HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 21 (1/6/1969 - 2/2/1970) CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING POLICE AND LICENSE Vern Morris, Chairman Charles Delaurenti, Chairman "r"" Charles Delaurenti Louis Barei Paul Maxin Avery Garrett FIRE AND WATER PROPERTY (City) Kenneth D. Bruce, Chairman Louis Barei, Chairman Thomas R. Edwards Kenneth D. Bruce Avery Garrett Thomas W. Trimm LAW AND ORDINANCE PUBLIC RELATIONS Thomas W. Trimm, Chairman Thomas R. Edwards, Chairman Thomas R. Edwards Kenneth D. Bruce George J. Perry William J. Grant LEGISLATION SANITATION George J . Perry, Chairman Charles F. . Shane, Chairman Henry E. Schellert Louis Barei Charles F. Shane George J. Perry LIGHT AND POWER STREET AND ALLEY William J . Grant, Chairman Avery Garrett, Chairman Paul Maxin William J . Grant Vern H. Morris Thomas W. Trimm PLANNING WAYS AND MEANS Paul Maxin, Chairman Henry E. Schellert, Chairman Charles Delaurenti Vern H. Morris Henry E. Schellert Charles F. Shane CAPITAL IhIPRO\44ENT PRIORITY HENRY E. SCHELLERT LOUIS BAREI Revised January 17, 1968 PAUL MAXIN RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk January 6, 1969 FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Bids on L.I.D. 260, W-304, 12" Watermain in East Valley Hwy. (92nd Avenue South) LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinance regarding implied consent to intoxication test, etc. Proposed Ordinance relating to funding of additional salaries and employee benefits granted the Mayor, City Treasurer and City Clerk Fund Transfer requested for Water Maintenance #1820 Budgetary Account, $12,862.24 Building Director's request for appropriation of funds for drapery purchase Revision of Ordinances to conform with terms of Local 21R agreement Resolution to set new hearing date, incorporating area into Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. and repealing prior legislation (Resolution No. 1589) MAYOR, CITY' CIERK AND *CITY ATTORNEY To execute and *approve proposed agreement with Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield for Rolling Hills elevated tank and M Street Booster pump station engineering services LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Letter from Association of Wn. Cities relating to taxing of public utilities PROPERTY COMMITTEE Bid on single unit desk computer for Engineering Department Building Director's recommendation and bids received on equipping and furnishing lunchroom APPOINTMENTS: FIREMEN - Permanent rank effective 1/1./69: David Riggle, James M. Rupprecht and Nicholas Vacci FIRE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEMBER - Mr. Don Emmons, effective 1/20/69 MEETINGS AND EVENTS: January 6, 1969 - Property Committee meeting following regular council meeting January 7, 1969 - Special City Hall Building Committee at 4:30 p.m. January 13, 1969 - Pictures of Council to be taken at 7:00 p.m. Light and Power Committee at 6:30 p.m. Ways and Means Committee at 7:30 p.m. Public Hearing at 8:00 p.m. on emergency ordinance re salary increases Ways and Means Committee recommendation re funding of salary increases January 15, 1969 - Fire and Water Committee meeting at 7:30 p.m. Committee of the Whole at 8:00 p.m. (See agenda below) January 21, 1969 - Light and Power Committee meeting with Monterey Terrace area residents COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TENTATIVE AGENDA January 15, 1969 at 8:00 p.m. Items to be presented 1. Comments by Council President 2. Proposed Ordinance relating to duties of the City Attorney and Assistant 3. Mayor's appointments 4. Job evaluation and wage study as provided in the budget 5. Council committee assignments and new committee formation (Referral of Mr. Schellert) 6. Personnel Committee -(Referral of Mr. Grant) Mayor Custer, City Attorney Shellan, Councilmen Trimm, Grant and Schellert specifically requested to be present for discussion of matters referred, along with other Councilmen. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING M' I N U T 'E S Office of the City Clerk January 6, 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Renton Municipal Building, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Perry, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Garrett, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant and Barei. Absent: Shane. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Edwards, that the absent Councilman be excused. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEFARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, and Bernard Ruppert, Building Director. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 23, 1968 be approved as written. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Proposed L.I.D. 260, W-304, 12" Watermain in East Valley Highway, (92nd Avenue South), from South 180th Street to South 165th Street This being the date set, eleven sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk. Engineering estimate for the project $65,571.03. See Bid Tabulations attached. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the bids to the Fire and Water Committee and the City Engineer. The motion carried. OPENING OF BIDS: Single Unit Desk Computer for Engineering Department This being the date set, sealed bid of Olivetti Underwood Corporation was opened and read as follows: One Programma 101 single unit desk top computer, $3,750.00 f.o.b., plus State _ Sales Tax $168.75. Fifteen days delivery and terms net 30 days. This was the only bid received on this item and it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the bid to the Property Committee for report back. Carried. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinances which were read by the Clerk as follows: An Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, amending Chapter 1 of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628, entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" by establishing a new section entitled, Section 10-122, relating to the operation of motor vehicles on public highways in the City of Renton, operator's implied consent to a test to determine intoxication, providing for revocation of driving privileges; establishing hearing and appeal procedures;and reducing the blood alcohol percentage necessary to raise a presumption of intoxication. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the document back to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Proposed Ordinance was read declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing fuzids for the payment of salaries for certain elected officials for the calendar year 1969, necessitated by such emergency. (Increase in City Clerk, City Treasurer and Mayor's salaries and to cover employee benefits, $115558 .00) Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards, to refer the proposed ordinance to the Law and Ordinance Committee and that January 13, 1969 be set for public hearing thereon. Carried. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Ordinance No. 2453 was read providing for acquisition of certain real property in the Renton Highlands area for park and playground purposes and for the improvement, development and equipping of such area; declaring the estimated Cost thereof a nearly as may be; and providing for the borrowing of $560,000.00 and issuing and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost of acquiring such property; providing for the borrowing of $240,000.00 and issuing and selling negotiable general obligation bonds to pay the cost of improving, developing and equipping of such area as a park and playground, both of such bond issues to be payable by annua], tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount; declaring an emergency; providing for the submission of the propositions of in- curring such indebtedness and issuing auth bonds to the qualified voters of the CitJ at a special electi6n to be heft on March 11, 19691 _1� MINUTES (Cont.) 1/6/69 RENTON CITY COUNCIL, REGULAR MEETING ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Acquisition of Highlands Park Property and Development and Equipping; propositions to be placed on March 11, 1969 ballot. After reading of the proposed Ordinance, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Grant, to adopt Ordinance No. 2453 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. I LOrdinance No. 2454,placed on second and final reading upon motion by Trimm, second by Edwards, was adopted upon motion by Delaurenti and second by Barei, following final reading. The Ordinance amends Section 5L103 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to licensing. (Adding to enumerated professional or semi-professional category for business license purposes, optometrists, architects and designers, opticians, ophthalmo- logists and pharmacists) Roll call vote on this document resulted in all ayes. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: Resolution No. 1598 was adopted upon motion by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, fixing February 3, 1969 at 8:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, Renton Municipal Building, as time and place for a public hearing on proposed vacation of portion of 12th Place lying adjacent to Tract 40, 46B and 46C of Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands No. 2, described in Exhibit A, attached to said Resolution. (M. Lotto et al petition) CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer requested fund transfers to maintain proper budgetary Water Maintenance balances, which Utility Service-Water, Power and Equipment Rental Accounts were underestimated, as follows: From 1820/1109 Salaries and Wages, $12,862.24, unto: 1820/302, Utility Service, Water, $2,729.17; 303, Utility Service, Power, $6,905.32; 315, Equipment Rental, $3,202.79 and 325, Laundry Service, $24.96. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request for fund transfers with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. The motion carried. Letter from Building Director B. L. Ruppert reported bid opening on 12/30/68 for Kitchen Equipment for the new Municipal Building Lunchroom and that two proposals had been received. (See attached tabulations) It was noted that since installation was included in the apparent high bid it was actually the low bid by $995.00 and since alternates as proposed were acceptable it was recommended that the Green-Todd proposal be accepted in sum of $133,818.98 plus tax. Building Director's Estimate for the project was $15,000.00. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the recommendation to the Property Committee along with the bids, for report back. Carried. Kalberer Hotel Supply Company o Washington was the second bidder. Letter from Building Director Ruppert reported bid opening on 12/30/68 for draperies and that no bids had been received. It was requested that new bid call be authorized and that $5,225.00 be appropriated from excess revenyies in the Current Fund, unto 1969 Building Department Budgetary Account 1165/606, Capital Outlay, to cover funding, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur in the requests with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for legislation to effect the appropriation. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to amend the motion to include February 3, 1969 as date for bid opening on the new call. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, submitted letter from Architects,Olson, Richert and Bignold Co.regarding tie J. D. Stewart Company, Stage 1 Building Contract, Lake Wn. Beach Park., and outlining circumstances regarding the Company's request for contract completion date extensions recommended extension to January 16, 1969, as deemed to be warranted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommended extension. '+•.Carried. (C.AG. 1288-68) APPOINTMENTS: Council President Perry reported pending appointments, and inquired as to wishes of the Council regarding permanent appointment of three Firemen to permanent status and for reappointment of Fire Civil Service Commission Member. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, the appointments to rank of Firemen be placed on reading at this time. Carried. Mayor's letter was read requesting concurrence in appointment of David Riggle, James M. Rupprecht and Nicholas Vacca to rank of Firemen, having succes9fully completed the six- months probationary period and as recommended by Fire Chief Walls. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, to concur in the appointments. Carried. (Effective 1/1/69) -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING APPOINTMENTS: (Continued) Mayor's letter requesting concurrence in the appointment of Don Emmons to membership on the Fire Civil Service Commissimn for a six year term, eff. 1/20/69, was reported; it was rioted that Mr. Emmons was appointed previously to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Al Noble, which term was now expiring. Council action was invited. Moved by Barei, seconded by Trimm, to place the appointment on reading. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Barei, to concur in the appointment as read. Carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Barei inquired regarding progress of the Jones Park restroom construction now and Park Director Coulon reported notice from the Architects that the Contractor has been advised to complete the project and that certain items and materials could not be secured by the Contractor but that everything possible otherwise is being done at this time to see that it gets completed at an early date; no penalty to be assessed. Light and Power Committee Chairman Grant announced a meeting on Tuesday, January 21, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers with residents of the Monterey Terrace area in regard to the proposed undergrounding L.I.D. Fire and Water Committee Chairman Bruce submitted recommendation that proposals from Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, as attached, for engineering services for the Rolling Hills elevated tank and North 4th and "M" Street Booster Pump Station, be accepted by the Council and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same upon a proval of the documents by the City Attorney. The projects are included in the 19` 9 budget and funds provided as per estimates heretofore presented and approved. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendations, authorizing execution of the contract 9greement documents as requested. Carried. Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris reported Committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 6739 through 6872 and moved that the Council approve same for payment at this time. The motion was seconded by Maxin and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund w 14,553.32 6754 - 6830 City Street Fund 1,454.70 6831 - 6836 Cedar River M. & I. 324.06 6837 - 6838 Equipment Rental 543.34 6839 - 6849 Parks 4,161.67 6850 - 6863 Waterworks Utility 12747.02 6864 - 6871 Airport 22.88 6872 Firemen's Pension Fund 29706.10 6739 - 6753 125,,513.0-9 Ways and Means Committee Chairman Schellert submitted report regarding funding of additional salaries and employee benefits as granted the City Clerk, City Treasurer and Mayor for 19692 and it was recommended that $11,558.00 be funded from excess revenues which have been re- ceived from street vacation charges in the Current Fund. Moved by Perry, seconded by Trimm, to table this matter until. January 13, 1969 when the public hearing is to be held on this subject. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti inquired whether Councilman Garrett had heard from Seattle Council President Miller regarding the joint meeting proposed to discuss the Seattle City Light Franchise for operation in Renton. Councilman Garrett submitted a letter he had received acknowledging request for the joint meeting and advising Renton's communication would be filed with the Council December 30, and referred to the Utilities Committee for report. Further notice will be forwarded regarding conditions and status of the franchise application and desirability of a general joint meeting of the Councils. Councilman Garrett advised he will have future correspondence directed to Council President Perry. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Sanitation Committee Member Perry submitted report recommending that Resolution No. 1589 be repealed and new Resolution be prepared setting new public hearing date for proposed Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. (No. 261) and legal description include additional area to cover the south one-half of Block 159 C, D. Hillman's Lake Wn. Garden of Eden Div. #1, comprising one-half of the block adjacent to and north of S.E. 93rd Street, between 100th Ave. S.E. and 104th Ave. S.E. . This would allow service to both sides of S.E. 93rd Street at a reducdd cost to the improvement district by app. $50.00 per lot. Over 50% of owners in the additional area have signed petitions for sewer facilities. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Barei, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance C amnittee. Carried. -3- r� MINUTES — RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/6/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont.) Council President Perry announced that he will be holding Committee of the Whole Meetings on Wednesdays and January 15, 1969 at 8:00 p.m. will be the first meeting. The tentative agenda for the meeting will be attached to the minutes of each city council meeting. ouncilman Garrett announced a meeting of the Special City Hall Building Committee at *01:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 7. Councilman Bruce announced a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee at 7:30 p. m. on January 15, and the City Engineer was requested to attend. Councilman Grant announced a meeting of the Light and Power Committee at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, January 13 in his council office and the Traffic Engineer was requested to be present. Mayor Custer reminded the Council that official council pictures will be taken next Monday, January 13, at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Grant called attention to Association of Wn. Cities notice regarding proposed legislation relating to taxing of public utilities which would taxing of the city's own utility system and moved that the letter be referred to the Legislation Committee for report back. The motion was seconded by Morris and carried. Property Committee Chairman Barei requested a meeting following adjournment of this meeting in his council office. Councilman Schellert announced a Ways and Means Committee meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 13. ayor Custer recalled action of the Council authorizing execution of agreement document ■,:ith Local 21R and since portion of the document is in conflict with existing ordinance recommendation should have been included revisions thereto. The City Attorney's approval was to be secured prior to execution and the matter should be referred for proper revision accordingly. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee to report back. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor `r —4— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1-6-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1502 $ 14,598.00 McGrath Corp 13523 SE 106th P1 Const new home 1503 14,740.00 " 10600 135th Ave SE " 1504 15,436.00 " 10606 135th Ave SE " B 1505 14,740.00 " 10609 135th Ave SE " 1506 350.00 Robert L Norris 1513 S 7th St Demolish home 1507 11000.00 Edward L Levitt 13015 90th S Bedroom addition 1508 2,000.00 Robert Huebner 3414 N 4th St Pave parking lot 1509 500.00 Hartman Office Supl 217 Sunset Blvd N Reinstall sign B 1510 4,000.00 1st Federal Savings 201 S Wells St Erect sign pylon ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1553 404.00 McGrath Corp 10620 134th Ave SE Wire residence 1554 389.00 If 10717 134th Ave SE " E 1555 14.00 If 10639 135th Ave SE it 1556 400.00 Mobil Oil Co 251 Sunset Blvd E Install canopy light 1557 315.74 Mike Lackie 401 S 3rd St Romex to conduit 1558 50.00 E L Levitt 13015 90th S Wire addition 1559 49,000.00 Wash Wholesalers 705 SW 7th St Elec & heating E 1560 350.00 Pacific Technology 235 Airport Way Combine meters 1561 3,500.00 E A Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd E Wire 4-plex 1562 250.00 George Seamster 2010 6th Pl N New service MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1537 Holcomb Const 13422 Sunset Blvd E Plumbing & fixtures 1538 J A Benaroya 910 Thomas SW Inst gas piping 1539 " 1050 Thomas SW If M 1540 Humble Oil Co 10610 SE 94th Inst furnace 1541 Manic, L Phillips 613 11th P1 S Inst heater 1542 McGrath Corp 10609 135th Ave SE Plumbing & fixtures 1543 " 10606 135th Ave SE " 1544 10600 135th Ave SE " M 1545 " 13523 SE 106th Pl " 1546 Robert Hamlin 543 4th Ave N Inst gas furnace SEWER PERMITS No 627 Greater Renton 2834 12th P1 N Sewer service Shopping Center No 653 Robert Huebner VOID No 654 Robert Huebner 3420 No 4th St Sewer set-vice -5- 1/6/69 -_ TABULATION OF BIDS: Kitchen Equipment for the Renton Municipal Building Lunchroom Bid Opening 12/30/68 - First Floor Conference Room BIDDER AND ADDRESS TOTAL BID .. GREENE - TODD CO., INC. Bid Bond Submitted $ 13,818.98 407 Dexter Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98109 KALBERER HOTEL SUPPLY Certified Check Submitted $ 13,534.00 COMPANY OF WASHINGTON 914 Virginia Street Seattle, Washington 98101 BID OPENING: PROVIDE AND INSTALL WINDOW DRAPERIES FOR RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING NO BIDS RECEIVED -6- BID OPENING 1/6/69 BID TABULATION L• / • ,1) . d 6O 12" D. I . Watermain in East Valley Hwy (92nd Ave. So.) from S . 180th St . to S. 165th St. BIDDERS BOND BID Allison Inc. Bond $ 74, 917 . 50 9917 Portland Ave. Tacoma, Wa . 98445 G. Argentieri Bond 71. , 211.00 1815 So. Jackson St. . Seattle, Wa. 98144 Bay Construction-Everett Bond 82,022 . 57 2155 No. Northlake Way Seattle, Wa. 98103 Frank Coluccio Construction Co. , Inc. Bond 62 , 370 . 83 7778 Seward Park Ave . So. Seattle , Wa. 98118 Elness Construction Co. Inc. Bond 68,457 .43 463 - 15th Ave. Kirkland, Wa. 98033 Frost Construction Co. Bond 71, 624. 30 8005 So. 222 Kent, Wa. 98031 Gesner-Brown, Inc. Bond 75, 434. 37 11025 - 142nd S . E. Renton, Wa. 98055 J. J. Jackson, Inc . Cert. CVS, 63 , 386 . 57 P. O. Box 247 Renton, Wa. 98055 McDonough Construction Bond 78,606 .47 13249 Northrup Way Bellevue, Wa . 98004 Bert Robison Construction, Inc. Bond 76 , 505 . 50 5611 Delridge Way. S . W. Seattle, Wa. 98106 Shoreline Construction Co. Bond $ 67 , 318. 90 12531 - 15th Ave. N. E. Seattle , Wa. 98125 ___ -7- x l.� RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk January 13, 196q BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Boundary Review Board Notice of modification by enlargement of proposed annexation per petition of Sanders et al, BRB File 114, City File A68-06. CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER (Power to Act) Claim by Wm. David Graves against the city regarding cracks in walls of residence CITY CLERK To sign Contract for L.I.D. 260 with ColucciQ- Construction Co., 12" watermain in 92nd Avenue So. (E. Valley Hwy.) LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Amendment of Sec. 8-303 of Title VIII to provide for city to assume billing on garbage contract Amendment of Permit for Clearview Cable T.W. to extend service area Municipal Pumping Contract and Resolution to be accepted to cover service by Puget Power of Cedar River Park Pump Station PROPERTY COMMITTEE Fund transfer requested by City Clerk to purchase two new copy machines to replace present rental equipment MAYOR and*COUNCIL To sign Contract documents for L.I.D. 260, 12" watermain in 92nd Avenue South *To select citizen and council member committee to study possible change in form of city government for Renton POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE To study legality of having punch boards &n Renton MEETINGS AND EVENTS: January 15, 1969 - Committee of the Whole meeting at 8:00 p.m. in 6th floor conference January 22, 1969 room, and at 8:00 p.m. on January 22nd January 16, 1969 - Mayor's meeting re Street renaming program January 20, 1969 - Legislation Committee at 7:00 p.m. Street and Alley Committee at 7:00 p.m. January 21, 1969 - Light and Power Committee meeting with Monterey Terrace residents Fair Housing Commission meeting in Mayor's Office 1/22/69 - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TENTATIVE AGENDA 8:00 p.m., Conference Room, 6th Floor Items to be presented: 1. Director of Public Works - Function of Position (Referred by Mr. Shane) 2. Engineering Department presentation of proposed Comprehensive Sewer Plan 3. Proposed Harbor and Water Safety Ordinance 4. Proposal-for local Design Commission S. Appointments Mayor Custer, City Attorney Shellan, Councilman Shane, Polic6 Chief, Planning Commissioner Stredicke requested to be present for discussion of matters referred, along with the other Councilmen. 10 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING M I N U T E S Office of the City Clerk January 13, 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Perry, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Garrett, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Shane and Grant. Absent: Barei. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, the absent Councilman, who was reported ill, be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, 'Street Commissioner, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Bernard Ruppert, Building Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Director and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Perry, seconded by Edwards, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 6, 1969 be approved as mailed out and distributed. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING: Vacation of certain streets and alleys, per Resolution No. 1590 and Exhibit thereto, in general area of Earlington Flats This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communications were read from N. E. Todhunter, Puget Sound Power and Light Company Escrow Supervisor, asking that 40 ft. wide utility easement be retained to allow clearance for 115 NV line; from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, recommending the vacation requests be approved subject to retention of utility easement over the South 40 ft. of South 150th Place for Puget Power and the City of Renton's public utility purposes. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Commission review of the proposal and recommended same be granted as requested to allow better utilization of the land and bring economic benefit to the City. Letter from Jan P. Klippert, Chairman, Board of Public Works, reported no objection to the vacations proposed provided adequate easements are obtained. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Norman Winn, Attorney At Law, representing Mr. E. R. Turner, owner of Lots 29 through 41 in Block 41 of the subject area, expressed objection to the proposed vacations,noting in the event of such vacations that undue access problems for this land owner.will result. Problems of terrain and inadequacy of right of way which he would be forced to utilize were outlined and pictures of the area were circulated among the Councilmen for further clarification. Mr. Turner added his disapproval at loss of access, and no proposals for solution, noting problem posed because of the hole and toboggan slide topography of access area to be left. Mr. John E. Phillips of Hullin, Ehrlichman, Roberts & Hodge, Attorneys at Law, 1702 Norton Building, Seattle, representing petitioners for the vacation, noted that the petition represents 93% of abutting owners, only 2/3 being required for a valid petition. He noted that the area was platted in 1908 and the streets have never been opened and developed, the reason being that the entire area lies in a hole, below flood level and in order to be developed would require fill to raise it above the flood stage. Present Land uses of Light Industry, and Manufacturing indicated on the recently adopted Comprehensive Plan and the rezone from SR-1 to B-1 of part of the area were deemed to be progressive thinking, the area not logically suitable for residential use. Proposed development by Totem Pontiac and Dealer, Mr. Dick Evans was disclosed and it was noted that if Mr. Turners' land level were raised he would have access and that arrangements would be made to grant him an easement if this would resolve the problem. Film slides of the street layout and vacation request were shown and boundaries of the freeway to the north, a highway to the south, river on one side and older homes and undeveloped land and the proposed commercial development was felt to be a good one for the area. Proposed relocation of utilities and easement was outlined. Council action was invited and after questions regarding number of petitioners, details needed to be resolved with regard to relocation of utility easements and lines, and access problems and possible solution thereto, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards, that the hearing be closed. After further inquiry including that regarding Code requirements and issuance of building permits with easement access, the motion carried. Moved by Shane, seconded by Bruce, that further discussion on the matter be tabled for one week, Attorneys to work with the Engineering Department to resolve the matters of access and utility easements and relocations. Carried. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 1/1.3/69 Former Governor Albert Rosellini was introduced at this time, having entered the Council Chambers, and noting his presence in the Renton area and. deeision to visit the Council in session, he extended greeting of hello to all. Welcome was extended by the Mayor and various council members-in return. PUBLIC }TEARING: Emergency Ordinance appropriating funds for 1969 salary increases granted the City Treasurer, City Clerk and the Mayor. This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Ways and Means Committee report was read recommending that the additional salaries and employee benefits in sum of $11,558.00 be funded from excess revenues received from street vacation wasp charges. Audience comment was invited and there being none, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, the hearing be closed. The motion carried. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards that the proposed emergency ordinance be placed on second and final reading, introductory reading having been held on 1/6/69. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Maxin that Ordinance No. 2455 be adopted as read. Roll eall ,vote resulted in all ayes except Shane, who opposed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the Ways and Means Com- mittee recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Officials concerned expressed thanks. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted the following Ordinances which were adopted by the Council this date. Ordinance No. 2456, placed on first and introductory reading on 1/6/69 was presented for final reading at this time amending Chapter 1 of Title X (Traffic) of Ordinance No. 1628, entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", by establishing a new section entitled, Section 10-122, relating to the operation of motor vehicles on public highways in the City of Renton, operator's implied consent to a test to determine intoxication, providing for revocation of driving privileges; establishing hearing and appeal procedures; and reducing the blood alcohol percentage necessary to raise a presumption of intoxication. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to adopt the ordinance as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion. Ordinance No. 2457, placed on second and final reading upon motion by Trimm, seconded by Delaurenti, was adopted on motion by Schellert, seconded by Edwards with roll call. ate of all ayes, fixing the amount, form, date, interest and rate of maturity of in- stallment note, directing the issuance and sale thereof unto the City of Renton Firemen's Pension Fund, relating to Local Improvement District No. 258. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: Councilman Trimm presented Resolutions approved by the Law and Ordinance Committee and adopted by the Counc l this date, as follows: Resolution No. 1599, rescinding Resolution No. 1598 and setting date of 2/17/69 as date for hearing on revised Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. No. 261, vicinity of S.E. 93rd Street and Lake Wash. Blvd., was adopted on motion of Morris, second by Shane. It was noted that legal opinion h-as riot yet been received from bonding counsel in regard to mode of financing of an L.T.D. which might be outside the corporate limits of a city. Resolution No. 1600 was adopted upon motion by Morris, seconded by Schellert, authorizing transfer of $12,862.24 from Waterworks Utility Account 1820, 110, Salaries and Wages, unto 1820/302 -Utility Service - Water, $2,729.17; 303 - Utility Service - Power, $6,905.32; 315, Equipment Rental, $3,202.79 and 325, Laundry Service, $24.96, 1968 Budget, required to balance accounts for the year. Resolution No. 1601, adopted upon motion by Morris, seconded by Bruce, authorized appropriation of unexpended 1968 Traffic Engineering Departmental budgetary balances Current Fund, and Cumulative Reserve Fund 2373 funds into Traffic Engineering Account, Street Fund for 1969, in total sum of $64,753.43, to complete projects in progress at 3rd Avenue:;North & Sunset Blvd, Bronson Way from North lst Street to Factory Ave. No., Bronson Way from Bronson Way Bridge to Main Avenue South, and North 3rd-4th Street ONe-Way Couplet. From 1968 Current Fund Traffic Engineering Accounts, $64,753.43 unto 1969 Street Fund, Traffic Engineering 1330, Admin. Div. 602, $37,833.43 and Street Fund, Traffic Engineering 1350, Light & Signal Division #605, $26,920.00. Councilman Schellert abstained from voting on this matter and Councilman Shane requested his no vote be recorded. -2- 12 Minutes -- Renton City Cotincil Meeting 1/13/68 RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: (Cont.) Resolution No. 1602, adopted upon sciotion by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, authorizes appropriation of unexpended balance in the Current Fund, Building Department budgetary account unto 1969 Budgetary Account, Building Dep't., 1165/606 in sum of $5,225.0'0 for purchase of draperies for the Municipal Bldg., by bid call currently being advertised. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Mayor Custer was read submitting report of fund transfers within the budget classificat_or.s for period of November 5 - December 235, 1968, as required by Resolution No. 1232: From City Clerk 1140/402 unto 507, $100.00; From Building Department 1165/404 unto 417, $1,000.00; from Firemen's Pension Fund 2710/501 unto 510, $999.00; From: Building Department 1165/404 unto 402, $300.00; from City Clerk 1140/402 unto 507, $150.00; from Traffic Engineering 1172/315 unto 325, $45.00; from Fire Department 1190/402, $150.00, 403, $150.00 and 404, $650.00 unto 309, $25.00, 315, $875.00 and 409, $50.00; from City Clerk 1140/402 unto 308, $400.00; From, Police Parking Control 1187/200 unto 315, $350.00; from Traffic Engineering 1172/315 unto 417, $999.00; from Library 1610/310 unto 417, $950.00; from Planning 1160/504 unto 314, $550.00; from Water Administrative 1810/402 unto 401, $10.00; from City Clerk 1140/402 unto 511, $50.00; from Building 1165/404 unto 417, $1,000.00 from Equipment Rental, Central Garage, 1510/311 unto 409, $1,000.00. Claim against the City was read, filed by William David Graves, because of cracked walls in his residence, 800 North 3rd Street,attributed to street construction work. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to refer the claim to the City Attorney and the insurance carrier, with power to act. The motion carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson requested that portion of funds budgeted in Non-Depart- mental Budgetary Account 1141/310, Sundry Rentals, for the Xerox, be transferred into Non-Departmental M. & 0. 1141/306 Account for maintenance in sum of $300.00 and into Capital Outlay 606 in sum of $3,200.00 for purchase of two new copy machines to replace the equipment now being rented. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, to refer the matter to the Property Committee for investigation and report back. The motion carried. Letter from Victor TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested fund transfers to cove manticipated expenditures for equipment usage in 1968, as follows: from Street Department #1320/306, $1,300.00, 416, $3,500.00, 4192 $3,500.00 and 110, $2,003.00, unto 1320/315, Equipment Rental, $101,303.00. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the transfers with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution. Carried. Letter from Mayor Custer submitted communication of Nicholas A. Maffeo, Attorney representing Water District 473, reminding the City that under Agreement of April 11, 1962, the City has agreed to use the petition method in attempting to annex the island area of Talbot Hill. Mayor Custer reported reply which noted that legal requirments cannot be met to place the issue before the voters on March 11, and that the City will likely attempt to annex by such petition method. It was suggested that prior council action regarding election on the matter be rescinded. Moved by Perryq seconded by Schellert, that the Council rescind its former action of placing the matter of annexation of the Talbot Island area on the ballot. Carried. Letter from Joseph F. Lightfoot, Chief Clerk, King County Boundary Review Board, reported regard_ng proposed annexation of property to Renton, BRB File 114, City of Renton File A68-06, Sanders et al, (S.E. 132nd & 106th Ave. S.E.) that the Board decision was that the annexation be modified by addition of territory, the legal description of which was attached. Original area proposed contained 14.77 .� acres and area to be added contains 8.4 acres. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to refer the matter to the Board of Public Works for recommendation. The motion carried. Letter from Park Directof Gene Coulon submitted request of Rumsey & Company, for 25-day contract completion date extension in connection with C.AG. 1338-68 Tennis Court surfacing and repairs. Moved by Morris, seconded by Edwards to grant the request. Carried. -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 1/13/69 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Richard Stredicke, 3916 - 10th Court North, inquired regarding the garbage collection contract and problems resulting due to no collection on the holiday or following day. Utility Accountant Ted Bennett reported that the Contractor is to advise of the schedule according to the Contract terms and that because of snow collections were delayed, no complaints from the subject area having been filed heretofore, however. A meeting with the Contractor is being planned for a discussion of various aspects of the contract and matters regarding city billing. Mr. Stredicke inquired regarding possible purchase of snow removal equipment, some complaints being received from shoppers in the downtown area of the City. Various comments followed regarding the unusual amount of snow and report of �•• a number of compliments to the City for the good job done in keeping the main routes open along with lesser right-of ways which were hazardous. Councilman Grant commended the city for the work on 10th Avenue and 12th Avenue North with regard to snow removal and inquired as to priority in regard to their being paved. City Engineer Wilson advised that 12th Avenue North will be paved this year from Sunset Blvd. to 132nd Ave. S.E. which was delayed until the water main was installed. 10th Avenue has not been included for 1969 improvement. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Council President Perry called attention to the need for revision of the City Code, Title VIII Health And Sanitation, Section 8-303 since the City is assuming the responsibility of billing for the garbage collections, and moved that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion was seconded by Edwards and carried. Legislative Committee Chairman Perry announced a meeting on Monday, January 20, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss proposed taxing of public utility districts and requested the City Attorney to attend. President Perry announced that the Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on Wednesday, January 15, will be held in the 6th floor conference room rather than in the council chambers, and will commence at 8:00 p.m. �r. Councilman Grant, noting that punch boards are in operation and providing revenue within the city of Black Diamond,inquired regarding the fact that Renton does not have them and moved that the matter be referred to the Police and License Committee for the study of legality of having punch boards in Renton. The motion,-.1seconded by Shane, carried. Light and Power Committee Chairman Grant submitted report recommending that the application of Clearview Cable T.V. Company to expand service, be granted per their letter of August 28, subject to receipt of a letter or other acknowledgment from the company that if allowed to extend this service with overhead lines, any future conversion to underground will be accomplished at the expense of Clearview Cable T.V. Company. Moved by' Grant, seconded by Morris, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Grant, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for amendment to existing franchise permit. Carried. The Light and Power Committee report recommended that the proposed Municipal pumping service contract for the Cedar River Park Pump Station, referral of 11/18/68, be accepted, said document to comply with Schedule 40, Tariff I, filed with the Utilities and TransportAtion Commission with term of the contract being ten years. Puget Power has indicated that if after one year of operation the city feels it advantageous to change to another more economical rate schedule, it may so exercise this right. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper resolution. Carried. Property Committee report regarding kitchen equipment for the Municipal Building Lunchroom recommended that the low bid of the Greene-Todd Company, including plumbing and electrical installation work, in sum of $13,818.98, plus tai, -be accepted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Property Committee report. The motion carried. -4- q4 R A Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1/13/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Fire and Water Committee Chairman Bruce submitted recommendation that the low bid of Frank Coluccio Construction Company, in sum of $62,370.83, including tax, be accepted for installation of 12" watermain in the East Valley Highway (92nd Ave. So.) L.I.D. 260, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary documents upon approval as to form by the City Attorney. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin, to concur. The motion carried. Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Morris submitted recommendation, and motion,' that Renton Vouchers Nos. 6873 through 7105; having been approved by the Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. The motion was seconded by Edwards and carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund $ 7�y/ !.qt 6873 - 6939 w-7o E,o City Street 21,120.44 6940 - 6967 Cedar River M. & I. 3060.01 6968 - 6977 Equipment Rental 5,053.66 6978 - 7009 Library 12884.01 7010 - 7015 Parks 149'789.81 7016 - 7051 Waterworks Utility 2292-35.65 7052 - 7090-7/,as- Airport 090-7iasAirport 391.40 7091 - 7100 Firemen's Pension Fund 52.00 7101 - 7102 City Hall Construction Fund 109276.95 7103 - 7104 o Councilman Schellert reported that the Ways and Means Committee is unable to report in regard-to funding of the fluoridation ballot issue since the County is unable to give an estimate at this times and the matter will be held in Committee. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Council President Perry reminded the Council of the Committee of the Whole meeting to be held at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 15th in the 6th floor conference room. Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett announced a meeting ori January 20, at 7:00 p.m. at which time a consulting firm wishes to make a proposal on the TOPICS program. Councilman Shane recalled his discussions with Department Heads regarding coordina- tion of efforts under a public works program and Council President Perry noted that this had been previously referred to the Committee of the Whole and would be on the Agenda the 22nd at which time Councilman Shane could express his views for discussion at that time. Councilman Shane called attention to the problem confronting builders to develop projects without sewer facilities and moved that the matter of a sewdr program for the City be placed on the agenda of the Committee of the Whole as he did not feel initiating such a program was a job for the Sanitation Committee. The motion was seconded by Grant and carried. Councilman Shane urged that joint meetings of the Planning Commission and the Council, Bngiii�ering Department and the Council, and other Departments,. be held­fot �discussions to resolve sewer problems, planning problems with respect to Code interpretations, and various other matters, requesting the Mayor to set up such meetings. Moved by Grant, seconded by Shane, that a joint Planning Commission and Committee of the Whole meeting be held on Tuesday, February 4, at 8:00 p.m. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that members cannot attend meetings presently held. Council President Perry noted that each referral will be placed on the Committee of the Whole Agenda and the person making the referral will be responsible for being present to discuss the matter or it will be considered a dead issue. It was noted that the Planning Committee of the Council has been working with Planning-.at all times and after mane meetings had now completed study and prepared revisions to the sign ordinance and that the Planned Unit Development Ordinance which is now in proposal stage has been a continuous process. Inquiry was made as to what will be discussed at the proposed joint meeting and Grant stated it would be better planning. Upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen noted no problem of critical nature but did feel there is some merit in joint discussion of the general approach in regard to the planning program if that should be the wish of council. Dissenting voice vote on the pending motion brought request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Delaurenti, Maxin, Bruce, Grant and Shane. No: Perry, Morris, Schellert, Trimm, Garrett and Edwards. The motion lost 6 to 5. Mayor Custer invited Mr. Shane to submit in writing any discrepancies or inequities which would 5be placed before the body for solution. - - Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1/13/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Councilman Shane brought up for discussion the matter of Renton becoming a First Class or Municipal Code City and moved that the Mayor and Council appoint a Committee comprised of perhaps 25 citizens and members of the Council to study the possibility of changd in form of, government for the City of Renton. It was noted that the matter,)af amendment,Y to the Optional Municipal Code is to be considered by the 41st Legislative Session and would not be in: effect until July 1. Discussion ensued regarding possible assistance from Legislators in regard to the study, after which the pending motion which had been seconded by Grant, was voted upon and carried. Planning Committee Chairman Maxin reported that the Sign Ordinance has been completed and courtesy has been extended the businessmen to make recommendations since they are to be greatly affected and final report on the study will be made thereafter. Mayor Custer reported that a series of meetings will be scheduled with various groups of persons who are directly concerned by reason of their business vocation, ie:, selling house numbers, etc., businessmen and councilmen among others invited to any and all meetings,for discussion of street name changes. The first meeting is to be held on Thursday, January 16, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers Also, a meeting of the Fair Housing Commission, in accordance with the Ordinance, is to be held on January 21,at 7:30 in the Mayor's Office. Upon inquiry, it was noted that the city has received no complaints regarding discrimination since the Ordinance was adopted. Mayor Custer reported that the City has been approached to participate in some installations with regard to improvement of the West Valley Highway between the Boeing Plaut and Kent, all the way past Longacres to Interurban Avenue, foi traffic signal system at 180th and the West Valley Highway. Report will be made with regard to advisability of the city sharing in such project next week. Councilman Shane Pemarked regarding police duty at Longacres and ownership of breakage funds. Mayor Custer noted that the police work inside the city is on-duty and that often Fire and Police personnel are involved in off-duty service, as may be requested. cirri Councilman Grant reminded fre Light and Power Committee members and the Councilmen of the January 21st meeting with residents of Monterey Terrace at 8:00 p.m. Councilman Perry invited Mr. Richard Stredicke to be present at a January 22nd Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss his proposal for a local design commission. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Richard Stredicke, as a member of the Planning Commission, noted that the Commission meets regularly the second and fourth Wednesday of each month in the Council Chamber and that Council representation had previously been evidenced which was not so,.prevalent at present. He also called attention to program schedule prepared by Planning Director Ericksen at Green River College,to update and provide better planning informatinn,to be attended by Commission members on their own time, copy of which schedule carp be furnished to the Council Members. Also noted was a book on planning techniques which Mfr. Stredicke volunteered to loan Councilmen who wished to be updated on planning processes, when he has finished reading it. As there was no further audience comment nor further business to come before the council, it was moved by Grant, seconded by Schellert, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- i T # OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1-13-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work w B 1511 $ 300.00 Lloyd W Salter 327 Morris St S Demolish home 1.512 5,000.00 Sterneo Land Co 7430 S 180th Const building 1513 12,000.00 Orville S Long 2800 B1 6th Ave N Duplex on foundation 1514 1,200.00 The Boeing Co 4-64 Bldg Upgrade bldg B 1515 500.00 it 10-55 Bldg Erect wall 1516 382.00 if 10-57 Bldg Const wall 1517 200.00 John N Talley 118 Riviera Dr Mount sign 1518 Estella A Brodell 14730 130th P1 SE Demolish home 1519 VOID B 1520 7,121.00 Jack A Beriaroya Co 920 Thomas Ave SW Const office 1521 500,00 Wynn Hess 425 N Pelly Demolish home 1522 1,000.00 Alex Cugini Jr 36 Logan Ave S Repair damage 1523 400.00 Paul L Jackson 12642 87th Ave S Add entrance 1524 1,900.00 Marie Sterner 822 Sunset Blvd E Addition to home B 1525 VOID ELECTRICAL PERMITS. E 1563 123.00 The Boeing Co 4-61 Bldg Relocate circuit 1564 153.00 " 4-20 Bldg Provide service E 1565 240.00 " 10-65 Bldg Inst service 1566 3,200.00 " 10-55 Bldg Inst busway 1567 200.00 " 10-51 Bldg Provide service 1568 140.00 " 10-65 Bldg Inst heaters 1569 800.00 " 4-76 Bldg Inst recpts E 1570 176.00 " 4-45 Bldg Reconnect heater 1571 50.00 Jack A Benaroya Co 1050 Thomas Ave SW Temp power to heater 1572 50.00 The Boeing Co 4-81 Bldg Relocate recpt 1573 50.00 " 4-75 Bldg Inst circuit 1574 104.00 if 10-60 Bldg Inst switch E 1575 600.00 If 4-20 Bldg Power to routers 1576 159.00 if 10-80 Bldg Elec service 1577 3,500.00 " 4-21 Bldg Emerg power 15'78 29500,00 " 4-21 Bldg Replace switch 1579 2,000.00 " 10-50 Bldg Inst lights "N1W E 1580 434.00 McGrath Corp 10732 134th Ave SE Wire residence 1581 450.00 of 10633 135th Ave SE it to 1582 150.00 Mr Henderson 12803 Rainier S Underground1°1ig)hts 1583 VOID 1584 1,200.00 John Henry Company 920 Thomas Ave SW Inst lights E 1.585 218.00 Albert H Olafson 13415 SE 116th St Rewire house MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1547 Peoples Bank 707 Rainier Ave Plumbing & fixt. 1548 The Boeing Cc 10-50 Bldg Connect pumps 1549 McGrath Corp 13514 SE 106th P1 Inst gas furnace, M 1550 if 10609 135th Ave SE Inst furnace 1551 it 13318 SE 106th St " 1552 It 10600 135th Ave SE 1553 it 13523 SE 106th P1 " 1554 1110606 135th Ave SE M 1555 If 13406 SE 106th St " 1556 Galvin Supply 329 Wells Ave S Inst heater 1557 Wash. Wholesaler Ins 705 SW 7th Gas storage tank 1558 Harold Lee 2825 7th Ave N Inst gas furnace 1559 The Boeing Co 4-81 Bldg Relocate fountain M 1560 Richard Lannglois 2403 7th Ave N Inst gas dryer 1561 John Henry Co 920 Thomas Ave SW Plumbing & fixt. 1562 Peoples Bank 707 Rainier Ave S Inst furnace & rem SEWER PERMITS No 644 McGrath 10633 135th SE Sewer service 645 it 10639 135th Ave SE it 646 " 10732 134th SE It 647 " 10720 134th SE It 648 10620 134th SE it 649 10611 134th SE " No 650 " 10623 134th SE " 651 10717 134th SE " 652 10741 134th SE " 655 & 656 Evans Products 846 Lind Ave SW " 657 & 658 C E Overbeck 8907 100th Ave SE " (No. 653 & 654 listed in last minutes) _�_ RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of the City Clerk January 20 , 1969 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Matter of procedures in granting certain licenses-to allow granting without presentation to Council Resolution proposed by Cle Elum for distribution of funds to cities Workable Program for Renton per Mayor ' s letter To study possible city use of breakage funds from Longacres CITY ATTORNEY To draft , with the Mayor , a letter to Legislators and to the Ass ' n. of Washington Cities opposing taxing of leasehold and public utility properties To check , with City Clerk , annexation file and proceedings for compliance wit4 RCW 35 . 13 . 125 and 130 re preliminary meeting being set by Council (Weinberg , McGrath-Glencoe) CITY CLERK To check annexation File (Weinberg et al) for compliance with RCW in regard to setting of preliminary meeting with property owner by council CITY ENGINEER Petition for Sanitary Sewer L. I . D. in Mance Addition , vic . 94th Ave . So . 173rd and 174th Streets COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES Formation of new council committees and committee assignments per prior suggestions of Councilmen Schellert and Grant LAW AND ORDINANCE k2%)!�:.1TTEE Street Department Fund balance 1968 transfer unto 1969 budget , $24 , 000 . 00 for improvement of No . 5th Street bid call Fund transfers for purchase of two new copy machines Vacation of streets and alleys in Earlington Flats area MAYOR To draft , with City Attorney , letter opposing taxing of leaseholds and public utility properties POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for Hit Parade Music Corp . to be granted required licenses to operate: music machines at L.B . ' s Tavern, The Waffle Shop and Friar Tucks . PROPERTY COMMITTEE To secure appraisal of streets and alleys in Earlington Flats for vacation and sale purposes SANITATION COMMITTEE The Boeing Company contract for garbage collection ,. /14 I Lor MEETINGS AND EVENTS : January 22 , 1969 - Committee of the Whole at 8 : 00 p .m. January 27 , 1969 - Street and Alley Committee at 7 : 30 p.m. February 10 , 1969 - Public Hearing on Sanders et al annexation as modified y '':` APPOINTMENTS Patrolmen- R. L. Anthony , eff . 12/15/68 ; M. E . Bearscove , off . 12/1/68 , W. H . Bronsema , eff , 12/1/68 ; J . T . Foust , eff . 12/15/68 ; S . J . Journey , eff . 12/1/68 ; R. L. Leyerle , eff . 12/15/68 and R. L. Mecham, eff . 12/15/68 Fireman - Kenneth A. Walls , eff . 1/16/69 Fire Lieutenant, Bruce Phillips , eff . 1/16/69 , all permanent position appointments . p r� I RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING M I N U T E S Office of the City Clerk January 20, 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Perry, Morris, Schellert, Delaurenti, Trimm, Garrett, Edwards, Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Shane and Barei. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Del Bennett, Traffic_ Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief and Bernard Ruppert, Building Director. Moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 13, 1969 be approved as mailed out. The motion carried. ORDINANCES ADOPTED BY COUNCIL Ordinance No. 2458 was read, amending Section 1-2501 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, relating to Sick Leave Benefits. Motion by Morris, seconded by Grant authorized second and final reading after which it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt the legislation as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Ordinance No. 2459 was read, amending Section 1-802 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled *"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, relating to holidays and vacations. Second and final reading was authorized by motion of Trimm, seconded by Edwards and after final reading, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt the legislation as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Ordinance No. 2460 was read, amending Section 8-308 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", relating to billings and collection of garbage, providing for the imposition of a lien upon non-payment of charges, enforcement and penalties. Motion by Delaurenti, seconded by Edwards, authorized second and final reading after which it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to adopt the legislation as read. Discussion ensued regarding the financial aspect of the city assuming the billing and collection of payments, and Councilman Shane inquired regarding status of private contract with the Boeing Company recalling like request of Pacific Car for such service. It was noted that present action has been the result of Sanitation Committee recommendations and Council concurrence and is in accordance with terms of the present Franchise agreement and governing ordinances. Motion by Maxin, seconded by Edwards, called for the previous question. The motion carried and the original motion to adopt the Ordinance was voted upon. Roll call resulted in all ayes except Shane who opposed. The motion carried. Ordinance No. 2461 was read, setting forth the duties of the City Attorney, providing for the manner of appointment of the City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney, and compensa- tion for such office; amending Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled, "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renta n". Committee of the Whole report was read recommending adoption of the Ordinance. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the report of the Committee of the Whole with the document being placed on its second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Perry, seconded by Barei, to adopt the Ordinance as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Item 7b of the Agenda was read wherein Vic Tdgdntvoort, Street Commissioner, requested appropriation of unexpended balance in 1968 Street Department account 1320/605, in sum of $24,000.00 into the 1969 budgetary account in order that new bid -call may be authorized for the irnprovement of North 5th Street, bids of October 14, 1968 having all been rejected, being over estimated cost. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request of the Street Commissioner. Carried. Moved by Schellert, and seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for report. The motion carried. -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1/20/69 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL Resolution No. 1603 was read authorizing the appropriation of $245'000.00, unexpended balance in the Street Department Fund #1320, Capital Outlay 605 for 1968, unto the 1969 budget. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Edwards to adopt the legislation. Carried. Councilman Shane inquired regarding anticipated street repair and maintenance program for the coming year. Budgetary allocations were outlined and attention called to the specific locations designated within the budget. Mayor Custer advised he could make available a list of neighborhood streets contemplated to be repaired, noting the Capital Improvement Priority program contains some such items and rendered explanation of revisions which may result in the list such as unanticipated mode of funding, in some instance, or emergency need in others. Councilman Barei requested a list of the streets being contemplated for repairs. Resolution No. 1604 was read authorizing transfer of Street Department unexpended funds, 1968 budget account 1320, from Account 306, $11,300.00; 416, $35500.00; 419, $3,500.00; and 110, $2,003.00, in total sum of $10,303.00, unto Acct. 315, Equipment Rental. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Edwards, to adopt the legislation as read. Carried. Resolution No. 1605 was read, authorizing execution and delivery of a contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Company for furnishing municipal water pumping power for the Cedar River Park Pump #8 for a period of ten years. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Maxin, to adopt the legislation as read. After discussion regarding the need for such a contract and among other reasons it being noted the city is thereby guaranteed a specific rate, Committee referral.- and report was noted along with concurrence by the Council and subsequent referral for the Resolution now before the body. Vote on the pending motion was declared to be in affirmative majority and carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, the matter of vacating streets and alleys, South 150th Place, 83rd Avenue South and the alleys adjoining, between 80th and 84th Avenues South, be taken from the table and placed before the council for discussion at this time. Carried. Letter from N. E. Todhunter, Puget Sound Power & Light Company advised that new alignment of 115 KV electric pole line as proposed by vacation petitioners is satisfactory providing adequate right of way easements are granted and costs in connection therewith are paid. Letter from Attorney Norman Winn, on behalf of Mr. R. E. Turner, owner of Lots 29 through 41, Block 41, advised that satisfactory access has not been offered and 80th Avenue South would not constitute access since the terrain is not feasible for a road at that point. Present zoning was noted as R-1, the use for which would not be per- mitted in event of proposed vacation. Validity of the petition was questioned in regard to statutory requirements as to ownerships and attention was called to the fact that abutting owners adversely affected by vacations must be compensated for damages and that vacations are void if made solely for private benefit of adjoining owners without some element of public use. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported examination of the request for relocation of utility line and easements and reported that a 30 ft. wide easement would be adequate for purposes of present or future utilities and it was suggested that the easement be located adjacent to the freeway rather than in South 150th Place, assuming petitioners arrange to have the existing power line easement moved to the freeway. Letter from Hullin, Ehrlichman, Roberts & Hodge, by John E. Phillips, Attorneys for Petitioners, reported willingness to grant an easement for utility purposes over the -- south 30 ft. of all, of blocke 38 and 40 in C. A. Hillmans Earlington Gardens, Div. #1, and to pay reasonable costs to move the power lines now running along 1.50th Place South between 80th Avenue South and 84th Avenue South to location with the easement described so long as power line is placed 10 ft. from PSH. #1. Petitioners agree to grant the City a $0 ft. easement for water and sewer facilities prior to getting a building permit and will work out with the City Engineer the most reasonable place for such easement. Moved by Perry, seconded by Shane, to grant the vacation as requested providing it. is agreeable to the City Engineer. Discussion ensued wherein both Mr. Turner and the Attorney for petitioners were allowed to address remarks to the Council. (Cont.) -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting (Cont . ) 1/20/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Vacation of Streets and Alleys in Earlington Flats City Engineer Wilson , upon inquiry regarding access , reported that this is a matter of whether one ownership is considered ; that some of the lots could have only an alley access but the total frontage is abutting a 30 foot street assuming the vacation were granted . It was pointed out during discussion that without proper fill there would still be an access problem . Upon inquiry regarding access problem, Mr . E . R. Turner submitted a diagram of the property and a plan proposed for creation of a right-of- way at 82nd Avenue South , advising that he has a sale for ten lots of his property providing access is available . He felt the valuation of his land would be decrease,i in event of the vacation , and pointed out proposed access which he Lett desirable . Attention was called to the fact that the area was platted many years ago and had never developed and that present development should not be prohibited , the land having to be filled above flood plain level to be utilized in any event . Mr . John Phillips , Attorney for the petitioners , upon inquiry regarding whether access problem had been resolved advised he had been unable to contact Mr . Turner ' s Attorney but it was not felt a 60 ft . easement was required . He pointed out that relocating the easement and power lines had been resolved with respective parties , noting the area was not feasible for residential development , that access along 150th ,which has never been ther,: , ,,,Tould never be opened being below flood level , and called attention to Engineering and Planning Department recommendations for the vacation . lie felt Mr . Turner has adequate access onto Grady way . He noted the area was platted in 1908 and that it has remained undeveloped over 50 years . Opinion was expressed that platted land with access should not be deprived of same and it was pointed out that access has never been developed ; that the entire area is pastureland . Mr . Turner recalled his Attorney ' s letter noting that no satisfactory agreement has been reached , pointing out that the whole valley is now beginning to develop. Film slides were shown by Attorney Phillips showing newly proposed location of power lines and easement . After further discussion and proposed motion to delete portion of South 150th Place from the vacation , which received no second , motion made by Grant , seconded by Perry , called for the previous question . The motion carried , Schellert opposing . The original motion to vacate was voted upon and declared to be in the affirmative majority . The dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which was taken as follows : Aye : Perry , Morris , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Edwards , Grant , Shaneand Bruce . No : Schellert , Maxin and Barei . The motion carried . moved by Barei , seconded by Schellert , to authorize appraisal and sale of the city ' s easement interest therein , at one-half of the appraised value , to the abutting property owners . Attorney Shellan , upon inquiry , advised that if the council desired it could vacate all ,or a portion of the right of way if abutting owner wished to develop a street , but that if conditions existing precluded chance of improvement at the given location then it could be vacated . He noted that if no street existed they could not be deprived of it . WA. U;,(- n inquiry regarding resulting situation if Mr . Turner does not wish to p-ii .-hase his share of the interest , the City Attorney pointed out that the property owners already own a vested interest and all the city is selling is its interest as easement holder . It has no fee title . If abutting owners do not want to purchase they may assign the interest to someone else who may be interested in purchasing that 30 feet . If the fee is not paid there is no vacation consumated . In following discussion it was noted that Mr . Turner has vested right along with easement right which he may wish to work out with other abutting owners . It was ' noted that proper easement documents will need to be filed prior to culmination of the vacation according to usual procedure , Motion to refer the matter to the Law & Ordinan,,_-c Committee carried . Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1/20/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Application from John C . Scott and Earl Kasner requested license to operate 13 billiard tables at 807 South Second Street in Renton . Moved by Perry , seconded by Bruce , to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried . Councilman Shane urged that such licenses be under direct jurisdiction of the Committee without comiing to Council and it was noted that this would require a change in the Cc,,e . MOVed by Shane , seconded by Perry , that the matter of procedure in granting of certain icenses be referred to the Committee of the Whole . Carried . setter from J . P . Klippert , Chairman , Board of Public Works , reporting in regard to Sanders et al petition for annexation , BRB File 114 , City File A68-06 , recommended that the Boundary Review Board modification by addition of territory be approved and concurrence by the Council be given and the necessary steps be taken to complete the proceeding . :Iuved by Schellert, seconded by Grant , to concur in the recommendations of the Board of Public Works . Carried . Moved by Grant , seconded by Bruce , that public hearing be set for February 10 on this matter . Carried . Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council consideration of the proposal for city participation in cost of providing qualified and trained adult crossing guards at the more hazardous school crossings , which program can be provided for the remainder of the year at $15 , 000 . 00 to be shared by the City and School District equally . It was recommended that agreement be authorized with the school district to employ Security Patrol Services , Inc . to provide such guards as per schedule of hours and locations using 8 guards and covering 8 crossings . It was further recommended thpt the City ' s $7 , 500 . 00 share of cost be funded from those funds budgeted for a Wage and Salary study in the 1969 Budget . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Perry , to concur in the recommendation with matter of funding referred to the Ways and Means Committee . The motion carried , Shane opposing . ?.etter from Mayor Custer reported receipt of letter from the Housing kuthority of the City of Renton requesting information regarding status )f a "Workable Program" for the City which report must be submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development before and application can be submitted by the Housing Authority for funds to build low rent housing . Three Programs have been submitted by the City during the past five years ; the last was not approved however application for funds to build low rent housing in Renton was approved during the period in which the application was under consideration . Upon notice from HUD that the City ' s program could not be approved as submitted , the prior City Council decided not to proceed to seek approval . Rules and regulatibns have been modified and consideration of preparing another application if such would aid the Housing Authority in obtaining additional low-rent housing units was deemed advisable . Moved by Grant , seconded by Edwards , to refer the matter to the Committee of the whole . Carried . Letter from Mayor Custer submitted copies of proposed agreement between the City and the State concerning installation of traffic signals at the intersection of South 180th Street and the West Valley Highway . Letter from Traffic Engineer Bennett was attached and both letters recommended that the Council not authorize signing of the document since no' prior notice had been received to allow for budgetary funding provision . Also , high priority traffic projects would take precedence over this installation about which questions regarding design have not yet been resolved , along with maintenance responsibilities . Moved by Perry , seconded by Maxin , to :oncur in the recommendations of the Mayor and Traffic Engineer and the kgreement not be authorized- Carried. Petition was read requesting creation of a Local Improvement District for Sanitary Sewers: in the Mance Addition property located adjacent to 94th Avenue South, South 173rd Street and South 174th Street , as legally described therein. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Grant , to refer the petition to the City Engineer for checking of signatures . Carried . Letter from Mayor Custer reported Fund Transfers within classes for period from December 20 -- 31 , 1968 as required by Resolution No . 1232 , as follows : From Traffic Engineering 1172/511 acct . to 504 , $10 . 00 ; from Traffic Engineering 1172/303 , $149 . 21 unto 315 , $108 . 68 and 321 , $40 . 53 ; from Planning_ 1160/313 to 417 , $40 . 00 ; from Street Maintenance 1310/417 to 606 , $40. 001 from Traffic Engineering 1172/605 , $40 . 00 to 606 ; from Library 1610 303 , to 404, $39. 00. -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1/20/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from the Boundary Review Board , Jos . Lightfoot , Chief Clerk , submitted letter from the Prosecuting Attorney questioning validity of annexation proceeding since the file did not contain specific reference to actions for compliance with RCW 35 . 13 . 125 and 130 , having to do with setting of a preliminary meeting with property owners . Moved by Garrett , seconded by Perry , to refer the matter to the City Attorney and the City Clerk to report back . Carried . Applications for Hit Parade Music Corporation to be granted required licenses to operate music machines at L. B . ' s Tavern , The Waffle Shop and Friar Tuck ' s were read . Moved by Shane , seconded by Perry , to refer the requests to the Police and License Committee with power to act . Carried . Attorney John Phillips thanked the Council and Mayor for its determination to grant the vacation of streets and alleys in Earlington Flats , noting pleasure of Mr . Dick Evans to return to the City having been in business here some ten years ago . APPOINTMENTS : Council President Perry submitted letters of appointment referred to the Committee of the Whole by the Mayor and Committee report was read recommending concurrence . Letters were read appointing the following : Permanent appointment of Police Officers , R. L . Anthony , eff . 12/15/68 ; M. E . Bearscove , eff . 12/1/68 ; W. H . Bronsema , eff . 12/1/68 ; J . T . Foust , eff . 12/15/68 ; S . J . Journey , eff . 12/1/68 ; R. L . Leyerle , eff . 12/15/68 and R. L. Mecham, Appointment of Mr . Kenneth A. Walls to permanent position of Fireman , eff . 1/16/69 , and Mr . Bruce Phillips to permanant rank of Lieutenant eff . 1/16/69 . Moved by Barei , seconded by Bruce , to concur in the appoint- ments . Moved by Perry , seconded by Barei , to amend the motion to add concur- rence in the recommendations of-' the Committee of the Wnole . Ohe amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended . Police Cl.ief and Fire Chief ' s recommendations for the appointments were attached . r.n OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Whole report was read recommending that appropriate amend- ments be made to existing City Ordinances so that they comply with the provisions of the agreement between Local 21R and the City . (Accomplished by adoption of Ordinances 2458 and 2459 . ) The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Council not conduct a Wage and Salary Study as provided for in the Budget . Moved by Grant , seconded by Maxin , to concur . Carried . Delaurenti opposed . (See former action authorizing use of these budgeted funds for paid school crossing adult guards) . The Committee of the Whole recommended that the formation of new committees of the council and committee assignments , per prior suggestions of Council- man Schellert and Councilman Grant , be referred to the Council Committee on Committees to report back. Carried . Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted report regarding referral of January 6 , Assn . of Wn . Cities report on proposed legislation to tax leasehold and public utility properties . The Committee recommended opposing both items and that the Mayor and' City Attorney draft a letter of opposition to be forwarded to our Legislative Representatives and the Association of Washington Cities . Moved by Perry , seconded by Shane , to concur . Carried . Councilman Perry called attention to proposed Resolution received from the City of Cle Elum , Wn . requesting revision of formula for distribution of funds allocated to cities and towhs for relief of present financial crisis , and moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole . The motion was seconded by Grant and carried . Councilman Garrett , Street and Alley Committee Chairman , reported that two meetings have been held with different consulting firms making presentations regarding the matter of TOPICS and a meeting has been scheduled for 7 : 30 p .m. January 27 , 1969 for further discussion , report to be forthcoming thereafter . -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1/20/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris submitted list of City of Renton Vouchers approved by the Committee and moved that the Council approve City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 7106 - 7215 for payment at this time . Councilman Schellert seconded by the motion which carried. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund $ 9 , 141 . 70 7106 - 7143 & 7215 Urban Arterial Fund 2 , 691 . 31 7144 - 7145 City Street Fund 5 , 879 . 01 7146 - 7155 Equipment Rental 272 . 81 7156 - 7160 Library 2 , 789 . 84 7161 - 7181 Parks 11 , 741 . 33 7182 - 7190 Waterworks Utility 15 , 932 . 55 7191 - 7206 Airport 248 . 24 7207 - 7211 City Hall Construction 21 , 862 . 52 7212 - 7214 $ 70 , 559 . 31 Councilman Morris moved that the Boeing garbage contract be referred to the Sanitation Committee for recommendations with report prior to the expiration of the Contract. The motion was seconded by Schellert.Carried . Councilman Garrett , City Hall Building Committee Chairman , reported in regard to the City Hall Construction Contract extension period that reduction in retained percentage has tentatively been agreed upon and the architects and city attorney are working out the details , further recommendation for Council adoption will be submitted at a later date . Councilman Grant , Light and Power Committee Chairman outlined costs connected with installation and monthly charges for the Cedar River Pump #8 energy service and noted that investigation revealed this to be in line with other such contract documents adopted heretofore . He further pointed out that there is within the franchise with Puget a clause concerning cancellation . Discussion ensued regarding contractual *uarantee of power and recourse of action if a failure results , it being i,oted that where industry is concerned penalty for major loss is covered within a contract, it being noted that cause would be determining factor ie . , act of dod or human error. Property Committee Chairman Barei reported recommendation that the bid of Olivetti Underwood Corporation , in sum of' $3 . 750 . 00 plus tax , $168 . 75 , be accepted . (Engineering Department equipment) Moved by Bruce , seconded by Schellert , to concur in the Property Committee recommendation . Carried . The Property Committee recommended that the Council authorize fund transfer for purchase of two new copy machines to replace the present Xerox machine now under rental . Moved by Morris , seconded by Schellert , to concur . After some discussion regarding intent of referral to include recommendations regarding various types of equipment , it was noted that the operators and departments concerned would require specific machines for each particular need and requisition accordingly. Motion by ' Garrett , seconded by Edwards called for the previous question and carried . Shane abstained. Original motion to concur was voted upon and carried. Shane abstained. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL rwr Council President Perry reminded the Council of the Committee of the Whole meeting on January 22 , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the 6th floor conference room, noting that a bulletin board is to be placed in the main floor hallway upon which meeting notices will be posted . Councilman Garrett reminded the Sheet and Alley Committee of its meeting on Monday, January 27 , at 7 : 30 p.m. and the Ways and Means Committee Chairman and/or other members were invited to attend . Mayor Custer called attention to a No-Host, Mayor ' s Prayer Breakfast to be sponsored by the Jaycees at Kingens at 8 : 00 a .m. on Wednesday , Jan. 22 , if anyone might wish to attend they were welcome . -6- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1/20/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Councilman Grant reminded the Light and Power Committee of the meeting tomorrow evening with the Monterey Terrace residents to discuss the proposed underground wiring L . I . D. also calling attention to the Fair Housing Commission meeting at 7 : 30 p .m, that night in the Mayor ' s office . Moved by Shane , seconded by Grant , that the Committee of the Whole under- take a study of the possibility of use by the City of portion of the breakage funds from Longacres . Carried , Delaurenti opposed . As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was moved by Barei , seconded by Edwards , to adjourn . The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 10 : 40 p .m. There were 14 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . Helmie Nelson , City Clerk D . W. Custer , Mayor -7- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1-20-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPAR`MENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1526 $ 997.50 Pacific NW Bell Tele. 213 Williams Ave S Inst. partitions 1527 14,598.00 McGrath Corp 10612 135th Ave SE New residence 1528 14,920.00 If 13400 SE 106th St Const new residence 1529 14,920.00 " 10624 135th Ave SE It B 1530 14,740.00 " 13519 SE 107th P1 If 1531 46,000.00 Charles P Bigley 425 Pelly Ave N Const six unit apartment 1532 Stoneway Concrete Inc 1915 Maple Way Demolish plant 1533 130,000.00 H S Ferguson 846 Lind Ave SW Const warehouse & office 1534 10,000.00 Pete Kohl 17130 92nd Ave S " B 1535 5,000.00 Ted Gusa 14715 130th Pl SE Const swimming pool 1536 13,500.00 Powell Const 10729 114th Ave SE Const new residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1586 45.00 Hilliard G Snelling 13055 SE 115th P1 Ckt replacement 1587 400.00 0 Biuliani 728 13th S Rewire range 1588 434.00 MCGrath Corp 10635 134th Ave SE Wire residence 1589 450.00 " 10753 134th Ave SE It E 1590 426.00 " 10530 135th Ave SE it 1591 500.00 Arnold McGinnis 13029 SE 148th It 1592 200.00 Charles Shane 111 Riviera Dr Remodel Tavern 1593 650.00 D L Savoy 3006 Sunset Blvd E Rewire building 1594 50.00 McGrath Corp 13403 SE 106th Temp service E 1595 50.00 " 13431 SE 107th If 1596 50.00 " 10629 134th SE It 1597 50.00 " 10603 135th Ave SE " 1598 50.00 Universal Builders 3924 12th Ave N " 1599 50.00 Dale Cramton 2120 Shattuck Ave S " E 1600 50.00 Model Homes Inc 2807 Prince Ave " 1601 50.00 Coluccio Const Cc 116th SE & Puget Dr 1602 50.00 Gall & Landau 3000 Royal Hills Dr " 1603 50.00 " " 1604 50.00 It " " 1605 50.00 " " 1606 50.00 If 1607 50.00 McGrath Corp 10621 135th Ave SE " 1608 50.00 " 10530 135th Ave SE " 1609 50.00 If 10639 135th Ave SE " E 1610 50.00 " 10720 134th Ave SE " 1611 50.00 " 13517 SE 106th " 1612 50.00 " 13318 SE 106th 1613 50.00 " 10753 134th Ave SE " 1614 50.00 " 10536 135th Ave SE " E 1615 50.00 " 10609 135th Ave SE " 1616 50.00 " 10618 135th Ave SE " 1617 50.00 Parkwood Homes 827 King Court " 1618 50.00 G&M Const 12704 90th Ave S " 1619 VOID E 1620 100.00 Carolyns Hass Bazaar 723 Rainier Ave S Wire 4 outlets MECHANICAL PERMIT M 1563 Barbara L Stogel 729 0 Street Inst gas furnace 1564 Arnold McGinnis 13029 SE 148th Inst plumb & fixtures M 1565 Louise I Righi 7N Logan Ave S Inst heater & water tank 1566 Nick Anglo 540 Morris Ave S Inst heater 1567 McGrath Corp 10612 135th Ave SE Inst gas furnace 1568 " 10624 135th Ave SE If 1569 13519 SE 107th P1 1570 " 13400 SE 106th St " 4,,W1571 Clifford J Clark 2916 6th N Inst wall furnace 1572 Parkwood Homes 2603 Charles Ct Inst plub & fixtures 1573 McGrath Corp 10612 135th Ave SE Inst plumb & fixtures 1574 " 13400 SE 106th St if M 1575 " 10624 135th Ave SE It 1576 " 13519 SE 107th P1 It 1577 Frank Warner 11643 SE 100th Inst furnace 1578 Rex J Ellis 3308 6th Ave N Inst wall furnace SEWER PERMITS No. 659 - 663 Gall & Laudau 3000 Royal Hills Dr Sewer service 664 A R Potterpin 9817 SE 91st P1 " 665 Evergreen Bldg 15 Grady Way 666 - 672 Gall & Landau 3000 Royal Hills Dr -P-- JANUARY 27TH MEETING CANCELLED DUE TO SNOW CONDITIONS City of Renton Vouchers drawn and included in January transfers (To be approved at next Council meeting) Current Fund $ 388 . 00 101 - 103 Urban Arterial Fund 51 , 060 . 95 105 - 106 Parks 5 , 868 . 72 104 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 6 , 120 . 26 $63 , 437 . 93107 - 118 L . I .D . 258 Cash Fund 4 , 815 . 04 4 , 815 . 04 Fund Transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of January. FROM: TO CLAIMS FUND: CURRENT 388.00 PARKS 5,868.72 URBAN ARTERIAL 51 ,060.95 FIREMEN'S PENSION 6, 120.26 TOTAL CLAIMS FUND: 63,437.93 FROM: TO PAYROLL FUND: CURRENT 143,729.41 CITY STREET 31 ,480.47 CEDAR RIVER M$I 643.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5,008.75 LIBRARY 10,377. 13 PARKS 190243.83 WATERWORKS UTILITY 22,379.31 AIRPORT 10532.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 TOTAL PAYROLL FUND: 2340493.90 E 27 I 97-4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk February 3 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Show Cause , Summons & Complaint filed by Robert E . Jones et al , re Hazel Chenaur property rezone and permits AIRPORT BOARD To investigate concerning seaplane regulations and possible control with regard to landing and take-off approach over Lake Wn . Beach area CITY ENGINEER Petition from Monterey Terrace area opposing undergrounding L. I . D . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Property Committee report concerning operation of the city hall lunchroom Councilman Shane ' s recommendations re : denial of sewer line extension to city connection from Empire Wav So . , proposed apartment building ; observe silence for war casualties ; check unused parking spaces downtown for possible utilization ; projection of cost of park maintenance anticipated when Forward Thrust program has been effected ; matter of segregation of water and sewer utility funds . LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Clearview T .V . Cable , Inc . Ordinance to extend permit service area Vacation of portion of 12th Place , Renton Highlands Harbor & Water Safety Ordinance Matter concerning Code description of Board of Adjustment appeal board L . T .. D . for Sanitary Sewers in the Mance Addition to Renton Final Plats : Urch Subdivision ; Stollenmayer Addition ; Earlington Plat #2 Rezones : O ' Neil/Lotto property , G to L-1 , 7th Ave . So . & Renton Junction Chester Hartsock property , R-1 and G7200 to R-2 , "L" Street Sorenson-Vandenberg-Walker , GS-1 to SR-1 , Talbot Hill LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Valley Regional Planning Commission letter urging endorsement of Recom- mendation #10 to amend annexation laws LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Petition from Monterey Terrace residents opposing undergrounding L . I . D . MAYOR To administer regarding City Employees request to exchange holiday of February 12 , for December 26 , 1969 . PARK BOARD St . Andrew ' s Lodge offer to sell city 3 . 3 acres of property located at 10th and "M" Street for sum of $60 , 000 . -0 PLANNING COMMISSION Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the City - Report of recommendations to be submitted to the Committee of the whole PROPERTY COMMITTEE Bids on furnishing and installing draperies for Municipal Building St . Andrews Lodge offer to sell 3 . 3 acres of property to City for $60 , 000 . 0(' POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application of Bobbie R. Highland to operate coin-type pool table at Kings Tavern , 207 Wells Avenue South SANITATION COMMITTEE Petition for Sanitary Sewer L . I .D . Mance Addition to Renton STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Northern Pacific Railway Company agreements covering North 3rd-4th Street crossings and signals School Dist . 403 request for the City , with King County , to establish 60 ft . right of way on S .E . 124th Street from 132nd to 138th Avenues S .E . l R E F E R R A L S (Cont . Renton City Council Meeting , 2/3/69 APPOINTMENTS : Patrolmen - Six months probationary period : John M . Gibson and Gerald A . Ritchie MEETINGS : February 5 , 1969 - Committee of the Whole at 7 : 30 p .m. February 6 , 1969 - Planning Committee at 3 : 45 p .m. in Planning Dep ' t . February 10 , 1969 - Committee on Committees at 7 : 00 p .m . February 10 , 1969 - Street and Alley Committee February 10 , 1969 - Preliminary meeting with property owner , Sanders et al annexation , A68-06 , PRB File No . 114 February 11 , 1969 -Legislative Committee , 1 : 00 p .m. 6th floor conf . rm . February 11 , 1969 - Light and Power Committee at 8 : 00 p .m. Tabled 1 week to 2/10/69 - Matter of reduction of retention on City Hall Construction Contract TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING OF 2/5/69 1 . Seattle City Light Franchise matter to be deleted since no reply concerning a joint meeting has been received to date . 2 . Matter of procedures in granting of certain licenses (per Mr . Shane) 3 . Cle Elum Resolution regarding distribution of aid to cities 4 . Mayor ' s letter regarding "Workable Program" 5 . Study regarding proposed city use of breakage funds from Longacres per inquiry of Councilman Shane 6 . U L I . D per inquiry from Kent �7 . Local Design Commission (Richard Stredicke inquiry) I RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk February 3 , 1969 SII1e11TIS The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm , Schellert , and Morris . Absent : Delaurenti MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BRUCE , that the absent Council Member be excused. The motion carried . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M . Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Gene Coulon , Park Director , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MAXIN , the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 20 , 1969 be approved as mailed out . The motion carried . F{lUBLIC V,CATION OF PORTION OF 12TH PLACE , RENTON HIGHLANDS AND REDEDIC''-TION OF LIKE AREA FOR-RIGHT-OF WAY This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Letter from Jan P . Klippert , Chairman , Board of Public Works , was read recommending the vacation be granted as requested in conjunction with rededication, to tie 12th Place into 8th Street , and the City retaining easements for existing utilities . Also , portion to be rededicated be improved to City standards alona with remaining portion of 12th Place between dedicated ... area and 11th Avenue North . The applicant shall be required to post a bond to insure completion of the projects . After discussion regarding fact utilities are in, thus provision for easement retention , and the matter of public use areas to be more readily utilized by trade of right-of-way areas , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , to close the hearing . Carried .The hearing was declared closed and further Council action was invitee . MOVED BY S4!,'!;R , SECONDED BY BRUCE , the vacation and rededication be aot.horized as requested , and the necessary documentation be consumated . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , THE MOTION BE AMENDED BY ADDITION OF " subject to recommendations of the Board of Public Works . Carried . Original motion as amended carried . (To be appraised) ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION : Proposed Ordinance was presented granting Clearview T .V. Cable , Inc . , a Washington Corporation , extension of a certain permit to construct , operate and maintain a coaxial cable subscriber system for TV Signal Distribution over and across certain designated city streets and subject to additional terms and conditions . The document was introduced and recommendations were made for a 5 year period with fees to be 4% of gross per annum , or $ 250 . 00 per annum minimum, whichever is greater . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , to refer the document back to the Law and Ordinance Committee as had been requested . Discussion in regard to future undergrounding and effect upon subscriber--taxpayer of the 4% levy followed after which the pending motion carried . Shane opposed . RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Resolution authorizing transfer of Current Fund , Non-Departmental 1141/310 , Sundry Rentals , account funds unto Non-Departmental , M . & 0 . , 1141/306 , Stationary Equipment Maintenance , $300 . 00 and unto Capital Outlay Account 606 , the sum of $3 , 200 . 00 . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , to adopt Resolution No . 1606 as read . The motion carried . -1- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont . ) 2/3/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT B"YSINESS : Application was read from Bobbie R. Highland requesting that license be granted to operate a coin-type pool table at King ' s Tavern , 207 Wells Avenue South . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act . The motion carried . Order to Show Cause , Summons & Complaint , was read , filed against the City by Attorneys Roberts & Anderson , through Michael Williamson , on behalf of Robert E . Jones et al , in regard to Hazel W. Chenaur property zoning and permits . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , to refer the .mmdocuments to the Legal Department . The motion carried . Letter from Bernard L. Ruppert , Building Director , requested authoriza- tion to attend a Conference on Federal Housing Programs , February 6 and 7 at Corvallis State University , Corvallis , Oregon . MOVED BY MORRIS , AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , to grant the request . The motion carried . Letter from Traffic Engineer , Del Bennett , submitted proposed agreements with the Northern Pacific Railway Company and the City concerning the crossings and railroad signals on North Third and Fourth Streets which include costs to be borne by the City through the Urban Arterial Fund which constitute part of the total improvement of the one-way couplet project. It was recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the documents and copy to be furnished the Urban Arterial Board by the Engineering Department for payment . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , to concur. MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY PERRY , to refer the recommendation to the Street and Alley Committee for report back . The motion carried. Shane opposed , noting the railroad should share costs . Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported in regard to petition for Sanitary Sewer L . I . D. in the vicinity of the Mance Addition , 94th Ave . South , South 173rd and South 174th STreets , that the petition is signed by owners representing 85 . 21% of the front footage abutting the proposed improvement and 89 . 21% of area within the proposed improvement . MOVED =BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY SHANE , to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee for recommendation . The motion carried . Letter from Don Taylor , President , City Employees Club, requested permission to work Lincoln ' s Birthday , February 12 , 1969 in exchange for December 26 , 1969 , the day following Christmas to allow a four day week end for City Employees . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY GRANT , to authorize the exchange with referral to the Mayor for administration . Discussion ensued with regard to existing union contract and City attorney Shellan suggested a letter of concurrence from the Union be secured which Mayor Custer advised he would request . The pending motion carried. REPORTS OF BID CALLS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AWARDS Bids were opened on 1/27/69 at 2 : 00 p .m. in the First Floor Conference Room , Renton Municipal Building , for lighting of the small ballfield in Liberty Park , as budgeted . Letter from the Park Board was read recommending that the low basic bid of Patelco , Inc . in sum of $17 , 351 . 00 be accepted . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to concur in the Park Board recommendation . Discussion ensued regarding lighting program for other areas of the city and costs involved with Liberty Park total development . :?OVED BY GRPNT , SECONDED BY SHANE , to refer the bids to ' the Committee" of the Whole . Park budget " funds , it was noted, include..Forward Thrust , State and Federal Funds for Lake Wn . Beach matching fund projects ,which —results in double budgeting , not reflecting actual local expenditures . After some further remarks regarding the Council action at hearing meetings in budgeting the itemsy Attorney Shellans notation that the Council does not have jurisdiction over the Park Board ' s action on bid awards once funds have been granted in the budget , and upon inquiry , that control may be exercised through budgetary fund transfers within classes only , the pending motion was voted upon . Dissenting voice vote brought ruling of the chair of negative majority and roll call was requested which was taken as follows : Aye : Trimm, Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . No : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Edwards , Maxin and Garrett . The referral motion lost . Vote on the original motion to concur was dis- senting and roll call requested and taken as follows : Aye : Perry , Schellert ,Morris , Garrett, Edwards , Maxin and Trimm . (cont , next: page) MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/3/69 CnRPESPONDENCE AND CURRENT PUS I"IESS i FOMNT , BID CALL REPORTS : Roll call vote to concur in bid award on lighting small ballfield in Liberty Park . (Bid tabulation sheet attached) No : Grant , Shane , Bruce and Barei . The motion carried 7 to 4 . Bids were opened on 1/27/69 for remodeling of Mother ' s Park and letter from the Park Board recommended that the low total bid , including the basic and two alternates , Bl and B2 , be accepted as submitted by Mr . Ray F . Roberts , Builder in sum of $9 , 589 . 00 plus tax . (See Bid sheet of tabulations attached hereto) MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , to concur in the Park Board Bid Award recommendation . Carried . Bids were opened on 2/3/69 for providing and installation of draperies for the Renton Municipal Building . Four bids were received . (See tabulations attached) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , to refer the Bids to the Property Committee for report back . Carried . Letters from Gordon L . Hall , President , Valley Regional Planning Com- mission , submitted list of items included in the Study Program now before the Commission and submitted proposed legislation to amend the annexation law to authorize annexation of areas completely surrounded a city or town . Council endorsement of action of the Legislative Council in recommendation #10 that the annexation laws be amended was requested . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to refer the endorsement request to the Legislation Committee . Carried , Shane voted no , objecting to the number of Planning Agencies now functioning . Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , submitted and recommended for payment and acceptance of ' the project by Council , final estimate for installation of sewage lift station and pressure line connection to Metro at Lake Washington Beach . Amount due contractor , W. C . Frost Construction Company , $2 , 560 . 90 . Further recommended that the 30-day .�.. lien period be commenced after which if no claims or liens are filed against the project , retained amount of $2 , 006 . 92 be released . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer . The motion carried . Letter from Kenneth I , Michelsen , Chairman , St . Andrew ' s Bldg . Corp . Trustees offered for sale to the city the 3 . 3 acres located at 10th and M Street for the sum of $60 , 000 . 00 for park purposes . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MORRIS , to refer the matter to the Park Board for recommendation . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , to amend the motion to add referral also to the Property Committee . The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion . Petition containing signatures of owners of ten parcels of property adjacent to Monterey Drive and Capri Avenue opposed conversion of electric and communication facilities to underground in the Monterey Terrace area and requested their names to be deleted from the prior petition requesting such L . I .D . initiation . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , to refer the petition to the Light and Power Committee to be considered along with previously submitted petitions . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN , to amend the motion by including referral to the City Engineer as well . Carried . The original motion as amended subsequently carried . Letter from Gordon Y . Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recom- mendation that rezone be granted W . O ' Neil and M. Lotto , Appl . R-529- 68 , from G to L-1 on property located ir, the vicinity of the N .E . intersection of 75th Avenue South and Renton Junction Way . Area com- prises approximately 2 . 3 acres , presently undeveloped and proposed for warehouse use . The request is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan which indicates light industrial , manufacturing park use . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY SHANE , to concur in the rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance . Carried . -3 MINUTES..-..k?ENTO�]..GZ�X..GOUNCzb..MEE�zNG 2/3/69 CORRE-22NDFrLF AND URRENT M'.�INFSS: (CONT. ) Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations for approval of final plat applications as follows : Urch Subdivision , Appl . FP-523-68 , located vicinity S .E . 96th Street and 108th Avenue S .E . , proposed for single family residential use . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , to concur . Carried. Stollenmayer Addition , Appl . FP-550-69 , property located North of S .E . 100th Street and Westerly of 112th Avenue S . E . , proposed for single w family residential use . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , to concur . The motion carried . Earlington Industrial Park No . 2 , Appl . FP-551-69 , property located West of Thomas Avenue S .W. between S .W. 7th and 10th Streets . Proposed use , manufacturing park . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to concur . The motion carried . REZONES : Hartsock , Chester J . , Appl . R-552-69 as amended , from R-1 and G7200 to R-2 , property located in 1400 block of L Street , Renton Highlands . Proposed use Multi-family residential , complying with the Comprehensive Plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BAREI , to concur . Carried . Sorensen-Vandenberg-Walker , Appl . R-553-69 , as amended, from GS-1 to SR-1 ; property located on Talbot Road between 13th and 14th Avenues So . Proposed use , single family residential , complying with the Comprehensive Plan . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , to concur . Carried . Mr . Frank Storey inquired regarding difference in GS-1 and SR-1 zonings and it was noted that GS-1 has 35 , 000 sq. ft . requirement and SR-1 has 7500 sq. ft . lot area requirement . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , to refer the Final Plat and Rezone recommendations to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinances to effect same . Carried . City Clerk Nelson reported that in view of Council action concurring in Boundary Review Board revision of annexation petition of Sanders et al , February 10 , 1969 , previously set for public hearing , should he changed to preliminary hearing meeting with property owners on the revised area which is generally located in vicinity of S .E . 132nd Avg . and 106th Avenue S .E . RBR File #114 , City File A68-06 . MOVED BY sARRETT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS ,% the Public Hearing be changed to preliminary meeting with the property owners concerned . Carried . Tetter was read from the Renton School District No . 403 , Rudolph H . Seppi , Director of Plant Facilities , requesting city cooperation with King County to establish a sixty foot right-of-way on S .E . 124th Street from 132nd Avenue S .E . to 138th Avenue S .E . on that portion where the corporate limits of the city and county are contiguous . A Middle School facility is being planned in this vicinity with S .E . 124th proposed as being the best egress and ingress thereto . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY PERRY , to refer the request to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Tom Teasdale , 506 11th Avenue South, inquired regarding possible extension of Cable T .V. Service to the Talbot Hill area , having signed up some three years ago to receive the service but having made no payment . City Attorney Shellan advised that the present Franchise provides service within area outlined but provides for no mandatory extensions within any given time , to any given areas , otherwise . Mr . Bill Johnson , 114 Mt . Logan Drive , Issaquah , Trustee of the St . Andrews Lodge Building Corporation called attention to the offer of the Lodge to sell property to the City for park purposes noting the action to be in the public interest and such use to be the best for the property in considerations of what might be done with it , no ulterior motives being involved than what would best serve the City . -4- 5 _ MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/3/69 APPOINTMENTS ; Council President PERRY presented letter of appointment of Police Patrolmen, as submitted by the Mayor and approved by the Committee of the Whole , and MOVED for concurrence . Appointees were Mr . John M . Gibson and Mr . Gerald A . Ritchie and Civil Service Commission certifi- cation was attached along with recommendation of Police Chief Williams , for commencement of the probationary employment period of six months as required by Civil Service regulations . The motion to concur was SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , and carried . OLP BUSINESS 9Y COUNCIL; Council President Perry submitted. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT with recommendations and Council action as follows : Recommended the proposed Harbor and Water Safety Ordinance be referred to the _T,a__a and Ordinalice Committee for study and recommendation . MOVED BY TRIMNi , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to concur . The motion carried . 7ecommended that the Airport Board be requested to investigate require- ments and ,possibieregulations for controloi seaplanes in regard to lanc,ings or take-off approach over the beach area . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , to concur . Carried . Re. .:,ommended the proposed Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan for the City be Inferred to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation to the Committee of the Whole . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN , to cor.:;:ar . Carried . Recommended that the functions of the Board of Public Works and the 2ublic Works Director be continued under the present system . MOVED 0Y SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , to concur . The motion carried . Recommended that the appeal procedure under Board of Adjustment , Building Code , be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for study and recommendation insofar as description for Board of Appeal Memrers is concerned ,which is not presently provided for nor out- lined specifically therein . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , to concur . The motion carried . CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT , submitted by Chairman Garrett , recommended , along with the Building Director , that the required retention on the City Hall Construction Contract be reduced from $101 , 497 . 32 , to $ 52 , 250 . 00 , concurrence as to adequacy also having been received from the City Engineer and the Architects . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to concur . After some inquiries regarding total cost of the project and extensions granted the contractor beyond contract completion date , it was moved by Barei , seconded by Schellert , to table the matter until next meeting. The Chair ruled a negative majority on voice vote and roll call , properly requested by two or more Council Members , was taken as follows : Aye : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Trimm , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . No : Garrett , Edwards and Maxin. The motion carried 8 to 3 . CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT recommended concurrence in Change Order #7 , Chapman Electric Company , to incorporate electrical items in sum of $926 . 62 to C .AG . 1158-67 , and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the document. MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDFD BY GARRETT , to concur . The motion carried. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE member Garrett submitted report recommend- ing that six licenses be granted to O .K . Cab Company and 8 licenses be granted Renton--Radio/Yellow -Checker Company with the 14 total only to be the number approved for operation at the present time . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , to concur in the recommendation . Carried . PROPERTY COMMITTEE Chairman Barei sumbitted recommendation of the Committee that the bid for furnishing and installing draperies at the Municipal Building , per bid opening of 2/3/69 , be awarded to Timmerman Equipment , Inc . in sum of $4 , 350 . 00 , low bidder since only two of the four bids met specifications for installation . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to concur . The motion carried . 5- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2-3-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1537 $ 14;500.00 Tiffany Dev. Co 15524 120th Ave SE Const new residence 1538 14,500.00 it 15512 120th Ave SE it 1539 1.7,400.00 it 11909 SE 154th St if B 1540 16,198.00 McGrath Corp 13242 SE 106th St it 1541 14,920.00 " 10622 133rd P1 SE it 1542 151436.00 " 13248 SE 106th St if 1543 14;598.00 If 10614 134th Ave SE If 1544 14,598.00 " 13312 SE 106th St if 1545 600.00 Keenan Pipe & Supply 955 Lind Ave SW Inst signs 1546 5,000.00 Charles F Shane 222 Maple Valley Hwy Repair fire damage ,., 1547 1,600.00 Sumner S Bagley 425 Windsor Way New signs at home 1548 128.00 City of Renton 200 Mill Ave S Inst signs 1549 1,000.00 Humble Oil Co 10610 SE 94th Remove sign, inst sign B 1550 250.00 Huntington Travel 213 Wells Ave S Inst sign 1551 VOID 1552 200.00 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg Three new door openings 1553 500.00 " 4-63 Bldg Const partition 1554 700.00 4-63 Bldg Relocate machine B 1555 15,000.00 Citizens Federal Saving 2nd and Williams Remodel building 1556 450.00 Jim McQuade 209 So Williams St Install exit 1557 500.00 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg Reconstruct walls 1558 1$ 00.00 People's Bank 707 Rainier Ave S Erect & maintain sign 1559 2,000.00 City of Renton Bronson & Houser Way N Build press box ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1621 1,500.00 Kohn Excavating Co 171.30 92nd S Inst new service 1622 350.00 Mike Girias 1915 7th Ave N if 1623 1;000.00 Charles Shane 222 Maple Valley Hwy Rewire apts 1624 5;666.00 Royal Hills, Inc 3000 Royal Hills Dr Wire apt building E 1625 5,666.00 If 11 1626 It " it it 1627 426.00 McGrath Corp 10645 135th Ave SE Wire new residence 1628 450.00 it 10654 135th Ave SE It 1629 450.00 it 10648 135th Ave SE if 1630 413.00 It 10536 135th Ave SE If ... 1631 50.00 Evans Products Co 846 Lind Ave SW Temp service 1632 250.00 Lloyd Smith 230 Main Ave S Connect 4 motors 1633 225.00 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg Inst new service 1634 225.00 " 4-81 Bldg Power to air system E 1635 150.00 " 4-21 Bldg Service to drill 1636 200.00 " 4-21 Bldg Electrical service 1637 200.00 " 4-01 Bldg It 1638 500.00 " 4-63 Bldg Service to lab 1639 200.00 " 4-63 Bldg Power to machine E 1640 120.00 " 10-80 Bldg Tele emerg. service 1641 150.00 " 4-63 Bldg Elec service to xerox 1642 50.00 " 10-50 Bldg Inst 110V circuit 1643 400.00 " 4-76 Bldg Relocate office 1644 400.00 " 7-65 Bldg Inst emerg lights E 1645 50.00 " 10-80 Bldg Readjust lighting 1646 50.00 " 4-21 Bldg Inst 120V recpt 1647 100.00 " 4-21 Bldg Correct code violation 1648 375.00 " 4-21 Bldg Power to mill 1649 250.00 Charles Hubbard 500 Whitworth Ave S Chg service - 200 AMP E 1650 1.50.00 Ray Beach 1239 M St Remove circuit 1651 2,000.00 McKrifrht Jr. High. 2508 12th. Ave N Replace sub feed 1652 50.00 Hiehlards 7-11 Store 1.175 L Street Hang flood lamps 1653 200.00 Lyle Barger 2920 8th P1 N Inst 200 amp service 1654 50.00 Paul L Jackson 12642 87th Ave S Inst outlets .r. 1655 1,100.00 Cedar River Market 3318 6th Ave E Wire two heaters 1656 175.00 Brown 720 High Street Inst heat MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1579 Wash. Wholesalers 705 SW 7th St Inst heat pumps M 1580 John Patton 2522 7th Pl N Inst wall heater 1581 Dr Sealy 830 0 Street Inst gas water heater 1582 Arnold McGinnis 13029 SE 148th St Inst air furnace (hot) 1583 Manio Phillips 209 Airport Way Gas heating unit 1584 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr Inst plmb and heating M 1585 " 11 1t 1586 Harold Lee 2901 7th Ave N " 1587 11 2825 7th Ave N ' 96.w 2-3-69 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS CONT. MECHANICAL PERMITS No. Name Address Type of Work M 1588 Douglas R Rowe 3924 12th Ave N Inst gas furnace 1589 The Boeing Co 4-81 Bldg Inst compressor M 1590 Gas Equip. Service 12546 Rainier Ave S Inst gas heater 1591 Holmes Electric 15025 86th Ave S Septic tank & drain 1592 Richard Jardine 2199 Sunset Blvd E Inst gas hot water t SEWER PERMITS 673 to 685 Gall-Landau-Bround 3000 Royal Hills Dr Connect sewers 686 Parkwood Homes 824 Kings Court it 687 if 716 Spruce Court if 688 " 719 Spruce Court it 689 " 2603 Charles Court " 690 " 2609 Charles Court 691 P.M. Everett 9105 100th Ave SE " i -9- BID TABULATIONS- Opening 1/27/69 at 2 : 00 p .m. , lot floor Conference Rm. LIGHTING OF SMALL BALLFIELD AT LIBERTY PARK BIDDER AND ADDRESS BOND BASIC BID ALTERNATES 7HAPMAN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS X $19 , 489. 00+Tax No Alt . Bid ?. O. Box 268 *tenton, Washington 98055 HOLMES ELECTRIC COMPANY X 19 , 610 . 00 Add Pole Steps 1025 So . 3rd Street $393 . 00 Renton, Washington 98055 Ded. Appleton Fixt. $1 , 669 . 00 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL OF SEATTLE X 19 , 579. 00 Pyle Nat ' l 1938 Fairview East Steber Div. Seattle , Wn . 98102 Ded. $27 . 50 ea. OLSON ELECTRIC CO. , INC . X 24 , 299 . 00 No substitutes P. 0. Box 830 No alternate bid Vancouver , Wn . 98660 PATELCO, INC . X 17 , 351 . 00 Steber No. 6026H 1650 Center Street Less $28 . 48 per Tacoma , Wn. 98409 Fixt. $15 , 867 . 00 $18 , 000 . 00 . C . ROTH CONST . CO . , INC. X 20 , 000.00 6206H Steber 3820 N.E . 195th Street w/integral ballast oodinville , Wn. alum dbl . hull enc . const . & mtg. Prkt. SELO ELECTRIC CO. , INC . X 18 , 985 . 00 Deductive-Spaulding P. 0. Box 1546 1000 Watt. Greenbay Seattle , Wn. 98103 Series . $75 . 00 per Unit SERVICE ELECTRIC CO. , INC. X 17 ,400 . 00 Steber 6206H P. 0. Box 25637 Deduct $30 . 00 per Seattle , Wn. 98126 fixt. SIGNAL ELECTRIC, INC . X 17 , 975 . 00 Alt.. for installa- 9904 South 210th Place tion of pole steps Kent , Wn. 98031 $320. 00 TYEE CONST . CO. , INC . X 25 ,634 . 00 Steber 6206H With 11805 N.E . 116th Street integral ballasts Kirkland , Wn . 98033 $23 , 934 . 00 ZICHARD G. WAGNER, INC. X 19, 306. 00 *00� . 0. Box 66539 Seattle , Wn. 98166 -10- } f Bid Opening 1-2769 - 2 : 00 p . m. , First Floor Conference Room, 102 BID TABULATION SHEET 1969 - Park - Remodeling of Mothers Park Community Bldg. BIDDER AND ADDRESS BOND BASIC BID ALT. B#1 ALT. B#2 H. Bartrand & Co. 7325 - 15th N.W. Seattle, Wa. 98107 X $ 9,790.00 $ 975.00 $250,00 Hussman Northwest 6000 - 6th Ave: So. Seattle, Wa. 98108 X 7,922.00 1,629.00 180.00 Robert M. Miller P. 0. Box 62 Ravensdale, Wa. 98051 X 11,399.00 1,150.00 250.00 011as Construction 14300 S.E. 176th Renton, Wa. 98055 X 10,235.00 975.00 325.00 Ray F. Roberts Builder 129 S.W. 186th Seattle, Wa. 98166 X 82293.00 12178 .00 118 .00 System Construction Inc. 1500 Westlake No. Seattle, Wa. 98109 X 9,950.00 1,030.00 180.00 Teufel Construction Co. 10850 Lakeridge Dr. So. Seattle, Wa. 98178 X 10,290.00 1,000.00 300.00 Wescon, Inc. 5459 - 49th S. W, Seattle, Wa. 98116 X 9,395.00 1,144.00 200.00 Western States Construction 1004 Park Rd. Bel-levue, Wa. 98004 X 8,957.00 1,225.00 245.00 Bid Opening 2/3/69 : 2 : 00 p .m. , First Floor Conference Rm . #102 BID TABULATION - PROVIDE AND INSTALL WINDOW DRAPERIES , RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG . BIDDER AND ADDRESS BOND OR CHECK AMOUNT OF BID+Tax Sears Roebuck & Company Sears-Bid . Deposit Check $ 2 , 760 . 00 Commercial Division-1009 lst Ave . So . & Lander , Seattle 98124 Seattle Curtain Cashier ' s Ck . 3 , 412 . 00 104 - 12th Avenue Seattle , Wash. 98122 Stagecraft Industries Bid Bond Enclosed 6 , 283 . 00 NNW P . 0 . Box 4442 Portland , Oregon 97208 Timmerman Equipment , Inc . Bid Bond enclosed 4 , 350 . 00 5500 Fourth Ave . So . Seattle , Wash . 98108 -11- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk February 10 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE r�r Recommendation to hire an ombudsman CITY CLERK To execute agreements with Northern Pacific Railway Co . re crossings and lighting at North 3rd and 4th Streets Letters to Legislators and Ass ' n . of Wn . Cities endorsing HB149-$B74, To write City of Kent Re U-LID 256 , Kent MAYOR To execute agreement with Northern Pacific Ry. Co . re crossings and signals at No . 3rd and 4th Streets PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE (To be formed) Matter of pedestrian walkway in vicinity of North Renton Interchange (Dep ' t . of Highways Report submitted by Street and Alley Committee) PROPERTY COMMITTEE Bids on demolishing old city hall building in Cedar River Park SANITATION COMMITTEE Matter of providing options for other improvements with sewer L. I .D . ' s �. TRAFFIC ENGIN$ER To install 7000 lumen Mercury Vapor Light on Earlington Street MEETINGS February 10 , 1969 - Police and License Committee following council meeting Council office - 6th Floor February 17 , 1969 - Committee on Committees at 7 : 00 p .m. , 6th floor Conference Room rw RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk February 10 , 1969 M I N U T ES The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly and a minutes of silence was observed in honor of the Viet Nam war casualties . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm , Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson; City Clerk , G . M . Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner , Vern Church, Purchasing Director , Ron Heiret , Park Supervisor and Wesley Kruse , Asst . Building Director . Moved by Perry , seconded by Edwards , that the minutes of the previous meeting of February 3 , 1969 be approved as mailed out . Carried . PRELIMINARY MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS : Sanders et al annexation , as Revised per Boundary Review Board action and Council approval . City File A68-06 , BRB File 114 . This being the date set , the preliminary meeting was declared open for discussion. Upon inquiry , City Engineer Wilson reported enlargement of the area had been accepted ,as recommended by the Boundary Review Board , and additional signatures as required had been obtained and the present meeting was now in order . Upon question of Councilman Schellert , Planning Director Ericksen affirmed that the Comprehensive Plan is in- clusive of the subject area . Mr . Robert Kinkman , on behalf of the property owners acknowledged receipt of notification and upon inquiry reported willingness of the property owners to accept their pro rata shares of the city ' s pre-existing bonded indebtedness and the Compre- hensive Plan designation for the area . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Delaurenti , the letter of intent and the proposed annexation be accepted , along with that portion of the Comprehensive Plan covering the subject area , and that the property owners be authorized to circulate a proper petition containing statement accepting bonded indebAedness and Comprehen- sive Plan committments as outlined . The motion carried and the Property owner were thanked for being present . ORDINANCES ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL : Ordinance No . 2462 was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from Single Family Residence District (R-1) and General Classification (G-7200) to Residential District (R-2) . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY EDWARDS to place the document on second and final reading . Carried . After final reading , it was MOVED BY MORRIS AND SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to adopt the ordinance as read . Roll call vote re- sulted in all ayes and the motion carried . (Chester Hartsock property) Ordinance No . 2463 was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Suburban Residence District (GS-1) to Suburban Residence District (SR-1) . Moved by Morris , seconded by Shane , to place the document on second and final reading . The motion carried . After final reading , it was moved by Morris , seconded by Schellert , to adopt the ordinance as read . Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried . (Sorenson-Vandenberg-Walker property) Ordinance No . 2464 was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District to Light Industrial District (L-1) . Moved by Morris , seconded by Barei , to place the document on second and final reading . Carried . After final reading , it was moved by Morris , seconded by Shane to adopt the ordinance and roll call vote resulted in all ayes carrying the motion . (O ' Neil-Lotto property) -1- 33 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/3/69 OL:) BUSINESS BY COUl"X I L ; (COAD- e ) PROPEKTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI submitted report regarding operation of the lunchroom and kitchen area of the Municipal Building with a concession type operation being suggested . Various rental proposals were included in the data and bid call for the operation recommended . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BRUCE , the report be referred to the Committee of the Whole . The motion carried . �!Elq BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Perry announced a meeting of the Legislation Committee on Tuesday , February 11 , at 1 : 00 p .m. in the 6th Floor Conference Room. The Council Committee on Committees will meet on Monday , February 10 , at 7 : 00 p .m. , and the Committee of the Whole on Wednesday , February 5 , at 7 : 30 p .m. (See tentative agenda on referral sheet) Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett announced a Committee meeting to be held on Monday , February 10 , at 7 : 30 p .m. to discuss the agreement proposals regarding 3rd-4th Street railroad crossings and School District request for street improvement . Additional time was requested for evaluation of"Topics" proposals . Planning Committee Chairman Maxin announced a meeting on Thursday February 6 , at 3 : 45 p .m. in the Planning Department concerning the sign ordinance . Light and Power Committee Chairman Grant announced a meeting on February 11 , at 8 : 00 p .m. with the Monterey Terrace residents to further discuss the undergrounding proposals for the subject area recalling that prior meeting had been held and information brought out at that time may have resulted in the additional petition tonight , the original petition now having 50-51% of owners remaining . Further report will be submitted following the additional studies . r Councilman Grant y°alled attention to Board of Adjustment Minutes and action to amend he by-laws to insert provision that addresses and telephone numbers shall not be given out to the general public . He did not feel ,the Council nor Members of any Boards of Commissions should be(inaccessible_�to the public . Mayor Custer noted that some persons , especially some who are serving without compensation , would prefer that contact be made at the times they are at city hall and conducting the business committed to them , among other reasons . In further discussion on the matter Councilman Barei requested to be furnished a list of city employees and their telephone numbers . Councilman Shane , Sanitation Committee Chairman , reported recommendation of the Committee that the City proceed with the L . I .D . for Sanitary Sewers as petitioned in the Mance Addition area , 92nd Ave . So . , 173rd and 174th Avenues South . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GARRETT , to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the necessary Resolution . The motion carried . Councilman Shane made the following recommendations to the Council : Recommended, regarding Wm. Tsao request for the city to accept a portion of sewer line extending into the City from 13647 Empire Way South and to allow connection for proposed 240 unit apartment building , that the request be denied inasmuch as lines would need to be enlarged o take care of this matter . Recommended the City Council observe a minute of silence next week to honor Viet Nam war casualties . Matter of unused parking spaces in downtown area which might now be utilized for public parking , previously used for loading zones , etc . Projection of cost was requested as anticipated to maintain parks when Forward Thrust Program has be,in e£fect.ra and discussion at Committee of the Whole meeting was requ-sted , al,-)ng with the matter of segregation of water and sewer funds . MOVED BY G].ANT , SECONDED BY GARRETT , the items presented by Councilman Shane be referred to the Committee of the Whole . Carried . -6- MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/3/69 Councilman Barei requested to meet w'.th Councilman Garrett and Police Chief Williams in his Council office following this meeting . Councilman Barei inquired regarding cancellation of the council meeting of January 27 , and Mayor Custer advised that due to weather conditions and predictions for continued snow and below freezing temperatures the meeting was cancelled and his office had sent out. notification . MOVED By SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , the Council concur in the action taken by the Mayor . Carried . Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris reported voucher approval and moved that the Council approve Vouchers No . 101 through 283 for payment at this time , along with L . I . D . #258 Cash Fund Warrant No . 5 . The motion was seconded by Edwards and carried . Fund break- down follows : Held over from 1/27/69 meeting : Current Fund $ 388 . 00 101-103 Urban Arterial Fund 51 , 060 . 95 105-106 Parks 5 , 868 . 72 104 Firemen ' s Pension 6 , 120 . 26 107-118 $63 , 437 . 93 L . I . D . #258 Cash Fund Warrant No . 5 $4 , 815 . 04 2/3/69 Vouchers Current Fund 17 , 124 . 22 119 - 219 & 283 Street Fund 5 , 875 . 83 220 - 230 Equipment Rental 2 , 601 . 35 231 - 242 Parks 1 , 490 . 77 243 - 260 Waterworks Utility 31 , 275 . 79 261 - 277 Airport 114 . 66 278 - 281 City Hall Construction 30 . 00 282 $58 , 512 . 62 Councilman Schellert , Ways and Means Committee Chairman , announced a Committee meeting on Monday , February 10 at 7 : 30 p .m. Mayor Custer reminded the Council Members of their responsibility in event of national disaster affecting the City , civil disturbance , or attack by foreign power•, to report to city hall , the affairs of the city to be carried on under emergency conditions . He suggested some thought be given to provisions for families in such event , it being Council ' s duty to report to City Hall to assist in needs of the community as a whole ,as circumstance might demand . As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was moved by Morris , seconded by Perry , to adjourn . The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10 : 40 p .m. There were 22 visitors in the Council Chambers . Helmie �Nelson , City Clerk D . W. Custer , Mayor -7- i ^ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 2/10/69 ORDINANCES ADOPTED BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Ordinance No . 2465 was read providing for the vacation and relocation of a portion of 12th Place , Renton Highlands , Renton , King County , Washington . MOVED by MORRIS , SECONDED BY BAREI , to place the document on second and final reading . Carried. After final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to adopt the ordinance as read . Roll call vote re- 3ulted in all ayes carrying the motion . ,...,)rdinance No . 2466 was submitted and the Committee Chairman , Trimm, reported that the document had been introduced for first reading on February 3 , and second and final reading was now recommended with fees to be 4% of gross or $250 . 00 per annum , whichever is greater . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to concur in the Committee report . Carried. After the final reading , it was MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , to adopt the ordinance as read . Proposed motion by Shane , seconded by Barei to amend the document to 2% of gross or $250 . 00 was voted down after some lengthy discussion regarding difference between franchise permit fees and utility tax assessments and existing statutes governing utility entities which grandfather rights date back to 1868 . Following remarks regarding opera- tions of T .V . Cable companies under existing permits and problems created when -two serve the same area , vote on the pending motion was dissenting and roll call vote was requested. The vote on the original motion to concur in adoption of the ordinance as read resulted as follows : Aye : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm , Garrett , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce and Grap.t;. No : Shane and Barei . The motion carried , 10 - 2 . RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL : Proposed Resolution was read approving the Final Plat of Earlington Industrial Park #2 , vicinity of Thomas Avenue S .W . (Northern Pacific Railway Co . property) F . P . 551-69 . Moved by Morris , seconded by Delaurenti , to adopt Resolution qo . 1607 as read . The motion carried . '"Resolution No . 1608 was adopted upon motion by Delaurenti and seconded by Schellert , approving the Final Plat of Urch Subdivision , located in vicinity of 108th Ave . S .E . and the freeway at approximately S .E . 98th Street near the Kennydale School . F'.; P% 523-68 . Resolution No . 1609 was read and adopted upon motion by Delaurenti , seconded by Barei , approving the Final Plat of Stollenmayer , et al , F . P . 550-69 , located in Stollenmayer Addition , Tract 261 , C . D . Hillmans Lake Wn . Garden of Eden Division No . 4 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted request of Rumsey & Company , Inc . for fifty-day additional extension to contract completion date which would result , weather permitting , in completion near the end of April . Moved by Barei , seconded by Bruce , to concur in the request . The motion carried. C .AG , 1338-68 . Letter from the Renton Police Officer ' s Benefit Ass ' n . , James E . Phelan , urged support of HB 149 and S .B . 74 ,providing certain changes in the present retirement system for police officers allowing more adequate pension for disabled and retired members comparable to those enjoyed under First Class City systems . It was noted there would not be additional expense to the member cities , State Funds to maintain actuarial sound systems . ,.,KOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , to go on record endorsing the legislation and letters be sent to the 47th District Legislators with the Council Legislation Committee being empowered to act on the City ' s behalf in lobbying the Legislators . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO AMEND THE MOTION to include letter to be directed also to the Association of Washington Cities advising of support and endorsement . Councilman Garrett noted the Senate Bill was introduced by Senator Durkan as lone sponsor and thesamebill introduced in the House as H . B . 149 is identical and letter can be directed accordingly . A discussion ensued wherein it was noted that there could be some cost to the city contrary to prior statement . Shane inquired if passage of the bills leavesnothing detrimental to the City ' s going first class . The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended . -2- + A MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/10/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) The City Clerk reported that bids had been opened on 2/4/69 at 2 : 00 p .m . for demolition of the old city hall building in Cedar River Park . Ten bids were received from $4 , 000 . 00 to $39 , 500 . 00 . (See tabulation sheet attached) MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , to authorize the Fire Department to burn the old city hall building to the ground . Barei felt the City could save the money by having the city forces burn the building which was isolated from any buildings and the winter weather adding to the safety factor . Inquiries followed regarding air pollution laws and possibility of legality under controlled burning permit and the cost to remove burned debris . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , the motion and remarks be referred to the Property Committee for report . The referral motion lost and discussion on the motion to burn ensued , it being urged that the low bid be accepted in lieu thereof . Dissenting voice vote brought proper request for roll call which was taken as follows : Aye : Grant , Shane , Schellert and Barei . No : Perry , Morris , Delaurenti , Trimi;' Garrett , Edwards , Maxin and Bruce . The motion failed 8 . to 4 . Motions were proposed to award the bid to apparent low bidder with adequate performance bond to be required to insure proper compliance and , after discussion regarding bid requirements , to recess for ten minutes which failed , and to refer the bids to Committee , and subsequently another motion to award to low bidder with referral to the Property Committee to draw up the contract and secure performance bond and carry out the legal requirements , MORRIS MOVED , SECOND BY GRANT , to substitute the motion that the bids be referred to the Property Committee with power to act . Dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows : Aye : Morris , Schellert , Edwards , Bruce , Grant and Barei . No : Perry, Delaurenti , Trimm , Garrett , Maxin and Shane . Mayor Custer voted aye and the referral motion carried . Letter from Epcon , Inc . , Norman E . Lee , Lighting Division , requested a meeting to discuss proposed installation of area lighting . Moved by Barei , seconded by Bruce , to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole . It was noted the area concerned is Rainier Avenue and Mayor ... Custer stated the matter to be in regard to light standards for private operation on street right-of-way which only the Council could handle . After various recommendations for referral to other Committees , the pending motion carried . Letter from Park Director Coulon , submitted attached letter from H . Bartrand & Co . , requesting 21-day extension to contract completion date on C .AG . 1372-68 , landscaping and planting , Liberty Park grandstand area . (February 12 is contract completion date to be extended) Moved by Bruce , seconded by Barei , to concur in the recommendation of the Park Director . The motion carried . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Richard Stredicke , 3916-10th Court North , inquired regarding availability of a report concerning the Show Cause Court Order , received last week on the Hazel Chenaur property rezone . City Attorney Shellan advised that no Court Order has been entered on the Show Cause but that an early trial date will be set and Mr . Stredicke will be notified . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry submitted Committee of the Whole Report which was read with Council action taken as follows : NEW Recommended that the proposed Resolution from Cle Elum regarding distribu- tion of funds to cities be tabled . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIM , to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation . Carried . Shan. opposed. Barei abstained . Recommended that the C . ty continue using the King County Design Commissic, service rather than create a Local Design Commission . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommenda- tion. (Referral request of Richard Stredicke) The motion carried . Recommended regarding U-LID 256 , Kent , the City Clerk direct a letter Kent inquiring if further action is required , MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDI:! BY MAXIN , to concur . Carried . -3- MINUTES -- RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/10/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES Chairman Perry , submitted report which recommended the Planning Committee be reconstructed to constitute a Planning and Building Committee and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for ordinance to amend the Code . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , to concur . Carried . Recommended the Committee on Committees be authorized to appoint a ARM special Parks and Recreation Committee (not a standing committee) to work as liason body between the Council , Park Department and Park Board . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , to concur . The motion carried . Barei and Shane opposed , opinions being expressed that the whole council should meet with the various departments of the city from time to time , and a special committee should not be necessary . Council President Perry requested that Councilmen interested in serving on the Park and Recreation Committee please advise him. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Chairman Garrett reported that the recommenda- tion of the Interim Highway Committee to the Legislature concerning the North Renton Interchange overpass had been referred to the Street and Alley Committee and a report was submitted for reading at this time outlining action taken by the Department of Highways since the Subcom- mittee ' s hearings . The City Clerk read the report which advised of a study of the matter and recommendationthat at such time as the City of Renton or the City Park Department allocates funds for the development of pathways to and from the proposed park , the overpass be constructed to provide access from the residential area across SR 405 . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY GRANT , to refer the report to the special Parks and Recreation Committee just authorized by the council . Carried . The Street and Alley Committee Chairman requested additional time to study school district request for widening of right of way in vicinity or proposed school on S .E . 124th , from 132nd to 138th Avenues S .E . Recommended by the Street and Alley Committee that the proposed Agree- ments with the NorthernPacific Railway Company regarding North 3rd-4th Street crossings and signals be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , to concur . The motion carried. (Councilman Shane had proposed that the Railway Co . pay $ 5 , 000. 00 toward this project) Councilman Grant MOVED that .the matter concerning reduction of retention on the City Hall Building contract , per report of the Special City Hall Building Committee of last week , be taken from the table and placed before the Council for discussion at this time . The motion was seconded by Shane and carried. The motion to concur in the report and reduce the retained amount to $52 , 250. 00 was now before the Council for action and voice vote resulted in affirmative majority carrying the motion . Shane opposed . LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Chairman Grant submitted recommendation that the request for street light on Earlington Street approximately 250 ft . south of Langston Road be granted and that the Traffic Engineer take necessary action for installation of a 7 , 000 lumen Mercury vapor light. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to concur . Carried . The Light and Power Committee further recommended that the proposed �" L . I . D . for underground wiring in the Monterey Terrace area be post- poned indefinitely , numerous petitions pro and con having been sub- mitted ,]?ut no validation for commencement action being filed .MOVED BY G$aNT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR. Carried . Councilman Grant recalled Council ' s previous referral of selection of 25 member or so committee to study possible change in form of government for Renton and inquired regarding mode of selection . Mayor Custer ad- vised he has a list of 20 names suggested to date . "Same have been recom- mended by the Chamber of Commerce and Council Members and the League of Women Voters , etc . will .be requested to furnish names as well . Garrett suggested that a representative from each of the employee groups be included and Grant urged that the Council Committee of the Whole recom- mend to the Mayor a list of names to be considered also . -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/10/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Councilman Shane , recalling reduction of retained percentage on the city hall building contract inquired regarding contract completion date and Mayor Custer advised that the building has not yet been accept., but that completion date had been extended when it was decided to ` 'nish the 5th floor , also noting that a list had been compiled with regard to items needing attention prior to acceptance and that all work orders of additions or extensions are filed through the architects in writing , it being recalled that there are three contracts , building or general , the mechanical and electrical . Shane inquired whether certificate of occu- pancy should have been in order before the building was occupied and City Attorney Shellan advised that the City had moved in with out prejudice to its rights and the contractor understood no right was abrogated because the city moved in and there is nothing preventing him from continuing any additional work . Councilman Barei proposed motion , seconded by Shane to place on the May ballot , the election of freeholders to construct a charter for the City of Renton . City Attorney Shellan pointed out that this would be incon- sistent with prior action to form a study group to recommend a form of government for the city and that in electing freeholders a purpose must be specified and any work done by those elected prior to the July 1 , 1969 effective date of the Optional Municipal Code would be completely negated as the same freeholders could not be used under the new system as used under the old statutes . If the intent were to go first class under the old system then the motion would be in order but if it is desired to look at the new form first and then confirm which action to follow , the free- holder election will need to be held up until after July 1 . Barei moved to amend the motion to elect 15 freeholders at the primary election in September . Shane seconded the motion . Dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows : Aye : Perry , Edwards , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . No : Morris , Schellert , Trimm , Garrett , Maxin and Delaurenti . Mayor Custer voted no breaking the tie and the motion lost . Grant stated opinion that a study committee would be well -� to be an elected group rather than by selection to include special group or interest controls . Moved by Shane , seconded by Grant , the election of 15 freeholders to write a charter for Renton as a first class city be placed on the September 16th ballot . City Attorney Shellan expressed hope this would not add to confusion noting that you cannot elect freeholders with- out deciding what they are to work on and outlined procedures the council might follow , assuming the Optional Municipal Code is passed , which included a committee as suggested heretofore by the Council to study and make recom- mendations regarding form of government to be adopted as you cannot elect without knowing what you are going to do . Then by Petition of the people Resolution by Council deciding the form of government is prepared and then freeholders are elected . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Edwards , the subject be tabled until a report from the special committee has been received . Barei challenged the legality of, the motion which the Chair ruled was in order . The motion was voted upon and carried . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Chairman Morris reported Committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 284 through 392 and moved that the Council approve same for payment at this time . The motion was seconded by Maxin and carried . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund $17 , 649 . 80 284 - 314 City Street Fund 15 , 246 . 00 315 - 340 mom Cedar River M. & I . 37 . 84 341 - 343 Equipment Rental 1 , 755 . 04 344 - 357 Library 565 . 91 358 - 360 Parks 1 , 225 . 18 361 - 370 Waterworks Utility 31 , 563 . 76 371 - 386 Airport 228 . 42 387 - 392 $68 , 271 . 95 Moved by Edwards , seconded by Maxin , to adjourn . The motion failed. -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/10/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Shane suggested that where L . I . D ' s are formed the City install new water mains and bring existing lines up to standards concurrently with sanitary sewer installations proposing that L . I . D ' s be prepared with options to include improvements to streets , storm drains , curbs , etc . as may be desired by the people involved and proposed motion that study be made by the Engineer with report back of recommendations on possibility of providing home owners options for additional improvements with their sewer L . I . D . MOVED ' BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to refer the suggestions to the Sanitation Com- mittee for recommendation . Carried . Councilman Delaurenti requested the Police and License Committee to meet following this meeting in his council office and requested that the Police Chief attend. Moved by Shane , seconded by Barei , that the City hire an Ombudsman . Moved by Barei , seconded by Grant , upon questions as to funding and function , to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole . Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Frank Storey read a letter which he had submitted to Governor Evans on November 1 , 1965 concerning pedestrian walkway in the vicinity of the North Renton Interchange with regard to policy of the Highway Commission and actions taken by groups and interested parties urging the implementa- tion of such walkway , noting a portion of the subject area having been made available by donation of an original member of the Good Roads Commission , and the City ' s prior investment . Mr . Storey urged action to make possible the walkway ,to allow children to get down to the lake . Councilman Perry , Chairman , called a meeting of the Committee on Com- mittees at 7 : 00 p.m. on Monday , February 17 . Mr . Sven Johnson , candidate for 6th District County Commissioner, recalled his experience in Municipal Government while working with the City of Renton and pledged , for support at the polls tomorrow, a good hard-working Councilman at the King County level . Mayor Custer read from Roberts Rules of Order , in deference to Mr . Barei ' s earlier challenge of the Chair ' s ruling , noting provision for override of the chair by 2/3 vote , which could be used on instances of other matters decided as well as the one this evening . Mrs . Lillian Plute and Mrs . C . Herber were introduced and reported that the League of Women Voters is in the process of studying forms of govern- ment , including what might be advisable for Renton and brochures were distributed concerning information resulting upon compare of Municipal Code and First Class City status , subject of investigation being en- titled "Whither Renton" . As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was moved by Morris , seconded by Delaurenti , to adjourn . Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10 : 50 p .m. There were 19 visitors in the Council Chambers . Helmis W. Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- 2/10/68 Bid Tabulations - Opening 2/4/69 at 2:00 p.m., First Floor Conference Room DEMOLITION OF OLD CITY HALL BUILDINDs CEDAR. RIVER PARK BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID ALTERNATE Fletcher's Distributing Company 206 Wells Ave. So. Renton Wa. 98055 4,000.00 Iversen Construction 3501 Rainier Ave. So. Seattle, Wa. 98144 $ 9,800.00 $4,950.00 Lavelle Construction Co. 60� S. E. St. Andrews Dr. Portland, Oregon 97202 $11,770.00 Lige Dickson Co. 3315 So. Pine, Tacoma, Wa. 98409 $ 4,287.50 McCann's Enterprise, Inc. 13415 S. E. 128th St. Renton, Wa. 98055 $ .4,-400.00 South Acres Bulldozing & Excavating 36050 Military Rd. So. Auburn, Wa. 98002 $ 8,860.00 Strong Trucking Co. 1840 So. 216th Seattle, Wa. 98188 $ 4,785.00 S & T Construction Co., Inc. 9840 Carr Road Renton, Wa. 98055 $39,500.00 L. D. Holmes, dba Center Dozing 2117 S. W. 114th Seattle, Wa. 98146 $ 6,320.00 Nelson Construction C6. P. 0. Box 507 Kenmore, Wa. 98028 $13,645.00 r -7- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2/10/68 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1560 $ 480.00 Boeing Co. 10-60 Building Const 42 L Ft of Plasterbd 1561 400.00 D. R. Rowe 3924 - 12th Ave . No. Rec Room & Laundry Room 1562 Void 1563 750.00 F.H.A. 807 E Street Remodel Home by Dobi Corp. ' 564 300.00 Boeing Co. 10-54 Building Extend Draft Wall E 565 48000.00 Bronco's of Renton 530 Rainier Ave. So. Const Conc Block Drive In Rest. 566 275.00 Bryant Motors 1300 Bronson Way No. Alter ExistBldg - Partition ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1657 1000.00 Boeing Co. 4-20 Building Rearrange Electric Panel 1658 90.00 Boeing Co. 4-21 Building Provide Elec Service to Grinder 1659 100.00 Boeing Co. 4-63 Building Provide Elec Service to Monorai E 1660 590.00 Boeing Co. 4-63 Building Prov Elec Sery Water Test 1661 990.00 Boeing Co. 4-20 Building Prov Elec Sery Dust Collec. 1662 450.00 Boeing Co. 10-52 Building Prov Elec Sery Temp. Bath 1663 150.00 Boeing Co. 10-80 Building Receptacle for Computer Un. 1664 500.00 Boeing Co. 4-35 Building Elec Feeder to Port Office E 1665 800.00 Dial Finance 607 So. 3rd St. Tel & Duplex Outlets - Fix. 1666 170.00 King County Health Dpt 12015 S.E . 128th Hang Flourescents 1667 500.00 Renton Health Club 315 So. 2nd St. Wire Serv. Wire Saunas MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1593 McGrath Corp. 13248 S.E. 106th St. Install Plumbg & Fixtures 1594 *' 13242 S .E . 106th St. TT M 1595 " 10622 - 133rd Pl. S.E . Install Plumbing & Fixtures 1596 " 10614 - 134th Ave. S.E. TT 1597 " 13312 S.E. 106th St. TT 1598 Boeing Co. 4-21 Building Relocate Eye Wash & Shower 1599 Don Greer 12803 Rainier Ave. So. Inst. Gas Furnace M 600 Parkwood Homes Inc. 834 King Court Install Plumbing & Fixtures 601 D. L. Savoy " 3006 Sunset Blvd. E. TT bN0602 Bryant Motors 1300 Bronson Way No. TT 1603 IT 'T Install Burnace 1604 Kenneth Baxter 1207 3rd No. Install Hot Water Tank SEWER PERMITS 692 Dick See 1222 "N" Pl. No. Storm Sewer 693 Baxter Motel 134 Rainier Ave. So. Connect Sewer 694 McGrath Corp. 10648 135th S.E. TT 695 " 10630 135th TT 696 " 10530 135th IT 697 TT 10539 135th S.E. TT 698 " 10645 135th S.E. TT 699 TT 10635 134th S.E. " 700 " 13210 S.E . 107th Pl. " -8 - 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk February 17 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ENGINEER Petition for annexation to Renton , Sanders et al , as revised, A68-06 , BRB File 114 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Chamber of Commerce letter urging early completion of Workable Program Health Department letter regarding sewer service to Kennydale Island area Property Committee report of possible program for operation of lunchroom LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE L . I . D . 261 , Sanitary Sewers , vicinity S .E . 93rd Street PLANNING COMMISSION Transamerica Development Corporation request for change in comprehensive Plan , vicinity Puget Drive and Benson Highway intersection WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of old city hall demolition APP01 :T'PIE N`" Frank J . Cooper to Sergeant in the Renton Police Department effective 2/17/69 which . .)mmences six months probationary period as required by law MEETINGS February 19 , ?:969 - Committee of the Whole at 7 : 30 p.m. February 22 , 1969 - Committee of the Whole Field Trip at 10 : 00 a.isi. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tentative Agenda 2/19/69 - Pending Referrals Property Committee reports concerning operation of the lunchroom Epcon Sign Company request for area lighting on Rainer Avenue Councilman Shane ' s recommendations 1 . Check of unused parking spaces in downtown area 2 . projection of cost for possible park maintenance when Forward Thrust program has been effected 3 . matter of segregating water and sewer utility funds Chamber of Commerce letter urging completion of a Workable Program Health Department letter regarding sewer service to Kennydale area i r RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk February 17 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS ; Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin, Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti , Morris , and Schellert , who was excused as absent and arrived shortly after the meeting commenced . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PR SE ENT ; D . W. Custer , Mayor , xelmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , that the minutes of the previous meeting of February 10 , 1969 be approved as written . Carried . PUBLIC HEARING ; Sanitary Sewer L . I . D . 261 , as revised . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Written protests were called for and the Clerk reported receipt of only two communications , both from the same party , Mr . M . L . Gibson , owner of Lots 23 , 24 and 25 , Block 11 , C . D . Hillman ' s Lake Wn . Garden of Eden , Div . #1 , inquiring in regard to mode of assessment and collections and objecting to assessments on lots 23 and 25 which he stated could not be benefitted since he was unable to build upon them according to the Renton and King County Codes . City Clerk Nelson advised that reply had been forwarded to Mr . Gibson upon receipt of his initial request with copies of the statutes as to how computations are made and how payments may be made , along with additional information regarding the formation of the assessment roll . Upon inquiry , City Engineer Wilson advised that no ruling has been made by the City that Mr . Gibson could not build on lots 23 and 25 and that as those lots show benefit they are included and would not otherwise be assessed . Audience comment was invited and Mr . Kenneth D. Coan , owner of Lots 14 , 15 and 16 , Block 14 , inquired regarding putting in junctions to serve future buildings and Mayor Custer advised the stubbs would be installed initially. As there was no further audience comment , it was MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BRUCE , the hearing be closed. Carried . The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited . Upon inquiry to the City Engineer, it was noted that the next step is to pass an ordinance ordering the improvement , the engineering department to proceed with preparation of specifications for bid call with public hearing to follow subsequently on the final assessment roll . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY PERRY , to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance . The motion carried. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance amending Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled „Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" by establishing a new chapter known as Chapter 18 prohibiting "glue sniffing" and related activities and providing penalties for the violation thereof , which was read by the Clerk . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to place the document on second and final reading . Carried . After the final reading , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to adopt Ordinance No . 2467 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. -1- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont . ) 2/17/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Revised petition for annexation of territory to the City of Renton was read containing signatures of owners representing not less than 75% of the assessed valuation of the property covered within the petition , con- firming agreement to assumption of pro-rata shares of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City . ( Sanders et al annexation , as revised. Boundary Review Board File 114 , City File A68-06 . ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO CHECK SIGNATURES FOR VALIDITY . CARRIED . Letter from Gene L . Coulon , Park Director , submitted letter from Holmes Electric Company regarding C .AG . 1392-68 , parks lighting contract , request- ing 21 day extension to contract completion date . Park Board recommenda- tion was read for Council approval of the request which would extend the contract to 3/4/69 . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO GRANT THE EXTENSION AS REQUESTED . CARRIED . Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted request of Chapman Electric , Inc . for contract completion date extension in regard to C .AG . 1408-68 , lighting of tennis courts , to 3/7/69 and Park Board recommendation for concurrence in extension of 21 days . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE PARK BOARD RECOMMENDA- TION AND EXTENSION AS REQUESTED. CARRIED . Letter from Seattle Area Guilds for Retarded Children , Renton Renee Guild, requested No-Fee Permit to sell "Sunshine Balloons for the Retarded" in Renton on Friday , February 28 and Saturday , March 1 , 1969 . (Mrs . Stan Ridley) MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO GRANT THE REQUEST WITH EXECUTION OF THE REQUIRED HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT AND PERMIT DOCUMENT . CARRIED . Letter from I , N . Knutson , President , The Greater Renton Chamber of Commercen" recalled active interest of the Chamber in encouraging that housing be pro- vided for lower income families in the local area . It was urged that the City Council adopt a workable plan as early as possible in order that some additional low cost housing can be implemented . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY GARRETT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED . Letter from John W. Maher , Asst. Vice-President , Transamerica Development Company , requested change in the City ' s Comprehensive Plan with regard to section of the city in vicinity of Puget Drive and Benson Road intersection , from R-4 to B-1 , recent economic analysis and market research study having confirmed need for convenient service shopping facilities within pedestrian access and the company desiring to place a "Shopette" at NE corner of the 3 acres at said intersection . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL . CARRIED . Letter from the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health , Mr . Donald G. Evans , District Health Officer , recalled prior Health Department request for consideration of sewer service to the island of King County in the Kennydale area , noting that portion of the area is now included in a pro- posed L . I . D . and urging action toward sewering the additional area , septic tank overflows , with wet winter weather , having increased and baeterological..r samples of run off indicating it to be raw sewage . Further building in the area has been restricted until public sewers are available and it was desired that some inform6tion be afforded to the Health Department so that the people could be advised whether to form their own sewer district or to await council decision . Letter from F . A. Storey , 11007 - 109th Ave . S .E . , inquired if the City would assist in setting of L. I . D . district for sanitary sewers in vicinity of his residence . Discussion ensued regarding prior action of the Council in its policy to serve only separate residences outJide the City if adjacent to the city limits but not entire areas unless they are annexed . (Cont , next page) . -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/17/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . RECEIVED FROM THE HEALTH DEPP.RTMENT . Alter discussion regarding petition circulating ,-for annexation of the Kennydale Island area to Renton ,and actions to place the issue before the electorate , THE PENDING MOTION , REGARDING SEWER SERVICE TO KENN"DALE PER HEALTH DEPARTMENT LETTER, CARRIED . AUDIENCE C01"MENT : Mrs . Lesell Matt , 8626 Lake Washington Blvd . , recalled petition for ... sanitary sewers being referred to the Sanitation Committee and inquired regarding further action since the residents feel the need is great . Mayor Custer advised that everyone concerned is well aware of the existing problems , the question being whether the area should annex or city service extended outside the ' city into another municipal corporation ' s jurisdict- ional territory . He noted that a petition for annexation has been in circulation but that only about 50% rather than the 75% required owners of land have signed and the petition cannot yet be filed and validated . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT , THAT EVERY EFFORT BE MADE TO HOLD AN ELECTION FOR ANNEXATION OF THE KENNYDALE ISLAND AREA TO RENTON AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND DESIRABLY WITHIN 45 DAYS . THE MOTION CARRIED. AB r0I N HE ATS : Council President Perry submitted letter of appointment from Mayor Custer requesting concurrence in appointment of Mr . Frank J . Cooper to probationary position of Sergeant in the Renton Police Department , effective 2/17/69 . Letter of recommendation from Police Chief Williams and Civil Service Commission letter of certification of appointee were attached . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT . THE MOTION CARRIED . i OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Mayor Custer recalled inquiries of last week concerning alternate bid on demolishing of the old city hall building advising that the only alternate received was a proposal by the bidder and the city did not call for alternates . Councilman Grant inquired whether the issues regarding fluoridation of the city ' s water and acquisition of the hospital property in the Highlands area at 10th and M. Street would be placed before the electorate March ll . Mayor Custer advised they will be voted upon at that time . PROPERTY COMMITTEE Chairman Barei reported that the Committee had been given power to act upon award of contract on demolition of the old city hall building and that the bid was granted to Lige Dickson Company of Tacoma in sum of $4 , 287 . 50 plus tax as applicable, which was the low bid meeting specifications of the advertised bid call with regard to 60 day removal period . Apparent low bidder , Fletchers Renton Paint and Wallpaper , requiring a 90 day period . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO CONCUR,WITH REFERRAL OF THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION AS TO FUNDING . CARRIED ..• The Property Committee submitted proposed program for operation of the municipal lunchroom and requested referral to the Committee of the Whole for consideration at its next meeting . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Council President Perry requested copies of the program as submitted by the Property Committee be furnished to each Council Member . -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/17/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL ; (CONT . ) ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers No . 393 through 483 and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY EDWARDS AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : CURRENT $ 3 , 323 . 73 393 - 428 and 481 CITY STREET 564 , 41 429 - 437 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7 , 243 . 29 438 - 451 P LIBRARY 39 . 92 482 PARKS 28 , 818 . 04 452 - 470 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2 , 559 . 70 471 - 477 and 483 AIRPORT 6 . 05 478 CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION 64 , 719 . 49 479 - 480 $107 , 274 . 63 13 S I MESS 3v COUNCIL : Council President Perry inquired whether the Council Chambers would be available on Wednesday and since the Planning Commission was not scheduled to meet that night and Building Director Ruppert advised the Board of Adjustment hearing meeting could behe]din a conference room , a Committee of the Whole meeting was set for Wednesday , February 19 , at 7 : 30 p .m. in the Council Chambers . (See Referral Sheet for tentative Agenda) Councilman Perry advised he had visited Olympia and had brought back some brochures of committee assignments from the legislature which were available for perusal of anyone interested . Councilman Shane called attention to an apartment project of two or three hundred units now underconstruction in Renton through a low rent housing project grant which he did not feel was being constructed according to the Code and requested that the Planning Commission and Building Depart- ment prepare complete resume of progress from its start up to date and theme inspection results . (Royal Hills project) Councilman Barei reported he had visited the project which is located at the end of Puget Drive in the Tiffany Park area and that he was likewise doubtful that this was construction which could meet standards of the Code and urged inspection . Both Councilmen expressed opinions this would become potential slum area . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , THAT A DATE BE ESTABLISHED FOR A FIELD TRIP TO THE SITE BY THE ENTIRE COUNCIL . CARRIED . Council President Perry set Saturday , February 22 , at 10 : 00 a .m, as date and time for the field trip and requested that city vehicles be furnished to transport the members to the site in question . In further discussion it was noted this project is being constructed by a private contractor under Federal HUD 221-3 grant and that no requirements of the code have been waived , it being stated that it was being constructed to minimum requirements , however , and further noted that the owner must own and operate for 20 years and financing was over 40 years with 3 - 4% interest charges . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Ernest Loby , 16429 Springbrook Road filed complaint that water was running down onto his property which contained sewage and requested the City to take appropriate action to require the contractor on the project across from him now under construction , to make changes in his operation _ also objecting to the manholes installed under this mode of water dis-- persment . Mr . Loby stated he did not want any water running on his property ,being dismayed at having to look at the obtrusive manholes , and would take further action as necessary if the flow does not immediately cease . Transamerica Corporation was noted to be the property owner with Ea::o Construction the building contractor , and City survey was requested . MuvED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE SANI- TATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK . CARRIED . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN , O ADJOURN . CARRIED . The meeting was adjourned atZ9 : 8 p . m. There were 22 visitors in the Council Chambers . D . W. Cu ter , Mayor Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk Mow OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2-17-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name address Type of Work B 1567 $ 18,000.00 Lloyd W Salter 327 Morris St S Const clinic 1568 1,400.00 Hillard Snelling 13055 SE 115th P1 Repair damage 1569 22,800.00 Parkwood Homes 2621 Elmwood Const home B 1570 1,800.00 The Boeing Co 10-65 Bldg. Inst partition 1571 1,800.00 Pacific NW Bell 225 So. Williams New door 1572 250.00 Manio Phillips 710 Airport Way Const carport 1573 500,000.00 Renton School ##403 1601 Lk Youngs Way SE Const new school ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1668 50.00 Mrs Lewis Sterner 822 Sunset Blvd E Wire new addition 1669 497.00 Glen Adams 808 D St Electric heating E 1670 130.00 The Boeing Co 10-65 Bldg Provide service 1671 350-00 " If if 1672 700.00 If Guard House D-30 Inst heat 1673 700.00 it 10-80 Bldg New 208 circuit 1674 100.00 " 4-17 Bldg Provide service E 1675 600.00 " 4-20 Bldg Inst 13 switches 1676 150.00 " 4-01 Bldg Provide 480V service 1677 90.00 " 4-21 Bldg Inst duplex drop 1678 145.00 " 10-52 Bldg Inst 480V service 1679 200.00 " 10-80 Bldg Inst heaters E 1680 385.00 F.H.A. 807 E St Increase service 1681 200.00 Lewis Sterner 822 Sunset Blvd E New service 1682 400.00 Tiffany Dev Co 15508 120th SE New residence 1683 450.00 Robert Shane 11654 SE 100th New residence MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1605 Robert Shane 11654 SE 100th Inst plumbing 1606 L Kroll 405 Grady Way Inst piping 1607 E D Frenscenchino 111 Lake St Inst heater 1608 Peter R Kohl 17130 92nd Ave S Inst plumbing 1609 Tiffany Dev Co 15508 120th SE Inst furnace M 1610 McGrath Corp 10619 133rd Pl SE Inst furnace `,n 1611 " 10660 135th Ave SE " 1612 ' 13242 SE 106th St " 1613 " 10614 134th Ave SE " 1614 " 10622 133rd Pl SE " M 1615 " 13248 SE 106th St " 1616 " 13245 SE 106th St " 1617 " 13236 SE 106th St " 1618 " 13312 SE 106th St " 1619 Douglas R Rowe 334 Meadow Ave N Inst heater M 1620 McGrath Corp 13236 SE 106th St Inst plumbing 1621 If 10619 133rd Pl SE it 1622 it 13245 SE 106th St it 1623 " 10660 135th Ave SE " 1624 Huey Murph 1039 Q St Inst fireplace hood M 1625 Carl Johnston 2413 6th Ave N Inst furnace SEWER PERMITS 701 Dino Boscols 1000 High St Connect sewer 702 Boulevard Tavern 10826 Lk Wn. Blvd If 703 Mrs McDougall 9217 100th SE it 704 Bell & Valdez 2017 SE 20th Ct if 705 if 2020 SE 20th St " 706 it 2014 SE 20th Ct 707 it 2008 SE 20th Ct " 708 " 1912 SE 20th Ct " -5- 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of City Clerk February 24 , 1969 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed guideline list for general operating format for municipal lunchroom and kitchen . CITY ATTORNEY Epcon , Inc . - Revocable Permit for use of public property for lighting Recommendations for format to operate municipal lunchroom and kitchen CITY ENGINEER To check December , 1968 petition for Sanitary Sewer L . I , D , in Kennydale Island area of King County to determine if presently valid . LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Windsor Hills area petition and retention grant of old street names LIBRARY BOARD Allied Arts request for Sunday opening of the library MAYOR Tc request a_meeting- Chamber Commerce and Council to discuss "Workable Program"for Renton . PROPERTY COMMITTEE Epcon , Inc . and other uses of public property to be discussed Recommendations for operation of lunchroom to be re-studied . TRAFFIC ENGINEER Ey-con , Inc . Revocable Permit for use of public property in lighting area APPOINTMENT : Mayor ' s Youth Guidance Committee - Mr . David Heuther MEETINGS : March 3 , 1969 - Light and Power Committee at 7 : 30 p .m, March 17 , 1969 - Public Hearing - Sanders et al annexation, as revised i i i RENTON CITY COU!"N'C I L REGULAR 11 E E T I NC Office of City Clerk February 24 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Pl'E".13`RS : Garrett , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Delaurenti and Morris . Absent : Perry , Barei , Schellert and Trimm . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED . The motion carried . OFFICIAL'S AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W . Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PRIOR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17 , AS WRITTEN . THE MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION M ADOPTION : Councilman Edwards , Law and Ordinance Committee Member , submitted proposed Ordinance.;ofthe City amending Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , repealing Section 6-163 , 6-164 , 6-165 and 6-167 , and estab- lishing a new section in lieu thereof , designated as Section 6-163 , relating to disorderly conduct . After introductory reading , it was moved b�7 Edwards , seconded by Morris , to place the document on second and finai reading . Carried . After final reading , it was MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2468 AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES EXCEPT SHANE WHO OPPOSED . (During discussion it was noted that this brings the Renton Code up to date to cover present day circumstances including activities described as sit-ins on public and private property and destruction of public or private property in relation to such activities . ) RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION : Law and ordinance Committee Member Edwards submitted proposed Resolution of the City authorizing fund tra.,sfers within the Street Department Fund Account 1310 From : Street Functional 1310/801 , Roads , $ 37 , 000 . 00 , and 1000 , Fringe Benefits , $9 , 575 . 00 , Unto : Street Functional 1310/803 , Storm Sewers , $19 , 432 . 36 ; 901 , Snow & Ice Control , $1 , 385 . 12 ; 902 , Street Cleaning , $6 , 337 . 35 ; 1003 , Non Street Costs , Non Reimbursible , $6 , 552 . 21 ; 1004 , Non Street Costs , Reimbursible , $12 , 864 . 96 . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1610 AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT DUSINESS : Letter from Mr . C . R. Bystrom expressed objection to L . I . D . No . 261 since it does not encompass the total Kennydale community , being owner of Lots 33 and 34 , Block 14 , of the proposed improvement . City Clerk Nelson noted receipt of the letter on 2/18/69 and the public hearing having been held on 2/17/69 . Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the petition for annexa- tion of area,ladded to the Sanders et al annexation by the King County Review Board , is signed by owners representing 77% of the assessed valuation of the additional area and when combined with those on the original annexation petition , represent 86 . 850 of the assessed valuation of the total area . City File A68-06 , B . R. B . File 114 , vicinity of 132nd Ave . S .E . and Sunset Blvd . E . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to accept the annexation petition and that March 17 , be set for public hearing thereon . Carried . -1- MINUTES • RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/24/69 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from Building Director Ruppert recommended that Revocable Sign Permit be granted for Johnson ' s Grocery , 251 Factory Avenue North , sign to project over public right-of-way six feet on North Third Street , granted per Ch . 12 , Title IV of the City Code . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE BUILDING DIRECTOR . THE MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk Nelson reported that proposed Airport Lease had been filed and according to legal opinion the lease is under Airport Board juris- diction and does not need council approval for execution by the Mayor and City Clerk . The lease covers Building 118 on the Renton Airport being leased to Puget Sound Power and Light Company for hangar and office space . Petition was read from residents of the Windsor Hills Addition , signed by 125 persons , objecting to the street name changes and problems the proposed changes would cause , and requesting only NE direction change for streets known as Bronson Place , Windsor Place , Windsor Way , Grandey Way and Bronson Way North . Mayor Custer relinquished the gavel to Acting Council President Garrett and addressed the assembly , outlining the subject area and noting same to be self-contained with no through streets , the roads leading back onto the main thoroughfare or ending , further advising that 138 homes are involved with 80 being represented on tie petition or 51 . 9% of residents to be affected. Problems cited were telephone directory presently being printed wherein , if notifica- tion is not timely , will have wrong listing for one year , and 2208 changes to be required if retention of prior names are allowed, the question being whether to allow the change and whether it can be acct-,:aplished . Mrs . Margaret Evans , Mrs . Ethel Hanis and Mrs . Phyllis -,�cGerry spoke on behalf of petitioners , Mrs . Evans outlining the actions and apathy to date until sudden interest instigated the petition which she was unable to carry due to her health , noting that only 80 homes were represented because of Sunday circulation when people were away , but that only two persons had not desired to sign . Traffic Engineering representative Rick DeSilva noted problem additionally to result being that alphabetical system along with numerical has been devised which would likewise be interrupted with retention of existing names .Mrs . Hanis , preparing the petition on behalf of her Mother had been requested to include the entire area , it being pointed' out that the area being small and self-contained would not necessarily interfere greatly with the new system,and upon calling the City had been advised they had the right to register their protest . Further discussion ensued regarding possible additional petitions which may be forthcoming , along with matter of different addresses resulting along the same right of way which problem is one the new proposal was trying to eliminate . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO GRANT THE REQUEST TO KEEP ALL STREET NAMES AS OUTLINED IN THE PETITION ADDING SUFFIX APPROPRIATE UNDER THE NEW PLAN AND NEW HOUSE NUMBERS AS MAY BE NEEDED . . CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ORDINANCE . THE MOTION CARRIED. C l Mayor Custer submitted letter of appointment of Mr . David Huether to membership on the Mayor ' s Youth Guidance Committee and reported that the Committee of the Whole had recommended concurrence . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT . THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Acting Council President Garrett submitted Committee of the Whole report which was read with council actions taken as follows : Recommended that the Epcon Company request to locate light standards on city property be granted with execution of 30- day Revocable Permit and filing of evidence of adequate insurance ; owners to maintain lights and said permit subject to approval of the City Attorney and the Traffic Engineer. MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO ..,_,: CUR. CARRIED . (See additional provision for granting of subject request) -2- tl � MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/24/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Committee of the Whole report recommended that discussion of the Epcon proposal and other uses of public property be held by the Property Committee with property owners concerned. MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR. MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO AMEND THE MOTION BY ADDITION TO THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE THAT THE GRANTING OF THE REQUEST OF EPCON COMPANY BE CONTINGENT UPON THE INSTALLATION OF CURBING , AS APPROVED BY THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY , THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the letter from Allied Arts , requesting Sunday opening of the Library , be referred to the Library Board for recommendation to the Committee of the Whole . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR. CARRIED . Recommended that the duties of the newly authorized "Parks and Recreation" Committee include liaison between the Council and the Park Board ; to become knowledgeable regarding the Park Department Budget and to make recommendations to the Council in this regard , and such other duties as the committee may see fit to assume . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR. Morris Opposed. ,'KE MOTION CARRIED . Recommended by the Committee of the Whole that council concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee concerning operation of the municipal lunchroom and that the report be referred to the Property Committee and City Attorney for further study . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR. CARRIED . Shane opposed. T' Committee of the Whole recommended that the Mayor be authorized tc equest a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and the Council Vis, regarding the Workable Program. MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR. CARRIED. It was noted that other items on the Committee of the Whole Agenda regarding hiring of an Ombudsman and five items which had been like- wise recommended by Councilman Shane , had been tabled , the Council President having established policy not to discuss items referred if the person referring same or inquiring regarding such matter , is not present for the discussion , such items unless taken from the table at a sunsequent meeting of the Committee being tabled permanently. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS submitted Voucher list approved by the Committee and MOVED THAT VOUCHER NOS . 484 THROUGH 623 BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME FOR PAYMENT. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund $19 , 082 . 34 484 - 520 City Street Fund 9 ,414 . 42 521 - 533 Cedar River M . & I . 241 . 93 534 Equipment Rental 1 , 374 . 86 535 - 543 Library 5 , 234 . 47 544 - 583 Parks 3 , 671 . 40 584 - 597 Waterworks Utility 5 , 605 . 22 598 - 611 1965 Water & Sewer Const . 2 , 157 . 80 612 Airport 326 . 56 613 - 619 Firemen ' s Pension 34 . 56 620 - 622 City Hall Construction 62 . 53 623 $47 , 206 . 09 Councilman Shane recalled prior action to initiate a Sanitary Sewer L. I . D. in the Kennydale .Island area of King County by petition which had been received in December by the Council and :inquired regarding present status and possibility of progressing on this matter . It was noted that a petition had been received and reported valid by the City Engineer which had then been referred to the Sanitation Committee . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SHANE , THAT THE QUESTION OF VALIDITY OF THE DECEMBER PETITION BE CHECKED BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND REPORT BE SUBMITTED AT THE NEXT COUNCIL, MEETING . CARRIED. -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/24/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Councilman Shane reported inspection of the Royal Hills apartment project ,being constructed t.hroughfederal low rent housing grant, at the end of Puget Drive in the Tiffany Park area , and advised that according to the Building Department minimum Code requirements are being met in the construction and he was in error since this par- ticular type of construction is allowed as adopted in the 1967 Code . He felt however , that it should be used on very deep grades or hill- sides rather than on the level terrain . Councilman Grant added remarks regarding the housing project noting that statements by Council Members heretofore on other matters had likewise , although being informative and perhaps of benefit to the community and :instigating action of those involved , resulted in the administrative functions of the City being aware , in control and correct as to the matter in the first place . Councilman Grant inquired regarding further action in regard to the appointment of a committee to study forms of government which might be best suited for the City of Renton. Mayor Custer advised he has a list of approximately 45 names to date inviting further suggestions for members . Councilman Shane urged that a greater number than 25 be on the committee in order that many different ideas might be enter- tained in the discussions . Grant suggested 15 Freeholders miuht be elected but that this would possibly be coming in later actions . PROPERTY COMMITTEE Member Bruce submitted committee report with a list of guidelines for general operating format for the municipal lunchroom and kitchen. MOVED BY 1,40ki2TE: , SECONnE,,D BY DELAURENTI , TO REPER THE OPERATION FORMAT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Shane proposed motion that when sewer lines are being in stalled and 6" lines are not in , that the City at that time install the larger watermains in conjunction with the sewer lines . It was noted that funding must be provided for any such action and the pro- posed motion was not recognized by the Chair nor seconded for val. ida-- tion . LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT announced a meeting of the committee, 7 : 30 p .m,. , March 3 , 1969 in the Chairman ' s Council. office . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Inquiry was made as to whether the Committee of the thole would be discussing the Kennydale Sanitary Sewer L . I .D . Mayor Custer advised that no meeting has been set for this week and that it had riot been discussed previously since the Council Member who had referred the item had riot been in attendance at the committee mi:-et:ing , in which event the matter is not discussed . He noted he would mention the matter to Council President Perry and that it will undoubtedly be discussed at an early meeti.ny . Mrs . Phyllis McGerry inquired regarding the pedestrian signal light at the bottom of the hill at the 3rd Avenue North & Sunset. project . Mayor Custer advised this pedestrian crossing is to be included in the work now under construction and will be installed in conjunction therewith. As there was no further business to come before the Council. , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO ADJOURN . THE MOTION CARRIED . THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9 : 40 p .m. There were 14 visitors in the Council Chamber . He.lmie� City Clerk ,_—D .TW Custer , Mayor -4-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2-24-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1571, $ 260 .00 James McMillan 121 Wells Ave. N. Lower 2 ceilings 1575 19, 000 .00 McGrath Corp. 13519 S . E. 107th P1. Const. Family Res . 1576 16 , 000 . 00 McGrath Corp. 10608-134th Ave.S .E. Const . Family Res . L577 19, 000 .00 McGrath Corp. 13245S.E. 106th Str. Const. Family Res. L578 16 ,456.00 McGrath Corp. 10660-135th S .E. Const. Family Res. ""1579 16 ,456. 00 McGrath Corp. 13236 S. E. 106th Const . Family Res . B 1580 15 ,436 . 00 McGrath Corp. 10619-133Rd P1.S .E. Const . Family Res . 1581 2 , 500 .00 Virgil L. Tuntland 225 Main Ave. S . Reface&Ref. Build. 1582 14, 500 .00 Tiffany Devel.Co. 15528-120th Ave.S .E. Const . Family Res . 1583 14, 500 .00 Tiffany Devel .Co. 15498-120th Ave.S.E. Const . Family Res . 1584 200 .00 Duane E. Radford 1137 N Place N. Const . Utility S . B 1585 6, 000 .00 Lucy Guitteau 180 Hardie Ave.S .W. Move House 1586 750 .00 Edwin Sheets 815 K Str . Const . Patio 1587 281, 000.00 Renton Sch. Dis .#403 11930-132nd.S .E. Addit.&Renovation 1588 18 ,050 .00 Parkwood Homes , Inc. 805 King Court Const. Family Res. 1589 169 .89 Lona Chapman 300 Renton Ave. S . Install. Fence B 1590 24, 000 .00 B. Petty 320 South 13th Const . Family Res . ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1684 5, 666.00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr. 5 Wire Apartment 1685 5 , 666 .00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr .6 Wire Apartment 1686 250 .00 Joe.' s Richfield Bronson&Main Ave.S . Repair Pump Head. 1687 426.00 McGrath Corp. 13517-106th P1.S.E. Wire Family Res . 1688 434.00 McGrath Corp. 13514S.E. 106th Pl. Wire Family Res. 1689 426.00 McGrath Corp. 10630-135th Ave.S .E. Wire Family Res . I L690 434.00 McGrath Corp. 13412-106:th Str. S .E. Wire Family Res . L691 422.00 McGrath Corp. 13406S .E. 106th Str . Wire Family Res . 1692 50 .00 Gates &Olson 13029 S .E. 148th Temporary Service 1693 50 .00 McGrath Corp. 13412 S .E. 106th Str . Temporary Service 1694 50 .00 Tiffany Devel .Co . 15508-121st Pl.S .E. Temporary Service E 1695 50.00 Pamco Const . So. 174th &94th S . Temporary Service 1696 50 .00 Pete Kohl Excay. 17130-92nd Ave.S . Temporary Service 1697 50. 00 Gall & Landau 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Temporary Service 1698 50 .00 Gall & Landau 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Temporary Service 1699 50 .00 Gall & Landau 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Temporary Service E 1700 50 .00 Gall & Landau 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Temporary Service 1701 50 .00 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15508-120th S .E. Temporary Service 1702 50.00 Pamco Const. S .W. Corner E.Va1.H. Temporary Service 1703 400.00 Parkwood Homes,Inc . 824 King Court Wire Family Res. 1704 400 .00 Bell&Valdez ,Inc . 2017S .E. 20th Crt. Wire Family Res. E 1705 400 .00 Bell&Valdez ,Inc. 2020 S .E. 20th Crt. Wire Family Res. 1706 400 .00 Bell&Valdez ,Inc. 2014S.E. 20th Crt. Wire Family Res . MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1626 Douglas H. Rowe 3924-12th Ave.N. Inst. Sep.T .&Drain 1627 William H . Larson 714 High Str . S . Plumbing&Fixtures 1628 Robert Gates 10810-108th Ave.S .E. Inst. Heater L629 Pacific Tech. ,Inc. 235 Airport Way S . Plumbing&Fixtures X1630 Tiffany Devel. Co . 15498 120 S .E. Plumbing&Fixtures 1631 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15524-120 S .E. Plumbing&Fixtures 1632 Holcomb Const . 13422 Sunset Blvd E. Plumbing&Fixtures 1633 Evans Prod. Co. 846 Lind Ave . Plumbing Fixtures 1634 Evans Prod. Co . 846 Lind Ave. Gas Furnace&Pipe M 1635 J.A. Benaroya Co. 920 Thomas Ave.S .W. Plumbing&Fixtures SEWER PERMITS 709 Joe Tomich 9306 Lk. Wn. Blvd. Connect sewer 710 McGrath Corp. 10654 135th Ave.S .E. to It 711 " " 13517 S .E. 106th Pl. " " 712 " " 13514 S .E. 106th P1 . " It 713 " it 13412 S . E. 106th Pl. " It -5- 110 SEWER PERMITS (con ' d) 714 McGrath Corp. 13406 S .E. 106th St. Connect Sewer 715 " " 10600 135th Ave. S . " " 716 " " 13318 S .E. 106th St . " It 717 Bell&Valdez 2018 S .E. 21st Crt. It " 718 " " 2012 S .E. 21st Crt. It " 719 2006 S .E. 21st Crt. it 11 720 " " 2000 S .E. 20th Crt. " " 721 " " 2011 S .E. 20th Crt. " It 722 T. C. Reagan 9012 Lk. Wn. Blvd. " Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of February: FROM: TO CLAIMS FUND: CURRENT 57, 180.09 CITY STREET 31 , 100.66 CEDAR RIVER M&I 279.77 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 120974.54 LIBRARY 5,840.30 PARKS 35,205.39 WATERWORKS UTILITY 710004.47 1965 W&S CONSTRUCTION 2, 157.80 AIRPORT 675.69 FIREMEN'S PENSION 34.56 CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION 640812.02 TOTAL CLAIMS FUND: 281 ,265,29 FROM: TO PAYROLL FUND: CURRENT 141 , 104.68 STREET 31 ,717.51 CEDAR RIVER M&I 653.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,997.94 LIBRARY 10,377.81 PARKS 19,866.19 WATERWORKS UTILITY 220290.01 AIRPORT 1 ,579.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 TOTAL PAYROLL FUND: 232,686. 14 Y -6- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of City ,Clerk March 3 , 1969 CITY ATTORNEY - INSURANCE CARRIER Summons & Complaint - Phillip Stonebridge and Guardian Ad Litem CITY CLERK To sign acknowledgment of State Voucher receipt for $7 , 409 . 66 for City ' s claim settlement in July waterline break , Maple Valley exit to PSH 405 To write State Highway Department re driving hazard at west end of bridge approach to PSH 405 CITY ENGINEER F . A. Storey requests regarding North Renton Interchange pedestrian walk L. I . D. No . 265 Petition , Kennydale Island area vic . 102nd P1 . -104th S .E . BUILDING DIRECTOR To enforce Code in demolition and removal of unsightly materials at 409 Pelly Avenue North COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Resolution inviting Renton to be sister city to Nishiwaka , Japan NCR Co . offer for fee reduction upon execution of 3 year contract extension L . I . D . 263 for sanitary sewers in Kennydale Island area of King County Procedures to be determined in regard to city participation in L . I . D . for underground wiring in Monterey Terrace area LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Slavic American Club request and Councilman Perry ' s suggestions regarding dog leash law for Renton LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Puget Sound Power and Light Company Contract and Resolution covering renewal of electrical power service to the Liberty Park Water Pump MAYOR To contact adult crossing guard firm regarding services at 12th & Sunset To sign acknowledgment of receipt of State voucher in sum of $7 , 409 . 66 regarding waterline break at Maple Valley exit to PSH 405 last July PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE F . A . Storey ' s requests regarding pedestrian walk at No . Renton Interchange PROPERTY COMMITTEE Epcon Co . Permit Fees for use of public property SANITATION COMMITTEE Request of Parks & Sons for city ruling as to bidding on Boeing Co . Refuse Disposal Contract at expiration in November with Valley Disposal Matter of proposed L . I . D . 263 , Sanitary Sewers , Kennydale Island area of King County STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE and TRAFFIC ENGINEER McKnight Middle School P .T .A . Board request for traffic control light at 12th and Sunset intersection WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE-Funding additonal insurance coverage APPOINTMENTS : Patrolman , Renton Police Dep ' t . eff . 2/16/69 Parks and Recreation Committee - Schellert , Maxin , Bruce and Grant MEETINGS : 3/3/69 - Street and Alley Committee and 3/10/69 if required 3/5/69 - Planning Commission re Comprehensive Sewer Plan , Council invited 3/10/69 - Ways and Means Committee at 7 : 00 p .m. 3/12/69 - Planning Commission Study Meeting at 8 : 30 p.m. , Council invited S RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk March 3 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , Vern Church , Purchasing Agent , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28 , 1969 AS MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION : Councilman Trimm, Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman , submitted proposed Ordinance of the City ordering the construction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the Kennydale area , in vicinity of S . E . 93rd and Lake Washington Boulevard , all in accordance with Resolution No . 1599 of the City of Renton , Washington ; establishing local improvement district No . 261 , a portion of which district is located outside the City limits of the City of Renton as hereinbelow set forth , providing the method of assessment in said district; providing that payment for said im- provement be made by special assessments upon property in said district , payable by the mode of "payment by bonds" or "notes" in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council ; and providing for the sale and issuance of Local Improvement District Warrants redeemable in cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Notes . ( $13 , 468 . 48 allocated to properties outside the corporate limits of the City and remaining sum of $127 , 283 . 12 allocated to those properties within the City) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING . THE MOTION CARRIED . After final reading , it was MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2469 AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED UPON UNANIMOUS AYE ROLL CALL VOTE . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , reported second request from Parks & Sons for ruling relative to bidding on hauling of Boeing garbage and refuse at end of contract with Valley Disposal , Inc . which expires on November 30 , 1969 . The City contract with Valley Disposal expires on May 6 , 1973 , the franchise granted therewith granting exclusive right to collect remove and dispose of garbage , refuse , etc . , in the City . Decision was requested as to the city ' s position on thebidding and referral to either the Sanitation Committee or Committee of the Whole was recommended . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Puget Sound Power & Light Company , J . J . Croft , Sales Super- visor , submitted proposed Water Pumping Power Contract and Resolution covering renewal of service to the Liberty Park Water Pump , effective on March 22 , 1969 for a ten year period . The new contract supersedes and -� cancels prior contract which had included the sewage disposal plant at 6th North and Commercial Waterway #2 , no longer operated by the city and the sewer pump at 6th South and Shattuck Street . MOT7TON PRO,'nSRD Rv `,'HANE , 2N11 BY GRANT , SEATTLE CITY LIGHT BE ASKED TO QUOTE THEIR RATES FOR SERVICE AS DETAILED IN THIS PARTICULAR CONTRACT .�ROPOSAT, After discussion regarding status of correspondence with the Seattle Lighting Department toward holding a joint meeting to discuss a franchise to operate in Renton , political change of officials presently under consideration in Seattle since the Mayor ' s resignation , and fact that the contract document expiration date will require undelayed action , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE CONTRACT AND RESOLU• TION DOCUMENTS BE REFERRED TO THE LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE . CARRIED . -1- d ? MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/3/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from the Office of State Auditor ,Bob Graham, by Adrian Webster , Chief Examiner , submitted report of sixth examination of the Water-Sewer Utility of the City , 1967 , which report will be on file in the records of the City Clerk ' s Office for inspection as may be desired . Letter from Mr. William W. Hemenway , Safety Chairman , McKnight Middle School PTA Board , urged the Council to consider installation of traffic control signal at intersection of 12th Avenue North and Sunset Blvd . E . , concern being expressed for children crossing at or near this point to attend Hazen High , Hillcrest Elementary and McKnight Middle School . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE AND THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO REPORT BACK. MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY SHANE ,TO AMEND THE MOTION TO READ THAT THE SUBJECT SIGNAL BE INSTALLED AS REQUESTED . Some lengthy discussion ensued regarding priority of the improvement as it relates to traffic volume and accident record, impact of improve- ments planned by the State and temporary installation which might need to be removed at a loss of its cost , as outlined by Traffic Engineer Del Bennett , others inquiring regarding possible adult crossing guards in lieu of the pedestrian signals or traffic control signals as the need might demand. Subsequent vote on the amendment was dissenting and declared by the Chair to be in the negative majority . Roll call was requested and resulted as follows : Aye : Perry , Garrett , Maxin , Bruce , Grant and Shane . No : Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Edwards and Barei . The Mayor voted no breaking the tie and THE AMENDING MOTION WAS LOST . The ORIGINAL MOTION was voted upon and CARRIED MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SHANE , THE MAYOR CONTACT ADULT CROSSING GUARD FIRM IN REGARD TO THE 12th and SUNSET INTERSECTION AS NEEDED . After discussion regarding needs of the three schools , safety of school children , traffic problems in the area and costs , the previous question was moved by Maxin , seconded by Edwards and carried. The pending motion was voted upon and CARRIED . Letter from Park Supervisor Heiret submitted and recommended for final payment and acceptance by the Council this date , C .AG . 1372-69 , estimate , work completed to date on landscaping and planting of the Liberty Park areas by H . Bartrand & Company in sum of $4 , 006 . 53 . Also recommended was commencement of the 30-day lien period if after which no liens or claims are filed against the project , and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities , the retained amount of $1 , 097 . 50 be released to Contractor . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PARK SUPERVISOR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from F . A . Grabner , Airport Director , reported on behalf of the Aviation Board that investigation had been conducted regarding requirements and possible regulations for control of seaplanes in regard to landings and take-offs over the beach area . It was noted that Page 13 , Sec . 7 , Regu- lation 9 of the Airport Rules and Regulations states that all seaplanes shall remain west of the local land based traffic pattern unless prior ap- proval is obtained from the Renton Tower . If operators comply , as the local operators do , no seaplanes should be taking off or landing over the beach area , and in order that itinerant operators be informed of this regu- lation the Board is listing the Rogers-Post Memorial Seaplane Base in the Airman ' s Information Manual , provided same can be included . ( See referral in later action) Summons and Complaint filed by Attorney James Gooding on behalf of Phillip E Stonebridge and Guardian , against the City was read , such claim in this regard having been filed heretofore 'in connection with fall into drainage ditch ., by minor Plaintiff . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Mr . F . A. Storey , 11007 - 109th Ave . S .E . , Renton , recalled that the State study of the North Renton Interchange suggested three alternates , Mr . Storey noting that there is still another to be studied and recalling that the State will participate at the site selected urged that the City Engineering Department be authorized to study all proposed routes and make a recommendation . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ENGINEER AND SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON PARKS AND RECREATION . CARRIED . -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/3/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont , ) Letter from Mayor Custer reported fire destruction of dwelling at 409 Pelly Avenue North and attempts to date to have the owner clean up the property , demolition permit issued on 9/16/68 expiring on 2/28/69 with unsightly and hazardous remains resulting in neighborhood complaints . To proceed with demolition 1ander +he Building Code requires Council action and authorization was requested for the Building Director to order the owner to proceed and remove Name and if not complied with to prosecute as provided by law with the City further demolishing at City expense and costs to be charged as a lien against the property . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , THE BUILDING DIRECTOR PROCEED WITH ENFORCEMENT OF THE CODE After discussion regarding Code provision for public hearing in connection with abatement of public nuisances and inquiry as to status of ordinance pending in regard to condemnation of unsafe buildings , the pending motion CARRIED . Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the petition for Sanitary Sewer L , I . D . in the Kennydale Island area of King County , lying between 100th Avenue S .E . , Lake Wn . Blvd . and 104th Ave , S .E . is signed by owners of 62 . 60% of abutting front footage and 66 . 51% of the area of the proposed district , which percentages reflect the deletion of the south one-half of Block 15 , C . D, Hillmans Lake Wn . Garden of Eden Div . #1 , abutting S .E . 93rd Street , added to L . I . D . #261 . There are no outstanding assessments against the properties of the proposed district and the assessed valuation is sufficient to support the improvement , (L < I . D . #263, See later action) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Petition was read containing signatures of owners representing 30 parcels of property in the Kennydale area adjacent to 102nd Place S .E . , 104th Ave . S .E , Lake Wn , Blvd. , and FAI #405 , requesting Sanitary Sewer L . I . D . , said area. lying to the south of the area contained in the L . I . D . 263 petition . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO CHECK SIGNATURES AND REPORT AS TO VALIDITY , CARRIED . ( Richard J . Morris , 10403-SE 98th St . , et al , petitioners) Letter from Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board Secretary , submitted offer of the Board to fund L . I . D . 261 in sum of $140 , 751 , 60 at 5 . 75% interest . Councilman Shane inquired whether bids shouldn ' t be called for , Mayor Custer noting that: Metro bid warranted 5 . 66% on some 9 million dollars in revenue bonds . It was subsequently MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ACCEPT THE OFFER OF THE FIRE- MEN ' S PENSION FUND AS READ . Discussion ensued regarding past action of the council in funding the smaller L , I ,D . ' s through the Pension Fund , City Attorney Shellan outlining various advantages including the installment note factor which r,he law allows between municipal funds , bonds otherwise required , comparatively at much greater cost , City Clerk Nelson noting also that bonding counsel must be otherwise GAcured atextra cost to the district . 'THE PENDING MOTION SUBSEQUENTT,Y CARRIED . City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of additional items after preparation of the agenda requiring timely action and it was MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO INCLUDE THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS AT THE END OF PRESENT COMMUNICATIONS . CARRIED. Permit , prepared by City Attorney Shellan , in connection with Epcon , Co . , Inc . request to use public property for placement of lighting fixtures along Rainier Avenue North , was presented , the fees needing to be determined by the Council for such use , if any are to be assessed , said Permit authorized 2/24,/69 . ..� MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED , Letter from the Slavic American Club of Renton , Mrs . Anna Laush , Sec , , requested action to invoke a dog leash law in Renton . Discussion ensued wherein motion by Shane seconded by Grant , was made to adopt such leash law. Motion followed by Perry , seconded by Schellert , to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole , Further discussion ensued regarding the provision3 of the present legislation and contemplation by Perry of pro- posed additional implied leash law provisions to be recommended , for amendment to strengthen same , (Motion and subsequent actions follow) 3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/3/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) (Slavic American Club request for leash law) MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SHANE , THE MATTER OF A DOG LEASH LAW BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE ALONG WITH PROPOSALS BY COUNCILMAN PERRY , THE COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK WITH ORDINANCE WITHIN THIRTY DAYS . Suggestions by Perry to be referred included adoption of an " implied leash law" , as long as owner is with dog walking or in area of control it would not need to be on a leash ; persons may take dogs out and run them for exercise on acreage if animals are supervised and under full control ; any dog not accompanied by owner and .running loose could be picked up . It was intended that this matter be discussed in Committee of the Whole meeting . City Attorney Shellan suggested the Council check with the City of Seattle and it would find that enforcement of a leash law is somewhat difficult to control noting that our present ordinance has a qualified leash law prohibiting animals from going onto someone else's property and doing damage or biting and provides for impounding , the major problem being what to pass as to put it on the books without enforce- ment would be no more effective than present provisions . Mayor Custer added that provisions are available for complaints and discussion ensued regarding experiences in this endeavor. THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED . Proposed Resolution was read concerning invitation of the City of Nishiwaka , Japan for Renton to become its Sister City to encourage the exchange of ideas , culture , students and teachers , business and economic exchanges , etc . to create better international understanding and good will between the cities . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Petition was read containing citizen endorsement of Bond Issue Proposi- tions I and II to be balloted upon March 11 , by the electorate , which issues provide for acquisition of the Highlands hospital-owned site for park purposes and for its subsequent development and improvement. MoVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE ENDORSEMENT:' . CAR'2IED . A thi.rd is=sue submits the fluoridation issue of the City ' s water to the voters . City Clerk Nelson reported letter from data processing agency , National. Cash Register Company , had been received advising that a reduced rental rate on the 500 computer is presently available through a reduction granted governmental agencies upon three year extension of present contracts . Monthly rental of the computer is $1 , 975 . 00 which would be reduced to $1 , 510 . 00 saving the city $ 5 , 631 . 04 per year in rental costs . The matter had been discussed by the City Treasurer , City Clerk , the Utility Accountant and the Data Process Program Manager and it was recommended that the City extend the present contract and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the document . MOVED BY MORRIS AND SECOND. BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER. THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TO MEET WITH THE N .C . R. REPRESENTATIVES AND low DEPARTMENT HEADS CONCERNED. MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE MEETING WITH OTHER COMPANIES WHO MANUFACTURE SIMILAR EQUIPMENT . Voice vote on the amendment was dissenting and roll call was taken as follows : AYE : Perry , Trimm , Garrett , Grant and Shane . NO - Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Maxin , Bruce and Edwards . (Barei absent) THE MOTION LOST . THE ORIGINAL MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/3/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Petition submitted by tenants and property owners residing on "H" Street requested that "H" Street be changed to Holly Avenue N . E . in lieu of Harrington Avenue N .E . now designated on the newly compiled Street name change program of the City . Discussion ensued regarding accomplishments toward implementation of the new program . Mr . Eric England , Sup ' t . of Mails at the Renton Post Office , advised that any further changes would make their work very difficult , some cards al- ready being received with change notifications and further revision might result in some of the resident's deliveries of mail being de- tained ,as it may we- 1 be even now . It was noted that the telephone directories have now been completed the last changes having been effected , however any further revisions would result in those persons having the wrong listing for a year . Mayor Custer urged that no further changes be made and although he did not especially like the name either , there would undoubtedly be other areas who would prefer different names as well and any further change would result in more problems than will be solved . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , THE MAYOR NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE PARTIES THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH THEIR RE- QUEST . THE MOTION CARRIED . Shane opposed. APPOINTMENT : Council President Perry submitted letter from Mayor Custer requesting concurrence in the appointment of Mr . Richard A . Stoddard to position of patrolman in the Renton Police Department commencing six months probationary period , required by Civil Service rules and regulations , which appointment shall be effective beginning March 16 , 1969 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT . The motion carried . THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS reported recommendation that Councilmen Schellert , Maxin , Bruce and Grant be elected to membership on the Parks and Recreation Committee and that these members be ` e charged, with responsibility to caucus and appoint their own chairman and notify the Council at its next meeting of their decision . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Mayor Custer reported receipt of Voucher for $7 ,409 . 66 in regard to City charges to the State on claim filed in connection with breakage of waterline at the Maple Valley exit of PSH 0405 last July , City Attorney Shellan having negotiated the transaction and voucher having been released to the Mayor , acknowledgment of receipt to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and returned to the State . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE NECESSARY PAPERS TO ACCEPT THE VOUCHER. CARRIED . Grant inquired of the Traffic Engineer as to the status of the Comprehensive Street Light Plan. Traffic Engineer Del Bennett reported the plan has been completed and will be submitted to the Light and Power Committee for review and if the committee desires it may present same to the Council . Councilman Shane submitted majority report of the Sanitation Committee that the Sanitary Sewer L . I . D . in the Kennydale Island area of King County be initiated on the petition as submitted heretofore . (LID 263 ) After proposed motion the matter was discussed City Engineer Wilson advising against combining the two county areas since a goodly number of easements are involved in the second and would cause additional delay , others noting that the matter of annexation of this area is pending and information is being compiled as to cost of the election and costs to the people as they would be affected by the annexation , it being stated that costs for sewer service is lis times the cosh+.,fibr inside residents and water rates outside are doubled . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GARRETT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . After some further discussion as to action of the Sanitation Committee and whether the County had been petitioned for sanitary sewer service by this area , the previous question was moved and voted upon . THE MOTION CARRIED . -5- 67 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/3/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL:, (Cont. ) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported committee approval of Vouchers Nos . 624 through 708 and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME , THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund $ 4 , 966 . 43 624 - 652 Urban Arterial Fund 10 ,443 . 06 699 - 700 City Street Fund 2 , 174 . 27 654 - 665 Equipment Rental 2 , 918 .43 666 - 678 Parks 6 , 289. 27 679 - 688 Waterworks Utility 2 , 732 . 37 689 - 698 Airport 21 . 93 653 r.. Firemen ' s Pension Fund 2 , 576 . 10 701 - 708 S 32 , 121 .86 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry announced that the Planning Commission will be holding a meeting on the Comprehensive Sewer Plan on March 5 , at 7 : 30 p .m . in the third floor conference room and also a meeting on March 12 , at 8 : 30 p.m. which will be a work session. The Council is welcome to attend the meetings . Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett requested a meeting with the Traffic Engineer and Street and Alley Committee members following this meeting to discuss adult guards at school crossings as referred, and if not resolved at that time the meeting will be continued to next Monday , March 10 , at 7 : 30 p .m. Councilman Maxin called attention to bridge approach to the North Renton Interchange ,and conditionsat the west and constituting a danger and MOVED THAT THE CITY CLERK WRITE TO THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AND REQUEST CORRECTIVE ACTION . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY EDWARDS AND CARRIED . PROPERTY COMMITTEE MEMBER BRUCE , submitted report of the committee, son pursuant to discussion with .insurance carrier Roger Davis , recommending additional coverage regarding Boiler ana Machinery Insurance, $50 , 000. 00 limit per accident , annual total premium, $367 . 001 and Comprehensive Catastrophe Liability Policy to provide additional one million dollars Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverage over existing protection, to $250/500 , 000 Bodily , $250 , 000 . 00 Property Damage Liability at premium of $1 , 116 . 00 per year , added coverage extended to cover new city hall needs and approved by the Insurance Commission and City Attorney . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO ADOPT THE COMMITTEE RECOM- MENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED , MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , THE FUNDING FOR THE ADDITIONAL COVERAGE BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE . CARRIED. Councilman Shane , recalling previously adopted legislation for control and regulations for Fair Housing , Gun Control and Disorderly Conduct , stated he feels that in making regulations for the minority , rights of the majority are taken away . Noting recently adopted ordinance relating to maintenance and repair of sidewalks Mr . Shane cited trespass arrest pro- visions and inquired as to responsibility of property owner for maintenance if picketing occurs thereon , asking also regarding the difference between free speech activities and inciting a riot . City Attorney Shellan advised that the sidewalk ordinance does not state the sidewalk is owned by the abutting property owner but that he does V however , have supreme and primary right to the sidewalk in front of his residence and of the street, . Mr . Shellan noted the Supreme Court ruling and quotation of Oliver Wendell Holmes that you cannot yell fire in a crowded theatre which is going beyond the limits of free speech and that under the interpretation of free speech is included the right of peaceful picketing as opposed to a gathering of three or more persons which results in activities not conforming to the peaceful right provisions and which might interfere with the rights of others . Shane felt the ordinances were conflicting noting militia octivities in connection with strikes and legislation telling people when to fight , adding that we have no problems in Renton High- :�chools. , in event of which he would feel the administration was poor , and legislation should not be needed for a single group . 4 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/3/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Councilman Morris reported inquiries from Monterey Terrace residents regarding underground wiring L. I . D . in the subject area and reported request as to possible city participation to reduce the costs to the residents which seemingly was the factor preventing the initiation of the L . I . D. MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , THE MATTER OF PROCEDURES TO BE USED IN UNDERGROUND L . I . D. IN THE MONTEREY TERRACE AREA , AS NOTED , BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED . 14 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT submitted committee report recommending funding of demoliton of the old city hall from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADOPT THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Chairman Schellert announced a Ways and Means Committee meeting on Monday , March 10 , at 7 : 00 p .m. Mayor Custer at this time introduced Mr . Richard Proctor , News Editor of the Record-Chronicle , formerly of Forest Grove , Oregon , and welcomed the new reporter to the community . Mayor Custer reported that city property has been inventoried and that there may be some need for property appraisal to update the listings prior to completion of the report . As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED . THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10 : 58 p .m. There were 14 visitors in the Council Chambers . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer , Mayor -7- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3-3-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1591 $ 250 .00 Howard Riggleman 1433 Lake Youngs Way Const . 6 ' Fence 1.592 250. 00 V. L. Boyd 2712 S .E. 16th Str . Constr . Fence 1593 8, 700.00 City of Renton 635 Park Avenue N. Remod. Moth ' s Prk 1594 200 .00 The Boeing Co . 10-80 Building Stud Partition 1595 65 , 000 .00 Norman Gilmore 3100 E . Valley Rd. Constr . Building 1596 18 , 800 .00 Parkwood Homes, Inc .722 Cambridge Ave. Sing. Family Res. 1597 20 , 000 .00 .Tack Wilson 1.1939 - 132nd Ave. Sing. Family Res . 1598 4 , 533 .00 Jack Benaroya Co. 910 Thomas Ave . Constr . Offices 1.599 Chet Biggens 9140 Lk.WN. Demol. Building B 1600 20 ,000 .00 Ronald Wiehoff 10820 S .E. 108th Sing. Family Res . 1601 15 , 436 .00 McGrath Corp. 13233 S .E. 106th St . Sing. Family Res. 1602 14 , 598.00 McGrath Corp. 10638 - 134th Ave.S . Sing. Family Res . 1603 25 .00 Frank Rasmusson 12435 Sunset Blvd. Constr . Porch Rl. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1707 250 . 00 John Livengood 10415 S .E. 84th St . Wire Family Res . 1708 5 , 666 .00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000Royal Hills Dr . Wire Apartment 1709 5 , 666.00 Royal Hills , Inc . 3000 Royal Hills Dr . Wire Apartment E 1710 600 .00 The Boeing Co. 10-80 Building Relocate Photo St . 1711 1, 500 .00 The Boeing Co . 10-52 Building Install Rectifier 1712 100 .00 The Boeing Co . 10-80 Building Install Recept . 1713 250. 00 The Boeing Co. 10-65 Building Remove Circuit 1714 200 . 00 The Boeing Co . 4-21 Building Pro . Elect . Serv. E 1715 40 .00 The Boeing Co . 4-21 Building Inst . Pump Motor 1716 200 .00 The Boeing Co. 4-63 Building Install Outlets 1717 150 .00 The Boeing Co. 4-17-2 Building Alter Circuit 1718 150 .00 The Boeing Co. 7-65-02 Building One Circuit ,,... 1719 400 .00 The Boeing Co. 4-81 Building Install Lights E 1720 V-O-I-D 1721 3 , 500 . 00 Ed Holcomb 13422 Sunset B1vd.E. Wire Apartment 1722 425 .00 Tiffany Devel . Co . 11528 - 120th S .E. Wire Family Res . 1723 50 .00 Pacific Northwest Bell 251 Sunset Blvd. Wire Tel.. Booth 1724 40 . 00 Pan Abode, Inc. 8041 Lake Wn. Blvd. Wire Misc . Plugs . MECHANICAL M 1636 John Livengood 10415 S .E. 84th St. Inst . Plumbing 1637 Kingen' s , Inc . 423 Airport Way Inst . Wat . Heat. 1638 Powell Construction 10729-114th S .E. Inst . Plumbing 1639 Carl Moore 3002 - 12th Ave .N. Inst. Circ. Heat M 1640 Donald Tarrett 11030 S .E . 112th Rep. Sep & Drain. 1641 Everett Gates 13029 S .E. 148th Inst . Sep.& Drain . 1642 Humble Oil Co . 10610 S .E. 94th Inst . Fixtures 1643 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15524 - 120th S .E. Inst . Gas Furn. 1644 McGrath Corp. 10608 - 134th Ave. Inst. Gas Furn. M 1645 V-O-I-D 1646 McGrath Corp. 13233 S .E. 106th Inst. Gas Furn. 1647 McGrath Corp. 10638 - 134th Ave. Inst. Gas Furn. 1648 Velma Hurtgen 112 S . Third Ave. Inst. Gas Range 1649 Powell Constr. 10729 - 114th S .E. Inst . Gas Furn. '"M 1650 Dial Finance 607 S . Third Str. Inst. Heat & A.C. 1651 Pat Bigley 425 Pelly Ave. N. Inst . Fixtures 1652 Bronco' s of Renton 530 Rainier Ave. S . Inst . Fixtures 1653 McGrath Corp. 13233 S .E. 106th St. Inst . Fixtures 1654 McGrath Corp. 10608 - 134th Ave. Inst . Fixtures M 1655 McGrath Corp. 10638 - 134th Ave . Inst . Fixtures 1656 Clifford Marshall 533 "I" Place Inst. Gas Dryer 1657 Parkwood Homes 2615 Elmwood Inst. Fixtures 1658 Parkwood Homes 827 King Court Inst . Fixtures -8- SEWER PERMITS S 723 Bell & Valdez 2024 S . E. 21st Court Connect Sewer 724 Bell & Valdez 2030 S .E. 21st Court Connect Sewer S 725 Bell & Valdez 2033 S .E. 21st Court Connect Sewer 726 Bell & Valdez 2027 S .E . 21st Court Connect Sewer 727 Bell & Valdez 2021 S .E. 21st Court Connect Sewer 728 Bell & Valdez 2015 S .E. 21st Court Connect Sewer 729 Bell & Valdez 2009 S .E . 21st Court Connect Sewer S 730 Bell & Valdez 2012 Alder Place S . E. Connect Sewer 731 Bell & Valdez 2018 Alder Place S .E. Connect Sewer -9- 7 4, RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING REFERRALS Office of the C:i.ty Clerk March 3.0 , 1969 CITY ATTZNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim filed by Mrs . Betty McCullough concerning injuries connected with lid of water meter box "C:ITY ENGINEER AND FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Bids on M Street Booster Pump Station , W-324 CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT Toarrange meeting requested by I .B .M. Representative of Data Processing LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Park Department request for fund transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund No . 1689 to Acct. 1710/605 , Capital Outlay , $718 . 41 Rezones : Agnes Edwards Property P-1 to B-P and L-1 , Airport Way and Logan Harold Jordan property , GS-1 to R-2 , Maple Valley Hwy. Hugh Gc .;.c.ismith et al annexation , City File A68-07 , BRB File 157 , vicinity 132nd Ave . S .E . and S .E . 104th Street MAYn12 CUSTER AND ADM. ASST . AND COUNCILMAN GARRETT JoY,'_ `lidmar inquiry as to remedy for unsightly area under Freeway 405 at overpass of South 3rd Street at foot of Renton Hill PROPERTY COMMITTEE Proposed extension of Elliott Gravel Lease Agreement 'RAFFIC ENGINEER , petitions requesting street name change from Harrington to Holly Street now known as "H" Street SANITATION COMMITTEE Proposed L. I . D . 265 vicinity of S .E . 96th Street between Lake Wn . Blvd. and FAI 405 APPOINTMENTS : Richard Geissler to Asst . Fire Chief , eff . 3/11/69 . com.. 6 mos . prob . period Gerald Nichols , Captain , Renton Fire Dep ' t . , eff . 3/11/69 " " " it Arthur Pringle , Lieutenant , MEETINGS 3/11/69--- Planning Committee at 4 : 00 p .m. with Planning Staff Mar . 10 , 11 and 12 - Nat ' l . Ass ' n . Housing and Redevelopment Officials Conf . Salem Oregon . 3/18/69 - Planning Committee at 7 : 00 p .m. , 2nd Floor conference rm. to discuss sign code 3/24/69 - Public Hearing , Hugh Goldsmith et al annexation MEN RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk March 10 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Edwards , Maxin , Shane and Barei . Absent : Bruce and Grant . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED . THE MOTION CARRIED . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer and Bernard Ruppert, Building Director . MOVED BY, PERRY SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF MARCH 3 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS MAILED. THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Resolution authorizing application for federal financial assistance in connection with acquisition by the City of certain lands (Lake Washington Beach Park Addition) as open space for recreational and scenic uses . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1611 AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. OPENING OF BIDS : "M" Street Booster Pump Station , W-324 This being the date set, sealed bids were opened and read from Long & Wagster , Inc . , Seattle ; Mottner & McCutcheon , Seattle ; R. J . McCarthy , Seattle ; Venture Construction , Inc . , Auburn ; and Teufel Construction Co . , Seattle . (See tabulations attached) MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE AND CITY ENGINEER TO REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from Joseph F . Lightfoot , Chief Clerk , King County Boundary Review Board, reported no request had been received to invoke jurisdiction on notice of intention to annex an area to Renton , Hugh Goldsmith, et al , BRB File 157 , City File A68-07 , and since the sixty day filing period has elapsed , the Notice was approved for further action by the City . The Board expressed some concern regarding the boundaries of the City resulting from trend of northward annexation along 132nd Ave . S .E . and it was suggested that before any further annexations in the area are accepted by the Council the possibility of annexing that portion of Sec . 4 . Twp . 23N Range 5 E . , W.M. not presently within the city be explored and perhaps if additional northward interest is expressed it might be appropriate for the City to initiate by Resolution an annexation attempt in said Section 4 . The Board requested , in any event , an expression of opinion as to probable future expansion of the City in this area . Letter from Mr . Goldsmith urged action to expedite as delay would be costly. Legal procedure was outlined . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , THAT MARCH 24 , 1969 BE SET FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION AND THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Claim against the City was filed by Mrs . Betty McCullough for injuries sustained when allegedly stepping on lid of water meter box . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. THE MOTION CARRIED. -1- 4 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/10/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recom- mendations for rezones of property as follows : Agnes Edwards , Appl . R-561-69 , as amended , from P-1 to B-P and L-1 , property located northwest corner of Airport Way and Logan Avenue South , proposed for commercial use which is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOM- MENDATION CF THE PLANNING COMMISSION WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDI- NANCE COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Harold Jordan Appl . R-562-69 as amended , from GS-1 to R-2 , located on the Maple Valley Highway approximately 1� miles east of Cedar River Park , com- prising llf acres of land proposed for low density multi-family residential use , the requested zoning being in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE REZONE AS RECOMMENDED WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . Letter from Mr . Joe Mance , Sr . 19850 E . Arrow Highway , Sp . A5 , Covina , Calif . , advised that he is the owner of a parcel of property about an acre in size at 15824 Springbrook Road which he would like annexed to the City of Renton . His letter also advised that any time a petition is cir- culated in this area he would be willing to sign same . Letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed "Extension Agreement" between Lhe City and Elliott Properties for purchase of sand and gravel by the City @25� per cubic yard , truck measure , to be used primarily for street main- tenance , said agreement may be terminated on notice in event the property is sold . Proposed motion by Shane to turn down the extension agreement and seek services of private contractors in the earth moving business failed for lack of second . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK . THE MOTION CARRIED . It was suggested Mr . Shane present his views to the Committee . Letter from Mayor Custer submitted list of fund transfers effected within budget classes for period from December , 1968 through end of the budget period , as per Resolution No . 1232 , to-wit : From : Cedar River M , & I . , 1410/200 , $ . 70 and $10 . 45 , Unto : 201 , Employment Security , $ . 70 and 203 , Industrial Insurance $10 . 45 ; From: Current Fund accounts 1120 , 1130 , 1140 and 1160 , 1165 , 1171 , Acct 200 , Statewide , $485 . 04 , Unto : 1120 , 1130 , 1140 , Acct . 201 , Employment Security , $61 . 45 ; 1140/204 , Standard Insurance , $11 . 17 ; 1160/201 , Employment Security , $45 . 60 ; 1165/201 , $53 . 12 and 1711/315 , Equipment Rental , $292 . 001 From : Building and Non-Departmental , 1165/404 , $366 . 00 , Unto : 1141/310 , Rentals , Xerox , $366 . 00 ; From: City Clerk , State- wide/200 , $ 900 . 00 , Unto : Advertising , 308 , $750 . 00 ; Preliminary L . I .D . Expense , 507 , $100 . 00 and Office Supplies , 402 , $50 . 00 ; From Equipment Rental , 1510/402 , $108 . 60 , Unto : 1510/303 , Utility Service $27 . 27 ; 323 , Laundry Service , $12 . 55 ; 325 , $68 . 08 ; From: Fire Acct , 404 , $160 , 00 , Unto : 315 , $110 . 00 and 417 , $50. 00 ; From : Planning, 200 , Statewise , $50 . 00 ; Unto : 305 , Utility Service , $50 . 00 ; From: Street 1320/200 , Statewide , $233 . 12 and 1320/306 , Stationary Equip . Maint . , $10 . 00 , Unto : 1320/203 , Industrial Insurance , $233 . 12 and 1320/325 , Laundry Service , $10 . 00 ; From: Traffic Engineers , 1172/605 , Structures and Improvements , $541 . 80 , Unto : Traffic Engineering 1172/60- , Machinery and Equipment , $541 . 80 ; From : Waterworks Utility 1810/200 , Statewide , $37 . 87 and 1820/306 , Stationary Equipment , $29 , 06 , Unto : 1810/201 , Employment Security , $37 . 87 and 1820/325 , Laundry Service , $29 . 06 ; From : Water Mainteannce 1820/605 , Structures and Improvements , $985 . 00 , Unto : 1820/606 , Machinery & Equipment , $985 . 00 Jack Wilson , City Engineer, reported that the Petition for Sanitary Sewer L . I . D. (proposed 265) , vic . So . of SE 96th Street between Lake Wn . Blvd . and F .A. I . Hwy. 405 , was signed by owners representing 64 . 89% of the abutting front footage and 59 , 15% of the area within the proposed district .MOVED BY SHANE , SECOND BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE . CARRIED. Recommended acceptance by the Council as of this date , for final payment on CAG 1392-68 , Holmes Electric Company , Park Lighting , Liberty , Kiwanis , Windsor Hills , Philip Arnold and Talbot Hill Parks , $4 , 888...35 was read -from the Park Dep ' t . The commencement of the 30-day lien period was also recom- mended wjth release of $1 , 357 . 87 , retained amount thereafter ,if no liens or claims are filed and proof of payment of all tax liability has been filed, MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR. CARRIED . -2- r-� MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/10/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Petition submitted ,pursuant to previous action of last week , requesting name changeof proposed Harrington Avenue N .E . to Holly Avenue N .E . was read , it being emphasized that the length of the name with the computerizing now in effect was not practical and the spelling with the two "rs" not 1->nding to legibility , the 12 day period between notices being factors contributing to the delay in filing of objections . It was noted that the name Holly is a City in the northwest section of the State while Harrington is near Spokane . It was felt that a change now would be less trouble for the people concern and no more costly to the city than at a later time . Additional signatures numbered 46 with total being 211 to date and more to be secured unt. i.l. the change desired is accomplished . Mayor Custer noted that some 14 agencies must be notified of any change , citing request of the post office repre- sentative that no further revisions be allowed and fact that telephone directories are now completed , this in addition to costs of providing new signs .Proposed Motion by Shane , seconded by Barei , to honor the petition as requester was voted upon and dissenting voice vote brought roll :all which resulted as follows : Aye : Perry , Garrett , Shane and Bare_ . No : Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm and Edwards . The motion lost 4A-5N . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE PETITIONS TO TRA- FFIC ENGINEER'S OFFICE FOR FUTURE CHANGES CONCERNING THIS AREA. CARRIED. , (See later discussion under audience comment) Lett_-z: from Park Director Coulon requested fund transfer in sum of $718 . 41 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 , Acquisition and Development of Park Sites to Park Fund 1710/605 , Capital Outlay , to pay for preliminary appraisal and title seF.rch fees on park properties . MOVE1 .3Y SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GARRETT , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Attentiin was called to invitation received for attendance at the Nat ' l . Ass ' n . o.. dousing and Redevelopment Officials Conference in Salem, Oregon March 10 , 11 and 12 . Letter from Mr . John F . Vidmar called attention to the area under Freeway 405 at overpass 'of South Third Street at foot of Renton Hill and inquired if the City has jurisdiction over the property to either landscape the area or improve it to a bona fide parking lot , nothing having been done since construction crews left the area in a very unsightly condition . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MT.YOR AND HIS ADMIN. ASSISTANT FOR REPLY . It was noted this is State Highway r Department right of way property and permission had been granted for use heretofore and the City ,with the downtown merchants ,to work together in de- veloping for parkng ,the State possibly to provide some landscaping . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO COUNCILMAN GARRETT , TO WORK WITH THE MAYOR AND HIS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT IN URGING THE STATE TO ASSIST IN ACCOMPLISHING IMPROVEMENT AND BEAUTIFICATION OF THE SUBJECT AREA. THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mayor Custer invited audience comment and Mr . Donald D. Meek , Account Representative , IBM, Data Processing Division , requested opportunity to meet with the Committee of the whole to make a presentation as to items of data processing which might be used in the City of Renton . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MORRIS , THE REQUEST BE REFERRED TO COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY TO ARRANGE THE REQUESTED MEETING. CARRIED . Mr . Frank Storey inquired in regard to property rezoned to R-2 earlier in the meeting and questioned the council as to how the access problem had been resolved . Planning Director Ericksen advised that the access was considered by the Planning Commission in its study of the rezone request and the applicant was aware of same and intends to supply an additional bridge to serve the area , details to be worked out with the Engineers and Planning staff at the time a building permit is secured. -3- 8 MINUTES- RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/10/69 AUDIENCE COMMENT : (Cont . ) Mrs . Dorothy Dolan advised that she had been instrumental in circulating the petition for street name change from Harrington to Holly owning a business in the area and the length of the name of Harrington was impossible to insert unitocmiy in a small space in mailings and that the people would prefer having a wrong telephone listing and change now rather than to presently change and then change everything again later and had they received more time between notifications they could have petitioned for revision in time for the telephone book . She cited further delay in finding people away from home and having to return and noted that additional signa-- ,,,,,tures could be secured if that is what is needed to effect the desired change . Mayor Custer advised that any further changes , it was felt ,would add to confusion and that not all of the residents desired the change to Holly . Mayor Custer thanked Mrs . Dolan for her remarks noting that had the request been received earlier it might have been implemented , expressing apprecia- tion that the name chosen was within the pattern , and that although it is not impossible now it would be well to make any further changes .later , letter mailed from his office to the petitioners having been explanatory . Costs involved were discussed , including re-order of street signs , and timely action of residents in implementing the changes , Mrs . Margaret Evans remarking that those who have already gone ahead with changes are acting contrarily to what they were told , notice having been given not to proceed until informed and April 7th having been established as effective date thereafter , resulting problems from proceeding early being their own . Richard Silva , Traffic Engineering Department , listed agencies which must be . advised of any revisions . Alpha system relating to second letter of the street names was cited as being one reason Holly Street was not chosen . Audience _ inquiry was made as to whether the pump station bids might be seen and whether tax had been included in all as read . It was noted that with the alternates , the tabulations would need to be reviewed by Committee prior to any final totals being established , but that they could be inspected and City Clerk Nelson would stay after the meeting if the gentleman desired to look at the bids . at that time . Mr . Donovan Dolan inquired regarding time involved in street name changes as it affects the home owners who have a goodly number of notifications to send out themselves and inquired whether percentage of residents signing the petitions is a determining factor . Mayor Custer , recalled his letter and statement as to the fact that if a majority of owners still prefer the change as of January , 1970 , for example , a petition might be in order then so the changes could be name in time for the 1970 telephone company listing . Mr . Richard Stredicke sympathized with confusion which might result in the name change program citing that his friend "Kent Kirkland" now resides on Bellevue Street in Renton . APPOINTMENTS : Council President Perry submitted Mayor ' s appointments approved by the Committee of the Whole which were read with Council action taken as follows : Mr . Richard Geissler to position of Assistant Fire Chief , probationary period required by Civil Service rules and regulations , commencing 3/16/69 , for all appointees . Fire Chief ' s request and Civil Service Certifications were attached . Nr . Gerald Nichols , Captain , filling vacancy left by the advancement of Mr . Geissler was recommended by the Mayor for concurrence . and Mr . Arthur Pringle to position of Lieutenant to fill vacancy left by advance- ment of Mr . Nichols . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECO14DED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINT1,1ENTS AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . OLD BUSINESS BY COU14CIL : Chairman Garrett requested additional week ' s time for Street and Alley Committee to consider the PTA Board ' s request for traffic control signals at 12th and Sunset . Granted . -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCILMEETING3/10/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN VERN MORRIS SUBMITTED VOUCHER LIST APPROVED BY THE COMMITTEE AND MOVED THAT CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS NOS . 709 THROUGH 809 BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . Detail of. Fund breakdown follows . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED. PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHELLERT announced a meeting on March 11 , at 4 : 00 p .m. with the Planning Staff and a fleeting on March 18 , at 7 : 00 p .m. in the second floor conference room to discuss proposed sign ordinance . Councilman Schellert reported that the Park and Recreation Committee has not yet completed caucus to a majority recommendation for a Chairman . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry was unable to arrange for use of the Council Chambers for a meeting this week and advised that the Committee of the Whole will meet the 19th of March instead and he will outline details next week . Councilman Shane stated his goal is to do away with the utility tax and noting 1% reduction in 1969 MOVED THAT THE REMAINING 2% CITY UTILITY TAX BE TERMINATED. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BAREI , BUT WAS LOST UPON MAJORITY NEGATIVE VOICE VOTE AS DECLARED BY THE CHAIR,. Councilman Shane listed names of persons he wished to hive considered for the committee to be selected to study the Optional Municipal Code and possible form of government for the City of Renton : Irving Chapman , Richard Stredicke , Tom Swift , Jim Denzer , Frank Aliment , Mrs . Margaret Evans , Mrs . Ella Siegfried , Mrs . Virginia Busato , Ron Mann , Tom Teasdale , Ang Francescina, Jim Barei , Kay Johnson , Norman Ross , Bev Morrison, Harold Woodin , Bill Snyder. Councilman Shane requested a resume' be made public of comparative costs of government per capita within various cities in the State , citing the budgetary revenues as distributed per population which the tiayor stated might not be meaningful since a portion of the revenue was not generated locally but received from state and federal grants and could not be assessed ascosts against the residents , as well may be the case in the budgets of other cities . Some figures might be available on costs for provision of services to the taxpayers through the Association of Washington cities . As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED . The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 28 p.m. There were 22 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D . W. Custer , Mayor wad -5- 3-10-69 BID TABULATION SHEET 1969 "M" Street Booster Pump Station k, 6z-- BIDDER AND ADDRESS BOND BASIC BOND TYPE OF PUMP 1 , 500 1 , 000 GPM Pump GPM Pump mevfel Construction Co. $34, 203 . 90 1. Jackson $3 , 956 . 37 $3 , 411. 93 0850 Lakeridge Drive S . 2 . Johnston 4, 028.48 3 , 447 .46 ,,,.,,,,eattle, Wn. 98178 3 . Worthington 4 ,407 . 81 3 , 793 .35 X 4. Layne 4, 298. 09 3 , 381. 62 Venture Construction, Inc. 34 , 234, 20 1 . Jackson 3 ,G,57 . 50 3 , 135 . 00 303-26th Str . N.E. Inc .Tax 2 . No Bid No Bid No Bid Auburn , Wn . 98002 3 . No Bid No Bid No Bid X 4. No Bid No Bid No Bid R. J. McCarthy 41 , 564. 88 1. Jackson 4 , 660 .70 3 , 991. 90 P .O .Box 25521 Inc.Tax 2 . Worthington 5 , 225 . 00 4, 493 . 50 Lake City Station 3 . Floway 5 , 016. 00 4, 545 .75 Seattle , Wn. 98125 X 4. Johnston 4 .702 . 50 4 , 075 . 50 Long & Wagster , Inc. 41 , 904. 50 1. Jackson 3 ,657 . 50 3 , 135 . 00 6105 - 22nd Ave. N.W. Inc.Tax 2 . Johnston 3 ,862 .00 3 , 135 .00 Seattle , Wn . 98107 3 . Layne 4, 074. 50 3 , 135 .00 X 4. Worthington 4, 074 . 50 3 .657 .50 Mottner & McCutchen 51 , 623. 00 1. Sumpmaster 4 , 180 . 00 3 , 553 . 00 7722 Rainier Ave. S . Inc.Tax 2 . Johnston 4 , 232 . 25 3 , 605 . 25 eattle , Wn. 98118 3 . Layne 4, 441. 25 3 , 448 . 50 X 4. No Bid No Bid No Bid -6- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3-10-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1604 $ 500.00 Friar Tuck Tavern 221 Main Str . So . Inst . Wall Sign 1605 500.00 Gills Kentucky Chicken 603 S . 2nd Str . Inst. Arrow on Sig. 1606 500 .00 Bank of. the West 2950 Sunset Blvd. Erect Sign 1607 10,500 .00 Powell Constr. 736 - R - Str . Single Family Res. 1608 10,500 .00 Powell Constr . 737 - R - Str . Single Family Res. 1609 10,500 .00 Powell Constr . 730 - R - Str. Single Family Res. B 1610 1Q500 .00 Powell Constr . 742 - R - Str . Single Family Res . 1611 10,500 .00 Powell Constr . 749 - R - Str. Single Family Res . 1612 St . Andrews Ldg. 509 Williams Ave. S : Demolish Building 1613 John Bardesono 216 Park Ave. N. Demolish Resid. 1614 125,000 .00 St . Andrew' s Lodge 505 Williams Avenue Const. Masonic Lg. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1725 413 .00 McGrath Corp. 10600-135th Ave.S . Wire Family Resid. 1726 434 .00 McGrath Corp. 10606-135th Ave. S . Wire Family Resid. 1727 434 .00 McGrath Corp. 10618-135th Ave. S . Wire Family Res 1728 450 .00 McGrath Corp. 13318 S .E. 106th St . Wire Family Res 1729 422. 00 McGrath Corp. 13400 S .E. 106th St . Wire Family Res E 1730 V-0-I-D 1731 1000.00 Jack Benaroya Co . 910 S .W. Thomas Wire Office Bldg. 1732 4300 .00 G.M. Auto Sales 12501 Rainier Ave. Hanging New Fixt . 1733 3,940 .00 CITY OF RENTON Bronson N. & Houser Inst . Lights 1734 7,600 .00 Bronco of Renton 530 Rainier Ave. S . Wire Restaurant MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1659 Harold Lee 2831 7th North Inst . Furnace 1660 Renton Village Co. 15 Grady Wy Inst. Air Unit 1661 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Inst. Plumbing Fix. 1662 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Inst . Plumbing Fix. 1663 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Inst . Plumbing Fix. 1664 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Inst . Plumbing Fix. M 1665 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Inst . Plumbing Fix. 1666 Marvin Shereitz 2612 - 5th Ave. N. Inst. Circ. Heater 1667 Parkwood Homes 824 King Court Inst . Furnace 1668 Renton School Dist. 11930 - 132nd Inst . Plumbing Fix. 1669 R.S . Shane 11654 S .E. 100th Inst . Gas Furnace M 1670 Washington Wholes. 705 S .W. 7th Inst . Air Condit. SEWER PERMITS S 732 Jackson Inc. 530 Rainier Ave. Connect Sewer 733 Jackson Inc. 530 Rainier Ave. Connect Sewer 734 Routley & LaValley 2825 7th N. Connect Sewer S 735 Routley & LaValley 2901 7th Aven. N. Connect Sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of City Clerk March 17 , 1969 CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Notice of Suit and Complaint for Personal Injury Damages - Verlen Moore CITY ENGINEER r Petition for Sanitary Sewer , watermains and storm sewer L. I . D . , vicinity 92nd Avenue South (Proposed L . I . D . 266) L. I . D . 265 , Sanitary Sewers , Kennydale Area for recommendation as to public hearing date and preparation of preliminary assessment roll COUNCIL PRESIDENT Honeywell , Inc . request to propose data processing system for City COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Citizens For Action letter re bond issue defeat and other mode of funding Highlands hospital site acquisition FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Teufel Construction Co . protest if Venture Construction is awarded bid on "M" Street Pump Station MAYOR & COUNCIL To appoint 25 -residents for committee to study Optional Municipal Code vs . lst and 2nd Class City forms of government PLANNING COMMITTEE Planning Commission letter urging adoption of new Sign Control Ordinance WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Renton Credit Union request to require salary and retirement assignment with all loan applications MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 3/17/69 - Street and Alley Committee following this meeting 3/18/69 - Planning Committee re sign Control Ordinance , at 7 : 00 p .m. , 6th floor conference room 3/19/69 - Committee of the Whole at 7 : 30 p .m . in Council Chambers 3/24/69 - Fire and Water Committee at 7 : 30 p .m. in Chairman ' s office Ways and Means Committee at 7 : 30 p .m. 3/24/69 - Boys Club Student Government Program commences - Park Avenue Restaurant breakfast and tour of City Hall 4-11 , 12/69 - Planning Association of Washington Convention in Richland Tentative Committee of the Whole Agenda 3/19/69 1 . Dog Leash Law Proposal 2. F.A . Storey request for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in Kennydale Area 3. L.I.D. 263 petition for Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. in King County area of Kennydale 4. IBM and Honeywell, Inc. presentations of data processing systems 5. Proposed Resolution inviting Renton to be "Sister City" to Nishiwaka, Japan rr.r 6. Seattle-King County Dept. of Public Health urging L.I.D. in Kennydale area 7. Procedures for city participation in underground wiring L.I.D. at Monterey Terrace 8. Appointments to Special Advisory Committee to study the Optional Municipal Code v-s. First and Second Class City forms of government. 9. Citizens For Action request for funding of hospital site for park and recreation purposes in view of failure of bond issues 10. Workable Program for Renton requested by Mayor and the Chamber of Commerce 80 RE14ID ; CITY COUINCIL RFG�?L A.R ,IEETING Office of City Clerk March 17 , 1969 M IN U 9 E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W . Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building , and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant and Barei . Absent : Shane MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER BE EXCUSED . THE MOTION CARRIED . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Vern Ch.irch , Purchasing Director , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . Councilman Perry , noted the name in the list of persons submitted for consid- eration to study the form of government for Renton should have been Mr . George Swift and not Tom as shown in the previous minutes of March 10 , 1969 , and since there were no further revisions , MOVED THAT THE MINUTES BE APP'_',VVFD AS CORRECTED . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE , AND CARRIED . PUBLIC HEARING: Annexation , Sanders et al , as revised , A68-06 , BRB File 114 , Vicinity S .E . 106th Street and 132nd Avenue S .E . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . There were no written communications and upon invitation Mr . Robert Kenkman , representing the petitioners , confirmed their desire to conclude the annexation proceedings and urged final council action . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BAREI , THE HEARING BE CLOSED . CARRIED , MOVED BYSCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO ACCEPT THE ANNEXATION OF THE SUBJECT TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF RENTON WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMIT-� TEE FOR THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE . THE MOTION CARRIED , ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM SUBMITTED LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENTS and ORDINANCE NO. 2470 was adopted changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Public Use (P-1) to Light Industry (L-1) and Business Parking (B-P) upon motion by Delaurenti , seconded by Schellert and subsequent unanimous aye roll call vote . (Agnes Edwards property located on Logan Street between Airport Way and Cedar River) . RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION : RESOLUTION NO . 1612 was adopted upon motion by Delaurenti , second by Schellert ,. authorizing transfer of funds from Cumulative Reserve Account 1659 , Acquisition and Development of Park Sites , unto Park Fund 1710 , Capital Outlay Account 605 , in sum of $718 . 41 . Mayor Custer at this time introduced Mr . John Martin , a student from Australia whose father was just elected to political office on that continent . John ' ® '71merican Mother/with whom he resides while attending school here , Mrs . Tomkinvon , was also introduced . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from Benjamin Peterson , President , Renton Credit Union , requested now Council authorization to use the salary and retirement refund assignment forms as a requirement for all City of Renton Credit Union Loan applications , which policy is common among credit unions as additional protection in event of members leavtng city employment still owing loan repayment . Loans are made at present with provision for repayment through payroll withholding but in cases where terminating employees could be leaving the State owing more than salary due ,the enforcement, of assignment release of the salary and any retiree meet benefits due would protect the funds of the Credit Union members , MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAD'S AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION , THE MOTION CARRIED, The Mayorn�il were invited to join, Membership Forms available in the City Clerk ' s Office from r)mris Stpchela Treasurer_ . -] - 81 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/17;69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from Dayle E . Garrison , Chairman , Renton Planning Commission , submitted proposed amending Sign Control Ordinance and urged early passage of same to upgrade the present legislation and expedite process of permit applications . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE . CARRIED . �� Letter from Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director , requested authorization to :tend the American Society of Planning Officials National Conference In .ncinnati , Ohio , April 20 - 24 , 1969 . 61W MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO APPROVE THE REQUEST OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR. THE MOTION CARRIED . Notice of. Suit and Complaint For Personal Injury Damages was filed by Verlen Charles Moore and Cheryl Lynn Moore , his wife , Plaintiffs against Michael A . Scott et ux and the City of Renton Defendants , Suit No , 176343 , in connection with automobile accident on Houser Way South and Shattuck Street . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY_ ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER FOR THE CITY . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , submitted and recommended for payment , final estimate due Coluccio Construction Company on L . I . D . 260 , Watermains , vicinity 92nd Ave . South (East Valley Highway) from South 165th Street to South 180th Street , in sum of $57 , 403 . 89 . Acceptance of the Project today by City Council was recommended along with commencement of the 30-day lien period , if after which no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities , retained amount of $6 , 378 . 21 be released to Contractor . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER. THE MOTION CARRIED . Petition was read for construction of watermains , sanitary sewers and storm sewers , submitted by owners of property adjacent to PSH No . -RE and Grady Way ' Renton Junction Way) in the City between 84th Avenue South .:And 80th Avenue >uth. (Proposed L . I . D . No . 266) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE "TY ENGINEER TO CHECK SIGNATURES FOR VALIDITY . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Mr . T . H . Bennett , Sales Representative , Honeywell , Inc . , requested opportunity to propose a data processing system to the City . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT TO ARRANGE FOR PRESENTATION AS REQUESTED . CARRIED . Letter from Teufel Construction Company , 10850 Lakeridge Drive South , Seattle , Washington 98178 , advised that said firm had submitted a proposal for the "M" Street Pump Station and had been informed by consulting engineers Cornell , Howland, Hayes and Merryfield that they are recommending to the City the award of the bid to Venture Construction , Inc . It was noted that Venture did not complete all proposal form blanks and named only one pump manufacturer which was not felt to be responsive to Instructions for Bidders , some con- siderable expense being involved to those bidders who did include other bid quotations for four pump manufacturers and a completed form. Any award to the Venture Construction Company , Inc . was protested and it was requested award be made to Teufel Construction Company as lowest responsive bidder . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECOND BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THIS TO TI[E FIRE_ & WATER COM- MITT.EE . THE MOTION CARRIED . A letter acknowledged mandate of the citizens in the defeat of the Bond Pro- >sitions I and II for acquisition and development of surplus hospital land zich had been placed before the electorate as possible park and recreation 6teas for the City . It was urged that the City Council ,accordingly , take action toward the utilization of other methods of funding to accomplish the objectives of the propositions , limited G.O . Bonds being suggested as a possible alternative . The letter , signed Citizens for Action , contained the signatures of Norman L . Ross , Donald Emmons , Verne Ingram , Ernest Tonda , Charles Pillon , and Archie Graham. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONED BY MAXIN , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INSERT THE DIRECTIVE THAT THE MAT'T'ER BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA FOR THE NEXT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSE- QUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED . -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY CO". N(f'... :.:STING (Cont . ) AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Norman Ross 420 I Street , Member of the Planning Commission , acknowledged efforts of Councilman Maxin.in updating of the City Code and for attendance at the Planning Commission work sessions . Invitation was extended to other Council Members . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Perry recalled motion made by Shane at the meeting of January 13 which suggested perhaps 25 members to be appointed on a committee to study possible forms of government for Renton and MOVED THAT THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL APPOINT A COMMITTEE OF 25 RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON TO STUDY 7=17 . . MUNICIPAL CODE CITY VS . FIRST AND SECOND CLASS CITY FORMS OF GOVERNMENT . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT . Discussion ensued regarding whether or not Councilmen or persons who have run for a city office should serve on said committee , motions being proposed and lacking seconds , to establish the number of committee members at 15 and at 40 , Grant urging caution against a committee with its mind made up prior to any study . PENDING MOTION CARRIED . Council President Peery announced a Committee of the Whole Meeting on March 19 , at 7 : 30 p .m. in the Council Chambers . Items to be discussed were out- lined along with persons to be invited to attend. (Agenda listed on referral sheet at front of minutes) Councilman Garrett reported meeting in Olympia with State Highway Commission Chairman George Zahn, Director of Highways , C . G. Prahl and District Engineer Chub Foster to discuss plans for reconstruction of the Benson Highway (SR 515) Letter was read from Mr . Prahl outlining procedure to be followed in regard to access hearing and approval and acquisition for the project , consultant at present preparing access plans for access between S .E . 186th and Grady Way . It was anticipated that access hearing might be held in July of this year and construction might be commenced by late spring or summer of next year . Councilman Maxin recalled Planning Commission study session regarding the proposed Comprehensive Sewer Plan and meeting for updating the city Code and urged that additional Council Members attend to assist in resolving some existing problems and for clarification of interpretations for mutual con- formity of understanding between the two bodies . Councilman Grant expressed the hope that the Planning Commission would extend further invitation to meet with the Council , noting that the 25 member com- mittee to be selected to study the form of government for Renton was on his mind as yet and he hoped the members chosen would have an open mind and not be influenced by others and that nothing too far reaching would result so that city government would be removed even further from the people . Further comment included remarks relative to the coming elections and effort toward reconsiderations by the Council as to conducting themselves with decorum at council meetings . PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI reported recommendations as follows : Recommended the Elliott Lease Agreement Extension document be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Recommended the permit fee in connection with use of public property for installation of ornamental light standards by the Epcon Company, be in the annual sum of $15 . 00 (G. & M. Auto Sales Property located along Rainier Ave . between South 122nd Street and South 126th Street .) MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . SANITATION COMMITTEE MEMBER BAREI submitted recommendation that the petition for a proposed Sanitary Sewer LID #265 in the Kennydale Area between 100th S .E . and Lake Wn . Blvd . and 104th S .E . , be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date for hearing and to the City Engineer o recommend hearing aWFe and to prepare the preliminary assessment roll . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED . -3- MINIUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/17,%69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Councilman Morris remarked , regarding Council Member attendance at the Planning Commission meetings , that the Council is satisfied with the actions of the Commission and otherwise a meeting would have been held , expressing regret if any individuals are not in accord . PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHELLERT announced that Councilman Bruce has been elected Chairman of the Committee . Mayor Custer advised that next week the Boys' Club Government Day Program -Till be held ,commencing with a luncheon at the Park Avenue restaurant on [onday , March 24, when students will meet with City Officials with brief . mentation and a tour of city hall to follow. Events for the week were MwoutlineJ, the students to meet with their counterparts , and on Saturday , a' mbck city council meeting will be held at 10 : 00 a .m . , students to be officiating . Councilmen were invited to attend as much of the week ' s program as possible . Agenda is to be distributed for .the Saturday meeting . Councilman Barei recalled that such a program as this during his high school days gave him his first real interest in politics , urging council attendance . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Conncil: P.resident Perry , in view of council action to place the matter con- cerning the hospital property on the Committee of the Whole Agenda , invited petitioner-signatories to attend the Wednesday meeting of tri .: Committee . STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT requested a meeting of his com- mittee following adjournment of this meeting in his office on the 6th floor . PLANNING C014MITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN reminded the committee anj council of the meeting ,;tomorrow evening at 7 : 00 p .m. to discuss the sicr: control ordinance to be proposed with the sign owners and trade people who are interested . FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE announced a meeting on March 24 , at 7 : 30 p.m. in his council office . iUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported committee approval %0pf City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 810 through 984 and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund : 810 - 866 $ 16 , 479 . 70 City Street Fund 867 - 889 12 , 961 . 72 Cedar River M. and I . 890 - 892 38 . 31 Equipment Rental 893 - 908 2 , 091 . 58 Library Fund 909 - 939 6 , 963 . 13 Park Fund 940 - 956 27 , 364 . 32 Waterworks Utility 957 - 972 7 , 286 . 16 1965 W & S . Const . 973 1 ,683 . 45 Airport Fund 974 - 980 235 . 60 Firemen ' s Pension 981 20 . 00 City Hall Const. 982 -- 983 9 , 201 . 69 Urban Arterial Fund 984 26 ,460 . 67 $110 , 786 . 33 L . I .D . 260 Revenue Fund #1 $57 , 403 . 89 L . I . D . 260 Cash Fund #1 $57 ,403 . 89 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT announced a committee meeting on Monday , March 24 , at 7 : 30 p.m. , also calling attention to the Spring Conference of the Planning Association of Washington at Richland , April 11- 12 , 1969 . ayor Custer advised that the traffic control adult guard program proposed for the 12th Avenue and Sunset crossing could not be consumated at this time the schoo& district not yet having approved its share of such program and not able to participate in a non-existing program. AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Norman Ross , expressed appreciation for consideration of the Citizens For Action request for discussion of the hospital surplus property site . As there was no further business , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED EY PERRY , TO ADJOU N . THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9 : 30 p .m. T we 2 7 i s i t o r s . D . W . Custer , Mayor -4- Helmie Nelson , City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3-17-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work B 1615 $ 17 , 676.00 McGrath Corp. 4200 N.E. 19th Str.Sing. Family Resid. 1616 16, 456. 00 McGrath Corp. 1738 Whitman Ave. Sing. Family Resid. 1617 14, 598. 00 McGrath Corp. 4219 N.E. 19th A. Sing. Family Resid. 1618 400. 00 Ralph Roberstad 647 P Str. Inst . Chain Fence 1619 Stoneway Conc. Inc . 1915 Maple Way Demol . Wash&Crush it B 1620 250.00 Rob. M. Williams 1918 Edmonds Ave. Construct Fence 1621 700.00 Johnson' s Grocery 351 Factory Ave .N. Inst. Plastic Si 1622 500.00 City of Renton Rent. Municipal B. Install Drop Ceil. 1623 30, 000.00 Shell Oil Co. East Valley Hgw . Const . Serv . Station 1624 4, 000.00 Shell Oil Co. E. Valley Hgw. Inst. two Signs B 1625 200 . 00 Irene Laitila 536 Williams Ave . Rework Entrance 1626 20, 500 .00 Parkwood Homes , Inc . 815 S > 27th Str. Sing. Family Resid. 1627 22 , 450 .00 Parkwood Homes , Inc. 2513 Whitworth Crt.Sing. Family Resid. 1628 17 , 676 .00 McGrath Corp. 1901 Vashon Crt. Sing. Family Resid. 1629 500. 00 J. A. Benaroya Co. 1040 Thomas Ave. Inst. Leaf Door B 1630 600.00 Federal House.Adm. 1246 S . Talbot Rd. Misc. Repairs 1631 400.00 Raymond C. Milner 224 Burnett Ave. Construct Carport. 1632 500.00 Norman Cohen 801 S . 2nd Str . Const. Int . Partit. 1633 V-O-I-D 1634 3 , 500 .00 Geraold G. Honemann 1020 "Q" Str. Add Family Room ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1735 400.00 Powell Constr . 10729-114th S .E Wire Sing Fam. Resid. 1736 V-O-I-D 1737 150.00 N. R. Wilkerson 812 "C" Str . Inst . 200 AMP Serv. 1738 425. 00 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15398-120 Ave. Wire Sing. Fam. Res. 1739 200. 00 Boeing Co. 4-63 Building Elect . Serv. Humi E 1740 150.00 Boeing Co. 7-65 Building Provide Two Outle 1741 100.00 Boeing Co. 5-14 Building Relocate Switch 1742 150 .00 Boeing Co. 4-03 Building Inst. Push But . Stat . 1743 4, 000.00 Boeing Co. 4-20 Building Overhead Elect. Prot. 1744 240. 00 Boeing Co. 4-46 Building Inst. Grounding Syst . E 1745 150. 00 Boeing Co. 10-80 Building Inst. Control Circuit 1746 900.00 Boeing Co. 10-52 Building Electrical Feeder 1747 180.00 Boeing Co. 4-63 Building Elect. Pow. to Lathe 1748 100. 00 Boeing Co. 10-90 Building Inst. Push But. Stat . 1749 V-0-I-D E 1750 350.00 Boeing Co. 10-65 Building Electrical Service 1751 500 .00 Boeing Co. 4-21 Building Electrical Service 1752 90 .00 Boeing Co. 10-60 Building Recept . Brun. Mach. 1753 150 .00 Boeing Co . 10-80 Building Inst . 30 AMP Recpt . 1754 3 , 500 . 00 E.A. Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd. Wire 4 Unit Apart. E 1755 700.00 Boeing Co . 4-21 Building Electrical Service 1756 400 .00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 805 King Court Wire Sing. Fam. Res. 1757 400 . 00 Parkwood Homes , Inc. 827 King Court Wire Sing. Fam. Res . 1758 400 .00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2621 Elmwood Str . Wire Sing. Fam. Res. 1759 400. 00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2609 Charles Crt. Wire Sing. Fam. Res. E 1760 400 .00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2603 Charles Crt. Wire Sing. Fam. Re- . 1761 5 , 666. 00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Wire Apart. Build. j 1762 5, 666 .00 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Wire Apart. Build: rw3 1763 5, 666.00 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Wire Apart. Building 1764 5 , 666. 00 Royal Hills . Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Wire Apart. Building E 1765 1, 800.00 J. A.Benaroya Co. 1040 Thomas Ave. Inst. Serv. & Fixt. 1766 300.00 Carpeteria 801 S . 2nd Str . Inst. Circuit MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1671 McGrath Corp. 13218 S .E 106th Inst . Plumb & Fixt . 1672 McGrath Corp. 13318 S .E. 106th Inst . Plumb & Fixt. 1673 V-O-I-D 1674 McGrath Corp. 13221 SoEo 106th Inst . Plumb & Fixt . M 1675 McGrath Corp. 10702-134th Ave. Inst . Plumb & Fixt . -5- MECHANICAL PERMITS (Con ' d) M 1676 Holmes Electric Co. 1415 Seneca Ave. Inst. Fuel Tank 1677 James Duff 801 3rd Ave. Inst . Heat Pumps 1678 Charles Livers 3100 E. Valley Rd. Inst. Plumb & Fixt . 1679 E.A. Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd. Inst . Plumb & Fixt . M 1680 Tiffany Devel. Co. 11909 S .E. 154th Inst. Plumb & Fixt . 1681 Tiffany Devel. Co . 15528-120th Ave. Inst. Plumb & Fixt . 1682 Progressive Inv. 16831 Talbot Rd. Repair Drain Field 1683 Bronco of Renton 530 Rainier Ave . Inst . Furnace 1684 Boeing Co. 4-63 Building Water & Drain to Hum. 1685 Boeing Co. 4-03 Building Provide 1 Drain . . 1686 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15398- 120th Inst. Gas Furnace 1687 Parkwood Homes , Inc. 722 Cambridge Ave . Inst . Plumb.& Fixt . 1688 Parkwood Homes , Inc . 805 King Court Inst . Plumb. & Fixt . 1689 Transamerica Dev. Co. 1805 Grant Ave. Instr . 2 Fireplaces SEWER PERMITS S 736 E. Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd Connect Sewer 737 E. Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd Connect Sewer 738 E. Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd Connect Sewer 739 R. J. Storey 9840 S .E. 92nd Connect Sewer S 740 Howard C . Fletcher 875-7th Ave. Connect Sewer 741 Howard C . Fletcher 875-7th Ave . Connect Sewer 742 Carpenters Union N. 3rd & Burnett Connect Sewer 743 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15524-120th Connect Sewer 744 Tiffany Devel . Co. 15508- 120th Connect Sewer S 745 McGrath Corp. 13400 S .E. 106th Connect Sewer 746 McGrath Corp. 13312 S .E. 106th Connect Sewer 747 McGrath Corp. 13520 S .E. 106th Connect Sewer 748 McGrath Corp. 13523 S .E. 106th Connect Sewer 749 McGrath Corp. 13510 S .E. 106th Connect Sewer 750 McGrath Corp. 10606-135th Connect Sewer 751 McGrath Corp. 10609-135th Connect Sewer 752 McGrath Corp. 10612-135th Connect Sewer 753 McGrath Corp. 10618-135th Connect Sewer 754 McGrath Corp. 10624-135th Connect Sewer S 755 McGrath Corp. 10614-134th Connect Sewer 756 McGrath Corp. 10608-134th Connect Sewer -6- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING a R E F E R R A L S Office of City Clerk March 24 , 1969 COUNCIL PRESIDENT To arrange meeting with Committee of the Whole and Hospital Commission with the public to be invited to discuss hospital property CITY ATTORNEY Procedures regarding validation of L . I . D . 266 , 84th Ave . So . & Grady Way CITY ENGINEER L . I .D . 266 to be reviewed for cost and report regarding validation LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Annexation , Hugh Goldsmith et al A68-07 , BRB File 157 (Ord . 2471 adopted) Rezone , Ashmore 'Property , R-2 to R--3 , App . R-559-69 , 12th Avenue North Fund transfer from Cum . Reserve Fund 1689 to Park Fund , $1 , 985 . 82 Sanitary Sewer L . I .D . 263 , Kennydale Island area of King County LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Seattle Light Department plan for reconstruction of transmission lines MAYOR AND CITY CLERK To execute Northern Pacific Railway Company Easements to the City for North 3rd-4th Street crossings PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Jean Gosse letter re property on Ripley Lane available for park Suggestion of Councilman Shane to sell 180th Street park property to develop Talbot Hill Park as Louella Park PLANNING COMMISSION Ho = 1)ital Property - Possible Change in Land Use Map POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Request for additional Police Department personnel PROPERTY COMMITTEE Board of Public Works et al findings re unsafe condition of city shop bldgs . Univac Division Sperry Rand request and entire matter of data processing Earlington Flats vacation appraisal and proposed revision of area to be vacated SANITATION COMMITTEE Report on L . I .D. 261 Bid Opening and low bidders request to be disqualified due to error in computations Petition for Sanitary Sewer L . I .D . Mance Addition , for hearing to check for interest of additional areas King County Water District 90 report of proposed westerly boundary L . I . D . 266 to be reviewed for validation STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Mrs . Don L . Onstat request for traffic control at Honey Dew school area WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Additional personnel for Police Department Purchase of Hospital Property APPOINTMENT Bradley Tofthagen , Patrolman , Renton Police Department , permanent 3/16/69 MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 3/24/69 - Sanitation Committee following this meeting 3/26/69 - Park and Recreation Committee at 7i30 p .m. , Chairman ' s office 4/7/69 - Public Hearing - Vacation of Streets and Alleys , Earlington 4/21/69 - Public Hearing - Proposed Dog Leash Law RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk March 24 , 1969 M I N U T E_S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W . Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m . in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Bldg . , and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . .OLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Morris , Scheliert , Delaurenti , Trimm , arrett , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant and Barei . Shane was absent for roll call and for voting on legislation presented , arriving shortly thereafter . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M . Shellan , City Attorney , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , M . C . Walls , Fire Chief , Gene Coulon , Park Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . M017ED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF MARCH 17 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS MAILED . THE MOTION CARRIED . ='._;BLIC HEARING_: Annexation , Hugh Goldsmith et al properties , as revised , A68 .07 ; BRB File 157 , 132nd Ave . S .E . and S .E . 104th Street . Thi : being the date set , the hearing was declared open . There were no written communications and upon invitation for audience comment , Mr . Goldsmith expressed desire to commence development of the property for single family housing in accordance with city standards and urged conclusion of the proceedings . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , THE HEARING BE CLOSED . THE MOT_-ON C7.' .- iED . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO APPROVE ANNEXATION +i THIS TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF RENTON AND THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO 'HE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE . CARRIED . %DINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted the following Ordinances which were adopted by the Council this date . ORDINANCE NO . 2471 was read annexing certain territory to the City which is contiguous to and shall be a part of voting precinct No . 38 . (Hugh Goldsmith et al properties , A68--07 , BRB File 157 ) MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . THE MOTION CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . CARRIED UPON UNANIMOUS AYE ROLL CALL VOTE . ORDINANCE NO . 2472 was read annexing certain territory to the City which is contiguous to and shall be a part of voting precinct No . 38 . (Sanders et al properties , A68--06 , BRB File BRB File 114 , located in general vicinity of 132nd Avenue S .E . and S .E . 106th Street . ) MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RE- SULTED IN ALL AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED . )RDINANCE NO . 2473 was presented for introductory reading , changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Suburban District (GS--1) to Residential District (R•-2 ) . (Harold Jordan property located on Maple Valley Highway approximately 1� miles East of Cedar River Park) . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . AFTER THE FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT , AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RE- SULTED IN ALL AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED . --1-- 88 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont . ) 3/24/69 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION : ORDINANCE NO . 2474 was presented amending Ordinance No . 2447 , establishing a coordinated grid system of new street designations for the City of Renton . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN AL AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION : Chairman Trimm submitted the following Resolutions which were adopted by the City Council this date . City Clerk Nelson ' s letter was read requesting authorization for fund loans . RESOLUTION NO . 1613 , authorizing loan of $100 , 000 . 00 to the Current Fund from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund and sum of $60 , 000 . 00 loan to the Library Fund from the waterworks Utility Fund , each at 3% interest and to be repaid no later than June 30 , 1969 , which loans are needed to maintain normal operations pending receipt of tax moneys , was read . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTION NO . 1614 was read declaring intention of the City to construct and install Sanitary Sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the Kennydale Area , 102nd Place S .E . and 104th Ave . S .E . and Lake Wn . Blvd . , and to create a Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense of said district specially benefited thereby ; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on June 2 , 1969 . (L . I .D . 265) RESOLUTION NO . 1615 was read wherein the City of Renton extends invitation to the City of Nishiwaki , Japan to become its Sister City to encourage the ' exchange of ideas , culture , students and teachers , business and economic exchanges and other programs of a miscellaneous nature designed to facilitat and encourage the relationship between the cities and to create better inter- national understanding and good will between the Citizens . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . (See Item 5 . Committee of the Whole Report) Mayor Custer at this time introduced guests who were visiting from the High School Boys Club , participating in ' a Student Government Day program continuing throughout the week and ending next Saturday with a mock Council Meeting . The group met for luncheon and toured city hall today to commence the program and with their counterpart officials will engage in other activities during the week relating to the program . Among those present was Stephen Sandbo , John SteAnick , William B . Wood , Eric Englund , Bill Nisen , Jay Blake and Chris Carlson , along with twenty or so others . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter read from City Engineer Wilson reported that sealed bids were opened on March 20 , at 3 : 00 p.m. in the lst floor conference room for L . I .D . 261 . It was recommended that the low bid of P . & L . Construction Company , in sum of $89 , 922 . 25 be accepted . (Bid tabulations attached) Letter from the P . & L . Construction Company reported error in computation with costs for 1965 ft . of sewer main having been omitted causing the bid to be $27 , 795 . 00 below the intended bid . It was requested that the bid be disqualified because of the error . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO REFER THE REQUEST AND BID AWARD RECOMMENDATION TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Mrs . Don L, Onstat requested traffic control in vicinity of the Honey Dew School where her, son was recently injured by an automobile , calling attention to the need for speed limits and better location of the school zone signs . Walkway conditions were noted to be in need of attention also . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . -2 - MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont . ) 3/24/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported , regarding petition for Sanitary Sewer L . I . D . in the Mance Addition of the City , vicinity of 94th Avenue South , South 173rd and 174th Streets , that the petition is signed by owners of 16 of the 18 Lots , which would leave a small area between this Plat and Springbrook road unsewered . It was urged that an informal hearing be held by the Sanitation Committee to see if the additional area would wish to be included . (264) MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS DF THE CITY ENGINEER WITH REFERRAL TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE TO HOLD THE ?UBLIC HEARING AS SUGGESTED . CARRIED . Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported on petition for Sanitary Sewer , Water Main and Storm Sewer L . I . D . ( 266) in vicinity of 84th Avenue South and Grady Way , that the petition is signed by owners of property representing 87 . 57% of lineal frontage abutting the proposed improvement and 84 . 61% of the area within the proposal . King County records indicate the assessed valuation of the property is $19 , 990 . 00 which may not be sufficient under requirements of the law, to support the improvements proposed . Attorney John Phillips , representing petitioners noted that if value of the city-owned property were included as appraised for vacation purposes and 25% of the value of the L . I . D . cost , the figures would be adequate , it being noted that the Assessor ' s Office had not re-evaluated the subject property for some years and the valuation presently shown is not a realistic figure . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR STATEMENT OF ADVICE . CARRIED . Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recom- mendation for rezone of property owned by Hoyt and Dorothy Ashmore , Appl . R-559-69 , from R-2 to R-3 , located at 2716 - 18 , 12th Avenue North , such zoning being in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION , AND THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , submitted and recommended for approval "Easement from the Northern Pacific Railroad granting the City permission to construct North 3rd Street across the railroad right of way at appraised cost of $9 , 500 . 00 , to be funded from the Urban Arterial Fund , Mayor and City Clerk to sign said easement document upon approval . MOVED BY SCHELLERT SECONDED BY MPXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter. from Jan P . Klippert was read reporting Board of Public Works findings that the City Shop Building is not in a safe condition . Supporting reports from the Engineering and Building Departments were attached along with lists of deficiencies prepared by Consulting Engineers , Arnold Green and Associates and Department of Public Health , which included earthquake damage and recom- mendation that a new building be considered rather than expending of city funds to bring the present facility up to minimum standards which would be costl; and only a stop-gap measure to prevent further structural deterioria-' tion . Dangers in event of further earthquakes were of great concern . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO REFER THE REPORTS TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . CARRIED . Letter from Edward J . Logan , Sup ' t . of Elections , King County , reported a canvass of returns on special election of March 11 , 1969 , the result of same being as follows : March 19 , 1969 Canvass Prop . I-54 . 25% Prop . II- 53 . 24% Proposition No . 1 , Park Site Acquisition Bonds , Yes : 1 . 995 ; No : 1 , 682 ,defeated Proposition No . 2 , Park Development Bonds , Yes : 1 , 960 ; No 1 , 721 , defeated Proposition No . 3 , Fluoridation of water supply , Yes : 1 . 712 ; No , 1 , 949 ,defeated Letter from Park Director Coulon requested fund transfer in sum of $1 , 985 . 82 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 unto Park Fund 1710/604 , to cover payment of fee due the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation on administrative charges in connection with the grant for Lake Wn . Beach Park project . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY RESOLUTION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Mayor Custer reported receipt of additonal items since preparation of the Agenda which would be read at this meeting since there is no meeting for two weeks . -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont . ) 3/24/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted request of the Rumsey Company for e,� t.ension of contract completion date , C .A .G . 1338--68 , Tennis Court project , to May 12 , it being noted by the Park Director that the contract conJitions require mean temperature of 50Q for completion of the work to insure proper l:ondings and such constant temperatures have not prevailed as yet this season . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE EXTENSION AS REQUESTED . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , submitted and recommended for Counci approval , final costs to be charged against L . I . D . 260 , Watermains , 92nd Ave . South and South 180th Street , and final assessment roll with date of April 21 recommended for hearing thereon . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER. THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter fl-om Mr . James P . Behlke , Director , Water Pollution Control Commissioi— . reporter' the plans and specifications for extension of the sewer facilities for the Sierra Heights project have been approved . Letter from Mr . Ear . t. F . Dodge , King County Water Dist . 90 , submitted pro- posed westerly boundary of service area for sewers to be installed by the District with drainage plans being outlined as discussed with the City Engineering staff . It was requested that the proposed plan be approved by the City and written confirmation be furnished the Water District . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Fetter from Mayor was read calling attention to the need for additional Police personnel and it was requested that four new employees be authorized at this ti:-,e . M^VED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE AND THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Mr . John M . Nelson , Sup ' t . of Lighting , City of Seattle Depart- ment of Lighting reported plans for reconstruction of 230 kv transmission system on Talbot Road right of way from 11th Ave . So . to 55th So . and South Bangor Street in Seattle . Replacement of three bread base lattice steel towers with three steel poles , each carrying 7 conductors will improve the appearance greatly , the bases of new poles to be approximately three feet in diameter while the existing towers are about twenty feet square . Also plans include construction of an additional double circuit steel tower line on the present Bonneville Power Administration right--of--way from Talbot Road south- easterly to vicinity of S .E . 155th Street . The matter was presented to the Board of Public Works and the Board suggested the: project be outlined to the City Council in view of the magnitude of t'.e proposal . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY TRIMM, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Robinson & Lyon Ford , 750 Rainier Ave . So . , Renton , requested permit to display advertising banner across Rainier Avenue to promote , in conjunction with Gov-Mart Bazaar , a Camper Sale , to be connected to company signs or electric utility poles , details to be cleared with the Street Com- missioner . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO GRANT THE REQUEST SUBJECT TO PROVISION OF USUAL HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT THAT APRIL 15 , BE TIME LIMIT FOR BANNERS TO REMAIN OVER THE RIGHT-- OF-WAY . Upon inquiry regarding permit for private sale and attention being called to downtown merchants ' sidewalk and moonlight sales , the amendment to— the othe motion CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY , THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED . Letter from Jean Gosse , 10203 - 115th Avenue S .E . , called attention to 7orward Thrust Funds to be available for acquisition of waterfront property as noted in the local newspaper , noting that a tract of several acres on Ripley Lane is now available , south of 72nd Street which area might serve to provide several facilities now lacking to the citizens , which might include small boat haven for powerless craft , public meeting building and rest room facilities , also for a small arboretum which she would help to develop . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PARKS A11D RECREATION COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK . CARRIED . -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/24/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from Gary G . Oliver , Univac Division , Sperry Rand Corporation , asked to appear before the Council to present the capability of serving the city ' s data processing requirements . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY , THAT THIS COMMUNICATION AND ALL OTHERS WHICH MAY COME IN REGARDING DATA PROCESSING PRESENTATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Tom Gordon , 10431 S .E . 98th Street , inquired regarding billing for garbage service which he had received since the City assumed the billing the first of the year. He advised he did not utilize the service , and interpreted the statutes to mean that if he was not served it - would not be compulsory that he pay . After various council inquiries and Mr ':.' Gordon advising that he hauls his refuse and grass clippings to the King County Dump site , City Attorney Shellan advised that under the City ' s existing Ordinance the garbage service is available to everyone in the corporate limits and minimum fee; as -with water if used or not , is mandatory . APPOINTMENTS : Letter was presented by Council President Perry , as submi.tted- .)y Mayor Custer ,requesting concurrence in the permanent appointmei.j- Qu'. Mr . Bradley A . Tofthagen as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department , effective 3/16/69 , and Police Chief William ' s letter of recommendation was attached reporting satisfactory completion of the probationary period . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT . THE MOTION CARRIED . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry submitted Committee of the Whole report which was read with council action taken as follows : Wo 1 . Recommended the City Council hold a public hearing on the proposed dog leash law. MOVED 'BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO CONCUR WITH APRIL 21 , 1969 THE DATE TO BE SET FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING . THE MOTION CARRIED . 2 . Inquiry of F .A . Storey regarding possible formation of Sanitary Sewer L. I .D . in the Kennydale Area . Recommended the matter be held in abeyance until the presently circulating petition for such L . I .D . is filed with the City . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED . 3 . Recommended the City grant full cooperation to citizens in their attempt to sewer the Kennydale Island area , (per proposed L . I .D . 263 petition , ) and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution to initiate said L. I .D . Letter from Jan Klippert , Mayor ' s Administrative Assistant was read reporting results of .a..meeting regarding annexation of the subject area and it was ascertained that the required percentages would be received , and the- the area likely would be in the city in concurrent action with L . I .D . proeeed- ings . (Board of Public Works and Chamber of Commerce meeting with residents . ) MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED . � 4 . Recommended the entire subject of data processing presentations , by IBM, Honeywell and others as requested , be referred to the Property Committee for evaluation and report back . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . 5 . Recommended the ResoluLlun inv '. ting the City of NISHIWAKI , JAPAN' to be SISTER CITY TO RENTON be adolbted and that the penton Lions Club be requested to establish the affiliation committee for promotion of the relationship . ITEM READ UNDE'!t RESOLUTIONS AND IT WAS MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCC; IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED . x9 2 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/24/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Committee of the Whole Report : 6 . Recommended to the Council that the City offer to participate , as requested by Monterey Terrace residents , in the cost of ornamental light standards at cost of $1 ,481 . 00 in event of initiation of underground wiring L . I .D . in the subject area . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED . 7 . Recommended the list of appointees to serve on the Special Advisory Committee to study Optional Municipal Code vs . First and Second Class City Governments , be held for further consideration by the Committee of the Whole at its next meeting . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED . 8 . Citizens for Action request for other means of financing acquisition of the hospital district-owned property sine bond propositions failed was dis- cussed , which property is located East of "E" Street on 4th Avenue North. It was noted that City Attorney Shellan had disqualified himself from repre- senting the city since his partner is legal advisor for the hospital district and the Planning Committee had recommended the subject property matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation as to possible change in the land use map . The Committee of the Whole recommended a . Concurrence in the Planning Com- mittee recommendation . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED . b. Recommended the Council retain legal counsel to represent the City in actions concerning this property . MOVED BY GRANT , AND SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR. CARRIED . C . Recommended the City acquire the hospital property . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR. Upon remarks concerning the price and suggestions for negotiations in this regard, which included a meeting with the hospital district Board of Commissioners g with the next Committee recommendation , it was MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO TABLE THE MOTION UNDER DISCUSSION AT THE PRESENT TIME . Dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which was taken as follows : AYE : Perry , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , and Barei .NO : Morris , Garrett , Grant and Shane . The motion carried . Perry proposed a motion to combine the item concerning acquisition and meeting artangement to discuss price ,however , it was pointed out the prior motion laid on the table the acquisition of the property and further action in this regard would be out of order . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , FIVE MINUTES RECESS BE DECLARED . THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE MEETING WAS RECESSED AT 9 : 55 P .M. After the recess , roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed . After some proposed actions , 7tem d , of the Committee of the Whole Report .was read, the President of the Council to..arrange a meeting between the Hospital Commission and the Committee of the. whole ; and that the public be invited to attend . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED.' BY' BAREI ; TO CONCUR, AND THE MOTION SUBSE- QUENTLY CARRIED . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY SHANE , THE RECOMMENDATION TO AC- QUIRE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BE TAKEN FROM -HE TABLE .CARRIED . . THE MOTION TO AC- QUIRE was voted upon -Dissenting vote and Loll call vote followed : AYL : Morris , Delaurenti ,Garrett;Maxin ,Bruce , Grant , Shane .NO : Perry , Schellert , Trimm, Edwards and Barei . THE MOTION CARRIED , 7 to 5 . (Attention had been called to the condition of the city shop building and possible need for priority of funds ` to:-correct this situation) MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , THE PURCHASE Omi THE SUBJECT SITE BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE . Upon inquiry , it was pointed out that the Council had signified its intention to acquire the hospital property subject to acceptance of a final price yet to be deter- mined . 9 . The matter of the Workable Program was held in abeyance since the Chamber of Commerce was unable to send a representative to the Committee of the Whole meeting , a later meeting to be arranged . The need for early implementation was noted and it was MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , THE CITY MAKE APPLICATION FOR BEING CERTIFIED FOR A WORKABLE PROGRAM . Negative majority ruling brought roll call request which vote resulted as follows : JkYE : Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm , Garrett , Bruce , Grant , Shane .NO . Perry ,Edwards . Maxin and Barei , Carried. 8 to 4 . -.(See later discussion) MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/24/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT submitted committee report noting 'A review of the request for a traffic signal installation at the intersection of 12th Avenue North and Sunset Blvd . East and since the State indicates redevelopment of the Sunset Highway will begin in the Spring of 1971 and ultimate design proposals could be furnished within a few months , it was recommended funds for this signal be included in the 1970 budget with construction early in 1970 so as to allow' said ' installation without its having to be removed at a later date . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- 1ro TION OF THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE , submitted report recommending , along with the City Engineer , that the low bid of Venture Construction Company in sum of $41 , 026 . 70 on the "M" Street Pumping Station , be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract documents upon approval of same by the City Attorney . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI , submitted committee report recommending vacation of streets and alleys in the Earlington Flats area be granted and sold for one-half the appraised price , with exception of the North 30 feet of South 150th Place and the South 30 ' thereof to be traded for a 30 ' easement along PSH #1 . It was noted that any action other than that authorized at the Public Hearing meeting would not be in order without further hearings . (Access for Mr . Turner being the Committee ' s concern . ) MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY TRIMM , TO REFER THE MATTER BACK TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . CARRIED . (See later action under new business) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 985 through 1053 , and MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE SAME AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 985 - 1016 $ 4 , 454 . 62 City Street Fund 1017 - 1025 9 , 674 . 14 Equipment Rental Fund 1026 - 1032 1 , 879 . 92 Park Fund 1033 - 1042 11 , 436 . 18 Waterworks Utility Fund 1043 - 1050 36 , 619 . 75 Airport Fund 1051 - 1053 210 . 29 $ 64 , 274 . 90 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT , ,submitted committee recom- mendation that the funding of additional insurance coverage in amount of $320 . 00 be funded from Non-Departmental Account 1141/311 , Insurance . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GARRETT , TO CONCUR . CARRIED . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Councilman Perry requested the City Attorney explain the Workable Program in regard to its effect upon the community and residences therein . City Attorney Shellan advised that in general the Workable Plan is a method by which the City will upgrade property which does not now come up to code and require possible demolition or reconditioning and repair of property now in violation ,whch may involve condemnation or voluntary action' by the owner to upgrade or tear down if beyond redemption . A Workable Plan is required a Federal Program in which the Renton Housing Authority is participating ; and this is a separate Municipal Corporation of the Federal Housing Authority and they would be the ones to handle their request with the government to seek financial aid . Perry stated the Plan will require additional inspectors who will make a survey and give notice to upgrade homes otherwise to be condemned ; which action the Council will be asked to support , no funds to be secured from federal agencies unless this procedure is followed . PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE announced a meeting on March 26 , at '7 : 30 p .m. in his council office . Park Director Coulon was invited to attend . SANITATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SHANE requested a meeting following the adjournment of this meeting . -7- 4' MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/24/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Councilman Shane called attention to a parcel of property near South 180th Street donated by Mr . Gottstein for park purposes , and proposed that the property be sold and the receipts placed in the Park Fund to develop the Talbot Hill recreation area as a Park and possibly to be called Louella Parkas requested by Mr . Gottstein , who might then possible give some finan- cial aid toward development . It was suggested the matter be referred to the Park and Recreation Committee . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE REMARKS AS PER SUGGESTION . CARRIED . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY GARRETT , THE COUNCIL RECONSIDER ITS ACTION IN REGARD TO THE VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS IN THE EARLINGTON FLATS AREA AND THAT APRIL 7 , 1969 BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE MATTER , MR. TURNER TO BE SO NOTIFIED . THE MOTION CARRIED „ Councilman Schellert called attention to earlier report of the City Engineer regarding lack of valuation to support proposed L . I .D . 266 , Sanitary Sewers , Water Main and Storm Sewers , vicinity of 84th Ave . So . and Grady Way and inquire,] if the City Attorney could furnish information as to procedure at this time . City Attorney Shellan stated the City Engineer should furnish an approximate estimate of cost of all improvements along with duly certified amount assessable to the owners and to be absorbed by the City in order that :)etermination might be made whether it is within legal limits for the LID , :according to the cost . The lawspecifies that the amount of the estimated cost cannot be more than the aggregate valuation of the property , tie owners however , having perogative of paying the City the amount of cost over and above the limit . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE AND CITY ENGINEER TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK . CARRIED . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Wyman Dobson., President , Renton Lions Club , requested Council approval for Mayor ' s Proclamation of April 4 and 5 as "White Cane Day" in Renton , which fund raising event will help to establish an accredited eye bank at the University of Washington hospital center. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Mr . Norman Ross , Kennydale Lions Club ,advised they had contributed $914 . 00 toward the eye bank program and had received special recognition this evening from the Program Chairman for raising the most money . Mrs . Lillian Plut; League of Women Voters representative , called attention to brochure prepared by the League on its comparison study of the Optional Municipal Code with First and Second Class City Governments . Councilmen had each been furnished with a copy of the publication and inquiries were welcomed by the League in regard to its conclusions . Comment was made as to interest in the preference regarding Council-Manager form of government . As there was no further audience comment nor business to be transacted , it was moved by Morris , seconded by Delaurenti , to adjourn . Carried . The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 05 p .m. There were 58 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D . W. Custer , Mayor -8- rr � t} 324/69 BID OPENING 3/20/69 - 3 :00 P.M. (1st Floor Conference Rm. ) BID TABULATION L.I.D. 261 Kennydale Area BIDDER AND ADDRESS BOND BID F. G. Schade mw 233 ""D" St. N.W. Auburn, Washington 98002 Bond $150,978 .99 King Construction Co. 4521 - So. Bond St. Seattle, Washington 98118 Bond $151,953.45 P & L Construction Co. 1006 W. Nickerson Seattle, Washington 98119 Bond $ 89,922.25 Lundberg Construction Co. 3420 - 13th S.W. Seattle, Washington 98134 Bond $172,942.27 Olympic View Plumbing 17926 Hwy. 99 Lynwood, Washington 98036 Bond $123,109.89 Engineering Estimate $116 , 269 . 84 Fund Transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of March. irr FROM: TO CLAIMS FUND: CURRENT 35, 591.63 STREET • 35, 046. 11 CEDAR RIVER M & I 38.31 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7 ,475 .30 LIBRARY 6 , 963 . 13 PARKS 47 , 926.39 WATERWORKS UTILITY 75 , 875 .47 1965 W & S CONSTRUCTION 1, 703 . 11 AIRPORT 577 .39 FIREMEN' S PENSION 5 , 257 . 15 CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION 9, 201.69 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 39, 371.83 TOTAL CLAIMS FUND: 265 , 027 . 51 FROM: TO PAYROLL FUND: CURRENT 143 , 269.76 STREET 31, 934 . 12 CEDAR RIVER M & I 653 .00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5, 619. 24 LIBRARY 10,751. 84 PARKS 21, 659 . 10 WATERWORKS UTILITY 23 ,063 .76 AIRPORT 1, 579.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100 .00 TOTAL PAYROLL FUND: 238. 629 .82 -9- F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3-24-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERM71TS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1635 '$ 700.00 Eleanor Dobson 913 - lst Ave. N. New Asphalt Roofing 1636 350.00 Darrele Gudmundson 13422 S.E. 107th P1. Constr. Patio Cover 1637 15,436.00 McGrath Corp. 4108 N.E. 19th Str. Const. Sing. Family 1638 Bronco' s ' inc. 530 Rainier Ave. Demolish Block Bldg. 1639 14, 350.00 Tiffany Devel. 2632 Lk. Yng. Crt Qonst. Sing. Family B 1640 900.00 Lila Hendrickson 2312 7th N. Enclose Carport 1641 20,000.00 R. S. Shane 2729 N.E. 24th Str.Constr. Sing. Famil 1642 17,726 McGrath Corp. 4232 N.E. 17th Str.Constr. Sing. Famil , 1643 21,000.00 Kampe Constr. Co. 1627 N.E. 27th Crt.Constr. Sing. Family 1644 21, 000.00 Kampe Constr. Co. 1621 N.E. 27th Crt. Constr. Sing Family B 1645 21, 000.00 Kampe Constr. Co. 1630 N.E. 27th Crt .Constr . Singe Family 1646 21,000.00 Kampe Constr. Co. 1624 N.E. 27th Crt.Constr. Sing. Family 1647 200.00 Robert E. Schaefer 7406 - 114th S .E. Erect Sign on Roof 1648 600.00 Jruline B. Evenhus 2514 N.E. 6th Pl. Constr. Patio Cover 1649 500.00 Boeing Co. 5-35 Building Add Ceiling to Generat B 1650 19, 800.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2528 Smithers Ave. Constr . Sing. Family 1651 18, 800. 00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 762 S. 25th Str. Constr . Sing. Family 1652 14, 000.00 Robert Norris 1513 S. 7th Str. Constr. Sing, Family 1653 11,400.00 Bell & Valdez 1914 Aberdeen Ave. Constr. Sing. Family 1654 12,416. 00 Bell & Valdez 1906 Aberdeen Ave. Constr. Sing. Family B 1655 16 , 000. 00 Bell & Valdez 1910 Aberdeen Ave. Constr. Sing. Family 1656 13 , 135.00 Bell & Valdez 1902 Aberdeen Ave. Constr . Sing. Family 1657 24, 000.00 Norman L. Ross 3520 N.E. 4th Str. Constr. Sing. Family ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1767 280.00 Fed. House. Admin. 1246 Talbot Road Replace Defective Mat. 1768 4, 250.00 Pat Bigley 445 Pelly Ave. N. Wire Apart . Building 1769 413 .00 McGrath Corp. 10609 - 135th Ave. Wire Family Residen( E 1770 323 .00 McGrath Corp. 10612-135th Ave. Wire Family Residen( 1771 404.00 McGrath Corp. 10624-135th Ave. Wire Family Residence 1772 426.00 McGrath Corp. 10660-135th Ave. Wire Family Residence 1773 323.00 McGrath Corp. 13523 S.E. 106th Wire Family Residence 1774 426.00 McGrath Corp. 13520-106th Pl. Wire Family Residence E 1775 323 .00 McGrath Corp. 10614-134th Ave. Wire Family Residence 1776 450.00 McGrath Corp. 13245 S.E. 106th Wire Family Residence 1777 404.00 McGrath Corp. 10622-133rd Pl, Wire Family Residence 1778 3, 900.00 Humble Oil 10610 S .E. 94th Wire Service Station 1779 50.00 Gerald G. Honemann 1020 Shelton Ave. Wire Family Room E 1780 29, 950.00 Renton Schl. Dist. #403 11930-132nd Wire Elementary Schl. 1781 550.00 D. L. Savoy 3006 Sunset Blvd. Change Service Unit 1782 130.00 Boeing Co. 4-63 Building Instl. Electrical Heat. 1783 250.00 Boeing Co. 10-65 Building Instl 6 Receptacles 1784 180.00 Boeing Co. 4-21 Building Instl. Floor Recept. E 1785 200.00 Boeing Co. 10-80 Building Instl. Outlets 1786 75.00 Boeing Co. 4-42 Building Inst. Ceiling Drops 1787 2, 500.00 Boeing Co. 4-81 Building Install Lights 1788 50.00 Boeing Co. 4-01 Building Instl. 120V Circuit 1789 500.00 Boeing Co. 4-73 Building Instl. 2 Circuits E 1790 5,000.00 Boeing Co. 5-35 Building Provide Emerg. Powe" 1791 700.00 Carpeteria 801 S. 2nd Str. Instl Bldg. Outline 1792 450,00 Tiffany Devel. Co. 11909 S.E. 154th Wire Sing Family Re;ww MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1690 D. L. Savoy 3006 Sunset Blvd. Replace Exist. Furnace 1691 Charles Dideon 550 Raymond N.W. Inst. Gas Furnace 1692 Parkwood Homes 2621 Elmwood Str. Instl, Gas Furnace 1693 Parkwood Homes 2603 Charles Crt. Inst. Gas Furnace 1694 Parkwood Homes 827 King Court Instl. Gass Furnace -10- 9`7 PERMITS - PAGE 2 March 24, 1969 MECHANICAL PERMITS NO.�-� AMOUNT _ _ NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK M 1695 Parkwood Homes 805 King Court Instl. Gas Furnace 1696 Parkwood Homes 907 Cambridge Ave. Instl. Gas Furnace 1697 Parkwood Homes 2609 Charles Crt. Instl. Gas Furnace 1698 Parkwood Homes 2615 Charles Crt. Instl. Gas Furnace 699 Parkwood Homes 722 Cambridge Ave. Instl. Gas Furnace M 100 McGrath Corp. 13324 S. E. 106th Str. Inst. Plumbing — 101 McGrath Corp. 13428 S.E. 107th P1. Inst. Plumbing 1/02 Lester Danielson 2722-7th Ave. N. Instl Gas Heater 1703 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Inst. Plumb & Fixt . 1704 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Inst. Plumb & Fixt. M 1705 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Inst. Plumb & Fixt. 1706 Royal Hills , Inc. 2000 Royal Hills Inst. Plumb & Fixt. 1707 Jack Wilson 11939-132nd Ave. Instl. Gas Furnace 1708 Powell Constr. 742 Shelton Ave. Instl Gas Furnace 1709 Powell Constr. 739 Shelton Ave. Instl. Gas Furnace M 1710 Powell Constr. 730 Shelton Ave. Instl Gas Furnace 1711 Powell Constr. 736 Shelton Ave. Instl. Gas Furnace 1712 Freda McPherson 2414 5th Ave. N. Instl. Gas Furnace 1713 Powell Constr. 739 "R" Str. Inst. Plumb. & Fixt. 1714 Powell Constr. 742 "R" Str. Inst. Plumb. & Fixt. M 1715 Powell Constr. 736 "R" Str. Inst. Fixtures 1716 Powell Constr. 730 "R" Str. Inst. Fixtures 1717 Boeing Co. 4-44 Building Install Flash Vent 1718 Boeing Co. 10-65 Building Instl. Cooling Coil Dr. 1719 Boeing Co. 10-90 Yard Install Grease Trap M 1720 Opal Blankenship 437 Pelly Ave. Instl. Gas Furnace '721 Holcomb Const. Co. 13422 Sunset Blvd. Instl. Plumb & Fixt. Tiffany Devel. Co. 2632 Lak Youngs Crt. Inst. Plumb & Fixt. 123 Tiffany Devel. Co. 11909 S .E. 154th Instl. Plumb & Fixture,., 1724 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15512- 120th Tnst. Plumb & Fixt. SEWER PERMITS S 757 Mike Potoshnik 8911-100th Ave. S.E. Connect 758 Powell Homes 10729-114th Ave. Connect 759 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15528-120th S.E. Connect S 760 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15512-120th S .E. Connect 761 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15498-120th S.E. Connect -11- Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the Month of March , 1969 : FROM: TO CLAIMS FUND : CURRENT FUND $ 35 , 591 . 63 CITY STREET FUND 35 , 046 . 11 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . 38 . 31 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7 , 475 . 30 LIBRARY 6 , 963 . 13 PARKS 47 , 926 . 39 WATERWORKS UTILITY 75 , 875 . 47 1965 W. & S . CONSTRUCTION 1 , 703 . 11 AIRPORT 577 . 39 FIREMEN ' S PENSION FUND 5 , 257 . 15 CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION 9 , 201 . 69 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 39 , 371 . 83 TOTAL CLAIMS FUND : $265 , 027 . 51 FROM: TO PAYROLL FUND : CURRENT FUND 143 , 269 . 76 CITY STREET 31 , 934 . 12 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . 653 . 00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5 ,619 . 24 LIBRARY FUND 10 , 751 . 84 PARKS FUND 21 , 659 . 10 WATERWORKS UTILITY 23 , 063 . 76 AIRPORT 1 , 579 . 00 FIREMEN ' S PENSION FUND 100 . 00 TOTAL PAYROLL FUND : $238 , 629 . 82 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk April 7 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & PLANNING COMMITTEE Letter from Mr . Harvey Campbell re City notice that trailers on his property are in violation of the Code and request for variance COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce recommendations regarding form of Government for City of Renton Reduction of water and sewer charges to persons of low incomes CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE Release of retained percentage to McKinstry Co . on Municipal Bldg . Mechanical Contract , CAG 1160-67 LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER Councilman Shane ' s report of areas needing street lighting LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Amendina —dinRnce regarding obnoxious weeds Vacation of Streets and Alleys in Earlington Flats (Ord . 2475 adopted) Rezones : King Co . Hospital Dist . 1 properties on Rainier Ave . South from P-1 to B-1 Johnston-Campanella-Murakami property on Puget Drive and Benson Rd . , from R-4 to R-3 . PROPERTY COMMITTEE Lease renewal of office space in Highlands Administration by State Dep ' t . of General Administration SANITATION COMMITTEE ... City Engineer ' s report re L . I . D . 266 lacking valuation to proceed STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Bids on City ' s supply of asphalt WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding legal fees for services of Attorneys Hodge & Hillis MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 4/9/69 - Light and Power Committee meeting at 7 : 00 p .m . 4/9/69 - Committee of the Whole at 7 : 30 p .m . in Police Squad Room 4/14/69- Ways and Means Committee at 7 : 30 p .m. w RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerkr1 fi MAior=.1. :7 , 1969 � �i E 5 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W. Custer , Mayor , in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building at 8 : 00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Barei , Grant , Bruce , and 'Edwards , Garrett , Delaurenti , and Schellert . Shane was absent for roll call and arrived during Ordinance r-eading . Absent : Morris , Trimm and Maxin . MOVED BY EDWARDS , SECONDED BY BAREI , THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED . THE MOTION CARRIED . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D. W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson, City Clerk , G . M . Shellan , City Attorney , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF MARCH 24 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED . Mayor Custer advised that the students participating in Student Government Day gverits have presented the City with a Resolution of thanks and apprecia- tion to all staff members for the assistance received during the week long program. It was noted that the City could be proud of these young people and that the Country need not worry when such leadership abilities are evidenced as were shown during this program. PUBLIC HEARING : Reconsideration of proposed vacation of certain streets and alleys in the Earlington Flats area of the City This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Report of the Prc,perty Committee from the previous council meeting was read which had prompted action to set the hearing for reconsideration since it had been recommended that the North 30 feet of South 150th Place not be vacated to provide ingress and egress for the Turner property and that the South 30 ' be traded for a 30 ' easement along PSH#1 . Mr . John Phillips , Attorney for petitioners advised that there was no objection to the proposal and that Mr . Turner and his attorney had advised they likewise had no objection . City Attorney Shellan advised the Ordinance had been prepared and the City Engineer would need to revise the legal description if council desired to effect said changes . MOVED BY EDWARDS , SECONDED BY BAREI , THE HEARING BE CLOSED . CARRIED . THE HEARING WAS DECLARED CLOSED AND FURTHER COUNCIL ACTION INVITED . The Property Committee report also had recommended sale of the streets and alleys with exception as outlined , for one-half the appraised price . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . Schellert objected to creation of a 30 ft . right-of-way which did not seem in agreement with the subdivision ordinance . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBER EDWARDS SUBMITTED PROPOSED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY VACATING PORTION OF 150TH PLACE , 83RD AVENUE SOUTH AND CERTAIN ALLEYS , ALL IN C . D . HILLMAN ' S EARLINGTON GARDENS , DIVISION NO . 1 , SITUATED IN RENTON , KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON , AS PER EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS .� ATTACHED THERETO , MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO PLACE THE DOCU_ MENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2475 AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN EIGHT AYES AND ONE NO , SCHELLERT OPPOSING. THE MOTION CARRIED . Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Residential District (R-2 ) to Residential District (R-3) , as read by the Clerk . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . (Cont . ) -1- .t Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4/7/69 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION : (Ashmore-Hoyt Property, Rezone) AFTER SECOND AND FINAL READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO . 2476 , IT WAS MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : NO : PERRY AYE : SCHELLERT , DELAURENTI , GARRETT , EDWARDS , BRUCE , SHANE AND BAREI . GRANT ABSTAINED . THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION : _..Proposed Resolution was read , with_ .recommendationsof. City Engineer Wilson, to amend an existing resolution covering Urban Arterial Projects in order to qualify for matching fund assistance and to correct street designations to conform to the new grid system. After the reading , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR IN THE ENGINEER ' S RECOMMENDATIONS . CARRIED . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO ADOPT RESOLUTLON NO. 1616 AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . Proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of funds from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 unto Park Fund 1710/604 , in sum of $1 , 985 . 82 to cover payment of Administration fees due the Interagency Committee in connection with fund assistance applications for Lake Wn . Beach Park . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 1617 AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , read her letter of transmittal from the 1968 Financial Report which was distributed to the Council , the City Departments and State Auditor , ' covering fiscal year ending December 31 , 1968 . The report reviewed all phases of city operations including general introductory information , detailed statements and schedules for all funds and accounts covering financial position and operation for the year , and outline of the :general Obligation Bond Propositions , Limited and Unlimited Miscellaneous propositions , Revenue Bonds and Refunding issues , beginning in 1953 ,encom- passing the comprehensive statistical data , all in accordance with the recommended standards of the Division of Municipal Corporations , and Muni- cipal Finance Officers Association , one prior report earning Certificate -of Conformance from the Wn . State Finance Officers Ass ' n , which may be earned only once . Departmental accomplishments and improvements were outlined and thanks were extendedfor Departmental and staff assistance in appraisal of the City ' s progress during 1968 and in the preparation of the report . Letter from Statewide City Employees Retirement System, Earle Tinius , Executive Secretary , was read withdrawing legislation (H .B . 612 ) since the Public Pension Commission is opposed to reducing normal retirement age of uniformed personnel to 55 . The differences with the Commission are to be reconciled and revision to be presented to the 1970 or ' 71 legislative session . Letter from Building Director Ruppert reported that work on CAG 1449-69 has been completed by Lige Dickson Co . , Inc . , on city hall demolition , Cedar River Park , and it was recommended the project be approved as of this date with payment of$4 , 032 . 40 and commencement of the thirty day Lien Period , after which , if no liens or claims have been filed against the project , and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities , the retained amount of $448 . 04 be released to the Contractor . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TIONS OF THE BUILDING DIRECTOR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Barei inquired as —to what happened to the Plaque of Veterans which had been on the building . Mayor Custer advised the World Woodsman organization had picked it up and were refinishing the bronze and would return it . Letter from Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Co , Architects , Renton Municipal Building , recommended payment of retention on CAG 1160-67 , McKinstry Co . , Mechanical contractor , in surz of $36 , 938 . 31 , upon completion of 30 day Lien Period . MOVED BY DELAURENT , SECOND. BY EDWARDS , TO REFERTHERECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . -2- /0 Minutes - Renton City Ccuncil Meeting 4/7/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS .- (Cont . ) Letter from Charles P ,, Curran , of Curran , Kleweno & Curran , Law Offices , urged that the City support House Bill 553 which provides for storm water control facilities and community centers with source of funding out of previously enacted liquor taxes , The Bill is presently in the House Local Government Committee with many members from South King County where the need for such control is felt to be great . Letter was read from City Engineer Wilson reporting cost estimates for the various improvements requested for inclusion in L . I . D. 266 , Earlington Flats area , as follows : 1 . Sanitary Sewer , $37 , 200 . 00 , 2 . Water Main , $32 ,800 . 00 and 3 . Storm Sewer , $54 , 000 . 00 . The sewer and water require- ments are minimum and additional areas nor the City would be expected to participate . The storm sewer is sized at 30" to provide drainage for area upstream so some participation might be justified or the L . I . D . area could be enlarged. The assessed value of the district is $19 , 990 . 00 which may be doubled to establish limit of assessment which by itself would support. either the sanitary sewer or water main but not the storm sewer or any combination of the improvements . Petitioners have option to deposit a sum of money equal to the difference between the improvement cost and the assessed value limit which would allow procedure , however , Mr . John Phillips , Attorney for the petitioners pointed out that in this case the cost , which would be about $70 , 000 . 00 , would be prohibitive and they would need to con- sider further how the property will be developed . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE SANI- TATION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from The Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce , I . Knutson , President , recommended that the City avail itself of the Optional Municipal Code when it becomes available and that it not be a charter city . Also supported was form of government with a strong executive and a part-time seven member council elected at large . Principals felt vital to local government were outlined. MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED, SHANE OPPOSED . City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of the Report of Examination from the State Auditor ' s Office covering Forty-first examination , January 1 , 1967 to December 31 , 1967 . Upon inquiries by Shane , it was MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE REPORT NOT BE READ AT THIS TIME AND THOSE WISHING SPECIFIC INFORMATION CHECK THE REPORT OUT FROM THE CLERK ' S OFFICE . THE MOTION CARRIED , ( it was noted the City pays full cost for the audit) Letter from Thomas H . Cooke , President , Vanguard Corporation , expressed thanks to the City for cooperation in providing adequate street lighting and other services to Lake Terrace Park. Letter from the State of Wn. , Dep ' t . of General Administration , reported desire to renew lease on office space in the Highlands Administration Bldg . Letter from Building Director Ruppert requested to meet with the Committee regarding this lease, MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recom- mendations from its public hearing meeting of 3/26/69 , on following rezones : Public Hospital Dist . No . 1 , King County , Appl . R-572-69 , located on Rainie Avenue South between South 3rd Street and 4th Place and Shattuck Ave . t So . , from P-1 to B-le , total of 9 , 38 acres with proposed commercial use which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR IN THE REZONE . Airfield approach over this area was discussed it being noted height is restricted by FAA regulations and that proposal is not in violation . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED Rezone of Johnston-Campanella-Murakami & Co . property , Appl . R-573-69 , NW corner Puget Drive and Benson Road , from R-4 to R-3 was recommended , 28 , 752 sq. ft , proposed for professional office building ,which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan ., MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION . THE MOTION CARRIED . -3- 103 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4/7/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Planning Commission Recommendations (Cont . ) Rezone of Dino Patas property , Appl . No . R-575-69 , which is located on S . E . 128th Street between 132nd and 136th Avenues S .E . , from G to R-3 , for the southerly 640 ft , the northerly portion denied R-3 . This property of 9 . 46 acres proposed for multi-family residential ' trailer court use) Letter from Mr . Roger Lewis , Attorney for Mr . Patis , appealed the de- cision of the Planning Commission and requested hearing date not be set prior to April 28th. It was noted that the Planning Director had requested either May 5 or 12th for any such hearing . Since Attorney Shellan advised that the appeal was on the entire parcel , proposed motion to concur was MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , THAT MAY 5 , BE SET FOR HEARING ON THE APPEAL . THE MOTION CARRIED . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , THE REZONES CONCURRED IN BY THE COUNCIL BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . Letter from City Engineer Wilson requested permission for Bob Puhich and himself to attend the American Water Works Ass ' n . Conference in San Diego May 18 - 23 , 1969. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST . THE MOTION CARRIED . SHANE OPPOSED . Letter from City Attorney Shellan confirmed his prior notification to the City Council that he has disqualified himself from participation as City Attorney in the present dispute between the City and King County Hospital District No . 1 for the reason that his partner , Mr . John K. Pain , Jr . , is the legal advisor to said Municipal Corporation . It was pointed out that any general legal opinion would be rendered not applying to the hospital property and the Council was once again generally adviszd It cannot classify or designate a land owner ' s property whether owned individually or by a municipal corporation other than the City , in conjunction with the Compre- hensive Land Use Plan or Zoning Ordinance , to a recreational use and thereby deprive such owner of properly utilizing his land without just compensation any such action being arbitrary and capricious if the purpose of such down- grading would be to acquire same for city purposes at reduced compensation , and would not be upheld by our Courts . It was also mentioned for general information purposes , that property cannot be rezoned by simply making a motion during a council meeting . Any change in the Comprehensive Plan re- quires public hearings , timely posted and advertised , before the Planning Commission and the City Council . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY GRANT , THAT THE HODGE & HILLIS LAW FIRM, LOCATED IN THE NORTON BUILDING , REPRESENT THE CITY IN THE MATTER OF ACQUISI- TION OF THE HIGHLANDS HOSPITAL SITE , EF.�'ECTIVE CMMEDIATELY , AND THAT THE FUNDING BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE . CARRIED . City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on 4/7/69 for the City ' s Asphalt requirements . Bids were received from Rainier Asphalt Paving , Renton , Red-Samm Minincs, Inc . , Bellevue , Sea-Tac Asphalt Co . , Kent and Wn . Asphalt Co . , Inc . , Issaquah. (Tabulations attached) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Councilman Bruce abstained from voting on this matter . Mayor Custer reported that 72% of the property owners in the Kennydale Island area within the proposed L. I . D . 2-6,5 have signed petitions for annexa- tion to Renton and 3% are needed as yet, -OThe Chamber of Commerce , Engineer- ing Department and Administrative Hfforts of the City have been extended in this regard . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Al Noble inquired regarding help of the city in alleviating the dust bowl condition along L. & M Streets at 10th Avenue North . Street Commis- sioner TeGantvoort reported that the street is going to be reworked and if property owners will participate in the installation of curbs , .gutters and sidewalks at the time the street is installed it would correct the problem, petition to be circulated, sidewalks being the question in the matter at present . -4- 1.0`$ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4/7/69 AUDIENCE COMMENT (Cont . ) Mr . Richard Stredicke , 3916 - 10th Ct . North , called attention to Honey Dew P . T .A. and other requests for traffic control at 132nd Ave . S . E . where two children have been hit . Mayor Custer advised that the City has met with the County on four- laning and has applied for matching funds to complete 132nd this year and some improvements have been completed in- cluding gravel pathways in front of the school , speed limit signs and School notice signs . The County will not be doing anything until 1970-71 . Urban Arterial and Forward Thrust funds are anticipated for the improve- ment . 2/3 County and 1/3 City participation is involved . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry announced a Committee of the Whole Meeting to be held with the Hospital District Board of Commissioners to discuss appraisal price and acquisition of the property by the City. In view of the topic it was planned that a public meeting regarding the matter will be held as warranted at a later date and the Council will meet with the Commission Wednesday at 7 : 30 p .m. in the Police Department Squad Assembly Room. Also to be discussed at the April 9 meeting will be purchase " of other recreation lands and the City Attorney was requested to attend . Councilman Grant reported that Pacific Car & Foundry has installed a hood to control air pollution and MOVED THAT A LETTER OF THANKS BE SENT TO THE AIR POLLUTION AGENCY ,- DIRECTOR, AND PACIFIC -CAR & FOUNDRY FOR THIS STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION TOWARDS POLLUTION CONTROL . CARRIED . (See later dis- cussion under audience comments) Tax benefits for installations were noted . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , THAT THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OFFICER ASK''REILLY TAR & CHEMICAL WHY THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF TAX SAVINGS OFFERED UNDER SUCH CONTROL PROGRAM. CARRIED. Councilman Shane expressed objection to support of House Bill 553 which had been requested by Attorney Curran , noting that this was was an issue voted down by the people in the Forward Thrust package and he did not feel the city should support it further . Councilman Shane called attention to areas of the City he felt were not lighted adequately and inquired regarding procedure to correct the situ- ation. Light and Power Committee Chairman Grant outlined the steps taken where need is established and moved that the areasas noted by . Shane be referred to the Traffic Engineering Department and the Light and Power Committee for investigation, w icH_ in�TTuTe—d-airport Way , the Highlands , Sunset and Houser Way , and report back . THE ' MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SHANE AND CARRIED . Councilman Shane called attention to penalties imposed on .drunk..driving and robbery violations.,. and noting difference in fines etc . on .uari.ous offenses inquired of the City:.Attorney as to justification . -He was advised such was a matter of legal statutes and judicial judgments and not a matter within city administrative or legislative jurisdiction . Explanation was given as to differences between misdemeanors of drinking which are handled in Municipal Court and robbery offenses which are not handled in the City Courts , it being noted that when penalty is invcked on drunk driving it is very likelynot a first offense . Shane felt the penalties deprive the family of the offender . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE MEMBER DELAURENTI REPORTED COMMITTEE AP- PROVAL OF CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS NOS . 1054 THROUGH 1263 AND MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME ,FOR _PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY EDWARDS AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Firemen ' s Pension Fund 1054 - 1060 $ 2 ,532 . 10 Current Fund 1061 - 1144 12 , 735 . 65 City Street Fund 1145 - 1170 3 , 170 . 69 Equipment Rental Fund 1171 - 1197 3 , 437 . 20 Park Fund 1198 - 1217 21 , 277 . 84 Waterworks Utility Fund 1218 - 1246 18 , 123 . 70 Airport Fund 1247 - 1252 160 . 89 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 1253 - 1262 328 . 83 Cedar River Acquisition 1263 4 , 032 .40 $ 63 ,267 . 20 -5- 105 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeing (Cont . ) 4/7/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL - Council President Perry reported receiving copy of a letter from Mr . Harvey H . Campbell , 3510 South 194th Street , Seattle , calling attention to notice of violation received on two trailer units located on his property in Earlington Flats across from Longacres Race Track . Variance from Code requirements was requested pending adoption of new legislation to cover mobile homes not presently in effect . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND THE PLANNING COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . law COUNCILMAN GARRETT INQUIRED AS TO MEETING OF THE BUILDING DEP 'T . &. BUILD- ING COMMITTEE NEXT MONDAY AT 7 : 00 P .M . PRIOR TO THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. COUNCILMAN GARRETT ADVISED THE CLERK THAT HIS ADDRESS IS NOW 602 S .W . LANGSTON ROAD . LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT ANNOUNCED A MEETING ON APRIL 9 , AT 7 : 00 P .M. JUST PRIOR TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING . SANITATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SHANE SUBMITTED REPORT RECOMMENDING THAT The low bid of P . & L . Construction Company in sum of $89 , 922 . 25 for L . I . D . 261 , Kennydale Sewers , be accepted by the City and in event the Contractor fails to execute the contract within the time designated in bid specifications , the bid bond of said Contractor be forfeited and the contract offered to the second low bidder , Olympic View Plumbing Company in amount of $124 , 154 . 88 . This action isrecommended by the City Engineer also .MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE SANITATION COMMITTEE REPORT AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . Councilman Shane called attention to high cost of living for certain individuals in the community:-.urging that persons on Social Security or Dis- ability pensions or those with incomes of $ 250 . 00 or less per month be given water and sewer service at $1 . 00 per month. MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED bw BY DELAURENTI , THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION . It was requested that Utility Accountant Ted Bennett report as to the number of persons involved in any such action and that the loss of revenue which would result be ascertained . THE MOTION CARRIED . The local paper was requested to publicize the proposal so that people could report to the City if they meet requirements for such reductions . It was suggested by Shane that the present ordinance covering obnoxious weeds be amended to include blackberry and scotch broom . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR AND TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT ANNOUNCED A MEETING ON APRIL 14 , AT 7 : 30 P .M. Mrs .Margaret Evans advised she did not think Pacific Car and Foundry Co . should be thanked for installing a hood for air pollution control , noting that she had to paint one side of her house three times . She recalled discussion with former Councilman Walt Reid and permit requested by Pacific Car which was to include such smoke screen; that she has been in direct contact with the fallout for some time and she did not think they should be given a pat on the shoulder for correcting the situation . Mrs . Edwards also called attention to the burning of debris and garbage in fireplaces in the homes since the new regulations prohibiting �r yard burning has been in effect noting that the odor is apalling and that sparks fly all over as well . As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADJOURN . THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10 : 53 p .m. There were 24 visitors in the Council Chambers . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer , Mayor -6- 106 4-7-69 BID TABULATION SHEET 1969 ASPHALT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING - 10 A.M. First Floor Conference Room BIDDER AND ADDRESS TYPE OF ASPHALT 1, 200 Tons 2 ,000 Tons 100 Tons Rainier Asphalt Pay. MC Cold Mix $ 7 .75 Maple Valley Hwy, Class B Hot Mix $ 7 .75 P . 0. Box 444 School Mix $ 8.25 Renton, Washington 98055 Red-Samm Mining, Inc . MC Cold Mix No Bid P.O.Box 7 Class B Hot Mix 5. 50 Bellevue, Wn. 98004 School Mix 6.00 Location: Redmond Sea-Tac Asphalt Co. MC Cold Mix 7 .75 P.O .Box 100 Class B Hot Mix 7 . 75 Kent, Washington 98031 School Mix 8. 55 Wn. Asphalt Co, Inc. MC Cold Mix 7 .75 601.0-Issaq. -Redmond Rd. Class B Hot Mix 7 .75 I s.• aguah , Wn. 98027 School Mix 10 .00 WON r -7- b+ 107 �7 OFFICE OF THE CIT7., CLERK 4-7-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1658 $300, 00000 Howard C. Fletcher 875 S.W. 7th Str. Cstr. Warehouse 1659 3, 000.00 Robert S. Rolfness 3901-9-11--,h Crt. N. Add Room B 1660 1, 000 .00 Bazaar, Inc. 717 Rainier Ave. S. Inst. Partitions 1661 300 .00 Boeing Co. 5-09 Building Erect Concrete Wall 662 4, 500 ,00 Robinson & Lyon Ford 750 Rainier Ave . S . Inst. Paint Booth 1663 Robert G. Guiley 1025 "Q" Str . Inst. Cycle Fence 664 16 ,000 .00 E. F. Schaefer 10444 S .E. 84th Cstr. Family Resid. B 1665 399.00 Samuel S. Cantwell 428 Bronson Wy N. Cstr. Carport 1666 50.00 Fred A. Dreibelbis 10628 132nd S. E. Contr. Fence 1667 19, 800.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 830 King Crt. Cstr . Family Resid. 1668 350 .00 D. L Savoy 311-6 N. E. Sunset Blvd.Inst . sign 1669 350 .00 Cedar River Mrk. 3418 SoE. 6th Str. Erect Sign B 1670 V-0-1-ID 1671 200 .00 Park Ave. Rest. 300 Park Ave. N. Erect Sign 1672 200.00 Bill & John' s Food 2239 Maple Val. Hwy Erect Sign 1673 V-0-1-D 1674 10 , 910 .00 Tiffany Deve . Co. 1,5460 Lke kgs. Wy Constr . Single Resi B 1675 13 , 210.00 Tiffany Deve, Co. 15530-121st Pl. Contr. Single Resi 1676 13 , 210 .00 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15520-121st P1 S .E. Constr . Family Resi 1677 10 , 910.00 Tiffany Devel. Co. 1636 Glenwood Ave. Const. Family Resic 1678 10 , 910 .00 Tiffany Devel. Col 15524 121st Pl. S . E. Const. Family Resic 1679 16 ,000 .00 Gene Meyer 225 Rainier Ave.S. Add to Shop Bldg. B 1680 200 .00 Elonzo Winston 4011. N.E. 6th Str. Constr. Fence 1681 23, 500 .00 Witsoe 1718 Blaine Ave. N.E. Constr . Family Resi 1682 26 , 410 .00 Multiple Listings, Inc. 216 Park Ave. N. Const . Off. Bldg. 1683 14, 920. 00 McGrath Corp. 13211 S.E. 106th Str. Const. Family Resic 1684 14, 598.00 McGrath Corp. 10726 134th Ave .S.E. Const. Family Resic 6W1685 18, 600. 00 Henderson West Sloance 1215 Lincoln Pl. N.E. Const . Fam. Res . 1686 5, 800 .00 Boeing Co, 4-04 & 4-17 Bldg. Const . office Encic 1687 J. L. Morse 423 Morris Ave.S . Demolish Resid. 1688 50 .00 McGrath Corp. 12300 Sunset Blvd. Erect Sign 1689 50.00 McGrath Corp. 11801 Sunset Blvd. Erect Sign B 1690 50.00 McGrath Corp. 10900 3rd Ave. N. Erect Sign 1691 50 .00 McGrath Corp. 550 Park Ave.N. Erect Sign 1692 50 .00 McGrath. Corp. 11451 N. Renton Int. Erect Sign 1693 50.00 MevGrath Corp. 13200-4th Ave.N. Erect Sign 1694 50.00 McGrath Corp, 480 Sunset Blvd. Erect Sign B 1695 50.00 1�4cGrath Corp. 11400 Sunset Blvd. Erect Sign 1696 200 .00 Edmund Healy 2108 9th Str.n.e. Rem. Part. Walls 1697 25 , 880.00 Com. F,, Pomeroy 1833 S .E. 18th Pl . Const . Family Resi( 1698 50 .00 A. L. Armbruster 3328 7th Pl. N. Constr . Fence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1793 3, 500.00 F. A. Holcomb 13422 Sunset Blvd. Wire Aprtm. 1794 400 .00 Powell Constr. 746 "R11 Str . Wire Family Resid. E 1795 400 .00 Powell Constr . 730 11R" Str. Wire Family Resid. 1796 400.00 Powell Constr. 739 "R" Str. Wire Family Resid. 1 1797 400 .00 Powell Constr . 742 11R" Str. Wire Family Resid. 1798 50 .00 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15524 120th S.Eo Temporary Serv. 601799 50 .00 Bell Constr., :330 Rainier Ave. S. Temporary Serv. E 1800 50.00 Pat Begley 423 North Pelly Temporary Service 1801 50 .00 Mcr2rat"n Corp.. 13312 S,E. 106th Temporary Service 1802 50 .00 McC-nratlh Corp. 13248 S. E. 106-th Temporary Service 1803 50.00 McGrath Corp. 10622 1.33rd Pl. S .E. Temporary Service 1804 50 .00 Par.K:,Paood Homes 2621 Elmwood Str . Temporary Service E 1805 1, 200 .00 Bazaar, Inc. 717 Rainier Avenue S. Wire Photo Studio 1806 V-0-7-D 1807 190.00 Boeinc-i Co. 4-04 Bldg. Inst. 4 Receptacle., 1808 600 .00 Boeing Co. 4-73 BldgElectric Services 1809 150 .00 Boeing Co. 4-20 Bldg. Relocate 2 Watkins -8- 108 PERMITS - Page 2 April 7 , 1969 ELECTRICAL PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK E 1810 $ 200 .00 Boeing Co. 10-57 Bldg. Electrical Service 1811 150 .00 Boeing Co . 4-17 Bldg. Inst . 3 Lgt . Switche 1812 250 . 00 Boeing Co. 4-73 Bldg. Inst. Warning Horns 1813 250 .00 Boeing Co . 4-21 Building Inst. Exit Lights 1814 230 .00 Boeing Co. 4-04 Bldg. Pro. 60 AMP Rect. E 1815 200 .00 Boeing Co. 4-17 Bldg. Pro . Electric Sv., 1816 230 .00 Boeing Co. 10-51 Bldg. Relocate Rivete- 1817 135 .00 Boeing Co. 10-50 Bldg. Elec . Serv. Cargo D3 1818 5, 666.00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 R. Hills Dr. Wire Aprt. Bldg. 1819 5 , 666 .00 Royal Hills , Inc . 3000 R. Hills Dr . Wire Aprt. Bldg. E 1820 5 , 666. 00 Royal Hills , Inc . 3000 R. Hills Dr . Wire Aprt . Bldg. 1821 5 , 666.00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 R. Hills , Dr. Wire Aprt . Bldg. 1822 5, 666 .00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 R. Hills Dr . Wire Aprt Bldg. 1823 230 .00 Carpeteria 801 S . 2nd Str . Combine 2 Services 1824 950.00 88 Cents Str. 801 S . 3rd Str. Modify Service E 1825 1, 000.00 City of Renton 635 Park Ave. N. Move 14 Outlets 1826 50 .00 Leslie D. Tabor 12431 S . E. 142nd Pl . Lower El. Meter 1827 200 .00 Orville S. Long 2812 6th Ave.N. Inst. Dual Meter 1828 120 . 00 R. N. Jardine 2139 Sunset Blvd. E. Repl . 6 Ligth Fixt. 1829 9, 000 .00 Gamel Constr. Co. 401 90th Ave. S . Wire Aprt. Bldg . E 1830 400 .00 Parkwood Homes 722 Cambridge Ave. Wire Fam. Resid. 1831 450 .00 Tiffany Devel. Co. 15512 120th Ave. S .E. Wire Fam. Resid. 1832 350 .00 Robinson & Lyon Ford 950 Rainier Ave .S . Wire Paint Booth 1833 100 .00 Glen Payne 180 Hardie Ave. S .W. Reconnect Service 1834 4, 300 .00 Evans Prod. Co. 846 S.W. Lind Wire Warehouse E 1835 417 .00 McGrath Corp. � 10608 134th Ave. S .E. Wire Fam. Resid. 1836 434.00 McGrath Corp. 4222 N. E. 19th Str . Wire Fam. Resi 1837 450. 00 McGrath Corp. 4216 N. E. 19th Str. Wire Fam. Resi 1838 426 .00 McGrath Corp. 13236 S .E. 106th Str. Wire Fam. Resid- . 1839 434.00 McGrath Corp. 10619 133rd P1. S . E. Wire Fam. Resid. E 1840 450 .00 McGrath Corp. 13519 S .E. 107th 11. Wire Fam. Resid. 1841 700 .00 James E. Banker 405 S. 7th Str. Heaters for Drying 1842 50. 00 Robert S. Rolfness 3901 10th Crt. N. Inst . Overhead Lighi 1843 4, 700 .00 Fey' s Roxy Theatre 504 S. 3rd Str. Inst . Main Panel 1844 16, 000 .00 City of Renton Bronson Wy. N. Ball Field Lighting E 1845 2 , 000 .00 Fey' s Rent. Theatre 507 S . 3rd Str . Repull Service 1846 700 .00 Norm Ross 3520 N.E. 4th Str. Wire New Plbg. 1847 115.00 Lila Hendrickson 2312 7th Ave. N. Ext. Ckt. and Ad. C1 1848 180 .00 Boeing Co. 10-80 Bldg. Instal. Printer 1849 300 .00 Boeing Co. Substation #3 Instal. Sump Pump E 1850 180 .00 Boeing Co. 10-85 Bldg. Inst . Microfilm Prt .1851 175 .00 Boeing Co. 10-60 Bldg. Inst. Xerox 3600 1852 .75.00 Boeing Co. 4-21 Bldg. Change C. Col. Syst 1853 .190 .00 Boeing Co. 7-65 Bldg. Relocate Div. Fin. 1854 300 . 00 Boeing Co. 10-80 Inst. Cutter and Fo E 1855 900 .00 Boeing Co. 4-04&4-17 Bldg. Rearrange Floor 1856 6 , 8.00 .00 St . Andrew' s Ldg. #35 505 Williams Ave . S .Wire New Lodge 1857 300. 00 City of Renton S . E. 100th & 112th S.E. Serv . to Pump 'Tse 1858 250 .00 Andrew A. Stricker 507 Smithers Ave.S . Rewire Hse. MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1725 McGrath Corp. 10521 132nd Pl.S .E. Inst. Plbg. & Ftrs. 1726 Tiffany Devel . Co . 15528 120th S .E. Inst. BTU Gas Furn. 1727 Tiffany Devel. Co . 11909 S .E. 154thInst. BTU Gas Furn. 1728 McGrath Corp. 13221 S .E. 106th Str . Inst . BTU Gas Furn. 1729 McGrath Corp. 10702 134th S .E. Inst. BTU Gas Furn. M 1730 McGrath Corp. 13224 S . E. 106th Str . Inst . BTU Gas Furn. 1731 McGrath Corp. 13218 S.E. 106th Str. Inst . BTU Gas Furn. 1732 McGrath Corp. 10521 132nd Pl. S. E. Inst . 100 , 000 Btu 1733 McGrath Corp. 13427 S.E. 107th Pl. inst. BTU Gas Furn 0 109 PERMITS - Page 3 April 7 , 1969 MECHANICAL PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK M. 1734 Robert A. Petty 320 13th S. Inst. Plbg. 1735 Charles Rucker 12444 132nd Ave. S. E. Inst . BTU Furn 1736 Charles Rucker 12442 132nd Ave . S. E. Inst . Wall Furn. 1737 Charles Rucker 12440 132nd Ave. S.E. Inst. Wall Furn. L738 Robert Rolfness 3901 10th N. Crt. Inst. Plbg. Fixt . —1739 Orville S . Long 2812 6th Ave. N. Inst. Gas Furn. M 1740 Emil Acierto 826 Camas Inst. Gas Furn. 1741 Robert Gates 10810 - 180 Ave. S.E. Inst. Gas Heater 1742 Central Plumbing 3520 N.E. 4th Str. Inst. Plumb & Fixt. 1743 Royal Hills , Inc . 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Inst. Plumb. & Fixt 1744 Royal Hills , Inc . 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Inst. Plumb . & Fixt M 1745 Jack Wilson 13919 - 132nd Ave. S.E. Inst. Plumb. & Fi 1746 V-O-I-D 1747 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 R. Hills Dr. Inst. Plumb . & Fixt 1748 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 R. Hills Dr . Inst. Plumb. & Fixt 1749 Kampe Constr. Co. 1624 N. E. 27th Crt. Inst . Gas Furnace M 1750 Kampe Constr. Co. 1630 N.E. 27th Crt . Inst. Gas Furnace 1751 Kampe Constr . Co . 1627' �N. E. 27th Crt . Inst . Gas Furnace 1752 Kampe Constr. Co. 1621 N.E. 27th Crt . Inst . Gas Furnace 1753 Renton Sch. Dist . #403 1601 Lk Ygs Wy Inst . Plumb & Fixt. 1754 McGrath Corp. 4131 N. E. 19th Str. Inst. Plumb & Fixt. M 1755 McGrath Corp. 1712 Whitman Ave. N.E. Inst. Plbg. & Ftr 1756 Howard Fletcher Co. 875 S .W. 7th Str . Inst. Plumbing & Fi 1757 Boeing Co. 4-63 Building Prov. Drain 1758 V-O-I-D 1759 Kampe Constr . Co. 1624 N. E. 27th Crt . Inst. P1 . & Fixt. i 1760 Kampe Constr. Co. 1621 N.E. 27th Crt . Inst. Pl . & Fixt. 1761 Kampe Constr . Co. 1627 N. E. 27th Crt. Inst . Pl. & Fixt. 1762 Kampe Constr. Co. 1630 N. E. 27th Crt . Inst . Plumb. & Fixt 1763 Dino Boscolo 1000 High Str. Inst . Gas Heat Pump SEWER PERMITS S '762 Carl Strom 11444 112th S. E. Connect Sewer 763 Norm Ross 3520 N. E. 4th Str. Connect Sewer 764 McGrath Corp. 1814 Whitman Crt. N. E. Connect Sewer S 765 McGrath Corp. 4229 N.E. 19th Str .. . Connect Sewer 766 McGrath Corp. 4222 N.E. 19th Str. Connect Sewer 767 McGrath Corp. 4216 N.E. 19th Connect Sewer 768 McGrath Corp. 4208 N.E. 19th Str . Connect Sewer 769 McGrath Corp. 1806 Whitman Crt. N.E. Connect Sewer S 770 McGrath Corp. 4225 N.E. 19th Str. Connect Sewer 771 '. McGrath Corp. 1746 Whitman Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 772 McGrath Corp. 1738 Whitman Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 773 McGrath Corp. 4409 N.E. 17th Str. Connect Sewer 774 McGrath Corp. 1901 Vashon Crt. N.E. Connect Sewer S 775 McGrath Corp. 4100 N.E. 19th Str. Connect Sewer 776 McGrath Corp. 4219 N.E. 19th Str. Connect Sewer 777 McGrath Corp. 4232 N. E . 17th Str. Connect Sewer „ow 778 McGrath Corp. 4108 N. E. 19th Str. Connect Sewer 779 Sierra Hght El. Shl. 132nd S . E. Connect Sewer S 780 Jack Wilson 807 Union Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 781 Pat Bigley 425 Pelly Ave. N. Connect Sewer -10- E 1 0 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk April 14 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY & *INSURANCE CARRIER. P . & L . Const . Co . , Inc . request for release from bond forfeiture Acquisition of J . H . Baxter waterfront property *Claim from Northwest Bell for cable damage by backhoe COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Motion by Shane that Affidavit be prepared for low income residents to sign to allow payment of only $1 . 00 per month for water and sewer utilities COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY AND ATTORNEY HILLIS To negotiate for acquisition of highlands hospital property CITY ENGINEER AND FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Griffin Home request for Late-Comers Agreement and city participation in watermain , etc . in connection with new boys home facility LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Revision of Arterial Resolution to update to Six Year Comprehensive Street Construction Program Project List Appropriation of tax funds protested and now released , to allow hiring of four additional patrolmen Appropriation of released tax funds to cover legal fees to Hodge & Hillis for services connected with acquisition of hospital-ownecl properties ;SIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE To review regulations for underground facility locations LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Possibility of using voting machines in Renton at next General Election to allow an advisory vote by 18-21 year old persons , to be investigated with King County Election Officials MAYOR AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER Complaint from Mrs . J . G . O ' Brien regarding lawn damage during widening of North 3rd Street Development of area under freeway for parking purposes in vicinity of access to Renton Hill PARK DIRECTOR To act on behalf of Park Board in acquisition of J . H . Baxter property PLANNING COMMITTEE Motion by Shane that no type of housing be allowed in either L-1 or H-1 zoning districts PROPERTY COMMITTEE To recommend fee to be charged for rental space in Municipal Building for office use by County Councilman Tom Forsythe after May- 1 . APPOINTMENT Mrs . Winnifred Jones - Confidential Secretary, Police Dep ' t . , eff . 4/16/69 MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 4/16/69 - Light & Power Committee in Chairman ' s Council Office 4/16/69 - Meeting at Hillcrest School at 3 : 30 p .m. to discuss Sunset Blvd . improvement , Edmonds Ave . N . E . to Monroe 4/21/69 - Committee of the Whole at 7 : 00 p .m. 4/23/69 - Committee of the Whole at 7 : 30 p .m. 5/13/69 - Public Hearing by Highway Dep ' t . re Renton-Maplewood Project 2 : 00 p.m. , American Legion Hall 7/16=18 - Association of Washington Cities Convention , Wn . Plaza Hotel , Seattle , Wn . 1 x RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk SII NATES April 14 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W . Custer, Mayor , in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , at 8 : 00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Barei , Grant , Shane , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Delaurenti , Schellert , and Morris . Absent : Trimm . " MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN BE EXCUSED . THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D. W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . Council President Perry inquired if there were corrections or additions to the Minutes of the previous meeting . Councilman Schellert expressed concern for plural of recommendations accepted by the Council in the Property Com- mittee report regarding vacation of streets and alleys in the Earlington Flats Public Hearing action . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CHANGE THE WORD TO RECOMMENDA- TION . It was noted that no motion had been made to break the recommendations into parts and City Attorney Shellan , upon inquiry , cautioned against such revision without spelling out exactly what is being approved , otherwise , problems to possibly be compounded. He pointed out that there is no vacation until all conditions of such vacation have been met and payment made as per provisions of the Vacating Ordinance . THE PENDING MOTION LOST . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIM , TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 7 , 1969 AS WRITTEN AND MAILED OUT . Mrs . Helen Shook noted reference to annexation petition now circulating within proposed L. I . D. area which should be 263 ..and not 265 . Inclusion of the notation acknowledged , the pending MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBER EDWARDS SUBMITTED LEGISLATION ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL THIS DATE AS FOLLOWS : ORDINANCE 2477 was read changing the zoning classification of certain pro- perties within the City from "Apartments , Multiple Dwellings" , (R-4) , to Residential District (R-3) . (Johnston-Campanella-Murakami property located on NW corner of Puget Drive and Benson Hwy. ) Shane questioned the R-4 not allowing what R-3 does and felt Code revisions might be in order . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO PLACE Tf1!.,, DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL, READING . CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT ?OAS MOVIi,D BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCE NO . 2478 was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Public Use District (P-1) , to Business District , (B-1) . (Hospital District property located on Rainier Avenue) MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO PLACE THE DOCUMrNIT ON SECOND AND ?INAL READING . CARRIED . AFTER THE FINAL RVADING , IT WAS MOVED BY MORRIS , ""SECONDED BY PERRY , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . THE ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION : Committed of the Whole report was read recommending purchase of waterfront property on Lake Washington for park and recreation purposes at a price not to exceed $310 , 000 . 00 , provided seller , J . H . Baxter Co . arrange for perma- nent easement across the railroad tracks , owned by Northern Pacific Ry . Co . , and said conveyance to be free of encumbrances which would interfere with development by the City? the City Attorney ani Park Director , acting for the Park Board , to negotiate tTer�efor.""?C6nE—.—'i ext ppage -I- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4/14/69 RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION : (Cont . ) Committee of The Whole Report MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTION No . 1618 was read authorizing acquisition negotiations for waterfront property along Lake Washington owned by the J . H . Baxter Co . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECOND BY GRANT TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ , THE MOTION CARRIED . INTRODUCTION : Mayor Custer at this time introduced Mr . Tom Forsythe , King County Council- man representing the 6th District , as of May 1 . Welcomes were extended by various Councilmen and by the public in a greeting of applause . Shane in- quired whether space might be made available in the Municipal Building for rental to the County to allow an office for Councilman Forsythe , it being centrally located for service to the District . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BAREI , THAT THE CITY MAKE SPACE AVAILABLE TO THE COUNTY FOR USE BY MR. FORSY'1!111.' IN PERFORMANCE OF HIS DUTIES AS COUNTY COUNCILMAN , AT A NOMINAL FEE . CARRIED . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MAXIN TO REFER THE CHARGES TO BE MADE FOR SUCH RENTAL TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Mr . Forsythe thanked the Council for this action advising that he had dis- cussed rental on parttime basis and perhaps he pay a nominal rental fee himself in the interim, but the County cannot be rendered any formal re- quest until after May 1 , when offices are assumed . He expressed pleasure in attending the meeting this evening . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from Mrs . J . G . O ' Brien , 243 Williams Avenue North , filed complaint that portion of her lawn had been damaged during the widening of 3rd Avenue North and is yet to be replaced . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR AND THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER. CARRIED. Letter from P . & L . Construction Company , Inc . requested release from bond forfeiture in connection with L . I .D . 261 bid wherein error was claimed by the contractor reporting he is unable to contract the job as quoted , his bid of $89 , 922 . 25 being due to an omission of some computation causing the bid to be some $27 , 795 . 00 below that intended . Engineering estimate on the job was $116 , 000 . 00 and second low bid $124 , 154 . 88 and $151 , 000 . 00 approx . , respectively . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY . CARRIED . Mr . Locke , of P . & L . , advised that he has released the City to proceed with immediate bid award to second low bidder and he feels $4 , 300 . 00 is a very great penalty which will damage his business greatly . He requested a release of forfeiture , his error in addition deemed to be an obvious one and the consequences otherwise greater than warranted . Letter from City Engineer Wilson advised that in order to qualify for Arterial Street Funds the improvement must be listed in the City ' s Six Year Construction Program and the street must be designated an arterial by Resolution . It was requested that the Arterial Resolution be updated to include arterials as listed in the six year construction program accord ingly . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY ZDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION . CARRIED . Letter from Matsen , Cory , Matsen & Sprague , Attorneys at Law, on behalf of Friends of Youth , Inc . , non-profit corporation operating the Griffin Home at on Lake Washington Blvd . North in Renton , requested new watermain Late-Comers Agreement and city participation in oversize requirements for future service areas and that portion of cost on railroad property . New watermain and fire hydrants to be installed in connection with construction of a new home for ten additional boys . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE REQUESTS TO THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ENGINEER. THE MOTION CARRIED . -2- � r , Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4/14/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from the Water Pollution Control Commission reported approval of plans and specifications for the Royal '-sills Apartment sewer ex- tension project . Claim for damages was read filed against the City by Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company for damage to underground cable from backhoe operation in water meter placement at 17820 E . Valley Highway . $225 . 00 was estimated amount of damage . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED . Shane inquired regarding location of underground facilities and MOVED THAT THE EXISTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY REGARDING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES BE REVIEWED AND STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS BE REVISED AS MAY BE FOUND NECESSARY UPON RECOMMENDATION OF THE LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Convention Bulletin from the Association of Washington Cities urged "Talking it Up" in regard to the July 16 , 17 and 18 , Seattle Convention. Place : Washington Plaza Hotel . Mayor Custer advised that one other communication had been received con- cerning a public hearing meeting on May 13 , at 2 : 00 p .m. on Renton- Maplewood highway to beheld in the American Legion Hall , Renton , and a detailed map relative thereto is located in the Traffic Engineering Department ' s 4th Floor Conference Room. This may involve some Cedar River Park area . A meeting also will be held on Wednesday afternnon at Hillcrest School to discuss Sunset Blvd . improvements , Edmonds Ave . N .E . to Monroe , at 3 : 30 p .m. AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mrs . Helen Shook requested the Council to consider applying any bond forfeiture funds on L . I .D . 261 to the project costs to reduce the assessments to the property owners . Mr . Sydney Locke of P . & L . Construction expressed hope that the Council would not require the forfeiture it being noted that the bid was 30% below the engineering estimate which was very evidently due to error and $4 , 300 . 00 was felt to be a terrible penalty for an individual to _pay , a unit price on item #1 being location of error in that he missed a sheet of figures resulting in omission in tabulation . The earnest effort given in circulating petitions for acquiring necessary signatures to initiate Sanitary Sewer L . I . D . projects was acknowledged and Councilman Shane commended Mrs . Shook and Mr . Storey for the time contributed to this cause . Mr . N . B . Adams , 1800 Beacon Way South urged the Council to attend a Board of Adjustment meeting and to also tour the area to view proposed project since any variance from the Code if granted will be appealed by residents of the area where the development company has requested lesser set back for residential construction . (Lake Youngs Way & 151st Ave . So . ) (Bd of Adjustment meeting ,Wednesday , April 16th . ) APPOINTMENTS : Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs . Winnifred Jones to position of Confidential Secretary , April 16 , 1969 to commence six-months probationary period as required by Civil Service Rules and Regulations . Civil Service certification and Chief of Police Williams ' recommendation were attached . Council President Perry reported approval by Committee of the Whole recommendation and MOVED TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BAREI AND CARRIED . -3- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4/14/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Whole Report was read recommending that Council President George Perry and Attorney Jerry Hillis be appointed as the negotiating representatives of the council for-the purchase of the hospital property located in the Renton Highl,hias area of the City . Various prices were discussed as possible limit for negotiation . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . SHANE ABSTAINED . Councilman Garrett inquired as to cost of the annual Audit by the State and City Clerk Nelson advised she would check the amount and report . Councilman Shane reported that figures were not available as to number of persons residing in the City with limited incomes of disability or Social Security pensions of $ 250 . 00 per month or less for purpose of granting water and sewer charges of only $1 . 00 per month and MOVED THAT AN AFFIDAVIT BE PREPARED WHICH MIGHT BE FILED WITH THE CITY BY SUCH PERSONS . GRANT SECONDED THE MOTION . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE MOTION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION . CARRIED . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS REPORTED APPROVAL OF CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS NOS . 1264 THROUGH 1474 AND' MOVED THAT SAME BE APPROVED By THE COUNCIL FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 1264 - 1330 $ 17 , 245 . 69 City Street Fund 1331 - 1355 15 , 278 . 43 Cedar River M. & I . 1356 - 1360 2 , 119 . 55 Equipment Rental Fund 1361 - 1376 1 , 272 . 79 Library Fund 1377 - 1418 10 , 688 . 78 Park Fund 1419 - 1436 2 , 064 . 08 Waterworks Utility 1437 - 1464 37 , 329 . 70 Airport Fund 1465 - 1472 1 , 550 . 95 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 1473 44 . 00 Urban Arterial Fund 1474 44 , 983 . 77 $132 , 577 . 74 Councilman Schellert inquired regarding time element on L . I . D . 261 Bid award and it was pointed out that the low bidder had absolved the City of liability by relinquishing the execution period as per his letter and verbal statement . Attention was called to P . & L . ' s report that the company could not do the job for bid price and Sanitation Committee re- port which provided for bid award to second low bidder in event of re- linquishment by low bidder , and it was now in order for the City Clerk to notify the second low bidder accordingly . WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT submitted report which was read recommending that the March 17th request of the Renton Credit Union for authorization to require salary and retirement fund assignments with all loan applications be granted . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN DELAURENTI submitted report on March 24 referral for additional police department personnel and it was recommended that the request to hire four new patrolmen be approved . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR. Shane caller' attention to per capita ratio of police protection as compared to other cities and it was noted that the daytime population of the City of Renton is not its normal population and that the ratio may therefore not be quite exact . Increased activity in other areas in addition to traffic were cited which need greater attention warranting the additional personnel . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED . WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT , on referral of 3/24/69 , for funding of additional police personnel salaries , recommended that $ 20 . 024 . 00 , to allow four additional patrolmen for seven months of 1969 , be appropriated unto Current Fund 1185 , Police Patrol , 110 , Salaries and Wages and sums into M. & 0 . , Employee Benefits , as followC : 200 , Retirement , $840 . 00 ; 201 , Emp . Sec . , $1 , 687 . 00 ; 202 , Medical , $280 . 00 ; 203 , Ind . Ins . $84 . 00 ; and 204 , Standard Insurance , $91 . 00 , from released taxes paid under pro- test which may now be expended . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT , -4- 115 Minutes - Renton City Council 4/14/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . Councilman Schellert speaking first on the ' question regarding released tax funds ,perWays and Means Committee report , citing his chairmanship to prevail for such ruling ,was advised of his privilege under rules of order , to close debate . THE MOTION CARRIED . Shane opposed . WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT was read regarding referral of 4/7/69 for funding of legal fees to cover services of Attorneys Hodge and Hillis retained to represent the City in acquisition of the highlands area property owned by Hospital District No . 1 . It was recommended the fees be funded from taxes held for protest and now released which balance " after funding for new patrolmen , will be $30 , 426 . 30 which may be now appropriated into the budget for expenditure . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND 'MEANS COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry reported he would be meeting with Attorney Hillis regarding the acquisition of the hospital property and that he would be calling a Committee of the Whole meeting later in the week as may be needed . A meeting of the Committee of the Whole is planned for April 21 at 7 : 00 p .m. in the upstairs conference room and one on April 23 , at 7 : 30 p .m. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT requested additional time for Committee study of the asphalt bids and fOr SPECIAL BUILDING COMMITTEE study of request for release of retained percentage on the Municipal Bldg . Mechanical Contract to McKinstry Company . GRANTED . LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT announced a meeting on Wednesday April 16 , at 7 : 00 p .m. in his council office on the 6th floor . COUNCILMAN SHANE suggested that at least 8 voting machines be provided ...yin the City of Renton for the next General Election to allow persons to . vote at 18 , and to be used as an advisory ballot with volunteers from the Renton High School to handle the machines , which action would give the elected officials an idea of how such an age group would vote . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE POSSIBILITY WITH COUNTY OFFICIALS TO DETERMINE COSTS AND FEASIBILITY AND REPORT BACK . CARRIED . Shane called attention to use allowed in R-3 but restricted in R-4 . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BAREI , THAT NO TYPE OF HOUSING BE ALLOWED IN EITHER LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (L-1 ) OR HEAVY INDUSTRIAL (H-1) ZONING DISTRICTS . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Councilman Shane called attention to the stadium bond issue and the fact that the cost was going to be greater than was estimated . It was noted by Mayor Custer that the bond issue will not increase but the tax burden will be greater and costs are rising . Grant noted that the hotel and motel receipts are not as, high.and have to be made up . Mayor Custer reported that the Downtown Merchant ' s Assn , will not be par- ticipating to provide parking under the freeway at Renton Hill access , it being deemed of benefit to the general public ,the city and its employees . MOVED BY _DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GARRETT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE .... MAYOR AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO 'REPORT BACK. After discussion regarding needs for city employees and the city ,which may be desirable in the future , and present uses including parking in the city and riding to work with someone else and picking the car up again at night , the pending MOTION CARRIED . Mayor Custer advised some reimbursement is anticipated in con- nection with improvements which -the City may undertake . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED . The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 55 p .m . D � W. uster , Mayor Helmi.e W. Nelson ,- City Clerk -5- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4-14-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1699 $ 2, 850 .00 Holmes Electric 15025 86th Ave. S . Inst. Sign 1700 3 , 000. 00 Bronco of Renton 530 Rainier Ave. S . Erect Elect. Sign 1701 18, 500 .00 Parkwood Homes , Inc. 760 S . 27th Str . Const . Fam. Resid. 1702 400 . 00 Ace Maroni 800&806 N. lst Str. Reroof 2 Resid_ 1703 16 , 000 .00 McGrath Corp. 1711 Anacortes Ave . N.E. Cons . Fam. :es 1704 21, 000 . 00 Bertram R. Slater 5022 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Const . Fam. ,r�s . B 1705 Elizabeth Rivily 1212 S . W. 16th Demolish Residence 1706 Elizabeth Rivily 1222 S. W. 16th Demolish Rest. Bldg 1707 500.00 Eileen Callman 112 S. 3rd Str. Panel Units 1708 100 .00 Irene ' Laitila 536 Williams Ave . S . Erect Fence 1709 14 , 000 .00 E. Wechselberger 521 Lind Ave . N.W. Constr . New Resid. B 1710 11000 . 00 Pacific Car&Fnd. Co. 1400 N. 4th Str. Wood Shelter Addit 1711 1 ,000 . 00 James C. Frichette 2416 N. E. 9th Pl. Enlarge Exist . Pat 1712 5, 300 . 00 Ted Gusa 1009 Shelton Ave. S .E. Cabana Addit . 1713 500 .00 J. C. Starling 1512 Ferndale Ave. S.E. Enclose Carport 1714 V-O-I-D ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1859 79, 496. 00 Renton Schl. Dis.#403 1601 Lake Youngs Wy. Wire Elem. Schl. 1860 400 .00 Robert Petty 320 S . 13th Str. Wire New Resid. 1861 17 , 800 .00 City of Renton 3rd N. & Sunset Inst. Traffic Sign 1862 200. 00 Ted Gusa 1009 Shelton Ave. S . E. Wire Pool 1863 V-O-I-D 1864 1, 100 .00 Dr . Salter 327 Morris Ave. S. Wire Clinic Bldg. E 1865 200 .00 Boeing Co . 4-63 Bldg. Relocate MicroscQp 1866 150 .00 Boeing Co. 10-80 Bldg. Rearrange MaiSte om 1867 700 .00 Boeing Co . 10-80 Bldg. Switch Boardov 1868 40 . 00 Boeing Co . 4-21 Bldg. Convert Data 1869 200 .00 Boeing Co . 10-80 Bldg . Install Xerox 3600 E 1870 250 .00 Boeing Co. 10-50 Bldg. Ground Spray Booth 1871 250.00 Boeing Co . 4-21 Bldg. Sprinkler Valve Hs, 1872 165 .00 Boeing Co . 10-85 Bldg. Inst. Xerox 2400 1873 190 .00 Boeing Co . 7-65-02 Bldg. Inst . Printer 1874 50 .00 Boeing Co . 4-03 Bldg. Elevate Outlet E 1875 50 .00 Mike H. Yamashita 1700 Anacortes Ave. N.E. 4 outlets in 1876 250 .00 Citizens Say. & Loan S 2nd & Williams Ave. S . Inst . Recess.F ' 1877 450 .00 Tiffany Devel. Co . 1720 Ferndale Ave . S.E. Wire Family Res MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1764 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 R. Hills Dr. Inst . Plumb & Fixt 1765 Pearl & Patricia Ank 2400 N. E. 16th Str. Inst. Septic Tank 1766 McGrath Corp. 1711 Anacortes Ave . N.E. Inst . Plumbin 1767 Alton Tomlinson 309 N.W. 7th Str. Inst. Gas Water He 1768 Boeing Co . 4-63 Bldg. Rel. Electron Micr 1769 McGrath Corp. 1712 Whitman Ave . N. E. Inst. Gas, Furnac M 1770 McGrath Corp. 4131.N.E. 19th Str. Inst. Gas Furnace 1771 McGrath Corp. 1711 Anacortes Ave. N. E. Inst. Gas Furn SEWER PERMITS S 782 Orville Long 2906&2908 N. E. 6th Pl. Connect Sewer 783 R. J. Kingen 9304 Lk. Wn. Blvd. Connect Sewer -6- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of City Clerk April 21 , 1969 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE fatter of placing type of government desired for Renton on November ballot """Procedure regarding bids and award policy for firms located some distances from City ACTING CITY ATTORNEY AND BOND COUNSEL Emergency Ordinance re City acquisition of hospital district property located in the Highlands LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE L . I . D . 260 Final Assessment Roll Approved Dog Leash Ordinance (Ordinance No . 2479 adopted PLANNING COMMITTEE Puget Sound See Gulls request for Ordinance revision to allow parking of vacation properties without being under cover TKAi •h5 ON PROPERTY COMMITTEE Pioneer 4 , Real Estate , offer of Mr . Matthew Rinaldi to sell property to the City adjoining that owned by the hospital district in the Highlands [EETINGS AND EVENTS : April 23 , 1969 - Light and Power Committee at 7 : 00 p .m. , 4th floor conference room . Fire and Water Committee at 7 : 30 p .m. , Chairman Bruce ' s office Committee of the Whole at 8 : 00 p ,m. , 6th floor conf . room April 28 , 1969 - Public Hearing on Proposed Emergency Ordinance re Funding for City acquisition of property owned by Hospital Dist . #1 . RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING M I N U T E S Office of the City Clerk April 21 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W. Custer , Mayor , in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building at 8 : 00 P .M . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : PERRY , BAREI , GRANT , SHANE , BRUCE , MAXIN , EDWARDS , GARRETT , TRIMM, DELAURENTI , SCHELLERT AND MORRIS . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. CUSTER, MAYOR, HELMIE W. NELSON , CITY CLERK , G . M. SHELLAN , CITY ATTORNEY , CLARENCE WILLIAMS , CHIEF OF POLICE , VIC TEGANTVOORT , STREET COMMISSIONER, JACK WILSON , CITY ENGINEER, DEL BENNETT , TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND BERNARD RUPPERT , BUILDING DIRECTOR . Council President Perry invited corrections or additions to the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 14 , 1969 and since none were offered MOVED THAT THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS MAILED OUT . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED . PUBLIC HEARING : Final Assessment Roll , L . I . D . 260 , Watermains , vicinity of 92nd Ave . South and South 180th Street This being the date set , the hearing was declared open. Audience comment was invited along with reading of any communications . There being neither , it was MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , THE HEARING BE CLOSED . CARRIED . MOVED BY MAXIN , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO ACCEPT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL AS FILED WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed Dog Leash Law This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Petition bearing 94 signatures was read declaring support of a dog leash law and urging the adoption of such legislation to effect same . Petition commenced with the name of Lloyd G . Atwood , 252 Earlington Avenue S .W. and ended with H . H . Martin , 455 Index Avenue N .E . Letter was also read from Mr . M . L . Jines casting"absentee ballot"in favor of the proposed law. Audience comment was invited and those speaking for proposed legislation included Mrs . Anna Laush , 196 Hardie Avenue S .W . , Slavic American Club Secretary , .whose ' letter requesting a leash law had been submitted to the Council previously and reply and notice of this hearing reported to have been receiVed .Mr . W. C . Tucker , 150 Oakesdale Ave . S .W . , noting destruction to his gardening efforts ; Mr . Leo Ponke , 632 Index Avenue N . E . , noting hazards to school children as well as adults of the neighborhood , Mr . Jeff Arthur , 400 S .W. 4th Place , calling attention to great number of dogs running loose , two being recently killed on the road ; Mr . Dick Stelzmiller , 507 Langston Road inquired whether the law would be enforced and was advised that this is the big problem since often the dog has left the premises when; the animal control officer arrives , the people being reluctant to catdh and hold the'.dogs . • Yet ;. people who- are f,&miliar might retain the dog where the animal control officer is a stranger and the dogs run from him . These were some of the problems cited by the Mayor and it was noted that the present Ordinance provides for controls of most' items aited . The differences in the new proposal were read which include that unleashed anim0 s roaming away from owners premises , licensed or not , are in violation and subject to impounding ; also trespass provisions. as well as disturbing, the peace are included in the law, and constitute daily offenses . Also speaking on the new legislation were Mr . Archie Graham , 408 I Street , inquiring ' if license is to be required if the dog is kept in the yard ,who was advised licensing would still be necessary ; Mrs . Edna Kostner , 438 Renton Avenue South; Mr . John Vroman , 901 S .W. 3rd Place , calling attention to garbage litter being caused by stray dogs ; Mr . Ron Goss , 2720 S .E . 116th Street ; Mr . Robert Long , 2030 N . E . 20th Street , Mr . George Madden , 410 SW Langston Place ; Mrs . Richard Keirn , 905 Edmonds Ave . N . E . suggested raising fees to increase revenue needed for additional enforcement . Increasing impound fees was also suggested . The City Attorney noted thata fine can go to $300 . 00 or °0 day-S , -now .by court action under existing 8fatutes ,, however , complaint must be filed and owner or custodian identified ; new law provides that it is unlawful to ream if licensed or not . -1- 119 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/21/69 PUBLIC HEARING : Dog Leash Law (Cont . ) Police Chief Williams introduced Mr . Lambert , King County Humane Society Director , who suggested a graduated fine be levied on persons for subsequent offenses , noting that only 1/3 of the dogs are redeemed which are impounded which leaves quite a number for disposition . Some further discussion ensued regarding additional personnel for enforcement of the new ordinance , costs for services of the County , procedure for filing complaints , fees for the license tags , impounding and for putting dogs to sleep , and the language of the proposed ordinance with regard to effectiveness and enforcement . After closing comments it was MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CLOSE THE HEARING . THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE HEARING WAS DECLARED CLOSED . Further Council action was invited and it was MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . Grant had proposed amendment for report back with continuation of the public hearing , however , the amendment lost . MOTION CARRIED . (See later Ordinance adoption) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION : Letter from City Clerk Nelson was read reporting need for fund transfer to properly classify a Legal Department budgetary allocation . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOM- MENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK . CARRIED . LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHARIMAN TRIMM submitted proposed Resolution amending the City ' s Arterial Street Program along with the City ' s Compre- hensive Street Program, incorporating modifications to include and designate arterials and highways as specified on Exhibit A attached thereto . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1619 AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTION NO . 1620 was read authorizing approEriation of excess revenues unto Current Fund , Legal Department 1130/314 , Expert Services , in sum of $1 , 500 . 00 to provide payment for services of special legal counselregardi.ng acquisition of the highlands property owned by the hospital District . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION ww AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTION NO . 1621 was read , authorizing transfer of Legal Department Funds $2 ,250 . 00 , from 1130/160 Salaries , unto M . & 0 . Expert SeY-vices , '314 , the proper expending classification , as per City Clerk ' s recommendation . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTION NO . 1622 was read authorizing appropriation of excess revenues in sum of $ 20 , 024 . 00 unto Current Fund , Salaries & Wages , Police Patrol , 1185/110 and 200 , Retirement , $840 . 00 ; 201 , Emp . Sec . , $1 , 687 . 00 ; 202 , Medical , $ 280 . 00 ; 203 , Ind . Ins . , $84 . 00 and 204 , Standard Ins . , $91 . 00 , to allow hiring of four additional patrolman . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . Proposed motion by Grant , second by Shane to reconsider the action of last week in approving the new patrolmen lost . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED . Grant abstained and Shane voted no . PROPOSED ORDINANCE of the City was read amending Sections 5-1604 , 5-1605 , and 5-1606 of Chapter 16 , Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to the control of dogs . Proposed motion by Shane , second by Maxin to refer back to Committee to review lost,., as well as proposal by Grand: seco..d by Barei to change word from shall to will impound ,which it was felt would leave no discretion to impounding officer ' s judgment . MOVED BY MAXLN , ; SECOND BY SHANE , TO AMEND THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO INSERT THE WORDS "OF NOTICE" IN SEC . 5-1605 , line 15 , "forty eight hours after service-of notice- unto the owner - - - ; and Sec . 5-1606 , line 7 , to INSERT WORDS "AND/OR ON" , --or not , to run at large in -and/or on- any--- THE MOTION CARRIED . Grant suggested fee for impounding be $ 15 . 00 rather than $5 . 00 . It was noted this is a fee set , collected and retained by King Co . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY SaHRA�1E , TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE AS AMENDED , ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING ./ctint� opposed . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECOND BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2479 AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN WITH ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE EXCEPT GRANT . THE MOTION CARRIED . -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/21/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) Dog Control Ordinance Various referral motions were proposed , it subsequently being MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE MATTER OF FEES IN REGARD TO DOG CONTROL , TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE THE MOTION CARRIED . Proposed Ordinance was placed on introductory reading amending Chapter 6 of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , relating to removal of weeds , providinafor the enforcement thereof , and prescribing penalties for the violation . ( Including blackberry and scotch broom growth as obnoxious weeds . ) MOVED BY TRIMM , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE AND COPY BE FURNISHED EACH COUNCIL- MAN . THE MOTION CARRIED . Council President Perry reported that he and Attorney Hillis had met with the Hospital Commission and that $400 , 000 . 00 is the price negotiated for city acquisition of the property located in . the Highlands owned by the Hospital District . Committee of the Whole report and letter from the Valley General Hospital Board of Commissioners was presented . The Majority report of Committee was read recommendingthat the Resolution authorizing negotiation for 'purchase of the property be adopted . Schellert submitted Minority Report of the Committee signed by he , Maxin and Edwards , recommend- ing that the City not acquire the property at this time and that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for rezone to the highest and best use which is in best interest of the community . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAJORITY REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . MOVED BY GRANT , SECOND BY SCHELLERT , AUDIENCE COMMENT BE ENTERTAINED . CARRIED . Mr . Gene McDaniels felt the price was out of line offering 26 acres of property in the May Creek area to the City . Mr . Art Scholes agreed with the cost factor noting the City need not allow apartment zoning as had been mentioned . Mr . Archie Graham urged the acquisition and improveme of what he termed now to be a sand pit , noting valuable view and that high rise apartments would be the alternative with resulting need for schools and additional services and future ghetto resulting . Mrs . Janine Ingram , noting comments regarding tabulation of votes and percentages defeating the issue stated that those who did not vote should have no voice . Mrs . Margaret Evans noted potential 22 lots for $18 , 181 . 00 each and that high rise sur- rounded by R-1 would not be in the best community interest , the present apartment developments in the area allowing the children no place to play . Attention was called to prior 7 acre park site which had never been de- veloped as had been planned . Mr . Leo Ponke noted removal from the tax rolls if the City acquires the land the tax base otherwise to be increased . After further discussion regarding possible court actions in event of rezone or if the City decides against acquisition , the PENDING MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND DISSENTING VOTE BROUGHT ROLL CALL REQUEST AND i'IE VOTE . Aye : Perry , Grant , ' Bruce , Garrett , Delaurenti and Morris . No : Barei , Shane , Maxin , Edwards , Trimm and Schellert , Mayor Custer voted Aye . THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTION NO . 1623 WAS READ . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . Upon inquiries regarding financing , Attorney Hillis suggested amendment by counter-offer that acquisition be subject to adequate financing being provided by the City . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE SUGGESTIONS OF ATTORNEY HILLIS , AND THE RESOLUTION BE AMENDED ACCORDINGLY . Mr . John Barnes noted the voters had turned down the acquisition and he did not see why the matter was being argued at all . Letter from the Valley General Hospital Board of Commissioners , Hospital District No . 1 , advised that $400 , 000 . 00 was an agreed price which offer shall remain open through Monday , April 21 , 1969 at which time the Council.- shall pass a Resolution approving the purchase at said price , in cash , and direct preparation of emergency ordinance to provide funds for such purchase . Proposed sale shall be submitted to Superior Court for approval as required by statute and full price paid to the Hospital District on or before June 15 , 1969 . Further remarks pro and con brought call for the question on the motion to amend and the vote which carried . DISSENTING VOICE VOTE ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED BROUGHT REQUESTS FOR ROLL CALL WHICH WAS TAKEN AS FOLLOWS : Aye : Perry , Morris , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Bruce , and Grant . No : Schellert , Edwards , Maxin , Shane and Barei . The motion carried , 7 to 5 , adopting Resolution No . 1623 ,, as amended . (Cont . ) -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/21/69 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed emergency ordinance declaring that an emergency exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for the purchase of a parcel of real property located in the Highlands District of Renton , hearing date to be set . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , THAT THE DATE OF APRIL 28 , BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE . MOVED BY PERRY SECONDED BY GRANT , TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE A REFERRAL TO THE CITY ' S kCTING ATTORNEYS AND ITS BOND COUNSEL . Publication cited asa matter of course . WNW MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO RECESS FOR 5 MINUTES . CARRIED . After the recess , roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as were previously listed . Amendment carried and .ipon dissent , roll call vote was taken on original motion as amended , to-wit : .AVe : Perry ,. Barei , Grant ,Bruce , Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti . No . Shane , Maxin . -'dwards and ScfiYll.ert .CARRIED . Pioneer -4 offered , for Mr . Mathew Rinaldi , to sell property to Lhe City adjoining the highlands property owned by the hospital district . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . (Hodge & Hillis , Acting Attorneys and Roberts , Shefel- man , Lawrence Gay & Moch, Bonding Counsel) (One more than majority required to pass the subject Ordinance) Letters from King County Board of Commissioners reported approval of City of Renton Annexation Ordinances No . 2471 and 2472 , A68-07 , Goldsmith et al properties and A68--06 , Sanders et al properties , distributed and placed on record accordingly . Report of the City Clerk, per request of 'Councilman Garrett , reported that the cost for the 1967 State Auditor ' s examination was $2 , 465 . 05 which amount covered examiner's services in the City from October 17 through December 10 , 1968 , in which the State did not participate nor contribute any of the cost . Councilman Garrett noted his effort to get a bill passed to allow certified public accountants to perform the audit which he felt would cost less . Written requests were read for authorization to allow Vic TeGantvoort and —Councilmen Bruce and Grant to attend the National American Public Works Congress and Equipment Convention , in Cleveland , Ohio , September 13 through 18 , 1969 . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUESTS . THE MOTION CARRIED . Shane opposed . Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that samples for Water Project 272 have passed purity tests and accepted April 18 by the Engineering Department . Council acceptance as of April 21 , 1969 was recommended with commencement of the thirty day lien period this date . If after said period no lens or claims have been filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabiiity , it is recommended the retained amount of $2 , 132 . 14 be released to Gesner -& Brown , Inc . Contractor . CAG 1388-69 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TIoNS OF THE CITY ENGINEER. THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from the Renton Board of Adjustment was read along with Planning Committee report , recommending that Mr . Harvey H . Campbell be issued a Conditional Permit to allow two trailers to be parked in his yard for a one year period , subject to compliance with Chapter 23 , Title 5 , Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , said action resulting from referral by Council of 4/21/69 appeal by Mr . Campbell . MOVED BY MAXIN , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BOARD OF ?ADJUSTMENT AND PLANNING COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from the League of Women Voters of Renton , Mrs . Robert Plut , Pres . , commended the City for beautification of the Cedar River Bank urging con- tinuation of such policy of enhancing natural attribute and reflecting a pride in the community . Councilman Barei called attention to islands on South Second Street which had been landscaped and noted need for attention , many of the planting: not surviving . Letter from See Gulls Trailer Club of Puget Sound requester' r:hange ir: City Ordinance which requires travel trailers to be parker"x under cover , since many families now own trailers and keep them in their yards . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SIIANE , TO REFER THE NATTLR TO THE PL `,^'NING COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Mr . ;iarold Deardot:ff , Pres . to be advised of the action . -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/21/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BAREI , THE CITY AT THE REGULAR NOVEMBER ELECTION ALLOW THE PEOPLE TO VOTE ON THE TYPE OF GOVERNMENT DESIRED FOR RENTON . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . Council President Perry noted the matter had already been referred and was to be discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for Wednesday , April 23 . The motion carried LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT announced a meeting on Wednesday , April 23 , at 7 : 00 p .m. in the 4th floor conference room . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE , reported that the Committee had gone on a field trip and will be reporting regarding provision- of access to the Lake Washington Beach area . STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT submitted recommendation of majority of the Street and Alley Committee for award of bid on asphalt requirements for the City . Committee Member Grant requested time for additional study of the bids , it being noted that Rainier Asp'ialt would be low bidder overall except zor the fact. Red-S,imm. mining , Inc . did not bid on Cold Mix but was low on others . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY GRANT , AWARD 'E EE�,D FOR ADDITIONAL WEEK . CARRIED . (See further comments and motion regarding specifications) P'r',OPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI , submitted report recommending that the City advertise for declaration of interest on the part of restaurant operators for operation of the Municil)al Lunchroom, the Proposals therefor to oe filed with the Mavor ' s office by 5 : 00 p .m . , May 14 , 1969 , which will then be reviewed and therecommendations forwarded to the Property Committee and the City Council for further action . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF "HE PROP"RTY COMMITTEE . CARRIED . COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY ANNOUNCED A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT 8 : Q0 P .M . ON WEDNESDAY , APRIL 23 in the 6th floor conference roam . . Items to be discussed will be the committee to study possible new form of government for Renton and Councilman Shane ' s request regarding reduction of utility costs for persons on limited incomes . FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE ANNOUNCED A COMMITTEE MEETING ON WEDNESDAY at 7 : 30 p .m. in his Council office and the City Engineer was requested to attend . MOVED BY MAXIN , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , bidding procedure be studied with regard to specification provision to be included if bidders more than ten miles from the City are going to be excluded and limited in bidding , with referral to the Committee of the Whole for discussion . CARRIED . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS REPORTED COMMITTEE APPROVAL OF CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS NOS . 1475 THROUGH 1589 , AND MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 1475 - 1518 $ 5 , 302 . 53 City Street Fund 1519 - 1530 11 , 372 . 43 Equipment Rental 1531 - 1547 1 , 307 . 60 Library Fund 1548 157 . 90 Park Fund 1549 - 1564 27 , 702 . 56 Waterworks Utility 1565 - 1580 11 , 685 . 49 1965 Water & Sewer Cons . 1581 658 . 75 Airport Fund 1582 - 1586 147 . 06 Firemen ' s Pension 1587 64 . 79 Urban Arterial Fund 1588 - 1589 9 , 513 . 00 $ 67 , 912 . 11 As there was no further business , it was MOVED BY DELAURENT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED . The meeting was adjourned at midnight . There were 84 visitors in the Council Chambers . Mrs . Helmie Nelson , Citly Clerk D . W. Custer , Mayor -5- 123 4-21-69 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS LtiO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1715 $ 14, 598.00 McGrath Corporation 4200 N.E. 19th Str . Con. Fam. Res . 1716 175 .00 Bill & Steve Santi 215 Main Ave. S . Inst . Sign 1717 27 ,000 .00 Lynn Livergood 5030 Lk. Wn. Blvd. Con. Fam. Res . 1718 2, 300. 00 Norman Cohen 80.1 S . 2nd Str. Rem. Int . Bldg. L719 V-O-I-D a. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1878 350 .00 Kampe Constr . Co . 1627 N. E. 27th Crt. Wire Fam. Res. 1879 350 .00 Kampe Constr . Co. 1621 N. E. 27th Crt. Wire Fam. Res. E 1880 250 . 00 George W. Zvarich 1029 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Incr . Service 1881 5, 666 .00 Royal Hills, Inc . 3000 Royal H. Dr. Wire Aprt . Bldg. 1882 5 , 666.00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Wire Aprt . Bldg. 1883 5, 666. 00 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Wire Aprt. Bldg. 1884 5 , 666. 00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Wire Aprt . Bldg. E 1885 130:00 Paul F. Carman 2601 N. E. 23rd New Service 1886 250 .00 Boeing Co . 4-21-2 Bldg. Relocate Drill 1887 50 .00 Boeing Co. 4-21-2 Bldg. Convert Data Sys . 1888 240 .00 Boeing Co. 4-21-2 Bldg. Inst. Nutplate M. 1889 190.00 Boeing Co. 4-41- Bldg. Power to Gen. E 1890 150 . 00 Boeing Co . 5-44 Bldg. Heat Utitlity Ar. 1891 50 . 00 Boeing Co. 4-01 Bldg. Fluid Trans Sys . 1892 105.00 Boeing Co . 4-63 Bldg. Install Reader 1893 115 . 00 Boeing Co . 1065 Bldg. Power for Mach. 1894 160 .00 Boeing Co. 7-65-01 Bldg. Rel. Mach . E 1895 40 .00 Boeing Co. 4-21 Bldg. Convert Data Sys . L896 50 . 00 Boeing Co. 4-81 Bldg. Rel. Recept. L897 450 .00 McGrath Corp. 4232 N.E. 17th Str. Wire Fam. Res . "'1898 434.00 McGrath Corp. 4108 N.E. 19th Str. Wire Fam. Res . 1899 415 .00 McGrath Corp. 4100 N.E. 19th Str. Wire Fam. Res . E :%_`_- 00 415 .00 McGrath Corp. 1901 Vashon Crt. N. E. Wire Fam. Res. 1901 323. 00 McGrath Corp. 4308 N.E. 19th Str. Wire Fam. Res . 1902 323 .00 McGrath Corp. 1746 Whitman Ave. N. E. Wire Fam. Res. 1903 426 .00 McGrath Corp. 1738 Whitman Ave. N.E. Wire Fam. Res. MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1772 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Inst. P1. & Fixt . 1773 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Inst. Pl. & Fixt. 1774 McGrath Corp. 4200 N.E. 19th Str. Inst. Pl. & Fixt . M 1775 Dr. Salter 327 Morris Ave. S. Inst. Pl. & Fixt . 1776 Gamel Constr . 12704 88th Pl. S. Inst. Fixtures 1777 R. W. Wiehoff 1716 N. E. 16th Inst . Pl . & Fixt. 1778 R. W. Wiehoff 1716 N. E. 16th Inst. Gas Boiler 1779 Parkwood Homes 2513 Whitworth Cr. S . Inst . P1. & Fixt . M. 1780 Parkwood Homes 762 S . 25th Str . Inst. Pl. & Fixt . 1781 Bo-eing Co . 4-41 Bldg. Inst . Pipe 1782 Boeing Co. 7-65 Bldg. Rel. Vend. Mach. 1.783 Gene Meyers Towing 141 Rainier Ave. S. Inst . Space Heat. '_784 Public Hospital D#1 400 S. 43rd Str. Inst. Sprinklers hw1-785 Bertram R. Slater 5022 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Inst. Pl&Fixt . 1786 Henderson West Sloane 1215 Lincoln Pl. N.E. Inst. Pl&Fixt . SEWER PERMITS 784 Tiffany Devel. 1508 Beacon Wy S.E. Connect Sewer S 785 .Pack Merrell 3004 Lk. Wn. Blvd. Connect. Sewer 786 Parkwood Homes 2513 Whitworth Crt. S . Connect Sewer 787 Parkwood homes 2529 Burnett Crt. S. Connect Sewer 788 Parkwood Homes Inc. 762 Burnett Crt. S. Connect Sewer 789 Parkwood Homes Inc. 729 Burnett Crt. S. Connect Sewer S 790 Parkwood Homes Inc. 760 S. 27th Str. Connect Sewer 791 Parkwood Homes Inc . 2.647 Smithers Ave. S. Connect Sewer -6- 124 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk April 28, 1969 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Zoning and Comprehensive Plan designations for hospital property located in the Highlands CITY ENGINEER Petition for Sanitary Sewer L . I . D . ( 257 ) E . of FAI405 and No, of No . Renton Interchange AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final payment on CAG 1422-69 , Kitchen Equipment Contract , Greene-Todd Co . , Inc . , $12 , 996 . 75 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Additional Urban Arterial data (Resolution 1624 adopted pursuant to Resolution No . 1616) Petition from Tiffany Park area residents requesting developer be required to install adequate lighting Fund transfer in sum of $59 , 000 . 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 }n+o QiN�Hall� Co �st7r�uction nd 57- 1 f-rc IV 1&719 `om T7FF��✓y Ri ���c'�T_S ?LANNING COMMITTEE AND PLAN NGDI ECTOR PJ_anning Commission recommendation for Council to initiate B-1 rezone on the properties in vicinity of Rainier Avenue hospital site , the Planning Director to advise owners of said properties of the request POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE (With Power to Act) Child Hearing League request for No-Fee Permit for annual flower sale fund drive on Boeing Parking Lots WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of Sanitary Sewer L . I .D . ' s , 259 , Honey Creek Parks 263 , Kennydale Island area of King County , 264 , Mance Addition , 265 Kennydale inside City between Lake Wn . Blvd and FAI 405 , s ' ly of No . 28th St , APPOINTMENTS : 25 Member Committee to study forms of goverment desirable for Renton MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 4/30/69 Light and Power Committee meeting at 7 :p ,m. , Chairman ' s office 4/30/69 Planning Committee meeting at 4 : 00 p .m. in Planning Department 5/1/69 Law Day - American Bar Ass ' n . Event 5/5/69 Legislation Committee at 6 : 30 p .m . 5/5/69 Committee of the Whole at 7 : 00 p .m. , 6th floor conference room 5/12/69 Public Hearing on appeal of Tiffany Park Development Co ' , Inc . 5/23/69 Poppy Days - American Legion Fund Raising Event Ud l /2,51 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING M I N U T E S Office of City Clerk April 28 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W . Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . he Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . _OLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm , Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Vic Tegantvoort , Street Commissioner , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , James Magstadt , Asst . Planning Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF APRIL 21 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN AND MAILED OUT . CARRIED . PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed Emergency Ordinance appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for purchase of real estate located in the Highlands District of the City . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . The proposed Ordinance was read and audience comment invited . Mr . Robert Boggs objected to the $400 , 000 . 00 price of the property and inquired as to the original zoning on the property which Asst . Planning Director Magstadt advised was GS-1 or single family residential use with 35 , 000 sq. ft . lot size require- ments . Mr . Art Scholes , 1708 Ferndale S . E . inquired regarding date of acquisition and was advised it was about 10 years ago and upon inquiry as o cost at that time was advised by Mr . Norman Ross that it cost $30 , 000 . 00 hich Mr . Scholes , comparing with the present $400 , 000 . 00 price did not +•peel the council should pay . Mrs . Judith Stoleson , 1633 Ferndale added that development costs would cascade the price of the property and felt there were other properties available at a lesser cost . Mr . Frank Storey 1323 Kennewick . said that the cost was outrageous noting other possible developments and restrictive use of this location .Mr . Jim Denzer , 3613 Lake Wn . Blvd . North , noted Kennydale Beach is near condemnation from sewage and he felt the $400 , 000 . 00 should be used for trunk sewers in this area . Mr . Gene McDaniels , 1925 N . E . 31st Place ,noted funding and pointed out that if apartment zoning is forced more schools will be needed resulting in greater cost to the tax- payer . Mr . Albert Vaughn , 3013 N . E , 8th stated that since higher zoning had been previously denied and the property value should not be based on that zoning . Mr . Norman Ross , 450 Index Pl . N . E . reviewed actions of the Council resulting in a lower cost than appraisal value urging the acquisition as was given concurrence by 54 . 25% of the voters , pointing out development and self-paying recreation project in Yakima of a like nature . Further discussion ensued regarding the appraisals , comparisons to privately owned property values and availability of other properties . Mr . Bruce Hulse noted primary question to be whether a park is needed in the location and Whgther the purchase was a Park Board recommendation ; -also use as golf course , in which event people would travel some distance to use it . If it were, to be used as ' a neighborhood park it should be located near the neighborhood served , the question being is this the place for a park and did the Park Board recommend it . Norm Ross ead a letter from the Park Director recommending change in the Comprehensive lan to reflect Park and Recreation use . Mr . Boggs inquired whether the ouncil could be forced to rezone for multiple use and it was noted that a court decision would supply such an answer , it being noted that present zoning is GS-1 . At conclusion of discussion , it was MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED . CARRIED . The hearing was declared closed and further council action was invited . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY GRANT , THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND A11D FINAL READING . It was noted the proposed mode of funding is from Limited G . O . Bonds and repayment would be from within the City ' s 16 mill levy , and after discussion pro and con , the motion carried and the City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . Upon dissenting voice vote roll call requests brought the following vote : Aye : Perry , Morris , Delaurenti ; Garrett , Bruce and Grant . No : Schellert , Trimm , Edwards , Maxin , Shane and Barei . The motion lost , one more than a majority being required to carry the emergency ordinance ; also , the Mayor not required to vote . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/28/69 Discussion ensued regarding the Highlands property , and fact that vote cannot be changed if voting results have been announced , also that a motion may be made subsequently ,to reconsider , if ' on prevailing side . Pointed out was the existing designation. on the Comprehensive Plan which it was recommended ' be discussed ..in Committee ; that zoning must be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan , rezone thus would require Comprehensive Plan revision with hearings before 9::he Planning Commission and the City Council , the plan needing to be updated periodically as it may become outdated in various areas in any event . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE MATTER UNDER DISCUSSION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED . Council President Perry announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday , May 5 , at 7 : 00 p .m . in the 6th floor conference room . ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM SUBMITTED PROPOSED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No . 260 for the improvement of a certain area within the City of Renton by the construction and installation of certain water mains and appurtenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots , tracts , parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council ; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund District No . 260 of the City of Renton as created by ordinance: No . 2446 . After the introductory reading , it was MOVED BY TRIMM , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2480 AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL PRESENT VOTING AYE AND THE MOTION CARRIED . PROPOSED ORDINANCE WAS PRESENTED WHICH HAD BEEN PLACED ON FIRST READING ON April 21 , amending Chapter 6 of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to removal of weeds , providing for the enforcement thereof , and prescribing penalties for the violation . The Law and Ordinance Committee recommended second and final reading at this time . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . After the final reading , it was MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2481 AS READ . Roll call vote resulted in 10 ayes , Edwards voting No and Barei absent for the vote . The motion carried . Letter from ,lack Wilson , City Engineer , noted request of the Urban Arterial Council Chairman , for additional information to be incorporated in a Resolution , regardina additions and deletions to the City ' s Arterial Street Plan as o>>c:Ljned with a listof new street names per Resolution No . 1616 , for purpose of applying for urban arterial funds . Pursuant thereto , a supple- mental Resolution was prepared and presentation for adoption was now re- quested . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED . Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm reported recommendation for approval and the Resolution was submitted for reading , after which it was MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1624 AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Mayor Custer reported receipt of two additional items for the agenda and petition was read from residents of the Tiffany Park area urging the City to require installation of adequate lighting by the developer . Mayor Custer noted the area had been platted without lighting being required some years ago . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED . -2- 127 MINUTES - RENTCN CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/28/69 CORRESPONDENCE; AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from B . L . Ruppert , Building Director , reported completion of CAG 1422-69 , Kitchen Equipment Contract , by Greene-Todd Company , Inc . , and recommended acceptance of the equipment , final payment release and commencement of the 30-day lien period after which , if no liens or claims are filed against the project and proof of all tax liability has been received , the sum of $1 , 444 . 08 retained percentage be released . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOM- MENDATIONS WITH REFERRAL TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . SHANE OPPOSED . Letter from F . A . Grabner , Airport Director , requested authorization to attend the American Ass ' n . of Airport Executives Annual Conference in Denver , Colorado , May 24 - 28 , 1969 , with reimbursement as provided in the City Code . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF THE AIRPORT DIRECTOR. CARRIED . Letter from Tiffany Development Co . , Inc . appealed action of the Board of Adjustment on April 16 , 1969 in denial of variance per Appl . V-161-69 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY , THAT MAY 12 , 1969 BESET FOR HEARING OF THE APPEAL . CARRIED . Petition was read for creation of a Sanitary Sewer L . I .D . East of FAI 405 an,= North of the North Renton Interchange . The document contained approxi- mai- ly 78 signatures . MOVED BY TRIMM , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO CHECK SIGNATURES AND REPORT BACK AS TO VALIDITY . CARRIED . Letter frc- City Engineer Wilson reported that five sanitary sewer L . I . D . projects are currently in various stages of development and when added to the street projects and other improvements scheduled for construction this year , the Engineering Department does not have manpower enough to keep all on schedule . L . I . D . 259 , Honey Creek Park Sewer bids will be opened May 7 and city participation of the lift station will need a Resolution to appropriate the funds once exact cost has been determined . L . I . D . 261 , Kennydale Sanitary Sewers , contract has been awarded and project is now under construction and no further Council action required . L . I . D . 263 , Kennydale Island sanitary sewers , King County , no funding has been arranged and no engineering work has been accomplished . Since this area is outside the City it is requested the City crews be left free for other projects and a consulting firm be retained for this project . L . I . D . 264 , Mance Addition sewers is a relatively small project and can be worked into the department schedule . Funding will need to be arranged by the Council on this project . L . I . D. 265 , Kennydale between Lake Wn . Blvd . and FAI 405 , S ' ly . of No . 28th St . , no funding has been arranged ; some engineering work has been completed and it is recommended a surveying firm be retained to accomplish field work and right-of-way experts for the necessary easement acquisition . All costs for expert services are direct charges to the L . I . D . concerned and would not require additional funding by the City . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUESTS AS OUT- LINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER . CARRIED . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , THAT THE MATTER OF FUNDINGS BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE . CARRIED . Letter from City Clerk Nelson advised that it is now in order to transfer funds in sum of $59 , 000 . 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 unto the expending budgetary account No . 2810 , City Hall Construction Fund, to cover final building costs . Concurrence and referral to the Law and Ordi- nance Committee was recommended . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY CLERK . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , reported Planning Commission recommendation that the City Council initiate rezone for remaining P-1 and R-1 parcels in vicinity of the Rainier Avenue hospital site which rezone to B-1 would unify the area and eliminate spot zoning pocket presently in- compatible with the downtown zoning and the B-1 also being in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE . CARRIED . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY GRANT , THE UWNERS-'aF THE SUBJECT PROPERTIES BE ADVISED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OF THE COMMISSION $ REQUEST TO COUNCIL . CARRIED . -3- 1217 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/28/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from Marshall and Meyer , Municipal Bond Counsel , offered assistance to the City in securing true market results and low costs on borrowing in regard to bonds which might be issued by the City . The firm is located at 1705 Norton Building , Seattle . Letter from the Park Director reported completion of work on CAG 1442-69 , Liberty Park Ballfield Light Contract by Potelco , Inc . . Final payment in sum of $14 , 879 . 03 was recommended and acceptance as of this date , with the commencement of the 30-day lien period and release of $1 , 574 . 50 thereafter if no liens or claims are filed against the project and proof of tax liabil ity releases are received . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PARK DIRECTOR. THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Nancy G. Tobiason , Eastside Annual Drive Chairman , Child Hearing League , requested permission to sell flowers on May 9 and on May 29 from Boeing Parking Lot during shift changes at North 8th Street and Park Avenue North from 3 : 00 p .m. to 5 : 30 p .m. , funds to provide teacher scholarships in supporting education programs for deaf children . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT : Former Councilman Bruce Hulse , Member of the City Hall Building Committee , indicated some anxiety regarding completion of the new Municipal Building , and noted that its final reality was a measure of comfort in comparison to the meetings in the old city hall , and that it was a real asset to the City . Traffic Engineering and other departments were also commended for completion of the street name and grid renumbering system . Mr . Norm Ross commented on time and efforts of Council Members in regard to acquisition of the hospital property located in the highlands area and stated the Council should be responsive to the dictates of the majority vote , other's noting that legislation requiring the 60% vote to ' validate might be the subject for review, although when voted on before the legisla- ture the measure for a revision has always been voted down . APPOINTMENTS : Council President Perry submitted Committee of the Whole recommendation for appointment of the following as an advisory committee to study and recommend to the City Council alternate forms of government which might be desirable for the City of Renton . Joanne Herber ; Hugh Mathews ; Elmer Pistoresi ; Richard Neglay; Barbara Shinpoch ; Charles Hamblin ; Roger Lewis ; Jane Edwards ; Jim Hansen ; Ken Zehm; Herb Williams , Pat Gouge , Norm Ross , Earl Clymer , Elisabeth Rivily, Wyman Dobson , Robert Larsen , Bev Morrison , Mel Schultz , Ed Johnston , Alex Cugini , Kay Johnson , John Alexander , Archie Graham and Art Scholes . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SHANE , MR . JEROME FAULL BE NAMED AS ALTERNATE AND IN EVENT ANY PERSON LISTED IS UNABLE TO SERVE THEN ALTERNATE BE APPOINTED BY THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 7.10 FILL THE VACANT MEMBERSHIPS . THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS BE CONTACTED BY THE MAYOR AND ASKED IF THEY CAN SERVE . CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY GRANT THAT THE COMMITTEE BE REQUESTID TO MEET WITHIN 3 WEEKS FROM TODAY AND THE COUNCIL BE NOTIFIED OF THP SELErTION ,CARRIED . MOVED .3Y PERRY , SECOr.'rFD BY GRANT , THE MAYOR CHAIR. `1'HI•, FIRST MEETING _AND THE A`I'TOPNEY Bh PRESENT TO HELP EXPLAIN `1'i1L bUTIES ANll itESPONSIBTLITIES 0,0 ' 11L COMMITTEE . CARRIED . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL . Grant inquired regarding the matter of reducing utility costs for low income residents and it was recalled that this was referred to the Ways and Means Committee for report back to the Committee of the Whole . -4- 129 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/28/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Proclamation by the Mayoz declared the dates of May 23 and 24 as Poppy Days do Renton at which time the American Legion will hold its annual sale of lapel flowers to promote its charitable projects , as memorial to those who gave their lives in World War I . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION . THE MOTION CARRIED - Mayor Custer Proclaimed May 1 , 1969 as Law Day in the City of Renton . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION . y HE MOTION CARRIED . FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE REPORTED HIS COMMITTEE WILL WITH-- HOLD RECOMMENDA'T'IONS FOR ANOTHER WEEK. (Friends of Youth request) Councilman Grant reported investigation of asphalt bids and MOVED TO CONCUR IN THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO AWARD THE BID TO RAINIER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY AS PER REPORT OF LAST WEEK. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY GARRETT . CARRIED , Shane and Bruce abstained from voting . LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT REPORTED meeting with City of Seattle officials to discuss the Department of Lighting plans for 230 KV transmission system revision which will replace present 20 ft . square base towers with new three to four foot poles , construction to commence about December 1 , 1969 and completion expected by June of 1971 . Councilman Grant reported that the Light and Power Committee and Traffic Engineering Department is investigating the lighting of areas as requested by Councilman Shane : MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BAREI , THE COUNCIL GO ON RECORD AS GIVING REDUCTION IN SEWER AND WATER UTILITY CHARGES , EXCLUDING METRO COSTS , TO LTHOSE RESIDENTS WITH INCOMES OF $250 . 00 PER MONTH OR LESS . Motion by Garrett econ.J by Shane , to, include log- licenses at 'i cost -for these p`ersons ,also . s ity Attorney Sheilan advised that standards need tobe set to limit reduced fee to resident-owners and not apartment owners or residents of apartments ; questioi. of unemployed on temporary pension status who otherwise earns in excess of the $250 . 00 and how will city be advised. of change of financial status of user , to be resolved . Also , the Constitution may prohibit certain aid to parties ; and age possibly to be a factor for consideration . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AT ITS NEXT MEETING WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STANDARDS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SUCH PROGRAM. CARRIED . Councilman Shane inquired regarding the reason other cities receive more financial aid than Renton and Mayor Custer advised those cities had less potential employment base and lower income status than adjudged for Renton , our applications being turned down twice such need not being recognized . SANI.TATI.ON COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SHANE SUBMITTED REPORT which was read with Council action taken as follows : 1 .. Sewer Service Boundary proposed by Water District 90 . Mr . Dodge , of Hill , Ingham and Chase , Consulting Engineers for the water district was present. and answered inquiries regarding the proposed boundaries City Engineer Wilson noting it merely to serve as a guide for future planning and utilization as present terrain would suggest . Acceptance recommended. by the Sanitation Committee , Possible future city liability was noted . 2 . Mance Addition Sanitary Sewer L . I . D. 264 - Expansion recommended to include the 8 additional properties , 5 having presently requested to be added the other 3 expressing no preference . 3 . Adopt the Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the City of Renton as prepared by the Engineering Department . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SANITATION COMMITTEE . CARRIED. -5- 1 MINUTES-REN`I'ON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/28/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 1590 through 1710 , and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 1590 - 1623 $ 21 , 610 . 43 City Street Fund 1633 - 1650 10 , 374 . 17 Cedar River M . & I . 1651 - 1653 230 . 04 Equipment Rental 1654 - 1667 1 , 538 . 58 Library Fund 1668 - 1669 1 , 725 . 80 Park Fund 1670 - 1685 8 , 701 . 99 Waterworks Utility 1686 - 1699 5 , 799 .46 Airport Fund 1700 - 1702 368 . 22 Firemen ' s Pension 1703 - 1710 2 , 576 . 10 $ 52 , 924 . 79 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Shane inquired regarding Urban Arterial Funds received by the City of Bellevue and Mayor Custer advised that Renton is receiving one- third of the total funds available at present , noting his membership on the Urban Arterial Board and involvement of Renton ' s urban arterial program . POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN DELAURENTI reported regarding the dog leash law referral that 327 dogs were picked up during the first quarter of 1969 and that only 25 were redeemed by owners .Additional ,report will be forthcoming upon further investigation . LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN PERRY announced a meeting at 6 : 30 p.m . on May 5 , and Committee of the Whole meeting at 7 : 00 p.m . Councilman Garrett noted efforts to have the Mayor taking a position on the Urban Arterial Board recently vacated by Ex-•Mayor Braman . CHAIRMAN MAXIN announced a meeting of the Planning Committee on April 30 , at 4 : 00 p .m. in the Planning Department . LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT announced a meeting of the Committee on April 30 , at 7 : 00 p.m. in his Council office . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT , that each Councilman invite a member from the League of Women Voters to accompany him to meetings during A two week period so they might become better acquainted with the duties and responsi- bilities of the Council . Carried . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mrs . Jo Herber , President of the League was in the audience and accepted the invitation on behalf of the League . Mr . Dodge thanked the Council for giving approval to the Water District 90 sewer boundary plan and felt mutual benefit and equality of cooperation would follow to successful operations . As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ADJOURN . Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 30 P .M. There were 34 visitors in the Council Chambers . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D . W . Custer , Mayor —6- 131 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4-28-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1720 $ 5 ,000.00 Michael Crippen 2733 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Const . Swim.P. 1721 200 .00 Norm Hash 358 Bronson Way N.E. Erect Fence 1722 100 .00 F. A. Storey 1325 Kenewick Ave. N.E. Inst. Gar. D. 1723 350.00 F. A. Holman 1624 Ferndale Ave. S.E Enclose Carp. 24 12,701.00 Tiffany Devel. Co. 2626 Lk. Yngs . Crt. Constr. Fam. Res. B jM625 50 .00 0. E. Marr 205 N.W. 6th Const. Store.Shed 1726 3, 500.00 Darwin H. Bainton 2300 N.E. 9th Str. Const. Swim Pool 1727 14, 900 .00 McGrath Corp. 1752 Whitman Ave. N.E. Con. Fam. Res. 1728 19, 000 .00 McGrath Corp. 4123 N.E. 19th Str. Const. Fam. Res. 1729 19, 000 .00 McGrath Corp. 4080 N.E. 19th Str. Constr . Fam. Res. B 1730 14, 598 .00 McGrath Corp. 1913 Vashon Crt. N.E. Constr. Fam. Res. 1731 16,456 .00 McGrath Corp. 4304 N.E. 17th Str. Constr. Fam. Res. 1732 Bronco of Renton 530 Rainier Ave. S. Install Signs 1733 A.B.C. Pac. Corp. 195 Rainier Ave. S. Excavating 1734 500 .00 Jerry A. Slough 2807 Morris Ave. S. Fin. Basement B 1735 35, 000 .00 Norman Schultz 520 Raymond Pl. N.W. Const. Fam. Res. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1904 434.00 McGrath Corp. 4225 N.E. 19th Str. Wire Fam. Res . 1905 323.00 McGrath Corp. 4219 N.E. 19th Str. Wire Fam. Res. 1906 350.00 Kampe Constr . 1801 Union Ave. N.E. Wire Fam. Res . 1907 350.00 Kampe Constr . 1624 N.E. 27th Crt. Wire Fam. Res. 1908 350 .00 Kampe Constr. 1630 N.E. 27th Crt. Wire Fam. Res. 1909 50 .00 Darwin H. Bainton 2300 N.E. 9th Str. Wire Pool E 1910 Pastime Tavern 227 Main Ave. S. Inst. Breaker P. x "11 100 .00 Jerry A. Slough 2807 Morris Ave. S. Inst . Lights 12 3, 500 .00 E. A. Holcomb 4400 N.E. Sunset B . Wire Building MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1787 R. S. Shane 2729 N.E. 24thStr. Inst. Plbng & Fix. 1788 Gene Meyer Towing 265 Rainier Ave. S. Inst. Gas Furn. 1789 Tiffany Devel. Co. 1608 Ferndale Ave. S.E. Inst . Furnace M 1790 Lloyd W. Walters 327 Morris Str. Inst . Gas Furn . 1791 Kampe Constr. 1807 Union Ave. N.E. Plumb & Fixtures 1792 Kampe Constr. 1813 Union Ave. N. E. Plumb & Fixtures 1793 McGrath Corp. 4304 N.E. 17th Str. Plumb. & Fixt. 1794 McGrath Corp. 1913 Vashon Crt. N.E. Plumb. & Fixt. �M 1795 H. M. Edman 2132 High Ave. N.E. Septic Tank 1796 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 R. Hills Dr. Inst. Plum&Fixt . 1797 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 R. Hills Dr. Inst Plum & Fixt . 1798 Holcomb Constr. 4400 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Inst. Plum & Fixt . 1799 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2529 Bernett Crt. S. Inst. Plum & Fixt . M 1800 Parkwood Homes , Inc. 815 S. 27th Str. Inst . Plum & Fixt . 1801 Stanford Witsoe 1717 Blaine Ave.N.E. Inst . Plum & Fixt . 1802 Jerry Slough 2807 Morris Ave. S . Inst. Plum & Fixt . 1803 Parkwood Homes 2529 BurnettCrt. S. Inst. Gas Furn. 1804 Kampe Constr. 1801 Union Ave. N.E. Inst. Gas Furn. M 05 Kampe Constr . 1807 Union Ave. N.E. Inst. Gas Furn. 06 Kampe Constr. 1813 Union Ave. N. E. Inst. Gas Furn. bmo SEWER PERMITS NONE -7- 132 Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the Month of April , 1969 : FROM : TO CLAIMS FUND : CURRENT FUND $ 56 , 894 . 30 CITY STREET FUND 40 , 195 . 72 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . 2 , 349 . 59 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 7 , 556 . 17 LIBRARY 12 , 572 .48 PARKS 59 , 746 .47 WATERWORKS UTILITY 72 , 938 . 35 1965 W. & SEWER CONSTRUCTION 658 . 75 AIRPORT 2 , 227 . 12 FIREMEN ' S PENSION FUND 3 , 013 . 72 CEDAR RIVER ACQUISITION FUND 4 , 032 . 40 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 54 ,496 . 77 TOTAL CLAIMS FUND : $316 , 681 . 84 FROM : TO PAYROLL FUND : CURRENT FUND 142 , 591 . 07 CITY STREET FUND 33 , 219 .47 CEDAR RIVER M. & I . 653 . 00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 5 ,619 . 24 LIBRARY FUND 10 , 856 . 18 PARKS 23 , 258 . 76 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 22 , 734 . 79 AIRPORT 1 , 579 . 00 FIREMEN ' S PENSION FUND 100 . 00 TOTAL PAYROLL FUND : $240 , 611 . 51 i } 133 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 5 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 2eport regarding parking under freeway in vicinity of So . 3rd Street and j Mill Avenue South a LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Rezone - Dino Patas property, N .E . 4th Street and Bremerton Ave . N .E . R-575-69 to R-3 . L . I .D . 267 initiation resolution and public hearing to be set MAYOR, CITY CLERK AND CITY ATTORNEY 4 To sign water main franchise documents from King County upon Attorney ' s approval as to form 4 PLANNING COMMISSION Hodge & Hillis , Attorneys for First Investment Company, request for r Comprehensive Plan and zoning changes (Albert Balch et al properties) Public Hospital District and Attorneys requesting prompt decisions in regard to City purchase of highlands site and rezone of same POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE t z Applications for 1969 Fireworks Stands MEETINGS AND EVENTS : May 7 , 1969 - Light and Power Committee at 7 : 00 p .m. in Traffic Engineering Office May 12 , 1969 - Property Committee meeting at 7 : 00 p .m . Ways and Means Committee meeting at 7 : 30 p .m. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 5 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m . in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL' MEMBERS : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm , Delaurenti and Schellert. Absent : Morris . MpVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY 'BRUCE , THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN BE EXCUSED . THE MOtION CARRIED . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. Custer , Mayor Custer , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF APRIL 28 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN . THE MOTION CARRIED . PUBLIC HEARING : Dino Patas appeal of Planning Commission denial of rezone on portion of 9 . 5 acre tract , Appl . R-575-69,vicinity NE 4th Streets Bremerton Ave . NE . and proposed NE 6th St . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for further consideration , the legal being in- correct at the time of the hearing and proposal for the middle school to be located northerly of the subject property needing some discussion in regard to need for an overall street and utility plan. rt was-..noted that the proposal to construct a mobile home park on the property is not -yet covered as to procedure under existing City Ordinances nor by the Comprehensive Plan , the Commission still studying this matter . Questions had been mew raised by the applicant regarding interpretation of the Comprehensive Plan and extent of uses which the Commissionwished to review. Audience comment was invited at this time and Attorney Roger Lewis , on behalf of Mr . Patas , recalled actions to rezone which have been pending for a period of several years noting that total development of the property would not be possible if the zoning were limited to only a portion with R-3 and SR1 remaining on the balance . The fact that Ordinance does not at present allow trailer park development in a residential area was acknowledged but rezone of only a portion was deemed illogical . The legal was read and noted correct. A1so ,Mr . Patas had ownership of seven acres in prior rezone requests but now owns a ten acre parcel . Division of the property at proposed road rather than the area line picked was recommended . Reversal of Commission decision and rezone of the entire parcel to R- 3 Was requestA0d . ' Discussion ensued regarding the legal description which , it was noted had been corrected prior to Council ' s publication , it being pointed out that the prior hearing had been on a greater area so the subject area had been fully covered , the Planning Director calling attention to problems regarding street and access ' affecting not only. Mr . Patas butthe adjoining properties as well . It was noted there had been no protest and that the area was low in residential units or undeveloped for the most part , but if referred back the Commission could not grant the trailer park request at present , t.he Zoning Ordinance showing"T"Zone with no such area on the Land Us P1an .MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SHANE , THE HEARING BE CLOSED . CARRIED . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO GRANT THE R-3 ON THE ENTIRE PARCEL AS PER LEGAL DESCRIBED AND CORRECTED . CARRIED . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM , submitted proposed Resolution authorizing transfer of $ 59 , 000 . 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 unto Budgetary Account No . 2810/602 , City Hall Construction Fund , to provide for final payments of building costs on the new Municipal Building . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1625 AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. -1- } MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/5/69 Councilman Grant proposed motion to reconsider action of last week regarding purchase of the Highlands area hospital property and it was ruled that such motion would not be in order since the previous motion had lost . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO OVERRIDE THE MAYOR' S RULING AND ALLOW THE MOTION TO RECONSIDER. THE MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND LOST. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of eleven applications -or 1969 Fireworks Stands , filed in accordance with Section 7 , Chapter i ,of the City Code , one license permitted for each 2 , 500 in population . " Included are , in order of filing date , Nesika Chapter , O .E . S . No . 54 ; Renton Lions Club ; Mr . James E . Copple ; Emblem Club , #185 ; Frank R. Vaise 3 Aux . VFW No . 1263 ; Kennydale Lions Club; Kiwanis Club of Greater Renton ; Z Ace Fireworks Company ; Order of Amaranth Court #29 ; Renton Jaycees ; C :0 pi Coalfield 5 Star Athletic Club. It was recommended that the applications N be referred to the Police and License Committee for review and r9camm6nda- tion . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . MOTION CARRIED . rri rn 5.1 Letter from Hodge & Hillis , Attorneys at Law, rdquested „ on behalf of First Investment Company , that the City Comprehensive Plan be changed from R-1 to R-3 classification on properties as outlined the�re!.in , and that the zoning be changed likewise from R-1 to R-3 . JAlbert Balch et al) Rezone had been approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council, however ,planned unit development category to allow trailer park did not exist and action to implement any change was postponed until the category could be encompassed . The rezone and Comprehensive Plan revision would allow highest and best use of the property . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from the Renton Police Officers Benefit Association , Sgt . James � . Phelan , President , thanked the Council for endorsement of Senate Bill Vo . 74 and efforts extended on behalf of the Uniformed Personnel of the City. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported regarding Petition for Sanitary Sewer L . T . D. ( 267) in vicinity of the North Renton Interchange , East of FAI No . 405 , that signatures on the petition represent 61 . 14% of the front footage abutting the proposed improvement and 57 . 16% of area within the proposed improvement district and the assessed valuation is sufficient to support the proposal . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO APPROVE THE L . I . D . WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY RESOLU- TION OF INTENT . CARRIED . Mayor Custer reported receipt of additional correspondence and noted timely urgency with regard to Utility Department Blanket Franchise for Water Main service areas . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BAREI , THE LETTER REGARDING THE WATER MAIN FRANCHISE BE CONSIDERED . CARRIED . City Engineer Wilson ' s letter was read reporting City application to King County for the subject franchise to protect lines not presently covered by a franchise and to avoid having to apply for a new one each time a main is installed in the County area . It was recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the documen.ts ,and acceptance as required by the County Commissioners , and that the City Attorney check same for approval as to form . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS —OF THE CITY ENGINEER. THE MOTION CARRIED . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Letter was presented by Council President Perry , received by him from Schweppe , Doolittle , Krug & Tausent , Attorneys for Public Hospital Dist . 1 , formally requesting that there be a prompt decision made in regard to the request for rezone of the Highlands site , per application of March 1 , 1966 , further delay not to be tolerated . Letter from the Valley General Hospital Board of Commissioners noted Council referral of the matter back to the Planning Commission and early action was requested . MOVED BY FERRY , SECOND BY MAXIN , TO REFER THE LETTERS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR EARLY R'ECO'M!- MENDaTION . CARRIED . -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/5/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Council President Perry submitted names of League of Women Voters Members for selection by Councilmen in a drawing ,each picking a slip of paper containing a name which would be the League member to accompany the Councilmen on their "appointed rounds " for a two week period to give the League an idea of the duties and responsibilities of a Councilman in further pursuance of their governmental studies . The results were : Tom Edwards : Mrs . John Norton ; Paul Maxin , Mr.s: -Harlan Shideler ; Ken Bruce , Mrs . Richard Neglay , ' Bill GYant ; ,Mrs:'..A:N. Shinpoch Charles Shane , Mrs . Robert P1ut ; Louis Barei , Mrs . Roger,-Stoleson ; Henry Schellert , Mrs . Richard Lane ; Chas . Delaurenti , "-Mrs . 'Aldx(-dCugini:M George Perry, Mrs . Gerald Ilerber , J,Tom Trimm , Mrs . Robert Rivily, Avery Garrett , Mrs . Donald Hamblin"-and Vern Morris , Mrs . Edith Look . Letter from the League of Women Voters of Renton thanked the Council for its offer for the League Members to accompany Councilmen on City-related meetings and names of League Members were listed for participation with Mrs . Edgar Johnston , Mrs . Gerard Shellan and Mrs . Bylund Wik , to serve as alternates in the program.. PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN reported completion of the Sign Control Ordinance ,, copiesof� which have been distributed to the Council and additionally may be secured from the City Clerk ' s office . The Committee recommended that June 9 , 1969 be set for public hearing on the Ordinance . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE submitted recommendation , in regard to Friends of Youth , Inc . request for city participation in watermain costs , that the City pay the material cost difference between an 8" and 12 " main estimated at $4 , 600 . 00 and that the City pay one-half the cost of the line adjacent to the railroad tracks estimated at $4 , 900 . 00 with Late Comers Agreement being granted Friends of Youth , Inc . for 10 year period to allow recovery of costs from future benefitting properties who connect to said line . Further recommended that bid call be authorized with funding of the City ' s share of costs to be from Budgetary Waterworks Utility Fund No . 1820 , Account 606 , Mains & Extensions . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE FIRE AND WATER 1 � COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED . C LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT reported field trip to the Tiffany L\ Park area in regard to request of the residents for additional lighting . A �I meeting will be held for further discussion of the matter on Wednesday , May 7 , in the Traffic Engineering office at 7 : 00 p .m . Also noted was a A O trip E51am3aiM to Seattle to investigate a new type of street. lighting . �) til 0 H SANITATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SHANE reported recommendation that the P . & L . © Z Construction Company forfeiture of Bid Bond , Sanitary Sewer L . I .D . No . 261 , 0 be set at $ 2 , 000 . 00 which amount has been established in meeting with the parties concerned , as reported by City Attorney Shellan . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR IN THE SANITATION Ci MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/5/69 OLD BUSINESS BY' COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Councilman Grant inquired of Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm as to status of the proposed Sick Leave Ordinance and was advised that the matter is to be considered by the Committee for presentation and report will be forthcoming . Mayor Custer presented a report in regard to parking under the freeway area in vicinity of South 3rd Street and Mill Avenue South intersection , which matter had been referred to the Mayor and Traffic Engineer . According to State policy the City must show mutual benefit from use of "air space " which such areas have been designated . Subleasing is possible and can be effected through bids , negotiation and contractual agreements . Revenues , if "improve- .nents are made go to the City and if no improvements are made 750 of gross are returned to the State . After amortization of any improvements 75% would again go to the State . The area must be fenced to be approved for a parking facility . Mayor Custer suggested consideration be given to allow a private firm to construct and operate a parking facility which might provide a useful improvement without cost even though no income would be derived by the City . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : COUNCILMAN BRUCE MOVED thatthe State Highway Department be contacted and a higher and stronger guard rail be requested along 405 in Renton in view of all the accidents that have occurred . The motion was seconded by Shane and carried . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT , that Legislative Representatives Durkan , Garrett and Grant be requested to secure an opinion on legality , from Attorney General Gorton , concerning activities at Longacres and formal reply be given to the City . Representative Garrett advised he would deliver the message and he did not feel 3 separate requests from the 47th Legislative District would be in order . Maxin suggested writing Mr . Gorton directly . The pending motion carried . PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI announced a meeting on Monday , May 12 , at 7 : 00 p .m. mwLI1HT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT reminded the Committee of its Wednesday , May 7th meeting at 7 : 00 p .m. in the Traffic Engineer ' s office . WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT announced a meeting on May 12 , at 7 : 30 p .m. The Mayor ' s report regarding parking under the freeway in vicinity of South 3rd Street was submitted for Council action at this time , oral report having been given heretofore . The report was read as previously outlined. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE MEMBER MAXIN reported approval. of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 1711 through 1808 and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY EDWARDS AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 1711 - 1748 $ 21 , 845 . 25 City Street Fund 1749 - 1759 2 , 471 . 58 Equipment Rental Fund 1760 - 1769 514 . 10 Park Fund 1770 - 1788 16 , 999 . 88 Waterworks Utility Fund 1789 - 1797 10 , 638 . 27 Airport Fund 1798 - 1799 22 . 30 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 1800 - 1808 4 , 428 . 94 $ 56 , 900 .32 As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY BRAI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED . The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 30 p .m. Vere were 27 visitors in the Council Chambers . Helmie Nelson , Ci y Clerk D . W. Custer , Mayor -4- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4-5-69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1736 $ 23 ,000.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 422 S. 26th Str. Constr. Fam. Res . 1737 19, 800 .00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 728 S . 25th Str. Constr . Fam. Res . 1738 Bertha Zirk 1617 N.E. 28th Str. New Fence 1739 3, 000 .00 Earl Irwin 801 Dayton Ave. N.E. Build Rec. Room B 1740 18, 000 .00 Dale A. Cramton 1722 Morris Ave. S . ConStr . 'Fam. Res. 1741 15,436.00 McGrath Corp. 1836 Whitman Crt. N.E.Constr . Fam. R 1742 . 3,400 .00 James C. Anderson 659 Union Ave. N. E. Rep. Fire Dama 1743 750 .00 Diane Lackie 2425 Monterey Ave. N.E. Inst. Fence 1744 325.00 Boeing Co . 4-17-2 Bldg. Office Enclosure B 1745 1, 500 . 00 Barbee Mill Co. 4101 Lk. Wn. Blvd. Mach. Foundations 1746 600.00 Carpets By Jayne 722 Rainier Ave. S. Erect Sign 1747 14, 300.00 Frank Teter 1609 Shattuck Ave. S.Constr. Fam. Res. 1748 200. 00 John R. M. Marshall 420 N. Williams Rep. Porch ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1913 6, 000 .00 Kent Marina 3100 E. Valley Rd. Wire Office 1914 500 .00 Stan Witsoe 1718 Blaine Ave. N.E. Wire Fam. Res. E 1915 5, 666 .00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 R. Hills Dr. Wire Aprt. Bldg. 1916 5, 666 .00 Royal Hills , Inc. 3000 R. Hills Dr. Wire Aprt. Bldg. 1917 5, 666.00 Royal Hills, Inc . 3000 R. Hills Dr. Wire Aprt . Bldg. 1918 5 , 666. 00 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 R. Hills Dr. Wire Aprt . Bldg. 1919 6, 000 .00 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Inst. Yard Lights E 1920 118.00 Boeing Co. 10-51 Bldg. Inst. Light Fixt. 1921 250.00 Boeing Co. 4-81 Bldg. Inst . work light 1922 350.00 Boeing Co. 4-21 Bldg. Exch. Drill Press 1923 500 . 00 Boeing Co. 4-41 Bldg. Overload for pumps 1924 100 .00 Boeing Co. 10-120 Bldg. Heat Sprinkler E 1925 300 .00 Boeing Co . 10-58 Bldg. Reloc. Pro. Tar 1926 240 .00 Boeing Co. 4-21 Bldg. Power to Mach. 1927 195.00 Boeing Co . 10-85 Bldg. Inst. Xerox 24 1928 240.00 Boeing Co. 5-50 Bldg. Inst. Wat. Rinse 1929 250 .00 Boeing Co. 4-20 Bldg. Rearr. PCA Stre. E 1930 75 .00 Boeing Co. 5-14 Bldg. Remove Trailers 1931 350. 00 Kampe Constr. 1813 Union Ave. N.E. Wire Fam. Res. 1932 350. 00 Kampe Constr. 1807 Union Ave. N.E. Wire Fam. Res. MECHANICAL PERMITS M . 1807 Powell Constr. 737 "R" Str. Inst. Plbg.& Ftrs. 1808 Evans Prod. 846 Lind Ave . S.W. Inst. Sprinkler 1809 Powell Constr. 737 "R" Str. Inst. Gas Furn. M 1810 Wynn E. Kampe 1624 N.E. 27th Crt. Inst. Septic Tank 1811 Wynn Kampe 1630 N.E. 27th Crt. Inst. Septic Tank 1812 Wynn Kampe 1621 N. E. 27th Crt. Inst. Septic Tank 1813 Wynn Kampe 1627 N.E. 27th Crt . Inst . Septic Tank 1814 Stan Witsoe 1718 Blaine Ave. N.E. Inst. Furnace M 1815 R. S. Shane 2729 N.W. 24th Str. Inst . Furnace 1816 Bill Reister 2186 N.E. 9th Pl. Inst. Furnace 1817 Vic Tonda 1308 Beacon Ave. S. Inst. Furnace 1818 Rainier Asphalt Maple Val. Hwy. Inst. Air Cond 1819 Al Fisher 2225 Edmonds Ave. N. E. Inst . Heater: M 1820 McGrath Corp. 4123 N. E. 19th Str. Inst. Plbg & Ftp 1821 McGrath Corp. 1752 Whitman Ave. N.E. Inst. Plbg & Ftrs 1822 McGrath Corp. 4301 N. E. 19th Str. Inst. Plbg & Ftrs 1823 McGrath Corp. 4080 N. E. 19th Str. Inst . Plbg & Ftrs 1824 Boeing Co. 10-54 Bldg. Inst. Ammonia Sys . M 1825 Boeing Co . 5-50 Bldg. Inst. Water Rinse 1826 Feys Theaters 504 3rd Str. S . Inst. Air Cond. 1827 Feys Renton Theaters 507 3rd Str. S. Inst . Air Cond. 1828 Emery Wechselberger 521 Lind Ave . N.W. Inst . Plbg & Ftrs. -5- 139 SEWER PERMITS S 792 Parkwood Homes 780 S. 27th Str. Connect Sewer 793 Parkwood Homes 2528 Burnett Crt. S . Connect Sewer 794 Parkwood Homes 815 S. 27th Str . Connect Sewer 795 Parkwood Homes 2527 Smithers Ave. S. Connect Sewer I -6- d RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 12 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Appraisal fees on Public Use Properties BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND CITY ENGINEER Briere letter of intent to annex property to Renton FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Recommendation for installation of 6" water mains in Kennydale area where 2 " , 3 " and 4 " mains now exist LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Proposed ordinance reducing utility charges to low income residents Park Director ' s request for fund transfer to cover appraisal fees on Lake Washington properties , $1 , 100 . 00 . Elks letter supporting reduction of utility charges LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE A. J . Porcello request for street lights in vicinity of E Street apartments Request for street lighting on Lynn Avenue N . W . MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute L . I . D . 259 contract documents PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Acquisition of property on 4th North State Highway , Mayor Custer and Park Department letters regarding sit-in park under freeway area at 3rd and Mill St . intersection PROPERTY COMMITTEE Termination of Stoneway Concrete , Inc . Lease of Cedar River Park area Termination of City ' s Lease on Elliott Gravel Pit by Lessor STREET COMMISSIONER To review and report regarding crosswalks , striping of crosswalks , pedestria lights and signs as may be needed , working with Traffic Engineer TRAFFIC ENGINEER Toreview and report regarding need for crosswalks , striping of crosswalks , pedestrian lights and signs , working with Street Commissioner To implement program of adequate lighting for Tiffany Park residential area WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding City Emblem Flag MEETINGS AND EVENTS : May 14 , 1969 - Planning Committee meeting at 4 : 00 p .m . in Planning Dep ' t . May 19 , 1969 - Parks and Recreation Committee at 7 : 30 p .m. May 22 , 1969 - National Maritime Day May 19 , 1969 - Public Hearing - Reconsider Dino Patas property rezone action June 2 , 1969 Public Hearing on proposed disposition of public use areas Y RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 12 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D . W. Custer, Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . Abs : Garrett MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER BE EXCUSED . THE MOTION CARRIED . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G. M . Shellan , City Attorney , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Bert McHenry , Asst . City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . Mayor Custer at this time introduced Members of the League of Women Voters seated beside their Council Counterparts including , Mrs . Norton, Mrs . Shideler , Mrs . Neglay , Mrs . Stoleson , Mrs . Look , Mrs . Herber and Mrs . Rivily , Mrs . Cugini arriving later . Councilman Maxin offered amendments to the Minutes of the previous meeting noting that Page 2 , first item under Correspondence and Current Business ,regarding referral of Fireworks Stand Licenses to the Police and License Committee , should have included power to act . the second item was to have been referred to the Planning Commission and not the Planning Com- mittee (Hodge and Hillis letter on behalf of First Investment Co . ) Also Page 3 , Paragraph 6 referred to a "planned" visit to Seattle which visit had already been taken . MOVED BY MAXIN , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO AMEND THE MINUTES AS OUTLINED . CARRIED . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF May 5 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS AMENDED . THE MOTION CARRIED . PUBLIC HEARING : Tiffany Development Company appeal of Board of Adjustment Variance Denial . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open and as there were no written communications to be read , audience comment was invited . Mr . Roger Thordarson , 1325 Lake ,Youngs Way .S . E. ,nbted petition had been pre- sented at the previous hear.ing ' in objection to the proposed variance, as it could establish a precedent with projection into the setback area so as to prohibit driveway and front yard area not compatible to the neighborhood . The protest on behalf of the 42 signatories was now re- affirmed . Mr . Art Scholes , 1708 Ferndale Ave. S . E . , submitted copy of the previous petition noting such variance would prohibit landscaping of the front yard and would not allow minimum established architectural standards to be met . Attention was called to the small size of the lot and it was urged that plans be redesigned and a smaller home be built . Mr . McDowell, 1508 Beacon Way , on behalf of the developer , stated the proposed house plan has been approved by FHA and in order to get in a garage the variance is required ' and because of the nature of the lot ,which he did not feel should have been allowed platted in the first place and due to drainage difficulties otherwise , the plan could not be changed . With :,,..streets on three sides he felt any change would result in a small boxlike house which would not sell readily and would not be beneficial to the neighborhood , nor meet FHA requirements . After completion of audience comments , it was MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY PERRY , THE HEARING BE CLOSED . CARRIED . The hearing was declared closed and further Council action invited . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , THE APPEAL BE DENIED . During discussion it was noted the approved Plat meets all standards for minimum requirements and said lot can be utilized accordingly . THE MOTION TO DENY THE APPEAL CARRIED . -1- { MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/12/69 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted proposed Ordinance for first reading . A letter from Attorney Roger I . Lewis was read at this time submitting legal description to amend original application of Mr . Dino Patas ' Rezone Application R575-69 ,which according to Planning Director Ericksen had not been corrected as originally set forth in the Planning Department files, even though published as revised for the City Council hearing . of May 5 . Attorney Lewis further stated that the error in the description in the original application was inadvertant and not an attempt to include more property than Mr . Patas owns , and requested revision by the Planning Commission in this manner ,unless otherwise desire The proposed Ordinance was read providng for change of zoning classificati of certain properties within the City from General Classification District (G) to Residence District (R-3) . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY TRIMM , TO REFER THE MATTER OF THE REZONE OF THE PATAS PROPERTY BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION . MOTION FAILED . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO PLACE THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING . MOVED BY 'RIS , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK . MOTION FAILED. MOTION TO PLACE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED . AFTER FINAL ':' ADING , IT WAS MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . Factors considered during discussion in regard to granting the rezone in- cluded the time element over which period the matter has been pending , acquisition of additional property by Mr . Patas , revision of the legal description and his desire at this time to proceed , however , the total ; evelopment of the property not being possible if the rezone is limited to a portion of the property, and the rezone of a portion deemed illogical . Access to be regulated with development of the off-site improvements . Factors discussed during discussion against granting the rezone included Planning Commission request for return of the matter since legal had been revised , a study meeting on May 7th was held on proposed Mobile Home Park Ordinance , access to be resolved and the fact that no provision is yet available to grant trailer park development if it is requested . T .r: Planning Director noted that there are alternate ways to grant the use ,•ii.hout requiring rezone , which could establish a precedent if granted and require allowing the same to adjacent property owners if requested . The question of conformity of the Northerly portion of the property with the Comprehensive Plan was noted and thus the Commission recommendation for rezone of only the Southerly 640 ft . , it being noted that apartment use would be possible under an R-3 zoning , and the addition of property being basis for acceptance of application which resulted in non-compliance . Attorney Shellan noted that if the property does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan no hearings should have been heard by either body nor the petition for rezone entertained in the first place . It was noted that the application first filed had conformed with the Compre- hensive Plan , however , the Commission in the subsequent actions had noted that the Northerly portion as had been applied did not , and thus the recommendation for rezone of only a portion ., Mr . Stredicke noted the withdrawal of prior application by Mr . Patas so the matter was not pending . It was requested that the Comprehensive Land Use Map be displayed so the Council might view the parcel and coloring from which the interpretation was rendered . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO HOLD THE MATTER IN ABEYANCE UNTIL AFTER CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS TO ALLOW TIME FOR THE PLANNING DIRECTOR TO SECURE A COPY OF THE MAP . CARRIED . (Subsequent action fellows later in the meeting) LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted for first reading only , proposed Ordinance of the City establishing and providing special water and sewer rates to certain residents of the City , imposing condi- tions , providing penalties for the violation thereof and amending Section 3-231 , relating to water rates and Section 8-715 , relating to sewer raises of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled 'Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , recommending that copies be furnished to all Council Members for review. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS. INTRODUCTORY READINS . Ways and Means Committee Chairman Sche lert advised his Committee is working out details of this proposal but would like more time prior to ac'option of the Ordinance . -2-- 143 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL 5/12/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) Proposed Ordinance to reduce utility charges to certain residents of the City was presented . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , THE ORDINANCE BE READ IN FULL AT THIS TIME ,. CARRIED. The City Clerk read the entire ordinance , it being noted that procedure rules provide for reading in full which may , however , be waived by the Council . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECOND BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE DOCUMENT BACK TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE TO ALLOW FOR THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AND UTILITY DEPARTMENT REPORTS . THE MOTION CARRIED . %%RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION : RESOLUTION NO . 1626 was adopted upon MOTION BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY DELAU- RENTI , recognizing the many accomplishments of the League of Women Voters including the non-partison political education of citizens in furtherance of a more democratic society within our Nation . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from Park Director Coulon requested fund transfer to cover appraisal fees of Lake Washington properties in sum of $1 , 100 . 00 from Cumulative Re- serve Fund #1689 , Acquisition and Development of Park Sites , unto Park Fund 1710 , Capital Outlay 605 , the expending budgetary account . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION .CARRIED . Letter from Mr . A. J . Porcello requested installation of street lights in vicinity of the E Street Apartments at 955 Edmonds Avenue N .E . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported bid opening results on L . I . D . �No . 259 which bid opening was held at 2 : 00 p .m. on May 7 . Seven bidders responded . (See Bid Tabulations attached) It was recommended by the Engineering Department that the low bid of Elness Construction , in sum of $36., 936 . 57 be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents . (Engineering estimate , $35 , 200 . 00) MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TIONS AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director , submitted Planning Commission recommendations for approval of Preliminary Plat of Glencoe 2 , Appl . No . PP-577-69 , vicinity of SE corner of NE 23rd Street and Union Ave . NE (formerly S .E . 101st Pl . and ( 132nd Ave . S .E . ) , comprised of 29 acres , 115 lots proposed for single family residential use , which complies with the Comprehensive Plan, MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE PLANNING COM- MISSION RECOMMENDATION TO ACCEPT THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF GLENCOE NO . 2 . THE MOTION CARRIED . Preliminary Plat of Sierra North , Appl . PP-579-69 , vicinity NW corner of NE 19th Street and Shelton Ave . NW , ( formerly S . E . 106th St . and 130th Ave . S .E . ) , 2 . 2 acres , 10 lots , proposed single family residential use , also shown on the Comprehensive Plan . MOVED BY TRTMM, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE PLANNING COM- 6MISSION RECOMMENDATION TO ACCEPT THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SIERRA NORTH . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Francis J . and Marcelane S . Briere advised of intent to annex property to the City of Renton and requested initiation of pro- ceedings . This land lies adjacent to the City East of 132nd Ave . S . E . in vicinity of S . E . 100th Street . (Now known as Union Ave . S .E . and No . 24th Street) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO REFER THE LETTER OF INTENT l TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO CHECK SIGNATURE OWNERSHIPS AND VALIDITY . CARRIED . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED. -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL 5/12/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from the Renton Elks Lodge No . 1809 , W. Leo McLaughlin , Secretary , reported unanimous vote of the membership to support the proposed- reduction of utility charges to residents in Renton on limited incomes . MOVED BY TRIMM , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . Letter from Helmie Nelson , City Clerk reported that the City ' s request for renewal of lease on the Elliott Gravel Pit has not been honored by the Lessors . Details if requested may be secured from the Street Commissioner . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . CARRIED . Since Planning Director Ericksen had returned with the map requested in connection with the Patas property rezone , it was MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE MATTER BE PLACED BEFORE THE COUNCIL FOR FURTHER ACTION AT THIS TIME . CARRIED . Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the area on the map and recalled Planning Commission action from the minutes of its meeting of March 26 and read excerpts wherein some access problems for fire equipment werenoted along with street development yet to be determined for future service as may be needed in connection with the new Middle School to be constructed in the proximity of the subject property . Discussion en- sued in regard to the rezone request and fact that although the matter of trailer park development was not before the Commission such would not be permitted under the present R-3 zoning , the staff having- however prepared a draft to permit same by special permit now yet incorporated into the existing ordinance . Notation by Stredicke was read which stated that to rezone the entire parcel would be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and thus the recommendation for rezone of the Southerly 640 ft . to R-3 and the remaining portion to SR-1 . Upon inquiry regarding legality of the pending rezone ordinance , City Attorney Shellan advised a rezone cannot be granted if it is in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and that a petition, should not be considered if it cannot be granted. Schellert noted that the land use map allows no latitude and has no definite boundaries of color for distinguishing differences . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO RECONSIDER THE ACTION OF LAST WEEK DN THE MOTION GRANTING THE REZONE ON THE PATAS PROPERTY . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call request by two members which resulted as follows : Aye : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Edwards , Maxin , Grant and Barei . No : Bruce and Shane . THE MOTION CARRIED . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO SET MAY 19 , 1969 AS DATE FOR HEARING ON THIS MATTER. Mr . Patas entered the Council Chambers at this time and upon inquiry , City Attorney Shellan advised that if .intent is to'. reducecand.;not enlarge the area to - be rezoned there would be no legal-requirement to ' hold another hearing but simply to notify the petitioner and his attorney of the subsequent action taken by the Council . Mr . Patas , 12507 S .E . 99th Street was introduced and advised that details of the action would be furnished after the meeting . The PENDING MOTION SETTING NEXT MONDAY FOR HEARING ON THE MATTER CARRIED . Mayor Custer reported receipt of a letter from the State held over from last week concerning areas under the freeway and proposed development . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONSIDER THIS ITEM AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Mayor Custer outlined proposal for a "Sit-In" Park submitted by the State which concerns the intersection area of Mill Avenue South and South 3rd Street , designed in conjunction with freeway are< landscaping plans , which , however would need to be implemented at City ex- pense being outside the State right-of-way . The Park Board has advised the .. site might be somewhat hazardous in view of number of accidents that occur on the freeway immediately in vicinity of the location . Also , no funds have been budgeted as well as this project being of low priority compared to others on the Capital Improvement Plan . Inquiry was made as to whether the Council might wish to consider funding of such a park this year or within the 1970 budget otherwise the State to be advised to proceed with total landscaping program and abandon the proposed project . MOVED BY GRANT , AND SECONDED BY PERRY , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . -4- 145 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Dick Stredicke , 3916 - 10th Court North commented regarding attendance of Council Members at Planning Commission meetings and extended invitation to others , noting that the Commission acts on matters coming before them and is constantly working to update along with City Departments over the period of time as may be required for completion of a project . Mr . Gene McDaniel , 1925 N . E . 31st Street , commented regarding the Patas property stating he felt it was a shame when a person could not use his own property for desired development citing his own experiences in regard to costs for getting plans developed which he was not allowed to utilize and although his property has now been condemned by the County for park pur- poses he cannot recover the money lost . He did not feel progress should be delayed because of proposed future development by other parties or be- cause of planned unit development not being implemented which he was told would be completed within a year at the time he applied . Mrs . Helen Shook , 17022 - 116th Avenue S .E . called attention to the fact that the public address system was not operating properly and was very noisy . PROCLAMATION : Proclamation by Mayor Custer urged that citizens honor our American Merchant Marine on May 22 , 1969 by displaying the flag of the United States as a reminder of the important role in projecting the economic strength of the nation and of the anniversary of the first transatlantic voyage by a steamship , the SS Savannah , May 22 , 1918 , and National Mari- time Day. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE NATIONAL MARITIME DAY PROCLAMATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : ..ow Councilman Perry presented communication from Attorney General Slade Gorton , directed to Mr . Avery Garrett , 47th Dist . State Representative , in reply to inquiry by the City Council regarding legality of parimutuel operation at Longacres . The opinion cited RCW Statutes and tested court cases in regard to the parimutuel method of wagering on horse races and it was noted that same , as permitted by RCW 67 . 16 . 060 is constitutional in view of Article II , § 24 of the Wn . State Constitution , the policy of the Attorney General ' s office being that every law passed by the legisla- ture is presumed to be constitutional until otherwise adjudged by the supreme court . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SHANE THAT THE OPINION LETTER BE PLACED ON FILE IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED . Discussion ensued regarding pinball and bingo operations and enforcement of the recently enacted legislation in regard thereto , Mayor Custer ad- wising that the municipal agencies will act in concert in any implementa- tion as is to be recommended by the Suburban Mayor ' s Association . Councilman Perry , noting comments regarding Council attendance at the meetings of the Planning Commission advised that field trips are taken with the Commission on various matters when further information is de- sired and that Planning Commission minutes are received by each Council Member as well . -AWN LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT submitted recommendation that request of Tiffany Park residents for installation of adequate residential street lighting be granted and the Traffic Engineer be authorized to pro- ceed with installation of thirteen 7 , 000 Lumen lights , Puget to install same at cost not to exceed $ 5 , 000 . 00 funds for which are available in the Traffic Engineering Department budget and 21 additional lights needed to adequately light the area will be provided by the developer . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/12/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont. ) MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SHANE , that the Street Commissioner and Traffic Engineer review and report back to the Council regarding need for crosswalks , striping pedestrian crosswalks , pedestrian lights and signs - completion within one month . Schellert proposed that consultants be hired to make the study since this would take personnel from present duties and this being a very busy time for these departments , otherwise the time limit should be removed. MOVED BY MAXIN , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO AMEND THE MOTION BY DELETION OF THE REFERENCE TO REPORTING BACK IN ONE MONTH . The Traffic Engineer , pel Bennett inquired as to specific _locations advising that such review and study of needs are in progress constantly , the departments working with the school district and other public safety agencies on determi.nations , .impleme'Hting:;.and funding:. Grant re- quested that special emphasis be put on the program at this time , and THE AMENDMENT-Tb THE MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. THE). ORIGI.NAL MOTION AS AMENDED SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED . Councilman Grant reported request for street lighting on Lynn Avenue N .W. MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI reported Committee approval of the Kitchen Equipment for the Municipal Lunchroom,. C .AG. 1422-69; Greene-Todd Company . . (This('project accepted by the City Council and 30-day Lien period commenced per Minutes of 4-28-69) MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR. SHANE ABSTAINED AND DELAURENTI OPPOSED. THE MOTION CARRIED . Councilman Barei reported that the subject of dipsosition of public use areas of the City was in the hands of the Property Committee and it was recommended that the areas on the South side of Sunset Highway be sold to abutting property owners and that June 2 , 1969 be set for public hearing on the proposal . List of properties and appraisals were filed with the City Clerk . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR IN THE RtCOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . Councilman P6tfy noted work in prior years by the Public Relations Committee in regard to disposition of such areas and noted iequests that the .City not -sell some . Councilman Morris urged that those areas presently being utilized by residents for neighborhood play areas not be sold . THE MOTION CARRIED . It was requested that the property owners bordering the subject Areas be invited to the public hearing by the City Clerk . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported Committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 1809 through 1938 and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SHANE AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 1809 - 1852 $ 17 , 584 . 12 City Street Fund 1853 - 1872 16 , 749 . 94 Cedar River M. & I . 1873 - 1876 66 . 21 Equipment Rental Fund 1877 - 1889 17 ,638 . 41 Library Fund 1890 - 1892 576 . 59 Park Fund 1893 - 1916 14 , 170 . 46 Waterworks Utility Fund 1917 - 1929 31 , 396 .43 Airp6rt Fund 1930 - 1936 250 . 06 City Hall Const . Fund 1937 250 . 80 Urban Arterial Fund 1938 7 ,768 . 33 Total All Funds $106 , 451 . 35 L . I . D. 261 Cash Fund No . 1 $ 15 , 503 . 67 L . I . D . 261 Revenue Fund No . 1 $15 , 503 .67 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Perry inquired regarding a mleetimg of the 25 member committee to study forms of government which may be desirable for the City of Renton and Mayor Custer reported that four persons have declined the appointment and two have not been available when he tried to contact them, a meeting to be set at the time a full committee has been formed. Those unable to accept the positions included Mr . Ed Johnson , Mr . Bev Morrison , Mrs . Donald Gouge and Mr . Wyman Dobson. -6- i 147 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL 5/12/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN EDWARDS submitted recommendations that a city flag be designed bearing the City emblem in green and gold on a white background , the size of the national and state flags , to fly on the third flagpole in front of the Municipal Building . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR. CARRIED . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO REFER THE FUNDING TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COM- MITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN announced a meeting of his committee on Wednesday , May 14 , in the Planning Department . ARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE announced a meeting of his committee on May 19 , at 7 : 30 p .m. Councilman Grant inquired regarding the Stoneway Lease and regarding the storage of gravel on the site at present , in view of anticipated develop- ment of the area for a park . Mayor Custer advised the City is storing some material on the site in view of its gravel lease termination which will be moved , park development proposed to commence before the .end of June . Regarding the lease , the document includes provisions for procedure of termination which will need to be followed , restoration of the river bank also included in the lease provisions . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE LEASE TERMINATION TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK . THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT , THE DEPARTMENT HEADS BRING IN PRELIMINARY BUDGET REQUESTS BY JULY 15 . DISSENTING VOICE VOTE BROUGHT ROLL CALL AS FOLLOWS : Perry ABSTAINED . NO : Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Edwards , Maxin , Bruce and Barei AYE : Grant and Shane . MOTION LOST . SHANE PROPOSED MOTION , SECONDED BY GRANT , THAT ANY CITY OFFICIALS ELECTED OR DEPARTMENT HEADS APPOINTED BF RIQUIRED TO LIST AND FILE WITH THE CITY CLERK, UPON. TAKING OFFICE , ANY PROPERTIES OWNED AND ALL 'CAMPAIGN CONTRIBU- TIONS OVER $10 . 00 . MOVED BY SCHFLLERT', SECOND BY GRANT, THAT FAILURE TO p, COMPLY RESULT IN $ 300 . 00 FINE . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO AMEND THE MOTION 7`0 REQUIRE $500 . 00 FINE FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY . CARRIED. OTE ON AMENDMENT IMPOSING $300 . 00 FINE LOST . QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR ON 'THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED , however , City Attorney Shellan , upon in- quiry as to legality , advised that requirements are set forth by State Law and not city ordinance and anything cannot be passed in contravention with the State Law , either in limiting or enlarging upon its requirements ; under present or any anticipated future form of government . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO TABLE THE MATTER UNDER DISCUSSION . CARRIED . SHANE PROPOSED MOTION , SECONDED BY GRANT , THAT NO COUNCILMAN BE ALLOWED TO HOLD TWO PUBLIC OFFICES AT THE SAME TIME . City Attorney Shellan advised the Attorney General has held this to be not conflicting in which event the proposed action would not be proper ; a person cannot be deprived of certain rights and privileges of the law. MOTION DISALLOWED. MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT , THE CITY WORK WITH THE STATE AND KING COUNTY TOWARD ACQUISITON OF SOME 160 ACRES ON NORTH 4TH STREET ADJOINING KING COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT , ALSO SOME 20 ACRES ACROSS THE STREET AT THIS LOCATION . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Councilman Shane proposed the water department install six inch water mains where 2" , 3" , or 4 " presently exist in the Kennydale area to avoid having ;to tear up the streets at a later date . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THIS MATTER TO THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE . CARRIED . Councilman Barei submitting billing for appraisals on public use areas . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE INVOICES TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY , SECOND BY MAXIN , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11 : 30 p.m. There were 23 visitors in the Council Chamber . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D � W . Custer , Mayor -7- 4 , BID OPENING 5-7-69 2 :00 P.M. (16t Floor Conference Rm.) BID TABULATION L.I.D. 259 Honey Creek Area BIDDER AND ADDRESS BOND BID Ehco Construction Bond $46,017 . 10 13045 S.E. 176th Renton, Wn. 98055 Phone: AL5-5181 Elness Construction Co, Inc. Bond $36,936. 57 463-15th Ave. Kirkland Wn. 98033 Phone: VA2-6976/ZO4-4294 Gesner & Brown Bond $38, 547 . 44 11025-142nd S .E. Renton, Wn. 98055 O' Leary Construction, Inc. Bond $45,713 . 26 1221 East Cherry 1, 480 .00 +Tax Seattle, Wn. 98122 added by �.� telegram Keith Peterson & Son Bond $55,536 , 53 1516 N. Oakes Tacoma, Wn. 98406 King Construction Co. Bond $47 ,842,45 4521 Bond Str. Seattle, Wn. 98118 Phone•PA3-2593 T & E Construction Box 117 Seattle Heights , Wn 98063 Bond $50,067 .65 -8- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS B 1749 $ 185,000.00 FRIENDS OF YOUTH 2500 LK. WA. BLVD. N. TYPE OF WORK Lt'�4N CONSTR. BOY'S HOME 1750 3,500.00 HENRY LOB 1151 ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. CONSTR. FAM. RES. 1751 21,000.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 428 S. 26thST. 1752 23,000.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 432 S. 26TH ST. CONSTR. FAM. RES. B 1753 1,200.00 JEANNE ABBOTT 22.15 8th PL. N.E. CONSTR. FAM. RES. 1754 1,000.00 BEP. HOME JAMES DUFF 80.1 S. 3rd ST. REBUILD BRICK WALL 1755 5,000.00 FRANCIS E. WEEKS 1825 ANACORTES N.E. CONSTR. SWIM POOL 1756 23,000.00 POWELL HOMES 1719 CAMAS AVE.N.E. CONSTR. FAM. RES. -- B 1757 24,000.00 POWELL HOMES 1713 CAMAS AVE. N.E. CONSTR. FAM. RES. 1758 880.00 W.B. HUDSON 3317 S.E. 6th ST. 1759 CHA!ZLES 'HARRIS 667 UNION,AVE. N.E. DEMDLISH RES, 1760 2,000.00 BOEING CO. 4-63 BLDG. B 1761 25,000.00 J.G. SCHAEFFER 1827 S.S. 18th Pl. CONSTR. CONT. AREA 1762 23,000.00 ART TREOSTE 413 STEVENS AVE. N.W. CONSTR. FAM. RES. 1763 1,200.00 0. W. SMITH 527 WELLS AVE. S. CONSTR. G B 1764 14,740.00 McGRATH CORP. 4302 N.E. 19TH ST. CONSTR. FAAM.GRES. 1765 1,800.00 JAC MORGAN 3425 S.E. 5TH ST. CONSTR. GARAGE 1766 200.00 ANN JAMES 1710 HARRINGTON N.E. CONSTR. BACK FENCE ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 1933 50.00 EDMOND J. HEALY 2108 N.E. 9TH ST. 1934 150.00 HUMBLE OIL CO. 401 N. PARK AVE. REARR. OUTLETS & SWITCH 1935 400.00 POWELL CONST. 737 R ST. INST. COND. U-GR. POWER 1936 250.00 HAROLD DEACY 707 WHITWORTH AVE. S. WIRE FAM. RES. 100 AMP SERVICE E 1937 2,000.00 FEY'S THEATRE 507 S. 3RD. ST. 1938 676.00 A. BASATO 220 S .W. 12TH E SERVICE AIR CONT. 1939 500.00 ROBERT SHANE 2729 N.E. 24TH ST. NEW SERV. & S. HEAT 1940 2,000.00 WIRE FAM. RES. WA. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES CLUB HOUSE INST. NEW 800 AMP3/0 E 1941 50.00 WAKELAM COATST. CO.32.7 MORRIS AVE. S. TEMP. SERVICE 1942 50.00 BOB PETTY 320 S. 19th ST. TEMP. SERVICE 1943 50.00 McGRATH CORP. 1746 WHITMAN AVE. N.E. TEMP. SERVICE 1944 50.00 JACK WILSON 807 IINION AVE. N.E. TEMP. SERVICE E 1945 50.00 ST MDRTGF 509 WILLIAMS AVE. S. TEMP. SERVICE 1946 50.00 C.L. LIVERS, INC. 3100 EAST VALLEY RD. TEMP. SERVICE 1947 50.00 J. LIVENGOOD 1317 N. 4oTH ST. TEMP. SERVICE 1948 50.00 POWELL CONST. 730 SHELTON AVE. N.E. TEMP. SERVICE E 1949 750.00 C.W. WIEHOFF 1716 N.E. 16TH 1950 1,500.00 G.MEYER CYCLE 225 RAINIER AVE. S. INST.F&MRE-WIREING 1951 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2528 BURNETT CT. S. WIRE FAM. RES. 1952 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 762 S. 25TH ST. WIRE FAM. RES. E 1953 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2513 WHITWORTH CT.S. WIRE M. RES. 1954 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 760 S 27TH ST. WIRE FAM. RES. 1955 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2527 SMITHERS AVE. S. WIRE FM. RFS. 1956 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 815 S. 27TH ST. E 1957 150.00 EARL A.IRWIN 801 DAYTON AVE.N.E. WIRE FAM. RES. WIRE ADD. TO 1958 323.00 McGRATH CORP. 4200 N.E.19TH ST. RE HOME WIRE FM. RE 1959 404.00 McGRATH CORP. 4131 N.E. 19TH ST. S. WIRE FM. RES. 1960 450.00 McGRATH CORP. 4123 N.E. 19TH ST. E 1961 404.00 McGRATH CORP. 1752 WHITMAN AVE. N.E. WIRE FAM. RES. 1962 383.00 McGRATH CORP. 1712 WHITMAN AVE. N.E. WIRE FAM. RES. 1963 426.00 McGRATH CORP. 4304 N.E.17TH ST. WIRE FAM. RES. 1964 575.00 JACK WILSON 807 UNION AVE. N.E. WIRE FAM. RES. E 1965 300.00 JIM JONASSON 713 N. 33RD ST. NEW WIRING & PICKUP 1966 165.00 BOEING CO. 10-60 BUILDING 1967 168.00BOEING CO. 10-85 BUILDING WIRE ELEVATOR PIT REARRANGE SERVICE 1968 800.00 BOEING CO. 10-54 BUILDING REARRANGE JUNCTION BX. E 1969 212.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING 1970110.00 BOEING CO. CONT. POWER SALT TANKS 1971 600.00 8-41 BUILDING RELOCATE MAINT. BOEING CO. 10-57 BUILDINB RELOCATE LAND. AREA 1972 140.00 BOEING CO. 10-51 BUILDING REARRANGE FIXTURES E 1973 245.00 BOEING CO. 4-04 BUILDING WIRE - IBM 1974 2,300.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING 1975 2 °0.00 BOEING CO. REPLACE EL. EQUIP. 1975 177.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING INST. DRILL GRINDER 1977 2,200.00 BOEING CO. 4-630BUII�WILDING INST. HEATER 1978 200.00 H.H. CAMPBELL 1404 S.W.16TH ST. #1 INST. SWITCH BOXAUG. -9- PERMITS - PAGE 2 ELECTRICAL PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK E 1979 200.00 H.H. CAMPBELL 1404 S .W. 16TH ST. INST. SWITCH BOX UG. 1980 100.00 JEANNE ABBOTT 2215 8TH PL. N.E. REARR WIRING-HEATER MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1829 PARKWOOD HOMES 716 CAMBRIDGE AVE. PLUMB. & FIXTURES 1830 PACIFIC HORIZON 2806 10TH N.E. INST. BOILER 1831 H.S. FLETCHER CO. 875 S.W. 7TH ST. INST. GAS A/C 1832 EARLINGTON ASSOC. 434 S.W.7TH ST. INST.HEAT.& AIR GOND. M 1833 R.L. NORRIS 1513 S. 7TH ST. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1834 McGRATH CORP. 1913 VASHON CT.N.E. INST. GAS FURNACE 1835 McGRATH CORP. 4200 N.E.19TH ST. INST. GAS FURNACE 1836 McGRATH CORP. 4080 N.E. 19TH ST. INST. GAS FURNACE M 1837 McGRATH CORP. 4123 N.E.19TH ST. INST. GAS FURNACE 1838 McGRATH CORP. 4204 N.E. 17TH ST. INST. GAS FURNACE 1839 McGRATH CORP. 1752 WHITMAN AVE. N.E. INST. GAS FURNACE. 1840 VOID M 1841 EVANS PRODUCTS 846 LIND AVE. S.W. INST. HEAT PUMP MOTOR 1842 McGRATH CORP. 4302 N.E. 19TH ST. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1843 C. WHITAKER 2215 8TH PL. N. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1844 TIFFANY DEV. 2626 LK.YOUNGS CT.S.E. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. M 1845 HOLCOMB CONST. 4400N.E.SUNSET BLVD. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1846 ART TREOS TE 413 STEVENS AVE. N.W. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1847 J.G. SCHAEFER 1827 S.E. 18TH PL. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1848 J. STEVENS 1932 DAYTON DR. S.E. INST. GAS BARBECUE M 1849 F. FARROW 509 HARRINGTON N.E. INST. B__"'BECUE 1850 C. LIVERS, INC. 3100 E. VALLEY ROAD INST 4 GAS HEATERS 1851 ED HOOVER 613 S. 25TH ST. INST. GAS PIPING SEWER PERMITS S 796 J. CURBOW 713 N. 33RD ST. CONNECT SEWER 797 DR.L.W.SALTER 32 MORRIS AVE. S. CONNECT SEWER 798 ROBERT PETTY 320 S. 19TH CONNECT SEWER —10- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 19 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF pU6ltr WORKS City Engineer ' s report regarding Briere letter of intent to annex property COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Dangerous Buildings - Ordinance for review and recommendation Policy regarding annexation of small or piece-meal parcels of land LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Puget Sound Power and Light Company "M" Street Water Pumping Contract POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Spot Tavern - Application for license to operate pool tables STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Petition from McKnight Middle School students and Heather Downs area residents requesting additional pedestrian signal lights , crosswalks and safety measures at N . E . 4th and Union Street and vicinity . MEETINGS AND EVENTS : May 19 , 1969 - Police and License Committee , following council meeting May 26 , 1969 - Committee of the Whole at 7 : 00 p .m. May 21 , 1969 - SCAN meeting at Hazen High School at 7 : 30 p .m. APPOINTMENTS : Mayor and Council President to represent City of Renton as voting delegates to AWC Convention , July 16 , 17 and 18 , Councilman Schellert to serve as alternate 152 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 19 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Edwards ; Maxin, Grant , Shane and Barei . Absent : Bruce MOVED BY MAXIN , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN BE EXCUSED . THE MOTION CARRIED . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D. W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Bert McHenry , Asst . City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Gene Coulon , Park Director . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED . (May 12 , 1969) Mayor Custer reported receipt of petitions from students of McKnight Middle School regarding pedestrian safety requests , some of whom were in the audience along with their instructor , Mr . Manley , and it was requested the presentation .be allowed at this time so the students might be dismissed early. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO ALL-OW READING OF THE PETITIONS AT THIS TIME . CARRIED . The petitions were read requesting traffic signal light and additional -crosswalks in area of the intersection of NE 4th and Union Street and flashing caution light and sign at the hill warning of the approach to the light , concern being expressed in regard to ingress and egress from S .E . 132nd to Heather Downs . Petition circulated by the students contained 150 signatures and an additional petition circulated to residents contained approximately 95 signatures . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO REFER THE PETITIONS TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK NEXT MEETING . THE MOTION CARRIED. Students were commended for the consideration given to this matter and for their fine efforts toward community improvement. Mayor Custer reported receipt of Bid report from the Park Director to be, added to the end of the present agenda . PUBLIC HEARING : Dino Patas property - Reconsideration of prior action by the Council in regard to granting R-3 rezone . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported the action of the Planning Commission in approving the southerly 640 feet of the subject property would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan , it having been pointed out during the meetings that applicant ' s request extended into the area indicated as Single Family Residential and rezoning of the entire parcel to R-3 would be in conflict with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan as the northerly part of the property is shown as single family residential . It was noted that in checking the ordinance amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and maps as filed with the County Auditor ' s Office in 1968 , Item No . 8 of Exhibit A, with reference to the East Cemetery Road in vicinity of 138th Ave . SE ; it indicated business use to a depth of 600 ft . surrounded by 200 foot buffer strip of multi-family residential (medium density) which area is directly east of the property owned by the applicant . Accordingly , with the text of Ord . 2439 , Exhibit A. the depth of the multi-family residential use could be 800 ft . more or less , subject to review by the Planning Commission and the City Council . Audience comment was invited . Mr . Roger I . Lewis , Attorney representing Mr . Patas , urged that the Council grant the R-3 zoning if it is within its power and if not that as much of the parcel as possible be included in the R-3 area , noting that a mobil home park is planned for development on the property , and that interpretation , as rendered by the Council in its determination,of whatrwill be allowable will be accepted. The Ordinance now being drafted to cover trailer park use was anticipated to be soon completed which would resolve the matter . 153 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING : Dino Patas-Rezone Action At the close of audience comment , it was MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE HEARING BE CLOSED . CARRIED . The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited .MOVED 'BY SHANE , SECOND BY GRANT,TO GRANT THE REZONE AS REQUESTED . Upon 'inquiry by the Chair as to whether the motion was properly within legal requirements , City Attorney Shellan advised that if the Council overrules the Planning Commission decision that 800 ft . was the extent of the area in compliance it is acceptable otherwise the property could not be entirely zoned but only a portion . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO AMEND THE MOTION TO ADD THAT THE COUNCIL FINDS THE REZONE OF THE ENTIRE PARCEL TO R-3 TO BE IN AGREE- MENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . Upon request , Planning Director Ericksen outlined the subject property on a wall map and film slides of the property were shown including pictures of Ordinance No . 2439 and Exhibit A adopting the revised Comprehensive Plan , from files of the King County Auditor ' s office . Planning Commission actions in ascer- taining distance and projection into SR1 area were outlined and dis- cussion ensued regarding boundaries and coloring on the map with the notation as to whether it were realistic to say right where a given number of feet might be and it being pointed out distances are not exact but may vary subject to determination of the Planning Commission . Questioned was matter of 500 ft . variance being within a reasonable limit of what might be considered "more or less" . During further dis- cussion it was noted that SR1 was not expected to develop within areas proposed for commercial use , same not being conducive to neighborhoods , Schellert , quoting from Planning Department text of the Comprehensive Plan Policy Statements noted proponents of neighborhoods , and intent to coordinate development of unusual areas . Attention was called to the middle school development adjacent to the subject property and re- view by the Planning Commission of the whole area was urged , it being felt that SR1 would not be expected . Planning Director Ericksen ad- vised that the Commission felt that although not entirely suitable for SR1 , if buffered and y,-)od service for coming into Renton provided , the general single family residential use was desirable . After some con- siderable further discussion , question was called for on the pending motion . Dissenting voice vote on the amendment , finding the rezone as requested to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan , brought roll call request which resulted as follows : Aye : Perry.,. Delaurenti , Scheilert , Edwards , Grant and Shane . No : Morris , Trimm, Garrett , Maxin and Barei . The motion carried , six to five . The original motion as amended to grant the R-3 on the entire parcel with finding that same is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan was voted upon and dissenting voice vote brought roll call request resulting in the same 6 to 5 vote . The motion carried . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO PLACE THE PENDING PROPOSED REZONE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. (First and introductory reading 5/12/69) CARRIED . The ordinance was read . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2482 AS READ . Planning Commission member Dick Stredicke noted that the Council hereby grants zoning without controls , restrictions , covenants and bond often reQuired in such developments , it being noted that a trailer park is not under consideration at this time . Garrett inquired of the Planning Director if the approximate 492 feet would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan as shown to extend into the SR1 area and Planning Director Ericksen noted per Ordinance 2439 limitation of 800 feet of the 1300 total to be in compliance and any reasonable variance determined Gould comply as is :sometimes established by the Commission when con- sidering the rezone applications , however , he would question whether a 500 ft . variance would be within reasonable limits . Discussion en- sued whether the 800 ft . was a reasonable estimate as allowed by the Planning Commission . It was pointed out to Mr . Patas that if granted the R-3 he would not be allowed to build as yet , and upon mention of .,.. allowed use under R-3 and inquiry regarding intent , Mr . Patas advised his_ plans are for Mobile Home Park and nothing else . Comprehensive Plan revision. and the adoption of trailer park ordinance was cited by Morris as proper procedure . THE PENDING MOTION TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2482 WAS VOTED UPON BY ROLL CALL VOTE WHICH RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : Aye : Perry , Schellert , Delaurenti , Edwards , Grant , Shane and Barei . No : Morris , Trimm , Garrett and Maxin . The MOTION CARRIED , 7 to 4 . Mayor Custer at this time advised that students from Green River College , Northwest History Class , had been visitors for a time during the meeting and were touring the building this evening . -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/19/69 RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted proposed Resolu- tion of the City authorizing the City Clerk to transfer $1 , 100 . 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 , Acquisition and Development of Park Sites , unto Park Fund 1710 , Capital Outlay, Account 605 . (To fund appraisal fees , Lake Wash. properties) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1627 AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from the Kiwanis Club of Renton , Garry P . Nelson , Secretary , requested permit to display a banner over South Third Street in down- town Renton to promote fund raising rummage sale , from May 21 , through May 24 . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO GRANT THE REQUEST WITH USUAL HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT BEING REQUIRED. THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Puget Sound Power and Light Co . , J . J . Croft , Sales Supervisor , submitted water pumping contract documents covering the M Street Water Pumping energy services for 10 years . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Mrs . Anne Puhich expressed thanks and appreciation for the beautiful landscaping on the river bank in Liberty Park which aesthetic atmospherecreated thereby is relaxing and conducive to quiet meditation , a very necessary part of daily life . Barei added his like expression in recognition of the beauty of the area . Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , reported regarding Briere annexa- tion letter Of intent filed 5/12/69 , regarding property located East of 132nd Avenue S . E . and in vicinity of S .E . 100th Street , that the letter is signed by owner representing 100% of the assessed valuation of the property which is located immediately North of the Glencoe No . 2 Plat and which contains 5 . 0 acres at assessed valuation of $4 , 110 . 00 . It was noted that D � this matter had also been referred to the Board of Adjustment . W \ MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF POLICY IN REGARD TO ANNEXATION REQUESTS COVERING W \ SMALL PARCELS OF LAND BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED . Ir '(),MOVED BY MORR W D BY SHANE , THE ENGINEER"S REPORT BE REFERRED TO Q THE BOARD OFilgiw ^ TO BE CONSIDERED IN MAKING ITS REPORT . CARRIED . C w Letter from Mayor Custer requested the Council to consider early adoption Lof the "Dangerous Buildings "ordinance so as to enhance the acceptance of Zthe City ' s "Workable Program by HUD. Passage of the ordinance may involve meed for appropriation of adequate funds for additional personnel and training , also possibly from time to time funds to cover demolition where owners cannot or will not comply , Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm advised an ordinance has been prepared but needs some revision . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE , MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO AMEND TO INCLUDE THAT A COPY OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BE MAILED TO EACH COUNCILMAN . CARRIED . THE ORIGINAL MOTION TO REFER, AS AMENDED , CARRIED . Application from Robert F . Troutmann , Spot Tavern , requested that J . & B . Enterprises , 4224 E . Valley Highway , be granted required license to operate 2 pool tables at said location . (Ownership transfer) MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY PERRY , THAT THE PARK DEPARTMENT LETTER BE ADMITTED TO THE AGENDA FOR READING AT THIS TIME . CARRIED . The letter from Park Director Coulon reported Park Board recommendation that the low bid of Goodfellow-Chrysler-Plymouth , Inc . , in sum of $11 , 181 . 61 , including tax , be accepted for 7 Datsun Pickup Trucks as per bid opening of 5/15/69 . (See Bid tabulation sheet attached for further details) MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO REFER THE RECOMMENDATION TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK . MOTION FAILED . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN THE PARK BOARD RECOMMENDATION . After discussion regarding 30 day delivery date and matter of cost for service to the vehicles , THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED . -3- 155 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/19/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Mayor Custer reported completion of first draft of the "Workable Program" for the City and when Council recommendations are filed for revision , it will be. submitted for further actioncfMr . Dawson of HUD . Councilman Maxin requested briefing on advantages and disadvantages , Grant noting that the Chamber of Commerce was to have met with the Committee of the 'hole in this regard . ..mayor Custer reported that 720 of assessed valuation ownerships have been acquired for annexation of the Kennydale Island area , additional ownerships being contacted, and it is hoped that the 75% may be reached on the proposal if all prior signatures are still valid upon tabulation , there having been some changes in ownership . Also , letter bf iircent for council to initiate has been filed and a report will be forthcoming within a month. AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Art Scholes , 1708 Ferndale S .E . , recalling newspaper articles in regard to the highlands hospital district property and City Council action , stated he took exception to statements quoted as made. by the hospital Board andhe would commend the council for its action in not paying an exorbitant cost for the property which he felt would not have appreciated so greatly in ten years . Mr . Mike Lotto , 7812 Sunnycrest , Hospital Commission9r , stated that the property had been appraised and the negotiated price was much lower than the City ' s appraisers had stipulated . He felt Mr . Scholes might not' have all the facts at hand and that a private individual would proce6d ' in: the same manner to .sell his property at appraisal.value regardless -of. -the price he ' had paid if it had been held for a period of time . Mr . Frank Storey , 1325 Kennewick , N . E . stated he did not feel the property could be sold for $ 400 , 000 . 00 .nd that in his opinion the hospital district would not find too many otential buyers at such a price . Mr . Scholes added that he did not feel the increase from $30 , 000 . 00 to the $560 , 000 . 00 price over ten years was justifiable, and the District had bought the property for him as a taxpayer and was now trying to sell it back to him which should be kept in mind . Mr . Lotto invited Mr . Scholes to the hospital board meetings advising that the Board works for all the citizens of the County and that it is governed by law, needs money for the new hospital and this source of revenue was negotiated accordingly . Councilman Morris extended invitation to the League of Women Voters to feel free to continue attending Council meetings , acknowledging atten- dance of Council Member counterparts during the past two weeks . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY submitted Committee of the Whole report as follows : Recommended that nominees Carl McLuen , Bob Dickinson and Stan Wolf be appointed to the special committee to review forms of government for the City . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR . MOVED BY.- GRANT , SECONDED BY SHANE , THE NAMES OF JEROME FAULL AND JIM DENZER BE ADDED . THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED . The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Mayor , and Council Presi- "ent be appointed as voting delegates to represent the City at the AWC onvention with Councilman Schellert to serve as alternate delegate . ,COVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MAXIN , THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. (Mayor to contact persons) Councilman Shane inquired regarding City acquisition of State and County property on north 4th Street , noting his conversations with Mr . Wes Bogart who indicates that the property could be available if a letter is written inquiring and a nominal cost anticipated . It was noted that the Committee Chairman is ill and the Parks and Recreation Committee has not had an opportunity to meet on the matter as yet . -4- 1.56 , MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/19/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS submitted report of approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 1939 through 21.2.6 and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAMn FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN ANTI CA.P.RIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current 'FunO 1939 - 1985 S 2 , 969 . 02 City Street Fund 1986 - 201.3 1.6 , 42.5 . 94 Ceder River 14. & I . 2014 - 201.5 3,22 . 40 Equipment Rental. Fund 2016 - 2035 1 , 520 . 46 Library ?Fund 2036 - 2073 7 , 477 . 90 Park Fund 2074 - 2096 5 , 762. . 05 Waterworks Utility 209"i - 211.6 8 , 075 .44 1965 Water & Sewer. Con . 2117 350 . 00 Airport rund 2118 - 2125 3 , 032. . 64 Cedar River Acq. 212.6 448 . 04 Total all Funds $46 , 183 . 89 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Mayor Custer introduced Mr . Joseph I,. Mathews , Administrative Asst. to the Mayor , effective this date , replacing Mr. Klippert who has accepted a position elsewhere . Council President Perry announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday at 7 : 00 p .m. to discuss parking spaces in the city municipal lot. It was noted that the Mayor will be absent from the City and Council President Perry will be presiding as Mayor Pro Tem {or. the next two weeks . STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT announced a meeting , May 20, at 11 : 30 a.m. , the Traffic Engineer and Street Commissioner to accompany the committee to the site where additional traffic control. anO. signs have been requested. MOVED - BY SHANE , SECONDED .BY GRANT ,.that the City , at.' the time highways are built through the corporate limits , provide sidewalks through the interior of the ' City in conjunction therewith. Discussion ensued as to whether the residents would then be liable as per ordinance covering such i.mpro,,rements . Motion was proposed to refer to committee however it was subsequently MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO TABLE THE MOTJON AND Tll?? F SUBJECT MATTER. CARRIED . Councilman Shane inquired regarding the matter of installing larger water mains in the Kennydale area . It was noted that this matter has been referred to the Fire and Water Committee and the Chairman being ill , no meeting has been held as yet. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to a meeting at Hazen High School at 7 : 30 on Wednesday , May 21 , by SCAN , Sensible Community Action Now, for discussion of the future of the City and invitation was extended to all citizens . Councilman Barei called attention to telecast ' 1,ast ' Fr. iday on Channel 9 at 7 : 00 p .m. regarding activities of SCAN . Grant inquired of Councilman Garrett regarding legislative actions con- cerning Highway 605 , and State Respresentati.ve Garrett advrised the origins" proposal had been deleted from the study and that adopted was limited to the East side of the lake . POLICr AND LICENSE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN DELAURENTI announced a meeting of his committee following the council meeting this evening . As there was no further business nor audience comment , it was MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 10 : 30 p .m. There were 36 visitors in the Council Chamber. ,-AZ IAA.A.Agol' W. hd4,e,-� Helmie Nelson, City Clerk -5- L� .--• 5-19-69 BID OPENING 5/15/69 BID TABULATION SHEET 1969 SEVEN (7) 1969 DATSUN PICKUP TRUCKS RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING - 10 A.M. First Floor Conference Room BASIC BID LESS TRADE IN BIDDER AND ADDRESS 7 Trucks E-25, E-23, F-28 AMOUNT TAX TOTAL BID Goodfellow $1566.18Ea. '55 Cushman - $25.00 $10,688.26 $493.35 $11,181.61 Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. '61 " $100.00 4242 Roosevelt Way N.E. 162 It $150.00 Seattle, Wa 98105 Cash. Ck. #08741002 Younker Auto and Truck Sales $1573.88 Ea. '55 Cushman ,- ,$50.00 $10,792.16 $485.65 $11,277.81 415 Rainier Ave. So. 161 It $75.00 Renton, Wa. 98055 '62 It $100.00 \0 (P.O. Box 637) 1 Cert. Ck. #0367 (18377) Haselwood Buick, Inc. $1638.30 Ea. 155 Cushman - $50.00 $11,468.10 $516.05 $11,734.15 2320 Sixth St. 161 It $100.00 Bremerton, Wa. 98301 162 " $100.00 Bond Hoyt Motor Co. $1643.95 Ea. 155 Cushman - $30.00 $11,407.65 $513.34 $11,920.99 2020 Auburn Ave. 161 It $35.00 Auburn, Wa. 98002 '62 IT $35.00 Cert. Ck. #28701 (16737) Burien Auto Sales, Inc. $1557.19 ea. 155 Cushman $20.00 $10,800.33 $486.01 $11,286.34 115 S.W. 152nd Street '61 " $30.00 Seattle, Wa. 98166 162 TT $50.00 Cert. Ck. #4076 -6- l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5/19/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILD IN(�PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1767 $ 7.,000.00 HUMBLE OIL CO. 1616 N. .30TH ST. INST. ELECTRIC SIGN POLE 1768 17,726.00 McGRATH CORP. 4228 N.E. 19thST. CONSTR. FAM.RES. 1769 2,850.00 K & L BEVERAGE CO. 1040 THOMAS AVE. S.W. CONSTR. OFFICE-RES TRMS. 1770 VOID B 1771 7,000.00 TED SOWERS 505 PARK AVE. N. ADDITION TO BUILDING 1772 18,400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2521 SMITHERS S. CONSTR. FAM. RES. 1773 300.00 ROBINSON & LYON 750 RAINIER AVE. S. INST. ONE SIGN 1774 200.00 ALDO L ZERBATO 314 WHITWORTH S. REPAIR HOME B 1775 37,000.00 JIM HAWK 2940 E.VALLEY RD. CONSTR.STORAGE BLDG. 1776 17,000.00 JOHN IVANICH 2907 PARK AVE. N. CONSTR. FAM. RES. 1777 1,500.00 KEITH NOBLE 519 RAINIER AVE. N. INST. ADD. STORAGE SP. 1778 1,200.00 BRUCE PICKERING 107 MONTEREY DR.N.E. REPAIR BATH HOUSE B 1779 4,000 .00 DALE R.BRATTEN 759 QUEEN AVE. N.E. CONSTR. ADDITION-RES. 1780 1,000.00 HAROLD GERMAR 3500 S.E.5TH ST. CONSTR. BACK PORCH ELECTRICAL PERMITS 1 E 1981 417.00 McGRATH CORP. 17ll ANACORTES N.E. WIRE FAM.RES. 1982 50.00 DALE CRAMrON 2130 MORRIS AVE. S. TEMP. SERVICE 1983 5,666.00 ROYAL HILLS BUILDING 33 WIRE APT.BLDG. E 1984 5,666.00 ROYAL HILLS BUILDING 24 WIRE APT. BLDG. 1985 5,666.00 ROYAL HILLS BUILDING 27 WIRE APT. BLDG. 1986 5,666.00 ROYAL HILLS BUILDING 23 WIRE APT. BLDG. 1987 50.00 JIM HAWK 2940 E.VALLEY RD. TEMP. SERVICE E 1988 250.00 JAMES ANDERSON 659 UNION AVE.N.E. REPLACE FIRE DAMAGE 1989 200.00 STONEWAY CONCRETE 1915 MAPLE V.HWY. INST.SERV.-IBM 1990 400.00 BENAROYA CO. 1040 THOMAS S.W. ADD. WIRING 1991 50.00 KAMPE CONST. 1801 UNION AVE.N.E. TEMP. SERVICE E 1992 50.00 McGRATH CORP. 4108 N.E. 19TH ST. TEMP. SERVICE 1993 50.00 McGRATH CORP. 1901 VASHON CT.N.E. TEMP. SERVICE 1994 50.00 HOLCOMB CONST. 4400 N.E.SUNSET BLVD. TEMP. SERVICE 1995 50.00 OSBORNE CONST. 216 PARK AVE. N. TEMP. SERVICE 1996 50.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 815 S .27TH ST. TEMP. SERVICE E 1997 50.00 TIFFANY DEV.CO. 1502 GLENNMOOD S.E. TEMP. SERVICE 1998 50.00 PAYNE CONST. 117 RAINIER AVE. S. TEMP. SERVICE 1999 50.00 G.F. POMEROY 1833 S.E. 18TH PL. TEMP. SERVICE 2000 50.00 TIFFANY DEV. CO. 1620GLENNWOOD AVE. S.E.TEMP. SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1852 TIFFANY DEV.CO. 2632LK.YOUNGS CT. S.E. INST. PLUMB & FIX. 1853 CHARLES MAGINI 530 MORRIS AVE. S. INST GAS FURNACE 1854 DON HOLM 232 MAIN AVE. S. CONV. GAS TO OIL HEATER 1855 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1801 UNION AVE. S.E. INST. SEPTIC TANK-DRAIN M 1856 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1807 UNION AVE. S.E. INST. SEPTIC TANK-DRAIN 1857 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1813 UNION AVE. S.E. INST. SEPTIC TANK-DRAIN 1858 ARMAND TURGEON 1412 N.40TH ST. INST. PLUMB.& FIXTURES 1859 HUMBLE OIL CO. 1616 N. 30TH ST. INST/. SEPTIC TANK-DRAIN M 1860 MULTIPLE LIST.SERV.216 PARK AVE. N. INST. PLUMB & FIXTURES 1861 ALDO L.ZERBATO 314 WHITWORTH S. INST. NEW BATH TUB 1862 K & L DIST.,INC_ . 1040 THOMAS AVE. S.W. INST. PLUMB & FIXTURES 1863 McGRATH CORP. 4228 N.E. 19TH ST. INST. PLUMB & FIXTURES M 1864 TONY ROBERTS 620 WHITWORTH S. INST. GAS FURNACE 1865 VOID 1866 PARKWOOD HOMES, 2527 SMITHERS AVE.S . INST PLUMB. & FIXTURES S EWER PERMITS 799 BELL & VALDEZ 1813"ABERDEEN AVE.S.E. CONNECT SEWER RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 26 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Boeing Company Garbage Contract renewal and coordination of expiration to coincide with present City contract Request of Councilman Grant for agenda to provide status of legislative matters AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final payment on Window drapery contract due Greene-Todd Co . , $6 , 012 . 43 CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim of Larry Herrick regarding vehicle damage by auto being pursued by police patrol unit FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Bids for 24" D. I .Watermain and Rolling Hills Elevated Tank LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Petition and letters from Mr . Goss and Mr . Atwood re dog leash law Proposed ordinance relating to credit for sick leave benefits to employees upon termination of employment MAYOR To reply to letter from Mr . Younkers re Datsun bid award procedure as taken by the Council PARK DIRECTOR AND PARK BOARD `- Letter requesting improvement of Cugini property at Smithers and No . 6th street for recreation playground To coordinate landing area for the participants in Cedar River canoe race PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Improvement of Cugini property for recreation playfield SANITATION COMMITTEE To study and report regarding water and sewer rates STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Matter of requests for additional and improved access to Renton Hill WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Proposed ordinance regarding reduction to low income senior citizens of water and sewer rates APPOINTMENT : James F . Green Patrolman , Renton Police Department , probationary period commencing June 1 , 1969 MEETINGS AND EVENTS : May 27 , 1969 - Dep ' t . of Water Resources report re Cedar River and flood plain information , Council Chambers at 7 : 30 p .m. May 28 , 1969 - Park and Recreation Committee at 7 : 00 p .m. , 6th fl . conf . rm. Fire and Water Committee meeting at 8 : 00 p .m. " it V1 it June 2 , 1969 - Street and Alley Committee meeting at 7 : 30 p .m. , Council off . June 2 , 1969 - Public Hearing on proposed ordinance to reduce water and sewer rates to certain residents /60 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 26 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by George J . Perry , Mayor Pro Tem , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane , and Barei , who arrived during the reading of correspondence . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort ,Street Commissioner , Ron Heiret , Park & Recreation Supervisor , Bernard Ruppert , Building Director , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor , and Captain Ernie Henry , Police Department . Councilman Grant requested the Minutes of the previous meeting be amended to note the visiting Class of students on Northwest History was from Bellevue and not Green River Community College . It was noted that the referral of the Briere Annexation letter of intent was to the Board of Public Works rather than the Board of Adjustment . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF MAY 19 , BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED . CARRIED . Mayor Pro Tem Perry noted receipt of four items received after preparation of the agenda and recommended same be included at the end of the reading of those listed . '1OVED BY EDWARDS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TION . THE MOTION CARRIED . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : The Clerk read bid opening results on Laykold tennis courts ,opened 5/23/69 . Letter from the Park Director reported Park Board recommendation that the low bid of Raecolith , Inc . for construction and installation of Laykold Tennis Courts at Kiwanis and Philip Arnold Parks , be accepted . (Two bids received , low basic is $20, 700 . 00 per listed tabulations attached . ) MOVED BY MORRIS , AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE BID AWARD AS RECOMMENDED . CARRIED . Letters from Mr . R. C . Goss and Mr . Lloyd Atwood were read along with petition containing 38 signatures concerning the dog leash law and its enforcement . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY GRANT , THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . Councilman Grant reported he had directed a letter to signatories of a prior petition regarding a stronger leash law noting he would like to meet with the petitioners , the Humane Society representatives and other interested parties to discuss a more effective law. Comments from people to him included matter of a back-up truck in the evening to pick up roaming animals and the King County Humane Society officer has advised that there is now a second shift and officer working in the area in the evening. A Vote was subsequently taken on the pending motion to refer. THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Donald I . Dashnea , Pres . , Renton Police Officers Benefit Ass ' n . urged early Council action in adoption of proposed Ordinance concerning Sec . 1-2501 of Titl- I Administrative , of Ord. 1628 , "General Code of Ordinances of the City" , relating to sick leave benefits , whereby unused sick leave could , under certain conditions , be paid to the employee upon termination of employment . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE AND SAID DOCUMENT BE PRESENTED FOR COUNCIL DECISION . carried . Letter from the Department of Water Resources , H . Maurice Ahlquist , Director , extended invitation to attend a meeting on May 27 , at 7 : 30 p .m. in the City Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building , for presentation of report on completion of Flood Plain Information concerning the Cedar River , the study having been conducted as a means of providing general criteria for guidance in the planning , use and development of the Cedar River Basin . -1- 161 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/26/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from Younker Auto and Truck Sales , Mr . Sam Younker , Owner , inquired regarding Council procedure on bid award for seven new Datsun Pickup Trucks , in that the award was made and not referred to Committee , noting $13 . 65 per unit bid difference which he felt the Committee would have considered when weighing benefits of buying locally . Inquiry regarding the bid opening was also included and it was MOVED BY MORRIS .AND SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE MAYOR ' S OFFICE TO EXPLAIN TO MR. YOUNKERS THE COUNCIL ' S ACTION. Discussion ensued during which City Attorne�7 Shellan advised that the law required the bid to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder and no preference can be allowed to local merchants . Also noted was matter of servicing costs and that in this instance the dealer would pick up the cars , service them and return them to the City . Shane proposed motion to give local preference when in the City ' s interest which died. for lack of second . THE PENDING MOTION TO REFER TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MAXIN , THE MATTER OF BID PROCEDURE BE RE- FERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR STUDY . During discussion it was noted that matter of bid procedure had been referred heretofore to the Committee of the Whole and to the Board of Public Works , Council having previously requested that all bids be opened in special meetings of the Departments concerned in order to save time at the Council meetings and only reports of the bid openings and departmental recommendations are' now presented for council approval action . THE PENDING MOTION TO REFER CARRIED . City Clerk Nelson announced the Recording Secretary was absent from the meeting tonight as her son , John .Meaa , has been selected by the Renton Edu- cation Ass ' n . to receive a Certificate of Award for Scholarship , Leadership and Citizenship and is being honored tonight at Hazen High School . (John is a 9th Grade student at Fred Nelson Jr . High) City Clerk Nelson read the results of Bid Openings held at 2 : 00 p .m. on May 23 , First Floor Conference Room, for 24 " D . I . Watermain , W-311 , From Cedar River Park (Well No . 8) to Liberty Park (Wells No . 1 and 2) . There were five bidders . (Tabulations attached) Second bid opening was on Rolling Hills Elevated Tank , W-323 and there were two bidders on this item , as per tabulations attached . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED . Claim for damages was read , filed against the City by Larry L . Herrick , of 3526 N .E . 4th Street , whose vehicle was struck by a stolen car being pursued by a police .patro.1 unit , at intersection of Park and No . 6th St . , on March 31 . MOVED BY MORRIS AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED . Letter from the Renton Downtown Merchants ' Association requested permit for placing an advertising banner across North 3rd Street , secured at corner of Feys Roxy Theater , to promote Moonlight Sale , May 29 , from 6 : 00 P.M. to 11 : 00 P .M. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO GRANT THE REQUEST WITH THE EXECUTION OF USUAL HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT . CARRIED . Letter from Kevin Green , Hazen High SBA President , advised of student sponsorship of a river race down the Cedar river desired on June 7 ,at noon , to end at Liberty Park and 50� entry fee to comprise prizes . MOVED BY GRANT TO ALLOW THE REQUEST AND TO ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATION IN THE RIVER RACE . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SHANE . Discussion ensued regarding assumption of liability , the City Attorney advising that no ordinance exists to cover river racing and a permit cannot be granted by the City . The Corps of Engineers and U . S . Dep ' t . of Fisheries have authority the public having the right to use the river as long as it is done in a proper manner . It was urged that the students coordinate with the Park Department the landing area and THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED . Petition was read , containing approximately 86 signatures , requesting that additional ingress and egress be provided for the Renton Hill area in proximity of Mill Avenue South to the West , Jones Avenue South to the East , South 3rd Street on the North and South 10th Street the Southerly boundary , present only legal access being South 3rd Street beneath the 405 freeway underpass . Councilman Shane calling attention to accidents when coming down Renton Hill MOVED THE CITY ACQUIRE THE PROPERTY NEEDED TO INCREASE THE CURVE RADIUS . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE . _)v MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 26 , 1969 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Petition - Renton Hill access : Discussion ensued it being noted that Mr. Shane ' s proposed motion covers only one intersection and the petition inquires regarding a2ternare access route . City Engineer Wilson confirmed Planning Commission discussions for a North - South Arterial from Thunderhill to Grant Street, and developer is to build such road , which it is hopeful will be implemented very shortly . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE MOTION TO ACQUIRE LAND AND PETITION FOR ALTERNATE ACCESS BE REFERRED TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE 2 FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Richard Stredicke , 1014 Tacoma Avenue N .E . called attention to work by the State ' s contractors on 405 grooving project to make the road more safe and during peak traffic hours noted inconvenience to motorists who must leave the freeway to by-pass the area. Mr . Stredicke complimented the work accomplishments of the Street Department and Engineering De- partments on paving of 12th Avenue North and the minimum inconvenience caused during the construction, thanking the City for the improvement . APPOINTMENTS : Letter of appointment recommended Mr . James F . Green for position as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department , probationary period of six months , .as required. by Civil Service Rules and Regulations , to commence June 1 , 1969 . Civil Service Commission certification and Police Chief Williams ' letter of recommendation was attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR PRO TEM. THE MOTION CARRIED . Upon motion proposed by Shane , seconded by Grant to appoint Mr . Tom Teasdale to a six year term on the Renton Park Board , City Attorney Shel.lan advised that State Law provides appointments to be made by the Mayor subject to Council concurrence . The Chair declined acceptance of the motion. Shane--moved, ' secofid by Grant , to override the decision of the Mayor ,a tactic. Attorney Shellan advised was possible except in this instance the State Law says the Mayor makes the appointment and the Council confirms . No further action was taken on the matter. PROCLAMATION : Proclamation by Mayor Pro tem Perry urged citizens to recognize through purchase of a Buddy Poppy the Veterans of Foreign Wars whose disabled members assemble the poppies for the fund raising campaign , proceeds of which are used for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans and widows and orphans of deceased veterans . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MAYIN , TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION . CARRIED . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT reported meeting with the Street Commissioner and Traffic Engineer at site near McKnight School where traffic control had been petitioned and additional time was needed . _ on this matter . Granted. Proposed motion seconded by Barei , was offered ,that Vhen the Boeing Company Garbage Contract expires in November and is renewed , the new document expire at the same time as the other qarbage contracts covered by City Ordinance will 3xpire .Chairman Perry, 3mlinquishing the gavel to Schellert , advised as member of the Sanitation Committee that a meeting has not been held on this matter ; that Boeing has a different kind of refuse than the regular garbage contract covers and the matter should be referred for action if the Sanitation 'Committee does not plan to meet in this regard . The motion carried. Perry resumed the Chair . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO REFER THE SUBJECT MATTER UNDER DISCUSSION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED . -3- MINUTES OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 26 , 1969 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI reported Building Department notifi- cation of completion of the Window Drapery Contract by Timmerman Equip- ment , Inc . per CAG 1448-69 , and it was recommended the project be accepted as of May 1 , 1969 and that payment in sum of $6 , 012 . 43 be authorized . Further recommended that the 30-day lien period be commenced after which , if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities , the retained amount of $668 . 05 be released to the Contractor . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE AND THAT FUNDING BE REFERRED TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 2127 through 2205 and MOVED THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : C;_irrent Fund 2127 - 2159 $ 3 , 167 . 85 City Street Fund 2160 - 2172 2 , 624 . 18 Equipment Rental Fund 2173 - 2178 549 . 95 Library Fund 2179 24 . 45 Park Fund 2180 - 2191 & 2205 3 , 888 . 85 Waterworks Utility 2192 - 2196 2 , 577 . 64 Firemen ' s Pension 2197 - 2204 2 , 576 . 10 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 15 , 409 . 02 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Garrett submitted for reading a letter which he had received from Michael Creegan calling attention to plans of the school district to build an administration building at the present Henry Ford School playfield site , which it was noted will leave no play area for the children in this neighborhood of the City. It was requested that the City consider the plan for improvement of the Cugini lot located on the Northwest corner of Smithers and North 6th Street , Mr . Cugini advising he will allow the City to use the lot on a year to year basis . The neighboring property owner requested a fence to prevent balls and children from entering their yard. It was suggested that a combination tennis-basketball court be considered. MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE PARK BOARD . THE AMEMDMEMT CARRIED AND SUBSE- QUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED, STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT ANNOUNCED A MEETING AT 7 : 30pm ON JUNE 2 , in the Council office of Garrett-Delaurenti on the 6th floor . The Traffic Engineer and Street Commissioner were invited to attend for discussion of pedestrian traffic light at North 4th and Union as per petition of McKnight Middle School students and residents of the area . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE announced a meeting on May 28th , at 7 : 00 p .m. in the 6th floor conf . rm. , Park $oard and .Director invited . FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE meeting at 8 : 00 p .m. , the City Engineer and Mr . Shane were invited. . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BAREI , THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DISCUSS A MEANS TO PROVIDE SOME TYPE OF AGENDA WHEREBY THE STATUS OF LEGISLATIVE MATTERS CAN BE CURRENTLY BEFORE THE COUNCIL . City Clerk Nelson advised that her office maintai'ns for each Committee and' Department Head a current file of referrals and actions taken to date thereon and list of pending items is furnished them upon request , the referral sheets attached each week to the minutes also for their information , and copies of all letters or documents pertaining to the matters are furnished on every referral . After further comments , Mr . Grant noting items sometimes get lost , the pending motion carried. -4- 164 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/26/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont. ) Councilman Shane called attention to bus transportation within the City and that time schedule and new routes had been established , expressing concern over public notification of such changes . Shane proposed motion seconded by Grant , that the Mayor check into the matter which motion was withdrawn when City Attorney Shellan advised the bus company has no franchis with the City but comes exclusively under jurisdiction of the State Departme' of Transportion and Utilities Commission and must abide by all of the rule and regulations of that agency . Mr . Shane requested the Mayor Pro Tem to check into the matter and was advised the subject had been investigated , the Mayor ' s Administrative Assistant being requested to report at this time . Mr . Joe Mathews advised that route , rate or schedule changes must be published in a public hearing notice in the newspaper and that no particular person is otherwise notified unless request has been made for such notification . A letter has been sent to Olympia requesting that the City be advised of any changes and public hearing notice be forwarded. The State Department ad- vised petitions filed for hearing do have weight but final decision is made by the C;cmmission, suggesting as alternate measure that another company may be asked to serve a particular area if sufficient service is not being provided . Councilman Shane proposed that action be taken on reduction of water and sewer rates to low income senior citizens and MOVED SECOND BY GR(-,.'!T , THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING. MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO AMEND THE MOTION BY INSERTING 900 CUBIC FEET IN THE ORDINANCE BLANK WHERE CONSUMPTION HAD BEEN OMITTED FOR COUNCIL DETERMINATION . THE AMENDMENT CARRIED . Schellert noted the matter is now in the Law and Ordinance Committee pending report from the Ways and 2ieans Committee which has not completed its study. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COM- MITTEE FOR REPORT BACK IN TWO WEEKS . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO AMEND THE MOTION TO ADD THAT A PUBLIC HEARING BE HELD ON THE M11\TTER JUNE 2 . THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED . Grant and Shane voted no . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT ,THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES IN THE CITY BE INVESTIGATED BY A THREE-MAN COMMITTEE ,. ONE FROM BOEING CO . , ONE FROM PACIFIC CAR AND FOUNDRY AND ONE OTHER PROPERTY OWNER. The City Attorney advised that the Council cannot delegate its authority , especially to a committee composed of firms that might benefit from the study , commitments of the city with bonding companies guaranteeing certain rates also to be considered in any plans for revision. Shane commented regarding sewer lines not being constructed and City ,Engiheer' ?Alilson pointed out locations of new installations , discussion ensuing regarding fact that .the utility funds are used for storm drains , sanitary sewers and L . I . D. participation, lift pump stations , maintenance and repair of existing lines and Capital Improvements . MAXIN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , MOVED THE PREVIOUS QUESTION . CARRIED. THE ORIGINAL MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND LOST . MOVED BY EDWARDS , SECONDED BY MORRIS , THE SANITATION COMMITTEE MAKE A STUDY ON THE SEWER AND WATER RATES AND REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL AT THE NEXT MEETING . Shane stated he would need a couple of weeks . THE MOTION CARRIED . Delaurenti noted study of three years ago which resulted in report that Renton had the best rates in the area . As there was no further business , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 10 : 10 p .m. There were 20 persons in the audience this evening . Helmie W. Nelsc i. , "ity Clerk org J . Perry , May r ro 'Tem _5__ 1) . Bid Opening 5/26/69 TENNIS COURTS AT KIWANIS AND PHILIP ARNOLD PARKS SEALED BIDS OPENED ON MAY 23 , 1969 at 10 : 00 a .m . FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM , RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG . BASIC BID RAECOLITH , INC . $ 20 ,700 . 00 Deduct $923 . 00 if drain 5622 Corson Avenue South 5% Bid tile installed by others Seattle , Washington 98108 Bond Enclosed Alt . Total $ 19 ,777 . 00 RUMSEY AND CO. , INC . $ 25 , 440 . 00 Deduct $1 , 404 . 00 for 3821 Airport Way South 5% Bid drain tile elimination Seattle , Washington 98108 Bond Enclosed Alt . total $ 24 , 036 . 00 2) . Bid Opening 24 " D . I . WATERMAIN , W-311 From Cedar River Park (Well #8) to Liberty Park (Wells #1 and 2) Bids opened May 23 , First Floor Conference Room at 2 : 00 p .m . , Renton Municipal Building FRANK COLUCCIO CONST . CO . Cert . Ck . $ 51 , 172 . 61 Inc . Tax 7778 Seward Park Avenue South Bid Deposit Seattle , Washington 98118 ELNESS CONSTRUCTION CO . , INC . Bond Enclosed 48 , 687 . 80 " 463 - 15th Avenue Kirkland, Washington W. C . FROST CONSTRUCTION CO . Bond Enclosed 47 , 450 . 77 " 8005 South 222nd Street Kent , Washington BERT ROBINSON CONST . , INC . Bond Enclosed 55 , 510 . 40 " to 5611 Delridge Way S .W. Seattle , Washington 98106 SELECT CONSTRUCTION Bond Enclosed 64 , 931 . 08 3652 Hillcrest S .W. Seattle , Washington 3) . Bid Opening ROLLING HILLS ELEVATED TANKL W-323_ Opened at 2 : 00 p .m. May 23 , 1969 First Floor Conference Room CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON CO . (5% Bid Bond enclosed) 1318 Fourth Avenue Seattle , Wn . 98101 Standard Tank : A..300 , 000 gal . tank $ 169 , 900 . 00 + Tax $ 7 , 645 . 50 - total $177 , 545 . 50 B . 400 , 000 gal . tank 188 , 000 . 00 " 8 , 460 . 00 = 196 ,460 . 00 C . 500 , 000 gal . tank 218 , 500 . 00 " 9 , 832 . 50 - 228 , 332 . 50 Tank with fluted risers : " if D. 300 , 000 gal . tank 278 , 800 . 00 12 , 546 . 00 = 291 , 346 . 00 E. 400 , 000 gal . tank 315 , 000 . 00 14 , 175 . 00 = 329 , 175 . 00 F. 500 , 000 gal . tank 348 , 600 . 00 15 , 687 . 00 = 364 , 287 . 00 PITTSBURG DES MOINES CO. (5% Bid Bond Enclosed) 700 - 108th Ave . S . E . Bellevue , Wn . Standard Tank : A. 300 , 000 gal . tank $145 , 849 . 00 + Tax 6 , 563 . 00 = total $152 ,412 . 00 B . 400 , 000 gal . tank 170 ,740 , 00 + " 7 , 683 . 00 = " 178 , 423 . 00 C. 500 , 000 gal . tank 197, 763 . 00 + " 8 , 899 . 00 = " 206 , 662 . 00 Tank with fluted risers - First evaluation and due to Bldg . Code covering earthquake areas price increase was out of proportion the foundations being increased 4 to 5 times that of standard -inks . No Bid on D ,E , or F . Ab OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5/26/69 PERMITS ISS?JFD BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO� AMOUNT N,,V',I; ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1781 $19,650.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2716 MORRIS AVE. S . CONST. FAMILY RES. 1782 140.00 BOEING Co). 10-60-2 BLDG. INST. TEL. TERMINAL 1783 240.00 BOEING Co . 4-03 BUILDING INST WALL & DOOR 1784 200.00 BOEING Co . 10-90 BLDG. REMOVE WALL B 1785 1,100.00 "40" RENTALS 116 Park Ave. N. INST. FENCE & GATES 1786 28,000.00 W.C.STONJSNTAN 3101 MT. VIEW AVE. N. CONSTRUCT FAhd. RES. 1787 17,980.00 H. L. BE?,ISLF 2010 N.E.27TH ST. CONST. FAM. RES. 1788 650.00 R. CARRALL 1702 ANACORTES AVE.N.E. CONST. FENCE B 1789 300.00 E. A. MATHEWS 4332 N.E. 10TH ST. ADDITION TO CARPORT 1790 222000.00 NORM NEISON 901 JONES AVE. S. CONST.FAM. RES 1791 250.00 TRANSAM. CO. PUGET DR.& GRANT S. INST. SIGN 1792 17,300.00 E. KUNSTEL 1015 JONES AVE. S. CONST. FAM RES. B 1793 4,000.00 WES BUSCIT 352 SUNSET BLVD. N. CONST. ADDITION 1794 50.00 BOEING C('. 4-62 & 4-45 BLDG. BREAK-OUT FOR CONDUIT 1795 4,500.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BLDG, ENC. SWITCHBOARD RM. 1796 1,000.00 F. MONROE 414 BURNETT AVE. N. REMODEL HOUSE ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2001 450.00 TIFFANY DEV. CO. 2632 IK.YOUNGS CT.SE WIRE FAM.RES. 2002 150.00 BOEING CO. 4-75 BLDG. LIGHTS FOR HOOD 2003 90.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. 110V DROP RECEPTACLE 2004 80.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. ELEC. OUTLET E 2005.• 116.00 BOEING CO. 10-90 BLDG. ELEC. OUTLET 2006 48.00 BOEING CO. 4-03 BLDG. RELOC. ALARM SYSTEM 2007 300.00 BOEING CO. 10-58 BLDG. RELOCATE LIGHTS 2008 300.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BLDG. UPGRADE HEATING E 2009 50.00 BOEING CO. 4-82 BLDG INST. INTERCOM 2010 250.00 BOEING CO. 4-82 BLDG RELOC. POWER REQ. 2011 600.00 BOEING CO. 4-54 BLDG. INST.EMERGENCY POWER 2012 100.00 BOEING CO. 4-01 BLDG. REWORK VENT. SYSTEM E 2013 50.00 BOEING CO. 7-65-2 BLDG. INST XEROX 3600 2014 3,500.00 HOLCOMB CONST. 4400 NE SUNSET BLVD.#3 WIRE APT BLDG. 2015 14,500.00 HOME FOR BOYS #2 2500 LK. WA.BLVD. N. WIRE NEW BOY'S HOME 2016 250.00 R. HAMLIN 813 S.W. 3RD PL. ADD. WIRING E 2017 500.00 E.WECHSELBERGER 521 LIND AVE. N.W. WIRE FAM. RES. 2018 250.00 LESTER LORD 608 S.W. LANGSTON PL. ADD. WIRING 2019 250.00 LOCAL LOAN CO. 2804 N.E. 10TH ST. WIRE AIR COND. 2020 50.00 BOEING CO. 10-50 BLDG. REARRANGE SHOP E 2021 130.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. INST. RECEPTACLE 2022 1,000.00 BOEING CO. 4-62 --4-45 BLDG. BURY CONDUIT 2023 230.00 BOEING CO. 4-42 BLDG. INST EL. HOIST 2024 170.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. INST. BAND SAW E 2025 1,450.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BLDG. REARR. TEL. EQUIP. RM. 2026 100.00 BOEING CO. 4-20 BLDG. RELOCATE FREEZER 2027 130.00 BOEING CO. 4-01 BLDG CIRCUIT BD. DUPLICATOR 2028 175.00 BOEING CO. 5-14 BLDG. INST HEATING ELEMENT H 2029 200.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 MEZZANINE INST. RECEPTACLES 2030 434.00 MCGRATH CORP. 1836 WHITMAN CT. N.E. WIRE FAW.RES. 031 413.00 MCGRATH CORP. 4302 N.E. 19TH ST. WIRE FAM. RES. 32 450.00 MCGRATH CORP. 4228 N.E. 19TH ST. WIRE FAM. RES. E 20 450.00 MCGRATH CORP. 4080 N.E. 19TH ST. WIRE FAM. RES. 203 400.00 A. TURGEON 1412 N. 40TH ST. WIRE FAM. RES. ECHANI L PERMITS M 1867 `� F. SCHAEFER 1412 N.E. 40TH ST. INST.HEATING 1868 PARKWOOD HOMES 760 S. 27TH ST. INST. TANK & FURN. 1869 E WECHSELBERGER 521 LIND AVE. INST. GAS FURNACE 1870 G. POMEROY 1833 S.E. 18TH PL. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. M 1871 PARKWOOD HOMES 422 S. 26TH ST. INST. FURN. & TANK 1872 PARKWOOD HOMES 432 S. 26TH ST. INST.FURN. & TANK 1873 PARKWOOD HOMES 428 S. 26TH ST. INST. FURN. & TANK 1874 PARKWOOD HOMES 2527 SMITHERS AVE.S. INST. FURN. & TANK M 1875 PARKWOOD HOMES 762 S. 25TH ST. INST. FURN. & TANK -7- MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1876 PARKWOOD HOMES 728 S. 25TH ST. INST FURN.& TANK 1877 P. NIEMELA 617 MORRIS AVE. S. INST. FURNACE 1878 LOCAL LOAN CO. 2804 N.E. 10TH ST. INST. FURN & AIR COND. M 1879 TIFFANY DEV. CO. 2632 LK.YOUNGS CT.SE INST. GAS FURNACE 1880 TIFFANY DEV. CO. 2626 LK.YOUNGS CT.SE INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1881 TIFFANY DEV. CO. 2626 LK.YOUNGS CT.S.E. INST GAS FURNACE 1882 BOEING CO. 4-62 -- 4-65 BLDG. DOMESTIC WATERLINE 1883 DALE CRAMPTON 1722 MORRIS AVE. S. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. SEWER PERMITS S 800 C. POWELL 730 SHELTON AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 801 POWELL HOMES 736 SHELTON AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 802 C. POWELL 739 SHELTON AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 803 C. POWELL 742 SHELTON AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER S 804 C. POWELL 733 SHELTON AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 805 S . WETZEL 1718 BLAIN$ AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 806 0. VENETTI 273 EARLINGTON AVE.S.W. CONNECT SEWER 807 MCGRATH CORP. 1712 WHITMAN AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER S 808 MCGRATH CORP. 4304 N.E. 17TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 809 MCGRATH CORP. 1711 ANACORTES AVE. N.E.CONNECT SEWER 810 MCGRATH CORP. 4080 N.E. 19TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 811 MCGRATH CORP. 4123 N.E. 19TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 812 MCGRATH CORP. 4131 N.E. 19TH ST. CONNECT SEWER S 813 MCGRATH CORP. 4211 N.E. 19TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 814 MCGRATH CORP. 4200 N.E. 19TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 815 MCGRATH CORP. 1830 WHITMAN CT. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 816 MCGRATH CORP. 4301 N.E. 19TH ST. CONNECT SEWER S 817 MCGRATH CORP. 4302 N.E. 19TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 818 MCGRATH CORP. 4228 N.E. 19TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 819 MCGRATH CORP. 4401 N.E. 18TH CT. CONNECT SEWER 820 MCGRATH CORP. 4419 N.E. 18TH CT. CONNECT SEWER 821 MCGRATH CORP. 1752 WHITMAN AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER S 822 MCGRATH CORP. 1802 WHITMAN AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 823 MCGRATH CORP. 1822 WHITMAN CT. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 824 MCGRATH CORP. 1908 VASHON CT. N.E. CONNECT SEWER S 825 MCGRATH CORP. 1916 VASHON CT. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 826 MCGRATH CORP. 1919 VASHON CT. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 827 MCGRATH CORP. 1913 VASHON CT. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 828 MCGRATH CORP. 1907 VASHON CT. N.E. CONNECT SEWER -8- /68 Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting committee and the City Council for the Month of May, 1969: FROM• TO CLAIMS FUND: CURRENT $ 45 , 546. 24 CITY STREET FUND 38, 271.64 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 188 . 61 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 20 , 222 . 92 LIBRARY 8, 078 . 94 PARKS 40 , 821. 24 WATERWORKS UTILITY 52 , 687 .78 1965 W. & SEWER CONSTRUCTION 350 .00 AIRPORT 3 , 305 . 00 FIREMEN' S PENSION FUND 7 , 005 . 04 CEDAR RIVER ACQUISITION FUND 250. 80 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 7 , 768 . 33 TOTAL CLAIMS FUND: $224, 944. 58 FROM: TO PAYROLL FUND: CURRENT FUND $142 , 351.77 CITY STREET FUND 33 , 196. 91 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 653 . 00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 5 , 266 . 33 LIBRARY FUND 10 , 677 .62 PARKS 23 , 395 . 29 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 22 , 595 . 02 AIRPORT 1, 579 .00 MOM FIREMEN' S PENSION FUND 100 .00 TOTAL PAYROLL FUND: $239, 814. 94 I 1 1619 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk June 2 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final Payments on CAG 1444-69 to Ray Roberts , Remodel Mothers Park Fieldhouse and CAG 1338-69 due Rumsey & Co . , Inc . , Tennis Courts j._,ITY ENGINEER Petition of Transamerica Development Co . for vacation of portions of Ethier Rd. To check into and proceed with Property Committee toward acquisition of areas along Cedar River in the Maplewood area for greenbelt areas LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE L . I . D. 266 , Sanitary Sewers , Kennydale area , 102nd P1. and 104th S . E. Transfer of $400 . 00 within Waterworks Administrative Budgetary Account PLANNING COMMISSION Amendment of Comprehensive Plan to designate both sides of the Cedar River in the Maplewood area as Greenbelt PARK BOARD To check with school district for possible neighborhood park in South Renton in vicinity of Henry Ford School PROPERTY COMMITTEE Disposition of Public Use Areas To work with City Engineer toward possible acquisition of property along the Cedar River in the Maplewood area for Greenbelt development SANITATION COMMITTEE latter of sewers in CBD area of the city triTREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Bids on improvement of Edmonds Avenue S .E . from Puget Drivel to S .E . 157th Petition of Transamerica Development Co. for vacation of Ethier Road TRAFFIC ENGINEER Petition for retaining previous street name of Rolling Hills Avenue S .E . UTILITY DEPARTMENT To initiate program for replacement of 3 " and smaller mains in lower Kennydale area MEETINGS AND EVENTS : June 3 , 1969 - Meeting of 25-Member Municipal Gov ' t . Advisory Committee June 9 , 1969 - Ways and Means Committee at 7 : 00 p .m. Street and Alley Committee at 7 : 30 p.m. June 16 , 1.969 - Public Hearing - Harold Peterson appeal of Board of Adjustment decision in denial of variance for 8 ' hedge �r { RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk June 2 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by George Perry , Mayor Pro Tem, at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin, Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti , Schellert , and Morris . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Bernard Ruppert, Building Director , Captain Ernie Henry , Police Department , Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer , Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF May 26 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED . City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of several items from persons in the audience , and after printing of the agenda ,which were presented by Mayor Pro Tem Perry for council action . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , THE ITEMS BE ADDED AT THE END OF THE COMMUNICATIONS PRESENTLY LISTED ON THE AGENDA . THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: L . I . D . 265 , Sanitary Sewers , Kennydale , 102nd P1 . S . E . , and 104th Avenue S . E . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Letters received protesting the L . I . D. were read from E . B . Stranack , 1509 North 24th St . , Mr . and Mrs . James B . and Sally Scott , 1405 No . 28th Street , L . C . Walt , 2219 Meadow Avenue North , Selma E . James , 6820 - 34th N . E . , and two received this evening from E . Stride , 1317 North 28th Street and Mr . Lee Peterson , 1023 North 28th Street , objection being expressed to costs as compared to estimates on prior L . I . D . ,which protest had defeated, and some stating present facilities to be adequate . It was noted by City Engineer Wilson that the new district is smaller than the prior L . I . D . and along with cost increases over the period of time , the assessments resulted in higher pro-rata costs . Letter from the City Engineer was read reporting that the total estimated cost , including engineering , taxes , legal and departmental L . T . D. costs , is $191 , 163 . 52 . Written protests received as of 5 : 00 p .m. this date total 6 . 13% of the assessment and inasmuch as 60% protest must be registered to defeat the issue , the present improve- ment proposal is a valid one . It was anticipated that the additional two protests would increase the percentage to approximately 12% . Audience comment was invited . Those making inquiries , protesting costs and commenting in general included W. J . Haven , 2411 Meadow Avenue North , who remarked on high costs noting City Engineer ' s comment that in not accepting prior L. I .D . , the residents were faced with increased cost , it being his opinion that previous presentation by the City was not adequate which resulted in defeat of the prior L . I . D . Mr . Art Yoder , 2504 Meadow Avenue North , inquired regarding boundaries of the present and prior im- provement , line placement and street restoration and inquired whether he could see petition of residents requesting the L . I . D . now City Engineer Wilson displayed a map of the proposed district and outlined present and prior L . I . D. boundaries , noting improvements presently in progress in the area initiated by the City upon petitions of ' residents . It was pointed out that since the district is smaller and cost increases over lapse of time have resulted the assessments are higher , it being possible , however , if a favorable bid is received , that final costs will be less than shown on estimated notices . Line placement was noted that street restoration will be included in the project . Fire and Water Com- mittee Chairman Bruce reported proposed recommendation for increasing size of mains , same to be installed in conjunction with the project and repaving so the whole job will be completed without future disturbance to the right- of-way . -1- 171 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/2/69 PUBLIC HEARING : L . I . D . 265 (Cont . ) Ernie Henry , 1415 North 24th Street. acknowledged need for the improvement and inquired regarding fire protection service and access therefor which City Engineer Wilson agreed is needed , advising that the emergency vehicle service access would be resolved , At the close of audience comments ,-it."was MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE HEARING BE CLOSED . THE MOTION CARRIED. The hearing was de- clared closed and further Council action invited . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL OF L . I .D�1265 WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE'-AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENTS AS REQUIRED . THE MOTION CARRIED r " _.. PUBLIC HEARING : Disposition of Public Use Areas South of Sunset Highway in the Highlands area including-- Block 19,, 0 , 26 and 26B . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open and since there were no written communications received , audience comment was invited . The Mayor Pro Tem advised that the purpose of the hearing , requested by the Property Committee', was toI' give the committee ideas ofwhether the public interest was for !.disposition of the areas or if the City should retain them for recreation purposes, or as- iso said areas".,being purchased by the City from the Federal Government, and the Committee desiring comments which could be analyzed in preparing a recommendation . Residents making comments regardilag_areas involved and costs, or noting interest in purchasing the areas , included Mr . Gillespie , 609 Jefferson Avenue S . E . , Stan Green , 530 Index Pl . N . E . James Wilkie , 556 Jefferson Avenue , John Racanello , 14235 S . E , 146th , Nathan Ward , 3019 N .E . 17th , George Jacobson , 2505 N . E . 6th Place , Ralph Nesselrodt , 1007 Tacoma N . E . , Harold Metcalf , 3020 N . E . 7th , Don Mac Whirter , 567 Jefferson N . E . , Mrs . -Now Kenneth Karinen , 2705 N . E . 6th , Eileen Vaiente , 2523 N . E . 6th Place , Irene Brown , 2605 N . E . 6th , Wes and Marion Busch , 312 Busch Place , Dick Stredicke , 1014 Tacoma Avenue N. E . , Mrs . Thomas McGinnis , 517 Kirkland Avenue N . E , , M. Therion , 2518 N . E . 5th, and Sven Johnson , 1520 Index N . E . Inquiries followed regardingowners maintaining the areas and not the City . Upon inquiry by Schellert regarding procedure required in any sale of the parcels , City Attorney Shellan -advised that the property has to be declared surplus and title is then`'conveyed ` by Quit Claim Deed to the abutting property owners and if an owner is not interested he may assign his prior right to another party . Regarding maintenance for play he noted the City had inherited the property originally from .-the Housing Authority and subsequently purchased same to prevent reversion of ownership as a result of non use , to the Federal Government , a provi4on of the original conveyance . It was suggested by a resident that since areas had been maintained for many years by the residents they should be given the pro- perty , City Attorney Shellan advising that the City cannot give away the public property . People , if they wanted to , might lease it for $1 . 00 per year and maintain it for play-'areas but if sold the law requires the City to sell at the appraisal price or fair market value . These areas upon acquisition had never been turned over to the Park Department for main- tenance nor have funds been budgeted for development and much of the property was felt to be a liability to the City and not utilized , It was pointed out that the Park Board did not wish to maintain these areas . During the hearing residents expressed opinions that the children need to have such play areas without planned programs , as they had when they were kids , to run and play in without having to be driven by their parents to some location away from home where they could not be under surveillance , it also being noted nearby parks are taken over by little league and other groups prohibiting the use for dust general play activities of ball , marble , hop scotch , soccer , etc . Tom Teasdale , Park Board Member , advised of Park Board feeling that use is restricted in such areas and the City ' s best interest is served by maintaining areas available to all the general public and not just to individual neighborhood children , offering to convey to the Board the people ' s desire to lease or to assist in any way possible otherwise . -2- E MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/2/69 PUBLIC HEARING : Disposition of Public Use Areas in the Highlands Ccont . ) It had been noted that the division of larger parcel would present some engineering problems and Sven Johnson pointed out the areas would not constitute legal building lots and permit could not be secured to do any building on them . During further discussion it was stated that the Planning Committee has been making a study and has plans to propose that developers be required to provide neighborhood parks . Opinions were expressed that view restriction was undesired and it was suggested perhaps tennis courts and trees be put in by the city , Mr . Metcalf offering , if the city would gradd and install sprinklers , to maintain the area abutting his property . There were various expressions of interest in acquiring the areas and some advised they would buy them if forced to in order to prevent encroachment but most preferred to have them remain as play areas for their children . Councilman Morris expressed opinion that the City should assume the responsibility for maintenance of the areas stating he did not feel the City should sell park property when it is at the same time trying to buy park properties . Barei advised the points made will be all given consideration and upon inquiry regarding 40 - 60G per ft . he had mentioned , noted that no definite price has been established , many having expressed opinion that this was too great a price to pay for an alleyway which , in some in- stances could amount to $4 , 000 . 00 . At the close of comments , it was MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , THE HEARING BE CLOSED . THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY GARRETT , TO REFER THE SUBJECT OF THE HEARING BACK TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE . THE AMENDMENT WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED . THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO RECESS . CARRIED . After the recess roll call was taken with ' all Councilmen present except Barei . PUBLIC HEARING : Proposal to reduce water and sewer rates to elderly citizens with limited incomes . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Proclamation received from the Renton Aerie No . 1722 , Fraternal Order of Eagles ,placed them on record as supporting a program to give relief to the senior citizen pensioners by reduction of utility charges upon filing of proper affidavit . Mrs . Ella Siegfried , 318 Garden Avenue North , endorsed the proposal to give some assistance to the old folks . Mr . George Carlisle suggested delay of the program until all details have been worked out to give equitable benefit to all qualified . Others urging implementation of the proposal were Mrs . Almeda Baldwin , , A. C . Milner , and Vera Ausman . Councilman Shane estimated 500 families would be affected and approximately $12 , 000 . 00 in revenue decrease would result to the City. Schellert noted this proposal is to aid those persons 65 or older with incomes of $250 . 00 per month or less and reading from the proposed ordinance noted that it does not include persons on welfare or with dependent children on public assistance or renters, but that this would he a start for possible future expansion . It was noted that in a previous survey conducted it had been determined that 33% of the total population is living on fixed incomes . �.. As there was no further comment , it was MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT , THE HEARING BE CLOSED . CARRIED . The hearing was declared closed and further council action was invited . MOVED BY SHAVE , SECONDED BY GRANT , THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGARDING REDUCTION OF RATES BE PLACED ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THIS TIME . (First reading 5/12/69) MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO TABLE THE MOTION PENDING RECEIPT OF THE VARIOUS COMMITTEE REPORTS . MOTION CARRIED. SHANE OPPOSED . -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/2/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids on May 28 , for improvement of Edmonds Avenue S . E . from Puget Drive to S .E . 157th Street . Bids were received from three"bidders .as per attached tabulations . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , to refer the bids to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from W. E . Bennett , Utility Accountant , requested approval of ftw $400 . 00 fund transfer in Waterworks Administrative Budget from Account 1810/402 , Office Supplies unto 130 , Overtime and Extra Help to cover costs in connection with city assumption of garbage billings and with street name changes . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE... THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from the Park Director submitted and recommended for acceptance and final payment , work of Ray Roberts , Builder on CAG 1444-69 , Mothers Park Fieldhouse remodelling . Amount due $3 , 669. 06 . Commencement of the 30-day Lien Period was also recommended after which , if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of all tax liability , the retained amount of $998 . 60 then be released. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED . Park Director ' s letter also recommended for payment , 3rd and final progress b- ulings for work completed on CAG 1338-69 , tennis court work by Rumsey and Company , Inc . at Liberty Park , Highlands and North Highlands , in sum of $8 ,621 , 73 along with acceptance as of this date and commence- ment of the 30-day lien period with release of $2 , 658 . 00 retained amount thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS WITH REFERRAL TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED . tow Petition of Transamerica Development Company for vacation of portionsc:of Ethier Road waa',read , fee having been filed as required . in sum of $100 . 00 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ENGINEER. CARRIED , TRIMM AND MORRIS OPPOSING THE COMMITTEE REFERRAL WHEN HEARING MUST BE HELD ON THE MATTER. Petition from residents along Rolling Hills Avenue S .E . requested that a second address change not be effected , their street having been once changed along with the house numbers and correspondents having been so notified and further inconvenience was felt to be unnecessary Rolling Hills Avenue being the original entrance to the Rolling Hills area and bank checks , business stationery , credit card , magazine , etc . changes having already been made . Appeal was made that the street remain as Rolling Hills Avenue S .E . Eight property ownerships along said right- of-way were represented on the petition. Mr . Hogue and Mr . Caviness urged the Council ' s favorable attention to the request . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO REPORT BACK NEXT WEEK. CARRIED . Notice from Mr . Harold P . Peterson appealed Board of Adjustment decision in denial of variance to allow hedge on east side of property line to remain at 8 ft . in height rather than six ft . allowed in R-2 zoning and requested the Council to reverse such decision and grant higher hedge as 9� per Application V-164-69 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE DATE OF JUNE 16 , 1969 BE SET FOR HEARING ON THE APPEAL . CARRIED . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Frank Story , 1325 Kennewick N. E . inquired regarding names of the appraisers for the City on the Highlands Hospital-owned property and was advised that the Property Committee and records in the Clerk ' s Office would be able to furnish the information . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Schellert submitted Committee of the Whole report recommending that the Dangerous Buildng Code be referred to the Board of Adjustment for comments and that June 23 be set as date for hearing on the Proposed Ordinance . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR. CARRIED . -4- 174 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/2/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont. ) STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT submitted report recom- mending , along with the Engineering Department , that the low bid of Moss Construction Co . , Inc . be accepted on the improvement of Edmonds Avenue S .E . (116th Ave. S .E . ) , in sum of $54 , 270. 10 . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS .' CARRIED. FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE submitted report recommending that the bid on 24 " Watermain , Cedar River Park ' to Liberty Park , be awarded to low bidder W. C . Frost Construction Co . in sum of $47 , 460 . 77 . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Further recommended by the Fire and Water Committee that the low bid of Pittsburg Des Moines Company , in sum of $152 ,412 . 00 be accepted on 300 , 000 gallon elevated tank for rolling hills . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED . Recommended by the Fire and Water Committee that substandard watermains in the lower Kennydale area of the city be replaced with mains that comply with the city ' s overall plan and that the Utility Department initiate a program for replacement of such 3" and lesser mains in said area. MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE submitted report recommending that the property .donated to the City by Joe Gottstein in Earlington Flats not be sold as suggested ,to develop the Talbot Park as Louella Park ,but that it be retained by the City at least five years prior to any such consideration . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED Regarding Communication from Michael Creegan requesting improvement of Cugini property at Smithers and North 6th for recreation playground it was recommended that the Park Board check with the School District for possible neighborhood park site in the south Renton area , in view of the pr.oposed' use of the Henry Ford playground for a school administra- tion building . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GARRETT , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Recommended the Planning Commission amend the Comprehensive Plan to designate both sides of the Cedar River as Green Belt in the Maplewood area . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR. 7 MOTION CARRIED . Recommended thatthe City Engineer check into , and proceed with the Property Committee toward posse a acquisition of property along the Cedar River in pursuance of the former green belt recommendation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED , SANITATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SHANE submitted recommendation that consultants be retained as follows per prior authorization of City Engineer ' s request for same : 1 . Hill , Ingman & Chase for L. I .D . 263 , Kennydale Island. 2 . Jack Eller Associates , Inc . , for control work on L . I . D. 265 and 3 . Mr . Dick Murray, right-of-way specialist for easement work on L . I . D. s 263 and 265 , to be paid at rate of $7 . 50 per hr . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter was read, submitted by Councilman Schellert , from the Super Sport Club of Renton, 270 Bronson Way North, requesting permission to use city-owned property on corner of North 3rd Street and Rainier Avenue North, between the carwash and Kentucky Roast Beef Drive-In , for purpose of holding a fund raising "car smash" , for one day only during the first week of July. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH EXECUTION OF PROPER HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED . -5 175 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/2/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 2206 through 2289 and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 2206 - 2237 $ 13 , 953 ° 92 City Street Fund 2238 - 2246 1 , 735 . 22 Equipment Rental 2247 - 2258 574081 %1W Park Fund 2259 - 2268 14 , 962 .87 Waterworks Utility 2269 - 2278 13 , 161 . 09 Airport Fund 2279 102 . 43 Firemens Pension 2280 - 2288 186 . 59 City Hall Const . 2289 281 . 38 Total $ 44 , 958 . 31 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Shane submitted report outlining revenue receipts of the water and sewer revenues and expenditures from the budget and inquired regarding the CBD utility services and Metro . After discussion of the oxcess `floW and suggested T .V . and smoke testing , it was moved by SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO REFER THE MATTER OF SEWERS IN THE CBD TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED . WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT &nnounced a committee meeting Monday, .June 9 , at . 7 : 00 p .m. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT announced a committee meeting on Monday, June 9 , at 7 : 30 p .m. to discuss improved access to Renton Hill and the traffic light at Cemetery Road . Councilman Grant inquired regarding proposed sick leave ordinance and Irl■ Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm advised that the committee ,s met and has another meeting set for next week but is not ready to make a recommendation as yet . Councilman Shane inquired regarding meeting of the 25 Member Committee to study government which had been cancelled and was advised the meeting has been scheduled for next Tuesday at 7 : 30 p .m. Councilman Shane inquired regarding utility fund records and proposed segregation of the accounts . It was noted that they had been combined for financing purposes with the bonding company . Utility Accountant Bennett advised that the accounts are kept segregated , expending and work- orders issued for the men and he would see no reason why they should not be otherwise combined, noting the double entry system of accounting and write-off over 12 months of certain insurance , etc . expenditures which at time of funding show greater expense for that period. Proposed motion to segregate lost . Councilman Shane proposed motion that Lake Washington Beach be opened by June 15 , which was lost for lack of a second. As there were no audience comments to follow, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED . The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 10 p.m. There were 112 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk r�_ J F*_P_r� George J . Perry, Mayor Pro Tem -6- 176 6/2/69 2 :p.m. BID OPENING 5/28/69 First floor Conference Room IMPROVEMENT OF EDMONDS AVE. S.E. FROM PUGET DR. TO S.E. 157th ST. BIDDER AND ADDRESS 5% BID BOND TOTAL BID Moss Construction, Inc. Box 37 Zenith, Wa. 98073 Bond $54,270.10 Select Contractors Inc. 3652 Hillcrest S.W. Seattle, Wa. 98116 Bond $58,580.80 S & T Construction 9840 Carr Road Renton, Wa . 98055 Bond $62,352.55 —7— 177 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6/2/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1797 $ ------ JOHN IVANICH 2907 PARK AVE. N. DEMOLISH RES IDENCE 1798 1931264.00 MCGRATH CORP. 1830 WHITMAN COURT N.E.CONST. FAMILY RES. 1799 604,600.00 SCHOOL DIST.#403 505 14TH AVE. S. CONST. ELE. SCHOOL 1800 2,695.00 BRUCE VICTOR 400 S. 37TH CONST. GARAGE B 1801 200.00 LLOYD W. STIGEN 2502 N.E. 7TH CONST. FENCE 1802 17,676.00 MCGRATH CORP. 1919 VASHON CT. N.E. CONST. FAMILY RES. 1803 650,000.00 SCHOOL DIST.#403 809 HARRINGTON N.E. CONST. ELE. SCHOOL ,.. 1804 3,000.00 R.D. STOELLNAUER 625 RAINIER AVE. N. REMODEL OFFICE B 1805 338.00 JOYCE D BRANDOW 425 WELLS AVE. N. CONST. FENCE 1806 1,000.00 CARL HAGEN 1009 N. 28TH PL, REPLACE FOUNDATION 1807 350.00 A.L. ZERBATO 310 WHITWORTH S. REMODEL FAM.RES. 1808 2,500.00 OLYMPIC PIPELINE 2929 E.VALLEY RD. CONCRETE FOUNDATION B 1809 18,000.00 ROSE CUSTER 1209 S. 7TH ST. REMODEL FAM. RES. 1810 3,250.00 BENAROYA CO. 730 THOMAS AVE.S.W. REMODEL BUILDING 1811 ' L,000.00 "40" RENTAIS 1100 BRONSON WAY N. REMODEL BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2035 2,000.00 EARLINGTON ASSOC. 434 S.W. 7TH ST. REPLACE WIRING 2036 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2716 MORRIS AVE. S. WIRE FAM. RES. 2037 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 728 S. 25TH ST. WIRE FAM. RES. 2038 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 518 ROYAL DRIVE WIRE FAM. RES. E 2039 250.00 R.D.STOELLNAUER 625 RAINIER AVE. N. WIRE OFFICES 2040 639.00 ROBERT NORRIS 1513 S . 7TH ST. WIRE FAM. RES. 2041 250.00 A.L. ZERBATO 310 WHITWORTH AVE. S. REWIRE FAM RES. 2042 700.00 STANDARD OIL CO. 207 MAIN AVE. S. INST. FIXTURES MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1884 MCGRATH CORP. 1830 WHITMAN CT.N.E. INST. PLUMBING _1885 BUSCH CONST. 352 SUNSET BLVD. N. INST. PLUMBING 1886 BUSCH CONST. 352 SUNSET BLVD. N. INST. HEATERS 1887 ST.ANDREWS #35 509 WILLIAMS AVE. S. INST. PLUMBING & FIX. M 1888 GARY CLOVER 2509 FERNDALE AVE. N.E.INST. WATER TANK 1889 MCGRATH CORP. 1836 WHITMAN CT. N.E. INST. GAS FURNACE 1890 MCGRATH CORP. 4302 N.E. 19TH ST. INST. GAS FURNACK 1891 MCGRATH`CORP. 4228 N.E. 19TH ST. INST. GAS FURNACE M 1892 CARL HAGEN 1009 N. 28TH PL. REPAIR VENT 1893 BAZAAR, INC. 717 RAINIER AVE S. RELOCATE HEATERS 1894 , MCGRATH CORP. 1919 VASHON CT. N.E. INST, PLUMBING & FIX. 1895 A.L. ZERBATO 310 WHITWORTH AVE. S. REWIRE FAM. RES. M 1896 A.L.ZERBATO 310 WHITWORTH AVE. S. INST.HEATER 1897 EARL IRWIN 901 DAYTON AVE. N.E. INSTALL GAS FURNACE 1898 J. MCMILLAN 121 WELLS AVE. N. INST. GAS BURNACE 1899 HERR LUMBER 1215 LINCOLN PL.N.E. INST. GAS FURNACE SEWER PERMITS S 829 BUD HEISER 2265 N.E. 16TH CONNECT SEWER 830 ROBERT NORRIS 1513 S. 7TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 831 MULTIPLE LISTING 216 PARK AVE. N. CONNECT SEWER 832 BRONCO RESTAURANT 530 RAINIER AVE. S. CONNECT SEWER 833 E. WESCHELBERGER 521 W. LIND CONNECT SEWER -8- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of City Clerk June 9, 1969 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Letter from Dr . Bockoven requesting to connect to city water and sewer line facilities for eye clinic across from Valley General Hospital , Springbrook Rd. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Park Superintendent 's request for $6 ,271 . 63 fund transfer to replace Cushma Trucksters amortized for six years Appropriation of funds to cover state taxes on income from garbage contract billing and collection services , $500 . 00 (Resolution No. 1629 adopted) Rezone of Newcastle Grange property from G7200 to B-1 Vacation of portion of Ethier Road Letter from Local 864 , International Firefighters Ass °n . favoring passage of ordinance relating to accumulated sick leave benefits MAYOR Subject of lunchroom operation POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Petition for removal of dog kennel at 1208 Lincoln Place N. E. WHYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of secretarial costs for Municipal Government Advisory Committee MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 6/12/69 - Holmes Electric Company open house, 6 : 30 p.m . to 9 : 30 p.m. 6/16/69 - Committee of the Whole at 7 :00 p.m. , 6th floor conf. rm. Street and Alley Committee at 7 : 30 p.m. 6/18/69 - Committee of the Whole at 7 :30 p.m, Council Chambers 6/23/69 - Public Hearing on Harold Peterson appeal of Board of Adjustment denial of variance to allow hedge to remain 8 ft . in ht . 7/14/69 - Hearing on Transamerica Development Co . petition for vacation of portion of Ethier Road 179 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk June 9, 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor , at 8: 00 p.m . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce, Maxin , -" Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, John K. Pain , Asst . City At- torney , Jack Wilson , 2ity Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Bernard Ruppert , Building Director , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Gene Coulon , Park Director, Joseph A . Dorbin , Asst . Traffic Engineer, Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director and Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor . Council action on approval of the minutes of the previous meeting was invited. Shane made inquiry regarding continuation of the public hearing regarding reduction of water and sewer rates in regard to second and final reading of the proposed ordinance . It was noted and read from the record that the motion for final reading of the ordinance 'had been tabled pending report of committee referred to , the public hearing having been closed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 2 , AS MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Sign Control Ordinance This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . The meeting had been requested by the Planning Committee to secure comments and recommenda- tions from the interested and concerned parties which could be analyzed and considered in preparing its report to the Council . Planning Committee Chair- man Maxin outlined the Committee actions to date and its wish for referral of the matter back so finalization of ordinance content and recommendation might be formulated. Letters read from Wn . State Association of Motels and Resorts and Pacific Communications Incorporated expresseda concern for restrictions imposed by the off premise sign control section of the ordinance and to administration thereof with no provision for appeal to a judicial board , elimination of the sectionrelating to off-premise signs and such controls being requested , same deemed arbitrary , unconstitutional and not being feasible to serve tourists nor best interest of the industries . Planning Director Ericksen advised that the original basis for the sign control study was that there are presently three ordinances in the Code regulating various signs and this has resulted in confusion and problems in administration . The basic accomplishment desired is to combine the three into one workable ordinance to cover all signs throughout the City under specific control The staff and committee studied all areas through- out the city , took film slides , studied ordinances of other cities in the state and in other states and the draft of the present ordinance was the result of this work and included recommendations from meetings with repre- sentatives of the sign industry and concerned parties . Film slides were shown and the good and bad features , problems and conditions pointed out , "mit being noted that clutter seemingly defeats intent and purpose of the signs altogether. Audience comment was invited and Mr. Don Lundberg, of the Hungry Wolf, objected to 4 yr. period for replacement of non-conforming signs noting his sign cost to be between eight and nine thousand dollars which would be quite a costly write-off. He noted many of the signs cited as being desirable ,in the slides ,were not lighted nor needing to appeal to the public after 5 : 00 p.m . -1 - 180 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/9/69 PUBLIC HEARING : Sign Control Ordinance (Cont . ) Mr. Anthony Thein , Assn . For Better Electrical Advertising , agreed that sign clutter is bad and offered points to be considered for the proposed ordinance regarding a re-inspection schedule needing to be included so inspection could not be required and one-half of original fee charged weekly or so , Surety bond requirement felt to be an imposi- tion Renton being the only city in the Mate requiring such , it being suggested that for 50� additional fee the city have a master policy to cover all signs on public right-of-ways . Also cited as imposing undue hardship was requirement for drawing of how the sign would look on the property , site map and other technical detailed material requiring engineering services which would be costly and burden to the businessman, as well as fees per sq. ft . per lineal ft , of building and $150 . 00 fee per location . Mr . Martin Sangster of Foster & Kleiser , submitted letter outlining objections to $25 . 00 permit fee listing proposed schedule of fees for consideration , with suggested density control by limitation of number of signspermitted in any given lineal ft . distance along a street and at multiple intersections . Perpetual landscaping requirement was deemed impractical it being felt the intent was to require weed abatement , and the 75 ft . setback from right of way having underground utilities was felt to be unduly restrictive . The two sections of the ordinance concerned being Page 10 , Sec. 4-1903 , Subsection 4-Permit Fees and Page 28 , Section 4-1918 , Subsection 3 , Paragraph F. Byerl Dickenson stated they have a very large sign which is felt to be adequate and needed to direct the tourists to the City Center Motel . It was noted there would still be provisions for variances . It was pointed out that these are private businesses needing to be identified and further suggested' was the possible deletion of 4-5 yr . replacement with regairement upon new ownership or sign replacement , ,Enforcement :with regard to inter- section reduction of signs and how determination is to be made for deletion of any specific sign was discussed. The desire is to ma.int.ai.n adequate con .trot ever,."signs and' it was_ not felt the city should have to insure everyone , but an equitable program to be worked out . Ken Zehm supported the ordinance urging pride in maintaining of business properties and ,citing example of the Hungry Wolf , felt the city should acknowledge the landscaping assets and consider the efforts of such businesses in meeting specifications . Mr. Richard Booth, Messenger Sign Company , cited six months removal re- quirement for temporary signs might be restrictive for developments such as Fairwood, it .being noted that sizeable signs are not considered tem- porary . Dick Stredicke , Planning Commission Vice-Chairman pointed out the work the city has been doing toward implementation of an enforceable code to prohibit unauthorized signs and encourage those identifying signs to be neat and sightly, and urged that the ordinance not be watered down to a tolerance level . As there were no further comments , participants were thanked for expressing views and making recommendations , It was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER STUDY AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted proposed Resolution authorizing transfer of funds within the Waterworks Administrative Budget Account 1810/402 , M. & 0. , Office Supplies , in sum of $400 . 00 , to 1810/130 , Salaries and Wages , Overtime and Extra help. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1628 AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1629 was adopted upon MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELA- URENTI , authorizing appropriation of excess revenues in sum of $500 . 00 unto Non-Departmental budgetary account #1141/503 , State Taxes . (To pay taxes on garbage collection fees received by the city) -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/9/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from residents in vicinity of 1208 Lincoln Place N.E. petitioned the Council for removal of dog kennel at said address ,owned by Mr . Gene Galyean, which could no longer be tolerated, day and night disturbance from noise , odor and sanitation problems cited as reasons for numerous complaint with no abatement over the years .Signatories included Mr , and Mrs . H. W. Sloane , F. A . Franks , Mr , and Mrs . J. R. Rankin , Mr. and Mrs . R. Be Bergman , Mr. and Mrs . D. K. Griswald, John J . Lund and Frank A . Storey . rr MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE, THE KING COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY, THE ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER AND THE CITY'S HEALTH OFFICER FOR INVESTIGATION. It was noted other animals are on the premises which may not be in accord with regulations and that the City has no specific ordinance to license a dog kennel at present. CARRIED. Letter from Jim Lebert , 7th grade student and paper delivery boy , requested approval of property location for Seattle Times distribution shelter building so that papers may be protected from the rain . Building Department report advised that the District Advisor had filed for permit but had not yet submitted required information to date to secure same . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE TIMES BE NOTIFIED OF THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT, CARRIED. Letter from Robert Bockoven , M. D. requested authorization to utilize city water and sewer facilities in connection with construction of an eye clinic on Springbrook Road across from the Valley General Hospital , expense to be assumed for installation of the two systems and necessary connections . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Letter from Park Superintendent Coulon requested transfer of $6 ,271 . 63 from Wo Cumulative Reserve Fund 2104 , Reserve for Replacement of Park Department Movable Equipment , unto expending budgetary Park Fund Account 1710 , Capital Outlay No . 606 for Cushman trucksters which have been amortized for six years . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Letter of resignation from the 'Council by Councilman Shane was the next item on the agenda and it was MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY BAREI, that a new letter,submitted to the City Clerk this date ,be substituted for reading at this time. MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO AMEND THE MOTION BY INCLUDING READING OF BOTH COMMUNICATIONS AT THIS TIME . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO ALLOW READING OF BOTH LETTERS IN THE ORDER THEY WERE RECEIVED BY THE CITY CLERK, The amendment to include reading of both letters carried. Amendment to include reading in order of receipt carried and subsequently the original motion as twice amended. , Letter from Councilman Shane .irrevocably tendered his resignation from City Council effective July 28 , 1969 with request that his service on the Council be allowed to continue until a new Councilman takes office after the November election . His second letter reported withdrawal of his resignation ,after 'a reconsideration of his original intent and upon urging of many people throughout the City ,and affirmed -his intent to fulfill the remainder of his term. MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO PROCEED TO am NEXT ORDER OF BUSINESS. CARRIED. Letter from the Disabled American Veterans , Renton Unit , by Mr, Frank Rowan , requested permission to hold annual forget-me-not fund raising flower sale in Renton July 8 - 12 , 1969 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO GRANT THE REQUEST. THE MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk ' s report of need for fund appropriation to cover State Tax on in- Come from garbage billing and collection servi.ces ,. read prior to Resolutions %.4S referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE UPON MOTION BY TRIMM, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. -3- 182 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/9/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director, reported Planning Commission recommendation that Council approve rezone of Newcastle Grange #1100 property, App. R-586-69 , from G-7200 to B-1 , said property located on the East side of Union Avenue N.E. (132nd Ave . S.E. ) between Sunset Blvd. N.E . and N.E. 12th Street , proposed for business use which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE REZONE TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Gordon Ericksen , Chairman , Board of Public Works , reported review of proposed annexation of the Briereproperty ,which lies East of Union Avenue N.E . in vicinity of North 24th Street , and finding that the annexation would be a logical extension of the Renton city limits . It was recommended petitioners be authorized to proceed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THAT JUNE 16 , 1969 BE SET FOR PRELIMINARY MEETING WITH THE PROPERTY OWNERS REQUESTING THE ANNEXATION. CARRIED. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported, regarding petition of Trans- america Development Corp. for vacation of portions of Ethier Road , that petition is signed by owners representing 100% of the frontage abutting said street . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION SETTING DATE FOR HEARING . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , reported regarding petition from Rolling Hills Avenue S .E. residents to retain present street designa- tion which had been changed once already, An .attempt , by the revision ,was made to eliminate two intersections on Puget Drive S .E. but it would not create any undue problem if retained as Rolling Hills Avenue S .E . rather than changing to S.E . 16th Place . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE STREET DESIGNATION REMAIN AS ROLLING HILLS AVENUE S. E . AS REQUESTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from the Municipal Arts Commission commended the City on the beautification of Liberty Park and the access paths to the river. Letter from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission advised it does not maintain a master mailing list but would attempt to notify the city of all hearings when possible , it being policy to notify parties of record in all proceedings . Invitation was read from Holmes Electric Company announcing a Special Open House at the new business location of 15025 - 86th Avenue South , on June 12 , from 6 : 30 p.m . to 9 :30 p.m . Mayor Custer reported receipt of a number of additional communications and Council action was invited. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ALL ITEMS RECEIVED BE READ AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Local 864 ,International Assn . of Firefighters , Wm . J. Henry Jr . , President , requested it be a matter of record that the local favors passage of proposed amendments to the city ordinance regarding Accumulate Sick Leave Benefits . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , reported telephone request of Mr . Harold Peterson that the hearing date on his appeal of Board of Adjustment decision in denial of variance for retaining 8 ft . hedge, per App. V-164- 69 , be extended from June 16 to June 23 , 1969 since he will be out of town on the date set . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO EXTEND THE DATE AS REQUESTED TO JUNE 23 . CARRIED. -4- 183 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/9/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from the League of Women Voters of Renton advised of its support of city proposal to acquire land and/or easements along the banks of the Cedar River for preservation and public use . Second letter from the League announced a meeting at the Highline Junior College Lecture Hall at 8 : 00 p.m. on June 24 , for presentation of various options in planning procedures which public meeting is the only one planned for the South King County area , the general purpose of which being attempt to sample public sentiment on zoning and rezoning procedures and general planning implementation . Letters from Renton Aerie No. 1722 , Fraternal Order of Eagles , Ace Jones , Secretary , and the Culinary Workers & Bartenders Union Local No. 596 , Harold A . Dodson , Secretary , were read urging that the Council not accept the resignation of Councilman Shane from the City Council . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr . Frank Storey inquired regarding the name of the appraiser who gave the City its appraisal of the hospital-owned property in the Highlands and Councilman Perry advised the appraisal was furnished by Mr. Fred Darnell , Jr . Mr. Clarence Dullahant, 1326 Beacon Way South , inquired regarding possible action to correct the existing traffic hazard at the corner of Renton Hill and North 3rd Street which sharp corner cars want to take in high gear , noting also that a vehicle has been parked in front of the Reid house which area should be posted no parking, the problems becoming worse with increased traffic on the hill . It was noted the matter of traffic problem in this area had been referred to the Street and Alley Committee last week when request had been received for another access and the committee will include these comments in its investigation. Mrs . Margaret Evans recalled sign control action of the past wherein non- conforming signs were to be allowed if percentage in the area were non- conforming, the knowledge of which led to increased non-conformance . It was noted this provision has been eliminated from the proposed legis- lation in an effort to eventually phase out these signs . Shane noting Mr . Dullahant ' s remarks regarding traffic hazard at Renton Hill access recalled property sold last year which might have been acquired for such improvement urging that the Street and Alley committee determine costs for widening of the radius of the curve at the crest of the hill . It was pointed out that the school buses have trouble turning in this area also . Mr . Richard Stredicke , 1014 Tacoma Avenue S. E . inquired regarding work schedule for widening of 132nd Avenue S .E . noting completion of 12th Avenue and underground cable coming down the west side of 12th and rato the newly paved area and it was urged that undergrounding be coordinated with the other projects up there to avoid this situation . Grant inquired regarding status of work on Union Avenue (132nd Ave . S.E. ) Mayor Custer advised it is desired that underground wiring and storm sewer lines be undergrounded at the time this project is under completion . Some Urban Arterial Funds will be available and combined with other monies , but itis not anticipated that the Work could be performed this year, money not to be available as bond sale and scheduling .cannot be completed in time . Shane proposed that Renton Avenue be called an Urban Arterial and improved, reaffirming that property should have been acquired last year in the area . Grant inquired regarding appointment to the Park Board , Mayor Custer ad- vising that vacancy is to be filled also on the Library Board which , having been absent from the City ,he has not yet filled, pointing out that Members remain in office until such time as they are replaced. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Perry reported that the Municipal Government Advisory Committee had met on June 3 , and requests the council to furnish secretarial service and MOVED THAT THE COMMITTEE BE AUTHORIZED A SECRETARY. Motion was seconded by Maxin and carried. Legal services of an attorney may be required later. ' -5- 84 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/9/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Councilman Perry advised that the Municipal Government Advisory Committee will be meeting for the next 3 Tuesdays at 7 :30 p.m . and also that he has been requested to act as liaison during this time a Chairman to be elected at a subsequent meeting. Copy of the City Attorney's summarization of the Optional Municipal Code background and purposes as presented to the committee were furnished to each Councilman , along with a copy of the Code and amendments: MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE FUNDING OF SECRETARIAL COSTS BE REFERRED TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM REPORTED COMMITTEE RECOM- MENDATION that the proposed ordinance relating to Sick Leave be brought up at budget time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT reported recommendation of the Building Director and the committee that the Mechanical Contract on the Municipal Building, CAG. 1160-67 ,completed by McKinstry Company, be accepted with commencement of the 30-day lien period. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, to concur in the recommendations . The motion carried . STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT reported committee recommenda- tion that the date of July 14 be set for public hearing on petition of Transamerica Development Company for vacation of portions of Ethier Road . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE submitted recommendation on matter of sit-in park at City expense at South 3rd and Mill Avenue , that the proposal be rejected and the State be requested to landscape this area as a part of its overall freeway landscaping program. The number of acci- dents on the freeway over this area contributed to the committee 's deter- mination . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA­ TION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT TO AMEND BY ADDING NOTICE TO THE STATE THAT IT IS NOT PLANNED TO DEVELOP THE AREA FOR PARKING. Dis- senting voice vote repulted in two requests for roll call vote which was taken as follows : Aye: Perry , Morris , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Edwards , Maxin and Bruce . No: Barei , Shane , Grant and Schellert . THE AAENDMENT CARRIED. Vote on the original motion as amended was dissenting and roll call was requested and resulted as follows : Aye : Perry , Bruce, Maxin, Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . No : Barei , Shane and Grant . The motion carried , 9 to 4 . Councilman Grant calling attention to the matter of obnoxious weed control listed areas needing attention including N. E. and N. W. Langston Rd . S . W. , S. W. Thomas Street , Pelly Avenue North and across from 529 Pelly and S. W. corner of Logan and Tobin , both brush and weeds at some of the lo- cations . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE SUBJECT OF SPECIAL WATER AND SEWER RATES FOR CERTAIN PERSONS BE TAKEN FROM THE TABLE. It was noted that the Ways and Means Committee , of which Mr . Shane is a member but did not attend had met ea.r i er. tonight and has a report. Motion was withdrawn pending report of the Committee in conformance to action of the Council last week . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported committee ap7 proval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 2290 through 2495 and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 2290 - 2342 , 2417 and 2418 $ 29 , 739 . 38 City Street Fund 2343 - 2356 and 2419 10 ,992 . 43 Cedar River M. & I. 2357 - 2358 and 2420 38 . 31 Equipment Rental 2359 — 2370 and 2421 13 ,170 .15 Library Fund 2371 - 2373 and 2422 656 . 36 Park Fund 2374 - 2393 and 2423 6 ,449 . 29 Waterworks Utility 2394 - 2408 and 2424 31 ,403 . 0 Airport Fund 2409 - 2415 and 2425 1 ,245 . 71_. City Hall Construction 2416 98 . 40 Total $ 93 , 793 . 08 L . I. D. 259 Cash Fund #1 , $ 9 , 759 . 77 , L. I. P. 259 Revenue Fund #1 , $ 9 ,759 . 77 L. I.D. 261 Cash Fund #l , $34 ,232 . 15 , L. I . D. 261 Revenue Fund #1 , $34 ,232 .15 -6- 185 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL 6/9/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT submitted report of majority of the committee , one member being absent , recommending that the proposed Ordinance relating to reduction of water and sewer rates to certain city residents be placed on its second and final reading . (First reading on 5/12/69) Councilman Schellert reported the committee in its review, had first felt various areas of the ordinance might need adjusting and that much was left unsaid, however, after newspaper survey letters were returned with 22 random samplings from persons who might qualify , the committee tow was encouraged to proceed. Further study will be continued through the utility billings which cannot be completed until September when the June and July billings have been returned . In checking with the Assessor's office and its program of property tax reductions to the elderly , they advised of problems in policing, which the committee had anticipated in the city program also . The Legal Aid Department advises that the city will in effect be subsidizing the state since allottments for water and sewer costs to people on assistance programs will be reduced to the amount of the city charges . There are 248 persons over 65 on assistance within the local zip code area with 72 on permanent disability and 13 on temporary disability programs . 513 are on mother .and child programs for aid to de- pendent children . Of the 22 forms returned, the average age of applicants is 71 with 19 of the 22 over 65 . The shortest length of residency in the State was ten years , and 13 of the 22 receive less annual income than $2 ,000. 00 . Further study through the utility billings will reveal if and how far the program should be expanded. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOM- MENDATION FOR FINAL READING OF THE ORDINANCE. CARRIED. The proposed Ordinance was read establishing and providing special water rates to certain residents of the City of Renton , imposing conditions , providing penalties for the violation thereof and amending Section 3-231 relating to water rates and Section 8-715 relating to sewer rates of ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MORRIS, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE No. 2483 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED. CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT SUBMITTED WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT regarding funding of L . I. D. s along with Minutes of the Firemen 's Pension Fund Board meeting caherein offer was made at 6 . 2% interest per annum, to fund L . I. D. 264 , 265 , and 267 , subject to bonding counsel approval on 265 , it being noted that funding through the pension fund by installment note method saves the city bond printing, publishing and selling costs . The com- mittee recommended that offer of the Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board to finance L. I. D, 264 , Mance Addition , 265 , Kennydale , between Lake Wn . Blvd. and FAI 405 , s 'ly . of No . 28th Street and L . I .D. 267 , 108th Ave . S.E . and S.E. 104th , be accepted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE . CARRIED. Councilman Schellert reported that L . I. D. 263 , King County area of Kennydale , will cost $300 ,000. 00 , financial consultants will be requested to furnish an opinion prior to recommendation on this project . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry announced a meeting of the Committee of the Whole 6/16/69 , at 7 : 00 p.m . , in the 6th floor conference room, to consider appointees , and a meeting at 7 :30 p.m. , June 18 , to the Council Chambers . Perry inquired regarding opening of the lunchroom and Property Committee Chairman Barei reported no operators have expressed interest under the present specifications provided, except if the city would make them em- tow After discussion in this regard, it was moved by Grant , seconded by Barei , the subject of operation of the lunchroom , being felt now to be an administrative matter, be referred to the Mayor 's Office for further action . Carried. —� STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT announced a meeting on Monday , June 16 , at 7 : 30 p.m. and requested that the Street Commissioner furnish, estimate of cost regarding Renton Hill improvement . -7- 186 MINUTES - RENTO_N CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/9/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Councilman Bruce called attention to the competition in the local restaurant bus3.ness . Councilman Shane urged that the Health Department be requested to make investigation of the Burdulis Building which it was felt does not meet code requirements nor health standards . MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE CDUN%.IL GO ON RECORD CONDEMNING THE NIXON POLICY WHICH HAS RESULTED IN THE 8-1/2o PRIME INTEREST RATE - CARRIED. As there was no further council business nor audience comment , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADJOURN : CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 20 pm. There were 47 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor g® 1 SIT OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6/9/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1812 400.00 M.S. NYGARD 176 MONTEREY PL. N.E. CONST. SUN DECK 1813 ------ CAREAGE CORP. 4430 TALBOT RD. S. DEMOLISH RES. 1814 660.50 L. & J. STINSON 1633 JONES DR. S.E. CONST. FENCE B 1815 6,000.00 WA. WH LSERS. ,INC. 705 S.W. 7TH ST. INST. PARTITIONS 1816 1,800.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. CONST.ADDITION 1817 400.00 BOEING CO. 4-04 BLDG. REMOVE CANOPY B 1818 500.00 R.K. STEVENS 10808 S.E. 16TH PL. CONST.DECK & FENCE 1819 255.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BLDG. INST. CONVEYORS 1820 7,000.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. CONST. CLEAN ROOM B 1821 ----- VOID --- ---- 1822 100.00 PHILLIPS 66 311 SUNSET BLVD. N.E. INST. POLE SIGN 1823 200.00 BIG RED DRIVE-IN 526 S . 2ND ST. INST. SIGN ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2043 40.00 DON ROD DAN 2522 MORRIS AVE. S. INST. LIGHTS ETC. 2044 50.00 CARTAGE CORP. 4430 TALBOT RD. S. TEMP. SERVICE 2045 250.00 WEBSTER AUTO PTS. 936 HARRINGTON N.E. INST. FIXTURES 2046 50.00 BOEING CO. 4-04 BLDG. INST.LIGHTS E 2047 240.00 BOEING CO. 4-60 BLDG. INST. AIR COND. 2048 210.00 BOEING CO. 10-55 BLDG. RELOCATE OVEN 2049 250.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. REWORK FAC. AREA 2050 200.00 BOEING CO. 4-20 BLDG. UTIL.-PANED AREA E 2051 600.00 BOEING CO. 4-20 BLDG. MODIFY LOA=? CENTER 2052 1,400.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. WIRE CLEAN ROOM 2053 750.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BLDG. REARRANGE COMPUTER 2054 3,000.00 BOEING CO. 4-21. BLDG. REPLACE CABLE E 2055 50.00 BOEING CO. 4-21. BLDG. RELOCATE OUTLET BOX 2056 760.00 B. SLATER 5022 ABERDEEN AVE.N.E. WIRE FAM. RES. 2057 100.00 TED GUSA. 1009 SHELTON AVE. S.E. WIRE CABANA 2058 667.00 G. POMERLY 1833 S.E. 18TH PL. WIRE FAM. RES. 2059 300.00 M. CRIPPEN 2733 ABERDEEN AVE.N.E. WIRE SWIM POOL r MEDICAL PERMIT M 1900 WASH. WHLSERS. 705 S.W. 7TH ST. INST.SPRINKLER SYSTEM 1901 BUSCH CONST. CO. 2940 E. VALLEY RD. INST.PLUMB. & FIX. 1902 R.S. SHANE 2724 N.E. 24TH ST. INST. S TANK & DR. FIELD 1903 R.S. SHANE 2.729 N.E. 24TH ST. S. TANK & DR. FIELD M 1904 R. WIEHOFF 1716 N.E. 16TH ST. S. TANK & DR. FIELD 1905 PARKWOOD HOMES 728 S. 25-TH ST. INST. PLUMB.& FIX. 1906 PARKWOOD HOMES 432 S. 26TH ST. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. M 1907 BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. WATER FOR CLEAN ROOM 1908 J. FELLBAUM 320 N. WELLS INST, WATER HEATER 1909 B. MO'R'RIS 1513 S. 7TH ST. INST. FURN. & TANK 1910 B.J. ANARDE 440 SUNSET. BLVD.S.W. INST. OIL FURNACE j 1911 L. LIVENGOOD 5030 LAKE WA.BLVD.N.E. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. SEWER PERMITS S 834 HOLCOMB CONST. 4400 N.E.SUNSET BLVD. CONNECT SEWER 835 MULT.LISTING SERV. 216 PARK AVE. N. CONNECT SEWER 836 PARKWOOD HOMES 518 ROYAL DR. CONNECT SEWER 837 PARKWOOD HOMES 728 S. 25TH CONNECT SEWER S 838 PAI'KWOOD HOMES 2511 SMITHERS AVE.S. CONNECT SEWER 839 G.F. POMEROY 1833 S.E. 18TH PL. CONNECT SEWER -9- i . ,.e.. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk June 16 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Summons and Complaint filed by Wm. Graves and wife re damage to residence when street was widened CITY CLERK To provide information regarding Forward Thrust Funds and financing of North 3rd - 4th Street undergrounding and improvement projects . CITY ENGINEER Petition for L. I .D. for water mains , hydrants and appurtenances along Rainier Avenue School District 411 , Issaquah request to utilize city sanitary sewer facilities for Metro connection of new proposed school MAYOR To consider Renton Avenue Improvement and South 3nd and 3rd Street and Houser Way undergrounding and improvements in preliminary budget Authorized to pursue required funding for storm sewer improvements and re- scheduling of Forward Thrust bond 'issue proportionment proposal. PROPERTY COMMITTEE To secure costs of acquisition of needed right of way for Renton Avenue additional, access and turn improvements PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Improvement by railroad companies of crossing conditions SANITATION COMMITTEE Red.uest ,,)f School District 411 , Issaquah to utilize city sanitary sewer line connections to Metro for proposed new school APPOINTMENTS: John R. Buff. Lieutenant in Renton Police Department , probationary period to commence June 16 , 1969 . James H. Bo.urasa , Lieutenant , Renton Police Department , probationary period commencing June 16 , 1969 . James E. Phelan , Sergeant , Renton Police Department . on. permanent status , effective as of May 1 , 1969 . MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 6/17/69 - Meeting with King County Humane Society officers at 9 : 00 a .m. 6/18/69 - Committee of the Whole at 7 : 30 p.m. , 6th floor conference room Planning Committee at 4 :00 p .m. , Planning Director and Building Director requested to attend 6/23/69 - Public Relations Committee at 7 :00 p.m . Ways and Means Committee at 7 :15 p.m. 7114169 - Public Hearing, Vacation of portion of Ethier Road (Benson Road to Eagle Ridge Drive) 189 RENTON CITY COUNCIL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK MINUTES .JUNE 10' 0 1969 REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor , at 8 : 00 p.m . in the Council Chambers , 2nd floor, Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ... ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Perry , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards, Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . Absent : Barei . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SHANE, THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN BE EXCUSED. TBE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor , Helmie Ne2,,,on, City Clerk, John Pain , Asst . City Attorney, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . Council action was invited on approval of the minutes of the previous meeting . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THE MINUTES OF JUNE 9, BE APPROVED AS MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted proposed ordinance which was read, changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification District 7200 (G7200) to Business District 1 , (B-1) . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2484 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES AND THE MOTION WAS CARRIED. (Newcastle Grange property rezone) RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION : RESOLUTION NO . 1630 WAS ADOPTED UPON MOTION BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED, authorizing .transfer of $6 ,271 . 63 from Cumulative Re:-- serve emserve Fund 2104 , Reserve for replacement of park department movable equip- ment (Cushman Trucksters) unto Park Fund 1710/606 , Capital Outlay . RESOLUTION NO . 1631 WAS ADOPTED UPON MOTION BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED, fixing the 14th day of July , 1969 at the hour of 8 : 00 p.m . , in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building, as the time and place for public hearing on petition for vacation of portion of Ethier Road, (Benson Road to Eagle Ridge Drive) , as filed by Transamerica Development Company. PRELIMINARY HEARING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS: Annexation A69-01 Briere property , East of Union Avenue N .E. , (132nd Ave . S .E. ) , in vicinity of North 24th Street (S .E. 100th Street) This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Letter from Planning Director Gordon Ericksen reported the subject property to be included in the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and that it is designa- ted on the Land Use Plan as Single Family Residential . Mr . and Mrs . Briere were present and Councilman Schellert inqured whether owners were aware -Now SR-1 as ner Comprehensive Plan , is to be accepted by the Council , and receiving- affirmative reply , whether the Brieres were willing to assume their pro-rata share of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City. Mr . Briere advised they would. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE HEARING BE CLOSED, THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE LETTER OF INTENT WITH FAVOR AND PROPERTY OWNERS BE AUTHORIZED TO CIRCULATE PROPER PETITION, TO INCLUDE THEREON STATEMENTS OF WILLINGNESS TO ASSUME PRO-RATA SHARE OF PRE- EXISTING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION. THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS DECLARED CLOSED. 190 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/16/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND -CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, reported completion of C.AG . 1202-67 clearing, grading and filling of the Fire Department Training Site in the Earlington area , on June 10 , 1969 , and acceptance by the Fire Department . Council acceptance was recommended at this time with commencement of Lien period. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Summons and Complaint was read , filed against the City et al , by Wm. Graves et ux , in connection with damages to residence allegedly .resu-lting from wor performed in widening of street abutting plaintiffs ' property . (North 3rd St . ) MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS' TO 'THE CITY` ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , requested authorization for Detective Captain W. E. Frazee to attend annual FBI Session at Sandpoint , ' Idaho, June 15 - 17 , 1969 , funds being available within the Departmental budget to cover this cost . MOVED BY .PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO GRANT THE REQUEST WITH EXPENSES ALLOWED AS BUDGETED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Petition from property owners along Rainier Avenue between area 160 ft . South of Renton Avenue Extension and the easterly production of the Northerly line of Block 6 , Woody Glen, requested the City to allow creation of a Local Improvement ' District for Water Mains , Hydrants and appurtenances , per plans and specifications set forth by the City Engineer . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of publications from the Pacific' N. ' W. ` Section of the American Water Works Association regarding Voluntary Certifi cation for Water Works Operators in Washington and from the Pacific N. W. Pollution Control Agency regarding Voluntary Certifi-cati-on Program Far- Water Pollution Control Operators in the State , both brochures to be on file in the Clerk 's office for reference . Mayor Custer announced. a two-hour meeting regarding the Workable- Program, to be. held on Wednesday, June 18 , at 1 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , with, Mr. Brown of HUD to be present . Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment Members were invited along with the Council and other interested persons . Mayor Custer reported proposed proportionment of Forward Thrust Storm Sewer funds and cutback of the amount requested in the City 's application with allottment to other Cities in greater comparative amounts than -equitable . It was requested that the City authorize the Mayor and staff to pursue the matter of a possible scheduling to provide the amount required to cover needs of the City as submitted in its application . MOVED BY- SHANE, SECONDED BY BRUCE , THAT THE MAYOR AND STAFF BE GIVEN. ALL NECESSARY AUTHORITY REGARDING STORM SEWER FUND6 FOR CITY OF RENTON PROJECTS AS LISTED ON ITS APPLICATION. City Engineer Wilson noted this covered anticipated funds for storm sewers , per portion of the Forward Thrust package which had been voted down and a new amount is being determined for presentation of a new bond issue . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr . Dick Stredicke, 1014 Tacoma' N. E . , inquired regarding site size and funds spent on the new fire training site and Fire Chief Walls advised it was $100,000. 00 and the area comprises 5 . 73 acres . it was urged that the Lake Wn . beach be opened for swimming, moneys being spent for gther improvements , and the swimming season now upon us,` and Liberty Park being the only immed- iately available area at present . Mr.. Stredicke also inquired regarding the operation of sound trucks and control of same . City Clerk Nelson outlined provisions of the regulating ordinance . Attention was `'called to Taco Tio. drive-in use of sound truck for advertising and it was urged that this not be allowed through the residential districts . -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/16/69 APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested council concurrence in the appointment of Sgt . John E. Buff and Sgt. James H. Bourasa to rank of Lieutenant in the Renton Police Department, six months probationary period as required by Civil Service Rules and Regulations to commence June 16 , 1969 . Letter from Chief Williams and Civil Service Commission certification of candidates were attached. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Sgt. James E. Phelan to permanent position in the Renton Police Depart- ment, six months probationary period having been successfully completed, this appointment to be effective as: of May 1 , 1969 and recommendation of Chief Williams attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Custer reported-that-he will be -making some additional appointments ,one on the Park Board and one on the Library Board yet to be considered noting Mr. Teasdale 's desire to .aee the opening of Lake Washington Beach while in service. Grant inquired regarding this appointment which Mayor Custer ad- vised would be forthcoming when the park is opened, the date of July 1 being anticipated at present as the opening date for swimming portion , pic- nic and other facilities to be available as completed. Mayor Custer noted Phase III funding has just been approved which should allow completion next year, federal , state and matching contributions being involved in the project . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL! COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY announced a Committee of the Whole meeting at 7130 p.m. June 18th, In . the sixth, floor conference room. The City Attorney, p City Engineer, Councilmen Shane , Grant,, and Maxin specifically requested to 6rattend, ;and- recording secretary services requested. Councilman Perry read excerpts from the minutes. of 'the Renton..,Municipal Gov' t. Advisory :Committee meeting of June 10 , wherein it was noted that in order to allow an atmosphere of free discussion and effectively fulfill the purpose of that body, no visitors be allowed unless requested by M majority of the Committee. Mrs. Barbara Shinpdch has been appointed temporary Chair- man of the committee and Perry suggested anyone wishing to attend the meetings make their request to the Chairman. Council President Perry reported receipt of inquiries regarding status of Mr. Shane 's letters regarding his council position and City Attorney Pain 's opinion was submitted for reading at this time advising that Mr. Shane 's resignation became an accomplished fact upon his filing of same with the City Clerk on June 3 , 1969, with no further action on the part of the Council being required, attention directed to the language of the resignation to the effect that it was irrevocably tendered, and withdrawal submitted on June 9 having no affect on the June 3 resignation , that resignation remaining in full force and effect . By the terms of the resignation , Mr. Shane may continue to fill the Council position until July 381 19691 however, candidates will be able to file for that position when the filing period for the next council election commences. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT reported regarding Renton dill access problems that the Street Commissioner has submitted costs for the Improvement as far as construction is concerned and it was requested that the matter be referred to the Pr2pp__e�r�t Committee for costs to acquire the access area needed, complete rpor� be made to the Council thereafter. MOVED BY OARRETT, ,SECONDED BY ,SHANE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Edwards inquired regarding the progress in regard to the City Flag and Mayor Custer advised it was hoped that it could be secured in a couple of waeka. -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/16/69 Councilman Grant suggested that Councilman Shane seek other legal opinion in regard to his letters of resignation and subsequent withdrawal of same , Shane noting he did sincerely want to resign and stay until a new Council- man was elected but upon request of many persons , including five different union representations ,he had withdrawn the resignation . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported Committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 2427 through 2481 and MOVED THAT SAME BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 2427 - 2468 $ 4 , 758 . 61 City Street Fund 2469 - 2466 29 , 068 . 10 Equipment Rental Fund 2487 - 2504 1 , 089 . 04 Library Fund 2505 - 2536 2 ,284 . 72 Park Fund 2537 - 2562 15 ,553 . 07 Waterworks Utility Fund 2563 - 2577 5 ,599 . 31 Park Forward Thrust 2578 219 . 64 Airport Fund 2579 - 2580 260 . 75 City Hall Const . Fund 2581 24 . 56 $ 58 , 857 . 80 Councilman Morris requested that the Minutes of the meetings of the special Municipal Government Advisory Committee be mailed to the Councilmen . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN , COUNCILMAN GARRETT, reported recom- mendation of the Committee that bid invitation be extended for the fountain which was donated toward new city hall landscaping program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE 'RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Mrs . Nelson noted donation of a marble bench by the Soroptimist Club of Renton . Councilman Shane inquired regarding acceptance and final payment on the Electrical Contract for the Municipal Building . Mayor Custer advised that upon receipt of some small amount of additional information the total City Hall project can be approved and final acceptance authorized, some areas of dispute now having been resolved . Council President Perry submitted letter which had been directed to him by E . O . Neuman , Asst . Sup ' t . Bldgs . and Grounds , Issaquah School Dist . 411 , advising of plans to build an elementary school at 148th Ave . S .E. and S . E. 116th Street in King County and approval of such construction by State and County agencies would be dependent upon availability of sanitary sewer facilities . It was requested that the City allow connection to Metro through its system, Water District 90 and Engineers , Hill , Ingman , Chase & Co . , to complete plans for utilization of such services . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE CITY ENGINEER AND SANITATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Edwards inquired whether any action is possible to require the railroad to improve condition of the right-of-way crossings . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE PUBLIC RE- LATIONS COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN EDWARDS announced a Public Relations Committee meeting on Monday , June 23 , at 7 : 00 p.m. PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN announced a committee meeting on Wednesda; June 18 , at 4 : 00 p.m . , the Planning Director and Building Director invited to be present . Councilman Bruce inquired regarding speed limit regulations for ambulances . Police Chief Williams , upon inquiry, advised that whatever speed is prudent and safe to expedite transporting of persons to the hospital , is presently in force . Councilman Grant requested the City Clerk to report on -total Forward Thrust funds received to date by the City and what portion this is of the total to be received. -4- iy_� MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/16/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Councilman Grant acknowledged adequacy of strength of the new Dog Leash Law Ordinance and inquired regarding King County enforcement procedures , and suggested that a meeting be held with the Animal Control Officer and the Director. Mayor Custer advised that a meeting was to be held at 9 : 00 a .m. on Tuesday , June 17th . Garrett inquired regarding the number of licensed dogs picked up since passage of the ordinance . Grant noted comments by the public that the situation has improved and requested to be advised of the number of cats and dogs picked up licensed or not . i Councilman Shane called ath�,ht.ion to franchise granted Pacific Coast R.R . Company last year covering Houser way track which ,track he felt could be eliminated since it serves an area which might be served by. Burnett Ave . track ,also questioning whether all conditions of the franchise are being met . Mayor Custer advised of prior cost estimate of three million dollars._ to remove the track and_s.uch._. xerouting at present probably would probably be about six million . It was pointed out that merger is presently going through and if successful the two subject tracks would be under a single ownership, at which time the City 's position might be stronger, the two company ownerships involved at present , acknowledging reference to -matter of franchise conditions of which he was aware . Shane urged negotiations for exchange of requirements between the two agencies and suggested the City Attorneys check into the franchise fulfillment . Councilman Shane Moved that Mayor. Custer consider .ncZu�iib�t__ReDtruT1 .1ii11 access and improvements in his preliminary budget if it__cannot "be done this year and also Improvement and dndergrounding on South 2nd and 3rd Streets & Houser Way similar to the No. 3rd-4th Street program . The motion was seconded by Schellert . Discussion ensued regarding the funding and it was requested by Perry that report be furnished regarding 90% - 10% funding proportions on the project , Puget Sound Power and Light to be involved in any such project , they presently assuming the 90% undergrounding costs and test court case now in progress to determine if City shall share cost by 10% . Grant pointed out that the construction costs of the improve- ment were funded by 90% §rant funds with ' 10% matching by the City. 'Morris noted the provision of the underground ordinance for so much to be funded by Puget each year . The pending motion carried . WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT announced committee meeting on Monday , June 23 at 7 :15 p.m. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN DELAURENTI advised the committee will review the Sound Truck Ordinance pursuant to comments of Mr. Stredicke . Councilman Shane proposed motion that there be no grandfather clause 'pxo- vision in . Munipipal Code adoption that'would allow ' thip--Council to stay in office more than six years , and requested an attorneys opinion next week in this regard. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Dick Stredicke expressed disapproval of closed sessions as proposed by the Municipal Government Advisory Committee especially when city funds and secretarial services are involved . Mayor Custer stated ihtent was not to close for listening, but .request to be made when wanting to appear and give views . Availability of copies of the Optional Municipal Code was noted to be limited but they may be purchased if desired from Olympia . Mr . Tony Mola requested sidewalk installation along Talbot road to the new elementary school site , also noting traffic problem at left turn area 500 ft . south of the 405 underpass needing some attention. Mayor Custer advised paths are to be provided to get away from the traffic with fences the school requesting waiver of regular sidewalk requirement provisions of the Code . Street Commissioner TeGantvoort reported improvement has commenced at the left turn area mentioned, manholes having been installed and prepara- tions now in progress for blacktopping . As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN . CARRIED. The meeting was adjo_U,rned at 9 :25 p.m. There were 18 visitors in the Council Chambers . , D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie Nelson , City Clerk -5- 6/16/69 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1824 $ 200.00 M'J'Z"IN STEINKE 3507 N.E. 9TH ST. REMODEL CARPORT 1825 1,400.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BLDG. INST. DOORS 1826 1,700.00 BOEING CO. 5-60 BLDG. REPLACE PURLIN CONN. 1827 22,000.00 JAMES HUNT 1821 S.E. 18TH PL. CONST.FAMILY RES. B 1828 15,000.00 CLYDE FOSTER 1707 S.E. 18TH PL. CONST. FAMILY RES. 1829 14,598.00 McGRATH CORP. 4419 N.E. 18TH CT. CONST. FAMILY RES. 1830 300.00 J.D.BRANDOW 429 WELLS AVE. N. REPLACE WINDOWS 1831 250.00 A.L. ZERBATO 310 WHITWORTH AVE. S. REMODEL WALLS B 1832 300.00 T. C. BRAY 2433 EDMONDS AVE. N.E. ERECT FENCE 1833 2,500.00 A.L. AMES 3516 N.E. 14TH ST. REMODEL FAM. RES. 1834 17,250.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 750 S. 25TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RES. 1835 26,000.00 D. DOUBLES 364 STEVENS AVE. N.W. CONST. FAMILY RES. B 1836 300.00 W. THOMPSON 677 HARRINGTON AVE.N.E. CONST. PATIO 1837 ------ ABC PACIFIC 189 RAINIER AVE. S. DEMOLISH RES. 1838 ------ A B C PACIFIC 201 RAINIER AVE S. DEMOLISH CHURCH ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2060 25.00 A. ROBERTS 520 WHITWORTH AVE. S. ADD FURNACE CIRCUIT 2061 109.00 BOEING CO. 7-65-2 BLDG. INST. BRUNING 820 2062 176.00 BOEING CO. 5-63 BLDG. INST. RECEPTACLES 2063 145.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. REWIRE OVEN E 2064 1,500.00 BOEING CO. 4081 BLDG. INST. TRANSFORMERS 2065 125.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. INST. PRINTER 2066 143.00 BOEING CO. 4-20 BLDG. INST. DRIVEMATIC 2067 130.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. INST. FRICTION TESTER E 2068 500.00 BOEING CO. 4-81 BLDG. RELOCATE POWER IS. 2069 50.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BLDG. INST. SHARPENER 2070 135.00 BOEING CO. 4-01 BLDG. RELOCATE PRESS 2071 450(.00 D. CRAMPTON 1722 MORRIS AVE. S. WIRE FAM. RES. E 2072 200.00 C. BARFIELD 233 UNION AVE. N.E. WIRE FAM. RES. 2073 450.00 McGRATH CORP. 1830 WHITMAN CT.N.E. WIRE FAM. RES. 2074 415.00 McGRATH CORP. 1919 VASHON CT.N.E. WIRE FAM. RES. 2075 323.00 McGRATH CORP. 1913 VASHON CT.N.E. WIRE FAM. RES. E 2076 200.00 RED ROOSTER 354 SUNSET BLVD. N. WIRE TWO FRYERS 2077 50.00 PAC. N.W. BELL N.E. 27TH & EDMONDS N.E. TEMP. SERVICE 2078 50.00 POWELL HOMES 1719 CAMAS AVE. N.E. TEMP. SERVICE 2079 50.00 BUSCH CONST. 2940 E. Valley Hy. TEMP. SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1912 0. VENNETTI 273 EARLINGTON AVE. S.W. INST. PIPING 1913 BUSCH CONST. 352 SUNSET BLVD. N. INST. PLUMB, & FIX. 1914 PARKWOOD HOMES 2716 MORRIS AVE. S. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1915 PARKWOOD HOMES 2511 SMITHERS AVE. S . INST. PLUMB. & FIX. M 1916 J. BENAROYA CO. 730 THOMAS AVE. S.W. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1917. , J. HUNT 1821 S.E. 18TH PL. INST. PLUMB.&& FIX. 1918 PARKWOOD HOMES 2511 SMITHERS AVE. S. INST. FURNACE & TANK 1919 McGRATH CORP. 4419 N.E. 18TH CT. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. M 1920 G. POMEROY 1833 S.E. 18TH PL. INST. FURNACE 1921 M.A. PRUMMER 537 WHITWORTH AVE. S. INST.. HEATER 1922 F. TEETER 1609 SHATTUCK AVE. S. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1923 F. SCHAEFER 1412 N. 40TH ST. INST. TANK & DRAIN M 1924 PARKWOOD HOMES 2716 MORRIS AVE. S. INST. FURNACE & TANK 1925 SCHOOL DIST. #403 809 HARRINGTON AVE. N.E. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1926 J. Hutchinson 1800 UNION AVE. N.E. INST. BURNER & TANK 1927 MCGRATH CORP. 1830 WHITMAN CT. N.E. INST. FURNACE 1928 McGRATH CORP. 1919 VASHON CT. N.E. INST FURNACE M 1929 McGRATH CORP. 4419 N.E.18TH CT. INST. FURNACE 1930 E. KUNSTEL 1015 JONES AVE. S. INSTALL FIXTURES 1931 ST.ANDREWS #35 e09 WILLIAMS AVE. S. INST. HEATING UNIT 1932 H. MILES 520 RAYMOND PL. N.W. INST. PLUMB. & FIX. 1933 VOID M 1934 VOID 1935 TIFFANY DEV. CO. 1402 LK.YOUNGS WAY S.E. INST. PLUMB & FIX. 1936 TIFFANY DEV. CO. 1402 LK.YOUNGS WAY S.E. INST. FURNACE -6- 195 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of City Clerk June 23 , 1969 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final estimate and acceptance of Contract , $9 . 062 . 06 , R. L . Moss & Co . , North 3rd - 4th Street Project . BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Harold Peterson request for 8 ft . hedge CITY ATTORNEY Matter of city hall general contract approval in view of unresolved problems . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Code revision regarding ht . restriction as designated for hedges Hold Harmless agreement from Rolling Hills Homes Assn . , Inc. CITY ENGINEER Briere Annexation Petition FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE L . I. D. 268 , watermain , etc . , vic. Rainier Ave . and N. W. 5th Street Glen Wallin Assoc. , Inc. offer of sale of 20 acres adjoining water shed Time Oil Company request for updating of Fire Prevention Code Hill , Ingman Chase & Co . request , on behalf of Kent , to put 10" waterline in So . 180th St . LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Dangerous Buildings Ordinance Ordinance revision concerning procedure in appointing Building Director MAYOR Authorized to submit to HUD, draft of City ' s Workable Program Authorized to proceed with preparation of annexation eleCt.ion-Kennydale POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for license to operate coin-type pool table at Barei 's Tavern Request for review of ordinance relating to licensing of pawn brokers SANITATION COMMITTEE Dept . of Health and Pollution Control Agency letters approving sanitary sewer plans for proposed new Earlington School Request of School Dist . 403 for city sanitary sewer service and Late- Comers Agreement for proposed new Kennydale Elementary School (Granted) APPOINTMENTS: Renton Police Department : Mrs . Roberta Brown , Steno II; Mrs . Ethel Johnson , Steno I and Mrs . Sandra Sanders , Clerk Dispatcher, Eff. 7/1/69 Dale R . Orr, Sergeant , effective as of May 1 , 1969 Valley Regional Planning Commission - Mr . Joe Mathews , personal representa- I ' tive of Mayor Custer MEETINGS AND EVENTS: June 25 , 1969 - Fire and Water Committee at 7 :30 p.m. , 6th floor July 7 , 1969 - Street and Alley Committee at 7 : 00 p.m. June 30 , 1969 - Light and Power Committee at 7 :30 p.m. ,... July 7 , 1969 - Police and License Committee at 7 : 30 p .m. 196 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 8 :00 P.M. MINUTES Office of City Clerk June 23 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer , Mayor , in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Perry , Shane , Grant , Barei , Bruce, Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor , Helmie Nelson City Clerk, G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. Council action regarding approval of the minutes was invited and it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JUNE 16 , AS MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed Dangerous Buildings Ordinance This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . .There were no written communications nor audience comments on the matter, and it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI,SECONDED BY BAREI, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING : Harold Peterson appeal of Board of Adjustment denial of hedge 12 ft . in height . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Letter from Mr . Peterson advised the Council that he would need written permission from Mrs . Eugene Muller to trespass in cutting the hedge on that side as he did not want to assume responsibility for damage to plants , shrubs , the flowers , etc . Audience comment was invited and Mrs . Eugene Muller , 566 Bronson Way N. E . objected to the present hedge noting it was too high and too wide , ex- tending onto her property and was also cutting out the sunlight which prohibited her from growing flowers and vegetables . She requested the Council to grant the 6 ft . height for the hedge as provided in the Code, in which case she . would approve the cutting in her yard or will go to court . Mr. Peterson advised that he had requested a 12 ft . hedge,which. was denied, pow appealing that they be a22gwed the 8 foot height , noting prior contro- versy and Iegal actions with the Mullers resulting in his letting the hedge grow which provided privacy as well as serving to reduce the noise , not being aware of the regulating ordinance . Since finding out about the existing code requirements he wanted to cut the hedge but leave it at 8 ft . Film slides were shown after which it was -.noted the appeal is not on a 12 ft . Board of Adjustment denial but request for a different height than heard be- fore ,it being pointed out that no special circumstances could justify a hardship which was basis for granting of variances and thus the Board had ruled that the ordinance be complied with . in further discussion it was felt the hedge may be damaged by such extreme cutback , it now being 12 ft . high or so. Question of exact property line was also noted to be a problem to be disputed among the property owners along with right of trespass , the Council to determine whether to allow a variance from the code requirements There being no others wishing to be heard , it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. The hearing was declared closed and further council action invited . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BAREI , THE REQUEST FOR 8 FT. HT. BE GRANTED TO MR. PETERSON. It was pointed out no _view is restricted nor does it pose a traffic hazard . Setting of precedent and involvement as on the sign code was counterposed and voice vote on the motion was dissenting . Upon declaration of affirmative majority roll call was requested, resulting as follows : Aye : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant and Delaurenti . No : Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm , Schellert and Morris . THE MOTION LOST. Mrs . Muller felt 8 ft . would also. ruin her vegetables . ;Recorders interpretation , the Mayor and Mrs . Muller convers.in in German) (Council action continued next page) -1- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1,/23/69 PUBLIC HEARING : Peterson appeal (Cont . ) MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, THAT 8 FT . HEDGE BE PERMITTED 20 FT. BACK FROM THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE AND 6 FT. ON REMAINDER OF THE PROPERTY. Dissenting voice vote and declaration of affirmative majority brought request for roll call vote which resulted as follows : Aye : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Delaurenti . No : Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm , Schellert and Morris . The .vote was tie , 6 to 6 and the Mayor voted No and the motion was lost . After proposed motions to table and to refer back to the Board of Adjust- ment which died for lack of seconds it was MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THE APPEAL BE DENIED. Dissenting voice vote resulted ,alonq with ruling of affirmative majority ,and roll call was requested and taken as follows : Aye : Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm , Schellert and Morris . No : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce and Delaurenti . Six to Six tie vote resulted. The Mayor voted no and the motion was declared lost . Upon inquiry , Building Director Ruppert outlined Code requirements and ve.rbage of the regulating ordinance there being some comment whether a hedge should be included in the height restriction since it could grow and be in violation within a short period of time , inquiry being posed as to what constitutes a hedge . After proposal to table and refer to Committee of the Whole for discussion and inquiry as to how the hedge differed from others in the City in order to justify a variance , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GARRETT, TO REFER THE MATTER BACK TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Peterson was advised to file his request with the Board of Adjustment as submitted to the Council . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO WAIVE ANY FEES WHICH MAY BE INVOLVED WITH MR . PETERSON FILING AMENDED APPLICATION WITH THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE .SUBJECT ORDINANCE, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted proposed Ordinance of the City ordering the construction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the Kennydale area , namely 102nd Place S. E. and 104th Avenue S.E . , Lake Wn . B1vd . ,and areas adjoining thereto , all in accordance with City of Renton Resolution No . 1614; establishing Local Improvement District No . 265 , all situated in the corporate limits of the City of Renton ; providing the method of assessment in said district ; provid- ing that payment for said improvement be made by special assessments upon property in said district , payable by mode of "payment by bonds" or "notes " in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council , and providing for the sale and issuance of Local Improvement District warrants redeemable in cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Notes , as read by the City Clerk . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY BAREI, SECOND BY SHANE, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2485 AS READ. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes . THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION: RESOLUTION NO. 1632 WAS ADOPTED UPON MOTION BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED, declaring intent of the City to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the vicinity of the Mance Addition (94th Avenue South and S. 174th Street) , Renton , and to create a Local Im- provement District to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially benefited thereby ; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on July 28 , 1969 . (Proposed L. I. D. 264) City Clerk Nelson reported that the legal publication newspaper, The Record Chronicle , had failed to publish a part of Resolution No . 1631 and since publication would not meet legal requirements of the law for public notice prior to hearing , it would be necessary to extend the hearing date a week and republish, ' this to be no additional cost to the City . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO EXTEND THE HEARING DATE AS NOTED. CARRIED. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6/23/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS ; Mayor Custer reported receipt of additional items after preparation of the Agenda and invited Council action . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ALLOW THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS TO BE READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Petition for annexation of property to Renton located East of Union Avenue N .E . (132nd S .E. ) , in vicinity of North 24th Street (S . E . 100th St . ) , was read as filed by Francis and 11arcelene Briere . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAUP.ENTI, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO CHECK VALIDITY OF SIGNATORY OWNERSHIP . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letters from the State Department of Health and the Water Pollution Control Commission reported approval of plans and specifications for the sanitary sewer service to the proposed Earlington Elementary School . MOVED BY PERRY SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THESE LETTERS ALONG WITH ITEM "F" TO THE SANI- TATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . Item "f" was a request by Rudolph H. Seppi , Director of Plant Facilities of School District 403 , for City of Renton sanitary sewer services and Late-Comers Agreement in connection with proposed new Kennydale Elementary School to be located at Kennewick Place N. E . and N. E. 28th Street . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer submitted and recommended for payment final estimate No . 10 , for work performed on the North 3rd-4th Street One- Way Couplet by R . L . Moss and Company , $9 , 062 . 06 , completed May 23 , 1969 and accepted by the Engineering Department on June 2 , 1969 . Acceptance by the City Council was recommended this date with commencement of the 30-day Lien period as required by law, after which , if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities , the retained amount of $28 , 667 . 99 be released to Contractor . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Ted Bennett , President , Civitan Club , requested No-Fee Permit to operate a concession booth at the Renton Airport during the Renton Aviation Festival . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO GRANT THE REQUES THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , submitted proposed Hold Harmless Agreement document from the Rolling Hills Homes Ass 'n . , Inc . in connection with incorporation of natural drainage channels with storm sewer system , to allow additional green belt area , it being recommended that same be executed to protect the city from maintenance work or damage claims that might arise as a result of the open channels . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Letter from Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , submitted and recommended for approval , proposed Agreement with the State regarding traffic signal par- ticipation in vicinity of S . W. 43rd and West Valley Highway , $12 ,193 .18 , funding proposed from Arterial Street Fund and budgeted in 1970 accordingly . Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett submitted report recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the document , which installation is deemed necessary with development of South 180th to five- lane major corridor across the valley . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE , AND THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks , Mr . Frank R . Dotseth , Executive Director , acknowledged receipt of City of Renton publi- cations from the City Clerk (Budget , Financial Report , etc . , ) and requestec to use same as examples for other Clerks to follow. Inquiry was made as tc whether the City could furnish the printing costs for 1000 of each publica-" tion . City Clerk Nelson noted this to be very complimentary however the City would not have the staff nor time to publish in such a volume . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Mayor Custer acknowledged formal recognition of position of Building Director as a Department Head of the City and it was recommended that the ordinance which provides for appointment by the City Engineer, be amended to conform to other appointment procedures and make the position one which requires appointment by the Mayor with Council concurrence -MOVED BY F'U'RRY, SECONDED BY SHANE TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMTTTP9 . CARRIED. -3- 199 Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6/23/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont. ) Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the petition on L. I. D. (268) for watermains , hydrants and appurtenances in Rainier Avenue , between Renton Ave . Extension and N. W. 5th Street , contains signatures representing owners of 69 . 4% of the front footage abutting the proposed improvement and 77 . 3% of the area within the proposed improvement . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from the City Hall Building Committee recommended that the City 'o" accept the electrical contract of Chapman Electric Co . , CAG . 1158-67 , on the new Municipal Building with commencement of the 30-day Lien period as required by law, at the end of which if no liens or claims have been filed against the project and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities , retained percentage be released accordingly . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ACCEPT THE PROJECT THIS DATE WITH LIEN PERIOD COMMENCEMENT AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. Mayor Custer reported that the General Contract was to have been also submitted but some details had yet to be resolved . Councilman Garrett reported some problems with regard to the track on the top of the building for window washing equipment which may be resolved however some legal advice is needed in this regard and MOVED THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIED. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of Wn . State Planning And Community Affairs Agency entitled ,Growth of,Cities and Towns , State of Washington , which will be on file in the Clerk 's office . Letter from Glen Wallin Associates , Inc . , by Robert Kenkman , advised of exclusive rights of sale of approximately 20 acres of land adjoining the City Water Shed property which was being offered to the City prior to sale to the general public. The price quoted is $7 ,500 . 00 per acre . ,�. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Letter from Time Oil Company requested updating of the City ' s fire code by adoption of the October 1966 Amendments to the 1965 Edition of the Fire Prevention Code the firm desiring to install coin-op, pre-set and remote control self-serve gasoline dispensing units , included in the new legislation . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Letter from Hill , Ingman , Chase and Company , Consulting Engineers , on behalf of the City of Kent , recalled applicationfor franchise to construct operate and maintain 10" water line in 180th , subsequently relocated, and now advised that negotiations had not been successful and it is now neces- sary to again request permit to place the water main in the original location „ MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Application of James Barei requested to be granted required license to operate a coin-type pool table at 95 S . W. 7th Street , said machine to replace existing shuffleboard . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED. BAREI ABSTAINED FROM VOTING . City Clerk Nelson reported regarding Forward Thrust moneys as requested by Councilman Grant , as follows : Waterfront Acquisition : Received in 1968 $248 , 000 . 00 Anticipated from Interagency 248 , 000 . 00 Scheduled to receive in 1972 64 , 000 . 00 Scheduled to receive in 1975 100 , 000 . 00 General Park Acquisition:Received in 1968 354 , 000 . 00 Anticipated from Interagency 354 , 000 . 00 Total Forward Thrust Funds approved for Renton 766 , 000 . 00 Total Forward Thrust Bond Issue for Parks .118 , 000 , 000 . 00 City of Renton 's share . 65 of 1% -4- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6/23/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : City Clerk 's report on Forward Thrust Money : (Cont . ) Urban Arterial Streets : Due in 1968 (not yet received) $ 34 , 032 . 00 Scheduled to receive in 1969 102 , 096 . 00 Scheduled to receive in 1970 136 ,128 . 00 it it it It 1971 136 ,128 . 00 it it it rr 1972 102 ,096 . 00 it if 1973 68 , 064 . 00 If if " " 1974 68 ,064 . 00 It it " " 1975 34 ,032 . 00 Total Forward Thrust Funds approved for Renton $ 680 ,640 . 00 Total Forward Thrust Bond issue for Cities of King County , excluding Seattle , 2 , 000 ,000 . 00 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Report requested by Councilman Perry : Construction costs on North 3rd - 4th Street State contributed -- 90% Renton contributed - 10% Underground wiring costs on above project : Puget Power to pay under Schedule 71 - - 90% City participation to have been - - - - 10% Puget Power has paid the entire cost but is contesting payment of 100% of the cost and a court case will determine whether the City is to assume 10% which action will likely ' establish precedent for future policy . Grant inquired regarding .acquisition and whether moneys received have been expended . Mayor Custer advised that waterfront acquisiton has not yet been consumated and that funds have not been expended, noting that develop- ment of waterfront properties have been accomplished through grant funds received which have been expended, and upon inquiry by Shane , reported Lake Wn . Beach is hopefully to open July 1 , Grant advising he will make further inquiries regarding the Forward Thrust moneys to the Mayor in his office . APPOINTMENTS : Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Police Department personnel , six months probationary period to commence as of July 1 , 1969 , as follows : Mrs . Roberta Brown , Steno II; Mrs . Ethel Johnson , Steno I and Mrs . Sandra Sanders , Clerk Dispatcher . Recommenda- tion of Chief Williams along with Civil Service Commission certification were attached. MOVED BY BAREI. , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THESE APPOINTMENTS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from the Mayor requested concurrence in the appointment of Officer Dale R. Orr to position of Sergeant in the Renton Police Department and six months probationary period to commence as of May 1 , 1969 . Police Chief 'f letter of recommendation was attached . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT . CARRIED. Letter from Mayor Custer requested Council acknowledgment of appointment of Mr . Joe Mathews to the Valley Regional Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Klippert . Mr . Mathews will be a personal representative of the Mayor and vote according to VRPC rules in his stead, effective as of June 1 , 1969 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECOND BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR . CARRIED. MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS AT THIS TIME . CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS RECESSED. AFTER THE RECESS, ROLL CALL WAS TAKEN WITH ALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT AS PREVIOUSLY LISTED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry reported approval of request of Robert C. Bockoven , M . D. for city water and sewer service to proposed eye clinic to be con- structed across from the Valey General Hospital in King County . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO CONCUR . CARRIED. -5- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6/23/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Committee of the Whole Report) The Committee of the Whole recommended that a monthly agenda of pending items referred to Committees be prepated and submitted to the Committee Chairmen . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Regarding procedure of issuance of certain licenses it was recommended that present procedures be retained . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Recommended that the Mauor be authorized to quhmit to HUD the recently completed draft of the City 's Workable Program . 'MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. Recommended City bid specifications contain all costs to the City to be considered,including cost of time in picking up vehicles and taking to point of service after purchase , so that when bids are received they will reflect a true cost to the City as related to the equipment or material , its service , etc. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION AMENDED BY GRANT, SECOND BY PERRY, THAT DEPT. HEADS BE ADVISED OF THIS ACTION. Upon inquiry City Attorney advised the Boards and Commissions would need to abide by the regulations as well . THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT REPORTED interviews regarding TOPICS and that the Traffic Engineer has made application for fund assis- tance and has been advised of approval of $79 , 800 . 00, matching funds are to be involved and this would be on City personnel time and service contri - bution rather than on a monetary basis . PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN EDWARDS reported meeting with repre- sentat.ives of Great Northern , Northern Pacific and Pacific Coast Railroad Companies regarding the condition of the crossings in Renton and a picture in the local newspaper gave greater emphasis to the matter . Other City officials were present and it is hoped that in meeting with the other companys in the near future there may be some improvements to the situation . Councilman Grant requested to be advised of the total costs for the North 3rd-4th Street Improvement project and the original estimate and total cost for the new city hall . Shane inquired regarding mode of funding acquisition of the Baxter Pole Yard property and as to progress to date in replacement of 2" waterlines in Kennydale . City Engineer advised that the Fire and Water Committee recommendation had been approved but the lines would not be replaced and streets restored until L . I. D. s for Sanitary Sewers going in are done ,other jobs now uti.lizinq personnel , it being hoped the replacement work might accomplished next month , it being noted that only one line is not of standard size in the subject area . Councilman Shane noted the minutes of the previous meeting did not reflect whether the Mayor were going to include South 2nd and 3rd Street improve- ments in his preliminary budget or not and the minute entry was read wherein motion passed that "Mayor Custer consider including Renton Hill access and improvements in his preliminary budget if it cannot be done this year and also improvement and undergrounding on So . 2nd and 3rd Streets similar to the No . 3rd--4th Street program. " Grant stated it was to be for total improvement and not just undergrounding, including paving, sidewalks and undergrounding . It was noted Puget is reluctant to pro- ceed pending outcome of the court case . Councilman Shane , noted visitingShriners and called attention to banners in Seattle and discussion ensued regarding banner display in the City of Renton . Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 6/23/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS submitted Voucher list approved by the Committee and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE NO . 2582- 2689 FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SHANE AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 2582 - 2628 $ 3 ,668 ,82 City Street Fund 2629 - 2637 2 ,414 . 05 Cedar River M. & 1. 2638 - 2639 190 . 77 Equipment Rental 2640 - 2651 272 .18 Park Fund 2652 - 2668 2 ,075 . 35 Waterworks Utility 2669 - 2682 11 , 394 . 74 Airport Fund 2683 - 2686 40 . 07 Firemen ' s Pension 2687 - 2694 2 ,576 .10 Urban Arterial 2695 - 2697 9 ,110 . 48 1965 Water & Sewer 2698 19 , 901 . 70 Total all funds $ 51 ,644 . 26^ WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT reported regarding L . I. D. 263 that bonding counsel Foster & Marshall has advised that the bond market has made a turn for the worse and advised that the Engineering Department would proceed with plans and Firemen ' s Pension Fund might reconsider the L . I. D. funding. Further report will be forthcoming . Council President Perry , as Puget Sound Governmental Conference repre- sentative reported discussion and possible city participation in fund grant for 911 telephone dialing system . The central number connects to an operator who gives immediate assistance to emergency needs on a 24 hour basis . Proposed motion to table for further information failed and Mr. Perry advised he would proceed in the City 's behalf. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT announced a meeting on July 7 , at 7 : 00 p.m. to discuss consulting engineering services to the city , and TOPICS program . FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE announced a meeting on June 25 , at 7 : 30 p.m . and the City Engineer and Fire Chief were invited to attend in the 6th floor conference room. LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT announced a meeting at 7 :30 in the Mayor ' s Conference room regarding feasibility of undergrounding No . 2nd and 3rd Streets . . Grant inquired whether the Mayor had met with the Humane Society officials noting he would talk with him later in this regard . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : rgnVr;D BY GRANT, SECOND BY SHAN.E.,.the. Code' ,Sec ..5 ,12-�2., LICENSE .PROCEDURE OF PAWN BROKERS AND FEE ,BE REFERRED TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE . CARRIED. SANITATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SHANE REPORTED recommendation that the request of the School District , to utilize city sanitary sewek_:.facilities for the new Kennydale School be granted . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . CA-2RIED. Shane inquired regarding annexation of Kennydale area and Mayor Custer reported adequate number of signatures had. not been obtained and it would be advisable to hold an election . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MAYOR AND STAFF PROCEED WITH PREPARATIONS FOR AN ELECTION IN THE KENNYDALE ISLAND AREA . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , ANNEXATION ELECTION IN THE TALBOT HILL ISLAND AREA BE INCLUDED. ." THE AMENDMENT CARRIED. THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Schellert inquired regarding an existing agreement with dater District 78 concerning annexation in the subject area and Mayor Custer recalled the request had been that ' we take it -ll or none , the Distri,bt being unable to operate otherwise as it Would be too small . Councilman Barei caller' attention to article in tl?r newspaper regarding the small districts and their cost to the taxpayer. . 7- Minutes -- Renton City Council Meeting 6/23/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI advised of plan to hold a meeting and time and date will be announced in later contact. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN DELAURENTI announced a meeting on July 7 , at 7: 30 p.m. and Councilman Grant and City Clerk Nelson were especially invited to attend. PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI reported that copies of IBM, NCR and various companies have been placed on Councilmen 's desks and The Boeing Company and consultants from the University of Wn . have received copies and being short some will need to be shared among the Council . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Richard Stredicke , 1014 Tacome N.E. , complimented the linguistic abilities of Mayor Custer. As there were no further audience remarks , nor business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11 :23 P.M. There were 18 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk --WM D. W. Custer, Mayor _g_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6/23/69 PEPIA7TS ISSUED BY THE WJMDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. i.MO T- NAME ADDRESS DESCRIPTION B 1839 $ 500.00 Manly Grinolds 308 Cedar Ave S Replace wood windows B 1840 486067.32 Safecare Careage 4430 Talbot Rd S Cons. 180 Bed Convales. Ctr. 1841 20.00 Rinehart Mitzel 650 Jefferson Ave NE Footings for Carport 1842 19,000.00 Par�:.•=cd Homes. Inc. 2618 Whitworth Ot S Cons. Si_-;lc FG,'19* Rasidence 1843 20:250000 of 25,0 Burnett Ct 5 is 1844 VOID B 1845 7;0214'00 A. L. Butterfield 1832 S.E. 16t.t ?I Cons. 6' High Fence 1846 758.00 Foster & Kleiser 4100 E. Valley Rd Erect Sign 1847 519.00 Wilbur L. Repp 813 N 3rd St Inside Walls in Basement 1848 200.00 The Boeing Co. 10-80 Bldg. Relocate Door 1849 500.00 Gordon McConville 1901 Aberdeen Ave NE Const. Utility Shed MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1937 Washington Wholesalers 705 SW 7th St. Top Out Pludbing 1938 Powell Homes Inc 7:77;3 Camas Ave NE Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 1939 't 1719 Camas Ave. NE " 14 1940 Herr Homes 2907 Park Ave N if 1941 Lynn Livengood 5030 Lk Wash Blvd NE Inst. Boiler 1942 The Boeing Co 10-60 Bldg Relocate Three Cleanouts 1943 Albert Baker 505 Whitworth Ave S Inst. Gas Furnace 1944 John Wilburn, 815 Redmond Ave NE Inst. Gas Furnace M 1945 Henry F. Lobran 1151 Aberdeen Ave 14E Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 1946 Astrid Applegate 951 Lynr.dood Ave NE Inst. Lawn Sprinkler 1947 Don L. Doubles 364 Stevens Ave NW Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 1948 Henderson W. Sloane 1215 Lincoln Ave NE Inst. peptic Tank & Field ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2080 $ 8,000.00 Howard C. Fletcher 875 SW 7th St. Inst. Lighting & Power 2081 150.00 Renton Foreign Car Im. 505 Park Ave N Wire two Car Stalls 2082 710.00 A & W Drive In 519 Rainier Ave N Inst. Wire Service 2083 170.00 Preservative Paint Co. 717 Rainier Ave S Install Motor 2084 50.00 The Boeing Co. 4-63 Bldg. Install Electrical Services E 2085 190.00 +' Yard Area Service to Sump Pumps 2086 104.00 " 5-08 Bldg. Relocate Aog 2087 190.00 " 4-41 Bldg. Relocate Paint Shaker 2088 2,200.00 " 4-42 Bldg. Relocate Cable Shop- 2089 250.00 " 7-65-2 Bldg. Rearrange 6-6000 E 2090 185.00 " 4-17-1 Bldg. Relocate Equipment 2091 50.00 Hub Trailer Park 641 Wells Ave N Connect Trailer to Exist Serv. 2092 50.00 " " Service for Trailer 2093 900.00 Jack Benaroya Co. 730 SW Thomas St Test. Service & Connect Circt; 2094 135.00 Galvin Supply 329 Wells Ave S Inst. Two Mercury Lights E 2095 300.00 Henry Lobran 1151 Aberdeen Ave NE Wire 2 Rooms & Elec. Heat 2096 600.00 Puget Power Renton Airport Test. Elec. Toilet 2097 250.00 Wes Busch 354 Sunset Blvd N Wire Addition & Sub Feed 2098 530.00 Henderson W Sloan 1215 Lincoln P1 NE Wire New Family Residence 2099 50.00 Wash. Wholesalers 705 SW 7th St. Wire Restroom E 2100 250.00 Tom Will'aans 357 Bronson Way NE Wire New Service & Heater 2101 124,852.00 Renton School Dist#403 505 14th Ave S Wire New School (Elementary) 2102 42,855.00 " 315 Garden Ave N Wire Elementary School 2103 110.00 The Boeing Co. 4-54 Bldg. Electrical Service 2104 5,000.00 if 4-21 Bldg. Replace Electrical Equip. E 2105 330.00 " 4-73 Bldg. Electrical Service for M.E. 2106 115.00 " 4-62 Bldg. Relocate Band Saw 2107 50.00 " 4-81 Bldg. Install Receptacle 2108 135.00 " 5-09 Bldg. Install Ventilation Exhaus - 2109 95.00 " 4-04 Bldg. Install Service to Bruning E 2110 100.00 " 4-20 Bldg. Relocate Rib Card 2111 50.00 Gary B. Just 1211 Dayton Ave NE Run lights to Existing Bldg„ 2112 11,100.00 Earlington Busin.Ctr. 500 SW 7th St Inst. Flourescent Lights SEWER PERMITS 840 St.Andrews Bldg. Corp. 509 Williams S Sanitary Sewer 841 a it " -9- Z0 - Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting committee and the City Council for the Month of June, 1969: FROM TO CLAIMS FUND: PARK FORWARD THRUST $ 219.64 CURRENT 52, 120 .73 CITY STREET FUND 44, 209. 80 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 229.08 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 15 , 106. 18 ..., LIBRARY 2, 941.08 PARKS 42, 709 .64 WATERWORKS UTILITY 61, 558. 19 1965 W. & SEWER CONSTRUCTION 19 , 901. 70 AIRPORT 1, 648. 96 FIREMEN' S PENSION FUND 2, 762. 69 CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION 404. 34 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND TOTAL CLAIMS FUND: $252 , 922. 51 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND: CURRENT FUND $143 , 764. 57 CITY STREET FUND 36 , 027 . 54 CEDAR RIVER M. & I. 653 . 00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 5 , 042 . 19 LIBRARY FUND 10 , 722 . 51 PARKS 39, 087 .63 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 23 , 055. 95 AIRPORT 1, 621. 89 FIREMEN' S PENSION FUND 100 .00 TOTAL PAYROLL FUND: $260, 075 . 28 zo-so RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Office of City Clerk July 1 , 1969 Special meeting of the Renton City Council was called at 4 : 30 p.m. for the specific purpose of making bid awards on a one-ton , 9 ft . flatbed 1969 Model truck with one-ton mast hoist , installed. It was reported that two bids had been received on the subject equipment only one however , meeting specifications , the other being on a 1970 model truck. Bryant Motors and Williams and Swanson were bidders . As there was no quorum present , no final action could be taken by the Council , however since the bid on the 1969 was higher than on the 1970 and delivery date earlier the matter Was discussed and the meeting was convened into a Committee of the Whole meeting with recommendation for rejectipn of all bids and subsequent bid call authorization on 1970 model truck to be recommended to the Council at the next regular meeting. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of City Clerk July 7 , 1969 AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final payment and commencement of 30-day lien period on Emles Electric CAG . 1336-68 , No . 3rd - 4th St . one-way couplet project , and J, D. Stewart Company , CAG- 1352-68 , Stage I, Restroom project , Lake Wn . Beach Park ..,ABOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS_ Letter from Boundary Review Board of King County advising of receipt of Notice from King Co . Fire Dist . 25 to annex additional area BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD_ Briere Annexation , A69-01 , vic. 132nd SE (Union Ave . NE) and SE 100th St . (North 24th Street) CITY ATTORNEY Proposed plan for undergrounding and improvement of South 2nd, Main Ave . So . and Bronson Way and South 2nd and 3rd Streets CITY CLERK To execute Bid award documents on No . 5th storm sewer project and contractual agreement with Engineered Industrial Systems , Inc. re traffic safety study grant CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT To meet with City of Kent officials to develop plan for ultimate improve- ment of S . W. 43rd Street COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mayor 's report of Suburban Mayor 's Assn . proposal for regional Wage and Salary Study , Renton 's share of cost $825 . 00 Property Committee report regarding condition of City Shop Building --Motion re disposition of funds in event of sale of public use areas FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Mayor 's letter reporting State Fire Marshall ' s request that Renton High School variance be granted from Fire Zone I Code requirements LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Park Department Fund transfer request , $796 . 73 , for ballfield #2 light replacement (Resolution 1634 adopted) Matter of Industrial waste disposal for The Boeing Co . and Pacific Car Rezones : Walter Gerber property , G9600 to B-1 , vic . N.E . 44th Street Johnston• Campanella-Murakami Co . property vic. Puget Drive and Benson Highway , R-4 to R-3 Creation of Rainier Avenue watermain L . I . D. (Resolution prepared heretofore) MAYOR To reply to Mabel B . Shannon, Conconully , Wn . regarding utility rate reduction to senior citizens in Renton Briere Annexation to be forwarded to Boundary Review Board To execute bid award documents , No . 5th Storm sewer project , Bower Const . Co . , Contractor , and industrial Engineered Systems , Inc . contracts PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Mayor 's report of proposals concerning Highlands swimming pool and recom- mendation the Committee meet with school officials and Park Board . POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Applications for Mutual Amusement to be granted licenses to operate amusement devices at Hillcrest Bowl and Rainbow Cafe PROPERTY COMMITTEE Mayor 's letter advising of MC Grath Corporation desire to purchase old well site , NW corner S.E. 100th P1 . and 136th Avenue S .E. Offer of Glen Wallin & Associates , on behalf of client , to sell property to the City which lies adjacent to Springbrook Road watershed a t r r 1 i # t i • REFERRALS - CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont . ) July 7 , 1969 SANITATION COMMITTEE King County , Franchise No . 617 granted to the City and submitted for acceptance by Council concerning sanitary sewer service to Glencoe Plat STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE and TRAFFIC ENGINEER Petition of residents for barricade of Shelton Avenue for picnic Aug . 2 . VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Request for study regarding 911 emergency telephone .system for valley WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Mayor ' s letter reporting Musician ' s Union request concerning band concerts for summer recreation program at city cost of $830 . 00 APPOINTMENTS : Municipal Government Advisory Committee - Mr . Ernie Henry Police Department Personnel : Janet O . Barclay , Clerk Dispatcher Effective 7/16/69 Peter S . Farrow and Sheldon Ferguson , Patrolmen MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 7/9/69 - Planning Committee meeting at 4 : 00 p .m . , Planning Department 7/10/69 - Forward Thrust Meeting re Rapid Transit at 7 : 30 p .m . at the Puget Sound Auditorium , Grady Way So . 7/14/69 - Police and License Committee at 7 :00 p.m . Sanitation Committee at 7 : 00 p .m . Street and Alley Committee at 7 : 30 p.m . Ways and Means Committee at 7 : 00 p .m. 7/23/69 - H . U. D. meeting at 1 : 30 p.m . Council Chambers re City ' s Applica- tion and Workable Program 71128/69 - Public Hearing to consider proposed change to Comprehensive Land Use Plan with regard to Hospital Dist . 1 property in the Highlands 207 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Office of City Clerk — July 7 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W . Custer , Mayor , at 8 : Q0 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . 2OLL CALL OF COUNCIL ; Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm , ""tiarrett , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant and Barei . Absent; Shane MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY PIAXIN, THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED, OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D. W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson, City Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Gere Coulon, Park Director , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst, to the Mayor , Vern Church , Purchasing Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . PROVED BY TRIMMf SECONDED BY BAREI, THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JUNE 23 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. THE MGTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: • Propoted Ordinance was presented for introductory reading, fixing the amount , form , date , interest and rate of maturity of installment note , directing the issuance and sale thereof unto the City of Renton Firemen ' s Pensic,n Fund , relating to Local Improvement District No . 260 . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED, After final reading, it was MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO, 2486 AS READ, ROLL CALL VOTE GLLOWED WITH TEN AYE VOTES AND PERRY ABSTAINING, BEING ABSENT FROM THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS DURING, THE READING. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DAP.EI, ITEM "� ' FROM THE AGENDA BE READ AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Letter from Park Director Coulon was read re- questing transfer of $796 . 73 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1990 (14ainten- ance and replacement of ballfield lights) , unto Park Fund 1710 , M. & 0. , 306 , the expending budgetary account , for replacement of Liberty Park Ballfield No . 2 lights , 14OVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MORRIS, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE C014MITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION' CARRIED. Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted pro- posed Resolution authorizing transfer of funds as requested which was read by the City Clerk. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO ADOPT RESOLU- TION -1634 AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Resolution was read extending invitation to the City of Nishiwaki , Japan to exchange ideas , culture , students and teachers , business and eco- nomic and other program exchanges to facilitate and encourage relationship and to create better international understanding and good will between the citizens of the two cities the Mayor and City Council having received word that Nishiwaki desires Renton to become its Sister City . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1633 AS READ. CARRIED. Mayor Custer reported receipt of letter from Nishiwaki which was translated by Mr. George Kak7achi , advising of acceptance of our Resolution and return ,in exchange ,of their like Resolution . has Mayor Custer at this time announced meetings of Council interest , one , on Thursday , July 10, at 7 : 30 p.m. sponsored by Forward Thrust , regarding rapid transit- , to be held at the Puget Sound Power and Light Company Auditorium. A meeting on July 23 has been scheduled at 1 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers with HUD personnel to discuss the City 's application and its approval and certification and Mayor Custer 4nvited council attendance . (Housing and Urban Devel -j-r,ent assistance program) w 1•- 208 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : The City Clerk ' s assignment of City Council positions was held at this time , MYs . Nelson having each council member select a number by random drawing , which resulted as follows Position No . 1 , Trimm; Position No . 2 , Garrett ; Position No . 3 , Delaurenti , Position No . 4 , Perry , Position No . 5 , Morris and Position No . 6 , Schellert . Councilman Shane was assigned Position No . 7 , an unexpired term . Grant requested the record to show his pr6test to No . 7 position assignment since he does not feel Councilman Shane has resigned from his council position . Letter from Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director , requested City Council concurrence in the approval of the Final Plat of Glencoe 2 , App . FP-592-69 located on the Southwest corner of NE 24th and Anacortes Ave . N . E . , un- developed at present and proposed as single family residential , '7hich is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE .PLAT APPROVAL AS RECOMMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED . Approval of rezone was recommended for Walter Gerber property , _pp . 593-69 , from G-9600 to B-1 , property located East of FAI 405 at NE 44th St . exit , extending app . 450 ' East of FAI 405 and 600 ' northerly from NE 44th Street . Proposed Use , commercial which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR. CARRIED . Rezone from R--4 to R-3 , Johnston.,Campanella-Murakami Co „ property , App. 601-69 , located on Northwest corner Puget Drive and Benson Highway. Pro- posed for professional office building which is in agreement with the Corprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERTI SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE TWO REZONE ITEMS TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Petition from residents of Shelton Avenue N . E . requested permission to barricade that right of way , in the 1100 block , on August 2 for a block picnic . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDA- TION . CARRIED . Letter from City Engineer Wilson Was read reporting , regarding Briere Annexation petition , on property located in vicinity east of 132nd Ave . S . E . (Union Ave . N . E . ) and S . E . 100th Street (No . 24th Street) , that signatures of owners represent 100% of assessed valuation. (Area immediately North of Glencoe No . 2 Subdivision containing 5 . 0 acres with an assessed valuation of $4 , 110 . 00 .) Mayor Custer reported informtion will be presented later in the meeting concerning this area and it was MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO WITHHOLD ACTIO14 PENDING READING OF THE MAYORS LETTER LATER ON THE AGENDA. CARRIED . (Later accepted and referred to the Mayor and King County Boundary Review Board) Letter from Dorothy Thompson , Secretary , Renton Downtown Merchant ' s Ass ' n . , requested permit to display banners over North 3rd Street at Main and at Morris Ave . So . , to promote sidewalk sale , July 10 , 11 and 12 , 1969 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO GRANT THE REQUEST WITH THE USUAL HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT AND INSURANCE PROVISIONS . CARRIED . App'_ications were read from location owners requesting that Mutual Amusement Corpany be granted required licenses to operate a Flipper Amusement Device at the Hillcrest Bowl , 2809 N . E . Sunset Blvd . , and the Rainbow Cafe , 231 Main Avenue South . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE APPLI- CATIONS TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment , acceptance and commencement of 30-clay lien period , final progress estimate $25 , 633 . 35 on CAG 1336-66 , North 3rd - 4th Street one-way couplet (Urban Arterial Project No . 1) , Contractor , Emles Electric Co . , retention to 'De released if no claims or liens are filed and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities , $17 , 170 . 34 . MOVED BY MORRIS , aECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CQNCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE AUDITI.;G AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH PGWDR TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED . -2- 209 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended for Council acceptance and commencement of lien period , C .AG. 1288-68 , Final report , retained percentage , $4 ,426 . 41 , Stage 1 , Restroom, Lake Wn . Beach Park by J . D. Stewart Company , Contractor . Architects Olson-Richert-Bignold Certificate of Payment No . 6 attached . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter: from Mabel B . Shannon , Conconully , Washington advised of recent organization by senior citizens of Pioneers Trading Post where arts and .,hand crafts are sold along with tourist souvenirs to assist the low income residents of their city . Newspaper account of Renton ' s utility rate re- duction to senior citizens of low incomes was noted and it was requested that confirmation and facts concerning the program be furnished . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO REFER THE INQUIRY TO THE MAYOR TO RESPOND . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported bid opening for 12 " D. I . Water- main to Griffin Home on 7/2/69 resulting in bids as per attached tabula- tion . There were four bidders and it was recommended that the low bid of Gesner & Brown be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to ,sign the contracts . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER. (Bid total $23 , 865 . 19) Other Bidders included G . & S . Construction , Inc . McDonough Construction , Co . , Pat Ca.rscadden & Associates . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director , reported that the Planning Commission has completed review of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the King County Hospital District No . 1 Highlands property and vicinity . The Planning Commission recommended that property indicated as recreational use in the area defined by Edmonds Avenue N . E . on the west , NE 4th Street on the south , Index Place NE on the east , and NE 5th Place on the north , be redesignated as low density multi-family residential , said area being legally described as Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 of Block 1 ; Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 of Block 6 ; and Lots 1 , 2 and 3 of Block 7 , Rainier Acres , City of Renton , County of King , State of Washington . The Commission recommended further that those lots presently designated single family residential on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan remain as such with R-2 zoning being appropriate for the property in question. Petition objecting to multiple use , as presented to the Planning Commission was attached containing 117 signatures of the area 'residents . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT JULY 28 , 1969 BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER PROPOSED CHANGE TO THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN , WITH REGARD TO REVISION OF EXISTING DESIGNATION FROM "RECREATION" TO "RESIDENTIAL" ,ON THE PROPERTY AS PER PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. It was noted that zoning changes could not be effected until such time as the Comprehensive Plan would reflect the compatible designation , however the Planning Commission held hearipgs considering both Ccniprehe.nsive Land Use Plan and Zoning Map revisions . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT ATTORNEY JERRY HILLIS BE INVITED TO ATTEND THE HEARING AS LEGAL COUNSEL FOR THE CITY, IN VIEW OF CITY ATTORNEY SHELLAN'S CONFIRMATION OF HIS DISQUALIFICATION FROM REPRESENTING THE CITY ON THIS MATTER. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter of Transmittal from the King County Council submitted proposed #617 Franchise granted unto the City in connection with Glencoe Plat development and sanitary sewer service . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED. Notice from the Boundary Review Board of King County advised of receipt of Notice of Intent of Fire District No . 25 to annex additional territory , said notice sent to municipalities within certain distances of areas involved in accordance with requirements of the law. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MORRIS, TO REFER THE NOTICE TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE. CARRIED. -3- 210 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) City Clerk Nelson read tabulation of Renton Municipal Building cost breakdown as requested by Councilman Grant . (See attached) Discussion ensued regarding costs over and above the bond issue and architect fees and sources of funding . It was noted that additional cost was for the land acquisition , addendums including completion of the 5th floor not originally anticipated (to provide Justice Court quarters) and architect fees increasing accordingly being on a percentage basis . Mayor Custer noted that funds from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 along with rental properties ,on the site originally ,contri.buted to revenues ; bond printing, publications and signs being among addendum items , furnishings and appraisa costs *also , and architectural feeregardingkitchen equipment yet unresolve . Association of Washington Cities Messages re „Increase in Traffic Fines” and"Convention Committees" , will be on file in the City Clerk ' s office , along with the AWC Convention Agenda , request for recommendations for possible panel topics , Notice of Golf Tournament , Noon , July 15 , Bellevue Municipal Golf Course, along with a bulletin regarding "City Hall and the Press ," a news Panel . Councilmen reported appointments to various panels and Committees including Delaurenti• , Schellert , Garrett and the Mayor . City Clerk Nelson requested all who desire advance registrations to advise of the sessions they plan to attend so voucher can be prepared . Letter from Mayor Custer was read concerning matters requiring Council action with his recommendations as follows : Briere property : (Presently in annexation proceedings) McGrath Corporation has requested to purchase abandoned city well site at NW corner of inter- section of SE 100th Place and 136th Ave . S. E . , said parcel containing app . 18 ,450 sq. ft , adjacent to the Briere property and purchased in 1960 for $2 ,000 . 00 . Test drillings proved the land to be of little value as a well site and in opinion of the City Engineer the land could be declared surplus and sold . It was recommended that the matter be referred tv the Fire and Water Committee and/or Property Committee for recommendation . City Engineer 's letter reporting 100% ownership of assessed valuation on the I'viere property annexation petition was read at this time, it being noted the added City propertu has no assessed valuation so no change in status of the petition would result hu this transaction . MOVED BY PPRRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN REFERRAL OF THE WELL SITE SALE TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ACCEPT THE PETITION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF RE17TON WITH REFERRAL TO THE MAYOR FOR NECESSARY ACTION TO REFER TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD OF KING COUNTY, in accordance with procedural requirements ot aw. THE MOTION CARRIED. Wage and Salary Study : The Suburban Mayors ' Association has proposed that member cities jointly hire the Public Administration Service to perform a wage and salary study in the Puget Sound Region to aid in 1970 budget preparation . The City of Renton ' s share of cost would be approximately $825 . 00 . it was recommended that the matter be referred to the _Committee of the Whole for discussion and recommendation . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION FOR REFERRAL. CARRIED. Renton High School remodelling and renovatiorz :State Fire Marshall requests that the City grant a variance from certain requirements of Fire Zone I regulations . Mayor recommended referral to the Fire and Water Committee for recommendation . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Swimming Pool : Proposals have been formulated concerning swimmin pool to be located adjacent to the Highlands Elementary School , now under construction,including cooperative effort between the City and School Dist; the City would construct on land deeded from tl' e School District; the District would deed an additional acre upon wh;'ch the Highlands Annex is located as part of the project; the School to Use the pool for school pro- grams and pay proportionate share of the cost; the School would use park facilities for playground purposes and share any increased maintenance cost; the pool might be convertible for use as indoor -outdoor facility . Mayor Custer recommended the proposal be referred to the Parks and Recreation fback ,;om ttee to meet with school officials and the Park Board or report of recommendations . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY' GRANT TO CONCUR IN THE REFERRAL . CARRIED. -4- 211 MrNUTES •m RENTON CIT`_' CnUNCIL j'?FF,TX.,!G 7/7/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT NUS1 NES S : Mayor ' s recommendations r� Band Concerts Mayor CustAr .recalled necass: ty tU delete band concert program from the 1969 budget and reported request of the Musician 's Union , throuah Jerry Zilbert of the local office , that. thea Council revics possibilities of funding the program in sum of $830 . 00 matching } balance to be furnished by the Musicians ' Union Trust Fund , some added funds to be requirerd for publicity so that citizens may be informed of the programs . It was recommended that the sum of $1 ,000 . 00 be appropri- ated to provide two Public band concerts as a part of the summer recYea- t.ion program, from Non-Departmental Acct . 314 , depending upon action on funding of wage and salary study . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER Tn THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RECO11-• MENDATION. CARRIED . Mayor Custer reported receipt of notice from the King County Design Com- mission that Forward "'h.rust Funis were approved for Grady Way . AUDIENCE COMMENT ,- Mr . OMMENT :Mr . Richard Stredicke , as Planning Commission Chairman , reported Ghat zoning recommendation had not been submitted to Council on the hospital property inasmuch as the Comprehensive Land Use Designation would need to be revised prior thereto . He noted that the Chairman did not vote on the matter and that roll call vote is not taken as routine procedure . It was noted the Chairman does have a vote on all matters , being a member of the legislative body , and not comparable to the Mayor who may or may not vote on tie vote issues only . (Inquiry earlior had been made regarding result of the Planning Commission vote on the matter which the Minutes had indicated as being unanimous , and attendance at that_ meeting) APPOINTMENTS : Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Renton Police Department_ Personnel , effective July 16 , 1969 , to six- months probationazu period as required by Civil Service .Rules and Regulations , including Janet O . Barclay , Clerk Dispatcher, Petrr S . Farrow and Sheldon Ferguson , Patrolmen . Police Chief's recommendat..inn of appointment along with Civil Service Commission certification were attached . MOVED BY DELAURFNTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLEPT, THE APPOINTMENTS BE APPROVED AS READ . CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry submitted Committee of the Whole report from meeting of ,a Special Council meeting having been called to consider bids r&ceived fox 1969 flatbed truck for the water department , but not having a quorum a Committee of the Whole meeting was convened and minority report presented at this time for council action . There having been only one qualifying bid , it was recommended by the Com- mittee that all bids received be rejected and that a new bid call (, authorized at a later date on a 1970 model . 14OVED BY DF,LAURENTI, SECOND BY ED!-:ARDS , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. t;ecommended that Mr . Ernie Henry be appointed to complete the 25•-meriher Government Advisory Committee membership . MOVED BY PERRY, STCOIJDED BY MORRIS , TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Upon inquiry , the City Attoxneq advi.,�ed that since there was no quorum no formal act=on could be taken in prior meetinx t and car-,mittee recommendation would be in order . Mayor Custer .inquired if everyone had received �,ritten notice of the special meeting he had mailed and affirmative response was given except for Counci Zm:iIl w:'o had been out of town on vacation , *others presumably unable :o attend . rrant stated concerr. over auditional items presented for action other than hid award noting his inabilitu to attend the subject meeting. -5 -• i 212 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL 7/7/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) President of the Council Perry submitted Committee of the Whole report from its meeting held earlier this evening recommending that the matter of the Boeing Company and Pacific Car and Foundry Industrial Waste dis- posal be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for recommendation and or proper legislation . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Perry reported attendance at Puget Sound Governmental Conference meeting wherein the 911 telephone system was discussed and boundary problem being discussed , it was recommended that this matter be referred to the Valley Regional Planning Commission for study and recommendation as to what might be worked out for the entire valley . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM MATTER AS SUGGESTED. CARRIED . CARRIED. The City Clerk was requested to notify other Cities regarding this action . STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT submitted report recommending that the low bid of Bowers Construction Company , in sum of $16 ,481 . 00 be accepted on the North 5th Street Storm Sewer Project (from Garden Avenue to Burnett Avenue North) and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contracts . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. Street and Alley Committee report adLr sed '.the City was awarded a grant for two traffic safety projects totalling $79 ,800. 00 by the National Highway Safety Bureau , through the Wn . State Traffic Safety Commission and said projects provide for the use of an engineering consultant and traffic eng- ineering personnel . It was recommended that the firm of Engineered Indus- trial Systems , Inc . 3522 West Government Way , Seattle , be retained to com- pleted the two traffic safety studies and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contractual agreements . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR . CARRIED . The Street and Alley Committee report further recommended that Councilman Avery Garrett and Traffic Engineer Del Bennett be authorized to attend the 39th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Traffic Engineers at the Hilton Hotel , Los Angeles , California . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE submitted report which recom- mended that the City proceed with the creation of an L . I. D. for water- main on Rainier Avenue and that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CFPCUR . City Attorney Shellan advised that the Resolution has already been prepared and submitted to the Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AMEND THE MOTInN BY SUBSTITUTING WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE RATHER THAN LAr1 AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . THE A14ENDl1ENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. Recommended that the request of the City of Kent to install a water line in S. W. 43rd (South 180th Street be referred to the Engineering Department to meet with the City of Kent to develop an overall plan for the ultimate improvement of S. W. 43rd Street . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED. (Hill , Ingman , Chase & Co . , Kent representative engineering consultants . ) Recommended by the Fire and Water Committee that the offer -to sell property to the City ,by Glen Wallin Assoc. , Inc. ,comprising app. 20 acres adjoining the Springbrook Water Shed area ,be referred to the Property Committee to negotiate for acceptable purchase agreement . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Fire and Water Committee Chairman Bruce requested additional time for stuCy of request of Time Oil Co. for Fire Prevention Code updating in order to sllor,, coin-operated gasoline pumping stations in the City , Councilman Grant expressed opinion that the 911 emergency telephone program should not receive funding participation , noting that 30% fare increase re- quest has been filed with the Wn . Transportation and Utilities Commission by the telephone Company . The '-layor advised that this has been discussed by the Mayors and as much as the service would be desirable it is limited in serviCe and Could not work unless on a regional basis - -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT submitted information report advising of meeting with the Traffic Engineer and Puget Sound Power and Light Company representatives to discuss feasibility of underground wiring and street lighting project for South 2nd and 3td Streets in downtown Renton , cost estimates being requested for such project . Plans for proposed illumination , traffic signal revision and underground wiring conversion project in vicinity of intersection of South 2nd Street , Main Avenue South and Bronson Way , have been completed. Puget Power has determined the cost to the city to be $12 ,240 . 00 as per tariff Schedule 71 , the city to also bear trenching and street restoration costs . Funds are budgeted under Bronson Way lighting project and it was recommended that the Traffic Engineering Department be authorized to proceed with the project with July 29 , being set for hearing with affected property owners , Traffic Engineering Department to send out letters to such owners regarding the hearing. Discussion ensued regarding pending lawsuit re underground wiring and it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THIS MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI submitted Committee report recommending that the public use area lying south of Sunset Highway be retained except for certain narrow strip extending to the north to be declared surplus and rffered for sale to abutting property owners at 400 per square ft . Retained areas to be cleaned up, top soiled and grass planted . The City Street Department to maintain , mow.i.ng every two weeks during growing season with areas under direct supervision of the Mayor and open to any citizen during the daylight hours . Discussion ensued regarding cost , and the matter of utilities being located across a portion of the area . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDEP BY MORPIS , THE PECnMPIENDATION BE AMFNDED TO INCLUDE RE- TENTION OF UTILITY EASEMENT FOP EXISTING UTILITIES . CARRIED. Since this would affout the value and price , it was MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY MORFIS TO AMEND THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE 710 READ SALE TO BE AT COST OF "UP TO 400 PER Sn . FT . " . CARRIED . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT FUNDS DERIVED FROM ANY SALE OF THE PROPERTY BE APPROPR- IATED TOWARD MAINTENANCE OF AREA RETAINED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THIS MOTION R'O THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUn IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF' THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE AS TIVICH AMENDED. CARRIED. Property Committee report recommended the City declare the present city shop building unsafe and Izazardous to public welfare; that state of emergency exists regarding the building and that an architect be hired to design a new structure , the old building to be demolished , funding to be by issuance of limited G . 0 . Bonds , with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessarra documOnta of legislation . MOVED FY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO REFEP THE P?AVTEP TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION . Mayor Custer reported safety inspection by the State this date and that the building was not condemned but revision to exhaust system recommended among other. things . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING CIIA.TRMAN MORRIS submitted report of Committee approval of Citu of Penton Vouchers Nos . 2699 through 2832 and recommended same be approved by the Council at this time . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 2699 - 2744 S 6 ,703 . 41 Arterial Street Fund 2745 - 2746 56 . 78 City Street Fund 2747 - 2761 7 ,117 . 10 Equipment Rental Fund 2762 - 2771 3 ,145 . 44 Library Fund 2772 238 . 21 Park Fund 2773 - 2807 19 ,538 . 16 Waterworks Utility Fund 2808 2819 7 , 930 . 35 Airport Fund 2820 - 2822 108 . 9.3 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 2823 - 2829 78 . 54 City Hall Const . Fund 2830 - 2831 248 . 71 Urban Arterial Fund 2832 25 ,633 . 35 Total $ 70 , 798 . 98 L. I. D. 259 Cash Fund No . 2 $ 11 , 895 .19 L . I. A. 259 Revenue Func' No . 2 11 ,895 .19 -7- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Councilman Delaurenti , Chairman of the Police and License Committee , announced a meeting to be held at 7 :00 p.m. , July 14 . Councilman Perry announced a meeting of the Sanitation Committee to be held at 7 : 00 p.m. on July 14 , in his Council office on the 6th floor . The City Engineer was invited to be present. Councilman Garrett , Street and Alley Committee Chairman , announced a meeting at 7 :30 p.m. on Monday , July 14 , regarding request of Shelton Street residents to barricade the right of way for a picnic. Planning Committee Chairman Maxin announced a meeting at 4 : 00 p .m . on Wednesday , July 9 , in the Planning Department . The Building Director apd Planning Director were invited to attend , to discuss the sign ordinance . Ways and Means Committee Chairman Schellert announced a meeting on Monday , July 14 , at 7 :00 p .m . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr . A. L. Vaughn, 3013 N. E. 8th Street suggested the City offer hospital Dist .' 1 ; a sum of money for the Highlands property before the land use map is changed , petition anticipated to be filed against multiple use proposals . Perry advised that when negotiating for the City the Hospital Board had been requested to advise if they should wish to negotiate any further in disposition to the City and a meeting would be scheduled . Mr . Vaughn urged the development for a park which he felt might be negotiable at this time . Grant agreed suggesting the Park Board might allocate Forward Thrust Funds for such acquisition . As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MORRIS, TO ADJOURN . THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10 :45 p.m. There were 18 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . Helmie Nelson , City Clerk W. Custer, Mayor i -8- fi. 215 7-7-69 CITY OF RENTON BID TABULATION GRADY WAY Main Avenue South to Rainier Ave S. URBAN ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION Bid Opening June 25, 1969 2.00 P.M. Municipal Bldg. BIDDER PART A PART B TOTAL '"Moss Construction, Inc. P. 0. Box 37 Zenith, Wa. 98188 $194582.45 $ 57,740-00 $252,322.14 Redd-Sam dining Co., Inc. P. 0. Box 7 Bellevue Wa. 98004 $2 9,00 .50 $ 54 442.00 $293 44 ,i Q Select Contractors, Inc. 3652 Hillcrest S.W. Seattle, Washington 98116 $21$,858.60 $ 57.750.00 $276.,6A.,610 City of Renton Engineering Department Estimate _$254,532 216 BID OPENING : July 2 , 1969 717/69 2 :00 p.m. CITY OF RENTON 12" D. I. Watermain from N. 28th Street and Burnett Avenue North to the Griffin Home (W-339) BIDDER AND ADDRESS BID BOND SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B TOTAL BID Pat Carscadden & Associates $ 24, 325 . 00 $ 3 ,695 . 00 7310 - 51st St . N. E. Tax 1 ,094 . 63 166 . 28 Seattle, Wn . X 25 ,419 . 63 3 , 861 . 28 $ 29 ,280 . 91 G. & S. Construction , Inc. 20 ,980. 00 3,230 . 00 2122 East 91st Street Tax 945 . 00 145 . 35 Tacoma , Wn . . X 21 ,925 . 00 3, 375 . 35 25 , 300. 35 Gesner & Brown 20 ,747 . 50 2 , 090 . 00 11025 - 142nd Ave . S.E. Tax 933 . 64 94 . 05 Renton , Wn . 98055 X 21 ,681 . 14 2 ,184 . 05 23 ,865 . 19 McDonough Construction Co . 21 ,640 . 00 3 ,620 . 00 13249 Northrup Way Tax 973 . 80 162 . 90 Bellevue , Wn. 98004 X 22 ,613 . 80 3 , 782 . 90 26 ,396 . 70 BID OPENING; July 2, 1969 2;00 p.m. Renton Municipal Building NORTH 5th STREET - BURNETT AVE. NORTH GARDEN AVE, NORTH INSTALLATION OF STORM SEWER TRUNK BIDDER AND ADDRESS BID BOND TOTAL BID Allison Incorporated 9917 Portland Ave. X $ 36,835.00 Tacoma, Wa. 98445 Bowers Construction Company 16239 Ambaum Blvd. S. Seattle, Wa. 98148 X 16,481.00 Frank Coluccio Company, Inc. 777R.Seward Park Ave. S, Seattle, Wa. 98118 X 40,560.00 G & S Construction, Inc. 2122 East .91st Street Tacoma, Wa. 98445 X 31062.50 McDonough Construction Co. 13249 Northrup Way Bellevue, Wa. 98004 X 30,558.00 -10- r-i Office of the City Clerk July 7, 1969 COST FIGURES--RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING Year Incidental Costs* Property Acq. Architect Construction Costs Undergrnd.-Demolition Furnishings 1965 1 ,183.00 133,119.44 -- -- -- -- 1966 496.22 150,400.00 22,305.00 -- -- 1967 6,117.78 -- 64,770.42 218,222.33 4,875.00 -- 1968 879.51 -- 22,835.41 1,164,622.07 14,675.00 52,589.49 1969 1 ,116.83 -- -- 84,185.37 -- 35,653.13 Still Due-- -- -- 3,000.00? 118,005.55 -- -- 9,793.34 283,519.44 112,910.83 1,585,035.32* 19,550.00 88,242.62 (includes Landscp. ) * Includes Appraisals, Bond Costs, Publications, Signs, etc. **Includes Draperies, Kitchen Equipment, Office Furniture, Some costs on closed Circuit TV. Landscape Lighting 4,850.00 Landscaping 26,693.00 Lawn Sprinklers 15,857.00 218 1 1 1 7-7-69 ) f# ELECTRICAL PERMIT E 2113 16. 70 Mrs. Brandow 429 Wells Ave No. Wire Res. for Elec. Heat 2114 27.93 Jim Hawk 2940 E Valley Rd. Wire Ofc. & Warehouse E 2115 10.00 M.A. Segale Edwards Pit Temp. Service for Scale House 2116 10.00 Edwin Gillespie 609 Jefferson Ave NE Change Service in Res. 2117 18.00 Lynn Livengood 5030 LkWashBlvd NE Wire New Single Family Res. 2118 2.00 Renton School Dist#403 809 Harrington Ave NE Temporary Service 2119 10.00 The Boeing Company 10-57 Bldg. Conduit & Wire for Fans E 2120 10.00 The Boeing Company 10-51 Bldg. Electricity for Exit Signs 2121 27.00 The Boeing Company 4-63 Bldg. Re-Light Docks 2122 12.00 The Boeing Company 10-57 Bldg. Relocate Tooling 2123 10.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Bldg. Install Electric Outlet `r 2124 10.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Bldg. Up-Grade Flood Light in Bldg. E 2125 10.00 The Boeing Company 4-73 Bldg. Inst. Electric Facilities 2126 10.00 The Boeing Company 4-63 Bldg. Install Xerox 3600 2127 15.00 The Boeing Company 4-01 Bldg. Convert Langley Lift ,2128 10.00 The Boeing Company 10-60 Bldg. Install Electric Outlet 2129 2.00 The Boeing Company 10-55 Bldg. Relocate Fin Spar Area E 2130 10.00 The Boeing Company 10-55 Bldg. Rearrange Body Frames 2131 10.00 The Boeing Company 10-50 Bldg. Install Cargo Panel Area 2132 10.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Bldg. RewiFe Salt Tanks 2133 32.00 Osborne Const. Co. 216 Park Ave No. Wire New Office Bldg. 2134 10.00 Francis E. Weeks 1825 Anacortes Ave NE Inst. 1 HP Motor/Bonding S.P. E 2135 10.00 Pearl & Patricia M Ank 2400 NE 16th St. Rough in Wiring-Sin. Fam. Res. 2136 13.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc, 2511 Smithers Ave S Wire Single Family Res. 2137 13.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 750 So 25th. St. Wire Single Family Res. 2138 13,00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 428 So 26th St. Wire Single Family Res. 2139 13.52 McGrath Corporation 4401 NE 18th Ct. Wire Single Family Res. E 2140 11.46 McGrath Corporation 4419 NE 18th Ct. Wire Single Family Res. 2141 12.78 McGrath Corporation 4428 NE 23rd Ct, Wire Single Family Res. 2142 13.52 McGrath Corporation 4434. NE 23rd Ct, Wire Single Family Res. 2143 13.68 McGrath Corporation 4440 NE 23rd Ct. Wire Single Family Res. 2144 13.52 McGrath Corporation 1916 Vashon Ct, NE Wire Single Family Res. E 2145 12.78 McGrath Corporation 1802 Whitman Ave NE Wire Single Family Res. 2146 13.30 McGrath Corporation 4431 NE 23rd Ct. Wire Single Family Res. 2147 471.55 Renton School Dist#403 Wire Elementary School 2148 VOID ww2149 13.00 T. W. Slater 1431 Jefferson Ave NE Rework service&Install New A. E 2150 2.00 Renton School Dist#403 434 Main Ave So. Temporary Service 2151 16.00 Frank Teter 1609 Shattuck Ave S Wire New Single Family Res. 2152 10.00 Brant Motors 1300 Bronson Way N Wire Parts Room 2153 21.00 Harold Miles 520 Raymond P1 NW Wire New Single Family Res. SEWER PERMITS S 842 E. Kunstle 1015 Jones St, Sanitary Sewer-Connect 843 Lucy Guitteau 180 Hardy Ave SW Sanitary Sewer-Connect 844 Renton School Dist#403 Tiffany Park Elem. Sanitary Sewer-Connect S 845 Renton. School Dist#403 Talbot Hill Elem. Sanitary Sewer-Connect 846 McGrath Corporation Lot 213 Sanitary Sewer-Connect 847 McGrath Corporation Lot 214 Sanitary Sewer-Connect 848 McGrath Corporation Lot 215 Sanitary Sewer-Connect 849 McGrath Corporation Lot 216 Sanitary Sewer-Connect S 850 Norman Schultz 520 Raymond P1 NW Sanitary Sewer-Connect Side Sew 851 Norman Schultz 520 Raymond Pl NW Sanitary Sewer-Connect 852 Parkwood Homes 2716 Morris Ave Sanitary Sewer-Connect 853 Don Doubles 364 Stevens Ave NW Sanitary Sewer-Connect L -13- 220 7-7-69 OFFICE OF TIRE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS DESCRIPTION B 1£,50 $ 698.25 Renton School Dist#403 434 Main Ave So Const. Administration Bldg. U51 48.00 McGrath Corporation 4428 NE 23rd Ct. Const. Single Family Res. 1852 57.00 McGrath Corporation 4431 NE 23rd Ct. Const. Single Family Res. 1853 . 1.00 McGrath Corporation 4440 NE 23rd Ct. Const. Single Family Res. 1854 54.00 McGrath Corporation 4434 NE 23rd Ct. Const. Single Family Res B 1855 60.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 620 So 25th St. Const. Single Family Res.. 1856 72.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 749 So 25th St. Const. Single Family Res. 1857 2.00 William W. Waters 4229 NE 19th St. Erect Chain Link Fence 1858 2.00 Mrs. Minnie Henehan 217 Main Ave So Demol. Res. & Shed-Remove Tree 1859 2.00 Harman Mgt. Corp. 109 Rainier Ave No. Demol. 1-Storey Bldg. B 1860 2.00 R. S. Coad 1632 Jones Dr SE Erect Fence-Rear Lot,l Side Oly 1861 27.00 John V. Janders 3401 NE 7th St. Const. Add. to Existing Res. 1862 162.00 Renton School Dist#403 315 Garden Ave No. Remodle Interior of Exist.Bldg. 1863 69.00 Chester J. Hartsock 2036 Kirkland P1 NE Const. 2-Story Duplex 1864 10.00 Gerald M. Neisinger 354 Sunset Blvd No. Inst. D/F Plastic Sign on Pole B 1865 2.00 Joan Powers 2009 Dayton Ct. SE Erect Fence 1866 51.00 McGrath Corporation 4401 NE 18th Ct. Const. Single Family Res. 1867 48.00 McGrath Corporation 1802 Whitman Ave NE Const. Single Family Res. 1868 51.00 McGrath Corporation 1916 Vashon Ct. NE Const. Single Family Res. 1869 21.00 R. Kingen 423 Airport Way Const. Concrete Blk Storage B 1870 10.00 Pacific Communications 4020 E Valley Rd Erect Outdoor Advertizing Sign 1871 6.00 James P. Burch 957 Aberdeen Ave NE Replace Windows&Roof-Comp.Side 1872 69.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2623 Smithers Ave S Const. Single Family Res. 1873 75.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2615 Smithers Ave S Const. Single Family Res. 1874 75.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2605 Smithers Ave S Const. Single Family Res. B 1875 63.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 2531. Smithers Ave S Const. Single Family Res, 1876 36.00 Seattle-1st.Nat.Bank 31.1. Williams Ave S Alter Interior of Bldg.per Plan 1877 33.00 Foster-Marshall,Inc. 1.5 So Grady Way Remodel Interior of Bldg. 1878 154.50 Harman Management Corp 104 Rainier Ave S Const. Take-Out Restaurant 1879 18.00 Stoneway Cone. Inc. 1.91.5 Maple-ValleyHy Add. to Open Bldg. & Cranew4 MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1949 Dr. Saboe 419 So 4th St. Inst. Lawn Sprinkler System 1950 Edward Francischina 2001 Edmonds Ave NE Relo. Water Heater-Alter Gas P. 1951 Bronco Restaurant 530 Rainier Ave So. Install. 15 HP Compresser 1952 Friends of Youth 2500 LkWashRl.vd No. Inst. Pl.ubi.ng &. Fixtures 1953 Ray Robinson 2412 NE 23rd St. Gas Conversion Burner. 1954 O.S. Svennungsen 540 Whitworth Ave S Inst. Recessed Gas, M 1955 Wali Heater O.S. Svennungsen 542 Whitworth Ave S Inst. Recessed Gas Wall Heater 1956 Renton School Dist#403 505 So 23rd St. Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 1957 Bronco of Renton 530 Rainier Aire So. Inst. Refrige.Sys. in Wa-I.n Coo 1958 The Boeing Company 4-81 Bldg. Reroute Cooling Water Drains 1959 Earlington Assoc. Co. 500 SW 7th St. Inst. Plumbing 9! Fixtures M 1960 Pearl & Patric M. Ank 2400 NE 16th St. Inst. Plumbing &, Fixtures 1961 Joe Boehme 901 Jones Ave So. Inst. 1.2 Plumbing Units 1962 McGrath Corporation 1916 Vashon Ct. NE Inst. Gas Furnace 1963 McGrath Corporation 1802 Whitman Ave NE Inst. Gas Furnace 1964 McGrath Corporation 4401 NE 18th Ct. Inst. Gas Furnace M 1965 McGrath Corporation 4431 NE 23rd Ct. Inst. Gas Furn. 8> Hot Water Tanl 1966 McGrath Corporation 4434 NE 23rd Ct. Inst. Gas Furn.&Hot Water Tank 1967 McGrath Corporation 448 NE 23rd Ct. Inst. Gas Furn.&Hot Water Tank 1968 McGrath Corporation 4440 NE 23rd Ct. Inst. Gas Furn.&Hot Water Tank 1969 Mrs. Barrillenx 1232 Aberdeen Ave NE Repair Septic Sys-Replace Ts M 1970 Glenn Payne 180 Hardie Ave SW Inst. Plbg. Fixture-1 Laundry 1971 Howard C. Fletcher Co, 875 SW 7th St. Instal.. Gas Piping to 2 Roof 1972 Bruno Scappini 504 Whitworth Ave S Inst. Gas Wall Heater 1973 Caroline L. Greeley 516 Whitworth Ave S Inst. Gas ylal.l Heater 1974 Powell Homes 1719 Camas Ave NE Inst. Gas Furnace M 1975 Powell Homes 1713 Camas Ave NE Inst. Gas Furnace a 1976 1977 John Pepka 614 So 17th St. Inst. Conversion Burner McGrath Corporation 1916 Vashon Ct. NE Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 1978 McGrath Corporation 4401 NE 18th Ct. Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 1979 McGrath Corporation 1802 Whitman Ave NE Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures M 1980 McGrath Corporation 4440 NE 23rd Ct. Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 1981 McGrath Corporation 4434 NE 23rd Ct. 1982 Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures McGrath Corporation 4428 NE 23rd Ct. Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 1883 McGrath Corporation 4431 ISE 23rd Ct. Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures -12- 221 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F ESR R A _1. S July 14, 1969 Office of C% ti;- Clerk CITY ATTORNEY and INSURANCE_CARRIER Claim for Damages to Water Heaterfi.led by Hans Iii. Rasmussen CITY CLERK To execute: Contract documents on Grady Way South Improvement To execute Franchise #1617 Document from King Co , re Sewer Trunk to Sierra 11ts . Elementary School To execute Easement documents with Northern Pacific Ry . Co . on Lihd Ave . NF7 LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Buildiny Director ' s request .for $2 ,000 . 00 fund appropriat.io'n to covor Plans Check Fees for balance of; year Update Fire Prevention Code Appropriation o.f $.1 ,000. 00 to fund band concerts and publicity therefor MAYOR To execute contract documents for Grady Way So . improvement To execute Easement_ documents with NortherPaci.fic Ry . Co. , Lind Avc . NW To execute Franchise 617 from King Co . for F1'wer trunk for Sierra lits . Elementary School PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL Board of' Public Works^ request for meeting with Committee of the Whole PROPERTY COMMITTEE Matt.-,r of Police Department Mobile Radio Bidding APPOINTMENT: Tony Romano Lieutenant' , Renton Police Department_ , six months probationary period as requi. rc�d by Civil Service rules effective a6 Of' July 16, 1969 MEFTINGS PhD EVENTS : 7114/69 - Comm.ittee of the whole , fol.low.ing this evening's council. meoti.nex 7/14/69 - Park and Recreation Cnmmittet- following this meeting 7/21/69 - Public Hearinq - Proposed .revisions to Sign Code 7/22/69 - Tour of new Valley General Hospital. 222 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 14, 1969 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor , at 8 :00 p .m . in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited ,in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Perry , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Maxin , Edwards , Bruce, Grant and Barei . Absent : Morris and Shane . Mayor Custer reported that Councilman Shane was in Japan and Councilman Morris in Europe and invited Council action . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney, Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JULY 7 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted proposed Ordinance changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from General Classification (G9600) to Business District (B-l) . After the introductory reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce , to place the document on second and final reading. After final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO ADOPT ORDINANCE No . 2487 as read. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES EXCEPT FOR BAREI WHO ABSTAINED BEING ABSENT FROM THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS DURING FINAL READING . THE MOTION CARRIED. (Walter Gerber Property, E. of FAI 405 at NE 44th St . exit) Proposed Ordinance of the City was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City from Apartment House and Multiple Dwelling (R-4) to Residential District (R-3) . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Maxin , to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final reading, IT WAS MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2488 AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED UPON UNANIMOUS AYE ROLL CALL VOTE . (Johnston-Campanella-Murakami Co. property ,NW corner Puget Drive and Benson Highway) Proposed Ordinance was read establishing the office of Building Director, providing for the appointment thereof, prescribing the duties of the Building Director and the Building Department and repealing any and all Ordinances in conflict therewith . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2489 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Resolution of the City was read adopting the Final Plat of Glencoe No . 2 and authorizing execution of necessary documents in connection there- with. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1635 AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. (Excludes Briere property presently in annexation proceedings and abandoned well site to be "declared surplus) Proposed Resolution was read reporting finding that it is in the best interest of owners and residents of the"Kennydale Island" area of King County to be annexed unto the City of Renton , deemed also to be in the best interest and serving the general welfare of the City to annex said territory which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Renton . The City Council prays that an election be called by the King County Council and as otherwise provided by law, to be held among the qualified voters within the territory described , upon the question of such annexation . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1636 AS READ. CARRIED. (Boundary Review Board action required prior to further proceedings by City) -1- 223 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/14/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Continued) Proposed Resolution was read deeming it to be in the best interest of the owners and residents of the "Talbot Hill Island" area of King County to be annexed unto the City of Renton and it was the further finding and determination that it is to the best interest and serving the general welfare of the City of Renton to annex said territory which is contiguous and adjacent to the City and constituting an integral part of the Renton area . The City Council prays that an election be called by the King County Council and as otherwise provided by law, to be held among the qualified voters within the territory described, upon the question of such annexation . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1637 AS READ. Upon inquiry , it was noted that this would include all of Water. District No . 78 not already inside the City . CARRIED. Proposed Resolution was read declaring the City 's intention to construct and install watermains and appurtenances thereto adjacent to Rainier Avenue between a point 160 ft . South of Renton Avenue Extension and the Easterly production of the Northerly line of Block 6 , Woody Glen Addition, and to create a Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties in such district specially bene- fited thereby; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said im- provement to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held on August 25 , 1969 . (L. I.D. No . 268) . Ways and Means Committee report recommended adoption of the subject Resolution . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT THEREBY ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 1638 AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Upon inquiry regarding Vacation of poriton of Ethier Road , Mayor Custer recalled that the public hearing had been advanced to July 21 inasmuch as the newspaper had failed to publish the notice which resulted in lack of adequate time as required by law for public notice . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: `.Mayor Custer reported receipt of two items following printing of the Agenda and Council action was invited . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ALLOW READING OF THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS AT THE END OF THOSE APPEARING ON THE REGULAR AGENDA . CARRIED. Citta Clerk Nelson reported bid opening for Police Department Mobile Radio Units on 7/14/69 . One bid was received from the Motorola Company, 808 - 106th Ave . S.E. Bellevue in sum of $11 , 930 . 00 plus $536 . 95 tax, less trade $2 ,235 . 00 , Net $10 ,231 . 85 . ($1 ,193 . 00 ea , Min . of 10 units) Letter from General Electric Company reported no bid due to restrictive specifications . Letter from Police Chief Williams was read recommending acceptance of the bid from Motorola . Discussion ensued regarding specifications and in- cluded inquiry as to whether the bid received was an amount felt to be within competitive price range . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR COST COMPARISON AND INVESTI- GATION REGARDING G . E. 'S INABILITY TO BID. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , reported bid opening on 6/25/69 for the improvement of Grady Way South , Main Ave . So . to Grady Way So . and it was the Engineering Department recommendation that the low bid of Moss Construction , Inca be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contract documents . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS AS READ. CARRIED. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Chairman , Board of Public Works , requested rto meet with the Committee of the Whole to discuss proposed revisions to the Dangerous Buildings Ordinance , Amendment of the Off-Site Improvement Ordinance and Amendment of the ordinance creating the Board of Public Works . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL TO SCHEDULE A MEETING , THE MOTION CARRIED. T Claim for damages , filed by Hans M. Rasmussen , was read, in connection with water heater malfunction and flooding of basement of residence at 311 N. W. 6th Street . MOVED BY SCHF,LLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER FOR THE CITY. CARRIED. -2- 224 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/14/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from the National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation , Wn . State Chapter , requested permission to conduct door to door fund drive in the City of R-.nton during September , concurrently with the Seattle drive . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO GRANT THE REQUEST,HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT TO BE EXECUTED AS PER USUAL PROCEDURE .. CARRIED. Letter from B . L. Ruppert , Building Director , requested appropriation of $2 ,000 . 00 unto Account 1165/314 to cover Plans Check fees for the remainder of the year . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RE- QUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTIO THE MOTION CARRIED. Applications from location owners were read requesting that Rainier Amuse- ment Company be granted required licenses to operate machines in City business establishments as follows : (Replacing existing machines with Novelty Games) : 1 - RonDeeVoo Tavern , 2621 N.E. Sunset Blvd . ; 2 in Teddies Cafe, 2233 Maple Valley Highway; 2 at Dino 's Bistro; 2 at King ' s Tavern , 207 Wells Ave . So. ; 2 at Christie 's Tavern , 308 Wells Ave . So . ; 2 at Sunset Cafe , 2623 , NE Sunset Blvd. and 2 at Elsie 's Lunch , 1058 Sunset Blvd . N. E. Also requested was one Coin-type pool table replacement at B . & I. Tavern , 220 Rainier Avenue So . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. Letter from Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , reported that the Utility 's Plant value as of December 31 , 1968 was $7 ,619 , 790 . 03 , said information provided to assist in establishing charge rate for 1970 . Letter from Dobson , Houser & Dobson , Attorneys at Law by David C. Dobson , submitted C1aim,filed on behalf of Bevan Plumbing & Sheet Metal , against the Bond of Joel Ricardi et ux , as Principal and the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland as Surety , in connection with CAG 1320-68. (Jones Park Restroom facility plumbing) Claim was filed with the Council to pro- tect rights against the bond . Letter from John N. Porter , County Administrative Officer , reported that the King County Design Commission and Board of County Commissioners have accepted the South Grady Way project and authorized the utilization of Forward Thrust funds subject to conditions outlined in previous letter to the Mayor. Letter from W. A . Bulley , P.E . , Chairman , Urban Arterial Board, reported approval of request for additional Urban Arterial Funds in amount of $20 ,661 . 00 for the Grady Way improvement project , total funds now authorized $227 ,271 . 00 . Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Chairman , Board of Public Works , reported that the Board has no objection to proposed annexation of additional area by Fire District No . 25 . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT, CARRIED. Letter from the Wn . State Highway Commission , Department of Highway , transmitted certification of routes of state highways in the State within the limits of incorporated cities and towns along with list of limited access facilities on the state routes , same to be on file in the office of the City Clerk . City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of Washington Municipal Data Book for 1969 published by the Bureau of Governmental Reserach and Services , U. of W. , in cooperation with the Association of Wn . Cities , Report 171 , and noted that Renton is now No . 13 in State population rank and very far below other cities in growth through annexation . Councilman Schellert noted the very high assessed valuation of Renton and that this is why it is desired in many instances that fees be assessed thereon rather than on per capita basis . Letter from Building Director Ruppert recommended approval of a Sign Permit Application #RPS 2924-69 for Jim Barei , 230 Wells Avenue South , to project over public right of way . The sign has been approved by the Planning Com- mission and complies with requirements of the proposed sign ordinance . MOVED BY PERRY,SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION SUBJECT TO HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT AND INSURANCE AS PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE . CARRIED. Council President Perry presided during this transaction the Mayor having personal interest therein . -3 - MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/14/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted Easement from the Northern Pacific Railroad for Lind Avenue S. W. (87th Ave . So . ) street crossing to Grady Way , part of an approved Urban Arterial Project with the cost of $4 , 950. 00 to be funded from% Urban Arterial Funds . The instrument has been approved by the City Attorney and it was recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same at this time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY ENGINEER . CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Dick Stredicke , 3916 - lOth Ct . North , inquired regarding street improvements noting great need for the Grady Way work approved earlier and for work on E street going North to Sunset . It was pointed out by the Mayor that this is State Highway and that the City has done some work on Sunset;. that hearings held by the State regarding widening to a 4-lane facility have been in progress and improvements are anticipated. Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer,noted that in meeting with the State Highway Department plans calling for participation in Sunset Highway work are for May 1971 bids , signals at 12th and Sunset being designed in advance and to be budgeted for 1970 but any substantial work and the widening by the State , along with the Maple Valley Highway (December) , to- be in 1971 . Street Commissioner Vic TeGantvoort reported that the City will be doing some levelling and maintenance work on Sunset during July , but the new construction is scheduled as reported. Barei inquired regarding work on Benson which Traffic Engineer Bennett reported could be expected within the next biennium: . Mr . Frank Storey inquired regarding pedestrian walkway at North Renton Interchange proximity,and was advised that nothing new has transpired, the State having previously advised that when the City built approaches the State would produce its work . Mayor Custer noted that funds which had been anticipated for possible use on this project had to be expended for unexpected maintenance and snow removal and the limited work the city could do would not be what is desired , limited access , barrier installations and feasible improvements and anticipated use having been the subject of much discussion , anticipated cost of $80 , 000 . 00 requiring some warrant of utilization, location also to be determined. Mr . Storey noted that with the opening of the Lake Wn . Beach Park he felt it to be a matter of time before someone is hurt . APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Tony Romano to rank of Lieutenant in the Renton Police Department , the siz- months probationary period,as required by Civil Service Rules and Regula- tions ,to commence as of July 16 , 1969 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Letter from Police Chief Williams approving the appointment and Civil Service Commission Certification were attached . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Mayor Custer requested to meet with the Committee of the Whole following this evening 's council meeting and President Perry confirmed such meeting. SANITATION COMMITTEE MEMBER PERRY submitted report recommending that King County Franchise No . 617 concerning sewer trunk to Sierra Heights School be accepted and officials be authorized to execute any necessary documents . MOVED BY SCEHLLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT reported recommendation that request of Shelton Avenue residents to block off 1100 Block for picnic on August 2 , from 3 :00 p.m. until 9 : 00 p.m . be granted under supervision of the Street Commissioner , MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR WITH EXECUTION OF HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT . MOTION CARRIED. -4- 226 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/14/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN EDWARDS reported that .information on city flags was received and the cost for 45 flags , 4 x 6 , would be $27 . 50 each with 15% discount for quantity lots and for special applique the cost would be $123 . 50 each which would last only about 8 months . it was the recommendation that the City not purchase a flag. ' Discussion en- sued regarding flags which might be flown on the third flag pole , if not a City Emblem Flag, also possibility of contest zzaong high school students to design a flag for the City . It was noted it is the material not the design which was costly . No further action was taken at this time on the matter . PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN submitted report recommending that a public hearing be held on July 21 , 1969 for discussion and consideration of revision to the sign code . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE submitted report recommending that the October 1966 revision of the Fire Prevention Code , 1965 Edition , Division VI Service Stations of Article 16 , Flammable and Combustible Liquids , be adopted by the City with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for preparation of necessary Ordinance. MOVED BY GARRETT, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE REPORT OF THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMAN GRANT inquired regarding expiration of pinball machine licenses in the City and Mayor Custer recalled his directive advising that the Operators did not renew their licenses and that some machines have been removed and those not yet replaced are non-operative , and the one card room has been given notice regarding revocation of license. Grant noted action concerning bingo awaiting court action expressing concern relative to gambling and wagering promotions . WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT submitted report recommending ; that the sum of $1 , 000. 00 be appropriated to fund band concerts and adver- tising thereof, as part of the summer recreation program, from Non-Depart- mental Account 314 , Wage and Salary Study. (Per Mayor ' s recommendation of 7/14/69) MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN DELAURENTI, submitted report recom- mending that no change be made in the present code provisions regarding Pawn Brokers , one for every 15 ,000 population count now being allowed and utilized and at the time a new census is conducted next year, further con- sideration may be warranted . (Councilman Grant requesting review at this time) NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Councilman Perry reported receiving letter from Mr. Murray of Hospital Dist . No . 1 , advising of open house to be held at the new Valley General Hospital on July 22 and extending invitation to the Council to attend special tour at that time . Councilman Perry also called attention to the Association of Washington Cities Annual Convention commencing this week Wednesday , at the Wn . Plaza Hotel in Seattle , and noted several topics of interest from the program agenda . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE MEMBER MAXIN submitted report of approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 2833 through 2969 and MOVED THAT SAME BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY EDWARDS AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 2833 - 2877 $ 25 ,692 . 69 Arterial Street Fund 2878 15 ,981 .11 City Street Fund 2879 - 2899 11 ,421 . 63 Cedar River M. & I. 2900 - 2904 87 . 75 Equipment Rental Fund 2905 - 2921 1 ,045 . 96 Library Fund 2922 - 2925 647 . 91 Park Fund 2926 - 2948 9,183 . 22 Waterworkq Utility 2949 - 2962 34 ,796 . 48 Airport Fund 2963 - 2968 200. 36 City Hall Const . Fund 2969 36 , 936 . 94 $135 ,994 . 05 L . I.D. 261 Cash Fund #3 , $ 27 ,065 . 87 L . I.D. 261 Revenue Fund. #3 27 ,065 . 87 -5- `2'1 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/14/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont , ) FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE announced a meeting on Tuesday , July 15 , in his council office at 7 : 30 p .m . The Building Director and Fire Chief were requested to attend. COUNCILMAN BRUCE ANNOUNCED A MEETING OF THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE following this evening ' s Council and Committee of the Whole meetings . Councilman Barei reported inquiry from Renton Trailer Travel Club con- cerning ordinance revision to allow parking of travel trailers on private properties without present restrictions . Councilman Maxin noted that this matter is in the Planning Committee at present and studies have been conducted and meetings held and report was to be forthcoming as soon as the Sign Code Ordinance had been completed. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that the matter in the Planning Committee has to do with all types of trailers and this item was concerning travel trailers only . Motion had been proposed by Barei and seconded by Perry to refer the matter of allowing travel trailers on ,property to the Law and Ordinance Committee and it was subsequently MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO TABLE THE PENDING MOTION AT PRESENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. As there was no further business to, come before the body , it was MOVED BY DF,LAURENTI, SECONDED BY BAREI , TO ADJOURN . THE MOTION CARRIED. The met-ting was adjourned at 9 :35 p.m . There were 18 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- i 228 CITY OF RENTON BID OPENING: July 14 , 1969 2:00 P.M. POLICE MOBILE RADIO UNITS (Minimum of 10 Units) BIDDER QTY. DESCRIPTION PRICE MOTOROLA 10 T44MST 35-watt MOTRAN w/2 freq. $11 , 930 . 00 808 - 106th Ave.NE transmit; 1-freq. recei've, . 0002 536.95 tax Bellevue, Wash : 98004 stability and 5db antenna , ea . 812 ,466 . 85 $1 ,193. 00 Less trade 2,235 . 00 Net Bid $10 ,231 . 85 Note: Trade-in to consist of: 3 - U43MXT MOTRAC Mobiles 9 - U43GGt T Power Mdbiles Letter received from General Electric Company reported "no bid" due to restrictive specifications . i 229 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7/14/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1880 540 .00 THE BOEING CO. 4-73 BLDG. REMODEL BLDG. 1881 4, 000. 00 W.F.WINl'ERS 3713 NE9TH ST ADD. TO BLDG. 1882 102 „ 00 .A.B.C. PACIFIC CORP 201 RAINIER AVE SO REMOVE DIRT & GRADE .883 48.00 McGRATH CORP. 4211 NE19rrH ST CONS SINGLE FAM. RES x.884 51.00 McGRATH CORP. 1822 WHITMAN CT NE CONS SINGLE FAM. RES B 1885 51.00 McGRATH CORP. 1908 VASHON CT NE CONS SINGLE FAM. RES 1880 48.00 McGRATH CORP. 1907 VASHON CT NE CONS SINGLE FAM. RES 1887 10.00 KENT VALLEY MARINA 3100 EAST VALLEY RD ERECT ELECT ROOF SIGN 1888 30.00 A & W ROOT BEER 519 RAINIER AVE NO REPL 2 SIGN & 1 EL POLI 1889 10 .00 WHITEHALL LABORATORIE 915 HOUSER WAY NO INST SIGN ON BLDG. B 1890 10.00 DIAMOND PARKING 200 MAIN AVE SO INSTALL SIGN 1891 140 . 50 RENTON FINANCE CORP 222 WILLIAMS AVE SO REMODEL WALLS & CEILING 1892 2. 00 GARY B. JUST 2302 NE12TH ST INST SIDING-EXIST BLDG. 1893 21.00 JACK A BENAROVA CO 730 THOMAS AVE SW INST 8 ' PARTIT& 2 DOOR 1894 222. 00 CHECKERBOARD PROP. 439 RAINIER AVE SO CONS TAKE-OUT RESTAURAT B 1895 2. 00 MELVIN CLASSEN 582 BRONSON WAY NE ADD. CARPORT-EXIST. RES 1896 10. 00 FRANKY' S SERVE-U 314 PARK AVE NO ERECT & MAINT ELEC SIGT 1897 VOID 1898 2 .00 JAMES JONASSON 713 N. 33RD ST ERECT 6' BOARD FENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 1984 THE BOEING CO. 4-63 BLDG. WATER&DRAIN FOR GAS ANF 1985 T,ti.F.WINTERS 3713 NE9TH ST INST PLUMBING & FIXTURE 1,986 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC 750 SO 25TH ST INST PLUMBING & FIXTURE 1987 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC 428 SO 26TH ST INST PLUMBING & FIXTURE W0988 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC 750 SO 25TH ST INST GAS FURN&HOT W TNF 1989 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC 620 SO 25TH ST INST GAS FURN&HOT W TNT M 1990 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC 749 SO 25TH ST INST GAS FURN&HOT W TNI 1991 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC 2530 BURNETT CT SO INST GAS FURN&HOT W TNT 1992 PRODUCTION CO. 4308 JONES AVE NE REPAIR EXIST DRAIN FIEI 1993 RENTON SCHOOL DIST403 315 GARDEN AVE NO INST PLUMBING & FIXTURE 1994 ROBERT L EDWARDS REN.SHOP.CEN-BLDG C INST ROOF AIR CON SYSTE M 1995 ROBERT L EDWARDS REN.SHOP.CEN-BLDG B INST ROOF AIR CON SYSTE 1996 NORMAN SCHULTZ 520 RAYMOND AVE NW INST GAS FURN & PIPING 1997 VOID 1998 McGRATH CORP. 1908 VASHON CT NE INST GAS FURNACE 1999 McGRATH CORP. 1907 VASHON CT NE INST GAS FURNACE M 2000 McGRATH CORP. 1822 WHITMAN CT NE INST GAS FURNACE 2001 McGRATH CORP. 4211 NE19TH ST INST GAS FURNACE 2002 R.H.LOTTO CO. 1834 HARRINGTON PL NE INST PLUMBING & FIXTURE 2003 ST.ANTHONY RECTORY 406 SO 4TH ST INST LAWN SPRINKLER SYS 2004 DALE CRAMTON 1722 MORRIS AVE SO INST HOT AIR GAS FURN M 2005 TETER CONST CO. 1609 SHATTUCK AVE SO INST HOT AIR OIL FURN 2006 JOHN IVANICH 2907 PARK AVE NO INST WARM AIR HEATING S 2007 McGRATH CORP. 1822 WHITMAN CT NE INST PLUMBING & FIXTURE 008 McGRATH CORP. 4211 NE19TH ST INST PLUMBING & FIXTURE 009 McGRATH CORP. 1907 VASHON CT NE INST PLUMBING & FIXTURE M'?O10 McGRATH CORP. 1908 VASHON CT NE INST PLUMBING & FIXTURE -8- 4' `30 7/14/6 ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2154 10 .00 THE BOEING CO. 4-75 BLDG. REARRANGE BREAKDWN AREA 2155 10.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-75 BLDG. INST PORTABLE OFFICE 2156 10. 00 THE BOEING CO. 10-85 BLDG. INST EXHAUST FAN 2157 10.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-03 BLDG. RELOCATE ICE DISPENSER 2158 10.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-73 BLDG. MODIFY RESIN CURE ROOM 2159 10.00 THE BOEING CO. 10-59 BLDG. INST PLUG-IN BOXES E 2160 29.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-54 BLDG. MOVE JIG ERECTIONP 2161 10.00 THE BOEING CO. 10-50 BLDG. ELECT. FOR MACCS S 2162 10.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. INST DISC SANDER 2163 10 .00 THE BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. INST HANNIFIN PRESS 2164 15.00 THE BOEING CO. 10-80 BLDG. INST IBM COMPUTER E 2165 11.00 THE BOEING CO. 10-59 BLDG. FAN INSTALLATIONS 2166 10.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. INST BELT SANDERS 2167 10.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-20 BLDG. MAACS RECEPT.FOR "M" L 2168 19.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-63 BLDG. RELOCATE MACHINES 2169 2.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-20 BLDG. ELECT FOR MACCS SYSTEM E 2170 45.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-64 BLDG. RELOC" LIGHTING&INST OUT' 2171 45 .00 SEATTLE-1ST NAT BANK 311 WILLIAMS AVE SO REMODEL ADD. TO BANK 2172 10.00 ROBERT L EDWARDS REN.SHOP.CEN-BLDG B CONNECT AIR COND UNIT 2173 10.00 ROBERT L EDWARDS REN.SHOP.CEN-BLDG B WIRE AIR CONDITIONING U 2174 18.40 ROBERT L EDWARDS REN.SHOP.CEN-BLDG C CONNECT AIR COND UNIT E 2175 30.00 ROBERT KINGEN 423 AIRPORT WAY WIRE ADD.&CHANGE POWER 2176 30.00 TINO CUGINI 620 SO 7TH ST WIRE AIR COND UNIT-INC 2177 2.00 PACIFIC NW BELL 1316 SW16TH ST WIRE FOR TEL BOOTH 2178 2.00 C.M.MELBURN 315 PELLY AVE NO REPAIR 1 OUTLET-1 SWITC1' 2179 10.00 ROBERT RIVILY 417 RAINIER AVE NO ADD PLUG-SEPARATE CIRCII E 2180 10.00 GEORGE S STARKOVICH 465 SW4TH PLACE ADD 220 & 2 CIRCUITS -9- 231 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 21 , 1969 THE REGULAR MEETING SCEHDULED FOR THIS DATE WAS CANCELLED UPON DECLARATION BY PRESIDENT NIXON OF THE DAY AS A NATIONAL HOLIDAY, COMMEMORATING AND HONORING THE LANDING ON THE MOON BY ASTRONAUTS ARMSTRONG , ALDRIN AND COLLINS IN SPACESHIP APOLLO 11: - Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor AW RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 28 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final payment to Venture Construction Co . , Inc . CAG 1318-68 , Well #8 Pump Station , and commencement of Lien period CITY ATTORNEY T9 prepare covenants and restriction documents for Dino Patas Conditional Permit for trailer park To prepare contract document for operation of municipal lunchroom, working 'with Mayor on proposals LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Vacation of portions of Ethier Road (Ord . 2491 adopted) Revision of Comprehensive Land Use Plan re Highlands Hospital Dist . No . 1 property to Single Family Residential LEGISLATION COMMITTEE_ City Attorney ' s letter recommending adoption of Resolution of Intent and study by Council Members of the Optional Municipal Code MAYOR Provisions of Contract for municipal lunchroom operation to be composed with City Attorney and presented to Council POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Applications for licenses to operate various amusement devices and music machine at Sahara Tavern , Elks Club and Riviera Tavern PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Boeing Company request for permit to increase capacityofbridge located at mouth of Cedar River Bids on Civic Center fountain and pool PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Karen M. Rackeweg offer to make City Emblem Flag SANITATION COMMITTEE Proposed Motion for reassessment of L. I.D. 264 lots from short sides fronting sanitary sewer improvement right of way or easement and the Utility Fund to pick up cost differences Wm. S. Tsao request to connect 240 unit apartment project to City of Renton sanitary sewer system APPOINTMENTS Bernard Ruppert - Building Director Ken Zehm - Library Board Trustee MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 8/ /69--Light and Power Committee meeting at 7 : 30 in Traffic Engineering Dept . conference rm . with City Attorney and Traffic Engineer /4�//6y Street and Alley Committee at 7 :30 p.m . , 6th floor conference rm . Street Commissioner and Traffic Engineer invited to attend Law and Ordinance Committee at 7 :00 p.m . Chairman 's council office City Attorney and Fire Chief invited to attend Planning Committee at 7 : 30 p.m . in Chairman 's council office 8/11/69 - Public Hearing on proposed Sign Ordinance (Cont . from 7/28/69) Public Hearing on rezone of Highlands Hospital Dist . property RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 28 , 1969 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. 6„ ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Perry, Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Maxin Edwards , Bruce and Grant . Mr. Shane was also present.Absent :Morris and Barei . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney, Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Del Bennett , Traffic, Engineer , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Gene Coulon , Park Director, Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. Mayor Custer reported that pending Court decision in regard to Mr . Shane ' s Council seat , following receipt of Court Order from Mr. Shane ' s Attorney , the record will show him present but legislative action will not be enter- tained in the interim . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF July 14 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Sign Ordinance Councilman Delaurenti reported that requests had been received from concerned )arties for additional time regarding this matter and also that there ' have )een further recommendations for revisions to be considered and given more %owtudy . DELAURENTI MOVED THE PUBLIC HEARING BE POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 11 . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING : Vacation of portions of Ethier Road from Benson Highway to Eagle Ridge Drive . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Board of Public Works report was givan by Chairman Gordon Ericksen , recommending the vaca- tion be approved ,notinq the vacation comprises a relocation and dedication of like area to the City . City Engineer Wilson displayed a map stowing the proposal and recommended acceptance as even exchange , confirmin'g 'upon In- quiry , that no utility easements would be required. Audience comment was invited and Mr . Walter Banks ; representing petitioner Transamerica De velopment Company ,exvla.ined the alignment plans to provide better access and dedication of like parcels within they property bounda.ru . City Engineer ' Wilson confirmed this is a good] improvement and 'in the best City interest . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE,TO CLOSE THE HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND CITY ENGINEER APPROVING SAID VACATION WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE . THE MOTION CARRIED. "UBLIC HEARING : Preliminary Assessment Roll , L. I . D. 264., Sanitary Sewers for Mance Addition to Renton , area as described in low Exhibit "A" , Resolution No . 1632 . This being the date set , the public hearing was declared open . Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , was read reporting estimated total cost of $46 ,217 . 99 and that as of 5 :00 p.m. this date no written protests had been received . Audience comment was invited. Upon request the City Engineer displayed map of the subject L . I. D. District and reviewed initiating action by ' 16 residents and enlargement for conformance to good engineering practices , by the City . Location of proposed line was designated which had resulted in a higher cost to the district but which was felt necessary to best ' serve the area -1- 234 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/28/69 PUBLIC HEARING : L .I.D. 264 (Continued) Mr . Howard Harding, 409 South 36th Street protested the high assessment which he computed to result in $30 . 00 per ft . , his 100 ft . frontage bringing assessment of $1 ,495 . 00 . Mayor Custer noted that this is the engineering estimate only , City Engineer Wilson adding that when bids are let the final assessment is usually less than the estimate . Mr . Jerry Hurst , 3619 Talbot Road South inquired whether the line would run all the way to Talbot Road , noting his cost to be $2 ,790 . 00 which he felt might be reduced if the line were not extended . It was pointed out that the line was to go to Talbot and that any such reduction would be reflected over the entire district and would not change a single assessment to any noticeable difference , but rather increase the rest accordingly . Mr . Oliver Wakelam , 10056 S. E . 190th felt the assessment on his vacant lot was a price he would not be able to pay , the requirements to fill and make the lot buildable being considerable , the City also having taken a portion heretofore for .road . Councilman Schellert requested discussion -regarding assessment calcul'a•tion and it was pointed out that' the assess- ment is by Zone and Termini method established bIy 'State Law wherein the property is laid out in equal 30 ft . segments parallel to the property line abutting the improvement , and so much is assessed the first area and a lesser amount on back to last zone on the property line . Schellert felt assessment from the long side of a narrowing lot was unfair and suggested the assessment be computed from the shorter side abutting the improvement right of way or easement and that _the CItg Utility Fund pick up the cost differences resulting. Discussion ensued regarding costs -to be picked u,.? and problems which could result in lots with 2 sides abutting . It was subsequently MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFIGURE COSTS AND DIFFERENCE IN ASSESSMENTS BETWEEN WIDE AND NARROW SIDES- FRONT- ING RIGHT--OF-WAY OR T;ASEMENTS , BE ASSUMED BY THE CITY UTILITY FUND. j MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE PROPOSED MOTION TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY TO RECONSIDER PREVIOUS ACTION IN CLOSING THE PUBLIC HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GARRETT, TO CONTINU THE HEARING TWO WEEKS TO AUGUST 11 . THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed change from present designation of "Recreational " on the City ' s Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Hospital Dist . No . 1 property in the Highlands area of the City. This .being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Petition was read requc�'ting action to preserve character of the subject neighborhood as resicntial rather than commercial by denial of request for multiple dwelling use . Petition signatories included Archie Graham, Ernest Tonda , Donald Emmons , Charles Pillon , Verne L . Ingram and Howard a Du Bois . Mr . Jer_r,.; Hillis , City ' s legal advisor on the hospital property matter , was present , and Councilman Grant .inquired of him whether it would be necessary that the Land Use Map be changed . Attorney Hillis advised it should conform, especially if a more .intense use is intended, noting how- ever , Supreme Court rulings indicating it may not always be necessary but that change to more intense use may bring legal challenge if it does not conform . He pointed out that the Land Use Map indicates future plans de- sired for the area 5 or 10 years hence and present zoning may not conform to the anticipated development . upon further inquiry he noted that the Comprehensive Plan now shows Recreation use and the Zoning is now GS-1 . Persons speaking against multiple use of t-he property included Mr . Archie Graham, 408 Index Place N.E. who outlined periodic rezone actions since 1962 for rezones which had been denied and stated opinions that there is no present requirement for high rise , the 117 petitioners within one and a half blocks of the site oppose other than single family dwellings wanting to retain the residential neighborhood status and that money for the hospital district is the issue . Council was urged to confirm previous denial of multiple use. Mrs . Verna DuBois , 480 Harrington N. E. recalled voter 's majority approval of purchase of the area for a park and urged that acquisition be pursued at a price in accor:'_�41^e with appraisal value of R-1 or R-2 zoning . -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/28/69 PUBLIC HEARING : Revision of Comprehensive Land Use Plan-Hospital Property Mrs . Frances Larson , 401 Edmonds N. E. felt increased density will increase traffic and create hazard to her corner residence . Planning Commissioner Denzer pointed out that the R-2 recommended would require 5 ft . less height than single family residential allows and noted that R-2 is the only zoning over which the Planning Commission has any degree of control the construction being by Special Permit and plans to be submitted for approval . Mayor Custer requested Planning Director Ericksen to advise of comparisons in zoning allowances and it was reported that R-1 permits 6-]/2 units per acre and approximately 80 to 100 units could be build or maximum of 228; R-2 , by Special Permit allows variable density depending upon Planning Commission recommendation but permits maximum of 30 per acre or 500 total units; R-3 permits 43 units per acre and up to 770-75 total and R-4 , 54 per acre or 970 total . Mr . Charles Pillon called attention to children riding bikes and horses who will have no place to play ,and acknowledging the hospital 's need for money and that Renton has already contributed , urged R-1 or Park use . Mr . Art Brockschmidt objected to high rise and urged park acquisition . Mrs . Kenneth Karinen inquired if it could be a park if shown as R-1 , and was. advised affirmatively , various uses permitted,evcluding multiple , 'noted . Councilman Grant called attention to Forward Thrust moneys earmarked for neighborhood parks and not just waterfront parks noting that the Ordinance does say the Park Board may ask for Council concurrence in the spending of the money and only a majority vote of 6 needed to confirm. He noted also possibility of getting further matching funds and Mayor Custer advised the Park Board has already requested use of moneys received affirming that if the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation approves additional funds ,acquisition costs may be less. and that application is to be filed for additional matching funds , two different sources of revenues however being involved. Mr . Frank Storey 1325 Kennewick N. E. recalled that the citizens had already purchased this property for $30 ,000 . 00 and he did not see why they should pay for it again. Councilman Perry noted presence of Mr . Peter Curran , representative of the Hospital Disttict and inquired if the hospital commission would con- sider $350 , 000 . 00 price for the property. Mr . Curran inquired whether the Council would consider the $400 ,000 . 00 price offered heretofore . Grant inquired whether the Commission would neqotiate and Mr . Curran said yes , they would like to see other parks and that their job was to get the best price just as the Counciljust do . . He later remarked that the Planning Commission had been very objective in its various studies recommending multiple zoning and it is a disservice to the citizens having to come down and to the commission to have studies and restudies , it being sound to go to multiple the attempt being to create a buffer there being L-1 Business and a huge power line in the area . He further stated the Com- mission had never insisted on getting any such number of units or amount of density outlined by the Planning Director but had agreed to reduce the number to 20 per acre , and always having concern for property owners over height restriction in order that plans would not interfere with the views . It was urged that the Council heed the advice of professional planners and grant the buffer between the various uses . Mrs . Jeanine Ingraham , 513 Harrington N. E. stated it was her understanding they wanted to sell the property after getting the zoning and then there would be no guarantee that a builder would not build to maximum density , and that the Council should look to the future and reserve the site for a park . Mr. Lee Vaughan , 3030 N. E. 8th Street adding that the property extends into residential and was not a good buffer . Mr . Ernie Tonda , 528 Edmonds N. E . urged SR-1 which could help determine price and maybe there could be negotiations upon that appraisal basis. Mr . Bob Wickson , 532 Edmonds N. E. felt a park in a residential area would be more justified as a buffer and also the kind most desired by the residents . Mrs . Nancy Mitchell , 462 Index felt the multiple zoning would depreciate the homes and affect the childrens ' lives and having moved into residential would want it to remain that way. Mr_. Roger Moore , 418 Harrington stated the 4 Zane highway to be adequate buffer and the property cost too high when no bids are offered. Howard Nelson urging acquisition to provide recreation area to get children off the streets their present use of the area to be pro hibited with development otherwise . (MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY BRUCE, __�HE LAND USE DESIGNATION REMAIN THE SAME ' ON EXISTING LAND U5E MAP V+QTHEpHOSPITAL-OWNED HIGHLANDS PROPERTY. THE MOTION LOST:-'�"' `". Ae I&NUTES OF -3- 236 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/28/69 PUBLIC HEARING : Revision of Comprehensive Land Use Plan-Hospital Property As there was no further audience comment , it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . CARRIED. THE HEARING WAS DECLARED CLOSED AND COUNCIL ACTION INVITED. Discussion ensued regarding possible actions . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THIS SUBJECT PROPERTY BE SHOWN AS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ON THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN . CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY REVISIONS TO THE ORDINANCE . CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS . CARRIED. After the recess roll call was taken with all Councilmen subsequently seated as previously listed. Discussion ensued regarding rezoning action to be taken and it was noted that the Planning Commission had submitted its recommendation to the Council and public heating by the Council is now in order . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT AUGUST 11 , 1969 BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONE OF THE HOSPITAL DISTRICT PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE HIGHLANDS. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted proposed Ordinance of the City adopting by reference a certain "Revision of the Fire Preven- tion Code , 1965 Edition" re service stations (flammable and combustible liquids) , as read by the City Clerk . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT ORDI- NANCE NO . 2490 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALI PRESENT VOTING AYE AND THE MOTION CARRIED. Petry , being absent from the Council Chambers did not vote . Mr . Shane ' s name was not called in the roll call vote and Councilman Grant inquired as to the reason . Mayor Custer advised that his name is not being called for roll call pending Court decision regarding whether his council position is open or filled, his presence to be acknow- ledged but not in official roll call ,1egislative actions as well which may be taken by Mr . Shane " to possibly be affected at the outcome of trial . Proposed Ordinance was submitted vacating a certain portion of Ethier Road in the City of Renton , King County, Washington . (Benson Highway to Eagle Ridge Drive) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2491 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL PRESENT VOTING AYE . THE MOTION CARRIED. (City Engineer Wilson confirmed no easements are required) Letter from Park Director Coulon requested Resolution for Fund Assistance . RESOLUTION NO. 1639 was adopted upon MOTION BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, AND CARRIED, authorizing applications for funding assistance for outdoor recreation projects to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act , and the $10 ,000 . 00 Outdoor Recreation Bond Issue of 1964 , and the $40 , 000. 00 Outdoor Recreation Bond Issue (Ref. Bill No . 18) of 1968. RESOLUTION NO. 1640 was adopted upon MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED, authorizing appropriation of $2 ,000 . 00 from Current Fund revenue in excess of'estimeted amount for the calendar year 1969 , unto Current Fund, Building Department , M. & 0. , 1165/314 . (Plans Check Fees) RESOLUTION NO. 1641 was adopted upon MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, AND CARRIED, authorizing appropriation and transfer of $1 ,000 . 00 from Non- Departmental Account 114.E /314 Wages and Salary Study , unto Park Department Account 1710/327 , M. & O. (Band Concerts) Mayor Custer reported receipt of a number of items received following preparation of the Agenda and invited Council action . MOVED BY PERRY AND SECONDED BY GRANT, THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS BE ADDED AT THE END OF PRESENTLY LISTED ITEMS. CARRIED. -4- 237 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/28/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Olympic View Plumbing, Inc. requested fourteen day extension Of time for completion of CAG 1463-69, L .I.D. 261 , Sanitary Sewers in the Kennydale area , unusually rainy weather at start of the project causing watermain breaks resulting in excessive down time . City Engineer Wilson ' s recommendation that the request be granted and contractor be advised that no additional extensions will be allowed, was also read. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER . CARRIED. Letter from Chas . Glasford , Sales Representative , King County Medical Service Corporation, reported the company ' s position to renew present contract without rate increase . Improved coverage at slight increase with $45 . 00 Hospital Room and Board, $10, 000. 00 Major Medical which includes 50% of private nursing, mental " and neuropsychiatric at 80% to $500 . 00 maxi- mum, and 80% on drugs is , however , being offered .Fire Department Occupa- tional to remain at $1 . 00 per fireman per month . Attention was called to Union contract negotiations and the Mayor advised action may be deferred on this matter for the present time . Letter from William S. Tsao requested that the City of Renton 's sanitary sewer system be extended from present system along Empire Way South to serve a 240 unit apartment project at 13647 Empire Way South and that a Late-Comers Agreement be authorized for recovery of part of the cost for construction of the sanitary sewer system. Map indicating location was attached. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from D.C. Davis , Director of Facilities , The Boeing Company , requested permit to increase bridge capacity by modification of the existing structure at the mouth of the Cedar River, to allow movement of aircraft in 350 ,000 pound or more gross weight class between the field and factory , or by replacement in the same location with a structure similar in design to that built by Boeing in 1966 upstream between 6th Avenue North and the High School Stadium, early action being requested due tMW to November 1 requirement date . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED. Letter from Mr . Arthur Jackson , 318 Garden Avenue North , protested the actions taken in allowing candidates to file for Mr . Shane ' s Council seat it being his feeling that legal issue should be clarified before candidates run for a seat which he feels has not been vacated . Letter from Karen M. Rackeweg offered to make a city emblem flag if the City funds expenses of material , applique and pattern . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Applications were read requesting that Rainier Amusement Company be granted required license to operate novelty machine at the Sahara Tavern , two amusement devices at the Elks Club and Music Machine at the Riviera Tavern and coin type pool table license requested for the Riviera Tavern . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE REQUESTS TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids for Civic Center fountain and pool on July 24 . Bids were received from Stevens Construction Company of Kenmore, Wn . , and Busch Construction of Renton . (See tabulations attached) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer reported acceptance of CAG . 1318-68 , Well #8 Pump Station and recommendation of the Consultant and Engineering Department that the improvement be accepted by the Council as of July 21 , and final payment in sum of $1 ,161 . 40 be approved. Further recommended that retention period be commenced and if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed againstthe project , and upon proof of payment of tax ldabilities , the retained amount of $3 , 914 . 00 be released to contractor , Venture Con- struction Co . , Inc. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THAT THE PROJECT BE ACCEPTED WITH REFERRAL TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. -5- I )C, MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/28/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Letter from Attorney Roger I . Lewis , representing Mr . Dino Patas , called attention to May 19 , 1969 rezone of property located on N.E . 4th Street between Union Avenue N. E . and Anacortes Avenue N . E . , to R-3 ,it being owners ultimate plan to develop same for a trailer park. In January of 1967 during initial application for change in zone it was noted there was no provision for trailer parks and study by the Planning Commission had been directed of the subject of land use for trailer parks , results of same being draft of ordinance which should be ready for presentation to Council in October or November of this year . Since application to the Building Department for a permit for - trailer park would have to be refused in absence of any provision therefore„ it was requested that a Conditional Permit be authorized in conformity with project as appearing in drawings and model ; extensive architectural and finance work having been done and present commitment for financing unable to be held as late at November or December . Attention was called to constitutional limitations in prescribing land use limits and recent Supreme Court case of King County vs . Christine Work being cited , the favorable consideration of Council being requested in granting said permit was deemed as not less than could be demanded in Superior Court proceeding. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE BUILDING DIRECTOR BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE SPECIAL CONDITIONAL PERMIT WITH REFERRAL TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR PREPARATION OF THE COVENANTS AND DOCUMENTS REQUIRED. CARRIED. Letter from M. W. Lotto requested Late-Comers Agreement for sanitary sewer , and water lines to be installed in vicinity of warehouse site on Grady Way near old overpass on Highway 1 and Longacres . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO GRANT THE REQUEST. CARRIED. Letter from B . L . Ruppert , Building Director, requested to attend annual business meeting if International Conference of Building Officials in Salt Lake City , Utah , September 1 --5 , 1969 , funds available in the De- partmental Budget . Letter from Fire Chief Walls requested permission to attend the 74th Annual Conference of Western Fire Chiefs Assn . in Honolulu , Hawaii , September 14--18 . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE REQUESTS OF THE BUILDING DIRECTOR AND FIRE, CHIEF BE GRANTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Alternative Writ of Prohibition , Charles Shane , Relator ,. vs . The City of Renton ; Helmie W. Nelson , as City Clerk, respondents , was read ordering respondents to show cause why they should not bp prohibited from holding or causing to be held any election to fill Council seat until further order of the Court and to appear on August 4 , 1969 to Show Cause . Letter from City Attorney Sheilan called attention to meetings and dis- cussions during the last year or so regarding advisability of adopting the Optional Municipal Code as provided by 1967 Session Laws , and to studies by organizations in the City of various aspects of adopting one of the alternates , their recommendations submitted to the 'City heretofore , Diligent study by tre 25 member Municipal Government Advisory Committee was acknowledged,which has the advantage of various experts on. background information and reasons for various provisions of the Code . In order that the Council may fully evaluate the recommendations from the Advisory Com- mittee and other organizations involved, it was suggested that the Council or at least a committee of Council members , simultaneously study ' the prob- lem,to fully acquaint itself with highly technical subject matter , and to benefit by having outside speakers knowledgeable in this field . Several cities have already adopted the Resolution of Intent which will not be effective until expiration of 90 days , allowing time for a referendum , thereafter to be effected by an Ordinance adopting the classi - fication of Non-Charter Code City . The Resolution could contain a declaration of intention to re-organize the municipal government on one of the plans authorized by the Act , decision having to be made whether the City should have a Mayor-Council or Manager-Council form of government . Such Resolution does not have to spell out details of the reorganization which matter would be deferred until after the 90 day period . It is believed that the study and adoption of classification of Non- Charter Code City would be advisable and would improve efficiency of local government , and early action was urged to gain necessary background to act promptly and decisively . Speakers wi _'�l be suggested if desired . -6- 239 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/28169 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) City Attorney Shellan 's letter re Optional Municipal Code MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND REPORT AT TIME THE MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORTS. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS : Council President Perry submitted Committee of the Whole report recom- mending approval of appointment of B . L . Ruppert as Building Director of the City of Renton . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARD$ TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 6 Approval of appointment of Mr . Ken Zehm to membership on the Renton Library Board of Trustees was recommended. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . Grant requested the record to show his prior hesi - tance to confirm until, he had questioned appointee who stated he had no intention of filing for City Council . THE MOTION CARRIED. Recommended Park Board appointment be presented at the time that a full 12-member council is seated . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REJECT THIS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION . MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO TABLE THE MOTION . CARRIED. Recommended that the Mayor and City Attorney compose a proposed contract for operation of the Municipal Lunchroom and present same for Council approval . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : PROPERTY COMMITTEE MEMBER BRUCE submitted report recommending the bid of the Motorola Company , in net sum of $10 ,231 . 85 , be accepted on Police Mobile Radio Units , opened on 7/14/69 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI„ SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT announced a meeting on August 6f at 7 :30 p.m . in the Traffic Engineering Department Conference Room . The Traffic Engineer and City Attorney were requested to attend. Mr . Shane suggested that pinball machines be allowed in the City to help the businesses defray expenses as some of the small businesses are going broke . He noted the $23 ,000 . 00 per year loss of revenue and hesitancy of Council because of revenue loss to act on reduction of water and sewer rates to the elderly , the reason for his resignation from the Council being that Council could not deliberate faster in helping the old folks . Mr. -Shane reported visiting Sister City to Renton , Nishiwaki , Japan , with sponsoring Lions Club Members , and confirmed Mr . Dobson ''s report of regal treatment , commenting upon marvel of reconstruction of war ravages and the Sanitation facilities , also noting nefve-wracking traffic conditions . Mayor Custer added that the group spent a full day in Nishiwaki and were very fine abassadors for the City with like treatment to be hard to match should they return our visit . Letter is being forwarded on behalf of the visitors from Renton by Mayor Custer who has received several gifts from the Mayor which courtesy will be personally returned . STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT announced a meeting on Aygust 4 , at 7 -30 p.m . in' the 6th floor conference room and the Street Commis- tar sioner and Traffic Engineer were requested to attend re Renton Hill . City Clerk Nelson reported that the petitioners requesting to block off Sheldon Avenue for a block picnic have requested an extension of the date beyond August 2 being unable to secure the insurance required by that time . Extension granted and City Clerk to so notify . Mayor Custer noted funding proposal to improve Langston next year , Garrett expressing concern for this year . LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN.' TRIMM announced a meeting on August 4 , at 7 :00 p.m . in his council office and the City Attorney and Fire Chief were requested to attend . -7- 240 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/28/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont ..) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE MEMBER MAXIN reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers 297Q - 3182 and L . I . D. 260 Cash Fund #3 and L . I.D . 260 Revenue Fund No . 3 , and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 2970 - 3045 27 , 987 . 29 Arterial Street Fund 3046 2 .10 City Street Fund 3047 - 3073 14 ,717 . 51 Cedar River M. & I. 3074 - 3075 1,24 . 24 Equipment Rental Fund 3076 —3096 2 ,152 .19 Library Fund 3097 - 3098 1 , 759 . 65 Park Fund 3099 - 3133 17 , 242 . 94 Waterworks Utility 3134 - 3162 25 ,966 . 64 1965 Water & Sewer Const . 3163 - 3164 2 , 560. 25 Airport Fund 3165 - 3170 335 . 27 Firemen 's Pension Fund 3171 - 3179 2 ,634 . 40 City Hall Construction 3180 12 . 27 Urban Arterial Fund 3181 4 ,950 . 00 $100 ,434 . 75 L . I.D. 260 Cash Fund #3 $ 6 , 378 . 21 - :; . Yo 6 D PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN announced a meeting on August 4 , in his council office at 7 :30 p:m . Councilman Schellert reported AWC Delegates ham met with Mayors and City Attorneys ,and that various Resolutions were adopted, the Legislature being commended .for the Optional Municipal Code , Uniformed Personnel Pension Plan legislation and for establishing the Urban Arterial program, Continuation of' -studies and improvement of the annexation laws was urged along with tax reform including the present tax structure being supple- mented by income tax with appropriation reduction in excise and sale& taxes ; Presentation by representatives of the State Auditor 's office regarding municipal finance was impressive , copies of their Municipal Code summary made available to the Council which includes revision 'of the budget -laws which have now become uniform for all cities . POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN DELAURENTI reported meetings with the Mayor and Attorney to discuss the Animal Control Ordinance and fees to be recommended at budget time . Grant noted persons getting two and three warnings and urged investigation . Mr . Shane commented that the Council makes the laws and he thinks that pinball machines should be put back in , being no more illegal than horse racing. It was noted the pinball operators removed the machines . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr . Dick Stredicke inquired regarding whether the City 's bid Vail for mobile radio units was restrictive . Property Committee member Bruce reported that Motorola has developed a special ' unit that the other companies have not yet perfected , such as Goodyear being first with Poly- Glass . Perry added that this is sophisticated equipment with ultra high frequence allowing the City its own station and other calls will not inter- fere , which Seattle••_als'n ,uses . " •Garrett confirmed restrictive findings' : Councilman Maxin inquired regarding Board of Public works report of build- ing construction too low for wa1 ' installation . City Engineer Wilson advise of problems posedthere being streets of different levels on 3 sides of this property , with happy medium and more desirable to put it against the curb. As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY MAXIN , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 11 : 30 p.m. Visitor count ,118 persons . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk I&KOX D. W. Custer , Mayor -8- BIL i;PZt'U . July 24, 1969 71/29/69 2:+00 p.m. Y tr *^m C OF r•. •..��.: 1 and Fool For Renton Civic Ce: t,2r , _ DEDUCTIONS IF CITY- ELECTS TO F'T--UljSH AND INSTALL: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BID BOND CO CRUIVE WALKSL,tl.N"�,,SCAP1N SPRINKLER SYSTEM ALTERNATE SID BASIC BID Stevens Construction Co. X $ 700,00 $2,800.00 $ 575,00 $19416.00 $21, 48300 P.0. Box 8 Kenmore, Wn. 98028 Buscr �2onstrvction CeE,'h er. Ck,- $ 750 00 $21105.00►• $ 860. 00 $18, 290.00 -`- t -P.O. Box 303 • Renton, 'Wn. 98055 i i s_ M� F--j 242 OFFICE OF THE CIT7Z CLERK 7/28/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND EVGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRES3 TYPE OF WORK B 1899 $ 9.00 James Scarbrough 315 Pelly Ave N Repair Fire Dam 1900 10.00 Union Oil Co 541 Pack Ave N Instl Sign 1901 10.00 Union Oil Co 59 Rainier Ave S Instl Sign 1902 10.00 Mayfair Market 2810 N3 Sunset Blvd Instl Sign 1903 No Fee C:lty of Renton 2300 Paget Dr SE Erect Tank 1904 85.50 Gerry Johnson 1711 Kannewick Ct SE Const N Res B 1905 192.00 Earlington Assoc 500 SW 7th Bldg Add. 1906 2.00 Reay D. Gustafson 2801 N'.3 4th St Move Port Bldg 1907 1,043.25 E. J.Bartell Co 720 Powell Ave SW Cons Foundation 1908 323.25 Me,_ke Lotto 1520 S74 Grady Way Cons Foundation 1909 9.00 Bob Rivily 413 Rainier Ave N Erect wall B 1910 18.00 Joan Livengood 1317 N 40th Const N Res 1911 33,00 Moo Mar 509 S 3rd St Cons Restrms ;Loun 1912 72.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc 743 S :27th St Const N Res 1913 66.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc 709 S :27th St Const N Res 1914 2.00 G.A. Poff 1716 L.Incoln Ct SE Const Fence B 1915 15.00 Joseph G. Dixon 3331 N3 10th Pl Const Swim Pool 1916 2.00 G,K Brandt 1814 W.iitman Ct NE Concrete Wall 1917 2.00 D.N. Buckner 411-41i S 5th Storage Bldg 1918 9.00 Walley Nelson 968 Edmonds Ave NE Const Carport 1919 178.00 Wash. Jockey Club Long A,=es Const 4 Barns B 1920 103.00 Staernco Land Co 1600 SU 43rd Const Bldg 1921 12.00 Kenneth Taylor 803 Ki:-kland Ave NE Const Garage 1922 5.00 Tlie Boeing Co 10-52 �3ldg Instl Partitions 1923 9.00 The Boeing Co 4-20 B1_dg Const Stairwy/Catwk 1924 3,00 The Boeing Co 4-21 B .dg Remodel PCA B 1925 9.00 Robert E. Wroten 529 Un:_on Ave NE Sundeck & Steps 1926 3.00 Guy E. Pierce 535 Pe-ly Ave N Reroof Res MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2011 Parkwood Homes 2530 Burnett Ct S Inst Plumb & Fixt 2012 Felix Martinez 308 4th Pl SW Inst Range & Heat 2013 B.R. Slater 5022 A )erdeen Ave NE Inst Septic Tank 2014 Howard C. Fletcher Co 875 SUI 7th St Inst Fire Ext M 2015 Clyde Foster 1707 ST" 18th P1 Inst Plumb & Fixt 2016 St.Anthony Convent 336 S -:Ith St Inst Lawn Sprink 2017 Ewald Kunstel 1015 J:7nes Ave S Inst Furn & Water H 2018 Mc-o Mar-Sunlite Rest 509 S :;rd St Inst Plumb & Fixt 2019 Fxancis Weeks 1825 Anacortes NE Extend Gas Piping M 2020 Parkwood Homes 620 S ::5th St Inst Plumb & Fixt 2021 Parkwood Homes 749 S ::5th St Inst Plumb & Fixt 2022 Careage Corp 4430 Tr.lbot Rd S Inst Plumb & Fixt 2023 Renton Village Co 15 S G=•ady Way Inst Lawn Sprink 2024 Mrs. John Diambri 718 N �,th St Inst Oil Furn M 2025 Mrs. John Diambri 710 N '�th St Inst Oil Furn 2026 Renton Laundry & Cl. 719 Ranier Ave So Install Piping 2027 VOID 2028 VOID 2029 VOID M 2030 VOID 2031 VOID 2032 The Boeing Co 10-52 1,ldg Water/Ultrasonic 2033 Rose Custer 1209 71h S Inst Plurpb & Fixt 2034 The Boeing Co 10-52 � 1dg Inst Gas/Water M 2035 The Boeing Co Logan Et Replace Pres Valv 2036 The Boeing Co 10-50 Yldg Inst Sink & Eye W 2037 The Boeing Co 4-21 B-'.dg Inst Clean-Out 2038 R.W. Lotto 1520 SFS Grady Way Inst Plumb & Fixt M 2039 Marvin Obermiller 807 Ed onds Ave NE Inst Gas Conversi _ 7 n_ a MECHANICAL PERMITS 7/28�'619` M 2039 Marvin Obermiller 807 Edmonds Ave NE Inst Gas Conversi 2040 Parkwood Homes 2531 Smithers Ave S Inst Gas F & W.T. 2041 Parkwood Homes 2605 Smithers Ave S Inst Gas F & W.T� 2042 Parkwood Homes 2623 Smithers Ave S Inst Gas F & W.T. 2043 Parkwood Homes 2615 Smithers Ave S Inst Gas F & W.T. 2044 Ren Sch Dist 403 434 Main Ave S Inst Plumb & Fixt ELECTRICAL PERMITS 2181 15.00 Straub-Warrick Co 1015 Jones Ave S Wire New Res 2182 10.00 A. Telban 508 Cedar Ave S Wire Freezer Circ 2183 2.00 Checkerboard Prop 439 Rainier Ave S Temp Service 2184 19.32 Don Doubles 364 Stevens Ave NW Wire New Res E 2185 63.00 Renton Finance Corp 222 Williams Ave S Change Service 2186 10.00 Walt Winters 3713 NE 9th Wire New Res 2187 13 .60 Powell Homes 1719 Camas Ave NE Wire New Res 2188 13.00 Powell Homes 1713 Camas Ave NE Wire New Res 2189 14.00 Tiffany Devel Co 2626 Lake Youngs Ct SE Wire, New Res E 2190 13.00 Parkwood Homes 2530 Burnett Ct S Wire New Res 2191 13.00 Parkwood Homes 2531 Smithers Ave S Wire New Res 2192 13.00 Parkwood Homes 749 S 25th St Wire New Res 2193 10.00 Dale Braaten 759 Queen Ave NE Wire New Add 2194 10,00 Foster & Kleiser 4100 E Valley Rd Wire Ground Sign E 2195 68.00 The Boeing Co 4-21 Bldg Elect Sery for PCA 2196 10.00 The Boeing Co 10-52 Bldg Elect Sery 2197 10.00 The Boeing Co 4-21 Bldg Inst Receptacle 2198 2.00 The Boeing Co 10-50 Bldg Elect Sery/Maccs 2199 10.00 The Boeing Co 10-65 Bldg Elect Sery/Maccs E 2200 2.00 The Boeing Co 4-20 Bldg Elect Sery 2201 12.00 The Boeing Co 10-133 Bldg Inst Vapor Light 2202 10.00 The Boeing Co 10-52 Bldg Elect Sery/Ultra X203 21.00 The Boeing Co 10-52 Bldg Alterations 204 10.00 The Boeing Co 10-50 Bldg Upgrade Safety Con E 2205 10.00 The Boeing Co 10-50 Bldg Inst Sery/Computer 2206 12.00 The Boeing Co 4-21 Bldg Relocate Tube Sys 2207 10.00 The Boeing Co 4-21 Bldg Relocate Xerox 2208 2.00 The Boeing Co 5-60 Bldg Inst Maccs System 2209 11.00 The Boeing Co 10-57 Bldg Relocate Land Gear E 2210 10.00 The Boeing Co 4-20 Bldg Erect Tool Room 2211 2.00 Tiffany Devel Co 1606 Glennwood A SE Temp Service 2212 2.00 Tiffany Devel Co 2632 Lake Youngs W SE Temp Service 2213 2.00 Tiffany Devel Co 1402 Lake Youngs W SE Temp Service 2214 2.00 Humble Oil Co 1616 NE 30th St Temp Service E 2215 2.00 Frank Teeter 1609 Shattuck Ave S Temp Service 2216 2.00 P & S Construction 1502 Lake Youngs W SE Temp Service 2217 4.60 Don Doubles 364 Stevens Ave NW Additional Wiring 2218 13.48 Tiffany Devel Co 1402 Lake Youngs W SE Wire New Res 2219 40.00 Sunlite Cafe 509 S 3rd Rewire Restaurant E 2220 70.00 Checkerboard Prop 439 Rainier Ave S Wire Drive-In Res 2221 No Fee City of Renton Cedar River Park Inst/Water Pump St 2222 No Fee City of Renton N 4th & Monroe Ave NE Inst/W. Pump Stat SEWER PERMITS 54 Albert Baker 505 Whitworth Sanitary Sewer 855 Wilbur Swanson 806 N 30th St 11 " 856 Robert Clouse 1104 N 30th St If 11 857 Walter J. Tracey 10227 SE 94th St to " 858 D., Fritzvold 1007 N 30th St " 859 Earlington Assoc 500 SW 7th St " " S 860 Durwood Larson 718 N 30th St " 11 861 Ray Alexander 1105 N 30th St " " 862 Flora Elder 1013 N 30th St " " 863 Robert Goodwin 1102 N 30th 864 Powell Homes Inc 171.3 Camas Ave NE " 244 7/28/69 SEWER PERMITS S 865 Powell Homes Inc 1719 Camas Ave NE Sanitary Sewer 866 August J. Boldan 1109 N 31st St to " 867 Frant Teter 1609 Shattuck S " " 868 George Applegate 1014 N 29th St " 869 Don Duncan 1118 N 30th " S 870 Rose Kromer 1017 N 30th " 871 Ron Barrett 908 N 30th " 872 V. W. Jarvis 911 N 30th " 873 V. W. Jarvis 907 N 30th " Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of July , 1969 . FROM: TO CLAIMS FUND: Current Fund $ 60 ,383 . 39 Arterial Street 16 ,039 . 99 City Street 33 ,256 . 24 Cedar River M. & I. 201 . 99 Equipment Rental 6 ,343 . 59 Library 2 ,645 . 77 Parks 45 ,964 . 32 Waterworks Utility 68,693 . 47 1965 Water & Sewer Const . 2 ,560 . 25 Airport 644 . 56 Firemen 's Pension Fund 2 ,712 . 94 City Hall Construction Fund 37,197 . 92 Urban Arterial Fund 30 ,583 . 35 Total Claims $307,227 . 78 FROM: TO PAYROLL FUND: Current $143,144 . 58 City Street 38 ,900 . 32 Cedar River M. & I. 653 . 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,279 . 06 Library 10 , 770 . 45 Parks 48 ,969 . 27 Waterworks Utility 23 ,436 . 80 Airport 1 ,579 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 $272 ,841 . 48 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 4 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final payment to Emles Electric, Inc. , Bronson Way North lighting pro- ject , CAG 1428-69, and commencement of lien period . Final payment to Signal Electric, Inc. CAG 1418-69 for traffic signal installation at N. 3rd St . and Sunset Blvd. N. and commencement of lien period. CITY ATTORNEY - INSURANCE CARRIER Claim against the City Water Department by Pacific Northwest Bell for damages to a buried cable on May 17 , 1969 at Seneca Ave SW and SW 16th St . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Final draft of the City ' s application for a Workable Program Certifica- tion for acknowledgement of additional funds and approval . LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Necessary legislation on application of Dr . Thomas E. Maxwell , R-599-69 , for rezone from R-4 to R-3 of property located on Benson Rd . S. and Puget Drive . Study and recommendation of the need for retail meat inspection . Draft resolution declaring certain city vehicles surplus . MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 8/6/69--Committee of the Whole meeting 7 :00 p.m. Council Chambers with City Engineer, Mayor, Members of the Board of Public Works and Ted Bennett . Light and Power Committee meeting immediately following Committee of the Whole meeting with City Attorney and Traffic Engineer. 8/11/69-Ways and Means Committee meeting 7 :15 p.m. Public Hearing on proposed Sign Ordinance (Cont . from 7/28/69) Public Hearing on rezone of Highlands Hospital Dist . property . Public Hearing on L. I. D. 264 Mance Addition Sanitary Sewers (Cont . from 7/28/69) RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 4 , 1969 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 :00 p.m . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL_: Perry , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . Absent : Barei . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney, Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . Mayor Custer reported that the pending Court decision in regard to Mr . Shane 's Council seat had been dismissed for reason that the proper party , the King County Superintendent of Elections had not been enjoined , and that the filing period for candidates had expired . Grant reported that Councilman Shane has directed his attorney to file a new writ to enjoin the King County Auditor , which will be in court in a week or two . Mayor Custer announced that Mr . Shane will be permitted to sit with the Council as a courtesy , but not allowed to participate in Council action , pending decision on Court case . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Mauor Custer at this time presented a plaque to Mr. James R . Hawkins in appre- ciation of his four-year service on the Municipal Arts Commission . Mr. Hawkins is moving from the community necessitating his resignation . Councilman Maxin introduced Girl Scout , Miss Sally Chang of Taiwan , Republic of China recently returned from Cuernavaca , Mexico with Cindy Maxin and stay- ing at the Maxin 's International House for three weeks . MOVED BY PERnY SECONDED BY GRANT THAT MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JULY 28 , 1969 8E AP?ROVED AS MAILED OUT WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED BY GRANT TO INCLUDE OMITTFD MOTION "MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY BRUCE THAT THE LAND USE DESIG- NATION P.EMAIN THE SAME. ON EXISTING LAND USE MAP FOR THE HOSPITAL FIGHLANDS PROPERTY, WHICH MOTION LOST. " VOTE ON THE MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES CARRIED . Mayor Custer announced that members of the Renton Delegation , recently returned from Renton ' s Sister City , Nishiwaki , Japan were present this evening to re- port on their trip. Nineteen Rentonites represented the City , coordinating their visit with attendance at the Lion 's International Convention . Present this evening were Mr . Wyman Dobson , Mr . Roger Richert and Mr . Ernie McPeek. Mr . Wyman Dobson , who served as spokesman for the group in Japan , outlined events leading up to the affiliation . it began March 24th of this year when the Renton City Council , having received word that the City of Nishiwaki , Japan desired to become a sister city of the City of Renton , passed a resolu- tion to formalize the affiliation . A group of' Renton Citizens had formed a City Affiliation Committee , now incorporated, to operate under the general concept of the People to People Program. Invitations were extended to service clubs , business firms and citizens to become a part of this organization . Slides were shown of the City and similarity to Renton in many respects point- ed out , as the river running through its midst . Mr. Dobson described the City as clean , their hosts very gracious and the welcome tremendous . American Flags and welcome banners were displayed throughout the city . The highlight was the formal ceremony which took place on June 11 , 1969 , with an exchange of resolutions formalizing the affiliation ; this ceremony had a large attend- ance and extensive coverage by the press , radio and television. Mr. Dobson concluded that this had been a very rewarding experience for all who had made the trip . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 4 , 1969 Mayor Custer thanked the grout for representinc our city in Japan and making the presentation to the Council . Trips may be arranged later at a reasonable rate for Councilmen to visit Nishiwaki via Jap&n Airlines . LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM reported there were no Ordinances . or Resolutions . Mayor Custer reported receipt of two items of business following the prepara- ` ion of the Agenda . MOVED BY PERRY,SECONDED BY SHELLERT, THAT THE TWO ITEMS 5 ADDED AT THE END OF PRESENTLY LISTED AGENDA ITEMS. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Invitation by Thomas M. Forsythe , King County Councilman of District Six to attend opening of King County Government field office at Renton Municipal Building, 6th Floor , at 10 : 00 a .m. Tuesday August 5 , at which time Mayor Custer will present the keys to the office . Mr . Forsythe ' s office will be staffed each Tuesday from 9 :00 a .m . to 5 : 00 p.m. Letter from Gene Coulon , Park Director , submitted Park Board recommendation for acceptance of Quit Claim Deed by the City for Tiffany Park Site trans- mitted by Mr . John Teutsch Jr . on behalf of the Owners Louis T. Sheffels and Lydia Sheffels . MOVED BY SHELLERT,SECONDED BY PERRY,THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE QUIT CLAIM DEED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PARK BOARD. MOTION CARRIED. A communication was read from Jack Wilson , City Engineer, requesting authori- zation to call for bids for 5/8 " to 2" watermeters required for the remainder of this year and next year . MOVED BY TRIMM,SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE COUN- CIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE CITY ENGINEER. MOTION CARRIED. 1 i R Letter from B . L . Ruppert , Building Director , requested permission for W. E. Crews , Assistant Building Director to attend the annual business meeting of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors in Butte , Montana on ptember 8 , 1969 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI,SECONDED BY GARRETT, THAT THE REQUEST THE BUILDING DIRECTOR BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. fto Claim against the City of Renton Water Department was submitted by Pacific Northwest Bell for damages to a buried cable on May 17 , 1969 at Seneca Ave . S. W. and S . W. 16th St . MOVED BY DELAURENTI,SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE INSURANCE CARRIER AND THE CITY ATTORNEY. MOTION CARRIED. The State of Washington Department of Health acknowledged Standard Specifi - cations for Municipal Public Works Construction for the City for all sewer and water construction , and outlined procedures . Letter from Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , presenting recommendation of Planning Commission that the application of Dr . Thomas E. Maxwell , R-599-69 , for rezone from R-4 to R-3 of property located on Benson Rd. S . and Puget Drive be approved , said rezone in agreement with Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY MORRIS,SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SHELLERT,SECONDED BY DELAURENTI,THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY LEGISLATION . CARRIED. Letter from Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, submitted and recommended for pay- ment final estimate of Emles Electric, Inc . , Bronson Way North lighting pro- ject, CAG 1428-69 and acceptance by the City Council as of August 4 , and beginning of the 30--day lien period . MOVED BY MORRIS,SECONDED BY GRANT,TO NCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER WITH REFERRAL TO THE EDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , submitted and recommended for pay- ; ment final estimate of Signal Electric, Inc. CAG 1418-69 for traffic signal installation at No . 3rd St . and Sunset Blvd . N . recommending acceptance by the Council as of this date . MOVED BY MORRIS,SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER. TO ACT. � Councilman requested that the record show Mr . Shane 's arrival at 8 : 30 p.m. k' -2- c 248 MINUTES - PENTON CITY COUNCIL ),9EETING August 4 , 1969 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) An explanation of the need for meat inspection at the Petail level in our city along with a summary of the Seattle Meat Ordinance as compiled by Mr . Mathews ; Assistant to the Mayor , were presented in a letter from Mayor Custer recommending referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for study and recom- mendation . MOVED BY GARRETT,SECONDED BY MAXIN,THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE MAYOR 'S SUGGESTION AND REFER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED . i A final draft of the City 's application for a workable Program Certif.icatio ' was presented as previously authorized by the Council in a .letter from Mayo Custer recommending that the City Council acknowledge the additional funds of the 1970 Budaet necessary to fulfill the promises contained in our applica - tion and proceed to approve the application for Workable Program Certification . MOVED BY SHELLERT,SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS MATTER BE REFERPED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR. EARLY REVIEW. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Custer acknowledged the number of people in the audience who were cand4_. dates for o`fice and announped a letter to the employees would be forthcoming regarding engaging in any ,political activities which must be done by employees on their own time and at their own risk; he also discouraged the wearing of any political buttons . OLD BUSINESS BY CnUNCIL : Councilman Perry submitted Sanitation Committee report and recommendation that the Council concur in the request of William S . Tsao and Association for hook up for sanitaru sewer and latecomers agreement be authorized . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE; THAT THE COUIJCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATInP1 OF SANITATION COMMITTEE . Jack Wilson , City Engineer , indicated his approval of is the 2 , 000 ft . extension . MOTION CARRIED . NEW BUSINESS PY COUNCIL Councilman Maxin incu.ired a"nut rental fee to be pais? by King County Distric j, Six for the use of Office srace on the sixth floor .hy Councilman Forsythe . One dollar a Year will be paid as opposed to fi1 , 000 . 00 a month for use of the Justice Court . ,Marcor Custer pointed out advartages to the City .having the County office available one ,`au a week ; and further noted that the Kinu_ County Justice Court occupies 2/3 of the fifth floor . FIRE AUP !17A''ER COMMITTEE CHAIPMAP,r PPUC1:, recommended granting of variance from the State Fire Marshal ' s Interpretation of Pire Zone 1 requirements of the Building Code to a110147 ,proposed remodeling of Renton High School . MOVED BY SHELLEPT, SECONDED BY EDHAPPS, .THAT COUPCIT. C"):1'C.UP IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE. P^9TXON CAR.'?IED. Councilman Bruce reported that the Property Committee recommend a resolution be drafted to declare certain Police an." ut:,e.t vehicles surplus and that the matter be referred to the LAIm7 AND ORDINANCE Cnl#MITT. EE for proper loyislation . MOVED BY SHELLERT, SECOYDED PY PRUCE , THAT THE COUNCIL COPICUP IN RECOMMEPiDA- TION nF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE APJP THAT THE MAT. TEP BE REFERRED To THE LAW_ AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE -(IF' NECESSARY RF,SOLUTI7N . MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Maxin called attention to the letter from Mr . Wil ?iam F. Murray of. the Valley General Hosri.tal . Councilman Bruce requested the City Clerk read the letter regardina use of land , asking no action be taken regarding the Land Use Ordinance or the proposed rezone of the property until contacted further. A point of innuIrty was made as to whether the Council should procs" with the scheduled hearing . It was noted that notices have been nublishee and posted. MnV,.n BY DF,LAUREPiTI,SEC'OP'PFn FAY (,,p.4 'T , COUNCIL PROCEED WITH TH HEAPING AS SCHF-DUL1~D. ,VITION CARPIED . AUDITING AL7D ACCnUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MOP.P.IS MOVED THAT. VOUCHERS NO . 3183 THROUGH .3242 BE APPROVED BY THF COUNCIL . SECONDED BY MAXIM , MOTION CARRIEr, . Fund J.;reak town as follows : 1 s fi -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) August 4 , 1969 Current Fund 3183 - 3199 $ 3 ,166 . 80 City Street Fund 3200 - 3210 8 ,234 . 05 Equipment Rental Fund 3211 - 3216 270. 99 Library Fund 3217 - 3222 637 . 39 Park Fund 3223 - 3231 Waterworks Utility Fund 3232 - 3239 2 ,762 . 87 1 ,745 . 57 1965 W & S Constr . 3240 - 3240 13 ,521 . 06 City Hall Constr. Fund 3242 - 3242 19,039. 54 Urban Arterial Fund 3241 - 3241 28 ,667 . 99 Total All Funds $78 ,046 . 26 COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY announced meeting of the Committee of the Whole on August 6th at 7 :00 p.m . in the Council Chambers and requested atten- dance of the City Engineer, Mayor ,Members of the Board of Public Works and Mr. Ted Bennett . Items on the Agenda : Hold Harmless Agreement Rolling Hills , Mayor ' s report of proposed legislative change , Property Committee Report on City Shop Building, disposition of funds on proposed sale of public use areas , request from Ted Bennett to discuss Water and Sewer Rate Ordinance . LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT announced meeting immediately following Committee of the Whole meeting of August 6 , and requests attendance by the City Attorney and Traffic Engineer. Mr. Shane commended Councilmen Morris and Trimm for honesty and integ- rity , noting they have had a difficult task. Mr . Shane also commended Mayor Custer for being very honest and very fair with all , those present responding with applause . WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SHELLERT announced a meeting has been scheduled for Monday ,August 11 , 7 :15 p.m. As there was no further business to come before the Council , the meeting was adjourned at 9 :00 p.m . �iZ�4 ,r Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W.W. Custer , Mayor -4- �50 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8/4/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1927 $2, 630. 25 Renton School #403 400 So. 2nd Add. & Alter. 1928 12.00 The Boeing Co 4-21 Bldg. Inst Ceiling Stud 1929 5.00 The Boeing Co 5-08 Bldg. Inst Plasterboard B 1930 10.00 Shell Oil Co 330 Sunset Blvd No Inst Shell Sign 1931 3.00 V.Bellinato 1620 Shattuck Ave S Inst Patio Cover 1932 VOID 1933 10.00 Sam Younker 3820 E Valley Rd Relocate Sign 1934 63.00 L.Minardo 915 So 29th St Const Sin Res B 1935 6.00 R.E.Jensen 170 Monterey Pl NE Enclose Carport 1936 30 .00 Geo.Hannah 345 Lind Ave SW Const Add.&Roof 1937 2.00 D.W.Ballew 1335 Index Ave NE Erect Fence MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2045 Checkerboard Prop 439 Rainier Ave So Inst Plum&Fixt 2046 Joe Boehme 901 Jones Ave So Inst Furnace 2047 "40" Rentals 115 Park Ave N Inst Tank & Pump 2048 Terry Buchanan 2216 NE16th St Inst W.Tank 2049 John C. Schaefer 1827 SE18th Pl Inst Furnace M 2050 James Hunt 1821 SE18th P1 Inst Furnace 2051 St Andrews Lodge 505 Williams Ave So Inst Gas Piping 2052 St Anthony Church 406 So 4th St Inst Sprinkler 2053 The Boeing Co 4-03 Bldg. Relo Water Disc. 2054 Parkwood Homes 2605 Smithers Ave S Inst Plum&Fixt M 2055 Parkwood Homes 2531 Smithers Ave S Inst Plum&Fixt 2056 Normal J,,. Ross 3520 NE4th St Inst Boiler & Tnk. 2057 E.J.Bartew Co 720 Powell Ave SW Inst Plum&Fixt 2058 J.L.Hawks 2940 E Valley Rd Inst Septic Tank 2059 Multiple Listing 216 Park Ave No Inst Gas Heat M 2060 Lynn Livengood 5024 Lk.Wa.B1vd.NE Inst Septic Tank 2061 N.J.Gleboff 104 Rainier Ave S Inst Plum&Fixt ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2223 17 . 50 Art Treoste 413 Stevens Ave NW Wire Sin Res 2224 17 .30 John C. Schaefer 1827 SE18th Pl Wire Sin Res E 2225 17.60 James Hunt 1821 SE18th Pl Wire Sin Res 2226 VOID 2227 11.60 The Boeing Co 4-21 Bldg. Elect. Service 2228 10.00 The Boeing Co 4-64 Bldg. Inst Bell 2229 10.00 The Boeing Co 10-60 Bldg. Inst Duplicator E 2230 10.00 The Boeing Co 10-51 Bldg. Elec./Maces Sys. 2231 10.00 The Boeing Co 4-45 Bldg. Inst Paint Shaker 2232 10.00 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg. Elec./Cooling Sup. 2233 2.00 The Boeing Co 4-63 Bldg. Inst Light Fixt. 2234 11.00 The Boeing Co 4-64 Bldg. Elec/Consolidation E 2235 11.50 The Boeing Co 10-80 Bldg. Inst Conveyor Motor 2236 13.60 The Boeing Co 5-02 Bldg. Elec. Service 2237 27 .00 The Boeing Co 4-21 Bldg. Rework Offices 2238 28.00 The Boeing Co 4-03 Bldg. Rework Conduits 2239 13.68 McGrath Corp 1908 Vashon Ct NE Wire Sin Res E 2240 12.78 McGrath Corp 4211 NE19th St Wire Sin Res 2241 12.66 McGrath Corp 1907 Vashon Ct NE Wire Sin Res 2242 261.23 The Boeing Co Sub-Station #1 Expansion of Stat. 2243 1, 290.00 Renton School #403 400 So 2nd St Remodel & New Const 2244 13.00 Parkwood Homes 620 So 25th St Wire Sin Res E 2245 VOID 2246 VOID 2247 311.07 Safecare Careage 4430 Talbot Rd S Wire Convalescent C 2248 13.00 Parkwood Homes 2605 Smithers Ave S Wire Sin Res -5- ELECTRICAL PERMITS, Continued 8/4/69 E 2249 13.00 Parkwood Homes 2615 Smithers Ave S Wire Sin Res 2250 19.00 Norm Nelson 901 Jones Ave S Wire Sin Res SEWER PERMITS S 874 C.W.Betts 1014 N 30th St Connect Sewer 875 Terhune Const. 1821 SE18th P1 Connect Sewer 876 Terhune Const. 1827 SE18th P1 Connect Sewer 877 Terhune Const. 413 Stevens NW Connect Sewer 878 Doran 1212 N 30th Connect Sewer 879 William Snyder 1209 N 31st Connect Sewer S 880 Norm Nelson 901 Jones Ave S Connect Sewer 881 Wm. Fritz 1024 N 30th Connect Sewer 882 Chester Samples 10252 N 31st Connect Sewer 883 J. Brown 1601 Newport Ave NE Connect Sewer 884 Don Dallas 916 N 30th Connect Sewer S 885 Arthur Ventzke 901 N 30th Connect Sewer 886 Parkwood Homes 428 S 26th St Connect Sewer 887 Parkwood Homes 620 S 25th St Connect Sewer 888 Parkwood Homes 2530 Burnett Ct S Connect Sewer 889 Parkwood Homes 750 S 25th Connect Sewer S 890 S. Lee 3332 NE Sunset Blvd. Connect Sewer 891 B.Feyerabend 3412 NE Sunset Blvd. Connect Sewer 892 Ren Sch/Highlands 809 Harrington Ave NE Connect Sewer 893 Ren Sch/Highla4ds 809 Harrington Ave NE Connect Sewer 894 Emmett Budd 2803 La.Wa.Blvd No Connect Sewer S 895 Jim McConville 10052 SE93rd Connect Sewer 896 Dale Crampton 1722 Morris Ave S Connect Sewer T�� Office of City Clerk'. August 11 , 1969 RENTON CITY COUNCIL RE F E R R A L S AIRPORT BOARD Necessary paper work re Boeing Co . request for Cedar River bridge AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Final Payment to Moss Construction Co . , Inc. , Edmonds Ave . S .E. Project , CAG 1485-69 CITY ATTORNEY - INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages filed by Zafira Azzola for damages to the Wood Bldg. Necessary paper work re Boeing Co . request for Cedar River bridge CITY CLERK Notify all petitioners re action of Street and Alley Committee re access to Renton Hill COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mayor ' s Request for Implementation of Workable Program LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Necessary Legislation on Highlands Hospital Property Rezone to SR-1 Appropriate Legislation of Revisions to the Proposed Sign Ordinance Necessary action on L. I.D. 264 MAYOR Disposition of invitation to Special Mayor ' s Day Program Recommendation on Valley Regional Planning Com . request for office Implementation of Fountain and Pool of the Renton Civic Center Bid Award PLANNING COMMITTEE Request for recommendation re Harvey Campbell request for trailer park variance PROPERTY COMMITTEE Recommendation on Bid Tabulations re Surplus City Vehicles Recommendation on Valley Regional Planning Commission request for office space CITY ENGINEER Necessary paper work re Boeing Co . request for Cedar River bridge i MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 8/18/69 - Ways and Means Committee 7 :00 p.m . 8/18/69 - Committee of the Whole 7 :15 p.m. with Mayor and interested parties 8/18/69 - Light and Power Committee 7 :00 p.m . in Traffic Engineer ' s Conference Room RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August; ll , 1969 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer , Mayor , at 8 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Perry, Barei , Grant , Bruce, Maxin , Edwards, Garrett , Trimm, Schellert and Morris . Absent : Delaurenti . Mayor Custer indicated .�. the record show Mr. Shane was present although not permitted to vote . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney, Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Gene Coulon , Park Director, Bernard Ruppert, Building Director, Joe Mathews , Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and Vern Church, Purchasing Director . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS THAT THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Perry announced Mr. Delaurenti had called in reporting sick. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHELLERT, THAT THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS MAILED . CARRIED. (Meeting of August 4 , 1969) Council President Perry requested reading of the proposed Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Maps in conjunction therewith relating to certain properties in the Renton Highlands (Hospital Property) and desig- nating properties as described as "Single Family Residence. " MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MORRIS, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . MOTION CARRIED. After second and final reading it was MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY PERRY THAT ORDINANCE #2492 BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL PRESENT VOTING AYE . THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Rezone of Highlands Hospital District .r Property (�. oo*jJuly 28, 1969) This being the date set , the hearing was declared open. A letter from Mr. William E. Murray of the Valley General Hospital was again read requesting that no action be taken until further contact on the Highlands Hospital property . Mr. Archie Graham, 408 Index Place N.E. , reiterated the wish of the people living in the area that the Hospital property in the Highlands be rezoned SR-1 , which view was also expressed by Mr. Arthur E. Brockschmidt of 431 Windsor Way N.E. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MORRIS THAT THE HIGHLANDS HOSPITAL PROPERTY BE REZONED TO SR-1 . Upon request of Councilman Shellert , Planning Director Ericksen indicated on a large map the zoning of surrounding area . A MOTION BY GRANT, SECOND BY BAREI TO CONSIDER THE PREVIOUS QUESTION CARRIED AND WAS FOLLOWED BY MOTION OF GARRETT, SECOND BY SHELLERT TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY LEGISLATION. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Revisions to the Proposed Sign Code (Cont . from June 9, 1969) .� This being the date set , the hearing was declared re-opened. Mr. Martin A . Sangster, Public Relations Director of Foster and Kleiser, read a communica- tion addressed to the Council outlining effects of the sign code on his industry stating 65% of his present signs would be disqualified. He felt 22 of their signs on Airport Way would have to be eliminated. Councilman Maxin noted that all Councilmen should have before them the latest revision of the ordinance which was distributed July 15 , to all interested parties . He fur- ther noted that under provisions of the proposed ordinance non-conforming signs could be brought up to code , and also explained the intent of the sign ordinance . .J5 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 11 , 1969 PUBLIC. HEARING: PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE (Cont . ) Mr . Tony Thein , representing the Association for Better Electrical Advertis- ing , 975 John St . , Seattle , expressed disappointment that the informal meet- ing mentioned at the last hearing was not held, requesting a change on Page 28, Section 3 .8. from 150 square feet to 300 square feet as maximum for multi-faced sign . It was agreed that final draft should read 300 square feet i:otal for multi-faced signs . Mr. T, B. Ward, Vice President, Real Estate Department , Pacific Communica- tions Inc. , Seattle , requested reading into the record of their letters of June 18, and July 9 , addressed to the Planning Committee , which were read together with a third letter dated August lith . Mr, Ward referred to the latest revisions of July 15 , Paragraph 3 . F. restricting size of off-premise signs to 300 square feet , recommending the size be increased to 1 ,000 square feet maximum allowable, recommending deletion of special permit for off- premise signs over 300 square feet and 30-day removal notice , making specific recommendations relative to spacing requirements of off-premise signs with maximum of four permitted in 660 feet and not closer than 200 feet to another off-premise sign , agreeing with the 75 ft . setback, but questioning the necessity of 75 feet from underground utilities . It was further suggested that off-premise signs be permitted in B-P Zones . Mr. Dick Stredicke , Chairman , Planning Commission, emphasized the need for basic standards , noting the many months of work by Planning Committee , Planning Staff and Planning Commission to update the ordinance and proced- ures and urged no further delay in referral to the Law and Ordinance Commit- tee . Mr . Sangster called attention to other provisions beside the laud use clause which would make a number of their signs non-conforming, such as the 75 ft . setback from rights-of-way which have underground utilities . Councilman Maxin felt that if utilities are placed underground signs should not be put up in their place . It was agreed the majority of signs were within the 75 ft . right-of-way . Upon questioning by Mayor Custer, Mr. Sangster objected to the setback provisions , as he felt there was no corre- lation between undergrounding of utilities and placement of signs . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THAT THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Mr. Shane expressed concern over possible hazard in the use of wire rope for support of temporary cloth signs as specified in Paragraph 2 . A . , Page 25, suggest- .�.r .ing nylon rope be required in place of wire rope . Councilman Grant felt an interim meeting between sign people and committee would have settled some of these matters such as two off-premise signs within 660 feet length with sign people asking for four signs within 660 feet . Councilman Maxin explained there was no violation of this portion of the proposed ordinance now, but it was a protection against future signs . Planning Director Ericksen expressed accord and explained 16 sign structures or 32 faces would be allowed in a given mile of the freeway with the industry asking 64 sign faces . Councilman 5chellert commended Planning Committee Chairman Maxin on accomplish- ment in revising this sign code . Mayor Custer called for vote on the motion to close the hearing. CARRIED. Councilman Maxin presented Planning Committee report and recommendation for five amendments to the proposed code and a sixth as a result of tonight 's discussion on the wire rope provision . 1 . .Paragraph 2 .A . Line 6 , Page 8, insert "additional " in front of word"plans . " MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO CONCUR IN THIS RECOMMENDATION,.CARRIED. 2 . Paragraph 5 , Page 12 , Delete last word of paragraph "appearing. " MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 3. Items A . and B . under Paragraph 2 . , Page 24 , be renumbered to read 3 . and .... 4 . ,respectively . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 4 . As a result of earlier discussion Councilman Maxin requested amendment to Paragraph 2 .A . on Page 25, adding at the end of the first sentence "or equivalent breaking strength of other material . " MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THIS RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 11 , 1969 PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE (Cont . ) 5 . Amend Paragraph .3 .B . , Page 28 , third from last line , striking out the words "of any single face visible from any one (1) direction , " and chang- ing the second from last line to read "three hundred (300) " instead of one hundred fifty ('150) . MOVED MAXIN, SECONDED SCHELL.ERT TO CONCUR IN AMENDMENT AS STATED BY MAXIN , THE MOTION CARRIED, 6 . Paragraph F, Page 28 , first sentence , all the words following"signs" be deleted and replaced by "shall not interfere with or impede means of in- gress , egress and traffic circulation and/or adequate access to light , yr air and proper use and enjoyment of surrounding properties . " MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED SCHELLERT, THAT COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE , MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THIS PROPOSED ORDINANCE AND CHANGES BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. CARRIED. Discussion ensued as to other changes and it was the consensus that these could be presented to the Ordinance Committee for consideration . Mayor Custer advised political signs on public rights-of-way would be re- moved by the Street Department and kept at the City Shop for pickup for a reasonable time and then destroyed. This would be handled the same as any other obstruction on the right-of-way. AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr , Ralph Hart , authorized by four fraternal clubs , requested the Council consider naming of the new Liberty Park Grandstand the Glen Gianini Stadium in honor of this former Council member who has been so active in soft ball in Renton . PUBLIC HEARING : Preliminary Assessment Roll , L. I. D. 264 , Sanitary Sewers for Mance Addition to Renton , area as described in Exhibit A , Resolution No . 1632 . (Continued from July 28 , 1969) Now This being the date set , the public hearing was declared open . A Letter of the City Engineer was read by the City Clerk reporting total preliminary assessment roll at $46 ,217 . 99 and as of July 28 , 1969 percantage of protest comprised 7 . 11% of preliminary assessment roll ,60% protest required to pro- hibit the city from proceeding . Mr . Howard Harding of 409 S . 36th St . , displayed a diagram showing an alternate plan for the sewer line requesting that the City Engineer reconsider this design which he felt would result in an overall cost reduction . The City Engineer informed the Council this route had been considered, but street restoration would make this alternate route undesirable . Sanitation Committee Member Barei reported that the Committee recommends no change in mode of computing assessment on this L. I. D. Mrs . Harry LaVelle , 411 S . 36th St . , inquired regarding interest rate to be charged and was advised by City Attorney Shellan that the rate is determined by cost of financing the improvement , but it could not exceed the legal limit of 8% . Mrs . Oliver Wakelam, 10056 S .E . 190th , inquired about the possibility of assessing from the narrow side of the lot rather than the long side stating chat a drainage problem exists and the lot is narrow . Councilman Schellert plained disparity by assessing from the long side as opposed to the short de .resulting in a cost difference of $500 . 00 between narrow and long side "sessment according to the zone and termini method which the City Engineer is required by state law to follow Councilman Barei , reporting for the Sanitation Committee , confirmed the assessment from the long side , especially for those lots that can be divided . Mrs . G. A . Hurst of 3619 Talbot Rd . S. , made inquiry relative to the square footage required per lot in this area pointing out that their assessment was also computed from the long side . The City Engineer stated with the addition of the sanitary sewer it would meet the requirements for another, lot . Councilman Garrett inquired if the Wakelam lot could be utilized for building and was informed by the City Engineer that it could . Mr. Wakelam inquired relative to the drainage problem on his property and was informed by Mayor Custer that when the street is improved drainage of the street is taken care of by the City . -3- 256 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 11 , 1969 PUBLIC HEARING: L . I . D. 264 (Cont . ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. SCHELLERT MOVED, PERRY SECONDED, THAT THE CITY PROCEED WITH L . I .D. 264 AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE, CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted RESOLUTION 1642 which was adopted upon MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY PERRY AND CARRIED, approving and providing for the execution of a contract for grant to acquire and/or develop land for open-space purposes No . WASH-OSA-68 (G) by and between the City of Renton and the United States of America . RESOLUTION NO. 1643 was adopted upon MOTION BY PERRY, SECOND BY BAREI, --� CARRIED, declaring certain City vehicles surplus and authorizing disposition of same upon bid call , as read by the City Clerk, a declaration of surplus having been made by the Property Committee . LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted proposed ORDINANCE 2493 changing the zoning classification of the Thomas Maxwell Property (8599-69) from Apartment House and Multiple Dwelling (R-4) to Residential District 'R -3) . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO PLACE ORDINANCE ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2493 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL PRESENT VOTING AYE. THE MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer, requesting retention of consulting firm of Jack Eller and Associates on the Langston Avenue Project on an hourly basis not to exceed cost limit of $3,200 . 00 to be funded by budgeted Forward Thrust Funds . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THIS RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY ENGINEER . MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Renton Aerie No. 1722 , Fraternal Order of Eagles , announcing Blood Bank Mobile 25th Anniversary honoring Eddie Taylor, and Willis Sparrow with the Mobil Unit present at the Eagles Hall on Tuesday , August 12th , with Councilmen encouraging each other to participate . The Community Blood Bank was created by Eddie Taylor . Willis Sparrow has donated 76 pints of -" blood and hopes to make it .100 . Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer , submitted and recommended for pay- ment final estimate of Moss Construction Co. , Inc. in the amount of $35 , 310. 87 for the Edmonds Avenue S .E. Project, CAG 1485-69,and acceptance by the City Council as of August 11th and beginning of the 30-day lien period. MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. MOTION CARRIED better from Harvey H . Campbell of 3510 S. 194th St . , Seattle , requesting permanent location of two mobile homes at 1404 S . W. 16th Street , replacing �;ne-year authorization , by obtaining variance to the trailer park ordinance . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIES . Invitation was extended to Special Mayor 's Day Program and lunch at the King County Fair in Enumclaw on Saturday, August 16th , As it was not ascertained who would attend , the letter was referred to the Mayor 's Office for disposition , A Claim for Damages was filed by Zafira Azzola for damages to the Wood Building located at Main Ave . S . and Houser Way S . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS THAT THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE CITY' ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER ,. MOTION CARRIED. New Legislation (EHB 769 and SSB 734) re New Abandoned Vehicle Procedures Enacted by the 1969 Legislature from the Department of Motor Vehicles will be on file in the City Clerk 's Office . Report No . 170 of the Association of Washington Cities entitled MUNICIPAL AND REGIONAL PLANNING IN WASHINGTON STATE was presented and will be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk „ MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MORRIS, THAT THE BID TABULATIONS ON THE BID OPENING OF AUGUST 7 , SURPLUS CITY VEHICLES AS REPORTED BY THE CITY CLERK, BE REFERRED TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . MOTION CARRIED. -4- c.) J MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 11 , 1969 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont. ) Letter from the International Lions Club requesting no-fee permit to operate third annual Haunted House at the Lions Activities Center, 2532 Aberdeen Ave . N�E. on the evenings of October 10, 11 , 12 , 17 , 18 , and 19 , and from the 24th through Halloween , along with an invitation to Councilmen , past and present ,to attend. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST., MOTION CARRIED, Contract for operation of the Municipal Building lunchroom as approved by LECONDED he City Attorney, was presented for approval with operation to commence ne week following date of execution of the contract . MOVED BY BAREI, BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONTRACT AS SUMBITTED BY THE MAYOR Councilman Perry inquiring about terms of the contract , being informed it was a one-year contract with privilege of cancellation by either party upon three-month written notice . MOTION CARRIED. The lunchroom will be open to the public, however no advertising will be done by the Concessionaire . APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of Mrs . Joan Merritt to the permanent position of Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department , having completed her six-month probationary period on April 16 , 1969. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. Letter from Police Chief Williams approving the appoint- ment was attached , MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS: Council President Perry submitted the following Council as a Whole recommenda- tions from their meeting of August 6th : 1 . Concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer to accept the hold harmless agreement submitted by the Rolling Hills Village Homeowners Association re Tract B , Rolling Hills Village No . 2 , and that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for approval as to form and acquisition bw of the proper documents to include a hold harmless agreement and the necessary insurance . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS THAT, THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF' THE WHOLE . CARRIED. 2 . Recommends further investigation of the requirements for eligibility under the new amendment to the water and sewer rate ordinance , with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for report back to the Committee of the Whole as soon as possible . SCHELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY MORRIS, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, CARRIED, 3 . Recommends that the Committee on Committees select a special committee (to include Councilmen and City Officials) to investigate and report back on the possibility of building a new city shop, with consideration being given to cost and location . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CARRIED. 4. That the Mayor 's Report on Urban Mayor ' s Association Proposal for Regional Wage and Salary Study be tabled . 5 . The matter of disposition of monies from sale of public-use areas and the setting up a special fund are to be held in the Committee of the Whole and brought out during budget hearings and referred to the Mayor for inclusion in the preliminary budget . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE- CARRIED, 6 . Concur in the request of the Board of Public Works with reference to its functions in implementing the Off-Site Improvements Ordinance, the Underground Wiring Ordinance , the Dangerous Buildings Ordinance, and annexation and vacation procedures , and refer the matter to the Law and j Ordinance Committee and that copies of the proposed amendments to these ordinances and the ordinance creating the Board of Public Works be made available to all members of the Council . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, MOTION CARRIED, -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 11 , 1969 OLD BUSINESS : (Cont . ) 7 . Council President Perry reported tabling of the Mayor 's Request for Implementation of Workable Program, due to adjournment and expressed the desire for further discussion . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MORRIS, THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MAYOR AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES BE IN ATTENDANCE . CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: Council President Perry reported concerning the third item of the Committee ' s recommendations , wherein the Committee on Committees was to select a committe ' to investigate a new city shop, that the committee has met and appointed the following - Councilmen Schellert , Maxin , and Bruce , Schellert to serve as chairman . OLD BUSINESS: STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GARRETT reported on the request for traf- fic control at N.E. 4th St . and Union Ave . N.E. , stating that the increase in accidents is due to speed. The needed traffic signal has been included in the Traffic Engineering Department preliminary budget for next year , but it may be necessary for the City to request King County to reduce the speed limit on their portion of the roadway at least as far as S .E. 138th . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT REPORT OF COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. The Street and Alley Committee has reviewed the request for additional and improved access to Renton Hill via an extension of Grant Avenue South to be developed and improved when financially feasible and deeded to the City for continued maintenance . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE REPORT OF THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Garrett askcPtfthe City Clerk to notify all petitioners of the action the Council has taken . PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN reported there will be a formal report on the trailer park amendments shortly . He further requests that any recom- mendations on the sign ordinance be put in writing and referred to the Law and and Ordinance Com mittee by 7 : 00 o ' clock next Monday night . Committe of the Whole reports Sewer and Water Rate for Senior Citizens will be prepared for next Monday night by Councilman Schellert . PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI reports ,with concurrence by the Purchasing Agent, that the high bid of $455 . 00 from Alpine Asphalt for E15 , the Ready Mix Concrete Roller , be accepted along with the high bid of $225 . 00 from the City of Bonney Lake for #E3 , the Highway Mower. All other bids are to be rejected and the vehicles put up for sale at the appraised amount . MOVED BY MORRIS AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED. PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI submitted recommendation that the low bid of Busch Construction Co . be accepted from the July 24 , bid opening on the Fountain and Pool of the Renton Civic Center and the matter be referred to the Mayor for implementation . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI sumbitted committee report to concur in the request of the Boeing Company for a permit to increase bridge capacity by modification or replacement of existing structure at the mouth of Cedar River and refer the matter to the City Engineer , City Attorney and Airport Board for necessary paper work. MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE. City Attor- ney will give permission to the Building Department to issue permit when concurrence is reached between the parties concerned. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Schellert reported that the Valley Regional Planning Commission has requested office space in the Renton Municipal Building. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE MATTER OF OFFICE SPACE BE REFERRED TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE AND MAYOR 'S OFFICE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS MOVED THAT VOUCHERS NO . 3243 THROUGH 3444 BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL. SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MOTION CARRIED. Fund Breakdown as follows : -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL; MEETING August 11 , 1969 OLD BUSINESS: (Vouchers - Cont . ) Current Fund 3243 - 3303 $17 ,158. 29 .Arterial Street Fund 3304 - 3304 35,310 . 87 City Street Fund 3305 -, 3320 7 ,730 . 62 Cedar River M&I Fund 3321 - 3325 442 . 70 Equipment Rental Fund 3326 - 3339 2 ,540 . 57 Library Fund 3340 - 3382 8 ,259 . 45 Park Fund 3383 - 3405 and 3444 21 , 761 . 03 Waterworks Utility Fd 3406 - 3422 30,158 .50 Airport Fund 3423 - 3433 3, 442 . 32 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 3434 - 3443 1 ,450 . 43 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $128 ,254 . 78 L . I. D. 261 Cash Fund 4 980 . 21 L . I . D. 261 Revenue Fund 4 980 . 21 NEW BUSINESS : WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT announced a meeting Monday at 7 :00 p.m . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CHAIRMAN PERRY announced meeting Monday at 7 :15 p.m. to discuss Workable Program, requesting the Mayor be present and also any other interested parties . Council President Perry announced meeting on solid waste disposal , Sunday , August 17 , at 11 : 00 a .m. of the Legislative Council , Committee on Commerce , Industry , Trades and Professions to be held at the Student Union Building at the University of Washington . On August 22 , at 7 : 30 p.m. the meeting will be on Harbor Lines and the Property Committee members should be interested; on August 23 , at 10 : 00 a .m . concerning Parking Facilities and Industrial Facilities . On August 16 , at 10 :00 a .m. the subject will be Availability of Airports and Facilities . GHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT announced committee meeting Monday 7 : 00 p.m. in the Traffic Engineer 's Conference Room . r As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY BARER, SECONDED BY GARRETT, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED, The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 30 pm . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk hoo�dz D. W. Custer, Mayor r"�r 260 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC 8/11/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1938 $ 40.00 Royal Hills, Inc. 3000 Royal Hills Dr. Inst 4 Dir Sign 1939 2.00 Clinton H. Betz 2514 NE9th Place Demol Res B 1940 6.00 The Boeing Co. 10-57 Bldg. Inst Drain Pit 1941 60.00 McGrath Corp. 4437 NE23rd Court Const Sin R 1942 48.00 McGrath Corp. 2207 Anacortes Ave NE Const Sin RE 1943 3.00 Glen C. Gianini 1311 N 26th St. Inst Fireplace 1944 10.00 Wash.StateLiquor Stare#25 124 Williams Ave S. Inst Sign B 1945 15.00 Jack A. Benaroya Co. 810 Thomas Ave SW. Erect Wall 1946 5.00 Masami Sado 1143 Harrington Ave NE Const Patio 1947 24.00 Weber Aircraft 810 Thomas Ave SW. Const Facilitit 1948 9.00 R. G. Bale 3624 NE7th St. Const Addition 1949 Refer-Permit B-1907 E.J.Bartell Co. 720 Powell Ave SW. Ofc&Warehse Con B 1950 6.00 Horman S. Hodges 511 Lanston Rd. SW. Finish Basemt 1951 40.00 Harmon Management Corp. 104 Rainier Ave S. Inst Pole&Signs 1952 5.00 Van H. Myers 3507 NE8th St. Const Carport 1953 12.00 Dale Pugere 2600 NE6th Place Const Addition MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2062 Bob Riviley 913 Rainier Ave Inst Gas Piping 2063 Webber Aircraft 710 Thomas Ave SW Inst Plum&Fixt 2064 The Boeing Co. 10-57 Bldg. Ins Eye Wash Fo M 2065 Clarence Hill 801 NE Sunset Blvd. Inst. Furnace 2066 Warren Gill 612 Shattuck Ave S. Inst Heater 2067 George Hannah 345 Lind Ave SW. Inst Plum&Fi7,4- 2068 RenSchool District #403 400 So 2nd St. Inst Plum&Fi: 2069 RenSchool District #403 400 So 2nd St. Inst Heaters.,.,, ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2251 $129.56 Olympic Pipe Line Co. 2929 E. Valley Rd. Plant Expansion 2252 88.50 The Boeing Co. 4-62 Bldg. Inst Controls 2253 10.00 The Boeing Co. 5-02 Bldg. Relo IBM Record 2254 10.00 The Boeing Co. 10-57 Bldg. Inst Pump E 2255 2.00 The Boeing Co. 4-82 Bldg. Maccs System 2256 10.00 The Boeing Co. 10-80 Bldg. Inst Printer 2257 10.00 The Boeing Co. 10-50 Bldg. Hot Spray Syst 2258 10.00 The Boeing Co. 10-50 Bldg. Maccs System 2259 25.00 The Boeing Co. 4-20 Bldg. Seal Chase Cov E 2260 10.00 Forte Rentals 115 Park Ave N. Wire Service 2261 20.00 Rose Custer 1209 So 7th St. Inst 200 Amp Sr 2262 55.00 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Wire 4 Barns 2263 10.00 Norman Hodges 511 Langston Rd, SW. Add 50 Amp SEWER PERMITS S 897 C. L. Bunstine 510 SW Langston Rd. Connect Sewej 898 Brown 1113 No. 30th St. Connect Sewej €399 Tiffany Development 1402 Lk.Young Way SE Connect Sewer— S 900 Tiffany Development 2632 Lk.Youngs Ct SE Connect Sewer 901 Tiffany Development 2626 Lk.Youngs Ct SE Connect Sewer 902 Thomas Ii. Howser 10048 SE 93rd St. Connect Sewer 903 E. J. Bartells 701 Powell Ave SW Connect Sewer 904 E. J. Bartells 701 Powell Ave SW Connect Sewer S 905 Donald Eyman 1003 No 31st St. Connect Sewer 906 Marvin Wilson 3332 NE17th St. Connect Sewer 907 Wayne Corter 3400 NE17th Place Connect Sewer 908 Griffin Home 10198 Lk.Wash.Blvd.SE Connect Sewer -8- 4 v 261 SEWER PERMITS, Continued 8/11/69 S 909 Valley Convalesant Center 4430 Talbot Rd. Connect Sewer 910 John Rohde 10206 SE 93rd. St. Connect Sewer 911 Dennis S. Cook 3333 NE17th St. Connect Sewer low -9- _ 6 SURPLUS VEHICLE BID OPENING 9 CITY NUMBER VEHICLE BID BIDDER A-62 1 1966 Ford Custom 4-door sedan $450.00 Mrs. Mae Picha 516 Williams Ave. S. Renton, Wash. 98055 rn BA 6-3440 61) A-68 1 1967 Ford Custom 4-door sedan No Bid A-70 1 1967 Ford Custom 4-door sedan 700.00 Mrs. Mae Picha 516 Williams Ave. S. Renton, Wash. 98055 BA 6-3440 A-71 1 1967 Ford Custom 4-door sedan No Bid A-72 1 1967 Ford Custom 4-door sedan 700.00 Mrs, Mae Picha 516 Williams Ave. S. i Renton, Wash. 98055 BA 6-3440 M-14 1 1963 Harley Davidson motorcycle 20.00 John T. Webb 1811 Grant Ave. S. - Apt. #k234 Renton, Wash. 98055 AL 5-0996 E-15 1 1943 International ReadyMix 351.00 W. C. Frost Concrete Roller (Check was W. C. Frost Equipment Co. enclosed for full 8005 So. 222nd bid price) Kent, Wash. 98031 E-15 1 1943 International ReadyMix 455.00 Alpine Asphalt Concrete Roller J. R. Ruggles 14401 Ma Creek Rd. Rentcn, Wash, 98055 AL 5-5059 (7-4 E-3 1 1946 International Hiway 205.00 Wallice Hiatt Mower w/5-foot sickle bar 3710 N.E. 10th Lane Renton, Wash. 98055 SURPLUS VE: . CLES BID Cr—E yNG E-7-690 Continued CITY Kul-MER V� ,2CLE BID BIDDM E-=3 1 1946 International hiwaY $225.00 City of Bonney Lake blower w/5-yfcct cyc3_%e Lor• City 1��:rcagcr �O 16610 Bonney LLke blvd. T. Sumner, Wash. 98390 E-? L 1G` r_c{ C_iic i; }i�l � iWGl 50.00 Ed'. ac�. Co POwel1 4J Mov:Er V./5-foot sickle bur 12633C S,E, 192nd St. Rentcn, Wash. 98055 �+ FA 6-5732 R E-3 1 1546 Inte-l-national Hiway 125.00 Jahn Kauzlarich Mower w/5-foot sickle bar 12227 148th Fve. S.E. � Renton, Wash. 38055 AL 5-0193 E-3 1 1946 International Hiway 59,99 names Sundvall t.o.oer w/5-foot sickle bar Renton Police Department AL 52511 E_? 1 1946 International Hiway 212.00 Al pinc 17�sphalt Y.-Y..er w/5-foot sickle bar J. Ro Ruggles 14401 tray Creek P.c:o Renton, Wash. 96055 AL 5-5059 (f I 264 W, RENTON CITY COUNCIL Office of City Clerk August 18 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY (Item .1 . ) (See later referral to Planning Committee ) Prepare required documents for Hodge, Dahlgren and Hillis request for conditional permit for trailer park on behalf of First Investment Co . and Boise Cascade Prepare necessary documents for new School Crossing Guard Program CITY ATTORNEY - INSURANCE CARRIER Claim of Terrance R. Weitzel and Jacqueline Mae Weitzel for injuries and loss of motorbike due to accident at S. 180th & W. Valley Rd. BUILDING DIRECTOR (Later referred to the Planning Committee) Hodge , Dahlgren & Hillis request for conditional permit for trailer park on behalf of First Investment Co . and Boise Cascade BUILDING: COMMITTEE Councilman Chair for repair while on warranty COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Office space for Valley Regional Planning Commission LAW AND ORDINANCE Recommendation on report of Renton Municipal Government Advisory Committee , City Attorney 's recommendations and the Resolution of Intent , Recommendation on City Attorney Shellan 's recommendation on anti-gambling statute Final Plat of Tiffany Park Division No. 2, Application No . FP-470-68 Amendments to Special Water and Sewer Rate Ordinance MAYOR Letter of thanks to each member of the Renton Municipal Government Advis- Ory Committee Letter of condolence and flowers re Mrs . Harlan Edwards PLANNING COMMITTEE Request of Hodge , Dahlgren & Hillis for conditional permit for trailer park on behalf of First Investment Co . & Boise Cascade PROPERTY COMMITTEE Recommendation concerning offer for Group Health Property at S . 2nd Street and Mill Ave . S. from T. V. Dean Realtors POLICE AND LICENSE Power to Act on applications for coin-operated pool table license for Ron De Voo and Jack ' s Barber Shop SANITATION COMMITTEE Recommendation proposal of Water District No. 90 for joint sewer service WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Arrange funding of Civic Center Fountain being built by. Busch Construction MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 8/23/69 - City Employees Picnic at Aqua Barn 8/25/69 - Committee of the Whole 7: 00 p.m. re office space Valley Regional Planning Commission 8/20/69 - Planning Committee re trailer park request with Planning Director and Building Director in attendance STREET COMMISSIONER Check condition of street Logan Ave. Bridge WG RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 18, 1969 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor at 8:00 p.m . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Perry, Barei , Grant, Maxin , Edwards , Garrett, Trimm, LYelaurenti , Morris . Absent : Bruce and Schellert. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BAREI, THAT THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. uncilman Schellert arrived shortly thereafter. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THAT THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS MAILED OUT. MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor; Helmie Nelson , City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer; G. M. Shellan , City Attorney; Clarence Williams , Chief of Police; Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner; Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director; Bernard Ruppert , Building Director; Joe Mathews , Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; Vern Church , Purchasing Director and Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted proposed Ordinance order- ing the construction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in the vicinity of the Mance Addition (94th Ave . S. & S. 174th St . ) Renton , Washington , and areas adjoining thereto, establishing Local Improvement District #264 . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO PLACE ORDINANCE ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. After final read- ing, MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY MAXIN THAT ORDINANCE 2494 BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL PRESENT VOTING AYE. MOTION CARRIED. =solution No . 1644 was adopted upon MOTION BY MORRIS, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, 4RRIED, declaring its intention to construct and install sanitary sewer 'nes and appurtenances thereto in the Kennydale Area , Vicinity of 104th S .E. (Located within and without the City Limits) and to create a Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the proper- ties in such District specially benefited thereby; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their object- ions at a meeting of the City Council to be held on September 22 . (LID-263) CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Mayor Custer requested two late communications be considered by the Council , that these items be placed on the agenda , following listed items . PERRY MOVED, DELAURENTI SECONDED. CARRIED. Letter from T. V. Dean Realtors , Seattle , offering the Group Health property at So . Second St . and Mill Ave . S. for sale. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY TO REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Mr . Shane arrived at this time . A communication from Air. John E. Phillips , law firm of Hodge, Dahlgren and Hillis submitted on behalf of First Investment Company and Boise Cascade rporation , an application for a special conditional permit for a Trailer rk to be located on described properties in the vicinity of Union Avenue E. and N. E. 4th Street . Mr. Phillips noted that proposed rezone to per- mit a planned trailer park had been approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council about two years ago, but upon advice of the City Attorney an ordinance to effect the rezoning was not adopted since it would require an amendment to the ordinance provisions governing trailer park designations . A proposed trailer park ordinance has been under study for about two years and is being finalized at the present time with probable presentation to Council as late as November or December. Mr . Phillips stated this would work a hardship on his clients as present commitment for financing could not be held until this time and pointed to increased interest rates and other costs . 266 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18 , 1969 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) 14OVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE APPLICA- TION WITH REFERRAL TO THE BUILDING DIRECTOR AND THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND COVENANTS. Mr . John Phillips outlined past events noting again that the Planning Commission and City Council had considered all the uses and previously approved the proposed rezone to a Trailer Park. He indicated the willingness of applicants to cooperate to the fullest extent and enter into any type of covenants or agreements to guarantee compliance with the requirements of' the City 's code . The planned development was des- cribed as a 5-Star Mobile Home Park having the highest national rating with such amenities as a green belt, swimming, pools and club house . Councilman Schellert expressed the opinion that --this matter should be referr to the Planning Committee pointing out there were too many problems that had not been resolved and noted a week 's delay would not be too much . After designation on the map of the properties under consideration , it was MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE. Upon vote, motion was declared lost resulting in two requests for roll call vote with the following voter AYES: Schellert , Morris . NOS: Perry , Barei , Grant, Maxin , Edwards, Garrett, Trimm, Delaurenti , Motion lost . In reply to a point of inquiry by Councilman Schellext, City Attorney Shellan advised that the Conditional Use Permit carries a time limitation which he did not feel would be acceptable to the applicant . He further recommended that the Council should amend the ordinance if it was their- desire to permit trailer park usage in an R-3 or R-4 area . The Planning Commission could be requested. to submit the proposed plan by next Monday . Mr. Phillips noted further delays resulting since the Planning Commission is adjourned until September plus the time requirement for Public Hearing, An inquiry to the Planning Director indicated present zoning of the property established upon annexation as "G. " The Dino Patas property, on which the owner had requested permit for a trailer park, carried an R-3 designation. Mr. Phillips cited Sec. 4-722 (c) of the zoning code which he felt authorized the Council to grant any use not designated provided it was not spot zoning, He cited the case of Hull vs . Hunt , that rights vest at the time of application, stating that one-half of the property when annexed into the City was Indicated on the Comprehensive Plan as multi-family residential . moo Vote then taken on the motion previously stated (to approve and refer to the Building Director and City Attorney) , CARRIED with Barei opposed. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MORRIS, TO REFER THE ENTIRE MATTER " THE COUN- CIL'S PLANNING COMMITTEE, CARRIFD° Final report and conclusions of the Renton Municipal Government Advisory Committee was presented by Report Committee members Carl McLuen , Jim Hansen , Dick Neylay , Art Scholes and Barbara Shinpoch . Report attached hereto and Incorporated into the minutes . A letter from the City Attorney was introduced for reading at this time . Mr. Shellan recommended that the City give prompt and full consideration to a change in the present system of government In order to provide greater home rule and establish more efficiency and responsibility . A proposed Resolution of Intention was enclosed with the recommendation . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL GOVRO?NMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, THE CITY ATTORNEY'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION OF INTENTION BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Mr . Shane requested that the Council go on record against the inclusion of a Grandfather Clause . Mr. Richard Ne 1a Advisory Committee member, advised that the report recommends the adoption by resolution of the optional munici- pal Code and a non-charter, strong mayor-council form of government , the council to be comprised of seven members . There is no provision for includ- ing the grandfather clause . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE MOTION, BY ADDING THAT THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE PRESENT THE RESOLUTION OF INTENTION FOR CONSIDERA- TION BY THE COUNCIL THIS EVENING , Question was raised as to whether the -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18 , 1969 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Resolution of Intent provided for an election next spring and Mr . Shellan advised that it declares the intent to adopt for the City the classification of Non-Charter Code City as provided in RCW 35A � 02 , to reorganize as provided in RCW 35A . 12 and in the event no timely and sufficient referendum petition has been filed as provided in RCW 35A . 02 . 030 and RCW 35A . 29 �170 that the Council proceed to adopt an appropriate ordinance adopting for the City the classification on Non-Charter Code City and reorganization under the Mayor- Council Plan spec ified in Chapter 35A . 12 . The resolution goes no further than that. MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO AMEND THE MOTION BY ADDING THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ADIVISORY r�COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE , CARRIED. Vote on the amendments carried and subsequently the motion, as twice amended, passed , 1�07 Councilman Barei commended the Municipal Government Advisory Committee, acknowledging presence this evening of many of the Committee members . Council- man Grant added his thanks to the committee. He stated his only concern was the matter of holding an election next spring. He felt that the expense of the fall campaign would impose a considerable financial burden to run for office again in the spring. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DIRECT A LETTER TO EACH MEMBER OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE EXPRESSING THEIR THANKS, AND THAT THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE PREPARE THE LETTER . CARRIED, MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO AMEND THE MOTION THAT THE LETTERS BE SENT OUT OVER THE COUNCIL 'S SIGANTURES. Vote on the amendment CARRIED and subsequently the motion as amended, passed. Mayon Custer expressed appreciation to the Committee on behalf of all of the citizens of Renton . He stated that the committee had done an excellent job and that all citizens stand to benefit from their efforts , ..An invitation was extended to the Mayor and to the Council Members to attend the City Employees .Picnic Saturday , August 23rd at the Aqua Barn with bever- ages and ice cream being served commencing at 21 : 00 a .m . A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan recommending that Council take proper and timely action to affirmatively outlaw the multiple coin pinball machine and similar devices that are Clearly in violation of our anti- gambling statute, applying also to bingo played for money or merchandise which constitutes an illegal lottery under State Law and is also violative Of State Constitution . No distinction is made in the law as to whether this type of activity is engaged in by charitable or other organization. He recommended modificatlon or repeal of Chapter 9 (Pinballs) and Chapter 17 (Card Rooms) . He noted there should be uniformity between the County, City and other municipalities within King County . Mr. Shane inquired about putting pinballe back in the City of Renton . Mayor Custer explained that horse race gaming is allowed by State Law, and any other gambling the city does not allow, bingo Is not allowed, so we have no gambling laws to enforce . King County made changes in ordinance to prohibit multiple coin devices . Bingo is not licensed, nor .football pool$ , nor are other types of gambling. Mayor Custer further stated that as a public OffiCsal having taken the oath to uphold the law, he could not permit pinball machines to be licensed. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GARR&TT, THAT "HIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMM1TTes TO BRING �`S THEIR RECOMMENDATION, MOTION CARRIED A .letter from King County Water District No . 90 was x°ead submitting proposal for joint sewer service through facilities of their District and those of the City of Renton now serving Hazen High School giving service to properties which will connect with the proposed May Creek-Cedar River Metro Line when Completed. MOVED BY SCHEZLE'RT, SECONDED BY GA.RRETT, REFER THIS LETTER TO COUNCIL 'S S RSANITATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION , MOTION CARRIED. Appliontions fox, coin-operatald pQQI table license were read from Ron De Voo Tave.tn and Jack '# Barber Shop for Amorloan Shufflsboard Bales , MOVED BAREI, SHCONDRD RDWARDS,REQUESTS BE RE'F'ERRED TO THE POLI-CS AND L CHNSE O"OMMITTZS WITH POWER TO ACS'P MOTION CARRZSD, 268 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont. ) A Claim against the City of Renton by Terrance R. Weitzel and Jacqueline Mae Weitzel , his wife, for damages for injuries sustained by Terrance R. Weitze.1 and for the loss of his motorbike and its use, due to an accident with Mr. William D. Benson on May 6 , 1969 at S. 180th St . and the West Valley Highway , and claiming . negligence of the City re intersection area . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY INSURANCE CARRIER . MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitting Final Plat of Tiffany Park Division No. 2 , Application No . FP-470-68 for approval , all conditions and requirements have been met . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR WITH RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Letter from King County Boundary Review-.. Bd. re Proposed Annexation, A 69-01 (Brier e-McGrath) , Boundary Review Board File #208 , Annexation East of 132nd. S. E. and vicinity of S.E. 100th St. , deeming Notice of Intention approved. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, MOVED BY PERRY, THAT THE DATE OF AUGUST 25, 1969, BE SET FOR DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS MATTER . MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Mayor Custer recommending the Council appropriate the sum of $7,000 . 00 for the purpose . of implementing the new School Crossing Guard Program and that the City Attorney be authorized to draw up a contract between the City and Security Patrol Services and an agreement between the School and the City to -facilitate the payment of the school 's share of costs, and further recommending that the approximately $7 ,000.00 remaining in the fund originally budgeted to cover the cost of a "Wage and Salary Study" be used to fund this important program . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY BAREI TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR 'S RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, WITH THE Mayor affirming that this would cover a full school year. MOTION CARRIED, making Renton the first city in this area outside of Seattle to use the services of- retired police officers in this manner . Mayor Custer announced the official opening of the City Hall Lunchroom on this Thursday at 7 : 00 a .m, with free coffee and donuts . Pictures will be taken of the Council before new members assume their positions . Mayor Custer requested a City Hall Building Committee Meeting to consider final approval on the City Hall contract . A plaque will be erected bearing the names of .both present and former Council Members who served during the period. Councilman Barei asked the Building, Committee to note the material is unravel- ing from the arm of his chair and should take care of the matter before the warranty expires . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Frank Storey complimented all those involved in the No. Third and No . Fourth Street Project as being a real asset to the City . APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Police Chief Williams recommended concurrence in the permanent appointment_ of John M. Gibson effective August 16 , 1969, who has successfully completed his six months probation as Patrolman , with oral concurrence given by Mayor. Custer, MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF , MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS: Council President Perry presented Committee of the Whole recommendation that the Council concur in the mayor 's request for .Implementation of the Workable Programs MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE , MOTION CARRIED. ADDITIONAL RESOLUTION: LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted RESOLUTION 1645 which was adopted upon MOTION BY BAREI, . SECQN,D BY GRANT AND CARRIED, declaring intention -4- ` s MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18 , 1969 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) to adopt for the City of Renton the Classification of Non-Charter Code City as Governed by the Provisions of Chapter 35A . 02 of the Revised Code of Washington, further declaring the .intention of the City to reorganize its Municipal Government under the Mayor-Council Plan as provided for in Chapter 35A . 12 of the Revised Code of Washington . Planning Committee Chairman Maxin recommended that the request of H. He Campbell for two trailers on property near Longacres be referred to the Board of Adjustment . MOVED MAXIN, SECONDED EDWARDS, THAT THE COUNCIL CON- CUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. NNW MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT, REFER REQUEST FOR OFFICE SPACE FROM VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED. PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI recommended . that the City enter into contract with Busch Construction Co . for the Civic Center Fountain Contract with Busch Construction performing all work except two sewer connections and funding being arranged by the Ways and Means Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS MOVED THAT VOUCHERS NO. 344.5 THROUGH NO, 3566 BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL . SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED. Fund Breakdown as follows : Current Fund 3445 - 3488 $ 9 ,404 . 36 Arterial Street Fund 3489 - 3490 750. 00 City Street Fund 3491 - 3511 11 ,555 . 68 Cedar River M & I 3512 - 3513 4931 Equipment Rental Fund 3514 - 3527 7 , 845 . 20 Park Fund 3528 - 3544 7 ,693 . 56 Waterworks Utility 3545 - 3558 42 ,122 . 27 1965 W & S Constr . 3559 - 3559 3, 762 . 00 Airport Fund 3560 - 3565 331 . 38 City Hall Constr. Fund 3566 - 3566 304 , 40 Total All Funds $83 ,81816 L .IeD. 259 Cash Fund #3 1 ,499 , 87 L . I. D� 259 Revenue Fund #3 1 ,499. 87 L .I.D. 261 Cash Fund #5 2 ,156 . 49 L. I.D. 261 Revenue Fund #5 2 ,156 . 49 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT recommends accepting the Fire- men 's Pension Board offer of financing the Water main L. I.D. 268 at an interest rate of 6 . 5% . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED, Councilman Schellert reported on the matter of the special water and sewer rates to certain eligible persons , noting that two committee meetings had been scheduled for the same time The present ordinance specified that every person meeting certain qualifica- tions residing in a single family dwelling, as owner or purchaser with income from all sources less than $250 . 00 per month and less than $3 , 000 . 00 per year would be eligible for the reduced water rate , which would appear to indicate that a couple could have an income of $6 ,000 . 00 and be entitled to the reduction in the rate . This was not the original intent of the committee . A survey was conducted by the Utility Department indicated that in the homes with single occupancy, 64% were in the $2 , 000 . 00 or less income .bracket; 27% at $3, 000 . 00 , 5% at $4 , 000. 00 and 5% with $5 ,000 . 00 , With homes of two per- son occupancy , 19% were in the less than $2 ,000 . 00 bracket: , 48% - $3 ,000, 00 , 24% - $4 ,000 . 00 and 9% with $5 ,000 . 00 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, Tp AMEND THE ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPECIAL WATER AND SEWER RATES TO CERTAIN RESIDENTS, 110 STATE THAT THE COM- BINED INCOME OF THE MARITAL COMMUNITY NOT EXCEED $25000 A MONTH AND $3,00000 PER YEAR . Discussion ensued on income of persons on social secur- ity and intent of the ordinance for those qualifying . -5- 270 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 18 , 1969 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE MOTION THAT ELIGIBLE INDIVID- UALS , RESIDING IN A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WHOSE INCOME DOES NOT EXCEED $250 . 00 PER MONTH AND DOES NOT EXCEED $3 ,000. 00 PER ANNUM AND FOR A MARITAL COMMUNITY,THOSE WITH AN INCOME THAT DOES NOT EXCEED $350 . 00 PER MONTH AND $4 ,250 . 00 PER ANNUM, QUALIFY FOR THE REDUCED RATE ESTABLISHED IN THE ORDI- NANCE. Maxin expressed the opinion that "household" should be substituted for "marital community" as working children could contribute a substantial amount of total earnings per household. Vote on the motion to amend CARRIED followed with vote on the MOTION AS AMENDED WHICH WAS APPROVED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GARRETT, THAT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: COUNCIL PRESIDENT PERRY announced a Meeting of the Committee of the Whole at 7:00 a .m. Monday , August 25 , 1969, to discuss the referral of the Property Committee re office space for the Valley Regional Planning Commission . Councilman Garrett presented a request from the State of Washington Joint Committee on Highways that he would act as their official representative at their National Meeting on August 24 , through August 28 , in Los Angeles . Councilman Garrett called for a Special Building Committee Meeting at 4 : 30 p.m . August 19th in the Conference Room. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN EDWARDS presented communication his committee had sent Mrs . Karen M. Rackeweg , 421 Burnett S. , thanking her for thoughfulness in offering to make the City a flag, declining due to acceptance of prior offer . PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN announced meeting Wednesday , August 20 , at 4 :00 p.m . in the Planning Conference Room, requesting attendance of the Planning Director and the Building Director to discuss trailer park request from the August 18th Agenda , and the parking and loading ordinance . Councilman Grant asked the Street Superintendent to check condition of the street at the Logan Ave . Bridge . He further expressed desire to have date set for taking of council pictures . Mayor Custer inquired if anyone knew an address to notify senders of an anonymous petition received re warehouse use of garage in the Highlands area , making the situation difficult for action , as it would require an ordinance change as inspection showed the usage does comply with code although probably not the best for a residential area . An announcement was made on the death of Seattle Council President Mrs . Harlan Edwards following automobile . accident . Mayor Custer will send a letter of condolence and flowers from the Mayor , Council , City Clerk and Treasurer. THE MEETING WAS ADJORNED AT 10:30 p.m. UPON MOTION BY GRANT, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, AND CARRIED. __/zz4t.0�1 AAm Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -6- i RENTON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON E I N A L R E P O R T SUBMITTED MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 a —7— 272 August 18, 1969 RENI'ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ADVISORY CONUIIITTEE Members John Alexander Earl Clymer Alex Cugini Jim Denzer Bob Dickinson Jane Edwards Archie Graham Charles Hamlin Jim Hansen Ernie Henry Joanne Herber Kay Johnson Robert D. Larsen Roger Lewis Hugh Mathews *Carl McLuen 1 Richard Neglay Elisabeth Rivily Norm. Ross Art Scholes Mel Schultz Barbara Shinpoch Herb Williams i Ken Zehm Jerry Faull *Denotes Chairman -8- - - V 4 273 August 18, 1969 FINAL REPORT OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Irtroduct i_on The Renton Municipal Government Advisory Committee , appointed by the Mayor and the City Council , presents in the following pages their recommendations as to the most suitable form of government for the City of Renton. The Committee first convened on May 29 , 1969 . Weekly meetings were held thereafter through August 5 , 1969 , at which time the recommendations were completed. During the course of these meetings , the advantages and disadvantages of the possible alternate forms of government were investigated by subcommittees and presented to the whole committee for discussion. Several invited local officials presented their views on subjects of particular interest . This approach allowed the maximum committee participation and provided a depth of knowledge as a basis for the following recom- . mendations . Recommendations We recommend the adoption by resolution of the Optional Municipal Code and a non-charter, mayor/counci.l form of government. We are in agreement that the position of mayor should be a strong one with responsibility for the administration of the city govern- ment and the necessary authority to meet that responsibility. This will enable the council to devote their full. attention to the legislative problems of the city. We also recommend that ordinances be passed to provide for initiative and referendum so that the people of Renton have an alternate and more direct means of partic- ipating in the government . The timing or schedule for the proposed change in government was also considered. There appears to be no particularly suitable time for the change , but no advantage to delay . Therefore , the Committee recommends that the change be scheduled so that subsequent elections for mayor and council can be held in the spring of 1970 . Reasons for Recommendations In the separate decisions which led to the recommended form of government , the reasons for preference fell into four general categories : Home rule ; efficiency ; flexibility; and responsiveness of the government to the people . Some of the more significant specific reasons which resulted in the recommendation of the Optional Municipal Code (non-charter) fn,rm of government are as follows : 1) The present state laws are restrictive toward non-Code second class cities and, therefore , do not provide alternate courses of action which are open to Code 9 cities . 2) The Optional Municipal Code allows greater latitude for courses of action to solve problems of cities by permitting more timely solutions without involving Washington State legislative action on minor issues . -a 274 August 18, 1969 FINAL REPORT OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL GOVERNiMENT' ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page Two 3) Most cities will probably adopt the Optional Municipal Code , and the state legislature will not likely. devote appreciable effort or attention to solving second-class-city problems . 4) The Optional Municipal Code provides most of the advantages of a city charter and, as it was developed after long study by experienced persons , would very likely be more workable than a charter drawn by freeholders elected from the city. The Optional Municipal Code was passed without opposition by the Washington State Legislature . S) Most types of city government provisions available to first class charter cities are open to second class non-charter cities under the Optional Municipal Code . 6) The Optional Municipal Code on a non-charter basis provides for a smaller seven-man city council , which this Committee felt could operate more effectively and efficiently than the present twelve- man council . 7) The Optional Municipal Code provides for an appointed city clerk and an appointed city treasurer. Most of the .Committee felt that these two positions could be capably filled by appointment . The quality of the appointments are expected to equal that achieved by election. Under the more centralized administration of the city executive office , a more integrated and efficient government is anticipated . 8) Renton differs from most cities of second class size due to its peculiar location and industrial. nature . It must have flexibility to meet peculiar local problems and solve them in a timely manner. 9) The Optional Municipal Code provides for more flexibility for cooperation between neighboring local government-4 . The mayor/council form of government was preferred for the following reasons : 1) If the citizenry could affix the responsibility of city action ori a mayor having responsibility and authority , the electorate could exercise more control over the mayor than a city manager appointed by an elected council . The Committee has confidence in the judgment of citizens to generally elect a mayor with satisfactory administrative ability. 2) The commission form of government was reviewed and dismissed- -largely on the basis that it generally proves ineffective and inefficient . The national and local pattern has been to dissolve commission type governments over the past twenty -five years. -10- 2 f 5) August 18, 1969 FINAL REPORT OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ADVISORY .COMMITTEE Page Three 3) Renton, by nature of its location and industrial complexion, is subject to significant and rapid change . These conditions must be handled with positive action . These actions are best available from a city council of workable size and a mayor with strong administrative powers . Mor ti Inclusion of provisions for initiative and referendum were recommended for the following reasons : 1) It would provide an opportunity to the citizenry for their protection against inaction or excessive action on the part of local government. 2) Citizens become more responsive and involved when they are provided avenues of action. 3) The initiative and referendum provisions build interest and trust in the local governing body by the citizens . These provisions also allow the legislature an avenue of communication so they can be more responsive to the needs of the electorate . boo -11- 276 August ib, 1969 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 . Optional Municipal Code--Title 35A Laws , 1967 , Executive Session, Chapter 119 . 2 . Renton City Government- -League of Women Voters , May, 1968 . 3. Whither Renton- -A Study of the OMC & A C-om arison wit First & Secon Class Status , League of Women Voters of Renton, May, 1-9-6-9-. 4 . Evaluation of the Various Forms of Municipal overnment , Prepared by Ernest H. Campbell , Associate Director, and John S. Lamb , Municipal Consultant, Bureau of Governmental Research and Services , University of Washington, Research Memorandum No . 64 , January, 1966 . i 5 . Changing From a Second or Third Class City to a First Class City, Prepare by RutFii- Ittner, Research Consultant, and Ernest H. Campbell , Associate Director, Bureau of Governmental Research and Services , University of' Washington, Research Memorandum No . 61, March, 1963. 6 . A Guide for Charter Commissions , National Muni.c _pal League, Third E ition, 1957 . 7. Model City Charter, National Municipal League, Sixth Edition, 1964 . 8. City Charters for the Cities of Bremerton, Richland, Seattle , Ticoma, Vancouver, and Yakima. ,7 -12- ADISCUSSION/DECISION PLAN A FIRST LEVEL OF Stay as is 2O Adopt Some Form of O Become a First DISCUSSION AND (2nd Class Optional Code Class City DECISION No Code) ov 2nd LEVEL Commission Mayor Present Council Council Mayor Commission Form of Council Form With Manager Manager Form Council Form of Government Form Code (Grand- Form (Size of Form Government father Clause) Council 3rd LEVEL 12A 1 Charter Non-Charter Form Council 7 Charter Non- Strong Weak Appoint Clerk Form Charter Mayor Mayor and Treasurer i 1 1 2 Council Size 7, 9, 11? Elect Size of Council? 4th LEVEL Strong Weak Strong Weak or Appoint Clerk Mayor Selection? Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor and Treasurer ? Council Size Provisions for Initiative Yes ? No ? OTHER 7 , 9, or 11? QUESTIONS Elect or Appoint Provisions for Referendum Yes ? No ? Clerk & Treasurer Timing of Change Recommended 0 INDICATES END OF MAJOR DECISIONS AVOTES L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8/18/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1954 $ 565.00 BOEING CO. 4-01 BUILDING REMODEL WINDOW AREA 1955 400.00 FRED SANDERS 1901 N.E. 14TH ST. INST. RETAINING WALL 1956 VOID 1957 21,050.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2533 BURNETT CT. S. CONST. FAMILY RES. 1958 23,250.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2539 BURNETT CT. S. CONST. FAMILY RES. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2264 130.00 BOEING CO. 4-01 BLDG. 120 VOLT OUTLETS 2265 240.00 BOEING CO. 10-57 BLDG. RELOCATE EL. OUTLETS 2266 300.00 BOEING CO. 10-50 BLDG. RELOCATE JIGS 2267 119.00 BOEING CO. 4-04 BLDG. XEROX RECEPTACLES 2268 50.00 BOEING CO. 5-50 BLDG. RECEPTACLE-MACCS SYSTEM E 2269 400.00 BOEING CO. 7-65-2 BLDG. REPLACE 45 KVA TRANSFORMER 2270 245.00 BOEING CO. 10-58 BLDG. INST. COUNTER BELL 2271 600.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. HYDRAULIC POWER SUPPLY 2272 LOUIS GEBENINI 668 SUNSET BLVD.N.E. NEW SERVICE RES. 2273 400.00 CLYDE FOSTER 1707 S.E. 18TH PL. WIRE NEW RES. E 2274 245.00 TROY HUTCHENSON 632 SHATTUCK AVE. S. NEW 125 AMP SERV. 2275 500.00 KARL LOE 862 QUEEN AVE. N.E. INST.EL. HEAT 2276 560.00 JOHN IWANICH 2907 PARK AVE. N. WIRE NEW RES. 2277 1,200.00 PUGET WESTERN 30 S. GRADY WAY INST. POLES & FIX. 2278 115.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BLDG. INST. VOLT OUTLET E 2279 100.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. INST EL. SERVICE 2280 250.00 BOEING CO. 10-51 BLDG. INSTALL EL. LEAD TO JIG 2281 540.00 BOEING CO. 10-65 BLDG. RELOCATE ENG. DEV. 2282 86.00 BOEING CO. 4-21-2 BLDG. INST. SOURCE RECORDER 2283 150.00 BOEING CO.. 4-21 BLDG. RELOCATE AOG E 2284 89.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BLDG. REARRANGE ENG. 2285 74.00 BOEING CO. 1080 BLDG. INST. OUTLET 2286 1,600.00 BOEING CO. 4-64 BLDG. RELOC. PHILANTHROPIC OP. 2287 50.00 BOEING CO. 4-17 BLDG. REWORK PANEL B-1 2288 500.00 J.C. FRICHETTE 2416 N.E. 9TH PL. CHANGE TO 200A SERVICE 2289 800.00 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVE. S. WIRE LIGHTS IN POOL MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2070 WILLIS SPARROW 2109 DAYTON AVE. N.E. INST. GAS TANK 2071 BOEING CO. 10-71 BUILDING HYDRAULIC POWER SUP. 2072 BOEING CO. 4-81 BLDG. UPGRADE SEWAGE STA. 2073 JACK E. WILSON 807UNION AVE. N.E. GAS PIPING 2074 DON DOUBLES 364 STEVENS AVE. N.W. INST. GAS FURNACE M 2075 SEATTLE 1ST.NTL. 311 Williams Ave. S. INST VENT. SYSTEM 2076 GOV-MART BAZAAR 721 RAINIER AVE. S. INST GAS HEATER 2077 BOEING CO. 4-60 BLDG. INST. STORM DRAIN 2078 W. F. WINTERS 3713 N.E. 9TH ST. INST. BOILER & DRYER SEWER PERMITS S 912 GENE GALYEAN. 2216 16TH AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 913 BOB PRATT 10228 S.E. 93RD. CONNECT SEWER 914 RICHARD COFFELL 1616 NEWPORT AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER 915 R.E. HAYWOOD 1013 N. 31ST ST. CONNECT SEWER 916 MALKOM McDOUGAL 10218 S.E. 93RD CONNECT SEWER S 917 FRANCIS DEVINE 10060 S.E. 93RD CONNECT SEWER 918 MRS. ELLEN BERGEN 1117 31ST N.E. CONNECT SEWER 919 LILLIAN SWANSON 816N. 29TH ST. CONNECT SEWER i 920 ONNIE SCULATI 2908 Lk. Wa. Blvd. N. CONNECT SEWER 921 ONNIE SCULATI 2912 LK. WA. BLVD. N. CONNECT SEWER S 922 ROCK C. VADNEY 1209 N. 29TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 923 CLAUDE FOSTER 1707 S.E. 18TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 924 MARVIN HAAS 1208 N. 29TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 925 MIKI HILFER 1201 N. 29TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 926 CLAYTON BENNER 1202 N. 29TH ST. CONNECT SEWER S 927 VIOLETTE JOHNS 1209 N. 30TH ST. CONNECT. SEWER 928 LEE WOODS 1109 N. 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER -14- i i I Pow 0 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk R E F E R R A L S August 25 , 1969 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Resolution for Code of Ethics LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE L. I.D. 268, Watermains in Rainier Ave . , Woody Glen Addition Annexation , A69-01 , Briere-McGrath , E. of 132nd Ave. S.E. in vicinity of S. E. 100th Street Sign Code Ordinance - Place on introductory reading Traffic Engineering Department Fund Transfer, $8 , 000. 00 from lighting to traffic control for maintenance for balance of 1969 Fund appropriations from Cumulative Funds unto City Hall Construction Fund for new fountain and pool project , $18 ,290. 00 Precinct Revisions (Ordinance 2495 adopted) Underground Wiring Ordinance (Ordinance 2496 adopted) Rezone ,Highlands Hospital District Property (Ordinance No. 2497 adopted) MAYOR 'S YOUTH GUIDANCE COMMITTEE Letter from Governor Evans requesting formation of Drug Abuse Council POLICE AND LICENSE- COMMITTEE Ken Ponder and Sherwin Earl request for No-Fee Permit to conduct door-to- door candy sales in Renton PROPERTY COMMITTEE_ To negotiate lease of Municipal Building office space to Valley Regional Planning Commission PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Proposed Resolution requesting modification of Air Pollution Control Laws recommended by Mr. Merrill L. Kuehn , City Mgr . , Normandy Park 4EETINGS AND EVENTS . 8/27/69 - Committee of the Whole at 7 :30 p.m. 9/4/69 - AWC workshop at Hyatt House re Budgets and Police & Fire Pensions 9/8/69 - Special City Shop Building Committee meeting at 7 :00 p.m. 9/9/69 - Light & Power Committee public hearing meeting re underground wiring So . 2nd Ste , Main Ave . So. and Bronson Way City Hall Lunchroom is open daily with breakfast and lunches being served from 7 :00 a . m. - 3 :00 p.m. and self-service for coffee , rolls , etc. after 3 : 00 p.m . , Monday through Friday . i 280 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 25, 1969 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer at 8 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly , ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Perry, Grant , Bruce, Maxin, Edwards , Trimm, Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . Absent : Barei and Garrett. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Gwen Marshall , Deputy City Clerk, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF AUGUST 18 , 1969 AS MAILED OUT.. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: L. Io D. 268 , Water Mains - Woody Glen Addition , Pre- liminary Assessment Roll Cont . from 7/14/69) Rainier Ave . This being the date set, the hearing was declared open . Letter from Robert Rivily , property owner within the district boundaries , requested City par- ticipation in the project since the Renton Municipal Airport is located on the East side of the Street and private ownership bearing a greater than normal cost because of this situation . Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported total estimated cost, including engineering, taxes , legal and L . I. D. costs is $54 ,043 . 55 with no written protest having been received as of 5 :00 p.m. this date . Audience comment was invited and property owners inquiring regarding City participation included Mr . Floyd Henderson , Dick Giovi , G. M. Auto Sales , Max Miller, who also inquired regarding mode of assessment , Stewart Pope and Bob Stellnauer, Eastway Truck & Campers . City Engineer Wilson dis- played map of the proposed district and outlined Zone and Termini method of computing assessments as established by State Law. Inquiries followed regarding future plans , 6" main not permitted for industrial use ,from nearby apartments Plans are to extend up to 3rd and a 12" line would be needed. Location of lines was discussed and it was noted they would lie behind the sidewalk within State right-of-way- The City Engineer advised that the Airport was now served with City of Seattle water and was not included in the L. I. D. , not being benefited specifically by the improvement . It was noted inclusion is not prohibited,and after discussion regarding fact that this is preliminary hearing only and assessment may be lower if a good bid is received, initiation of the L. I.D. by property owners also being reported, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO PROCEED WITH FORMATION OF L. I.D. 268 WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. City Engineer Wilson was requested to draw up costs with city participation , some gbligation existing on the part of the City . THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING : Annexation, A69-01 Briere-McGrath Corp. , BRB File 208 , East of 132nd Ave . S .E. in vicinity of S.E. 100th Street This being the date set , the hearing was declared open , There being no communications received, audience comment was invited. Mr. Grice , on behalf of McGrath Corporation advised of acquisition of the subject property from the Briere 's and plans for development in Glencoe No . 2 with paving of the entire street to be included and to be very beneficial to the community. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ACCEPT THIS ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED. -l- 2S 1 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont. ) 8125169 Mayor Custer announced that the Municipal Lunchroom was now in operation and coffee was available on serve yourself basis after 3 :p.m. otherwise open from 7 : 00 a .m . Monday through Friday . Visitors were invited to use the facility loudspeakers allowing the council proceedings to be heard. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Letter was read from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, reporting -revisions to Legal descriptions of voting precincts to conform with precinct map as requested by King County , Code to be updated accordingly . MOVED BY MmeORRIS, SECOND BY PERRY TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM presented for reading;' Ordinance amending Chapter 7 of Title I, (Administrative) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to revised boundaries of certain precincts within the City , including Precincts No . 16 , 19 , 22 , 27 and 28 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY MORRIS, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING IT WAS MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2495 as read. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Ordinance was presented and placed on introductory reading, amending Section 4-1803 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to conversion of electric and communication facilities to underground facili- ties , notice to owners for conversion , time limitations , objections and hearings thereon . Light and Power Committee report was read recommending amendment to the present Undergrounding and Conversion Ordinance . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION .WITH REFER- AL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Law and Ordinance Committee recommended concurrence -and final reading. IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2496 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE AND THE MOTION CARRIED. MW , Proposed Ordinance was presented for introductory readingyand referral back to the Law and Ordinance Committee was requested. The Deputy Clerk read the proposed Ordinance establishing and creating a "Sign Code" to be herein- after known and designated as the "Renton Sign Code" as Chapter 19 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , regulating the location , size, type and maintenance of signs and related matters , prohibiting the use of certain signs , prescribing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing Chapters 11 and 12 , Title IV, (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 and any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the City of Renton from General Suburban Residence Dis- trict (GS-1) to Suburban Residence District (SR-1 ) .MOVEn BY DELAURENTI,SECOND BY PERRY, TO REFER SAME TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Mr . Peter Paget of Schweppe, Doolittle , Krug and Tausend, Attorneys representing the hospital district, , read a letter,received too late to be placed on the Agenda , from Wm. E. Murray, Administrator, Valley General Hospital , restating withdrawal Df application for zone change on the hospital district property in the Renton Highlands as per letter read at public hearing of 8111169 and it ,,vas noted action of the council in proceeding on zone classification change was inappropriate and ineffective in view of the termination of the rezone request . Council was urged to consider the application withdrawn and take no further action at its meeting of 8125169. Attorney Paget stated the Council should drop the matter in regard for the withdrawal . Otherwise it should reject the recommendation of the Planning Commission or approve it the hospital district being willing to accept the R-2 , but not modify it , the approximate 80 persons signing protest not unfavorable to R-2 or less . Mr . Graham, one of the petitioners protesting the rezone stated they had not expressed willingness for R-2 and felt the Council should continue the single family zoning action . It was noted referral was made because Legal Description entitled Exhibit A was not attached . -2- 282 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCaL MFETING 8/25/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Rezone of Hospital District property located in the Highlands to SR-1 Attorney Paget called attention to limitations of the Council in rezone actions , Councilman Perry noted the Council had rejected the Planning Com- mission recommendation and =gas acting upon Cou.nc-i.l initiated rezone and not the recommendation of. the Planning CommissJOn . It was recalled by Grant that the wording of t',.e document had been revised by Attorney Hillis the legal to..be revised accordingly . Question w.-.s called for on the motion to refer to committee and t:,,e verbal vote followed with motion declared - carried . RESOLUTION No . 1646 tra- adopted upon MOTION BY TR.I" A9 , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , AND CARRIED, azq-,roving the .Final Plat for the subdivision of Tiffany Park No . 2 , 'within the City , such approval being deemed proper and advisable and in tFe public interest . CORRF'SPONDENCE AND CURPSNT BUSINESS : Letter from Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , requested transfer of $8 , 000 . 00 from• Traffic Engineering 1330 , Lighting and Signal Division Acct . 303 , Utili. tu Service--Power , unto , Traffic Control Acct . 417 , Materials and Supplies , which amount is available due to decrease in rates for street 1_ighting energy and is needed at this time for maintenance program for 3:,..,l ance of the year . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR, WITH REFERRAL TO THE L.7,1,7 AND ORDINANCE, COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. T H E _'O T I O N CARRIED. Letter from Gene L . Coulon , Park Director , submitted final billing on C. AG . 1352-68 , Stage 2 , Building, Lake Wn . Beach Park , Contractor J . D. Stewart Company , in sur.--, of S10 , 71. 8 . 15 . Acceptance this date and commence- ment of the 30-day lien period was recommended, it being noted the City will be reimbursed by State and Federal funds to the percentage of City comm-fitment . MOVED BY 14ORRIS , .SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOM- MENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED. . Letter from the Park Director reported acceptance by the Department of C .AG . 1491 -6.9 , Tennis Court construction by Raecolith , Inc . , at Kiwanis and Philip Arnold Parks . it was recommended that final payment in sum of $3 ,869. 04 be authorized with Council acceptance and commencement of the 30-day lien period . Retention of $2 ,070. 00 to be released if no claims or liens are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Ken Ponder and Sherwin Earl requested No-Fee Permit to sell candy door to door in the City of Renton on August 30 , from noon until 4 : 00 p .m . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE . CARRIED. Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , submitted final estimate for work performed on L. I. D. 261 , Sanitary Sewers , Kennydale , by Olympic View Plumb- ing , Contractor , in sum of x30 , 325 . 87 , completed on July 20 , and accepted by the Engineering Department on. August 14 . Council acceptance and authori- zation for final payment with commencement_ of the 30-day lien period was recommended . Retained amount of $11 , 336 . 25 to be released thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY EDVIARD.S, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER . THE MOTION CARRIED. Association of Washington Cities publications were reported received and on file in the office of the City Clerk as follows : AWC - 36 Years of Progress in municipal Legislation , 1933-1969; Notice of Outdoor Recreation Planning and Funding Workshop , 9 : 30 a .m . - 5 : 00 p . m . , Tuesday , September 9, Yakima County Courthouse; Tues . Sept . 30 , Kelso , Cowlitz County Courthouse and Wed . , Oct . 1 , Everett , Snohomish County Courthouse . Agenda Attached; j 1968 - 1969 Annual Report of. AWC. Writ of Prohibition Application No . 712471 , Charles Shane , Relator , vs . County of King; the County Auditor; Edward Logan , as County Election Super- visor, The City of Renton; He.lmie W. Nelson, as City Clerk, Respondents was received by the City Clerk's Office on 8/19/69, wherein affiant prays for a writ prohibiting respondents from conducting or causing to be held an election for a certain position on the Renton City Council oL Show Cause why such Writ should not be issued. -3- 4.l 281--) •) MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/25/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont. ) Mayor Custer reported receipt of items after preparation of the Agenda . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ALLOW READING OF THE ADDITIONAL COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED. Letter from Governor Evans called attention to the major social problem of drug abuse and urged that immediate actions be taken to create drug abuse councils to mobilize community resources to present relevant medical acts to give youth the knowledge needed to overcome curiosity about drugs nd to develop solutions to meet the needs of each area , quick action deemed uwecessary to provide new approaches to reverse the present frightening trend. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLE'RT, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE MAYOR 'S YOUTH GUIDANCE COMMITTEE FOR LIST OF NAMES TO SERVE ON A DRUG ABUSE COUNCIL. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Mr. Merrill L. Kuehn, City Manager , Normandy Park, submitted proposed Resolution for amendment to Air Pollution Control legislation to permit burning of certain materials during established periods on basis of weather conditions and proper maintenance . - It is felt such regulations would eliminate illegal burning as well as roadside dumping of refuse , inconveniences of obtaining permits and excessive costs for waste pickup and dumping. Adoption by the Cities and presentation to the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency was urged. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Custer called attention to paintings on the walls of the Chamber and others located in his office and in the conference room which have been presented to the City by the Rotary Club. Appropriate tags will be placed on each of the four paintings with donor identity . The Mayor called attention to work commenced on the fountain and pool , a Dart of the cost having been donated by Williams and Swanson the the balance rom City beautification and city hall cumulative funds . The total contract s $18 ,290 . 00 however, the City will be doing some of the work to reduce the *rost by approximately 1 ,100 . 00. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Dick Stredicke, 1014 Tacoma Avenue N. E. , reported campaign contribution received in the mail from Mr. Albert Balch noting that inasmuch as the party had matters pending before the Planning Commission of which he is Chairman , he had returned the contribution . A like amount was to follow from Mr . Balch 's son according to note accompanying the check for $24 . 75 . Others receiving contributions were asked to comment since they also had likely been contacted with _matters before them cdncerni-ng donor's lands . Councilman Perry. also a candidate for City Council advised he had received a check on Tuesday, (after the subject came before the Council) which he was returning. Upon inquiry as to status of the subject party 's request of last week for Conditional Permit to place trailers in area presently zoned for single family use , it was pointed out by Attorney Shellan that such could not be granted under the present ordinance, recalling that the Commission has a new ordinance near completion to permit trailer parks in R-3 . R-4 areas but not in R-1 or single family residential areas . Mr. Balch presently has a rezone application before the Planning Commission for such R-3 zoning and upon adoption of the new Trailer Park Ordinance could theh- be in compliance . t was noted that final action taken by the Council was to refer the matter o the Planning Committee for review and recommendation it having been con- horirmed -actuality that . action to grant the conditional permit would not be legal . Grant urged adoption of Code of Ethics which he plans to submit for Resolution and with regard to conflict of interest City Attorney Shellan noted there are statutes on the 'books now that apply to any possible ;problems . Councilman Delaurenti stated he had received a call and had advised that he was running unopposed and did not need funds . Counailman Schellert advised he had been contacted Sunday and not knowing of the matter to come before the Council had not conceived of any disregard of his integrity,acting accordingly with disdain when the matter was presented , it having been his request for referral to the Attorney of proposed illegal action . -4- 284 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/25/69 AUDIENCE COMMENT: . (Cont . ) Campaign Fund Contributions Grant stated his intent, as maker of the previous week 's motion , that the action be referred to the City Attorney and Building Director and he had received no contributions . Mr. Sven Johnson , former City of Renton Building Director, inquiring as to price above the $25 . 00 for which the City might be sold, reported offers during his employment with the City by two persons in tonight ' s audience of proposals and sealed envelopes for services,which he immediately turned down , one reason he was no longer with the City as an employee . Perry asked that the two persons be named and Mr. Johnson chose not to disclose same . Mr. Johnson stated the City had a good beginning on Air Pollution Control but funds were not available to continue the program during his term as director. Mr. Archie Graham inquired regarding disposition of the Ordinance concerning rezone of the hospital district property in the Highlands and Mayor Custer advised if there were some question on the legal he would withhold his sig- nature until it was properly attached and Council could proceed if desired. Mr. Frank Storey commented regarding the paintings , the seascape being self- evident there being some reserved query however regarding the abstract which brought comment of "City Council in Action" . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL. Council President Perry submitted COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT recommending the Council authorize the Property Committee to negotiate for lease of office space in the Municipal Building by the Valley Regional Planning Com- mission on an annual basis . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Council President Perry announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Wednesd , August 27 , at 7 : 30 p.m. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MORRIS, THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REZONING THE HOS- PITAL OWNED PROPERTY IN THE HIGHLANDS,FROM GS-1 TO SR-1 ,BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THIS TIME AND THE MAYOR WITHHOLD SIGNATURE UNTIL EXHIBIT OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS ATTACHED. Schellert expressed concern regarding this action since the attorney and representative from the Hospital District had left the meeting suggesting the Districts request be granted if action is to be taken . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY TRIMM, TO TABLE THE MOTION. THE MOTION TO TABLE FAILED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE,REZONING THE HOSPITAL DISTRICT PROPERTY IN THE HIGH- LANDS TO SR-1 in conformance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan , ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : AYE: Perry , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards Delaurenti and Morris. NO: Trimm and Schellert. The motion carried. The proposed Ordinance was read . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2497 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. THE MOTION CARRIED. LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT submitted recommendation that the City Clerk and Mayor be authorized to execute contract for underground wiring project in vicinity of intersection of South Second Street , Main Avenue South and Bronson Way, with Puget Sound Power and Light Company without reference therein to Tariff Schedule 71 so as not to prejudice the pending litigation . It has been determined that the project, not being street widening or re- location would not qualify for the 90/10 cost distribution of Tariff Schedule r 71 as described in the City 's Underground Wiring Ordinance No . 2432 and the project is not concerned in any way with '.present litigation. Contractysubject to approval of the City Attorney and Traffic Engineerjis in sum of $12,240. 00. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE I LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. I Recommended further that a public hearing be held on September 9 , 1969 at ' 7 :30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers with property owners affected by this Project, to be conducted by the Light and Power Committee, the Traffic Engineering Department to mail out notification of the hearing to property owners . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/25/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS reported committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 3567 - 3677 and L T D. #261 , Cash and Revenue Vouchers No . 6 , and MOVED THAT SAME BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED, Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 3567 - 3602 $ 8 ,997 . 33 City Street Fund 3603 - 3615 22 ,555 . 54 Equipment Rental Fund 3616 - 3630 1 ,553 . 50 Library Fund 3631 - 3632 40 . 52 Park Fund 3633 - 3647 9, 852 . 46 rrrr Waterworks Utility Fund 3648 - 3663 21 ,999 . 35 1965 Water & Sewer Const 3664 75 . 00 Airport Fund 3665 - 3669 219 . 84 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 3670 - 3677 2 ,590. 51 $ 67 ,884 . 05 L, I ,Do 261 Cash Fund #6 $30 ,325 . 87 L �I. D , 261 -Revenue Fund #6 $3Q ,325 . 87 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT submitted recommendation for funding civic center fountain and pool as follows : $766 .34 FROM: Cumulative Reserve Fund No . 2283 , $�600 � 00 �/ Cumulative Reserve Fund No ,, 1894 , 2-,74422 -3 ! // Cumulative Reserve Fund No . 2,369 5 ,545 . 78 UNTO: City Hall Construction Fund , expending budgetary account 2810 , Capital outlay, 602 MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED B Y EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE , CARRIED. Mr . Frank Storey inquired regarding donations and Mayor Custer reported that landscaping of the balance of the triangle fountain site would not be possible with only the donations and beautification and city hall cumulative funds will be used to complete the project . EW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : LANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN reported that a member of the Planning "eommiss-ion had advised that the Commission has no formal application nor have fees been filed by attorney Phillips nor his client for consideration on the property proposed for trailer park use discussed earlier this evening and some such action is needed to progress the matter further at this time . Councilman Grant presented proposed Resolution and MOVED THAT THE TITLE BE READ AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED. The proposed resolution relates to city public officers and employees; prohibit- ing acts resulting in conflict of interest; establishing a Code of Ethics for City officials and employees; establishing a City of Renton Board of Ethics and prescribing its duties and functions; and prescribing penalties . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION IN ITS ENTIRETY TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR REPORT BACK, THE MOTION CARRIED. The Special City Shop Building Committee will meet on Monday , September 8 , at 7 :00 p.m. in Councilman Maxin ' s office . Councilman Schellert called attention to AWC Workshop to be held September 4 , at the Hyatt House, subjects to be Budgets and Police and Fire Pension System. SPECIAL CITY HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT recommended the City accept the Municipal Building , CAG 1156-67 , and commence the 30-day .lien period , retained amount of $52 , 937 . 57 to be released thereafter less any liens or claims which ay be filed and upon proof of payment of tax .liabilities by Contractor, Absher Mir onstruction Co . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONI)ED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. As there was no further business , it. was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN , CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 55 p .m, There were 68 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. r / Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer , Mayor -6- 286 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8/26/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK It 1959 $ 900.00 EDDIE ROBERTSON 320 MEADOW AVE. N. REMODEL GARAGE 1960 782.45 JOSEPH B. BOURNE 1813 UNION AVE. N.E. INSTALL FENCE 1961 3,800.00 MRS. ELEANOR MONAN 1503 DAVIS AVE. S. CONST. EXISTING RES. 1962 MIKE LOTTO 1520 S.W. GRADY WY. CONST. WAREHOUSE l; 1963 300.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 2508 N. 4TH ST. RELOCATE PORTABLES 1964 300.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 2503 JONES AVE. S. RELOCATE PORTABLES 1965 300.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 809 HARRINGTON AVE. N.E.RELOCATE PORTABLES 1966 200.00 K. J. OYLER 2516 N.E. 18TH ST. ERECT FENCE 1967 VOID 1968 450.00 FRANK D. ZAPPALO 2210 N.E. 8TH ST. CONST. STORAGE BLDG. ELECTRICAL PERMITS F; 2290 50.00 ROBT. BAILEY CONST. 1601 LK. YOUNGS WY-S.E. TEMP. SERVICE 2291 50.00 HERR HOMES 1215 LINCOLN PL. N.E. TEMP. SERVICE 2292 50.00 HAROLD MILES CONST. 520 RAYMOND PL. N.W. TEMP. SERVICE 2293 50.00 SIMONE CONST. 439 RAINIER AVE. S. TEMP. SERVICE 2294 50.00 WESTERN STATES CONST. 434 SOUTH MAIN ST. TEMP. SERVICE F 2295 2,200.00 WEBER AIRCRAFT 740 THOMAS AVE. S.W. REWIRE BLDG. 2296 50.00 JOSEPH DIXON 3331 N.E. 10th PL. WIRE POOL 2297 550.00 HERVE BELISLE 2010 N.E. 27th ST. WIRE NEW RES. 2298 100.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 2508 N. 4TH ST. WIRE PORTABLES 2299 100.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 809 HARRINGTON AVE NE. INSTALL METER E 2300 100.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 2403 JONES AVE. S. GROUNDS FOR PORTABLES 2301 300.00 CITY OF RENTON N.E. 17TH & NEWPT. N.E.WIRE LIFT STATION 2302 12,400.00 BOEING CO. RENTON AIRPORT INSTALL WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2079 PAYNE CONST. 180 HARDY AVE. S.W. INST. FURNACE & PIPE 2080 EVERETT SANDERS 692 REDMOND AVE. N.E. INST. FURNACE 2081 PARKWOOD HOMES 743 S. 27TH ST. INST. FURNACE & TANKvj 2082 PARKWOOD HOMES 709 S. 27TH ST. INST. FURNACE & TANK 2083 PARKWOOD HOMES 2618 WHITWTH. CT. S. INST. FURNACE & TANK M 2084 PARKWOOD HOMES 743 S. 27TH ST. INST. FIXTURES, PLUMB. 2085 PARKWOOD HOMES 709 S. 27TH ST. INST. FIXTURES, PLUMB. 2086 McGRATH CORP. 4437 N.E. 23RD CT. INSTFURNACE & TANK 2087 McGRATH CORP. 2207 ANACORTES AV. NE. INST.. FURNACE & TANK 2088 REBECCA SARGENT 2016 EDMONDS AVE. NE. INST. FURNACE M 2089 E. J. BARTELL CO. 701 POWELL AVE. S.W. INST. HEATERS 2090 NICK FESTIN 540 RAINIER AVE. S. INST. GAS PIPING SEWER PERMITS S 929 JACK IN BOX RESTAUR. 439 RAINIER AVE. S. CONNECT SEWER 930 JOHN IVANICH 2907 PARK AVE. N. CONNECT SEWER 931 T. ROWS 932 1716 MONROE AVE. N.E. CONNECT SEWER HARRY GILMOUR 1003 N. 29TH CONNECT SEWER 933 PETER KOSNY 812 N. 30TH CONNECT SEWER 934 JOHANNA LEE 706 N. 29TH CONNECT SEWER -7- '! Transfers of funds approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of August , 1969 . FROM: TO CLAIMS FUND Cur-rent Fund Arterial Street 36 ,060 . 87 City Street Fund 50 ,075 . 89 Cedar River M. & I. 492 . 01 Equipment Rental 12 ,210 . 26 Library Fund 8 ,937. 36 Park Fund 42 ,069 . 92 Waterworks Utility 96 ,025 . 69 1965 Water & Sewer Construction 17,358 . 06 Airport Fund 3 ,993 . 54 Firemen 's Pension Fund 4,040 . 94 City Hall Construction Fund 19 ,343. 94 Urban Arterial Fund 28,667 . 99 Total Claims $358,003 . 25 FROM: TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund 147,173. 85 City Street Fund 38,941 .15 Cedar River M. & I. 653. 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,201 . 98 Library 11 ,125 . 99 Parks 43, 738. 97 Waterworks Utility 23,045 . 34 Airport Fund .x ,379 .00 Firemen 's Pension Fund 100 . 00 Total Payroll $271 ,559 . 28 �w 288 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEF,TING R E F E R' R A L S Office of the City Clerk September 3, 1969 CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CA'RR'IER Summons and Complaint for Quiet Title on real property in .Motor Line Addition Claim of R . L . Greenfield for damage from sewage back-up, $267 .11 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Code of Ethics Proposal for 5 year contract with NCR for rental of Century 100 machine Service agreement and contract with NCR for 500 Data Process machine now in use to cover interim until new installation has been authorized FIRE AND WATER COPTAfITTEE Bi rros for Coldy Water Meters Zt_ Appropriation of $13 ,238 . 90,received from Friends of Youth for water main in vicinity of Griffin Home , into Engineering Dep ' t . budgetary account MA YOR To forward copy of letter from Mzs. Mary Marang re Drug Abuse Center to Suburban Mayor 's Ass 'n . To execute Lease documents with Valley Regional Planning Commission for office space in Municipal Building To execute contract documents for improvement of Lind Avenue S . W. To execute documents for use of Municipal huilding for fallout shelter To contact 171. G .N. regarding proposed Drug Abuse Center for Valley Cities CITY CLERK To execute lease documents with Valley Regional Planning Commission for office space in Renton Municipal Building To execute contract documents for improvement of Ldnd Avenue S . W. To execute documents in connection with Municipal Building fallout shelter POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Green an ,;hite Cab Co . application for license to operate in Renton �7.pplication for licenses to operate coin type pool tables at F .O .E. and E1 Picador and ncvelty machines at V.F.W. Club Public Transportation , Inc. request as purchaser, for transfer of Renton Radio and Renton Yellow taxicab licenses PUBLIC .RELATIONS COMMITTEE Letter from Puget Sound Air Control Agency report 'of actions taken by local industries to control air pollution MEETINGS ANS' EVENTS : September 9 , 1969 - Light and Power Committee public hearing on undergrounding September 10 ,1969 - Fire and Water Committee at 7 :30 p.m. , 6th fl . conf. rm . September 15 ,1969 - Public Relations Committee at 7 :00 p.m. , Chairman 's office Planning Committee at 7 :30 p.m. in Chairman 's office September 17 , 1969 - Committee of the Whole at 7 :30 p.m. in Council Chambers �a RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk September 8 , 1969 MINUTES The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer , Mayor, at 8 : 00 p.m . in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm , Garrett , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant Shane and Barei . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF AUGUST 25 , AS MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted the following for adoption as read by the City Clerk: Proposed Ordinance ordering construction and installation of certain water mains and appurtenances thereto adjacent to Rainier Avenue between a point 160 feet south of Renton Avenue Extension and the Easterly pro- duction of the northerly line of Blk. 6 , Woodyglen Addition , all in accordance with City of Renton Resolution No . 1638 ; establishing Local Improvement District No . 268; providing the method of assessment in said District ; providing that payment for said 'improvement be made by special assessments upon property in said District , payable by mode of "payment by Bonds" or "Notes" in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council ; and providng for the sale and issuance of Local Improvement District warrants redeemable in cash and Local Improvement District Bonds or Notes . LOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING AND MOTION BY SCHELLERT SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO ADOPT, ROLL CALL RESULTED IN TEN AYES, PERRY ABSTAINING BEING ABSENT DURING' READING, AND SHANE NOT YET ARRIVING . MOTION ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 2498 CARRIED. Proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 18 of Title V, (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to card rooms . (Repealing licensing of same) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY TRIMM, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY PERRY, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2499 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : AYE: PERRY, MORRIS; SCHELLERT, TRIMM, GARRETT, EDWARDS , MAXIN, AND BRUCE, NO: DELAURENTI AND- GRANT. BAREI ABSENT FROM THE CHAMBERS . Proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 9 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to pinball machines and similar devices . MOVED BY SCHELLERt , SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO PLACE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADOPT . ORDINANCE NO. 2500 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : AYE :PERRY, MORRIS, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, TRIMM, GARRETT, EDWARDS, MAXIN. NO : BRUCE AND GRANT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Grant questioned enforcement provisions and also County actions in fulfillment of campaign zssu6s . 'Bruce added' that Pre should take lead in such matters and not follow actions of other muni - cipalities . Attention was called to the fact that actions are being taken to comply with State Law not to follow suit of others . Need for change in the State Law was acknowledged. -1- 290 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/8/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) Proposed Ordinance was submitted for reading establishing and providing special water and sewer rates to certain residents of the City , imposing conditions , providing penalties for violation thereof and amending Section 3-231 relating to water rates and Section 8-715 relating to sewer ratesof Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" . (Adding provision for marital community income of $350 . 00 or less and $4 ,200 . 00 per annum to be eligible for special utility rate , if owner or purchaser of single family dwelling and 65 years of age or older .) Also including single persons 65 or older and/or totally and permanently disabled, residing in single family dwelling as owner or purchaser with income from all sources of $250 . 00 per month or less and $3 , 000 . 00 per annum or less . Rates shall be $1 . 00 per month limited to 900 cu . ft . per month , excess charged as provided in Sec. 3-231 , Title III. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MORRIS, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN TEN AYES , SHANE ABSENT AND MAXIN VOTING NO. THE MOTION CARRIED, ADOPTING ORDINANCE 2501 . RESOLUTION NO. 1647 was adopted upon motion by Delaurenti , second by Morris, authorizing transfer of $8 ,000 . 00 from Traffic Engineering lighting and Signal Division , Acct . 303 , Utility Service , Power, Unto : Traffic Control Division Acct . 147 , Materials and Supplies . RESOLUTION NO . 1648 was adopted upon motion by Delaurenti , second by Morris, authorizing appropriation of $18 ,290 . 00 from Cumulative Reserve Funds , to-wit : Cumulative Reserve Fund 2283 , $10 ,000 . 00; No . 1894 , $2 , 744 . 22 and No . 2369, $5 ,545 . 78 , Unto : Account 2810, expending budgetary account , City Hall Con- struction , 602 , Capital OUtlay for fountain and pool in the civic center. Councilman Shane arrived at the meeting at this time , 8 :45 p.m . and Mayor Custer rep6rtdd ' the Court Order finding that Councilman Shane ' s resigna- tion from the Council was not effective and he was again seated. Shane 5 denoted distinction of having been elected and confirmed by the Judge, noting "you can beat City Hall " . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter from Honorable Floyd C. Miller , Mayor of Seattle , acknowledged receipt of expression of sympathy from the Mayor, Council , City Clerk and City Treasurer in tragic auto accident death of Councilwoman Edwards . Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer, reported receiving $13 ,238 . 90 from Friends of Youth for costs on 12" water main being installed in Lake Wn . Blvd . , vicinity of Griffin Home , and it was requested that appropriation of said funds be authorized into Engineering Department expending budgetary account 1820/605 , in order that the project may be funded thereby . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE . CARRIED. Letter from Mr . Peter Paget of Schweppe , Doolittle , Krug and Tausend, the Attorney for Public Hospital District No . 1 with regard to its Highland property, requested written matter pertinent to action taken by the City Council in reclassification of zoning on the subject property and status of Application No . R-303-66 for zone change on this property . City Clerk Nelson reported that the information requested had been forwarded to the Attorneys and to Mr . Murrag, Administrator of Valley General Hospital . Letter from Green and White Cab Company requested application for license to operate a taxicab in the City of Renton . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (Later given power to act . ) Applications for two coin-type pool table li'censeswere read from Renton Aerie No. 1722 , F. 0. E. , and Mr. Leonard Molnar for E1 Picador Tavern along with V.F. W. Club request for license to permit Rainier Amusement to operate two novelty machines at said location . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- 291 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/8/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont , ) Mayor Custer had reported teceipt of two additional communications after the agenda had been prepared and it was MOVED BY MORRIS, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO ALLOW READING OF THE TWO ADDITIONAL ITEMS, CARRIED. Letter from Attorney Jack England requested on behalf of Public Trans- portation , Inco the transfer of Renton taxicab licenses issued to Radio Renton Cab and Radio Yellow Cabo MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT, CARRIED, MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE PREVIOUS APPLICATION FOR TAXICAB COMPANY OPERATOR 'S LICENSE BE REFERRED ALSO WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Summons and Complaint No . 712622 was read filed for purpose of Quieting Title on real property in Motor Line Addition to Renton , map indicating "Pipe Line"area of the City , Renton Easement for street purposes over portion of Parcel shown as Logan Street being confirmed to Defendant City of Renton, other Defendants and exceptions further outlined. MOVED BY SCZELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER . CARRIED. Claim for recovering costs incurred due to damage from sewage back up at residence of R. L. Greenfield , in sum of $267 .11 was read. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER, CARRIED, Letter from Mrs. Mary Marang requested assistance in formation of a Drug Abuse and Information Center for Renton , Kent , Auburn and Valley Cities Outline of needed personnel and living accommodations for such program were listed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MAYOR PRESENT THIS TO THE SUBURBAN MAYOR 'S ASSOCIATION CARRIED. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO WRITE U.G.N. REQUESTING FEASIBILITY STUDY AND COOPERATION IN SETTING UP SUCH A FACILITY. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BAREI, A COPY OF MRS . MARANG 'S LETTER BE SENT TO KING COUNTY OFFICIALS CARRIED, Letter from C. S. Williams, Chief of Police , requested permission to attend with Councilman Delaurenti , the International Assn. of Chiefs of Police' Convention in Miami Beach, Fla . , Sept . 27 to Oct . 2 , 1969 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST. CARRIED. SHANE OPPOSED. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported bid opening on Aug. 27 , for improvement of Lind Avenue S. W. with bids received as follows : Ehco Construction Co . , $59 ,150 . 75; Moss Construction , Inc. , $ 63 ,393 . 00; Doolittle Construction Co . $64, 580 . 50 and Pacific Paving Co . , $64 ,660. 75 . It was recommended that the low bid of Ehco Construction Company be accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the required contract documents , said project to be financed 90% by Urban Arterial Funds and 10% by Forward Thrust Funds . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER. THE MOTION CARRIED� (Tabulations attached) City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on Sept . 3 , for Cold Water Meters . There were five bidders as per tabulations attached, including Carlon Meter Sales Co . , Gamon/Calmet Meter Division; Hersey-Sparling Meter Co . ; Pacific Waterworks Supply Co . , Inc. and Rockwell Manufacturing Company . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FIRE AND WATER V COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION „ THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Gene Coulon , Park Director, reported completion of Stage 1 , Landscape Contract by Landscapers Northwest on CAG 1290-68 , Lake Wn . Beach Parke Final billing in sum of $1 ,189.13 was submitted -Project acceptance and commencement of 30-day lien period was recommended, retained amount of , $5 ,640.18 to be released thereafter if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities by contractor . The City will be reimbursed by State and Federal funds to percentage it has been committed. MOVED BXY MORRIS, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED, -3- 292 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/8/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Letter from Mr. John R . Walker, Chief, Population and Enrollment Section Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management , State of Washington , transmitted copy of Chapter 50 , Laws of 1969 Extraordinary Session which governs allocation of State monies for newly annexed population . The State funds were not granted under prior laws , if annexation was between April 2 , and August 31 in any year , until January lst next following. The new provision allows annexation population increases and allocation upon and after date of commencement of the next quarterly period upon approval of the annexation certificate . and completion of revised certifi- cate . Copy of a Resolution adopted by the Wn . State Council of County and City Employees affirmed support of city efforts to secure financial relief from the State of Washington . Assistance in such program was offered by Mr . Larry McKibben , President of the AFL-CIO State Council . Mayor Custer called attention to efforts concerning possible utilization of the Municipal Building for fallout shelter whereby reimbursement of costs thcr. efor up to 50%would be realized from the government , however it was felt not negotiable during construction of the building. Letter received from the Civil Defense organization at this time reports survey and finding it qualifies as a fallout shelter and free survival supplies at no cost have been offered , storage room to be made available and periodic iGpection authorized. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ACCEPT THE OFFER AND CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED AND THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Barei regarding completion of the pistol range it was noted by the Mayor that original plans were to develop this area at a later date and same is to be utilized for storage at the present time . Donations have been offered and further plans need cons?deration including provisions- for ricochet . It was noted it takes one cubic foot per person for fallout shelter purposes . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr . Tom Forsythe , King County Council , was introduced and expressed thanks for space granted in the Renton Munciipal Building for a field office , noting same to be very busy and beneficial to the public and the staff. He advised he would transmit Mrs . Marang 's letter to the King County Council regarding the drug abuse center. APPOINTMENTS: Council President Perry reported appointment approvals and submitted Mayor Custer 's letter requesting concurrence in appointment of Donald L. Harbeck, Donald E. Lindberg and Lou A . Owen to probationary position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department , effert. ive September 16 , 1969 . Civil Service Certification and Police Chief Williams ' letter of recommendation were attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Also presented was Mayor ' s letter appointing Gerald A . Ritchie to the permanent position of Patrolman , the six-months probationary period being completed and recommendation of Chief Williams attached. MOVED BY DELAU- RENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Barei inquired regarding size of Police Department and was advised there are 56 male and 10 female employees in the department at present . Mayor Custer called attention to pending appointment on the Park Board whit matter had been tabled until there was a 12 man Council , and advised he wi place Mr. Teasdale 's name before the Council next week „ It was noted the matter has been tabled and will need eight votes for action , question being raised as to whether intent was for 12 man council or 12 councilmen present to warrant action . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry submitted Committee of the Whole report ,from its meeting of August 27 , 1969 ,recommending that a special City Council meeting be held to discuss the Optional Municipal Code Form of Government with the Renton Municipal Government Advisory Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/8/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Committee of the Whole report recommended that the proposed Ordinance for Code of Ethics be held in Committee for further study . Barei expressed objection to attempting to legislate moral conduct and honesty noting that those who were so inclined would disregard the legislation regardless of how the law reads , declaring the attempt to control such acts having been proven a failure and by him is considered a sham. Councilman Perry submitted transmittal letter for record entry wherein his "famous check" from Mr . Balch was being returned. The letter was s read and the City Clerk was requested to mail same . FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE submitted recommendation that the City of Kent be granted a permit to install a 10" water main on the Southerly side of S. W. 43rd Street (So . 180th St . ) a distance of 900 ' more or less , westerly from the East Valley Highway . MOVED BY SCHELLERT SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE submitted recommendation also approved by the Property Committee and Park Board , that the City proceed with the purchase of the J . H. Baxter property on Lake Washington with permanent easement for ingress and egress and easement vacation on property held by the Griffin Home . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS . Inquiry was made as to whether the City has railroad crossing right of way . City Attorney Shellan noted present 30-day cancellation provisions and advised there would be pro- vision for seller to negotiate with the railroad , the city attempts not successful in this regard . Discussion ensued regarding Franchises held by the City and the long term duration also --he jurisdiction of the railroad over the right of ways and the matter of two railroad tracks through the City . The pending motion subsequently carried . LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANT called attention to Committee Public Hearing to be held on September 9 , at 7 : 30 p .m . in the Council Chambers to discuss undergrounding of the area west of the Municipal Building . PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI reported recommendation that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a lease with Valley Regional Planning Commission for Municipal Building office space at $100 ..per month w?iich has been approved by the City Attorney . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. The Property Committee recommended contract be authorized with NCR Company for a 5-year term on a Century 100 machine ,@ $2 , 010 per month . rehtal with re- ferral to the City Attorney and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR,. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS ,THE RECOMIIENDITIOA OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE JE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION . MOTION TO REFER CARRIED. Further Property Committee recommendation requested concurrence in authorization for the Mayor to sign a service agreement and contract ti,7ith NCR for the Model 500 Data Processor in present use at rental cost of $1 ,578 per month which agreement shall expire upon acceptance of the Century 100 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS submitted report of acceptance of Vouchers 3678 through 3900 and. ZIOVZD THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 3678 -- 3741 $ 18 , 026 . 11 Arterial Street 3742 5 ,699 . 11 City Street Fund 3743 - 3768 19 , 047 .81 Cedar River M. & I 3769 - 3772 669 . 74 Equipment Rental 3773 - 3796 3 ,843 . 10 Library Fund 3797 - 3822 2 , 783 . 03 Park Fund 3823 - 3852 9 , 001 . 37 Waterworks Utility 3853 - 3880 34 ,605 . 33 Airport Fund 3881 - 3886 5 , 027 . 33 Firemen ' s Pension 3887 - 3898 539 . 50 City Hall Const . 3889 - 1 ,457 . 54 Urban Arterial Fund 3900 100 . 32 $100 ,80.' 2 ' -5- 294 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/8/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Council President Perry announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Wednesday , September 17 , at 7.:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers . Upon inquiry he advised the Code of Ethics would not be brought up unless it is requested by Council Members . In regard to special meeting with the Municipal Code Advisory Committee Perry advised the Mayor would need to set such meeting . - Councilman Bruce noted he and Grant would be absent from - the City September , the 17th to attend a Puhlic, Works C7nference in Cleveland'; Grant requesting Code of Ethics not be discussed during his absence . PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN EDWARDS announced a meeting at 7 : 00 p.m. on Monday , September 15 , in his council office . PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN announced a meeting on Monday , Sept; 15 , at 7 :30 p.m . in his council office . FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BRUCE announced a meeting 6n ' W8dnesday September 10 , at 7 : 30 p.m . in the 6th floor conference room with the City `- Engineer and Water Superintendent invited to be present . Councilman Grant called attention to letter dated August 27 from Puget Sou'hd Air Pollution Control Agency calling attention to actions taken to date by Pacific Car and Foundry to implement control of its two arc furnaces by the end of August , 1970 , and from Reilly Tar and Chemical Corporation-"A reporting plans to discontinue manufacturing operations at the subject - location on or about 9/30/69 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO'i',` REFER THE LETTER TO THE PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE . CARRIED. In regard' `; to proposed Resolution from Normandy Park it was urged by Grant that the individuals also observe pollution control measures and vote down the -' c)'(13 permissive legislation to allow such burning . It was requested that the Public Relations Committee report prior to his leaving for Cleveland . Barbee Mill efforts to solve the problem were noted s "z Grant inquired regarding street improvement program with regard to N . E ,. 12th Street from Camas to Aberdeen and how priority is determined . Mayor Custer advised priority is based upon volume , the condition and money availability , which if adequate will allow the work to be done now. ;.:, Grant inquired as to when S . E. 95th Street and Place will be brought up ' to improved status and it was noted water line is to be installed before`" =' -i this is repaired. City Engineer Wilson advised the Street Department has` been working to get the school walks ready and will now be working on the projects mentioned, which will be asphalt , the maintenance problems to be handled by the Street Department . Councilman Shane _MOVr ' that bingo be known in the City of Renton as a therapuetic game . The motion was seconded by Barei . MOVED by Schellert , seconded by Maxin , to table the matter . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : Aye : Perry , Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, Dela-- urenti , Schellert and Morris . No : Barei , Shane, Grant and Bruce . The motion to table carried . It was noted that the Legislature has promulgate,1 laws which the Council has taken oath to uphold , City Attorney Shellan" comparing other act•iv_ities co bIngo, nnted .it to be a lottery prohibited bu the Constitution and activities .declared i.1legal are not licensed . Attentior; was irectau' tc local .industry operating within confines of the lay!, After6. further proposals for allowing bingo and discussion regarding pinball machines and other amusement devices and factors of consideration , it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN . Dissenting voice vote ' brought roll call as follows : Aye : Perry , Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , TrimMr Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . No : Barei , Shane , Grant and. Bruc'e . 4 The motion carried . The meeting adjourned at 10 : 30 p-m . There were 34 visitors in the Council Chambers . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer , Mayor 6- Office of the City Clerk BID OPENING: August 27 , 1969 9/8/69 2:00 p.m. First Floor Conference Room CITY OF RENTON Improvement of LIND AVENUE S.W. S.W. 10th STREET to S.W. GRADY WAY BID BOND BIDDER AND ADDRESS OR CHECK TOTAL BID AMOUNT Doolittle Construction, Inc . Bid $ 65 ,080. 50 1900 - 118th S.E. Bond Bellevue, Washington 98004 Ehco Construction, Inc. Bid 59, 150 .75 13045 S.E. 176th Bond Renton, Washington 98055 Moss Construction, Inc. Bid 63 , 393. 00 Box 37 Bond Zenith, Washington 98073 Pacific Paving Company Bid 64, 660.75 -OW121 S. River Street Bond Seattle, Washington 98116 -7- N Office of the City Clerk 9/8/69 CITY OF RENTON - BID TABULATION - COLD WATER METERS Bid Opening - Sept. 3, 1969 Bid 200 --- 25 --- 25 --- 25 --- BIDDER Deposit 5/8 x 3/4t1 Meters 111 Meters 1 1/9t1 Meters 2" Meters Tax TOTAL BID Carlon Meter Sales Co. @ $28 .51 @ $59.34 @ $119.04 @ $180.96 P. 0. Box 36071 Houston Texas 77036 Check $5,702.00 $1,483.50 $2,976.00 (Municipal & Utility Engr. Sales Co.) $4,524.00 $660.85 $15,346.35 Trade In One for One ($2.50) (1;5.40) ($8.40) ($13.50) Gamon/Calmet Meter Division Worthington Corporation @ $37.80 @ $81.84 @ $151.81 @ $226.39 6302 Federal Boulevard San Diego, California 92114 Bond $7,560.00 $2,046.00 $3,795.25 $5,659.75 $857.75 $19,918.75 Trade In (Not Listed) I Hersey-Sparling Meter Co. ao Hersey Division @ $35 .97 @ $78.97 @ $154.72 @ $230.03 250 Elm Street Dedham, Mass. 02026 Check $7,194.00 $1,974.25 $3,868 .00 $5,750.75 $845 .42 $19,632.42 Trade In One for One ($2.45) ($4.00) ($7.25) ($10.35) One for two new ($4.90) ($8 .00) ($14.50) ($20.70) Pacific Water Works Supply Co., Inc. @ $31.95 @ $69.65 @ $134.95 @ $204.04 2900 First Ave. South Seattle, Washington 98134 Bond $6,390.00 $1,741.25 $3,373.75 $5,101.00 $747.27 $17.353.27 Trade In One for two new ($4.50) ($5 .75) ($11.25) ($17.50) Rockwell Manufacturing Co. @ $32.10 @ $70.62 @ $138 .83 @ $207.05 6363 Knott Ave. Buena Park, California 90620 Bond $6,420.00 $1,765 .50 $3,470.75 $5,176.25 $757.46 $17,589.96 Trade In ($5.00) ($10.00) ($15 .00) ($20.00) • OFFICE OF THE CITE' CLERK 9/8/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1969 6,000.00 CHECKERBOARD PROP. 439 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL SIGNS 1970 17,250.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 2526 SMITHERS AVE. S CONST. FAMILY RES. 1971 19,250.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 2532 SMITHERS AVE. S CONST. FAMILY RES. 197 60,000.00 HERFYIS CORP. 640 RAINIER AVE. S CONST. RESTAURANT 197' 300.00 HAROLD J. AUSTIN 621 BLAINE CT. NE CONST. DECK r B 1974 400.00 M.C. WALLS 108 MONTEREY PL. NE REROOF RES. 1975 STANDARD OIL CO. 213 RAINIER AVE. S DEMOLISH RES. 1976 800.00 STANDARD OIL CO. 213 RAINIER AVE. S ERECT FENCE 1977 MATTHEW FROEHLICH 201 THOMAS AVE. SW DEMOLISH RES. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2303 250.00 RON E. JENSEN 170 MONTEREY PL. NE INSTALL WIRING 2304 50.00 MATTHEW C. FROEHLICH 201 THOMAS AVE. SW INSTALL TEMP. SERVICE 2305 250.00 RENTON SHOPPING CTR. RENTON SHOPPING CTR. INSTALL TEMP. LIGHTING 2306 200.00 KENNETH R. TAYLOR 801 KIRKLAND AVE. NE WIRE GARAGE 2307 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 709 S 27TH ST. WIRE FAMILY'RES. E 2308 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 743 S 27TH ST. WIRE FAMILY RES. 2309 400.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 2623 SMITHERS AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RES. 2310 84.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. AIR CONDITION ROOM 2311 50.00 BOEING CO. 4-Ol BLDG. MODIFY HOT WTR. SYSTEM 2312 300.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. INSTALL AUTOCLAVE E 2313 450.00 BOEING CO. 4-77 BLDG. RELOCATE PROPANE TANK 231.4 45.00 BOEING CO. 4-17 BLDG. INSTALL RECEPTACLES 2315 490.00 BOEING CO. 4-89 BLDG. INSTALL CONTROL 2316 96.00 BOEING CO. 4-63 BLDG. RELOC. GRAVITY CONVEYOR 2317 300.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. INSTALL EMERG. LIGHTS E 2318 114.00 BOEING CO. 10-57 BLDG. INSTALL OUTLET 2319 426.00 MCGRATH CORP. 1822 WHITMAN AVE. NE WIRE FAMILY RES. 2320 450.00 MCGRATH CORP. 4437 NE 23RD CT. WIRE FAMILY RES. Now 2321 449.00 MCGRATH CORP. 2207 ANACORTES AVE. NE WIRE FAMILY RES. 2322 350.00 DELBERT TETER 2202 NE 8TH PL. INSTALL OUTLETS E 2323 50.00 HERFY18 CORP. 640 RAINIER AVE. S TEMP. SERVICE 2324 4,750.00 WASH. WHOLESALERS 705 SW 7TH ST. WIRE FOR MOTORS 2325 33,390.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 434 MAIN AVE. S INSTALL WIRING 2326 240.00 HOWARD 01FARRELL 2000 LK. WASH. BLVD. ENLARGE SERVICE 2327 446.00 GEORGE HANNAH 345 LIND AVE. SW INSTALL WIRING E 2328 29,006.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 809 HARRINGTON AVE. NE WIRE SCHOOL 2329 250.00 JIM CRAWFORD 3516 NE 14TH ST. REMOVE PANEL 2330 350.00 ELINORE DORIS 600 SW LANGSTON PL. INSTALL 150 AMP SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2091 MCGRATH CORP. 4437 NE 23RD CT. INST. PLUMB. & FIXTURES 2092 PETER KOSNEY 812 N 30TH ST. ALTER DRAIN PIPE 2093 DELBERT TETER 2202 NE 8TH PL. INSTALL FURNACE 2094 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. INSTALL CONDENSER 2095 BOEING CO. 4-01 BLDG. REARRANGE PIPING M 2096 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. REROUTE PIPING 2097 EARLINGTON BUS. CTR. 500 SW 7TH ST. INST. COMPRESSOR, BOILER 2098 PARKWOOD HOMES 2618 WHITWORTH CT. S INST. PLUMB. & FIXTURES 2099 PARKWOOD HOMES 422 S 26TH ST INST. PLUMB. & FIXTURES 2100 VERNIK E. THOMAS 341 MEADOW AVE. N INST. FURNACE M 2101 GEORGE SCHAAF 3804 NE 6TH ST. IUST. HEATER 2102 MIKE MAYOVSKY 240 PARK AVE. N INST. HEATER & PIPING 2103 GERALD R. EVERETT 2525 MORRIS AVE. S INST. PLUMB. & FIXTURES -9- 298 SEWER PERMITS 9/8/69 N0. AMOUNT NLIE ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK S 935 RAYMOND HEIKER 813 N 29TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 936 J.C. BLTZlDRED 3324 NE 17TH PL, CONNECT SEWER 937 GARY TARNOW 3400 NE 17TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 938 VER TT? SUTTTERLAND 1.205 N 29TH CONNECT SEWER 939 ISAAC GA EL 13617 EMPIRE, WT, S CONNECT SEWER S 940 ISLA.0 GAEFL 13647 RiLP110 ; WY. S CONNECT SEWER 941 ISAAC GA1<EL 13647 E11,T)TRC 11Y. S CONNE4 CT SEWER 942 ISAAC :IAMEL 1.3,"S47 EMPIRE WY. S CONNECT SEWER 943 ISAAC GAVEL 1361 7 EMPL IRE WY. S CONNECT SEWER 944 ISA AL CAMEL 13647 EMPIRE 1,1Y. S CONNECT SEWER S 945 ISAAC GA ELL 1.361L7 EMPIRE WY. S CONNECT SEWER 946 ISAAC GAMEL 1.3647 EMPIRE WY. S CONNECT SEWER 947 ISAAC GAMEL 1.364'7 EMPIRE WY. S CONNECT SEWER 948 MAURICE P. RE"�H,f1Vll 820 'N 29TH CONNECT SEWER 949 ROY B. FULLER 815 N 30TH CONNECT SEWER s 950 J.P. RUDELL 3401 NE 17TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 951 WASH. MUTUAL SAV. 150 LOGAN AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 952 MRS. ROY L. THOMAS 809 N 29TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 953 PARKWOOD HOMES 2605 SMITHERS S CONNECT SEWER 954 PARKWOOD HOMES 2531 SMITHERS S CONNECT SEWER 955 PARKWOOD HOMES 749 S 25TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 956 CHARLES MOORE 1017 N 31ST CONNECT SEWER 957 MRS. PERRY 2815 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 958 VOID 959 C.A. SWADBERG 3425 NE 17TH CONNECT SEWER S 960 NORMAN ABRAHAMSON 3408 NE 17TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 961 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 434 MAIN AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 962 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 434 MAIN AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 963 LEO BERGERON 808 N 29TH CONNECT SEWER 964 DELBERT R. LAFORD 3501 NE 17TH PL. CONNECT SEWER BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK P 1978 8 100.00 JAMES R. ROGERS 313 CEDAR AVE. S ERECT TOOL SHED 1979 1,000.00 BRUNO GREGORIS 1406 MORRIS AVE. S CONSTRUCT CARPORT 1980 542.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BLDG. INST. DOORS & CEILING 1981 24,000.00 PAUL L. OUELLETTE 1918 RLNG. HLS. AVE. SE CONST. FAMILY RES. 1982 26,000.00 MILTON EVENSON 2002 SE 17TH CT. CONST. FAMILY RES. 1983 1,000.00 JOHN V. FULLER 223 PARK AVE. N REBUILD GARAGE & PATIO ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2331 380.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BUILDING INSTALL WELDER 2332 150.00 BOEING CO. 4-17-2 BUILDING RELOCATE SPARES 2333 250.00 BOEING CO. 4-64 BUILDING COMPRESS BFE 2334 600.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING SAFETY CORRECTIONS 2335 750.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING INSTALL GRINDERS 2336 212.00 BOEING CO. 10-65 BUILDING RELOCATE COMPUTER OPER. 2337 230.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING REPLACE MILLING MACH. 2338 440.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING INSTALL SERVICE 2339 575.00 ART TREOSTE 413 STEVENS AVE. NW WIRE RES. 2340 100.00 WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY 405 S 3RD ST. WIRING 2341 3,000.00 SALTfS ENTERPR., INS:. 104 RAINIER AVE. S WIRE DRIVE-IN 2342 25,000.00 E.J. BARTELL CO. 700 POWELL AVE. SW WIRE WAREHOUSE .MO MECHANICAL PERMITS 9/8/69 NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK M 2104 OSCAR SVENNUNGSEN 540 WHITWORTH AVE. S INSTALL FURNACE 2105 OSCAR SVENNUNGSEN542 WHTTWORTH AVE. S INSTALI, FURNACE 2106 CHECKERBD. PROP. 439 RAINIER AVE. S INST. AIR COND. & HEAT 2107 EDWARD LEVITT 257 TAYLOR AVE. VW INSTALL FURNACE 2108 A.H. WOLFF & ASSOC. 915 S 29TII ST. INSTALL FURNACE j I 2109 EVERETT CLYMER 443 WIkTDunR W41Y NE CONVERT BURNER 2110 BOEING CO. 10-71 BUIT,DING ELECTRON WELDER 2111 MCC'=RAT1J CORP. 2207 ANAL=JP.TE; AVE. NE INST. PLUMB. & FIXTURES 2112 BOEING CO. 4-,21 BUD',DING REROUTE DRAIN 2113 BOEING CO. L.-21 BUTT,T)ING INST. HYD. TEST SYSTEM M 2114 RICHARD LANDERS 527 WILT)kNS AVE. S INSTALL HEATER 2115 PART,-ttirOOD HOMES 2530 SMI:TITP,RS AVE. S INST. PLUMB. & FIXTURES 2116 PAF?WOOD HOMES 2533 BURNET.T CT. S INST. PLUMB. & FIXTURES 2117 PART On�il HOMES 2532 SPT THERS AVE. S INST. PLUMB. & FIXTURES 2118 II0,1E L. BELISLE 2010 NE 27TII ST. INST. PLUMB. & FIXTURES SEWE". PERMITS S 965 DON -MCT:TILLIAMS 2820 LK. WASH. BLVD. CONNECT SEWER 966 BRUNO RAFANELLI 2807 BURNETT N CONNECT SEWER 967 CHARLES DONEES 930 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 968 CHARLES DOMES 1007 N 29TH CONNECT SEWER 969 SALT, INC. 104 RAINIER AVE. S CONNECT SEWER S 970 ROBERT E. HANSEN 3425 NE 17TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 971 CLIFFORD ROUSE 1008 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 972 CLIFFORD ROUSSE 1004 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 973 W. D. FILE 3404 NE 17TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 974 HAROLD DODDRIDGE 907 N 29TH CONNECT SEWER 975 DON MCWILLTAMS 9811 LK. WASH. BLVD. CONNECT SEWER 976 HAGEN 1009 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 6 977 STRONG 1015 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER -11- 300 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of City Clerk September 15 , 1969 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR To prepare report on Expenses vs . Revenues to be derived on each annexation AIRPORT BOARD Doris Brown protest to low flying aircraft over Renton Hill Bids on storm drainage at airport CITY ENGINEER To negotiate an agreement with Water District 90 and School District to serve Issaquah School with sewer service LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Proposed Sign Ordinance Resolution authorizing public facility loan for L .I. D. 263 (Res . 1649 adopted) Amendment of Code re parking of travel trailers MAYOR Preliminary budget consideration -- Valley Regional Planning Commission request for $7 ,000 . 00 for Renton 's share of the• Commission 's operational funds PARK BOARD AND PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Stage III Development of Lake Wn . Beach Park bids POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Applications for Nelson and Michael to operate coin type pool table at the Eagle Tavern and two novelty games at Hillcrest Bow SANITATION COMMITTEE Glencoe Plat , Division No . 2 sewer plans per letters from State Dept of Health and Water Pollution Control Agency STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Letter from Mr. Treosti for permission to improve city property with landscaping, driveway and turn around STREET COMMISSIONER AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER Letter from Mr. Westphall , N. E. 17th & Union Streets requesting street lighting, crosswalks and reduced speed limits in the arca WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Library Board of Trustees request for repair of clerestory area of the library MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 9/15/69 - Commencement of 30 day Lien period on L . T.D. 259, Honey Creek sewers 9/17/69 - Committee of the Whole at 7 : 30 p.m. in Council Chambers 9/22/69 - Special G'ity Shop Building Committee at 7 :00 p.m. Ways and Means Committee at 7 :15 p.m. APPOINTMENTS: Richard Geissler - Assistant Fire Chief Gerald Nichols , Captain Art Pringle , Lieutenant RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk September 15 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W� Custer, Mayor , at 8 :00 p.m . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Perry , Morris , Schellert, Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett, Edwards , Maxin , Shane and Barei . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN, GRANT AND BRUCE, BE EXCUSED. CARRIED, OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G . M. Shellan, City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Dir- actor , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert, the Building Director . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8 , 1969 AS MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Custer reminded the assembly that tomorrow was the Primary Election urging everyone to vote or to be sure to register if they were not now registered voters . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM SUBMITTED THE FOLLOWING FOR READING AND/OR ADOPTION. Proposed Ordinance of the City annexing certain territory . (Briere-McGrath property . ) City File A69-01 , BRB File 208 ,comprising area located East of 132nd Avenue S.E. in vicinity of S .E. 100th Street . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READ- ING. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2502 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN FIGHT AYES , BAREI ABSTAINING BEING ABSENT DURING THE READING AND SHANE NOT YET PRESENT TO VOTE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Custer reported concerning pending annexation elections in the Kennydale and Talbot Island areas that the Boundary Review Board has had a request from Attorhey 'Maffeo to invoke jurisdiction and hold a hearing on whether City actions in calling for such election in the Talbot Island area are according to agreement executed with Water District 78 heretofore . No objections have been received regarding the Kennydale area annexation . Councilman Trimm submitted proposed Ordinance for reading authorizing appropriation of $13 ,238 . 90 from revenues received for payment of water line from the Griffin Home, Unto Waterworks Utility Fund 1820/605 , the expending budgetary account . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY TRIMM, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER THE FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 2503 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL PRESENT VOTING AYE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Trimm requested that the Sign Ordinance be placed on introductory reading and returned to Committee , various revisions having been added to the original document . The document heading v.as real and TRIMM MOVED, SECONDED BY GARRETT, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Discussion ensued regarding prior introductory reading and the subsequent amendments were noted and upon xequest ,outlined by Planning Com- mittee Chairman Maxin . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED; MORRIS OPPOSING DELAY VOTED NO , ALL OTHER ROLL CALL VOTES BEING AYE. -1- 302 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/1.5/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM requested reading of item 1 of the Agenda which was a request of City Engineer Wilson for a Resolution to authorize filing of application for a public facility loan in connection with L . I. D. 263 , Kennydale Island Sanitary Sewers , whereby a beneficial interest rate is available . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW_ AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED, The Proposed Resolution authorizing filing of application with the Housing and Home Finance Agency , United States of America , for a loan under terms of Public Law 345 , 84th Congress , approved August 11 , 1955 , as amended , was read. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1649 AS READ . CARRIED. Councilman Shane arrived at the meeting at this time . Mayor Custer announced receipt of additional items after preparation of the Agenda and it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO ADD SAME AT END OF PRESENT AGENDA . MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Letter from Mrs . William Monahan , Sec . , Library Board of Trustees , reported the need for repair to clerestory area of the library . Mayor Custer called attention to the pu-:sible construction defect or later movement , suggesting funding in his preliminary budget ; notin- this area to be for future expansion . Need for early repair was disc-usse('. , damaging effect of winter weather being of concern , MOVED DY PERRY, SZCOT'DED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESEARCH AND TO RECOMMEND FUNDING . CARRIED . Lettersfrom Mr. Arthur Treosti requested permission to landscape and beautify city right of way property and to install driveway and turn area at 413 Stevens N . W. MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE REQUESTS TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Applications for Nelson & Michael to be granted required licenses to operate coin -- type pool table at Eagle Tavern and 2 novelty games at Hillcrest Bowl were read . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson submitted for_ payment,, final estimate for work on CAG 1471-69 , Honeycreek Park , Sanitary Sewer L. I. D. #x259 , by Elness Construction in sum of $9 ,360 . 64 , completed on 9/2/69 and accepted by the Engineering Department on 9/5/69 . Acceptance by the City Council as of 9/15/69 with commencement of the 30-day lien period was now recommended . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER . THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from the Valley Regional Planning Commission , Mr . Gordon L . Hall , President , 232 South 2nd Street , Suite 201 , Kent , Wn . , reported .receipt of Council approval from six member cities to investigate and recommend in regard to the regional No . 911 emergency telephone number project . Mr . Clark Teegarden will work as alternate with Mr . Hall and inquiries may be directed to the Kent location . Funds to be provided on pro-rata share basis from telephone companies as same become available . Shane questioned utilization of the Valley Regional Planning Commission when we have a 10 Planning Commission also funding of any telephone company projects when they have requested a rate increase . It was noted city funds are not involved . The City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/10169 for Storm. Drainage Improve- ments at the Municipal Airport . There were eight bidders including : Frank Coluccio Construction So . ; W. C. Frost Construction Co , ; Venture Construction , Inc . ; Constructors-Pamco ; Pat Cazscadden & Associates; Austin Construction Co . ; Peter Kiewit Sons Co . ; Pacific Paving Co . , Inc . , as per tabulations attached hereto . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE AIRPORT BOARD . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE . THE AMEND`-_ NT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED, -2_. 0 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING .9/15169 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Bid opening was reported on 9/11/69 for 1970 Flatbed truck for the Water Department with bids from two bidders , Renton Dodge , Inc . and Williams and Swanson , both Renton firms , as per tabulations attached . PROPERTY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN BAREI SUBMITTED REPORT, ALSO RECOMMENDATION OF THE PURCHASING DIRECTOR , that the low bid of Renton Dcdge , Inc . in sum of $3 ,32367 be accepted . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. SHANE OPPOSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid opening on 9/15/69 for Stage III Development of 'Lake Wn . Beach Park was reported. There were four bidders , Tech Construction , Calhoun Con- struction Co . ; S . & T. Construction and Red Samm Mining. (Tabulations attached) MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AND THE PARK BOARD . Upon inquiries re- garding time elements of the progress it was noted that some funding assistance now being utilized would not be available at a later time. After further discussion regarding acquisition of additional waterfront properties , the pending MOTION CARRIED. Letter from the Valley Regional Planning Commission enclosed President ' s semi-annual report and proposed budget for 1970 , along with brochures of historical background , goals ,objectives and programs of the commission . Renton was requested to share in sum of $7 ,000 . 00 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR FOR CONSIDERA- TION IN THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET. CARRIED. The Mayor reported receipt of communications from the Water Pollution Control Commission and the State Department of Health approving plans for sewer extensions to serve the Plat of Glencoe , Division #2 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO FILE THE COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE .PLAT its,'- CORDS . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE SEWER PORTION OF THE COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE . THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. Letter from Doris Brown requested the City Council to give some considera- tion to alleviate problem of noise over the Renton Hill area from private and pilot training aircraft flying low and out of pattern over the homes , in vicinity of 720 High Avenue South and 800 Block of Grant Avenue South . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE AIRPORT ' BOARD FOR REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL CONCERNING POSSIBLE LEGISLATION TO CURB THE PROBLEM. FAA jurisdiction was noted after which the pending motion CARRIED. Letter was read from Mr . Don Westphall , NE 17th and Union Street , noting recent purchase of residence in Renton and requesting the City Council to consider installation of street lights in the Glencoe area for safety of pedestrians , crosswalks for children going to school and lowering of speed limit on Union to 25mph with additional patrol of the area . Motion was propos<.d to refer the matter to variois Council committees for recom- mendations , including matter of funding. Councilman Bares , noting the assumption of administrative functions by the City Council to be more and more excessive , OFFERED SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE STREET COMMISSIONER AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER FOR RECOMMENDATIONS . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY GARRETT, AND CARRIED. Letter from Mr . Adrian Webster , Chief Examiner , State of Washington , Office of State Auditor, submitted copy of seventh examination of the Water-Sewer Utility of the City of Renton - 1968 . it was noted that the report was indicative that all functions are in accord with re- quirements and the performance of those connected therewith was commended , including the Council Audit Committee , Czty Administration and Departmental units . Mayor Custer called attention to changes in the law which result in tax levy by present Council and adoption of the final budget by a new Council , advising of his intent to present a balanced budget in the near future and noting reduction of assessed valuation of the City of Renton of conse quence , relocations of the Boeing Company racilities being a factor in such reduction . -3- 304 9115169 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Richard Stredicke, Planning Commission Chairman , calling attention to Commission actions regarding the sign ordinance advised that delay may cause problems , the Commission not wanting to approve a sign and have it be non-conforming the next week . Early adoption of the new sign ordinance was urged, the sign industry being informed as to legislation to be included and further delay unwarranted . Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm assured Mr. Stredicke that the Ordinance would be presented for final reading next week. APPOINTMENTS: Appointments by the Mayor were approved by the Committee of the Whole and presented fot 'Council confirmation as follows : Fire Department appointments to permanent status : Richard Geissler, Assistant Fire Chief, Gerald Nichols , Captain and Art Pringle , Lieutenant . Recommendation of Police Chief Walls was attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. CARRIED . Mayor Custer reported he was to have had a Park Board appointment but at request of absent Councilmen to hold same until their return he would not present it tonight . OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Perry noted prior referral of matter to the Sanitation Committee concerning proposal of Water District 90 for ,point sewer service programa Attorney Don Holm was in the audience and invited to speak. He outlined results of suruegs and noted urgent action re sewer service is needed for Issaquah School- , such as.' now serving Hazen High , and calling attention to grant for building program received by the Issaquah District, requested City of Renton cooperation in extension of sewers for the proposed school to Renton lines similar to agreement between Renton and Cascade Sewer Dis- trict where lines come down to Metro . After further report of proposed operation and City Engineer 's Wilson 's caution regarding provisions for excess capacity and maintenance matters , it was MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO NEGOTIATE PROPER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE WATER DISTRICT AND REPORT BACK, THE MOTION CARRIED. FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE MEMBER GARRETT submitted report recommending that the low bid of Carlon Meter Sales Company for supplying meters up to two inches for the following year be accepted. (Total Bid was $15 , 346 . 3.5) MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY TRIMM, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN submitted report advising that the committee,after review of request for amendment to the Code regarding parking of travel trailers on private properties , has determined revision is needed to include such items as camper trailers , boats and boat trailers campers , on and off trucks , and other vehicular items . It was recommended that in the interim of such study , the present ordinance be amended to delete reference of parking of house trailers under cover . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COM- MITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. SANITATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SHANE recalling prior referral regarding sewer services with Water Dist . 90 for the new school project , reported recommendation that the connection be allowed and City Engineer be authorized to draw up the necessary agreement . Discussion ensued regarding Metro position , payments to be involved, need -for legal work in drafting agreement and comparison to Cascade Sewer District Agreement . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GARRETT TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE WATER DISTRICT AND SCHOOL DISTRICT AND REPORT BACK RE- GARDING AN AGREEMENT. After discussion regarding policy of serving areas outside the City, the pending MOTION CARRIED. -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9115169 OLD BUSINESS : (Cont . ) AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MORRIS REPORTED appxoval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 3901 through 4006 and MOVED, SECOND BY SCHELL•ERT, THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . CARRIED, Fund breakdown : Current Fund 3901 - 3941 $ 6 , 732 ° 78 City Street Fund 3942 - 3955 28 , 683 92 Equipment Rental Fund 3956 - 3973 1 , 301 , 36 Park Fund 3974 - 3987 8 , 708 .15 Waterworks Utility 3988 - 3997 27 , 405 10 1965 Water & Sewer Const . 3998 1 , 98028 Airport Fund 3999 - 4003 1 , 00173 City Hall Const . 4004 183 . 64 ljw� Urban Arterial Fund 4005 - 4006 48 ,815073 $124 ,812 , 69 No . 4 , L . I. D. 259 Cash Fund $9, 360 . 64 No . 4 , L � I. D. 259 Revenue Fund $9 ,360 . 64 NEW BUSINESS : Council President Perry announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on 9/17/69 at 7 : 30 p.m . in the Council Chambers . Requested to attend were the_City_ Attorney ,Mrs . Nelson , Mrs . Gossett , the Park Director and Park Board , Ted Bennett , Building Director and City Engineer, with the first part of the meeting to be with the Park Director and Board to discuss property acquisition and this discussion not to be open to the public , the press to be allowed but to be requested to use discretion in reporting. Councilman Shane proposed motion the City Engineer prepare a complete cost breakdown concerning each annexation and it was suggested that revenues also be included . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE CITY ENGINEER PREPARE A BREAKDOWN OF EXPENSES VS . REVENUES ON EACH ANNEXATION. Discussed was need of additional personnel and excessive use of present forces which might result by such action , policy regariing small parcels and reasons for owners wanting to annex , matter of services to be extended, including street lighting and 4mprovement , police and fire protection , etc. Mayor Custer recalled this was ,nce standard procedure during joint hearings with the Boundary Review Board prior to new laws establishing new procedures and formation of the King 'Tounty Boundary Review Board) . It was noted during discussion of annexations that $60 acres have been recently added to Renton increasing the population and per. capita thereby adding to revenue and debt reduction . It was subse- quently MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR BE THE PERSON TO CONDUCT THE STUDY. AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSE- QUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. Councilman Shane stated he felt conflicts exist between the County and City Building Codes . Mayor Custer advised the Interim Municipal Committee , the structural builders , architects and engineers are considering a statewide study and the Legislature will be asked to consider such a study in the January session and statewide code revision is possible and it may come to a vote . Shane felt the more restrictive city code keeps builders out , and upon query as to differences cited lumber and off-site improvement require- ments specifically , the latter not being economically feasible for small scale developers . SPECIAL CITY SHOP BUILDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SCHELLERT announced a meeting on Monday , 9/22/69 , at 7 : 00 p.m. and WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE meeting at 7 :15 p.m . , inquiring of the Mayor regarding proceeds to be received from Forward Thrust Street Funds . Mayor Custer advised the money has not yet been received but is about to be distributed noting Union Avenue (132nd SE) roject pending receipt thereof. . OLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN DELAURENTI announced a meeting in his office following this meeting. A.U'71ENCE COMMENT: Mr . Dick Stredicke recalled challenging Committee Chairman Reid some years ago in question of closed council meetings it being his impression that an announced public meeting should be open to the public., He advised of plan to attend on Wednesday at 7 :30 p .m. Council President Perry said the first portion was to be closed wit'i regard to land appraisals , the press to use judgement and he would not be permitted to attend , the meeting otherwise open . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN TO ADJOURN. CARRI D< The meeting was adjourned at 9 :55 . p .m . There were 19 visitors . ��'�M 306 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OFE NG® September 10, 1969 9/15/69 2!00 p.m_ Council Chambers CITY OF RENTON Renton Municipal Airport Storm Drainage Improvements BIDDY AND ADDRESS BID BOND BID ;t�hUUNT OR CHECK INCLUDINIG TAX Frank Coluccio Construction Co. Bid $141, 082,32 7778 Seward Park Ave. South Bond Seattle, Washington 98118 Wo C., Frost Construction Co. ?did 149,779.85 8005 South 222nd, Bond Kent, Washington 9€031 Venture Construction Inc. Bial 156, 2910. 20 Po 0. Box 878 Bond Auburn, Washington 98002 Constructors®Pamco Bid 177 , 608m20 3600 Fremont Ave, earth Bond Seattle, Washington 98103 Pat Carecadden & Assoc® Bid 184, 600.30 17028 116th S.E. Bond Renton, Washington 98055 Austin Construction Co, Bid 187 , 854.43 ... Boat 547 Bond Bellevue, Washington 98004 Peter Kiewit Sona° Co. Bid 131, 658, 23 1300 Aloha St, Bond Seattle, Washington 98109 Pacific Paving Co, , Inc. Bid 207 ,766090 121 South River St. Bond Seattle, Washington 98108 BID OPENING: September 11 , 1969 2800 P.M. 1st Floor Conference Rm, 1970 Flatbed Truck-Water Dep' ta Renton Dodge, Inc, 453 Rain1'e ° Avenue Notth Bid Deposit Renton, Washington 98055 Check $ 3 ,.32.3 . 67 now Williams & Sw&nson 617 Third Street South Bid Deposit Renton , Washington 98055 Certo Ck, 3 , 32422 —L- 0 0 0 c� v m Xwxtnr W z m —• m r+ w — a -3 W 77 d rtr+ to m O 'O O m E D tJ •--j — N t37 B !D r• w 3 'O — to C O G. n ? 4r, oo m o n c — d - - r =1O -1D r+ O �+ n -•to IT, v :3 --1m Cn O rA O O a, O ri s (D to — < m w :� U) L • g � - O Z —• 1 < r+ O •-1 -o a, m o z DD X tv 0 (A (nD n g N PC a) to 3 =3w n v, ::JO w r+ CI J a ov uo s_ to r+ w o �i --i rA rt ;)a m N rt O p C m m N r+ 7J N. Yn O - a (D ro O O t0 < r+ tD V: oo m r• J r+ 00 c» Q O =1 O00 0 27 0O O :3O :3 � n Ln UI O U-1 �o m O CD (D �' p 00 U, to m m 3 a , r+ w (3D m �a f, s> 7:- :3 o tJ I--' I--' r-= cA O r+ f-y v c o .o a C+. Q \cc �7 co +- (CD C m to Co 3 C v I— N —• C) C+ 7,000.i 7,692,- 6,55[; . 10,120. "Water Ski Dock" M 7,000. 2,480. 2,185.1$7,1.53. avin of Walks ^' x "Observation 7,000. 8,=182. . 5,1.78 . 10,506. Station" 3,200. 2040. 1,792, 3,;12 . 'Boardwalk" r 3,500. 1,000. 2,547, 5,060. 'Guard Towers" -- 'Walk F, Boardwalk" 7,000. 4,000. 3,209. 6, 171 . lighting ON 5,000. 4,900. 4,753. 5,687. 1'ennis Court 7,000. 13,2100. ; 6,293. 65555. 'on rete ( Uri) co m 3,000. 2,500. 2,458 . 3,450. Ace-,-ss Road ;;0 4,000. 2000. 3,215 . 5,51-4. P lav EgLi",pment o m 7,000. 3,500, 1,480. 9,703 . Landscaping 7,000. 3,U00• 2,010. 9,854. Landscaping ^' 1,500. 1,000. 557. ( '2,091. LanIscaping �^ 2,500. j,800. 4,025• 4,888 . Iriigation -- -- Pic:lic Tai)le- & ?,000. 10,900.' 2,558 . 5.759. Palk Ben`ltes 2,000. 1,480.1,65,; . 3,853. Ba:.k Protect -on c: Be,-ch Exhans on- 2.00 cy L'.'.00cy .28 Cy 2.35 ery B� ach F L 11 Beach Expanson - 5.00 cy L".00cy .18 cy 4.85 cy Beach Sand cs LOS 308 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 91i5169 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1984 $15500.00 ROBERT SHANE 2746 NE 24TH ST. CONSTRUCT GARAGE 1985 2,400.00 H. VAN CLEAVE 1930 NE 20TH CONSTRUCT GARAGE 1986 150.00 LEW ROGERS 326 PELLY AVE. N CONSTRUCT FENCE 1987 450.00 JIM BA.REI 230 WELLS AVE. S INSTALL SIGN 1988 11200.00 CHECKERBOARD PROP. 415 RAINIER AVE. S DEMOLISH STRUCTURE B 1989 31000.00 DONALD KRALL 1425 KENNEWICK AVE. NE REMODEL BASEMENT 1990 60.00 DAVID E. HARRIS 3801 NE 7TH ST. CONST. TOOL SHED 1991 1,600.00 NEIL HOLBROOK 2307 NE 8TH PL. REMODEL LIVING ROOM 1992 45.00 ERICH TIM 1749 WHITMAN AVE. NE BUILD TOOL SHED 1993 600,000.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 2901 KENNEWICK PL. NE CONST. NEW BUILDINGS B 1994 221.00 BOEING CO. 10-65 BUILDING FRAMING, FUME LOAD 1995 1,477.00 BOEING CO. 4-64 BUILDING ENCL. SPRAY BOOTH 1996 350.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING REMOVE STAIRWAY 1997 750.00 CITY OF RENTON 800 EDMONDS AVE. NE CONST. PARTITION 1998 200.00 EDWIN D. DENT 412 WELLS AVE. N ENCL. PORCH ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2343 100.00 SHELL OIL CO. 330 SUNSET BLVD. N CONNECT SIGN 2344 50.00 H. VAN CLEAVE 1930 NE 20TH WIRE GARAGE 2345 300.00 MARGARET MATTHEWS 430 WELLS AVE. N INSTALL HEATERS 2346 220.00 BOEING CO. 10-52 BUILDING PUMP INSTALLATION 2347 740.00 BOEING CO. 10-65 BUILDING INSTALL M.G. SET E 2348 3,000.00 BOEING CO. YARD AREAS INSTALL CABLE 2349 170.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BUILDING INST. TEMP. OIL BATH 2350 580.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING INST. LIGHT FIXTURES 2351 1,600.00 BOEING CO. 10-54 BUILDING ELECTRIC SERVICE 2352 3,600.00 BOEING CO. 4-64 BUILDING COMPRESS SHIPPING 2353 42.00 BOEING CO. 10-65 BUILDING ELECTRIC SERVICE 2354 190.00 ORVILLE SMITH 527 WELLS AVE. S WIRE GARAGE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2119 A.L. WOLF 915 S 29TH ST. INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2120 D.E. BLOOD 1711 KENNEWICK CT. SE INST. PLBG. FIXTURES 2121 JOHN POMERVILLE 1822 ABERDEEN AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2122 TERHUNE CONST. CO. 413 STEVENS AVE. NW INST. FURNACE 2123 BUD JONES 2129 BLADE CIRCLE SE INST. FIXTURES M 2124 JAMES A. COLBY 2288 NE 9TH INST. GAS FURNACE 2125 BOEING CO. 4-64 BUILDING RELOCATE SPRAY BOOTH 2126 D�EINC. CO. 10-65 BUILDING INST. WASH SINK SEWER PERMITS S 978 PARKWOOD HOMES 743 S 27TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 979 PARKWOOD HOMES 709 S 27TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 98o PARKWOOD HOMES 422 S 26TH ST CONNECT SEWER 981 PARKWOOD HOMES 2533 BURNETT CT. CONNECT SEWER 982 LEONARD MINARDO 915 S 29TH CT. CONNECT SEWER S 983 C.K. RYNNING 819 N 30TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 984 B.D. WALKER 2815 BURNETT N CONNECT SEWER 985 ARNOLD 0. TIMM 1204 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 986 ARNOLD 0. TM 1116 N 28TH PL. CONNTECT SEWER 987 MRS. BERGAN 1117 31ST NE CONNECT SEWER S 988 GAMEL CONST. 401 TAYLOR Nw COYNECT SEWER 989 GAMEL CONST. 401 TAYLOR Nw COhTkTE CT SEWER 990 RONALD JOHN 3433 NE 17TH PL. COATNTTECT SEWER 991 D.E. KING 1103 N 30TH CONNECT SEWER 992 GRACE BINDARA 1511 S 9TH CONNECT SEWER S 993 KENNETH STEWART 923 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 994 VERN STEWART 1115 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 995 REKA C. LINCOLN 1004 N 29TH ST. CONNECT SEWER -8- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OFFICE OF CITY CLERK SEPTEMBER 22 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim of Northwest Bell re damage to cable from backhoe CITY ENGINEER % of Protest filed on L . I. D. 263 (Reported at 3 . 95%) Careage Corporation request for LatE Comers Agreement COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE To consider budgeting of funds for acquisition of property adjoining Springbrook Watershed LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE L . I. D. ' s 259 and 261 L . I.D. 263 Annexation of Kennydale Island Area Loans to Library and Street funds from Waterworks Utility Fund Appropriation of excess revenues in Airport Fund to cover drainage contract MAYOR AND CITY CLERK To sign permit for installation of 10" waterline in So . 180th for Kent PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Bellevue ordinance prohibiting outdoor fires SA'N'ITATION COMMITTEE C'areage Corporation request for Late-Comers Agreement on Springbrook Road to serve new convalescent center McGrath Corporation request for Late-Comers Agreement for Glencoe #2 at City Well Site POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application of G . & B Company for Master Music Machine License L . Molner request that G . & B . Co . be granted location license for coin- types phonograph at E1 Picador Tavern STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Hospital District request for change in name of street (S . W. 43rd) STREET COMMISSIONER_ To Supervise landscaping and street improvements involving city property as requested by Mr. Treosti APPOINTMENTS Richard Stoddard - Permanent position of Patrolman , eff . 9/16/69 Roger Lewis - Mayor 's Youth Guidance Committee . MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 10/6/69 - City Council Group Portrait 10/6/69 -- Public Relations Committee meeting at 7 :00 p.m . 10/6/69 - Public Hearing on 1970 Budget re Millage Levy , 8 :p.m . in the Council Chambers 10/20/69-Public Hearing,L . I. D. 259 Final Assessment Roll 10/27/69-Public Hearing ,L . I. D. 261 Final Assessment Roll Oct . 5 to 11 , Fire Prevention Week RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk M I N U T E S September 22 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building by D. W. Custer, Mayor and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Perry , Schellert , Delaurent , Trimm, Garrett, Edwards , Bruce , Grant and Barei . Absent : Morris , Maxin and Shane , kd Mayor Custer reported receiving notice that Morris was ill and Maxin was out of town . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED . CARRIED, OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: De W. Custer, Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Gene Coulon , , Park Director , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Bert McHenry , Asst . City Engineer , Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Ted Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Del Bennett , Utility Accountant , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . Council President Perry inquired regarding corrections or additions to the minutes of the previous meeting. Councilman Schellert reported the area annexed to the City last year was 560 acres and not 160 acres as had been designated and requested insertion of the revision , MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES Or' SEPTEMBER 15 , WITH CHANGE AS NOTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING : Preliminary Assessment Roll L. I. D. 263 This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Written protests were read from Robert L . Hunt , 8420 Lake Wn . Blvd . ; Jim Spencer; 8435 - 104th S. E. Elaine Talbot Johnson , 4529 So . Henderson , Seattle 98118 ; Mr . and Mrs . .,.. Merle A . Traudt , 1248-14th W. ,Eugene , Ore , ; J. C. Kirkman 10036 SE 89th; Raymond P. ckle ,8713-ZD4th. SE;.-Mr ,and Mrs . Brickley , 10024 S.E. 89th , City Engineer 's report was read advising of total estimated cost , including engineering, taxes , legal and L. I .D. costs of $422 , 728 . 00 with protest as of 5 : 00 p.m. this date to be 2 . 10% of the preliminary assessment , sixty percent required to restrain further action . . Upon request by the Mayor , Consultants Mr . Don Williams and Mr , Dick Unrue , of Hill , Ingman & Chase Co ,. , outlined the proposed boundaries of the1LID, noting 66 acres and 250 parcels of property to be included . Zone and Termini mode ofassessment , as provided by law, was outlined , examples cited on specific sizes of property and project construct- ion anticipated to commence in March or April with com- pletion in approximately six months . Audience comment was invited . Mrs , R . Hindes inquired as to mode of payment by individuals and was advised they have 30 days to pay any part or all of the assessment , the balance then being spread over a ten year period with annual payments , Mr. Ivan Bright inquired regarding alley included in his assessment and was advised that when vacated the alley becomes a part of his property . Mr . Sherwood Martin asked how the area was chosen for the L. I- n, and was advised residents had filed petitions with natural boundaries chosen -on feasibility . Mrs . Helen Barlow inquired regarding affec�'- -nn. storm drain at her residence and was advised none may result since no widening of the road is anticipated but it would be replaced in the even. it were to be crossed . Mrs . Luann Martin inquired rega.zding street maintenance noting water filled ditch where a chIld__went in chest deep. It was noted restoration of streets would be effected but the City does not maintain outside right of ways . Mrs . Martin was urged to contact County Councilman Forsythe who is in his office in the Renton Municipal Building on Tuesdays . -1- q , MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/22/69 PUBLIC HEARING : (Cont . Preliminary Assessment Roll L . I. D. 263 : Mr . Sanfrey Holma inquired regarding original L. I. D. 256 , noting his assessment in the new district to be double since fewer persons are involved in the new district . Engineer Lyman Houk advised that the original LID was defeated by protest and King County Health Department had surveyed the area and from one of its meetings came the desire for new L . I.D. ' s and new signatures were obtained and turned in, those areas where enough signatures could not be secured being left out and the rest of the area has been divided into several districts as per petitions and additions as determined feasible . Mr. Holma is now included in L. I . D. 265 . Mr . Richard Stredicke inquired whether it was possible that the area might be annexed prior to formation of the sewer LID and the Mayor advised of Boundary Review Board approval of the annexation but time element would not likely allow it prior to the LID commencement . Upon question as to construction by the City outside its corporate limits City.Attorney $hellan advised the law provides for the formation of a district either within -inc6rporated or unincorporated areas since pollution goes 'beyond the..City . Mayor Custer called attention to the fact that this assessment is a preliminary estimate of cost only and that good bids might bring lesser final and actual cost , noting that application has been filed with the Department of Housing and Urban Development for loan which if granted will be at 5 . 38% interest which would be considerable savings to the District considering current interest rates elsewhere . Concerning the inquiries regarding possible addition of areas to the L . I . D. he advised the inclusion of additional areas would in effect create a new LID and was therefore not possible but that new districts could be formed for other areas . The Mayor invited those with any questions concerning individual assessments on property to contact the engineering department . VERBAL PROTEST by W. 0 . Kittler was made it being his contention that the L . I . D. should not be formed until the area was annexed since the costs would be higher for the L . I.D. as well as sewer rates thereafter noting '-i.s water chargeto be double that of city residents . He advised he would try to stop the L . I. D. inquiring as to time limit for protests which Attorney Shellan advised may be submitted up to 30 days after the Ordinance has been approved establishing and creating the L. I . D. Mrs . John Gaidos inquired regarding maintenance of the road after the sewers are in contending that costs would only be half the present amount if the area were annexed first . W. E. Lee inquired regarding present septic tanks and was advised that property owners would be required to make them safe by fill or capping off . Mrs. Joanne Brickley inquired regarding annexation election and it was noted by City Clerk Nelson it could goon the ballot at any time , it being a matter of the Superintendent of Elections setting it up, Parei noting the school district plans to hold a February election which might be combined with the city election . Mr . O 'Prien reported carrying pe-cztions and urged agreement and getting the project ander way ind sewers in . After further discussion it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR CHECK AND REPORT ON PERCENTAGE ADDED BY VERBAL PROTEST. MOTION CARRIED, IT BEING NOTED THAT IN NO EVENT COULD THERE BE 60% PROTEST. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO PROCEED WITH L . I .D . 263 WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. (See later report) Recess was declared at this time , after which roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed . TOTAL L . I.D. 263 PROTEST WAS REPORTED BY THE CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ENGINEER HOUK WHICH THE MAYOR ANNOUNCED TO BE 3 . 95% . -2__ MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/22/69 ORDINANCES : Ordinance 25G4 LAH AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM submitted (Sign Control) proposed Ordinance reporting same had been placed on first reading on 9/15/69 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL, READING . CARRIED. Pacific Communications ,Inc.letter was read opposing restrictions regarding sign proximitii to underground utilit e -; and right of ways . cr.•dinance was read establishing a `Renton S.ig i Code" , pez Chapter 19 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance P'o . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Penton" relating to signs . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT AS READ. Audience comment was permitted and Mr . Ward of Pacific Communications advised they have 13 poster panels now and in event the ordinance is passed without revision they will in time lose 12 of them and eventually be out of business in Renton . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO AMEND LINE 6 , PAGE 29 , by ADDING after land uses , "if designed to be viewed from said resi - dential area " and s'_'RIKIA7G :halance of the paragraph which concerns underground utilities and public right of ways . Upon request of Barei the revisions subse- quent to 7/15169 distribution of the proposed Ordi- nance were reviewed discussion including cautions with regard to removal of controls wr�ich would take strength from the ordinance . "rte on question to amend was called for and resulting in dissenting voice vote and roll call which resulted as follows - SIX AYES - Barei , Grant , Bruce , Garrett , Delaurenti and Schellert , r70 : Perry , Edwards and Trimm . THE MOTION CARRIED. It was requested that the record show that all three no votes were from members of the Law and Ordi- nance Committee . BAREI MOVED, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO AMETJD matter of time limit and 30 day notice of removal ,Item F Pg . 28 to include reference in event of ity future need City Attorney Shellan noted off-premise signs to be a privilege and not a right anticipating problems in con- demnations citing possible future circumstances . The Building Director advised this was intended to be temporaru to provide for future improvements by the City without having to buy the property-granting the right to use •without jeopardizing the city ' s interest . Mr . Sancst_er. o.! Foster & Kle.7ser advised purpose ;was r .'_- properly explained as it azpears-. Garrett noting control as ne.r-77 cr..;l tion installation . Previous luestibn was called for upon motion by Schellert and second by Barel . Dissenting voice vote res::Ited and roll call vote followed . AYE : Barei , Grant and Bruce . NO: Perry , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti , and Schellert . The motion lost . ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ K1'b IwCLUTlIiTG AAIE'NDME1 � AS ADOPTED. AYE : Grant , Bruce , Gari,ett ,Trimm , Delaurenti and Schellert . No : Perry , Barei and Edwards . THE MOTION CARRIED, SIX TO THREE . Ordinance 2505 Proposed Ordinance was read amending Sections 4-706 , (Amending Sign 4-711 , 4-716 , 4-730 of Title IV (Building Reuulations) Ordinance) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to signs . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE THE DOCUMF..NT O)V SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. After final reading, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYE : Grant , Bruce , Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti and Schellert . NO: Perry , Barei and Edwards . THE MOTION CAFtIED SIX TO THREE. Mayor Custer called attention to inquiry made during the L . I .D. Public hearing concerning City actions in regard to Drug Abuse Council pursuant to assistance request of Mrs . Mary Marang who wished to establish a Center in the Valley for such program. The person inquiring had left the Chambers and Mayor Custer advised he had directed lettez `o U.G .N. to inquire regarding aid but had no reply as yet . -3- MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/22/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Mayor Custer announced receipt of a number of additional communications since preparation of the Agenda . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ALLOW THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Custer announced that the 1970 Preliminary Budget will be available next week in order that the Council will have time to meet and discuss it before adopting the maximum tax levy. Council President Perry requested the Councilmen to plan to attend two meetings next week to consider the millage levy . L. I.D. 259 Final Costs and Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer submitted Assessment Roll final costs to be charged against the District , Honey Creek Park and submitted final assessment roll with 10/20/69 Sanitary Sewers recommended as date for final hearing on said roll . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Annexation Kennydale Island Letter from G . Brice Martin , Chief Clerk , King County Boundary Review Board, reported that no request has been received for review and since the 60-day period has elapsed , the Notice of Intention to annex the Kennydale Island area to Renton has been approved. Certified copy of ordinance or resolution accomplish- said action to be filed with County Executive Spellman . MOVED BY GARRETT, .SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . Public Hearing Notice was read announcing a public hearing by the 1970. Budget_ - City Council on Monday , October 6 , 1969 at 8 : 00 p.m. Millage Levy in the Renton Municipal Building Council Chambers to consider the proposed 1970 Budget as pertains to the millage levy for the calendar year 1970 . Further public hearing to be held on Monday December 1 , 1969 for purpose of Fixing the Final Budget for 1970 . Loans Required Letter from City Clerk Nelson advised of need for for Library and securing $40 ,000 . 00 loan for the Library Fund and Street Funds $50 ,000 . 00 for the Street Fund to cover operating $90,000. 00 costs through October pending receipt of tax moneys . it was recommended that said loans be authorized from the Waterworks Utility Fund at 3% interest ,to be repaid no later than December 31 , with referral upon concurrence , to the Lara and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolution . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, .SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE LOAN AND REFERRAL RECOMMENDATIONS . CARRIED. L . I.D. 261 Final costs and Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted final Assessment Roll costs to be charged against L . I.D. 261 , along with Kennydale Sanitary Final Assessment Roll with 10/27/69 recommended as ,Sewers date for public hearing on said roll . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Late-Comers Letter from W. B . Rigg, Architect for the Careage taw Agreement Corporation , reauested Late-Comers agreement for Request--Sewer proposed sewer on Springbrook Road to connect to the existing Netro system and continue to the Renton Con- valescent Center, MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE AND CITY ENGINEER_ TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Late--Comers Letter from Air . A . Grice ,Land Development Div. McGrath Agreement Request Corporation , reauested Late--Comers Agreement in con- Well Site--Glencoe nection with sanitary sewer and water services being Div. No. 2 installed in development of Glencoe as it pertains to well site property owned by the City . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. -4-- *' 14 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/22/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont. ) BID AWARD: Notice from F. A . Grabner , Airport Director , advised Municipal Airport of acceptance by the Airport Board, (per minutes of Drainage Project September 16th meeting,) of low bid of Coluccio Con- struction Company on airport dra4nage project , in sum of $141 ,082. 32 . Ways and Means Committee Chairman Schellert advised funding recommendation -was ready if desired- now. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE REPORT BE READ AT THIS TIME . CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended that excess revenues in the Airport Fund in sum of $17 ,213 . 78 be appropriated into Airport Fund expending budgetary account No . 2510/608, Reserve for Development , to provide funds to cover the bid award on the airport drainage project MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDI- NANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. BID AWARD: Letter from Park Director Coulon reported Park Board Stage III, Lake recommendation that the total low bid of the Calhoun Wn . Beach Park Construction Company ,for Stage 3 development of Lake Development Wn . Beach Park , be accepted which includes Basic Bid of $143 , 371 . 00 and fill , sand and alternates to total of $176 ,305 . 00 . Park and Recreation Committee of the Council report of concurrence in acceptance of the total low bid of Calhoun Construction Company was attached . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOM-- MENDATIONS OF THE PARK BOARD AND COMMITTEE. CARRIED. STREET IMPROVE - Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Chairman, Board of MENT SO. 180TH Public Works , reported meetings for discussion of Urban Art. joint ultimate development of S . W. 43rd Street (S. 180th) project with Kent between the East and West Valley Highway and it was recommended joint participation with the City of Kent in application for funds and approval of said improvement project be authorized. MOVED BY SCHELLEPT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUP IN THE RECOMMENDA• TION . THE CARRIED. Kent approval was attac ed . STREET -- NAME Mayor Custer reported request by the Hospital Distri -t for change of street name for S. 57. 43rd it being fe.it S. 11,17. 43rd the number. *could he difficult to locate . MOVED BY (So . 180tH) DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO -HE STRNET IP'D II,I,E;Y COi'll'ITTEE TO PEP" 'T BPCK.,, CPPPTED. CLAIM BY PACIFIC Letter from Pacific P'. iJ. Bell Co , filed Claim against NORTHWEST BELL the City in estimated sum of $106 . 00 for damage to Damage to buried buried cable severed by backhoe during water service Cable by Backhoe to residence at 2423 Jones Street by City personnel . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE CLAI14 TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE, CARRIER . THE MOTION CAPPIED. BID AWARDS Letter from. Park Director 's office reported recom- Asphalt Parkina mendations on bid openings of 9/22/69 , that the low Areas-Liberty Park bid of Rainier Asphalt Paving Company in sum of Philip Arnold Park $11 ,118 . 80 , including tax, be accepted on the paving AND of parking areas at Liberty and Philip Arnold Parks , 1969 Rogers Leaf and that lov, '-id of Northwest Mowers , Inc . in sum of Sweeper $3 ,499 . 71 , including tax , be accepted on the sweeper . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SC'HELLF,RT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. Barei inquired re few bids and price spread in the asphalting bids and Park Supervisor Heiret advised the bid call had been placed in the Daily Journal , local papers and sent to two Plan Check Centers and various prime ,:ontractors dealing with asphalt had picked up plans but many firms are on projects already . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Barei opposed . -5- 3.W MINUTES -- RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/22/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : APPL. -MUSIC :MACH. A Letter from Mr . George Boode, G. & B. Company ,applied MASTER LICENSE` for license to operate music machines in the City of Renton . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPL. MUSIC MACH. Application from L . Molner , E1 Picador Tavern , Location License requested that G . & B Company be granted required license to operate a coin-type phonograph at 214 Williams Street South . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. AIR POLLUTION Letter from L . Joe Miller , City Manager , Bellevue , CONTROL-Action submitted Resolution No . 1592 , felt to be of interest . of Bellevue to other cities prohibiting any outdoor fires for the disposal of waste material not otherwise handled by by the garbage .pick-up service , unless there is no alternate disposal . (Normandy Park area) MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. ANNEXATION-A69•-03 Letter from G . Brice Martin , Chief Clerk of the King Talbot Hill County Boundary Review Board , reported request from Island Area Water District #78 for review of the City 's Notice of BRB File 205 Intention to annex the Talbot Hill Island area . Date of hearing will be forthcoming. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Richard Stredicke noting some loss in content of the Sign Control Ordinance from that recommended by the Planning Commission and that adopted but he felt it was in fact a good ordinance for the City of Renton and the Council was commended for effecting passage of same this evening. Planning Camt-ittee Member Delaurenti expressed his agreement that it was a good ordinance noting many hours spent by the Council Planning Committee alone with the others contributing in effecting its consumation . APPOINTMENTS Council President Perry reported approval of appointments by the Mayor as follows : Mr . Richard Stoddard to the permanent position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department , to become effective as of September 16 , 1969 . IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE PERMANENT APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Police Chief William 's recommendation was attached. The City-Council ' s Concurrence was requested in the appointment of Mr . Roger Lewis to membership on the Mayor ' s Youth Guidance Committee . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. President Perry announced he has been holding appointment to the Park Board pursuant to Council action to require that all members be present when it is presented , inquiring if that is still the wish of the Council . Discussion ensued regarding extending of courtesy to those absent as had been requested by others during their absence , and it was subsequently MOVED BY PERRY AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE SUBJECT APPOINTMENT BE PRESENTED ON OCT. 6 , REGARDLESS OF ATTENDANCE COUNT. After further remarks and inquiry as to whether dispute is likely , THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. COUNCIL, PORTRAIT Mayor Custer inquired whether group or individual pictures for composite were desired. Group was indi-- Gated and it was requested that members be present prior to the meeting on October 6 , for the picture . Delaurenti suggested a reminder on Friday prior to said date be given by telephone . 3/l MINUTES -- RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/22/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : COMMITTEE OF THE Council President Perry submitted recommendation WHOLE REPORT of the Committee of the Whole to concur in the 1 . Computer Property Committee report to enter into a five year contract with National Cash Register Company for Century 100 Computer . After referral motion failed discussion followed on capability of I .B .M. and the N.C.R . computers with remarks from repre- sentatives of both companies , council debate and MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. Questioned was 5 year period attention being called to the need for new equipment at present when the computer has not been in operation for two years as yet . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONTRACT FOR THREE YEARS WITH N.C .R . FOR THE CENTURY 100 , RATHER THAN P_ FIVE YEAR PERIOD. The voice vote was dissenting with roll call requested and resulting as follows ! Aye : Schellert , Delau-- renti , Trimm, Garrett , Bruce . No : Perry , Edwards , Grant and Barei . The AMENDMENT CARRIED FIVE TO FOUR . It was noted the three year contract was $115 . 00 more per month and not a low bid, capabilities ani? the fact it is in operation in the area were noted. It was pointed out that cancellation clause is in- cluded with penalty clause which may be invoked. ORIGINAL MOTION TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED,TO A THREE YEAR CONTRACT AGREEMENT;SUBSE- QUENTLY CARRIED. 2 . Property The Committee of the Whole recommended down payment Acquisition for acquisition of the XcKean property be budgeted (Ad.jcfning by the Council . (Offer of Glen Wallin & Associates ,Sprirr, rook on behalf of client , July 7 , 1969) MOVED BY PERRY, Watershed) SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TO CONSIDER DURING BUDGET. HEARINGS. CARRIED. STREET AND ALLEY The Street and Alley Committee report recommended the CORfMITTEE FEPORT request of Mr. Arthur Treosti to improve city right- Arthur Treosti of way property with landscaping, drive and turn around request to land- be allowed under supervision of the Street Commissioner scape and improve and upon execution of Hold Harmless Agreement . MOVED di±ve and turn . BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR . THE area on. city land. _MOTION CARRIED. FIRE AND WATER The Fire and Water Committe recommended agreement be COMMITTEE REPORT authorized with Kent requested by Hill , Ingman & Chase , Kent request for Consulting Engineers , for installation of 10" water 10" waterline in line in S. W. 43rd Street (So . 180th in Kent) , the Mayor So . 180th .Street and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City (SW 43rd St . ) upon City Attorney and City Engineer ' s approval . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GARRETT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSIri:,;SS BY COUNCIL : PUBLIC RELATIONS Committee Chairman Edwards announced a meeting on October 6 , at 7 :00 p.m . •REV*Tb.;�7 TRAFFIC Councilman Schellert noted publication advising that E.NGINEPRING :SEP ' j,, the month of October has the highest accident rate ANNUAL TRAFFIC with Friday the worst day and between 3 and 6 :p.:r. . DEPORT the most dangerous hours . ThP report designates 1969 problem areas and outlines accidents and pertinent data relative thereto . -7- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/22/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : AUDIT. & ACCT. Committee Member Delaurenti submitted City of Renton COMMITTEE REPORT Vouchers Nos . 4007 through 4152 and MOVED THAT THE Voucher approval COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE Nos. 4007-4152 MOTION WAS SECONDED BY EDWARDS AND CARRIED.Breakdown by funds follows : Current Fund 4007-4051 $ 4 ,459. 44 City Street Fund 4052-4061 8 ,733 . 01 Equipment Rental 4062-4073 1 ,146 . 93 Library Fund 4074-4101 3 ,911 . 19 Park Fund 4102-4115 17 ,105 . 08 Waterworks Utility 4116-4135 18 , 375 . 87 1965 W & S. Const . 4136 100 . 00 Airport Fund 4137-4142 124 . 56 Firemen 's Pension 4143-4151 3 ,450 . 51 Urban Arterial 4152 64 . 74 Total $57 ,471 . 33 L. I. D. 261 Cash Fund #7 $11 ,336 . 25 L.I.D. 261 Revenue Fund #7 11 ,336 . 25 L.I.D. 261 Cash Fund #8 7 ,410 . 92 L . T.D. 261 Revenue Fund #8 7 ,410. 92 L. I.D. 261 Cash Fund #9 75 . 00 L. I.D. 261 Revenue Fund #9 75 . 00 LIGHT AND POWER Committee Chairman Grant reported five street light Installation of installations in the City which had been referred to Street Lights the Traffic Engineering Department were accomplished. AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Don Meeks , I.B.M. Representative thanked the Council and congratulated the city for moving ahead expressing his anticipation of doing business in the future, noting NCR to be a worthy adversary . Councilman Barei expressed admiration for conduct of both firm representatives noting his fr.iendship .with Mr . Meeks , 'and respect for the abilities of which. their com- panies can be proud, such -caliber of men being the founda- tion for making the company product world leaders . PROCLAMATION : The week of October 5 through 11 , 1969 was Proclaimed by the Mayor as Fire Prevention Week. MOVED BY GARRETT SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED . ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Barei , to adjourn . The motion carried . The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 55 p.m. There were 78 visitors in attendance this meeting. x1el-i Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk i D. W. Custer , Mayor -8- 31 -_ 9/22/69 BID OPENING : September 22,, 1959 10:00 a �mo 18t Floor Coni'. Rm CITY OF ENTON PARK DEPARTMENT 1969 Rogers Sweeper Model 720 BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC B.�D TAX TOTAL BID Northwest Mowers , Inc. $ 3 ,34900 $ 150071 3 ,499. 71 1149 North 98th Street Seattle, Washington 98103 Certified Check accompanied bid Empire Way Seen & Garden 5715 Empire Way South Seattle, Washington 98118 $ 3 ,399. 24 152 . 97 3 ,552 . 21 Certified Check accompanied bid BID OPENING: September 22 , 1969 10: 00 a .m. 1st Floor Confo Rai. ASPHALT PARKING LOTS FOR PARKS Philip Arnold and Liberty Park BIDDER AND ADDRESS _BASIC BBD #1 BASXC BID #2 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co . $ 4 ,120 . 00 plus 6 ,520 . 00 plus P. O. Box 444 tax tax too Renton , Washington 98055 Bid bond accompanied bid F. S. Jones Const . Co. , Inc. 10 ,000. 00 plus 21 ,210 . 00 plus 4608 - 36th Ave. S. W. tax tax Seattle, Washington 98126 Bid bond accompanied bid OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9/22/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 1999 $1,000.00 RUDOLPH ZAPUTIL 479 KIRKLAND AVE. NE ENLARGE BEDROOM 20(_`0 1,400.00 BOEING CO. 4-42 BUILDING REWORK CLEAN ROOM 20!)1 738.00 BOEING CO. 4-63 BUILDING INST. WALL & DOORS ko. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2355 7,720.00 HERFYIS RESTAURANT 8535 PHINNEY AVE. WIRE RESTAURANT 2356 50.00 N. J. GLEBOFF 104 RAINIER AVE. S TEMP. SERVICE 2357 50.00 McGRATH CORPORATION 4211 NE 19TH ST. TEMP. SERVICE 2358 50.00 TERHUNE CONSTRUCTION 413 STEVENS AVE. NW TEMP. SERVICE 2359 50.00 CLYDE FOSTER 1707 SE 18TH PL. TEMP. SERVICE E 2360 50.00 LOTTO CONST. CO. 1520 SW GRADY WAY TEMP. SERVICE 2361 50.00 D. E. BLOOD 1711 KENNEWICK CT. SE TEMP. SERVICE 2362 50.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2615 SMITHERS AVE. S TEMP. SERVICE 2363 50.00 JOE BOEHME 901 JONES AVE. S TEMP. SERVICE 2364 50.00 McGRATH CORPORATION 1802 WHITMAN AVE. NE TEMP. SERVICE E 2365 100.00 DALE FUGERE 2600 NE 6TH PL. WIRING 2366 200.00 BOEING CO. 4-63 BUILDING RELOCATE MRSA 2367 71.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING INSTALL IBM 1050 2368 114.00 BOEING CO. 4-63 BUILDING RELOCATE POWER SYSTEM 2369 900.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING EXTEND 100 AMP SERVICE E 2370 208.00 BOEING CO. 7-65-2 BUILDING RELOCATE SPRAY BOOTH 2371 150.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING MOVE R&D 2372 213.00 BOEING CO. 10-65 BUILDING RAISE TRANSFORMER 2373 580.00 BOEING CO. l0-8o BUILDING 10-80 BLDG. LIGHTING 2374 250.00 BOEING CO. 7-15-2 BUILDING VACATE 7-65 BLDG. 2375 47.00 BOEING CO. 4-42 BUILDING REWORK CLEAN ROOM 2376 50.00 BOEING CO. 5-60 BUILDING INST. MACCS SYSTEM iw 2377 21,000.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING POWER SYSTEM GROUNDING 2378 590.00 L. MINARDO 915 S 29TH ST. WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2127 KEN LINDBERG 760 THOMAS AVE. SW INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2128 MRS. NICE BALZARINI 419 RENTON AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE 2129 ZOLA DILLON 424 WHITWORTH AVE. S INST. HEATER 2130 HERFYIS RESTAURANT 640 RAINIER AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2131 HERVE BELISLE 2010 NE 27TH ST. INST. GAS FURNACE M 2132 CHRISTINA CAREY 334 MORRIS AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE 2133 STEVEN JACKSON 3328 NE 6TH INST. GAS FURNACE SEWER PERMITS S 996 CHARLES DOUGLAS 3215 14TH AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 997 McGRATH CORPORATION 2213 ANACORTES AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 998 McGRATH CORPORATION 2207 ANACORTES AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 999 JOHN L. MOSMAN 1012 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1000 FOUSTINO CONTREAS 1105 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER S 1000-A JERRY H. KELLEHER 1025 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1001 IVAN UNBEDACHT 3817 TALBOT RD. S CONNECT SEWER 1002 MARY BOYCE 1108 N 29TH CONNECT SEWER 1003 M. L. GIBSON 1215 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1004 DAVID WIESS 3417 NE 17TH PL. CONNECT SEWER i�rr 3 �0 Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the Renton City Council for the month of September, 1969 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 29 ,218 . 33 Arterial Street 5 ,699 . 11 City Street 56 ,464 . 74 Cedar River M. & I. 669 . 74 Equipment Rental 6 ,291 . 39 Library 6 ,694 . 22 Parks 34 ,814 . 60 Waterworks Utility 80, 386 . 30 1965 Water & Sewer Const . 2 ,080 . 28 Airport 6 ,153 . 62 Firemen 's Pension Fund 3 ,990 . 01 City Hall Construction Fund 1 ,641 . 18 Urban Arterial Street 48 ,980 . 79 Total Claims $283 ,084 . 31 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $146 ,878 . 39 City Street Fund 32 ,874 . 91 Cedar River M. & I. 653 . 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,030 . 51 Library 10 ,533 . 72 Parks 25 ,528 . 85 Waterworks Utility 22 ,251 . 28 Airport Fund 1 ,679 . 91 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 Total Payroll $245 ,530 . 57 s � RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk October 6 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim of Jack M. Hawkins for water damage to property from drainage ditch overflow AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Acceptance and final payment , CAG 1320-68 , Jones Park Restroom, $2 ,954045 due Ricardi Construction , and commencement of 30-day lien period Acceptance and final payment , CAG 1314-68, Window washing equipment , $9 ,091 . 50 due Spider Staging Co . , and commencement of lien period Acceptance and final payment , CAG 1489-69 , Design and Engineering , Airport drainage project , $1 ,635 . 00 due Wilsey & Ham, and commence lien period. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Letter from Mrs . Florence Long on behalf of Friends of the Library requesting approval of 1970 Library Budget as submitted by the Board Cedar River bank beautification presentation to be made by Planning Com- mission at next committee meeting Budgetary consideration to be given to request by Metro for $5 ,000 . 00 as city ' s share for a study of bus transportation improvements LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Tax Millage Levy for 1970 (Ordinance 2507 adopted) Request of Street Commissioner for budgetary appropriatr.Off of funds received from King County for street restoration (Ord. 2510 adopted) Request of Park Director for transfer of funds to one budgetary account to facilitate accounting procedures regarding payment of city ' s share of operating costs of hazen park pool , due the school district Rezones : Beth Nelson property from R-1 to R-3 , Taylor Ave . N. W. and N. W. 3rd Place Emery Sigeti property , R-4 to R-3 , Pelly Ave . No . between No . lst and 2nd streets MAYOR AND CITY CLERK To execute agreement with Northern Pacific Railway Co . re Lind Avenue grade crossing , urban arterial project . POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE (with power to act) Application for license to operate novelty device at A . & B . Tavern PLANNING COMMITTEE M. A . Bass request for change in Comprehensive Land Use Plan to allow rezone and special permit for convalescent center Planning Commission recommendations re mobile home park ordiance PROPERTY COMMITTEE Bids and Plans of Maplewood Park restroom facility - to be evaluated with report back to Council APPOINTMENTS Mr. Tom Teasdale - Reappointed to Park Board Councilman Shane to represent City at Department of Public Works Solid Waste symposium at Renton Inn , October 10 , 1969 MEETINGS AND EVENTS 10/8/69 - Planning Committee meeting at 4 :00 p .m. Fire and Water Committee meeting at 7 : 30 p .m. 10/17/69- Watch T. V. program - 6 : 00 p.m. news 10/20/69- Public Hearing - Hugh S. Ferguson Co . appeal of Planning .... Commission denial of revised site plan 10/20/69- Official pictures to be taken at 7 :00 p .m. Property Committee meeting at 7 :00 p.m. with Park Director, Park Board and architects re Maplewood restroom facility 11/18/69- Annexation of Kennydale Island Election RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk October 6 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building by D. W. Custer, Mayor. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce, Maxin, Edwards , Garrett , Trimm Delaurenti , and Schellert . Absent : Morris . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan, City Attorney , Clarence Williams, Chief of Police , Gene Coulon , Park Director, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Vic Te Gantvoort , Street Commissioner, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF SEPTE,"BER 22 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Tax Millage Levy for 1970 Budget (Final Budget Hearings December 1 to 5 , 1969) 1970 Millage Levy This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . The Clerk read Ordinance provisions certifying that the estimated amount necessary to be raised by taxation is the sum of $3 ,041 ,469 based upon 16 mills and assessed valuation of $190 ,091 ,843 with excess millage to be levied for 1965 G. O. Bonds , in sum of $ 69 ,750 based on . 36693 mill and said assessed valuation . Audience comment was invited. .5r . Frank Storey inquired as to amount the 16 mill levy produced last year compared to this year . Mayor Custer reported the present levy is $194 ,150..1ess than .1969 1.�!11en 16 mills produced `,3 ;235,615 the assessed valuation last year being $202 ,226 ,162, and being decre.asec' this year results in loss bf $12 ,134 ,319 in "assessed valuat±oh. tie further noted the final budget for 1970 is balanced at decrease of $298 ,831 , or 2 . 86% from the 1969 budget . Mr. Richard Stredicke inquired whether any projects not now included in the budget would require levy by bonds and special elections . it was noted that if not included other means of funding would be necessary . Mr. Sven Johnson inqui. ed whether the 16 mills can be levied without approval of the voters and was advised that it can with any excess requiring additional levy and approval . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Shane noting adoption to be a mute question, inquired as to what the true amount of taxes to be paid each year should be noting they are going up each year. EAF.EI MOVED THE PREVIOUS QUESTION WHICH WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED. THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED CLOSING THE HEARING . Shane and Grant opposed. Discussion ensued regarding additional levies approved by voters at request of other taxing districts it being noted the 16 mills remains constant . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO LEVY 16. MILLS FOR 1970 FOR THE rURREATT FUND AND TO LEVY . 36693 MILL FOR 1965 GENERAL OPLIGATION BONDS, previously approved by the voters . THE .'MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, AND SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. _.1 t1 'a • 'i MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 6 , 1969 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm, submitted the following documents ORDINANCE 2506 Document was read ordering the construction and installa- L. I.D. 263--Bids tion of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances and construction thereto in the Kennydale area , located within and without the city limits of Renton , all in accordance with Resolu- tion No . 1644 of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington ; establishing Local Improvement District No . 263 , a portion of which district is located outside the city limits as therein below set forth, providing method of assessment in said district; providing that payment for said improvement be made by special assessments of "payment by bonds" or `'Notes" in lieu thereof as deter- mined by the City Council ; and providing for the sale and issuance of Local Improvement District warrants redeemable in cash and Local Improvement District bonds or notes . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. After the final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY TRIMM, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2507 The proposed Otdinance was read fixing the estimated (Fixing Tax amount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of Levies for 1970) the estimated expenditures for the year 1970 , as required by R. C. W. 84 . 52 . 020 ; authorizing the City Clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxa- tion on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton , ;Washington . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND Aldi FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER THE FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADOPT THE ORDI- NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED. RDINANCE 2500 Proposed Ordinance was read authorizing appropriation of bmtopropriating $17 ,213 . 78 received in excess of anticipated revenues excess revenue in the Airport Fund unto budgetary account 2510 , Airport unto Airport Fund 608 , Reserve for Development and Improvement . (To fund drainage project) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY TRIMM TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED Ill ALL AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2509 Ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain Acquisition of lands by eminent domain , providing for the payment thereof waterfront lands out of the General Fund; authorizing the City Attorney to (Lake Wn . Beach prepare a petition for condemnation in the Superior Court Park Addition) in and for the County of King and the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such properties for park, playground and marine recreational and like purposes . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES, BXCEPT GRANT G?7HO WAS ABSENT FROM THE CHAMBERS DURING THE VOTE . RDINANCE 2510 Letter from Vic Te Gantvoort. reported receipt of reim- ppropriating bursement moneys in sum_ of_ $6 ,615 . 26 from King County for Txcess revenues street restoration participation and requested appropria- into Street De- tion into Acs/130 , $600 . 00, 315 , $1 ,870 . 00 and 417 , partment Budget $4,145 . 26 , Street Department Account 1320 . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED. The Committee presented ordinance which was read authorizing appropria- tions as requested. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND BY BRUCE TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDZD BY DELAURENTI TO ADOPT AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES EXCEPT GRANT WHO WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. CARRIED, 324 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 6 , 1969 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) RESOLUTION 1650 Letter from Gene Coulon , Park Directoriwas read requesting transfer of funds ,budgeted in various Fund transfers . to Park Department accounts ,into one account for facilitate p4ymeht expending to the School District the City 's share to School District of Hazen High School Pool operation . Proposed for Hazen High motion to refer to committee brought discussion Pool operation concerning study of the facility operation by Committee . It was noted thatagreementpreviously authorized provides for payment upon r.Pc,?ipt of billings from the school district from budgeted funds , and the transfer is to facilitate accounting pro-- cedure .Proposed motion by Bruce to refer to Park and Recreation Committee was withdrawn and After further discussion and motion proposals , it was MOVED BY SCH_ELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF THE PARK DIRECTOR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE, CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT,SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER OF THE HAZEN HIGH POOL TO THE PARK AND RECREA- TION COMMITTEE. After discussion regarding time period covered by payments and disposition of funds not expended by end of budgetary calendar year, THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. THE RESOLUTION WAS READ authorizing transfer of funds in total amount of $7 ,029 .10 into Park Department Account 1750/326 , from 303, $1 ,300 . 00; 306 , $150 . 00; 309 , $600 . 00; 404 , $1 ,500 . 00 ; 407 , $500 . 00; and 417, $2 ,979 .10 . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1651 Proposed Resolution was read authorizing transfer of funds from the Waterworks Utility Fund in sum of Loans to Street $90 ,000 . 00 , to constitute loans pending receipt of and Li'-racy Funds tax moneys as follows : Unto Library Fund, $40 ,000 . 00 pending receipt Unto Street Fund $50 ,000 . 00 , to bear interest at 3% of tax moneys per annum and repayable not later than December 31 , 1969 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS & Letter from Mrs . Florence Long, Secretary, Friends of CURRENT BUSINESS : the Library, requested the council to approve the 1970 Library budget for 1970 as submitted by the Library Library Budget Board in order that the educational facility might Support be maintained with adequate support . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GARRETT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED. BID AWARD Maplewood Park Letter from Park Director Coulon reported Park Board Restroom recommendation that low bid of the Pyramid Construction Corporation , in sum of $12 ,280 . 00 be accepted. Included is basic bid of $11 ,480 . 00 and Alternate #2 , $800 . 00 . plus applicable taxes . Upon proposal for bid rejection discussion ensued concerning costs for restroom facili- ties and possibility of change in present stand to allow another type of building which might be less costly and yet as substantially sound for purpose of use . It was subsequently MOVED Pr, PERRY, SrCONT'LD BY .GRTNT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO 'THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE THE PLANS AND THE BIDS AND TO REPORT BACK. Attention was called to the fact that there had been eleven bids sub- mitted and this was a representative and competitive bid and it would not be fair to bidders to reject the bids . Further noted was work and recommendations of the Park Board and architects in regard to the specifications and plans as w.?11 as award of the .bid, and Engineer 's esti- mate of $'13 ,500 . 00, and time O.Zsmejit for Mori F c_eptance after which the PENDING MOTION WAS VOTED U.r ).: "�.NTJ CAPRI_;!?. 325 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/6/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) CAG . 1320-68 , Jones Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted billing Park restroom-Final for final work on the Jones Park restroom by Ricardi payment , acceptance, Construction in sum of $2 ,954 . 45 . Acceptance by the and commence 30-day Council was recommended as of October 6 , 1969 with lien period release of retained amount of $1 ,031 . 60 after 30-day lien period if no claims or liens are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE . CARRIED, 'AG . 1314--68 , Window Building Director Ruppert submitted final billing in mashing Equipment sum of $9 ,091 . 50 due Spider Staging Company on the Final payment,accept , window washing equipment for the Municipal Building and commence 30-day Acceptance by Council was recommended along with lien period commencement of 30-day lien period, $909 . 15 to be released to contractor thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS WITH REFERRAL TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE. CARRIED, CAG. 1489-69 , Letter from F . A . Grabner , Airport Director , reported Drainage project at completion of study and design by Wilsey and Ham, airport , Design - Consulting Engineers , for airport drainage project . Final payment and Final payment of $1 ,635 . 00 was recommended and council acceptance , commence acceptance of the project as of October 6 , 1969 , the 30-day lien period release of $1 ,090 . 00 to be effected after 30 days if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of pay- ment of tax liabilities . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS WITH RE- FERRAL TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. "Employees Club and Letters from the City Local 21R , John Bowron ,Pres . , 'local 21R requests and City Employees Club , Terry Bartley , Pres . , .,W;o work Election requested permission to work election day which has Day , Nov. 4 , for been established by the State Attorney General as Nov. 28th as a legal holiday , in exchange for holiday on November holiday 28 , the day following Thanksgiving.MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT TO ALLOW THE EXCHANGE . It was noted that most departments must work this day anyway in connection with opening buildings for poll workers , placement of precinct signs , distribution of precinct and poll books , in telephone assistance and other public services which are mandatory in connection with the election . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED . License Application Letter from Edward G. Johnson requested that A . & B <, Novelty Device for tavern be granted required license to operate a A . & B . Tavern Novelty Soccer Game machine at said business located at 317 Main Avenue South ., MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY SHANE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. A,epeal of Planning Letter from Keith R. Baldwin , Attorneys for Hugh S. Commission Decision Ferguson Company appealed decision of the Planning in dental of revised Commission , Appl . SA-614-69 , Revised (E. J. Bartell site plan Bldg. ) in denial of approval of the revised site plan for property located on Powell Avenue S. W. between S. W. 7th and S . W. 10th Street in the Earlington Industrial Park area of the City . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY PERRY, OCTOBER 20 , 1969 BE SET FOR HEARING ON THIS APPEAL. CARRIED. Reguest for Change Letters from Mr . M. A . Bass , called attention to in Com rehensive plans for relocation of Country Crest Home , on a Land Use Plan portion of property at south end of land sold by 1st Christian Church of Renton . Rezone and Special Permit will be required, however , problem exists with respect to rezone requiring change in the comprehensive land use plan . Council was requested to effect the necessary change to allow the convalescent center . -4- a; MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/6/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Request for Change Mr. M. A . Bass requested solution to rezone problem in Comprehensive and noted time to be of essence since the old Land Use Plan nursing home at So . 277th must be replaced prior (Cont . from Page 4) to June , 1970 and time must be allowed for con- struction at the new location . MOVED BY PERRY, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Cedar Riverbank Letter from Richard M. Stredicke , Chairman , Renton Development and Planning Commission , reported heavy, recreational use a/ Beautification of the Cedar River this summer 'and that only 300 ft . of the 10 ,000 is currently developed. It was urged that funds be budgeted in 1970 for initial develop- ment of the riverbank and that a continuing fund be established for further acquisition , development and beautification . It was requested that the Planning Commission be given an opportunity to make a short presentation concerning the matter. MOVED BY DELAU- RENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WITH PLANNING COMMISSION PRE- SENTATION TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA OF THE COMMITTEE'S NEXT MEETING . CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , RECOMMENDATIONS reported recommendations of the Planning Commission 1 . Preliminary Plat for approval of Preliminary Plat of Glencoe #3 , Glencoe #3 4 . 9 acres , 16 10ts , located on N. E. 24th Street between Union Avenue N. E. and Anacortes Avenue S.E. subject to compliance with recommendations of the City Engineer per letter dated 9/24/69 concerning street dedications . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO APPROVE THE PLAT AS RECOMMENDED. "CARRIED. 2 . REZONE- The Planning Commission recommended approval of rezon Beth Nelson property application R-621-69 from R-1 to R-3 on Beth Nelson 14 ,000 sq. ft . property located on the SE corner of Taylor Avenue NW and NW 3rd Place which rezone is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED . 3 . REZONE The Commission recommended approval of rezone applica- Emery Sigeti tion R-625-69 , Emery Sigeti property from R-4 to R-3 , 5 ,375 sq. ft . located on Pelly Avenue North between North lst and No . 2nd Streets which proposed use is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY BAREI, SECOND BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION. Upon inquiry regarding having to zone down for use it was felt should be allowed in R-4 if allowed in R-3 , it was noted that the revisions to be proposed with regard to mobile home parks also include some provisions concerning uses permitted un- der various rezone classifications . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO REFER THE REZONES TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . ELECTION CANVASS BY Letter from Mr . Edward J. Logan , Director of Records KING COUNTY-CERTIFI- and Elections , reported canvass of results of election CATION OF RETURNS of"NN.ovember 4 , 1969 as follows : Mayor : Frank Aliment , 1 ,131 , Nominated , Avery Garrett , 1 ,485 , Nominated, L Charles Shane 918 and Bob Wray , 205 ; Clerk, Helmie 7p Nelson , 2 ,448 , Nominated; Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett , 2 ,536 , Nominated; Council Position No . 1 , John D. Cline 996 , Nominated, Bruce McKay , 951 , Nominated; Norman L . Ross , 541 and Arthur D. Scholes , 608 ; Council Position No . 2 , Steven Carlmas 405 , Earl Clymer, 1 , 894 , Nomina- ted, Ronald Regis , 864 , Nominated. (Cont . next page) -5- o2 � MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/6/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) ELECTION CANVASS Council Position 3, Charles Delaurenti , 2 ,341 , BY KING COUNTY Nominated; Council Position 4, George J. Perry , 1890 , (Cont. ) Dan Poli , 1006 , both nominated, Council Position No . 5, Tom E. Morris , 683 , Richard M. (Dick) Stredicke, 1416 , Nominated, Harold Woodin , 1 ,043, Nominated; Council Position No . 6 , Fred C. Callen , 1346 , Nominated Henry E. Schellert , 1 ,366 , Nominated REPORT OF BID City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids on 9/24/69 OPENING FOR WATER for City water pipe supply . Two bidders responded, PIPE SUPPLY Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company , Seattle , and ... United States Pipe and Foundry y Com an p y , Seattle . Bid tabulations are attached hereto. (See Fire and Water Committee report of bid award later in meeting) Senior Citizens Letter from Emma C. Sheldon , on behalf of the Senior letter of Citizens Club expressed appreciation for generosity appreciation in making possible the many things the Park Department provides for comfort and pleasure of the members . ANNEXATION,A69-01 Letter from John L. Chambers , Deputy Executive , King Report of King County , reported approval by the Prosecuting Attorney County Executive of the Brier-McGrath annexation and accordingly filing BRB File 208 of copies , Ord. 2502 , with various county departments . Dept . of Public Invitation was read , extended by the Dep ' t . of Public Works-Solid Waste Works , to a dedication, demonstration, film premiere Program and symposium of King County 's solid waste program on 10/10/69 "at the Renton Inn . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO APPOINT MR . SHANE TO REPRESENT THE CITY.CARRIED. METRO - Publica- Metro publication concerning origin , philosophy and tion - The First development ,covering its first ten year period of Ten Years , 1958-68 operation was presented and will be on file in the City Clerk 's office . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI, COPIES OF THE PUBLICATION BE SECURED FOR THE LIBRARY. Grant inquired regarding payment to Metro and cut off date and who would effect same . Mayor Custer noted the 50 year construction period and that the project was ahead of schedule and that the Metro Council would determine arr.1 possible reduction with final payments at completion of the project . THE PENDING MOTION, AFTER- FURTHER DISCUSSION REGARDING WHO THE MEMBERS OF THE METRO COUNCIL WERE, CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported com- RECOMMENDATIONS RE pletion of study of mobile home parks in the City of MOBILE HOME PARKS Renton and attached was a draft of "Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Business Regulations for Mobile Home Parks dated 9/12/69 . Availability of the Planning Commission to discuss the proposed changes was indicated . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI, THAT COPIES BE FORWARDED TO ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE. Councilman Shane urged that Light Industrial areas be included among those permitted trailer parks . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED, CLAIM - Damage Letter from Jack M. Hawkins , 2825 Talbot Road So . , to property from filed claim for damages to driveway, grounds and overflow of drain- articles in basement during rainstorm when drainage age ditch ditch overflowed, in sum of $310 . 00 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY'S INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. ANNEXATION Mayor Custer announced that the election for annexation ELECTION-KENNYDALE of the Kennydale Island area of King County would be ISLAND, 11/18/69 held on November 18 , 1969 . Barei urged that the Press publicize the coming election and it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BE REQUESTED TO PROMOTE THE ANNEXATION. THE MOTION CARRIED, -6- }��YUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/6/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) FUNDS FOR METRO Mayor Custer reported receipt of request from Metro STUDY, $5 ,000 . 00 for $5 ,000 . 00 for a study of bus improvements , a for budget con- subject of the coming Forward Thrust Election , which sideration by will require council action since his budget had Council been prepared and balanced heretofore . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR CONSIDERATION DURING BUDGET HEARINGS . THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Sven Johnson addressed the council and requested that his remarks be entered in the minutes , it being his understanding that the budget hearings were at 7: 30 this evening from reading the local newspaper. Mrs . Fleming, reporter for the local paper advised that this was an error of the press . Council President Perry advised that the budget had been received by the Council this afternoon and it has not been reviewed as yet . Mr. Johnson continued with request that the budget salary accounts be reviewed for purpose of determining if conflict of interest exists with regard to municipal employees holding title positions in a corporation formed during their term of employment . He enlarged on the matter exhibiting copies of documents concerning the corporation . Discussion ensued and it was suggested that unless instance of violation of public duty could be proven ,in which event court proceedings probably should have been instituted, no reason exists for any investigation , employees having a right to make invest- ments or belong to a corporation in the absence of any ordinance prohibiting "moonlighting. " Mr. Johnson stated an employee can be pressured into actions , citing instance during his employment with the city when he was advised ,in view of the circumstances, to allow variences , which , being charged with enforce^ient of the ordinances he was reluctant to do . Details were explained in connection with construction of an apartment .Discussion disclosed 3-1/2 stories were up pri to stop work and demolition order being given ,upon the builder having deviated from plans submitted to the City , the attorney noting that no court would require a man to tear down a building and start from scratch when it was up that height . After much discussion the City allowed variance requiring a covenantbe furnished to run with the land in perpetuity and required insurance in amount of 1/2 and 1 million dollars in favor of the City to protect the city and officials from all liability because of city consent of permit for occupancy , which Mr. Johnson had chosen not to sign and which the Mayor signed. The Mayor noted there was quite a history on this building a number of requirements being subsequently installed and none who were involved are proud of the building which has now been twice sold -with said covenant still in force . The City Attorney advised the attorney for the builder has requested the city to lift same feeling the city was too harsh but the city has taken the position it has been very realistic. Mr. Johnson recalled further instances when his efforts concerning plans check on the new city hall building were the subject of question , the structural engineering check resulting in finding that consideration had not been given to seizmic zone and steel having to be added benefitting the city and noting problems upon check of the new library with regard to construction omissions , when he was called in to review same , this construction completed prior to his city employment . Mayor Custer noted architectural responsibility as well as city , with repair and suit being contemplated. Mr . Johnson noted problems with regard to Air Pollution Control when no funds were made available and after further discussion of the various items , it was MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO RECESS . CARRIED. -7- o29 MINUTES -- RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/6/69 After the recess ,roll call was taken which resulted in all present as Previously listed. APPOINTMENT: Council President Perry submitted Mayor 's letter of appointment of Mr . Tom Teasdale as member of the Renton Park Board, effective as of June 1 , 1969 , which had been held at request of council until a full membership was present and subsequently ;noted on for presentation at this meeting. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. Secret ballot was suggested and contested followed by voice vote which was declared to be in affirmative majority . Roll call vote was requested which resulted as follows : AYE: Perry , Barei , Shane, Grant , Bruce , Garrett , Trimm and Delaurenti . No : Maxin , Edwards and Schellert . The motion carried, eight ayes and three nos . _OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : COM11ITTEE REr'ORTS: ~ SANITATION COMMITTEE: Careage Corporation request for Late--Comers Agree- ment to serve proposed convalescent center on Late-Comers Agree- Springbrook Road was reviewed and it was recommended ment for Careage the agreement be granted for a period of five years . Corporation covering a point approximately 570 ft . South of So. 43rd Street (So. 180th) , to Sc . 177th Street . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Late-Comers Agree-- It was noted that request for Late-Comers Agreement ment requested by for well site property adjacent to Glencoe 3 would McGrath Corp. affect city owned property and it was recommended the request be denied , purchase of the subject property having been anticipated by McGrath Corp. and then determined too costlu . MOVED BY PERRY AND SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR . Discussion ensued regarding improvements required by the City and other installations made by developer with regard to sewer service for which recovery of cost was being requested. City Engineer Wilson advised of his recommendation for deduction of improvement costs from other assessments to be charged the corporation which the Committee had decided to disregard in its denial decision , ($969 . 59) . Others noted it had not been city intention to participate in the project and upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised the city could require street improvements within the development but not require improvements on a lot not owned, and the $65 . 00 fee for each of the two installations . could be rebated.. Schellert not_e'-1 the improvements- -'to be it 'h the best interest of he City el .minating need"._for tearing the street up at a latex date and recovery by late--comers was justi- fiable . After further discussion the pending motion was voted upon and CARRIED, denying the Agreement . Schellert opposed. MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE, TO AUTHORIZE REFUND OF $130 . 00 TO .,UCGRATH FOR THE STUB FEES PAID. THE MOTION CARRIED. STREET AND ALLEY Chairman Garrett submitted railroad signal agree- COMMITTEE ments from the Northern Pacific Railway Co. for the Lind Avenue S. W. (formerly 87th Ave . ) Grade Crossing , �. Lind Avenue Urban now under construction as an Urban Arterial Project. Arterial Project It was recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be Lind Avenue RR authorized to sign the agreement . Discussion ensued Agreement regarding participation by the railroad company not now observed but to be required under new state legislation for the future . Possible use of Fran- chises to require assistance was not felt to be a liable prospect , many of the existing ones running for 999 years . Railroad use and need of existing_ spurs was discussed after which it was MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RECO1.1- MENDA TION FOR EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT. CARRIED. -8- 330 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/6/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Con . t) PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MAXIN announced a meeting on October 8 , at 4 :00 p.m . AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE MEMBER MAXIN reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 4153 -- 4402 and L . I . D. 261 Cash and Revenue warrants and L. I. D. 259 Cash and Revenue Warrants , and MOVED THAT SAME BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 4153 - 4246 $ 13 ,926 . 95 City Street Fund 4247 - 4276 20 ,041 . 44 Cedar River M. & I. 4278 - 4279 35 . 84 Equipment Rental 4280 - 4312 3 ,680 . 96 Library Fund 4313 - 4314 180 . 31 Park Fund 4315 - 4348 18 ,280 . 69 Waterworks Utility 4349 -- 4380 19 ,156 . 40 Airport Fund 4381 - 4386 1 . 731 . 66 Firemen 's Pension 4387 - 4398 153 . 55 City Hall Const . 4399 - 4401 73 ,936 . 58 Urban Arterial 4402 15 . 70 $151 ,140 . 08 L. I.D. 261 Cash Fund #10 , $325 . 00 L. I. D. 261 Revenue Fund #10 , 325 . 00 L . I. D. 259 Cash Fund #5 $3 ,591 . 26 L . I.D . 259 Revenue Fund #5 3 ,591 . 26 BID AWARD Pipe Supply 1970 Councilman Bruce submitted Fire and Water Committee report recommending acceptance of low bid of Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co . (See tabulations attached) MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Railroad Crossings in City Councilman Bruce inquired regarding recent meetings with railroad people and actions toward improvement and maintenance of city crossings . Traffic Engineer Bennett reported work in progress reviewing discussions as to railroad company participation in costs on certain improvements . Spur tracks and present use of same were discussed, opening and de- veloping of lands for rail service being noted. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : 1970 Budget Council President Perry urged council to become familiar with contents of the proposed budget in preparation for coming meetings . Group Picture Mayor Custer announced picture taking has been set for October 20 at 7 : 30 p .m. by Gatz Committee Meetings Chairman Bruce announced the Fire and Water Committee will meet Oct . 8 at 7 : 30 p .m. Chairman Barei announced Property Committee meeting on Oct . 20 at 7 : 00 p .m . , the Park Director , Park Board and Olson-Richert & Bignold , architects to attend . TV Program - Council President Perry announced a program to be of interest �+» on Oct . 17 , 6 : 00 p.m . news program and council should watch . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr . Tom Teasdale thanked the council for Park Board membership reappointment advising he will do his best for both political affiliations , his interest in one having specifically been noted. MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 25 p.m. There were 31 visitors in the Council Chamber . D. W. Custer, Mayor "� / Helmie Nelson , City Clerk BID TABULATION o Fn FOR ti 0 WATER PIPE September 24 1969 2:00 P.M. o h, BIDDER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SUB TOTAL 1. 108 LF 4" C.I. $ 1.368 $ 147.74 SALES TAX m PACIFIC STATES 2. 1000 LF 611' C.I. 2.046 2,046.00 TOTALn N. CAST IRON 3. 9750 LF 8" C.I. 2.898 28 255.50 �c PIPE COMPANY 4. 1408 LF 10" C.I. 3.842 414.94 211 Sixth Ave. N. S. 1800 LF 12" C.I. 4.928 8,870.40 $49,722.12 y Seattle, Wa. 93109 6. 108 LF 12" D #2 5 2;1237.50 oBond 7. 1300 LF 16" D.I.A1 7.241 9 413 .30 $51,959.62 BIDDER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SUB TOTAL UNITED STATES 1. 108 LF 4" C.I. 1.42 153.36 SALES TAX PIPE AND FOUNDRY 2. 1000 LF 6" C.I. 2.13 2,130.00 TOTAL COMPANY 3. 9750 LF 8" C_._I. 3.03 29 542.50 4 108 LF 10"C 1, 4.00 432.00 1836 Westlake Ave. N. S._1800 LF 12" C.I. _ 5.13 9,234.00 $51,766.54 Seattle, Wa. 98109 -- - -- - ------ 6, 108 LF 12" D..I.#2 5 .46 589.68 2,329.49 Bond 7. 1300 LF 16" D.I.#1 7.45 9 685 .00 $54,096.03 H 0 1-1rn rn C4 V F—� 332 Office of the City Clerk 1016/69 ALTERNATE BIDS TABULATION 1 2 3 Maplewood Park Restroom Facility Penton Parks and Recreation Department Bid Opening - October 2 , 1969 - 3:00 P.M Renton Municipal Building u o a� a, � L L :3 < U a Bid c x ro CONTRACTOR Bond Base Bid ° Roqer V. Burke 1430 N.w. 64th Seattle , Washington 98107 Bond $25, 575. 00 -1, 300 , -500. -400. Michael T. Ratigan, Builder Cash- 24645 S.E. 216th ier' s Maple Valley , Washington 98038 Check 22, 520.87 -850 +650. -300. Ray Roberts 129 S.W. 186th Seattle , Washington Bond 13 , 604.00 1, 2711 +481. -356. Robert M. Mi 1 ler P.O. Box 62 Ravensdale , Washington 98051 Bond 14, 34 .00 4, 345.00 1, 080 +396. -605. Harry Sherman 10228 S .E. 89th Renton , Washington Tech Construction 200 S.W. 16th Street No Penton, Washington 98055 Bond 11, 816.00 -1, 451, +578. Chang Federal Construction 30815 - 18th S. Federal Way . Washington 98002 Bond 14, 744. 00 -700 +360. -200. Clare Galbraith 132.0 S .W. 158th Seattle , Washington 98166 Pyramid Construction Corporation 720 Nob Hill Avenue Seattle , Washington 98109 Bond 11, 480.00 -700. +800. -150. A.W. Robertson 9529 Lake Washinqton Boulevard N.E . 9e 1 ievue , Washington Bond 12, 806. 20 - -1, 188.+860. -480. Carl Humphrey Construction 5909 Empire Way So. Seattle , Washington 98118 Bond 12, 889.00 1, 050.+344. 450. -I I - c) .) '.) eJc7J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10/6/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2002 $ 700.00 EDWARD SMITH 2309 NE 16TH ST. ERECT CYCLONE FENCE 2003 23800.00 CARPET WAREHSE. CORP. 760 THOMAS AVE. SW CONST. OFFICE SPACE 2004 1,200.00 GEO. E. MATTHEI, SR. 812 HIGH AVE. S CONST. GARAGE 2005 50.00 JOHN SLEZAK 633 INDEX AVE. NE CONST. TOOL SHED ONO 2006 1,200.00 R.J. CAFFELL 1616 NEWPORT AVE. NE ADDN. TO RE C ROOM B 2007 12.50 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2401 MONTEREY AVE. NE ERECT SIGN 2008 500.00 M. J. LACKIE ESTATE 405 S 3RD ST. INSTALL SIGN 2009 700.00 ALFRED R. NOLLNER 1801 UNION AVE. NE FINISH REC ROOM 2010 650.00 ALFRED R. NOLLNER 1801 UNION AVE. NE ERECT FENCE 2011 400.00 JULINE B. EVENHUS 2514 NE 6TH PL. ENCLOSE PATIO B 2012 400.00 HWD. C. FLETCHER CO. 875 SW 7TH ST. INSTALL SIGN 2013 400.00 ROBINSON & LYON FORD 750 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL SIGNS 2014 1,590.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 3000 NE 4TH ST. INSTALL PARTITIONS 2015 500.00 JOHN MARSHALL 420 WILLIAMS AVE. S REMODELING 2016 820.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING INST. PAKO PROCESSOR B 2017 875.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BUILDING REPLACE CEILING 2018 150.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING INSTALL WALL, 2019 550.00 FORENTCO, INC. 710 THOMAS AVE. SW INSTALL SIGNS 2020 750.00 McGRATH CORP. 4420 NE 24TH ST. INSTALL SIGN 2021 11000.00 RENTON FINANCE CORP. 222 WILLIAMS AVE. S INSTALL PARTITIONS B 2022 120.00 SUN LITE CAFE 509 S 3RD ST. INSTALL SIGN ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2379 225.00 R.D. EWING 458 LIND AVE. W MOVE & ENLARGE SERV. 2380 250.00 LOUIS CODIGA, SR. 1726 NE 24TH ST. REPAIR SERVICE 2381 438.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2531 SMITHERS AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2382 513.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2605 SMITHERS AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2383 432.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 743 S 27TH ST. WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2384 23,730.00 PAC. CAR & FDR.Y CO. 1400 N 4TH ST. RELIGHT TRACK 2385 200.00 STONEWAY CONCRETE 1915 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. SERVICE FOR CRANE 2386 225.00 KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKN 603 S 2ND ST. WIRE LIGHT & FAN 2387 550.00 CARPET WAREHSE. CORP. 760 THOMAS AVE. SW INST. LIGHTS & HEAT 2388 50.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 2901 KENNEWICK PL. NE TEMP. SERVICE E 2389 45.00 THE SALVATION ARMY 704 S. TOBIN ST. INST. DRYER CIRCUIT 2390 80.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING INST. TWO OUTLETS 2391 140.00 BOEING CO. 10-56 BUILDING INST. FREEZE PROTECTION 2392 670.00 BOEING CO. 4-81 BUILDING ELECTRICAL - 320 FAJ 23.93 84.00 BOEING CO. 10-54 BUILDING INST. 120V OUTLET E 2394 315.00 BOEING CO. 4-81 BUILDING RELOCATE TOOL ROOM 2395 50.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING MACCS SYSTEM 2396 84.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING INST. RECEPTACLE 2397 166.00 BOEING CO. 4-20 BUILDING INST. PUSH BUTTON STN. 2398 580.00 BOEING CO. 10-50 BUILDING INST. FREEZE PROTECTION E 2399 800.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING RELOCATE WELDERS 2400 13850.00 SUNLITE CAFE 503 S 3RD ST. INST. HEATERS 2401 235.00 GEORGE SWIFT 814 N 3RD ST. SERVICE INCREASE 2402 250.00 JOHN MARSHALL 420 WILLIAMS AVE. N INST. SERVICE 2403 650.00 W.R. FRAZEE 627 GLENWOOD CT. NE WIRE SERV. & HEAT E 2404 51000.00 STITERNOFF METALS .1600 SW 43RD ST. INST. CONDUIT & CABLE 2405 2,250.00 BOEING CO. 4-64 BUILDING RE-CIRCUIT TO APRON D 2406 650.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING INST. PAKO PROCESSOR 2407 160.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BUILDING INSTALL OVEN 2408 2,000.00 BOEING CO. 4-64 BUILDING INST. FIXTURES _'E 2409 200.00 BOEING CO. 10-85 BUILDING INST. RECEPTACLES 2410 85.00 BOEING CO. 4-64 BUILDING RELOCATE IBM 1031 2411 90.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING INST. WASHING MACH. 2412 21000.00 MICROGRAPHICS 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING - BASEMENT 2413 513.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2539 BURNETT CT. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE E 2414 429.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2532 SMITHERS AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2415 430.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2526 SMITHERS AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE -.7 2-- PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - Continued 10/6/69 MECHANICI4L PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK M 2134 JAMES SCARBOROUGH 315 PELLY AVE. N INSTALL FURNACE 2135 TERRY ALBRIGHT 3412 NE 9TH ST. INSTALL FURNACE 2136 HWD. C. FLETCHER CO. 845 SW 7TH ST. INSTALL HEATER 2137 PUGET SOUND POWER 620 S GRADY WAY INSTALL BURNER 2138 ALICE BORTNER 236 WILLIAMS AVE. N INSTALL HEATER M 2139 HARMON MANAGEMT. CORP 104 RAINIER AVE. S INST. FURNACE & COOL 2140 CLYDE FOSTER 1707 SE 18TH PL. INST. FURNACE 2141 CIECKERBOARD PROD. 439 RAINIER AVE. S INST. SPRINKLER 2142 KENTUCKY FRD. CHICKEN 603 S 2ND ST. INST. & REPAIR COMDR. 2143 HOWARD RAVERT 1334 JEFFERSON AVE. NE INST. HEATER M 2144 EMILY KNOLL 516 MORRIS AVE. S INST. FURNACE 2145 NICK ANGELO 324 MILL AVE. S INST. HEATERS 2146 JOHN MARSHALL 420 WILLIAMS AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2147 VALUE VILLAGE 1222 BRONSON AVE. N INST. HEATERS 2148 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING INST. PAKO PROCESSOR M 2149 BOEING CO. 10-71 BUILDING INST. WELDER 2150 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING INST. WASHING MACH. 2151 PARKWOOD HOMES 2615 SMITHERS AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2152 PARKWOOD HOMES 2623 SMITHERS AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2153 PARKWOOD HOMES 2532 SMITHERS AVE. S INST. FURNACE M 2154 PARKWOOD HOMES 2526 SMITHERS AVE. S INST. FURNACE 2155 PARKWOOD HOMES 2539 BURNETT CT. S INST. FURNACE SEWER PERMITS S 1005 ELMER DODGE 4205 NE 19TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1006 JOHN C. WHITE 1003 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1007 AGNES CASCADE 911 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1008 LEO HYATT 3317 NE 17TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1009 PARKWOOD HOMES 2526 SMITHERS AVE. S CONNECT SEWER S 1010 PARKWOOD HOMES 2532 SMITHERS AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 1011 PARKWOOD HOMES 2618 CHARLES CT. CONNECT SEWER 1012 ARTHUR EASTMAN 3533 NE 17TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1013 DOMION KUNZ 3509 NE 17TH PL. CONNECT SEWER -33- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office 'of City Clerk October 20, 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND MAYOR To implement provisions of Resolution 1652 , Court action by cities against Seattle-King County Health Department CITY CLERK To copy proposed Dangerous Building Ordinance and mail to Councilmen BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Boundary Review Board report of public hearing on proposed annexation of portion of Fire Dist . #10 to Fire Dist . #25 LArV AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Donation fund to be established for gift from Pacific Car and Foundry Rezone - Glacier Park Co. property , G to MP, So . 180th at 92nd Ave . So. PT-4NNING COMMISSION M. A. Bass request for change in Comprehensive Lund Use Plan in order to rezone and effect special permit application for convalescent center POLIO AND LICENSE COMMITTEE (Power to act) Application for No-Fee Permit for Mary Marang to sell novelties Application for licenses to operate novelty devices at Eagle Tavern and Hillcrest Bowl STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Pacific Northwest Bell request to install public telephone booth in Houser Way South and Wells Avenue South (Power to act) WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Foster and Marshall , Financial Consultants , urging action to defeat Tax P,-?form Act of 1969 , (H.R. 13270) LW 336 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk October 20 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the RentoniMunicipal Building by D. W. Custer, Mayor , and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Perry , Barei , Shane, Grant, Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Garrett, Trimm , Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney, Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Gene Coulon , Park Director, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Victor TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent , Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF OCTOBER 6 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: L. I.D. 259 Final Assessment Roll This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . There were no written communications nor verbal protests to the L . I.D, audience comment consisting of inquiry by Mr. Bruno Feyerabend as '.to number of times property could be assessed, being advised by the Mayor that for each parcel of property just one assessment is made. After discussion regarding the preliminary hearing, its protests and reasons therefore , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CLOSE THE HEARING. Shane inquired regarding higher costs of the City L. I.D. °s to private construction ,it being noted by City Engineer Wilson the City had elected to participate in this LID with lift station at over ten thousand dollar cost which made the assessments to the district quite low. PENDING MOTION CARRIED, CLOSING THE HEARING . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ACCEPT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL AS SUBMITTED WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: 4. S. Ferguson Company appeal of Planning Commission denial of site plan approval . (E.J. Bartell Building , Powell Ave . SW between SW 7th and 10th Streets) L'Lis being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Letter from the Planning Director reviewed actions to date noting Commission. approval of a plan subject to the posting of a bond guaranteeing the purchase of additional land for parking, variance to be requested for reduction in parking space requirements and certain other minor revisions regarding the landscaping plan . During Board of Adjustment hearing,at which time the variance was granted, a new plan had been submitted which this Board did not feel it had jurisdiction to accept , referring same back to the Planning Commission . The revised plan deleted acquisition of additional area and indicated parking in the loading zone , the tier for parking at southerly end of the building being eliminated. Loading zone parking was felt to be in conflict with truck movements and the Commission had denied the revised plan . Staff comment was invited and Planning Director Gordon Ericksen posted four drawings of the site plan and noted the first two had been before the Commission previously, the third submitted after Board of Adjustment hearing being the one denied by the Commission , deletion of additional property and relocation of parking not being favorable to the Commission. The fourth revision is one submitted by the Company this evening which would need to have details worked out prior to any final action . Movement of trucks and vehicles within the complex as per the various plans was discussed , and it was noted 98 parking stalls are to be required , ordinance requiring 145, with the 47 'being deleted through variance . ._l MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/20/69 PUBLIC HEARING: H. S. Ferguson appeal of Planning Commission SA-614--69 denial of revised site plan Audience comment : Mr. Robert Allison , Attorney , speaking for the Ferguson Company noted other business investments by the company in the Earlington area at no small cost and without problems contemplating future additional operations , and introduced Mr . Glen Lansing, Real Estate Broker , representing Bartell and Ferguson interests , and Mr. Donald Cowles , Industrial Development Division of Pacific Coast Railroad Co. i �r Mr. Lansing spoke noting the revised plan to be entirely satisfactory and that the purchase of additional land is a matter of economics which would place undue financial burden on the H. S. Ferguson Company . He advised 35 members would be parking presently with maximum of 50-55 in the future and additional area not warranted as only half of the required area would be utilized as is . Requirements could,however,be met if not waived. Mr. Cowles recalled negotiations among the various parties involved in putting together the plans and need for quick proposal by Mr. Lansing and Ferguson resulting in original plans drawn to accommodate the 3 . 04 acres determined to be adequate for the project prior to notice of need for additional area . More land would be made available , pursuant to the bond requirements however , the railroad desires to apportion its land so that other industry is given due consideration and capacity of units per land acre is accomplished. Dick Stredicke , Planning Commission Chairman , out- lined the Commission 's position , and that prior permissive action had resulted in detrimental situation in another case , thus present bond requirement to insure compliance . Code require- ments were cited and it was noted the 98 spaces shown comply with a new parking and loading ordinance now under consideration as also do the 9 'x s0 ' parking strips shown . Mr . Hugh Ferguson noted the additional land re- quirement to be an economic problem outlining the basis of computation to arrive at present land size and from that the building, and subsequently the lease price which had been accepted by Bartell Co . prior to requirement that more land be purchased. Considerable discussion ensued it being noted Plan 3 and 4 are similar with Mr. Bill Kaufman noting 4-1/2 ' x 20 ' strips could give more parking spaces . MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY SHANE, TO CLOSE THE HEARING. City Attorney Shellan called attention to the fact that MP Zone is not limited to warehouse but also allows almost all uses of L-1 and some in H-1 ; that ordinances presently existing and in force apply . Variance granted lesser parking so the matter to be considered by the body at this time is whether to approve the layout submitted which includes parking in an area the Planning Commission feels may not be proper . He urged that the specific use Ferguson wants to make of the property be specified and any permission granted be predicated on the 90% warehouse use 10% office space and 35--55 employees since legally they may change the use and make one-half office space or may use for manufacturing instead of warehouse . If other companies had then acquired the adjoining property it would be too late to get any additional parking. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. -2- 338 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10j 20/69 PUBLIC HEARING : Appeal of H:, S . Ferguson Co . (Cont , ) SA-614--69 City Attorney Shellan noted that as a matter of general information if any permission is given to this company without the predicating of permission on specific use , other companies may likewise wish to vary from terms of the ordinance and though there may be no trouble in this case there might be later on . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO GRANT THE APPEAL FOR SPECIFIC 90% WAREHOUSE AND 10% OFFICE USE AND 35--55 EMPLOYEES, ON FLAN #3. Planninq nireccor Erzcksen stat ?d t.'i.%s wnulc7 Present- a problem reqard.i na ownership of access to the p,irking str-Lo as shown on plan 3 . Keurarl pointed out that parking was shown on 9 ' x2.0 ' scale and additional spaces might be provided if the 8 'x20 ' were used as existing ordinance denotes . Maneuvering of vehicles , off-street parking and code enforcement were topics dis- cussed . MOVED BY ;;l;f[ ,,, , ;Et'OIID BV Gp,FF* Tq' ,4'0 A:°�EIdD THE MOTION BY ADr1F(= TliAT EASEMENT IS T'. BE PROVIDED FOR ACCESS TO THE SUBJECT PAIRKI NG ARL ii , Additional motions to allow the appeal on Plan 2 , and to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for recommendation,failed, in respective. actions . After further discussion with regard to resolving easement matter and feasibility of working out the details , it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO TABLE THE MATTER UNTIL AFTER ITEM ' n" ON THE AGENDA , INTERIM MEETING TO BE HELD TO DETERMINE NEEDS TC ACCOMPLISH A WORKABLE SOLUTIO'ny. CARRIED. MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY SHANE , TO RECESS . THE MOTION CARRIED AND RECESS WAS DECLARED AT THIS TIME. After the recess , roll call was taken with all Councilmen responding present as previously listed . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trlmm submitted legislation which was read by the City Clerk with Council actions taken as follows : ORDINANCE 2511 Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning Rezone , Beth classification of certain properties within the Nelson Property City from Single Family Residential , (R-1 ) , to R-621-69 Residential District (R-3) , located at Taylor Avenue N. W. and N. W. 3rd Place . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING . THE ' MOTION CARRIED. AFTER THE FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY SHELLAN, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES , THE MOTION CARRIED: ORDINANCE. 251_2 Ordinance was read approving and confirming the L. I.D. 259 , - assessments and roll of L. I., D. 259 , for improve-- Honey Cr. Park ment of certain area within the city generally Sanitary Sewers known as the Honey Creek .Park area by the con- striction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto, and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith7 levying and assessing the tracts , parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment ro21 as confirmed by teh City Council ; and providing for the payment of such assessment into the L . I. D. 259 Fund of the City as created by Ordinance 2409 . -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/20/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) ORDINANCE 2512 MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO Honey Creek PLACE THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON ITS SECOND Park Sanitary AND FINAL READING , THE MOTION CARRIED AND Sewer L. I .D. 259 AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 2512 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2513 Ordinance was read authorizing the vacation of a Vacating portion certain portion of Lake Wn . Blvd . , in the City of Lake Wn . Blvd. of Renton , Washington, subject to payment unto `r to The Boeing Co . the City by abutting property owners thereof, of total sum of $5 ,000 . 00 , which sum does not exceed one-half the appraised value of the area so vacated and the city 's interest therein . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. GRANT AND SHANE OPPOSED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN AYES WITH EXCEPTION OF GRANT AND SHANE WHO CAST NO VOTES. THE 140TION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2514 Ordinance was read changing zoning classification Rezone , Emery of certain properties on Pelly Avenue North in Sigeti property the City of Renton , from "Apartment House and R-625-69 Multiple Dwelling" , (R--4) , to Residential District (R-3) . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BAREI, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED.AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORD. Proposed Ordinance was placed on first reading, rnr. DANGEROUS enacted pursuant to Ch . 82 , 1959 Session Laws BUILDINGS establishing minimum housing standards ,relating to unfit dwellings , buildings , structures ; defining terms; providing for repair, closing and demolition of buildings and structures within the City ; providing for the administration and the enforcement thereof; establishing an appeal pro- cedure , enforcement officer and prescribing penalties for violation thereof, and repealing any and all ordinances or regulations in conflict therewith . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE CITY CLERK MAIL COPY TO EACH COUNCILMAN , THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1652 Resolution was read authorizing the City to join Court action by in association with other cities of King County to Cities against commence action in the Superior Court in and against King Co . Health the Seattle-King County Health Department , et al in Dep' t . regard to compensation to be paid for services rendered and to be paid and rendered , if any , pur- suant to provisions of Ch . 51 , Extraordinary Session am Laws of 1967 . The City of Renton shall pay its equitable pro-rata share of expenses as hereafter agreed upon for legal counsel to timely commence such action . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION WITH IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS TO BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE MAYOR . THE MOTION CARRIED„ -4 - 340 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/20/69 PUBLIC HEARING : APPEAL BY F. S . FERGUSON CO . (tabled earlier) SA-614-69 Since parties had returned to the Council Chambers IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY , AND SECONDED BY SHANE ,THE FERGUSON APPEAL MATTEr: BE-TAKEN FROA'' TH 3 TABLF FOR COUNCIL ACTION AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. The Mayor announced the original motion and amendment were now before the body for further action . Report was requested and Planning Director Ericksen advised Easement could be resolved with joint agreement by Ferguson Co. , the Railroad and the City and that park- ing ir: loading zone , except for six spaces which could be made parallel ,would be eliminated . Proposed revisions to Plan 3 were outlined using 8)(;Wstalls with access on the South side to require easement . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY BAREI , PLAN 3 AS REFERENCED IN THE ORIGINAL MOTION BE APF 7DED TO INCLUDE REVISION DESIGNATING 8 ' x 20 ' PARKING STALLS AND ONLY SIX PARALLEL SPACES IN THE TRUCK LOADING AREA WITH OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE MOTION INTACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION TO GRANT THE APPEAL ON PLAN ##3 , AS REVISED, FOR SPECIFIC USE OF 90% WAREHOUSE AND 10% OFFICE , 35-55 EMPLOYEES AND AMENDMENT TO REQUIRE SECURING OF EASEMENT FOR ACCESS TO PARKING AREA, WERE SUBSEQUENTLY VOTED ON AND CARRIED. MAXIN OPPOSED. CORRESPONDRNCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: McGRATH CORP. Letter from Mr. A . Grice, Mgr . ,Land Development, LATE COMERS McGrath Corporation , -requested to make presentation AGREEMENT to the Council pursuant to dehial 'of late-comers Glencoe No. 2-3 agreement on utilities installed to city-owned well site property which action it was felt was due to Pack of facts concerning the installation . Mr . Grice was given the floor and displayed map of the area outlining acquisition and improvement Procedures with cost of raw land noted as $1 ,250 . 00 to $1 ,750 . 00 as compared to city 's appraised value of the two well site lots at $3,750. 00 each which was felt to be excessive when they are located ad- joining the others and with the same topography- Air. Grice noted he had to make a decision when the utilities were installed and rather than have to tear up the black top later he had decided to in-- stall the improvements having understood there likely would be no objection to the late-comers agreement . Motion was made to affirm previous action and discussion ensued which included discussion of city appraisals , legal and/or moral obligations during which the motion failed. It was noted that the im- provements cost $960 . 00 and the City had reimbursed $130 . 00 for two stubs installed. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ALLOW THE REQUEST FOR LATE-COMERS AGREEMENT NOT TO EXCEED $840 . 00 AND TO COVER A FIVE YEAR PERIOD ON SUBJECT TWO WELL SITE LOT IMPROVEMENTS. THE MOTION CARRIED. REZONE Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, Glacier Park Co . submitted Planning Commission recommendation to R-560-69 grant rezone of Glacier Park Co . (Orillia) rrnperty from G to M-P , So. 180th and 92nd Ave . So . comprising 187 acres and request is in agreement with the Com- prehensive Land Use Map. MOVED BY PERRY, SECO".'DED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REZONE WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE . THE MOTION CARRIED. -5- J4l MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL 10120/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSYNESS : (Canto ; CAG. 1513-69 Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer, No. 5th Storm submitted sinal billing due Bowers Construction Sewer, final Co , for work on wipe Noz:h 5th Storm Sewer in payment, accept , sum of $2 ,562 , 75 . j6ntrac_ t was completed on commence lien October 7 , and acceptad by he Engineering period Depaztmar t: on Oc?:obax 8 . Acceptance by the Council was recommended as of October 20 , 1969 with commencement of 30-day lien period and release of $1 ,669 . 26 , retained percentage , thereafter:• if no .iiens or claims are filed and upon proof of payn Ar of tax liabilities . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER : THE MOTION CARRIED, Outdoor Phone Letter from Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Booth , Houser Company reported need for telephone booth near Way S. and Wells the cornier of Houser Play South and Wells Avenue Avenue South South and approval was requested for installation of sanies. 15% commission to be paid the City and convenience and interest of the public to be served by such facility , MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE W1TH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED: Investment Counsel Letter from Mr . Donald R , Morken , Mgr. Municipal urging action to Consulting Department , roster & Marshall , Inc . defeat Tax Reform noted enactment of Senate Bill could seriously Act of 1969 , H. R. impede ability of public agencies to issue tax-- 13270 exempt bonds for needed public impz°ovements . It was urged that Senators Jackson and Magnuson be contacted by :.enter urging their negative vote on this measure . MOVED BY SCHELLER'T, SECONDED BY GARRETT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED Request for No-Fee Letter fxam Mrs , Mary E. Marang requested per-- Permit to sell mission to sell pz•aying hands pens and salt and novelties pepper shakei-s tc: ra_se funds for Drug Abuse Center. Applications for Requests of Charles Michael requested licenses to licenses to oper- operate two novelty deices at Hillcrest Bowl and ate novelty amuse- one at the Eagle Tavern , ment machines MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE TWO PREVIOUS ITEMS TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COM- MITTEE WITH POWER TC AT, THE MOTION CARRIED. Boundary Review Pursuant to RCW 36 „ 93 . i6011) , Notice from the King Board report of County boundary Review Board repotted public hearing public hearlo,pro- on November 13, 1969 , Rm . 402 , King Co . Court House , posed annexation for purpose of consideration annexation of area to to Fire Dist . 25 King County Fife Disczict No , 25 . of Dart of Firth _ Dist . 10 , BRB MOVED BY SCRELLERTO SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE File #210 NOTICE TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS , CARRIED. Donation To City Lettez frcm MF. Chazles M.. Pigott , President , Pacific by Pacific Car & Car and Foundry Company Foundaticn , Inc. reported Foundry Company Board of DAzect;crs authoinza :icn of contribution to $100 ,000 . 00 the City of Renton n J wz ase cowazd construction of a theater at the Cedaz River Park, to be called the CArco Theater and plaque thereon to give recognition to the donor Mayor. Cur r6z 's letter of September 26 to Mr. Monson was ac inowi edged,. said contribution to be deposited in a special cumulative fund fes specific purpose with understanding balance of construction costs will be available from ether souxces and ,the st.ructuxe will be completed by December 31 , 1970 - -6- 6- 04 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10!20/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Donation to City Letter from Gene L. Coulon , Park Director , by Pacific Car submitted recommendation of the Park Board and Foundry Co . that the Council accept the donation under the terms and conditions by which it is being offered. The Park Board reported plans for the Cedar River Park Community Center previously approved by Council had included a theater and design work is therefore under way. Completion of such facility sometime next year was deemed possible and the Park Board will make every effort to supply additional funds to fulfill the agreement outlined by the Foundation . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO ACCEPT THE DONATION WI1'H CONDITIONS WITH CUMULATIVE FUND ESTAGLISHED TO CONTAIN SAID FUNDS ACCORD-• INGLY. CARRIED. MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED- Mrs . Margaret Evans commented that although the donation was a wonderful gift she felt it could have been put to greater use i'n air pollution control , noting her recent release from the hospital having had blood clots in her lungs the question arising as to whether the release of iron sulphate into the air over the years by Pacific Car and Foundry might have been a contributing factor and low stacks not being raised as they were thought to have been. Mayor Custer called attention to enactment of pollution control measures and prospects of further advancement in the coming year , noting the Foundation funds could not be expended for such purpose.. The hour approaching midnight , it waS MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO PROCEED TO VOUCHER APPROVAL AND THEN ADJOURN. Mayor Custer accepted the first part of the motion . MOVED BY MAXIN SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND THE MOTIOR BY ALLOWING REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHANE TO AMEND ORIGINAL MOTION TO INCLUDE ALLOWING INQUIRY CONCERNING BUDGET HEARINGS. AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY -THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. VOUCHERS NOS. Auditing and Accounting Committee report Was read 4403 - 4636 approving Vouchers 4403 through 4636 and Council approval was .recommended at this time . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY BAREI T-0 CONCUR APPROVING THE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT AS NOTED. CARRIED . Voucher Fund Current Fund 4403 - 4477 $ 37 ,476 . 26 Breakdown : City Street Fund 4478 - 4507 38 ,643. 84 Cedar River V. & 1 . 4508 -- 4511 192 . 56 Equipment 'Rental Fund 45.12 • 4534 2 ,306 . 02 Library Fund 4535 - 4564 4 ,170 . 66 Park Fund 4565 - 4600 16 ,512 . 65 Waterworks Utility 4601 —4625 49 , 703 .59 Airport Fund 4626 - 4633 505 . 65 Urban Arterial Fund 4634 - 4636 103 ,829 . 26 $253 ,340 . 49 .Mems listed on the Agenda for information purpose included letter from Air. and Mrs . Arnold Timm expressing thanks for new street lighting on North 28th PYace ; letter from Mr. Don Westphall thanking council for new street ,lights along Union Avenue; University of Wn . Agenda of Regional Workshops for local government officials (bion--Professional Planners; and AWC Bulletin re District Meetings in ;)ctobe.r an(' November. -7- 4D � ♦1 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10120169 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: PLANNING COMMITTEE Committee Chairman Maxin submitted report REPORT - M. A . Bass advising of review of request of M. A. Bass request for Change for change in the City 's Comprehensive Land in Comprehensive use Plan to allow rezone and special permit Land Use Plan for a convalescent center. The rezone request conflicts with the Comprehensive Land Use Map the subject propery being completely surrounded rr.. by R•-1 zoning. The Committee recommended the request be referred to the Planning Commission for further study and recommendation- for action . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY MAXIN TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED, INQUIRY REGARDING Councilman Grant asked the Council President BUDGET HEARING when he planned to hold meetings to discuss MEETINGS the budget and Councilman Perry advised of his intent to commence following the November 4 election inasmuch as new Council Members will be elected and possibly others could change and should be in attendance, noting a month is re- maining yet in which to meet . Proposed motion to commence hearings by Departmental Fund Accounts was proposed which the President noted if commenced would continue until adopted. ROLL CALL VOTE MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO ADJOURN. Ave : Eight Dissenting voice vote brought roll call request No: ' Three which resulted as follows : Aye : Perry ; Bruce , • Maxin, Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, Del.aurenti and Scheller-t , No : Barei , Shane and Grant . r_orrs had left the meeting earlier . CARRIED. There were 37 visitors this evening ., Helmie Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer, Magor -8- 344 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10/20/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2023 $17,250.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 814 S 27TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2024 20.00 ACME PERSONNEL SERV. 323 S 2ND ST. INST. METAL SIGN 2025 12.50 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1627 NE 27TH CT. INST. SIGN 2026 , 12.50 KAMPE CONST. CO. 701 SUNSET BLVD. E INST. SIGN 2027 12.50 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2880 NE 4TH ST. INST. SIGN B 2028 3,330.00 RAINIER PERETTI 56 MONTEREY DR. NE CONST. CARPORT 2029 1,000.00 WALTER M. LOUETT 411 RAINIER AVE. N INST. SIGNS 2030 390.00 BOEING CO. 4-64 BUILDING INST. INSPECTION BOOTH 2031 306.00 BOEING CO. 4-75 BUILDING RELOCATE TOOLROOM 2032 5,000.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING SWITCHBOARD ALTERATIONS B 2033 19,250.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 2542 SMITHERS AVE. S CONST. FAMILY RES. 2034 19,800.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 2536 SMITHERS AVE. S CONST. FAMILY RES. 2035 1,200.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING REMODEL RECEPTION AREA 2036 1,800.00 CROWN FINANCE CO. 725 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL BOOTHS 2037 900.00 HO SY GUY 540 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL WALL SIGN B 2038 56,000.00 CHECKERBD. PROP. 2813 SUNSET BLVD. NE CONST. RESTAURANT 2039 4,500.00 SHELL OIL CO. 330 SUNSET BLVD. N INST. POST ISLD. COVER 2,340 200.00 BERT K. BRANDT 1808 LAKE AVE. S. RENEW PORCH 2041 100.00 MCGRATH CORP. NE 3RD ST. & BLAINE INSTALL SIGN 2042 100.00 MCGRATH CORP. SUNSET BLVD. AT QUEEN INSTALL SIGN B 2043 100.00 MCGRATH CORP. SUNSET AT HARRINGTN NE INSTALL SIGN 2044 100.00 MCGRATH CORP. 432 SUNSET BLVD. N INSTALL SIGN 2-45 100.00 MCGRATH CORP. 621 SUNSET BLVD. NE INSTALL SIGN 2046 100.00 MCGRATH CORP. 920 UNION AVE. NE INSTALL SIGN 2047 100.00 MCGRATH CORP. 3900 BLK NE 4TH ST. INSTALL SIGN B 2048 100.00 MCGRATH CORP. 3100 BLK NE 4TH ST. INSTALL SIGN 2049 100.00 MCGRATH CORP. UNION AVE. NE & NE 4TH INSTALL SIGN 2050 100.00 MCGRATH CORP. 2300 BLK SUNSET BLVD. INSTALL SIGN 2051 420.00 DAROLD CARRELL 3525 NE 6TH PL. CONST. UTILITY RM. 2052 1,100.00 ANGELO BAREI 205 AIRPORT WAY INST. POLE SIGN B 2053 700.00 STEVE OLIVER 433 BRONSON WAY NE ADD BEDROOM 2054 12.50 KAMPE CONST. CO. ABERDN. NE & NE 24TH INSTALL SIGN 2055 12.50 KAMPE CONST. CO. NE 30TH & KENNEWICK NE INSTALL SIGN 2056 12.50 KAMPE CONST. CO. ABERDN, NE & NE 27TH INSTALL SIGN 2057 250.00 BOEING CO. 4-63 BUILDING INST. CONVEYOR SYSTEM B 2058 19,500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2412 MONTEREY AVE. NE CONST. FAMILY RES. 2059 19,500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2418 MON'T'EREY AVE. NE CONST. FAMILY RES. 2060 15,436.00 MCGRATH CORP. 4307 NE 22ND CT. CONST. FAMILY RES. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2416 250.00 GLEN BROUGHT 3609 SE 5TH PL. INST. NEW SERVICE 2417 700.00 TURNERS 632 RAINIER AVE. S REWIRE SERV. STATION 2418 154.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING INST. CDC 211 SCOPES 2419 350.00 BOEING CO. 10-65 BUILDING INST. 727 MOCK-UP 2420 84.00 BOEING CO. 4-64 BUILDING INST. INSPECTION BOOTH E 2421 112.00 BOEING CO. 4-42 BUILDING INSTALL LIGHTS 2422 90.00 BOEING CO. 7-65-2 BUILDING INST. 208V DROP RECEPT. 2423 500.00 BOEING CO. 4-75 BUILDING RELOCATE TOOLROOM 2424 50.00 MCGRATH CORP. 4428 NE 23RD CT. TEMPORARY SERVICE 2425 50.00 MCGRATH CORP. 4440 NE 23RD CT. TEMPORARY SERVICE E 2426 50.00 PAUL OUELLETTE 1918 ROLLING HLS. SE TEMPORARY SERVICE 2427 50.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 709 S 27TH ST. TEMPORARY SERVICE 2428 50.00 PARK400D HOMES 2618 WHITWTH. CT. S TEMPORARY SERVICE 2429 50.00 PARKVTOOD HOMES 422 S 26TH ST. TEMPORARY SERVICE 2430 750.00 GERRY JOHNSON 1711 KENNEWICK CT. SE WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE E 2431 513.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2615 SMITHERS AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2432 446.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2623 SMITHERS AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2433 513.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 422 S 26TH ST. WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2434 438.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2618 WHITWTH. CT. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2435 446.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2533 BURNETT CT. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE -9- PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - Continued 10/20/69 ELECTRICAL PERMITS - Continued NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK E 2436 $ 50.00 BOEING CO. 10--80 BUILDING RELi.­TT COLLECTOR 2437 43.00 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING INT� i,.''T.EX OUTLET2438. 114.00 BOEING CO. 10-57 T3IJILDING TMST. ET,FI,,.._ -r! OUTLETS 1rw 2439 227.00 BOEING CO. 10-71 BUILDING WTP2 LA.J3 TABLr, 2440 130.00 BOEING CO. 4-81. BTTILDTNG RET,0GATFR� TOOT, ROOM E 2441 117.00 BOEING CO. x.0_80 BUILDING ETPC;TJ_?T0A_L SEMTTCt 2442 300.00 BOEING CO. 4--63 BUILDING T 1_\+ST� PUATER CONVEYpF-. 2443 250.00 ARNOLD F. OVERBY. 34.8 ITE 6TH PL. TMST. 20OAMP, SERVICN MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2156 DICK JORDAN 2002 SE 17TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURiS 2157 L. TRAVERSO 519 CEDAR AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE 2158 GEORGE SWIFT 814 N 3RD ST. GAS CONVERSION BURNER 2159 PAUL L. OUELLETTE 1918,ROLLING HILLS SE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2160 CHARLES PHILLIPS 813 QUEEN AVE. NE INST. GAS PIPING M 21.61 MICROGRAPHICS 15 S GRADY WAY INST. PIPING & DRAIN 2162 TIZCROGRA-PHICS 15 S GRADY WAY INST. COMDR. & PIPING 2'63 L. JEFFERS 97 LOGAN AVE. S INST. GAS HEATER 23_64 ROBERT HESTING 658 DAYTON AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2 65 VOID M 2166 VERNIE THOMAS 341 MEADOWS AVE. N INST. GAS FURNACE 2?_67 BOEING CO. 10-71 BUILDING INSTALL SINK 2.168 BOEING CO. 4-73 BUILDING RE-ROUTE DRAIN 2169 HERFY CORP. 640 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL DUCTS 2170 ROBERT L. WONIO 3629 NE 6TH ST. INST. GAS FURNACE E 2171 RENTON FINANCE CO. 222 WILLIAMS AVE. S INST. REF. UNITS 2172 GWINN CONSTRUCTION 311 WILLIAMS AVE. S INST. GAS PIPING 2173 JOHN RYNES 644 FERNDALE AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 21.74 CAREAGE CORP. 4430 TALBOT ROAD S INST. APPLIANCES 2171 TOTEM BEVERAGES 1520 SW GRADY WAY INST. TANK & PUMP M 2176 FINDLEY 3413 11TH PL. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 217';' PARKWOOD HOMES 2533 BURNETT CT. S INST. FURNACE & TANK 2178 LAWRENCE JAYNE 500 SW 3RD PL. INST. GAS BURNER 21?9 BOEING CO. 10-71 BUILDTNG INSTALL FREEZER 21J"0 BOEING CO. 10-80 BUILDING INSTALL PAKO TENET' M 2181 BOEING CO. 10-71. BITTT,DING INST. TABLES & HOOD ,':I.32 MARVIN N. KERSEY 419 WILLIAMS AVE. N INST. GAS HEATER 2183 MARVIN N. KERSEY 4191 WIT,T,LAMS AVE. N INST. GAS HEATER SEIATEA HERMITS S 1014 L. L. GRIFFITH 3316 NE 17TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1.!'1.5 D. E. BLOOD 1711 KENNEWICK CT. SE CONNECT SEWER 1-016 ARTHUR LAFEVER 1701 MONROE AVE. NE CONNECT SEATER 101" SALT INC. 104 RAINIER AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 10-8 G. L. DOW 922 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER S 1019 G. L. DOW 93'L N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1020 GENE A. MAXON 1220 N 29TH ST. CONN71i.,CT S + +,R 021 MILT EVENSON 2002 SE 17TH CT. CO:\TI\TT,,CT SEWER x:02.2 HERFY'S RESTAURANT 0,140 RAINIER AVE. S CON NTE,CT SEWER -10- PENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk October 27 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Wn . Dep ' t . of Water Resources report of availability of Flood Control Insurance for cities COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ..� Wn . State Board Against Discrimination proposed Housing Agreement (For Report Back) Recommendation to establish permanent Municipal Art Commission Recommendation to set up fund for deposit of funds received for artworks FIRE, AND WATER COMMITTEE To meet with Commissioners of Water Dist . 78 re Talbot Island Annexation Proposal for State Regional Fire Training Site on Lind Avenue LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Confirming L. I. D. 261 Final Assessment Roll (Ordinance 2515 adopted) Ordinance establishing Board of Public Works (First reading only) Establishing of Municipal Art Fund account for deposit of donations King County Ordinance covering rock music festivals Recommendations for revision of dog license fees and additional offense impound fees . Establishing Traffic Safety Fund account as depositary for federal fund grant moneys POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for Master Music Machine License and Location License for Christa 's Tavern PROP?'P,Tv COMMITTEE ROT inion-Lyons Ford request to improve and use city right-of-way PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Matter of rural group representatives attending city meetings SANITATION COMMITTEE Metro letter re financing 2nd stage development and proposal to charge developers of land outside the boundaries utilizing the system Gulf Oil Corporation request for Late-Comers Agreement on sanitary sewer at So . 180th and E. Valley Hwy . TRAFFIC ENGINEER To furnish the property committee cost estimates to change Harrington Ave . to Holly Ave . STREET COMMISSIONER To furnish cost itemization of filling 20 ft . right of way at Rainier and Grady Way , if performed by the City (L. Barei request) To furnish estimate of cost to Property Committee Chairman , for walkways from So. 15th Street to new Talbot School area APPOINTMENT: Patrolman Owen Hall , 6-months probationary period to commence 11/16/69 MEETINGS AND EVENTS: low 10/27/69 - Police and License Committee in Chairman ' s office after council meeting this evening 10/27-11/1 , Renton Apple Week 10/28/69 - Fire and Water Committee at 7 :30 p.m. , 6th f1 . conf. rm . 10/29/69 - Planning Committee at 4 :00 p .m . in Planning Department 10/29/69 - Public Relations Committee at 7 : 30 p.m . in Chairman 's office 10/30/69 - Light and Power Committee at 7 :30 p .m. , Traffic Eng. offices 10/31/69 - Kennydale Haunted House 11/5/69 - Committee of the Whole Budget Meetings I1/ 3/69 - Property Committee at 7 :00 p.m . RENTON CITY COUNCIL 34e7 REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk October 27 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton Cite Council was called to order shortly after 8 :00 p.m , rz-e to extended Committee of the Whole meeting, Mayor Custer convened the meeting in the Cozincil Chambers of the Renton ltiiunicipal. Building and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry, Barei . Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, De?.aurenti , SchellerL and Morris . OFFICIALS AND EEPAP.TMFNT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor , Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor , Vern Church , Purchasing Agent , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . President of the Council Perry inquired if there were corrections or additions to the minutes of the previous meeting of October 20 , 1969 . Councilman Maxin noted typographical error on Page 2 , Paragraph 5 , which read 4-1/2 ' x 20 ' parking stalls which should have read 8 ' x 20 ' . Councilman Grant noted omission of his motion that prior to adjournment his inquiry regarding budget hearing meetings be allowed , which motion was seconded and carried. He also noted that motion to adjourn was seconded by Maxin and not Barei who had opposed the motion in roll call vote . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING WITH ADDITION AND CORRECTIONS AS NOTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING : This being the date set , the hearing was declared L. I.P. 261 Final open . Letter from Mr . M. L. Gibson requested that Assessment Roll correspondence regarding the L . I.D. and assessments (Kennydale be directed to him personally at itis Ogden , Utah Sanitary Sewers) residence address . Letter from Mrs . Marie Carlquist inquired regarding mode of payment , same being out- lined in letter of reply by the City Clerk . Letter from M. B . Cavanaugh inquired regarding assessment on vacant land which war answered by letter from the City Engineer 's office advising that building lots which could be utilized for future development were assessed separately and thus the two stubs to the subject property . Audience comment was invited and there being none , was -MOVED BY SC.NFLLERT, AND SECONDED BY PERRY, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED . THE HEARING WAS DECLARED CLOSED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO APPROVE THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR L .I.D. 261 WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Dangerous Building Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm Ordinance To be held reported need for additional revision and one week in Committee) that the subject document would be held in Committee for another week . Grant inquired if determination had been made by the Building Director regarding downtown buildings to be affected . Mr . Ruppert replied negatively , Councilman Shane noting his understanding that none had been made to date without ordinance having been adopted. Shane inquired what alternative the Council might have if the Code is not enforced . City Attorney Shellan noted the Code will be properly enforced if the Council supports the Department Head , the ordinance providing for Council Resolution or Ordinance directing the abatement of a nuisance and if the Council also provides sufficient funds to cover work force and the costs which may result from enforcement actions . -7 - MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/27/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Dangerous Building Discussion ensued regarding prior Council action Ordinance toward implementation of saxch ordinance pursuant to laws of 1959 by Astablishment wf various boards for appeals anal pul✓11c hearings . Attention was called to extensive contents of the proposed document and Council was urged to take a good Zook at it prior to adoption . The legislation proposed is of much interest to the public and it was noted that little response was indicated at the public hearing thereon . Further discussion involved mode of publication and the press was requested to give special attention ..�,. this week to this important matter in order that the local merchants and owners might become aware of the contents and effects of the legislation, thus , perhaps avoid complaint upon enforcement . Shane noted conditions of buildings have affect on fire insurance rates . Committee was granted additional time on the proposed ordinance , point of order being called for, and no motion before the body . Proposed Ordinance Establishing Board Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted of Public Works - legislation for first reading only , establishing and First reading only creating a "Board of Public Works" ; providing for the membership of said Board, defining its jursidiction duties and responsibilities . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO RE-REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2515 The Ordinance was read approving and confirming Final Assessment the assessments and assessment roll of L .I.D. 261 Roll , L. I . D. 261 for improvement of a certain area in Kennydale, Kennydale Sanitary (vicinity of S.E. 93rd and Lake Wn . Blvd . ) , by the Sewers construction and installation of certain sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots , tracts , parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll as con- firmed by the City Council , a portion of which district is located outside the city limits; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund, District 261 of the City of Renton as created by Ordinance No . 2469 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES . CARRIED. Mayor Custer invited audience comment at this time and Mr . Arthur Ventzke inquired if his second notice was the final assessment and what the payment schedule .included . The Mayor, advised the mode of payment is set forth by law and City Engineer Wilson advised that the most recent notice was the final assessment and that upon receipt of Collection Notice from the City Treasurer the property owner has 30 days in which to pay any or all of the amount and the balance if any , is spread over a ten year period with annual billing . The L. I.D. interest rate was noted to be 6 . 75% deemed a good rate in view of the market . Mayor Custer reported receipt of additional items after preparation of the agenda . Grant inquired regarding items listed on the Agenda last week and not acted upon which the City Clerk advised were information items which had been listed in the Minutes , not requiring action . It was noted the Council had previously "oted and agreed items not requiring action were going to be excluded. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL ITEMS AT END OF THE PRESENT AGENDA :AS NOTED RECEIVED BY THE MAYOR . CARRIED. -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/27/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Iv. W. Pollution Letter was read from Dale Carlson, President , Pacific Control Assn . Northwest Pollution Control Association , urging Meeting attendance at meeting in Seattle, November 5 - 7 , at the Washington Plaza . State Agencies Letters from the State Department of Health and the approving LID Water Pollution Control Commission reported approval 259 of plans and specifications for L. I.D. 259 , Honey Creek Sanitary Sewers provided that the pump station be -gum abandoned when the Metro trunk is constructed and is capable of receiving the wastes from the proposed pressure system. CAG. 1487-69 Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer, submitted final Water Project billing due W. C. Frost Construction Co . for work on between Wells , 24" watermain between Cedar River- Park Well #8 and the final payment , Liberty Park Wells #1 and 2 . Amount due , $6 ,378 . 75 . acceptance and Contract was completed October 1.9 , and accepted by the commencing lien Engineering Department on October 20. Council acceptance period . as of October 27 was recommended with commencement of the 30 day lien period and release of $4 ,600 . 00 thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED. CAG . 1534-69 Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended Griffin Home for payment , final billing due Gesner and Brown, Inc. for Watermain work performed on 12" watermain between intersection of final payment , N. 28th Place and Burnett Avenue North, southerly to Lake acceptance and Wn . Blvd. No. and to the Griffin Home , in .sum of $736 ,15 . commence lien Contract was completed October 21 , accepted by the Utility „period . and Engineering Departments , October 22 . Acceptance by Council as of October 27 was recommended with commence- ment of the 30-day lien period with release of retained sum of $2 ,266 . 45 thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER . CARRIED. METRO REPORT Letter from Mr . Charles V. Gibbs , Executive Director , Fina"cing-2nd Metro , reported -preparation of pre-design report on the Stage Program second stage construction program, (1970-85) with need shown for $160 million during that period . In evaluating current financing program it has become apparent that sewage from thousands of acres of land outside the Metro boundaries is being transported and treated without charge . It is proposed that developers pay area charge to cover at least the cost of extensions with initial charge of $400 . 00 per acre , such charge to escalate over the years with escalation of construction costs , same to be deter- mined on an annual basis . A meeting is to be arranged of all component agencies affected notice thereof to follow. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE,TO REFER THE REPORT TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED . —Robinson-Lyon Letter from Robinson & Lyon Ford applied (tor permission Ford request to improve 1070 ft . of right of way and to use the 20 ' to improve and ft . of city property in exchange for said improvement of use city right- same . Details were outlined , said property located in of-way property vicinity of Grady Way and Rainier Avenue .. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE. Mr. Lyons explained details of the proposed improvement noting it to be costly but of benefit to the area and the city . After discussion re- garding traffic situations and costs of various types of improvements , the pending motion carried. -3- 01,150 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/27/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Gulf Oil Corp. Letter from Mr . Robert M. Roed, Agent for Gulf oil Late-Comers Corp, requested approval for Late Comers Agreement Agreement Request for recovery of costs in connection with construction of a sanitary sewer across the East Valley Highway at South 180th Street to a point approximately 400 ft . North of said street , with ten year period . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED . Kennydale Island Notice of Special Election , from Mr. Edward Logan , Election Proposi- King County Supt . of Elections , included the two tions I and II propositions to appear on the ballot November 18 . I. For or against annexation to the City of Renton II. For or against assumption of indebtedness Municipal Arts Letter from Mrs . Norma Cugini , Vice-President of the Commission - Art Renton Municipal Arts Commission , reported receipt of Fund request $25 . 00 donation from IBM, which has been deposited in trustee bank account pending disposition . It was re- quested that an ordinance be drawn providing a fund account for deposits for benefit of the City in the purchase of art or for beautification purposes in event of donations or bequests , etc. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SUCH A FUND ACCOUNT. THE MOTION CARRIED. King County Letter from Mr. Dave J. Mooney , King Co . Councilman , Ordinance re District Nine , submitted ordinance covering all of Rock Music rural King County in the control of rock music fes- Festivals tivals . Adoption of similar legislation by Cities was suggested . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RECOM- MENDATION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Dog Leash Law Letter from Mr . Donald Goss called attention to Enforcement restraintof his dog while others are running freely in the neighborhood of 2720 S. E. 16th Street . He did not feel the need to file official complaints against his neighbors and friends and urged that streets be patrolled daily and that owners be warned, arrested or as the law permits and that the local paper be apprised of the action , noting further that the ordinance would be considered effective when no dogs are lying dead on the streets and none are running loose . Discussion ensued regarding proposed plan for additional patrol and additional funding to provide for same , and for revision of license fees , it being noted survey indicates there is one dog for every five or six persons . one animal control officer covers the entire City which service is contracted with King Co . Humane Society ,its rates to be increased next year . Police Chief Williams upon inquiry , outlined the daily schedule observed by r the animal control officer and various persons commented on having been present in areas when he was performing his duties , others noting his absence . He is presently working a five day week with Sunday and Monday off as Saturday is a busy day with many persons calling. Fees to owners whose animals are impounded were discussed it being noted no increase is added for second and third offenses presently . Cats are not licensed in Renton . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, MATTER OF ADDITIONAL FEES FOR 2ND OR 3RD OFFENSES BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE, ALONG WITH MATTER OF LICENSE FEES . -4- c c� MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/27/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Dog Leash Law Police and License Committee Chairman Delaurenti reviewed recommendations of his Committee ,proposed at prior budget hearings , concerning license fees . Perry noted that impounding fees and 2nd and 3rd offense fees as included in the proposed motion go to the humane society and not to the city of Renton . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Bares stated the err violation fees over board fees should be retained by the city , Trimm noting recommendations of the Committee to this effect . Application for Letter from Mr. Andy L. Thuney, owner of Christy 's Master Music Tavern requested that master music machine license Machine License be granted along with location license for operation at said place of business . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BARES, TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. p2ogd_ Cgn.t.ro2 Letter from the Wn . Department of. Water Resources Insurance 'Program advised of availability of flood Control insurance at reduced rates due to federal government subsidy. It was urged that a flood plain , zoning plan be adopted,, to be used as guide in drafting regulations to fit the city . To become eligible requires interest and action by counties and cities which must be done prior to June 30 , 1970 . MOVED BY BARES, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED . Mr�rWn . State Board Letter from Mr . Robert L. Williamson , Housing Super- Against Discrimin- visor, Wn . State Bd. against Distrimination, submitted ination-Proposed proposed agreement for expediting complaints regard_Cnq Agreement housing . It was requested that the City consider its execution and return .if not in conflict with city ordinances . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE DOCUMENT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Traffic Safety- It was reported by Traffic Engineer Del Bennett that Federg,l-Eund grant in sum of $6 ,824. 00 had been received and it Grants will be necessary to establish a fund for deposit of these and additional future receipts for traffic safety projects , No. IS 69-3-001 and No. CD69-2-001 , total of $20 ,430 . 00 to be received. MOVED BY BARES, SECONDED BY DELA.URVNTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RESOLU- TION SETTING UP THE FUND AND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONEYS RECEIVED INTO SAID FUND. CARRIED. Announcements by Visitor was present from Fire District 40 to make a the Mayor request and recommendation , to speak later in meeting. Civic Center fountain is in operation as of this date, constructed by Busch Construction and funding donated by Williams-Swanson, Inc. , and the City. Water District 78 indicated a meeting with the Council is desired prior to the December 11 hearing by the King County Review Board in regard to the Talbot Island Annexation election . It was suggested the Fire and Water Committee most with them. MOVED BY BARES, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE CONTACT THE WATER DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS . CARRIED. • -5- 352 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/27/69 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Lind Avenue Mr. Roger Burgess , Fire District 40 Commissioner, was Fire Training introduced at this time and advised he was on the State Site proposed Committee for Fire Fighters and was inquiring whether as State School the 5 acre training site in Renton could be developed Site to accommodate fire departments all over the state for a state training school . It was felt money could be made available for such purchase and addition of an- other 5 acres was anticipated to enlarge the site . He was going to Yakima to a meeting of the Fire Fighters next week and expressed desire to pass the idea on at that time if Renton is favorable , long term lease being mentioned as a possible mode of handling. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry as to legality , the City Attorney advised such agreement could be entered into and that the Fire Chief should be asked regarding how much he could part with and not jeopardize the city , some agreement also to cover the city in case accidents occur. Fire and Water Committee Chairman Bruce called a meeting on Tuesday , October 28 , at 7 :30 p.m. in the 6th Floor Conference room with Mr . Burgess , the Fire Chief and Mayor, who stated he as a previous committment . Mr . Fred Miller noted he also was a Fire Commissioner and would concur in the request of Mr. Burgess , adding that he lives in Kennydale and that the dog catcher had found his hunting dog for him that children had turned loose and that he would hesitate to annex to Renton in view of increase in impound fees as heretofore discussed. PENDING MOTION TO REFER TO COMMITTEE CARRIED. Mayor Custer noted his proposal for sale of part of the 5 acres to finance completion of the remainder. Councilman Grant noted matter he had discussed with Mr. Burgess concerning fact that city actions affect residents of the County . Mr. Burgess enlarged on the matter with his suggestion that perhaps persons outside might have a voice when street work by the city affects traffic flow into the border areas and they should have some voice in how their particular area is developed , and perhaps a representative could be present to deal with such subjects . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REMARK'S OF MR . BURGESS TO THE PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE TO CONTACT VARIOUS GROUPS EXISTING IN RURAL AREAS AS THEY SEE FIT TO FIND 'IF PROBLEMS EXIST OR IF THEY WISH TO HAVE SOME REPRESENTATION AT MEETINGS . THE MOTION CAI?. TED. PROCLAMATION October 27 through November 1 , 1969 is designated as Renton Apple Week in recognition of apples as being an important product of our State , to be observed by citizens under sponsorship of The Renton Kiwanis Club . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION . THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Custer was submitted by Council President"" Perry , upon Committee of the Whole approval , appointing Mr . Owen Hall to position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department , probationary six-months period to commence as of November 16 , 1969 . Civic Service Commission certifi- cation and Police Chief William 's letter of recommendation were attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/27/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Cedar River Bank Council President Perry reported from meeting Development and held earlier with the Planning Commission , that Beautification the Committee has approved in concept the plan presented for designation of the river bank for park and recreation purposes . Five point pro- gram approval was recommended in preliminary step toward future development . too 1 . Planning Department authorized to continue its preliminary studies 2 . Application be considered to '-secure matching funds on State and Federal levels 3 . 1970 Budget to include sufficient moneys for additional studies required for uniform de- velopment . 4 . 1970 Budget to include funds for initial development of city-owned portion of the project. 5 . Cumulative Fund be established for acquisition and future development of the Cedar River banks . MOVED BY DET,AETPENTI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED. STREET AND ALLEY Chairman Garrett advised, regarding request of the COMMITTEE REPORT hospital district for street name change for S. W. 43rd Street , that the request had been withdrawn . PLANNING COMMITTEE Chairman Maxin announced a meeting at 4 :00 p.m. on October 29 , in the Planning Department . LIGHT AND POWER Chairman Grant announced a meeting at 7 :30 p.m. on low COMMITTEE October 30 , in the Traffic Engineering Department to discuss the preliminary budget . PROPERTY COMMITTEE Chairman Barei reported investigation had proven REPORT - Bid Award structures presently being constructed were lowest in Maplewood Park cost to maintain over a long term, some question hav- Restroom Facility ing arisen heretofore regarding costs of such type restroom facility . It was recommended that the low bid of Pyramid Construction Corporation , in sum of $12,280 . 00 plus tax; be accepted. This includes the basic bid of $11 ,480 . 00 plus Alternate #2 of $800 . 00 . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE REPORT OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE . CARRIED. CARRIED. SHANE OPPOSED. Right of way im_- Property Committee Chairman Barei requested Vic Te- provement costs Gantvoort , the Street Commissioner , to furnish itemi- vicinity Robinson zation of costs to fill the 20 ft . right of way if Lyons Ford Agency work were performed by the city , Rainier and Grady way area . VOUCHERS Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris No . 4637 - 4760 reported committee voucher approval , 176 . 4637-4760 and MOVED THiT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT Ir THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY GARRETT AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 4637-4687 $ 7 ,222 . 03 City Street Fund 4688-4706 1 ,692 . 75 Equipment Rental Fund 4707-4715 2 ,764 . 35 Park Fund 4716-4732 7 ,216 .12 Waterworks Utility 4733-4747 19,164 . 30 1965 Water & Sewer Const . 4748 270 . 00 Airport Fund 4749-4750 22 . 75 Firemen 's Pension 4751-4760 3,467 . 51 Total $ 41 ,819 . 81 -7- 4 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/27/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: BUDGET HEARING Council President Perry announced that budget MEETINGS TO COMMENCE meetings by the Committee of the Whole will NOVEMBER '5 , 1969. begin on November 5 ,and Police and Local 21R Wage Groups will heard at this time PUBLIC RELATIONS Chairman Edwards announced a meeting at 7 :30 p .m. COMMITTEE MEETING on October 29 , in his Council office . Complaint Councilman Grant reported receiving call from Mr . Arnold Timm regarding junking of old cars at North 28th street . Mayor Custer advised he had talked to Mr . Timm in this regard. HAUNTED HOUSE Councilman Shane called attention to endeavors of Kennydale Lions the Kennydale Lions Club in presenting its Halloween Sponsorship Haunted House at 2530 Aberdeen Ave . N. E. , inviting attendance for halloween fun . LEGALITY OF HORSE MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO INVESTIGATE RACING INDUSTRY WHETHER LONGACRES IS LEGAL AND TO CHALLENGE IN COURT IF NECESSARY. In following discussion, thF City Attorney conf_irm4d his orinion-ad-''rendered heretofore , chat no conflict exists , also noted by narrett . Shane felt there is conflict with the City of Renton Code which states persons shall not frequent places of gambling and that mode of ticket sales is not proper pari-mutuel procedure the odds figured after close of sales . Upon inquiry the City Attorney advised he was not familiar with the way pari-mutuel works but that the constitution does not outlaw all gambling and the State Legislature allows certain operations and this includes Longacres . Question was subsequently called for on the pending motion and dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which resulted as follows : AYE: BAREI, SHANE AND GRANT. NO: PERRY, BRUCE, MAXIN, EDWARDS, GARRETT, DELAURENTI, SCHELLERT AND MORRIS . TRIMM WAS ABSENT FROM THE COUNCIL CHAMBER DURING VOTE. THE MOTION FAILED 8 TO 3. LEGALITY OF GUESSER 'S Councilman Shane challenged the legality of the GAME IN SEATTLE TIMES Guesser 's Game deeming same to be a raffle and AND POST INTELLIGENCER therefore not legal , AND MOVED THAT COURT ORDER BE FILED AGAINST THE SEATTLE TIMES AND SEATTLE P. I. THROUGH THE CITY ATTORNEY,IN THIS REGARD. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BAREI. Delaurenti noted the P.I. had alreadybeen advised by another Municipality and the Prosecuting Attorney was handling the matter . Shane noted other counties are allowing bingo and lotteries and other states inquiring regarding city revenue loss which was estimated at $25 ,000 . 00 from pinball machine elimination . Shane objected to the State talks of need for money when it has deleted a goodly source of revenue . Court challenge was urged in order to establish uniform laws , .Local Clubs and businessmen being adversely affected by present status of rulings . Question was called for on pending motion and City Attorney Shellan noted jurisdiction of the council does not extend into the county so complaint would be against newsboys' ow or 1i8trIbutore , or request action by the Prosecuting Attorneu who has jurisdiction over the whole county . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO SUBSTITUTE MOTION THAT OPINION BE REQUESTED OF THE KING COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY AS TO LEGALITY R44THER 'THAN COURT ACTION BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. DELAURENTI OPPOSED. Mayor Custer noted receipt of letter complimenting him on closing of gambling and Longacres which he noted is not of course the case the season being ended. -8- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/27/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Request for Street Councilman Barei reported receipt of requests Name Change by citizens of Harrington Avenue for street name to be changed to Holly Avenue , and it was requested that Traffic Engineering furnish estimate of cost to effect same , and procedure involved . Inquiry regarding Councilman Barei reported receipt of inquiries walkways to new from residents of the Talbot Hill area concerning Talbot School walkways to be constructed to the new school . A portion of this would lie in King County and the Street Commissioner was requested to furnish an estimate of cost for the walkway from 15th Avenue South . Paintings Donated Councilman Barei inquired whether donors had been thanked for the paintings given to the City and Mayor Custer advised affirmatively . Permanent 'Official MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE SUBJECT Municipal Art Com- OF ESTA.BLISHINC IN THE CODE AN OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL mission ART COMMISSION, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Property Committee Chairman Barei requested a meeting of his Committee Meeting at 7 :00 p .m. on November 3 , the Street Commissioner and Mr . Lyons being invited to attend . Local 21R Contract Councilman Schellert noted letter received from Date - Employee Local 21R stating contract date was January 24 , Benefits 1969 and that benefits to employees accrued as of February 1 and it was the intent that they be retroactive as of January 1 , so as not to penalize new employees who might be reaching the 6 months status in the interim . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THEMHOLE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO SUBSTITUTE THE MOTION TO REFER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION EFFECTING THE REQUEST. CARRIED . POLICE AND LICENSE ChairmAn Delaurenti requested a meeting in his COMMITTEE MEETING office following this evening 's council meeting. AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Conflict of interest Mr . Sven Johnson reported furnishing documents to inquiry the Council President ,as requested at a prior council meeting, �doncerning incorporation papers for Centa Corporation and Cortina Corporation and Council President Perry acknowledged receipt of same . Mr . Johnson ilrged that the budget be reconciled as to salary accounts of employees that might or might not be involved in corporations formed during their terms of office with respect to any items relating directly to their responsibilities with the city . Corporations were outlined with officers and members noted which included city employees and board_ and commission members . During lenghty discussion which ensued , inquiry was made regarding intent of Mr . Johnson 's remarks and whether he was indicating, as it appeared, that salaries of such corporation members were increased exceedingly in comparison to others , to which he stated he was not making any accusations , again requesting budget reconcilliation . It was noted that his starting salary in 1966 was $549 . 99 with increase to $923 . 00 by the fall of 1968 when he left the city employ , which increases he attributed to salary comparisons to other areas and cost of living increases . (Cont . next page) ' 9- 356 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/27/69 AUDIENCE COMMENT (Cont . ) Remarks by Mr . Sven Johnson ConfliCt of Interest Further discussion included remarks by Mr . Inquiry (Cont . ) Johnson that Department Heads are pressured from builders and contractors while in the field inspecting as to why they must concur when city-owned corporations do not , to which Mr . Johnson replied that they should furnish proof of their compliants , which was the Council 's request at this time . It was noted that young men with futures to look forward to are involved and no stigma. should be allowed to remain as this would be something they would have to live with from hereon . It was noted the law does allow in- corporation and it was those who do not file reports who need investigation and apprisal . City Attorney Shellan noted the law is quite explicit in this matter and one should not be too quick to criticize , the only point to be made is whether the parties concerned have any dealings with the city . If so, the matter should be pursued and if not any further efforts would be a waste of time . He added that city employees are not second class citizens and have a perfect right to belong to a corporation , to buy stock , make investments , etc. ; the only thing they cannot do is deal with the city . There is no law reauir- ing individuals to report what salary his wife or son or member of his household is making or what Mock or land he owns , and if they are not dealing with the City there is no right to question . If misdemeanor of city contracting does exist then someone should step forward and state the facts and it should be turned over to the prosecuting attorney for prosecution . Grant recalled efforts concerning conflict of interest ordinance noting need for same at present with outside parties overseeing public employees and if question these parties would hear the matter and there would be no need to go to Olympia for papers . He noted his plans to pursue the matter after the election present political climate possibly have influence on present publication . Mayor Custer advised he understood motives that went into the search urging the matter be pursued and that being reasonable ,when it is found no wrong has been done Mr. Johnson admit same . The Mayor noted his affiliations in various corpora- tions and offered to furnish papers and lists to Mr. Sohhson to assist him in 'searchi,na . (It was noted he had started looking with specific other party in mind and had come across the present documents . ) The Mayor noted further his actions had not been taken without checking with the State Auditor to see if it would be legal and advised 'of .steps taken at great length to insure there was no uon.tlict ,and these wadnoneiri " any o± the transactions . He urged continued search and stated Mr . Johnson had done a great service without knowing it . The Mayor noted numerous accusations had been directed at him during his term of office which was the experience of the Department Heads outlined by Mr . Johnson in the field. Grant advised he would pursue the matter of conflict of interest ordinance adoption and hoped other councilmen would likewise urging Mr . Johnson to nick up the Mayor 's list and continue further search If he has information to be pursued. _10- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/27/69 AUDIENCE COMMENT: (Cont . ) Mr . Sven Johnson , upon request for public clarification of his alle- gations advised he was making no allegations , but was trying to resolve questions which had arisen . He noted the gambling issue and that it was such as this which also came to Department Heads in the course of employment . He added that he was interested in the position of King County Ombudsman and requested support of his endeavors in that respect . .;ambling-Court ilman ane The matter of challenging the court ._re fiox se racing as Challenge gambling was discussed, it being noted that there had not been a yhallenge of the act before bur Supreme Court . Attorney General's opinion that the law is valid and recent opinion of Mr . Slade Gorton con- curring in Mr . O ' Connells opinion were noted by Attorney Shellan and that about a duzen st4,:es .hava_had challenges with Supreme Court rulings in each of the states that it is not a lottery and not in violation of the con- stitution . Question was .also posed whether such a challenge should be made with public funds . Provision for individual or groups under Declaratory Judgment Act possible through the Attorney General , which would be somewhat contrary in view of the opinion he has already issued , so consideration should be given before city action is taken . Councilman Shane , noting duration of Longacres operation felt challenge justified noting little people are being picked on and if this could be proven illegal the State Legislature would act to allow bingo , poker , etc. Mr . Dick Stredicke recalled remarks of Mr . Burgess , stating he too was in favor of area representation by interested community members , such as Mrs . Evans who should be thanked for representing her neighborhood , noting a citizens ad- visory branch of government being desirable . Mr . Burgess added that it was not intended to run city business , but that some city actions do affect other areas and it sometimes is adversely . Councilman Perry , noting spring anticipation of rapid transit bond issue and planning being done by citizens pointed out other areas to be developed which will need consideration and the mayor advised the matters are under consideration at the present time . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 11 :33 p .m. There were 46 visitors in the Council Chamber this evening . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer , Mayor -ll - c�Jb OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10/27/69 PERMITS TISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2061 $ 1,095.00 LAUERN PETERSON 607 HARRINGTON AVE. NE INSTALL SIDING 2062 25,000.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES ADD STORAGE SPACE 2063 3,600.00 CHECKERBD. PROPERTIES 439 RAINIER AVE. S INST. 3 WALL SIGNS 2064 20,000.00 JOr, BOEHME 2607 MEADOW AVE. N CONST. FAMILY RES. 2065 286.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-81 BUILDING REMODEL 3 OFFICES B 2066 3,700.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-52 BUILDING CONST. REPAIR ROOM 2067 250.00 WYNN E. KAMPE 1522 BROOKS AVE. N MODIFY FLOOR STRUCTURE 2068 —0— WYNN E. KAMPE 1522 BROOKS AVE. N DEMOLISH GARAGE 2069 400.00 CROWN FINANCE CO. 725 RAINIER AVE. S INST. WALL SIGN 2070 1,500.00 EARLINGTON ASSOC. 500 SW 7TH ST. INST. PARTITIONS B 2071 150.00 LEONARD WEBB 3507 NE 7TH PL. ERECT CARPORT 2072 500.00 HAROLD MELLOR 124 RAINIER AVE. S MOVE PARTITIONS 2073 500.00 JOHN SHAFFER 1827 SE 18TH PL. CONST. DECK 2074 2,400.00 ROBERT F. LUX 1410 S 7TH ST. CONST. GARAGE 2075 VOID ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2444 1,290.00 CHECKERBD. PROPERTIES 439 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL LIGHTING 2445 461.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING 2446 1,393.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING 2447 279.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING 2448 282.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING E 2449 900.00 EARLINGTON BUS. CTR. 500 SW 7TH ST. WIRING 2450 9,000.00 LOTTO WAREHOUSE 1520 SW GRADY WAY WIRING 2451 400.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING INST. TEMP. CONTROLLER 2452 170.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING VAPOR DISP. EQUIPMENT 2453 67.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING RELOCATE COPYTRON E 2454 136.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING INST. MACCS READER 2455 74.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INST. FOLDING MACHINE 2456 1,100.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-54 BUILDING CONST. REPAIR ROOM " 2457 50.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING RECONNECT RECEPTACLE 2458 10.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING INST. RECEPTACLE E 2459 149.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING RELOCATE BSNJO AREA 2460 7,500.00 WASH. WHOLESALERS 705 SW 7TH ST. INST. 480V SERVICE 2461 6,000.00 CHECKERBD. PROP. 2813 SUNSET BLVD. NE WIRE RESTAURANT 2462 500.00 ROBINSON & LYON FORD 750 RAINIER AVE. S INST. POLE & 4 LIGHTS 2463 50.00 ROBINSON & LYON FORD 750 RAINIER AVE. S CONNECT SIGN E 2464 500.00 ROY T. STARKEY 824 SW 4TH PL. INST. 200 AMP SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2184 FORENTCO CO. 720 THOMAS AVE. SW INST. GAS PIPING 2185 WEBER AIRCRAFT CO. 740 THOMAS AVE. SW INST. GAS PIPING 2186 CHECKERBD. PROPERTIES 2813 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. PIPING & PLBG. 2187 MCGRATH CORP. 4307 NE 22ND CT. INST.. FURN., WTR. HTR. 2188 FRANK MCGANN 536 MORRIS AVE„ S INST. GAS BURNER M 2189 SAMUEL GUEUARA 3601 NE 6TH INST, WALL HEATER 2190 MCGRATH CORP. 4307 NE 22ND CT. INST PLBG. & FIXTURES 2191 WALTER KOENING 3531, 6TH AVE. NE INST.„ WALL FURNACE 2192 BOEING COMPANY 10-521 BUILDING CONST, REPAIR. ROOM 2193 GER.RY JOHNSON 1711 KENNEWICK CT. SE INST GAS FURNACE M 2191.E MILTON EUENSON 2002 SE 17TH CT. INST, GAS FURN&CE 2195 H� F. S CHELLERT 3.5n5 N MAARION S`r' INST, GAS HEATER 2196 MISS L. HENDRICKSON 2412 NE 7TH ST, INSTo GAS FURNACE 2197 PARKWOOD HOMES 2539 BURNETT CT. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES SEWER PERMITS S 1023 RENTON AUTO GLASS 203 RAINIER AITE, S CONNECT Sh7E.R 1024 WYNN KAMPE 1 22 BROOKS AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER —12— 359 October Fund transfers approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council . FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current $ 58,625 . 24 City Street 60,378. 03 Cedar River M & I 228. 40 Equipment Rental 8 , 751 . 33 Library 4 ,350. 97 Parks 42 ,009 . 46 Waterworks Utility 88 ,024 . 29 1965 W & S. Const . 270. 00 Airport 2,260. 06 Firemen ' s Pension 3 ,621 . 06 City Hall Construction 73,936 . 58 Urban Arterial Street 103,844 . 96 Total Claims for October $446 ,300 . 38 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current 148 ,149. 18 City Street 32 ,264 . 78 Cedar River M & I 653. 00 Equipment Rental 4 ,895 . 94 Library 11 ,022 . 93 Parks 25 ,689 . 35 Waterworks Utility 22 ,424. 22 Airport 1 ,579 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 Total Payroll for Oct . $246 ,778 . 40 6 360 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 3 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim of Mr . Van Ausdal for cost of damage to vehicle by water meter cover COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Annexation by Fire District 25 of portion of District 10 ... Request for retention of funds in 1970 budget for signalization of Union Avenue N. E. and N. E. 4th Street Planning Commission recommendations for changes in Comprehensive Land Use Plan as requested by Firest Investment Company and Transamerica Develop- ment Company Proposal by Shane to reduce water rates by one-third POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Request of Mr . Un edacht et al to hunt in the South Renton valley area MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute Earnest Money Agreement for acquisition of Lake Wn . waterfront property for park purposes APPOINTMENT: Mayor 's Youth Guidance Committee - Father Donald Werner MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 11/5/69 - Planning Committee meeting at 4 :00 p .m. in Planning Department 11/5/69 - Committee of the Whole - Budget hearing meetings with wage groups" 361 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 3 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer , Mayor, at 8:00 p.m . in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building , and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . TOLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm , arrett , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , John Pain , Asst . City Attorney , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Gene Coulon , Park Director , Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. As there were no corrections nor additions to the minutes of the previous meeting, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF OCTOBER 27 , AS MAILED OUT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: ORDINANCE 2516 Creating Fund for Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted deposit of Carco Ordinance creating and establishing a special fund Theater Funds , to be known as the "Cumulative Reserve Fund for donation of Pacific the construction of a theater within the Cedar Car & Foundry , of River Park Community Center, and purposes immediately $100 ,000 . 00 related thereto, " as read by the City Clerk. MOVED BY SCEHLLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ELEVEN AYE VOTES AND ONE NO , SHANE CASTING A NEGATIVE VOTE. RESOLUTION 1653 Federal Fund Resolution was read noting receipt of $6 ,824 . 00 to Grant for Traffic be applied on City Project No . I.S. 69-301 , and Safety Program Project No . C.D. 69-2-001 , and anticipating receipt Account No . 4100 of additional grants for said purposes , and it was deemed advisable to set up specific funds from which to make disbursements for such purposes . The City Clerk and Treasurer were thereby authorized to establish Traffic Safety Account - Identification and Surveillance of Accident Location Program Fund and Traffic Safety - Traffic Control Devices Program . Fund , into which grant funds may be deposited . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2517 Appropriating Grant Ordinance was read authorizing appropriation of oney into new Fund Traffic Safety Federal Grant funds into Account ccounts 4100 , Expert Services , 314 . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY MORRIS, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL-"VOTE .RESULTED IN ALL AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Chairman Trimm invited comment regarding the Board ESTABLISHING BOARD OF of Public Works Ordinance and there being none it PUBLIC WORKS was noted the Committee will present the -ordinance next week. -1- 362 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/3/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : CLAIM_ Homer A . VanAusdal Claim was read as filed by Mr . Homer VanAusdal Vehicle Damage from for recovery of $30 . 00 damage to vehicle caused Water Drain Cover when drain cover flew up and damaged floor of car . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. THE MOTION CARRIED. Ivan Unbedacht Letter from Mr . Unbedacht requested permission Request to hunt in to hunt in the South Renton Valley area on property .... Valley area which he used to own . It was noted that other sportsmen were making like request and were in the audience this evening. It was noted Kent allows hunting in certain areas by special permit . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, HOWEVER SINCE POWER TO ACT WAS NOT INCLUDED, SHANE WITH- DREW SECOND AND MOTION DIED FOR LACK THEREOF . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . THE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Delaurenti called a meeting with the sportsmen following the Council meeting . BID OPENINGS AND City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids for AWARDS -- Bronson Way widening and overlay of Bronson Way on 10/29/69 . Widening Project and Three bidders responded. (Tabulations attached) Rainier Avenue Water City Engineer Wilson 's letter and Street and Alley Main (L . I.D. 268) Committee Report was read recommending that the low bid of Scotty ' s Bulldozing in sum of $17 , 942 . 00 be accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contract documents . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid opening for Water Project 199 , (L . I. D. 268) on Rainier Avenue was reported . Eleven bidders res- ponded as per attached tabulation sheet . Letter from City Engineer Wilson and Fire and Water Committee recommended award to low bidder , Frank Coluccio Construction Company in sum of $35 ,833 . 05 . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Letter from Chairman of the Board , Gordon Ericksen , REPORT - Annexation by reported review, noting subject property is located Fire Dist . 25 of portion South of South 128th Street between 148th Avenue SE of Dist . 10 and 156th Avenue S . E. approximately one mile east of the Renton city limits . The Fire Chief has no objection since city service areas would not be affected and the Board of Public Works therefore indicated it had no objection to the proposed annexation . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE r MOTION CARRIED, EDWARDS AND BAREI VOTING NO PLANNING COMMISSION Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , RECOMMENDATION reported recommendation of the Planning Commission Budget request for to urge council retention in the 1970 budget of signalization of Union funds for signalization of the Union Avenue N. E. Ave . N. E. and N. E . 4th and N. E. 4th Street intersection . It was noted intersection residents had brought to attention of the Commission that this was a critical need and urged that prior to development of the area such intersection be signalized, funding now included in 1970 proposed budget of the Traffic Engineering Department . -2- 3�3 MINUTES _ RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/3/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: PLANNING COMMISSION MOVED BY GRANT,SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER RECOMMENDATION, (sighal THE BUDGET REQUEST TO THE COMMITTEE DF THE WHOLE. at intersection) THE MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported RECOMMENDATIONS TO review of requested changes as referred by the Change Comprehensive Council regarding First Investment Company Plan as revue.sted by for designation from single family to multi- First Investment Co . family . (Albert Balch property) Vicinity of Greenwood Cemetery , bounded on North by N. E. 2nd Place extended, on the South by SE 2nd Place ex- tended, on the East by Union Ave . N. E. and S. E. and on the West by Queen Avenue N. E. and S. E. ex- tended . Proposed land use revision would permit the requested use which would be compatible with the surrounding area . MOVED BY BAREI, SECOND BY MORRIS, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, COPIES OF THE PROPOSAL TO BE FURNISHED THE COUNCIL, question being raised concerning sewers . CARRIED. Comprehensive Land Recommended was revision to change designation Use Plan Change ,request of Transamerica Development Company property ,at Of Transamerica Develop- intersection of Benson Highway South and Puget ment Company . Drive South , from multi-family residential to commercial with regard to NE corner , known as Parcel 30A and shown presently as high density multi -family residential . Proposal felt to be in accord with long range development of the city and in the public interest , with certain restrictive covenants to be required as filed by applicant . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED . Edwards opposed. MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY EDWARD.S , PUBLIC HEARINGS ON BOTH ITEMS BE SET FOR NOVEMBER 17 . THE MOTION CARRIED. Frank Henry acknowledg- Letter was read by the Mayor ,received from ment of sympathy of Assistant Police Chief Frank A . Henry as an Council and City Per expression of thanks for remembrances and sonnel in sorrow sympathy in the sorrow of recent death of Mrs . Henry . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr . Sven Johnson reported receiving calls in regard to events of last week 's council meeting advising he had in each instance referred the parties to the Minutes of the meeting for their further information , from October 6th on . Dick Stredicke commended the League of Women Voters on -the presentation of Candidates Night which he felt had been very informative and that all Councilmen should have attended , discussions by- the people of what they would like to see in the City and candidates views being very well handled . Delaurenti noted he was out of town on company business and would have been pleased to attend, Morris noting meeting of Council Committee to consumate city business had kept others from attending. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY The Mayor circulated letter concerning acquisition FOR PARKS & RECREATION of waterfront property which he advised required immediate action of the Council as noted therein . -3- 364 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/3/69 APPOINTMENT: Mayor ' s Youth Council President Perry submitted letter by Guidance Committee the Mayor requesting concurrence in the appoint Father Donald f,�erner ment of Father Donald Werner to the Mayor 's Youth Guidance Committee . Father Werner will represent the Catholic Parish within the Renton area . MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT . THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Budget Meetings Council President Perry announced that budget - meetings will commence on Wednesday at 8 : 30 p .m . in the Council Chambers . Police and Fire Wage groups will be heard followed at 9 :30 p.m. by Union Organization Local 21R Representatives . Mayor Custer noted by Department Heads request and that letter had been sent acknowledg- Assistants , et al ing a Union for Department Heads and Assistants , come interest being expressed by clerical and other personnel as well . These will be under separate sponsorship, however, than the 21R group . Street and A1L�l Committee Chairman Garrett reported that the Bell Committee Report Telephone Company Representative making inquiry (Telephone Booth for installation of booth at Houser Way and Wells request) Ave . So . was out of town and the Committee therefor was requesting additional time on the matter . Granted. Public Relations Chairman Edwards submitted report recommending that Committee Report in the best of interests of all concerned with re- Backyard Burning gard to air pollution , that there be no backyard burning allowed . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO CONCUR . Inquiries followed as to controls of commercial saw and industrial burning along with remarks con-- cernina needs throughout the country and notations as to causes of pollution which include automobiles airplanes , etc . and governmental efforts toward controls on a small scale as approach to larger . It was noted time limitation has been set bu the Regional Pollution Control Agency for a year on Industrial pollution kith legislation being enacted for automobiles . Sven Johnson called attention to film the school district has in regard to the matter which is very well presented . After other comments concerning privilege to 1umbPri.ng iadustry developers and slashburnings compared to individuals , and notation that pollution from up river has been curtailed , question was callee for on the pending motion . MOTION CARRIED. Shane opposed . Fire and water Chairman Bruce requested the Mayor to advise the Committee -• beater Dist . committee when reply from Mr . Maffeo , Attorney 78 meeting re:west: representing Water District 78 is rece! �,od . Property Committee Chairman Barei reported recommendation of the Report - Robinson Lyon Proper'?.,, Committee that Revocable Permit be grante ` Ford requ.—t for use Robinson-Lyons Ford for use of city right-of- way permit on right_of_way property in vicinity of. Rainier Ave . So . and Grade Revocable Permit with Pay South , improvements to be installed and monthlz; 90 day termination rental fee to be $25 . 00 with Hold Harmless Agreement clause arzi 525 . 00 mo. to cover the City against liability , conditions to rental fee recommended, be mct as set forth by the City Engineer and Street Commissioner . It was noted estimated cost of the improvement to fill 500 ft . would be $4 ,566 . 65 . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . A lengthy discussion follower' as _o fee , ,status of the area heretofore and at present ; if State g.r4-ihe ap��li-ed on fill , city 's not having vested fee t. tle but only easerr�ent �.,.�tc„ {HF M'p'i'lox CARRIEL. Shane opposed. Mor MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/3/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Property Committee Chairman Barei advised that the cost to change Report (Cont . ) the name of Harrington Avenue to Holly Avenue would be $519 . 40 . (Plus City Clerk 's Costs) (See further remarks under audience comment) He reported estimated costs for materials to provide walkway in vicinity of the new Talbot School , from South 15th Street to South 19th Street would be $1 ,130 . 00 . Council was urged to consider including costs in the 1970 budget for said project . VOUCHERS No . 4761 -• 4860 Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris reported approval of. City of Renton Fund hreakdown Vouchers and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE attached Nos . 4761 - 4860 FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SHANE AND CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: King County Code of Council President Perry advised he had secured Ethics a copy of the Code of Ethics recently adopted by King County and requested that copies be furnished to Council Members with a Committee of the Whole meeting to be set later for dis- cussion of the Code . Planning Committee Chairman Maxin announced a committee meeting on Meeting November 5 , in the Planning Department , at 4 :p .m . Political Activity Councilman Shane called attention to reported »--by City Employees harrassment of business persons by City personnel concerning political endorsements and MOVED THAT CITY EMPLOYEES NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENGAGE IN ANY DISPLAY OF POLITICAL INTEREST. Mayor Custer reported discrepancies between various reports received in this regard and after further remarks involving personalities , the motion was declared dead for lack of second . Water Rate Reduction Moved by Shane , seconded by Barei , that water Proposal rates be reduced by one,7third, fr6m ,$3 . 00 to $2 . 00. MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MOTION PROPOSAL TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED . Committee Meeting. Moved by Shane , seconded by Grant , Committee of locations the Whole meetings be held in the Council Chambers . Motion failed . Commending City Councilman_- Shane , questioning hearsay that the Attorney City Attorney may not continue his services with the City, stated his personal opinion which he was sure was also that of the rest of the Council , that Mr . Shellan has done a very good job . Added thereto was spoken word of "irrevocably" . Police and License Chairman Delaurenti announced a meeting immediately Committee fleeting following this council meeting with those parties involved in hunting request , the City Attorney to also attend. -5- Y 13( 6 MINUTES - RENTON C4TY COUNCIL MEETING ll/ 3/69 AUDIENCE COMMENT Street Name Change Mr. . Richard Stredicke inquired as to cost for the entire street name change program; how much the city would have saved had they not been changed and cost to change back. The Mayor advised total cost_ was $30 ,000 . 00 , many signs and posts however had been deterioriated and needed replacement in any event and cost would have been one and one-half the cost as it were . Mr . Frank Storey commented the signs should be low in number and no long names . Uniform Building Code Mr . Sven Johnson stated about 22 Building Codes are now in operation , noting adoption by the County of Uniform Building Code and like action by Renton and other cities in helping to establish standards of uniformity . Ile noted organization leaders in Renton of the various municipal entities to keep up with advancements and stated the Building De- partment is doing a very good ,job and should be given full support of the Council . He added remarks concerning his previous employment with the city, as of 1966 ,and that he had then been a voting citizen Like many others who did not participate and did not really know what was happening in the city . Street name changes Morris noted candidates had been contacted regarding street name changes prior to election which issue was felt_ to be of help toward vote solicitation . League of Women Mrs . Joanne Herber, on behalf of the League of Women Voters - Thanks Voters , thanked the Mayor and Council for use of the council chambers and for attendance of members at the "Meet the Candidates " meeting. Also , commenting iri r0gard to air pollution control and work of the Regional Air r}ollution Control Agency which would,it is felt ,include measures for subsequent control of all areas of the subject matter , Mrs . Herber noted the League is endorsing all forms of such controls .in promotion of the program. Tr.affi% 1'azard Mr. Joe Testa reported problem in the alley at Wells and Williams Avenues where vehicles run up onto his property , noting accident last Saturday on No . 3rd between Williams and Wells . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE COMMENTS TO Tri F, STRVET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Br>>ce reported xeceipt of like complaints regarding this area . MOTION CARRIED. Rix tt - ✓at. Mr . Tom Tea(7sale not,,-?(3 great .improvement at Grady Imp o^er nt- (.rady W,iy - Rainier Avenue intersection and urged that W y y n.iF , Ave . work in projx. nog: be stopped . it was hoped that perhaps the .railroad company might be inspired to participate toward further beautification of such areas . City , pick-up of Upon inquiry by Maxin , ,Street Commissioner TeGant- clippings and leaves voor. t reported calls w.7.11. be acc-epted by the Fire Depa:rtm-ent through November 11 and collection will commence the 12th . 92 loads have been dumped by the city gratis but henceforth county facility will be used and the city will be charged, and funds may be required. Acquisition of Park MOVED BY MORRIS, ,SECOND BY SCHELLFRT,TO RECESS .CARR IFD. Property on Lake Wn . All present at roll call thereafter and the Committee of the Whole recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign Earnest Money Agreement dated 10/8169 on subject property , with deposit accordingly. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY 14AXIN TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Grant. Abstained. MOVED BY MAXIN,SECOND BY EDWARDS,TO ADJOURN . CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at. 10 :25 p.m . 37 visitors were present . BID TABULAT1ON SHEET PROJ ECT : IIr,{)',c ;A�,I i yM,I'II WIUI;NTI:(, DAFT E ' October 29, RLNTON MUyIC IPAT, BUILDING BIDDER BID SC;O)TTY'S BITI.,DOZTNC Bidtlk�r Error in Tabulation Correct r, 0840 Carr Road, Renton, Wa. BOND 18.437.00 -^17.942. 00 FSELECT CONTRACTORS, INC . 3652 ftillgmA S.W SeatLlo, Wa. 0811. ? '7,45 MOS=S CfO«STRI'CTTON, INC. 20 995.75 VOUCHER FUND BREAKDOWN: Current Fund 4761 - 4800 $ 7 ,839,. 26 Arterial Street Fund 4801 21 . 16 City Street Fund 4802 - 4809 3,349 . 17 Cedar River M. & I. 4810 - 4811 11 . 09 Equipment Rental Fund 4812 - 4819 2 ,498 . 07 Library Fund 4820 - 4*P2.1 180 . 31 Park Fund 1822 - 48.39 9,670 . 93 Waterworks Utility 4840 - 4851 2 ,994 . 36 Airport Fund 4852 - 4857 1 , 205 .64 Firemen 's Pension Fund 4858 8 . 86 City Hai .( Construction 4859 909 .15 Urban Azteria.l. Fund 4860 4 ,500 . 00 Total T33,188 . 00 Ilr�r -7- cl�V BID TABULATtON SHEET P RO J C l WATER PROJECT #199(RAINIER AVENUE) L.T.D. 268 DATEs- O .T013 •R 99. 126,9 Rt'ntov MLI;i c.i pa] Rl dg. FSI L7C�E6�. ALL BTnnLRS PI: N"Mirrl BOND BID P. 0. Box 37, Zuni t h, W�i . 98073 MOSS CONSTRUCTION INC,. 49.0:,0.21 Inc]Uding Tax 7778 Sw,vard !'ark Ave. SSeattle FRANK COLUCCIO 800-5 S. 222nd. Kent, ka . 980'3] FROST CONSTRUCTIOIN 40,5,39 21 WFSTERN UTILITIES SUPPLY CO. PACIFIC WATER 14ORKS, SUOP Y CO 1815 S .iacks(m St . . S(- 3ttlr, 08144 G. ARGENTIERI (: � s i'It1 c;I']t;1 c -58,778 Box 547 i'.('1.1c. 'uc' ttia . 93004 L AUSTIN CONSTRICTION CO.' 5, Z, �(> ALLISOT S INCORPORATED GESNER & BRO•.dN It4C. 023' Aml,aLim 1;i�-(l t t 1 cr '.0814 801-TRS'CONSTRUCTION CO. 42,110.89 ( 5611 I)eiridgcl 4:.I., S.k Str+� t ]( 4)� I r( ! idd0!• 'Pa��]atiorl Irror CorrF,(•t.td BERT ROBINSON CONVRL) . N CO INC. ' 47 t(f,4,79 t47,7 60, 79 f' I MCDONOUGH CONSTRUCTION 1430 1y W 6411!. c ;,,ttlo 'ai107 , ROGER V. BURY T & E CONSTRUCTION 1.720 w . \17;:11 i�" N. , Althorn. ')nn l'i(I(1('r 1��1)Uiat_7')Ti ly'ro r Correct.od L.D.L. LAND OFVFLOPYT.MCO 4:'; 0 7 7 20 45 3SS .of OI ORIO Ch4'L ION 42,778 .12 " KEITH °ETERSFN-& SON 20 7O i. 1. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11/3/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDIN0, AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUI iI PERMITS L 1 ._ NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2076 $2,000.00 VICTOR DEMIGLIO 921 S 29TH CT. CONST. RES. FOUNDATN. 2077 -0- HAROLD W. JORDAN 2700 BLK. MAP. VAL. HWY EXCAVATE, GRADE 2078 36,000.00 E.J. BARTELL 702 POWELL ST. INST. FIRE EXT. SYS. 2079 1,000.00 HERFY'S RESTAURANTS 640 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL SIGN 2080 17,230.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 765 S 27TH ST. CONST. FAM. RES. 3 2081 19,250.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 783 S 27TH ST. CONST. FAM. RES. 2082 700.00 KENNETH K. KAM 521 SW LANGSTON RD. CONST. CARPORT ADDN. 2083 150.00 DALE R. HOWELL 800 BLK. TALBOT RD. ERECT SIGN 2084 4,000.00 STERNOFF METALS CORP. 1600 SW 43RD CONST. POWER HOUSE 2085 1,415.00 BOEING COMPANY 5-14 BUILDING INST. CATWALKS B 2086 432.61 DON AOGUSTON 912 SUNSET BLVD. NE REROOF RESIDENCE 2087 12.50 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1100 BLK. EDMONDS NE INSTALL SIGN 2088 .12.50 KAMPE CONST. Co. 2300 BLK.EDMONDS NE INSTALL SIGN 2089 12.50 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2100 BLK. ABERDEEN NE INSTALL SIGN 2Q90 ,12.50 KAMPE CONST. CO. ABERDEEN NE AT SUNSET INSTALL SIGN 2491 500.00 RUSTY RHOADS 915 N 1ST ST. LEVEL FLOOR fgCTRICAL PERMITS E 2465 3,500.00 MODERN MFG. CO. 405 S RENTON VILLAGE INST. ELECT. MOTORS 2466 50.00 RICHARD COTTELL 1616 NEWPORT AVE. NE WIRE REC. ROOM 2 7 725.55 EVENSON 2002 SE 17TH CT. WIRE NEW RES. 24 b8 400.00 R. J. THOMPSON 824 ABERDEEN AVE NE INSTALL SERVICE 469 1,033.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. EVERGREEN BLDG. WIRING E 2470 536.00 CHAS. MCGARRIGLE 2618 NE 7TH ST. WIRING FOR HEAT 2471 540.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING 2472 234.00 BOEING CO. 10-65 BUILDING RELOCATE COPY CAMERA 2473 117.00 BOEING CO. 4-20 BUILDING RECEPTACLE, MACCS SYS. 2474 111.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING RECEPTACLE, MACCS SYS. F 2475 90.00 BOEING CO. 7-65 BUILDING-2 INST. MASTER IMAGER - 2476 30.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING INST. RECEPTACLE 2477 42.00 BOEING CO. 10-65 BUILDING INST. BAND SAW 2478 445.00 BOEING CO. 5-14 BUILDING INST. ELECT FACILITIES 2479 95.00 BOEING Co. 4-20 BUILDING REARRANGE STAIRCASE E 2480 178.00 BOEING CO. 4-81 BUILDING RELOCATE COPIERS 2481 350.00 BOEING Co. 4-20 BUILDING RELOCATE TOOLING 2482 38.00 BOEING CO. 4-21 BUILDING MACCS SYSTEM 2483 VOID MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2198 RENTON CASHWAY LBR. 1501 N BROOKS ST. INST. GAS FURNACE 2199 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 2901 KENNEWICK PL. NE INST. WATER HEATERS 2200 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 2901 KENNEWICK PL. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2201 J. F. STRNARD 2215 NE 10TH INST. BOILER & PIPING 2202 REN FOUR INC. 231 WILLIAMS S INST. GAS BURNER M 2203 K. J. OYLER 675 EDMUNDS AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2204 BOEING CO. 4-81 BUILDING CHANGE TO SAN. SEWER 2205 BOEING CO. 4-62 BUILDING REROUTE COOLING WATER 2206 R. W. WIEHOFF 1824 NE 16TH ST. INST. GAS HEATER 2207 ALBERT LEMAY 442 WINDSOR WAY INST. BURNER & HEATER M 2208 KENNETH MYERS 2303 NE 7TH ST. INST. GAS FURNACE 2209 JOSEPH VENERA 622 S 16TH ST. INST. GAS PIPING low SEWER PERMITS 1025 GUY HILLIKER 818 N 30TH CONNECT SEWER 1026 PARKWOOD HOMES 2615 SMITHERS AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 1027 PARKWOOD HOMES 2623 SMITHERS AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 1028 PARKWOOD HOMES 2539 BURNETT CT. CONNECT SEWER 1029 MR. SAGMO 809 N 31ST CONNECT SEWER S 1030 JERRY R. KELLEHER 902 N 30TH CONNECT SEWER 1031 MARIE CARLQUIST 1127 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1032 PHILIPS PETROLEUM 3RD PL. & RAINIER CONNECT SEWER 1033 JACK IN BOX REST. 2813 SUNSET BLVD. NE CONNECT SEWER 1034 JACK IN BOX REST. 2813 SUNSET BLVD. NE CONNECT SEWER S 1035 C. EIETT MUTH ioo6 N 3oTH CONNECT SEWER. 1036 HARRY S. FISHER 3004 BURNETT AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 70 PF.,NTnN CITY COUNCIL PFCULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 10 , 1969 PCFF.RRALS CITY ATTORNEY AND *INSUPANCE CARRIER Contract document apnroval , L . T.D. 264 Sanitary Sewers *Claim of Yvonne 'cDowell for personal injury damages from falling Request of Police Gu.ilr7 LAW AND ORDINANCE COPPI.T. T EE Transfer of $675 . 00 frog: Cumulative to Park Fund for site appraisals Amending ordinance to allow area for shooting iside the city Agenda revision , if requires, to move voucher approval POLICE CHIEF, CITY_ FNCIIiEZ'R To outline area where. s':,oti.ng .'lig"it be allowed in Earlington area MAYOR AND *CITY CLERK To outline shootincr area in Farlinaton (with Police Chief & City Engineer) *Authorized to sign contract document for L . I. D. 264, Sanitary Sewers *Authorized to sign revised Green Piver. Flood Control Agreement *Authorized to :sign Pevocable Permit to Pobinson & Lyon Ford Co. STREET AND ALLEY. C,')l?MITTT r Troop 481 , Boy Scouts , request to paint house numbers on curbing APP01NT'.EN'TS Mayor-Elect Garrett to ^'et.ro Council Councilman Parei Committee on Committees MF,F'TING,S AND 11%12 , 11/13 , 11/14/69 Committee of the Whole Budget Meetings � 11/19/69 -- AWC District ]',epislative Meeting at Auburn Elks at 7 :00 n.m. o� 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 10 , 1969 M I N .'r T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order bu D. W. Custer , Mauor , at 8 :00 p .m . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Edwards , Bruce , Grant and Barei . Absent : Max.in and Shane . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN . THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson , Citp Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G . M. Shellan , City Attorney and John Pain , Asst . City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL 141OVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO APPROVE November 10 , 1969 THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Acoustics within Councilman Barei suggested microphones that go Council Chambers around the neck might be better than those on fixed standards since councilmen do not always talk directly into the unit . Mayor Custer advised cost had been a factor considered and that an even better facility was discussed which *-- is a single overhead unit monitoring all speech , but also costly . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted the following Legislation for Council action . ORDINANCE 2518 Ordinance was presented for introductory reading . Creating .Fund To MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO PLACE Contain Donations THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . THE for Municipal Art MOTION CARRIED . After final reading , it was and Related Purposes MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , Tr ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2519 Ordinance Committee Chairman reported Ordinance Creating Boarn of had been .placed on first reading on October 27 , Public Works and was now submitted for its seconr7 and final reading. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. After final reading , it was ^7OVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE OF ALL AYES RESULTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1654 Item "b" of the Agenda was read wherein Park Fund Transfer for. Director Coulon requested transfer of $675 . 00 park site appraisals from Cumulative to expending budgetary fund account . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution was presented and read authorizing transfer of $675 . 00 from Cumulative Reserve: Fund 1689, Acquisition and Development of Park Sites , unto Park Fund 1710 , Capital outlay 605 . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO ADOPT THE RE'SO C-- TION As READ . THE MOTIO,,N' CARRIED. ..1- 372 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/10/69 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Mayor Custer reported receipt of items after preparation of the Agenda and council action was invited . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ALLOW THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOLLOWING THOSE ON THE PRESENT AGENDA . CARRIED. Claim Claim was read , filed against the city by Yvonne Marie 0. Yvonne McDowell with regard to various McDowell , injury recent falls and injuries sustained to person from falling as a result . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER . THE MOTION CARRIED. i No-Fee Permit Mr . Charles Snelson , President , Civitan Club Civitan Club requested No-Fee Permit to sell fruitcake in Renton during the holidays , through Dec . 31 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BAREI, TO GRANT THE PERMIT . THE MOTION CARRIED. Report of Bid City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on Opening and award November 5 , for Sanitary Sewer System for recommendation Mance Addition (So . 37th St . and Talbot Rd) LID 264 , San . Sewers L. I. D. 264 . Eleven bidders responded as per tabulations attached . Letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended the low bid of T. & E. Con- struction , in sum of $27 ,519 . 03 be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract documents upon their being approved by the City Attorney. Sanitation Com- mittee approved the recommendations . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS . THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Frank Storey inquired as to Engineering estimate on the project and City Engineer Wilson reported the estimate was $33 ,000 . 00 . Final Payment , Letter from Building Director Ruppert submitted Acceptance and final billing and recommended payment in sum of Lien-Period on $3 ,406 . 97 to Busch Construction, Inc. on the CAG . 1540-69 Civic Center Fountain and Pool , CAG. 1540-69 . Fountain & Pool , Acceptance by council as of this date and Busch Const . Co . commencement of 30-day lien period were also recommended, retained sum of $1 ,725 . 00 to be released thereafter if no claims or liens are filed and proof of payment of tax liabilities has been established. MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BUILDING DIRECTOR. THE MOTION CARRIED . Fountain and Pool Mayor Custer announced that there will be a Dedication Ceremony dedication of the fountain on November 20 , and further notification of details will be given at a later date . Renton Building Letter from International Conference of Building Officials recognized Officials , T. H. Carter, Managing Director, at Annual Conference attributed success of Salt Lake City , Utah business session to participation and support of active members such as Renton, Mr . Bernard L . Ruppert contributing to development of new concepts in enforcement through cooperation and hard work during the session . No-Fee Permit request Troop 481 Committee Chairman , Chris Wright , for Boy Scouts to requested permission to solicit householders in paint house numbers Renton @ $1 . 00 fee to paint house numbers at curb . on curbing -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/10/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Boy Scout Troup request MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, to paint nos . on curbs TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AMEND THE MOTION BY SUBSTITUTING REFERRAL WITH REPORT BACK. MOTION TO AMEND CARRIED AND SU-9SEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. Green River Flood Mayor Custer reported revisions in "te Control Project , proposed agreement regarding Green River State Dept . of Flood Control Program, and authorization Public Works for execution of same was requested since signatures of all sponsors must be inclu,'ed on the amended draft . MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. John Racanello The Mayor reported receipt of letter of resignation from resignation from Mr . John Racanello as a Planning Commission member of the Planning Commission his business and other activities pressing " and not leaving time to continue serving. Revocable Permit to Revocable Permit document was read as Robinson & Lyon Ford prepared in connection with request of Use of right-of-way Robinson & Lyon Ford Co . , Inc. to improve Grady Way and Rainier and utilize public right of way property . Ave. South Permit covers 1070 ft . strip with fee of $25 . 00 monthly and revocable upon 90 days written notice . (See later discussion under old business by council) %W MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO APPROVE THE PERMIT AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME. City of Renton Mayor Custer called attention to need for Representative to Metro election of new representative to serve Council - Mayor-elect on the Metro Council since he will be Garrett leaving office by December 1 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT MAYOR-ELECT GARRETT BE DESIGNATED TO SERVE ON THE METRO COUNCIL TO REPRESENT RENTON. THE MOTION CARRIED. District Legislative Mayor Custer reminded the Council of the AWC Meeting - Auburn Legislative District Meeting at the Auburn Elks on Wednesday, November 19 , at 7 :00 p.m. Councilmen-elect were invited to attend. AUDIENCE COMMENT Demonstration Control Mr . Bruce Hulse inquired regarding his under- standing that Renton police used punitive action at the Sea-Tac Airport Demonstration . Mayor Custer recalled that Renton has signed a Mutual Aid Agreement and was asked to put men on this duty to help avoid unnecessary physical harm. Also , the city may need some like assistance in the future as well as the men getting some experience from participating. In further discussion it was noted that some injuries did occur that Renton was not there to determine cause or justification but to keep order , Chief Wijliams adding details of request from Spellman by -geletype for help of 10 and volunteer basis of selection of officers the other valley cities also responding in accordance with the existing Mutual Aid Agreement . -3- 3"r4 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL ll,'l0169 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Ingress - egress to Mr. Earl Clymer inquired regarding access to Robinson & Lyon Ford the Ford lot on Grady Way . Traffic Engineer property at Grady Way Del Bennett advised there are two curb cuts and that the city could not deny access use of the public right-of-way . Perry felt $25 . 00 fee was not fair value for the use . Barei pointed out ingress and egress and use of the right of way is a public right until such time as the city needs to utilize same , noting he has landscap2d same at his residence . During discussion it was noted business and private properties now utilize city right of ways for access , Del Bennett adding that it is properly controlled by curbing which factor is to also be considered . (See further remarks under Old Business) OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Council President Perry submitted report recom-- Whole Repox,t mending that the agreement requested by the Police Guild for budgetary consideration be Police Guild request referred to the negotiating committee and the City Attorney for recommendation . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Local 21R requests Recommended the council concur in the request of Local 21R to allow a Union Shop. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. Perry noted this was proposed as a request of the people represented bu Local 21R. Schellert inquired whether this would be a condition of employment , it being his +... feeling it should sell itself and not be able to dictate , and that a qualified employee should not lose his job if he does not join the union . Discussion ensued regarding closed ' and union shop status . It was noted under the union shop proposed a 30 day period is given in which to become a member , after which the employee would lose hi.s job if not joining. Grant noted present membership and that remainder are being asked to join and pay for benefits they are receiving through membership of the others . THE PENDING MOTION SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. PERRY ABSTAINED .FROM VOTING FEELING A_ PREJUDICE, HAVING BEEN AN ORGANIZER IN THE PAST. Committee of the Council. President Perry noted attendance of a Whole Budget Meetings quorum at one of the two budget meetings and urged that council make special attempt to be present at meetings to be held November 12 , 13 and 14 , in the Council Chambers , at 7 :30 p.m . Robinson & Lyon Ford Grant inquired regarding easement on Grady Way Easement and stated he has some questions he would like ask concerning sidewalks and ingress-egress . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE BE AUTHORIZED TO REVIEW GRADY ..r. WAY WITH REGARD TO SIDEWALKS AND INGRESS-EGRESS TO PROPERTY UNDER LEASE TO ROBINSON & LYON FORD CO, AND REPORT BACK. Morris suggested the informa- tion might be secured from the Department Heads involved in the matter. The question was called for on the pending motion . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call request resulting as follows : Aye: Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett and Grant . No : Perry , Morris , Edwards , Bruce and Barei . The Mayor voted no breaking the 5-5 vote and the - MOTION LOST. -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/10/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: VOUCHERS Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Nos . 4861 - 4977 Morris reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers 4861 through 4977 and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED ° Breakdown follows : Fwd . Thrust Fund- Lake Wn . Beach 4861 $ 10,000 . 00 Current Fund 4862 - 4909 11 ,163 . 01 Arterial Street Fund 4910 70 . 55 City Street Fund 4911 - 4919 1 ,986 . 46 Cedar River M. & I. 4920 - 4921 661 . 72 Equipment Rental Fund 4922 - 4931 843. 21 Library Fund 4932 360 . 97 Park Fund 4933 - 4945 21 .598.47 Waterworks Utility 4946 - 4963 29 ,246 .14 Airport Fund 4964 - 4966 56 ,903. 00 Firemen 's Pension Fund 4967 - 4976 2 ,985 . 08 Cedar River Acq. Fund 4977 4 ,250. 00 $140 ,068. 61 Police and License Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted Committee Report report that request of Ivan Unbedacht to hunt in the South Renton valley area was turned down because city ordinance prohibits discharging firearms within the city limits . It was recommended that the subject ordinance be amended to allow shooting 10 gauge or less shotguns in an area as would be outlined on the map by the Police Chief, City Engineer and Mayor which should be located in the Earlington flats area and should be 200 yards from public streets or places of business or residences . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MORRIS, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Agenda Revision Councilman Perry expressed concern regarding Proposal early adjournment which might leave vouchers unapproved for payment and MOVED, SECOND BY EDWARDS VOUCHER APPROVAL BE ON THE AGENDA JUST PRIOR TO COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS . CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS ,TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR ANY CODE REVISION THAT MAY BE REQUIRED . THE MOTION CARRIED. (City Attorney Shellan noted it is just a matter of council designation no specific location being listed in the ordinance) Assignment as member Council President Perry requested new member be of Committee on Com- named to the Council Committee on Committees mittees which has been held by Councilman Morris , and nominations were declared open . Councilman Schellert nominated Councilman Barei . Moved by Barei , seconded by Schellert , the nominations be w.. closed. Carried. Unanimous vote was declared for Councilman Barei . Council President Perry stated he would like to hear from the Counc lmen-elect as to the Com- mittees on which they might like to serve . Parking in North Councilman Bruce requested review of 2-hour Renton parking areas in North Renton , residents having to move their vehicles being a hardship. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER REVIEW THE PARKING LIMIT AREAS IN NORTH RENTON AND RECOMMEND SOME RELIEF FOR RESIDENTS . CARRIED. -5- 376 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/10/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Street Lighting Councilman Grant reported request for lights requests at East Valley Highway in the 2900 Block and in the Highlands area at intersection of Sunset E. Valley Hwy . , and Harrington Avenue N. E. MOVED BY GRANT 2900 Block TO REFER THE REQUESTS TO THE LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MORRIS. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, TO AMEND TO INCLUDE LIGHT IN VICINITY OF RENTON VETERINARY CLINIC AT Renton Village RENTON VILLAGE. AMENDMENT SECONDED BY PERRY Veterinary Clinic GARRETT MOVED TO INCLUDE DARK AREA IN VICINITY OF SOUTH 5TH STREET AND WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH. So. 5th St . and SECONDED BY GRANT, THE SECOND AND FIRST AMEND- Williams Ave . So . MENTS CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS TWICE AMENDED. Sodium Vapor Lights Councilman Barei noted Seattle has been going replacing Mercury to sodium vapor lights which with 400 watts can Vapor Lights . provide added lumen capacity . Mayor Custer noted replacements in Renton the next project being Talbot Road and up Puget Drive in vicinity of Mr . Barei 's residence . Traffic Engineer Del Bennett noted the city has been using this new lighting and with the 400 watts the old mercury vapor lights produce 21 ,000 lumens and with sodium vapor and still 400 watts , 41 ,000 lumens are produced and a greater area of street illuinination is achieved . Grady Way has this type lighting and was to have been on this week, recent widening project having been completed . Candidates Sign Councilman Delaurenti congratulated the Removal candidates for removal of political signs in a thorough and expeditious manner . Street and Alley Committee Chairman Garrett requested to meet Committee Meeting with Mr . Wright and the Traffic Engineer after this meeting to discuss the request of the boy scouts to painthouse numbers on curbing . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mr. Floyd Lawrence inquired regarding lighting by the airport . Traffic Engineer Bennett advised this area is included in lighting plans within the 1970 budget . Mr. Dick Sekzwerdt inquired regarding condition of road on Earlington Hill at Longston where the new school is located, which he felt was hazard- ous to vehicles , as well as pedestrian traffic. Mayor Custer noted Langston is to be included for improvement in the 1970 budget as an arterial street project to be funded through the Forward Thrust program. Mr . Eddie Taylor noted accomplishments of the city as temporary measures which have greatly improved the streets in Earlington School area as a temporary measure but he noted an L. I. D. is needed . Councilman Perry suggested the Street Commissioner report the areas needing attention first and it was noted the 1970 budget is based upon his recom- mendations . Morris noted Stredicke has a garage full of signs . Mr . Wright pointed out that the boy scouts removed signs as a community project . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjour ed at 9 : 43 p.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor He.lmie Nelson . 1 ' t7 r1Ark III/DI(a9— .�. SID TABULAT� ON SHEET PRO J EC T • BID-INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM MANCE ADDITION . . . DATE . BID OPENING 11/5/69 2:00 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 81 ®DER BID ALLISON INC. Ave, .9917 Pbrtland Tacoma Wa. 28445 Bid Bond $37,235.96 Including Tax BOWERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 16239 Ambam d S. Seattle Wa. 98148 if $28,178.43 F. A. BREDA Wa. 98166 it $37)557.30 " PAT CARSCADDEN & ASSOC. i7p28 1161h s.E. , Renton, Wa. 98055 It $37,034.80 " FRANK COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC. 7778 Seward Park Ave, S Seattle 96LI8 If $32,886.25 " DI ORIO CONSTRUCTION CO. Seattle, Wa. " $38030.60 " W. C. FROST CONSTRUCTION CO. 8005 So. 222nd, Kent, Wa. 80 1 " $39,973.86 " GESNER AND BROWN Bid eror Corrected Denton Wa. 8o " $30,223.00 130.2 LDL LAND DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 1529 W. Valley Hwy. N. Auburn Wa. 98002 If $40,371.48 " KEITH PETERSEN & SON, INC. Bide Error Corrected ' 516 N. Oakes, Tacoma Wa. 8406 " $L4� ,41-B-90 $46.01.huh BERT ROBISON CONSTRUCTION INC. Bid Error Corrected 56-11 d S. W. Seattle Wa. 981 " ,101.35 s7o.89i.85 T & E CONSTRUCTION, INC. 0 Box 117, Seattle Heights, Wa. 98063 " $27,519.03 " -7- 378 OffICE OF THE CITY CLERK u/10/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUJILDX%M PERMITS NO. AMOUIU NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2092 $150.00 INVESTMENT EXCHANGE 4200 BLK E VALLEY RD. INSTALL SIGN 2093 1,000.00 RAINIER ASPHALT 1915 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. ADDN. TO TEMP. BLDG. 2094 2,718.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING CORRECT CODE VIOLATN: 2095 10,000.00 WILLIAM ED. MARTIN 1509 UNION AVE. NE CONSTRUCT ADDITION 2096 550.00 SOUND FLOOR COVERINGS 720 LIND AVE. SW INSTALL SIGN �- B 2097 1,600.00 B. FRANKLIN TAX SERV. 449 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL INT. PARTITIONS 2098 800.00 JOSEPH L. ZIEBARTH 670 QUEEN AVE NE FINISH FAMILY ROOM 2099 350.00 MODEL HCS, INC. 3016 BENSON RD. S INSTALL TWO SIGNS ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2484 10,200.00 CITY OF RENTON LK WN. BLVD. & HOUSER UNDERGRD. BURIAL CABLE 2485 250.00 JUL7NE B. EVENHUS 2514 NE 6TH PL. WIRING, LIGHTS & HEAT 2486 54,442.00 CITY OF RENTON S GRADY WAY ST. LIGHTS & SIGNALS 2487 185.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING RELOCATE POWER OUTLET 2488 45.00 BOEING COMPANY 7-65-1 BUILDING INST. MACCS RECEPT. E 2489 96.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING 120V SERV., MACCS SYS. 2490 300.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING RELOCATE MACH. TOOLS 2491 750.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING INST. ALTITUDE SIMULA. 2492 112.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING INST, RECEPTACLES 2493 2,500.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING CORRECT CODE VIOLATNS. E 2494 74.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING INST, PWR. TO ROUTER 2495 130.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING INST, RECEPTACLES 2496 160.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-73 BUILDING RELOCATE MACCS SYSTEM 2497 50.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING BAND SAW INSTALLATION 2498 76.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING MACCS SYSTEM E 2499 73.00 BOEING CCflPANY 4-21 BUILDING RECEPT. MACCS SYSTEM 2500 105.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING RELOCATE PLENUM AREA 2501 VOID 2502 400.00 STONEWAY CONCRETE 1915 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. WIRE LUNCH ROOM 2503 492.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 2515 SMITHERS AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE E 2504 446.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 2623 SMITHERS AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2210 PARKWOOD HOMES 2536 SMITHERS AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2211 PARKWOOD HOMES 2542 SMITHERS AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2212 PARKWOOD HOMES 814 S 27TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2213 SHELDON WEGGE 2801 NE 6TH PL. INST. GAS HEATER 2214 CHARLES DEWITT 654 CAMAS AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE M 2215 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING CORRECT CODE VIOLATNS. 2216 S & J DISTRIBUTORS 936 HARRINGTON AVE. NE INST. GA.S HEATER 2217 EDWARD WALT 307 CEDAR AVE. S CONVERT FURNACE 2218 M. SVENNINGSEN 425 WHITWORTH AVE. S INST. GAS HEATER 2219 PARKWOOD HOMES 2542 SMITHERS, AVE. S INST. FURNACE & TANK M 2220 PARKWOOD HOMES 2536 SMITHERS AVE. S INST. FURNACE & TANK 2221 PARKWOOD HOMES 814 S 27TH ST. INST. FURNACE & TANK SEWER PERMITS S 1037 WILBUR E. ROCHESTER 13603 SE 107TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1038 ALVIN BUGHHOLTZ 1002 N 29TH CONNECT SEWER 379 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 17, 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY E1 Paso Natural Gas Company request for Franchise or Permit LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance to allow Mobile Home Park zone Proposed Ordinance creating Mobile Home Park Ordinance POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Map indicating area where discharge of shotguns would be permitted PARK BOARD AND PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Allied Arts letter offering to help with Little theater development PROPERTY COMMITTEE AND INSURANCE CARRIER Monterey Terrace Community Club request to be releaged from Hold Harmless and Insurance requirements for entry pylon STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE AND INSURANCE CARRIER E1 Paso Natural Gas Company request for Franchise or Permit SANITATION COMMITTEE AND CITY ENGINEER Mayor Minkler 's request for Renton participation in sewer system with City of Tukwila MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 11118169 - Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting at 7 : 30 p.m. .... 11119169 - Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting at 7 :30 p.m. 11119169 - AWC District Meeting at Auburn Elks 11119169 - Planning Committee Meeting at 7 :00 p.m. in Planning Dep t . 11122169 - Committee on Committees at 10 : 30 a .m. 11124169 - Property Committee at 7 :00 p.m. in Chairman 's Office 11124169 - Public Hearings on Proposed Comprehensive Plan Changes 1 . First Investment Company 2 . Transamerica Development Company 11124169 - Public Hearing on El Paso Natural Gas Company request for franchise or permit to run new pipe lines in Renton . 12111169 - King County Boundary Review Board public hearing on Talbot Island area annexation to Renton 380 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 17 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor , at 8 :00 p.m . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: Perry , Morris , Schellert , Trimm , Edwards , Bruce , Maxin , Grant , Shane and Barei . Absent : Delaurenti and Garrett , both having reported that they would be out of town and unable to be present . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THE ABSENT MEMBERS BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, Q. M. Shellan , City Attorney Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Gene Coulon Park Director , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Joe Mathews ,Mayor 's Adm. Assistant ,Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MINUTES OF THE November 10 ,1969 PREVIOUS MEETING BE APPROVED AS MAILED OUT . CARRIED . Announcement re Mayor Custer announced public hearings on proposed public hearings changes in the comprehensive plan would be held next Monday , in regard to requests of First Investment Co . and Transamerica Development Company . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : ORDINANCE 2520 Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm submitted Dangerous Buildings ordinance which had been placed on introductory read- ing on 10/27/69 and subsequently revised , as read . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. The Ordinance , enacted pursuant to Ch . 82 of the 1959 Session Laws of the State of Wn . , establishes minimum Dousing standards relating to unfit dwellings , buildings , structures ; defining terms ; providing for the repair , closing and demolition of buildings and structures unfit for use; prescribing minimum standards for the use and occupancy of such dwellings , buildings and structures within the City; providing for the administration and enforcement thereof; establishing an appeal procedure , enforce- ment officer, and prescribing penalties for the viola- tion thereof, and repealing any and all ordinances and parts of ordinances or regulations in conflict there- with . After discussion regarding various aspects of the provisions , ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN RESULTING IN ALL AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Proposed ordinance was read amending Chapter 7 of Amending Code with Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 regard to Mobile entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Home Parks-Amends Renton" relating to mobile home parks . Zoning Ordinance to allow Mobile MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER BACK Home Parks in TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE, EACH COUNCILMAN certain zones . TO RECEIVE A COPY FOR EXAMINATION PRIOR TO FINAL ACTION. CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Letter from the Planning Committee was read reporting Creating Mobile completion of review of proposed Mobile Home Park Home Park Ordinance Ordinance and proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordi- nance relating to mobile home parks , and it was recom- mended these items be referred to the Law and Ordi- nance Committee for presentation to Council . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO CONCUR . CARRIED. --1- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/17/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) PROPOSED ORDINANCE Proposed Ordinance was placed on introductory Creating Mobile reading establishing and creating a "Mobile Home Home Park Ordinance Park Ordinance" to be hereinafter known and desig- nated as the"Renton Mobile Home Park Ordinance" as per Chapter 20 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton , regulating the design , access , landscaping , fees , utilities , licenses and related matters , prescribing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing Chapter 23, Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 and any and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict therewith . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LAW AND ORDI- NANCE COMMITTEE TO ALLOW STUDY BY COUNCIL . CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Morris No . 4978 - 5081 reported committee approval of city of Renton vouchers Nos . 4978 through 5081 , and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY EDWARDS AND CARRIED. Fund Breakdown of Vouchers Current Fund 4978 - 5023 $ 9 ,098 . 52 City Street Fund 5024 - 5035 9,163 .10 Cedar River M. & I. 5036 2 . 00 Equipment Rental 5037 - 5047 564 . 76 Library Fund 5048 11 . 49 Park Fund 5049 - 5065 20 ,442 . 32 Waterworks Utility 5066 - 5076 7 , 350 . 44 1965 Water & Sewer Con . 5077 244 . 50 Airport Fund 5078 - 5079 150 . 05 Firemen 's Pension 5080 2 ,680 . 71 City Hall Construction 5081 3 ,406 . 97 Total $ 53 ,114 . 86 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Mayor Custer reported receipt of one additional communication from member of the audience and council action was invited . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT TO ALLOW SAME AT THE END OF THE PRESENT AGENDA . CARRIED. Request for The Renton Jr. Chamber of Commerce requested per No-Fee Permit letter from Lucian Depicolzuane , Chairman of Jaycees to install Christmas Decoration Committee , that the City grant Christmas Decorations Permission to place four lighted garlands over in downtown Renton South 3rd Street in downtown Renton for the holiday season , to be removed after New Years . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO GRANT THE REQUEST WITH USUAL HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT AND INSURANCE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Minkler Letter from Mayor Minkler, City of Tukwila , noted a request for Renton study indicated area between railroad rights-of-way participation with south to 180th can be served by a gravity system, Tukwila on sewer and since extra depth and size would be required system at So . 180th to facilitate over-all plan which could serve city of Renton properties ,irnquiry was made whether Renton would participate in the project . Copy of consult- ing Engineer 's report and map was attached. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ENGINEER FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- 382 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/17/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Monterey Terrace Letter from H. A . Blencoe , Entry-Way Committee, Community Club Monterey Community C1ub ,requested to be released request for release at this time from insurance and hold harmless of Hold Harmless responsibilities in connection with pylon at Agreement area entry which improvement shall be conveyed to the city , the club to continue upkeep and maintenance without having premium expense . Inquiry resulted in differences of opinion as to whether the pylon was located entirely on city right-of-way or if a part is on private property . According to Mr . Bill Davis the pylon could be added to city liability at no extra cost . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE AND THE CITY'S INSURANCE CARRIER FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED . El Paso Natural Gas Letter from Mr. Allen Gattis , Supervisor , right-of- Co . request for way titles , E1 Paso Natural Gas Co. , outlined pro- franchise or permit posed line which would cross four Renton Streets for pipe lines to (116th Ave . S. E. , Puget Drive , Benson Hwy . and cross city of Renton 100th Ave . S . ) , and submitted application for a streets franchise to cover the proposed installation . Attached were : Application in triplicate , a Franchise in Ordinance form in triplicate , E1 Paso Natural Gas Company 's Dwg . No . 2454 . 0-3 and Certificate of Insurance in triplicate . Mr . Meecham, Company Representative ,was in the audience . (See remarks under audience comment) MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE, THE CITY -ATTORNEY AND THE CITY' S INSURANCE CARRIER . THE MOTION CARRIED. Municipal Arts Letter from Mr . W. Robert Lally, Chairman , Commission commenda- Municipal Arts Commission , commended the Mayor tion for fountain and Council for beautification of the civic center by addition of the fountain and pool . Mayor Custer noted nozzle replacement for better spray pattern and reminded the council of dedication on November 20 , time yet to be set . Allied Arts of Renton Letter from Norma Cugini , President , Allied Arts offer to assist in of Renton complimented Pacific Car and Foundry little theatre building for its generous grant to the city for a little development theatre and the City and Park Department for supplemental funding therefor. Assistance of the organization was offered toward development of said Little Theater Building . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE PARK BOARD AND THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Custer noted formal presentation of the check has not been requested to date , the plans not yet completed . Boundary Review Board Notice was received from the King County Boundary Notice of Public Review Board that public hearing will be held in -.. Hearing-Talbot Island Rm. 402 , King County Courthouse , Seattle , on the 11th of December , 1969 after 8 :30 p.m . , to con- sider the annexation to Renton of the Talbot Hill "Island" area as per legal description out- lined in said notice . Mayor Custer requested the Council President and Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee to attend the hearing , Mayor-Elect Garrett also to be present , the Attorney for the County Water District having raised some question concerning annexation agreement document . -3- 1 383 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/17/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Seattle Sky Sports Mayor Custer reported receipt of request request for permit made to him and to the Police Chief for to conduct sky jumps permission to allow the Seattle Sky Sports November 25 , at Renton to land parachutists at the Renton Village Village Shopping area which permission was declined and the parties asked to present their request to Council in view of questionable aspects of the location . Letter from Linn Emrich , Treasurer was read ter which.. outlined conditions under which jumps would be made and that the exhibition is to be a promotional event to advertise p079mier of sky diving film at Cinema I and II, "The Gypsy Moths" . The subject jumps have been authorized by the Federal Aviation Agency General Aviation District Office and the Renton Air Traffic Con- trol tower . It was noted that over 400 such jumps have been logged into parking lots , yards , playgrounds , stadiums , fairgrounds , beaches and outdoor theater stages in the Pacific Northwest . Mr . Earl Cossey , U. S. Parachute Representative, Safety Officer for Control of all jumps made in the Pacific Northwest , and Mr. Jim Cone , were in the audience to represent the parachutists . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO GRANT THE REQUEST SUBJECT TO EXECUTION OF HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT. Discussion ensued during which :. attention was called to high tension wires and freeway in direct proximity of the subject site . Mr . Cossey noted that parachutes are controlled noting number of jumps logged by members all with over 5 ' years experience , each insured , and with jump altitude of over 2 ,000 ft . and under 4,000 , and 5 mph or less ground wind, they would not land on the freeway or wires . It was noted air traffic was to be curtailed during the jump. During discussion Police Chief Williams noted in ' discussion with Captain Cameron , State Patrol he was less than enthusiastic in view of freeway being directly adjacent to the site . Mr . Cossey confirmed the chutes can be controlled and that with 5 mile wind they would go straight down noting 10 hits on' 4 " discs . After remarksc:of experiences of council in the war and in spectator witnessing of jumps , question was called for on the pending motion . THE MOTION CARRIED . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mrs . Margaret Evans Mrs . Margaret Evans ,403 Grandey Wa.y. N. E. ,recalled Re Dangerous Bldg. 701 Study and survey conducted by the John Ordinance Graham Company in connection therewith at which time house to house checks were made with respect to construction and to sewer and wiring conditions . 1500 homes were listed as below standard and owners were advised of the conditions . Those' reports are outlined in the minutes and there was' to have been a mall . Also , 700 hundred of the homes were South �r of the tracks and the rest in the b.isiness section . It was noted this .information would be filed with the Planning Commission . Norman Ross - Recalling the matter of Mobile Home Ordinance Mobile Home Ordinance Mr. Ross noted that there is no place defining placement nor defining structures insofar as number of rooms , size, or family occupancy re- quirements for which he felt standards should be set . -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/17/69 AUDIENCE COMMENT: (Cont . ) El Paso Gas Co . Councilman Barei inquired as to location of the request for franchise proposed line addition requested by E1 Paso Gas Co . Mr . Ronald Mecham , 349 S. Grand Blvd . , Van- couver , Wn . designated street locations which it was determined were not the new street names and Mayor Custer noted the line runs through Pepperidge extending into the Rolling Hills area Puget Drive and under Benson to the plant adja- cent to Puget Drive . Councilman Barei inquired whether Mr . Mecham could attend a meeting on Monday , November 24 at 7 :00 p .m . in his office on the 6th floor . Mr . Mecham said he could . After further discussion regarding permit or franchise to be granted and notation that public hearing is necessary , it was subsequently MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , THAT NOVEMBER 24 , 1969 be set for public hearing . CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Council President Perry announced committee Whole Budget Meetings budget hearings will be held on Tuesday , November 18 , and Thursday , the 19th , at 7 : 30 p .m . in the Council Chambers . It was noted AWC District meeting is to be Wednesday at the Auburn Elks . Street and Alley Street and Alley Committee member Trimm submitted Committee Report Committee report recommending that the request of Boy Scout Troop 481 to paint house numbers on curbing in the City as a fund raising event , be granted under supervision of the Street Commissioner . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . Boeing Garbage Councilman Grant inquired regarding status of the Contract Boeing Company Garbage Contract . Law and ordi- nance Committee Chairman Trimm reported his com- mittee has been working on the matter and would have a recommendation next week . Ordinance revision Councilman Barei inquired regarding status of to allow shotgun revision of gun ordinance which had been referred discharge in Earling- to the Mayor , Police Chief and City Attorney . ton Flats area Mayor Custer stated area has been defined and ' map tentatively drawn . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE MAP INDICATING AREA SE REFERRED TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEF, . CARRIED . Mayor Custer note need _ or concurrence in the committee report . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY ' SHANE, 410 CONCUR . CARRIPD . City Attorney Shellan questioned jurisdiction over 'area the city does "not own , noting County rules taking precedence , and ordinance would need revision with each 'developme'nt within the area: The Meyor noted 'some mistakes on the present map and Councilman Barei stated intent of the committee report was not to designate the area as one where hunting is to be allowed but where shot- guns may be discharged . Shane commented on rights an law-making authority of the Council in view of remar that actions might be contrary to County ordinance . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Agenda location for Perry inquired of the City Attorney as to whether budget hearings hearing on the budget would come before or after installation , assuming it were to be presented for adoption at that time . City Attorney Shellan advised this is not a legal problem and as he Pid stats:,? earlier to individuals who had inquired , it would be up to the 1egislat:ive body to determine the order of business and if it wants to place it prior or after swearing in ara;' it may continue *he hearing rather than adopt the first night if desired . 38S' MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/17/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Budget Hearing MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MORRIS,THE BUDGET Agenda Location HEARING BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING INSTALLATION AND SEATING OF THE YEW OFFICIALS. After. suggestion that old business by outgoing members be disposed of first and that same can be done atmeeting prior to the installation meeting, Barei called for question , seconded by Morris ,and THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Heeting of Council Council President Perry announced a meeting in his ..ommittee on office at 10 :30 a .m. , November. 22 ; and Mr . Schellert Committees . was requested to attend. Planning Committee Chairman Max.in announced ameeting of the Planning Meeting Committee on Wednesday , November 19 , at 4 :00 p.m. in the Planning Department Conference Room. Special Wage-Salary , MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE .COUNCIL Fringe Benefit Study PRESIDENT APPOINT FOUR PERSONS TO SERVE ON A Committee COMMITTEE TO STUDY WAGES, AND EMPLOYEE FRINGE BENEFITS . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO AMEND TO READ THAT THE APPOINTING AUTHORITY SHALL BE THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND THE TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES. THE AMEND- MENT CARRIED. Discussion ensued concerning the intent that members would be from the general public and would report to the Committee on Committees who would then report to Council for consideration . Freeze of City MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI , A FREEZE BE Expenditures for PLACED ON ALL TAX SUPPORTED FUNDS OF THE CITY remainder of year EXCEPT FOR MANDATORY PAYMENTS ,AND NO EXPENDITURES BE MADE FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR . MOTION WAS MADE BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE +� PREVIOUS MOTION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call which vote resulted as follows : AYE: Schellert , Edwards , Maxin and Bruce . NO: Perry , Morris , Trimm, Grant ; Shane and Barei . The MOTION FAILED, 6 to 4 . MOVED BYIGRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE ORIGINAL MOTION TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. After considerable discussion,question was called for and THS' MOTION CARRIED . ' .Sanitation Committee Chairman Shane presented committee recommendation Report that request of the Gulf Oil Corporation for Late- Comers Agreement for sanitary sewer line in East Valley Hwy from S. W. 43rd Street (formerly South 180th) to a point approximately 400 ft . North of S. W. 43rd Street , be approved for a term of 3 years . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE SANITATION COMMITTEE REPORT . CARRIED. Property Committee Chairman Barei announced a Property Committee Meeting Meeting at 7 :00 p.m . on November 24 , in his council office with the City Engineer and Fire Chief and Insurance Carrier requested to attend, the City No„ Clerk to furnish copies of the Franchise granted Wn . Natural Gas Company . AUDIENCE COMMENT: Boy Scout Troop 481 Mr . Chris Wright thanked the Council for granting the Scouts permit to paint house numbers on curbs as fund raising event . As there was ,hot further business , it was MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY j EDWARDS, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED IAT 10 :10 P .M. There were 24 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11/1-7/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUT',DTNG T'FRMTTS No. AMOTTNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2100 $750.00 JACK WILSON 807 UNION AVE. NE CONST, DETACHED BLDG. 1z"101 60,000.00 JOEY INVESTORS, INC. 675 GARDEN AVE, N COATST, TAVERN BLDG. 2102 3,000.00 HUGH S. FERGUSON 720 PCWELL AVE. SW CONST. PARTS ROOM 2103 500.00 LYLE J. DAH[, 540 MORRIS AVE. S REMODELING 2104 1,000.00 M.H, SARGENT 2016 EDMONDS AVE. NE REMODELING B 2105 24,000.00 EMERY SIGETI 112 PELLY AVE. N CONST. CLINIC BLDG. 2106 261.00 BOEING COMPANY 5-09 BUILDING CONST. WALL SCREEN 2107 14,000.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-50 BUILDING CONST. R & D LAB 2108 11,000.00 CITY OF RENTON 3400 SE 6TH ST. CONST. RESTROOM 2109 5,000.00 PACIFIC CAR & FDRY. 705 SW 7TH ST. CONST. RESTRMS., OFF. 2110 20,800.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 807 S 27TH ST. CONST. FAM. RESIDENCE 2111 22,800.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 823 S 27TH ST. CONST, FAM. RESIDENCE 2112 22,800.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 705 S 27^1H ST. CONST. FAM, RESIDENCE 2113 25,000.00 RAY HAUTER 1929 SE JONES CT. CONST. N9.4 RESIDENCE ETECTR.ICAL PERMITS E 2.505 200.00 LYLE J. DAHL 540 MORRIS AVE. S REWIRE RESIDENCE r '06 50.00 HERFYtS CORP. 640 RAITTIER AVE. S T2.1POR.ARY SERVICE : 507 50.00 SIMONE CONSTRUCTION 2813 SUNSET BT,VD. NE TEMPORARY SERVICE .508 50.00 PAUL OUELLETTE 1918 ROLLING HILLS SE TEMPORARY SERVICE 2x'09 50.00 FRANK CALUCCIO N END RENTON AIRPORT TEMPORARY SERVICE Z 2510 50.00 RAY HAUTE,R 1929 SE JONES CT. TEMPORARY SERVICE 2511 200.00 LYLE J. DAHL 5)to MORRIS AVE. S RMTIRE RESIDENCE 2512 446.00 PARKW00D HOMES, INC. 2533 BURMTETT CT. S WIRE FAMILY RES. 25?_3 250.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING INST. FIREPAC SYSTEM 2514 250.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING INST. FIREPAC SYSTEM E 2515 250.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING INST FIREPAC SYSTEM 2515 114.00.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BITILDING INST. FIREPAC SYSTEM 2517 12300.00 BOEING COT-IPANY ArRON "A° PROVIDE ELEC, POWER 25?3 135.00 BOEING CONL'ANY 4-82 BTTTLDING INSTALL IBM 1050 2519 8,200.00 BOZING COMPANY 1.0-50 BITILDING INSTALL PO`.,TER E 2.520 148.00 BOEING COMPANY )t-01 BTTILDT,NG IATST. EXHAUST FAN 25)21 870.00 BOEIlTG COMPANY h-2.0 BITIT,I)TITG REARRANGE DUCT AREA 2522 1,250.00 BOEING COMPANY 1.0-58 BUILDING INST, MOLDING PRESS 2523 140.00 BOEING COITLANY 4-21 BUILDTNG INST, FOOD CART AREA 2524 2,100.00 BOEING COMPANY 1.0-65 BUILDING INST. CIRCUIT BREAKER E 2552)5 138.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-)1)j BUILDING WATER TREATMENT 252'i 550.00 BOERTG COMPANY 10-50 BUIT,T)ING I\TST, POWER FOR TOOLS 2"'27 41.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-04 BUITJ).T.NG RET,OCATE FREEZE BULB 2528 86.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-58 BITII,PTHr, INTST. RECEPTACLES 2529 45.00 BOEING COMPANY 1.0-58 BITILDING RELOCATE UNIT ISSUE E 2530 150.00 PAT MCTE'NDON 2920 ATF 5TH PL. REWORK SERV, PANEL 2531 200.00 PRICHA.RD 350 9309VT AVE. N REBUILD SERVICE 2532 429.00 PART:TOOD HOMES, INC. 2536 STIITHERS AVE. S WIRE FAM, RESIDENCE 2543 429.00 PARIZ-TOOD HOMES, INC. 2542 SMITHERS AVE. S- WIRE FAM, RESIDENCE 2534 200.00 BEN FRANKLIN TAX CO. 485 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL HEATERS MECTTAtTICAL PERMITS M 2222 LYLE DAHL 5),0 MORRIS AVE. S INST. METAL CHIMNEY 2223 HAYDEN WILLIAMS 311 SMITHERS AVE. S GAS CONVER, BURNER 22?4 KAMPE CONST. 2Li-12- MONTEREY AVE. ATE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 22225 KAMPE OOATST. MIS 11017KREY AVE, NE INST. PLBG, & FIXTURES ...� 2226 LYLE J. DAHL 510 MORRTS AVP. S IITST. PLBG. & FIXTURES M 222.7 RAY MADSEN 1829 HARRTNGTON NE INST. GAS HEATER 22.28 CLARA MARTIN 68)} DAYTON AVE. NE INST. GAS HEATER 22129 BOEING COMPANY 4-44 BUILDINTG WATER TREATMENT 2290 BOEING COMPANY 10-52 BTTILDING IATST. CHal, Pi',,OCESS RM. 3i DOYLE SNYDER 667 EDMOATAS AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE M 2EP I. ADAMS 208 LOGAAT AITE. S IATST, GAS FURNACE 2233 JOHN JANDERS 3401 NE 7TH ST. IATST. PLBG, & FIXTURES 2234 RENTON AUTO WRECKING 317 S 7TH ST. INST, GAS HEATER 2235 RANDY WEITZEL 1908 SW 43RD ST. INST. GAS HEATER 2236 GLADYS IDDINGS 682 DAYTON AVE. NE INST, GAS HEATER -7- 387 PERMITS "ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. - Continued 11/17/69 SOMER PERMITS NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORT{ S 1039 STEPHEN DOUTRICH 1114 N 29TH ST. CONNECT SEWER Who WALTER COFFIN 10244 N 31ST CONNECT SEWER 101 E. FONTANA 1,008 N 29TH COTIINECT SEWER E. FONTAN_A 1.023 N 28TH COYNECT SEWER 1043 PARTKd00D HOMES., INC. 25h2 SMOTHERS AVE. S C0ITITECT SEWER 10Y1 PARTWOOD HOMESq INC. 2536 SMOTHERS AVE. S CONNECT SEWER ADDENDUM: Minutes of 11/17169 , Page 6 , Paragraph 4 , ADD : ORIGINAL MOTION, AS AMENDED, SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED,NOW TO READ: The Council President and two members of the Committee on Committees , appoint four persons to serve on a committee to study salaries , wages and employee fringe benefits . ..r -8- 388 'RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 24 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Attorney Kuvara request for Late-Comers Agreement on behalf of Mr. Robert Perry concerning sewer line at 5th St . and Renton Ave . So . COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES To restructure Council Standing Committees To appoint four Councilmen and 3 Members of previous Municipal Code ... Advisory Committee to commence structure of new form of government COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Request of Fire Chief Walls for appropriation of State Grant Funds into 1969 Training Site development budgetary account LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Revisions to Comprehensive Land Use Plan 1 . First Investment Co. property 2 . Transamerica Development Co. property Proposed Ordinance granting E1 Paso Natural Gas Co. a Franchise (Placed on First Reading) Proposed Ordinance permitting discharge of firearms (Placed on first reading) Letter from Great Northern Ry . Co . denying such use on its property in the Earlington Flats area Ordinance amendment to fix dog license fee at $2 . 00 for 1970 . Fund transfers authorized for Firemen 's Pension Fund MAYOR-ELECT Resignation. of Mr . Richard Stredicke from Planning Commission PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE Petition for Recreation Program in Earling,,4iarea POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Application for license for G . & B . Co . to operate music machine in Rainbow Cafe SANITATION COMMITTEE Attorney Kuvara request for Late-Comers Agreement for Robert Perry in connection with sewer Zine installed at 5th St . and Renton Ave . S. MEETINGS AND EVENTS 11/25/69 - Committee of the Whole at 7 :00 p.m . in Council Chambers 11/29/69 - Committee of the Whole at 9 :00 a .m. 12/ 3/69 - Park and Recreation Committee at 7 : 30 p.m. in Chairman 's Council office 389 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 24 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, at 8 :00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: Perry , Morris , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm , ..... Garrett , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G. M. Shellan , City Attoxney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor, Bernard- Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO APPROVE THE Minutes of November MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17 , 17 , 1969 AS MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED. MAYOR 'S PRESENTATION Persons serving on Boards and Commissions were OF COMMUNITY SERVICE presented with plaques in recognition of services AWARDS to the City of Renton and the Mayor also extended personal thanks . Recipients of awards included Father John Schaeffer, Renton Aviation Board , Norma Cugini , Municipal Arts Commission and Alex Cugini , Renton Aviation Board, Lee Kirby , Municipal Arts Commission , Richard Stredicke and John Racanello , Renton Planning Commission . PUBLIC HEARING : Request for Change in the City 's Comprehensive First Investment Land Use Plan , from single family residential to Company - Mobile multi-family residential for mobile home park . Home Park to be This being the date set , the hearing was declared developed in open . Planning Commission recommendation was vicinity of Greenwood read recommending revision of the Comprehensive Cemetery , NE 2nd P1 . , Land Use Plan to indicate low density multi-family extended, SE 2nd Pl . , residential use , which would be compatible with extended, Union Ave . the surrounding area . NE and SE and Queen Avenue NE and SE ext . Audience comment was invited and Mr. John Phillips , Attorney , of Hodge , Dahlgren , and Hillis , on behalf of Mr. Balch,First Investment Co. ,recalled history and hearings to date on request for 'mobile home park , and delays pending a Mobile Home Park Ordinance be- ing adopted to allow the proposed development . Map was shown , and location stated to be ideal and project compatible with ,also to serve as buffer for, surrounding area . Concurrence of council in the request and Planning Commission recommendation was urged . Upon inquiry , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director confirmed Planning Commission approval stating adequate controls can be maintained and that it -was -.felt the project was non-detrimental and that Mobile Home Ordinance would be presented for further pursuance of the matter this evening. MOVED BY GARRETT, ,SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . CARRIED. Further council action was invited . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN REVISION WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. (See later action) -1- 390 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/24/69 PUBLIC HEARING : Request for revision to Comprehensive Land Use Plan Transamerica Development This being the date set , the hearing was Company . Multi-family declared open.. Planning Commission report residential to commercial recommended that a change be granted on the vicinity of Benson Hwy . parcel 30A with restrictive covenants noted . Puget Drive So . Inter- section , NE corner known Audience comment was invited and Mr . Frank as Parcel 30A . Cenkovich inquired effect on his property and it was noted he is some distrance from area in question . Mr . Jack Maher, 1307 Thomas Lane, Trans- america Development Company , outlined the proposed development of a shopette on a 3 .75 acre site . Drawings were displayed as had been prepared by consulting firms who had re- viewed entire holdings of the developers and progress to date which included programs for Transamerica , Bell and Valdez , Victoria Park, Pepperidge and Rolling Hills , and advised in looking to the future and population projection that action be taken accordingly to continue , current request an outcome of the study . Shoppette in design of the Thunder Hill styling was planned and facilities to be of highest standards and quality were projected in detail , to function as neighborhood pedestrian facility . Provisions of Restrictive Covenant were read . Traffic control was discussed, Traffic Engineer Del Bennett noting improvements to follow in this regard . Benefits of assessed valuation , opportunity for merchants and additional busi- ness was noted and time factor in scheduling deemed of essence , zoning and progressive timing for development problems to be resolved . Con- currence in the Planning Commission recommenda- tion was requested . Discussion ensued regarding future street improvements with subsequent de- velopment , Grant Street specifically noted to go all the way through . Mr . Tom Morrow, Attorney for Transamerica , outlined actions taken and pending B-1 rezone matter ,noting Planning Commission recommendations approving same as compatible, restrictive covenants again reviewed and provision for their relinquishment if zoning has not been effected by February 1 , 1971 . Convenience of proposed facility was mentioned along with Seattle Ordinance basing zoning on sq . ft . and adoption in the public interest was urged. Some discussion followed concerning viewpoint the Planning Commission could grant the rezone without req-iest pursuant to the interpretations of Comprehensive Plan purposes , which Schellert read , Attorney Morrow agreeing . After some further remarks regarding traffic , downtown Renton and alternative location for the subject project , it was MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . CARRIED,,„,,,„ The hearing was declared closed and council action invited . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE P.,,ANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/24/69 PUBLIC HEARING; Request for Permit or Franchise to run E1 Paso Natural pipe line across rights-of- way in Renton Gas Company This being the date set , the public hearing was declared open . There being no written communi- cations , audience comment was invited . Mr . John Wilson , Vancouver office of the Company , noted installations in the County some 12 years ago and upon subsequent annexation of certain portions of territory by the City of Renton permission of the City must now be secured for further development - in the area , 2,-1/2 streets in Renton being involved. It was noted the Company is concerned with construction and not distribution as opposed to Olympic Pipeline present franchise holder in Renton , and that their requirements by law are somewhat different and it was felt any franchise fee would be double taxation , the Wn . Natural Gas Company , being the distributor , now being charged , which cost is being borne by consumers . Upon inquiry concerning provisions of a proposed franchise , City Attorney Shellan advised the term and fee would need to be set and that provision for testing should be included, the gas company having del2ted same . After discussion which ensued concerning fees , effect on sewer lines or other utilities the city might need , testing procedures and pressure in the line , Mr. Wilson requested permit be granted pending franchise prepara- tion so construction could proceed , and it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. The hearing was declared closed and further council action was invited . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MORRIS , TO CONCUR AND THE FRANCHISE BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE TO WORK OUT DETAILS. CARRIED . (See further action later in meeting during audience comment) VOUCHER APPROVAL Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Vern Morris Nos . 5082-5218 reported committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 5082 through 5218 , and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY EDWARDS. CARRIED . Fund Breakdown Current Fund 5082 - 5117 $ 4 ,631 . 41 City Street Fund 5118 - 5131 31 ,253 . 97 Equipment Rental 5132 - 5144 1 ,294 . 95 Library Fund 5145 - 5168 5 , 711 . 98 Park Fund 5169 - 5188 5 ,877 . 45 Waterworks Utility 5189 - 5202 25 ,054 . 52 1965 W & S Const . 5203 - 5204 482 . 82 Airport Fund 5205 - 5209 118 . 27 Firemen 's Pension Fund 5210 - 5213 71 . 09 Accident Loc. Prog. 5214 1 ,515 . 60 Control Device Prog. 5215 1 , 710 . 00 Urban Arterial Fund 5216 -- 5218 100 , 772. 05 $178 , 494 . 11 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Law and Ordinance Committee Member Edwards submitted proposed ordinance for introductory reading, amending Chapter I of Title VI, (Police Regulations) relating to the discharge of firearms in the city . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANF„ TO REFER THE DOCUMENT BACK TO THE LAW AND ORDIYANCE COMMITTEE AND THAT COPY BE FURNISHED TO EACH COUNCILMAN. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Custer reported receipt of letter from Great Northern Railway Company denying the request to hunt on its property in Earlington Flats area . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . -3- 392 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/24/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) ORDINANCE NO . 2521 Ordinance was submitted creating and establishing "Mobile Home Parks " a "Mobile Home Park Ordinance" to be hereinafter First reading 11117/69 known and designated as the "Renton Mobile Home (Creating Regulating Park Ordinance" of Chapter 20 , Title IV, Ordinance in Code) (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , regulating the design , access , land- scaping , fees , utilities , licenses and related matters , prescribing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing Chapter 23 , Title V, (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 and any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER BACK TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR ANOTHER WEEK. Discussion ensued concerning time element regarding pending property development dependent upon passage of the subject ordinance , it being noted request was honored last week for delay ,to allow council members to secure any information desired . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Shane requested reading in full . After title reading and reading of index of content , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO DISPENSE WITH READING OF THE REST OF THE DOCUMENT. (22 pages) THE MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. After con- siderable discussion regarding content and pro- vision allowances , question was called for on the pending motion and roll call resulted in all ayes . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2522 Ordinance was read amending Chapter 7 of Title IV Aunending Zoning Code (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 , relating to Mobile entitled "General Code of Ordinances of the City Home Parks of Renton" , relating to mobile home parks . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY TRIMM, AND SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . After discussion dissenting voice vote brought roll call on motion to adopt which was taken as follows : Aye : Perry , Morris , Schellert , Trimm, Garrett , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce and Grant . No : Shane and Barei . The motion carried, 10 to 2 . Kennydale Annexation Mayor Custer reported unofficial returns of the Election , Unofficial Kennydale Election with the proposition to annex Talley . Prop. 1 passed having carried . May Creek, 133 for and 40 against . Prop. 2 Failed Kennydale Precinct , 89 for and 46 against . On Proposition 2 , for assumption of indebtedness , May Creek, 7.2 for and 86 against and Kennydale , 48 for and 80 against . .CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : ~� Mayor Custer reported receipt of additional items after preparation of the agenda and council action was invited in this regard . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS BE ADDED AT THE END OF THE PRESENT AGENDA MATERIAL . THE MOTION CARRIED . -4- 390 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/24/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Fund Transfer required Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported the Firemen 's Pension Fund need for transfer of funds between classi- fications in the Firemen 's Pension Budgetary Fund No . 2710 , from Account 501 , Available Surplus , unto 501 , Reimbursement for salaries $6 ,000 . 00 and 201 , Pension and Disability payments , $6 ,000 . 00 . Concurrence and referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee was requested . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE AS REQUESTED . CARRIED . Richard Stredicke Letter from Mr . Richard M. Stredicke , as newlq resignation from elected member of the City Council , submitted Planning Commission resignation from the Planning Commission , expressing his views of findings that the commission is a dedicated and active body , giving recognition also to the expert assistance rendered by Planning Director Ericksen and staff which department has developed into one of the finest in the State , and expressing enjoyment in serving the city for five years on the Planning Commission , looking forward to future close relationships upon joining the council . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION WITH REFERRAL TO MAYOR-ELECT GARRETT TO FILL THE VACANCY CREATED THEREBY. CARRIED. Fire Chief 's request Letter from M . C . Walls , Fire Chief reported for appropriation of receipt of $50 , 490 . 00 State Aid funds now State Fund Grant .into available as excess revenue in the Current Fund. 1969 Budget , Training As per reference at budget hearing meeting, it Area Account was requested said funds be appropriated into the Fire Department Budgetary Account 1190/605 , Training site development . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. FAA Notice that Letter from Donald A . Frost , Supervising In- parachute jumps are spector , reported determination , after discussion not to be authorized with concerned parties , that the jumps would be as requested by Seattle hazardous to persons on the surface as well as Sky Sports into to the jumpers . Renton Village Shopping Center MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO RE'CONSIDE'R APPROVAL ACTION OF LAST WEEK AND DENY THE JUMPS . CARRIED . Police Chief Williams was requested to notify the Seattle Sky Sports Club officials of the action . Music Machine License Application from owner of Rainbow Cafe requested Requeat-Rainbow Cafe license for G. & B . Company , of Kent , Wn . , to operate a coin type phonograph in said place of ,r business located at 231-112 Main Ave . South . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. Request for Late- Letter from Mr . Robert Kuvara , Attorney , repre- Camers Agreement senting Mr . Robert A . Perry , requested Late- Comers Agreement for sewer line located at 5th Street and Renton Avenue South . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW, AND THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED . -5- 394 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/24/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Request for Waiver Letter from the Renton Business Men 's Ass 'n . of Bond in Moving requested waiver of Code requirement for Bond of Santa Claus House to be posted in connection with House Moving permit , it being desired to move the Santa Claus house from its summer location into the downtown Renton area , by No-Fee Permit . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY GARRETT, TO GRANT THE WAIVER AND PERMIT AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. Petition proposing Petition containing 214 signatures endorsed recreation program proposal for council to work towards establish- in Earlington area ment of a recreation program and a park in the immediate Earlington area with thought to development of the old elementary school site located at 727 Thomas Avenue S. E. . Commitment of priority and establishment of such facility by 1971 was urged with interim opening of the school at least two evenings per week under Park Department program supervision , the School District to furnish the building. Costly mainten- ance and acquisition were discussed . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE PARK AND RECREATION C01,11:ITTEE AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Wilson of E1 Paso Natural Gas Compania noted the need to commence construction of pipe line and urged council action to grant a permit there- for pending preparation of the It was MOVED BY MAXIN SECONDED BY ' PERRY TO GRANT THE REQUEST. Matters of fee , period of time , and provision to be included regarding testing were discussed with regard to the franchise document . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, THAT THE PENDING MOTION BE TABLED UNTIL ITEMS NOTED BE DISPOSED OF. CARRIED. In discussion of testing it was agreed provision would be included . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, THE FRANCHISE; TERM BE FOR A 10 YEAR PERIOD WITH 10 YEAR OPTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE FEE BE SET AT $100 . 00 ANNUALLY. It was noted in discussion that Olympic has 3700 lineal ft . of pipe , paying $500 . 00 annual fee which had been proposed for E1 Paso who has only 125 lin . ft . to be installed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT TO AMEND THE MOTION BY ADDING "OR 50 PER LINEAL FT. , WHICH EVER IS GREATER" . The amendment CARRIED and subsequently the ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GARRETT, TO TAKE FROM THE TABLE THE MOTION TO GRANT CONDITIONAL PERMIT PENDING PREPARATION OF THE FRANCHISE CARRIED. The motion was voted upon and CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Whole Report : Dog Licenses to be Committee of the Whole recommendation was read $2 . 00 in 1970 recommending that all dog license fees be set at $2 . 00 for 1970 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED PY BRUCE, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR CODE REVISION. CARRIED. Restructure of Recommended that the Committee on Committees Standing Council restructure present standing committees to a Committees lesser number as discussed at committee meeting earlier for convenience in event new Municipal Code is effected for Renton . MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/24/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Whole Report (Cont . ) Councilman Grant noted he and Mr. Schellert had originated the idea of reducing the number of council committees and restructure into six committees to act as liaison between department heads and council . Appointment by The Committee of the Whole recommended that the Committee on Council Committee on Committees appoint four Committees Councilmen and three members of the previous Recommended .Municipal Code Advisory Committee to commence with structuring of the new form of government for the City of Renton . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Reeommentation of The Committee recommended appointment of four Committee on persons to study wages , salaries and fringe Committees benefits of the city , to 'be comprised of Mr . Dick Douglas of the Boeing Company, Mr. Lynn Wade , Pacific Car and Foundry , Mr . John Swanson, Sr . , of Williams & Swanson and Mr. Ralph Jacobson of Sears Roebuck and Company . Backgrounds of the persons selected were outlined to the council . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES. Discussion ensued regarding selection of the repre- sentatives and various opinions as to need of such committee rather than to compare with other cities, it also being noted there is no labor man inquiry being raised as to whether retail businessmen can make comparison , the City being non-profit operation . MOVED BY GARRETT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES. Dis- senting voice vote brought roll call which resulted as follows : Aye - Morris , Trimm, Bruce, Grant , Shane No : Perry , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm , Edwards , Maxin and Barei . The motion lost 7 to 5 . The original motion to concur was voted upon and roll call followed dissenting verbal vote as follows : Aye : Perry , Schellert , Delaurenti , Trimm, Garrett , Edwards , Maxin and Barei . No : Morris , Bruce , Grant and Shane . MOTION TO ACCEPT THE REPORT CARRIED . Local 21-R Request President of the Council Perry reported receipt of for retroactive letter from Local 21R requesting that sick-leave benefits for and other fringe benefits be available retroactive city employees to January 1 , 1969 rather than January 24 , the date the document was executed , such having been the intent which was not clarified upon interpretation. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MORRIS, THE CONTRACT BE AMENDED TO SHOW COUNCIL INTENTION TO ALLOW EMPLOYEES TO ACCRUE BENEFITS AS OF JANUARY 1 , 1969 . CARRIED. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Proposed Ordinance was read granting unto El Paso El Paso Natural Gas Natural Gas Company the right to install , maintain Company Franchise etc. pipe which is to cross city rights of ways , First Reading only by franchise , setting fees therefor , period of time with option to renew, providing for inspection reports and other requirements as outlined in the reading . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO DEFER BACK TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PUBLICATION AND HOLDING FOR 30 DAYS AS PROVIDED BY LAW. CARRIED. -7- 396 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/24/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Mobile Home Park Ordinance Councilman Barei inquired regarding various aspects of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance with regard to whether a mobile home can be placed on an individual lor_ r which received negative reply . Upon inquiry as to whether several could be used for duplex. It was noted if running gear is removed the unit is no longer a mobile home and if it meets code requirements could be considered a dwelling. Barei felt the ordinance needed further definition and restrictions ., NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL President Perry announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday , November 25 , Committee of the Whole at 7 :00 p .m. in the Council Chambers and Budget Meetings on Saturday , November 29 , at 9 :00 a .m. Park and Recreation Chairman Bruce announced a meeting on Committee Meeting Wednesday , December 3 , at 7 : 30 p.m . in his council office . Councilman 's Councilman Barei noted his remarks of Debate not directed debate are directed at the idea expressed at personalities and not to Councilmen personally and it was hoped no insult offense would be felt by anyone with return of the same being desirable . Nostalgic Aura Councilman Schellert remarked that in experienced watching Councilman Morris , seated next to him , clean out his desk , realization of the fact that he was going to walk away leaving it quite empty , gave him a, feeling of nostalgia ; that he had enjoyed the association with a buddy he would miss . TV Program--Sex Education Councilman Pelaurents noted CBS was to present a 60 minute program on the Sex Education issue . Mrs . Fleming , reporter for the Record--Chronicle reported the program had been rescheduled again . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Cenkovich , Library Board Member , noting his connection with Unions for many years remarked in his opinion he does not feel the wage committee can very well compare staff of the libraryiwith retail industry employees . ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the Council , it was MOVED BY GARRETT SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 30 p .m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chamb< this evening. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk D. W. Custer , Mayor " - -8- 4 F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 71/24/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND 9NGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2714 $3.81000.00 VICTOR DENIIGLIO 921 S 29TH CT. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2115 3,200.00 FRIENDS OF YOUTH 2500 LK. WASH. BLVD. N CONST. RETAINING WALL 2116 75.00 ALFRED R. NOLLNER 1801 UNION AVE. NE FINISH LAUNDRY ROOM 2117 1,800.00 THEIMER S. OLSON 2142 UNION AVE. NE CONST, GARAGE 2118 2,016.00 MRS. FRED PRICE 1128 KIRKLAND AVE. NE REMODEL 3 2119 50.00 LAYTON JEFFERS 97 LOGAN AVE. S INSTALL SIGN .� 2120 416.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-01 BUILDING CONST, WALL 2121 7,000.00 CORNELIUS LEVERS 900 KIRKLAND AVE. NE CONST. REC ROOM ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2535 4,470.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING ALTER LIGHTS & PWR. 2536 200.00 HIGHLDS. MED. CLINIC 1128 KIRKLAND AVE. NE INST. 125 AMP SERVICE 2537 79,862.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 2901 KENNEWICK PL. NE WIRE SCHOOL BLDG. 2538 492.00 PARKWOOD HOMES, INC. 2539 BURNETT CT. S WIRE FAM. RESIDENCE 2539 357.00 KAMPE CONST. 241.8 MONTEREY AVE. NE WIRE NEW RESIDENCE E 2540 357.00 KAMPE CONST. 2412 MONTEREY AVE. NE WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 2541. 550.00 AL COURTNEY 719 RAINIER AVE. S WIRING 2542 3,845.00 PACIFIC CAR & FDRY. 845 SENECA AVE. SW INST. LIGHTING 2543 500.00 BILL MARTIN 1509 UNION AVE. NE WIRE ADDITION 2544 119250.00 SHELL OIL COMPANY 330 SUNSET BLVD, N REMODEL GAS STATION E 2545 230.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-73 BUILDING INST,, FREEZE STAT. 2546 95.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING INST. PRINTER 2547 715.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-65 BUILDING INST, BEVERAGE MACH. 2548 250.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-81 BUILDING INST. REPRO. EQUIP. 2549 100.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-17 BUILDING INST. MACCS SYSTEM E 2550 50.00 BOEING COMPANY APRON "A" INST. SOURCE RECORDER 2557. 750.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING INST. ELECT. FAC. 747 2552 135.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INST. IBM UNIT 2553 400.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-6o BUILDING INST. FREEZE STAT. 2554 3,600.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-58 BUILDING INST, MOLDING PRESS -9e, 2555 129.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INST. OUTLETS 2556 400.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING RELOCATE TOOLING 2557 153.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-01 BUILDING REWORK OPERATIONS 2558 196.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING INSTALL SHEAR 2559 992.00 CITY OF RENTON 3400 SE 6TH ST. WIRE RESTROOM MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2237 MIKE RUBATTINO 618 S 16TH ST. GAS CONVER. BURNER 2238 DAR.RELL LOTT 512 SW LANGSTON PL. CONVERT OIL FURNACE 2239 FOODMAKER, INC. 2813 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. GAS ELECT. UNIT 2240 LESTER F. SAFFELL 610 STEVENS AVE. NW INST. GAS FURNACE 2241 HIGHLDS. MED. CLINIC 1.128 KIRKLAND AVE. NE THREE BASINS M 2242 JOSEPH TOMAC 436 MILL AVE. S GAS CONVER. BURNER 2243 MERLE WEBSTER 2124 SE 19TH ST. INST. GAS HEATER 2244 KAMPE CONST. 2412 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2245 KAMPE CONST. 2418 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2246 MXRTLE JUDY 1508 LAKE AVE. S INST. GAS HEATER M 2247 ALDO ZERB&TO 310 WHITWORTH AVE. S INST. GAS BURNER 2248 BOEING COMPANY 10-65 BUILDING INST. BEVERAGE MACH. 2249 BOEING COMPANY 10-58 BUILDING PROVIDE WATER & DRAIN 2250 BOEING COMPANY SUBSTATION #1 INST. DISCHG. PIPE 22, PACIFIC CAR & FDRY 845 SENECA AVE. SW INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES [ 2252 A.C. WOLF 291 S 29TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES SEWER PERMITS S 1.045 MARION HASS 3422126,28 NE SUNSET CONNECT SEWER 1046 MCGRATH CORP. 4307 NE 22ND CT. CONNECT SEWER -9- 398 Fund transfers approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for the month of November, 1969 . FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current $ 32 ,732 . 20 Arterial Street 91 . 71 City Street 45 , 752 . 70 Cedar River M & I 674 . 81 Equipment Rental 5 ,200 . 99 Library 6 ,264 . 75 Parks 57 ,589 .17 Waterworks Utility 64 ,645 . 46 1965 W & S. Const . Fund 727 . 32 Lake Wn. Beach Forward Thrust 10 ,000. 00 Airport 58 ,376 . 96 Firemen 's Pension Fund 5 ,745 . 74 City Hall Construction 4 ,316 . 12 Accident Loc. Prog. Fund 1 ,515 . 60 Control Devices Prog. 1 ,710. 00 Cedar River Acquisition 4 ,250. 00 Urban Arterial Street Fund 105 ,272 . 05 Total Claims $ 404 ,865 . 58 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current 149 ,370 .20 City Street 32 ,161 . 91 Cedar River M & I 653.00 Equipment Rental 4 ,856 . 2.4 Library 9 ,923. 05 Parks 25 ,438. 12 Waterworks Utility 22 ,695. 21 Airport 1 ,608. 00 Firemen 's Pension 100.00 Total Payroll $246:,80.5 . :73 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 1 , 1969 INSTALLATION OF CITY OFFICIALS TO FOUR YEAR TERMS MAYOR ------------------------ AVERY GARRETT CITY TREASURER --------------- DOROTHEA GOSSETT CITY CLERK' ------------------- HELMIE W. NELSON COUNCILMEN ------------------- ,EARL CLYMER CHARLES DELAURENTI BRUCE MCKAY HENRY SCHELLERT RICHARD STREDICKE R E F E R R A L S STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Petition from residents of Magnuson Apartments for sidewalk on South Second Street between Logan and Morris Avenues TRAFFIC ENGINEER , CITY ENGINEER , CITY CLERK AND LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Change of street designation from Harrington to Holly COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES Subject of 4-man study committee per minute approval action from Page 7 , November 24 , 1969 minutes as amended . MEETINGS AND EVENTS 12/2/69 - Public Hearing on 1970 Budget (continued from 12/1/69) 12/4/69 - Committee on Committees at 7 :30 p.m. 400 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Cerk December 1 , 19F9 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, at 8 .!00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Aliegiance was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce, Maxin , Edwards , Garrett , Trimm , Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Ann Harker, Acting Librarian , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . Also present were Councilmen-elect , Earl Clymer , Bruce McKay , and Richard Stredicke . MINUTE APPROVAL : Council President Perry invited corrections or additions to the minutes of the previous meeting of Jjr)trember 24 , 1969 . Councilman Morris recalled appointment recommenda- tion of Committee on Committees forfour businessmen, from Boeing , Pacific Car, Williams and Swanson and Sears , to study city salaries and fringe benefits ,and prior actions were outlined. He noted the minutes show Trimm voting both aye and no on motion to refer back to Committee on Committees and if maker of the motion voted aye and Trimm had also voted aye , there was a tie and the Mayor should have had a vote . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER BACK TO THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES . Councilman Garrett noted his aye vote had been omitted and the racord should be amended accordingly , and motion to refer was out of order . The motion was ruled out of order by the Chair and upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised the , Minutes can be corrected to show what happeaied and not what should have happened and the only motion must be to amend to show how the vote was cast . MOVED BY MORRIS, SECONDED BY SHANE, THE MINUTES BE CORRECTED TC SHOW NO VOTE BY PERRY, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, EDWARDS, MAXIN AND BAREI AND AYE VOTE BY MORRIS , TRIMM, BRUCE, GRANT, SHANE AND GARRETT. Schellert noted he would like the minutes to reflect accurately what had happened and nothing else should be shown , Perry noting tie vote with no action by the Mayor results in lost motion . It was suggested Trimm restate his vote , no verbal expression being offered or invited further. THE PENDING MOTION WAS VOTED UPON TO CORRECT AS AMENDED BY MORRIS TO SHOW A TIE VOTE. CARRIED. SCHELLERT OPPOSED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Recommendation of Committee Councilman Morris noted since tie vote the on Committees for 4-man recommendation of the Committee on Committees study committee should now be before the body and MOVED THE SUBJECT UNDER DISCUSSION AS NOTED. IN MINUTE APPROVAL ACTION, FROM PAGE 7 , November 24 , MINUTE AMENDMENT, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED . SCHELLERT OPPOSED. _1_ 401 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/1/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) VOUCHER APPROVAL Auditing and Accounting Chairman Morris NOS. 5219 - 5314 reported committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY EDWARDS AND CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 5219 - 5258 $ 15 ,831 . 97 City Street 5259 - 5273 3 ,161 . 18 Cedar River M&I 5274 693 . 00 Equipment Rental 5275 - 5280 2 ,274 . 57 Park Fund 5281 - 5292 5 ,887 . 82 bmw Waterworks Util . 5293 - 5301 9 ,451 . 60 Airport Fund 5302 - 5305 2 ,596 . 19 Firemens Pension 5306 - 5314 3 ,474 . 23 L.I. D. 259 Cash Fund #6 $ 43 ,370 . 56 360 . 94 AWARD PRESENTATION Community service award placques were presented , BY MAYOR CUSTER in recognition of service to the City , recipients including retiring Council Member Vern H. Morris , completing a Third Term of city service ;Thomas W. Trimm , serving since 1948 , and Avery Garrett , serving some 13-1/2 years both in city and state government , now retiring to assume duties of Mayor of Renton . FAREWELL ADDRESS BY Mayor Custer recalled pleasure in a rewarding and MAYOR CUSTER exciting 5-1/2 year term as Mayor, thanking audience members for interest expressed by attendance at meetings , city employees and others who helped to make his experiences educational and enjoyable leaving memories for later muse with pleasure , and acknow- ledging many hours of services rendered by devoted- dedicated citizens and associates in city service. Particular thanks were extended to fellow city officials Gossett and Nelson , and City Department Heads . Personal thanks and regards were extended bw in closin g,on behalf of himself and his family,to all with whom he had associated during his term as Mayor of Renton . The audience responded with a standing ovation of applause . METRO RECOGNITION OF Resolution adopted by the Council of the Municipality SERVICE OF MAYOR of Metropolitan Seattle , was read in recognition of CUSTER ON COUNCIL outstanding service of Mayor Custer as Metro Council represehtative member from the City of 'Renton . KING COUNTY ELECTION Letter fr6m Mr. Edward J. Logan , Director of Records DEPARTMENT CERTIFICA- and Elections , certified that results of election TION OF NOVEMBER 4 , 6f ' November 4 , 1969 were duly canvassed and results ELECTION RESULTS were as follows : Total Votes 5 ,521 Mayor-4 yr. term Council - 4 yr . Pos . 3 Elected - Avery Garrett 2923 C. Delaurenti 3667 Elected Frank Aliment 2525 Clerk - 4 yr . term Council .- 4 yr . term,Pos . 4 Elected - Helmie W. Nelson 3998 George J. Perry 2928 -Elected Dan Poli 1920 Treasurer-4 yr . term Elected - Dorothea Gossett 4117 Council - 4 yr . term , Pos . 5 Richard M. (Dick)Stredicke Council-4yr . term-Pos . 1 2699 Elected John D. Cline 2313 Harold Woodin 2156 Elected - Bruce McKay 2348 -- Council-4 yr. term,Pos . 2 Council - 4 yr . term, Pos . 6 Elected - Earl Clymer 2720 Henry E. Schellert 2777 Elected Ronald Regis 2171 Fred Callen 1881 -2- 402 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 1 , 1969 SWEARING IN CEREMONY The Honorable Justice Matt Hill, State Supreme Newly elected City Court Judge "was visiting guest to administer Officials the Oath of Office to the newly elected City Officials. The Oath was repeated, by_ Mayor-Elect Avery Garrett who then assumed the Chair and gavel , welcoming visitors and friends in atten- dance for the occasion this evening. Newly elected Councilmen Earl Clymer , Charles Delaurenti , Bruce McKay , George .ferry , Henry Schellert and Richard Stredicke were sw.orn in and greeted with applause of congratulations , assuming their seats on the council podium. City Treasurer Dorothea Gossett and City Clerk Helmie Nelson were given Oaths of Office respectively and greeted with applause from the assembly . Introductions Distinguished guests from the House of Representa- tives , John and Mrs . Martinez and Democratic Caucus Chairman , Bill Chetalis and wife Goldie were intro- duced along with Mr . A .N. Bud Shinpoch , newly elected Representative to the 47th Legislative District , to assume the seat formerly held by Mr . Garrett . Further introductions included family of -Mayor Garrett and Councilmen , each introducing his own family members . Mayor Garrett distributed name plates to the new Council Members . COMMUNITY SERVICE Mayor Garrett presented ex-Mayor Custer a placque on AWARD PLACQUE behalf of .the Council and himself in recognition of 5-1/2 years of outstanding achievement , leader- ship and zeal in his service to the City . Presentations of Council President Perry presented D. W. Custer, Mock 747 Airplane Vern Morris and Tom Trimm with models of the 747 Models with placque inscriptions of outstanding service . Presentation Councilman Bruce , noting expression of "strong mayor form of government" presented Mayor- Garrett with a huge gavel which the Mayor noted lacked only a longer handle ! RECESS Moved by Schellert , seconded by Delaurenti,, that a five-minute recess be declared at this time . The motion carried and the recess was declared. After recess , roll call was taken , and there being a quorum, the meeting was convened, all returning subsequently as previously listed in roll call . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , the hearing was declared 1970 Budget open . Audience comment was invited . Mr. Jerry Grinstein , representing the Washington Jockey Club inquired regarding proposed increase in admission tax, . which proposal it was noted was to 5% from the present 4o° admission rate . Mr . Morrie Alhadeff, Vice-President and General Manager of Longacres was introduced and addressed the Mayor and Council outlining history of Longacres institution in 1933 in Kiang County , subsequent annexation to Renton and acceptance of taxation measures heretofore upon city 's appeal for -revenue assistance . He noted the accomplishment of the Howard Hansen Dam with Long- acres being front runners of battle throughout the issue, their plight otherwise a swampy one, with sub- sequent development of the entire valley being now possible . Economic factors were noted as affect the City through the operation of the racetrack employment and business stimulation to be verified by local businessmen , It was .telt limit of; tax participation was reached , and noted pari-mutuel -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 0405 PUBLIC HEARING : 2/1/69 _ -- (Cont . )(Cont . ) 1970 Budget receipts are governed by law and cannot be in- creased to absorb the assessments . Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding cost of admissions which Mr . Alhadeff reported to be Grand Stand , $1 . 50 and Club House $3 . 00 with goodlg number of courtesy admissions for the Grand Stand at $1 . 25 . Audience Comment Further audience comment was invited and Mr. on Budget Harold Caldwell , President of the Police Guild, offered apology to the Police and License Com- mittee for not having met with them before sub- mitting wage requests to the Committee of the Whole and the action was without malice and in accord with procedure which was understood to be ,proper . Desire to meet with the Council for further discussion was expressed it being felt the 45 minutes granted was not sufficient and had not resolved matters fully , it being noted no further invitation had been received to date and acceptable proposal was ready for pre- sentation to the Council the present one ' not being acceptable to the Guild Membership . Letter from the League of Women Voters was read supporting development of the Cedar River banks as part of the Renton park system and urging that funds be budgeted in the 1970 budget for necessary planning and initial development without reduction in other recreational funds . Councilman Perry noted funds are available for development of the area adjacent to Liberty Park abutting the street only ,but the Cedar River M. & I . Fund could be utilized for bank development . Perry noted the Committee of the Whole had not completed page by page adoption of the budget to date but had gotten to Page 112 . Schellert proposed motion to approve the bemainder of the budget at this time , then make any necessary amendments thereafter , and complete the work of the committee in readiness for adoption of the amended budget . Perry stated he was prepared to make a motion for addition or deletion of revenue allowing for 7-1/2% cost of living , with 10% spread for uniformed personnel , being ' under impression other councilmen wished to speak further . Schellert urged presentation of the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole . Bruce stated he had items he wishes to study further and Grant noted subsequent request of the Police Guild to meet .further . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO RECESS THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL DECEMBER 2 , AT 5 :00 P.M. Schellert called for point of order since the budget had not been presented, urging defeat of motion and completion of recom.rlendations for adoption . The Chair ruled 'the motion in order, hearing being opened and comment allowed, further debate invited . Zhe hour selected for convening of subsequent hearing was noted as inconvenient ■r for those working . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO AMEND THE MOTION TO DELETE 5 : 00 P.M. AND INSERT 7 : 30 P.M. AS TIME SET FOR THE CONTINUED HEARING. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : AYE: Perry , McKay , Delaurenti , Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . NO : Schellert and Clymer . Amendment carried. Original motion as amended brought dissen.tcn voice vote and roll call . Aye : Delaurenti ,Stredicke ,Edwards ,Maxin , Bruce , Grant and Shane . No : Perr.y ,McKay , ,c`-ellert Clymer and Bared . Carried , 7 tri.' 5 . 1 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/1/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : RESOLUTION 1655 Proposed Resolution was read authorizing Transfer of Funds transfer of $6 ,000 . 00 from Firemen ' s Pension Firemen 's Pension Fund 2710 , Account 501 , Available Surplus , Fund Account unto 510 , Reimbursement for Salaries ; and transfer of $6 ,000 . 00 from 2710/501 unto Account 201 , Pension and Disability payments . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1655 AS READ. CARRIED . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Request for sidewalk Petition letter containing signatures of 14 on So . 2nd Street residents of the Magnuson Apartments , 211 between Logan and Shattuck Avenue South requested installation Morris Avenues of a sidewalk on So . 2nd Street , between Logan and Morris Avenues . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Salvation Army request Letter from John W. Curry , Captain , Renton to place kettles in Salvation Army , requested permission to place Renton during holiday kettles in Renton to solicit funds during the season Christmas holiday season , to be located at Sears Newberrys and Woolworths business entrances . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST. THE MOTION CARRIED . Petition for Street Petition was read containing 220 signatures of Name Change from tenants and property owners requesting change Harrington to Holly of designation of street from Harrington to Holly . -- Action of March , 1969 was recalled when parties were advised submission would be more timely at a later date , petition being resubmitted at this time accordingly . MOVED BY PEFJRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO GRANT THE CHANGE WITH REFERRAL TO APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY FOR IMPLEMENTATION. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS : Meeting of the Councilman Perry announced a meeting of the Committee on Council Committee on Committees on Thursday , Committees December 4 , at 7 :30 p.m . Inquiry regarding Councilman Clymer inquired whether charges have Police Matter been filed against Dr . Koome in connection with illegal business practices recently publicized. Police Chief Williams reported that the case is not yet ready for submission to the Prosecuting Attorney and that investigation is being conducted . Discussion regarding Schellert suggested vote be reconsidered to recess 1970 Budget Hearing until tomorrow and the hearing be set for Friday the Council then having an opportunity to meet wit. wage groups and complete further action desired . Not voting on the prevailing side he could not make the motion . Mayor Garrett relinquished the gavel to President of the Council Perry and noting State Law require- ment that Budget must be adopted by Friday , and recalling meetings of the Committee of the Whole since Noirember 5 , suggested reconsideration of the action as outlined by Schellert and meetings in the interim to resolve any further details and -final Committee of the Whole recommendation and budget adoption on Friday - -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/1/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Remarks by Council Councilman Delaurenti noted, as had Councilman Clymer earlier , that his son had drawn No . 5 in the draft lottery . Mr . Clymer noted his son had won a lottery questioning legality in Washington : Councilman Maxin inquired when the new Council President would be elected. Discussion ensued during which it was noted customary procedure has been to elect a new President at the last -- meeting of the year however council might also elect one at this time and could also , if ruled by the majority , set the first of January as the date for taking over the duties . AUDIENCE COMMENT Confirming Street Upon inquiry from Mrs . Dorothy Dolan as to name change disposition of petition for street name change from Harrington to Holly , it was confirmed that the requested change had been authorized. League of Women Mrs . Joanne Herber congratulated the new city Voters officials and noted two projects of the League one being the Cedar River Bank development and the other the Optional Municipal Code and the Council was urged to speed up implementation on this matter . ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business , it was MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9 :50 p .m. A capacity crowd was present this meeting with little standing room available . Helmie Nelson , City Clerk Avery Gar lvtt , Mayor -6- I OFFICE OF 't'In: CITY Ct, ld[ 12/1/69 PaWITS ISSUED H: THE BUILDD4ki A.0 ENury,i I�r+'d IX(; DE 'AjrjMENi BCi1-ISiING PEttMTTS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2122 $20,000.00 ELMER MORASCH 1701 CAMAS AVE. NE CONST. FAMILY RES. 2123 1,,700.00 SEATTLE TRUST & SAV. 100 S GRADY WAY INSTALL WALL SIGNS 2124 25,000.00 JACK B. CURRAN 620 RAINIER AVE. S CONST. CAR WASH BLDG 2125 2,340.00 JACK A. BENAROYA CO. 1060 THOMAS AVE. SW CONST. WALL & DOOR 2126 VOID J3 2127 8,000.00 WALLACE NELSON 502 SW 13TH ST. CONST. SHOP BLDG. 2128 STERNCO LAND CO. 1300 SW 43RD ST. DEMOLISH RESIDENCE RIACTRICAI. PERMITS E 2560 350.00 JOHN TRICKEL .1:;_£0 JEFFERSON AVE. NE ELECTRIC HEAT 27)61, 150.00 MICHAEL TIBBILS 2403 NE 7TH ST. WIRING 2562 434.00 MCGRATH CORP. 4307 NE 22ND CT. WIRE FAMILY RES. 2563 200.00 JOHN V. JANDERS 3401 NE 7TH ST. WIRING ADDITION 2564 50„00 CHARLES D. ANKENY 261 RAINIER AVE. N TEMPORARY WIRING MECHANICAL PERMITS A 2253 WYNN KAMPE 2412 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. SEPTIC TANK 2254 WYNN KAMPE 2418 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. SEPTIC TANK 2255 GERALD L. VEACH 1509 UNION AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXT. 2256 LAYTON HOOD 2105 NE 6TH PL. CONVERT BURNER 2257 JOSEPH HARM, 2201 NE 6TH PL. INST. GAS FURNACE M 2258 PATRICK J. WALSH 655 DAYTON AVE. NE INST. HEATER 2259 LOUIS H. OLSON 3313 NE 6TH PL. INST. WALL FURNACE 2260 ROBERT DOBSON 1122 WELLS AVE. S INST. HEATER 2261 DARLA PATTERSON 208 PELLY AVE. N INST. HEATER SEWER. PERMITS S 1047 L. E. GRAVES 905 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWat 1048 DWAYNE BOX 121.6 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER, 1049 J. J. SCANNELL, JR. 2814 BURNE,'TT AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1050 DONALD MCELROY 1.121 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER - 7- 407 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING 1970 BUDGET Office of City Clerk December 2 , 1969 The Budget Hearing meeting of the Renton City Council , recessed from December 1 , 1969 , was convened in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building at 7 :30 p.m, by Mayor Garrett . This being the time and date set , the hearing was declared open . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : PERRY, SHANE, GRANT, BRUCE, MAXIN, EDWARDS, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, BAREI, STREOICKE AND MCKAY. ABSENT: CLYMER MOTION TO ADOPT MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE, THE MAYOR 'S AMENDED BUDGET PRELIMINARY BUDGET BE ADOPTED WITH AMENDMENTS AS SHOWN ON LIST CIRCULATED THIS DATE. (See attached) Included are revenue receipts from increase in racetrack admissions tax by 10, from 40 to 50 per admission . a 7-1/2% cost of living increase tomiscellaneous personnel and 8-1/2% to all employees in the uniformed departments with 10% spread between uniformed ranks . FURTHER COUNCIL ACTIONS INCREASED AND DECREASED THE PROPOSED BUDGET BY AMENDING MOTIONS AS FOLLOWS : INCREASE BY Upon report of Police and License Committee Chairman $2 ,520 . 00 Delaurenti to allow employees in Funiform departments $-112 :,cost of--living,, adding an increase of $2 ,520 . 007 to fund premium pay for motorcycle duty of $25 , 00 per month; Detective premium of $35 . 00 per month 60 and two Investigators each $25 . 00 per month ., MOTION BY PERRY, TO CONCUR WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENT-1; AND CARRIED. ADD SALE OF PUBLIC MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI AND CARRIED USE AREAS THAT REVENUE BE INCREASED BY ADDING TO THE BUDGET THE SALE OF PUBLIC USE PROPERTIES (In lieu of fire training site property , interest in Highlands areas, to be sold at anticipated receipts of $30 ,000 . 00) INCREASE BY $420 . 00 Upon minority report of Fire and Water Committee Chairman Bruce to allow $35 . 00 per month for Fire Dept . Training officer, to increase budget by $420 . 00 with funding from same source as Police premium pay, MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE AND SECONDED BY GRANT TO CONCUR . CARRIED. MAYOR GARRETT INVITED AUDIENCE COMMENT AT ANY TIME DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION LOST MOVED BY SHANE HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS BE GIVEN 500 PER HOUR ADDITIONAL INCREASE. LOST FOR LACK OF SECOND, It was noted the 7-1/2% would raise salaries to equivalentscale and it would be discriminatory to selectively grant increases . INCREASE BY Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding possible $12 ,000 .. 00 city support of operation of the Hazen High Pool during the winter months by funding part of the cost in sum of $12 ,000 . 00 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . It was noted the pool Funding was in the County and the County had denied funding. Discussion Mrs . Lillian Plut expressed interest in the recreation program noting the school district will operate but at a much higher cost and kids won ' t be able to use it and this is the reason for request of continued support by the City . -7- MINUTES - 1970 BUDGET HEARING BY CITY COUNCIL 12/2/69 AMENDMENTS PROPOSED: (Cont . ) Funding $12 ,000 . 00 for Hazen Pool Revenue Source Grant inquired regarding use of two maintenance For Hazen Pool men at Lake Wn . Beach Park which Park Director Operation Coulon noted work split shifts from 5 :00 a .m. to 10 :00 p .m . 7 days a week , picnic area and lavatories maintained year around and boat launching operations to add to duties . Daily maintenance and pick-up is continuous to keep it clean and in a desirable condition for use , weeding and care of landscaping also included . Stredicke inquired regarding levy of additional admission taxes to include movie houses and the City Attorney outlined history of such tax assess- ment to current status of its having been eliminated by the council . PENDING MOTION TO FUND $12 ,000 . 00 FOR HAZEN POOL WINTER OPERATION CARRIED. Stredicke recalled actions to increase business license fees in lieu of utility tax. MOTION LOST FOR Shane proposed motion to increase utility taX. to LACK OF SECOND 5% on all accounts in the City . MOTIONS LOST TO MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, UTILITY TAX BE INCREASE UTILITY INCREASED BY 1% ON ALL ACCOUNTS. MOVED BY SHANE TAX TO AMEND TO 5% ON COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS WITH HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTS REMAINING AT 2% . AMENDMENT DIED FOR LACK OF SECOND ORIGINAL MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND LOST. DELETE PARK DEPT. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO DELETE ROAD IMPROVEMENT ROAD IMPROVEMENT (Talbot Hill) , Page 111 , Park PROJECT $11 ,000 . 00 Department Account 1710 , to be used for Hazen Pool THE MOTION CARRIED. The budget was balanced at $ 9 , 869 ,038 . 00 . Question on the original motion to ADOPT THE MAYOR 'P BUDGET AS AMENDED BY THE COUNCIL was called for . All -age votes -fol±owed:and the MOTION, CARRIED. RECESS Recess was declared at this time to allow tabulation audit prior to Ordinance presentation . After recess roll call was taken and there being a quorum , the meeting was convened , all returning subsequently as in original roll call . ORDINANCE ADOPTING Proposed Ordinance was presented adopting balanced ANNUAL BUDGET FOR budget for 1970 for the City of Renton . MOVED BY THE YEAR 1970 PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON FIRST READING . CARRIED . The document was read establishing a total budget for expenditures and receipts in sum of $9 , 869 ,038 . Q0 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2523 AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADJOURN. THE 8 : 55 p.m . MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 55 p.rr Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk f Avery P arrett , Maydr -2- 1970 BUDGET HEAPING 12/2/69 AMENDMENTS TO PRELIMINARY BUDGET EFFECTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT ITS BUDGET HEARINGS. EXPENDITURES: ADD DECREASE Increase salary of City Clerk and City Treasurer $ 1 ,800 . 00 $ Employee benefits for above 165 . 00 Premium pay - Fire Truck Drivers 2 ,190 . 00 Increase Council Travel Account 504 2 ,100 . 00 Allow 1969 Classification for Administrative Asst . 100 . 00 Increase Mayor 's Travel 200 . 00 Increase Expert Services , Legal , Acct . 314 4 ,000 . 00 Allow Attorney 's salary budget as requested 708 . 00 Allow Police Judge salary as requested 780 . 00 Increase Acct . 316 , Witness Fees , Mun . Ct . 150 . 00 Reduce Clerk II position to 3 mos . & add part time help in sum of $2,000 . 00 3 ,337 . 00 City Clerk, Acct . 511 , special schooling 50 . 00 Non-Departmental Acct . 314 , State Auditor, add 1 ,200 . 00 Non-Departmental Acct . 503 , Tax Commission , add 3 ,000 . 00 Purchasing Dep' t . Acct . 606 , adding machine ,reduce 50 . 00 Reclassify Planning Tech . to Asst . Planner --- --- Planning Department Travel Acct . 504 , add 700 . 00 Street Dep ' t . , eliminate position of laborer 6 ,582 . 00 Street Dep ' t . , employee benefits for above 709 . 00 Planning Dep' t . , Acct . 511 , Special School , add 150 . 00 Building Dep ' t . , eliminate 5th floor finishing 7 ,000 . 00 (Fund from Cumulative #1894) Civil Service salary for secretary-examiner 600 . 00 Police Patrol Acct . 502 , Schooling 1 ,000 . 00 Fire Dep ' t . 606 , add $500 for hoses; $800 foam 1 ,300 . 00 Off-Street Parking Acct . 417 reduce 200 .00 Off-Street Parking Acct . 605 , reduce 45 . 00 Engineering Dept . Acct . 306 , reduce 530 . 00 Engineering Dept . Acct . 313, Dues , reduce 25 . 00 Engineering Dept . Acct . 606 , Calculators , tables ,etc . 2 ,600 . 00 Traffic Eng. Acct . 606 , Trf. counters and decoders 2 ,100 . 00 Reclassify Paint Shop Foreman to Grade 24E from 23E 548 . 00 Library Acct . 313 , Dues , reduce 185 . 00 Parks , Acct . 605 , Tiffany Development , add 5 ,000 . 00 Parks Acct . 605 , Area Lighting , Liberty Park-elim. 4 ,400 . 00 Cedar River M. & I. Changes reflected in reductions in M. & . O. accounts and reflected in increase to Capital Outlay Account : Acct . 310, reduce to $3,000 . 00 Acct . 417 , reduce to $3,000 . 00 Acct. 605 , increase by $1 ,400 . 00 Central Garage changes reflected in salary reductions and M. & O. Accounts are reflected by increase in Capital outlay account : Eliminate 1 mechanic, $8 ,928 . 00 Increase overtime by $500 . 00 Increase Acdt . 404 by $400 . 00 Increase Acct . 405 by $2 ,000 . 00 Increase Acct . 409 by $1 ,500 . 00 Increase Acct . 609 by $4 ,528 . 00 Changes above show net increase in expenditures of $2 ,178 . 00 -3- 410 1970 BUDGET HEARING 12/2/69 AMENDMENTS TO PRELIMINARY BUDGET BY CITY COUNCIL AT BUDGET HEARING REVENUE: Increase in Admissions Tax - Longacres race track, increase 10 $3,150 . 00 Reduce number of Police Sergeants as approved by Police Chief 3,360 . 00 'i Increase Utility Tax resulting from telephone rate increase 3,000 . 00 Garbage Franchise to The Boeing Company 3,500 . 00 10% Service Charge to Airport 5 ,214 . 00 Adopt 10% revised Building Department Budget 21 ,379 . 00 Adopt revised Library Budget 5,217 . 00 Adopt revised Traffic Engineering Dilu "n . Budgets 14 ,862. 00 Rent r Equipment Rental Fund for Central Garage space 3,600 . 00 Garbage Billing for the Boeing Co . and Pacific Car 91500 .00 Delete sale of Property (Fire TrainjAg. site, $50 ,000 . 00jand add sale of Public Use areas 30,000 . 00 Increase fund balance in Current Fund by not appropriating the 3rd quarter State Aid to Cities money for training site 50,490 . 00 Delete funds allocated for Valley Regional Planning Commission 500 . 00 Lake Wn . Beach Park Acct . 606, Scuba Gear Cut 300 .00 Parks, Acct . 606, Pool Tables, cut 451 . 00 Eliminate proposed bond issue, $350,000 . 00 Allowing 7--1/2%Costof living raise to all miscellaneous employees and 8-1/2% to all employees in the uniformed departments plus increase in increase in employee benefits accordingly, the 10% , spread 3n •ra,uks of uniformed personnel and premium pay for motorcycle duty , Detectives ,and Investigators , increase for Fire Department Training officer , and support of Hazen Pool , $12 ,000 . 00 , deleting road im- provements , Park Dept . Acct . $11 ,000 . 00 , the budget was balanced at $9 ,869 ,038 . 00 . r4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 8 , 1969 R EF E R R A L S AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE Invoice payment for architectural services of Johnston , Campanella , Murakami Company on City Hall and Fountain CITY ATTORNEY AND*INSURANCE CARRIER Summons and Complaint filed against the City by Water District 78 Claim of Paul L . Jackson concerning damage to water heater CITY GARAGE BUILDING COMMITTEE Funding for city garage COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Restructuring of Committees of Council LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Amending Race: Tzack Admissions Tax Ordinance Amending Tax Levy Ordinance to add Fund Breakdowns Rezone G to T, First Investment Company property, SE'ly of Greenwood Cemetery PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Renton Little Theatre letter offering to assist with Carco Theatre Petition for park and recreation program in Earlington area of Renton PLANNING COMMITTEE Rezone of Transamerica Title Insurance Co. property , R-4 to B-1 , located at Benson Highway and Puget Drive STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER Holding in abeyance street name change from Harrington to Holly STREET COMMISSIONER Walkway on Talbot Road, vicinity of South 15th Street and 405 freeway WAYS ANL' MEANS COMMITTEE Funding of' Valley Regional Planning Commission Services Funding for city garage APPOINTMENTS Mr. Richard Poff to Planning Commission Councilman Earl Clymer to Special City Garage Building Committee MEETINGS AND EVENTS: December 10 , 1969 - Committee of the Whole at 8 :00 p.m. in Council Chambers December 22 , 1969 - Public Hearing - Proposed Revisions to Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program 412 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 8 , 1969 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Perry , Barei , Shane, Grant , Edwards , Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , McKay and Stredicke . Absent : Maxin and Bruce, both calling to report illness . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett ,Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor, Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL : Council President Perry invited corrections or additions Meetings of to minutes of regular and 1970 budget hearing meetings of 12/1/69 , and December 1 and 2 , 1969 . Councilman Stredicke questioned 12/2/69 reference to petition of 220 names when only a letter was submitted with five additional names to be added to a prior petition , Page 5 „ Paragraph ' 7 , Minutes of December 1 , 1969 . IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO OMIT THE NUMBER 220 FROM THE MINUTE ENTRY AND THE PROBLEM WOULD BE RESOLVED . THE MOTION CARRIED,. Stredicke opposed . IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCN9LLERT, TO' ADOPT THE MIN- IITE.S OF 12/1/69 AS AMENDED AND 12/2/69 AS MAILED, CARRIEI Shane and Stredicke opposed . - ORDINANCES AND RESOL17TIONS: Amending Race Law and Ordinance Committee member Edwards reported action Track Admission required subsequent to budgetary allocation of race track Tax Ordinance admission.- tax from present 40 per ticket to 50 per ticket and recommended the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for amending ordinance . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR IN THE REFERRAL FOR AMENDING ORDINANCE AS OUTLINED, CARRIED. SHANE OPPOSED. The Law and Ordinance Committee reported need for amending tax levy ordinance to breakdown: millage allocation into various funds . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR WITH RE- FERRAL Tn THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGIS- LATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Auditing and MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO APPOINT THE Accounting Com-- COUNCIL PRESIDENT TO ACT AS AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COM- mittee Member MITTEE MEMBER TO SIGN VOUCHERS IN ABSENCE OF ADEQUATE Election SIGNATORIES. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY EDWARDS, CITY OF RENTON Nos , 5315-5421 VOUCHERS NOS . 5315 - 5421 BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL FOR PAYMENT. Fund Breakdown : 5315 - Void $ Firemen 's Pension Fund 5316 984 . 00 Current Fund 5317 - 5354 3 ,743 . 00 City Street Fund 5355 - 5375 1 ,730 .65 Cedar River M. &' I. 5376 17 . 31 Equipment Rental 5377 - 5388 1 ,190 . 28 413 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/8/69 VOUCHER APPROVAL (Cont . ) Breakdown : Park Fund 5389 5402 $ 5 , 343 . 07 Waterworks Utility 5403 - 5411 27 ,357 . 58 Airport Fund 5412 - 5414 48 , 321 . 47 Firemen 's Pension 5415 - 5419 299 . 30 City Hall Const . 5420 1 ,802 . 62 Urban Arterial 5421 8 . 36 Total all Funds $ 90 ,797 . 64 L . I. D. 265 Cash Fund #1 4 ,489 . 25 L . I. D. Revenue Fund #1 4 ,489 . 25 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : .Invoice - Johnston , Statement in sum of $2 ,274 . 91 , for balance Campanella & Murakami due for services rendered on CAG 1014-66 Architectural Services City Hall Fountain , and balance due on (Revised) 9/12/69 Statement , Municipal Building was read . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE STATEMENT TO THE AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARTED. Bid Opening-Traffic City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids Contrals ,So. 2nd St . , on 12/4/69 . Three bidders responded, Signal Bronson Way So . at Electric, Inc. , Kent , Westcoast Electric Co . , Main Ave . So . Kent and Tyee Construction Co . , Kirkland . (Tabulations attached , including cost estimates . ) Power and Light Committee and Traffic Engineer Del Bennet 's report recommended low bid of Signal Electric Company, in sum of $23 ,835 . 25 ,be accepted . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THE LOW BID OF SIGNAL ELECTRIC COMPANY BE ACCEPTED AS RECOM- MENDED. CARRIED. Shane urged comparison among various cities to determine whether courtesy bidding is involved . Request for No-Fee Mrs .Barbara R . Hicklin 's letter requesting No- Permit by Childrens Fee Permit to sell candy canes in the City of Orthopedic Hospital Renton from now until the end of the month was Auxilliary read,with proceeds to aid in fight against Cystic Fibrosis and .promote summer camp program . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO GRANT THE REQUEST. THE MOTION CARRIED. Planning Commission Reporting subsequent to referral by the Council Recommendation to for recommendation , letter from Planning Director deny Change in Ericksen advised the Commission, after review of Comprehensive Land request by Christian Church-Schafer Crest Nursing Use Plan , from single Home for Comprehensive Land Use Plan Change , to multiple family had denied the request on the basis that same residential ,Edmonds would be detrimental to adjacent and surrounding Avenue SE areas . Petition with 242 signatures was attached opposing the requested change . It was noted that appeal had apparently not been filed and no further action was in order by the council . Planning Commission Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted rezone recommendations recommendation for approval of First Investment Company , Appl . R-364-66; for rezone from G to T; property located S. E ' ly . of Greenwood Cemetery and W' ly . of Union Ave . NE and SE, extended , said zoning being in agreement with the Compre- hensive Plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . STREDICKE ABSTAINED FROM ALL ACTION IN THIS MATTER , HAVING DONE LIKEWISE AS PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN HERETOFORE. -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/8/69 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: PLANNING COMMISSION Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Rezone Recommendation recommendation that property of Transamerica Transamerica TITLE Title Insurance Company, NE. corner of Benson Hwy. INSURANCE CO. , BENSON and Puget Drive South , be rezoned from R-4 to B-1 , HWY. AND PUGET DRIVE said zoning in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan , App1 . 637-69 . Upon inquiry it was noted restrictive covenants have been filed . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO GRANT THE REZONE. Stredicke abstained. Discussion en- sued concesniay.,.;proposed development and Barei urged reconsideration of previous actions . It was noted rezone cannot be effected until the Ordinance is adopted changing the Comprehensive Land Use Plan , referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee previously . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE WHOLE MATTER BE RE- FERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Board of Public Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Chairman , Board Works recommenda- of Public Works ,reported completion of review of tion re 6-Yr . Street Six-Year Street Program for 1970-1975 , which Program, 1970-1975 program is revised and filed with the State on an annual basis . it was recommended that , since public hearing must be held prior to Council approval of the program , the December 22nd council meeting be set for hearing on the matter . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Summons and Complaint Summons and Complaint filed against the Cit} vas filed against City by presented objecting to annexation election of Talbot _ Water District No . 78 "Island" ,area served by Water District 78 , re Talbot Hill annexa- attention directed to Agreement o.f._.May 1. , 1962 tion election . providing that the City would not consider petition unless 75% of said Water District would petition for annexation . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. During dis- cussion attention was called to new laws allowing cities to annex areas they completely surround and to the fact that people were being given an opportunity to say whether they want to annex or not and if they do not the question is mute . It was pointed out no restraining order is involved and the city can proceed with an election if so desired. MO'T'ION TO REFER CARRIED. Allied Arts of Letter from Norma Cugini , President , Allied Arts Renton re Cedar River of Renton , noting recent presentation on Cbdar River Design Study , by the Planning Department and commentary by Mr. Dick Stredicke, expressed much enthusiasm for the completion of the project which program was felt to be an important one to the community . Communication was ordered filed in the records office . Renton Little Theatre Letter was read from Dale Waller , President of the Renton Little Theatre expressing appreciation for support of the new Carco Theatre . Assistance of the group was offered in any way during planning and construction phases of the new building . Phone EA . 9-8134 or BA. 8-5715 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE PARK BOARD . CARRIED. -3- 4 15 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/8/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Mayor Garrett reported receipt of additional items since preparation of the Agenda and invited council action . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADD THE ITEMS. THE MOTION CARRIED. LETTERS AND PETITION Letters and petition requested present street RE STREET NAME CHANGE name of Harrington not be changed due to result- ing inconvenience , cost and confusion . It was recalled that original petition was for change New, of H to Holly which request had been denied and official designation then becoming Harrington , records and business forms being changed at no little cost and no further change warranted. Audience comment Mr . non Richards , 508 Harrington Ave . N.E. , reported circulating the petition and urged that no further action be taken , it being felt that a great percentage of those signing the original one last year no longer desired a change . Mr . Joe Sporcid noted an.entirely new change is now involved and others will want changes . Bob Hurd noted the costs to change all of his business records with thoughts of dismay at further revisions . Mrs . Dorothy Dolan , who circulated the original petition stated perhaps the matter should be held in abeyance and new petitions for and against be secured. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THE COUNCIL RECONSIDER ITS PREVIOUS ACTION OF AUTHORIZING A CHANGE IN STREET NAME FROM HARRINGTON TO HOLLY. CARRIED. '1OVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COM- MITTEE AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO STUDY AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. CLAIM OF PAUL L . Claim was filed by Mr . Paul L . Jackson , of 410 JACKSON, Water Heater Stevens N. W. for damage to water heating plant Damage filed in September of 1969 . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER_ . THE MOTION CARRIED. Letters from Police Letters from the Police Officer 's Guild, Harold Guild and Supervisory Caldwell , President , and Supervisory and Adminis- and Administrative trative Officers , J . E. Phelan , W. E. Frazee and Officers J. H. Bourasa , expressed thanks and appreciation for reconsideration of preliminary budge{- which resulted in an 8-1/2 percent wage increase for members of the Renton Police and Fire Departments . Close relationships between the Departments and Council was noted to be an asset which helps maintain high standards in law enforcement , allowing Renton to continue is position as one of the forerunners in police wages in the .State , a position deemed critical to recruitment program and in maintaining level of police efficiency enjoyed by the citizens of the community . low Petition for Park and Petition with additional signatures was submitted Recreation in Earling- urging that the council work toward establishment ton area of Renton . of a recreation program and park in the immediate Earlington area with possible opening of the Earlington Elementary School two evenings a week under Park Department supervision . It was noted previous petition was referred to the Park and Recreation Committee and Park Board and cops} of this document had been forward also , with no further action required at . this time . -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/8/69 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Request for Walkway Mr. Tony Mola , 516 South 15th Street, urged Talbot Road at 405 early attention to problem of hazards to Overpass pedestrians between 15th Avenue South and the 405 freeway overpass since widening of the road leaving no pedestrian walk area . It was urged that walkway be installed , recent incident cited as example of danger to children walking in the vicinity with their mother. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE REMARKS TO THE STREET COMMISSIONER FOR SUGGESTIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Planning Commission Appointment was presented by President Perry Appointment for Council action,. Mayor Garrett having submitted— the name of Mr. Richard Poff for appointment to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mr. John Racanello, effective upon confirmation and to expire May 31 , 1972 . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Error in verbage Councilman Perry reported there was an error on salary increase made during budget hearings in saying that an 8-1/2% raise was being given Police and 'Fire Departments as- the 1`% was for- extra hazardous duty and overtime they perform, and the 7-1/2% being cost of living for all personnel . Committee on Restructuring of Committees was studied and Committees recommendation was presented for acceptance or referral . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE LIST TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Recommendation for Perry proposed motion which died for lack of Fund Transfer , 1970 second, that the King County Contractual Services Budgetary Funds account be adjusted to 1969 amount and funds from the decrease be used for scuba gear and pool table deleted from Park 'Budget 606 Acct . ,and 'remainder for the Valley Regional Planning Commission . It was noted that such action would require an Ordinance since budgetary classifications are being crossed . Attorney Shellan noted transfers can be made in 1970 when the budget is effective . Committee of the President Perry announced a Committee of the Whole Whole Meeting meeting on Wednesday, December 10 , at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Remarks by Stredicke Councilman Stredicke remarked concerning changes on Budget Hearings in the budget after Committee' df °the Whole meetinq which were reflected in the adopted b'u'dget with hear-- ings time wasted . It was noted Council had been told Perry 's report had changes , but :council ;adopted-the budget without explanatory comments :ST1:LDICKE MOVED, SECOND BY PERRY,VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION FUNDING BE REFERRED TO WAYS s MEANS COMMIXTEE..° Mr. Shellan advise funds over what was budgeted cannot be expended but any excess revenue recaived can be allocated; transfer by ordinance-.betweeh 'funds also possi_Aer or In emergency', which this is not, funds could be transferred. Grant noted the budget was tightened and this was one area . Stredicke noted increase in travel allowance . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. -5- 417 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/8/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Power and Light Chairman Grant submitted recommendation for light Committee-Traffic installations , two 7 ,000 lumen units on South 5th Engineer Report Place; one 7 ,000 lumen light on Harrington P1 . N. E. at Sunset Lane N.E. ; two 20 ,000 lumen lights at the Renton Village entrance west of Talbot Road South; Eighteen 7 ,000 lumen units on the E. Valley Hwy . , 2900 block to So . 180th St . off-ramp; Four 20 ,000 lumen units on Lake Wn . Blvd. No. 31st Street to North 33rd Street . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. City Garage- Councilman Shane , noting deletion from budget of a condition of bond issue for a new city garage inquired of the structure Building Director as to status for occupancy , the c1 d 'garage _having been reported to be in unsafe condition , and under unsafe building ordinance, attention being required to the problem. Changing the utility rate from 2% to 5% was suggested as mode of funding , councilmanic bonds having been alternate proposal . Building Director Ruppert noted the building is in the condition as previr ously filed with the council , it being understood money was to be provided for rebuilding. MOVED BY STREDICKE TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO AMEND BY DELETING PROPERTY COMMITTEE, ,SUBSTITUTING , ALONG WITH WAYS AND MEANS , THE NEW CITY GARAGE BUILDING COMMITTEE. THE AMENDMENT--CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. The Building Director requested meeting with the new standing committee . It was noted Morris had been a member of the Committee with Schellert and Bruce . It was subsequently MOVED BY BAREI, AND SECONDED BY GRANT, TO APPOINT COUNCILMAN CLYMER AS MEMBER TO THE SPECIAL CITY GARAGE BUILDING COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Motion by Shane for utility rate change and by Barei to refer to Ways and Means received dis- cussion but no action . Shane noting Longacres assess- ment should be 50 on the dollar not on each ticket , it being noted present 40 is on each ticket . Remarks on Perry noted prior to his recommendation for budget Budget adoption adoption the council had been advised that the Committee of the Whole had not completed going through the entire budget so no recommendation was ready , the Mayor noting his comment there was no resemblance to the motion and action taken by the Committee of the Whole . Delaurenti added Everyone had an opportunity to check the list which had been circulated prior to the hearing. National League Councilman Schellert reported attendance , with the Mayor of Cities Con- on Wednesday and Thursday , December 3 , and 4 , and re- ference , Los quested authorization for expenses to be funded. MOVED Angeles BY GRANT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, -THE CITY PAY THE COSTS AS REQUESTED . CARRIED . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Report by Schellert reported the National League of Cities Con- Schellert on ference to be of much interest and that smaller cities Conference seem to be coming unto their own with review planned and anew tax formula developed to be based upon income of the community, ' Mayor -John Lindsay was Ispeaker opposing proposed measures . Need -was asserted for the smaller cities to keep up wi-th modern trends which Councilman Schellert noted adoption of the Optional Municipal Code to be a step in this direction , thanking Council for authorizing attendance . -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/8/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Council President Councilman Schellert commended Council Commended on Budget President Perry noting more work was spent on the present budget than any other budget , and that it was a good budget and he felt the President had done a good job . Funding Hazen Pool MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, Operation FUNDING FOR OPERATION OF THE HAZEN POOL BE REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE• (To look into past and present attendance, cost of admission and adjustment if city participates) Cost to October , 1969 for city was $6 ,617 . 00 and it was hoped the County would contribute . MOTION CARRIED. Clymer inquired as to disposition of balance of funds if left in the account and it was noted any balance, except for contractual public worksin progress . allocations , will 'be shown as Beginning Fund Balance in the new budget . Public Works Con- Councilman Grant reporfind a t► o3,? outlook on ference - Cleveland Rapid Transit since Cleveland attendance at a Attended by Grant Public Works Conferenc<: d anter seeing the operation , one of twcJ s--:.ruing an airport , he was favorably impressed, It was suggested the Street and Alley Committee gather as much in- formation as possible , since the issue is to be voted upon in May of next year, Council being urged to review the subject for promotion in the City of Renton . It was noted there is only one member left on the Street and Alley Com- mittee at this time . Funding of acquisi- Councilman Barei noted action taken authorizing tion of Property ad- acquisition of property adjoining the Springbrook joining Springbrook Watershed and inquired concerning funding since Watershed it was not in the 1970 budget . City Engineer Wilson reported receipt of excess revenues which would be available for this purpose , letter to follow to request °ordinance appropriating the money into the exl3ending budgetary account . Mayor 's Comment re Mayor Garrett noted..he , was a voting delegate at National League of the San Diego Conference representing the State Cities Conference Association of Cities , which he was not sure he could attend because of City Budget Hearings , but did ,however , make in a last minute frantic dash to the airport ! Following up on remarks of Councilman Schellert , he noted his own interest in observing political maneuvering, the recommenda- tions of the President of the U.S. appearing to have considerable influence the many big cities opposing proposals , the Mayor of Indianapolis being selected as Second Vice-President rather than Mayor Lindsay , putting smaller cities in a better situation . ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to be conducted, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :45 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk Avery Ga ett , Mayor -7- 419 1218169 CITY OF RENTON - BID OPENING 12/4/69 2:00 P.M. - RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG. TRAFFIC CONTROL BRONSON WAY S. AT MAIN AVE. S. & AREA BIDDER SIGNALS TRENCHING ST. LIGHTING TOTAL Signal Electric, Inc. 9904 So. 210th Place Kent, Washington 98031 (Bona) $6,446.00 $7,238.00 $10,151.25 $23,835.25 Westcoast Electric Company of Washington, Inc. 18250 68th So. Kent, Washington 98031 (Bona) $7,250.99 $6,583.40 $12,729.01 $261563.40 Tyee Construction Co. 11.805 N.E. 116th St. P. 0. Box E Kirkland, Washington 98033 (Bond) $6,782.00 $15,16o.00 $16,400.00 $38,342.00 12/5/69 COST ESTIMATES Bronson Way South/from Main Avenue South/South 2nd Street Traffic Engineering Dept . Signal Electric Co. Westcoast Electric of Washington , Inc . Tyee Construction Co 9904 S . 210th Pl . 18250 68th South 11805 N.E . 116th Kent, Wn . 98031 Kent, Wn . 98031 Kirkland , Wn . 98033 Signal 10, 100 6 , 446 .00 7 , 250.99 6,782.00 Trenching_ 5 ,600 7 , 238. 00 6, 583.40 15, 160 .00 Street Lighting 12,000 10, 151 . 25 12,729.01 16,400.00 TOTALS $27 ,700 $23 , 835 . 25 $26,563.40 $38,342. 00 cc : C. Morgan J . Dorbin cah 421. OFFICE OF THE CITY C`;.!u K 12/8/69 PERI]ITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AIM ENGINEERING DEPARTMEY,T BUILDING PERTfITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2129 35000.00 EELVIN LARSON 446 MORRIS AVE. S REMODEL (5 R00:,,5) 2130 2,500.00 FLORENCE NlL KRUP 2311 6TH PL. NE REPAIR flRE DAMAGE 2131 1.9,000.00 CARAGE CORP. 4300 TALBOT RD. S CONST. FOUNDATION 2132 20,000.00 FOODMAIM CO. 2813 SUNSET BLVD. NE INSTALL SIGNS 2133 800.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 35 S GRADY WAY INSTALL SIGN B 2134 650.00 PACIFIC COMMUNICA. 305 BJRNETT AVE. N INSTALL SIGN 2135 103000.00 ROBINSON & LYON 750 RkINIE.R AVE. S GRADE & FILL 2136 11,900.00 AERO-DYNE FLIGHT CTR 300 F.IRPORT WAY S CONST. ROOF 2137 300.00 RENTON FILIANCE CORP. 222 �iI.LLIAMS AVE. S REMODEL 2ND FLOOR 2138 500,00 OSCAR SORENSEN 537 S,,UTHER.S REPAIR HOME B 2139 VOID 2140 30,000.00 J. J. KORVA.S 1701 SE 18TH 11L. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2141 125.00 HOWARD H. WEST, JR. 1210 JEFFERSON AVE. NE CONST. PORCH & STOR. ELECTN?ICA Ea PERMITS E 2565 1,439.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 35 S MARY WAY WIRE EXEC, SUITE 2566 430.00 PARBWOOD HOMES, INC. 814 S 27TH ST. WIRE FAMILY RES. 2567 300.00 C. GEBERS 900 KIRKLAND AVE. WIRE RES. ADDITION: 2568 50.00 DOUG WONG 309 AIRPORT WAY TEMPORARY SERVICE 2569 800.00 PAUL OUELLETTE 1918 ROLLING HLS AVE. WIRE FAMILY RES. E 2570 1,580.00 FOODMAIM INC. 2813 SUNSET BLVD. NE INSTALL LIGHTING 2571 2,000.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES WIRE ADDITION 2.572 13500.00 WALLY NELSON 502 S`T 13TH ST. WIRING 2573 50.00 ROBERT J. BLISS 4230 E VALLEY ROAD TEMPORARY SERVICE 2574 650.00 FLORENCE M. KNAPP 2311 6TH PL. NE INCREASE SERVICE 2575 200.00 CITY OF RENTON 235 HILL AVE. S WIRE AIR CORD. UNIT 2576 21200.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 35 S GRADY WAY WIRING ... 2577 50.00 CAREAGE CORP. 4300 TALBOT ROAD S TEMPORARY SERVICE 2576 93.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING INST. RECEPTACLE 2579 129.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING ELECTRICAL, 747 CRIB E 2580 210.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING ELECTRICAL, FAN 2581, 101.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-63 BUILDING MODIFY POWER SOURCE 2582 220.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING JUST. PHOTO CELLS 2583 160.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING INST. BATTERY CHAR.G,. 2584 122.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING INST. DUPLEX RECEPT. E 2585 229.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-65 BUILDING INST. EXHAUST HOOD 2586 183.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING INST. XEROX 720 2587 50.00 AERO—DYNE FLIGHT CTR 300 .AIRPORT WAY S WIRE GAS FURNACE MECHA IC_t,,*,u PERMITS M 2262 W.E. MARTIN 1509 UNION AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2263 ROBERT WONID 3629 NE 6TH ST. INST. GAS BURNER 2264 CAREAGE CORP. 4300 TALBOT RD. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTUR;ES 2265 JADE LINE 309 jtIRPORT WAY S INST. GAS HEATERS 2266 JADE LINE 309 -.�,IRPORT WAY S INST. DRAINS & HTRS. M 2267 IM014 MCCONNELL 3922 NE 6TH ST. INST. FURNACE 2268 JOEY INVESTORS, INC. 675 (LARDEN AVE. N INST. PLBG. & FTXTURES 2269 BOB EDWARDS RENTON SHOPPING CTR. INST. ONE SINK 2270 BOEING COMPANY 4-73 BUILDING INST. PLBG & WATER 2271. WALLACE NELSON 502 ISM 13TH ST. INST, PLBG. & =TJRES 2272 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2273 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY INST. HOSE CABINET 2274 CITY OF RENTON 3400 SE 6TH ST. ?NST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2275 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 434 MAIN AVE. S INST. HEAT PUMPS 2276 JOHN MARSHALL 420 WILLIAM; AVE. N CONVERT BURNER M 2277 AERO DYNE FLIGHT CTR 300 AIRPORT WAY S INST. GAS FURNACE 2278 PAUL OULLETTE 1918 ROLLING HLS AVE. INST. GAS FURNACE SEWER PERMITS S 1051 PAREWOOD HOMES 814 S 27TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1052 G. GILLIES 1717 MONROE AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1053 GOSPEL CHURCH 1015 N 29TH CONNECT SEWER 1054 I. JENSEN 1112 N 29TH CONNECT SEWER 1Q55 MR. COOPER 2913 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 422 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 15 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY To prepare documents required for acquisition by City of McKean property BUILDING DEPARTMENT Seattle Times article re Factory-Produced Homes and actions to relax county building and Zoning codes therefor. - CITY CLERK Authorized to sign documents re acquisition by city of McKean property CITY ENGINEER AND*STREET COMMISSIONER *Petition for vacation of portion of So. 123rd Street Ralph Leber Company request for Sanitary Sewers in Tukwila area COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Ordinancesadopting Municipal Code form of government and setting date for election of officers LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Current Fund $9 ,400. 00 transfer for retirement fund benefits Kennldale Annexation MAYOR ' City off{Tuckila requesting support of funding flood control study and contacting of Congressman relative thereto Authorized to sign documents for acquisition of McKean property To make informal request of Post Office re use of parking lot when trucks are out on routes To write King County Council regarding study of natural resources prior to action to allow gravel pit mining in Green River Gorge area PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE List of items and areas proposed for recreation and access use in vicinity of Cascade, Tiffany and Arnold Park areas PROPERTY COMMITTEE Harold I. Mellor request to use city right-of-way property SPECIAL CITY SHOPS BUILDING COMMITTEE .Mayor' s letter requesting council action concerning plans for operation of the city shop building SANITATION COMMITTEE Ralph Leber Co. , Inc. request for Sanitary Sewers in Tukwila area STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Requests that no further changes be made in Harrington name designation Items and areas proposed for recreation and access uses in vicinity of Cascade , Tiffany and Arnold Park areas APPOINTMENTS Herbert T. Hackman , Planning Commission , term expiring June 1 , 1970 Henry E. Schellert , Council President COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES: Schellert , Delaurenti and Barei COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS: Stredicke: Auditing and ..E Accounting Committee (Chairman , Light and Power Committee and Ways and Means Committag ;Earl Clymer: Street and Alley Committee (Chairman , Fire and Water Committee and Police and License Committee; Bruce McKay , Law and Ordinance Committee (Chairman) , Property Committee and Street and Alley Committee . MEETINGS: 12;15/69 - Property Committee following this meeting 12/17/69 - Planning Committee at 4: 00 p.m. in Planning Department 12/18/69 - Special City Shops Building Committee at 7 : 00 p.m. 12/18/69 - Street and Alley Committee at 6 :30 p.m. 12/22/69 - Park and Recreation Committee at 7:00 p.m. 423 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of CityjClerk December 15 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Perry, Barei , Shane, Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Stredicke , McKay , Delaurenti , Schellert and Clymer. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney, John Pain , Asst. City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor, and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL : 12/8/69 Meeting MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CORRECT THE PREVIOUS MINUTES BY STRIKING THE WORDS, "MOTION CARRIED" , ON PAGE 3, PARAGRAPH 2 , LINE 9 , it being his recollection that subsequent motion to refer to committee was passed without concurring action of Council in the Planning Commission recommendation to rezone Transamerica property from R-4 to B-1 . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING BE APPROVED AS AMENDED . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: ORDINANCE No. 2524 Councilman Edwards submitted proposed Ordinance (L. I. D. 259) fixing the amount , form, date, interest and rate of maturity of installment note , directing the issuance and sale thereof unto the City of Renton Firemen ' s Pension Fund, pertaining to Local Improvement District No. 259 . (Honey Creek Park Sanitary Sewers) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2525 Proposed Ordinance was read amending Ordinance (1970 Tax Levies) No. 2507 , fixing the amount of tax levies necessary for the year 1970. Total assessed valuation is $190 ,091 ,843. 00 with amount of $3 ,041 , 469 to be raised by taxation and total revenue other sources $6 ,827 ,569 . 00; estimated expenditures for 1970 to be $9 ,869 ,038. 00 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . THE MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. THE MOTION WAS UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. -1- 424 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/15/69 ORDINANCES (Continued) ORDINANCE NO. 2526 Amending Comprehensive Proposed Ordinance was read amending the Land Use Plan and Maps . City ' s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Maps , said modifications , pursuant to public hearings , to designate low density Multi- Family Residential , (property located in vicinity of Greenwood Cemetery and owned by First Investment Company . ) ; and a second area to Commercial , (located at corner of Benson Hwy . and Puget Drive , owned by Transamerica Title Insurance Company . ) MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE PLAN- NING COMMITTEE WITH REPORT BACK JANUARY 12 , 1970 . Discussion ensued regarding fact that public hearings had been held and persons had left believing the council would take further action according to what had trans- pired and that both matters had been pending for more than a year. THE MOTION LOST. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER ONLY THAT PORTION REFERRING TO TRANSAMERICA PROPERTIES TO THE PLANNING COMM.TtC EF FOR REPORT JANUARY 12 ,WITH. THE REST PLACED ON FINAL READING. A dissenting verbal vote brought roll call as follows : Aye : Perry , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Schellert and Clymer. No : Maxin , Edwards , Stredicke , Mckay and Delaurenti . THE MOTION CARRIED, 7- to 5 . PENDING MOTION TO PLACE REVXSED -ORDINANCE ON SECOND..AND FINAL READING CARRIED. AFTER THE FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS " READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 11 AYES,. STREDICKE ABSTAINING. ORDINANCE NO. 2527 Proposed Ordinance was read changing the Rezone of First In- zoning classification of property within vestment Co. property the City from General Classification District from G to T (G) to Trailer Parks (T) . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READ- ING. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: Aye : Perry , Barei , Grant , Bruce , Maxin, Edwards , McKay , Delaurenti , Schellert and Clymer. No: Shane Abstain : Stredicke THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2528 Proposed Ordinance was read amending Sections Amending Admission Tax 5-202 and 5-2-3 of Title V, (Business Regula- on Horse Racing tions) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled, "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , relating to admission tax on horse racing. (Increase from $ . 04 to $ . 05 per admission) ... MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. SHANE OPPOSED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN AS FOLLOWS: Aye : Perry , Barei , Bruce , Maxin, Edwards , McKay , Delaurenti , Schellert and Clymer. No : Stredicke and Shane Grant abstained. T9E MOTION CARRIED. -2- 4 t2d MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/15169 VOUCHER APPROVAL No. 5422 - 5594 MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, VOUCHERS NOS. 5422 through 5594 BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 5422 5494 $ 14 ,522 . 73 City Street Fund 5484 - 5511 4 ,249 . 55 Cedar River M&I 5512 - 5515 57. 48 Equipment Rental 5516 - 5531 1 ,102 . 47 Library Fund 5532 - 5535 478. 91 Park Fund 5536 - 5559 5 ,448. 18 �+ Waterworks Uti1 . 5560 - 5584 9 ,805 . 57 1965 Water-Sewer 5585 3 ,796 . 07 Airport Fund 5586 - 5591 296 . 51 City Hall Const. 5592 2 ,274. 91 Control Device 5593 1 , 701 . 00 Urban Arterial 5594 25 . 08 $ '43,758 :46 RECESS Mayor Garrett noted request of reporter Fleming for picture of the new Council and it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. AFTER THE RECESS, ROLL CALL RESULTED IN QUORUM, ALL COUNCILMEN RETURNINGSUBSEQUENTLY. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Requests that no Letter from Mrs . Irene Tyler, Hi-Lands further changes be Coiffures , outlined hardship of costs in made in Harrington effecting "H" Street change to Harrington , Street name designa- N.E. and requested the present address tion, request for not be further changed. change to Holly having been filed. U.S. Post Office , Mr. Anthony E. Gerber, Office in Charge , noted havoc created for 'um the post office by mass changes in street names and addresses , prior .re-numbering program still presenting problems , with a double set of addresses still being main- tained. It was requested that Harrington not be changed again to designation of Holly at this time and that no more re- visions be made„ it being their desire for a fighting chance to maintain their equilibrium. Mayor Garrett reported receipt of four-page petition to be added to previous names of residents requesting no further revision ' to Harrington Avenue N. E. (86 names) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THESE COMMUNICATIONS TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. PETITION FOR STREET Petition was read filing for vacation of VACATION-Portion of that portion of South 123rd Street lying S. 123rd Street between the South line of 122nd and the northerly margin of Woody Glen Addition . ,�.., Signatories were E. H_. Wilson and Roger K. Halsen. The Clerk reported required fee of $100. 00 had been filed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO CHECK SIGNATURES FOR VALIDITY OF OWNERSHIP. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO AMEND TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE STREET COMMISSIONER. THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. -3- �. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12115/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: BID OPENING AND AWARD Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported 1970 Legal Publications opening of bids on 12/10/69 for 1970 Legal publications with three bidders responding as per attached tabulations . It was noted that one bidder was typesetter only and did not qualify as a Legal Publication , and having no circulation. Report of -uhe Auditing and Accounting Committee and City Clerk recommended low bid of the Record Chronicle be accepted in amount of. $3., 50 per .100 word folio , subsequent insertions $2 . 50 with 8-point type to be used; Volt Technical Corp. and Seattle Times bidding. MOVED BY STRED.ICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke recom•-- mended City of Renton Legal Publication be captioned at top of all legals and also the general location or reference as to content . FUND TRANSFER TO COVER Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need RETIREMENT BENEFITS for transfer within the Current Fund to cover requirements of Statewide City Employees Re- tirement System special benefit fund, cost factor omission found in actuarial survey ,of the State , charges at rate of one-half of one percent of participating payroll here•- tofore commenced in Marc12 ,1969 . Also,prior service liability for retired police officer Jack Brattus of $278. 22 per month , to be picked up since July . Transfer of $9 ,400 . 00 from Non-Departmental 1141 , Acct 311 unto Account 201 was requested,with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Ordinance to effect said transfer. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE AS REQUESTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. MAYORS REQUEST FOR Letter from Mayor Garrett noted urgent need ACTION CONCERNING for Council to reveal plan for operation of CITY SHOP BUILDING the City Shop Building, reports attached of Building, Engineering, Public Health Depart- ments and consulting structural engineer, all noting unsafe conditions. Further inspection by State Dept . of Labor and Industries , Safety Division , was noted, conclusions also submitted therefrom. Rapid action was urged since no provision for funding was included in the 1970 budget , Councilmanic Bonds in amount of $350 ,000. 00 had been proposed which is within bonding capacity, interest_ of at least 8% now 'anticipated on the open bond market . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE SPECIAL CITY SHOP BUILDING COMMITTEE. (Schellert, Clymer and Bruce are the Members) Shane submitted report of Consultants , Arnold Green and , Associates ,which was read,outlinir.g the structural deficiencies ,concluding that the building is unstable . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. -4- 7^ MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/15/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Treasurer 's designation Letter from Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, of money depositories reported designation of Renton Branches of banks as depositories for City monies , all of which qualify under the new Public Deposit Act , Ch. 193 , Laws of 1969 , Ex. , State of Wash.in�rton . Council concurrence, as customary at beginning of a new term of office, was re- quested. Peoples National Bank of Washington; Seattle First National Bank; National Bank of Commerce; Seattle Trust and Savings Bank and Bank of the West . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Contract Completion Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Monroe Avenue Pump submitted final estimate of. $3, 796 . 07 , due Station ,CAG 1461-69 Venture Construction Co. , and recommended Venture Const. Co. that council accept project this date with commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $3,938. 50 thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon receipt of proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett reported receipt of additional items received late and Council action was invited. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADD THE ITEMS TO THE AGENDA . THE MOTION CARRIED. i P.ea_uest for Permit Letter from Mr. Harold I, Mellor requested to Use Citta Property permit to use portion of Lake Street at South 3rd Street and Rainier Avenue ,for gas pumps and parking purposes . He owns property adjoining this on the north . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY. MCKAY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. City of Tukwila Letter from Mr. Dwight R. Gardner, Chairman urging support of Flood Control Committee , noted being advised flood control study Flood Control Program of lower Duwamish River on lower Duwamish by U. S. Corps of Engineers had been discon- tinued due to lack of funding. The study was deemed vital and it was urged that Congress- men be contacted and support of funding for continuation of the study be requested. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE TO CONTACT CONGRESSMAN ADAMS. CARRIED. Request for Sanitary Letter from the Ralph Leber Company , Inc. , Sewer participation noting City of Tukwila intent to install a by City of Renton sewer line along the West Valley Highway, called attention to Tukwila ' s request for Renton participation , referred (11/17/69) to Sanitation Committee with no report of action to date ,and offered to assist in any way with the matter, sewers being needed for their Tukwila plant. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO INCLUDE THE CITY ENGINEER IN REFERRAL. AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY ORIGINAL MOTION. -5- F^ MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12115/69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont. ) Kennydale Annexation King County Ordinance approving annexation King County Ordinance of Kennydale territory to Renton was filed No. 00270 with the City and results of special election of 11/18169 were--.reported as, canvassed and approved. Councilman Perry stated in view of the favorable vote at the special election and peculiar circumstances surrounding this particular property , he would MOVE THAT THE CITY OF RENTON ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING SAID PROPERTY, SUCH ANNEXATION BEING DEEMED WISE AND EXPEDIENT UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES EVEN THOUGH VOTERS DID NOT APPROVE ASSUMPTION OF PRO-RATA SHARES OF THE CITY 'S PRE-EXISTING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT 747 Accident on Mr. Sven Johnson ,, 1520 Index Avenue N. E , Renton Airfield called attention to the 747 airplane which landed short of the runway on Renton Field which was ruled pilot error, noting he would commend the pilot for the landing at that end of the runway rather than in area of the Jolly Boy Restaurant and traffic at the other end, level flight condition being maintained in a professional manner,at any time during which -he may well have lost control , vacating Of Airport Way being noted as protection to- pedestrians . Mayor Garrett noted concurrence "in complimentary remarks . APPOINTMENT. Council President Perry submitted Mayor 's letter appointing Mr. Herbert T. Hackman to fill unexpired term on the .Planning Com- mission of Mr. Richard Stredicke who resigned i upon becoming a Councilman . Committee of the Whole report recommended concurrence , and the appointment to expire June 1 , 1970 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Hackman , who was in the audience at this time and was introduced. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Whole Recommendations were read for temporary Recommendations from assignments of newly elected Councilmen December 10 , 1969 to Council standing committees as follows : meeting. Richard Stredicke : Auditing and Accounting (Chairman) , Light and Power Committee and Ways and Means Committee . Earl Clymer: Street and Alley Committee (Chairman) , Fire and Water Committee and Police and License .... Committee . Bruce McKay : Law and Ordinance Committee (Chairman) , Property Committee and Street and Alley Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . Discussion ensued regarding designation of temporary status . and Committee restructuring plans as had been discussed in 'committee' meeting. THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke opposed. -6- 429 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNC1 , MEET.rNG 12/15/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont. ) Prognosed Door Control Councilman grant reported approval of pro- Ordinance posed Dog Control Ordinance and urged the Councilmen each to look it over and give consideration to adoption . Pr Perty Committee Chairman Barei submitted Property Committee Report-Acquisition of Report recommending that the City 's Utility McKean property ad- Department purchase approximately ten acres joining Springbrook , of property adjoining the Sp.ringbrook Water Watershed area Shed, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Fergus McKean . bow Price to be $52,500. 00 with $10 ,500 down payment and four additional equal annual payments at 6% interest on Real Estate Contract. Closing date shall be January 15 , 1970 and first payment due January 15, 1971 . Further recommended down-payment be funded from 1820-608, Reserves , 1969 Budget , with the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney authorized to prepare and sign necessary documents to complete the transaction . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Proposed Ordinances to Councilman Perry presented proposed Ordinances Adopt Municipal Code to Adopt Municipal Code Form of Government and Form of Government .and to set date for election of new officers , and setting date for the requested reading. Remarks requesting to read election of officers . same and suggesting referral were made and it was MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Procedural questions followed, City low Attorney Shellan noting 90 days allowed for referendum after passage of the Resolution of intent,- of August 22nd; have 'expi.ted and an Ordinance would now be required, no referendum having been filed, adopting the Municipal Code and restructuring form of government, and im- plementation and election to be effected not less than 90 nor more than 180 days thereafter. THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. It was requested that copies of the proposed ordinances be mailed to the Councilmen . Election of new MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO TAKE UP Council President MATTER OF ELECTING A COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND VICE- PRESIDENT FOR 1970. CARRIED. Nominations were declared open . Grant`noMinated Schellert . It was MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE NOMI- NATIONS BE CLOSED. CARRIED. UNAN.IMIOUS BALLOT WAS CAST FOR SCHELLERT. Schellert nominated Grant for President Pro Tem. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED. CARRIED. SO DECLARED AND UNANIMOUS BALLOT WAS DECLARED FOR GRANT. Grant complimented Schellert and the fact there was no heated election express- ing hope to eliminate '.faetions , and that all 12 could work together for the City. Schellert thanked the council for its vote of confidence welcomed new councilmen to the "fold" , indicating the best job possible will be done, with close ties to be maintained with the Mayor 's office. -7- MINUTES - REN'TON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/15/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Special City Shop Chairman Schellert announced a meeting of Building Committee the Special Shop Committee on Thursday , Meeting December 18 , at 7 : 00 p.m. Recommendations for Councilman Stredicke , noting League of Utilizing areas for Women Voters meeting and discussion of Recreation recreation facilities and availability of areas for such possible use , recom- mended pipeline and power line areas be used; possible public use of King County gravel pit area ; use of Seattle Pipeline right of way access in Cascade and Tiffany areas . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE ITEMS BE REFERRED TO THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE. Barei noting pet peeve of having to go around by Benson or travel sub-standard road to reach the areas ,:felt that the City might improve connecting right of way even though not owned to extent of surfacing for good access from Cascade and Phillip Arnold areas . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, .THE' MATTER OF WATER LINE RIGHT OF WAY ACCESS TO THE TIFFANY AREA BE REFERRED TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COM- MITTEE, CARRIED. Factory Produced Stredicke called attention to article in the Homes near Renton Seattle Times announcing factory-produced homes may be built on a site near Renton in participat. on in Operation Breakthrough which involves relaxing of building and zoning regu - lations to permit such construction which the County Council has done . It was noted council should be aware of the action and details of proposed program in view of recent alarm in regard to the Royal Hills project . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MATTER BE RE- FERRED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO CHECK INTO THE MATTER. _ CARRIED. Planning Committee Chairman Maxin announced a Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday meeting on December 17 , at 4: 00 p.m. in the Planning Department and the Planning Director was invited to be present . Park and Recreation Chairman Bruce announced a meeting of the Park Committee Monday and recreation on December 22 at 7 :00 p.m. Proposed appointment MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHANE, THAT THE to Committee on COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES BE COMPRISED OF Committees COUNCILMEN SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI AND BAREI. Perry , noting the matter to be under dis- cussion at present in committee , MOVED THE MOTION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION , SECONDED BY EDWARDS, WAS VOTED UPON AND LOST. MOTION TO APPOINT CARRIED. ` Proposed acquisition Shane suggested the Mayor investigate Cemetery of land on Cemetery Road site for possible location of a new City Road for City Garage Garage . Post Office Parking MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE MAYOR Lot MAKE INFORMAL REQUEST OF THE POST OFFICE FOR POSSIBLE OPERATION OF PARKING LOT, BESIDE THE MAIN BUILDING IN RENTON , FOR BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC WHEN TRUCKS ARE NOT PARKED THERE. CARRIED. -8- 431 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/15/69 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Utilizing Truck Councilman Shane urged review by Traffic and .Loading Zones for Street Departments of downtown parking zones parking to see if additional areas might be available not being used as posted, inquiring also in regard to old Peoples Bank site parking. Property Committee Chairman Bare announced a meeting immediately Meeting following this council meeting in his office . Mayor Wes Ulhman Mayor Garrett reported meeting of King County to serve on Mayors last Tuesday in Bellevue where Mayor Wes Puget Sound Air Uhlman was named to replace former Mayor Miller Pollution Control on the King County Air Pollution Control Agency . Agency King County Election Director Logan having questioned whetfer the Mayor was not already a member having become so automatically when he assumed position of Mayor. Street and Alley Chairman Clymer announced a meeting of the Committee Meeting Street and Alley Committee December 18, at 6 : 30 p.m. , the City Engineer and Street Com- missioner invited to be present . AUDIENCE COMMENT : Gravel Pit Mine Mr. N. B. Adams , 1800 Beacon Way S. E. , called Operation vs . attention to gravel pit mine operation matter Conservation of concerning Green River Gorge area upon which the Green River Gorge King County Council is about to take action . Area an ' "alley Noting membership on committee to hear both sides of the issue , he felt it his obligation as a citizen to present the subject to the City mom of Renton urging vis a vis presentation to the County Council by Resolution or contact of its representatives , for a delay until such time as detailed study of resources might be conducted, future plans for financing to be required yet unresolved, present road system not adequate for industry , an agency making recommendations to preserve wild life and fishing, most drastically being recognized being lack of funds . He felt Renton would say no and to stop and take a hard look , thereby putting backbone into what the meaning of government is to the Green River Valley . Attention was called to U. S. Geological Survey of 1879 and nothing further since and with issues of air and water pollution , need was deemed to be here and now to save rivers and valley and finance for future recreation . He urged cities get together and say there must be a detailed study of resources and play a roll in influencing those on county level blregional and cooperative city government action , MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE MAYOR WRITE A LETTER TO THE KING COUNTY COUNCILI BEFORE ANY FORMAL ACTION IS TAKEN BY THAT BODY IN REGARD TO CONSERVATION,. IN ALLOWING GRAVEL PIT MINING OPERATION , COPY TO BE FORWARDED TO THE AUBURN CITY COUNCIL. AMENDED BY GRANT TO ALSO SEND A COPY TO THE VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION WITH THE SUGGESTION THAT THIS TOPIC BE ONE TO BE STUDIED ON A REGIONAL BASIS. CARRIED.. Shane noted economics involved and Delaurenti pointed out that County Councilman Forsythe is in the building on Tuesday and could be contacted at that time on the matter. THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 10 :12 p.m. There were 22 visitors this evening. Averu Gat _ Main uo 7 m, o w ATo 7 a r; �• r�_ 432 CITY OF RENTON BID OPENING 1970 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS BID OPENING - 12/10/1969 8-Point Point • BIDDER AND ADDRESS Type Type ist Insertion !Add ' l . 1st Insertion Add11 . VOLT TECHNICAL CORP . $ 1 . 75/100W No Chg . 839 - 106th Ave . S. E . TYPESETTING ONLY Bellevue Wn. 98004 THE RECORD CHRONICLE $3 . 50/100W $2 . 50/100W $3 . 50/100W $ 2 . S0/100W P. 0. Box 30 Renton, Wn. 98055 (Circulation 24 , 500) THE SEATTLE TIMES $3 . 98/100W $3 . 38/100W Fairview Ave . N. and John Street Seattle , Wn. 98111 (Circulation 8 , 5S3 Renton ARea) - Prices quoted per folio of 100 words i 433 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 12/15/69 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING .AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 21142 $21,000.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2435 MONTEREY AVE. NE CONST. FAMILY RES. 2 :143 21,000.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 214141 MONTEREY AVE. NE CONST. FAMILY RES. 211414 300.00 SCHUCK1S AUTO SUPPLY 934-36 HARRINGTON AVE. NE INSTALL ROOF SIGN 21145 500.00 SPOT TAVERN 4224 EAST VALLEY RD. INSTALL ROOF SIGN 2146 380.00 F. HOLT 505 BURNETT AVE. S CONST. TRAILER CVR. 'B 2147 250.00 FOSTER & KLEISER 538 RAINIER AVE. S ERECT ADV, SIGN 22148 1,000.00 BUD JONES 2129 BLAINE CIRCLE SE CONST. CARPORT ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2588 800.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-73 BUILDING HOOK UP WATER PUMP 2589 38,000.00 PACIFIC CAR & FDRY. 11400 N 14TH ST. RELIGHT MACH. SHOP 2590 250.00 RENTON CONCRETE S 6TH & SHATTUCK S HEAT & FIXTURES 2591 250.00 RICHARD CAFFELL 1616 NEWPORT AVE. NE WIRING 2592 50.00 PHIL PLANO S 7TH ST. & EDWARDS TEMPORARY SERVICE E 2593 250.00 MRS. BEANBLOSSOM 315 WELLS AVE. N REWIRE UPSTAIRS RES. 2594 50.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 2539 BURNETT CT. S TEMPORARY SERVICE 2595 50.00 PACIFIC N.W. BELL EDMONDS NE & BRONSON NE TEMPORARY SERVICE 2596 50.00 A.L. WOLFF & ASSOC. 915 S 29TH ST. TEMPORARY SERVICE 2597 50.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 8114 S 27TH ST. TEMPORARY SERVICE E 2598 50.00 G.F. POMEROY 1929 JONES CT. SE TEMPORARY SERVICE 2599 50.00 ABSHER CONST. CO. 2901 KENNEWICK PL. NE TEMPORARY SERVICE 2600 50.00 JOE BOEHME 2607 MEADOW AVE. N TEMPORARY SERVICE 2601 50.00 JOEY INVESTORS 675 GARDEN AVE. N TEMPORARY SERVICE 2602 50.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 241.8 MONTEREY AVE. NE TEMPORARY SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2279 JON SORENSEN 770 QUEEN AVE. N INST. GAS HEATER qj 2280 CHARLES SCOBY 1438 WILLIAMS AVE. S INST, GAS HEATER 2281 PARKWOOD HOMES ?95 S 27TH ST. INST. FURN., WTR. TNK. 2282 PARKWOOD HOMES 823 S 27TH ST. INST. FURN., WTR. TNK. 2283 PARKWOOD HOMES 807 S 27TH ST. INST. FURN., WTR. TNK. M 2284 PARKWOOD HOMES 783 S 27TH ST. INST. FURN., WTR. TNK. 2285 PARKVOOD HOMES 765 S 27TH ST. INST, FURN., WTR, TNK. 2286 WYNN KAMPE 21435 MONTEREY AVE. NE ]NST. SEPTIC TANK 2287 WYNN KAMPE 21441 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST, SEPTIC TANK 2288 JOHN JANDERS 3401 NE 7TH ST. INST. SEPTIC TANK M 2289 EDMUND SHAW 2634 NE 7TH PL. INST, GAS FURNACE 2290 MARTINEZ 2636 NE. 6TH PL. INST. GAS FURNACE 2291 GUNTER HERRMANN 535 WHITWORTH AVE. S INST. GAS HEATER 2292 MICHAEL BACHMEIR. 650 FERNDALE CT. NE INST. GAS FJRNACE 2293 ELMER MORASCH 1701 CAMAS AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXT. M 2294 FORTE RENTALS 115 PARK AVE. N PLACE PROPANE TANK SEWER PERMITS S 1056 HAZEL KAMB 910 N 28TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1057 JON K. BERGMAN 911 N 31ST ST. CONNECT SEWER b d RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 22 , 1969 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY and*INSURANCE CARRIER Agreement document for Issaquah School District to utilize city sanitary sewer facilities Claim - Jack M. Hawkins - water damage from storm drain overflow King Co . Dept . of Public Works request for subrogation of easement for right of way for flood control dam and storm sewer over Black River Chann E1da Fawcett Claim for $107 . 58 for unusable side sewer COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Ordinances relating to Optional Municipal Code form of government . BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Vacation of portion of South 123rd Street FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Kennydale Island area Fire Protection Service LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Revised Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program for 1970-75 Proposed Ordinance for Industrial Waste Collection P;?°.olution to set date of hearing for vacation of S. 123rd Street Resolution to set hearing date on vacation of Harrington Place to be exchanged for portion of 12th Place MAYOR Collection and billing procedures on industrial waste contract Proposed vacation of portion of S. 123rd Street LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE Undergro?ind lighting bid. award approval -- Puget Drive , Talbot to Edmonds PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE, *PARK DIRECTOR AND PARK BOARD_ *Petition for Recreation program and park in Earlington area Park Board letter regarding Hazen Pool operation PLANNING COMMISSION Factory Built dwellings "Operation Breakthrough" as concerns relaxing of building and zoning codes POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Request of Mrs . LaManna for children to sell Christmas Cards Rainbow Enterprises , Inc. application for Master Music Machine License SANITATION COMMITTEE Elda Fawcett Claim for $107 . 58 for shallow side sewer STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Revisions to Six-year Comprehensive Street Program for 1970 - 1971 Adult Guards for school crossings Proposed vacation of portion of S. 123rd WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding for adult guards at school crossings APPOINTMENTS Jack L. Colombi - Captain , Renton Fire Department , effective 1/1/70 .r John Buff and James Bourasa , Lieutenants , Police Dep ' t . ,effective 12/16/69 Mrs . Hazel O 'Harra - Municipal Arts Commission , 3 yr . term, eff. , 12/1/69 MEETINGS AND EVENTS: Police and License Committee meeting following this council meeting 12/23/69 - Light and Power Committee at 8 : 00 p.m. with Traffic Engineer 12/23/69 - Park and Recreation Committee at 7:00 p.m. 6th Fl . Conf. room 1/5/70 - Committee of the Whole at 7:00 p.m. �N ''�"�"' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Office of City Clerk REGULAR MEETING December 22 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Perry , Barei , Grant , Bruce , Edwards , Stredicke , McKay, Delaurenti , Schellert , and Clymer. Absent : Maxin and Shane. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBERS. CARRIED. )FFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : Avery Garrett , Mayor , Jelson , City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett , CHelmie W. ity Treasurer, G . M. Shellan , City .....Ittorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Gofdon Ericksen , Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Joe Mathews , Administra- tive Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE' APPROVAL Corrective addendum was noted amending Page 2 , Paragraph 12/15/69 Meeting 2 , Line ' 14 , to read "referring to Transamerica properties to the Planning Committee" , - - rather than Planning Com- mission . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE THE 14INUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS AMENDED. CARRIED. HONORED GUESTS Mayor Garrett introduced the Honorable Gary Grant ,and the Honorable Bud Shinpoch , State Representatives from the 47th Legislative District , visiting Renton this evening. Welcome applause was rendered in greeting. PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed revisions to the Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program for the City of Renton . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . Letter from City Engineer Wilson noted requirement of law for filing of a Comprehensive Street Program with the Director of Highways with revisions required to update the program each year, the City having option to amend the plan at any time upon holding a public hearing. The main purpose as far as the State is concerned is to have information regarding city programs for coordination between agencies , especially where state funds are in- volved. Arterial Street Funds , Urban Arterial Funds and Street Forward Thrust Funds are involved and if arterial im- provements are not listed funds are not granted. This is not a priority program and availability of funds plays an important part in formulation . State construction Projects are included as related to city projects . The routine maintenance program of the City Street Department is not included nor are streets that could be constructed by developers . The City program was prepared with the cooperation of the Board of Public Works and the Engineer- ing Department and questions will be answered by members of either. Audience comment was invited. Upon inquiry by Stredicke, Streets to be included in� Kennydale Island area and gen- eral vicinity were outlinedton amara by City Engineer Wilson . Those considered arterials included: Aberdeen i 112th) Ed- monds , (116tn)NE 30th , (97th) ,Burnett (100th) , Park not in at this time; amendments can be made next year as deemed desirable . Stredicke inquired regarding South Renton _ Morris , Whitworth , Shattuck Street and 2nd to 7th and their proposed extensions . Extensions were not in pre- sent plan ,Shattuck .to be the only one with a grant . -1- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1,2„/22/69 PUBLIC HEARING Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program (Cont . ) Inquiry was made as to status of Grant , Eagle Ridge Dr. and Ethier Road which it was noted were not arterials . Grant possibly to be extended between S.E . 18th North of 12th Avenue South and South of South 9th . St-redicke inquired regarding proposed extension of 4th to Rainier, the City Engineer noting unexpected developments could require revisions , citing apartment construction this year which required changes , but same not included at this time . Delaurenti inquired regarding revisions in Talbot area , Grant tie into Renton Avenue and Springbrook extension to new hospital . Traffic Engineer Del Bennet noted it was desired to limit traffic_ .tri bzewent problems-l"n .t'h:e Grant to Renton Hill' *p'roject tie in , with- 40 ft. right of ways it being best not to encourage Cascade and Rolling Hills to use Grant . An apartment stopping at Mill and some additional problems existing, re Talbot tie in . Springbrook to hospital included in 70-72 construction plans , blind spot in Talbot Hill area noted. Stredicke inquired why construction of Sunset to 4th north was not completed. It was noted that the North Renton Interchange had decreased volume of traffic and Boeing employment reduction as well ,._there also being problems with the ra17road. Barei inquired why grade crossing was not impelemented in this area and the City Engineer noted this was an expensive project benefits not warranting the cost . Stredicke questioned granting of franchise for long term, the Mayor noting dur.in4 his membership on the Street and Alley Committee it was not felt to be a good improvement with regard to arrangement . Grant inquired if Union N.E. included sidewalks and City Engineer Wilson noted all arterial programs require minimum standards and sidewalks will be included , also to include SW Langston Road ,omitted from listing by oversite , Grant and McKay inquiring regarding same . Grant inquired if Urban Arterial projects are to be done at no cost to -neighboring properties and City Engineer Wilson advised the City has the option to finance from the Current Fund, Forward Thrust or to assess abutting owners . Grant inquired if work was not to be done on Sunset until until 1971 . Mr . Wilson advised from North ,Renton Inter- change and out is in the plan with the State doing the work and the City to have lighting improvements . Stredicke inquired if N.E. 10th from Sunset to Union runs through the park Mr. Wilson noting it goes south of the church between the barn and house . The City has no right of way and if plat is developed the city must have an \_4 rterial to require dedication . City Engineer Wilson again noted revisions are made on an annual basis and circumstances and events may require re- visions unanticipated at present and any desi.rable ,-other- ..r. wise.jmay be recommended at the next revision . After close of comments , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. THE HEARING WAS CLOSED AND FURTHER COUNCIL ACTION WAS INVITED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE REVISIONS AS RECOMMENDED WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND- BY-SCHELLERT TO REFE1. 1970-71 PLAN REVISIONS AND PROJECTED IMPROVEMENTS, TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. e �L #a; MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/22/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman McKay presented legislative documents for council action, recommended by the Law and Ordinance Committee , ORDINANCE NO. 2529 Ordinance was read fixing the amount , form, date , L. I. D. 261 Install- interest and rate of maturity of installment note , ment Note to Firemen ' s directing the issuance and sale thereof unto the Pension Fund City of Renton Firemen 's Pension Fund, pertaining to Local Improvement District No. 261 . (Sanitary Sewers , S. E. 93rd and Lake Wn . Blvd. ) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2530 Proposed Ordinance was read relating to licensing Relating to Dog and control of dogs and other animals , providing for Licensing annual fees , collection , disposition and redemption of such animals , appointing the king county humane society as city ' s poundmaster; declaring certain acts to be unlawful and nuisances and repealing any and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herek•ith . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . Upon inquiry, provisions of the document were outlined by the City Attorney and after ' discussion ' the MOTION. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY BAREI, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYE: BAREI, GRANT, EDWARDS, MCKA Y, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. NO: PERRY, BRUCE, 5TREDICKE AND CLYMER. THE MOTION CARRIED, 6 to 4 . ORDINANCE NO.. 2531 Ordinance was read annexing certain territory to 6m Annexing Kennydale Renton as described in legal attachment and more territory to Renton generally known as the "Kennydale Island area" . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES AND THE MOTION CARRIED. During discussion ,inquiry regarding existing fire district and city assumption of service thereto was made and it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY THIS MATTER BE PLACED IN THE HANDS OF THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2532 Amending Budget Ordinance was read amending the City ' s annual Ordinance Budget Ordinance No. 2523, providing in summary form , the totals of estimated revenues and appro- priation for each separate fund. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. THE MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO ADOPTAS READ. 9 Aye- votes were cast , Streddcke opposing . CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2533 Ozdl.nance was read changing the zoning classifica- Rezone - Glacier tion of certain properties within the City of Ren- Park Properties ton fzom G (General Classification District) to M-P (Manufactuzing Park District) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARBIEI•. AFTER FINAL READING IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED. -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETINGCORRECTED-REFER TO 12/22/69 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) ."-NLTES OF Proposed Ordinances ChairmanB� K submitted proposed ordinances Adopting Municipal Code relating to Optional Municipal Code fofm of Form of Government and government , and election of officials therefor . setting date for elec- tion of officers MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED, RESOLUTION 1656 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Current ' Fund, Non- $9 ,400 . 00 from Current Fund, Non-Departmental mo" Departmental Account Department 1141 , Account 311 , Casualty and for Pension and Re- Liability Insurance , unto Account 201 , Pension tirement benefits and Retirement . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. LAW AND ORDINANCE 'COM- Councilman Edwards reported recommendation that MITTEE _ Garbage Col- the city garbage collection ordinance be amended lection Contracts for to include a separate classification and defini-- Industrial Waste tion of "Industrial Waste" applicable to certain manufacturing concerns at rates to be adopted by a special schedule, and that the City handle all billings of such accounts based on the specified rates and pay same to the city ' s franchised contractor, less 10% to be retained by the City , on the same basis as all other billings that are now handled b the C ' 9' e i t y y - MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE, Discussion ensued concerning timing of city assumption of billing and rates pending new contract and ordinance . MOVED BY BAREI, THE COLLECTION AND BILLING TAKE PLACE AS IN THE PAST .._ WITH REFERRAL TO THE MAYOR FOR CONSIDERATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION AS TO WHAT WOULD BE BEST. OTHERWISE, PENDING NEW LEGISLATION. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Auditing .and Accounting Comihittee approval of Nos . 5595 - 5756 City of Renton Vouchers .5595 through 5756 was reported and it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, AND SECONDED BY EDWARDS, VOUCHERS BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Fund breakdown Current Fund 5595 - 5650 $ 13 ,743. 12 City Street 5651 - 5664 14 , 797. 12 Cedar River M&I 5665 436 . 50 Equipment Rental 5666 - 5676 500 . 26 Library Fund 5677 - 5700 5 ,239 . 14 Park Fund 5701 - 5717 28, 541 . 68 Waterworks Util- 5718 - 5735 70 , 789 . 36 (Fwd. Thrust) Lk . Wn . Beach 5736 8 ,894. 15 of It Park Fund 5737 373 ,605 . 85 Airport Fund 5738 - 5744 579 . 08 Firemen ' s Pension5745 - 5754 4 ,458. 23 Urban Arterial 5755 - 5756 9 , 765 . 44 Total $531 , 349 . 93 L. I.D. 261 Cash Fund No. 11 4, 313. 75 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Report of Bid Opening City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on Underground Street 12/18/69 for lighting system at Puget Drive , Lighting from Talbot Road South to Edmonds Avenue S. E. , ten bidders responding. (See tabulations attached. ) Discussion ensued regarding timing there being no council meeting until January 5 , and Traffic Engineer having recommended low bid be adepted. (cont. next page) -4- 439 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/22/69 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Report of bid opening - (Cont . ) Underground Lighting MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE BID MATTER TO THE LIGHT AND POWER COM- MITTEE. After discussion regarding the fact that this was a very competitive bid and the low one desirable , timing of essence , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE,TO SUBSTITUTE THE MOTION THAT AWARD TO APPARENT LOW BIDDER BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Request for Reso- Park Director Coulon noted requirement for lution authorizing Resolution authorizing application for State application for fund and Federal funds for acquisition of property on assistance Lake Washington , the Park Board directing request be made of the Council therefor . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Town of Milton Letter from Mrs . Alma G. Kemper , Mayor, Town of Resolution for legis- Milton submitted Resolution No . 503 of said town lative action of the petitioning the Governor and Legislature to State re narcotics sponsor and to enact certain narcotics legislation . Voice of the City of Renton was urged in recogni- tion of the problem. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ENDORSE THE PETITION OF THE TOWN OF MILTON AND LETTER BE FORWARDED TO THE GOVERNOR ADVISING OF THE ACTION WITH A COPY TO THE TOWN OF MILTON. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE SUBJECT MATTER TO THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Mayor Garrett noted the State Municipal Committee is studying this and will be making recommenda- tions to the State . Barei noted local effects of the issue and urged the endorsement ,Schellert noting approval of principle, felt local committee should study and submit our own legislation . MOTION TO REFER WAS VOTED ON AND LOST. ORIGINAL MOTION TO ENDORSE CARRIED. L. I. D. 258 Letter from Mrs . E1da Fawcett , 3309 Burnett Ave . Claim for side N. , filed claim for $107 . 58 for side sewer to sewer installation serve lot #18 which sewer was not deep enough_ to serve the basement for house at 9842 S.E. 93rd St . requiring that the connection be moved down the hill to another stub which was to serve adjoining lot , which she also owns , the first sewer deemed of no value alleged to be city error. y.. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY'S INSURANCE CARRIER. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADD REFERRAL TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE. AMENDMENT AND SUBSEQUENTLY ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. -5- 440 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/22%69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Application for Master Letter from Davis Wright , Todd , Riese & Jones , Music Machine License Attorneys for Rainbow Enterprises , Inc., requested license to operate music machines in the City of Renton . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT, THE MOTION CARRIED, Issaquah School Letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson recommended Dist . request for granting of the request , the school district to Sanitary Sewer assume all cost , and that agreement be authorized Facilities to serve as per conditions established in meetings with the new school district . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION WITH REFERRAL TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR PREPARATION OF THE AGREEMENT DOCUMENT. CARRIED. Stredicke opposed. Claim for damage Claim was filed by Jack M. Hawkins for $.310 . 00 from water overflow for damage to driveway , grounds and basement due to drainage ditch overflow. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. THE MOTION CARRIED, Mayor Garrett Letter from Mayor Garrett requested council to request for prior approve statement indicating years of service service benefits as Councilman which according to records in the Clerk ' s office , total 161 months , benefits not payable by the City until his retirement MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Report on Street Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that Vacation Petition signatures on petition for vacation of portion Portion of S. 123rd of S. 123rd, lying between So. line of 122nd and northerly margin of Woody Glen Addition , represent 88 . 13% of footage abutting said right of way . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION SETTING DATE FOR HEARING- CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO REFER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE TO REPORT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COM- MITTEE. AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL REFERRAL MOTION AS AMENDED. Building Director 's Letter from Building Director Ruppert reported Report - Operation in checking with County Councilman Forsythe and Breakthrough the King County Building Superintendent , assur- ance had been given that no relaxation of the Building Code has been made or contemplated in regard to proposed Factory-Built dwelling units to be built near Renton . Inquiry by. Grant as to proximity to new May Creek Park site was to be investigated. Stredicke questioned matter of re- laxing Building and Zoning Codes and MOVED TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION, THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED, -6- A A- l MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12122 '69 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Mayor Garrett reported receipt of additional items after preparation of the Agenda , and it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADD THE ITEMS TO THE AGENDA. CARRIED. Grant opposed. King County Dep t. of Letter from Mr. Wm. B. Gillespie, Chief Engineer, Public Works request recalled Renton sponsorship of Green River Water- for easements for shed Project , along with other cities , which flood control includes Black River discharge structure within the City of Renton. Renton Resolution- 1443 authorized King County to act as contracting agent and .it was requested that subrogation of easement for fto right of Way for flood control dam and for storm sewer over bed of the old Black River Channel be granted at this time. Immediate action was urged so that federal funds could be reserved. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. THE MOTION CARRIED. School Crossings - Letter from Mayor Garrett recalled council con- Adult Guar&'Program currence in participation with the school district in adult school crossing guards. $7,500. 00 from unexpended revenue was to have covered the city 's share for 1969-70 school year, however , the School Board had not appropriated fundsto cover its share at the time school started but later provided $4,000. 00 for the second half of the school year. It was requested that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee and Ways and Means Committee so determination might be made whether to participate in the program. .'MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR 'S REQUESTS. THE MOTION CARRIED, r"retition for rec Petition was filed endorsing proposal that the program and park in City Council work towards establishment of recrea- Earlington area titin program and park in the Earlington area of Renton and that commitment be made to establish same no later than 1971 , with operation of program during interim. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE PETITION TO 'THE COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION COM- MITTEE , THE PARK DIRECTOR AND THE PARK BOARD. THE MOTION CARRIED. Request for No-Fee Letter from Mrs . Dorothy L. LaManna requested per- Permit to Sell mission for group of neighborhood children to sell Christmas Cards Christmas cards until Christmas to earn spending money . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COM- MITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Inquiry regarding Mrs . Margaret Evans , 40.1 Grandey Way N. E. , inquired umber of dogs as to number of dogs allowed one owner withoug being flowed household considered a kennel . It was noted that no limit has ". been established but nuisance ordinance would be controlling statute if out of hand. Renton has no kennel license at present, other than regular license Ordinance. APPOINTMENTS Proposed appointments were submitted including fire and police department positions and member to Municipal Arts Commission . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO REFER TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. It was noted no meeting will be held by the Council until January , a 5th Monday coming up, and reading -was urged, THE MOTION LOST. -7- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/22/69 APPOINTMENTS: Fire Department Appointment by Mayor Garrett was read of Mr. Appointment Jack L. Colombi to position of Captain in the Renton Fire Department for probationary period of - six-months , effective January 1 , 1970 , to fill vacancy created by retirement of Captain John Alexander. Civil Service Certification and Fire Chief's recommendation were attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Colombi was in the audience and was intro- duced and congratulated at this time . Police Department Mayor's letter was read appointing Mrd John Buff Appointments and Mr. James Bourasa to permanent position of Lieutenants in the Renton Police Department , effective December 16 , 1969 . Police Chief's recommendation was attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS AS READ. CARRIED. Municipal Arts Letter from Mayor Garrett was read appointing Commission Appoint- Mrs. Hazel O 'Harra to another three year term ment on the Municipal Arts Commission beginning December 1 , 1969 , this appointment for infor- mation of the Council , concurrence not required. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Gravel Pit Mine Council President Perry submitted Committee of Operation in Green the Whole report recommending the Council re- River Gorge area consider its approving action of last week in regard to study being conducted prior to mining operation being allowed,, in conservation measure, as it would affect the Green River Valley area. Point of order was raised and the Mayor advised to reconsider would take action by one who voted on the prevailing side last week,this report be be a recommendation only ° Stredicke inquired as to why Mayor 's letter approving study had not been forwarded. Mayor Garrett advise& of talking with Councilman Forsythe and that January 12 , was the date for action to be taken by the County Council , noting calls from council members as to contents of letter, same having been prepared, Upon request,the letter ' was read urging the 'Cing County Council to give the matter of survey of natural resources of the Green River Valley prompt and serious consideration. , lower Duwamsh flood con- trol study also noted as prompting Council 's request. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE COUNCIL CONFIRM ITS ACTION OF LAST WEEK AND THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND MAIL THE LETTER TO THE KING COUNTY COUNCIL, TO INCLUDE COPIES TO EACH COUNTY COUNCILMAN. Discussion ensued regarding Committee of the Whole action , Bruce having submitted the proposal of Stoneway for council information,, its recommendation coming pursuant thereto. THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED, Bruce opposed. r Addition to Lake Wn . Councilman Perry announced voucher had been signed Beach Park to purchase the Baxter property adding 7 or 8 acres to the Lake Washington Beach Park, Competitive Bid Schellert commended the Traffic Engineer and Mayor 's Underground Lighting offices for a good bid call , ten bidders responding Puget Drive with bids from $401654 . 00 to $7.3,354 . 00 being a competitive bid and a good low bid,. -8- a *# 3 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) 12%22169 Street and Alley Recommended the Council deny request for change Committee Report of street name from Harrington Avenue to Holly Avenue due to additional expense , additional con- fusion to general public and emergency units in .locating an address and in consideration of the petitions from residents opposing further change , MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Investigation has commenced concernir_g use of the Cedar River Pipeline right of way for access to Philip Arnold Park and Seattle Water Dep ' r . ad- vises the City could obtain permission to use same for street purposes , problems being noted regarding garbage dumping and city liability for same; in- creased traffic on limited access serving Renton Hill and cost of maintaining to prevent dust and rough roadway . Restricted use is being considered committee recommendations to follow completion of the investigation . Property Committee Chairman Barei reported recommendation has been Report worked out for exchange of 9 public use areas by the City and Greater Renton Shopping Center , Inc.- , for utilization of public use area for a Kiddie 's Playfield, requested sometime ago by the Renton Housing Authority in connection with the low rent housing development . Park Director Coulon noted the Park Board had expressed possible interest in this area when asked previously what public use areas it might wish to use . Lyman Houk displayed a map of the subject area outlining the locations of the public use areas as being behind Ashley Furniture on 12th Place and Sunset , running through Block 46 , from N. E. 10th . The area to be dedicated is S0 . 150 ft . of Tract 468 = It was noted the park would be for the Sunset Court use but it would be public and others could not be excluded. Barei noted stipulation request that the public use area carry the same zoning B-1 as the adjacent property . It was noted Planning Commission has jurisdiction over the zoning and that public hearing must also be held, the Council approval desired for possible Park Department commitment of funds . MOVED BY STREDIKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS . CARRIED. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION TO SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING . CARRIED. Public Relations Chairman Edwards submitted memorandum -from Mr . Joe Committee report Mathews which was read by the City Clerk advising that Mr. Cliff Aah1 from the Vocational School thought he had located a man who could make the silk screen for the city flag. Contact is to be made later in the week for confirmation . Mayor 's report re Mayor Garrett reported contacting Mr. Gerber who public use of Post advised that the parking lot is restricted about 2 Office Parking Lot o ' clock when trucks come in but other than that the public is allowed the use and eventually th-, s will be for public parking entirely . Mayor 's report on The Mayor reported letter had gone out to referral of letter Congressman Adams regarding City endorsement to Congressman and of request for funding of flood control study Tukwila regarding for lower Duwamish area with copy to City of flood control study Tukwila , as per referral of 12/15/69. -9- *ff MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/22/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Hazen Pool Operation Councilman Stredicke noted Park Board meeting in regard to operation of Hazen Pool and in- quired as to understanding the city was not going to participate . Park Director Coulon reported the Park Board had met last week and letter was presented for reading advising that the Park Board did not anticipate participation there being an area of disagreement in connection with the operation relating to salaries which was of vital concern to the board as it could lead to problems in the very near future . A meeting of the Park Board and Park and Recreation Committee of the Council was suggested for discussion of the matter. Schellert recalled budgeting funds for the program intluiring :as to autonomous status of the Board ih a decision not to participate . City Attorney Shellan noted the body is semi- autonomous and that funds could not be spent for any other project and that Ordinance could be passed to override the decision , however , he suggested the Council listen as the reasons for hesitancy were valid; Advising money could be transferred out and spent if 7 members so vote . Stredicke inquired why meeting was not held Previously to indicate the Board did not feel the city should participate . MOVED BY PERRY THE -COMMUNICATION BE-REFERRED TO THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE. 'THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE. Mr. Jim Grenfeld , Health -and Recrea- tion Director for the school district noted two or three arrangments had been made and time was made available and cettain personnel paid, areas to be met on popular basis , but these are the only committments made at present . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Grenfeld advised the pool will not be operated until the first of January and if the city does not participate it will be necessarytn go to the school board for additional funding. It was suggested that Mr. Grenfeld be invited to meet with the Park and Recreation Committee. Councilman Stredicke requested invitation to the meeting also . Police and License Councilman Delaurenti requested a meeting of Committee the Police and License Committee following this Council Meeting and the City Clerk was invited to attend. Police Guild and Councilman Schellert extended thanks to the City Employees Club Police Guild and City Employees Club for Christ- Christmas Parties mas Party invitations on behalf of the Council and extended a Merry Christmas to all . Committee of the Council President Schellert announced a Committee Whole meeting of. the Whole meeting at 7 : 00 p.m. on January 5th . Request for entrance Councilman Barei reported building custodian denied to City offices admittance to the Clerk 's office where mail boxes Elected Representa- are located when he visited city hall between tives should have 8;45 or 9 :00 p.m. on Friday and he felt eledted %mom admittance right officials should not be barred from inspection or use of the public facilities , and upon proper i- dentification the custodial staff should have ad- mitted him. Mayor Garrett advised his attention should have been called to the matter and City Clerk Nelson advised no one is barred from her office however, mail is picked up at 5 :00 p.m. and taken up to Council offices and boxes would be empty thereafter, the vault possibly being off limits at such time because of bond require- ments , Security being under jurisdiction of the Building Department , and Police Dep' t. otherwise . , , 445 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/22/69 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Light and Powe r Chairman Grant announced meeting of the Light and Committee Meeting Power Committee at 8 : 00 p.m. in the Traffic Engin- eers office on December 23. Park & Recreation Chairman Bruce announced a Tuesday meeting at 7 : 00 Committee Meeting p.m. in the Council Conference room and the School District Representative and Park Director and Park Board were invited to attend. Caesar Chavez Grape Mayor Garrett reported receipt of Proclamation Boycott Support Decree giving support to Farm Workers in their cause concerning wage rates for vineyard work. Since the protest visit had taken place a like Proclamation would not be in order but Mayor Garrett advised he was in sympathy with what Chavez was trying to do through the boycott . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO AGREE WITH THE MAYOR IN HIS SYMPATHETIC PHILOSOPHY OF SUPPORT. After discussion concerning the matter of Proclamation document and notation by Tom Teasdale from the audience that this concerns table grapes , the MOTION CARRIED. Delaurenti opposed, there being no Proclamation Document read. Proposed motion to adjourn lost and audience comment was invited. Councilman Edwards extended holiday greetings to everyone . The Honorable Gary Grant:; State , Rep.i. esen.tative , expressed regret at being unable to attend installation and extended congratulations to the newly elected officers . He stated that he can seldom attend council meet- ings and noted interest in letter to County Councilman Forsythe and being an elected repre- sentative of the people , looked fot ward ' to receipt of keys to open the public offices . Honorable State Representative Shinpoch wished everyone a Merry Christmas urging addition of a microphone to the sound system. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 00 p.m. There were 29 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk Avery Garrett , Mayor -11- 446 CITY OF RENTON 122 ®' Underground Street Lighting System Puget Drive from Talbot Road South to Edmonds Avenue S.E. Bid Opening 12-18-69 - 2:00 P.M. First Floor Conference Room CONTRACTOR BID BOND TOTAL CONTRACT BID Signal Electric, Inc. Bid Bond $40; 654.00 9904 S. 210th Place Kent, Washington 98031 Carl T. Madsen, Inc. Bid Bond 44, 850.00 1929 Tacoma Avenue South Tacoma, Washington 98402 obel' s Electric, Inc. Bid Bond 46, 751.00 801 Tennant Lane Yakima, Washington 98901 estcoast Electric of Washington, Inc. Bid Bond 48,733.00 18250 68th South Kent, Washington 98031 yee Construction Company Bid Bond 49,750.00 11805 N.E. 116th Kirkland, Washington 98033 Sentinel Electric Company, Inc. Bid Bond 50, 565.00 1827 130th N.E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 Industrial Electric-Seattle, Inc. Bid Bond 53,760.00 1938 Fairview Ave. East Seattle, Washington 98102 H & W Wiring, Inc. Bid Bond 54, 296.00 5441 South Sheridan Tacoma, Washington 98408 Rainier Electric Company Bid Bond 58,359.00 4241 23rd Avenue West Seattle, Washington 98199 Fischbach & Moore, Inc. Bid Bond 73, 354.00 3201 Fremont North Seattle, Washington 447 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 12/2'21/6 9 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO, AMOUNT NAME ADS TYPE CF WORK B 21.49 $ 300.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-63 BUILDING CONST. WALL 2150 25,000.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INST. WALLS & DOORS 2151 16,500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2430 MONTEREY AVE. NE CONST, FAM. RES. ... 2152 400.00 SEATTLE TRUST & SAV. 100 S GRADY WAY INST, SIGN 2153 35,000.00 BILL SANTI 221 WELLS AVE. S REMODEL STORE B 2154 87,000.00 DR, THOMAS E, MAXWELL 1920 S PUGET DR. CONST. CLINIC 2,155 1,600.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-85 BUILDING ]NST. PARTITIONS, DSS. 2156 1,995.00 FEDERAL HSING. ADM. 435 N PELLY REPAIRS 2157 900.00 RENTON FIREPLACE SHOP RENTON SHOPPING CTR. INST. SIGN ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2603 190.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-54 BUILDING INST. DIALECTRIC 2604 35.00 80EING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING RELOC, DRAFTING MACH. 2605 185.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-41 BUILDING INST. FREEZE STAT. 2606 33.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING INST. RECEPT., MACCS 2607 220.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-62 BUILDING INST, OUTLETS E 2608 300.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING INST, BATTERY CHGR, 2609 250.00 CITY OF RENTON 1111 BRONSON WAY N REMODEL KIRCHEN 2610 4800.00 JACK BENAROYA CO. 1060 THOMAS AVE. SW ALTER SERVICE 261.1 245.50 REINHART DIST. CO. 632 RAINIER AVE. S INST, LIGHT FUTURES 2612 22,000.00 CITY OF RENTON LIND SW, 10TH TO GRADY SIGNAL SYSTEM E 2613 50.00 FORTE RENTALS, INC. 116 PARK AVE. N WIRE BUTANE PUMP 2614 300.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING INST. ROUTERS 2615 135.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING INST, OUTLETS 2616 1,500.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-81 BUILDING INST, LIGHTING 2617 32.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING INST. RECEPTACLE 2678 4400.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING RELOC. MACHINE TOOLS -- 2619 50.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-85 BUILDING INST, OUTLET MECHANICAL PERMITS _i 2295 JOE M. TOMAC 314 MORRIS AVE. S GAS CONVER. BURNER 2296 BOEING COMPANY 4-81 BUILDING INST. BASIN 2297 CAROL MILLER 3613 NE 8TH ST. INST. GAS HEATER 2298 JACK B. CURRAN 621 RAINIER AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2299 RAINIER ASPHALT 1915 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. INST. OIL FURNACE M 2300 CITY OF RENTON 235 MILL AVE. S INST. AIR COND. UNIT 2301 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING COMBINE DRAINS SEWER PERMITS S 1058 RENTON CONCRETE PROD. 115 7TH AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 1059 RAYMOND L. (ROVER - 3308 NE 17TH PL. CONNECT SEWER 1060 NORMAN OWLEY 1214 N 29TH CONNECT SEWER 1061 VIC DEMIGLIO 921 S 29TH CT. CONNECT SEWER 448 December 1969 f Fund transfers authorized by the Auditing and Accounting Committee and the City Council for month of December. FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current $105 ,095 . 92 Arterial Street 2 ,500 . 00 City Street 65 ,071 . 23 Cedar River M & I 5 ,558 . 46 Equipment Rental 12 ,619 . 23 Library 18 ,071 . 53 Parks 112 ,310. 24 Waterworks Utility 160 ,569 . 82 1965 W & S Const . 7 ,852 . 93 Lake Wn. Beach Fwd. Thrust 16 ,394 .15 Park Fwd. Thrust 373 ,605 . 85 Airport 52 ,417. 10 Firemen 's Pension 9 ,351 . 91 City Hall Const . 4 ,188 . 51 Traffic Control Devices Prog . Fund 1 ,701 . 00 Cedar River Acquisition 4 ,262 . 00 Urban Arterial 10 ,882. 56_ Total - Claims Fund $962 ,452. 4 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current 157 ,940. 92 City Street 32 ,209. 48 Cedar River M & I 653. 00 Equipment Rental 4 ,856 . 24 Library 9 ,924 . 52 Parks 25 ,532 . 82 Waterworks Utility 21 ,695 . 40 Airport 1 ,650. 37 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 Total - Payroll Fund $254 ,562. 75 449 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk January 5 , 197u R E F E R R A L S FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE Motion by Shane to purchase emergency ambulance for the Fire Department MAYOR Motion by Shane that Mayor inquire regarding acquisition of property on cemetery road , next to maintenance shop, for city garage site PLANNING COMMITTEE_ To review private and public parking facilities in the city POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE Mr. Gerald Unger 's letter concerning consolidation of County and City law enforcement agencies into one organization PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Easements in Tiffany Park area in connection with lighting project STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE Pacific NW Bell Telephone Company request to install public phone booth on South 3rd Street beside Bartell Drug Store - Power to act . To review private and public parking facilities in the city and to study on-street parking with regard to Taxicab & Truck zones which might be utilized for public parking STREET COMMISSIONER To conduct study with Street and Alley Committee of on-street parking facilities with regard to Taxicab and Truck Loading zones which might be utilized for public parking APPOINTMENTS Mr. Charles McGarrigle and Mr . Clark Teegarden - Valley Regional Planning Commission for three-year term. Mr. John Kosney - Renton Aviation Board for three-year term. MEETINGS 1/7/70 - Planning Committee at 4 :00 p.m . in Planning Department 1/8/70 - Committee of the Whole at 8 : 00 p. m. Fire and Water Committee at 7 : 00 p .m . with Fire Chief Police and License Committee at 7 : 30 p.m. Street and Alley Committee at 7 : 30 p.m . with Traffic Engineer Ways and Means Committee at 7 : 30 p.m. 1/22770 - LegiSZa;tion Committee at 7 : 30 p. m. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk January 5 , 1970 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke, Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson, City Clerk , G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , Vern Church , Purchasing Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director , and M. C. Walls , Fire Chief. MINUTE APPROVAL Council President Schellert noted error on December 22 , 1969 Page 4 , Paragraph 1 , line 1 , which read "Bruce" submitted proposed ordinance which should read "McKay" , and as there were no further corrections , MOVED THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED AND CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following documents were presented for introductory reading, authorized by motions duly seconded, for second and final reading and adopted by roll call vote , to-wit : ORDINANCE NO. 2534 Ordinance of the City Granting unto El Paso El Paso Natural Gas Natural Gas Company , A Corporation , its Company Franchise successors and assigns , the right , privilege , authority and franchise to locate , lay down , 1st reading 11/24/69 construct , maintain , operate , alter , remove , replace and repair one or more pipe lines , together with equipment and appurtenances thereto for the transportation of natural gas under, through and below certain designa- ted roadways and public properties of the City of Renton , State of Washington . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. AYE: SCHELLERT, CLYMER , DELAURENTI, PERRY, MCKAY, STREDICKE, EDWARDS, MAXIN, AND BRUCE. NO : GRANT AND SHANE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Barei absent . ORDINANCE NO. 2535 Ordinance providing for subrogation of certain Granting King County easements for flood control and related purposes . Easements and rights City of Renton , per Resolution No. 1443 being for flood control in one of the sponsoring organizations , subrogates connection with Green in favor of Dept of Public Works , King County . River Watershed Pro- (Vicinity of Black River Channel) .ject. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. AYE: SCHELLERT, CLYMER , DELAURENTI, PERRY, MCKAY, EDWARDS, MAXIN, GRANT AND BAREI. NO: STREDICKE, BRUCE, AND SHANE. THE MOTION CARRIED, 9 TO 3. RESOLUTION 1657 Resolution proposing vacation of portion of Setting Public South 123rd was read. February 2 , 1970 was Hearing Date on fixed for the hearing. (E. H. Wilson , Roger proposed vacation J. Halsen Petition of 12/15/69) of So. 123rd St . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. -1- 451 -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/5/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) RESOLUTION NO. 1658 Resolution was read authorizing applications for funding assistance for outdoor recrea- tion projects to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act , and the $10,000, 000 Outdoor Recreation Bond Issue of 1964 , and the $40 ,000 ,000 Outdoor Recreation Bond Issue , (Ref. Bill No . 18) of 1968 . (Acquisition by City of an area w' 1y . of Lake Wn . Blvd. , between S .E. 100th Street (No. 24th St . ) , and North 20th Street , app. 12 acres) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1659 Adopting City 's Comprehensive Street Program 6 Year Street Program for the ensuing six years , as annually re- viewed and modified, to be filed with the Director of Highways , as per requirements of Chapter 195 , 1961 Session Laws . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED, SHANE OPPOSING,URGING INCLUSION OF 2ND AND 3RD STS . FOR 1970 IMPROVEMENTS. VOUCHER APPROVAL Auditing and Accounting Committee Member NbS. 5757 - 5868 Delaurenti reported Committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers 5757 through 5868 and MOVED THAT SAME BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY THE COUNCIL. MOTION DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Lk. Wn . Beach Forward Thrust Fund 57$7 $ 7 ,500 . 00 Current Fund 5758 - 5799 8 ,579 . 96 r.• City Street Fund 5800 - 5820 5 ,658 . 38 Equipment Rental 5821 - 5834 2 ,520. 46 Park Fund 5835 - 5857 39 ,980. 24 Waterworks Utility 5858 - 5864 1 ,354. 64 1965 Water & Sewer 5865 118 . 36 Airport Fund 5866 165 . 00 City Hall Const . 5867 110. 98 Cedar River Acquis . 5868 4 ,262 . 00 $70,250. 02 MAYOR'S REPORT OF See attached report . FUND TRANSFERS FOR Upon inquiry by Stredicke as to adequacy of PERIOD OF AUGUST budgeting and if copy of reports might be THROUGH NOVEMBER , 1969 . secured prior to presentation , it was stated they could be if council so desired. City Clerk Nelson noted the budget is based upon estimates from past experience and to the best of ability otherwise , which could not always be exact due to unanticipated events , such as this year the council required additional bid call publications , and the street name change program required publications and costs which were unforeseen; also costs of new programs budgeted for the first time `�.. would be estimates with no records from past experience upon which to base costs . Having to estimate so far ahead of the year 's end having an effect and also might be a reason for State Law changes of budget calendar, to allow a more realistic picture of expenditures . These transfers are within classifications of a fund only . The law now allows accounts to be in the red so long as the entire fund has not been expended but by transferring you know there is adequate balance and you might not otherwise be aware of this if accounts are allowed to be left in the red. 452 -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/5/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) The Pacific Northwest Bell Co , Letter from Mr . Alan G . Bernahl , Sales request to install Representative , Pacific NW Bell Telephone public telephone Company , requested approval of installation of public phone booth on South 3rd Street beside Bartell Drug , in downtown Renton . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. Letter re proposed Letter from Mr. Gerald Unger noted proposals consolidation of for consolidation by county and city govern- all Police and ments of all police and sheriff departments Sheriff Dep' ts . into one organization and called attention and objections to Renton area "Support Your Local Police thereto . Committee" motto , "- - Keep Them Independent . " Any such merger was opposed it being felt the local agencies can handle local crime and by cooperation with other departments , the syndicated crime . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Mr. Unger was in the audience and was introduced at this time . Additional items for Agenda - for Council Items received after preparation of the Agenda information . were presented for reading at this time . City participation in Letter from Mayor Garrett , directed to the joint sanitary sewer Sanitation Committee Chairman , Councilman Shane, . project with Tukwila- requested immediate action concerning possible Referred to Sanitation participation by Renton in joint project to Committee 11/17/69 provide sanitary sewers for an area in the Southwest section of the City , Tukwila advising that time is of the essence , January 12 , 1970 being date the sewer project must be completed, size , depth and location having direct effect on specifications of the State Dep ' t . of Highways on revised West Valley Hwy. project and size and depth directly related to whether or not the City participates . Hon. Brock Adams Letter from the Honorable Brock Adams , in acknowledgment of reply to Mayor Garrett , advised he would do City 's letter and whatever he could on the federal level in flood control support regard to the flood control program on the lower Duwamish and noted problem with upper Duwamish project since funds provided by the Dep ' t . of Agriculture to be matched by King County were not available which was reason for discontinuation of funding the Upper project . Letter from Governor Letter from the Honorable Daniel J . Evans Evans inviting Mayor Governor of Washington , invited Mayor Garrett Garrett to serve on to serve as member of Governor 's Advisory Advisory Council Council on Urban Affairs . Problem areas were listed, the Mayor noting he has selected "Government Modernization" as area for his participation . County Councilwoman Mayor Garrett ' s letter regarding weyerhauser Bernice F. Stern property and Stoneway Concrete , Inc. petition re gravel removal and for gravel removal and council support of Environmental Planning study concerning environmental planning was acknowledged and assurrance given that careful consideration is being given to areas of con- cern noted therein . -4- 4>> MINUTE'S - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/5/70 AUDIENCE COMMENT Support Your Local Mr. Gerald Unger , 255 Seneca West , Seattle , Police Committee recalled his letter concerning consolidation of law enforcement agencies and requested to be notified when the Police and License Com- mittee meets on the matter . APPOINTMENTS President of the Council Schellert submitted ..._..r._. lettersof appointment by the Mayor and re- ported Committee of the Whole concurrence . Regional Planning Appointed to a three year term on the Valley Commission Regional Planning Commission were Mr . Charles McGarr.igle and Mr . Clark Teegarden . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION AND CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Aviation Board Mr. John J. Kosney was appointed to a three- year term on the Renton Aviation Board to fill vacancy created by resignation of Mr. Alex Cugini . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATION Proclamation by Mayor Garrett declared that members of the Renton High School A Capella Choir shall be official representa- tives of the City of Renton at "Exposition 170 the world 's fair to be held in Osaka , Japan from March 15 through September, 1970 . The Choir will also perform at several other Japanese Communities including "Sister City" of Renton , Nishiwaki . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION . CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Special City Shops Chairman Schellert reported survey of the Building Committee City Shop Building has been conducted and needs and cost of repair is being deter- mined . When all data is collected the com- mittee will present same for decision whether to repair or to have a new facility . Cost of Legal Councilman Stredicke inquired of the City Publications Attorney concerning cost of legal publica- tions noting limit of $2 . 40 per 100 word folio on some publications and higher bid for recent bid call on city legals,, urging less wordy legal documents to reduce cost . Stredicke reported meeting of the Power and Light Committee and approval of award to Signal Electric of underground wiring project for lighting at Puget Drive , also noting this to be the first sodium vapor lighting in the City and will cost less than the 35 mercury ... vapor lights that went in on Grady Way . Hazen Pool Operation- Chairman Bruce reported a meeting has been Park & Recreation held with the Park Board and Director and Committee Report the matter of Hazen Pool Operation has been consuAat6d and a program arranged . Light and Power Chairman Grant confirmed approval of recom- Committee Report mendations for Puget lighting bid award of the Traffic Engineering Department noting recommendation that matter of easements in the Tiffany Park area be referred to the Public _ReJM:ions Committee . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. r 4'4 -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/ 5/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (C(•�r . ) Review of Parking Councilman Grant noted need for review facilities needed of both city and privately owned parking facilities in the city. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER OF PARKING TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ALSO ADD REFERRAL TO THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE. THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. Sanitation Committee Chairman Shane requested more time to re Tukwila request arrange details concerning joint sanitary for sanitary sewer sewer project with City of Tukwila . participation Granted. Parking - Taxicab and Councilman Shane prior request for survey Loading Zones concerning parking lots, and Taxicab and Truck Loading zones were noted to be excessive as to proximity to one another and not fully utilized, and additional parking might be provided for the public. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT STUDY BE CONDUCTED BY THE STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE,WITH THE STREET COMMISSIONER , OF ON-STREET PARKING FACILITIES. CARRIED. Cost of Legal Barei called attention to remarks of Publications Councilman Stredicke concerning legal publication costs and Stredicke noted the current charge of $3. 50 per 100 Word Folio and wondering as to the legal status of the City contract . City Attorney Shellan advised that State Law, under RCW 35 . 23. 352 , requires that the City call for bids once a year and bid accepted must be the lowest and must have a general circulation . There is no law that sets the cost per folio and from a legal standpoint , more concern is given to adequacy , constitutionality and accuracy than to cost . Stredicke thought price was set by state law of $2. 40 as paid by attorneys and other parties , for 100 word folio , and wondered if the city would likewise come under the established rate. Mr. Shellan stated the charges to private individuals may be dif- ferent but the city ' s are not set forth; noting wording in Ordinance was from those of the State Superintendent of Elections to avoid possibility of having it declared unconstitutional . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Award to Councilman Mayor Garrett at this time presented retiring Perry for Service as Council President Perry a Community Service Council President Award Placque in recognition of his efforts and accomplishments while President, of the City Council during the past year . Mr. Perry deemed it to have been his privilege to have served as President and stated that there had been a great number of meetings but he felt they had been beneficial and everyone had learned from their attendance. 455 -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/5/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Council President Schellert announced MEETING 12/8/70 a Committee of the Whole meeting on Thursday , Jannary 8 , at 8 : 00 p.m. , to discuss the Optional Municipal Code. WAYS AND MEANS Chairman Schellert announced a meeting COMMITTEE MEETING on January 8 , at 7 : 30 p.m. of the Ways and Means Committee . STREET AND ALLEY Chairman Clymer announced a meeting of COMMITTEE MEETING the Street and Alley Committee on Thursday January 8 , at 7 : 30 p.m . and the Traffic Engineer was invited to attend. POLICE AND LICENSE Chairman Delaurenti announced a committee COMMITTEE MEETING meeting on Thursday , January 8 , at 7 :00 p.m. in his council office . LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Chairman Perry announced a meeting at MEETING 7 : 30 p.m. , Monday , January 12 , in his council office . Announcement of Councilman Perry announced his pleasure , Appointment of Mr. as voting delegate , to have had Mr . oel Del Bennett Bennett appointed to the Puget Sound Regional Steering Committee which will be official technical advisory committee on engineering, for the South King Co. Valley area , Planning Director Schuler , of Auburn also being elected to the committee, as alternate . 1970 Calendars Councilman Stredicke inquired if new desk calendars were available for the council the Mayor noting council had decided to �- save costs and not replace them. Barei advised the school buys them for 260 each . Valley Regional Councilman Stredicke , calling attention to Planning Commission the letter to the Mayor from Mr. Bignold , no- Meeting ted architects 'presentation regarding open space- environmental planning would be made to the Valley Regional Planning Commission at meeting in the Council Chambers on Thursday when the program will be discussed along with gravel pit operation in the Green River Gorge area . FIRE AND WATER Chairman Bruce announced a meeting, Jan . 8 , COMMITTEE MEETING at 7 : 00 p.m. in his council office and the Fire Chief was invited to attend . PLANNING COMMITTEE Chairman Maxin announced a Planning Com- MEETING mittee meeting at 4 : 00 p.m . , January 7 , in the Planning Department . Log Storage in area Councilman Shane called attention to great of Lake Wn . Beach abundance of logs and proximity to the park Park area along Lake Washington Beach expressing concern since the park was supposed to be a year around operation . After inquiry as to whether permit was issued and by whom, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHANE , T� TERMINATE ALL LOG STORAGE PERMITS IN THE AREA. Grant noted the Port of Seattle has juris- diction and not council , Schellert called attention to condemnation proceedings for city acquisition and urged the Mayor to use his discretion in the matter. Upon inquiry of the City Attorney , Mr . Shellan noted the matter involved Dillingham Corporation and 456 -7- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/5/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Log Storage near Lake the reason for all the activity is to Washington Beach Park show that a lot of business is being conducted at the time the jury visits the area in the matter of condemnation . Th'e State has jurisdiction over the navigable waters and has appointed the Port of Seattle to handle leasing of the inner and outer harbor areas . The City had a lease with the Port of Seattle and Sub-Leased to Fosg- and _the City is now condemning and the matter will be coming up soon for trial . It should be deter- mined if there is encroachment on the City 's land before complaint is made . It was recalled that with the Baxter property the city was furnished with survey report to show where lines are and they will taper off and remove all adjacent logs once acquired by the city . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Emergency Ambulance MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE for Fire Department CITY BUY AN EMERGENCY AMBULANCE FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MOTION TO THE FIRE AND WATER COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Acquisition of Land MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE for City Shops MAYOR INQUIRE INTO ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY ON CEMETERY ROAD, NEXT TO THE MAINTENANCE SHOP FOR A CITY GARAGE. CARRIED. Councilman Shane inquired regarding the condition of the shop and code enforcement as might be related thereto . It was noted no funds have been budgeted for this pur- pose and that the matter is under con- sideration in council committee . ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9 :25 p.m. There were 22 visitors in the Council Chambers . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk Avery arrett Mayor r� OF 114,v the MAYOR'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON yu, AVERY GARRETT MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 EXT 205 Q 9'�s0ogr `oE`�3o December 24, 1969 CAPITA Members of the Council City of Renton The following constitutes a report of the Transfers of Funds within the budget classes for the period of August 1969 through October 1969, as required by Renton Resolution 1232 : From: Non-Departmental 1141/310, Sundry Rentals $ 900 .00 To: Non-Departmental 1141/417 Material & Supplies $ 900 .00 From: City Clerk 1140/504 Travel & Exp . 30 . 00 To: City Clerk 1140/313 Dues & Subscriptions 30 .00 From: Legislative 1110/504 Travel Expense 147 .00 To: Legislative 1110/308 Printing & Binding 147 . 00 From: Firemens Pension 2710/501 Available Surplus 20 .00 To: Firemens Pension 2710/306 Stationery Equip Maint . 20 .00 From: Building 1165/318 1000 .00 To: Building 1165/417 1000 .00 From: Police 1181/314 500 .00 To: Police 1181/417 500 .00 From: Fire 1190/404 Fuel 320 .00 To: Fire 1190/325 Laundry 200 .00 Fire 1190/313 Dues 20 .00 Fire 1190/409 Auto Parts 100 .00 From: Fire 1190/502 Officer Training 47 . 39 To: Fire 1190/504 Travel Expense 47 . 39 From: Trf . Engr . 1350/313 Dues & Subscriptions 26 .00 To: Trf . Engr . 1360/313 Dues & Subscriptions 26 .00 From: Non-Departmental 1141/310 Sundry Rentals $ 400 .00 To: Non-Departmental 1141/417 Material & Supplies $ 400 .00 From: Data Processing 1143/402 100 .00 rr.• To: Data Processing 1143/504 100 .00 From: City Treasurer 1150/402 2 . 50 To: City Treasurer 1150/313 2 . 50 From: Executive 1120/504 100 .00 To: Non-Departmental 1141/313 100 .00 These transfers were authorized by the Mayor and do not require Council concurrence . The following constitutes a report of the Transfers of Funds within the budget classes for the period of the month of November 1969 ., as required by Renton Resolution 1232 : From: Police 1181/504 $ 500 .00 To: Police 1181/401 $ 500 .00 Fram Building 1165/301 500 .00 To: Building 1165/417 500 .00 From: Building 1165/310 Sundry Rentals 500 .00 To: Building 1165/404 Heating Fuels 500 .00 From: Planning 1160/306 Stationary Equip Maint . 150 .00 1160/310 Sundry Rentals 100 .00 1160/315 Equipment Rental 100 .00 To: Planning 1160/417 Material & Supplies 350 .00 From: City Clerk 1140/313 Dues & Subscriptions 20 .00 of 1140/320 110700 of " 1140/507 260 .00 To: City Clerk 1140/308 Printing & Advertising 390 .00 From: Street Maintenance 1320/417- M & 0 100 .00 To: Street Maintenance 1320/504 Travel Expense 100 .00 From: Fire 1190/602 Building Improvements 999.00 To: Fire 1190/606 Machinery & Equipment 999 .00 I From: Police 1185/502 $ 500 .00 To: Police 1181/401 $ 500•.00 From: City Clerk 1140/ 06 Stationary Equip Maint 800 .00 City Clerk 1140/3,17 Recording Fees 100 .00 To: City Clerk 1140/402 Office Supplies 900 .00 From: Non-Departmental 1141/306 290 .00 To: Non-Departmental 1141/417 100 .00 Non-Departmental 1141/503 190 .00 These transfers were authorized by the Mayor and do not require Council concurrence . S Avery Ga f ett, Mayor 45� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1/5/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAM ADDRESS 'TYPE OF WORK B 2158 $3,500.00 CITIZENS FED. SAVINGS 201 WILLIAMS AVE. S INSTALL SIGN 2159 22000.00 ALBERT THOMPSON 1824 JONES AVE. NE 2160 900.00 WILLIAM RICHTER CONST, FAMILY RES. 2161 300 MEADOW AVE. N REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 300.00 GOODYEAR BAZAAR STORE 705 RAINIER AVE. S ERECT WALL SIGN 2162 500.00 W.F. DAVIS, INSURANCE 1000 S 2ND ST. MOVE POLE SIGN Al I 2163 400.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-60 BUILDING INSTALL WALL 2164 168.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-45 BUILDING RELOCATE MONORAIL ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2620 236.00 CITY OF RENTON (LIB.) 100 MILL AVE. S WIRING FOR HEATER 2621 1,037.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING 2622 900.00 ALBERT D. THOMPSON 1824 JONES AVE. NE WIRE FAMILY RES. 2623 35.00 PACIFIC N.W. BELL 1015 SUNSET BLVD. NE WIRE FOR TELEPH. BTH. 2624 500.00 JIM MARSHALL 300 MEADOW REWIRE DAMAGE BY FIRE E 2625 100.00 PACIFIC NW, BELL WELLS AVE, S & HOUSER WIRE TELEPHONE BOOTH 2626 7,950.00 BROWN BEAR CAR WASH 621 RAINIER AVE. S 2627 1,685.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. CAR WASH 15 S GRADY WAY INWIRE RE LIGHTS, TEL. 2628 ].,132.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRA.DY WAY WIRING, LIGHTS, TEL. 2629 264.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY INST. LIGHTS, PLUGS E 2630 180.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SERVICE 2631 250.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING RELOCATE PWR. TSLD. 2632 95.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-$2 BUILDING RELOCATE PWR. TSLD. 2633 31x0.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING RELOCATE @.C. LAB 2634 198.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDIlVG INST, ELECTRICAL SERV.E 2635 2,100.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-65 BUILDING INST, LIGHTING 2636 212.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING CRANE PROTECTION SYS. 2637 47.00 BOEING COMPANY 1054 BUILDING INST. WIRE CODER 2638 600.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-04 BUILDING ELECTRICAL FACILITIES 2639 200.00 WILLIAM H. LARSON 714 HIGH AVE. S WIRE NEW ADDITION 2640 550.00 AUSTIN WOLFE 901 S 29TH CT. WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 2641 495.00 ELMER MORASCH 1701 CAMAS AVE. NE WIRE FAMILY RES. MECHANICAL PEAS M 2302 FED, HOUSING ADM. 435 PELLY AVE. N REPLACE PLBG, FIXT. 2303 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2435 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXT. 230.4 A.L. WOLFF & ASSOC. 925 S 29TH CT. TMST. FURN., WTR. TNK. 2305 JOE CURRY 317 PELLY AVE. N INST, GAS HEATER 2306 JOE CURRY 319 FELLY AVE. N INST. GAS HEATER M 2307 G. PCMEROY 1929 JONES CT, SE TMST. PLBG. & FI)P. 2308 RENTON CONCRETE 557 SHATTUCK AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXT. 2309 R. BERGMAN 2326 NE 7TH PL. INST, GAS FURNACE 2310 RAMESN VILLAGE 00. 15 SOUTH GRADY WAY INST, SINK & FIRE CAB, M 2312 3512 NE 10TH CT. INST. WALL HEATER JAMES L, McDONALD 520 BURNETT AVE. S INST, HEATER 2313 PASTIME TAVERN 219 MAIN AVE. S CONNECT REF. COMPR. 2314 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING COLD WTR, TO BENCH 231.5 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING INST, SHOWER 2316 BOEING COMPANY 4-61 BUILDING MT. SINK M 2317 MR. CAPELOUTO 1431 KIRKLAND AVE. NE INST. GAS HEATER 2318 KAMPE CONST. 00. 2441 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & "IXT. SEWER PERMITS 1.062 WASH. MUTUAL SAV. TRACT 28, RENTON COAL Co. CCNNECT SEWER. 460 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk January 12 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Agreement documents for joint sanitary sewer project on West Valley Highway with City of Tukwila Review of Comprehensive Land Use Plan and/or map as to wording and use CITY ENGINEER Joint Use Agreement with Tukwila for West Valley Hwy . Sanitary Sewer CITY CLERK To send Town of Milton Resolution ,concerning Narcotics Use Control , to 47th District Legislators COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Question of increase in Per Diem proposed by Stredicke COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES Proposed Code of Ethics LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE Release of matching Statewide City Employees Retirement Fund contributions in sum of $25 ,000 . 00 Funding repairs to City Shop Building from Cumulative Fund 1894 Ordinances required for Comprehensive Land Use Plan revision and rezone for Transamerica properties MAYOR To make recommendations to council concerning Capital Improvement Priority program and committee membership PLANNING COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMITTEE To review Comprehensive Land Use Plan and/or map as to wording and use WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Funding for Joint Use of Sanitary Sewer on West Valley Hwy . with Tukwila , $17 ,000. 00. MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 1/12/70 - Street and Alley Committee after the council meeting this evening 1/14/70 - Planning Committee at 4 :00 p.m . 1/17/70 - Committee on Committees at 2 : 00 p.m. 1/19/70 - Committee of the Whole at 7 :15 p .m. 1/26/70 - City Council Meeting to be held at 6 : 00 p. m. 2/9/70 - Public Hearing on L. I. D. 267 Preliminary Assessment Roll MEW 1 461 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk January 12, 1970 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor, Gene Coulon , Park Director, Vern Church , Purchasing Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO January 12 , 1970 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF January 5, 1970 AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman McKay presented documents for introductory reading with second and final readings being authorized by motions duly seconded and adoption by roll call vote , to-wit: ORDINANCE 2536 An Ordinance adopting the classification Adopting Non-Charter O.M. of Non-Charter Code City for Renton as Code City for Renton provided for in Title 35A entitled "Optional Municipal Code : of the revised Code of Washington; providing for the reorganization of the City 's Municipal Government under the Mayor-Council plan as specified in Chapter 35A. 12 of the Revised Code of Washington . Committee of the Whole report recom- mended adoption . MOTION BY PERRY PASSED FOR FIRST, SECOND AND FINAL READING AND AFTER THE READINGS, IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY AND SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE FOLLOWED AND CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Grant requested the record to show he has questions on the lack of a primary election which he intends to pursue . ORDINANCE 2537 Reorganizing City An Ordinance of the City providing Government for the reorganization of City Government by the adoption of the Mayor-Council plan of government as provided for in Ch . 35A . 12- RCW, which ordinance is adopted in conjunction with Renton Ordinance No. 2536 adopting the classification of noncharter code city as provided for in Ch . 35A . 02 RCW; pro- viding for election of new officers as specified in Ch . 35A . 02 . 050 , RCW. The document was placed on first reading. MOTION BY PERRY, DULY MADE AND SECONDED, AUTHORIZED SECOND AND FINAL READING. AFTER FINAL READING IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 462 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/12/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) ORDINANCE NO. 2538 Committee of the Whole report was read Restructuring Standing recommending passage of Ordinance re- Council Committees structuring the standing committees of the council to seven committees and defining the duties thereof. MOTION BY PERRY WAS DULY MADE AND SECONDED FOR FIRST READING, WHICH CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE TRANSI Ed - PORTATION COMMITTEE HAVE FIVE MEMBERS WITH A CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN . It was noted with a 7 man council this would include nearly everyone and it may as well be committee of the whole activity . The MOTION WAS VOTED ON AND LOST. Second and final readings were authorized upon Motion by Perry duly made and seconded. After final reading , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Proposed motion by Barei urged that on the first time around names be placed in a hat and drawn for Committee Chairmanships was declared out of order at this time but would be acceptable upon disposition of pending motion . ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYE: SCHELLERT , CLYMER, DELAURENTI, PERRY, MCKAY, STREDICKE, EDWARDS , MAXIN, BRUCE AND GRANT. NO : SHANE AND BAREI . THE MOTION CARRIED, 10 AYES AND 2 NO VOTES. THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHANE RESTRUCTURING OF COMMITTEES BE REFERRED ...,.. TO THE COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES FOR A DRAWING TO DETERMINE CHAIRMAN AND VICE- CHAIRMAN . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT THE MOTION BE TABLED. CARRIED. Proposed Ordinance Chairman McKay reported committee recom- Amending Code relating mendation to place garbage collection to garbage collection amending ordinance on first reading , and MOVED FOR SAME WHICH WAS SECONDED AND CARRIED. Stredicke opposed. During dis- cussion it was noted the amendment pro- vides for disposal of industrial wastes the city to bill and its franchised col- lector to collect , rates based upon the volume and for like uses and to coincide in term with presently existing contract . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY MCKAY TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. After final reading , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT AS READ. It was requested that copies be furnished to the council and it was MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY SHANE, TO TABLE THE ORDINANCE FOR ONE WEEK. Dissenting voice vote resulted in request NUM for roll call which resulted as follows : Aye : Schellert , Clymer , Stredicke , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . No : Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Edwards and Maxin . The motion carried. 7 to 5 . The City Clerk was requested to furnish copies to the Council . c� 4 �� � -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/12/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont. ) L. I.D. 267 Preliminary Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted Assessment Roll the roll (Storey L. I.D. ) and suggested RESOLUTION NO. 1660 date of February 9 , for public hearing $179 ,499 . 39 thereon . Proposed resolution was read declaring City of Renton ' s intent to construct and install Sanitary Sewer lines and appurten- ances thereto in vicinity of the North Renton Interchange and FAI Highway 405 , %W and to create a local improvement district to assess the cost and expense of said im- provement against properties in such dis- trict specially benefited thereby; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said improvement to appear and present their ob- jections at a meeting of the city council to be held on February 9 , 1970. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE CITY ENGINEER 'S RECOM- MENDATION AND TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1661 Authorizing application for federal financial Authorizing applica- assistance in connection with acquisition of tion for federal certain lands by the City of Renton as open funding assistance space for recreational and scenic uses. for park acquisition (Lake Washington Beach Park Addition .) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Nos. 5869 - 6025 Stredicke reported approval of City of �w and L.I.D. Warrants Renton Vouchers and MOVED THAT SAME BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL ALONG WITH L. I. D. 264 Cash Fund #1 , L. I. D. 264 Revenue Fund #1 and L. I. D. 259 Cash Fund #7 . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY EDWARDS AND CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 5869 - 5930 $ 21 ,637. 70 Arterial Street 5931 2 , 500. 00 City Street 5932 - 5950 10 , 774 . 05 Cedar River M&I 5951 - 5954 2 , 030. 60 Equipment Rental 6955 - 5968 809 . 00 Library Fund 5969 - 5972 472 . 62 Park Fund 5973 - 5994 13 ,050 . 34 Waterworks Uti1 . 5995 - 6009 18 ,208 . 39 Airport Fund 6010 - 6016 251 . 64 Firemen 's Pension6017 - 6025 136 . 15 Total $ 69, 871 . 39 L. I. D. Cash Fund #1 , $202. 50 L. I. D. Revenue Fund #1 202 . 50 CORRESPONDENCE AND L. I. D. 259 Cash Fund #7 , $3,282 . 08 CURRENT BUSINESS: Bid Opening and Award City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on January 8 , for street lighting in vicinity of S. W. 43rd Street (So. 180th) and the East Valley Road including both signals system and roadwork. Engineering estimate for both items was $20 ,000. 00 . Four bidders responded. (See tabulations attached) Street and Alley Committee report ,with Traffic Engineer Bennett 's signature also, recommended that low bid of Signal Electric, Inc. in sum of $19 ,689. 00 be accepted on the S. W. 43rd Street project . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. t 464 -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/12/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Release of Statewide Letter from City Clerk Nelson requested City Employees Retire- Resolution be authorized to certify ment Fund Contributions release of retirement funds in accordance for City 1970 Payments with action taken by council during the $25 ,000. 00 adoption of the 1970 budget . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Renton School District Letter from Ad Ames , Chairman , REA Levy 403 request for school Promotion , requested on behalf of the election banner permit Citizens ' Committee for Renton Schools , that permit be granted for use of right of ways to display election banners . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY GRANT,TO ALLOW THE PERMIT AND TO WAIVE THE FEE WITH COUNCIL GOING ON RECORD IN SUPPORT OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT. CARRIED. Joint Sanitary Sewer Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported Project with Tukwila investigation of advisability of Renton West Valley Highway participating in sanitary sewer line suitable for joint use with Tukwila and it was recommended that the city participate if possible , it being deemed impractical because of railroad tracks and drainage channel proposal to serve otherwise . City participation would be limited to the extra cost for increase of pipe size and for installing at greater depth than needed for Tukwila . Estimated cost was $17 ,000. 00 Referral to the Ways and Means Committee for funding and to the City Attorney and City Engineer for Joint-Use Agreement , was recommended. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER . Schellert inquired regarding Sanitation Committee report on the matter . Chairman Shane advised of meeting on the subject and that only $2 ,000 . 00 - $2 , 500 . 00 is needed at present , for underground and the rest of the work to be done in June. Schellert requested a definite amount be given for the Ways and Means Committee to consider . Question was called for and THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Additional items for Mayor Garrett reported receipt of two the Agenda items after agenda preparation and it was MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO AL— LOW THE COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED. "Iwo King County Supt . of Mr . Ed Logan , Director of Records and Elections Certification Election Supervisor , reported total vote of November 18 Election of 308 on Kennydale annexation election . Canvas's Proposition No . 1 For Annexation to Renton 222 (Carried) Against Annexation 86 Proposition No . 2 For assumption of indebtedness 119 (Defeated,' Against assumption of indebt . 166 -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/12/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Ho-Fee Permit Request National Multiple Sclerosis Society for "Mothers March" Puget Sound Chapter , Mrs . Elroy W. Dillman , Chairman , 5143 Arcade Bldg. Seattle , Wa . 98101 , requested permit for house to house fund solicitation March 12 - 19 , 1970. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO GRANT THE PERMIT. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs . Joanne Herber , 1632 Beacon Way S. E. , on behalf of the League of Women Voters , Optional Municipal commended the council for its actions Code Legislation in passing legislation for Optional adopted this date Municipal Code City . Mr. Kay Johnson , on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce expressed like appreciation for the action , noting there were those who thought it would not be done , and noting passage of the Ordinances to be a step in the right direction. Mrs . Margaret Evans noted the Mayor 's voice was coming through loud and clear the sound system not in proper adjustment at the prior meeting she attended. Visiting student Mayor Garrett introduced Mr. James Hill Jim Hill Renton High School student who had expressed an interest in Government and was invited to attend to see the council in action tonight . Jim noted he was very impressed with the proceedings this evening. ir.. Certification of City Attorney Shellan advised he would Ordinances for trans- transmit Ordinances to the State and Ed mittal to the State for Logan 's office which the Clerk should be Optional Municipal instructed to certify ,to be sure May 19 Code Election will be timely available for an election . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE ORDINANCES BE CERTIFIED AND PREPARED FOR SUBMISSION TO THE STATE. It was noted this was a provision of the ordinances and a regular duty of the City Clerk . THE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion ensued concerning the new Code , the League of Women Voters being duly recognized as contributing toward accom- plishment , and urged to solicit a woman council candidate , and Councilman Barei announced formally that he would not be seeking office again . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: how Code of Ethics Council President Schellert reported a proposed Code of Ethics was referred to the Committee of the Whole on 9/8/69 . Committee recommendation was read that the proposals be referred to a special committee to be appointed by the Committee 6n committees . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Council President Schellert noted the Optional Municipal Code action to be "One small step by Council and one giant step for the City" . 466 -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/12/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont. ) City Shop Building - The .Ways and Means Committee submitted referral of 12/8/69 report and memo from the Building Director Ways and Means Com- �'o the Special City Shops Committee, and mittee Report Board of Public Works analysis . Building Directors estimate of costs to repair and basic considerations , along with alternate actions which might be taken were read. 1 . Structural repairs $ 6 ,000 . 00 2. Safety requirements 6 ,000 . 00 3. Lube room and washrack 7 ,500 . 00 $19 ,500. 00 Proposals considered: 1 . Repair as stop-gap measure for temporary use 2 . New construction at present site 3 . New construction at new site. The Ways and Means Committee recommended emergency structural repairs be made as per Building Director ' s Memo with funding from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 which allows improvements to municipal buildings . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE ITEM TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Valley Regional Planning Commission THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED office space in THAT THE VRPC BE GRANTED OFFICE SPACE AT Municipal Building NO CHARGE, AS DISCUSSED AT BUDGET SESSIONS. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. (Budget hearing discussion was recalled to allow free rent and less city contribution; also prior lease action and office rental charge) THE MOTION CARRIED. Abortion Issue Councilman Clymer recalled his prior inquiry concerning Dr. Koome ' and abortion publicity and called upon Councilmen , the Mayor and Police Chief to use every effort to enforce the law and stop such activity . Mr. Clymer expressed his personal opinion that as a Christian he believes abortion to be immoral and each to be a murder. He felt that the petition and initiative route should be used for changing laws and vote of the people could change them if this is what is wanted, noting Dr Koome 's business increase and his appearance via news media without being challenged. Discussion ensued wherein City Attorney Shellan and Police Chief Williams outlined investigation and pursuance procedures a•s taken and still under continuance in regard to the matter, it being affirmed that the Council and City has no jurisdiction in felony matters, factors of ,Law and the Consti- tution noted. The Prosecuting Attorney of King County has exclusive jurisdiction . It was noted that this is a very emotional subject , religious and personal opinions being aspects involved-, and that conclusive evidence is required not hearsay or self-ih . crimination. which might not stand un in rnv+rt 461 -7- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/12/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Street and Alley Chairman Clymer reported additional public Committee Report telephone booth was granted to be located 1/5/70 Referral with on North 3rd Street and Williams Avenue power to act . South , as requested by Pacific NW Bell Telephone Company . Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted report recom- Report - Narcotics mending that the City Clerk send a letter legislation , Referral and Town of Milton Resolution No. 503 to `, of 12/22/69 the 47th District Legislators requesting their support of same . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Railroad crossing access at Baxter Councilmap Stredicke inquired whether property site the railroad crossing matter at the (Park property) Baxter property needed referral and it j was noted the matter is in committee and is being worked on in regard to alternate routes . Planning Committee Chairman Maxin submitted report recommending Report that proposed Ordinances granting change in Comprehensive Land Use Plan and rezoning for Transamerica property be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee , the Planning Committee approving the revisions . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR WITH REGARD TO COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE MAP REVISION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN REZONE AND REFERRAL. CARRIED. BAREI AND SHANE VOTED NO. i1r�r The Planning Committee recommended that wording and use of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and/or Map as a supplemental zoning map be reviewed by the Planning Commission , the City Attorney and the Planning Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . After discussion regarding color code and respective association with zoning actions , the pending motion CARRIED. BAREI AND SHANE OPPOSED. Fire and Water Chairman Bruce submitted Fire and Water Committee Report Committee report advising that City of Renton responsibility for fire protection Kennydale Island of the Kennydale area was assumed at fire protection midnight , December 23, 1969 and arrange- service ment had been made heretofore with Chief Referral of 1/5/70 Denny of District 25 to relay any calls to Renton. Dist . 25 station equipment belongs to that district and will remain its property . Mayor Garrett will prepare letter of welcome to people of this area which will include the emergency numbers . Fire Department Fire and Water Committee Chairman Bruce Ambulance requested more time to consider purchase Referral of 1/5/70 of ambulance for the fire department . Granted. Property Committee Chairman Barei reported committee recom- Report -Monterey mendation that the city release the Monterey Terrace Pylon at entry Community Club from Hold Harmless Agreement to area , Referral of in connection with the entry way Pylon , November, 1969 and insurance premium expense , the Club to continue maintainance and upkeep of the pylon .MOVED BY BAREI, SECOND BY SHANE TO CONCUR. CARRIED. 468 -8- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/12/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Council Standing Councilman Barei urged that each Council Committee Assign- Member list preferences for committee ments assignments and for Chairmanships in order of preference , and submit them to Schellert , Delaurenti or Barei . Committee on Committees Councilman Schellert announced a meeting Meeting 1/17/70 of the Council Committee on Committees on Saturday, 1/17/70 , at 2 :00 p. m. for review of assignments and Members of the council should plan to serve on at least three committees , listing prefer- ences accordingly . Committee of the Council President Schellert announced Whole meeting, 1/19 , a Committee of the Whole meeting on at 7:15 p.m. Monday at 7:15 p.m. Capital Improvement Councilman Schellert called attention Prioity Committee to change in administration since the Status and Program Capital Improvement Priority Committee Review was appointed and it was requested that Mayor Garrett review the committee membership and the program and advise of action he wishes the council to take. Street and Alley Chairman Clymer announced a committee Committee Meeting meeting following the council meeting this evening. Microphone for Councilman Perry inquired if a microphone Podium for Public would be available for use by the public Use in Addressing at the podium. The Mayor advised such remarks at meetings was a possibility . Number floors for Councilman Stredicke requested the Mayor identification in and Building Department consider numbering front of elevators floors in front of elevators for conven- ience of identification . It was noted several of the employees are using the stairs for physical fitness programs with fine for riding elevators . Planning Committee Chairman Maxin announced a meeting on Meeting Wednesday , January 14 , at 4 : 00 p.m. and the City Attorney or assistant and the Planning Director were invited to attend. Council Meeting of MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE January 26 , to be COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 26 , 1970 BE held at 6 :00 p.m. ADVANCED TO 6 :00 P.M. CARRIED. Stredicke inquired if Resolution has Boone Kirkman been requested concerning this date boxing event observing honor for the young boxer. Comment of Council Councilman Grant commended Councilman Member Grant re- Clymer for courage of his convictions in garding Clymer 's getting answers before the public as well remarks on abortion as the council so they know what is going on. and regarding article He also noted newspaper article in the in paper concerning Record Chronicle concerning environment with environment regard to the Puget Power Steam plant (being painted)which he hoped would stimulate action. Council support of MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE COUNCIL proposal for vote GO ON RECORD BACKING THE RIGHT OF 18 YEAR by' 18 year olds OLDS TO VOTE. CARRIED. -9- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/12/70 AUDIENCE COMMENT : Mr. Art Scholes Mr . Scholes , 1708 Ferndale S. E. , a Member of the Municipal Advisory Committee , recom- OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL mending adoption of the Optional Municipal CODE ADOPTION Code as Non-Charter City , thanked the Council for its action in authorizing legis- lation to adopt same and urged that a look lrir be given also to the other recommendations of that committee with regard to initiative and referendum. It was noted that the present council does not have these powers and that it would be up to the new government elected, the holding of an election being as much as can be done by this council ;anything further could be negated. Clymer noting safeguards of democracy to be taken out urged the public to vote wisely as there could be all new members elected to government . Proposal for Per MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE Diem Increase , MATTER OF PER DIEM BE REFERRED TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE AND THE RATE BE SET AT $35 . 00 . Discussion ensued with regard to differential between employee classifications . Proposed motion to adjourn lost . �+ MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, THE QUESTION REGARDING PER DIEM BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 10 :25 p.m. There were 22 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Helmie Nelson , Ci y Clerk Avery G rett , Mayor i "Mo 0 N ^� BID OPENING: January 8, 1970 2:00 P.M. S.W. 43rd STREET/EAST VALLEY ROAD Project Bellevue Bulldozing Signal Electric, Inc. West Coast General Service Engineer 1503 128th PI . N.E. 9904 S. 210th PI . Electric Co. Electric, lnc. Estimate Bellevue, Wash. Kent, Wash. 18250 68th S. Box 1435 GL 4-8211 UL 2-7334 Kent, Wash. Bellevue, Wash. BA 6-6010 SH 6-9700 Item I Signals System L.S. $12,000. $12,750. $11 , 189. $12,200 $13,650. Item 2 Roadwork L.S. 8,000. 10,364. 8,500. 8,275. 8,300. $20,000. $23, 114. $19,689. $20,475. $21 ,950. C�- 471 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1/12/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2165 $2,628,000.00 KING CTY., PUBLIC WKS. 550 MONSTER RD. SW CONST. PUMPING PLANT 2166 960.00 CITY OF RENTON 100 MILL AVE. S RE-ALIGN WALLS & ROOF 2167 VOID 2168 40,000.00 DR. SNOW & DR. KAY 208 PARK AVE. N CONST, DENTAL CLINIC 2169 631,000.00 SPRINGBROOK LANDS 4300 TALBOT RD, S CONST, MEDICAL OFF. 2170 3,200.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING RELOCATE DOOR 2171 250.00 poEING COMPANY 10-52 BUILDING INSTALL WALL ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2642 820.00 AERO-DYNE FLIGHT CTR. 300 AIRPORT WAY INET. FIXT. & OUTLETS 2643 750.00 PHILLIPS 66 330 RAINIER AVE. S REPLACE FIXTURES 2644 56,000.00 KING CTY., PUBLIC WKS. 550 MONSTER RD. SW CONST. PUMPING PLANT 261��5 400.00 FHA, MARK SEVEN REALTY 435 PELLY AVE. N INCREASE SERVICE 2646 50.00 RENTON SHOPPING CTR 2902 NE SUNSET BLVD. CHANGE METER FEED E 2647 400.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2435 MONTEREY AVE. NE WIRE FAMILY RES. 2648 4,500.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING INT. LIGHTS - 747 2649 400.00 BOEING CCQpANY 10-52 BUILDING INST. CHEM, EQUIP. 2650 240.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-04 BUILDING RELOCATE DRAFT. MACH. 2651 198.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING WORK PLATFORM E 2652 250.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING INST. INERT GAS STACK 2653 1,600.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING RELOCATE STD, OVERFLOW 2654 450.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-01 BUILDING INST. HOLD AREA 2655 222.00 BOEING CCMPANY 10-71 BUILDING INST 480V POWER MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2319 WILLIAM LARSON 714 HIGH AVE. S DUST. GAS HEATING SYS. 2320 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 2435 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2321 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 2441 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2322 ELMER MORASCH 1711 NE CAMAS INST. GAS FURNACE 2323 HALL CHAMBERS 1733 ABERDEEN AVE. NE INST. GAS HEATER M 2324 KING CTY., PUBLIC WKS. 550 MONSTER RD. SW CONST. PUMPING PLANT 2325 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 2430 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2326 WILLIAM LARSON 714 HIGH AVE. S GAS PIPING 2327 G.F. POMEROY 1929 JONES CT. SE INST. GAS FURNACE 2328 VOI=D M 2329 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 2430 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2330 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 1601 LK. YOUNGS WAY INST, BOILER 231. RENTON SCHOOLS #403 505 S 23RD ST, INST, BOILER 2332 ROBERT VAN CULIN 1601 NE 24TH ST. INST. GAS FURNACE 2333 BOEING COMPANY 10-55 BUILDING REMOVE ROOF DRAIN HUB SEWER PERMITS S 1063 ELM MOR&SCH 1701 CAMAS AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1064 WASH. MUT. SAV. BANK TRACT 28, PARCEL D CONNECT SEWER 472 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk January 19 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S t� LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Library Board request for fund transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 to fund repairs to clerestory in sum of $1 , 249 . 82 Amending Resolution 1230 to allow per diem uv to $35 . 00 for elective and appointive city officials and up to $25 . 00 for salaried employees . MAYOR AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER Traffic Engineer to check grades on highways and Mayor to report deficiencies to State Highway Department PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS and FINANCE COMMITTEE City participation in special 1970 Edition of Record-Chronicle PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Olson , Richert , Bignold request for Late-Comers agreement for waterline on Grady Way for warehouse owner TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Pacific Coast R .R . Co. inquiry and request for extension of railroad spur track to old hospital site on Rainier for Doce ' s furniture retail outlet and warehouse Approval of State Highway grade plans for West Valley Highway S181 , from S. 196th to S. 178th APPOINTMENTS : BOARD OF EQUALIZATION - Councilman Paul Maxin HOUSING AUTHORITY - Thomas W. Trimm, 5 year term BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - Francis A . Holman , Ray H. Ball , Charles Hamlin , Barbara Lally , Elisabeth Rivily C. Eddie Taylor CODE OF ETHICS COMMITTEE - Schellert , Barei , Maxin , Grant & Stredicke COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEES - See attached list MEETINGS AND EVENTS 1/26/70 - Daniel "Boone" Kirkman Day in Renton , 6 : 00 p.m. council meeting 1/26/70 - Committee of the Whole meeting at 5 :45 p.m . LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO MEET ON MONDAYS AT 7 : 30 p.m . TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEETING TO CONSIDER RAPID TRANSIT TO BE ANNOUNCED WITHIN TWO WEEKS rrr r.. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk January 19 , 1970 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p. m . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor ., Bernard Ruppert , Build- ing Director . MINUTE APPROVAL : MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI January 19 , 1970 TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. Tom Edwards , President , Councilman Shane called attention to the Aero-Mechanics #761 election of Councilman Edwards to office of President , District' 761 , Aero-Mechanics �ysl Union . Mayor Garrett noted letter of con- gratulations had been sent and added his personal congratulatory remarks , applausle following in pride of the accomplishment . PROCLAMATION Proclamation by the Mayor declared Monday , Daniel "Boone" January 26 , 1970 as "Boone" Kirkman Day Kirkman Day in recognition of distinguished record in January 26 , 1970 amateur and professional boxing the National AAU Heavyweight Champion , and now top-ranked professional boxer ,has established. Citizens were urged to attend the boxing program in support of his return to the ring after a series of injuries and attempts to re- establish himself as a Contender for the Heavyweight Championship of the World. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Presentation by Framed copy of the Proclamation was Mayor Garrett to presented to Mr. Kirkman who pledged to Boone Kirkman do his best and fight his heart out for the City of Renton , recalling settling of his grandfather in the area in 1880 and his family tie with Renton as one of the "old families" . He expressed his pleasure in being located in the area and his desire to get started on the right foot and to keep going in that direction. He thanked the citizens for their support . ORDINANCES AND Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman McKay 1 RESOLUTIONS presented the following legislation and recommended readings and adoption, to-wit : ORDINANCE NO. 2539 Amending City 's Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amending Comprehensive and Maps in conjunction therewith with regard Land Use Plan and Map to Transamerica properties , hereby to be (Transamerica lands) designated "Commercial" . Motion by Schellert duly made and seconded authorized second and final reading, some lengthy discussion en- suing concerning Planning Commission findings wit inquiry as to need for more business in the City and in this area . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows for second and final readings : Aye : Schellert , Delau- renti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Edwards and Maxin. (Cont . next page) a "4 -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/19/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) ORDINANCE No. 2539 No : Clymer , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Comprehensive Land Barei . THE MOTION CARRIED 7 to 5 . Use Map and Plan After final reading, it was MOVED BY Revision regarding STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT Transamerica property THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Discussion ensued regarding problem of wording, coloring and use of the document which needed revision for legal purposes and clarifi- cation , per Planning Committee report . i Shane opposed the revision citing reasons of protection of existing business , vacancy of downtown buildings and matters of econ- omics to be involved, this being venture for profit; Barei noted location and proximity to other business not justifiable this being a periphery area and he felt it was spot zoning. Grant noted long range planning in the Comprehensive Plan and current concern f6r science of ecology with its respect to en- vironment and urged a stand be taken now by denial of the use . Intense and timely studies by the Planning Commission since 1966 were noted by Stredicke with outline of said studies reviewed by Planning Dir- ector Ericksen , it being pointed out that restrictive covenants have been filed to insure exact and proper plan development and findings concluding that the proposed neighborhood shopping center would be in the best interest of the community it is designed to serve , mainly being the Trans- america apartment and housing developments within the subject area . Dissenting voice vote on the pending motion brought proper request and roll call vote as follows : Aye : Schellert , Delaurenti , McKay , Stredicke , Edwards and Maxin . No : Clymer, Perry , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . fihe Mayor broke the 6 to 6 tie vote with an aye vote and THE MOTION CARRIED ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE. ORDINANCE NO. 2540 An Ordinance of the City of Renton , changing the zoning classification of certain properties Rezone of Trans- within the City from R-4 (Multiple Residence) america property to B-1 (Business District) . Motion by Stredicke Benson Road-Puget duly made and seconded was carried.authorizing Drive Intersection- final readings . NW corner MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. AFter dis- cussions and motion by Shane ,seconded by Barei , to table the motion , which lost ,the voice vote was dissenting and roll call vote was properly requested and taken on the original motion as follows : Aye : Schellert , Delaurenti , McKay , Stredicke , Edwards and Maxin . No : Clymer , Perry , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . Mayor Garrett voted aye breaking the 6 to 6 tie vote and the MOTION TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ CARRIED. Grant made inquiry concerning spot zoning which City Attorney Shellan advised he doubted would be upheld by the Court in view of surrounding zone classifications to this three and one half acre site. 475 -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/19/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) ORDINANCE NO. 2541 Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Industrial Waste McKay noted the subject ordinance had Collection been on introductory reading January 12 , 1970 and matter had been tabled for further consideration by council . Adoption action was now recommended. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO TAKE THE MATTER FROM THE TABLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. The Ordinance amends Chapter 3 of Title VIII , (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordi- nances of the City of Renton" relating to garbage collection of "industrial wastes" , establishing rates and method of collection and providing for special contracts . AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. After lengthy discussion regarding the fact that all inclusive rates were not fixed so that other industries might be covered and Attorney ' s remarks that amending ordinance would be in order when rates have been ne- gotiated by industry and contractor , aiding previous actions regarding contract award, it was noted industrial waste had not been heretofore established as separate provision through oversite and this action would serve to bring the ordinance up to date with both contracts expiring simultaneously. Dissenting voice vote followed and roll --- call vote on the pending motion was properly requested and resulted as listed : Aye : Schellert , Delaurenti , Perry , Mckay , Edwards. and Maxin . No : Clymer , Stredicke , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . The Mayor voted aye breaking the 6 to 6 tie and the MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. RESOLUTION NO. 1662 Authorizing release Resolution was read authorizing release of Statewide Retire- of $25 ,000 . 00 city matching funds to be ment Fund contribu- placed in reserve account and applied on tions , $25 ,000 . 00 future city matching charges as provided by law and in accordance with budget hearing actions . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY CLYMER TO ADOPT AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Auditing and Accounting Committee Chairman Nos . 6026 - 6237 and Stredicke reported approval of City of L. I.D. 264 Cash Fund Renton Vouchers and L. I. D. 264 Cash and and Revenue Fund #2 Revenue Fund Warrants and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown Current Fund 6026-6092 $ 27 ,037 . 44 City Street Fund 6093-6124 24 ,700 . 30 Cedar River M&I 6125-6128 2 ,323 . 57 Equipment Rental 6129-6152 4 ,221 . 29 Library Fund 6153-6181 11 ,880 . 86 Park Fund 6182-6203 14 ,058 . 91 Waterworks Uti1 . 6204-6225 23 ,602 . 68 1965 W&S Const . 6226 3 . 938. 50 Airport Fund 6227-6236 207 . 21 Urban Arterial 6237 1 , 083 . 68 Total $113 , 054 . 44 LID 264 Cash Fund #2 , $15 ,424 . 63 and LID 264 Revenue Fund #2, $15 ,424. 63 476 -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/19/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Renton Library Board Letter from Mr. Frank Cenkovich , Pres . , request for fund Renton Library Board of Trustees , requested transfer transfer of $1 , 249 . 82 from Cumulative Re- serve Fund 1975 unto Library Fund Account 1610/605 , Capital Outlay , to defray expense of repairs to clerestory area of the library building which have been completed by Busch Construction and Holmes Electric. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. ■ m Pacific Coast RR Co . Letter from Mr . Clark A . Eckart , President inquiry re spur track of Pacific Coast RR Co . , 404 Union Street , to old hospital site Seattle , Wn . , advised of consideration by for Doce ' s Furniture Doce ' s of the old Renton hospital site for Company a furniture retail store and warehouse . Extension of railroad spur track onto the property would be needed and franchise for such rail service was requested. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Water Pollution Control Letters from the two public agencies re- and Dept . of Health ported approval of plans and specifications approval of LID 264 for L . I . D. 264 , Mance Addition Sanitary Sewers , Talbot Road . BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD Mr . G . Brice Martin , Chief Clerk , BRB , approval of Talbot of King County , reported public hearing Annexation action and subsequent approval of proposed annexation of Talbot Hill area to Renton , BRB File 205 , City File A69-03. Certified City ordinance to be filed with copy of this approval letter to finalize the annexation . Upon inquiry , City Clerk Nelson advised a Resolution calling for election must now be certified and filed with the King County Clerk of the Board and the Director of Elections . Councilman Bruce urged voters of this area be informed regarding assumption of their pro-rata shares of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness so they will be aware of what they are voting on . Barei inquired if the election might be held May 19 and Mrs . Nelson stated such request could be made and that Mr. Logan would advise of date available . BOARD OF PUBLIC Letter from the Wn . State Highway Commission WORKS REPORT submitted proposed Resolution approving •the West Valley Hwy . West Valley Highway grades from S. 196th to ' Grade approval S. 178th St . Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen Board of Public Works Chairman , recommended wow approval of the grade plan . 'S181 .) MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THIS MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR CHECK ON THE GRADES , THOSE ON PRESENT HIGHWAYS IN NEED OF CORRECTIVE ENGINEERING . THE MOTION CARRIED. Motion duly made and seconded authorized addition of items to the Agenda . Traffic Signal NE 12th Letter from Traffic Engineer Del Bennett noted council action approving signal at at NE 12th and Sunset Blvd . NE and budgeting 477 -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/19/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Traffic Signal funds therefor in the 1970 budget . 12th and Sunset It was noted that the Highway Department will be widening Sunset in 1971 and any permanent installation would need to be on private property which is to be acquired by the Highway Department in condemnation proceedings and the City should not spend city funds in view of this . It was re- quested that temporary installation be authorized which will be less than $2 , 000 . 00 '" utilizing existing equipment and city forces . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE TEMPORARY INSTALLATION . CARRIED. Councilman Bruce inquired regarding Union Avenue and 4th and Mr . Bennett advised this will be out for bids within 60 to 90 days . Stredicke noted dippity-do areas from Harrington to 12th and need for action before 1971 urging action under strong Mayor foam of government to get reacquainted with the Highway Directors and work with the State to get things done . Final Progress Letter from City Engineer Wilson requested Estimate, CAG 1511-69 approval of payment of $1 ,083 . 68 to Moss Grady Way , Moss Const . Const . Co . , Inc. for final estimate on Co . , Inc . $1 ,083 . 68 Grady Way improvement from S. 5th Street to Rainier Avenue S. The project was completed January 7 and accepted by the Engineering Department January 9 , 1970 . Acceptance by the Council and commence- ment of the thirty day Lien period was requested with authorization for release of retained percentage of $24 , 936 . 90 thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMEN.:)ATIONS AND REQUESTS OF THE CITY ENGINEER . CARRIED. Request for Late- Letter from Olson , Richert , Bignold , Comers Agreement Architects , Planners and Engineers , for Grady Way requested Late.-comers Agreement in Waterline connection with waterline installation on SW Grady Way in vicinity of S . 147th street for warehouse owner at 1520 S. W. Grady Way . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs . Joanne Herber , 1632 Beacon Way , SE , extended further congratulations on behalf of the League of Women Voters on council action of last week to adopt the Optional Municipal Code form of government for the City of Renton and invited those present to coffee and cake to be served after the meeting by the League . She urged everyone to cast a ballot at the School issue election tomorrow. 478 -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/19/70 APPOINTMENTS HOUSING AUTHORITY Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mr . Thomas W. Trimm Thomas W. Trimm to a .five year term as 5 Year Term member of the Renton Housing Authority . Committee of the Whole report recommended concurrence . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Committee of the Whole .recommended Francis A . Holman ; acceptance of the Mayor ' s appointees Ray H. Ball ; Charles Francis A . Holman and Ray H. Ball to Hamlin ;Barbara Lally ; the Board of Adjustment and reappoint- Elisabeth Rivily and ment of Charles Hamlin , Barbara Lally , C. Eddie Taylor Elizabeth Rivily and C. Eddie Taylor . One vacancy still exists and Mayor Garrett invited Council recommendations . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS: COMMITTEE OF THE President Schellert submitted Committee WHOLE REPORT ON report recommending that Resolution 1230 MATTER OF PER DIEM be amended to provide that per diem for the Mayor , City Council Members and all other elected or appointed officials of the city shall be up to $35 . 00 per day , and up to $25 . 00 per day for all other salaried employees of the city . MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . Dissenting voice vote brought proper request and roll call vote which resulted as follows : Aye : Clymer , Delaurenti , Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce and Barei . No : Schellert , Perry , McKay , Grant and Shane . The motion carried , 7 to 5 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. SHANE OPPOSED . COMMITTEE ON Chairman Schellert submitted recommenda- COMMITTEES REPORT tion that special committee to draft a RE CODE OF ETHICS Code of Ethics be formed which shall be com- prised of Henry Schellert , Louis Barei , Paul Maxin , Bill Grant and Richard Stredicke . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO CONCUR ,CONFIRMING COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. CARRIED. SHANE OPPOSED. COMMITTEE ON STANDING THE COMMITTEE SUBMITTED LIST OF COMMITTEE COMMITTEES ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT OF COUNCIL MEMBERS TO THE SEVEN STANDING COMMITTEES : PUBLIC WORKS; PUBLIC SAFETY; COMMUNITY SERVICES; FINANCE; PERSONNEL & COMMUNITY RELATIONS; LEGISLATION; AND TRANSPORTATION . (See membership list attached) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP ASSIGN- MENTS. CARRIED. SHANE OPPOSED. COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES The Committee reported vacancy on the Board RE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION of Equalization and recommended Councilman APPOINTMENT Maxin be appointed to fill said vacancy and that the King County Assessor be so notified. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. 477 -7- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/19/70 OLD BUSINESS: (Cont . ) OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL Councilman Grant recalled his intent to CODE INQUIRIES pursue matters of timliness of OMC action and election , lack of a primary election , and Mayor having to run again . State Representative Gary Grant has been requested to seek opinion of the Attorney General on these items . SANITATION COMMITTEE Chairman Shane submitted report concurring REPORT - Joint Sewer with City Engineer ' s letter of 1/12/70 and Use Agreement with recommended the City participate in the Tukwila West Valley Highway project , on basis of verification of cost to the city . MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND BY BAREI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Mr. J . Steinberg, Record Chronicle reporter was introduced and Mayor Garrett suggested Special 1970 Edition possibility of city participation in a of Record-Chronicle special 1970 edition of the Chronicle be referred to committee . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED, Firemen 's Pension and Council President Schellert reported Relief Fund Actuary Actuary Report finds the Firemen ' s Pension Fund sound , with no millage levy required. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Council President Schellert announced a MEETING JANUARY 26 committee meeting at 5 : 45 on Monday , January 26 , 1970 . Additional Referral - MOVED BY PERRY THAT THE MATTER OF SPECIAL Chronicle Edition for EDITION OF THE CHRONICLE BE ALSO REFERRED 1,970 TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MOTION SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRED. STREDICKE OPPOSED. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Chairman Perry announced the Legislation TO MEET MONDAYS Committee will meet every Monday at 7 : 30 P.M . , except next week , in his office . Underpass/Overpass MOVED BY MAXIN , SECONDED BY SHANE, THE CITY deficiency check TRAFFIC ENGINEER DRIVE A CITY TRUCK TO CHECK ALL OVER AND UNDERPASSES FOR GRADE DEFICIENCIES, ETC. AND THE MAYOR REPORT SAME TO THE STATE. CARRIED. TRANSPORTATION Chairman Grant announced meeting would be COMMITTEE TO MEET held and announced within two weeks with Rapid Transit to be considered. 6 :00 p.m. meeting Stredicke reminded everyone of the early on January 26 council meeting next Monday . w Support School Councilman Clymer in support of Mrs . Herber ' Election remarks , urged everyone to vote tomorrow. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10 :15 p.m. There were 37 visitors present this evening. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk Avery rr tt , Mayor go OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1/19/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2172 $4,000.00 LILLIAN BACKMAN 305 S 2ND REPAIR DAMAGE 2173 -- T. COOKE, W. JACKSON 1322 LK WASH. BLVD. EXCAVATION, GRADING 2174 1,600.00 RENTON AUTO GLASS 205 RAINIER AVE. S INSTALL DOORS 2175 VOID 2176 VOID w/ B 2177 20,900.00 MATTHEW FROEHLICH 201 THOMAS AVE. SW CONST, FAMILY RES. 2178 160.00 HO SY GUY RESTAURANT 540 RAINIER AVE. S INST. PANELING, TILE 2179 500.00 RAINIER ASPHALT CO. 1915 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. ADDITION 2180 21,500.00 JOHN NATHAN 3001 MORRIS AVE. S CONST. FAMILY RES. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2656 650.00 GARY POMEROY 1929 JONES CT, SE WIRE F=Y RES. 2657 50.00 WESTGATE BUILDERS 621 RAINIER AVE. S TEMPORARY SERVICE 2658 50.00 DONALD HOLLERAN 707 RAINIER AVE. S TEMPORARY SERVICE 2659 50.00 CHARLES ANKENY 261 RAINIER AVE. N TEMPORARY SERVICE 2660 50.00 ELMER MORASCH 1701 CAMAS AVE. NE TEMPORARY SERVICE E 2661 50.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2441 MONTEREY AVE. NE TEMPORARY SERVICE 2662 50.00 EARL RYDER 112 PELLY AVE. N TEMPORARY SERVICE 2663 235.00 BOEING CCtTANY 10-50 BUILDING INST. 120-208V SERV. 2664 250.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING ELECTRIC SERVICE 2665 134.00 BOEING CO TANY 4-63 BUILDING INST. VAC-U-LIFT SERV. E 2666 130.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-50 BUILDING INST. ULTRA-SONIC CLNR. 2667 200.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING CONNECT EXIT LIGHT 2668 197.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-65 BUILDING D.C. POWER SUPPLY 2669 125.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING RELOCATE XEROX 720 2670 98.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-60 BUILDING RELOCATE ITEK CAMERA E 2671 350.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2430 MONTEREY AVE. NE WIRE FAMILY RES. 2672 375.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2441 MONTEREY AVE. NE WIRE F=Y RES. 2673 50.00 HO SY GUY RESTAURANT 540 RAINIER AVE. S REPLACE ELEMENTS 2674 240.00 S & J DISTRIBUTORS 936 HARRINGTON AVE. NE INST. SIGN LIGHT MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2334 KANTE CONST. CO. 2430 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST, SEPTIC TANK 2335 JACK BENAROYA CO. 1090 SW THOMAS ST. INST, GAS HEATERS 2336 M. MCDONALD 284 SW THOMAS ST. INST. GAS FURNACE 2337 J. J. KORVAS 1701 SE 18TH PL. INST. PLBG., FIXTURES 2338 KAMPE CONST, CO. 2436 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. FURN., WTR. HTR. M 2339 SIDNEY CAMPBELL 1503 DAVIS AVE. S INST. GAS HEATER 2340 HO SY GUY RESTAURANT 540 RAINIER AVE. S INST. URINAL SEWER PERMITS S 1065 JADE LION 309 AIRPORT WAY CONNECT SEWER lo66 ROY HOUTER 1929 JONES CT. SE CONNECT SEVER 1067 DR. THOS. MAXWELL 1920 S. PUGET DR. CONNECT SEWER r '� 4 81 COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES 1/19/70 RE: REFERRAL OF 11/17/69, STANDING COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS The Committee on Committees recommends the following committee assignments: PUBLIC WORKS (5 member) LEGISLATION (3 member) Ken Bruce, Chairman George Perry, Chairman Earl Clymer, Vice-Chairman Thomas Edwards Louis Barei Bruce McKay Charles Shane Bruce McKay PUBLIC SAFETY (5 member) TRANSPORTATION (3 member) C . Delaurenti, Chairman Bill Grant, Chairman C . Shane, Vice-Chairman Charles Delaurenti George Perry Earl Clymer Louis Barei Ken Bruce COMMUNITY SERVICES (5 member) Paul Maxin; Chairman Bruce McKay, Vice-Chairman Charles Shane Earl Clymer Richard Stredicke FINANCE (3 member) Thomas Edwards, Chairman Henry Schellert Louis Barei PERSONNEL & COMMUNITY RELATIONS (3 member) Richard Stredicke, Chairman Paul Maxin Bill Grant Henry Schellert, Chairman 'Charles Delaurenti Louis Barei 482 1- 17-70 ASSIGNMENTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Louis Barei Charles Shane Public Works Public Safety, Vice-Chairman Public Safety Public Works Finance Community Services Ken Bruce Richard Stredicke Public Works, Chairman Personnel & Community Public Safety Relations, Chairman Community Services _Earl Clymer Public Works, Vice-Chairman Community Services Transportation Charles Delaurenti Public Safety, Chairman Transportation Thomas Edwards Finance, Chairman Legislation Bill Grant Transportation, Chairman Personnel & Community Relations Paul Maxin Community Services, Chairman Personnel & Community Relations Bruce McKay Community Services, Vice-Chairman Public Works Legislation George Perry Legislation, Chairman Public Safety Henry Schellert Committee of Whole, Chairman Finance 1/19/70 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Published by January 26 , 1970 City Clerk 's Office A:00 P.M. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 6; Valley Regional Planning Commission 's proposed Work Program for 1970 and request for suggestions for additions or deletions thereto. Request of Councilman Perry for personal costs to attend A . T. & T. Conference in Chicago , Ill . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Stoneway Concrete , Inc. , notice of return to City of leased premises and . request for early reply of grading and site work needed for restoration of the Cedar River Park to prior state Kiwanis Club of Renton request for City consideration of development Of former Earlington School site for park and recreation area FINANCE COMMITTEE Park Board recommendation for relocation of Cedar River Park area transmission lines and inquiry regarding funding of costs Final Progress Payment , $33,063 .15 , CAG 1552-69 , Coluccio Const . Co. , Inc. , Black River Channel drainage project at airport LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Resolution to define uniforms of women personnel in Fire and Police Departments , Parking Checkersand Meter Readers Resolution to authorize 1 . 5% of Gross Plant Value of Utility Properties for establishing administration and service charges PARK BOARD Kiwanis Club of Renton request for development of Earlington School site into park and recreation area Stoneway Concrete , Inc. return of leased area and request for reply as to needs for grading and site work to restore Cedar River Park to original state TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Park Board recommendation to relocate transmission lines in Cedar River Park area Request of Mr . Russell Ralph for Street Light at 9019-106th S.E. and review of recently annexed Kennydaie area in its entirety for lighting needs APPOINTMENTS: LIBRARY BOARD - Mr . Jean Pidcock POLICE PERSONNEL TO PERMANENT STATUS: T.A. Romano , Lieutenant , 1/16/70 Roberta Brown , Clerk Steno II, 1/1/70; Ethel Johnson , Clerk Steno I, 1/1/70; Sandra Sanders , Clerk Dispatcher ` w 1/16/70; Janet Barclay , Clerk-Dispatcher , 1/16/70 MEETINGS: 1/28/70 - Committee of the Whole meeting at 7 :30 P.m, , 6th f1 . conf. rm. Community Services Committee at 5 :00 p.m, in Planning Dep t . Public Works Committee meeting at 7 :OO p.m. in City Engineets off . 1/29/70 - Transportation Committee at 7: 30 p.m. in Council Chambers 484 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING M I Published by : N U T E S City CZerk.' s Office x:00 P.M. January 26 , 1970 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett in the Council Chambers, Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Schellert , Clymer, Delaurenti , McKay, Stredicke , Maxin , Bruce, Grant and Barei . Absent : Perry. Edwards , Shane and MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, G. M. ShelZan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor, Vern Church , Purchasing Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Council President Schellert noted addition Meeting of required of referral to City Engineer also, January 19, 1970 of highway overpass-underpass deficiency , Page 7, and Councilman McKay noted Lodge No . 751 rather than 761 , of which Councilman Edwards was elected President , Page Z . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED, THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING BE APPROVED WITH ADDITION AND CORRECTION AS NOTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 1663 Legislation Committee member McKay submitted Transfer of Funds Resolution for adoption authorizing transfer to repair clerestory of $1 ,249 . 82 from Cumulative Reserve Fund area of the Library 1975 unto Library Fund 1610/605 , Capital Out- lay to fund repairs . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1664 Resolution was read authorizing sum not to Subsistence Rate exceed $35 . 00 for the Mayor, Cit per diem increase y Council Members and all other elected or appointed Officials , and not to exceed $25 . 00 per day for all other regularly salaried employees of the City , while traveling on city business , all to be duly authorized and all claims to be supported by proper vouchers and documents as Provided by law. MOVED BY DELAUR'ENTI,SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call vote as follows : Aye: Barei , Bruce , Maxin, Stredicke , Clymer and Delaurenti . No : Schellert , Grant and McKay. THE MOTION CARRIED, six ayes and three noes . VOUCHER APPROVAL The Finance Committee reported voucher approval Nos. 6238 - 6351 and recommended Council approval of same . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. f -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/26/70 VOUCHERS: (Fund Breakdown) Current Fund 6238-6295 & 6349 $ 12 ,239 . 23 City Street Fund 6296-6301 & 6350 746 . 17 Equipment Rental 6302-6313 1 , 380 . 01 Park Fund 6314-6323 & 6351 35 ,793. 75 Waterworks Utility 6324-6334 38 ,889 . 74 Airport Fund 6335-6338 33,296 . 43 Firemen ' s Fund 6339-6348 4 ,890 . 01 Total $127 ,235 . 34 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Stoneway Concrete Letter from Mr . C. R . Stratton ,Oper.ations return of leased Manager , Stoneway Concrete , Inc. , reported area to City return of Cedar River Park property to the City according to lease provisions , area to be restored to original state thereunder also. Inquiry as to grading and site work to be needed was deemed to be of immediate requisite since equipment commitments will be difficult to meet after March 15 , 1970. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE PARK BOARD AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Valley Regional Letter from Gordon L. Hall , Pres . , VRPC, Planning Commission submitted proposed work program for 1970 1970 Work Program and requested revi6w and suggestions for additional items . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE wrw WHOLE. CARRIED. School District Letter from Eugene Brown , Transportation 403 re walkways Supervisor , School Dist . 403, commended the Street Commissioner , Vic TeGantvoort , and his crew for early response and diligent efforts in allowing much needed walkways for Tiffany Park School to become a reality. Kiwanis Club re Letter from Mr . Dixon W. Long, President , Earlington School Kiwanis Club of Renton, encouraged the City for Park site to give consideration to development of the former Earlington School site for park and recreation purposes . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THE PARK BOARD. Mrs . Vennetti inquired regarding fencing to protect the adjoining properties and was advised such has been policy if areas are acquired and developed for park and recreation purposes . THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution to City Clerk Nelson requested authorizat16n r.r define uniforms of Resolution to clarify definition of uniforms of women in the police and fire departments , the parking checkers and water meter readers , receiving uniform allowances , the State Examiner inquiring regarding same . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution to Letter from City Clerk Nelson requested authorize 1 . 5% resolution to authorize the 1 . 5% of gross Service Charge to plant value of the utilities properties Utilities for purpose of establishing service charge rate, per budgetary actions since 1966 . {Also requested by State Examiner) 486 -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/26/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Resolution requested MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Park Board Request Letter from Park Director Coulon noted for Relocation of Park Board Planning for development of Transmission Lines Cedar River Park , including Carco Theatre ,and attention was called to advisability of relocating transmission lines in interest of proper overall development . The cost to be referred for conference with Puget Sound Power and Light Company and time deemed to be of the essence since bids for Phase I development of the Park. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION AND FINANCE COMMITTEES. CARRIED. Request for Street Letter from Mr . Russell Ralph requested Light in Kennydale a street light on an existing pole at 9019 - 106th Avenue S. E. , recently annexed area in Kennydale . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE TRANSPORTATION_ COMMITTEE. It was urged that the entire annexed area be surveyed by the Committee for street lighting needs . THE MOTION CARRIED. ADDITIONAL ITEM Mayor Garrett reported need for addition FOR AGENDA of item to the agenda . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO ALLOW THE COMMUNICATION. CARRIED. Final Progress Letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson Payment and Acceptance reported acceptance of CAG 1552-69 , of CAG 1552-69 Black River Channel Improvement by Frank Coluccio Construction , Inc. and final payment of $33 ,063. 15 was recom- mended. Council acceptance and commence- ment of the 30 day lien period was also recommended along with release of the retained sum of $14 ,609 . 50 thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . Airport Board Approval of payments ,and acceptance of project was attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS, ACCEP- VING THE PROJECT,WITH REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR PAYMENT, AND LIEN PERIOD TO COMMENCE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Community Wide Mrs . Joanne Herber announced the second Recreation Meeting in a series of meetings on Tuesday , February 3 , in the Council Chambers , on Recreation , a community facility survey is being developed and various community agencies are participating under sponsor- ship of the League of Women Voters . In- vitation was extended to anyone interested. 487 -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1/26/70 APPOINTMENTS: Council President Scnellert submitted appointments approved by the Committee of the Whole confirmation recommended as follows : 1 Appointment of Mr . Jean Pidcock to Letter from Mayor Garrett requested LIBRARY BOARD concurrence in appointment of Mr . Jean Pidcock to fill vacancy on the Renton Library Board created by the resignation of Mr. Frank J. Cenkovich. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. PERMANENT STATUS Letter from Mayor Garrett reported Police Department completion of six months 'probationary Personnel period and recommended permanent appointment of police personnel , to-wit : T. A . Romano , Lieutenant , eff. 1/16/70 Roberta Brown , Clerk Steno II, eff. 1/1/70 Ethel Johnson , Clerk Steno I, eff. 1/1/70 Sandra Sanders , Clerk-Disp. , eff. 1/16/70 Janet Barclay , Clerk-Disp. , eff. 1/16/70 Police Chief's recommendation attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. MUNICIPAL ARTS Letter from Mayor Garrett announced the COMMISSION appointment of Municipal Arts Commission APPOINTEES Members with council concurrence requested as follows : .Mr. Randall Rockhill , reappointed to term from January 26 , 1970 to January 26 , 1973 . Mrs . Bill Cummings to fill expired term �+ of Mrs . Alex Cugini from 1/26/70 to 1/26/73. Mrs . James Baker to fill vacancy created by resignation of Mrs. Lee Kirby , 1/26/70 to 1/26/73. Mrs . A . M. Gruhn to fill vacancy left by resignation of Mr . Al Hopkins , from 1/26/70 to 1/26/71 . Mrs. Phillip Irwin , to fill unexpired term of James Hawkins, from 1/26/70 to 1/26/71 . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY MCKA Y, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Transportation Report was read recommending concurrence Committee Report in recommendation of Street Commissioner for new sidewalk on South side of South second Street , between Logan and Morris j Avenue South , costs to be from Street err Department budget . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Request for out of Council President Schellert presented State Travel costs request of Councilman Perry for personal expenses to be authorized for Chicago ` trip to A . T. &T. meeting, Puget Sound I Governmental Conference and the City to be represented and travel costs covered I by A .T. & T. 488 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING `. t/) 1/26/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Travel to Chicago President Schellert recalled the Council by Councilman Perry had appointed Councilman Perry . to repre- sent the City concerning the 11) emergency telephone system. It was noted he was a representative for the Conference here as Mr . Munro was unable to attend and it was not possible to secure prior authorization . After discussions as to pro and con of authorizing funds when the County did not ; MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE President Schellert announced a Committee MEETING, 1128170 meeting at 7 :30 PM,Wednesday , January 28, in the 6th floor conference room. COMMUNITY SERVICES Chairman Maxin announced a committee COMMITTEE 1128170 meeting at 5 :00 p.m. on Wednesday in the Planning Department . PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Chairman Bruce announced a committee MEETING 1128/70 meeting at 7 :00 p.m. in the City Engineer 's office on Wednesday , January 28 . TRANSPORTATION Chairman Grant announced a committee COMMITTEE MEETING meeting on Thursday , January 29 , at 7 : 30 1129/70 p.m. ,in the Council Chambers , the first item to be the railroad crossing- with the second to be Forward Thrust and Rapid Transit . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 6 :45 p.m. There were 12 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening.. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk rAI�64* Avery Gar 01 tt , Mayor i 489 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK; 1/26/7 PERMITS I,`3UED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2181 100.00 B. BRUCE 532 PARK AVE N. INST. 4Qx.5f ELECT.. SIGN 2182 8,000.00 NORTHWEST AVIONICS INC. RENTON MUN. AIRPORT CONST. ADD EXIST, BUILD. 2183 18,000.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2436 MONTEREY AVE NE CONST. SING. FAM. RES. 21.84 1,500.00 MRS. JANET BUTLER 501 CEDAR AVE S. REGODEL EXIST. RES. 6w2185 7,000.00 VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL 400 SHATTUCK AVE S DEMOLISH HOSP, BUILD. B 2186 2,150.00 THE BOEING CO. 10-58 BUILDING CONST. MZXTNG ROOM 2187 400.00 D. P. MONAGHAN 1009 HIGH AVE S. CON T. DECK ON EXIST. H� ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2675 500.00 NORTHWEST AVIONICS INC. RENTON MUN. AIRPORT WIRE ADD. TO BLDG, 2676 4.250.00 DRS. KAYE & SNOW 208 PARK AVE N WIRE DEVICAL CLINIC 2677 26 ..00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 35 S. GRADY WAY WIRE 4TH FL. CORRIDOR 2678 590.00 THE BOEING CO. 10-58 BUILDING CONST, M RING RE. 2679 160.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-63 BUILDING ELECT. SF.RIT FOR COMP E 2680 166.00 THE BOEING CO. 4-73 BUILDING INST. DRILL PRESS AND SAW 2681 157.00 THE BOEING CO. 10-71 BITI.IDING INST. SHEAR 2682 400.00 THE BOEING CO. 10-65 BTJILDTTIG :[:NST. DUST COLLECT. 2683 50.00 AERODYNE CORP. RENTON AIRPORT TFMJ' )ERV ON W SIDE OF AIR, 2684 150.00 JOHN C. HIGHTOWER 3903 NE 11TH CRT, COM. ELECT. WORK MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2341 600.00 HUNGRY WOLF RESTAURANT 401 RAINIER AVE S. REPL. kEFR. CTR. AIR COND. 2342 11,486.00 DR. THOMAS E. MAXWELL 1920 S PUGET DR, INST. PLUMBING FIXT, 2343 250.00 THOMAS CADWELL 812 KIRKLAAD AVE NE INST BTIT GAS HTR 2344 350.00 JOHN JACOBSON 1730 HARRING. AVE NE INST BTU GAS FURN '345 350.00 E. WECHSELBERCTER 521 LIND AVE NW INST PLUMB FIXT M 2346 1,000.00 WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLB LONGACRES INST PLUMB FTXT X347 250.00 ALMMA BUTLER 501 CEDAR AVE S INST GAS HTS 2348 450.00 THE BOEING CO. 10-58 BUILDING CONST MIXING ROOM 2349 500.00 VERN MORRIS 700 ABERDEEN AVE NE INST 2 GAS FURN 2350 VOID M 2351 107,,50 DONALD LOVEGROVE 2920 NE 4TH ST. INST f.A.S HT WTR HTR SEWER PERMITS S 1068 UNIVERSAL UTILITY C. INC. 620 RAINIER AVE S. SANITARY SEVER 1069 UNIVERSAL UTILITY C. INC. 620 RAMER AVE S. STORM SEWER, 1070 ROUTLEY & LAVALLEY 3400 SE 6TH ST. CONNECT SEWER i 490 Fund transfers authorized by the Finance Committee and the City Council for month of January , 1970 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 12 ,239. 23 City Street 746 . 17 Equipment Rental 1 ,380. 01 Park 35 , 793. 75 Waterworks Utility 38 ,889 . 74 Airport 33,296 . 43 Firemen 's Pension 4 ,890. 01 Total Claims Fund $127 ,235. 34 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current $158 ,072 . 81 City Street 33 ,962 . 95 Cedar River M & I 700. 00 Equipment Rental 5 , 304 . 92 Library 10 ,629 . 32 Parks 27 , 389 . 16 Waterworks Utility 24 , 785 . 56 Airport 1 ,728 . 00 Firemen ' s Pension 100 . 00 Total Payroll Bund $262 ,672. 72 RENTON CITY COUNCIL �� REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Published by February 2 , 1970 City Clerk 's Office 8 : 00 P .M . BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS To meet with Fire Chief concerning Boundary Review Board Notice of February 26 hearing on proposed annexation to Fire Dist . 25 . Olympic Pipe Line Co . request for additional installations as per provisions of Franchise Ordinance �.. Vacation of portion of Harrington Place - recommendation to be reported at public hearing of March 2 . FINANCE COMMITTEE Appraisal of portion of S . 123rd to determine value for possible vacation by the City Remarks of Councilman Shane regarding disposition of 1969 revenues over that anticipated and uncollected balances To meet with Insurance Broker concerning City 's Insurance coverages COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Reports by Councilman Perry on 911 Emergency Telephone System and Air Transportation Program LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Appraisal of S . 123rd with regard to 60 day pick-up option by p&titioner upon notification of availability and cost Revisions to Loading and Parking Ordinance Ordinance to encompass Kennydale Streets within grad system as recently annexed MAYOR U. S. Census Department request for suggestions of available rent free training facilities and employee enumerator applicants Proposed annexation by Fire Dist . 25 of portion of Maplewood addition To request Foster and Marshall to study effect of 1/3 reduction of water and sewer rates on city ' s financial position and bonding capacity PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointments - recommendations to be reported to Committee of the Whole PLANNING COMMISSION To make recommendation concerning feasibility of R-2 being allowed in L-1 and H-1 areas (Appeal received of Planning Commission rezone denial to Broadacres , Inc. ) PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Olympic Pipe Line Company request for additional installations in South Renton area MEETINGS AND EVENTS 2/2/70 - Recreation meeting in Council Chambers sponsored by League of Women Voters 2/4/70 - Public Works Committee Meeting-City Engineer ' s Office 2/5/70 - Community Services Committee at 7 : 30 p.m . in Council Chambers 2/6/70 - Retirement reception at Library for Mrs . Harker 2/6/70 - Fire Fighters Annual Appreciation Dinner at Sir Loin Inn 2/9/70 - Committee of the Whole at 7 : 30 p.m. 2/11/70 - Code of Ethics Committee at 7 :00 p.m . , 6th fl . conf. rm. 2/11/70 - NCR Seminar, in Dayton Ohio 3/2/70 - Public Hearing - Proposed Vacation portion of Harrington P1 . N. E. (Resol . 1665 held pending hearing) 3/2/70 - Public Hearing - Broadacres , Inc. appeal of Plan . Com . decision 3/5-6/70 NW Electric Light Assn . Environmental Seminar at Portland , Ore. 401 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Published by 8 :00 P.M . City Clerk 's Office February 2 , 1970 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Schellert , Clymer , Perry , McKay , Stredicke, Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . Absent : Delaurenti . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney, Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Gene Coulon , Park Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , Bernard Ruppert Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL : Council President Schellert invited January 26 , 1970 corrections or additions to the minutes noting change in hour of convening and MOVED, WITH SECOND BY CLYMER, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNITY SERVICE Mayor Garrett presented Mr . Pelto with AWARD - Alec Pelto a community service award placque for Member of Renton his many years of service as a member Housing Authority of the Renton Housing Authority and expressed thanks for the very devoted attendance to his duties over these many years . Mr . Pelto thanked the Mayor for his kind words . PUBLIC HEARING: This being the date set , the hearing was Vacation of portion of declared open . Board of Public Works Report So. 123rd Street submitted by Chairman Del Bennett , advised (E. H. Wilson ,Roger of review and finding that the street can Halsen Petition of serve no useful purpose to the City and 12/15/69) granting of the vacation was recommended, 10 ft . utility easement to be retained and to be centered on the centerline portion of So. 123rd Street . Audience comment was invited and Mr . E. H. Wilson , petitioner,urged concurrence, there being no need as a street , noting his desire to fill , to enhance building site he is developing adjacent thereto . Bruce inquired whether the Fire Chief had made any recommendations . City Engineer Wilson advised none had been made but due to terrain involving a canyon a street could not be developed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT TO APPROVE THE STREET VACATION REQUEST AS RECOMMENDED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. MOTION SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED. 4493 -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont . ) 2/2/70 PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed Vacation of S. 123rd St . from N. W. 7th St . to N. line of Lot 3, Block 1 , Woody Glen Addition Appraisal and Councilman Barei noted appraisal would need time limit for to be secured to determine the value of the option property and that a time limit for picking up the option should be set , suggesting 60 days from notification to petitioner of the appraised value and cost to be accepted by the City , proposing motion to accomplish same . MOTION WAS MADE BY SCHELLERT AND SECONDED TO REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Amending Dog City Clerk Nelson requested amending Ordinance License Ordin- to establish late fee of 504 it having been set ance N0. 2530 forth at $2. 00 in the existing Ordinance . ORDINANCE NO. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted 2542 proposed Ordinance for reading setting forth 504 fee for failure to procure license within 30 days of due date or acquiring the animal . The Committee recommended second and final reading. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY MCKAY TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED UPON UNANIMOUS ROLL CALL VOTE. RESOLUTION Resolution was read setting March 2 , 1970 as NO. 1665 date for public hearing on proposed vacation of portion of Harrington Place North to provide for exchange of such public use area for others more suitable for playground purposes . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . CARRIED. Proposed Proposed Resolution was read declaring certain Resolution public use areas within Plat of Renton Highlands Declaring No . 2 , et a1 , including Harrington Place as per public use legal description outlined, surplus and for sale area surplus and authorizing Quit Claim Deed or any other and for sale required instruments of conveyance reasonably necessary to effectuate disposition of said surplus public use area . Portion of Tract 46B to be acquired in exchange as set forth in Exhibit "A" . MOVED BY SCHELLRT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO HOLD THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION UNTIL THE PUBLIC HEARING OF MARCH 2 HAS BEEN HELD. CARRIED. %N.' VOUCHER APPROVAL: Finance Committee Chairman Schellert moved that MOS. 6352 - 6445 City of Renton Vouchers be approved for payment by the City Council . Motion Paas seconded by Maxin and carried. FUND BREAKDOWN Current Fund 6352 - 6400 $ 11 ,998 . 90 City Street Fund 6401 - 6405 363 . 70 Cedar River M & I 6406 28 . 84 Equipment Rental 6407 - 6412 507 . 99 Park Fund 6413 - 1616 288. 70 Waterworks Util . 6417 - 6430 3 ,174. 60 Airport Fund 6431 17 . 02 Firemen 's Pens . 6432 - 6445 4 ,065. 61 Total all Funds $ 20 ,445 . 36 -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/2/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Federal Census to Letter from the U . S . Dep ,' t . of Commerce , be conducted in Bureau of the Census , noted 1970 to be 1970 the year of the 19th Decennial Census and the Seattle-South District Office Rent-free facilities is now beginning operations to cover part needed for training of King County and all of Pierce County . enumerators in Renton A location for training enumerators , etc. is necessary and suggestions were invited along with recommendation for employee applicants from the City or community., MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE REQUESTS TO THE MAYOR ' S OFFICE FOR IMPLEMENTATION. CARRIED. Retirement reception Letter from the Renton Library Board for Mrs . Anne Harker invited the Mayor and City Council to Acting Library Director a reception on Friday , February 6 , at noon in the multi-purpose room of the Library, for Mrs . Harker who will be re- tiring the end of February . King County Boundary Notice of public hearing by the King Review Board Notice County Boundary Review Board reported February 26a after 7 : 30 p.m. ,se`_ for considering annexation to King County Fire District No. 25 of an area ,lying within due proximity to Renton ,to warrant notification as provided by law. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO REFER THE NOTICE TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR MEETING WITH THE FIRE CHIEF IN REGARD TO THE ANNEXATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke noted another area to be annexed should logically be served by Renton and urged investigation also, The current area on present hearing notice ,being 2 miles East of the City , was not deemed by City Engineer Wilson to warrant concern . Letters concerning Letter from Mr . Robert E. Schaefer outlined farm workers union his reasons why the City Council should not table grape issue have supported actions of Caesar Chevez and his farm workers union. Letter from the Rev. James C. Heer , St . Andrew Presbyterian Church , commended the Mayor and Council for taking a public stand in support of the cause of Caesar Chevez for the migrant laborers and their families . (Further remarks under audience comment relative to this subject) Letter from the Hon . Letter from the United States Senate , W. G . Magnuson , U. S.S. Hon . W. G . Magnuson, Chairman , Committee re study of Lower on Commerce , submitted report from Dept . Duwamish River area of the Army dated 1/14/70 advising of the allocation of funds for further pursuance of study concerning the lower Duwamish . Invitation to Local Letter from Mr . Jim Matthew, Sec . -Treas . , ; 864, Fire Fighters' International Assn . of Fire Fighters, Apnual Appreciation Local 864 , extended invitation to the Mayor Dinner, Feb. 6 , 1970 and Countril to attend the annual dinner to be held at the Sir Loin Inn on Friday, Y February 6 , beginning at 7 :00 p.m . 49C -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/2/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Items received too late to appear on the Agenda : Olympic Pipe Line Letter from ,J . C . Durbin , Vice-Pres . , Co . request for addi- Olympic Pipe Line Co. , P. 0. Box 236 , tional installations Renton , Wn . , recalled provisions of Franchise Ordinance No . 2120 to allow additional pipe line installations and list of proposed additions was attached , to be located across South 180th Street , (SW 43rd St . ) ,and across Wn . S .R . 181 . V MOTION BY STREDICKE WAS DULY MADE AND SECONDED, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TO THE COUNCIL PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Appeal of Planning Letter from Attorney Roger I. Lewis , Commission Decision on behalf of Broadacres , Inc. , appealed Planning Commission denial of rezone R-636 , amended,from G to L-1 (prbviously G to B-1 . ) / MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, FEBRUARY 23, BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON -THE APPEAL. CARRIED. (Advanced to March 2 , since February 23 is a holiday) Notice of approval of Letter from the Department of Housing and application for Public Urban Development advised of approval of Facility Loan (LID 263 , application for Public Facility Loan in Newly annexed area of amount of $427 ,500, Offer and Acceptance Kennydale) documents to follow along with instruct- ional material for procedure . � .. Upon inquiry as to status of the project City Engineer Wilson advised ground work is being completed by consultants on easement acquisition and right-of ways and bid call to be ready in the near future . NCR Invitation Letter from Mr . C. J. Brier, EDP Account to Seminar, Dayton Mgr . ,invited the Mayor and Councilman to a Ohio Moraine Farm two day seminar , Feb . 11 and 12, near Estate Dayton , Ohio with all expenses except travel to be provided by NCR , the new Century Computer and features of the system to be featured. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE SEMINAR . CARRIED. Shane noted persons operating the equipment should attend; Barei pointing out this concerns future needs and financing . from management position . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Frank Storey called attention to merger of Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railroad Companies and it was hoped this might warrant some allevia- tion of traffic conditions . Mayor Garrett advised this matter has been under discussion and further con- tact will be made in this regard . Caesar Chevez Mrs . Mary Hulse added commendation to the support Mayor and Council for support of the grape cause . Mr . Sheppard adding his like ex- pression , Also appov.=ng the support was Judy Lemeran who introduced Mr . Dale Van Pelt , leader in Seattle support movement for the Chavez cause . 494P -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/2/70 QLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: APPOINTMENT PROCEDURE Council President Schellert advised of Committee of the receipt of the Mayor 's appointee to the Whole Planning Commission and recommended referral to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee . Various motions were proposed and after discussion as to proper referral , it was MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY SCHELLEBT, TO REFER APPOINTMENTS FIRST TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATION;COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE TO REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Parking and Loading Chairman Maxin submitted Community Ordinance Referral- Service Committee report recommending Community Service that the Parking and Loading Ordinance Committee Report be referred to the Legislation Committee for incorporation of revisions and for necessary legislation for adoption there- after . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted report recommending Committee Report that the City grant M. B . Investment Company M. B. Investment Co. a LAte-Comers Agreement for watermain on Late-Comers Agree- Grady Way for a period of 7-1/2 years with ment for watermain costs limited to actual construction costs as outlined in request of 1/9/70 . .MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Acquisition of Park Committee of the Whole report concurred Property on Lake Wn . in Park Board recommendation that the City proceed with purchase of the Dilling- ham Corporation - Foss property . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PARK BOARD AND COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Vacation of portion of Harrington N. E.- Councilman Schellert MOVED THAT THE MATTER Referral for report OF PROPOSED VACATION OF PORTION OF HARRING- at Public Hearing TON N. E. , BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC March 2 , 1970 WORKS FOR REPORT BACK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING MEETING OF MARCH 2 . THE MOTION WAS DULY SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIED. Kennydale area street Legislation Committee Chairman Perry name changes require advised that amending ordinance will be Ordinance and changes required to encompass certain streets to be effective as of in the renaming program which had county April 1 , 1970 . designations and were not included here- tofore , with regard to the newly annexed Kennydale area , and extension of grid system, per Building Director 's Memo . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 497 -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/2/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) 911 Emergency Telephone Councilman Perry advised he would give System Report and Air a report regarding the 911 emergency Transportation Program telephone system and on a matter con- cerning Air transportation studies which should be of interest to the council , if the council so desired. A week 's notice would be needed and the presentation would take approximately one hour . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE REPORTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Legislation Committee Councilman Perry reported the Legislation Policy for submitting Committee will in the future present only legislation to council the Resolutions at the meeting following their receipt and Ordinances will n6t be presented immediately but a copy will be filed with the Council Secretary and Councilmen can ask to see them there before their presentation . Recreation Meeting Councilman Stredicke called attention to Reminder the Recreation meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday , February 3 , under sponsorship of the League of Women Voters , at 7 :30 p .m . Environmental Councilman Stredicke called attention Seminar in Portland to copies of Northwest Electric Light Mar. 5 and 6 , 1970 and Power Association publication announcing Environmental Seminar and Program which he planned to attend, March 5-6 , Hilton , Hotel , Portland, Ore . urging the Community Service and Trans- portation Committee and any others who could to attend . Personnel and Communi- Chairman Stredicke announced a meeting ty Service Committee of the Personnel and Community Service Meeting 2/9/70 Committee on Monday , February 9 , at 7 : 00 p.m . and requested the Finance Committee attend with report concerning city participation in the special 1970 Edition newspaper to be put out by the Valley Publishing Company . Proposed Annexation by MOTION BY STREDICKE, DULY MADE AND Fire District 25 of SECONDED WAS CARRIED TO REFER THE MATTER portion of Maplewood OF A PROPOSED ANNEXATION BY FIRE DISTRICT Addition 25 TO THE MAYOR TO CHECK POSSIBILITY OF ANNEXATION BY THE CITY OF RENTON. Community Services Chairman Maxin announced a committee Committee Meeting meeting on Thursday , February 5 , at 7 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers to discuss Cedar River Park transmission line referral . The Park Director , Park Board , Planning Director and the: City Attorney were invited to be present . Planning Commission MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY STREIDiCKE, requested to study fess* THE MATTER OF FEASIBILITY OF ALLOWING zb3Ifty of permitting R-2 ZONING IN H-1 ANb L-1 ZONES BE RE- R-2 zoning in H-1 and FERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. THE L-1 areas. MOTION CARRIED. 409 -7- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/2/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce announced a committee Meeting, 2/4/70 meeting on February 4 , in the office of the City Engineer which the Fire Chief and City Engineer are invited to attend . Transportation Chairman Grant submitted report Committee Report concerning Great Northern RR Co. inquiry regarding spur track to the Spur track on old hospital site in vicinity of So . S. 4th Place & 4th Place and Shattuck Avenue South, Shattuck Ave . S. to serve proposed furniture warehouse . Problems with proposal as submitted were noted and fact that the structure at Shattuck is a part of the six year street improvement program recently adopted. The Committee requested additional time to allow review of the problems and possible alternates for solution . Rapid Transit The Transporation Committee reported Proposal presentation of a proposal by Mr . Larry Coffman of Metro who pointed out that this will be balloted upon May 19 . Meetings are planned by the Committee for purpose of informing the voters on Rapid Transit issues , and progress re- ports will be made to council . Code of Ethics Special meeting to discuss the proposed Committee Meeting Code of Ethics will be held February 11 , at 7 :00 p.m. in the 6th floor conference room, and Chairman to be elected. Water and Sewer Councilman Shane called attention to Rate Reduction Study report of Foster and Marshall concerning by Financial Bonding soundness of the Utility for bonding Consultant redemption purpose and indication of doubt as to same in event of rate reduction . Also noted was revenue derived in excess of that anticipated last year and with 15% override a new study would be desirable . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, STUDY BE MADE OF EFFECT LOWERING WATER AND SEWER RATES BY 1/3 WOULD HAVE ON FINANCIAL POSITION AND - BONDING CAPACITY OF THE CITY, TO BE .CONDUCTED BY FOSTER AND MARSHALL. MOTION DULY MADE BY STREDICKE, AND SECONDED, THAT NO CITY EMPLOYEE TIME NOR CITY EXPENSE BE INVOLVED IN THE STUDY, WAS VOTED UPON AND LOST. THE ORIGINAL MOTION TO •REQUEST THE STUDY SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. Councilman Shane called attention to 1969 Budget and total revenue collected and un- collected and requested figures of the uncollected balance on the plus side , that does not show up , percentages of collections being outlined. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE COMMENTS TO THE FINANCE COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. 4 -8- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/2/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Optional Municipal Councilman Shane requested the Mayor Code to advise the audience and council of the present position onl�&he-,OMC . Mayor Garrett recalled that the Ordinances have been sent to the Secretary of State for Certification and the City Attorney has inquired as to whether they have been certified or not . The Legislature may be proposing some legislation in this regard but there is no further information available . Shane inquired regarding possibility of having to have three elections and was advised that the newspaper article had outlined this and there is no more word other than that given from the Mayor at that time . City ' s Insurance Councilman Barei advised that the City 's Coverage to be Insurance Broker would like to meet with reviewed the Finance Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE MATTER OF THE CITY' S IN- SURANCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH THE BROKER FOR DISCUSSION AS REQUESTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Schellert announced Meetinq , 2/9/70 a meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Monday , February 9 , at 7 : 30 p.m . ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the council , it was MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9 : 35 P.M. There were 42 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk 7 Avery arrett , Mayor ■..r ,foo OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2/2/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2188 $1,300.00 Q.F.C. FOOD STORES RENTON SHOPPING CTR. INSTALL ELECTRIC SIGN 2189 13,700.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 929 N 31ST ST. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2190 11,000.00 KAMPE CONST, CO. 923 N 31ST ST. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2191 950.00 LEROY CROOSTON 1010 NE 12TH ST. REMODEL BASEMENT +� 2192 100.00 BILL DOLLUF 3023 SUNSET BLVD. NE INSTALL SIGN B 2193 1100.00 DONIS HIGHLAND ENCO 2800 NE SUNSET BLVD. INST, NON-ELECT. SIGN 2191 30,000.00 TOM BROOKS 1307 DAYTON AVE. NE CONST. FAMILY RES. 2195 23,000.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES ADDN, TO CLUBHOUSE 2196 5,000.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES CONST. BATH HOUSE 2197 2,950.00 PAUL HOUSER 57 MONTEREY DR. NE ADD ROOM TO HOUSE ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2685 3,000.00 RENTON VILLAGE CORP. 15 S GRADY WAY INST, PRE HEAT UNITS 2686 100.00 WORLD TRAVEL SERVICE 305 S 2ND ST. REPAIR WIRING DAMAGE 2687 7,300.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BLDG., SE CORNER WIRE AUTOCLAVE 2688 250.00 ROBERT L. AMRINE 671 SHELTON AVE. NE WIRE ADDITION 2689 250.00 MR, EDWARDS 2930 SE 5TH ST. SERVICE CHANGE E 2690 2,000.00 BILL SANTI 219 WELLS AVE. S REWORK SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2352 GEORGIA SHEPARD 415 PELLY AVE. N INST. GAS BURNER 2353 EDWARD SHALDE 621 BURNETT AVE. S TMST. GAS BURNER 2351 MIKE LOTTO 1520 SW GRADY WAY INST, TEMP. SEWAGE TNK. 2355 CHECKERBOARD PROP. 2813 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. REF. WALK-IN BX3- 2356 EDWIN GOEBEL L44 WILLIAMS AVE. N INST, GAS HEATER M 2357 PARKW00D HOMES 823 S 27TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FLVI'[TRES 2358 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 809 HARRINGTON AV&NE INST. BOILER & WTR. HTPOT r