.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-60 Install Partitions B 0925 400.00 Francis J. Beckman 1306 "K" Street Construct Fence 26 4, 380. 00 Donald Massey 1103 "R" Street Add to Residence 27 400.00 George Johnston 11608 132nd Ave.SE Add Carport to Res. bm 28 16 ,500.00 James Wiehoff 9729 116th Ave. SE Construct Res. 29 James Wiehoff 9727 116th Ave. SE Construct Res. B 0930 James Wiehoff 9725 116th Ave. SE Construct Res. 31 700 .00 George W. Zvarich 11429 112th Ave. SE Construct Shed 32 700.00 W. J. Clear 1061.9 116th Ave. SE Add Carport to Res . 33 750 .00 Home Trailer Sales 1.5082 91st Ave. So. Repair Residence 34 Metro Ind. Dist. Metro Indus . Dist. Fill Area B 0935 21 ,000.00 I & A Construction 503 Royal Drive Construct'. Res. 36 300 .00 HiLands Coiffures 927 "H" Street Install Sign 37 15 : 850 .00 Leo V. Roush 89th Ave. So. Construct Res . 38 2 , 800 .00 R. Rutledge 222 Stevens Ave. So. Garage & Shop 39 40 , 000.00 William R. Bryant 1300 Bronson Way No. Construct Bldg. B 0940 VOID 41 3 ,000.00 Humble Oil Co. 2800 Sunset Hiwy No. Construct Canopy 42 22 , 000 .00 Boscol.odi.no 10010 High Street Construct Res. 43 2 ,000 .00 Pan Abode, Inc. 8041 Lk. Wash. Blvd. Sawdust Bunker 44 500 .00 Richard W. Ramseur 2414 6th Pl . No. Add to Residence B 0945 1,000.00 Herbert F . Kindle 1.1.31 N Street Add to Residence 46 15 , 000.00 G&M Auto Sales 12501 Rainier Ave. Install Partitions ELECTRICAL PERMITS 0764 � 500.00 The Boeing Co. Bldgs 4--89--•4-21 Inst.PumpCont Circ. 0765 216.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg 4-21 Inst. Recptcles 66 250 .00 Renton Shop C+tr . Barher Shop Rewire Outlets 67 713 .00 Cale Hal.sen 1.307 S . 9th St. Wire New Res. 68 1, 000 .00 John. EdTojards z1 .r:ca y Wolf Bldg. Dryers & Lighting 69 3, 90,M0 G:ov-Mart Bazar 717-25 Rainier So. Install Wiring E 0770 165.00 John P. Pecker 1034 "K" Street Wire Ne-,,7 Residence 71 147 .0+0 Pat McLendon 2820 5th Ave. No. Wire Swim Pool. 72. 1, 500.00 Gen.Puge : Const.Co. 715 Lind Ave. Wire Neia Addition 9 . 2 20 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5-6-68 ELECTRICAL PERMITS - Continued No Amount Name Address Type of Wo--k E 0773 $ 370.00 William Vauthier 11216 SE 104th St. Wire New Residence 74 370.00 William Vauthier 11224 SE 104th St. " It It E 0775 60Q .00 J. Azzolla 1130 Davis St. Ifif 76 140.00 The Boeing Co. Renton Vill TrlrSite Install Receptacles 77 400.00 Alta Nunn 4312 Williams Ave. N. Electric Heat 78 X00.00 Powell Const. Co. 10735 114th Ave. SE Wiring 79 500.00 Powell Const. Co. 10725 114th Ave. SE " " " E 0780 50_00 Bell .& Valdez 1912 Dogwood Ave. SE Temporary Service 81 50.00 Bell & Valdez 2306 SE 19th Place " 82 50 .00 L. E. Paradis 107 Main Street If 83 50 .00 Don Monaghan 1009 High Ave. So. " 84 50.00 Transamerica Dev. 1817 Grant Street E -0785 50.00 Transamerica Dev. 1829 Grant Street of " 86 50 .00 Allied Homes 50 91st South " 87 50 .00 Allied Homes 50 91st South 88 50 .00 Bell & Valdez 2001 Dogwood Ave. SE " 89 50.00 Bell & Valdez 2011 Dogwood Ave. SE it E 0790 50.00 Hart, Inc. 1811 Grant Street if " 91 50 .00 Whitespar Homes . 10423 SE 96th It " 92 50.00 Gayle Halsen 9th St. & Renton Ave. " If 93 50 .00 Ed Biggins 523 Wells Ave. No. " of 94 4, 250.00 Monte Powell 527 Williams Ave . So.Wire 5 Unit Apt Bldg. E 0795 250.00 Colonel Sanders 603 So. 2nd Street " Addition 96 50 .00 Wash. Mutual Say.Bk. 150 Logan Ave. So. Wire/Sprinkler System 97 15 , 000.00 Allied Homes, Inc. 50 91st Ave. So. Apt. Bldg. 98 19, 900 .00 Larry Paradis 107 Main Street If " 99 400 .00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4--01- New Cks/Drops&Motors E 0800 500. 00 The Boeing Co . Bldg. 4-01 Revise Circuits O1 850 .00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-37 Revise Fixtures 02 VOID 03 Jack A. Benaroya Co . SW 110th & Thomas 5 Temporary Services 04 400 .00 Bell & Valdez 2021 SE Dogwood Ct . Wire New Residence E 0805 400 .00 Bell & Valdez 2024 SE Dogwood Ct. " 06 400.00 Bell & Valdez 201.2 SE Dogwood Ct. " 07 400 .00 Bell & Valdez 2218 SE 19th Place " 08 280.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-21 Provide Circuits 09 Powell Const. Co. 10723 114th S .E. Wire New Residence E 081.0 Powell Const. Co. 10735 114th S .E. " " If 1.1 500.00 Mrs. Frank Rhodes 77 Wells Ave. 'So . Install ElectricHeat 12 250 .00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-21 Provide Power 13 150.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 1.0-51 if of 14 50.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-01 Exhaust Fan Ckt . E 0815 600 .00 The Boeing Co. Bldgs . 4--20 & 21 Circuits for. Clocks 16 700 .00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-21 Pwr for Recpts 17 11 , 500.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-21 Electric Rearrangmt 18 680.00 Wayne Hills 2127 10th Ave. N. Wire New Residence 19 450.00 R. S . Shane 1.1654 SE 100th St. " E 0820 400.00 I&A Const. Co. 503 Royal Drive " 21 600 .00 Whitespar Homes 10419 SE '96th St . " 22 1.50.00 L. Hansen 811 N. 4th St. Change over Servi 2.3 50 .00 McGrath Homes, Inc. 13201 SE 107th P1. 3 Temporary Servic 24 450. 00 Herve Belisle 9601, 112th Ave. SE Wire New Residenc 1 _.10._ . 221 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5-6-68 MECHANICAL PERMITS No. Amount Name Addz�ess Type of Work M 0795 —---- The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-85 Install New Sink j 96 ------ Fred Price 103 Burnett Ave. So. Install Furnace 97 -----z Phillips Petroleum 311 Sunset Blvd. E. Install Furnace 98 VOID 99 ------ Wash.Mutual Savings Bk. 150 Logan Ave. So. Install Sprinkler M 0800 ------ Wayne Hill Const, Co. 2127 10th Ave. No. Install Oil Tank 01 ------ Whitespar' Homes, Inc. 10419 96th Ave. SE Plumbing & Fixtures 02. ----- City of Renton 13th & K- Street Install Sprinkler bm 03 ------ Transamerica Dev. Co. 1115 Thunder Hill Install Fixtures 04 ------ Transamerica Dev. Co. 1117 Thunder Hill Install Fixtures M 0805 ------ Transamerica Dev. Co. 1111 Thunder Hill Install Fixtures 06 ------ Transamerica Dev. Co. 1131 Thunder Hill Install Fixtures 07 ------ Transamerica Dev. Co. 1119 Thunder Hill Install Fixtures 08 ------ Transamerica Dev. Co. 1113 Thunder Hill Install Fixtures - 09 ------ Powell Const. Co. 10738 114th SE Install Gas Piping M 0810 ------ Powell Const.. Co. 10738 114th SE Install Furnace 11 ------ Powell Const. Co. 1.0735 114th SE Install Piping 12 ------ Powell Const. Co. 10735 114th SE Install Furnace 13 ------ Powell Const. Co. . 10723 114th SE Install Piping 14 -- --- Powell Const. Co. 10723 114th SE Install Furnace M 0815 ------ Powell. Const. Co. 10714 114th SE Install Piping 16 ------ Powell Const. Co. 10714 114th SE Install Furnace 17 ------ Martin Hill 3503 Pres . Pk. Ct. Chg Loc of Washer 18 ------ Parkwood Homes 706 Trinity Ct . Plumbing & Fixtures 19 ------ Parkwood Homes 2604 Prince Ave . Plumbing & Fixtures M 0820 ------ W.R. Wood Const. Co. 12.016 132nd Ave. SE Install Oil Furnace 21 -- ---- W.R. Wood Const. Co. 12012. 132nd Ave. SE Install Oil Furnace 22 ------- W.R. Wood Const. Co . 12010 132nd Ave. SE Install Oil Furnace 23 ------ W.R. Wood Const. Co. 12014 132nd Ave . SE Install Oil Furnace 24 -- ---- Hill' s Construction 2127 No. 10th St. Plumbing & Fixturesi g M 082.5 ------ Sterling Jensen 12740 90th Ave. So. Install Fixtures 26 ------ The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-03-2 Col. Install 2 flr Drains 27 ----- - Bell & Valdez 2004 .Dogwood Ave.SE Install Fixtures 2.8 ------ Bell & Valdez 2212 SE 20th Pl. Install Fixtures 29 ------ Bell & Valdez 2306 SE 19th Pl. Install Fixtures M 0830 ------ Parkwood Homes 2610 Prince Ave. Install Fixtures 31 ------ Parkwood Homes 701 Spruce Court Install Fixtures 3.2 ------ Parkwood Homes 707 Spruce Court Install Fixtures 33 ------ Parkwood Homes 713 Spruce Court Install Fixtures 34 ------ I & A Construction 503 Royal Drive Plumbing & Fixtures M 0835 ------ Roger Peterson 1347 "J" Street Install Gas Heater 36 ------..Patrick McLendon 2820 5th Ave. No. Install Piping 37 ------ Emery Wechselberger 12432 87th Ave. So. Plumbing & Fixtures 38 ------ Parkwood Homes 707 Spruce Court Plumbing & Fixtures 39 ------ Parkwood Homes 706 Trinity Court Plumbing & Fixtures M 0840 ------ Parkwood Homes 713 Spruce Court Plumbing & Fixtures 41 ------ Parkwood Homes 2604 Prince Ave. Plumbing & Fixtures 42 ------ Parkwood Homes 2610 Prince Ave. Plumbing & Fixtures 43 ------ War_in L. Gross 9723 112th SE ReplOmbin.g 44 ------ R. S . Shane 11663 SE 100th St. Install Septic Tank 0845 -------- Joe Boehme 10432 SE 98th Install Septic Tank 46 ----- Herve L. Belisle 9601 112th Ave. SE Plumbing & Fixtures 47 ------ R. S. Shane 1.1654 SE 100th Install Septic Tank 48 ------ Herbert Kindle 1131 N Street Plumbing & Fixtures 49 - ---- John Anarde 436 Stevens St . Install Oil Furnace -11- . .. . ... �, 1....:..: .....�,:r... .�:.......:.:..tea.K _.. .,..:. ..,....:._. ..�.aw»,�.+.au... 22`2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERY. 5-6-68 SEWER PERMITS No Amount Name Address Type of Work 373 ----- - Evert Wiggans 1245 Talbot Road Sewer Service 374 ----- Robert Anderson 111 Williams Ave. .SO. 375 ----- :Highlander Investment 13205 90th Ave. So. " " 376 ----- Highlander Investment 13205 90th Ave. So. It It 377 ----- Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Racetrack It " 378 ---- Pacific Car & Foundry 1400 4th -Ave. No. It " 379 ----- Transamerica Dev . Thunder Hill Parcel #40 of I 380 ----- Transamerica Dev. 1111 Thunder Hill Road " 381 ----- Transamerica Dev. 1115 Thunder Hill Road it 382 ----- Transamerica Dev. 1117 Thunder Hill Road 383 ----- Transamerica Dev. 1119 Thunder Hill Road " 384 ----- Transamerica Dev. 1131 Thunder Hill Road " 385 • ----- Transamerica Dev. 1133 Thunder Hill Road " 386 ----- Transamerica Dev. 1135 Thunder Hill Road " 387 ----- Transamerica Dev. 1213 Thunder Hill Road " 388 ----- Transamerica Dev. 1215 Thunder Hill Road It " _ 389 ----- Transamerica Dev. . 1231 Thunder Hill Road " 390 ----- Emery Wechselberger 12432 87th South " 391 ----- Emery Wechselberger 12434 87th South " 392 ----- Powell Const. Co . 10732 114th SE it " 393 ----- Wood' s Construction 1201_6 132nd SE " 394 ----- Wood' s Construction 12014 132nd SE " 395 ------ Wood' s Construction 12010 132nd SE " 396 ----- Wood' s Construction 12012 132nd SE " 397 ----- Powell Const. Co. 10726 114th SE 398 ----- Powell Const. Co. 10735 114th SE " 399 ----- Powell Const. Co . 10723 114th SE " Now -12 B I D T A B U L A T I O N' S H E, E T 1 9 68 A U T 0 A 0 1 v E E U I P M E N T 6IDDER & ADDRESS IPOLICE DEPT. iLIBRARY DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. PARK DE,PT. ENGINEERING DEPT. WATER'DEPT. WATER 1)riPT. STREET DEPT. ;PARK DEPT. 2 'n, :.!Vlot.Cycl. 8-Pass.Jan 8-Pa3s.StaLign. 6-Pass.Sta.%gn,3-Pass.Vans Tleo 13/4T.PickUp i 3T.gFt;Flat �/4T.PickLp' 12T W-Util.BXr,. B?d' Tr'ck.•. • /w.Util.BxsTwoBd<Trk iiois t ?YLNT MOTORS for 300 Bronson V.ay $3,3$5.78 {{$2,934• $21662.74 $5,634.48 Two $5,580.50 .erton, S'+asi�-58055 1/er Tradeln /w`1mdeln /wTradeIns /wTradeIn 1Cash.Ck.11158867 130 Days 3070 Days 0 Das 70 Days ".,, ujZ , �TRO=1T 45 Days fol- �„vv__._:.�.Y C. ' " Corrected for °'711 Rainier Ave.S. $2,869.55 $21818.77 $2,382.10 $52119.08 Two $2,484.47 $2,786.64 !$5,036.06 240 $4,734.28 -eattle, 11ash.981U. .. Alternate /wTradeIn /-oTradeIn /wTradeIn /wTradeIns /wTradeIn lCaCk.ir82 87 0 i$2,676.91 i=-DAVIDSON CO. $2,488.20 '120? Dexter Ave. eatt?e 9,1,ash. +ZLLUN1S & SWANSON 60 Days for Corrected to for b17 3rd.Str.So. $2,848.98 $2,826.61 $2,292.87 $2,565.14 One $2,488.92 $2,712.25 $4,965.55 `I�o $4,374.62 ton, -'ans. ernate ( /wTradeIn /wTradeIn /wTradeIn /wTradeIns /wfiradeIn ; $2.76:L-.;34 60 Das 60 Das 60 Du s 60 Davs 60 Days 60 Days 60 Da ys �TOi ATSON IS for for jATIJTZY' INOTO:LS $3,167.51 $3,275.58 $2,873.36 $5,572.84 Wo $2,665.51 $3,022.31 $5,631.02 v 0 $5,143.22 X925 Auburn Ave. /wTradeIn f-- / /wTradeIn /wTradeIn /wTradeIn l uburn, Wash.98002 i Cash.Ck.7#'176836 i i 224 RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING May 7, 1968 M I N U T E S Tne Special .'ublic Hearing Meeting of the Renton City Council, continued. from April. 29th, was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Custer in the Council. Chambers, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. Councilmen Grant and Trimm were absent. Deputy City Clerk, Gwen Marshall, was present to represent Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, and Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, was present from the Planning Department. . The Public Hearing was declared open at this time to further con=sider revisions and recom- mendations regarding the proposed Comprehensive Plan of the City and brochures including maps and list of areas to be affected were distributed. Communication from Mr. Robert C. Wing, President, Puget Western, Inc., requested that the properties known as Gladding-McBean (Interpace) remain designated as heavy industry and not be revised to multi-family residential., high density, and remainder Green Belt, as proposed. He noted that the special soil condition of this area will hold the heavy founda- tion loads their industry requires which other pbtential industrial park areas do not have (water saturation being too great) . It was noted that during the past two years his Company : has prepared a comprehensive development plan oriented toward an industrial park, taking into account the access problems & proposing improvements to solve same. A second area whic=h they own was also noted which lies East of the Valley Freeway, 'nest of'Tal.bot Hill,South of the Renton Interchange and North of South 180th Street anticipated to be developed as multiple housing as is provided in the present land use plan. It was noted that under a Green Belt classification they had some question as to whether any economic use of the land would be permitted. Petition containing approximately 55 signatures protested multiple family, high density zoning on property located at 87th Avenue South and South 130th Street, as requested by Mr. Donald Jacobs of Trend Realty. The parcel is now zoned single family residential and it was desired that no change in the Comprehensive Plan be effected for said area. AUDIENCE C OMNE NTS: Councilman Shane introduced Mr. Johnson who spoke on behalf of St. Andrews Lodge, F. & A.M. Renton, requested the Council to consider granting a less restrictive use than SR-1 now shaan on the Comprehensive Plan for property at 10th and "M" Street owned by the Lodge. Mayor Custer noted that the use designated on the Comprehensive Plan does not affect the zoning of properties as they exist and that no actual zoning is to be done, future land use being the matter under consideration which, in some cases may affect future use, but not in general. It was pointed out that if zoning requested in the.future is reflected on the Comprehensive Plan, however, the request would more l=ikely receive favorable consideration. Remarks were invited on items proposed for revision as listed. (Items with no request for change -or comments thereon dre not . included) 1. Kennydale area bounded on North by S.E. 84th Street; South by S.E. 100th Street; East by the freeway; west by Lake Wn. Blvd.; now indicated as multi-family residential, medium density. Proposed revision to single family residential.. Mrs. Amos Huseland, 10410 - 116th Ave. S.E., described location of her property noting that it had been zoned "G" or General upon annexation at which time they had been assured they- could retain Business use. No further development could take place until sewers were in and sewers are now being instituted so it was requested that this parcel not be designated as single family use but be left open for continued business purpose. (9104 Lake Wn. Blvd.) Mrs. Josephice Peterson, 1458 Hill.crest Lane, requested the Council to judge fairly on the F. E. Lawrence property in the Kennydale area, and allow Business use as are on the other 3 corners, or the retention of multiple use,the property not lending itself reasonably nor logically to single family residential use. (SW corner of S.E. 94th at 104th. Mr. Amos Huseland added to his wife's statement the fact that they had Business zoning when in the County and it was his understanding that the same or a like use is granted upon annexa- tion and it was their desire that this be shown as Business and not single family residential. Upon inquiry, it was stated that the property was annexed in 1961, and upon further discussion it was pointed out that just as the City has no guarantee of future ownerships and present use, there is no guarantee that zonings or use under another municipal body of elected legislators or City Officials can be constant, changes being effected with growth and progressiveness con- tinually. -1- h 2`"2')5 Minutes - Special City Council Meeting Public Hearing - Comprehensive Plan May 7, 1968 (Continued_ from April 29th) AUDIENCE COMhIENTS: (Cont.) 2. Kennydale Area West of Lake Wn. Blvd. between Lake Wn. Beach Park and S.E. 95th Street now indicated as multi-family residential, low density; proposed recreation. .Park Director Coulon, on behalf of the Park Board advised that moneys were available to acquire additional waterfront property and some $400IOO�had been allocated to the City of Renton for acquisition of .Lake Washington property through successful. .Forward Thrust issues. Also, it is possible that 50%,matching money might be secured from the Federal. Government and 25% matching funds through the State. This money, however, must be used for waterfront property. Bids have been called for on the first phase of development of the Lake Wn. Beach Park and Stage 2 has been approved and bid call for this stage are proposed for July 1st. It is hoped that the third stage might be approved before the end of the year and the project completed in 69. The Park Board has indicated a desire to add to the property and it is probable that funds may be secured to take such action. During the ensuing discussion it was noted that if indicated as recreation on the Comprehensive plan the application for assistance would be greatly enhanced. Iter 3. Kennydale ARea bounded on the North by S.E. 97th St; South by 12th Avenue North; Fast by 116th Avenue S.E.; West by the freeway, now indicated multi-family residential, low density; proposed revision to single family residential. Mr. Emmett Kindle, 9629- 108th S.E., called attention to a small parcel along the freeway between 100th and 96th on 108th S.E., approximately 330 ft. long, and stated that this is not an ideal location for SR-1 and requested at least medium density multiple use as being reasonable and better use for the property. Mr. Frank Storey, 11007 - 109th Avenue S.E. advised that he owned a parcel in vicinity of the North Renton Interchange that might possibly be involved with a pedestrian crossing and prior rezone request had been denied. It was requested that this not be shown SR-1 but be allowed indication of multiple residential use. 4. Highlands area bounded on North by S.E. 104th Street extended, ; South by 12th Avenue No.; East by Puget Sound Power RAT; West by "H" Street, now indicated multi-family residential, high density; proposed cutback of high density multi-family to low density multi-family North of 14th Avenue North and to medium density multi-family South of 14th North. Mr. Chet Hartsock, 1463 71L" Street, stated he owns approximately 5 acres parallel with the Renton Highlands and he cannot understand why classification of the north one-half of the Highlands should be reduced and the area south remain and requested the whole area be allow- ed at least medium density multiple residential use. He felt the power line was a natural buffer between single family residential use,and the hillside slope and general terrain were otherwise contributing to the division. �. : Honeydew Area bounded 6n the'North by' l.2th Avenue North; South. by. 11th Ct. No. ; East by 136th Ave. S.E.; West by 132nd Ave, S.E. now indicated as multi-family residential., high density; proposed revision to single family residential. Mr. S. C. Iffert, 820 Lakeside Drive, Seattle, and Mr. Jim Dal.pay, 13033 Sunset Blvd. E, requested a. deletion of the proposed revision of item #5 from the Comprehensive Plan to allow development of the area to Business and Multiple-family residential use. Approxi- mately 13 acres are involved and par of the area is nota business, having been used for such a number of years. Since the entire area involves a few ownerships inquiry was made as to reason for selecting this property to revise.". Mr. Stan De Long, 6406 - 60th Ave. So. also having property_i.nter.eUt in the area,noted that when acquired and planned for development they had not anticipated a change. Mr. Dal.pay noted change accomplished 3 years ago and drawing of their proposed business and apartment complex was displayed, it being noted that a revision would have drastic effect on their plans and the potential of the property. (Located at Sunset and 132nd Ave. S.E. ) Objection was expressed to the downgrading of property :they had purchased after being sure of zoning with idea of develop- ing as sho;an,which was felt to be the best and highest use of the property. Planning Director E-ric'_ sen noted Planning Commission intent that the business line be drawn back and concentrated in the vicinity of Sunset Blvd. itself to protect the SR-1 use. During discussion it was noted that property owners need to be compensated when property'.-values ai'e reduced. Ifr. DeLong noted that, the item 5 covers only their properties and they woulri request that it not be changed. Various questions were raised as to intent of the Planning Conn^iission, Mr. Erichsen adding that it was mainly to prevent any .further use of Multiple Use South. -2- 226 Minutes - Special City Council Meeting Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan May 7, 1968 (Continued from April 29th) AUDIENCE COMMENTS: (Cont.) 8.. E. Cemetery Rd;; 4 corners 138th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 128th to a depth of 300 ft. now business, proposed to 600 ft. depth with 200, buffer of Multiple. Mr. C. K. Mullins pointing to Business area at Cemetery Road and 148th S.E., noted business fon about 300 ft but none going East from 132nd and advised that the lumber yard should be included and the B-1 extended to encompass this property, to the West, Upon inquiry regarding this proposal and reasons, it was noted that it is likened to Item 5, lying in the same position and in a direct line and separation of use was basically th -intent. Item 13 was noted to be Mr. Shane's property which revision was made to bring it. into accord with the land use. Item 14. Gladding-McBean area bounded on the North by Cedar River; South by ridge running SFS from City of Seattle pipeline; West at intersection of South 7th St. extended with 116th Ave. S.E. extended, now indicated Heavy Industry and green belt; proposed revision to 150, abutting river for recreation, next 5001 to 6001 depth for multi-family residential, high density and remainder green belt. Mr. Les Donner, 12849 S.E. 72nd Street, explained the position of the property owner and presented maps and drawings of proposed development program planned by Puget Western, Inc. , prime owner of this area, to include excavation for widening of the access and extending the property potential toward industrial park use. It was noted that removal of material and excavations will be well engineered and will not endanger the stability of the hillside. Information and plans outlined in Mr. Wingrs letter, which was read earlier were extended. Mr. Donner requested retention of H-1 use as being vital to their operation and having some question as to possible use under the Green Belt designation affirmed that the intent was to have H-1 for the entire area. 1.6: .. Maple Valley area bounded by Cedar River on the West and North and by 148th Ave. S.E. extended on the East and Milwaukee Railroad mainline R/W on the South, now indicated as Green Belt. Mr. Harold Jordan, 11607 Maple Valley Highway, stated that the highest and best use for the subject property is other than single family residential... He outlined the 1.1 acre area noting its isolation urged review and noted access problems and prior request for Multiple use discounting the widening of the highway as being a factor to be considered. 18. Rolling Hills Area - Specific area discussed is not included. Mr. Lennis Hutchins, 15614 - 106th Avenue S.E. requested the Council to give consideration to allow retention of Multiple use on the 20 acre parcel located between the Thunderhill Apartments and Transamerica development, The landowners involved have owned the property as early as 1929 and it was felt a change to single family classification would result in great loss of property values in the area and reduce opportunity to sell or obtain money from lending agencies. 20. West Talbot Hill area bounded on the North by South. 13th Street; South by South 176th Street, exteided; .West by the East Valley Freeway, east to depth of 3001 from freeway; now indicated multi-family residential, high density, proposed revision to Green Belt. Mr. Donner, again on behalf of Puget Western, Inc., noted Mr. Wing►s letter and that Puget- Power ugetPower is the parent Company in this ownership and questioned the economic use if Green Belt designation is implemented. Mr. Wing had noted that though much of the area is low and pre- sents storm drainage problems at present, it is not impossible to develop same for such use as multiple housing as indicated on the existing Comprehensive Plan. 23. Benson Hill area from intersection of 108th Ave. S.E. and S.,E. 176th St. to radius of 10001 ; designated commercial bounded by 500' band of multi-family residential, medium density, proposed to reduce commercial to 600, and banded by 400' strip of multiple. Mrs. Helen Gibson, 17630 - 108th S.E. inquired if this would include her property next to Albertsons and it was ant:.icipat6cj tbaf. sne may likely however, invitation was extended to bring the legal description in to the City Engineer 'or verification, extension of planning being included in event of future annexation since time would be saved by both parties con- cerned if an area annexed were already given a designated use. -3- 227 Minutes - Special City Council Meeting Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan May 7, 1968 (Cont. from April 29th) AUDIENCE COTIMENTS: (Cont.) Item 23 Mrs. Margie Troutl,and, 7600 Lakeridge Drive, inquired regarding inclusion of County properties which had been now clarified, and also made inquiry regarding widening of the Benson Road. It was noted that a program had been drawn but that no funding had been authorized in this bi-enaium so nothing would be done for another year. It was noted that the money allocated was for right of way. Mr. Wendell Forgaard, 678- Sunset Blvd. East, Planning Commission Member, outlined the effort of the Planning Commission in preparation of the Comprehensive Plan re7- visions noting the many hours of time given (unpaid) and he stated that out of the 23 items only nine have had any comment indicating that although mistakes have been made it was a good job accomplished. He commended the Planning Director for his contribution and very fine service to the citizens on the matter, noting that the Commission is trying to do a good job and that the Planning Department has been excellent. Councilman Shane inquired of Mr. Cugini, of Barbee I-Till, if they could exist under L-1 zoning. Mr. Cugini called attention to the provision of 5 horse power limitation and height restrictions noting they now operate with 3000 h. p. motors. The Mayor noted that they are an existing non-conforming use .:and that some thought is being given to changing the .Code in this respect. After further discussion and notation that Attorney Hanken had requested H-1 consideration be given to this area and notation that zoning was not ralative to the land use, some concern being expressed as to whether this were fact if the use proposed is lesser with regard to right of the property owner to retain values. Councilman Shane commented that to lower the value is to deprive the owner and attorney Hanken added that' if the zoning - is not reflected in the Comprehensive Plan it could constitute spot zoning. It was noted that further discussion should be resumed p g i'or specific items with the Planning Commission and it was moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to close the hearing. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that all comments recommended be made available to the Committee of the Whole for a joint meeting with the Planning Commission. The motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. There were 42 visitors in the Council Chambers. - en Marshall, Deputy City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor i i -4 228 ;. E( t r . 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A 1 S May 13, 3.968 Office of. the City Clerk AUDITING AND 1CCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Est. -,5, due Century Const. Co., Liberty Park Grandstand, CAG 1220-67, $13,920.34. Olson-Richert--Bignold, supervision phase of Liberty Park Grandstand, CAG 1018-67, $1,867.60. Progress Est. $10, Absher Const. Co., CAG 1156-67, $114,012.12. Progress Esta #S, McKi.nstry Co. , CAG 1160-67, $32,047.54. Progress Est. 45, Chapman Electric Co. , CAG 11.58-67, $22,054.72. Progress Est. 42, Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfi.eld in connection with Well #8, Cedar River Park, $2,748.91. COrN2 I`1'TEE OF THE WHOLE Traffic improvement plan, vicinity of Civic Center Complex. FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Intention to annex portion of King County Fire Protection Dist. 043 to Dist. 425. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Open Housing Ordinance. Proposed Ordinance relating to Council procedures. PARK DIRECTOR PARK BOARD,@PROPERTY COIdMITTEE AND'°CONSULTING ARCHITECT *Bids: Stage 1 Development, Lake Wash. Beach Park. @Recreational area - areas lying No. of 10th Ave. No., East of H St. , VIest of 12th Pl. No. and on both sides of 12th Ave. No. POLICE DEPARTMENT Bicycle Day in Renton, Sunday, June 30th. POLICE AND LICENSE COME IITTE E Application for license for Mutual Amusement Co. to install 2 pinball machines, Angelos, 205 Airport Way. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Acquisition of books on Renton City Government. PLANNING CONMISSION Proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. STREET AND ALLEY COM1,11TTEE Letter from Monterey Terrace Community Club, re: Intersection of Monterey Dr., Third Ave. No. and Bronson Way No. MEETINGS AND EVENTS May 14, 1968 - Light and Power Committee, 7:30 pin, Mayor's Conference. Room May 17, 1968 - Public Relations Committee, 4:30 pm May 20, 1968 -- Public Hearing on Annexation, Altoff-Smith and Beale May 20, 1968-- Preliminary Bearing - Senders et al May 22, 1968 - Proclamation - AmericanMerchant Marines Day May 22, 3.968 - City Employees Night, 7:00 pm, Renton Eagles June 10, 1968 -- Bid Opening, Construction of Pumping Station for Well t8 June 1.7, 1968 - Bid Opening, Furniture and Furnishings for new City ]-call Time Open - Fire and Water Committee Meeting i _. 229 RE11TC11 CITY CCUIICIL RF,GUL1iz MAY 13, 196:; B:00 P. i1. Office of City Cleric The regular meeting of the Renton City Council eras called to order by D. W. Coster, Player and b;i Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly& I • _ROLL CALL ; COTIMI COUNCIL iRS: Garrett, Bare-i, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, .Edwards, Trim;_1,�Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert, Morris. CFFIC1Ai!3 AM DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Heh-de ilcl.son, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett-, City Treasurer; G. M. Shellan, CityAttorney; Jack ?lilson, City Engineer; Gordon F, Erickson; Planning Director; Vern Church, Purchasing Director and Gene Coulon, Parl? Directci,. Moved 'by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, tl-iat the rA.nutes of the regular meeting. of May 6t'a and special meeting of flay ''th be appy owed as prepaxed and mailed out. Carried. 1,�ayor Custer noted that the Council should elect a President Pro Tem for the peri cd when both Ile and the President of the Council tr'll be absent from the city attending the Assocl+_at,ion of Washington Cities Conventione Moved by Grant, seconded by Delaurenti, that last year4s president, Councilman Triiiira serve as President Pro Tem during the absence of tlae Mayor and Council President. Carried. OP NIi•IG.OF BIDS: Stage 1 Development, Lake lashingtcn Beach Park This being she date set, the following bids were open and read: Tabulations attached S. 1L'i BUILDINIG LANDSCAPING S T Ccnstracti.on Co., Inc. J,, D, Stewart Co© Landscapers Northwest 901;.0 S. 1_.. Ga'a°r Rand 10021 J, Valley I:ighnray 7520 Bridgeport 1;'ay :.'. Renton, :'ash. Kent, flash. Tacoma, ':rash. Red--,Sl,i-., i ilin_i.ng Co., Inca Vi.c 111orlvnan Olympic Landscaping Box 776 2360£3 91�th Soo 17234 Aurora Ave. No Redmond; "lasi:. ICe;.it, I.' s1Z. Seattle, Hash. Iversein C.nstruction Co. J. 11. Cur itis. Co., Inc. 3501 Ra.in�_er Ave. S. 4607 10,6th S® Seattle, `lash. Lynwood, :lash. Frost 0_ I1:_11, Inc. Iversen Cc.nstructi_on Co. 8005 S. :20-nd St. 3501 Rainier So. itelTt, :lash. Seattle, , ash, Required bid 'bonds were furnished, Moved 'ay Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to -rafer the bids to the Park Director. Pa.rl` Board and Consulting Architect to report bao'':, Carried® COI1iI MICATI'ANS: A letter fro?:n Renton Eagles ,71722, Ilario Scaletti, President, extended an invitation to the City Council, City Clerk, City Treasurer, Department Heads and their spouses attend the annual City Employees ni.glit, Jednesday, Play 22iid at 7 o'cloelc P.II. The Annual. Financial Report for the City of Renton for the fiscal year ondi..ng on Dccerib r 31, 1967 vas submitted by Helraie Nelson, City Clerks, Copies had been di.str:ibuted to the l ayor and Council. Councilman Delaurenti, co)-uriended the City Clerk noting t1hint effort had gone into the r.eport, which had previously beeawardedn awarded a a great devil c: CerLi:ii_cate o-,' 11erit from the ldashi_nLton Finance (`f f icer a Association. At this time, i�your Custer introduced 'a delegation from Girl. Scout Troop 723 and their leader, I:rs. Chris Wright rho were given a rc-und of appla.usc by the asse)rualy. A joirrt com;imn-i.cacic,n from Girl Scout Troop 723 and ..)y Scut Troop 40 requested perntissicn to have a bicycle day in Renton oil Sunday, June 30th. They suggested use of the a:c;a .lyi.n,,, within tiae boundaries of 11. 8-th Street, Iic:use;- flay, Lake 11ashington Boulevord and 1= ,-•1.- Avenue, ending at the KennI7dalc Leach Park. liovvd. by Perry-, seconded try Dei-- auren;-,,_, •61nat perianission be granted t.:Lth tine :?at-tor of pol:i.ci-n, referred to th_' Pol cc. Denart.:-len .. Carried. s lid 30 Minutes - Renton City Council !,Iay 139 196U COiRUNICATICNS^ (Continued) A request was made by the City Clerk to change the hearing date on the Althoff, Smith and Beale Annexation Petition to 11ay 20th to meet required publication dates. Iioved by Schellert; seconded by Bruce, that the date for this hearing be set at May 20th. Carried. Letter from Jack Nilson, City Engineer, requested permission to call for bids for the construction of a Pumping Station for 11611 No. 6, located in Cedar River Park, with recommended bid opening date of June 10th. I-Ioved by Delaurenti, seconded by 11axin, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer and approve a bid opening date of June*10th. Carried. Communications from the Saint Andrew United Church of Christ and the Leage of Women Voters of Renton expressed their support and endorsement of open housing, requesting the Council give careful consideration to the proposed open housing ordinance. Councilman TriiTm advised that a report will be made on this proposed legislation later this evening under committee reports. An application was read requesting that Mutual Amusement Co. be granted the required license for two pinball machines at Angelo?s, 205 Airport Way. I1oved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Lotion Carried. Councilman Barei requested the record to show that he had abstained from discussion or voting on the matter. A notification from the King County Boundary Review Board to potentially interested parties advised that a Notice of Intention to annex a portion of King County Fire Protec- tion District No. 1;.3 to District No. 25 had been filed with the board. A review by the board may be requested as provided in Chapter 169, Laws of 1967. Moved by Trinm; seconded by Perry to refer this matter to the Fire and ?Tater Committee and the Board of Public 1!orks for recommendation..Carried. A request tiaras made by the City Clerk and City Treasurer to attend the 1inicipal Finance Cfficers Convention, June 3rd to 6th in New Orleans. 11oved by I-iorris, seGonded by Schellert, to approve the request of the two elected officials. Carried. Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 5, due Century Construction Co. on the Liberty Park Grandstand Project, C.A.G. 1220-67 in the sum of ;1'13,920.34: Ilcved by 11orris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the payments to the Aud_i_ting and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. The following progress estimates were read and recommended for payment: Gene L. Coulon, Park Director on billing from Olson-richest-Bignold, Architects for pro-fessional services on construction supervision phase of. Liberty Park Grandstand, now, 100;0' complete and fee based on '7;0 of construction cost. (C.A.G. .1016-66)- 1_,667.60. Johnston, Campanella, 11urakami 8. Co., architects, City Hall Construction -- Progress Estimate No. 102 amount due Absher Construction Company, General Contractor (C.A.G.1156- 67) - ,'114,012.12. Progress Estimate Number 5, amount due I-IcKinstry Company, Mechanical Contractor, (C.A.G. 1160-67) - ;;32,047.54. Progress Estimate Number 5, amount due Chapman -Electric Company, Electrical Contractor (C.A.G. 1156-67) - �22,051',a72. Jack 14ilson, City Engineer submitted Progress Estimate No. 2 for ;;'2,745.91 due Cornell., Howland, Hayes and P-ierryfield for services in connection with ?dell No. S - Cedar River Park. Iioved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that all progress estimates be referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A report by Jack Uilson, City Engineer, certified that the petition for annexation of properties lying west of 108th' S. E. between Southeast 164th St. and Southeast 166th Street (Christopherson, et al) was signed by owners representing 91.541.)' of the assessed valuation (,43,750.00) of the p.rea-pi oposed for annexation, comprising 7.1.9 acres. Iioved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve the petition,' referrin.r,,to the 1iayor to f611-ow up with the Bounddry Review B6ar'd. Carried. A Letter from City Engineer., Jack 11ilson reported that the signatures on the Letter of Intent to annex properties in the vicinity of 132nd Ave. S. E. and S. E. 106th S nt. (Sanders, et al) was signed by ownership in value of 75..22`. Property cor,nri�es approx- imately 14.77 acres., with an assessed valuation of 121,,.,LF10.00. After ascertaining that there were no persons in attendance to reprbsC-nt the petitioners at a preliminary meeting with the Council it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that then Preli.riin a licetina be scheduled for I�i�20th, and authorized representative a-aquested to attend. Ca �r ed. 'f 231 atos - Renton City Council 1-iecting 1�y 13, 1968 dr i CGr.s JNICA T0N3: Continued A letter from the 111onterey Terrace Ca.-jun. ty Club aevi*ed of prob:lon3 at, the into rscc- tion of Monteray Drive, Third kvenuf Month and Bronson Y,Tay North, noting that it has beco:rw increasingly difficult to enter Third 111orth from Bronson Way North and Monterey Drive. Possible solutions were outlinod and the City Council requested to formulate a plan for tl-e .bstterrnent of the situation. A request vis .also Znade for ?Children At Play- signs on Morrcerey Derive. A letter front Del Bannet•t, City Traffic Engineer was read concariZng the remadies proposed to improve tha traffic access at this intersection. He advised t1nat the Traffic Engineering Departron'c is opposed to the installation of traff-1 c si gnals at this intcrseetion. and stated that it would orhl-Y swrve to increase the tra.ff:ic accident potential. He observed that this possibility of rear-and collisions should be considered in view of the restricted siglxt distance and grade of, North 'Third Street. He painted out_that a reduot.ion of the speed limit on Noi th Third Street from 35 miles to 25 Ddlas per hour vould not be reasonable. Thr: Street Departs nt has boon requosted to cut back outcroppin s on the northeast and southeast corners to irrn;"'ove visibility on North Third Street. 1-kayor Custer i.nyorr :d the Counri l that the 4Children at Playe sigms have been installed. 1,1oved 1-pJ Delaureeri, seconded by Perry, to refer the rra'ctcsr t0 the Street ani Alco-. Co�r7?n.te„ thotion carried. ...,. Couneilsrars Shane proposed th,*t the City do more to provide wa,1l.abi.l.ity for pedest<:ian5. He noted the nrcd for and sidt-nr*0.ks in iparry sections of the city, and particularly in th- Windsor Hills and liighl.a'a s area. A letter frau Dal Bennett, Tra.ff ie Engineer reported on dovelopment of a traffic i.mproverlont plan in the vicinity of the Ci.vio Center Complex and requested a rn-aeting with the City Council. at :its earliest convenience to discuss tYae proposal.. lloved by Percy, secoiAded by 2�im n, to iefcr this request to the C, ,zr t t'tee,oi" he Whole. Moved by Barei., seconded by Perry, to awand the ration by adding "to be 'taken up at their next raebting". Vote on thy. wmzndvn�nt carried and the rztion as amanded also passed. A petytryoh signed by 94 residents of Sunset Terrace and vi.ci.nity requested that Public Use Areas lying north of 1U-.h Avenue N., east of H Street, 1°test of 112th Place M., and on both sides of 12th Avenue North be develcl,�--d as recreational_ areas for specific age group.>. .Suguo=;ted for pID-y areas, for tho younger children wiaxe the ptrocl.s in c'!ose, proy.�xity to Sunset Ter r lee. Moved by Del aurenti, seconded by Schellart, to rafex tale patiticn to the Park, D3rootcr1 and Park Board to report bade,, Moved by Rarei., second: d by Perry, to am-and the mot3.crs to iraelucte rof'crral to the i'i=o��xty Co�nittee. Vote on the axsrendlrnnt and subse aently the ration as alnnded carr ai✓'a A report from Cit Engin=ser, Jack Wilson aiad Street Corra�aiissioner, Vic Terjantvoort (r^e- fcrral of 1liay 6th} recorimanded that; the City Council approve the petitions of Pacific Coast Rii lroad Co. for e:tcblisltrent of four grade. crossings in ITvr'%,h Rs.nt€sn (FS-61x..30 &rd that the City unai.ve aW hearings at this time. It wras pointed out that the Ci t y- m?ty request the installation of signals si�ou l d conditions warrants. M cross.#c�gr xn opeston are in existerxe and this action wa's biwglat about by the construction Of } Houser 1,vtAy fror,: N. Fourth Street to Ixake Vlashi.ngton Boulevard. hr. 'Wilson outlined -t. E locations - Three on Hauser ti°,asr brtl�een Fourth i.orth and Eighth 1T. and one on 8th N. Moved by Schel)-ext, seconded by Grant, to concur in the xecomzc ndation of the City En;�ncer and Street Commis ionex° and the 1 shintston Util.i.ties and `transportation Corn- mission be so notified. Carried. A com-nnicaticn was read f.•rmr Itrs. J'oyAe E. Cla.fil;i.n, 606 t•dhitwforth Iwrze, v i'thdrairing her c:l.aiia against the City concerning an accident on Dia'�ch I'S', 1968. An appliw cation ~s read from the r F k3:apt:ist Church, yrs. ' eniell Davis to sell cancy on tho si.doualks of dovm tomb Renton, Mia 15th to 26th. Proved by Dalaurenti, seconded by Shane that, permission be granted and No Fee Pexmi.t issued. Carried. A letter from Mrs. Thomas C. Reagan, c,'012 I4:.ke Washington Boulevard (received on ?ray 7, the day .fol.l.o,.dng the hearin,, on Pro- -in'drl;ry doll_; L,,.I,D. 258) protested the proposed SaniaJ Setrnstamrtaan in the Kenn-tyl � lr -a ",ed a copy of the convanication be given to this ;ar?.i.tation Coifard,tt%e. A letter from lair. Brano Fc:-o,r,abend concerned the Bondy Cx,eel,. Parr proposed Saar.ita.17 Sett;r Inst al.lut.ion (E.1,D. 259) and be hel..d for the pral.i_minary hearing, I.}ay 20th. A proclar;ation issued by D� IT. Clrstor, P,fayox urged the p:-ole of the Cite to honor the Arner••ican ll.rchant t r.rj..he on Ve rlxwsday, May 22, i c,1,1 P lby displ.syi.n the ftp; of the Un:r ecce. lt,aiC:;; 2.t ti"x:.'a.I' hO:i: .`'i and C)�:,lli a su;.�al-,le 1', C'-Sp .'A;.�;��� i7v' D�;'.Lr'..Ui"c^.nt:L, SG.'.U714�e �7`j% ('.'i."��n'�, to con:ur -in this 232 Minutes - 1 enton City Council Neeting I,'k=y 13, 106 AUDIE110E7 CCI u ANTS: Mr. Bruce T. Hulse, 11422 S. E. 93rd Street, expressed gratification to the City Council and Park Board on the progress on the Lake ilashington Beach Park in the development of Stage I. 1,1r. George Sdiaut requested status of proposed annexation in vicinity of Sunset Boulevard, 132nd and 13Sth Streets. The City Clerk advised that the Council Hearing will be held I-lay 2Oth. C CUNCI L CU LIITTEE REPORTS: CounciLman Garrett submitted repo-tV aod'recoil..lendation of the City Hall Building Com- mittee that Call for Bids for furniture and furnishings for the new- City Hall be authorized, bid opening date set for June 17, 196,,. Roved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the• cor„mittee. Carried. Council President Garrett presented report and recommendations of the Committee of the 1.1hole as follows: 1) That the proposed Open Housing Ordinance and the ordinance creating a Fair Housing Commission be accepted upon adding to the latter docurient the requirement that all . appointees shall be and remain residents at the time of their appointment and during their terra of office` I-iorris moved,sedoi-ci by •I.laxinconcur in the recommendation of the Cor.nittee of the thole. Discussion ensued and it was pointed out that the pro- posed ordinances are at the present time in the Ordinance ComT&ttee, Gloved by Barei, seconded by'Perry, that this recommendation be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for presentation at the proper time. Councilman Trimm was questioned as to whether his committee would present the ordinances this evening and whether the revision recomiendcd by the Committee of the Whole would be included and answered affirmatively. Councilman Shane inquired whether the ordinance established any qualifications for the members of the Fair Housing Commission and 11'ayo-r Custer pointed out that it provided for appointment of the members, or their removal, by the IIayor,subject to concurrence by the Council. Vote on the pending motion carried. 2) That the proposed ordinance relating to council procedures be referred to the La:r and Ordinance Committee. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry to concur in the committee recormiendation. Carried. 3) That the proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan be referred to the Planning Commission for further study and a date established for a joint meeting on the matter with the City Council. Carried. Property Committee Chairman Barei reported on the request of Harold Nellor for an adjust- ment o.0 his rental charges on property located on Lake Street at the intersection of Rainier Avenue .and South Third Street (P.A.G. 112,,-67). The. committee recommends a'.,1405.00 final payment be accepted to cover a six-moi-tai period. Droved by Bruce, seconded by Barie, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the City Council make the following bid aimards on City vehicles; To the firm of l-lil.liams and Swanson - One 6-Passenger Station flagon for the Park. Department; One 3/4 Ton Pickup for the Street Department; One 1-Ton Flat Bed for the Water Department; One 2-Ton Flat Bed with Hoist for the Park Depart- ment; One van for the Library; Two vans, Engineering Department; One 3/4-Ton Pickup, later-'Department; One 8-Passenger Station Wagon, Planning Department and One 3/4-Ton Pickup, Street Department. The committee further'.rocor,m6fai e' d that the bid of Dra ee_r s Harley Davidson on the motorcycle be accepted. This was the only bid received on this piece of equipment. The committee reported that Williams and Swanson were the second low bidder, with Courtesy Chevrol.et., having a slightly lowdr' bi.d. The comrdtt in their consideration, concluded that the ability to service the vehicles locally would be a definite advantage and result in savings in man hours and money._ An e_`a::iple of the slight differential in the bidding was given. 3/4-Ton Pickup, ',11..45; 3/4-Ton Pickup, ',"3.76; 8-Passenger Station Wagon, x;7.,,4; 2 vans, ;15.90. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recorunendation of the Property Committee. Councilllan Grant expressed the opinion that the City is rather limiting the bids it cwn expect to receive in the future by their failure to accept the low bids, basing recorn:►end- ations solely on the location of facilities for servicing the vehicles. He suggested that the Council take a loot: at their bidding p:cactices. Recent action in awarding the garbage contract was also recalled. Councilrian iiorris stated that al]. cost factors' considered,tiered, the bids were awarded to the low biddor and this had been the thinking of thek: opert� Co7sm;iittee. A vote on the pencLrg motion carried. City of Renton i2.3 3 Council Iieeting - Minutes Nay 13, 19603 Councilman Barei read a copy of a letter to William 0. McKay Company from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent. Mr. Church stated that a large manila envelope marked 'Bid Opening had been received in his office on May 9th. The Pitney Bowes postmark was dated May 6th. The bid opening was May 6th, so on advice of the City Attorney the envelope was returned to the firm unopened. Councilman Shane referred back to questions and statements concerning the -garbage contract award, noting that the low bidder had withdrawn his bid. He cited diffic 1'cie. the bidders encountered due to lack of adequate information on customer accounts and the number and types of containers, stating this should have been available and could have been accomplished through an audit, which has not been done since 1963. He questicz,.:d OW the trisdom of a separate contract with the Boeing Company which d'.d not expire at the same time as the garbage franchise contract, Which posed a problem to bidders and -(c..orccjy affected the bids. Mayor Custer again advised that the Council had not seen fit to authorize the extra expense involved to perform the audit, nor had the Sanitation Ccm- mittee. It might be just as appropriate to have' one now.* If the City performed tYo billing the information would be readily available. The 10l reduction in the bid c. o- tation,. provided the city perform the billing would probably cover the cost of the additional personnel and accounting procedures. This could not be added to the data processing equipment until 1969. Councilman Shane stated that it should be noted that the garbage contract expired. in October, 1967 and he assumed office a few weeks later. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, that City of Renton vouchers Numbered from3227 :o 3366 having previously been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Ccnadttee be authorized for payment at this time. Carried. FUND Z'EAKID01MT: Fund Amount Voucher Nos. Current ~ 12,456.63 3225 - 3271 and 3364 Street 12,445.11 3272 - 3257 & 3365, 3366 Cedar River I-i I 56.76 3285 - 3291 Equipment Rental .--1,325.75 3292 - 3304 Library 535.60 3305 - 3309 6w Part: 19,736.29 3310 - 3331 Water Iforks Utility 35,04957 3332 - 3352 Airport 228.34 3353 - 3355 Firemen's Pension 49.00 3359 - 3360 City Hall. Construction 168,114.35 3361 - 3363 Total 120,000.43 NEIN BUSIIIESS: Council President Garrett reported that he had distributed to each member of the Cot�:z'�i� a complimentary copy of 'Renton City Government' published by the League of Women Voters, Iiay, 1968. The I-Iayor acknowledged the presence of Iirs. Robert Plut, Presid^nt who received a round of applause. I•ir. Garrett informed the council that the books may be purchased for 750 each. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, that the matter of .acquisi.tion of the books on Renton City Government be referred to the Public Relation_^ Cor.imittec to report back to the council. Carried. Garrett added that there is a T differential for quantity purchases. Councilman Barei stated he was extremely impressed frith the publication and requested a letter of commendation be directed to the League of I-fomen Voters for an outstanding job. Councilman Grant announced a Light and Power meeting Tuesday, 1la.y 14th at 7:30 P.M. in the I-iayorTs Conference room. Colorcable, Inc., Puget Sound Power & Light rep- resentatives have been invited to attend. The Traffic Engineering Deet. I-rill tha" prelim_�.naxy draft of the underground wiring ordinance. Also to be considered is the proposed agreement iri-th Tinder and Associates. Chairman Bruce announced that a Fire and Water Committee meeting will be h--Id prior to the next council meeting - time still open. Councilman Edwards, Chairman, announced a Public Relations Committee meeting Friday Afternoon at, 4:30. ORDIIIAI.TCES & RESOLUTIONS: Council..ian. Tricorn, Chairman, Law and Ordinance Comnittce, submitted the follo.a_ng resolu- tion and ordinances. A proposed resolution appropi-iating excess revenues in " the Library Fund to Library 1610, S-alari es and Wages account, '2,7L:8.80 and to Eai tcnance and Gperati.on, Employee - 5 - -- - z .93 j1 I�,inutes - Renton City Council Meeting May 13, .196:; ORDINANCES L RESOLUTIONS: (Continued) Benefits, a/c 200 - x33.00, a/c 201 - ti�-115.00, a/c 202 - ;"55.20, a/c 203 - .33.00, and a/c 204 - '15.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Resolution No. 1543 be adopted as' read. Carried. . Councilman Schellert absent - balance of meeting. A proposed ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G-6000) to Light Industry District (1-1) bras read by the clerk. (Eugene Pichards application - R 449-68). Hoved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dorris, to place the ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried—After-final reading - moved by Korris, seconded by Perry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2401 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all - present voting aye: :Carrie A proposed ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties in tine City of Renton from General'Classification District (G-6000 to Light Industry (L-1) was read hrj the Clerk. (Walter L.. Cook property located on 39th Avenue S. between High,ry 405 and 153rd Street S.). !,loved by I:crris, seconded by Delaurenti to place the ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris that Ordinance No. 2402 be adopted as read. All aye-, carried the ::lotion. (Schellert absent) A proposed ordinance of the City of Renton, ''ashington, changing the zoning classifica- tion of certain property within the City of Renton from General Suburban District (GS-1) to Residential District (R-21 was read by the City Clerk. (Ray Brom application i1,1r6-6:.;, properties located north of 12th Avenue 11. botween I1 Street and Sunset Boulevard). Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to place the ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After the- final reading ;roved by I-iorris, 'seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordin'"nec 110. 2403 as read. Doll call vote resulted in all present-.voting aye. Carried. A proposed ordinance of the City of Renton defining and prohibiting unfair housing practices in the sale and offering for sale and in the rental and offering for rent and in the financing of housing accommodations within the City of Renton, defining offenses and prescribing penalties and providing for the enforcement hereof, was presented to the Clerk for reading. I•loved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett to place the ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After Gonmtencement of reading it uas Liovcd by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, that the ordinance be read in its entireTty. The Iiayor ruled that the nos have it thereupon resulting in two requests for roll call vote, RC:LL CALL VCT%: AYES - Garrett, Shane, Bruce, Edt•rards, Delaurent and Morris. NCS Barei, Grant, Ilaxin, Perry, Trimm. Six Ayes, 5 I?os - motion carried. During the reading Councilman Grant requested a pause since several members of the Council have left t,ie room. I:oved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, that the council members who have left the Council Chambers be requested by the chair to return and listen to the reading of the ordinance. Carried. Reading resumed and completed, it vus moved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, that Crdinance No. 2401 be adopted as -read. Discussion ensued, frith question directed to City Attorney by Councilman Shane, concerning the penalty of '500.00 or 90 days in jail,. which he felt bras excessive. IIr. Shellan. advised that.this is the . maximum penalty under state law. The actual penalty imposed would be determined by the . judge or jury. Shane then asked if there should not be a penalty provision in the ordinance for false accusations. Mr. Shellan advised that legal remedies are available through the courts under common lair or civil lair. i owed by Perry, seconded by Grant, to lit-Lit each speaker to three minutes. Carried. Poll call vote was then taken on the motion to adopt Ordinance 2404 as read (stated earlier). AYES: Garrett, Barei, Grant, Dazes, i axin, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, iiorris. NCS: Shane, Ed'aards 9 -2 1--lotion carried. loved by Grant, seconded by Shane, that the minutes show that Councilb:ia.n Schellert had left the meeting earlier. Carried. An ordinance of the City of Renton, Ilash.ington, creating,and establishing a Fair housing Corimi-ssion; prescribing the duties and functions thereof including the enforcement of City of 26entuon Crdinance No. 2401i., was read by the City Clerk. Moved bf Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, that the ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Carried. I•loved by I:orris, seconded by Delaurenti, that Crdinance No. 21.,.0 be adopted as rad. ROLL CALL VUM: AYES: Garrett, Barei, Grant, Bruce, Marin, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Morr_,-s. KC: Shane and Edwards. 9 Icyes, 2 idos - Iiot.ion carried. Schellert not present. An ordinance of the City of Fenton, 'lashington amending Chapter 5 of Title I (Admirri.stra- tive) of Crdinance No. .1628 entitled "Corie of General Crdinances of the City of Renton'' providing for procedure at City Council meetings, pourers and duties of Pre,,i.dirg Officers, Rules of debate, and matters rel.zating thereto; and repealing any and all ordinances cr parts of ordinances in conflict, heroirith, was read by the Clerk. I-Ioved by Delaurenti, seconded by r1axi-n, that the ordinance be placed on its second and final reach»;;= Carried. After the final reading it was moved by Iiorr_s, seconded by Pxai .e, that Crd;-nance Po. 2!406 be adopted as read. Upon questio: by tl.e CJ clerk bIr. Shellan, Cit Attorney stated that a r corenunicat ioiis concerning ya'oli.c hca� gs, prelimirar- m'eti-nV:i, ca7_l 235 11inuteo - 1 eilton City Council meeting Ha.y 13, 1960 GRDLIAiMS C, 2,:1SCLUTICNS: (continued) for bids covered by state law, must be accepted up until the time stated in the notice. Roll call vote on the pending motion resulted as folloiis: All present voting aye. Schellert '_ Shane absent. iioved by Grant, seconded by Barei, that the record shot! that 11r. Shane left the council chambers at appro<>imately 11 osclock P.K. Carried. MCM AUDIEi iC� CCi ff ENTS: Mrs. lielga, I"'arinen, 2607 6th Avenue No. rose to cor lend the councilmen on adopting the ordinances pertaining to open housing this evening and the manner in which it Was acco:iplished also the City Attorney, Gerard Shell.an for his work and efforts. Reverend Earl L. Dean, pastor, First United Iiethodist .Church commended the Mayor and the City Council for their action in passing the open housing .legislation. In a recent visit to Dallas, Texas where the hatred of one person culminated in the assassination of a President, Reverend Dean was questioned about his home city, 'Renton. He informed them that Boeings Renton plant builds the Worldvs most famous commercial jetliners and that it is the home of Clarence 'Jilliams, All-American football hero. Reverend Earle B. Van Slyck added his thanks and commendation to the Mayor and City Council. Iir. Bruce T. Hulse, 11422 S. E. 93rd Street stated this was a very progressive move. Moved by iiorris, seconded by Bruce, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Meeting adjourn- ed at approximately 11:30 P.M. The council chambers were filled with visitors. Helmie J. Nelson, City Clerk D. 1-1. Custer, Mayor MEZ 7 Rte- Bid Opening May 13, 1968 BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK - STAGE 1- DEVELOPMENT--SITE BIDDER & ADDRESS ACK BASE BID UNIT PRICE ALT#S-1 ALT#S-2 ALT#S-3 I ALT#S-4I PILINGs ADD #1 #2 #3 #4 � ` OVER BASIC #1 ► i DEPTH BS 4.25 S & T CONST. Co. x $58,212.00 $2,300.00 $24,200.00 $9,000.00 $1,500.00 +$10,000.00 ? -$2,000.00 $750.00 SBS 2.00 -$1.50 _9840 S.E. CARR RD. ' CS 1.50 +$2.50 RENTON, WN.-Bid Bond CU.YD. LIN. FT. RED-SAlMM MINING -CO.INC. x $54,230.00 $3,000.00 $22,000.00 $8,000.00 $1,500.00 +$ 6,600.00 -$2,400.00 -$150.00 BS 4.00 Box 776 SBS 2.00 REDMOND, WN.-Bid Bond I CS 1.50 +2.65 CU.YD. LIN. FT. IVERSEN CONST. Co. x $70,330.00 $2,100.00 $28,050.00 $9,600.00 $4,800.00 +$ 9,000.00 -$1,960.00 -$900.00 Bs 5.50 3501 RAINIER AVE. SO. SBS 3.00 SEATTLE, WN.-Bid Bond i CS 5.50 +3.00 'i CU.YD. LIN. FT. Ix ! 0 $1,FROST & HILL INC. , , 1 , 750.00 +$ 9,500.00 -$1,800.00 j -$5oo.00 BS 4.501 8005 So. 222 CS 1.60 KENT WN.-Bid Bond 1 1 CU.YD. 1 41. i O LIN. FT M -8- --�. Bid Opening Play 13, 1968 BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK - STAGE 1 DEVELOPP'NT--BUILDING BIDDER & ADDRESS ACK. BASE BID ALT. #B-1 ALT #B-2 ALT. #B-3 ADD. #1 I � J.D. Stewart Co. 18821 E. Valley'Highway x $ 31,521.00 +$ 7,535.00 . -$ 200.00 +$ 2,99C.00 Kent, 'VT. -Bid Bond I Vic Worlaaan 23608-94th So. x $ 32,500.00 +$ 7,650.00 -$ 220.00 +$ 3,400.00 Kent, Wn.-Bid Bond I J.v. Curtis Co., Inc. 4807-196th S.W. x $ 32,892.00 +$ 7,773.00 -$ 200.00 +$ 2,692.00 Lynnwood, Wn.-Bid Bond I Iversen Const. Co. - 3501 Rainier Ave. So. x $ 34,697.00 f +$ 7,000.00 -$ 250.00 +$ 3,060.00 Seattle, Wn.-Bid Bond -9- "--� Bid Opening May 13, 1968 BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK - STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT--LANDSCAPING BIDDER & ADDRESS ACK. BASE BID ALT. #L-1 i ALT. #L-2 ADD. ALT. #L-3 ALT. #L- ; ALT. #L-5 #1# ! I Landscapers Northwest I 7520 Bridgeport Way W. x $ 53,69 .•50 $ 1,836.00 $ 803.50 $ 3,200.00 $ 6,03 .00 $ �,295.0C Tacoma, Wn.-Bid Bond t Olympic Landscaping Co. i 17234 Aurora Ave. No. x $ 56,500.00 $ 4,900.00 $ 4,300.00 $ 1,700.00 Seattle, Wn.-Bid Bond �' ( i 5,50C.00 $ 3,300.Go i -10- 239 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5-13-68 . PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 0947 VOID • 48 $87,000.00 Jack A. Benaroya Co. 920 Thomas Ave. SW Foundation & Floor, Slab 49 150.00 Mrs. Jean M. Dagen 1101.0 115th Ave. SE Construct Fence B 0950 4000.00 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1815 Grant Street Construct Laundry Center 51 1,500.00 Robert 0. Bradley 709 High Ave . So. Enlarge Residence 52 405000.00 L. Curry& P. Reed 351 Factory Ave. No. Construct Apt. Bldg. 53 2,000.00 T. K. Anderson 240 Wells Ave . No. Construct Garage 54 9,500.00 . Dr. A. F. Koome 3112 12th Ave. No. Addition to Residence B 0955 400.00 James Holck 513 Polly Ave. No. Construct Storage Shed 56 1,000.00 Edwin B. Gilli.spie 569 "J" Street Install Swimming Pool 57 15036.00 McGrath Corporation 13213 *SE 107th Pl-. New Residence 58 . 14,598.00 McGrath Corporation 13207 SE 107th Pl. New Residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS . . E 0825 1,000.00 Mike Potoshnik 1.1402 Sunset Blvd. E. Wire Oil Dispensing Island 26 500.00 City of Renton 1101 Bronson Way New Multibreaker Service 27 225.00 City of Renton 1308 Houser Way Underground Service Pipe 28 50.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4--60 Receptacle for Water Still_ 29 750.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-65 Power for Pump Motor E 0830 250.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-52 New Circuits 31 350.00 The Boeing Company Bldg, 10-50 Roof Fan Circuit & Switches -32 600.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-50 Services for Jigs & ReptIs 33 246.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21 Circuits for IBM Clocks 34 50.00 The Boeing Company B1-dg. 10-71 Install 60 Amp Rcptl E 0835 150.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-01 2 New Circuits 36 180.00 The Boeing Company Bldg., 4-2 Relocate Fixture & Rcptl.s 37 245.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-63 Alter Electrical Services 38 250.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-50 Recircuit for Alternate Feed 39 140.00 John Denis 1.0621- 112th Ave. SE Change of Panel E 0840 60.00 Louise Rockey 32.5 13th Ave. So. Wire Addition to Residence 41 35480.00 Ed Biggins 523 Wells Ave. No. Wire Five Unit Apt. 42 100.00 H. L. Murph 1039 Q Street Install 1 New Circuit 43 Martin Hill 3503 President Pk Ct Wire Addition to Residence 44 500.00 C. W. Switzler 1.0872 SE 97th St. Wire New Residence E 0845 48 .00 Henry Caster-line 15010 - 88th Ave. S . 46 57,500.00 Benson Properties 1425 Puget Drive Wire Fifty Unit Apt. Bldg 47 Schuat & Davis Const. 10413 SE 96th St. Wire New Residence 48 45.00 Mrs. Walter J. Clear 10619 116th S.E. Move Weather Head 49 12;500.00 Sterling Jensen 128th & 90th So. Wire 20 Unit Apt. Bldg. E 0850 400.00 Parkwood Homes 707 Spruce Court . . Wire New Residence 51 400.00 Parkwood Homes 713 Spruce Court. Wire New Residence 52 400.00 Parkwood Homes 261.0 Prince Ave. Wire New Residence 53 400.00 Parkwood Homes 706 Trinity Court Wire New Residence 54 400.00 Parkwood Homes 2604 Prince Ave. Wire New Residence MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0850 ------- C. W. Switzler 10872 S.E. 97th Install Fixtures 51 ------ Steve Gambriell 10419 S.E . 96th St. Install Septic Tank 52 ------- Larry Paradis 107 Main Ave. So. Plumbing & Fixtures 53 ------- The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-60 Install 2 Sinks 54 ----- The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-65 Alteration of Water Piping M 0855 ------ The Boeing Company Apron B R/Field Install 1 Fountain 56 ------- The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-73 Relocate & Install Lab Eqmt 57 ------- ' C. W. Switzler- 10872 S .E. 97th St. Install Septic Tank 58 ------- Dr. F. Arthur. Kay 12,512 86th Ave. So. Plumbing & Fixtures 59 ------- R. S. Shane 11.652 S.E. 100th St. Install Gas Furnace M 0860 ------- Orville S . .Long 2808-10 6th Ave. No. Install Gas Furnace 61 ------- Parkwood Homes 2710 Prince Ave. Install_ Gas Furnace. 62 ------- Parkwood Homes 2716 Prince Ave. Install Gas Furnace 63 --.----- Parkwood Homes 2716 Prince Ave. Install Fixtures 64 -------- Parkwood Hoittes 2710 Prince Ave. Install Fixtures M 0865 ------- Allen R. Wehrer 1.2715 89th Ave . S. Plumbing & Fixtures SEWER PFR'�!',_TS 400 --- -- Renton Village Co. 25 Grady Way Sewer Service It t?401 ------- ober.t A. Petty 1309 Shattuck St. R •- 11 240 I i 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S May 20, 1968 Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Payment due Blevins Co., Inc. in sum of $1.768.50 for demolition of old library CITY ENGINEER Petition for annexation of property to Renton lying at South 180th Street and Springbrook Road; Gene E . Lynn & Associates property. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Director of Public Works Assignment Personnel- Committee Franchises for Seattle City Light and Puget Sound Power and Light Committee Policy regarding future annexations LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Annexation of property located North of S.E . 112th and West of 136th Avenue S.E . ; Althoff, Smith and Beale properties Appropriation of $9,500.00 excess surplus Current Fund Revenues for repair of Highlands Administration Building MAYOR List of Budgetary reductions in approximate sum of $108,000.00 to cover items in Ways and Means Committee report. PROPERTY COMMITTEE AND INSURANCE COMMISSION Bids on Liability Insurance Coverages STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Bid on landscaping 2nd Avenue Traffic Islands WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of $8,000.00 Power Rate Study MEETINGS: 5/_23_ 68 - Property Committee at 7:00 p.m. 5-27-68 - Committee of the Whole at 7:00 p.m. 5/27/68 - Public Hearing, Mani.o Phillips Rezone, continued from 5/20/68 6/17/68 - Committee of the Whole with Computerized Speedkeeping Representative h 241 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 20, 1968 8:00 P.M. " Office .of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, w.w Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Erickser, Planning Director, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building j Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer and Jars Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Maxin, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 13th as prepared and mailed out. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Landscaping of South 2nd Street Traffic Islands This being the date set, the following sealed bid was opened and read: LANDSCAPERS NORTHWEST, INC. (Bid bond enclosed) $7,541.00 Alt.#1 $416.00 7520 Bridgeport Way West Plus Sales Tax Tacoma, Washington 98467 Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Street and Alley Com- mittee. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Liability Insurance Coverages This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City �.. Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS LIMIT TOTAL ONE YEAR BID DAN B. HAUFF & ASSOCIATES $250,000.00 $ 21,085.00 615 South 3rd Street Renton, Washington 98055 WILLIAM F. DAVIS-ROGER W. DAVIS $100,000.00 14 612.00 234 Main Street, P.O. Box 452 Renton, *Washington 98055 BELL ANDERSON INSURANCE AGENCY $500,000.00 203517.00 . 604 West Meeker Kent, Washington 98031 Moved by Trirrm, seconded by Bruce, to refer the bids to the Property Committee . Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to amend the motion to include referral to the Insurance Commission also. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. PRELIMINARY MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS: Proposed Annexation - Sanders et al vicinity of S :E. 106th Street and 132nd Avenue S .E. Present was Mr. Bob Kenkman of Glen Wallin & Associates, Real Estate Agent, to speak for the property owners. Planning Director Er.icksen, upon inquiry, reported that the subject area is now designated as Single Family Residential on the Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Schellert inquired whether the property owners were aware of Council intent to adopt the Comprehensive Plan for the area as reported,and whether the property owners were willing to assume their pro rata share of the Ci.tyts pre-existing bonded indebtedness in the event of annexation. Mr. Kenkman replied affirmatively and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the Letter of intent be accepted with favor and that the property owners be authorized to circulate proper petition indicating thereon their willingness to assume the pre-existing debt. as stated and accepting that portion of. the Comprehensive Plan covering the subiect area as outlined. Carried . -1- 242 Minutes - Renton City -Council Meeting May 20, 1968 PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation - Althoff, Smith & Beale properties lying North of S.E . 112th Street, West of 136th Ave . S.E. and Easterly of Precinct 38 . The hearing was declared open. Mr. Clayton Smith and Mr. Anton. Althoff were two of the property owners present. There were no communications nor comment from the audience and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the area be annexed to the City of Renton as petitioned with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Ordinan The motion carried. Shane opposed addition of areas to serve since needs cannot present be fulfilled within the existing corporate limits of the City. PUBLIC HEARING: Manio Phillips request for rezone from GS-1 to SR-1; property located in the 600 Block of 11th Place South on Talbot Hill. The hearing was declared open. Communication from Mr. Clark' Teegarden, Vice-Chairman of the Renton Planning Commission, reported review of Mr. Manio's request and of the Council's request for report and recommendation. It was the unanimous feeling of the Commission that due to circumstances the usual procedures established by the Code should not be by-passed. The application for rezone has been published and will be heard at the public hearing meeting of the Commission on May 22nd and recommendations submitted thereafter. Various members of the Planning Commission including Mr. Garrison, Mr. Paola, Mr. Ross and Mr. Stredicke explained that the applicant filed too late for the April meeting and that if waiver of procedural requirements were effected it would set a precedent and would be expected by other citizens; also, the Commission dial not wish to be open to criticism as showing favoritism and although the Commission felt the rezone was a matter of circum- stance and timing it did not feel waiver of procedures would be justified. Mr. Phillips advised that the timing was the question but that delay would extend the construction into tine winter and cause the contractor problems and he had made the regaest with the hopes of expediting the commencement and completion date to avoid undue delay. Shane felt the waiver should be granted and upon inquiry of the City Attorney was advised of the fact that two bodies were involved in the action which was not proper and that rules and regu- lations should be adhered to unless an emergency exists. Shane noted further that the si�- of the property is adequate, 14,450 sq. ft. , sanitary sewers are available and the man should not be stopped. Attorney Shellan noted the zoning must be corrected in order for the property to meet City Code, the present zoning requiring some 40,000 sq. ft. per. lot. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, to continue the hearing until Monday, May 27th pending receipt of the Planning Commission recommendation. Mayor Custer urged that the Council give closer look at the Talbot area for other properties likely to present the same problem if it is felt such might be in the public interest. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: L. I. D. 259, Preliminary Assessment Roll, Sanitary Sewer System, Honey Creek Park area . The Hearing was declared open. Communication was read -from Mr. Bruno •Fe.yerbend, 3312 Sunset Blvd. E ., owner of Tax Lots 57 and 173, protesting the L. I. D. , He explained that his present facility is functioning adequately and he did not feel the $2,488 .78 assessment cost was warranted. Letter from City Engineer tivilson r ,.ported that the total_ estimate of cost, including engineering, taxes, legal and L.I.D. costs, is $28,231.88 . The valuation of the property within the proposed district, plus 25% of the existing im- provements equals $80,780.00. There are no outstanding assessments and the valuation is adequate to support the district. Protests received to this time and date represent 8.82% of the total assessment. Restraint requires 60%, protest. Persons speaking for the L.I.D. noting existing septic drainage problems and overflow from properties which _ may themselves have no problem but are contributing to others below, included Mr. Bob Hennen, 3311, ' 14th Ave . No. , Mrs. Joseph Brown, Mr. Marvin Wilson, 3214 Honey Creek Dr. , Norman Abrahamson, 3304 Honeycreek Drive, Mr. Carter, 3220 - 14th Ave . No. and Mr. Art Eastman. Inquiries also included mode of assessment,which is based according to State Law on the Zone and Termini. method (according to depth and zones), the distribution of same ;the side sewer function, and matter of easements. Also conimentir� was Mr. 7 . Rowe, 3204 Honey Creek Drive . Moved by Shane, seconded by Maxin, that the 1: acing - closed. Carried. Moved by Shane, seconded by Pruce, to proceed with necessary legal requirements for the formation of L.I.D. 259, including referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. . PROCLAMATION: Letter from Mayor Custer designated Friday and Saturday, May 24th and 25th, 1968 as Poppy Days for the sale of Veteran-made poppies by members of the American Legion and Auxiliary, Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Proclamation by tfie Mayor. The motion carried. --2- t Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 5/20/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Petition ro questing annexation of property in vicinity of South 180th Street and Springbrook Road, submitted by' Gene E. Lynn & Associates, was read. The petition contained statement of agreement to assumption of pro-rata share of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City as it pertains to the subject area and to the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan for the subject area. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check signatures for validity. Carried . Moved by Barei, seconded 'by Shane,that the motion be amended to refer the matter along with the pending annexation, to the Committee of the Whole, it being noted that piecemeal annexations are very uneconomical and perhaps policy should be considered in regard to specific area sizes. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that perhaps policy should be discussed but that the present proposal should not be detained from P .roceeding sQuestion was called for on the amendment and upon maiority negative voice vote the motion to amend was lost. The original motion to refer the g g matter to the City Engineer was voted upon and carried. Moved b Schellert, seconded b Perry, to refer the subject of policy for the Y S � Y Y� J city regarding annexations, to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. During ensuing discussion and proposals for motions it was noted that the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan will show areas to be considered for possible annexation as it encompasses same within proposed extension of designations.nations. Letter from Computerized Speedkeeping expressed desire to present Computerized Muni- *cipal Accounting System to the Renton City Council and other interested persons on June 10th or 17th, 1968, confirmation requested. Mr. John P. Qualls, Vice-President suggested that other Mayors, City Clerkts and interested persons from other areas be invited to attend the presentation which double entry system will be in accordance with requirements of the State Auditor's Office. Councilman Barei advised that he had been given this information by Mr. Qualls and felt that the simplicity of the system was very impressive and had urged that the City Officials be contacted. Council President Garrett moved that presentation to the Committee of the Whole be June. 17th at 7:00 p.m. and the motion was seconded by Perry and carried, persons to be notified as mentioned. Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, reported that work has been completed by Blevins Company, Inc. on demolition of the, old Carnegie Library building and it was recommended that the project be approved this date with payment in sum of $1,768 .50 authorized. If after 30 days no liens or claims have been filed against the project, and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, it is recommended that the retained sum of $196.50 be released to the Contractor. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. The motion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Letter was presented by Jeanine Ingram, 463 "H" Street, commending the Council for its initiative and foresight in unanimously approving the change in designation of surplus hospital property on the Comprehensive Plan. It was urged that the City Council continue its efforts in representing interests of the 1300 petitioners and other persons of the City in fulfilling the recreational needs and acquiring the property for such development. Mr. Norman Ross, 420 .1 Street, spoke regaruing the need for large parcels of land for park and recreation use, noting that much of the area encompassed in desired plans will not be- available at any price while the Highlands site is available and undeveloped and should be made available at minimum cost. It was noted that other such land is not available with equal accessibility for foot traffic and minimum development costs and it was felt the hospital district should not charge current commercial value for the land which the people originally Provided purchase funds. It was felt that Fenton should not be bearing costs to provide hospital facilities to a district serving nearly 100,000 more people and that construction and operation funds should be raised by G. 0. Bonds shared equally by the District. It was urged that the property be designated Park: and Recreation as the best and highest use and not rezoned to R-3 or R-4 which the hospital district has requested. Mr. Richard Stredi.cke noted newspaper article which instigated the comments it not being felt that the Council should take action to designate as park use and then vone it multiple family residential. It was noted that the acquisition is in the Property Committee, the funding in Ways and Means Committee and use in the Planning Committee and the Comprehensive use in Committee of the Whole . Upon inquiry, Mr. Ross advised that the Hospital. Board has not been given a copy of the letters presented. Funding of the acquisition by G. 0. Bonds and balloting was suggested as a last resort money not being available at present for the purchase . 244 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5/20/68 AUDIENCE COMMENT: (Cont.) Hospital Property Upon inquiry by Mr. Jim Anderson it was noted that the original cost for the hospital property Vas $30,000.00. During further discussion it was pointed out that no final action has been taken to adopt the Comprehensive Plan and that' the recommended changes have not been consumated and upon legal aspect of restraint of rezone , it was pointed out that generally you cannot take such action when personal interest is involved and that the City would have to pay fair market value for the property if it had the money, and the hospital district cannot legally give property away any more than the City can, being obligated to its people as much as any other corporate body. City Attorney Shellan advised he would have to disqualify himself from engaging in any activities on this matter since a member of his firm represents the hospital district. Mr. Archie Graham, 408 "I" Street felt the hospital district should not be able to rezone to sell any more than the City should prohibit zoning- to buy, and suggested that R-1 be maximum use, otherwise spot zoning would result since there are single family residences on three sides. It was noted that the land is not being uped and that one Municipal Corporation may condemn lands of another as long as you want it for higher use. The present zoning is GS-1 which requires 35,000 sq. ft. for residential use. It was noted that rezone of the subject property had been turned down in prior action. Burden of tax presently being borne by the taxpayers who contribute to the King County taxing district for the hospital and various other hospital and medical service groups was cited. After further discussion petitioner representatives were advised that they would be made aware of further actions of Committees in regard to this rezone, the hospital Board also to be notified. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Grant, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, submitted report which was read recommending that the request of Mrs. L.L. Rockey, 325 - 13th Avenue South, for a street light be granted and 7,000 lumen mercury vapor light be installed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. The Light and Power Committee and Traffic Engineering Department have been working with H. Zinder and Associates to prepare agreement for power rate comparison and analysis as provided in Resolution 1521. Seven cities will be compared, including Renton, Bellevue, Tukwila, Bremerton, Everett, Seattle and Tacoma, review of street ' lighting and underground wiring rates and programs to be included,and tho cost not to exceed $6,000.00. Second portion of the study to include report and recommendations in area of ioint efforts and undertakings by the City and Puget Sound Power and Light Company and proiects to be suggested by the Traffic Engineer. This portion of the Study not to exceed $2,000.00. It was recommended that the Council authorize agree- ment as outlined at total cost of $8,000.00, with H. Zinder and Associates. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee to determine if the City has the necessary funds to act upon the request. Carried. Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, submitted report recommending that Late Comers Agreement for recovery of costs in excess of direct benefit to Wm. P. Vauthier be granted in connection with water line installation to serve residences at 11214, 11216 S.E. 104th Street. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bared, to adopt the re- port of the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the. Ways and Means Committee, submitted report recom- mending that the repair to the Highlands Administration building, estimated at cost of $9,500.00, be funded from surplus revenue in the Current Fund and that the matter be referred to the I.aw and Ordinance Committee_ for the necessary Resolution. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. ' The Ways and Means Committee recommended that the Council request the Mayor's Office to prepare a list of budgetary reductions according to priority, in total amount of $108,000.00, approximate needed to cover garbage revenue reduction, urban arterial fund requirements, radio equipment needed for compliance with FCC conversion require- ments and power rate study by }i. Zinder & Associates. Moved by Schellert, seconded by S to coiiclir. Attention was called to the savings gained for the City in the Street Lighting program and it was felt this money might be used for the study. Upon further diCcussion regarding advisability of expending the $8,000.00 for the study rather than additional. lighting and whether the reduction should be made by the Committee of the Whole, substitute motion was offered by Perry, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. The motion failed and the original motion to concur was voted upon and carried, referring the matter to the Mayor for budgetary reductions. Council President Garrett announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on May 27th at 7:00 p.m. -4- .t 245 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5/20/68 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Councilman Barei, Property Committee Chairman announced a Committee meeting on May 23rd at '1:00p.m. and the Mayorq was requested to invite the Insurance Commission to be present. Motion by Shane that at least 155Y. of the total employees qualified be hired from minority races lost for lack of second and discussion ensued upon Grant's call for personal privilege, in defense of Council conduct-no-Ung that 155Y. is an arbitrary figure with further investigation needed on the matter as to whether any additional help is needed of any race ; lack of applications and political issues not being a factor of motivation. Moved by Shane, seconded by Barei, that the matter of Director of Public Works and function of the position be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, that the question of a Personnel Committee be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane that the question of Franchises for Seattle City Light and/or Puget Sound Power and Light Company be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Maxin, seconded by Morris, that.'the Council give a vote of confidence to the mayor, department heads, employees and council for at least a month,in regard for various comments of a Council Member in reference thereto over the past few months having included descriptive adjectives as "dumb-dumb, incompetents, liars, cheats, etc." The motion carried. Councilman Tom Edwards, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, reported the - recommendation that the Council buy 100 copies of the League of Women Voters' Publication on Renton Municipal Government. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, �.r to concur. Carried. (To be funded from Legislative Budget) Ordinance No. 2406, Procedure at City Council Meetings, was discussed as it related to the meeting this evening, having been adopted last week and as invoked during the proceedings this evening. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 3367 throtg h 3497, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be . authori.zed for payment at this time. Carried. FUND BREAKDOWN: FUND AMOUNT VOUCHER NO. Current Fund $ 69451.81 3367 - 3410, 3496 and 3497 Street Fund 79056.25 3411 - 3422 Equipment Rental 269.01 3423 - 3431 Library 65,462.68 3432 - 3464 Parks 2,919.48 3465 - 3477 Water Works Utility 69,982.50 3478 - 3490 Airport 40.56 3491 - 3495 $ 30,182.29 As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 50 p.m. There were 78 visitors in the Council Chambers. i Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor i s 246 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5-20--68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No Amount Name Address Tyle of. Work B 0959 $22,000.00 Parkwood Homes 2600 Charles Ct. Construct Residence B 0960 16,750.00 it2501 Prince Ave. it " 61 16,750.00 If2701 Prince Ave. it " 62. 16,750.00 1° 521 Royal Drive " 63 16,750.00 2507 Prince Ave. " 64 19,000.00 2612 Charles Ct. " B 0965 19,000.00 611 Royal Dr. " 66 19,000.00 2606 Charles Ct. " 67 19,000.00 " " 2601 Prince Ave. " If 68 19,000.00 " " 614 Royal Drive If 69 19,000.00 617 Royal Drive " B •0970 17 , 000.00 If If2607 Prince Ave. If " 71 17 ,000.00 11 11605 Royal Drive 11 " 72 18, 000.00 to is2513 Prince Ave. If " 73 1, 500.00 Greenwood Mem. Pk. 3401 4th Ave. No. Addition to Office 74- 4, 000.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-62 Vault replacement B 0975 19, 2.64.00 McGrath Corp. 13201 SE 107th Pl. Construct Residence 76 18, 500.00 -Manio Phillips 11th Pl. So. Foundation for Res. 77 3, 500.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg 4-21 Rework Comptr Fclty 78 500.00 Charlie Shane 111 Riviera Dr. Install Sign 79 400.00 Patsy Visconti 3321 6th Ave. No. Reroof Dwelling B 0980 5,000.00 Gil Centiole 603 S. 2nd St. Chg Roof Design 81 43,650.00 Jack A. Benaroya Co. 920 Thomas Ave.SW Forming of Panels 82 1,800.00 Kenneth H. Petersen 82.1 "I" Street Addition to Res. 83 15,000.00 David Hyde Chick 720 Lind Ave. SW Forming of Panels 84 1,000.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-65 Construct Platfor , B 0985 65, 000.00 Central Puget, Inc. 434 7th Ave. SW Install Partition`" ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0855 48.00 Pacific NW Bell 7421 Ripley Lane Service to Contactor 56 25.00 George Maloy 14232 SE 129th Pl. Install Range Unit 57 50.00 Seattle Sporting Gds 508 S . 3rd St. Wire Fixture 58 600.00 Mr. Emory 12432 87th Ave. S. Wire New Residence 59 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-54 New Ltg & Pmp Circuit E 0860 250.00 Bldg. 10-51 Srvc for Drvmtc Mach. 61 50.00 IfBldg. 10-52 Srvc to 'Cab_inetCntrl 62. 50.00 Northern Pacific RR Lk Wash Blvd/H Way Install Cross Signals 63 50.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-80 Install Receptacle 64 240.00 Bldg. 4-21 New Circuits for IBM E 0865 800.00 B1d.gy 10--50 Rearrange Lighting 66 250.00 Bldg. 10--51 Recircuit for Recpts. 67 245.00 '° Bldg. 4-a82 Install Recpts. 68 50.00 Bldg. 4-21 Service to Melter 69 50.00 Charlie Shane Ill Riviera Dr. Wire New Sign E 0870 Phillips Petroleum 311 Sunset Blvd. Wire New Addition 71 VOID 72 280.00 Hashagen' s 800 So. 3rd St. Wire Air Condom Un , 73 0. N. Olson 510 Edwards St.SW Wire Ofc. Bldg. 74 250.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-21 Service to Oven/Fan E 0875 110.00 Bldg. 4-62 Service to Mixer 76 275.00 Bldg. 4-45 Alarm System 77 250.00 Bldg. 10-51 Srvc for Riveter 78 50.00 B & T Construction 1724 3rd Ave. No. Temporary Service 79 50.00 Wm. Vauthier 112.20 SE 104th Temporary Service E 0880 50.00 Powell Homes 527 Williams No. Temporary Service 81 50.00 Transamerica Dev. 2028 Thunderhill Temporary -Service -6- ..s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5-20-68 ELECTRICAL PERMITS - Continued E 0882 $ 50.00 Transamerica Dev. 2048 Thunderhill Dr. Temporary Service 83 50.00 Edwin C. Davies 10413 SE 96th If 84 50.00 Sterling Jensen Co. 12852 -- 90th Soo 1° " E 0885 50.00 Whitespar Homes 10407 96th Ave. SE If " 86 50.00 Transamerica Dev. 1119 Thunderhill 87 50.00 Transamerica Dev. 1113 'I'hunderhill If i.. E 0888 1, 500.00 D. P. Spickler 409 So. 3rd St. Install Lights 89 VOID E 0890 22, 000,.00 Central Puget, Inc. 434 7th Ave, SW Service in NewArea MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0866 -------- Herr Belisle 9601 112th Ave. SE Install Furnace 67 -------- Tork Edmonds 10036 107th Ave.SE Plumbing/Fixtures 68 -------- Charles Yost 402 Thomas Street Install Gas Tan 69 ------- Dr. Arthur Kay 12512 86th Ave, So. Install Furnace M 0870 ------- Central Puget Construction 721 Lind Ave. SW Install Furnaces 71 ------- The Boeing Co. Bldg 10-54 Install Connection to Wtr Sys Tank 72 ------- The Boeing Co. Bldg. 10-52 Install Draina e SysteM 73 ------- Wood Construction 12016 132nd SE Install Fixtures 74. ------- °� 1.2014 132nd SE 11 M 0875 ------- " " 12012 132nd SE 76 ------- 12010 132nd SE " 77 - Whitespar Homes 10407 SE 96th St. Plumbing/Fixtures 78 ------- 11 it 10403 SE 96th St. " " 79 ------- Phillips Oil Co. 311 Sunset Blvd. Floor Drains/Pump M 0880 ------- Transamerica Dev. 1815 Grant St. Plumb Laundry „i 81 ------- William Baxter 13035 SE 147th Install Furnace 82 ------- Lee Whiteley 13014 SE 152nd Install Furnace 83 ------- Central Puget,Inc. 750 Rainier Ave. So. Plumbing/Fixtures 84 ------- Howard Hanson 10821 109th Pl. SE Gas Piping M 0885 ------- Bell & Valdez 2010 Dog-wood Ave.SE Install GasFurnace 86 ------- Parkwood Homes 2531 Prince Ave. if it 87 ------- Parkwood Homes 701 Spruce Court it 88 . ------- Merle Weatherbee 9811 108th Ave. SE ” Fixtures 89 ------- Lewis Wilson 1221 "N°' Pl. Wtr Heater M 0890 ------ Parkwood Homes 710 Spruce Court' Plumbing/Fixtures 91 ------- " '° 2525 Prince Ave. It " 92 ------- If " 2531 Prince Ave. of " 93 -------- of " 712 Trinity Ct. of " 94 ------- The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-45 Install 2 Tanks M 0895 VOID 96 ------- Central Puget,I'nc. 434 7th Ave. SW Heating,Cooli.ng & frm 5 Units SEWER PERMITS 402 ------ Public Hospital Dist.1 17901 Springbrook Rd. Sewer Service. 403 ------ It of 404 ------ Robert Petty 535 Penton Ave. So. " r.r 405 ------ Transamerica Dev. 815 Grs.rt Street 406 ------- If " 1121 Thunderhill Rd. If 407 ------- " " 11:37 Tha rderh.i ll Rd. of 408 ------ If 1217 I'hurderhill Rd. It " .409 ------- " " 1123 Thunderhill Rd. i ' 410 Bell & Valdez 2314 Dogwood P3.. SE 411 ----- of '° 2008 Dog-wood Pl. SE " If 412 -,------- If " 2009 SE Dogwood Ct. " 41.3 ------ „ 20 ;0 SE Do_;wood Ct. 414 ------ 1908 Dc,c7,,?c-)d Pl. SE 41.5 ---- 20.18 SE D,c,vocd Ct. 416 20,06 SE D.or�aood Ct. „ if —7— 248 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5-20-68 1 - SEWER PERMITS - Continued 417 ------ Bell & Valdez 2221 SE 19th Place Sewer S.ervice 418 ------ If2303 SE 19th Place " 419 ------ 111915 Dogwood Ave. SE " 420 ------ It1921 Dogwood Ave. SE " 421 ------ of2007 Dogwood Ave. SE " 422 ------ It If 2013 Dogwood Ave. SE " 423 ----- 2019 Dogwood Ave. SE " 424 ------ If2016 Dogwood Ave. SE " 425 ------ 11 2010 Dogwood Ave. SE " 426 ------ 2004 Dogwood Ave. SE " 427 ------ " 2312 SE 19th Place at Is 428 ------ it If2306 SE 19th Place " 429 ------ 2212 SE 20th Place " .rr -8 _ �# E. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S May 27, 1968 Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Funding of City' s share of Air Transportation System Advance Plan in sum of $1, 850.00 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Notice of Intent of Cascade Sewer District to annex areas to District in vicinity of Benson Hwy. and Petrovitsky Rd. City Policy regarding future annexations COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mayor ' s letter regarding garbage collection matters Recommendations regarding finance and procedural steps in regard to Highlands Hospital site. Mayor' s list of budgetary reductions LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Manio Phillips property rezone, GS-1 to SR-1 Ordinance to provide for temporary voter registratidn facilities ,! Resolution appropriating $13, 099 .64 from Urban Arterial Fund into budgetary account. LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Franchise Ordinance Request of Seattle City Light for Franchise MAYOR AND CITY CLERK To execute Mutual Aid Agreement with King Ceunty Sheriff ' s office STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Petition of property owners requesting blacktopping of "N" Street APPOINTMENTS : 6 Months probationary appointments as Patrolmen: Sidney J. Journey, William H. Bronsema; Robert A. Anthony; Martin F. Bearscove; Richard L. Mecham; James T. Foust and Robert L. Leyerle. Councilmen. Edwards and Schellert to serve temporarily on Auditing and Accounting Committee MEETINGS AND EVENTS: June 3, 1960 - Committee of the Whole meeting at 6 : 30 p.m. June 3, 1968 -- Ways and Means Committee at 7 : 30 p.m. June 4, 1968 - Light and Power Committee at 7 : 30 in Conference Room June 17, 1968 -- Opening of Bids, Roof repair to Highlands Adm. Bldg. June 17, 1968 - Opening of Bids on L. X.D. 258 i I f X50 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING May 27, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Schellert and Morris . Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Edwards, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purcahsing Agent, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 20th be approved as prepared and mailed out. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Manio Phillips property rezone (Continued from 5/20/68, GS-1 to SR-1; property located in the 600 Block of 11th Place South on Talbot Hill) This being the date set, the hearing was continued. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported that the Planning Commission, at its regular meeting of May 22nd recommended approval of the rezone, noting however, that the Zoning Ordinance requires a ten day waiting period to allow appeals of the Commission decisions. Since there was no opposition it was not felt that an appeal would be filed but the Commission understands that the Ordinance rezoning the property will not be acted upon until June 3, thereby meeting the legal requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. Shane felt that Mr. Phillips should not be delayed and that perhaps some monetary restitution should be made or the rezone fee refunded. It was noted that the delays have been due to filing date of applicant's petition and that normal procedures have been followed except for de- viation to allow commencement, of benefit to the applicant, by issuance of a building permit, City Code and rules and regulations followed other- wise. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. The motion carried. It was noted that the 10 day appeal period would be met by the June 3rd meeting. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. During further discussion, Mayor Custer called attention to the rather large area of Talbot Hill with this same zoning and it was pointed out that proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan do include SR-1 designations for Talbot Hill, however, some property owners not desiring a change. Also noted was the fact that if the property owner initiates the rezone he pays a fee which will not be received in the event the City initiates the change. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm reported that the Committee of the Whole had voted to place the proposed Ordinance granting a Franchise to Puget Sound Power and Light Company on first reading and after discussion on whether it should be introduced prior to report of the Committee, City Clerk Nelson completed reading of the Title and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the document be introduced later in the meeting following Committee reports. Carried. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington ordering the construction and installa- tion of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the Kennydale area, all in accordance with Resolution No. 1528 of the City Council of the City of Renton; establishing Local Improvement District No. 258, providing the method of assessment in said District; providing that payment for said improvement be made by special assessments upon property in said District, payable by the mode of payment by bonds or. Notes in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council; and providing -1- { 25t Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-27-68 ORDINANCES .FOR. ADOP.TLOa;: ((_onr.inued, - r, I ,D. 258 for the issuance and sale of Local Improvement District Warrants redeem- able in cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Notes. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to place the proposed Ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to adopt Ordinance No. 2407 as read. Carried, Proposed Ordinance was submitted by the Law and Ordinance Committee and read by the City Clerk annexing certain territory to the ity )of Renton located north of S. E. 112th Street, West of 136th Avenue S . E. and East of Voter Precinct x'38. (Althoff, Smith and Beale properties) . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Barei , to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Trimm, second by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No, 2408 ap read. The motion carried, RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: Froposen Rego=tlon was submitted authorizing appropriation of $9, 500, 00 from excess revenues in the Current Fund unto Building Maintenance, De- partment 1165/605, Structures and improvements (to Highlands Administr4- tion Building) Upon completion of reading, it was moved by Morris, and seconded by Schellert, to adapt Resolution No, 1544 as read. Carried, CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS; Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, final estimate due Bowers Construction Company on C.AG. 1264-68, Water Project W-283 (No. 8th Street Watermain) , in sum of $5, 054. 44 , with commencement of the 30 day lien period, following which, if no liens or claims have been filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, the retained amount of $561 . 60 be released to Contractor, Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment,bills on C.AG. 1242-67, $11, 555, 2.0 due Lewis-Redford Engineers, In'c. and $3, 000.00 due Shannon & Wilson, Inc , for services and soil in- vestigation on North 3rd Street-North 4th Street Urban Arterial Project. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommenda- tions of the City Engineer_ . Carried. Letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, reported necessity at this time to appropriate moneys received in the Urban Arterial Fund unto the Urban Arterial Budget Account 1250, in sum of $13, 099 . 64, Capital Outlay 6r-)5, Structures and Improvements, retroactive to May. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur, referring same to the Law & Ordinance Com- mittee. The motion carried. _ Letter from City Clerk Nelson requested Ordinance to provide for temporary voter registration facilities in conjunction with efforts of civic groups and various organizations conducting Voter Registration Drive on June 14th and 15th. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the request, The motion carried, referring the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee, Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer submitted recommendations regarding the City' s garbage collection transactions, urging the the Council authorize the City to handle all billings; to carefully consider the advisability of retaining commercial charges as specified in the prior Contract and City Ordinance to eliminate discriminatory chrge to home owners, and to give consideration to allowing a "one-can charge" to serve persons with little refuse at a charge of $1 . 50 per month, Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to refer the letter to the Sanitation Committee to report back at the next Council meeting. After discussion regarding the need for further consideration by the Council the motion was voted upon and failed, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, that the letter be referred to the Committee of the .,?hole, part of the subject already noir inthat Com- mittee. Grant and Shane spoke against the motion urging discussion on the Council floor at this time and after some diversion i-e prior actions taken in regard to the Contract award. Garrett moved the previous question which was voted upon and upon dissenting voice vote roll call was requested resulting as follows : Aye; Garrett, Edwards, Trimm, Schellert and Morris. No: Barei. , Shane, Grant, Bruce and Perry. Mayor. Custer- voted aye breaking the 5 to 5 tie and carried the motion. -2- 252 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-27-68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont. ) The motion to refer the Mayor ' s letter, regarding garbage collection matters, to the Committee of the Whole was voted upon and dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call vote which resulted as follows : Aye : Garrett, Edwards, Trimm, Schellert, and Morris . No: Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce and Perry. Mayor Custer voted aye and broke the 5 to 5 tie referring the matter to the Committee of the Whole as heretofore outlined. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported, regarding petition to annex property to Renton in vicinity of South 180th Street and Springbrook Rd. , that signatures represent 100/0 of the assessed value of the property on said Petition. The parcel contains approximately 2 . 39 acres with assessed valution being $4 . 150.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to accept the petition for annexation as submitted. Carried. (Gene E. Lynn & Associates property) . Letter from the Puget Sound Governmental Conference reported receipt of confirmation from the State Planning and Community Affairs Agency that application, Project No. Wn. P-145, Air Transportation System Advance Plan (ATSAP) , had been approved and local cash contributions toward the $242, 890. 00 total must now be deposited with the State. Renton ' s share of the study is $1 . 850. 00. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to concur, funding having been provided for in the budget. Upon inquiry, Perry ad- wised that this was to cover a study of air transportation in four Counties and takes into consideration the future airport needs of the area with site for a new airport to be located somewhere within the area. Mr. . Perry was elected Chairman of the Air Transport Committee of the Conference and felt local interest was to be represented thereby. The pending motion carried, Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to refer the payment to the Auditing -and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer reported transfers of funds within budget classes, for the period fmn January 16 through May 15, 1968, as required by Resolut tion No. 1232, including $500. 00 from Building Department Account 11.65/40 to 402, Office Supplies; and From Police Department Account 1184/326, Traffic, $350.00 unto Police Parking 1187/417 . Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported offer from the Firemen ' s Pension Fund to purchase Promissory Installment Notes at 5/ interest for funding of L. I.D. 258, and recommended acceptance of same, also requesting authorization to call for construction bids on the project with June 17 as date for bid opening. Approximate total cost of this project., $54, 420. 30. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to accept the offer of the Firemen ' s Pension Fund as read and that bid call be authorized as out-- lined The motion carried. Letter from C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, submitted proposed Mutual Aid Agreement with the King County Sheriff ' s Office, principally designed to pool resources in the event of riots, and acceptance was recommended. It was moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the subject document. The motion carried. Letter from Mayor Custer reported that several residents of the Highlands area have been joined by Council Members in asking that proposals concerning possible mode of financing acquisition and development of the property in the Highlands commonly known as the former hospital. site be submitted and the Mayor requested a meeting with the Council to discuss methods and alt(d natives of finance and procedural steps which are needed prior to under- taking of any negotiations with -the Hospital Board. Moved by Perry, and seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carri.ed. Letter from Mayor Custer submitted list of proposed budgetary transfers to allow funding approximately $100, 000. 00 contemplated expenses. The proposed study requested by the Light and Power Committee was not: included it being recommended that this item be deleted from the list submitted to him by the Ways and Means Committee, to cost approximately $8, 000. 00. -3- 253 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-27-68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont, ) Mayor ' s letter of Budgetary Reduction Mayor Custer noted that all recommended transfers could very well have constituted "Beginning Fund Balance" for 1969 and cautioned that any addit,' oval transfers from the sources used would be detrimental to the 1968 budget and if further funds are needed the Council should consider sale of certain properties as the only acceptable means of funding emergency needs until after July lst, 1968. Also, he would suggest the _ $£:, 000.00 funding for the power study if his recommendation c•,ras rejected. FROM: street Fund, Street Department 132G/605, T.•'idening No. 3rd St. , $ 5, 000. 00. ur.•rent " , Traffic Engr. 1172./110, Salaries & Wages 1 , 000. 00 Current Fund, Traffic Engr. 605, Traffic Signals 9, 500.00 Current Fund, Engineering 1171/110 Salaries & ;wages 9, 000.00 Current Fund, Fire Department 1190/110 Salaries & Wages 2, 000.00 Current Fund, Legal Department 1130/314 Consultant Fees 3, 000.00 Current Fund, Executive Dep' t. 1120/504 Travel Expense 500.00 Current Fund, Legislative 1110/504, Travel. Expense 1 , 500.00 Current Fund " X10 Salaries & 'wages 1, 800.00 Current Fund, Non-Departmental 1141/200 Statewide Retirement 1, 700. 00 $35, 000. 00 Unto: Urban Arterial Fund 1250/605, Structures & ImprovEments $35, 000. 00 FROM: Appropriate excess revenue, Current Fund 5, 850. 00 Current Fund, Non Departmental, 1141/345, Census 3, 500.00 Current Fund, Police Department. 1184/110, Salaries & ?ages 9, 000. 00 $18,'11;10. 00 Unto: Traffic Engineering Dep' t. 1172/606 Radio Equipment ;,!_3, 350. 00 Current Fund Loss in Garbage Revenue $36, 000. 00 ` To compensate for this loss it is recommended that use of released matching contributions of $26 700.00 from Statewide City Employees Fund be authorized which correspondingly reducesthe expenditures for Statewide within the Current Fund Budgetary accounts in the same amount. The balance of loss in revenue,because of elimination of Franchise and override garbage collection fees,has not been completely funded but the loss is spread over the year and immediate need will be met by transfers, as recommended. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the Committee of the whole and copies by mailed to each councilman. Grant requested ~' suggestions as to where the $8, 000.00 might be funded for the power study, and it was noted the Council. has not as yet authorized such expenditure. After further discussion, the -pending motion to refer carried. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, that the Mayor make a. reasonable suggestion for funding the $3, 000. 00 for the power study and report back at the next council meeting. Moved by Ferry, seconded- by Schellert, to table the motion until after committee reports. Carried. Letter. from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, submitted recommendations of the Park Board, the Architects and the Director that low bi.ds, on Improve- ments and Development of Lake 6-.'n. Beach Park, be accepted as follows : 1 . SITE: Red-Samm Mining Co. , - Inc. Box 776, Redmond, V7ashington Base Bid $ 54, 230, 00 Unit Price Bid 34, 500.00 Alternate S4 7, 000. 00 $ 95, 730. 00 2. . BUILDING: J. D. Stewart Co. , 18821 ET Valley Hwy, Kent, Washington Base Bid $ X1, 521 .00 Alternate Bl 7, 535.00 Alternate B2 iess 200.00 41., 846 .00 3 . LANDSCAPING: Landscapers Northwest, Inc. , 7504 Bridgeport Way West Tacoma, [^;ashington Base Bid $ 53, 694 . 50 Alternate Ll 11836 .00 Alternate L2. 803 . 5(C " 56, `34. 00 Abc)ve bids do not include `.n. State ra'Ess Tax.. Moved by Perry, seconded '� .',cho:i_'.crt, _ to concur i.-P t:.==.• r�_cnrrmc: n 1,..t�.ons . C�s.r.ried. 254 Minutes - Renton City Council. Meeting 5-27-68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont. ) Notices from the King County Boundary Review Board reported Intention of Cascade Sewer District to annex areas to said district as filed by Nos. A-66 and A-71, Review Board designations, 'said areas lying along Petrovitsky Road at 116th S. E. and 108th Avenues S. E. , submitted to inform interested parties who may wish to request review as provided by Section 10 (2) , Ch. 189, Laws of 1967 . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the Notices to the Board of Public Works for recom- mendation. Carried. Publication received by the City Clerk entitled "Comparison of Public Employee Retirement Systems in the State of Washington" was reported to be on file and available for those interested. The data was compiled by the Bureau of Governmental Research and Services, U. Of W. in coopera- tion with the Public Pension Commission, State of Washington, Olympia. Mayor Custer reported receipt of a letter after the deadline for pre- paration of the Agenda and inquired of Council wishes in view of the new procedural legislation. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, the letter be placed on the Agenda and read at this time. Carried. The petition was signed by the Romstads, Nichols, Bensors and Del Giannis, property owners on "N" Street between 11th Pl . No. and 11th Ave. No. requesting that the City blacktop the street and keep it in good repair, the present condition noted as being dusty and rocky causing danger to the children from rocks being thrown by passing cars and making the area around the homes dirty and unsightly. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Councilman Shane at this time inquired regarding letter of inquiry by Mr. Chapman relating to extension of time on the City Hall construction contract and problems resulting to the sub-contractor as consequence of the extension. Upon further inquiry, City Attorney Shellan outlined content of correspondence and matter which was a legal one and not a legislative problem. Mr. Chapman, Electrical Contractor, noted his con- cern, not condoning the need for extension, but early completion date. It was noted that the Union wage raises take effect and would have to be honored during the extension period which was felt to be a penalty to the Sub-Contractors. It was noted that the Mechanical Contractor has agreed to the extension a-nd that the matter further is the subject of interpretation between the legal authorities. It was suggested that Mr. Chapman advise the City Hall Building Committee of details of the problem and Mr. Chapman stated he would contact Chairman Garrett to arrange a meeting time. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Dick Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. No. , Planning Commission Member, reported attendance at a convention in San Francisco and pointed out that the Per Diem allowance is not adequate and urged that the City update its legislation to allow additional expense as other cities have done, $40. 00 per day being granted by others and Renton still $20.00 and $25 .00 per day. Mr. Stredicke stated his room was $13 . 50 and about 25 blocks from the Convention and he had to take a taxi at additional cost. Discussion ensued regarding costs experienced by others and per diem differences for officials and employees . Mr. Nbrman Ross, 420 I Street inquired as to when the matter of the hospital property in the Highlands will be again before the Council and was advised that the Planning Committee has no report tonight and that funding is to be discussed per the Mayor ' s letter submitted earlier and referred to the Committee of the Whole, interested parties to be notified of actions on the matter and when the report is going to be made. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to recess . Carried. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. -5-- ,x li 255 I Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-27-.68 APPOINTMENTS : Letter from Mayor Custer reported completion of the Civil Service exami, nation by candidates for appointment to probational status as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department. Concurrence in the appointments was requested and the recommendation of Police Chief Williams was attached. Sidney J. Journey; William H. Bronsema; Robert A. Anthonyt Martin F, Bearscove; Richard L. Mecham; James T. Foust and Robert L. Leyerle, Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur in the appointments The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS : Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Ailey Committee, reported recommendation that the bid of Landscapers Northwest, Inc. , on landscap- ing of the 2nd Street Traffic Islands, be accepted, Carried, Councilman Garrett submitted Police and License Committee that request of the Child Hearing League to again sell flowers in Renton be granted. The date requested is April 29th. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. President of the Council Garrett submitted Committee of the Whole Report recommending that city policy regarding future annexations be referred to the Board of Public Works for recommendation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to concur. Recommended that the Puget Sound Power and Light Company Franchise Ordinance be placed on first reading only. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur. Upon inquiry the City Attorney affirmed that it is necessary to hold the document for 30 days for publication and that 2/3 vote of Council is required to pass a Franchise Ordinance, Council- man Grant opposed urging that the power study be conducted prior to granting any Franchise to Seattle City Light or Puget Sound Power and Light Co. After discussion regarding the Committees concerned with the matter, the motion was voted upon and upon dissenting voice vote, roll fir.. call was requested which resulted as follows : Aye; Garrett, Bruce, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Schellert. No: Barei, Shane, Grant and Morris, The document was read and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to refer the document to the Light and Power Committee, Moved by Perry, second- by Edwards, to amend the motion to include report back to Council by July 1st. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, that Dick Stredicke, member of the audience requesting to speak',' be granted such right on the question. Carried. Mr. Stredicke stated he .did npt under- stand what the rush is; that he understands the Company said it,:needs no Franchise to operate; that he would still like to know what benefit, 4s to be received by the people of Renton and that a study as requested by Mr. Grant is well in order. It was noted that this was not on the question before the body. Grant bloposed that -the motion be amended a second time to include. a recommendation from the Mayor for funding of $8, 000. 00 for the power service and rate comparison study, Mpyor Custer noted thQL he has already been asked to do this . Report__'deadline .was questioned inasmuch as -cnly two members are available at present on the Light and Power Committee. ln 'discuss�n regaraincg Franchises to both City Light and Puget, it was pointed out that the study could be conducted by the staff of the City without the $8, 000. 00 expenditure, Grant opposing, r_ecalling authorization to negotiate formulation of a study with various firms, and expressing opinion that impE,.rtial and outside forces -should conduct same. After further comment,question was called for and the :amendment setting July 1st as deadline to report was voted on and lost. The original motion to refer the Franchise Ordinance to the Light and Power Committee was voted upon and carried, Proposed motion to have the staff conduct the study was withdrawn and City Attorney Shellan cautioned the use of the wording "rate study" with inference that the City could get the people lower rate, since the City has no juris- diction over rates, the State having pre-empted rights of rate control , The City may refer to the service. All rates are filed in Olympia and are available for reference. III -6- 256 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-27--68 OLD BUSINESS: (Cont. ) The Committee of the Whole recommended that the request of Seattle City Light for a Franchise to operate in Renton be referred to the LiQht and Power Committee. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the referral . Carried. Councilman Barei, Property Committee Chairman, submitted report recom- mending that the firm of William F. Davis Insurance Agency be appointed as Insurance Broker for the City of Renton; that the present Insurance Commission be retained as an advisory board only; that the Comprehensive Liability Policy for the City be awarded with low bidder, Great American Insurance Company throucrh the F,':'_lliam F. Davis Insurance Agency, the Broker; and that the City in the future consolidate all existing fire and Casualty insurance policies with Great American though said Broker the end result to be a business package policy for the City. It was Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, that Council accept the recommenda- tion of the Property Committee. It was noted that the policy limits were the same but that limits of error and ommissions were quoted in different amounts but were corresponding in price. It was stated upon inquiry that the Broker is appointed to serve as long as his Company is low bidder and has the bid. The motion to concur carried. Councilman Schellert, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committe, submitted recommendation that June 17th be revised date for bid opening on repair and improvement to the Highlands Administration Building roof, specs now ready and the funding having been authorized and available. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. Councilman Morris, Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman, moved that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 3498 through 355•?;, having been approved by the Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. The motion carried and Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund $ 2, 20 .-.7 3498 - 3522 Urban Arterial 14, 5`=7 . 20 3523 - 3524 Street Fund 17 , 070. 06 3525 - 3529 Equipment Rental 23 , 539. 42 3530 - 3533 Parks 424. 36 3534 - 3536 Waterworks Utility 7, 709 . 81 3537 - 3544 1965 Water & Sewer Cons. 90. 95 3545 Airport 158. 92 3546 Firemen ' s Pension 4, 253 : 30 3547 - 3553 $ 7G, 0/3,1422 NEW BUSINESS : Councilman Garrett announceda meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Monday, June 3rd at 6 : 30 p.m. Councilman Shane announced that the Sahara Tavern will be open next Wednesday for dancing at 8:00 p.m. and everone is invited to attend the opening. Councilman Barei announced that on June 10th the new Tavern named "Angelo' s will be opening on Airport Way and everyone is invited with refreshments on him. Councilman Grant announced a Light and Power Committee meeting on Tuesday, June 4th in the Mayor ' s Conference room, at 7 : 30 p. m. Councilman Schellert announced a Ways and Means Committee meeting on Monday, June 3rd at 7 : 30 p.m. Councilman Morris requested appointment of an additional member to the Auditing and Accounting Committee tempo>=arily,pending return of Councilman Maxin who is on vacation. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, that Councilmen Edwards and Schellert, be appointed to serve temporarily in absence of the regular members. Carried. Moved by Grant, seconded by Barei , to adjourn. Carried. There were 36 visitors in the Council Chambers. The meeting was adjourned at _ _ Helmie Nelson, City Clerk i 257 OFFICE OF' THE CITY CLERK 5®27®68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DBPART MTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount- Name Address Type of Work B 0986 $14.1000;00 E. Wechselberger 12515 88th Ave. So. Construct Residence 87 28;500'00 Diane La.akie 18025 108th SE 88 202000.00 Walter L. Cook 15075 91st Ave. So, One Story Mfg. Building 89 750000 Standai°d Oil Co. 305 Grady Way Re-erect Sign B 0990 1;5000'00 J6hn-C. Knowrler 15490 119th Ave. SE Double Carport & Storage Area 91 3110500,00 0. N. Olson 550 Edwards St, Remodel Office Building 92 16;456.;00 McGrath Corp. 13413 SE 107th Pl. Construct Residence 93 14;740000 " " 13407 SE 107th P1. It It 94 11+,920'00 " " 13401 SE 107th P1. u n B 0995 -100-000 Marvin E. Slenning 646 E Street Construct Fence 96 %00000 Rudy Simone 1425 Paget Drive I' Scrim Pool 97 2,500000 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1124 Thunderhill Rd: 10x20 Bldg. for Laundry 98 22- 5006'00 - If 1123 Thunderhill Rd. if 99 2;500;00 " 3.137 Thunderhill Rd. If B 1000 2f500000 " 1217 Thunderhill Rd. If 01 24000,00 " Thunderhill 81 Carports 02 4500.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg, 4-64 Remodel Mezzanine 03 600600 Transamerica Dev. Co, 1124 Thimderhill Rd. Construct Carport OL 500.00 John Talley 118 Riviera Drive Partitions for Laundromat B 1005 Record Stationary 801 Houser Way So. Erect an entrance canopy 06 ''(003.00 Leroy F. Johnson 12519 86th Ave. So. Add Fiberglass Cover to Patio ELECTRICAL PEIRMITS E 0891 850:0.1 Donald Monaghan 1009 High Avenue Nf,-vr Wiring for Residence 92 500.00 Powell Construction 1071+ 114th Ave. SE " It 93 - 8000'00 Neva Talley 112 Riviera Drive Wiring for Laundromat 94 41,000000 Robinson & Lyon Ford 750 Rainier South Wire New Commercial Building E 0895 459000 Humble Oil Co. 2800 Sunset Blvd E. Install Canopy Lights 96 450'00 Elmer Norasch- 11646 SE 100th St. Wire New Residence 97 21f.000 The Boeing_ Co. Bldg. 4-21 Provide Service to Drills 98 500'00 " Bldg. 4m20 it it to PoS%Ter Island 99 2009-100 " Bldg. 1085 Alter Existing Circuits E 0900 400:00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2710 Prince Ave. Wire New Residence 01 4004,00 It 2531 Prince Ave. if If II 02 4000-00 It 271.6 Prince Ave. It 11 If 03 400.00 it 2525 Prince Ave. If 1f It 04 4004'00 Bell & Valdez, Inc. 2008 Dogwood P1. SE If It it E 0905 400.00 It 2014 Dogwood Pl. SE it It If MECHANICAL PERrtITS M 0897 George McNeil 12441 132nd Ave. SE Install Septic Tank 98 Washington Jockey Club Renton Junction IT Sprinkler System 99 - White Spar Homes 101+07 SE 96th " Oil Rirnace M 0900 11 10403 SE 96th n it n 01 Speede #954 1175 L Street " Air Condition Unit 02 E1iner Mora,sch 11646 SE 100th Plumbing & Fixtures 03 John Tally 112 Riviera Drive Fixtures & Gas Piping OA 1! 112 Riviera Drive Install Heater & Boiler M 0905 The Boeing, Co. Bldg. 4-42 it Wash Basin 06 11 . Bldg. 4®21 Alteration of Water Piping 07 y - Ed Davies 10413 SE 96th St, Plumbing & Fixtures 08Floyd Shaff 2123 10th Ave, No. Repair Septic Tank 09lir. Lablonde 2127 10th Ave. No, Install Septic Tank -1 0910 Cecil. 0. Whitaker 351 No. Factory Ave. Plumbing & Fixtures 11 =� v Har=old Gresset 3112 12th P3o0- Inst_n7.1 Vent, Water Lines ir.. SEIIER PER TITS 430 Roberts-Anderson 111 Wilb ams Ave. So. Suver Service !31 ------ International Spa Inc. 127 So, 3rd St, n " 432 Powrell. Homes 527 No. Williams n n 433 If 527 No. Williams Ir n 434 Ed Biggens 523 No. Wells u n 435 523 No. Walls n Is <, 8 258 May transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council. TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund $ 33,627.65 Urban Arterial 14,557.20 City Street 391)564.19 Cedar River M. & I. 56.76 Equipment Rental 26,918.18 Library 7,035.90 Parks & Recreation 27,914.91 Waterworks Utility 78,406.20 Airport 431.82 1965 W. & S. Construction Fund 90.95 Firemen's Pension Fund 4,403.76 City Hall Construction Fund 173,666.10 406,673.62 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund $123,190.52 City Street 20,017.88 Cedar River M. & I 596.00 Equipment Rental 4,299.03 Library 9,357.83 Parks 16048.27 Waterworks Utility 19,224.80 Airport 1,397.00 Firemen's Pension 90.82 $195,122.15 259 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING REFERRALS June 3, 1968 Office of the City Clerk BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Gibeault Property, File #4, Notice of Hearing. Petition for Annexation, Sanders et al, vicinity of SE 106th St. and 132nd SE. CITY ENGINEER_ Petition for Annexation, Sanders et al., validity of signature . E. E. Barnes, Dir. of Facilities, request on behalf of the Boeing Co., Vacation of portion of Lake Wash. Blvd. CITY A'1"1.'ORNFY AND INSURANCE CE_11t lER_ Tirs.~Nora Baker c1a1m af;a].n:,t (,it:y of Renton. FTIZE AND WA11:'R COMMITTEE American Heter Control. recalled bidding on 5/8"x3/4" water meters. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance^regulating massage parlors. Funding of Radio Equipment in sum of $18,350.00. Request for appropriation of excess revenues from Lib. Fund into Budgetary Accounts for: Convention Expense, $972.00, Additional Personnel $5,100.00. Rezone of John Racanello Property from R-1. to R-3 . LIGHT iND POWER COMMITTEE Monterey Community Club request for conversion from overhead to underground wiring. MAYOR 0. H. Torkelson, 311 Rainier Ave. So., numbering system along Rainier Ave. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Sahara Tavern, 11205 Maple Valley Hwy. , request for license, (pool table) . L. B. 's Tavern (Mutual Amusement Co.) request for. license, (pinball) . 1 H01'1_'RTY COMMITTEE . Co.i.. Sanders Kentucky Roast Beef, request to build new restaurant, vicinity of City Center Motel property, and use portion of Lake Street for parking purposes. STREET.' ANI.; ALLEY COMMITTEE Washington State Highway Commission, Comprehensive Street Plan. Vacation of portion of 10th Pl. between J and K Sts. (Backamus Petition) Vacation of Portion of Alley in Block 2, Smithers 6th Addition to Renton, (Renton Lutheran Church Petition) WAYS AND MEANS CO\T•IITTEE Funding of a power rate and service analysis in the sum of $6,000.00. APPO'1 NTMENTS Mr. Archie Graham as a member of the Renton Park Board. MEETINGS AND EVENTS June 4, 1968 - Light and Power Committee at 7:30 p.m. in Conference Room. June 4; 1968 - King County Board of Equilization 9:30 a.m. June 10, 1968 - Ways and Means Committee at 7:30 p.m. June 10, 1968 - Committee of the Whole at 7:00 p.m. June 10, 1968 - Street and Alley Committee at 6:30 p.m. June 13, 1968 - Notice of Hearing, Gi.beault Prop. at 7:00 p.m. Rm. 402, County Courthouse June 24, 1968 - Opening of Bids: Lavatory Facilities, Jones Park. 260 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 3, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Shane, Grant and Edwards. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Shane, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Gordon Er.icksen, Planning Director, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Frank Henry, Asst. Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Gene Coulon; Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 27th be approved as prepared and mailed out. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of 10th Place, between J and K Streets (Backamus Petition) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter was read from the Board of Public Works recommending denial in view of proposed widening and improve- ments to Sunset Blvd. by the State Hwy. Deptt. at which time it is felt 10th Place would become more important as a frontage road to permit circulation of traffic within the area. Also, present utilities indicate that the street use will be continued. Audience comment was invited and Attorney John Dobson, on behalf of petitioners, noted that the street has not been open to for public travel since 1960, widening of Sunset not affecting the property, other properties also lying between Sunset & 10th Place, and the development would open up the area to the South. Also,the development of the through street and three building sites of approximately 28,000 sq. ft. , wudld allow utilizing of access road to Sunset for ingress and egress. Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Edwards, the hearing be closed. Carried. The hear- ing was declared closed and council action invited. Upon inquiry, City Engineer. Wilson noted existing 8" water line within the street which has been abandoned and replaced, and sanitary sewer running half way through and dead ending and a 2't gas main. It was noted by Mr. Dobson that the gas Company advised the line can be re- located with no problem and the other utilities merely serve area within the property and proposed improvement, Albertsons Store being served otherwise at present. Moved by Shane, seconded by Delaurenti, that the property be declared surplus and available to abutting property owners. Further discussion ensued regarding reservation of the easement rights and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to grant the Property Committee permission to retain two appraisers if and when it becomes necessary to determine the fair market value and price for the vacation. Carried. It was noted that this was a dedicated street and that the Federal Government had released its interest to the City, City Attorney Shellan cautioning that determination must be made that the street will not be needed in the future and that no property owner will be hurt by the vacation. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of alley in Block 2, Smithers 6th Addition to Renton. (Renton Lutheran Church petition) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from the Board of Public Worl1 s'A.r.•ep(yte'd'a field trip to the area and review of the request and finding that the alley i.,i u-ed for local access to the Rebecca Taylor Lots 4 and 5 and to parking on the Seattle Cedar. River Pipe Line right-of-way. It was recommended that the vacation be denied for said reasons. Audience comment was invited and Mr. John Alexander advised that the church owns property on both sides of the alley and wishes to build between Morris and Second from the Cedar River Waterway right-of-way, the additional property on South still to be open for access to any of the property. In further discussion it was noted that fee title ownership of property is held by Rebecca Taylor and that the petition contains Dan Davis Corp. which could not be counted as an abutting property owner, accordingly. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Granit, to close the hearing. The hearing was declared closed and Council action invited. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Corr:mittee to report bacic.. Carried. 26 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 6/3/68 Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee on Monday, June 10th at 6:30 p.m. to consider the two proposed vacation items and the Clerk was requested to notify the parties concerned. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance regulating massage parlors and reported revisions which include the basic fee which has been reduced from $50.00 to $25.00 and the Facility Operator or Attendant fee shall be $6.00 rather than $20.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to concur ..The motion carried. The document was placed on first reading, and regulates operation and maintenance of massage business, health salons and public bath houses and similar facilities; requiring a .license for the operation and maintenance of such facilities;. establishing standards and requirements for such facilities and for the operation and maintenance; providing for the inspection thereof, granting exemptions, and providing penalties for the violation of its provisions. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance back to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. the Committee recommending funding at 5% in erest by the Proposed Ordinance was placed on first reading /brdering the construction an (Firemen ' s installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the (Pension F u ne Honey Creek Park area, Renton, King County, Washington 'all in accordance with ( Resolution No. 1535 of the City Council of the City of Renton, establishing Local Improvement District No. 259, providing the method of assessment in said District; providing that payment for said improvement be made by special assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of "payment of bonds", or "Notes", in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council; and providing for the issuance and sale of Local Improvement District Warrants redeemable in cash and Local Im- provement District bonds or notes. Moved by Shane, seconded by Delaurenti, to- refer the document to the haw an&Ordinance Committee ,,— -concurring in the funding; CarrisdaY 2ndr a3id find _r�a�ling was reCoti►innded. pgoved' by Del:eurent 'second by Shane, to concur. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, with seconded by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No. 2409 as read. The roll call vote re- sulted in all ayes carrying the motion. ! r Proposed Ordinance was read by the Deputy Clerk changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City of Renton from General Suburban Residence �4 District (GS-1) to Suburban Residence District No. 1, (SR-1) . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. + LL After final reading } aas moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt H Ordinance No. h read. Roll call vote was taken and resulted in all ayes. W W The motion carried. (Manio Phillips property, Talbot Hill) QQ Proposed Resolution' of the City was submitted,authorizing appropriation of U $13,099.64 excess revenue from the Urban Arterial Fund unto the Budget, Urban Arterial Account 1250, Capital Outlay, 605, Structures and Improvements. The Deputy City Clerk read the proposed Resolution and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1545 as read. The motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Petition for annexation of property to the City of Renton was read,submitted by Sanders et al, subject property located in vicinity of S.E. 106th Street and 132nd S.E. The petition indicated willingness of property owners to assume pro-rata shares of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City and to accept the use designation of the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the Petition to the City .Engineer to check the signatures for validity of ownerships. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the Petition for annexation be referred to the .Board of Public Works for recommendation. The motion carried. It was suggested that all parties concerned be in at when the Board of Public Works meets in order to expedite action on such matters. It was pointed out by the City Engineer that this property lies south of Sierra Hts. and West of Glencoe. Letter from the King County Boundary Review Board submitted Notice of Hearing, File � 4, (Gi_beault Proprty), to be held in Rm. 402, Co. Courthouse, on June 13, 1968 at 7:00 p.m. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the Notice to the Board of Public Works. Carried. -2- `Z6 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 6/3/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Application from the Sahara Tavern requested license to operate two coin type pool tables at said business located at 11205 Maple Valley Hwy, and application was read from L.B. 's Tavern, requesting that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate a pinball machine at said location, 214 Willisms Avenue South. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to refer the applications to the Police and Licm se Committee with power to act. Carried. Claim was read from Mrs. Nora Baker filed against the city in connection with a sidewalk fall on May 18th on North 4th Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Robert S. Woodward,' representing Col. Sanders Kentucky Roast Beef, advised of desire to build a new restaurant on property in vicinity of the City Center Motel property, and requested to obtain use of portion of the Lake Street right-of-way for parking purposes. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. It was noted that the area is not necessary to meet parking requirements for the building permit to be issued but is desired to enhance the business potential. Moved by Barei, second by Perry, to amend the motion to include authority being granted the Property Committee to have an appraisal to determine the fair market value of the property. The amendment carried, and subsequently, the original motion as amended. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, that the Property Committee be given permission to order appraisals if and whenever such services are needed. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to amend the motion to include that subject appraisals shall not exceed the cost of $100.00. Discussion ensued wherein it was suggested that person requesting the use of the area be liable for appraisal costs, amortization through lease payments being one mode of funding, economic factor also to be a consideration. It was pointed out that no money is budgeted for payment of the appraisals at present and expense cannot be incurred without provision having been made for funding prior thereto. The amendment was carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Letter from Wn. State Highway Commission, reminded the Mayor and Council that Comprehensive Street:Plan for the ensuing six years are due for revision and filing with the Director of Highways prior to July 1, 1968 and annually there- after. It was requested that the date of June 26th be observed in submitting two copies to the Office of the District Engineer. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the notice to the Street and Alley Committee for report back. The motion carried. Letter read from American Meter Controls recalled bidding on 5/8"x 3/4" water meters noting the consideration being given to new bid call and objecti-g to such action since their meter meets specifications. Moved by Garrett, s.0conded by Delaurenti, to refer the letter to the Fire and Water Committee . i;arried. Letter from Ed Howard, President, Monterey Community Club, reported desire of the residents of the area to initiate a Local Improvement District for purpose of conversion of overhead electric and communication facilities at Monterey Terrace to underground facilities. Inquiry was made as to procedure to accomplish said purpose and it was recommended that the City adopt an appropriate underground wiring ordinance at an early date. Moved by Shane, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the Light and Power Committee. Carried. Letter from E . E. Barnes, Director of Facilities, requested on behalf of the Boeing Company, the vacation of portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. which street dead ends at the point outlined on attached drawing. Discussion ensued regarding present use of the street and inquiry was made regarding validity of the petition since the signatory was not fee title owner of the property, The request was referred to the City Engineer for report and recommendation upon motion by Schellert, seconded by Dela- which carried] Attorney Shellan to contact Mr. Van Hollebeke of Boeing. Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Iark Director, reported that per Park Board instructions plans and specifications for a lavatory facility at Jones Park have been prepared and bid call author.izati.on was now requested, June 24th suggested as date for bid opening. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur. The motion carried. -3- 263 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-3-68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BN ESS: Letter from Library Director Jones and Library Board President, Mrs. Hanis, requested appropriation of excess revenues from the Library Fund into Budgetary Accounts for Convention expenses, in sum of $972..00 and for additional personnel in sum of $5,100.00. It was noted that such funds are available at this time. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution. Carried. Councilman Barei urged that the Library Board make a statement as to its intention concerning disposition of the old library building site. City Attorney Shellan, upon inquiry, advised that after Library Board determination at a _regular meeting,by a motion duly made and seconded, the action should be submitted to the Council by formal letter and jurisdiction over the property conveyed accordingly. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of May 22nd, which were read as follows: Approval of Preliminary Plat of Ur_ch Subdivision, Appl. PP-463-68. This property is located in vicinity of S.E. 96th Street and 108th Avenue S .E. and the proposed use is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Shane, seconded by Edwards, to approve the preliminary plat as recommended. Carried. Approval of rezone of John Racanello property rezone from R-1 to R-3 was recommended, this property located on 7th Avenue North between 12 ft. walkway and 2808 - 7th Ave. No., the proposed use being in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Com- mittee for necessary Ordinance. Carried. Letter from Mrs. Barbara Shinpoch, Secretary, Renton Library Board, advised that the Board is investigating feasibility of Sunday opening and comparison studies will be conducted to determine services which might be offered and possibilities of adequate patronage to offset the cost involved. Further reports will follow. Letter from 0. H. Torkelson, 311 Rainier Avenue North, noted difficulty encountered due to numbering system along Rainier Avenue. It was noted that this area will be included in the changes being prepared and due to go into effect January 1, 1969, this particular area having problems due to annexation of those residences having King County numberings. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Mayor to answer the letter advising of the proposed change to be effected. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer was submitted for reading recommending, in reply to request in regard to funding the cost of a power rate and service analysis, that $1,000.00 be funded from excess revenue in the Current Fund unto Non-Departmental, Expert Services, '1141/314 and $5,000.00 now budgeted under this account at present be used which will provide the $6,000.00 for the first phase of the joint study, any balance required to be considered at time of actual :seed in order to conserve City funds which may be needed for other purposes in the immediate future. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Garrett, that City staff be authorized and directed to make a survey, gathering as much data as possible for the analysis of the power rates and service, and that those findings be reviewed by the Light and Power Committee and Council before proceeding with the study. Grant offered substitute motion which'was. not accepted by the Chair as such but which was stated and debated as a motion to refer which takes precedence, that the Mayor's letter and recommendations be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for report back. The motion was seconded by Shane. During discussion it was pointed out that the study has been defined and outlined with the consultants and the city staff- to avoid duplication of effort and that the services to be rendered would be comprised of those as outlined in the Resolution adopted by the Council., a portion of which could be completed by city personnel and the balance considered to be better if handled by a Consulting firm. After discussion regarding propriety of action heretofore, it was moved by Barei, seconded by Garrett, to table the pending motion, ruled by the Chair . to include all_ items relating to the subject matter. The motion carried. In subsequent acti.ons .motion to -allow the Light and Power Committee to proceed with tl;e rate and scrv_i.ce analysis w0s ruled out of order and motion to adjourn withdrawn, and to reconsider prior action,-ruled out of order. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, the previously tabled subject be taken from the table. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Schelle-rt, Perry, Grw: t, Barei and Shane. No: Garrett, Delaurenti, Trh= and Edwards. Carried 6 to 4.. Shane was absent from the Council Chambers during debate 6n this matter. 264 Minutes - Renton City Council. Meeting 6-3-69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS:(Cont.) Motion to refer the power matter and related items to the Ways and Means Committee was voted upon and carried. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. North inquired regarding prior action and was advised that the Mayo's letter recommending funding for the study and the motion for the staff to conduct a survey were referred to Committee. Mr. Stredicke stated he could not undersand why the $8,000.00,was not provided for the study when beautification is concerned and $9,000.00 was authorized for landscaping the 2nd Street traffic islands and yet power poles are leaning and hanging all over the City. He inquired as to power company influence on council action and noted that the Franchise is of concern to the power issue and if granted for 30 years the study will be to no avail. Moved"3r 13areiy seconded by Grant, to recess . Carried. After the recess, roll call followed with all Councilmen present as previously listed. APPOINTMENT: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Archie Graham as a member of the Renton Park Board, to replace Mrs. Peggy Shideler who will complete her term as of June 1, 1968 and does not wish to be reappointed. Moved by Shane, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. T Highlands Discussion ensued regarding Mr, Graham's interest in acquisition of the H. g nds Hospital site for City Park and Recreation purposes and it was noted like interest of others in the matter and was not felt to constitute a conflict of interest. The motion carried. Schellert abstained from voting on this matter. Council President Garrett reported Committee of the Whole recommendations and Council action was taken as follows: Mayors recommendation for funding of $18,350.00 (letter of 5/27/68) for radio equipment to meet FCC requirements was approved and concurrence now recommended. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to concur, with referral to.'the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution to effect the transfer. Carried. Recommended that the Garbage rate Ordinance be unchanged and remain as is. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to concur with the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to amend the motion to include revision to the existing garbage rate ordinance to add a new rate for those using a single can which rate shall be set at $1.50 per month. Dissenting voice vote on the amendment brought roll call vote which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Perry and Grant. No: Garrett, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Edwards, Shane and Barei. The amendment lost. The original motion that the rates remain unchanged carried. The Committee of the Whole recommended that as of January ly 1969 the City assume the billing for garbage collection. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. Perry was excused from the Council Chambers at this time. Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett submitted report recommending that the Council authorize Councilman Garrett and Traffic Engineer Del Bennett to attend the Western Section of the Institute of Traffic Engineers Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona June 30th through July 4, 1968. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur. The motion carried. Council-man Shane recalled action taken on the garbage rate Ordinance and discussion followed regarding attendance at Committee of the Whole and other meetings and the State Law as Committees are defined in the Code, which does not specify any number in regard to attendance at meetings. Responsibility in regard to fulfillment of Oath of Office by such attendance was mentioned, it being noted that if referrals are not made the meetings are not called but that same allow additional informa- tion to be provided other than time normally permits at regular sessions of the Council. Garbage rate collection procedure was discussed and portion of _letter read by the Mayor regarding discrepancy or cloud hovering over individuals as to garbage can count within an apartment complex, it being noted the City w-ill collect from the previous contractor when amount due has been ascertained. 265 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-3-68 NEW BUSINESS: Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris reported committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 3554 through 3625 and moved that the Council approve same at this time for payment. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. FUND BREAKDOWN: Current Fund $ 5,546.27 3554 - 3591 City Street Fund 565.57 3592 - 3595 Cedar River M. & I. 2.00 3596 Equipment Rental 863.39 3597 - 3603 Parks 271.44 3604 - 3607 Water Works Utility 36,130.43 3608 - 3615 Firemen's Pension Fund 256.53 361.6 - 3625 $ 431635.63 Councilman Garrett submitted a letter with attached registration and program-speaker brochure regarding U. of W. School of Law "State Constitutional Revision Conference" to be held June 13 and 14th at the Student Union Building Auditorium. Mr. Garrett is unable to attend and felt perhaps someone might be interested. Councilman Garrett announced a Street and Alley Committee meeting on Monday at 6:30 p.m. at which time the two street vacations will be discussed and a meeting of the Committee of the Whole at 7:00 p.m. at which time the new Civic Center area street pattern will be presented. Councilman Shane, noting Supreme Court actions toward study of open housing, proposed motion to place open housing on the November ballot and motion that 155Y. of City of Renton employees be hired from minority races. No seconds were offered and during discussion it was noted that limiting to such percentage would be discriminatory and would in principle be comparative to limiting employment because of nationality. Mr. Shane noted his only reason for bringing the matter up is he did not think it right to tell 100% of the people in Penton how to rent and that they should be allowed to vote on the matter and that the open housing ordinance was discriminatory in itself wow and not necessary. Mayor Custer noted that the open housing ordinance does not prevent discrimination, just on the basis of race, creed, etc., and unfortunately many have other prejudices, the City policy being to try to hire qualified and competent people regardless of race, color, etc. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that it bd: policy for the City to be an equal opportunity employee. After discussion regarding the fact that the City has already adopted such legislation and comments by Mr. Shane regarding City action which hinders rather than help persons it is intended to help citing Puget Sound vs. City Light as an instance of case in point where he felt the people should decide, it was moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, that the motion regarding city policy be tabled. The motion lost and the original motion carried establishing equal opportunity employer policy.in the City of Renton. Councilman Grant announced a meeting of the Light and Power Committee on Tuesday, June 4th at 7:30 in the Conference Room off the Mayor's office. Councilman Schellert announced a King County Board of Equalization meeting at 9:30 a.m. on 6/4/1968 for annual adjustments and two members are supposed to be present to represent the City and Mr. Grant was requested to attend if possible along with Mr. Schellert. Chairman Schellert announced a Ways and Means Committee meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 10th. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Gw-, Marshall, Deputy City Clerk _11 D. W. Custerr, Mayor i I 266 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6-3-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount, Name Address Type of Work B 1007 $356, 200.00 Jack A. Benaroya Co. 920 Thomas Ave. SW Bld Whse Facility 08 VOID 09 365 000.00 David Hyde Chick 720 Lind Ave. SW " B 1010 21, 000.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2607 Prince Ave. Residence 11 154. 59 Joseph G. Dixon 3303 - 10th P1. No. Fence 1.2 1, 200.00 Earl Nix 3315 8th Ave. No. Enclose Carport 13 8, 000.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-65 Electric Platform 14 5, 000.00 Titan Aircraft Corp. Renton Field Repair Trusses B 1015 -------- City Motel 100 So. 3rd St. Demolish Station 16 2, 200.00 Ralph Leber Company 17200 W Valley. Hwy Extend Load Dock 17 150. 00 Flett Dairy 412 Sunset Blvd. Reface Bldg. Front 18 15, 850.00 Leo V. Roush 12649 89th Ave. S. New Residence 19 28, 000.00 Ron MacDonald 207 S . 3rd St . Concrete Blk Add. B 1020 400.00 Charles L. Custer 11_8 Wells Ave. S. Reroof House ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0906 500.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-21 Transfer Elec Load 07 700.00 it 11 It10-50 3 New Ckts. 08 250 .00 It If 4-21 Pwr for 4 Recpts. 09 250.00 4-63 Service for Pump E 0910 50.00 10-51 Ckt. for 2 Recpts. 11 2, 500.00 it it4-20 Correct Overload 12 800.00 Dr . Arthur Kay 12512 86th Ave. S . Wire New Residence 13 115.00 The Boeing Company Bldg. 10-80 Srvc to ProcessEgmt 14 900.00 11 it 11 If 404 Correct Code E 0915 50.00 S. P. Ozbolt 430 Maple St. Temp. 440V Servic 16 10, 000.00 Palm Spring Hith Spa 127 So. 3rd St. Install Conduit 17 650 .00 Leo Roush 12715 89th So. Wire New Residen MECHANICAL PERMITS M 0912 ---------- The Boeing Company Bldg. 4-63 Install Hose Bibb 13 ---------- 11 If if it It 11Trap to Manifold 14 ---------- if 11 11 10-52 Connect Water/Sink 15 ---•------- It It " it10-80 Alter Wtr Piping 16 ---------- Milmanco 620 So. 7th Plbg/Photo Sink 17 ---------- John Ward 604 Morris Ave. S . Install Furnace 18 - McGrath Homes 13201 SE 107th P1. it 19 ---------- 13407 SE 107th P1. If M 0920 13413 SE 107th P1. 21 ---------- " 13207 SE 107th Pl. 22 ---------- " " 13213 SE 107th Pl. " 23 ---------- " " 13401 SE 107th Pl. " 24. ---------- If It 13413 SE 107th P1. Plumbing & Fixtures M 0925 ---------- If13407 SE 107th Pl. 26 ---------- it13401 SE 107th Pl. 27 ---------- " " 13213 SE 107th Pl. " 28 -- 13207 SE 107th P1. 29 --------'--- 13201 SE 107th P1. " M 0930 ---------- William P. Vauthier 11214 SE 104th St . Insta7.l Septic T� 11216 SE 104th St. " 32 ---------- John Erickson 5052 Morris Ave. S. Htr & Tank 33 VOID 34 ---------- Parkwood Homes 2513 Prince Ave. Furnace & Tank M 0935 ---------- If 112507 Prince Ave. if 36 ---------- It 112501 Prince Ave. It 37 ---------- 112525 Prince Ave. 38 ---------- " " 703 Trinity Ct. 39 ---------- 257.0 Prince Ave. i -7- i i L67 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6-3-68 MECHANICAL PERMITS - Continued No. Amount Name Address Type of Work M 0940 ------- Parkwood Homes 2504 Prince Ave. Inst. Furnace & Tank 41 ------- it of709 Trinity Ct. " 42 ------- 11 11 712 11 11 If 11 11 43 ------- if If 710 Spruce Ct. " of " i011111 44 ------- Leo Roush 12651 89th So. " M 0945 ------- Elmer Morasch 11646 SE 100th If it SEWER PERMITS 436 ------ Parkwood Homes 710 Spruce Ct. Sewer Service If n u u n u 437 ------ 713 438 ------ " " 2710 Prince Ave. " If 439 ------ 2716 it 11 " 440 ------ 701 Spruce Ct. " 441 ------ u n 707 is If n If 442 ------ " " 706 Trinity Ct. " If 443 ------ 2531 Prince Ave. It � 444 ------ 04 26 Prince Ave If 445 ------ " " 2610 i i I 268 - 1.. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 10, 1968 R E F E R R A L S AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Progress Estimate #6 due McKinstry Co., CAG 1160-67, new City.Hall Mechanical work, in sum of $39,190.63 ' Progress Estimate #6 due Chapman Electric Co. on CAG 1158-67, new City Hall Electrical work in sum of $22,558.83 Architectural services rendered by Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Co., CAG 1014-66, City Hall Plans, $1,844.38, Estimate #23 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION Interpace (Gladding-McBean) request for review for possible revision of "Greenbelt" designation for subject property on Cityts Comprehensive Land Use Plan FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE AND CITY ENGINEER Bids on Pumping station for Well No. 8, Cedar River Park LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Revision to garbage Franchise Ordinance as approved by Council (Granted to Valley Disposal, Inc.) MAYOR AND KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Annexation of property in vicinity of SE 106th Street and 132nd Avenue S.E. (Sanders et al petition) TRAFFIC ENGINEER Revision of new city hall parking lot plan to encompass immediate changes approved and utilizing of additional area for parking now designated for landscaping WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of new city hall parking lot implementation as presented by Traffic Engineer and approved by Council in approximate sum of $62,000.00 MEETINGS AND EVENTS June 9th through 15th - National Flag Week June 14, 1968 - National Flag Day June 12, 1968 - Fire and Water Committee at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room June 17, 1968 - Committee of the Whole for presentation by Computerized Speedkeepi.ng June 17, 1968 - Ways and Means Committee at 6:00 p.m. June 18, 1968 - Committee of the Whole at 7:30 p.m. June 24, 1968 - Bid Openings on Shelter Building for Philip Arnold Playfield July 1 through 12, 1968 - King County Board of Equalization Hearings RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 10, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLI, CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Shane, Bruce, Edwards, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry and Trimm. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Bruce, that the ... absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Clarence Will Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner and Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor. Council President Garrett noted correction to the Minutes by the City Clerk who had advised that Ordinance No. 2410, Paragraph 4, Page 2, should be designated as City Ordinance 2412, and moved that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 3, 1968 be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by Edwards and carried. Mayor Custer announced that the City Clerk has distributed new annexation check lists which have been revised in accordance with the new laws and it was suggested that the lists be kept in the Council table drawers to be used as necessary. Brochures were distributed to the Councilmen and copies to be available in the City Clerk's office upon-request regarding Public Law 90-284, Fair Housing Act of 1968, signed by the President on April 11, 1968 as policy of the United States. New City Code Books have been prepared by the Codifier but will be delayed a few days due to typographicalerror in the name of the City printed on the binders. OPENING OF BIDS: Pumping Station for Well No. 8, Cedar River Park This being the date set, sealed bids were opened and read. Five bids were received. See tabulation attached. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bids to the Fire and Water Committee and the City Engineer to report back. Carried. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed ordinance granting garbage collection and disposal franchise to Valley Disposal, Inc. , placed on introductory reading May 6, 1968, published May 8th and held 30 days as required. The Committee recommended second and final reading at this time. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur. Carried. After second and final reading it was noted that revisions adopted by the Council during the 30-day period are to be incorporated prior to final adoption and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the document back to the Law and Ordinance Committee for revision and recommendation. Carried. Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance of the City establishing temporary voter registration facilities including locations and times of operation which was read by the Clerk, as follows: Gov-Mart Bazar, J. C. Penney Store, Highlands Market Basket and the Renton Shopping Center Mall on June 14 and 21, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., except Gov-Mart, 7:00 p.m. to 8: 30 p.m., and on June 15 and 22, 1968 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final readi.ng. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2413 as read. Roll call vote followed with all members voting aye except Perry. The motion carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordira nce of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from Single Residence District (R-1) to Residence District (R-3) . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to adopt Ordinance No. 2414 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes except Perry. The motion carried. (Racanello Property, Block 26B, Renton Highlands) z 70 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-10-68 RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution of the City to authorize appropropriation of excess revenues in the Current fund in sum of $5,850.00 unto the Traffic Engineering Budgetary Account 1172/606, Radio Equipment; and transfer of $3,500.00 from Non-Departmental Budgetary Account 1141/345, Census, Current Fund; and Police Department account 1184/110, Salaries, $9,000.00, Current Fund, Unto, Traffic Engineering Department Account 1172/606, Radio Equipment, total amount, $18,350.00. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1546 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was -read authorizing appropr- ation o7 excess revenues from the Library Fund unto Account 1610/504, Travel Exp.i'se, Libr•-Iry Account, $ 972.00, and unto 1610/110, Salaries and Wages, Library Account, $5,100.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1547 as read. The motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported regarding petition for annexation of property to Renton (Sanders et al, vicinity of S.E . 106th Street and 132nd Avenue S.E .,)that signatures represent 89.55% of the assessed valuation of the property and the parcel contains approximately 14.77 acres with an assessed valuation of $24,410.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the Council accept the petition with re- ferral to the Mayor and Boundary Review Board. Carried. Letter from Gene Coulon, Park Director, as per Park Board instructions, advised that plans and specifications have been prepared for a shelter building at Philip Arnold Playfield and authorization was requested to call for bids with date of bid opening June 24, 1968. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur. Carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, reported completion of the Rainier Avenue Reconstruction Project, CAG 1230-67 by Red-Samm Mining, Inc. on May 15, 1968. City Council acceptance was recommended as of June 10, 1968, with commencement of the 30-day Lien period if after which no liens or claims are filed against the project, and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, the retained amount of $7,462.04 be released to the contractor. Billing has been sent to the Department of Highways, State of Washington, in sum of $55,290.00 for participation under Agreement GC-2233. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to concur. Carried. Letter from M. Kochanek, Plant Manager, Interpace, requested review of Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the City in regard to "Gladding-McBean" area on South side of Cedar River. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole and the Planning Commission. Carried. Letter from Johnston-Campanella, Murakami & Company, submitted progress estimate No. 6 due McKinstry Company on CAG 1160-67, New City Hall Mechanical Contract to May 31, 1968 in sum of $39,190.63. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Company submitted progress estimate No. 6 due Chapman Electric Company on CAG 1158-67, work completed through May 31, 1968 in sum of $22,558.83. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co. submitted statement of Architectural services rendered on CAG 1014-66 to May 31, 1968 in sum of $1,844.38. Moved by Dela- urenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Com- mittee with power to act. The motion carried. PROCLAMATION Proclamation by Mayor Custer declared the week of June 9 through 15th as National Flag Week, observing the 191st anniversary of the Flag of our Country, and to commemorate the date of June 14th as National Flag Day. Moved by Schellert, and ..� seconded by Morris, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Council President Garrett submitted report of the Committee of the Whole, from its meeting earlier in the evening, recommending that the traffic circulation plan as presented by Traffic Engineer Del Bennett be approved and that the necessary changes in the City Hall parking lot be aut-ior�zed to provide for the addition of an entrance from Mill Avenue South and added paving in front of the city hall. for direct access to South 2nd Street. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur . Moved by Edwards, seconded by Shane, that the motion be amended to include revision to the plan -2- i Z 7/ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-10-68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Whole Report: (Cont.) and. a referral to the Traffic Engineer for recommendation and early implementation within the present schedule,aQto possibility of utilizing additional area for parking and less for landscaping. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, that the subject previously discussed be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for funding of the $62,000.00 estimated cost for the plan as presented, wh ich 'amount upon inquiry was noted to be intent of the maker of the motion. Carried. Report of the City Hall Building Committee recommended that the bid of Spider Staging Company, in amount of $8,700.00 plus $391.50 tax, for window washing equipment for the new city hall, be accepted. Acceptance was also recommended by the Architects. Itwas noted that no other bids had been received. Moved by Shane, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. APPOINTMENTS Council President Garrett submitted appointments recommended by the Mayor for Council consideration submitted to the City Clerk as follows: Appointment of Mr. Don Emmons as member of the Fire Civil Service Commission to replace Mr. Al Noble. Appointments to Fair Housing Commission: Mrs. Mary Dolleman, Mrs. Helga Karinen, Mr. Lee Margulis and Mr. Paul Nunn. Mayor Custer advised that these persons have not yet been contacted directly and no term of office has yet been assigned. The commission will be a five-member Board and suggestions for membership were welcomed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the appointments be held for discussion at the next Committee of the Whole meeting, no interviews to be required however. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported for the Street and Alley Committee that the Traffic Engineer is working on the revisions to the Comprehensive Six Year Street Plan which will be submitted by the time designated in notice from the State Highway Department. Regarding the two requests for street vacations, meetings have been held with the interested parties and a field trip to the site of the Lutheran Church has been scheduled and report will follow next week. Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm reported that the proposed Franchise Ordinance had been revised by Attorney Shellan. Changes were read as had been approved by the Council heretofore and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to approve the insertions as recommended by the Law and Ordinance Com- mittee. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the document be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to adopt Ordinance No. 2410 as read. Carried. Councilman Perry called attention to recent action by the Board of Adjustment in granting variance for a 14-16 story building within the City and jurisdiction of the Board in accordance with legislation passed by the Council was discussed and the matter of existing hardship intended to be a condition to be considered in each such request. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards,that the Board of Adjustment be instructed not to grant any variances over the Code provisions of six stories or 95 ft. in height, and such cases in excess be referred to the City Council. The motion carried unanimously. ' Councilman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee Chairman, announced a meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Monday June 17-th. One matter to be discussed will be the funding for the power & service analysis. The Committee requested some direction from the Council in regard to Mayor's recommendation that moneys budgeted for a wage study might be utilized for �... the power analysis and whether the wage study is needed or not. Moved by Perry and seconded by Edwards, that the money stay in the budget for a wage survey. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Del-aurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 3626 through 3756, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment at this time by the Council, Carried. Fund breakdown follows next page. -3- i I 972 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-10-68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Vouchers-Cont.) Current Fdnd $ 12,002.44 3626 - 3674 City Street Fund 4,033.73 3675 - 3688 Equipment Rental 1,397.99 3689 - 3702 Library 6.89 3703 Parks 4,181.42 3704 - 3723 Water Works Utility 21,390.63 3724 _ 3747 Airport 1,977.04 3748 - 3753 City Hall Construction 63,593.84 3754 - 3756 108,583.98 NEW BUSINESS: Council President Garrett announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on June 18th at 7:30 p.m. at which time the Director of Public Works, for the City will be dis- cussed along with a Personnel Committee, City policy regarding future annexations and the Highlands hospital site, as time allows. Attention was also called to the Committee of the Whole meeting on June. 17thfor presentation by Computerized Speedkeeping representative. Councilman Shane calling attention to the men out of work due to the strike, moved that the City Council pass a Resolution urging both Pacific Car and related industries and trade Unions to renew efforts to settle their differences and begin production at an early date. The motion was seconded by Bruce and carried. Councilman Shane called attention to the problem of double taxation when contractors are required to pay a charge per yard for garbage disposal at the County sites when the County already collects for the service through general taxation, and residents likewise. Discussion ensued, it being noted that this matter is presently in the Sanitation Committee. Councilman Shane inquired whether Mayor Custer might request some explanation in writing from the County. Mayor Custer advised that the Suburban Mayor's are presently trying to resolve a like problem with Health Services, the City residents already being taxed as a County resident, and that he will include this matter on the Agenda of the Suburban Mayor's meeting for further pursuance. Councilman Bruce announced a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee on Wednesday, June 12, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference room off the Mayor's office. Councilman Edwards called attention to traffic hazard in that the signal is not visible coming off cemetery road and Traffic Engineer Bennett was requested to investigate possibility of installing flasher warning of signal ahead at the bridge. Councilman Edwards noted also that attention should be given to the crosswalk at 116th S.E. where brush has taken over. Councilman Schellert reported that the Board of Equalization will be meeting during the period from July 1 through 12 when the County Board by law must hear protests of property owners regarding assessed valuations and make appropriate adjustments which may be justified. Renton is represented by Council appointees Schellert, Delaurenti and Grant. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Richard Stredicke noted that June 19th has been designatedfor tentative joint meeting with the Planning Commission. Mr. Stredicke also inquired regarding the parking area meeting standards, Mayor Custer noting that within 1000 ft. as prQ- vided for in the Code there is sufficient parking; and how far behind completion date the project is at present; the Mayor advising that 14 days have been granted and 50 additional have been requested which if granted would extend completion date of July 1st, accordingly. He also inquired as to total cost being advised the total bond issue was for $1,500',000.00 and the parking as presented this evening is not NEW a part of the building bond issue but no further delay is anticipated because of the parking variations, some minor delay being possible however thereby. Councilman Morris- stated that the possibility of utilizing Cedar River Park for parking be considered prior to acquisition of additional properties in the other block from the Civic Center site . Upon Mr. Chapman's inquiry regarding time extension, it was noted that the 50-day extension has not been granted to date. As there was no further business, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to a urn. Carried. e meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. There were 28 persons in the unci Chambe this meeting. or -4 a e mii y er -�� Y e��ITelsoi� i WELL N0 8 PUMP STATIC BID TA BULAT10i-' SHEET 6/10/68 1 T E til Engineer's Freigang Constr. K. K. Lessen Constr Venture Constr. Miles Constr. Austin Constr. N 0. D E S C R I P T 1 0 N Estimate P,O. Box 3407 13749 Mld`=rale Ave >N. P.O. Box 878 P.O. Box 548 P.O. Box 547 Tacow-a Wash. Seattle. Wash:9`?133 Aub�.�xr 'ash. Mercer -3-sl. Wash. Bellevue. 'dash. Bid Band or Check Bond �Bond� Bond Bond Bona 71�'oving in & Temp.Facilities $ 1,000.00 $ 1,6o0.00 $ 12500-OC $ 39000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 538.00 Bond & Insurance 19500.00 400.00 750,00 800.00 500.00 500.00 2 A Earthwork 800.00 1,700.00 18500.00 500.00 22480.00 2,100.00 2 B Manhole Construction 600.00 480.00 1,100.00 750.E '^ 450.�00 710.00 3 A Concrete 52000.00 5,600.00 59000.00 4,100.00 5,450.00 8,000.00 3 B Reinforcing Steel 1,500.00 840.00 1,000.00 950.0' 19000.00 1,100.00 4 A I,x,sonry 2,300.00 2,300.00 1,500.00 1,875.00 1,760.00 2,200.00 6 A Cprpentry 8c CabLnet Work 170.00 300.00 250.00 175.00 240.00 320.00 8 A Doors 500.00 500.00 590.00 675.00 275.00 700.00 9 A Pais ting 400.00 1,080.00 500.00 750.00 550.00 310.00 9 B Seamless Floor Covering 400.00 700.00 400.00 500.00 610.00 530.00 15 A Special Valves & Flog! Meter 4,000.00 5,700.00 5,300.00 59000.00 5,800.00 4,800.00 15 B Plumbing, 460.00 1,100.00 0/00.00 200.00 1,000.00 530.00 15 C Cast Iron Pape & Fittings 1,200.00 3,000.00 38500.00 5,000.00 3,260.00 1,700.00 15 D Ventilation and Roof Hatches 700.00 18600.00 19100.00 900.00 1,450,00 600.00 16 A Elec;ricai 10,200.00 -7 00.00 7,000.00 X02.©� 6.,850.00 8.300.00 T 0 T A L $30,730.00 $34,800.00 $319890.00 $329275.00 $32,675.00 $32,938.00 Sales Tax 4.5% X66.00 ? ,0 1,1 52.38 1.470.38 1,482.2`1 TOTAL ':�'CLUDIlVG SALES TAX $36,366.00 $339325.05 $33,727.38 $342145.38 $341420.21 11 A Vertical Turbine Pwrnp & Motor* $13,000.00 $11,500.00 $ 7,250.00 $ 69730.00 $119870.00 $ 8,500.00 Sales Tax 4.5% 517.50 326.25 302.85 534.15 382.`0 T 0 T A L $12,017.50 $ 7,576.25 $ 7,032.85 $121404.15 $ 8,882.50 �i Estimated Sales Tax on r 1,9700.00 r r'\ WELL NO 8 PUMP STATION BID TABULATION SHEET ( CONTINUED ) 6/10/6 I T E M - — "noineerFs Fre gang Constr. K. K. Larsen Constr,. Venture Constr. Miles Constr. Austin Conatr. N 0. D E S C R T P T I 0 N Jna P.O. Box 3407 13749 Midvale Ave.N P. 0, Bos 878 P.O. Bax 548 P. 0, Box 547 'Ilk \1 —�- TdeoM ,,_j,'ash. Seattle_oWazj12, 8 3 Au :rnA_ k���h. _ 1Kerce�r Isl.Tn'ash Belle Wash. 11 A Vertical Turbine Pump & Motor $ 79703,00 $ 89570.00 Sales Tax 4.5% 31+ ,6. 385.65 TOTAL INCLUDING SALES TAX $ 89049.64 $ 8,955.65 11 A OR $ 79320„00 $109120.00 S. T. 4..5% --110=420 --A�-'o TOTAR W'L. S.T. $ 79649.40 $109575.40 3-1 A OR $ 8,015.00 $ 9,484.00 S. T, 4.5% 160.68 TOIEWL INCL. S.T. $ 89375.68 $ 91910.78 i a ( 6 } Z 73- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6-10-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY TETE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARRIENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK T-1021 $3x570.00 S.J. Restmayer 11230 S.E. 97th St. Const.777 workshop 1022 3,000.00 Ed Tasca 10811 113th Ave. S.E. Add. of room 1023 ---------- Fred A. Jeswine 11647 S.E. 97th St. Demolish garage 1024 19000.00 it it Add garage $ patio B 1025 180500.00 Manio Phillips 613 11th P1. S. New residence 1026 VOID 1027 3,500.00 O.N. Olson 550 Edwards St. Remodle office bldg. 1028 ---------- Transamerica Dev. Co Behind 1401 Ethier Rd Const. swim pool 1029 7,500.00 School Dist. 403 1220 No. 4th St. Partition rooms B 1030 3,800.00 Clara Speegle 3702 6th Ave. No. Remodle interior of home 1031 150.00 Louise Starkel 3304 10th P1. No. Inst. fence ELECTRICAL PERMITS 6919 400.00 Bell & Valdez Inc. 2018 S.E. Doogwood Ct Wire new residence 0919 if if 2000 S.E. Dogwood Ct it E 0920 it to 1908 Dogwood P1. S.E. it 0921 of it 2221 S.E. 19th P1. it 0922 of it 2303 S.E. 19th P1. it 0923 50.00 The Boeing Co. 10-51 Bldg. Serv. to drivematic 0924 100.00 Puget Properties 15 Gradey Way Two temp. services E 0925 240.00 The Boeing Co. 10-55 Bldg. Inst. 6 recpts. 0926 450.00 of 10-60 Bldg. Inst. panel & recircuit 0927 250.00 if 10-52 Bldg. Wire platen press 0928 175.00 it 4-69 Bldg. Wire service to router 0929 900.00 it 4-82 Bldg. Wire services E 0930 250.00 it 4-64 Bldg. Alter ckts. 0931 50.00 it 4-63 Bldg. Provide service 0932 50.00 Lewis H. Purcelle 11624 S.E. 105th P1. Temp. service 0933 450.00 McGrath Homes 13201 S.E. 107th P1. Wire new residence 0934 323.00 McGrath Homes 13207 S.E. 107th Pl. it E 0935 434.00 it 13213 S.E. 107th P1. if 0936 404.00 It 13401 S.E. 107th Pl. " 0937 427.00 it 13407 S.E. 107th Pl. " 0938 426.00 it 13413 S.E. 107th P1. 0939 10700.00 Baxter Motel 134 Rainier Ave. S. Neon lighting Inst. E 0940 VOID 0941 600.00 Emery Wechelberger 12515 88th Ave. S. Wire new residence 0942 500.00 Powell Construction 10738 114th S.E. . Wire & sere. residence 0943 600.00 Kebo, Inc. - 16624 Benson Road Wire building MECHANICAL PERMITS 09 ---------- Transamerica Dev. Co 1123 Thunderhill Rd. Inst. plumbing 0947 ---------- it 1137 Thunderhill Rd. if 0948 ---------- it I 11217 Thunderhill Rd. of 0949 ---------- it 1124 Thunderhill Rd. of M 0950 ` ---------- The Boeing Co. Bldg. 463 Water. distill & piping 0951 ---------- it 4-73 Bldg. Provide drain 0952 ---------- Ed Davis 10413 S.E. 96th Septic inst. 0953 ---------- Emery Wechselberger 125IS 88th Ave. S. Inst. plumbing 0954 ---------- Ron MacDonald 207 So. 3rd St. Inst. plumbing M 0955 ---------- Hashagen 800 So. 3rd St. Inst. air conditioners 0956 ---------- Renton Housing Auth. Evergreen Terrace Inst. elect. furnaces 0957 -----moo-- Puget Western 25 Grady Way Inst. clec. heat pumps 09S8 ---------- Parkwood Homes 703 Trinity Ct. Inst. plumbing 0959 ---------- " 2701 Prince Ave. " M 0960 ---------- " 709 Trinity Ct. " 0961 ---------- " 2504 Prince Ave. " 0962 ---------- 2501 Prince Ave. " 0963 ---------- " 2507 Prince Ave. " 0964 -----moo-- " 2513 Prince Ave. " M 0965 ---------- " 2510 Prince Ave. 0966 ---------- " 2601 Prince Ave. " 0967 ----------- George Little 14631 89th So. Repair drainage 0968 ----- ----- Model Homes, Inc. 16624 Benson Rd. Inst. plumbing 0969 ---------- Clara Speegle 3706 6th eve. No. Inst. plumbing -7- -76 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6-10-68 SEWER PERMITS NO. Ah1OUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 446 ---------- G & M Auto 12501 Rainier Ave. N. Sewer service 447 ---------- Allied Homes 50 - 91st So. Sewer service i i Ad RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S June 17, 1968 Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final payment due Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc., CAG 1193-67 in sum of $882.00°. Progress Estimate ##3 due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield in sum of $1,138.67, Pump Station, Well No. 8. Progress Estimate ##4 due Lewis-Redford. Engineers, Inc., CAG 1242-67 in sum of $5,817.92, No. 3rd - 4th St. Urban Arterial Project. Partial payment $#10 from Johnston-Campanella, Murakami and Co., due Absher Construction Co., CAG 1156-67 in sum of $103,022 .37, New City Hall. Progress Estimate $#4 due General Service Electric, CAG 1166-67 in sum of $24,508.80, Rainier Ave . traffic signal installation. CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE Bids - New City Hall furniture and equipment. Proposed plans A & B for parking and landscaping at new City Hall site. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Whether to accept services of King County Design Commission in regard to capital improve- ments project funded through Forward Thrust. Reappointment of Mr. Al E . Noble to membership on the Police Dept. Civil Service Comm- ission for a 3 year term commencing June 1, 1968. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMIMITTEE AND*CITY ATTORNEY Appropriation of excess revenues, Waterworks Utility Fund for salaries and equipment to assume responsibility for garbage billing and collections, in the sum of $5,019-00. Puget Sound Power and Light Co. franchise . POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Sahara Tavern's application for music machine license . (Valley Amusement Co.) PROPERTY COMMITTEE Bids - Roof repair to Highlands Administration Building. r. Obtain professional appraiser to determine the price for the Hospital Site property in the Highlands . Secure appraisal of property, Bakamus and Lutheran Church Petition, Vacation of portion of 10th Place between J & K Streets and portion of alley in block 2, Smithers addition to Renton, PUBLIC BOARD OF WORKS From Boundary Review Board, notice of annexation intent, Cascade Sewer District (Talbot Homes) and Newport Hills Sewer District, File ## A-89 and A-91. SANITATION COMMITTEE Bids - LID 258, Sanitary Sewer System, Kennydale area, W of 100th SE, E of Lake Wn. Blvd and N of SE 94th St. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of Sundry Sales Bill No. 2041, due Utility Dept, in sum of $1,943.04 for sprinkler system at the library. APPOINTMENTS_ Firemen, Renton Fire Dept., 6 mo. probationary status, effective as of July 1, 1968: David Rigg le, James Rupprecht and Nicholas A. Vacca. MEETINGS AND EVENTS E June 18y 1968 Committee of the Whole, 7:30 p.m. r June 20, 1968 Light and Power Committee, Underground wiring. June 29 - 30 Renton Aviation Festival July 1, 1968 Bid opening, Replacement of Mobile Radio Units. July 10, 1968 U. of W. Institute of Government and Workshop on "Forward Thrust", Student Union Bldg., Registration from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 278 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR ME'ET'ING June 17, 1968 8:00 P.11-1. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Bruce; Edwards, Grant, Shane and Barei. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Barei, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Jan Klippert, Asst. to the Mayor, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 10, 1968 be approved as prepared and mailed out. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: L. I.D. 258, Sanitary Sewer System in Kennydale area, West of 100th S.E. , East of Lake Wn. Blvd. and North of S.E. 94th Street. This being the date set, the following submitted sealed bids which were opened and read by the City Clerk: W. C. FROST, Kent; KING CONSTRUCTION CO. , Seattle; E.A. & L. CONST. CO. , Renton; DI ORIO CONSTRUCTION CO. , Seattle; KEITH PETERSON & SON, Tacoma. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the bids to the Sanitation Committee to report back. Carried. (SEE BID TABULATION ATTACHED.) OPENING OF BIDS: New City Hall Furniture and Equipment - Baker bid received at this time and upon motion by Garrett, seconded by Perry, was allowed consideration with others. Carried. This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: , BIDDER AND ADDRESS TOTAL BID CASCADE COMMERCIAL COMPANY 3825 First Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98134 $ 75,015.90 Bid Bond Enclosed NORTH14EST INTERIORS, INC. 6015 Maynard Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98108 $ 72,721.20 Bid Pond Enclosed H. D. BAKER CO. , INC. 915. Center street at So. J. P. 0. Box 1413 Tacoma, Washington 98401 $ 83,246.22 Bid Bond Enclosed Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the bids to the special City Hall Building Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Roof repair to Highlands Administration Building This being the date set, the following sealed bid was opened and read by the City Clerk: HORD ROOFING COMPANY $4,635.00 plus tax Alternate on tearing off facing board Auburn, Washington $620.00 MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bid to the Property Committee to report back. The motion carried. ORDINANCES FOP ADOPTION: Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City which had been placed on introductory reading on 6/3/68, regulating the opera- tion and maintenance of massage business, health salons andpublic bath houses and similar facilities; requireing a license for the operation and maintenance of such facilities; establishing standards and requirements for such facilities and for the operation and maintenance ; providing for the inspection thereof, granting exemptions, and providing penalties for the violation of its provisions. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6/17/68 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (Cont.) MOVED by Trimm, seconded by Perry, the proposed Massage Parlor Regulation Ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No. 2411 as read. Roll call vot-e resulted in nine ayes and two no votes carrying the motion. Proposed Ordinance was read amending Chapter 7 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", relating to existing voter precinct boundaries and establishing new precincts. MOVED by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No.2415 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Resolution was read calling upon the Pacific Car & Foundry Company and the various unions and labor interests,and their respective representatives,to take immediate steps to terminate the harmful and damaging strike and to forthwith engage in serious and continuing bargaining to end further economic loss to the parties immediately affected thereby and to the public in general. The good offices of the City were offered to assist any of the parties in bringing the matter to speedy and successful conclusion.Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that Resolution No. 1548 be adopted as read, Mr. Perry requesting the Minutes to show that the services being offered were those of the Council and not the City Attorney. Councilman Shane proposed that his Council salary be placed in a strike benefit fund and was reminded that he had requested no pay and had signed an irrevocable waiver releasing the pay in regard thereto, and unless waiver is relinquished he has in effect no salary. Also, such donation would not be an authorized expenditure that the City would be legally allowed. Mr. Shane then offered his personal check for $1,000.00 and urged other Councilmen to do likewise and was advised the City uould not handle such a transaction which donation to private enterprise is a personal matter and that the Council represents all parties, management and labor,with donations to either to be of private concern. The pending motion to adopt Resolution No. 1548 was voted upon and carried. Proposed Resolution of the City was read, approving" plan of the City's Functional Classifications of Urban Arterials, prepared pursuant to Sec. 24, Ch. $3, Laws of 1967, copy of same to be submitted with color coded map to the State Urban Arterial Board. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to adopt Resolution No. 1549 as read. Street and Alley Committee report recommended adoption of the system. The motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Three progress payments were admitted to the Agenda and read by the City Clerk with other communications as allowed under the new Procedures upon approval by the Mayor. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requested permission to call for bids on replacement of mobile radio units to comply with the Federal Communications Com- mission regulations. July 1, 1968 was suggested as bid opening date. MOVED Uy Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request and bid opening date. Carried. Letter from Traffic Engineer Bennett submitted and recommended for payment, final payment due Engineered Industrial Systems, Inc. consulting engineers on the Rainier. Avenue reconstruction project per CAG 1193-67, in sum of $882.00. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, submitted and recommended for payment, Pro- gress Estimate No. 3 in sum of $1,138.67, due Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, for services in connection with Well No. 8 pump station. Moved by Delaurenti, and om seconded by Edwards, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. (CAG 1262-68) Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 4, due Lewis-Redford Engineers, Inc. for services on North 3rd Street-North 4th Street Urban Arterial Project per CAG 1242-67 in sum of $5,817.92. Moved by Delau- renti, seconded by Barei, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accountingz Com_- mittee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Johnston-Campanella, Murakami & Co. , Architects, Consultants and Planners, 830 Riverside Drive North, submitted partial payment X610, due Absher Con- struction Company on the new city hall construction, CAG 1156-67, in sum of $103,022.37. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee.. Carried. -2- 280 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6/17/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Letter from Ted Bennett, President, requested No-Fee Permit to operate concession stand during the Renton Aviation Festival, June 29 and 30, 1968, funds to be used for aid to the handicapped and retarded, scholarships, library books and other club projects. MOVED by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant the request. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer noted expense incurred by the Utilities Department, Sundry Sales Bill No. 2041 in amount of $1,943.04 for sprinkler installed on library property. It was recommended that funds be provided from Beautification, Library or Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975. It was MOVED by Perry, seconded by Morris, to refer the funding moo to the Ways and Means Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, rc ,uested authorization for Charles Scoby, Signal Superintendent in the Traffic Engineering Department, to attend the Northwest Section of the National Municipal Signal Association Convention in Boise, Idaho, June 23 through June 26, 1968. MOVED by Morris, seconded by Garrett, to concur in the request. The motion carried. Letter from W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, requested appropriation of excess revenue from the Waterworks Utility tocover the necessary salary and equipment for assuming garbage billing and fee collections, in total sum of $5,019.00. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment, Progress Estimate No. 4 for the traffic signal installation on Rainier Avenue South by General Service Electric per CAG 1166-67. Amount now due, $24,508.80. amd 95% of the work is now completed. MOVED by Morris, seconded by Barei, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Traffic Engineer Bennett reported 101 reported accidents on Freeway 405 during 1967, from the Maple Valley Interchange to the South Renton Interchange, eighty percent of which occurred during the daylight hours and seventy percent occurring on a wet surface. Of concern was the high number of accidents on the Mill Avenue overpass and a letter will be forwarded to the State Highway Department requesting engineering Now investigation in order that corrective measures might be considered which would result in accident reduction. Mayor Custer having advised of investigation and corrective measures with respect to problem at Grady Way and Hardy Street having been requested. Application from Charles Shane requested that license be granted Valley Amusement Co. to operate Music Machine at Sahara Tavern, 11205 Maple Valley Highway. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Shane abstained. Letter from Traffic Engineer Del Bennett, submitted plans for utilizing additional area for parking stalls at the Civic Center site by minimizing landscape areas. Two plans were proposed, one following generally the basic design as developed by the architect to make a total of 170 parking spaces, Plan B represented a completely new design and again utilizes area previously designated as landscaped areas, which however, would be more difficult to implement as it might cause hardship to portions of the site already completed towards overall development (sprinkler,the architectural planning and grading,) . Mr. Bennett reviewed both plans on wall charts. Ensuing discussion included proposed acceptance of plan for greatest number of parking spaces and objection to destroying esthetic value of the property by eliminating the beautification areas for parking it being felt that in the total complex picture a"sea of asphalt" would be greatly detri- mental to the Civic Center Site. Planning Commissioner Stredicke having been allowed to speak on the subject noted the l.atter,remarking also that the Commission, as well as himself, felt that the new city hall. needs the beauty of landscaping. Barei urged acquisi tion to expand parking for future needs,retaining .all landscaping possible. Schellert mov Delaurenti, seconding, that proposals A & B,per Traffic Engineer,be referred to the City Hall Building Committee for recommendation. The motion carried, Councilman Edwards commended the Traffic Engineer for a job well done. Letter from Mary F. Graham, Highlands Citizens' Committee, urged that cooperation and good will between governing bodies be effected to the end that neither the park nor hospital aspect of community need is neglected, it being felt that. the hospital district should be as equally charitable in negotiating with the City of Renton for city purchase of the highlands tract, as the County was when the hospital district purchased the land for $30,000.00. It was noted that the city in discussing the Comprehensive Plan had determined the area should be shown as Park property indicating its desire to acquire same. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, thy. Property Committee negotiate with the Hospital District and determine a price for purchase of the site. Discussion ensued. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6/17/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Planning Commissioner Jim Denzer recalled refc:rra'. of the subject of ti',(-. it site in the Highlands area,to the Plannin« Commission %,rhose recoomon4ation was referred to the Planning Committee where the matter is at present. ."Ir. Frank Storey was permitted comment and Council attention was calle6 to newspaper accounts in thepaer " local pwhich he s1tateZ were incorrect. >chellert called attention to Park Capital Improvement Priority list and whether this property is top priority. It was subsequently moved by Barei and seconded by Grant, that the Property Committee be authorized to obtain a professional appraiser to determine the price for the property. After discussion of "professional" interpretation, the pending motion carried. A letter from County Administrator John N. Porter recalled that all Forward Thrust capital improvement projects must be reviewed by a Design Commission and submitted copy of King County Resolution X635366 establishing such Commission. City review of the matter was requested to see if the City might wish to accept the services of the County Design Commission to assist in City of RentoAs capital improv(-tin.ont projects involving Forward Thrust Funds. Mayor Custer reported that applicziticns i,)r. :'ark and Arterial Street projects have been submitted and urged that the matter be given con- sideration as requested. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards that the communication and Resolution attached be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letters from the King County Boundary Review Board gave notice of Annexation intent regarding Cascade Sewer District Annexation (Talbot Homes) and Newport Hills Sewer District Annexation, File Nos. A-89 and A-91 respectively, as required by law. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to refer the notices to the Board of Public Works for review. The motion carried. Letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Director, Assn. of Wn. Cities. submitted brochure regarding program for U. of W. Institute of Government and Workshop on "Forward Thrust", to be held July 10, 1968 with registration from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Student Union Building. AUDIENCE COMMENT r.. Mr. James Denzer,on behalf of the Central Labor Council, thanked Councilman Shane for the donation to the strike fund and noted he would deliver the check and advise proper parties accordingly. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, that recess be declared. Carried. After the recess roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of the following as Firemen in the Renton Fire Department, effective as of July 1, 1968: David Riggle, James Rupprecht and Nicholas A. Vacca, on six months probationary status. Letter of recommendation from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief,was attached. MOVED by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to concur in the appointments. The motion carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the reappointment of Mr. Al E. Noble to membership on the Police Department Civil Service Commission for a three year term commencing June 1, 1968. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointment. Discussion ensued regarding procedure established under the newly enacted Ordinance and it was moved by Schellert, pursuant thereto, that the appointment be referred to the Committee of the Whole for recommendation. The motion was seconded by Shane and carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Council President Garrett noted that appointments received for review by Committee of the Whole include Mr. Emmons to the Fire Civil Service Commission and 4 appointees to the Fair Housing Commission, to be discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting tomorrow evening, at 7:30 p.m. It was decided that candidates will be discussed with the Mayor and if personal interviews are then desired the persons will be contacted thereafter, some not yet having been contacted nor having expressed willingness to serve, and others being on vacation at the present time. Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett submitted report recommending that the requests for vacation of portion of 10th Place, between J and K Streets, and portion of alley in Block 2, Smi.thers addition to Renton, be granted and the matter be referred to the Property Committee to secure appraisal of the properties. MOVED by Perry, and seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. BakamUS & Lutheran Church petitions. -4- _ V Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6-17-68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Property Committee Chairman Barei reported regarding Lease with The Boeing Company and Supplemental Agreement thereto for placement of butane tank on the subject premises, the Committee recommends the tank be removed at the termination of the lease,with restoration of premises thereupon, per. Gity Attorney's Memo of May 13. MOVED by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. Light and Power Committee Chairman Grant submitted report advising that the Com- mittee will be meeting Thursday in regard to the underground wiring ordinance and as outcome of various meetings will be reporting next week. The Light and Power Committee submitted report regarding 30-year Franchise to Puget Sound Power and Light Company and in working with the Traffic Engineering Department various revisions to the proposed Ordinance were recommended in regard to duplication in a common corridor of existing power supply facilities being avoided and underground installation being required. Also, words "Traffic Engineer" to be inserted whenever "City Engineer" appears,to conform to current legislation passed and other wording insertions of minor nature. Discussion ensued regarding interpretation of conflict of interest invoting and City Attorney Shellan outlined requisites which would include being in conflict, it being determined that such was not the case in regard to the present issue. MOVED by Barei, seconded by Shane, to discuss this question at the Committee of the Whole meetingr tomorrow evening. The motion lost. MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, th-e-revision • to the -ordi- nance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committed for i.r,,�.r.t i.on as suggested by the Committee. It was noted the document has been placed on first reading and that coo_ ie:: of same as changed should be furnished all Councilmen. Distribution was made at this time accordingly, the Committee having provided same. During discussion, Traffic Engineer Bennett, upon motion by Edwards, seconded by Garrett and carried, made a presentation of proposed revisions. It was noted that the Ordinance is now in the Light >rnd Power Committee.. After further discussion regarding the matter it was moved by -dwards, seconded by arrett; that the motion be amended to include referral to the City Attorney for granunatical correction and proper legal language, and to Law and Ordinance Committee for impl,+iientati.on into the ordinance. Carried. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was taken upon the original motion as amended as follows:Aye: Garrett, Bruce, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellett, and Morris. No: Barei, Shane and Grant. The motion carried referring the corrections to the Attorney and the Law and Ordinance Committee. Councilman Grant submitted Power and Light Commitee report recommending that a Franchise be jointly issued to Puget Sound Power and Light Company and Seattle City Light, the terms of said Franchises to be 30 years and to include the afore- mentioned amendments. MOVED by Shane, seconded by Grant, to concur in the Light and Power Committee recommendations. After discussion regarding problems anticipated in such action and recommendations for additional provisions, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, the matter be discussed at the next meeting of the Committee of the Whole which is planned for Tuesday, June 18th at 7:30 p.m. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5-- rr r - F Bid Opening June 17, 1968 BID TABULATION SHEE 1968 L.I.D. 258 SANITARY SEWERS, KENNYDALE AREA W OF 100th AVE. SE; E OF LK. WN., BLVD-. .'NO. AP SL'.94TH ST. BIDDER & ADDRESS BID BASIC BID ALTERNATE BOND W.C. Frost 8005 So. 222nd Kent, Wn. 98031 x $ 59,177.83 No Bid King Construction 4521 Bond St. yl8�70•%/3 Seattle, Wn. 98118 x $ 40,302.31 $ 44 811.69 E .A. & L Const. Co. 321 Burnett Ave. So. Renton, Wn. 98055 x $ 76,502.36 $ 76,502.36 _ F.A. Breda Di Orio Const. 1045 So. 194th St. , Seattle, Wn. 98148 x $ 95,126.35 $111,240.25 Keith Peterson $ Son 1516 No. Oakes Tacoma, Wn. 98406 x $ 51,674.21 $ 55,950.35 � � t V i 284 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6-17-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY Tiff EN 1INEEI2.dIVG AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No Amount Nam6 Address ZKpe of Work B1032 $ 3,000..00 Clinton. Reynolds 607 0 Street Addition to Residence 33 2,000,000.00 Renton, Village Co: 15 Grady Way Erect Office Building 34 200.00 The Boeing Coy Bldgs 10=52 Construct Wall B1035 500.00 The Bceing Co: Bldg, 10-59 Construct Canopy 36 40,000,00 San Younker 38,2.0 E Valley Hwy Construct Agency Buildin 37 8,500:00 Central Puget, Inc„ 434 SW 7th Add Partitions ELECTRICAL PERMITS E0944 $ 350.00 Clara Speegl.e 3706 6th Ave, No., Replace Mast & Panel E0945 400.00 Bell & Valdez 2009 SE Dogwood Ct. Wiring ® New Residence 46 400.00 Bell & Valdez 1915 Dogwood Ave SE n it If 47 400.00 Bell & Valdez 1921 Do&iood Ave SE n If it 48 400.00 Bell & Valdez 2007 Dogwood Ave :7 n ,t it 49 400.00 Bell & Valdez 2013 Dogwood Ave SE n It it E0950 - 400.00 Bell. & Valdez 2019 Dogwood Ave SE „ if n 51 122000.00 The Boling Co. Bldg: 10-50 Install Switches 52 23500 The Boeing Co, Bldgs. 4-45 & 4-75 Install Reepts. for IBM 53 50.00 The BoeLng Co, Bldg. 10-71 Service for Ogen 54 50,_00 The Boeing Co Bldg., 4-73 Service for Router E0955 210,00 The Boeing Co- Bldg- l51 Install Light in Area 56 110.00 Don Maxesey 1.1.03 R Street Wire Residence Addition 57 350.00 The Boetmg Co, Bldg, 10-54 Elec, Rearrangement 58 250.00 The Boeing Co, Bldg. 4-73 Service for Autoclave 59 50.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg.. 10-58 Connect Relocated Printer E0960 166.00 The Boa bng Co. Bldg 10=-80 Service for Printer 61 300.00 The Boeing Co, Bldgs 1050 Install Panelboard 62 300.00 The Boeing Co, Bldg. 4-21. Install Reepts. for IBM , 63 250.00 The Bosinv Co, Bldg, 10=56 Relocate & Install Drops 64 165,00 The Boeing Co Bldg. 10=80 Provide Service to Printe E0965 37500 Whitespar Homas 104.07 SE 96th Wire New Residence 66 375,00 Whltespa,r Homes 10403 SE 96th It It n 67 285.00 Greerr4otod Memorial Pk 3401 No- 4th if Addition to Building 68 11500.00 The Boeing Co W/S Logan St; Service to Sump Pumps 69 25000 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-21. Install Reepts. for IBM E0970 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 1059 Services for Spray Booth 71 The Boeing Cc, Bldg, 1.0-52 Provide Service to Pump 72 400.00 Bell & Valdez 2306 SE 19th Pl. Wire New Residence 73 400.00 Bell & Valdez z 2016 Dogwood Ave .SE if if n 74 400.:00 Bell & Valdez 2010 Dogwood A, e SE . ,t it n E0975 400.00 Bell & Valdez, 2004 Dogwood Ave SE „ if n 76 400.00 Bell & Valdez 2312 SE lith ''1 77 400,00 Park-ood Homey 710 SprAce Ct, n n a 78 400.00 Parkw sod -sones 701 Spruce Ct. n n n 79 1,500,00 Central. Flaget, Inc, 434 SW 7th Add Reepts.;Relocate S;witches MECHANICAL PERMITS M0970 Model Homs,: s 1662.4 Benson Road Install Funs- ce 71 G,. M. Renault 12501 Rainier Ave, So.New Plumbing 72 I & A +Constr ction Install Gas Furnace 503 Royal Drive I, 73 The Being Co. Bldg. 10-80 Alteration of Water Piping 74 The Ftoeing Co: Bldg. 10-54 „ ,t tt n 4 M0975 The Boeing Co, Bldg_ 4-73 Utilities to Autoclave 76 The Booing Co, Bldg, 10-52 Water Coraiecti.on for Pump 77 VOID 78 The Bo-eiiijg Co : W/S Legan St, Install Sotmp Pumps 79 Dudley Ballard 1307 J Street Install Hot Water Tank M0980 Edward Preis 923 L St.ree:t a it it u 81 Floyd Cha6e 714 lst St,. No. " Wall Heater 82 George ,,r,:.r. c,n 3:36 Ea.r:1ington Ste " Hot. Water Tank 83 George 3:38 Earz_lrlgton St. " Gas Range 84 llar'L_n 'v;r thse bee 9611 108th Ave, SE " Septic Tank M0985 V11'teS-p&r ;icliles 10107? 96th Ave: SE .7 i . Al RENT UN CITY CCITNCIL RESULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S June 24, 1968 Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING CCT'1i'ITTEE Progress Estimate #6 due Century Construction Company cn CAG 122C-67, Liberty Park Grandstand in sum of $2,063.46 Payment of statement from a=son, :Richert, Bignold & Assoc--ates for services on CAG 1240-67, Stage 2, Lake Wn. Beach Park development in: sum of $2,401.00. COUNCIL CO?�N- IT`IEE ON APPOINTIPENTS Fair Housing Commission appointments Selection of committee to meet with Mr. Donald G. Evans Dist. Health Officer of King County, to discuss mutual health needs for more public health for dollars. I CITY ATTORNEY Legal documents required to contract for power rate and service comparison survey. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Resolution to set date for hearing on Boeing Co. petition for vacatirn of portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. Resolutions to provide for transfer and appropriation to fund replacement of P61ice vehicle and equipment destroyed by fire and traffic accident, $2,725.00 from excess revenue and $1,350.00 to be funded as yet. Resolution appropriating $1.8,000.00 from Waterworks Utility for bake Wn. Beach lift station Resolution authorizing transfer of $1,900.00 within Park Department budgetary accounts to fund roller skate replacement. Letter from Dick Stredicke regarding Franchise Ordinance Proposed Ordinance regarding underground electric and communication facilities (1st reading this date) Resolution to fund $6,000.00 for power rate and service comparison survey Resolution transferring $1,943.04 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 to pay Sundry Sales bill due Utility Department in connection with sprinkler system at library MAYOR To provide for $1,707.00 in Preliminary Budget to cover Renton's share of Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency activities in the coming year. PLANNING COMMISSION Letter from Mrs. Milton Nygaard regarding objection to motor hotel below residential area of Monterey Terrace. Stoneway Concrete, Inc. request that the Comprehensive Plan be changed to L-1 for their property as per description attached to letter. S. C. Iffert and Jim Dalpay letter urging that multiple zoning designation be -retained on the Comprehensive Plan on property in which they hold an interest PROPERTY COMMITTEE Bids ori Jones Park Lavatory Faci-lity Bids on Shelter Building for Philip Arnold Park Concession stand at Liberty Park Grandstand Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Brockschmidt, Jr. regarding hospital property in the Highlands POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Ron Dee Voo Tavern application for license to operate co---n-type pool table. SANITATIOiv CO:'NITTEE AN"]',`;TTY ENGINEER Carey & Kramer requests in regard to Sanitary Sewers to serve Sierra Heights Water Pollute i-3--a LvTltr_ Ccmm`-�csiU i. 'L tt.er regarding Fed-eral F u-nd appl_i.cation i i I J. 286 REFERRALS City Council Meeting of 6/24/68 (Cont.) STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE James Denzer request to meet regarding Northern Pacific Railway Co. requirement for Permit and Fee to use access to private property over railroad company right-of-way. APPOINTMENTS Mr. Al E. Noble, Police Civil Service Commission, 3 year term commencing Junte 1, 1968. Mr. Don Emmons, Member of Fire Civil Service Commission, effective July 1, 1968 MEETINGS AND EVENTS June 25, 1968 - Property Committee meeting at 7: 00 p.m. in Mayor's Office July 29, 1968 - Public Hearing on Comprehensive Plan Revisions July 22, 1968 Opening of Bids on 5/811x 3/4" water meters and fire hydrants i i I i I 204, RENTCiti CITY COUNCIL REGU;1IR MEETI4G June 24, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk .The regular meeting of the Rentor: City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMPERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Merry, Trimm, Edwards, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTi-MENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, C. S. Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Lynn Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director. Mayor Custer at this time presented a Community Service Award Placque to Mr. John Thomson for services as a member of the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee, and expressed appreciation and congratulations in recognition of the time and efforts in service over the years. Award is also on hand in grateful acknowledgment of service for Myron Finch who was unable to be present this evening. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Ba-rei., that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 17, 1968 be approved as prepared and mailed out. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Lavatcry Facility at Jones Park This being the date set, sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk and included bids from Workman Construction Company, Kent, Wn., McNeill Construction Co., Seattle Mayer Construction Co., Inc., Zenith Wn., Ricardi Construction Co., Renton. Moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to thePro erty Committee to report back. The motion carried. (See tabulation attache OPENING OF BIDS: Shelter Building at Phillip Arnold Park This being the date set, the following submitted sealed bids which were opened and read by the City Clerk: Ricardi Construction Co. and Workman Construction Co. It was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bids to the Property Committee to report back. The motion curried. (See tabulations attached) Mayor Custer reported receipt of letter from Mr. Bechtol of Pacific Car & Foundry which acknowledged the City's Resolution for settlement of the strike at an early date which was sent by the City Clerk to all parties concerned. The letter advised of June 19th strike settlement vote and rejection of offer, per recommendation of union leadership. New proposals to be submitted in the near future and it was hoped that negotiations would be successful at that time. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance of the City declaring policy with respect to underground electric and communication facilities, which document had been grammatically revised to proper wording and legal terms, and was now recommended for first reading. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendations of the Light and Power and Law and Ordinance Committees. Carried. After the first reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Upon"request, Lynn Andrews, Assistant Traffic Engineer. diopla.yed drawing of proposed area to be designated for underground facilities and answered various inquiries in regard thereto. Moved by Perry, seconded by B-srei., to table discussion on the proposed Ordinance for one week. Carried. The pending motion was carried. The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing appropriation of excess, revenues and surplus in the Waterworks Utility Fund, unto Waterworks Utility 1810, Water Administration, 110, Salaries of regular employees, $1,620.00; 200, Statewide Retirement, $50.00; 201, Employment Security, $140.00; 202, Prepaid `•ped oal, $37.00; 203, Industrial Insurance, $10.00; 204, Employee Life Insurance, $12.00; 31.0, Rental:, $2,700.00; 606, Desk, Chair and adding machine, $450.00. Total, $5,019.00. Moved by SchellErt, secondEd by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolut cn No. 150 a; read. Carried. i i 288 Minutes - Renton City Ccun::il Meeting (Cont.) 6-24-68 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to suspend the rules of order of the Agenda and allow report of the Auditing and Accounting Committee to consider payment of the bills. Upon dissenting voice vote show of hands was requested resulting in seven aye votes and 3 no votes. The motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by De laur.enti, that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 3757 through 3986, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Cc-iun-ittee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. I Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 16,272.27 3757 - 3800 Urban Arterial Fund 25,390.00 3801 - 3802 Arterial Street Fund 5,817.92 3803 City Street Fund 17,243.81 3804 - 3815 Cedar River M. & 1. 39.86 3816 - 3820 Equipment Rental 1,087.63 3821 - 3833 Library 4,289.10 3834 - 3867 Parks 3,739.85 3868 - 3884 Waterworks Utility 10,531.71 3885 - 3901 Airport 204.84 3902 - 3905 Firemen's Pension Fund 67.58 3906 - 3907 City Hall Construction Fund 103,035.63 3908 - 3909 187,720.20 Current Fund $11,7ASV& 3910 - 3936 Street Fund 922.40 3937 - 3943 Equipment Rental 12,951.69 3944 - 3947 Parks 8,141.62 3948 - 3965 Waterworks Utility 9,159.95 3966 - 3974 Airport 3,81.3.10 3975 - 3979 Firemen's Pension Fund 2 441,00 3980 - 3986 I $49,Y S �' - i Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to suspend the rules and continue on with Committee Reports until completed. Carried. Council President Gapreirsubmitted Committee of the Whole Report recommending confirmation of appointment of Mr. Al E. Noble to membership on the Police De- partment Civil Service Commission for a three year term beginning June 1, 1968. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Shane abstained. The Committee of the Whole recommended confirmation and approval of appointment of Mr. Don Emmons as member of the Fire Civil Service Commission, effective on July 1, 1968. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. of the Whole. Carried. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the appointments to the Fair Housing Commission, referred on 6/10/68, be referred to the Council Committee on A pp oint- ments. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to concur. Carried. Council President Garrett submitted recommended changes in the Comprehensive Plan for Council consideration,which itemization was attached,and it was suggested that July 29, 1.968 be set for public hearing and that the Planning Commission be requested to furnish any further suggested changes for said meeting. Moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, to concur in the+recommendations. Carried. Councilman Garrett submitted report of the City Hall Building Committee recommending that the original parking let design,as presented by the architect be retained,with addition of an entrance from Mill Avenue South and additional paving in front of the city hall building to provide direct access to South 2nd Street, as approved by the City Council on June 10th and before revision proposals -requested from the Traffic Engineer. Some 125 parking stalls to be available -a recommended by the Committee and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Lelaurenti, to -ncur in the report. Letters had been received from the Allied Arts Commiocion ane : cion from citizens on beauti- fication, the Municipal Arts Commission, urging no c.,ange in the parking area to diminish landscape areas. The pending motion carried. Councilman Barei, Property Committee Chafiman, anncunce d a meeting of the Property Committee on Tuesday, June 25th c t :00 p,>-ii. , in the .Mayc:r's Office . Park Director Coulon and any Park Board Members who can a*tend were invited to the meeting. i,- -1.. i 289 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 6-24-68 City Hall Building Committee report recommended acceptance of the low bid of Northwest Interiors Company on city hall furniture with eletion of various items to meet 1968 budgeted amount available for funding this year. The deletions total $13,829.17 and the total low bid is the sum of $72,721.20 leaving remaining amount of $61,542.17 to be applied as budgeted. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations of the City Hall Building Committee . Carried: Councilman Shane, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, submitted recomu endatien that the low bid of King Construction Company in su.^.t of $48,270.43 (correction made in bidders tabulation) be accepted on L.I.D. 258, Sanitary Sewer System in the Kennydale area. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the bid award as read. The motion carried.' Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, submitted report which recommended that the low bid of Venture Construction Company, in sum of $40,760.23; for construction of Pump Station for Well No. 8, Cedar River Park, 'be accepted. It was moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Fire and Water Committee report recommended that new bid call be authorized on the 5/8 x 3/4 Water Meters, new specifications to include both change gear and sealed type units, to allow more competetive bidding. No number of meters is to be ` specified. The City Engineer was also requested to prepare new specifications for fire hydrants, all prior bids on the subject items to be rejected accordingly. During discussion it was noted that change gear type meters allow service by the City rather than having to send the unit to the factory. Moved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendations of•the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to amend the motion to include the date of July 22nd as bid- opening &�A,. Carried. Councilman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee Chairman, submitted recommendation that funding of the power and service comparison survey be authorized from excess revenues in the Current Fund in amount of $1,000.00 plus transfer of $5,000.00 from Non--Departmental Account 1141/200, Statewide Retirement, unto Non-Departmental budgetary account 1141/314, Expert Services, to complete the $6,000.00 necessary for the study. Since loss in revenue connected with the garbage contract will be less t,ian anticipated, it is recommended that $26,700.00 be released from Statewide Re- tirement matching funds to cover the deficit and a portion of this be used for the $5,000.00. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution. The motion curried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to authorize the Light and Power Committee to proceed with confirming contract for consulting services in connection with the power rate and service comparison survey and it was moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to amend the motion to included referral to the City Attorney for legal documentation. The motion carried, and subsequently the or-iginal as amended. Councilman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee Chairman, reported that the Committee recommended funding of the Sundry Service bill due the Utility Department in connection with sprinkler system at the library site in sum of $1,943.03,by transfer from Cumu- lative Reserve Fund 1975 to Library Fund 1610/606, •Capital Outlay, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendations of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Schellert reported that the Board of Equalization will be meeting on the 1st of July to hear appeal3 for property tax adjustments which he will be unable to attend. Councilmen Delaurenti. and Grant advised they would be present. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSIVM SS: The Mayor authorized reading of communications received after preparation of the agenda which included those of the Municipal Arts Commission, Allied Arts of Renton and a Petition from citizens in regard to the parking area -at the new city hall site. The Municipal Arts Commission in addition urged that Ceda Aiver Park not be used for parking but that it be developed for park purposes and suggested that area under the Freeway or acquisition of property across the streetfrom the city hall be given consideration instead. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to refer the communications to the Clerk's office for filing; the parking matter already having been consumated in accord with the communications. The motion carried. Communication w :s a12;o authorized which has reference to Item F and destructicin of patrol car by fire after traffic accident. r f i 2.9 0 . Minutes - Renton City Council- Meeting (Cont.) 6-24-68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CJRRENI tiJSTHESS: Letter from Mr. P. D. Koon, Stoneway Concrete, Inc. requested that the Comprehensive Plan for the area of Stoneway, Inc. Property, NE4 of SE 4, Sec. 17, Twp. 23N., Rge. 5E. be changed to L-1. Moved. by Perry; seconded by Sha-e, to rEfer the letter to the Planfiing; Commission. Carried. Letter from Seattle Area Guilds for Retarded Children, Mrs. Herb Nissen, Treas., Renton Guild, requEsted No-Fee Permit to sell balloons at the Renton Aviation Festival June 27, 28, 29 and 30, 1968. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to grant the request. The motion carried. Letter fromTheodele LaValley, Renton Fire Department, called attention to recent Civil Service Examination and manner of grading. Moved by ferry, seconded by Bruce, to refer the letters to-the _Fire Civil Service Cpmmi$sion, like protest directed to the Civil Service Commission attached. The mctioh carried. Letter from John T. O'Brien, Chairman of Bd. of Directors, Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, reported income proportionment tc support activities in the coming year with Renton's share for 1969 budgeting in total amount of $1,707.00. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Moor with said amount to be included in the Preliminary Budget. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the letter from the Boeing Company requesting vacation of a portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. lying northerly of the access road to the North Renton Interchange, is signed by owner representing 100% of the frontage abutting said street. Moved by Schellert, seconded: by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date for public hearing. Carried. Letter from Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, reported that a City police car was involved in an accident at North 6th Street and Park Avenue North at which time' the vehicle was burned and beyond repair. It was requested that $2,725.00 be appropriated from excess revenue in the Equipment Rental Fund 1510, unto Capital Outlay account 606 of said Fund, for replacement of the vehicle. Letter from Police Chief Williams requested funding in sum of $1,350.00 to replace last equipment carried in the vehicle and attached inventory list. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to refer the requests to the Law and Ord'rn nce Committee. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon,in reply to petition requesting opening of recreation facilities on Sundays, reported present supervisor on duty sever days a week at the Phillip Arnold Playfield, Liberty Park and Pool and at the Kennydale Reach with all other park areas available for picnics and play all week. The Park Board will as a matter of course continue to consider opening of other facilities under supervision on Sundays. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that-Reverend Emberg be advised of this report and that a new brochure recently published by the Park De- partment outlin�tg 'summer programs at all facilities, be sent'with the letter. The motion carried. Letter from Gene Coulcn, Park Director, requested on behalf of the Park Board and himself, that transfer of $1,900.00 be authorized from Park Department Account 1710, .605, unto 41.7 to allow replacement of roller skates required to continue the teenage roller skating program held each year from September through April. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request to replace worn-out skates, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution to effect the necessary transfer. Carried. Letter from S. C. Iffert and Jim Talpay noted vested interast in property proposed for revision in the Comprehensive Plan and urged that present zoning designation be retained. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to -refer the document to the Planning Commissionb Carried. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Barei, to recess. Carr-led. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listen.. Letter from Park Director Cou--n submitted and reccmmcnded for payment, Progress Estimate No. 6, due Century Con^truction Company on CAG 1220-67, Liberty Park Grandstand, in sum of $2,063.46. Architects Certificaticn was attaches:. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the. Au i_ting and Accounting Com- mittee with power to act. Carried. � I a i - 2g1 Minutes of the entcn City c_Lqit ! eeting (Cont.) 6-24-68 CORRESPONDENCE Ahs C75,RE:f`i jS_NE3S Letter from Park Director Cc::.lc_, submitted for payment statement from Olson, Richert, Bignold & Associates, architects, for services performed on CAC 1240-57, Stage 2, Lake Wn. Beach Park development, in .s-i= of $2,401.00. federal reimbursement is to be paid the City for a percentage of thi pr�jey_a�►a also some State assist rce. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the payment to the Aud tiig a-,Z Ac_-puntingr. Com- ittee with power to act. Carrico. Letter from Mr, and Mrs. A.E. Br �k�:.hmidt, T^. ufged the Council to mr^,ntain its present positior, in regard t: Lcning or. tie hospital property in the highlands and commended the Council for the action in regard thereto for preventing .an eyesore in . the Highlands, for setting the lar_,; ,aside f`_ recreational use and f:r conducting all business in a manner benefi isG to -.Rerttn. Property Committee Chairman Dare- reported . . _- ' _z- �... ' t app :�� t:�; ; ,,j.�, prop.; After discussion regarding zoning and fair market value for appraisal purposes, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the :c�er�Cortm`tee. Carried. Application from Mr. John P�mpee, ncn Dee Voo Tavern, requested license to operate a coin-type pool table at sold place of business at 2621 Sunset Blvd. East. Moved by Share, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Carey and Kramer, Consulting Engineers, advised of proposed routes for sewer system to serve Sierra Heights Elementary School and requested City assurance to property owners involved that they would be relieved from future sewer assessment if granting easements and participating to extent of benefit, in, proposed Morrow Addition No. 2 area, at this time, and the entire plat would be allowed service by the City of Renton,-€tfie enti"rc line to be conveyed to the City at no cost. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee and the City Engineer. Letter from Mrs. Milton Nygaard, naw resident of Renton, expressed concern in regard to motor hotel proposal to be located below the residential area of Monterey Terrace, urging that such be avoided and careful punning be exercised to make judicious use of the remaining land to prevent m-arring of one of the better districts of Renton. Moved by Perry, seconded. by Grant, to refer the. letter to the Planning Committee to report back. Upon dissenting voile vote, roll call was requested, which resulted as follows: Aye: Perry, Edwards. and Grant. No: uarrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Bruce and Barei. Shane abstained. The motion lost. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barer, to refer the communication to the Planning Commission. Shane abstained from voting. The motion carried{. Letter from Mayor Custer, submitted Park Dortment Netter and Engineering Department estimate of cost of a lift station _n Lake Wn. Beach Park i fiich project "is not a- part of the Beach contract but to be: f-Inded by City sources. It was suggested that funds be appropriated to Waterworks Maintenance,. 1820/605 from excess Waterworks Utility Fund revenues and billed t(- the Park Department next year, to be budgeted accordingly. Estimated cost, $18,0 ,; , Moved by Carrett, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations of the May=s. Carrie,:.. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law an' Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from Donald G. Evans, Dtstr:'ct Health Officer, King Cor:nty, -requested to meet with a committee to :viscuss _e:edti, wants and r.esourceo for joint efforts toward securing more public health for the public_ health do"lar, Moved by Perry, secondee. by Edwards that the �,L� nv-1 t'Jmm.i t:tea on Committee Appy i*it�Gter�t� select a Committee to meet with P r. Evans o:: this subject. Carried. '.oun% _+man Schellert expressed interest in sEry:;_rg in th-11, capa.�,ity. Letter from James E. ienle^ rejected tc meet -with the Street and Alley Committee to discuss notice receive:. frcc:� the Pic. t ern l acific Railway Compa y regarding required Permit an: Fee for usse :f t,:; private proporty over r ,'ilway right- of--way. Moved by Delau r?-nti, oco,`_:dice:: by Shane, to refer the request to the Street -and Alley C-ommittee to re.—Drt back, tarp° e• Letter from sir. Richard V. T-Y __'ick 3916 -- -Gth Ct. Ncrth, d regarding benefits to be de:rived by i. c . ". t r_nc`i:ise a.,r umtnt-,> .,ryT_hi_,g over a five year term for any s ;«h f=- :Fl=,;C';, �'� 10� a�tiJ_. t�•h:z' :r ":?atlflCdt2 ?il by attention `uD conditi:n (rf ciC t:.. ,tillcy p:;lc'_ end ri rt.', �:1, *1 _nt of se:rtond franchise hold,-,:r, �'asc :f f >._-:ties ft wa_ rte_:`T :c:1:'.av tha-L: no franchise be issues prior t,�: o r�1_- :��,� yr:�,artial ty�d.y by an o-_t aide cc,. _r;-,:.lting firm and no' duplication of fa.c' -.i::es to be ._l, w 2, 292 Minutes - Rent6n City Council Veeti.g !C_nt.? 6-24-68 CORRESPONDENCE AND C11RRENT BUOTIZ23S: '_•etter from R. Stredicke Moved by Morris, secondee'.. by Shane, that the Conununication regarding the franchise ordinance be referred to the Law a_,d Gr+a_nance Ccsmmtlttee for recommendati,in. Carried. Letter from the Water Pcllut_c;n vL,ntr:_1Cc^�r�ic �.�n acknowleiged receipt of .application of the City of Renton for grant funs and .reported that fund, are not available to honor the request at this time. It was ncte:•i that fay.,?.-tiesmay be com^tensed by the communities withoutmm.s. late acs_stan,.e which pr::g-revs w ,_i.i place the city in a more favorable position for fun-E.- avairable at the next --raci_igo p_,iod which grant may be retroactive according to ccnst_^ict:ion stratus and Renton was- urged t_+ proceed with engineering pians, devel3pment of f_naneing and ectabl"Ishment of definite time schedule for construction. iZenton' prevent application will. remain active and will be rerated but was not given p_-i,:)-r-ity because of location. c-. .the priority list. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bare_, to -refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Moved by Shane, seconded by Garrett, that the City initiate a program of fluoridation of City of Renton water. Moved by Barei, seconued by Sii.ane, to amend the motion to commence such program on January 1, 1969. Discussi= encued regarding funding of initial cost in estimate•" WrMmtcf w141,1.42.00 and it was subsequently moved by Perry and seconded by Bruce, that the matter be tabled. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was properly requested and recti te . as follows: Aye: Schellert, Deiaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Bruce and Grant. No: Garrett, Morris, Shane and Barei . The motion carried and the matter wa.s tabled. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Ferry, t,: adjourn. The motion lost. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Richard Stredicke inqu'i.red where the franchise ordinance is at present and when it is due to be returned to the ficc,r.. Discussion ensued regarding action of the Council at its prior meeting and interpretations of various Committees and Council members were being rendered as to whether the revisicns proposed or the whole ordinance document were in the Law and Ordinance Committee referral or whether the document was in the Light and Power Committee and revisions only in the Law and Ordinance Committee. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that the concesslun stand at the Grandstand be referred to the Property Committee. Carried. Discussion ensued rega:•ding where the franchise ordinance is and when it is to come out of committee, Mayor Custer recalling legal requirement that it be held for 30 days and that revisions were to be inserted expressing his determination of late that it is in the Ln.w and Ordinance Cummittee, it being noted that July 1st is the date the document will be returned for_ acti'n.,, Excerpts from the minutes of the previous meeting were read it being noted two documents are under revision. Moved by Barei, seconded by Del-aurenti, to adjourn. The motion' carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. There were 29 visitors in the Council Chambers. HeLmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. aster, Mayor .. fowl Bid Opening June 24, 1968 911 TABULA IC"N SKT-MT CONSSTROCT-N OF RESTROOM, FACIi,ILIES Q ' K ltETiT )PJ '+t^�i?I ` '"l,°N --- _ _ - ^' JONES PAS? L t. , r.ha ted r, _ UDDER & ADDPGESS CC.MPLE"I'TON ;imE BID BOND TOTAL 'UTEFtNATE # 1 AL`1'FRi1ATF # 2 CONCRETE, B"LK. FIXTURES WORV,M N CONS'i'RI.ITUON CO. BOND -$500-00 c 5t?O,Ot? +$550.00 23603 94TH SO, _,.,_I{En1fi,2 �hrt',"ff`iidG'^ON E30�,�.-- -- - _.._..� • tfcN'FULL CCNSnl UCTION CO. BOND $iw,098.,00 --;fi2,290 00, 4."5489.00 3206 SOUT.? 148T°rI., STREET SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98168 MAYER. CONSTRUCTION CO. lNC. BOND $12,888,.O0 -" 1,200,00 +Y625.00 P,, 0 . BOAC 165 2F.:IY.TH, WASHINGTON 98073 RICARDI CONSTRUCTION CO, BOND 74 �- 91ST A'JE, S0, $9,846.00 m.a3,246.Ot3 �,c i,.;10.00 - RIZITOIA1, 19ASHINGTON�0 � _ —_--- ;.d Opening Jane 2.4, 2968 1968 CONSTRUCTION OF SHELTER_9[=iLDL\?G,- PH'lrllLIP ARNOLD WASHTNGTON CONSnIQCTION CO, i 2fl CAL., -. : DAYS BOND $24,900,00 AVE. SO< ll-PSHTNT ON rrIOR:MAN CONSTRUCTTOI CO.. � CAL.L. PEYS BAND $24,480-00 2360:1> 94TH. 30. N • - i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6m24-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUIrDiNG AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME_ ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1038 500.00 Neil F. 44.olbrook 2217 th PI. No. Fence privata home 1-039 20,000.00 R.S. Shane 11658 SE 100th St. Const. of new dome B 104.0 25,000.00 1 & A Const. 422 Royal Drive Const. ;of new home 1041 80.00 William Brainard 529 Williams No. Inst. fence 1,342 2,200.00 Grace B i ndera 1511 So. 9th St. Addition Ao home 1043 150,000.00 Palm Intern. Spa 127 So. 3rd St. Remodel bji !ding 1014 900.00 The Boeing Co. Bldg. 4-81 Accoust iz.a l walls B 10 .5 29200.00 fv It: Const. p l-st form 101+6 16, 198.00 McGrath Corp. 107117 '131}th SE Const, new home IC47 2,500.00 M.J. Lacki.a 403 3rd Ave. So. New bu Iding front. 10118 17,676.00 McGrath Corp. 10628 132nd Ave SE Const. new home 1049 14,678.00 " 13201 SE 107th P1. " B 1050 20,000.00 Lewis H. Purcell 11,624 SE 105th PI . 1051 21 ,000.00 John Sterling 1911 Rolling Hills SE 1052 1,500.00 David W. Cator 10025 116th Ave SE Adds tion, to home 1053 0 ---e- The Boeing Co, Bldg. 4-48 Demolish building 1051 700.00 Mildred Eastham 2613 6th Ave. No. Patio & storage B 1055 100.00 Mary Higdon 232234 Wells No. Inst. door ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 0980 00,00 Ivan Gibeault 422 Royal Drive Wire new residence 0981 400,00 Mer I s Whea;herbee 9611 1 08th SE to 0982 90.00 Clinton P. Reynolds 627 0 Street Inst. new renpts. 0983 179.00 .f.°W. .'orias 2407 9th No. increase pia serv, 0984 250,,E The Bo?i:.g Co., Bldg. 10-51 Alter existing sera. E 0935 250.00 "' 81•:19, 4-81 Inst. new recpts, 0986 235.00 " Rentoo Field Inst. grounding 0987 248.00 Bids. 4-81 Serv, to power brake 0988 1110.+00 Elec. snitch & lock 0989 225.00 Fat;l l 's F�.,ra+-ai Home 300 So. 3rd St. Wire serv. & increase E 0990 2,700.00 Ron Mar:D:n -c I d 21)'' So. 3rd St. Remodel store bldg. 0991 50,00 Bell & `,+a!dei 200k0 SE Dogwoo6 Ct, Temp, servIse Oqc 50.00 A 2303 SE 19th P I . 0993 520,00 F' 11321 Dogvo od Ave SE " 09941 50.00 Wayne Hi I is 2127 No. I'Dth " E 0995 50.00 Pat k,rood Homes 2501 Prince Ave. ' 0996 50.00 " 713 Spruce S t. 0997 50.00 2710 prince Ave. " 0998 50.00 '' 703 Trinity Ct. 0999 50.00 1 & A Conl;t' 503 Royal Drive E 1000 50.00 Leo Chap-.i z 623 I i t h P l . So. zt 1001 50.00 Parkwood 'roti+es 611 Royal Drive 1002 50.00 n 2513 Prince Ave. 1003 50.00 Alfred Heider: 1,031 G St. Inst, new rec.pts, 100111 200.00 Mrs, Ea3tha4 2613 6th Ave No. Change of service E 165 400.00 Parkwcoa Homas 712 Trinity C f. Wire raw residence 1006 83,000.00 The Boeic-iq Co. 6-20 & 6-21 Bldg, Wire serv, for feeders 1007 50.00 McGrath Homes 13201 SE 107th Temp. service MECHANICAL PERMITS M 098 � VOID 0937 -------- Ivan G i beau i t 1;22 Royal Drive Inst. plumbing 0988 ---------- S. Ke I ar 720 L i r d Ave. SW P l mb i r':g 0989 m--------- " 720 SW Lind Ave, Inst. heaters M 0950 ---------- Leo V.> Roush 12649 89f h Ave So. i,mss;. p 1 umb i ng & f i,,4*, . 0991 The B o P i ng .o, Bldg. 4-81 1 r•s;. fOU,%ta i r' & S i r�k 0992 ----------- Pali Sp-iing., Spa 12`7 So, 3rd St, In: OFFICE OF TFi=_ S I iY CLERK 6-24-68 SEr PLR M1 TS NO. A17,0UNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE Ot `,hORK 448 -------m-- Parkw000 Homes 2601 Prince Ave. Sewer service L49 - ------ ,t 712 Trinity Ct. " 45O ---------- cc 709 Trinity Ct. " 456 ----v----- " 2504 Prince Ave. " 452 ---o------ " 2507 Prince Ave. " 453 - ------ " 2513 Prince Ave. " '454 -------- 2510 Prince Ave. it 455 2525 Prince Ave. " 456 ---------- Ivan Cibeauft 503 Royal Drive " Fund transfers authorizedfor the month of June by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council. TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund $ 45,546.94 Arterial Street Fund 25,390.00 Urban Arterial 5,817.92 City Street 22,765.51 Cedar River M. & I. 41.86 Equipment Rental 16,300.70 Library 4,295.99 Parks & Recreation 16,334.33 Waterworks Utility 77,212.72 Airport 5,994.98 Firemen's. Pension Fund 2 765.11 City Hall Construction 166 629.47 389,095.53 i TO PAYROLL FROM: Current $131,296.76 City Street 23,532.17 Cedar River M. & I. 596.00 Equipment Rental 4,544-.12 Library 8,511.28 Parks & Recreation 25,919.79 Waterworks Utility 18,866.29 Airport 1097.00 Firemen's Pension Fund 90.82 214,754.23 I I i i i a . - 296 COUNCIL REFERRALS RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 1, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Bids on Mobile Radio Units CITY ENGINEER To report location of Kent Annexation per Boundary Review Board Notice of Hearing MAYOR To check possible location for summer meetings of the Council or means for air conditioning Council Chambers and improvement of chairs POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Requests for licenses to operate amusement machines at business locations in Renton Angelo's Tavern - music machine; RonDeeVoo Tavern, additional pinball machine ; Tony & Judy's Donut Shop, music machine. PROPERTY COMMITTEE Bids on Mobile Radio Units STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Marvin D. Wehrman offer to develop street right-of-way in event of City allocation of portion thereof (West side of S.E. 132nd Street) UTILITY DEPARTMENT Parks & Sons Refuse Disposal inquiry regarding permission to bid on refuse hauling from the Boeing plant. APPOINTMENT Mrs. Myrna Hangar - Clerk-Dispatcher, Renton Police Department, effective 7/1/68 4-months temporary status allowed per Civil Service Rules MEETINGS AND EVENTS July 11, 12, and 13 - Renton Downtown Merchants Sidewalk Sale July 15, 1968 Public Hearings on appeals of Planning Commission Decisions Cayford & Huseland rezone denial G and G6000 to R-3 F. E. and Della Lawrence R-3 rezone denial July 15, 1968 Public Hearing on annexation of Gene E. Lynn & Associates property to Renton, located at Springbrook Road and South 180th Street July 15, 1968 Public Hearing on proposed revisions to the City's Six-Year Comprehensive Street Construction Program July 19, 1968 Opening of Bids on No. 3rd-4th Street Urban Arterial Project 1:00 p.m. with Street and Alley Committee and City Clerk July 22, 1968 Opening of Bids on lift station to serve Lake Wn. Beach Park July 22, 1968 Opening of Bids on regrade of Lake Wn. Blvd. at access to the Lake Wn. Beach Park July 255 1.968 King County Review Board Public Hearing on Kent Annexation July 23, 1968 U.S . Dept. of Interior Conference on Pollution of Washington's Coastal waters, 9:30 a.m. , Pacific Science Center or July 25th at Morck Hotel. in Aberdeen August 12, 1968 Public Hearing on vacation of portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. requested by The Boeing Company i I �1 I 29 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 1, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer,, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti, and Morris. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Councilmen be excused. .r The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. -M.' Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church Purchasing Agent, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Lynn Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of June 24, 1968 be approved as written. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Mobile Radio Units This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: General Electric Company, Seattle; Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc., San Mateo, California and Radio Corporation of America, Camden, New Jersey. (See tabulations attached.) Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to refer the bids to the Property Com- mittee to report back. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, that the proposed Ordinance regarding underground wiring be removed from the table for second and final reading. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Light and Power Committee and the Traffic Engineer for recommendation. Dissenting voice vote resulted on the motion to refer and it was,upon proper request,put to roll call vote which resulted as follows: Aye: Edwards, Bruce, Grant and Barei. No: Morris, Delaurenti, Trimm and Shane. Mayor Custer voted n.. no and the motion lost. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, to refer the proposed under- ground wiring ordinance to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm reported the Committee would like to hold the Franchise Ordinance for the present time unless the Council desired that it be submitted. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance be held pending power rate and service survey analysis. Carried. RESOLUTIONS -FOR ADOPTION: The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted Resolutions which were adopted as follows: Proposed Resolution authorizing appropriation of excess revenue in the Current Fund unto Non-Departmental 1141/314, Expert Services, $1,000.00 and Transfer from Non Depart- mental 1141/200, Statewide Retirement, unto Non-Departmental 1141/314, Expert Services, in sum of $5,000.00. (To cover $6,000.00 power rate and service survey) The proposed Resolution was read by the City Clerk and it was moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, to adopt Resolution No. 1551 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing release of $26,700.00 matching contributions in the Statewide Cities Retirement System, effective as of July 1, 1968. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to adopt Resolution No. 1552 as read. The motion carried. (To cover Garbage Contract d6ficit). Proposed Ordinance was read setting the 12th day of August, 1968 at 8:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, as the time and place when Petition for vacating portion of Lake Washington Boulevard shall be heard and determined. (Request of the Boeing Company) Moved by Barei, seconded by Trimm; t6 ,ad6pt Resolution No. 1553 as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution was submitted f6r. the transfer of $1,350.00 from Legislative Department Salaries, 1110/110, unto Police Department Account, Police Patrol, 1185, 606, Capital Outlay. Ways and Means Committee report was read recommending authori- zation of the transfer as read. Moved by ?Morris, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Moved .by Barei, seconded by Morris to adopt Resolution No. 1554 as read. The motion carried. (Replace equipment burned in patrol car after traffic accident) A S Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/1/68 RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: (Cont.) Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Resolution authorizing transfer of $1,900.00 from Park Fund 1710, Capital Outlay Acct. 605, unto Park Fund 1710, Maintenance and Operation Account 417. (To purchase Roller Skates to replace worn skates used in recreation program from September through April each year) . Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur, adopting Resolution No. 1555 as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution was read appropriating $18,000.00 from Waterworks Utility Fund excess revenues unto Water Maintenance Department 1820/605, Structures and Improvements. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to adopt Resolution No. 1556 as read. Carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of communications after the deadline of noon on Friday for placement on the agenda and after discussion in regard to problems which result in procedures by admitting them and problems resulting if ommitted, it was moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, to allow reading of the communications this evening. The motion carried. Letter from Parks & Sons, Pocatello, Idaho, inquired regarding the City's ruling on refuse disposal from the Boeing Company, it being noted that the present contract with Valley Disposal expires in November of 1969 and that the new contract let by the City was bid #2 which excluded the Boeing haul. Desire was expressed to bid on the Boeing contract with 'inquiry made' if the City would permit his bid in competition to Vall'ey's. Moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Utility Department to reply. The motion carried. Letter from the King County Boundary Review Board, File#4 reported decision that the proposed Notice of Intention to annex property to Renton should be modified to add 100 feet of property thereto to better meet goals of the Boundary Review Board Act. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to concur in the addition of territory as recommended by the Review Board. Carried. (Ivan Gibeault property East of 132nd Ave. S .E . 405'_,and South of S.E. 116th Street) City of Renton File 67-03. It was noted this would be returned to the Review Board which action was questioned by the City Clerk.as to neces- sity.Letter of King County Boundary Review Board reported, File A-85, Waiver of Review and approval of Notice of Intention to annex property to the City of Renton. (Gene Lynn & Associates property contiguous to recently annexed parcel at South 180th Street and Springbrook Road.) Moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, that July 15th be set for hearing on this matter. Carried. Application by Angelo Barei requested that Rainier Amusement -Co. be granted required license to operate a music machine in said place of business located at 205 Airport Way and letter from John Pompeo requested that said company be granted license to install one additional pinball machine at Ron Dee Voo Tavern, 2621 Sunset Blvd. E. Moved by Morris, Shane seconding, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Barei abstained. Letter from the Renton Downtown Merchants Association requested permission to hold a sidewalk sale July 11, 12 and 13th and to operate three pop stands and place two advertising banners in connection therewith. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to grant the requests with execution of usual Hold Harmless Agreement. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended that July 15th be set for public hearing on proposed revision to the City's Six--Year Comprehensive Street Constructi6n Program. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to concur. Carried. Letter from Mr. Harold A. Heyer, requested license to operate a music machine at Tony and Judy's Donut Shop, 304 Wells Street in Renton. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Barei abstained. Letter from City Engineer Wilson noted that completion of plans for the North 3rd-4th Street Urban -Arterial'Project is nearing and since the project is large and could run into late fall, timing is considered critical. With this in mind, authorization was requested to call for construction bids and 1: 00 p.m, on Friday, July 19th, before the Street and Alley Committee and City Clerk was suggested as time and mode for opening in order that award might be made by July 22nd, assuming satisfactory bid is received. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur. The mbtion carried. i i . -2- y 11.,.1 I 2919 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/1/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont.) Letter from City Engineer Wilson requested authorization to call for bids for lift station installation to serve Lake Wn. Beach Park with July 22nd as bid opening date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the request and bid opening date. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, requested that bid call be authorized for the regrading of Lake Wn. Blvd. at the access to the Lake Wn. Beach Park with July 22nd as bid opening date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the request .. of the City Engineer and date for bid opening. Carried. Letter from Mr. Marvin D. Wehrman offered to develop street right of way on the West side of S.E. 132nd in vicinity of his property if the city would be willing to ad-locate a portion comprising 30 ft. of city-owned 5 acre tract therefore. Moved by Barei, and seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to in- vestigate and report back. Carried. Letters from Kenneth Bruce, C. J. Delaurenti and Vic TeGantvoort requested permission to attend the American Public Works Association Convention in Miami, Florida, October 19 through 24, 1968. Moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, to concur in the requests. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. Morris H. Cayford and Mr. Amos E. Huseland appealed Planning Commission decision in denial of rezone request from G and G-6000 to R-3 on property along Lake Wn. Blvd. between S.E. 91st Place and S.E . 91st Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to set the date of July 15th for hearing on the appeal. The motion carried. Letter from F. E. and Della Lawrence appealed Planning Commission denial of rezone to R-3 on property at the* Southwest corner of S.E. 94th and 104th S.E. It was moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to set July 15, 1968 for hearing on this appeal.Carried. Councilman Shane proposed motion regarding zoning of property at 10th and M Streets owned by the F. & A.M. Lodge but was advised that since there was no appeal before r.. the Council nor rezone denial such could not be entertained nor acted upon by the Council at this time. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer submitted 1967 Annual Traffic Report which reviews all traffic accidents and problem areas of the city in regard thereto with recommendations for improvement through traffic engineering, used as a format for annual activity reports and program median. Appreciation was expressed for assistance of other Departments who have worked with Traffic Engineering to achieve maximum traffic safety. Letter from the King County Boundary Review Board submitted Notice of Hearing to -be held on July 25th in Rm. 403, King County Courthouse, after 7:00 p.m. to consider the annexation to the City of Kent of an area located in proximity of City of Renton city limits. Moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the City Engineer to study and report back regarding exact location at the next Council meeting. The motion carried. Letter from the United States Department of the Interior extended invitation to public II' meeting on impacts of pollution on Washington's coastal waters, at 9:30 a.m, July 23rd Seattle, and at 9:30 a.m. Jul 25th at Morck Hotel in at the Pacific Science CenterIn Se , , y Aberdeen, Washington. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Ivan Gibeault inquired regarding his annexation petition status at the present time and Mayor Custer asked Mr. Gibcault to meett with him following this meeting or in the morning and they could review the procedures. Mrs. F. E. Lawrence called attention to the noise in the Chambers caused by the condition of the chairs which squeak so as to make hearing impossible. It was noted that the Janitor will be requested to oil them. Inquiry was made as to legality of holding City Council meetings elsewhere during the summer since the Council Chamber is so warm and acoustically poor. City Attorney Shellan advised that adequate notice would need to be given the public through the legal newspaper, radio and T.V. It was moved by Grant, seconded by Barei, that the Mayor loon: into the possibility of another location or otherwise means for air condi— tioning and chair replacement. Carried. —3— r�,sl f 30 .. ` ._ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-1-68 AUDIENCE COMMENT: (Cont.) Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. North, called attention to concurrence in travel requests, noting attendance of individuals at present as well out of state, and urged that Per Diem allowance be increased to allow first class accommodations by City of Renton Representatives at the Conferences, recalling great travel distance encountered in his experience by not having good accommodations. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs. Myrna Hangar to- four months probationary _status as Clerk-Dispatcher in �the Renton Police Department, effective as of July 1, 1968 . Letter from Chief Williams was attached noting replacement of Mrs. Edith Ocker who will be leaving the Department, and requesting the appointment accordingly. Moved by Barei, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, submitted motion to approve City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 3897 through 4078, previously approved by the Committee. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 6,438.55 3988 - 4034 City Street Fund 900 ,0 4035 - 4041 Equipment Rental 12291..24 4042 - 4052 Parks 2,428.32 4053 - 4062 Waterworks Utility 3.6,331.51 4063 - 4077 Firemen's Pension 500.00 3987 - City Hall Construction 487.50 4078 Councilman Barei, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported Committee recommenda- tions that the low basic bid and Alternate 42 of Ricardi Construction, in sums of $9,846.00 and $470.00, be accepted on construction of Lavatory Facilities at Jones Park. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur. The motion carried. Councilman Barei reported Committee recommendation that the low bid of Workman Construction, in sum of $24,480.00, be accepted on Shelter Building Construction at Phillip Arnold Park. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. The Property Committee Chairman reported recommendation that the bid of-Hord Roofing Company, in sum of $4,635.00, be accepted- on -the roof repair work for the Highlands Administration Building, alternate to be deleted, and state tax to be added. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Upon inquiry regarding Col Sanders request to lease city right-of-way property for parking purposes, Councilman Barei reported that an appraiser has been retained to determine a value for rental. purpose and report will follow at the next meeting of the City Council. i Mayor Custer reported that King County has signed the lease for District Justice Court Facilities in the new City Hall building for $1,000.00 per month and terms call for occupancy in October with rental_ to commence on November 1. Councilman Shane, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported recommendation that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with Late Comers Agreements in connection with sanitary sewer system serving Sierra Heights School. Moved by Barei, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Councilman Grant, Light and Power Committee Chairman, -reported meeting with the Street and Alley Committee and the Traffic Engineers, in regard to the power rate and service survey, and further report wil_1 be submitted next week; subsequent: meeting to be held t-.ednesdav, July 3rd at 5:00 p.m. Councilman Edwards reported receipt of complaints in regard to the condition of railroad crossings in the City. Mayor Custer advised that: the railroad company is presently engaged in repairs to such crossings in various areas of the city. f G 3 a . f _ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-1-68 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Councilman Barei inquired regarding the date of the next Park Board meeting. It will be July 11, 1968. Councilman Edwards suggested that communication received after the Agenda deadline date be read last instead of first on the Agenda. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, that fluoridation of the City water be initiated as soon as the necessary equipment can be secured, and that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for recommendation as to funding. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to place the matter on the November ballot. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to refer the matter to the Committee of the ■m Whole.. Motion to refer was voted upon and dissenting voice vote brought proper request and roll call was taken as follows: Aye: Delaurenti, Trimm, Edwards and Bruce, No: Morris, Grant, Shane and Barei. Mayor Custer cast an aye vote breaking the tie and referring the matter to the Committee of the Whole . Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to incj_ude cost of fluoridation in the 1969 Budget. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards to substitute the motion that the matter be placed on the ballot for the November election. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call followed which vote resulted in Ayes: Morris, Edwards, Bruce and Barei. No: Delaurenti, Trimm, Grant and Shane . Mayor Custer voted no and the motion lost. Dissenting voice vote on the original motion to budget in 1569 resulted in roll call vote which was taken as follows: Aye: Morris, Shane and Barei. No: Delaurenti, Trimm, Edwards, Bruce and Grant. The motion lost 3 - 5. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. There were 24 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk r _ D. W. Custer, Mayor Now i -5- r R BID TABULATION SHEET:CITY OF RENTON MOBILE RADIO UNITS JULY 1ST 1968 BSD ALT. NO. 1 ALT. N0. 2 ALT. NO. 3 ALT. NO. 4 BIDDER AND ^OND BASIC BID QDAY (Solid State) DAY 71est Set DAY Selective Calling Trade-In j ADDRESS �v REC See Note a, 'RLC, See Note bo REC] See Note c A-Add to basic B-Add to A. Tinit TaxTax Un$t ; Unit TLax Unit Tax. Unit Tax Price j� 'rice FriCe � Price GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. $434.00 $1953 g 70 $604045 $27022 70 $13200 $5.94 30 $80.,50 $3062 $80050 $3.62 $500.00 1212 lst Ave, Soo to 2nd Floor 45 Seattle, Wn. 98134 X fa � ► - � � E MOTOROLA C0s0,JNICA` 10NT S $544.00 M-48 30 $738000 i$33o21 � 30 $ None $ None � � $90000 $4005 $90000 $4aG� AND ELECTRONICS; 1i<1C. 107 Carlson Bldg. p Belle jue, Tihi. 98004 X i i$21.69RADIO COR.?'CRA.TiON OF � 52.00 SO 2,J0 26.6 6 800 ,^�6 00 a 1 l o0O oYb $ Oo00 $w $59 4 � 5 $6 $3 45 $1490 $6 7 $ 59 $7 7� IA=RICA ICA (RCA) each plus Tax RCA Building 15-3 i ' Camden, N.J. 08102 X ➢ a + y r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7-1 -68 PER;1'•.I TS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEP.ARTUlENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B T040 t-- --T-- V O I D B 1056 13.000.00 Powell Const. Co, Inc 10720 114th Ave. SE: Const, new residence 1057 400.00 Terry E. Steohens 631 R Street Add carport to home 1058 31,000.00 City of Renton Lake Wn. Blvd & Park developments Houser Way 1059 17,000.00 Mode' Homes Inc., 845 King Court Const. new residence 1060 3,500,00 #%',arlene J. Pence 2421 7th Ave No. Add bedroom & bath iu.. 1061 300.00 Herbert E. 4,'atkins 503 13th Ave. So. Fence property 1062 i3OCO.m Kich�jrd L.S. Herrera 3721 8th PI , No, Enclose carport 1063 400,00 'N.A. Constantine 1157 Davis St. So, Const. toot shed 1064 10,00 Nets Swanson 838 D Street Const, fence ELECTRICAL PERN.I TS 09 ---------- VOID E 1008 400..00 Park"nood Homes, Inc, 2510 Prince Ave. Wire new residence 1009 630.00 Leo Rocish 1261.�9 89th A,ve„So, n E 1010 400,00 James ;Uiehoff 9727 116th Ave SE 1013 150,00 Grace Bindera 1511 So. 9th St, Wiring, Heater & recpts. 1012 50.00 Richard L.S. Herre,I., 3721 8th PI . No, 'Hire rec-roam 1013 250„00 Riverside Apt, Co. 1003 No. Ist St. Inst. water heaters,recpts 1014 2,250.00 Renton Voc.. School 1220 No. 4th Remodel for offices E 1015 700.00 Don Ha i vor ion I OC36 107th Ave SE 'N i re new, residence 1016 50,00 Pacific NW Bell ,11205 Maple Valley Rwy Faire tele. booth 1017 400..00 Parkwood Homes, ins. 2507 Prince Ave, Wire new residence MECHtill P!_:Ph%ITS M O9 v --- --- X10 i D M 1004 ---------- :Nhitespar Homes iC403 96th Ave SE Inst., septic tank & drain M 1005 - --, --_-_ Nerle Weatherby 9811 108th SE Inst., gas furnace 1006 ---- -•---- James 'We i hof f 9725 i If th Ave SE " 1007 ---------x= Charley, We'hoff 9727 116th Ave SE n 1110111 1008 ---•------- it 9729 116th Ave SE " 1009 ---------- Parkwood Homes, Inc. 605 Royal Drive Inst, plumbing fixtures h1 1010 -----..a»-,. IT 61 ! F.oy a l Drive n 10(11 ---------- 617 Royal Drive 1012 -------- " 2007 Prince Ave, 1013 ------- " 6 sly Po a l Drive 1014 -------- McGrath Hom.cs IC628 132nd Ave SE Inst, gas furnace N, 1015 ----------- 1 - OL Sc 107th P1 n 1016 ------ -- " 107147 !3%;t h Ave SE rr 1017 -•--------- n 10747 t?i.;th Ave SE !nst,. plumbing & fixtures 1018 .._.,, .,-_,- 's (?204 SL 107th PI �r 1019 ---------- 'F 10628 13%nr_ Ave SE n M 1020 ---------- Lee R., Goobe 1 l 139 Davis So. I nst gas we-ter heater- 1021 ---------- "Ioye! 9.:rIeson I !FiC2 SES 102nd Inst. gas range 1022 - •.w-----» Riverside Bkpt, Co,, ICU-A Not 1st St.. Irz,t., elec. wafer- heaters 1023 -.•a--�---- Ewing S"ririg rellcw 6O Whitworth Lane Inst.. gas heater 10211 ---------- latiles Yarna 1 I 2206 6th Pl . No, Inst. pas seater- heater Ih 1025 Teck Const,. Co, 4-h S"7 7th St,. Gas pipirr to 5 heating units row _7- i I 304 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 8, 1968 R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON APPOINTMENTS Appointment of Committee to represent the City in negotiating with Local 21R Washington State Council of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO Mayor's letter appointing Mr. Angelo Righi to membership on the Fair Housing Commission IAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Resolution transferring fiends in the Street Department to finance blacktop asphalting of Davis Street So., Shattuck St. So., Morris St. So., Lake St. So. and 13th Ave. South and 12th Avenue North, $17,700.00. % Resolution for Final Plat, Interlake No. 2, FP-453-68, located between S.E. 100th St. and S.E. 104th St. , and 108th and 112th Avenues S.E., Single Family Residential. Rezone Ordinances: • Springbrook Lands, Inc., R-454-68, G to R-3, S.E. corner of Talbot Road and South 180th Street for medical center and professional offices. Edward A. Holcomb property, R-468-68, G7200 to R-3, located on Sunset Blvd. E ., between 132nd and 138th Avenues S.E., proposed multi-family residential Chester A. Biggins property, R-474-68, R-1 to R-3, located at 2515 Sunset Blvd. E., proposed as multi-family residential Alec Bakamus R-475-68, R-1 to B-1, located on K Street between Sunset Blvd. E. and 10th Avenue North Resolution appropriating $225.00 from Current Fund excess revenues into Non-Departmen- tal 1141, Acct. 314, Expert Services, to finance payment 6f appraisals by Fred Akers of portion of 91st Ivenue South, ($1.00.00) and portion of South 128th St., (125.00) MEETINGS AND EVENTS: July 12, 1968 - 9:30 a.m. , Kin& County Courthouse - Board of Equalization July 22, 1968 - Public Hearing - Annexation of Ivan Cibeault Property July 22, 1968 - Hearing on PBR appeal of Planning Commission decision regarding Taco Time sign APPOINTMENT Kenneth A. Walls to 6 mos. probationary period as Fireman in the Renton Fire Dep't. effective July 16, 1968 i v� 05 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 8, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant Shane and Barei. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Lynn Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director and Gene Coulon, Park Director. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that the minutes of the previous meeting of July 1, 1968 be approved as written. The motion carried. Mayor Custer at this time presented Community Service Award Placque to Mrs. Peggy Shideler, expressing thanks and appreciation for her services as a member of the Renton Park Board. Mayor Custer reported receiving two communications after deadline date for Agenda preparation and it was moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, that letter from Roger I. Lewis, Attorney and T. J. Hogan regarding local taxicab company operations, and letter from Mr. Larry McKibben, President, Wn. State Council of County and City Employees, be admitted to the Agenda for reading this evening. Carried. Mr. McKibben requested that formal negotiations begin between the City and employees represented by Local 21R and inquired regarding parties to be contacted in this regard. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris, to refer the appointment of such parties to the Council Committee on Appointments. Carried. Letter from Roger I. Lewis, Attorney, advised that his clients Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hogan, contract sellers of the Renton Yellow Cab, Inc. and Renton Radio Cab Co, have taken contract forfeiture proceedings against Roger A. and Mary Lou .� Hokanson, and have repossessed the properties and interests of said businesses. The Hogans are now selling their interests to Mr. James Abraham and would claim full property interest in licenses heretofore issued to Renton Radio Cab Company and Renton Yellow Cab, Inc. by the City and would expect due and proper notice of any interim proceedings by the City or its agents to nullify or recall these licenses. Letter from the Hogans requested permission to consumate sale of the aforementioned cab companies to Abraham with transfer of eleven licenses being anticipated. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson reported that the City of Kent Annexation, Boundary Review Board File #A-40, is located between 112th and 116th Avenues S .E. adjoining the northerly margin of S .E . 240th Street, approximately 34 miles Southerly of Renton's most Southerly boundary. Letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested fund transfer in sum of $17,700.00 for purpose of blacktop asphalting Davis Street South, Shattuck Street South, Morris Street South, Lake Street South, 13th Avenue South and 12th Avenue North. (From Street Functional Account 1310, 801 Roads, unto Capital Outlay Account 605) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. City Clerk Nelson read a Memo regarding Annexation to Renton of the Ivan Gibeault property, advising that the Boundary Review Board has concluded actions on this matter and it is now -before the City Council for public hearing and final procedures. This Memo had been directed to various officials and departments concerned by the City Clerk. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, that July 22nd be set for public hearing on this annexation. The motion carried. Letter from the Washington State Highway Commission submitted Certification of State Routes of State Highways within the limits of incorporated cities and towns as of July 1, 1968. The publication will be on file in the City Clerk's office . -1- � i I 306 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/8/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recom- mendations, which were read with Council action being taken as follows: Final Plat Application FP-453-68,_ Interlake No. 2, located between S.E. 100th Street and S.E . 104th Street and 108th and 112th Avenues S .E . ; proposed use is single family residential which is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. During discussion,need for sewers in the area was n6tod to be of prime importance as a factor in future development of the area, it being mentioned that two preliminary plats are presently pending in the vicinity. The pending motion carried. Rezones Springbrook Lands Inc., 'Appl. R-454-68, from G to R-3, located at S.E . corner of Talbot Road and South 180th Street. proposed use is medical center and .professional offices. Comprehensive Plan indicates medium density multi-family residential. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur in the rezone as recommended. The motion carried. Edward A. Holcomb, Appl. R-468-68, rezone from G7200 to R-3 on property located on Sunset Blvd. E. between 132nd and 138th Avenues S.E. Proposed use is multi-family residential which is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan which designates multi- family residential and commercial. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission to grant the rezone . Carried. Chester Biggins Appl. R-474-68 from R-1 to R-3 on property located at 2515 Sunset Blvd. East. Proposed use is multi-family residential which is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Shane, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the rezone . The motion carried. . Alec Bakamus Appl. R-475-68, rezone from R-1 to B-1 on property located on "K" Street between Sunset Blvd. E. and 10th Avenue North. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the rezone recommendation. Planning Director Ericksen designated the locations of the rezones on a wall map, it being noted that there had been no protest from residents of the single family area. The pending motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the rezone items to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Ordinances. Carried. Letter from the PBR Company appealed decision of Planning Commission at its public hearing meeting of Jiine 26th in regard to Taco Time sign installation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, that July 22nd be set for hearing on the appeal. Discussion disclosed that the Commission had not denied the sign requested to be installed on top of the building but had determined that the presently existing non- conforming sign should be removed when the new one is installed. The pending motion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Josephine Peterson commented regarding the poor acoustics in the Council , Chamber with the noise from the fans,questioning whether the heat were the lesser of the evils. Mayor Custer reported checking for possible locations to meet in the summer months as directed by the Council and two possible locations had been considered however attention was called to City Clerk's report that it would take considerable time to revise the bid call_, public hearing and other public notice forms which now read City Council Chambers as well as general notice to the public of the change. It was felt that by the time revisions could be made there would be just a few weeks until the new City Hall will be available and a month would not be time enough to warrant required revisions or pursuance of other locations. Mr. Richard Stredicke and Mr. Norman Ross, Planning Commission Members both spoke in regard to the need for sewers in connection with the proposed plats pending and the final plat adopted this evening and,inquiring regarding the progress of the City's Comprehensive master sewer plan,urged that the Council give consideration to initiation of trunk line provisions to eliminate the future need for double sewer expense to property owners. The preparation of the Comprehensive Master Sewer plan was discussed and its enormity insofar as implementation problems and 4 months preparation time is concerned. Possible mode of funding was noted along with fact that having the plan on paper does not help the present situation. During further discussion it was noted that the matter is in the Sanitation Com- mittee at present and that a report of progress on the plan will be presented in the near future. Mr. Lennie Hutchens asked for and was furnished a copy of the Minutes from the joint meeting between the Planning Commission and the City Council regarding the Comprehensive Plan. -2- t 307 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/8/68 AUDIENCE COMMENT: (Cont.) Mr. Emmett Budd, 9531 - 100th Ave. S.E., expressed desire to secure sanitary sewer service noting his residence to be in location which has petitioned heretofore and failed due to protest. He also called attention to verbally proposed apartment to which he was opposed in vicinity of his neighborhood and inquired regarding sewer line installation by the City with assessment billings in Seattle in 1910 and why Renton could not initiate like proceeding. He noted that septic tank effluent from the areas above the lower Kennydale area was , causing very odious condition below. i APPOINTMENTS . Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Kenneth A. Walls to position of Fireman in the Renton Fire Department, effective July 16, 1968 for six-months probationary period as per Civil Service Rules and. Regulations. Civil Service' Commission Certification and Fire Chief Walls' recommendation for appointment were attached. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Angelo Righi to membership on the Fair Housing Commission for the City of Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to refer the letter to the Council Com- mittee on Committee Appointments. Carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Ways and Means Committee Chairman, Councilman Schellert, submitted recommendation that funding of appraisal costs in sum of $100.00 for portion of 91st Avenue South appraisal; $125.00 for portion of South 128th Street, payable to Fred Akers, be authorized from excess revenue in the Current Fund by appropriation into Non- Departmental 1141, Account 314, Expert Services. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendation of the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordi- nance Committee. Carried. Councilman Morris, Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman, moved that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 4079 through 4164, having been previously approved by the N. Committee, be approved for payment at this time by the City Council. The motion was seconded by Barei and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 13,729.30 4079 - 4111 City Street Fund 9,213.30 4112 - 4120 Equipment Rental 10,717.07 4121 - 4129 Parks 1,704.62 4130 - 4144 Water Works Utility 5,781.64 4145 - 4153 Airport 1,089.90 4154 - 4156 Firemen's Pension '. 4157 - 4163 City Hall Construction 14,675.00 4164 $-57,246-71 Property Committee Chairman, Councilman Barei, reported recommendation that the low bid of Radio Corporation of America, Camden, New Jersey, be accepted on Alternate No. 1 and Alternate No. 2, solid state and test set, Mobile Radio Unit Communications System Modification Project. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recom- mendations . The motion carried. Councilman Shane inquired regarding the resignation of the Mayor noting conversation between them to this effect and expressing concern for the budget preparation. Mayor Custer advised of such discussion with members of the Council noting talk of possible resignation to go back into the hardware business since the death of his father, but stated he does not plan to resign until the end of his term or as he may at such time as the City might elect another form of government, but in any event he is not resigning at the present time. Councilman Shane inquired regarding preparation of the Budget and Mayor Custer read the Budget Calendar prepared by the City Clerk and distributed to all Department Heads Boards and Commissions with schedule as re- quired by law, and noted Councilmen's perogative at designated time, to specify budget allocation of moneys for specific purposes. Councilman Grant inquired regarding improvements to S.E. 132nd Street and noting especially the area between the school and the cemetery commended the street department for the improvement of sidewalk, asphalting,halting, g rading and culverting P P which was greatly needed. -3- 30 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/8/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Light and Power Committee Chairman, Councilman Grant, submitted report recommending that attached agreement for services of H. Zinder and Associates in regard to electric power and service analysis and comparison survey, be approved by the City Council and forwarded to said firm for execution. Chairman Grant stated that the Committee and City Attorney had met along with the Consultants and agreement document had been prepared covering terms and conditions favorable to each of the parties. Councilman Morris reported as a minority of the Committee that he had not signed the recommendation and felt that the agreement should be reviewed by all Council Members in order that they might be apprised of what is to be derived from the $6,000.00 expenditure, subsequently moving that the report be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Schellert. After various opinions and suggestions were rendered,question was called for on the motion to refer which resulted in dissenting voice vote and proper request for roll call vote . The vote was recorded as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm and Edwards. No: Perry, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. The motion lost five ayes to six no votes. Discussion resumed on the pending motion to concur in execution of the contract,inquiry being made regarding areas to be surveyed and results over which the Council would have no jurisdiction, the City Attorney pointing out limitations of scope of the study within funds to be made available and noting the subject to be of political not legal issue inquiries, some questions beyond the terms set forth in the present agreement possibly to require additional study and cost. The pending motion subsequently carried. Councilman Grant submitted Light and Power Committee recommendation that the requirement of duplicate facilities being placed underground be removed from the Franchise Ordinance. Moved by Grant, seconded by Morris, to concur. Discussion ensued regarding containment of the Underground Wiring Ordinance and Franchise Ordinance it being noted that during 30 day publication period there may not be changes which are of less benefit to the City but only if more beneficial and insertion was made in the interim. Recess was requested and declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Mayor Custer ruled that the previous motion was out of order on the grounds that it was not in the best interest of the City. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Grant, that any- correspondence submitted after the cut-off time for Agenda preparation, and accepted for placement on the Agenda, be read last on the list. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti advised that the Board of Equalization will be hearing two Renton appeals on Friday at 9: 30 a.m. and Councilman Schellert and Grant were requested to be present. (King County Court House) Councilman Shane noted 122% increase in property assessments and -rise in taxes beyond any wage increases granted employees and urged that inquiry be made of the County as to why the escalation to such extent. Councilman Grant inquired regarding City's notification of current assessed valuation. Mayor Custer advised of increase of some 21 million dollars in Renton to total 1.93 million dollars assessed valuation. City Clerk Nelson advised that this is an estimate and does not include utilities and that the official certification of assessed valuation will be received in September. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to adjourn at this time . The motion was carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. There were 27 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. _Custer, Mayor -4- 3011) Office of the City Clerk 7-8-68 Permits issued by the Building and Engineering Departments Building Permits No. Amount Name Address ape of Vlork B (065 700.00 Ralph Ghent Jr. 505 K Street Const. patio cover (066 1,000.00 Etha C. Hayes 2212 9th PI . Add kitchen 1067 550.00 Franklin Price 420 Langston FI . New fence Electrical Permits E 1018 400.00 Parkwood Homes Inc 2701 Prince Ave. Wire new residence 1019 400.00 " 709 Trinity Ct. " E 1020 400.00 " 2501 Prince Ave. 1021 250.00 Boulevard Tavern 10826 Lk. W n. Blvd. Inst. 200 Amp serv. 1022 50.00 Mansfield & Mathews 10811 113th S.E. Aire addition 1023 173, 177.00 The Boeing Co. N. Renton Complex Bldgs. Generator,Dist. Sys., Branch Ckt. wiring & Lighting Fixtures 1024 40,000.00 " Sub #3 to 4-62 Feeders & new Sub sta. E 1025 300.00 " 4-21 Bldg. Inst. ckts & new recpts 1026 250.00 " 10-71 . 1 Bldg. Inst. breakers & recpts 1027 250.00 " 10-55 Bldg. Inst. drivematics 1028 50.00 " 10-60 Bldg. Reloc. floor stacks 1029 250.00 " 4-21 Bldg. Inst. duct heaters E 1030 50.00 ° 10-55 Bldg. Inst. 4 duplex drops 1031 685.00 " 10-58 Bldg. Inst. drops 1032 75.00 Edwin B. Gillispie 569 J Street New wirings & recpts Mechanical Permits M 1026 6-------- - H.D.. Cromer 3502 8th Ave, No. Plumbing & Fixtures • 1027 ---------- Leo Roush 12649 89th So, Inst, gas furnace 1028 ---------- The Boeing Co, 4-03 Bldg, 3 floor drains & trap 1029 ---------- 1110-52 Bldg. Inst. water & vents M 1030 ---------- Parkwood Homes+ 2701 Prince Ave. Furnace & hot coater tnk 1031 ---------- it 2601 Prince Aire. " 1032 ---------- it 614 Royal Dr, " 1033 ---------- " 617 Royal Dr, " 1034 ---------- " 521 Royal Or, Plumbing & fixtures M 1035 --- . ----- Parkwood Homes Inc 617 Royal Dr, Inst. furnace 1036 ---------- it 605 Royal Dr, " Sewer Permits No. 457. Leo Roush 12651 89th So. Sewer service 458 _---_----- Leo Roush 12649 89th So. it 459 ____ _ _r_ Powell Const, 10738 115th Ave. SE ItNo. 460 _ - - _ It10714 114th Ave. SE it 461 --_-_ - McGrath Corp. 13201 SE 107th Pl. " 462 --� - " 13207 SE 107th PI . " 463 --------- " 13216 SE 107th PI . " 464 ---------- ►' 13401 SE 107th Pl . No. 465 ---------- „ 13407 SE 107th PI . 466 - ,� 13413 SE 107th P1 . It 467 Benaroya Const. 970 Thomas Street " -5- i c'3 i 1. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 15, 1968 R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Sears Roebuck & Company request to fly helium balloons from top of store building LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Six Year Comprehensive Street Program Revision Ordinance Rezone Ordinances: F. E. Lawrence property G-6000 to R-3, Corner S.E. 94th Street and 104th Avenue S.E. in the Kennydale area Cayford-Huseland property G and G-6000 to R-3 located on Lake Wn. Blvd. between S.E. 91st Place and S.E. 91st Street, Kennydale Annexation Ordinance - Gene E. Lynn and Associates property at Talbot Road and Spring- brook Road, RBR File A-85, Renton File A68-03 Legislation regarding 72 hour waiting period on delivery of hand guns CITY ATTORNEY and INSURANCE CARRIER Pacific Northwest Bell Co. Claim,estimated cost $75.00, on cable repair severed in waterline installation on Renton Avenue SANITATION COMMITTEE Parks & Sons letter regarding Boeing Company garbage and refuse disposal contract WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Fund Transfer regarding Sundry Sales Bill #2041 which 'is not required and was not . effected since payment had subsequently been made MEETINGS AND EVENTS July 16, 1968 - Council Committee on Appointments at 7:30 p.m. in Conference Room July 22, 1968 - Valley Regional Planning Commission meeting with the City Council at 6:30 p.m., City Hall in Renton, to discuss program and goals August 5, 1968 - Bid Opening - Stage 2 development -' Lake Wn. Beach Park bathhouse and stove shelter August 5, 1968 - Bid Opening - Blacktop asphalting of 12th Avenue North, Sunset Blvd. E. to 132nd Ave. S.E. August S. 1968 - Bid Opening on tennis court resurfacing and repairs as budgeted August 5,. 1968 - Public Hearing. on proposed annexation of People's Bank property located in vicinity of So. 122nd Street and Rainier Avenue . 3 14 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 15, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant and Shane . MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Edwards that the absent Councilman be excused, it being noted that Councilman Barei is on vacation. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. SHellan,'Ci.ty Isttorney;-Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer and Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner. MOVED by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that the minutes of the previous meeting of July 8, 1968 be approved as written. Councilman Shane inquired why the minutes do not show the verbal no votes when motions are carried. City Clerk Nelson pointed out that there is no way to determine the no votes when twelve Councilmen are voting and that all roll call votes are recorded and any other vote is entered into the record at request of the Council Member. Upon inquiry as to parliamentary procedure City Attorney Shell-an confirmed that the minutes should show whether the motion is defeated or carried and unless it is a roll call vote the insertions are made only upon request. The pending motion subsequently carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PROPOSED REVISION TO THE CITY'S SIX YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Mr. Frank Storey inquired regarding access from the North Renton area and City Engineer Wilson advised that this project of pedestrian access would not qualify under the subject program and would be classified under a different project, the pre=sent revisions to the street program required to be updated each year and covering a six year period. Mayor Custer noted that the matter of pedestrian access is being considered with some mention to be included in the preliminary budget for next year. Mr. Richard Stredicke inquired regarding County participation and if the list designates the priority. It was noted that the County has its own program and it would be expected that 138th would be emphasized in that case since it seems to be their main arterial route, and no priority is established by' the placement on the list as every project has been included which it was felt might come up in Renton in. the future.With some traffic control to be possibly required with completion of State Highway projects,additional matching funds may be available. The plan merely serves as a guide and costs are anticipated,bearing in mind that time escalates the cost, annual revision required accordingly. MOVED by Delaurenti., seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Councilman Shane asked what benefit the residents receive from these future plans on arterials which should be State Highway responsibility, and Mayor Custer replied that it was to serve people within the City as well as those who come in to workshop or attend dance- halls, taverns, etc., with the improved right of ways being used more by the _local residents as a route home than previously.Th6 work is accomplished according to priority need, the question of whether interior streets should be improved rather than the arterials is another Problem as this plan allows participation in some funding assistance not granted for interior streets. Councilman Shane felt the interior streets should be as great in priority as the state highways. bow Councilman Perry called attention to recent report,having to do with the last meeting of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, wherein Dr. Slavin,who assists Cities in their funding assistance programs, in recognition of the problem in Bremerton and Renton with daytime influx of population noted unique situations, and the Conference has taken action to seek legislation to provide additional revenue to alleviate the burden of additional population. Minute excerpt was read outlining details of the action, and proposals to be presented at the next session of the Legislature. j Councilman Shane staged he would like to see a like program adopted for the streets within the City as well as those in the City Engineer's recommendation and he did not feel the Council Should `-sake action on the matter before. them tonight. Mayor Custer advised that tlii.s I0P01I.- is required by State Law and is to be filed with the State while the interior pro,f:rtam is a separate one with no fund aid nor filing requirement. -1- 312 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 7/15/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Six-Year Comprehensive Street Improvement Program Councilman Shane inquired as to when the local streets are to be improved and Mayor Custer noted recent work completed on streets in North Renton, South Renton, the Kennydale area and $17,000.00 allocation of last week for Talbot Hill area and 12th Avenue North, among others. The pending motion to close the hearing -carried. The hearing was closed and council action invited. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adopt the Six Year Comprehensive Street Improvement Program as revised and presented by the City Engineer. The motion carried. MOVED by Perry, and seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: FLOYD E. LAWRENCE APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION (Denial of rezone from G-6000 to R-3) Corner S.E. 94th Street and 104th Avenue S.E., Kennydale area. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Petition containing 23 signatures wa.s read opposing the rezone prior to installation of sewers. Letter from real estate Representative, Mrs. Josephine Peterson, advised that the zoning is in agreement with the existing Comprehensive Plan and the purchaser, whose offer expires on July 17th, acknowledges that building permit cannot be obtained until sewers are available. It was felt the rezone would enhance and upgrade the area rather than being detrimental, serving as a buffer between business and residential areas and possible helping to get the sewers. Kennydale Community Club letter favored the rezone noting proximity of existing business and that replacement of present structure would constitute definite improvement. Planning Director Ericksen's letter outlined Planning Commission action and recommendation of R-2 as highest and best use to allow adequate regulatory controls. Audience comment was invited. Mrs. Peterson, 1458 Hillcrest Drive, reviewed the contents of her letter urging the rezone . Mr. Walt Tracey, 10227 S.E. 94th Street, opposed the rezone because of population density without adequate sewer facilities. Mr. F. E. Lawrence, applicant, advised that statement had been prepared to the effect that no building will commence until sewers are available and requested approval to allow planning to proceed between now and such time. Mr. Chauncey W. Betts, 10046 S.E. 94th noted residency of some 21 years in the area and objected to apartments in the residential district anticipating problems of population and parking. MOVED by Shane, seconded by Edwards, the hearing be closed. After considerable discussion regarding covenant attachment, prior zoning of properties when in the County, review of sewer needs, proximity of single family areas with regard to view restriction, established business locations and proposed Comprehensive Plan revision, the pending motion carried. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. MOVED by Shane, seconded by Edwards, that the request for R-3 zoning be granted with the reservation that no building permit be granted up to five years hence unless sewers are available within that period or by that time. Carried. MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Shane, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carrded. PUBLIC HEARING: CAYFORD-HUSELAND APPEAL OF REZONE DENIAL BY PLANNING COMMISSION ( G and G-6000 to R-3)Lake Wn. Blvd. between S.E . 91st Pl. and S.E . 91st. Street in the Kennydale area This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communications opposing the rezone were read from Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McGill, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bell and Elda and James Fawcett, due to loss of desirable residential district and view. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen outlined the Planning Com- mission denial action and recommendation of R-2 as highest and best use to allow some regulatory control of the development. Audience comment was invited. Mr. Frank Storey, 11007 - 109th Ave. S.E. recalled annexation and circulation of petitions prior thereto,st-at lig it was 'then publicised that none of the zoning would be changed when the properties became a part of the City, and questioned policy now being observed. Mr. Amos Huseland, 10410 - 116th Ave. S .E . , spoke on behalf of the rezone stating he owned two of the five lots involved which were zoned Business while in the County and he had worked avidly for annexation being assured by City Officials at that time that his zoning would remain unchanged. His annexation object was to get sewers and he. has not taken action to develop as he was not aware it would be changed. He read Section D of Ordinance #1869 in part which provides - - no change shall be effected with regard to existing status, uses, rights and limitations established in such area respectively, at the time of such annexation - - -. He felt the apartment would upgrade the area by eliminating old buildings now existing, acknowledging some view restriction which would result even with construction of a single family residence . Principal access is to be via existing alleyway. -2-- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 7/15/68 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cayford-Huseland) Appeal Mr. Lloyd McGill, 9828 S .E. 91st Place, Mrs. P. M. Everett, 9105 - 100th S.E ., Mr. Graham Bell, 9827 S.E . 91st Place, Mr. Keith Mellor, 6412 South Bryan Street, Seattle, on behalf of his father, all spoke in opposition, along with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gaidos, 10004 S .E. 91st Place who noted litter problem with present population, being near the market. Mr. Norman Ross and Mr. Dick Stredicke, Planning Commissioners outlined Commission actions noting land levels and expressed regard for nearby resi- dential properties and view restrictions (their objections being later ruled out of order since they had already voted on the matter at Planning Commission hearings) Mrs. Huseland noted that the upper portion of the property is intended for ... parking purposes which will not be too restrictive with many people in the area feeling it would be a great improvement and upgrading of the area. Mrs. Roberta Hodge, 9841 S .E . 93rd Street, answered inquires regarding the Kennydale Community Club support of the. rezone, of which she is Secretary, and Planning Director Ericksen showed film slides of the property and right of way for proposed access and egress and various views of adjacent properties. Councilman Schellert inquired whether the City could lower existing use upon annexation of an area and City Attorney Shellan pointed out that this is unimproved property with no existing use, advising that the City could have chosen to adopt the existing zonings of properties upon annexation which it did not do, but rather, the property is put in a "G" holding category which allows continuation of an existing use, and that zoning and use are not one and the same. Councilman Shane stated if a zoning is adequate in the County it should be given the same zoning upon annexation and planning procedures should be changed . in this respect. MOVED by Shane, seconded by Grant, that the hearing be closed. Carried. MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, that decision of the Planning Commission be reversed and the R-3 rezone be granted. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Grant, that the motion be amended,(to which revision of application applicant affirmed his agreement,)to -include R-3 rezone, except on Lot 4 which shall be R-2. Discussion followed during which the audience was advised of results of the action taken, it being noted that view can be blocked whether R-1, R-2 or R-3 zoning is granted. It was pointed out that the area is at the present time being sewered and that other apartments have been approved within the past two year period with alleyway access. The amendment to the motion carried in r... regard to Lot 4 being R-2. Question was called for on the original motion as amended and it was MOVED by Shane, seconded by Perry,to amend the motion by inserting provision that no building permits shall be granted for period of five years unless sewers are available to the property within or by that time. Carried. The original motion, as twice amended, was subsequently carried. MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Shane, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. MOVED by Shane, seconded by Grant, to recess. The motion carried. After the recess, roll call was taken with all present except Shane, Bruce, and Barei. PUBLIC HEARING: ANNEXATION - GENE E. LYNN & ASSOCIATES Property located at Talbot Road and Springbrook Road, Review Board File A-85, City of Renton File A68-03 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communications nor comments from the audience on the matter and it was MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the hearing be closed. Carried. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to accept the 'annexation to the City of Renton and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. The motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, the report of the Auditing and Accounting Committee be made next. Carried. .. Chairman Morris reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers No. 4165 through 4266, by the Auditing and. Accounting Committee and MOVED that same be approved by the Council for payment at this time . Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 4165 - 4192 City Street Fund 15,6148 ,08 4193 - 4208 Cedar River M. & I . 79.35 4209 - 4211 Equipment Rental 1,125.48, 4212 - 4220 Library 19552 03 4221 - 4223 Parks 65084.82 , 4224 - 4242 Waterworks Utility 6,068 .00 4243 - 4255 Airport 513.93 . 4256 - 4261 Firemen's Pension Fund 50.86 4266 City Hall Const. Fund 96,793.94 4262, - 4265 -3- 314 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/15/68 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Councilman Trimm, Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, submitted Ordinances for.: Council consideration as follows: Rezone - Edward Holcomb Property, Sunset Blvd. between 132nd Ave. S .E . and 138th Street S.E ., G-7200 to R-3. (File R468-68) Proposed Ordinance was read by the City Clerk and it was MOVED by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was MOVER by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2416 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. Rezone - Chester Biggins property, 2515 Sunset Blvd. E., R-1 to R-3 (File R474-68) Proposed Ordinance was placed on first reading. MOVED by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2417 as read. Roll- call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting aye. Carried. Rezone: Alec Bakamus Property on K Street between Sunset Blvd. E . and 10th Ave. No. R-1 to B-1 (File R475-68) After first reading, it was MOVED by Morris, seconded by Perry, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was MOVED by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2418 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: Proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Street Department Funds from Street Functional Acct. 1310/801, Roads Unto: Street Functional 1310/605, Structures and Improvements, in sum of $17,700.00. Also From Working Budget, Street Maintenance Acct. 1320/417, Material & Supplies, Unto: Street Maintenance Acct. 1320/605, Structures and Improvements in same amount. MOVED by Morris, seconded -by Maxin, to adopt Resolu- tion No. 1557 as read. Carried. Resolution was read authorizing appropriation of excess revenues in the Current Fund in sum of $225.00 unto Non-Departmental account 1141/314, Expert Services. (To fund appraisal fees to Fred Akers on 91st So. and S . 128th) MOVED by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1558 as read. The motion carried. Resolution as read by the City Clerk approved adoption of the Final Plat of Interlake No. 2,area located between S.E. 100th and 104th Streets and 108th & 112th Avenues S.E. (File FP 453-68) MOVED by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1559 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read adopting Comprehensive Six-Year Street Program as amended revised and modified pursuant to provisions of Chapter 83 of the Extraordinary Session Laws of 1967, RCW 35.77.010 particular reference. "Exhibit A"incorporatedth.erein and made a part thereof as if fully set forth. MOVE by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1560 as read. The motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: MOVED by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that communications A through H be considered at this time and items 'requested be granted. Carried. Included were bid call requests, progress payments, and request of Valley Regional Planning Commission for meeting, as follows: Park Director Coulon's request to call for bids on bathhouse and stove shelter which are a part of the Stage 2 development of Lake Wn. Beach Park project. August 5th was requested as bid opening date. City Engineer's request for authorization to make final payment to Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield on Phase I of Cedar River Well 48 per C.AG. 1262-68 in sum of $450.00. Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, request for bid call on blacktop asphalting of 12th Avenue North from Sunset Blvd. E . to 132nd Ave. S.E. with August 5, 1968 as bid opening date. Park Director's request for authorization to pay Progress Estimate No. ]. on C.AG. 1286-68, Lake Wn. Beach Park work by Red Samm Mining Co., Inc, $51,668.25; and Olson, Richert, Bignold, Architects for services on Stage I development, C.AG. 1240-67, $3,763.39. -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/15/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Items approved for payment and authorized as requested: Park Director Coulon's request to call for bids on tennis court resurfacing and repair as budgeted with bid opening on Aughst 5th. Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Company certification of progress payments and statement for services on new City Hall, approved by Mayor Custer as verification. Estimate #24 due Johnston, Campanella, Murakami & Co., C.AG. 1014-66, $1,487.43; Progress Estimate #11 due Absher. Construction, C.AG. 1160-67, $73,528.29; Chapman Electric Progress Estimate #7, C.AG'. 1158_67, $9,134.14; McKinstry Company Estimate I am #11, C.AG. 2160-67, $12,644.08, Valley Regional Planning Commission request for a meeting on July 22, 1968 with the Council at 6:30 p.m., City Hall, Renton, for presentation of proposed program and goals of the Commission. Pacific Northwest Bell Company Claim against the City was -read in connection with cable severed during city backhoe operation on waterline placement on Renton Avenue. Moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, to -refer the Claim to the City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. Letter from Sears Roebuck & Company -requested variance to fly four helium balloons from the top of the store building to assist in promotion commencing July 29th. Moved by Grant, seconded by Edwards, to refer the request to the Board of Adjustment for recommendation. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to adjourn. The motion lost. The City Clerk reported receipt,from the State Planning and Community Affairs Agency, of current population and rank of cities within the -State, Renton -now being down to 13 from 12th with present population of 24,550, with Bellevue now 9th having been 13th, with population of 29,500. Library Board and Director's letter requested that the sum of $1,943.04 be transferred back to Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 from the Library Fund since payment of Sundry Sales Bill #2041 for sprinkler had been made in March with budgeted funds. The City Clerk reported that the transfer had not been effected on this payment since the bill had already been paid so there is no need for action on this transfer request which is for Council information. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee . Carried. Association of Washington Cities bulletin called attention to the availability of funds for Outdoor Recreation and Referendum No. 18 and Fact Sheet outlined provisions of the Referendum. It was urged that the Referendum be publicised since support can substantially augment the budget in the coming years, Local action Committees were recommended and the Mayor was requested to send the name of the local action committee chairman to Secretary Biesen with copies to cf-chairmen who were listed. Letter from the State of Washington Municipal Committee advised of scheduled Meetings of the Western Advisory Subcommittee and Eastern Advisory Subcommittee during the month of July, with Agenda of such meetings, to be on file in the Clerk's Office. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Street and Alley Committee Chairman. Garrett reported that petitioners request for paving of portion of N Street was reviewed and the street commissioner has advised that the City's practice isto maintain but not to pave unimproved streets Developer put in - this street, but unless policy is changed the City would not be able to do it. Mayor Custer reported receipt of a letter concerning annexatiDn of Peoples Bank property,(vicinity of South 122nd Street and Rainier. Avenue ),and since hearing is required and they are not aware of deadline date for the Agenda some action should be taken at this time. MOVED by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to allow the reading of the communication. Carried, This letter was report from the Boundary Review Board advising of approval of the subject annexation, their file A-105. MOVED by Delaurenti, seconded try Schellert, that August 5, 1968 be set for hearing on the proposed annexation, C-arried. (Our File 68-04) (The traffic engineer was requested to invest'_ga.te.extent of encroachment over public right of way in design of theg arkin area which i`.. was felt constituted traffic hazard at this business P location. . -5- 316 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/15/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont.) Councilman Perry, recalled earlier report on Puget Sound Governmental Conference action, and noted that he had distributed monthly bulletin to Councilmen and regarding an article therein, advised Tacoma had assumed its share of the cost of the Air Transportation Study, reporting also on actions of the Transportation Committee of the Conference in regard to the 3rd Lake Wn: bridge and connections- to the freeway system. Councilman Delaurenti, Police and License Committee Chairman, submitted proposal regarding 72 hour waiting period on delivery of hand guns which he felt should likewise be adopted in Renton, MOVING that it be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for presentation next week. The motion was seconded by Grant and carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, that the absent Councilmen be excused and it was reported that Mr. Bruce had requested to leave due to illness. The motion carried. Councilman Morris recalled letter from Parks & Sons inquiring regarding Boeing garbage and refuse disposal contract which letter, referred to the Utility Department, needs further action as they wish to bid on the new contract and the award to Valley of Proposal #2 leaves this matter open and a matter of policy. It was moved by Morris, seconded Schellert, to refer the request of Parks and Sons to the Sanitation Committee nor recommendation. Carried. Councilman Maxin inquired regarding matters not meeting the Code at the "K" Street apartments and recommended that the Building Department make further overtures to correct the situation. Mayor Custer advised of progress to date and some legal problems involved as well as involvement with agreement between architects and access development, some of which may be resolved with further development of the property. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Council President Garrett requested a meeting of the Council Committee on Appointments on Tuesday, July 16th at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room off the Mayor's office. Councilman Morris inquired whether the new grandstand has been dedicated or named and Mayor Custer advised it has not and is called the Liberty Park Grandstand at this time. MOVED by Grant, seconded by Garrett, to name the grandstand the Glen Gianini Grandstand. Noting this was Park Department property, it was ?;OVER by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Park Board for report back. Carried. Discussion ensued .regarding matter of removing. brush and litter from properties Mr. Grant calling attention to corner of Tobin and Logan, and it was noted that City forces cannot extend services to private properties, owner of this particular si;ce having promised to take action to clean the area in question. Moved by Maxin, seconded by Edwards to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. There were 42 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- f t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7-15-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1,368 $714-,-0-00.00 E.Wechselberger I 30 7th Ave S Const, new residence 1o69 650.00 Cortina .Inc. 2445 10th PI . N Const , new fence B 1070 16,000.00 The Boeing Co, 10-60 Bldg, Office partitions 1071 100;00 O.E. Marr 9001 S. 124th St. Repair carport roof 1072 48,000.00 Wash., Jockey Club Longacres Finish work for 1968 073 10,000,00 Tonkin 305 Wells Ave S General remodeling 1 074 400.00 Pacific NW Bell 250 SW 7th St. Const, standard and sign W"075 14,000,00 Rudolph Zaputil 116io SE 105th P1 . Const., new residence 1076 14,000,00 Barbee Mill Co, 8015 Lk. Wn, Blvd. Const, new office 1077 65,000.00 H,S. Ferguson 955 Lind Ave SW Warehouse & office space 1078 4,000.00 Eric Haslam . 3123 6th Ave E Additions to house 1079 5,000.00 The Boeing Co, 4-20 & 4-21 Bldg Remodel women's restrooms B 1080 50.00 D.B. Rohde 9839 112th Ave SE Inst., fence 1081 976,00 The Boeing Co, 4-81 & 4-82 Bldg Const, wall ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 103 50.00 1 & A Const. 13303 SE 116th St. Temp. electrical service 1031.E 1 ,200,00 Walter Cook 15075 gist Ave S Wire office & mfg, bldg. E 1035 400.00 Manio Phillips 613 lith PI S Wire new residence 1036 250-00 Mr, Matthewson 425 Maple St. Wire panel & Conct, air-cond. 1037 400.00 Parkwood Homes 703 Trinity Ct. Wire new residence 1038 2,600.00 Dr. Koome 3112 12th Ave N Wire office- new service 1039 110.00 Vs Bellinato 1150 Shattuck So. Conct. dryer & inst. panel E 1040 894,,00 Diane Lackie 11006 SE 100th Wire new residence 1041 100.00 Towne House Rest. 209 Williams St. Repair wiring 1042 50,00 Rudolph Zaputil 11601 SE 105th Pi Temp, service 1043 400,00 James Wiehoff 9725 116th Ave SE Wire new residence 1014 24,368.66 The Boeing Co, 10-•65 Bldg. Re-route feeders & new Sub. E 1045 3,295.00 City of Renton Lake Wn. Beach Pk, Wire bathhouse & park house 1046 3,000.00 Cecil Whitaker 357 Factory Ave N Wire apartment 047 ---------- VOID ----------------- ------------------------ 048 480000 The Boeing Co, 4-63 Bldg, Power to conveyer & copier 1R049 232.00 4-01 Bldg, Review lighting & recpts, E 1050 242.00 " 10_80 Bldg. Inst. wiring - 33 heaters 1051 250,00 " 10-58 Bldg. Rearrange lighting 1052 239.00 " " Alter circuit to pump 1053 50,00 " " Service to grinder & machines 1054 227.00 " 5-14 Bldg. Service to Xerox copier E 1055 200.00 " 10-59 Bldg. Service to exhaust fan 1056 200,00 " Pre-Flight Facility Inst. receptacles 1057 600,00 10-54 Bldg, " 1058 . ------ VOID ------------------ ------------------------ 1059 250.00 The Boeing Co. 10-65 Bldg. Power to motor & air"cond. E 1060 200.00 " 10-80 Bldg Service to motor & fan lobi 242.00 " 4-20 Bldg.. Efectrical service 1062 211 .00 " 4-64 Bldg, Inst. lighting 1063 550.00 " 4-21 Bldg, Renovate offices 1064 250.00 " 4-63, 64, 76 Bldg, Inst. outlets for MAACS E 1065 800,00 " 4-20 & 4-21 Bldg. Lighting and recpts. 1066 231 .00 " 4-03 Bldg, Alter grinder and motor 1067 6,000,00 Sam Younker 3820 E Valley Hwy Wiring service 1068 1,000.00 Tonkin's Cafe 305 Wells Ave S Overhead to undergrd, sere. MECHANICAL PERMITS 1037 ----__---- James Wiehoff 9725 116th Ave SE Inst. plumbing & fixtures 1038 ---- --- Health Spa 127 So. 3rd St. Inst. 3 heating & cooling units 1039 ---------> Herve L. Belisle 11040 SE 97th St. Inst, plumbing & fixtures it N 1040 ---------- City of Renton So. 2nd St. Inst. sprinkler system 1041 - -------- City of Renton Renton City Hall (new) Inst. sprinkler system 1042 ---------- City of Renton Lk. Wash. Beach Pk, Inst. sprinkler system 1043 ---------- Clara Speegle 3706 6th Ave No Inst. gas heater 1044 ---------- Diane Lackie 11006 SE 100th Inst. plumbing & fixtures M 1045 ---------- The Boeing Co., 4-21 Bldg. Reroute vent line (046 --------- -- " 10-80 Bldg. Conct. hot & cold water & drain SEWER PERMITS ---------- Clara Speegle 3706 6th Ave No Sewer service Non 1469 -_--®---®o Gayle Holsen 1307 So, 9th Sty Sewur service RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S CTAI 22,= 1968 Office of the City Clerk BUILDING DEPARTMENT Issue permit for installation of new sign to Taco Time (P.B.R. Sign Corp.) CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim against City filed by Mrs. Myrtle Billing, 514 Burnett St. in connection with sidewalk fall on June 22nd. , vicinity of 422 Burnett St. CITY ENGINEER & SANITATION COMMITTEE Bids on Sewage lift station to serve Lake Washington Beach Park. For recommendation - Garbage contractor be authorized to enter into a separate contract agreement with Pacific Car & Foundry. Publishing - Garbage Pick-up and rate schedule - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Board of Public Works - That present policy regarding sewer uervice be revised and extensions be granted beyond the city limits. FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Cold Water Meter Supply ( 5/8" x 3/4"), Bid Opening. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Annexation of Ivan Gibeault property (S .E. 116th. St. and 132nd. Ave . S.E., File A67-03, Review Board File A-85) for proper Ordinance . Proposed Ordinance relating to and regulating the sale of pistols in the City of Renton. Amendatory Ordinance regarding the present garbage rate .Ordinance No. 2297 agree with the present rate bid by the Contractor. Rezone Ordinance: Gunnar Ostlund property, Appl. R-465-68, from G-6000 to L-1, which property is located on So. 150th. St. between 86th. and 87th. Avenues So. PARK DEPARTMENT AND PARK BOARD Mrs. Susan Lone's remarks suggesting public contest be held for naming of the new grandstand. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Bid on: Grade change and paving Lake Wash. Blvd. at access to Lake Wash. Beach Park. Red-Samm Mining Co., Inc. APPOINTMENT Bruce H. Phillips - Lieutenant eff. 7/16/68 (Renton Fire Department) MEETINGS AND EVENTS Julv 24, 1968 - Fire & Water Committee at 7:00 P.M. in Conference Room July 29, 1968 - SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL to further consider proposed revisions to the City's Comprehensive Plan. August 5, 1968 - Committee of the Whole - 7:00 P.M. August 9, 10, & 11, 1968 - Renton Art Show, on the Mall in the Renton Shopping Center. 319 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING July 22, 1968 8:00'P.M. Office of The City Clerk The regular meeting .of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, and Grant. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Councilmen (Shane and Barei) be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, •Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor and Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the minutes of the previous meeting of July 15, 1968 be approved as prepared and distributed. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: COLD WATER METER SUPPLY (5/8" x 3/4" Meters) This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer same to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. Crane Company, Seattle; Hersey—Sparling Co. , Dedham, Mass. ; Neptune Meter Co. , Calif. ; Pacific Waterworks Supply Co., Inc. , Seattle; Rockwell Mfg. Co., Calif. ; Worthington Corporation, Seattle. (See Tabulations attached) OPENING OF BIDS: LIFT STATION TO SERVE LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK This being the date set, the following submitted sealed bids which were opened and read: W. C. Frost Co. , Kent, Wn. ; Long & Wagster Co. , Seattle, Wn. ; O'Leary Construction, Inc. , Seattle, Wn., Pacific Bridge and Pile Co., Seattle, Wn. ; Guy M. Ball & Associates, Inc., Lynnwood and K. K. Larsen Construction, Inc. , Seattle, Wn.,Crown General Const: , Seattle It'was Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the City Engineer and the Sanitation Committee to report back. The motion carried. (See tabulations attached) OPENING OF BIDS: GRADE CHANGE AND PAVING — LAKE WN. BLVD. AT ACCESS TO LAKE WN. BEACH PARK This being the date set, sealed bid was opened and read from Red Samm Mining Co., Inc. , P. 0. Box 776, Redmond, Washington, in total amount of $13,543.20 which was the only bid received. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: ANNEXATION OF IVAN GIBEAULT PROPERTY (S..E. 116th Street and 132rid Avenue S.E . , File A67-03, Review Board File A44) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communica— tions and no audience comment and it was therefore moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, that tiie hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the annexation be accepted adding the territory to the corporate limits of the City, and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance . Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: TACO TIME APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION REGARDING SIGN This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Er.icksen was read outlining Commission review of the sign application in accordance with zoning ordinance requirement, "4-711: B-1 Business District (20)Billboards, advertising fto signs - — — plans shall be filed with the Planning Commission for approval." It was noted that the existing rotating sign had replaced a former reader board sign but its installation was not in accord with the plans subn.iitted at time of permit application, the proper setback not having been observed. The Commission felt the new sign on top of the building represents duplication of the existing sign and approved the new sign provided the existing rotating sign be eliminated. Mr. Mike Rathbun.. 6627 N.E. 191st Street, Kenmore, Washington, P.B.R. Sign Company Representative, and Mr. Keith Tonkin, 9515 Mt. View Drive,- Renton, owner of the Taco Time, spoke stating that the new sign is crated and on top of the building, no trouble in securing the permit having been anticipated, PBR having installed many signs in the City heretofore . Other non—conforming signs within the area were noted and inquiry made as to why this particular installation was halted. Discussion disclosed that the Building Department had referred the subject sign to the Planning Commission for recommenda— tion thus the installation had not been authorized at that time. 3.20 - Minutes .20Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/22/68 PUBLIC HEARING: TACO TIME APPEAL (Cont.) Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan stated that the City should not set any limit on the number of signs to be allowed as long as each complies with the Code and if the existing sign had been set back onto private property there would be no quarrel. He noted that amount of setback violation should be determined and if variance for the encroachment over public property is to be requested proper application should be made to the Board of Adjustment, otherwise removal or replacement of the existing sign may be required. During discussion it was noted that the new sign does conform to the Code and the subject is an administrative problem. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to close the hearing. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Building Department to issue the permit for installa- tion of the new sign since no violation exists. Carried. 0b% ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION LL 40 Councilman Trimm, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted for first W reading, Ordinance relating to and regulating the sale of pmstols in the City of Renton, 0 defining terms and certain offenses, providing notice and prescribing penalties and re- w O pealing any and all ordinances in conflict therewith. After the intrgductory reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded 'by Schellert, to refer the document to the Law and aUJ : Ordinance Committee for further recommendation. Carried. The Committee reported it MZ will hold the proposed Ordinance for one week. U ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION Chairman Trimm submitted the following Ordinances which were read by the City Clerk and adopted by the City Council this date. Rezone: Huseland-Cayford properties from G & G-6000 to R-2 (Lot 4) and R-3, Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, in general location of Lake Wn, Blvd. between S .E. 91st Place and S.E . 91st Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on its second and final reading . Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2419 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (R-471-68) Rezone of Floyd Lawrence property from 0-6000 to R-3, located on the SW corner of S .E . 94th Street and 104th Avenue S .E. After first reading, it was moved by Morris, and seconded by Edwards, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti_, seconded by Edwards, to adopt City }on . 2420 as read. Roll caJ_l vote resulted in all ayes. farrijed-. (R-472:-6,8) Councilman Trimm requested that item"g"on the Agenda be' read at this time and letter from. Utility Accountant Ted Bennett noted that the present garbage rate ordinance No. 2297 lists rates of. 80¢ per yard for 1.0 to 20 yard containers and 75� for 20 to 40 yard containers. Present rate bid by the Contractor. is $1.10 per yard for both unit sizes and it was recommended that the Ordinance be amended to $1.10 accordingly. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Amendatory Ordinance. The motion carried. Proposed Urdinance was read listing rate charges for handling of hydraulic handled containers as relating to the public health and sanitation, as per recommendation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. Mr... C. W. O'Dell expressed desire to speak on the matter before the Council. Moved by Grant, seconded by Trimm, the comments be allowed. Carried. Mr. O'Dell asked for clarification of various points regarding intent of the legislation as it rea.'Ited to his personal status and interpretation was requested as to how the general. public might also be affected. Mayor Custer invited further remarka under audience comment the matter, of amending the Ordinance presently being on the floor. After second and final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, to adopt Ordinance No. 2421 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen- voting aye except Grant who cast a negative vote. The motion carried 9 to 1. a Proposed Ordinance was read annexing certain territory, known as the Gene E. Lynn & Assoc. properties, to the City of Renton, located in vicinity of S .E. .180th and Springbr.00k Road. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti., to place the document on second and final_ reading. ' Carried. After the final. reading, it was moved by Delaurenti., seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2422 as read. Roll call_ vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried, (City File 68-03 and Review Board File A-85.) i Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/22/68 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION (Cont.) Proposed Ordinance was read annexing certain territory, known as Ivan Gibeault Property, to the City of Renton located invicinity of S.E. 116th Street, East of 132nd Avenue S.E .,(City File A67-03 and Boundary Review Board FileA$5) . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to adopt Ordinance No. 2423 as read. The motion was voted on by roll call vote which resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. r.. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION Proposed Resolution of the City was read authorizing transfer of excess revenue from the Equipment- Rental Fund unto Equipment Rental Fund, Central Garage #1510, Acct. 606, Machinery and Equipment in sum of $ 2,725.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, -to adopt Resolution No. 1561 as read. Carried. (To fund new police vehicle destroyed in fire and accident) CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Claim against the City was read, filed by Mrs. Myrtle Billing, 514 Burnett Street in connection with a fall on June 22nd on the sidewalk in vicinity of 422 Burnett Street. S. J. Vukov, M. D. statement of services rendered was attached. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to refer the claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. Letter from the Renton Aviation Board requested authorization to attend the Annual Aviation Council meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho on September 27 and 28, 1968 . Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request. The motion carried. Letter from W. E. Bennett, Accountant, reported, in accordance with Resolution No. 1274, that the valuation of the Utility's properties and assets as of December 31, 1967 was $7,162,083.13, which information is provided toy enable the Council to establish the service charge rate for 1969. The rate established previously was 'l.5% for 1967. g P Y Letter. from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, submitted and recommended for payment invoice of I.M.A. Painting Contractor, Inc. for work performed under C.AG. 1278-68, in sum of $5,135.13, completed July 18th and accepted by the Fire Department that date. Acceptance by the Council as of July 22, 1968 was recommended with commencement of the 30-day lien period as required by law. If after the lien period no claims or liens have been filed against the proect and upon proof of payment of tax liability, the retained amount of $570.39 to be released. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to accept the improvement with commencement of lien period and payment releases as recommended. The motion carried. Letter from the Board of Public Works, Jan Klippert, Chairman, reported study of the problem of unsanitary sewer conditions in the city caused by septic tank drainage, and findings that additional trunk lines can be provided by Metro if sufficient area need and development can be assured and that trunk lines presently planned by private developers, schools and Metro can serve certain County properties at no cost to the - City. extension Cit Also develo ment of Tans for future sewage system could be aided e e Y P P g Y Y of the city system into adjacent county areas. It was recommended that the present policy be revised and that sewer extensions be- granted beyond the city limits and exhibits were attached along with pictures of problem areas. It was felt that such extension would reduce some of the conflict resulting due to extending water and sewer districts by annexation which may confuse reasonable city development. Moved i by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer this policy matter to the Committee-of the Whole . The motion carried. Letter from Planning Director Erickson submitted Planning Commission recommendation that the Gunnar Ostlund property, Appl. R-465-68, be rezoned from G-6000 to L-1, which property is located on South 150th Street between 86th and 87th Avenues South. The proposed use is light industrial and the Comprehensive Plan indicates non_manufacturing industry which is in agreement therewith. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to refer the mat -er to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. Letter from W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, recommended that the garbage contractor be authorized to enter into an agreement with Pacific Car & Foundry similar to the one presently in effect with. The Boeing Company. Perry noted the Sanitation Committee is considering; change in this policy of separate contracts and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee for recommenda- tion. Carried. -3- 3.G 2 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/22/68 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Letter from Sears Roebuck & Co. resubmitted request to float advertising helium filled balloons from top of the building for promotion commencing July 29th. Board of Adjust- ment Memo recommended that the variance be granted for this request with provisions that the balloons not exceed 80' in height, that they be allowed only from July 29th through August 11th, and that the City receive a Hold Harmless Agreement. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant to concur in the recommendation of the Board of Adjustment with addition of evidence of insurance to be filed with the City in connection therewith, to protect the City and public in general. Carried. Mayor Custer reported that Status Report on the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan had been distributed to the Council,as prepared by the Engineering Department which covers the work included to date as requested by members of the council. The Mayor circulated a letter from the Chamber of Commerce which complimented the Renton Police Department, the Airport Manager and staff members who assisted in the Aviation Festival along with Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, and noted the event to be one of the most outstanding in the area for many years. Thanks and appreciation for the cooperative efforts of city personnel was expressed. Mayor Custer announced as a reminder that the City Council will be holding a special meeting on July 29th,which has been legally advertised, to further consider proposed revisions to the City's Comprehensive Plan. PROCLAMATION: Letter from Mayor Custer noted that the Renton Art Show Board is sponsoring an event in the City of Renton to be called the "Renton Art Show", August 9, 10 and 11, 1968 on the mall in the Renton Shopping Center, and a Preview Party on Thursday evening, August 8, at 9:30 p.m. during which time patrons will be allowed to purchase paintings with those'., proceeds from certain paintings to be donated to the Valley General Hospital and the Oliver Hazen High School. The week of August 4 through 11th was proclaimed as Renton Art Show in the City and all citizens were urged to support the activity. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Edwards to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Charles O'Dell inquired further regarding the garbage contract, noting that he now is licensed as a business in the City of Renton and felt he should be served accordingly. He cited provisions of the ordinance relating to certain refuse that would not be acceptable as garbage and to hauling restrictions. He felt the document to be somewhat confusing and questioned the compulsory service and inquired whether a lien could be placed on his property and as to validity of the document. City Attorney Shellan assured its legality stating that it is a compulsory service similar to water and sewage, it being presumed the people all use water and likewise accumulate gargage, and in the best public interest such service is provided for health and welfare of the community. If a person does not have any garbage he may file an affidavit to that effect, but unless he falls within the exemption he is charged for service. Councilman Schellert pointed out that the commercial rate is 37� per can per monthly pick-up(and not 37� per month with daily pick-up, )with a $2.00 minimum. Mr. Richard Stredicke 3916 - 10th Ct. No., commented that he did not Leel he should have to pay additional fee to dump when ,he has compulsory garbage service and noted that much of the dumping is now done on the right-of-way in lieu of the added payment.and hauling to the County dump. Mr. Stredicke inquired regarding insertion of legal notices in the Sunday paper instead of the usual Wednesday publication and stated the public should be advised 6f the issue to be used .for the legals. City Clerk Nelson advised that the Record Chronicle has changed the deadline for legals to 5:00 p.m. Monday for Wednesday publication which is prior to the Council meeting and it was necessary in order not to hold up action, to publish on Sunday in this instance. When the newspaper goes to its third publication on Friday it is intended that all legals will go in this issue it being difficult at present to meet the deadline when any number are required. City Attorney Shellan added that the earliest possible date for adequate notice has been the practice which is the best'way parties can be served. Mayor Custer requested the newspaper representatives to give consideration to giving public notice that the legals are now being carried in both the Wednesday and Sunday issues(due to the fact the deadline is prior to the Council meetings in which legals are approved for publication and would ordinarily go in Wednesday.) When the Friday publication is available the problem will. be alleviated. -4- 3�2t Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/22/68 AUDIENCE COMMENT: (Cont.) Mrs. Susan Lone, 1033 Sunset Blvd. E., suggested that there might be a public contest sponsored by the Park Department so the people may be involved in the naming of the new grandstand if it has not already been named. Moved by Perry, seconded by SchellertP to refer the comments to the Park Department and Park Board. The motion carried, Moved by Bruce, seconded by Grant, to recess. Carried. Mayor Custer declared a r, recess. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as were listed previously in roll call. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested conUurrence in the appointment of Mr, Bruce H. Phillips to the position of Lieutenant in the Renton Fire Department, effective on July 16, 1968. Civil Service Commission examination grade and certification letter was attached and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: . Council President Garrett recalled referral to the Council Committee on Committees of matter of appointees to negotiate with Local 21 R, Wn. State Council of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO, and submitted letter from C. C. Donworth & Associates, Inc. for reading. The letter outlined extent of the company's present engagement with public employers, basis for charges, and type of services to be rendered. Present associations include the City of Seattle, King County, Wn, State Ferries and the U. of W. and work is done on an hourly basis at the rate of $25.00 and $35.00 per hour and in each case a monthly retainer of $250.00, hourly charges applying only where total time charges add up to more than $375.00. Services involve furnishing of advice or a representative in meetings with labor organizations. Councilman Garrett reported recommendation of the Committee on Committees that Council authorize the Mayor and City Attorney to formulate a contract to fit City needs for retention of C. C. Donworth & Associates, Inc. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Committee recom- mendation. Councilman Grant stated that although he was formerly an employee of Wn. State Council of County and City Employees, he is no longer a staff member nor is he receiving any pay or gratuity therefrom, however with his background in labor and representing the City and employees as a Councilman he would object to hiring this private labor consultant or any labor relations firm at taxpayers expense and did not feel the recommendation should be approved at this time . Mayor Custer pointed out that any contract document prepared would need to be approved by the Council. Councilman Garrett called attention to the fact that the preliminary budget is being prepared and adoption of the final budget is forthcoming requiring some timely action, the contract document to be coming back for approval, the Committee after review of three courses of action having determined that this was the one it chose to present to the Council. Mayor Custer requested Council President Garrett to assume the Chair while he commented,advi_sing that he and Councilman Trimm had attended a seminar and it had been suggested by both Union and Management that it would be best if professionals are hired to negotiate for management since there are no experts on hand otherwise, and it was felt this firm had the best background. Mayor Custer suggested that the Council Members not serve on a negotiating committee in the best interest of serving the persons they personally represent otherwise. Upon inquiry it was pointed out that the Mayor has taken action heretofore in formulating the wage scale but that no formal negotiations have been held. Perry noted other meetings where Union and �. Management had agreed that professional representation was recommended and Grant commented that they may have agreed at the meetings but "the honeymoon was short", and noting length of time involved in the process of getting-'employees recognized, did not feel the Council should take immediate action on this matter. After further comments in regard to actions of the Committee on Committed in selecting the firm recommended and comparison of Union negotiators who were "the best in the field" to Labor Relation Consultants, the pending motion was put to vote to authorize the Mayor and City Attorney to prepare contract documents to fit city needs for retaining C. C. Donworth & Associates, Inc. The motion carried. Discussion ensued regarding basis of payment being hourly or by retainer and the retainer proposal was determined best for city purposes, Councilman Grant outlining his associations and experiences in negotiating as Sheet Metal Trade Representative. -5- . 324 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/22/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Councilman Garrett reported that the Committee of the Whole had met with the Valley Regional Planning Commission earlier this evening and it was the recommendation of the Committee to concur in participation in this program .in -sum of $7,440.00 and that said amount be budgeted for 1969 accordingly. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. During discussion it Was noted that film slides had been shown and plans outlined and that visitors included Mayor Minkler of Tukwila and many officials of the Valley Regional Planning Commission, and a quorum of council members. The motiDn carried. Councilman Garrett reported that bids were opened on July 19th for improvement of the North 3rd - 4th Street urban arterial construction and traffic signal protect, and the bids are in Committee at the present time, report to be forthcoming at a later date. Councilman Grant inquired as to dommittee action in regard to appointment of members to serve on the Fair Housing Commission and it was reported that the matter is in committee and the Mayor has additional appointees to include and others have been withdrawn so recommendation is being held pending Mayor's further action as requested. Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris reported committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 4267 - 4398 and moved that the Council approve same for payment at this time. The motion was seconded by Edwards and carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 11,757.62 4267 - 4297 & 4398 Street Fund 3,354.24 4298 - 4305 Cedar River M. & I. 152.58 4306 - 4309 Equipment Rental 497.19 4310 - 4317 Library Fund 10,362.62 4318 - 4366 Parks 8,090.27 4367 - 4381 Waterworks Utility 4,738.94 4382 - 4391 Airport 374.14 4392 - 4397 39,327.60 Councilman Grant called attention to comments made at Committee of the Whole meetings in regard to appointees because of their country of origin noting that these persons,. now citizens,are entitled to their rights as such and are probably better citizens and should not be denied the right to serve. Mayor Custer stated the reasons were good ones and not those stated and he did not wish to embarTassparties whom he had appointed by having them publicly questioned and rejected and that the present method is deemed to be the better way of handling the matter. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Council President Garrett announced a Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:00 p.m. on August 5th to discuss the policy in regard to extension of sewer service outside the city and other items as time -will allow. Councilman Schellert inquired regarding 30--day Revocable clause in the Sign ermits recalling appeal action by Taco-Time and recommended that the Building Department check to see if this policy is not being followed. Mayor Custer advised that at the time the permit was issued the 30-day permit was not required but since another request had been made the City had the choice of having the sign moved or removed. Councilman Bruce announced a Fire and Water Committee meeting on Wednesday, July 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room and the City Engineer was requested to be present. Councilman Bruce called attention to glass being left at the scene of the accidents and Mayor Custer noted that the tow trucks, police detail or gtreet Ilepartment, or sometimes firemen have been assuming this duty and the problem has been greatly lessened that it has been, the City having no legislation requiring anyone specificly to assume the responsibility. Councilinan Edwards inquired regarding improvement of condition of the rail-road crossings and Mayor custer advised of discussing this tonight with a representative of their legal department who was present at the earlier meeting and they are working at present but have not the North 3rd Street i..ntersection area at present. -6- 32J Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7/22/68 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Charles 0"Dell pursued the garbage contract subject further referring to procedure on liens and objecting to the fact that no provision is made for printed schedule of pick-up and holiday service replacement. It was noted that pick-up is provided in instances where holidays are involved. Mr. O'Dell inquired as to where new resi- dents might secure information, .noting the public must pay for Ordinances. Mayor Custer advised that new residents usually come to city hall and contact the Utility Department to commence service and may secure the ordinance and pick-up information `m at that time. Mr. O'Dell noted that other cities furnish printed cards with the pick-up schedule and wondered why the City did not do likewise. He again pointed out his objections of mandatory service, only part of the refuse being accepted, and forbidding of transporting of garbage by individuals and urged. Council to review the conflicts involved. It was noted that garbage and swill is defined and other refuse may be transported. Councilman Delaurenti agreed that pick-up schedule & rates should be furnished and moved that this matter be referred to the Sanitation Committee and Utility Accountant to work out for publishing. The motion was secondedSchellert and carried. Mrs. Susan Lone inquired in regard -to Fair Housing Commission appointments, if membership will be projected to show cross section to assure that minority groups will be repre- sented. Mayor Custer advised that the Ordinance does not specify such but that one of the appointees is representative other than'white if this might answer her inquiry. Mr. Dick Stredicke inquired whether the Kiwanis Park could be'opened on Sunday morning to allow use of the lavatory facility by small children, his son being one in particular. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. There were 39 visitors in the Council Chamber. ;x.Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor Iti.. -7- 326 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7-22-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NC. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1082 $ 100,00 Bartell Drugs 717 So. 3rd St, Raise and anchor canopy 1083 --------- P. Reed & L. Curry 345 Factory Ave. No. Tear down old house 1084 18,000,00 1 & A Const. 13303 SE 116th St. New residence B 1085 450.00 Kathleen Puhich 10054 SE 94th St. Inst, fence - 1o86 228,000.00 Bank of the West 2950 Sunset Blvd. New bank building III-1 1087 100.00 Aero Dyne Corp. 400 Airport Way Relocate fence 1088 200.00 Victor Diambri 1145 S. Shattuck St, Reroof residence 1089 5,400.00 Ray E. Culver 9820 108th Ave SE Move house B logo 18,900.00 East Hill Homes 3280 Rolling Hills PI S New residence 1091 ---------- VOID 1092 13,900.00 East Hill Homes 3292 Rolling Hills PI S New residence 1093 18,goo.00 TM 3288 TM TM 1094 18,900,00 " 3284 " It B 1095 250.00 Norman Abrahamson 1110 0 St. Carport with storage 1096 12,000.00 Powell Const. Co, 10729 113th Ave. Sc New residence 1097 12,000.00 " 10715 113th Ave. SE logs 12,000.00 " 10709 113th Ave. SE 1099 12,000.00 " 10703 113th Ave SE ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1669 8 50.00 Powell Const. Co. 10714 114th SE Temp. service E 1070 50.00 Int-rnational Spa 127 So. 3rd St. TM 1071 50.00 Leo Roush 12715 89th So. 1072 50.00 Parkwood Homes 700 Trinity Court 'r 1073 50.00 Cecil Whitaker 351 No. Factory " 1074 50,00 William Clarke 7220 Lk. Wash. Blvd. " E 1075 50.00 J. D. Stewart 188th & E Valley Hwy " 1076 50,00 Powell Const. 10729 114th SE " 1077 300.00 Etha C, Hayes 2212 9th PI . No. Wire remodel 1078 7,754.00 Transamerica Dev, 1213 Thunderhill Rd. Wire new apartment 1079 7,754.00 TM 1133 Thunderhill Rd. TM E 1080 7,754.00 TM 1135 Thunderhill Rd, it 0 1081 7,754.00 " 1113 Thunderhill Rd. it 1082 3,822.00 " 1115 Thunderhill Rd. 1083 3,822,00 " 1111 Thunderhill Rd. TM 1084 420.00 McGrath Homes Inc 10747 134th Ave SE '/ire residence E 1085 420.00 " 132014 SE 107th PI it IG86 420.00 it 10628 132nd Ave SE it 1087 50.00 Hainsworth Const.. 2950 Sunset Blvd E Temp service 1088 500,.00 Marlene Pence 2421-C 7th Ave No. New heavy duty service 1089 400.00 Bell & Valdez 2212 SE 20th P.l,t Wire .residence E logo - 400.00 IS 2006 SE Dogwood Ct. Wire residence 1091 400.00 Parkwood Homes 2513 Prance Ave, It 1092 400.00 it 2601 Prince Ave. TM 1093 400,00 It 2504 Prince Ave. " • M,ECHANiCAL PERMITS M I ------ Pacific NW Bell 225 So. Williams St. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 1048 ---------- Parkwood Homes 2612 Charles Ct. it 1049 ---------- it 2606 Charles Ct. it M 1050 ---------- it 2600 Charles Ct. it 1051 --_------- Sam Younker 3820 E Valley Hwy " 1052 ---------- City of Renton Lk. Wash. Beach Pk. " 1053 ---------- Dave Caton 10025 116th Ave SE Inst wall furnace (054 ---------- Renton Village Co 15 So. Grady '.Jay Inst. plumbing & fixtures M 1055 ------. ---- Parkwood Homes 2600 Charles Ct. Furnace, piping & hot/w t 1056 ---------- it 2607 Prince Ave it 1057 -------- it 521 Royal Drive It 1058 ---------- It 2612 Charles Ct. TM SEVIER PERMITS wo, 470 -------•--- Better Built Homes 10608 132nd SE Sewer service - connect No,, 1.7( _n.-_____- Sound Floor Covering 720 Lind Ave SW TM - connect No, 472 ---------- It ft it - storm sewer Ikon 173 -•--------•- Nando Ph i I I i ps 613 1 1 th P l. So, Sewer service - connect 1 . v. ' f B i d Opening July 22, 1968 BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 SEWAGE LIFT STATION FOR LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK PROPERTY Bidder & Address Bid Bond Basic Bid Tax Tota! N.C. FROST CONSTRUCTION CO. 005 So. 222nd Bond. $ 18,999.00 854.95 19,853.95 ent, Washington 98031 L 3 & WAGSTER, INC. - 22nd Ave. N.W. Seattle, Washington 98107 Bond 28,600.00 $1287.00 $ 29,887.00 O'LEARY CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1221 East Cherry - Bond $ 20,888:00 $ 939,96 $ 21,.827.96 Seattle, Washington 98122 CROWN GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1201 N. W. 92nd Bond $ 25,540,,00 $1149.30 $ 26,689.30 Seattle, Washington 98107 PACIFIC BRIDGE & PILE CO., i500 Westlake No.. Bond $ 32,445.00 $146o.03 $ 33,905.03 Seattle, Washington 98(09 GUY M. BALL & ASSOCIATES 7101 188th Pl . S.W. Bond $ 30,510.00 $1372.95 $ 31,882.95 Lynwood, Washington K.K. LARSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. , INC, 1 79 Midvale Ave. No. Bond $ 24,325.00 $1094..63 $ 25,419.63 S ttle, Washington 98133 Bid Opening July 22, 1968 BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 5/8" x 3/4" COLD WATER METERS Bidder & Address Delivery Unit Cost Unit Costs Trade-!n Days in Lots of 100. CRANE COMPANY Trade I ofd 5/8" 34 Boren Ave. No. 30 $29, @.69 $29,60 for 2 new $4-55 Seattle, Washington 98109 each, HERSEY-SPARLING COMPANY 250 Elm Street i5 - 35 $33.23 $33.23 Trade I old against Dedham, Mass, 02026 2 new, 5/8", $4,85; 3/4", $6.25, 11", (Cert. Ck. encl . ) $8,50; i-", $14.50, 2% $21.00. NI UNE METER COMPANY Not Not specified 8' Hinckley Rd.. c Specified $34,.00 $34.00 on this bid,. B#! i ngame, Calif. 94.010 PACIFIC WATERWORKS SUPPLY INC. Trade I old for ea. 2900 First Ave. So. 2 new @ $4.50 ea. Seattle, Washington 98134 30 $32,33 $32.33 ROCKWELL MFG, COMFANY 6363 Knott Avenue Buena Park, Calif, 90602 NO BID SUBMITTED WORTHINGTON COR--PORAT I ON Trade l o l d 5 86 2616 Western Avenue 7 $32..98 $32.98 against 2 rev. c@. Seattle, Washington 98i21 $4,50, 1 old against t new rneter $2,`?5�, �i 328 . Sid Operirg July 22, 1968 (Lake Washington Boulevard) SCHEDULE OF PRICES N it APPROXIbiATE . ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1. 2650 Cu. Yds Furnish and Place Select Roadway I! Borrow Per Cu.' Yd. (1%'ords) (Figure) i 2. 450 Tons Furnish and Place Class "B" Asphalt Q Per Ton 3. 200 Cu. Yds. Furnish and Place 5/8" Minus Crushed Rock0 6 _ $ $ Per Cu. Yd.4. 32S 32.5 Cu. Yds . Furnish and Place 1 1/2" t•linus Crushed Rock. Per Cu. Yd. 5. 150 Lin Ft. Furnish and Place Concrete Curb $ Gutter �n Per Lin --f,t ---- ---- $ 6. 2 Each Adjust ManhoI e Per Each 7'. Lump Suri Remove Existing Conc. Curb & Gutter 8. 80 Sq. Yds . Remove F.xist:ing Concrete Pavement Per Sq. Yd. V--�- Sub-Total 4.5% Sales Tax Total, Amount of Bid $ 111E UNDEPSIGNI D BIDDER 111 RF BY AGREES TO START CONSTRUCI'IOX WoRi; ON THIS PP.0,7ECT, IF AKARDED WITHIN TEN (10) DAl'S ANiD TO CO?iPLE'I'E 1';ITHIN SIXTY (60) CONSECUTIVE CALENDAR DAYS AFTEI; STIM FING CONSTRUCT)-ON: —'FI 1 I S _ _----- --' DAY Of, ---— _ ---- Address __---- BID TAI (ON iHEET OPENING uLY 19, 1968 FOR NORTH 3RD STREET AND NORTH 4TH STREET LOGAN AVE NORTH TO SUNSET BLVD NORTH CITY ELECTRIC EMLES ELECTRIC SIGNAL ELECTRIC WESTCOAST ELECTRIC UNIT PRICE/AMT. UNIT PRICE/AMT. UNIT PRICE/AMT. UNIT PRICEIAMOUNT TRAFFIC SIGNALS: —' ITEM DESCRI 1 ON UNIT— NO. INO. (UNIT PRICES TO BE WRITTEN IN WORDS) 1 North 4th Street & Logan Avenue North L.S. 12,000.00 14,000.00 15,042.44 15,052.00 2 North 4th Street & Williams Ave. North L.S. 11 ,300.00 12,700.00 13,475.48 14,491 .00 3 North 4th Street& Park Avenue North L.S. 12,300.00 14,000.00 15,409.47 18,535.00 4 North 4th Street & Garden Avenue North L.S. 12,300.00 14,000.00 14,064.45 15,362.00 i 5 North 4th Street & Factory Avenue North L.S. 13,000.00 14,500.00 14,487.20 13,579.00 6 North 3rd Street & Williams Avenue North L.S. 11 ,300.00 12,500.00 11 ,456.42 16,764.00 i 7 North 3rd Street & Park Avenue North L.S. 13,000.00 14,500.00. 16,448.22 17,447.00 8 North 3rd Street & Garden Avenue North L.S. 12,300.00 14,000.00 14,625.07 15,700.00 9 North 3rd Street & Factory Avenue North L.S. 12,300.00 14,000.00 14,357.30 11 ,888.00 1 10 North 3rd Street & Sunset Blvd North L.S. 10,400.00 18,500.00 14,415.40 10 X761 .00 TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNALS $1201200,00 $142,700.00 $143,781 .45 $149.579.00 STREET LIGHTING - SCHEDULE A: ITEM DESCRIPTION (\10. (UNIT PRICES TO BE WRITTEN IN. OTUS) 1 Illumination System - Circuit A L,S. 59923.00 4,850.00 5,424,00 5,524.00 2 Illumination System - Circuit B L.S. 3,810.00 3,100.00 3,744.00 3,601 ,00 3 Illumination System .. Circuit C L.S. 2,961 ,00 41850.00 7,276.00 5,524,00 4 Illumination System Circuit D L.S. 3079,00 21900.00 3,473,50 3,142.00 JUL 19 1969 r.,,_� r -T N , _ C:TY F�t. E " �S �i RIC SIGNAL kLEC':;rrc WEST COAST ELEC. C <(_ T r G S E MIT I E `�1V QUI'"; t� � 1` T 1� ^1- ryr.ri(4i 7 ^C (" �c� i_ INa !iEJL►L� A C01`!T: U�;I PF;iC :,,; •)��; _ FRai'� :A'� !iNT Ui)�7 pP,I�., T NIT PRI _/ ' 10U? t !t a ; 1. hi ��..i t !t, l.. i\: i i' DESCRIPTION UNIT OD U+«T PRICES TO BE WRITTEN IN WORDS) C14 5 Illumination System Circuit E L.S. 1 ,695.00 1 ,500.00 1 ,693.00 1 ,736.00 N 6 Illumination System - Circuit F L.S. 3,810.00 3,230.00 3,816.00 3,601 .00 7 Illumination System - Circuit G L.S. 2,543.00 2,200.00 2,592.50 2,328.00 8 Illumination System - Circuit H L.S. 4,238.00 3,660.00 4,432.50 4,150.00 - 9 Illumination System - Circuit J L.S. 4,238.00 3,400.00 4,072.50 3,732.00 10 Illumination System - Circuit K L.S. 2,971 .00 2,400.00 3,228.50 2,154.00 11 Illumination System - Circuit L L.S. 2,116.00 1 ,940,00 2,319.50 2,652.00 12 Illumination System Circuit M L.S. 4,656.00 3,730.00 4,379.00 4,235.00 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING ALT. A ! ^ _ $42,340,00 $37,760.00 $46,451 .00 $42,379.00 I STREET LIGHTING - SCHEDULE B: QUANTITY i 1 Illumination System - Circuit A L.S. 5,923,00 4,850,00 5,424.00 5,370.00 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 600 L.F. 4.35 2,610.00 1 .60 960.00 1 .48 888.00 3.78 2,268.00 #4 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 900 L,F, 4.40 3,960,00 1 .70 1 ,530.00 1 .82 1 ,638.00 3.42 3,078,00 2 Illumination System , Circuit 5 L.S. 3810.00 3,100,00 3;744.00 3,494,00 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 1 ,150 LrF, 4.35 5,002.50 1 .00 1050,00 1 ,30 1 ,495=00 3.78 4?347,00 3 Illumination Sysi:em - Circuit C L.S. 2,961 ,00 4,850,00 7,276.00 5,370.00 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 550 L.F. 4.35 2,392.50 1 •b0 880.00 1 .20 660.00 3.78 2,079.00 #4 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 800 L,F, 4.40 3,520.00 1 .70 1 ,360,00 1 .60 1 ,280,00 8.92 3,136.00 4 Illumination System - Circuit D L.S. 3,379.00 2,900.00 3,473.50 3,046.00 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 1 ,350 L.F. 4:35 51872.50 1 .00 1 ,350,00 1 .55 2,092.50 3.78 5,103.00 /2/ M CI( ECTRiC EMLES ELECTRIC SIGNAL .FLET WEST COAST ELEC. ,T`EET LIGHTING - SC�f VULt B CONT: UNIT PRICE/AMOUNT UNIT PRICE/AMOUNT UNIT PRICE/AMOUNT UNIT PRIG AMOUNT Jay _ ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITYUNIT No. (UNIT PRICES TO BE WRITTEN IN WORDS) 5 Illumination System - Circuit E L.S. 1 ,695.00 1 ,500.00 1 ,693.00 1 ,674.00 #6 Wire in l 1/2" Conduit 700 L.F. 4.35 3,045.00 1 .00 700.00 4.85 3,395.00 3.78 2,646.00 6 Illumination System - Circuit F L.S. 3;810100 3,230.00 3,816.00 3,494.00 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 1 ,000 L.F. 4.35 4,350.00 1 .00 10000.00 1 .90 1 ,900.00 3.78 3.780.00 7 Illumination System - Circuit G L.S. 2,543.00 2,200.00 2,592.50 2,261 .00 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 975 L.F. 4.35 4,241 .25 1 .80 1 ,755.00 2.50 . 2,437.50 3.78 3,685.50 8 Illumination System - Circuit H L.S. 4,238.00 3.660.00 4,432.50 4,039.00 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 1 ,250 L.F. 4.35 5,437.50 1 .00 1 ,250.00 1 .65 2,062.50 3.78 4,725.00 9 Illumination System - Circuit J L.S. 4,238.00 3,400.00 4,072.50 3,631 .00 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 1 ,225 L.F. 4.35 5,328.75 1 .60 1 ,960.00 2.50 3,062.50 3.78 4,603.50 t 10 Illumination Sy$tem - Circuit K L.S. 2,971 .00 20400.00 3,228.50 2,578.00 1 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 550 L.F. 4.35 21392.50 1 .60 880.00 .75 412.50 3.78 2,079.00 11 Illumination System - Circuit L L.S. 27116.00 1 ,900.00 2,319.50 27092.00 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 475 L.F. 4.35 2,066.25 1 .00 475.00 1 .30 617.50 3.78 1 ,795.50 12 Illumination System - Circuit M L.S. 4,656.00 3,370.00 4,379.00 5,903.40 #6 Wire in 1 1/2" Conduit 775 L.F. 4.35 3,371 .25 1 .60 1 ,240.00 4.00 3,100.00 3.78 2,929.50 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING ALT.. B $95,930.00 $54,210.00 $71 ,492.00 $89,207.00 STREET LIGHTING - SCHEDULE C: ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT NO. (UNIT PRICES TO BE WRITTEN IN WORDS) 1 Aluminum Street Light Poles 70 Ea 262.75 18,392.50 262.75 181,393.50 262.75 18,392.50 *288.00 '*20,160.00 Direct Burial 2 Aluminum Street Light Poles 70 Ea - 262.75 18,392.50 262.75 18,392.50 262.75 18,392.50 *2f18.00 *20,160..0' Anchor Base `co TOTALS CITY ELECTRIC EMLES ELECTRIC SIGNAL ELECTRIC WESTCCAST ELECTRIC i N `i' TOTAL: Traffic Signals and Street Lighting Alternate A Direct Burial poles 162,540,00 180,460,00 194,916,91 197,758.00 Anchor Base Poles 162,540,00 180,460,00 190,232,45 191 ,958.00 TOTAL: Traffic Signals and Street Lighting Alternate B Direct Burial Poles 216,130.50 196,910.00 225,398.91 244,586,00 Anchor Base Poles 2162130.50 1960910.00 2200,714.45 238,786.00 TOTAL: . Additional Street Light poles Schedule C Direct Burial Poles 18,392,50 18,392,50 18,392.50 *20,160.00 I Anchor Base Poles 18,392.50 18392.50 18,392.50 *20,160.00 l DOTE: *Letter of Comaittment from Supplier Not Enclosed /4/ 335 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND PRICES North 3rd and North 4th Street, Renton Logan Avenue North to Sunset Highway „ork No. 6745 -Pq I q 3 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT alp, (Unit Prices to be Written in Words) Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts. Mobilization - L.S. 2 Clearing and Grubbing - L.S. �� 3 Unclassified Excavation 7,600 C.Y. 4 Embankment Compaction 3,000 C.Y. _" civ cl 5 Borrow 2,000 C.Y. ley 6 Water70 M.GaI . 7 Remove Cement Concrete 350 L.F. _v Integral Curb 8 Remove Cement Concrete Pavement 200 S.Y. "- 9 Asphalt Concrete, Class "B" 5,500 TON � o -�ivl zko CJ1 v 10 Asphalt Treated Base 2,400 TON 11 Asphalt Concrete, Class "C" 500 TON 12 Guard Rail 530 L.F. ///6v — ` -� t ' 13 Bank Run Gravel , Class "A" 1 ,200 C.Y. --2 14 Crushed Surfacing, 1 1/4'' (-) 4, )00 TON 41 5 a - 15 Asphalt Concrete Driveway 133 S.Y. �.• �G Replacement 16 Cement Concrete 42 i Driveway Replacement 17 Cement Concrete 525 S.Y. C C{, Driveway, Type "B" 18 Cement Concrete 440 S.Y. u� Al ley Returns, Type "B" 19 Cement Concrete Curb And Gutter 9,500 L.F. 1� 20 Z sv Cement Concrete Curb, Type "E" 630 L.F. "� f 21 Cement Concrete Sidewalk 5,700 S.Y. �5 t - 4 - 5 f 3 3�- w 916 1p E r4 J°? NS uL'T�F /✓ ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AM( NO. (Unit Prices to be Written in Words) Dollars Cts. DollC;1-- 22 C;ts22 Thickened Edge For Sidewalk, 1 ,000 L.F. (o , Type ''All �C:C �3 Extruded Cement Concrete Curb 265 L.F. 24 Traffic Lane Markers 10,200 EA 25 Crosswalk Markings (12" Wide) 3,720 L.F. 9 26 Lane Arrows (6" Wide) 1 ,200 L.F. 27 Retaining Wall - Rockery 70 S.Y. 30 28 13' x 22" CMP ARCH 255 L.F. I 7Q •'"' �2'j 29 21" CMP 235 L.F. ov 2 t.�. C= 30 8" Concrete Pipe 2,470 L.F. 31 12" Concrete Pipe 190 L.F. -a 7 32 24" Concrete Pipe 30 L.F. — 33 Inlet, Type IV 38 EA 34 CB, Type I 23 EA C> �,� �� 35 CB, Type 11 2 EA s 36 MH, Type 1-5 1 EA 37 Connections to Existing Catch Basins 36 EA And Manholes 5 d i GAO y 38 Select Trench Backfill 1 ,000 C.Y. c.° ` 39 Compaction - Mechanical Tamping 100 HR 40 Adjust Existing Catch Basins And 43 EA Manholes ,/U j7-20 . i 41 Sack Riprap 20 S.Y. 42 Adjust Monument Case And Water ValvE 50 EA Box 1 43 Pavement Sawing, Cement Concrete 200 L.F. 44 Pavement Sawing, Asphalt Concrete 900 L.F. — 4A — Fy� £t, d C S t . T 3'-3 5 i i � n ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITYUNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT No. (Unit Prices to be Written in Words) Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts 45 Cement Concrete Patching 150 S.Y. ou cr 46 Remove Guard Rail 420 L.F. o.` ` 47 Furnish Monument And Case 11 EA1 48 Finish And Cleandp L.S. TOTAL ALL ITEMS $ j 54 r r JUL 336 JUL 1 9 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND PRICES North 3rd and North 4th Street, Renton Logan Avenue North to Sunset Highway . 6745 DESCRIP-TION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 (Unit Prices to be Written in Words) Dolla-rs Cts. Dollars Cts . t i Mob). izati n �cEtl� - L.S. aSy o- ZcS U C�-o Clear//((ng and Grubb n - L.S. t'' S ova } piy'ed Ix o � d a ati;on 7,600 C.Y. Sa � c c�ti C > Embankment Compaction;`ss rf,r 3,000 C.Y. p 0 0 Borrow�y,ta. ECa� rt �� 2,000 C.Y. / '2 F Water�X �(�n-� .- 70 M.Gal . as L��0 v I Remove Cement Concrete 350 L. F. Integral Curb Pemove Ceeplest Concrete Pavement 200 S.Y. C3 L�DD -- - A halt C ncrete, Class "6" 5,500 TON C, c o Li c n t - A�pha It.Treated f;as-p- t �srr77. 2,400 _TON �- phalt joq�,rete, Class "C" 500 TON Gyard ai�- c 530 L.F. (s� �^� 3 �'� •c", o F ! , nk RL vel , Class "A" 1 ,200 C.Y. oo /,/0C, ushed Surfacing, 1 1/4" (-) 4, 100 TON �' C � �r{Uv � �lo� 7'C�G Asphalt Concrete Driveway 133 S.Y. - Rep]acement `;V1. Cement Concrete (�n' tiT° ��. 42 S.Y. Driveway RepIacemerr't Ceriznt Concrete 525--525 S.}' ' ;;��•c=-- �;xxca. � _ __ _ [� 7 5 J - i - 7Driv6waY, Type " 31 r S 2 - Cement Concrete r5!-y, �lr :� € -- —440 S.Y. ---- " ley Returns, Type."D Ce nt Concrete ,Curb Arc- uttef. 8,500 L.F. �.-- . Comment .Co�cret� ur' y,pe "E" 630 L.F. .i nt C9ncrete Sidewalj -.. 15,700 S.Y. 1 � � �� �0 f I `y ta/ - 0 b t r�=--sem- •�/�` �. _.� _.;-s.z�:- --�a�-.:.�- �-r.:� ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Dollars Cts. Dollars Cts N0. (Unit Prices to be Written in Words) } 22 Thickened Edge For Sidewalk, 1 ,000 L.F. Type i 23 Ex�t�r}�d _Cnt Concrete Curb 265 L.F. � � r.t :. � � 24 _Traffic Lane Markersr ,—�/ f 10,200 EA_ —' S 6/0(� 25 C6)0sswalrking� j2'r�Wide) 3,720 L.F. G' i 26 Line Arrpy�� (6" 41ide 1 ,200 L.F. /G ��3v2Cj 27 R dining Wall, �;lockery 70 S.Y. A/_1 �y 28 13" x 22" CMPARCH.cc. cCrz•k2 255 --- L.F. 235 L.F. a /� csa l cs c, 29 21" Cr1P .� 1—i, `6' 2� -Jr G ?� y— 30 8" Concretee pe�r� % 2,470 L.F. G G G fir, 31 12" Concrete Pipe 190 L.F. � 32 24" Concrete Pip!'S T- �`, 30 L.F. ��A 33 Int, Tye IV. 38 . EAy7 � G`o j 31, CB, Type IS / �.{J�7 23 EA CC �<� GCO 35 CB, Type 11% / / �t'�� 2 EA �G c^ 5SCGC, cli c> 36. MH, Type 1-5 c �iurc�iic�=�c �22 1 EA ��C• CQ U 37 Connections to Existing Catch Basins 36 EA And Manholes-f4z-/ f <L�L2 _-- 116 ':I—c> 38 Select Trench acckfill 1 ,000 C.Y. 39 Compaction - Mechanically Tamping 100 HR a / `�C:D 40 Adjust Existing Catch Basins And 43 EA o CD o ManhoIess; c 41 Sack Ripra? ,-- y // 20 S.Y. I�Ez.G: ',f��Gt'C <Cc!C( : l•:1- -- � � d� G(�J(% 42 Adju`t Monument Case An/d Water ValvE 50 EA Mift BOX`/.ic. 43 Pav ment Sawin,�, Cement Concrete 200 L.F. , � ( g00 L.F. SL-°- 44me .—_ Paven �a i ng�Asph alt Concrete —_— _ i Jit 2 2 '66 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (Unit Prices to be Written in Words) Dollars' Cts. Dollars Cts 45 Cement Concrete Patching 150 S.Y. A F 46 Remove Guard Rai 1 ��/� 420 L.F. � �" l��C> C' �.H, t _ tri Fuv ish Monument An e,,,,,,e 11 EA �S7\5 �� r Finish sh%CA�t� .,.:.ao. - L•S• / � 5-00>48 v o - TOTAL ALL ITEM $ oC �! C`, f r E " I � t - r • 4 j f' II • F i 329 RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING July 29, 1968 M I N U T E S The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, by Mayor Custer and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, .that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan f This being the date set, the hearing was declared open, and communications were read from Mr. G. T. McDaniel, 13613 S.E. 116th Street, requesting change in the plan as it concerns his property located on S.E. 93rd Street, to permit construction of two apartments, now designated single family residential; and from Albert and Shirley Culp, 17031 Springb-rook Road, for change to allow multi-family use so they might provide housing for personnel at the new Valley General Hospital, single family usanow being designated. Mayor Custer called attention to Memorandum from•Council President Garrett,directed to the Council,containing proposed revisions to the Plan. Items 1, 22 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,105' 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20,:!21, 22 and 23 had.been approved as recom- mended with no change since the April 29th public hearing. Items 5, 10, 14, 18, and 24, were revised following the joint meeting with the Planning Commission and were approved by the Council with further additions and recommendations to be considered at this public hearing, 7/22/68. (See attached list of existing and revised items) Items considered since the April Public Hearing were presented individually at this time and audience comment invited upon each, along with additional Planning Commission recommendation. Irr ITEM S. HONEYDEW AREA - Existing as multi-family residential (high density) Located within an area bounded on the North by S .E. 104th Street extended, on the South by 12th Avenue North, East by Puget Sound Power R/W, and on the West by "H" Street. 4/29/68 Proposed as single family residential 7/22/68 Proposed as medium density multi-family residential (to serve as buffer between the business property and single family residential) Audience comment was invited. Mr. William Cady, 3306 Frater S.W., Seattle, and Mr. Jim Da 1pay, 3033 Sunset Blvd. East, inquired how far South the proposed revision extends. It was noted that the areas do not designate any specific street boundary or exact line, but are general in nature and in this instance being drawn back to the Northerly boundary of existing single family residential use so that the area to the North would be medium density multiple use, not affecting the subject property. It was noted that zoning is not to be confused with the land use, the exact boundaries to be determined upon specific requests for rezonings, the Cady and Dalpay property not changed in this recommendation. Councilman Garrett stated that the Council has approved the revisions now under dis- cussion and action will be required only on additions or subsequent changes from the ones proposed. . Planning Director Ericksen reported that the Planning Commission in its review of actions taken at the Joint meeting has an additional revision to recommend which is ka, to extend the Multiple Use Medium density designation of property at Springbrook (Talbot Road)and South 180th Street resulting in low density multiple use at the intersection and medium density multiple use extended southerly approximatly 600 ft. and an additional approximate 200 ft. of low density as buffer between the single family residential area. Moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, to adopt the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission as outlined. Mr. Charles Littell, inquired for Gene Lynn & Associates whose property is located approximately 600 ft. from the corner, whether this affects their property upon which they propose to build a nursing home . Planning Director Ericksen noted that the property in question is included in the area. of Med-um Density Multiple Use and the nursing home would be allowed by Special Permit which is granted by the Planning Commission. Perry inquired regarding provision for Trailer Park use and the Planning Director advised of Commission plans therefor. The pending motion subsequently carried, adopting the Coiaaission recommendation for extension of. Multiple Use at Talbot and 180th. . 340 Renton City Council Special Meeting (Cont. 7/29/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Revision to the Comprehensive Plan Mayor Custer noted question 'posedly Councilman Shane as to where a Trailer Park can be built within ': le City of Renton under present land uses of the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Director Ericksen advised that the building and zoning ordinances provide for trailer Parks to be located in a T'-Zone but as far as the Comprehensive Plan is con- cerned no such designation..is given, Trailer. Parks to be incorporated within existing Multiple Use areas, two alternatives being considered,restrict them to existing multiple use areas, low, medium, density multiple use, or commercial or industrial areas, or possibility of allowing trailer parks on a Planned Unit Development basis with 2, 5, or 10 acre minimums, both proposals being under study at present.by the Planning Commission ITEM 10. NORTH RENTON AREA - Along Park Avenue North extending from Bronson Way North to North 6th Street, to Commercial as shown on existing Comprehensive Plan for approximately one -half block East and West of Park Avenue North. 4/29/68 Proposed as•;iulti-family residential (high density) 7/22/68 - Proposed as Commercial Audience comment was invited and Mrs. Josephine Peterson, 1458 Hillcrest Lane, asked whether this concerned 6th and Mayor Custer advised it is to remain as presently designated which is commercial with no changes to be made. ITEM 14. GLADDING. MCBEAN AREA bounded on the North by the Cedar River, on the South by ridge (line running SE from City of Seattle pipeline on the west to an ' intersecti6n of South 7th Avenue extended with 116th Avenue S.E . extended) now indicated as heavy industry and green belt. 4/29/68 - Proposed revision, first 150' depth abutting the river for recreation; next 500' to 600' depth for multi-family residential (high density) ; remainder for green belt. 7/22/68 Include the Haddad property as indicated on existing Comprehensive Plan (low density multi-family residential) Audience comment was invited. Mr. Byron Sneva, 10610 South 25th, Bellevue, on behalf of Puget Western, Inc., land adjacent to Gladding McBean, inquired whether sll ,of the land to the South of the railroad is designated Green Belt and the reply was affirmative Mr. Sneva called attention to _letter on file in regard to industrial uses extending East ward by the movement of considerable amount of earth from the area and in regard to the use from top of the bluff for residential purpose . Planning Director Ericksen noted • referral being to area GS'-1; and SR-1 and Industrial advising that with the exception of the area originally designated manufacturing now pr6posed high density multiple residential, the property is basically the same as on the existing plan. Mr. Harold Jordan, 11607 Maple Valley Hwy. , inquired regarding the Haddad property and was advised it has been included in this revision and is to be shown as low density multi-family residential. Councilman Perry requested clarification of low density as it relates to zoning and Planning Director Ericksen advised that this is the lowest category of multiple family. use under th�e'existing zoning ordinance and would be R-2 or SR-2 classification. Councilman Shane inquired regarding density under this and the medium density classification and Planning Direftor Ericksen advised that R-2 allows apartments by special permit and allows 29 units per acre and could go to maximum of 32-34 by special permit which gives the Commission some control if a unique location is concerned or where it may abut single family residential areas but there is no great restriction of use of property to anyone. Mr. Sneva inquired whether the extension of industrial use of Cladding McBean is limited by the present designation and if access were the problem. It was noted that the Planning Commission in its consideration had considered the access to be a problem the heavy industrial area left as shown with portion for the planned extension shown as green belt and portion previously indicated as manufacturing was shown as high density multi-family residential. Inquiry was made in regard to 150 ft. area designated"recreati.on"from the river and City Attorney Shellan pointed out that the City cannot designate private property as park or recreation use which would imply that it is to be for public i7rnFr.L':ia:; th%, only reservation otherwise -which can be made is where public health, sanitation .or welfare is concerned,.or"buil:di.ng,Lulless the Ciay buys the property. Further inquiry was made as to inclusion of the green belt area as it may be interpreted along this same line of reasoning and City•Attorney Shellan pointed out that there is no zoning Classification of Green Belt but the intent is to preserve the area and pro vetit enc�orarhmerit"by'industry Or- c6mmercial activities, and .keeping single family dwellings status quo. -Tri drdex to ire usable it has to be condemned and purchased by the City . The intent of*the' 0,ommi.ssion particularly along the 'river ,not to preclude development but fo •allow single' family at low density with large lot size. After proposed motion and subsoqu.eni withdrawal of 'the second, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, that the rec6mmend�ation be revised to exclude the phrase 'first 1501depth abutting the riv4r for recreation' . Discussion ensued regarding the location which was stated to beton the opposite side of the .river. i -2- ------- 3,,,l Minutes - Special Meeting of the Renton City Council 7/29/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Revisions to Comprehensive Plan (Cont.) from the Maple Valley Highway and not covering Jordan or Haddad property. After further inquiries and comments regarding the green belt designation and the meaning thereof, Perry requested excerpt of this meaning be furnished by the City Clerk and n to substitute the words " reen belt" in it was moved b Barei seconded by Shane g Y � lac of recreation in the original Council recommendation. The Mayor noted this place g as stated was exclusionary with regard to the green belt and the motion was subsequently voted upon and lost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, that the area- in the original recommendation of the Council and Planning Commission be revised to include 750 ft. from the river being designated as Green Belt. Mr. Les Donner, 12849 S .E. 72nd Street, inquired as to effect on the Gladding McBean H-1 area and was advised that it will have some effect but that existing use continues as non-conforming use . Question was called for on the motion it being noted that the Haddad property is not affected and is to remain low density multi-family and also the White Bridge area is not included) . Dissenting voice votes brought request for roll which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, .Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Edwards, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Maxin, Trimm and Morris. The motion carried. ITEM 18. ROLLING HILLS AREA - From the intersection of Rolling Hills Avenue South and Puget Drive to a redius of 6001 , now indicated multi-family residential medium density. 4/29/68 Revised to single family residential 7/22/68 Tnclude area easterly of 106th Ave. S.E. to Rolling Hills, extending northerly of Puget Drive to power light R/w, to indicate low density multi-family residential use. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Lennis Hutchens, 15614 - 106th Ave. S.E . noted 22 acnes of several ownerships in this vicinity and called attention to new apart- ments already constructed and one now going in up to 15 stories, all high rise units surrounding the subject property and equal right to develop their properties was requested. After discussion regarding topography of the land it was moved by Shane, seconded by Barei, that the Westerly 300 ft. of the subject property be shown on the Comprehensive Plan as Medium Density. The motion carried. r.. ITEM 24. Baxter Pole Yard and Barbee Mill to be designated Heavy Industrial Use . As there was no audience comment, it was moved by Shane, seconded by Grant that the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Map be altered to show the subject areas as Heavy Industrial Use. Carried. Audience comment was invited at this time concerning further items in regard to the Comprehensive Plan and Mr. Kay D. Jones, 8530 S .E . 82nd, Mercer Island, speaking for Stoneway, Inc. inquired regarding prior request of Mr. P. D. Koon for revision to the plan to retain Light Industrial Use with respect to Stoneway property. The letter .was read advising of plans to remove the gravel operation. Mr. Jones noted the property abuts the cemetery and that adjoining property provides access and they would request the L-1 for future purposes. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, that the proposed Comprehensive Plan Land use map show the subject property as Light Industrial. It was noted that this property is adjacent to the Monterey Terrace Residential area and that it had been discussed extensively by the Planning Commission with access being the basic question along with peculiar location and proximity to the Single Family use area. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call request which resulted as follows: Aye: rarrett, 'Bruce, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Barei, Shane, Grant, Maxin, Edwards Trimm and Morris, and the motion lost. Mr. G. T. McDaniel, 13613 S.E. 116th Street advised of his desire to construct two apartment units on his property located on S.E. 93rd street advising that he has ownership enough to successfully carry a sanitary sewer L.I.D. if the development Mr is permitted and that perc tests have been excellent. Newport Hills contractor is running new sewer lines in the 'area but funds are needed to support any L.I.b. which revenue from the apartments would accomplish in his case. Pictures were circulated of the proposed building and drawing displayed to show location of the property which is in the valley and designated as green belt area which indicates low density sig family le famil residential development at present„ A portion at: one time was included in the so--called May Creek Park area. The parcel contains approximal-.ely 20 acres however, apartments would not be permitted under•,the' present zoning designated. It was pointed out that this property has an access problem and in considering the overall area it was indicated that the Planned Unit Development was a possible solution. Mr. McDaniel stated he could not afford to pay $5,000.00 for an architect to pl_*m ttic dovelopm, int. It was pointed out ghat recent. applicants have been required to sf,cure tliu sanitary sewer L.7.1). prior to construction and development of flee i.i- I-n-oper7 ion., Inol hei.nh permissible as a condition of granting; Smile. 3 l 9 t . •y ___h!:I 341 7/29/68 Minutes - Special Meeting of the Fenton City Council Meeting PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan (Cont.) Mr. Frank Storey, 11007 - 109th S.E. inquired of Planning Director Ericksen in regard to ITEM 43, ICNNYDALE AREA which has been revised to single family resi- dential, whether the city plans to buy the apartments already in the area. The Planning Director advised that the land use is a projection of how the land is used and with reference to the plan indicates uses for the various areas which are implemented by the Zoning and Sub-Division Ordinances . The Planning Commis- sion designated North Renton access road as the Southerly boundary and extended it basically to cutback the area for designation of low density multiple use and apartments are included along 116th where it shows single family residential but this does not intend to eliminate use of those areas presently being used for apartments. • As there was no further discussion, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The Hearing was declared closed and action -invited. Councilman Shane inquired whether the Planning Commission might include some wording to describe the meaning of terminology of uses such as the green belt and Planning Director Ericksen advised thi.s� could be included as a part of the plan. The Council was requested to remain following this meeting for a presentation in regard to the North 3rd -4th Street Couplet project. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei that the Comprehensive Plan be amdnded as detailed by council action tonight and.that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance to accomplish the revision. Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded -by Perry, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. There were 42 visitors in the Council Chambers. av Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor I I I Y . 343 July 29, 1968 M:�NnRtir;�S�:I i City Council DATE: . June 21, 1968 FROM: Avery.rarrett, Council President SUBJECT: Recommendations Proposed Revisions to City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan Upon conclusion of the ,joint work session of heCounciluncil ofothe to Whole and the Planning Commission regarding proposed the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the Council of the Whole made the following recommendations: > end adoption as proposed of those items listed Rv con m p 1 e on the sheet entitled "Proposed Revisions, Comprehensive Plan" (refer to attached copy) , as follows: 8, '9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17; 11 21 31 41 6, 71 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23. 2. The following items are recommended for revision, as follows: r.. 5 revise area to indicate medium density C--family residenti.all(to serve as a buffer between the business property and the single family residential use) . ITEM ).o North Renton area along Paxk Ave. N. ex- tenEng from Bronson Way N- to N. 6th Se.w"2revise to indicate area asrcommercialil as -shown on existing Comprehensive Plan (approximately 1/2' block east and west of Park Ave.- N. ) xTRk 24 ---- include the Haddad property as indicated 6-n the existing Comprehensive Plan (low density multi-- family residential.) . rTsrs ] s include area easterly' of 1.06 th Ave. S.E. t.o Rolling Hills, extending northerly of: Puget Drive to the power line right of way, to indicate a 1-OW 1mily residential use. density multi--f In addition to the revisions listed above, include as follows: -_ ITEtf ?. 4 revise the Barbee Mill, and Baxter Pols, Xard areas to indicate heavy industrial use. lt: i;; recommended that these proposed changess be approved -and the Carnl�;-,-hensive Plan Asap be nevi- ed accordingly. i i 344. July 29, 1968 PROPOSED REVISIONS CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1. KENNYDALE AREA bounded on the 1. This area nas been revised north by S.E. 84th St. , on the to single family residential. south by S.E. 100th- St. , on the east by the freeway, on the west by Lake Washingto!: Blvd. now indi- cated as multi-fancily residential mediiLm density)_,_ 2. KENNYDALE AREA west of Lake 2. This area is now proposed Washington Blvd. between sake for recreation. Washington Beach Paris and' S.E. 95th St-. now indicated as multi- family residential (low dens0T._. 3. KENNYDALE AREA bounded on the 3. This area has been revised north by S.E. 97th St. , on the to single family residential. south by 12th Ave. N. , on the east by 116th Ave. S:E. ,. on the west by the freeway now indicated as multi--family residential (law density) A. HIGHLANDS AREA bounded on the 4. Proposed cutback of high anorth by S.E. 104th St. extended, density multi--family to LO-17 on the south by 12th Ave. N. , on densis multi--fami north of- the fthe east by Puget' Sound Power R/W, ].4th Ave. N. and to reed on the west by "H" St. is now density mulesfamily south of indicated as multi-familyresi- 14th Ave.. N. 4Mntial (high (1ensity) . 5. HONEYDEW AREA bounded on- the 5. This area has been revised north by 12th Ave. N. , on the south to single family residential. by 11th Ct. N. , obi the east by 136th Ave. S.E. , on the west by 132nd Ave. S.E. now indicated as multi-famil residential (high density) . 6. HIGHLANDS AREA bounded on the 6. This area has been revised north by Stn Ave. N. , on the south to multi-'famil res ential by 5th Ave. N. , on the east by "I" low densit St. , on the west. by "H" st. now indicated as multi-family resi- dential (hiqh de__ nsit�LL. i 7. HIGHLANDS AREA- bounded on the 7. Proposed depth of 350' + north by 5th Ave. N. , on the south south from 5th Ave. N. for - ! by 4th Ave. N. , on the east by multi-•fa.milyrests dg-:nIt. M—O- lm 132nd Ave. S.E. , on the west by density) ; remaining depth of "M" St. now indicated as li_ohht 6-6-6'r-:F'-to 4th Ave. N. for industrial and business. business 8. EAST CEMETERY RD. AREA---the 8. Proposed buGi-ness to a depth four corners of 138th Ave. S . E. and of 600' surrounded by a 200' S .E. 128th Sr. to .a depth of 300' bu`- Cer strip of multi--fames now indicted as business , residential medi�.�m density) 345 July 29, 1968 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ' 9. NORTH RENTON AREA bounded on 9. This area revised to the north by N. 4th St. , on. the light industrial. east by Houser %,?ay, on the west !, by, F"ctory Ave. N. now indicated as multi-family residential (high density) and coy-inercial . 1.0. NORTH RENTON AREA bounded on 10. This area revised to multi_ the north by N. 3rd St. , on the family residential (high den`s ty) . south by N. 2nd St. , on the east by Factory Ive. N; , o- `'he west by Parc Ave. N. nc,�; i; sated as comme-cial.. 11. E:ARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL AREA 11. This area revised to light bounded on the north by Pacific industrial. Coast Railroad, on the south by Northern Pacific Railway, on the east by 89th Ave., S. extended, on the west by Great Northern Railroad now indicated as heavy industrial. 12. RENTW HILL AREA bounded on 12. This area revised to low the north and west by the freeway, and medium densis multi-famil on the south by Puget Sound Power residential. & Light Coz-zipany transmission casement, on the east by Cedar, Renton and Grant Sts. now indi-- Iro cated as multi-family residential (medium densitD 13. MONTERIsY TERRACE AREA bounded 13. This area revised for on the south by Maple Valley Rd. , commercial use. on the east by Monterey Terrace, on the west by the freeway now indicated as 'multi-family residen- tial (medium 14. GLADDING MCBEAN AREA bounded 14 . Proposed revision--first on the north by the Cedar River, on 150' depth abutting the river the sou-'L--h by ridgelire running SE for recreation; next 5001 --600' from City of Seattle pipeline on deptKfor multi-familden- the wes'- to intersection of S. 7th tial (highslensaty ;xemaandcr Ave. extenae& with 116th Ave. S.E. for green belt. extended now indicated as head indust and green belt. 15. PHILIP ARNOLD PARK AREA bounded 15. This area revised to sin lc by Philip Arnold Park on the north, family residential. taw Bonneville Pourer Administration trans- mission line ease,nent on the south, on the east by Cedar River pipeline R/W, on the west by High St. extended now indicated as multi--family residen- tial (medium dens".t} � I i 346 July 29, 1968 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 16. MAPLE VALLEY AREA bounded by 16. This area revised for the Cedar River on the west and recreational use. north, on the east by 148th Ave. S.E. extended, on the south by Milwaukee Railroad mainline R/W now indicated as green belt. 17. MAPLEWOOD HO:�L•S AREA bounded 17. This area revised for multi.- . on the north by Maple Valley Road family residential (low density). thence south 12001 , on the east by 140th Ave. S.E. , on the west by the Cedar River now designated for recreational use. 18., ROLLING HILLS AREA from the 18. This area revised to single . intersection of Rolling Hills Ave. S. family residentie 1. .and Puget Drive to a radius of 600' now indicated as multi-family resi- dential (medium density) . 19. TALBOT HILL AREA bounded on the 19. This area revised to sin ie north by the freeway, on the south family residential. by S. 13th St. , on the east by Talbot Rd, on the west by Lake Ave. S. now indicated as multi-family residential (low density) . - _-_--_ 20. WEST TALBOT HILL AREA bounded 20. This area revised torK ecn on the north by S. 13th St. , on the belt. south by S. 176th St. extended, on the west by East Valley Freeway east to a depth.of 300' from the freeway now- indicated as multi--family residential (high density 21. CASCADE AREA bounded on the north 21. This area revised to sincfle by S.E. 160th St. extended, on the family residenti.a71. south by S.E. 176th St. , on the east .by 116th Ave. S.E. , on the west by 108th Ave. S.E. now indicated as multi-family residential (medium density 22. BENSON HILL AREA bounded by Benson 22. This area revised to si�lc Rd. on the north, S.E. 172nd St. ex- family res3.dential. tended on the south, 108th Ave. S.E. on the east, 104th and 106th Aves. S.E. on the west now indicated as multi-fami.ly residential (medium ilensi . 23. BENSON HILI, AREA starting at the 23. Proposed to reduce the area intersection of 108th Ave. S.E. and of commercial from 1000` to 600'_ S.E. 176th St. to a radius of 1000 ' banded�y 400' strip of muj,t.L': was dosignated commercial bounded by family residc'rlLial (mcd).uri ,d = a 500' band of multi-family rosiden­ tial (medium dens�t���~ _ o~ I R E F E R R A L S Renton City Council Regular Meeting August 5, 1968 Office of the City Clerk BOARD CF PUBLIC WORKS Boundary ReviewBoard Notice of Hearing, Sept. 12, 1968, after 7:00 p.m. Rm. 402, King County Courthouse, on annexation to Water District f-58- CITY ATTCRNEY AND *INSURANCE CARRIER *Claims against City of Renton from Richard L. Bowers in connection with damage to camper and Jerry Farney for automobile damage, from a tree limb and manholef respectively. Standards for separate contract proposals to be allowed industries on garbage disposal. COMM,I TTEE OF THE WHOLE Appointmants to the Fair Housing Commission. LAW AND ORDINANCE COPS}lull TTEE Ordinance : Annexation of Peoples Bank Property, vicinity Rainier Ave. and 122nd St. Appropriation of funds for ,transfer to expending account to cover Invoice of X811 .70 for pool and landscape plans and specifications, new City Hall site, due Olen Hurt Assoc. Appropriation of X5,236. 13 received in the Urban Arterial Fund into budgetary expend- ing account No. 1250, Urban Arterial Fund, Capital Outlay 606. Rezone application, Lorenson and Jensen, Appl. No. R-448-68, from R-3 to B-1, property located on 132nd Ave. SE between 4th and 619h Avenues No. Resolution for loan from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund in sum of $60,000.00 to the Park Fund to match State and Federal Funds for completion of Stage 3 Development of Lal-,e Wash. Beach Park. Preparation of Ordinance granting Seattle City Light a similar Franchise to that awarded Puget Sound Power and Light Co. - Standards for separate contract proposals to be allowed industries on garbage disposal. *"^AYOR AND CITY CLERK Sign necessary contract documents with R.L. Moss & Co., bid on No. 3rd St. - No. th St. construction project. Execute required contract documents, Red-Samm Mining Co., bid in sum of $ 13,543.20, Lake VIn. Blvd. grade and reconstruction project. *Standards for separate contract documents to be allowed industries on garbage disposal. PARK BOARD Bids: Bathhouse and stove shelter, State 2 Development of La.-,e Wn. Beach Park. Bids : Tennis court repair and resurfacing, Highlands Park, No. Highlands Park and Liberty Park, per specifications. PLANNING C0i%VitISSJ0td Final�F'lat : Rolling Hills No. 4, request on behalf of Bell & Valdez that the approval of this final plat be postponed for 30 days due to resulting problems which need to be resolved. PLANNING C01AMITTEE Recomrsendation of the Planning Commission that the sectt.)n of the Ordinance requiring app:-ova! of sign applications by the Planning Commission be deleted. POLICE AND LICENSE CO3'?;udTTEE Request by J.D. Dever, Sec.-Treas., Kent Taxi-Midway Taxi Co., 209 E. hloeker St., Kent Wash., for license to create and operate a new taxicab company in the City of Renton. Jack Pence, Pres., SWR, Inc., Radio Station request for No-Fee Permit to conduct fund raising ticket sale in Renton. Request by Thomas J. Hogan for permission to consumate sale of Renton Radio Cab Co. and Renton Yellow Cab, Inc. , properties, interests and assets to Nir. C.A. Bailey. FROFERTY COMMITTEE Renegotiale lease with Kentucky Roast Beef. 348 � REFERRALS - City Council Meeting 8/5/68 Cont.- SAN 1 TAT I ON C0;i'1A I TTEE Glenn Wallin & Assoc., Inc. request for permission for hook.-up to City of Renton sanitary sewer system and pay the late comers charge, on property located on 96th Ave. So. for Sidney A. and Rosalia Bergstrom. (Granted) Standards for separate contract proposals to be allowed industries on garbage disposal. STREET AND ALLEY COP,MITTEE Bids: Blacktop of 12th Ave. No. from Sunset Blvd. E. to 132nd Ave. SE. Petition containing 27 signatures for widening of Shattuck St. underpass to allow two-way traffic. APPOI NTUENTS Mr. Donald 0. Jacobson as member of the Renton Library Board, effective 6/1/68 through 5/31/73. MEETINGS AND EVENTS August 9, 1966 - Police and License Committee Meeting, 4:00 p.m. Thursday. August 10, 1968 - Annual Picnic at the Aqua Barn commencing at 11 :00 a.m., City Employees. August 12, 1968 Committee of the Whole Meeting 7:00 p.m. July Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council. TO CLAIMS FROM: Current $ 51,861.15 Street Fund 261)531.34 Cedar River M. & I. 262.93 Equipment Rental 13,630.98 Library 11,914.65 Parks 77,708.02 Waterworks Utility 52,910.09 Airport 1,977.97 Firemen's Pension 5,607.58 City Hall Construction 111,956.44 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund $135,535.93 Street Fund 25,102.05 ' Cedar River M. & I. 596.00 Equipment Rental 4,520.13 Library 9,295.51 Parks 31,297.34 Water 19,891.32 Airport 1,397.00 Firemen's Pension 90.82 . 227,726.10 349 RENTON CITE' COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Aug ust 5, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W., Custer, Mayor, and the' Pledge• of Allegiance was recited in, unison by the assembly. ROLL, CALI, OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Schellert. Moved by Maxin, seconded by Schellert, that the absent "ouncilman be excused, Mr. Morris being ill. The motion carried. ,,..,'FICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. Corrections or revisions to the minutes were invited and Councilman Edwards requested that Page 2, Paragraph 1 under Ordinances for Introduction, meeting of July 22nd be changed from "The Committee reported it will hold the proposed Ordinance for one week" to show the document to be held "until the next regular meeting". Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 22, 1968 and the special meeting of July 29, 1968 as noted and otherwise as prepared. Carried. Mrs. Norma Cugini and Mrs. Richard Neglay were in attendance to present -awards-for the water color artwork submitted by City Officials as requesteduested as a fun project of the Renton Art Show, to be held August 9, 10, and 11 on the mall in the Renton Shopping Center. Mrs. Cu- ini placed First Prize ribbon award on the lapel of Councilman Schellert for his painting entitled "Traffic Confusion" depicting a perplexed eyeball glaring at a conglomera- tion of traffic signal lights. Second prize, gayly decorated paper plate ribbon award, was presented to Councilman Delaurenti for a unique abstract of green and blue angular designs within a black outline maze. The artwork was declared for sale as are other bona fide paintings of the show with sale proceeds to be donated to the Valley General Hospital and `he Oliver Hazen High School. r„ ?17,NING OF BIDS: Bathhouse and Stove Shelter, Stage 2 Development of Lake Wn. Beach Park. Fi . Central Puget Construction, Renton. This being the Company, date set, sealed bids were opened and read by the- Clerk as submitted by the gP : following: D. Stewart Com Kent Wn., Tech Construction Co. Renton; General In- dustries,, Inc. d/b/a Coastal Constructors, Lynnwood, Wn., as per attached tabulations. Bid bonds accompanied all bids. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to refer the bids to the Park Board to report back. The motion carried. Bid bonds accompanied all bids. OPENING OF BIDS: Blacktop of 12th Avenue North from Sunset Blvd. E. to 132nd Ave. S .E . This being .the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and-read by the City Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID TAX TOTAL BID Red Samm Mining, Inc. $ 8,360.00 $ 376.20 $ 8,736.20 F. 0. Box 776 Redmond. Wn. 9£052 i Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. $ 8,312.50 $ 374.06 $ 8,686.56 P. 0. Box 444 Renton, Washington 98055 Moved by Shane, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the bids to the Street and Alley Committee o report back. The motion carried. Bid bonds accompanied both bids. 6TPEN.T_NG OF BIDS : Tennis Court repair and resurfacing, Highlands Park, North Highlands Park and Liberty Park, per specifications (Bid bonds accompanied both bids) BIDDER AND ADDRESS TOTAL BID Rumscy & Company Contractors $ 26,580.00 3821 Airport Way South Seattle, Wn. 98108 Raecol.ith, Inc. $ 27,000.00 5622 Corson Avenue So. Seattle, Wn. Moved by Delaurenti, second by Perry to refer the bids to the Park Board to report back. Carried, —1— • �f 350 Minutes -- Renton C_tyM_nt-_ g to) 8/5/68 Council;pan Farm, inquiring regarding extent of work to ba donna within the tennis court repair bids, requested that weepy of exactly what is to be -covered be placed in his mailbox. Mayor Custer noted that a copy of the specifications could be secured for Mr. Bareils purpose. PUBLIC Ez"R.ING: An._ex.aticn of Peoples Bank Property, Rainier Avenue at South 122nd. Street This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Discuss-lon ensued regarding extent of encroachment of the bank and parking lots within State right-of-way. Traffic Engineer Bennett reported conf7rmet-ion of same and submitted letter from Mr. Robert G. Perry, Sr. Vice-President of the bank which assured that the temporary portable bark building will be removed from its existing location and the curb cuts reconstructed to ex-'sting curbing gutter sections, six months subsequent to the date annexation is approved. Upon inquiry as to reason for annexation,it ,#Bs note d by Attorney Burroughs that intent is to secure a branch bank in the City of Renton, subsequent use of property not of pr�_me concern and off- location being due 'to the fact that Ydng County and the City of Rentor are not using the same monuments, and the City Utility also being within this right-of-way. After further discussion, audience comment was invited and since there was none, it was moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, that the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed, and further council action invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to accept the annexation and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Ordinance. The motion carried. (&ee further action on this matter under Ordinances For Adoption). ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION:' ' _ Councilman Trim=, Chairman of the Taw and Ordinance Committee, .submitted proposed Ordinance regulating the sale of handguns in the City which had been placed on first reading 7/22/68, and moved that the document be placed on second and final reading. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti,and after discussion disclosing that the legislation is to being the City into conformance with the County and City of Seattle regulatory controls, the motion carried. After second and final reading, it.was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to adopt Ordinance No. 2424 relating to and regulating the sale of pistols in the City, defining terms and certain offenses, providing notice and prescribing penalties and repealing any and all Ordinances in conflict therewith. (72 hr. cooling off period before release of purchase) Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trin , Perry, Delaurenti and Schellert. No: Shane. The motion.. carried. Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from General Classification District, (G-5000) to Light Industry District (L-1), as read by the Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the f irr,l reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2425 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read annexing certain territory to the City of Renton in vicirni.ty of South 122nd Street, West of Rainier Avenue and portion of 90th Avenue South, contiguous to Voting Precinct No. 46. (Peoples Bank Property.) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Barei, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Bare;, seconded by lie rry, to adopt Ordinance No. 2426 as read. Discussion ensued regarding agreement which 'iriight be required, City Attorney Shellan stating formerly lead letter was adequate and ;suffici ent were bank removal and replacement of curbing is concerned and that the City has no jurisdiction over the State property but the Traffic Engineer, upon annexation has jurisdiction over ingress and egress so there is no problem. Roll call vote followed call for the question, resulting as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert. Grant Abstained. The motion carried. Mayor Custer reported receipt "of a letter from the Kiwanis Club after preparation of the Agenda in regard to work of the Club at the Park and it was moved by Bare?, seconded by Bruce, to authorize placement of the communication on the agenda for read=ng. Carried. Additional letter received concerns Stoneway Concrete thanking the City for services in connection with an accident involv4ng one of their trucks, and this was passed around for ob the Council to' reed, Third item which was received"and needs timely action is Progress Payment billing and Building Di-r=ctors r?commendation for payment and notice of completion. Acceptance of the project and commencement of the 30-day lien period were ftirther recommended. Hord Roofing Contract, C.0. 1310-68, H.'ghland Administration Building Roof repair, $4,359,23. Retained amount of $484.35 to be held p,3nding retention release^,, Moved by Bar-ai, second by Schellert to admit the communicate"o_1 to the Agenda. Carred. (See further action under Correspondance and Currant Business.) -L- i Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8/5/68 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: . (See further Ordinances under Old Business by Council - Underground Wiring and Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Franchise Ordinance) CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSYNESS: A letter from King County Boundary Review Board enclosed Notice of Hearing,to be held September 12, 1968, after 7:00 p.m., Rm. 402, King Co. Court House, on Annexation to Water District #58, File A-81. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to refer the Notice to the Board of Public Works for recommendation. The motion carried. Petition containing 27 signatures urged widening of the Shattuck Street underpass to allow two-way traffic. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. The motion carried. Letter from the State of Wn. Department of Health, A. G-. Koch, Dist. Engineer, approved the Plans, Specifications and Addendum No. 1 to plans, on Well No. 8 Pump Station, Liberty Park, Renton, Wn. Letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk reported need to appropriate funds for transfer to expending account to cover.,Invoi.ce of $811.70 for Pool and Landscape Plans and Specifications, new city hall site, due Glen- Hunt & Assoc. ; From .Cumul. Reserve Fund 2369, Account No. 3800, and to be placed in City Hall Construction Fund #2810 Capital Outlay, 602 and statement has been approved by Mr. Hayden Williams- and Mayor Custer. Moved b Schellert- seconded b Maxin to concur and refer the matter to the Y y Y Law and Ordinance Committee. Letter from J. D. Dever; Sec.--Treas., Kent Taxi-Midway Taxi Co., 209 E . Meeker Street, Kent, Wn. , requested license to create and operate a new taxicab company in Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Jack Pence, Pres., SWR, -Inc, Radio Station, requested No-Fee Permit to conduct fund raising ticket sale in Renton to give public assistance through communi- I 6w cations,giving aid to Seattle Handicapped Center last year for the Teen Angels Bus. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to refer the request to the Police and License Com- mittee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Mayor Custer commended city departments and personnel for quick and decisive action on Friday July 26th when 16" water line erupted under Highway 405 off-ramp in the vicinity of the Maple Valley Highway, which responsive efforts and perseverance were responsible for preventing more serious situation. Letter from Robert E. Kenkman, Sales Representative, Glenn Wallin & Associates, Inc., requested permission for hook-up to City of Renton sanitary sewer system and- pay the late comers charge, on property located on 96th Avenue South where proposed property owners, Sidney A. and Rosalia Bergstrom wish to build a residence. It was noted that building permit cannot be secured from the County as the parce1, .8400 sq, ft., is not large enough for septic tank. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee to report back. Carried. (See later action on this matter under Old Business by Council) Discussion ensued regarding attempts by residents of this area to annex and existing agreement between the City and Water District 78 to effect that the City will not annex unless the whole district is annexed, 'the 757. requirement for City initiation also being noted. Mr. Kenkman ad- v d- wised that connecting to the City system would allow them to secure a County building permit. I Letter from M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, requested permission to attend the 73rd Annual Conference of Western Fire Chiefs' Association in Las Vegas, Nevada, September. 8-12, r.r 1968. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, the request be granted and expenses to be borne by the city, within budgeted provisions. Carried. Moved by Barei, and seconded by Shane, that City Officials, appointedor .elected, upon his return., s;.bmit a report, to the Department Head or to the Mayor in the case of Department Head's; on attendance at Conventions, to include what the conference was about, what benefit accrued to the individual and what was of value to the city. After discussion of the matter, it being noted authorization is not required within the State and that this is not to require Ordinance revision but constitutEs Council statement of requirement, it was noted report is often given, and material brought back which might be utilized, the motion was voted upon and lost by majority negative voice vote. 4352 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8/5/68 CORRE00- NDENCE AICD CUIRRENT BUSIN'r.SS (Cont.) Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need to appropriate $5,236.13 received in the Urban Arterial Fund into budgetary expending account No. 1250, Urban Arterial Fund, Capital Outlay 606. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Gordon Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations as follows: Preliminary Plat Applications: Schumakers Addition, A.ppl.. PP-459-68, property located at N.E. corner of S.E. 100th Street and 108th Avenue S.E ., proposed-for single family residential use which is in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Barei' seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in approval of the Preliminary Plat. (Clifford Schumaker property) Carried. Stollenmayer Addition, Apel. PP-473--68, property located North of S .E. 100th Street and Westerly of 112th Avenue S.E., owned by William Stollenmayer, .and proposed as single family residential use which is in accord with the Comprehensive Plano Plan was revised to provide that the width of the S.E. corner lot No. 1 be increased to 80 ft. and 20 ft. setback be maintained on S.L. 100th Street for buildings constructed on Lots 1 and 12, and applicant so amended his application. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur and accept the Preliminary Plat as recommended by the Planning Commission. Carried. Final Plat: Rolling Mills No. A. : Letter from Sprout Engineers &- Associates, Inc. requested, on behalf of Bell and Valdez, developers of Rolling Hills No. 4, that the approval of this final plat be postponed for 30 days due to resulting problems which need to be resolved. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to grant the request and refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Curried. Rezone Application: Lorenson and Jensen, Appl. R-448-68, from R-3 to B-1; property located on 132nd Ave. S.E. between 4th and 6th Avenues No. Proposed commercial use which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Discussion ensued regarding location and proximity to single family residential use areas after which it was moved by Maxin, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation for the rezone. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from the Planning Director reported Commission completion of study of the Zoning Ordinance with regard to advertising signs and recommended that the section of the ordinance requiring approval of sign applications be deleted and the matter of sign control be handled administratively by department concerned. Moved by Schellert and seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Planning Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requested permission for Traffic Signal Superintendent Chas. Scoby, to attend International Convention in Denver, Colorado, August 18 through 21, 19.68. Moved by -Garrett, seconded by Grant, to grant the request. The motion carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon requested loan from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund in sum of $60000.00 to the Park Fund to match State and Federal Funds for completion of Stage 3 development of Lake Wn. Beach Park, said loan to bear interest at 3% and to be repaid no later than December 31, 1970. Moved by Delaurenti, secondee by Edwards, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Letter from Don Taylor, President, City Employees Club, extended invitation to the Mayor and Council and families to attend the annual Picnic on August 10t1h at the Aqua Barn commencing at 11:00 a.m. Letter from the Wn. State Highway Commission gave notification that on or about July 1, 1969 a portion of old PSH 2, Sunset Interchange to 116th Avenue S.L. will be returned to the City of Renton, joint maintenance inspection to be made to insure that routine maintenance is up to date. Letter from Thomas J. Hog,an•requested permission to consumate sale of Renton Radio Cab Company and Renton Yellow Cab, Inc., their properties, interests and assets to Mr. C. A. Bailey. Moved by Delaurenti, secondel by Shane, to refer the matte= to the Police and License Committee to report bark. The motion carried. Claims against the City were read from Richard L. Bowers in c6nnection with damage to camper and Jerry Farney for automobile damage from a tree limb enc manhole. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Max3n, to refer the claims to the •City "Attorney and -Insurance -Carrier. - Carried. -4- 353 i�ti.nLt�s - �.enton ti_ty Council Melting 8/5/68 COR ESrCNLEN+=E ANS' CR2:_1' B,�T^121ESS: (Coat,) Letter from the Kiwanis Club of Renton, H. M. Edman, Secretary, advised that the Club has now completed the shelter in Kiwanis Park and is officially turning the facility over to the City Park & Recreation Department. Continuing interest in the park was expressed and their aim if conditions allow is to finish the shelter with kitchen equipments water and electri:L It was requested that a letter be d- rected to the Kiwanis Club thanking the members for their contributions, community spirited effort, and goodwill, on behalf of the citizens as well as the Council. i . Letter from Sven Jchnson,' Building Director, submitted and recommended for payment, statement in sum of $4,3359.23, due fiord Roofing Company, C.AG. 1310-683 Highlands Administration Bulking roof repair. Acceptance by -Council was recommended as of this date with commencement of the 30-day _lien period, after which, if no liens or claims are filed and upon- proof of payment of tax liabilities, the -retained amount of $484.35 be released.. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Thomas Hogan introduced .ire and Mrs. Bailey, prospective purchasers of the taxi- cab companies. Mr. John Monson, representing Colorcable, Inc. commended the City and Department Heads, and Light and Power Comrhittee for efforts and progress toward the underground wiring program and urged that implementation begin. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, to recess. Carried. After the recess roll call was taken and all Councilmen were present as previously listed. OLTP BUSINESS BY CCUNCR Council President Garrett reported that the Council Committee on Committees has concurred in the appointment of Mr. Donald 0. Jacobson as member of the Renton Library Board, effective 6/1/68 through 5/31/73 and recommended approval of the appointment by the Council. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee in the appointment of Mr. Jacobson. Carried. Committee of the Whole report was submitted by President Garrett recommending that the,underground wiring 'prcgram be initiated on the North 3rd.-- 4th Street Urban Arterial street improvement and that the Traffic Engineering Department commence steps to implement the program. Moved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation Qui-scions were raised as to city costs for the project and for relocation of utii-'tits, concern being expressed also for the assessment to result aga-nst the property owners of the area, The Traffic Engineer reported an estimated cost of $369000,00 to the city and $8,000,00 to the property owners. $360,000.00 being noted as total estimate of cost. Subjects brought_ up were the contents of the proposed Underground Wiring Ordinance and the Franchise, progress on acquisition of needed prcperty, which cost is included in rcquetts for matching funds, acid fact that the No. 3rd - 4th Street project had been part of the 6-Year Compreheusiv�- Street program upon which public hearing was recently held. It was noted that action on this matter would establish policy to go underground and the city is not incurring arty li.-bl .ty until a contract is authorized, legal matters to be discussed with tlien City Attorney, as may need to be resolved, also, noted was fa^t that Franchise: would need to be awarded for the 90% participation by Puget Sound Power and. Light Company, but planning was needed before proceeding. The pending motion subsequantiy carried. Wiring The Committee of the Whole r�,ccmmended that the Undergr.ound/Ordinarice be adopted witt-i Bhang-::s reccmmend;.d by Mr. Harold M. Mozer in Memorandum, H. Zinder &.Assoc.a which was re:d. cv-­d by Grant, seconded by Maxin, to pla.c�- the proposed Ordinance on its s,2cond a der fi.n%al reading. During discussion regarding the Ordinance-,letter c 7 t •^ 7 n o -, 7 • was read from i-�.b�.:t Sound Po��.:� and Light Co, assuring ..o�p. rat_v� c:3ntributiorr In tlic prt, i. ct but advising that the franchise rights requircm nt i not subject to w2_i•.c aid must be present to enable participation, Mr. John also confirwi.:i, pos'..tion of the power company. Moved by Barei, second(-r'. Shane that the motion t)e amended to read that the Ordinance be placed on se^ond and final reading; s,u!,Ject to revisions of the Memorandum except that Page 3, under rebai l.ds, be changr-�d to reed 260 fret rat-nr than 500 feet, Mr. Wallin, of Puget Sound. Power and Light Co. explained that all this had been worked out in meetings and that to have -risers -coming up every 200 ft. would be very expensive and unsightly, and that the file ta.r'ff is the same bas-?s for Kent, Auburn, Bremerton, etc. . The amendment was votea on and lost and 61scussion continued on the original motion after which vote was taken resulting in dissznting voice vote, the chair ruling the ayes to have it." Roil call was properly requested by at least two members and was taken as follows:rI e: Gran t, Erucic, maxin,, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti and Schelle-rt. Minutes of the Renton City Council 8/5/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Underground Wiring Ordinance Roll Call. Vote: No: Garrett, . Bare.i, Shanand Perry. The motion carried. The proposed Ordinance was placed on second and- final reading. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane to adopt Ordinance No. 2427 with technical amendments as outlined. Barei inquired whether cement poles rather than wooden could lie installed which he felt were more sightly. and after discussion regarding the revisions proposed by the Consultants., roll call vote was taken and resulted as follows: Aye: Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti and Schellert. No: Garrett, Barei and Perry. Carried. The Council Committee on Committees reported it did not feel the Fair Housing Commission should be selected by this Committee and referred the matter back to the City Council for further action. Moved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor of appointees to serve on 'the Fair Housing Commission. Names included Mrs. Mary Dolleman, Lee Margulis, Paul. Nunn, Helga Karinen and subsequent appointee Angelo Ri.ghi. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the appointments to the Com- mittee of the Whole. The motion carried. Councilman Grant left the Council Chambers and it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, that Mr. Grant be excused. Carried. The Councilman returned shortly and resumed his place at the Council table. Letter from the Street and Alley Committee recommended that the low bid of R. L. Moss in sum of $248,864.10 be accepted on the North-3rd - 4th Street construction project and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contract documents. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. . Recommended that Emles Electric Co. of Alderwood Manor, be awarded bid on the traffic signal portion of this improvement in total amount of $176,210.00. Moved by Barei, seconded by Maxin, to concur. Discussion ensued during which Shane opposed the City participation in this construction and it was noted this was necessary to stay within the Urban Arterial Fund appropriation. The pending motion carried. The Street and Alley Committee recommended that the low bid of Red-Samm Mining Company, in sum of $13,543.20 be accepted on the Lake Wn. Blvd. grade and reconstruction project: and than the Mayor and City Clerk he authorized to execute required contract documents.It' was moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, to concur. in Ile Committee recommendation. Carried. Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm inquired regarding Council wishes in regard to the Puget: Sound Power and Light Company Franchise Ordinance, Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Maxin, to bring the Franchise document out of Committee for further action. Dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Ayes: Garrett, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Schellert. No: Barei, Shane, Grant and Bruce. The motion carried 7 to 4. The document was presented with notation that: it had been on first, second and 3rd reading. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt:' the Franchise Ordinance as read which grants unto Puget Sound Power• an•d Light Company, A Corporat&h, 'its successo.ri and assigns, the right; privilege, authority and franchise to set, erect, construct and maintain poles and wires, under- ground cables, together with appurtenances thereto, upon, over, under, along;, across the streets, avenues, alleys of the City of Renton for the purpose of transmission, distribution and sales of electric energy, for power, heat and light and for any other purpose or .purposes for which electricity may be used. It was suggested that action be withhold on the matter pending completion of the power rate and service study now being conducted for the City at cost of $6,000.00 by the H. Linder Co. & Associates. It was noted• that- there are some 50 days left.-• before tlie study 'is to be complKed and after some Considerable discussion question was' called for on the motian. The roll call vote was subsequently taken on the matter as follows: Ayer Garrett, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert. No: Barei, Shane and Grant. Carried. Councilman Shane -inquired of the City Attorney whether in his opinion proprietary interest might be involved in the vote and Attorney Shellan advised there was not. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, that Seattle City Light he granted a similar Franchise to that awarded Puget Sound and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for preparation. Carried. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, to suspend rules and allow smoking at this time . Carried. Councilman Perry reported distribution of Puget Sound Governmental Conference monthly newspaper, noting schedule of work program for the next 3 to 5 ,years to he filed with the Mayor. -6- R , Minutes -- Renton City Council Meeting 8/5/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL:(Cont.) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 4399 through 4596, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 10,806.94 4419 - 4495 Arterial Strut Fund 47..40 4496 Urban Arterial Street Fund 10.45 4497 City Street Fund 4,509.34 4498 - 4512 Equipment Rental 8,569.19 4513 - 4540 Library 5.57 , 4541 Parks 4,631.76 4542 - 4565 Waterworks Utility Fund 48,860.34 4566 - 4589 & 4596 Airport 170.52 4590 - 4594 City Hall Construction Fund 8.75 $77,380:26 4595 L.I.D. 258 :Cash Fund 18049.69 No. 1 L.T.D. 258 Revenue Fund 18049.69 1 Total L.I.D. $18,449.69 Councilman Delaurenti announced a meeting of the Police and License Committee at 4:00 p.m. . on Thursday, August 8, 1968 and requested that the Police Chief, City Attorney and City Clerk, and Attorneys Gouge and Lewis, concerned with taxicab company sale be present. Councilman Schellert submitted Ways and Means Committee report recommending.that the matching funds needed for the Urban Arterial Project, paving and traffic signals for No. 3rd-4th St. project, be transferred from budgetary accounts unto the Urban Arterial Fund 1250, 605 Structures and Improvements in total sum of $35,000.00. From: City Street Fund, St: Dep't., 1320/605, Widen No. 3rd St. , $5,000.00; Current Fund, Traffic Engineer- ing 1172/110, Salaries & Wages, $1,000.00; Traffic Engineering 1172/605, Traffic Signals, $9,500.00; Engineering Dep't. , 1171/110, Salaries & Wages, $14,000.00; Fire Dep't., 1190 110, Salaries & Wages, $2,000.00; Legal Dep't. , 1130/314, Consultant Fees, $3,000.00 and Executive Dep't. , 1120/504, Travel Expense, $500.00. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. MCA Councilman Barei reported receipt of invoices and appraisals on 10th Place in the Renton Highlands, Alley, Block 2, Smithers Sixth Addition to Renton and portion of Lake Street upon which lease was requested by Kentucky Roast Beef, Inc. -It was recommended that since the City has no fee title interest in 10th Place, it be vacated for $150.00. It was- pointed out by City Attorney She flan that the City does not have fee title interest in right of ways but only easements for public benefit and use. The City has the same legal interest in all streets concerned in this matter which easement interest is what is vested in abutting property owners upon vacation so he may use the property as he may desire. Moved by Garrett, Seconded by Schellert, that the matter be referred back to the'Property,Committee to secure another appraiser and estimate to be given on the basis of the easement interest the city has in all' dedicated streets... . Carried. The Property Committee Chairman recommended that the Alley in Block 2, Smithers Addition, appraised at $2,625.00 by Fred W. Akers, be vacated to abutting property owners at 2 the appraised price, $1,312.50. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to concur. The motion carried. Chairman Barei submitted formula for rental of Lake Street on a 5 year basis and was advised by City Attorney Shellan that streets cannot be leased for a period of that duration but can only be leased on -.temporary basis for short period such as six months, in event the City should determine- it might wish to improve the street. Any lease also should be subject to 90 day cancellation, the city right being paramount to any use of public property. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Maxin, to refer the matter back to the Property Committee to renegotiate the lease with Kentucky Roast Beef. The motion carried. Councilman Shane, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee reported recommendation that bid on the Lake Wn. Beach Park Lift Station, opened July 22, 1968, be awarded to low bidder, W. C. Frost Construction Co., Kent, Wn., in sum of $19,853.95. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to concur. Carried. Councilman Shane reported meeting with the Pacific Car & Foundry Company representative. Majority of the Committee recommended that Pacific Car be allowed to enter into separate contract with Valley Disposal Company for garbage and refuse disposal contract to expire . at the time the City Contract expires as will the next Boeing contract, and subject to approval of the Council and as to form by the Attorney. There was considerable debate on this matter in regard to the rate structure, former bidders action and subsequent request, (Park & Sons) and conditions pertinent to the matter following motion by Grant, seconded b•- Barei, to concur in the recommendation of the Ccmmi.ttee. -7- N ' J Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8/5/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont.) The motion to concur in granting of a separate contract to Pacific Car and Foundry Company was voted upon and lost. City Attorney Shellan had outlined actions the Council should follow in such matters as this which is to set standards whereby those requesting separate contract furnish information to show they have refuse or garbage or metal that the ordinary business does not have so they are entitled to special consideration; any contract should be subject to approval by the City Council and the contract should provide that in no event will it extend beyond the life of the Franchise and if the Franchise is cancelled the separate contract agreements are likewise .cancelled. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane, that the question of standards for separate contract proposals be referred to the Mayor, City Attorney, Sanitation Committee and the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Shane recalled action on the Wallin & Edwards Real Estate Co. request for hooking to city sewer system to.:allow Sidney Bergstrom to secure a building permit for property on Talbot Hill, and reported Sanitation Committee recommenda- tion ecommenda-tion that the connection be allowed subject to the late comers charges and to condition that property owner will sign any petition for annexation that may be circulated in the area in the future. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, that all future council meetings be terminated at 11:30 p.m. The motion failed. Councilman Bruce submitted Fire and Water Committee recommendation that the Council accept the low bid of Crane Company,on the Cold Water Meters, in sum of $29.69 each. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Shane, to concur. The motion carried. Council President Garrett announced meeting of the Committeeof the Whole on Monday, August 12th at 7:00 p.m. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Mr. Richard Stredicke after noting action on the franchise matter an6 letters received in this regard, inquired as to why all Ordinances are not read in full nor the numbers and felt the public should be allowed to speak during the ` adoption of the ordinances. (numbers are not assigned until ordinances are adopted) Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12: 58 p.m. There were 42 visitors in the Council Chambers. ._.� .,�.. G-•j :CSC...!.% / �-C�-..R'�✓y�„� Helmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor • tf Bid Openipg August 9,-1968 BI-D TABULATION SHEET 1968 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK BATHHOUSE AND STOVE SHELTER Bidder & Address Bond Basic Bid Alternate No. I Alternate No, 2 Alternate No.3 Basket Racks Fixtures Landscape :NTRAL PUGET CONSTR. >1 S,W. Lind St , x $125,763.00 $2330.00 $2158.00 $1375.00 nton, Wn. 98055 VENTURE CONSTRUCTION NO BID TECH CONSTRUCTION CO. 630 Land Ave_ S.W. Renton, Wn, 98055 X $103,890.00 $2097,00 $1958,.00 $1275,00 J.D. STEWART CO„ 18821 E. Valley Hwy, X 102, 139,0.0 $2300.00 $1735.00 $€400.00 Kent, Wn, 98031 S & T CONSTRUCTION NO BID General ! ndustries Inc: d/b/a/ COASTAL CONSTRUCTORS X $ 121 ,332,00 $2450.00 $2252,00 $1467.00 20215 64th W. Lynnwood, Wn: 98036 NEW OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8-5-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY Tt-IE BUI.LDINK-7 A10 Etrv1NEERING DEPARTMENTS -- -BU I LD 1 NG PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1100 $ I,000.00 Mario H. Tonda 1310 Beacon Way So. Remove water tank 1100 800.00 Janet Butler 500 Mill Ave So. Repair fire damage 1102 900.00 Harry Warren 848 J St. Add bath 1103 600.00 Great No. Railway Earlington Ind. Pk. Inst. sign I104 400.00 Allan T. Akesson 15508 119th Ave SE Inst. fence B 1105 25,000.00 City of Renton Philip Arnold Park Const. shelter bidgz IIC6 45.00 Hub Real Estate 2840 4th Ave No. Inst. sign 1107 400..00 Norm Miller 12 So. Grady Way Bldg. improvements 1 !03 30.00 Sam Younker 3820 E Valley Ffay Temp. sign 1109 15,436.00 h'rcGrath Corp. 13525 SE 107th Pl. Const. new resid^n,-.& B 1110 1 ,797.00 The Boeing Co. 4-64 & 4-63 Bldg. Const. office spars 1111 1,000.00 " 4-21 Bldg. Re-curing room 1112 1,000.00 Taco Time 200 Rainier Ave So. Erect sign 1113 2, 100.00 George Little 329 Renton Ave So. Remodel basement 1114 16,000.00 Bell & Valdez 2020 SE 20kh Ct. Const. new residenne B 1115 16,000.00 " 2012 Alder Pl . SE " 1116 16,000.00 " 2027 SE 21st Ct. " 1117 16,000.00 It 2000 Alder Pl . SE It 1118 100.00 Waltreud Burrage 230. Main St. Inst. sign 1119 13,000.00 The Boeing Co. 4-42 Bldg. Const. tube shop B 1120 11 ,000.00 John Livengood 10415 SE 84th Const. new resi:.':nn 1 121 42,000.00 Shannon Hogue 17840 92nd Av4 So. Pan.-Ab^de str uc'.ure ir22 900.00 R.H. Hilton 535 Grant Ave. So. E�.close stairway 1123 130.00 Mike Minarich 433 Park Ave. No. Con.,t. fen,�a 6124 2$ 00.00 Robinson-Lyon* Ford 750 Rainier Ave. So. Inst. signs B 1125 200.00 James Fenner 12732 86th Ave. So, Build fe:'ce 1126 150.00 Harold Bahlender 13308 SE 115th St. Const. fer,.-e 1 127 VOID 1128 ---------- VOID 1129 9, 100.00 Central Puget, Inc. 434 SW 7th St. Establish parking fc.:_ B 1130 1 ,200.00 Palm Inter. Spa 127 So. 3rd St. Erect-, Rai^tain 1131 250.00 Towne House Inc. 209 Williams Ave. So. Rem;ve room d1vicer- 1132 ---------- VOID 1133 100.00 Oliver Craig 409 Wells Ave. No. Re-roof house 1134 6,000.00 Stoneway Co. 1915 Maple Valley Hwy. Addition, to office 1135 900.00 The Boeing Co. 4-03 Bldg. Const. kitchnn a;-ea . ,;6 300.00 Albert D. Thompson 21F22 6th Ave. No. Enclose carport 1I37 X00,00 George Fugami 8633 So. 127th Inst. patio cover 1138 700.00 Laurence 1 . Jayne 400 4th Ave. W. Re-roof residence 1139 150.00 Charlie Stewart 9899 116th SE Const. fence B 1140 2,000.00 Louie Gebenint 720 Sunset Blvd. E. New siding, roofing 1141 1,300.00 Donald Brown 15497 Lake Youngs Way Build patio 1142 9,000.00 The Boeing Co. 10-101 Bldg. Remodel, add canopy 1143 5,000.00 Elmer M.orasch 6th No. & !,Tells Build foundation 1144 1 ,500.00 Earl A. Haynes 1112 P St. Carport & bulkhead B 1145 2,500.00 Lester Lord 510 Langston P1 . Addition to home ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 10;4 $ 50.00 Janet Butler 500 Mill Ave. So. Inst. light & outlets E 1095 247.00 The Boeing Co. 4-21 Bldg. Light & power to mono;- 10;6 1,000.00 if 4-63 Bldg. Elecfr!cal work 1097 250.00 it 10-50 Bldg. 12DV outlets for MACCS 1098 1 ,500.00 " 10-54 Bldg. Wiring servicos 1079 50.00 " 10-51 Bldg. Nliring- fans & swift.. E 1100 400.00 " 10-56 Bldg. Power to sandor 1101 250.00 " 4-21 Bldg. 5 IIOV outlets, In3t. 1102 300,00 " 7-65 Bldg. Revise power 1103 200.00 " 10-65 Bldg. 5 outlets for NAACS mw IIC14 250.00 " 4-21 Bldg. Relocate panel E 1105 50.00 " 10-60 B'Idg. Power to heater IIC5, 1;.50.00 " 10-71 Bldg. Expand lighting lab, 1107 190.00 " 10-54 Bldg. Insf. call lights 11013 175.00 " 10-65 131 dg. Relocate reprod. unit 1109 1}, ICo.00 Keenan Pipo Supply 955 Lind Ave. SW 'lire office & warchso, E IHO 550.00 E. Wechse Iberger 12!00 87th So. Wire new res i d(-n-c-a 1111 350.00 Puget V,'estern 35 Grady Way So. Wiring services HIP IP 150.00 Baxter Motel 132.1. Rai vier Ave. So. it 111 50.00 Ray Culver 9320 !Oath Ave. SE Hoo!v.ip neer lo-atir­ 1111;. 3,503.23 The Booing Co. Sub-sta ion l; I Inst. & extensio;, - I O.• L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8-5-68 PERMITS CONTINUED ELECTRICAL. PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK E 1115 6 50.00 Robert 0. Bradley 709 High Ave. So. Remodeling kitchen 1116 16,000.00 Sound Floor Covering 720 Lind Ave. SW Wire warehouse 1117 1,000.00 The Boeing Co. 4-03 Bldg. Inst. light & power Ilia 200.00 " 4-63 Bldg. Power to test bench 1119 550.00 " 4-21 Bldg. Relocate busway E 1120 500.00 The Boeing Co. 10-85 Bldg. Revise elec. service _ 1121 250.00 If 10-71 Bldg. Revise power to equip. 1122 800.00 It 10-85 Bldg. " 1123 239.00 it 10-65 Bldg. Inst. drops for vacuum L... 1124 150.00 Is 10-50 Bldg. MACCS, Renton E 1125 250.00 " 4-17 Bldg. Revise power 1 126 175.00 ,� of 1127 250.00 " 10-60 Bldg. Rework power 1128 247.00 " it Rearrange stacks 120V 1129 50.00 McGrath Homes Inc. 1%43 SE 107th Pi. Temp. service E 1130 50.00 11 13531 SE 107th Fl. " 1131 450.00 R.S. Shane 11658 SE 100th St. Wire new residence 1132 400.00 Charles Wiehoff 9729 116th Ave SE Inst. and wire fixtures MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1059 $---------- Mrs. Larry Lackey 11006 SE tooth St. Inst. septic tank and drain field M (060 ---------- Harry Warren 848 J St. Inst. prumbing & fixt. --- Wilco Products 1 0 It1 ! ------ 5 75 gist Ave. So. 1062 ---------- Sound Floor Covering 720 Lind Ave. So. Inst. sprinkler system 106 _________.. E. Wechselberger 12430 87th Ave So. Inst. plumbing & fixt. @C6 --- ----- East Hili Homes 3288 Rolling Hills P1. S. " M 1065 ---------- " 3284 Rolling His. Pi. S. If 1066 ---------- " 3280 Rolling His. PI So. If 1067 ---------- " 3276 Rolling His PI So. to 1068 ---------- VOID 1069 ---------- Mrs. Ingram 2508 5th No. Inst. furnace M 1070 ---------- The Boeing Co. 4-82 Bldg. Inst. hose valve,vacuum 1071 ----- ---- It 10-71 Bldg. Inst. drains & pipe ... 1072 ---------- it 4-63 Bldg. Extend piping 1073 ---------- William Clarke 7220 Lk. Wn. Blvd. Inst. boiler & oil tank 1074 ---------- McGrath Corp. -13443 SE 107th Pi . Inst. plumbing & fixt. M 1075 _-________ 1113531 SE 107th P1 . " 1076 ---------- it 13525 SE 107th Pi . 1077 ---------- Robinson-Lyon Ford 750 Rainier Ave. So. Inst, furnace, heaters 1078 ---------- McGrath Homes 13525 SE 107th Pl . Inst. gas furnace 1079 ---------- R.S. Shane 11658 SE 100th St. Inst. plumbing & f.ixt. M 1080 -------- George Runions 600 Morris Ave. So. Inst. gas range 1081 ------- -- Renton Village Co. 35 Grady. Way.So. . Inst. heat pumps 1082 -____,____ " " Inst. air-conditioning 1083 ---------- Joe Jarek 3709 6th Ave. No. Inst. gas furnaes 1084 ---------- Model Homes Inc. 16624 108th Ave SE Inst. septic tank M 1085 Robinson Lyon Ford 750 Rainier Ave. So. Inst. air conditioning 1086 ---------- McGrath Homes 13443 107th PI . SE Inst. gas furnace 1087 ---------- " 13531 SE 107th PI . " 1088 ---------- Powell Const. Co. 10720 114th SE Inst. gas furnace 1089 ---------- Kennydale Pent. Ch. • 10057 SE 95th St. Inst. oil furnace M 1090 ---- --- Dr. Koome 3112 12th Ave. No. Extend field- septic 1091 ---------- The Boeing Co. 4-03 Bldg. Inst. sink 1092 - ------ It 4-63 Bid Inst. cold water&drain 109 ---------- Powell Const. Co. 10720 ll�th Ave. SE Inst. plumbing A fixt. 1094 Goodyear Serv. Store 207 3rd Ave. So. Inst. waste ¢1l tank M 1095 Manio Phillips 613 Ilth PI . So. Inst. gas furnace 1096 ---------- Charles Wiehoff 9729 116th Ave. SE Inst. plumbing & fixt. `ow SEVIER PERMITS No. 474 - McGrath Corp. 10747 133rd Ave. SE Connect sewer No. 475 ---------- ." 13204 SE 107th Pl. " No. 476 ---------- 11 10628 132nd Ave SE " No. 4?7 ---------- Benson Properties 1425 Puget Drive " No. 478 ---------- " 1425 Puget Drive " No. 479 ------ --- n n it No. 480 ---------- it It ,i No. 481 ---------- John Stephens 10610 132nd SE If No. 482 -------- Central Puget Inc. 434 7th SW It No. 483 ----_--- Parkwood Homes Inc 2701 Prince Ave. " No. 484 ---- ----- " 617 Royal Drive " -I 1- • �j 360 OFFICE OP T[!E CITY CLERK 8-5-68 PER,"ATS CONTINUED SEVER FER1AITS No. AIAOUNT NAN"E ADDRESS TYPE OF VICRK No. 485 ---------- Parkwood Homes Inc. 611 Royal Drive Connect sewer No. 488 ---------- " 605 Royal Drive it No. 467 ---------- " 521 Royal Drive it No.' 488 ---------- 2501 Prince Ave. " No. 489 ---- ---- 2607 Prince Ave. No. 490 ---------- " 2606 Charles Ct. " No. 491 ---------- " 703 Trinity Ct. " No. 492 ---------- " 614 Royal Drive " f' 3 1 REFERRALS RENTON CITY COUNCIL (� August 12, .1968 Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk i CITY CLERK Letter from Computerized Speedkeeping concerning further information on costs and services which would be rendered the city under their system To execute contract for services of C. C. Donworth & Associates, Inc. to represent city officials and management in negotiations with Local 21R, City and County Employees. CITY ENGINEER To check validity of petition for vacation of portion of 89th Avenue So. requested by Gulf Oil Corp, per E . A. Shumate, Real Estate Representative FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Jo n R. Butts request for late—comers agreement on portion of water system drawn for Newcastle Terrace. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Renton Shopping Center Merchants' Ass'n. request for Council letter stating it has no objection to purchase of power by said merchants from City of Seattle Dep't. of Lighting. Preparation of Franchise document per request of City of Seattle, Dep't. of Lighting MAYOR To execute contract. documents for services of C. C. Donworth & Associates, for negotiating with Local 21R, City and County Employees. PARK DIRECTOR & PARK BOARD To advise Council at Public Hearing Meeting of August 26th regarding intent for use & 'on Vacation of portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. to the Boeing Company SANITATION COMMITTEE Procedures and specifications concerning newly adopted policy for sanitary sewer service to properties _located outside the city. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Howard J. Hazel inquiry regarding status of. Lakeview Blvd. for access with respect to the future since he has observed another nearby right of way being used for fill. dirt. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of consulting services of C. C. Donworth & Associates, Inc. , per contract in connection with negotiating with Representatives of Local 21 R, City and County Employees . MEETINGS & EVENTS: August 14, 1968 - Fire and Water Committee at 7:00 p.m. , City Engineer to be present August 15, 1968 Planning Committee at 4: 00 p.m. in Planning Director's offices August 26, 1968 — Public Hearing (Continued from 8/12/68) Vacation of portion of bake Wn. Blvd. to the Boeing Company APPOINTMENTS : I Robert H. Margraf — Permanent position as Patrolman, effective July 1, 1968 Charles D. Ankenv and Roger Newton — Permanent Rank of Fireman, effective August 16, 1968 i { RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 12, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Shane, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Schellert. Absent: Barei, Grant and Morris. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Edwards, to excuse the absent Council Members. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, } G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Dorothea Gossett, City Tieasurer, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Lynn Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer and Ron Heiret, Park Department. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 5, 1968 be adopted. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. requested by The Boeing Company This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from Board of Public Works, Jan Klippert, Chairman, advised that review of the matter indicates no conflict with the utilities of the area nor future requirements of the City. Mr. Frank Storey felt that it might be to city interestfor parking purposes to trade the Boeing Company another parcel rather than vacate the portion requested. Mr. Ernie Coleman, 10208 S.E . 88th Street recalled prior requests of his to acquire use of this property which had been rejected with report that the Park Department was interested in utilizing the area for boat trailer parking due to proximity to the Lake Wn. Beach Park development. Mr. Ray Van Hollebecke, 18735 - 53rd N.E., Kenmore, representing the Boeing Company, displayed a -drawing of the subject area noting that the title to the property had been in the Boeing Company and that right of way was granted to the city, it now being requested that it be transferred back under terms of the existing statutes at one-half the appraised value. During discussion regarding ownerships and Park Department interest, it was noted that the Park Board had been under the impression that the strip was 200 ft. and had later found that Boeing had ownership of a portion and only 60 ft. was available, reducing the desirability and interest. It was subsequently moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane, to continue the hearing for two weeks until August 26th and the Park Director report intent of the Park Board with regard to the vacation and its use of the property. The motion carried. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city from Residential District (R-3) to Business District (B-1), as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. The motion carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to adopt Ordinance No. 2429 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. The Committee submitted Resolutions as follows: Resolution appropriating and transferring $811.70 from Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 2369, Acct. 3800, unto City Hall Construction Fund No. 2810, Capital Outlay 602. (To fund - Glen Hunt & Associates invoice on pool and landscape plans for new city hall site .) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1562 as read. The motion carried. e Resolution was read authorizing appropriation of $5,236.13 from Urban Arterial Fund unto Urban Arterial Account 1250, Capital Outlay 606. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1563 as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution read authorized transfer of $35,000.00 unto the Urban Arterial Fund No. 1250, Structures and Tmprovements, 605 from City Street Fund, $5,000.00; Current Fund, Traffic Engineering, 110, $1,000.00 and 605, $9,500.00; Engineering Department, $14,000.00; Fire Department, $2,000.00; Legal Department, $3,000.00; and Executive Department, $500.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1564 as read. The motion carried. r -1- 363 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8/1.2/68 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (Cont.) Proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of $60,000.00 from the Cedar River acquisition Fund unto the Park Fund to constitute a loan bearing interest at rate- of 3% per annum and to be repaid not later than December 31, 1970. Moved by Trimm, and seconded by Perry, to adopt Resolution No. 1565 as read. The motion carried. Mayor Custer reported receipt of additional communication which would be more ppropriately read at this time than later. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, o place the letter on the agenda. Carried. ORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter was read from Mr. Howard J. Hazel, 10643 - 108th Ave. S.E ., reporting that a portion of street near his property is being excavated and used for fill dirt and noting that Lakeview Blvd. is the only means of his access to the Renton, Kennydale, Newport Highway, expressed concern that his means of ingress, and egress might likewise be taken away. Assurance had been received from engineering and planning departments that Lake- view has not been abandoned and is currently city property and confirmation was requested. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. The motion carried. Letter from Computerized Speedkeeping outlined items included in prior cost estimate and those omitted because of present utilization by the city of the NCR 500. Further informa- tion estimated a cost of $25.00 per month each department (54 departments) for maintaining books, noting the cost of source documents to be in the original June 25th pricing; payroll and billing services could be provided if requested as well as computerizing of the present warrant system. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, the letter be referred to the City Clerk's Department to be placed on file. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer, pursuant to requirements of City Resolution No. 1232, submitted report of fund transfers within budget classes for period from May 15, 1968 through July 31, 1968, to-wit: From Police Traffic 1184/110 to City Clerk 1140/110, $950.00; from Iolice Administrative 1181/321, $234.82; Police Traffic, 1184/321, $200.00; Civil Defense, 188/321, $25.00; Fire 1190/321, $45.10 and Engineering 1171/321, $123.34; TO: Traffic ngineering 1172/321 in total amount of $628.26. Letter from Mr. John R: Butts, But Home Construction, requested late-comers agreement on portion of water system drawn for Newcastle Terrace, which does not specifically serve his property with costs for the project construction to be forwarded in the near future . Information as to further procedure was requested. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee to report back. The motion carried. Letter from Gulf Oil Corporation, E . A. Shumate, Roal Estate Representative, requested vacation of portion of 89th Avenue South between Blocks 2 and 3 of C. D. Hillman's Earlington Carden Addition to City of Seattle Division No. 1 as per plat recorded in Vol. 17 of Plats, Pg. 74, records of King County. $100,00 fee has been filed as required. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the City Engineer to check validity of the petition, Mr. Shumate being requested to furnish letter, copy of the Minutes or Resolution to confirm that whomevef signs the vacation request is legally authorized to act upon behalf of the Corporation. The motion carried. Letter from Gene F. Coulon reported Park Board recommendation that the low bid of Rumsey and Company for work on the six tennis courts, located in Liberty Park, Highlands and North Highlands, be accepted in sum of $26,580.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation of the Park Board. Carried. It was further recommended that the low base bid of J. D. Stewart on Stage 2 development of tte Lake Wn. each Park project, in sum of $102,139.00 be accepted, Moved by S hellort, seconded by dwards, to concur. The•motion carried. Letter from Renton Shopping Center (4erchants' Association expressed gratitude to the Traffic Engineer and his department, operating under the present administration, for the fine work accomplished relative to improvement of traffic control and flow, and hoped that this expression might influence attachment of even more importance to this phase of Renton's present and future, Specifically requested was a council motion directing letter to be sent the Merchants' Association statin, the council has no objection to purchase of power by the merchants from the City of Seattle Department .of Lighting providing the new service shall be of underground type. The petition contained 37 signatures. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the request- to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- t 6 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8/12/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Letter from Mr. John M. Nelson, Sup't. of Lighting, City of Seattle, recalled prior requests regarding a franchise to use the public streets and ways of Renton in serving customers, which they are presently doing without same, and stated this letter to be formal request for a franchise, four members of the Council having requested on March 25th that they write a formal letter therefor. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for preparation of a franchise. The motilin carried. Letters from the Water Pollution Control Commission and the State Department of Health reported approval of plans and specifications for L.I.D. No. 258, Sanitary Sewer system. Letter from Mr. Robert C . Wing, President, Puget Western, Inc. , requested opportunity to review the Revised Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Item 14, Gladding McBean Area, with regard to proposed "green belt" classification as it may affect continuation of their already substantial efforts in development of the property. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that September 9, 1968 be set as date for final hearing on the revised Comprehensive Plan. Carried. Letter from Building Director Sven Johnson requested permission for Mr. Wes Crews to attend the annual meeting of International Ass'n. of Electrical Inspectors in Salt Lake City, September 22 - 27, 1968, and for permission for Director Johnson to attend. the annual business meeting of the International Conference of Building Officials in Houston during the same week. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, that subject to availability of budgeted funds, the Building Director be authorized to attend the Houston Conference. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that Mr. Crews be authorized to attend the Salt Lake City Conference as requested subject to budgetary provisions. Carried. Letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, presented Annual Report of the Planning Department, which it was noted was explained in detail at the Committee of the Whole meeting and favorably received with updating and submitting annually t6 be commendable, the report being a good one. Letter from Mr. Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, submitted his resignation, effective as of September 15, 1968 . Working for and serving the people of the community for the past 82 years was noted to be a most gratifying experience and personal appreciation was extended to the fine Mayor and City Council for support given his department in resolving the city problems in an era of phenomenal growth with special thanks also extended department heads and employees felt to be some of the most competent in the State. Moved by Garrett, seconded b,; Shane, to accept the resignation and that a letter of thanks and appreciation for his fine services be directed to Mr. Bennett. Councilman Schellert, stating tie would have liked to have seconded the motion and that replacement of Mr. Bennett will be difficult, outlined the accomplishments of Mr. Bennett during his 82 years of employment with the City, deemed to be somewhat spectacular and including extension of the freeway to tl!e Talbot area @$100,000.00, picked up by the State, North Renton Interchange which was consumated; signal maintenance program of preventative maintenance rather than on call when trouble arises, his recommendation instigated the one-way North 3rd - 4th Street Arterial project along with the Traffic Advisory Commission; worked on the Off-Site Improvement Ordinance, an envy of many cities around; Rainier Avenue Signal project which is expected to save $52,000.00 per year;-.as well as reducing accidents; he urged Puget Sound to review tariff for street lighting energy, saving $12,000.00 and under his direction along with the Light and Power Committee, final adoption of the Underground Wiring Ordinance. Discussion ensued regarding reason for the resignation during wLich Councilman Garrett expressed his pleasure at working with Mr. Bennett, noting fact that if he is willing to resign he is likely bettering himself economi- cally, the fact that he was willing to do a good job being a mark in his favor, and that he will be missed. APPOINTTff.''NTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Robert Ii. Margraf to rank of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, the six months probationary period now completed. Recommendation of Police Chief Williams for the permanent employment- appoint- ment was attached. Effective as of July 1, 1968. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to conch;:• in the appointment. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Charles D. Ankeny and Roger Newton to rank of Firemen in the Renton Fire Department, effective August 16th, six months probationary period now being completed and the appointments recommended by Fire Chief Walls, Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane to concur. The motion carried. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8/12/68 APPOINTMENTS: (Cont.) Council President Garrett reported that the Committee of the Whole, at its meeting this evening prior to the regular council meeting, has considered items with. recommendations as follows: Recommended that each request for sanitary sewer service to properties located outside the city be considered on individual merit basis. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, to concur. Shane suggested that procedure be established so permit can be secured upon application the same as for water_ meters, etc, rather than individual requests coming to Council. President Garrett noted the intent of the motion to somewhat alter policy of the city and perhaps if no city participation or expense is concerned, such might be the case, however, .where Resolution must be passed or L.I.D. , the matter will need to come before the council. The pending motion carried and it was subsequently moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter of procedure and specifications concerning the newly adopted policy, to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the City accept King County Design Com- mission offer of services in connection with capital improvement projects to be funded through Forward Thrust. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur. The motion carried. The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Contract proposal document for retention of C. Carey Donworth & Associates, Inc., to represent management officials in the negotiations with Local 21, City and County Employee representatives, upon provision for funding. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Moved by Del_aurenti, seconded by Maxin, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee with power to act. Carried. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Moved by Perry, in view of resignation of the Traffic Engineer, that organizational restructuring of. the Traffic Engineering and Utility Departments be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Councilman Shane urged that Rainier Avenue be renamed to Renton Shopping Way which he felt would facilitate location of the shopping district for people who do not I:now the City and to whom the street names and numbers mean nothing otherwise . Councilman Shane inquired as 'Vo results of the health check taken on pore tests etc. , in the Kennydale area, towards implementation of a sanitary sewer system. City Engineer Wilson reported survey by the Engineering Department in cooperation with King County Health Department and findings that conditions justify the sewer system and a meeting has been scheduled with the residents of the area and will be held in September, noting the change of policy tonight to be of great help in resolving the problems . Councilman Shane inquired regarding progress also in regard to the }-coney Creek area and City Engineer Wilson advised that sortie problems are unresolved in securing easements thereby causing need to•redesi_gn a Lift station from planned location, condemnations possibly to be required if results are not secured at an early date, the season to be too late for construction otherwise. Councilman Bruce announced a Fire and Water Committee meeting on Wednesday, August 14th at 7:00 p.m. and the City Engineer was requested to be in attendance . Audit. _& Account Committee Member, Councilman Maxin, moved that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 4597 through 4721, having been previously approved by the Committee, be approved by the Council. at this time for payment. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Fund Breakdown Follows: Current Fund $ 18,051.08 4598 - 4635 Urban Arterial Street Fund 17,600.00 4597 City Street Fund 2,904.18 4636 - 4647 Cedar River M. & I. 35.88 4648 - 4650 Equipment Rental 1,788.56 4651 - 4669 Libr.ar.v 502.68 4670 - 4673 Park Fund 6,944.45 4674 - 4691 Waterworks Utility 11,452.41 4692 - 471.1 Airport 149.44 4712 471.7 Firemen's Pension Fund 52.86 4718 City Hall Construction Fund 70 601.30 471.9 - 4721 . 130582.84" -4- 3(; 6 !. 1 i k Minutes — Renton City Council Meeting 8/12/68 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont.) , Planning Committee Chairman Maxin announced a meeting on Thursday, August 15th at 4:00 p.m. in the Planning Director's offices whose presence was requested. Councilman Edwards inquired regarding activities of the railroad in crossing maintenance and Mayor Custer reported they are working and were advised of two new problems this date and had asked about-.possible city assistance . Councilman Schellert requested that the City Clerk direct a letter to the City Employees Club expressing thanks and noting enjoyable attendance at the annual picnic on Saturday, rr on behalf of all who attended especially, contest agility and special events of the day being noted. Councilman Perry inquired whether a starter revolver used in training dogs would be subject to the new Gun Control Ordinance and 72 hr. waiting period for delivery of purchase. Police Chief Williams stated as long as shells are used it would be in his interpretation as it would be considered a firearm. City Attorney Shellan read the description of firearm from the Ordinance, and Councilman Perry advised that only sound is emitted. It was noted that if only noise and no shell is fired it was not subject thereto. Other opinions were expressed regarding intent of the legislation and its effect upon the public and communities. i Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to adjourn. The motion carried and the ' meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. There were 18 visitors in the Council Chambers. .� r` ...• amu; :�. � Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk - D. W. Custer, Mayor �r _5_ r 337 t - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8-12-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WCRK B 1146 la 400.00 William Franson 930 H Street Const. 2 signs 1147 *VOID* 1148 2,000.00 447 4th Ave. W. George Butko Foundations 1149 2,000.00 George Butko 443 4th Ave. W. Foundations 8 1150 15,000.00 Pacific Car & Fdy. 1400 No. 4th St. Const. sandwash 1 151 1,500.00 Messenger Sign Co. -17209 -92nd Ave.,_ So. Erect sign 1152 19,070.00 McGrath Corp. 1344.3 SE 107th P1 . Const. residence low 1153 19,264.00 11 13531 SE 107th PI . " 1154 100,000.00 The Boeing Co. 10-65 Bldg. Remodel interio B 1155 1 , 100.00 Robinson-Lyon Ford ?50 Rainier Ave. So. Inst. tank 1156 200.00 Robert C. Extrum 3341 Court A Const. fence 1157 11 ,821 .00 Benaroya Co. 1030 Thomas Ave. SW Improvments 1158 4,277.00 If 850 Thomas Ave. SY/ Improvements 1159 3,300.00 Richard Peterson 835 Windsor Way Add on home B 1160 20,000.00 George Butko 447 4th Ave. W Const. duplex 1 161 20,000.00 It 4434th Ave. 11+1 If 1162 4,000.00 Alvin Armbruster 3328 7th PI . No. Add rooms 1163 19,000.00 Pacific Car & Fdy. 1400 No. 4th Extend roof 1164 295.00 The Boeing Co. 10-71 Bldg. Relocate ceiling B 1165 400.00 it 10-80 Bldg. Const. walls 1166 1,000.00 it 10-63 Bldg. Const. temp. Lyall 1167 ------ if 4-01 Bldg. Demolish annex. 1168 100.00 D.E. Marr 9001 So. 124th St. Inst. siding 1169 1,500.00 Norman S. Hodges 435 Langston Rd. Build garage B 1170 3,000.00 Renton School Dist. 16230 108th Ave. SE Relocate portable ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1133 400.00 Parkm od Homes 614 Royal Dr. Wire home 1134 400.00 " 2612 Charles Ct. Wire new home E 1135 400.00 " 2606 Charles Ct. " 1136 400.00 " 521 Royal Dr. " ,,.. 1 137 400.00 " 611 Royal Dr. " 1138 400.00 " 617 Royal Dr. " 1139 100.00 Francis L. Baker 510 Bronson Way No. Chg. service E 1140 2, 150.00 City of Renton Philip Arnold Pk. Wire shelter bldg 1141 50.00 Mrs. Hurskainen 446 4th Ave. W. Chg. panel 1142 500.00 The Boeing Co. 4-44 Bldg. Inst. new circuit 1143 400.00 1 & A Const. 13303 SE 116th St. Wire new home 111.14 50.00 Taco Time 200 Rainier Ave. So. Connect- sign E 1145 '9£30.00 1217 Thunderhill Rd. Trans. Development Co. Elec. work 1146 680.00 1137 Thunderhill Rd. 1147 680.00 1124 Thunderhill Rd. " IiLF8 680.00 1123 Thunderhill Rd. 1149 750.00 Transamerica Dev. Co, Thunderhill Rd. " E 1150 150.00 The Boeing Co. 10-71 Bldg. Provide power 1151 190.00 If 10-$0 Bldg. Power to printer 1152 250.00 " 10-63 Bldg. Provide power 1153 200.00 " 4-81 Bldg. Power- to li"ACS 1154 500.00 " 10.51 Bldg. Relocate transf. E 1155 133.00 " 4-21 Bldg. Power to mol-or 1156 ---------- " 7-65 Bldg. Rearrange recpt. 1157 750.00 " 4-82 Bldg, Power to islands 1158 56,236.59 Robinson-Lyon Ford 750 Rainier Ave. So. Inst. lighting 1159 8,000.00 Pacific Car 1400 No. 1�th Inst. lighting E 1160 100.00 Renton School Dlst. 16230 108th Ave, SE Drivo-check units MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1097 City of Renton Lk. Wash. Beach Pk. WI Irrigation System 1098 Lucille Culliton 234 So. Wells Ave. Plumbing & fist. 1099 Ben Fosnough 10819 108th Ave. SE Inst. furnace M 1100 Paul Hawkins 3632 10th Ave. No. Hot water tank 1101 Mildred Jenkins 816 Renton Ave. So. Hot water tan'c 1102 King Co. Public Hospital 180th & Springbrook Rd. C'ue I oil tank 1103 George Little 329 Renton Ave. So. PILim!)ing 1104 City of Renton 702 Jones Ave. So. Plumbing & fixt. M I Q7. The Boeing Co. 4-42, 4-44) Bldg. I nst. pumps 1106 1 & A Const. 13303 SE 116th St. Plumbing tz f i xi•. 1107 1915 Raple Valley Hhvy Rainier Asphalt Co. RemodeI pium5ing 1108 *VOID* 1109 1 & A Const. 13363 SE 116th Inst. furnoue -6- 468 I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS CONT, 8-12-68 I MECHANICAL PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK M 1110 Benaroya Co. 1030 Thomas Ave. SE Plumbing & fixt. 1111 11850 Thomas Ave. SW It 1112 845 Kings Ct. Model Homes It 1113 John Sterling 1913 Rolling Hills Ave SE " l j r i i i . IIS 36(9 REFERRALS RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 19, 1968 Office of the City Clerk CITY ATTORNEY Preparation of Late-Comers Agreement for John R. Butts for the Water Main to be installed for the Plat of New Castle Terrace. Preparation of necessary documents in connection with Kentucky Roast Beef of Washington, 6'Inc. x CITY ENGINEER ANDSANITATIONCOMMITTEE - -:Petition from George A. Schaut and wife Iola, 15853 Springbrook Rd., request for hook-up to City sanitary sewer system. John R. Butts, late-comers agreement for the water main to be installed for the Plat of New Castle Terrace. MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Upon approval of the City Attorney, sign contract submitted by Rainier Asphalt Co. for 12th Ave. No. paving, on their low bid in the sum of $8,312.50. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application from OK Cab Co. for 4, For-Hire licenses and 4 additional City Taxi Licenses. Application from Teddies Place requesting Rainier Amusement Co. be granted license for a pinball machine. Power to act. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Resolution - appropriating $5,000.00 into City Street Fund (working budget) 1320, Capital Outlay 605, and City Street Functional, budget No. 1310, Capital Outlay 605, received from Sparkman and McLean for development of access to Royal Hills Development. '""Resolution - transferring funds from Account #3600; Cumulative Reserve #2373 UNTO; Current Fund, Account #1172-602 in sum of $4,733.00. (Mill Ave. Improvements) Vacation of the alley, Blk. 2, Smitherts 6th Addition. Purchase of the property required for the No. 3rd - No. 4th Street Improvement from the Carpenter's Union in sum of $17,600.00. Kentucky Roast Beef of Washington, Inc. , revocable permit for use of portion of Lake Street So. right-of-way in return for $75.00 per month rental fee and the execution of hold-harmless agreement. Resolution - appropriating from excess Utility Revenues UNTO; 1820-605 in sums of $10,000.00 to cover Talbot Reservoir and $2,000.00 for increased cost of Lake Wn. Lift Station; 1820-606 in sums of $21,650.00 for 1291 Boeing Main in 8th Ave. No. and $8,500.00 for Tiffany Park Main replacement; 1820-417 in sum of $7,500.00 for 161, water main break, Maple Valley Interchange. APPOINTMENTS Reappointment of Ella M. Conklin, William F. Davis, and Louie Gebenini to one-year terms as members of the Insurance Commission for the City of Renton effective as of August 1, 1968. MEETINGS AND EVENTS August- 6, menton Blood Donors Day, Renton Eagles Hall,. 316 - 3rd Ave. %+Sept. 9, 1968 - Bid Opening, Installation of 16+' Supply Main in 12th Ave. .No. Sept. 11, 1968 All City Golf Tournament f • RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 19,1968 8.00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D.W. Custer, Mayor, f and the 'Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly. d ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D.W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G.M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, ' Police Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Del Bennett, M Traffic Engineer, Lynn Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 12, 1968 be approved as prepared and mailed out. The motion carried. Mayor Custer welcomed to the City of Renton foreign exchange students Jocelyn Esguerra from Manila, Philippines and John Martin from Sydney, Australia. Miss Esguerra is residing with the Paul Maxin family. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: Proposed resolution was read authorizing purchase from the General Services Administration, property which consists of approximately 2.27 acres, more or less, for the total sum of $5,000.00; said property to be used by the City for street, highway and related purposes. (Access to Royal Hills Development) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, that Resolution No. 1566 be adopted as read. The motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: An application from Teddies Place, requesting Rainier Amusement Company be granted license for operation of a pinball machine. Moved by Shane, seconded by Barei., to refer the appli- cation to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Letter from Ralph R. Stender, Deputy, King County Commissioners, report of the approval and filing of City of Renton Ordinance No. 2422, Gene E. Lynn & Associates annexation, vicinity of S.E. 1.80th Street and east of Springbrook Road. Letter from Ralph R. Stender, Deputy, King County Commissioners, report of the approval and filing of City of Renton Ordinance No. 2423, Ivan Gibeault property annexation, vicinity of south margin of S.E. 116th Street and east of 132nd Ave. S.E. I Report from the Association of Washington Cities was read listing the important efforts to be discussed during the 1968 District Meetings. A schedule of the meeting times and places was attached and will be on file in the City Clerk's Office. A letter was read from the Association of Washington Cities, summarizing the meeting held by the Board of Directors on July 11, 1968, at the University of Washington. I A letter was read from Martin J. Durkan, Chairman, Municipal Committee, postponing the Comm- ittee hearing scheduled for August 19th in Bremerton, Council President, Avery Garrett, elected as Secretary. Letter was read from Roger E. Polzin, Executive Secretary, Urban Arterial Board, with attached lists summarizing all projects that have been approved to date, urban arterial trust funds paid as of June 30, 1968 and estimated costs remaining to complete.the projects. Letter from Renton Aerie No. 172.2, Fraternal Order of Eagles, -Charl-es Taylor, Chairman, requesting that the Council proclaim August 28, 1968 as Renton Blood Donors Day. The King County Flood Mobile will. be located at the Renton Eagles Hall, 316 - 3rd Ave. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, that City employees be authorized to take time off from work to donate blood for this cause. The motion carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requested that a resolution be prepared to trans- fer funds from Account No. 3600, Cumulative Reserve ,2373, "Reserve for Underground Wiring Projects and Appurtenances", UNTO; Current Fund, Account No. 1172-602, Traffic Engineering, Capital Outlay, in sum of $4,733.00. (Mill Ave. Improvements) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the request of the Traffic Engineer and that the matter be referred to the Law ani? Ordinance Committee to draw up the necessary Resolution. The motion carried. -1- 371 Minutes - Renton City Council Meering 8-19-68 CORRESPONDE_YCE AND CURR..ENT BUSINESS-. (Cont.) Application�yrom OK. Cab Company, J.J. Abraham, President, requested 4, For-Hire Licenses and 4 additional City Taxes Vehicle Licenses in addition to his request of July 22, 1968. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Shane, that this request be placed in the hands of the Police and License Committee to report back. The motion carried. A petition. from. George A. Schaut and Iola E. Schaut, 15853 Springbrook Rd., Renton, Wash., represented by Glern Wallin Associates, Inc. requesting hook-up to City of Renton sanitary sewer systenk and agree to pay the late-comers fee. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that this petition be. referred tc the City Engineer and the Sanitation Committee to report back. The r•.otior_ ca»,-ied. Letter from Helene Nelson, City Clerk requested that $5,000.00, received from Sparkman & McLean for development of access to Royal Hills Development be appropriated into City Street Fund (working budget) 1320., Capital_Outlay, 605 and City Street Functional, Budget 1310, Capital Outlay, 605., and that the necessary resolution be prepared. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the .necessary Resolution. The motion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Dick Stredi.cke, 3916 10th Court No., submitted invitation to all the Council Members and the Mayor to participate in the All City Golf Tournament on September 11, 1968. Mr. Stredicke offered to pay entry fees. OLD BUSINESS: Street and Alley Committee recommended that the low bid of $8,312.50, submitted by the Rainier Asphalt Company for 12th Ave. No. paving be accepted by the City. Upon approval of the City Attorney, it was recommended the Mayor and. City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. The motion. carried. Moved by Barei., seconded by Perry, that the question of the vacation of the alley, block 2, Smitherts 6th Addition, be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee, it being pointed out by Mr. Barei that this was necessary for the writing of the legal documents. The motion carried. %,Property Committee Chairman, Barei reported recommendation of the Committee that the City purchase the property required for the No. 3rd - No. 4th Street Improvement from the Car- penter Union at, the agreed price of $17,600.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Naxin, to concur in the Committees recommendation and that the matter be referred to the Law and. Ordinance Comni.ttee. The motion. carried. Property Committee report and recommendation that Col. Sanders. Kentucky Roast Beef. of Wash., Inc. be granted a revocable permit for the use of portion of the Lake Street So. right-of- way in return for $7.5.00 per month rental fee beginning with the first calendar month follow- ing the occupancy of the restaurant by the firm, and the usual hold-harmless agreement be executed. Moved by Grant, seconded by Tril7m, that the recommendation of the Property Comm- ittee be referred to the ?yaw and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution and the Cid Attorney for the necessary legal documents. The motion carried. Councilman Garrett pointed out that this ._ratter was also referred to the Street and Alley Committee and that this was also their recommendation, Discussion ensued as to when the $75.00 per month fee was to become due. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, that the original motion be amended to read that the rent begin i-Lm.ediate?y upon date of entering into agreement. Vote on motion to amend carried. `Tote ozi motion as amended carried. Councilman Barei reported for the Property Committee that the MAI appraiser in regards to the hospital property, has not come in with an appraisal as of yet, but expects it soon. Councilman Share proposed that the topic of "islands", in regards to sanitary sewers be placed before the Committee of the Whole to discuss and try to avoid situations that have arisen, for exaanp;le, ln_ the Kennydale area. Councilman Gram reported that he received a call from Harold M. Mozer of H. Zind.^r & Associates,, now consolidated with H2M Company in Seattle. Mr. Mozer stated that there would be' no cha-age in the proposed contract for services and that a week or two delay will_ be necessary before he can report to the Council. Fire and Water. Committee .-e.port and recorunendation that the City. Call for B&_ds for the instalyati.�n of a !611 Supp.1 -Na-1 n, in 12th Ave. No. between "E" Street and the Highlands Reservoir, witl bid , p r:i,,g date set for September 9, 1968, this project to be coordinated with the 12.11h Ave,. N­. -oavi.s=.g p'r'oject•. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, that the Council concur in the oll the. Fire and Water Committee. The motion carried. -2- f 72 fl_ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-19-68 i i OLD BUSINESS: (Cont.) The Fire and Water Committee recommended that John R. Butts be granted a Late-Comers Agree- ment for the water main to be installed for the Plat of New Castle Terrace. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation of the Fire and Water Comm- ittee and refer the matter to the City Engineer and the City Attorney to draw up -the agreement. The motion carried. Due to several large expenditures not provided for in the 1968 Budget this year that the Utilities Department has encountered, it was recommended by the Fire and Water Committee that the following appropriations from excess Utility Revenues be made: 1820-605 A. Cover Talbot Reservoirs $103000.00 B. Increased Cost for Lake Wash. Lift Station 2,000.00 12,000.00 1820-606 A. 12+1 Boeing Main in 8th Ave. No. $21,650.00 B. Tiffany Park Main Replacement 85500-00 $305150.00 1820-417 A. 161, Water Main Break Maple Valley Interchange $ 73500.00 Movedby Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Council concur in the recommendation' . of the Fire and Water Committee in the request for fund transfer and the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Maxin, seconded by Schellert, that vouchers No. 4722 through No. 4848 be approved for payment. The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows: ` Current Fund $ 8,3010' 4722-4746 Urban Arterial Street Fund 7,653.8 4747 City Street Fund 103082.48 4748-4751 Equipment Rental 33112.11 4752-4756 Library 8,4_W.l,a 4757-4822 Parks 503326.70 4823-4834 Water Works Utility 18,579.00 4835-4844 Airport 154.01 4845-4847 City Hail Construction 6.25 4848 Councilman Schellert directed inquiry to the City Attorney relative to tax liabilities that might be incurred in granting the revocable permit to Col. Sanders Kentucky Roast Beef of. Washington, Inc. Mr. Shellan informed the Council that he did not think this would apply to this particular situation and recalled that the King County Assessor had previously attempted to collect in-lieu-of tax payments on municipally owned and operated parking facilities that had been acquired by condemnation. This action had been success- fully protested by the City of Seattle through the courts and similar action taken by the City of Renton was successful in cancellation of the tax by the King County Assessor's Office. Councilman Shane inquired as to the time limitation on the improvement to the 2nd Ave. e Commissioner replied oort Street traffic islands in front of the high school. Vic leGanty , p that the hold up was due to water hook-up and underground wiring but it would be completed prior to school opening. Councilman Shane urged that sidewalks along 116th Ave. S.E. in 'the vicinity of McKnight Jr. High School, the 3rd Ave. No. extension, and along Sunset 'Blvd. E. be considered, as he felt not enough consideration was given pedestrians in providing walkways and side- walks. Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer stated that the intersection of 3rd and Sunset will be com.�)lQted this year and will have pedestrian signals and that by 1969, the Sunset Blvd. 3 Project will be underway from 116th Ave. S.E. to S.E. 138th Street. Moved by Trlxn, seconded by Schellert, to recess and hold a Committee of the Whole Meeting. The motion carried. Upon reconvening, the Council roll call was taken with all members present as previously listed. APPOINT1�f11T" It was recerPrnended by the Committee of the Whole that the reappointment of Ella M. Conklin, -3- r Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-19-68 APPOINTMENTS: (Cont.) William F. Davis, and Louie Gebenini to one-year terms as members of the Insurance Commission for the City of Renton, effective as of August 1, 1968, be approved. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur in the appointments. The motion carried. Moved'by Shane, seconded by Maxin, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. There were 9 visitors in the Council Chambers. i Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D.W. Custer, Mayor Y �i _ITS 1 3. PT OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8-19-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS x BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1171 $ 20,000.00 Ormal J. Waffle 14630-130th~Pl.S.E. Const. new residence � 1172 40,000.00 Elmer Morasch 547 Wells Ave. N. Const. 5 Unit Apt. 1173 3,500.00 Dwight P. Potter 10220-115th S.E. Const. Recreation room 1174 14,598,00 McGrath Corp. 13537 S.E. 107th P1. Const. new residence 1.75 14,598.00 McGrath Corp. 13513 S.E. 107th P1. Const. new residence B 1176 18,200.00 Gambriell Const.Co.631-12th Ave. S. Eonst. new re3idance 1.177 18,200.00 Gambriell Const.Co.625-1.2th Ave. S. Const. new reside.ice a 1178 2,500>00 Friends of Youth,Ync, 101 '8 Lake ETL.sh.Blvd.S.E. Const.shop & Carport L179800.00 Che-rles M. Dubois 3419-'�-h r1. N. Renew Permit 1167 1180 15,500.00 Frank Don3pie Ave,S.E. Const. new residenco B 1181 16,000.00 Wolff's Dens, Inc. 842 King Court Const: -new residence 1182 16,000.00 WolfffIs Din.;, Inc. 818 K, ng Court Const, new residence 1.183 500.00 Renton Shopping C.n•c:sr R��;..cn Shopping Center Erect sign & cr,rnect 1184 400.00 The Kennel 4%gig ria--nLei Ave. S. Alter Plastic Sign 1185 Harvey i1. Car.:pbell 7710 S. 153rd St•:^eet Tear dorm old house ELP'TRICAL PERMITS a E II $ 200.00 Kenneth H. Petcrcen 821 I Street Wire 2 addition rocros 1-62 425.00 Mcdel Ho:aes, Inc. �'5 A; rgs Court Wirs new residence 1163 425-C;0 %d Smith ;2? H Si eet Install electric heat 1 .64 2,400.00 Stogy_-Way Concrete,Ir_o. 1915 lklapl_Valley Hiway Wire a,ddit-lon to office 1165 50.00 Dglght P. Potter 10220-115th S.E. Wiring service E 1166 400.100 Pow-;11 Con ,t•.ruction ]1)7-1')- -11!,',h Ave.S.E. Wire residence 1167 250.00 Foy Dykes !C,405-12+h A e.S.E. Wire range & heater '1u8 2,967.00 The Bceing Company Bldg. 10-101 Wiring service 1169 6,459.00 Pacific N11 Bell 225 So. Williams Wiring sery ce �'-70 50.00 Gambriell Const.Cc. 631--12t.h Ave. S. Temporary Service E 1.1'(1 Void 1=*72 4,000.00 Jack A. Benaroya Co. 920 Thomas Ave. S.W. Install service 1173 1,500.00 Victor Mould-Ing C20 Thomas' Ave. S.W. Install service 1174 125,000.00 Renton Village Co. 15 G_•o.dy Way Electrical const. 1.175 600.00 Laverne Mock 9415 Pit. View Ave. Install new service C'HANICAL PERMITS M 111_14 -•-•------ Frank Bryant 615 R S-`_•reet Install furnace M 1115 ---- The Boeing Company Bldg, 10--11;1 Park Ave.N. Install Plbg. fixtures 1116 ---------- Elling Halvorson, Inc, 17840--92nd Ave. S. Install Plbg. fixtures 1117 -------- Sound Floor Coveringj.nc. 720 S.W.Lind lave. Inst. Gc.s heat 1118 -------- A. P. Stronk 450 Windsor Way Inst. Gas furnace 1119 =------- Jack Benaroya Co. 1.030 Thomas Ave.S.W. Gas piping to 4 heaters M 1120 -------- Jack Benaroya Co. 850 Thrrias S.W. Gas piping to 2 heaters 1121 -------- Herve Belisle 9691-112:.h S,E. Inst. Septic tank & fd. 1122 -------- Herve Belisle 11040 S.E. 97th it " It if 1123 -------- Parkwood Homes 2606 Charles Court Inst. furnace & heater 1124 ----- -.. Pacific NW Bell. 225 Eo. Williams Inst. P1g.fixtures M 11.25 -------- Frank Tonkin 81.1 South 3rd St. Inst. Plg.fixtures 1126 --.------ S. J. Koler 720 S.W. Lind Ave. Inst. Gas heaters ll27 ----.,._.-- Peter R. Primeau 2723-7th Ave. ,N. Gas Piping Inst. SE14ER PrEH,ITS No. 193 --------- Poole Electric 720 Rainier Ave. S. Connect sewer No. 494 --------• E, 12- 30=87th So. " No. 495 --------- E. Weschelberger 1251.5•--88th So. " -• 196 -------- Cecil Whitaker 351 Factory Ave. N. If No. 497 - -- -_-- Cecil Whitaker 351 Factory Ave. N. " No- 498 -------- Keenan Pipe & Supply Co. 739 Lind Ave.S.W. . " No. 499 -.------- it it it 739 Lind Ave.S.W. " No. 500 --------- Sterling V. Jensen 12750-90th Ave. S. " No. 501 ---------- Sterling V. Jensen 127140-;'Oth Ave. S. " No. 502 ------- George Butko 443--4th 1-lest " --5- i REFERRALS RENTON CITY COUNCIL August 26, 1968 Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk i ir. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE *MAYOR & CITY ATTORNEY Association of Washington Cities schedule of 1968 District Meetings . ' Attention called to meeting at the Hyatt House at 7 :00 p.m. on Oct.22nd. *Renton Historical Society request of financial assistance from the City in regards to a museum. Mayor and City Attorney to report to the Committee of the Whole as to how the Council might legally participate. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE &*CITY ATTORNEY Ordinance for vacation of portion Uf Lake Wash. Blvd. , requested by the Boeing Company. Resolution - Cash loan from Cedar River Acquisition Fund UNTO the Library Fund in sum of $66, 000.00. *To prepare necessary documents in connection with the vacation of 10th Place No. MAYOR & CITY CLERK To sign necessary documents in connection with vacation of portion r of 10th Place No. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Request of Mr . Martin Milsap, 12211 - 90th Ave. So. for widening of 90th Ave. So. APPOINTMENTS Mr. Louie Gebenini to another 5 year term as member of the Renton Housing Authority, effective September 1968 to September 1973. MEETINGS AND EVENTS Sept. 9, 1968 Bid Opening - Construction of asphalt play area and parking lot at Kiwanis Park. Oct. 22 , 1968 Association of Washington Cities 1968 District Meetings, Hyatt House at 7 :00 p.m. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. August 26, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Barei, Shane, Maxin, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . Absent : Garrett, Grant, Bruce and Edwards. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, that the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police , Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort-, Street Commissioner and Ron Heiret, Park Department. After discussion regarding item in last weeles minutes with regard to lease of city-owned right of way to Kentucky Roast Beef of Wn. , Inc. and intent of amendment to motion as to commencement of rent being upon date of enter- ing into agreement and tie-up of the property, or upon actual occupancy, it was noted that the matter could be reconsidered by later action. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti , that the N;inutes of the previous meeting of August 19, 1968 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLICHEARING: Vacation of portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. , requested by The Boeing Company (Continued from August 12 , 1968) This being the date set, the hearing was continued. Communication was read from Ronald Heiret, Park Supervisor , reporting that the Park Board no longer is interested in this property upon discovering it is only 60 ft. and not 200' ft. wide as it would not be adequate for boat trailer parking. Letter from E. R. Coleman requested consideration as potential purchaser in event the City decides to dispose of the property and recalled prior request in 1967 for use of the property, return of 40% of income being offered. Mr . Frank Storey suggested the City acquire land adjacent to the park property, and owned by the railroad company to,utilize for parking through exchange of parcels. During discussion it was noted that adjacent property may be '4. available subject to fund provisions and Mr. Van Hollebeck, of Boeing, advised of urgency due to need for expansion of sub-station and for parking noting lengthy delay resulting if they were to be required to negotiate with the railroad, which matter they had already endeavored to pursue. It was requested that. the Council act upon this request and cooperation would be assured in any way possible by Boeing in event the City wishes to acquire the additional property. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert , the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, the vacation be granted. Upon advice of the City Attorney, it was moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, that the motion be amended to include authorization for the Property r Committee to secure an appraisal with price of the property to be set at one- half the appraised amount; that the City declare the property is no longer j useful; and easement rights be retained as determined necessary by the City Engineer. The Board of Public Works letter was read noting that the vacation would cause no conflict with utilities nor future use, and after caution th the City would not wish to buy the property at a future date for possible utility undergrounding purposes, the amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended, granting the vacation as per provisions of the amendment. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committeenecessary Ordinance. Carried, ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION Proposed Ordinance was read vacating a certain alley in Block 2, Smithers 6th Addition to Renton, for one-half of the appraised price, $1, 312.50, to the abutting petitioners . (Renton Lutheran Church per Don Gummere, and Rebecca Taylor) Mgvad by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on its fiam3d Rnd fin,Ai reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by -1- 377 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8/26/68 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION (Cont.) Barei, seconded by Shane, that Ordinance No. 2430 be adopted. Roll call vote followed resulting in all ayes . The motion carried, publication to be withheld pending receipt of payment in full. Resolutions were presented and adopted as follows: Resolution authorizing appropriation of excess revenues into the City Street 'und (working budget) , 1320 , Capital Outlay #605, and the City Street Func- ' :ional Budget 1310 , Capital Outlay, #605 in sum of $5,000.00 . (Received ""Trom developers for access purposes to Royal Hills) Moved by Trimm, second by Maxin, to adopt Resolution No. 1567 as read. The motion carried. Proposed Resolution was read authorizing appropriation of excess revenues received in the City' s Utility Fund unto Account 1820/605; Talbot Reservoir, $10, 000.00, and Lake Wn. Beach Lift Station increased cost, $ 2,000.00; unto Account 1820/606 , 12" Boeing Main in 8th Avenue North, $21, 650.00 and Tiffany Park Main replacement, $8, 500 .00; and unto Account 1820/417 , 16" water main break at Maple Valley Interchange, $7 , 500 .00 . Moved by Morris , seconded by Schellert, to adopt the Resolution as read. Shane inquired regarding paying off water & sewer bonds from in lieu of tax monies collected by the City. The motion carried adopting Resolution No. 1568 as read. Resolution was read authorizing payment unto the "Trustees of Renton Local 1797 , Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, the sum of $17 , 600.00 for acquisition by the City of properties to be used for right of way and related purposes in connection with the No. 3rd - 4th Street one way couplet project, Statutory Warranty Deed as attached to the proposed Resolution to be executed by said Union to the City of Renton. Moved by Schellert, and ,.econded by Maxin, to adopt Resolution No. 1569 as read. The motion carried. vowroposed Resolution authorized transfer of Cumulative Reserve Fund 2373 monies, Account 3600, for Underground Wiring Projects and Appurtenances , unto Current Fund Acct. 1172/602 , Traffic Engineering, in sum of $4,733 .00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1570 as read. The motion carried. Mayor Custer reported receipt of five items after preparation of the Agenda and in view of the fact that there will be no Council Meeting until the 9th of September , inquired as to the pleasure of Council with respect thereto. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei , the items be admitted to the Agenda for reading this evening. Carried. It was suggested that audience comment be allowed prior to reading of the added communications . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Lynn Andrews was read submitting and recommending for payment final estimate due General Service Electric for work performed on CAG 1206-67 Traffic Signal Installation at Sunset Blvd. E. and 116th Ave. S.E. in sum of $4, 082. 40. Acceptance of the project as of this date was recommended along with commencement of the 30-day lien period followed by release of retained 1, 640 .00 if no claims or liens are filed and upon proof of payment of all max liabilities. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recom- mendations. The motion carried. Letter from W. A. Bull.ey, P.E. , Chairman of the Urban Arterial Board, 5800 Capitol Blvd. , Olympia, Wn. , 98501, advised that the city' s request for additional participation in Project No. 8=1102 (1) , No. 3rd and 4th Streets , is approved in sum of $42 , 840.00 and the total now authorized is $471, 240. 00. Letter. from Mr. Neil D. Sharp, Resident Executive Director of the National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation, requested permission to solicit funds door to door in Renton, September 5 through October 31:, 1968, and to place coin containers in various business establishments . Moved by Delaurenti and seconded by Perry, to grant the request . Carried. -2- 37 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8/26/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont .) Association of Wn. Cities communication submitted schedule of 1968 District Meetings and attention was called to meeting of October 22nd at the Hyatt House at 7 :00 , p.m. and it was requested that the Council be reminded of this event at a later date. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole . Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon requested authorization to call for bids on construction of asphalt play area and parking lot at Kiwanis Park. September 9, 1968 was suggested as bid opening date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to concur in the request for bid call and opening date. Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Martin Milsap, 12211 - 90th Avenue South, requested widening of 90th Av&.-So.noting hazards caused when cars park on the right-of-way which is only 16 ft. wide in some areas. Moved by Perry, seconded by Morris , to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from The Renton Historical Society, Clarence Dullahant, President, requested financial assistance from the City to continue progress in the collection of artifacts and data and establishing a museum for the City. It was noted that $409. 36 had been spent to date,$570. 50 being received from Membership Dues and donations. Mr. Dullahant acknowledged that the City cannot participate in donations since the organization is not an official branch of government and urged that investigation be made as to how some assistance might be rendered. Proposed budget for 1968-69 was attached in total sum of $500.00 . Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane , to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Frank Storey called attention to spectacular museum at Wenatchee noting that like facility would be an asset to Renton. The pending motion carried, the Mayor and City Attorney being requested to advise as to how the Council might legally participate. Letter from Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield advised that the Seattle Partnership of H. Zinder & Associates is being merged into Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield as of September 1, 1968 and all obligations under prior contract with Renton will be assumed subject to City approval as required under Contract 1316-68. Mr. Mozer will continue as Project Engineer with Dr. Herschel F. Jones to continue assisting and having principal charge of the economic analysis. H. Zinder & Associates letter advised that delays in receiving data for the study will not permit its completion prior to September 1st and that the firm of Cornell, Howland Hayes & Merryfield will carry on with City approval of the contract assignment. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan reported the assignment approval is required by the City according to the contract terms and suggested that the same qualified persons continue the study and all conditions past and present be assumed that the original company had contracted. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Maxin, that the assignment request be granted. Carried. Letter from Ronald E Heiret Park Supervisor, reported completionletion of CAG 1220-67 , Liberty Park Grandstand on August 19th and acceptance by the Park Department as of that date. Acceptance by the Council was recommended as of August 26 , 1968 with commencement of the 30-day lien period and release of retained amount of $13 , 976.36 at completion thereof if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Barei , to concur in the recom- mendations and project approval. Carried. (Century Construction Company) Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need for cash loan from Cedar River Acquisition Fund unto the Library Fund in sum of $66 , 000. 00 as temporary measure pending receipt of property tax monies, said loan to bear interest at 3% per annum and to be repaid no later than December 31, 1968. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Morris , to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper. Resolution. Carried. 3 ,19 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8/26/68 AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Martin Milsap noted that some improvements have been made by the City to 90th Avenue South which he had not recalled at the time of his request for widening of same. APPOINTMENT- Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Louie Gebenini to another five-year term as member of the Renton Housing Authority, effective from September , 1968 to September , 1973 . Moved by w.w Perry, seconded by Shane, to concur in the appointment . Carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Councilman Barei moved that the Council reconsider Revokable Permit granted to Kentucky Roast Beef of Wn. , Inc. with respect to date the monthly fee should become due and payable. . The motion was seconded by Trimm and after discussion as to conflicts in definition of occupancy and opinion that fee should be due as soon as the land is tied up and construction materials moved on, the pending motion was voted upon and lost. Councilman Delaurenti , Chairman of the Police and License Committee, submitted Committee report with request that approval be subject to opinion of the Assistant City Attorney who has been working with the Committee on the matter . It was recommended that six taxicab licenses be transferred from Hokanson to Hogan, six licenses for cabs to be issued to Thomas Hogan and an additional taxicab license be granted to the Q.K. Cab Company. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendations of the Police and License Committee upon approval of said recommendations by the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. rr.• Councilman Schellert , Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee reported on funding of consulting services of C. Carey Donworth & Associates, Inc. to negotiate with Local 21R of City and County Employees, referred on 8/12/68 and it was recommended that the necessary funds as approved by the Council be funded from Legal Department No. 1130/314, Consultant Fees . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation, which was a majority committee report. The motion carried. Councilman Barei , Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted recommenda- tion that the price of city interest in portion of 10th Place North being considered for vacation, be established at 372 per square foot, which is one-half of appraised value. It was recommended that the City Engineer compute exact square footage involved and that a Quit Claim Deed be granted adjacent property owners upon payment of their fair share of cost, with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee and City Attorney for necessary documents , the Mayor and City Clerk being authorized to sign same. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. . It was noted that all interest of the city is included with no utility reservation in this instance. ,,,,,Councilman Shane suggested that the City utilize water and sewer in lieu of tax monies to redeem water and sewer bonds in amount of $102 ,760 which the city collects and proposed motion to such effect which was not supported and died for lack of second. NEIN BUSINESS Councilman Shane inquired regarding delay in instituting L.I .D. in the Honey Creek area and it was noted that acquisition of properties for easements has been delaying the progress. Motion proposed and seconded to authorize acquisition by condemnation was noted by the City Attorney to be untimely and nbt needed yet, it being pointed out that another L.I.D. may need to be initiated in event of which easements acquired may not be needed. -4- 3$0 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8/26/68 NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED: Honey Creek area L.I.D. discussion continued it being noted that persons from the area had been anxious to get the sewers and during the meetings easements had been offered and no problems anticipated, City Attorney Shellan. noting his presence at the meetings then. pointed out that the City Engineer, Attorney nor Sanitation Committee Chairman could control wishes of people or ascertain human behavior in this matter of easements and the problem does exist at present and the Council will need to make a determination if agreements cannot be worked out. Councilman Shane R' expressed concern in regard to getting undergrounding after: which the mo- tion was voted upon and lost. Councilman Perry inquired regarding questions he had been asked on the North 3rd - 4th Street project and was advised that no L.I.D. has been initiated,Lynn Andrews , Asst. Traffic Engineer advising that no L.I.D. is to be proposed, the power and telephone companies to participate along with the city, side sewer L.I .D. possibly to be needed. It was noted that the street will be 44 ft. curb to curb and will otherwise remain 60 ft. , some sidewalk in need of repair to be deleted and other replaced as part of the project. , Councilman Morris, Member of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, moved that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 4849 through 4933 , having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. (See attached fund breakdown) Mr. Mike Potoshnik inquired regarding preliminary L.I .D. cost notice he had received and wondered whether the large size pipe being installed is being absorbed in the assessments . It was noted that the: costs are based upon benefit received by each property owner and that late comers will be charged accordingly. Mr. Potoshnik was advised that another public hearing will be held prior to final action and the actual cost will be determined as required by law and that the people above his area in King County will be taxed for the larger pipe when they hook onto the system. Councilman Shane inquired regarding the new right of way access being installed at the new city hall site expressing concern over steel posts:: and rebuilding of Houser Way with regard to accidents. The proposal was outlined and invitation extended Mr. Shane to inspect the drawings which were available in the Council Chambers. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Maxin, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 00 p.m. There were 12 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor 1 -5- VOUCHER BREAKDOWN 8-26-68 Office of the City Clerk CURRENT FUND $ 8, 825.30 4850-4888 URBAN ARTERIAL 2 .30 4889 STREET FUND 7 , 411.36 4849&4890-4894 CEDAR RIVER M&I 23 .60 4895-4896 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2 , 316. 91 4897-4899 LIBRARY 4. 90 4900 PARKS 2 , 199. 50 4901-4910 WATERV70RKS UTILITY 6 , 656 .48 4911-4922 AIRPORT 135 . 33 4923-4926 FIREMEN' S PENSION 2 , 591. 33 4927-4933 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8-26-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BU;LDING & ENGINEERItG DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1186 36,OOQ•00 -Kontuclry fooet 9sef 104 SQ. 3rd $t. Const. restaurant 1187 950.00 The Boeing Co. 4-20 Bldg. Remodel offices 1188 1, 100.00 " 4442 Bldg. Add to restrooms 1189 1,568.00 " 7-65-02 Bldg. Const. darkrooms B 1190 891 .00 " 10-50 Bldg. Const. insp. room 1191 111,000.00 E.A. Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd E Const. apartments 1192 32,000.00 Gene Casal 12504 85" Ave So. New residence 1193 13,000.00 Powe I I Const. Co. Inc tO7O8 114th, Ave SE Now residence 1194 10,500.00 ti 10733 113th Ave SE " 4 B 1195 10,500.00 it 10721 113th Ave SE " 1196 19,000.00 McGrath Corp. 13501 SE 107th P1 . 1197 14,598.00 " 13422 SE 107th Pl . " 1198 500.00 Victor Moulding Co. 810 Thomas St. SW Const. offices 1199 135,000.00 Pacific Car & Fndy. 1400 No. 4th St. Const. foundation 8 1200 10,000.00 City of Renton Jones Park Restroom bldg. 1201 See -,61191 E.A. Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd E Apts. Bldg. C 1202 it Apts. Bldg. A 120" 7 ,000.00 Pacific W Bell 225 lilliams Ave S interior revisions ! 120 ,,000.00 Carpet Warehouse Corp 1010 Thomas Ave SW Remodel warehouse B 1205 2,800.00 O.K. Tire Co. 1030 Thomas Ave. SW Const. offices ELECTRICAL PERMITS � E 1176 225,00 The Boeing Co. 4-20 Bldg. Elec. remodeling 1177 250.00 it 4-42 Bldg. Extend power 1178, 250.00 " 7-65-02 Bldg. Electrical work 1179 198.00 " 10-50 Bldg. Lighting E 1180 250.00 " 10-65 Bldg. Relocate fixtures 1181 250-OG " 10-80 Bldg. Extend power 1182 15, 100.00 Bank of the West 2950 Sunset Ave. Electrical work 1183 VOID [ 181.} 200.00 R.H. Holton 535 Grant Ave So. Wire addition E 1185 1,300.00 Bill Delzer 1333 Beacon Way S. Wire heat 1186 240.00 Custer Appliance Store 230 Wells Ave So. Wire fixtures 1187 700.00 J. Sterling 1913 Rolling Hills PI Elec wire & fixt. 1188 550.00 H. Belisle 11040 SE 97th Elec. wiring & Fix. 1189 50.00 Bell & Valdez 2013 Dogwood Ave SE Temp. service E 1190 50,00 Parkwood Homes 2600 Charles Ct. it 1191 50.00 Shannon Hogue 17840 E Valley Hwy it 1192 650.00 Enis Caniparoli 814 Cedar Ave So. Rewire OFD 1193 130.00 Mike's Tavern 11505 Sunset Blvd E Inst. outlets 1194 3,900.00 O.K. Tire Co, 1030 Thomas Ave SW Lighting E 1195 50.00 Maurice Lavachek IIh4. P Street Wire new addition 1196 19,000.00 Renton Village Co, 35 So. Grady Way Parking lot lights 1197 500.00 Nels Husson 518 N St. So. Wire serviceAeat 1198 10200.00 Elling Halvorson, Inc 1784.0 E Valley Hwy Wire tavern MECHANICAL PERMITS i M 1128 The Boeing Co. 10-50 Bldg. Inst. drain line j 1129 " 4-42 Bldg. Rearrange restroom M 1130 Duane Radford 1137 N Pl . No. Inst. pipe 1131 McGrath Corp. 13422 SE 107th PI Inst. furnace 1132 It13513 SE 107th P1 " 1133 It13537 SE 107th Pl . " 1134 Shirley White 421 tilindsor Way " M 1135 W.B. Wallis 617 S Street Inst. heater 1136 E.A. Holcomb Const 13422 Sunset Blvd E Plumbing & fixtures 1137 Powell Const. Co. 10703 113th Ave SE Inst. gas furnace 1138 George Butko 435 4th Ave W. Plumbing & fixtures 1139 11 437 4th Ave W. " M 1110 Keenan Pi -6 & Supply 9c5 Lind Ave SW! " 1141 Marlene J Pence 2021 7th Ave No. " 114.2 VOID *- 111Y3 Ray Culver . 9820 108th SE Alter piping 1144 Berner Msek 10990 SE 110th Drain field repair s M 1145 Diane Laekie 11005 SE 100th Inst. furnace 1146 Leroy Noland 2520 9th PI . No. Inst. heater, gas 114.7 McGrath Homes 13501 SE 107th P1 . Inst. furnace 1148 Doyel Burleson 11502 SE 102nd St Hot water tank IIZr9 Elmer Morasch 541 No. Wells Plumbing & fixt. SEV ER FERAITS t2o:503, 5c & 505 Ivan Gibeault 13303, 13305 & 13255 SE 116th Sewer service . 7 ' e • August fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council TO CLAIMS FROM: Current Fund $ 45,479.02 Arterial Street Fund 47.90 Urban Arterial 25,266.59 City Street Fund 24,907.36 Cedar River M. & I. 59.48 Equipment Rental 15,816.77 Library 9,111.37 Parks 63,832.41, Waterworks Utility 85,548.23 Airport 609.30 Firemen's Pension Fund 2,644.19 City Hall Construction Fund 70 616.30 Total Claims $343,938 .42 TO PAYROLL FROM: Current Fund $137,069.00 Street Fund 24,454.71 Cedar River M. & I. 596.00 Equipment Rental 4,686.71 .. Library 8,729.35 Parks 28,709.42 Waterworks Utility 20,070.57 Airport 1,433.71 Firemen's Pension Fund 90.82 Total Payroll 225,840.29 t 3 i REFERRALS FROM THE REGULAR MEETING RENTON CITY COUNCIL September 9, 1968 Office of the City Clerk FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Bid Opening - Water Project W-272, 16" Watermain in 12th Avenue North, between "E" !� Street and the Highlands Reservoir I PARK DEPARTMENT 9 Bid Opening - Construction and installation of asphalt play court and parking lot in Kiwanis Park LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Items 1 - 27 inclusive, Exhibit B, Proposed Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan of 1 the City of Renton PLANNING COMMISSION + To hold hearing for considering high density multiple use for Masonic Lodge Property 1 at 10th and "M" Street, Renton Highlands j low APPOINTMENTS: Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee - Michael Campion; Rev. Marvin Knutzen, Charles j Talmage Patrolman in Renton Police Department - Bradley A. Tofthagen, effective September 16. MEETING: i Public Hearing - October 14, 1968 to consider designations of Item 28, Schedule B Revised Comprehensive Plan, Stoneway Concrete, Inc. property and Masonic Lodge Property at 10th and "M" Street. (Cont. Sept. 9) i i ry S RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. September 9,1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Perry, Trimm, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. Absent: Edwards, Schellert and Delaurenti . Moved by Bruce, seconded by Maxin, that the absent councilmen be excused. The motion carried. low OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Lynn Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church , Purchasing Agent and Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, and Jack Wilson, City Engineer. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Maxin, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 26th be approved as prepared and mailed out. The motion carried. Mayor Custer, at this time, presented a public service award placque to Mr. Myron H. Finch, for faithful and active services rendered as a member of the Mayor's Youth Guidance Com- mittee. Recognition was given to the effective work accomplished in recreational and other type youth affairs and the Mayor noted that Mr. Finch was also now retired from the Renton School District where he had served as teacher,counsellor and Principal of McKnight school over the past years. OPENING OF BIDS: Water Project W-272, 16" watermain installation in 12th Avenue North between "E" Street and the Highlands Reservoir. This being the date set, sealed bids were opened and read from the following bidders: Argentiri Construction, Seattle, $36,089.08; Allison, Inc. of Tacoma, $36,407.80; Bowers Construction Co., Seattle, $14,099.40; Gesner & Brown, Inc., $26,309.81; J. J. Jackson, Inc., Renton, $25,621.25. (Tabulations attached) Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to refer the +r bids to the Fire and Water Committee to report back. Carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Construction and installation of asphalt play court and parking lot in Kiwanis Park. This being the date set, sealed bids were opened and read from the following: Rainier Asphalt Paving Company, Renton, $11,308.40; Red Samm Mining Co., Redmond, $18,952.60; Washington Asphalt Company, Inc., Seattle, $12,803.00. (Tabulations attached) Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to refer the bids to the Park Department for report back. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of Comprehensive Plan for the City of Renton as revised This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director , distributed brochure containing definitions of terms used in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, along with map and list of proposed revisions, and pointed out that the intent of the new plan is not to be all inclusive and that it may be amended from time to time as necessary and desired. Changes effected on items previously discussed, 41-427,and addition of item 428 were noted, pursuant to matters as brought to attertion for consideration by the Planning Commission, the City Council,the property owners and representatives. Questions and comments we're invited. Councilman Shane called attention to a parcel of land located at the corner of 10th Avenue North and "M" Street, owned by St. Andrews Lodge, F. & A.M. of Renton, and proposed that the area, now designated single family residential, be tww shown as high density multiple family residential use. It was noted that this item was not included in the publication of properties listed for public hearing this evening and thus it should not be acted upon at this meeting. Discussion ensued regarding proximity of the subject property to single family residences, church and businesses, and possible spot zoning problem and zoning desirable for potential best development of the land. It was subsequently moved by Shane, and seconded by Grant,that the designation of the Land Use on this property from SR-1 to High Density Multiple r'amily Residential, requested by the Masonic Lode, be referred to the Planning Commission with direction that the' Commission hold a public hearing on the mat-(::�r and make its recommendation back to the Council as soon thereafter as passible. The motion carried. Opinions and interpretations of intent as to what the public hear lig tonig was to include were expressed and publication of proposed revisions was questioned, it being ,felt the hearic was to have covered the entire Comprehensive Plan for the City with any new or final revisions to be proposed to be heard, Mr. . Robert Wing of Puget Western, previously sub- mitted letter August 12th requestiiig revision to Plan, which Minute ent=•y was read at this time and had inclPd;:d setting cf August 9th for final hearing. (See later discussion) 38 z Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9/9/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Revisions to Comprehensive Plan (Cont.) It was pointed out that the 27 items on Exhibit B had been considered at prior public hearings and they should be considered at this time, new items to require publication, and further hearings. Also noted was fact that Item 28 had been heard before the Planning Commission and the Council and rejected at the Special Public Hearing by Council July 29. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Robert Wing, of Puget Western, Inc., Renton Village, referred to item 14 on Exhibit B, Cladding McBean-Haddad Area, and expressed concern for the Green Belt classification of portion of their property inquiring as to objective criteria for what may or may not be done by way of development. Exhibits and drawings were shown to illustrate development of proposed light industrial or manufacturing park type area which was felt to be the best and highest economic use for the land. Some donsiderable bank cuts were included, which were questioned, and Mr. Wing advised the engineers had assured such grade cuts will not be problematic to the area, noting also ••• favorable ground condition for the proposal with access being resolved. Definition of Green Belt, from brochure prepared by the Planning Department, was read which indicated Green Belt as a limited development area with severe topographic ` conditions,-ground-water, slide potential, subsoil or other physical conditions which i impair development, such areas intended to be developed in extremely low density single family, recreation, open space, or other compatible low density uses. Mr. Wing advised he had not seen this definition heretofore and that he felt the proposal for the light industrial-manufacturing park development would be a compatible, low density use. Property locations and ownerships were discussed and Mr. Mike Kochanek of Interpace, (Gladdirg McBean), 1500 Houser Way South, recalled growth of the company since 1880, deeming the plan for expansion and further development to be coming to a head concurrently with the completion of the Comprehensive Plan by the City, and requested the Council to consider the land use designation of manufacturing park for the subject area. Mr. Drew Miller, Pacific Coast Railroad representative and Mr. Paul Scott, Milwaukee Railroad Co., supported the request of Mr. Wing on behalf of the railroad company ownerships. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that item 14, exhibit B, revisions to the Comprehensive Plan be revised with the first sentence remaining unchanged and the second to read,the area be revised to light industrial--manufacturing park is bounded on the north by the railroad right-of-way, on the south by a line 400' south of the railroad and on the east by the Cedar River. The remaining portion is greenbelt. Moved by Grant and 'seconded by Bruce, the motion be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation. This motion lost. Moved by Barei, seconded by Garrett, to amend by inserting revision, of light industrial-manufacturing park bounded on the north by the railroad and extending 4001 southerly of said railroad line. The ameridment ca.rried(See -6-ter revision), and subsequently, the original motion, as amended. Councilman Garrett requested the Planning Director to locate property on the wall map to which request of Mr. Kay Jones had referred. This was identified on the map and on Exhibit B of proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan as Item No. 28, South Highlands Area. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane, to rezone this area to light industrial-manu- facturing park use. Proximity of the property to the Monterey Terrace residential area was noted along with fact that the item had not been included in the published list of. areas for hearing this date, but that it had been before the Planning Commission and the Council during public hearings on the plan. Mr. Kay Jones, Mgr. and Vice-President of Stoneway Concrete, Inc., 1815 Maple Way, advised the property is lower than the Monterey Terrace area, recalled prior discussions at hearings with main problems of ingress, egress and screening noted to be zoning functions to be considered by the Planning Com- mission according to regulations and inquired regarding publication procedure. After discussion and report of.publication authorization the pending motion was voted upon and declared lost. Roll call. was requested and the vote was taken as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Shane and Bruce. No: Grant, Maxin, Trimm, Perry and Morris. The motion lost, 4 to 5. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, the City Clerk have notice of proposed revision to the Comprehensive Plan, #28 on Exhibit B, published and the matter-be taken up by tyre Council at a public hearing at the earliest possible date. Carried. (See later action setting date for continued hearing) Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to recess. The motion carried and recess was declare After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Audience cornment was invited.Mr. Arne Hagen, Trustee on .the Bi.ailding Committee for the Masonic Lodge, inquired regarding action taken earlier on property located at 10th and "M" Street, and steps to be taken further by the Lodge accordingly, calling attention to prior attendance at a public hearing, and noting proximity of the subject property to businesses and church property9 stated it was not surrounded by single family housing. Mayor Custer outlined actions taken heretofore on the matter noting that at this time in accordanca with motion made earlier the matter will. be heard by the Planning Commission and subsequently by the Council as 'required under due process of law, and could possibly be considered as amendment at a later date if such ordinance were sub- sequeytl�� adopted to effect the change. It was suggested that the Planning Department be contacted so ' a representative can attend the Commission nearing and if Council so acts, any further Council hearing which may be held. a _ E c S , c Minutes - Rentor. City Council Meeting 9/9/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Revised Comprehensive Plan. - (Cont.) Mr. Stanley Stone, 2000 Rolling Hills Ave. So., addressed the Co>>ncil regarding Item 25 on Exhibit B of revisions and advised that he owns Lot 21 which abuts the area Mr. Hutchens has requested be shown medium density. Concern was expressed for possible higher density ' being granted through special permit, it being noted that those who came into the area sub- sequent to the multi-family developments now in existence, had relied upon current GS-1 and recommended SR-1 designations and potential possibility of multiple abutting rolling hills was now of concern. The some 140 residents objecting otherwise would not oppose the low density designation. Mr. Lennie Hutchens stated he had been more than fair in requesting lower zoning and in ..offering one-half the land as a buffer area to protect these people than has been required and he did not feel he should be denied the right to develop his property as requested, especially in view of the R-4, R-3 and R-2 across the street and all down the road. He noted that special permit need not be granted if the Planning Commission did not wish one i.,sued whether he or anyone else were to apply. Considerable discussion ensued and upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen outlined corresponding designations of land uses with zonings, noting low density to be R-2, medium density, R-3 and High, R-4 and Planning Commission proposal that the entire area be low density multiple family use since there isa strip of R-3 on 106th S.E. Rights of the property owners to develop as well as property buyers to be protected, were discussed along with heights allowed in each multiple use area and effect considering elevations of the property extending towards the rolling hills area. Mr. Harold Jorgensen, 3287 Court B agreed with statements of Mr. Stone and stated that at the time he purchased his property he had been told it would be low density and that multiple would not extend up any further than Thunder Hill. Mr. Dave Parsons, 1903 S.E. Taylor Court, advised after considering the matter it had been suggested that R-3 be divided; with 106th SE as the line and come on up with R-2 and R-1 and the other agruments stand. It,was subsequently moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to show the westerly 300 ft. as low density multiple family residential and the easterly remaining portion as single family residential. The motion lost by roll call vote as follows: Aye: Morris, Perry, Grant %W and Barei. No: Garrett, Trimm, Maxin, Bruce and Shane. Mr. Hutchens having explained that this would pose the same problem for him as the others were now protesting, pointed ,. out also that property around his still undeveloped was owned by the Thunder Hills de- velopers and could go to R-4 and stated with present construction across Puget Drive of 122 15 and 18 story buildings his property as single family residential would be of no use as no one would want to build a home among all the apartments and office buildings, as evidenced by present objectors who do not even want medium density near their homes. After further discuGsion and proposals of motions not accepted by the Chair with regard to possible withholding of rights to variance or special permit, it was moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, that the entire area as described in item 25 of exhibit B of proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan be designated as low density multi-family residential use. After dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Morris, Perry, Trimm, Grant, Barei.. No: Maxin, Bruce and Shane. Carried. Planning Director Ericksen noted need for revision of description in item 14, it being discovered that by using the freeway as the westerly boundary a portion of Renton Hill would be included and it was suggested the term freeway be revised to indicate westerly line of Interpace. Moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, the revision to item 14 state: "The area revised to low density multi-family is bounded on the north by the Cedar Rivor on the south by the railroad, and the west by Sec. 16-23-15. The area revised to light industrial or manufacturing park is bounded on the south by a line 400' south of the rail- road, on the west by the westerly R/W line of Grant Street extended north to the Railroad R/w, and on the east by the Cedar River. The remaining porti6n of the area, Green Belt, (limited development area) . Carried. Inquiry was made in regard to Stoneway Concrete, Inc. property, Item 28 and City Attorney Shellan advised that the matter had been before both the Planning Commission and the City Council but if desired the hearing could be continued with part of the items referred to the ]Law and Ordinance Committee and when the additional items have been disposed of they would be referred to the Committee for an amending ordinance . Discussion ensued it being noted that public hearing would not be required on item 25 but would be on the new item #28. Moved by Barei, second by Garrett, that the hearing be closed on items 1 through 27, except item 28 on schedule B, proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan, and that October 14 be set for continued hearing on this mattes Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, that the Masonic Lodge property hearing be held on October 1.4 as well. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion a, amended. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry the first 27 items be referred to the Law and Ordinance Cc:n,it',ee_. Carried. Shane abstained. -3- ___ 388 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9/9/68 Moved by Barei, seconded by Morris to suspend action on all items of the Agenda with exception of new business by the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Perry, Bruce, Shane, Bared. No: Garrett, Trimm, Maxin and Grant. The motion carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 4934 through 5071, which have.been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment at this time, except. No.4983,.,final payment 'oii •CAG. :1166-67, not yet accepted.and approved by the Council. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 6,855.79 4934 - 4982 Street (Arterial) 5,940.00 4983 (approved later) City Street 5,070.56 4984 - 4993 Cedar River M. & I. 35.88 4994 - 4996 Equipment Rental 3,618.28 4997 - 5022 Library 397.38 5023 - 5025 Parks 15,780.75 5026 - 5043 Water works Utility 39,777.09 5044 - 5059 Airport 948.14 5060 - 5064 Firemen's Pension 107.96 5065 - 5071 $ 78,531.85 Attention was called to item c. of the Agenda which public works contract required Coun- Eil'.s acceptance for final payment and also,urgency was indicated on appointments of Police Patrolman and the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee. Moved by Barei� seconded by Perry, to adjourn. The motion failed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Barei, 'that :the Council reconsider itSformer motion limiting action to the one item of new business on the Agenda and now consider item 8c. and item 10. Carried. Letter from Lynn A. Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer, submitted and recommended for payment the final estimate on CAG 1166-67, in sum of $5,940.00, due General Service Electric. (Rainier Avenue Traffic Signals) The work was completed August 1 and accepted by the Department on September 5. Acceptance by the Council as of September 9 was recommended with commencement of the 30-day lien period, after which, if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, the retained amount of $12,316.51 be released to the Contractor. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to concur and that the work be accepted and Voucher payment authorized. Carried. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of the following to the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee: Michael Campion, Counselor, Henry Ford & Sartori Elementary Schools; Reverend Marvin Knutzen, Renton Lutheran Church and Charles Talmage, Principal, McKnight Jr. High School. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointments. Carried. Letter. from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Bradley A. Tofthagen to position of Police Patrolman with the Renton Police Department, effective September 16. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, to concur. The motion carried. Moved by Barei., seconded by Shane, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m. There were 47 visitors in the Council Chamber when the meeting convened. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -4- 4 38 i 1) i)PW TTW; SRIPT. 9, 14;^q BTI) "'AF'Tt AT'rn d Su w, 96� Ara?t Kirs Par! T �a-* Area M Par'ci*t , Lot, A .r,x 4 Ar-a 1? A-t;I " T-a a., T,'AT%TT? pSpuA m pAttTni!' {'t , P.1. ung t.t ., X ?Q,,2,-1 X2.502..!,O $1 r 26.89 10.q.r,r. XIMS N.TNTruC rr'. a, nnx y .V7.859.00 s5?7.60 $6,576.00 A`T'RAT,T TRSr' NvF :qt.h $,s,,9:;8.00 $2,817,00 �<•;9012,00 t12,80? ,(Y- STETT T-. VjN. 99107 VP IIPF;N_i�$1 _. ..RTT AP17ATTf)N SFfi'rT :;41 W-27 (Water) 12th Ave. IST bet. E St. Hai-Vis A� A+r2ss Bt,* Ras n B;j Tax 'T'c>a Vj IT CO. 5 SC, JACKSON ST. X ,n;<;; ,5? :.0p $36,089.{ ATT JSIN W. OF TACOMA P17 KY-7TTAND AVS'. Y �' $?;-4.G0 1 567,80 $16,r,n1%•q" �2? Aa nAi'A $'trT3 S7. Y $112,02.25 92.25 -t 677,? n� l/l—Z-± AVE. SP, x $251129.00 T,26,11N.P tT.J. JA"KS?N. PIC. T',.7. 't 2 ry $24,55�: ,501.t026,71; 42,.62' .2 -5- 390 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9-9-68 PERwITS ISSUED BY THE CITY BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERh;ITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WCRK 6-12o6 f 11,500.00 Bell & Valdez 2021 SE 21st Ct. New residence (207 11,500.00 " 1823 Alder Pl . SE New residence 1208 IO,000.CO " 2009 SE 21st Ct. It 1209 10,000.00 " 2006 Alder PI SE It B 1210 10,000.00 It 2011 SE 20th Ct " 1211 10,750.00 ,t 1817 Alder PI SE it 1212 10,750.00 " 2010 SE 21st Ct. 12;3 10,750.00 " t906 Alder PI SE " h 1214 13, 150.00 " 2033 SE 21st Ct " ! B 1215 13,150.00 " 1829 Alder PI SE " 1216 140.00 The Boeing Co. 4-04 Bldg. Inst. wall 1217 45.00 it 4-60 Bldg. Const. Wall ...rr 1218. 350.00 " 4-04 Bldg. Const. wall 1219 1,500.00 Gerald Hurst 17229 Springbrook Rd Const. carport B 1220 ********* VOID 1221 400.00 Calvin Yackley 430 Williams Ave N Reroof house 1222 2,800.00 Paul Latch 10517 113th Ave SE Const. bedroom 1223 52,312.00 Royal Hills Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr Const. apt .224 52,312.00 tt n n d B 1225 52,312.00 is 1226 52,312.00 Royal Hills Inc 1227 81, 174.00 1228 81, 174.00 1229 81, 174.00 " B 1230 81, 174.00 " " " 1231 81, 174.00 1232 81, 174.00 1233 88,390.00 1234 88,390.00 B 1235 88,390.00 n n u 1236 88,390.00 1237 68,390.00 1238 88,390.00 't tt ,t 1239 88,390.00 ,t B 1240 88,390-00 t, t, ►, 1241 73,959.00 It t, tt 1242 73,959.00 t' It It Now 1243 75,763.00 It it n 1244 73,959.00 ,t t, B 1210 73,959.00 it It tt 1246 73,959.00 it It tt 1247 73,959.00 " " t' 1248 59,528.00 It it it 1249 59,528.00 If is ,t B 1250 59,528.00 " " it 1251 59,528.00 „ " it 1252 59,528.00 it " it 1253 66,743.00 „ tt it 1254 66,743-00 t, t' tt B 1255 b6,743.00 It „ it 1256 66,743.00 ,t „ tt 1257 66,743.00 It " t, 1258 66,743.00 1259 66,743.00 ,t It it B 1260 95,6o5.00 tt ,t 1261 1o4,625.00 " it It 1262 200.00 Carl Johnson 1215 Talbot Rd S Const. cover 1263 400.00 Fred Forsberg 1131 Q St. Const. shed 1264 19,726.00 McGrath Corp. 13404 SE 107th PI Const, residerre B 1265 14,598.00 11 13410 SE 107th PI -- 1266 19,264.00 It 13522 SE 107th PI 1267 VOID' ' I 1268 1,800.00 Adolph Muhich 706 Ist Ave N House siding 1269 2,000.00 A.H. Rutherford 110 Sunset Blvd W Repair damage B 1270 2,000.00 Gates, Henry 3206 6th Avco E Replace rafters 1271 1,000.00 W. Reeves 16621 Springbrook Rd Enlarge 2nd sty, 1272 800.00 Wigwam Stores 350 Sunset Sign - install 1273 2,000.00 Angelique Shop Renton Shopping Ctr. Inst. sign 1274 16, 198.00 McGrath Corp 13416 SE 107th P1 New residence B 1275 1,800.00 Donald Hurter 1119 F St. Add9 ara e 9� 1276 25,000.00 Conner Const. Co 8647 So. 127th St New residence 1277 25.00 Nando Phillips 415 So 3rd St Relocate sign 1273 102,000.00 City of Renton Lk. Wn. Blvd&Houser W Bathhouse etc. i279 15,436.00 t,lcGrath Corp. 13%3 SE 107th PI New res idence F !280 16,oT. j.00 C.G. Dideon 76_ 84th So & 125th So. Now residence 1 ti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9-9-68 PERMITS CONT. ELECTRICAL PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work E 1199 50.00 The Boeing Co. 4-04 Bldg. Inst. 3 recpts. 1200 96.00 " 4-60 Bldg. Inst. 4 recpts. 1201 200.00 " 4-21 Bldg. Furnish power- 1202 250.00 " Apron Supply power 1203 * *** VOID 1204 190.00 40" Edwards 3405 6th P1 E Heaters E 1205 3,500.00 Ed Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd E Vlire ep is 1206 400.00 Parkwood 44ones 605 Royal Dr Wire residence 1207 400.Oo " 2607 Prince Ave " 1208 400.00 '' 2600 Charles Ct 1209 3,700.00 Elmer hbrasch 547 �,IeII Ave N hiring for aplz E 1210 220.00 Hub Trailer Park 641 Wells No 200 AMP Service ` 1211 . 0.00 McGrath Corp5 13422 SE 107th PI Temp serv. 1212 50.00 McGrath Corp 13513 SE 107th PI 11 1213 500.00 City o.f Renton Jones Park Wire restroom 1214 480.00 Gemini Const. 14630 134th PI SE Wire residence E 1215 50.00 The Boeing Co. 4-73 Bldg. Move circuit 1216 225.00 " 4-20 Bldg. Inst. circuits 1217 172.00 " I0-80 Bldg. Extend service 1218 204.00 The Boeing Co. 4-64 Bldg. Recurcuit power 1219 200.00 " 10-80 Bldg. Revise circuits E 1220 2, 100.00 Carpet Warehouse 1010 Thomas Ave SW Lighting 1221 400.00 Powell Const 10729 113th SE Wire residence 1222 400.00 Powell Const 10703 113th SE 1223 400.00 Powell Const 10709 113th SE " 1224 400.00 it 10715 113th SE " E 1225 50.00 Dick Gwoi 12501 Rainier Ave S Relocate Servi:c3 1226 250.00 A.H. Rutherford 110 Sunset Blvd W Rewire fire dmg 1227 700.00 Old West Wines 1555 No. 4th Wire service MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1150 Rudy Zaputil 11601 SE 105th PI Inst. furnace 1151 Herve Belisle 11040 SE 97th " 1152 The Boeing Co. 4-60 Bldg. Inst. supply line 1153 Helmut Wibmer 2004 SE 19th Ct. Gas piping 1154 James Wiehoff 9725 116th SE Septic tank M 1155 James Wiehoff 9727 116th SE Septic Tank 1156 James Wiehoff 9729 116th Ave SE Septic tank 1157 Kentucky Roast Beef 104 So 3rd St Plumbing fixtures 1158 Enis Caniparoli 814 Cedar Inst. furnace 1159 Carpet Warehouse Co 1010 Thomas Ave SW Plumbing fixtures M 1160 R.S. Shane 11658 SE 100th St Inst. gas furn 1161 Bank of West 2950 Sunset Blvd Plumbing 1162 H.J. Wyrwitzke 1135 Talbot Rd Hot water tank 1163 Robinson Lyon Ford 750 Rainier Ave S Gas piping 1164 Keenan Pipe Supply 739 Lind Ave SW Heaters inst. M 1165 McGrath Corp. 13501 SE 107th PI Plumbing fixtures 1166 McGrath Corp. 13422 SE 107th PI it 1167 Pioneer Realty 3503 7th Ave N Inst. gas furnace 1168 McGrath Corp. 13404 SE 107th PI it 1169 McGrath Corp. 13410 SE 107th PI " M 1170 " 13416 SE 107th PI It 1171 it 13522 SE 107th 1172 W.B. Wallis 722 R Street " 1173 J.H. VIibmer 2004 SE 19th Ct. 1174 Kenneth Jay 2212 10th PI N " M 1175 Musicians Club Inc 126 Logan Ave S Water heater 1176 Richard Peterson 835 Windsor Way Plumbing fixt,„ 1177 Gemini Const. 14630 130th PI SE Septic tank 1178 W.L. Cook 15075 gist Ave S' Septic Tank 1179 Rudy Zaputil 11601 SE 105th PI Plumbing fiXiU Q3 imw M 1180 Powell Const 10709 113th Ave SE " 1181 VOID ( 182 Powell Const 10703 113th Ave SE " 1183 it 10721 113th Ave SE " 1184 " 10715 113th Ave SE M 1185 it 10729 113th Ave SE " 1186 " 10735 113th Ave SE " 1187 Mr. Waffle 14630 130th PI SE 1188 McGrath Homes 13534 SE 107th PI Inst. gas furno:e 1189 Lewis H. Purcell 11624 SE 105th PI " M 1190 Orman J. Waffle 14630 130th PI SE Inst. furnace SEWER PERMITS No 506 Parkw ood Homes 2612 Charles Ct Sewer service 507 George Butko 447 4th Vest " 508 J.R. Fawcett -7- 9003 100th SE . 3-92 ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9-9-68 PERMITS CONT. SEVER PERMITS CONT. NO. NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK No. 509 E.A. Fawcett 9017 100th SE Sewer service No. 510 " 9842 SE 93rd " 511 Charles Shane Riviera Apts " 512 Dr. Handley 11015 116th SE 513 Powell Const 10720 114th SE 514 Powell Const 10703 113th SE " No. 515 " 10709 113th SE " 516 " 10715 113th SE " 517 " 10727 113th SE " 518 " 10721 113th SE " 519 10733 113th SE I 6 f 1 E I �r i I I t. 0 f3 k REFERRALS BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL September 16, 1968 ry REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk CITY ATTORNEY Letter from Robert J. Elliott regarding Elliott Gravel Pit material leased by City COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Amendments to Underground wiring Ordinance and recommendation for funding of costs including 30-day time limit for property owners conversion and loan recommendation. Request for city to serve Glacier Park development site in Tukwila with utility and other services FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Bids for 16" watermain in 12th Ave. No. returned to committee for further investigation and report as to financial responsibility and city protection Great Northe m Ry. Company request for waterline L.I.D. in 92nd Avenue South LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Ordinances Introduced 9/16/68: Vacating portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. (Park Street) to the Boeing Company; Amending City's Comprehensive Plan Rezone: Whitaker--Anglemyer property, G to R-3, SW corner of Springbrook Rd at S. 180th N.C.R. Billing machine to be declared surplus and for sale (Utility Department) Appropriation of $3,236.72 from Street Vacation 'fees unto Non-Dept. 11.41/314, Expert ..� Services, to ptdvide' $7,122.50,Cit��'s cost for -Green River Valley Transportation Study POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE T. J. Hogan request to sell Renton Radio and Renton Yellow Cab Companies and to transfer 6 vehicle licenses to C. A. Bailey accordingly. (Power to Act.) SPECIAL CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE Assignment of council partners to new city hall council offices TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Wm. L. Monson, owner, Clearview Cable T.V. request for renewal of Franchise Agreement and extension of service area. MEETINGS AND EVENTS: September 18 - Fire and Water Committee at 7:30 p.m., City Engineer and Fire Chief invited to attend. September 19 -- Planning Committee at 4:00 p.m. in Planning Office with Planning Director and Building Director, or representative invited to be present September 23 - Preliminary Budget Presentation to City Council September 24, 25, 26, etc, as needed - Committee of the Whole meetings with Mayor and Department Heads on Budgets October 7 - Public Hearings begin on final budget adoption October 4 & 5- Planning Association of Washington meeting at Goldendale 39 { M I N U T E S O F RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8:00 P.M. September 16, 1968 Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, f and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Lynn Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 9 be approved as written. The motion carried. Mayor Custer at this time noted three items received after preparation of the Agenda and inquired as to wishes of the Council. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to admit the three items to the Agenda for presentation following those presently listed. Carried. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: Proposed Ordinance was read vacating a certain portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. in the City of Renton, causing appraisal to be made, said right of way also known as Secondary State Hwy No. 2A and Park Street, and authorizing the vacation subject to payment unto the City by the abutting owners of sum not to exceed one-half the appraised value and subject to an easement for public utilities and services. (Petitioned by The Boeing Company) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and w Ordinance Committee pending appraisal report. Carried. I Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was submitted for introductory reading, amending the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Maps, adopted heretofore as evidenced by Resoluti.o No. 1240 and Ordinance No. 2142 and further implemented and amended by various plans, codes, reports and records, now being modified and amended after public notices and hearings as required. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton changing the zoning classification of certain property within the City from General Classifi- cation District (G) to Residential District R--3. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to- adopt Ordinance No. 2431 as read. Roll: call. vote- resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Springbrook Lands, Inc.) Proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of $66,000.00 from the Cedar River Acquisi- tion Fund 45000, unto the Library Fund #1600, to constitute a loan, effective August 31, 1968 to bear interest at the rate of 3% per annum and to be repaid not later than December 31, 1968 . Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to adopt the Resolution, No.- 1571'5 as read. The motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendation that Council approve rezone of Whitaker, D. and Anglemyer C. property, Appl. R-455-68, from G 41.o R-3, located at SW corner of Springbrook Road and South 180th Street. The rezone as requested is in agreement with ,the Comprehensive Plan. (Proposed for clinic and nursing home) . N'oved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. The motion carried. l,tter from Wi1'iam L. Monson, President, Clearview Cable T.V. requested renewal of I' anchise A-reemants for Cable T.V. operation in the Maplewood area of Renton and for ansi,on of service to serve Riviera Apartments and that portion of Maplewood Addition >aated insl6e the City. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to `T'�:affic F'nj�in erJ..ng Department and the Light and Power Committee for recommendation. t��Y�tiot. carried. 395 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9/16/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURFENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Letter from W. E. Bennett, Utility Accountant, requested authorization to declare National Cash Register Billing Maching, Serial #622471, as surplus, since acquisition of the computer has made the old machine obsolete. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to concur. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Com- mittee. The motion carried.. Letter from Mayor Custer noted..attached letter from Mr. Clark Eckart, Great Northern Railway ;- mpany requesting police, fire, water, storm and sanitary sewer facilities along with wer, telephone and natural gas lines to serve Orillia site being developed by the acier Park Company, Transport Storage to be relocated from Renton and additional businesses to locate in said area requiring such services. The location is in Tukwila and the City of Renton was requested to provide certain services, considering exchange of services and in some instances mutual services to be required. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from the Valley Regional Planning Commission, Kenneth F. Weeks, Pres., reported need for additional funds to provide staffing and assure continuity of the program of the Commission for the balance of 1968, an executive director and secretary being sought at the present time. List of 1968 budget costs was attached and Renton, Kent and Auburn were requested to contribute $1,000.00 each additional for expenses. Moved by Grant and seconded by Shane, that the request for additional funds be denied, discussion ensuing regard- ing overlapping of governmental planning services.. Accomplishments of the program were noted and Council action by majority vote to refer request for financial support for 1969 to Mayor for preliminary budget consideration. The motion was voted upon and dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Perry, Edwards, Bruce, Grant, Share and Barei. No: Garrett, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm and Maxin. The motion carried, additional funds for 1968 thereby being denied. Petition was read for waterline L.I.D. in 92nd Avenue South, from South 180th to South 160th Streets, desired by Great Northern Railway Company to comply with certain city regulations involving construction now underway, submitted by R. M. Boyd, Western Land Tax Commissioner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request D the Fire and Water Committee to report back. The motion Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment,final estimate for work performed by. King Construction Company on Sanitary Sewer L.I. D. #258,(Kennydale area) in sum of $24,885.66. It was recommended that the project, which was accepted by the Engineering Department upon its completion September 9, be accepted by the Council this date with commencement of the 30-day lien period, $4,815.04 to be released thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. The motion carried. Letter. from Thomas J. Hogan requested permission to consumate sale of the Renton Radio Cab Co. and Renton Yellow Cab Co., Inc., to Mr. C. A. ,Bailey and transfer of six vehicle licenses accordingly. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of billing from the Wn. State Hwy. Com- mission for reimbursement of costs incurred in connection with the Green River Valley Transportation Study, State Project 1,32.12, Agreement GC-1940. Funds were budgeted under Non-Departmental account in the 1967 budget, however, since the billing was not feceived in that year, the Council in December, elected to pay charges in connection with lawsuit with Western Sand and Gravel. Also, State Audit costs exceeded the amount budgeted and balance in the account to bring forward in 1969 to apply on the City's share 0tf the study is only $3,865.78, leaving $3,236.72 to be replaced. It was recommended the appropriation from revenue received from Street Vacation fees into Non-Departmental 141, Expert Services, 314 be authorized. Moved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, to refer he matter to the StrpPt and Alley Committee and to the Ways and Means Committee for report back. The matter was discussed and motion was withdrawn, anti it was subsequently moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendation of the City Clerk with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Lynn A. Andrews reported regarding underground wiring project, No. 3rd and No. 4th Streets, U.A.B. Project, that the Utilities involved cannot proceed with their porti ons of the construction until the city's intent is established. A formal agreement document is required by Puget Power Co. and letter of committal will be adequate for Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co., matching funds to Puget, $30,534.12; to Pacific NW Bell, $7,750 .00 and additional sidewalk and curb costs not covered by contract, $5,000.00, total. $43,284.12. I_t was suggested the Firemen's Pension Fund might be a eource of loan to cover said costs, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute. an agreement with Puget tower, if not as yet consumated. Moved by Perry, second by Bruce, to refer the matter_ t D the Comdiii.ttee of the Whole. Carried. 396 Minutes — Renton City Council Meeting 9/16/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Letter from the Renton Democratic Club requested permission to hang a sign across South 3rd Street to indicate the location of the Headquarters, 914 So. 3rd St. in Renton, from September 16 through November 6. Hold Harmless Agreement will be executed and the nec— essary insurance filed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to allow the request and the Hold Harmless Agreement and insurance to be submitted as required. Carried. Letter from Gene L. Coulon,. Park Director, submitted Park Board recommendation that the low bid of Rainier Asphalt'Paving Company be accepted, Asphalting play court and parking lot at Kiwanis Park. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recom— mendation. Carried. (Low bid in amount of $11,308.40, plus tax) Letter from Mr. Robert J, Elliott advised of ownerships in the Elliott properties which the City of Renton leases for gravel. It was requested that a list be given him, advising of total amount of material removed and payment record be furnished for each month since October 1, 1967, and that burning of refuse on the site be dis— continued and such area be cleaned up. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to refer the matter to the City Attorney for appropriate reply. The motion carried. Letter from Lynn A. Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer, reported a review of Ord. 2427, re Underground Wiring,and Vecommendation that amendment be made with regard to 30—day time limit for homeowner to complete the conversion. A motion was made by Perry, and seconded by Edwards, to refer the recommendation to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Bruce Hulse extended invitation to attend the Planning Association of Washington meeting of October 4 and 5 in Goldendale which he felt would benefit council members who could go. Noted also was article written. by Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor, in a current publication which was deemed commendable. Mr. T. J. Hogan inquired regarding his letter request for sale of his taxicab companies and was advised that the Police and License Committee will notify him of action taken. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Councilman Shane inquired regarding Franchise for Seattle City Light Co. Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm advised a letter had been sent to each council member along with copy of the Ordinance for recommendations prior to its introductory reading and the Com- mittee has not yet prepared its report. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, the proposed Ordinance be placed on first reading under new business this evening. Discussion ensued regarding taking items from Committee prior to the report and recommendations of the Committee. The motion lost. Councilman Shane inquired regarding request for sanitary sewer service on Talbot Road outside the city of Renton and whether the City Engineer might be authorized to proceed without council authorization. It was noted that policy has been not to serve areas outside the corporate limits which matter has been referred to the Sanitation Committee for procedures and specifications for newly adopted policy, and each request to be con— sidered on its own merit. Councilman Grant inquired regarding letter he had received concerning vacant lots owned by private parties which were overgrown with weeds, blackberry vines and attracting rats. Discussion ensued,it beim noted that a letter had been received regarding water problem and sewage problem along Springbrook road which had been investigated and is being cor— rected, it also being noted that another problem area at Logan and Tobin is now up for sale, and suggestion was made as to possible services in this regard,from health _aspect, from the King County Health Department. Also 9 concerning control of. such private properties, it was pointed out that the City cannot participate or render service for benefit of private parties bnd that .a group of people desiring to serve the city in some capacity were given the suggestion that this might be a project to consider. . Councilman Bruce, Fire and Water Committee Chairman, submitted recommendation that the low bid of Bower Construction Company, in sum of $14,099.40, be accepted for installation of 16" watermain in 12th Avenue North, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contract documents upon approval of said documents by the City Attorney. Discussion ensued regarding the amount of the bid and engineer's estimate of cost and it was suggested by the City Attorney that since the bid is less than one—half of the estimate, financial responsibility be assured for the city's protection. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to refer the bid matter back to the Fire and Water Committee for further investigation and report. Carried. —3— 97 Minutes _. Renton City Council Meeting 9/16/68 OLD BUSINESS By COITN�_'TL: (Cont.) Councilman Edwards inquired regarding progress on repairs to the railroad crossings in Renton. Mayor Custer advised that Mr. Eckart was �n city hall this date and the matter had been discussed, representative of the railroad company presently in the audience advised that the work has been authorized and will be accomplished as soon as contract can be secured. Councilman Morris, Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman, moved that Vouchers Nos. 5072 through 5180, and L.I.D. Warrants be approved by the Council for payment at this time. The motion carried and fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 31922.11 5072 — 5097 Street Fund 1,617.08 5098 — 5106 Equipment Rental 4,780.96 5107 — 5113 Library 3,901.99 5114 — 5150 Parks 5,840.12 5151 — 5161 Waterworks Utility 13,958.79 5162 — 5172 Airport 145.98 5173 — 5176 Firemen's Pension Fund 87.36 5177 City Hall Construction 112,016.54 5178 — 5180 $146,270.93 Plus L.I.D. Warrants L.I.D. 258, Cash Fund #2 24,885.66 L.I.D. 258, Revenue 'Fund #2 24,885.66 Councilman Morris inquired regarding disposition of Monterey Terrace residents request for underground wiring. Asst. Traffic Engineer Andrews reported that Judge Houser, who lives in the area, had called and that petitions are in circulation at present and a meeting had been requested with Puget Power representatives but has not yet been set. NEW BUS114ESS BY COUNCIL: Council President Garrett reported that the Preliminary Budget will be presented to the Council September 23 and Department Heads who wish to discuss their budgets should contact Mrs. Marshal, Deputy City Clerk, for scheduling. It was requested that the Mayor meet with the Council on Tuesday, September 24, and others with the Council on the 25th, 26th or thereafter as may be required to be ready for public hearing on the 6w final budget, October 7 in compliance with the law'. Councilman Garrett advised that the six council_ offices in the new city hall will allow for two assignments to each room and that Council might choose a person to share the office or if no preference is desired the assignments will be made. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, that the Special City Hall Building Committee_ assign the space. The motion carried. Councilman Garrett inquired whether recess would be desired to discuss the underground wiring matters in Committee of the Whole meeting and it was moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, to continue this meeting through completion of new business and to then recess. The motion carded. Councilman Shane noted budgetary wage negotiations and expressed opinion that the Municipal wage scale should be the same as those for like jobs outside the municipal employment, inquiring also regarding employment of prior city personnel and associations _ of various companies contracting with the city. Councilman Shane inquired also as to time period of purchase of specific types of traffic signals. Mayor Custer advised that the city for the past four years has tried to standardize due to the fact that some type of connections will not work from one to another, however, bids are called on such equipment and are received from more than one manufacturer with none awarded simply on the basis of specifications over price . Further, the City does not always buy tine signals as they are sometimes furnished by the Contractor. Special designation is not allowed and any information desired in regard to the matter may be secured from the public records on file in the City Clerk's office . Councilman Brilce, Fire and Water Committee Chairman, announced a meeting on September 18, at 7:30 p.m. The City Engineer and Fire Chief were invited to be present. Councilman Bruce inquired regarding action taken in regard to the "S" curve of the freeway involving numerous accidents and it was noted that many discussions had been held with the State and meetings held where various suggestions had been proposed including possible lighting on the bridge, a warning sign has already been placed and the latest recommenda— is for cati:i_ng grooves, other measures being prohibitive costwice. —4— 393 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9/16/68 NEW BUSINESS H COUNCIL (Cont.) Councilman Maxin, Planning Committee Chairman, announced a meeting September 19, at 4:00 p.m. requesting that the Planning Director and Building Director, or representative, be present. Councilman Perry advised he will not be available to attend committee meetings on Fridays commencing the first of December. Councilman Delaurenti, Police and License Committee Chairman, reported receipt of jail inspection by the State and that a good report was made which will be filed with the City Clerk with suggestion that Councilmen brief same, anticipation of a really good report to follow occupancy of the new city hall jail facilities. Councilman Schellert, inquired regarding reason owners of a local tavern had failed to meet off-site improvements according to city code. Mayor Custer noted a bond had been posted that the improvements would be made. Notification has been given as to require- ments some questions existing as to technicality of placement of some curbing and the access control from the parking area being questionable. Councilman Schellert inquired regarding hours of the new Council Secretary, Mrs. Sybil s Brown. President Garrett stated he had received notice that Mrs. Brown will be in the Mayor's office and available for secretarial services. Mayor Custer advised that she is presently working part time for the Council and part time for his office, one-half the salary being paid by 'each and that she will be full time for the Council next year, but is available for council secretarial services at present. Mayor Custer reported that October 9, 10, 11, and 12th if necessary, which is a holiday, i had been set for scheduling the move to the new city hall and open house is tentatively scheduled for November 3. A meeting was requested with the council and building committee to discuss final layout,and the offices, and it was requested t'iat appointments be made with the building department prior to entering the building, t. :c contractor having called. attention to insurance problems, ainong'others, if people are wandering around the building. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present except Barei. Council President Garrett reported recommendations of Committee of the Whole,from meeting held during recess.in regard to underground wiring matters, the first being that assuming the utility will approve,they go ahead with the total project and the city not sign any agreement,per Tariff 71,but that it be revised and understood that the city would pay an amount not to exceed 10% if it is determined that the city is legally obligated to do so. Moved by Trimm, seconded by. Edwards, to concur in the Committee recommendations. Roll call vote was requested after dissenting voice vote, and was taken as follows: Aye: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce and Grant. No: Perry and Shane. The motion carried. (Funds to be provided otherwise`as suggested.) The Committee of the Whole recommended that the underground wiring ordinance, No°. 2427, be amended to provide 30-day time limit by which abutting property owners must connect toa new underground system following written notice of availability of such service. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce and Grant. No : Garrett, Perry and Shane. The motion carried. The Committee of the Whole recommended further that the underground wiring ordinance be amended to denote cost of conversion to be borne by serving utilities or propgrty owners or occupants, provided however,that if the city determines an arterial,street or road widening project requires conversion of overhead facilities to underground facilities, then, in any such event, the utility affected shall provide such work at its own cost and expense, to be applicable where such arterial, street or roadway is carrying 10,000 or more vehicles per dav, and the widening deemed to be in the best public interest, especially to the travelling public. It was moved by Edwards, and seconded by Grant, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Motion by Schellert,second:_by Grant,suggested notification program-be referred td:.the Public'Relations Committee,"however'9 it was pointed out that notification is a legal requirement and property owner of record and not just a res idert must be contacted and the legal customary method through the city departments, to be retained,also,the . Traffic Engineer in this case, has, prepared such a. notice, amended and approved by the City Attorney, now ready to go out ,to those concerned. The motion lost. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 p.m. There were 22 visitors in the Council Chambers. D. W.pCuster, Mayor.. �/ _5_, Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk u 1� QQ P F''" T. AND B.ILT_+G D ;PAT,i.•r7".3 FSiTTT 7T:T', T; Nn.-� --� 010!YNT", NARV ADDRESS TYPr OF k'OPK E - "QI. $ 13.°On.rn Ga^mbriel1 Const Co 1211 Talbot Pd Ne,.- r0sidence ??.'1? ?g,?n!`..'�. it703 12th S 21 O!)O."(", 1.11. Ra-t kr'.an 319 S 2n4 t Inst marblecrete 12'1. 11..11.0(;.00 Be1) & Va?d-7 D 1.81.1 Alder P1_ SS' Nei residence B 1.?.=;j ?2 .1:00.CIO " 2015 SE 21st Ct n 1 ^f. 11 r�) " 1912 Alder P1 SE " ?^" -12,1 1'Xr) " 2018 Alder Pl. SE " 12, 2012 SE 21st Ct r. 16.0?(}.00 _ +' 2024 SE 21st Ct " R 12" 1'c,n"^.00 ' , 2008 SE 20th Ct " '2. 1 i.•,?+ ^0 2030 SE 21st Ct " 2a?, p:'a .t;r cel; 1.2631 M St Demolition of home 1�}' C. '� - ?^-�^� 1.08 Factory No Pep?ace sign 120-'> Dougl&s M Br.2- c IOgOO Lk inn Blvd Excavate & grade R '.?.w 1P.(X'r.!)Q CentrAj Puget Tnc 434 S k' 7th Remodel buildin 2 .6 20, 0.0 .nc 1552 119 SE hew resider: e 1?Gry w. ^ +• 11- .5 ;1 .19 127u VOID 1 `--,ar?.-s Pomeanc,,ski 16644 1.01; SE .122"._�.._4 ^" 5!x.00 Pa:ifl.c� UJ Bell 231 Ma, St Mire telephone booth 1.229 2.0:1.00 P !ler? F�'. ,,.sn; 83 5 :N;indsor Tray Change of ser°r ice E 12?O 1 .3011.r0 2e7 Cre :ica? 860 Thcr•:as SW Lighting 1232inn n0 L^G?.3= ,;, rt:clrr-ar 11-630 SE 10' P] RQ:ri.re house ?232 99?.00 W A C1ar: e 72 ,0 Lk ?-dn. B'v3 jure ger. home it, V"TD Pat, Po 17q�- F galley Hwy 1211. 30C.00 Bazaar. Ync 725 Aai.nie. Ave ^a Wire shop E 12:` 5.G^0.00 Robert i;,ron,?--arcl lel:. So ?r: i St Wire drive-in 1230 5^.00 City of Ppnton S 3r,� & Factory Temp. service t,�CupatICAT P?PITT^S ` Ray Culver 9320 ?.E'8 SF Sert .c tank 1792 T�.Tn ^il. 3202 lith fit Fxt-md utzml island ?_9? %v-Yart Pa-,aar 725 Ra-inier So PIu.mb .In 2191 Mo�!e? Hoc-es Tn!: 8j;5 Kingsgate C;t, Gas furnace M 1.1_9` Gera?,:' Por Qrny 1.91_1 RolY r.- Hi?..s Ir_st fzrra^e Mi'2o Tho'Tl`_'£'cn 1'1:.fi Hll_':Istt15^ Inst heater 1 ^. ,�? !. No if 1� Japes Da___a- 2 ?_ Par: 1.1624 SF 105 P1. Plumbinp, & flft•.:r s 29`? Est!--- Poli 806 Ni-;h So Inst gas f•• rr.a M ??a'_` Vi-tor 110""..'inrz 850 The--las SW Gas =icing t^ at 1.01.0 Th ms Std " ??. '? °cbt. ,T Rr�se'r'.--e_• 931. E St I'Ml furrape :??%; ?. F 't-rrr,.an 11638 SE 104 Pl P1urr�airS & fix..t.res 120!. Co; np-s 1�cn!A ro 12504 85th So Gas fv.rnace Y '20,7' Lar- Sa­lz 2922 7th N Inst gas furna,7e '.2t Juii.rs llmaa'�:e`.' 1;21. "Ifindsor 'ilay Gas ran=;e _ PC-..-ell ^Gt Co 10703 1.11,th SF Gas furnace 12^'1 " 1.0709 l i?th SE. n 1015 113-Lb SE " M 121 r , ?.0721. _113th Sr " 10729 113th SE " 1? 7 ?('733 113th S�: u �1^ e„ r.-�S _,.-, Po860 Thomas S7 P1.tltrt i_n & fix';_* 's a !1fo 51'0.. E17?.» mr>.aS(-!h 6th and Wn.11 s Sewer Service 52? W-rat­ Co--r lgl143 SE 107th Pi n 522 " 13 501.'SE 207th Pl +' '.:513 SE 10 r th Pl n 11525 SE 107th P). " r �= ST l0''}:'[: P1 " J - 1 13537 SE 107th Pl n _ of' Ph-Up Arnold Pk -6- 400 . RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 23,1968 8:00 P.M. R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1969 Preliminary Budget LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Emergency Ordinance to appropriate funds for improvements and underground conversion of electrical installations on No. 3rd and No. 4th Streets Appropriation of $37,619.88 from excess revenues into Urban Arterial Fund to pay costs in connection with the No. 3rd - 4th Street improvement contract. L.I.D. for watermain in 92nd Ave. So. petitioned by Great Northern Railway Co. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Recommendation as to endorsement of Senate Joint Resolution No. 5 CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY ENGINEER Recommendations regarding bid award on water project W-272, 12th Ave. North POLICE AND LICENSE_COMh4I_TTEE Request that Mutual. Amusement Co. be granted required license to operate a pinball machine at Tonkins •`' STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Request of Mr. Storey that the City set aside funds and designate location for pedestrian walkway in vicinity of the North Renton Interchange. MEETINGS AND EVENTS: October 7, 1968 - Public Hearing on emergency ordinance appropriating funds for. No. 3rd - No. 4th Stree-F improvement. September 24 _ Committee of the Whole with Mayor Custer n Preliminary Budget September 25 - Committee of the Wtiol.e with Fire Chief an od City Clerk re preliminary budget: October 7, 1968 - Opening of Bids for. landscaping lower river bank in Liberty Park and in vicinity of the grandstand _ October 7, 1_968 - 1969 Prelim-inary Budget Hearing Meetin` j October. 14, 1968 - Opening of Bids for installation of park lighting October 14, 1968 - Opening of Bids for improvement of 5th Ave . No. from Carden Ave. North to Burnett Avenue North. I I II z i a 1 i 1 401 r1INUTE S OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING September 23, 1968 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS; Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Perry, Trinun, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. 'i: 402 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9/23/68 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: (Cont.) Emergency Ordinance Appropriating Funds In Connection with the No. 3rd-4th St. Improvements for any street breakage, which incidentally applies to any other contractor who wants to break up a public street. They have to get a permit. Mr. Shellan noted further that no permit has to his knowledge ever been denied for any street breaking and construction permit on political grounds and if such did occur the injured or aggrieved party has the right to appeal first to thq Board of Adjustment and then to the City Council and justice would- then prevail, if there had been an injustice in the first place._ The previous question was duly moved by Edwards and seconded by Delaurenti and carried. The original motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2432 as read was voted upon and dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. No: Shane and Perry. The motion carried. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District (G) to Residential District (R-3) (Whitaker-Anglemyer property in vicinity of SW corner of Springbrook Road and South 180th Street) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Ordinance No. 2433 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was presented amending Section 3-224 of Title III (Departments) of Ordinance No. 3_628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to fire protection, installation of hydrants, authorizing contracts and providing for penalties for violation thereof. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Barei, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to adopt Ordinance No. 2434 as read. Carried. RESOLUTHONS FOR ADOPTION Proposed Resolution was read authorizing appropriation' of excess revenues and surplus for . calendar year 1968 unto Non-Departmental 1141, Expert Services 314, in sum of $3,236.72, said excess revenues received from Street Vacation Fees.. (To cover portion of costs re Green River Transportation Study which brings total budgeted amount to $7,122.50, per C.A.G.1010) Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution 1572. Carried. Now Proposed Resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute and deliver bill of sale for National Cash Register billing, machine determined no longer needed for any public use or purpose, and authorizing the Utility Director to secure an appraisal and dispose of said machine on best terms available but not less than the fixed appraisal price. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1573 as read. The motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for approval final costs to be charged against L.I.D. No. 258, .Sanitary Sewers in Kennydale area, in sum of $52,204.74. The final assessment roll was also submitted and October 28 recommended as date for hearing thereon. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur in the report and hearing date. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson requested authorization for appropriation of $37,619.88 from excess revenues received unto Urban Arterial Fund 1250, Capital Outlay, 606, for payments to be made in connection with the .North 3rd - 4th Street improvement projects. Council concurrence and referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee was requested. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to concur. . The motion carried. Letter from Gene Coulon, Park Director, -requested authorization to call for bids on installation of park lighting as included in the current budget. October 14 was suggested as bid opening date . Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to concur in the requests of the Park Director. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon requested authorization to call for bids on landscaping the lower river bank in Liberty Park and the grandstand area, as budgeted, with October 7 as the bid opening date. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommenda- tions. Discussion ensued regarding landscapers engaged by the City heretofore and regarding covering the pool for year around use and costs which might be involved for same. Motion calling for previous question was duly made and carried and the original motion to concur was subsequently voted upon and carried. Tetter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, requested authorization for bid call on improvement crf North 5th Stre,at from Garden Avenue North to Burnett Avenue North with October 14 as bid oEening dote. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to concur. The motion carried- -2- i 4® 0 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Letter from Tonkir.'s, Gerald M. Pepin, owner, requested Mutual Amusement Co. be granted required license to operate pinball machine at said place of business. Moved by Shane, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported on petition of Great Northern Ry. Co. for waterline L.I.D. in 92nd Ave. So., from South 160th to So. 180th Streets, advising that signatures represent 69.50 of lineal front footage abutting said improvement and 80% of the area 1which may be assessed for- same with the petition being valid. Moved by Schellert, second by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee . Carried. Letter from Earle Ti.nius, Executive Secretary, Statewide City Employees Retirement System, urged support of Senate Joint Resolution No. 5, the assage of which would enable the legislature to broaden the investment authority of retirement boards. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to refer the matter to the Legislation Committee for endorsement recom- mendation. Carried. AUDIENCE COKMENT: Mr. Frank Storey, 11007 - 109th Ave. S.E., urged that the city set money aside and specify a definite location, to make possible the North Renton pedestrian walkway. Moved by Perry seconded by Morris, to refer the remarks to the Street and Allam Committee for recommenda- tion. Carried. Discussion ensued,upon inquiry by Barei,and Sub-Committee hearing meeting in Renton City Hall was recalled,regarding pedestrian crosswalk in vicinity of the North Renton Interchange, wherein the Interim Committee on Extension of Highways was represented. Councilman Garrett advised of points brought out that the Highway Department responsibility is for the overpass above and the approach and appurtenances being city responsibility and a policy matter, and a budgetary appropriation would be required. The Interim Committee report will be made at the next session of the Legislature. (Hearing meeting in City Hall was held 3/.12/68 and announced at council meeting of 2/19/68.) Further audience comment was invited. Mr. Duane H. Emberg inquired concerning enabling legislation which had been voted in for an open housing ordinance for the city, noting that a Comsnissi.on was to have been set up in order that the legislation might be operative. Discussion ensued regarding action taken to date it being recalled that Mayor Custer had submitted appointments which had not as yet been confirmed by the Council. It was moved by Grant, seconded by Schellert, to recess for discussion of the matter. Shane requested discussion of the Seattle City Light Franchise at the committee meeting as well and Schellert withdrew his second to the motion. Shane seconded fihe motion and upon dissenting voice vote roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Trimm, Morris . No: Edwards, Perry, Delaurenti and Schellert. The ' motion was carried and recess was declared. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Further audience coit-ment was invited and Mrs. Addison Ames, 3413 - 13th Ave. No. , advised she had understood the appointments had been made to the Commission. upon calling City Hall. It was pointed" out that the newspapers had also noted appointment but that although made, council confirmation had not been effected so the Commission had not been operative to date. OLD BUSIIESS BY COUNCIL Councilman Garrett reported recommendation of the Committee of the Whole that the Fair Housing Commission appointments be approved. Appointees include Mrs. Mary Dolman, Mrs. Helga. Kar.inen, ?peon Margullis, Paul Nunn and Angelo Righi. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, to concur. The motion carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, moved that Vouchers Nos. 5181 through 5309, having been previously approved by the Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 5181 - 5229 $ 11,535.53 Street Fund 5230 - 5241 12,604.23 Urban Arterial 5242 123,313.80 Cedar. River M. & I. 5243 - 5245 134.79 Equipment Rental 5246 - 5252 5041.27 Library 5253 45.02 Parks 5254 - 5274 37,991.02 Waterwks Utility 5275 - 5295 17,104.66 Airport 5296 - 5302 2,299.26 Fire;-aen's Pension 5303 - 5309 � 25481.10 $101,787.68+1,.I.D.'s L.I.D. Cash Lund ##3 $5,148.47 L.I.D. Reven,-je ritri3 $#3 $5,148.47 -3-. 404 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 9/23/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COfi�IICIL (Cont.) Councilman Shane inquired regarding progress of the power study and it was reported that no report date was set,however Asst. Traffic Engineer Andrews advised he has the item of calling for a discussion on his agenda.. It was requested by Barei that Mayor Custer's office contact the consultants and request a definite time for progress report to the council. Councilman Shane requested'a meeting of the Sanitation Committee with the Committee of the Whole to discuss extension of sewer services to residences outside the city limits. Councilman Bruce, Fire and Water Committee Chairman, submitted recommendation that second low bidder on the 12th Avenue North Watermain project W-272 be awarded the contract upon council approval, letter of Anton T. Bowers submitted requesting permission to withdraw his low bid due to error of over $5,000.00 in unit bids for asphalt patch. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that the bid would still be low even though error was corrected and procedure the Council might take toward accepting the second low bid or in accepting the. corrected bid of the low bidder. After further discussion it was moved by Perry and seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the City Engineer and City Attorney as to action the council might take which would be both advisable and legal. Carried. (J. J. Jackson, Inc., Renton, Wn. is second low bidder at $25,621.25) NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Council President Garrett reminded the Council of budget meetings to be held on Sept.' 24, at 7:30 p.m.and noted Association of Washington Cities meeting at 7:30 concerning Health Department legislation which should be attended. Mayor Custer advised that his Assistant Mr. Klippert would be attending the Association meeting on behalf of the City of Renton. Council President Garrett announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 25th to discuss the preliminary budgets with thd'Fire Chief and Fire Fighters and with the City Clerk, one hour anticipated for each, and meeting with the Asst. Traffic Engineer, at 7:30 p.m. on October 1. If other meetings are required they will be scheduled accord- ingly so that the budget will be ready for adoption at the budget hearing meeting- as required October 7th. Councilman Shane inquired regarding budgeted projects and costs in the various departments and was advised that the Capital Improvement Priority Program which projects anticipated capital improvements and costs from 1.967 to 1972 gives details and serves as a guide for budgeting purposes, which the Capital Improvement Priority Committee had distributed to each Councilman at the time it was prepared, could likely be of assistance in this respect. Councilman Grant requested the Traffic Engineering Department to investigate possibility of installing a stop sign in the vicinity of loth Avenue North and "P" Street to help curtail the high speed traffic in that area. He noted accident and prompt and adept police action in arriving at the scene and in apprehension subsequently required of which the neighborhood was proud and his personal commendation was extended to the Department. AUDIENCE COMMZ;NT: Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Court North, inquired regarding improvements to 132nd Ave. S.E. and Mayor Custer advised that the 1.969 preliminary budget contains improvements to be provided from Forward Thrust moneys. Mr. Stredicke advised he was contemplating improvements of the right of way in vicinity of his home but would not do the work if"the City planned to widen the road this year, but would go ahead if it were not to be done until 1969. The details of the proposed improvements were outlined along with those connected with the No. 3rd and 4th Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. There were 27 visitors in the Council Chambers. z, .✓ �Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor �� 4015 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9-23-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING DEPARTMENT PER14ITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1299 $ Suart Lange .1201 K St Remove car wash B 1300 2,500.00 Mario Tonda 1308 Beacon Way S Const. garage 1301 Alta Nunn 409 Felly Ave N Demolish home 1302 17,726.00 McGrath Corp 13410 SE 107th Pl New residence 1303 14,6.78.00 " 13404 SE 107th P1 " 1304 400.00 Nels Husom 518 N St So Enclose porch - B 1305 $,100.00 Zep Mfg. CO 860 Thomas Ave SW Const. partitions 1306 16,456.00 McGrath Corp 13419 SE 107th Pl Const new residence 1'307 1,$40.00 Mark Seven Realty 3323 5th Ave E Reroofing 1308 5,650.00 The Boeing Co 4-63 Bldg Remodel 1309 1,000.00 " 5--09 Bldg Const roof B 1310 485.00 it 4-60 Bldg Const partitions 1311 679.00 if 5-14 Bldg Const wall 1312 700.00 Andrew C Wilson 10807 112th Ave SE Move house 1313 125,000.00 Gamel Const Co 401 90th Ave So Const apartment 131-4 281,715.2$ Glacier Park Co So 180th at 80th So Lot grading i ELECTRICAL PER14I^iS E 1237 $ 3;500.00 Ed Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd E Wire apt. 1238 'K'VOID-H 1239 9,004.00 OK Tire & Rubber Co 1030 Thomas Ave SW Inst. wire service E 1240 50,00 Kolar Const 720 Land Ave SW Temp service 1241 50.00 Magnuson Campaign 715 Rainier Ave S Temp service 1242 50.00 Wilco Products 15075 91st Ave S if 1243 50.00 Hugh Ferguson 955 Lind St Temp Service 1244 50,00 Ahern Const 9816 108th SE " E 1245 50.00 Martens Const 10450 SE 94th " 1246 50.00 Powell Const 10729 113th Ave SE " 1247 50.00 II 10709 113th Ave SE " 1248 2,510.00 Bryant Motors 1300 Bronson Hay Chg. service 1.21+9 6o4.00 East Hill Builders 3276 Rolling Hills Pl Wire new home E 1250 600.00 " 3280 Rolling Hills Pl " 1251 600.00 " > 28$ 1252 600.00 ►' 32$4 1253 50.00 Royal Hills Inc 3000 Royal Hills Dr Temp service 1254 160.00 Paul Cato 2421 7th Ave N Ct A Wire heater E 1255 40,00 The Boeing Co 10-71 Bldg Inst receptacle 1256 250.00 " It Power to fan 1257 250.00 " 4-21 Bldg Power to tank 125$ 50,00 " 4-51 Bldg Power to coffee mkr. 1259 250.00 " 4-20 Bldg Extend service E 1260 504.00 " 4-20 Bldg Connect equip. 1261 225.00 " II Inst receptacles 1262 434,00 11cGrath Homes 1311.43 107th Pl SE Wire residence 1263 434.00 " 13525 SE 107th Pl It R 1264 383.00 n 13513 n it E 1265 450.00 " 13531 " It 1266 323.00 " 1.3537 " II 1267 4,500000 The Boeing Co 4-63'B1-dg Remodel shop 1268 230.00 If 5----09 Bldg Inst lighting 1269 %VOIl7 E 1270 250.00 it 4-60 Bldg Power and lights 1271 400.00 Powell. Const 10721 113th Ave SE Wire residence 1.272 400.00 " 10733 if it 1273 400,00 " 10708 111Fth Ave SE If L1274 50.00 Earl Mix3315 8th Ave N Wire room addition ME-CHANICAL P.FRUITS M 1214 Delina M Richards 538 flor�ris Ave S Inst heater M 1215 John Pfab 620 S St it 12-16 Ahern & Thomas 98-1.6 108th SE Plumbing & fixtures 1217 Ahern Const 11Inst furnace 1218 E J Healy 2008 9th Ave N Inst heater,piping 1.2.19 Harman Parelman 12011 N Third Inst hot water tank M 1220 Wolff. 's Den 842 Kings Ct Plumbing & fixtures 1221. East Hill Homes 3284 Rolling Hills P Inst furnace 1222 If3288 It n 1223 �� 3276 If it 1224 " 32810 " II M 1225 The Boeing Co 10-71 Bldg Spectrometer Inst 1226 . -5- _ i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9-23-68 PERMITS CONT. s MECHANICAL PERMITS CONT. M 1226 The Boeing Co 10-71 Bldg. Spectrometer Inst. 1227 4-21 Bldg Drain for tanks 1228 " " Inst cold water 1229 " 5-09 Bldg Relocate tank M 1230 " 4-60 Bldg it 1231 Austin Wolff 842 Kings Ct Inst furnace 1232 McGrath Corp 13416 SE 107th .P1 Plurinibing & fixtures 1233 n 13522 1234 13527 M 1235 13513 " 1236 " 13534 " 1237 E A Holcomb Const 13422 Sunset Blvd E r SEWER PERMITS No. 528 Model Homes Inc 845 Kings Ct Sewer service No. 529 George Pomeroy 1913 Rolling Hills P1 Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of September: TO CLAIMS: FROM: Current Fund $ 21,943.43 Arterial Street 5,940.00 Urban Arterial Street 12013.80 City Street 19,291.87 Cedar River M. & I. 170.67 Equipment Rental Fund 13,740.51 Library 4044.39 Parks 59,611.89 Waterworks Utility 70,840.54 Airport 3093.38 Firemen's Pension Fund 2,613.42 City Hall Construction Fund 112,016.54 Total September Claims $326,220.44 TO PAYROLL: FROM: Current Fund $141,035.86 City Street Fund 19,419.27 Cedar River M. & I. 596.00 Equipment Rental 4,565.96 Library 10,180.45 Parks 17,230.76 Water 20027.70 Airport 1,397.00 Firemen's Pension Fund 90.82 Total September Payroll $214,543.82 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S October 7, 1968 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Boundary Review Board Notice of annexation intention of Newport Hills Sewer District CITY ENGINEER Hugh Goldsmith & Associates letter of intent to annex properties to City of Renton in area east of 132nd Avenue S.E. lying adjacent to existing Plat of Glencoe FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Request of Great Northern Railway Co., per Mr. R. M. Boyd, for Late-Comers Agreement in connection with South 180th waterline LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Ordinance appropriating funds for North 3rd-4th Street improvement and underground wiring project. (Ordinance No. 2535 adopted) PARK BOARD Bids on landscaping of Liberty Park lower riverbank and grandstand areas SANITATION COMMITTEE Renton Aviation Board request for ratification by council of Sanitary Sewer service agree- ment between Bryn Mawr, Lakeridge Sewer District, The Boeing Company and City of Renton Mr. Dale A. Crampton request to connect two parcels on 96th Avenue South to City of Renton Sanitary Sewer system. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Letter from acting Traffic Engineer Andrews and Rolf Dragseth, Talbot Hill Elementary School Principal regarding traffic hazards to school children in walking to & from school. APPOINTMENTS: To permanent position of patrolmen in the Renton Police Department Steven D. Bakko - William A. Brooks III - David N. Smith - Robert B. Vaughn MEETINGS & EVENTS Week of October 6, 1968 - FIRE PREVENTION WEEK October 14, 1968 - Public Hearing on protests to assessment on No. 3rd-4th Street underground wiring project October 16-17-18 Renton Downtown Merchants' Harvest Day Sale October 14, 21, November 4 - 11, progress reports and commentary schedules for power service study, per Consulting Engineer Moser. n./ 407 MINUTES RE,NI'ON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk October 7, 196 The regular, meeting of the Renton City Council was called to crder by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Terry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. FFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarenec Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Lynn Andrews, Temp. Traffic Engineering Director. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 16, 1968 as prepared and mailed out. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Landscaping - Liberty Park lower riverbank and grandstand area This being the date set, sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk as follows: H. Bartrand & Co., Seattle, Basic Bid, $10,500.00; Landscapers Northwest, Inc., Tacoma, Basic Bid, $15,950.00 and Parsons Landscaping, Inc., Seattle, Basic Bid, $12,841.00. (Bid tabulations; including alternate, attached) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to refer the bids to the Park Board for recommendation. The motion carried. Mayor Custer :invited coifffnent from the audience at this time and members who were present in connection with the North 3rd-4th Street improvement and underground wiring project addressed the Council. Mrs. Richard A., Fulfer, 1201 No. 3rd Street, submitted letter, list of grievances and a petition signed by 54 property owners, protesting assessment, noting construction hazards resulting in conduct of business by contractor and offering ultimatum if grievances are not satisfied. Other residents of the area commenting were Mrs. Harold Johnson, 400 Williams Avenue No., Mrs. Roy Niemi, 803 No. 4th Street, Mr. Joe O'Brien, !43 Williams Avenue North, Mrs. Betty Wilson, 1504 No. 3rd Street, Mrs. Ella Siegfried, 318 Garden Avenue North, Mr_ . Carry Nelson,350 Pelly Ave. No. and Mr. Richard Stredicke 60�916--10th Ct. No. , expressing objection to the assessments, mode andt:imeliness of the notification, and inquiring as to legality of the institution of the project and assess- ments, which the City Attorney advised is in accord with the lava, there being no L.I.D. involved and it having been found that the city's beautification and best interest would be served by underground conversion as a part of this overall. improvement project. The individual costs, outlined by Mr. Chas . McGar-rigle, of Puget Power Co., were discussed as well as overall costs of the project and it was noted that contract had been let for the project and the base telephone and power installations have progressed extensively. After further discussion and proposals for actions, it was moved by Grant, seconded by Schellert, that a public hearing be held on the matter on October 14th at 7:00 p.m. which it was noted will be held in tlhe present city hall building and not the new Municipal Building. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Ordinance appropriating funds for the North 3rd-4th Street Project This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There was one communication read wherein the Firemen's Pension Fund Board offered to loan the needed funds at interest rate of 5% per annum with $38,284.12 to be transferred as loan unto the Current- Fund and $5,000.00 unto Urban Arterial Fund.. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee was recommended. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that hearing on related matter was set for next week and inquiry was made as to effect the council action on the matter might have in regard to work progress which is continuing in the interim; the city having incurred the liability L�Ln authorizing the contract; and funds to be set aside pending a court decision, after hich it-was moved by Grant, seconded by Trimm, to close the hearing. The motion was arried and the hearing declared closed. The proposed Ordinance, declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for certain street improvements on North Third and Fourth sheets, inclading conversion from overhead to underground electrical insta llati ,r.i. necessitated by such emergency, had been placed on first reading on September 23rd. (Continuing this hearing had been proposed which motion lost by majority negative voice vote.) Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to place the document on its second and fine. reading, Carried. after the final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, that Ordinance No. 2435 be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Barei, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Schellert Delaurenti and MQrr.ic. No: Garrett, Shane, Grant and Perry. The motion carried, eight ayeg And four no votes. Meed by Granit, seconded by Shade to recess. The motion carried and recess was declared. i 408 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting October 7, 1963 PUBLIC HEARING: Fixing the Final Budget and Making Tax Levies for 1969 After recess, the meeting was called to order with all Council Members present as previously listed. This being the date set, the hearing on the 1969 Budget was declared open. There were no communications to be read and Mr. Larry McKibben, Representative, 21R, Wn. State Council of County and City Employees, AFL-CIO, non-uniform employees of various departments of the city, reported that the wages in the Mayor's preliminary budget represent results of negotiations between the Mayor the Council's designated Representative from C. Carey Donworth & Associates and the negotiating committee of Local 21R, of which he is a member, and that the wages had been voted upon and accepted by the members at a regular meeting. It was requested that th Council allow the wage request as presented in the budget. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to adopt the Mayor's preliminary budget as presente . Moved by Shane, seconded by Barei, to amend the motion by adding exception that the Policemen and Firemen be given $150.00 per month increase instead of 72% across the board as given in the Mayor's preliminary budget. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, to amend the present rhotio n by substituting the amount of $75.00 per month across the board raise instead of $150.00 and to add the retention of the present 3% utility tax rate which will not only give the raise, but fund same as well. Grant challenged rules of parliamentary procedure in that two motions or amendments were included and moved that the Council overrule the Mayors parliamentary procedural decision to allow the dual amendment. The vote was taken and majority affirmative vote reported. Roll call was requested and the vote resulted as follows: Aye: Barei, Shane, Grant and Perry. No: Garrett, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. The motion lost. The motion to amend the motion to amend was voted upon, substituting $75.00 and maintaining 3% utility tax. The motion lost. The amending motion to allow $150.00 across the board monthly increase to all Police and Fire Department personnel was voted upon and ruled negative voice majority. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Bruce, Perry, and Delaurenti. No: Grant, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Schellert and Morris. The Mayor voted no breaking the six to six tie and the motion lost. Grant proposed budgetary -reduction in salary accounts of Department Heads and Assistants and the Chief Building Inspector by retention of 1968 salaries. The motion was voted upon and lost. Barei moved, seconded by Grant, to eliminate $400.00 extra help in the Legislative Budget which lost by roll call vote as follows: Aye: Barei, Shane, Grant and Delaurenti. No: Garrett, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Schellert and Morris; ' ayes and a nos. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to increase the Trarffic Control Budget, 1340/417 M. & O.by $10,000.00, since the operation has been transferred from Current to Street Fund. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett,Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. No: Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce and Perry. The motion carried, 7 to 5. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to reduce Park Dept. M. & 0. 417 from $25,000.00 to $20,000.00. The motion lost upon roil call, after dissenting voice vote, results of the roll call as follows: Aye: Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, and Schellert. No: Garrett, Edwards, Trimm., Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Mayor Custer voted no breaking the six to six tie and the motion was lost. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to transfer $1,250.00 from Park Department 1710, Pg. 112, Acct. 308, Printing and Binding unto 327, to be used for band concerts. Upon dissenting voice vote and declaration of negative majority, roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Shane, Grant, Bruce, Trimm and Perry. No: Garrett, Barei, Maxin, Edwards, Delaurenti, Schellert, and Morris. The motion lost. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to suspend the rules and allow smoking during this meeti Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Shane, Grant and Bruce. No: Garrett, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. The motion lost 8 no to 4 aye votes. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, Pg. 37, Planning Commission Dep't., 1160/504, Travel be increased from $500.00 to $1,500.00. The motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, the Payroll Clerk, City Clerk's Department 1140, Pg. 22A, be reclassified to 18E as requeste_a by the Department Head. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Trimm and Schellert. Carried 8 ayes to 2 nos. -2- 409 10/7/68 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting PUBLIC HEARING:(Cont.) Fixing the Final Budget and Making the Tax Levies for 1969. Motion proposed by Garrett, to adjust the beginning fund balance in the Street Department by $10,000.00 to balance transfer of Traffic Control, died for lack of second. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, the Street Fund Department, 1320/417, Material and Supplies, Page 81, be reduced by $10,000.00 to balance the budget. Motiors proposed by Barei to amend by substituting elimination of small ballfield lights, Park Dept. 1710/605, by $17,000.00 and to delete $15000.00, Tennis Courts, 1710/605, Park Dept. , to balance in lieu of prior proposals, lost for lack of seconds. Original motion by Schellert was toted upon and lost. roposed motion for flat 10% cut'.in the Park Department Budget and possibly all City Departments, was ruled out of order. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, that $30,000.00 be included in the City Clerk and Treasurer's Budgets for purpose of converting present city accounting, payroll and billings to an outside service with intent of eliminating the present accounting system of the city. Discussion ensued regarding legality of contracting duties imposed by State Law upon elected officials to outside firms and the Department Heads concerned expressed objection to loss of control and loss of availability of records for public information in absence from city premises during processing, noting no cost savings but a great loss since the present program has been in operation for the past year and much of the computer programming already implemented or under way. The motion was subsequently voted upon and and negative majority declared. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Maxin and Trimm. No: Grant, Bruce, Edwards, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. The motion lost 7 to 5. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, the Police and Fire Department personnel be granted a $145.00 across the board increase in lieu of the 72% cost of living granted in the preliminary budget. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to amend the motion by sub- stituting $75.00 in place of the $145.00. Vote was taken on the amendment and dissenting voice vote was declared to be affirmative majority. Roll call vote was properly r6quested and was taken as follows: Aye: Garrett, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Perry and Morris. No: Barei, Shane, Grant, Trimm, Delaurenti and Schellert. Mayor Custer voted no and the six ;o six tie was broken and the motion lost. The original motion to grant $145.00 increase as voted upon and the motion lost. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: ye: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce and Delaurenti. No: Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Schellert and Morris. Six to six vote resulted and the Mayor voted no. The motion was lost. Motion proposed by Barei that the uniformed personnel of the city Police and Fire De- partments, in lieu of the 727., be granted $100.00 across the board increase, lost for lack of second and it was moved by Shane, seconded by Grant that all Uniformed Personnel of the Fire and Police Departments be granted a $125.00 across the board increase in lieu of the 720 cost of living raise. Proposed motions to recess until Tuesday and to adjust the preliminary budget adoption motion were made, after which the motion to grant $125.00 to Uniform Personnel was voted upon and dissenting voice vote resulted. Roll call was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Shane, Grant and Delaurenti. No: Garrett, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Schellert and Morris. The motion lost 4 aye votes and 8 no votes. Proposed motion by Grant, second by Shane to allow $120.00 across the board increase to all uniformed Police and Fire Department Personnel was amended by Perry, with second by Maxin to substitute $76.00 as amount of increase to be granted the Uniformed Personnel of the Police and Fire Departments. Discussion ensued regarding includion of female personnel, attention being called to effect of salaries as compared to other city employees and it noted that to exclude them would be discriminatory. Dissenting voice vote resulted and roll call was taken as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. No: Shane, Grant and Trimm. The otion carried 9 ayes to 3 no votes. r oved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to include the sum of $8,000.00 in the final udget for a salary study, as amendment to Garrett's pending motion to adopt the Mayor's preliminary budget. eAR1;uE0. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to recess. The motion carried and recess was declared. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present except Barei. Question was called for on the original motion to adopt the preliminary budget as amended. The motion carried, granting 725/. increase to all city employees with the exception of Uniformed Personnel of the Fire and Police Departments who shall receive $76.00 per month across the board increase and with addition of $8,000.00 for salary study, increasing Planning Commission Travel to $1,500.00, and reclassify thel Payroll ;Clerk. C94nd! @Dt.i@D pmc ludedr audience .comment was invited and Mr. McKibben thanked `Coumil -Df granting the ash y requtista gin r view of -House Bill 43, Ch. 108, Session twa of 1967. Grant &n Barei were a seA= t'ft�nnj this Vote and Grant requested the record o sae state, -8- 410 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10/7/68 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: Councilman Trimm, Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman, submitted proposed Ordinance of the City authorizing vacation of portion of 10th Place, between J and K Streets, in the Renton Highlands area, as petitioned by Hillcrest Bowl, Inc. and Bakamus, declaring same to be surplus and for sale at one-half of the appraised amount. Moved by Schellert, second by Delaurenti, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended the proposed Ordinance be placed on second and final reading with publication withheld until payment has been received in full. After the second and final -reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to adopt Ordinance No. 2436 as read. Roll call resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. (Mayor Custer noted utility easement was desirable and that signature will be withheld until completion of the necessary documents.) RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: Proposed Resolution was read authorizing and directing provision for transfer and appropria- tion of excess revenues unto Urban Arterial Fund 1250/606, Capital Outlay, $37,619.88. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to adopt Resolution No. 1574 as read. The motion carried. PIroposed Resolution was read authorizing loan from the Firemen's Pension Fund of $43,284.12, unto the Current Fund to extent of $38,284.12 and unto Urban Arterial Fund to extent of $5,000.00, said total sum to be repaid no later than December 31, 1970 at 5% interest per annum. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resoluticn 1575 as read. Upon dissenting voice vote and ruling of affirmative majority, roll call vote was requested and was taken as follows: Aye: Maxin, Trimm, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. No: Garrett, Shane, Grant, Brucc,• Edwards and Perry. Discussion included inquiry regarding funding if needed to finance the items contained in the Emergency Ordinance heretofore adopted. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to reconsider the previous action. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to adopt the Resolution as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution was read declaring intention to construct and install watermains and appurtenances thereto in the vicinity of the East Valley Highway and South 180th Street and to create a Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense of said improve- ments against the properties in such district specially benefitted thereby and to notify all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on November 18, 1968. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1576 as read. Carried. (L.i.D. 260) (See Ordinances adopted later in meeting under Public Hearing - 1969 budget and tax levies) CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Street Commissioner Vic TeGantvoort, reported completion of the South 2nd Street Landscaping and sprinkler system project and payment of final estimate was now recommended with commencement of the 30 day retention period with release of 10% there- after if no claims or liens are filed and all tax liabilities have been paid. Contractor is Landscapers Northwest, Inc. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the project acceptance and final payment less retained 10% as recommended. Carried. Renton Aviation Board Minute entry reviewed action taken in connection with proposed Agreement between Bryn Mawr Lake Ridge Sewer District, The Boeing Company, and the City of Renton, covering certain leased area near Northwest corner of Renton Field, which area cannot feasibly be provided by the City of Renton, but could be served by the Bryn Mawr Lake Ridge District. The proposed Agreement had been approved by the Aviation Board and City Council ratification was requested. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee for recommendation. Carried. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington adopting an annual budget for the year 1969 was read in total sum of $10,452,105.00. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, the document be placed on second and final reading. Dissenting voice vote resulted And roll. call vote was requested by at least two of the Council Members as required. Roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Garrett, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. No: Shane, Grant and Perry. Absent.Barei. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to adopt the Ordinance as read. Roll call vote was taken with all ayes except Shane and Grant. Barei absent. -4- 411 I Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10/7/68 ORDINANCES FOR .ADOPTION: 1969 Budget and Tax Levies for 1969 (Cont.) Proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton was read fixing the amount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for the year 1969, less the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation for the general funds and for the payment of principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton for the year 1969; to levy the annual ad valorem taxes of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1969 and appropriating same to certain funds for certain purposes as hereinbelow set forth. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the document nn second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Jarrett, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2438 as read. Roll call vote as taken with all ayes except Shane and Grant. Absent: Barei. Letter from R. M. Boyd, Western Land and Tax Commissioner, Great Northern Railway Company, requested Late-Comers Agreement providing for later participation in cost of South 180th waterline from a point east of 92nd Ave. So., westerly to 80th Avenue South. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Lynn A. Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer, reported letter from Mr. Rolf Dragseth, Principal, Talbot Hill Elementary School at Springbrook Road and South 160th Street, inquiring regarding safety of school children in walking along and crossing Talbot road in area bordered by Lake Street to 100th Avenue South and from the Freeway to South 160th St., the traffic moving rapidly and there being open ditches in the area, said school scheduled to open in September, 1969. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Mayor Custer reported that the power service study representative, Mr. Moser, has given following dates for reports: October 14 for distribution of preliminary draft, October 21, comments by Mayor, Traffic Engineer, Puget Power, and Power and Light Committee due back to Consultants. November 4-11'g6gress report and return of comments, November 18, final report. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, moved that City of =nton Vouchers Nos. 5310 throug? 5504, having been previously approved by the Committee, e approved by the Council at this time. The motion carried. Fund breakdown follows: 1 Current Fund $ 25,.11.3.29 5310 - 5411 City Street Fund 18,914.91 5412 - 5424 Urban Arterial Fund 20040.93 5425 Equipment Rental 3,505.06 5426 - 5447 Parks 10,447.46 5448 - 5481 Water Works Utility 37,597.03 5482 - 5501 Airport 452_.29 5502 - 5504 T1_17,x':51. 19 Letter from Dorothy Bristow, owner, Spot Tavern, requested that required license be granted to operate additional coin-type pool table at said place of business. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to refer the request to the Police and License Com- mittee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Dale A. Cramton, Builder, requested permission to connect property located at 15746 - 96th Avenue South, to the City Sanitary Sewer System, including two building sites by payment per late comers provision. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Sanitation Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from John N. Porter, County Administrator, expressed appreciation for confidence of the h. City Council in the King County Design Commission in utilization of its services a Resolution now being prepared with City Attorney Shellan for implementation of the f ?rvice. 6toetter from Joseph H. Lightfoot, Chief Clerk, Boundary Review Board, reported Annexation of area by the Newport Hills Sewer District. Map was attached and review invited per RCW 36.93.100. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the notice to the Board of Public Works for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Hugh G. Goldsmith and Associates, filed letter of intent to annex properties to the City of Renton located East of 132nd Avenue S.E. and adjacent to existing Plat of Glencoe which annexation is requested for purpose of securing sanitary sewer, facilities for the area, same deemed a logical extension of city boundary also being within drainage shed for providing such utility services. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the request to the City Engineer to check validity of the petition. Carried. -5- 412 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10-7-68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Mr. Don Taylor, President, Renton City Employees Club, requested permission for city employees to work election day, November 5, in exchange for Friday, November 29, the day following Thanksgiving. Moved by Shane, seconded by Trimm, the request be granted. Carried. Message from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, Assn. of Wn. Cities, reported that election will not be necessary or desirable in November to "lift the property tax freezer, except where the County Assessor has made a blanket, county-wide increase in the assessment rate. Proposed proposition was contained in the letter which conforms to the law and rules of the revenue department for those desiring to place a proposi- tion on the ballot to lift the tax freeze. Tentative Agenda for AWC District meetings was read and Mayor Custer reported the list of those attending is being compiled by the part-time Council Secretary at this time. The City Clerk reported receipt of AWC 34th Annual Convention Summary, Statement of Policy and Selected Speeches, Spokane, Washington, May 14 - 17, 1968, as compiled by the Association in cooperation with the Bureau of Governmental Research and Services U. of W., Information Bulletin No. 302, which will be on file in the Clerk's office. Wn. State Planning and Community Affairs A� mcy publication was received reporting April 1, 1968 population of Counties and Municipalities of the State of Washington. Letter from the Renton Downtown Merchants, Dorothy Thompson, Secretary, requested permission to display two banners across public right of way to promote Harvest Day Sale to be held October 16, 17 and 18, 1968, said signs to be removed October 21st. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to grant the request with execution of the usual Hold Harmless Agreement. The motion carried. Attention was called to letter recieved by the Council President from the Valley General Hospital inquiring regarding the city's position in regard to acquisition of the hospital districts property site in the Renton Highlands. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, that the City Clerk notify the Hospital District that the City Council has indicated in the 1969 Budget that a bond issue will be proposed in rw�ii1 regard to such acquisition. Carried. Councilman Grant announced that the City Attorney will be meeting with Seattle City Light and anyone interested in attending should contact Attorney Shellan's office. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of the following patrolmen to permanent positions in the Renton Police Department, all having com- pleted the required six months' probationary period and being recommended by Chief Williams for permanent appointment. Steven D. Bakko, William A. Brooks III, David N. Smith and Robert B. Vaughn. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to concur in the appointments. Carried. PROCLAMATION: Proclamation by Mayor Custer declared the week beginning October 6, 1968 as Fire Prevention Week. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 1:05 a.m. There were 87 visitors in the Council Chambers. r He ie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- 4 OFF170E OF THE CITY CLERK 10-7-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1315 $ 10.9000.00 The Boeing Co. 10-80 Bldg Alterations 1316 1,000.00 A H Rutherford 110 Sunset Blvd Remodel Canopy 13]'-7 3,000.00 Ronald Alexander 415 S 7 St Remodel garage 1318 3,000-00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Remove roof 1319 4WVO1D41* B 1320 2359000.00 Conner Const Co. 12637 87th Ave S New home 1321 100,000.00 Wash. Wholesalers, Inc 705 So 7th St Foundation L 1322 20,000.00 Scholton Corp 219 Main Ave S Remodel 1323 15,436000 McGrath Homes 10657 135th Ave SE New home 1324 150000.00 Seattle Lumber Co 8600 So 153rd Erect pole B 1325 7,000-00 Robert 1, Amrine 647 R Street Add bedrooms 1326 15$000.00 View Garden Builders 2825 7th Ave N New home ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1275 $ 50-00 Harol C Lee 2825 7th Ave N Temp service 1276 450000 Wolff's Den, Inc 842 King Court Wire new home 1277 50-00 McGrath Homes 13404 SE 107th Pl Temp service 1278 190.00 Donald Hurter 1119 P Street Add. service 1279 5,800.00 Tech Const Co. 434 SW 7th St Wire offices E 1280 210.00 Mark Seven 3323 5th Ave E Chg. service 1281 50-00 McGrath Corp 13419 SE 107th Pl Temp service 1282 600.00 Frank Donofrio 9816 108th Ave SE Wire new home 1283 19200.00 George Butko 443 4th Ave W Wire duplex 1284 1,200.00 It 447 11 it E 1285 50-00 Time Oil Company So. 128th & M St Move gas line 1286 600.00 A H Rutherford 110 Sunset Blvd Inst. fixtures MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1238 $ Alco Battery Shop 415 So 7th St Inst fixtures 1239 Walter Fisler 13105 90th Ave S Inst heater M 1240 Powell Const 10708 114th Ave SE Plumbing & fixtures 1241 Central Puget Inc 434 SW 7 It 1242 McGrath Homes 13419 SE 107th Pl Inst furnace 1243 Bell & Valdez 2000 Alder Pl SE Plumbing & fixtures 1244 it 2008 SE 20th Ct M 1245 1829 Alder Pl SE 1246 2006 Alder Pl SE 1247 2011 SE 20th Ct 1248 2002 it 1249 1823 Alder Pl SE M 1250 1817 It 1251 1811 H 1252 1906 11 1253 C. Micheau 3402 6th Pl N Wall furnace 1254 Jack Benaroya Co 920 Thomas Ave SW Lawn sprinkler M 1255 Gambriell Const Co 625 12th Ave S Plumbing & fixtures 1256 it 631 11 „ 1257 Bell & Valdez 1811 Alder Pl SE Inst furnace 1258 If 1817 it It 1259 1823 it M 1260 1829 PrIt 1261 r, 1906 it 1262 2002 SE 20th Ct 1263 r, 2008 11 1264 2011 it M 1265 it 2000 Alder PI SE 1266 it 2006 11 it ftw 1267 it 2012 SE 21st Ct 1268 11 2018 if 1.269 If 2024 M *1270 If 2030 1271 2033 if 1272 2027 It 1273 2021 if 1274 2015 11 M 1275 2009 it 1276 2012 Alder Pl SE if 1277 2018 11 it 1278 G E Potter 10007 112th Ave SE if -7- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10-7-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS CONT. SEWER PERMITS No. 530 Kentucky Roast Beef 104 So. 3rd St Connect sewer 531 H t? 11 92 McGrath Corp. 13422 SE 107th Pl 11 533 Lewis Purcell 11624 SE 105th P1 tl 534 Rudy Zaputil 11601 SE 105th P1 Sewer service No. 535 Powell Homes 10708 114th Ave SE Connect sewer Bid Opening 10-7-68 BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 Landscaping - Liberty Park Grandstand and River Bank Areas BIDDER AND ADDRESS Bond BASIC BID ALT 1. ALT 2. ALT. 3. TOTAL BID H. Bartrand & Co. 7325 15th Ave NW Seattle9 Kn. 98107 x $10,500-00 $800.00 $625.00 $400.00 $12.325.00 Landscapers N.W. Inc. 7504 Bridgeport Way W Tacoma, Wn. 98467 x $15,950.00 $400-00 $297-00 1501-00 $17,148.00 Parsons Landscaping, Inc. 1447 N W 95th Street Seattle, Wn. 98107 x $12,841.00 $650.00 $867-00 $200.00 $14,658.00 -8- I RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 14, 1968 8:00 P.M. R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final Payment due Red-Saari Mining Co., Inc. on C.AG. 1286-68, Stage I, Lake Wn. Beach Park in sum of $1,504.80 and conunencement of 30-day lien period. CITY ENGINEER $ids - Improvement of North 5th Street from Garden Ave. No. to Burnett Preparation of new specifications for bid call on watermain in 12th Avenue No.,W=272 FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Melvin Carrothers request for Late-Comers Agreement to recover costs in connection with watermain installation on S.E. 99th Street, East from 134th Avenue S.E. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMIT TEE Proposed revisions to the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Property of Stoneway Concrete, Inc., et al, and St. Andrews Lodge #35, F. & A.M. Resolution requested by Interagency Committee for Stage 3 development of Lake Wn. Beach Park LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Establishing Court of Appeal in Washington - AWC request for endorsement S.J.R. #6 Referendum 18 - Matching Funds for Outdoor Recreation PARK DEPARTMENT Bids - Park Lighting POWER AND LIGHT COMMITTEE AND CITY ATTORNEY Attorney Felker's request for city to assume costs for pole relocation at O.K. Tire Store PROPERTY COMMITTEE Emilie A. Jo nson request for office space in new city hall to be used temporarily by Community Mental Health Services of South King County SANITATION COMMITTEE Bryn Maur-Lake.ridge 'Sewer District request to serve portion of property on South Rainier Avenue located within City limits of Renton STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Bids - Improvement of North 5th Street from Garden Ave. No. to Burnett Avenue No. Attorney Felker's request for city to assume costs of pole relocation to provide access being restricted by channelization at O.K. Tire Store on Rainier Avenue at So. 7th St. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of costs for appraisal of Highlands hospital property PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Referendum 18 endorsement - Matching Funds for Outdoor Recreation APPOINTMENTS: Mrs. Virginia McDaniel and Mrs. Joan Merritt to Clerk-Dispatcher in Police Department with commencement of 6-months probationary period October 16, 1968 MEETINGS AND EVENTS ;October 17, 1968 - Law and Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and Seattle City Light Co. representatives at 3:45 p.m. at Attorney's office October 21, 1968 - Street and Alley Committee at 7:30 p.m. in City Engineer's office October 21, 1968 - Legislation Committee at 7:30 p.m. October 21, 1.968 - Property Committee at 7:00 p.m. in Mayor's office i 416 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk October 14, 1968 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 9:00 p.m., since special public hearing meeting held earlier extended over, which meeting was held with residents of the North 3rd-4th Street area to discuss assessments connected with improvement of said right-of-ways and underground wiring requirements thereof. Upon motion by Barei, duly seconded, and passed by the Council, it was determined that residents of the subject area who can utilize present facilities to connect to service from available poles, be allowed to retain the overhead service if they so desire; that electrical inspection permit fees be waived and that bringing services up to City Code not be required. Also, a representa- tive from Puget Sound Power and. Light Company and City of Renton Electrical Inspector shall be available and check residences to advise property owners of costs involved. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Lynn Andrews, Temp. Traffic Engineering Director. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 7, 1968 be approved as prepared. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Park Lighting This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read. BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID ALT. A ALT. B TOTAL BID HOLMES ELECTRIC CO. $ 22,643.00 (Cashier's Check Enclosed) $ 22,643.00 1025 South 3rd Street -$ 1, 559.00 21,084.00 Renton, Wash. 98055 -$ 3,472.68 19,170.32 SIGNAL ELECTRIC, INC. $ 18,644.00 (Bid Bond Enclosed) 185644.00 9904 South 210th Street $17,974.00 175974.00 Kent, Wash. 98031 $16,681.00 165681.00 Moved by Shane, seconded by Barei, to refer the bids to the Park Department to report back. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Improvement of North 5th Street from Garden Avenue North to Burnett This being the date set, the following sealed bid was opened and read. R. L. MOSS & COMPANY (Bid Bond Enclosed) $ 28,268.00 P. 0. Box 37 Zenith, Washington Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the City Engineer to check for accuracy and to compare with his estimate. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Grant, to amend the motion by addition of referral to the Street and Alley Committee for recommenda- tion. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Revisions to the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan 1. St. Andrews Lodge No. 35, F. & A.M. property at 10th and M 2. Stoneway Concrete, Inc. property and adjacent area vicinity of Monterey Terrace, South Renton, as described in Exhibit, #28, 9/23/68. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication from Gordon Y. Ericksen, submitted Planning Commission recommendation that the land use designation on the St. Andrews Lodge property, located at the N,E, corner of the intersection of 10th Avenue North and M Street, remain single family residential. Petition containing 165 signatures was read urging denial of change from Single Family Residential to High Density Multi-Family R@sidential, in concern for downgrading of single family dwellings of the area. Petition was read, 00fitaining 45 signatures, opposing change in land use classification from R-1 to Light Itit try, of property adjacent to Monterey Terrace, being Stoneway, Inc. propert el, St al. 417 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 10/14/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Revisions to Comprehensive Plan (St. Andrews Lodge Property) I Audience comment was invited and the following persons addressed the council expressing objection to change from single family residential land use: Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Nichols, 1118 N Street, Leroy Atwood, 1115 N Place North, Al Noble, 1005 M Street, Roland McDowell, 3603 President Park Court, Patricia Del Gianni, 1006 N Street, William Grant, 3710-10th Ct. North, Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Escanazi, 3011-10th Avenue North, their reasons including added traffic higher density would allow, increase of children to overtax schools, assurances at time properties were purchased that residential neighborhood would be retained, and the possibilities in event said property should be sold. Questions were raised as to procedure for status change in properties and 6 months provision for reapplication and speakers were nvited to secure copies of regulating ordinances from the City Clerk's office for further nformation in this regard. ino Persons concurring with the proposed change in status were Mr. Arnold Hagen, Trustee of the Lodge who advised that P-1 had been requested and subsequently the Medium Density Multi- Family Residential use and not High Density. Mr. Bill Johnson, 112 Mt. Logan Drive, Issaquah, Master of the Lodge, stated the intent has not been to build apartments but revision had been requested to allow the professional offices in order to provide supplemental income needed to maintain the new lodge hall. Shane noting traffic generated by churches, urged comparison and favorable consideration of the medium density request. Mr. Johnson added that without some type of change the rental space would not be permitted. Upon end of discussion it was moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, the hearing be closed. Morris inquired with affirmative reply, whether the building could be built without change in land use if offices are deleted. The pending motion carried and the hearing was declared closed. Further council action was invited. Schellert inquired regarding uses permitted under P-1 and Planning Director Ericksen advised that such includes Public or Quasi-Public (semi-public) uses and might be hospital, school, airport, private club, fraternity, lodge, professional service offices. After further discussion, it was moved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, that the St. Andrews Lodge property in question be designated on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan as Single Family Residential. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Barei, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. No: Garrett, Shane and Edwards. Carried, Nine to three. Recess was declared at this time . After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. UBLIC HEARING: Proposed Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan-Stoneway Concrete, Inc. Property Now- The public hearing continued and petition containing 45 signatures of Monterey Terrace residents as read earlier in the evening was reviewed. Audience comment was invited and } views were expressed along with opinions in objection to other than single family residential use,by Mr. Don Capps, 1903 Monterey Drive, Dean Singer, 1915 Monterey Drive, Lloyd Salter, 2021 Monterey Drive, Dale Garrison, 147 Capri Avenue, Paul Houser, 1909 Monterey Drive, Lewis Perp.tti, 2045 Monterey Drive, Rainier Peretti, 1902 Monterey Drive, Rodger Holmstrom, 2003 `Moriferey Drive, Walter Nygaard, 2121 Monterey Drive, Sm. Cokeley, 2009 Monterey Drive, Gary Dime, 2109 Monterey Drive, M. C. Walls, 2045 Monterey Drive and C. S. Williams, 117 Capri. Residents felt the area would lend itself to single family residential use and discussion ensued regarding procedures connected with changing land uses and the Comprehensive Plan, roximity of the subject property to the Monterey Terrace residential area, adjacent land .uses, problems and concessions connected with the present operation and inquiries as to future plans for an L-1 development of the area. Mr. Kay Jones, 1815 Maple Way, Executive Vice-President of Stoneway Concrete, Inc., re- called association with the Company and the Monterey Terrace residents over the past 32 years, noting that only a small portion abuts Monterey Terrace, not to be built upon, the main portion abutting the cemetery with area to the East adjoining a sand and gravel opera- tion, the balance comprising abutment to a steep cliff overlooking the Stoneway plant. He advised that the crusher is to be moved to the Elliott property and that although he has no specific plan in mind for development of the property at this time, he could not conceive :his as single family residential, but feels rattier with proper screening and access, it could be excellent for use as Lt. Industrial Park use. Moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, the hearing be closed. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and council action invited. Moved by Grant, seconded by Morris, the Stoneway Concrete, Inc. property be designated as Single Family Residential on the Com- prehensive Land use Plan and including entire area as outlined in the Planning Commission recommendation and map of September, 1968 Public Hearing documents,atd as published.. Schellert proposed motion that only area West of the utility corridor be designated single family residential which lost for lack of second. Previous question was duly moved and seconded. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Grant, Maxin, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. No: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Bruce and Edwards. The motion ,carried, 7 ayes and S no votes. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, the mot.i0rl@ ggardipg ,sit. 'A$idnw@ Pxop.grty and. Stoneway Concrete, et al be referred to the 'Law od Crdinana® Comitt®o. Carried. -2- 418 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 10/14/68 Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously .:-isted. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Letter from Sven A. Johnson, Building Director, submitted and recommended for payment, final estimate on C.AG. 133468, Rocfing, 1B, Renton Municipal Shops, in sum of $2,200.77, due Hord Roofing Company. Commence of 30-day lien period and Council acceptance of the project,recommended as of this date, said retained amount of $244.53 to be released upon completion of the lien period if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to concur in the acceptance of the work and the payment and commencement of lien period as recommended. Carried. Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, reported request from the Interagency Committee that the City submit a Resolution covering Stage 3 of the Lake Wn. Beach Park project, in connection with applications for State and Federal matching funds therefor. (Resolution No. 1345 covers Stage I and Stage II) Moved by Barei, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee with direction that the necessary Resolution be parpared. The motion carried. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommenda- tion that the Preliminary and Final Plats of Vicki's Park Addition, located on R Street, between 7th Avenue North and 8th Place North, be approved. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The motion carried. Letter from Gene L. Coulon, recommended that the low base bid of H. Bartrand & Company, in sum of $10,500.00,for landscaping of the lower riverbank area and grandstand area in Liberty Park, be accepted. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Park Board as read. Carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, recalled bid opening of September 9, for watermain installation in 12th Avenue North (W-272) and differences in bids of $11,601.85 and con- ceding error was made in computAtion, the bid was still $6,000.00 lower than the next bid. It was not felt to be in the City's best interest to throw out the bid and award to the second low bidder in view of the large cost difference. Also noted was pending contract for overlay of portion of 12th Avenue North being delayed until installation of the water- main. It was recommended due to significant savings involved, that the City delete the paving from the project and award the bid to the low bidder, Anton Bowers, which procedure was,according to the City Attorney, within the rights of the city, the specifications also providing for such procedure when in the City's interest. It was anticipated that $9,000.00 would be saved if this action were authorized, and time savings as well which is of some great importance in this instance. Moved by Garrett., seconded by Crant, to concur in the City Engineer's recommendation and accept the low bid of Anton Bowers accordingly. it being to the City's benefit. Mr. K.V. Gilbert, 6819 So. 131st St.., Seattle, on behalf of J. J. Jackson, 2nd low bidder,objected to such award and adjustment.Councilmon Grant withdrew his second. The motion was seconded by Barei instead. It was noted that the Cyty reserves the right to reject or to delete from bid items as long as no other bidder is, injured and by such deletions the low bidder would .yet be low Af"c:`r discussion regarding responsibility of bidders as well as the City, the previous question was duly moved and seconded. Carried and the motion to concur in the City Engineer's reco7imendation to accept the low bid of Anton Bowers was voted upon and declared lost. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei., Edwards, Trimm and Schellert, No: Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Perry Delaurenti and Morris. The motion lost. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, all bids be rejected and new bid call be authorized. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the City Engineer for preparation of specifications for new bid call. Carried. Letter from Mr. Melvin Carro`chers requested Late-Comers Agreement to recover costs from property owners who will benefit in th6 futO.re in connection with watermain to extend 648 feet east from 134th Street S.E . in S .E. 99-th Street. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee aLd the Board of Public Works. Carried. Letter from T. E. Earwood, Mgr., Bryn Mawr-Lalkeridge Sewer D-,,trict requested permission to serve portion of city property with anitary sewer service in connection with installa- tion of approximately 600 ft. of lime along Rainier Avenue South of which 340 ft. would be within an area that ha's. been annexed to Renton per Ord. 2019. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to tie Sanitation Committee and Board of Public Works for recommendation. Carried. -3- f a 9 419 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 10/14/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Emilie A. Johnson, Executive Director, Community Mental Health Services of So. King County, requested to use office space at the new city hall for a period of six to nine months to make services more readily available to Renton residents and to students in con- nection with the Renton School System program. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Property Committee. Carried. I Letter from Douglas K. Felker, Attorney at Law, advised he has been retained by Mr, Derrick MacLurg, owner of Renton O.K. Tire Store located at the intersection of Rainier Avenue So. and So. 7th Street, and requests, since the city is planning to channelize and curb the ntersection which will result in restriction of ingress and egress to said business, that he city bear the cost of relocating a utility pole, which will allow more adequate access, 6whe pole now being located .in the city right-of-way property. Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to refer the request to the Power and Light Committee, the City Attorney and the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer transmitted list of Fund Transfers within budget classifications as provided by City of Renton Resolution No, 12325 from July 1, 1968 through September 26, 1968 . Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the transfers as read, to-wit : From: Legislative 1110/402 unto Legislative 1110/308, $40.00; From Water Administrative 1810, 120 unto 110, $405.00; From Building 1165/404, unto 504, $400.00; From City Treasurer, 1150, .403 unto 306, $61.87; From Traffic Engineering 1172/315, unto 504, $200.00; From Traffic Engineering 1172/315 unto 417, $950.00; From Water Administrative 1820/609, $350.00; From Building 1165/605, unto 506, $950.00; From Planning, 1160/202, $175e00, 308, $300.00, 310, $200.00, unto 1160/315, $125.00, 403, $100.00 and 417, $450.00. From Non-Departmental, 1141/606 unto 606, $261.25; From Police 1186/306 unto 417, $995.00. The motion carried. Letter from Chester Bi.eson, Executive Director, reported support of SJR 6, to establish a Court of Appeals in the State and urged that city officials take appropriate action to further the campaign within the cities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Legislation Committee. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for acceptance by the Council, the final estimate payment to Red-Samm Mining Company, Inc.,and work performed per C.AG. X286-68, Stage 1 construction, Lake Wn. Beach Park. Amount payable this estimate, $1,504.80. urther recommended was commencement of the 30-day lien period with release of retained percentage in sum of $9,162.34 thereafter if no liens or claims have been filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to accept the project with payment of final estimate referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Ct. North, speaking for Citizens Committee for Outdoor Recreation of which he is a member) called attention to the Referendum 18 which provides for 40 million dollars for matching monies to support recreational projects in the State, and since development of Lake Wn. Bpnrh P>: ;r, is directly related thereto, urged referral to the appropriate Committees fcr e._dorsement action. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to refer the matter to the Legislation and Public Relation Committees. Carried. Councilman Barei, noting newspaper left on his desk, dated October 75 1954, read the item which referred to key football game between the Renton Indians and Kent Meridian Royals, winner of which would be "battling it out" for the League Championship. The article noted Mr. Louis Barei's return to action, the 187 lb. tackle's return being of great relief to the Coach who recognized critical status of this contest; The Highline Pirates to be the contendor played in the League Championship. (Renton last the game) APPOINTMENTS: etter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs, Virginia McDaniel nd Mrs. Joan Merritt to position of Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department for probationary period of six months, Civil Service Examinations having been successfully com- pleted and Commission certification and Police Chief Williams" recommendation being attached. Moved by Perry, seconded by chane, to concur in the appointments. Carried. OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Garrett, Street and Alley Committee Chairman, submitted recommendation that the City accept offer of Mr. Wehrman to improve the North 30 ft. of the City reservoir site on 132nd Awnue S.E. at the time he develops his property to the West. It was also recommended that tho North 30 feet be act aside for street purposes with actual dedication reserved until firm commitment for improvement has been established. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur. Carried. -4- 420 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 10/14/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Auditing and Accounting Committee, moved,seeonded by Perry, Renton Vouchers No. 5505 through 5620, having been approved by the Committee, be accepted by the Council and approved for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 14,060.12 5505 - 5542 City Street Fund 15016.43 5543 - 5555 Cedar River M. & I. 35.88 5556 - 5558 Equipment Rental 1,176.54 5559 - 5569 Library 541.81 5570 - 5573 Parks 40,875.0,0 5574 - 5589 Waterworks Utility 7,453.39 5590 - 5605 Airport 415.65 5606 - 5612 Firemen's Pension 325.12 5613 - 5620 80,200.&4 Councilman Barei, Property Committee Chairman, reported recommendation that the King County Justice Court be allowed rental of office space in the new city hall for a temporary period, utilizing area designated for the Health and Legal Departments, until such time as the 5th floor which was scheduled for the Justice Court, is completed. The Committee at request of Judge Duckworth, considered the rental.and recommended the sum of $500.00 per month be established for use of the facility. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur. Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, funding of costs for appraisal of the hospital site in the Highlands be referred to the Wks and Means Committee. Carried. Councilman Shane, Sanitation Committee Chairman, requested meeting with the Committee of the Whole and the City Engineer, to discuss possibility of additional sanitary sewer services being instituted in the Kennydale area of the City, and service in general to outside residences. Councilman Grant announced that the City Y Attorne and Seattle City Light Representatives will be meeting at 3:45 p.m. on October 17 in the Attorneys' office, 100 So. 2nd Street for those interested in attending. The Law and Ordinance Committee is holding the meeting of which Councilman Trimm is Chairman. NEW BUSINESS BY THE COUNCIL: Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street and Alley Committee at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 21, 1968, in the Engineering Department. , Councilman Perry announced a meeting of the Legislation Committee on Monday, October 21 at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Custer advised of the various conference rooms that will be available for meetings and requested Council Members to remain in the Council Chambers after this meeting for discussion of the new building and related items. Councilman Barei, Property Committee Chairman, announced a meeting of his committee on Monday, October 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the Mayor's office. Councilman Shane inquired regarding parking facilities in the new city hall parking lot, noting inadequacy for the meeting this evening and moved that the city move to acquire the property East of the alley between Mill and Main Streets, lying generally North of the Fire Station, to South Second Street. Discussion ensued regarding use of the parking area and proposed utilization of Cedar River Park therefor after which the motion was voted upon. Dissenting voice vote and ruling of negative majority brought request for roll call which was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Shane, Grant and Bruce. No: Garrett, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Morris. Schellert abstained. Motion lost. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. There were 124 visitors in the Council Chambers. elmie Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, ayor ��9 42 -1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk October 21, 196 CITY ENGINEER Letter of intent to annex properties to City of Renton filed by Hugh G. Goldsmith and Associates, located at 132nd Ave. S.E., adjacent to Plat of Glencoe COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Ordinance establishing coordinated grid system for street renaming program initiated originally in December, 1966, now extended to additional areas Letter from Bob Hendricksen, Citizens Committee on Outdoor Recreation regarding teen programs for Renton and coordination of efforts with the school district and King County. Council Committee assignments LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE and*CITY ATTORNEY Appropriation of excess Library revenues into budgetary accounts for telephone service and heating fuel for balance of the year Forward Thrust Capital Improvement Program Resolutions (No. 2440 and 2441 adopted) POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE C. A. Bailey application for four additional taxicab vehicle licenses PROPERTY COMMITTEE Y. W. C. A. (Mrs. Frank Swaisgood, Chairman, East Valley Area Council) request to use old city hall as program center .r SANITATION COMMITTEE Wm. Tsao request for city to accept portion of sewer line extending into the city from 13647 Empire Way South, proposed site for apartment MEETINGS: October 24 - Property Committee at 7:30 p.m. in office of Councilmen Morris and Barei October 28 - Ways and Means Committee at 7:00 p.m. October 28 - Capital Improvement Priority Committee at 7:30 p.m. October 28 - Light and Power Committee at 7:45 P.M. in council office of Bruce and Grant 422 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk October 21, 1968 The regular meeting of the Rentor_ City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer at 8:00 p.m. in the new city hall council chambers. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Maxir_, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, and Schellert. Absent: Bruce, Delaurenti and Morris. Moved by Schellert, seconded by rink Perry, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Lynn Andrews, Temp. Traffic Engineer and Jack Jones, Librarian. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 14, 1968 be approved as prepared. The motion carried. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION Ordinance No. 2439 was presented by Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Tom Trimm. The Ordinance amends the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Maps in conjunction therewith. After introductory reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, to place the docu- ment on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to adopt the ordinance as read. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Barei, Grant, Maxin, Trimm, Perry and Schellert. No: Garrett, Shane and Edwards. The motion carried. (Maps and Revisions attached per Exhibits A and B) (Presented later in the meeting and adopted) Ordinance No. 2440 authorizing execution of a contract with King County, providing for receipt and application of a portion of the proceeds of certain general obligation bonds of the county and designating the King County Design Commission to serve as the design com mission of the City of Renton for projects acquired or constructed with said proceeds. (Forward Thrust Programs) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to place the document on i second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Schellert an seconded by Perry, to adopt the ordinance as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. (Park and Recreation Programs) Ordinance No. 2441 authorizing execution of a contract with King County, providing for receipt and application of a portion of the proceeds of certain general obligation bonds of the county and designating the King County Design Commission to serve as the design commission of the City for projects acquired or constructed with said proceeds. (Forward Thrust Program for arterial highway purposes per County Resolution No. 34569) . RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION Resolution No. 1577 was adopted upon motion by Schellert, seconded by Trimm, adopting the final plat of Vicki's Park Addition located on R Street between 7th Avenue North and 8th Place North. (Jack Wilson - Powell Construction) Resolution No. 1578 was adopted upon motion by Schellert, seconded by Perry, confirming that a Community Facilities Plan has been duly adopted and is in full force and effect and that its six-year Action Program, heretofore filed with the Interagency Committee has been adopted and initiated, said total program cost, combining Federal, State and City Funds, contemplated in sum of $198,582.00 for Stage 3 development of the Lake Washington Beach Park, pursuant to the Outdoor Recreation and Qpop Space Plan. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Four a441tina;l items were admitted to the Agenda upol , motion by Perry, seconded by Garrett and carried.) Mr. Bob Hendricksen, Chairman, Renton Citizens Committee on Recreation filed communication which was read,reporting study of the recreation needs of the community, not yet completed, but noting to date that a broader and expanded program throughout South King County is to be required with joint efforts of the City the School District and King County. Concern j was expressed regarding withdrawal of the UGN funds for recreation in the school district outside the Renton city limits and inquiries of the County in regard to participation in joint ventures had been pursued by the Committee. It was urged that a teen program be encouraged by the City. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. 1- 4 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10/21/68 j CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Annexation - Hugh G. Goldsmith and Associates revised letter of intent to annex property to Renton was read covering area lying East of 132nd Avenue S.E., adjacent to Plat of Glencoe. Moved. by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter of intent to the City Engineer for report. Carried. Letter requesting appropriation of excess revenues received in the Library Fund was read, Mr. Jones, Library Director and Mrs. Fred Hanis, President of the Library Board, advising of the need for further funding 'to cover additional costs for telephone service and fuel over anticipated costs for the remainder of this year. Budgetary Funds to receive the moneys are Library Fund 1610/305, Utility Service-Phone, $390.00 and 404, Heating Fuel, $365.00. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Maxin, to concur. Discussion ensued regarding 6w utilization of excess revenues for books,and budgetary process for required legislation to enable expenditure of such excess revenue was explained, it also being noted that the experience and adjustment period for the library as it pertains to the use of fuel and telephone service with additional personnel, had not yet been established to allow for definite amounts to be determined.The pending motion subsequently carried and it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer requested authorization to call for new bids for installation of a 16 inch cast iron watermain in 12th Avenue North from 116th Avenue S.E. to the Highlands Reservoir with bid opening date of November 4. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. (All prior bids of 9/9/68 rejected) Bids: Park Lighting: Liberty Park, Kiwanis Park, Windsor Hills Park, Phillip Arnold and Talbot Hill Park: Letter from Gene Coulon Park Director, reported recommendation of the Park Board that all bids, having exceeded the budgeted estimate of cost, be rejected and new bid call be authorized with bid opening date of November 4, 1968. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, to concur. Proposed amendment to require notification of electrical contractors within the Seattle-Tacoma area and second amendment that said notification not exceed 50 contractors, failed after some considerable discussion regarding possible economic advantages in having additional bidders, capricious and/or discriminatory action of notification by selection and in limiting, is being noted that invitations are extended additionally through publication in the Daily Journal of Commerce as well as the City's legal newspaper. It was moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, that bid plans and specifications be deposited with the Association. of General Contractors for the park lighting bid call. Carried. The original motion to concur in the new bid call and opening date, as amended subsequently carried. Forward Thrust Resolutions which must be passed by each city in order to qualify for Forward Thrust funds were submitted by Mr. John N. Porter, County Administrator, King County, Forward Thrust Capital Improvement Program. Meeting has been set to discuss the documents along with procedural points, bond scheduling, design commission and other related matters and report was attached to the resolutions in regard to the bond sale and execution of required documents. Attention was called to a meeting in Bellevue at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on October 23rd in regard to the matter and it was moved by Barei, seconded by Grant that the Council President, Councilman Garrett, and Councilman Perry be the city's designated representatives at said meeting. Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, the letters and documents be referred to the City Attorney and Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Ordinances. Carried. (Ado�e3 later in the meeting Letter from Lynn A. Andrews, Acting Traffic Engineer, submitted proposed Ordinance establishing a coordinated grid system for street renaming in the City in continuation of project originally initiated in December of 1966. Immediate notification and sign placement to commence January 1., 1969 was proposed. It was noted that Attorney Shellan suggests published notice and public hearing be effected to allow the public to be heard prior to final action. Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. fro Sanitary Sewer system acceptance was requested by Mr. William S. Tsao of proposed line from 240 unit apartment project site at 13647 Empire Way South (Sunset Hwy.) extending to City system at Empire Way South and Thomas Street, or to Earlington Street, as might be considered by the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the inquiry to the Sanitation Committee for recommendation, Carried. Letter from Mrs, Frank Swaisgood, Chairman and Miss Eleanor Hawkins, Area Director, East Valley Area YWCA, requested to utilize the old city hall facility as a program center. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to refer the request to the Property Committee to report back. The motion carried. -2- 424 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10/21/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Letters from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, and from Rumsey and Co., Inc., requested 25 day extension on CAG 1338-68 to complete Tennis Court Resurfacing and Repair inasmuch as adequate satisfactory weather has not been available to allow required drying on those sites with the deeper lifts of material. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to allow the extension as requested. Discussion ensued it being noted that the specifications require specific drying time and that the Highlands work has been completed. The pending motion carried. Mr. C. A. Bailey, Renton Yellow Cab Co., and Renton Radio Cab Co. owner, requested licenses to operate four additional vehicles the six presently in operation not being adequate to properly serve the area and complete contractual commitments. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee to report back. Carried. ill Simi Banner Permit - request was read from the Renton School District, Mr. Ad Ames, Chairman, REA Levy Promotion, to install two banners and install 3 levy promotion booths from which to distribute brochure in downtown Renton, October 29 through November 6, in connection with school bond issues to come before the electorate in November. Moved by Perry, and seconded by Maxin, to grant the requests with usual Hold Harmless Agreement provision. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett reported recommendation that bids on the improvement of North 5th Street be rejected being some 8 thousand dollars over estimated cost, and that new bid call be authorized again in the spring, along with legislation'to .appropriate unexpended funds. MdVed by Schellert, seconded by Edwards concur. Carried. Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm reported meeting with Seattle City Light Company representatives in regard to a Franchise to operate in Renton and they were not in accord with the in-lieu-of taxes provision of the Ordinance and construction proposals and time elements were yet to be discussed so another meeting is to be scheduled on the matter. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry reported recommendation that the Council endorse Senate Joint Resolution #5 which will broaden investment authority of retirement boards to allow greater return on investments, the City's Firemen's Pension Board being affected thereby. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the endorsement. Carried. Councilman Grant inquired regarding progress of underground wiring project along Mill Avenue and residence service costs. It was noted by Mayor Custer that the project is well under way, some delay having resulted- in bid award processes and that November 17 has been set for open house at the new city hall at which time the work is expected to be completed. It was noted residences are being served overhead from the alleyway. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Council President Garrett announced a Committee of the Whole meeting following the council meeting this evening. Ordinances No. 2440 and 2441 were presented and adopted at this time as listed under Ordinances and Resolutions to be adopted, Page 1. Councilman Schellert moved that the matter of Council Committees be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Grant and during discussion it was noted that labor relations and Recreation program committees were some to be recommended. The motion carried. Chairman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee announced a meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, October 28 and Capital Improvement Priority Committee meeting at 7:30 p.m. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, that all bids to be advertised, in addition to legal publications, be forwarded to the Association of General Contractors. Moved by Grant, seconded by Perry, to amend the motion to insert provision that notification be Ind given to the appropriate trade association which might pertain to each bid call. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended, it being suggested that a set of plans and specifications be furnished specific associations with bid notices. Coun0j.man Barei inquired whether Department Heads could attend all meetings of the Council and proposed motion that formal request be made to require same. The motion was seconded by Shane and upon dissenting voice vote and declaration of negative fnajority, roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Barei, Shane and Grant, No: Garrett, Maxin' Edwards, Trimm, Perry and Schellert. Motion lost. It was noted that Department Heads do attend when matters on the Agenda pertain to them. -3r r 4 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10/21 68 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Barei requested a meeting of the Property Committee on Thursday, October 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the council offices of Morris and Barei. Mayor Custer or his assistant were requested to attend and Mr. Roger Davis, Insurance Commissioner to be notified. Councilman Shane inquired regarding various projects where city forces are working and a contract has been let and in specific reference to North 3rd and 4th street area, it was noted that this is work required for the city to accomplish as per agreement with the power company which included some sidewalk break up and back fill. Discussion ensued wherein it was noted the city does not engage in any contractual work and that all public works contracts amounting to $5,000.00 or over are let for bids, certain work being done is done in order to save expense but not a part of contracted project, Shane noting inquiries for services and equipment not being available and inquiring as to specific amounts of savings by use of city forces. Councilman Shane in further pursuance of the subject inquired regarding gravel purchase and related operations of stock piling and was advised that the material is secured from various dealers and stock piles are for use on weekends or during hours when the regular business establishments are closed and the gravel would not be available. Councilman Shane urged sale of the Cedar River Park site with proceeds to further develop neighborhood parks and proposed motion to such effect. Barei proposed motion to refer to Committee of the Whole. Discussion ensued regarding legislation conveying juris- diction of the area to the Park Board and Park Department it also being noted that under existing statutes it cannot be used for other purposes, prior dedication being recalled and reversionary clause which might be effected. Court case of Lake Washington Beach Park site was recalled and illegality of disposition of the property for any different use unless a surplus action would be upheld, it being noted that the City at present could hardly justify not needing park and recreation areas. Proposed motion and referral actions were withdrawn, the matter being mute issue at this time. Councilman Grant called attention to Title IV, Ch. 7, Sec. 4-725 of Ordinance No. 1628, with specific reference to Paragraph C-3 which provides that petitions for change of use district boundaries or reclassification of property cannot be resubmitted for period of six months from date of disapproval and proposed motion that the period be revised to twelve months. The motion was seconded by Perry. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to refer the motion to the Planning Committee for recommendation. Discussion ensued re- garding fact that issue possibly resulted from public hearing meetings regarding the Com- prehensive Land Use Plan and it was noted that revision proposed would affect zonings as bm well as use change. After some further considerable debate and remarks questioning any abuse of the existing provision and design for protection of applicant and builder as well as property owner, the motion to refer was voted upon. Dissenting voice vote and declaration of negative majority brought request for roll call vote which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Shane, Edwards and Schellert. No: Barei, Grant, Maxin, Trimm and Perry. The motion lost. Original motion to revise the code and referral to the Law and Ordira nce Committee and City Attorney for recommendation and preparation of proposed documental revision was subsequently voted upon and carried. Councilman Maxin, Auditing and Accounting Committee Member, submitted recommendation of the committee and motion that City of Renton Vouchers No. 5621 through 5728, having been approved by the Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. The motion 'was seconded by Perry and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $49,779.74 5621 - 5651 Arterial Street Fund 7,462.04 5729 City Street Fund 9049.51 5652 - 5658 Cedar River M. & I. 97.56 5659 - 5660 Equipment Rental 1,622.34 5661 - 5667 Library 5084.98 5668 - 5703 Parks 5,624.92 5704 - 5714 Waterworks Utility 10,774.74 5715 - 5723 Airport 320.62 5724 - 5728 `909416.45 Councilman Grant announced a Light and Power Committee meeting on Monday, October 28 at 7:45 p.m. in Council offices of Bruce and Grant. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Leroy Atwood inquired regarding procedure and council action in regard to zoning appli- cations and it was noted that if the request is not in accord with the Comprehensive Plan the matter is not submitted to the Council however, property owners may deposit fees and pursue the matter if it is their desire even though they are advised it cannot apply under the present comprehensive plan,(by he Planning staff where such actions commence Upon motion by ficin, wonded by Grant, the meeting was adjourned/at 11:00 p.m. There were . �4— on 4 2 64 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10-14-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAM ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1327 23,000-00 East Hill Homes 1707 Upland Ct New home 1328 700000 The Boeing Co 4-20 Bldg Office remodel 1329 20000.00 0 10-60 Bldg Remodel B 1330 700-00 tl 10-'-4 Bldg 11 11331 14,740-00 McGrath Corp 13457 SE 107th Pl New home 1332 450-00 Sunset Outdoor Adv. 532 Ave N Erect sign 1333 600.00 Louis Codiga, Sr. 10812 SE 100th Home foundation 1334 600.00 VOID B 1335 60,,,,.00 Louis Codiga, Sr 10816 SE 100th if 1336 3,000.00 Kentucky Roast Beef 100 So. 3rd St Inst sign 1337 750-00 Atlantic Richfield Oil 11510 Sunset Blvd E Erect sign 1338 500-00 Autobahn Company 3883 4th Ave N 11 13-39 1,500-00 Kentucky Fried Chicken 603 So 2nd Street It B 1340 800.00 Goodyear Tire & Rubber 207 So 3rd Street If 1341 650.00 The Boeing Co 5-35 Bldg Inst wall 1342 758.00 Foster & Kleiser 17800 E Valley Hwy Bill Board Inst 1343 The Boeing Cc 4-82 Bldg Const. wall 1344 1.9000.00 Rodney W Pfeifle 923 G St Room addition B 1345 400-00 Preservative Paint 717 Rainier Ave S Inst 2 signs 1346 22,500-00 Douglas R Rowe 3924 12th Ave N New home 1347 700-00 Burton C White 215 Pelly Ave N Const carport 1348 17,726.00 McGrath Corp 13528 SE 107th P1 New home 1349 9,500.00 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg Remodel partitions B 1350 45,000.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 1400 No 4th St New building 1351 15,436.00 McGrath Corp 13425 SE 107th Pl New home 1352 19,000,00 It 10705 134th Ave SE if 1353 350-00 Alvin Martin 431 5th Ave W Siding for home 1354 338.00 The Boeing Co 5-63 Bldg Relocate door B 1355 459.00 if 4-21 Bldg Const wall 1356 400-00 if 10-80 Bldg It 1357 9,910.00 if 7-65 Bldg Inst platforms 1358 15,436.00 McGrath Corp 13507 SE 107th Pl New home 1359 17,726.00 If 10735 134th SE If B 1360 14,740-00 it 10708 134th SE 11 W 1.361 17,726.00 it 13446 SE 107th Pl It 1362 17,676.00 If 13431 SE 107th Pl if ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1287 $ 500.00 The Boeing Cc 4-20 Bldg Rearrange lighting 1288 250000 11 7-65 Bldg Inst power 1289 50-00 It 4-21 Bldg Power to pump E 1290 150-00 The Boeing Co 10-54 Bldg Power to machines 1291 190.00 4-76 Bldg Power to shear 1292 200.00 4-20 Bldg Power to saw 1293 l)OOO.00 ii If Power to equipment 1294 105-00 4-64 Bldg Power to saw E 1295 90.00 10-80 Bldg Relocate outlets 1296 50-00 4- 17 Bldg it 1297 300-00 10-80 B:-dg Switches to machines 1298 198.00 4-20 Bldg Power to drivematics 1299 Tiffany Dev Cc 15448 119th Ave SE New home wire E 1300 350-00 Kenneth T Akesson 1059 G Street Service & heat 1301 389.00 McGrath Homes 13422 SE 107th Pl Wire new home 1302 450.00 ?1 13501 SE 107th P1 11 1303 450-00 it 13522 SE 107th PI 1304 459-00 it 13416 SE 107th PI E 1305 50-00 Lyle L Barger 635 H Street Change service 1306 200.00 Alvin Armbruster 3328 7th Pl N Wire additions 1307 223-00 The Boeing Co 5-35 Bldg Inst fixtures 1308 600.00 11 4-82 Bldg 11 1309 500-00 it 4-01 Bldg Power to recpts. E 1310 1,700-00 10-80 Bldg Inst transformer 1311 143-00 10-58 Bldg Recircuit switches 1312 400-00 4-81 Bldg Upgrade service 1313 107-00 4-20 B.0 g Provide service 1314 600.00 Alko Battery Cc 415 S 7th St Inst wiring E 1315 500-00 Rudy Zaputil 11601 SE 105th Pl Wire home 1316 Lewis Parcel 11724 SE 105th Pl 11 1317 50-00 Frederickson & Watson 7680 S 180th Temp service -5- 427 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERY111PS CONTINUED 10-14-68 NO� AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK ELECTRICAL PERMITS 'CONT. E 1318 $ 250-00 William Zossel 3324 8th Ave N New service 1319 200.00 Industrial Air Products 1400 N 4th, Connect service E 1320 Transamerica Dev Corp 1308 Thomas Lane Wire sign 1321 Ivan Unbedacht 8626 So 180th Temp service 1322 50-00 David Johnson 1121 Shattuck Chg meter base 1323 250-00 The Boeing ('00 5-63 Bldg Rearrange lighting 1324 600.00 10-80 Bldg ?I E 1325 19000.00 4-20 Bldg Relocate pole 1326 1,200.00 10-65 Bldg New service 1327 400-00 The Boeing Co 4-60 Bldg Revise lighting 1328 132.00 It 4-20 Bldg Provide power 1329 800.00 V1 10-80 Bldg Renew power E 1330 500-00 it 10-58 Bldg Power to conveyor 1331 400-00 Gambriel Const. 631 12th Ave S Wire new home 1332 400-00 if 625 12th Ave S 1333 300-00 703 12th Ave S MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1279 The Boeing Co 7-65 Bldg Inst points and pipes M 1280 If 4-21 Bldg Inst pump 1281 $1 Tiffany Dev. Co 15448 119th SE Plumbing & heating 1282 31 15452 119th SE Plumbing & fixtures 1283 Lorna Businello 2325 6th P1 N Gas furnace 1284 Louis Codiga, Sr. 10812 SE 100th St Septic tank & drain M 1285 It 10816 SE 100th St 11 1286 Enza Anderson 602 S Street Inst oil tank 1287 McGrath Homes 13437 107th PI SE Inst gas furnace 1288 McGrath Homes 10657 135th Ave SE Gas furnace 1289 John Frieze 13004 12th Ave N Heater M 1290 John Bowran 12227 N Place Heater 1291 Barbee Mill 8200 Lk Wn Blvd S Inst tankline 1292 Tiffany Dev Co 15448 119th SE Furnace NEW 1293 Alvin Armbruster 3328 7th Pl N Plumbing & fixtures 1294 if If Gas furnace M 1295 T. Germino 11429 SE 97th St Gas piping & furnace 1296 C Houser 411 Williams Ave S Gas heater 1297 Hilda Perantie 11429 SE 97th Gas furnace 1298 VOID Victor Hackama. 1415 Walnut St VOID 1299 William Clarke 7210 Lk Wn Blvd Septic tank inst. M 1300 Gambriell Const 703 12th Ave S Plumbing & heating 1301 Doctor Glass 412 Sunset Blvd N Gas piping 1302 Andrew C Wilson 108131 112th Ave E Septic tank 1303 McGrath Homes 13520SE 107th P1 Gas furnace 1304 it 13437 107th Pl SE Plmb. & fixtures M 1305 it 13419 SE 107th P1 fl 1306 Public Hospital #1 180th & Spgbrook Rd Aircond. & heating 1307 Scholton Corp. 219 Main Ave South Plumbing & fixtures 1308 Barbee Mill Co 8015 Lk Wn Blvd 1309 Samuel Longoria 3201 7th Ave N Inst gas heater M 1310 Harry Fletcher 206 Wells Ave S Inst heaters 1311 The Boeing Co 4-63 Bldg Drains and vent 1312 Austin Wolff 848 King Court Furnace, heater SEWER PERMITS No. 536 Vern Gambriel 631 12th Ave S Connect sewers 537 625 12th Ave S 538 Gadoriel 703 12th Ave S YANIV 539 1211 Talbot Rd No. 540 VOID Routley & LaValley 9104 Lk Wn Blvd 541 Routley & 1AValley 9104 Lk Wn Blvd 542 Crockett Garage 80 So lid it 543 McGrath Corp 13522 SE 107th Pl It 544 McGrath Homes 13416 SE 107th Pl if No. 545 13410 SE 107th PI McGrath Homes It 546 13404 SE 107th Pl if 547 13534 SE 107th Pl 548 435 Langston Rd Norman S Hodges -6- 428 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10-21-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY TIE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO� AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1363 $ 99500.00 Renton Village Co Renton Village Install signs 1364 VOID B 1365 19500.00 Kenneth B Powell 531 Garden No Const fence 1366 20,000.00 Jerry Slough 2807 Prince Ave New home 1367 12,000.00 Harold C Lee 2901 7th Ave No New home 1368 17,000.00 McGrath Corp 10723 134th Ave SE it 1369 14,598.00 11 10729 134th Ave SE B 1370 21,450-00 Parkwood Homes Inc 2601 Charles Ct 1371 17,450-00 11 716 Sprue--e Ct 1372 600.00 L T Ristvedt 1322-1334 J Street Const carports 1373 CMS&P&P Railroad Co Blk. River Jiriaction Fill 1374 200.00 Glass Doctor 412 Sunset Blvd N Change sign B 1375 4,000.00 Hubert M Lange 10213 SE 94th Add rooms 1376 683.00 The Boeing Co 10-57 Bldg Const ceiling 1377 261.00 11 4-04 Bldg New partition 1378 1,000.00 if 4-63 Bldg 11 1379 700-00 if 4-73 Bldg New stairway B 1380 17,,950-00 Parkwood Homes Inc 719 Spruce Ct New home 1381 G S It Corp 18032 Springbrook Rd Demolish residence 1382 10,,816.00 McGrath Corp 13516 SE 107th P1 New home 1383 14,900-00 10605 134th Ave SE 11 1384 16,456.00 10629 134th Ave SE it B 1385 16,456.00 it 10714 134th Ave SE it 1386 Slinwear Renton Shopping Center Move sign 1387 293,000-00 Wash. Whsle Inc 705 SW 7th St Const warehouse ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1334 $ 250.00 Norman S Hodges 435 Langston Rd Add garage conduit E 1335 5,666.00 Gall & Landau Const 3000 Royal Hills Blvd Wire apartment 1336 3,500.00 Ed Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd It 1.337 400.00 Tiffany Dev Co 15454' 119th SE Wire new home 1338 3,500.00 Lloyd Tonkin 219 Main Ave S Wire tavern 1339 389.00 McGrath Homes 13404 SE 107th Pl Wire home E 1340 434-00 13534 SE 107th Pl McGrath Homes 1341 450-00 McGrath Homes 13410 SE 107th P1 1342 50.00 Fred A Jeswine 11647 SE 97th St Inst lighting 1343 50-00 Conner Const 12506 85th Ave S Temp service 1344 50-00 Workman Const 7th & Jones if E 1345 50-00 Wolff2s Dens, Inc 842 King Ct 1346 50-00 Model Homes, Inc 845 King Ct 1347 50-00 Elmer Morasch 6th & Wells 1348 50.00 George Butko 4th & Earlington 1349 50.00 Pacific NW Bell 100 N Williams S E 1350 50.00 Kentucky Roadt Beef 104 So 3rd St 1351 50.00 Gall and Landau Royal Hills Drive 1352 50-00 it Blvd 1353 50-00 if it 1354 50-00 McGrath Corp 10705 134th Ave SE E 1.355 50-00 tv 10708 134th Ave SE 1356 50-00 it 10735 134th Ave SE 1,357 50-00 13431 SE 107th P1 1358 50-00 13507 SE 107th Pl 1359 50-00 it 13446 SE 107th P1 E 1360 3,500.00 Barbee Mill Co 8015 11k Wn. Blvd Wire new offices 1361 8,739.88 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg Wiring 1362 400.00 Bell & Valdez Inc 1811 Alder P1 SE Wire new home 1363 400000 1817 1.364 400-00 1823 E 1365 400-00 1829 1366 400x00 1906 if 1367 50-00 Rodney W Pfeifle 923 G Street Extend circuits 1368 180.00 Art Kanpschror 3327 7th Ave N New service 1369 250.00 The Boeing Co 10-57 Bldg Relocate power E 1370 21500.00 if 4-63 Bldg Extend services 1371 237-00 TV 4-81 Bldg Inst fixtures 1372 600.00 East Hill Builders 1707 Upland Ct Wire new home 1373 250.00 Robert Kubwsta 1510 No 3rd St Change service 1374 16j000.00 City of Renton 200 Mill Ave So Wire 5th Floor E 1375 12549.00 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg Remodel lighting -7- G 6 f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS CONT. 10-21-68 MECHANICAL PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK M 1313 Gene Casal 12504 85th S Inst plumbing 1314 Gambriell Const 703 12th Ave S Inst furnace M 1315 " 1211 Talbot Rd " 1316 " 631 12th Ave S if 1317 " 625 12th Ave S It 1318 E A Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd E Inst plumbing & fixt. 1319 Humble Oil Co 353 Sunset Blvd N Inst furnace 'M 1320 John Bowron 1227 N Place Inst heater 1321 Virgil Johnson 818 A Street Inst furnace 1322 East Hill Homes 1707 Upland Ct Plumbing & fixtures 1323 Sam Younkers 3820 East Valley Hwy Septic tank etc 1324 City of Renton 200 Mill Ave S Plumbing & fixtures M 1325 Century Const Co 705 SW 7th It 1326 Palm Springs Health 127 So 3rd St 4 gas boilers 1327 Bill Clark 7200 Lk Wash. Blvd Plumbing & fixtures 1328 Tiffany Dev Co 15448 119th SE Inst furnace 1329 Shannon Hogue 17840 E Valley Hwy Septic tank etc. M 1330 The Boeing Co 10-57 Bldg Inst drinking fnt. 1331 Bell & Valdez 2033 SE 21st Ct Plumbing & fixtures 1332 it 2012 Alder Pl SE " 1333 If 2024 SE 21St Ct " 1334 " 2012 SE 21st Ct " M 1335 " 2018 SE 21st Ct " 1336 " 2030 SE 21st Ct 1337 " 2027 SE 21st Ct 1338 " 2021 SE 21st Ct " 1339 " 2015 SE 21st Ct " M 1340 " 2009 SE 21st Ct " 1341 " 2018 Alder Pl SE " 1342 McGrath Homes 10723 134th Ave SE Inst gas furnace 1343 " 13446 SE 107th P1 " 1344 " 10708 134th Ave SE " M 1345 " 10735 134th Ave SE " 1346 " 13507 SE 107th Pl " 1347 " 13425 SE 107th P1 " 1348 10705 134th Ave SE " 1349 " 13431 SE 107th P1 M 1350 Dino Boscolo 1000 High Street Plumbing & fixtures 1351 Anthony Stokes 12358 SE 96th Pl " 1352 VOID 1353 Royal Hills Inc 3000 Royal Hill Drive " 1354 " M 1355 SEWER PERMITS NO. 549 7th Adventist Ch 1030 L Street Sewer service NO. 550 Wayne Locke 107 Main St " 551 Parkwood Homes 2600 Charles Ct 552 Tiffany Dev Co 15448 119th SE " 553 It 15452 119th SE 554 East Hills Homes 3332 Rolling Hills Pl NO. 555 3288 556 ,t 3284 557 " 3280 r n 558 r' 3276 559 Hubert Dalrymple 9819 SE 92nd St " —NO. 560 E G Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd E " 561 „ If 562 ,t it t, 563 Gene Casal 12504 85th S " i 430 RENTON CITY COU14CIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk October 28, 1968 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Suggestion that the City of Renton set up its own Design Commission for voice in future programs Proposed Revision to City Code re latirg to sidewalk accidents as proposed by present insurance carrier. Petition from North 3rd-4th Street area objecting to payment of underground wiring costs Letter of intent to annex property to Renton, Hugh Goldsmith & Associates per inquiry of Councilman Barei as to city policy in regard to future annexations Method of bid call (TCB) as reported by Councilman Bruce LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Need for Resolution to appropriate $35,250.93 excess revenues received for urban arterial projects into Urban Arterial Budget Account for payment of billings Rezone from G-9600 to R--3, Gene E. .Lynn Property located at SE corner of Springbrook Rd. (Talbot Road) and South 180th Street. Resolution required to appropriate $1,200.00 from excess revenues in the Current Fund into Non-Departmental Acct. 1141/314, Expert services for NW American, Inc. invoice, for appraisal of Highlands hospital site POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE D. Bristow, Spot Tavern, request for license to operate additional pinball machine J. J. Abrakam, O.K.Cab Co. request regarding regulation of rates PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE and LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Petition from North 3rd-4th Street area residents objecting to underground wiring costs SANITATION COMMITTEE Final assessment roll on L.I.D. 258, Kennydale Sanitary Sewers and possible city particip#n STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Mrs. Florence Bennett offer of property to the City at $10.00 per front foot, NE corner of Williams Ave. No. and Riverside Dr. No. now under easement for said Drive Vehicular and pedestrian hazards in vicinity of Hazen High School and general area and recommendations for improvement APPOINTMENTS: Dale R. Orr and James E. Phelan - Sergeant in Renton Police Dep't. , eff. 11/1/68 with commencement of 6-months probationary period upon effective date Youth Guidance Couriittee - Mrs. Dorcey Powell, Mr. Donald Dilley, Mr. Charles Ferner Clerk-Dispatcher in Renton Police Department, Permanent position, effective 11/1/68 - Mrs. Louise Craft MEETINGS AND EVENTS: October 29, 1968 at 4:00 p.m. - Planning Committee November 4, 1968 - Public Relations Committee at 7:00 p.m. f November 4, 1968 at 7:00 p.m. (to be confirmed. by Council President) Committee of the i Whole i i i i MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk October 28, 1968 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor D. W. Custer at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Barei, Shane, Maxin, Edwards, Bruce, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti, r Schellert and Morris. Absent: Garrett and Grant. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Edwards, the absent Councilmen be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Lynn Andrews, Traffic Engineering Director, Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert, Building Director. Corrections or additions to the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 21, 1968 were invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, that Page 3 be amended to add Council endorsement of Referendum 18 the legislative action reflected in regard to the Legislation Committee report recommending favorable action to promote the issue. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, the minutes be approved as corrected. Carried. I' PUBLIC HEARING: Final Assessment Roll, L.I.D. 258, Sanitary Sewers in Kennydale area This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. The City Clerk reconfirmed offer of the Firemen's Pension Fund to purchase installment notes at 5% interest as submitted to the Council May 23rd and accepted May 279 1968. Letter from Mrs. Elda Fawcett, 9019 -100th S.E. noted assessment of $4,961.45 for seven lots, to be a burden as she is aged and on Social Security, also stating that the small group of property owners should not be required to assume cost of trunk line to accommodate the rest of the community. Letter from Mr. J. R. Fawcett noted costs resulting when new L.I.D. was instituted and in view of the increase by reason of smaller district and also by additional size line to serve future service areas, requested city assistance to alleviate the burden. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that 661 ft. along Lake Wn. Blvd. has 10" pipe to provide for eventual service and the additional cost contributed as a result thereof is $2,500.00. Audience comment was ' invited and Mr. Fawcett diagramed cost projection on the blackboard comparing former L.I.D. which was defeated by protest, with the present figures. Mr. Mike Potoshnik, 8911 - 100th Ave. S.E. objected to distribution of costs to the small group of property owners involved which were to serve future services. After further discussion, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurentl, to refer the matter of city participation to the Sanitation Com- mittee to report back next week. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, secondedEy Mane, to continue the hearing one week to allow for the committee report. Carried. I ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION I Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm reported that the proposed revision to the Code in regard to 12 month waiting period in lieu of 6 for reapplying for change in use or classi- fication of properties Is In Committee and will be held for one additional week before presenta- tion for council consideration. 9OL IONS FOR ADOPTION Resolution No. 1.579 was adapted upon motion by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, and darri.ed,creating j establishing budgetary funds in ,connection with anticipated receipts of Forward Thrust ! Program funds from King County, for acquisition and development of certain public arterial blghway facilities and public park and recreation facilities, said fund accounts to be designated No. 2000 for Public Arterial Highway Facilities, Account No. 2100 for Lake Wash.. Beach Park project development and Account No. 2200 for acquisition and development of public park and reereation facilities. Kesoluttlon No. 1580 was adapted upon motion by Bolaurentip seeapdod by Maxin and carried, authorizirig transfer of $501,10 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2293 unto City Street Fund, Dorking Budget Account 1820/4161 and Functional Budgetary Account 1310/1003, to fund cost of water meter Installation, south Second Street Landscaping irrigation project. 1- 432 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10/28/68 RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: (Cont.) Resolution No. 1581 was adopted upon motion of Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert and carried, authorizing appropriation of excess Library Fund revenues unto budgetary accounts, 1610/305, Utility Service, Phone, $390.00 and unto 1610/404, Heating Fuel, $365.00. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported in regard to Hugh G. Goldsmith & Associates revised letter of intent to annex properties to Renton(in vicinity of 132nd Ave. S.E . and S.E. 103rd Street, adjacent to Plat of Glencoe,)that the signature represents ownership of 35% of the assessed valuation of the subject property which contains 28.9 acres of land with an assessed valuation of $8,510.00. Councilman Barei urged that only large parcels of land, contiguous to the city limits on two sides at least which have desirable boundary lines and not irregular shapes be considered and proposed motion to deny the request for annexation. The motion was seconded by Shane and after some considerable discussion regarding Board of Public Works recommendation that each re- quest be considred on its own merits and limitation policy prohibiting to expansion, the motion was voted upon and failed. Moved by Barf4, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter of intent to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. The motion carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson reporting need to transfer Cumulative Reserve Fund 2283 moneys into the City Street Fund for expenditure on 2nd Avenue Landscaping costs in sum of $501.10 was noted to have been accomplished by adoption of Resolution 1580, the Utilities Department Sundry Sales Bill No. 2337 to be paid therefrom accordingly. It was noted that work is to be finished on this project and retained percentage is yet to be released. Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need for a Resolution to appropriate $35,250.93 excess revenues received for urban arterial projects unto the Urban Arterial Budgetary Fund Account No. 1250, Capital Outlay 606, in order that expenditures might be made to cover billings received on the project. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur in the report with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, Carried. Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendation that Gene E. Lynn rezone request from G-9600 to R-3 be approved which zoning is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Property is located in vicinity of S .E. corner of Springbrook (Talbot) Road and South 180th Street and comprises app. 2.3 acres with proposed Nursing Home use. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur in the Planning Commission recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. The motion carried. J. J. Abraham, President, 0. K. Taxicab Company, requested information regarding rates for taxicab fares as filed in accordance with City code requirements, inquiring as to competitor's rate structure. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee. Discussion ensued regarding the regulation of rates, it being noted that the city does not set rates but only requires same to be filed for public information purposes. The pending motion carried. Letter from Mrs. J. C. Kirkman, Hazen High School Safety Chairman, called attention to vehicular and pedestrian hazards in vicinity of the new high school and general area and urged extension of 10th Avenue North to 132nd Avenue S.E . , sidewalks, lighting and marked crosswalks along the full length of the right-of-way being deemed a necessity. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee- to report back. The motion carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson reporting need for legislation to establish funds for deposit of Forward Thrust, Street Program, Lake Wn. Beach project and Park acquisition funds to be received,recommending Accounts 2000, 2100 and 2200,was approved by action of the Council earlier in the meeting in the adoption of Resolution No. 1579. Petition containing approximately 50 signatures of persons in the North 3rd - 4th Street area, stated that charges and costs for underground wiring connections were extensive and they did not plan to participate in hook-up. The project initiation actions and notifica- tion procedures were discussed after which it. was moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to refer the petition to the Public Relations Committee. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to amend the motion to incTu__d_e__­r`e_t�e_rraT To the Light and Power Committee . Mr. Gary Nelson inquired regarding city participation by various methods anJ possible reimbursement to property owners if they paid and then were enjoined in .lawsuit. City Attorney Shellan advised the City by law cannot participate and expend tax funds on private properties by any method and that the court action is to be a test case and would not be based upon the same premise as tbgt of the property owners who are assessed not for any of the public service ingtgllg$1m. $ut enly for connection to their own properties. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10/28/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS:(Cont.) (North 3rd-4th Street Petition) Committment for the project has been made by Conversion Agreement CAG 1370-68, 9/24/68 . Among residents of the area speaking was Mrs. Thelma Stansel noting hardship to those living on limited income and having no help in doing the work, it having been stated that connections could be made by the property owner as long as the work passed city inspection to meet code requirements. After further discussion and inquiries as to consequence of loss Df electrical service possibility, and mandatory administrative enforcement of the ordinance, it was moved by Morris to amend the pending motion to include referral to the Committee of the Whole. The amendment was seconded by Maxin and carried and subsequently the original motion as twice amended. Proposed motion to extend the 30 day period for required hook-up connection was proposed and discussed since to effect such deviation would not be in the interest of policy and would also require amending existing ordinance. Mrs. Margaret Evans recalled prior actions taken on the street widening and the underground wiring project, noting the various times the matter had been on the council floor and upon final action the newspapers,both local and Seattle,and on Television publicizing the matter admonishing residents that they as well as the City have some responsibility in seeing that they are informed. The pending motion lost regarding 30 day time extension for hook-up. Letter from D. Bristwo, owner of the Spot Tavern .requested license to operate an additional pinball machine in said place of business. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from Mrs. Florence Bennett requested the city to consider buying 13 ft. strip of property on southerly part of her lot, now under easement as part of Riverside Drive running along the North bank of the Cedar River at the Northeast corner of Williams Avenue North and Riverside Drive North. The sale at suggested price of $10.00 per front ft. was desired to relieve the owner from payment of property taxes on the land which she cannot use. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. The motion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Richard Stredicke, 391.6 - .10th Court North, called attention to the city's utilization of the King County Design Commission in connection with Forward Thrust application projects and urged that the City also consider its own design commission for future voice in the matter. Mayor Custer advised that the possibility had been considered and due to time element and fact that all requirements could not be met it was at this time decided to utilize the services of the King County agency. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that this matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer called attention to sidewalk accidents and claims against the city as a result thereof and submitted report from the insurance carrier, Great American Insurance Company, recommending proposed change to existing ordinance relating to the sidewalk maintenance . Sample of Tacoma's revision was attached. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole with each Council Member to receive a copy of the proposed legislation revision. Carried. Councilman Shane requested reading of excerpt from the Minutes of the previous meeting which outlined council action in allowing residents of the 3rd and 4th street area to utilize certain overhead facilities, be relieved of inspection charges and Mayor Custer noted specifics of the action to limit costs where outside of the house can be utilized for running the wire and coming into the meter box from the same direction the overhead wires did, a canvas having been conducted and individual situtations being reviewed with the property owners and inspection and suggestions discussed. 11 people have no change 11 will -retain overhead, 56 being numbered as balance converting. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to recess at this time. Carried. The meeting was recessed. After the recess, roll call was taken with all present as previously listed except Barei. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointments of Dale R. Orr and James E. Phelan to position of Sergeant in the Renton Police Department, effective November 1, 1968 which date shall commence the six months probationary period as required under Civil Service Rules and regulations. Civil Service Commission certification and Police Chief's recommendation were attached. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the appointments. Carried. -3- �z Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10/28/68 APPOINTMENTS: (Cont.) Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Youth Guidance Committee Members as follows: Mrs. Dorcey Powell, Mr. Donald Dilley, Mr. Charles Ferner. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations for appointment to the Youth Guidance Committee. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs. Louise Craft to permanent position of Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department, effective November 1, 1968. Police Chief Williams' letter of recommendation was attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Mayor Custer advised he has further appointments to be considered which he will submit in writing to the Council President for consideration of the committee prior to next week's meeting. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Perry reported attendance at the Association of Washington Cities District meeting and advised that the Association was requested to assist the cities by drafting legislation to take care of problem areas such as the Kennydale Island which is com- pletely surrounded by the City and have not been met with successful- annexation pro- posals. He also requested that consideration be given by the AWC to assist with legislation to possibly extend the budget approval period, favorable attitudes being reflected on both matters. Councilman Delaurenti inquired regarding the Power-Service Study report and Mayor Custer advised that the preliminary report has been received and copies are available for perusal in the office the the Traffic Engineer, Light and Power Committee and Mayor's office, but the final draft has not yet been completed. Councilman Schellert submitted Ways and Means Committee recommendation that the appraisal costs for the highlands hospital site, in sum of $1,200.00 due Northwest American, Inc., be funded from excess revenues in the Current Fund and appropriated unto Non-Departmental Account 1141/314, Expert Services, and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution to effect the trans- action. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur. The motion carried. Capital Improvement Priority Committee Chairman Schellert, reported a meeting of his committee and receipt of brochure and schedule from the Mayor regarding program for procedure in regard to the capital improvements and methodology to be used in prepara- tion so that next year the workable program could be used as guideline for the 1970 budget. Further meetings will be held and subsequent reports furnished to the council accordingly. Councilman Morris, Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman, submitted report and recommended that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 5730 through 5818, having been previously approved by the Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. The motion was seconded by Edwards and carried. Breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 8,568 .26 5730 - 5760 Arterial Street Fund 12,316.31 5761 Urban Arterial Fund 14,310.00 5762 City Street Fund 169.52 5763 - 5765 Cedar River M. & I. 283.77 5766 - 5767 Equipment Rental 256.34 5768 - 5770 Library Fund 270.16 5771 - 5773 Parks 13,177.13 5774 - 5783 Waterworks Utility 10,131.28 5784 - 5793 and 5818 Airport 1,279.61 5794-- 5797 Firemen's Pension Fund 3,071.46 5798 - 5816 City Hall Construction Fund 6,570.33 5817 $ 70,404.17 Councilman Shane requested a copy of the power study report and also urged that the matter of fluoridation of the city's water supply be brought out of committee. Councilman Edwards, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, announced a meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 4th. Councilman Perry reported that he will be absent during the month of November and will not be attending the council nor committee meetings during that time. -4- i 435 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 10/28/68 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Delaurenti reported topics of interest from the Public Works Association Conference in Miami, Florida attended by Councilman Bruce and himself. Key speakers were noted and subjects included the main topic, "Man and His Environment";,'Neia, Dimensions of Public Works (present world population noted to be 31- billion and it was anticipated to reach 7 billion by the year 2000) ; Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, Wn. D. C. surveys -reveal that city expenses rise much faster than population; Personnel Accident Prevention Programs (Renton Safety Programs were noted) ; Florida County Mobile Division topic was computerized maintenance program, Philadelphia repre- sentative also presented a Computer Control program. Other items of interest were Developm�tit.>ari,&Utilization of Man Power; Educe'-tabu and Training and Collective Bar- gain-ing,t—Methoft of Refuse and Effluent disposal. Displays were interesting and the confe arci�_beneficial to those attending it being,1c6ncluded that all cities have like problems, some larger than others. Coumcil#nan Shahe)expressed objection 'to- attendatid�,at conferences and costs involved. Counri1-_ihanJBruise` adUd 'item of interest being TCB (Total`Bid Cost) and "mode of purchasing, it be•ink�,x:oted=the lowest bid is not always the-best price. ' Upon inquiry City Attorney ShL�-1,Un-r 6te.d the law to' state the lowest respoh§fble bid. Councilman Bruce noted that bi&=jen 'c%aipment specified the length of anticipated useofthe item and figure is given on maintenance cost and trade in at end of the life use period. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the subject of the remarks to the Committee of the Whole for tairioea' 1f poulicy. Carried. Golu ilm n`-Matin; Chairman of the Planning CV'riunittee, announced a meeting: at 4:OO p.m. in the`Planni-ng Department offices and the City Attorney, Planning Director and Building Brett'©r and. the CounA6-il Secretary, were requested-to attend, on September 29th. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Court North, suggested that the new telephone listings for city hall be published in the local paper for public information 'purposes. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris and seconded by Perry, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. There were 52 visitors in the Council Chambers. "yibr an.L 7t„y� Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk. D. W. Coster, Mayor _5- 4 . 06, OFFI'CE OF THE CITY CLERK 10-28-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT N 11�E ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1388 $ 6,500-00 Benaroya Co. 940 Thomas Ave SE Inst partitions 1389 1,000.00 Fotomat Corp 10th N & Sun3et Blvd Inst building B 1390 3,000-00 'Lewis DeLaurenti 12511 86th S Add to home 1391 380.00 Albert H Olofson 13415 SE 116th St Biiild walls 1392 19,000.00 McGrath Corp 10603 135th Ave SE New home 1393 17,520.00 IF 13403 SE 106th St 1394 15,436.00 IF 10741 .1.34th. Ave SE B 1395 4,320.00 Alfred DeHaviland 1015 R Street- Add to home 1396 3,000-00 Benaroya Co 940 Thomas Ave SW Imp. warehouse 1397 1Y000.00 Pauline Desimone 1-6405 Benson Rd Const garage 1398 800.00 Irene Grayson 13439 SE 1'24th Pl 1399 50.9000.00 Holric Storage Cc 15025 86th Ave S Office & warehouse B 1400 2,,500-00 McGrath Corp 132nd Ave SE/SE 107th Inst of signs 1401 1,450-00 Transamerica Dev Co #26 Thunderhill. Const shelter 1402 1,500-00 Bank of The West 2950 Sunset Blvd Erect sign pole 1403 16,456.00 McGrath Corp 10711 134th Ave SE Const new home ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1376 $ 300-00 Gambriel Const 1211 Talbot Rd Wire new residence 1377 50-00 A H Olofson 13415 SE 116th St Wire new addition 1378 2,100.00 No Pacific Dist Inc 940 Thomas Ave SW Wire office Bldg 1,379 350-00 Northwest Prop Inc 940 Thomas Ave SE Wire warehouse E 1,380 28,243-00 Dept of Highways Garden "It & Lake Wn Traffic intersection 1381 50-00 Puget Western Inc 35 So Grady 'Kay Connect sign 1382 50-00 Puget Western Inc IF 11 1383 416.00 McGrath Corp 13431 SE 107th Pl Wire new residence 1384 434-00 -13425 SE 107th P1 if E 1385 450-00 10705 134th Ave SE 1386 434-00 10657 135th Ave SE 1387 413-00 9t 13437 107th P1 SE 1388 426.00 " `3419 P1 1,3419 SE 1L MECHANICAL PERMITS M 13556 R Kleeberger 3425 7th No Inst heater 1357 Phillips Petroleum 330 Rainier Ave S 1358 Philip Robinson 3602 President Pk Ct Inst furnace 1359 McGrath Corp 10714 1134th Ave SE it M 1360 10629 134th Ave SE 1361 10603 135th Ave SE 1362 10729 134th Ave SE 1363 Legend Homes 940 Thomas Ave SE Plumbing & fixtures 1364 ff It Inst furnace M 1365 McGrath Homes 13425 SE 107th Pl Plumbing & fixtures 1366 11 13446 SE 107th Pl it 1367 13 507 SE 107th Pl It 1368 13528 SE 107th Pl It 1369 10705 134th Ave SE M 1370 101(08 134th Ave SE 1371 10723 1_34th Ave SE, 1372 10729 134th Ave SE 1373 10735 134th A,Fa SE 074 10657 135th Ave SE M 1375 Conner Const Co 8647 S 127th 1376 L M Noland 2520 9th Pl N Re-install fixtures 1377 Frank Donofrio 9816 108th SE Install septic tank 1378 Joe Jadison 535 Rogers St Inst heater 1379 Larry Rackweg 421 Burnett Ave S Inst heater M 1380 McGrath Homes 13431 SE 107th P1 Plumbing & fixtures 138,1 ?I 13403 SE 106th Inst furnace 1382 10605 134th Ave SE Inst furnace 1383 Tape Town 144 Rainier Ave S Inst heater 1384 Charles G Dideon 12501 85th Ave S Plumbing & fixtures M lq85 Conner Const Cc 8647 SD 127th Gas furnace SEWER PERMITQ No. 564 Walter Barnett 9826 SE 92nd St Connect sewer No. 565 W C Hichlin 9837 SE 92nd 11 No. 566 Lewis A Yothers 9834 SE 92nd it No. 567 Fay Kellum 92"04 Lk Wn Blvd 11 No. 568 D A Warzecho 9838 SE 9.2nd St It 4 Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of October:. TO C LA 1 MS FUND: FROM: CURRENT 97,631.4.1 URBAN ARTERIAL 35,250.93 CITY STREET 43,728.37 CEDAR RIVER M&I 4.17.21 ARTERIAL STREET 19,778.34. EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6,560.28 LIBRARY 6, 196.95 PARKS 70, 145-03 ''lATER'NORKS 65,956.1.44. AIRPORT 2,468. 17 IREhEN'S PENSION claims fund for month 3,354..31 CITY !-{ALL CONSTRUCTION of October 1968 x,570.33 Total October Claims356, 107-77 TO PAYROLL FUND: FROM: CURRENT 137,511.80 CITY STREET 20,018.61 CEDAR RIVER M&I 596.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4065.96 LIBRARY 9,659.08 PARKS 16,980.33 WATERWORKS 20,341-91 AIRPORT 1,430.92 F IREhEN1S PENSION 90.32 Total for October 211, 195.43 r• 4J� RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk November 4, 1968 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Appointments to Renton Aviation Board CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims filed against the City by Pamela Rutledge, Verlen C. Moore and Cheryl Lynn Moore FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE AND CITY ENGINEER Bids on W272 Waterline in 12th Avenue No. between "E" Street and the Highlands Reservoir LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Proposed Code amendment to provide 12 months period rather than 6 for resubmission of applications for change in use district boundaries or reclassification of property PARK BOARD Bids for Park Lighting POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE J. J. Abraham of D.K. Cab Company letter regarding taxicab rates Scholton Corporation and Blvd. Tavern requests for licenses to operate music machine, pinball and shuffleboard machines. SANITATION COMMITTEE Petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in Kennydale area, SE 93rd, 94th, 95th, 95th P1. and 96th Streets between Lake Wn. Blvd., 100th and 104th Avenues S.E. WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of $300.00 for appraisal of portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. APPOINTMENTS: Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee - John Matthewson and Dwight Felton Municipal Arts Commission - Miss Ethel Telban MEETINGS AND EVENTS: November 13, 1968 - Committee of the Whole at 8:00 p.m. November 18, 1968 - Public Hearing, L.I.D. 258, Sanitary Sewers in Kennydale Area Continued from 11/4/68 November 19, 1968 - Capital Improvement Priority Committee with Public Works Committee at 9:30 a.m. 71 Y`4 $h P r �4 4 3 d) MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk November 4, 1968 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Council President Garrett, Mayor Pro Tem, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. "w ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. Absent: Perry. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Councilman be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Lynn Andrews, Traffic Engineering Director, Bernard Ruppert, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Schellert, the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 28, 1968 be approved as written. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Park Lighting (Second Bid Call all prior bids having been rejected _on 10/21/68, as were opened and read 10/14/68) This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID ALTERNATES CHAPMAN ELECTRIC Bid Bond $ 13,460.00 A: w-$720.00 B: -$450.00 C: -$450.00 P. 0. Box 268 Enclosed D: -$490.00 E: +$166.00 Renton, Washington HOLMES ELECTRIC Cert. Ck. $ 12,994.00 A: -$747.77 B: -$522.40 C: -$522.40 1025 South 210th Place D: -$565.40 E: +$1,155.00 Renton, Washington SIGNAL ELECTRIC, INC. Bid Bond $ 13,975.00 A: -$700.00 B: -$370.00 C: -$370.00 9904 South 21.0th Place Enc. D: -$370.00 E: -$1,155.00 Kent, Wn. 98031 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to refer the bids to the Park Board for recommenda- tion. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Re-Bid on W-272 Waterline in 12th Avenue North between E Street and the Highlands Reservoir (Prior Bids rejected 10/21/68 on 9/9/68 Call) This being the date set, bids were opened and read from the following: Allison, Inc. , Tacoma; Argentiri Construction Co., Seattle; Austin Construction Co., Bellevue ; Bay Construction, Everett and Seattle; Gesner & Brown, Inc., Renton; J. J. Jackson, Inc. , Renton; Motner & McCutcheon, Seattle and Select Contractors, Inc., Seattle. (See Bid Tabulation attached) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to refer the bids to the Fire and Water Committee and City Engineer for report back. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: (Continued from 10/28/68) Final Assessment Roll, L.I.D. 258, Sanitary Sewers, in Kennydale area, vicinity of Lake Wn. Blvd., SE 91st, 92nd and 93rd Streets The hearing was declared continued and communication read from Committee to Study Costs, Vernon Stromberg, H. F. Dalrymple, Mike Potoshnik, Jr. and J. R. Fawcett, requested the %w Council to withhold action until the next Council meeting to allow completion of the study. No objection was voiced from the audience regarding the request and it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Shane, to continue the hearing to the next regular meeting of the council, November 18, 1968. Councilman Shane distributed communication prepared by the Engineering Department with cost data with respect to providing relief of items which might be considered oxtra)re@u1ting in reduction of cost to the property owner's by reason of oversize pipe and Metro connection and participation. The pending motion subsequently carried, -1- 4`t0 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/4/68 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trim-n submitted proposed Ordinance, the Committee recommending first reading only, with regard to Code amendment proposal, Title IV, Ch. 7, Sec. 4-725, Paragraph C-3 to provide 12 months interim rather than present 6 month period for resubmittal of applications for change of use district boundaries or reclassification of property. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to refer the document back to the Law and Ordinance Committee to allow for public notice and expression. Dissenting voice vote and declaration of affirmative majority brought request for roll call vote which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, and Shane. No: Bruce, Grant and Barei. The motion carried 8 ayes to 3 no votes. Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance of the City changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification (G-9600) to Residential District (R-3). Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to adopt Ordinance No. 2442 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried.(Gene Lynn property, Springbrook Rd. and South 180th Street) Resolution No. 1582 was adopted upon motion by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, authorizing appropriation of excess revenues in the Current Fund unto Non-Departmental Acct. 1141/314, Expert Services,to fund cost of appraisal of the Highlands Hospital property, due Northwest American, Inc., in sum of $1,200.00. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Mr. Guenther Griebau, United States Marine Corps Recruiting Sub-Station at 211 Wells Avenue South, requested authorization to install a banner during the holidays, from November 15, 1968 to January 4, 1969. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to grant the request with execution of the usual Permit and Hold Harmless Agreement document. Carried. Letter from Mr. J. J. Abraham, President, O.K.Cab, Inc., called attention to ability and willingness to compete in the transportation industry, noting 80% volume increase since reorganization in March of 1964. Attention was called to rate problems and situations which might be damaging to both industry and public service and the council was admonished for its position, it having been brought in prior council action that the City does not establish or fix the rates. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letter to the Police and License Committee. Upon further inquiry regarding rates, the City Attorney advised that rates are left to private industry, the City requirement being that rate schedules be filed with the City for public information purposes and vehicles conform to mechanical worthiness for public safety purposes. The pending motion carried. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, reported attendance Oct. 1.6, 17 and 18, at the 13th Annual Convention of the Washington Finance Officers Association, in Olympia, Washington, along with City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant, Deputy City Clerk Gwen Marshall and Assistant City Treasurer, May Duncalf. City Clerk Nelson noted the highlight to be a special banquet event where the Master of Ceremonies invited all to participate in the celebration of the wedding anniversary of John and Helmie Nelson, the Barber Shop Quartet (Puget Sound) singing "they aint what they used to be". Other important discussions were proposed revisions to come before the State Legislature for transfer of all voter registrations to jurisdiction of the County from City Clerks with the Clerks to be registrars for all persons regardless of where they reside. Pros and cons of such transfer were outlined. Other pertinent items noted were the matters of the new Municipal Code with greater home rule provisions and revisions proposed to simplify transfers of funds between budgetary funds and classifications, the State Auditor advising also that in 1969 the number of general classifications of revenue will be reduced from nine to a lesser number. City Treasurer Gossett added items also of interest to have included discussions of investment programs for the cities, noting Renton to be among the advanced cities when programs are compared, and especially of value were data processing presentations with special highlight of election of Ted Bennett as 2nd Vice-President of the Association. President Garrett offered congratula- tions and invited comment from Mr. Bennett who commented regarding the equipment rental programs, noting that many cities are looking to Renton for assistance on their programs. He added that two or three data processing systems were shown and that our present system was far superior and in his opinion the City had made a wise choice in its selection; the information gained by talking with others in the same line of work was felt to be very beneficial and the associations and presentations very informative. Increase and growth of the Wn. Finance Officer's Association was noted indicating that other cities are joining to get more knowledge first hand than they can get by looking at books. Mr. Bennett thanked the Council for allowing attendance at the Convention. -2- 441 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/4/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Claims were filed against the City by Pamela Rutledge, Verlen C. Moore and Cheryl Lynn Moore in connection with automobile damages and accident alleged to have resulted by reason of conditions of the right-of-ways, 7th and Rainier,and Shattuck Avenue, North of Houser Way. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to refer the claims to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Petition was read for creation of an L.I.D. for sanitary sewers in the Kennydale area adjacent to SE. 93rd Street, 94th, 95th and 95th Place and 96th Street between Lake Wn. Blvd., 100th Avenue S.E. and 104th Ave. S.E. Discussion ensued regarding possible expansion of service to include additional areas and it was noted that this area had chosen to file itself rather than wait and delay service and possibly have it rejected. err► It was noted that petitions are circulating in the area and meetings have been scheduled this month with property owners south of 96th. Economics of encompassing a larger area were discussed and Health Department reports reviewed wherein health hazards are posed. Annexation possibilities were discussed, Shane urging that the newspaper carry some information regarding benefits of annexation so the people might be aware of money that might be saved annually thereby. Motion ',/ Schellert,seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee for report back was subsequently carried. Inquiry regarding jurisdiction of the Boundary Review Board in regard to areas completely surrounded by city boundaries being caused to annex received reply from City Attorney Shell.an that he has no knowledge of such provision to allow annexation jurisdiction of people within boundaries of another municipality. In case where election is held or petition by 75% method the Boundary Review Board shall take into consideration to be sure there is no island left by reason of such annexation. It was noted that there are petitions being circulated by interested citizens at present for annexation of the area and information is being furnished by the City in assistance. Additional items were received after preparation of the Agenda and authorized by President Garrett to be admitted for reading at this time. Applications from the Scholton Corp., Lloyd Tonkin, Pres. requested a Master Music Machine License, Location Music Machine License, a Coin-Type Pool Table and Pinball Machine to be licensed for operation at Friar Tucks, 221 Main Avenue South, and application of Lionel L. Wallace requested license be granted for Coin-Type Pool table to be operated at Boulevard Tavern, 10826 Lake Wn. Blvd. Moved by Shane and ,tow seconded by Bruce, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee to report back as to actions taken. The motion carried. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr. John Mathewson, and Mr. Dwight Felton, to the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee. Moved by Schellert and seconded by Edwards, to concur. Carried. Mayor's letter of appointment requested concurrence in membership of Mr. C. L. Day and Mr. Mark E. McCorkle to another term on the Renton Aviation Board. Moved by Barei, and seconded by Shane, to refer the appointments to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. The motion carried. Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Miss Ethel Telban to another term on the Municipal Arts Commission. Moved by Barei, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Barei inquired regarding accountical problems noting noise interference also from the tape recorder. It was stated that microphones were to be installed at the Council stations, Mayor and Clerk's desks and one for the audience which would alleviate the problem somewhat, the tape recorder on loan from the Planning Department not being adequate type for purposes required in this instance. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris reported committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 5819 through 5895 and moved that same be approved by -the Council for payment at this time. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 5,588.69 5819 - 5854 City Street Fund 198.07 5855 - 5858 Equipment Rental 3,312.35 5859 - 5878 Library 104.44 5879 Park@ 1,987.40 5880 - 5887 Wat@rworke Utility 16,681.90 5888 - 5894 Airport 23.39 5895 C-2 7 v r9_6-174 442 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/4/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont.) Fire and Water Committee Chairman Bruce submitted report recommending that the request of Glacier Park Company and Melvin Carrothers for Late-Comers Agreements in connection with watermain extensions, be granted. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, to adopt the recommendation. Carried. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Council President Garrett announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, November 13th at 8:00 p.m. to discuss items pending in Committee, including the Tukwila- Glacier Development Project. Councilman Schellert submitted letter directed to City Officials by Lieut. Governor Cherberg, calling attention to subjects requiring legislative action for revision.of existing statutes, including "Intergovernmental Cooperation (Ch. 239, Laws of 1967) The Tax Freeze Act (Ch. 246, Ex. Sess. , 1967) and Law and Order - State Financial Aid To Cities (Ch. 143, Sec. 3, Ex. Sess. , 1967) Needs with respect to each item were outlined and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the letter to the Legislative Committee for review and recommendation. The motion carried. Councilman Schellert reported attendance at the American Public Works Association Con- vention in Yakima. Institution by Cities of a Department of Community Development which combines the functions of the Planning and Engineering Departments under one department head was noted along with future emphasis in regard to land development to be placed on redevelopment of existing lands and uses rather than new or raw lands. Collective bargaining was also discussed and speaker C. Carey Donworth urged lesser units for the municipalities so that community of interest of being represented on the same grounds in like work can be attained. Chairman Schellert announced a meeting of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee with the Public Works Committee on November 19th at 9:30 a.m. Councilman Barei reported receipt of appraisal invoice, payable to Louis Peretti, for appraisal of portion of Lake Washington Blvd, requested to be vacated for the Boeing Company, and moved that the funding in sum of $300.00 be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. The motion was seconded by::Shane and carried. Councilman Shane urged that the Council consider Resolution to forward to the State Legislature, going on record for all churches and fraternal organizations to be put on the tax rolls, except for allowance under the Constitution. He inquired of the Police Chief if report could be made available at the next council meeting regarding increase in robberies in the city, noting three policemen had been deleted from the budgetary request; also information regarding completion of the gun range was requested. The Planning Director was requested to furnish information regarding possible duplicate Planning services since those of the Valley Regional Planning Commission, King County and the City are utilized with the thought in mind of funding additional moneys for patrolman from expenses connected with the planning services. Councilman Grant moved that the subject of requiring or requesting a financial statement and total campaign expenditure disclosure with source of donations for all elected officials be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Upon second, discussion followed , and the City Attorney was requested to comment regarding legality of such pro= posal. Attorney Shellan noted campaign contributions report to be a State legislative matter, the present law having been promulgated by the State Legislature affects most candidates in the fall (Renton Officials filed campaign expenses with the City Clerk after the Primary Election last fall) per RCW 29.18 .140. Mr. Shellan expressed doubt of the legality and after further discussion regarding inclusion of gambling winnings as source of campaign expense which it was noted would not be a crime if won in Las Vegas where gambling is not illegal and applicable income tax had been filed, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, that the subject under discussion be tabled until Attorney Shellan's opinion as to legality can be prepared. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council at this time, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. There were 45 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Zot Avery Garrett, _ resident of the Council Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk 443 Bid Opening November 4, 1968 RE- BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 W-272, 12th Ave No. between E St. & Highlands Reservoir Bid Bidder and Address Bond Total Bid Inc. Tax .11ison, Inc. Mx,9917 Portland Ave $ 32,442.03 Tacoma, Wn. _98445 x Argentieri Construction Co. 1815 Jackson Street Seattle., 98101 x X3,237.79 Austin Construction Co. P.O. Box 547 Bellevue, Wn. 98004 x _ _ _ $ 31,746.o6 Bay Construction -- Everett 2155 No. Northlake Way Seattle, Wn. 98103 x $ 35,826.10 Gesner & Brown, Inc. 11025 142nd Ave SE Renton, Wn. 98055 x $ 233363.07 J. J. Jackson, Inc. 100 Rainier Ave So. P.O. Box 247 Cert. Check Renton, Wn. 98055 $ 27,056.35 Uner and McCutchen -rf22 Rainier Ave So. Seattle Wn. 98118 x 51sL5.03 Select Contractors Inc. 3652 Hillcrest S.W. Seattle, Wn. 98116 x $ 26.280.18 444 OFFICE OF Tn, C:,ERK 11-4-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILD7NG-FERMI"S No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1404 $ 159436.0o McGrath Corp 10712 134th Ave SE New home B 1405 GM Auto Sales 12501 Rainier Ave N Demolish structure 1406 400.00 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg Const partition 140117 411010.0100 Const ceiling 1408 700.00 n n It 1409 13,1351-00 Bell & Valdez Inc 2.017 SE 20th Ct New home B 1410 13,1351-00 ?i 2014 SE 20th Ct 11 1411 14i,598.00 McGrath Corp 10627 135th Ave SE New home 1412 199000.00 10639 135th Ave SE if 1413 14,598.00 10621 135th Ave SE it 1414 14,598.00 It 10720 134th Ave SE it B 1415 149598000 10611. 134th Ave SE if 1416 179726000 10623 134th Ave SE if 1417 VOID 1416 250.00 Franky's Serve-u 314 Park Ave N Erect sign 1419 19000.00 A P Allison 3417 8th Ave N Basement B 1420 VOID 1421 20.9 010OXO Humble Oil Ref Co NE corner SE 94th Const service station 1422 179726.00 McGrath Corp 10633 135th Ave SE New home 1423 149920-00 10620 134th Ave SE 1424 179726.00 10753 134th Ave SE B 1425 149678.00 10717 134th Ave SE ELECTRICAL PZRX-fTS E 1389 50.00 Const Pamco 8401 So 180th Temp service E 1390 50-00 if 8201 So 180th it 1391 50-00 It 8101 So 180th if 1392 500000 Fotomat Corp 10th N & Sunset Blvd Elec. services 1393 129500.00 Sterling Jensen 12750 90th Ave S Wire apt 1394 490-00 Edward A Magruder 3008 6th Ave E Chg service E 1395 500-00 The Boeing Co 4-21 Bldg Rearrange power 1396 250.00 it 4-60 Bldg Re-circuit 1397 200.00 10-71 Bldg Provide power 1398 1:6.00 10-80 Bldg Inst 2 recpts 1399 25000 4-82 apron Extend power E 1400 133.00 10-58 Bldg Power to saw 1.401 250.00 4-82 Bldg Power to tools 1-1 1 2.402 41.00 10-80 Bldg Computer recpts 1403 600.00 10•-80 Bldg Relocate area 1404 450.00 Wolff's Den Inc 848 King Ct Wire new home E 14.05 400-00 Bell & Valdez Inc 2002 SE 20th Ct if 1406 400-00 if 2006 Alder P1 SE 1407 40MO Bell & Valdez 2000 Alder Pl SE 1408 400.00 2011 SE 20th Ct 1409 400-00 2008 SE 20th Ct E 1.410 -11*0.00 Ernest J Tonda 360 No 3rd Pl New service 1.411 40.00 E Anderson 3112 5th E 11 1412 29200.00 Holric Storage Co 15025 86th Ave S Wire warehouse 1413 20oOO LaS110 Suto 16116 SE 113th Pl Wire outlets 1414 59666.00 Royal Hills, Inc 3000 Royal Hills Dr Wire apts E 1415 5,666.00 it IT It 1416 35.00 Louis Codiga Sr 10816 SE 100th St Check wiring 1.417 2,49x00 Ed Lidzbarski 13058 SE 150th Service MECHANICAL PERM17S M 1386 McGrath Corp 10711 134th Ave SE Inst gas furnace 1387 City of Renton Lk Wn. Blvd & Houser Inst plumbing 1388 Wolf Den Inc 848 King Ct Plumbing & fixtures 1389 McGrath Corp 13516 SE 107th Pl Inst gas furnace M 1390 10741 134th Ave SE It 1391 10629 134th SE Inst plumb. & fixtures 1392 13403 SE 106th Plumbing & fixtures 1393 13516 SE 107th Pl 11 1394 10605 134th Ave SE If M 1395 10714 134th Ave SE it 1396 10603 135th Ave SE If 1397 10741 134th Ave SE it 1398 The Boeing Co 4-81 Bldg Inst cold water 1,399 Manly Grinolds 1223 S 3rd St Inst gas heater M 1400 Charles Stockwell 3508 7th Pl N -6- 445 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS CONT. 11-4-68 MECHANICAL PERMITS CONT. No. Name Address Type of Work M 1401 Benaroya Co 940 Thomas Ave SW Inst gas piping 1402 Marion D Nass 3322 Sunset Blvd E Chg gas lines 1403 Benaroya Co 940 Thomas Ave SW Alter sprinklers 1404 McGrath Corp 10720 134th Ave SE Inst gas furnace M 1405 " 10732 134th Ave SE if 1406 " 10627 135th Ave SE " 1407 " 10621 135th Ave SE " 1408 " 10639 135th Ave SE " 1409 " 10611 134th Ave SE M 1410 " 10623 134th Ave SE 1411 D L Fitzsimmons 3713 7th Ave N Inst gas piping 1412 John Livengood 10415 SE 84th Septic Tank 1413 Gambriell Const 1211 Talbot Rd Plumbing & fixtures 1414 Holric Storage Co 15025 86th Ave S " M 1415 Renton Village Co 35 So Grady Way Inst sink 1416 Renton Import Service 505 Park Ave N Inst heater 1417 Royal Hills Inc 3000 Royal Hills Dr Addl. plumbing SEWER PERMITS No 569 Renton Cash-Way Lumber 1507 Brooks Ave Sewer service 570 Wash. Wholesalers 705 7th Ave SW " 571 n if n 572 Connors Const. 12637 87th S " 573 " 8647 So 12th " 574 Collin Perry 9206 Lk Wn Blvd " No 575 Graham Bell 9827 SE 91st P1 " -7- -146 R E F E R R A L S RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk November 18, 1968 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Rumsey & Co. request for 25 day additional extension to C.AG. 1338-68, Tennis Court surfer"s CITY ENGINEER To effect assement roll changes with City to assume portion of costs not directly benefit fully those properties within the proposed district (Hearing Cont. to 11/25/68) CITY ATTORNEY and INSURANCE CARRIER Summons and Complaint served by Wilhelm Wendt and Loren D. Gilkey in sum of $9,000.00 in connection with grading of S.E. 128th Street COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Ordinance on Harbor and Water Safety Hill Ingman, Chase & Co. request, on behalf of the City of Kent, to locate, operate and maintain 10" watermain within city limits of Renton on So. 180th Street LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Letters and petition regarding underground wiring L.I.D. for Monterey Terrace area Proposed Contract agreement between the City and Puget Sound Power and Light Co. for electrical energy to serve the new Cedar River Well. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE L.I.D. 260, Watermains and appurtenances in So. 180th Street and E. Valley Hwy. Transfer of $39,000.00 from Current Fund to Street Fund pending receipt of tax moneys Amending Ordinance to reduce 3% Utility Tax to 2% Resolution rgquired to appropriate $74,811.02 excess revenue received for urban arterial projects unto expending budgetary account to allow payments on the project as due Resolution required to effect transfer of $2,260.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2373 unto Current Fund expending account, Traffic Engineering Dept. 1172/602 to allow reimbursement to Street Department for work per agreement with Puget for underground wiring project - 3rd and 4th Streets MAYOR and COUNCIL PRESIDENT To negotiate re boundary change at Glacier Park Tukwila development area per Gr. Northern Ry request for Renton to assist in serving utilities within another municipality COUNCIL PRESIDENT To pursue advancement of priority of grant application in Legislature (Lake Wn. Beach sewer project) SANITATION COMMITTEE Petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. (261) in vicinity of S.E. 93rd Street and Lake Wn. Blvd.(Kennydale area) STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE M. W. Lotto request for relocation of right-of-way in the Greater Renton Highlands Shopping Center with dedication of 50' by property owner to allow substitute connection to H Street and vacation of street to the South.. ' 4 Great American Insurance Co. Safety Director's suggestion that Shattuck Underpass be permanently closed MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 11/20/68 - Planning Committee at 4:00 p.m. 11/25/68 - Continutation of Public Hearing on L.I.D. 258 Final Assessment Roll Light and Power Committee meeting at 6:30 p.m. Street and Alley Committee at 7:00 p.m. 12/2/68 - Public Hearing on proposed Street Renaming Ordinance 447 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk November 18, 1968 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Renton Municipal Building, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. OLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, rant, Shane and Barei. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, that the absent Council 'Tembers be excused, Delaurenti and Perry being absent. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Lynn Andrews, Traffic Engineering Director, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Bernard Ruppert, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Ron Heiret, Park Department, and Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, there being no additions nor corrections, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of November 4, 1968 be approved as prepared. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: L. I. D. 258, Sanitary Sewer System in Kennydale area, Lake Wn. Blvd. , S.E. 91st 92nd and 93rd Streets per Resolution No. 1528 This being the date set for continuation,(from 11/4/68 and 10/28/68), the hearing was declared open. Communication from the L.I.D. 258 District Committee, Vernon Stromberg H. F. Dalrymple, Mike Potoshnik, Jr. and J. R. Fawcett, Chairman, was read requesting that the City share the burden of cost in amount of $14,212.77 which included difference between 8" and 10" concrete pipe, Metro connection and metering manhole, cost of one-half of 8" concrete pipe along Lake Wn. Blvd. , and cost of 8" pipe extension to E. side of 100th S.E . beyond the last property lines on each East/West street, for 350' . 'liscussion ensued, Mr. J. R. Fawcett, 9003 - 100th Ave. S.E . and Mr. Mike Potoshnik, Jr., 911 - 100th Ave. S.E . speaking in regard to costs where future connecting property owners kill benefit at expense to initiating L.I.D. petitioners. In Council discussion it was noted that the proposed location of manholes and line extensions were considered good engineering practice and would avoid duplicate street reconstruction. City Engineer Wilson cautioned against precedent setting participation, over and above benefits to be derived by others, and reported recommendation to the Sanitation Committee that the City participate in the cost of the oversize pipe and the metro connection and metering manhole. Sanitation Committee Chairman Shane reported concurrence of the Committee in this recommendation. A successful motion to close the hearing was by proper motion reconsidered and voted down aTid the hearing continued. After proposed motions, blackboard presentations by Schellert and Barei, and reasoning debate on city participation, Barei favoring line extension beyond the district boundary to Schellert's proposed one-half the cost of the extended manholes, it was subsequently moved by Grant, seconded by Schellert, to amend the assessment roll to include city participation in sums of $2, 535.00 for oversized line from 8" to 10", and $2,299.00 for metro connection and metering manhole and - the cost of 5 manholes, $783.75, totalling $5,617.78, with referral to the City Engineer to effect assessment roll change and continuation of the hearing for one week to November 25, 1968 . The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: L.I.D. 260, Watermains and appurtenances, So. 180th St. & E. Valley Hwy. (Preliminary Assessment Roll) This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported total estimated cost of the improvement, including engineering, taxes and L.I.D. costs to be $75,610.68. The valuation of the property plus 25% of valuation of existing -i.mprovements within the district total $411,250.00 with no outstanding assessments which aluation is adequate to support the proposed district. No protests have been received to ate. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Sam Younker reported interest of the property "owners in completing the improvement and urged expedient action by the City. The City Engineer reported that the petition is valid and displayed a drawing of the project proposal outlining boundaries of the district noting the L.I.D. will provide water to an area presently without same and that quite a bit of industrial activity is developing in the area., Upon inquiry it was noted the line will run on one shoulder with both sides being assessed, Mx. Pete Kohl inquired regarding depth and various parcels were pointed out going back some to 400 ft. to a line short of South 160th Street. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Grant, to close the public hearing. Carried. The hearing was declared closed and council action invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to approve the preliminary assessment roll and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper ordinance to create the L.I.D. and order its construction. Carried. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson reported that the proposed lin@ will serve needs of the industries concerned as required and no city participa- tipn is recomm@t1d@d -1_ 448 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting November 18, 1968 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm presented proposed Ordinance i amending Title IV, Ch. 7, Sec. 4-725, Paragraph C-3 of the City Code allowing for 12 months period for re- submittal of applications which have been denied for change of use district boundaries or reclassification of property rather than 6 months. The document was placed on introductory reading on 11/4/68 and was placed on second and final reading at this time . Moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, to adopt Ordinance No. 2443 as read. Dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which was taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Grant, Bruce, Maxin and Morris. No: Garrett, Shane, Edwards, Trimm and Schellert. The Mayor voted aye breaking the five to five vote and carrying the motion. Councilman Trimm reported that proposed Ordinance. rEgarding Sidewalks had been distributed to the Council and will be held in Committee pending further recommendation and possible public meeting for discussion. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Mayor Custer reported receipt of additional communications, some requiring timely action, and it was moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to allow additions thereof at end of the agenda. Carried. Letter from Hugh G. Goldsmith and Associates was read submitting revised request for annexation of properties to the City of Renton as bounded by the Plat of Glencoe on the South, 132nd Ave. S.E. on the West, S.E. 100th Place on the North and 136th Ave. S.E. on the West. Signatures of McGrath Corporation representative and Lowell C. and Alegria E . Weinberg were represented on the petitioning letter. Letter from Mr. Weinberg was read Rffirming inclusion of his property in the annexation and including remaining westerly pp. 6.63 acres as well as 818 .50ft. under purchase agreement with McGrath Corporation. etter from City Engineer Wilson reported the amended letter of intent was signed by owners, epresenting 42.305Y. of the assessed valuation of the subject property which is located �. immediately North of the new Glencoe Housing Subdivision East of 132nd Ave. S.E. and which contains app. 42.5 acres having an assessed valuation of $26,990.00. Preliminary meeting uwith property owners was held at this time. Upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen Am n reported that the area is within the confines of the Comprehensive Plan inclusion and is r �indicated as Single Family Residential. Mr. A. D. Gryce affirmed that the property owners would be willing to assume their pro-rata shares of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness 3 and to accept provisions of the existing Comprehensive Plan as reported. Mr. Weinberg expressed desire to amend for future purposes the zoning on the 6.63 acres at some future date and it was noted that the Council has no zoning jurisdiction but that the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use is subject to amendment. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, that the property owners be authorized to circulate proper petition which shall bear the statement of willingness to assume indebtedness as outlined and acceptance of land use provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. The motion carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon reported recommendation of the Park Board that the low base bid of Holmes Electric be accepted on the Liberty, Kiwanis, Windsor Hills, Philip Arnold and Talbot Hill Park lighting project, in sum of $12,994.00. (Opened 11/4/68) . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Park Board recommendation. The motion carried. (Mayor Custer noted that although bids were widely publicized and special mailings were sent out, the successful bidder was local and had not bid on the first call) Letter from City Clerk Nelson requested authorization for transfer of 136,000.00 from the Current Fund unto the City Street Fund to constitute a loan pending receipt of tax moneys, to be repaid no later than December 31, 1968. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee upon concurrence was recommended. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Barei, to amend the amount to�139;000.00 which City Treasurer Gossett advised will be needed. Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. i Letter from the Greater Renton Shopping Centers, Inc., M. W. Lotto, President, requested relocation of portion of 12th Place in the Renton Highlands, with dedication of 50' by property owner to allow substitution of connecting right-of-way to H Street and vacation of street to the South, per attached drawing, to allow general benefit to the public and property owner by way of better and larger public use area and to provide more advantageous utilization of the adjoining properties for improvement purposes. Moved by Grant, seconded by Schellert, to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee. Moved by Barei, and seconded by Bruce, to include referral to the Park Department. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. -2- 4419 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/18/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS:(Cont.) Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the petition for a Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in vicinity of S.E. 93rd Street and Lake Wn. Blvd. (Kennydale Area, L.I.D. #261) is signed by owners representing 69.95% of abutting front footage and 67.87% of the area within the proposed improvement district. The assessed value of the properties is sufficient to support the improvement and signatures are adequate to validate the petition. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Letter from Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co., Consulting Engineers, by Gerald D. Schlagel, requested permit to locate, operate, and maintain 10" watermain within right-of-way of South 180th Street within the city limits of Renton. The request was submitted on behalf of the City of Kent and the Consultants will be available for discussion. Moved by Shane, seconded by Trimm, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole . Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment, final billing 6n C.AG. 1362-68, Improvement and paving to Play Court and Parking area at Kiwanis Park $10,635.55. Acceptance of the project as of this date was recommended along with the commencement of the 30-day lien period, after which, upon proof of payment of tax liabilities and if no liens are filed against the project, the retained amount be paid Contractor Rainier Asphalt Paving Company. Moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin, to concur. The motion carried. Letter from Mr. James H. Behlke, Water Pollution Control Commission Director, reported that City of Renton application for federal grant has not been given priority to honor grant at this time but that the application will remain active and be rated again in June 1969 for either retroactive grant or initial grant depending upon construction status of the project. (Lake Wn. Beach sewer project grant application) Schellert in- quired regarding action which might be taken through the State Legislature during its sessions to secure favorable priority status and it was moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert the communication and matter of pursuance be referred to the President of the City Council. The motion carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted proposed contract between the City and Puget 'iwwSound Power and Light Company providing for the furnishing of power to the City's new Cedar River Park Well. The contract is for 10 years and the rate is based on Schedule 40 of the Company's filed tariff. It was recommended that the Council approve the document and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign same. Moved by Grant, seconded by Barei, to refer the recommendation and proposed resolution to the Light and Power Committee for report back. Discussion ensued regarding contracting for electrical energy and City Engineer Wilson advised that all pumping stations are covered by contract each being authorized by the City Council and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Summons and Complaint was filed against the City by Wilhelm Wendt, and Loren D. Gilkey, as co-Administrators of the estate of Florence T. Wendt, deceased, in connection with S.E. 128th Street grade change which allegedly created problems for business property, $9,000.00 damages plus costs being claimed. Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to refer the documents to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. (Ct. case 702290) Letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Harbor and Water Safety Ordinance concerning water safety standards, it being felt that some pooling of resources between the several cities and King County will be important with opening next spring of the Lake Wn. Beach Park and law enforcement for boating safety to be required. Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole with copies of the proposed Ordinance to be furnished to the Council. Carried. Letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, reported necessity to amend the Utility Tax Ordinance pursuant to provisions of the 1969 Budget. Referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee to amend Title V, Ch. I entitled Business Tax, Sec. 5-105 (Ord. 1999 as amended by Ord. 2124) was recommended. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. (Tax reduced from 3% to 2%) Letters from A. Frans Koome, M.D. , William and Ione Diambri and Edward W. Howard, residents, requested removal of signature from underground wiring petition for Monterey Terrace and expressed objection to L.I.D. and installation of such electric and communication facilities. Moved by Grant, seconded by Barei, that copies of these letters and the original petition be referred to the Light and Power Committee. Carried. -3- X50 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/18/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, requested authorization to appropriate $74,811.02 excess revenue received for urban arterial projects, into the expending budgetary account 1250/606 Capital Outlay, Urban Arterial Fund in order that payments as due on the project may be met. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution to effect same. Carried. Letter from Lynn A. Andrews, Traffic Engineering Director, requested transfer of funds in sum of $2,260.00 from Budget-ary Account 3600, Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 2373 unto Traffic Engineering,Current Fund Acct. 1172/602, to allow reimbursement to the Street Department for removal of trees, backfill, etc. along No. 3rd Street from Burnett Avenue to Houser Way North per undergrounding project agreement. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution. Carried. Letter from the Renton Jaycees requested permission to place lighted garlands across So. Third Street in conjunction with christmas decoration project in downtown Rehton,for the holiday season. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to grant the request with execution of usual Hold Harmless agreement. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon reported receipt of letter this date from Rumsey & Co. requesting additional twenty-five days extension to C.A.G. 1338-68, Tennis Court repair and surfacing. The request will be presented to the Park Board and findings to be reported to the Council thereafter. Moved by Schellert, second by Garrett to refer the matter to the Auditing and Accounting Committee to report back. Carried. Letter from Great American Insurance Companies, Joe N. Nye, Sr. , Safety Specialist, urged that the Council consider permanent closure of the Shattuck Street Underpass. Moved by Barei, seconded by Morris, to refer the communication to the Street and Alley Committee . The motion carried. Letter from Lynn A. Andrews filed with the City Clerk,Report Analysis of Electric Rates and Services which study was performed by H. Zinder & Associates per C.AG. 1316-68 and assigned subsequently to Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield. Mr. Harold M. Mozer, the , Project Engineer,was introduced and submittal letter in the front of the report was read Mr. Mozer gave a presentation,outlining the content scope of the study, factors consider comparison schedules, and summary of results. Dr. Herschell Jones, Economist, associate with the Consulting Firm also commented in regard to various aspects of the report. Question and answer session followed after which Council Members and the Mayor expressed thanks for the presentation and commended the firm regarding the report. Copies are on file in the Traffic Engineering Department as well as the City Clerk's Office, and Library. Compared with Renton were Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma, Bremerton, Everett and Tukwila. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Frank Storey inquired regarding property appraisal conducted by Mr. Louis Peretti and Councilman Barei advised that the appraisal is being negotiated and if he wished to check later the information requested would be made available, it not being on hand at this time. (Portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. requested by the Boeing Company to be vacated.) Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Court North, commented that final filing of the revised Comprehensive Plan was lengthy in duration to completion, and as'a Planning Commission Member noted that the Ordinance presented tonight effecting 12 months rather than 6 months waiting period for refiling of applications for property reclassifications had not been re- ferred .to the Commission who is directly involved but the discussion inferring the Planning Department objected was not correct as the Department indicated it had no desire one way or the other. Mr. Stredicke requested that the Council expedite action on the sign Ordinance and Planning Committee Chairman Maxin reported three prior meetings have been held in this regard and another meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday. Mr. Stredicke inquired in regard to the Comprehensive Master Sewer Plan and possible city installation of mainline trunk sewers to allow opening up and development of presently dead areas . Mayor Custer advised of various funding possibilities such as G. 0. Bonds, budgeting from existing millage, limited G. 0. and possible revenue bonds. City Engineer Wilson reported that the Engineering Department has been conducting a study and preparing a Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the City which is in final stages of completion and should be ready for presentation in about three weeks to a months time. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested confirmation of appointment of Mr. Delbert C. Bennett to position of Traffic Engineer for the City of Renton. Moved by Grant, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. After discussion regarding fringe benefits to be granted, it was moved by Grant, seconded by Maxin, to reinstate Mr. Bennett at former pay level and former longevity, sick leave and vacation accrual fringe benefits. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/18/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Street and Alley Committee Chairman, Councilman Garrett, submitted report which was read with Council action taken as follows: In reply to Mrs. J. C. Kirkman, Hazen Safety Chairman, regarding pedestrian student safety in the Hazen High School area, the Committee along with the Board of Public Works, recommended that a temporary traffic signal be installed at the intersection of Sunset Blvd.`and 12th Avenue North; that 10th Avenue North extension to 132nd Avenue S.E . be constructed; and that sidewalks be installed the length of 10th Avenue North, and that .� the three items be placed in the 1970 Capital Improvement Program for budgeting. If it is deemed feasible to implement the improvements prior to 1970, an L.I .D. or city-wide bond issue for sidewalks were recommended as source of funding. Moved by Garrett, second by Grant, to concur. The motion carried. President of the Council Garrett reported Committee of the Whole recommendations that the appointments of Mr. C. L. Day and Mr. Mark E. McCorkle to three year terms on the Renton Aviation Board, effective upon confirmation by the Council. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur. The motion carried. Recommended that December 2, 1968 be set for a public hearing on the proposed street renaming project. Moved by Barei, seconded by Trimm, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Recommended that the request of Glacier Park Company to locate utility systems in Tukwila extending into. the city of Renton with provisions for participation by Renton be held and the Mayor and Council President be designated to negotiate regarding possible boundary line changes. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. Carried. Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman, Councilman Morris, reported approval by the Committee of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 5896 through 6101 , and moved that the Council approve same for payment at this time . Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 2Y,111,2e 5896 - 5985 and 6099-6101 Urban Arterial Fund 62,9 03.8 : 5986 - 5988 City Street Fund 6,987.16 5989 - 6006 ... Cedar River M & I 35.88 6007 - 6009 Equipment Rental 1,025.86 6010 - 6029 Library 481.21 6030 - 6032 Parks 48,818 .12 6033 - 6061 Waterworks Utility .47,fo,i ' 6062 - 6090 Airport 580.81 6091 - 6098 City Hall Construction 9,503.94 5899 Property Committee Chairman, Councilman Barei, submitted report recommending that the Council authorize equipment of the lunchroom per capital outlay equipment schedule in estimated sum of $17,050.00. Moved by Grant, seconded by Garrett, to concur, funding provided for in the present budget. The Committee further recommended that the Council authorize the Property Committee to dispose of the old city hall building and all surplus equipment located in Cedar River Park in the manner most economically beneficial to the City. Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to concur. The motion carried. Sanitation Committee Chairman, Councilman Shane, reported that agreement documents are being prepared in regard to the Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge Sewer District service of the Boeing Co. property in vicinity of the Renton Airport property, per Airport Board recommendation of 10/14/68. bo" Fire and Water Committee Chairman, Councilman Bruce, reported recommendation that the low bid of Gesner-Brown, Inc. be accepted on the rebid call for W-272, 12th Avenue North waterline, between E Street and the Highlands Reservoir, in sum of $23,363.07 . (Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to concur. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Garrett announced a Street and Alley Committee meeting on Monday, November 25, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss request of M. W. Lotto for right of way relocation at the Greater Renton Shopping Center in the Highlands and the closing of. Shattuck Street underpass. The City Engineer and Street Commissioner were requested to attend. -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/18/68 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont.) Councilman Maxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday, November 20, at 4:00 p.m. and the City Attorney and Planning Director were requested to attend. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Shane, that the Council forward a letter to the Stadium Commission expressing displeasure at it action locating the site in the Seattle Civic Center area. Some lengthy discussion ensued and it was noted that the additional costs over the G. 0. issue voted will be borne by Seattle and not other residents of King Count . The pending motion subsequently carried. Councilman Grant announced a Power and Light Committee meeting on Monday, November 25, at 6:30 in his Council office on the 6th floor. Councilman Shane announced that next Sunday, November 24, fifty turkeys will be distributed from the roof of the Sahara Tavern. Everyone was invited to catch one! Councilman Barei moved that the Council issue a statement of public condemnation of the Stadium Commission for its site selection for the stadium. The motion was seconded by Shane and carried. Councilman Schellert announced that a Board of Equalization meeting had been held and the adjustments in the Assessment Rolls had been completed. The effect of HJR-1 was discussed in regard to assessing property on actual use and the Legislature will be implementing necessary details to put the law into effect, problems being evidenced in regard to multiple housing assessments where green belts are proposed. Proposed Resolution was submitted for reading by Couriciiman Trimm, authorizing transfer of $39,000.00 from the Current Fund to the Street Fund, said transfer to constitute a loan to be repaid no later than December 31, 1968 at 3% interest per annum, retroactive to October 31, 1968 . Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1583 as read. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m. There were 47 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- 4�� _� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11-18-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1422 $ 17,726.00 McGrath Corp 10633 135th Ave SE New home 1423 14,920.00 Y' 10620 134th Ave SE 1424 17,726.00 " 10753 134th Ave SE r' B 1425 14,678.00 P' 10717 134th Ave SE y' 1426 300.00 Renton Shp. Center Highlands Shp, Center Move buildings 1427 13,000,00 Tiffany Dev. Co 15498 121st P1 SE New home 1428 14,500,00 " 15508 120th Ave SE it 1429 11,579,00 " 15508 121st Pl SE " 'on 1.430 800.00 George Pasco 10922 SE 108th Const Boat port 1431 600.00 JC Edwards 3405 6th Ave E Const carport & porch 1432 3,000.00 Alfred Engeland 2814 5th Pl N Garage & workshop 1433 1,685.00 Donald St Peter 1035 H St Wood garage 1434 37,000.00 EA Holcomb Const 13422 Sunset Blvd E Const building B 1435 37,000.00 it It " 1436 37,000.00 " " IT 1.437 37,000-00 1438 37,000.00 1439 37,000.00 B 1440 37,000.00 1441 35,000.00 Vic Diambri 412 Pelly Ave Const apt 1442 42,000.00 It 421 Williams Ave S it 1443 758.00 David J Sauve 12419" SE 142 P1 Const carport 1444 40,000.00 City of Renton 200 Mill Ave S Complete 5th floor B 1445 2,389.00 Jack J Banaroya 810 Thomas Ave SW Inst store front 1446 15,436.00 McGrath Corp 10635 134th Ave SE New home 1447 15,436.00 if 13412 SE 106th St IT 1448 14,740.00 IT 10536 135th Ave SE if 1449 17,726.00 if 10648 135th Ave SE " B 1450 20,000.00 R.S. Shane 11654 SE 100th " 1451 16,456.00 McGrath Corp 10530 135th Ave SE 1452 16,456.00 10645 135th Ave SE " 3LECTRICAL PERMITS „' 1418 10,285.00 City of Renton Lk Wn. Blvd & Houser Way Wire park buildings 1419 200.00 James R Van Osdell 934j H St New service E 1420 500.00 88 ¢ Store 801 So. Third St Extend service 1421 City of Renton Lk Wn Blvd & Houser Way Wire meter & pump 1422 250.00 Bruce Heieren 818 Cedar St Chg. of service 1423 600.00 Conner Const Co 12637 87th Ave S Wire new residence 1424 600.00 it 8647 So 127th If E 1425 300.00 Lewis Delaurenti 12511 86th Ave S Remodel elec. service 1426 250.00 The Boeing Co 4-42 Bldg Power to motor 1427 50.00 " 4-20 Bldg Power to drill press 1428 144.00 " 10-80 Bldg Relocate power 1429 50,00 Mr. Hess 2913 6th E Relocate service E 1430 101.00 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg Power to machines 1431 600.00 Burtco Cc 111 Airport Way Revamp service 1432 VOID 1433 413.00 McGrath Corp 10708 134th Ave SE Wire new residence 1434 450.00 " 13446 SE 107th Pl y' E 1435 450.00 it 10735 134th Ave SE " 1436 383.00 it 10729 134th Ave SE " 1437 450,00 It 13528 SE 107th Pl 1438 6,500.00 Northwest Glass 810 Thomas Ave SW Lights and recpts. 1439 700,00 Jerold 0 Watkins 15043 89th Ave S 200 amp service E 1440 Wash. Wholesalers 705 SW 7th St Temp. service 4ECHANICAL PERMITS Z 1418 McGrath Corp 10620 134th Ave SE Inst gas furnace ••- 1419 " 10717 134th Ave SE " M 1420 " 10753 134th Ave SE " 1421 10633 135th Ave SE " 1422 5,000.00 Ralph Leber CO 17200 W Valley Hwy Inst oil tanks 1423 Conner Const Co 12637 87th Ave S Plumbing & fixtures 1424 Richard Jardine 2139 Sunset. Blvd SE Conversion burner M 1425 Valley Gen. Hosp. 17901 S Springbrook Rd Gas piping 14-46 The Boeing Cc 10-71 Bldg Water draining 1427 " 4-82 Bldg Inst fountains 1428 Gov-Mart Bazaar. 717-725 Rainier Ave S Plumbing & fixtures 1429 Gene Casal 12504 85th S New gas boiler M 1430 G.M. Motors 12501 Rainier Ave S Inst oil furnace 1431 Lorna Businelli 2325 6th Pl N Inst gas furnace 1432 Bank of the West 2950 Sunset Blvd Sprinkler system OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11-18-68 PERMITS CONT. MECHANICAL PERMITS CONT. No. Name Address Type of Work M 1433 Dane Const Co 15043 89th Ave S Plumbing & fixtures 1434 L.E. Sturman 11630 SE 104th P1 New gas furnace M 1435 Friar Tuck Inc 219 S Main St Carrier heat pump 1436 McGrath Corp 10621 135th Ave SE Plumbing & fixtures 1.437 " 10627 135th Ave SE it 1438 " 10633 135th Ave SE if 1439 " 10639 135th Ave SE If M 1440 McGrath Corp 10732 134th Ave SE " 1441 " 10720 134th Ave SE " 1442 it 10620 134th Ave SE 1443 if10611 134th Ave SE " 1444 " 10623 13 4th Ave SE " M 1445 10711 134th Ave SE " 1446 10717 134th Ave SE " 1447 " 10753 134th Ave SE " 1448 East Hill Homes 1706 Uplands Ct Gas furnace 1449 Clifford Fisher 324 P St Hot water tank M 1450 Robert Tachell 2724 7th Ave N Inst heater 1451 Sam Younker 3820 E Valley Hwy Inst gas & oil tanks 1452 Bank of the West 2950 Sunset Blvd Inst boiler 1.453 Model Homes 1207 Prince Ave Plumbing & fixtures 1454 Parkwood Homes 719 Spruce Ct " M 1455 it716 Spruce Ct " SEWER PERMITS 576 Wajceich Jesierski 9836 SE 92nd Connect Sewer 577 Bell & Valdez 1811 Alder Pl SE " 578 " 1817 Alder Place SE if 579 " 1823 Alder Pl SE " 580 „ 1829 „ „ 581 „ 1906 It „ 582 McGrath Corp 13419 SE 107th P1 " 583 " 13425 SE 107th P1 584 it 1.3437 107th P1 SE 585 if13528 107th Pl SE 586 If 10708 134th SE 587 if 10657 135th SE " 588 it 10705 134th Ave SE " 589 Wolff's Den Inc 848 Kings Ct. 590 if 842 Kings Ct. 591 Lake View Apts Lk Wn B1vd,10441 114th SE " 592 L Peterson 9212 Lk Wn Blvd " 593 Jack Hodge 9841 SE 93rd St 594 it9845 SE 93rd St " 595 CV Morrison 9832 SE 93rd St " -8�- 455 REFERRALS RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk November 25, 1968 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Boundary Review Board Notice of annexation of area by King County Water District #107 Boundary Review Board Notice of Public Hearing on Annexation of Property to Renton December 19, after 1:30 p.m. , King County Courthouse, Sanders et al properties. %Mr COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Recommendation regarding assessment for sanitary sewer service to outside properties made by Councilman Shane, that fees equal costs of initial installation assessment. (Dale Crampton request) General policy re sewer charges and connection for properties located outside the city. Funding of city participation with respect to time of inclusion on assessment roll of the L.I.D. and source of funding city's share Participation and funding regarding the Valley Regional Planning Commission Mayor's request for discussion of administrative and legislative authority differences CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims: Phillip Edwin Stonebridge - Fall in ditch at So. 7th St. & Burnett- Avenue David Joseph Hovind - Auto accident at Meadow Avenue and No. 2nd Street CITY ENGINEER Petition for underground wiring L.I.D. from Monterey Terrace area Petition for vacation of streets and alley in Earlington Hill area E. A. Holcomb bond to cover project in connection with acceptance of Quit Claim Deed low on street in development LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Code amendment relating to sidewalks (Introductory reading 11/25/68) Transfer of $30,000.00 Cumulative Reserve 1894 funds to Non-Departmental expending budgetary account to furnish and equip lunchroom and other needed furnishings and ewuipment in regard to city hall furnishings bid call Creation of L.I.D. 261, Sanitary Sewers, vicinity of S.E. 93rd and Lake Wn. Blvd. LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Petition for underground wiring L.I.D. in Monterey Terrace area Puget Sound Power and Light Co. underground wiring agreement fulfillment in general area of the Civic Center site . MAYOR AND BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Petition for annexation of property to Renton - Hugh Goldsmith & Associates, vicinity of 132nd Ave. S.E . and S.E . 103rd Street PROPERTY COMMITTEE M. W. Lotto request for relocation of 12th Place in Renton Highlands TRAFFIC ENGINEER Petition for underground wiring L.I.D. in Monterey Terrace area George Atwood request for street light in vicinity of residence at 310 Earlington Ave. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Petition for vacation of streets and alleys in Earlington Hill area MEETINGS: Property Committee following this Council meeting 11/27/68 - Planning Committee at 4:00 p.m. 12/2/68 - Street and Alley Committee at 7:00 p.m./Light and Power Committee at 6:30 p.m. Ways and Means Committee at 7:30 p.m. it i I I 456 M I N.,U_ T..E, S RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk November 25, 1968 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Renton Municipal Building, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Trimm, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. Absent: Delaurenti and Perry. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Sha to excuse the absent Council Members. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Director , Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Bernard Ruppert, Building Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, and Jack Jones, Librarian. Minutes of the previous meeting were corrected by Councilman Schellert who noted on Page 2, Paragraph 4, third sentence from the bottom, that the motion was seconded by Perry which was in error. The motion was seconded by Garrett. It was moved by Garrett and seconded by Bruce, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of November 18, 1968 be approved as corrected. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: L.I.D. 258, Sanitary Sewers, Kennydale area (Continued from 11/18/68) This being the date set, the hearing was declared continued and open for discussion. A Letter from L.I.D. 258 District Committee, J. R. Fawcett, H. F. Dalrymple, Mike Potoshnik, Jr., and Vernon Stromberg, Members, calling attention to additional factors in regard to city financial participation and pointing out provisions of the State Code whereby citi^s may recover L.I.D. costs. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, submitted. the Final Assessment Roll for L.I.D. 258 in total sum of $46,744.85 revised to reflect the city part4_cipation in sum of $5,647.73 per council action at its previous meeting. Moved by B :;:ci, seconded by Grant, to close the hearing. The motion carried and the hearin:,, was declared closed. Further council action was invited and it was moved by Garrett, seconded h • ; arei, to approve the final roll as presented by the City Engineer and to refer the mat'-er to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Ordinance. Carried. Discussion ensued in ro and to funding; of the city's portion of the costs and it was subsequently moved by ;:,rant, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Ways and Means Committee to report back. Carried. Visiting guests from the Honey Dew Boy Scoutsy Troup 490,were extended a welcome by Mayor C,ster at this time. There were 16 members of the troup present along with Charles D. Olson, Scoutmaster and Richard W. Beimer, Assistant Scoutmaster. This is Sccut Citizens Mont`; and the boys are working on citizenship merit badges. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION Proposed ordinance was presented and first reading recommended by Law and Ordinance Com- mittee Chairman Trimm. The document was read proposing amendment to Chapter 7, Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of City of Renton Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to maintenance of sidewalks, repair., duty and liability of abutting owner and matters relating thereto. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, to refer the proposed Ordinance back to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: rqK Councilman Trimm presented proposed Ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 258 for the improvement of a certain area within the city by construction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; levying tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improve- ment fund, District No. 258 of the city as created by Ordinance No. 2407. Moved by Morris, seconded by Trimm, to place the proposed ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2445 as read. Roll call followed, the vote resulting in all ayes and the motion was carried. -1- 45 �P Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/25/68 RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: Resolutions were presented and adopted as follows: Resolution- 1594,declaring former city hall buildings and appurtenances,located in Cedar River Park, surplus and authorizing razing and disposition through the Proper�y -Com- mittee upon such terms and conditions as are most favorable to the City. Motion by Barei, seconded by Garrett carried, adopting the Resolution. Resolution No. 1585 upon motion by Morris, seconded by Edwards, authorizing appropriation WNWof excess revenues in the Urban Arterial Fund to acct. 1250/606 in sum of $74,811.02. Resolution No. 1586 adopted upon motion by Schellert, second by Grant, authorizing transfer of $2,260.00 from Acct. No. 3600, Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 2373, unto Current Fund, Traffic Engineering, Acct. 1172/Capital Outlay 602. (To fund street department costs in connection with underground wiring improvement on No. 3rd-4th Streets.) Mayor Custer at this time introduced Mayor Stan Minkler of Tukwila and Tukwila City Councilman Dick Bowen. Mayor Minkler expressed pleasure at being in attendance, recalling prior and current discussions with regard to the boundaries between the two cities, noting present good relationships and affirming continuation of the same in the future. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Mr. Gary Dime, President, Monterey Terrace Community Club, submitted attached petition for creation of an L.I.D. for conversion of power, telephone and cable T.V. to underground facilities and installation of ornamental street lighting system in the Monterey Terrace plat area. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to refer the petition to the Light and Power Committee and Traffic Engineer to report back. Moved by Morris, seconded by Barei, to refer the matter also to the City Engineer for a report as to validity of the signatures and petition. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Letter from Joseph F. Lightfoot, Chief Clerk, King County Boundary Review Board, reported U. receipt of notice of intention from King County Water District #107 to annex territory to the district (Sutherland Temporary File #11-4, Co. Rev. Bd.) . Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Garrett, to refer the letter to the Board of Public Works for recommendation. Carried. Notice from the Boundary Review Board reported public hearing to be held in Rm. 402, King County Courthouse, Seattle on December 19, 1968 after 1:30 p.m. to consider annexation to Renton of an area which has been modified by the Boundary Review Board to include certain additional area. Boundary Review Board File #114. City of Renton File 68-06, Sanders et al, vicinity S.E . 132nd and 106th S.E. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to refer the matter to the Board of Public Works for recommendation. The motion carried. Petition of Hullin, Ehrlichman, Roberts & Hodge, Attorneys at Law, filed Petition for the vacation of various streets and alleys and portions thereof in the City of Renton in the Earlington Hill area as described therein and signed by D. M. Pettibone, Pres. , Edgewater Enterprises, Inc. , Harold K. Thevik, Secretary, Edgewater Enterprises, Inc. , Mike W. Lotto, M. B. Investment Co., William J. O'Neil, M. B. Investment Co., Charles M. Mattaini, Pres., Homeland Associates, Inc. and Walt Konrad, Sec.-Treas., Homeland Associates, Inc. The $100.00 processing fee was filed with the petition. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to refer the petition to the City Engineer and Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. Claims.:filed against the City by Phillip Edwin Stonebridge in connection with injuries sustained from fall into ditch at So. 7th Street and Burnett Ave . So. , and from David 'r" Joseph Hovind in connection with auto accident at intersection of Meadow Avenue and North 2nd Street, were read. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to refer the Claims to the City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier. Carried. Petition from Hugh Goldsmith & Associates amended area to be annexed to the City of Renton and City Engineer's report advised that the property in the vicinity of 132nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 103rd Street was located immediately North of the new Glencoe Housing Subdivision and contains app. 42.5 acres with an assessed valuation of $26,990.00. The signatures on the petition represent 76.77% of assessed valuation of the property. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to refer the petition to the Mayor and Boundary Review Board for further processing in accordance with the law. Carried. -2- - ) Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/25/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Letter from E. A. Holcomb, 13422 Sunset Blvd. East, called attention to development under construction noting that due to rain he wishes to delay final finish of the road until spring. It was requested that the City accept the right of way inasmuch as lender will not release funds on second group of buildings until the road has been accepted; Quit Claim Deed to be conveyed to the City by the owner and Performance Bond offered as good faith instrumant. Moved by Barei, seconded by Grant, to accept the road and Deed therefor upon posting of Performance Bond with referral to the City Engineer to determine proper amount of bond. Carried. IR Letter from W. E. Bennett, President, Civitan Club, requested No-Fee Permit to sell fruit �` cake in the City of Renton between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to grant the request. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer recommended transfer of $30,000.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 unto Current Fund, Non-Departmental Acct. 1141/606, Capital Outlay, to allow funding of the lunchroom furnishings and equipment and other sundry furnishings within the building as required. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane to recess. Recess was declared. After the recess roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. APPOINTMENTS: , Committee of the Whole report was made by Council President Garrett and concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Mrs. Nancy Monahan as member of the Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Ethel Hanis who resignedjwas recommended. The appointment is effective December 1, 1968. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, to concur. Carried. The Committee of the Whole, in regard to request of the City of Kent to utilize portion of City of Renton right of way for 10" watermain,(South 180th Street), recommended ri referral to the Board of Public Works for recommendation and investigation regarding 0 fire hydrants and the Board to secure an opinion from the Valley Regional Planning Com- mission and report back. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur. Carried. LL 77 Street and Alley Committee report was made by Chairman Garrett who advised,in regard to a Great American Insurance Company's Safety Director's suggestion that Shattuck Street be Ld 0 permanently closed, that traffic count revealed 13,006 automobiles use the underpass each �- day and it was consequently recommended that it not be closed. Moved by Trimm, seconded U H by Shane, to concur. Carried. a: pZ The Street and Alley Committee, in regard to request of M. W. Lotto for relocation of 12th Place in the Renton Highlands and exchange of property to substitute a new "H" Street connection, recommended that the matter be referred to the Property Committee to meet and determine if there can be an exchange of public use property or vacation of the old street, and if so, if vacation fee is to be required or property exchange agree- ment can be made. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Grant reported inquiry of Mr. George Atwood, 310 Earlington Avenue, for a street light in vicinity of his residence. Moved by Grant, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Traffic Engineer for report back as to his determination of need for same . The motion carried. Councilman Grant proposed motion that there be a report made to the Council in regard to whether the agreement executed by Puget Sound Power and Light Company in regard to the undergrounding in general area of Civic Center Complex has been fulfilled and conditions CIL met. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards to refer the matter to the Light and Power Committee for report. Mayor Custer reported as the Administrative side of government, that this could be pursued through the channel of Department Heads and his office there being no determination of legislative policy involved.) The motion carried. Mr. Chas. McGarrigle of. Puget Power reported that certain poles are remaining since another utility utilizing them has not yet removed removed their wires, and that portion of the agreement has not been consumated. Councilman Grant suggested that City Engineer Wilson furnish information as to when the Shattuck Street underpass improvement might be made and advise the Committee of the Whole, some priority perhaps being needed. Councilman Shane, Sanitation Committee Chairman, reported recommendation that request for sewer services to properties outside the city be granted with fees to be equal to assessments initially charged at time of the L.I.D. installation, and proposed motion -3- 459 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/25/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: to that effect with regard to the Dale A. Crampton request of 10/7/68. During discussion it was noted that each parcel was to be decided on its own merit instead of general policy for all properties and it was subsequently moved by Shane, seconded by Edwards, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. Mayor Custer inquired regarding the turkey throwing event held Sunday at the Sahara Tavern by Councilman Shane . Mr. Shane reported that it drew a great crowd of people, the Champion turkey throwers and catchers being present from Los Angeles, Salt Lake and Kentucky, who were disappointed to find the humane society officer present and prohibiting the contest. "OwParticipants appeared with nets, shot guns, baseball bats, etc. and the event was attended by the Sheriff's officers, State Patrol and the various local authorities who were directing traffic and maintaining general order. The event ended up in a drawing for the 50 birds. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman, Councilman Morris, submitted report of approval of vouchers No. 6102 through 6242 by Committee and moved that same be approved by the Council at this time for payment. The motion was seconded by Schellert and Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 6102 - 6144 $ 12,283.58 City Street Fund 6145 - 6151 7,887.98 Equipment Rental 6152 - 6155 105.12 Library 6156 - 6212 5,189..27 Parks 6213 - 6219 1,60 8.25 Waterworks Utility 6220 - 6230 14,713.5$ Airport 6231 - 6233 220.39 Firemen's Pension Fund 6234 - 6242 3,649.08 $ 45,6!37.21 Councilman Morris, reported regarding referral on November 18, concerning Rumsey & Company request for additional 25-day extension to C.AG. 1228-68, Tennis Court surfacing and repair, recommendation to extend the contract completion date as requested. Moved by Schellert and seconded by Edwards, to concur. Carried. Motion proposed by Morris to refer the No. 3rd - 4th Street Underground Wiring Agreement fulfillment to the Light and Power Committee was withdrawn it being noted that the matter has already been referred to that Committee as well as the Street and Alley Committee and the Committee of the Whole. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Schellert submitted report which was read recommending in regard to 11/4/68 referral, tiiac funding of $300.00 appraisal costs due Louis Peretti for the portion of Lake Wn. Blvd. to be vacated to the Boeing Company, be appropriated from excess revenue in the. Current Fund unto Current Fund Non-Departmental Account 1141, Expert Services #314. Moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to concur. Carried. Councilman Schellert moved that the matter of sewer charges to be effected on property located outside the City be referred to the Committee of the Whole for policy. Carried. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Street'and-Alley Committee at 7:00 p.m. on December 2. Councilman Maxin announced a meeting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday, November 27, at 4:00 p.m. and the City Attorney was requested to attend. Councilman Grant announced a meeting of the Light and Power Committee on December 2, at 6:30 p.m. in his Council office on the 6th floor. Councilman Shane, Sanitation Committee Chairman, submitted report regarding petition of %mll/4/68 for sanitary sewer L.I.D. (No. 261) in vicinity of S.E. 93rd Street and Lake Wn. Blvd., and it was noted that signatures represent 69.255y, of the abutting frontage and 67.87% of the area of the proposed district, which percentages exceed substantially the minimum required to create the district. Letter from Dina Fontana requestion inclusion of her property in the L.I.D since the line would be passing the property and the request is satisfactory to the Committee, it being recommended therefore that the Council authorize creation of the L.I.D. as enlarged to include additonal area. Moved by Schellert, second by Shane, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Shane reported inquiries as to why City Hall remains lighted all night long. Mayor C4@t@r advj@@d that the building is heated by ,a new system whereby body heat and b@@t frw the light@ i® r@@l@imed and forced back through the building and lights must main mf it also being noted that it is more economical in regard to the matter of ballast -4- 400 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 11/25/68 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: to leave the lights on rather than switching them on and off. The system at present is in the state of experimentation as to the most economical operation. It was suggested that the newspapers give some publication to the matter for public benefit and knowledge . Councilman Shane inquired as to whether city participation could be considered and costs be assessed accordingly on future L.I.D. 's rather than to wait until the final roll is filed, some policy required regarding mode of funding, excess sewer revenues being recom- mended as source on Sanitary sewer L.I.D.s. in regard to city participation. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried Councilman Shane inquired regarding benefit derived from services of the Valley Regional Planning Commission and moved that the matter of participation and funding of same be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. Councilman Barei requested the Property Committee to meet following this Council meeting in his office on the 6th floor. Mr. Lotto, the City Engineer,City Attorney and the Mayor were requested to attend to discuss the relocation of 12th Place. Mayor Custer advised he would not wish to participate since he does have a business located in the shopping center concerned. Councilman Schellert, requested a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on Monday, December 2, at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Custer requested that the Committee of the Whole discuss the matter of administrative and legislative authority it being felt that consideration should be given by the Council to the differences involved. Mr. Ernie Coleman, 10208 S.E. 88th Ave. So. , requested the Council to give serious thought to providing sanitary sewer services to the Kennydale Island area. It was noted that annexation petitions are presently circulating in the area as well as Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. petitions. Mr. Coleman requested the city to consider annexing portions of the Island,his area being willing to annex and to participate in a sanitary sewer L.I.D. Mr. Coleman extended invitation to visit the new Valley General Hospital site which project is now about 50% completed and at this stage,much of the two million dollars in engineering costs being readily visible. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Trim, and seconded by Maxin, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. 'A . Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- r 1® i'ic City .Cl.:r; PERiAITS ISSUED BY THE CUILDit`v MD ENGINEER11Z DEPARThENTS " BUILDING PERh11 TS No, Amount Name Address Type of Ilork B 1453 L - - Carl A. Olson 1539 North liar i on Demolish Res i deme 11-;.54 2p500.00 George Bryant 318 Stevens Street Add 810" to Liv. Rm. 8 11-05 252.00 The Boeing Company L;-21. 1., 1-12 Construct Partition 1456 500.00 The Boeing Company 10.-80, S/25 Construct Curtain Tk, 1457 182.00 The Boeing Company 4.-01..2, E-9 install Door &- Track 1458 500.00 Joseph Dugdale 374 7th Ave. No. install Cycl. Fence 1459 = McGrath Corp. 13520 SE 106th PI.- New Residence B 1460 10,000.00 I':!i 11 i am H. Larson 71LI, High Ave. So. Addition to Residence 1461 19,000.00 PcGrath Corp. l065Lk 135th Ave. Netw Residence= 11162 350.00 Arthur D. Scholes 15526 120 Ave. SE Complete Laundry Rm. 463 11.00.00 Sound Floor Cover. 720 Lind Ave. S. 'W. Fence for Tank E LECTR I CAL PERi.`,I TS E ! 7^900.00 Gene Casal 12504 85th Ave. So. ':lire New Residence 1442 674.00 I°lashington Wlholesa1.705 SI'! 7th St. Install Floor Duct 11:43 400.00 Bell d, Valdez 2012 SE 21st Court 'Vire New Residence iL.-L,4 LLOO.CO Bell u. Valdez 2018 SE 21s'- Court W i re New Residence E 11;45 400.00 Bell & Valdez 202L;. SE 21st Court Irl i re New Residence iL'1.4 400.GO Bell a Valdez 2030 SE 21st Court Wire New Residence IW 400.00 Bell & Valdez 2033 SE 21st Court v'ri re New Residence IU'-8 400.00 Belt & Valdez 2027 SE 21st Court !'l i re New Residence 11!19 40 100 Bell & Valdez 2021 SE 21 L t Court 'A re New Residence E 11;50 134.00 The Boe 1 ng Company 1,-21. 1,,I, 1-12 Two 15 AAP Recec t i c. 1451 50.00 Renton Self Park 8th Ave. Park Ave. No, New Strike to Bldg, IL..52 300.00 The Boeing Company Trailer NI'! Coro 4-20 instaII feeders 1453 99.00 The Boeing Company 4-64, K/L-30 Power to Xerox );.00 IL;.54 151.00 The Boeing Company 10-56, H-3N Po�-/er to Heater E 1455 500.00 The Boeing Company 4-04, D/I 1 Rearrange Prod. Eng. 1456 125.00 The Boeing Company 10..80, L-16 Po-,;er to reioc. CDC 1457 250.00 The Boeing Company 10-71. 1. F-5-21' Power to Converter 1458 400.00 Model Homes, Inc. 2807 Prince Ave, Fire New Residence 1459 50.00 Bell & Valdez 2015 SE 21st Count Temporary Service ' E 1460 50.00 if 1'317 Alder PI ln.r 1461 50.00 " 1823 Alder P i " 11;.62 50.00 " 2012 Alder P I SE " 1463 50,00 " 2011 SE 20+•h Cf# " 1464 50.00 " 2033 SE 21st Cf. " E 1465 50.00 Alco Battery 415 So. 7th St, " 1466 50.00 NbGrath Corp, 10657 135th SE 1467 50.00 J D Stewart Lk '.`!n. B 1 vd w Houser Way " 146a 50.00 HughFerguson Const 17100 `.'! Valley HWy 1469 Gall & Landau 3000 Royal Hills Dr " E 1470 50.00 It it II 1471 50,00 11 it ,1 14.72 50,00 Kennydale Lion Club 2429 5th N " 1473 50,00 11:aGrat;i Corp 10�35 134th SE " 14-14 50,00 Lane Bldg, Co 10525 86th S " E 1475 50.00 East Hi 1I :fomes 1707 Upland Cf " 106 50.00 Galt Landau 3000 Royal Hills Dr " 1477 50.00 11 3000 Royal Hills Dr " 1478 50.00 h1cGrath Corp 10723 134th SE 11 1479 434.00 It 13507 SE 107th P1 Wire new residence E 11.80 340.00 " 13516 SE 107th PI 11 11.81 Li_50.00 " 10603 135th Ave SE " ILt.32 L 26.00 " 10714 134th Ave SE " 11_;.x3 426.00 " io629 134th Ave SE " 14.81;. 50.00 Const. Panco S 180th & 30th PI S Temp, service MECHANICAL PERivIITS 7-145z-- � h1cGrath Corp IC635 134th Ave SE Inst gas furnace 1457 10536 135th Ave se 11 1453 " IC648 135th SE it 1459 131-12 106th St SE it i.i 1460 K Baxter 207 3rd St Inst furnace 1461 Conner Const Co 1237 871-h Ave S Inst Gas furnace 1462 Royal Hills inc 3000 Royal Hills Dr Plumbing c, fixtures 1463 r n u 11;.64 iJ It it !:1 1465 11 li Ii 1466 JA Banaroya Co 310 Thomas Ave S1." Inst gas piping 1467 U li Inst wash basin 14.68 The Soe1ng Co 4.-21 Bldg Replace tanks 46 Office of the City Clerk Permits cont. MECHANICAL PER1,11TS cont. TTI469 E A Holcomb Const 13422 Sunset Blvd E Plumbing 1; fixtures A 1470 l:icGrath Corp 10530 135th Ave SE " 1471 " 10645 135th Ave SE " 1472 " 13520 106th PI SE 1473 " 10648 135th Ave SE " 1474 " 10536 135th Ave SE to 1475 " 10635 134th Ave SE " 1476 " 13412 Iobth SE " �r 1477 Harold Enger 322 Burnett Ave N Inst heater 1478 J 0 Watkins 15043 89th Ave S Septic & drainfiel 1479 Tiffany Dev. Co 15508 121st PI SE Plumbing L; fixtures m 1480 It 15508 120th SE „ 1481 It 15498 121st PI SE " SEWER PERIAITS 596 Bank of the West 2950 Sunset Blvd E Sewer service 597 it " " 598 ftGrath 13507 SE 107th PI " 599 " 13431 SE 107th PI '} 600 " 13346 SE 107th PI „ 601 " 10629 134th Ave SE " 602 " 10729 134th SE 'r 603 " 10735 134th SE " 604 " 13516 SE 107th PI " 605 " 10603 135th SE 6C6 Don Yee 9151 100th SE 607 Pearl Ank 9855 SE 93rd 608 Gall & Landau 3000 Royal Hills Blvd " 609 6,.o �1. ►� �� 6;2 61!4 Gall Landau 3000 Royal Hills Blvd " Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of November: TO CLAIMS FUND: FROM: CURRENT 42,735,50 URBAN ARTERIAL 62,903,81 CITY STREET 15,073.21 CEDAR RIVER M&I 35.88 EQUIPhM1ENT RENTAL 4,443.33 LIBRARY 5,754.92 PA RKS 52,413.77 WATERWORKS 69,385-59 AIRPORT 824.59 F I REMiEN'S PENSION 3,649.08 CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION 9,503. TOTAL CLAIMS FOR NOVEMBER . 266,73372 TO PAYROLL FUND: FROM: CURRENT 1400208.73 STREET 19,685.80 CEDAR RIVER M&I 596.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5,1.{42.74 LIBRARY 9,524.72 PARKS 17, 105.84 WATERWORKS UTILITY 20,366.38 AIRPORT 1,420.00 FIREMENIS PENSION 90.82 TOTAL PAYROLL FUND FOR NOV, 2140 4 . 46if 1 0 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk December 2, 1968 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Vacation of Streets and Alleys in Earlington Flats area (83rd Ave . So. and So. 150th Pl. ) CITY CLERK To report feasibility of weekly calendar of progress of items presented to Council COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Franchise Ordinance for Seattle City Light, the two City Councils and City Light representatives to meet jointly. CITY ENGINEER and FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE To pursue matter of City of Renton serving Talbot Hill with water in lieu of Seattle water being provided LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance establishing coordinated grid system of new street designations Recommendation requested in regard to elimination of Utility Tax entirely Vacation of Streets and Alleys in Earlington Flats area/Public Hearing Resolution Appropriation of $5,617.78 from excess Waterworks Utility Fund to budgetary Acct. 1820, 605, Covers, for City participation in L.I.D. 258 i Placing initiative on ballot of March 11, 1969 regarding fluoridating Renton water supply PLANNING COMMISSION Vacation of Streets and alleys in Earlington Flats area in vicinity of 83rd Ave. So. and So. 150th Place/Recommendation .requested for public hearing, date to be set STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Notice of SubCommittee meeting re proposed Auburn-Bothell Freeway, Dec. 17th at 3:45 p.m. Tyee Jr. High School, Eastgate Designation of block numbers on street signs in new grid system project MEETINGS & EVENTS: 12/4/68 - Street and Alley Committee at 7:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole at 7:30 p.m. 12/9/68 - Light and Power Committee at 6:30 p.m. 464 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk MINUTES December 2, 1968 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Morris, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert. Absent: Trimm. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert that the absent Council Member be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief and Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director. Councilman President Garrett invited corrections or additions to the minutes of the previous meeting and Councilman Grant noted error on Page 3, Paragraph 6, wherein the Shattuck Street Underpass count designated 13,006 vehicles using the route each day. The number should have been 1300. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Grant, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of November 25, 1968 as corrected. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Establishing a Coordinated Grid System of New Street Designations. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Mayor Custer made a presentation regarding the proposed street renaming program recalling initial implementation by the prior city council and noting changes effected heretofore in the downtown core area of the city and vicinity under the first phase of the program. Map of the proposed grid system was displayed which divided the city into six sections a 330 ft. block system being used in converting addresses, the new designations to eliminate conflicting systems now operating in the city, to facilitate emergency (police and fire, etc.) service, to standardize and improve street name signs, provide more convenient and logical three and four digit numbering system and allowing less problem in regard to locating addresses. Discussion ensued regarding effect the changes will have upon property deeds and titles of record, Mayor Custer noting the County will be notified of the changes along with 12 or so other entities. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Frank Storey inquired regarding street naming process and as to details of the map as far as division lines are concerned. Mode of segregation of areas and selection of dividing lines for the six—part division of the City were discussed, Mayor Custer outlining same on the wall map and noting freeways and terrain as being conducive factors. During further discussion, question was raised whether or not to designate block numbers on the signs, Mayor Custer noting additional costs to be involved in such event with $130.15 being estimated as cost at present,without numbers,for each sign. (See action and later motion to refer to the Street and Alley Committee for a recommendation) . Upon inquiry of Mr. Norman Ross, time element was discussed with regard to notification to various residents, firms and agencies who will need to reprogram computers and revise operations to correct directories, billings, stationery and other documents which might contain addresses, Mrs. Margaret Evans urging adequate public notice to avoid criticism. Proposed motion to continue the hearing with referral to committee failed, the time aspect with regard to conversions and public notification being emphasized. Matter of name selection was discussed including comment of Mr. Vaughn that names of cities may cause mail conflict. Various recommendations for name changes were made and it was moved by Perry, seconded by Grant that "H" Place be called Iowa Street rather than Index Avenu N . E . The motion carried. (See later rescinding action) . Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, that IIJII Street be named Kennedy Street, rather than Kirkland Avenue N.E. Costs involved in revision to the signs were discussed and suggestions followed that names of pioneers and early developers and prominent local persons be used in street naming rather than cities and states, Mrs. Evans expressing opinion that streets with names of the early residents should remain unchanged, noting that Grandey Way is not connected with the Monterey Terrace area. The pending motion carried. (See later rescinding action) . Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane that I'M" Street , North of Sunset Blvd, be named Nixon Street rather than Newport Avenue N.E . Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was taken as follows: Aye: Schellert, Bruce, Grant and Shane. No: Garrett, Morris, Delaurenti, Perry, Tdwards, Mein and Barei. The motion failed. —1— 4 c Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/2/68 PUBLIC HEARING: Establishing Coordinated Grid System (Cont.) Traffic Engineer Rick Silva noted little objection during address survey by house check. Moved by Barei, seconded by Morris, to rescind the previous action in reference to substituting Iowa for Index and Kennedy for Kirkland designations. Discussion ensued regarding permissibility of rescinding rather than reconsidering the motion. The voice vote on the motion was dissenting and roll call resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Edwards, Bruce and Barei. No: Perry, Maxin, Grant and Shane. The motion failed since a motion to rescind requires 2/3 majority to carry3 the motion to reconsider requiring only a majority affirmative vote. It was subsequently moved by Garrett, seconded by Morris, to change the Iowa designation back to Index Avenue N .E. and Kennedy Avenue back to Kirkland Avenue N.E. Grant called for point of order inquiring whether the motion was dilatory and in effect a rescinding action. Attorney Shellan advised that dilatory actions are delaying actions and the motion to change the street names,which is an independent motion,is in order and a legal one although it may serve to get around the action previously taken, delaying action being evident all through the proceedings on this matter heretofore . Dissenting v6ice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Shane, Grant, Perry and Schellert. The motion carried, 7 to 4. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, the hearing be closed and Council approve the proposed ordinance with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The chair ruled the motion carried and roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Barei, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. No: Shane, Grant and Perry. The motion carried 8 to 3. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: Councilman Edwards, Law and Ordinance Committee member, submitted proposed ordinance of the City establishing a coordinated grid system of new street designations. Moved by Barei, seconded by Garrett, to place the proposed ordinance on first reading. Carried. After the introductory reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Grant inquired if preliminary and final letters of notification will be mailed out and the Mayor replied affirmatively. The pending motion carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Morris, to publish the document as a proposed ordinance so that the public may be further advised. The motion carried. It was noted that it would be impossible to have street names that would be satisfactory to everyone and that a great deal of study and discussion had been involved in naming of the streets. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Proposed Ordinance was submitted and placed on first reading amending Sections 5-104 and 5-107 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to utility taxes and exemptions therefrom. (Reducing Utility B. & 0. Tax from 3% to 2%) Moved by Edwards, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading. The motion carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2444 as read. Roll call vote resulted as follows: Aye: Garrett, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Perry, Delaurenti, Schellert and Morris. No: Shane and Grant. Barei was absent for the vote . The motion carried 8 to 2. Proposed Ordinance was presented ordering construction and installation of certain water mains and appurtenances thereto in the vicinity of East Valley Highway and South 180th Street, all in accordance with Resolution No. 1576 of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington; establishincr Tncal Improvement District No. 260, providing the method of assessment in said district; providing that payment for said improvements be made by special assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds" or notes in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council; providing for the issuance and sale of Local Improvement District Warrants redeemable in cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Notes, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to adopt Ordinance No. 2446 as read. 'fir Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion was declared carried. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: The Law and Ordinance Committee presented Resolutions which were adopted by the Council as follows: Resolution No. 1587 authorizing transfer of $30,000.00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894, unto Non-Departmental 1141/606, Capital Outlay Account, Current Fund. (To provide for lunchroom and other building furnishings and equipment) Motion by Schellert, seconded by Maxin parried. -2- 466 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/2/68 RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION (Cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing the transfer of $300.00 from excess revenues in the Current Fund unto Non- Departmental Account 1141, 314, Expert Services in the Current Fund, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Edwards, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1588 as read. The motion carried. Moved by Shane, Seconded by Grant, to refer the matter of eliminating the Utility Tax to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation. The motion was voted upon and dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call vote which was taken as follows: Aye: Garrett, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Perry and Morris. No: Barei, Shane, Grant, Delaurenti and Schellert. Carried, 6 to 5. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to amend the council rules and regulations ordinance to require committees to report back on matters within 60 days of referral. The vote was declared to be in the negative majority and roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Perry, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. No: Garrett, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Edwards and Maxin. The motion lost, 6 to 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, reported that the petition for the vacation of South 150th Place, between 80th and 84th Avenues South; 83rd Avenue South, between Grady Way South and FAI 405, and alleys adjoining said streets, contained signatures which represent 93.69% of the abutting front footage . (Hullin, Ehrlichman, Roberts & Hodge, Attorneys for Petitioners who filed for the vacation on 11/25/68) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for resolution setting date for hearing. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to refer this matter to the Board of Public Works and the Planning Commission for recommendation at the hearing. Carried. Letter from Washington Wholesalers, Inc. 770 South Michigan Street, Seattle, Thomas F. Myers, Executive Vice-President, appealed variance denial by the Board of Adjustment concerning request for reduction in parking stalls from the code requirement. It was felt that perhaps the company presentation was inadequate and did not justify that a It hardship existed. Further infornD tion and details of proposed development attached was filed for council consideration. Moved by Morris and seconded by Barei, that the VJ hearing on this matter be set for December 9, 1968 . Carried. Letter from the State Joint Committee on Highways gave notice of Subcommittee on Exten- sions meeting on Tuesday, December 17, 1968 at 3:45 p.m. at Tyee Jr. High School Cafeteria, Eastgate, 13630 Allen Road, on the proposed Auburn-Bothell freeway. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the meeting notice to the Street and Alley Committee . Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment the final estimate on work performed by Red Samm Mining Co. on raising of Lake Wn. Blvd. in the vicinity of Lake Wn. Beach Park, C.AG. 1350-68, in sum of $11,197.31. Acceptance by the Council as of December 2, and commencement of the 30 day lien period was recommended with release thereafter if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities, $1,244.15 being the retained percentage withheld. Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, to concur. Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Norman Ross, on behalf of the Kennydale Lions Club thanked the Council and City Departments for cooperation and courtesies in regard to the Club's Haunted House fund raising project held at Halloween time in October. The Club as a result of the success- ful event will be issuing a check for $1,000.00 to the Handicapped Children's program. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the King County Boundary Review Board had recommended enlargement of the Sanders et al property annexation area to include that ; portion of rising County lying East of 132nd Avenue S.E. Amended petition was attached and signatures thereon represent 77% of the assessed valuation of the additional area and when combined with original signatories total 86.65% of the assessed valuation of the combined area. The Board of Public Works letter was also attached recommending addition of the property and modification of the petition and acceptance accordingly. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to approve the Boundary Review Board recommendation and to accept the modified petition for inclusion of additional territory to the Sanders et al annexation, BRB File 7-5, Renton file A68-06. (132nd Ave. S.E. and S.E. 106th St.) The motion carried. -3- Minutes - Renton Cite i ;unc i._l. Mut--:t i its; 12/2/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Street and Alley Committee Chairman, Councilman Garrett, submit.tc=d for reacting, letter from the Washington State Higi)way Commission regarding traffic ±53fety on the freeway, advising that the Department of Highways is proceeding to install fta,,hing amber lights on each roadway approaching the Cedar River curves which lights wi.l.? be in operation within two weeks or so. A Bureau of Public Roads concurrence has also been received for safety improvement: project in the problem areas which will consist of grooving the pavement which will be experimental .in nature, studies to be made to determine the effectiveness. i The matter of report on vacation of streets and alleys in the Ear.li.ngton Flats area, referral of 11/25/68, will be held until after the public hearing meeting. Planning Committee Chairman, Councilman Maxin, reported that the sign ordinance has been studied and proposed revisions will be submitted in the near future . Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman, Councilman Morris, reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 6243 through 6335 and moved that the Council approve same for payment at this time . The motion was seconded by Maxin and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 6,824.51 6243 - 6285 City Street Fund 11.,377.13 6286 - 6291 Cedar River M. &r .. 277.77 6292 Equipment Rental 975.10 6293 -- 6305 Parks 2,746.06 6:306 - 6312 Waterworks UtiA.iiy 668.16 6313 - 6322 Airport 73.63 6323 - 6324 Firemen's Pension Fund 402.31 6325 - 6335 $ 23,344.67 Ways and Means Committee Chairman, Councilman Schellert, submitted report recommending that $5,617.78 be appropriated from excess revenues in the Waterworks Utility Fund unto Waterworks Utility Fund Account 1820, 605, cover fund, to finance city participation in L.I.D. 258, Kennydale Sanitary Sewer System. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, �o concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to efer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilman Grant suggested that the Council Committee on Committees review the present Committees and their function and operation with thought in mind of cons6lidating- some'and the formation of some additional new committees and that perhaps the Committee of the Whole mi.zht discuss the matter also. Councilman Grant also requested the Committee of the Whole to consider the possibility of the City Clerk's office or some other department preparing a calendar such as prepared by the State Legislature based on yearly actions of Committees,showing where a proposal was at the end of the year in relation to where it started, and perhaps once a week progress shown on each item. Council President Garrett noted that the referral fly sheets on the front of the Minutes show what is in committee and as reports are made the items can be checked off and each Committee thereby can keep track of items still pending. Councilman Grant stated his concern was that the general public be able to see where a matter is at the time they pose the question, and it was moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, that the City Clerk look into the possibility or feasibility of preparing a weekly calendar and report back next week. Carried. Councilman Grant announced a Light and Power Committee meeting on Monday, December 9, at 6;30 p.m. C 'loved by Shane, seconded by Grant, that the proposed Franchise Ordinance concerning Seattle :ity Light Company be brought out of Committee and placed before the Council for discussion. y, assenting voice vote brought request: for roll call vote which was t:a?.en as follows: Aye: Bare!, Sh.ano, Grant.:; Bruce, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Gar.ret.r, Maxin, Edwards, Perry and Schellert. Thc- :i,otion carried 6 to 5. Councilman Grant presented for reading letter from Mr. J.,hn M. Felson, Sup t. of Lighting, Seattle City Depa-,rtment of Lighting, which transmitter] pruposed changes in the existing wording of the proposed ordinance to provide for payment of a franchise fee in percentage amount on gro i -venues and further revision to exemptthe company from any taxes or payments with regarri it.) property located within the City, or in the event of such assessment, the franchise fe(I percentage to be reduced in equal amount; any additional tax levies to be added to rale charges to customers. Letter from the City Attorney directed to the Law and Ordinance ("ornmittee, reported telephone conversations with Mr. Art Lane of the Corporation Counsel's office of City Light and transmitted the letter from Mr. Nelson. Attorney Shellan advised that the proposed percentage payment of gross revenues would be less advantageous thLr; 0c fli,thod specified -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/2/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Proposed Franchise to Seattle City Light in the proposed Franchise Ordinance noting these matters are questions of policy and not legal issues. It was pointed out that any tax imposed would allow Seattle City Light to add it to the rates charged Renton consumers which rates already include a utility tax imposed by the City of Seattle. Discussion ensued regarding levy of taxes and payments of Ad Valorem or In-Lieu-Of Taxes by a public utility, it being noted that in some cities payment is being made of such taxes, it being pointed out that the Council had directed that an Ordinance be `pre- pared identical to the one issued Puget Sound Power and Light Company which is not satisfactory to Seattle City Light and final terms "of, agreement have not yet been resolived Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, that the Committee of the Whole meet with the Seattle City Council and Seattle City Lighting Department representatives to discuss the proposed Franchise. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Shane, to refer the proposed Franchise Ordinance to the Committee of the Whole. City Attorney Shellan was requested to continue discussions and correspondence with officials of Seattle City Light as when the Ordinance was in the Law and Ordinance Committee, Council President Garrett advising he will request a joint meeting of the Councils. The pending motion carried. Sanitation Committee Chairman, Councilman Shane, submitted report prepared by the Assistant City Engineer, advising that petitions for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. s are now circulating in the Kennydale Island area outside the city limits of Renton, as a result of a meeting held with said property owners on 9/25/68 and the Seattle-King County Health Department at which time L.I.D. formation or immediate repair and restoration of septic tanks was ordered. The petitions, when filed, will require a decision from the City regarding policy on service extended outside the city's corporate limits. Councilman Shane recalled that petitions for annexation are also in circulation and suggested discussion of outside sewer service by the Committee of the Whole. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Council President Garrett announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Wednesday, December 4, at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the sewer service to residents-of 'other municipalities, the Valley Regional Planning Commission participation by the city and its funding, Administra- tive and Legislative authority differences, and Forward Thrust application,, by Park Direct Councilman Schellert moved that the matter of street signs designating block numbers be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The motion was seconded by Shane and carried. Discussion ensued regarding sewer service extension outside the corporate limits of the City and it was pointed out that other cities have not adopted this policy, City Attorney Shellan, upon inquiry, noting that Bonding Counsel should be obtained in this regard to be sure that bonds can be sold for one municipality to serve anothers'residents, a case such as this never having been tested in Court. Councilman Delaurenti inquired regarding the Talbot Hill area water supply and when the City might be serving the area, water now being received from Seattle . Concern was expressed in regard to the recent passage of initiative to fluoridate the Seattle water. City Engineer Wilson advised that service of this area is a part of the overall plan but that several facilities including 6 million gallon ground storage, reservoir at rolling hills site in connection with 16" main, among others would be required. 'A Talbot Hill pumping station could be considered under the present system but it could not be supplied by gravity, the Talbot reservoir not being high enough. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee and the City Engineer to pursue. After discussion regarding mode of funring and source of present supply, point of fluoridation of the Seattle water, and question of fluoridating Renton water, the motion carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Shane, to place an initiative before the electors at the March 11, 1969 election concerning fluoridation of the City of Renton water supply The motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Garrett announced a Street and Alley Committee meeting on Wednesday, December 4, at 7:00 p.m. and requested that the absent council members be advised of this meeting as well as the 7:30 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting. Moved by Maxin, seconded by Bruce, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk _DW. Custer, Mayor -5- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 12/2/68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1464 $125,000.00 People' s Ntl Bank 707 Rainier S . Const . Bank Bldg. B 1465 14, 500.00 Arnold McGinnis 13029 SE 148th it Residence 1466 - - Gunnar Ostlund 8628 So . 150th Demolish Residence 1467 - - - Pioneer Dist. No. 3rd & Wells Covered Walkway 1468 - - - Gambel Construct . 401-90th South Demolish Residence 1469 Void 1470 1, 800.00 Frank Nicolet 519 Shattuck So. Construct Garage 1471 2 ,000.00 Dick J. Colasurdo 3420 No. 4th St . Partition Exist. Bldg. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1485 3 , 600 .00 E. A. Holcomb 13422 Sunset B1vd.E Wire Four-plex 1486 175.00 Alfred Dehaviland 1015 R Street Wire addition MECHANICAL PERMIT M 1482 McGrath Corp. 10654-135th SE Inst . Plbg & Fixtures 1483 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills if 1484 it If " M 1485 Parkwood Homes 719 Spruce Court Inst Furn, Tank etc. 1486 " If If 1487 E. A. Scouller 2004-8th No. Inst . Gas Furnace 1488* Model Homes Inc. 2807 Prince Ave. " M 1490 Leslie E. Sturman 11630 S . E. 104th PL Inst . Septic Tank 1491 R. S . Shane 11658 SE 100th " 1492 Francis Beckman 1306 K. St . Inst . Heaters 1489* Void -6- 470 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk December 9, 1968 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Firemen's Pension Fund transfers requested for Pension and Disability accounts, $7,000.00 Transfer of Funds as requested by Traffic Engineer in sum of $56,297.90, from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2373, $45,797.90 and from City Street Fund, $10,500.00 Relocation of 12th Place, vacation of right of way and exchange of property per petition of M. B. Investments, Inc., Renton Highlands Shopping Center location. LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Petition for underground facilities in Monterey Terrace area POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for additional pinball operation in Teddie's Cafe, Maple Valley Highway MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute "Agreement for Care and Custody of Prisoners" CITY ENGINEER Authorized to grant sewer services to single residences outside the city without submitting requests to the Council for approval To report comparable areas concerning relocation of 12th Place at public hearing on the right-of-way vacation, and to furnish maps to each Councilman MEETINGS AND EVENTS: December 10, 1968 - Fire and Water Committee Meeting December 21, 1968 - City Employees Christmas Dinner Dance at Carpenters Hall at 6:30 p.m. Ballot Propositions Authorized: $560,000.00 G. 0. Bond Issue for acquisition of hospital property located in the Highlands area of the City $240,000.00 to improve and equip the highlands site in event of acquisition Annexations - Kennydale Island and Talbot Hill Island RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGUTAAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk MINUTES December 9, 1968 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Schellert, and absent were Garrett and Morris. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Bruce, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. *MW OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Lynn Andrews, Asst. Traffic Engineer. Moved by Maxin, seconded by Edwards, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 2, 1968 be approved as written. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Appeal by Washington Wholesalers, Inc. of Board of Adjustment decision in denial of variance from parking requirements of the Code. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communi- cations received and audience comment was invited. Mr. Thomas F. Myers, Vice-President of Washington Wholesalers, Inc., addressed the Council. It was requested that one parking stall be allowed for every 1500 sq. ft. of area rather than the 800 sq. ft. as required, no deviation being requested from the office parking space requirements but only insofar as the warehouse area is concerned. An estimate of 92 stalls was noted as probable future use requirement with only employees and sales representatives to be utilizing the parking and no public vehicles involved and the 139 stalls requested rather than 205 required were deemed to be more than adequate. If the variance were not allowed it would be necessary to lease extra land which would in fact never be used, or as an alternative to abandon part of the. use of the building, a mezzanine now being planned to house a computer system and question being posed as to whether such area r..t should be considered in the space included in parking requirements. During discussion and inquiries, truck loading and maneuvering zones were mentioned it being noted that other warehouse operations in the vicinity had complied and hardship must exist to qualify for variance. Attention was called to action by the Planning Commission to revise the code requirements in regard to the warehouse parking and the recommendation will be one stall for each 1200 or 1500 sq. ft. of area which proposal will be forthcoming in the near future. Moved by Barei, seconded by Delaurenti, the public hearing be closed. Planning Director Ericksen noted original application as approved by the Planning Commission which included leasing of additional area to provide required parking,which plans have now been revised. After further discussion regarding proposed code amendment, the pending motion carried. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to reverse the Board of Adjustment decision and grant the variance requested. The motion carried. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance of the City, recommending second and final reading, establishing a coordinated grid system of new street designations for the City of Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to adopt Ordinance No. 2447 as read. The motion was debated, Shane expressing desire to use names of Pioneers, and subsequent action by Delaurenti. and Edwards moving the previous question resulted in dissenting voice vote and roll call vote was then taken as follows: Aye: Barei, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Delaurenti and Schellert. No: Shane, Grant and Perry. The motion carried. (Note subsequent action to include designation of block numbers on street signs) . RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: The following Resolution were adopted by the City Council this date: 1590 - Setting date of January 13, 1969 for public hearing on petition of M. B. Enter- prises et al for vacation of street and alleys in Earlington Flats area of the City, per motion by Schellert and second by Shane which carried. 1591 appropriating $5,617.78 Waterworks Fund excess revenues unto Waterworks Utility HdoUAccount $29/60a, to find City's share of L.I.D. 258. Motion by Schellert and wond@d by Shan@ carriod. -1- 472 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/9/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary, Firemen's Pension Bund Board, reported that the Firemen's Pension Fund is willing to finance Local Improvement District No. 260 in estimated sum of $75,610.68 at 5.25% interest per annum. It was moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane to accept the funding offer. Carried. (Watermain at East Valley Hwy. 180th Ave. South) Letter from Building Director Ruppert recommended approval of sign applications of Huntington Travel Agency, 213 Wells Avenue South and First Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n., 201 Wells Avenue South which signs will project over public right-of-way. The signs have been approved by the Planning Commission and are in compliance with the sign code, proper Hold Harmless Agreement and Insurance requirments of the Ordinance to be met. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the petition for conversion of facilities in the Monterey Terrace area to underground was signed by owners representing 69.405Y. of the abutting front footage and 71.43% of the area within the proposed improvement with sufficient assessed valuation to support the improvement. It was noted by Grant that another petition has been circulating in opposition to the improvement proposed and it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Light and Power Committee to report back next week. The motion carried. Letter from Margaret Bridges requested that required license be granted Rainier Amuse- ment Co. to operate additional pinball machine at Teddie's Cafe, 2233 Maple Valley Hwy. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from Don Taylor, President, Renton City Employees Club, invited the Mayor and Council and guest to attend the annual Christmas Dinner-Dance on Saturday, December 21, at the Carpenters Hall commencing at 6:30 p.m. Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need for transfer of $7,000.00 within the Firemen's Pension Fund Account 2710, Available Surplus 501, Unto Account 201, Pensions and Disability, the moneys budgeted not being sufficient due to the untimely death of Lt. Jack Pringle and the disability retirement of Jim Ashurst. Moved by Delaurenti and seconded by Barei, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution to effect the transfer. The motion carried. +r1 Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer requested fund transfer from Cumulative Reserve Account 2373 in sum of $45,797.90, Unto Traffic Engineering 1172, Capital Outlay 602, $27,590.79; Traffic Engineering 1172, Capital Outlay 605, $3,532.11; City Hall Construction Fund 2810/602, $14,675.00; and From: City Street Fund, 1320, Street Lighting Energy, 303, $10,500.00 unto Traffic Engineering 1172, Capital Outlay 602. Breakdown of the cost distribution was outlined. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant to refer the request to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Councilman Grant called attention to work performed by the City and Contractors in the Civic Center site, outlining the route of the underground facility. The pending motion carried. Letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommenda- tions that the Preliminary Plat and Variance Application PP-530-68, Earlington Park Industrial Park No. 2, located West of Thomas Avenue S.W., between S. W. 7th and 10th Streets, be approved, the variance to waive sidewalk requirements. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Grant, to recess. Recess was declared. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Councilman Perry, in the absence of Council President Garrett, submitted Committee of the Whole recommendations which were read with actions taken as follows: Recommended that a G. 0. Bond issue proposition be placed before the electors March 11, 1969 in sum of $560,000.00 for acquisition of the hospital site in the Renton Highlands for park and playground purposes and also an additional ballot proposition,likewise to be funded by G. 0. Bond issue,for development, improvement and equipping the park site . Moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, that $240,000.00 be inserted in the recommendation for the issue to develop and equip the site. Barei reported the Property Committee recommendation that the $240,000.00 be placed on the ballot to be used a partial payment toward a swimming pool in the Highlands adjacent to the Highlands Elementary School.] After discussion regarding total pool cost, time element of getting propositions submitted and possible school plans and priority of need, the pending motion carried. Moved by Grant, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the Committee of the Whole Recommendations. The motion carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/9/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Committee of the Whole Report Recommended that the City retain Bond Counsel to prepare appropriate ballot and Proposition Ordinances to cover issues to go before the electorate March 11, 1969. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendations. Carried. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the City place proposition of annexation of the Kennydale Island area before the electorate on March 11, 1969 ballot, provided Isufficient number of signatures is received requesting to be annexed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur. The motion carried. Recommended by.the Committee of the Whole that proposition for annexation of the Talbot Hill area island be placed on the March 11, 1969 ballot.. Moved by Barei, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur. The motion carried. Recommended that City Policy shall be for any area to be served by City of Renton Sanitary Sewer service which is located outside the corporate limits of the City, such area shall be served only upon its annexation into the Municipality. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur. Upon inquiry it was noted by the Chairman that this does not preclude service to individual residences adjacent to or in immediate vicinity of an:'existing sewer line, but that it pertains to an area which could be an L.I.D. Carried. (See later discussion and action) Auditing and Accounting Committee Member Maxin submitted City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 6336 through 6451 for approval by the Council, and moved payment be authorized accordingly. The motion was seconded by Edwards and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 35,205.911 6336 - 6390 and 64504-�4Si Arterial Street Fund 67} 112.50 6391 - 6392 Urban Arterial Fund 550.00 6393 City Street Fund 6.949.01 6394 - 6401 Equipment Rental Fund 3,157.25 6402 - 6412 Parks 75,978.46 6413 - 6432 Waterworks Utility Fund 55,072.02 6433 - 6445 Airport Fund 100.40 6446 - 6448 City Hall Construction Fund 51 083.61 6449 35,209.06 Maxin inquired regarding procedure for amending the code in regard to warehouse parking requirements and Mayor Custer advised that the Planning Commission would he making its recommendation upon completion of study of the matter. Councilman Grant submitted Light and Power Committee report outlining costs and progress of the underground wiring within the civic center complex area, it being noted that all work has been accomplished in accordance with the agreement with the exception of the Mill Avenue and Bronson Way portion and these projects will. be completed at a lesser cost than proposed by Puget Power, through the Traffic Engineering Department. Councilman Grant noted that concern had been expressed in regard to telephone poles being placed in the alley along with additional lines and question has been posed as to cost for hook-up of the residences and removal of these at some future date to maintain esthetics lost by their presence. Councilman Shane inquired regarding areas within the City of Renton being served with Seattle water and recourse since the fluoridation issue passed Councilman Delaurenti reported that a meeting is being arranged for discussion of the matter. Councilman Shane expressed concern in regard to request of individuals to be served I with City sanitary sewer services who reside outside the city and moved that the City Engineer be authorized to allow, without Council action, connection where the property lies adjacent to or in immediate vicinity of an existing sewer line even though the property is outside the city limits,with costs to owner the same as those charged at time of original installation of the L.I.D., as though he had been a part of same. Discussion ensued regarding deviation from established policy by earlier action this evening. Moved by Perry, seconded by 'Shane, to amend the motion by inserting "a single residence" be allowed"the connection, etc. Carried. The original motion as amended was voted upon and dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Barei, Shane Grant, Bruce, Maxin and Pelaurenti.. No: Edwgrds, Trimm, Perry and Schellert. Carried, 6 to 4. j Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/9/68 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Moved by Shane, seconded by Barei, that the monthly sewer charge for service outside the City shall be twice the cost to customers residing within the corporate limits and the Metro charge to remain the same as for city residents. Proposed surcharge of 50¢ for the Metro service was declared out of order and the pending motion carried. Property Committee Chairman Barei reported recommendation that the Council authorize the trade of property in connection with petition for relocation of 12th Place in the Renton Highlands Shopping Center area and vacation of the present H Street con-- nectinn which trade might allow a childrenb park at some future time. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to initiate the vacation by Resolution and to waive the filing fee. ($100.00) Carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date for public hearing. Carried. Councilman Barei requested the City Engineer to compute the comparable sq. ft. areas of the two parcels concerned and to furnish each Councilman with a map, to be presented at the public hearing. Councilman Shane, noting presence of Mr. Lennie Hutchens in the audience inquired regarding action to be taken in regard to his property. Planning Director Ericksen advised that the matter has been held by the Planning Commission for filing of some restrictive covenants which have been signed but not filed. It has been determined that the Ordinance will be held for filing of the covenants and the recommendation will be submitted to the Council next Monday. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Barei proposed that the pending sanitary sewer L.I.D. No. 261. in the Kennydale area be enlarged to encompass additional area, noting the boundaries to be added and proposing motion to such effect. It was noted that this would kill the previous L.I .D. and a new one would need to be commenced and advertised with new area and might cause its defeat as has occurred in pr_ior like actions. The motion was withdrawn. Motionwas proposed by Barei.,second by Brix�e,if the ballot proposal for a G. 0: Bond issue to acquire the Highlands hospital property be defeated then the City grant the hospital district the Planned Unit Development zoning which had been requested. This was followed by considerable discussion which included caution of Attorney Shellan that it would be illegal to take someone else's property and designate it as recreation with- out paying for it, such action depriving the owner of his lawful use of his own property. The Planned Unit Development is presently in discussion and development stages, the City not yet having such zoning in effect and the previous question was subsequently moved by Schellert and seconded by Delaurenti, and carried. The motion was voted upon and lost. Discussion followed regarding basis of the appraisal of the property it being noted teat it was not based upon that of single family residential property. Councilman Schellert reported that the Board of Public Works will be meeting tomorrow to discuss proposals for development of the City's Capital Improvement Program. Street and Alley Committee report was read recommending that the block numbers he added to named avenue street signs at estimated cost of additional $500.00 . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Councilman Bruce announced a Fire and Water Committee meeting on December 10, at 7:00 p.m. with the City Engineer to be present. Councilman Grant inquired whether the City will be securing matching funds for water pollution control provided for by passage of Referendum Bill #17. Mayor Custer advised this matter will be pursued further for possible participation. Proposed motion to discuss with The Boeing Company the feasibility of its providing a sign at the N. E. corner of right-of-way property presently pending for vacation by the City was lost, after some considerable discussion. Councilman Shane urged that some thought be given to acquisition of property in vicinity of the Lake Washington Beach Park and possible elimination of the log dumps and bark and debris in the area. It was noted that this matter had been the subject of discussion during the Committee of the Whole meeting with purchase of the property being best of alternatives. -4- 4 f ,5) Minutes — Renton City Council Meeting 12/9/68 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont.) City Clerk Nelson reported, pursuant to Councilman Grantts request, regarding the feasibility of providing weekly calendar of progress on council actions in regard to items presented. Attention was called to weekly referral sheets and record of actions by committees now maintained and available in the Clerk's office, the calendar proposed not being feasible inasmuch as it could not be disseminated to the general public effectively and it would be a very time consuming operation and with the present staff could not be undertaken, the benefit also being con— sidered minimal in comparison with the work which would be involved. Mayor. Custer reported receipt of proposed Agreement for Care and Custody of Prisoners which required immediate action of the Council to provide for overnight housing for i0w a Reformatory inmate to allow participation in a work release program of rehabilitation, said party to be gainfully employed in Renton with a construction company. Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to authorize execution of the Agreement. Carried. Progress report on success of the program was requested from Chief Williams. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Maxin and seconded by Edwards, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was 4djourned at 11:35 p.m. There were 24 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor i tow —5— 476 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 12-9-68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Tyne of Work B 1472 $ 6,000.00 Mobile Oil Co 251 Sunset Blvd N Erect canopies 1.473 15,436.00 McGrath Corp 10618 135th Ave SE New residence 104 16,456.00 it 10630 135th Ave SE " B 1475 19,000.00 if 13517 SE 106th Pl " 1476 1,800.00 Fiori Sacchett3. 61.4 11th Ave S Repair fire damage 1477 190250.00 Parkwood Homes Inc 2603 Charles Ct New residence 1L.78 22,550-00 It 827 King Ct 1479 300.00 K & M Market 430 Sunset Blvd N Inst new sign B 1480 3,200.00 Saxe Younker Motors 3820 E Valley Rd Inst new sign 1481 19,000.00 McGrath Corp 13318 SE 106th St New residence 1482 15,436.00 it 1351.4 SE 106th P1 1, 1483 3,790.00 The Boeing* Co 10-50 Bldg Door heater platforms ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1487 500.00 Dino Boscolo 1000 High Ave S Wire new home 1488 5,666.00 Royal Hills Inc 3000 Royal Hills Dr Wire apts 1189 5,666.00 If It " E 1490 5,666.00 It It 1491 5,666.00 it if " 1 .92. 5,666.00 itof " 1493 400.00 Parkwood Homes Inc 71.6 Spruce Ct Wire new home 1494 400.00 if 719 Spruce Ct '+ E 1495 400.00 Bell & Valde7 Inc 2015 SE 21st Ct " 1496 400.00 " 2009 SE 21st Ct " 1497 400.00 " 2012 Alder Pl SE 1498 400.00 " 2018 Alder Pl SE 1499 300.00 Charles G Dideon 12501 85th Ave S " E 1500 450.00 Dennis Olson 929 E St New 200 AMP service 1501 31262.00 City of Renton 800 E St Tennis Ct lighting 1502 2,889.00 If 14th & K St it 1503 300.00 Dick Colasurdo 3420 No 4th St Inst lights, outlets 1504 422.00 McGrath Corp 10723 134th Ave SE Wire new home E 1505 426.00 It 13403 SE 106th If 1506 240.00 Fiori Sacchetti 614 11th S Repair fire damage 1507 600.00 D. Rowe 3924 12th Ave N Wire new home 1508 250.00 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg Revise power 1509 109.00 " 4.01 Bldg Supplv power - E 1510 197.00 " 10-52. Bldg 480V power 1511 151.00 " 4-63 Bldg Power to saw 1512 800.00 " 10-80 Bldg Add circuitry 1513 10,200.00 " 4-21 Bldg Trans loads 1514 150.00 " 4-64 Bldg Re-wire E 1515 VOID 1516 " 10-71 Bldg Inst power to mach. 1517 98.00 " 4-63 Bldg Power to grinder 1518 208.00 " 10-71 Bldg Power to saw 1519 935.00 4-82 Bldg Change power E 1520 250.00 " 4-21 Bldg Correct code viol. 1521 111.00 " 4-03 Bldg Power to grinder MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1493 John Menacher 11405 SE 96th St Oil heater 1494 Royal Hills Inc 3000 Royal Hills Dr Plumbing & fixtures M 1495 11 1496 it 1497 It 1498 McGrath Corp 13520 106th Pl SE Gas furnace 1199 it 10530 135th Ave SE +' M 1500 if 10645 135th Ave SE " 1501 it 10654 135th Ave SE " 1502 It 10618 135th Ave SE " 1503 if 10630 135th Ave SE " 1504 it 13517 SE 106th Pl " M 1505 Alfred A DeHaviland 1015 R St Rough-in for sink 1506 James D Hayes 10837 SE 100th Inst. heaters 1507 Harry W,ywitzki. 1135 Talbot Rd Inst gas dryer 1508 Royal Hills Inc 3000 Royal Hills Dr Plumbing & fixtures 1509 M 1510 Washington T�rhsl 705 SW 7th Fire sprinkler 1511 The Boeing Co 10-.52 Bldg Inst new bench 1512 Renton Village Co 15 Grandy Way Inst sprinklers SEWER PERMITS No 615 & 616 Tiffany Dev. 15L98 & 15508 121st P1 SE Connect sewer 617 k1p. ShgUgh 2807 Prince Ave " 614 My of Renton Janes Park " 619 mdeer 477 RENTON CITY COUTINCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk December 16, 1968 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE, CARRIER Summons and Complaint filed by Attorney Roberts on behalf of Richa_d L. Bowers in regard fes; to damaged to camper by tree branch while parking on Williams Avenue So.�th �•► CITY CLERK To insertrevisionsin Ordinance No. 2449 prior to publication CITY ENGINEER To check petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in Kennydale area outside the City of Renton LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Rezones: Hutchens-Engeland, GS-1 to R-2 and R--3, 106th Ave. S.E. between. Puget Drive and South 155th Street Figgens - G7200 to R-3, Sunset Blvd., between 132 - 138th Avenues S.E. Appropriation of excess Equipment Rental funds into expending budgetary Account to cover repairs from accident damage to city properties during the year, $1.,1.48.74 LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Robert L. Edwards request for letter from the Council consenting to Seattle City Light serving the Renton Shopping Center with electrical utilities Petition opposing L.I.D. for underground wiring in the Monterey Terrace area MAYOR f To research matter of fund grants and subscription service to National League of Cities service in this regard ' POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for license to operate two coin-type pool tables at Tonkins' Cafe PROPERTY COMMITTEE Petition to purchase Public Use Areas, Block 20, Renton Highlands Appraisal .ofproperty at Bronson Way and Park Avenue North for right-of-way acquisition STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE To check City's eligibility to participate in matching moneys to be provided by TOPICS program SANITATION COMMITTEE Petition for L.I.D. in Kennydale area outside the City, for sanitary sewers (Subsequently referred to the City Engineer) WAYS AND MEMS, COMMITTEE Funding costs in regard to placing fluoridation issue on March 11th ballot Funding of source of revenue in event utility tax were to be repealed APPOINTMENTS Renton Municipal Arts Commission -- Mrs. Ellen Hickok MEETINGS AND EVENTS: Ways and Means Committee meeting on December. 23, at 7:00 p,m. Commencement of 30-day lien period, CAG 1322-68, Workman_ Construction Co., Philip Arnold Shelter Building j J 4 7, RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Office of the City Clerk December 1.6, 1968 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Renton Municipal building• and the Pledge of Allegiance . to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Bruce; Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Schellert, Absent: Grant, Maxin and Morris. Moved by Delaurenti, second by Perry, that the absent Councilmen be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer and Bernard Ruppert, Building Director. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 9, 1968, be approved as written. The motion carried. Mayor Custer, at this time, presented Community Service Award placques -to Mrs. Fred Hanis, in recognition of outstanding service since 1961 as a member of the Library Board, and to Mr. Donald A. Cowles for services rendered as a City representative on the Valley Regional Planning Commission. Commendations were applauded. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm presented proposed Ordinance of the City submitting to the qualified electors an advisory ballot at the special election requested to be held March 11, 1969, providing for fluoridation of the Municipal water supply and authorizing construction of necessary facilities, as read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Barei, to adopt Ordinance No. 2448 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried, after discussion regarding funding and timliness of implementation if passed. Chairman Trimm presented proposed Ordinance which had been placed on first reading on November 25th and second and final reading was recommended at this time, amending Chapter 7, Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of City Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "General Code of Ordinances of the City of Renton", relating to maintenance of sidewalks, repair, duty and liability of abutting owner and matters relating thereto. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After second and final reading, some discussion ensued regarding burden this might impose upon the residents of the City and it was noted that the document was to allow the City additional protection from sidewalk claims which were becoming numerous, such action recommended by the insurance carrier. After some further remarks regarding the problem in the core area of the City especially and related liabilities of business owners and the City, the motion was made by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to adopt Ordinance No. 2449 as r(3ad. Roll call vote resulted in eight ayes and one no, Shane opposing. The motion carried. Revision was recommended prior to publication of the document with regard to departmental jurisdiction involved in regard to the type of permit, the inspection and applications. (See later action) RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: The following Resolutions were presented by the Law and Ordinance Committee and adopted by the Council this date: ' Resolution No. 1589, declaring intent of the city to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the Kennydale area in the vicinity of S.E. 93rd Street and Lake Washington Boulevard, and to create a' Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefited thereby; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council on February 3, 1969, adopted upon motion by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, which motion carried. Resolution No. 1592 authorizing transfer of funds from Cumulative Reserve Account 2373 in sum of $45,797.90 unto Traffic Engineering Account 1172/602, Capital Outlay, $27,590.79, Traffic Engineering 1172/605, Capital Outlay, $3,532.11. and City Hall Construction -Fund 2810/602, Buildings & Improvements, $14,675.00, and from City Street: Fund Account 1320/303, Street Lighting Energy, $10,500,00, unto Traffic Engineering, Current Fund 1.172/602, Capital Outlay. Motion by Trimm,_ .seconded by Edwards to. adopt carried. Resolution No. 1593 authorizing transfer of $7,000.00 from Firemen's Pension Fund Account 2710/501., available surplus unto 201, Pensions and Disability. After discussion regarding investment programs and can dness of the fund per actuary report,.,, the motion by Delaurenti, second by Schellert carried. -1- 479 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/16/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Co-mim,ission reco::_mendations that rezones be approved as follows: i Hutchens, L. and Engeland, W. Appl. R-454-68, from GS-1 to R-2 and R-3; property located on 106th Avenue S.E. between Puget Drive and South 155th Street, w=hich rezone would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur in the Planning Co-sr_ission rccom- -{ m endation. Carried. i { Figgins, Floyd; Appl. R-516-68, from G-7200 to R-3, property located on Cunset Boulevard between 132nd and 138th Avenues S.E., said rezone in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission. The motion carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Perry, that the two. rezones approved be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Ordinances. The motion carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Delaurenti, that the matter of funding the cost of placing the fluoridation issue on the ballot be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. Summons and Complaint were read, filed against the City by Attorney A. M. Roberts, on behalf of Richard L. Bowers in connection with vehicle damage from overhanging tree branch on Williams Avenue South, vicinity of Pacific N.W. Bell Telephone Co. property, also named as Defendant in the suit. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the documents to the 21ty Attorney and Insurance Carrier. The motion carried. Letter of Mr. Robert L. Edwards; Renton Shopping Center, requested City Council action by letter, giving approval to service of electric facilities to the Center by Seattle City Light Company. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the Light and Power Committee. During discussion it was noted that the City is to meet with the City Light representatives and the Seattle City Council in regard to Franchise for Seattle City Lighting Department to serve the Renton area, such meeting presently being negotiated. The pending motion carried. Letter from the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health reported survey conducted in conjunction with that of the Renton Engineering Department, in regard to sewage problem in the Kennydale area, both inside and outside the corporate limits of Renton. As result of the study and public meeting held in the area it was agreed that sanitary sewers were the only adequate answer and petition therefor was presently circulating, the Health Department offering to meet to assist the Mayor and Council regarding the matter. Petition was read from residents of the subject area outside the City of Renton, containing signatures of owners of approximately 142 parols of land, requesting to be served with unitary sewer facilities by the City of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Garrett, to refer the communications to the Sanitation Committee for report. Carried. (See further referral on this matter) Application was read from Tonkin's Cafe for coin-type pool tables (2) to be operated at 311 -- South 3rd Street by license requested for Mutual Amusement Company. Moved by Barei, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Petition was read requesting that the City declare surplus and for sale the alley and public use area lying in Block 20 of the Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands. Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter *to the Property Committee. The motion carried. Petition was read containing approximately 25 signatures, opposing conversion of overhead electric and communications to underground facilities in the Monterey Terrace area..and L.I.D. Moved by Perry. seconded by Schellert, to refer the petition to the Light and Power Committee Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for payment; final progress estimate on Philip Arnold Shelter Building Contract 1322-68,' due Worknan Construction in sum of $11,337.73. Acceptance of the project as of this date and commencement of the 30-day lien period was also recommended, said lien to be released thereafter if no claims or liens are filed and proof of all tax liability payments are submitted by Contractor. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the recommendations of the Park Director. The motion carried. Councilman Barei inquired regarding progress on the Jones Park facility and delays evident in completion thereof.. Mayor Custer noted that there had been no request for extension of the contract completion date and problem in securing material required in the spees .may- be a contribut=ng factor. Barei requested a statement be furnished hi:,, ir. 'phis regard from the Park Department. -2- 480 R Minute,s - Rentop City Council Meeting 12/16/68 (,-ORRE5P0NDFND'_ AND CURK^NP BUSINESS: (Cant.) Letter fro::n Pars, Director Cordon requested, per at-r.ached Letter from Ramsey e. Co., Inc., 25-day ,additioral extension to contract completion date dme to inclement weather which has probi.�ited surfacing-procedures on the tennis courtg. Moved. by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, tre request be grunted. Curried. (C.A^. 133-'-68) Letter from 'Dern Churc�., Purchasing Director, Yequested apprapriation of eycess revenues which bare been recei-jed f-ro-n accident damages during the ye-7r, t nto the budgetary expending repair fund, Eq7 i_p:r_errt Rental #1510, 506, Damage -to City Property, $1,148.74 Moved by 3c'nellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur is tr-_.e request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Co,,nittee. Carried. Audience co-mment was invited and t?'ere being none, it was 7.cved by Shane, seconded by Delauren"i, to recess for 15 minutes. Carried. After recess, roll call was taken with all Council-men present as previously listed. OLD BUSIIFESS BY COUNCIL: Property Committee C:-:airman -Barei recalled prior action autor-!zing acquisition of right--o -w y property at Bronson Way and Park Avenue North noting that appraisal was now outdated and moved that a new appraisal be authorized. The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Law and Ordinance Cormittee Chairman Trimm reported recommendations that the Sidewalk Ordinance No. 2449 be revised to designate that the type of permit shah. be a street excavation permit in lieu of a building permit, the inspection to be conducted by the Street Commissioner in lieu of the Building Director, per Sec. 9-709, and that the application shall be made in writing to the Engineering Diapar-a ent- rather than the Building Department, and moved that the City Clerk be authorized to -insert the changes in the Ordinance accordingly. The motion was seconded by Perry and carried. Chairman, Trimim reported a Law and Ordinance Committee recomr_,er._d ti on in regard to repeal of the Utility Tax�that the matter be referred to the Ways ar,d Means Caueittee to indicate source of revenue to replace that which would be lost by eliminating the that. tax. Discussion ensued regarding containmentof proposed Ordinance covcrirg the City's tax assessments and City Attorney advised that the Ordinance could Le redrawn and a portion o-r all or the Ordinance repealed in accordar_ce wit?-. Council's wishes. The pending motion carried. APPOINTPENT S: Council President Garrett reported concurrence of the Mayor's appointment of Mrs. Ellen Hickok as a member of the Renton Municipal Arts Corriss-ion to fi11 vacancy created by resignation of Mr. Jerry Zilbert and moved that the Coun.il approve same at this time. The motion was seconded by Perry and carried. Council-man Garrett reported attendance at the National League of Cities Annual Meeting in New Orleans, noting that Mayor Braman was Chairman of the Committee ora Tra:aportation and also on the Resolutions Committee vffiich was charged with preparing the National League's policies for the coming year. Anticipation was great with tae kr_oW3,edge that Governor Rockefeller and Vice-President Elect Agnew were to be sp ea'r..e cs. The-IX stands on aid to cities were noted, the new administration block grant to Sta-tes,with distri- bution then being or a matching basis,not too well takext. -3d,=as of Mayor Tate, President of the National League of Cities in regard to urging the adn_.n-±stration to adopt Urban policies along the line of international policy or sore ot`;.ers. t'Pat we have,were noted, it being pointed out that this program is of vital concern, 7f% of the population li.vipg in nrhan areas. Regards of Dan Hunter, former City Manager of Montlal"e Terrace, since City Manager in Kentucky and now First Assistant to Mayor Schiro of flew Orleans., were extended to Mayor Custer, NEW ITJJI1TEIa JS BY COILPIAICIL: CourcS.l President Garrett announced that official portrait: of vile Mayor and Council will be taker,. o.:; Januar~; 13th at 7:00 p.m. Council-man G,axrett -reported as Street and Alley Co _tt.,J C;'_;.y .. -s - l'-_ 1i-_ attending a Higflway Co_:�:aittee meeting for budget review fort'-..� r_ x': f.i.s;�-- _T�:c.o_.ey :_r,s been proprIct d under TOPICS Prngfam and the City may be -,le to pw:r+:_^ipa.'ce in so_:e matching aid Mo-,,ed by Screllert, seconded by Pe Oxy, =reg of stv.d<a of tr-e , _ �:y ?_ �C _-. 4tCi' �';; 1igib_.li- for said program be referred to the E 1 p. The mot-o__ ^arr ed. - Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/16/68 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont.) Councilmen Baxei inquired regarding Federal Programs of Assistance which may be available. Mayor Custer reported that a catalog of sych programs is on file in his office, noting That the City now participates in a number of same. Councilman Garrett noted publication of the National League of Cities which A updated with supplements periodically and Councilman Perry advised that the Puget Sound Cavernmenta7 Conference provides information on available programs and eligibility of Ci ries ani moved thy suB_ sc-ription ,sorvice and grant matter be referred to &e Mvyyr for _rocearah. The Notion was seconded by Edwards. It was noted that many of the programs axe for specific areas such as wate front, farmlands, it also being noted that rinanKP3 condition of the Cities is a factor and the City might not qualify in thio re^rseq the actions of the Council in cutting and proposing deletion of taxes lacklmg cub,ct,:nti::Lion of need; along with the strong Boeing tax base status also being noted as faotorc involved. The pending motion carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Member of the Auditing and AccountAng Committee, moved that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 6452 through 6599 be approved for payment by the Council at this time.. The motion was seconded by Edwards and carrier. Breakdown by Fund follows: Current Fund $ 15,645.19 6452 - 6507 Urban Arterial Fund 1273070.84 6508 - 6509 City Street Fund 16,606.62 6510 - 6528 Cedar River M. & I. 35.88 6529 - 6531 Equipment Rental 541.05 6532 - 6540 Library 1,818.81 6541 - 6561 Parks 13,462.33 6562 - 6573 Waterworks Utility 33,331.30 6574 - 6591 Airport 118.82 6592 - 6598 Firemen's Pension Fund 44.00 6599. 208,674.84 Councilman Schellert announced a Ways and Means Comm2.ttee meeting on Monday, December 23, at 7:00 p.m. Sanitation Committee Chairman Shane reported recommendation of the Committee,in regard to Petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. outside the City in the Kennyd.ale area, that the petition be referred to the City Engineer to check- validity. Moved by Schellert and seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee. Carried. Councilman Shane requested the Mayor to have a cost comparison list prepared in regard to living expenses in the City and County, for annexation promotional purposes. Councilman Shane inquired regarding the possibility of a. County Court House Annex in the Renton area it being felt that demands of use would warrant same, proposing the Council go on record by Resolution to the County Conmis8ioners in this regard. Councilman Shane proposed that the Council meet and adjourn at the Decermber 23rd meeting. It was noted that several items of timely importance will require legislative action and that in accordance with Ordinance the meetings are scheduled for the first four Mondays of the month but that adjournment could be effected at an early time. Moved by Ba-rei, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. There were 28 visitors in the Council U'r_ambers. HelYsie w e I elson, City Clerk •wow i D. W. Custer, Mayor -4- 482 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office `of fhe City Clerk 12/23/68 FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Consultant for design of elevated water storage tank at Rolling Hills and booster pump station at 4th Avenue North and "M" Street CITY ATTORNEY - MAYOR AND CITY CLERK To check and execute Contract Agreement with Local 21R LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Transfer of Current Fund account unexpended balances unto 1969 budgetary Street Fund Accounts 1330/602, $32,674.10 and 1360/605, $27,870.28; and 1350/605, $8,500.00 1330/417, $1,800.00 per Traffic Engineer Bennett's requests Providing for annual salaries of $12,000.00 for the City Clerk and City Treasurer and $18,000.00 for the Mayor PARK DIRECTOR Power to act granted in regard to contract completion date extension for Landscapers Northwest and J: D.' Stewart, Lake Wn. Beach projects CAG 1290-68 and CAG 1352-68 PROPERTY COMMITTEE. Completion of Jones Park facility pursuant to contract, CAG 1320-68 SANITATION COMMITTEE Petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in King County Kennydale Island area STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Traffic signal revision and street lighting bids on Bronson Way and Traffic signal bids on No. 3rd street and Sunset (Awarded - see Committee report this date) WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of additional moneys to cover salaries of City Clerk and Treasurer and Mayor for ensuing year APPOINTMENTS Dale Garrison - Renton Planning Commission reappointment, effective 1/1/69 Councilman George Perry - President of the City Council. MEETINGS: December 23 - Fire and Water Committee following regular meeting of the council January 6, 1969 - Street and Alley Committee at 7:00 p.m. in Council office of Garrett and Delaurenti 1 t 7 k M i �3 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk M I N U T E S December 2.1., 1968 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, at 8;00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Renton Municipal. Building and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin and Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Schellert. Absent: Morris. It was reported that r... Councilman Morris was ill,. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, the absent Member be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, John Pain, Asst. City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Bernard Ruppert; Building Director. There being no corrections, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Edwards, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 16, be approved as prepared and distributed. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: 1969 Legal Publications This being the date set, sealed bid of the Record Chronicle was opened and read which quoted circulation of 24,500 and costs for 8 point type, $3.00 per 100 words for first publication and $2".20 per 100 words for additional publications with like cost for the 51- or 6 point type. It was stated that the Renton Record Chronicle is published on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays and is a qualified legal publication of general circula- tion. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, the bid for 8 point type be accepted as read, Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted the- following legislation which was adopted by Council this date . Ordinance No. 2450,rezoning property of Hutchens & Engeland from GS-1 to R-2 and R-3, located on 106th Avenue S.E. between Puget Drive and South 155th Street, was read. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After second and final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti and seconded by Bruce, to adopt the Ordinance as read. The motion carried. (R-464-68) Ordinance No. 2451 was read rezoning property of Floyd Figgins from G-7200 to R-3, located on Sunset Blvd., between 132nd Avenue S.E. and 138th Avenue S.E. Moved by Trimm; seconded by Shane, to place the document on second and final, reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt the Ordinance as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried.(R516-68) Ordinance No. 2452, Amending Section 5-904, Title V of Ordinance No. 1628, relating to license fees for pinball machines and similar games of skill. (Providing for quarterly payments of $1,400.00 each if desired over annual payment of $5,000.00) Moved by Shane, seconded by Edwards, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Shane, to adopt the Ordinance as read. Roll call vote resulted in 10 ayes and 1 abstaining vote by Grant. The motion carried. Resolution No. 1594 was read authorizing the City Attorney to proceed with legal action for court determination of City obligation and respective right and obligation of Puget Sound Power and Light Company with regard to costs for conversion to underground wiring pursuant to provisions of. Franchise Ordinance No. 2428 and Ordinance 2432 of the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Shane, to adopt the Resolution as read. Carried. Resolution No. 1595 was read authorizing appropriation of excess revenues received in the Urban Arterial Fund in sum of $115,617.95,unto Budgetary expending Account No. 7800/605. City Clerk Nelson's letter had been read requesting the appropriation and by motion of Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, had been referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee and the proposed Resolution was subsequently submitted and read. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt the Resolution as read. Carried. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/23/68 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) Resolution No. 1596 was read authorizing appropriation of funds received in the Equipment Rental Fund from collections for damages to city vehicles during the year in sum of $1,148.74, unto expending budgetary account 1510/506. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt the Resolution as read. Carried. Resolution No. 1597 was read authorizing application for fund assistance for outdoor recreation projects to be filed with the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act, and the $1.0,000,000.00 Outdoor Recreation Bond Issue of 1964, and the $40,000,000.00 Outdoor Recreation Bond Issue (Ref. Bill No. 18) of 1968. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adopt the Resolution as read. The motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson, reporting regarding petition for L.I.D. for sanitary sewers in the King County area of the Kennydale Island, West of 104th Avenue S.E., advised that the petition is signed by owners representing 61.92% of the abutting front footage and 66% of the area within the proposed district which percentages exceed those required for creation of such district and the assessed valuation is adequate to support the proposed improvement. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards,to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee for recommendation. Carried. (L.I.D. No. 263) Letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Contract Agreement between the City and Local 21R, Wn. State Council of County and City Employees, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO. Moved by Garett, seconded by Grant, to concur in the document and the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to execute same upon City Attorney's approval as to form. Carried. Letters from Park Director Coulon were read requesting extension of contract completion 'date for Landscapers Northwest, Lake Wn. Beach project, CAG 1290-68, and possible extension to be required by J. D. Stewart Co., CAG 1352-68, Lake Wn. Beach. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, to authorize the Park Director power to act in these matters. The motion carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, recommended consultant be retained to design the elevated water storage tank at Rolling Hills and the booster pump station at 4th Avenue North and"M" Street as budgeted for 1969, it being felt that such action would expedite implementation of the facilities to allow operation by summer which otherwise could not be accomplished that soon. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur with referral to the Fire and Water Committee for recommendation. Carried. City. Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids on 12/20/68 for the Bronson Way Traffic Signal Revision and Street Lighting project and for the North 3rd Street-Sunset Blvd. Traffic Signal Revision project. Moved by Barei, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee. (See tabulations attached and later bid awards) The motion carried. Letter from Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requested txansfer of fund balances in Current Fund Accounts to provide funding for contracts upon which bids have been received, appr6x: 1172/602, $29,205.00; 1172/605, $19,420.00; 1172/303, $750.00; 1172/306, $500.00; 1172/3155 $200.00; 1172/130, $1,500.00; 1172/110, $4,500.00, and Cumulative Reserve Fund 2373, $3,469.10. Unto: 1969 budgetary Street Fund Accounts: 1.330/602, $32,674.10 and 1360/6053 $27,870.28. Moved by Shane, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the requests. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett submitted recommendation that 16w bid of Signal Electric Company of Kent, in sum of $17,810.00 be accepted on the No. 3rd and Sunset Traffic Signal Reconstruction project. Moved by Barei, seconded by Shane, to concur. The motion carried. Recommended that the low bid of Emles Electric Co., Alderwood Manor, Wn., in sum of $26,448 .00, be accepted on the Bronson Way Street Lighting and Traffic Signal Revision project, low bid determined by utilization of Alt. No. 1, a 40 ft. mounting height and 31x31x61 bases and Alt. No. 2, revision of adjacent sprinkler system. This resulted in bids of General. Scrvice, Electric Co., $27,128 .00; Signal Electric Co. , $27,475.00 and Selo Electric, $44,429.00. Moved by Shane, seconded by Edwards that approximate amount of $1,500.00 be added to provide for signal inter-connection between South Second Street and Main Avenue South and South First Street and Bronson Way. The motion carried. Moved by Barei, seconded by Maxin, to concur in the Street and Alley —Committee bid award recommendation as amended. Carried. (Councilman Schellert was excused from the Chambers and was absent throughout the entire discussion of this matter) -2- 48 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/23/68 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont.) Moved by Maxin, seconded by Barei, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 6600 through No. 6739, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $12,44*.18 6600 - 6662 City Street Fund 5,364.01 6663 - 6673 Equipment Rental 1,196.75 6674 - 6687 Library 62.10 6688 - 6689 Parks 27,104.86 6690 - 6707 ►1�.1 Waterworks Utility 8015.77 6708 - 6730 Airport 447.10 6731 - 6738 City Hall Construction 17,937.08 6736 - 6737 $71,,M 85 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Grant inquired whether a letter had been directed to Councilman Miller regarding a joint meeting between the City Councils to discuss the proposed Seattle City Light Franchise. It was reported that a letter had been written and receipt acknowledged but that no reply had been received to date. Councilman Grant inquired when the new Council Committees will be formed and the new President elected. Council President Garrett advised that the election will follow under new business this evening, it being customary to elect the new President at the last meeting of the year. Councilman Barei reported receiving progress report from the Park Department on the construction of the Jones Park rest room facility proposing motion to refer the matter to the City Attorney with instructions to break the contract and dismiss the contractor, withholding amount due,or to force the contractor to finish the job once and for all and penalize him according to the terms of the contract. The motion was seconded by Perry and after some discussion as to delay being caused in part due to inability to secure materials called for in the specs, it being noted that the architects have been following up on the matter closely and that the matter has been discussed with the contractor, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer this matter to the Property Committee to urge completion of the project in the manner felt to be the most effective. Carried. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Council President Garrett reported council declaration of emergency existing with regard to the salaries of the City Clerk, City Treasurer and the Mayor and moved that the Clerk and Treasurer be advanced to $12,000.00 per year and the Mayor to $16,200.00 which would result in approximately the same percentage as had been allowed city employees over a like period of time, these officials serving over 4 years at the same rate of pay. The motion was seconded by Schellert and after dis- cussion regarding salaries of department heads, $17,856.00 being the highest, it was moved by Barei, seconded by Maxin to amend the motion by substituting that the Mayor's salary be increased to $18,000.00 per year. The amendment carried and sub- sequently the original motion as amended,granting $12,000.00 annual salary to the City Clerk and City Treasurer and $18,000.00 annual salary to the Mayor. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee and the Ways and Means Committee. Carried. APPOINTMENT- Council PPOINTMENT:Council President Garrett reported approval of reappointment of Mr. Dale Garrison to v.. the Renton Planning Commission and it was moved by Perry, seconded by Grant, to concur. The motion carried. (Eff. 1-1-69) NEW BUSINESS: (Cont.) Council President Garrett suggested the next order of business be the erection of the new Council President and nominations were declared open. Councilman Barei nominated George Perry and the nomination was seconded by Shane . Moved by Grant and seconded by Edwards, that the nominations be closed. Carried. Unanimous ballot was cast in favor of Councilman Perry for Council President. Moved by Shane, seconded by Perry, that Councilman Schellert be named Council President Pro-Tem. Carried. -3- 486 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 12/23/68 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Mayor Custer commended Council President Garrett on a very successful completion of his term as President of the Council and Councilman Garrett expressed pleasure and apprec- iatiop for the oppatmity of.*.serving for the past 13 months,having been elected in November, and for help of the council members. Councilman Garrett announced a Street and Alley Committee meeting on January 6, 1969 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Topics program, to be held in the Council office of Garrett and Delaurenti. Councilman Bruce requested a Fire and Water Committee meeting following the meeting this evening. Councilman Shane extended holiday greetings to all present and remarked that he had received cooperation from the Mayor and city departments, acknowledging their astuteness in accomplishment and noting that he has learned a lot. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, that the Council go on record in support of "Rosellini" for County Executive Director. Moved by Barei, seconded by Delaurenti, to table the motion;earried. Councilman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee Chairman, submitted report recommending appropriation of funds from the 1968 budget into the 1969 budget in order that the street naming program recently approved by the council can be completed: From Current Fund unexpended balances, budgeted in 1968 for Health Services, $8,500.00 unto Street Fund, 1969 Budget, Account 1350/605. Contingency fund in amount of $36,800.00 was budgeted to provide for health services through Seattle-King County Health Department. From Current Fund unexpended balance, $1,800.00 unto 1969 Street Fund Account 1330/417, to provide for mailing of street name and address change notices. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Ways and Means Committee, with referral to the Law & Ordinance Committee. Carried. Discussion and proposed motion ensued to provide for Auditing and Accounting Committee alternates to sign vouchers in event of absence of regular committee members and it was recalled that Schellert and Edwards had previously been appointed alternates for this purpose and the pending motion by Perry, seconded by Barei to refer the subject to the Committee on Committees failed. It was noted that any two Councilmen may sign the Vouchers. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Barei, seconded by Edwards, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -4- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 12/23/68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1493 $ 200.00 Fotomat Corp Renton Highlands Inst sign 1494 17,750.00 Parkwood Homes Inc 824 King Ct Const new home B 1 +95 4,500.00 D L Savoy 3006 Sunset Blvd Improvements 1496 400.00 William Crane 3883 4th N Relocate door 1.497 150.00 Anderson & Roberts 11.1 So Williams Inst sign 1498 VOID 1499 40.00 Hans Bertagni 132nd Ave SE Inst sign B 1500 40.00 „ 4th N & M St " 1501 100.00 Diamond Parking 219 Wells Ave S it ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1536 426.00 McGrath Corp 10711 134th Ave SE Wire new home 1537 323.00 If 10720 134th Ave SE It 1538 50.00 Wec Busch 707 Rainier Ave Temp service 1539 700.00 Pacific Technology 235 Airport Way Hang fixtures E 1540 200.00 Harold Woodin 10607 112th SE New service 1541 150.00 Gall & Landau 3000 Royal Hills Blvd Temp service 1542 51666.00 Royal Hills Inc it Wire apts 1543 5,666.00 1544 5,666.00 E 1545 VOID 1546 434.00 McGrath Corp 10741 134th Ave SE Wire new home 1547 450.00 If 10623 134th Ave SE it 1548 323.00 it 10611 134th Ave SE if 1549 150.00 Mike Lackie 401 S 3rd St Outlets E 1550 761400.00 The Boeing Co 10-71 Bldg. Cables and lights 1551 345.00 City of Renton Bronson & Houser Wire press box 1552 300.00 Pacific Tech 235 Airport Way Wire heaters MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1523 Bell & Valdez 2017 SE 20th Ct Inst gas furnace 1524 " 2020 SE 20th Ct " M 1525 " 2014 SE 20th Ct " 1526 J G Pasco 535 Morris Ave S " 1527 Charles Gramps 2819- 8th Pl N Inst hot water tank 1528 Barbara Lee Stogel 729 0 St Inst gas piping 1529 The Boeing Co 10-71 Bldg Remodel lab M 1530 Royal Hills Ins 3000 Royal Hills Inst plmb & heating 1531 if „ 1532 If „ 1533 „ it If 1534 Bell & Valdez 2014 SE 20th Ct " M 1535 " 2020 SE 20th Ct " 1536 " 2017 SE 20th Ct " SEWER PERMITS No 631 Peoples Bank 707 Rainier Ave Sewer service 632 Lloyd McGill 9828 SE 91st P1 if 633 it „ 634 Gall Landau-Braund 3000 Royal Hills Blvd " No 635 " 636 637 638 639 No 640 " 641 642 Dale Cramton 2130 Shattuck St " 643 " 2120 Shattuck St " -5- 488 BID OPENING: 12/20/68 - BRONSON WAY TRAFFIC SIGNAL REVISION AND STREET LIGHTING PROJECT (Bonds accompanied all bids) A,C & D BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID B. Alt. I C.Alt. II D, Alt. III TOTAL General Service Electric $22,387.00 $11 ,400.00 $ 400.00 $ 2,500.00 $25,287.00 Lynwood, Wash. 98036 Selo Electric Co. , Inc. $36,276.00 12,476.00 884.00 5,490.00 $42,650.00 I050 N. 38th St. Seattle, Wash. 98103 Emles Electric $22,057.00 8,753.00 400.00 3,000,00 $25,457.00 P. 0. Box 115 Alderwood Manor, Wn. 98036 Signal Electric, Inc. $19,442.00 12,546.00 300.00 4,545.00 $24,287.00 9904 So. 210th Pl. Kent, Wash. 98032 (See tabulations using alternates in Street & Alley Committee bid award report) BID OPENING: TRAFFIC SIGNAL REVISION - NO. 3RD STREET & SUNSET BLVD. NORTH BIDDER AND ADDRESS TOTAL BID Emles Electric (Bond) $19,400.00 P. 0. Box 115 Alderwood Manor, Wn. 98036 Selo Electric (Bond) $18,900.00 1050 No. 38th Street Seattle, Wash, 98103 Signal Electric, Inc. (Bond) $17,810.00 9904 So. 210th P1. Kent, Wash. 98032 Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of December. .TO CLAIMS FUND: FROM: , CURRENT 172,946.62 ARTERIAL STREET 67,112.50 URBAN ARTERIAL 130012.15 CITY STREET 68,659.35 CEDAR RIVER M&I 3,697.72 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 11,739.96 LIBRARY 6,504.76 PARKS 149,984.52 WATERWORKS UTILITY 137,402.47 AIRPORT 1,402.47 FIREMEN`S PENSION 3,204.41 CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION 101,160.16 TOTAL CLAIMS FOR DECEMBER 854,127.09 PAM TO PAYROLL FUND: FROM: CURRENT 143063.59 CITY STREET 20,701.74 CEDAR RIVER M&I 596.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,288.87 LIBRARY 10,243.00 PARKS 19,207.61 WATERWORKS UTILITY 21,007.05 AIRPORT 1,420.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION 90.82 TOTAL PA` 1IOLL 'FUND FOR DEC. 220,918 .68 —6— I'