HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 22 (2/9/1970 -12/28/1970) OMCIZ OF THE CI'T'Y CLERZ RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG. 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH RENTON CITY COUNCIL UNTON, WASIC 98055 REGULAR MEETING Published by REFERRALS 8 :00 p.m. City Clerk 's Office February 9 , 1970 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Subject of Substitute Senate Bill 294 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Subject of city participation in Valley Regional Planning Commission LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L.I.D. 267 Sanitary Sewer system between S.E. 104th and North Renton Interchange , East of 405 Ordinances required to appropriate moneys received into budget ; $100 ,000. 00 for Carco Theatre; $19 ,985 . 00 for Accident Xd enti- fication and Surveillance and $15 , 981 . 00 , Traffic Control Devices Final Plat of Glencoe No. 3 Rezone of Daniel Hiatt property on Union Avenue from G to B-1 MAYOR Letter from Filter Dynamics , Inc. , advising of meeting in Ohio in March for users of Century products PARKS AND. RECREATION COMMITTEE Inquiries of Councilman Shane concerning Carco Theatre use and-cost of maintenance and operation PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Letter from Mrs . Timm regarding abandoned and junk vehicles PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Sea-King Alert System (Electronic Data Processing for Regional Criminal Justice Information center to be shared by municipal agencies Letter from Dobson , Houser & Dobson , Fire Dist . 25 attorneys , inquiring whether Renton would like to use vacated station Subject of Annual Report to citizens of Renton TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Issaquah Resolution opposing freeway through proposed corridor from Aberdeen to Bothell MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 2/10/70 - Meeting with Foster and Marshall , Bonding Consultants 2/13/70 - Flag raising ceremony by Women Marines at 9 :00 a .m. at Municipal Building 2/14/70 - Rescheduled meetings of Committee of the Whole at 10 :00 a .m. Parks & Recreation Committee and Code of Ethics and the Transportation Committee 3/2/70 - Public Hearing - Parking and Loading Ordinance 3/2/70 - Public Hearing - Proposed Street Name Changes for newly annexed Kennydale area — I RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Published by City Clerk 's Office February 9 , 1970 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Henry Schellert at 8: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . Mayor Garrett, being absent for convening of the meeting, arrived preceding conclusion of the public hearing. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Schellert , Clymer, Delaurenti , Perry, McKay , Stredicke , Edwards , Bruce, Grant ,Shane and Barei . Absent : Maxin MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Gene Coulon , Park Director, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Joe Mathews , Adm. Asst. to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Acting Council President Grant reported February 2 , 1970 that Councilman Maxin had submitted an addition to Page 6 of the minutes , last paragraph , to read "feasibility of allowing housing, particularly R-3 and moo R-4 , in H-1 and L-1 zones - - - MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING WITH ADDITION AS NOTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING Preliminary Assessment Roll on Sanitary L.I.D. 267 Sewer System between S.E. 104th Street and the North Renton Interchange, East of 405 . Acting Mayor Schellert declared the public hearing open , this being the date set , and City Engineer Wilson was requested to out- line the proposed L.I.D. Boundaries were shown on wall map, Mr. Wilson recalling the L.I.D. action had been instigated by petition from property owners in the area last May with plans and funding being concluded and preliminary roll now being submitted for hearing of benefitting property owners . Proposed route of the line was shown on the map and reasons for same denoted. Upon request , City Attorney Shellan outlined the legal aspects including fact that hearing is to allow affected owners to be heard and to understand procedure involved, it being noted this was a preliminary notice of anticipated cost and that favorable bid could result in lesser cost and if high bids are re- ceived the city has the right to reject them. 3 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/9/70 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont . ) L. I.D. 267 Attorney ' s Comments : Mr. Shellan advised that if favorable bid is awarded another notice will be sent to property owners and public hearing again held on the final roll , the total of which must equal the amount Of City' s cost .for the job. Written Protests Letter of protest to the L. I .D. was read fzvm Mr. Albert Thompson , owner of N. 80 ' of Lot 292 , who was construct- ing a new residence and felt the sewer too costly. Letter received prior to the meeting this evening from New Renton Home Sites , L. Backman and Fred W. Akers , owners , opposed the improvement if it could not be utilized to service all of the property only a portion of their land now included. Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported a total estimated cost of $179 ,499 . 39 for the cost of the project with written protests , (not including that submitted at this meeting) totaling 0. 06% of the preliminary assessment . Audience comment Mr. Dick Sodergren , King County Health Department representative, affirmed favor of the Agency for the L. I. D. Mr. Fred Akers noted additional service to be required for sewering their parcel of land and requested it be deleted or else to have the entire plot included. (New Renton Home Sites) City Engineer Wilson noted it had not been felt the prohibitive cost of sewering a parcel with peculiar problems such as this should be borne by the entire district when benefit was to a single parcel , some depth requirement not making the inclusion feasible . Mr. Charles Guy called attention to costs incurred for perc tests and for septic tank now to be unused. Mr. Louis Colombi inquired regarding location of the line and was advised it will run within the right-of-way, his concern being with regard to water line drain on his property at present. Mr. James Burch inquired regarding basis of assessment and City Engineer Wilson outlined mode of zone and termini as provided by law. Inquiry also being made regarding time lapse between the petition and implementation , it being noted that funding was not readily available plus the fact fire other sewer L. I.D's were under way at present. Policy with regard to street restoration was questioned and possible cost increase during interim. It was noted that rather than patch a street the city policy has been to resurface the entire right of way which contractor would not do . Attention was called to recent street work in Kennydale following sewer installation. -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/9/70 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont . ) L.I.D. 267 Audience Comment Mr . Jerry Novak, 1432 Jones Avenue, noting prior remarks stated that much of the subject area was a result of speculative building with absentee ownerships and that the smell of the area alone was enought to warrant the sewers . Need with regard to environment was noted and granting it ** burden to some it was in fact needed and everyone was a part of the community and should Mod support the project . Mr. Akers advised he was not against sewers but would need additional:,service and should otherwise be deleted, and cir- culated a map to show the problems . Mr. Frank Pellegrino noted agreement with a frontage line but that the city could not go through his land gratis as it had been too costly. It was noted that the line as planned had been the least expen- sive to the district and although work is not yet under way in this regard , the district would bear costs of easement rights. Extra cost for sewering down Jones Avenue due to depth was noted. Mr. Frank Storey called attention to the high bacterial count into the lake and noting need for the L. I.D. advised there will be easements required and that he is interested enough in the community to . grant same. Mr. Paul Smith inquired regarding proximity of line to existing fence and as to effect on shrubbery. The City Engineer advised shrubbery and all property improvements are avoided as possibly can be . Mr. Smith felt as owner of several parcels o.f •problem topography his land should be included in another L. I. D. and that the district ex- tends too far considering depth required. Mr. R. W. Wiehoff inquired concerning the interest and period of payment which City Engineer Wilson advised would not exceed 6 . 5% interest with a 10 year payment schedule. As there was no further business , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Shane inquired regarding reason for excluding part of Akers land and was advised it was not fair to the dis- trict to assess this cost but that this does not preclude its being sewered at a later time . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO ACCEPT THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL OF L. I.D. 267 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE GAVEL WAS RELINQUISHED TO MAYOR GARRETT AT THIS TIME AND THE MEETING PROCEEDED. -3- r� MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/9/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Notice of Ordinances Legislation Committee Chairman Perry for Inspection prior advised that Ordinances will be at to adoption the Secretary ' s desk for Council to review designating street name changes for the newly annexed Kennydale area; one concerning garbage pick-up distance to 60 feet ; and one concerning parking and loading zones . PUBLIC HEARING SET MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, FOR MARCH 2, ON TO SET MARCH 2 , AS DATE FOR HEARING ON PARKING & LOADING THE PARKING AND LOADING ORDINANCE. ORDINANCE CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1666 Proposed Resolution was read fixing service charge of 1 . 5% of gross value of the Utilities 'Plant Improvements to be imposed upon the City 's Utility Department , as levied for years 1966 to .1970 inclusive ., and henceforth . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1667 Authorizing application for federal financial assistance in connection with acquisition by the City of certain lands (Lake Wn . Beach Park Addition) as open space for recreational and scenic uses . (Scott-Pacific 1properties) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING SET FOR Delaurenti urged public hearing on the MARCH 2 ON STREET NAME proposed street name changes for the CHANGE ORDINANCE newly annexed Kennydale area . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MARCH 2 , 1970 BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED STREET NAME CHANGE ORDINANCE AS SUGGESTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN EDWARDS REPORTED NOS. 6446 - 6532 APPROVAL OF CITY VOUCHERS 6446 - 6532 BY THE COMMITTEE AND RECOMMENDED COUNCIL APPROVE PAYMENT OF SAME AT THIS TIME. MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. Fund Breakdown : Current Fund 6446 - 6477 $ 7 , 499 . 53 City Street Fund 6478 - 6491 8 ,120. 62 Equipment Rental 6492 - 6510 1 ,311 . 99 Library Fund 6511 - 6512 1 ,249 . 82 Park Fund 6513 - 6518 611 . 82 Waterworks Utility 6519 - 6531 12 ,832 . 92 Airport Fund 6532 32. 00 Total All Funds $31 ,658. 70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Filter Dynamics , Inc. Letter from Wm. R . Huested, Corporate Meeting in St . Louis Analyst and D. P. Manager , announced second meeting of Century Product User 's Group in St . Louis , Mo. , March 11 , 12 and 13. Mayor Garrett , upon inquiry , advised this is not connected with the NCR Seminar announced last week. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. CARRIED. -4- 6 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/9/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont. ) Ordinances Required to City Clerk Nelson reported need for Appropriate Funds Into legislation to appropriate funds Budgetary Accounts received from Pacific Car & Foundry Co. for Carco Theater in sum of $100 ,000. 00 unto Account 4310/602 also , legislation to appropriate $19 ,985 . 00 unto Fund 4100/314 , Accident Identification & Surveillance Fund and $15 ,981 . 00 into 4200/314 , Traffic Control Devices Fund, a part of which are estimated receipts not yet received. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE REOUEST WITH REFERRAL TO COUNCIL'S,' LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Sea-King Alert System Letter from Police Chief Williams sub- Agreement for 1970 mitted Agreement Document providing for Regional Criminal Justice Information System via ,cost-sharing electronic data processing equipment ,among municipal agencies , the city 's cost to be $491 . 00 per month plus $150. 00 per month for each terminal installed by the County for use by the City. Advisory Coordinating Council with representatives from each agency to develop policy guidance for implementation of the program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION Approval of the Final Plat of Glencoe 3, RECOMMENDATIONS Appl . FP-638-70 was recommended. Property is located between Union and Anacortes Avenues N.E. , north of N. E. 24th Street , and involves 4. 3 acres (16 lots) proposed for single family residential development . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT IN CONCURRENCE WITH RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Rezone approval was recommended on property of Danial Hiatt located on the West side of Union Avenue N. E. , app. 300 ft . South of N.E. 4th Street , from G to B-1 with 2 . 4+ acres being proposed for commercial develop- ment . Proposed rezone is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE REZONE TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. City of Issaquah Letter from Mr. Keith M. Hansen , Mayor, opposition regarding Issaquah , submitted Resolution adopted by proposed freeway that community, concerning freeway corridor from Aberdeen to Bothell , East of Lake Sammamish and urged that the City of Renton consider support of their positionp opposing freeway through proposed corridor. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY SCHELLERT TO REFER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/9/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: King County approval Letter from King County Executive, John of Kennydale Annexation Spellman ,reported approval of document Ordinance 2531 annexing Kennydale Island area to Renton ,and distribution to County Departments, Additional items Letter from Dobson , Houser & Dobson , received after the Attorneys , reported on behalf of Fire Agenda was prepared District No. 25 that use of the fire and information item station at 10424 S.E. 94th Street has been discontinued. Inquiry was made as Fire Dist . 25 offer to whether the City of Renton might wish for City to use fire to use the facility as a fire station station facility without charge by the fire district . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Railroad Merger and Letter from Mayor Garrett , directed to impact upon City the Board of Public Works, called attention (For Council Infor- to merger of Northern Pacific and the mation) Great Northern Railroads now in process and requested review of prior negotiations and agreements pursuant to the "701 " pro- gram and with regard to possible abandon- ment of one set of tracks that bisect Renton . Complaint and Protest Letter from Mrs . Mattie Timm protested to Junk Cars on resi- numerous vehicles on and adjacent to dential property 1020 No. 28th Place and noted Ordinance 2202 provisions prohibiting same . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHAMB, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. Several Councilmen discussed aspects of the matter, having been contacted by Mrs . Timm and after review of the Ordinance provisions by City Attorney S?iellan with regard to ticketing and impounding of abandoned vehicles , the pending MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATION Proclamation By Mayor Garrett declared Women Marines Week February 9 - 13 , 1970 as "The Week Of The Feb. 9 - 13, 1970 Women Marines" in Renton . Mayor Garrett announced a Flag Raising Ceremony on Friday , February 13 , at 9 :00 a .m. at the Municipal Building flagpole site . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Committee of the Recommended expenses be authorized as Whole Report incurred by Councilman Perry during trip to Chicago to review 911 emergency telephone system. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. VRPC Participation Recommended the subject of City of Renton by City of Renton participation in the Valley Regional Planning Commission be referred to the Community Services Committee . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE REFERRAL. CARRIED. -6- f i MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/9/70 OLD BUSINESS BY c:OUNCIL : (Cont . ) Senate Bill 294 Councilman Clymer proposed motion , seconded by Shane , that the City Council instruct the City Clerk to write to Governor Evans asking him to veto the Senate Bill 294. Reasons were outlined including that it was not intended by the Council nor Citizens Advisory Group to give the Mayor a 6 year term; 90-day referendum period has elapsed; it was intent of the council that the Mayor and Council run for re-election. After discussions regarding amendments to the bill which clarified points of law regarding timeliness , filling of positions and timing for elections questioned here- fore , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND THE GOVERNOR TO BE REQUESTED TO DELAY ANY ACTION TO SIGN UNTIL HE HEARS FROM THE CITI' COUNCIL. Delaurenti felt discussion was needed and that the Legislation Committee should ad- vise the Council of proposed legislation . Grant recalled hi:: position in attempting to get clarifications on 3 paints of the law noted heretofore , the thought being •in- asmuch as no opinion has been received, to date , the Attorney General is awaiting results of the action on the bill prior _ to issuing opinion; Grant 's hope being not to jeopardize the optional municipal code status of the city by requesting veto, but to discuss the matter in Com- mittee and get opinion on questions he had raised. Upon inquiry by Shane ,the Mayor advised he was aware of the bill ' s contents . After various opinions regarding effect of a veto and action to be taken by the council in best interest of the community , inquiries regarding content of the bill and requests for further discussion in Committee , the pending MOTION CARRIED. Puget Sound Govern- Councilman Perry requested the Transporta- mental Conference tion Committee Chairman to advise him of recommendations with regard to the free- way opposition Resolution from Issaquah as he will be meeting February 19 with the C'orference and intervention has been requested and he would like to report the City 's stand. Personnel and chairman Stredicke submitted report recom- Community Relations mending thatthe City not participate in Committee Report the Valley Publi.3hing Company 1970 Report since no funds are budgeted; report which might be allowed under RCW 35. 23. 470-90; should be strictly to the people of Renton; City funds cannot be used for promotional purposes such as attracting business or industry , but must be to inform residents of projects and accomplishments . It was suggested Council members contact Mr. Stredicke for possible individual par- ticipation and that the matter of annual reports be referred to the Personnel and �!ommunitEL tions Committee to work wiLr the newspaper representatives for possible future official report to the people . -7- t MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/9/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont. ) Personnel and MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, Community Relations TO C'ONCUR.MOTION SECONDED FOR AMENDMENT Committee Report TO WORDING - the City not participate financially in the Green River Valley Report - - . THE MOTION CARRIED, AMENDING THE REPORT,AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED . City Report by Councilman Stredicke noted filing of Councilman Stredicke reports regarding contributions toward election expenses and calling attention to his recent City Report Publication 7 n advised that his cost for the report Z 0 was $459 . 00. There were 7 ,200 copies C M distributed door to door , 250 copies r to City Hall and Library and 250 to retail establishments , and his salary p t as Councilman funding same it being his ; intent to use his salary to inform the \ M voters , being in receipt of 106 requests MM 1.9,r, FRn in o d rts . Contribution of ��� '`� noted which would be �. filed with his prior ;ampaiggn fund report .= Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported meeting with Report the Mayor and the City 's Insurance Broker report to be forthcoming on services rendered in connection with city 's insurance protection coverages . Transportation Committee Chairman Grant recommended installation Report re Lighting in by Puget Sound power & Light Company newly annexed area of of forty 175 watt fixtures , and eleven Kennydale per survey by 400 watt fixtures its the Kennydale area Traffic Engineering completing standard lighting require- Department ments as in other areas of the City; costs to be funded from Traffic Engin- eer 's budget account ,, for energy for said lighting. It was noted little lighting exists in the area at present . Cedar River Park Councilman Grant reported inquiry of Transmission Line Re- Puget Sound representative if lines Locations might be moved as public service and this will need to be negotiated with the Bellevue office but the suggestion was not rejected. Grant 's remarks Grant noted his request for Attorney regarding Optional General 's opinion was to clarify the Municipal Code whole subject ; that he %-e_% t -ci,ere Taere a lot of items that had not been dis- cussed thoroughly and determined as fact . In regard to the bill introduced he did not learn of the bill until after it was introduced in the Senate by Senator Durkan , and he knew of no provisions other than the three regarding position filling, primary election,and timeliness . Regarding the Mayor 's term he knew of no provisions until informed by Repre- sentative Grant who fought the bill hoping to kill it and almost did. It was held up in rules committee until the last day at which time it was submitted to the house floor and passed. Councilman Grant advised he was lobbying against his brother and had no vested interest in the bill . He felt the Mayor had every right to try to get the best length of term for his position and that the Governor will probably sign the bill into law. -8- 0 MINUTES - RENTGY _=Y COUNCIL MEETING 2/9/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Visiting Dignitary The Honorable State Representative Bud Shinpoch was in the audience and his presence was acknowledged during the discussion regarding Senate Bill 294. Meeting with City 's Mayor Garrett advised that a meeting Financial Bonding has been scheduled for 11 :00 a .m. Tues . , Counsel February 10 , with Foster and Marshall Representatives and report concerning referral of water and sewer rates will be submitted to Council re that meeting. Carco Theatre Councilman Shane inquired regarding Maintenance and costs to operate the proposed theater Operating Cost and to maintain same;the anticipated use and number of persons to be in- volved in the use . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHANE, THE REMARKS BE REFERRED TO THE SPECIAL PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE. Mr. Shane was invited to be present at the Committee meeting. The Mayor noted plans available as prepared by the architects on file with the Park Board which might be of some informa- tion . THE MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Committee of the Council President Schellert announced Whole Meeting a Committee meeting on February 12 , at 7 :30 p.m. to discuss Senate Bill 294 , (which meeting was rescheduled for Saturday , February 14 , at 10 : 00 a .m. ) Senate Bill 294 Councilman Perry reported going to Legislation Committee Olympia with Councilman Edwards , talking action . to Senator Durkan who was to try to get an opinion then going to the House and talking to Representatives Shinpoch and Grant during recess who were called back into session,and getting no answer after waiting they returned home . Community Service Councilman McKay , Chairman , announced Committee Meeting committee meeting on February 10 , at 7: 30 p.m. in the 6th floor conference room. Special Parks and Chairman Bruce announced a meeting on Recreation Committee Thursday , at 7: 00 p.m. (Revised due to holiday) The Park Board, Park Director and Councilman Shane were invited to be present . Code of Ethics and Chairman Grant announced committee meetings Transportation Com- at 7 :00 p.m. on Thursday in the 6th floor mittee Meetings conference room. (Changed to Saturday following Committee of the Whole Meeting) woo AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Art Scholes 1708 Ferndale, Member of the Optional Municipal Code Advisory Committee expressed interest in Senate Bill 294 and urged invitation be extended to the 25-Member Committee to attend the Committee of the Whole meeting. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10 :05 P.M. There were 62 visitors this evening k/'`�"' Avery G nett, Mayor Helmie Nelson , City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2/9/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS* NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 2198 $20,000.00 GOV-MART BAZAAR, INC. 705 RAINIER AVE. S ADD FENCE & ROOF 2199 205.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-54 BUILDING CONST. PLATFORM 2200 375.00 BANKERIS AUTO REBUILD 405 S 7TH ST. INSTALL SIGN 2201 700.00 F. A. SKELLENGER 912 FERNDALE CIRCLE NE CONST. CARPORT ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2691 3,830.00 QFC CORPORATION RENTON SHOPPING CENTER REVISE LIGHTING FIXT;. 2692 125.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING ELECTRIC SERVICE 2693 108.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING ELECTRIC CIRCUITRY 2694 125.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-81 BUILDING INST. MACCS SYSTEM 2695 140.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-90 BUILDING 208V OUTLET E 2696 195.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING EMERGENCY LIGHTING 2697 197.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-65 BUILDING SERV. TO DYMATS COMPUT. 2698 900.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-20 BUILDING WIRE ROLL-UP TRK. DOOR 2699 145.00 HUBBS TRAILER PARK 641 N. WELLS, SP. 11 INST. 200 AMP SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2359 1,295.00 MATTHEW FROEHLICH 201 THOMAS AVE. SW INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk February 16 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S BUILDING DIRECTOR 7 day notices to owner and Mortgage Company to abate nuisances at abandoned Tiffany Park Building site with possible criminal action by city pursuant thereto CITY CLERK_ To forward Council request for line veto of S. S. B. 294 to Governor Evans along with copy of petitions received and the minutes COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Matter of developing a legislative program for council COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Dangerous building ordinance to be reviewed to allow expeditious action Zoning and use of properties along Rainier Avenue and adjacent to the old hospital site LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Subject of No-Deposit bottles MAYOR H. U. D. offer of loan to finance L. I .D. 263 Acquisition of land to alleviate sharp curve on Renton Hill PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE LEAA material on funding grants which might be available PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE_ Reduction of water and sewer rates to be studied and reported back TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Regulations of truck traffic and trucking operations in the City ° MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 2/18/70 - Public Works Committee at 7 :30 (Rescheduled from Saturday) Transportation Committee at 7 : 00 p .m. in Del Bennett 's office 3/2170 - Special City Shops Building Committee at 7 :00 p.m. Committee of the Whole at 7 : 30 p.m. 2/21/70 - Personnel & Community Relations Committee at 10 : 30 a .m. 2/21/70 - Community Relations Committee and council members who can attend-meeting with Tiffany Park residents at 11 : 00 a .m. at Tiffany Park School . 3/16/70 - Public Hearing - Final Assessment Roll , L . I.D. 264 w�. , � s RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk February 16 , 1970 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: Schellert , Barei , Shane , Grant, Bruce, Maxin , Edwards , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti , and Clymer . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Gene Coulon , Park Director, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor, Vern Church, Purchasing Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTES APPROVED Upon inquiry , correction to the Minutes February 9, 1970 was offered by Stredicke , Page 8 , Line 15 second Paragraph , to read "Contri - bution of private individual - - rather than industrial firm- -" MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Mayor Garrett at this time presented Mr. Frank Cenkovich Mr . Frank Cenkovich with a community Library Board Member service award placque in recognition of the se rvi,yes ren,iered as a Member of the Renton Library Board of Trustees . Mr . Cenkovich expressed appreciation for the honor and stated it was his desire to share the award with the many who have served the city , as councilmen and otherwise with him when the library was built and became a reality . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: ORDINANCE 2543 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry Amending Code Relating submitted proposed Ordinance for to Garbage Collection introductory reading amending Section 8-304 of Title VIII (Health and Sanita- tion) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to garbage collection . (Limiting we.ieyht when filled to 100 lbs , to be packed so contents will dump out readily; areas leading to containers to be accessible and containers to be no no more than 60 ' from right-of-way on collection day,. unless otherwise provided bu Sec. 8-309 , rate for charges) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THE DOCUMENT BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 10 AYES, SHANE VOTING NO AND BARES NOT BEING PRESENT FOR THIS VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/16/70 (Continued) INTRODUCTION OF Attention was called to presence of FORMER COUNCILMAN former Councilman Henry Pedersen who "Hank Pedersen" was greeted with welcome applause and expressed his pleasure in being able to attend. VOUCHER APPROVAL Nos. 6533 - 6711 and Finance Committee Chairman Edwards LID 264 Cash Fund #3 reported approval of City of Renton and Revenue Fund #3 Vouchers by Committee and MOVED THAT THE Warrants , and #4 COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS Warrants and L.I. D. TIME. MOTION SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND 268 Cash Fund #1 and CARRIED. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY Revenue Fund #1 SCHELLERT, LID NO. 264 CASH AND REVENUE Warrants WARRANTS NOS. 3 AND 4 , AND LID No. 268 CA9H AND REVENUE FUND WARRANTS #1 , BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY THE COUNCIL. THE MOTION CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 6533 - 6599 $ 16 ,603. 38 City Street 6600 - 6618 14 ,191 . 29 Cedar River M6I 6619 - 6222 45 . 15 Equipment Rental 6623 - 6637 1 ,516 . 59 Library Fund 6638 - 6642 528. 11 Park Fund 6643 - 6663 4,361 . 12 Waterworks Util . 6664 - 6687 49, 307. 43 Airport Fund 6688 - 6694 226 . 56 Firemen 's Pens . 6695 - 6706 5 ,925 . 01 Acc. Loca . Prog. 6707 5 ,443. 00 Control Devices 6708 5 ,999. 00 Urban Arterial 6709 - 6710 24 ,842.16 Arterial Street 6711 6 ,552. 24 Total All Funds $135 ,541 . 04 L. I.D. Warrants : L. I.D. 264 Cash Fund #3 $ 6 ,816 . 36 L. I.D. 264 Revenue Fund #3 6 ,816 . 36 L.I. D. 264 Cash Fund #4 100. 00 L. I. D. 264 Revenue Fund #4 100. 00 L. I. D. 268 Cash Fund #1 30,290. 09 L. I.D. 268 Revenue Fund #1 30,290. 09 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Final Payment and Letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended Project Acceptance• for payment, final estimate for work per-- CAG. 1586 , L.I.D. 268, formed by Coluccio Construction Company on Watermain , located L.I. D. 268, in sum of $30, 290. 09. Council on Rainier Ave . from acceptance this date and commencement of approx. 250 ft. So. 30-day lien period was also recommended with of Renton Ave. Extens , release thereafter if no liens or claims are to app. 370 ft . No. of filed and upon proof of payment of all tax N.W. 5th Street liabilities by Contractor ,) of $3 ,205 . 30 retained percentage. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Final Payment and Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Acceptance of Project recommended final payment of $6 ,816 . 36 to CAG. 1592-69, L.I.D. T. & E. Construction with Council acceptance 264, Sanitary Sewers of the project this date . Also recommended for Mance Addition was commencement of the 30-day lien period with release of retained amount of $2 ,353. 54 thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabili- ties by Contractor . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- 15 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/16/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: HUD OFFER OF LOAN Letter from M. Perry Hobbs , Acting Director L.I. D. 263 Dep ' t . of Housing and Urban Development Project No. PFL- Seattle , transmitted Government offer to ' Wash-27, City of make loan of $427 ,500 requested in City Renton Contract application, Acceptance documents were No. H-602-2751 attached along with provisions of yroceddre should the City accept same . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Olympic Pipe Line Letter from Board of Public Works reported Franchise Extension review of request for additional lines for additional lines on S. W. 43rd Street per provisions of on S. W. 43rd S-'reet Sec. 18 of Ordinance 2120 by Olympic Pipe Line Company. (To transport jet fuel to Sea-Tac Airport) It was recommended the application be approved. Council Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce, submitted recommendation that the request for additional line be granted. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. Proposed Annexation Board of Public Works Chairman Del Bennett to Fire Dist . 25 submitted report advising the Board has no objections to the proposed annexation to Fire District 25 of ars area lying approxi - mately 2 miles east of Renton since it will would not affect fire service areas of the City. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Petitions 02posing Letter Petition from Mrs . Ella Siegfried, S.S. B. 294 �DrOvisions 318 Garden Avenue North , Renton , submitted regarding election of petitions containing 61 signatures and 326 Mayor and term of signatures and a third presented this office . evening, contained 77 , objecting to Senate Bill 294 provisions allowing the Mayor a term of office other than that voted on unless such decision is voted on by those citizens he is given the honor to lead; and if Councilmen must run again it was felt equal and just that the Mayor be required to go before the people for their further considera- tion as well . Inasmuch as this is Renton City policy and not State policy it was felt these decisions should be made by citizens of Renton . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO TABLE THE SUBJECT PETITIONS UNTIL LATER IN THE EVENING , COMMITTEE REPORT FORTHCOMING ON THE MATTER . CARRIED. STREDICKE OPPOSED. Petition from Petition containing 151 signatures called Tiffany Park area attention to attached list of hazards and residents regarding attractive nuisances in the area , increased abandoned building with regard to children when Tiffany Park project and hazards School opened. Meeting with the Council resulting was requested on Saturday , February 21 , at 11 :00 a .m. to tour the subject area . Discussion ensued upon inquiry of actions taken to date by the City in pursuance of provisions of the Dangerous Building Ordinance , it being noted the project has been posted with Sheriff' s Sale Notice, -3- l MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/16/7( CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Tiffany Park Petition Building Director Ruppert reported (Cont . ) the Title Insurance and Mortgage Companies had been contacted and some fill of holes is to be done and the buildings closed off to entry . The builder no longer has an interest and the 6 months period for abandonment to be declared in accordance with the Dangerous Building Ordinance soon to expire . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, .� TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR AND BUILDING DIRECTOR FOR ALL POSSIBLE ACTION TO ABATE THE NUISANCE. Further discussion ensued concerning the Ordinance , the City Attorney out- lining courses of action which might be taken . Persons in the area from the audience speaking to urge early action included Mr . Paul Dean , 1401 Lake Youngs Way S. E. , Roger Thorgerson , 1325 Lake Youngs Way S.E. ; Donald Brown , 1509 Lake Youngs S.E. ; with attention being called to drowning of a boy in the area several years ago and road conditions being noted as well as problem of the subject site . (Further remarks under audience comments) . STREDICKE OFFERED SUBSTITUTE MOTION, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE CITY SERVE NOTICE ON THE OWNER AND MORTGAGE COMPANY BY REGISTERED MAIL GIVING 7 DAYS IN WHICH TO ABATE THE NUISANCE AND IF NOT DONE THEN MOVE FOR CRIMINAL ACTION. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE DANGEROUS BUILDING ORDINANCE BE RE- REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE TO STUDY AND REPORT BACK TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. It was suggested the Council meet with the Tiffany Park Petitioners as requested on Saturday . Bond Consultants Letter from Utility Accountant Ted Analysis of Water and Bennett , submitted report of Foster and Sewer Utility Services Marshall , Inc. , indicating that the pursuant to proposed operating surplus has been expended for 1/3 reduction in rates capital improvements during the last several years and in view of additional major capital improvements to the system to be required in immediate future years it is obvious rates should not be reduced, an increase rather may be needed in order to accomplish same . It was cautioned that a reduction could result in city water and sewer systems falling into a state if disrepair only delaying day of reckoning and undoubtedlL increasing costs . Mr . Bennettfelt a rate study should be conducted and funds therefore appropriated in the 1971 budget . It was recommended that the current fund participate in cost of a study and garbage rates and policies also be investigated. -4 ) T MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/16/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Water - Sewer Rate Stredicke noted a study had been Report (Cont . ) authorized and it was subsequently MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO LOWER THE SEWER AND WATER RATES BY ONE-THIRD. Discussion ensued concerning rate structure and differences in house- hold and commercial rates . It was noted a study should be conducted prior to reducing the rates , prior study recalled which was conducted a few years ago. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE MATTER OF REDUCTIONS OF WATER AND SEWER RATES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Report of Bid City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening Opening For Police on 2/11/70 for two Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Motorcycles . Two bidders responded the Tacoma Distributor and Factory Outlet at Milwaukee , Wisconsin . (See tabulations attached) Chairman Edwards submitted Finance Committee report recommending , along with the Purchasing Director , that the bid of Harley Davidson of Tacoma in sum of $4 ,356 . 06 be accepted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE BID AWARD RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. lona! Roll , L. I.D. Letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson 264 , Sanitary Sewers , submitted final assessment roll for Mance Addition LID 264 and total costs to be charged against the district of $35 , 291 . 16 . March 16 , 1970 was recommended for the public hearing date . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Art Scholes , 1708 Fe.-ndale Avenue SE thanked the council for action taken in response to the Tiffany Park Petition and urged modification of the existing ordinance to allow early action , atten- tion being called to the big holes the children have to pass by on their way . Lighting needs were also noted. Mr . Sven Johnson , 1520 Index Ave . N . E. , called attention to Building Director 's responsibilities and to builder 's equity involved that becomes a consideration in civil action . Mr . Don Brown noted courtesies and cooperation of City Departments when contacted. Mr . Francis Holman , 1624 Ferndale Ave . SE urged restrictions be placed on developers with adequate performance bonding require- ment to cover foreclosure and clean up . Inquiry was made by Barei as to show of hands by those present from Tiffany. 15 persons were counted. -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/16/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . Recess at 9 :20 p.m. Recess was declared at this time upon MOTION BY DELAURENTI , duly seconded and carried. After the recess , roll call was taken with all Councilmen present . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : S. B. 294 Council President Schellert presented Committee of the Whole report for reading . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE PETITION REGARDING Senate Bill 294 BE TAKEN FROM THE TABLE AT THIS TIMI. THE MOTION CARRIED. Request for veto Committee of the Whole Report was read of entire bill recommending the Governor be asked to veto Substitute Senate Bill 294 in its entirety . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOM- MENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Request for line veto MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO of portions of the bill SUBSTITUTE THE MOTION THAT THE GOVERNOR BE PETITIONED TO LINE VETO THOSE PORTIONS OF SENATE BILL 294 REGARDING THE ELECTION OF THE MAYOR , Page 3 , Lines 4 through 7 , AND ANY AND ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE BILL WHICH WOULD ALLOW THE MAYOR TO CONTINUE TO SERVE FOR 5 YEARS WITHOUT BEING SUBJECT TO AN ELECTION. It being the belief that in adopting the Optional Municipal Code it would be in the best interests of the citizens of Renton or all candidates for Mayor and Council to be subject to a vote ■ o ,of the people . Discussion Effects of veto of the entire bill were discussed and of having a May election which would result in the City terms expiring in the even years with remedial legislative action to be needed to bring them back into conformance with the State . Effects of the line veto were discussed and the fact that :ander this action the Mayor and Council would run for election and the Mayer would , along with four Councilmen , serve a term of 5 years , ex- piring in 1975 and three Councilmen would serve 3 year terms expiring in 1973 and there would be a September Primary and a November General Municipal Election as heretofore . Intent of prior action, in adopting the O.M. Code City Ordinance ,was noted to have included the May and subsequent elections and respective terms accordingly. DELAURE7TI PROPOSED MOTION, SECONDED BY r` CLYMER , THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION INCLUDE ONE AND THREE YEAR TERMS FCR THE COUNCIL AND MAYOR . It was noted the Governor could not take two years off the terms if not incluc'ed within the bill when adopted. Discussion followed regarding election delay provided by the amendatory bill to allow the municipal election to be concurrent with the general election . Mr. Frank Story cautioned from the audience that one mistake had been made by haste . 1J MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/16/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Engrossed Substitute MOVED BY SCHELLF,RT, SECONDED BY SHANE, Senate Bill 294 TO AMEND THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO ADD DELAY OF THE SPECIAL ELECTION UNTIL THE FALL STATE GENERAL ELECTION AND MAYOR ' S TERM TO BE DESIGNATED. GRANT MOVED 2HP PREVIOUS QUESTION WHICH WAS SECONDED AND CARRIED. MOTION TO AMEND THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND DECLARED LOST. SUBSTITUTE MOTION FOR LINE VETO WAS VOTED UPON AS SUBMITTED BY GRANT. Dissenting voice vote resulted and roll call vote was requested resulting as follows : AYE: Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , McKay , and Perry . NO: Schellert , Barei , Shane , Delaurenti and Clymer. Stredicke Abstained The motion carried, 6 ayes , 5 noes and 1 abstention . It was outlined that Council and Mayor run for election in September and November for 3 and 5 year terms which extends the Mayor ' s term one year and the Council gains two years on the respective terms . MOVED BY GRANT, DULY SECONDED, TO SEND A COPY OF THE MINUTES AND THE SUBSTI- TUTE MOTION TO THE GOVERNOR . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO INCLUDE COPY OF ALL PETITIONS RECEIVED ON THE MATTER . THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUB- SEQUENTLY, THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. Remodelling of Councilman Clymer noted businessmen Santi Downtown Renton by Custer and Thorne were actively engaged in Local Merchants regard to remodelling buildings downtown to improve the city and urged discussion of additional ways to improve downtown Renton which might include clean-up and possible employment of additional help wit_. so many who could use the job. Strict enforcement was urged of Anti-Litte Ordinances . Councilman Barei recalled attempts of prior Councilman Poli to have throw-away bottles banned since this seems to be the greatest of offenders , and urged that some action be taken to require refundable containers . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE MATTER OF NO-DEPOSIT CONTAINERS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Streaicke expressed objection to lengthy discussions of matters and then proposing motions to refer which was not in accord with proper procedure. MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY GRANT ,THE MATTER OF NO-DEPOSIT CONTAINERS ALSO BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. AMENDMENT CARRIED AND ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. •7- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEET'l.V 2/16/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti submitted Committee Report report recommending that the Sea- Sea-King Alert System King Alert System of Regional Criminal Justice Information , for sharing of costs and data by municipal agencies , be approved and execution of the Agreement be authorized. Funds are included in the current budget . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC SAFETY COM- MITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. Fire District 25 The Public Safety Committee recom- Inquiry re vacant mended that the Attorneys for the Fire Station Fire District be advised that the City of Renton would have no use for the fire station site at 10424 S. E. 94th Street , which the District had offered for City use . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported appraisal Report of appraisal had been received on South 123rd on So. 123rd Street between NW 7th Street and the North petitioned for line of Lot 3 , Woody Glen Add. B1 . 1 vacation (E. H. Wilson- in sum of $200 . 00 . It was recommended Roger Halsen) the property be vacated to Petitioners at cost of one-half the appraised value as provided by law. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. THE .MOTION CARRIED. Community Services Chairman Maxin submitted report recom- Committee Report mending concurrence in restoration work to Cedar River Park by Stoneway , Inc. , to include request for further items of additional grading in the westerly portion of the area during the winter of 1970-71 ; furnish 6" of adequate and approved topsoil on leased area and to scarify the area at least 12" deep in order to provide adequate drainage for root zone of the plants . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Board of Public After proposed motion and procedure dis- Works and Transporta- cussion , tha Transportation Committee tion Committee Reports Chairman Grant reported concurrence in denial of a spur line track onto the old Renton hospital site in the location requested,which would preclude proposed improvement of Shattuck Ave . South and likely require permanent closure S ' ly . of 4th South Place . It was recommended the railroad company be requested to consider relocation of a spur line track to the north of the proposed location . MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY SHANE, TO CONCUR . -8- 21 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/16/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) Transportation Upon inquiry as to procedure Mayor Committee Report Garrett recalled that the ordinance R.R . Company 's adopted says all Committee reports Request for spur shall be presented to the City Clerk track to old hospital in writing. site, for Doee 's furniture warehouse MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. It was noted that the right of way revision was of some importance to the movement of arterial traffic and that Council should be acquainted with the proposal rat ter than t- d.i9courage industry . Proximity to St . Anthonys school was noted. PENDING MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND LOST. MOTION TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. Resolution on Transportation Committee Chairman Grant S181 Grade Levels reported committee approval of State 196th to 178th Sts . Highway Department proposed grade levels for SR181 , South 196th to South '178th Sts . , and recommended that the Resolution be approved and passed as submitted., the City and Traffic Engineer 's having approved. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. RESOLUTION 1668 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry SR181 Grades submitted the Resolution which was read. The PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Acquisition of land Councilman Shane requested the Mayor to to alleviate sharp commence acquisition of property on curve on 3rd Ave . 3rd,going up Renton Hill ,to allow relief going up Renton Hill from sharp curve , as discussed last June and at budget time . The Mayor advised he would take action on the matter. Discussion regarding Barei inquired if discussion is allowed procedure without a motion being on the floor. The Mayor noted it is frequently allowed as the council knows : According to . Roberts Rules of Order , however , under which the Council has chosen to abide , a motion is made prior to debate; the Council being free to decide the mode of operation desired which he would willingly observe . He further outlined procedure for presentation of old and new business . Barei requested a poll as to what should and should not be allowed. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MATTER OF TAKING A POLL BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION f� WAS VOTED UPON AND LOST. Barei inquired if a poll might be taken regarding whether motion should be required prior to discus- sion. It was suggested discussion be allowed if it is the intent to make a motion . Poll was taken and it was the verbal concensus of opinion that dis- cussion be allowed if it is the intent to make a motion . -9- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/16/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Parks and Recreation Chairman Bruce , submitted report of Committee Report meeting which was held to discuss a little theater project in Cedar River Park with regard to costs and uses . Basic cost was estimated at $250 ,000 with alternate lobby cost of $59 ,000 Uses to include Little Theater Group use for productions , children 's theater and selected readings . Allied Arts of Renton uses for dramatic productions , forums , lecture series , art shows and concerts . Garden Club uses for meetings , flower shows , lectures and films on flower arrangments , films on conservation and flower arrangment demonstrations . Other functions might be choral groups , puppet shows , films , dance groups , combos , or small instrumental groups . CouncilmaY Shane recalled his inquiry concerning maintenance costs and it being his feeling the money might better be utilized to acquire additional waterfront property among other things . Upon inquiry as to his re» _ to make a motion , the motion was proposed to table the matter a year and name the Park after Nixon , which died lacking second . Special City Shops Chairman Schellert announced a meeting on Committee Meeting March 2 , at 7 :15 p.m. of the special shops building committee . Committee of the President of the Council Schellert Whole Meeting announced a meeting on March 2 , at 7 : 30 p.m . urging that the Legislation Committee meet prior thereto . State Auditort Councilman Schellert reported receipt of Unofficial Report Auditor ' s report and noted interest the city had ear?)ed of $135 ,000 . 00 with re- demption of $119 ,000 in bonds which he felt presented a very good picture. The Council Presidtent urged Council to attend Community Relations - airman1r5� redic�Pfan ioiiincer73FRSO�e��8HPy ' ''ommittee to meet at and Community Relations Committee will meet 11 : 00 a .m. ,Feb . 21 10 : 30 a .m. and then go to the school as re- with Tiffany residents quested in petition of residents earlier . Legislative Program MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, to be developed THE MATTER OF DEVELOPING A LEGI;31-ATIVE PROGRAM BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. AWC Membership Schellert noted disapprovingly the action taken by Association of Was7iington Cities concerning Senate Bill 294 and questioned city merLership . It was noted by the City Clerk that current dues have been paid. NEP.' BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : •� Fund Grants which Councilman Perry reported receipt of might be available Programs for LEAA funding for Crime Control and proposed review by th- volice Chief. Materials from last meeting of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference where funding programs were discussed. MOVED BY STREJ)ICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE BROCHURES TO THE PUBLIC !SAFETY COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. - 7n- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/16/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) ASPO Conference in Letter from Councilman Perry requested New York authorization for himself and Planning Director Ericksen to attend the ASPO Con- ference in New York in April . .Motion was proposed by Edwards, seconded by Stredicke , to refer to the Community Services Committee . Some lengthydis- cussion ensued regarding attendance at conferences and mode of selection the interest and service background of Council members being reviewed . MOTION. proposed by Stredicke , seconded by Maxin was to amend cc grant the City Planning Director authorization to attend. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO SUBSTITUTE THE MOTION THAT COUNCILMAN PERRY AND PLANNING DIRECTOR ERICKSEN BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND. THE MOTION CARRIED, SHANE ABSTAINING, AND STREDICKE VOTING NO. Zoning and use of MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, properties in the THE AREAS ADJACENT TO AND ALONG RAINIER vicinity of the old AVENUE SOUTH IN VICINITY OF THE OLD hospital site on HOSPITAL SITE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY Rainier Avenue SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Proposal for truck MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, AN Ordinance ORDINANCE BE CONSIDERED TO REGULATE TRUCK OPERATIONS IN THE CITY, AND THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Discussion ensued concerning trucKs hauling gravel and traffic problems in connection with use of city streets , speeds and spilling of gravel also con- tributing to the problems . Specific lo- cations of No. 4th and Mt . Olivet road being noted . CARRIED. Limit proposed on MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE discussion time DISCUSSION BEFORE MOTIOA'S BE LIMITED TO prior to making a TWO MINUTES. THE MOTION LOST. motion Public Works Committee Councilman Bruce announced a meeting on Meeting on Saturday Saturday at 10 :00 a .m. to discuss water (Rescheduled to rates and the City Engineer and Wednesday at 7 : 30 pm) Councilman Shane were invited to attend. It was suggested that Foster and Marshall the iity 's bonding consultants , be invited to have a representative present . Transportation Chairman Grant announced a meeting on Committee Meeting Wednesday, February 18 , at 7 :00 p.m . in Traffic Engineer Bennett 's office . Drainage and sire- Councilman Shane notedstanding water in walk repair needs front of the Episcopal Church and urged thtt black top be brought up to grade and that downtown sidewalks be brought up to normal grade where settlement has taken place , on South 3rd Street especially . AUDIENCE COMMENT Limiting speech Mrs . Margaret Evans noted the Procedure and Conduct Ordinance provides for time limit on speeches . -11- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT : 2/16/70 Sven Johnson Mr . Johnson commented concerning the "Government in Action" at the meeting this evening noting it would not be recommended for scouting groups and comparing it to the truck driving complaints not to be f.ar removed from like criticism. He also urged chairs be furnished at the front for outside reporters , stating he would like to see some unbiased reporting . Mayor Garrett noted presence earlier Of Mr. Jerry Montgomery , Seattle Times reporter attending for the first time this evening. Pard Board President It was noted by "1r . Teasdale , Park Board Mr . Tom Teasdale Member, that the Lake Wn . Beach Park would more likely be named Piggott since the $100 ,000 . 00 donation was received from him . Mr . Charles Peterson Mr . Peterson 1305 S. W. 13th Street , noted his opinion that to get closer to the public the meeting might be on the radio . Mr . Peterson , it was noted by the Mayor, had done several sketches of the Council in action this evening, being an artist , and it was suggested council look at them. Ted Bennett Utility Accountant Bennett remarked that all commercial accounts and all houses=;�a. d accounts are given the same consideration on fair and equitable basis for like accounts and his letter had recommended a study in view of affirmation of same . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11 :35 p.m. There were 49 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Aurrg 'rrett , Mayor - 12- 1 � . February 16, 1970 BID TABULATION SHEET February 11, 1970 LESS NAME AND ADDRESS OF BIDDERS BASIC BID TRADE-INS SALES TAX ALTERNATE SALES TAX BID BOND TOTAL BID Harley-Davidson of Tacoma., Inc. $5,316.80 ($1.,200.00) $239.26 X $4056.06 26th and "A++ Street Tacoma, Washington 98402 +� +► $5,316.80 Less Disc. (245.03) $228.23 $5,300.00 Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Inc. $5,023.90 $226.08 No Bond $55249.98 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 ti 26 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2/16/7, PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2202 $60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 3700 BLK MAPLE VALLEY RD ERECT SIGN 2203 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 2500 BLK MAPLE VALLEY RD ERECT SIGN 2204 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. TALBOT RD AT S 43RD ST ERECT SIGN 2205 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. TALBOT RD AT S PUGET DR ERECT SIGN 2206 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. S PUGET DR AT BENSON RD ERECT SIGN B 2207 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 1800 BLK BENSON RD S ERECT SIGN 2208 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. BENSON RD AT S 27TH ST ERECT SIGN 2209 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. BENSON RD AT S GRDY WY ERECT SIGN 2210 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. BENSON RD AT S 29TH ST ERECT SIGN 2211 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 3900 BLK E VALLEY RD ERECT SIGN B 2212 5,000.00 JOHN & DAVE DOBSON 1222 BRONSON WAY N REROOF EXISTING BLDG. 2213 17,000.00 JOHN M. DENNIS, JR. 1615 EDMONDS AVE. NE CONST. FAMILY RES. 2214 400.00 KENNYDALE LIONS CLUB 2532 ABERDEEN AVE. NE CONST. STORAGE SHED 2215 200.00 FRANCIS MATTHAI 525 GRANT AVE. S ERECT FENCE 2216 x1400.00 D. W. CUSTER 212 WELLS. AVE. S REMODEL BUILDING ELECTRICAL, PERMITS E 2700 40,b0o.o0 CAREAGE CORP. 4300 TALBOT RD S WIRE MED. CLINIC 2701 235.00 A. T. STONK 450 WINDSOR WAY NE WIRE METER, REPL. PANEL 2702 215.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-55 BUILDING TMST. CYCLING PRESS "703 156.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING INST. 120V DROPS X04 45-00 BOEING COMPANY 4-81 BUILDING RELOCATE RECEPTACLES E 2705 . 225.00 PAUL W. HOUSER 57 MONTEREY DR. NE WIRE FAMILY ROOM 2706 350.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING 2707 492.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRING 2708 250.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES WIRE RESTROOM 2709 200.00 EDITH LOOK 578 EDMONDS AVE. NE CHANGE SERVICE E 2710 50.00 AL THOMPSON 1900 JONES AVE. NE TEMPORARY SERVICE 2711 50.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2436 MONTEREY AVE. NE TEMPORARY SERVICE 2712 50.00 HAROLD MILES CONST. 210 PARK AVE. N TEMPORARY SERVICE 2713 50.00 R. A. HAWKINS 1920 S PUGET DR. TEMPORARY SERVICE 2714 50.00 JOHN NATHAN 3001 MORRIS AVE. S TEMPORARY SERVICE E 273 50.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 923 N 31ST ST. TEMPORARY SERVICE 271u 50.00 LESTER ALEXANDER 3209 NE 4TH ST. REPAIR WIRING 2717 50.00 WICKLUND CONST. 201 THOMAS AVE. SW WIRE FURNACE 2718 250.00 THOMAS WARRINER 633 GLENWOOD CT. NE NEW SERVICE i MECHANICAL PERMITS '360 56,000.00 SPRINGBROOK LANDS, INC. 4300 TALBOT RD S INSTALL HEATING 2361 610.00 WICKLUND CONST. 201 THOMAS AVE. SW INST. FURN., WTR. HTR. 2362 500.00 DR. EMERY SIGETT 112 PELLY AVE. N INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2363 600.00 KAMPE CONST. Co. 923 N 31ST ST INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2364 600.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 9292 N 31ST ST T-NST. PLBG. & FIXTURES M 2365 200.00 STEPHAN DOUTRICH 1114 N 29TH ST ALTER PLBG. FOR SEWER 2366 4,420.00 BILL SANI'I 221 WELLS AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE 2367 1,100.00 D. W. CUSTER 212 WELLS AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2368 50.00 DOROTHY DOLAN 1420 HARRINGTON AVE. NE REPAIR WATER PIPING 2369 82.50 JOHN ROSENSTEIN 326 WELLS AVE. N TMST. WATER HEATER 27 TRANSFERS OF FUNDS AUTHORIZED FOR FEBRUARY, 1970 BY THE CITY COUNCIL; FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current $ 36 ,101 . 81 Arterial Street 6 ,552 . 24 City Street 22 ,675 . 61 Cedar River M & I 73 . 99 Equipment Rental 3, 336 . 57 Library 1 ,777 . 93 Parks 5 ,261 . 64 Water 65 ,314 . 95 Airport 275 . 58 Firemen 's Pension 9 ,990. 62 A6cident Loc.Proj . 5 ,443. 00 Trf. Control Devices 5 ,999. 00 Urban Arterial 24 , 842 . 16 Total Claims 187 ,645 . 10 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current 157 ,996 .11 City Street 34 ,743 . 88 Cedar River M & I 700 . 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,264. 42 Library 10 ,549 . 90 Parks 28 ,327 . 34 Water 25 ,070 . 34 Airport 1 , 728 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 Total Payroll 264 ,479 . 99 28 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of City Clerk March 2 , 1970 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Agreement returning 116th Ave . to 138th Ave . S.E. to the City for maintenance following improvement by State Hwy . Dep ' t . Arnold Green & Associates recommendations for temporary repairs ""rr to City Shop Buildings CITY CLERK Authorized to sign contract documents for additions to municipal bldg. To research Franchises and submit file to Transportation Committee Authorized to sign Issaquah School Dist . Late-Comers Agreement for sewers COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Local sales tax to be imposed by cities and counties Red Samm dining Company request to meet with Mayor and Council Subject of committee appointments if OMC is repealed COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE Participation by residents of Tiffany Park in area development FINANCE COMMITTEE Bids on tractors for Park Department MAYOR Authorized to sign contract documents for municipal building additions Placement of Historical Society artifact display case in lobby To write Stoneway, Inc. commending for cooperation in restoration of Cedar River Park areas heretofore under lease Authorized to sign LateComers Agreement for Issaquah School Dist . sewers led LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. I. D. 268 - Public Hearing Apr . 6 on final assessment roll Transfer of $1 ,965 . 45 from Cum. Res . Fund 2104 unto Park Dep ' t . budgetary acct. 1710/606 to replace amortized park equipment Subject of 20 ft . right of way to be dedicated by Broadacres , Inc. PLANNING COMMISSION AND *DEPARTMENT Revision to zoning ordinance concerning multiple residential use in industrial zones - public hearing to be held Working out 20 ft . right of way being dedicated by Broadacres , Inc. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - With Power to Act O.K. Cab Company protest to use of registered vehicle colors by competitor PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Petition for waterline L. I . D. on S. W. 43rd Street TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 20 ft . right of way dedication by Broadacres , Inc. APPOINTMENTS: Councilmen Bruce and McKay to LEFF System Disability Boaed Carl E. Trent , Patrolman , probationary period commencing 3/16/70 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3/9/70 - Parking and Loading Ordinance (Cont . from 3/2/70) 3/16/70 Appeal by Lyle Barger of Planning Commission denial of special permit for duplex in R-2 zone 3/23/70 Mike Willard appeal of Planning Commission denial of plat approval and special use of equipment in M-P zone 3/23 '70 KINt4 COUNTY COUNCIL hearing on Talbot annexation 4/6/70 Public Hearing on proposed revision of zoning ordinance regarding multiple residential use in industrial zones WEEK BEGINNING 3/8/70 - GIRL SCOUT WEEK 29 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk :March 2 , 1970 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL : Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay, Stredicke , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . Mayor Garrett reported that Councilman Edwards had called asking to be excused. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBER. THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police, Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor , Vern Church , Purchasing Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL As there were no correction nor additions it was February 16 , 1970 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Community Service Mayor Garrett at this time presented a Award Presentation community Service Placque award to Mr. Peter Paulman for his service on the Board of Adjustment . Awards also went to Mr. Kenneth Castile , Board of Adjustment and Mr. Allen Hopkins , Municipal Arts Commission , who were not present to accept them personally. r�r ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Ordinance No. 2544 Proposed ordinance was read vacating portion Vacating portion of of S 123rd Street , from N. W. 7th Street to South 123rd Street N. Line of Lot 3 , Block 1 , Woody Glen Addition. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT SECOND BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 10 AYES AND 1 NO, SHANE OPPOSING . THE MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance No . 2545 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Appropriating Funds proposed ordinance for first and introductory into Budgetary Accts . reading,authorizing appropriations of Federal Grant Funds unto budgetary accounts, 4100 , Accident Identification & Surveillance , 314 , $19 ,985 . 00 and 4200 , Traffic Control Devices Fund , Acct . 314 , $15 ,981 . 00 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, rr' SECONDED BY MCKAY TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED UPON UNANIMOUS"AYE"ROLL CALL VOTE. Ordinance No. 2546 Proposed Ordinance was read changing the zoning Rezone , G to B-1 classification of certain properties within the R-640-70, Daniel D. City from G (General Classification) to B-1 Hiatt property (Business District) (Daniel D. Hiatt property, located on the west side of Union Ave. N.E. , approximately 300 ft . south of N. E. 4th St . -1- 30 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/2/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont. ) Ordinance No . 2546 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE Rezone - Daniel D. TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READING . Hiatt Property) THE MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolution No . 1669 Resolution was adopted upon MOTION BY Setting forth uniform SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY AND CARRIED, descriptions for the defining "uniform and special clothing" departments providing proper and necessary for the Fire De- uniform allowances partment , Police Department , Water Adminis- trative Department , Water Meter Readers , for which budgetary allowances under such classifications are provided. Proposed motion by Barei , seconded by Shane to refer the Resolution to the Committee of the Whole was voted upon and lost , and both voted no on motion to adopt . Resolution No . 1670 Resolution was adopted upon MOTION BY BAREI, Approving Final Plat AND SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED, approving of Glencoe No . 3 the final plat for subdivision of Glencoe Division No. 3 , property located between Union and Anacortes Avenues N. E. , north of N. E. 24th Street . VOUCHER APPROVAL : Cita of Renton Vouchers were approved by Nos. 6712 - 6873 the Finance Committee and it was MOVED BY L.I.D. 268 Cash & BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE Rev. Fund No. 2; . LID VOUCHERS 6712 - 6873 AND L. I. D. CASH AND 264 Cash & Rev. REVENUE FUND #2 , $2 ,309 . 52 each; L.I. D. 264 Fund Nos . 5 & 6 . CASH AND REVENUE FUND #5 , $5,180. 85 each , AND L. I.D . 264 CASH AND REVENUE FUND #6 , $40 . 00 each . CARRIED. STREDICKE OPPOSED. Fund Breakdown : Current Fund 6712 - 6764 $ 6 ,346. 44 City Street Fund 6765 - 6780 27 ,131 . 33 Cedar River M. & I . 6781 6 .14 Equip. Rental Fund 6782 - 6801 4 ,100 . 40 Library Fund 6802 - 6831 6 ,603. 84 Park Fund 6832 - 6854 21 ,647. 01 Waterworks Util . 6855 - 6864 12 ,206 . 43 Airport Fund 6865 - 6871 441 . 66 Urban Arterial Fund 6872 - 6873 25 ,611 . 90 Total all Funds $104 ,095 .15 L.I. D. 268 Cash & Rev. Fund #2 2 ,309. 52 ea . L. I . D. 264 , Cash & Rev. Fund 5 , 5 ,180 . 85 ea . L. I .D. 264 , Cash & Rev. Fund 6 , 40 . 00 ea . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , the hearing was Vacation of portion declared open . Letter from Board of Public of Harrington Place Works was read reporting no objections to (formerly 12th Pl . ) the proposed vacation. Audience comment was invited and Mr . Mike Lotto, 7812 Sunnycrest Road Seattle , spoke for petitioners , Greater Renton Shopping Center, Inc. , recalling prior a events and contact by the City Property too Committee for possible exchange of land to allow development of a kiddies park. It was noted the land to be dedicated to the City is value:' at ten thousand dollars more than the city property and that the owners agreed to donate the difference upon condition that vacation be effected with B-1 zoning initiated by the council to allow conformance to remainder of the center 's property . Schellert noted the dedication of the street to be a condition also and upon request by Shane map of the area was -2- 31 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/2/70 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont . ) Vacation of portion displayed by City Engineer Wilson and if Harrington Place areas to be exchanged outlined. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHANE, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Upon inquiry , Mr . Lotto advised the dedication would take place simultaneously with the vacation and zoning. Further audience comment was invited and Mrs . Mary Hulse , present with Mothers wori-ing toget er in the Headstart Program, advised of their approval of the play area development for the children to eliminate having to cross the highway fol play area at this time . Upon inquiry -Pa-rk` Director Coulon advised of Park Board ap- proval of the development noting that the Housing Authority has agreed to assume the maintenance of the area once it is estab- lished , and that it would be open to all desiring to use the area . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO EFFECT THE VACATION BE AUTHORIZED. CARRIED. Resolution 9o . 1671 MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI, VACATION Vacating portion of RESOLUTION BE READ AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Public Use Area of Block 40, (Harrington AFTER READING. IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND Place) BY BAREI, TO ADOPT AS READ. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE CITY INITIATE THE REZONE REQUESTED. CARRIED. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO REFER THE REZONE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR '! PROPER ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , the hearing was Broadacres , Inc . declared open . Letter from Planning Appeal of Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Com- Commission Rezone mission actions and affirristion that the Denial subject area is intended for Manufacturing Park use as denoted by previous rezone of adjacent properties and L-1 was felt to be detrimental to other properties . Letter from R.M. Boyd, Western Land and Tax Com- missioner , Great Northern Railway Company , objected to L-1 zoning which it rwas felt was not in con-lormance to pattern being established on the remainder of undeveloped properties fronting S. W. 43rd Street and the East Valley Highway . Audience comment was invited and Mr . Roger Lewis , Attorney representing Broadacres , Inc. , ap,-.ealed the Commission 's decision , noting the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to be an official document adopted as a policy guide indicating what people consider as general use in future development . A map was dis- played and attorney Lewis pointed out the gray coloring is designated for use as Light _.. ndustrial or Manufacturing Park and as shown surrounded the Heavy Industrial area . The use intended as reauested is to allow retail anc general wholesale type of business , Commercial being originally requested which however , was not in agreement with the Com- prehensive Plan and thus revised to L-1 . The L-1 was preferred because of differences in restrictions to the land owner , M-P which coulr? '.e utilized for use proposed hav+ing -3- 32 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/2/70 PUBLIC HEARING : Broadacres , Inc. Appeal (Cont . ) Attorney Lewis restrictions of setback , landscaping and Remarks of Appeal approval of plot plan , which additional expense for the proposed use was not felt warranted, this not being an offensive type development needing restriction . L-1 was deemed appropriate and reasonable and reversal of the Planning Commission decision was requested . As there was no further audience comment , council action was invited . Discussion ensued concerning size of the property and that of the railroad , future right of way development and desire for a buffer between use areas with overall conformity of future development desired which M-P would assure ,having been designed for large parcels to which restrictions imposed thereunder are minor. Proximity to the new hospital was noted. Shane ex- pressed opinion that he did not feel the railroad would be hurt if L-1 were granted and because they were there first was not justifiable to require others to accept what they wanted. The Planning Director noted they had accepted standards in com- pliance with the Comprehensive Plan and thereby established desired buffer .between heavy industrial use and that this is the accepted concept in planning . He noted the Planning Commission had conducted extensive study and on a comprehensive basis made its recommendation . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY STREIDCKE, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAYI; , THE APPEAL OF BROADACRES BE DENIED. Dissenting voice vote brought proper request and roll call as follows : AYE: SCHELLERT, CLYMER , DELAURENTI, STREDICKE, MAXIN, BRUCE, BAREI. NO : PERRY, MCKA Y, GRANT AND SHANE. THF MOTION CARRIED. GRANT CHANGED HIS VOTE FROM NO TO AYE, NOTING HIS INTENT TO REQUEST RECONSIDERATION OF THE ACTION. SHANE CHANGED HIS VOTE FROM NO TO AYE LIKEWISE. Motion was proposed by Shane , second by Grant , to refer to the Planning Commission. It was pointed out Commission decision had recommended M-P as highest and best use . Attorney Lewis requested that action be taken to permit the file to be kept alive and upon inquiry indicated consent to amend the appli- cation to M-P, as second choice . +011 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO SUBSTITUTE THE MOTION TO GRANT M-P REZONE ON BROADACRES, INC. PROPERTY. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. -4- el 3 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 112170 PUBLIC HEARING : Ordinance 2547 Proposed Street This being the date set , the heari.na was name changes in declared open . Proposed streets affected Kennydale area were read along with letter from B. L . Ruppert , Building Director , advising the ordinance will encompass streets within the newly annexed area into the existing grid system. Audience comment was invited and since there was none the council was invited to take action . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. Ordinance was read amending Ordinances 2447 and 2474 relating to a coordinated grid system of new street -.s2esignat.ions pertaining to the change of designation of certain streets within a portion of the Kennydale area . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MCKAY TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. THE MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN TEN AYES, GRANT VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING : This being the date set , the hearing was ORDINANCE TO opened. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REGULATE PARKING & MCKAY, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON FIRST LOADING ZONES READING , THERE WERE NO COMMUNICATIONS NOR AUDIENCE COMMENT RELATIVE THERETO. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING UNTIL MONDAY, MARCH 9 , TnOLLOW PUBLICITY ON THE MATTER. Councilman Maxin , upon inquiry , outlined committee actions in proposing revisions noting this allows controls where none previously existed noting intent on page 10 with regard to landscaping to apply to area exceeding 2000 sq. ft . , but it otherwise was felt to be , a good ordinance and a lot of work went into its creation . MOTION TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING CARRIED. Reporters were urged to publicize . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS BID OPENING 2/24/70 City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening Municipal Building for alterations and additions to the 4th Additions-Alterations and 5th floors of the municipal building to allow occupancy by the Park Department of the 5th floor and to enclose the 4th floor engineering department reception area from elevator lobby . Five bidders responded as per tabulations enclosed. Letter_ from Building Director Ruppert recommended that the low bid of Busch Construction , with alternate 1 , in sum of $5 ,629. 00 plus tax, i _�e accepted. Finance Committee report was submitted recommending award of the contract r low bidder , Busch Construction Company, and dayor and City Clerk authorized to sign contract . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE BID AWARD RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. BID OPENING 2/19/70 The City Clerk reported bid opening for Park Ford Tractor-All Department tractor with 7 bidders responding purpose model as per tabulations attached. Park Director Coulon reported bids are being checked for specification qualification . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO REFER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. -5- 34 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3 /2/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) G. M. Shellan , City Letter from City Attorney Shellan reported Attorney , reporting attendance at a meeting in Olympia to work regarding imposing on a model ordinance regarding sales tax to of local sales tax be imposed by counties and cities as authorized by Chapter 94 , Laws of 1970, First Extraordinary Session . It was noted the city ' s share would be 425/1000 of l% of the selling price or value and the city must enter into an agreement with the Department iof Revenue for administration and collection of said tax. April 1 has been set as the tentative effective date provided cities have adopted an ordinance and entered into required agreement within the next two weeks . Referral for prompt action was recommended. The County will otherwise receive the revenue . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. O. K. Cab owners Letter from J . J. Abraham, President , O. K. protest to use of Cab Company called attention to use of his vehicle colors by registered cab colors by Valley Checker Cab competitor company Company and requested action to correct the situation for protection of his firm in the industry and with regard to public interest for purposes of identification , also for law enforcement purpose identification. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. City Engineer Wilson Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted submitting final final costs and assessment roll for L . I . D. assessment roll and 268 , Rainier Avenue Water Main , with date costs for L. I. D. 268 of April 6 recommended for hearing on said roll . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Planning Commission Letter from Planning Director Ericksen recommendation re recommended that the Zoning Ordinance of multiple resident :a1 the City be amended to pro::ibit residential use in industrial uses in H-1 ,•the L-1 and M-P zoning districts zones said revisions to alleviate conflicts with study and analysis to continue by the Com- mission . Community Services Committee report recom- mended concurrence and referral to the Legislation Committee . Discussion ensued concerning proper procedure and the attorney advised that if the Compre- hensive Plan is to be changed two public hearings must be held, one before the Planning Commission and the other before the Council . rAW Discussion ensued with warning against haste . After various proposals for motions , it was MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO RE-REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR PUBLIC HEARING , A111:1 P.ECOMMENDATION.CARRIED.It was noted this could be heard by the Commission on March 25) MOVED BY BARE, SECOND BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL HEARING BE SET FOR APRIL 6. CARRIED. -6- 35 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 313170 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Cont . ) State Hwy . Dep ' t . Letter from Mr . John Berkowitz , DiS�'- . return of right-of- Utility Engineer , Submitted agreement way and maintenance for City of Renton to assume maintenance agreement ,116th SE repair and right of way for 115th Avenue S. E. to 138th Avenue S. E . , turned back to the city after improvement by the State. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THIS TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR boo RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Park Director request Letter from Park Director Coulon requested for fund transfer to transfer of $1 ,965 . 45 from Cumulative Reserve replace amoritzed park Fund 2104 unto Park Department Budgetary Fund equipment 1710-j Capital Outlay 606 , for purpose of replacing amortized park equipment . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE LEGISLATIC1 COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Renton Historical Letter from Mrs . Don McCready , Secretary , Society request to Renton Historical Society , requested space display artifacts in the lobby of the municipal building to display artifacts . Outer lobby was suggested for placement of the case . AlOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO GRANT THE REQUEST AND THE MAYOR IMPLEMENT PLACEMENT. CARRIED. Mr. Story noted display ' to stimulate interest all items being donated by the public. Appeals of Planning Letter from Mr . Lyle Barger appealed Planning Commission decisions Commission denial of special permit for a duplex in R-2 zone , SP-639-70. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO SET r MARCH 16 AS DATE FOR HEARING ON THIS APPEAL. THE MOTION CARRIED. Letter from Mr . Mike Willard appealed Planning Commission denial of heavy equipment use '.in M-1- zone -rzone and site plan approval . SA-643-70. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MARCH 23 BE SET FOR HEARING ON THIS APPEAL. CARRIED. Claims for damages Claim for damages to motorscooter and person filed against the City of Bernard B. _Mirkin was filed by Attorneys Nickell , Quinn & Tuai , which damages were Bernard B. Mirkin allegedly incurred from ice and/or water on pavement in vicinity of 11800 Rainier Avenue South . Claim was filed by Mr. Stanley A . Rider for Stanley A . Rider damage to camper from tree limb overhanging parking area at 115 Williams Avenue South . Claim was filed by Mrs . Opal E. Roduner Mrs . Opal E. Roduner for personal injuries sustained in fall on steps of the Highlands Administration Bldg. Upon in,7uiry by Stredicke , the Buildinq Director_ advised he knew of no problems with the steps there being 3 risers at regular .width ,. a 16 ' height being noted . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE CLAIMS TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY INSURANCE CARRIER . THE MOTION CARRIED. -7- 36 I MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/2/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Petition for L.I. D. Letter from Orillia Water Company for waterline on submitted petition for creation of S. W. 43rd Street an L.I . D. for water service on S. W. 43rd street between the Northern Pacific Railway Company right of way and 80th Place South . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Department of Public Letter from King County Engil)eer Despain Works list of arterial reported approval of projects , subject to projects approved for fund schedule and approval by the King County funding Design Commission , as follows : Main Avenue South from Grady Way to Houser Way S. , 1970 , $16 ,200. 00; Edmonds Avenue N.E. from Sunset Blvd. to N. E. 27th , 1970, $34 ,600. 00 , 1971 , $10 ,000. 00; Houser Way , Main to Bronson Way N. , 1970 , $9 ,600. 00 ; 1971 , $3,000 . 00; N. E. 27th , Edmonds S.E. to Kennewick P1 . , 1970 , $12, 700 . 00; North 6th Street , Park Avenue N . , to Logan Avenue N. , 1970 , $2 ,500 . 00 , 1971 , $14 ,900 . 00 . Red-Samm Mining Co. Letter from F. W. Palin , Red Samm Mining Co . , Inc. , request to meet requested to meet with the Mayor and Council regarding gravel pit as necessary to discuss recent problems re- operation requiring use lated to operation of Starkovich gravel pit of Renton -streets on 4th Avenue extension . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICE AND PERSONNEL AND PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AMEND TO INCLUDE THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO SUBSTITUTE THE MOTION TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. King County Council Letter from the King County Council , Ralph Notice of Hearing on Stender , reported public hearing at 9 : 30 a .m. Talbot Hill "Island" on March 23 concerning annexation of area Annexation to Renton to Renton in the Talbot Hill area . Upon inquiry the Mayor confirmed city representa- tive will be present . Items received after MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKA Y, TO preparation of the ADD THE ADDITIONAL ITEMS TO THE AGENDA . THE agenda MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREOECKE, TO PROCEED TO AUDIENCE COMMENTS AND THEN TO CALL A 5-MINUTE RECESS . CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Clark Teegarden , Planning Commission Chairman , commended the council for action with regard to Broadacres , Inc. appeal denial asserting that this was a wise step in looking to the future and the Commission was not doing what the railroad wanted but what it felt was right for the area and City . MOVED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MATTER OF 20 FT. RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION TO BE WORKED OUT WITH BKOADACRES , INC. , BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT . .MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO AMEND TO ADD THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE AMENDMENT CARRIED AND SUB- SEQUENTLY THE ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. -8- t 37 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/2/70 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mrs . Jo Herber, 1632 Beacon Way S.E . , as a Tiffany Park resident thanked the Council for its interest and action regarding the abandoned building project in the area . Copy of the City Attorney 's letter to the owners was acknowledged and attention called ' to expiration of the notice period . Discussion ensued regarding attendance and misunderstandings of meeting dates . Mrs. Margaret Evans called attention to entrance steps going into the administra- tion building in the High?an 's noting a short step on the south side which is not seen or expected and problems being noted relative thereto especially at election time when in greater use . Mayor Garrett requested the Building Director to investigate the step . chamber of Commerce Planning Director Ericksen reported receipt Luncheon to commend of an invitation to a Chamber of Commerce City Council and luncheon to commend the Council and Planning Planning Staff Staff and Commission for development of the Earlington Industrial Park, an award to be made by the Seattle Council which feels this to be a fine development . RECESS Recess was declared at this time after which roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as prior thereto . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: F. O.E . Request for Letter., directed to Councilman Shane was now legalized bingo in read , signed by Ace Jones , Secretary and Renton signed by Earl R . Bohanan, Finance Sec. , Carpenter ' s Union , Evelyn Allyn , Sec. -Treas . , Musician Union and Harold A . Dodson , Sec. , Culinary Workers & Bartenders Union #596 , calling attention to the urgent need for revenue to support charitable , humanitarian and fraternal activities and urging the legalization in the city of activities participated in for many past years , which supported the programs . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ALLOW BINGO TN THE CITY OF RENTON. Discussion ensued and upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan stated the Council had taken an oath of office to uphold the laws and could not violate State Law which prohibits such activities . It was pointed out that other Counties are engaging in bi::go, etc. which does not seem just . Shane noted it was just as illegal when allowed as it is now and the attorney pointed out there is no tolerara-- policy and the attorney general does not enforce but rather this power lies with the prosecuting attorney of each county , thus , the differences . PENDING MOTION LOST: Requests for No- Fee Permits Letter from Mrs . Doris M. Ridley , President , Seattle Area Guilds for Retarded Children , requested a No-Fee Permit for annual "Sunshine for the Retarded Balloon sale to be held March 5 and 6 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO GRANT THE REQUEST. CARRIED. -9- 38 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/2/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) No-Fee Permit Letter from Mrs . Mable K. Schoenlaub, Request Chairman , Greater Seattle Women ' s Bowling ' Ass 'n . requested No-Fee Permit to sell bowling souvenirs during the tournament through May , at Hillcrest Bowl . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO GRANT THE REQUEST. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett reported the appointment of Councilmen Bruce and McKay Councilman Bruce and to the Disability Board established in McKay to Disability conjunction with the new Law Enforcement Board,LEFF System and Fire Fighters Retirement System Act , effective March 1 , 1970, for two-year terms . Carl E. Trent Letter from Mayor GwARexrrequested council Patrolman concurrence in the appointment of Mr . Carl E. Trent to position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department ,probation commencing March 16 , 1970 . Recommendation of Police Chief Williams along with Civil Service Commission certification was attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATION Proclamation by the Mayor Declared the week beginning' March 8 , 1970 as Girl Scout Girl Scout Week Week in Renton in conjunction with the State observation of same . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. gas OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Whole : Council President Schellert submitted Settlement of Law committee recommendation , pursuant to Suit with Puget Power City Attorney 's report of settlement Company negotiations , that the matter be settled out of court with city obligation in sum of $10 ,000. 00 and subsequent dismissal of law suit . Grant noted condition of reloca- tion of transmission lines in Cedar River Park . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke opposed. The City Attorney was commended for securing reduction resulting in some $22 , 000 . 00 savings to the City . Special City Shops Chairman Schellert submitted report recom- Building Committee mending temporary repairs to the present Report City Shops Building, as proposed by Arnold Green Associatesfbe referred to the Board of Public Works for recommendation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE REPAIR PROPOSAL TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. Thanks to Tiffany Park Council President Schellert extended thanks resident , Mrs . Arthur to Mrs . Scholes for coffee served the Scholes council during its visit to the Tiffany Park abandoned building site . -10- {i MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/2/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Optional Municipal CLYMER PROPOSED MOTION, SECONDED BY Code Legislation SCHELLERT, THAT THE COUNCIL RECONSIDER discussion XTS. ORDINANCES ADOPTING THE OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL CODE. Lengthy discussion ensued wherein opinions pro and con the action were expressed . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION LOST. During additional debate it was pointed out that according to Robert 's Rules of Order a 2/3 majority would be needed to carry the motion if voted upon at this meeting however, if the intent were de- clared to make a motion at the following meeting to rescind the legislation adopting the optional municipal code type of govern- ment , then only a majority vote would be required to carry . Remarks were made by Mr. Adams , Mrs . Evans and Mr. Storey concerning council action and the OMC and subsequent SenAte bill 294. Councilman Clymer declared by motion his inten make a motion to rescind or repeal those ordinances ,adopting the optional municipal code form of government , at the next city council meeting. The motion was seconded by Stredicke . Dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call which was taken as rr follows : Aye : Schellert signifying he had heard the intent , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , Stredicke , Grant and Shane . No : McKay , Maxin , Bruce, Barei . The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Whole President Schellert announced a Committee Meeting March 11 , 1970 of the ihole meeting on Wednesday , March 11 , at 7 :30 p.m. to hear presentation on the 911 emergency telephone system and such other business as may be referred . Personnel and Public Chairman Stredicke thanked those who were Relations Committee present for the meeting with Tiffany Park . residents , commending the city departments for covering the culverts and holes . Noved by Stredicke , the Building Director contact the Bonneville Power Administration for replacement of the fence at the north end of the culver- ,direct that the Park Dep t. begin immediately with grading; that the Mayor ask the school district to cover swampy area to serve as shorter walkways to the school and that the city bring legal action immediately to resolve the 6 points of City Attorney Shellan ' s letter of 2/20/70. Mr . Adams _reauested residents be allowed a voie,e in planning for this area . Motion seconded by Schellert , carried. Railroad tracks and Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding action to eliminate possible elimination of one set of railroad tracks through Renton upon which report had been requested. Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer reported effects of merger would be outlined by the Planning Department at a Public Works Committee at a meeting on 3/10/70 at 10 :00 a.m in the 4th floor conference room. -11- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/2/70 OLD BUSINESS-CONT. Press Table Request Councilman Stredicke urged that a separate table be furnished for the representatives of the press . New Reporters Mr. Frank Gilpenney, Record-Chronicle representative was introduced along with KREN representative Paul Severeid. Committee Meeting Councilman Stredicke requested to be notification request notified of all committee meetings as he was interested in attending others than his own , suggesting a lobby black- board designate time and location of tnt. meetings . Community Services Chairman Maxin announced a meeting at Committee meeting 7 :00 p.m. on March 4 , in the 6th floor and report conference room. He reported papers are being drawn for release of Stoneway from lease and restoration responsibility,_ agreement . MOVED BY MAXIN THE MAYOR WRITE A LETTER COMMENDING STONEWAY, INC. FOR COOPERATION IN RESTORATION EFFORTS. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED. ,Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted recommendations Committee Report that a Consultant be retained to make an in depth study of the City 's water sewer and garbage rates to determine if rates charged are equitable to all consumers . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Recommended the request of the Issaquah School District for sewer service be granted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement documents . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Transportation Chairman Grant reported discussion of the Committee Report Parking and Loading zones in t%.e ;-^rth Renton area and restrictions , the taxicab and truck zones in downtown Renton and the matter of sidewalk in vicinity of Dags and the Steak House , all items still under study with the Board of Public Works . Cost Analysis of Councilman Shane called attention to City water system city loss in regard to commercial water consumption compared to cost to provide which he felt department heads should V' have reported and auditor did not catch recalling that he had urged a study which he affirmed to be warranted at this time . Discharge of firearms Baei inquired regarding proposed legisla- tion to allow discharge of firearms in the valley area of the City and it was noted report had been made that the railroad would not a .low this on its property nor will the county which areas tI_-re involved and the city had denied the reruest . -12- 41 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/2/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Whole Council President Schellert announced Meeting March 7. a Committee of the Whole meeting on Saturday at 10 :00 a .m. for discussion of referral items and innovation to be presented by Clymer for working together. Resident participation Council President Schellert recalled in planning of Tiffany remarks of Mr . Adams with regard to Park area development ideas of residents of Tiffany Park for development of the area and MOVED THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry announced a meeting on Meeting March 9 , at 7 :00 p.m. with regular Monday meeting at this time. Material on Police Councilman Perry submitted packet which Communication System he received at the Chicago Conference he recently attended on communication systems for police protection agencies which he presented to the Public Safety Committee. Report re drug issue Perry noted report on drug issue which in Central Puget Sound was submitted to the Community Service area Committee which he felt might be of interest to the other council members also. Public Speaker Councilman Perry advised of address by available re Ecology Professor Gordon concerning ecology and environment which he felt would be of special interest if the council would like to hear-the speaker he would make arrangements for a meeting. Personnel and Public Chairman Stredicke announced a committee Relations Committee meeting on Saturday , March 7 at 11 :00 a .m. Meeting Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce announced a meeting on Meeting Wednesday , March 4 , at 7 :30 p.m. in the 4th floor conference room. Park & Recreation Chairman Bruce announced a meeting on Committee meeting March 4 , at 8 :00 p.m. in the 6th floor conference room and the Park Board and Park Director were invited to attend. Transportation Chairman Grant announced a committee Committee Meeting meeting on Wednesday , March 4 , at 7:00 p.m. in the traffic engineering office . It was requested that the Clerk 's office research franchises in effect with the railroad companies and furnish a file in this regard. Valley Regional Councilman Grant called attention to Planning Commission new program and resources to be pursued by the VRPC, commending its action and noting his support thereof. Attendance at Councilman Stredicke submitted list of Conferences conventions and conferences his employer should be apprised of in event he were to attend , presented in mock of procedure . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY GRANT TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF MR . STREDICKE. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Stredicke urged procedure be established on all requests noting action of last week and subsequently withdrew the letter. -13- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/2/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Committee Appointments MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE SUBJECT OF COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR REVIEW. Upon inquiry as to purpose Barei stated if the OMC is not pursued as intended when committees were re- structured for a 7 man council , then a review is in order to allow those de- clining appointment to reconsider . In event 12 councilmen are retained it was felt the old committees might be rein- stated. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. N. B . Adams , 1800 Beacon Way S . E . Conservation Committee, Green River Gravel Pit Mining College , expressed concern regarding proposed Soos Creek gravel mining operation by Stoneway and commending prior city council action in helping to get additional time for study , noted perhaps responsive cooperation may have implications and commendations extended by the city should be made with this in mind. Weyerhauser strip mining issue was noted and attention called to King County Hearing with 45 minute presentations to be made by each side which he felt to be of interest urging council attendance . He noted study reveals there are gravel pits in abundance in SW King County. League of Women Mrs . Jo Herber noted meeting on Thursday , Voters March 8 , at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , concerning subjects of ecology and environment with Mr . John R . Miller ` to be guest speaker. awi Mrs . Herber distributed brochures or. King County Government available from the League if additional copies are desired. Shane remarked regarding dust and pollution by Pacific Car & Foundry and measures to control as well as penalty which might otherwise be imposed. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED by MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 12 :43 p.m. There were 52 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk Avery Orrett , Mayor -14- COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 3/2/70 DATE TIME COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS 3/4/70 7:30 p.m. Public Works Committee BRUCE Oth f1 . conf. rm. 8 :00 P.M. 5th fl . conf, rm. Park Bd. & Director Invited to attend 3/4/70 7 :00 p.m. Transportation Committee GRANT rraf. Eng, office 3/4/70 7: 00 p.m. Community Service Committe MAXIM 6th fl . conf. rm. 3/7/70 10 :00 a .m. Committee of the Whole SCHELLERT Council Chambers Discuss Referrals 3/7/70 11 :00 a .m. Personell & Pub. Rel . Com. STREDICKE 319/70 7 :00 p .m. Legislative Committee PERRY Meet every Monday 3/10/70 10:00 a .m. Board of Public Works PFL BENNETT 4th f1 . con . rm. Ilan . Dept . & Consultant eport re 701 program and ffect of railroad merger 3/11/70 7 : 30 p .m. Committee of the Whole SCHELLERT Council Chambers 911 emergency phone system presentation by Councilman Perry and referrals I 1 Office of the City Clerk March 2 , 1970 BID OPENING - FEBRUARY 19, 1970 - 10:00 A.M. Ford Tractor, Model 2000 All Purpose Tractor or Equal DELIVERY TRADE-IN TRADE-IN BASIC BID ALTERNATE I BIDDER BID DEPOSIT TIME FARMALL, SUPER A FARMALL, 130 ONE TRACTOR, Two TRACTORS SALES TAX Buck & Son Tractor Co., Inc. Bid Bond 45 days $400.00 $600.00 $3,244.00 $145.98 3701 Pacific Highway East or less Fife, Washington 98424 $6,388.00 287.46 Cascade Tractor Company Cashi.erls 60 days 400.00 400.00 3,250.00 146.27 1021 Highway 99 North Check or less Everett, Washington 98201 6,500.60 292.53 Craig Taylor Equipment, Inc. 5030 First Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98134 No Bid Gleno Inc. No Bid 10 days 100.00 100.00 -- -- 14012 Pacific Avenue Deposit Tacoma, Washington 98444 61890.36 310.05 International Harvester Company Cashier's 30 days 400.00 600.00 21893.24 130.20 20636 Pacific Highway South Check after Seattle, Washington 98188 receipt 51786.48 260.39 of order Northwest Mowers, Inc. Certified 30 days 661.92 661.92 4,662.91 209.33 1149 North 98th Street Check Seattle, Washington 98103 8,449.84 380.24 Tool Crib Company of Seattle, Inc. Certified 60 days 300.00 300.00 3,995.00 179.78 5701 First Avenue South Check Seattle, Washington 98108 7,990.00 359.55 45 i ' Office of the City Clerk March 2, 1970 BID OPENING February 24, 1970 - 2:00 P.M. Additions and .Alterations .for F'il'th Floor Alternate, Additions to Fourth Floor Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington �.-_�.� .. BID BIDDER DEPOSIT ALTERNATE TOTAL PLUS TAX Busch Construction, Inc. Bid Bond $4,672.00 P. 0. Box 303 $ 957.00 Renton, Washington 98055 Bell Construction Co. Bid Bond 5,332.00 85 South Tobin Street 1,710.00 Renton, Washington 98055 Corgi Construction Co. Bid Bond 5,763.00 P. 0. Box 599 1,569.00 Kent, Washington 98031 D. E. Blood Cashierts 7,745.00 10230 S.E. 87th Street Check 1,821.00 Renton, Washington 98055 Humphrey Construction Bid Bond 5,603.00 5909 EMire Way South 988.00 Seattle, Washington 98118 (4fi CE OF THE CITY CLERK March 2 , 1970 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2217 $ 150 . 00 Vernon Stromberg 1833 Camas Ave. N.E . Erect Cycl .---Fence 2218 6 , 139 . 00 Mr. Ablehanz 509 Lind Ave . N.W. Repr Fire Damage 2219 1,300 . 00 Rainier Asphalt 1915 Maple Valley Hwy Addition to Shop B. B 2220 500 . 00 Lester Alexander 3209 N.E. 4th St. Remodel 2221 2, 000 . 00 Q.V .C. Renton Shop. Center Remodel 2222 600 . 00 Imperial Beverages 800 N . 6th St. _Tnstall Elec Sign 2223 4, 000 . 00 Kenneth R. Parks 1204 Queen Ave . N.E . Addition to Resid. 2224 4 ,500. 00 J. C. Penney Co. 202 S . 3rd St. Install Partitions B 2225 3 , 800 . 00 Hugh S . Ferguson 720 Powell Ave . S .W. Inst. Toilet & Of .- 2226 1, 300 . 00 Glenn Mellroth 3605 N.E . 7th St. Const. Det. Garage 2227 28, 800 . 00 Horst Preuss 502 N.W. 4th Pl . Family Residence 2228 860 . 00 Terrace Develop. Cp. 80 S .W. 2nd St. Repair Roof 2229 10 . 00 Parkwood Homes , Inc . 1400 Block Talbot Rd Install Sign B 2230 10 . 00 Talbot Rd S . at Puget " 2231 10 . 00 Benson Rd at So Puget " 2232 10 . 00 Talbot Rd at S 43rd " 2233 10. 00 Talbot Rd at S . 26th " 2234 3, 500. 00 0. N. Olson 515 S .W. 13th St . Move Building B 2235 180 . 00 Keith Reichow 1822 Morris Ave . S . Erect Fence 2.236 50. 00 Carl Hagen 1009 N. 28th Pl . " 2237 8,760. 00 Rufus M. Sprague,Jr 628 Shattuch Ave. S . Const. w. fr. apart. 2238 48, 000 . 00 Schuck ' s Auto Sup. 257 Rainier Ave . N. Const. Store Bldg. 2239 500 . 00 Pioneer Distributrs 826 So . 3rd St. Install Elec Sign B 2240 600 . 00 John F. Parks 5227 Ripley Lane N. Const. Boat Shed 2241 300 . 00 Ho Sy Guy 54C Rainier Ave . S . Change Letter Sign ELECTRICAL PERMIT E 2719 980 . 00 Dr. Emery Sigeti 112 Pelly Ave . N . Wire Clinic Bldg. E 2720 5,000 . 00 Joey Investors, Inc . 675 Garden Ave . N. Wire Tavern Bldg. 2721 50 . 00 John M. Dennis , Jr . 1615 Edmonds Ave . N.E .Temporary Service 2722 3, 500 . 00 Gov-Mart Bazaar 705 Rainier Ave . So. Wire Garden Shop 2723 300 . 00 Mr. Abelhanz 509 Lind Ave . N.W. Repair Outlets etc 2724 200 . 00 Dave Haynes 520 Wells Ave . S . Install New Servict E 2725 630 . 00 Kampe Construction 929 N. 31st St. Wire Residence 2726 400 . 00 " 923 N. 31st St. " 2727 500 . 00 Wicklund Construct. 201 Thomas Ave . S .W. it 2728 VOID 2729 VOID E 2730 VOID 2731 600 . 00 Rachel Cochran 801 S . 2nd St. Wire for Displays 2732 314 . 00 Renton Village Co. 15 So. Grady Way I :stall plugs etc 2733 300 . 00 Rufus M. Sprague, Jr 628 Shattuck Ave . S . Wire Residence MECHANICAL PERMIT M 2370 VOID 2371 1, 200. 00 Al Thompson 1324 Jones Ave . N.E . Inst. Plumbing & F. 2372 102 . 50 Mike Navarre 3413 N.E. 11th St. Inst. Gas Heater 2373 200 . 00 Bill Santi 231 So. Wells Inst. Gas Piping 2374 135 . 00 Fred H. McDougal 546 Williams N. Gas Conversion M 2375 3, 000 .00 Herb Mull 1307 Dayton Ave. N.E . Inst. Gas Furnace 2376 410. 00 Kampe Construction 999 No. 31st St. Inst. Elec Furn. 2377 350 . 00 Alfred A . Engeland 2814 N.E . 5th St. Inst. Plumb. & Fix. 2378 25 . 00 Lester Alexander 3209 N.E. 4th St. Repl. Water Piping 2379 400 . 00 Renton Boiler Works 535 Garden Ave. N. Inst. Plumb. & Fix. A 2380 300 . 00 John Rosenstein 326 Wells Ave . N. Inst. Gas Range 2381 3, 000 . 00 Joey Investors, Inc . 675 Garden Ave. N. Inst. Gas Furnaces 2382 350 . 00 Albert Thompson 1824 Jones Ave. N.E. Inst. Septic Tank 2383 650 . 00 Earl Ryder 112 Pelly Ave. N. Inst. Gas Furnace 2384 750 . 00 E . J. Bartells Co. 700 Powell Ave. S .W. Inst. Plumb & Fix. H 2385 500 . 00 Rufus M. Sprague,Jr 628 Shattuck Ave. So. " 2386 595 . 00 Federal Housing Ad. 2209 N.E. 6th P1. Inst. Oil Furnace SEWER PERMIT i 1071 E. Segeti 112 Pelly Av. N. Sanitary Sewer 1072 Careage Corp. 18032 Springbrook Rd. Connections 1073 J. Sundquist 3604 So. 36th St. Sanitary Sewer 1074 J. McQuade 3510 Shattuck Ave . S . " 1075 Roy Danielson 3503 Shattuck Ave . S . " 1076 D. L. Camerini 3500 Shattuck Ave . S . " 1077 M. Jensen 3509 Shattuck Ave . S . " 1078 J. Bartells 7ni pnwpi i c T,, RENTON CITY COUNCIL Office of City Clerk REGULAR MEETING March 9 , 1971; R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Capital Improvement time table and administrative steps to be taken- to be reviewed with regard to no allowance of time between council and community service committee review, a week 's time recommended. CODE OF ETHICS COMMITTEE Members to make decision as to Chairman 'yVr... CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT L.I. D. for S. W. 43rd Street waterline FINANCE COMMITTEE Funding of closure and maintenance thereof at Tiffany Park area abandoned building site Funding of $180. 00 for purchase of six city emblem flags LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Fund transfers to purchase additional lakefront property 1'or Lake Wn. Beach Park (Dillingham property) Resol . 1672-3 and 4 adopted. Rezones : Powers., property, R-642-70, G6000 to L-1 ; Christopherson Property, R-646-70, "G" to B-1 Legislation necessary to impose city sales tax L. I.D. for S. W. 43rd Street waterline MAYOR To acquire temporary facility and prepare to vacate existing city shop building To contact Chamber of Commerce and local clubs and organizations to inquire if they wish to purchase city flags and if this might be done at city 's bid price. 1rro To appoint 8-member "Employment Study Committee" PERSONNELL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Conference attendance PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Olson, Richert, Bignold, architects , request on behalf of M. B. InV6&tlkentt, for sewer line extension on Grady Way Amendments to garbage collection contract ,PLANNING COMMISSION Exp-iration cf permit for gravel pit operation (Red Samm Mining Co. ) -TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEF Subject of gravel pit operation at Devil 's Elbow by Red Samm Mining Co . APPOINTMENT Mr. Earl Bowden to Renton Planning Commission SPECIAL EVENT March 15 - 21 , 1970 National Wildlife Week RENTON CITY COUNCIL 3//6/70 REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk March 9 , 1970 M I N U T E S The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Shane , Barei , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Stredicke , McKay, Perry , Delaurenti , Clymer and Schellert. Grant made parliamentary inquiry concerning order of roll call and Mayor Garrett advised that Mr . Shane had requested Mrs . Nelson to start with his name . (Policy has been to allow the Council President this privilege. ) Councilman Shane had not yet entered the chambers arriving shortly after public hearing had commenced. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, G . M. Shellan, City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL - Meeting of March 2, 1970 Minute corrections or additions were invited and the following revisions were offered: Maxin : Correct Page 7 , last paragrpph , regarding dimensions of the steps at the Highlands Administration Building - - 3 risers of regular width, with 16 ' height , typographical error to have read that the treads were 16" . Stredicke : Page 3 , paragraph 6 , regarding Harrington Place rezone . Motion that the city initiate the rezone should have included referral to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Page 11 , next to last paragraph regarding Tiffany Park and four items proposed by him which were seconded by Schellert and the motion had carried which action he felt was omitted. (accomplished in lines 17 and 18 following remarks of Mr. Adams . ) Page 12 , second paragraph, incorrect spelling of name of new Record Chronicle reporter - Gilpen and not Gilpenny Perry: Page 10, paragraph 2 , under appointments - - letter from Mayor Garrett , not Custer Page 13, concerning report on drug issue - - he had presented the report to the Public Safety Committee not the Community Service Committee Page 13, paragraph 6 , name of professor addressing meeting Mr. Perry had attended was Orians and not Gordon . Maxin : Page 9 , next to last paragraph , a comma is needed between words Retarded and Balloon . This regard- No-Fee Permit request to sell balloons in Renton March 5 and 6 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED, THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. 49 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/70 PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed Parking and Loading Zone Ordinance (Continued from 3/2/70) This being the date set , the continued hearing was opened. There were - no communications nor audience comments . Community Services Recommendations were read for arriendments Committee Report as follows : reCCmmending amendments Pg. 5 --1 . (Should read) "Buildings , structures , and/or land uses which are built , or enlarged in excess of one-third (113) of the then existing structure , building or land area , as the case may be . MOVED BY SCHELLERT SECOND BY MEKAY TO CONCUR AND READ ALL ITEMS.CARRIED, Pg. 7 - -F. (Should read) Hazardous Driveways Pg. 10 - D. (Should read) "In those landscaped Premises that exeeed two thousand (2000) contiguous square feet of lawn area - - - Pg. 12 - D. (Line six should read) developer shall pay Pg. 27 - 1 . Line 2 , add the word "or" between move and convert Line 3 delete "or improve" MOVED BY AICKAY, AND .SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Amendment by Barei MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO AMEND THE Page 12, Time Limit TIME FROM 5 YEARS TO 2 YEARS. CARRIED. 14 - B. Discussion ensued regarding parking spaces allowed for square feet of floor space, Pg. 18 D, to be 1 for 100 ,and also the subject of the sizes of parking stalls . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN THE PARKING AND LOADING ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Parking and Loading The Clerk read the proposed ordinance. Ordinance (First MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THE reading held on ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL 3/2/70) VOTE FOLLOWiiD COMMENCING WITH SHANE WHICH RECEIVED DISAPPROVING REMARK BY SCHELLERT. UNANIMOUS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE RESULTED AND THE MOTION CARRIED, ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 2548 AS AMENDED. Order of roll call MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT vote THE REGULAR ORDER OF ROLL CALL NOT BE CHANGED, CARRIED. SHANE OPPOSED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: ORDINANCE 2549 Ordinance was read ordering construction and L.I. D. 267 installation of certain sanitary sewer lines r. and appurtenances thereto in vicinity of North Renton Interchange and FAI Hwy . 405 , all in accordance with Resolution No . 1660; establish- ing L.I.D. No. 267, providing the method of assessment in said district; providing that payments for said improvement be made by special assessments upon property in said district , payable by the mode of "payment by bonds" ,or "Notes" in lieu thereof as determined by the city council ; providing for the issuance and sale of L.I. D. warrants redeemable in cash and L. I.D. bonds or notes . -2- 50 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont. ) Ordinance No . 2549 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO L.I.D. 267 (Cont. ) AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. THE MOTION CARRIED. Resolutions Council President Schellert reported the No. 1672 , No. 1673 Committee of the Whole had heard a report Transfer and Loans for from the Mayor and recommended concurrence Funding acquisition in fund transfers for property Durchase ;wit.h of lakefront property referral to the _Legisp.tion CommittPP . for the necessary Resolutions . (Dillingham property addition to the Lake Wn . Beach Park) . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Resolution 1672 Transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 unto Lake Wn. Beach Forward Thrust Fund in sum of $27 ,395 . 81 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1673 Authorizing transfer, as a loan , to be repaid not later than June 30 , 1970 at 5% per annum interest , the sum of $119 ,445 . 75 from Cedar River Acquisition Fund; $3 ,908 . 58 from Cumulative Reserve Fund #2104 and $180,000 . 00 from Waterworks Utility Fund, unto Lake Wn . Beach Forward Thrust Fund . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1674 Authorizing transfer of $1 , 965 . 45 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2104 unto Park Fund (To replace amortized Park Equipment) MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL NOS. 6874 through 7020 Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers and . MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SHANE AND CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 6874 - 6934 $ 10 ,605 . 29 Arterial Street Fund 6935 - 6936 494 . 75 City Street Fund 6937 - 6949 13 ,142. 30 Cedar River M. & I. 6950 7 .11 Equipment Rental Fund 6951 - 6968 1 , 344. 93 Park Fund 16969 - 6988 3 ,686 . 15 Waterworks Utility 6989 - 7005 30,811 . 36 Airport Fund 7006 - 7009 14 ,739. 06 Firemen 's Pension Fund 7010 - 7017 175 .81 Control Devices Prog. 7018 927. 00 Urban Arterial Fund 7019 12 . 00 Lk. Wn . Beach Fwd. Th . 7020 747 ,756 . 48 Total all Funds $823, 702.24 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Letter request for Olson , Richert , Bignold , Architects , on behalf extended sewer line of M. B. Investment , requested sewer line ex- tension for warehouse facility at 1520 Grady Way . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. -3- 51 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Request for sign Letter from Mr . Stuart Sloan , Vice-Pres . , on right of way Schuck 's Auto Supply Companyjrequested to property locate a sign on city right of way along Rainier Avenue North . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE FOR REPORT. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO SUBSTITUTE MOTION THAT THE REQUEST BE DENIED. Discussion ensued concerning implementation of the new sign control ordinance and its purpose of preventing further non-conformitu and the PENDING MOTION CARRIED,DENYING THE REQUEST . Planning Commission Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Recommendations Director, submitted recommendations for the approval of Preliminary Plat of Ziegenfuss PP-645-70 Ziegenfuss Addition , PP-645-70 , for property located on Preliminary Plat Shattuck Avenue South and South 35th Street , north of the Mance Addition , subject to com- pliance with Engineering and Traffic Engineer- ing Department requirements . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Frank J. Power, Jr. The Planning Commission recommended approval John H. Powers Rezone of R-642-70 , rezone from G-6000 to L-I, for property located on SW 13th Street between Seneca and Lind Avenues S. W. , which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR. THF. MOTION CARRIED. Warren Christopherson The Commission recommended approval of App1 . property,R-644-70, R-644-70 rezone from G to B-1 on property rezone located between South 6th and 7th Streets which proposed commercial use is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE TWO REZONE ITEMS TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDINANCES. CARRIED. Mayor's report of Fund transfers within budget classes were fund transfers reported as required by Resolution No. 1232: 11/4169 - 1/13/70 From: Airport , 2510/310 to 305 , $300. 00 From: Library 1610/310, $995 . 00 to 303, $161 . 00 and 403, $834 . 00 From: Fire 11901404 , $115 . 00 to 315, $100. 00 and 403, $15. 00 From: Building 11651315 to 309 , $1 ,000. 00 From: Non-Departmental 1141/508 to 503,$1 ,000. 00 to of 1141/314 to 503,$1 ,000. 00 to it 11411311 , $500. 00 and 508, $300. 00 to 417 , $600 . 00 and 402, $200 . 00 It Non-Departmental 1141/311 to 503,$1 ,000. 00 From City Clerk, 1140/311 , $800. 00 and 317, $20. 00 to 308, $700. 00, 313, $20. 00, 320, $30. 00 and 402 , $70. 00 From City Clerk 1140/504 , to 511 , $50. 00 -4- 52 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Mayor ' s Report of From Legal , 1130/201 , $6 . 00, 314 , $19 . 05 , Fund Transfers 402 , $33 . 94 and 313, $79 . 10 to 313 , $138. 09 From : Non Departmental , 1141/606 to City Clerk, 1140/606 , $510 . 00 From: Non-Departmental , 1141/606 to Executive , 1120/606 , $495 . 00 MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO APPROVE THE REPORT. THE MOTION CARRIED. State Audit Letter from office of Robert V. Graham, State Report Auditor transmitted 42nd examination of the City of Renton for year 1948 . Mrs . Nelson noted the report to be a good one and that it will be on file in her office . Items too late for Letter from Dimmitt High School faculty member, Agenda Mr. Lewis Jones , extended thanks to Planning and Police Departments of the city for the presentations by Mr . Jim Magstadt and Sgt . Jim Phelan which were pleasant educational exper- iences for his 8th grade Social Studies classes last week. PROCLAMATION Proclamation from Mayor Garrett declared the week of March 15 through 21 as National Wildlife Week , all citizens urged to support this vital conservation observance . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . James Denzer , 231 North Burnett Street , reported Carpenter 's Local 1797 , at its regulal meeting this evening, passed a Resolution asking the City Council not to rescind the Optional Municipal Code Ordinances it had previously passed. Mr . Bruce Hulse , 2336 N. E. 31st Street , recalled extensive studies by the 25-man committee and recommendation for adoption of the OMC and urged that the Council not take any rescinding action as was anticipated according to local newspaper report . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Committee of the Council President Schellert reported meeting Whole reports : with the Council of the Whole and the special City shop building City Shops Building Committee regarding the condition of the city shop building. It was recommended that the Mayor proceed to acquire temporary facilities and prepare to vacate the existing shop building. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . After discussion with regard to costs and need of early action , THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Shane opposed. City Sales Tax The Committee of the Whole recommended the Council express its intent to adopt an ordinance levying the City Sales Tax as approved by the 1970 legislature with referral of the matter to the Legislation Committee for \ the ordinance document . V MOVED BY ,MCKAY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. - 5- 53 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Committee of the The Committee of the Whole recommended Whole report that the City Attorney appeal the de- (Dillingham property) cision of the court on the issue of costs involved in the Dillingham Con- demnation court case . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY SHANE, TO CONCUR AND THE MOTION CARRIED. Gravel Pit Operation The Committee recommended the subject of the gravel pit operation at Devil 's Elbow by Red Samm Mining Company be referred to the Transportation Committee for study and recommendation . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. It was suggested that special attention be given to slopes in view of the death of a boy in cave-in there this past weekend. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE SUBJECT OF EXPIRATION OF THE CLASS "G" PERMIT, WHICH EXPIRES IN APRIL, TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. It was suggested perhaps all pit excavation operations might warrant investigation . Optional Municipal MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE Code Ordinances CITY COUNCIL RESCIND THE ORDINANCES ADOPTING THE OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL CODE. Clymer outlined his reasons for rescind request and remarks by Councilmen followed pro and con ,during which show of hands for presentation of resolution adopting OMC anew tonight was requested . A motion was subsequently proposed therefor and declared out of order . THE PENDING MOTION WAS SUBSEQUENTLY VOTED UPON AND DISSENTING VOICE VOTE BROUGHT ROLL CALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYES, 4 : CLYMER, , DELAURENTI, GRANT AND BAREI. NAYS, 8 : SCHELLERT, PERRY, MCKA Y, STREDICKE, EDWARDS, MAXIN, BRUCE AND SHANE. THE MOTION WAS DECLARED LOST. Councilmen expressed their convictions in the way they voted and their actions in events where position was reversed from prior action . APPOINTMENT Concurrence in appointment had been confirmed to Committee of the Whole by the Personnel Mr. Earl Bowden to and Comriunity Relations Committee and it Planning Commission was reported the Committee now recommended council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Earl Bowden to the Renton Planning Commission . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. I Mr . Bowden was in the audience and was introduced at this time . e Code of Ethics Stredicke inquired regarding meeting that Committee was to be rescheduled and discussion en- sued regarding Chairmanship and it was pI MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY .MAXIN, THAT GRANT BE NAMED CHAIRMAN OF THE CODE OF ETHICS COMMITTEE. MOVED BY ! SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE MATTER 54 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/70 APPOINTMENTS (Cont . ) Code of Ethics Com- OF THE CODE OF ETHICS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN- mittee—Chairman SHIP BE REFERRED TO THAT COMMITTEE FOR ITS OWN DECISION. THE MOTION CARRIED. FURTHER OLD BUSINESS: Tiffany Park area Stredicke requested the Attorney to abandoned building comment on current action regarding site referral of criminal action to be pursued by the city regarding abandoned site in Tiffany Park area . City Attorney Shellan advised numerous y encumbrances filed against this project would allow very little chance of lien collection and with concern for danger to life and limb the city should do the necessary work and look to the mortgage company for reimbursement , cautioning that city funds cannot be expended on private property and to go on the property and do extensive work is assuming liability and costs which could be questioned by the state auditor. S-redicke stated hole in the base floor with water accumulated below needs attention and Building Director Ruppert recalled request for authority to proceed under the dangerous building ordinance advising he did not have funds to do vast repair and maintain closure . Board of Public Works hearing was noted along with problems of legal entry on private property and involvement regarding liability . Proposed motion by Perry was withdrawn to refer to the Mayor when prior referral and subsequent actions taken accordingly were noted. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO AUTHORIZE THE BUILDING DIRECTOR TO CLOSE UP THE BUILDINGS AND MAINTAIN THE CLOSURE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE COURTS HAVE DECIDED WHAT HAS TO BE DONE FURTHER . Discussion ensued regarding owner's financial status , legality of expending city funds on private property and Cue process of law by which court order could direct abatement . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE MATTER OF FUNDING BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Air Pollution Control Stredicke submitted letter from the Puget Pacific Car & Foundry Sound Air Pollution Control Agency in response to his request for statement on status of Pacific Car & Foundry Co . controls . Schedule was attached for performance to bring the foundry into compliance with Regu- lations, and progress to date was noted . August 30 , 1970 target date for completion of the project was noted as still valid . Finance Committee Councilman Edwards announced a Finance Meeting Committee meeting on Monday, March 16 , at 7 :00 p.m. -7- 55 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/7v OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Con ' t) Report on City Councilman Edwards reported receipt of Emblem Flags notice of availability of city emblem flags from Pacific Screen Art Co. , Inc. of Bellevue with quote of $180 . 00 for six 4 ' x6 ' flags with city emblem in gold and black on a dark background. (5 for outdoor use and 1 a for indoor use) MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF SIX FLAGS AS PER QUOTE. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE FUNDING TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. (See further remarks concerning flags under old business by Barei) Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted report advising report-waterline LID that petition had been signed by owners S. W. 43rd Street of 84% of property abutting the proposed improvement and 81% of the area within the proposed district and it was recom- mended the city proceed with the creation of the L .I. D. with referral to the Legislation Committee and the Engineering Department . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. Proposed revision Councilman Bruce reported amendments have to Garbage Contract been prepared to the garbage contract and MOVED THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED.- BACK TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Transportation Chairman Grant submitted report which was Committee ,report read advising of present review for possible elimination of 2-hr. parking restrictions in North Renton , door-to-door questionaire being circulated by Traffic Engineering Department and Transportation Committee and concensus to be tabulated and report and recom- mendation to be made to council thereafter. Review of truck loading zones and taxicab zones was reported with recommendations as follows : Eliminate truck loading zone in front of Robinson-Lyon Ford and revert to 2 hour parking (old location on 3rd & Burnett) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Eliminate truck load zone on north side of south 3rd Street west of Main Avenue south and revert to 2 hour parking. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Eliminate truck load zone on north side of south 3rd street between Main and Mill . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Establish time limit on all truck load zones in central business district , all zones on 24 hour basis at present . Recommended the zones be in effect between 7 :00 a .m. and 6 :00 p.m. and be available for use by the gAneral public after 6 : 00 p.m. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR. -Q_ tJ V MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Transportation MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO Committee report AMEND THE MOTION TO ALLOW OPERATION OF TRUCK LOAD ZONES UNTIL 4 : 00 P.M. RATHER THAN 6 :00 P.M. AMENDMENT LOST AND THE ORIGINAL MOTION SETTING OPERATING TIME FROM 7 : 00 A .M. to 6 :00 P.M . CARRIED. Recommended the present taxi zone on Wells Avenue South between South 4th Street and Houser Way South be eliminated with reversion to 2 hour parking. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Street Light request Recommended the request for street light on Harrington Place N. E . ,directly behind Hickock 's Sporting Goods store , be denied this street having been approved for va- cation by recent council action. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. Arterial street Request of Board of Public Works for project-sidewalks Arterial Street project to provide side- walks on South 3rd Street from Rainier Avenue South to Shattuck Ave . South . The Ttansportation Committee recommended the city be authorized to proceed with the project including extension from South 4th Place to South 3rd Street. MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR . Discussion ensued regarding use of funds which might be better utilized in other areas of the city. Hazards to be eliminated in this area were noted and benefit to streets , LID also proposed . Shane requested to withdraw his motion which was not permitted after being debated. THE MOTION LOST. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE COUNCIL RECONSIDER ITS ACTION ON THE PREVIOUS MOTION. CARRIED. It was noted this was in the vicinity of Dag's and would provide pedestrian safety where none now exists , L.I. D. proposal being deemed a hardship and not well received. The need for protection was affirmed and fact that funding is available proximity to nearby school being noted .also. MOTION TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA- TIONS CONCURRING IN THE SIDEWALK PROJECT SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. Issaquah Resolution The Transportation Committee, recognizing re proposed freeway the future need for additional transportation facilities to serve the east side of Lake Wn. , requests no action be taken on this matter . The Council took no action . City Flags Barei suggested; now that city flag purchase was authorized that the Mayor 's office con- tact the Chamber of Commerce and clubs and advise the city is going to purchase flags and if organizations wish to purchase a flag it may be possible to do so at the bid of the city 's . -9- 57 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont. ) Gravel Pit slopes Councilman Barei urged that the Mayor 's office contact the County Council and inquire whether the county departments might investigate the gravel pit at Devil 's Elbow with regard to slope violation in view of loss of boy 's life which inquiry might be appropriate since the gravel site is adjacent to the city . r.. Mayor Gafrett reported visiting the site with King County Councilman Forsythe . Councilman Maxin noted report by local police and King County Sheriff's in- vestigation regarding the site and visit by Councilman Forsythe and so long as contract is in effect and walls are MOTIONS TO RECESS within reason nothing further can be done . AND ADJOURN Motion by Shane to recess, second by Barei , and motion to adjourn , by Edwards second by McKay were both voted down . NEW BUSINESS: Late-Comers Receipt of Late-Comers documents from Agreements the school district was noted by Council President Schellert and attention called to proposal for hazen not perviously submitted to council . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE SUBJECT AGREEMENT TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Capital Improvement Calling attention to Capital Improvement Program Report Priority Report submitted to the Council Committee of the Whole , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARD$ TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT AND ADMINISTRATIVE STEPS TIME TABLE FOR ADOPTION OF THE PROGRAM. CARRIED. PERRY NOTED THERE WAS NO TIME ALLOWED BETWEEN COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE REVIEW AND PROPOSED MOTION TO PROVIDE A WEEK FOR REVIEW BY THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MOTION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Conferences during Council President Schellert noted list of Wear conferences to be held during the year had been prepared which he was submitting so everyone would know what is coming up and MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF ATTENDANCE BE k REFERRED TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAURENTI. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. It was not felt a 3-man committee should decide this matter. It was pointed out that the Committee of the Whole is not a working committee and there is need for review and study of the matter. It was noted $3 ,600. 00 was budgeted for travel . Upon dissenting voice vote , roll call was taken on substitute motion resulting as follows -10- f i c, MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Vote on referral to Committee of the Whole Annual Conferences AYES 4 : Perry , McKay , Stredicke and Edwards . NAYS 7 : Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Maxin , Bruce , Grant and Barei MOTION LOST. (Shane not present for the vote) OR1gINAL MOTION to refer the list of conferences to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee CARRIED. Public meetings re Councilman Stredicke commended the Traffic a street improvement and City Engineering Departments for steps and sewer projects taken ,and for sending letters to residents proposed in vicinity of along Edmonds Avenue and vicinity , in Edmonds Ave . -N. E. 27th/ regard to proposed improvements for the NE Sunset to 19th P1 . area , public meetings to be held for dis- cussion and informational purposes . One meeting is to be held March 12 , at 7: 30 p.m. in the Council Chambers and the other on March 19 , same time and place and council members were urged to attend . Council names on Councilman Stredicke called attention to correspondence when correspondence sent to residents with not approved regard to parking in north Renton and remarked that letter had been redone to add names of councilmen and titles , not listed originally.He felt the names or Councilmen as shown having no relation to the matter should not have been added and MOVED THAT CORRESPONDENCE WITH NAMES OF COUNCILMEN BE CLEARED THROUGH THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF SECOND. Code of Ethics Committee Member Stredicke requested that Committee meeting the Code of Ethics Committee meet at 7 :00 p.m. on Wednesday , March 11 . Rapid Transit study by Councilman Grant reported the Transporta- Transportation Committee tion Committee has met regarding rapid transit and will be submitting a timely recommendation . Recommendation for Councilman Shane , in view of unemployment new "Employment situation in the area at present MOVED Committee" THE APPOINTMENT OF AN "EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE " BY THE MAYOR .MOTION SECONDED BY BRUCE. Recommended membership is to include 8 pe sons with the Mayor , two councilmen , two representatives and three from union organizations , to investigate possibility of getting work projects with city funding to ease unemployment distress . MOTION CARRIED. Committee meetings Councilman Shane urged that committee meetings be scheduled on a staggered basis to allow attendance at more than one which is not possible when two meetings are scheduled at the same time . Policing of private MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, property THE MATTER OF POLICING PRIVATE PROPERTY BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND POSSIBLE CHANGE IN LAWS TO PERMIT SAME. MOTION LOST. Picketing at U. of W. Councilman Shane expressed consternation at demonstrators being allowed to picket the University of Washington which he felt was a disgrace. - 77 - 59 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS 3/9/70 AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Sven Johnson Mr . Johnson remarked, concerning the 1520 Index N. E. Tiffany Park building site action that closure without adequate ventilation could result in mildew and liability suggesting the council advise the mortgage company of need for emergency closure and request a hold harmless agreement. Mrs. Margaret Evans Mrs. Evans praised the Council Members 403 Grandey Way ND who made an effort to give the voters a chance for yes or no vote on the Optional Municipal Code which she felt would have passed, stating they stand head and shoulders over the others and when she supported some- thing she did not like it be be dipped in a mud puddle . Cdr. Joe Sporcik Mr. Sporcik stated if the council is going 1314 Harrington NE to pass laws and get the Optional Municipal Code in it should do so or otherwise start enforcing the laws it has , but should not make and then break them. This law is for the good of the people and not for someone else to say what to do. Mr. Eddie Taylor Mr. Taylor expressed view that the action 356 Thomas S. W. taken regarding the abandoned building site in the Tiffany Park area was not on the right track and if 8 or 10 citizens went in and covered the holes and effected closure the city would not be involved in problems concerning private property. _r ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO 11 :10 P.M. ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 11 :10 p.m. There were 32 visitors this evening. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Avery rett , or rr -12- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 3/9/70 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole 3/11/70 7 :30 pm Schellert Council Chamben 911 Telephone Pres. " Invited: A. Scholes Nigel Adams s. GHerer Community Services 3/14/70 10 : 00 am Maxin Resident�Partbciptn Tiffany Park Plan . Finance 3/16/70 7 :00 pm Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Str_edicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works 3/16/70 7 :00 pm Bruce 4th Flr. Eng. Of. Transportation 3/111/70 8 : 30 pm Grant Traffic Eng. Of . Informal Me^':.ing 3/12/70 7 : 30 pm Council Chamber- Str. Improvement King County Health Dept . Edmonds Ave. N.E. City Engineering P-.;-sonnel NE Edmonds--NE 1911-h Property Owners 3/19/70 7 : 30 pm Str. Imp. & Sewers Edmonds N.E.-NE 27th ode of Ethics 3/11/70 7 :00 pm =tredicke (P"ember. ) O bl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK March 9 , 1970 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPTS . BUILDING PERMIT No. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2242 $ 150 .00 E. Weschselberger 521 Lind Ave. N.W. Constr. Att. Carpt. 2243 152 . 00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Bldg. Cut hole concrete 2244 1, 900. 00 it Partitions conveyor B 2245 350. 00 10-65 Bldg. Reduce size lock `2246 17,000 . 00 Kampe Construction 2448 Monterey N.E. Single residence ELECTRICAL PERMIT E 2734 258 . 00 Renton Village Co. 15 So. Grady Way Wire outlets etc. E 2735 250 . 00 Ruth Vick 261 Thomas Ave. SW Instl Panel & Wire 2736 173. 00 The Boeing Co. 4-20 Bldg. Electrical Service 2737 125 . 00 4-04 Bldg. Relocate Maccs Sys . 2738 600 . 00 10-80 Bldg. Relocate Computor 2739 115 . 00 4-21 Bldg. Maccs System E 2740 200. 00 10-80 Bldg. Relocate Machine 2741 180 . 00 it Elec. Rearrangemts 2742 50 . 00 10-85 Bldg. Duplex Outlet 2743 1, 500. 00 4-75 Bldg. Electrical Service 2744 135. 00 " 10-65 Bldg. " E 2745 100. 00 Pacific Communicatn 4020 East Valley Rd Wire Hwy Sign 2746 492 . 00 Parkwood Homes 823 So. 27th St Single Residence MECHANICAL PERMIT M 2387 1,500 . 00 J. J. Korvas 1701 S .E. 18th P1. Inst. Heating Sys . 2388 225. 00 The Boeing Co. 4-44 Bldg. Provide Spray Water 2389 1, 100. 00 Jack B . Curran 621 Rainier Ave. S . Inst. Gas Boilers M 2390 150 . 00 Wallace Nelson 502 S .W. 13th St. Inst. Holding Tank ,.2391 1, 800. 00 Bill Stonaman 3101 Mountain View Inst. Plumb. & Fix. SIGN PERMIT S 001 500 . 00 Victor Odermat 621 Rainier Ave. S. Errect Sign SEWER PERMIT S 1079 J. L. McCullock 3521 Shattuck Ave. S . Sewer S 1080 H. Koehler 402 So. 36th St. Sewer 1081 Kampe Construction 923 N. 31st St. it L.I .D. 261 1082 if 1083 Clifford Loken 417 So. 36th St. if 1084 J. J. Kowas 1701 S .E . 18th Pl. " S 1085 L. H. Hawkins 3621 Shattuck Ave. S. " 1086 Robinson-Lyon Ford 750 Rainier So. 5trm Sewer Connect. 1087 Thomas Ponder 3609 Shattuck So. Sewer 1088 Mary Anderson 412 So. 37th St. if 1089 Issaquah School 120 & 148th " S 1090 Latter Day Saints 701 Monroe Ave. N.E . Storm Sewer r 62 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk March 16 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF EQUALIZATION - (3-member committee) Senate Bill #144 , 1970 Special Legislative Session , amending R.C . W. 84 . 48 . 010. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Proposed annexation to King County Fire Protection District #25 . Review with Fire Chief. Subject of open-pit mining - survey of operations in City limits . CITY ATTORNEY Claim by Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company . Proceed with condemnation of Northern Pacific Railroad property . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 2% Utility tax elimination upon completion of City Shop Building. Applying revenues from Sales & Use Tax to construction of City j Garage. V Councilmen 's salaries under Optional Municipal Code . Rapid Transit proposal . I LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. I.D. 264 . Funding of payment due consulting engineers on Shop Building. MAYOR Authorized to execute Local Sales & Use Tax Agreement . Autnorized to initiate no-cost study with Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company for 911 Emergency Dialing System. PARK BOARD Park development in Tiffany Park area . PARK DEPARTMENT Park development in Tiffany Park area . PLANNING COMMISSION Zoning & Use for property on Rainier Ave , adjacent to former hospital site . PLANNING DEPARTMENT Zoning & Use for property on Rainier Ave , adjacent to former hospital site . PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications from El Picador & Spot Taverns for licenses for machines . Application from Riviera Tavern for license for machines . SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Kiwanis Club request that Earlington School site be used for park and recreational purposes . PROCLAMATION "51st Anniversary of DeMolay" - March 15-22 , 1970 , INTERNATIONAL DEMOLAY WEEK. CITY CLERK Authorized to execute Local Sales & Use Tax Agreement . 63 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Iffice of City Clerk March 16 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m . in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building . PLEDGE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF Schellert , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , COUNCIL MEMBERS Stredicke, McKay , Perry and Clymer. Absent : Delaurenti and Edwards . Moved by Shane , seconded by Schellert , that the absent Council members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS & DEPT. Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, HEADS PRESENT Dorothea Gossett , Treasurer, G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL Minute corrections or additions were invited MEETING OF 3/9/70 and the following revisions offered: Councilman Shane requested membership of the Employment Committee as shown on Page 11 , Paragraph 6 be changed to read : 8 Members to include the Mayor , two councilmen , two from business and three labor representatives . Councilman Perry expressed opposition to this correction stating it would not indicate the action taken , requesting_ the minutes be approved and rescinding action taken later to correct the committee membership if this is the intent . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Maxin that the word ' labor ' be changed to read 'business ' . The Clerk was requested to read the committee membership incorporating this change which was read as follows : Mayor, two councilmen , two from business and three union (labor) representatives . Motion carried . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay that the minutes be approved as corrected. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING Final Assessment Sanitary Sewers (Mance Addition) to serve property Roll , L. I.D. 264 in the vicinity of 94th Ave . S. and S. 174th St . Hearing was declared open and the City Clerk reported no written communications had been received concerning the final assessment roll . Audience comments were invited and none forthcoming the City Engineer was then requested to present a brief review of the L . I.D. Mr . Wilson reported that bids (12 received) ranged from $27 ,000 to $70 ,000; low bid was $27 ,500 - actual cost of $24, 006 represented a saving to the property owners within the district of 25% . The contractor -1- 64 IINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/16/70 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont . ) Final Assessment had been required to post a bond for street Roll , L. I. D. 264 restoration , which work will be accomplished (Cont . ) when weather permits . Motion by Schellert , second by Shane to close the hearing carried and was followed by motion of Schellert , second by Shane , to approve the final assessment roll of L.I .D. 264 and refer the matter to the Legislation Committee . Carried. STATUS REPORTS Status reports on progress of L. I.D. 265 L . I . D. 263 & 265 referred to as the Shook L . I.D. and L . I.D. 263 - recently annexed Kennydale area - were requested by Councilman Barei . The City Engineer reported plans are virtually complete on L. Z. D. 265 , presently in the process of procuring easements. Mr . Wilson recommended that the council approve the \ resolution accepting offer of loan from HUD for financing L . I. D. 263, to be presented later this evening. PUBLIC HEARING Appeal of Planning Mr . Barger 's request for a special permit Commission Denial was submitted in accordance with Section Lyle Barger 4-708 , Sec . 3 Zoning Code for Apartment Use Application for in an R-2 zone . Special Permit , SP 639-70 Location - Between Ferndale Circle NE and NE 9th St . Area - 10 ,048 sq . ft . Principal Access - NE 9th St . via Edmonds Ave NE Existing Zoninq - R-2 Proposed Use - Apartments by Special Permit Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Low-density , Multi-family Residential Plans -- To construct a duplex in addition to the existing duplex - for a total of four apartment units on the site . Future plans indicate possibility of another 2-story structure which might involve removal of existing duplex . A letter from the Planning Director outlined findings , review and recommendations of the Planning Commission , to-wit : Area is primarily single-family residential . The Comprehensive Land Use Plan indicates potential low-density multi-family , but appearance of existing single-family homes in the area indicates multiple use is some time off in the future . Rezone application for R-3 zoning had been made in 1968 and the Commission had recommended the zoning remain R-1 . This resulted in appeal to the Council with R-2 zoning granted which permits the present non-conforming use . The Planning Commission recommended denial of Mr . Barger ' s application , to allow apartment use on R-2 zoned property considering it premature for the area and detrimental to surrounding properties . -2- 65 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/16/70 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont . ) Appeal of Planning Audience comments were invited and Mr . Robert Commission Denial Anderson , Attorney representing the applicant, Lyle Barger of 111 Williams S. , Renton , with regard to Application for the Planning Commission basis for denial Special Permit , noted that homes in the area were both SP 639-70 (Cont . ) attractive and marginal and that the request could not be considered premature . He stated that lack of any objections from the residents of the area would indicate that t in the judgment of these people it was not detrimental , noting that the plans as proposed would considerably upgrade the property . He further recalled Mr . Barger ' s compliance with Planning Commission request to remove an old garage , clean up the area , submit revised drawings of the plot plan , etc. Plans were shown the Council of the proposed uses , surrounding zoning, access , etc. were noted. Mr. Ericksen called Counci'lls attention to three maps placed at each Councilman ' s desk showing location , description , adjacent zoning, proposed use , etc. Upon request he showed slides of the property and adjacent area accompanied with an explanation of each. Discussion ensued, Shane noting condition of Highlands temporary housing - some well kept and some in state of deterioration . He made request for response from the audience of any one present desiring to object to the �. application of Mr. Barger and upon request for same by the Mayor none was forthcoming. Safeguards contained in Building Code for construction were noted by Mr. Shane . Shane offered motion for hearing closure which brought comment from Schellert that if the Council is of a mind to override the Planning Commission decision , he would request con- tinuation of the hearing and referral to the Community Services Committee. Motion received no second. Moved by Barei , seconded by Schellert that the hearing be closed. Carried . Moved by Barei , seconded by Schellert that the appeal of Mr . B anger for Special Permit be denied. Carried. Shane felt that the area should receive further study from the Planning Commission with report to the Council . ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2550 Proposed ordinance was read confirming the Confirming Final assessments and final assessment roll of Local Assessment Roll , Improvement District #264 for sanitary sewers L. I.D. 264 in the vicinity of Mance Addition, as created in Ord . 2494 . -3- 6� MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING .3/16/70 ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Ordinance 2550 Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Maxin , that Confirming Final the proposed ordinance be placed on second Assessment Roll , and .final reading. Carried . After reading L. I.D. 264 it was moved by Stredicke , seconded by Maxin , (Cont . ) that Ordinance No . 2550 be adopted as read . Roll call vote all "ayes" . Motion carried . Ordinance 2551 Proposed ordinance was presented and read t Sales & Use Tax imposing a sales or use tax in the City of Renton as provided for in Chapter 94 , Laws of 1970 . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer, to place the ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After reading by the Clerk it was moved by McKay , seconded by Schellert , to adopt Ordinance 2551 as read. Unanimous Aye vote - motion carried. Resolution 1675 Resolution No . 1675 was adopted upon motion by Acceptance of Schellert , second by McKay and carried. to HUD offer to finance accept the offer of the Department of Housing L.- T.D. 263 and Urban Development (HUD) for public facilities loan under Public Law 345 , 84th Congress, Project No . Pf_ 1 27 , L. I. D. 263. AGREEMENT FOR STATE An Agreement by and between the City and the ADMINISTRATION OF State Department of Revenue was presented LOCAL SALES & USE and read by the Clerk . TAX Moved by Grant , seconded by Perry , that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement document . Carried . POLICY ON 2% UTILITY Moved by Shane , seconded by Barei , that the TAX UPON COMPLETION Council go on record to eliminate the 2% OF CITY SHOP BLDG. utility tax upon completion of City Shop Building. Moved by Clymer , seconded by McKay , that the V matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole . Carried . APPLYING STATE TAX Moved by Barei , seconded by Shane , that the REVENUES TOWARDS Council give consideration towards applying NEW CITY SHOP revenues to be derived from the sales & use STRUCTURE tax for the construction of the City Garage and this matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole . Carried. Sc e//e ?L- Seconded by Shane that vouchers VOUCHER APPROVAL Moved by numbered 7021 through 7183 and L. I.D. Fund CORRECTED-REFER �'� #264 Cash and Revenue fund voucher #7 & L. I.D. MINUTES Oxw--7-2-3-70 Fund #268 Cash and Revenue Fund voucher #3 be approved for payment . Carried. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 7021-7080 $15 ,912 . 83 Arterial Street Fund 7081-7081 1 ,507 . 20 City Street Fund 7082-7101 12 ,438 . 61 Cedar River M & I Fund 7102•-7105 394 . 35 Equipment Rental Fund 7106-7125 5 ,192 . 60 Library Fund 7126-7130 539 . 70 Park Fund 7131-71.53 15 ,787 . 06 Waterworks Utility Fund 7154-7172 16 ,890 .82 1965 W & S Constr 7173-7173 201 . 08 Street Fwd Thrust 7174-7174 3 , 200. 00 Airport Fund 7175-7180 135 . 90 Firemen 's Pension Fund 7181-7182 32 . 00 Control Devices Program 7183-7183 1 ,782 . 00 Total all funds $74 ,014 . 15 -4- 67 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL M 'ETlNG 3/16/70 VOUCHER APPROVAL (Cont . ) i Fund Breakdown L. I. D . 268 Cash & Revenue. Funds #3 $3 , 205 . 30 (Cont . ) L. T. D. 264 Cash & Revenue Funds #7 $2, 353 . 54 COMMUNICATIONS & CURRENT BUSINESS Acceptance - Work A communication from the Park Director submitted Maplewood Restroom and recommended for payment final estimate Facility - C.A .G . of $2 , 736 . 22 on the .Maplewood Restroom Facility. 1588-69 Park Board has accepted this work as of March Pyramid Construction 6th, acceptance by the City Council is recommended as of March 16 and establishment of the 30-day lien period . Moved Stredicke , second Bruce , concur in Park Director ' s request . Carried. Building Director A request from Building Director Ruppert to Request for transfer transfer $480. 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund of funds - consultants 1894 to Current Fund , Building Department City Shop Building Account #1165/314 , Expert Services to fund payment due consulting engineers on the Shop Building was approved upon passage of motion offered by Barei -and seconded by Bruce . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Perry to refer the matter to the Legislation Committee for proper legislation . Carried. Claim for Damages A claim filed by Pacific Northwest Bell Pacific Northwest Telephone Co . in the sum of $3 ,500 (estimated) , Bell for damages to a buried cable in November, 1969 , alleged to have been struck by City of Renton excavating equipment , Water Department , was referred to the City Attorney and a Insurance Carrier by motion of Barei , second by Bruce and carried. Applications - Applications were read from El Picador Tavern Shuffleboard Classi-- reguesting granting of license to Nelson and fication Michael to install novelty type device and from Spot Tavern to operate a pool table . Moved by Barei , seconded by .Bruce , that the two applications be referred to the Public Safety Committee with power to act . Carried . Orthopedic P.enny An application from. Mrs . Sandra Polley , 1058 Drive Kirkland Ave NE , requested permit , without payment of regular license fees , to conduct 1970 Penny Drive throughout the City - dates May lsL- to 14th , .inclusive . Moved by Perry , second by Maxin , that permit be granted. Carried . Boundary Review Board Moved by Barie , second Brace , that the Notice Notice - Public of Public Hearing on proposed annexation of Hearing Proposed territory to Fire District #25 be referred Annexation to King to the Board of Public Works to review with County Fire Protection the Fire Chief and report back . Carried. District #25 - B.R. V. File #193 Hearing to be held in Room 402, King County Courthouse , 4/9/70, after 8 : 30 p.m. Items too late Moved by Barei , seconded by Shane , that the for Agenda late items be added to the agenda . Carried . -5- 68 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/16/70 COMMUNICATIONS & CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Items too late for Agenda (Cont . ) Board of Equalization A letter from the King County Department of Assessments advised that Senate Bill #144 , 1970 Special Legislative Session amends R .C. W. 84 . 48. 010 covering composition and duties of the County Board of Equalization . Upon effective date of the act , July 1 , 1970 first and second class cities will no longer have membership on the County Board, but designated members from the City will still serve as such at the June , 1970 meeting , time and place not yet determined. Moved by Stredicke , second by Grant that this matter be referred to the 3-member committee on the City 's Board of Equalization . Upon inquiry as to the names of these members it was noted that Councilmen Schellert , Delaurenti and Maxin serve in this capacity . Discussion ensued as to what could be accomplished towards adjustments in property taxes by local representation on the board. Councilman Perry stated that in the past the local membership on the board has accomplished some reduction for aggrieved taxpayers . Barei expressed opinion that the new law was not good in that local representation on the board can more effectively serve the local citizenry . Vote on the.pmotion carried. Riviera Tavern Application from Riviera Tavern for required Application - licenses to install one coin-operated Pool Coin-Operated Table Device and one Shuffleboard Machine in Pool Table & their place of business was read by the Clerk . Shuffleboard Moved by Shane , second by Bruce , refer. to Public Safety Committee with power to act. Carried. MAYOR ' S PROCLAMATION A proclamation observing the year of 1970 as the "51st Anniversary of DeMolay" and pro- claiming March 15-22 , 1970, as INTERNATIONAL DEMOLAY WEEK was read . Moved by Shane , seconded by Stredicke , to concur in the proclamation issued by the Mayor. Carried. Shane expressed hope of attendance by the Mayor at observance and the Mayor advised of offer by the group to wash the police cars . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the 1 . Authorize City Attorney to proceed with con- Whole Report & demnation of Northern Pacific Railroad prop- Recommendations erties to acquire permanent easement to 3/11/70 meeting former Baxter property - Lake Washington Condemnation Northern Beach Parka Pacific Properties Lake Washington Moved by Schellert , second by Bruce to concur Beach Access in the committee 's recommendation . Carried . -6- 69 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/16/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Committee of the 2 . Authorize Mayor to initiate "No Cost" Study Whole Report & with Pacific Northwest Bell to implement Recommendations 911 Emergency Dialing System and to report 3/11/70 meeting back. Moved by Barei , second by Maxin , to (Cont . ) concur -in the recommendations of the 911 System Cost committee . Carried . Ctudy 21-R Union Contract 3. Report from Personnel and Community Relations Mr Committee on the revisions to the Union Contract with Local 21 -R not yet available . Upon inquiry , Councilman Stredicke reported the committee met this evening and recommends acceptance of the Mayor 's recommendations on the Union Contract and referral to the Legislative Committee , as this will necessitate ordinance revisions . Moved by Schellert , second by Perry , to concur and refer this matter to the Legislative Committee . Discussion ensued and Council President Schellert stated that the entire Cduncil has not been apprised of the Mayor• 's recommendations . It was noted that these refer to allowing certain additional holidays (one-half of employees , day after Thanksgiving, other half day before or after Christmas) . The other pertained to payment of one-half day 's pay of accumulated sick leave benefits upon voluntary separation of employment , under certain conditions . Further opinions were expressed that this matter should be discussed in Committee of the Whole . Vote on pending motion lost . Business Cards for 4. Report that Councilmen desirous of obtaining City Council business cards pool resources for better price . City funds not to be used for this purpose . Finance Committee Council President Schellert_ recommended that Funding - Flaaa the funding for the purchase of flags ($180. 00) be allocated from Current Fund, Legislative Account #1110/402 . Moved by Perry , second Maxin , to concur in recommendation of Finance Committee . Carried. Personnel & Community Recommends that Councilman Earl Clymer, Del Relations Committee- Bennett , Traffic Engineer and Joe Mathews , Recommendations from Administrative Asst . to the Mayor , be meeting of 3/16/70 authorized to attend the special study trip Bay Area Rapid Transit in San Francisco planned for Friday, March 20 Study Trip-San Franciscoto View Bay Area Rapid Transit . This is to acquaint the City with BART as it relates to METRO RAPID TRANSIT. Moved by Maxin , seconded by Stredicke , to concur in the committee recommendation . `r Moved by Schellert , and seconded to authorize the Mayor 's attendance also. Inquiry from Councilman Barei as to how determination was made regarding persons to be authorized to make this trip brought forth considerable discussion, plus comment that some Councilmen were completely in the dark. -7 .70 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/16/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Personnel & Community It was noted that information had just recently Relations Committee- been received - organized by L . Joe Miller , Recommendations from City Manager of Bellevue , and Larry Coffman , meeting of 3/16/70 of Metro , and information had been given to Bay Area Rapid Transit members of the Community Services , Personnel Sutdy Trip-San Franciscoand Community Relations and Transportation (Cont . ) Committees . Stredicke again made his request that travel be referred to the Committee of the Whole rather than to his committee. Vote on the Motion carried. Community Services 1 . Recommended that the Kiwanis Club request Report from Meeting concerning development of former Earlington of 3/14/70 School site for park and recreational purposes be referred to the Special Parks and Recreation Committee . Moved by Stredicke , second Maxin, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2 . The matter of Zoning and Use - properties along Rainier Ave and adja&ent to the former hospital site be referred to the Planning Commission and Planning Department for recommendation and report back. Moved by Maxin , second by McKay to concur in the recommendation. Carried . 3. Referral relative to review of private and public parking cleared by adoption of the new Parking and Loading Ordinance . 4 . Recommend the City withhold action relative to City participation in the Valley Regional Planning Commission until apprised of reorganization structure and program. This item will be held in committee at present . 5 . Recommend that proposal for park development in the area of Tiffany Park be referred to the Park Board and Park Department . Moved by Maxin , second by McKay , to concur in the recommendation of the committee . Carried. Code of Ethics Meeting of 3/11/70 1 . Committee recommends appointment of Councilman Grant as chairman . Stredicke moved, Maxin seconded to concur . Motion carried. 2 . Recommends expansion of the committee to nine members - additional members to be comprised of one member from each of the following organizations : Chamber of Commerce, Renton School District , King County Labor Council and Renton Ministerial Association . It was moved by Stredicke and seconded by Maxin to concur in the committee 's recommendation . The motion carried. -8- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/16/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Transportation 1 .a . The Committee recommended the City go on Committee Report record opposing the use of residential & Recommendations streets as primary access to the gravel pit 3/16/70 operation in the Devil 's Elbow Area , further Gravel Pit recommending proper legal action , if required, Operations to restrict the use of those streets . b. The Committee also made the recommendation that the subject of open-pit mining be referred to the Board of Public Works for survey of all such operations within the city limits. The Board should review all gravel pit operations and recommend corrective legislation for improvement of safety and esthetics . c. Recommended that the Building Department investigate gravel pit operation located on Lake Washington Blvd to see if they have taken corrective measures to improve safety, in line with previous recommendation by the Building Department . It was moved by Stredicke , seconded by Schellert , to concur in the committee recommendation. Discussion ensued as to the City 's right to restrict the use of the street and information was required from the City Attorney and Traffic Engineer . They informed the Council that the City can regulate the traffic w.. within the corporate limits , but it would be necessary to determine whether the streets in their present condition are inadequate to accomodate certain vehicles , and would require proper signing and posting . They stated that you can not arbitrarily interfere with traffic and deny the truck traffic. Traffic can be rerouted, but you cannot land- lock if it is the only means of ingress and egress . Building Department requirements on this type of permit calls for maintaining a fence, gate to all points of access , filing of grading plan , and regulations con- cerning slopes . They have now issued a stop-work order on the Devil Elbow Operation in the County, presumably for certain non- compliance under their permit . Vote on the motion carried. Right of Way 2 . Recommendation that the City Engineering Requirements on Department prepare necessary deeds for ded- SW 43rd St . & ication of right-of-way as requested by the Lind Ave SW Planning Commission . This consists of an (Broadacres Rezone) additional 20 feet along the northerly right- of-way line on SW 43rd St . and additional 7 feet on the east side of Lind Ave SW. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke, to concur in the Committee 's recommendation . Motion carried. 3 . Tour of BART ( Bay Area Rapid Transit) System, conducted by Metro . Previously taken up. _q_ MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/16/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) -:tility Cost Analysis Councilman Shane noted previous authorization for a Utility cost analysis . This matter is in the Public Works Committee. Chairman Bruce said that the committee needs infor- mation from the Finance Committee as to the source of funding. Reports of Travel Councilman Shane expressed concern over in Writing travel to conventions , etc . and reports on information obtained. Councilman Shane stated that if the Council authorizes travel to conventions, etc . there should be reports , which he felt should be in writing. Discussion ensued and it was the consensus that the members have sub- mitted reports in every instance. Moved by Maxin , seconded by Clymer, that Mr. Shane be authorized to make this special trip. (Tour of BART - San Francisco Bay Area) Motion carried. Forward Thrust Moved by Barei , second by Maxin , that the Proposal Council refer to the Committee of the Whole the Rapid Transit Proposal , and the position the Council should take on this matter. Motion carried. King County Stadium Moved by Shane, second by Stredicke, request the King County Council to discontinue all expenditures on the Stadium until it can be determined that the Pilot ' s franchise remains locally . Motion lost . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Councilmen 's Salary Moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry , that Under Optional the matter of establishing the salaries of Municipal Code councilmen under the Optional Municipal Code be referred to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee to report back to the Committee of the Whole . Substitute motion was offered by Barei , seconded by Stredicke , that the subject of the motion be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. METRO Councilman Perry noted attendance at a Metro meeting in Seattle , with presentatien by Mr. Ellis . He noted that what was proposed for Renton remains the same , but there has been a change relative to the Seattle area . Another meeting will be held at the Edgewater Inn, 10 a .m. Thursday morning. Councilman Maxin Councilman Maxin noted failure to receive Re Receipt of minutes until Monday . These were mailed Minutes Friday according to the Clerk, who advised that with 20 pages of minutes, plus other duties , it is difficult to get them out sooner. Cost Comparison Councilman Shane presented cost comparison Proposed CARCO Theatre for the erection of Cinema I & II as it Cinema I & II relates to anticipated cost of City 's CARCO Theatre . Cinema I & II - 20,000 sq. ft . , Seating Capacity 1 ,490 - cost $485 ,000 CARCO Theatre (estimate) - 6 ,000 sq. ft . , Seating Capacity app. 300 - estimated cost $250,000 to $350 ,000. _7n_ 73 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/16/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Cost Comparison Councilman Shane presented this data as Proposed CARCO Theatre he felt the costs were out of line . Cinema I & II (Cont . ) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Barei , seconded by McKay , that 10 :50 p.m. the meeting be adjourned . Carried . The meeting was adjourned at 10 :50 p .m. There were 21 visitors this evening. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk KZ4 Avery arrett , Mayor -11- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAR 1 $ 1810 COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole FION. 3/23/70 7:30 PM Schellert COUNCIL CHAMBERS RE: COUNCIL SALARIES Community Services WED. 4/29/7 7:30 P11 Maxin 4TH FLOOR CONF. PLANNING COMMISSION POOM REQUESTED TO BE PRESENT. Finance Edwards Legislation Perry f Personnel & Community THURS 3/19/70 7:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMPFP.S TRAFFIC ENGINEER, - Relations Stredicke PRESENT LIST OF PEND- ING EASEMENTS FOR TIFFANY PARK STREET Public Safety Delaurenti + LIGHTING PPOJECT. Public Works WFO. W18/7n 7:30 R1 Bruce "1AYOF'S CONE. CITY ATTORNEY & VALLEY ALTERNATF DATE "ION. 3/23/70 7:00 F*1 Pr"i DISPOSAL ATTORNEY Transportation TUF.S 3/31/70 7:30 PM Grant COUNCIL CHAMBERS RAPID TRANSIT BAREI 'S HOUSE 12/7/70 PARTY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .x/16/70 PERMITS ISSUED; BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2247 $ 31900.00 BELL & VALDEZ 1601 ETHILER RD. S MOVE & PLACE BLDG. 2248 600.00 ED DAVIS 222 WILLIA1,1S AVE. S INST. OFFICE PARTITNS 2249 13000.00 WAYNE E. ROS.SMAN 533 GRANT AVE. S ROOF RESIDENCE 2250 250.00 ARTHUR SCHOLES 1708 FERNDALE AVE. SE ERECT FENCE 2251 21000.00 ADELE M. HOWARD 2117 NE 16TH ST. CONST. GARAGE B 2252 175000.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2447 MONTEREY AVE. NE CONST, FAMILY RES. 2253 1,500.00 WILLIAM D. WELCH 338 RENTON AVE„ S CONST. GARAGE ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2747 960.00 J. J. KORVAS 1701 SE 18TTl Pl.. W1TiA FAN11Y R&9. 2748 558.00 RICHARD K. CI,I+RKE 1020 BRONSON liJAY S iINPP-RGROTIND SERVICE 2749 55.00 MARK SLVEN REA -aa 2209 NE 6TH PL -WT r--ING 2750 50.00 CONSTRUCTION PAM00 NE; ONTR 180TH & E VLY HY. TI V' ,-,ft RY SERVICE 2751 50.00 CONSTRJJCTZON PAMCO NGT C:1VR 180'Vil 8c E VLY HY. T.F.N'i ORARY SERVICE E 2752 56.00 HERB MiTLL 1307 DAYTON AVE. NTE TFly TO_RARY SERVICE 2753 4,800.00 SCHUCKS S AUTO SUPPLY 257 RA.TND',F. AVE. N WIR.LIIG 2754 100.00 PACIFIC COWITMICATIOW-) 350 LWIAN AVE. N WIRE EXISTING SIGN 2755 200.00 RAINIER ASPHALT 1915 M41 JOE' VLY HY. WIRE OFFICE BLDC7. 2756 500.00 BERNARD C. SE'VENIR 93 4 ,S 2ND S.T.. INST. METER & WIRE E 2757 2,400.Q0 CITY OF RENTON LDFRT': PARK 19ST. PO.i.,F & FI3S'TUtRE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2392 GOV•-MAR'>~ RAZ@AR 705 RAifff'FR AVE. S INST. GAS BURNERS 2393 348.00 RODI STANLEY CO. 2508 EDMO.NIIS AVE. NE TMST. GAS FURNACE 2394 800.00 SCHUCK$S AUTO ST410LY 253 NARTrER AITE. N INST, PLBG. & FIXTURF: 2395 250.,00 RAY FRA.CKER 661, REDMODfD AVE. NE INST. GAS F[JRNACE 2396 147.50 GLEN IRISH :L225 KIRKLAND AVE„ NE INST. GAS HEATER ... M 2397 300.00 TRANSAMER. DEV, t%O. 1601 F-THIER RD. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURE: SIGN PERMITS S 002 200.00 IDETZ Y,1.0RIST 413 S 3RD ST, INST. SIGN 003 KAMPE CONST,. CO„ 21107 MONTEREY AVE. NE ERECT GROUND SIGN 004 300.00 ERNESTO BARED: 323 MAIN AVE. S INST, SIGN 005 11200,00 Q. F. C. RENTON SHOPPING CTR, INSTALL SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1091 DR. SNOW & KAY 2.08 PARK AVE. N SANITARY SEWER 1092 DR. SNOW & KAY 208 PARK AVE. N STORM SEWER 1093 HOWARD HARDING 409 S 36TH CON?IFCT SEWER 1094 J. WISSEL 1.08 S 36TH CONNECT SEWER 7095 TRANSAMF:RICA DEV. CO. 1601 EITHER RD. S CONNECT SEWER 710 RF,NTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk March 23, 1970 R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Notice of intention filed with Boundary Review Bd. by King County Fire Protection District #25 Proposed Annexation - Temp. File #1-3 (Maplewood .4ddn. ) with report back . CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim filed by Ronald Dean Powell for false arrest Claim filed by Mary L. Burns for sewer backup COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Rapid Transit be placed on agenda COMMUNITY SERVICES Letter from Department of Housing & Urban Development discontinu- ing processing of the application for recertification of the Workable Program for Community Improvement for City FINANCE COMMITTEE Reimbursement to Street Department and Building Dept . to cover cost of closing unfinished dwellings of Tiffany Park Develop- ment Co. FIRE CHIEF Meet with Board of Public Works re Notice of intention filed with Boundary Review Bd. by King County Fire Protection District #25 Proposed Annexation - Temp. File #1-3 (Mapplewood Addn. ) with report back to Council LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Prepare resolution re State Highway Department beautification of Highway 405 running through Renton Amendment to Ordinance 2120 granting permit Olympic Pipe Line Co. for additional territory . Prepare resolution re disposal 8 surplus vehicles Transfer of funds and purchase of two tractors from International Harvester for Park Dept . LIBRARY Invitation to Library Director Petersen to meet City Councilmen MAYOR Evaluation of all City Departments , including Police and Fire PERSONNEL & COMMUNITY RELATIONS Tiffany Park School Walkways PLANNING COMMISSION Special zoning around proposed rapid transit stations PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Request from Johnston, Campanella for permit to connect NB of C _ to existing Metro sewer line at 180th & E. Valley Rd. 77 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk March 23 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Renton . Municipal Building . g PLEDGE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF Schellert , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Edwards , Stredicke COUNCIL MEMBERS McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer . Absent : Barei and Maxin . Moved by .Bruce , seconded by McKay , that the absent Council members be excused. Carried . OFFICIAL'S & DEPT. Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, HEADS PRESENT Dorothea Gossett , Treasurer, G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vic TeGantvort, Street Commissioner, Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director, Vern Church , Purchasing Director , and Joe Mathews , Ad,iministrative Asst . to the Mayor. MINUTE APPROVAL Minute corrections or additions were invited and MEETING OF 3/16/70 the following revisions offered: Councilman Grant made the following correction : "Councilzitan Schellert moved to pay vouchers . " Moved by Schellert , seconded by Delaurenti , minutes be approved as corrected. Carried. PUBLIC HEARING_ Appeal Planning Applicant requests withdrawal of appeal . Moved Commission dPc.isinn by Bruce , seconded by Stredicke , hearing be Millard & Welch : So. closed. Carried. Moved Delaurenti , seconded Valley Road SA-643-70 Stredicke , grant request to withdraw. Carried . ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 255; Proposed ordinance was read changing zoning from Zoning Change General Classification District to Business District 604 Rainier Ave . S. (B-1) Fast of Rainier Ave . across from Shattuck South. Moved by Shane , seconded by Grant , ordi- nance be placed on second and final reacting. Carried. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Bruce, ordinance be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted in all "ayes . " Carried. Ordinance 2553 Proposed ordinance was presented and read with Street Vacation affirmation of deeds . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded Harrington P1 . N.E. by Shane, ordinance be placed on second & final reading . Formerly 12th PI ASE Carried. After reading by Clerk it was moved by Delaurenti , seconded by McKay that the ordinance be adopted as read. Roll call vote with all "ayes" carried . Ordinance 2554 Proposed ordinance was presented and read amending Supplement Exh. A existing ^rdinance No . 2541 relating to collection Industrial Waste of "Industrial Wastes . " Moved by Perry , seconded by Bruce that the ordinance be placed on second and �' final reading. Carried. Following second reading by the Clerk McKay moved, seconded by Schellert that the ordinance be adopted . Perry answered Stredicke ,amendment covers business such as Pacific Car and Foundry and gave uniform collection , having been approved by all committee members . Roll call vote resulted in all "ayes" and carried. Ordinance 2555 Proposed ordinance was presented and read establish- Employee Holidays ing legal holidays for City employees with the addi- tion, the day after Thanksgiving for 1/2 of the 78 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/23/70 ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS (CONT. ) Ordinance 2555 employees with the other half of the City employes Employee Holidays receiving as a holiday , either the day before or (Cont . ) the day following Christmas Day . This ordinance and 2556 recommended by Committee of Whole report , which was accepted in motion by Stredicke , second by Schellert and carried. Stredicke moved , second by Edwards that this ordinance be placed on second and final reading. Carried. i After second reading ,, it was moved by McKay , seconded by Stredicke to be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted in all "ayes . " Carried. Ordinance 2556 Proposed ordinance was presepted and read amending Employee Fick Leave Ordinance No . 1628 relating to accumulated sick leave benefits giving 1/2 pay upon retirement or voluntary separation for accumulated sick leave. Moved by Stredicke , seconded McKay to place ordinance on second and final reading. Carried. Following second reading, moved by Stredicke and seconded by Delaurenti that the ordinance be adopted as read. Roll call vote resulted in all "ayes . " Carried. Resolution 1676 Proposed resolution was read transferring funds Consulting Fee in amount of $480. 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund City Shop Building #1894 to Current Fund , Building Dept . a/c 1165/314 "xpert Services . Delaurenti moved, Schellert seconded, resolution be adopted as read. Carried. Resolution 1677 Proposed resolution was read transferring funds in Building Improve- the amount of $5 ,910. 45 from Cumulative Reserve ments 4th & 5th Flr Fund #1894 to Current Fund, Building Dept . a/c 1165/602, Building Improvements . Moved by Schellert seconded by McKay that the resolution be adopted as read. Carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Moved by Edwards , seconded by Shane that vouchers numbered 7184 through 7311 and L .I.D. 264 Cash and Revenue Fund #8 be approved for payment . Stredicke moved to amend with elimination of Warrant No. 7195 , second by Schellert . Ensuing discussion followed by vote wherein amendment failed. Original motion carried . Fund Breakdown Current Fund 7184 - 7230 $ 7 ,919 .11 Arterial Street Fund 7231 - 7231 21 . 45 City Street Fund 7232 - 7243 22 ,570 . 20 Cedar River M & I Fund 7244 - 7244 243. 86 Equipment Rental Fund 7245 - 7253 17 ,930 . 75 Library Fund 7254 - 7274 5 , 739 . 39 Park Fund 7275 - 7285 3,223.34 Waterworks Utility Fund 7286 - 7298 4 ,723 . 15 Airport Fund 7299 - 7301 153. 55 Firemens Pension Fund 7302 - 7311 41-696 . 51 Total All Funds $67 ,221 . 31 L.I. D. 264 Cash & Revenue Fund #8 $ 6 ,232 . 37 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Building Director A request from Building Director Ruppert to reimburse Request for Transfer Street Department account 1320/417 in amount of of Funds - Tiffany $118 . 79 and Building Dept . a/c 1165/417 in amount Park Improvements of $174 . 34 to cover cost of closing unfinished dwellings of the Tiffany Park Development Co. Moved by Bruce , seconded Clymer , council concur in request . Carried . Moved by Perry , seconded Clymer that the request be forwarded to Finance Committee'. Carried, following discussion on legal action city can take to recover expenditures . 2 -- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/23/70 COMMUNICATIONS & CURRENT BUSINESS Request Connect Communication from Johnston , Campanella , Murakami to Metro Sewer. & Co . requesting permit to connect new National NB of C Bank of Commerce to existing Metro sewer line at N. W. corner of 180th and E. Valley Hwy . Moved by Shane , seconded Perry , refer to Public Works Committee . Carried . HUD Letter from Department of Housing and Urban Develop Re : Workable ment advising that processing of the application Program for recertification of the Workable Program for Community Improvement for the City of Renton which was submitted on 11/26/69 is being discontinued. King County Fire Letter from King County Review Board gave informa-- District #25 tion re King County Fire Protection District #25 Proposed Annexation , Temp . File #1 -3 (Maplewood Addition) . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay this matter be referred to Board of Public Works and Fire Chief with a report back to council . Carried fo.7lowing discussion . School Walkways Letter from Acting Superintendent of the Renton Tiffany Park School School District #403 wherein they felt improper to create walkways on private land. Moved by Perry , seconded by Clymer, this matter be referred to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee . Motion carried following discussion in which Stredicke felt School District owns walkway land. Items too Late Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , that the for Agenda late items be added to the agenda . Carried . Claim for False Claim against City for damages by Ronald Dean Arrest - Powell Powell , filed throuqh Schneider , Smythe & Salley . Claim - Mary L. Burns Claim filed by Mary L. Burns for plumbing damages Sewer Backup due to sewer backup. Moved by Schellert , seconded -- by McKay claims for damages be referred to City Attorney and the Insurance Carrier . Carried, following request to have disposition reports for claims read at Committee of the Whole meetings . Auburn- Bothell Joint Committee on Highways for the State of Wash- Highway Study ington forwarded report on Phase I of the Auburn- Bothell highway ;. which will be on file in the City Clerk ' s Office . (See Meeting Schedule) APPOINTMENTS Renton Public Library The Renton Library Board of Trustees announced Director Appointment appointment of Mr . Clark H. Petersen as Director effective rlarch 16 , 1970 . Councilman Delaurenti invited Mr. Petersen to be introduced at the next council meeting . Fire Department Mayor Garrett appoin tr,j,Ray Barilleaux to Lieutenant Fire Department , effective April 1 , 1970 for six months ' probationary period upon recommendation of Fire Civil Service Commission . Moved by Delaurenti seconded by Grant to concur in appointment . Carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Beautification Moved by Clymer , seconded by Perry , to write a Highway 405 resolution urging the State Highway Department to move forward with plans to beautify Hwy . 405 running through Renton . Carried. Moved by Delaurenti , sec- onded by Clymer to refer to Legislative Committee to prepare resolution . Carried. Olympic Pipe Line Moved by Perry , seconded by Delaurenti , to refer to Co . Franchise Legislative Committee amendment to Ordinance 2120 granting permit (franchise) to Olympic Pipe Line Co . for add.Lt::_i.onal territory . Carried . so MINU.TZS . T RENTON , CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3123170 OLD BUS'rNESS BY COUNCrr (Cont . ) Police - Private In answering Councilman Shane 's request, Delaurenti Property Incidents furnished report from Police Chief giving type of incidents investigated by Renton Police Dept . on private property . Request Sanitary Public Works Committee recommends approval of request Sewer LCAG - MB by M. B. Investments for a Late-Comer's Agreement Investments for the proposed sanitary sewer line extension between their newly constructed warehouse at 1520 S.W. Grady Way and Metro Line. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Edwards to concur in the recommendation of the committee. Carried. Report - Shane Report by Shane on the March 20 and 21 „San Francisco San Francisco Trip trip by Renton representatives to observe Bay Area Rapid Transit Rapid Transit District Project , wherein he advocated support at the May 19 , election for Metro plan on rapid transit . HUD Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay, to refer Re , Workable letter from Housing and Urban Development read Program during Correspondence and Current Business, to Ccmmuni_ty Services Committee. Carried. . Approval Rapid Moved by Clymer, seconded by Perry, that the matter Transit Recorded of rapid transit be placed on the Committee of the Whole meeting agenda . Carried. Rapid Transit Boning Moved by Perry , seconded Schellert, that the k1AnA,= Commission start considering special zoning around transit stations. Carried. Beautification Stredicke► query re beautification BART revoals 1% of all contracts for construction goes to beauti- fication per ordinance . Surplus vehicles Chairman Edwards of the Finance Committee recommends concurrence in Purchasing Agent 's request to d.i.sposo of six surplus police cars and two surplus "motor Pool" vehicles by publicly advertised, invit:ation- to•-bird sale . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Bruce, to concu,r , in Finance Committee report and refer to Leerl_slative Committee to prepare resolution. Carried. Park Dept. Tractors Finance Committee recommended acceptance of the low International Harv. bid of International Harvester Co. on two tractors Alt T - 2 Tractors (bid opening 2/19/70) as requested by thy: Park Bd. , $5, 746 .48 with transfer of funds from Cumulative Reserve Salus Tax 260 . 39 Fund #2104 . Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Delaurenti $6,046 .87 to concur in Finance Committee recommendation and Trade-In 1 ,000.00 refer to Legislative Committee. Carried. $5,046 .87 evaluation Councilman Shane requested evaluation of all City City Departments Departments , including Police and Fire, as to how they compare with other communities and how efficient , in order that council could have more knowledge. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Shane, to refer to the_Manor 's Office. Carried. edmonds Ave. City Engineer, Wilson, reported Petitions Proposed L.T.D. proposed L.T.D. for Edmonds Ave. N.E. wouldbeturned over to the Clerk 's office this week follow- ing checking of signatures to determine residency. Also reporting street improvements could be made Without L.I.D. in order that money would not be lost back to state,as it is not transfers bje to another project . Also explaining development of the area determines changes in street parking. Talbot .Island City Attorney Shellan announced approval this date Annexation by the King County Council on request for election re Talbot area annexation, setting the election for May 19, 1970. 4 - 11' 1 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/23/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Employment Committee Mayor Garrett appointed the following members : Appointments Councilmen : Paul Maxin , Charles Shane , Louis Bare! Labor Ren : Tom Edwards , William Paddock, Harold Dodson Business Representatives : Robert Johnson of The Boeing Company . Additional appointment to be made at a later date . AUDIENCE COMMENT Frank Storey Mr. Storey asks uniformity in the three sets of for:,;,s that need to be filled out for accidents . These being state , insurance company and city accident. report forms . Tom Fehnel Mr. Tom Fehnel of 2117 N. E. 6th Place , Renton, questioned approval by the council on Warrant No. 7195 when its validity was in doubt . Explana- tion was given that the Planning Commission had recommended payment and Planning Director had concurred with their request . ADJOURNMENT Moved by McKay , seconded by Edwards , that the 9 :50 P•M. meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting wap adjourned at 9 : 50 p.m. le ttelmie Nelson, i ty CZe.rk Aver Garrett , Mayor 5 - 82 OFh.t(.�E OF THE C121Y CLERK 3/23170 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS °1O. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE: OF WORK 8 2254 $ 350 . 00 Vern H. Morris 700 Aberdeen Ave .NE Close in Space B 2255 950 . 00 Richard Kiltau 2200 NE 16th St . Remodel Kitchen--Rock 2256 200. 00 D. P . Monaghan 1009 High Ave. S. Erect Fence 2257 -- William P. Welch 338 Renton Ave . S. Demolish Shed 2258 22 , 500 . 00 Brodell & Brodell 1018 Shelton Ave. . SE Const . Residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2758 $ 115 . 00 The Boeing Compano 4-82 Bldg . Install F1 . Receptacle 2759 2.50. 00 10-55 Bldg. Relocate Dryer E 2760 100. 00 It Elec. Cycling Press 2761 50. 00 10-80 Bldg. Relocate Maecs 1031 2762 200 . 00 Wayne Rossman 533 Grant Ave . S. Remodel Service 2763 500. 00 City of Renton 200 Mill Ave . S. Wire 5th Floor 2764 256 . 00 Renton Village Co . 15 S . Grady Way Wire TO #38 E 2765 286 . 00 11 if Wire TO #37 2766 50 . 00 0. N. Olson 515 SW 13th St . Meter Base for Undergd. 2767 200 . 00 Richard Kiltan 2200 NE 16th St . New Service & Wire 2768 7.5 . 00 Bell & Valdez 1601 Ethier Rd .S. Wire plugs , switches 2769 3, 500 . 00 D. W. Custer 212 Wells Ave . S. Inst . Undergd Pwr E 2770 3 , 000 . 00 Sternoff Metals 1600 SW 43rd St . Aux. & Service Eqp. 2771 1 ,000. 00 Sternco Land Co. itInst . Cond. & Temp. 2772 7.00 . 00 Kenneth Parks 1204 Queen Ave . N.E. Wire New Addition 2773 350 . 00 Mrs . Frank Jackson 418 Wells Ave . N . Wire Heat Job 2774 100 . 00 William Davis 1000 S. 2nd St . Pick up Underground E 2775 10,000. 00 Renton Shopping Cr .Renton Shop. Center Parking Lot Light . MECHANICAL PERMIT M 2398 $ 290. 00 Kenneth Parks 1204 Queen Ave . NE Install Gas Furnace 2399 800. 00 Kampe Constr. Co. 2448 Monterey Ave SF Inst . Plumb & Fix. M 2400 300 . 00 O.N. 0lson 515 13th Ave . SW Inst . Hold. Tark 2401 5,500 . 00 Drs. Kay & Snow 208 Park Ave . N. Inst . Plumb & Fix. 2402 200. 00 Richard Kiltan 2200 N.E . 16th St . Relocate Washer 2403 900. 00 Model Homes 3001 Morris S. Inst . Plumb & Fix. 2404 250 . 00 Peter R . Kohl 3330 E. Valley Rd. Inst . Septic Tank M 2405 1 ,550. 00 Joe Boehme 2607 Meadow Ave. N. Inst . Plumb & Fix. SIGN PERMIT S 006 $ 1 ,000 . 00 Soft Sam 's Tavern 675 Garden Ave . N. Pole Sign 007 2,500. 00 Wm. Bryant 1300 Bronson Way File Sign 008 1 ,200 . 00 Q.F. C. Stores Renton Shop Center Wooden 009 1 ,000. 00 Richard N. Sardine 1068 Sunset Blvd. NF, Ground rrr i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 3/23/70 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Mon. 1/6/70 7:30 p.m. Schellert 16th Floor Subjects referred to Wed. 4/8/70 8:00 P.M. committee Community Services ( Maxin i I � Finance Edwards f ' Legislation :Perry I , I i f Personnel & Community1ed.3/25/70 7:30 P.M. I i Relations � } IStredicke 16th Floor Tiffany Park Easements i l Underground wiring & i I school wallway '�7on.after 10:00 .m. Delaurenti Chief Walls & Chief Public Safety f � P Council meet' g j Williams to attend i Public Works Wed. 4/8/70 7:00 P-m. Bruce 14th Floor Wilsonts Office Transportation I 3/31/70 7:30 P.m. 'Grant Council Chambers Larry Coffman on Rapid Transit. Invited jAll Councilmen ;General Public. Auburn-Bothell Study of Joint Committee on Hi.g1ways Tues.4/7/70 7:30 P.M. Senator R. G. Highland Jr. High Phase I study on file Marquardt 15027 N.E. Bellevu City Clerkts office. Sub-Committee on Redmond Hwy, Urban Transportatt Bellevue,Wn, ion. i 84 TRANSFERS OF FUNDS AUTHORIZED FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 1970 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 40 , 783 . 67 Arterial Street Fund 2 ,023. 40 City Street Fund 75,282 . 44 Cedar River M & I. 651 . 46 Equipment Rental 28 ,568 . 68 Library 12 , 882 . 93 Parks 44 ,343. 56 Waterworks Utilities 64 ,631 . 76 1965 W & S Construction Fund 201 . 08 Street Forward Thrust 3 ,200 . 00 Airport 15 ,470 .17 Firemen 's Pension Fund 4 ,904 . 32 Traffic Control Devices 2 ,709 . 00 Urban Arterial 25,623. 90 Lake Wn . Beach Fwd. Thrust _ 747 ,756 . 48 $1 ,069 ,032 . 85 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund 158,450 . 75 City Street Fund 34 ,657 . 20 Cedar River M & I 700 . 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,278 . 25 Library 9 ,985 . 45 Parks 29 ,688 . 70 Waterworks Utility 25 ,127 . 38 Airport 1 ,728 . 00 Airport 100 . 00 265 , 715 . 73 • RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk April 6 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Cedar River Park and Carco Theatre Stage I Development Bid Tabulation Renton Civic Center Area Traffic Circulation Study presentation Edmonds Ave . N.E . Street & Sewer Improvements letters and petition Optional Municipal Code Study including right of referendum COMMUNITY SERVICES Letter from Colleen Pierson and Debbie Forvitz re enforcement anti- litter laws , for recommendation F_INANC_E_COMMITTEE Consideration of Police Department request for A B Dick Copy Machine LEGISLATION Public Use Area Rezone Application R-658-70 Massage Parlor Ordinance MAYOR Letter re site plan approval by Planning Commission PERSONNEL & COMMUNITY RELATIONS Airport Board Members & Director attendance Las Vegas conference May 11 Engineer Wilson attendance Fresno conference April 26 Talbot Hill Annexation PUBLIC SAFETY Renton Rec . Room request game licenses Massage Parlor Ordinance PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE LID 268 Water mains , Rainier Ave . N . , recommendation Petition for Sanitary Sewer adjacent to Lake Wash. Beach Park , review & ... report back , LID 270 Sewer Contract between Bryn Mawr-Lake Ridge Sewer District and Airport Letter from Colleen Pierson & Debbie Horvitz , enforcement anit-litter laws TRAFFIC ENGINEER Tiffany Park underground street lighting project TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Endorsement of rapid transit by Lowell Mickelwait of The Boeing Company Endorsement of rapid transit by League of Women Voters Street Lights City ' s portion Springbrook Road 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk April 6 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building . PLEDGE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , McKay , Stredicke , COUNCIL MEMBERS Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane , and Barei . Absent : Perry . Moved by Maxin ; seconded by .McKay , that the absent Council member be excused. Carried . OFFICIALS & DEPT . Avery Garrett , Mavor , Gwen Marshall , Deputy City HEADS PRESENT Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , Treasurer , G . M . Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vic TeGantvort , Street Commissioner , and Vern Church , Purchasing Director . MINUTE APPROVAL As there were no additions or corrections to the MEETING OF 3/23/70 minutes of March 23 , it was moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , minutes be approved . Carried . AWARDS Mayor Garrett presented an Award for Service to Donald C . Emmons the City of Renton to iron Emmons who has served Harry B. Gambini as Chairman of the Fire Civil Service Commission . Mayor Garrett presented Seattle Bowling Hall of Fame Member , Harry Gambini , an award as recognition of his contribution to the sport of bowling and as an outstanding citizen , who during 1970 has rolled his 70th 700 series . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , meeting was declared open . Final Assessment A petition signed by 13 property owners was read Roll LID 268 Water requesting Citv participation in the cost as the Mains - Rainier Ave . LID would be of benefit to airport . Property owners present asking City participation were Elisabeth Rivily who felt it was not out of line to ask City participation as this was done in cases involving railroaes . Max Miller (A&W Property) inquired regarding costs . Oliver Torkelson requested 50-50 sharing of costs with City . Dick Giovi , G&M Motors , stated City should pay part of cost . Bob Stellnauer , 625 Rainier Ave . N . , felt owners were promised another hearing . Engineer Wilson explained the LID was formed upon receipt of petition of request with preliminary hearing held August 15 , 1969 , bid let October , 1969 to Frank Coluccio in amount of $35 , 833 . 05 As stated previously the airport was not included as it did not benefit equally , as supplied water from City of Seattle with its own Fire Department . Council President Schellert explained the hearing mentif,ned ,was this hearing , at which the Council determines if amount assessed is equal to bene- fits received . Engineer Wilson explained the 12" line had to be used for present needs of pressure determined by the Fire Chief for industrial area , with "T"added so the airport could join onto the line at some future date . Councilmen *ane requested City participation in cost to th* degree the airport would be benefited . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to continue. eearing for one taeek refer- ring to the Public Warks Committee for recommenda- tion . Carried . An ensuing motion fail:ed wherein 87 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 6 , 1970 PUBLIC HEARING LID 268 Cont . Bruce moved , McKay seconded to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole . Another motion failed which was made by Shane , seconded Barei to recon- sider the motion closing the public hearing and referring to the Public Works Committee . Revision to Zoning This being the date set , the meeting was declared Ordinance re Multip,eopen and a letter from the Planning Director explaine Housing in Industrialthere would be no Planning Commission recommendation Zones at this hearing . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by r.. Schellert , to set a new hearing date in two weeks or April 20 , for revision to zoning ordinance . Carried . OhDINANCES AND Moved by McKay , seconded by Schellert , ordinance RESOLUTIONS be placed on first reading . Carried .Proposed ordinance Ordinance 2557 was read adding S .W. 43rd St . to area approved Amending No . 2120 for use by Olvmnic Pipe Line Co . Moved by Schellert Franchise granted seconded Barei , ordinance be placed on second and Olympic Pipe Line Co . final reading .Carried.Moved by Schellert , seconded Stredicke , ordinance be adopted as read . - Roll call : Ayes :Schellert ,Clymer ,Delaurenti ,McKay ,Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin ,Bruce ,Grant,Barei . No : Shane .Carried . Ordinance 2558 Moved by McKay , seconded by Schellert , ordinance Condemnation of be placed on first reading . Carried . Proposed ordinanc- Right-of-Way was read providing for the condemnation of right Lake Washington of-way and easement in , over and upon land neces- Beach Park sary for ingress , egress of Lake Washington Beach Park . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded Clymer that ordinance be placed on second and final reading . Carried. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Maxin, that the ordinance be adopted as read . Roll call vote resulted in all Ayes . Carried . Ordinance 2559 Moved by McKay , seconded by Stredicke , that the Changing Zoning ordinance be placed on first reading . Carried . Classification Proposed ordinance was read changing the zoning From General Classi- classification of certain properties from G-6000 fication to Light to Light Industry L-1 . Moved by Delaurenti , sec- Industry onded by Stredicke to place ordinance on second and final reading . Carri_-_d . Moved by Stredicke seconded by McKay , the ordinance be adopted as read . Roll call vote resulted in all Ayes . Carried . Resolution 1679 Proposed resolution was read urging State Highway Beautification Department to expedite beautification and land- State Hwy. No . 405 scaping of the areas adjoining Highway 405 through the City of Renton . Moved by McKay , seconded by Bruce , that the resolution be adopted as read . Carried . Resolution 1678 Proposed resolution was read declaring eight Declaring motor vehicles of no benefit to the City and to be vehicles Surplus surplus and to be disposed of in most advantageous manner . Moved by McKay , seconded by Barei , that the resolution be adopted as read . Carried . .r Resolution 1680 Proposed resolution was read transferring funds Two International from Cumulative Reserve Fund #2104 Acct . #3410 Harvester Tractors to Park Fund Acct . No . 1710/606 for the purchase of two International Harvester Co . tractors . Moved by McKay , seconded by Stredicke , that the resolution be adopted as read . Carried . VOUCHER APPROVAL Moved by Edwards , seconded by Shane that vouchers numbered 7312 thru 7473 be approved for payment . Carried . -2- R 88 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 6 , 1970 VOUCHER APPROVAL Cont . Fund Breakdown Current Fund 7312 - 7374 $19 , 513 . 38 Arterial Street Fd . 7375 - 7375 10 , 779 . 81 City Street Fund 7376 - 7397 4 , 926 . 58 Equipment Rental Fd 7398 - 7419 5 , 678 . 53 Park Fund 7420 - 7436 6 , 773 . 36 Waterworks Utility 7437 - 7456 12 , 478 . 09 Airport Fund 7457 - 7459 92 .87 Firemens Pension Fd 7460 - 7473 953 . 92 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Petition for Sani- Petition was read requesting sanitary sewers , tary Sager adjacent side sewers and appurtenances to be constructed Lake Wash. Beach Pk . and the formation of a local improvement district . Proposed LID 270 Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer , this request be referred to the Public Works Committee for review and report back to the Council . Carried . Sewer Contract Contract was presented between Bryn Mawr-Lake Bryn Mawr-Lake Ridge Ridge Sewer District and the Renton Municipal Sewer District and Airport for connection to sewer system for considera- Airport tion of $465 . 00 . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer , this contract be referred to the Public Works Committee for recommendation. Carried . Hazen High School A letter from Del Bennett , Chairman , Board of Late-Comer ' s Agree- Public Works , recommends granting late-comer ' s ment for Sewer agreement to Renton School District for sanitary sewer serv_ng Hazen High School for a period of 10 years , along with 10 year period for three previously granted agreements for Earlington , Sierra Heights , and Kennydale Elementary Schools . Moved by Barei , seconded by Clymer , that the Council concur in request . After Councilman Stredicke brought out the Hazen sewer line was completed in 1965 , it was moved by Barei , seconded by Grant to amend motion to grant late-comer ' s agreement for a 10-year period from date of completion of sanitary sewer line . Motion made by Stredicke , seconded by Grant to refer to Council ' s Public Works Committee failed . Vote on amendment carried and vote on 'motion as amended carried , following explanation by Attorney . Foster & Kleiser Foster & Kleiser appeal Board of Adjustment decision Appeal Denial Permit for denial of special permit for sign on Rainier No . V-188-70 Avenue . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Shane , to set date of hearing on the appeal for Monday April 27. Carried . Claim R.W. Lotto Deputy City Clerk announced the claim of R. W . Construction for Lotto Construction has been withdrawn and Pacific pilot drill Water Works Supply Co . , Inc . will pay for damage . Acceptance The Renton Park Board recommended acceptance and Parking Lot Paving and payment of final billing for work ;accomplished Philip Arnold and on paving of parking lots at Philip Arnold and Liberty Park Liberty Park by Rainier Asphalt Paving. Company , $6 , 179 . 94 Due Plus with commencement of 30-day lien period . Moved Retained $1 , 064 . 00 by Schellert , seconded by Maxin to concur in CAG-1568-69 recommendation of the Park Board . Carried . Acceptance City Engineer Wilson recommended acceptance and Bronson Way No . payment of final billing for work done on Bronson Scotty ' s Bulldozing Way North by Scotty' s Bulldozing in amount of CAG-1579-69 $10 , 779 .81 , with commencement of 30-day lien period for retained amount of $1 , 925 . 78 . Moved by Shane , seconded by. Bruce . to accept the project and make final payments as requested . Carried. City Clerk ' s report on bid tabulation„)fob March 30 , Cedar River Park & bid opening for Cedar River Park and Ca�Co T,4heatre Carco Theatre Stage I Development was presented , along with the _ I'd Tab ilhtion Park Boards recommendation to accept this low, Vaflopp Oid -3- MINUTES- - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 6 , 1970 V 9 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Cont . Cedar River Park & of Algene Construction Co . , Inc . , in the amount of Carco Theatre Cont , $270 , 000 . and the unit price on top soil . .Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay to concur in the recommendation of the Park Board . Motion failed. Moved 1Grant , seconded by Clymer , to refer bids to the Committee of the Whole and to report back next Monday . Carrie,' . Equipment 1970 Model Bid Tabulation_ from the Bid Opening of March 26 , Power Street Sweeper for equipment and Purchasing Agent ' s retcQmmendations Paint Striping Mach . were presented . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Highway Mower Maxin that the bid be awarded to the lowest qualified tar Street Flusher bidder and equipment be financed from Equipment Rental Fund . Carried . Police Department Letter from C . S . Williams requesting A B Dick copy Requests copy mach. machine to be purchased from unappropriated State Funds available to Police and other departments . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Bruce , to refer to the Finance Committee for consideration . Carried . Edmonds Ave . N. E . Letter from Bert McHenry presented 3 letters and Street Improvement one petition in opposition to the proposed street i and sewer improvements , with one letter in favor . Letters of opposition were from Trustees of the Living Memorial Association of Kennydale , Kennydale Community Club , and the Newcastle Grange #1100 . Mrs . Amos Huseland , 1916 Edmonds Ave . N .E . , . origina- for of the petition presented , and Mr . L . E . Sturman, 2424 N .E . 27th St . , President of Living Memorial Association of Kennydale and writer of the said petition , were present and explained their opposition to the street widening and sewer installation. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Delaurenti , letters and petition be referred to Committee of the Whole . Possibility of steet widening without sewers was discussed and Engineer Wilson felt funds could be `W retained if progress was made this year on the project . Motion carried. City Public Use Letter from Planning Director Ericksen gave Planning Area , Appl . R-648-70 Commission recommendation for approval of rezone Rezone of City of Renton Public Use Area located westerly and adjacent to the Highlands Shopping Center from R-2 to B-1 , being in agreement with the Comprehen- sive Land Use Plan . Moved by Barei , seconded by Schellert , that Council concur in report of Planning Commission with referral to the Legislative Committee for proper resolution and ordinance . Carried . Letter from Traffic Engineer Bennettasked to present to the City Council , the Renton Civic Center Area Traffic Circulation Study as 1970 .construction funds available for Main Ave . S . and Houser Way S . Moved by Grant , seconded by Stredicke , to refer to the Committee of the Whole . Carried . Las Vegas C . L . Day , President of the Renton Aviation Board , Conference requested authorization for interested Board members Airport Executives and the Airport Director to attend the 1970 American Association of Airport Executives annual convention at Las Vegas May 11 to 14 , with reimbursement as provided by City Code . Moved by Clymer , seconded by Schellert , to concur in request . After Stredicke ' s reminder of last week ' s policy decision , motion failed , and it was moved by Stredicke , seconded by McKay to refer to Personnel & Community Relations Committee . Carried . -4- :7V MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING April. 6 , 1970 COMMUNICATIONS & CURRENT BUSINESS Cont . Fresno Conference City Engineer Wilson requeste3authorizati-n to American Public attend the American Public Works Association Western Works Association Regional Conference and Equipment Show in Fresno , California on April 26 , thru 29 . Moved by Shane , seconded by McKay , to refer to Personnel and Community Relations Committee giving them right to go . Moved by Grant , seconded by Maxin to amend motion be striking out portion "giving them right to go . " Carried . Vote on motion as amended carried. Anti-Litter Plea Colleen Pierson and Debbie Horvitz want more action Colleen Pierson to enforce anti-litter laws asking cooperation with Debbie Horvitz land owners .Moved by Delaurenti , seconded Stredicke , 2616 Lake Youngs to refer to Community Services Committee for recom- Court S . E . mendation . Moved by Maxin , seconded by Delaurenti , amend motion that this also be referred to the Public Works Committee along with Community Services Committee . Amendment carried . Vote on motion as amended carried . The Boeing Company Mr . Lowell P . Mickelwait of The Boeing Company Endorsed Rapid advised of their endorsement and support of Forward Transit Thrust Rat)id Transit bond issue to be placed on the May 19 , ballot . Moved by Grant , seconded by Clymer , that The Boeing Company endorsement be referred to the Transportation Committee . Carried . Police Department The Reverend Glenn E . Camper of the Renton First Praised Baptist Church acclaimed efficiency , courtesy, and humanitarianism of the men of the Renton Police Department in carrying out their duties . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , that late items be added to the agenda . Carried . League of Women Mrs . Gerald M . Herber , President of the League of Voters Endorsed Women Voters encouraged the City Council to take Rapid Transit a positive stand on Metro mass transportation for the May 19 , election , naming many benefits to the area . Moved by Grant , seconded by Delaurenti , letter be referred to the Transportation Committee . Carried . Employment Committee Mayor Garrett appointed Mr . B . G . Morrison of Appointments Peoples National Bank and Mr . William L . Traub of Pacific Car and Foundry Company to the Employment Committee . Renton Rec . Room Leon Huff of Renton Recreation Room , 405 So . 3rd License Request requested licenses be issued for Vend-Co . billiard tables , novelty games and phonograph . Moved by Shane , seconded by McKay , request be referred to the Public Safety Committee with power to act . Carried . OLD BUSINESS Personnel & Community Councilman Stredicke reported the Personnel & Relations Report Community Relations Committee met with Tiffany Tiffany Park Park residents on April 4 , re easements for the Underground Wiring underground street lighting project . The committee recommended turning entire matter over to the City Traffic Engineer to work for implementation of the project . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Bruce to concur in the recommendation of the committee • Carried . Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Grant reported Committee Report on the public hearing of March 31 , where Clymer Rapid Transit reported on the Bay Area Rapid Transit before the Endorsement meeting was turned over to Mr . Goldie and Mr . Coffman who presented the Metro proposal of rapid transit and how it would affect Renton . Metro plans to first buy out Metropolitan Transit Corp . and the Seattle Transit System for all-bus system by 1972 . -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 6 , 1970- OLD BUSINESS Cont . Transportation Second , Metro will begin work on a 49-mile rapid Committee Report transit network to be completed by 1985 . It was the -ont . recommendation of the Transportation Committee , that the Council go on record in support of the Metro Rapid Transit Bond Issue . Moved by Grant , seconded by Schellert that the Council concur in the Committee report and endorse Metro Transit Proposal . Following a discussion which asked to hear the opposition to this rapid transit proposal , it was moved by Stredicke seconded by Edwards , that endorsement of rapid transit �- be referred to the Committee of the Whole . Motion failed . Roll call vote on original motion resulted in : Ayes : Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , McKay, Bruce , Grant . No : Stredicke , Edwards , Maxine , Shane , and Barei . Carried . Councilman Barei asked newspaper and radio reporters present to enumerate the vote . Library Director Library Director Petersen was introduced to the Petersen Introduced Council and audience , having arrived late due to Marine Corp Reserve meeting . Talbot Hill Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer , refer Talbot Annexation Hill Annexation to Personnel & Community Relations Committee . Carried . NEW BUSINESS In concurence with recommendation from Chief of Police , it was moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Schellert , to amend existing ordinance relating to massage parlors , and refer to Public Safety Committee and Legislative Committee . Carried . Site Plan Approval Due to recent lack of communication on site approvals , Planning Commission Councilman Stredicke urged Mayor Garrett to formulate and distribute a letter to architects , schools , and ministerial associations , etc . , advising site plans must be approved b.y the Planning Commission . Logs in Lake At Stredicke ' s inquiry , Park Director Coulon advised Washington there are no leases for log storage on Lake Washing- ton , and the Baxter Co . has a certain time to effect removal . Attorney Shellan reported working on ,.. mat,te., _ . Stredicke feared damage- to boats. Talbot Road South Moved by Shane , seconded by Delaurenti , refer the Street Lighting matter of street lights for Springbrook Road within the Renton City Limits to the Transportation Commit- tee . Carried . optional Municipal Moved by Shane , seconded by Stredicke , the matter of Code Study Optional Municipal Code Study including right of referendum be referred to Committee of Whole . Carried . BART Car Mayor Garrett announced a Bay Area Rapid Transit car Menton Shopping Ctr . will be displaved at Renton Shopping Center on April 14 April 14 , at 11 : 00 a .m . , brought by private industry . Mayors Endorse Council President Schellert announced endorsement Rapid Transit of rapid transit by Suburban Mayors ' Association . Authority Sought At Park Board Chairman Teasdale ' s request , Park Log Removal Director Coulon told of the many letters written to Coast Guard , etc . , for removal of logs from Lake Wase. ADJOURNMENT Moved by McKay , seconded by Delaurenti , that the 11 : 35 p .m. meeting be adjourned . Carried. Adjournment 11 : 35 pm . Helmie Nelson , City Clerk Aver, Ga ett , Mawr OFFhC THE CITY CLERK 416/70 CCNMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF COMMITTEE- DATE TIME CHAIRMAN, LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole April 8 8 . 00 Schellert Council Chamber Wednesday Community Services Maxin Finance Edwards, Legislation April 8 1 7 : 30 Perry Wednesday j Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety April 8 7 : 30 Delaurenti Wednesday Public Works April 8 7 : 00 Bruce Wednesday Transportation April 8 Following Grant Inviting Mr. Wednesday Comm. of Theinhardt and he Whole OK Cab Co. Meeting Code of Ethics April 6 Following Monday Council Meeting April 8 7: 00 Wednesday Employment Committee April 8 2: 00 Shane House to House Wednesday Survey _ Office of the City Clerk April 6, 1970 G�- CITY OF RMIM - SID TABULATION - EQUIPM= Bid Opening - March 26, 1970 Equipment Bidder Cost Tax Deposit Trade-in Total Bid Options (1) 1970 "yodel Sahlberg Equipment, Inc. 18,621.00 837.95 Certified 5,000.00 14,458.95 Less two tires - Less $200.00 Pewer Street 5950 4th Ave S. Check Sweeper Seattle, Washington 98108 Air iMac, Inc. 18,167.00 908.35 Bond 2,500.00 16,575.35 ---- 3838 4th Ave S. Seattle, Washington 98134 Cox Machinery Co. 17,717.00 797.27 Bond 1,000.00 17,514.27 If pick-up brocros are furnished 3200 4th Ave S. Less $203.00 Seattle, V.1ashington 98134 (1) 1970 '-k-Ael Prismo Universal 15,157.32 682.08 Bond 300.00 15,539.40 -- Self-Propelled Suite 103,747 W. Y,atella Paint Striping Orange, California 92667 Machine Air 1,4ac, Inc. 22,660.00 1,133.00 Bond 300.00 23,493.00 ---- 3838 4th Ave S. Seattle, Hashington 98134 Sahlbern3 Equipment, Inc. 10,514.00 473.13 Certified 1,000.00 9,987.13 60 II.P. D-1gine - Add $1,034.55 5950 4th Ave S. Chec}: 90 Cubic Ft. Oampressor - Add $783.75 "Seattle, Washington 98108 Heat T'Kchangers - Add $3,762.00 (1) 1970 Model Sahlberrj Equipment, Inc. 6,962.00 313.29 Certified ---- 7,275.29 One set front & rear fenders with Self-Propelled 5950 4th Ave S. Check- flaps - Add $100.00 Flail-iype Seattle, Washim.ton 98108 Highway Mower (1) 1970 Model Sea-Tac Ford Truck Sales 17,853.00 803.39 Bond 3,000.00 15,656.39 Front axle 9,000# cap. - Add $231.00 Truck-44omted 11000 Pacific Highway Tires front & rear 10.00 x 20 12 pr. Street Flusher Seattle, Vlashinc7ton 98168 Bald $88.70 I CM OF RE UM _ BID TABULATION - EQu MMqT (cant.) 4/6/70 Bidder Cost Tax Deposit Trade-in Thtal Bid Mims (1) 1970 Model Sea-Tac Ford Track Sales 16,296.00 733.32 Bond 3,000.00 141029.32- Front Axle 9,000# Cap. _ Add $231.00 Truck-Mounted 11000 Pacific Highway Tires front & rear 10.00 x 20 12 pr. Street Flusher Seattle, Washington 98168 Add $88.70 . (cont.) Cox Maciinery Co. 15,504.85 697.72 Bond 850.00 15,352.57 15 gal. seperate fuel tank 3200 4th Ave S. Add $48.00 Seattle, Washington 98134 9,000# front axle Add $231.00 Tires 10.00 x 20 Add $88.70 Star Machinery NO BID 241 S. Lander St. Seattle, Washington 98134 0 M (D ct (D ITJ :t rt lQ 0) () 0 0 (D 11 C) Fl- !:J IrI � f— N (D F- :Z Fd FJ- 0 > -TIn D C H-LQ �V C II tTJ E-3 (D n M (D D H_ I F_j FO SI n (D R'+R'+ 0 Ln 5) Iv 114 110 0 M D 0 N �d -'J 0 :3 0r 11 (D (D V 1-3 Orn VI 0 -30 D 0 1 - W Q o � 2, r- �3' �I Ln �d F- (D rt rt 0 (D N W W Sv rt C-) :3 F- rt 1-1 H. trJ 07 o co LA 3E Fl- 0 0 > > M c n r rt > 0 0 0 0 Ic co rt cr\ c %�n :3 Ili (D k�) �j 4 H tj n ( I I 1 0 1 110 �j rt �D Ij w \.n VIr \n :3 -_j r- � Qn n -a- w N v C) (D (D 2 0 �t 16D 0 0 'In cr\ 0 w X:_ w J_ _. C) :3 0 10 pi 0 (n w pi rt �3' .. tj Fl- C) rt (D (D (t IZ5 �5 G x -ca V) W I\j w N) W 110 N lO Ln LO Ul C) O 01 U1 10 O UI Cl O O _j CD 00 0 rn C) O (D C.) Topsoil (,- 300 C .Y. __4 00 25`. -0 X $6 . 00 7 . 50 $4 . 25 $3 . 25 1 $5 .25 Topso i >O(� c. C Y C-) Mic M $64F000. 45, 206 . $54 656.1_$_4_7L334 - 45 0 Lobby Seating: 6 , 500 ., 6, 448 . 6 , 447 . 6 , 450 . 6 , 448 Type No. 10, 500 . 10 472 . 9j472 . 10, 500 . 10 , 472 Type No. 2 12 , 650 . 12 ,608 . 12, 600 . 12 , 608 Type No. 3 16 , 000 , 10 185 , 13, 537 . 10, 063 . 8, 890 Picnic Shelter No. 2 - -- - 1, 689 . Carpet 4- 700 . Air 5—nd-F-Cioning %.n 900 . 2, 816 . 825 . 2 ,814 . 3, 088 Condensers (Theatre) Q NirtonditiuMing 220 . 644 , 230 . 517 Condensers (Lobby) Wood Shingle Roofs ON 9 , 000 . —10, 000 - 7 800 Paved Walks : M 500. 830 ._i, 8 0 0 a. C i ntrex Walks w 910 . 695 . h. No Walks 2, 000 3 6 3500 . 6 . 350 :3 5_Q_, 2 , q of) 3, 500i Irrication, "Area 11" I Land-,caping, "Area II" 9 , 300 .-11, 000 . 1 - 2 , 356 . 6, 600i ----------- Site Lighting, ''Area I I" 2 , 368 .— 3 , 643 . 1 — 2, 605 -1- 2 3 Platform'' Illumination 1, 86 8 114 0 5 . 1 2 0 0 1 , 830 1, 278 .— ACOUStiCal Panels 840 . 1, 600 . 21658 . 3, 500 . 1 , 20101, Acoustical OL's t Picnic — i cnic 0 0 icnic Shelter No. 1000 . —10, 500 . 9 , 000 ''Area III Ob5ervation Area 0� 01, 500 . 936 . 2 , 764 . 1, 350 . 1, 700, ]Benches �.q .� .�,�...r J fel (D LQ 0 z O (D hj 1-3 L N) 3 (D N xJ V '.J N' Sv LQ C h rt (D r- fo v c nom, p -: i F� 'b O n 7 _ 0 P) �3 C-) c p Al (D 7r n O (D 'I n cn rr c7 C1 R s '5 LM oCu 0 rt trrJ -% — n < to LO w �$ c 7 O - r* N fI 0 n n > > 0 (D rt in o c O ¢ — rt o• W -Z -n 7J n j> N :3 D v c c o rn n w w VI o (D m w rt w w o .• tj o D (D O a' m X c. N 10 J A A G J � CID o -• C) $6 .00 Topsoil 0-300 C .Y . I $6 .00 $5 . 50 Tupsoi 1 500 b Up i .Y . H tri i $54, 060 . Lobby �4 5 . 15 �-_ Seat i rig 6, 440 . 6, 418 Type No. 1 10, 473. 10, 424 . Type No. 2 12, 4 62 . 12, 551. Type No. 3 9 , 023 . 9, 024 . Picnic Shelter No. 2 1, 833 . Carpet r Aor Cond itioning 594 . w 591. Condensers (Theatre) er and+tioning 990 . 164 . Condensers (Lobby) - 9 ,092 g, 000 . Wood Shingle Roofs cr, q Paved 1!a i ks: 2 , 200 . - 1, 2.84_. a. Cintrex Walks v y 910 . - 910 . G, No wa l k `u�i - _ co Irrigation, "Area II" 2365Landscaping, ".Area II" � = . Site Lighting, "Area II''` 2 , 368 . "Platform" Illumination —� 1 1, 278. Acoustical Panels 2 16 1 200 . T Picnic Shelter No. 8,618 . 7® 200 . "Area I" p Observation Area : 2, 108. 1 1, 150 . i Benches S i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4/6/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2259 $16,,000.00 FRED SQUIRE CONST. 4213 NE 10TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2260 15300.00 E111ILE LONGVILLE 316 S TOBIN ST. INST, FENCING 2261 400.00 LAWRENCE W. RECKELL 320 S 19TH ST. CONST. CARPORT 22.62 20,000.00 ELMER MORASCH 1704 BLAINE AVE. NE CONST.. FAMILY RES. 2263 180.00 ALFRED L. BUTTERFIELD 1832 SE 16TH PL. CONST. FENCE B 2264 200.00 TED MOSER 5122 RIPLEY LANE N DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2265 19,000.00 McGRATH CORPORATION 4300 NE 22ND CT. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2266 400.00 ELEANOR DOBSON 913 N IST ST. REPLACE FENCE 2267 65.00 RONALD K. HUDSON 1039 GLENNWOOD AVE. NE ERECT FENCE ELN;CTRGCAL PERMITS E 2776 1,000.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-82 BUILDING INST. LIGHTS 2777 220.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING RELOCATE FRIDEDT 360 2778 150.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-60 BUILDING INST. RECEPTACLE 2779 360.00 MRS. FRANK FLIGGE 416 WHITWORTH AVE. S CHG. SERV. & INST. HEAT 2780 270.00 MRS. GATTI 309 HARDIE AVE. NW SERVICE CHANGE E 2781 380.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2448 MONTEREY AVE. NE WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 2782 500.00 GROUP HEALTH 275 BRONSON WAY NE UNDERGROUND SERVICE 2-783 440.00 MODEL HOMES, INC. 3001 MORRIS AVE. S WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2784 489.00 GEORGE DAUM RENTON SHOPPING CENTER CONSOLIDATE 2 METERS 2785 200.00 WM. BELMONDO 1019 BRONSON WAY CONNECT SERVICE E 2786 50.00 WILLIAM R. BRYANT 1300 BRONSON WAY E SEND CONDUIT 2787 300.00 FED, HOUSING AUTHORITY 2213 NE 6TH PL. INCREASE SERVICE 2788 125.00 P. W. BLEDSOE 3509 MEADOW AVE. N DIST, 100A SERVICE 2789 250.00 JAMES C. LITTLE 4018 NE 12TH WIRING 2790 11000.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-50 BUILDING UPGRADE POWER FEED E 2791 700.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INST. COMPUTER SYSTEM 2792 100.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-64 BUILDING REWORK GROUND ROD 2793 180.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-81 BUILDING INST, RECEPTACLE 2794 600.00 HERB MULL 1307 DAYTON AVE. NE WIRE NEW RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2406 350.00 ROY YOTHERS 3732 NTE 10TH ST. INST. WTR. HEATER 2407 300.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2447 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. SEPTIC TANK 2408 300.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2448 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST, SEPTIC TANK 2409 500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2447 MON'T'EREY AVE. NE II\TST. FURN., WTR. HTR. 2410 500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 2448 MONTEREY AVE. NL INST. FURN., WTR. HTR. M 24U 1,375.00 HERBERT E. MULL 1307 DAYTON AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2412 550,00 THOMAS SWIFT 3801 NE 9TH CT. INST. RANGE & DRYER 2413 800.00 KAMPE CONST. CO 2447 MONTEREY AVE. NE INST. FIXTURES 2414 510.00 McGRATH CORP. 4300 NE 22ND CT. INST. FURN., WTR. TNK. 2415 1,200.00 ST. ANTHONYIS CHURCH 406 S 14TH ST. INST. GAS BURNER M 2416 475.00 JOHN DENNIS 1615 EDMONDS AVE. NE MST. GAS FURNACE 2417 255.00 FED. HOUSING AUTHORITY 2213 iTTE 6TH PL. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2418 250.00 FED. HOUSING AUTHORITY 2209 NE 6TH PL. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2419 500.00 MODEL HOMES, INC, 2001 MORRIS AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE SIGN PERMITS S 010 11000.00 FLETT DAIRY 410 SUNSET BLVD. E INST. GROUND SIGN 011 1,500.00 RACHEL COCHRAN 801 S 2ND ST. INST. WALL SIGI4S 012 300.00 BILL BOLINGER T.V, 916 HOUSEJR WAY S Ii1ST. WALL SIGNS 013 35.00 TRANSAMERICA DEV. CO. 1900 BENSON ROAD S INST. GROUND SIGN 014 35.00 TRANSAMERICA DEV. CO. 1201 BENSON RD. S INST, REAL. ESTATE SIGN S 015 35.00 TRANSAMERICA DEV. CO. 1701 BENSON RD. S INST, REAL ESTATE SIGN 016 35.00 TRANSAMERICA DEV. CO. 1501 S. PUGET DR. TITST. REAL ESTATE SIGN 017 35.00 TRANSAMERICA DEV. CO. 1380 TALBOT ROAD S INST. REAL ESTATE SIGN 018 35.00 BELL & VALDEZ, INC. 1900 S PUGET DR. INST. REAL ESTATE SIGN 019 35.00 BELL & VALDEZ, INC. 1721 BENSON RD. S INST. REAL ESTATE SIGN S 020 500.00 UNION OIL COMPANY 533 MAIN AVE. S 'NST, POLE SIGN 021 800.00 HOUSE OF FABRICS RENTON SHOPPING CTR. IITST. WALL SIGN 9� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4/6/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING .AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - Continued SEWER PERMITS NOL AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK S 1096 G. A. HURST 3619 S 36TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1097 PARKWOOD HOMES 823 S 27TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1098 J. PEDEGANO 404 S 37TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1099 HARRY LAVELLE 411 36TH AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 1100 JOEY INVESTORS 675 GARDEN AVE. N CONNECT SEWER S 1101 McGRATH CORP. 4300 NE 22ND CT. CONNECT SEWER 1102 B. VICTOR 400 S 37TH CONNECT SEWER 1103 JOEY INVESTORS 675 GARDEN AVE. N STORM SEWER 1104 E. R. PETERSON 3603 SHATTUCK AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 1.105 H. G. BOSTICK, JR. 3527 SHATTUCK AVE. S CONNECT SEWER S 1106 DR. MAXWELL PUGET DRIVE S CONNECT SEWER 1107 CARL FORD 1003 N 30TH CONNECT SEWER 1108 CARL FORD 917 N 30TH CONNECT SEWER 12.09 HUGH GILLILAN 3615 SHATTUCK AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 1110 L. SHUCK 3517 11TH AVE. S CONNECT SEWER S 1111 JOHN NATHAN 3001 MORRIS AVE. S CONNECT SEWER 1112 DAVID ROUGE 1217 N 30TH CONNECT SEWER 1113 POWELL'S HOMES 1704 BLAINE AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1114 WALTER E. McCURLEY 3605 TALBOT S CONNECT SEWER. Fp s k' E t� RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk April 13 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S FINANCE COMMITTEE Harold I. Mellor request for permit , Lake Street Schuck ' s Auto Supply request for permit , Rainier Ave . Deed covering lots 22 & 23 , Hillman ' s Earlington Gardp- #1 m... City right-of-way along Rainier Ave , LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Ordinance to effect funding City portion LID 268 Stage I Development Cedar River Park & Carco Theater low bid Ordinance for fund transfer water rate study Ordinance to amend Ord . #2501 , special water & sewer rates Investigate & report on Tukwila ' s pipe line franchise MAYOR ' S ASSISTANT Talbot Hill Annexation material re city services PERSONNEL & COMMUNITY RELATIONS Talbot Hill Annexation material re service companies operations TRAFFIC ENGINEER Request for street lights 12th N. E. area , Windsor Hills area Cost estimate sidewalks 12th N. E. area TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Documents covering water pumping power contract for Liberty Park , sodium vapor street lighting contract and mercury vapor street lighting contract Request for street lights 12th N. E. area , Windsor Hills area Cost estimate sidewalks 12th N. E. area PROCLAMATIONS April 19 - 25 , 1970 Secretaries Week, Secretary Day April 22 April 22 , 1970 Earth Day or Environmental Teach-In Day 100 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk April 13 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Garrett at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . COUNCIL ROLL CALL Present : Schellert , Clymer , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Maxin and Grant . Bare! arrivedjust after roll call and Shane arrived at 8 :15 p .m. Absent : Bruce , Edwards and Delaurenti . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY , THAT THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. (Stredicke opposed) CITY OFFICIALS AND Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , DEPARTMENT HEADS Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M . Shellan , PRESENT City Attorney , John Pain , Asst . City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , F. A . Grabner , Airport Director , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Bert McHenry , Asst . City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Vern Church, Purchasing Director , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst , to the Mayor , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . CITY EMBLEM FLAG Mayor Garrett announced arrival of city emblem flags which he displayed at this time , one for indoor use and a different fabric for outdoor use . The flags have a dark blue background and a white emblem edged in gold , with dark letters . APPROVAL OF MINUTES As there were no additions nor corrections to OF PREVIOUS MEETING the minutes of April 6 , 1970 , it was moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry , to approve the minutes as written . The motion carried . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , continued from 4/6/70, Final Assessment the hearing was declared open for continued Roll , LID 268 , discussion . Public Works Committee report was Rainier Avenue read recommending City participation in sum of Watermains $8 , 951 . 23 which is 250 of the total cost , with funding from waterworkzz maintenance account 1820/605 and reimbursement from the airport fund in 1971 . Property owner Mr . Max Miller felt benefit to the airport would be greater and urged additional city participation . As there was no further audience comment it was moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to close the hearing . Carried . The hearing was declared closed and further council action was invited . Moved by Barei , seconded by Maxin , the city participation be one -third, benefit felt to be greater than 25% . Discussion ensued and upon inquiry regarding LID assessment to the airport , City Attorney Shellan advised that the airport , not being within ,the boundaries of the LID, could not be legally assessed , but if the airport , or anyone else should wish to hook up in the future the city could charge an amount equal to benefit derived had it been included originally . He noted special benefit must be shown , however , and not general benefit . !O/ -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/13/70 PUBLIC HEARING : (Cont . ) L.I.D. No . 268 Property owner Mr . Torkelson noted attendance of 3 property owners at the committee meeting and their consensus that 25% was better -han nothing buL that 50% was the fair amount . Further discussion ensued concerning justification for size of main (12 inch) and Asst . City Engineer Bert McHenry advised of need therefor because of volume ,flat terrain and the amount of pressure to be required. Others noted rezone requests and anticipated development for business , apartment and other high rise multiple use and need for 12" main . Fire service factor also warrants a 12" line . Motion to grant one-third city participation was voted upon and lost . Moved by Clymer , seconded by Shane , to concur in the Committee report with city participation in amount of 25% and funding as recommended . The motion carried . ;loved by Shane , seconded by McKay , to refer the matter to the Legislation Committee for proper Ordinance to effect funding . Carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Moved by Barei , seconded by Shane to approve Nos . 7474 - 7599 City of Renton Vouchers No . 7474 through 7599 . The motion carried . Fund Breakdown Current Fund 7474 - 7529 $ 8 ,433 . 37 City Street Fund 7.530 - 7548 23 ,085 . 55 Equipment Rental 7549 - 7560 1 ,480 . 09 Park Fund 7561 - 7583 14 , 396 . 98 Waterworks Utility 7584 - 7597 104 ,857 . 68 Airport Fund 7598 - 7599 100 . 40 Total all funds $152 , 354 . 07 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Acceptance C . AG . The Renton Park Board recommended acceptance 1528-69 , Maplewood and final payment for work completed by Olson- Restroom Facility- Richert-Bignold , on the Maplewood Restroom design , architectural design in sum of $206 . 00 . _Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to concur . The motion carried. Cedar River Park Letter from Gene L . Coulon , Park Director , Easement to Wn . reported Park Board recommendation to grant gas line Natural Gas Co. easement to correct prior document with regard to line location , and providing for relinquish- ment of prior easements and vacation thereof, heretofor held by Wn . Natural Gas Co . Moved by Grant , seconded by Clymer , to concur . Carried. Contract ,CAG 1574- Letter from the Renton Park Board and project 69 , completion date Architects recommended extension of completion extension request date to May 18 , 1970 be granted contractor Calhoun Construction Co . , Inc . on Lake Wn . Beach Park project , inclement weather causing delays . Moved by McKay , seconded by Clymer , to concur . The motion carried . Scouts to sell Scout Master Thomas G . Bingaman , requested that candy in Renton permission be granted for Scout Troop 417 to sell candy in Renton from April 20 to June 20 , to raise summer camp funds . Moved by Perry , seconded by McKay , to grant the request . Carried. ® � i �'� L L i -3- 103 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/13/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Boundary Review Agenda of the First Annual Conference of Board Conference Boundary Review Boards was announced and registration form was attached, for April 25th at Lemieux Library Auditorium, Seattle University . Request to lease Letter from Mr . Stuart Sloan , Schuck's Auto or use city property , Supply Vice-President , requested permit to Schuck 's Auto Supply use or lease of city property adjacent to Rainier Avenue North, for parking overflow and sign placement . Moved by Shane , and seconded by Maxin , to refer the request to the Finance Committee . Carried. Fund Raising- Letter from Terri J. Root , Renton Assn . for Requests For No-Fee Handicapped Children Pre-School Auxilliary, Permits requested permission to sell advertising for a cookbook publication . The downtown Renton business area and the Highlands businesses to be contacted . Letter from Kenneth L. Harvey , Chairman , White Cane Days , Renton Lions Club, requested permission to conduct annual White Cane Fund raising project on Renton streets on Friday and Saturday , April 24 and 25 , funds to be used for eye bank at the University Hospital , and at club option for site conservation in the local community . Moved by Shane, seconded by Schellert , to grant both requests with usual hold harmless agreements to be executed. Carried. Request to use city Mr. Harold I, Mellor requested permit for property for parking use of portion of Lake Street at Rainier and gas pumps Avenue and 3rd Street adjoining his property. Moved by Shane , seconded by Schellert , to refer the request to the Finance Committee . Carried. Land Deeded to the Letter from City Clerk :Felson reported receipt City by W. F. Venino of Deed covering Lots 22 and 23, Block 7 , Hillman 's Earlington Gardens #1 . The property conveyance concerns an area south of the South Renton Interchange East of the Valley Freeway and the City Engineer requested determination,, as to acceptance/ be made by the Council . Moved by Shane, seconded by Clymer , to refer the matter to the Finance Committee . Carried. Water Pumping- Traffic Engineer Del Bennett submitted water Street Lighting Pumping power contract for Liberty Park, Nigh Contracts Intensity Sodium Vapor Street Lighting contract and Mercury Vapor Street Lighting Contract , all meeting filed tariffs and bearing favorable rates accordingly . Moved by Shane, seconded by Stredicke, to refer the contract documents to the Transportation Committee. The motion carried. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Avery Garrett, by Proclamation, declared the week of April 19 - 25 , 1970 as Secretaries Week and Wednesday , April 22 , 1970 as Secretaries Day. Citizens were urged to recognize and pay tribute to these silent partners in business. Proclamation declared Wednesday , April 22, 1970 as "Earth Day" or Environmental Teach-In Day and Mayor Garrett urged %tenhon 's observance. Citizens were called upon to participate in programs organized for said date . Moved by Grant , seconded by Shane, to concur in the Proclamations . The motion carried . 104 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/13/70 APPOINTMENT Police Patrolman Letter from Mayor Garrett requested council Mark D. Fern concurrence in the 6 month ' s probationary appointment of Mr . Mark D . Fern to position of Patrolman beginning April 16 , 1970 . Civil Service Commission Certification and recommendation of Police Chief Williams were attached . Moved by Perry, seconded by Maxin , to concur in the appointment . Carried . OLD BUSINESS Committee of the President Schellert submitted Committee of Whole Report the Whole recommendation that the low bid of Algene Construction Company be accepted for Stage I Development Cedar River Park and Carco Theater, with additions as follows : Provide Type 3 seating (adds $2 ,136. 00) and provide dimmer controls for stage lighting (cost not determined at this time--report later as directed) It was also recommended that required additional funding be appropriated from State Aid to Cities not yet appropriated . Moved by Schellert , and seconded by Shane , to concur with ,referral to the Legislation Committee . Carried. Public Works Com- Vice-Chairman Clymer submitted report recommend- mittee Report ing the City retain the firm of Cornell , Howland , Hayes and Merryfield to conduct water rate study at cost of $6 ,500 . 00 . Further recommended that Resolution be adopted transferring funds from the waterworks maintenance account 18201605 ,unto waterworks administrative account 1810/314 to cover cost of the study . Moved by Perry , seconded by McKay , to concur in the recommendations of the Public Works Committee . Moved by Shane , second by Barei , to amend by omitting firm name ,leaving selection open . Upon inquiry Utility Accountant Ted Bennett outlined the procedure followed in interviewing various firms and in selection at which time cost was projected by the firm chosen , which would not be applicable nor advisable to publish if another firm were named. Mr . Bennett read list of services to be included in the study , some city time to be involved in tape punching on the computer. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Shane , to refer the matter of the engineering study to the Committee of the Whole . Prior services to the City by C2HM were recalled and the .firms recent studies for other cities with regard to like studies . Motion to refer to the Committee of the Whole was voted upon and lost . Motion to amend by deleting firm name was voted upon and lost . Original motion to concur in the Committee recommendations carried. Moved by Perry , seconded by Stredicke , to refer the fund transfer to the Legislation Committee for proper Ordinance . The motion carried . The Public Works Committee ,in regard for recent increase in Social Security benefits , recommended amendment in Ordinance No . 2501 to allow maximum income of $300 . 00 per month or less and $3 ,600 . 00 per annum or less for a single person and $400 . 00 per month or less and $4 ,800 . 00 per annum or less for a married couple to receive special water and sewer rates for senior citizens . Moved by Perry , seconded by McDay , to concur with referral to the Legislation Committee for amending Ordinance . The motion carried. Conflicting Dates Councilman McKay urged councilmen to use the for Committee Committee Meeting schedules .to avoid duplicate #eetings meeting dates and times . 105 -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/13/70 OLD BUSINESS (cont . ) Personnel and Com- Chairman Stredicke submitted recommendations munity Relations that the Airport Director and two members of Report the Airport Board be authorized to attend the American Association of Airport Executives Convention in Las Vegas , May 11-14 , and if funds are not sufficient to cover such expense additional monies be transferred to that account from within the airport budget . low Moved by Perry, seconded by Clymer , to concur in the recommendation . After some discussion regarding administrative jurisdiction being assumed by the council committee and attendance or lack of same atconventions heretofore , the motion to concur was voted upon and carried. Recommended that the City Engineer be authorized attendance at the American Public Works Ass 'n. Conference in Fresno , California , April 26-29, provided sufficient funds are available within the engineer ' s travel budget . Moved by Shane , seconded by Clymer, to concur . Carried . Recommended that the Mayor 's assistant meet with department heads to prepare material out- lining city services t%2•t= residents of Talbot Hill would receive if they vote to annex '- to the City , May 19 , said material to be presented at the next meeting of the Personnel and Community Relations Committee to allow a coordinated presentation by the Chamber of Commerce and the City at a meeting with the residents to be set at a later date . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Shane, to concur. The motion carried. Tukwila rates Councilman Stredicke called attention to on petroleum recent action by City of Tukwila to impose dollar charge on unit of petroleum passing through the pipe lines in the city and moved for referral to the Legislation Committee to investigate and report concerning the ordinance Tmkwila adopted in this regard . The motion was seconded by Shane and carried, some remarks by Councilman Barei questioning legality of toll fee for goods passing through a city limits . Transportation Chairman Grant submitted report concerning Committee Report removal of two-hour parking limit in North Renton which advised of investigation and distribution of 250 questionnaires by the Committee and the Traffic Engineering Dept . 61 area residents replied and 31 returns were in favor of removal of the signs and 30 were in favor of leaving the limitations posted as they are . It was recommended that no changes be made with restrictions remaining as they presently exist , there being no substantial r support for removal . Moved by Schellert , and seconded by Stredicke , to concur . Carried. Employment Com_nittee Councilman Shane reported a meeting of the Meeting Employment Committee on Wednesday wherein it was decided that a study should be undertaken and attempt made to secure work for the various industries of the area , $35 ,000 . 00 estimated for the study anticipated to possibly allow a million dollar or more return involving state and federal funding. Unemployment percentile factors for the local area were outlined . 106 -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL .MEETING 4/13/70 OLD BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Tukwila Franchise Councilman Barei added to his previous Ordinance oar Gas comments concerning assessment for the Pipe Line transportation of goods through city boundaries such action having been here- to fore challenged in court , the flow of goods not to be impeded . He cited customs of old of assessing fee when cargo was moving across the country which resulted in enormous costs to move materials and supplies , one of our founding principles was based upon the free flow of goods , the fee practice being challenged,and when the states tried imposing such fees the courts knocked it down . It was noted the ^ity of Renton paid for part of the bridge in the area the line is located. Difference in franchise and unit cost tee was noted. NEW BUSINESS Special City Shops Chairman Schellert announced a meeting of Building Committee the City Shops Committee on Monday , April 20 , Meeting at 7 :00 p .m. ASPO Report Councilman Perry advised he would report next Monday on attendance at the ASPO Con- ference . Legislatio:, Chairman Perry announced a committee meeting Committee Meeting on Thursday , April 16 , at 4 : 30 p.m. in the 6th floor conference room, the Park Director, Park Board and City Attorney being invited to attend . The Legislation Committee will also meet on Monday , April 20 , at 7 :00 p .m. Personnel and Community Relations Chairman Stredicke announced a meeting on Committee Meeting Monday , April 20 , at 7 : 30 p.m . Right of Way for Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding Play area children playing ball in a street , noting need for public use areas to be utilized for play areas . He noted receipt of inquiry concerning small group of children playing in a cul de sac and police officer telling them they could not play in the street , and inquired if property owner has proprietary right to use of the area and if not o:� what basis was the police directory . given . City Attorney Pain advised that the cul de sac is a public right-of-way and the owner does not have proprietary right and that he had not seen the complaint nor the officers report but that as a matter of public safety , both to children and the adjacent property owners , ball playing in the street would be questionable . Other Councilmen reported being contacted regarding this matter. Controlled speed and use and regulating of activities on the right of ways are public safety factors . It was suggested the area be posted play area , but the idea was dropped when Traffic Engineer Bennett explained "children at play" signs would not stop complaints from property owners in the area . Council Discussion At Councilman Barei ' s inquiry re discussion time for councilmen , Mayor Garrett explained the procedure to be followed. When an item 107 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Council Discussion of business is introduced by a motion and seconded , (Cont . ) the matter will be open for discussion by the councilmen , or when the councilmen are called on under old Business or New Business . Rainier Ave . N. Moved by Maxin , seconded by Grant , City right- Right-of-Way of-way along Rainier Ave . No . be referred to the Finance Committee to investigate and report back . Carried. Mr . Maxin announced Community Services Committee meeting Wednesday April 15 , at 7 :00 p .m. in the 6th floor Conf- erence Room . 12th Ave . N.E. Area Moved by Grant , seconded by Stredicke , that Street Light & the request for street lights in the 12th Ave . Sidewalk Request N. E. area be referred to the Transportation Committee and Traffic Engineer for investigation , including the Windsor Hills area street light request . Upon explanation of McKnight School and PTA request for sidewalks on 12th . N.E. from Union Ave . to Edmonds Ave . N. E. by Councilman Grant , it was moved by Barei , seconded by Shane , to amend motion to include cost estimate on side- walks . Eng. McHenry noted this could be done with the Edmonds Ave . N. E. project , keeping the costs separate . Amendment carried . Vote on the motion as amended carried . Talbot Hill Annexa- Councilman Grant reported some of the people were tion Study very opposed to the Talbot Hill Island Annexa- tion and requested an investigation and report by Personnel C Community Relations gi-ing service companies operations in area along with City and County proposed street improvements and Code of Ethics benefits . He announced Code of Ethics meeting `► Meeting in Mayor 's Conference Room Tuesday at 7 : 30 p.m. Street Lights Upon Councilman Shane ' s inquiry for procedure to obtain street lightE , Grant explained $5 ,000 .00 was made available at the beginning of the year. Requests are investigated by Traffic Engineer or the Transportation Committee so there is public record of action taken . Converting Street Councilman Barei inquired of the cost of convert- Lights to Sodium ing mercury vapor street lights to sodium vapor Vapor lights . Traffic Engineer Bennett reported a complete new fixture is needed at a cost of $130. 00 a fixture with sodium vapor more expensive. Council Discussion Councilman Barei askedacain for procedure on council discussion and Mayor Garrett explained items can be discussed during old Business when each councilman is called on for committee t report with motions made and discussions following . For an item under New Business it would be intro- duced by motion and debated following a second . If an item of new business is brought up and a motion does not follow, or if an item is not NOW seconded , then we go on to the next item of business B.A .R . T. Car _Mayor Garrett reminded everyone of the Bay Area Renton Shopping Rapid Transit car at the Renton Shopping Center Center April 14 , urging all councilmen to attend . Adjournment Moved by McKay , seconded by Grant , to adjourn . 10 :12 p.m. Motion Carried . ( _ Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Avery arrett , Mayor OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AM COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole 4ed. 4/15 8 : 00 pm Schellert Counc=il Chmbers Edmonds Ave. N.E. Str. Improvement Renton Civic Cntr Traffic Circula- Community Services ed. 4/15 7 : 00 pm Maxin 6th Flr. Conf. tion Study Finance Edwards Legislation Thur. 4/16 4 : 30 pm Perry 6th Flr. Park Director ton. 4/20 7 : 00 pm Park Board � City Attorney Personnel & Community Relations Mon. 4/20 7 : 30 pm Stredicke 6th Flr. Cf-Fice I Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant Code of Ethics Tues . 4/14 7 : 30 Grant Mayor ' s Conf . City Shops Building Committee Iron. 4/20 7 : 00 Schellert 6th Flr. Office C) r--1 109 i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APRIL 13, 1970 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2268 $ 5, 900 . W. W. Hancheroff 340 Morris Ave. So. Addition to Office 2269 24 , 000 . Art Flener 408 S . 26th St. New Residence B 2270 1 , 800. Seattle-First Ntl 317 Williams So. Remodel 2271 450 . Gordon M. Henderson 554 Windsor P1 . N.E. Tool Shed and Work �Irr ELECTRICL PERMITS E 2795 366 . Jack Fink 355 Factory Ave. N. New Service & E1 Heat 2796 380 . Kampe Constructn. 2447 Monterey Ave NE Wire New Residence 2797 1, 200 . Doug Wong 309 Airport Way S . Install New Service 2798 245 . Renton Paint & Wpr 206 Wells Ave. S . Change to underground 2799 50 . Canyon Homes 502 N.W. 4th P1. Temporary Service E 2800 50 . Com-Tec Corp. 257 Rainier Ave . N. " 2801 50 . John M. Dennis , Jr. 1615 Edmonds Ave. NE " 2802 50 . Brodell & Brodell 1018 Shelton Ave .SE " MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2420 1, 784 . McGrath Corporation 4300 NE 22nd Court Inst. Plumb. & Fixtur( 2421 82 . Aruel Allison 3513 NE 8th St. Inst. Gas Wtr Heater 2422 1, 754 . Elmer Morasch 1704 Blaine Ave NE Inst. Plumb & Fixture: 2423 950 . Seattle-1st Ntl 417 Williams Ave . S . " 2424 250 . Thomas Godfrey 526 Pelly Ave . N. Inst. 20 BTU Dryer M 2425 6 , 000 . Renton School #403 434 Main Ave. S . Lawn Sprinkler System SEWER PERMITS 1115 Schuckt Auto Supply 253 Ra-ini.er Sanitary Sewer 1116 If " �r 110 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk April 20 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Metro Invoice for Renton ' s share of bus system study , $7 ,265 . 55 ASPO Report by Councilman Perry COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Petition for Sign Code revision to allow use of pennants , banners , streamers , etc. , John Swanson et al Letter from Sam Zerwoodis requesting Code revision re parking, etc. MAYOR To direct survey by post card regarding sewers , underground wiring and utilities (Edmonds Ave . improvement project area) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE L. B. Bence application for licenses to operate 12 voin-type pool tables at the Downtowner on Rainier Avenue TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Civic Center Traffic Circulation Plan - detailed evaluation and report APPOINTMENTS Patrolmen - Donald E. Lindberg and Lou A . Owens , 6-months probationary period, effective 3/16/70 MEETINGS AND EVENTS : 4/23/70 - Forward Thrust "Kick-Off" Luncheon at noon - Eames Theater Pacific Science Center 4/24/70 - Beginning "White Cane Days" in Renton , Lions Club project to fund eye bank assistance 4/29/70 - Blood Bank Caravan to Souchcenter , sponsored by Eagles Lodge 5/4/70 - Public Hearing - Housing in Industrial Zones 4/28/70 - Board of Public Works meeting with Burlington R.R . repre- sentatives concerning relocation of railroad tracks 4th floor conference room at 10:00 a .m. I t ff/ RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk April 20 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant and Barei . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Bruce, to excuse the absent councilman , Stredicke objecting when proper notification has not been received. The pending motion carried. Councilman Shane arrived later during reading of ordinances . OFFICIALS AND DEPART- Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City MENT HEADS PRESENT Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney, M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Joe Mathews , Mayor ' s Administrative Assistant, Gene Coulon , Park Director , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL Moved by Schellert , seconded by Barei , to 4/13/70 Meeting approve the minutes as prepared and mailed out . The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Letter from Planning Director Ericksen Cont . from 4/6/70 reported Planning Commission recommendation that no change be effected to the existing Zoning Ordinance at this time . Study con- clusions resulted in the finding that the greater percentage of H-1 and L-1 properties do not have desirable qualities for multi- family uses and for the small percentage which would be desirable , the zoning ordinance allows such development . Because of standards, required quality development would be assured. Stredicke noted percentages were reached because of the properties on the lake shore and he felt it was wrong to have a multiple use in designations . Audience comment had been invited but none was forthcoming . Moved by Perry , seconded by Schellert , the hearing be closed . Carried. Moved by Perry , seconded by Barei , to adopt proposed revisions to the zoning ordinance . Discussion ensued, attention being called to the fact that the ..� audience had not commented since it felt the Planning Commission Recommendation would be approved by Council and in view of the opposite council action remarks should be allowed. Moved by Perry , seconded by Stredicke to allow audience comments . Carried . Mr . Jim Hanken , Attorney representing J . H . Baxter Company , Lenihan & Ivers , 1114 Norton Bldg . , Seattle , requested that the hearing be re-opened and remarks be entered on the record . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be re-opened. Carried . Barei opposed . -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/20/70 PUBLIC HEARING : (Cont . ) Zoning Ordinance - Proposed Revision relating to multiple residential use in industrial zones . Audience comment Mr . Yanken noted the Baxter property has been zoned H-1 since annexation to Renton and also before that time when in the county . He added that the area is now in a state of flux with taxes becoming prohibitive to low rent industrial use and if council follows through with motion proposed that area may be committed to a use he doubted would be wanted in the future. He urged recognition of special qualifications of the area and that Planning Commission proceedings be reviewed and adopted as part of the Council record with the city 's expertise (Planning Com- mission) recommendations being heeded and view$ of concerned property owners heard, which had resulted in the recommendations . Mr . Ward Roberts ,of Reilly Tar and Chemical Company ,advised that the principal plans to complete operations and to sell within a few months and change to the comprehensive plan and zoning is a time consuming process which involves hearings before not one, but two bodies , such time element being of concern . outlini:ig attributes of the property with regard to residential development , in which it was felt prospective buyers would be interested, he noted council -ould , if it followed procedure intended in the pending motion , lock in another industry on the property which would not be desirable for the area nor would it be the highest and best use as far as land value is concerned. Removal of industries in this area being currently promoted , such action was felt to be counter- productive and the council was urged to consider prime concern of timely desire for liquidation of operations , and end result of its action. Mr . Dexter A . Washburn , Attorney , With Kehoe, Bayley , Hooper & Olsen , 1000 Norton Building, Seattle , on behalf of Reilly Tar & Chemical Co. , noted surprise at council action contrary to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and requested a continuation to allow preparation of presentations he felt would serve t!e council in its -;onsideration of the matter. Perry explained intent of the motion was to take housing out of industrial areas and that he understood the people could come back and request a rezone if fpture use for housing is desired. Discussion ensued, it being felt council was not fully informed of various factors of im- portance to the issue , Planning Commission notation of present allowance of such .lesser . 1 use without owner having to request rezone to use the land , being recalled . .Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Grant , to continue the public hearing for two weeks to May 4 , 1970 . The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND Chairman Perry , Legislation Committee , submitted RESOLUTIONS propDsed ordinance of the City confirming the Rainier Avenue assessments and roll of Local Improvement District [fatermains , No . 268 for the impravement of a certain area L,Z,D. 268 within the City generally known , and in vicinity of, Woodygien Addition , by the construction and -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 20, 1970 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) Presented for readings Rainier Avenue Watermains L. I. D. 268 , Ordinance 2560 installation of certain water mains and appur- tenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith ; levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots , tracts , parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by .� the City Council ; and providing for the payment of such assessment into the Local Improvement Fund , District No . 268 of the City , as created by Ordinance No . 2498 . Moved by McKay , seconded by Clymer , to place on second and final reading. Carried . After final reading, it was moved byMcKay , second by Clymer , to adopt the ordinance as read. Roll call resulted in 10 ayes ; 1 no , Stredicke opposing. The motion carried . Ordinance 2561 An ordinance of the City changing the zoning Rezone-Harrington classification of certain properties within Avenue N. E. the city from Residential District (R-2) , to Business District (B-1) . Moved by Barei , seconded by Stredicke , to authorize second and final readings . Carried . After final reading , it was moved by Stredicke , seconded by McKay , to adopt the ordinance as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried . Ordinance 2562 Amending Ord . 2501 An ordinance of the city amending Ordinance relating to special 2501 providing for special water and sewer water-sewer rates to rates for certain residents . (To allow a senior citizens higher income bracket to correspond to the social security increase) Moved by Barei , seconded by Clymer , to authorize second and final readings . Carried. After final reading, it was moved by Barei , seconded by Clymer, to adopt the ordinance as read. New provisions and income limitations were outlined , the single family resident owner, 65, with income of $300 . 00 per month or less and $3 ,600 . 00 annual or less , or marital community single family dwelling owner, both 65 , with $400 . 00 total monthly income or legs , and an annual total of $4 ,800 . 00 or 1ess , shall be granted $1 . 00 monthly rate limited to 900 cu . ft . , excess to be charged per Sec. 3-231 , Title III , relating to water rates . Councilman Grant urged administrative action to include mailing of affidavits with utility billings every six months in order to give opportunity to senior citizens to file for special rates . The pending motion was voted upon and unanimous affirmative ballot was cast . r he motion carried. Ordinance 2563 Appropriating Ordinance was read authorizinkj appropriation of excess revenue , for $51 ,000 . 00 from Excess revenue , Current Fund, Carco Theater , into unto Cedar River Acquisition Budgetary Fund budget 5010 , 605 . .Moved by McKay , seconded by Stredicke , to authorize second and final readings . Carried . After final reading , it was moved by McKay, and seconded by Bruce , to adopt as read. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous affirmative vote and motion was carried. r t74 -4-- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/20/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) Resolution No. 1681 It being advisable that consultant be retained to conduct water rate study, fund transfer of $6 ,500 . 00 to cover fees was authorized from Waterworks Maintenance Account 1820/605 , unto Waterworks Adminis- trative Account 1810/314 . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer , to adopt the resolution as read. Carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Nos. 7600 - 7764 committee approval of vouchers and moved the Council approve same at this time . The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Fund breakdown Current Fund 7600 - 7663 $ 51 ,746. 66 City Street Fund 7664 - 7683 •36 ,914. 89 Cedar River M & I 7684 - 7691 335 . 47 Equipment Rental 7692 - 7710 2 ,079 . 71 Library Fund 7711 - 7717 2 ,135 . 79 Park Fund 7718 - 7739 35 ,597 . 46 Waterworks Util . 7740 - 7755 10 ,718. 16 Airport Fund 7756 - 7764 600. 18 $140 ,128. 32 Finance Committee Chairman Edwards submitted recommendation for Report - Funding acceptance of low interest rate bid of L.I .D. 263 , Sewers Peoples National Bank of Wn . , 9 5-1/4% per Kennydale Island annum in regard to purchase of interest bearing (Informal Bids) warrants for interim financing of L.I. D. 263. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer to concur in the recommendation . Carried. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Appeal of Board of Letter from Mr . Robert E. Petrin , 1413 Aberdeen Adjustment Decision Avenue N. E. , Renton , requested hearing to appeal Board of Adjustment denial of variance from setback requirements on sideline of his property . Moved by Barei , seconded by Perry, to set Monday , May 4 , for hearing. Carried. Petition for Sign Petition with 46 signatures was read requesting Code Revision revision of the sign code to permit the use of pennants , banners , streamers , etc . , which are felt to be an important part of merchandising efforts . Moved by Perry , seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Community Services Committee fDr recommendation . Moved by Perry, seconded by Stredicke , to amend the motion to include public hearing on May 11 . Proposed amendment was voted upon and failed. Original motion to refer carried. Mr . John Swanson ex- pressed appreciation for opportunity to meet on the matter . League of Women Voters Letter from Mrs . Joanne D. Herber , President , Petition for consti - League of Women Voters of Renton , submitted a TMO tutional amendment petition ,which as result of nationwide petition drive will be presented to Congress May 6 , 1970, requesting constitutional amendment to give the citizens of Washington , D. C . representation in Congress which they presently do not have . The document was circulated for signatures of those desiring to sign . Additional items Mayor Garrett presented items received not for the agenda included on the Agenda . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Grant , to add the items . Carried. J MINUTBS - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/20/70 CORRESPONDENCE: (Cont . ) Invitation to Letter from Mr . Ken Cole , Deputy Mayor , Expo ' 70 Bellevue , invited Mayor Garrett and any members of Council , citizens or businessmen who may desire to go , to visit Japan , May 2 , to 13 , 1970 as key governmental unit repre- sentatives from the east side communities , Kirkland , Redmond and Renton being extended such invitation . (See later council action) Forward Thrust Notice from Mr . James R. Ellis , Chairman , Luncheon 4/23/70 Forward Thrust Committee , announced "Kick-Off" Luncheon on Thursday , noon , April 23 at the Eames Theatre at the Pacific Science Center , at which time campaign to obtain voter accep- tance of forward thrust propositions on the May 19 election ballot . will get under way . Call Katie James at FT office , MU 2-6093 for reservations . Blood Bank Caravan Letter from M; . Eddie Taylor , Chairman , Day, Wed. , 4/29/70 Blood Bank , Renton Aerie No. 1722 , Fraternal Order of Eagles , announced new program to be called "Renton and Community Blood Bank Caravan Day" . Wednesday, April 29 , has been set for this event and the Eagles Lodge will provide transportation from 11 : 00 a .m. to 8 : 00 p.m. and those persons having no car will be transported, others urged to join together in participation caravans to support this important project . Forward Thrust Letter from McCann-Erickson , Inc. , directed bow Progress Report to Mayor Garrett , enclosed copy of 12 page supplement to the April 12 issues of the Post Intelligencer and Seattle Times . It was noted that by prior agreement consent ,$460 . 00 was to be contributed toward the publication and payment was requested at this time . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Grant , to refer the letter to the Finance Committee . The motion was voted upon and lost . .Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Shane , to deny the bill , the city having no authority to expend funds for such report . Upon dissenting voice vote , roll call vote was taken as follows : Aye - 9 : Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Shane and Barei . No - 3: Clymer , Grant and Schellert . The motion carried. Metro-invoice Letter from Mr . Larry L . Coffman , Transportation for bus system Planning Coordinator, Metro , submitted report study-mass transit and invoice for Renton ' s share of cost of initial planning bus system study. 1970 population and valuation figures were used resulting in $7 , 265 . 55 to be funded by the City of Renton . Moved by Clymer , seconded by Barei , to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole . It was noted the matter of study had been in the Transportation Committee heretofore and perhaps they should work with the matter . Pending motion carried. Request to discuss Letter from Mr . Sam Zerwoodis , on behalf of Code Revision to interested businessmen , requested to meet with include Metropoli- appropriate city officials to discuss changes tan District Zoning to the existing code; with view toward re- building 'and upgrading the Renton core area, and specific regard to parking requirements with private capital investment to achieve re- sults desired in solving problems related thereto. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk 4/20/70 CORRECTION ADDENDUM TO MINUTES Appointment of Patrolmen , Paragraph 5 , Page 6 , should be to status of permanent position rather than probationary period. Donald E. Lindberg Lou A . Owen City Clerk 's Office Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk council for consideration given in regara to the circulation and signing of petition for the District of Columbia , it being felt unfair that those residents have taxation without representation . The petition will be taken to the National League Convention and presented to Senator Magnuson . APPOINTMENTS Mayor ' s appointment of Donald E. Lindberg and Lou A . Owen to position of Patrolmen with the Renton Police Department was read. Civil appointments , Service certification and Police Chief Williams ' eff. 3/16/70 recommendation for six months probationary appointments were attached. Moved by Delaurenti , Patrolmen seconded by McKay , to concur . The motion carried. PROCLAMATION White Cane Days Proclamation was read wherein Mayor Garrett designated April 24 and 25 to be "White Cane Days" in Renton and citizens were urged to support this program of the Renton Lions Club to benefit those who may have need of the valuable services of an eye bank. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Delaurenti , to concur . The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Council President Schellert submitted Committee Whole Report recommendation that the City proceed with the proposed street construction or. the Edmonds Ave. Improvement project including sidewalks , curbs , gutters , storm drains and a 44 ft. wide street section with parking allowed on both sides . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Edwards , to concur in the recommendation . Moved by Barei , seconded by Perry , to allow audience comments . Carried . Property owners in the area opposing aspects of the project outlined prior proceedings from informational meetings held by the Engineer- ing department and recalled oroposea survey of residents concerning sewer L . I.D. and under- ground wiring proposals , to be conducted by post card inquiry . Matters of grade changes , water line sizes , easements , inspections and property line problems were discussed., the City Attorney advising of modes of assessing costs . -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/20/70 CORRESPONDENCE (Cont . ) Sam Zerwoodis letter .Moved by Clymer , seconded by Shane , to refer re Code Revisions the letter to the Transportation Committee . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Shane to amend the motion by substituting referral to the Community Services Committee rather than the Transportation Committee . Amendment And motion as amended carried. Pool Table License Letter from L . B. Bence , owner of the Down- Wa Application-240 towner , requested licenses to operate 12 Rainier Avenue Coin-operated Pool Tables in said place of business . .Moved by Schellert , seconded by Shane , to refer the application to the Public Safety Committee . Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Frank Storey , on behalf of the Renton Historical Society Historical Society , thanked the Mayor and Council Lobby Display in for allowing the lobby display of artifacts. Municipal Building Items will be changed periodically and it is hoped the display will lead to more contri- butions . Coal Mining is the subject of the current exhibit . League of Women Mrs . Joanne Herber , President , League of voters Petition Women voters of Renton , thanked the Mayor and council for consideration given in regard to the circulation and signing of petition for the District of Columbia , it being felt unfair that those residents have taxation without representation . The petition will be taken to the National League Convention and presented to Senator Magnuson . APPOINTMENTS Mayor ' s appointment of Donald E. Lindberg and Lou A . Owen to position of Patrolmen with the Renton Police Department was read. Civil appointments , Service certification and Police Chief Williams ' eff. 3/16/70 recommendation for six months probationary appointments were attached. Moved by Delaurenti, Patrolmen seconded by McKay , to concur . The motion carried. PROCLAMATION White Cane Days Proclamation was read wherein Mayor Garrett designated April 24 and 25 to be "White Cane Days" in Renton and citizens were urged to support this program of the Renton Lions Club to benefit those who may have need of the valuable services of an eye bank. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Delaurenti , to concur . The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Council President Schellert submitted Committee Whole Report recommendation that the City proceed with the proposed street construction o►: the Edmonds Ave. Improvement project including sidewalks , curbs , gutters , storm drains and a 44 ft. wide street section with parking allowed on both sides . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Edwards , to concur in the recommendation . Moved by Barei , seconded by Perry , to allow audience comments . Carried. Property owners in the area opposing aspects of the project outlined prior proceedings from informational meetings held by the Engineer- ing department and recalled proposers surveu of residents concerning sewer L . I .D. and under- ground wiring proposals , to be conducted by post card inquiry . Matters of grade changes , water line sizes , easements , inspections and property Zine problems were discussed., the City Attorney advising of modes of assessing costs . 117 -7- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/20/70 OLD BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Committee of the Whole Residents and property owners within the Report-Edmonds Avenue subject area speaking in opposition to Audience comment the matter and making inquiry relative thereto included Mrs . Nina Huseland, John Sargent , Rebecca Sargent , Mr. L. Sturman and .Mrs . Roberta Hodge . Motion by Maxin , seconded by Edwards , called for the prev- ious question . Carried. Moved by Grant , seconded by Shane , to continue the matter for one week . Motion was declared lost . Some dissenting voice vote brought request for roll call and discussion regarding procedure therefor . Mayor Garrett advised 116 of the body can demand division of the house before the question; that he gives an opportunity if any doubt exists in his :hind, and call otherwise is requested before final vote is taken if desired shown in the record . Roti call was taken on motion to continue discussioj to next reek . Ayes-3 : Delaurenti , Grant and Shane . No-9 : Schellert , Clymer, Perry, McKay , Stredicke , Edwaz'ds , Maxin , Bruce and Barei . The motion lost . Question was called =or on motion to concur in the Committee report. Roll cal_ was requested and taken as follows: Awes-10 : Schellert , Clymer, Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce, Shane and Bare_ . No-2 : Delaurenti and Grant . Motion carried. Post card surveu The Committee of the Whole recommended the Mayor direct a post card survey in regard to sewers and underground wiring in the Edmonds Avenue Improvement area . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Shane , to concur . Carried. .Moved by Shane, seconded by Schellert , to include undergrounding of utilities in the survey . Carried . Civic Center Traffic The Committee recommended the council concur Circulation Plan in principle with the recommended plan with (Basic concept approved) matter referred to the Transportation Com- mittee for detailed evaluation and report . Moved by Schellert , seconded by .McKay, to concur . Carried. Council was invited to informational meetings planned on the matter. Remarks ensued concerning meeting nights not being convenient for some members with Councilman Barei noting especially that Wednesday was not a good night , Clymer urging survey to determine the best time . Special City Shops Letter from Mayor Garrett was read recommending Building Committee that council authorize a 60 ' x 100 ' clear span metal building to be constructed on the existing city shop site at No . 1st and Wms . Ave. North . �n Estimated cost , $36 ,000 . 00 which is anticipated approximate cost to rent suitable quarters for two years . It was further recommended said cost be borrowed from the Firemen ' s Pension fund and repaid not later than December 31 , 1971 . The Spec-' al City Shops Building Committee recommended council concurrence in the Mayor 's recommendations . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Perry , to concur. After some lengthy dis- cussion concerning decisions rendered, the motion carried . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4120/70 OLD BUSINESS: (Cont. ) Legislation Chairman Perry reported Tukwila has not Committee Report adopted an ordinance concerning assessment of petroleum on pipe line franchise at the present time as referred last week for report . Mayor 's attendance Moved by Perry , seconded by Shane , the Mayor at Expo ' 70 , Japan be authorized attendance at no cost to the City. The motion carried . ASPO Conference In view of the late hour , Perry suggested his report be made to committee and it was moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer, to refer the report to the Committee of the Whole . Carried. Tiffany Park Stredicke inquired of the City Attorney as to Building Site status of abandoned building site in Tiffany Problem Park , City Attorney Shellan advising that the hearing on Building Department complaint was scheduled at 10 : 00 a .m. tomorrow before the Board of Public works . Code of Ethics Committee Chairman Grant reported meeting and review of the King County Ordinance on April 13. Code used by The Boeing Company , also under survey and committee of the Legislature to be contacted regarding Code for State Em- ployees and Association of Wn . Cities to be requested to secure further information in re- gard to the matter . Further reports to be submitted as findings are completed . Next meeting, April 28 , in the 6th floor conference room. Term of Service Councilman Shane expressed view that the on Committees membership on committees should be rotated and one position not be held for a long period of time , his present concern being in regard to Puget Sound Governmental Conference . Moved by Shane , seconded by Stredicke, to appoint a new representative at this time for the City of Renton . Councilman Perry recalled his appointment at the time the City joined the Conference and noted his efforts and achievements in getting a change in by-laws to allow a vote for smaller cities , his appointment by Mayor Braman on the Transportation Committee and subsequent election by the other members as Chairman , noting granting W n& of funds for A S P 0 when t0-9-0--wh"e7y the ILa 3s3�-to a Mend where W _ he secured information vital to recently completed wAir Transportation Study. He added that he may , Ld if he stays on the committee , be Chairman next CM year which would be the first time the smaller L D cities would be represented. Previous question, o Z after some further discussion , was moved by McKay , U seconded by Maxin and carried. Motion to appoint a new member was before the body . Roll call vote was requested which resulted as follows : Aye-2 : Stredicke and Shane . No-9 : Schellert , Clymer, Delaurenti , Perry , McKay, Maxin , Bruce , Grant and Barei . Discussion ensued regarding terms , it being noted some were established by law, others by policy . Commendations were given concerning , Perry ' s services . The motion lost . Meetings were announced as per attached schedule. Moved by Barei , seconded by Maxin , to adjourn. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11 : 30 p.m. 48 visitors were present this evening. AverV Garrett , Mayor Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk I I I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4/20/70 COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole 4/22/70 Wednesday Schellert 6th Floor Conf. Rm 8:00 P.M. Code of Ethics 4/28/70 Tuesday Grant Mayorts Conf. Rm. Community Services 7:30 P.M. Maxin Finance Edwards Legislation i Perry I Personnel & Community Relations I St.r_edi cke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works 4/22%70 Wednesday Bruce City Engineerts 7:00 P.M. attendance requested Transportation 4/23/70 Thursday Grant Traffic Engineer's 7:30 P.M. Conf. Room Board of Public Works 4/28/70 Tuesday Del Bennett 4th Floor Conf. Rm Railroad Track 10:00 A.M. Relocation - Burlington N.P Railroad Co. 1 *44 tozo OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4AO/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2272 $25,800.00 PARIWOOD HOMES, INC. 819 S 27TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2273 253000.00 THE PRODUCTION CO. 4232 JONES AVE. NE ADD STEEL BUILDING 2274 1,000.00 WILLIAM 0. SCHRAM 309 MAIN AVE. S RFMNE WALL 2275 16,000.00 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION CO. 1002 N 31ST ST. CONST, FAMILY RES. 2276 3,000.00 WILLIAM C. GODDARD 3707 LK. WASH. BLVD. N CONST, GARAGE B 2277 95000.00 LLOYD S. PETERSON 3106 LK. WASH. BLVD. N ADIEITION TO RES. 2278 VOID 2279 600.00 MARY GURNN 3401 NE 12TH CONST. EECK & STAIRS 2280 450.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING INST. KEY SERVICE 2281 500.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-52 BUILDING FUNE.SCRUBBER ENCL. B 2282 500.00 SEARS 101 SW SUNSET BLVD. REMOVE CONCRETE WALL 2283 2,000.00 WILLIAM G. OGILVIE 1121 SHELTON AVE. NE CONVERT GARAGE ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2803 612.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY WIRE OFFICE 2804 230.00 DR. DEAN PETTIBONE 210 WELLS AVE. S UNDERGROUND SERVICE 2805 200.00 AGNES MORGAN ESTATE 119 MAIN AVE. S UNDERGROUND WIRING 2806 105278.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INST. NEW FIXrURZS 2807 130.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING MVE KEY SERVICE E 2808 50.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-81 BUILDING REARRANGE FILE 2809 VOID 2810 200.00 STANDARD OIL CO. 207 MAIN AVE. S UNDERCMUND SERVIGS 2811 100.00 J. W. DALPAY 4141 NE SUNSET BLVD. REINSTALL w.GtIlyC' MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2426 300.00 MARGARETTE DEGRIE 1811 HARRINGTON AVE. DIE INST, GALS ERMM 2427 440.00 KENNETH R. PARKS 1204 QUEEN AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & FIIITURI. 2428 4,500.00 GRIFFIN BOY► H(21E 2500 LK. WASH. BLVD. N INST. BOILER 2429 162.50 TIMOTHY BRAY 2433 EMNDS AVE. NE GAS CONVERS. BURNER 2430 350.00 PRODUCTION CO. 4232 JONES AVE. NE REPAIR SEPTIC TANK M 2431 4,378.00 DRS. KAY & SNOW 210 PARK AVE. N INST, FURNACES 2432 300.00 AMERICAN BRIDGE DIV. 900 LIND AVE. SW INET. HEATER & EQUIP. 2433 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 505 S 23RD ST. ADEN. To PERM M-2331 SIGN PERMITS S 022 100.00 BEN A.SERR.A 3205 NE 4TH ST. INST. GROUND SION 023 1,040.00 PUGET POWER 750 RAIN= AVE. S INST, POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1117 H. G. NELSON 408 S 37TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1118 DR. E. SEGETI 112 PELLY ST. N CONNECT SEWER (STORM) 1119 TOM BROOKS 1307 DAYTON AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER L RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk April 27 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Portable pool suggestion by Councilman Barei '1r.r BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Petition submitted by Orillia Water Company for Water Main o..j West Valley Highway at S. W. 43rd snd SRI 181 CITY CLERK Authorized to execute : L.I. '). 267 Construction Contracts Municipa'? Wa.'er Pumping & Strert Lighting Contracts ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Petition for Sanitary Sewer along Lake Washingto:l adjacent to park LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Fund transfer for apprasal fees on property along Lake Washington for park development Firemen ' s Pension Fund loan to Current Fund in sum of $36 ,000 . 00 for temporary city shop facility Funding for Data Processing Department ($8 ,900 . 00) MAYOR Authorized to execute L. I. D. 267 construction contract documents and Municipal Water Pumping and Street Lighting Contracts PARK BOARD Portable pool suggestion of Councilman Barei PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE L.I .D. 267 Bids - Awarded to coulee Construction Co . , $113,267 . 23 STREET DEPARTMENT AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT Letter from Mrs . Rosenstrom, 309 Pelly Ave . No . , regarding follow-up recommendation on old cars , etc . on private property APPOINTMENTS Renton Fire Department - Six months probationary appointments Roy Ballestrasse Michael Moeller Jon Robison tow RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk April 27, 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. by Mayor Avery Garrett in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Clymer, Delaurenti , Perry, Mckay , Stredicke , Edwards, Bruce and Barei . Absent : Scnellert , Grant and Shane , Maxin , absent on roll, arrived at 9 :15 p.m. Moved by Stredicke seconded by McKay , to excuse Schellert, who was out of town and Grant whose father had passed away , both having reported they would be absent . Carried. OFFICIALS AND CITY Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, DEPARTMENT HEADS Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, C. S. Williams , Chief of Police, Bert McHenry, Asst . City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Ted Bennett , Utility Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, addition be 4/20/70 Meeting made to Page 8 of the minutes in regard to ASPO funds- - "the council had approved them two months ago. On the Monday prior to the conference I asked the Director of the Puget Sound Govern- mental Conference if they would assume part of the costs as the conference would also benefit by my attendance , and they agreed to pay the subsistence , cab fares and the hotel bill , so the City was only billed for transportation and registration ." Deletion from-ASPO, Zine 15, through words Air Transportation Study, desired in- inasmuch as he had not been requested to go for the conference . The motion carried. Renton High School Mayor Garrett welcomed members of the student Government Week body from Renton High School participating in Student Government Week , from Monday April 27 through May 2 , 1970 . Students rose and intro- duced themselves noting City Official counter- part they were representing. Earth Day Paintings Two paintings depicting a stream and wooded scene-with deer drinking in tranquil beauty and then after the arrival of people , with debris from litter, barren trees from burning, and polluted stream, captioned "before" and "after" , were circulated through the Council Chamber . Mayor Garrett noted a lesson is to be learned in the paintings and thanked the donor for the loan of same . PUBLIC HEARING Appeal by Foster & Kleiser of Board of Adjust- Appeal of variance ment denial of Special Permit for oversized denial for sign sign , V-188-70, vic . 538 Rainier Avenue South . larger than 300 sq . ft . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . There were no written com- munications to be read and audience comment was invited . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/27/70 PUBLIC HEARING : Foster Kleiser appeal (Cont . ) Audience comment : Mr . Martin Sangster, representing Foster and Kleiser , called attention to the city code and stated the intent when adopted was not to prohibit larger signs but to require the special permit , the 300 ft . limit having been agreed to by industry in view of special permit being available for excess sizes , if compatible , subject to Board approval . Photos were circulated , the sign noted to be of standard, painted, bulletin type , 35 ' high and 48 ' wide , as given by distributors, which would be compatible with the area , Bronco's to the North and Ho Sy Guy 's to the South, sign not obstructing light , air or visibility. Mr . Sangster noted this was the first application for such permit and urged consideration of factors stipulated with regard to compatibility, and special permit not variance aspect be viewed. Building Director Ruppert called attention to Board of Adjustment determinations with regard to setback , size , visibility and fact that no special circumstance exists to justify variance it being felt the 300 ft . size could well be viewed from the subject location. Councilman Stredicke questioned Mr . Sangster regarding square footage , it being noted it is 14 x 48 ft . size and 672 square ft . , and calling attention to 5 months old ordinance , urged council to consider panoramic sign domina- tion and uphold Board denial of the variance. Mayor Garrett had noted telephone call from property owner urging reversal of the decision . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by McKay , to close the public hearing. The motion carried. Moved by Perry , seconded by McKay , to concur in the Board of Adjustment decision upholding the variance denial . After some inquiry regarding the Code intent and illustrations of requests which might be approved by the board for larger signs , Mr . Taylor, Board of Adjustment Member , pointing out curve consideration and distraction factor, along with no special existing circumstance, the pending motion carried. ORDINANCES AND Proposed Resolution was read setting Friday , RESOLUTIONS May 1 , 1970 as Law Day U. S.A . in Renton in. conjunction with joint resolution of Congress Resolution 1682 and official proclamation of the President for observance by the nation . Moved by McKay , seconded by Delaurenti , to adopt the Resolution as read . Carried . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Nos . 7765-7910 voucher approval by committee and moved that Nos . 7765 - 7910 be approved by council at this time . The motion was seconded by Perry and carried. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 7765 - 7821 $ 4 ,475 . 66 City Street Fund 7822 - 7832 876 . 80 Equipment Rental 7833 - 7843 3 ,132 . 81 Library Fund 7844 - 7870 4 ,023. 59 Park Fund 7871 - 7883 3 , 394 . 68 Waterworks Util . 7884 - 7895 3, 498 . 20 Airport Fund 7896 - 7897 23. 77 Firemen ' s Pension 7898 - 7910 5 ,736 . 01 $25 ,161 . 52 -2- 1 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/27/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Child Hearing League Letter from Mrs . Edward Tobiason , Chairman, Request for Permit requested No-Fee Permit to sell cut flowers from booths in Renton during the month of May to; upport non-profit programs . Moved by belaurenti , seconded by Bruce , to grant the request . The motion carried. City Clerk 's report Bids were •opened on April 24 ,1970 for of Bid Openings surplus city vehicles . Seven bidders re- sponded as per tabulations attached . Moved Surplus city vehicles by Perry , seconded by Barei , to refer the bids to the Finance Committee for recom mendation . The motion carried. (See later committee report) L.I.D. 267 , NE 12th- Bids were opened on April 21 , for installation N.E. 20th Streets, of L . I . D. 267, Sanitary Sewer System. The, Sanitary Sewer System Clerk reported receipt of ten bids , as per tabulations attached. Moved by Barei , seconded by McKay , to refer the bids to the Public Works Committee . Carried. (See later action) Acceptance ,CAG .1610-70 Letter from Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , and Final Payment , recommended acceptance and final payment for Puget Underground work completed by Signal Electric, Inc. (under- Wiring Project ground wiring,from Talbot Rd . So. to Edmonds Avenue S. E. , ) in sum of $10 , 976 . 58. Council acceptance and commencement of 30-day lien period as of this date was further recommended. Moved by Bruce , seconded by Stredicke , to concur. The motion carried. Fund transfer request Park Director Coulon reported Park Board to fund land appraisal request for transfer of $2 ,085 . 00 from Cumula- Scott-$150.00 tive Reserve Fund 1689 , Acquisition and Develop- Foss-$1 ,935 . 00 ment of Park Sites , unto Park Fund 1710, Capital Outlay 605 , to cover appraisal fee service due Wilcox & Associates , Inc . on Scott Pacific Terminal Property , Lake Wr. . Beach Park Addition #3 and preparation of Condemnation Appraisal , Pre-Trial conference and litigation services , Foss-Dillingham property . Moved by Barei , and seconded by Bruce , to concur ,with referral to the Legislation Committee for proper Ordinance. The motion carried . Petition for L. I.D. A letter from Orillia Water Company , Walter for Water Mains , Nelson , Secretary , submitted petition for wat&A SW 43rd and SRI 181 main LID along the West valley Highway. Approximately 27 parcels of property were represented by signatures . Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Bruce , to refer to the Board of Public Works and City Engineer for report back. The motion carried . Freeway area land- Letter from Wn . State Highway Commission, W. C. scaping requests Bogart , P .E. , Dist . Engineer, acknowledged receipt of copy of Renton Resolution No. 1679 regarding landscaping and beautification of S.R . 405 and reported this responsibility lies with District No . 7 Enaineer , Mr . E. I. Roberts who will respond in the near future , referral having been forwarded. The City Clerk noted Mr. Roberts had been mailed a copy of the Resolution. Mayor Garrett advised of meetings and discussions being held in regard to this matter . which is now being pursued for action . -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/27/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) City Clerk ' s letter Letter from Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, was submitting 1969 Annual read transmitting City of Renton Financial Financial Report report for fiscal year ending December 31 , 1969. Councilman Barei commended Mrs. Nelson on the comprehensive and detailed report and, noting city achievements as outlined for the year, credited the officials and employees whose dedicated efforts made such accomplish- ments possible . He added such was evidence that we do have a progressive community. Firemen 's Pension Letter from Helmie Nelson , Secretary, Firemen 's Fund authorization Pension Fund Board, advised that $36 ,.000. 00 of loan for City is authorized as loan to the Current Fund, at Shop Building 6% per annum interest , to finance temporary city shop building, said loan to be repaid not later than December 31 , 1971 . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Clymer, to accept the loan with referral to the Legislation Committee for proper documents to effect the appropriation and the loan . Carried. Introduction of Mayor Garrett noted presence of exchange Exchange Student students , some having left the meeting, and visitors invited self-introduction of remaining visitors . Miss r, eibke Dreessen , from Germany, stated she was enjoying her stay very much and that others having left earlier included Lamerdina Claasen, Netherlands, Sergio Marachin, Brazil and student from Renton 's sister city, Nishiwaki , Japan, Shoichiro Hasegawa . APPOINTMENTS Mayor 's appointments of Roy Ballestrasse , Michael Moeller and Jon Robison to position Firemen-6-months of Firemen in the Renton Fire Department probationary period wer3 confirmed , motion by Delaurenti , seconded by McKay and carried. Six-months probationary period, required by civil service rules and regulations, to commence as of May 1 , 1970. Civil Service Commission certification of candidates was attached along with letter from Fire Chief Walls requesting that three vacancies ,resulting from retirement of John Alexander, Karl Strom and Douglas Haworth , be filled. PROCLAMATION Mayor Garrett proclaimed Mayor Shinji Takase Honorary Citizen of Nishiwaki , Hyogo Prefecture , Japan, an Honorary Citizen of the City of Renton . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Perry , to concur. The motion carried unanimously . Mayor Garrett advised that he would be leaving for Japan on May 1 and returning approximately May 12 and that he expects to meet with Mayor Takase and spend two or 3 days in Nishiwaki . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL .�. Committee of the Whole The Committee recommended, from meeting of Report - Data April 22 , that the council concur, in. the Processing Fund request of the Mayor for additional fund-s Request , $8 ,900. 00 for the Data Processing Department with referral to the Legislative Committee for proper Legislation . (Appropriation of $8 ,900. 00 required, Ordinance to read Data Processing 1143/110 Salaries & Wages , $6 ,040 . 00; 130, $1 ,000. 00; M. & 0 Acct . 200, $286 . 00; 201 , $286 . 00; 202 , $66. 0011- 203, 66. 00;203, $50. 00; 204 , $12 . 00; 402, $1 ,160 .00. Moved by Stredicke , second by McKay , to �^- concur . The motion carried. -4- 126 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/27/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Transportation Committee member Clymer submitted report Committee Report outlining costs and provisions of Liberty on Puget Sound Park Water Pumping Contract , High Intensity Power & Light Co . Sodium Vapor Street Lighting Contract and Contracts Mercury Vapor Street Lighting Contract , recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same . Moved by Stredicke , second by Bruce , to concur. The motion carried. 701 Program Review The Transportation Committee met with business men of the central business area to discuss implementation of portions of the 701 Program and aspects of possible re-development of the downtown area will be pursued at further meetings . Public Works Recommended that the low bid of Coulee Committee Report Construction Co . on L. I.D. 267 , Sanitary LID 267 Bid Award Sewer System between Jones Avenue N.E. and NE 12th to NE 20th Aberdeen Avenue NE, be accepted in sum of Sanitary Sewers $113 ,267 . 23 and that the Mayor and City and Employment Clerk be authorized to sign contracts as Committee member ' s approved by the City Attorney . Moved by recommendation Delaurenti , second by Clymer to concur. Stredicke inquired as to engineering estimate noted to be $142 ,495 and low bid felt to be a favorable one . Stredicke , with regard to un- employment in the area asked if the city might do the job and hire some of the available help. City Attorney Shellan noted legal requirement for bid call and if none received the city can do a public works project with city forces but must be able to prove otherwise that it can do r the job for less . Motion to concur subsequently passed. Petition for Sewer The Public Works Committee recommended the along Lake Wn. matter be referred to the Engineering Department to explore availability of State and/or Federal matching funds . Moved by Perry, second by McKay, to concur. The motion carried . NBC request for Recommended the N. B. of C . request be denied sewer extension since this area (East valley Hwy and So . 180th) is outside the city and such extension would not be logical . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Barei , to concur . The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Lighting near State Councilman Stredicke noted driving near the Capitol Building State Capitol Building on the weekend and finding it striking to see highway lighting for better than 4-1/2 miles beyond and he felt some such lighting might help correct Hwy . 405 accident problem. Mayor Garrett stated the point would be used atmeetings in progress at present concerning Hwy. 405 safety measures to alleviate the existing hazards . mom Cars and debris Councilman Stredicke noted receiving letter on property from Mrs . Evelyn Rosenstrom, 309 Pelly Avenue North , concerning condition of the neighborhood and old cars , etc . on private property . It was felt periodic follow-up should be made to insure control of eyesores to the area . The Street and Building Departments were requested to check and report back on this matter . -5- 127 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/27/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Finance Committee Report Chairman Edwards submitted recommendation on Vehicle Bids that all bids be rejected and vehicles be sold at appraised values , all bids being under appraised amounts . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by McKay , to concur . Carried. Lease of Property to The Finance Committee recommended that city Schucks Auto Supply property between the sidewalk and Schucks' bw property line , on Rainier Avenue North , be leased to Schuck 's Auto Supply , sign to conform to Renton Sign Code with regard to location within 20 feet of sidewalk, appli- cation otherwise to be filed with Board of Adjustment for variance . Lease price is to be negotiated, on 30 day revocable basis . Moved by Maxin , seconded by McKay, to concur . The motion carried. Portable Pools Councilman Barei called attention to brochure and data on above-ground portable pools which he felt might be utilized by the city or on joint basis with the school district . These allow moving from one area to another and the children who cannot get to the Liberty Park pool could still enjoy the experience of swimming. Prices run from $4 ,000 . 00 to $16 , 000 . 00 and come in various sizes with depth of 4 feet . Moved by Barei , seconded by Clymer, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Moved by Stredicke , to amend the motion to include the Park Board in the referra. Motion seconded by Barei and amendment carried. original motion as amended carried. llr AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Phil Mahoney , Attorney from Seattle , Mr. Phil Mahoney inquired whether the Legislation and Public Safety joint committee meeting would be open to the public . Legislation Committee Chairman Perry advised the scheduled meeting was for committee discussion and that a public meeting will be held next week . Mr. Charles Eddie Mr . Taylor reminded the citizens of the blood Taylor, Blood Bank bank caravan on April 29 , from noon until 8 :00 p.m. at the Southcenter location. He noted his service and subsequent Chairmanship since inception of the program in 1944 and stressing great importance of the program, he urged car pool caravans among neighbors and friends with transportation to be pro- vided by the Eagles Lodge if needed. Mr. John Sargent Mr. John Sargent , 2016 Edmonds Avenue , Edmonds Street inquired regarding this improvement project Improvement Project and was advised the street improvement was authorized and post card survey will be conducted regarding underground wiring and Mr sewer facilities . ADJOURNMENT Moved by McKay , seconded by Maxin , to adjourn . The motion carried . There were 48 visitors in the Council Chamber this evening. The meeting adjourned at 9 :45 p.m . z" Helmie Nelson , City Clerk Avery Garrett , Mayor —6— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO.1V=EE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 4/27/70 00 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Board of Public Works 4/28/70 10:00 AM Del Bennett 4th Floor Conf. Rm. Meeting with Railroad Officials Code of Ethics 4/28/70 7:30 PM Grant 6th Floor Conf. Rm. Corrnmxnity Services and 4/29/70 7:30 PM Maxin 4th Floor Conf. Rm. Planning Commission (Joint Meeting) E ployment Cormaittee 4/30/70 9:00 AM Shane 6th Floor Conf. Rm. Legislation and Public 4/29/70 4:30 PM Perry 6th Floor Council City Attorney and Safety Cormnittee Office Police Chief Personnel and Cormmmi.ty 4/29/70 7:00 PM Stredicke 6th Floor Council Relations Office Public Works 5/4/70 7:00 PM Bruce Engineerts Office Re: Orillia Water Co. letter Transportation 4/30/70 7:30 PM Grant 4th Floor Conf. Rm. 129 April 27, 1970 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, APRIL 21, 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room L.I.D. #267 Installation of a Sanitary Sewer System, N.E. 12th Street to N.E. 20th Street between Jones Avenue N.E. and Aberdeen Avenue N.E. BID BIDDER BOND BID ALTER1WEE BID Allison Incorporated Bid 9917 Portland Avenue Bond $134,421.00 No Bid Tacoma, Washington 98445 Campbell Construction Co., Inc. 1 Bid 2702 50th N.E. Bond 204,226.52 No Bid Tacoma, Washington 98422 Coulee Construction Company, Inc. { Bid 738 Bellevue Avenue E. � Bond 1.13,267.23 711,582.58 Seattle, Washington 98102 i 1 i DeOrio Construction Company Bial 2821 South 200th Bond 163,264.50 No Bid Seattle, Washington 98188 King Construction Co. Bial 4521 South Bond Street Bond 184,228.80 No Bid Seattle, Washington 98718 McDonough Construction Co. Bid 13249 Northrup Way Bond 137,669.44 No Bid Bellevue, Washington 98004 Ben H. Parker Construction Bid 20333 15th Avenue N.E. Bond ' 133,897.58 134,251.95 Seattle, Washington 98155 Sleadts Septic Systems, Inc. Bid 2520 East 96th Bond 113,379.78 117,853.25 Tacoma, Washington 98445 T & E. Construction, Inc. Bid P. 0. Box 117 Bond ; 134,898.02 147,459.90 Seattle Heights, Washington 98063 Universal Utility Contractors Bid 2345 N. 187th Bond 123,860.10 1290671.85 Seattle, Washington 98133 0 April 27, 1970 CITY OF RENTON BID OPENING April 24 , 1970 10 : 00 AM Renton Municipal Bldg. BIDDER CITY VEHICLE NUMBER A-49 A-63 A-73 A-74 A-75 A-76 A-77 A-84 Ronald E . Heiret 20845 102nd S .E . Kent, Wash. UL2-1254 $360 . 00 L. O. Lund 16637 S .E . 17th Pl . Bellevue, Wash . $376 . 00 $355 . 00 $390 . 00 I . G. McLeod 14438 41st So. Seattle, Wash . $95 . 51 B . H . Phillips 14831 196th Pl . S .E. Renton, Wash. AL5-4654 $301 . 00 Joseph Raffle 539 Williams Ave . So. Renton, Wash . $300 . 00 Ronald E. Jensen 170 Monterey Pl . N.E . Renton, Wash. BA8-3310-272 $951 . 00 Robert M. Barnes 11052 S .E . 9th Bellevue, Wash . GL4-3477 $810 . 00 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4/27/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2284 $1,000.00 INTERPACE CORP. 1500 HOUSER WY. S LOCATE TEMP, TRAILERS 2285 300.00 JOHN SCHUCHARD 1708 ABERDEEN AVE. NE CONST. SUN DECK 2286 800.00 FLOYD & JEAN FIGGINS 4225 NE 19TH ST. CONST. DECK 2287 203000.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 1800 INDEX AVE. NE RELOCATE PORTABLES 2288 400.00 EMMETT L. SNIPES 2521 SMIi'HERS AVE. S ERECT FENCE, REAR YARD B 2289 20.00 ARTHUR GUSTAFSON 909 UNION AVE. NE INST. WIRE FENCE 2290 10,000.00 WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES MISC. REPAIRS 2291 250.00 C. P. MABRY 4141 NE SUNSET BLVD. REPAIRS 2292 18,000.00 GAYLE A HALSEN 1401 S 9TH ST. CONST. FAM. RESIDENCE 2293 250.00 GUNNAR OSTLUND 424 SW 13TH ST. EE14OLISH RESIDENCE B 2294 15000.00 LUMBER MARKET 2950 E VALLEY RD. INST, TEMP, BUILDING 2295 75000.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-60 BUILDING INST. WALLS ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2812 100.00 INI`ERPACE CORP. 1500 HOUSER WY. S CONNECT SERVICE 2813 621.00 STEER STEAK HOUSE 109 S 3RD ST. ALTER SERVICE 2814 135.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING RELOCATE FREEZER - TANK 2815 100.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-60 BUILDING INST. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2816 1,300.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY T.O. #40 E 2817 500.00 SCHRAM 309 MAIN AVE. S REWIRE OUTLETS & LIGHTS 2818 500.00 CITY OF RENTON LIBERTY PARK INST. UNDERGRIL WIRING 2819 495.00 MORASCH & SON 1704 BLAD\IE AVE. NE WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2820 130.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING SERVICE TO CONVEYORS 2821 250.00 BOEING COMPANY SUB #1 INSTALL CABLE BUS TIE E 2822 50.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-65 BUILDING SERVICE FOR CAMERA 2823 100.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-65 BUILDING INSTALL OUTLET 2824 250.00 BOEING COMPANY APRON "A° SERVICE FOR TRAILER MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2434 11400.00 KENNETH R. SCOTT 311 SUNSET BLVD. N INST. PROPANE TANK 2435 50.00 INTERFACE CORP. 1500 HOUSE WY, S INST. GAS PIPING 2436 50.00 INI'ERPACE CORP. 1500 HOUSER WY. S INST. GAS PIPING 2437 200.00 CHARLES STAHL 591 SW 4TH PL. INST. HEATER & GAS PIPE 2438 147.50 CLAYTON ANDERSON 909 EIlMONDS AVE. NE INST. GAS WAIL HEATER M 2439 150.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-21 BUILDING RELOCATE FREEZER - TAM 2440 5,954.00 DR. THOMAS MAXWELL 1920 S PUGET DR. HEATING & COOLING INST. 2441 500.00 STEVEN C. HALLEN 2831, 2833 NE 13TH ST. DIST. GAS HEATERS 2442 800.00 WASH. JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES INST, AIR CONDITIONER 2443 11,486.00 DR. THOMAS MAXWELL 1920 S PUGET D.R.. INST. PLBG. & FTX TURFS SEWER PERMITS S 1120 DON TILENDA 3623 S 37TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1121 FRANK WRIGHT 3504 SHATTUCK AVE. CONNECT SEVIER 132 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1970 . FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 84 ,169 . 07 Arterial Street Fund 10 ,779 . 81 City Street Fund 65 ,803. 82 Cedar River M. & I. 335 . 47 Equipment Rental Fund 12 ,371 . 14 Library 6 ,159 . 38 Parks 60 ,162. 48 Waterworks 131 ,552 . 13 Airport 817 . 22 Firemen 's Pension 6 ,689 . 93 378, 840 .45 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund 159 ,051 . 85 City Street Fund 34 ,421 . 50 Cedar River M & I 700 . 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,271 . 68 Library 10 ,599 . 47 Parks 28 ,399. 62 Waterworks Utility 24 ,706 . 51 Airport 1 ,728 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 $264 ,978 . 63 133 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 4 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY To approve Union Avenue storm sewer contract documents To approve Northern Pacific Railroad crossing permit and assignment MAYOR AND CITY CLERK - TO EXECUTE_ Union Avenue storm sewer contract documents Northern Pacific Railroad crossing permit and assignment LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Ordinances : 1 . Abandoned motor vehicles 2 . Emergency Ordinance appropriating funds for city shop building (May 18 hearing) Appropriation of $1 ,460 . 00 for Police Department copy machine COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE - *PLANNING COMMISSION & DEPARTMENT Harvey H. Campbell request for extension of Conditional Permit to locate rental trailers at 1404 S . W. 16th Street *Type Classification for water oriented properties (H-2 suggested) and possible special permit for other industrial areas to be allowed multiple housing with general removal from zoning ordinance PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Union Avenue storm sewer bids (Awarded McDonough Construction Co . ) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application for license to operate music machine in Dino ' s Bistro PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Petition for walkways and crosswalks in vicinity of new Talbot Hill Elementary School Renton Police Guild (Harold Caldwell , Pres . ) request to commence collective bargaining STREET COMMISSIONER Petition for walkways in vicinity of new Talbot Elementary School TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Petition for walkways in vicinity of new Talbot Elementary Schoo. Relocation or readjustment of rail service to Lande Feed Co . Lighting installations throughout the city (sodium vapor) PUBLIC HEARING : May 18 , 1970 - Emergency Ordinance for fund appropriation to cover new city garage facility BROCHURES ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK 'S OFFICE Capital Improvements Programming in Local Government Preliminary proposal for Countywide organization of Community Councils and alternate methods of staffing 134 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 4 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 5 : 00 p.m . by Council President Henry Schellert , Mayor Pro Tem , in the absence of Mayor Garrett who is attending Expo ' 70 in Japan . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , .Maxin , Stredicke , McKay ,Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer . Absent : Edwards . Moved by Stredicke seconded by Maxin , to excuse Councilman Edwards who had reported he would be out of town . Carried . Councilman Shane noted he had been ill with the flu last week which was .the reason for his absence . OFFICIALS AND CITY Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City DEPARTMENT HEADS Attorney , C . S . Williams , Chief of Police , Jack PRESENT Wilson , City Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by McKay , to approve Meeting of 4/27/70 the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 27 , as written . The motion carried . PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED REVISION OF ZONING ORDINANCE TO EXCLUDE Continued from MULTI-RESIDENTIAL USES IN INDUSTRIAL ZONED AREAS 4/20/70 and 4/6/70 This being the date set for continuation of the public hearing, reading of communications was invited by the Chair . Planning Commission letter was read recommending that no change be effected to the existing Zoning Ordinance at this time . Letter from J . H. Baxter Company , by Dean H. Brokaw , Dist . Sales Mgr . , objected to revision of the present ordinance , expressing concern that prohibiting residential uses in H-1 , L-1 and MP Districts will devalue the properties and prevent future development of the land to its highest and best use . Escalation of the property taxes now indicating that in a few years it would no longer be profitable to continue operations - a look to the future and reappraisal has caused reconsideration of intent for indefinite aperation ,and by all indications multiple family `lousing would seem to be the highest and best future use . Proposed changes would remove the existing right to develop the property, reducing market •value . Attention was called to the unique problem of the several businesses along the lake- front which comprise an isolated island of industry surrounded by apartments and residential property . It was requested that the unanimous recommendation of the Planning Commission be upheld. Alternate ... actions including exemption of M-1 or new classi - fication of H-2 , or delay for further study , were suggested until solution for resolving nroblems unique to the May Creek area might be attained . Letter from Barbee Mill Co . , Inc . , by Alex Cugini , Jr . , Secretary , expressed concern over the proposed Cn:7e amendment , it being felt the lake front area in the May Creek district is in a state of change and it is the feeling that the future best and highest use would be for a people-water oriented facility which development would be of benefit 135 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/4/70 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont . ) Proposed Revision to zoning Ordinance Barbee Mill Letter to the city if allowed potential development . Revision was protested as such change would forever condemn the property to industrial use; preclude future development of multi- family dwellings; decrease property value on tax rolls and create a burden on owners by devaluing the property. Reilly Tar & Chemical Letter from W. W. Roberts , Plant Manager, Corporation Letter noted adverssaffect of proposed change to s the zoning ordinance . With sale of Reilly Tar anticipated in the near future and appraisers statement that multi-family use is highest and best , industrial being second and commercial unlikely , he felt no change should be made and the Planning Commission recommendation be allowed to stand to allow gradual change in an orderly manner, locking in of an industrial use for many years to come not being desirable . Audience comment Speaking in support of their letters and on behalf of the various business concerns were Mr . Ward Roberts , of Reilly Tar & Chemical Co. , who noted businesses were creating a problem for the residential areas and vice versa . Pointing out factors involved, on a map in regard to this relationship, he added the owners desire a clean sale with no stigma of possible revision of use, prospective buyers being interested in residential development . Mr. Hugh A . Thompson , 14032 Woodinville-Redmond Hwy . , advised he had been retained to appraise Reilly Tar & Chemical properties , his conclusion taw being that the highest and best use was multiple residential ; that the industrial improvement adds nothing to the land and to lock in this use would depreciate the land value by 50% . Mr. Dean Brokaw, of J . H. Baxter Co . emphasized time and effort of the Planning Commission in its study: svch orderly change in the best in- terest of all property in this unique areayas well as the city . He outlined years of operation by various industry and subsequent development of .i surrounding areas by residential uses urging that the Planning Commission be upheld. i Stredicke urged the Commission recommendation be 4 turned down as there are other properties through- out the city to be affected and not just the lake front areas and it was felt some alternate action might be applied for the water oriented areas with unique problems . Shane noted access should be left to the water in any event . Mr . Roberts called attention to time being of the essence with .impending sale of Reilly Tar . Mr. Gene Brandzel , Attorney , for Reilly Tar Co. , noted urgency of the sale and stated actions tonight would determine use of the property it being felt the residential restriction would not be in best interest of owner nor the city . He added cooperation would be given the city at time necessary if alternate action is desired but requested no change at present . Mr . Jim Hanken , Attorney for J . H. Baxter Co . , stAted sky-rocketing taxes have caused re-evaluation -2- i 1 .� O TES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/4/70 PUBLIC HEARING : (Cont . ) Proposed Revision to Zoning Ordinance of operations with a view toward that of Reilly Tar and in support of that firm stated that di.fferen-�- conditions do exist with regard to this area and should be given due consideration and Commission recommenda- upheld. Motion by Clymer , to close the public hearing was duly seconded and carried. Stredicke opposed. Moved by Barei , seconded by Perry , to approve the Planning Commission recommendation with Ji referral to the Planning Commission and Planning Department of the matter of an H-2 Type Classi- fication the intent being to allow existing use for water oriented industry and for H-1 areas to allow multi-residential use by special permit . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Grant , to amend the motion to include referral to the Community Services Committee . Carried . Stredicke objected to granting outright blanket use and urged specific action to cover this area only . Maxin agreeing, moved that the Planning Commission report back within 60 days . Duly se-.onded and carried . The original motion to concur in the Planning Com- mission recommendation with referral of special classifications to the Planning Commission and Department and Community Services Committee was voted upon . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : Aye-6 : Schellert , Barei , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer . No-5 : Shane , Bruce , Grant , Maxin and Stredicke . The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING : Robert E. Petrin Appeal of Board of Adjustment denial of variance for sideline property setback . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . _Mr . Petrin requested that 3 ft . setback from side property line rather than required 5 ft . be allowed for purpose of addition to residence at 1413 Aberdeen Ave . N.E. (It was noted that 6 ft . iz required since this was a two-story addition) Mr. Petrin displayed a drawing of the proposed addition and noted locations of septic tanks were prohibitive to lay-out revision . He advised of desire to enlarge to accommodate his family and to provide adequate entrance and outlined size of rooms present ,and anticipated ,and problems the restrictions would impose with relationship to location of rooms and terrain if relocated. It would cost $2 ,000. 00 additional to build as required if variance were not granted . He asked that he no have to move but be allowed 'esi epi construction needed at this location ,where he and his family wished to remain and have a home pleasant and adequate, which the variance would insure . Mr . Ray Rosa 814 S. W. Langston confirmed that neighbors did not object to building proposal . Building Director Ruppert reported Board of Adjust- ment desire that in fulfilling ordinance requirement J and duties of the board no special privilege was to be given and hardship must be proven , room sizes only to be reduced in this instance . Mr. Petrin felt the room size would not be adequate , stairwell being unsuitably located . Moved by Shane , second by Delaurenti , the hearing be closed . Carried. Moved by Perry , seconded by Shane , to find hardship exists and grant the variance . Moved by Stredicke , second by Bart-•I to substitute motion that finding special conditionz.existy the variance be granted . Carried . -3- 137 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/4/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Proposed Ordinance- Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Abandoned Motor for first reading only , proposed ordinance Vehicles prohibiting the disposition or keeping of wrecked, junked, non-operating or discarded vehicles on streets , alleys , and private property; providing for the impounding of certain vehicles and the reclaiming thereof, and imposing penalties for the violation thereof. After introductory reading, it was moved by Perry , seconded by Stredicke , to refer the document back to Committee . The press was urged to publicize the matter. Motion carried . ORDINANCE NO. 2564 Ordinance was introduced authorizing appropria- tions of excess revenues , Current Fund, unto Data Processing Budgetary Account 1143 , Salaries and Wages , 110 , $6 ,040 . 00; and 130 , $1 ,000. 00; Maintenance and Operations , 200, $286 . 00; 201 , $286 . 00; 202 , $66 . 00; 203 , $50. 00; 204 , $12 . 00; and 402 , $1 ,160 . 00 . Total amount , $8 ,900. 00 . Moved by McKay , seconded by Perry , to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After final readings , it was Moved by Stredicke, seconded by McKay , to adopt the ordinance as read. Roll call vote resulted in ten ayes , Barei abstain- ing from the vote . Proposed Ordinance- Ordinance was placed on introductory reading, Emergency Funding declaring that an emergency exists and appropria- for City Shop Bldg. ting monies for the purpose of providing funds for the construction of the city shop building necessitated by such emergency . Moved by Stredicke r seconded by Bruce , to refer the document back to the Legislation Committee for the publication as required by law, with p.-blic hearing on May 18 . The motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1683 Resolution was read confirming agreement by the City of Renton , as purchaser of certain real property for use as a part of the Lake Wn . Beach project , (Dillingham Corp . property) , that upon receipt of monies from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Account of the General Fund of the State of Washington , the city shall be subject to obligations of the Project Agree- ment Contract between the two bodies . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Bruce , to adopt the Reso- lution as read . The motion carried . Moved by Maxin , duly seconded and carried, to recess for five minutes . Carried. After the recess roll call was taken with all present as previously listed except Grant . RESOLUTION 1684 Resolution was read authorizing fund transfer in sum of $2 ,085 . 00 ,for appraisal fees on park properties along Lake Wn . , from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1689 , Acquisition and Development of Park Sites unto Park Fund 1710 , Capital Outlay 605 , the expending budgetary account . Moved by McKay , seconded by Delaurenti , to adopt the Resolution as read . The motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Moved by Barei , duly seconded and carried that 7911 - 8026 and City of Renton Vouchers , LID Warrants #263 be LID Cash & Rev. approved for payment , warrants 8003+11 void. Fund #1 (263) The motion carried . -4- 138 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/4/70 Voucher Breakdown Current Fund 7911 - 7956 $ 10 ,713. 39 by Funds City Street Fund 7957 - 7974 14 ,001 . 37 Cedar River M. & I . 7975 278 . 16 Equipment Rental 7976 - 7988 1 ,603. 82 Park Fund 7989 - 8001 11500 . 00 Waterworks Utility 8002 - 8014* 23 ,036 . 41 Airport Fund 8015 - 8017 277. 24 r Firemen 's Pension 8018 - 8026 7 ,573. 18 Total All Funds $ 58, 979 . 46 i L. I.D. 263 Cash and Revenue #1 8 ,040. 87 ea . * Warrants 8003 4 8011 Void - ` COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Report of Bid City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of 15 bids Opening-Union Ave . and read tabulations ,as attached hereto , said Storm Sewer Trunk bid opening having been held on April 30 , 1970 . Moved by Barei , seconded by Stredicke , to refer the bids to the Public Works Committee. Carried. (See Committee report under Old Business) Application for Letter from R. M. Swenski , Dino 's Bistro, Music Machine requested license be granted to operate music License machine at said location . Moved by Barei , and seconded by Stredicke , to refer the application to the Public Safety Committee with power to act . The motion carried . Request of Letter from Mr . Harvey H. Campbell requested Harvey H. Campbell extension of his Conditional Use Permit to for Permit for locate rental trailers on his property at Trailers 1404 S. W. 16th Street . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Bruce , to refer the request to the Community Services Committee for report back . The motion carried. Petition for Letter from Thomas M. Forsythe , King County walkways in Talbot Councilman , submitted copy of petition from Elementary School residents in vicinity of Talbot Hill Elemen- area tary School , presently under construction , requesting safe walkways and crosswalks in the area prior to opening of the school . Copies of letters from various county depart- ments were attached noting that a portion of the area is in the City of Renton and a part in King County and noting May 19th election for annexation of this area to Renton , there was some doubt as to where and when to commence the project . Moved by Barei , duly seconded and carried , to refer the matter to the Street Com- missioner to coordinate efforts with the appropri- ate County parties involved, so the walkways will extend all the way to the school . Moved .by Stredicke seconded by Delaurenti , to amend the motion to include the Personnel and Community Relations Committee and the Transportation Committee , who have been working in this area on the annexation and election . Amendment carried and the original motion as amended. Water/Sewer Lines Jack- Wilson, City Engineer submitted for authority on Northern Pacific to ex2cute , Permit Agreement for waterline crossing-- Railroad right of wy. Kennydale area railroad right of wayjand assignment Kennydale area and of permit for sanitary sewer right of way crossing Renton Village area in vicinity of Renton Village . It was recommended the Mayor and City Clerk_ be authorized to sign the documents upon approval of same by the Citq Attorney . Moved by Bruce , seconded by Clymer , to concur. The motion carried . -r- y MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/4/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSKX9SS (Cont . ) Renton Police Letter from Mayor Garrett transmitted a Officer's Guild communication received from Officer Harold Request to Meet Caldwell , Pres . , Renton Police Guild,asking re Collective the city to begin collective bargaining Bargaining with them as soon as possible . Mayor Garrett requested referral to the Personnel and Com- munity Relations Committee . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Delaurenti , to concur and to include referral of all city salaries . Motion carried. g' U.S. Census Bureau Letter from Mary Davies , District Manager, ■.�. Thanks for Use of expressed thanks for use of facilifiies during City Facilities the training of personnel for the U.S. Census Bureau . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Kenneth Zehm, resident of the Rolling Hills area of the City , on behalf of the Home Owners Association , expressed appreciation for the new sodium vapor lights along Puget Drive which were felt to be a great improvement with regard not only to safety aspect but for prevention of vandalism as well . On behalf of the Pepperidge area as well as Rolling Hills admiration was expressed for the prompt apprehension of burglars 5 - 7 minutes within the crime. The Renton Officers and the Department were commended . OLD BUSINESS: Finance Committee Report of the Finance Committee recommended report on funding concurrence in request of the Police Chief for Police Dept . to appropriate excess State Aid to Cities copy machine funds for purchase of a new copy machine for the Police Department . Amount of $1 ,460.00 into Current Fund , Police Administrative 1181 , Machinery and Equipment 606 is required. Moved by Clymer , seconded by Delaurenti , to a"" concur with referral to the Legislation Com- mittee . Carried . Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted recommendation of Committee Report- the Public [ or Com,nitf,ee to accept the low Bid Award-Union bid of McDonough Construction Co . , Bellevue , Ave. Storm Sewer Wn . for Union Avenue N. E. storm sewer , in sum of $14 ,024 . 00 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents after approval by the City Attorney . Moved by Maxin , seconded by Clymer , to concur . Carried. Airport Board Councilman Stredicke moved that two additional attendance at members of the Airport Board be authorized to Las Vegas Confer- attend the American Assn . of Airport Executives ence in Las Vegas , May 11-14 , 1970 . It was noted funds have not been used over the years as budgeted and attendance was desired at this conference . The motion was seconded by Maxin and carried, subject of funding being discussed without further action . Lind Avenue Opening Councilman Delaurenti inquired when Lind Avenue would be officially opened and Traffic Engineer Del Bennett advised that the railroad crossing cannot be opened formally until lights have been installed which should be in the near future the railroad company not yet in receipt of the required equipment,reported according to information from meeting of last Tuesday with the Board of Public Works . Stredicke inquired regarding other plans of the Railroad Company since merger. (See new business remarks of Traffic Engineer Del Bennett . ) -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5./4/70 NEW BUSINESS Councilman Shane Remarks re Councilman Shane expressed his disapproval Cambodia at President Nixon ' s action in not securing Congressional approval to send troops into Cambodia , and he felt the Council should send a letter to this effect . Traffic Engineer ' s Traffic Engineer Del Bennett reported results Report ,as Board of of merger of the Great Northern Railroad Company Public Works and the NorthernPacific Railway Company , now Chairman , on to be called Burlington Northern , Inc.noting Railroad matters plans for removal of cracks from within the city in the near future now serving individual businesses and industries including Lande Feed Puget Sound Power and Light Company and Pacific Car & Foundry . Acquisition and/or relocation woulO allow elimination of the three lines .Among streets involved would be South 2nd Street, Rainier Avenue and Logan . Further discussion ensued regarding future plans for Logan-Smithers improvement , the Highway Department having been asked to consider budgeting for same , and city acquisition of Lande Feed being recommended . On Wednesday a meeting with representatives of the railroad company , Puget and the city will be held concerning possible relocation. The Council was invited to attend at 2: 30 p.m. at P. S. P . L. Auditorium . It was noted track re- moval was to be at no city expense , the right of way however , subject to purchase by the city . :loved by Stredicke , seconded by Clymer, the relocation of Lande Feed Co . or readjustment of rail delivery be referred to the Transportation Committee . The motion carried. The Council President was requested by Stredicke to write to Burlington Northern Inc. , expressing city favor at the swiftness with which it has moved toward improvement , and to direct a letter to Milwaukee Railroad Company for joint coopera- tion to remove tracks as expeditiously as possible . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Ken Zehm urged extension of the new type lighting into the new areas and replacement in the older residential areas as well . Traffic Engineer Bennett outlined the differences in the lighting systems and compared cost and desire for the sodium along arterials especially it being pointed out that spacing is different for the two types and if put on existing poles lighting would be different . Moved by Perry , seconded by Bruce , to refer Mr . Zehm 's suggestion and lighting matter in general to the Transporta- tion Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Perry requested a Secretary for the Public Hearing meeting at 5 : 00 p.m. on Thursday. (Legislation-Public Safety Committee Meeting) As there was no further business , it was moved by Stredicke , seconded by Perry , to adjourn . The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11 :15 p.m . 41, Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk Henry Vhjllert , Mayor Pro Tem -7- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 4, 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Sat. 5/9/70 10 : 00 AM Schellert Council Chamber Community Services ed. 5/6/70 7: 30 PM Maxin 6th Flr. Conf. Room Finance Edwards Legislation/ Public Safety Thurs. 5/7 5 : 00 PM Perry Council Chambers Massage Parlor Ordinance I Personnel & Community Wed. 5/6/70 7 : 00 PM 6th Flr. Conf . j Relations Stredicke Room Ii Public Safety (See Above) Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant Code of Ethics Committee Tues . 5/12 7 : 30 PM Grant 6th Flr. Conf. Room Cliamber of Corramerce and Tues . 5/5 7: 30 PM Stredicke Chamber of Com. Talbot Hill Personnel & Community Relations Annexation 142 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, APRIL 30, 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Installation of Storm Sewer Trunk in Union Avenue Northeast, N.E. 4th Street to N.E. Sunset Blvd. CORRECTED BELO'sd i-x BIDDER BID BOND BID A & M Construction Company, Inc. Bid Bond $17,196.70 P. o. Box 387 Mercer Island, Washington 98040 ; $17,096.70 F. A. Breda Bid Bond 16,891.00 P. 0. Box 88847, Tukwila Branch Seattle, Washington 98188 Debrio Construction Company Bid Bond 28,140.00 2821 South 200th Seattle, Washington 98188 4 E. P. & N. Construction Company Bid Bond 19,604.88 20014 - 13th Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98148 G & S Construction, Inc. Bid Bond 15,020.10 2122 East 91st Tacoma., Washington 98445 King Construction Company Bid Bond 1 19,162.10 4521 South Bond Street Seattle, Washington 98118 McDonough Construction Company Bid Bond 14,024.00 13249 Northrup Way Bellevue, Washington 98004 Moss Construction Inc. Bid Bond 18,405.80 P. o. Box 37 Zenith, Washington 98188 Pacific Paving Company, Inc. Bid Bond + 17,471.00 121 South River Street Seattle, Washington 98108 Ben H. Parker Construction Bid Bond 18,543.00 20333 15th Avenue N.E. Seattle, Washington 98155 Keith Peterson & Son Bid Bond 20,295.00 3115 South 8th Tacoma, Washington 98405 $21,235.00 is* J Reliable Construction Bid Bond I 17,559.70 P. 0. Box 9293 Seattle, Washington 98109 Shamrock Construction Inc. i Bid Bond 17,291.00 13730 Cascadian Way Everett, Washington 98201 r Routley - LaValley Cashier's 17,556.58 2300 N.E. 10th Place Check $17,356.58 Renton, Washington 98055 Trohoff, Inc. Bid Bond 25,787.48 13300 S.E. 30th Street Bellevue, Washington 98004 143 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5/4/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2296 $ 350 . 00 WILLIS J QUINLIVAN 438 WILLIAMS AVE S LINK & BOARD FENCE 2297 -- WALTER E FISLER 223 TAYLOR AVE NW DEMOLISH RESIDENCE O 2298 150 . 00 ERICH TIM 1749 WHITMAN AVE NE CONSTRUCT SUN DECK 2299 8, 000. 00 RICHARD GIOVI 601 RAINTER AVE N ADDITION TO SHOP B 2300 1, 900. 00 DONALD R AUGUSTON 912 SUNSET BLVD NE 2CAR GARAGE 2301 1, 250 . 00 DONALD GOUGE 4108 LK WASH BLVD N DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2302 500 . 00 JOHNSON GROCERY 251 FACTORY AVE N FLOOR & PARTITION 2303 336 . 00 HAROLD MOBLEY 500 INDEX AVE NE ERECT FENCE 2304 285 . 00 MRS I HJORTHOL 351 THOMAS AVE SW ERECT FENCE ELE CrRICAL PERMITS E 2825 VOID 2826 400 . 00 JOHNSON' S GROCERY 251 FACTORY AVE N OVERHAUL CIRCUITS 2827 8 ,400 . 00 DR THOMAS E MAXWELL 1920 S PUGET DR WIRE CLINIC BLDG 2828 1, 025 . 00 RENTON VILLAGE CO 15 S GRADY WAY EXIT LIGHTS 2829 600 . 00 WIRE TO $41 E 2830 500 . 00 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 410 WELLS AVE S CONDUIT, WIRING, ETC 2831 230. 00 ROBERT HANCHEROFF 340 MORRIS AVE S WIRE CLINIC MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2444 150 . 00 R W HANCHEROFF 340 MORRIS AVE S PLUMBING & FIXTURES M 2445 147 . 50 TERRY STEPHENS 655 SHELTON AVE NE INST HEATER 2446 370. 00 CLYDE C BARFIELD 233 UNION AVE NE PLUMBING & FIXTURES 2447 700 . 00 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 1002 N 31st ST " ?448 100 . 00 RICHARD BERKEY 2321 NE 10th ST PIPE TO MAIN LINE x.1449 80. 00 ROBERT THURMAN 1704 WHITMAN AVE NE INSTALL HOOD M 2450 1, 124 .00 BRODELL & BRODELL 1018 SHELTON AVE SE PLUMBING & FIXTURES 2451 1, 100 . 00 JOHN M DENNIS, JR 1615 EDMONDS AVE NE of 2452 400 . 00 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 1002 NORTH 31st FURNACE & HEATING SIGN PERMITS S 024 1, 500 . 00 GOV MART BAZAAR 705 RAINIER S WALL SIGN SEWER PERMITS 1122 PHYLLIS BYRD 1709 T,;C;IROE 'll" NE INSTALL SEWER 1123 HIGHLINE BLDG CO 4224 EAST VALLEY RD INSTALL SEWER 144 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Office of City Clerk REGULAR MEETING May 11 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY ENGINEER AND DEPARTMENT To report validity of petition for vacation of extension of Whitman Court N. E. Plans and specifications for watermain L. I.D. in vicinity of S.W. 43rd and SR 181 now served by Orillia Water District COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE Resolution adopted by Tacoma re oil exploration permit requested for i Puget Sound area Subject of parks being developed by King County in vicinity of Renton to relieve pressure on local facilities , also possible additional uses of school playgrounds and property . LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Appropriation by Ordinance of $1 ,600 . 00 for overtime pay due police officers in responding to Mutual Aid Agreement call , to be funded from excess State Aid moneys MAYOR City to have representative at public hearing June 9, King County Court House in objection to renewal of permit for Red Samm Mining ' operations (Starkovich Pit at Devil 's Elbow) Renton 's share of Metro bus system study , $7 ,265 .55 to be included in 1971 budget PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Subject of Christian Coffee .House in Renton PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL Requested to advise Mr . Harvey Campbell that recommendation regarding Conditional Permit extension request will be before the Council on May 18 . PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications for Music Machine and Coin Type Pool Table licenses for Soft Sams , 675 Garden Avenue Mutual Aid and Council responsibility in event of local or national disaster PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Frank N. Young, Jr . request for Late-Comers Agreement for storm and sanitary sewers at 343 Union Ave . N. E. for Prairie Market Petition for watermain L.I.D. in vicinity of S.W. 43rd and SR181 , now served by Orillia Water District . APPOINTMENT i Mr . Jack O. Washburn , Fire Civil Service Commission , effective to January 1 , 1975 i I I r i Ii i i 1 I 1 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL 145 REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 11 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8 : 00 p .m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building, by Council President , Henry Schellert , Mayor Pro Tem. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Grant , Stredicke , McKay , i� Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer. Absent : Barei who arrived shortly after the roll call , Shane who arrived later in the meeting, Maxin , Bruce and Edwards . President Schellert advised that Bruce had called in ill and Maxin and Edwards were out of town . Moved by McKay , seconded by Stredicke , to excuse the latter three . Moved by Barei , seconded by Grant , to include all absent members . The amendment carried and the original motion as amended . OFFICIALS AND Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M . Shellan , City DEPARTMENT HEADS Attorney , C . S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack IN ATTENDANCE Wilson , City Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Panning Director , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Joe Mathews , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL Moved by Grant , seconded by Perry , to approve t_}e Meeting of 5/4/70 minutes of the previous meeting of May 4 , 1970 as written . The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance No . 2565 Ordinance read 5/4/70, prohibiting the abandonment 1st reading 5/4/70 of motor vehicles ; restricting the disposition or Abandoned motor keeping of wrecked , junked, non-operating or dis- vehicles carded vehicles on streets , alleys and private property; providing for the impounding of certain vehicles and reclaiming thereof, and imposing penalties for the violation thereof, was submitted Moved by Perry , seconded by Stredicke , to place the document on second and final reading. The motion carried . After the final reading, it was moved by Barei , seconded by McKay , to adopt the ordinance as read . Roll call vote resulted in all ayes . Motion carried unanimously . Ordinance No. 2566 Ordinance was read providing for holding of a Elections relating primary and general election relating to the to re-organization re-organization of the City's Municipal Government of government under the Mayor-Council plan as specified in Chapter 35A . 12 of the Revised Code of Washington . Moved by Delaurenti , second by McKay , to authorize second and final readings . Carried . After final reading , it was moved by Perry , seconded by Stredicke , to adopt the ordinance as read . Roll r.. call vote resulted in seven ayes and one no , Schellert Opposing . The motion carried. Ordinance No. 2567 Ordinance read authorizes appropriation of Appropriating funds— $1 ,460 . 00 from excess State Aid to Cities , Police Dept . copy Current Fund, unto Police Administrative #1181 , machine 606 , Machinery and Equipment , to fund copy machine for the police department . Moved by McKay , second by Clymer , to place the document on second and final readings . Carried . -1. 146 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/11/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Ordinance No. 2567 After second and final readings , it was moved Funding copy machine by Delaurenti , seconded by Stredicke , to adopt the ordinance as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes . Motion carried unanimously . Resolution No . 1685 Proposed Resolution was read authorizing loan Authorizing Loan from the Firemen ' s Pension Fund of the City of for City Shop Bldg. Renton in sum of $36 ,000. 00 for benefit of the Current Fund , to bear interest of 6% per annum and to be repaid not later than 12/31/71 , to replace city shop building which has been con- demned as unsafe . Moved by Delaurenti , second by McKay , to adopt as read . Carried . VOUCHER APPROVAL Auditing and Accounting Committee Member Barei 8027 - 8160 reported approval of vouchers and moved that the Council approve same at this time . The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and c r .ed. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 8027 - 8067 $ , City Street 8068 - 8084 13 , 797 . 59 Cedar River M&I 8085 - 8087 43. 35 Equipment Rental 8088 - 8104 5 ,676 . 32 Library Fund 8105 - 8108 473 . 32 Park Fund 8109 - 8134 7 ,180. 44 Waterwks . Util . 8135 - 8153 60 ,."28 Airport Fund 8154 - 8160 Total All Funds $ COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Acceptance and Letter from Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Final Payment recommended acceptance and final payment to CAG 1602-69 , Signal Electric for work completed on Bronson Bronson Way/So. Way and South 2nd Street traffic signal project , 2nd Traffic Signals in sum of $4 ,079 . 32. Commencement of 30-day lien period was also recommended with full fund release if no liens or claims are filed against the project . Moved by Clymer, seconded by Barei , to concur in mod the recommendations . The motion carried. Boat Marina Grand Letter from Councilman Stredicke called attention Opening-Des Moines to attached newspaper section publicizing grand opening of 771 boat marina to be operated by the City of Des Moines , aided in construction by a federal loan to be repaid by revenue from the operation . Mr . Stredicke noted it took 8 years to realize this installation , and acknowledging capital improvement plans and anticipated EDA funding projected in the Renton program, it was urged that the city commence action . Park Director Coulon outlined proposals for such program noting land of considerable size is required which con- templated acquisition of additional properties may, if consumated, allow for such to be r,:alized for Renton . Moved by McKay , seconded by Stredicke , to refer this letter and subject to the Park Board for report back . Motion carried. Petition for Street Petition submitted by abutting property owners vacation (Whitman Ct . of the northerly undeveloped extension of Whitman N. E. ) Ct . N. E. (formerly 134th Ave . S. E. ) lying north of the Honey Dew Estates Sub-division , requested vacation of the subject street , apartment complex to be developed abutting said right-of-way . $100 . 00 fee was filed with the petition as required. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Delaurenti , to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check validity of signature ownerships and report back . The motion carried. -2- 147 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/11/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Request for Late- Letter from Mr . Frank N. Young , Jr . , Prairie Comers Agreement Market , 343 Union Ave . N . E . , requested that For Storm Sewer- Late-comers Agreement be granted for storm Sanitary Sewer on and sanitary sewer installations on property Union Avenue N. E . being developed for business , store grand opening anticipated in late August . Moved by Shane , seconded by Clymer , to refer the request to the Public Works Committee to report back . The motion carried. rr.. Board of Public Letter from Mr. Del Bennett , Chairman , Works Report and reported review by the committee of open Recommendations pit mining sites in the City which revealed re open pit mines numerous safety problems in addition to the destruction of natural terrain . The Board is preparing an ordinance revision to require safety precautions and aesthetic preservation however , in the meantime , it is recommended that no permits or renewals for surface mining operations be issued until the proposed code revisions have been reviewed by the Council . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Grant , to concur . Carried. Board of Public Chairman Del Bennett reported that the petition Works report re would extend one previously submitted and it petition for LID was recom-,-;ended the two areas be combined to for Watermain , form one L . I .D. , both areas presently being served by the Orillia Water Company . It was further recommended a resolution be adopted to create such LID with referral of the matter to the Engineering Department for plans and specifications . (Location in vicinity of S. W. 43rd and SR 181 . ) Moved by Shane , seconded by McKay , to refer the matter to the Public Works .�. Committee . Moved by Stredicke and seconded by Clymer to concur in the recommendations . The Chair ruled motion to refer takes precedence and motion to refer was stated to be before the body . Shane urged assessment be considered on such improvements , any extension of line costing the city money . The motion carried. Board of Public Letter from Chairman Bennett noted request by Works report re Red Samm for extension of unclassified Use Permit Red Samm Mining for six year duration for operation at Starkovich Pit near Devil ' s Elbow in Renton and public hearing set for Tuesday , June 9 , Rm. 402 , King County Court House . Objections or comments from the City must be received by the County in writing no later than May 19 . It was recommended the City object to the permit and file same accordingly , access to the pit being through single family residential area and also directly in front of three separate schools which route constitutes a traffic safety problem. Said route also has resulted in damage to city streets and maintenance costs not covered in original bond. These streets were not built to handle truck traffic but minimum volume resi- dential traffic only . Moved by Clymer , seconded by Perry , to concur. The motion carried. Moved by Stredicke , duly seconded and carried, to refer the subject action to the Mayor ' s office so the city has a representative at the public hearing . -3- A48 TES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/11/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Auburn-Bothell On file in the City Clerk 's office is publi- Highway Study cation entitled Phase 1 , Study Design , Auburn- Bothell Highway Study prepared by consultants for the Wn . State Legislature Joint Committee on Highways . Proposed legisla- Letter from Chester Biesen , Executive Director , tion resisting Assn . of Wn . Cities , submitted proposed oil exploration Resolution recently adopted by Tacoma regarding (permit)in Puget oil leases on Puget Sound,all cities , towns , Sound counties and communities urged to likewise oppose State efforts to carry out intention to permit oil explorations in the waters of Puget Sound. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Clymer , to refer the matter to the Community Services Committee . Carried. Perry submitted like document ,adopted by Everett ,to the Chairman . State Hwy . Dept . Letter from the Wn . State Hwy . Commission , Mr . letter re freeway George D. Zahn , Chairman , acknowledged receipt landscaping of Resolution No. 1679 and reported investiga- tion of the problem of landscaping SR405 in Renton . Hostile environment to promoting good plant growth was noted to be one of the main areas of landscaping program deterrents, but with changes in plans to insure initial installa- tion and continued maintenance and appropriate growth ,now under review, bid call is anticipated as soon as redesign can be accomplished and patience was requested in the meantime . Application for Letter from C . R . Worthington , owner of Soft Music Machine and Sams , 675 Garden Avenue requested that Acme Coin-op pool table Amusement Co . , Inc. be granted license to licenses operate music machine and Joey Investors , Inc . a license for four coin-type pool tables at said location . Moved by Clymer, seconded by Perry , to refer the requests to the Public Safety Committee with power to act . Carried. Mayor pro tem recom- Letter from Mayor nro tem Schellert advised mending funding for of call last week to implement Mutual Aid Agree- Mutual Aid Overtime ment provisions augmenting the Seattle Police and King County Sheriff' s Department which re- quired 213 hours of overtime duty by Renton Police Officers between May 5 and May 10 , 1970. Since this was unanticipated in the 1970 Budget it was recommended that $1 ,600 . 00 be appropriated from excess State Aid to Cities money into the Police Department , Salaries and Wages and related benefit accounts , Current Fund. Moved by Perry , seconded by Stredicke , to concur with referral to the Legislation Committee . Carried. Proposed motion by Shane died for lack of second, to pay all city employees who were on standby call . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Jim Palosaari , 4037 4th N. E. , Seattle was introduced,and in turn introduced Mr . Robert Cramer, 1051 Edmonds Ave . N . E. , Renton and Jerry Murphy , R . 3 , Box 263 , Snohomish , Wn . and expressed his interest in opening in the City of Renton a Christian Coffee House where young people might stop in who have problems Wo whether it be delinquents , drug, communication etc. and have a chance at straightening out their lives with a view of betterment being offered through Christian movement . Areas of the country with coffee houses presently in operation were noted and results of such effort outlined along with contributory funding factors , and function without motive or profit but to get the kids off the streets , offering free coffee , donuts and a place to work out problems . -4- b MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/II/Jv4 9 AUDIENCE COMMENT (Cont . ) Christian Coffee Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Perry, the House subject of a Christian Coffee House be re- ferred to the Personnel and Community Re- lations Committee. Carried. Mr. Tom Fennell , 2117 N.E. 6th Place , Renton , urged support of the Coffee House program,noting as Deacon at Highline , he works with young people and frustration from lack of dialog with the older element is evident , the younger people being able to establish rapport and talk with them about God and get them to realize the need r.r for change . He felt the Christian coffee houses do work and that the program is a proponent of the good and that there is a need for the program in Renton . APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Jack O. Washburn to the Fire Civil Service Com- mission to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of 14r . Don Emmons , effective upon confirmation and expiring 1/1/1975. Personnel and Community Relations Committee report was read recommending concurrence in the appointment . Moved by Delaurenti , and seconded by Perry , to concur. Carried. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Barei requested Police Chief Williams to look into the operation of the Coffee Houses in Seattle and secure opinions . Community Services Recommendation for denial of extension of Committee Report Conditional Use Permit request of Harvey H. to deny extension Campbell to have rental trailers on property of conditional use at 1404 S. W. 16th Street was read. Moved by permit for rental Stredicke , seconded by McKay, to concur. It trailers was noted the party was not present when the Committee met and it was moved by Grant with second by Shane , to table the matter for one week so the gentleman with the problem may be invited to meet with the committee . voice vote was dissenting and roll call was requested resulting as follows : Ayes-5 : Clymer, Perry, Delaurenti , Grant and Shane . No-4 : Schellert , McKay , Stredicke and Barei . The motion carried. Stredicke requested the President contact the party in question and advise that the matter will be before the council next week. i Committee of the Reporting on referral of 4/20/70, funding of Whole Report Renton 's share for bus system study, $7,265 . 55 , Metro Invoice for the committee recommended approval of the pay- Bus System Study ment with referral to the Mayor for inclusion $7 ,265 . 55 in the 1971 budget . Moved by Delaurenti , and seconded by Stredicke, to concur. Carried. During discussion inquiry was made as to mode of assessment which was felt not equitable in comparison with other municipalities and matter of setting precedent also. Mr. Larry Coffman Metro Transportation Coordinator, recalled the meetings and attendance by Renton representatives , pursuant to participation in Metro,' by the city , noting presentation was made to each city for sharing of the subject cost with no committment by individuals heretofore having been made, any deficit from non-payment to be borne by the operating budget of his office. The pending motion to budget Renton 's share in the 1971 Health Service carried. Attention was called to Health Service Statement Assessment and formula on per capita vs . valuation 7.,hich is under study at present, account of servic to be rendered being desired. 5- J 150 MZNUrZS - RESTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/11/70 NEW BUSINESS Community Service Mr. Joe Mathews , who is leaving city employ , Award to Mr . Joe was commended by the City Council at this Mathews time for good and loyal service to the City during the past year while serving as the Administrative Assistant to the Mayor . In recognition of his hard work and efficiency , it was moved by Barei and duly seconded by the members , that Council authorize the presentation of a Community Service Award placque to Mr. Mathews . The motion carried unanimously . Unemployment In view of local unemployment problems , it was moved by Shane , seconded by Barei , that no employees be hired by the City except residents of Renton . .( Attention was called to provisions of the Civil Service Regulations which allow otherwise .) Discussion ensued in regard to summer youth programs and hiring of students and young people on temporary basis . Clymer speaking against the motion did not feel the best qualified help could always be secured locally noting newly hired candidate from Oregon . Grant stated this to be an Ad- ministrative matter and not within the juris- diction boundaries of council authority . The motion was subsequently voted upon and lost . Park use by other Councilman Shane called attention to Park use than city residents by other than city residents specifically noting little league teams and lack of adequate space with half the people using the facilities being outside residents . Calling attention to Forward Thrust Bond issue passage he wonders why the County has not developed any areas around Renton in the 2 year interim so the problem might be alleviated and leave adequate provision for the people of the city . Also t e sero;:-] district has land and playground area which might be utilized and investigation of the matter was requested with the council sending a letter to King County in this regard and to the school district . Motion proposed by Stredi -:ke to refer the subject of Parks in the Renton vicinity of the County and the matter of school playground use be referred to the Parks and Recreation Com- mittee was debated with regard to whether there is still such a committee since adoption of the new 7-committee ordinance . Moved by Barei , seconded by Clymer , to refer the subject under discussion to the Community Services Committee . The motion carried. i Mutual Aid in Councilman Stredicke iniuired concerning aid event of disaster program in event of national or local disaster and moved that the matter be referred to the Public Safety Committee and the Mayor 's office . The motion was seconded by Grant and carried . Attention was called to Civil Defen,Ge Program in the City and that Council has the duty to report to the Municipal Building for orders . loved by Stredicke , seconded by McKay , to adjourn . Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :55 p.m. There were 28 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk enrg S ellert , Mayor pro tem -6- 151 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5/11/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 2305 $320,000.00 CITY OF RENTON --DAR RIVER PARK CONSTRUCT THEATRE 2306 31000.00 JOHN POMPEO 2621 SUNSET BLVD, NE REMOVE INT, OF BLDG, 2307 20,000.00 DR. THOMAS MAXWELL 1920 S PUGET DR. FINISH 1ST FLOOR 2308 75.00 PATSY VISCONTE 3419 NE 6TH PL. CONST, BLOCK WALL 2309 750.00 S & Y C0mPANY 341 UNION AVE. NE DEMOLISH HOUSE & SHEDS ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2832 50.00 ADELE M. HOWARD 2117 NE 16TH ST. LIGHTING FOR GARAGE 2833 140.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-54 BUILDING INST. HARNESS MAKER 2834 4,000.00 BOEING COMPANY SUB #1 RELOCATE TRANSFORMER 2835 200.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INSTALL COMPUTOR 2836 700.00 JIM FRANKLIN 2214 NE 9TH PL. NEW SERVICE E 2837 230.00 ALFRED ENGELAND 2914 NE 6TH ST. MOVE METER BOX 2838 135.00 TED LAVALLEY 2300 NE 10TH PL. INST, 200 AMP SERVICE 2839 280.00 DOC HANDLEY 1317 EDMONDS AVE. NE ADD CIRCUITS 2840 140.00 DAROLD C. CARRELL 3525 NE 6TH PL. WIRING 2841 21000.00 GILLS ENTERPRISES 603 S 2ND ST. INST, NEW SERVICE E 2842 430.00 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION CO. 1002 N 31ST ST. WIRE NEW FAMILY RES. MECHANICAL PLTZM ITS M 2453 600.00 FRED SQUIRE 4213 NE 10TH ST. INST, PLBG, FIXTURES 2454 100.00 RAYMOND ROBINSON 2412 NE 23RD ST. RELOCATE WTR, HEATER SIGN PERMITS r.. S 025 110.00 SEWING MACH. :SERV, CO. 309 MAIN AVE. S INSTALL WALL SIGN 026 300.00 RENTON GOLF RANGE 2000 LK, WASH. BLVD, N INSTALL ROOF SIGN 027 100.00 CHARLES SHAME 125 SW 7TH ST. INSTALL ROOF SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1124 FIGON 4444 SUNSET BLVD, NE CONNECT SEWER 1125 KENNYDALE METH, CHURCH 3009 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1126 KENNYDALE METH. CHURCH 3005 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1127 MARK PUHICH 1020 N 30TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1128 J. MANCE 15906 96TH AVE. S CONNECT SEWER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t� COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 11 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION RF,MARKS ComQnittee of the Whole Thurs . 5/14 4 : 30 PM Schellert Council Chamber Community Services Maxin Finance i;d4:ards i Legislation i P(-rry Personnel & Community ) Relations ) Thurs . 5/14 7 : 30 PM St1 -11ckt, 6th Floor Police Guild Contract (Public Safety Committee) Conference Poom Proposals Public Safety (See Above) Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant Code of Ethics Tues . 5/12 7 : 30 PM Grant 6th Floor Boeing Company Code of Conference Roor Ethics and Procedures for Boeing Co. Emp . Richland Ordinance 153 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 18, 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Universal "911 " Emergency Telephone System Study COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE Non-conforming trailer use in vicinity of Longacres BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Petition for vacation of Whitman Court N. E . (formerly 134th Ave . S.E. ) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Vacation of Whitman Court N. E . Alva C. Long letter urging revision to laws concerning public intoxication arrest and trial and bail forfeiture when riding in automobile other than own which may be involved in an accident Resolution accepting grade of SR 181 Fund appropriation from excess revenues in the current fund to cover costs of closing abandoned buildings in Tiffany Park area PLANNING COMMISSION Vacation of Whitman Court N. E . (formerly 134th Ave . S.E. ) PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Amendment to South Renton Metro Sewer Trunk Line Agreement to allow �— Late-Comers provision EVENTS : May 22 and 23 , 1970 - American Legion Memorial Poppy Days June 9 , 1970 - King County Court House - Hearing on Red Samm Mining Permit extension . May 23 , 1970 - 11 :00 a .m. Orillia Bridge Dedication 1541 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 18 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p .m. by Mayor Avery Garrett in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. PLDEGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer . Absent : Edwards and Maxin . Council President Schellert reported Maxin is out of town and Edwards had reported he would not be able to attend . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Shane , to excuse the absent members . The motion carried . OFFICIALS AND CITY Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City DEPARTMENT HEADS Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack PRESENT Wilson , City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , M. Deane Seeger, Administra- tive Asst . to the Mayor , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to approve Meeting of 5/11/70 the minutes of the previous meeting as mailed out . The motion Carried . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , the hearing was opened Appropriating funds and since there was no audience comment nor for temporary shop communications to be read , the ordinance was building - Ordinance placed on second and final reading, introductory No . 2568 $36 ,000 . 00 reading having been held on 5/4/70 . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer , to adopt the ordinance as read . Roll call vote resulted in 9 ayes and 1 no , Stredicke opposing. Carried . Ordinance No . 2569 Ordinance was read fixing amount , form, date , L . I. D. 264 , Sale of interest and rate of maturity of installment Installment Note to note , directing the issuance and sale thereof Firemen 's Pension unto the City of Renton Firemen ' s Pension Fund , Fund pertaining to Local Improvement District 264 . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Bruce , to place the document on second and final readings . The motion carried . After final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Clymer, to adopt the Ordinance as read . Roll call vote resulted in all ayes . The motion carried. Resolution No . 1686 Proposed Resolution was read releasing City City release of of Renton interest in the old Orillia Bridge interest in Orillia located in proximity of West Valley Highway Bridge- Sat . , May 23 and South 180th Street (SW 43rd Street) Moved 11 : 00 a..m. New by Delaurenti , seconded by McKay , to adopt the bridge dedication Resolution as read. Motion carried . VOUCHER APPROVAL Moved by Schellert , seconded by Shane , City of No . 8161 - 8258 Renton Vouchers be approved for payment at this time . The motion carried . Fund breakdown Current Fund 8161 - 8195 $ 8 , 743 . 74 Arterial Street 8196 742. 80 City Street Fund 8197 - 8210 5 ,105 . 98 Equipment Rental 8211 - 8224 1 ,062. 97 Library Fund 8225 13 . 60 Park Fund 8226 - 8240 10,642. 25 Waterworks Util . 8241 - 8254 4 ,512. 00 Airport Fund 8255 - 8257 1 ,016. 93 Urban Arterial 8258 78 . 65 Total $31 ,918 . 92 155 MINUTES 5/18/70 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Metro sewer trunk Letter from City Engineer Wilson noted Metro line agreement south Renton trunk line was intended to serve amendment-So . Renton , abutting property.. owners , allowing direct to allow Late-Comer connections to the line , and Metro wishes to be cost recovery bu reimbursed by benefitted owners at the time of Metro such connections by an amount equal to one-half the cost_ of 8-inch sewer line , amendment to existing agreement to be required to establish such procedure , costs based upon LID 264 costs . It was recommended the amendment ,w. hich has been reviewed by the City Attorney and interested departments , be referred to the appropriate Council Committee for recommendation . Moved by Shane , seconded by Schellert , to concur with referral to the Public Works Committee . Carried. Request for No-Fee Letter from Mrs . Loma Taylor, 1104 Shelton Ave . Permit for Annual N. E. , Renton , requested No-Fee Permit for Fred American Legion Hancock Post #19 , American Legion Auxiliary of Poppy Sale Renton , to conduct annual poppy sale in Renton May 22 and 23, and Proclamation designating American Legion Memorial Poppy Day . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Perry , to grant the requestS. The motion carried. Engineer ' s report City Engineer Jack Wilson reported vacation on petition for petition filed 5/11/70 was signed by owners vacation of Whitman representing 100% of the footage abutting the Court N. E. street , undeveloped portion of Whitman Court N . E. (formerly 134th Ave . S.E. ) lying north of Honeydew Estates . Moved by Schellert , second by Shane , to refer to the Legislation Committee for Resolution setting hearing. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert , to amend to set June 8 * as date for the hearing. Amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Shane , to refer the petition to the Planning Commission and Board of Public Works for report . Carried. *The City Clerk expressed concern regarding the ti_rialiness of the date proposed , which it was noted would be given due consideration by the committee , legal requirement to be met . Board of Public Chairman Del Bennett reported the Board of Works Report - Fire Public Works has no objection to annexation Dist . 25 annexation by Fire District No . 25 of additional area of area in Maplewood (Maplewood Addition) boundary being corrected Addition vicinity and now contiguous . Moved by Shane , seconded by Bruce , to approve the report and record no objection to the proposal . Carried . Legislation for Letter from Mr . Alva C. Long expressed concern revision to laws regarding present legislation , citing examples concerning public of what he felt to be inequitable arrest pro- intoxication cedure when an individual might be riding in an automobile other than his own and be involved in an accident and be arrested for intoxication . Support was requested of the Council in possible revisions to prevent such situation . Moved by Perry , seconded by Barei., to refer the letter to the 47th Legislati*.re District Senator and Legislators . Moved by Stredicke , second by Clymer , to refer to the City ' s Leqislation Committee ,aiso . Amendment carried , Barei opposing urging referral to the Public Safety Committee . Original motion as amended carried . -2- 1�4 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/18/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Wn . State Hwy . Letter from W. C. Bogart , PE, Dist . Engineer . Resolution for Wn . State Highway Commission , submitted pro- SR 181 Grade posed Resolution adopting the grades of SR 181 Acceptance by from So . 178th Street to Green River Inter- City of Renton change , portion of which is in the City of Renton . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay, to refer the matter to the Legislation Committee for necessary legislation . Carried. Universal 911 Letter from Mayor Garrett submitted copy of Emergency Telephone 911 Emergency Services Telephone System Study System Study and requested authorization for execution. Moved by Perry , seconded by Bruce, to concur . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Shane , to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole for further discussion . Cost to the City was discussed along with line and service extension data after which the motion to refer to committee a carried . c PROCLAMATION Proclamation by Mayor Garrett declared May 22 and E American Legion 23 , 1970 to be American Legion Memorial Poppy R Memorial Poppy Days Days in Renton all citizens being called upon to observe remembrance of the heroic sacrifices of many in the defense of freedom . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Delaurenti , to concur. The motion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Jim Wade inquired regarding provisions of the dog leash law with respect to animal being James E. Wade with the children and not on leash and age of 3309 S.E. 5th chili under whose control the dog might be Renton , Wn . hardship 2nd and 3rd offense fines may cause; Dog Leash Law running at large in parks , beach, playground, etc. and appeal provisions for trial in defense of rights . City Attorney Shellan outlined legal aspect that animal must be leashed unles other- wise under control by responsible individual which an 8 year old child may not be; that the animal may not run at large on public or private properties unless under control by owner; and protest may be registered and trial demanded . Mr . Wade noted in their area most of the residents have animals that play with the children in the neighborhood and no one objects and that he feels his children are protected from other dogs as well as from strangers by being accompanied by the dog. Discussion ensued concerning Animal Control Officer and King County jurisdiction during 5 months the Ordinance has been in effect . Mrs . Margaret Evans note-d problems with dogs at large in the Windsor Hills area and Mr . Mario Tonda urging the upholding of the leash law. Moved by Grant , seconded by Shane , to refer the matter to the Public Safety Committee for review of the law and fines . After further discussion and attention being called to the matter being one of administration it was suggested the Mayor meet with the Animal Control Officer to dis- cuss mode of picking up the dogs and other aspects as brought to attention,. Motion to refer was sub- sequently voted upon and failed , the matter to be handled administratively . OLD BUSINESS Harvey Campbell Moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry to take the Conditional Use matter of extension of Conditional Use Permit for Permit Extension rental trailers at 1404 S. W. 16th Street , from the for trailer rental table . Carried . Community Services Committee recom- Tabled 5/11/70 mendation to deny extension of the permit was before the body and it was moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , to concur . Mr. Campbell advised he had not been able to further develop the property with drop of economic standards; that he had bought the -3- 157 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/18/70 OLD BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Discu.ssiul2 Cont . -Conditional Use Permit Extension for Harvey Campbell to permit rental trailers at 1404 S. W. 16th Street property unaware that the trailers were not to be allowed which is a mode of payment on his mortgage and the extension is needed for another year so he would not lose the property after which he plans to raw build more apartments or sell . -He called attention to high interest and tight bank financing situation which prohibits building, the low economy , and fact that he is no longer employed at Boeing being further reason he has been unable to develop additional facilities on the property . He noted existing trailer court next to his property and another one next to that and requested his be allowed another year. The property is zoned R-4 which he felt should include trailers . Discussion ensued it being noted by Stredicke that the upgrading of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance has been completed and standards established and this use is prohibited therein . Hearings had been held and to allow continuation will not improve the area but defeat the purpose of intent in the new legisla- tion . Mr . Campbell stated he meets the Code as far as he can but does not have 5 acres of space . The matter of non-conforming use by others in the area was discussed and it was noted no complaints have been registered regarding the trailers on Mr . Campbell's property . After further remarks concerning the notice of expiration of use permit and requirements to comply or cease operation issued by the Building Department and review of events since permit was issued, it was moved by Perry , seconded by Barei , to substitute the ,m motion that permit be extended to September 30, 1970. Mr . Campbell noted proximity to the highway and high noise factor were deterrent to securing loan. Mr. John Harer, owner of two trailer courts , objected to trailers on private property , trailer parks being required to secure license and to meet building code and urged that the permit not be extended. Motion to extend to September 30 was voted upon and carried. Finance Recommended that appropriation from excess revenue Committee in the Current Fund be authorized unto Building Report on Maintenance , 1165/417 , in amount of $174 . 34 , and funding closure unto Street Maintenance , 1320/417, in sum of $118 . 79 of abandoned to cover cost of costing buildings at abandoned building site site in Tiffany Park. Further recommended that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for Ordinance to effect the appropriation . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Bruce, to concur. Carried . Committee of Council President Schellert reported presentation the Whole of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for 1971-1976 Report re and Flow Diagram to the Committee of the Whole and Capital Im- noted certain revisions to original plan and it was provement recommended at meeting of May 14 that the revised Program Flow flow diagram for the program be approved. Moved by "W Diagram Schellert , seconded by Barei , to adopt the Committee of the Whole report . Carried. It was noted that the Capital Improvement program is well under way and if any Councilman has a project to include he should contact the Planning Department or other Department Head accordingly . Councilman Stredicke stated he was against any money appropriations for emergency purposes which are non- emergencies which he felt should rather be within the capital improvement program, citing a shop building as a specific., and urging budgeting of any such things being considered. -4- 158 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING J/l8/70 OLD BUSINESS: (Cant . ) Non-Conforming Muved 1)17 Str ,i 'c-ke , seuanded by Delaurenti , Trailer Use to refer tY:c -r.aLtez of non-conforminy trailer near Longacres use in VL iC1t11y of Lorlyacres racetrack ; to the Community Services Committee for report . Carried . Mutual Aid Agree- Stradic;ke inquired concerning Milt:udl Aid ment for Emergency Agreements, notin.y da Les of passaye, aad what events and payment action the Public Safely L:omlrn.'ii.tea has taken . for services Chairman Delaurenti adv] sed the matcer is being reviewed and report wil.i be .Wade when. ready . Attention was called LU a 1951 ay.z'edment concerning mutual aid irl event of nazi final or local disaster conc(_-rliiily- earthgaake , flood or inva.�;.i,),-, by f,:ir_iyri power ; the othez being a rec=,li: ayraemel.t c:ancerni.ny civil disorder in demon,,tidtion y'dtherings , the f-�rmer being a Civil Defeti6a Yroy.ram of which Yalive Chief wi.11iams is the Director' , the latter, police action fvi public: safety measuies . Code of Ethics Chairman Grant reported study of The hoeing Committee Report Company outline concerning gifts and favors on Code of Ethics and campaign contributions , and City of Richland Studies Code of Eth.ius with further research to continue on this subject and report to follow. Flying of Flag Councilman Shane inquired regarding authority at Half Mast granted flying of the flag at half mast . and position on City Attorney Shellan advised the President pole when 3 flying as Federal Official or State Offici*l under the present law ham the zight but a Mayor would not be so empowered . Councilman Barei outlined the procedure for flying over public buildings as noted from handbook he has and that the President ,_ Congress or Givernor can authorize lowering , and f , lowering otherwise being striking of the colors , an act of surrender . Shane inquired regarding location when 3 flags are flying and Councilman McKay cited Public Law 829 , 77th Congress which denoted that when facing oizt and with others it- shall be on the right , Mayor Garrett advising that after research the flags were properly staffed and flown at the proper height . It was noted -Flags flown at half mast for demonstrators who were killed has been the subject of many communications . Mutual Aid Alert Councilman Shane inquired regarding party who procedure is responsible for authorizing participation in Mutual Aid needs . The existing agreement was- outlined concerning civil disorder and control , chief Williams noting the Sheriff in King County in accordance with State Law, calls the various cities for assistance ,who have entered into the agreement , and participation to extent of resources is provided. Shane asked what the response would be to labor dispute and Chief Williams advised as members of labor unions it was not desirable to become involved but the actions would depend upon the need for exper- ienced people in event life and welfare of innoce' people being endangered. Dangerous Bldg. Councilman Shane inquired concerning HUD Program Code Enforcement and inspection and findings in the downtown Renton area . Building Director Ruppert advised that if the reference was to the Housing Code and the Dangerous Building Code about 20 buildings have been processed , no action being taken on occupied premises to this time . -5- MINUTES ^- RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/18/70 OLD BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Inner-Outer Harbor Councilman Shane inquired regarding enforcing Line Safe' Boating authority along the lake and it was noted the Legislation agreement had been to comply wi+-h other municipal agencies for uniform control , the King County Sheriff being the enforcing officer, Renton not having a boat . Councilman Shane ,noting pollution control legislation and talk of environment and ecology , expressed his view that the lake presents a hazard with existing conditions . Mayor Garrett noted concern of the Port of Seattle , Department of Natural., Resources and parties the logs belong to and that Iall possible is being done .`or their removal_, an,y further suggestions being welcomed Mayor Garrett noted acquaintance with person while in Japan who was with Kobe . S'eaboard Lu1-^bar Comoar_y and this matter had been subject of dis- cussion . NEW BUSINESS: Red-Samm Mining Council President Schellert-. advised that the Permit public letters had been forwarded to County Executive hearing, June 9 . Spellman and to the Council as directed, and also by the Department Head through the Mayor and one from the Committee so concern was evident regarding renewal of permit for continued gravel pit operations . City representatives will also be present to express objection, Del Bennett and Gordon Ericksen planning to attend. Surplus Vehicle President Schellert reported all of the surplus Disposition vehicles have been sold and nearly $7 ,000. 00 was realized from the sale as noted by Vern Church, Purchasing Agent . Election Day Attention was called to election day tomorrow Issue and Councilman Schellert expressed hope Mr. Grant would attain his desired passage of the rapid transit issue . Mutual Aid Councilman Clymer noted there should be no displeasure in participation of assistance nor to costs thereof noting although the University is located in Seattle , a Renton student was charged with statute violation and the problem and responsibility lies throughout the State . Delaurenti noting that we send our children there and that we do have a stake and that is why the agreement has been executed. ASPO Report by Councilman Perry noted he had submitted his Perry written report to council members at the Committee of the Whole meeting and he has additional copies and will file one for record with the City Clerk. Report to Citizens Councilman Stredicke noted publication in February by Stredicke which he financed as a public information service advising he will be putting out another next month and calling attention to emergency phone number night reflective strips for phone handles , urged *Mw city recognition of the service . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Perry , that Valley Ambulance be awarded a recognition by Proclamation for the special public service . Carried. 911 Emergency Phone Moved by Shane , seconded by Perry, to rescind System referral action of sending 911 Emergency Phone proposal to Committee of the Whole , and dispose of the matter at this time . Various members noted they have not had opportunity to review the document , just having received it, and the motion lost . a roll call vote resulting as follows : Aye : Perry , Grant- , Shane and Barei . No : Schellert , Bruce , Stredicke , McKay, Delaurenti and Clymer. _A- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/18/70 NEW BUSINESS (Cont . ) Finance Committee The Finance Committee recommended the Council Report - Lease of authorize a Use Permit to Mr. Harold Mellor property to Harold at fee of $125 . 00 per month for land which Mellor - area between lies Gest of Kentucky Roast Beef Restaurant So . 2nd and So . 3rd known as Black River Channel area , or Lake Streets . Street South . Permit shall be conditional upon compliance with all Planning Department and Traffic Engineering Department requirements and to contain 60 day cancellation clause for either party . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Barei , to concur. Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning this and payment and space involved in the property which Robinson-Lyon Ford is utilizing and if the area was to be paved according to requirement . Councilman Barei advised of the area and cost and discussion ensued concerninc7 use and paving, other areas being compared as to utilization , and need for settling prior to paving. The pending motion subsequently carried, it being noted the paving is to be done. Stredicke voted no indicating he would like assurance that it will be improved to city standards. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by McKay, to adjourn . Carried . The meeting was adjourned at 10 :20 p.m. There were 29 visitors in the Council Chambers . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Avery arrett , Mayor 1 -7- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 18 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Schellert Community Services Thurs . 5/21 7 : 30 PM Maxin 4th F1 . Conf . McKay Room Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations & Wed . 5/20 7 : 30 PM Stredicke 6th F1 . Conf. Christian Coffee House Public Safety Committee Room In Renton Public Safety (See Above) Delaurenti Police Chief Invited A E� Public Works 5/25 7 : 00 PM Bruce City Engineer' s Office Transportation Wed . 5/27 Not Spec. Grant Not Specified Intersection Changes Vicinity Fire Sta. #1 Public Invited Code of Ethics ed. 5/20 8 : 00 PM Grant 6th F1 . Conf. Room OF'F'ICE OF THE CI'T'Y CLERK %iI8/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BU `gin ASD BUGINEERING LiE'P1�a3TM a,�y'iS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAMfs ADDRESS `!TVE OF' WORK B2310 $100 ,000000 S & Y COMPANY 343 'T"i-410� A"VE NE CONSTRUCT BLDG 2 311 1,6-00,00 F0rNTOi CENTRAL RPR 513 PARK AVE N REMODEL 2312 60,000 .00 BURGER, CHEF SYSTEMS 604 R.klNIER AVE S RESTAURANT 2313 150 .00 LISA FOLVOY 406 SW 16TH ST CHIm-tN HOUSE 2314 300. 00 S . URO34:j 1 141 v BTS ST REROu>F )RESIDENCE 62315 23j500.00 B HU'I+IPHPEy 1812 ?4NIWICX CR RESIDENCE 2316 4,000 . 00 SHELL OIL CO 2801 SUNSET BL`T 14 GA , TANK. 2317 4, 0100 0 00 330' SM13FIT BLVD NE 9 ELECTRICAL PERMI`IS E2843 510 .00 JOHN DENN1 1 111615 E'DMONDS AVE NE WIRE RESIDENCE 2844 550 .00 FRED SQUIRE CDNST . 4211 - N;� 10TH ST WIRE RESIDENCE E2845 150 . 00 ROY SKELLENe BR 927 FERNDA:LE CIR NE INSTXtL PANEL 2846 100. 00 THE BO:EINC• CC 7-65-2 BLDG RELOC: PAPER CUT 2847 152.00 "' 4•-=64 BLDG 114ST DROP LIGHT 2348 300.00 10-80 BLDG CIRC BRKRS E2940 50.00 V21Z °Orl �VTLLA(7, 15 S GRADY WY PHONE LIGHTS MECHANICAL PERA'(ITS M2455 700. 00 THE BOEING CC 10-52 BLDG QRAIN 2456 700 .00 TINO CUGINI 2819 NE 4TH ST INET FURNACES SIGN PERMITS 5028 100.00 I GAMEL & M MAS' R,,) 401 TAYLOR AVE NW GROUND SIGNS 029 1,600 ,00 SCHUCK'S A",PO SUP 257 RAINIER AVE N ELECTRIC SIGN SEWER PERMITS 1129 BURGER CHEF 604 RAINIER AVE S CARMICHAEL CONST. 1130 W KAMPE 1002 N 31ST ST ROUTLEY & LA VALLEY 1131 ART FZxF�►."ER 408 S 26TH ST " f 160 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 25 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND*COUNCIL PRESIDENT Proposed salary Ordinance for elective and appointive city officials *To schedule meetings with The Boeing Company , Chamber of Commerce and Pacific Car regarding Finance and Economy FINANCE COMMITTEE_ Funding for Police Department Study , $17 ,800. 00 in event implemented with possible cost. sharing by other cities Bids for Offset Duplicating Machine Sale of surplus properties as per budget indication as revenue source LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Fund transfer , $1 ,350 . 00 for appraisal of possible shop building sites MAYOR Request of Mr . Shane for check of metered parking lot operations for possible code violation, as to spaces required to be furnished per square ft . of building space . PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Three voting delegates to be selected for AWC Convention PLANNING COMMISSION Rezone of W. C. Siegelman property from GS-1 to B-1 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Safeway Parking Lot after-hour problems TPANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Street grades in the City of Renton Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Burnett Ave . So. and So . 8th St . ) SPECIAL UNEMPLOYMENT STUDY COMMITTEE Subject of summer employment being limited to city residents MEETIN'7S AND EVENTS AWC Convention - July 1 - 3 June 22 , 1970 - Public Hearing - Vacation of Whitman Court N. E. !rn 164 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk May 25 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p .m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Barei , Grant , Bruce , Edwards , Stredicke , McKay , Perry and Clymer . Shane arrived during reading of the Ordinances . Absent : Delaurenti and Maxin . Moved by Schellert , second by McKay, the absent Councilmen be excused . The motion carried , Maxin still out of town and Delaurenti having reported he would be unable to attend . OFFICIALS AND CITY Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , DEPARTMENT HEADS City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , PRESENT C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, M. Deane Seeger, Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL Moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , to Meeting of 5/18/70 approved the minutes of the previous meeting as written . The motion carried . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS proposed ordinance drawn subsequent to 1964 Planning Commission hearing and held for ful- Rezone GS-1 to B-1 fillment of covenants, recently completed . W. C. Siegelman Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to place property the document on first and introductory reading . Carried. The proposed ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain properties within the city from "General Suburban Residence District" (GS-1) to "Business District" (B-1 ) . Moved by Perry , seconded by Schellert , to refer the document to the Community Services Committee . Moved by Barei , seconded by Perry , to substitute motion to refer to the Planning Commission for recommendation . Carried . (W. C. Siegelman Property , between FAI 405 and Renton Junction Way including Blocks 38 and . 39) Ordinance No . 2570 Proposed ordinance was read authorizing transfer Funding appropriation of $293. 13 from excess revenue in the Current for Tiffany abandoned Fund unto 1165/417 , Bldg. Maintenance , $174 . 34 building closure and unto 1320/417 , Street Maintenance accounts to cover cost of closure of abandoned buildings for public safety purposes in the Tiffany Park area . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry , to authorize second and final readings . Carried . After final reading it was moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay, to adopt as read . Roll call vote resulted in all ayes . Motion carried. Proposed Ordinance Proposed Ordinance was presented amending Fixing salaries of Chapter 11 of Title I. (Administrative) of Elective and appoint- Ordinance No . 1628 entitled, "Code of General ive city officials Ordinances of Renton, " relating to salaries of elective and appointive officers . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Schellert , to refer the document to the Committee of the Whole . Motion lost . The ordinance was read fixing the annual salary of the Mayor at $19 ,34.4 . 00 and the Council $4 ,800 . 00 . Moved by McKay , seconded by Grant , -1- 165 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/25/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) Salary Ordinance to place the document on second and final Discussion readings . After discussion regarding mode of arriving at salaries suggested and whose recommendation was being presented which adopts salaries from Optional Municipal Code suggestions , it was moved by Edwards , and seconded by Stredicke , to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Committee of the Whole . The motion carried . Resolution 1687 Proposed Resolution was read setting the Vacation of date of June 22 , 1970 in the Council Chambers , Whitman Court at 8 : 00 p.m. as time and place for public hearing on petition for vacation of Whitman Court N. E. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , to adopt the resolution as read . The motion carried. Resolution No. 1688 Proposed Resolution was read approving the Approving Grades plans of the Department of Highways , sheets of SR181 7 , 8 and 9 of 35 , with regard to grades for SR181 , So . 178th Street to Green River Inter- Change . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Bruce , to adopt the Resolution as read. After some lengthy discussion with regard to problems of private parties resulting from establishing of grades , it was moved by Stredicke , seconded by Shane , to table the resolution and refer the matter of grades to the Transportation Committee for recommendation . The motion failed . Pending motion to adopt the resolution was voted upon and carried. Moved by Perry , seconded by Stredicke , that the matter of establishing grades in the City be referred to the Transportation Committee for recommendation . Carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Nos. 8259 - 8336 Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Committee approval of Vouchers and moved that same be approved by the Council at this time . The motion was seconded by Schellert , and carried. Fund Breakdown follows : Current Fund 8259 - 8292 $ 6 , 228 . 61 City Street Fund 8293 - 8302 8 ,659 . 90 Equipment Rental 8303 - 8310 2 ,587 . 89 Park Fund 8311 - 8323 3 , 286 . 42 Waterworks Utility 8324 - 8330 3 , 241 . 25 Airport Fund 8331 - 8334 428 . 20 Accident Loc. Prog. 8335 2 , 232 . 00 Cedar River Acq . 8336 9 ,088 . 00 Total all funds $35 , 752 .27 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS The City Clerk reported receipt of three bids , on steel building for temporary shop facility Report of bid bid call , opened May 21 , first floor conference opening-shop bldg. rm. at 2: 00 p.m. 3idders -ere Austin Construction Co. ; Busch Construction Co . and Tech Construction Co . (See attached tabulations) Letter from Building Director Ruppert recommended Mw acceptance of low bid of Busch Construction Co . in sum of $21 ,843 . 15 , including tax , and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute contract documents upon approval by the City Attorney . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Shane , to refer the matter to the Community Services Committee . After discussion concerning review of plgns� and availability heretofore , the motion to refer was voted upon and lost . Moved by Barei , seconded by Clymer, to concur in the recommenda- tions of the Building Director. Carried . Stredicke opposed. -2- 166 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 25 , 1970 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Request for authority Letter from Police Chief Williams requested to attend out of state permission for Captain W. E. Frazee and meeting Detective Earl McKenney to attend the NW Check Investigators Spring Meeting in Portland, Oregon, May 23 . Moved by Barei , seconded by McKay , to grant expenses for officers to attend conference as requested. Carried. Upon inquiry by Barei , Police Chief Williams advised of elan to send men to the FBI School in Wn . , D. C. waiting list of applicants being deterrent factor . List of schools and training programs were enumera- "I ted in which personnel have participated this year from the law enforcement division of the City . Items received after Mayor Garrett advised that items had been preparation of Agenda received too late for the agenda and it was Moved by Schellert , seconded by Barei , to add the items to the agenda at this time . The motion carried. Puget Sound Power and Letter from Mr . E. L. Carlson , Mgr. , So. Light Co . request for Central Division , P. S. P. & L. Co . , Street vacations - petitioned for vacation of portions of Burnett and 8th Burnett Ave . And 8th Street , as owner of all abutting properties . Map designating areas concerned was attached and it was noted that during Burnett Street Extension it had been felt said streets had been vacated in package of realignment for access to the So . Renton Interchange , however through oversight they had been omitted. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer, to refer the request to the Transportation Committee for recommendation . The motion carried. Renton Police Officers ' Guild Letter from Harold R. Caldwell , President , Renton Police Officer 's Guild , expressed interest in upgrading police activities noting International Assn . of Chiefs of Police Survey to be one of the best methods for improvement of organizational and opera- tional effectiveness , and appropriation of funds for proposed IACP Survey of the Renton Police Department was urged . . Letter from Mayor Garrett noted cost o:c such study has been fixed at $17 ,800 . 00 and it was requested that authorization be granted to proceed with investigation of such a study seeking matching funds from the Federal Government and to enlarge the scope of the study by investigating possibility of pro- gramming concurrent studies with neighboring communities with the idea of lowering costs through participation basis . Letter from Roy C. McLaren , IACP Field Operations Division Director , submitted proposed contract for general survey of the Renton Police Department . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to concur in the Mayor 's request to proceed with investigation of federal government funding possibility and with survey of other valley cities for concurrent participation . Carried. Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to refer the funding to the Finance Committee . Carried. -3- 167 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/25/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Bid Opening-Offset City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids Duplicating Machine May 25 , for offset duplicating equipment . Two bids were received, one from Addressograph Multigraph Co . and one from A .B. Dick Co. , as per attached tabulations . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay, to refer the bids to the Finance Committee for recommendation . The motion carried . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs . Margaret Evans urged that Council and people in areas involved in street grade changes be aware of the revisions proposed , citing instance in 1942 when M Street was improved and in 1960 when black topped and widened resulting in four foot cut, and corner house at the north end resident appearing time after time with problems cf access and garage having to be allowed in the rear of the lot , showing how important grade change can be . APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett reported appointment Owen K. Hall of Patrolman Owen K. Hall , to permanent position Patrolman- in the Renton Police Department , effective as of Permanent Appt . May 16 , 1970. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , to affirm the appointment . Carried . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Recess Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Schellert , to recess for Committee of the Whole and Executive meeting with the Mayor. Carried . After the recess , roll call resulted in quorum, all members subsequently returning as previously rrr listed in roll call . Community Service Vice-Chairman McKay presented report recommend- Committee Report ing that council take no official action at this time concerning oil leases by State permit in and around Puget Sound. Regarding non-conforming trailer use in vicinity of Longacres , Mobile Home Park licenses are up for renewal which will require inspection and compliance with current code is to be enforced. Moved by Clymer , seconded by Bruce , to concur in the Community Service Committee report . The motion carried. Finance Committee Billing for appraisal services on shop building Report sites was received in sum of $1 ,350. 00 from Wm . F. Espey , 15433 S.E. 275th St . , Kent , Wn . , and it was recommended payment be made from Cumu- lative Reserve Fund 1894 with referral to the Legislation Committee for Resolution to effect the fund transfer. Moved by Edwards , seconded by Shane , to concur in the recommendations . The motion carried. Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted recommendation that Committee Report the council concur in combining two petitions for formation of LID (269) , Watermains ,in area of S. W. 43rd,now served by Orillia Water Dist . Moved by Barei , seconded by Stredicke , to concur. The motion carried. Recommended the Council approve revised agreement between -,the City and Metro to allow Late-Comers provision for the South Renton area 8" line . Moved by Barei , second by Shane , to concur. Carried. -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/25/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Remarks by Shane: Utility Survey Councilman Shane inquired concerning progress Progress of the Utility Rate Study and was advised it is well under way , punching of cards for the computer programming now being accomplished . Dangerous Bldg. Councilman Shane inquired regarding progress Enforcement of the Building Department with regard to Code enforcement in event of deteriorated buildings especiallywith regard to the downtown structures which have reached the end of their life use and should be removed . He felt action should be expedited and asked the Mayor to enlarge upon delay . Mayor Garrett inquired as to specific building in mind and invited Mr . Shane to meet with him and Building Director Ruppert to review events to date , Mr . Shane noting his reference to be to the whole city with no personal interest involved. i Remarks by Barei Councilman Barei expressed concern regarding to hire only local unemployment in the area and moved that summer residents for summer employment be limited to persons who have work resided in the City of Renton for at least one month until changes in unemployment picture result . The motion was seconded by Shame and was not intended for those presently employed nor those who have been promised jobs . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Grant , to refer the motion to the Special Unemployment Study Committee for review and recommendation . The motion carried. Committee of the Council President Schellert reported involvement Whole Report of Police Officer, sgt . Miller , in a court suit resulting from activities of his duty and it was recommended that he be granted legal defense in the action . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Bruce , to concur . The motion carried . Noting deficiency in revenue receipts from those anticipated and inclusion of money from sale of surplus public use areas not yet effected, it was moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry , the sale of surplus property be referred to the Finance Committee for recommendation . The motion carried. Assessment for city parking lots was brought up during committee meeting and it was noted the City has no Parking Commission . Association of Washington Cities Convention June 30 - July 3 , was noted and new provision for 3 voting delegates rather than 2 . It was suggested that delegates be selected . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer , the matter be referred to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee . Carried . Shane opposed having inquired as to benefit received by taxpayer from lobby efforts which were noted by the Mayor to include sharing of state collected revenues some of which he detailed for Mr . Shane . Council President Schellert expressed thanks for the special bulletin for posting of meetings and events and urged council to heed and utilize same . Remarks by Perry Councilman Perry noted revenue from garbage dis- regarding revenue posal franchise will be deficient as result of deficiency council action in reducing .9% %contractor 's fee $3 ,500 . 00 to be lacking with Boeing payment of 5% . Mayor Garrett advised he had planned to c;')R:M_,c:TFJ-REFER Tq. outline budgetary fund status including this item. 169 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/25/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Remarks by Stredicke Matter of finance for budgetary purposes for requesting meetings- next year being noted, it was moved by Stredicke Economy and Finance seconded by Barei , the Council President schedule for next year to be meetings with The Boeing Company representatives subject and Chamber of Commerce officials to discuss state of affairs regarding finarr-isl picture and economy for the coming year . Mayor Garrett advised that meeting with Boeing has been set for the first of June . Motion carried. Perry suggested Pacific Car be included. Remarks by Grant Councilman Grant reported verbal request has r�r re Safeway Parking • been received with regard to after-hour use of Lot the Safeway Parking lot in downtown Renton , the Goodyear Store having had beer bottles thrown through the windows . Moved by Grant , seconded by Shane the matter be referred to the Public Safety Committee for possible after-hour evening barricade of the Safeway Parking lot . Carried . Remarks by Shane on Councilman Shane requested the Mayor to check metered parking lots whether,in installing meters on business parking areas ,the code would be violated with regard to the spaces required per square footage of' the building, AWC Voting Councilman Barei requested to be considered as Delegate-Barei one of the three city voting delegates to the Association of Washington Cities Convention . Stredicke inquiry Councilman Stredicke inquired when city insurance re insurance policies were last reviewed and Barei noted rev ew two years ago and new terms due May 29 or 30,1970 and consolidation of policies into package with a single due date being instituted. Stredicke inquired regarding employee coverage while in performance of his duty , it being noted there raw is a blanket policy with special bondings for various officials . Mayor Garrett advised of meeting at 11 :00 a .m. tomorrow to discuss some of these items . Shane noted award should be on low bid basis . Schellert called attention to liability risk being taken by the companies and need for improved safety measures by city personnel , Mr . Davis working hard to keep the coverages and avoid cancellation . It was noted one broker handing allows substantial savings in premiums , experience having so disclosed. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Fred Bartlett Sierra Heights inquried regarding annexation procedure so the area could get some lights , sewers and police protection . Mayor Garrett advised him to meet with City Engineer Wilson who would furnish proper petition to commence the proceedings . ADJOURNMENT Moved by McKay , seconded by Stredicke , to adjourn . The motion carried . The meeting was adjourned at 10 :25 p.m. There were 14 visitors this evening. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk Ave Garrett , Mayor -6- a 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 25 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Schellert Community Services Maxin Finance June 1 , ' 70 7 : 30 PM Edwards Not Designated Legislation Perry t 0 Council Invited — Personnel & Community May 29 , ' 701 7 : 00 PM To Meet at To Visit Seattle Relations Stredicke Municipal Bldg. Christian Coffee House Personnel & Community June 2, ' 70 7 : 00 PM 6th Flr Conf Rm Renton Police Guild Rep Relations & City Attorney ' s Office Public Safety Delaurenti Invited Public Works Bruce Transportation May 27 , ' 70 7 : 30 PM (=rant 4th Fl Conf Rm. Consultant's Presentation of Traffic Circulation & Pattern Revision Code of Ethics Committee May 26 , ' 70 7 : 30 PM Grant 6th Fl Conf Rm t� 17�- 5/25/70 BID TABULATt ON SHEET I eir F 1 t- ons• fkcovy% F E T JID'U P L c m'Tr DAT E '_____.__ 0® P 5 1 D .P, BID A. B. DICK of WASHINGTON, INC. BOND 3,735 . 00 + Tax 4301 Aurora Avenue North 350 Model Seattle Washington 98103 ADDRE5SOGRAPH MULTIGRAPH CORP. BOND I $ 3,653 . 68 + Tax 5901 Fourth Avenue South 1250 Model Seattle , Washington 98108 p i s i is 172 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5/25/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B2318 $ 200 . 00 JOHN W DOBSON 3404 SE 5TH ST RPR TERMITE DAMAGE 2319 50 . 00 JOHN F PARKS 5227 RIPLEY LN DEMOL GARAGE B2320 600 . 00 " It REPL RETAINING WALL 2321 120 . 00 ALDO ZERBATO 314 WHITWORTH AV S INST SEPARATION WALL 2322 280 . 00 MARVIN A OBERMILLER 807 EDMONDS AVE NE INST FENCE 2323 5,000 . 00 UNION OIL OF CAL 59 RAINIER S CONSTR PUMP ISLAND ::324 3, 500 . 00 SHELL OIL CO 1210 BRONSON WAY N INST GAS STOR TANK B2325 324 . 00 JOHN P LENTO 2019 EDMONDS DR SE ERECT FENCE 2326 50 . 00 M A SANDAHL 450 WILLIAMS N RPR CHIMNEY, STEPS ELECTRICAL PERMITS E2850 $ VOID 2851 1 , 700 . 00 CITY OF RENTON 2300 PUGET DR SE LIGHT ON WATER TOWEL 2852 350 . 00 RENTON VILLAGE CO 35 S GRADY WY ELECTR REMODELING 2853 175 . 00 THE BOEING CO 4-01 BLDG BATTERY CHARGER 2854 130 . 00 THE BOEING CO 10-80 BLDG IBM 270 E2855 250 . 00 4-21 BLDG RELOC DRILL PRESS 2856 4100 . 00 APRON "B" INST RECEPTACLE 2857 600 . 00 W C STONEMAN 3101 MOUNTAIN VW D WIRE RESIDENCE SIGN PERMIT S030 $ 30 . 00 GLOBE DEVELOPMENT 938 HARRINGTON NE ROOF - WESTERN STORE MECHANICAL PERMITS M2457 $ 150 . 00 NICETO P FESTIN 540 RAINIER S INST PLUMB & FIXTURE 2458 7, 525 . 50 S & Y CO 343 UNION AVE NE it 2459 325. 00 CLYDE C BARFIELD 233 UNION AVE NE INST SEPTIC TANK M2460 1,500 . 00 W C STONEMAN 3101 MOUNTAIN V DR INST FURNACE SEWER PERMITS 1132 MOBIL OIL 4105 NE 4TH ST MARTENS CONSTR 1133 RENTON SHCOOL DIST 2901 KENNEWICK PL MANNING CONSTR OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, MAY 21, 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Labor and Materials for Rigid-Frame Prefabricated Steel Building for Temporary Shop Facility BIDDER BID BOND BID Austin Construction Company Bid Bond $23,887.00 P. 0. Box 517 Bellevue, Washington 98009 Busch Construction Company Bid Bond 20,803.00 P. 0. Box 303 Renton, Washington 98055 �ch Construction Company, Inc. Bid Bond 21,669.00 0 S.W. 16th St. Renton, Washington 98055 174 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR MONTH OF MAY ` 1970 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 42 ,454. 31 Arterial Street Fund 742. 80 City Street Fund 41 ,564 . 84 Cedar River M & I 321 . 51 Equipment Rental 10 ,931 . 00 Library Fund 486 . 92 Parks 22 ,610. 00 Waterworks 91 ,350. 94 Airport 2 ,559 . 83 Firemen's Pension 7 ,573.18 Acc. Log. Prog. 2 ,232. 00 Cedar River Acq. 9 ,088. 00 Urban Arterial 78. 65 $231 ,993. 98 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund 163,257 . 84 Street Fund 34 ,494 . 80 Cedar River M & I 700 . 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,264. 42 Library 10 ,548 . 84 Parks 29 ,112. 65 Waterworks 25 ,472 . 03 Airport 1 , 738 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100. 00 270,688 . 58 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk June 1 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Pacific Northwest Bell Co. claim for damage to buried cable at 1020 Bronson Way South MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute Bryn Mawr-Lakeridge/Renton Municipal Airport Sewer Agreement PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids on Hydraulic Jet Sewer Cleaner mounted on truck STREET COMMISSIONER Marking of No Parking zone along ramp at Harold Rodgers residence at 505 Whitworth Avenue APPOINTMENT Mr. George Conklin , Patrolman , six months probationary period to commence as of 6/16/70 MEETINGS AND EVENTS 6/27/70 - Public Hearing on LaBonte appeal of Board of Adjustment denial of sign code variance , V-194-70 10/20/70 - King County hearing continued on Red Samm gravel mining permit extension s 176 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 1 , 1970 Office of the City Clerk M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance ne cto the elylag was recited in unison by ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present: Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry, "M McKay, Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin, Bruce, Grant, Barei . Absent: Shane , who arrived lateen in to No meeting. Moved by Bare! , seconded by excuse the absent member , who had reported he would arrive late. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND CITY Holm!* Nelson, City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City DEPARTMENT HEADS Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police, M. C. walls , Fire Chief, Jack Wilson , City Engineer , PRE_ S, Gene Coulon , Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, M. Deane Seeger, Administra- tive Asst . to the Mayor, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Vern Church , Purchasing Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Corrections or revisions to the minutes of the 5/25/70 meeting previous meeting were invited. Perry noted that line 3 , Page 5 , last paragraph, should read 10% and not 20% of contractor 's fee . approve Moved by Schellert , seconded b9 as corrected . the minutes of the previous meeting The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND Resolution 1689 was submitted by Legislation Committee Chairman Perry approving application RESOLUTIONS of the Housing Authority for 50 units of low Resolution 1689 rent housing designed specifically for the Housing Authority elderly. Discussion ensued concerning timely application for 50 presentation to council to allow properareferral units for elderly and study; matter of prior app licaton City Workable Program not being consumated and the recent legislation no longer requiring Workable Program. Types of applications were outlined by Housing Authority ittorney Paul Houser , the present project being by "Turnkey" method and specifically for the elderly , the former being low income rentals . The Resolution was read. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer , to adopt the document as read, it being pointed out that it is not Intended that relaxation of the Building Code requirements be allowed. it was urged that council receive minutes of meetings of all City Boards and Commissions in order that members may be informed and aware of what is transpiring when action of them is requested. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Barei , to refer the matter to the Community Services Committee. During further discussion ,Mayor Garrett inquired concerning rental-lease program whereby vacant VOW* units in the city other than those owned by the Housing Authority may be filled, Attorney Houser noting the Board had not desired to pursue this type of application , a need for housing of the elderly being deemed necessary and proper at this time . Motion to refer to committee was voted upon and lost and the original motion to adopt the Resolution wAs voted upon and carried. Shane arrived during final discussion of this matter. -1- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) veto of Ordinance Letter from Mayor Garrett reported veto of No . 2570 by Mayor Ordinance concerning appropriation of excess revenues . (closure of T.'.ffany Park area abandoned buildings) It was felt that the amount is so small it should be -onsolida-:ed at a later date with other transfer requests , savings to result in publication costs and administrative and clerical time in ordinance preparation . It was noted -' that no adverse affects will result from this action . i..r "OUCHER APPROVAL Chairman Edwards reported approval by the Nos . 8337 - 8458 Finance Committee of City of Renton Vouchers and moved that the Council approve same at this time . The motion was seconded by Barei and carried . Fund Breakdown follows : Current Fund 8337 - 8368 $ 9 , 781 . 10 Arterial Street 8369 1 ,925 . 78 City Street Fund 8370 - 8383 820 . 42 Equipment Rental 8384 - 8391 888. 56 Library Fund 8392 - 8414 3 ,856 . 75 Park Fund (Void 8424) 8415 - 8427 37 ,512 8137,460 . 31 Waterworks Utility 8428 - 8442 11 ,514 . 30 Airport Fund 8443 - 8444 343 . 81 Firemen ' s Pension 8445 - 8458 6 ,680 . 01 Total all funds 073 , 32:3. 54 6/18/70 Adjusted Total $73 , 271. 04 COMMUNICATIONS AND Letter from Mr . Edward J . Logan , Acting Director CURRENT BUSINESS of Elections , King County , Wn . , certified the May 19th Election for proposed annexation of Certification of area to the City of Renton . (Talbot Island area) May 19th Election- Results of canvass were : Proposition No . 1 : Talbot Annexation For Annexation - 12; Against Annexation - 31 Defeated. Proposition No . 2 : For assumption of indebtedness - 2 ; ?against assumption of indebtedness , - 37 . Defeated . Claim-Pacific NW Letter from Pacific NW Bell Co . , T . W. Savage , Bell-Buried Cable Security Supervisor , submitted claim for damage Damage to buried cable at 1020 Bronson Way So . , on April 16 , 1970 , alle;ed to have been the result of City Water Department Employee placing forms for street curbing . Amount of repair costs to follow at later date . Moved by Maxin , seconded by Schellert , to refer the Claim to the City Attorney and the City 's Insurance Carrier . Mayor Garrett requested a meeting with the Street Commissioner prior to submittal to the insurance carrier . The motion carried . No-Fee Permit Letter from Mr . Frank E. Rowan , Adjutant-Treas . , Request by DAV Disabled American Veterans , Valley Chapter No . 12 , for Fund Drive Renton , requested permission to hold annual Forget-Me-Not drive September 10 , 11 and 12 to raise funds for pledge to hospitalized or needy veterans . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer, to grant the request . The motion carried. Bids-Traffic Signal and Street Lighting City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on May 27 , .... NE 4th and Union NE for traffic signals and street lighting . Three bidders responded. Service Electric Company , Inc. , Signal Electric, Inc. , and West Coast Electric of Wn . , Inc. as per attached tabulations . Councilman Schellert stepped out of the Council Chamber during reading of bids and action on this matter. Report of the Transportation Committee was read recommend- ing that the low bid of Service Electric Co. , Inc. of Woodinville , Wn . , be accepted in sum of $19,845 . Moved by Maxin , seconded by Clymer , to concur in the recommendation of the Transportation Committee. The a►otion carried. L�. _ s �V MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Appeal of Board of Letter from Mr . Lloyd LaBonte , Pres . LaBonte Adjustment denial Rambler , Inc. , 330 Main Ave . So . , Renton , Wn . of variance for sign appealed decision of the Board of Adjustment in denial of request for sign variance to allow V-194-70 excess of number of signs permitted. Moved by McKay , seconded by Maxin , to set June 15 , as date for hearing on this appeal . Carried. Report of Bid City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on May 27. Opening-Hydraulic for truck mounted sewer cleaner . Three bidders Jet Sewer Cleaner , responded including Flexible Pipe Tool Co . , Truck Mounted Edmonds , Wn . , Hagen Equipment Co . , Inc. Seattle and Sahlberg Equipment , Inc . , Seattle , as per tabulations attached. Moved by Perry , seconded by Schellert , to refer the bids to the Public C 'J Works Committee for recommendation . Shane made U inquiries concerning truck sizes , Bruce noting various tnnAs were listed and it was noted both p being on the committee this could be discussed in meetings . After further pursuance by Council—� -�`- .m man Shane, previous question was moved by Mey , rTi seconded by Bruce . Original motion to refer the bids to the Public Works Committee carried . J O APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Patrolman , in the appointment of Mr . George Conklin to George Conklin position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department , probationary period of six months , as required by Civil Service Regulations , to commence 6/16/70 . Moved by Delaurenti , second by Maxin , to concur in the appointment . Carried. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported that his committee Committee Report had investigated emergency aid car for the fire First Aid vehicle department and it was recommended that the city purchase and equip such a vehicle , cost of approximately $8 ,000 . 00 to be funded from excess state aid funds , 1968 . Moved by Schellert , second by McKay , to concur . Discussion ensued, Councilman Stredicke advising of proposal for contracting such services without having to purchase a vehicle . Moved by Barei , seconded by Stredicke , to table the matter one week for checking into the matter of contracting for such services . Carried . Christian Coffee Councilman Stredicke reported visits to Seattle to House Visits- Catacombs yZacks P1ace ,and the Berry House in Renton) Personnel and by the Personnel and Community Relations Committee Community Relations and four council members . The Committee will be Committee Report meeting with the Renton group and will make further study prior to presentation of recommendations . Visits to the Berry House by Council and City Staff Members were urged for enlightenment of the situ- ation . Public Works Com-- Chairman Bruce submitted report which was read , mittee Report - recommending that the Agreement between the Bryn- Mawr-Lakeridge Sewer District , and the Renton Municipal Airport be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the document . Moved by McKay , seconded by Clymer, to concur . The motion carried. Transportation Chairman Grant submitted report advising a street Committee Report light installation is to be granted at intersection of NE 12th Street and Olympia Avenue NF. , 175-watt luminaire ordered to be installed on Pole 3420 . Need for street lights on Talbot Road was reviewed . 12 new 400 watt luminaires and replacing 9-existing, 175 watt with 400 watt luminaires would improve the level of lighting on portions from Grady Way South to 180th within the City . -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Transportation Civic Center Traffic Circulation Plan , referred Committee Report by Council on April 20, 1970 was studied, public `searing meeting held on May 27th and presentation made by Mr . iic Bishop , Consultant , Transportation Planning and Engineering, Inc ., and Associate Professor Roy Sawhill . In view of pending fund allocation by the UAB for improvement of Main Avenue South and Houser Way North , it was recom- mended that council concur in the plan as out- lined in study as prepared by Consultant Firm heretofore noted and that the Traffic Engineering w Department be authorized to proceed with imple- mentation . Moved by Grant , seconded by Clymer , to concur. Shane expressed concern that the new pattern may affect downtown businesses . It was noted that public hearings had been held and newspaper publicity had been given the matter Stredicke commending the Committee for the job of getting this before the citizens along with the paper. Pending motion carried . Low Water Pressure Councilman Shane called attention to lack of water pressures in vicinity of N. E . 24th Street and inquired concerning elimination of the problem. (Discussion under new business) NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Public Hearing Councilman Schellert advised that the King Continued re County hearing concerning Red-Samm Permit for Gravel pit mining gravel operations , has been continued to October 20 . Mayor Garrett advised the city will be repre- sented , and upon inquiry noted present operations have ceased at the pit sites . Logs in Lake Wn . Upon inquiry by Schellert as to status , City Attorne Shellan advised of correspondence , which matter Mr. Pain is briefing , with the Port of Seattle and the Department of Natural Resources ;and application has been filed for inner-outer harbor line juris- diction , owner of the uplands being able to acquire these areas ,and it is hoped logs can be eliminated from this area . Procedure for Councilman Perry expressed concern regarding presenting Legisla- challenge by Council of manner in which Ordinances tion and Resolutions are presented and advised of two documents which the committee is considering sub- mitting oK matters not referred and if desired the committee will submit and recommend referral to Committee of the Whole , one concering Massage Parlor License Ordinance and the other the Cabaret License Ordinance . Painted Curb Stredicke inquired concerning projects started Numbers by college students and then the boy scouts which have not been completed,lines being painted and only part of the numbers being stenciled . Street Commissioner TeGantvoort noted the scout group was to have contacted him when work was to progress but had not done so to date . Marking of Ramp Councilman Stredic e , e,e d request from Mr . for Invalid Resident Harold Roc'(-ers , :+=T��t ro Street , for help with regard to marking of rc&mp area which he uses to get from his house to the driveway , with t '_ _D-'- R 70 TED-TED No Parking or Loading Zone , to prohibit use . UF_���7d Mayor Garrett advised that the Street Commissioner will take care of the request . -4- UTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/70 NEWBUSINE�SS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Water Pressure Councilman Edwards reported that his home Deficiency was included in those without water pressure last evening but that pressure had subsequently been restored. City Engineer Jack Wilson noted receipt of call shortly after 5 :00 p.m. and the water department immediately took follow up action . The problem did not result from work by the city but from demand on supply from 900 heat . Attention was called to budgetary alloca- tion for capital improvement program which in- cludes replacement of mains in this area , some immediate work with 4 - 6 hundred feet of line could be done toward solving critical problem for the present , but when everyone waters their lawn at once it affects the pressure. zone change on Edmonds , one high, one low, giving one area a lot and the other too little pressure was noted. Stredicke inquired regarding advance notice to affected residents when lines are serviced which was noted to be procedure. Lake Wn . Beach Councilman Grant reported visit to Lake Wn . Recreation Facility Beach Park which he feels has become a terrific facility with the added year around boat launch area . Official opening is to be next Saturday and the park is open until 10 : 00 p.m. , deemed to be as fine a park as any in Western Washington Public vs . private Councilman Shane stated that in review of study power utility of public vs . private utilities , he does not feel public utilities should pay any less tax than the private utility and he would like to see the city petition for the same rates for both . There being no competition in governmental operation , he felt the state should be requested to assess each equally , exempting one if the other. and he requested the Mayor to send a letter in this regard, which courtesy the Mayor returned to him. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Amos Huseland, 1916 Edmonds N. E. , inquired concerning notice to property owners of adjacent lands located within the city when a county public hearing concerns areas outside the corporate limits . He noted receipt of notice of the Red-Samm mining permit hearing but those persons residing inside the city in proximity thereto had not been notified and he had contacted them to advise of the matter. Mayor Garrett noted the City 's action to attend and object to extension of permit , matters of notification being in accordance with regulating statutes and county policy not likely extended in this regard . Mr. Huseland urged council to give due consideration to the evident need for housing for the elderly, noting it to be a fact that private rental property owners could not rent at such low rates as afforded pensioners in the Housing Authority units and the project not felt to be competitive . He advised of programs in other parts of the world where permanent structures are built for this purpose having 50 to 100 years depreciation and amortization . He felt the need for housing for pensioners to be evident . Councilman Stredicke suggested post card notices to owners at residence addresses since they do not always live on posted properties , it being noted that if they are out of town they do not know of posted or published notice . The Mayor was asked to investigate this possibility of post card notification procedure . ADJOURNMENT Moved by Maxin , seconded by McKay , to adjourn . The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9 :30 p.m. Avery Garrett , Mayor -5 Helmie Nelson, City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/l/70 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole 6/10/70 8:00 P.M. Schellert Community Services Maxin Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations 6/2/70 7:00 P.M. Stredicke 6th Floor Conf. Police Guild - Collective Room Bargaining - City Attorney & Public Safety Comm. Members Public Safety 6/3/70 7:30 P.M. Delaurenti V Public Works 6/3/70 8:30 P.M. Bruce 4th Floor Conf. Bids for Hydraulic Sewer Room Cleaner Transportation 6/11/70 7:30 P.M. ;'rant 4th Floor Conf. Room Special City Shops 6/8/70 7:00 P.M. 1 June 1, 1970 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, MAY 27, 1970 10:00 A.M. - First Floor Conference Room Traffic Signal and Street Lighting at the Intersection of N.E. 4th Street and Union Avenue N.E. BIDDER BID BOND BID Service Electric Company, Inc. Bid Bond $19,845.00 N.E. 200th and 144th Avenue N.E. P. 0. Box 197 Woodinville, Washington 98072 Signal Electric, Inc. Bid Bond 20,603.00 9904 South 210th Place Kent, Washington 98031 West Coast Electric of Wash., Inc. Bid Bond 21,352.00 18250 68th South Kent, Washington 98031 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, MAY 27, 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Hydraulic Jet Sewer Cleaner, Truck Mounted SA MAX BID BID DELIVERY JET SEWER CLEANER TRUCK CLEANER CAB OVER BIDDER DEPOSIT DATE CLEANER BID TRUCK BID & TRUCK INCL. TAX Flexible Pipe Tool Company Bid 40 Days Flexible $10,075.00 Ford 5,575.99 $714.29 $620.35 223 3rd. Avenue South Bond 601-TM F-750 w/rear Edmonds, Washington 98020 iVeets or exceeds specs. shocks 40 Days Flexible 10,075.00 Chev. 5,075.35 681.76 601-TM is C-60 40 Days Flexible 105075.00 I.H. 5,074.10 681.71 836.00 601-TM 1700 40 Days Flexible 9,900.00 Ford 61357.36 731.58 Meets Flex. 601-TM L.N. Specs. Opt. 700 Rear Shocks $150.00 40 Days Flexible 9,900.00 1.H. 5,224.68 680.61 Meets Flex. 601-TM 1600 Specs. 40 Days Flexible 9,900.00 I.H.C.D. 5,757.24 704.58 Meets Flex. 601-TM 1600 Specs. City Mount 40 Days Flexible 8,560.00 Used with 601-TM any truck Cleaner 60" ca. Only Hagen Equipment Co., Inc. Bid 60 Days PC60-10 9,480.00 Ford 5,575.99 752.80 620.35 717 South Michigan Street Bond F-750 Seattle, Washington 98108 Sahlberg Equipment, Inc. Certified 60 - 90 1060 9,086.00 Chev. 52075.35 708.07 5950 Fourth Avenue South Check Days Without CE61403 Seattle, Washington 98108 Sand L � � Office of the City Clerk Page -2- Bid Opening, May 27, 1970 June 1, 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Hydraulic Jet Sewer Cleaner, Truck Mounted HYDRAULIC SALES TAX BID BID DELIVERY JET SE64ER CLEANER TRUCK CLEANER CAB OVER BIDDER DEPOSIT DATE CLEANER BID TRUCK BID & TRUCK INCL. TAX TOTAL BID Sahlberg Equipment, Inc. 60 - 90 1060 Custom $8,028.00 Chev. $5,075.35 $665.17 $13,768.52 5950 Fourth Avenue South Days CE61403 Seattle, Washington 98108 Continued 6o - 90 1260 10,736.00 Chev. 5,075.35 780.57 16,591.92 Days CE61403 Note: The following Trucks can be used with 1060 without sand, 1060 Custom, and 1260 Sewer Cleaners. Internat. 5,0716.10 Loadstar plus tax 1700 Ford 52575.99 F-750 plus tax b OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6A/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 2327 $4,760.00 E.J. MARTINSON 1105 VASHON CT. NE CONST, SWIM POOL 2328 1,200.00 BOISE CASCADE CORP. 4351 LK. WASH. BLVD. N CONST. CONCRETE RAMP 2329 1,000.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 2600 NE 12TH ST. RELOCATE PORT. BLDG, 2330 2,500.00 LELAND M. DAVIDSON 4225 NE 10TH PL. ADDN. TO RESIDENCE 2331 33500.00 SHELL OIL COMPANY 1410 N 30TH ST. INST, GAS TANK B 2332 4.00.00 SEELEY ELLISON 88 BURNETT AVE. S REROOF RESIDENCE 2333 50.00 JOSEPH G. DUG-DALE 3900 NE 7TH ST. ERECT FENCE 2334 VOID 2335 50,000.00 SHAKEYIS PIZZA PARLOR 225 SW 7TH ST. CONST, RESTAURANT ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2858 300.00 SHELL OIL COMPANY 2801 SUNSET BLVD. NE WIRE GAS PUMP 2859 300.00 SHELL OIL COMPANY 1210 BRONSON WAY N WIRE GAS PUMP 2860 300.00 SHELL OIL COMPANY 330 SUNSET BLVD. N WIRE GAS PUMP 2861 SHELL OIL COMPANY 1410 N 30TH ST. WIRE GAS PUMP 2862 35,000.00 CITY OF RENTON 1717 MAPLE VALLEY INY. WIRE PHASE I, CED. RVR. PK. E 2863 500.00 RENTON CENTRAL REPAIR 513 PARK AVE. N WIRE PAINT BOOTH 2864 155000.00 S & Y COMPANY 343 UNION AVE. NE WIRE BUILDING 2865 450.00 FEDERAL HOUSING AUTH. 2221 NE 6TH PL. CHANGE SERVICE TO 200A MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2461 656.00 CLYDE BARFIELD 227 UNION AVE. NE " INST. OIL FURNACE 2462 379.00 R. McDADE 1617 ABERDEEN AVE. INST, GAS FURNACE 2463 1,675.00 B. HUMPHREY 1812 KENNEWICK CIRCLE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2464 400.00 JAMES FRANKLIN 2221 NE 6TH PL. INST. GAS FURNACE 2465 1,300.00 ART FLENER 4O8 S 26TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS S 031 75.00 MRS. VIRGINIA BERGEM 205 S 3RD ST. INST. WAIL SIGN 032 850.00 SPRINGBRK. LANDS, INC. 4300 TALBOT RD, S INST. GROUND SIGN 033 150„00 S & Y COMPANY 343 UNION AVE. NE ERECT GROUND SIGN SEWER PERMITS t S 1134 SQUIRE CONSTRUCTION 4213 NE 10TH ST. CONNECT SEWER /14 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk June 8, 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Revised Massage Parlor Ordinance COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE . Red Samm Mining et a1 request to meet regarding Starkovich Pit LEGISLATION COMMITTEE milt Aerospace Industrial District Lodge 751 Resolution opposing any pursuance of items rejected by voters Fund appropriation of $8 ,000 . 00 for emergency aid vehicle Protest Resolution proposed regarding loss of Renton Postmark identity MAYOR_ Itinerary for visit to view local shop facilities Initiation of Underground wiring program on Edmonds Ave . N.E. and N.E. 27th Street , meeting with residents re cost recommended Summer help to be hired only from residents of the City PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids on L.I.D. 263 Sanitary Sewer Project PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Bobby Green request to conduct candy selling business in Renton TRAFFIC ENGINEER Initiation of underground wiring project on Edmonds Ave. N.E. and N.E. 27th Street , meeting with residents re cost recommended Mrs . R . Grassi letter regarding Renton Hill access APPOINTMENTS Mayor Garrett and Councilmen Barei and Schellert as Voting Delegates to AWC Convention in Yakima , June 30, July 1 , 2 and 3. Mrs . Delores A . Mead - Asst . Deputy City Clerk MEETINGS AND EVENTS June 10, 1970 - King County Court House - Board of Equalization June 15 , 1970 - Public Hearing on updating of 6 yr. street program June 22 , 1970 - Public Hearing on Cooperation Agreement with Housing Authority for housing for the elderly aw RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk June 8 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Municipal Building . =LEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Clymer, Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant Shane and Barei . OFFICIALS AND DEP ' T. Avery Garrett , Alauor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , HEADS PRESENT G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S . Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Del Bennett Traffic Engineer, Mike Brown , Data Processing Mgr . , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Agent , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Correction was requested to Page 3 , Paragraph 2 , 6/1/70 Meeting line 13 which should have shown the previous question "moved by Maxin" rather than McKay . Pg. 4 , Stredicke requested revision to show 525 Smithers as the address of Mr . Harold Rodgers . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as corrected . The motion carried . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS proposed ordinance of the City fixing the amount , form, date , interest and rate of maturity of Ordinance 2571 installment note , directing the issuance and LID 268 , Rainier sale thereof unto the city 's Firemen 's Pension Avenue Watermains Fund , pertaining to Local Improvement Dist . 268. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Maxin , to place the document on second and final reading . The motion carried. After final reading, it was moved by McKay , seconded by Schellert , to adopt the ordinance as read . Roll call vote resulted in unanimous affirmative vote . Motion carried. Proposed Revisions Councilman Perry reported the Committee is to Massage Parlor now ready to submit revised massage parlor Ordinance ordinance and recommends that the document be referred to the Committee of the Whole for review, some four pages having been changed since last readings . Moved by Schellert , second by Delaurenti , to concur in the referral . Councilman Perry advised of meetings held with owners of the subject businesses and that another meeting was to have been held prior to final adoption and it was suggested this be held during review by the Committee of the Whole . Motion carried . Resolution 1689 Councilman Perry advised the hearing date must for 50 housing be set in regard to approval and authorization units for elderly for cooperation agreement providing for low-rent Public Hearing Set housing for the elderly as requested by the Renton Housing Authority . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Stredicke , to set June 22 , 1970 as date for the subject hearing. Carried . VOUCHER APPROVAL_ Chairman of the Finance Committee , Tom Edwards , reported approval of vouchers 8459 through 8578 Nos . 8459 - 8578 and moved that council approve same for payment at this time . The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried . -1- 1 �8 MINUTES- RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/8/70 VOUCHER APPROVAL (Cont . ) Voucher Fund Breakdown : Current Fund * 8459 - 8512 $ 8 ,371 . 40 City Street * 8513 - 8526 7,671 . 78 Cedar River M & I 8527 - 8528 13. 23 Equipment Rental * 8529 - 8541 2 ,224 . 00 Library Fund 8542 - 8544 185 . 22 Park Fund 8545 - 8559 2 ,190. 57 Waterworks Util . 8560 - 8574 29 ,025 . 95 Airport Fund 8575 - 8578 77 . 72 Total all funds $49, 759 . 87 L. I.D. 265 Cash and Revenue Fund Warrants No . 2 each 663 . 75 L. I.D. 267 Cash & Revenue Fund Warrants No . 1 each 28 , 382 . 72 L.I . D. 267 Cash & Revenue Fund Warrants No . 2 each 450. 00 *Warrant 8499 Void (Current Fund) *Warrant 8523 Void (Street Fund) *Warrant 8538 Void (Equipment Rental) COMMUNICATIONS AND Letter from Mrs . Merle Crook expressed thanks CURRENT BUSINESS to the Council and Mayor, City Clerk , Treasurer and Department Heads for assistance given with Thanks for city hospital bed and for furnishing transportation help - Mrs . Merle for her and her sister to attend Memorial Day (Wiley) Crook Services , and kind deeds over the years . Appointment of Letter from 3slmie Nelson , City Clerk , requested Asst . Deputy City concurrence in the appointment of Mrs . Delores Clerk A . Mead to position of Assistant Deputy City Clerk , to serve in the absence of the City Clerk and Deputy . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Maxin , to concur in the appointment . Carried. Updating Six-Year Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer, recalling Street Construction requirement of state law to review and adopt an Program up--sated 6 yr. street construction program prior to July 1 of each year, advised of additional requirement to adopt an Urban Area 6 Yr. Construc- tion program which is limited to projects eligible for Urban Arterial Funding. Both of the programs must be approved by a Resolution after public hearings and it was recommended that public hearing be set for June 15 , 1970 on the matters . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Delaurenti , to concur. The motion carried. Bid Opening-L.I.D. City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids on No. 263, Sanitary June 3 for L .I. D. 263 sewer line , N. 40th St . Sewer Project to N. 32nd St . and Burnett Ave . N. and Lake Wn . Blvd. , East to Park Avenue North . Six bidders responded as per attached tabulations . Moved by Clymer, seconded by McKay , to refer the bids to the Public Works Committee for recommendation. The motion carried. Acceptance of L.I .D. Letter from City Engineer Wilson recommended 269 Funding Offer acceptance of offer of the Firemen 's Pension Fund Board to fund L. I.D. 269 , Watermain , S. W. j 43rd St . in sum of $122 ,000 . 00, 9 6 . 75% interest V per annum. Moved by Clymer, seconded by McKay , to accept the funding as recommended. Carried . Items added to Agenda Letter from Miss R . Grassi called attention to need for safe access at Renton Hill and expressed concern that proposed traffic flow revisions will require several hazardous turns and lane changes to get on Main Ave. So. It was urged that proper turn signals , not just stop lights and signs , be installed in the interest of public safety . Miss Grassi expressed her thanks to Councilman Clymer for his representation and consideration of needs of the subject area . Moved by Clymer , second by Schellert , to refer the letter to the Traffic Engineering Department . Carried . 189 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/8170 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Hon . Brock Adams Letter from Congressman Adams , directed to re Post Office the Post Office Department , Wn . , D.C. , urged re-examination of decision not to pursue construction of the Renton post office building according to spending curtailment program instituted by the federal government . Economic conditions were noted and it was deemed wasteful for the property to sit unused. Post Office Dept . letter, Wn . D. C. The letter to Congressman Adams was read report of status of confirming, in view of Bureau of the Budget building project directive to curtail federal construction for Renton spending as an anti -inflationary device , that the Renton project does not meet criteria for exception to the cutback and that develop- ment will proceed as soon as curtailment is lifted. Red-Samm Mining Co . Letter from F. W. Palin Trucking Co, , Inc . , request for meeting Red Samm Mining Co . , Inc. , Lakeside Gravel Co . , Inc . , requested meeting to discuss the Starkovich Pit , public hearing of October 20 , 1970 being noted as date permit renewal will be discussed. Points suggested for discussion included were possible annexation to Renton , controlled removal of materials as a needed natural resource; use of the pit after removal for a waste site and future use of finished area for a park . It was felt approach to the pit and analysis, from environmental and from economical standpoint, by all would be well in the interim prior to hearing. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Delaurenti , to refer the letter to the Community Services Committee for report back. The motion carried. Aerospace Industrial Resolut_or .adopted by Lodge 751 , was read Dist . Lodge 751 indicating on record, favor of the members Resolution re Forward to abide by the will of the majority of the Thrust Election voters on May 19 , 1970 , not to build a domed Issues stadium at the Civic Center; not to proceed with any forward thrust project rejected at said election unless brought back to voters; and opposing any mode of transportation that will add to air pollution , extension and use of an electrical system being favored . Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Perry , to refer the document to the Legislation Committee for recom- mendation regarding like action by Council . The motion carried. Request for permit Letter from Bobby Green requested permission for to conduc-t candy Seattle youths to sell candy in Renton during selling business the summer in the business area only , this to in Renton be his project as student at the University to earn money. The firm is to be called "Boys ' Enterprize" . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Clymer, to refer the request to the Public Now Safety Committee to check where the group has worked elsewhere and report back to council . The motion carried . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL City Shop Committee Chairman Schellert ,reporting meeting with the Report-New Facility Mayor regarding construction of the new city shop facility ,advised that itinerary will be prepared by the Mayor for a trip to view shop facilities in the area . -3- 190 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Jure 8, 1970 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Emergency Aid Car Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti recalled action of last week concerning aid vehicle and it was moved by Stredicke , second by Perry , to remove the matter of the first aid car from the table for discussion at this time . Carried. Councilman Delaurenti reported meeting with parties concerning possible lease of first aid equipment , however, it was the decision of all concerned that the purchase by the City as had been proposed would be advisable , the prior committee report still standing, to purchase at approximate cost of $8 ,000 . 00 with funding from excess state aid funds from 1968 . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Perry , to concur. The motion carried. Postmark procedure Councilman Stredicke noted that Renton will revision opposed lose its postmark identity if the postal curtailment program is enforced as anticipated with all cancellations to be done in Seattle , and moved that the council go on record opposing governmental action with referral to the Legisla- tion Committee for Resolution of objection. The motion carried. Personnel and Com- Chairman Stredicke submitted report recommending munity Relations that the City 's voting delegates for the Assn . Committee Report of Wn . Cities Convention , Chinook Motel and Tower In Yakima , June 30 , July 1 ,2 and 3, be Mayor Garrett , Councilmen Barei and Schellert . Moved by Perry , seconded by Bruce , to concur . The motion carried. Bid award report Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Offset Duplicator- Committee recommendation that bid of A . B. All bids rejected Dick Co . be accepted on the offset machine. New Bid Call Althouo�: -Iddressograph ' s bid was $80. 00 less Authorized it was discovered that the blanket wash which is necessary , was omitted from the specifica- tions and would be added by A .B .Dick at no additional charge and Addressograph would need to charge $302 . 00 more but would give 3 months free service . Discussion ensued concerning preparation of specifications Mr . James R . Cook Addressograph-Multilith representative outlining his position as low bidder , City Clerk Nelson reporting machine operator' s decision after trial to accept A . B.Dick. It was subsequently moved by Stredicke, seconded by Clymer, to reject all— bids and authorize a new bid call . After further discussion roll call vote resulted as follows : Aye : Schellert , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Stredicke , Perry and Clymer. No : Barei , McKay , Edwards and Delaurenti . The motion carried. Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted report recommending that Committee Report low bid of Sahlberg Equipment , Inc. for Model No . Bid Award For 1060 Sewer Jet mounted on Model 1600 International Hydraulic Sewer Truck , be accepted in sum of $14,868 . 11 . Moved by Cleaner Schellert , seconded by Clymer, to concur . The motion carried. Transportation Chairman Grant reported results of post card Committee Report survey which was conducted to determine whether property owners were interested in an underground wiring project in conjunction with the UAB Street construction project on Edmonds Ave. N. E. and N . E. 27th Street. 110 cards were sent out . 57 responded in favor and 38 against and it was recommended that the project be initiated by the City with the Mayor and Traffic Engineer to negotiate cost distribution with the utilities . Moved by Schellert, secauded by McKay, to concur. .4- 191 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 9, 1970 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Transportation Councilman Grant commended the Traffic Engineer Committee Report - and his Assistant for the manner in which survey Edmonds - NE 27th was conducted. Councilman Stredicke urged that Underground Wiring a public hearing be conducted prior to final action to advise the people of cost in view of the number opposing . The pending motion carried. Special Public Councilman Grant commended Councilman Stredicke Information Paper for his work on the last edition of his newspape, which was felt to be especially informative to the citizens . rr� Remarks by Shane Councilman Shane remarked that last year there on Street Changes were various steet patterns voted upon and now this year those same plans were being revised and work heretofore ordered was , after experts had rendered opinions , now getting under way, Mill Street and Houser Way , 2nd and 3rd Streets and Renton Hill access being the referenced areas , administrative-legislative jurisdiction being questioned as conflictive . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Funding Emergency Councilman Schellert moved that the matter of Aid Vehicle appropriation of funds from excess revenues from 1968 State Aid for the aid car be referred to Legislation Committee for proper Ordinance . The motion was s.:,conded by McKay and carried. Board of Equaliza- Councilman Schellert advised he would be out tion Meeting June 10 , of town and inquired if the other board King Co . Court House members , Delaurenti and Maximwould be able to attend the meeting on June 10th for hearing on Renton properties . Committee of the Council President Schellert advised that the Whole Meeting subject of council salaries for next year will bow be discussed at the Wednesday meeting of the committee and that Councilman Grant will be conducting the meeting . Upon inquiry , it was indicated that a quorum would be present . Leased Housing Moved by Schellert , seconded by Grant , the Program to utilize Housing Authority be requested to review the existing rentals matter of rental-lease support by Federal in Renton Government for low income family units . The motion carried. Citizen requests Mr. Clymer advised of report from Kennydale of Mr . Clymer resident whose neighbor had received permission for waiver of garbage pick-up and she knows they are ',urying it in their yard and she is concerned about pollution . Investigation was urged. Mr . Clymer received a letter from Mr. and Mrs . Ben Strang, 1015 N. E. 28th Place, regarding a horse being kept on property of a neighbor which is causing flies and improper care of manure adding to the problem . It was requested that the proper departments look into the two matters and report back. NNW Regarding Renton Hill access there had been inquiry whether road to Cascade might be paved and opened for additional traffic concern beim, expressed when train is on the tracks at the only present access location . Mayor Garrett noted this request concerns the Seattle Pipe Line road and we could inquire regarding paving and improvement with report back . Summer help limited Moved by Snane, seconded by Barei , only residents to residents of city of the City be Lired for summer help. Carried. Employment Committee -5- Report . 192 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 8 , 1970 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) City Pool Car Use Councilman Stredicke requested to be advised of city personnel authorized to drive city vehicles home at night . He does not feel the cars should be driven during off duty hours . Gardener to Maintain Stredicke expressed concern for city shrubs and Plants on City flowers and inquired whether the city has a Properties qualified gardener to insure proper care , it being feared otherwise that without proper maintenance they would be gone in two years , horticulturists and persons knowledgeable in this regard calling attention to tentative problems . Red Samm Mining Councilman Grant reported receipt of letter from the Kennydale Elementary School people concerning student safety as may concern the pit mining operation by Red-Samm Mining, Inc. PUD Formation Moved by Shane , seconded by Barei , that Council go on record by resolution to organize a P. U.D. in Renton . Moved by Delaurenti , second by Grant , to refer the motion to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Budget Review per Barei inquired concerning administrative action Economic Trend pursuant to economic downward trend, Schellert having also inquired in this regard earlier when expenditure for first aid car was authorized. Barei noted school district review of budget and Mayor Garrett advised of like action by the city prior notice to council that revenues will not be realized from sale of public use areas resulting, and it was noted first council con- sideration might well be given to not appropria- ting funds for additional items , expending of excess revenue not helping to correct the im- balance. Perry noted that it was not just the two parcels contributing to the deficit and that the entire picture needs review. Shane urged that state be asked to cut back taxes . Discussion ensued with regard to meeting with the Boeing Company to discuss economics which Mayor Garrett advised will be held as soon as information is available which may allow a future projection . Walkways - Talbot Barei inquired regarding walkways and cross Elementary School walks for children when the new Talbot Hill and Lake Wn . Beach Elementary School opens and it was noted that Park area the County will work with the City in coordinating work on the improvements , to be ready when school opens in the fall . Upon inquiry regarding fencing now installed , Park Board member Tom Teasdale advised an opening to the school will be made . Shane inquired concerning need for walkways in Kennydale where children must walk along the Highway to get to the Lake Wn . Beach Park. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Frank Storey inquired regarding loss of identity in regard to postal service and Mayor Garrett advised of program to include a large cancellation area , all to bear Seattle postmark, including Renton Kent , Auburn , etc. , with no local postmark on letters . ADJOURNMENT Moved by Grant , seconded by Stredicke , to adjourn . Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9 :40 p.m. There were 23 visitors in the Council Chambers his evening. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Avery arrett , Mayor -6- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^" COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole 6/10/70 8 :00 PM Schellert Community Services Marin Finance Edwards Legislation Perry cr Personnel & Community 6/10/70 7 : 00 PM 6th Fl Conf Rm Relations 6/16/70 7: 30 PM Stredicke 6th Fl Conf Rm Christian Coffee House Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works 6/10/70 7 :O0 PM Bruce 4th Fl Conf- Pm Transportation 6/11/70 7 : 30 PM Grant 1-Police Dept. Rep. with School District re. Adult Crossing Guards 8 : 30 PM .zrant 2 Downtown Merchants re. � ._ Improvement of S. 2nd St. Code of Ethics 6/16/70 7 : 30 PM rant 6th F1 Conf Rm Board of Equalization 6/10/70 10 : 00 AM King County Courthouse 194 Jane 8, 197o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JUNE 3, 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Sanitary Sewer Project - L.I.D. #263 N. 40th St. to N. 32nd St. and Burnett Ave. N. and Lake Washington Blvd., East to Park Ave. N. BIDDER BID BOND BID Coulee Construction Company, Inc. Bid Bond $24.4,352.00 738 Bellevue Avenue East Seattle, Washington 98102 W. C. Frost Company Bid Bond 290,749.00 8005 South 222nd Kent, Washington 98033 Olympic View Plumbing Company, Inc. Bid Bond 336,290.00 17926 Highway 99 Lynnwood, Washington 98036 Tonneson Construction Inc. Bid Bond 336,924..00 9021 Waller Road Tacoma, Washington 98446 Tri-State Construction, Inc. Bid Bond 337,ol6.00 3829 Bridgeway North Seattle, Washington 98103 J. E. Work, Inc. Bid Bond 288,882.50 8520 Willows Road Redmond, Washington 98052 d a 195 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6/8/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGDMUNG DEP9RMW BUILDING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 2336 X1.7,500.00 R.W. WIEHOFF 1740 NE 16TH ST. CONST, FAMILY RESIDENCE ,�... 2337 100.00 CARSON PIERCE 2809 NE 7TH ST. CONST, STORAGE BUILDING 2338 300.00 DANA G. MARYOTT 2001 JONES CT. SE CONST. FENCE 2339 2,000.00 VERGIL H. OLSON 1159 REDMOND AVE. NE REMODEL & ADD NEV GARAGE 2340 45,000.00 MOB11, OIL CORP. 4105 NE 4TH ST. CONST, SERVICE STATION B 2311 19,950.00 RONALD A HECKER 1713 SE 18TH PL. CONST, FAMILY RESIDENCE 2342 30,000.00 WASH. HORSEBREEDERS LONGACRES CONST. HORSE SALE BARNS 2343 6,000.00 ROBERT E. PETRIN 1413 ABERDEEN AVE. NE ADDITION TO HOUSE 2344 150.00 C.R. BROWN 2005 NE 51ST ST. CONST. PORCH 2345 VOID B 2346 325.00 FRANK E. SCHARWAT 1925 CAMAS CT. SE CONST. FENCE 2347 5,000.00 UNION OIL CO. OF CALIF 538 FELLY AVE. N MODIFY WAREHOUSE 2348 21,000.00 HERB MULL 2001 NE 16TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2349 900.00 BOEING CCMPANY 10-71 BUILDING CONST. WALL ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2866 384.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 15 S GRADY WAY T.O. #42 2867 100.00 U.S. POST OFFICE 314 WILLIAMS AVE. S WIRE EXHAUST FANS 2868 150.00 WILLIAM L. QUINLIVAN 438 WILLIAMS AVE. S INST. 200 AMP PANEL 2869 450.00 ROBERT Eo PETRIN 1413 ABERDEEN AVE. NE WIRE ADDITION 2870 350.00 MABEL T. BLANK 1402 JEFFERSON AVE. NE ELECT. HEAT & NEW SERVICE E 2871 12000.00 STITCH IN TIME 35 S GRADY WAY INST, STRIP LIGHTING 2872 125.00 C.W. DODTE 436 WINDSOR WAY NE CHG, SERVICE TO CIRCT. BRK. 2873 250.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INST. CDC SCANNER 2874 217.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-65 BUILDING MODIFY ELECT. SWITCHES i... 2875 200.00 BOEING COMPANY 4—Ol BUILDING INST, OUTLETS E 2876 19000.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-76 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SERVICE 2877 1,000.00 BOEING CCMPANY 10-71 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SERVICE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2466 250.00 HUGHES, DAVIS, ADDERSN; 812 S 3RD ST. STEAM PRESS BOILER 2467 1,671.00 I.J. BRODELL 1018 SHELTON AVE. SE INST, OIL FURNACE 2468 2,936.00 T. STANLICK 127 PARK AVE. N INST, GAS ELECT, UNITS 2469 400.00 BRODELL & BRODELL 1018 SHELTON AVE. SE INST, SEPTIC TANK 2470 10475.00 RONALD A HECKER 1713 SE 18TH PL. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES M 2471 300.00 ROBERT E. PETRIN 1413 ABERDEEN AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2472 450.00 LLOYD PETERSON 3106 LK. WASH. BLVD. N INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2473 21000.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-71 BUILDING INST, SINK SIGN PERMITS S 034 2,800.00 SHA.KEYIS PIZZA PARLOR 225 SW 7TH ST. INST. ELECT. POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1135 CITY OF RENTON— 1717 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. SAN. & STORM SEWER CARCO THEATRE flnr 196 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk June 15 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Vacation of portion of Burnett Ave. So . & So . 8th St . to Puget Power Bid award contract documents : LID 263; Langston Road Improvement CITY ATTORNEY Legislation toward implementation of the Optional Municipal Code MAYOR AND*CITY CLERK +�1t *Authorized to execute Addendum to PAG 1546-69 , Cedar River Bridge *Authorized to execute 911 Emergency Telephone System Agreement *Authorized to execute contract documents with Coulee Const . , LID 263 *Authorized to execute Langston Road Improvement Contract with Moss Const. City to render assistance legally possible to Christian Coffee House COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mayor' s suggestion to forego emergency aid car until ' 71 and use funds for temporary employment of students Motion by Shane to repeal 2% Utility Tax Police Guild Contract proposal CITY ENGINEER Condemnation procedure for easement across Burlington Railroad Right of Way . Prairie Market (Mr . Frank Young, Jr. ) Late-Comers Agreement COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Revisions to Sec . 4-710 of Municipal Code suggested by Mayor LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Vacation of portion of Burnett Ave . So. & So. 8th to Puget Sound P & L. Revision to Sec. 4-710 of Municipal Code suggested by Mayor Initiation by City Resolution of N.E. 27th Area Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. PARK BOARD No Portable Swimming Pool suggestion of Councilman Barei POLICE DEPARTMENT Bingo game report - White Center and Black Diamond PLANNING COMMISSION Vacation of portion of Burnett Ave. S. & So. 8th St . to Puget Sound P & L. Revision to Sec. 4-710 of Municipal Code as suggested by Mayor PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application for Amusement device operation at Soft Sam's (Rainier Amusement) PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bid for Langston Road Improvement (Awarded Moss Const . Co. , $136 ,610. 70) Bids fpr Improvement of corner .of So, 3rd St . and Rainier Ave. So. APPOINTMENTS Councilman Grant to Policy Advisory Committee of the Joint Committee on Highways Traffic Engineer Del Bennett to Technical Advisory Committee of the Joint Committee on Highways Councilman Clymer to serve as Voting Delegate to AWC, Mr. Bares being unable to attend MEETINGS AND EVENTS Mai Public Hearing - June 22 , 1970 6-Year Comprehensive Street Construction and Urban Arterial Programs (Cont . from 6/15/70) 197 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk June 15 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Garrett in the Council- Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building at 8 :00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , .McKay , Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant and Barei . Absent : Shane ,who arrived later in the meeting. Moved by Barei , seconded by McKay , to excuse the absent Councilman . Carried. OFFICIALS AND CITY Avery Garrett , Mayor , Gwen Marshall , Deputy DEPARTMENT HEADS City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. PRESENT Williams ,. ,Chief of Police, M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Vic TeGantvoort, Street Com- missioner, M. Deane Seeger, Administrative Asst . to the Mayor , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Mike Brown , Data Processing Manager and Bernard Ruppert ,Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Moved by Schellert , seconded by Barei , the 6/8/70 Meeting minutes of the previous meeting be approved as prepared and mailed out . The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING : Appeal of Mr . Lloyd LaBonte from Board of Adjustment denial of Sign Code Variance . LaBonte Rambler ,- Inc . Appeal of variance This being the date , the hearing was opened denial and Councilman Barei upon his request was excused from the Council Chambers advising of a direct interest in the matter . Board of Adjustment letter was read advising that 5 signs are presently on the property and, proposal was to remove one of the smaller ones and erect a new 6 x 4 ft . pole mounted sign . Limitation in number allowed by Code is already exceeded and the Board felt no circumstance exists to grant special privilege which may not be enjoyed by others . Applicant was not represented at the Board of Adjustment Hearing. Audience comment was invited and none was forthcoming , there being no representative of LaBonte in attendance . Notification of hearing was confirmed by the Deputy City Clerk . Motion by Stredicke , seconded by Maxin followed, to close the hearing. Discussion ensued re- garding -dealers intent to handle new line of { vehicles and further discussion was urged. Motion to close the hearing lost . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Bruce , to continue the hearing one week, applicant to be notified to appear. Maxin urged further violation of the Code not be allowed suggesting removal of all signs and installation of one covering all products . Motion to continue one weer lost . Moved by Perry , seconded by Stredicke, the hearing be closed. niscussion ensued pro and con applicant 's position after which the motion was voted upon and carried. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by McKay, the appeal be denied, upholding Board of Adjustment decision. Carried. -1- 198 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/15/70 PUBLIC HEARING Six Year Comprehensive Street Construction and Urban Arterial Programs . Continued to This being the date , the hearing was opened. June 22 , 1970 Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported period covered to be January 1 , 1971 to December 31 , 1976 . Annual review is required to update and revisions may be effected at any time providing public hearing is held prior thereto . Revisions concern new requirements to identify those projects included within the City 's Urban Arterial System, in priority order and within categories of Major (M) , Secondary , (S) and Collector (C) Classifications. Projects being funded not yet completed are included along with arterials and access streets, not a part of the UAS. The last revision was in December 1969 and changes mainly concern the elimination of completed projects and State funded projects with additions of areas as approved by the Board of Public Works as recom- mended for improvement . Map of areas involved was displayed. After discussion regarding exhibits and timely notice before the hearing, it was moved by Stredicke, seconded by Maxin, to continue the hearing one week to June 22. The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution No . 1690 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Urging construction resolution requesting the Post Office Department of new post office to reconsider its prior action delaying con- struction , and to proceed with the Renton Post Office facility , especially in view of presently depressed economic situation in the State and in Renton . Moved by McKay, seconded by Barei , to adopt the Resolution as read. Carried. Resolution No. 1691 Proposed resolution was read reaffirming City's Supporting Riverton, support of suburban site rather than Seattle South Park or other Civic Center site for location of a domed Suburban site for stadium, per prior resolution 1531 , and giving domed stadium support to the electorate in rejection of plans utilizing said Seattle Site . Moved by Grant , seconded by Bruce, to concur with referral of the document to the King County Council . The motion carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Nos . 8579 - 8676 approval of City Vouchers 8579 through 8676 and moved that Council approve same at this time. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 8579-8612 $ 16,092. 11 Arterial Street Fund 8613 8 . 87 City Street Fund 8614-8627 22,491 . 91 Cedar River M & I 8628-8630 63 . 59 Equipment Rental Fund 8631-8645 1 ,334. 20 Library Fund 8646 276 . 90 Park Fund 8647-8657 4,248 . 36 Waterworks Utility 8658-8670 5 ,487. 90 Airport Fund 8671-8676 1 ,835 . 65 Total All Funds $ 51 ,839.49 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Acceptance and Letter from City Engineer Wilson and Street Final Payment Commissioner TeGantvoort recommended acceptance CAG 1665-70, and final payment to McDonough Construction Co. Union Ave . NE on Storm Trunk Sewer, $11 ,633. 04, work completed Storm Sewer June 4 . Commencement of Lien period was also recommended. -2- 199 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5/15/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Con . t) CAG 1665-70 Acceptance If, after 30 days no liens or claims are Final Payment and filed against the project , and upon proof Lien Period of payment by Contractor of all tax liabilities , it was recommended retained amount of $1 ,292. 56 be released. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , to concur . in the recommendations. The motion carried. Letter requesting Application of owner of Soft Sam's , 675 Licenses for Garden Avenue requested that Rainier Amuse- Amusement Devices ment Company be granted required license to operate Speedway and Flipper amusement devices at said business location . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to refer the matter to the Public Safety Committee for report back. The motion carried. Proposed Street Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported Vacation-Burnett that petition from Puget Sound Power And Ave . So . & So . 8th Light Company for vacation of portions of Burnett Avenue South and South 8th Street is signed by owner representing 100% of the front footage abutting the subject streets . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , to refer the matter to the Legislation Committee for resolution setting date for public hearing . Carried. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Delaurenti , to refer to Board of Public Works and the Planning Commission for recommendations at the hearing. The motion carried. Report of Bid Deputy City Clerk Marshall reported opening Openings of a single bid on June 10, from Moss Construction Company , for Langston Road Improvement from S. W. Sunset Blvd. to Powell S. W. , in sum of $136 ,610 . 70. (See later award per Public Works Committee Report) Opening of three bids on June 12 was reported for Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks , Drainage and Channelization of S.E. corner of So. 3rd St . and Rainier Avenue . Bidders were E.P . & N. Construction of Seattle , $14 ,981 . 50; Moss ,.onstruction Co. , Zenith, $17,035 . 00 and select Contractors , Inc. , Seattle , $17 ,975 . 00. ingineer ' s estimate , $17 ,700. 00. Moved by Barei , seconded by Schellert , to refer the bids to the Public Works Committee . The motion carried. (See later discussion regarding lack of bid response) Municipal Code , Letter from Mayor Garrett noted requirement Sec. 4-710 , Approval of the Municipal Code for plans and specifi- of Plans and Specifi- cations to be approved by the Planning Com- cations mission for construction in P-1 zone which appears . to be a duplication of effort in cases where permanently appointed bodies or commissions are charged with supervision and Mr operation of certain city-owned properties , or a special council committee is supervising a particular project and it was requested the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee the Community Service Committee and the Planning Commission for legislation and investigation of possible relief of duplication of effort . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Clymer , to concur . The motion carried. -3- 200 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/15/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) CEDAR RIVER BRIDGE Letter from Mr. D. C. Davis , Director of PERMIT PAG . 1546-69 Facilities , The Boeing Co . , advised of possible 747 work in Renton during the next two or three years and requested time limit for removal of the old bridge be ex- tended indefinitely but in no event less than two years . Letter from Mayor Garrett submitted and recommended execution of addendum to original permit . Moved by Barei , seconded by Bruce , to concur and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the document . The motion carried. Mayor urging Letter from Mayor Garrett urged reconsidera- use of funds for tion of action to expend funds for non-budgeted student employment capital equipment and that time schedule for with aid car to Fire Department ambulance be advanced to 1971 be considered in budget session . It was suggested the tax 1971 budget dollar might be more appropriately spent to provide temporary employment for students , and that $5 ,000 . 00 be used for said purpose , federal matching funds to be sought to help the tax dollar do double duty at this period of high unemployment . Moved by McKay , second by Clymer , to concur . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Schellert , to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole for further dis- cussion . The motion carried. Mr . Shane arrived during discussion of motions concerning the emergency aid vehicle. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Amos Huseland , 1916 Edmonds N.E. , urged that the Press publicize proposed Sanitary Sewer project and its proper location for clarification to the public. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett reported , for informa- tion , appointment of Councilman Bill Grant , Transportation to the Policy Advisory—Committee of the Joint Committee Chairman Committee on Highways and Del Bennett to the and Traffic Engineer Technical Advisory Committee of the Joint appointments to Committee on Highways . These Committees will State Committees meet with consultants on the Auburn-Bothell corridor study . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Schellert submitted report Whole Report of recommendations from June 10 committee meeting. Matter of condemnation proceedings Condemnation for for easement across Burlington-B'orthern Railroad Railroad Crossing right of way with regard to authority from Wn . Easement Utilities and Transportation Committee; the construction of automatic signals , gates , etc. to be at no cost to the railroad; and fencing north and south of the crossing, to be referred to the Citq Engineer. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Barei , to concur . The motion carried . LID initiation Recommended that Resolution be initiated Ly the NE 27th Street City for Sanitary sewer L.I.D. for area in Sanitary Sewer N. E. 28th and Kennewick P1 . N.E . and portion of N.E. 27th Street So , excluding property occupied by the Kennydale Memorial Hall . Moved by Barei , seconded by Schellert , to concur with referral to the Legislation Committee . The motion carried. -4- 201 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/15/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Committee of the Discussion ensued concerning LID for NE 27th Whole Report area it being noted that in view of natural grata separation another district was advisable rather than extension of the present district . Upon inquiry the City Attorney advised that the Memorial Hall property was subject to cost of any improvement which may benefit the property . Shane further inquiring regarding trespass was advised the organization has the same right as any private ownership to prohibit use of its property . It was noted matters tow of pertinence to the LID can be presented at the public hearing. 911 Telephone On May 18 , Universal 911 Emergency Telephone System Study . Study proposal was submitted to the Council . The Committee of the Whole report recvm:-,:ended the program be adopted and it was moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry , to concur , authorizing execution of service application by the Mayor and City Clerk. Carried. Portable Swimming Recommended that suggestion of Councilman Pool Referral Barei concerning portable swimming pools be referred to the Park Board for feasibility study with report back within 60 days . The Mayor advised no council action is required on this recommendation . Legislation Chairman Perry reported resolution adopted Committee Report on rapid transit was in response to the Aerospace Industrial District Lodge 751 letter of last week and that he has been investigating further concerning use of electrical systems , the other Resolution in response to notice of curtailment of building the post office in Renton , being response to inquiry concerning possible use of the post office parking lot by the public. Matter of loss of postal identity on cancella- tions still in committee . After-hour coffee Councilman Stredicke inquired whether coffee service in lunch- shop lease included coffee service after room. lunchroom closing hours . Upon inquiry , Mr. Seeger reported the coffee dispensary is not paying for itself under the mode of operation and that the reaction from discontinuation is now evident , no conclusions however, being asserted at this time . Various proposals were suggested, it being noted the lease provides for after hour service but this was not monetarily commensurate under present operation. Personnel and Chairman Stredicke submitted report recommending Community Relations that the matter of a Christian Coffee House in Committee Report Renton be referred to the Mayor 's office to render any assistance the City can legally provide , it being felt that a well supervised and properly regulated activity can be of service to the Renton area toward solving drug problems and providing an outlet for needs of some of our youth . Moved by Perry , seconded by Maxin , to concur . The motion carried. Delegates to AWC Councilman Stredicke reported that Councilman Clymer will be alternate voting delegate to the Assn . of Wn . Cities Conference, along with Mayor Garrett and Councilman Schellert , Councilman Barei being unable to attend, and moved for concurrence. The motion was seconded by Perry and carried. -5- 202 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/15/70 OLD BUSINESS 'BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) AWC Agenda and Discussion ensued concerning A WC Agenda Appointees typographical error in announcement of time. various councilmen advising of appointments to panels and topic discussion groups . Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted report recommending Committee Report that the low bid of Coulee Construction Company Bid Award,LID 263 in sum of $244 ,352 . 00 be accepted on L.I .D. 263 north 40th Street Sanitary Sewer project , and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to executed contract documents upon approval of HUD and the City Attorney . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Schellert , to concur. Carried. Prairie Market Request of Mr. Frank Young, Jr. for Late-Comers Late-Comers agreement for sanitary sewer line at 343 Union Agreement Avenue was considered and it was recommended the agreement be authorized for a 5 year period. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by McKay, to concur . The motion carried. Bid Award-Langston Recommended that the low bid of Moss Construction Road Improvement Co . , Inc. in sum of $136 ,610. 70 be accepted on Langston Road Improvement project and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents upon approval by the City Attorney . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay, to concur. Stredicke inquired if all normal legal procedures were followed since only one bid was received. City Engineer Wilson advised 20 sets of specifications were picked up -and 7 or 8 were returned, that legal publications in two issues of the city 's legal newspaper plus one advertisement in the Daily Journal were inserted as required but only one bidder re- sponded. It was noted that on later bid call of less value three bids had been received . The pending motion carried. Transportation Councilman Grant reported his committee will Committee Report continue working with the school and police concerning school crossing adult guard program. 2nd Ave . South Solutions are still being worked out with the merchants and recommendation to be forthcoming regarding possible hiring of consultants, formal request to be made in this regard. Inquiries re OMC Councilman Shane urged that the matter of initiative and referendum be considered by the Council without which he did not believe the Optional Municipal Code provided betterment . Discussion ensued regarding Resolutions to be considered for implementation of the new code and City Attorney Shellan advised of ways the Council might act with respect to adoption of legislation . Council President Schellert noted the council has been discussing salaries rather than this subject and the code operation , the City Attorney noting the next council can not set its own salaries and that a series of OMC Resolutions will be required, and that he will meet with the Council at any time desired. PUD Councilman Shane inquired regarding referral of PUD initiation and it was noted the matter is still under consideration , having. been referred only last week. OMC Legislation Moved by Barei , seconded by Shane, to authorize the City Attorney to prepare legal documents to be considered toward new code implementation. After some discussion the motion carried. -6- MINUWS - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6115170 203 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont. ) Public Report Councilman Barei urged allocation of funds in the next budget for a public report , map of city 's proposed L.I.D. ,as noted by Mr . Huseland, to be type of inclusion which now becomes lost in the local paper here and there among the other news , Mr . Stredicket publication now being instrumental in bringing such specific information to the public. It was felt the public interest in local government would be stimulated by such a report . Publication was noted to be a costly project and it was moved by Barei that $5 ,000 . 00 be authorized in the 1971 budget for this purpose. Motion was seconded by Shane . Councilman Stredicke noted the matter of public report to be in his com- mittee , figures on cost and overrun to be in- cluded in recommendation,his report intended to show w?tat can be gained by such report . Motion and second were withdrawn . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL_: Dangerous Buildings Upon inquiry by Schellert concerning report distributed regarding enforcement of the new dangerous building code , Mayor Garrett advised the report is to bring the council up to date on current status . Regarding special committee noted in the report , Maxin advised the matter of the subject ordinance is in his Community Services Committee for review. New State Law Council President Schellert called attention to on City Budgets new State legislation regarding budgets for cities and noted since the Deputy City Clerk has been attending seminars on the matter perhaps the council might be given a report at a Committee of the Whole meeting , Planning, Programming and Budgeting part of the new concept rather than a line item budget . rr.. Committee Meetings Councilman Stredicke suggested weekly meetings be set for the Committee of the Whole in order that matters , including OMC Legislation may be studied . Personnel and Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Grant , the Community Relations Police Guild Contract negotiations be referred Committee to the Committee of the Whole . Carried. Code of Ethics Councilman Grant thanked those who assisted Committee Report in the Code of Ethics meetings and advised a proposal will be submitted next week . Remarks by Councilman Shane suggested reports regarding Councilman Shane dangerous building code enforcement exclude names of property owners until legal action is taken . Unemployment Shane , expressing concern for unemployment status , urged request be made for federal assistance . Mayor Garrett outlined actions being taken to secure available fund aid and program implementa- tion noting all possible areas are being explored which may attribute to alleviation of the problem. Tax Protest Councilman Shane urged protest to County and Srate officials concerning high tax on real property and moved request be made for reduction for this area during this time of economic distress . Discussion ensued regarding legal percentage and need for reform of the whole tax structure , and it was subsequently moved by Grant , seconded by McKay , vote be taken on previous questfon .Carried. Moved by Clymer , seconded by McKay to substitute motion that Mr . Shane submit recommendation in writing with referral to Committee of the whole. Carried . -7- 204 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/15/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : 2% Utility Tax Moved by Shane , seconded by Barei , to repeal the 2% Utility Tax . Moved by Stredicke and seconded by Clymer , to refer the motion to the Committee of the Whole , Stredicke noting he would rather favor a 15% salary reduction . The matter of one-half cent sales tax implementation and loss of aid to cities moneys to offset were discussed after which the pending motion carried . Comparison of duties Shane noted comparative duties and salaries of and salaries of city personnel in Parking Checker and Water Meter personnel Reader divisions and questioned aspect of the work and city cost . Councilman Stredicke advised ... salary and wages for city personnel is in his committee and the matters could be considered in the committee study . Budget Calendar Councilman Shane inquired concerning budget preparation and Deputy City Clerk Marshall advised that the first working day of October is date for presentation of departmental requests to the Mayor and the Mayor ' s Preliminary Budget is filed with the Council on November 2 . School District and Upon inquiries concerning school district and Hospital Expenses hospital expenditures and operating costs which Questioned by Shane might be secured for the taxpayers , it was noted that such was available from those respective Boards and Commissions . Bingo in King County Councilman Barei reported citizens had advised him they had attended Bingo games in Black Diamond and White Center and it was proposed inquiry be directed to King County Executive Spellman pursuant thereto . After considerable discussion and proposal for referral to the Mayor , Legal and Law Enforcement Departments , Mr . Barei was requested to furnish information for investigation with law enforcement procedures to be taken accordingly . Mr . Stredicke offered to bring suit if warranted, Shane suggesting Renton allow Bingo . Visiting State The Honorable Albert (Bud) Shinpoch and Mrs . Dignitary Shinpoch werepreseni this evening and were extended a welcome of applause. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Norman Ross , 450 Index Place N.E., inquired regarding earlier action in regard to Planning Norman Ross - Commission jurisdiction and whether this might Planning Commission include Park and Airport land . Mayor Garrett Member advised this would depend upon recommendations as may be adopted , noting Planning Commission inclusion in the referral . Amos Huseland Mr . Huseland expressed concern regarding newspaper article on sanitary sewer proposal with wrong extension urging proper clarifica- tion . It was noted Resolution and public hearing notices carry proper locations. Mr . Joe Sporcik Joe Sporcik reported his experience in regard to the publica- tion wherein error was acknowledged, legality of „O, such description being questioned. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Schellert , seconded by Edwards , to adjourn . Carried . The meeting was adjourned at 10 :20 p.m. There were 23 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . / . "rd Gw Marshall , Deputy City Clerk Avery Galillett , Mayor -8- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 15, 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS t Committee of the Whole 6/22/70 7 :00 PM Schellert Council Chamber Community Services 6/17/70 3 : 30 PM Maxin Planning Direc- Code Revision tor ' s Office Request of Mr. Zerwoodis Finance Edwards Leqislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations 6/16/70 7 : 30 PM Stredicke 6th F1 Conf Rm Collective Bargain- ing (Contract) for Police Officers Public Safety Delaurenti Guild Public Works 6/22/70 7 : 00 PM Bruce 4th Fl Conf Rm Transportation Grant Code of Ethics Committee 6/18/70 7 : 30 PM Grant 6th Fl Conf Rm Final Meeting June 15, 1970 BID TABULATION SHEET PRO J ECT : IMPROVEMENT OF S.W. LANGSTON ROAD FROM S.W. SUNSET DAT F. -- BOULEVARD TO POWELL AVENUE S.W. . . 1 9 70 2,c 00 1,,M. MOSS CONSTRUCTION, INC. $136, 610 . 70 ZENITH, WASHINGTON 98188 L June 15, 1970 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JUNE 125 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Drainage and Channelization S.E. Corner - South 3rd. Street and Rainier Avenue South BIDDER BID BOND BID E P & N Construction Bid Bond $14,975.50 # 20014 - 13th Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98148 Contractor error - Come tion $14,981.50 Moss Construction Inc. Bid Bond 17,035.00 P. 0. Box 37 Zenith, Washington 98188 Select Contractors Inc. Bid Bond 17,975.00 3652 Hillcrest S.W. Seattle, Washington 98116 208 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6/15/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY 'rHE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B2350 $ - - ELEANOR M. DUNCAN 300 PELLY AVE N DEMOL GARAGE 2350 100 . 00 " " ERECT SHED 2352 1 ,000 . 00 ROBINSON LYON FORD 112 S GRADY WY RELOC BLDG 2353 22,000 . 00 WARREN CHIN 247 PARK AVE N ALTERATN BLDG 2354 11, 000 . 00 RAYMOND MC DADE 1617 ABERDEEN NE REMODEL & NEW ADDN B2355 100 . 00 RUFUS M SORAGUE JR 628 SHATTUCK S ERECT FENCE 2356 16 ,000 . 00 AERODYNE, INC RENTON AIRPORT CONST HANGAR A MECHANICAL PERMITS M2474 1, 200 . 00 GALE A HALSEN 1401 S 9TH ST INST PLBG FIXT M2475 147. 50 DARWIN SPRINGSTEAD 615 MORRIS AVE S INST WALL HEAT 2476 217 . 50 JOHN MARSHALL 420 WILLIAMS N INST GAS HEAT 2477 82. 50 T•;rAL ANDERSON 2509 EDMONDS NE INST GAS WT HEAT 2478 135. 00 RENTON LUTHERAN CHUR 200 WHITWORTH S INST GAS BURNER 2479 250 . 00 KNOKE 230 PELLY N INST GAS FURN I M2480 550. 00 DOBI CONSTRUCTION CO 2303 NE 10TH ST ELECTRICAL PERMITS E2878 1, 500. 00 RENTON VILLAGE CO 35 S GRADY WAY ADD CIRCUITS 2879 50 . 00 LELAND M DAVIDSON 4225 NE 10TH PL WIRE ADDN E2880 19 ,000. 00 CITY OF RENTON SW 43RD ST/E VAL WIRE TRAF SIG (� 2881 650. 00 ELMER VARNER 240 RAINIER S NEW SERV & REW 2882 50 . 00 ELMER MORASCH 1704 BLAINE NE TEMP SERV 2883 30 . 00 THE BOEING CO 10-80 BLDG INST OUTLET 2884 550 . 00 THE BOEING CO IfELEC SERV E2885 1, 000 . 00 WASH') JOCKEY CLUB LONGACRES WIRE BARNS 2886 2, 500 . 00 If it CLUBHS REMODEL 2887 500. 00 ART FLENER 408 S 26TH ST WIRE RESID k r a SIGN PERMITS i 5035 100. 00 RENTON VILLAGE CO 35 S GRADY WY BLACK MFG CO S036 800. 00 PUGET POWER STITCHIN TIME 1 ADDENDUM TO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF 6115170 RE : COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REFERRAL OF CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FOR EASEMENT ACROSS BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY. I I Items a , b , and c . were referred to the City Engineer . J I i TO BE ADDED TO MINUTES: Page 4 , Paragraph 6 prior to motion to concur . The Committee of the Whole further recommends that the matter of payment to the railroad for the easement cost be referred to the City Attorney for further negotiations . i i I f RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk June 22, 1970 R E F E R R A L S FINANCE COMMITTEE Funding cost of appraisal of Whitman Court N. E. CITY ATTORNEY Summons and Complaint filed by D. M . Buck , d/b/a Renton Sand and Gravel against Ehco Construction and City Code of Ethics Legislation MAYOR AND * CITY CLERK Summons and Complaint filed by D. M. Buck , d/b/a Renton Sand and Gravel against Ehco Construction and City *Authorized to execute purchase agreement for site 3 on Union Avenue for city shop and/or well site *Authorized to execute contract documents with E. P. & N. Construction Co. for South 3rd Street at Rainier Avenue improvement COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Letters recommending new positions in city government LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Updated Six year street construction and arterial program (Resol . 1694) Code of Ethics Updating Cabaret License Ordinance PLANNING DIRECTOR AND COMMISSION To report at July 6th public hearing plans to resolve access and restrictive covenant matters concerning vacation of portion of Whitman Court N. E. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids on L . I. D. 265 - No. 20th Street Sanitary Sewer project STREET COMMISSIONER To supervise banner installations per requests of Kiwanis Club of Renton advertising rummage sale and Renton Merchants Assn . to promote sidewalk sale , both banners across 3rd Avenue a APPOINTMENTS 3 Mr . Jack Colombi - Permanent appointment as Captain in the Renton Fire Department effective July 1 , 1970 '= Library Board - Mrs . Nancy Monahan , expiring 6/1/75 Park Board - Mr . Ronald J. Regis , expiring 6/6/73 Municipal Arts Commission - Mr . Gerald Edlund , expiring 5/1/73 and Mr . Randall Rockhill , expiring 1/1/73 s Planning Commission - Mr . Anthone R . Mola , expiring 1/1/76 a ;t PUBLIC HEARINGS July 6 , 1970 - Vacation of portion of Whitman Ct . N. E . , continued from 6/22/70 July 20 , 1970 - Vacation of portion of Burnett Ave. and 8th St . per petition of Puget Sound Power & Light Co . July 27 , 1970 - Resolution of Intent to create L. I. D. for Sanitary Sewers in vicinity of N.E. 27th and 28th Streets RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk June 22 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Garrett in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building at 8 :00 p .m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry, McKay, Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . CITY OFFICIALS AND Avery Garrett , Mayor , Gwen Marshall , Deputy City DEPARTMENT HEADS Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G. M. PRESENT Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, M. Deane S&eger, Adm. Asst . to the Mayor , Vic TeGantaoort , Street Com- missioner, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant, Bernard L. Ruppert , Building Directory and Gene Coulon , Park Director. i APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Schellert , seconded by Delaurenti , to 6/15/70 Meeting approve the minutes of the previous meeting as prepared and mailed out . The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Six Year Street Construction and Urban Arterial (Cont . from 6/15/70) Program - Proposed revisions for updating This being the date set the hearing was opened. Letter from City Engineer Wilson was read outlin- ing additions and revisions , enlarged upon by his verbal report and display of wall chart map. Mayor Garrett advised that the program is subject to review each year and can be revised at any time . Stredicke commended the local paper for its coverage for public information . Discussion ensued wherein it was stated that the street and arterial programs comprise list of the basic needs of the city and all projects and recommendations desirable are included, it being realized, however, that funding is not available for all and priority having to be determined accordingly . Traffic Engineer Del Bennett gave priority criteria which includes traffic volume accident rate , classification (major , collector, or secondary) and availability of funds . Data is put into a computer and results are based on need. Shane recalled motion of last year for improvements to downtown 2nd and 3rd streets , urging inclusion at this time . Motion was invited, it being noted funding must be available before proposals can be supported. Grant subsequently recalled deletions at budget time last fall which included this location . Audience comments included inquiry from Mr. Gerald Hess , 504 Smithers concerning plans for Smithers . Proposed railroad track removal and eventual tie in with extended Talbot Road and with Grady Way were noted along with State Highway work to be done and possible tie in to its system at Logan . Ora Lee Kimbrough , 919 Edmonds asked concerning 900 block and effect upon property values . It was noted work is being done on the north side, some easements to be required for slope cutback but no affect to her side of the street, improve- ments to be within the 60 ft . right 'of way; the street to be four laned with two for vehicular movement and t>ao for parking . -1- 211 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/22/70 PUBLIC HEARING : (Cont . ) Six Year Street Mr . Del Bennett noted lighting, signals and Construction and sidewalk inclusion are due to State Highway Arterial Program projects and requirement that cities over 15 ,000 population have to assume responsibility for such internal improvements . Mr . Joe Sporcik inquired regarding affect on the Highlands area and City Engineer Wilson outlined proposals for this location . Mr . Sporcik inquired concerning water being shut off at hydrant in vicinity of his home and the am Mayor acknowledged the problem noting actions taken upon notification . City Engineer Wilson advised fire department check and/or various activities could result thusly, the Mayor adding human error to the possibilities , noting the subsequent restoration of the water. After furtherdiscussion it was moved by Schellert seconded by Delaurenti , to close the hearing on the street and arterial programs . Carried . Moved by Shane , seconded by Bruce , to adopt the programs as submitted. Moved by Perry , second by Shane, to include referral to the Legislation Committee . The amendment carried. The original motion , as amended carried . PUBLIC HEARING_ Vacation of Portion This being the date set , the hearing on petition of Whitman Ct . N. E . of Ken Kalen Construction , et a1 , (filed 5/11/70) was opened. Letter from the Board of Public Works (Continued to July 6) recommended approval of the vacation subject to condition that two access points to Sunset Blvd. be developed; that restrictive covenants be filed prohibiting access to Whitman Court N.E. to the South of the proposed project and that a 20 ft . wow utility easement for existing utilities in the street be retained by the City . Film slides were shown and presentations by Del Bennett and Gordon Ericksen followed concerning aspects of the conditions recommended, proposed development of 228 unit apartment complex in area approximately comprising 13. 5 acres with R-3 and B-1 noted to be present zoning. Discussion ensued, Planning Commission action being reviewed and its hearing being continued to June 24 problems of traffic circulation and access being unresolved. Mr . Dennis Decker and Don Jacobs replied to council inquiries on be- half of developers and Mrs . Ruby Sausseberry expressed concern regarding area adjacent to her residence , one of two located on the end of Whitman Court N. E. to the south, physical structure to dead end the right of way having been proposed. City Attorney Shellan noted problem with regard to prohibiting use if the right of way is accessible to the public in its present state . After extensive remarks , it was noted that builder can proceed under present zoning with greater height and density than proposed and matter of access as concerns traffic pattern not only in subject area but also developed Honey Dew Estates area adjacent , is the matter to be resolved and the Council needs to decide whether to vacate as recommended or to allow traffic through Honey Dew. Buffer zone screening to be instituted through Plans Check program . Motions were proposed to close the hearing and to refer to Committee of the Whole , Traffic Engineer and Planning Commission ., Also to vacate and waive the fee in return for filing of restrictive covenants and conditions specified by the Board of Public Works , no action however confirming motions by Shane and Stredicke respectively .-2 212 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/22/70 PUBLIC HEARING : (Cont . ) Vacation of Portion: Mr . Decker, noting problem in purchasing any of Whitman Court NE additional right of way for access ,advised of immediate construction plans ,as presented , with work to commence tomorrow no delay being intended there being considerable investment involved . It was subsequently moved by Shane, seconded by Grant , to continue the hearing to July 6 and Planning Director and Commission to report plans at that hearing as may be resolved as to access and restrictive covenant& . Grant moved to add amendment that the City Engineer notify the 16 property owners on the north side of Honey Dew Estates of the hearing. Amendment was duly seconded and carried and the original motion as amended carried. Discussion followed concerning value of city ' s interest in the right of way , some $4 ,500 . 00 being projected by developer as equitable price based on his payment for access right of way . Moved by Barei , seconded by Shane , the Planning Director be authorized to secure appraisal on area of Whitman Ct . N.E. proposed for vacation, and to Finance Committee for funding of appraisal . Dissenting voice vote resulted in requests for roll call which was taken as follows : Aye , 9 : Schellert , Clymer, Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . No 3: Stredicke , Maxin and Edwards . The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Resolution authorizing and approving form Housing Authority of Cooperation Agreement between the City of Renton 50 unit housing and the Housing Authority of the City of Renton , project fnr the and authorizing its execution . elderly . This being the date set , the hearing was declared open . The proposed resolution was read along with letter from City Attorney Shellan urging amendment to paragraph 7 to provide that the City be given notice in writing prior to deduction of any amounts from payment in lieu of taxes . Discussion ensued regarding standards of housing to be met and Mrs . Tillie Cole , Director of the Housing Authority advised that all plans are approved by the Planning Department and Council approves the site as well . Mr. Wynn Kampe ob- jected to the council acting on this matter at this time as he , on behalf of private enterprise has application filed for a like project and Federal runding, and he felt the private ma_ttPT ahould be resolved prior to the final action by the city on the housing authority nrn;Act , the Planning Commission to hear the request Wednesday. Planning Director Ericksen noted this to be for a Special Permit with alternate plan being for conventional apartments , parking requirements being the difference . Councilman Shane requested the record to show he abstained from actions on this matter. Barei inquired concerning leased-rental subsidy utilizing local privately owned existing rental units and felt this should be investigated by the Housing Authority prior to the Turnkey program. Some considerable discussion ensued regarding this subject and communications noting denial of prior application for such type project .due to the "soft housing market" and lack of previously required workable program in the City . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/22/70 213 PUBLIC HEARING : Housing Authority Cooperation Agreement (Cont . ) Mrs . Cole advised that following denial of new units the Board noted activity in the County and Seattle and checked being subsequently advised it might be possible to get 50 units by Turnkey which method she outlined as it pertains to Contractor proposals of sites and later acquisition by the Housing Authority . She noted 31 applications pending for the elderly and 9 for low income families . Barei urged the Turnkey project not be approved until investigation of government lease-rental subsidy program . Perry did not feel it fair to apartment owners to enter into a long lease and then in event the Air Force should give The Boeing Company work to include work in the Renton area problem of not having available hous- ing could result and people liable to be put out . Maxin urged continuation with the Turnkey project the council having passed a Resolution and no city funds to be expended . Cooperation Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Grant , to close Agreement and the hearing. Carried . Resolution was submitted Resolution No . 1692 and it was moved by Perry , seconded by Maxin , to adopt the Cooperation Agreement and Resolution authorizing its execution . Moved by Schellert , second by Stredicke , to amend to include inserting provision in Paragraph 7 for 30 days advance notice to be given the ('ity in event of any reduction of payments in lieu of taxes . The resolution was read approving the form of Cooperation Agreement between the City and the Renton Housing Authority and authorizing its execution . The amending motion and original motion as amended were voted upon and carried; Shane abstaining from the vote . -- Community Service Mayor Garrett presented a community service award Award to Mr . Joe placque to Mr . Joe Mathews , former Administrative 1rr Mathews Assistant to former Mayor Custer and,until his resignation , to Mayor Garrett . Mr. Mathews acknow- ledged the award with thanks . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance No . 2572 Legislative Committee presented ordinance and a letter from Mr . J. H. Miller requesting review of existing ordinance concerning slaughtering of animals . Plans to resume activity by Miller Packing House were noted and present legislation prohibiting slaughtering in the city . City Attorney Shellan reported that the existing ordinance has been in effect since 1939 , the state having pre- empted the field , new ordinance to repeal the old and authorize slaughtering and inspection thereof to be governed by state laws and further by the State Director of Agriculture and the U. S. Director of Agriculture . Ordinance was read amending Section 8-401 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordi - nance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton , " relating to the slaughtering of animals . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Maxin , to authorize second and final readings . Carried. after final reading , it was moved by Delaurenti , seconded by McKay , to adopt the ordinance as read. Unanimous affirmative roll call vote carried the motion . Dr . Miller was introduced by the Mayor . Resolution No . 1693 Resolution of the City declared its intention to construct and install sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto in vicinity of N. E. 28th St . and Kennewick P1 . N.E. and portions of N.E. 27th St . and Jones Ave . N.E. adjoining, and to create Local Improvement District to assess cost and expense of said improvement against properties in such district specially benefited thereby; notifying all persons who - 4- 214 s i MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/22/70 J ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : Resolution 1693 may desire to object to said improvement to (Continued) appear and present their objections at a meeting L.I. D. 271 of the City Council to be held on July 27 , 1970 . Moved by McKay , seconded by Stredicke , to adopt the Resolution as read. Carried. Resolution 1694 Resolution was read adopting the modification 6 year street plans and division of a new Comprehensive Six Year Street Program including the designations of certain arterial projects . Moved by Barei , and seconded by Schellert , to adopt the Resolution as read. Carried . Resolution 1695 Resolution was read setting the 20th of July , Vacation of portion 1970 as date for public hearing on the proposed of Burnett Ave . and vacation of portion of certain streets as per 8th Street to PSPL request of Puget Sound Power and Light Co . Company Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Schellert , to adopt the Resolution as read. Carried. Ordinance 2573 Committee of the Whole President Schellert Salary ordinance reported recommendation that city council for new council salaries be set at $300 . 00 per month and it under O.M .C. was moved by McKay , seconded by Schellert , to concur . Grant noted the Mayor 's salary had been fixed also but City Attorney Shellan ad- vised that the Mayor , City Clerk and Treasurer salaries are fixed by City Ordinance from time to time. Councilman Stredicke commented on the clever speculation and conclusions in setting salaries expressing his opinion that councilmen are serving on a part time basis as a civic service and the positions should not be looked at strictly for money purposes , many members of boards and commission serving without pay and putting in almost as much time . He added that during the month of May he put in 40 hours in meetings and spent 30 hours on city business in addition and proposed motion,accordingl.y , recommendation to be changed to $1 ,000. 00, which motion the Mayor declared to be out of order. Barei added his hope that council would not in- crease salaries to $300. 00 as it would encourage seeking of office forsalazy and not for benefit to the City , this being a lot of money and when service is given because they want to serve the city the quality is just as good as it would be if paid more , expense to individual mainly being away from his family and cost of driving;service of Councilman Delaurenti over the years an example his service equally valuable now with a salary as (26) years ago when he did not receive that amount . Reconsideration was urged, and the pending motion to concur was subsequently voted upon and carried . The proposed ordinance was placed on its first reading. Moved by Barei , seconded by Delaurenti , to place the document on second and final reading. The motion carried, Stredicke opposing and Shane absent from the Council Chambers during reading and vote . After final reading roll call vote was taken as follows : AYES, 10 : Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Edwards , Maxin , Bruce Grant and Barei . AVO , 1 : Stredicke , Shane was .absent durinsthe vote . Motion .Carried. VOUCHERS-8677-8833 Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported ap- LID Cash and Proval of vouchers and moved that the council Revenue Warrants #3 approve same at this time . The motion was seconded by Maxin and carried. Moved by Edwards , second by Schellert LID warrants be approved. Carried. -5- 215 .. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/22/70 VOUCHERS (Cont . ) Fund Breakdown Current Fund 8677 - 8725 $ 3,442 . 46 Arterial Street Fund 8726 - 8729 349. 50 City Street Fund 8730 - 8741 11 ,308 . 76 Equipment Rental 8742 - 8761 5 ,487. 19 Library Fund 8762 29 . 45 Park Fund 8763 - 8786 24 ,367 . 16 Waterworks Utility 8787 - 8805 32 , 740 . 77 Street Fwd. Thrust 8806 - 8807 99. 02 Lk . Wn . Beach Fwd T. 8808 613. 50 Airport Fund 8809 - 8811 390 . 21 Firemen 's Pension 8812 - 8831 6 ,914 . 45 Accident Loc . Prog. 8832 1 ,890. 00 r�r Control Device Prog. 8833 1 ,935 . 00 Total all funds $89 ,567 . 47 L .I . D. Cash and Revenue Warrants #3 152. 04 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS AWC CONVENTION Association of Washington Cities Convention PROGRAM AGENDA Program agenda was presented and will be filed in the City Clerk ' s office for information . Mayor ' s letter re Letter from Mayor Garrett urged the Citu Council state of local and -ity Departments to give consideration to the economy unpredictable state of our local economu u.rryi.na implementation of sound austerity programs for development of monetary controls for th- balance of the fiscal year and in preparing for next year 's budget . Immediate measures included that vacancies occurring as result of vacations , sick leaves or retirement will not be filled except those of an emergency nature as approved by the Mayor 's office , and that no capital expenditure in excess of $1 ,000 be made from the current budget without approval of the Mayor and determination of fund availability. It was concluded that through joint effort t-he current level of services to the city can be maintained and rte" the current economic storm weathered, no crisis legislation or wholesale "cuts" to balance the budget to occur but rather the provision of basic services and elimination of frills . Request to move Letter from Mr . Charles Lewis requested permission equipment from for removal of tanks , racks and pump located on leased land property leased from the city , said improvements now owned by Mr . Lewis having been purchased from Mr . Gustine along with the property adjacent to that leased . Moved by Barei , seconded by Perry, to grant permission for removal of items as requested with premises to be restored to safe and neat condition, as recommended in memo read from the City Attorney . The motion carried. De1iuty City Clerk ' s Deputy City Clerk Gwen Marshall reported opening of report of bid three bids for LID 265 , Sanitary Sewer, No . 20th St . opening , LID 265 to No. 28th from Meadow Ave. No . to Lk. Wn . Blvd. No. , Sanitary Sewer on June 18 . Responding to bid call were Coulee Construction ; Frost Construction and Olympic View Plumbing Co . as per tabulations attached . It was noted that the low bid is being challenged by second low bidder due to error in unit price quotation . ruw Moved by Perry , seconded by Schellert , to refer the bids to the Public Works Committee for recom- mendation . Carried. (Shook LID) Kiwanis Club Letter from Mr. Clarence Dullahant , Chairman , of request to install Rummage Sale , requested permit to place banner banner over 3rd St . across No . 3rd Street and Wells Ave. So . , to promote annual rummage sale fund raising event to be held June 26 and 27 . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Clymer, to concur in the request , with usual Hold Harmless Agreement and supervision by the Street Commissioned. Carried. -6- 216 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/22/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Downtown Merchant 's Letter from Mr. P. R. Thorn , President, Assn . request to Renton Merchant ' s Association , requested install banner and permission to conduct annual sidewalk sale to hold sidewalk July 8 through 11 and to install banner sale over 3rd Avenue in vicinity of A & H Drugs , to promote the event. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Stredicke , to approve the requests. ri,ith usual Hold Harmless procedure and Street Commissioner 's supervision of installation . Carried . i Summons and Complaint Legal instruments as captioned were filed Douglas M. Buck , with the City and concerns contract for d/b/a Renton Sand & Lind Avenue improvement against which sub- Gravel vs . Ehco Cons . contractor is filing lien and subsequent legal and City of Renton suit for satisfaction. Moved by Schellert , and et a1 seconded by Delaurenti , to refer the matter to the City Attorney and Mayor 's office for recom- mendations . The motion carried. Request for approval Letter from Mayor Garrett requested council of purchase of land authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to for city shop enter into an agreement to purchase Parcel 5 of Site 3 on Monroe Ave . N. E. (Union) for use as City Shops and/or Well site . Purchase price of $9 ,000 . 00 to be funded from the 1965 Water and Sewer Fund . Special City Shops Committee recommendation was read for concurrence in the purchase . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Maxin , to concur in the recommendation authoriz- ing purchase and execution by the Mayor and Clerk of necessary documents , The motion carried. APPOINTMENTS Jack L. Colombi Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Permanent Appoint- in permanent appointment of Mr. Jack L. Colombi ment as Captain , to position of Captain in the Renton Fire Depart- Renton Fire Dept . ment , effective as of July 1 , 1970. Fire Chief Walls ' recommendation along with Civil Service Commission certification were attached. Moved by Barei , seconded by Delaurenti , to concur. The motion carried. Library Board Letter from the Mayor requested council concurrence Park Board in appointments of the following: Library Board , Municipal Arts Mrs . Nancy Monahan , 5 year term expiring 6/1/75; Commission and Park Board, Mr . Ronald J. Regis , 3 year term, Planning Commission expiring 6/6/73; Municipal Arts Commission , Mr. Gerald Edlund , 3 year term expiring 5/1/73 and Mr . Randall Rockhill , 3 year term expiring 1/1/73. Planning Commission , Mr. Anthone R. Mola , 6 year term, expiring 1/1/76 . Moved by Grant , seconded by Bruce , to concur in the appointments. Carried . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Special City Shops Councilman Schellert announced plans of the Shops Committee Field Trips Committee to visit Kent and Auburn facilities on Friday , June 27 . Anyone wishing to attend were urged to meet with the group in the Mayor ' s office at 1 :30 p.m . New Bid Call for Council President Schellert reported that new Offset Machine specifications were prepared and it was now recom- mended that new bid call be authorized for Offset Duplicating Maching, blanket wash to be included which had been omitted previously . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry , to concur in the new bid call . Carried. -7- 217 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/22/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Bingo games in Councilman Stzedicke .reported attending a operation bingo game at Black Diamond with three persons who had knowledge of the game operation . About 165 persons were in attendance at the Eagles where a sign in the window clearly advertised the game. Three cards were purchased for $2 . 00 some persons playing up to 15 cards and "throw- away"cards later available for 500. The jackpot was not won and is now at $300. 00 . It was announced that Buckley holds bingo games on Saturday. Mr . Stredicke reported various telephone conversa- tions , Mr . McGavich , in County Director Spellman ' s office advising no problem as to White Center Memorial Hall game there being no charge or cash award. Further reports in this regard were that gifts are brought for admittance but that a money pot is involved . Inquiry to the King County Prosecutor 's office confirmed this type of opera- tion to be illegal the lass to be enforced by the local enforcement agencies , it being noted if a complaint is filed or if the City were to bring complaint the County will move . Mr. Ted For- rester had been apprised and was fully aware of both cases and of Mr . Stredickeb pursuance of the matter . Conversations with Black Diamond Police Chief and his discussion with the Sheriff in Seattle was noted , ratio of win and profit being pointed out . Since nothing has been done Mr. Stredicke advised he was asking his attorney to file a .Mandamus Action to force the County Official to uniformly enforce the law as it pertains to bingo . Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted recommendations that Committee Report low bid of E. P. & N. Construction Co. in sum of $14 ,981 . 50 be accepted on So . 3rd St . improvement at intersection of Rainier Avenue , and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign contract documents as approved by the City Attorney . Carried. Code of Ethics Chairman Grant reported the Code of Ethics is ready Committee Report and moved that the documentation be referred to the Legislation Committee and City Attorney for legal form. Stredicke requested all councilmen be furnished copies . Councilman Grant outlined some of the objectives including Declaration of Purpose; Election campaign contribution report requirement to include for both elections ; penalties for viola- tion ; Personal and private interests to be filed with Board of Ethics to be comprised of 5 persons , two councilmen serving without a vote . The pending motion carried . Transportation Chairman Grant submitted recommendation that the Committee Report Mayor , Councilmen Grant and Maxin and Traffic Engineer Del Bennett be authorized to attend the Western Section of Institute of Traffic Engineers meeting in San Francisco , Cal . , July 19 - 23 , 1970, moving acceptance , seconded by Maxin . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Schellert , to refer the recommendation to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee , all travel matters to go to one committee to have been policy . Motion failed. Original motion to concur carried. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported need to update the ' Committee Report Cabaret License Ordinance and reported recommenda- tion to refer this to the Legislation Committee . Moved by Perry , second by Maxin , to concur . Carried. Folders of reference McKay expressed pleasure with new reference material materials folders for use at meetings . s -8- 218 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6/22/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Letters regarding Councilman Stredicke called attention to new positions in two letters prepared heretofore by Mr. Joe city government Mathews , directed to the Council President and which have not been referred or discussed. Moved by Stredicke , the two letters of May 6 , 1970 be referred to the Committee of the Whole . The motion was duly seconded and carried. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay, to adjourn . E ; The motio carried . Meeting adjourned at 11 :40 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. G en Marshall , Deputy City Clerk 'Avery Grrett , Mayor I -9- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 22, 1970 N COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Financial Review with Committee of the Whole Thurs. 6/25/7 7:30 p.m. Schellert Council Chamber Boeing; Massage Parlor Ord. ; Police Guild Contract & Emergency Aid Car. Community Services ues. 6/23/70 4:00 p.m. Maxin Plan. Dept. I Finance Edwards Legislation (Perry i Personnel & Community Relations Tues. 6/23/70 7:30 p.m. Stredicke 6th Floor Police Guild Contract Conference room Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works ed. 6/24/70 7:30 p.m Bruce 4th Floor Consultant on equitable Conference room rate study Transportation rhurs. 6/25/70 7:00 p.m. Grant Office South 2nd St. Special City Shop Bldg. Committee ri. 6/26/70 1:30 p.m. Schellert eet in Mayors Tour Kent & Auburn Council Invited Office Shop facilities Special City Shop Bldg. Committee rues. 6/30/70 6:30 a.m. Schellert �llingham ur Everett & Council Invited Facilities End in Yakima. 220 June 22, IM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JUNE 18, 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room L.I.D. #265 Installation of a Sanitary Sewer System in the area of N. 20th St. to N. 28th St. from Meadow Ave. N. to Lake Washington Blvd. N. BIDDER BID BOND BID Olympic View Plumbing Co., Inc. Bid Bond $ 99,769.43 17926 Highway 99 Lynnwood, Washington 98036 W. C. Frost Construction Co. Bid Bond 102gM .80 8005 South 222nd Kent, Washington 98031 Coulee Construction Co., Inc. Bid Bond 1141.782.79 738 Bellevue Avenue East Seattle, Washington .98102 ADDENDUM: Alternate "A" Bid only by Olympic View Plumbing Co. , Inc. in sum of $98 ,004 . 50 plus tax $4 ,900 . 23 . Total bid of $102 ,904. 73. None others bid the alternate. 221 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6/22/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2357 $25000.00 FED. HOUSING AIM. 2303 NE 10TH ST. REMODEL RESIDENCE 2358 21750.00 PHIL M. LANDE 95 BURNETT AVE. S CONST, BOILER ROOM 2359 VOID 2360 7,800.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 35 S. GRADY WAY ALTERATIONS, STITCHINI TIM 2361 23000.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 34 S. GRADY WAY ALTERATIONS, BLACK MFG. B 2362 21,843.15 CITY OF RENTON 105 WILLIAMS AVE. S CONST. SHOPS BUILDING 2363 11373.00 WILBERT A CHASE 823 S 27TH ST. FINISH BASEMENT 2364 --- PAUL F. BLAUERT 3619 PARK AVE. N DEMOLISH RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2481 33500.00 SHAKEYiS PIZZA PARLOR 225 SW 7TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2482 300.00 WILBERT A. CHASE 823 S 27TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2483 65,00 JOHN PALMERVILTR 1822 ABERDEEN AVE. NE INST, GAS BARBECUE 2484 223.00 GEORGE S. JOHNSON 316 EARLINGTON AVE. SW INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2485 82.50 B. E. LARKIN 1069 LYNNWOOD AVE. NE INST. GAS WATER HEATER M 2486 21,700.00 CITY OF RENTON 1717 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. INST. AIR CONDITIONING 2487 15,000.00 CITY OF RENTON 1717 MAPLE VALLEY W. ]NST. PLBG. & FIX'T'URES ELECTRICAL PERMITS 2888 3,600.00 PRODUCTION COMPANY 4232 JONES AVE. NE WIRE NEW ADDITION 2889 630.00 G.M. AUTO SALES bol RAINIER AVE. N WIRE PARTS HOUSE 2890 4,300.00 SHAKEYsS PIZZA PARLOR 225 SW 7TH ST. INST. ELECTRICAL SERV. 2891 50.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1002 N 31ST ST. TEMPORARY SERVICE 2892 50.00 STRA—ND, INC. 343 UNION AVE. NE TEMPORARY SERVICE E 2893 50.00 COULEE CONSTRUCTION NE 14TH ST.(E OF JONES RD) TEMPORARY SERVICE 2894 160.00 WILBERT A. CHASE 823 S 27TH ST. WIRE BASEMP. REMODEL 2895 750.00 PACIFIC N.W. BELL 209 W=L MS AVE. S REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE 2896 500.00 FED, HOUSING AUTH. 2303 NE 10TH ST. CHANGE EXISTING SERV. 2897 550.00 UNION OIL CO. 59 RAINIER AVE. S INST, FIXTURES E 2898 4,500.00 PERCY YACKEL 1332 SW 16TH ST. ELECT, CORRECTIONS SEWER PERMITS S 1136 PHIL PHZLIO 3324 NE 17TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1137 E. A. DELP 3325 NE 17TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 222 FUND TRANSFERS AUTHORIZED FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1970 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 37,687. 07 Arterial STreet Fund 2 ,611 . 91 City Street Fund 41 ,965.11 Cedar River M & I 76 . 82 Equipment Rental 9 ,933. 95 Library 4 ,348. 32 Parks 68 ,266 . 40 Waterworks Utility 78 , 768 . 92 Street Forward Thrust 99 . 02 Lk . Wn . Beach Fwd. Thrust 613. 50 Airport Fund 2 ,647. 39 Firemen 's Pension Fund 13,594 . 46 Accident Loc . Prog. 1 ,890 . 00 Control Devices Prog. 1 ,935 . 00 264,437 . 87 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund 160,851 . 50 City Street Fund 39 ,068 .13 Cedar River M & I 700. 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,309 . 43 Library Fund 10 ,435 . 62 Parks Fund 49 ,995 . 52 Waterworks Fund 26 ,082 . 56 Airport Fund 1 ,738 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 294 ,280 . 76 223 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 6 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND *INSURANCE CARRIER Pacific Northwest Bell Co . Summons and Complaint No . 725080 against the City for damage to buried cable in vicinity of Taylor Ave . N.E. Claim of Mrs . Amanda Wilson for injury damages in sidewalk fall 6/1/70. PLANNING DIRECTOR Request of Grant to furnish plans for sidewalkd to and within Kalin Construction apartment complex par Whitman Ct . vacation proceedings New restrictive covenants to be filed with revised parking, 6 ft . buffer strip and those recommended by the Planning Commission To check if restrictive covenants have been met at 10th & K St . apts . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Policy regarding referral of travel authorization requests Clymer 's suggestion to eliminate admittance fee at Liberty Park Pool COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Rezone of H. C. Anderson-Reinhard Distributing Company property located at Rainier Avenue South and South 7th Street , from G to B-1 . Thomas Cooke request to meet regarding Trailer Park Ordinance LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Vacation of Portion of Whitman Ct . N. E. Zoning for apartments by special designation in water-oriented areas Declaring 7 equipment rental motor pool vehicles surplus and for sale To submit final draft of .Massage Parlor License Ordinance to Council on July 20 , 1970 Vacation of Anderson-Reinhard Distributing Company property from G to B-1 . Possible Franchise for ambulance service operations MAYOR AND *ADM. ASSISTANT City 's 1971 budgetary share of Air Pollution Control Agency Program in sum of $2 ,640 . 00 for 1971 budget consideration To write The Boeing Company and express thanks for presentation To check if restrictive covenants were met at 10th & K St . Sunset Apts . *Study local ambulance service PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Request of Councilman Shane for he and Barei to attend International Ass 'n . of Councils Seminar in Istanbul Turkey 7/13-24 and Seoul , Korea 7/27-8/14/70 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Granted Power to Act in Soft Sam 's amusement device license application Matter of violation by vehicles on Camus Ave . submitted by Mr . Stredicke PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Late-Comer' s Agreement for McKnight Heights #1 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Agreement with Burlington Northern Railroad Co re Lind Avenue/Grady Way intersection grade crossing signals Metro transit bus service -Report of discontinuation in Renton BUILDING DEPARTMENT *CITY HEALTH OFFICER *Complaint noted by Councilman Shane regarding unsightly property next to 1029 Aberdeen Avenue N. E. as reported by Mr . George Zvarich To investigate non-operative and sidewalk obstructing vehicles on Camus Ave . PARK DIRECTOR Request of Councilman Stredicke that ballfield lights be replaced where burned out OTHER ACTIONS AND EVENTS Letters to State and County urging acquisition of properties along Lake Wn . for parks BAND CONCERTS - Liberty Park - Sundays , July 14 ,21 and 28 at 4: 00 p.m. 224 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 6 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer. Absent : god Edwards and Barei . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE ABSENT COUNCILMEN BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. STREDICKE OPPOSED. CITY OFFICIALS AND Avery Garrett , Mayor , Dorothea Gossett , City DEPARTMENT HEADS Treasurer , Gwen Marshall , Deputy City Clerk, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , Bert McHenry , Asst . City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , M. Deane Seeger , Adm. Asst . to the Mayor , Vic Te Gantvoort , Street Commissioner and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE 6/22/70 Meeting MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JUNE 22 , 1970 BE APPROVED. THE MOTION CARRIED. AWARD OF COMPETENCE Letter from the State Department of Health , Board Ronald L. Olsen of Certification for Wn . State Water Works Opera- tors ,announced that Certificate of Competency was issued to Mr . Ronald L. Olsen as a Water Works Manager III . Mr . Olsen , successfully passed the examinations which together with his experience and education have qualified him for said rating. Mayor Garrett presented the Certificate to Mr. O1sen commending him for his voluntary participa- tion and interest in community service evidenced by such award and extended congratulations . Mr . Olsen expressed thanks and was applauded by the assembly . PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed Vacation of portion of Whitman Court N.E. Vacation of portion Ken Kalin Construction Co . , et al, petition filed of Whitman Ct . N.E. 5/11/70 , hearing continued from 6/22/70 This being the date set , the hearing was continued. Letter from Kalin Construction Company outlined plot plan revisions to meet the Building Code re- quirements, along with provisions agreed upon for screening planters and fence along property lines , sewer easement , closing of Whitman Court , and matter of second easement to Sunset Blvd., which has not been attainable to datejto be pursued further for possible acquisition . Letter from Planning Director Gordon Y. Ericksen reported Planning Commission recommendation to approve the vacation provided no access is allowed to Honeydew Estates and that permanent landscaping strip and screening separate the R-3 from the residential area , a restrictive covenant to be filed by developer to assure the provisions . Appraisal was reported which established value of of property at $4 ,200 . 00, city easement interest acknowledged therein . -1- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/6/70 225 PUBLIC HEARING : Vacation of Whitman Petitions with signatures representing 69 and Ct . N. E. (Cont . ) 70 households were read inquiring as to aspects of traffic and possible tax burdens in the event additional schools and utilities are required, the second requesting that parking face to the north ; 25 ft . green strip and fencing to screen; vacation of Whitman Ct . N.E. , limit of 228 units and maintenance upon completion to keep the area in good condition . It was pointed out that under the R-3 zoning such concessions are not mandatory and any made have been by voluntary act , the matter now before the body being only the vacation of Whitman Court N. E. , which had been urged by ■.. various members of the audience . Discussion ensued wherein parking lot problems , size of buffer zone , preservation of natural wooded areas and easement were presented with comments from residents including those of Mr. Floyd Gabriel , 4140 N.E . 11th; Mr. John McGann , 4333 N. E. 11th ; Mr . Dwayne Frieboes , 4208 N.E. 11th ; Mr . Paul Howell , 4340 N.E. 11th; Mr . Jim Soloman , 4104 N.E. 11th and Mrs . A . L. Jones , 4109 N. E. 11th . Mrs . Margaret Evans , 403 Grandey Way N .E. urged the citizens to keep informed as time and again views are expressed on actions affecting their properties when it is too late, noting publications advertise hearings and events which may be aatched for timely action . It was pointed out that in this case the R-3 zoning was in existence when properties were purchased by present owners , ':wing been zoned prior to 1965 at which time Honeydew was not a part of the City. Mr . Dennis Decker, representing Kalin Construction , reported plans to preserveas manytrees for natural settings as possible , noting meetings with property owners to inform them and hear their views. The plan submitted and approved for financing is to be followed and concessions as reasonable and possible have been made but to allow 20 ft . green belt will require relocation of units and change in plans already approved by financing agency , creating problems . Present zoning allows greater density and higher buildings than planned however developers have tried to be compatible for a good relationship. Moved by Shane , seconded by Grant ,to continue one week for consideration of requests from residents . The motion failed . Shane felt buffer can be wider. Grant inquired regarding sidewalks and was advised off site improvements according to code will be re- quired including curbs and sidewalks adjacent to the right of way . Grant requested the Planning Dir- ector to furnish plans of s=dewalks to and within the development for council information , suggesting restrictive covenants be filed prior to final action on the vacation , it being noted the Ordinance can be held . Stredicke felt solutions could be reached and moved to close the hearing. Motion , seconded by Bruce , carried. Stredicke proposed 600 angle parking with buffer increased to 6 ft . which Mr . Decker said he would check out with Mr. Kalin . Upon inquiry by ■.. Schellert , City Attorney Shellan suggested the covenants be qualified to tie in with plans submitted to eliminate future problems with how development was completed. Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Schellert , vacation fee be waived and vacation granted subject to 20 ft . easement . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call and vote as follows : Aye , 8: Schellert , Bruce , Maxin , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer . No , 2 : Shane and Grant . Motion carried . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Delaurenti , the Planning Director meet with developer and submit to -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 716170 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont . ) Vacation of Whitman Ct . N.E. the Council at its next meeting revised restrictive covenants to include parking revisions , minimum of 6 ft . buffer strip and those other revisions as recommended by the Planning Commission . Carried. Moved by Perry , seconded by Delaurenti , to refer the matter of the vacation of portion of Whitman Ct . N. E. to the Legislation Committee for proper Ordinance . The Planning Director and Developer were asked to notify Mr . Perry when restrictive cove- nants are completed. It was subsequently noted if additional schools are required the cost will be shared by taxpayers of the community other items of inquiry to pose no problems of burden to the resident petitioners . Pending motion carried. Recess at 9 : 35 p.m. Motion duly made and seconded for recess .earried. After the recess roll call was taken with all members returning and subsequently present as in convening roll call . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 257.4 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted ordinance of the City providing for condemnation of permanent and temporary construction easements in , over and upon certain land necessary in con- nection with construction and installation of a sewer line , L.I.D. No. 267 , and providing for the payment of said easements . Moved by Perry, second by Delaurenti , to place the document on first and introductory reading. Carried. After reading it was moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Schellert to place the ordinance on second and final readings . Carried. After final reading, it was moved by McKay , seconded by Maxin , to adopt the ordinance as read . Roll call resulted in 9 ayes and 1 no, Grant opposing. The motion carried and the Ordinance was adopted . VOUCHER APPROVAL Council President Schellert reported Finance 8834 - 8979 Committee of vouchers and moved that the Council L.I. D. 267 Cash and approve same at this time for payment . The motion Revenue Warrants 4-5 . was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 8834 - 8885 $ 12,827. 06 Arterial Street Fund 8886 195 .60 City Street Fund 8887 - 8905 7 ,699. 15 Equipment Rental Fund 8906 - 8916 8 ,964 . 86 Library Fund 8917 - 8941 6 ,454 . 78 Park Fund (8950 Void) 8942 - 8961 4 ,242. 89 Waterworks Utility 8962 - 8973 15 ,512 . 49 Airport Fund 8974 - 8978 577. 80 Firemen 's Pension 8978 - 8979 8. 00 Total all Funds $56 ,482.63 L.I.D. 267 Cash & Revenue Fund #4 250. 00 Cash & Revenue Fund #5 70 ,042. 61 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Request for Late- Letter from Mr. Rudy Zaputil and Mr. Lewis Purcell Comers Agreement for requested Late-Comer 's Agreement covering off-site McKnight Heights #1 sanitary sewer of McKnight Heights #1 . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Shane , to refer the request to the Public Works Committee for recommendation . The motion carried. Renton 's Share of Letter from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Air Pollution Control Agency submitted notice of City ' s share of 1971 Budget for 1971 Budget in sum of $2,640. 00 based on population at 10� per capita . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Maxin , to refer the billing to the Mayor for 1971 budget consideration . Carried. -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/6/70 227 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Agreement with RR Co. Letter from Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer for Lind Avenue Crossing requested approval and authorization for I execution by the Mayor and City Clerk, of agreement with Burlington Northern Railway Co . , Inc. for Lind Ave. SW railway-highway grade crossing signals at intersection with Grady Way. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Bruce , to refer the matter to the Transporta- tion Committ ,e . The motion carried . Coalfield Five-Star Letter from Mr. Gary L. McHenry, Bronco Athletic Club request Tournament Director , requested permit to sell ...r to sell Booster Buttons booster buttons in Renton from July 15 to August 16 , to promote summer tournaments to be held August 12 - 16 , at Liberty Park . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Bruce , to concur in the request . Carried. Summons & Complaint- Summons and Complaint No. 725080 was filed Pacific NW Bell Co. against the City by Pacific N. W. Bell Co. for damages to buried cable in vicinity of Taylor Ave . N. W. between 2nd Place and N. W. Third Street , and recovery of $3 ,462 . 00 . Claim filed on March 12 , 1970 was denied. 9/16/69 was date given as approximate time of damage which was not ascertained until after 1/28/70 by the telephone company. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the City Attorney and the City 's insurance carrier. Carried. Claim-Mrs. Amanda Wilson Claim filed by Mrs . Wilson reported fall on sidewalk in fron of residence at 505 Burnett Avenue South on June 1 , 1970 whcih resulted in broken left forearm, bruised knee and abrasions and contusions to the body . Total costs not yet known and amounts of ■.. $10 ,000. 00 plus $70. 00 ambulance and medical costs filed at this time . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Maxin , to refer the claim to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. Planning Commission Letter from Planning Director Ericksen sub- Recommendation for mitted Planning Commission recommendation property rezone that Council approve rezone of H. C. Anderson- Reinhard Distributing Co . property,located on NE corner of Rainier Avenue S. and S. 7th St . , from G to B-1 which zoning would be in agree- ment with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . Moved by Maxin, seconded by Clymer, to refer the proposal to the Community Services Com- mittee , this area zoning having been under study . The motion carried. (See later report of the Committee) Sale of Surplus Letter from Purchasing Director Vern Church City Vehicles requested authority to dispose of seven motor pool vehicles in the Equipment Rental Fund which are now surplus . Moved by Bruce , and seconded by Shane , to concur with referral to the Legislation Committee for Resolution. The motion carried. Request for Conference Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested Attendance by Asst . authorization for James L. Magstadt to attend Planning Director the Western Section , Institute of Traffic Engineers Annual meeting in San Francisco, Cal . , July 19-22 , 1970, the program particularly planning-oriented with emphasis upon the urban environment . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Shane to grant attendance if funds are budgeted. Carried. -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/6/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont. ) Policy on Travel Discussion followed travel authorization with regard to whether it is to be policy to refer to committee prior to granting and it was moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Maxin , to refer this subject to the Committee of the Whole for policy decision . Carried. Utility Plant Value Letter from W. E. Bennett , Utility Accountant , reported , in accordance with Resolution 1666 , % that the Utility 's Plant value as of 12/31/69 Vwas $8 ,537 ,964 . 25 which information is furnished �/ to enable the Council to establish service charge rate for 1971 . U. S. Post Office Letter from Mr . Harold W. Ellison, Officer in Report re Mail Charge , outlined the new and old system of mail Cancellation cancellation noting development of machine capable of combining operations necessary for cancelling previously done manually and along with cancella- tions this has resulted in Area Mail Processing allowing mail dispatch to be minimumized and eliminates outmoded procedures as well as providing considerable savings . Return address establishes identity and local mail will continue to receive a Renton postmark along with postage metered mail . Perry noted this is in the Legislation Committee and no further pursuance will likely follow unless Council desires otherwise . Preliminary Census Letter from the State Population & Enrollment Report-24 ,716 Section , Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management , submitted April 1 , 1970 preliminary population figures for cities , towns and counties in the State . The figures are subject to revision in the fall when the final 1970 Census count is available . Renton was listed as 24, 716 . Wn . Post Office Letter from Congressman Thomas M. Pelly acknowledged Facility receipt of the City 's Resolution No . 1690 supporting early construction of the new post office in Renton advising that he has been working with postal officials in this connection . Letter was read , written by Congressman Brock Adams and directed to Postmaster General Blount in Wn . ,D. C. , submitting the City of Renton Resolution urging the reconsideration of Presidential action curtailing construction of the Renton facility. His support for Resolution 1690 was wholeheartedly indicated. Request to attend Letter from Mr. Adolph Schmidt , Chairman , Attendance International Assn . Committee , directed to Councilman Shane , invited of Councils Seminar attendance at Seminar in Istanbul , Turkey, July 13, to 24 ,with second portion in Seoul , Korea , July 27, to August 14 . Cost of $4,000 . 00 was approximated with $1 , 500 . 00 in Turkish and Korean funds to be placed at disposal at the seminar . Councilman Barei received an invitation along with Mr. Shane and will be the first delegates selected representing the State of Washington . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Clymer, to refer the request to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee . Carried. Grant opposed the referral . Nishiwaki , Japan - Mayor Garrett reported receipt of a volume of mail re A Capella Choir from Japan and submitted one for reading from Mr. Kazuo Arita , President , Dai-ichi Senko Co. , Ltd. , which advised of a visit by the Choir to the mill where Mayor Garrett had previously visited. The visit was noted to be completely successful with very good impressions remaining, sympathy being extended to the family and friends of the Choir Member involved in a fatal accident . Amenities and friendhsips were exchanged in homes where the Choir stayed; performances were wonderful and the group is missed . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/6/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Schellert submitted report Whole Report recommending that the matter of revised Massage Parlor License Ordinance be referred to the Legislation Committee for final draft , to be submitted to the Council on July 23. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , to concur. Perry reported the Committee would like more - time for investiaation and requested July 20 be the dare ror presentation of the ordinance . Moved by Sc:�elle±-t , seconded by Perry , to amend the motion to change the date as noted. The amendment carried. Original motion to concur as amended to July 20 for ordinance presentation carried . (Clerk to notify all Massage Parlor owners. ) Regarding referral of 6/15/70 of Mayor 's letter suggesting council forego purchase of emergency aid car and use the funds for temporary employ- ment of students , it was recommended to defer the purchase and authorize $5 ,000. 00 to employ Renton High School and college students as tem- porary help. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Clymer to concur . Shane spoke against the motion citing need for an aid car , Bruce concurring as to staffing less costly than manned fire truck Clymer spoke for the motion noting cost to man and lack of firemen in event of need,aid car staff not classified as -firemen . Schellert noted the aid vehicle still to be under study and to come under advisement by the Mayor 's office at budget time . The motion carried. - Meeting with The r'ouncil President Schellert reported meeting Boeing Co. re with Boeing Company representatives for pro- 4b� business outlook jection of future business climate for the area since the City 's tax revenue is affected by the business or lack thereof. , the company bearing a large share of the local tax burden , tfatter.s discussed are not yet condensed into form for publication an(; the Mayor was asked to write and thank the company representatives for the presentation in joint signature with the Council President . The Mayor advised he would show the appreciation of the City . Optional 'Municipal r . Schellert acknowledged receipt of letter from Code Status City Attorney Shellan which outlined present OMC status of the City with emphasis on legal and policy decisions which need to be made by the Council prior to final recommendations for opera- tion under OMC status . Special City Shop Chairman Schellert reported visiting various city Committee Report shop facilities where new questions arose and further details will be needed prior to final decisions . AWC Convention Action was taken at the recent convention to in- crease assessments to 75% on membership dues in ,.., order to provide funds to remodel the AWC Govern- mental Services Office at the University . Ambulance Service Moved by Stredicke , duly seconded by Perry , the matter of investigating present ambulance service in the City be referred to the Chairman of the Public Sa> Committee and the Mayor 's Assistant ?nd possibility of Franchise be referred to the legislation Committee . 22e motion carried. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETIivu `' y OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Application for Councilman Stredicke noted referral of license Amusement Device application on 6/15/70 to the Public Safety at Soft Sam' s Committee to report back and moved that the committee be given power to act . The motion was seconded by Schellert and carried. Kelleher Horse Stredicke reported visiting premises where horse is pastured , complaint having been sub- mitted from neighbor and reported by Councilman Clymer on June 7 . There are five acres where the animal is kept and new area is being fenced to relocate him from present area , it being noted all neighbors except complainant have no objection and horse was there before they moved in. While in this area some question arose as to public right of way and private property lines on No . 28th Place it :;eing necessary to pull out to see Burnett from West end of the alley . At Park Avenue N . E . there is a rough connection to a newly paved street and it is not sure if the street is dedicated or not . It was suggested a title search be made and that it be maintained if city owned. Community Services Chairman Maxin submitted recommendation that no Committee Report changes in zoning and use of properties along Rainier Avenue be initiated by the City at this Zoning along Rainier time and that council concur in the Planning Avenue near old Commission recommendation regarding the zoning hospital site and use in said area adjacent to the former hospital site . Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to concur . Carried. Special designation Matter of special designation concerning water for water-oriented oriented industrial properties and possible vs . inland industrial special permit for other industrial areas is areas and matter of under study and it was recommended that multiple apartment zoning housing in industrial areas be allowed by special within such areas permit only upon review and public hearing before the Planning Commission , until new ordinance is adopted to cover special cases such as waterfront or view properties . Moved by McKay, seconded by Shane , to concur . Upon inquiry by Perry ,City Attorney Shellan advised that at present in H-1 you can build apartments without a special permit and if the council wants to require a special permit before apartments would be allowed then the ordinance has to be changed. At present if plan complies with the code the city cannot deny the construction . Moved by Maxin , seconded by Grant , to refer the matter to the Legislation Committee for proper legislation . Carried. Mayor ' s recommenda- Recommended revision of Section 4-710 of the tion for revision of Zoning Ordinance with reference to approval of Sec. 4-710 of Code Plans by the Planning Commission be held for study .. (No action taken ;on the matter at this time) Enforcement of Recommended that the Building Department continue Dangerous Building its program of enforcement under the Dangerous Code Building Ordinance within the financial limita- tions of the Building Department . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Bruce , to concur.Councilman Maxin noted the Ordinance has not been in effect long enough for problem history . Motion carried. Apartments on Councilman Grant requested the Mayor or Planning Kirkland Avenue Director to inquire whether restrictive covenants have been met with regard to Sunset Apartments at 10th and Kirkland N. E. , and report back. Councilman Grant advised he would be unable to San Francisco attend the Traffic Institute Conference in San Conference Francisco due to other commitment, nor will Council- man Maxin . -7- 2031 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/6/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Complaint regarding Councilman Shane reported receipt of complaint unsightly property from George Zvarich , 1029 Aberdeen Avenue N.E. , that the vacant lot next to his property is rat infested and unsightly and something needs to be done . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Perry , to refer the matter to the Building Department and the City 's Health Officer . Carried . Request of Trailer Councilman Schellert submitted letter from Mr . Park Owners for Thomas H. Cooke , owner of Lake Terrace Park meeting Trailer Court , requesting on behalf of trailer park owners in the City , to meet with the council or a committee to discuss revision to the present code governing trailer park operations in Renton . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Schellert , to refer the matter to the Community Services Com- mittee . The motion carried: Metro Transit Attention was called to possible discontinuation Service of Metropolitan transit bus service between Renton and Seattle and it was moved by Schellert , seconded by Stredicke , to refer this matter to the Transportation Committee . Mayor Garrett ad- vised that Mr . Johnson of the Chamber of Commerce is directing a letter to the Transportation and Utility Commission requesting that a public hearing be held prior to an; actions taken in this regard. The pending motion carried . Mayor Garrett will ad- vise of further information . Jones T-s . City and Council President Schellert reported recent loss Haw Chenaur-Law of court case and upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan Suit noting Mr . Pain was handling this matter, advised that the Council had changed something after public hearing had been held and which he had advised against . Free Swimming Pool Clymer recommended that matter of free admittance Admittance to the Liberte Park Pool now be considered since Lake [Vashinaton Beach Park is utilized at no cost, and moved to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole . The motion carried. Shane opposed and urged immediate action . Jury Duty Councilman Perry advised he has been on jury duty and may not be able to attend evening meetings if deliberating a case . Ballfield Lighting Councilman Stredicke called attention to matter of 11 lights being out for about 10 days in Liberty Park while teams were playing and requested the Park Director to investigate since those using the field have to pay the cost for lighting . Non-Operative and Stredicke called attention to complaint received sidewalk obstructing from resident on Camus Ave . S .E. and in checking vehicles a good number of vehicles were found to be in violation of the city code . Areas were outlined and list of addressess submitted and it was requested that the Planning Director , Police Dept . Building and Street Departments investigate . ftw Acquisition of Land Moved by Shane , seconded by Stredicke , the State by State and County be urged to acquire the Reilly Tar and Chemical for Parks Company and Baxter Pole Yard properties on Lake Washington for park purposes . Moved by Perry , seconded by Shane to amend to include County participation in the acquisition and development . Amendment and original motion as amended carried . Objection to Councilman Shane objected to closed meetings and Closed Meetings made specific reference to recent meeting with the Boeing Company , noting publiea;ion carrying status of its business condition . He also expressed objection to support of the Ass 'n . of Wn . Cities , and to the Mayor ' s support of tax reform measures . -8- 2o2 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/6/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Summer Band Concerts Mayor Garrett called attention to the first band concert which was held July 5 at 4 :00 p.m. in Liberty Park . Four concerts were budgeted , the next three to follow on successive Sundays during July . Invitation was extended to the Council and citizens to attend. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr . Jerry Kelleher, 1025 North 28th Place , reported he was owner of the poor horse here- tofore discussed which was a miniature shetland pony and its pen is 15 ft . by 100 ft . where he stays only at night , the rest of the time being within a five-acre area . Regarding public or private , the right of way has been widening out over the years . They were the first in the area ane? their horse has been there about 6 years , the complainant for 2 , and another about a block away who complains about everything. All of the other neighbors do not object . Health Department has checked the premises . The horse has been moved and is on private property and will now be kept there it not being considered that he be moved off the property . Mr . Jerry Moyer, 1020 North 28th Place , stated he has lived in the area over a year and has nothing to complain about regarding the horse nor does anyone else except the lady in the pink house and the one person across the street. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Maxin , seconded by McKay, to adjourn . The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11 :05 p.m. There were 48 visitors attending the meeting this evening. ago Gwen arshall , Deputy City Clerk Avery G rrett , Mayor -9- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'V COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF July 6, 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Wed. July 8 8:00 P.M. Schellert Council Chambers (Grant) Community Services Maxin Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Tues. July 7 7:30 P.M. Continued negotiations Relations Stredicke 6th Floor Police Guild Contract Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Wed. July 8 7:00 P.M. Bruce 4th Floor i i i i Transportation Grant 234 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7/6/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2365 $ 300.00 CARLSON BROS. 1107 Maple A%e. S.W. Build Carport 2366 700.00 Henry Laws 108 Logan Metal Utility Bldg. 2367 VOID 2368 51500.00 Gordon Neilson 819 Kirkland Ave. N.E. Construct Swimming Pool 2369 13,300.00 Aerodyne Inc. 300 Airport Way S. Hangar for Airplanes 2370 13,000.00 Stanford Witsoe 1205 N 33rd P1. Construct New Residence 2371 140,000.00 Alec Bakamus 2809 Sunset B1vd.N.E. Construct Store Bldg. 2372 VOID 2373 1,500.00 Louis G. Malesis 423 Wells Ave. S. Demolish House 2374 19500.00 Louis G. Malesis 419 Wells A%e. S. Demolish House 2375 392.00 Delmer W. Torrance 654 Jefferson Ave.N.E. Build Patio & Cover 2376 1,000.00 Frank Pelligrino 914 Harrington Ave.N.E. Construct Driveway Awning B 2377 600.00 Johnson 311 Factory St. Reroof of existing res. 2378 2,100.00 Charles Amidon 3325 N.E. 7th Place Remodel Residence 2379 31)000.00 C. Majack 1108 Tacoma Ave.N.E. Construct Partial Basement 2380 31500.00 GForge W. brown 654 Stevens Ave. N.W. Construct 14x18 Add. 2381 50,000.00 Group Health Coop. 275 Bronson Way N.E. Finish Basement 2382 250.00 Bert K Brandt 1808 Lake Aye. So. Repair Stairway Roof MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2488 VOID 2489 150.00 F.H.A. Mark 7 REalty 2303 N.E. 10th Laundry wash. & H.W.T. 2490 2,275.00 Alec Bakamus 2809 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Inst. Plbg. & Fixtures 2491 15164.00 Herbert E. Mull 2001 N.E. 16th St. Inst. Plbg. & Fixtures 2492 227.00 The Boeing Company 5-14 Building Install water meter 2493 45000.00 City of Renton 1717 Maple Valley Hwy Inst. Fire Sprinklers 2494 1,950.00 Bryn Mawr Disposal 316 S.W. 16th St. Set Propane Fuel Tank M 2495 675.00 Monty's Union Station 4101 Sunset B1vd.N. Inst.Propane Tank 2496 400.00 Ernst Dist.Center 1040 Thomas Ave.S.W. Propane Storage 2497 400.00 Kennydale Richfield 1302 No. 30th St. Propane Storage rr 2498 147.50 Lorraine Kessler 326 Park Ave. N. Inst. Gas Wall Heater 2499 1,000.00 Warren Chin 247 Pake Ave. N. Inst. Plbg. & Gas Fixtures 2500 500.00 Lloyd Peterson 3106 Lake Wash.Blvd.N. Inst. Boiler & Oil Tank 2501 215.00 Charles Amidon 3325 N E. 7th Place Inst. Plbg. & Fixtures 2502 550.00 Herb Mull 2001 N.E. 16th Forced Air Furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2899 VOID 2900 85.00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Building Install outlet 2901 340.00 The Boeing Company 5-50 Building Extend Emergency Power 2902 125.00 The Boeing Company 7-65-2 Building Install Paper Cutter 2903 345.00 The Boeing Company 10-71 Building Interlock for Supply Fans 2904 49.00 Alec Bakamus 2809 Sunset B1vd.N.E. Install Temp. Service 2905 100.00 E. J. Martinson 1105 Vashon Ct. N.E. Wire Swimming Pool 2906 85.00 The Boeing Company 10-95 Building Modify wiring E 2907 50.00 The Boeing Company 4-01 Building Install Power Brake 2908 135.00 The Boeing Company 4-01 Building Install Lathe 2909 50.00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Building Install outlet 2910 150.00 The Boeing Company 10-37 Building Upgrade Wiring 2911 100.00 Joseph E Wilson 3009 S E. 5th St. Move meter box 2912 VOID 2913 100.00 William G. Ogilvie 1121 Shelton Ave.S.E. Replace Fuse Panel 2914 161700.00 Alec Bakamas 2809 Sunset B1vd.N.E. Wire Retail Store 2915 700.00 F.H.A. 657 Queen Ave.N.E. Instal Elec. Heat 2916 800.00 Wes Busch 3323 N.E. 12th Replace Main Panel SIGN PERMITS S 037 700.00 Union 0*1 Co. 59 Rainier Ave.S. Install sign 038 900.00 Renton Shopping Cr. Renton Shopping Center Install 2 wall signs 039 30.00 Anne Burdulis 2342 Wells Ave. S. Install wall sign SEWER PERMITS S 1138 B. Humphrey 1812 Kennewick Circle Connect sewer 1139 C.W. Minaker 1016 No. 28th Place Connect sewer 1140 Lutheran Church 2nd & Whitworth Connect storm sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 13, 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT Matter of developing Legislative Program for 1970 CITY CLERK To thank citizens for letters regarding band concerts COUNCILMAN SHANE To make presentation to Committee of the Whole concerning his suggestion 4— that a Public Utility District be organized in Renton BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Annexation of territory by Water District 107 per Boundary Review Board Notice (Hideaway Hills area) COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Subject of admittance fee elimination at Liberty Park Pool FINANCE COMMITTEE Bids on Offset Duplicating Machine (Awarded A . B. Dick Co . ) To meet with Councilman Barei to discuss his suggestion that Sales and Use Tax Revenues be utilized for construction of a new city shop facility LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Emergency Ordinance to provide funds to hire students for summer Proposed Ordinance Vacating portion of Whitman Court N. E. Legislation concerning Out of State Travel PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Request of Building Director Ruppert to attend Building Officials Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon , September 6 - 10 , 1970 . PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids for Main Avenue South Improvement Matter of converting Talbot Hill area to City of Renton water system YOUTH GUIDANCE COMMITTEE Letter from Mr. R . S. Cook regarding development of family involvement and unity program MEETINGS AND EVENTS Public Hearing 7/20/70 on Proposed Emergency Ordinance to provide funds for employment of students for summer help Band Concerts - Liberty Park on Sundays 23 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk July 13, 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Bruce, Maxin , Edwards , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer. Absent : Barei , Shane and Grant . Mayor Garrett reported absence of Barei due to vacation and that Grant had called that he was unable to be present . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBERS. THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AND Avery Garrett , Mayor , Gwen Marshall , Deputy DEPARTMENT HEADS City Clerk, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney, C. S. PRESENT Williams , Chief of Police, Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner , Gene Coulon, Park Director, M. Deane Seeger , Adm. Asst. to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THAT THE 7/6/70 Meeting MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JULY 6 , 1970 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman submitted the RESOLUTIONS following legislative documents with Council actions taken as follows : Emergency Ordinance Proposed Ordinance declaring that an emergency to fund summer help exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for the hiring of young people for summer work was presented. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON INTRODUCTORY READING . CARRIED. After the reading, IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO HOLD ONE WEEK FOR PUBLICATION ACCORDING TO LAW WITH PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL PRESENTATION ON JULY 2C. THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Vacation Proposed Ordinance was presented along with of Whitman Ct . NE report that recommended deletion of Sec. II, Public Hearing 6/22 , Pg. 2 of the proposed Ordinance concerning pro- cont . to 7/6/70 vision for waiver of fees . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN DELETION OF THE WAIVER AND REQUIRE PAYMENT OF FEE. Restrictive covenants were reviewed. MOTION FAILED. Items of concession were discussed along with comparison of code requirements and fees . The ordinance was read. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. (Edwards arrived at the meeting during discussion on this matter) MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE,COVENANTS TO REFLECT ITEMS TO WHICH DEVELOPER AGREED AT PUBLIC HEARING. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : Aye-•5 : Stredicke , McKay , Perry, Delaurenti and Clymer. No-4 : Bruce , Maxin , Edwards and Schellert . The motion carried. -1- 237 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/13/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Resolution 1696 Authorizing transfer of $1 ,350. 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 , Municipal Buildings , unto Building Department Fund Account 1165/605 , to pay cost of appraisal in connection with property being purchased for the Municipal Shops . Motion by Schellert to adopt the Resolution was duly seconded and carried . Resolution 1697 Declaring certain motor vehicles in Equipment Rental Fund as surplus and for sale , the Purchasing Agent hereby authorized to dispose of same upon public bid call accor,ii ng to law. Motion by McKay to adopt the Resolution as read was duly seconded and unanimously carried. VOUCHER APPROVAL MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO APPROVE Nos . 8980 - 9122 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT AS LISTED. CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 8980 - 9033 $ 5 ,200. 70 City Street Fund 9034 - 9053 3 ,744. 46 Equipment Rental 9054 - 9068 854.12 Library Fund 9069 - 9071 560. 81 Park Fund *9094 V. *9072 - 9096 20, 800. 98 Waterworks Utility 9097 - 9108 28 ,988. 45 Street Fwd . Thrust 9109 6 ,318 . 70 J Firemen ' s Pension 9110 - 9120 Urban Arterial Fund 9121 - 9122 102. 85 Total all funds $ COMMUNICATIONS AND ir_rrn�N`" E`r �� CURRENT BUSINESS Report of Bid Deputy City Clerk Marshall reported opening of bids openings on July 9 , for Offset Duplicati_7g Machine for City Offset Printing Printing. Two bidders responded , A . B. Dick Co . Machine and Addressograph Multigraph Corp. as per tabula- tions attached. MOTION BY SCHELLERT, DULY SECONDED, TO REFER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE WAS UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. (See later award) Main . Ave . So . Bids were opened on July 9 , for improvements to Improvement South Main Street . Three bidders responded , Coulee Construction of Seattle , Moss Construction Co . of Zenith , and S. & T. Construction Co . of Renton . (See tabulations attached) MOVED BY STREDICKE TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. Boundary Review King County BRB, in accordance with requirements Board Notice of of law, advised of public hearing to be head on an Public Hearing annexation by King County Water District #107 , July 10 , 1970 of area in Hideaway Hills vicinity , BRB File 267 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. MOTION DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. Band Concert Letters were received from Mr . Donald H. Haff, Letters Mrs . Hubbard and David Dickson expressing their pleasure in the band concert in Liberty Park on Sunday and urging continuation of such a program. The Clerk 's office was requested to thank the citizens for their comments . Council President Schellert noted additional comments received by the Council were posted upstairs , Mayor Garrett noting over 200 persons in attendance . Bldg. Director- Letter from Mr . Bernard L. Ruppert requested request to attend authorization to attend annual International Conference Conference of Building Officials in Portland, Oregon , Sept . 6 - 10 , 1970 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE TRAVEL REQUEST TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. THE MOTION WAS DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. -2- Z f MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/13/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Ronald S. Cook Letter from Mr. R . S. Cook urged development letter re family of a program of family involvement for solution involvement of local , state and national problems and unity . Dates were proposed for specific observances and it was urged that time , influence and money be ren ''ered in support of such program. MOVED BY DELAURENTI TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE YOUTH GUIDANCE COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. MOTION WAS DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. I. ems of Information Letters were read , directed to City Clerk Nelson re new Renton Post from the Hon . Brock Adams , Congressman , regarding Office Facility issue of local post office construction , and as directed to Postmaster General Blount in further pursuance of City of Renton Resolution No . 1690 urging commencement of construction in view of local economic conditions . The matter will be followed through by Congressman Adams . Post- master General Blount 's reply was attached advising that the letter is receiving careful attention and report on the matter will be sent at an early date . Mayor Garrett noted receipt of like communications from Mr . Adams . Renton Eagles Club Letter from Mrs . Marci Brisindine requested per- Donkey Baseball mission to solicit funds from Renton merchants Game promotion to promote donkey baseball game , proceeds to be used for the Eagle ' s Heart , Cancer and Kidney Fund projects . Game to be held 8/15/70 , location not yet confirmed . MOVED BY STREDICKE, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED, TO GRANT NO-FEE PERMIT FOR THE FUND DRIVE. "911 Emergency Letter from Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Cc . , Telephone Agreement" Mr . P . G . Lswis , Staff Supervisor , submitted copy Executed 7/10/70 of the "911 " Agreement , service to commence upon ..k availability date of April 5 , 1971 . Log removal from Letter, directed to Mayor Garrett , from Foss Launch Lake Washington & Tug Co . , a Division of Dillingham Corporation , reported anticipated completion within two weeks of time table for removal of logs fronting Boeing and Lake Wn . Beach Park areas . Thanks were extended regarding recent meetings as concerned the log storage problems . AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr . Don Morgan , 4200 N. E. 11th advised ,for record, Rezone in 1965- Honeydew area was annexed to Renton in 1962, Honeydew annexed recalling discussion of last week with regard to to Renton in 1962 the Vacation of portion of Whitman Ct . N.E. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Committee of the Council President Schellert submitted Committee Whole Report from report which was read with council actions taken July 8 meeting as follows : Recommended subject of the Valley Regional Planning Commission ' s proposed work program be tabled. MOTION BY STREDICKE TO CONCUR WAS DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. Recommended that the matter of developing a legislative program for 1970 be referred to the Council President for preparation and presentation to the Council . MOTION BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR WAS DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. Recommended that no action be taken at this time to repeal the 2% Utility Tax . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . -3- 239 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/13/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL . Committee of the Regarding revenue from sales and use tax for new Whole Report (Cont . ) city garage construction , the Committee recommended that the subject of funding this facility be referred to the Finance Committee to meet with Councilman Barei to discuss his suggestion for using the sales and use tax revenues . MOVED BY MCKAY, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . Recommended that the suggestion to organize a P. U.D. (Public Utility District) in Renton be referred to Councilman Shane to make a presentation to the NEW Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . Recommended that the subject of out of state travel be referred to the Legislatioro. Committee for the necessary Resolution . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . Recommended the matter of elimination of fees at Liberty Park Pool be referred to the Community Services Committee . MOVED BY MCKAY, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED, TO CONCUR . Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported that letters had been Committee Report sent to all parties .listed by Councilman Stredicke in connection with non-operative and code violating vehicles along Camus Avenue S. E. , giving 30 days notice to comply . 911 Emergency Councilman Perry recalled having followed progress Telephone System of the emergency phone system for the past two years to present implementation agreement and noted a great service toward public safety has been accomplished hereby and very fast service will be realized through the program. Non-operative and Councilman Stredicke urged that administrative obstructing vehicles- action be taken to check additional code violations for Police Department throughout the City ,in addition to those areas re- investigation ported specifically last wrek, as concerns vehicles parked in violation as well as t1ose which are non- operative , police department observance urged. Councilman Edwards reported complaints have been noted concerning cars parked on sidewalks in the Highlands area of the City also which the Mayor advised will be included in the investigation . Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted report recommending that Committee Report 5 year Late-Comers Agreement be granted to Mr . Rudy Zaputil and Mr . Lewis Purcell to cover off- site sanitary sewer of McKnight Heights #1 . MOTION BY STREDICKE TO CONCUR WAS DULY SECONDED AND CARRRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Finance Committee Letter from Deputy City Clerk Marshall , and the Report for Bid Award Finance Committee , recommended that low bid of Offset Duplicating A . B. Dick Company , in sum of $3 , 742 . 73 , for the r Equipment Offset Printing Machine be accepted . M=1 N BY (' EDWARDS TO CONCUR WAS DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. 11r Water Rates Discussion ensued concernina water rate increase Mayor Garrett noting attendance with Mr . Bennett at meetings in this regard, with Seattle increasing water cost by 13% except for existing contract agree ment for certain 4% rate . Delaurenti inquired when local areas would be put on City of Renton water supply moving that matter of conversion (Talbot area specifically) be referred to the Public Works Committee . Mayor Garrett noted time table to-15ecome independent is in progress , increase concerning areas where we have no storage facility . PENDING MOTION WAS SECONDED AND CARRIED. -4- 240 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/13/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Inquiry re Seattle Stredicke inquired regarding water line right Water Lines of way running down 3rd Avenue . It was noted Seattle holds a 50 year franchise and is fee owner of the property which the City now uses by Permit a part of which is City Parking Lot No. 2 . State Legislator Hon . Albert N. Shinpoch , State Representative, Introduced 47th Legislative District ,was introduced by Mayor Garrett , having dropped by , and was invited to comment . Greetings were extended and remarks made concerning the Democratic Convention which he attended in Spokane last week. He stated the meeting was the best he has attended,commending Chairman Bob Shaeffer, noting attention of the assembly to the last vote after 13 hours , but that it has the worst platform of any , noting he voted two times on the prevailing side, to adjourn , and having to vote twice to get on that one . When asked if he will follow the slate he noted he will be responsible for anything he voted on . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Frank Storey commented that when the Seattle Water line was brought through Seattle paid the City and Renton and one City in New Jersey were the only towns that were debt free . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9 :00 P.M. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . Gwen M rshall , Deputy City Clerk Avery Gar tt , Mayor -5- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r y COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 13, 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Schellert Community Services July 14 7 .00 PM Maxin 6th Floor Conf. ' i Finance Edwards Legislation Perry � I Personnel & Community i Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works July 20 7 . 00 Pert Bruce 4th Floor Conf. . Transportation Grant Code of Ethics Julv 20 7 : 00 PM (r.a.nt I + I t r t I July 13, 1970 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JULY 9, 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Offset Duplicating Machine for City Printing BID BASE BIDDEN BOND BID SALES TAX TOTAL BID A. B. Dio.k Company Bid $3,564.50 $178.23 $3,742.73 of Washington, Inc. Bond 4301 Aurora Avenue North Seattle, Washington. 98103 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. Bid 3,676.04 183.80 3,859.84 5901 Fourth Avenue South Bond Seattle, Washington 98108 wow ... F 243 July 13, 1970 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JULY 9, 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room Street Improvement to South Main Street too from South 5th Street to Houser Way South BID BIDDER BOND BID ALTERNATE BID Coulee Construction Co., Inc. Bid $73,807.50 $72,238.50 738 Bellevue Avenue East Bond Seattle, Washington 98102 Moss Construction Company Bid 84,399.00 83,616.50 P. 0. Box 37 Bond Zenith, Washington 98188 S & T Construction Company Bid 92,571.75 91,484.25 9840 Carr Road Bond Renton, Washington 98055 r`u. 244 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7/13/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2383 $277.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INSTALL FRAME 2384 150.00 JOHN A AND _R.SON, JR. 1412 S 9TH ST. RAISE WALLS & REROOF 2385 2,750.00 LOUIS G. MALESIS 419 WELLS AVE. S CONST. PARKING LOT 2386 2,500.00 CHRISTINE FRAZEE 627 GLENNWOOD CT. NE RESIDENCE ADDITION 2387 660.00 PAUL MAXIN 2009 NE 27TH ST. REROOF RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2503 250.00 STEVE MINAGLIA 225 MEADOW AVE. N INSTALL GAS FURNACE 2504 VOID 2505 322.00 LEVI FOOTE 1824 SHATTUCK AVE. S INSTALL GAS FURNACE 2506 750.00 0. MADSON 537 SMITHERS AVE. S INSTALL GAS RANGE & WATER HEATER 2507 573.00 MARTINSON 1105 VASHON CT. NE INSTALL BOILER M 2508 2,100.00 P. M. LANDS 95 BURNETT AVE. S INSTALL BOILER 2509 350.00 RAYMOND MCDADE 1617 ABERDEEN AVE. NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2510 740.00 CITY OF RENTON 105 WILLIAMS AVE. N INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2571 3,137.00 R. JOHNSON CONST. 225 SW 7TH ST. INST. HEATING & AIR COND. 2512 4,600.00 STERNOFF METALS 1600 SW 43RD ST. INST. PIPING 2513 700.00 GAYLE HOLSEN 1301 S 9TH ST. INST. FURNACE ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2917 70.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-90 BUILDING ELECTRICAL OUTLET 2918 72.00 BOEING COMPANY 4-01 BUILDING INSTALL PRESS 2919 10.00 LEVI FOOTE 1824 SHATTUCK AVE. S REPLACE FURNACE 2920 2,140.00 EILEEN COLLMAN 112 S 3RD ST. REPL. SERVICE PANELS 2921 100.00 MR. MEZEK 321 WELLS AVE. N INCREASE SERVICE E 2922 15200.00 UNION OIL CO. 538 PELLY AVE. N INST. NEW SERVICE WAM 2923 150.00 RAYMOND MCDADE 1617 ABERDEEN AVE. NE WIRE NEW ADDITION 2924 750.00 CITY OF RENTON 851 UNION AVE. NE WIRE 1 COOK TOP SIGN PERMITS S 040 50.00 CITY OF RENTON E VALLEY HWY AT S 43RD REAL ESTATE DIRECTIONAL 041 50.00 CITY OF RENTON 1401 N of 43RD REAL ESTATE DIRECTIONAL SEWER. PERMITS S 1141 SHAKYIS PIZZA PARLOR 225 SST 7TH ST. CONNECT SEWER A 45 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 20 , 1970 R E F E R R A- L S CITY ATTORNEY AND*INSURANCE CARRIER *False arrest claim filed by Preston E. Williams Contract documents : L .I. D. 265 with Olympic View Plumbing Main Avenue South Improvement with Coulee Const. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS "K" Street and 10th Ave . Apartment owner to be notified to complete restrictive covenants low CITY CLERK To execute contract documents on L. I.D. 265 with Olympic View Plumbing and Main Avenue South Improvement with Coulee Construction , Inc. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Rezone of Siegelman property , committee to meet with developer concerning restrictive covenants Additional Board of Adjustment Members FINANCE COMMITTEE To meet with Mayor regarding overtime pay recommendati..on of Mr. Stredicke LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Emergency Ordinance appropriating $5 ,000 . 00 to fund student help (Ord. 2575) Fund transfer for purchase of new fire truck with pumper Anderson-Reinhard property rezone on Rainier Ave . from G to B-1 Amending Board of Adjustment Ordinance to allow additional members MAYOR To meet with Finance Committee regarding overtime pay recommendation of Councilman Stredicke Contract documents to be executed on L .I. D. 265 with Olympic View Plumbing and Main Avenue Improvement with Coulee Construction Company PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE .�.. Appointment of Mr. Peter Paulman to Board of Adjustment Reorganization of government regarding consolidation of departments PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Police Court matter in letter of Mr . Terry Persson Safeway Parking Lot problem after store closing TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Request of Mr . R . D. Clark to improve and userightof way on Rainier Ave. MEETINGS AND EVENTS August 24 , 1970 - Public Hearing on proposed Vacation of portion of Burnett Avenue South and So . 8th Street requested by Puget Sound Power and Light Co . (Cont . from 7/20/70 August 28 , 1970 - Opening Bids on New Fire Truck . lir 240 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 20, 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Renton City Council was convened at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building,with Henry Schellert , Mayor Pro Tem,presiding in the absence of Mayor Garrett . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Schellert led the assembly in the Flag Salute . 11 ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert, Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , McKay, Stredicke , Perry , Delaurenti , Clymer and Shane , who arrived during the public hearing. Absent : Barei who was on vacation . MOTION BY GRANT WAS DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , Gwen Marshall , MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Deputy City Clerk , G. M. Shellan , City Attorney, C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , M. Deane Seeger, Adminis . Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO APPROVE 7/13/70 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS WRITTEN. Stredicke objected to changes in the minutes (names of parties seconding motions having been deleted) by administrative directive, noting the Clerk is charged with the writing and changes to be effected by majority vote of the Council . THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES CARRIED, STREDICKE OPPOSING. PUBLIC HEARING_ Proposed vacation of portion of Burnett Ave. So . Vacation of Burnett and So . 8th Street , filed by Puget Sound Power Ave . S. and S. 8th and Light Co . on May 25 , 1970 . This being the date set , notice having b*en properly published and posted , the hearing was declared open . Letter from Del Bennett , Chaizman , Board of Public Works , recommended that no action be taken until such time as the State Highway De- partment has established the route of Benson Hwy. relocation, (SR 515) northerly of South Grady Way . • Audience comment was invited. Mr. Kent Meek, representing Puget Sound Power and Light Co . , inquired regarding balance of the request since the report concerns only Burnett Avenue . The area requested to be vacated was outlined by City Engineer Wilson on a map it being noted the request was for 0ortion of Burnett , 8th St . and Dora , the latter having been vacated hereto- for however . In view of proposed Benson Highway relocation and tie in with Gradq Way and some dis- cussion on tie in with 2nd and 3rd, the City pre- ferrina Smithers to Logan , the State expressing an interest in Burnett , it is not known what effect the vacation may have , and the Board felt no action should be taken until route is determined. Also on Grady Way the City Engineer recommended no vacation be granted under any circumstances in area north of Grady Way . Meek inquired regarding length of time for determination of route , Puget having thought the vacation of these streets had been effects=d by earlier agreement and being well into design of new line when it was discovered they were not . It was hoped the matter could be resolved so they could proceed with the project. MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/20/70 PUBLIC HEARING : Vacation of Burnett and 8th Street (Cont . ) City Engineer Wilson advised the Mayor has written the State urging action and it is hoped the project may be completed next year . He added that the State Highway Department in 1962 developed the new Talbot access and .Puget gave right of way to the City for vacation of Shattuck, Burnett , between Grady Way , portion of 7th 8th and Dora Streets . There was a subsequent Ordinance but nothing in the records indicate that Burnett and 8th were vacated which may have been overlooked or intentional . - Stredicke suggested two separate vacations but Mr . Meek noted this would not help, their need being for an immediate answer so the company can proceed with continuation of power supply to communities served and the tower being committed at present to a location on Burnett Avenue . Shane urged action as would be in the best interest of the City . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO AUGUST 24 . Upon inquiry as to element of time Mr . Meek advised they would live with the delay if extension would bring forth a decision . Council President Schellert noted the committee will review and have report at the hearing . Grant noted this had been referred to the Transportation Committee also and more time was desired by the Board of Public Works accprd- ing to its letter , and his committee awaiting the Board report . Perry urged the petitioner to meet with the Board of Public Works hope being expressed that the State would advise of the route for the access . MOTION TO CONTINUE THE HEARING CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Emergency Ordinance providing funds for Emergency Ordinance hiring students for summer work . Ordinance No . 2575 Placed onlst reading only 7/13/70; pub- This being the date set , and proper notices having lished as proposed been published and posted as required by law, the ordinance 7/17/70 hearing was declared open . Audience comment was invited , and there being none , Council action was invited . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Councilman Shane did not feel enough money was being allocated to this purpose and it was noted this was in addition to funds already budgeted , federal funds also being applied for on matching basis . The matter of the present city operating cost was noted by Shane and percentage of unemployment . .MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER TO THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE FnR RECOMMENDATIM . THE MOTI,-,N CARRIED. The committee submitted the document for second and final readings . After final reading, IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . Councilman Shane called attention to newspaper item concerning operation cost of :.e City and after some discussion MCKAY .MOVED THE PREVIOUS QUESTION; ROLL CALL RESULTING IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE, CARRYING THE MOTION TO ADOPT. Ordinance No . 2576 Legislaticn Committee Chairman Perry noted that Vacation of portion requested restrictive covenants have been submitted of Whitman Ct . N. E. and the vacation tied in by reference to plans as submitted at aublic hearings of 6/22 and 7/6 , and Ordinance has been revised to provide for $1 ,000 . 00 payment by Petitioners-owners which is now ready for first reading . Councilman Stredicke outlined procedures to date and final covenants agreed to AND MOVED FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE COVENANTS. Grant inquired regarding ownership by Kalin and Mr. Don Jacobs noted Earnest Agreement to be consumated tomorrow final signatures now secured. -2- R � 4V RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 7/20/70 PUBLIC HEARING : Vacation of portion of Whitman Ct . N.E. (cont . ) Ordinance 2576 It was noted all owners of record have signed Whitman Ct . N.E. the vacation petition , and Ordinance would not Proposed Vacation be published until Escrow matter is concluded . MOTION TO ACCEPT THE COVENANTS CARRIED. SHANE OPPOSED. The proposed Ordinance was read . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAT, READING . t'40TION BY GRANT, SECOND BY E.DWARDS, TO WAIVE READING IN FULL, CLFRk NOT TO PUBLISH UNTIL COMPLETIOP OF ESCROW_v WAS TARRIED AND ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. The Ordinance was read by title . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY STREDICKE , TO ADOPT. Shane requested ..r reading in full rather than by title only . After some discussion concerning waiving of reading in full the document was read in its entirety and MOTION TO ADOPT WAS RESTATED AND CARRIED, ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTING IN 9 AYES, GRANT AND MAXIN BEING ABSENT FROM THE CHAMBER DURING THIS VOTE. Stredicke noted the City Clerk is to withhold publication until status of ownership is confirmed and until restrictive covenants are filed with the County. and fee paid . It was noted by City Attorney Shellan that Ordinance is held bq the Clerk for 30 days and then becomes void if requirements have not been met . Ordinance 2577 Proposed Ordinance Amending Chapter 33, Title V, Massage Parlor Business Regulations Relating to Massage Parlors ; regulating their activitie9 , was submitted . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON FIRST READING . CARRIED. The revisions were discusses and attention called to many meetings with the business owners affected. The ordinance was read by title only . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS BY TITLE ONLY. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO WAIVE READING IN FULL IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FACT THAT COPIES HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED TO ALL COUNCILMEN AND PARTIES CONCERNED. MOTION CARRIED. SHANE NOTED INFRINGEMENTS OF RIGHTS AND PRIVACY AND URGED READING IN FULL. The City Attorney noted the question to be moot , the motion having carried . The Ordinance was read by Title and after final reading, it was MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE. Shane expressed objection to fees and schooling requirements of the legislation . Audience comment was invited and Mr . Phil Mahoney , Attorney representing Massage Parlor Association , inquired regarding designation of type of school , it being noted there were no accredited schools in the State to qualify the trainees whereas there is a State Licensed training school available . MOTION TO ADOPT SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED, ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTING IN 10 AYES AND 1 NO , SHANE OPPOSING . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Nos . 9123 - 9304 approval of City Vouchers and MOVED THAT COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIfi AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : was Current Fund *9123 - 9171 $ 41 ,216 . 48 City Street Fund 9172 - 9194 24 ,079 . 26 Cedar River M&I 9195 - 9200 514 . 78 Equipment Rental 9201 - 9214 12 ,007 . 46 Library Fund 9215 - 9254 4 ,486 . 81 Park Fund 9255 - 9270 3 ,791 . 05 Waterworks Util . 9271 - 9290 20 ,070. 48 Airport Fund 9291 - 9302 320. 90 Firemen 's . Pension 9303 - 9304 67. 25 *9135 Void $106 ,554 .47 -3- 249 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/20/70 COMMI'NICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: CAG. 1635-70 Completed- Letter from Building Director Ruppert Acceptance and Lien reported completion of contract for 5th Period Recommended floor alterations to the Municipal Bldg. Final payment of $531 . 94 was recommended with acceptance of the project this date and commencement of the 30 day lien period, retained amount of $562 . 90 to be released thereafter if no liens or claims are filed against the project and all tax liabilities are paid. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS . CARRIED. Request to- proceed W. E. Bennett , Waterworks Utility Accountant , with legal action to requested authority to file Summons and Complaint collect damages for to collect bill for repair of damaged watermain watermain repair in Tiffany Park II. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO GRANT AUTHORITY REQUESTED. CARRIED. Claim False arrest claim was filed against the City by Preston Eugene Williams in connection with March 22 arrest . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER . THE MOTION CARRIED. Banner Permit to Building Director Ruppert recommended permit Promote King County be granted for 14 day period to install banner Fair at Enumclaw over South Third Street to a-?vertise the King County Fair , $25 . 00 fee to be charged. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. MAXIN APPOSED. BID CALL :r-!-,R NEW FIRE Fire Chief M. C Walls requested authorization TRUCK WITH PUMPER. to call for on 1500 GPM pumping unit for the fire c9cva:�•tm,C..nt . August 28 was recommended for bid vp'::ni?.y date and,funds being available in the Equipment Replacement Account , referral for resolution to effect funding was requested. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE BID CALL REQUESTS AND REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Planning Commission Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director recommendation on submitted recommendation of the Planning Commission Siegelman Rezone to rezone W. C. Siegelman property located between FAI 405 and SW Grady Way , westerly of Raymond Ave. SW, from GG-1 to B-1 , per Appl . R-210-64 , filing of restrictive covenants now consumated , 20 ft . setback from Grady SW and 10 ft of same to be maintained as landscaping strip having been by Planning Commission recommendation . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE REZONE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH DEVELOPER REGARDING THE COVENANTS AND TO REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett requested amendment Alternate Members to the ordinance creating the Board of Adjust- ment to allow for alternate members from the Planning Commission or other specified citizens to insure quorum at hearings . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE . AMENDMENT CARRIED AND MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Request to use and Letter from Mr . Rexford D. Clark requested to improve right of way use right of way (State Hwy) controlled by Renton, property on Rainier for access to property to be leased from the next to Chamber of Renton Aviation Board . Blacktop and drain to Commerce Building be installed and 20 year option requested to run with his lease . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. THE MOTION . -4- 2050 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/20/70 AUDIENCE COMMENT: Mrs . Evans re Mrs . Margaret Evans , 403 Grandey Way N.E. traffic hazards called attention to incidents at 3rd Avenue at 3rd Avenue overpass and area coming down the off ramp Overpass area and onto Sunset Highway where trucks have been crowding into both lanes in making the turn and if a car had not let her in an accident could have resulted. Trucks use both lanes and by the time they reach Sunset are in 2/3 of the outside as well as the inside .lane so neither lane is open ; tonight someone having to back up to prevent a smash up. When light changes the +� people charge through going East under the freeway. Stoneway and Busby trucks were two specifically involved and hazardous driving conditions now exist because of the problems outlined . Councilman Stredicke called attention to flying rocks and gravel from loaded vehicles which pelt those nearby also needing investigation „ and the Police Department requested to check the problems . Councilman Bruce noted moving of the stop sign and curb back from the left turn area at Sunset and 3rd would give more room and help alleviate the problem, it being difficult for these big trucks to negotiate the turn without using both lanes . Request for City Mr . Terry Persson inquired regarding letter he Policy of Issuing had directed to council and was advised that Warning Citations administrative action was being taken by the Mayor 's office . Mr . Persson requested the letter be read and Mayor Pro Tem Schellert submitted the letter for reading which the Deputy City Clerk noted had not been received by her office . The letter expressed indignation regarding his experience with the police and traffic court , allegating remarks directed by an officer to him when he was paying his fine , and noted his pur- suance of the matter to the Mayor and Council . He felt that the City should have a policy of issuing warning tickets which change , along with change in attitudes of officers would be beneficial . Some lengthy discussion ensued concerning language of the letter , city policy and procedure which is available ,in such events , to be pursued by the injured party for proper adjudication . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR STUDY OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM AS FAR AS THE COURT MATTER WAS CON- CERNED. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call which resulted as follows : Aye-8 : Schellert , Grant , Maxin , Edwards , Stredicke , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer. No-3 : Shane , Bruce and McKay . THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence in the appointment of Mr . Peter Paulman as member Mr. Paulman to of the Board of Adjustment . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, Bd . of Adjustment SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR . Discussion ensued concerning referral policy , MOVED BY MAXIN, SECOND BY GRANT, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Code of Ethics Legislation concerning the Code of Ethics is Legislation being held by the Legislation Committee for further review prior to presentation. -5- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/20/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont , ) Sunday opening of Councilman Stredic.ke c -lled attention to Library recent request of th( Mayor for"hold ti2e line" spending policy and that in Sunday opening of the L4 ')< aizy r• ?irp,;, z!atory time off rather than overtime pay will be �: FfPcted so there will be no bud9(-tarry problems . After leaving the Library Board meai.ing Councilman Stredicke went through the Clerk 's Repr,c r.. a;. - t.)oted throughout the report e.Loat $34 ,000 was included for over- time pay and he wonld like to see the Mayor 's office pi + a hold on -vertime and work out a compensatory time off ' .3,_>i s with only emergency overt.imc a._7.l nf,;k-d . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY STREDICKE, 210 REFER TFE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE. Discussion ensued , it .-eing noted several crafts are repre- sented by Unions , 41r. Slredicke ' s committee just having bean negotiating with the Police Guild which requested overt. me in lieu of compensa tory time and Local 2.7R also having elected to receive payment rather than compensatory time , contract sti pul- ti.nq errnp.loyee has the right to determine mode of payment . Labor groups would thusly have to be consulted. MOTION CARRIED. Community Services Minority report of the Community Services Com- Committee Report mittee recommended concurrence in Planning by Chairman Maxin Commission recommendation for rezone of the H. C . Anderson-Reinhard Distributing Company property from G to B-1 , ..located at Rainier Ave . South and South 7th , with referral to the Legi sla ti cn Committee for ordinance . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY S'IIA"1'?, To CONCUR - IN P71E REPORT WITH REFERRAL AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted report recommending Committee Report a^ceptance of Alternate "A" low bid of Olympic View Plumbing , Inc, in sum of $102 ,904 . 73 on L. I .D. 26.5 , Sanitary Sewers , No . 20th Street , and Mayor and Cit C'lerk to be authorized to sign contract documents upon approval by the Cites Attorney as to form and content . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Recommended that low bid of Coulee Construction Co . , in sum of $73 ,807 . 50 be accepted on Main Avenue South improvement and the Ma or and City Clerk be authorized to sign contract documents after City Attorney approves same . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECOND BY CLYMER , 210 CONCUR . CARRIED. "K" Street Councilman Grant reviewed history of require- Apartments ments of .restrictive covenants dating back to 1966 calling attention to developers request for delay in completing due to current business climate and extension as of December, 1969 for 6 months . GRANT MOVED THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND OWNER BE NOTIFIED TO PROCEED WITH OFF SITE AND ACCESS TO K STREET IMPROVEMENTS . MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN. City Engineer Wilson advised a letter had gone out today advis-ing of expiration of the 6 months time extension , there being some bond problem. Shane noted problem with regard to the street being built and not being in proper alignment , need for guard rail due to embankment and sidewalk if developed would be on K Street . Shane called attention to needs with regard to Kirland Avenue alignment , city responsibility in rErsst.oring sidewalks and Grant called for point of order to return to matter of restrictions imposed with regard to"K" St . Apartments.- Motion Tv,is voted on and CARRIED. -1Z- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/20/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Safeway Parking Councilman Grant inquired regarding after- Lot Problems hour problems reported at the Safeway Parking Parking Lot and what action has been taken. Police Chief Williams outlined action taken noting problem concerning posting and barri- cading, store owner wanting it to state it was police department action which would obligate the city to other business locations throughout the city , closure thusly having to be initiated as owner sponsorship. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY GRANT , TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER REVIEW. CARRIED. Old Business Remarks by Shane Councilman Shane )-)ted need for realignment of Kirkland and work at 10th so covenants can be completed properly at apartment location , street work needed also in the whole Highlands area . City insurance and mode of purchase was noted split fee and dividing , not available to him or others felt to be patronage . He felt referral to committee of items comes out costing the city more . .ward on low bid basis at open meeting was recommended. Dangerous Building Code imple- mentation was discussed which also affects local insurance rates in the community . Optional Municipal Code and study of departments as proposed by him heretofore was brought to the floor action urged on combining the offices of City Clerk and Treasurer , need for early action cited for implementation of OMC provisions . Grant noted the subject was discussed in Committee of the Whole last week , the Mayor presently working on changes and reorganization of departments with consulting firm completing study and report to be presented to council . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER OF GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION WITH REGARD TO COMBINING OR CONSOLIDATION OF DEPARTMENTS BE REFERRED TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE_. On the question , Shane stated this action is a procrastination as he had referred this over a year ago . To those seeking re-election he stated the public is not going to be fooled at election time as reports will be available on actions taken by councilmen . He recalled utility costs and water charges which had .been unknown and needing action years ago. Stredicke noted the matter before the body is in Committee of the Whole urging the Council Presi 'ent to set meetings for this specific matter. Dissenting voice vote broughtroll call as follows : Aye-6 : Schellert , Grant , Bruce , Edwards , McKay, Perry . No-4 : Shane , Maxin , Stredicke and Clymer. Delaurenti was absent from the chamber during vote . THE MOTION TO REFER CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Lee Peterson , 1023 N. 28th Street , objected to language of Mr. Perssons letter noting he has over the years been reprimanded by them but supports his police department which has a job to do and authority therefor . He noted there are proper ways to bring grievances forth without name calling as this . Mr . W. J. Hoven , retired Fire Fighter , commended action on fire truck bid call noting need for more protection in the city of 15 square miles other than the two stations . He noted timing of runs from each station and urged a man be stationed at the Kennydale area volunteer station no longer being used . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADJOURN.CARRIED. Meeting adjourned- at 11 :05 p.m. 's/ Henry Schellert �� jx�E��'i�"��'✓ Maqor Pro Tem 253 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7/20/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGI14EERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS No. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2388 $35,000.00 Stanley Stone 1911 Jones Ct. S.E. Const. Single Residence 2389 Church of L.D.S. 220 So. 3rd Place Demolish Chapel 2390 20,000.00 Harold S. Aellor 250 Rainier Ave. S. Relocate Car Wash 2391 50.00 Thelma Newman 2307 N.E. 7th St. Const. Deck 2392 500.00 Jesse Wilson 1815 Talbot Road S. Const. Carport 2393 1,000.00 Darwin Bainton 2300 N.E. 9th St. Addition to Kitchen 2394 2,300.00 Jim Feely 5021 Ripley Lane N. Const. Pier & Piles r MECHANICAL PERMITS '4 2514 700.00 Terhune Const. Co. 181.2 Kennewick Circle S.E. Inst. Gas Furnace 2515 3,500.00 Burger Chef 604 Rainier Ave. S. Inst. Plbg. Fixtures 2516 1,680.00 Union Oil Co. 538 Pelly Ave. N. Inst. Air Conditioning 2517 450.00 Conrad Majack 1108 Tacoma Ave. Inst. Gas Furnace ' 2518 VOID 2519 4,262.00 Production Co. 4308 Jones Ave. N.E. Inst. Heat Pump & Ducts 2520 250.00 Shakev's Pizza Parlor 225 S.W. 7th St. Inst. Gas piping & W.heat 2521 800.00 Art Flener 408 So. 26th St. Inst. Gas Furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2925 850.00 Terhune Const. Co. 1812 Kennewick Circle S.E. wire Single Residence 2926 203.00 The Boeing Co. 4-63 Building Supply Power for Saw 2927 300.00 The Boeing Co. 10-58 Building Install Electrical Drops 2928 147.00 The Boeing Co. 10-55 Building Relocate Xerox 2929 600.00 Herb Mull 2001 N.E. 16th St. Wire Single Residence 2930 300.00 Richfield oil Co. 101 Rainier Ave. S. Mire & Connect Pump 2931 640.00 F.H.A. Mark Seven 3600 N.E. 7th Place New service , 2932 850.00 Joe Boehme 2607 Meadow Ave. N. Wire Single Residence 2933 50.00 Darwin Bainton 2300 N.E. 9th St. Wire Add. to Kitchen 2934 300.00 Gordan Neilson 819 Kirkland Ave. N.E. Pool wiring 2935 100.00 Renton School Dist#403 1800 Index Ave. N.E. Ground & Check Portables 2936 120.00 Renton School Dist#403 2600 N.E. 12th St. Ground & connect Portable 2937 300.00 George Brown 654 Stevens Ave. N.W. Change service SIGN PERMIT S 042 350.00 McLendon Hardware 710 South 2nd St. Install sign SEWER PERMITS S 1142 Prairie Market 343 Union Ave. NE Connect Sewer 1143 R. D. Owens 1424 Lincoln Ave. NE Connect Sewer 1144 Ralph Bergman 1908 NE 12th Connect Seger 1115 Herb Mull 2001 NE 16th Connect Sewer 1146 Charles Marisette 1416 Lincoln Ave. NE Connect Sewer S 1147 Paul &dth 1916 Jones Ave. NE Connect Sewer 1148 Onne Smith 1733 Jones Ave. NE Connect Sewer 7149 First National Bank 311 Williams S-- Connect Sewer 254 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk July 27 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Boundary Review Board Hearing on ai nexation of area in Maplewood Addition area by Fire District #25 CITY CLERK_ Authorized to execute agreement with State Highway Department concerning utility relocations for South 2nd Street Overlay project COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Subject of combining City Clerk and Treasurer 's offices FINANCE COMMITTEE City Insurance Coverage C.AG . 1493-69 (Rolling Hills Water Tank) Completion and final payment LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L.I. D. 271 , Sanitary Sewers , N.E. 27th and vicinity Proposed Code Amendment to define specifically the term "Disorderly Conduct" Houseboat Legislation - Request to locate in Renton received by Mayor MAYOR Coord4nating of Departmental efforts in enforcement of Dangerous Bldg. Code Authorized to execute agreement with State Highway Department concerning utility relocations for South 2nd Street overlay project PLANNING COMMISSION Houseboat - Request received by Mayor to locate in Renton PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Application for Music Machine Licenses for Guys and Dolls Rec Center To study need of the City for additional fire stations Recommendation that special licenses (pool table and music machine) be issued by City Clerk without requiring Council approval MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 8/24/70 - Public Hearing on L.I.D. 269 , Watermains , SW 43rd & vicinity 9/24/70 - Boundary Review Board Public Hearing on annexation by Fire Dist . #25 of portion of Maplewood Addition r 255 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk July 27 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular weekly meeting of the Renton City Council was convened at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building, with Mayor Avery Garrett presiding. PLEDGE OF' ALLEGIANCE The Mayor led the assembly in the Flag Salute. WAM ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Edwards , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer. CITY OFFICIALS AND Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , DEPARTMENT HEADS G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , PRESENT Chief of Police , Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director , Jack Wilson , City F,ngineer , M. Deane Seeger , Adm. Asst . to the Mayor , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Victor TeG.antvoort , Street Commissioner , Gene Coulon , Park Director, Vern Church , Purchasing Director and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO APPROVE 7/20/70 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , public hearing notices L. I.D. 271 , Sanitary being properly published mailed and posted , the Sewers N. E. 27th , hearing was declared open . N.E. 28th & Jones Ave . Protest letters were read from Mr. Larry F. Hougardy , 2300 N.E. 27th St . , and Mr . Richard G . Gustin , 2304 N.E. 27th St . , noting satisfactory performance of septic tanks and financial burden of assessments in view of present economic con- ditions . Letter from City Engineer Wilson gave estimate of $68 ,169 . 41 to be cost of the improv*M*nt with valuation of property within the district plus 25% of existing improvements being $102,695 . 00 . Written protest received as of 5 :00 p.m. this datt was 3. 4% with 5% estimated with inclusion of Mr. Gustin 's which was received prior to the meeting this evening. The City Engineer outlined the proceedings to date noting the project to be undtr- . taken in conjunction with an arterial street project f and council initiation of the LID upon receipt of petition containing signatures of about 75% of property owners requesting the improvement . There was no further comment nor remarks from the audience . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . CARRIED. Council action was invited. MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ACCEPT THE PRELIMINARY REPORT AND PROCEED WITH THE L.I.D. WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. Maxin inquired regarding a comparison of price on the estimate and actual assessment and was advised if favorable bids are received ,as is the usual case , the final costs are lower , app. $14 . 00 per front ft . estimated as cost on this project . Mr . George Walmer , 2702 Jones Avenue N.E. inquired if these notices were preliminary estimates and if bids had not been let and was given affirmative reply . Delaurenti noted bids may be rejected if higher than estimated. THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. -1- or 256 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/27/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance No . 2578 An Ordinance of the City was read changing the Rezone , Anderson- zoning classification of certain properties in Reinhard property the City from General Classification District (G) G to B-1 to Business District (B-1) . (Located on Rainier Avenue South between 6th and 7th Streets . ) MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. THE MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL 6't"" RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. CARRIED Proposed Ordinance Proposed Ordinance was placed on introductory Amending Code of reading amending Section 6-163 of Title VI, (Police Ordinances-Defines Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code Disorderly Conduct of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , relating to "Disorderly Conduct" . (Amendment for purpose of more specifically defining this term) MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER. THE DOCUMENT BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The City Clerk was requested to furnish copies to all council members . Resolution No . 1698 A Resolution was read declaring intention of the LID 269 , Watermain City to construct and install watermain lines and S. W. 43rd Street appurtenances thereto in vicinity of S. W. 43rd St . Hearing Set-8/24/70 to Easterly margin of State Hwy. #fSR181 , and to create a Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties specially benefited thereby; notifying all persons who may desire to object to said im- provement to appear and present objections at a meeting of the City Council on August 24 , 1970. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Siegelman Rezone Councilman Perry inquired when recommendation will be submitted regarding rezone of Siegelman 's property and was advised by Community Services Committee Chairman Maxin that this item is on the agenda of committee meeting next Wednesday . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported committee approval of Vouchers No . 9305 - 9428 and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED. APPROVAL OF L.I.D. VOUCHERS WAS ALSO REPORTED AND IT WAS MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . MOTION CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 9305 - 9343 $ 26 ,909. 74 City Street Fund 9344 - 9360 7 ,560. 09 Cedar River M&I 9361 - 9363 699 . 09 Equipment Rental 9364 - 9368 1 ,629. 96 Library Fund 9369 - 9370 1 ,708 . 21 Park Fund 9371 - 9394 10 ,514 . 01 Waterworks Util . 9395 - 9406 8 ,996 . 83 1965 W & S. Const . 9407 - 9408 9 ,000. 00 Airport Fund 9409 - 9413 524. 34 Accident Loc Prog. 9414 2 ,664 . 00 Urban Art . Fund 9415 88 . 63 Firemen 's Pension 9416 - 9428 6 ,207. 51 $ 76 ,502 . 41 LID 263 Cash & Rev. Fund #2 5 ,244 .10 LID 267 Cash & Rev. Fund #6 3 ,849. 47 LID 265 Cash & Rev. Fund #3 8. 82 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Mrs . Vera Ausman Letter from Mrs . Vera Ausman , 222 meadow Ave. N. Band Concert thanks thanked the council for sponsorship of the summer band concerts which she has enjoyed, and will miss at their conclusion . -9 5 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/27/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Public Hearing Notice was read setting public hearing on by Boundary Review annexation of territory in the Maplewood Board 9/24/70 Addition area by Fire District No. 25 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. CAG 1493-69 Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported the Completion , Rolling completion a.� d acceptance by Consultants of �r Hills Water Tank elevated water storage tank contract . Acceptance by Council and authorization for final payment of. $3 ,838 . 08 to Pittsburg-Des Moines Steel Company was recommended along with commencement of 30--day lien period and release of retained $14 ,619 . 80 thereafter if no liens are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liability . MOVED BY DLAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE, MOTION CARRIED. BRB Notice of Letter from B. L . Ruppert , Vice-Chairman , Board annexation by of Public Works reported that the Board has no Water Dist . 107 objection to proposed annexation of area .in Hideaway Hills as this will not affect the City . Application for Letter from Mr . L . B . Bence , requested that Master Music Machine Music Machine and Sub-Location Music Machine Licenses Licenses be granted for operation of coin-type phonograph at 306 South Wells , Street , the Guys and Dolls Family Recreation Center . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, S^'CONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER .THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER ;O ACT. CARRIED. Barei abstained from all actions on this -subject . Utility Relocation Letter from City Engineer Wilson requested that. at So . 2nd Street the Mayor and City Clerk be given authorization to execute agreement with the State Highway De- partment for adjustment of utility in South 2nd street to be required in overlay project_ . The document has been revised and approved by the City Attorney . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Report of Bid City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids on Opening-Talbot July 27 , for asphalt work at the Talbot Hill Park Park Asphalting play court and parking lot . Lloyd 's of Washington , project Inc . , Auburn , returned plans with no bid letter. Remaining bidder was Rainier Asphalt Paving Co. , of Renton with bid of $6 ,864 . 00 plus tax or $1 . 76 per sq . yard . Letter from Gene Coulon , Park Director , submitted Park Board recommendation that the bid be accepted . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . Mr . Coulon upon inquiry , reported that bids had been given to all asphalt contractors , notice of bid call being published twice in the local legal publication and twice in the Daily Journal of Commerce , also being sent to the Contractor' s Guild. Four sets of specs had been picked up but only one bidder had responded . MOTION FOR AWARD CARRIED. ITEIyS ADDED TO MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THOSE ITEMS AGENDA RECEIVED AFTER THE AGENDA WAS PREPARED BE READ AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION CARRIED. Firemen 's Pension L6tter from the Firemen 's Pension Board offered Board offer to to finance LID 271 , Sanitary Sewers , N.E. 27th Fund L .I. D. 271 Street and vicinity , in sum of $65 ,000. 00 at 6 . 25% interest per annum. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY MCKAY, TO ACCEPT. MOTION CARRIED. -3- 258 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/27/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Houseboat Letter from the Mayor advised of receipt of in Renton request to locate a houseboat in Renton. Referral to the Legislation Committee for review of existing statutes with regard to adaptability for such purpose, and as may concern the need for new legislation was recom- mended. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY MAXIN,TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION FOLLOWED BY STREDICKE, SEC^„DED BY CLYMER, TO AMEND TO ALSO INCLUDE REFERRAL :1.J THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Action to be taken it was noted will set a precedent and establish policy . AMENDMENT CARRIRD AND MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Thomas Cook ,12630 - 84th Avenue South , inquired as to specific location proposed for the houseboat Re Houseboats and Mr . Seeger noted it has not been established in Renton except for being on the East side of the Lake and toward the Northeast boundary line which is the way the request came to the City . The matter will be pursued as duty demands , there being some concern as to factor of human waste discharge . Mr. Frank Storey urged the council not to act hastily on the matter in view of problems experienced in Seattle on Lake Union. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Safeway Parking Lot- Chairman Delaurenti , reporting on referral of Public Safety Com- curfew violations reported by Mr . McDonald at mittee Report the Safeway Parking Lot after closing hours , advised of actions being taken by' the Police Department to correct the situation. List detailing arrests was read which included 38 total to 7/25/70 with 24 in general area of the Safeway Lot and Dags . Committee will meet with Mr . McDonald in further pursuance of the problem. Terry Perssons Meeting of the Public Safety Committee was referral held with Mr . Perssons and matter of arrest policies were discussed and action which may be taken if remarks are made out of order in court . Mr . Perssons apologized for language of his letter and matter of issuing warning citations was discussed . This practice was felt to be costly but will be held until budget time and recommendation as may be determined will be submitted at that time . Board of Adjustment Councilman Stredicke outlined actions taken Meetings and Actions by Board of Adjustment Members as contained in Minutes of the Meetings and noted that a quorum was not present when business was conducted and adjournment was not in order when hearing was continued, and action resumed on another date . Upon inquiry , City Attorney Shellan advised khat 4 must be present to enact business on a 7 member board and if less are in attendance no legal action may be taken nor can a meeting be continued to another day without a quorum. It was suggested that new hearings be properly published and posted, Stredicke urging that both applications be reheard by the Board accordingly . Mayor Garrett noted that action by the Council to add to the membership does not solve the problem of lacking quorum as with the membership increase the number required for quorum also increases and with vacations during summer time it has been hard to get a quorum. -4- • 259 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7/27/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Minute Publication Councilman Stredicke recalled his remarks of last week concerning City Clerk 's minute preparation and that no drastic change in form be made with- out council approval and noted personnel should be directed to attend entirely to the minutes until they are out , noting 1-1/2 page of excerpts from the minutes requested by a councilman and dated prior to minute publication . Fie urged that the minutes have priority and be published prior to requests of council being considered . �r Finance Committee Chairman Edwards noted since he was out of town Report-Overtime the matters regarding overtime pay are pending. Meeting with the Mayor will be scheduled to dis- cuss same at a later date . Fire Station MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE MATTER Referral OF ADDITIONAL FIRE STATION OR STATIONS AS MAY BE NEEDED IN THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Optional Municipal Councilman Shane proposed that the OMC provisions Code Form of be enacted and that the offices of the City Clerk Government and Treasurer be combined with referral to the Legislation Committee . Second by Stredicke. MOVED BY DELAURENTI AND DULY SECONDED TO AMEND AND SUBSTITUTE REFERRAL TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Discussion ensued Stredicke proposing the matter be referred to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee noting prior referral actions on the matter. Shane proposed Resolution to combine the two offices with a business manager and that the \� City allow initiatives and referendums , Barei V urging the matter be considered by the Committee of the Whole and not a single committee . The Mayor advised that the motion to refer to the Committee of the Whole was before the body . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL HOLD A MEETING TO DISCUSS THE MATTER WITHIN THE NEXT 10 DAYS. CARRIED. Games of Chance Councilman Shane proposed motion that poker be and Skill designated a game of skill as are checkers , chess poker bridge and pinochle and be allowed in Renton noting friends of his were arrested for playing poker and fined $100 . 00 . The motion was seconded by Grant . Discussion ensued , the Mayor ruling the motion out of order, noting the Constitution outlaws lotteries and the State gambling and any other policy by local authority has brought them trouble . Enforcement of Councilman Shane called attention to needs of the Dangerous Bldg. Dangerous Building Code with regard to coordination Ordinance of departmental functions , relating specifically to Fire and Building Department communication and follow-up implementation . MOVED BY .STREDICKE, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LMAYOR ' S OFFICE . MOTION CARRIED. City 's Insurance Letters were suitted by Councilman Shane for Coverage reading, one inquiring of the Mayor concerning bid call procedure and the other written by the City 's Insurance Commissioner in reply , Mr. Roger W. Davis . Councilman Shane cited his personal ex- perience in receiving lower insurance rates and greater coverage by bid call , noting not all local agencies have an opportunity to bid under the present "IV system. Mr. Robert L. Hurd , upon invitation to com- ment , noted address to be 9630-138th S.E. remarking that he would just like to see it put out on bid basis . Some lengthy discussion ensued , Councilman Barei -5- 260 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COC7;'U'IL MEETING ?/27/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL ((. vnt . ) City Insurance outlining former and present insurance programs of the City as developed over the years citing findings and actions by the previous Property Committee in its research of the matter at which time he was Chairman of the committee . Airport Board recent award of insurance package for the airport was discussed, City Attorney Shellan advising that as an autonomous body the action is not improper noting difficulty experienced heretofore in getting companies to bid due to liability involved . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Split fee and premium and coverage division was discussed and the pending MOTION SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. Licensing of Councilman Shane inquired why pool table, music Certain Special machine and other special type licenses must be Activities approved by the Council rather than beinq issued by the City Clerk. In further discussion , council attention was called to the fact that by Ordinance certain activities are licensed upon approval by the City Council . MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDA- TION ON ADVISABILITY OF CHANGING LICENSING AUTHORITY AND NOT REQUIRE COUNCIL APPROVAL. CARRIED. City Insurance Councilman Barei advised of actions taken when it was known Mr. Dan Hauff had been appointed Airport Board Insurance Agent , some 2 million dollars in coverage being involved. Upon inquiry , it was con- firmed award to be on low bid basis. The attorney recall- ed th e City heretofore had awarded on basis of low bidder and we had a bad loss experience and coula not get insurance thus leading to the present procedure and that the insurance carrier had decided they would not carry the two in the same package. He noted the prior agency had cancelled. Mayor Garrett advised. of meeting in regard to the matter. Attorney Shellan reminded the Council that the' City, since enactment of state legislation , is no longer immune from suit which affects the situation. Appointment of Councilman Perry announced having been selected Councilman Perry as one of a five member commission to study noise to County Study abatement for South King County legislation to Group be drafted in this regard. The appointment was made by King County Councilman Dave Mooney and although to be operating temporarily at present it is anticipated that with Health Department funding it will extend. for possibly three years . Names of the other commission members were read NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL State Rep . 47th Leg. Dist . Honorable Visitor State Representative Shinpoch was welcomed this Albert N. Shinpoch evening and expressed pleasure in attending. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MAXIi "ONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9 :50 P.M. There were 26 visitors 'in the Council Chambers this evening . Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk Aver Garrett. , Mayor -6- t--1 MICE E OF THE CITY CLERK GV COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thurs . 7/30 8 : 00 P .M. Schel?ert i Community Services Wed. 7/29/70 10 : 30 A. Mj4axin 3rd Floor Conference Room Finance Mon . 8/3/70 7 : 30 P .M. Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Wed . 7/29/70 8 : 00 P . M. RelaticY-s Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Tues . 7/28/7 8 : 00 P .M Grant 4th Floor Conference Room Special City Shops Committee Mon . 8/3/70 7 : 00 P . M. 1 July 27, 1970 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JULY 275 1970 10:00 A.M. - First Floor Conference Room Asphalt Play Area and Parking Lot at Talbot Hill Park BID UNIT TOTAL BID BIDDER BOND PRICE PLUS SALES TAX Lloyd's of Washington, Inc. Plans returned with letter - NO BID 711 Auburn Way South SUBMITTED Auburn, Washington 98002 Rainier Asphalt Paving Company BID $1.76 $6,864.00 + Tax P. 0. Box 444 BOND per sq. yd. 1915 Maple Valley Highway Renton, Washington 98055 263 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7/27/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO . AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2395 $30 , 000 . 00 Seattle-lst Nat ' l 311 Williams Ave . S . Const . Drive-Up Facilities & Lot 2396 500 . 00 H . W. Sloane 1215 Lincoln P1 .N .E . Const . Carport 2397 5 , 000 . 00 Renton Lutheran Ch . 200 Whitworth Ave . S . Black Top Parking lot 2398 400 .00 R. L. Richardson 4 Wells Ave . S . Repair Porch 2399 675 . 00 John J . Foster 0 Lk .Wash .Blvd.N . Const Carport 2400 38 , 000 . 00 Church of L . D. S . 220 South 3rd Place Remodel Church MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2522 357 . 00 Simone Const . 2110 Benson Rd. S . Repair Drain Field 2523 250 . 00 George Davis 859 Queen Ave . N .E . Inst . Gas Furnace 2524 875 . 00 Ronald W. Wiehoff 1740 N .E . 16th Inst . Plbg. Fixtures 2525 575 . 00 Stan Witsoe 1205 No . 33rd Place Inst . Plbg. Fixtures 2526 450 . 00 Lyman Riley 3525 Sunset Blvd. N .E . Inst . Gas Heater & Water tank M 2527 50 . 00 Terry Brown 2123 S . E . 21st Court Inst. Outdoor Grill 2528 102 . 50 Dudley Ballard 1325 Jefferson Ave .N .E . Inst . Gas Water Heater 2529 275 . 00 Carl Pedersen 117 Burnett Pl . South Inst . Gas Furnace 2530 150 . 00 Hugo V. Johnson 520 Williams Ave . S . Inst . Water Heater ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2938 50 . 00 Algene Const . 1717 Maple Valley Hwy Temporary Service 2939 50 . 00 Herb Mull 2001 N .E . 16th Street Temporary Service 2940 50 . 00 Terhune Const . 1812 Kennewick Cir . S .E . Temporary Service 2941 50 . 00 Strand, Inc . 2809 Sunset B1vd.N .E . Temporary Service 2942 5 , 325 . 00 Seattle-lst Nat ' l 311 Williams Ave . S . Wire Drive-Up Window 2943 1 , 500 . 00 Warren Chinn 247 Park Ave . N . Rewire Existing Bldg . 2944 450 . 00 Gayle Halsen 1401 South 9th St . Wire New Single Res . 2945 150 . 00 Richfield Oil Co . 3023 Sunset B1vd .N .E . Wire & Connect Pump ,,,,,,2946 250 . 00 Hugo V. Johnson 520 Williams Ave . S . Inst . New Panel SIGN PERMITS S 043 250 . 00 Pickering Applian. 909 South 3rd St. Inst . Projecting Sign 044 800 . 00 Maverick Steak House 74 Rainier Ave . S . Inst . Pole Sign 045 800 .00 Mrs .Phyllis Jordan 1100 Blk N .E . Park Dr . Inst . Steel Grd. Sign 046 800 .00 Standard Tire Ser . 205 Logan Ave . S . Inst . 4 Wall Signs 047 1 , 500 . 00 G & M Auto Sales 601 Rainier Ave . N . Install Roof Sign 048 50 . 00 City of Renton 1000 Blk Sunset B1vd.N .E . Erect Real Estate Directional Sign 049 50 .00 City of Renton 1100 Blk Sunset B1vd .N .E . I, if 050 50 . 00 City of Renton 2600 Blk Sunset B1vd.N .E . it 051 50 . 00 City of Renton 3100 Blk Sunset B1vd .N .E . it 052 50 .00 City of Renton 3900 Blk N .E . 4th St . " 053 50 . 00 City of Renton 3200 Blk N . E . 4th St . " 054 50 . 00 City of Renton 2100 Blk N . E . 3rd St . SEWER PERMITS S 1150 Jimmy Lord 1716 Jones Ave . N .E . Connect Sewer 115.1 Frank Storey 1326 Kennewick Ave .N .E . if It 1152 H . E . Perantie 1424 Jones Ave . N . E . if 1153 James Burch 1709 N :E . 16th St . " If 1154 Robert Huebner 1700 Jones Ave . N .E . if ---1155 J . R. Parsons 1425 Lincoln Ave . N .E . " If 1156 Jerry Novak 1432 Jones Ave . N.E . " It 3 264 FUND TRANSFERS AUTHORIZED FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1970 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 86 ,153. 98 Arterial Street Fund 195 . 60 City Street Fund 43,082 . 96 Cedar River M & I 1 ,213 . 87 Equipment Rental 23 ,456 . 40 Library Fund 13 ,210 . 61 Parks Fund 39,348 . 93 Waterworks Utility 73 ,568 . 25 1965 W. & S. Construction 9 ,000 . 00 Street Forward Thrust 6 ,338 . 70 Airport Fund 1 ,423. 04 Firemen 's Pension 6 ,666 . 07 Accident Log. Prog. 2 ,664. 00 Urban Arterial Fund 191 . 48 306 ,513. 89 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund 169 ,903. 87 City Street Fund 40 ,811 . 03 Cedar River M & I 700 . 00 Equipment Rental Fund 5 ,325 . 42 Library Fund 10 ,632. 32 Parks Fund 55 ,825 . 79 Waterworks Utility Fund 25 ,387 . 93 Airport Fund 1 ,738 . 00 Firemen 's Pension Fund 100 . 00 310 ,424 . 36 I 265 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 3 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY CLERK Authorized to execute agreement with Burlington Northern Railway Co. for Lind Avenue-Grady Way traffic signal interconnection CITY ENGINEER Tabulation of L.I .D. 271 protest petition (Reported as 31 . 24%) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Code of Ethics Ordinance and City Attorney 's comments which Councilman om Perry reported receiving COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Planning Commission recommendation that no revisions be made in the City Code as pertain to Sec. 4-706 and 4-710 (deleting requirements for Planning Commission review of zoning ,platting and special permit matters) FINANCE COMMITTEE Surplus vehicle bids (Reported back - C-29 awarded to bidder and all other bids rejected and to be sold at appraised prices) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Fund transfer from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1990 unto Park Department expendi:ig budget account to replace Liberty Park ballfield lights Right of initiative and referendum as may be authorized by the Optional Municipal Code Restructure of Boards and Commissions to remove autonomy and increase citizen participation MAYOR Consolidation and reorganization of city departments to be included in Preliminary Budget Authorized to execute agreement with Burlington Northern Railway Co. regarding Lind Avenue-Grady Way traffic signal interconnection To check possibility of having hot and cold drink vending machines installed in city hall PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications for music machine and coin-type pool tables at Players Tavern Suspension of licenses of female personnel of sauna establishments PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Water Pumping Contract and Resolution authorizing same for service by Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to sewer lift stations SPECIAL CITY SHOPS COMMITTEE Bids on electrical wiring of new city shop facility (Reported back awarded to D. W. Close Co . on Alternate low bid of $4 ,713 . 45) MEETINGS August 5 , 1970 - Dep ' t of Natural Resources meeting on oil & gas leases Olympic Rm. , Seattle Center August 17 , 1970 - Public Hearing on Mr . Clark 's appeal of Planning Commission denial of site plan approval too 266 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 3, 1970 M I ' N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular weekly meeting of the Renton City Council was convened at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Renton Municipal Building, with Mayor Avery Garrett presiding. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The assembly joined the Mayor in the Flag Salute . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Barei , Grant , Bruce , Maxin, Edwards , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer. Shane , absent on roll call , arrived during the reading of communications . OFFICIALS AND DEPT. Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, HEADS IN ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Victor TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon , Park Director, Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director , M. Deane Seeger , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor , Mike Brown , Data Processing Mgr . , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE -APPROVAL THERE BRING NO CORRECTIONS NOR REVISIONS, IT WAS 7/27/70 Meeting MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS WRITTEN AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS documents as follows : L.I.D. 271 , Proposed Ordinance was submitted ordering the Sanitary Sewers construction of sanitary sewers in N. E. 27th and N. E. 28th Streets and vicinity , and assessing benefiting properties . Letter from Delia Epptin and petition bq 14 property owners were read objecting _`o the sewer from Aberdeen Avenue East to Edmonds Avenue on N. E. 27th . Upon inquiry as to timliness since public hearing was held last week, it was noted_ the protests are late . "he City Attorney ad- vised if a60% protest is received within 30 days of adoption of the Ordinance the City may not pro- ceed , however , it may continue until that time and beyond in event health situation demands . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR TABULATION. CARRIED. Upon question regarding consequence of delay , City Engineer Wilson advised bid call has been advertised for August 20 so early decision is necessary . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO HOLD THE MATTER IN ABEYANCE UNTIL TABULATION OF PROTESTS IS COMPLETED,, FOLLOWING NEW BUSINESS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance No. 2579 Proposed ordinance was submitted with MOTION BY Introduced 7/27/70 PERRY, SECOND BY EDWARDS, FOR SECOND AND FINAL (Disorderly Conduct) READINGS, THE DOCUMENT HAVING BEEN INTRODUCED LAST WEEK AND HELD FOR COUNCIL REVIEW. CARRIED. The ordinance was read amending Section 6-163 of Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the Cita of Renton" , relAting to "Disorderly Conduct" . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN TEN AYES AND ONE NO, STREDICKE OPPOSING. THE MOTION CARRIED. -1- t ^' 9504 9b 8' _1251_ CITY OF FRENTON CITY HALL :' `, �• • RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 8 470 9504 �«; 600 i'TY OF • FSO. PAY TU THE ORDER Cr F J H HART ! G MD TO THE TRCASUR.::R: CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON FROM ANSA011EYS IN TNF CLAIF.f PAYABLE AT PAR THR'I1 RENTON BRANCH . GOPLES NATIONAL BANK is L 2 5 X111008 5i: 2 L8""0L ��� G►'a'S and South of Maple Valley Highway . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE RESOLUTION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE . CARRIED. (Councilman Shane arrived) MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ALSO REFER THE CONTRACT DOCUMENT. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported approval Nos. 9429 - 9510 of V^,uchers and L .I .D. Warrants and MOVED THAT CITY LID 263 Nos . 3 & 4 OF RENTON VOUCHERS 9429 T ROUGH 9510 BE APPROVED BY LID 267 Nos . 7 COUNCIL, CARRIED. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY Cash & Revenue Funds , BRUCE, TO APPROVE L .I. D. 263 Cash and Revenue Warrants No . 3 and No . 4 and L. I .D. 267 Cash and Revenue Warrants No . 7 . CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 9429 - 9465 $ 10 ,135 . 62 City Street Fund 9466 - 9471 1 , 776 . 11 Equipment Rental Fund 9472 - 9483 895 . 28 Park Fund 9484 - 9493 3 ,650. 59 Waterworks Utility 9494 - 9498 9 ,818. 61 Airport Fund 9499 X88. 97 Firemen 's Pension 9500 - 9510 ' 1D 2 S11517,- Total /i5/7aTotal all funds $ 2 -�� LID 263, Cash & Rev. Fund #3 11 ,676 . 37 LID 263 , Cash & Rev. Fund #4 35 . 00 LID 267 , Cash & Rev. Fund #7 23 . 70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS City Clerk 's Report Sale of surplus vehicles . Ten bidders responded of Bid Openings on the seven vehicles , no bids received for C-20 1958 Pick-up nor A-65 , 1966 Ford , 4 Dr. Sedan , Surplus Vehicles other bids as per tabulations attached. 11,, VED BY Opened 7/28/70 SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE_ FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (See later committee report) Electrical Wiring T; report of opening,on 7/30/70 ,of bids for wiring Temporary Shop Bldg. of the new shop building was made by the Clerk, five bidders responding as per tabulation attached. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE SPECIAL CITY SHOPS COMMITTEE FOR REPORT. CARRIED. (See later award) -2- 270 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/3/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Special City Shops Chairman Schellert submitted recommendation , Bid Award Report in concurrence with Building Director Ruppert, that low bid of D. W. Close Co. , on electrical wiring of temporary shop building, be accepted in sum of $4 ,713. 45 , which is basic bid plus tax with alternate deduct . MOVED _BY BAREI, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Committee of the Council President Schellert submitted recommenda- Whole Report , OMC tion that the Council approve the right of Work Session initiative and referendum as may be authorized by the Optional Municipal Code. MOVED BY GRANT, Initiative and SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR. MOVED BY Referendum STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO ADOPT. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Consolidation and Recommended that the matter of consolidation and Reorganization of reorganization of city departments be referred to city departments to Mayor to include in his preliminary budget . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Restructure of Recommended that the council proceed to restructure Boards and Com- Boards and Commissions of the City as authorized by missions ' the Optional Municipal Code to remove autonomy and increase citizen participation . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. E'Fgislation Com- Chairman Perry reported proposed Code of Ethics mittee Report on has been reviewed by the City Attorney and that Code of Ethics certain policy decisions are required prior to adoption . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE ORDINANCE AND ATTORNEY'S COMMENTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Personnel and Com- Chairman Stredicke submitted recommendation that _munit-j Relations the City not participate in the International Committee Report- Association of Council 's Seminar and that no International delegates be sent as City representatives . MOVED Seminar BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. Bldg. Officials ' Recommended that the Building Director be given Annual Conference authorization to attend the Building Officials ' Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon , Sept . 6-10, with expenses funded from budgetary travel fund of the Building Department . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Appointment to Bd. The Committee reached no majority recommendation on of Adjustment reappointment of Mr. Paulman to Board of Adjustment and list of three names was offered the Mayor for consideration of the appointment further, it being felt others should have an opportunity to serve . Finance Committee Chairman Edwards submitted recommendation ,concurring Bid Award Report- with Purchasing Director , to accept the high bid of Surplus Vehicles E. H. Laville , in sum of $398. 50 for 1/2 ton , 1963 Bid Opening 7/28/70 Chevrolet Pick-Up truck No. C-29 , and to reject all other surplus vehicle bids which shall be sold at appraised prices . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Freeway Roadway Councilman Maxin recalled referral sometime ago conditions concerning bumps and rough condition of overpass areas of the freeway , which problem areas still exist . Mayor Garrett noted work has been done and requested to be advised of locations for further follow up. Z 7_1 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/3/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Transportation Chairman Crant submitted recommendation that the Committee report Mayor and _City Clerk be authorized to execute agreement document with Burlington Northern Railway Company for interconnection of Lind Avenue grade crossing signals to the highway traffic signals on Grady Way . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. R. D. Clark Recommended no action be taken concerning lease request to use of property for ingress and egress until Planning right of way for Commission recommendation is resolved on proposed �r business locai-ion land use . (Public Hearing set for 8/17/70 by earlier action this evening and no further action was taken at this time . ) Inquiries and Councilman Shane inquired why , with no well , water remarks by Council- storage tank was built in the :lolling Hills area ) man Shane and City Engineer Wilson advised that such is part of a comprehensive plan to convert from Seattle to City water system for residents of the general area , the installation also contributing toward lower rates for Seattle water which results if storage is available . Landscaping freeway Councilman Shane inquired concerning lack of areas in Renton plantings along freeway in Renton and what action is being pursued in regard to the matter. Mayor Garrett reported meetings and correspondence , there having been difficulty in getting plants to grow, and further action is awaiting report concerning hostility of the environment, much of which is land fill , an agronomist having been hired by the State in regard to such problems . Lake property Councilman Shane inquired regarding proposal acquisition for requested of the State and County that lakefront �.... recreationur oses p p properties be checked for availability to develop for recreational purposes . Mayor Garrett advised he has received communications from Director Spellman and from the County Park Department con- cerning the matter. Rental of Airport Councilman Shane inquired concerning revenues property received by the Airport for rental-lease of properties and the City Clerk advised the records of leases are on file and available ir. her o:"fice . Referendum and Councilman Shane stated in view of earlier action Initiative Rights by the council in regard to optional municipal code matters he wonders if the initiative and referendum will give voters the right to override council action or whether it will be limited. Airport Revenue Councilman Barei requested a breakdown on airport lease-rentals and parties concerned, the City Clerk noting some to be on month to month tenancy basis . Coffee for meetings Councilman Barei inquired if coffee for meetings were a provision of the lease , Mayor Garrett noting availability of facilities in event coffee is fur- nished, however there being problem of hot plate not being turned on and coffee-makers left on the plates . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE CHECK INTO POSSIBILITY OF VENDING MACHINES BEING MADE AVAILABLE WITH BOTH HOT AND COLD DRINKS. CARRIED. Maxin requested check of the coffee shop lease as concerns coffee service provision. Newspaper item Councilman Barei requested that articles attributing statements to him which appear in publication be confirmed noting as implicated otherwise , that he has no personal dissatisfaction with individuals on the City Council , the hours away from his family, required to properly fulfill duties ,being reason for his concern . M12 T2S - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/3/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Legislation Chairman Perry advised the committee will Committee Report have a report within the next few days in regard to proposed revision to the travel legislation and who should determine attendance. Board of Public Councilman Stredicke called attention of Mr . Works Meeting Shane to Board of Public Works meeting and item on the Agenda of Landscaping to be dis- cussed , suggesting he attend, State Highway representatives to be present . Stredicke noted his inquiries of a year ago concerning lands leased by the City had not been given due regard and he was told to go someplace else and find out . Railroad crossing Councilman Maxin inquired regarding condition Grady Way , etc. of railroad crossings and pfoposed motion the city repair the areas and bill the railroad company . Mayor Garrett advised of meeting on this matter and it is hoped early action will result . Transportation Chairman Grant noted revisions at 3rd North and Committee Chairman Sunset to provide additional room for trucks to report of Traffic maneuver alleviating problem reported by Mrs . Engineers follow-up Evans last week . Gambling-Lottery- Councilman Shane inquired concerning activities Pari-mutuel in the city and state as concern gambling and City Attorney Shellan outlined provisions of the constitution and the state , concerning lottery and Attorney General 's opinion of which activities constitute same . Motion was proposed by Shane that the City challenge the Court with regard to operation of Longacres being gambling it being his opinion that if you cannot play bingo and can get arrested in a house or room for card playing and yet can place wagers at longacres the picture is out of context . The matter was discussed it being noted the courts have upheld the pari-mutuel laws . The motion to challenge was seconded by Stredicke , voted on and lost . Blackberry and Councilman Shane inquired regarding blackberry underbrush growth bushes growing over sidewalks calling attention to the obnoxious weed legislation . Vic TeGant- voort , Street Commissioner advised that his crew has been working for the past month and would take care of the matter if list of areas needing additional attention is furnished. City Map for Council MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, A CITY MAP BE Chambers FURNISHED TO BE PERMANENTLY IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER FOR REFERENCE AS MAY BE DESIRED ON MATTERS THAT COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL . CARRIED. Codification Insert Councilman Barei inquired concerning Code Book inserts and was advised that the Council Secretary is keeping the books updated. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. THE 10 :00 P .M. MOTION CARRIED. There were 38 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. /lam- J`n Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk Avery Ga e t , Mayor -7- I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 3 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Schellert Community Services Maxin Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations 8/4/70 7 : 00 PM Stredicke Police Guild Negotations Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works 8/10/70 7 : 00 PM Bruce 4th Fl . Conf . R . Transportation 8/4/70 8 : 00 PM Grant Grant ' s Council Vacation of Burnett Office Ave . S . at S . 8th August 3, 1970 L� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Page 1 of 2 BID OPENING, JULY 28, 1970 10:00 A.M. - FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM Surplus Vehicles For Sale A-50 A-6o A-61 A-64 A-65 C-20 C-29 1964 CHEV 1965 FORD 1965 FORD 1966 FORD 1966 FORD 1958 CnT 1963 CHEV BIDDER 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN PICKUP 1/2 T PICKUP 1/2 T Maurita A. Schwartz $365.00 $445.00 No Bids No Bids 2700 N.E. 6th Pl. Renton, Wash., 98055 AL 5-2827 Charles A. Flory $350.00 $450.00 Rt. 5, Box 546 Tacoma., Wash., 98423 WA 7-0936 William A. Thompson $326.00 677 Harrington N.E. Renton, Wash., 98055 BA 8-6125 Paul Maxin $451.10 2009 N.E. 27th St. Renton, Wash., 98055 AL 5-7822 Kent A. McVay $500.00 $400.00 427 Park Ave. N. (Void if Renton, Wash., 98055 A-61 is AL 5-6585 S accepted) Jack Wilson 480.00 807 Union Ave. N.E. Renton, Wash., 98055 E. H. Laville $398.50 11257 S.E. 68th St. Renton, Wash., 98055 AL 5-18o 4 Office of the City Clerk August 3, 1970 Bid Opening, July 28, 1970 Page 2 of 2 Surplus Vehicles For Sale A-50 A-60 A-61 A-64 A-65 C-20 C-29 1964 CHEV 1965 FORD 1965 FORD 1966 FORD 1966 FORD 1958 CHEV 1963 CHEV BIDDER 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN 4-D SEDAN PICKUP 1/2 T PICKUP 1/2 T W. E. Bennett $351.00 2024 S.E. 17th Ct. { Renton, Wash., 98055 i AZ 5-1971 i Ray Madsen $360.50 1829 Harrington Ave. N.E. Renton, Wash., 98055 BA 8-2402 Merlin E. Roberts $200.00 3515 N.E. 10th P1. Renton, Wash., 98055 BA 6-2779 N -�1 �t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, JULY 30, 1970 2:00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR ELECTRICAL WIRING .AND EQUIPMENT FOR SHOT B G BID BID ALTERNATE #1 BIDDER BOND PLUS TAX DEDUCTION Donald W. Close Company Bid Bond $6,989.00 $22500,00 2921 13th S.W. Seattle, Washington 9813 . Jim Wells Electric Company Bid Bond 7,798.00 2,128.00 9027 Greenwood Avenue N. Seattle, Washington 98103 Chapman Electric Company Bid Bond 7,888.00 22100.00 P. 0. Box 268 Renton, Washington 98055 Holmes Electric Company Bid Bond 8,774.00 2,212.00 1415 Seneca S.W. P. 0. Box 158 Renton, Washington 98055 Richard G. Wagner, Inc. Bid Bond 8,826.00 1,543.00 P. 0. Box 66539 Seattle, Washington 98166 LAIC I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8/3/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2401 $35,000.00 McDonald's Corporation 73 Rainier Ave. S. Addition to Bldg. 2402 22,000.00 Paul Blauert 1213 N. 37th St. Const. Single Res. 2403 85.00 Robert A. Rockov 2217 N.E. 10th P1. Erect Fence 2404 4,500.00 The Boeing Company 10-60 Building Const. Chart room 2405 300.00 Ted H Crosby 930 Edmonds Ave. NE Const. Carport "' 406 VOID 2407 500.00 Warren Chinn 241 Park Ave. N. Demolish Residence 2408 1,200.00 Dorothy Wolsky 4208 N.E. 10th Place Const. Utility Shed ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2947 4,200.00 Burger Chef 604 Rainier Ave. S. Wire Restaurant Bldg. 2948 235.00 Ho Toy 926 Harrington Ave. N.E. Move Meter To Outside 2949 1,100.00 McDonald's Restaurant 73 Rainier Ave. S. Install 14 Lum. Roofbeams 2950 410.00 Federal Housing Authority 514 Williams Ave. S. Change & Increase service 2951 72.00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Building Instal 60 AMP Power 2952 340.00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Building Relocate Admn. Services 2953 75.00 The Boeing Company 4-01 Building Relocate Laminator 2954 90.00 The Boeing Company 4-01 Building Instal Photo-foil Machine 2955 600.00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Building Rework Lighting 2956 325.00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Building Vacate Photo Area 2957 50.00 The Boeing Company 4-20 Building Install Receptacle 2958 140.00 The Boeing Company 10-71 Building Relocate Shop Equipment 2959 750.00 The Boeing Company 10-60 Building Electrical Service 2960 50.00 Dorothy E. Wolsky 4208 N.E. 10th Place Install outlets MECHANICAL PERMITS ?531 150.00 Church of L.D.S. 220 South 3rd Place Inst. Plbg. Fixtures ft�?532 225.00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Building Vacate Photo Area 2533 82.50 Agnes Vieg 1709 Edmonds Ave. N.E. Inst. Gas Water Heater 2534 37.35 Richard Pellegrino 3112 N.E. 10th St. Inst. Gas Barbeque 2535 32.50 Frederick Zielie 2514 W hitworth Ct. So. Inst. Gas Dryer 2536 361.00 Church of L.D.S. 220 South 3rd Place Inst. Gas Burner 2537 150.00 James Kimball 1619 Morris Ave. S. Converse Furnace to Gas 2538 150.00 Victor Di.ambri 815 Jones Ave. S. Inst. Wall Furnace 2539 570.00 R. W. Wiehoff 1740 N.E. 16th St. Inst. Gas Furnace SIGN PERMITS S 055 250.00 City of Renton S. 3rd St. at Morris Ave.S. Inst Fabric Sign 056 300.00 Standard Service Tire 205 Logan Ave. S. Inst. Electrical Sign 057 350.00 Foster & Kleiser 1100 Blk N.E. & Park Dr. Erect D/F Sign 058 800.00 Douglas L. Morell 1011 South 3rd St. Inst. Llect. Roof Sign 059 200.00 Dr. Thomas E. Maxwell 1920 South Puget Drive Inst. 2 Ground Signs SEWER PERMITS S 1157 Latter Day Saints 220 So. 3rd Place Connect Sewer 1158 J. Curran 1504 Jones Ave. N E. Connect Sewer 1159 Edwin F. Hiatt 1508 Kennewick N.E. Connect Sewer 1160 Fran Briere 2402 Union Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer .161 R. V. Petterson 1401 Lincoln Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer .162 Herb Hackman 1624 Jones Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 4wi163 Tony Porcello 1817 Jones Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1164 S. Bewley 1725 Jones Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1165 J. W. Woodring 1400 Monterey Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1166 A. E. Taini 1500 Monterey Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1167 H. S. Gamble 1825 N.E. 14th St. Connect Sewer 1168 A. C. McDonald 1509 Lincoln Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1169 VOID 1170 R. J. Babb 1316 Lincoln Place N.E. Connect Sewer 1171 D. H Emberg 1402 Lincoln Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 278 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 10 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY 30-day written notice of cancellation of Lease (LAG 777-64) from Mr . Archie Gustine and request for rebate of advance payment . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE *CIrY ENGINEER *Engineering Department procedure in computing project cost estimates Subject of Body Painting business operation in Renton Recommendation by Barei for L .I. D. for Sanitary Sewers for entire unsewered portions of the city with application for federal assistance FINANCE COMMITTEE Final payment to Busch Construction , Inc. on CAG 1677-70 , new city Shap facility , $14 ,744 .14 (Power to act) King County District Court request to rent council chambers on Tuesday and Thursday each week @ $30. 00 per day upon seating of additional judge . PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Subject of citations for violation of Abandoned Vehicle Code as reported by Mrs . Judy Scarborough PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids on improvement to Edmonds Ave, NE 27th , Kennewick P1 . N. E. and NE 30th opened 8/6/70 Charging contractors for engineering inspection service , recommended by Councilman Shane TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Metro Transit Service hearing by Wn . Transportation and Utility Commission ..� regarding possible discontinuation of service to valley cities APPOINTMENTS Firemen-appointed to six months probationary period, effective 9/1/70 Glen G . Gordon Keith R. Steel MEETINGS AND EVENTS Proposed Cabaret Ordinance - Tabled 1 week to 8/17/70 8/24/70 - Public Hearing meeting on L.I.D. 271 , Sanitary Sewers , N. E. 27th and vicinity (Ordinance 2580 adopted 8/3/70) G RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 10 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular weekly meeting of the Renton City Council convened at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building with Mayor Avery Garrett presiding. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor was joined by the assembly in the Flag Salute . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry, McKay , Stredicke , Maxin , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . Absent : Edwards . MOVED BY BAREI, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN. THE MOTION CARRIED. OFFICIALS AND DEPT. Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, HEADS IN ATTENDANCE G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police, Bert McHenry , Asst . City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Gene Coulon , Park Director, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Mike Brown , Data Processing Manager, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Ted Bennett , Utilit, Accountant , M. Deane Seeger , Administrative Asst , to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no corrections nor additions , it was 8/3170 Meeting IOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. MINUTES STAND APPROVED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted the RESOLUTIONS following legislative documents : Proposed Amendment Proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 31 (Cabarets) {� to Cabaret License of Title V, (Business Regulations) of Ordinance Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" regulating cabarets in the City had been placed on introductory reading on August 3, and was now placed on second reading. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ALLOW COM- MENT FROM THE AUDIENCE. Mr. William Kuhn , Attorney representing the Town House requested time --o look over the ordinance and to prepare a brief it being his view that some parts may require time consuming review. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO TABLE FURTHER ACTION ON THE ORDINANCE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Attorney Kuhn was requested to furnish the council with written copies of a summary of the comments to be presented, the attorney noting more than one week may be neces- sary for preparation . He was advised extension of time could be requested next week if required. Resolution No. 1699 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Fund transfer to $2 ,221 . 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1990, provide funds to (Maintenance and replacement of ballfield lights) , replace ballfield unto Park Fund Budgetary Account 1710 , M. & O. 306 , lights (expending fund) for ballfield light replacement at Liberty Park. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY --- BAREI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution No . 1700 Authorizing execution of Contract WASH-OSA-99 (G) Authorizing Contract in two counterparts , to be forwarded to Dep ' t . of with HUD for land Housing and Urban Development for grant to acquire acquisition grant land under Title 7 , of the Housing Act of 1961 . (Scott-Pacific lands) Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted Park Board recommendation to enter into the contract with the U.S. of. America , Dept . for acquisition of additional waterfront property. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT. CARRIES✓. -1- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8110/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) Travel Authority- Legislative Committee Chairman Perry reported State Audit proposed Res„lution may require Council action requirements and document will be held for clarification on Auditor ' s position prior to presentation- VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Member Barei reported approval Nos . 9511 - 9639 of Vouchers and MOVED THAT NOS. 9511 THROUGH 9639 and LID 263 Cash AND L. I .D. 263 C:-SH AND REVENUE VOUCHERS #5 BE & Revenue Funds #5 APPROVED BY COUNCIL FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 9511 - 9547 $ 10,318. 57 ...r Arterial Street 9548 8,344. 29 City Street 9549 - 9568 5 ,438 . 81 Cedar River M & I 9569 - 9573 498. 35 Equipment Rental 9574 - 9595 1 ,512 . 64 Library Fund 9596 - 9599 488. 53 Park Fund 9600 - 9616 34,258 . 60 Waterworks Utility 9617 - 9630 2,108 .18 Street Fwd. Thrust 9631 36 ,516 . 43 Airport Fund 9632 - 9636 129. 26 Firemen ' s Pension 9637 34 . 20 Cedar River Acq . 9638 26 ,603 . 10 Urban Arterial Fund 9639 741 _ 80 $126 , 325 . 76 LID 263 Cash & Revenue Fund #5 66 ,998. 52 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSI'VESS City Clerk ' s Bid City Clerk Nelson advised of bid opening on Opening Report 816/70 for improvement to Edmonds Avenue , N. E. 27th , Kennewick P1 . N.E and N.E. 30th St . Five bidders responded as per tabulations attached hereto. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS CQM'4JZTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. - Now Building Director 's Letter from Building Director Ruppert reported Notice of Contract completion of CAG 1677-70, temporary city shop Completion-City Shop facility , by Busch Construction Co . , and rt:c^m- mendcc7 acceptance by the Council this date with final payment of $14 ,744. 14 authorized and 30-day Lien period commencement . If after 30 days no lien or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities it was further recommended the retained sum of $2 ,184. 32 then be released. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS WITH REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED.M� Written termination Letter from Mr. Archie Gustine gave 30-day notice of Lease (LAG 777-64) of lease termination , and requested refund of advance payments to Charles D. Lewis , 1348 S. W. 175th Street , Seattle , 98166 , (who has acquired the Gustine interest in adjoining land) . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. THE MOTION CARRIED. ITEMS ADDED TO AGENDA King County District Letter from Mayor Garrett reported receipt of Court request to request from the King County District Court to use Council Chambers use the Council Chambers on Tuesday and Thursdays at $30 . 00 per day as an additional court room upon seating of the new additional judge. Authorization was requested to execute the necessary rental docu- ments . Motion was proposed by Barei , seconded by Shane , to turn down the request , use b� the City and possible inconvenience along with whether rental fee was commensurate with value received being cited as objective items . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. -2- 281 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/10/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: VACATION OF RIGHT Councilman Grant noted letter from Puget Sound OF WAYS REQUESTED Power & Light Company reported withdrawal of BY P. S. P. L. CO. request for vacation of Burnett Ave. & 8th Streets . City Clerk Nelson advised the letter (In Transportation is being held for reading at the hearing which Committee) has been advertised and should be consumated accordingly. (See later Committee Report) AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs . Judy Scarborough , 315 Pelly Avenue North , called attention to Abandoned '.•ehicle letter she had written to the Editor of the local Citation newspaper and noted her appearance to be in response to many calls received in regard to the matter following the publication . Her husband had been given a citation under the Abandoned Vehicle Code which carried provision for $50. 00 fine which she felt was not just (noting that her neighbor did not like her car in her yard. )Police Chief Williams outlined procedure followed which led to the citation when compliance was not fu1 filled ,w.ith regard to the vehicle being operative , within an extended time period and after several calls back by the officer. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR INVESTIGATION AND REPORT BACK. In it was noted the matter has not been heard by the Court , the City Attorney noting the legislative body should not pretrial hear or judge a judicial matter Inquiries followed regarding citations procedure and aspects affecting citizensl su:vject ordinance not intended to harm but to heti the community and enforcement covering rich and oor alike . Matter of possible need for review -- of the ordinance was noted. Mrs . Ella Siegfried advised of vehicle at 117 Park Avenue and about 6 others in her neighborhood which should be duly investigated and given equal treatment . The City Attorney subsequPnt.ly noted actions which might be taken w.irn regard to the case ,outlining possirle procedure when defendant appears at trial and pleads not guilty , or on prior police action to dismiss , the Judge being adjudicator. It was noted the police get criticised if they enforce and also if they do not and information whether vehicle is abandoned or under repair is not always readily available . THE PENDING MOTION TO REFER CARRIED. Mr . Joe Sporcik noted vehicles in non-operative condition in his neighborhood , his residence being 1316 Harrington N. E. , which are not abandoned and inquired regarding wording of the Ordinance . It was noted the vehicle on Park and others will be investigated if locations are given and the Ordinance may be seen in the Clerks office where it is on file . if Mr. Sporcik wished to check thera . APPOINTMENTS fetter from Mayor Garrett reported appointment of Firemen-Glen Firemen Gordon and Steel in the Renton Fire Department G. Gurdon and effective September 1 , 1970 . Fire Chief's requesr and Keith R. Steel Civil Service certifications for appointment were attached. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS. THE MOTION CARRIED. 01"D BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Council President Schellert called attention to Countu Health meeting of King County Ad Hoc Committee last Thursday program .,r'�ich ':ad preliminary report from the Stanford Re- searcn scurfy concerning the County Health Program. A draft will be submitted to the Suburban Mayor ' s Ass 'n . and Mayor Garrett will be advising concerning amount needing to be budgeted to cover the city ' s share of cost . 282 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/10/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Inquiries by Stredicke Attention was called to Board of Public Works on referral matters Minute entries and inquiry was made by Council- man Stredicke concerning status of Code compliance concerning Soft Sam 's . Barei noted the matter was continued for further hearing on August 11 , and that when work has begun on off-site improve- ments and compliance is indicated license is not withheld , occupancy permit is held until com- pletion . Stredicke stated business should not be allowed to operate without occupancy permit. Remarks on referrals Matters referred and yet pending were noted as c,ounciiman Stzedicke follows and reports urged for consumation : "K" Street Apartments July 6 to Mayor and Planning Director - "K" .Street apartment compliance with restrictive covenants and off site improvements Metro Transit Service July 6-Metro transit service discontinuation to Valley Cities referred to Transportation Committee. Stredicke noted the matter was heard by the Wn . Transporta- tion in d Utilities Commission which voted to continue the hearing andservice to be extended as well during interim. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT THE SUBJECT ,OF TRANSPORTA- TION FOR VALLEY CITIES AND CONTINUED HEARING ,BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Ambulance Service Referral of July 6 to Mayor 's Administrative Assistant and Public Safety Committee Chairman to study local ambulance service and report . Vacation of portion Attention was called to nearing of date for Now of Whitman Ct , N.E . fee payment and consumation of earnest money title transfer and the City Attorney was requested to report next week on status of the Kalzn vacation . Special Licenses and 7/27/70 referral of matter of pool table and music whether Council machine licenses being issued by City Clerk without approval needed needing council approval . Pending in Public- Safety and Legislation Committee. After hour coffee Inquiring whether lease contained provision for service in Municipal after hour coffee service Mr. Stredicke was Building advised by the Mayor such was included and this was one reason why the former operator closed down and cancelled the lease. Arrangements are being made for. Monday night coffee service and it is available this evening. Transportation Chairman Grant reported committee concurrence in Committee Report Board of Public Works recommendation to withhold (Vacation of 8th St . action regarding the vacation of portion of 8th and Burnett Avenue) Street and Burnett Avenue; noting Puget Sound Power & Light Company 's withdrawal of request to be forthcoming at Public Hearing 8/24/70 . LID 271 , Sanitary Councilman Shane , calling attention to area East Sewers , NE 27-28th , of Aberdeen Avenue and noting ratio of protest to Edmonds Ave, & vic. parcels involved, MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL RECONSIDER (Ordinance 2580) ITS ACTION OF LAST WEEK IN ADOPTING ORDINANCE FOR LID 27= . SECOND BY BAREI. Map was displayed , the topography explained and boundaries of the proposed LID outlined by Asst . City Engineer McHenry . During discussion it was noted that since public hearing had been held previously and those persons for the LID were not present , it would be likely if the LID were killed tonight , the council would have that group before it again . PENDING MOTION WAS VOTED UPON AND LOST. -4- 280 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/10/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : (Cont . ) RECESSED MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO RECESS. CARRIED. After recess, the meeting reconvened, the roll standing as taken originally . LID 271 , Sanitary Costs incurred to date were outlined along with Sewers-Discussion, the fact that any deletion of area would result in killing of the present LID and having to start all over again with new legislation , assessments , publication , waiting 15 days therefrom for public hearings , engineering and notifications to owners, and beginning anew as different boundaries and property owners are involved. Discussion ensued concerning petitions and residents contacted, it being suggested area East of Aberdeen had been in- cluded in implementation of the comprehensive sewer- ing plan for the city as prepared last year. Pro- posals for alternate routes and future sewering of adjacent area was outlined by Asst . City Engineer McHenry , it being projected that cost will increase as time goes by . Speaking on behalf of the Kenny- dale Memorial and Community Clubs and protestors to the project , soil con•.'itions , financial hardship cases and aspects of prior council actions were presented by Mrs . Roberta Hodge , Mr. and Mrs. Amos 'useland , 1916 Edmonds N. E. and Mr . Larry Hougardy , 2300 N. E. 27th Street . Mr . Paul Maxin, as resident of the area ,stated specific residences contacted by him , acknowledging finance problems which cost ,however, he felt would be much lower now than in the future. Attention was called to fact that bid call has been published for August 20 opening . Plans for alternate servicing, funding , and possible separation of areas ensued with motions proposed by Shane , seconded by Grant , the Engineer be authorized to send out addendum to bid call for area East of Aberdeen to be set out as separate unit , deemed an impossibility. After various proposals to kill the LID, with areas set forth as PhaseA and B, likewise declared not acceptable it was 14OVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT TO TABLE THE (LID)M2! TTER UNTIL THE BID OPENING. Voice vote was dissenting and roll call was requested which resulted as follows : Aye-5 : Schellert , Perry , McKay , Stredicke and Maxin . No-6 : Clymer, Delaurenti , Bruce , Grant , Shane and Barei . MOTION LOST, 5 ayes , 6 noes . .Motion by Shane proposed to kill the existing LID and new LID be formed with PhaP.e I and II Attention was called to majority request of area residents for the LID and legal procedure for filing of protest to defeat the further proceedings , City Attorney Shellan inquiring whether the council might wish to notify those persons for the project, before killing it . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MATTER OF LID 271 BE SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING ON AUGUST 24 , ALL PROPERTY OWNERS TO BE SO ADVISED. MOTION CARRIED. Engineering Councilman Shane inquired if the City charges for Inspection - inspection of construction which Engineer McHenry Remarks by Shane advised might occur where overtime ,after hour or legal holiday inspection might be required other- wise on L. I. D. 's it is charged against the district . Absence of personnel in the office was noted by Mr . Shane and Mr . McHenry listed the numerous projects now in progress which require services of additional staff,including 3 LID ' s , an office staff being main- tained , however at all times . Councilman Shane felt Contractor ' s should pa; for engineering inspections by the city and MOVED THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE . MOTION WAS SECONDED BY STREDICKE AND CARRIED. Survey of Utility Councilman Shane inquired concerning timeliness of Cornell , Howland , report on. the Utility study and it was noted same Hayes & Merryfield has been filed by CH2M Co . with Mr. Ted Bennett Utilit_: Accountant . -5 284 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8110170 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Differences in Bids Councilman Shane expressed concern over the from Engineering difference in engineering estimates from the Estimates actual bids noting $140 ,000 . 00 difference from low bid in - report this evening. He requested the engineer to explain the computation of costs to the council at committee meeting, recommending also that the city acquire a test boring machine and then specs could tell how much excavating would be required and bidders would not have to add to their bids for eventuality of rock and extra excavation . MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND BY SCHELLERT TO REFER THE SUBJECT OF ENGINEERING BID ESTIMATES TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. "K" Street Councilman Grant reported that the Board of Public Apartments Works has met on the "K" Street apartment project code compliance and in review of the matter it was reported the owner will comply with sidewalk, curb , gutter , etc. improvements and will apply to the Planning Commission as necessary concerning other requirements . Initiative and Councilman Shane inquired concerning right of Referendum initiative and referendum and was advised that the matter had been referred to the Legislation_Commit tee , last week for legislation which will be presented soon . Body Painting- Councilman Barei called attention to recent license Photography in application for body painting parlor and MOVED THAT Renton THIS SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SHANE AND CARRIED. Clymer suggested this be added to agenda of meeting set for Thursday . Delaurenti called attention to article in July issue of "Seattle" magazine regarding body painting. Perry noted discussion with the City Attorney and noted there is no city ordinance to cover this activity and some interpretations of the law being that there is nothing illegal about body painting. The City Clerk was requested to check whether the Library might have copies of the magazine . Schellert noted lengthy Jiscussion is anticipated on items already scheduled for Thursday and it may not be possible to put the matter on this agenda . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Total Sewering of Councilman Barei noted piecemeal sewer installation City of Renton within the city over the years by small L.I. D. 's with very large areas still unsevered which he was wondering about as to this being the most economical method . He rather felt that all the land should be encompassed in a proposal for sewering and application then made to the Federal Government for assistance thereby putting citizens to work , generating business activity and lowering cost to citizens . Motion was proposed by Barei , seconded by Stredicke , to refer this subject to the City Engineer authorizing him to commence work on formation of an L .I . D. covering all properties within the City not presently served with sanitary sewers and then to investigate whether money might be available from the Federal Government . Also that the matter of funding for expert services as may be needed to assist in the program be referred to the Finance Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the legislative body , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 11 : 00 p.m . There were 28 visitors present tonight . / -6- Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk � 1 OFJll..i, OF THE CIT`I CLERK August 10, 1970 COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDUT."D AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thursday, 8:00 P.PI. Schellert Council Chambers Police Guild & Code of Aug. 13, 1970 Ethics, Stredicke, Grant, & Perry to report Community Services Maxin Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety �Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Tuesday, Grant Council Chambers Bothell Corridor Study Aug. 11, 1970 7:30 Special City Shops Co=d.ttee N,onday, Aug. 17, 1970! 7:15 P. I. Schellsrt i + I STREET IMPROVEMENT: August 10 , 1970 Op EDMONDS AVE N. , NE. 27TH. ST. , KENNEWICK PL. NE. 8 NE. 30TH. ST. FROM SUNSET BLVD. NE. TO INTERSTATE 405 Bid Opening-2:00 P.M.-First Floor Conference Room - August 6, 1970 CONTRACTOR: rCHE I ' ALTERNATE I SCHEDULE II ALTERNATE II SCHEDULE Ill ALTERNATE III TOTAL _..7 - ENGINEERS EST/MATE 0.60' 195,9/3. 25 59, 10750 679,0//, 35 420 580.60 194,483 25 i 58,447. 50 673,511. 3 5 W C. FROST CONSTRUCTION C1. 2/ 157, 809. /0 46,/96. 65 532, /56.96 324, 896-21' 156,444. 10 45,566 65 526,906-96 RED-SAMM MIN/NG COMP. INC. 354,39/.43 153,8/2. 55 53,491- 95 561, 695. 93 353,430.43 /53,409. 55 53,305-95 560,145. 93 MOSS CONSTRUCTION INC. 347,790- 53 165,623 35 � 55,64720 569,061.08 346,829-53 i 165,220. 35 55,461. 20_ 567, 511.08 L.D. L. L AND DEVELOPMENT CO. 362,569 37 164, 922.73_ 53,320.95 580,813.05 359,187.89 163,504.69 52,666.47 575,359.05 SELECT CONTRACTORS 4/8,796. 15 191,522. 50 58,003-00 f' 668,321.65 - 417, 711- 15 191,067.50 11 57, 793.00 666,571.65 t 4 287 OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK 8/10/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2409 $125.00 Ken Foster Jr, 327 Wells Ave. So. Instal 2 Temp. Partions 2410 400.00 The Boeing Companv 10-60-2 Building Instal ceiling walls 2411 10,000.00 E. R. & Flora Coleman 3701 Meadow Ave. N. Move house and build foundation 2412 9,000.00 Warren Chinn 247 Par); Ave. N. Build Addition 2413 Glenn T. Rogge 411 Wells Ave. S. Demolish Residence 2414 200.00 Scarsella Bros. ,Inc. 3300 West Valley Road Fill & Grade to match road 2415 500.00 G. R. Everett 2525 Morris Ave. S. Construct Carport 241 - 300.00 John Mezek 321 Wells Ave. 14. Reroof Residence MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2540 400.00 Fred Sanders 1901 N.F. 14th St. Inst. Plbg. Fixtures 2541 175.00 C. Shane 2200 Maple Valley Hwy Inst. Gas Heater 2542 529.45 Georae Brown 654 Stevens Ave. N.W. Inst. Gas Furnace 2543 1,500.00 The Boeing Companv 4-81 Building Plumbing 2544 200.00 John McGraw 1625 Morris Ave. S. Inst.Conversion burner 2545 500.00 R. W. Wiehoff 1740 N.F. 16th St. Inst. Gas Furnace 2546 325.00 R. S. Shane 2746 N.F. 24th St. Inst. Septic tank 2547 12,000.00 Group Health Coon. 275 Bronson Way N.F. Inst.Plumbing Fixtures 2548 1.30.00 George Brown 654 Stevens Ave. N.W. Inst. Gas Water Heater ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2.961 250.00 David J. Sau,•e 3.113 S.F. 7th St. Inst. 200 AMP Service 2962 1(•0.00 -he Boeinri -onr.anv '_•1-51 Building Install Air Conditioner 2963 50.00 The Aoeina Companv 4-01 Building Install Battery Charger 2964 1,000.00 The Boeina Companv 4-81 Building Electrical Service 2965 750.00 The Boeing Companv Apron "B" Modify Power Supply 2906 650.00 Stanford Witsce 1205 North 33rd Place Wire New Residence 2967 400.00 R. W. Wiehoff 1740 N.r. 16th St. Wire New Residence 2968 560.00 Aerodvne, Inc, 300 Airport Way So. Wire Hangars 2969 684.00 Henry C. Erikson 939 Ferndale Circle N.E. Change Service 2970 150.00 Robert Hitch Renton Airport Install new service 2971 250.00 Puget Sound Power & Light 620 South Grady Way Reroute conduit etc. SEWER PERMITS S 1172 J. M. Puhich 1402 Kennewick Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1173 Orville Ashlev 2008 N.E. 16th St. Connect Sewer 1174 F. Sanders 1901 N.F. 14th St. Connect Sewer 1175 H. A. Hanson 1509-Kennewick Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1176 Warren Chinn 247 Park Ave. N. Storm Sewer 1177 Calvin Fischer 1711 N.F. 16th St. Connect Sewer 1178 Betty J. Knapp 1701 N.E. 16th St. Connect Sewer 1179 Edward Rupnick 1501 Lincoln Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1180 David W. Schmitt 1417 Kennewick Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1181 Edgar Wooton 1517 Lincoln Ave. N.F. Connect Sewer 1182 11. V. Gambini 1525 Kennewick Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1183 M. B. Cavanaugh 807 No. 30th Connect Sewer 1184 H. W. Sloan 1209 Lincoln P1. N.E. Connect Sewer 1185 11. W. Sloan 1215 Lincoln P1. N.E. Connect Sewer 1186 H. F. Hazel 1425 Jones Ave. N.F. Connect Sewer 1187 H. F. Hazel 1617 Jones Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1188 G. W. Spencer 1809 Jones Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1189 Holding 1190 Edward D. Clement 1500 Kennewick Ave.N.E. Connect Sewer 88 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 17 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Recommendation of Councilman Barei to name grandstand after former Councilman Gianini FINANCE COMMITTEE Possibility of deriving revenue from public right of way property as recommended by Councilman Clymer LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Cabaret Ordinance Proposed amendment to Sec . 5-3312 , Massage; Health Salons , City Code and to fee structure Conflict of Interest Ordinance MAYOR Police Guild Contract Notify interested persons concerning extension granted Kalin Const . Co . on Whitman Ct . Vacatinn requirements MEETINGS AND EVENTS August 21 , 1970 - Dedication of Lake Wn . Beach Park at 2 :00 p.m. r Talbot Ld Hoc Committee meeting to be attended by Councilmen Barei and Delaurenti and Street Commissioner TeGantvoort APPOINTMENTS_ Police Civil Service Commission Member - Reverend John G. Schaeffer Expires 9/10/73 Renton Aviation Board - William Gebinini - Expires 11/5/72 r ),�;() RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 17 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular weekly legislative session of the City Council convened at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building with Mayor Avery Garrett presiding. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor was joined by the assembly in reciting the Flag Salute . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Edwards , Maxin , Grant and Shane . Absent at roll but arriving subsequently were Schellert , Clymer, Bruce and Barei . CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , Mike Brown , Data Processing Manager , M. Seane Seeger , Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO APPROVE THE 8/10/70 Meeting MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE MINUTES STAND APPROVED AS WRITTEN. National Play-Off, Mayor Garrett welcomed adult leaders of the Renton Little League , "Rag Little League All-Stars introducing Mr. Gary lag"Kids Home . Masterjohn , Renton Team Manager , and Mr. Nathanial Winters , Little League President . Mr . Masterjohn outlined progress of the team to its defeat by Hawaii and ending in 17th place of out 16 ,000 . Mayor Garrett commended the men for the fine work and extended wishes for even greater future success . Shane noted accomplishment of the team in 2 years which normally takes up to 6 and called attention to need for additional facilities and budgeting therefor, and use of city ballfields by many of the county teams . He proposed motion , seconded by Barei , that the Mayor award certificates of merit to team coaches and members . Carried. PUBLIC HEARING : Appeal by Mr. Rexford D. Clark from. Planning decision (Set 8/3/70) in denial of site plan approval for retail bicycle and boat sales and service in P-1 zone South of Renton Chamber of Commerce Building on Rainier Ave . This being the date set , and public hearing notices having been properly published , mailed and posted , the hearing was declared open . Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission review on July 22 with motion passed to deny the application since the P-1 zoning prohibits commercial use and it was felt commercial development would be detrimental to the airport ,the vicinity of the Chamber of Commerce development and the community . Mr. Rexford Clark , Rt . 5 , Box 424 , Tacoma , Wn . , the applicant, expressed desire to expand from the Bryn Mawr area into Renton and lease airport and public right of way property for 20 years , black- topping the site and constructing building thereon . The Airport Board has offered to lease its land to the City for $1 . 00 per year. He noted the land has been vacant for many years and is now weed covered whereas if utilized ,revenue might be realized . An appraisal had been secured as basis for rental fee. 29 MINUTBS - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING (Cont . ) 8/17/70 PUBLIC HEARING : Appeal by Mr. Clark of site plan denial Councilman Stredicke inquired whether the appeal was legal as to timely filing and was advised it was , the 10th day falling on Saturday and city office not open , Monday filing being acceptable . Letter from Airport Director Grabner was read advising the Planning Director of informal meeting of the Airport Board on July 20 wherein lease to the city , perhaps for $1 . 00 per year, and relinquishing jurisdiction for purposes requested was approved , no plans for airport use being anticipated in the foreseeable future . The subject was discussed by the Council pro and con those against noting present zoning does not allow the use , city beautification by civic group including this site , present use for viewing of airport activities , whether development would bring more requests other lands being vacant nearby and it not being desired that commercial area such as in Seattle or on East side of Rainier result . On the other hand, it was noted thought should be given the business potential , the land having lain idle over the years and not on tax rolls , increased assessed valuation and tax base possible with producing of revenue for the city, proposed improvementS would generate much needed business activity and they are beautiful and wo»ld enhance the site , citizens still being able to view the airport from the Chamber parking lot, and new blacktop also helping. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY EDWARDS, TO UPHOLD THE PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION AND DENY THE APPEAL BY MR. CLARK. Mrs. Margaret Evans urged the council to be most cautious in allowing obstruction of one of the few areas left with mile after mile of clear view and possible opening of pandora box to all kinds of commerical development . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: CABARET ORDINANCE_ MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE Introductory reading PROPOSED CABARET LICENSE ORDINANCE BE REMOVED August 10 , 1970 FROM THE TABLE. CARRIED. The document had been placed on first reading the previous week and held on the table for one week pending report of attorney representing the Towne House ,who now requests to meet with the committee and extension of time accordingly . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCE 2581 Proposed Ordinance was placed on introductory reading as requested by LEFF Board officials , Naming offices , providing for certification of Law Enforcement ranks and positions Officers in compliance with the Washington Law of Police Dept . Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters Retire- Personnel for LEFF ment System" as provided in RCW 41 . 26 . MOVED BY No System certification DELAURENTI, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY -MCKAY, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 11 AYES, COUNCILMAN SHANE BEING ABSENT FROM THF CHAMBER DURING THE VOTE. Some discussion was held con- cerning exclusion of Clerks and Clerk-Matrons here and in the instance of budget adoption including them in increases awarded uniformed personnel . THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/17 /70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) Resolution No. 1701 Proposed Resolution was read declaring the city 's intention to provide for rights of Initiative and Referendum upon the effective date of reclassification and reorganization under the Optional Municipal Code and there- fore petitioning the Legislature of the State to act with haste to implement said OMC so as to provide for initiative and referendum petitions in addition to those specified in RCW 35A . 29 . 170 by non-charter code cities . Non Charter Code Cities shall likewise have the right to determine the type of ordinances that shall not be subject to Referendum. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Discussion ensued concerning time element of sending such nrnposal to the Legislature and of powers granted the city in subject rights as now defined . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Nos . 9640 - 9738 approval of City of Renton Vouchers and LID LID 265 Cash and Warrants and MOVED THAT SAME BE APPROVED BY Rev. Fund #4 THE COUNCIL AND ORDER DRAWN FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DELAU- RENTI AND CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 9640 - 9685 $ 23 , 358 . 43 City Street Fund 9686 - 9697 12 ,657 . 87 Equipment Rental 9698 - 9707 698 . 96 Library Fund 9708 59 . 08 Park Fund 9709 - 9720 4 ,152 . 43 Waterworks Utility 9721 - 9732 37 , 886 . 58 Airport Fund 9733 - 9735 2 ,586 . 68 Urban Arterial Fund 9736 - 9738 34 . 00 Total All Funds $ 81 ,434 . 03 LID 265 Cash and Revenue #4 128 . 94 COMMUNICATIONS AND City Clerk Nelson reported bid opening for CURRENT BUSINESS clearing and rough grading of Tiffany Pa rk on August 17 . Five bidders responded as per BID OPENING AND tabulations attached. Letter from Park Director AWARD-Tiffany Park Coulon reported Park Board recommendation that clearing & grading bid be awarded to T. J . McCann & Sons , Inc. , the low bidder in sum of $7 ,875 . 00 plus tax . (The job was estimated at $8 ,465 . 00) MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Mayor' s report of Letter from Mayor Garrett listed fund transfers Fund Transfers for period from March 19 , 1970 , through July 15 , 1970, as required by City of Renton Resolution No . 1232 : From: Equipment P.cntal 1;10 , 41.7 S 50 . 00 $ 50 . 00 To: Equipment Rental 1510: 303 From: 'Traffic Engr . 1340/4177 $450 .00 1360 /303 $ 450 .00 To : Traffic Engr. 1340,'504 200 . 00 1360/501 From: Mayor ' s Office 1120402 $ 60 . 00 To : Mayor ' - Office 1120;"403 $ 60 .00 From: Data ProceS.-­ng 114 .1 402 $ioo . 00 To : Data PrnceSS,_T-1a 1113/504 $ 100 .00 From: Legislative 1110/504 $ 50 . 00 To : Legislative 1110/402 $ 50 .00 -3- 4Z C?Z MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Amendment to Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need City Code for amendment to Sec. 5-3312 , Massage; Health Salons, City Code , as concerns the effective date . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE MATTER OF FEE STRUCTURE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Leon Hutton- Mr . Hutton , 118 Park Avenue North , stated that Massage Business the new fee schedules in the Massage Parlor Ordinance are not reasonable in his operation , having to pay the $50. 00 fee as owner and another $25 . 00 fee because he is also the operator. He is retired and has a very small business and does not charge very much ,treating a number of pensioners , and he did not feel it fair that because of need for revision because of activities in the large operations.1that he should be penalized and pay prohibitive costs . He noted Seattle fees of $10. 00 for examination , $5 . 00 for the first year and $2 . 50 for subsequent years thereafter . Mr. Larry Hougardy Recalling statements of accusations atpublic hearing meeting concerning L.I. D. , Mr. Hougardy advised of visiting the other parties involved and proving himself. Mr . lkaxin advised that he and Mr . Hougardy had two diferent views and in going to the sources both had been correct and the matter had been concluded amicably. Whitman Ct . Letter from Kalin Construction Company, 2828 So. Vacation 176th Street , Seattle, by Mrs . Ruby L. Petersen, requested 60 day extension for fulfilling vacation requirements since 30 day time iimit will expire within a few days . Mr. Dennis Decker , 2820 S. 166th , on behalf of Kalin Construction, noted that closing of the transaction and conveyance of ownership is not yet consumated and 60 day extension is requested for finalizing transfer. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO GRANT THE EXTENSION AS REQUESTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Schellert inquired of Mr. Decker in regard to trees being cut and what further is to be done. Mr. Decker noted title was conveyed to allow part of the work which has now stopped and will not continue now until consumated, only one big tree being involved. Grant commented concerning burning on the site and affirmative reply was given that it had been done by permit , which Grant deemed ironic. Stredicke inquired concerning building now on the premises and disposition , Mr. Kalin advising that it is to be demolished. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence in the appointment of Reverend John G . Schaeffer Police Civil to the Police Civil Service Commission to fill Service Commission vacancy created by resignation of Mr. Jerome Faull , eff. until 9/10/73. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke opposed noting referral policy . Aviation Board Concurrence was requested b Mayor Garrett in q y y the appointment of Mr. William Gebenini to fill vacancy created by resignation of Rev. John Schaeffer. Appointment effect-ive upon confirma- tion until November 5 , 1972. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR. Shane 's inquiry on matter of interest conflict and voting preceded attorney 's remark that persons would disqualify themselves from voting on matters of individual concern . -4- i 293 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/70 APPOINTMENTS: Discussion Councilman Barei urged the newspapers to publicize the welcome and need for citizens to serve on boards , commissions and committees , his feeling being there are many with such a desire . Councilman Stredicke reported responses in this regard from persons returning the city report questionnaire recently published. The Mayor requested names be given to him of those and any others known who may wish to serve . THE PENDING MOTION TO CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT TO THE AVIATION BOARD CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY -OUNCIL: Abandoned Vehicles Mrs . Judy Scarborough , 215 Pelly Avenue North commented on invitation of Council President Schellert , thanking the council for its time in regard to citation connected with abandoned vehicle code requirements , noting "Webster 's" definition of abandonment to mean left , deserted or wasted which her car was not and she felt this law as many others , finds you guilty until proven innocent rather than the other way around as it should be . New city shop Council President Schellert , Special City Shop facility and site Committee Chairman ,reported the Mayor 's office acquisition is proceeding with appraisals and acquisition of site for a new city shop facility, further staff reports anticipated to be forthcoming. Public right of ways Councilman Clymer called attention to utilization of right of ways by businesses and MOVED TO REFER Ior THE SUBJECT OF DERIVING REVENUE FROM THE USES TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Councilman Barei recalled study by the former Property Committee and com- paring use by citizens of area in front of their homes , noted problem of where to draw the line , unimproved or improved streets also posing question. Maxin noted use by Revocable Permit for certain signs . Mrs . Margaret Evans recalled that fees were assessed on new applications but not those originally operating. Shane noted this to be valuable land as is power line property and urged some fee assessment . THE PENDING MOTION SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. Undersized water Councilman Shane inquired inquired regarding line replacement small line replacement , calling attention to an area parallel with Lake Wn . , on the N.E. side of Kennydale Beach (near Jim Denzer 's property) with 2" lines it being his understanding council directive had ordered replacement . City Engineer Wilson advised lines found to be sub-standard had been replaced in conjunction with L. I.D. 's but this area was not included. Shane felt all lines in the city which are undersize should be replaced. Fire District Councilman Shane inquired regarding assessments assessments on by Fire Districts when property had been annexed annexed property to the City . Water,sewer,garbage Councilman Shane inquired concerning date of the study by CH2M study completion and time extension , urging the early consumation and anticipating results likened to his own findings as rendered heretofore . He noted charges to households as compared to industry and felt some subsidy factor exists and the study being long overdue engineering pursuance of the subject being questioned. -5- 294 MZMUTNS OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Talbot Hill School Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti Safety Problems submitted letter received at his home from D. L. Swett , and Ad Hoc Committee of Concerned Parents ,noting conclusions from August 13th Renton School Board Meeting. Problems remain concerning walkway between S. 15th Avenue and the 157th street crossing of Talbot/ springbrook Road; Adult Crossing Guards at 157th St; safe and short access from Shattuck- S. 96th Street area; and rerouting school busses from 157th and S. 98th to provide safe walkways . A general meeting is planned for discussion of the problems , date yet to be set . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE OF DELAURENTI, BAREI AND STREET COMMISSIONER TE GANTVOORT AT THE MEETING. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Lake Washington Beach It was announced that the new Lake Wn . Park Park Formal Dedication Beach Facility will be dedicated on Friday , August 21 , at 2 :00 p.m. , the VFW to preside in placement of the flag pole . Dignitaries have been invited and confirmation of atten- dance being awaited from Senator Jackson , Park Board Chairman Teasdale advising of invitation extended Attorney Durning who has been active in Conservation of Parks and Environmental Program. Public Hearing LID 271 Councilman Stredicke reminded the public of meeting set for next monday to -3iscuss LID 271 noting mailing of letters to the property owners by the Engineering Department . (This also having been published and posted according to law) Public Report Put Out Councilman Stredicke noted filing of costs by Councilman Stredicke with the City Clerk amounting to $1 ,600 . 00 with some liability yet remaining on public report he put out t.?-is past week . He outlined contents of comments from questionnaires , some two dozen returned to date . Included was Talbot walkways matter of Talbot Hill Walkways. It was noted the City is working in the area at present on pathway installations . A second matter Pollution of creek was pollution of Lake Washington from creek in vicinity of the Baxter property , to be checked by the Engineerinq Department . Prior referral to committee was recalled concerning New positions in creation of new positions in city government , city government urged and two persons requested a central focal point for all complaints . 3 persons asked for increased Beautification spending for beautification , and others to curtail spending for out of town travel . Administrative matters not to be presented to Councilman Grant advised of matters submitted legislative body in writing to the Mayor ,according to his wishes , the council too often getting involved in ad- ministrative matters. It was hoped the other Councilmen would follow like procedure. Suggestion to name Councilman Shane urged consideration be given Lake Wn . Beach Park to naming the Lake Wn . Beach Park "Mothers ' "Mother's Park" Park" , the donation to the city of area for Mothers Park by Mr. Monahan and subsequent trade of a portion of it for a part of the new site being recalled and transactions being Dedication of lark- outlined by the City Attorneg Councilman Barei Who invited urged Mr. Jim Ellis be invited to the dedication being a "Forward Thrust" leader from which funds were derived to help fund the project . Hospital Board invitations also suggested. -6- 295 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Naming of Grandstand MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT THE MATTER OF NAMING THE GRANDSTAND AFTER FOR COUNCILMAN GIANINI ,WHO ACTIVELY INSTIGATED AND PURSUED THE PROJECT TO IMPLEMENTATION, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR CONSIDERATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Conflict of Interest Councilman Grant inquired concerning status of Ordinance proposed conflict of interest ordinance . `.■ Council President Schellert reported meeting last Thursday with this matter being one of the subjects discussed, and MOVED THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY LEGISLATION. SECONDED BY STREDICKE. Councilman Perry requested that any changes from present form be submitted in writing. MOTION TO REFER CARRIED. Police Guild The Committee of the Whole recommended the Contract Police Guild Contract be referred to the Mayor for continued negotiations . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Right of Way lands Mr. Frank Storey , 1326 Kennewick inquired why being used on areas along Rainier Avenue are not negotiated Rainier Avenue and sold. L.I.D. 265 and Mrs . Helen Shook inquired if larger water lines water lines will be installed during construction of LID 265 sanitary sewer system and the City Engineer ad- vised that sub--standard lines will be replaced. .bandoned vehicle Mr . Joe Sporcic advised of police check of his Code Enforcement neighborhood with regard to abandoned vehicles and urged that the matter not be pursued further in this respect which he felt was senseless . Garbage container Mr . Sporcic noted that garbage can had been problems replaced by a new one upon being stolen and the collector had smashed in the cover of the new one during pick-up. Massage Parlor Fees Mrs . Scarborough stated she did not feel Mr. Hutton should pay a fee the first of the year and then have additional fees imposed later on. Compliment on work Mr. Tom Teasdale ,noting criticisms offered of Street Department affluently by citizens , advised that compliments with high school and are in order for the wonderful job done this college student crew summer by the city and the street department with the crews of high schoo-1 and college students, Massage Parlor Fees Upon request by the Mayor, City Clerk Nelson to be Reviewed advised that the present code provides for a $50. 00 business ownership license and $25 . 00 for each operator-attendant employed, thus if the owner also performs or attends clients he would be liable for both fees and this is the problem to be considered for revision. Mrs . Ella Siegfried, 318 Garden Avenue North advised she had been treated by Mr. Hutton and such fees would drive the little business men out of town, ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADJOURN THE MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at the hour of 10 :20 p.m. There were 38 visitors this evening. } �J -7- Hetmie Nelson , C.itty Clerk August 17, 1970 t� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thursday 8:00 P.M. Schellert Council Chambers 8/20/70 Community Services Wednesday 10:00 A.M. Maxin 3ram Floor Conf. 8/19/70 Ro Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Monday 7:00 P.M. Delaurenti City Attorneys City Clark 8/24/70 Chief of Police (Fire Chief at 7:30 P.M) Public Works Thursday 7:00 P.M. Bruce 4th Floor Conf. Del Bennetts Jack Wilson 8/20/70 Room Transportation Thursday 7:30 P.M. Grant Traffic Engr. 8/20/70 Conf. Room 297 8/17/70 BID TABULATION SHEET PROJECT : CLEARING AND ROUGH GRADING AT TIFFANY PARK DATE. • AUGUST 17, 1970 BIDDER BID ADD ALTERNATE A.B. C. Construction Co. BOND $ 10,225. 00 Alt. 1 . $1 ,910. 00 2514 - 162nd Avenue N.E. Alt . 2. 1 ,940. 00 Bellevue Washington 98004 A1mer Construction Co. BOND 12,580.00 Alt. 1 . 3,700. 00 4731 - 12th Avenue N.E. Alt. 2. 2 ,290.00 Seattle, Washington 98105 Kirkland Sand & Gravel , Inc. BOND 14,300. 00 Alt. 1 . 2 ,730.00 P. O. Box 214 Alt. 2. 3,650.40 Kirkland, Washington 98033 Kirschling Bulldozing NO BID So. 119th Street Seattle, Washington 98168 T. J. McCann & Sons , Inc. BOND 7,875. 00 Alt. 1 . 2 ,175. 00 10125 S.E. 200th Street Alt. 2. 2,660.0.0 Kent , Washington 98031 Sound Construction, Inc. BOND 13,313. 42 Alt. 1 ., 1 ,691 .95 P. O. Box 757 _Alt. 2. 1 ,813. 96 Bothell , Washington 98011 298 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8/17/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2417 $16,000.00 R.S. SHANE 2746 NE 24TH ST. CONST, FAMILY RESIDENCE 2418 133500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 910 N 31ST ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2419 13,500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1212 N 31ST ST. CONST, FAMILY RESIDENCE 2420 13,500.00 KAMPE CONST. Co. 1206 N 31ST ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2421 13,500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1202 N 31ST ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE B 2422 6,300.00 NOEL R. WILKERSON 812 CAMAS AVE. NE ADDITION TO RESIDENCE 2423 10,000.00 JAMES R. FAWCETT 3313 BURNETT AVE. N ADDITION TO RESIDENCE 2424 800.00 ARNOLD E. HELWIG 410 GRANDEY WAY EXTEND EAVES ON RESIDENCE 2425 4,000.00 GOV—MART BAZAAR 705 RAINIER AVE. S CONST. IN—STORE BAKE SHOP 2426 2,400.00 CHARLES E. TAYLOR 356 THOMAS AVE. SW INST. ALUMINUM SIDING B 2427 800.00 WILLIAM HUNT 1911. HARRINGTON CIR. NE CONST, CARPORT 2428 31500.00 FRANCIS MATTHAI 525 GRANT AVE. S ADD 2 ROOMS & CARPORT 2429 350.00 JOHN L. MILLER, 2022 HARRINGTON PL. NE REMODEL SUNDECK MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2549 300.00 HAROLD MELLOR 250 RAINIER AVE, S INST, PLBG. & FIXTURES 2550 3,500.00 MOBIL OIL CORP. 4105 NE 4TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2551 315.00 JAMES KIMBALL 7.67.9 MORRIS AVE. S INST, GAS FURNACE 2552 475.00 RONALD A. HECKER 1713 SE 18TH PL. INST. GAS FURNACE 2553 400.00 T. BURGESS 805 JONES PVE. S INST, GAS FURNACE M 2554 350„00 JAMES H. SEWELL 528 CEDAR AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE 2555 2,300.00 SEATTLE IST NATIL 311 WILLIAMS AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2556 500.00 AERODYNE CORP. 300 AIRPORT WAY S INST. GAS FURNACES 2557 7.00.00 AERODYNE CORP. 300 AIRPORT WAY S INST, WATER PIPING 2558 500.00 LOUIE COLUMBI 1800 JONES AVE. NE REROUTE DR., IIAST. WTR, CLS. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2972 250.00 PICKERING APPLIANCES 909 S 3RD ST. HANG FIXTURES 2973 500.00 R.S. SHANE 2746 NE 24TH ST. WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE .... 2974 200.00 BOEING COMPANY 4- 82 BUILDING SERVICE FOR TOOL FAB, AREA 2975 50.00 BOE ING COMPANY l0-85 BUILDING INST. LUCINDA CAMERA 2976 235.00 BOEING COMPANY io-65 BUILDING INST, PRESS E 2977 50.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INST. OUTLET 2978 120.00 BOEING COMPANY 10-80 BUILDING INST. LIGHTING 2979 175.00 BOEING COMPANY 4--20 BUILDING ALTER CIRCUIT 2980 250.00 M.B. CAVANAUGH 807 N 30TH ST. CORRECT DEFECTIVE WIRING 2981 2,000.00 HIGHLANDS CONVAL, CTR. 1110 EDMONDS AVE. NE INST, EMERGENCY GENERATOR E 2982 11200.00 N.W. PHOTO TYPOGR. CO. 4308 JONES AVE. NE W=IING SIGN PERMITS S 060 800.00 McDONALDIS RESTAURANT 73 RAIN`IIER. AVE. S INST, 3 WALL SIGNS 061 100.00 JOHN RUSHMORE 1100 BLK NE PARK DR, 1:UST, FREE STANDING SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1191 LARRY SEDWICK 1433 KENNEWICK NE CONNECT SEWER 1192 M.J. BAUER 1525 LINCOLN AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1193 MOBIL OIL STATION 4105 NE 4TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1194 ANTHONY F. WENZEL 1102 N 33RD ST. CONNECT SEWER 1195 WARREN W, NASH 1533 JONES AVE. HE CONNECT SEWER S 1196 A.C. WHEELER 1616 JONES AVE. Dir; CONNECT SEWER 1197 L. COLOMBI 1800 JONES AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1198 T.H. LAMBRO 1633 JONES AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1-99 WIGWAM STORES 2809 SUNSET BLVD. NE CONNECT SEWER 1200 A.V. KEIL 1424 KENNEWICK AVE. HE CONNECT SEWER S 1201 V. MEEK 1909 NE 14TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1202 R. WIEHOFF 1740 NE 16TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1203 ROBERT C. GATES 1516 JONES AVE, NE CONNECT SEWER 1204 T. BREZNIKAR 1416 KENNEWICK AVE. NE CONNECT SEcER RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 24 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CHIEF OF POLICE Agreement for City of Tukwila use of jail facilities COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Proposed Equipment Rental rate revision Re-organization be re-referred Water rates Edmonds Ave NE Sanitary Sewers Letter from Mr . Eric Norman of Effective Protests Against Violations Affecting Consumers' FINANCE COMMITTEE Application for Federal funding for Public Works construction program LEGISLATION COMMITTEE City participation in L. I .D. 269 (report back at final hearing) T. j . Persson re proposed Cabaret Ordinance Resolution authorizing Power Contract for Cottonwood Lift Station Ordinance amendments , certain licenses Massage Parlor Ordinance amendment Code of Ethics - (Public Hearing 9/14/70) King County Ombudsman David L . Olson , notification to clear lot at NE 6th & Blaine NE MAYOR Agreement for City of Tukwila use of jail facilities Labor Agreement - Local 21R PERSONNEL & COMMUNITY RELATIONS Street Commissioner requested to attend American Public Works Congress , Dallas , Texas PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Fire Protection District #25 serving Maplewood Addn . re request Renton Setting Public Hearing on revocation of certain Massage Service Operator Licenses STREET COMMISSIONER Street Commissioner requested to attend American Public Works Congress , Dallas , Texas Pepperidge Block Party - (Supervision) TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Talbot Hill School Crossing on Springbook Road TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Talhot Hill School Crossing on Springbook Road 300 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk August 24 , 1970 M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. by Mayor Avery Garrett in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Mayor was joined by the assembly in reciting the Flag Salute . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Clymer, Perry , McKay, Stredicke , Maxin , Grant. Absent at roll but arriving subsequently were Delaurenti , Bruce , Shane and Barei . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, ABSENT COUNCILMAN BE EXCUSED. Mayor Garrett explained Councilman Edwards attending State Labor Council . MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor; Helmie Nelson , City Clerk; IN ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer; G. M. Shellan, City Attorney; C. S. Williams , Chief of Police; M. C. Walls , Fire Chief; Jack Wilson , City Engineer; Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner; Jim Magstadt , Assistant Planning Director; Vern Church , Purchasing Director; M. Dean Seeger , Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; Bernard Ruppert , Building Director and Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE MINUTES STAND APPROVED AS WRITTEN. MAYOR ' S PROCLAMATION Mayor Garrett presented Miss Cavaletto an Award Dusalina K. Cavaletto of Merit for her devotion to the welfare of her students and the people of Renton in her years at Renton High School and volunteer work with Cancer Fund , Library Task Force , Friends of the Library , Renton Historical Society , Society of Pioneers of Renton , and Renton Historical Museum. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR 'S PROCLAMATION. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARING_: Letter from E. L. Carlson , Manager of South Street Vacation Central Division of Puget Sound Power & Light Portion Burnett South Co. requested withdrawal of application for street and South 8th St . vacation . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, (Cont . from 7/20/70) TO ACCEPT REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL. MOTION CARRIED CLOSING HEARING. (Refer to Transportation Committee report and concurrence under Old Business . ) PUBLIC HEARING : This being the date set , the hearing was declared L.I.D. 269 , Watermains open. The following communications were read: S. W. 43rd St . Vicinity Mr. M. W. Lotto , P.O. Box 2018 felt that the cost was excessive and assessments in excess of benefits to be derived, questioning whether the zone and termini method was the most equitable. .ur City participation was requested on the basis that benefits would accrue to various other properties . He further asked that provisions be made at this time for sewer installation along the same route to save additional costs . The Ralph Leber Company , Inc. , P. 0. Box 88700, Tukwila , requested deletion as adequately served by the City of Tukwila . Mr. G . R. Brain of Merges , Brain , Youngberg, Kelleher , Allen & Larson representing Relco Investment Co. , P. 0. Box 607 , Tukwila , requested deletion of Relco property and adjacent Ray - 2 - s MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING - L. I .D. 269 , Watermains Conway property on which the Relco Investment Co. is exercising on option to purchase , as both properties served by Tukwila water supply . City Engineer Wilson 's report submitted a total estimated cost of $99 , 773. 49 , with assessed valuation adequate to support the proposed district . At 5 : 00 p. m. written protests from owners respresented 13. 96% of the estimated cost of the improvement , but not including 3. 66% .� from Ralph Leber Co . Inc. occupying a building on the University Building Co. property. A communication presented by Chicago , Milwaukee , St . Paul & Pacific Railroad Co . requested deletion on line right-of-way , not opposing assessment on railroad station grounds or similar property , a5 no benefit to this portion of their property . Audience comments were invited. Mr. Joel Sidell , 1412 S. W. 43rd St . , was in favor of L.I. D. advis- ing he had filed formal complaints against the City of Renton and Orillia Water Co. for unsanitary conditions due to shortage of water to the Ben Cabreros property as on the end of old Orillia Water Co . line. Mr. George Jonientz of Jonientz Packing at 1608 W. W. 43rd St . stated he had ample water supply from the Orillia Water Co . and protested his assessment had gone from estimated $4 ,000. to $9 ,000. , and felt this would drive the last of the farmers out of the Valley . Mr. Lewis Leber of the Ralph Leber Co. , Inc. requested exclusion of their property as they received sufficient water from Tukwila . Mr . Robert Baker, 7200 40th Ave. N.E . , Seattle , expressed opposition on behalf of his wife 's property as the State Highway had taken house and the remaining lot was too small to build on . City Engineer Wilson explained about a year ago when highway work started, it was known water would be in short supply for Orillia . Two petitions were combined for an L. I. D. represent- ing 65% of property valuation . As no permission has been given to Tukwila to service Renton area with water, the Ralph Leber Co. request is questionable . Mr. Wilson also felt the railroad would benefit from water on right-of- way in case of fire . Methods of computing cost were explained with very little difference between the cost of 6-inch and 12-inch line . Orillia Water Co . inadequate lines were cause of water shortage . He outlined the procedures to adjust assessments upon determination of benefit to the property. MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL SEPT. 14 . Motion withdrawn . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Audience Comment : Mr. John Welch, 418 S. 104th , Seattle , requested city participation in the project as State Highway project took out the Orillia water supply . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THAT THE L. I. D. 269 PROJECT BE APPROVED AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY LEGISLATION. Difference in cost between 6-inch and 12-inch line explained as amounting to only pennies difference on each property . MOTION CARRIED. 302 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL _ 3 _ 8/24/70 PUBLIC MEETING : The public meeting as scheduled was declared open. L. I.D. 271 City Engineer Wilson restated the percentage Sanitary Sewers of protest was 31 . 24% as reported at the hear- N.E. 27th and 28th ing of August 3rd , which would permit the City and Vicinity to proceed with the improvement . Letters submitted in favor of the L.I.D. were received from Mr. Ralph Gitchel , 2315 N.E. 27th St. and Mr . Deward Eades, 2319 N.E. 27th St . , along with Mr. L.E. Walmsley , 2308 N.E. 27th St . Mr. George Walmer, 2702 Jones Ave. N.E. requested Agenda Item 7 . c. be read at this time . L. I . D. 271 City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids of Bid Opening August 20 , 1970 for sanitary sewer system L. I.D. 271 , showing DiOrio Construction Co. low bidder in the amount of $45 ,331 . 65 including 5% Sales Tax, with Engineer 's estimate at $59 ,000. (See tabulation attached. ) Mr. Roger Johnson of 1801 N.E. 27th St . inquired re preliminary assessment notice giving cost at $68 ,169 . 41 . Mr. Ron Lovett of 2224 N.E. 27th St . , inquired what additional costs would be added to the $45 ,331 . 65 construction bid , to learn from City Engineer Wilson 10-15% added for contingencies , with the savings passed on to the ceople , outlining further engineering, publication costs , etc. Low Bid Accepted Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted recommendation for acceptance of low bid of DiOrio Construction Co . in the amount of $45 ,331 . 65 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHANE, RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Roll call of Councilmen indicated all present as previously listed. ORDINANCES AND Proposed Ordinance was placed on introductory RESOLUTIONS reading ordering construction and installation Ordinance 2582 of watermain lines and appurtenances in accord- Watermains L. I. D. 269 ance with Resolution No. 1698. MOVED BY STREDICKE Vicinity S. W. 43rd St . SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READ- ING , IT WAS MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call : Ayes - Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Maxin, Grant Shane . No - Barei . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , THAT THE MATTER OF CITY PARTICIPATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK AT FINAL HEARING . CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Councilman Barei submitted Finance Committee Nos . 9739 - 9883 report recommending payment of Vouchers Nos. LID 263 Cash and 9739 through 9883 and L. I.D. 263 Cash and Rev. Fund #6 Revenue Funds Warrant No . 6 in the amount of $76 , 719 . 93. MOVED BY BARIE, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE C.CI:MITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 9739 - 9786 $ 9 ,611 . 30 City Street Fund 9787 - 9804 39 , 347 . 77 Cedar River M & I 9805 - 9807 151 . 00 Equipment Rental Fd 9808 - 9828 5 ,688 . 84 Park Fund 9829 - 9846 5 ,179 . 84 Waterworks Utility 9847 - 9861 33,422 . 71 1965 U & S Constr . 9862 - 9862 2 . 00 Airport Fund 9863 - 9867 208 . 09 Firemens Pension Fd 9868 - 9881 5 ,545 . 85 Urban Arterial Fund 9882 - 9883 141 . 62 TOTAL 98,299.02 L. I. D. 263 Cash & Rev. Funds 6 76 ,719 . 93 4 - MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL 8/24/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS i Mr. W.E. Bennett submitted new Equipment Rental New Equipment r Rate recommending it be approved and placed Rental Rate in effect January 1 , 1971 , explaining new con- cept in billing and equipm ent replacement. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Annexation Letter from King County Boundary Review Board E&tgate Sewer gave notice of hearing on modification of B.R &' File Nc . 261 proposed annexation to the Eastgate Sewer District . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE TO REFER TO CITY ENGINEER FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. City Engineer Wilson reported this annexation more than a mile north of Lake Boren and not affecting the city. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD BE NOTIFIED THE CITY HAS NO OBJECTION TO THIS ANNEXATION. MOTION CARRIED. Praise for Parks Letter from Mrs . Donald B. Nicholson , 3810 S. 130th St . , Seattle , gave praise for the well planned recreation program this summer in the Renton Parks . Forward Thrust Closes Permission being granted to read items received on Balanced Budget too late for the agenda , City Clerk Nelson read letter from Mr. James Ellis , Chairman of the Forward Thrust Committee , expressing appreciation for support given them and announcing closure of their office on August 15. Mr. Ellis unable to attend the Lake Washington Beach Park Dedi- cation , but had sent representative . Street Commissioner Request for permission to attend convention Request to attend in Dallas , Texas from Sept . 26 , through American Public Works October 1 , 1970 was made in a letter from Congress . Street Commissioner TeGantvoort . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHANE, REFER TO PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDA- TION. MOTION CARRIED. "Pepperidge" Block Party Request from James D. Lawrence was read by City Clerk Nelson for permission to close off Edmonds Dr. S.E. and 116th to Edmonds Dr. S.E. and Dayton Dr. S.E. for one day of the Labor Day weekend from 3: 00 p.m. to 7 :00 p.m. Mr. Lawrence being present, explained alternate street route available for traffic. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE REQUEST BE GRANTED UNDER SUPERVISION OF STREET COMMISSIONER. CARRIED. Tukwila Use of Letter of request for use of City of Renton Jail Facilities jail facilities was received from Mayor Stan Minkler, City of Tukwila . Mayor Garrett recom- mended referral to his office and Chief of Police for preparation of agreement for Council approval . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. County Portion of Letter from Boundary Review Board stating need Maplewood Addition of fire protection for area outside City Limits Asks Fire Protection by annexing to Fire District #25 or contracting with City of Renton. Public hearing Sept . 24 , 8: 30 p.m. , Room 402 King County Courthouse. Fire Chief Walls reported contracting would not be advantageous to the Department , noting this area had repeatedly refused annexation to th- City . Councilman Stredicke presented an opposite viewpoint . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY 5 - MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL 8/24/70 COMMUNICATIONS Continued PERRY, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Persson inquired about letter he had submitted to Council , Council President Schellert advised he had the letter and it would be presented under Old Business . OLD BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke recalled that the City BY COUNCIL Council had requested the Mayor 's Office to pro- Article - ceed under the new Optional Municipal Code form Seattle Times of government with proposed changes and re- Sunday , August 23rd organization and report back in 30 days . Coun- cilmen requested they be informed of proposed changes prior to outside agencies , with insight being gained through communication with the citizenry and from the forthcoming report of the federally funded study . A copy of an article that appeared in the cJ Seattle Times entitled "Renton Finds Traffic Control Budget High , Staff Large" , was given to the Clerk at this time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT � I THE MATTER OF RE-ORGANIZATION BE RE-REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. A uU) lengthy discussion followed, citing many in- LJ accuracies in the article with consensus that this type of publicity is a real disservice to the citizens and reflects on the Mayor, City Council and Departments . Further comments were made that the author , Mr. Jerry Montgomery , should print a retraction. Councilmen Barei and Clymer commented on the dangers of comparison. Mayor Garrett noted that the author of the article had made the comparisons with other cities , and the Council had directed him to proceed with consolidation and reorganization. MOTION CARRIED. Request for Federal The Committee of the Whole also recommended Funding for L.I. D. s that the City Council accelerate the City 's Public Works construction program with applica- tion for federal funding, and the matter be referred to the Mayor 's office . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Labor Agreement The Committee further recommended the labor Local 21R agreement between the City of Renton and Local 21R of the Public Employees Union be referred to the Mayor 's office . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Letter of Inquiry Council President Schellert presented letter ...► Terry G . Persson from T. G . Persson re proposed cabaret ordinance, 2198 N.E. 9th P1 . asking information on the proposed change. Renton , Wa . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, LETTER BE REFERRED TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. MOTION CARRIED. Cottonwood Lift Committee Member Clymer presented report of the Station Public Works Committee recommending signing of Power Contract for Cottonwood Lift Station by Mayor and City Clerk. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. 305 6 - MlNUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL 8/24/70 OLD BUSINESS Continued Street Improvement Public Works Committee also recommended accep- Project Bid Award tance of the low bid of W. C. Frost Construction Co. in the amount of $532 ,156 . 96 for Edmonds Ave. N.E. , N.E. 27th St. , Kennewick P1 . N.E. and N.E. 30th St . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY BAREI, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. City of Tukwila Item 3 of the Public Works Committee report Sewer Request recommended that the City of Tukwila be notified that Renton is no longer interested in joint participation in sanitary sewer installation in West Valley Highway due to increase in estimate from $17 ,000 to $35 ,000. and will seek other means to serve small Renton area. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED DELAURENTI, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION. MOTION CARRIED. Third Fire Station Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti requested more time for further discussion on additional fire station. Request granted. Public Safety Report Councilman Delaurenti presented report and Licensing Without recommendation of the Public Safety Committee Necessity of Council that the necessary legislation be prepared to Referral permit a change in certain license procedures , whereby the City Clerk would be authorized to issue licenses without referral to the Council . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CON- CUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO AMEND THE MOTION BY ADDING REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. VOTE ON THE AMENDMENT AND SUBQUENTLY, MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Massage Parlor The Public Safety Committee further recommends Ordinance Amendment that Section 5-3312 pertaining to Masseuse Licenses be amended to make the effective date January 1 , 1971 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY SHANE TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. The Clerk made inquiry whether certain fee changes would also be made in the amendment to the ordinance . MOTION CARRIED. Police Chief The Committee concurs in the recommendation of Communication re the Police Chief regarding recommended revoca- Revocation of tion of certain massage operators licenses Certain Massage and recommends that a public hearing be held Operator Licenses with ten days notice to licensees . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO HOLD THE NECESSARY HEARING . CARRIED. Vote of Confidence MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO GIVE A Traffic Engineer VOTE OF CONFIDENCE TO TRAFFIC ENGINEER DEL BENNETT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Code of Ethics Legislative Committee Chairman Perry requested immediate passage of requirement for candidates to list all contributions of $50. 00 or more. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE CODE OF ETHICS BE TABLED. MOTION FAILED. Pros and Cons of Conflict of Interest were discussed. Councilman Delaurenti stated he was again requesting a copy of the State Code . MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY GRANT, PLACE CODE OF ETHICS ON FIRST READING WITH PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 14 , 1970. Roll Call Vote : Ayes : McKay, Maxin and Grant . Nos : Schellert, Clymer, Delaurenti , Perry , Stredicke, Shane, Barei . MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, REFER MATTER BACK TO LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH CITY ATTORNEY WITH PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 14. 7 - MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL OLD BUSINESS Continued 'NOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , THE MATTER OF KING COUNTY OMBUDSMAN BEING CALLED INTO CITY BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Power Line Relocation Councilman Stredicke ' s inquiry re relocation of Cedar River Park power line in Cedar River Park indicated that meetings between Park Director Coulon, the architect , and Mr. Carlson of Puget Sound Power. & Light worked out satisfactory agreement , with building inspector keeping close watch . Building Department Councilman Grant recommended commendation for Commendation Building Department for excellent job under Dangerous Building Code , having conducted 43 investigations and 13 structures demolished. Water Rates Councilman Shane inqured re water rates from Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , revealing the cost to City of producing water at 16 1/2 cents per 100 cubic feet with charge rate at ,meter explained , Pacific Car & Foundry rate averaging out at approximately 11 1/2 cents per huna;ed. The CH2M study will be complete within the next week . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Edmon:is Ave. N.E. Councilman Shane objected to Edmonds Ave . Project Sanitary Sewers not including sanitary sewers while including storm sewers , expressing desire for City to install on late-comers agreement. MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER MATTER OF SANITARY SEWERS TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND REPORT BACK. City Engineer Wilson reported card survey showed 50% opposition and the area could be served even though no sewer in Edmonds Ave . N. E . MOTION FAILED. Talbot School Report of meeting with County , School District, Crosswalk Street Commissioner TeGantvoort given by Councilman Barei on Talbot Hill School Crossing on Springbrook Road , suggesting "No Parking" signs be placed on the west side of the roadway, with warning lights 200 ft . prior to crosswalk. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER WITH POWER TO ACT. Traffic Engineer Bennett reported 35 mph would be cut to 20 mph during school hours . MOTION CARRIED. Opening of new road in front of school will help alleviate problem. Education of MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY OF Children of Concern RENTON COUNCIL PRESIDENT BE AUTHORIZED TO SEND LETTER REQUESTING SETTLEMENT OF DIFFERENCES TO RENTON SCHOOL BOARD AND RENTON EDUCATION ASSOCI- ATION TO BE SIGNED BY ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS rr AGREEABLE . MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS OF Council President Schellert presented letter COUNCIL from Mr . Olson expressing dissatisfaction at David L. Olson notification by Building Inspector to clear lot 7209 Woodlawn Ave. N.E. at N.E. 6th & Blaine N.E. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Seattle, Wa . SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO REVIEW ORDINANCE. Following proce- dure outline and explanation of incident by Building Director Ruppert , wherein Building Inspector made reasonable request for removal of caterpillars , MOTION WAS WITHDRAWN. 8 - MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL 8124/70 NEW BUSINESS Continued EPAVAC Writes Councilman Stredicke reported receiving letter Councilmen from Mr . Eric Norman of Effective Protests Against Violations Affecting Consumers . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Budget & Finance Councilman Stredicke called attention to the Conference Association of Washinton Cities meeting at Seattle ' s University Tower Hotel on Friday , August 28 , 1970 with luncheon speaker M. Deane Seeger , City Manager, Lake Oswego , Ore . on "T !e Technique of Belt Tightening When Necessary . " OLD BUSINESS OF Transportation Committee Chairman Grant confirmed COUNCIL earlier discussion re proposed street vacation Burnett Ave. S . of Burnett Ave . S. and S. 8th St . , concurring Street Vacation in the recommendation of the Board of Public Works recommendation that no action be taken until State Highway Department has established route for Benson Highway Relocation . NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI, SETTING OF CITY STANDARD FOR COMPOSITION OF HAMBURGER BE What is it? REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. After information that the State preempts the City on meat inspection , MOTION FAILED. Where is it? Councilman Shane asked consumer protection on availability of advertised articles and was informed by Councilman Stredicke that consumer protection is a function of the Attorney General 's office . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington Ave . N. E. , confirmed the need for consumer protection. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MEETING 11 :50 p.m . BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. i Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk C� Cr- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August 24, 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thursday Schellert Aug. 27 8:00 PM Sept. 14 7:15 PM Community Services Wednesday Maxin 3rd Floor Conf. Sept. 2 10:00 AM Room Finance Edwards Legislation Thursday --- Perry Perry's Office Aug. 27 a Personnel & Community Thursday Relations Aug. 27 7:30 PM Stredicke 6th Floor Conf. Room Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Thursday Thursday Bruce CH2M Report Sept. 3 Evening Work Shop - Ted Bennett asked Transportation Thursday Grant Traffic Engr. to attend Aug. 27 6:45 PM Conf. Room Association of Washington Cities Friday University of Belt Tightening in Aug. 28 Washington City Operations - by M. Deane Seeger, City Mgr. of Lake Oswego, Oregon Dick Stredicke Monday Following Stredicke 6th Floor Barei, Grant & Aug. 24 Council Delaurenti asked to meeting attend (Clymer added) i 309 Bid Tabulation August 24, 1970 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, AUGUST 20, 1970 2000 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room L.I.D. #271 Sanitary Sewer System, Portions of Jones Avenue N.E., N.E. 28th Street and N.E. 27th Street BID 5% PBIDD:ER BOND BID SALES TAX TOTAL BID Orio Construction Company Bid $43,173.00 $2,158.65 $45,333..65 1 South 200th Bond Seattle, Washington 98188 W. C. Frost Construction Company Bid 45,536.25 x 2,276.81 # 47,813.06 8005 South 222nd Bond Kent, Washington 98031 Campbell Construction Co., Inc. Bid 53,059.30 * 21652.96 55,712.26 2702 50th N.E. Bond Tacoma, Washington 98422 Sound Construction, Inc. Bid 54,712.75 2,705.64 56,818.39 P. 0. Box 757 Bond Bothell, Washington 98011 03,ympic View Plm-bing Co., Inc. Bid 57,990.20 2,899.51 60,889.71 17926 Hiomy 99 Bond Lynnwood, Washington 98036 Bowers Construction Company Bid 67,414.60 3070.73 70,785.33 16239 Ambaum Blvd. South Bond Seattle, Washington 98148 Tabulations corrected by Engineering Department 310 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 8/24/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO . AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2430 $200 . 00 Federal Housing Auth . 514 Williams Ave . S . Rebuild Chimney 2431 14 , 000 . 00 Kampe Construction Co . 2424 Monterey Ave . N .E . Const.Family s 2432 9 , 000 . 00 Production Company 4308 Jones Ave .N .E . Inst .Cabinets 2433 15 , 000 .00 Pacific NW Bell 3408 N .E . 4th St. Inst .Parking Fog. 2434 Jennings B . Morris 2108 N .E . 16th St. Demolish Residence 2435 1 , 500 .00 P . S .P . & L . Co . 620 So . Grady Way Const. room 2436 200 .00 Woldemar Moerer 1724 Whitman Ave .N .E . Finish Basement 2437 900 .00 Reuben D. Underwood 1424 No . 40th St . Repair Carport 2438 850 . 00 James N . Kimball 1619 Morris Ave . S . Rebuild Chimney MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2559 200 . 00 Douglas Orr 3713 N .E . 6th P1 . Inst .Wall Heater 2560 200 . 00 E . A. Monan 1503 Davis Ave . S . Inst.Gas Heater 2561 100 .00 Alfred Heiden 1131 Glennwood Ave .NE Inst .Furnace 2562 2 , 475 . 00 Herb Mull 1911 Jones Ct. S .E . Inst .Plbg.Fixtures 2563 486 . 00 Mrs . B . Snelson 1708 Grant Ave . S . Inst.Gas Furnace 2564 400 . 00 Church of L. D. S . 220 So . 3rd P1 . Inst . Sprinkler Sys 2565 100 .00 A. C . Wheeler 1616 Jones Ave .N .E . Alteration of Pipe 2566 1 , 000 . 00 Horst Preuss 502 N .W. 4th P1 . Inst .Plbg .Fixtures 2567 300 . 00 Gov-Mart Bazaar 705 Rainier Ave . S . Inst .Freezer 2568 800 . 00 Adolph Romiti 433 Cedar Ave . S . Inst . Gas Furnace 2569 300 .00 Jerry Novak 1432 Jones Ave .N .E . Inst .Plbg .Fixtures 2570 634 .00 C . T . Collier 2109 N .E . 8th St . Inst . Gas Furnace 2571 700 . 00 Herb Mull 1911 Jones Ct . S .E . Inst .Gas Furnace 2572 2 , 000 . 00 Burger Chef Systems 604 Rainier Ave . S . Inst.Heating el . ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 2983 4 , 000 . 00 Mobil Oil Corp . 4105 N .E . 4th St . Wire Station 2984 700 .00 Horst Preuss 502 N .W. 4th P1 . Wire Residence 2985 50 .00 Terhune Const . Co . 1713 S .E . 18th P1 . Temp . Service 2986 6 , 085 . 00 Group Health Coop . 275 Bronson Way .N.E . Complete Wiring 2987 350 .00 Gov-Mart Bazaar 705 Rainier Ave . S . Hook-up Power 2988 2 , 500 . 00 McDonald ' s Corp . 73 Rainier Ave . S . Inst .New Lighting 2989 270 . 00 M. Suyama 451 Stevens Ave .N .W. Wire Rec . Room SIGN PERMITS S 062 950 . 00 Charles Shane 1700 Bk MapleValleyHwy Inst . sign 063 950 .00 Charles Shane 1800 Bk MapleValleyHwy Inst . Sign SEWER PERMITS S 1205 Hubert Lange 1109 No . 30th Connect Sewer 1206 Adalyne Fugitt 1432 Lincoln Ave .N .E . Connect Sewer 1207 M. D. Schuchard 1417 Monterey Ave .N .E . Connect Sewer 1208 F . M Jurasek 1416 Monterey Ave .N .E . Connect Sewer 1209 E . Pistoresi 1909 Jones Ave .N .E . Connect Sewer 1210 L.W. Lemon 1801 Jones Ave .N .E . Connect Sewer 1211 Hawken 1917 Jones Ave .N .E . Connect Sewer 1212 Frank Thompson 1020 N . 28th P1 . Connect Sewer 1213 Val Airey 1702 N .E . 16th Connect Sewer 1214 Horst Preuss 502 4th Pl . N .W. Connect Sewer 1215 R. A. Williams 1433 Lincoln Ave .N .E . Connect Sewer 1216 J . D. O ' Neill 1408 Monterey Ave .N .E .Connect Sewer 1217 Myers 1516 Lincoln Ave .N .E . Connect Sewer 1218 Gene Galyean 1208 Lincoln P1 .N .E . Connect Sewer 1219 D. G. Dow 1717 N .E . 16th St . Connect Sewer 311 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1970 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 53 ,423 . 92 Arterial Street 8 ,344 . 29 City Street Fund 59 ,220 . 56 Cedar River M. & I. 649 . 35 Equipment Rental Fund 8 ,795 . 72 Library Fund 547 . 61 Parks Fund 47 ,241 . 46 �r Waterworks Utility Fund 82 ,236 . 08 1965 W & S Fund 2 . 00 Street Forward Thrust 36 ,516 . 43 Airport 3 ,013 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 5 ,811 . 01 Cedar River Acq. 26 ,603. 10 Urban Arterial Fund 250 . 42 $332 ,654. 95 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $169 ,015 . 31 City Street Fund 39 ,285 . 55 Cedar River M & I 700 . 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,407 . 42 Library 9 ,849 . 26 Parks 48 ,679 . 02 Waterworks Utility 24 ,819 . 39 Airport 1 , 738 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100 . 00 $299 ,593 . 95 312 RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Office of City Clerk September B, 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The assembly joined the Mayor in the Flag Salute . CALL TO ORDER The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building by Mayor Garrett . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Clymer, Delaurenti , Perry, McKay , Stredicke, Bruce, Grant and Barei . Absent : Edwards , Maxin and Shane CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Victor TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Vern Church , Purchasing Director, M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Wesley Crews , Asst . Building Director and Gene Coulon , Park Director ,, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney. SPECIAL MEETING TO Mayor Garrett announced that the purpose of the HONOR GLEN C. GIANINI meeting was to honor former Councilman Gianini by naming the stadium located in Liberty Park "The Glen C. Gianini Stadium" . RESOLUTION NO. 1702 City Clerk Nelson read the Resolution which acknowledged many years of tireless effort and devoted service rendered by Mr. Gianini in the interest of sports , especially baseball , and in the betterment of facilities therefor, his pursuance as a member of the city council resulting in his being instrumental in planning and implementing the stadium. In honor and recognition of his work in furthering interest of young and old in all types of outdoor sports activities , the stadium now situated in Liberty Park was hereby named and dedicated "The Glen C. Gianini Stadium" . COMMUNITY SERVICE Mr. Gianini was escorted to the rostrum by PLACQUE AWARDED former Mayor Frank Aliment and Park Board Chairman Tom Teasdale whereupon he was presented with a community service placque . Mayor Garrett recalled working together on the council and toward final culmination of the stadium project with former Mayors.. Aliment and Custer, the Park Board and City Council members and others , now assembling to pay tribute, and noted the award was also to serve as a memoir of his political life as well as to honor his efforts in the sports world . Mr. Gianini responded with thanks , outlining his endeavors which lead to the lighting of the ballfield and subsequently to the stadium becoming a reality , acknowledging help of all those along the way who assisted in making the stadium possible without whose help it could not have been accomplished,, Mr . Gianini 's son was introduced by Mayor Garrett . AUDIENCE COMMENT Former Mayor Aliment , Park Board Chairman Teasdale and Council President Schellert commented on the work of Mr. Gianini noting his dedication and inward drive to succeed which led to his hopes and dreams being fulfilled. Formal dedication at the stadium site and a baseball game to follow this meeting. -1- P 313 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING - September 8, 1970 RESOLUTION NO . 1703 Mayor Garrett announced that the City HONORING JAMES ELLIS of Seattle is putting together a program to honor Mr. Jim Ellis for his efforts in Forward Thrust and concurrence in the honor by the City of Renton was contained in Resolution form. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION CONFERRING HONOR UPON MR . ELLIS. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADJOURN FOR ASSEMBLY AT THE GLEN C. GIANINI STADIUM SITE. MOTION CARRIED. rhe meeting was adjourned at 7 :16 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk -2- 314 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk September 14, 1970 R E F Z R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY To check legality of proposed Resolution authorizing contract with Puget Sound Power and Light for power service to Cottonwood area lift station Valley Regional Planning Commission request for report of city investment in program of that agency CITY ENGINEER Thomas R . Conway, Jr. request to have property deleted from LID 269 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE To review fee schedule for Liberty Park admittance for consideration of charging like fee At similar facilities Invoice for grandstand placque COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Proposed ordinance on mining, excavating and grading FINANCE COMMITTEE_ Funding of $2 ,749 . 00 , balance to finance fire truck (Ord . 2584 adopted) Investment by city of retained funds at request of contractor (Policy to be investment in savings account) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Code of Ethics Ordinance Legislation to appropriate $2 , 749. 00 for fire truck (Ord. 2584 adopted) Library request for transfer of $2 ,696 . 58 from Cumulative Reserve 1975 Restricting use of political signs MAYOR 'S OFFICE Contracts on pumping stations with Puget Sound Power & Light - whether necessary and if so can they be combined into one document - what city benefit derived by having contract George Carli report of physical attack after dark Tiffany Park Housing Project hazards again appearing City Hall cafeteria contract - To report back concerning possible breach PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE_ Attendance to represent city at Planning Ass 'n . of Wn . hosted by Kent at Sea-Tac Inn , Oct . 2-3 , 1970 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Valley Regional Planning Commission request for report of city investment of time and/or money in that agency PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Bids on new fire truck (Awarded L . N. Curtis & Sons , low bidder) Application for amusement machine licenses at Players Tavern 315 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk September 14 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor pro tem Schellert was joined by the assembly in reciting the Flag Salute . CALL TO ORDER The regular weekly meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8: 00 p.m. by Council President Schellert , Mayor pro tem , in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Present : Schellert , Barei , Grant , Bruce , Maxin Edwards , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer. Absent : Shane . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO AMEND August 24 , 1970 THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING , PAGE 5 , BY STRIKING WRITTEN TEXT AND INSERTING VERSION, TO-WIT: CARRIED. Seattle Times Sunday , August 23rd Councilman Schellert recalled that the City Council had requested the Mayor 's office to proceed under the new Optional Municipal Code form of government with proposed changes and reorganization and report back in 30 days . A copy of an article that appeared in the Seattle Times entitled "Renton Finds Traffic Control Budget High , Staff Large" was given to bhe Clerk at this time . Councilmen requested that they be informed of proposed changes prior to outside agencies and the news media , with insight being gained through communication with the citizenry and from forth- coming federally funded studies . A lengthy discussion followed with councilmen citing many inaccuracies in the article , feeling that this type of publicity was a real disservice to the citizens and reflects on the Mayor , City Council and city departments . Councilmen Schellert , Clymer, Delaurenti , Stredicke, Barei , Grant and Maxin spoke against the release of such material to the newspaper and further comments were made that the author, Mr . Jerry Montgomery should print a retraction . Councilmen Barei and Clymer commented on the dangers of comparison of costs of the State 's four second class cities . Mayor Garrett noted that the author of the article had made several errors and that the author had made the comparisons and not the Mayor 's office , and that the council had directed him to proceed with consolidation and reorganiza- tion. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO RE-REFER THE MATTER OF REORGANIZATION UNDER THE OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL CODE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 24 , 1970 AS AMENDED. THE MOTION CARRIED. -1- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/14/70 PUBLIC HEARING : PROPOSED CODE OF ETHICS ORDINANCE This being the date set and proper public notice having been published and posted, a letter from City Attorney Shellan was read by City Clerk Nelson and the Chair .invited the audience to join in discussion thereafter . CITY ATTORNEY' S Attorney Shellan 's letter recalled periodic TRANSMITTAL LETTER study for more than a year by the council and its committees with considerable attention having been given to various aspects of the Code of Ethics or conflict of interest ordinance An ordinance was drafted originally which the council , in many respects , was unable to agree MAN upon and the City Attorney was called upon to prepare an ordinance which might meet with majority council approval . An ordinance was drawn in line with similar legislation existing throughout the country which it was hoped was strong and definite enough to have legal value in the matter of enforcement as well as being a step forward toward guideline in testing integrity in conduct of office . REPORT OF CODE OF Chairman Grant related Code of Ethics Committee ETHICS COMMITTEE membership structure and meeting events resulting in a general concensus for a Code of Ethics as C0R-1 7CT1D-i;EF_RZ TO presented a couple of weeks ago which, however , MINUTES OF lei _ met with some objection and suggestions for a tightening up in areas , subsequent redrafting by �CoAmittee and the attorney resulting in present form,leaving him with mixed feelings at this time . REPORT OF LEGISLA- Chairman Perry was invited to introduce proposed TION COMMITTEE revised ordinance , and review of committee actions resulting in revised ordinance were noted , it being felt the present legislation will stand on its feet and withstand event of challenge . Provisions of the Ordinance were reviewed along with penalties for violation . PUBLIC HEARING OPEN The public hearing was declared open and the audience was invited to comment at this time. Mrs . Joanne Herber , candidate for city council member expressed concern regarding lack of confidence in elected officials evidenced in her recent talks with residents . She noted the possibility for persons with "ingenuity" to get around the Code of Ethics Ordinance and suggested amendments to various sections , her interest being to restore citizen confidence in their NJ officials . �j Mr . Frank Storey , 1326 Kennewick N. E. inquired L\� reason for such an ordinance, the original proposal by Councilman Grantnoted o �ia�e'� e' -A to get some p {- legislation on the books for future use and to tie F- in with the State Code of Ethics , and the action U LU not being directed at any officials in office. t� Mr . Theodore Anderson recalled election experience.,, O Z and a discussion ensued which included remarks U regarding reasons for contributions and problems in Seattle , Mrs . Margaret Evans , 403 Grandey Way commenting on lists w'lich were questioned when large donations from friends and anonymous lump sums appeared , an accounting required. Stredicke ; Perry and Maxin commented regarding formation of the original legislation ,Seattle°s problems , intent for disclosure of donor in sums over $25. 00)and that confidence of the people has not been lost but this is to help prevent same. -2- 317 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/14/70 PUBLIC HEARING : PROPOSED CODE OF ETHICS ORDINANCE AUDIENCE COMMENT At the close of comments it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BAREI , TO CLOSE THE HEARING . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING . MOTION CARRIED. Barei opposed . The ordinance was read by the Clerk. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTED TO HOLD FOR ONE WEEK. Barei urgea voting the motion down it being his view it has no teeth but only words of good intention and there were many ways to get around the requirements . MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2583 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted proposed ordinance amending Section 5-3311 of Title V (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton relating to license fees for massage parlors , health salons and public bath- houses and establishing the effective date of certain provisions of Ordinance No . 2577 , as read by the Clerk . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. CARRIED. BID OPENING AND AWARD City Clerk Nelson reported opening of fire truck FOR NEW FIRE TRUCK bids on August 28 , with two bidders responding and one returning specs with no bid. Bids were received from Crown Coach Corporation , Los Angeles and from L . N. Curtis & Sons , Seattle , as per tabulations attached. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti reported recommendation that the bid be awarded to L. N. Curtis & Sons with low bid of $76 ,903. 81 plus tax, and that the sum of $2 , 749 . 00 , needed to complete funding , be referred to th-- Finance Committee . Fire Chief Walls , upon request , noted the Curtis Bid to meet all specs and in accepting alternate hose and deduction in bid amount , the Curtis bid is $2 ,200 . 00 less than Crown . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS AND TO REFER THE FUNDING TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . CARRIED Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported recommendation for appropriation of $2 , 749. 00 from excess State Aid Revenues unto Cumulative Reserve Fund No . 1698 . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO CONCUR IN THE FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION WITH REFERRAL OF THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. - ORDINANCE NO . 2584 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted ordinance for reading authorizing appropriation and transfer of $2 , 749. 00 Current Fund Excess State Aid Money unto Cumulative Reserve Fund No . 1698 , Acct . 3310 . MOVED BY STREDICKE AND SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE EXCEPT FOR GRANT WHO WAS ABSENT FROM THE COUNCIL CHAMBFR DURING THE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. (Councilman Delaurenti noted pumper will be 1750 gallon rather than only 1500) -3- 318 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/14/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) RESOLUTION No . 1704 Proposed Resolution was read authorizing an application to be filed with the Department of Housing and Urban Development , U.S.A . , for fund grant under P.L. 89-117 , to aid in the financing of sanitary sewer trunk lines and water projects of the City in the Kennydale , Highlands , Earlington and downtown areas . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1705 Proposed resolution was read wherein the City of Renton agrees to comply with policy state- ments of Form HUD 41401-4a , concerning acquisi- tion of properties which may be required in connection with water and sewer projects for which fund grant is requested . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Resolution Proposed resolution was read authorizing execution authorizing contract and delivery of contract with Puget Sound Power for power with PSPL and Light Company for municipal water pumping power (Cottonwood area services . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO Lift Station) ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Stredicke inquired as to city benefit in signing such contracts , the rates being filed tariffs fixed by the Wn . Utilities and Transportation Commission . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO TABLE INDEFINITELY. Roll call vote was taken and resulted as follows : AYE-5 : BAREI, GRANT, MAXIN, EDWARDS AND STREDICKE NO -5 : SCHELLERT, BRUCE, MCKAY, DELAURENTI AND CLYMER. Tie vote and failure of the motion was announced and further council action invited on motion to concur ,now before the body . Discussion followed, necessity of contract being questioned, and City Attorney Shellan noted any business is able to realize better interest rates in borrowing money if long term contracts ,rather than those cancellable at any time , can secure a loan , but that he had not seen this particular resolution . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE RESOLUTION TO THE CITY ATTORNEY TO CHECK AS TO LEGALITY. After further discussion on factor of monopoly , a possiblepenalty clause for failure of service (not likely since reasons for interrup- tion may involve "Acts of God" beyond any control) and whether consideration for entering into contract should include basis of borrowing power when no benefit is derived by the city , it being suggested a representative of Puget Sound Power & Light Co. be invited to discuss the matter . Stredicke urged report of the attorney on combining all pumping station contracts-noted to be administrative function . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THE MATTER OF CONTRACTS ON PUMPING STATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR ' S OFFICE TO REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Barei requested the Mayor ' s office to come back with one concrete benefit derived by the city as a result of signing such contracts . and this would satisfy him. VOUCHER APPROVAL 9884 - 159 MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MAXIN, VOUCHERS 9884 through 159 and L. I.D. 265 Cash and Revenue Fund Warrants No . 5 be approved for payment . CARRIED. Fund breakdown Current Fund 9884 - 9975 $ 18 ,422. 17 Arterial Street 9976 8 ,004 . 12 City Street Fund 9977 - 0007 11 ,150 . 79 Equipment Rental 0008 - 093 32 , 711 . 69 Library Fund 040 - 085 8 ,562 . 23 Park Fund 086 - 114 �5 , 29 . 26 216,J/0/ 0 Waterworks Utility 115 - 137 3x89211 Street Fwd . Thrust 138 - 139 73 ,940. 53 Lk. Wn . Beach Fwd. T. 140 176 . 53 -4 b� f MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/14/70 VOUCHER APPROVAL (Cont . ) Fund Breakdown Airport Fund 141 - 144 $ 1 ,635 . 28 Firemen 's Pension 145 - 154 9 ,644 . 25 Acc. Loc. Prog . 155 - 156 3 ,078 . 00 Control Dev. Prog . 157 990 . 00 Cedar River Acq. 158 - 159 67 ,126 .58 Total all funds 64 ��&--57 L.I .D. 265 Cash & Revenue #5 51 ,397. 33 AUDIENCE COMMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY BAREI, TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND ALLOW AUDIENCE COMMENT AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Mr . George Carli Mr. Carli , 222 North Williams Street explained that he had been injured and in the hospital for 8 months , since January 3, and that activity is still going on that needs to be stopped in Renton . He advised of attacks by men in darkness on the streets , some sliding down trees noting he had been struck on the head and was not conscious for 5 days . He noted young men and boys running around through the city at night creating fearful conditions and asked that some relief be given to the existing situation ,and perhaps cutting down the trees along the right of ways where people walk may help. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE THIS BEING WITHIN ADMINISTRATIVE JURISDICTION. MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Application for Letter from Mr . Albert Galanti , owner of The Players Amusement Machine Tavern , 317 Main Avenue South, requested licenses Licenses to operate two additional shuffleboard machines at said business location . MOVED BY STREDICKE, AND SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE •�• PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. Fund Drive Request Wn . State Chapter , Nat ' l . Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation requested to solicit funds in Renton September 21 , 22 and 23 , 1970 . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO GRANT THE REQUEST. THE MOTION CARRIED. Thomas E. Maxwell , MD Letter from Dr . Maxwell appealed Board of Adjust- appeal of Board. of Ad- ment denialof a variance to erect a second sign on jdt3tirent denial of his office property at 1920 South Puget Drive. variance for signs MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO SET MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 , FOR HEARING ON THE APPEAL. CARRIED. LID 269 Protest Letter from Thomas R. Conway , Jr . requested to SW 43rd Waterline have his property deleted from the proposed LID it presently being served by Tukwila with water service . City Clerk Nelson reported this letter had been received following public hearing on the matter August 24 , having been written August 25th . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO PLACE ON FILE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Request for fund �... transfer by Library Letter from Mrs . Wn . Monohan , Sec. , Renton Library Board of' Trustees , requested fund transfer in sum of $2 ,695 _ 58 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 unto Library Fund 1610/605 to fund exhaust fans in clerestory area and window vents on north and south sides of the building and window covering or items of -furniture needed. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. -5- 32® MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9114/70 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont. ) Tiffany Park Housing Letter from Mr. Ronald C. Goss , 2720 SE 16th Project -Hazards Street in Renton , called attention to unfinished, unoccupied houses in the Tiffany Park area which had been barricaded and posted against entry by the city earlier in the year but which were now again open and in need of attention . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR ' S OFFICE. MOTION CARRIED. Valley Regional Letter from the VRPC advised of the need for # Planning Commission information regarding time and moneys invested by various member cities which are chargeable in connection with reports to be made to the state in securing matching funds from the federal government to pay remaining balance to Engineered Industrial Systems , Inc. The time invested for review of the report along with study and discussion time are chargeable items which constituteda major part of contem- plated investments when cities entered into the agreement to have the rail study. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE PLANNING DEPART- MENT AND CITY ATTORNEY FOR REPLY. CARRIED. Ann-ual Traffic Letter from Mr . Del Bennett , Traffic;•Engineer, Report by Traffic submitted Annual Traffic Report for 1969 noting Engineering Dep ' t . great emphasis on traffic safety and grant of federal funds for two projects received from the National Highway Safety Bureau . Appreciation was expressed to other departments who assisted in the effort to achieve maximum traffic safety . Response by Senator Letter from the Honorable Martin J. Durkan, 47th Durkan to Resolution District Senator , responding to City Resolution No . 1701 re O.M. C. 1701 , advised that it would appear from best Initiative and Refer- available sources that the present law meets the endum rights issues raised in the resolution . Senator Durkan offered to meet with the Council , Mayor or City Attorney for further discussion . Board of Public Works Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended she pro- proposed Mining , Exca- posed ordinance on Mining, Excavation and Grading vation and Grading be referred to the Community Services Committee. Ordinance MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR . CARRIED.. Request to attend Letter from Mayor Garrett requested approval ICMA Convention to send his Administrative Assistant , Mr. Deane Seeger , to the International City Managers ' Association Convention in San Diego , California during the week of September 21 , 1970, cost for registration and meals not exceeding $80 . 00 as transportation and lodging has been provided through Mr . Seeger 's father who is City Manager of Lake Oswego , Oregon and relatives in San Diego. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF THE MAYOR. After inquiries as to availability of funds and referral policy , it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELAX- TIONS COMMITTEE. Time element was noted and the motion was withdrawn . Dissenting voice vote on motion to concur,and Chair ruling ayes to have it , roll call vote was requested and taken as follows : AYE-4 : Schellert , Bruce , Stredicke and McKay NO -6 : Barei , Maxin , Edwards , Perry, Delaurenti and Clymer . Motion lost . LID 265 , Sewer Letter from the State Department of Ecology, Extensions reported approval of the plans and specifications for L .I.D. 265 . -6- I MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/14/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) investment by City Letter from Calhoun Construction Co. , Inc. of retained funds requested investment of retained funds on CAG at request of 1574-69 , Lake Wn . Beach Park , Stage III Develop- contractor ment . City Clerk• Nelson referred to letters from the State Auditor 's office and City Attorney 's office concerning new law enacted by the State Legislature where contractors now have option to request investment of retained percentage. Calhoun Construction Co . is now requesting investment of retained funds and has agreed to investment in a savings account which must be approved by the council . Mrs . Nelson noted that copies of the subject letters had been furnished to parties concerned including the Council Presi- dent and Finance Committee and Escrow Agreement documents will need to be executed . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (See later report) OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Community Services Chairman Maxin submitted report which recommended Committee Report that no new members be added to the Board of Adjustment and the the number of members remain at seven . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT. CARRIED. Perry reported referral had been made also to the Legislation Committee and no further action will be taken accordingly. Referral regarding possible elimination of admittance fee at Liberty Park Pool was noted and it was recommended by the Community Services Committee that the fee schedule for Parks be reviewed by the Committee of the Whole and that like charges be made for similar facilities and service . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Recommended that the request of Mr . Jim Lyon , of Robinson and Lyon Ford , for a sign on Grady Way be approved subject to revocable permit . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Placque Invoice Councilman Stredicke presented bill incurred for placaue for the Glen C. Gianini Grandstand. Intent or council for mode of payment was discussed with various opinions being rendered in regard thereto . Motion by Maxin , seconded by McKay , to refer the bill to the Park Director and Park Board was voted upon and lost . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry advised that the Committee will be Report meeting with Senator Durkan to discuss his response to Resolution 1701 (Optional Municipal Code and Initiative and Referendum rights) Delaurenti requested to be notified of the meeting. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL MAKE IT Report POLICY TO INVEST RETAINED FUNDS, ON BEHALF OF CONTRACTORS, IN SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. MOTION SECONDED BY BAREI AND CARRIED. -7- 322 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/14/7.0 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Political Signs Councilman Stredicke called attention to city saturation by political signs and to requirement for approval before putting them up, urgingthe building department not permit billboards without permits. He noted Referendum 40 now circulating refers to litter and campaign signs in public right of ways and that Bellevue prohibits same at present . He suggested the sign code be amended to include control of political signs and that the street department further enforce the present code in removing signs from the public right of ways . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE MATTER OF RESTRICTING USE OF POLITICAL SIGNS IN THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW OF THE SIGN ORDINANCE. After lengthudiscussion concerning the need of signs for newcomers to become known , and for policy with tolerance to' protect rights of freedom (which may possibly be legislated away) with removal from right of ways generally favored , the PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Planning Assn . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE Meeting, Oct . 2-3 MATTER OF ATTENDANCE AT THE P .A . W. CONFERENCE Sea-Tac Inn hosted BE REFERRED TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY by Kent RELATIONS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Offer of Mr . Chapman Councilman Stredicke called attention to letter to serve the city from Mr . Chapman , of Chapman Electric, and in- in traffic signal quired if reply had been sent to him or a meeting program held. Mr . Deane Seeger, Administrative Assistant to Mayor Garrett , advised that there had been a meeting and that the Mayor had answered thanking him for the correspondence and advising the city was not interested in that basic proposal which in- dicated interest in doing signal maintenance. City Hall Cafeteria Councilman Stredicke inquired as to administrative action concerning city hall cafe coffee service - and hot drink machine installation . Mr. Seeger advised the matter had been .investigated through the Budding Director and other staff members and it had been understood that water pipe in- stallation was not practical in this room. Councilman Bruce noted provision of the agreement that no hot or cold drink machines be installed. Evening coffee service provision was discussed. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, THE QUESTION OF WHETHER OR NOT BREACH OF CONTRACT EXISTS BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE AND THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE,AS CONCERNS THE CITY HALL LUNCHROOM OPERATION, WITH REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Stadium Dedication Councilman Delaurenti commended Councilman Ceremony-9/8/70 Stredicke for the successful dedication ceremony held at the stadium in honor of former councilman Gianini ,acknowledging a great amount of work and planning 'which resulted in a very impressive program persons attending whom he had not seen for many years. Hearty applause of approval by the audience followed. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 10 :35 p.m. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . Helmie. W. Nelson , City Clerk _yt_ 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 14 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Thurs . 9/17 8 : 00 PM Schellert Council Chmbrs Department Reorganization Discussion Council Members Mon. 9/21 7 : 00 PM ifCouncil Chmbrs Pictures to be Community Services Maxin Taken Finance Edwards Legislation rues . 9/15 7 : 00 PM Perry Chrmn ' s Office 6th Floor Personnel & Community Thurs . 9/17 7 : 30 PM Stredicke Relations Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant Special City Shops Committee Mon. 9/21 7 : 00 PM Schellert Trails Committee 4ed. 9/16 7 : 30 PM G. Ericksen Council Chmbrs Development Cedar Environmental Development RJ-ver Walkway City & State Highway Dept. qed. 9/16 9 : 30 AM 4th Flr. Conf. Sunset Project Planning Association of Wash . ctober 2-3 Kent Tyee Motor Inn C� G:� 324 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK September 14 1970 BID TABULATION SHEE"T RO ���� �• MANUFACTURE AND DELIVERY OF ONE (1) 15001.750 GPM CLASS "A" COMBINATION TANK, HOSE AND PUMPING ENGINE DATE *0 AUGUST 28? 1970, 3:00 P.M. FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM ADDER BID BOND BID ALS'E R td AT Bid Crown Coach Corporation Bond $79,043-30 plus tax 2500 East 12th Street Los Angeles, California 90021 t 9 Bid L. N. Curtis & Sons Bond 84 903.81 plus tax Less $8.000.00 2408 3rd. Avenue ¢ (For National Hose instead of o i h Seattle, Washington 98121 a c Western State Fire Apparatus, Inc. NO BID j P.O. Box 65 Cornelius Oregon 97113 R 325 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9/14/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2439 $500.00 .Jessie G. Leendertsen 671 Dayton Ave. N.E. Construct Carport 2440 17,000.00 Kampe Construction Co. 2406 Monterey Ave.N.E. Const. Single Residence 2441 300.00 Pauline Desimone 2705 Benson Road So. Convert Garage to Rec Rm. 2442 2,500.00 Williams & Swanson 617 So. 3rd St. Construct Partitions 2443 200.00 Richard F. Sanders 1901 Union Ave. N.E. Demolish Residence 2444 17,000.00 Kampe Construction Co. 2442 Monterey Ave.N.E. Const. Single Residence 2445 17,000.00 Kampe Construction Co. 1922 N.E. 24th St. Const. Single Residence 2446 700.00 Hannah Pringle 117 Logan Ave. S. Remodel Kitchen etc. 2447 600.00 Milan Roddie 3839 N.E. 4th St. Install Trailer Office 2448 300.00 The Boeing Company 4-04 Building Install doors etc. 2449 VOID B 2450 80000.00 Geo. A. Hormel & Co. 600 S.W. 7th St. Const. Foundation 2451 300000.00 Pac. Car & Foundry 790 Garden Ave. N. Const. Testing Lab 2452 600.00 Hy-Bar Enterpise Inc. 485 Rainier Ave. S. Add Non-bearing Partition 2453 60000.00 Safeway Stores Inc. 2725 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Const.Addition to Bldg. 2454 475.00 Michael Dolleman 422 Windsor Way N.E. Construct Patio B 2455 524000.00 D. W. Custer 212 Wells Ave. S. Const. New floor 2456 Reilly Tar & Chemical 4503 Lake Wash.Blvd.N. Demolish Bldgs 2457 6000.00 B. B. Wooton 3100 Talbot Road So. Addition to Bldg. 2458 150.00 Mrs. William Hancock 813 Jefferson Ave. N.E. Install Window MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2573 500.00 City of Renton 105 Williams Ave. N. Install Gas Heaters 2574 500.00 Bert Lang 1109 North 30th Inst. Plbg. & Fixtures 2575 100.00 E. J. Rupnick 1501 Lincoln Ave. N.E. Alter Drain Piping 2576 1,250.00 Warren Chinn 249 Park Ave. N. Inst.Kitchen Range Hoods 2577 1,100.00 Mobil Oil Co. 4105 N.E. 4th St. Inst. Oil Furnace 2578 450.00 Kampe Construction Co. 2406 Monterey Ave. N.E. Install Gas Furnace 2579 450.00 Kampe Construction Co. 1922 N.E. 24th St. Install Gas Furnace 2580 VOID 2581 745.00 The Boeing Company 10-85-1 Building Install Sink & Drain "'x'2582 400.00 Jesse Rolly 2907 & 2909 N.E. 6th St. Install Gas -Heaters 2583 500.00 Kampe Construction Co. 2424 Monterey Ave. N.E. Install Plbg. Fixtures 2584 91000.00 McDonalds Inc. 73 Rainier Ave. S. Install Furnace M 2585 550.00 Williams & Swanson 615 So. 3rd St. Install Plumbing 2586 100.00 H. Pringle 117 Logan Ave. S. Replace Sink 2587 700.00 Parkwood Homes 819 So. 27th St. Install Gas Furnace & Tank 2588 85.00 Daryl Engraf 4300 N.E. 10th Place Install Gas Fireplace Log 2589 145.00 F. G. McCutcheon 918 Renton Ave. S. Install Outdoor Barbecue M 2590 1,700.00 Walt Cook 345 Burnett Ave. N. Install Plbg. Fixtures etc. 2591 2,800.00 Warren Chinn 249 Park Ave. N. Install Gas Cooking Units 2592 330.00 Wynn Kampe 2424 Monterey Ave. N.E. Install Septic Tank etc. 2593 160.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Building Cooling Water to Exchanger 2594 640.00 The Boeing Company 4-04 Building Install Sink & Drain M 2595 300.00 McDonalds Corp. 73 Rainier Ave. S. Alter Water & Vent Piping 2596 1,325.00 Cosmopolitan Builders 1213 No. 37th St. Install Plbg. & Fixtures 2597 400.00 Paul R. Utechinski 217 S.W. Langston Road Install Gas Furnace 2598 200.00 Charis Barber 1900 Kirkland Ave.N.E. Install Gas Water Heater 2599 674.50 Jessie Shaffer 308 Burnett Ave. N. Install Gas Furnace M 2600 2000.00 Geo. A. Hormel Co. 600 S.W. 7th St. Install Underground Tank 2601 1,200.00 Parkwood `Tomes 819 So. 27th St. Install Plbg. & Fixtures 2602 200.00 Richard Krom 1700 Harrington Ave.N.E. Install Gas Heater 2603 500.00 Kampe Construction Co. 2436 Monterey Ave.N.E. Install Plbg. & Fixtures 2604 193,000.00 Geo. A. Hormel & Co. 600 S.W. 7th St. Install Gas Heaters etc. 2605 60000.00 Geo. A. Hormel & Co. 600 S.W. 7th St. Install Plbg. & Fixtures 606 189,287.00 Renton School Dist.$#403 1700 N.E. 28th St. Install Fan Coil Units 607 325.00 Wynn Kampe 2406 Monterey Ave. N.E. Install Septic Tank etc. 2608 VOID 2609 350.00 Tom McGinnis 517 Kirkland Ave. N.E. Install Gas Furnace 2610 100.00 Verner Meek 1909 N.E. 14th St. Alter Drainage Piping SIGN PERMITS S 064 800.00 GAC Financee Corporation 901 So. 3rd St. Install Electric Sign 065 300.00 Melody T.V. & Appliance 309 So. 3rd St. Install Electric Sign 066 700.00 Mobil Oil Co. 4105 N.E. 4th St. Install Pole & Wall Signs 067 1,800.00 Burger Chef 604 Rainier Ave. S. Install Pole Sign 068 100.00 City of Renton S.3rd St. Near Morris Install Canvas Banner 069 100.00 City of Renton Bronson Way N. & Park N. Install Canvas Banner 326 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - Continued 9/14/70 ELECTRICAL PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK E 2990 $224.00 Carl Miller 408 So. 16th St. Install New Service 2991 750.00 Ronald A. Hecker 1713 S.E. 18th P1. Wire New Residence 2992 200.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Building Install One Receptacle 2993 213.00 The Boeing Company 10-71 Building Modify CO2 System 2994 400.00 The Boeing Company 4-20 Building Install 100 AMP Feeder E 2995 50.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Building Install 20 AMP Circuit 2996 50.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Building Install One outlet 2997 50.00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Building Install Two ReceptacleswN 2998 400.00 The Boeing Company 4-82 Building Relocate Trim Join Tools 2999 197.00 The Boeing Company 10-71 Building Install Calendar Roll E 3000 550.00 Kampe Construction Co. 2424 Monterey Ave. N.E. Wire New Residence 3001 50.00 H. Pringle 117 Logan Ave. So. Add 2 Outlets & switches 3002 500.00 Lloyd Peterson 3106 Lake Wash. No. Wire New Addition 3003 500.00 The Boeing Company 4-04 Building Provide Service for Equip. 3004 1,500.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Building Install Services for tools E 3005 140.00 The Boeing Company 10-58 Building Install Service to motors 3006 500.00 The Boeing Company 4-20 Building Install Motor Circuits 3007 50.00 The Boeing Company 4-82 Building Install Battery Chargerp 3008 107.00 The Boeing Company 4-81 Building Install Service 3009 225.00 The Boeing Company 10-90 Building Relocate Services E 3010 214.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Building Relocate Additional Outlets 3011 110.00 The Boeing Company 4-20 Building Provide Service to Press 3012 200.00 The Boeing Company 4-04 Building Provide Service to Machine 3013 800.00 Williams & Swanson 615 So. 3rd St. Wire Remodeled Bldg. 3014 50.00 Walt Cook 345 Burnett Ave.N. Connect Benches E 3015 225.00 Brown Bear Car Wash 621 Rainier Ave. So. Wire for Vacuum 3016 455.00 Renton Village Company 15 South Grady Way Install Fixtures 3017 50.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 790 Garden Ave. N. Temporary Service 3018 50.00 Geo. A. Hormel Co. 600 S.W. 7th St. Temporary Service 3019 134,501.00 Geo. A. Hormel Co. 600 S,.W. 7th St. Wire New Plant E 3020 650.00 Marvin Sherertz 2708 N.E. 6th Place Wire Electric Heat 3021 150.00 Milan Roddie 3839 N.E. 4th St. Service Hook-Up 3022 100.00 Renton School Dist #403 400 South 2nd St. Install Equipment 3023 250.00 Jene R. Young 485 Rainier Ave. S. Install Fixtures & Outlet's 3024 250.00 Art Newman 246 Pelly Ave. N. Install New Box etc. E 3025 250.00 The Boeing Company S.5th St. at Burnett S. Service for Pipe Line 3026 50.00 The Boeing Company 4-81 Building Install Two Receptacles 3027 50.00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Building Instal Signal Light System 3028 220.00 The Boeing Company 10-80 Building Install Two Outlets 3029 155.00 The Boeing Company 10-56 Building Install Relay E 3030 170.00 The Boeing Company 4-81 Building Install Two Receptacles 3031 500.00 The Boeing Company 10-51 Building Install Drops & Receptacles 3032 150.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Building Install Service to Machines 3033 50.00 William Hunt 1911 Harrington Cr.N.E. Extend Service SEWER PERMITS S 1220 Maria Strutynski 1409 Jones Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1221 Elmer Penny 1625 Jones Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1222 G. B. Fosnaugh 1517 Jones Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1223 Donald Barrett 2018 N.E. 12th St. Connect Sewer 1224 R. D. Hecker 1713 S.E. 18th Place Connect Sewer S 1225 Donald Kroll 1425 Kennewick Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1226 George Gergis 508 Smithers St. Connect Sewer 1227 Frank Rowan 1013 No. 32nd Connect Sewer 1228 Howard Townsend 1007 No. 32nd Connect Sewer 1229 Helen Barlow 1016 No. 32nd Connect Sewer S 1230 Robert Dickey 1018 No. 34th Connect Sewer 1231 R. Johnson 2010 N.E. 12th St. Connect Sewer 1232 Walt Cook 345 Burnett Ave. N. Connect Sewer 1233 Stan Witsoe 1203 N. 33rd Place Connect Sewer 1234 Stan Witsoe 1205 N. 33rd Place Connect Sewer S 1235 Milan Roddie 3839 N.E. 4th Connect Sewer 1236 Enlora Dodson 1207 No. 33rd St. Connect Sewer 1237 W. J. Moline 1104 No. 34th St: Connect Sewer. 1238 R. W. Singleton 1201 N. 34th Connect Sewer 1239 Gordon Roberts 2116 N.E. 12th St. Connect Sewer S 1240 Adrian Rowe 1110 No. 32nd Connect Sewer 1241 Ben Leiler 3320 Park Ave. N. Connect Sewer 1242 J. C. Marrow 1114 No. 33rd St. Connect Sewer 1243 Frank Frandon 1022 No. 33rd Connect Sewer 1244 A. W. Lemenager 1101 No. 35th St. Connect Sewer "2( RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk September 21 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Code of Ethics Ordinance Board of Adjustment appointment LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 1971 Tax Millage Levy Ordinance PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr . Don Humble to Planning Commission Request for attendance at Public Works Conference in Dallas , Texas , September 26 - Oct . 1 , 1970 (Councilman Bruce and Street Commissioner TeGantvoort authorized to attend) Statewide City Employees Retirement System proposed amendments filed with State Legislature FINANCE COMMITTEE Final payment and release of retained percentage to Signal Electric, Inc. on CAG 1618-70 , Signalization and widening at intersection of East Valley Highway and S. W. 43rd Street CITY ATTORNEY Carl F. Cooks Claim for reimbursement of $590 . 00 paid for sump pumps MEETINGS AND EVENTS November 19 , 1970 - Regional Conference - Dinner Meeting in Renton Association of Washington Cities , Sir Loin Inn - Please advise Mayor if planning to attend . 28 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk September 21 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett was joined by the assembly in the Flag Salute. CALL TO ORDER AND The regular weekly meeting of the Renton City ROLL CALL Council was convened by the Mayor at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipa.7 Building. Present : Grant , Bruce , Maxin , Stredicke , McKay Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer. Absent : Schellert , Shane , Barei and Edwards . (Latter two arriving later) MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THAT THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. City Officials Present : Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney, C . S. Williams , Police Chief, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, M. Deane Seeger, Administrative Asst . to the Mayor , and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Amendments were offered by Councilman Grant as Meeting of 9/14/70 follows : Page 2 , Paragraph 3, Line 7, report of Code of Ethics Committee , insert word "Legislative" before Committee - - Under Public Hearina Open , Page 3 , Line 3, should read Councilman Stredicke rather than Grant ; Page 4, Resolution for cohtract with Puget Sound Power & Light Company , roll call vote of 5 to 5 tie should include Perry in Ayes and delete Grant who was absent from the Chamber during the vote . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THE MINUTES BE CORRECTED AS STATED. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS CORRECTED. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Proposed Code of Ethics Ordinance was submitted RESOLUTIONS (introduced for first reading 9/14/70) MOVED BY Proposed Code of STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT Ethics Ordinance ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. Councilmen Edwards and Barei arrived at the meeting. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO TABLE THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR ONE WEEK. Dissenting voice vote resulted . The Chair ruled ayes to have it . Roll call was requested and resulted to-wit : Aye-6 : BAREI, BRUCE, EDWARDS, MCKAY, DELAURENTI AND CLYMER . No-4 : GRANT, MAXIN, STREDICKE AND PERRY. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, AND SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE PROPOSED CODE OF ETHICS ORDINANCE TO THE COMMITTEE_ OF THE WHOLE ' THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT TO BE REQUESTED TO HOLD A MEETING PRIOR TO NEXT MONDAY. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION 1706 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of Fund Transfer for $2,696 . 58 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 unto Library Library Fund 1610/605 . (To fund exhaust fans in clerestory area and window vents and to purchase library furnishings . ) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee not ready to report Voucher approval , rules were suspended and council moved to Communications and Current Business -1- 0GJ MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/21 /70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : SCERS - Amendments Letter from Mr . Earle Tinius , Executive Sec. , Statewide City Employees Retirement System, transmitted copy of proposed amendments as filed with the State Legislature to increase benefits and offset objections of Senate Resolution No . 1965 Ex. 22; House Resolution No . 69-119; (Amendments to RCW 41 . 44 - 1971 Legislature) . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE DOCUMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Committee report now available, council referred No. 160 - 335 and back to voucher item. LID 263 Cash and Revenue #7 Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Committee approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 160 through 335 and L.I.D. 263 Cash and Revenue Vouchers No . 7. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 160 - 218 $ 12 ,610. 90 City Street Fund 219 - 244 8 ,834. 48 Cedar River M & I 245 - 251 I9. SZ a& r01Equipment Rental 252 - 276 6,5v Library Fund 277 - 281 532 . 35 Park Fund 282 - 304 20 ,526 . 89 Waterworks Utility 305 - 325 5 ,882 . 44 Lk . Wn . Beach Fwd . T. 326 340. 10 Airport Fund 327 - 335 947. 40 $ 52 ,232:11 //y5,SCI L . I.D. 263 Cash and Revenue #7 77 ,825 . 7/4 MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS LISTED. MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AND Letter from Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, CURRENT BUSINESS submitted and recommended for acceptance and RESUMED final payment , CAG 1618-70, Signalization and widening intersection of E. Valley Hwy. , and Accentance and S. W. 43rd Street , completed 9/18/70 by Signal Final Payment Electric, Inc. Amount due , $7 , 300 . 08. If CAG 1618-70 after 30 days no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities it was further recommended that retained amount of $866 . 67 be released to contractor. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ACCEPT THE PROJECT , AND REFER THE MATTER OF PAYMENT TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. CARRIED. Request to Attend Letter from Police Chief Williams requested Drugs Training authorization to send trainee to Bureau of School Narcotic and Dangerous Drugs Training School at Anchorage Alaska beginning October 19 , 1970 . Funds are available in the Police Department Budget . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO AUTHORIZE THE REQUEST. Stredicke proposed referral to committee as per council policy, and after discussion ,motion to authorize the request CARRIED. (See later designation of attendee) Items added to Letter from Mr . Carl F. Cooks submitted Claim Agenda for reimbursement of $590 . 00 paid the city for two sumps on his property to take care of water runoff required in connection with certain im- provements on South 3rd Street ,abutting former Standard Service Station owned by him. He was advised the work should have been done by the City which was now doing the same work on the adjoining property with no charge to owners . Reimbursement was requested and billing enclosed it being noted the city was liable having created the problem in the first place . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITE' ATTORNEY FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. -2- 330 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/21/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING - City Clerk Nelson reported need for tax levies 1971 TAX MILLAGE to be certified to the assessor the first weel- of October and public hearing required and ordinance adoption accordingly . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO SET OCTOBER 5 , 1970 AE DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDINANCE ADOPTION FIXING TAX MILLAGE LEVIES FOR 1971 . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE PREPARE THE ORDINANCE FOR PRESENTATION AT THE HEARING . THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested confirmation of appointment of Mr . Don Humble to fill expired term of Mr . Herbert Hackman on the Renton Planning Commission . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER THE APPOINT- MENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Pro Tem Grant reported receipt Whole Referrals of communications relative to matters referred to the Committee of the Whole , left with him by the President and available to those interested. Included is City Attorney 's opinion regarding the lunch room operation , one to Perry concerning political signs and the other concerning the water pumping contract with Puget Sound Power & Light. Personnel and Com- Chairman Stredicke reported the committee could munity Relations not reach majority agreement on appointee to the Committee Report Board of Adjustment and MOVED THAT THE PROPOSED APPOINTMENT BE RE-REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Cedar River Design Mayor Garrett called attention to a report prepared Study - Trail System by the Planning Department ,which has been submitted to the King County Planning Department for consideration in the County Forward Thrust Comprehensive Trail Plan ,as would concern development of trails along the Cedar Rivera Copies have been furnished to each council member , and it is hoped money might be allotted for Renton to be included in the overall county trail system. Planning Director Gordon Ericksen advised of progress to date and of receipt of favorable comments and interest in discussing the matter with HUD and State Agencies , noting the same response in presentations to the King County Environ- mental Design Commission and the local Kiwanis Club. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL AWC Regional Meeting Mayor Garrett urged marking of calendars for attending Re Gearing up for Fall Regional Meeting of the Association of Washington the 1971 Legislative Cities to be held at the Sir Loin Inn in Renton on Session Thursday , November 19 , 1_970. (Mayor Garrett Hosting) Notice of attendance was requested in order that Dinner Meeting some idea of number to be present can be ascertained, Sir Loin Inn all interested persons invited to attend. Report regarding Councilman Grant reported that several councilmen Carl Cook Claim as well as the mayor had been contacted by Mr. Cook and the matter has been taken care of to Mr. Cook 's satisfaction . Request to Attend Letter from Councilman Ken Bruce , Public Works Public Works Conf. Committee Chairm-?n requested to attend annual American Public Works Congress in Dallas , Texas Sept .-IC:, through Oct . 1 , 1970 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY MAXIN, TO REFER TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. -3- 331 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9121170 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Metro Rate Increase Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding Metro eff. first of year rate increase; whether council has had prior notice and if amending legislation should be considered. Mayor Garrett advised that Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant is sending notices to residents and that amending ordinance will be requested of the Legislation Committee. Prior discussion was recalled at meeting wherein council was notified of the increase . ..� Narcotic and Drug MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT,THAT OFFICER Training School CALDWELL BE DELEGATE TO ATTEND THE TRAINING SCHOOL Attendance PROGRAM IN ALASKA . MOTION CARRIED. Personnel and Chairman Stredicke reported recommendation that Community Relations Councilman Ken Bruce and Vic TeGantvoort , Street Committee Report Commissioner , be authorized to attend the Public Works Conference in Dallas , Texas . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Discussion ensued concerning uniformity in referrals . Candidate for Councilman Perry proposed name of Mr. Nigel Adams Appointment as qualified citizen for appointment as may concern environmentalist and eco_locrist needs of the City . The Mayor urged that .Kr. Adams be invited to come in and discuss the matter. Honored Visitor Mayor Garrett acknowledged arrival of King County Welcomed Councilman Tom Forsythe and extended him a welcome; greeting of applause from the audience following. Mr . Forsythe noted his busy calendar not affording much time to visit Renton Council and pleasure was expressed at being able to be present this evening. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Joe Sporcic called attention to newspaper �. article which he had written and commented in regard thereto as concerned a model freeway system and domed stadium complex assembled by Mr . Sven Johnson which Mr . Sporcic felt was deserving of recognition and support . Mayor Garrett was asked to comment , having seen the model and he noted a lot of work and imagination had gone into the plan and that the matter of financing was a prime concern . Mr. Sporcic felt the stadium was very properly located by Mr. Johnson -'n his proposed plan . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 8 : 45 p.m. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk -4- G� G� ti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 9/21/70 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Wednesday Committee of the Whole 9/23/70 8:00 PM Schellert 6th Fl. Conf. Announced by Grant Room Community Services Maxin Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Wednesday Transportation 9/23/70 7 :00 PM Grant Traffic Eng. Conf. Room 333 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9/21/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2459 $550.00 Mrs. Louise Righi 78 Logan Ave. So. Demolish Residence 2460 15000.00 The Boeing Company 4-81 Building Install Plasterboard Wall 2461 1,200.00 The Boeing Company 4-20 Building Erect Draft Wall ,`2462 305000.00 D. F. Clare 1818 Jones Ave. N.E. Construct Single Residence 2463 33,000.00 Union Oil Co. 538 Pelly Ave. N. Construct Dyke Wall 2464 7,000.00 Derrick Maclurg 710 Rainier Ave.S. Frame Addition 2465 1,000.00 Thomas H. Cooke 2100 Lake Wash.Blvd. N. Temporary Repair to Wall 2466 1,400.00 Joseph Javelli 1805 Davis Ave. S. Construct Detached Garage MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2611 200.00 Leo Goebel 1603 Davis Ave . S. Install Water Heater 2612 225.00 Eddy Frisvold 1903 Harrington Cir.N.E. Install Gas Furnace 2613 3,000.00 Sternoff Metals 1601 So. 43rd St. Install Piping Outlets 2614 200.00 D. L. Burkebile 2539 Burnett Court So. Install Gas Barbecue M 2615 830.00 Kampe Construction Co. 2406 Monterey Ave. N.E. Install Plbg. Fixtures 2616 803 .00 James F. Chandler 2216 Harrington Pl.N.E. Install Oil Furnace 2617 200.00 James Hunter 2509 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Install Gas Dryer ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3034 325319.00 Pacific Car & Foundry 790 Garden Ave. N. Wire New Test Lab 3035 500.00 Jake Tounsel 603 Harrington Ave.N.E. Wire For Electric Heat 3036 250.00 West Coast Lighting Renton Shopping Center Install Temp. Service 3037 15830.00 Harold Mellor 250 Rainier Ave. S. Wire Service 3038 2,000.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Building Install Electrical Service E 3039 50.00 The Boeing Company 4-81 Building Install One Receptacle 3040 50.00 The Boeing Company 4-20 Building Install One Receptacle 3041 185.00 The Boeing Company 10-65 Building Relocate 6 Electrical Drops m`3042 110.00 The Boeing Company 10-71 Building Install Drop Outlet 3043 175.00 The Boeing Company 10-51 Building Install 3 Receptacles E 3044 50.00 The Boeing Company 4-81 Building Install 2 Receptacles, 3045 1,200.00 Chester Hartsock 2036 Kirkland Pl.N.E. Wire Duplex 3046 350.00 Kampe Construction Co. 2436 Monterey Ave.N.E. Wire New Residence SIGN PERMIT S 070 25300.00 Alec Bakamus 2821 Sunset B1vd.N.E. Erect Roof Sign SEWER PERMITS S 1245 Daisy Richards 1107 No. 35th Connect Sewer 1246 L. A. Boutwell 1203 No. 33rd Place Connect Sewer 1247 Betsy Munson 1204 No. 33rd Place Connect Sewer 1248 Wilbert Olsen 1207 No. 34th Connect Sewer 1249 Ervin Lee 1123 No. 34th Connect Sewer. S 1250 A. J.Schuchard 1916 N.E. 16th Connect Sewer 1251 John Gaidos 902 No. 33rd St. Connect Sewer 1252 I. G. Bright 922 No. 34th St. Connect Sewer 1253 A. W. Volkman 911 No. 34th St. Connect Sewer 1254 F. R. Swanson 3314 Park Ave. N. Connect Sewer S 1255 Harold Mellor 250 Rainier Ave Connect Sewer 256 Louise Stewart 1115 No. 32nd Connect Sewer 257 Eugene Fawcett 3338 Park Ave. N. Connect .Sewer " 2258 Bernard Johnston 3332 Park Ave: N. Connect Sewer 1259 William Graham 3326 Park Ave. N. Connect Sewer S 1260 Carl Lee 3315 Park Ave. N. Connect Sewer 1261 Nordeen 1101 No. 33rd Connect Sewer 1262 S. Jordon 1213 No. 34th St. Connect Sewer 1263 Mr. E. C. Lee 1125 No. 34th St. Connect Sewer 1264 Ronald Cary 1116 N. 34th St. Connect Sewer 334 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk September 28, 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Aledical coverage plans proposed by A . W. C. to comply with LEFF Laws Subject of eliminating fees at Liberty Park Pool , city sponsored swimming at Hazen pool and charges for ballfield lighting Traffic Safety Project Study by Engineered Industrial Systems , Inc. Chapman proposal concerning traffic signal maintenance program Council secretarial services Council Chamber seating arrangement for seven man council Sign ordinance to be discussed CITY CLERK Authorized to execute agreement with Justice Court for lease of Council Chambers two days weekly @ $35 . 00 per day FINANCE COMMITTEE Invoice for Gianini Grandstand Placque - power to act LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Request to send Building Director to Industrialized Building Congress in Louisville , Ky . , November 3 - 6 , 1970. (Granted) Metro rate increase , eff. 1/1/71 Stadium site resolution Rezone of W. C. Siegelman property located on Grady Way , to B-1 MAYOR Ann Authorized to execute agreement with Justice Court for lease of Council Chambers two days weekly @ $35 . 00 per day Suggestions concerning committee for presentation to support the local area for domed stadium site - to report back PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE City of Tukwila request to use Renton jail facilities TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Traffic light installation at Busch Place So. , power to act APPOINTMENTS Rev. Paul Kennedy and Rev. Phil Kennedy to Youth Guidance Committee Mr. Ray Barilleaux - Lieutenant in Renton Fire Department , eff. 10/1/70 Mr. Don Humble - Planning Commission term to 1/1/76 Mrs . Margaret Evans and Mr. Frank Storey - Honorary Council Members MEETINGS AND EVENTS: 10/7/70 - Department of Highways puklic hearing at Carpenters Hall at 10 :00 a. m. on Design project , S. E. 196th to Grady Way 10/20/70 - King County Council - Public Hearing on Red Samm Mining 33 50 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk September 28 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Garrett led the assembly in the Flag Salute. CALL TO ORDER The regular weekly meeting of the Renton City Council was convened by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8: 00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present : Schellert , Barei , Shane , Grant , Edwards , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Clymer and Delaurenti . Absent : Maxin , who arrived later, and Bruce . Moved by Perry , seconded by Shane, to excuse the absent members . Carried. City Officials Present : Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Vern Church, Purchasing Director, Bert McHenry, Asst . City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , M. Deane Seeger, Administra- tive Asst. to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Motion by Grant seconded and carried to amend 9/21/70 Meeting Page 3, Paragraph 7 , New Business ,item 3 heading, by striking word "Claim" and inserting "traffic channelization on Langston Road"- - - - . Moved by Stredicke , seconded by McKay , to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as amended. The motion carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance No. 2585 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted proposed legislation at this time ,including an Funding overtime pay ordinance appropriating the sum of $1 ,600 . 00 of police officers on from excess State Aid moneys unto Current Fund mutual aid services Police Department Budget Account 1185/130 , at U. of W. campus Salaries and Wages , as read by the Clerk. Moved by Perry , seconded by Grant , to authorize second and final readings . Carried. After final reading , it was moved by McKay , seconded by Delaurenti , to adopt the ordinance as read. Roll call resulted in unanimous aye vote . Motion carried. Ordinance No. 2586 The Chairman reported first reading had been held on proposed Code of Ethics Ordinance on 9/21/70 . Code of Ethics Motion made for second and final readings had been tabled on that date also. Moved by Perry , seconded by Stredicke , to take the matter from the table. Carried. Moved by Schellert , second by McKay , to amend the ordinance to provide that amount of contributions needing to be reported be $50. 00 and over, rather than $25 . 00 . Motion proposed by Grant , second by Stredicke , to reduce the amount to $5 . 00 was ruled out of order, and after discussion Edwards moved the previous question with second by McKay . Carried. Upon commencement of debate , parliamentary inquiry was made whether question to close discussion and cut off debate is debatable. City Attorney Shellan , as parliamentarian , advised it was unamendable and undebatable . The motion was put to vote and lost . Debate resumed and change to $50. 00 from $25 . 00 was before the body , votea upon and lost . Moved by Grant , seconded by Stredicke , to amend the ordinance by inserting provision in Sec. 3, at end of present paragraph relating to Primary Election , to require report of full and total amount of contributions , services -1- 336 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/28/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2586 (Cont . ) or anything else of value paid to candidate or on his behalf, whether $25 . 00 or less or in Code of Ethics excess thereof. Motion carried. (Like pro- vision also included for General Election .) (Councilman Maxin arrived) Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Perry , to amend Page 7 , Sec. 8 , c. by adding "in event no names be available from a Board of Trustees of the Renton Ministerial Association , names be -submitted by ministers of four churches , as r joint submittal" - - - . Motion Carried. Shane opposed. (See reconsideration and revision) Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Grant , that the ordinance , as amended, be placed on second and final readings . Carried. The document was read. Moved by Schellert , seconded by McKay , to adopt the ordinance as read. City Attorney Shellan noted possible problem concerning selection of 4 ministers from among some 18 churches with concern for privilege in selection . After discussion it was moved by Barei , seconded by Shane to refer the Code of Ethics ordinance back to the Legislation Committee for proper formation of amendments . Motion was subsequently withdrawn, -and it was moved by Perry , seconded by Grant , that the council reconsider former action taken with regard to names by four ministers being submitted. Sec. 8, c. Carried. Moved by Shane , seconded by McKay , to strike wording of amendment concerning names being submitted by ministers of four churches . Carried. now, Moved by Grant , seconded by Shane , to insert "But , if there is no such Association , then the name or names of any minister or ministers whose name may be submitted by any elector of the City of Renton . " (Verbage prepared by City Attorney Shellan) Motion carried. (Shane requested clarification that minister as herein referenced was intended to include minister, rabbi or priest, which was confirmed. ) MOVED SY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE CODE OF ETHICS ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED. ROLL- CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Barei congratulated Councilman Grant for "bird dogging" the Code of Ethics Ordinance all the way to conclusion also stating he felt it to basically be a good ordinance . PUBLIC HEARING Dr. T . E . Maxwell appeal of Board of Adjustment Dr. T. E. Maxwell denial of variance for sign , V-201-70. Appeal of Board The public hearing was declared open by the Mayor. of Adjustment denail Letter previously written by Dr. Maxwell was read, of variance for sign outlining reasons for requesting a second sign on office property at 1920 South Puget Drive . Film slides were shown by Dr. Maxwell during which he noted the existing sign was obscured from view of motorist going up the hill ; and the one and only sign being as close to the right of way and as high as allowed, evidencing the need for a second sign at the other end of the property . Danger to patients having to turn into the further and more hazardous entrance upon sighting the sign , or having to proceed on up the hill and find a turn around , was pointed out. a 337 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/28/70 PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont . ) Dr. Maxwell appeal of variance denial Discussion by council ensued concerning safety factors , hazard of hill and curve warranting additional signing to eliminate possibility of having to make sudden turn into the driveway. Other comments included Puget Drive not being developed enough to need signs , this being the only building there at present and special hardship or circumstance not having been estab- lished to justify the variance . Building Director Ruppert reported that Dr. Maxwell was not present nor represented at the hearing and the Board of Adjustment had denied the variance ,there being no findings to justify special privilege because of circumstances or hardship. After comment by Mrs . Maxwell that the area was relatively new and not known by people as yet adding to safety hazard, it was moved by Stredicke seconded by Schellert , the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Schellert , second by Grant , variance be granted in view of unusual circumstances and need to maintain public safety . Present sign ordinance was discussed as rhight be prohibitive to business climate . Pending motion carried, granting the variance. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Nos . 336 - 449 recommendation that Vouchers be approved from No. 336 through No. 449. Moved by Schellert , seconded by Maxin , to approve the Vouchers as recommended. Carried. Fund breakdown Current Fund 336 - 363 $ 8 ,089. 31 City Street Fund 364 - 369 18 ,375 . 42 Cedar River M. & 2. 370 - 371 13. 77 Equipment Rental 372 - 378 3,479. 33 Library Fund 379 - 417 5 ,446 . 15 Park Fund 418 - 428 12 ,998. 23 Waterworks Utility 429 - 433 15 ,036 . 20 Airport Fund 434 - 435 168 . 80 Firemen 's Pension 436 - 449 5 ,251 . 01 Total all funds $ 68 ,858. 22 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS AWC Medical Coverage Report from the Association of Wn . Cities was to Comply with LEFF presented on the subject of Cities Annual Budget LAWS in respect to Medical-Surgical-Hospital Coverage for Uniform Personnel in compliance with :See. 15, Pension Relief Act (L.E.F.F. ) , Ch. 209 , Laws of 1969 , 1st Extra Session and for all Non-Uniform City Personnel . Two plans are provided for choice selection as desired and AWC Consultants are available for information in regard to analyzing and comparing hospital-medical plans . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR BUDGET TIME REVIEW i THE MOTION CARRIED. Hearing-Red Sam Excerpt from Agenda of the King County Council was Mining Operations read giving notice of public hearing on October 20 , by King County 1970 . It was noted the City will be represented to pursue Resolution of opposition previously filed with the County Council . -3- 338 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/28/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Con. t) Petitions opposing Letter from Mr. Cloyd R . Jackson and a petition Tennis Court at were read expressing objection to construction Talbot Park and/or of a tennis facility at the s^uth side of Talbot the location Park. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, (22 signatures) TC REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THE PARK BOARD. CARRIED. Mr. Lee Peterson Letter from Mr. Lee Peterson requested continua- request for exempt tion of exemption from garbage disposal charges . status re garbage Utility Accountant Ted Bennett outlined problems disposal resulting in Health Department notice that he was going to have to receive garbage service , his procedure for burying cans and disposing of waste not satisfactory . Moved by Barei , seconded by Clymer, to deny the request for further exemption from garbage disposal requirement . The motion carried. Seattle-King Co. Letter from the S.E. office of the Seattle-King Co. Dep ' t . of Health Health Department listed serviced performed in the Report City during the month of August. Included were services in areas of Food Program, School District (occupancy permits and water samplings) , City Water Program, Public and private sewage , :3obile home parks , Housing abatement and miscellaneous land fill checks . Air Pollution Control Agency of Pu, et Sound gave notice that approval for outdoor fires to dispose of solid waste in the Renton area will no longer be approved after January 1 , 1971 , with the only exception being where alternate means are not reasonably available . Tukwila request to Letter from Mayor Garrett submitted estimated cost, use Renton jail prepared by Police Chief Williams , of extending use of our jail to the City of Tukwila and the Mayor's letter recommended referral to the Public Safety Committee for review and recommendation . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE REFERRAL TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Discussion and inquiry ensued concerning Tukwila 's loss of Police and Fire facilities in recent fire and it was noted Renton has extended assistance from the first call for aid to both fire and police departments . Request to attend Letter from Mayor Garrett requested authorization Conference to send Building Director Ruppert , as city repre- sentative , to the Industrialized Building Congress in Louisville , Ky . , November 3 - 6 , 1970 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE. Stredicke proposed amendment to refer to Committee of the Whole which failed for lack of second. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Perry inquired as to intent of referral to committee as named, and it was MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See later approval) . Design Hearing Letter from the Wn . Dep ' t . of Highways submitted Wn . State Hwy. Notice of Hearing to be held Wednesday , October 7 , .r Commission at 10 :00 a .m. at the Carpenters Hall , 231 Burnett Street in Renton , on Design project CS1741U SR515 , S.E. 196th Street to Grady Way . Metro Notice of Letter from Mr. Charles Gibbs , Executive Director Rate Increase of Me=tro submitted copy of Resolutio:. No . 1421 apnro»;.ng and autn,)r_ i •,,ing increase in sewage disposal rates effective January 1 , 1971 . basic rate to then be $2 . 75 per month per residential customer. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. -4- 339 XXXUTBS - AENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING -9/28170 RECESS loved by Barei , seconded by Stredicke , to recess for five minutes . Motion carried. After the recess , roll call was taken with all councilmen responding as previously in attendance. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington Avenue N. E. inquired,regarding property located in the Mr. Joe Sporcic - Highlands area where dance studio is now in Public Use Property operation , whether public use area is involved and if the city owns it , could not afford to buy it, or could not get rid of it , and who gets rent . Discussion ensued, it being noted the dance studio is not on city-owned property and that the public use area , acquired through an exchange of properties , is to be developed for a kiddies park , some survey engineering to be completed before further progress . Park Board Director Teasdale advised that the Housing Authority will be assuming maintainance and will be giving the go-ahead when ready for further development. Boundaries need to be defined by survey at present status . Mr. Bob Wray on Mr. Wray, 1051 Tacoma Avenue N. E. commented Code of Ethics that he has had the Code of Ethics ordinance researched by competent legal authority, and feels it basically a good ordinance. He believes all contributions should be declared including services and all personal involvement declared, and there should be nothing to nide . Alfhough there are loop holes , which he hoped might be remedied by later amendment , he felt this to be a beginning, his interest not due to candidacy for city councilman but as a citizen who feels that everything should be out in the open and the people are entitled to this information . taw APPOINTMENTS Appointmentsof Reverend Paul Kennedy and Reverend Phil Kennedy , of Briarwood Church of Christ , to Youth Guidance serve on the Youth Guidance Committee ,were confirmed Committee on motion by Shane seconded by Schellert and carried. Fire Department Motion by Delaurenti , second by Shane , carried for Lieutenant- &ppointment of Ray Barilleaux to position of Permanent status Lieutenant in the Renton Fire Department . Completion of six-months probationary period was reported along with series of examinations ,and permanent appointment ,effective October 1 , ?s recommended by Fire Chief Walls , was hereby confirmed. Mrs . Margaret Evans Moved by Shane , seconded by Barei , that in view of and Mr. Frank Storey loyal and steady attendance , Mrs . Margaret Evans ana Honorary Council Mr. Frank Storey be accorded honor of being named Members Honorary Council Members . The motion carried. (See later comment by Mrs . Evans) OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Councilman President Schellert commended Councilman r.. Whole Report Grant for an outstanding job of running the committee meetings during his absence . Councilman Grant acknou ledged that keeping order is a challenge to be met , and filed report which was read with council action taken as follows . 1 . Code of Ethics discussion (Ordinance had not been referred to Committee of the Whole) No action taken. 2. Recommended no action be taken regarding the procedure b V the Engineering Department in computing project cost estimates . Moved by Schellert , second by Stredicke to concur. Carried. -5 340 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/28/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont.) Committee or the 3. Subject of body painting operation in Whole Report Renton was tabled, no action being required. 4. Committee instructs the Mayor to eliminate fees for Liberty Park admittance and that this be reflected in the Mayor ' s preliminary budget . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Delaurenti , to concur. Discussion ensued during which it was was moved by Barei , seconded by Shane the fees charged for city sponsored swimming at Hazen High Schbol and fees charged for ballpark lighting be also eliminated and motion so amended. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THE TWO AMENDMENTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Parliamentary inquiry followed it being noted vote would have been different if it were known whole item was not being referred. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE,THE ENTIRE TOPIC OF FEES CHARGED FOR THE THREE SERVICES BE REFERRED BACK TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Clymer opposed noting no such action was taken in committee which might well have been if such had been brought up at that time and what was discussed and approved should be acted upon at this time. DISSENTINv; VOICE VOTE BROUGHT ROLL CALL AS FOLLOWS: AYE--7 : SCHELLERT, BAREI, SHANE , MAXIN, EDWARDS, MCKAY, AND DELAURENTI. NO-4 : GRANT, STREDICKE, PERRY AND CLYMER. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Recommended the invoice for the Gianini Grandstand placque be referred to the Finance Committee with Power to Act . Moved by Schellert , seconded by Shane, to concur . Motion carried. Domed Stadium MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE Site Proposals RESOLUTION REGARDING THE STADIUM SITE BE RESURRECTED BY THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND BROUGHT BEFORE THE COUNCIL AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE. Attention was called to the fact that there is a new statium site commission now studying locations , and that an area in vicinity of Longacres is being considered. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion ensued with various motions and proposals being urged for possible oral and visual presentations to support the local site , Mayor Garrett advising that cooperation of all city departments has been offered in this respect . Transportation Chairman Grant submitted recommendation that one Committee Report 7000 Lumen street light be installed on existing pole at Busch Place South with referral to the Traffic Engineering Department with power to act . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. ' Traffic Safety MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE TRAFFIC Project Study SAFETY STUDY BEING CONDUCTED BY ENGINEERED INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS , INC. BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Department Operation Councilman Shane reviewed prior budgetary allocations per Budgeted Cost and number of employees for departmental operation , making past and present comparisons in Building and Traffic Engineering, and remarked concerning present maintenance program and survey report , .nvnice for und_ergr_ound w1rinq and concerning present cit-.7; cost for traffic signal maintenance which Chapman Electric has offered for 450,000 . 00 . In discussion it was noted the proposal has been considered and Mr. Chapman was sent a reply. Departmental e1fici.ency was upheld ; a need for detail of service i,ould be needed to equate against present city services , N .ich council could go over at budget time. MOVED BY STREDICKE, r; 8ECONDD TO REFER-THE-"MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR BUDGET CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. -6- S41 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9128170 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Councilman Schellert , noting effective date of the new Code of Cy"nquiry re Code of Ethics to be upon its publication , inquired as Ethics Ordinance) to status of conflict in the event traffic signal service should be contracted,inasmuch as during the time mainti=nance was done by Chapman Electric equipment was purchased from the -ompany with whom Mr. Schellert is employed ,while the city is now supplied on bid basis . City Attorney Shellan advised of change in statutes which allows the Councilman who has financial interest to so "~ declare such interest and disqualify himself from the vote . Bid procedures and costs to the city were outlined by Councilman Schellert in comparison of past and present maintenance program for city traffic signals . Community Services Chairman Maxin submitted report recommending Committee - Rezone acceptance of revised covenants and rezone to R-210-64 B-1 of W. C . Siegelman property on S. W. Grady Way , between Thomas and Raymond Avenues S. W. Moved by Maxin , seconded by McKay , to concur. The motion carried. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE REZONE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported recommendation that Report -Lease of lease of the council chambers to Justice Court Council Chambers two days per week be authorized at rental fee for Second Justice of $35 . 00 per day . Moved by Schellert , seconded Court by Barei , to concur , and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute agreement documents as required. Motion carried. Personnel & Commu► -"LY Chairman Stredicke submitted recommendation r Relations Committee - nAl com:.i.ittee majority for concurrence in the Appointment to the appointment of Mr. Don Humble to fill expired Planning Commission term of Mr. Hackman on the Renton Planning Commission . it was noted in discussion that a vacancy on the Planning Commission still remains to be filled. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, AND SECONDED BY SHANE , TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. Tiffany Park Bldgs . Councilman Stredicke noted additional funds had been received to reimburse the city for costs incurred in closure of dangerous buildings in t:ie Tiffany Park area and it was suggested administrative order direct weekly inspection by the police and building departments with a request to residents for cooperation to keep their children off the premises . Stadium site Stredicke recalled earlier discussion concerning promotion stadium location and suggestions made for special committee of city staff and/or citizens from the business community of the city and MOVED THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE FOR A REPORT BACK. MOTION SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIEL Fire Hazards from Councilman Stredicke , recalling recent fire Electrical Wiring which destroyed the City of Tukwila police and fire facilities, expressed opinion that faulty wiring is inexcusable cause for fire and noted use of extension cords in the municipal building offices which he felt might be cause for concern . Mayor Garrett requested to be advised of stif-h cord locations . Council Secretarial MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE Services MATTER OF COUNCIL SECRETARIAL SERVICES BE RE- FERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED . -7- 3�z MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9/28/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Rearranging Seating MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO in Council Chambers REFER THE QUESTION OF ARRANGING THE COUNCIL for DMC Operation CHAMBERS UNDER A SEVEN MAN COUNCIL, TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Legislation Chairman Perry submitted recommendation that Committee Report Building Director Ruppert be authorized to on Conference attend the Industrialized Building Congress Attendance in Louisville , Ky . , November 3-6 , 1970. Moved by Grant , seconded by Maxin , to concur. The motion carried. Code of Ethics Councilman Perry urged that Mr. Bob Wray Ordinance submit in writing the findings concerning possible loophole areas in the Code of Ethics ordinance . Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported conclusion of Committee Report hearings on suspension or revocation of License Revo-ration massage business operator ' s licenses with 11/1/70 a!1 licenses being revoked. Stadium site Councilman Clymer noted he was 100% for the stadium and felt the local site proposed was a favorable one . He called attention to the loopholes of the new Code of Ethics where possibility of conflict of interest could be intimated,since a number of councilmen have greater landholding interests even though the pursuance would be for benefit of the community . He urged that action be immediate for promotion of the local site and that to pass this up would be a great loss for the city . Ch . 87, 1970 Ex . Sess . Council President Schellert called attention E. H. B. 26 , Open Space to legislative revisions concerning assessment Farms and Timberlands rates on open space, farm and timberlands based ,in current use . Voted in by the people , a new procedure has established by legislative action which provides for adjudication by the local legislative body upon receipt of application for such mode of assessment . Council was urged to peruse the requirements of the statute . Massage Operator Moved by Perry , seconded by Clymer, to concur License Revocation in the recommendation of the Chief of Police and the Public Safety Committee with regard to revocation of licenses of massage operators as reported heretofore. The motion carried. Sign Ordinance Moved by Maxin , seconded by Stredicke , the matter of the sign ordinance be referred to the Committee of the Whole . Carried. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs . Margaret Evans thanked the council for Honorary Counci man- the high honor of appointment as honorary Mrs . Evans council member and rule suspension ,(not referring to committee ,) noting her term having been served for a year longer than Councilman Delaurenti . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MAXIN, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 12 : 00 p.m. There were 18 visitors at the meeting this evening. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk -8- I I i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 28 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Red. 9/30 8 . 00 PM Schellert Community Services Red. 9/30 7 : 00 PM Maxin 6th F1 . Conf . Rm Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relation, ed. 9/30 7 : 30 PM Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation hurs . 10/1 7 : 30 PM Grant Traffic Engr. Conf. Room W W OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9/28/70 PERMITS ISSUED Bl THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS. NO. :A',101-f\T \Ay1E ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 24(-)7 X1,500.00 .1. D. Prestridge 811 South 3rd St. Install Non-bearing Walls 2468 1.500.00 L. Co. 701 Benson Road So . Demolish Building 2469 500.00 The hoeing Company 10-80 Building Relocate Vault Door MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2618 210.00 W . Olson 1207 N. 34th Street Install sink 2619 ;00.00 Ferd A. Wolskv 4`208 N.E. 10th Place Install Gas Fireplace 2620 2,750.00 Pac. Car. & Foundry Co. 790 Garden Ave. N. Install Plbg. Fixtures etc 2621 3.200.00 Pac. Car & Foundry Co. 700 Garden Ave. N. Install 8 Unit Heaters 2622 3=0.00 Albertson'.-; ''8'35 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Install 3 sinks 2623 :300.00 Thf� Boding Company 10-58 Building Install Water Heater 2624 21:3 .00 The Boeing Company 4-42 Building Cooling Water for Swager M 2625 1.200.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 795 South 27th St. Install Plbg, Fixtures 262(, 250.00 Harold Ackett 3409 N. E 7th St. Install Gas Wall Heater 2627 800.00 Horst Preuss 516 N. W. 4th Place Install Gas Furnace 2628 250.00 Richard Cusick 703 Shelton Ave. N.E. Install Gas Wall Heater 2b2u x,48 .00 R. M. Overbec•k 3407 Burnett Ave. N. Install Oil Furnace M 2630 11000.00 Wigwan Stores 2809 N. E. Sunset Blvd. Install 4 Heat Pumps 2631 450.00 Kumpe Construction 14,442 Monterey Ave. N.E. Install Gas Furnace 2632 :397.00 Mprk Seven Realty 1717 Monroe Ave . N.F. Install Gas Furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS '0-3047 588 .00 Parkwoud Horm, 810 So. 27th Street Wire Single Residencemm 3048 50.00 The Boeing Company 4-81 Building Install One Receptacle 3049 500.00 The Boeing Company 4-21 Building Relocate Tooling 3050 200.00 The Boeing Company 4-42 Building Relocate 737 Tube Tools E 3051 108.00 The Boeing Company 4-81 Building Install 30A Service 3052 500.00 The Boeing Company 10-58 Building Relocate 737 Interior Shop 3053 370.00 Kampe Construction Co. 2400 Monterey Ave. N.E. Wire New Residence 3054 1,000.00 Stanley Stone 1911 Jones Court S.E . Wire New Residence 3055 250.00 Slimware Renton Shopping Center Replace outlets etc. E 3056 250.00 Carol Robins 1514 Lake Ave . So . Install New 100P, Service 3057 100.00 William I. Hunt lull Harrington Cr.N.E. Move Meters and Entrance 3058 600.00 Acme Construction 1024 North 36th Wire Service & Electric Hey SIGN PERMITS S 071 1,500.00 Aero Dyne 300 Airport Wav Install sign 072 250.00 The Bargain Boys 405 So. 3rd St. Install Projecting sign 07:3 400.00 Mayfair Store 2810 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Install Wall Sign SEWER PERMITS S 1265 E. 0. Hickenbottom 1102 No. 35th St. Connect Sewer 1266 John Pain 1116 No. 36th St. Connect Sewer 1267 P. 0. Vance 919 No. 35th St. Connect Sewer 1268 M. E. Downing 907 No. 35th St. Connect Sewer 1269 J. S. Holmes 1011 No. 35th St. Connect Sewer X270 M. H. Jones 1200 No. 33rd St. Connect Sewer _2.71 Hormel 600 S.W. 7th St. Connect Sewer 1272 C. Guy 1532 Kennewick Ave.N.E. Connect Sewer 1273 Albert Ames 1609 Jones Ave. N.F. Connect Sewer 1274 M. Reid 1408 Jones Ave . N.E. Connect Sewer S 1275 J. Teichroew 1416 Jones .Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer 1276 Ruth Johnson 1824 Jones Ave. N.F. Connect Sewer 1277 W. E. O'Brien 1006 No. 34th St. Connect Sewer 1278 Kenneth McInnis 1025 No. 32nd Connect Sewer 1279 F. R. Lutman 1433 Monterey Ave. N.E. Connect Sewer S 1280 W. Higgins 1501 Monterev Ave. N .E. Connect Sewer 1281 Harry A. Sherman 1202 N. 35th St. Connect Sewer 345 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1970 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 39,122 . 38 Arterial Street Fund 8 ,004 .12 City Street Fund 38 ,360. 69 Cedar River M & I 633. 58 Equipment Rental 38 ,042 . 24 Library 14,540 . 73 Parks 38 ,554 . 38 Waterworks Utility 52 ,713. 78 "� Street Forward Thrust 73,940. 53 Lake Wn . Beach Forward Thrust 516 . 63 Airport 2 ,751 . 48 Firemen 's Pension 14 ,895 . 26 Accident Loc. Prog. 3 ,078. 00 Control Devices Prog. 990 . 00 Cedar River Acquisition 67 ,126 . 58 Total Claims for Sept . $393 ,270 . 38 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $167 ,738 . 71 City Street Fund 34 ,807 . 34 Cedar River M & I 700. 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,407 . 42 Library 11 ,522 . 51 Parks 30 ,428 . 18 Waterworks 24 ,351 . 31 Airport 1 ,738. 00 Firemen 's Pension 100. 00 $276 , 793. 47 34( RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City I'lerk October 5 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Subject of Street Tree Planting Program for Renton CITY CLERK Authorized to sign new lease agreement for reduced rental on City Off-Street Parking Lot No. 1 on Main Ave . .So. (Milt Williams Lot) BUILDING DIRECTOR To investigate setback at Tartan Industries development on 4th Avenue North and Cemetery Road and report to Councilman Stredicke and Mayor . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Merit awards to citizens as proposed by Councilman Shane Sven John Traffic Flow Plan and stadium complex proposal To meet with Attorney General and King County Executive Director on subject of bingo COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE Subject of street tree planting program for Renton CITY ENGINEER To check with State Highway Dept . re landscaping and retaining wall on Main Ave . So . and report to Councilman Barei and Mayor in writing . FINANCE COMMITTEE Final Payment , CAG 1725-70 , Electrical work on new shop by D. W. Close Co. CAG 1717-70 , Asphalt Talbot Hill Park playcourt and parking lot - Rainier Asphalt Paving Company LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Millage Levy for 1971 (Ordinance 2587 adopted) Resolution supporting Longacres East site for domed stadium (Res . 1707) Rezones : Gunnar Ostlund property , R-657-70 , G6000 to L-1 Glenn T. Rogge property , R-659-70 , R-1 to B-P Carl A . Felkins property , R-660-70 , G6000 to L-1 r Wm. Hemmingson property , G9600 to B-1 , R-662-70 Tom Tobacco property , R-663-70, B-1 to L-1 Invitation from Councilman Mooney to attend King County Court House Hearing on Curfew Ordinance MAYOR Authorized to sign new lease document reducing rent on Off-Street Parking Lot #1 located on Main Ave. So. (Milt Williams Lot) To present reorganization plans at next Committee of the Whole Meeting PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications for Music Machine and Amusement Device licenses for Mr. B. H. Louthan PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ordinance amending code for new Metro Sewer rate ,to increase 1/1/71 Ordinance placed on first reading 10/5/70) Invitation from Mr. Mooney to attend public meeting on Curfew Ordinance to be held by King County , Oct . 7 at 9 :00 a .m. in County Court House TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE_ Letter from Mr. Howard R. Myers objecting to survey procedures in street improvement project at N. E. 27th & Kennewick Place am YOUTH GUIDANCE COMMITTEE Councilman Mooney ' s invitation to attend King County hearing meeting on Curfew Ordinance , Oct . 7 at County Court House at 9 :00 a .m � APPOINTMENTS Mr . Roger Richert - Municipal Arts Commission , term to 10/1/73 Longacres East , Site Committee - Member from Mayor 's office , Councilmen Schellert and Stredicke and Mr. Don Custer MEETINGS AND E'.'ENTS October 19 , 1970 - Public Hearing - J . VanOsdell appeal of variance denial Monday , Oct . 12 , 1970 - P . T. A . Meeting, Renton High School Tuesday , Oct . 13 in Adm. Bldg. , Olympia , Revised Ad Valorem Tax Laws RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING M I N U T E S Office of City Clerk October 5 , 1970 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the assembly in the Flag Salute . CALL TO ORDER The regular weekly meeting of the Renton City Council was convened by the Mayor at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. ROLL CALL Councilmen present : Schellert , Barei , Grant , Maxin , Edwards , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Clymer and Delaurenti . Absent : Edwards and Shane , the latter arriving later in the meeting. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN EDWARDS WHO HAD REPORTED HE WOULD BE UNABLE TO ATTEND. THE MOTION CARRIED. City Officials present : Avery Garrett , Mayor, Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Ted Bennett , Utility Director , Mike Brown, Data Processing Manager, Gene Coulon , Park Director , M. Deane Seeger , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, THAT Meeting of 9`28/70 THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. MOTION CARRIED. INTRODUCTION BY Mayor Garrett introduced Mrs . Don Pearson , MAYOR GARRETT OF Publicity and Hospitality Chairman , Renton RENTON HIGH SCHOOL High School P. T.A . , who in turn introduced P. T.A . OFFICIALS Mrs . Lester Hedeen , P. T.A . President , and extended an invitation to attend P. T.A . Meeting on Monday , October 12 , at the Renton High School Cafetorium. The program is to be five students speaking on whatever comes to mind, a chance to be heard being extended to them, and interested citizens , parents and city officials were invited to attend . The meeting will commence at 7 :30 p.m. "Honorary Council Mayor Garrett requested Councilman Barei to Member Awards" to escort Mrs . Margaret Evans to the dais and Mrs . Margaret Evans Councilman Clymer to escort_ Mr . Frank Storey , and Mr. Frank Storey where each were presented with Community Service Award Placques bestowing title of Honorary Council Member,for regular and loyal attendance at council meetings over the years . Mayor Garrett noted the award was for loyal support and not to be construed as graduation , their attendance still to be expected. Congratulations were extended, followed by applause from the assembly . Mrs . Evans acknowledged that she has received, in 23 yearslequivalent of a college education and wondered how long it will be before she would merit graduation . She recalled toe to toe verbal combat with some battles won and sometimes going down in defeat , but never com- pletely , always receiving something important from each . She urged that the people of Renton avail themselves of the opportunity to come to the meetings and learn which she felt is the only way to become familiar with city operation . She recalled noting her service to be one year longer than Councilman Delaurenti 's but has i 348 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/5/70 AWARDS - HONORARY COUNCILMEN (Cont . ) Comments of Mrs . Evans- since been advised that he was appointed first in 1942 which burnishes her honor a bit with his shining a bit brighter. She thanked the Mayor and Council for the honor bestowed upon her. Mr. Frank Storey Mayor Garrett deemed it his pleasure to present Mr. Storey 's award and acknowledged awareness of citizens of the work done by Mr. Storey with the Senior Citizens and the Historical Society and his attendance at the school board meetings , noting the award this evening not his graduation but to be binding upon him to continue his welcome attendance at council meetings . Mr. Storey expressed appreciation for the honor and noted in all of his attendance his main ambitions included "two axes to grind" , one being pedestrian walkway on Lake Wn . Blvd. perhaps to reach fruition in the near future , and the other to be that the city might one day have a museum, which he will continue to work for. PUBLIC HEARING 1971 Tax Millage Levy This being the date set and proper notice having been duly published and posted , the hearing was declared open . Letter from the Department of Assessments was read reporting total assessed valuation of $331 ,855 ,973 with $297 ,468,930 in Limits I and $ 34 ,387 ,043 in Limits II. City Clerk Nelson reported this years assessment is based on 50% ratio whereas last year it was 25% and there had been a drop of some 49 million dollars from last year's assessed valuation . With no audience comments nor further discussion/ it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY MCKAY, TO CLOSE THE HEARING . MOTION CARRIED. Upon request for Mayor 's millage levy recommendation , 8 mills was suggested. After proposal of motion for such levy and discussion concerning need to include excess millage levy , it was MOVED BY BAREI AND SECCNDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE MATTER OF THE 1971 MILLAGE LEVY TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITT72 FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton fixing Ordinance No. 2587 the estimated amount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for the year 1971 , as required by RCW 84. 52. 020; authorizing the city clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton . The Ordinance provided for 8 . 00000 Mills Current Fund levy on $2 ,654 ,848 and 0 . 22848 Excess Millage levy on $ 67 ,950, 1965 G. 0. Bonds (Excess levy based on assessed valuation of $297 ,468 ,930. 00) The Legislation Committee recommended the ordinance be placed on first reading. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. The Clerk read the document . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. After final reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYE VOTE AND THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- 8-349 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/5/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont . ) Ordinance Placed The Legislation committee recommended first on First Reading reading of proposed ordinance amending Seca only - Metro Rate 8-715 of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) Change in - 2971 of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to Metro Sewer Charges . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. After introductory reading, it was MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COM- MITTEE. CARRIED . Ordinance No . 2588 Legislative Committee Chairman Perry reported Rezone of Siegelman revision to restrictive covenants covering property located at 1964 rezone transactions and Planning Director FAI 405 and Grady Ericksen outlined problems resolved by the Way present action ,as recommended by the Planning Commission and Community Services Committee with new covenants being filed and now in order, as enumerated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ACCEPT THE REVISED COVENANTS. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING . CARRIED. After the introductory reading, IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKI SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON IT: SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES EXCEPT GRANT WHO ABSTAINED. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Res63u.ti,on Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented Supporting Domed proposed,Resolution heretofore adopted by the Stadium Site council ,with proposed amendments to update to add local area site and reaffirm support of st'acium facility . After discussion as to desired content , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION WITH AMENDMENTS IN PROPER FORM FOR ADOPTION. CARRIED . (See later action) VOUCHERS No. 450 - 534 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS 450 through 534 , and L . I. D. 265 CASH AND REVENUE FUND #6 AND L. I .D. 267 CASH AND REVENUE FUND #8 , BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. FUND BREAKDOWN FOLLOWS: Current Fund 450 - 483 $ 7 ,994 . 16 City Street Fund 484 - 493 7 ,150. 39 Equipment Rental 494 - 504 895 . 18 Park Fund 50.5 - 515 7 , 350 . 09 Waterworks Utility 516 - 528 4 ,389 . 01 Street Fwd . Thrust 529 36 ,505 . 26 Airport Fund 530 - 533 411 . 80 Cedar River Acq. 534 51 ,189 . 71 Total $115,885. 60 LID 265 Cash & Rev. #6 $ 74. 00 LID 267 Cash & Rev. #8 120 . 00 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Final Payment and Building Director Ruppert recommended final payment Lien Period on and commencement of lien period on CAG 1725-70 , CAG 1725-70 electrical work completed on city shop building by D. W. Close Company . Amount due , $3 ,181 . 57. The retained amount of $448 . 90 plus state sales tax is to be released if no claims or liens have been filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilit in 30 days ! and acceptance was recommended this dat MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCU. WITH PAYMENT REFERRFD TO THE FINANCE COMMTTTFR. CARRIED. -3- 350 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/5/7u' COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Con ' t . ) J. Van Osdell appeal Letter from. Mr. J . VanOsdell reported of Variance denial Planning Commission denial of variance for parking lot access from Kirkland Avenue , Sunset Ventures , V-661-70, and appealed to council for consideration it being felt that all problems were not shown effectively to the Commission . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BAREI, THAT OCTOBER 19 , 1970 BE SET FOR HEARING ON THE APPEAL. MOTION CARRIED. Final Payment and Letter from the Park Director submitted commence Lien Period and recommended for payment complete bill CAG 1717-70 on work by Rainier Asphalt Paving on Talbot Hill Park play court and parking lot asphalt . Amount due , $6 ,193 . 09 . Council acceptance recommended as of this date , with commencement of 30 day lien period and release of retained amount of $651 . 90 there- after ,if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Planning Commission Letter from Planning Director Ericksen Rezone Recommenda- submitted recommendations for rezone of tions properties ,with council action taken as follows : Gunnar Ostlund Gunnar Ostlund , Appl . R-657-70 , rezone from property to L-1 G-6000 to L-1 ,property located on S .E. corner of Lind Avenue S. W. and S . W. 12th Street . To be granted subject to restrictive covenants filed by applicant , such rezone in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Glenn T. Rogge Glenn T. Rogge Appl . R-659-70 , rezone from property to B-P R-1 to B-P; property located west side of Well_ Avenue South between So . 4th and 5th Streets . The rezone is in Agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR , WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Carl A . Felkins Carl A . Felkins , Appl . R-660-70 rezone from property to L-1 G-6000 to L-1 ; property located at N.E. corner Of Lind Avenue S. W. and S. W. 12th Street , to be approved subject to filing of restrictive covenants . The rezone would be in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. William Hemmingson Appl . R-662-70 , Hemmingson property rezone property to B-1 from G-9600 to B-1 ; property located on Lake Wn . Blvd. , N.E. between S. W. 76th Street and the May Creek Interchange , approval was recommended by the Commission and the rezone is in agreement with Comprehensive Land Use Plan . Councilman .7tredickerequested to see the slides on this property which were shown by Planning Director Ericksen . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REZONE WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Tom Tobacco Appl . R-66370 , Tom Tobacco property rezone from property to L-1 B-1 to L-1 , located on S . Tobin St . , between Lake and Shattuck Avenues So. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. -4- i MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/5/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO RECESS . MOTION CARRIED. After recess , roll call was taken with all council members responding or subsequently returning as vere previously present . King County Canvass Letter from Mr. Edward J. Logan , Sup' t . of of Election and Elections , reported certification of Special Results Primary Election of September 15 , 1970 for nomination of candidates with canvass results as follows : Council Position 1 George Boode 918 Ken Bruce 1 ,929 Nominated Steven Carlmas 361 Mel McDowell 225 Paul Maxin 984 Nominated Council Position 2 Earl Clymer 2 ,344 Nominated Joanne D. Herber 1 , 769 Nominated Council Position 3 Charles J . Delaurenti 2 ,512 Nominated Bruce McKay 1 , 724 Nominated Council Position 4 Patty Akers Nelson 1 ,440 Nominated George J . Perry 2 ,425 Nominated Council Position 5 L. W. Atwood 490 William (Bill ) J. Grant 2 ,180 Nominated Robert H. Hughes 1 ,448 Nominated Council Position 6 Fred C. Callen 1 ,049 Henry E. Schellert 2 ,000 Nominated Bob Wray 1 ,079 Nominated Council Position 7 John E. Alexander 1 ,265 Robert S. Shane 1 ,438 Nominated Richard M. (Dick)Stredicke 1 ,905 Nominated Kiwanis Club of Letter from Mr. Gary Moritz , Program Chairman, Greater Renton Kiwanis Club, noted presentations given by Commending City Jim Magstadt on "Cedar River Design Study" and Personnel by Mr. Joe Dorbin on Traffic Engineering, and both were commended for creditable representa•- tion of the Planning and Traffic Engineering Departments and the City . Thanks was extended to respective department heads for program contributions . Items added to MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO PLACE the Agenda ADDITIONAL ITEMS RECEIVED ON THE AGENDA . THE MOTION CARRIED. Applications for Letters of application from Mr. B . H. Louthan , MLA Music Machine and requested licenses for Master Music Machine Amusement Device License , Music Machine Location License , Licenses Coin-Operated Amusement Machine Licenses, one application is to be for music at Karman ' s and others to be for 306 Wells Ave . So . Councilman Barei requested to be excused from the Council Chambers during this discussion having direct interest in that his father owns buildings concerned which he administrates . The Councilman was excused. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. 5 352 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/5/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Notice of Rule Change State of Washington , Department of Revenue per new statutes re Notice advised of meeting on Tuesday, October Ad Valorem Taxation 13 , at 1 :30 p.m. , main floor, General Administra- tion Bldg. , Olympia , to amend, adopt or repeal rules concerning the administration of Ch . 87 , Laws of 1970 , 1st ex. sess . , Ch . 84 . 34 RCW, relating to ad valorem taxation of open space farm and agricultural and timber lands . (See Page 8 of last week 's minutes for report of Council President on this matter) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE NOTICE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. King Co. Council Letter from Mr. Dave Mooney , Chairman , Citizens ' Notice of meeting Health & Safety Committee , King County Council , re Curfew Ordinance advised of meeting to be held October 7, 1970 at 9 : 00 a.m. in the Council Chambers , Rm. 402 , County Court House , 4th floor. Student Body Presidents of all King County High Schools have been invited via Principals along with Mayor Uhlman , County Executive Spellman and various groups and organizations . Renton Mayor and Council were extended invitation to attend, Copy of proposed curfew ordinance was attached and suggestions welcomed . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE, THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE YOUTH GUIDANCE COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED. Letter bbjecting Letter from Mr. Howard R. Myers ,listed events to procedures in concerning road improvement surveys noting deed regard' to property of corner of his lot requesi:ed by the city for for road improvement- said road, and expressed objections to the NE 27th & Kennewick crews entering upon his property without his Place permission and hours which he was visited in regard to the matter. MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENT Municipal Arts Letter from Mayor Garrett was read requesting Commission concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Roger Richert to membership on the Municipal Arts Commission , effective upon confirmation and to expire 10/1/73. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Garrett noted a vacancy is yet to be filled on this commission and present member is willing to continue however any suggestions are welcome . Upon inquiry as to whether the member must be a resident of the City Mayor Garrett advised not unless so stated in the ordinance . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Off-Street Parking MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, A Lease Revision LEASE DOCUMENT BE SIGNED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK CHANGING THE RENT TO $50 . 00 PER MONTH EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1 , 1971 , AS NEGOTIATED ON (THE MILT WILLIAMS)OFF-STREET PARKING LOT . #l . (Main Avenue South location) MOTION CARRIED. Mayor's Plan for MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR Reorganiz.ation IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION THAT THE NEXT MEETING BE A WORKSHOP WITH THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE TO PRESENT REORGANIZATION PLANS. MOTION CARRIED. -6- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/5/70 353 OLD BUSINE'S'S BY COUNCIL (Con ' t . ) Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti reported,on referral Report on license of 8/3/70 , (request by Police Chief for revocations determination of revocation or suspension of massage operator licenses ,) that all licenses were revoked , including MBO 3095-70 issued to Norma Fay Fox ,revoked as of 11/1 /70 and denial of a new license; License MBO .3018-70 issued to Erika Norman , revocation effective immediately, and temporary license MBO 4083-70 , isrevoked immediately and no new license to be granted to 7orja L. Bashore (Stanley) . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE LICENSE REVOCATIONS AS REPORTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. Campaign Expenditures Councilman Perry reported receiving reproJuction of letter appearing in a publication , from Mr. Neal Chaney , Chairman of Wn . State Democratic Committee ,and the subject was campaign expenditure with several of. the items being identical to the contents of Renton 's Code of Ethics . Mr. Perry felt it was likely they would be recommended to the Legislature for state law. Kalin Construction Councilman Stredicke inquired as to status of project on 132nd S.E. apartment project and in discussion it was noted covenants have been filed and $1 ,000 . 00 paid, there being some contingent matters to yet be resolved with regard to ownership not yet through escrow and the ordinance has not yet been published accordingly . Stredicke requested 60 day extension period be checked as had been granted for consumation of the matter. 4th Avenue N. Extension Councilman Stredicke called attention of the Cemetery Rd. -Tartan Building Director to development for a real -.. Industries- Setback estate office on property which was to have Requirement a 20 ft . setback for signs as well as the building which he was not sure has been observed. Mayor Garrett requested that all information be furnished to 3-i1ding Director Ruppert and requested that report be given to Mr. Stredicke and to hi ,3 office:' when the building department investigates . Bingo games in Renton Councilman Shane proposed motion that the City of Renton allow bingo games to be con- ducted. The motion , seconded bu Grant was ruled out of order, the Mayor noting basis to be on the fact that bingo cannot be legalized by the council passing a motion . Shane moved for vote to appeal decision of the chair which was duly seconded and carried and question was put whether or not to sustain the decision of the chair.. Dissenting voice vote, and ruling of affirmative vote prevailing, brought a roll call vote as follows : Aye-5 :Schellert , Maxin McKay , Delaurenti and Clymer. No-5 :Shane , Grant , Bruce , Stredicke and Perry . Abstain-1 : Barei Mayor Garrett voted aye carrying the motion and sustaining the decision of the chair. err Proposal to honor Councilman Shane listed names of various citizens contributing living and deceased citizens which he felt to and pioneering in had made an impact on the community betterment business and community deserving of merit award . Included were progress in Renton members of the ministry who had or were now presiding over churches of Renton , business people and names of old family members who had pioneered or were still contributing to historic benefit -and welfare of Renton and its citizens . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF ZffE WHe)LE CARRIED. 7 3 MUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Bingo Councilman Shane Moved , second by Grant , the City Attorney challenge ruling bingo is not legal since it is being conducted in other counties and communities of the state . Use of taxpayer' s money for such pursuance was not felt to be justified it being suggested some organization take up the issue . During discussion it was noted that changes are to be proposed to the Legislature to allow bingo to be conducted by certain groups . Maxin moved the previous question and upon second by McKay the motion was put to vote and lost, debate resuming. Motion to challenge was subsequently voted upon and lost . Sven Johnson Councilman Barei called attention to the new freeway and domed idea of Mr. Sven Johnson for moving traffic, stadium model vehicle interchanges and pedestrian traffic which concept is different than presently used, and urged that the council president arrange a meeting to view the project . Mayor Garrett noted he was meeting with Mr . Johnson on Tuesday in response to newspaper article request . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHANE , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR A FIELD TRIP. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL reniform law request Council President Schellert noted fact that because motion regarding bingo failed does not mean the council is against it . In travels about the country in his work the obvious fact that interpretation of the law is not uniform comes to light since bingo is being conducted in parts of the state and not allowed in others . He proposed motion that the matter be referred to the public safety committee to contact Attorney General Gorton and County Executive Spellman and request that the city be allowed to employ a tolerance policy similar to that to be proposed to the legislature -Second by Stredicke .Problems anticipa- ted,the city could volunteer to operate under the proposed legislation and report could be made if satisfactory or not at the time the legislation is presented, also serving as notice that the city is not satisfied with selective differences in interpretation of the law . Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Clymer, to substitute motion to refer to Committee of the Whole , and the two county officials be invited to a meeting f:o discuss the matter. Clymer approved discussion but not a double standard of tolerance policy or gambling law. Motion subsequently carried. Council President Schellert commended Mayor Garrett for instituting a motor pool program for use of city vehicles which operation will result in less cost per utilization . Bonding Counsel Councilman Schellert reported receipt of letter from Mr. Don Morken ,who formerly worked for the City on special bonding counsel matters through the firm of Foster and Marshall , and Mr. Morken now working individually has offered his service to the city to review the utility rate study and make recom-,iendations prior to implementing to determine the effect on bonded debt capacity . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATIONS . CARRIED. No Meeting 10/12/70 Attention was called to observance of October 12 , "Columbus Day" as a holiday with no council meeting to be held on that date . .8_ 355 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/5/90 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Legislation Committee Legislation Committee Chairman Perry Recommendation on reported committee meeting during recess Stadium Site Resolution and recommendation to place revised Resolution No. 1707 resolution concerning location of domed stadium on first reading. The Resolution was read by the Clerk resolving that the City of Renton lends its full and qualified .support to the site generally referred to as Longacres East , for the site of the domed .� stadium. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion resumed. MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY MAXIN, .i HAT THE COUNCIL APPOINT A SPECIAL "LONGACRES EAST SITE COMMITTEE"TO INCLUDE A MEMBER FROM THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE, COUNCIL. PRESIDENT SCHELLERT, COUNCILMAN STREDICKE, AND FORMER MAYOR DON CUSTER, WITH COPY OF THE NEW RESOLUTION BROUGHT TO THAT COMMITTEE FOR PURSUANCE. MOTION CARRIED. Design Project Hearing Councilman Stredicke reminded council of by State Hwy. Dep ' t . , the 10 :00 a . m. meeting at Carpenters Hall and Forward Thrust on October 7 , concerning relocation of the meeting re Skyway Benson Highway , also Forward Thrust meeting Renton Hill Project ; here in city hall Tuesday at 2 :30 p.m. on Red Samm Mining area next to the city limits in Skyway; ab d hearing 10/20/70 the hearing by King County on Red Samm Minina on October 20. Tree Planting Councilman Grant submitted City of Seattle Program standards for street tree planting,along with drawing concerning specifications ,and MOVED THAT THE SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Main Avenue South Councilman Barei urged administrative action Retaining Wall and as concerns proposed work by the state highway Landscaping along main avenue and in the Longacres area with regard to possibly requesting that the retaining wall on the east bank along main Avenue not be destroyed and that landscaping be done utilizing the many plants and shrubs left when homes were removed for the freeway. Mayor Garrett requested City Engineer Wilson to check into the matter and submit a written report to Councilman Barei and himself. Councilman Shane urged that the state be asked to commence the work which was to be done all along the freeway and perhaps this could also serve to pu.t some unemployed people to work. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic inquired regarding action to Joe Sporcic be taken in regard to the Sven Johnson model 1316 Harrington Ave . NE traffic plan and was advised a meeting is to be arranged by the Council President and the Mayor will be meeting with Mr. Johnson in the morning. ADJOURNMENT Moved by McKay , seconded by Delaurenti , to adjourn . Motion Carried. The meeting was adjc,urned at 11 :00 p.m. There were 18 visitors attending the meeting this evening. y� Helmie Nelson , City Clerk -9- G.� C3Z OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 5 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole 'Mon. 10/19 7 : 30 PM Schellert Community Services Wed. 10/7 4 :00 PM Maxin 6th F1 .Conf.Rm. Red Samm Mining Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Tues. 10/13 7 : 30 PM Bruce 4th Fl.Conf.Rm. Ted Bennett & J.Wilson Transportation Sat. 10/10 10 :00 AM Grant Meet at City Hall Field Trip Briefing by City N.E. 27th St. & Engineer Wilson Kennewick Pl. 357 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10/5/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2470 $350.00 `-Dale T. Pinkerton 667 Camas Ave. N.E. Erect Steel Shed 2471 6,000.00 The Boeing Company Boeing Renton Plant Misc. Bldg. Alterations 2472 3,000.00 Robert J. Minkler 125 Airport Way Alterations to Bldg. 2473 18,000.00 Pay'n Save Corp. 35 So. Grady Way Remodel Existing Area 2474 400.00 Albertson's Stores,Inc. 2825 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Furring Down Ceilings tam MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2633 650.00 B. B. Wooton 3100 Talbot Road So. Install Plbg. Fixtures 2634 200.00 Lee Goebel 1603 Davis Ave. So. Install Gas Range 2635 200.00" Clinton Brasmer 2025 Jones Circle S.E. Install Gas Water Tank 2636 800.00 Kampe Construction Co. 1922 N.E. 24th St. Install Plbg. Fixtures 2637 1,000.00 Kampe Construction Co. 2442 Monterey Ave.N.E. Install Plbg. Fixtures M 263E 45000.00 The Boeing Company Boeing Renton Plant Misc. Plbg. Work 2639 300.00 Jack Prestridge 811 South 3rd St. Install Plbg. & Fixtures 2640 300.00 E. R. Coleman 3801 Meadow Ave. N. Install Plbg. & Fixtures 2641 200.00 George Ringdahl 711 Shelton Ave . N.E. Install Gas Wall Heater 2642 175 .00 William H. White 3737 Park Ave. N. Replace Water Piping M 2643 165.00 Renton Inn 800 Rainier Ave. So. Install Gas Piping 2644 75 .00 Grant A. Graham 3626 Lk.Wash.Blvd.N. Alter Drain Piping ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3059 4 713 .45it f C y oRenton 105 Williams Ave. N. Wire . TemP P Bldg. . g 3060 25,000.00 The Boeing Company Boeing Renton Plant Misc. Electrical Work 3061 150.00 Noel R. Wilkerson 812 Camas Ave. N.E. Install Outlets etc. 3062 350.00 B. B. Wooton 3100 Talbot Road So. Change Service etc. 3063 800.00 O.K. Rubber Welders 710 Rainier Ave. So. Wire New Addition 3064 850.00 Albertson's Stores,Inc. 2825 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Install Lights 3065 50.00 Transamerica Development 1831 Grant Ave. So. Temp. Power Hook-up "am SIGN PERMITS S 074 30.00 Aerodyne Corporation 300 Airport Way So. Install Plywood Wall Sign 075 15500.00 Harold Mellor 250 Rainier Ave. So. Install Ground Sign 076 2,300.00. Wash.Mutual Savings Bk. 150 Logan Ave. So. Install Poles & Wall Sign SEWER PERMITS S 1282 Bennett Gostman 3202 Burnett Ave. N. Connect Sewer 1283 W. F. Dalry 1800 N.E. 14th St. Connect Sewer 1284 L. F.Schindler 1003 N. 34th Connect Sewer 1285 L. F.Schindler 1009 N. 34th Connect Sewer S 1286 J. A. Nass 910 No. 34th St. Connect Sewer 1287 John Hautz 916 No. 34th Connect Sewer 1288 Chas. Kauffman 904 No. 34th St. Connect Sewer 1289 Brian Lee 1015 No. 34th St. Connect Sewer 1290 Gary Spoor 3210 Park Ave.N. Connect Sewer S 1291 Frank Beaty 909 No. 33rd Place Connect Sewer 1292 L. F. Schott 1210 No. 33rd Place Connect Sewer 1293 E. J. Brown 1116 No. 32nd Connect Sewer 1294 A. Helino 4004 Lk.Wn.B1vd.N. Connect Sewer 1295 A. Helino 4008 Lk.Wn.B1vd.N. Connect Sewer 1296 G. A. Graham 3626 Lk.Wn.B1vd.N. Connect Sewer 1297 VOID 1298 H. S. Holmes 1105 No. 34th Connect Sewer 1299 Ernest Henry 1415 No. 24th St. Connect Sewer 1300 Frank Ames 2407 Meadow Ave. N. Connect Sewer S 1301 W. G. Hoven 2411 Meadow Ave. N. Connect Sewer 1302 H. J. Sjostrom 1212 No. 33rd St. Connect Sewer 1303 Eula Hedin 1009 No. 33rd St. Connect Sewer 1304 J. LaValley 3302 Park Ave. N. Connect Sewer 1305 G. R. Grace 1016 No. 33rd Place Connect Sewer S 1306 Stan Stone 1911 Jones Court S.E.. Connect Sewer 1307 W. A. Swift 1209 No. 35th Connect Sewer 1308 J. H. Agnew 921 No. 32nd Connect Sewer 1309 Vince Grace 915 No. 32nd Connect Sewer 1310 Alix Milonas 909 N. 32nd Connect Sewer S 1311 R. Hindes 1103 No. 32nd Connect Sewer 1312 Earl W. Stanley 3502 Burnett Ave. N. Connect Sewer RENTON CITY COUNr'IT, REGUr.AR MEETING: Office of City Clerk October 19 , 7..111) R E F E R R A L S COUNCIL - COMM.ITTEF, CrF THE WHOLE To meet with convention and visitor ind,zstry reprosentat.ives ($1 ,500. 00 requested for 1971 budget consideration) Funding for new city shop facility C.-T! ENGINEER Ralph Leber Co . inquiry re LID for sewer services from We-. t Vall -y Highway area C0t11111NI.TY SERVICES C014MITTEE Kali`n Construction Co . matter - to be reparted back at rnd of 2 weeks G-SLAT_inN C0MMITTEE' ippropriation of $450 . 40 from excess revenue: to Cumulative RcsLrvo Fund I,-J75 Transfer of $80 , 749 . 00 to Fire Department Budget for fixe truck expenditure from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1698 t-ERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointments : Mr . Arthur D. Scholes to Planning Commission ,ur.til•-111/72 Mr . Jerry A . ,Slough , to Board of Adjustment PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ralph Leber Co . inquiry re sewer service from West Valley Highwa9 _try-a Starkovich offer to sell property to the City adjoining Sprir.gbrook watorshrd Proposal by Councilman Shane for truck route Jegislation MAYOR To request "Design Proposals" from manufacturers of rLefab hui.Zdi.n,;!. Suggestions by Stredicke for administrative action - Recommended the Mayor appoint representative to act as liaison between the council and Municipal Arts Commission Recommended Engineering and Planning Departments prepare guide lines or criteria to project future sewer and roadway extensions APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS Mr . Carl E. Trent , Permanent position as Patrolman in the Renton Polio Department , eff. 9/16/70 Mr. Kay F. Johnson - Commissioner, Renton Housing Authority , term to 9/10/75 Mr . D. W. Custer - Municipal Arts Commission Mr. Bert McHenry - Eastside Boundary Review Committee PROCLAMATION October 25 - 31 , 1970 - American Education Week MEETINGS AND EVENTS 10/20/70 Alcohol Program by King County Dept . of Public Health - Kent City Hall at 7 :30 p.m . 10/21/70 Candidates Fair at Renton High School at 7 :30 p.m. 10/22/70 Day-long conference re Development of the Green River Valley Area at New Auburn School District Administration Building 10/26/70 Group pictures at 8 : 30 p.m. 359 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk October 19, 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Garrett led the Flag Salute . CALL TO ORDER The regular weekly meeting of the Renton City Council was convened by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. POLL CALL Councilmen Present : Schellert , Edwards , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Clymer , Maxin , Bruce , Delaurenti . Absent : Barei , Shane and Grant . Barei arrived at commencement of the meeting and Grant and Shane later as designated. IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY BRUCE, THE ABSENT MEMBERS BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. MINUTE APPROVAL "1OVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO 10/5/70 °"eetina APPROVE THE 14INUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS WRITTEN . CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING J . Van Osdell appeal of Planning Commission Variance Deni71 - denial of variance for access to parking area NW corner NE 10th from Kirklanri Avenue N. E. , V-661-70. St . and Kirkland NE apartment parking lot This being the date set , the hearing was opened. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director, reported that access restriction was imposed as condition at time of rezoni:-g of the property in 1966 and that the Commission ,after public hearing .in S,__ntember 23 , 1970, denied application for a crariance to allow driveway on Kirkland Avenue NE as it is in direct violation of the condition whereby original rezone was granted. Audience comment was invited.Mr. James Van Osdell , 3030 VE 10th Street , appearing on behalf of the owners and occupants ,noted that the access from Jefferson is hazardous since an arterial must be crossed and sharp left turn negotiated onto a sharp-rising unmarked access to enter the lot and for manyof the older residents,especialiy, this was felt to be a legal condition which was creating a danger to life , an accident being predicted to be unavoidable sooner or later. Further improvement to Kirkland '5 an arterial is not anticipated and no problems have resulted through its use, another apartment in the area using this access . It was felt the decision in denying the variance was based on emotion because the corporation owning the apartment had been in violation of the zoning ordinance and were going to be taught a lesson . When notified of being iii violation :`''.e area was barricaded. :'hose now protesting have been violating the law by dumping trash north of the apartment so they cannot be so concerned with property value and ecology . The present entrance,requiring a sharp turn , is a problem for the elt'_erly residents and as no plans are in the cffing for a^!/ further street improvement ; variance was requested. Several partners were involved in the property at the time of the rezone and the present owner had felt a variance had been granted and when advised Dt:lerwise he filed for the current variance . Mr . John Becker, 1034 Kirkland Avenue N.E. , a resident 6= "he area for 10 years and in on the original zoning, recalled that when granted for apartment use a barrier was to allow no access to Kirkland fcr protection of the residents and in accord with the comprehensive plan separating residential from apartment and business use . -1- 300 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING (Cont . ) Van Osdell appeal of variance denial John Becker Comments Also , there were children routed through this area and this traffic is detrimental to their welfare . Access through "J" Street was proper and a condition at- the time of zoning and this was to be maintained by the apartment owners and Council should now live up to its obligation . Councilman Shane arrived at the meeting. Mr . Glenn Burrelle , 1010 Kirkland Avenue N.E. opposed the granting of a variance recalling prior objections to Kirkland access. and barricade request, and if not to be barricaded there should have been no apartment . Councilman Stredicke expressed desire to step down from the council seat and speak from t'e audience having served on the Planning Commission during this rezone action . Considerable discussion ensued among the council and parties for and against the variance ,with matter of restrictive covenants being reviewed and enforcement actions; matter of letters not being transmitted among apartment owners and delay in off-site improvement: . Councilman Grant arrived during this discussion . Shane felt the developer should not be denied use of the right of way any more than individual residents . MOVED BY DELAURF.NTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE HEARING BE CLOSED. Film slides were shown of the area and it was noted that off-site improvements will be required on K Street at a future date and that bond has been posted for this installation . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE APPEAL FOR VARIANCE BE DENIED. Further discussion ensued,pro, concerning the investment involved and improvement to the area by developer; and con that original zoning may have been wrong, but that delay after delay followed and committment to residents should be upheld there being no special circumstances to warrant a variance , lack of effort by property owner not valid. Shane opposed denial of access right to property owners . Prior R-3 zoning protest and off-site improvement requirements not being enforced was recalled. Mr. Van Osdell noted all foundations laid to be very good but urged that the economic status of Renton not be overlooked it being felt a hardship is being worked there as the elderly will not stay having to make that turn , there being 43 voters involved also who will read the minutes . Improvements made to the corner were noted and attention called to Zack of any off-site improvements elsewhere in the vicinity or to the properties , garbage being dumped as invitation to rodents . by the persons demanding denial so ecology not being their interest. Pending motion was voted upon . MOTION CARRIED AND VARIANCE APPEAL WAS DENIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted the following Ordinances which were passed by the City Council this date . ORDINANCE 2589 Amending LID 271 An Ordinance amending Ordinance 2580 to include preliminary roll . certain properties inadvertently omitted from the 1 . Schellert legal description bf LID 271 , correcting the pre- 2 . McKay to adopt liminary assessment roll and affirming all other term,, and provisions of said ordinance . 3 h _1 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/19/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont. ) Introductory, second and final readings authorized and roll call vote adopting as designated. ORDINANCE 2590 An ordinance changing the zoning classification Moved by McKay and of certain properties within the City of Renton second by Schellert from General Classification District (G-6000) to to adopt . Light Industry (L-1) . R-660-70, Carl A. Felkins property located at N. E. corner of Lind Avenue S . W. and S. W. 12th Street . Adopted by unanimous affirmative roll call vote. .mw ORDINANCE 2591 An ordinance changing the zoning classification Moved by Stredicke , of certain properties from Single Family Resi- second by McKay , to dential District (R-1) , to Business Parking, (B-P) , adopt . R-659-70 , Glenn T. Rogge property, property located on West side of Wells Avenue South between South 4th and 5th Streets . Roll call vote all ayes , adopting the ordinance unanimously. ORDINANCE 2592 An ordinance changing the zoning classification Moved by Delaurenti , of certain properties within the City from a second by McKay , to General Classification District (G-9600) to adopt . Business District (B-1) . R-662-70, William Hemmingson property , located on Lake Wn. Blvd. N. E. between S. W. 76th Street and the May Creek Interchange . Grant opposed due to terrain which he felt was not suitable for the B-l 'use . ORDINANCE 2593 An ordinance changing the zoning classification Moved by Stredicke , of certain properties from Business District (B-1) second by Delaurenti to Light Industry , (L-1) . R-663-70, Tom Tobacco to adept. property located on So. Tobin Street between Lake and Shattuck Avenues . Grant opposed noting zoning on - :her properties and small size of the parcel as his reason . ORDINANCE 2594 An ordinance of the City Changing the zoning Moved by McKay , and classification of certain properties from General second by Stredicke Classification District (G-6000) to Light Industry to adopt . District , (L-1) . R-657-70, Gunnar Ostlund property , located on the S.E. corner of Lind Avenue S. W. and S. W. 12th Street. Roll call vote unanimous ayes adopting the ordinance as read. Metro Sewer Rate Upon inquiry concerning legislation to effect the Legislation 'Metro sewer rate increase, Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce reported the committee will be meeting tomorrow and report will be forthcoming. Proposed ordinance will be held in the Legislation Committee accordingly . RESOLUTION 1708 Proposed Resolution was read wherein the City of Moved by Schellert , Renton , a Municipal Corporation under the laws and seconded by McKay , Statutes of the State of Washington , officially to adopt . goes on record in full support of the general principle and concept of revenue sharing by states , counties and municipal corporations of Federal tax sources and the City urges members of both houses of Congress and the general public and all other interested parties and organizations to lend its full support thereto. The City further appeals to both houses of the Congress to grant and allocate a high priority to this subject matter and to initiate and hold hearings without delay. All residents of the City are further urged and requested to notify, in writing, their individual Congressmen and Senators of this extremely urgent project and to solicit unqualified support therefor. Motion to adopt carried unanimously . -3- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/19/70 VOUCHER APPROVAL No. 535 - 860 and Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported LID 263 , 265 and approval of City of Renton '(touchers . Fund 267 Cash and Rev. breakdown follows : Vouchers Current Fund 535 - 660 $ 49 ,220. 44 Arterial Street 661 - 663 12 ,280.24 City Street Fund 664 - 706 25 ,268. 63 am Cedar River M & I 707 - 712 172 .16 Equipment Rental 713 - 752 2 ,858.44 Library Fund 753 - 759 2 ,163. 60 Park Fund 760 - 806 22 ,922 . 39 Waterworks Utility 807 - 836 54,362 . 22 Street Fwd. Thrust 837 157 . 50 Airport Fund 838 846 508. 27 Firemen 's Pension 847 - 857 311 . 97 City Hall Const . 858 473. 95 Urban Art . Fund 859 - 860 18 ,225 . 03 Total All Funds $188 ,916 . 84 LID Cash & Revenue LID 263 Cash & Rev. #8 $12 ,996 . 25 Fund Warrants LID 265 Cash & Rev. #7 36 ,936 . 47 LID 267 Cash & Rev. #9 70 . 20 LID 267 Cash & Rev. #10 18 ,560. 86 MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS NOS. 535 THROUGH 860 FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO APPROVE LID 263 , 265 and 267 CASH AND REVENUE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Red Samm Gravel Councilman Barei ,noting presence of persons Pit Mining Hearing interested in the gravel pit mining subject, inquired if there would be discussion this evening and was advised the hearing meeting will be tomorrow in Seattle , at the County Court House but that there will be committee report for council action later this evening. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Final Payment and Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted Acceptance , CAG . final estimate for payment on work performed 1699-70 , So. 3rd by E. P. & N. Construction in sum of $1 ,561 . 94 , St . Improvement Zaceptance by Council this date and commencement of the 30-day lien period was recommended, along with release of retained sum of $1 ,990. 04 there- after if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER . MOTION CARRIED. Appropriation of Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported need excess Revenue for appropriation of $450 . 40 to balance Cumu- lative Reserve Fund 1975 and it was recommended excess revenues be authorized unto Account 3710. Concurrence and referral for the necessary legislation was further recommended. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Transfer of funds Letter from the Fire Chief, M. C. Walls , and the for new fire truck City Clerk , Helmie Nelson , requested transfer of $80 , 749 . 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1698 , Acct . 3110 , unto Fire Department expending budget account 1190/606 , Capital Outlay for the new fire truck . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR ,WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED . -4- MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/19/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: Sewer Service to Letter from Mr . Lewis Leber of the Ralph West Valley area Leber Company , Inc. submitted Tukwila sewer service proposal which might include area in Renton , with no responsibility to '_•ukvila for any subsequent requirement by Renton for connecting to future LID sewer district . Noting indication in Renton minutes ,from council meeting of 8/24/70 , that Renton does not intend to extend a sewer down the West Valley area at this time , inquiry was made whether the Leber Company will be freed from obligation to join the Renton sewer district at such time as it may be constructed if they proceed at this time for inclusion in Tukwila 's sewer district . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STP.EDICKE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND CITY ENGINEER TO REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Offer to sell real Letter from Mr. Rudy J . Starkovich and other estate to Renton family members , offered to sell property , located next to the Springbrook Watershed, to the City, option to be effective from December 1 , 1970 until January 15 , 1971 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE OFFER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOM- MENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Department of Letter from Mr . Bob Kinch , Alcohol Program Co- Public Health ordinator , extended invitation to attend an Alcohol Program organizational meeting to be sponsored by the _ Meeting Seattle-King County Department of Public Health, at Kent City Hall , October 20 , at 7 :30 p.m. Convention and Letter from Mr. Alan B. Ferguson , Chairman of Visitor Industry the Board of Directors , and Mr. Hartly Kruger , Promotion for General Manager , noted possible aid in economic King County and social growth through further development of the convention and visitor industry . Goal of doubling visitor spending from $250 million in 1970 to $500 million by 1980 is the aim of the Seattle-King County Convention and Visitors Bureau and it was requested that the City of Renton budget $1 ,500. 00 for the 1971 calendar year for allocation to the Bureau for promotional efforts on behalf of the city . .MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER TO THE COUNCIL FOR BUDGET CONSIDERATION. MOTION CARRIED. It was urged that the Council President set a meeting to discuss the matter with authors of the letter. Mayor Garrett advised he would arrange for such meeting if the President will let him know the meeting date. Report of Dis- Mr . and Mrs . James R. Scarborough reported dismissal position of of their case concerning abandoned vehicle code Abandoned Vehicle vinlation and thanked the persons of the city and Citation councilmen and department heads who stood behind them supporting their position in the matter. Items received after In reply to inquiry of Council on October 5 , in Agenda was prepared regard to Kalin Construction Company project and Vacation of Whitman Court N.E. , it was noted that the 60 day extension expires October 20 . $1 . 000. 00 payment was made on September 9 , 1970 by owners of record, $822 . 00 by Dalin Construction and $178. 00 by Dalpay & Associates . The City Engineer on 9/15/70 notified owners that documents can not be prepared to complete the vacation since the property conveyance is still in escrow. -5- 101I9170 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Con ' t . ) Kalin Construction- it was noted that if the time extension was Whitman Ct . NE meant to cover escrow closing as well as the payment of $1 ,000 . 00 fee , then further council action as may be desired is in order at this time . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO ALLOW TWO rVEEKS TIME EXTENSION. After discussion the pending motion was voted upon . The Chair questioned dissenting voice vote and roll call vote resulted as follows : Aye-7 : Schellert , Barei , Shane , Bruce , McKay , Perry and Delaurenti . No-5 : Grant , Maxin , Edwards , Stredicke and Clymer . MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke inquired regarding demolition permit noting work done on the site at present . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY PERRY, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE C, OMMUN T SERVICES COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK AT END OF THE TWO WEEKS PERIOD. During discussion it was noted the building permit has relationship to closing of escrow and if Whitman is not vacated the restrictive covenants are not valid , and inquiry was made whether fence is to be required prior RECESS - 9 :00 P.m. to construction . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS. MOTION CARRIED. After recess all councilmen answered roll call or subsequently returned with exception of Edwards . PENDING MOTION WAS :077T TO VOTE. Dissenting verbal vote brought roll call as follows : Aye-7 : Schellert , Barei , Shane , Bruce , McKay , Perry and Delaurenti . No-4 : Grant , Maxin , Stredicke and Clymer. MOTION TO REFER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REPORT IN TWO WEEKS CARRIED. Development of the Letter from King County Executive Spellman invited Green River Valley attendance at day-long conference , October 22 , 1970 at the new Auburn School Dist . Administration Bldg. , to discuss problems and future potentials of the Green River Valley area . The Mayor has asked that tho Planning Director attend and anyone wishing to attend is welcome . Wn . State Highway Letter from Mr . E.I. Roberts , Dist . Engineer of Commission-Thanks the State Dep t . of Highways , noted recent comple- tion of paving operations on Second Avenue & Rainier in Renton . Appreciation and thanks weie expressed for assistance and cooperation of Asst . City Engineer McHenry , Police and Street Departments and other departments and officers of the city as work progressed. The project was felt to be a significant improvement in traffic capacity and safety through the City of Renton . Langston Road Letter from Mr. Carl F. Cooks , 354 Stevens Ave . SW, Improvement expressed complaint regarding barricade to their business access by island and dividers , noting subsequent opening by removal of portion of the island. He did not feel this was proper engineer- ing, noting discussions in the street with city personnel and discussions with councilmen and the Mayor , all felt to be unwarranted along with such problems for business . SILENCE OBSERVED Councilman Barei advised of hearing this evening FOR PASSING OF' of the passing of long-time resident Milt MILT WILLIAMS Williams and urged that his passing be observed by a minute of silence at this time . Mayor Garrett ordered rising and observance by the assembly accordingly . APPOINTMENTS Mr. Arthur D. Scholes Letter from the Mayor requested concurrence in Planning Commission the appointment of Mr . Arthur D. Scholes the .Planning Commission for term expiring 1/1/72 . MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY SHANE, TO REFER THIS TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. -6- 365 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/19/70 APPOINTMENTS (Con ' t . ) Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Carl E. Trent- in the appointment of Mr. Carl E. Trent to Permanent Position permanent position of patrolman in the Renton as Patrolman Police Department , effective September 16 , 1970. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr . Kay F. Johnson Certificate of Appointment reported Mayor 's Housing Authority appointment of Kay F . Johnson as Renton Housing Commissioner Authority Commissioner to fill vacancy created too by expiration of the term of Mr. Hayden Williams . Term extends until September 10 , 1975 . Mr. Jerry A. Slough Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Board of Adjustment in the appointment. of Mr . Jerry A . Slough as member of the Board of Adjustment . Letter from Mr. Peter Paulman requested withdrawal of his candidacy as a member due to commitment in other community activities . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PP:RSONNET, AND COMMUNITY MOTION CARRIED. D. W. Custer to Concurrence of the Council was requested by Mayor Municipal Arts Garrett in the appointment of former Mayor Donald Commission W. Custer to membership on the Municipal Arts Com- mission , vacancy existing by expiration of Mr. Tom Cooke ' s term. MOVED BY .DF..LAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Bert McHenry Letter from the Mayor reported appointment of Mr . Eastside Boundary Bert McHenry , Asst . City Engineer , to the Eastside Review Committee BRB Review Committee , to work on establishing of P.O . Box 97 , boundaries for utilities on the east side of Lake Bellevue , Wn . 98004 Washington . firo PROCLAMATION October 25 -- 31 , 1970 - American Education Week MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Stadium Resolution Councilman Schellert reported that he submitted Supporting Longacres the letter and Resolution to the Stadium Commission East Site but that he was not too warmly welcomed, each of other area .representatives pi;:ch.ing for his own location . He thanked the council for the opportunity to represent the City of Renton at the meeting. Special City Shops Chairman Schellert submitted recommendations that Committee Report a new combined shop facility be built on city-owned property on Union Avenue N.E. MOVED BY STRr',DICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIM, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. Recommended the project be funded by ccuncilmanic bonds in sum of $500 ,000 . 00 . MOVED BY GRANT, AND SECONDED BY ,STREDICKF. , TO REFER THE MATTER OF FINANCING AS MAY CONCERN ANY SPECIFIC AMOUNT, TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Recommended the Mayor 's office be authorized to request "Design Proposals" from manufacturers of prefabricated buildings or components . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Rapid Transit Councilman Perry noted newspaper article in the Deficit Operation Oakland Tribune outlining financial problems encountered by rapid transit systems . Recalling San Francisco visit by council members who had been shown the systems in operation it was pointed out that all 3 were operating in the red and funds had to be Jegislated to cover deficit . -7- t)C1 l) MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/19/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Pederson-denial of Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding status extension of refuse of »:atter since denial of exemption to Mr . Lee exemption Peterson on garbage disposal requirements . Mr . Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , reported that Mr. Pederson has been advised both by the City Clerk of Council action and by himself of pick-up and billing commencement and that he has paid the August billing of $.3 . 50 but has no cans as yet nor is he receiving pick-up service . Stredicke inquired further in regard to Health Department finding of violation and City Attorney Shellan advised that the Health Department Repre- sentative , upon sufficient evidence and determina- tion of further violation , will file court action for prosecution . Liaison For City Councilman Stredicke suggested the Municipal Arts Beautification Commission be brought up to date on freeway beautification and right-of-way beautification possibilities on Airport Way and urged that the Mayor ' s office consider appointing a council member or committee to work as liaison between the parties . Bi-weekly Report Councilman Stredicke commended the Mayor for his bi-weekly report and expressed hope it would be continued, the information being greatly appreciated . Group Photograph Attention was called to group picture of the Council and absence of some members and it was felt that a new picture should he taken when all could be present with perhaps a closer view of the group . Mayor Garrett advi:7ed he would arrange for a new picture to be taken next Monday .i.f all can be present at 8 :30 p.m. , to be verified. Community Services Chairman Maxin submitted recommendation that the Committee Report council maintain its previous position o.t objection to granting an unclassified use permit to Red-Samm Mining Company,for gravel operation at the Starko- vich proparty , now under consideration by the County . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT.', TO CONCUR . Attention was called by S;tfedicke to his memo outlining problems and proposed controls for such use ,as filed with the County .in support of the council 's position , along with transmittal letter by Planning Director Ericksen . PENDING MOTION CARRIED UNANI140USLY. Utility Study Report Shane inquired regarding completed utility study and printed report and it was noted the matter is in the hands of the Public Works Committee which is not yet ready to report . It was requested that copies be furnished to Council members for review. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL New Reporter for Mr . Ken Bechtel was introduced, as previously from Record-Chronicle Pittsburg and more recently from Cleveland , Ohio , and now on the staff of the Record-Chronicle . Welcome was extended Mr. Bechtel to the Monday night meetings of the City Council , which he acknowledged with thanks . Environmental Councilman Stredicke reported attending the Mayor ' s Planning Study meeting on environmental planning studies and urged that the Engineering and Planning Departments prepare guide lines or criteria to cover extensions of sewers and projections of roadways , other than zonings , Rei:-Samm mining use of city right of ways being Cited as need for know edge as to future plans for the str®etS, the sewer plans needed also in order that builders might be aware of where the lines are going to go; Mayor Garrett noted action will, be taken on the matter as requested 367 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10119170 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Con ' t . ) "Candidates Fair" Councilman Stredicke announced that state and 10121170 , Renton national , as well as local candidates running High School for offices will he present at the. Cand.idates Fair at 7 :30 p.m. on s-'ednesdap at the !lLgh School of which he felt the public shoi7id ba rnade aware . r Arterial Street- Councilman Shane proposed an ordinance be drawn truck route restrict ng trucks to arterial rigliL- c -ways for legislation protection of internal streets . MOTrRD Bf GRANT, SECONDED BY STR EDICKE, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RPVTRW. CARRIED. Municipal Arts Councilman Barei urged that the Municipal Arts Commission Commission _' n established as an integral psx°t of ci t.ia government and if possible budaet allowed cover .its operation . Mayor Barrett advised of action by Mayor Ulhman in pz::,pos,ing ordinance for_ an Arts Commission and copy has been requested which will be reviewed with the City Attorney for legal approval after which it .bH^cmas a matter of economics . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Nigel Adam., , 1800 Beacon Way S . L . , called attention to action taken by the council on three items which lie felt should go hand in hard , noting issue botheri: r; people being environment . He urged formation of policy and firm stand on matter: where resources are being exploited and that long range plan: should be formulated by city repre- sentatives rather than expecting someone from another agency may represent the cause for all . He recalled his i v .lvement in an .independent Gravel Mining Operation study in the Soos Creek arE He urged that the council be scrupulous about its appointments noti;,i-x actions on Red Samm :;fining, Corps of Engineers study meeting, and Planning Commission Appointment to be related,and to needs of Renton for diversified plan of action that wil� be consistent for development of a comprehensive set of plans . It was recommended that the Mayor send out a team of men who will at all times be consistent ,and in making appointments , select those with real interest in the land in which we live and who will follow through with formulation of such plans for the future of Renton . Code of Ethics Councilman Perry inquired concerning distribution Ordinance of forms for compliance with the Code of Ethics Ordinance and City Clerk Nelson advised that all parties concerned had been supplied with the Ordinance and any forms required to be filed in compliance which included boards , commissions , candidates and officials . ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business , it was MOVED 11 :30 p.m. BY MCKAY, .SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11 : 30 P.M. There were 32 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening. 21 Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 19 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole rhurs 10/22 8 : 00 PM Schellert Council Chmbrs) To Discuss Dept. Re- ) organization with rues . 10/27 8 : 00 PM 6th Floor ) Mayor or Represent . Conf. Room Community Services Sat. 10/24 10 : 30 AM Maxin Kalin Const. Matter Finance Edwards Legislation Aon. 10/26 7 : 00 PM 'Perry Personnel & Community Relations hurs 10/22 7 . 00 PM Stredicke 6th Fl Conf Rm. Public Safety rhurs 10/22 7 : 15 PM Delaurenti 6th F1 Conf Rm. Meet with Transportatn Com. , City Attorney & Police Chief Public Works rues . 10/20 7 : 30 PM Bruce 4th I,l Conf Rm. Transportation Grant Pictures to be Taken Over - geeting will be Schedl led 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10/19/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2475 3,200.00 Eastside Home Rehab. 1024 N. 36th Replace Foundation 2476 920,0%0.00 G.A. Hormet & Co. 600 S.W. 7th Construct Plant 2477 30,500.00 Terhune Construction 2012 S.E. 18th Court Const New Family Res. 2478 33,400.00 " 11 2018 S.E. 18th Court to 2479 31,000.00 2013 S.E. 18th Court 2480 800.00 Kampe Const. Co. 3426 Shattuck Ave. S . Foundation Family Res. 2481 800.00 " " 3431 Shattuck Ave. S. to 11 2482 800.00 It " 3425 Shattuck Ave. S. " to .. 2483 800.00 to to " 3419 Shattuck Ave. S. " of to B 2484 800.00 " " .. 3422 Shattuck Ave. S . to go of 2485 12,000.00 Stanford Witsoe 1215 N. 33rd Place Const. New Family Res 2486 200.00 George McNeil 513 Union Ave. N.E. Demolish 2 Small Bldg. 2487 90.00 James Matheson 1724 Lincoln Circle S.E. Build Non Bsaring Walls 2488 17,000.00 Kampe Const. Co. 1101 N. 31st Const. Family Res. 2489 17,000.00 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Clubhouse Add. to Cirlating Room 2490 18,000.00 " Longacres Remodel 3 Barns 2491 4,000.0 " ' .. Const. Barn ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3066 725.00 Terhune Const. , Inc. 2012 S.E. 18th Court Wire Family Res. 3067 775.00 it 2018 S.E. 18th Sourt to It it 3068 625.00 " " It 2013 S.E. 18th Court it It to 3069 50.00 Bellevue Bulldozing 3800 W. Valley Rd. Temp. Service 3070 50.00 Martens Const. Co. 4105 N.E. 4th Tenp. Service 3071 50.00 Carmichael Const. Co. 604 Rainier Ave. S. Temp. Service 3072 50.00 Gwinn Const. 311 Williams Ave. S. " " 3073 50.00 Kampe Const. 2406 Monterey Ave. N.E. if 3074 50.00 McCann Const. Co. 790 Garden Ave. N. " if .... 3075 50.00 Harold Mellor 250 Rainier Ave. S. if to 3076 50.00 W.C.Frost Const.Co. 2500 N.E. 27th of to 3077 50.00 Hubner Bros. 1150 Union Ave. N.E. 3078 375.00 Karman' s Restaurant 811 S . 3rd St. Upgrade Wiring E 3079 50.00 Valley Gen. Hospital 400 S. 43rd St. Replace Wiring 3080 370.00 Kampe Const. Co. 2442 Monterey Ave. N.E. Wire Family Res. 3081 370.00 Kampe Const. Co. 1922 N.E. 24th St. to to 91 3082 600.00 F.H.A. 3508 N.E. 7th Place Install Electric Heat 3083 700.00 Pay F Save Corp. 35 S. Grady Way Inst. 2 E1. Heaters 3084 500.00 Robert Minkler 125 Airport Way Wire Food Store 3085 956.00 Alec Bakamus (Wigwam) 2821 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Inst Florescent Fix. 3086 50.00 Francis Matthai 525 Grant Ave. S. Wire 2 Rooms 3087 547.00 Kampe Const. 1212 N.E. 31st Wire New Res. 3088 VOID 3089 640.00 Joe Brodell 1018 Shelton Ave. S.E. 3090 649.00 Miss E. Pardee 1405 N. 38th Change Service etc. MECHANICAL PERMITS 2645 595.00 Kampe Const. CO. 1212 N. 31st St. Inst.Plumbing & Fix. 2646 51£3.00 Robert Minkler 125 Airport Way Inst. Plumbing & Fix. 2647 550.00 Terhune Const. , Inc. 2012 S.E. 18thCourt Inst. BTU Gas Furnace 2648 1,325.00 to It " 2012 S.E. 18th Court Inst. Plumbing & Fix. 2649 575.00 " to " 2018 S.E. 18th Court Inst. BTU Gas Furnace 2650 1,325.00 to 2018 S.E. 18th Court Inst. Plumbing & Fix ... 2651 500.00 to it 2013 S.E. 18th Court Inst. BTU Gas Furnace 2652 1,290.00 1, It 2013 S.E. 18th Court Inst. Plumbing & Fix 2653 13,400.00 Alec Bakamus 2821 Sunset B1vd.N.E. Inst. Sprinkling System 2654 325.00 Wynn Kampe 2442 Monterey Ave. N.E. Inst Septic System 2655 325.00 " of 1922 N.E. 24th It It to 2656 300.00 Fred Johnson 1809 Harrington N.E. Inst. BTU Gas Furnace 2657 300.00 John Poiers 2609 N.E. 7th " << of to 2658 400.00 O.K. Tire Store 710 Rainier Ave. S. Inst BTU Gas Unit 2659 310.00 Kampe Const. Co 2436 Monterey Ave. N.E. Inst. Septic System 2660 147.50 Freda Kennedy 3910 N.E. 6th iInst BTU Gas Furnace 2661 220,563.00 G. A Hormel Co. 600 S.W. 7th Inst Refrigeration Sys. 2662 250.00 Robert Rahter 1544 Marion St. Inst. BTU Gas Heater 2663 200.00 James Matheson 1724 Lincolm Circle Inst. Franklin Stove 2664 1,000.00 R.S Shane 2746 N.E. 24th St. Inst. Plumbing & Fix. RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk October 26 , 1970 R T F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Boundary Review Board Notice of intention of Bellevue to annex New Port Park and adjoining territory ,Utility Rate Study Metro Sewer Rate Increase Airport Lessee Complaint Deletion of 2% Utility Tax proposed by Councilman Shane Elimination of In-Lieu-Of-Tax payments for next year now paid by the Utility Fund to the Current Fund Community Service Merit Award recommendations by Councilman Shane to honor Father Lane and Father Schaeffer LEGISLATION COMMITTEE .Resolution as required for City Attorney and Assistant to be granted prior service credit and membership in Statewide City Employees Retirement System Resolution as required for Final Plat of Ziegenfuss Addition Police Department Fund Transfer Resolution City of Aberdeen letter and Resolution opposing enactment by the Legislature of Initiative 43 (seacoast properties) and urging like opposition by other cities City Engineering Department Fund Transfer Resolution TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Petition opposing proposed SR 515 location (Benson Highway) and requesting that existing route be utilized to Puget Drive APPOINTMENTS W. E. (Ted) Bennett - President - Washington Finance Officers Association w t Councilman Bill Grant Liaison representative between the e Ciy Council and the Municipal Arts Commission Permanent appointments to position of Fireman in Renton Fire Department Mr . Roy Ballestrasse ; Mr. Michael Moeller and Mr. Jon Robison MEETINGS AND EVENTS BRB Notice of Annexation petitioned by Bellevue Wn . Utilities and Transportation Commission hearing in early December to discuss Metropolitan Transit System suspension of schedules and rate structure PROCLAMATION International Toastmistresses Week - October 25 - 31 , 1970 0r1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of the City Clerk October 26 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Garrett led the assembly in the Flag Salute . CALL TO ORDER The regular weekly meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p. m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , B3rei , Grant , Maxin , Edwards , Bruce , Stredicke , McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer . Shane arrived later , as designated. CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk , IN ATTENDNACE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , John Pain , Asst . City Attorney , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , C . S . Williams , Chief of Police , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Mike Brown , Data Processing Manager, Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , M. Deane Seeger , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO 10/19/70 Meeting APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATION PROCLAMATION was read declaring the week of International October 25 - 31 as International Toastmistress ' Toastmistress ' Week. The document was read . Moved by Stredicke Week seconded by Bruce , to concur in the Proclamation . Motion carried. The original Proclamation was presented by the Mayor to Club Members Mrs . Frank A . Holy , Renton-Rainier Toastmistress Club; Mrs . Louis J. Dorst , W.A . C . Toastmistress Club , and publicity Chairman for Int ' l . Toastmistress Week , Seattle and Valley , and Mrs . Anne E. McGuire of Renton-Rainier Club . Mrs . Holy outlined the efforts of the Club in teaching women to speak effectively in order that they may better accept responsibilities of the community and home and noting the ma- jority does not align with women ' s liberation and walking over men to achieve , but feel rather that upon pursuing knowledge and skills equal opportunity will prevail with men being their strongest supporters . Their aim is to look like women , act like women - except when conducting business and then to think like men . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry invited report RESOLUTIONS of the Council President co.2cerning memberhip of city personnel in the Statewide City Employees Retirement City Attorney and System, prior to introduction of legislation . Council Assistant granted President Schellert reported that the matter of the prior service credit City Attorney and his assistant not being presently for Statewide City covered by the city 's retirement program had been Employees Retirement discussed and such coverage along with prior service System Membership credit is approved. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO AUTHORIZE GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY AND JOHN K. PAIN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY, TO BE INCLUDED IN THE STATEWIDE CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THAT PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT BE GRANTED WITH THE CITY ASSUMING LIABILITY THEREFOR AND SAME TO BE FUNDED FROM THE CITY' S RELEASED MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. -1- 017 2 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/26/70 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) ORDINANCE 259.E Proposed ordinance was placed on introductory Appropriation to reading which authorizes appropriation of $450. 40 Cum. Res . 1975 from Cumulative Reserve 1975 Excess Revenues unto Cumulative Reserve Fund 1975 , Budgetary Account____ 3710/602 . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY - DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT VOTED AYE . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION 1709 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of sum of Fund transfer to $80 , 749 . 00 from Cumulative Reserve Fund 1698 , expending account Budgetary Account No . 3110/606 , unto Fire Department for new fire truck budgetary account 1190/606 , Capital Outlay , to provide funds for purchase of a new fire truck . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY SC,RrTLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRII;'D. RESOLUTION 1710 Resolution was read authorizing release of sum of Authorizing release $24 , 780. 00 from city ' s matching contributions of of city matching Statewide City Employees Retirement funds ,to be contributions placed into reserve account and applied on future RCW 41 . 44 . 200 charges made against the city in 1971 . Further Statewide City resolved that any and all elected officials who have Employees Retirement not heretofore made written election to be covered System Member City by the system may do so upon filing written notice with the Board of Trustees per RCW 41 . 44 . I10 ,to be effective as of 11/10/70 or immediately prior to assumption of office by such elected official . MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY SCHFLLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Shane arrived at the meeting and announced ,,,,,o that Clay won the heavyweight title fight against Quarry in the third round and that the Los Angeles team was behind at the half . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported approval No . 861 - 938 and of Vouchers No . 861 through 938 and L . I . D. 263 Nos . 9 LID 267 Cash & Rev. LID 267 Cash and Revenue Vouchers Nos . I' ,. and moved warrants #11 and that same be approved by the Council for payment . The LID 263 Cash & Rev. motion was seconded by Schellert and carried . Warrants # 9 Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 861 - 890 $ 10 ,257 . 57 Cedar River M. & I. 891 125 . 00 Equipment Rental Fund 892 - 899 2 , 717 . 75 Park Fund 900 - 905 657 . 55 Waterworks Utility Fund 906 - 918 9 ,420 . 06 Airport Fund 919 - 924 5 ,016 . 93 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 925 - 938 5 ,251 . 01 Total all Funds 33 ,445 . 87 #908 - 909 Void LID 267 Cash & Revenue Funds #I1 $ 3 . 10 LID 263 Cash & Revenue Funds #; 9 8 , 824 . 00 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from the Department of Public Health outlined services rendered the City during the month of Donald G . Evans September which included Food Program services , 62 Dist. Health establishments surveyed and series of 30 classes Officer ,Report begun at Renton Technical School ; Water Program, of services for 3 water samples from public supply tested and al.]. month rendered to negative; Public and Private Sewage-advisory assis- City of Renton tance to Engineering department re joint comprt�hen- sive cross connection survey . Sewage overflows. Housing Abatement Program -two possible health prob- ler.,s prior to demolition and 5 buildings surveyed during th@ mCAth , 40 t ) date and compliance ucl,ieved by 26 . Meeting with Lande Feed to di.sciass survey findincs . Miscellaneous - four nuisance calls . -2- 373 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/26/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Petition opposing Petition was read from Victoria Park residents proposed route of expressing concern over proposed route of SR 515 SR515 - Benson Hwy. (Benson Hwy . ) from Carr Road to Grady Way . The Council was requested to investigate and consider alternate proposal that Benson as exists be widened to Puget Drive assuming the route of Puget Drive by gradual curve, with another gradual curve onto Talbot and meeting Grady Way . It was urged that no further cutting of trees be allowed until final location is determined and noted also that no essential green belt buffer zone is planned. war Meetings and Design Hearing with Planning and Engineering Departments of the City , the residents and State Highway representatives were discussed. Mr. Don G . Rege1 , petitioner , outlined objections as presented at the Design Hearing, noting the people should be protected and that the proposed route through the Victoria Park residential area is detrimental to planned community concept , would introduce noise and air pollution to serene resi- dential community , generate a steady flow of cars and be a hazard to safety of the children . Talbot Hill will be isolated by proposed cul de sac eliminating present major access road as well as dividing portion of the subdivision . Use of existing location would cost one million dollars less than that proposed with less disruption to community and property values and would not take new land off the tax rolls . SR 515 as proposed could intersect with S. 15th and with Talbot using Puget Drive and on to Grady Way . Mr. Dunn , District Engineer , State Hwy. Department , reported involvement with city personnel , residents and developer in developing a coordinated plan . He noted comments from the hearing have caused concern and further meetings will be held and an attempt made to solve the problems . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Discussion amon7council members ensued , Clymer noting not much green belt or natural vegetation is being preserved and that council must decide if it wants ribbons of concrete , the city now being bi-sected by highways . Delaurenti , as resident of Talbot and member of the Transportation Committee stated he plans to see that they stay on top of the matter. Stredicke noted news photo of most finished drawing of a project, with access and ca.;:s, and he felt the committee hould have been involved for the past two years . Staff recommendation as to location was requested. City Engineer Wilson noted proposed location has been under consideration by the Highway Department for the past 9 years and -as a part of the City ' s Six year comprehensive plan for 5 or 6 years . Barei stated the question for con- sideration is should the road go here ;also with less traffic since Boeing force reduction whether needed in the first place . Mr. Richard Dodge , 2532 Smithers South , advised of concern as to expediency of council action ,need not being placed in judgment but whether route chosen is the best and based upon council 's knowledge, this decision is what should be determined. It is not desired to delay but to advise the Highway Commission of design revision requests . Shane inquired regarding prior involvement by council . Qbesd on was called for on pending motion which was voted on at this time . PENDING MOTION TO REFER CARRIED. -3- 374 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/26/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) RECESS FOR PHOTOGRAPHS Group pictures were taken at this time . 9 :00 P.M. After the recess the meeting was convened and roll call taken with all councilmen present as previously listed. Final Plat Approval - Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Ziegenfuss Addition Director, reported Planning Commission No . FP-658-70 recommendation for approval of the final plat of Ziegenfuss Addition (Kampe Develop- ment Corp. ) , located on Shattuck Avenue S. and South 35th Street , north of Mance Add 'n. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. King County Boundary Public Notice from G . Brice Martin , Chief Review Board Notice Clerk BRB reported intention of Bellevue of Annexation by City to annex Newport Park et a1 areas . MOVED of Bellevue BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE , TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE CITY WISHES A HEARING. Discussions between the two cities were recalled from prior years wherein a tentative boundary of S.E. 60th had been agreed upon , school district also being a consideration , Mayor Garrett noting plan is being formulated as result of meetings with Bellevue and the School District with map to be drawn with proposed boundaries . Motion CARRIED. Items added to Agenda Request for Fund Letter from Police Chief Williams advised 11� Transfer for Police of necessity for fund transfers to maintain Department Budget. salary budget ,required as result of disability Approved by the Mayor . pension status of four officers and replacements. MOVED BY DELAURF,NTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Langston Road - Letter from Moss Construction thanked the work Improvement Letters force of City Engineer Wilson during Langston Road project and transmitted letter from Mr. and Mrs . Frank D. Lansciarpi who wrote the contractor of their pleasure at results of the work and for the courteus manner in which the work was accom- plished. Mayor Garrett noted like acknowledg- ments fromotherresidents of the area . Initiative 43-City of Letter from Walter Failor, Mayor of Aberdeen , Aberdeen Opposing submitted proposed Resolution opposing enactment of Initiative 43 by the Legislature , and urged that other cities take like action . This con- cerns development of seacoast properties and use of navigable waters . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Request for fund •Request , approved by the Mayor , reported need transfer For City for transfer of $1 ,888 . 49 from Traffic Signal Engineer 's ,Budget 'Administrative budget to the Engineering budget for salaries and wages . MOVED BY SCHELLERT AND SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO CONCUR WXTH. REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Ted Bennett election Letter from Mr. Royce -Lawrence , Secretary, Wn . as President of Wn . Finance Officers Association reported election , Finance Officers Assn . at October 14-16 Annual Convention in Richland, of Mr. W. E. (Ted) Bennett as President of the Association for the ensuing year. Congratulations were extended by the Mayor and Council . --4 - M.. .37s MINUTES - RENTON .CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/26/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: (Cont . ) Metropolitan Transit Letter from Mr. Robert D. Timm , Chairman , Wn . System Suspending Utilities and Transportation Commission , gave Schedules ,Cause status report for Metro Transit , fare increase to No. T-264 expire December 31 , 1970 with full audit in the next two or three weeks and hearing to be set early in December for matter of fares and service . Suspension of schedule to discontinue serving Auburn and Kent will expire in April , 1971 and service in Cascade Vista area , Rolling Hills , Spring Glen and Talbot Road was suspended on August 14 , 1970 , volume of passengers not ;^eing sufficient to pay driver costs . In disucssion the r Council was urged to attend the December meeting. AUDIENCE COMMENT Tragic Death of Mr. Tom Teasdale called attention to death of Local Mother of 7 South Renton resident Mrs . Arlene Sloane and that five children are left at home , two others away . Councilman Barei noted heart attack was suffered and a cigarette fell causing fire and possibly her death . and MOVED THAT THE NEWSPAPER URGE CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS TO CAUSE =UNDS TO BE RAISED TO HELP THE FAMILY WHO IS NOW WITHOUT MOTHER OR FATHER . MOTION CARRIED. Mrs . Joanne Herber,1632 Beacon Way So. , noted apparent misunderstanding in interpre•; .374 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/26/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Public Works Councilman Shane compared consumption and Committee Report rate structures within the Utility Rate Utility Rate Study Study report and stated industry was way under warranted costs which he felt was being supported by home owners through rate increases . He felt council should not delay action until after the election . MAXIN MOVED THE PREVIOUS QUESTION WHICH WAS DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED. MOTION TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE WAS PUT TO VOTE AND CARRIED. Starkovich offer to The Public Works Committee agreed the property sell property to the adjoining the Springbrook Water Shed would be City of Renton a valuable addition . However, since no funds are presently available the matter will be field for further study and possibility of acquiring only a portion of the land to be explored. Metro Sewer Rate Recommended the pending rate increase by Metro Increase 1/1/71 be referred to the Committee of the Whole for review. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Transportation Chairman Grant reported State Highway Department Committee Report bid advertisement for landscaping the freeway from Tukwila to Cedar River in November and that ad date for landscaping .South 3rd and dill will follow thereafter. Also , the City Engineer had furnished information that the State will do selective clearing and planting on the East side of Main Avenue South if the city will install the six ft . retaining wall from Grady Way to So . 4th Street . Utility Rate Study Shane , pursuing earlier remarks , called attention to time period which he felt was extensive for conducting Utility Study and to revenue loss in- dicated therein which he felt should be acted upon by the Council without delay . He noted that another newspaper is coming into the City and invited debate of his comments . Airport Lease Councilman Stredicke noted complaint and alleged Matter mis-conduct of public office with regard to Renton Airport Lease matter and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT SET A MEETING WITH THE AIRPORT BOARD, LEASE HOLDERS AND COUNCIL FOR DISCUSSION IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIED. Clymer urged early formation of Board of Ethics noting the Council should not be standing in judgment . NEW BUSINESS 2% Utility Tax MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO DISCONTINUE Deletion Requested THE 2% UTILITY TAX. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO REFER THE MOTION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. -6- 377 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10/26/70 NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) In-Lieu-Of-Taxes MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI , THE REVENUES PAID BY THE UTILITY TO CURRENT FUND BE DELETED FOR THE COMING YEAR . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY EDWARDS, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTILIN CARRIED. Merit Awards _MOVED BY SHANE, THAT FATHER LANE BE NAMED MINISTER OF THE GENERATION AND THAT FATHER SCHAEFFER BE NAMED MINISTER OF THE YEAR AND MRS. ELLA SIEGFRIED, HONORARY COUNCIL MEMBER ; MOVED BY SCHELLERT, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED, TO REFER THE MERIT AWARD MOTION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT .MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10 : 30 P .M. There were 29 visitors this evening. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk -7- W OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 26 , 1970 C:G,1i`✓1ITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Tues . 10/27 8 : 00 PM Schellert 3eneral Referrals t Community Services +Wed. 10/28 4 : 00 PM Maxin eet in Front of isit Union Ave N .E . 1 City Hall alin Construction Site Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Thurs . 11/5 Tentative Grant ouncil Chambers enson Hwy . Relocation 7 : 30 PM Petition 37� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10/26/70 Page 1 of 2 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2492 $39000.00 SUNDQUIST & BLISS 3604 SHATTUCK AVE. ADDN, TO EXISTING RES. 2493 800.00 CITY OF RENTON 100 MILL AVE. S CHG, WINDOWS TO VENT TYPE 2494 85.00 JOYCE COUGHLYN 2840 NE SUNSET BLVD. REMOVE NON-BEARING WALL 2495 500.00 CITY OF RENTON 100 MILL AVE. S INST. NON-BEARING SCREENS 2496 -- DILLINGHAM LAND CORP. 1426 LK. WN. BLVD. W DEMOLISH TAVERN ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3091 9'000.00 ROBINSON-LYON FORD S GRADY & RAINIER AVE S LIGHT CAMPER LOT 3092 350.00 ROBERT E. SCHALKLE 3616 SE 6TH INSTALL 200 A. SERVICE 3093 50.00 EMORY C. GOODMAN 4400 NE 19TH ST. INST. ADDITIONAL WIRING 3094 800.00 FED. HOUSING AUTH. 3510 NE 8TH ST. INST, 150 AMP SERV. & HEAT 3095 300.00 E.R. COLET4AN 3701 MEADOW AVE. N NEW SERVICE - REMODEL 3096 50.00 SAMUEL JACKSON 2543 BURNETT CT. S REPAIR METER BASE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2665 138.50 RICHARD BASHER 2515 NE 9TH ST. INST, HEATER 2666 262.50 F. MICHA-EL WELLAND 253 TAYLOR AVE. NE INST. GAS BURNER & WTR. HT 2667 200.00 MIKE DAVIS 2020 NE 20TH INST, GAS WTR, HTR, 2668 300.00 E. COLEMAN 3617 MEADOW AVE. N INST, SEPTIC TNK. 2669 900.00 CITY OF RENTON 100 MILL AVE, S INST, EXHAUST FANS 2670 25.00 WILLIAM H. BRUCE 532 PARK AVE, N INST, GAS PIPING 2671 200.00 ROSE BYSON 673 UNION AVE. NE INST, GAS HEATER SIGN PERMITS S 077 275.00 MILAN RODDIE 3839 NE 4TH GROUND SIGN 078 VOID 079 950.00 HARRY C. ANDERSON 680 RAINIER AVE, S INST, OFF-PREMISE SIGN -- 080 650.00 HARRY C. ANDERSON 622 RAINIER AVE. S INST, OFF-PREMISE SIGN 081 750.00 ROBERT L. EDWARDS 500 RAINIER AVE. S INST, GROUND SIGN S 082 50.00 MT. OLIVET CEMETERY NE 3RD & BLAINE AVE. NE INST, GROUND SIGN 083 13000.00 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. 208 Sw 16TH ST. INST. POLE SIGN 084 19000.00 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. 546 BUR= AVE. N INST, POLE SIGN 085 29000.00 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. 1115 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST, POLE SIGN 086 19000.00 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. 2810 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. INST. ROOF SIGN S 087 21000.00 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. 3123 NE SUNSET BLVD. INST. POLE SIGN 088 29000.00 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. 1302 N 30TH ST. INST, POLL SIGN 089 19000.00 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. 128 BRONSON WY. S INST, POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1313 ROBERT M7NKLER 125 AIRPORT WY, CONNECT SEWER 1314 LAWRENCE ERIKS 3701 WELLS AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1315 LESLIE JONES 3638 LAKE WN. BLVD, N CONNECT SEWER 1316 ELEANOR AMBROSCH 1004 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1317 W, PROVIDT 1117 N 34TH CONNECT SEWER S 1318 H. PLANO = N 34TH CONNECT SEWER 1319 J.H. SHAW 1019 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1320 E. SIDE HM. REHABIL. 1024 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1321 WENDELL LINDBERG 1104 N 32ND CONNECT SEWER 1322 CARL SWANSON 3616 PARK AVE, N CONNECT SEWER S 1323 BOB MEIXNER 1512 N 24TH CONNECT SEWER 1324 ROBERT HAMMOND 131.3 N 26TH CONNECT SEWER 1325 H. C. HOWARD U05 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1326 LOWELL VAUGHN loo6 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1.327 A. V. MILLER 3108 PARK AVE, N CONNECT SEWER S 1328 J. ALEXANDER 1022 N 32ND CONNECT SEWER 1329 A. V. SANDERS 3501 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1330 ERIC OLDERSHAW 3402 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1331 JOHN LUND 1301 LINCOLN PL. NE CONNECT SEWER 1332 W. C. WEBB 1023 N 34TH CONNECT SEWER S 1333 0. BALLE 918 N 33RD PL. CONNECT SEWER 1334 CLARENCE FRANKS 1833 NE 12TH CONNECT SEWER 1335 BILL HARR 910 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1336 L. W. BOYER 1011 N 34TH CONNECT SEWER 1337 JOHN BLONSKI 3308 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1338 JOHN DENNIS 1615 EDMONDS AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 7 oon PTT(Tr l''TJAPm71?AR!"'FV ^4nE� ATF r�mrr nT .gvTFp 3 F0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 10/26/70 Page 2 of 2 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SEWER PERMITS Cont. N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK S 1340 0, BEALE 918 N 33RD PL, CONNECT SEWER 1341 T. J. LOREE 8902 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1342 PAUL BLAUERT 1213 N 37TH CONNECT SEWER 1343 DONALD LARFIELD 1412 N 26TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1344 PARKWOOD HOMES 819 S 27TH ST. CONNECT SEWER S 1345 PARKWOOD HOMES 795 S 27TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1346 N. J. HAMILTON 1106 N 33RD PL. CONNECT SEWER 1347 Co P. ASH 1013 N 36TH ST, CONNECT SEWER 1348 G. W. SCORE 904 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1349 S. D. HASTINGS 111.0 N 36TH ST. CONNECT SEWER S 1350 BARBARA ROBINSON 1.409 MONTEREY AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1.351 M. G. EVARTS 1111 N 34TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1352 ITILAT"M LAVALLEY 2615 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1353 H. K. LOUGEE 3500 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1354 JACK D. WILLIAMS 1301 N 26TH ST. CONNECT SEWER S 1355 ST. ANDREWS PRESBY. 1030 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1356 PAUL MA= 2009 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER 1357 R. STEVENSON 1509 EDMONDS AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1358 THURE AGREN 4017 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1359 CURT L. AGREN 4005 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER S 1360 C. WIEHOFF 1824 NE 16TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1361 ROBERT HELD 3734 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1362 A. E. FREDEI= 1201 N 37TH CONNECT SEWER 1363 C. L. HANSON x-7-4 N 37TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1364 G. F. POMEROY 11U N 36TH ST. CONNECT SEWER S 1365 KATHRYN KIRKMAN 2505 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1366 EAMONN ANDERSON 1203 N 38TH CONNECT SEWER 1367 WILLIAM MURRAY 1109 N 37TH CONNECT SEWER 38/ FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1970 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current $ 67 ,472. 17 Arterial Street 12 ,280 . 24 City Street 32,419 . 02 Cedar River M & I 297 . 16 Equipment Rental 6 ,463. 37 Library 2 ,163 . 60 Parks Fund 30 ,930 . 03 Waterworks Utility 68,171 . 29 Street Forward Thrust 36 ,662 . 76 Airport 5 ,937 . 00 Firemen ' s Pension Fund 5 ,562 . 98 City Hall Construction 473 . 95 Cedar River Acq. Fund 51 ,189 . 71 Urban Arterial 18 ,225 .03 Total Claims for October $338 ,248 . 31 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $164, 382 . 53 City STreet Fund 34 , 783 . 90 Cedar River M & I 700 . 00 Equipment Rental 5 ,407 . 42 Library 11 ,610 . 47 Parks 28 ,631 .17 Waterworks Utility 24 ,036 . 36 Airport 1 , 738 . 00 Firemen 's Pension 100. 00 Total Payroll for October $271 ,389 .85 jgz RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 2 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND*INSURANCE CARRIER *Claim for damage to nursery property filed by Mr. W. J. Reseburg, Jr. , Attorney , on behalf of Hazel Sutherlin Lease document with McCann Interprises , Inc. for purchase of gravel @ 25� yard COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Sign Ordinance revisions to be detailed and reported back . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mayor ' s 1971 Preliminary Budget - Public Hearing to be held Dec. 1 , 1970 Vacation Ordinance to be reviewed as concerns six months disability status for uniformed personnel Request of Councilman Perry that meeting be arranged with Chamber of Commerce to discuss betterment of Renton and bringing in industry FINANCE COMMITTEE_ Wn . Mutual Savings Bank proposal for "Pay-Day Savings Plan" for City of Renton employees Mr . Harold D. Tscheu , Chief Deputy Assessor of King County, inquiry whether Renton will be imposing application fee for Open Space Tax classification LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Reorganization of City Council Committees To go on record supporting amendments to be proposed to 1971 Legislature by the Public Pension Commission as concerns Statewide and urging the consolidation of Public Employees with Statewide City Employees Re- tirement System . rll PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Request of Mrs . La Manna for no-fee permit for her children to sell Christmas Cards in Renton during the holidays Vadney Enterprises application for Shuffleboard - Pool Table licenses PLANNING COMMISSION M. R . Donovan , Pres . PLM, Inc. , application for property rezone and Comprehensive Plan Change for property at 1332 S. W. 16th Street TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Speed control matter on 11th Avenue S.E. PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Merit award program for deserving citizens MEETINGS AND EVENTS November 14 , 1970 - Seadrunar Seminar - Seattle Center Arena - Operation Drug Alert - 1 :00 p.m. November 19 , 1970 - AWC District Meeting at Sir Loin Inn December 1 , 1970 - 1971 Budget Hearings RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 2 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Garrett led the assembly in the Flag Salute . CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Barei , Grant , Bruce , Maxin and Edwards . Absent : Shane . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBER . THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS IN Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner, M. Deane Seeger , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor , and Wes Crews , Asst . Building Director . VISITING DIGNITARIES Attending this evening were the Honorable Gary Grant , State Representative , 47th Legislative District , and Honorable Tom Forsythe , King County Councilman . (Introductions and remarks under Audience Comment) MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO APPROVE 10/26/70 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Resolutions which were read and adopted this date . RESOLUTION NO. 1711 Resolution acknowledging existing medical coverage Providing medical contracts for city employees and providing,as of coverage for elected December 1 , 1970 ,1ike coverage for elected officials officials if they so choose . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO . 1712 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of sum of Fund transfer to $1 ,888 . 49 from Salaries and Wages , Traffic Signal Engineering Dept . Administrative Overtime budget account 1330/130 , unto Salaries and Wages , City Engineer Overtime Budget Account 1171/130 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1713 Resolution authorizing transfer of. $2 , 000 . 00 from Transfers within Current Fund, Police Dept . Accts . 1182/606 , Police Department $270 . 00; 1182/6061 $200 . 00; 1184/606 , $500 . 00 ; Budgetary Accounts 1183/606 , $100 . 00; 1188/309 , $80 . 00; 14=a/315 , $700 . 00 and 1188/412 , $150 . 00 , unto Current Fund Police Patrol Account 1185/110 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1714 Resolution authorizes release of $3 ,500 . 00 of Authorizing release City 's matching contributions to provide credits of Statewide City for city employees as heretofore approved by the Employees Retirement Council , including prior service credits ; along System matching con- with credits for elected officials who may choose tributions to be so covered with effective date to be on or about December 1 , 1970 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . THE MOTION CnRRIED . (City Attorney and Assistant P -d Council l4embers included herein) 384 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/2/70 MINUTES (Cont . ) Page 2 . Hazen High School Mr . David Douglas , Miss Karen Pederson and Miss Student Visitors Bonnie Higgins from the High School Government Class were introduced, David noting they were present to see how government works and were to report back to class . Councilman Barei inquired whether they were for or against the 19 year old vote , to be a ballot issue at tomorrow' s election , and it for the vote whether they felt liability of other majority rights should be assumed. Bonnie felt the vote should be granted but noted that the right is given to assume the responsibility if so desired but that it is not mandatory . She feels the chance to take on the responsibility and make up their own minds ,knowing they have such a right., might bring disturbances down . The leeway given and chance to express views is a right and not mandatory and would not allow for them to be required to be liable for or expect rights of adultsotherwise . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers No . 939 through 1082 and No. 939 - 1082 MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL APPROVE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED . Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund tiYgr77r6lD 939 - 982 $ 6 ,64X 03 City Street Fund 983 - 995 9 ,435 . 64 Cedar River M & I 996 695 . 00 E.,uipment Rental Fund 997 -1009 467 . 95 Library Fund 1010 - 1052 7,867 . 58 Park Fund 1053 - 1067 2 ,783 . 50 Waterworks Utility 1068 - 1080 11 ,451 . 49 Airport Fund 1081 25 . 00 Urban Arterial Fund 1082 79 . 58 $39 ,49-3+. 77 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS 4,7 Presentation of Mayor Garrett 's submittal letter was read reporting Mayors Preliminary areliminary budget presentation , according to RCW Budget for 1971 35 . 33 . 050 , the Preliminary Budget for the City of Renton for 1971 being balanced at $9, 741 ,577 . 00 , a reduction of $127 ,461 from 1970. The official 1970 census for Renton is 24 ,716 , a decline of 1 ,684 persons .and decrease in Assessed Valuation of $48 ,327 ,713 was experienced resulting in reductdon of revenue which is directly related to curtailment of Boeing operations at its Renton Plant . The budget has been developed to keep pace with the current economic conditions and yet maintain a high level of public service . Recommendations for depart- ments were deemed realistic in meeting minimum operational needs of the City . 5% across the Board increase has been included along with,for the first time , a Contingency Fund for fiscal control purposes . Mayor Garrett acknowledged fine cooperatio:i by all Departments with special thanks given Mrs . Gwen Marshall , Deputy City Clerk and M. Deane Seeger , the Mayor 's Administrative Assistant . Now Services funded in the Budget were read as follows : General Governmental Services $1 ,768 ,930 . 00 Security of Persons & Property 1 , 785 ,446 . 00 Physical Environment 2,380 ,835 . 00 Transportation 2,967 ,214. 00 Economic Environment 32 ,564 . 00 Mental & Physical Health 1 ,805 .00 Intellectual Environment 226 ,887 . 00 Non-Expenditure Disbursements 228 ,162 Intra-Government Services 349 ,734 .00 Total Budget $9 ,741 ,577. 00 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/2/70 MINUTES (Cont . ) Page 3 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS 1971 Preliminary Budget MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, Public Hearing 12/1/70 THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET BE REFERRED TO and may continue through THE COUNCIL FOR DISCUSSION AND THAT 12/4/70 . DECEMBER 1 , 1970 BE SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. THE MOTION CARRIED . Copies of the preliminary budget are available to the public in the office of the City Clerk at this time . It was suggested Renton and Hazen High Libraries be furnished a copy . Claim for damage to Letter from Mr . Walter J . Reseburg, Jr . , nursery property at of Reseburg , Duncan , Therriault & Engebretsen , 3812 Lake Wn . Blvd. N. Attorneys , submitted claim on behalf of Hazel Sutherlin concerning damage to nursery property by Coulee Construction Company while performing work for the City . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY' S INSURANCE AGENT. CARRIED. Speed Control Request Mayor Garrett submitted letter and petition on 11th Avenue S. E. requesting lower speed limit on S.E. llth and Mayor 's Recommendation Street , along with Police and Traffic Engineering Department investigation conclusions and recommended referral to the Transportation Committee for further recommendation . AfOVED BY STREDICKE, AND SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER AS SUGGESTED BY THE .MAYOR . MOTION CARRIED . Salvation Army Request Letter from Lorraine Nelson , Lieut . , Renton to place Christmas Kettles Salvation Army , requested permission to in Renton during Holidays place kettles in the City the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas Day . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO GRANT THE RE- QUEST. THE MOTION CARRIED. Wn . Mutual Savings Bank Letter from Mr . J . O . Washburn , Asst . Mgr . , Pay-Dau Savings Plan Wn . Mutual Savings Bank ,outlined questions and objections as had been posed with regard to proposed Pay-Day saving Plan and responded to each issue urging that the service be made available to city employees . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. Mrs . LaManna request for Letter from Mrs . Dorothy La Manna requested No-Fee Permit to sell No-Fee Permit for her children to sell Christmas Cards Christmas cards under her supervision in the Renton area , the children to give a percentage of their profit to the Ortho- pedic Hospital . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT . MOTION CARRIED. Request for information Letter from Mr . Harold D. Tscheu , Chief re Open Space Taxation Act Deputy Assessor , King County , inquired if an application fee for open space classi - fication will be implemented by the Council and if so , the amount of the fee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO REFER THE INQUIRY TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR REPORT . THE MOTION CARRIED. Seadrunar -Newsletter Operation Drug Alert-Seminar on campaign against grug abuse sponsored by Seadrunar; event to commence at :00 p.m . on Saturday , November 14 , 1970 at the Seattle Center Arena . RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/2/70 MINUTES - (Cont . ) Page 4 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Items received after Letter from Mr . Dennis L. Vadney , Pres . , Agenda Prepared Vadney Enterprises , Inc. , filed application for two Shuffleboards and a Pool Table Vadney Enterprises , Inc . license for the Big Red Restaurant located application for Pool at South 2nd Street and Logan Ave . Letter Table and Shuffleboard outlined controls and regulations to be en- Licenses at Big Red forced urging check of present operations in Mt . Lake Terrace Rec Pavillion and the Coffee And. . . at Renton Shopping Center also having leased the concession at Lake Wn . Beach Park through which reliability and responsibility might be checked. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COM- MITTEE. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AUTHORIZE POWER TO ACT. AMENDMENT CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. KING - Call for Action- Letter from Mrs . Alfred Westberg and Mrs . Research Service For Francis Hoague , advised of research program Citizens to put citizens in touch with appropriate agency to solve a particular problem or to answer a particular question . The City was requested to cooperate in handling referrals of a nature as might be related to city government . The Mayor noted this to be for information and that inquiries would be forwarded to proper parties For response . Michael R. Donovan Letter from M. R . Donovan , Pres . , P.L .M. , Inc . , request for rezone filed rezone request from Residential , Single of property , 1332 SW Family to Business and Comprehensive Plan 16th Street change and urged hearing date be set for pre- sentation of feasibility and needs for the revision . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS. CARRIED. THE MEETING RECONVENED AT 9 :00 P.M. WITH ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS ANSWERING ROLL CALL OR SUBSEQUENTLY RETURNING AS WERE PRESENT HERETOFORE. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Whole Council President Schellert submitted report Report from meeting of with recommendations and coun,-il actions taken Actober 27 , 1970 as follows : 1 . Regarding reorganization of ,^.ouncil Com- mittees , referred 8/24 , it was recommended that 3-member committees be establishdd, and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Referral of 9/28 re 2 . Revisions in the Sign Ordinance are felt to Sign Ordinance be justified, #n cont-trrence with the Community Services Committee . tt was recommended that the matter be referred back to that committee for detailed report and recommendations . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Merit Awards to 3. The Committee of the Whole concurred with Deserving Citizens Councilman Shane that outstanding citizens of Referred 10/5/70 the community should receive some recognition and recommended the subject be referred to the Personnel and Community Relations Committee_ for. suggestions . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 3�7 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/2/70 MINUTES - (Cont . ) Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: Committee of the Whole Report Boundary Review Board The Committee of the Whole recommended, on Notice of Bellevue referral of 10/26/70 , for proposed annexation Intent to Annex Area of territory to Bellevue , that the Boundary Review Board be notified that the City of Renton wishes a hearing on the proposed annexa- tion . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR . After discussion concerning fees which may be involved and protest to any such charge , the pending motion carried. Annexation report Stredicke inquired regarding investigation by area to the North of the Mayor 's office concerning annexation re- Renton City Limits garding area to the north of the city limits and Mayor Garrett advised that a report is ready and the Council President will be asked to set a meeting for presentation . Personnel & Community Chairman Stredicke submitted recommendations Relations Committee that the City go on record supporting amend- Report - Retirement ments to be proposed to the 1971 Legislature System-proposed changes by the Public Pension Commission for the Statewide City Employees Retirement System . Cost factors were outlined . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKA Y, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDA- TION. MOTION CARRIED. Recommended further that the City of Renton urge consolidation of t:ie Public Employees Retirement System and the Statewide City Employees Retirement System at the same time above changes are made . 50% more retirement benefits were noted to be received by the members of the Public Emp. Ret . System with consolidation to provide a more substantially sound system with one administrative cost and greater benefits to all members . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Six Year Street Councilman Stredicke requested updated report Improvement Program on progress and completion schedules of the six year street improvement plan from the City Engineer, Traffic Engineer and Street Com- missioner. The Mayor advised he will refer the comments to the departments for compliance with the request . Community Services Chairman Maxin reported that Kalin Construction Committee Report Co . , Inc . Street Vacation (Whitman Ct . NE) and project was discussed and the Committee recommended Kalin Construction Co . action be delayed for 45 days from date and that 45 day time period Kalin Construction Co. be notified in writing extension - (Vacation that this is the final extension . Further recom- of Whitman Ct . NE) mended that if at the end of 45 days they do not `„ have clear title the street vacation be cancelled with everything returned to status quo . MOVED BY MCKA Y, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . Upon inquiry by Stredicke as to reason for delay , Maxin nota financial crisis experienced by the company and existing hardship state which 45 day delay will clear up. Stredicke asked that the City Clerk notify all residents of Honey Dew of the status of the matter and city 's action in 45 day delay . Grant inquired regarding installation of the fence. Mr . Dennis Decker , of Kalin Const . Co . , advised the fence will be installed before construction begins . (See later discussion of this subject under New Business) PENDING MOTION CARRIED . 388 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/2/70 MINUTES - (Cont . ) Page 6 . OLD BUSINESS Hy COVNCIL Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted report recom- Report - Gravel Supply mending that the City accept proposal from McCann Enterprises , Inc . to secure gravel at 25� per yard using city equip- ment to 1-mad , and that the city-owned screening plant be moved to the new site . Further recommended that the City Attorney prepare necessary agreement lease for 3 year period with clause to cover future extensions , the first to commence as of January 1 , 1971 . Moved by Barei , seconded by Clymer , to concur. Discussion ensued concerning pending application for permit to operate at the pit , Grant inquiring if restrictions enforced for Red- Samm are ob- served by McCann and if prices have been checked against other gravel suppliers . State and County controls were discussed Councilman Tom Forsythe noting many long hours being devoted to the matter with very precise code for operation , each permit handled on an individual basis . Stredicke felt some consideration should be given to ultimate overall land use plan , and proposed motion to refer the the Community Services Committee . Grant seconded the motion . It was noted McCann has been operating at the pit many years and owns 50 acres which we are requesting to share and any requirements will be met . Vic Te Gantvoort , Street Commissioner , reported gravel composition to be best for city use and others being higher in cost as well . Substitute motion was voted upon and lost . MOTION TO CONCUR CARRIED. Pacific Car & Foundry Councilman Grant requested check of Pacific Pollution Control Matter Car, pollution control to have been in opera- tion October 1 , and air pollution still in evidence . NEW BUSINESS Vacation policy procedure- Mayor Garrett requested referral to Committee for Uniformed Personnel of the Whole of the subject of 6-months dis- as concerns Disability ability status for uniformed personnel and Status the Vacation Ordinance , to look into policy procedure revisions which may be warranted at this time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. A WC District Meeting Council was reminded of the District meeting November 19, 1970 - on November 19, at the Sir Loin Inn ,of the Sir Loin Inn Association of Wn . Cities , all Councilman invited to attend . Filing of campaign Councilman Perry inquired regarding filing contributions - Date of fund amounts received after the primary of Primary Election and City Attorney Shellan advised Primary Deadline report is to include contributions received prior to the date of the primary election and if after that date would have to be filed within period deadline after the general election as provided ay the urainance . Meeting requested with Perry requested joint meeting of the Council Chamber of Commerce with the C. of C. to discuss betterment of Renton and activity which might bring more diversified industry into the area and asked that the Mayor and Council President arrange such meeting. RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/ 2/70 MINUTES - (Cont . ) Page 7 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE COUNCIL REQUEST THE AIRPORT BOARD NOT TO SIGN ANY MAJOR LEASES WITHOUT NOTIFICATION TO THE COUNCIL (Boeing specifically noted) Discussion ensued , Mayor Garrett advising of meetings with the Airport Board and City Attorney Shellan reporting 5-yr . lease renewal option about to be concluded. He reminded council that the Airport Board can sign leases but recalled that for the past 15 years the Mayor and City Clerk have also signed them . The present lease granted in 1955 runs until the year 2005 which is why it has not come before pressnt councilmen . Renewal probably to be submitted to the Council at its next meeting. Perry noted his concern to be for budget purposes . Dissenting voice vote on the motion brought roll call as follows : Aye-S : Schellert , Clymer , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Bruce , Grant and Barei . No-3 : Delaurenti , Edwards and Maxin . The motion r.arried . Kalin Construction time Councilman Stredicke recalled prior notice extension - Notice to to the public when the Kalin Construction residents requested matter was originally negotiated and time delays granted and MOVED THAT THE CLERK MAIL NOTICE OF CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT AND COUNCIL ` S ACTION TO GRANT 45 DAY TIME EXTENSION WITH DENIAL OF STREET VACATION IF ESCROW TITLE TRANSFER IS NOT COMPLETED BY THAT TIME . MOTION SECONDED BY GRANT AND CARRIED. Police Guild Negotiations Stredicke inquired concerning Police Guild m negotiations and was advised they must be authorized by council when final . Attendance at Airport Councilman Stredicke expressed his wish to Board Meetings be able to attend Airport Board Meetings , not to be critical but for information , and requested the Mayor to advise the Board of the i:,terest of at least one councilman and to ask if meetings might be held other than on Monday which conflicts with council meetings . Mayor Garrett advised this had been suggested to the Airport Board however Monday seems to be the night which best meets schedules of the Airport Board Members . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, COUNCIL PERMISSION BE GRANTED MR . STREDICKE, TO BE EXCUSED FROM CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS TO ATTEND THE MONTHLY AIRPORT BOARD MEETING . CARRIED. McCann Gravel Pit Grant inquired whether owners of McCann Gravel Pit are living up to restrictions that may or may not be placed upon them , noting in driving by the area he was dubious , suggesting Councilman Forsythe check this with the County . AUDIENCE COMMENTS 47th Legislative District Mayor Garrett welcomed State Representative State Representative-Hon . Grant who addressed the assembly expressing Gary Grant . his gratitude in service , extending best wishes to retiring council members and to those "still carrying the torch" and offering his cooperation when in Olympia in January . Hon . Tom Forsythe , King Councilman Forsythe, upon welcome , commended the County Councilman Park Dept . , and the School Oistrict for the fine area recreation program that has been developed which 1,e felt might well be a model for the rest of the State . 390 RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/2/70 MINUTES - (Cont . ) Page 8 . AUDIENCE COMMENTS King County Councilman Forsythe advised of recent allocation of $12 ,000 . 00 by Councilman Forsythe the Renton Rec Council , to be monitored by the school district which is in addi- tion to a like amount granted in 1970 and urged continuation of the fine program. Student reaction to Upon invitation to comment , student David government in action Douglas commented he had never before attended a meeting on higher level than student senate but he observed a lot was being referred and not much action tonight which he would look into more deeply and will attend more meetings . He suggested possible student representative and inquired as to what procedures might be taken in this regard . It was suggested that the school government classes might elect representa- tives or that each school might select names and submit their lists to the Mayor for appointment . Political Science Club noted as a possibility for pursuance also. Council President Schellert advised the students that many of the communications and matters are being introduced for the first time and in order to have all of the facts ,detailed study and perhaps visits may be necessary and desired by some of the council members prior to taking final action on a matter . He noted passage of 5 recommendations without discussion as they had been completely discussed at the committee meeting. Barei felt a sounding board of youth was a good idea and noted various matters tonight which might be well to have been given student recommendation . (Pool table at Big Red , etc. ) Mayor Garrett recalled Political Science student representatives attended meetings at one time. Mrs . Margaret Evans Mrs . Evans recalled a couple times when student representatives came to meetings with 4-monthobeing longest length of attendance . Some came early and were encouraged to take the time to attend the meetings to understand their city govern- ment . She felt they need encouragement and that the council should stop by and say they are glad to have them here and maybe the individual attention would help rather than just speaking to a whole crowd . Also , the one way we are going to understand youth is for them to speak for others . The Mayor advised the City would be glad to participate in a youth representative progravi and expressed pleasure at the visit tonight. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10 :00 p..m. There were 23 visitors this evening. r Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Mon . 11/9 7 : 30 PM Schellert 6th Fl . Conf. Rm. ork Out Budget Session Schedule Community Services Maxin Finance Mon . 11/9 7 : 00 PM_ Edwards --hairman ' s office Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Thurs . 1t/ 5 7 : 30 PM Grant ouncil Chambers Re : SR 515 Traffic Engr, City Engr & State Hwy Com. Rep. to furnish information i 392 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11/2/70 Page 1of1 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTME12 BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2497 $500.00 ALTA NMI 443 WELLS AVE, N INST. NEW SIDING 2498 500.00 ALTA NUNN 323 PARK AVE. N INST, NEW SIDING 2499 450.00 FANTELLA SIMKINS 501 SMITHERS AVE, N REPAIR PORCH FLOOR WAN 2500 4,000.00 RENTON SCHOOLS #403 3000 N.E. 4TH ST. RELOCATE 3 PORT. UNITS 2501 233000.00 LARRY SKELLENGER 1806 JONES AVE. NE CONST. FAMILY RES. B 2502 1.,200.00 A & H DRUG STORE 1810 NE SUNSET BLVD. FILL IN OPEN WALL 2503 3,500,00 REINHARD DISTRIBUTING 632 RAINIER AVE. S REMODEL & RESURFACE 2504 VOID ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3097 347.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 910 N 31ST ST. WIRE FANCILY RES. 3098 500.00 CHAD H. JENSEN 627 SW 12TH ST. WIRE RES., ADD HEAT 3099 492.00 PARKWOOD HOMES 795 S 27TH ST. WIRE FAMILY RES. 3100 100.00 BILL ALLL WOOD 3604 SHATTUCK AVE. S WIRE REC ROOM ADDN. 3101 900.00 PAUL BLAUERT 1213 N 37TH ST. WIRE NEW FAMILY RES. MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2672 590.00 KAMPE CONST. CO, 910 N 31ST ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2673 736.00 PETE STRAATMAN 812 CAMAS AVE, NE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2674 150.00 RONALD WHITTON 4103 NE 11TH ST. INST. 2 GAS LOGS 2675 50.00 W.E. MURRAY 1109 N 37TH ALTER DRAINAGE PIPING 2676 12,000,00 A & H DRUGS 2820 NE SUNSET BLVD. INST, AIR COND.., REF.,, HEAT M 2677 92.50 JESSIE LEENDERTSEN 671 DAYTON AVE. NE INST. GAS HOT WTR, TANK 2678 400,00 HARRY DICKISON 304, 3W-2 BURNETT AVE N INST. CIRC, HEATER 2679 507.00 WILLIAM ANGELL 3324 NE 9TH ST. INST. OIL FURNACE 2680 650.00 JOE L. BERTELLI 804 DAYTON AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2681 200.00 NICK ANGELO 324 MILL AVE, S INST, GAS RANGE SIGN PERMITS S 090 400.00 GOV--MART BAZAR 723 RAINIER AVE, INST. WAIL SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1368 MARTIN OVERMEYER 3512 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1369 D. LEE 3701 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1370 J.E. BRICKGEY 914 N 35TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1371 EBO OKIRJAMO 1103 N 37TH CONNECT SE6^JER 1372 NEVA MITCHELL 3702 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER S 1373 WILLIAM DALY 3708 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1374 W.J. KERR 3731 PARK AVE. N CONNECT--SEWER 1375 MAKOTO OTSU 3725 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1376 KLAUS HOHNDORF 3720 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1377 W.C. FROST 1924 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER S 1378 M.C. DREW 2613 MEADOW AVE. CONNECT SEWER 1379 WALT DRAGIN 1404 N 24TH CONNECT SEWER 1380 D.F. WINTON 905 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1381 RUFUS SPRAGUE 628 SHATTUCK CONNECT SEWER 1382 RICHARD MORRIS 1303 N 26TH C)NNECT SEWER S 1383 C. MCwluj-MS 1314 N 26TH CONNECT SEWER a■r 1384 LOUIS OLSON 1209 N 36TH CONNECT ,SEWER 1385 G.F. COLLIER 2419 MEADOW AVE. CONNECT SEWER a93 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 9 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S COUNCIL PRESIDENT To set meeting with Airport Board and Lessees pursuant to letter from Attorney Ziontz requesting information on complaint action against Aviation Board Member CITY ENGINEER Letter from Mr . Wehrer and Mr . Kindel requesting the city to relinquish portion of unused utility easement , Lot 3, Bl . 1 , Wilson Sub-Division CITY INSURANCE CARRIER Claim filed by Mr . Walter Cook concerning damage to vehicle from manhole on S. W. Langston Road . MAYOR ' S OFFICE To send City Representative to meeting in Olympia concerning population estimates for the 1970 's , December 4, General Administration Services Rm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Letter from Mr . Wehrer and Mr . Kindel requesting the City to relinquish portion of utility easement on Lot 3 , B1 . 1 , Wilson Subdivision . TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Underground wiring Project Agreements and request to include area on N. E. 28th , submitted by Traffic Engineer . Power to Act given in regard to authorizing execution of Agreements with Puget Sound Power and Light Company and Pacific Northwest Bell Company . Matter of access to Talbot Hill from the West to overpass the valley freeway , subject of sidewalks also to be reviewed . APPOINTMENTS LEFF BOARD FOR CITY OF RENTON - Councilmen Bruce and Stredicke appointed to membership upon assuming oath of office for new council positions , expiring March 1 , 1972 . MAYOR 'S YOUTH GUIDANCE COMMITTEE - Mr . Ronald S. Cook MEETING November 16 , 1970 - Council Chambers at 7 : 00 p.m. with State Hwy . Commission representative re SR 515 394 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 9 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Garrett led the Flag Salute . CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council r was called to order by Mayor Avery Garrett at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke, Barei , grant , Bruce , Maxin and Edwards . Absent : Shane CITY OFFICIALS PRESENT Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , M . Deane Seeger , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO APPROVE 11/2/70 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2596- Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Revising committee proposed ordinance of the City amending Section Memberships to three 1-601 of Title I , (Administrative) , of Ordinance 1628 entitled"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton , " by establishing that all council committees shall have a membership of three . After introductory reading , it was MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE FOLLOWED AND THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Renee Guild for Letter from Mrs . John Rankin , Chairman , Renee Retarded Children Guild , requested permit to place donation con- Fund Drive - "Give tainers in Renton during November and also to Sunshine to Retarded dispense with requirement for annual request . Children" MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO GRANT THE NO-FEE PERMIT FOR CONTAINER FUND DRIVE IN NOVEMBER BUT TO CONTINUE, ANNUAL REQUEST BASIS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Underground Wiring Letter from Traffic Enqineer Del Bennett reported Conversion Project underground conversion and costs ,to be accomplished Edmonds Ave . NE and in conjunction with the Urban Arterial Board Pro- NE 27th and portion ject ,on Edmonds and N . E. 27th Street, as heretofore of NE 28th Street authorized by Council . Agreement documents were submitted for approval with further recommendation Agreements with that portion of N. E. 28th Street , in front of the Puget Sound Power & Kennydale Elementary School be included , the cost Light Co . , $39 ,150 . 00 to be allocated from various sources including Pacific NW Bell , Traffic Engineers Budget . Account 602 , $20 ,142 . 34 ; $2,513. 61 Cumulative Reserve Fund 2373, $9 ,878 . 57 and balance of $15 ,842 . 70 to be budgeted in the 1971 Budget . Total project cost for this addition , $45 ,863. 61 . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE REQUESTS TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT IN REGARD TO AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS AS ATTACHED TO REQUEST. CARRIED. 395 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/9/70 Page 2. OOMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS (Cont . ) Request for Utility Lett&r from Mr. Allen R. Wehrer and Mr. Warren Easement Conveyance D. Kindle requested that unused portion of 10 ft . utility easement at the back of Lot 3 , Block 1 , Wilson Sub-division , be relinquished to the property owner so that he may sell a portion of Lot 3 to owner of Lot 4 . MOVED BY PERRY, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ENGINEER FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim was filed by Mr . Walter Cook, as read by Walter Cook Auto, the Clerk , reporting damage to automobile from $40. 47 manhole located in the 200 Block of S. W. Langston Road where Moss Construction and the City were engaged in road improvement project . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY'S INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED . Puget Sound Air Letter from Mr . A . R . Dammkoehler, Air Pollution Pollution Control Control Officer, in reply to request of the Mayor Agency Report re for status report on air pollution control program Pacific Car and of Pacific Car and Foundry,advised that compliance Foundry Co . schedule has been extended to November 15 , 1970. Problems were outlined which resulted in extension! of time from completion date of August 30, 1970 first established. Stredicke urged a fine be imposed if compliance is not met within specified time limit . Determining the Letter from Mr . John R . Walker, Mgr . , Population Population during and enrollment Section , Office of Program Planning „�.. the ' 70 's . Seminar and Fiscal Management ,urged sending a representatii 12/4/70 , 10 :00 a .m. who prepares estimate of population for the City , to all day meeting in the General Administration Services Room in Olympia on December 4 , 1970 . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE NOTICE TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE FOR REQUIRED ACTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Complaint - Airport Letter from Mr. Alvin J. Ziontz , Attorney , inquirec Lessee regarding disposition of complaint filed on Octobez 8,concerning alleged acts of misconduct by a membez of the Renton Aviation Board. It was noted that complaint has been filed with government officers , charging misconduct of office and the Council was requested to take appropriate action . It was notec the matter had been referred for joint meeting of the Airport Board and Council . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND DATE BE SET FOR THE JOINT MEETING. Discussion ensued , it being noted the event was prior to adoption of Code of Ethics and that parties concerned were pursuing like actions . against one another with the matter yet pending. MOTION BY BAREI, SECOND BY SCHELLERT 110 TABLE THE PENDING MOTION FAILED. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS LEFF BOARD Letter from the Mayor reported appointment of City of Renton Councilman Kenneth D. Bruce and Councilman Councilmen Bruce Richard M. Stredicke , to the Law Enforcement and Stredicke Officers and Fire Fighters Retirement System Disability Board, effective when Oath of Offices for new council terms have been taken and expiring March 1 , 1972 . Concurrence not required. MAYOR 'S YOUTH Letter from the Mayor reported appointment of Mr . GUIDANCE COMMITTEE Ronald S. Cook as a member of the Mauor ' s Youth Mr. R . S. Cook Guidance Committee . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. 3�h MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/9/70 Page 3. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Removal of Signs Councilman Delaurenti remarked concerning sign by Candidates removal by candidates commending the council for timely and efficient pick up efforts . Perry added commendation to Councilman Stredicke for his vigorous clean-up pursuits which included not only his own signs, but all . SR 515 - Proposed Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding action Relocation of the and disposition concerning proposed relocation Benton Highway of the Benson Highway . It was noted that the Transportaiton Committee will be reporting on the matter this evening. Talbot Hill Stredicke inquired concerning access to Talbot Access-Overpass dill from the West over the Valley Freeway. re- calling at the time the freeway went in the State had promised another access as the existing one was being blocked off. Locating the fire station in the flats would do nothing for Talbot Hill unless access is provided from the West Valley Freeway to the North of So . 180th . (SW 43rd) Delaurenti recalled this to be a verbal commitment and upon inquiry City Engineer Wilson advised the: Highway Department had said if justified they would build such access . Councilman Barei recalled there had been 5 routes off the hill and there were now only two . Stredicke noted if valley is not indus- trialized the fire station would not be properly utilized being unable to serve the hill area . It was noted that relocation of Benson further complicates access restriction for the area and overpass access from the West may well be justified. MOVED BI' STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT ON OVERPASS ACCESS AS DISCUSSED. MOTION CARRIED. MORE - SIGN Stredicke commended Councilmen Delaurenti and CLEAN-UP Grant for outstanding and early sign removal efforts who , along with Mr . Shane , were very prompt in taking down their signs , Mr . Stredicke also noting he has about 2500 signs in his yard and was looked upon with some chagrin by the Demolay Boys Club who had sign removal as a project and were hard put to fill a truck. Fine was suggested for failure to remove signs . VOUCHER APPROVAL Nos . 1083 - 1161 Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported LID 263 Cash and approval of City of Renton Vouchers and MOVED Revenue #10 THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MAXIN AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund 1083 - 1115 $ 6 ,584 . 03 City Street Fund 1116 - 1118 39,871 .16 wr Equipment Rental 1119 - 1131 1 ,562.10 Library Fund 1132 6 . 55 Park Fund 1133 - 1148 52 , 926 . 31 Waterworks Utility 1149 - 1155 40 ,994 . 45 Street Fwd . Thrust 1156 10 ,048 . 69 Airport Fund 1157 - 1158 1 ,068 . 81 Cedar River Acq . 1159 53 ,082 . 29 Urban Arterial 1160 - 1161 39 ,489 . 62 Total All Funds $245 ,634 . 01 LID 263 Cash and Revenue Fund Warrants #10 $100 . 00 ea . Page 4 . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/9/70 OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Report of Councilman For information of the Council it was Grant on Referrals reported that Red Samm Mining was denied a permit for extraction of gravel and the Red-Samm Mining County recommended that a new application denied permit be filed at a later date at which time October 28 . the matter will be given further review. SR515 - Benson Hwy . Progress report noted Transportation Relocation Committee investigation of the matter of SR 515 (Benson Highway Relocation) with another meeting to be held on November 16 at 7 :00 p.m . in the Council Chambers to explore alternate route pro- posals . Mr. Grant outlined the presently proposed route noting SR515 to be a com- pletely new highway , with Talbot a cul-de- sac ending at S. E. 15th ,the new road running up the gully adjacent to the gas plant , Talbot and Victoria Park areas with access at 27th So . and intersecting at 174th and Carr Rd . with the present Benson Highway . Councilman Grant noted the meeting last Thursday was well attended some 45 or so residents being present and problems posed were foreseeable and the State will be working to resolve same . Field trip was taken by the Transportation Committee to t' e area and a map is available in the Planning Department for viewing of the presently proposed route . Report of the Chairman Edwards reported recommendation , Finance Committee concerning Wn . Mutual Savings Bank offer of Pay-Day Savings Plan , that the City Pay-Day Savings employees support their Credit Union as Plan Offer of their savings plan . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Wn . Mutual Bank SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . Open Space Taxation In reply to referral of inquiry by the Act - Application King County Assessor whether Renton will Fee - $50 . 00 implement application fee for open space classification , it was recommended that the sum of $'50 . 00 be set by the City for this purpose . MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONCUR . It was noted that the Suburban Mayor 's have agreed that this amount should be set for implementation at this time . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Tom Teasdale Mr . Teasdale , referring back to matter of SR 515 , Benson Highway Relocation , and Talbot Road widening, inquired whether the matter of sidewalks had been discussed, there being a great deal of foot traffic each day from Houser Way to 15th and it was hoped this might be investigated . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MAXIN, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9 :05 p .m. There were 22 visitors this evening . Helmie W. Nelson , City ClerA C4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 9 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole ' Thurs .11/12 7 : 30 PM Schellert Council Chmbrs . l .Airport leases and conduct matter to be discussed 2 .Mayor' s annexation & sick leave procedure I 3 .Budget , Mrs . Marshall Committee of the Whole Sat. 11/14 9 : 00 AM Schellert Council Chmbrs . First Budget Meeting Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Thurs . 11/12 7 : 00 PM Stredicke 6th Fl . Conf. Rm. Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Thurs . 11/12 7 . 00 PM Bruce 4th Fl . Conf. Rm. Transportation Sat . 11/14 8 : 00 AM Grant Traffic Conf. Rm Underground Wiring Agreements with Puget Sound & Pacific NW Bell - Pel Bennett OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11/9/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS 10. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK ---162505 $25 , 675 . 00 DWIGHT SASTEN 1821 ROLLING HILLS SE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2506 28 , 000 . 00 JERRY ALLERS 95 S TOBIN ST REMODEL WAREHOUSE 2507 2 , 500 . 00 R T ANDERSON 3500 NE 4TH ST ROOM ADDITION 2508 3 , 500 . 00 JAMES SWENNING 502 WINDSOR PL NE RESIDENCE ADDITION 2509 28 , 000 . 00 JAMES BAREI 2719 MORRIS AVE S FAMILY RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS M2682 $ 300 . 00 G T MC DANIALS 2221 NE 31ST ST SEPTIC TANK & DRAIN 2683 160 . 00 FHA 3508 N 7TH PL WATER PIPE & PLB 2684 1, 000 . 00 FHA 2111 NE 7TH ST It M2685 500 . 00 REINHARD DIST 632 RAINIER AVE S BASINS & WATER CL ELECTRICAL PERMITS E3102 $ 50 . 00 TRANSAMERICA 1831 GRANT AVE S TEMP SERVICE 3103 50 . 00 TERHUNE CONSTR 2035 SE 18TH COURT It 3104 50 . 00 2012 SE 18TH COURT if E3105 50 . 00 KAMPE CONSTR 1101 N 31ST ST If 3106 750 . 00 FHA 2111 NE 7TH ST INCR SERVICE 3107 50 . 00 DWIGHT SASTEN 1821 POLLING HILLS SE TEMP SERVICE 3108 25 . 00 GULF OIL CO 404 NE SUNSET BLVD WIRE & HUP SIGN 3109 268 . 00 DR. KOOME 1010 S 2ND ST HANG FIXTURES E3110 150 . 00 EL PASO GAS BENSON & S PUGET DR UNDERGRND SERVICE 3111 150 . 00 2222 EDMONDS AVE SE SIGN PERMITS S091_ $ 800 . 00 SEAFIRST 311 WILLIAMS S INSTL WALL SIGNS 092 1 , 000 . 00 GULF OIL 404 NE SUNSET BLVD INSTL POLE SIGN 093 2 , 800. 00 CITY OF RENTON 112 S GRADY WAY INSTL POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S1386 JOHN HAVERINEN 1533 KENNEWICK NE CONNECT SEWER 1387 R D HORTON 1001 N 36TH ST CONNECT SEWER 1388 1215 N 36TH ST it 1389 SHIRLEY POST 3708 LK WN BLVD N if it 51390 R L IVY 1113 N 35TH 1391 LARRY HOUGHARDY 2300 NE 27TH if if 1392 R F MATTIX 3607 PARK AVE N 1393 R L GITCHEL 2315 NE 27TH ST " 1394 jATILS STANGLAND 2219 MEADOW AVE N " 51395 G L CRAIG 3204 PARK AVE N 1396 E STRONOCK 1509 N 24TH ST 1397 B P LEWIS 1401 JONES AVE NE " 1398 K HUNNINGTON 2711 MEADOW AVE N " 1399 J C BOEHME 2710 MEADOW AVE N " S140011 2607 MEADOW AVE N " low 1401 LEE PETERSON 1023 N 28TH ST 1402 VERA LYON 2008 NE 12TH ST " 1403 ROY ALIMENT 2421 MEADOW AVE N " 1404 SAFEWAY STORE 2725 NE SUNSET S1405 PAC CAR & FNDRY 1400 N 4TH " 400 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 16 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY Legislation to effect fund transfers required for underground wiring program on Edmonds , N.E. and N.E. 27th and 28th Streets CITY CLERK Authorized to execute underground wiring funding agreements with Puget Power and Pacific N. W. Bell Companies (Edmonds , N.E. 27th and 28th St . ) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Subject of eliminating 2% utility tax proposed by Councilman Shane BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Boundary Review Board Notice of intent of Kent to annex property FINANCE COMMITTEE_ Blanket Voucher approval (Authorized) LEGISLATION COMMITTEE_ Metro Sewer rate increase (Ord . 2597 adopted) Opposing annexation within School Dist 403 by other Municipal Body-Res . 1715 Fund Transfer and appropriations to Park Dep' t . budget for Carco Theatre construction payments Sick Leave Accrual matter proposed by the Mayor Coaxial TV Cable service and Franchises Bldg. Dept . Fund transfers for fencing police parking lot , $3 ,000 . 00 To review and update City Ordinances MAYOR ' S OFFICE Matter of alleged act of misconduct by Aviation Board Member Coaxial T. V. Cable service and Franchises Liberty Park Flagpole Mayor authorized to execute underground wiring funding agreements with Puget Power and Pacific N. W. Bell Companies (Edmonds ,NE 27th and 28th St . ) PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE To represent City Council at Boundary Review Board Bellevue annexation hearing Matter of attendance at National League of Cities Convention , Dec. 7 , 1970 in Atlanta ,Georgia Board of Ethics appointments PLANNING COMMISSION A . J. Helina request for rezone and change in Comprehensive Land Use Plan for property at 4008 Lk. Wn . Blvd . PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE_ Bids for storm sewer at Earlington Fire Station Training Site Gravel contract proposal with McCann Enterprises , Inc. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Coaxial TV Cable service and franchises Additional directional signing to public buildings , office and facilities and investigate publication costs of map with current city addresses APPOINTMENTS Mr . Arthur Scholes to Planning Commission Membership, expires 1/1/72 Council Committee on Committees - Councilmen Schellert , Grant , Stredicke and Delaurenti MEETINGS AND EVENTS : December 7 , 1970 - National League of Cities - Atlanta , Georgia December 17 , 1970 - King County Boundary Review Board Public Hearing on Bellevue annexation of Newport Hills et al areas , Rm. 402 , Courthouse , Seattle , Wn . 401 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 16 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Garrett led the Flag Salute . CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Avery Garrett , Mayor , at 8 :00 p .m . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , and Stredicke , Barei , Grant , Bruce and Edwards . Absent : Shane , who arrived later in the meeting, and Maxin . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED . CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Ghellan , City Attorney , C. S . Williams , Chief of Police , M. C . Walls , Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Mike Brown , Data Processing Manager , M. Deane Seeger , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Dire^tor. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO 11/9/70 Meeting APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS WRITTEN AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS proposed ordinance and invited committee report . Budget Committee report , submitted by Council President Schellert , recommended that the Council fulfill its obligation as imposed by the Metro Council , and levy the additional Metro sewer rate . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO CONCUR AND TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION _COMMITTEE . During discussion , the percentage of increase was cited as objectionable along with timing in view of present economy . Responsibility for payment was acknowledged but principle of mandatory increase in such amount deemed lack of foresight ,ana the tee one citizens at this time can ill -afford to pay . It was recalled that increase had been reported as imminent and that Metro must remain solvent to maintain sound bonding capacity . ?eneficial assets from Metro were noted with clean up of Lake Wn . being cited as one example . PENDING MOTION SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED. THF ORDINANCE NO . 2597 ORDINANCE WAS PLACED ON FIRST READING .,hereby amending Metro Sewer Rate Sec . 8-715 of Title VIII , (Health and Sanitation) , Increase, Effective of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General 1/1/71 Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to Metro sewer charges . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY MCKAY, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY MCKAY , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. MOVED BY GRANT , SECOND BY BRUCE, TO WITHHOLD FINAL PASSAGE ONE WEEK AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION OF PROTEST DISSENTING VOTE BROUGHT ROLL CALL AS FOLLOWS. AYE-4 : DELAURENTI , GRANT, BRUCE AND STREDICKE , NO-6 : BAREI SCHELLERT, EDWARDS, MCKAY, PERRY -AND CLYMER. THE SUB- STITUTE MOTION LOST. ORIGINAL MOTION TO ADOPT WAS VOTED UPON AND ROLL CALL VOTE FOLLOWED DISSENTING VOICE VOTE AS FOLLOWS. AYE-7 : SCHELLERT, CLYMER , DELAURENTI, PERRY, MCKAY, BAREI AND EDWARDS. NO-3 : STREDICKE, BRUCE AND GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. Perry requested publication be withheld one week, the Legislation Committee to initiate Resolution of protest . 402 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/70 Page 2. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION 1715 Opposing annexation Council President Schellert submitted by other municipal Committee of the Whole report ,from 11/12/70 bodies of any area meeting ,recommending that the King County within School Dist . Boundary Review Board be notified that the 403 , the north North boundary of the Renton School District boundary of which is No . 403 is proposed as the future city limit proposed as the future boundary of the City of Renton . It was noted north City Limits of also that any annexation proposal of any areas the City of Renton within 403 school District will be opposed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO CONCUR AND TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Resolu- tion was read. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1716 Proposed Resolution was read approving the final Plat of Ziegenfuss Addition , FP-658-70, FINAL PLAT - property located on Shattuck Avenue South and 8iegenfuss Addition South 35th Street , North of Mance Addition . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO . 1717 Proposed Resolution was read supporting amend- Supporting amendments ments to existing state statute pertaining to to RCW 41 . 44 . 040 as the Statewide City Employees Retirement System proposed by Statewide in order to give its members adequate benefits to Public Pension Com- comparable to other systems . MOVED BY STREDICKE mission SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1718 Proposed Resolution was read wherein the City Supporting amendments reaffirmed support of amendments proposed to !' proposed to the 1971 the 1971 Legislature ,per letter dated 9/15/70 Legislature re State- by the Statewide City Employees Retirement Wide Retirement System System to the Public Pension Commission;and and favoring consolida- the City fully favors and supports consolida- tion of Statewide and tion of the Statewide City Employees Retire- Public Employees Retire- ment System with the Public Employees Retire- ment Systems . ment System as long as such combination would provide more equitable benefits and coverage to those now covered by Statewide . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED . VOUCHER APPROVAL Chairman Edwards .reported Finance Committee 1162 - 1333 and approval of City Vouchers and MOVED THAT SAME LID 263 Cash & Rev. 11 BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME , LID 265 Cash & Rev. 8 INCLUDING LID 263 , LID 265 and LID 271 CASH and LID 271 Cash & Rev. AND REVENUE VOUCHEPS AS LISTED. MOTION WAS #1 . SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED. Fund breakdown : Current Fund 1162 - 1221 $ 21 ,048 . 36 City Street 1222 - 1244 14,181 . 64 Cedar River M&I 1245 - 1247 43. 35 Equipment Rental 1248 - 1270 3,400. 57 Library Fund 12-1 - 1274 497 . 63 Park Fund 1275 - 1300 6 ,396 . 69 Waterworks Uti1 . 1301 - 1314 9 ,304 . 06 Street Fwd. Thr . 1315 - 1316 85 .60 Airport Fund 1317 - 1321 221 . 94 Firemen 's Pens . 1322 - 1329 90. 29 Urban Arterial 1330 - 1333 1 ,004 . 60 Total all Funds $ 56 ,274 . 73 LID 263 Cash & Rev. #11 $16 ,900 . 96 LID 265 Cash & Rev. # 8 1 ,956 . 20 LID 271 Cash & Rev. # 1 40,791 . 65 Councilman Shane arrived at the meeting at this time . MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL• MEETING 11/16/70 403 Page 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Fund transfer to make Letter from Gene L . Coulon , Park Director , payments on Carco requested appropriation of $4 ,342 .88 excess Theatre construction revenues unto Cumulative Reserve Fund 2516 , Acct . 4300/602 and thereafter a transfer of $104 , 342 . 88 unto expending Park Fund budgetary account 1710/605 . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. BRB Notice of Intent Letter from Mr. G . Brice Martin , Chief Clerk, of City of Kent to King County Boundary Review Board, gave notice annex property of intention of the City of Kent to annex an area (O 'Connell property) to the City , as per map attached. (BRB File 10-4) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE NOTICE TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. BRB NOTICE OF PUBLIC BRB Notice advised of public hearing to be held HEARING ON 12/17/70 - by the King County Boundary Review Board in Rm. Annexation by Bellevue 402 , King County Courthouse , in Seattle , on the BRB File No . 288 17th day of December, 1970 for the purpose of considering annexation to the City of Bellevue an area per legal attached thereto , known as Newport Hills and vicinity areas . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE NOTICE TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE TO REPRESENT THE CITY COUNCIL AT SAID HEARING . CARRIED. Bid Opening 11/16/70 Cita Clerk Nelson reported bid opening on 11/16/70 Storm Sewer for the for storm sewer project with 21 bidders responding. Earlington Fire Bids were from low of $9 ,871 . 58 to high,$18 ,117 . 75 . Dep ' t . Training Site Bid tabulations are attached hereto. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Blanket Approval Letter from Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, requested of Vouchers approval for blanket approval of City Vouchers by the Council and Accounting and Auditing Com- mittee , as provided in State Auditor 's Bulletin V # 70 . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later Committee report and council approval)_ A . J. Helina request Letter from Mr . A . J. Helina advised of land for rezone of landurchase in 1965 understanding that it was P g and Comprehensive Land zoned for more apartments when a sewer came ten , Use Plan revision - which is now being installed. Since annexed to 4008 Lake Wn . Blvd. Renton the property has been changed to single family . It was requested that the Comprehensive Land Use Plan be revised to multi -family resi- dential designation and the property rezoned accordingly. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COM- MISSION TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. Barei suggested items such as this which should properly be heard by Boards and Commissions prior to Council presenta- tion be routed accordingly , and perhaps commenced upon OMC reorganization . MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence in Board of Ethics appointments , as follows : BOARD OF ETHICS 1 yr . term. ,Dr . Jack Priebe , representing Board of Directors , Renton School Dist . 403 2 yr . term , Mr . Floyd Hughes , Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce; 3 yr . term, Rev. Kenneth H. Underwood , Fellowship of Renton Ministers, and 4 yr . term, Mrs . Ronald Ringwood, Renton area League of Women Voters . King County Labor Council recommendations not yet received. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENTS TO THE rEB8011i'. EL .AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE CARRIED 404 11/16/70 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 4 . PROCLAMATIONS TRAFFIC SAFETY In effort toward solution to traffic fatalities , Proclamation by the Mayor declared the problem of traffic safety to be the responsibility of the entire community and citizens were called upon to help make Renton a safer city through improved driving habits . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO CONCUR . CARRIED. PRISONER OF WAR Proclamation by the Mayor declared the week of WEEK November 22 through 28 , 1970 as Prisoner of War week ,all citizens being urged to show respect and concern for these servicemen and to join him in prayer for their release . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. (Shane noted present conflict is called Police Action by President Nixon , war not being declared) OLD BUSINESS By COUNCIL Committee of the Council President Schellert submitted reports from Whole Report committee meetings and noted no quorum had been present at the November 12 meeting. Meeting of 11/12/70 Complaint Action Recommended a public hearing be held on 11/24/70 by Airport Lessee to consider alleged act of misconduct by Aviation Board Member. Proposed motion to concur followed , however , after discussion concerning meetings held to date , all parties not yet having been heard , and position of the city as concerns the private legal actions , subsequent OTON BY EDWARDS, SECOND BY BAREI, WAS MADE TO REFER THE ITEM TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE . ( All parties concerned to be notified that no public hearing is to be held on November 24 .) MOTION CARRIED. Sick Leave Accrual Recommended that the council concur with the Mayor 's recommendation on accrual of sick leave and refer the matter to the Legislation Committee . Question was raised whether this was vacation accrual also . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. Budget Committee Recommended that the City Council make no change in Report , 11/14/70 the signal maintenance program for 1971 and that Meeting the matter be considered as a formal bid proposal in the future . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Funding for new Recommended the council issue councilmanic general city shop obligation bonds for construction of the new city shop facilities . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. Shane opposed. Personnel and Com- Chairman Stredicke reported committee recommendation munity Relations to concur in the appointment of Mr . Arthur Scholes Committee Report- to membership on the P1-anning Commission . MOVED BY Appointment of Mr . GRANT AND SECONDED BY SHANE, TO CONCUR. THE MOTION Arthur Scholes to CARRIED. Appointment is effective upon conrirmation Planning Commission and expires as of 1/1/72 . Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted recommendation that the Committee Report Ralph Leber Company be allowed to connect to the City of Tukwila sanitary sewer since the City of Ralph Leber Co . Renton does not presently have facilities to serve connection to the immediate area adjacent to said company . MOVED Tukwila sewers BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. Shane opposed . Wilson Subdivision Recommended that request of Mr . Wehrer and Kindel Easement_ Relinquish- for the city to relinquish portion of Utility ment by City Easement on Lot 3, Bl . 1 , be granted except for the North 5 ft . thereof and benefited parties pay any expense involved in such relinquishment . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BY BRUCEf TO CONCUR. CARRIED 405 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/70 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted report recommending Committee Report that the proposed contract with McCann Enter- prises , Inc. be reconsidered with referral back to the Public Works Committee for further negotiations . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Transportation Chairman Grant submitted committee report advising Committee Report of concurrence in underground project funding, +� as negotiated by the Mayor and Traffic Engineer , Undergrounding for conversion of facilities on Edmonds Ave . N. E. Edmonds Ave . N.E. and N.E. 27th ,and the committee recommended con- N.E. 27th and 28th currence in additional undergrounding on portion of N.E. 28th (in front of Kennydale School) to include 3 new light standards , with funds to be provided and budgeted as requested . Total cost, $45 ,863 . 61 . The Mayor and City Clerk were given authority to enter into agreements required with further recommendation that the matter of fund transfers be referred to the Legislation Committee and City Attorney for proper Resolution . Excess Speed on Recommended agreement with Traffic Engineering S.E. 11th Street Department that no action is required by the City . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTIONS OF THE TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. H. R. Myers It was noted that the Transportation Committee Complaint of Survey has made numerous calls to the home of Mr . Myers Procedures with no response from him concerning easement at N.E. 27th and Kennewick Place . Registered letter asking for a meeting at his convenience was being sent after which , if no response is received , the city will initiate condemnation action . SR 515 (Benson Hwy . Councilman Grant reported meeting and review of SR515 Relocation Hearing) 1967 transcript from public hearing of the Highway Department and noted receipt of letter from District Engineer Bogart which reported updating and data reconsideration by the State from which recommenda- tion is expected within 30 days . I Coaxial Cable Councilman Shane inquired if provisions are being TV Service included in street improvement and underground wiring program on Edmonds Ave . N.E . for coaxial cable tv services . Traffic Engineer Del Bennett advised in contacting the cable company they had advised they were not interested . A registered letter *aas sent the firm and no answer has been received to date. Shane stressed importance of television for future educational purposes and expressed concern that no conduit is provided for cable service when new streets are put in . Present Franchises were discussed . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY GRANT,REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE, THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE. CARRIED. Utility Tax MOVED BY SHANE, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO ELIMINATE THE 2% UTILITY TAX AS OF THE END OF THIS YEAR . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE BUDGET SESSIONS AS HAS BEEN SO REFERRED HERETOFORE. Discussion ensued concerning budget meetings currently being held during which discussion GRANT" MOVED THE PREVIOUS QUESTION WITH SECOND BY SCHELLERT. The motion was ruled carried, and roll call vote was requested, which resulted as follows : Aye-9 : Schellert , Grant , Bruce , Edwards , Stredicke, McKay , Perry , Delaurenti and Clymer . No-2 : Shane and Barei . MOTION CARRIED PENDING MOlr JN TO REFER TO COMMITTEE CARRIBb. f 406 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/70 Page 6 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL: (Cont . ) Initiative Rights Councilman Shane inquired whether an initiative could be circulated now and presented to the Council at the first meeting of the new council . City Attorney Shellan advised an initiative can not be circulated at the present time as second class cities do not have the right of initiative and under the Optional Municipal Code the right is very limited . Water Rate Study Councilman Shane remarked concerning findings Cornell , Howland of consultants recently completing water rate Hayes and Merri - study for the city and it was noted that the field Committee of the Whole will be hearing a presenta- tion concerning the report at its next meeting, which Mr . Shane was urged to attend for reply to his inquiries . RECESS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES . MOTION CARRIED AND RECESS WAS DECLARED. Roll call was taken after recess with all present or subsequently returning as in prior roll . Commendation to Councilman Shane suggested that , in recognition Park Director and of outstanding service as a Park and Recreation Traffic Engineer Director in Renton and the State , Mr. Gene L. by Councilman Shane Coulon be honored by naming a city park in his name , and that it be done prior to his demise . Mr . Shane also commended Traffic Engineer Del e- Bennett for his strong pursuance of honest con- victions and hoped he would be given further challenge commensurate with his ability . Mr . Shane suggested revising of public works and engineering programs urging greater priority to street improvement gauged on traffic density rat.'^er than urban arterial designation; South 3rd Street with its great volume of cars , he felt should not be neglected. Self-Insurance Councilman Barei , calling attention to steadily Program Recommended rising insurance rates , noted recent rejection by Councilman Barei by the Insurance Comm _ssion for home-owners rate increase as requested by the Insuring Agencies ,and greater population and greater claims forcing higher rates . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE INSURANCE SUBJECT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION PETITIONING THE STATE LEGISLATURE TO ESTABLISH A FUND INTO WHICH ALL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES , INCLUDING STATE, CITY, COUNTY, PUBLIC UTILITY AND OTTER MUNICIPAL AND GOVERNMENTAL BODIES, WOULD CONTRIBJTE NONBYS TO CREATE A SELF- INSURANCE PROGRAM. MOTION CARRIED. Referral of Bids MOVED BY BPUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER on Earlington THE EARLINGTON FIRE TRAINING SITE STORM SEWER BIDS Storm Sewer TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Statewide Retire- Council -Eresident Sch9llert reported committee dis- ment for Councilmen cussion of Statewide Retirement for Councilmen and Desiring Membership MOVED THAT THE STATEWIDE CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BOARD BE AUTHORIZED TO GRANT PRIOR SERVICE TO THOSE COUNCIL MEMBERS WHO WISH TO JOIN THE SYSTEM. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CLYMER AND CARRIED. 407 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/70 Page 7 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Committee on MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE , THE NEW Committees COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES BE COMPRISED Schellert , Grant , OF SCHELLERT , GRANT AND STREDICKE, MOVED BY Stredicke and CLYMER , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO INCLUDE COUNCIL- Delaurenti MAN DELAURENTI ON THIS COMMITTEE AND THAT THE MATTERS OF SEATING AND ARRANGEMENT FOR COUNCIL OFFICES BE CONSIDERED. AMENDING MOTION CARRIED. SUBSEQUENT VOTE CARRIED ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. Fence for Police Councilman Schellert noted availability of funds Parking Lot for a security fence for the police parking lot $3,000 . 00 AND MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF FUND TRANSFER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. National League MOVED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE MATTER OF ATTENDANCE of Cities Meeting AT THE ANNUAL NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE DECEMBER 1 , 19 , IN ATLANTA, GA . BE REFERRED TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIED. OMC Powers Councilman Perry noted he has asked State Representative Gary Grant for information concerning rights cf initiative and referendum and other powers under Optional Municipal Code City classification and hopes to hear from him in this regard . Meeting suggested Councilman Perry suggested a joint meeting with with Bellevue City the Bellevue City Council to discuss annexation Council boundaries and asked the Council President to get an opinion from the Mayor and rest of the Council . Mayor Garrett noted discussion with Now individuals in this regard and it was suggested that this might be a topic for the regional meeting coming up . Welcome.Wagon Hostess , Inquiry was made by Councilman Stredicke whether New-Comers ` Service Renton had a program for new residents of the community to be welcomed and requested to discuss the procedure for formation with the Mayor. He also suggested additional posting of directional signs throughout the City indicating City Hall , Libraries and the Freeway access , State Patrol , etc . locations , and MOVED TO REFER THE MATTER OF SIGNS OF DIRECTION TO PUBLIC BUILDINGS,OFFICES AND FACILITIES, TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SHANE, TO INCLUDE THE MATTER OF INVESTIGATING HOW TO GET A PUBLICATION OF A MAP WITH THE NEW STREET ADDRESSES AND WHAT THE COST MIGHT BE TO THE CITY OR TO AN INDIVIDUAL SUBSCRIBER . AMENDMENT AND ORIGINAL MOTIONS CARRIED. Seattle Magazine Councilman Stredicke noted inclusion of the Renton City Hall in the Seattle Magazine 's list W of 10 top ugly buildings — He noted that else- where the State Nurserymen 's Association felt it was a fine looking site with the City of Renton being awarded first prize for City Hall Landscaping and a first place award for "Elements" for the Fountain , presentations to be made at the winter conference of the Wn . State Nurserymen 's Assn . Mayor Garrett advised he has accepted the invitation to the conference . Councilman Stredicke reported award being contemplated in connection with environmental improvement to the City , along with others under consideration by the Personnel and Community Relations Committee . I MINUTES ^ RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/70 Page 8. NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Finance Committee Chairman Edwards reported Finance Committee Report to concur in recommendation that the council authorize blanket approval of blanket approval of vouchers . MOVED BY Vouchers STREDICKE , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED . Flagpole needed Councilman Bruce noted Little League at Liberty Park ceremony at the Gianini Grandstand and lack of flagpole when the Scout Troup presented the colors . MOVED BY GRANT AND SECONDED BY STREDICKE THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR ' S OFFICE. CARRIED. City Code of MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO Ordinance Review REFER THE MATTER OF REVIEW AND UPDATING OF CITY ORDINANCES TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMML'NT Mr . Tom Teasdale , Park Board Chairman , noted Park Board Chairman raising of new flagpole at Lake Wn . Beach Tom Teasdale Park and acknowledged the lack at Liberty . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10 :57 p.m . There were 28 visitors in the Council Chambers this evening . V Helmi.e W. Nelson , City Clerk r _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11/!.6/70 COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Tuesday 7:30 P.M. Schellert Council Chambers 1. Tourist Industry 11/17/70 Request 2. Park Dept. Recommendations Committee of the Whole Tuesday 71/17/70 8:30 P.M. Schellert Council Chambers CH2M Rate Study Presentation Committee of the Whole Saturday 9:00 A.M. Schellert 2nd Floor Conf. Rm Budget Meeting 11/21/70 Committee of the Whole Tuesday 7:30 P.M. Schellert 2nd Floor Confer Rm Budget Meeting 11/24/70 Public Works Monday 7:00 P.M. Bruce ?nth Floor Conf. Rn, Fire Chief, St. Comm., 71/23/70 City Engineer and McCann's to be present. AWC Regional Meeting Thursday 6:30 P.M. Mayor Garrett Sir Loin Inn 11/1.9/70 Hosting ,410 Page 1 of 1 November i8, 15;'(0 CITY OF RENTON OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING, NOVEMBER 123 1970 2 :00 P.M. - First Floor Conference Room STORM SEWER FOR THE RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT EARLINGTON TRAINING SITE CHECK OR BIDDER BID BOND BASE BID 5.0% SALES TAX TOTAL BID L D L Land Development C6,Inc. Bid Bond $ 9,401.50 $470.08 $ 93871.58 1529 West Valley Hwy. North Auburn, Washington 98002 McDonough Construction Co. Bid Bond 10,270.05 513.50 10,783.55 13249 Northrup Way Bellevue, Washington 98005 W.C. Frost Construction Co. Bid Bond 10,961.25 548.06 11,509.31 8005 South 222nd Kent, Washington 98031 Reliable Construction Bid Bond 11,453.50 575.68 12,029.18 Box 9293 Seattle, Washington 98109 Threeway Construction, Inc. Bid Bond 11,662.50 583.13 122245.63 P. 0. Box 1160 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tom Tobacco Cashierts 11,717.51 585.88 12,303.39 7243 South Taft St. Check Seattle, Washington 98178 Coulee Construction Co., Inc. Bid Bond 11,846.71 592.33 12,439.04 738 Bel-levue Ave. East Seattle, Washington 98102 Frank Coluccio Const. Co.,, Tse. Bid Bond 11,942.50 597.13 12,539.63 7778 Seward Park Ave. South Seattle, Washington 9811.8 James A. Guess Co. Bid Bond 12,147.50 607.38 12,754.88 28020 - 201st Ave. S.E. Kent, Washington 98031 E P & N Construction Bid Bond 12,405.92 620.30 13,026.22 20014 - 13th Ave. S. Seattle, Washington 98148 Bert Robison Const. Co., Inc. Bid Bond 12,472.05 623.60 13,095.65 5611 Delridge Way S.W. Seattle, Washington 98106 Ralph Co., Inc. Bid Bond 12,512.00 625.60 13,137.60 Box 583 Kenmore, Washington 98028 S & T Construction Co., Inc. Bid Bond 12,575.00 628.75 132203.75 9840 Carr Road Renton, Washington 98055 Casper & Magera, Inc. Bid Bond 12,620.60 631.03 132251.63 11068 - 118th Pl. N.E. Kirkland, Washington 98033 Moss Construction, Inc. Bid Bond 12,865.00 643.25 13,508.25 P. 0. Box 37 Zenith, Washington 98188 T & E Construction, Inc. Bid Bond 1320 .2.10 650.61 13,662.71 P. 0. Box 117 Seattle Heights, Wash., 98063 DiOrio Construction Co. Bid Bond 13,385.00 669.25 142054.25 2821 South 200th Seattle, Washington 98188 Office of the City Clerk November 16, 1970 Bid Opening, November 12, 1970 Storm Sewer for the Renton Fixe Department Page 2 of 2 Earli.nLon Training Site CHECK OR BIDDER BID BOND BASE BID .0 SALES TAX TOTAL BID Shoreline Construction Co. Bid Bond $14,019.00 $700.95 $14,719.95 12531 - 15th Ave. N.E. Seattle, Washington 98125 Rainier Sand & Gravel Inc. Check 14,136.25 706.81 14,843.06 2930 S.E. 5th St. Renton, Washington 98055 Harold Kaeser Company Bid Bond 14,575.00 728.75 15003.75 19020 N.E. 84th Redmond, Washington 98052 Blakley Bros. Contractors Bid Bond 17,255.00 862.75 18,117.75 1407 South 129th Seattle, Washington 98168 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11/16/70 Page 1 of 1 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2510 $75.00 JAMES A. LENON 854 CAMAS AVE. NE CONSTRUCT WOOD SHED 2511 500.00 SEATTLE LUMBER 1431 MAPLE AVE. SW REROOF GARAGE 2512 -- W.J. SULLIVAN 3506 JONES AVE. NE DEMOLISH RESIDENCE 2513 21,000.00 RUDOLPH ZAPUTIL 2515 NE 19TH ST, CONST. FAMILY RES. 2514 10,678.00 ROBERT L. EDWARDS RENTON SHOPPING CTR. CONST. PARTIAL MALL CVR. MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2686 200.00 MELO C. THOMPSON 505 MORRIS AVE. S INST. GAS HEATER 2687 182.00 BILL SANTI 914 S 2ND ST. INST. GAS HEATER 2688 402.00 WILLIAM KOSHAK 613 SW LANGSTON RD. INST. GAS FURNACE 2689 135.00 E.F. HALVERSON 701 SW LANGSTON RD. INST. GAS CONVER, BURNER 2690 135.00 GERALD WIK 621 SW LANGSTON RD. INST. GAS CONVER. BURNER M 2691 213000.00 SAFEWAY STORES, INC. 2725 NE SUNSET BLVD. INST. PLBG & FIXTURES 2692 5,890.00 RENTON INN 800 RAINIER AVE. S INST 2 HEAT PUMPS ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3112 250.00 J.W. DALPAY 4201 NE SUNSET BLVD. INST. W ATHERHE D 3113 41200.00 A & H DRUGS 2820 SUNSET BLVD. NE INST. SERV., HEAT PUMP SIGN PERMITS S 094 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 3939 E VALLEY RD. INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN 095 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 1901 S PUGET DR. INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN 096 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 1291 TALBOT RD. S INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN 097 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 2303 BENSON RD, S INST, DIRECTIONAL SIGN 098 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 599 BENSON RD. S INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN S 099 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 3104 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. INST, DIRECTIONAL SIGN 100 60.00 QUADRANT CORP. 2702 MAPLE VALLEY HWY. INST. DIRECTIONAL SIGN 1D1 1,800.00 RENTON SHOPPING CTR. RENTON SHOPPING CTR. ERECT POLE SIGN 102 400.00 ROBERT MI KLER 125 AIRPORT WAY INST, ROOF SIGN 103 150.00 SHELL OIL COMPANY 1410 N 30TH ST. INST. GROUND SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1406 STEPHEN ARTHALONY 2715 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1.407 TOM COOK 2100 LK. WASH, BLVD. N CONNECT SEWER 1408 STEWART POPE 3713 TALBOT RD. S CONNECT SEWER 1409 R. BURNHAM 1115 N 37TH CONNECT SEWER 141.0 TERHUNE CONST, 2013 SE 18th CT. CONNECT SEWER S 144 TERHUNE CONST, 2012 SE 18th CT. CONNECT SEWER 1412 TERHUNE CONST, 2018 SE 18th CT. CONNECT SEWER 1413 ROBERT HUGHES 1013 N 33rd PL. CONNECT SEWER 141.4 R. STOREY 1724 NE 111th ST. CONNECT SEWER 1415 R.G. GUSTIN 2304 NE 27th ST. CONNECT SEWER S 141.6 MARION J. SANDERS 2.008 N 32nd CONNECT SEWER 11117 WILLIAM J,D. SHARP 11408 N 26th CONNECT SEWER 1418 S.B. MARTIN 3728 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1419 T.E. GORDON 1.471 N 26th CONNECT SEWER 1420 WYNE KAMPE 910 N 31st CONNECT SEWER S 71121 MADGE RICH 2116 NE 27th ST. CONNECT SEWER 1422 CHARLES SWITZLER 1832 NE 27th ST. CONNECT SEWER 11123 O.A. ISHAM 1209 N 38th CONNECT SEWER 1424 MR, LEE 1105 N 38th CONNECT SEWER. 413 a 1 \�� � '•'`�� �`� RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING R E F E R R A L S Office of City Clerk November 23 , 1970 CITY CLERK Authorized to sign agreement documents for use of Renton jail by Tukwila Authorized to sign contract documents for Earlington Fire Training site storm sewer installation COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Sign Code Revisions Initiative No . 43 LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed revision to Curfew Ordinance Request of Fire Chief for excess revenue appropriation unto Fire Department Budget Accounts to maintain proper balances Initiative 43 MAYOR Authorized to sign agreement documents for use of Renton jail by Tukwila Authorized to sign contract for Earlington Fire Station site storm sewers FINANCE COMMITTEE Final payment to Ehco Construction , Inc. , on CAG 1546-69 , Lind Avenue S. W Overcr,�ssing, to be payable jointly with United Pacific Insurance Co. Final payment to Moss Construction Co . , Inc . ion CAG 1689-70 , Langston Rd. Improvement project W. C . Frost Construction Co . , Inc. , request for investment of retained percentage on CAG 1733-70 . PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr . Wm . G . Snyder to Fire Civil Service Commission PLANNING COMMISSION Sign Code Revisions proposed by Community Services Committee Initiative 43 (Seacoa3t properties) MEETINGS AND EVENTS November 30 , 1970 - Special meeting of the Renton City Council to Install new Council Members and to conduct such other business as may come before the Council 415 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk November 23 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and AND CALL TO ORDER called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Clymer, Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Barei , Grant , Bruce and Edwards . Absent : Maxin and Shane. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS. MOTION CARRIED . CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police, 21. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Jack Wilson , City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, Vern Church , Purchasing Director , M. Deane Seeger, Asst . to the Mayor, red Bennett , Utility Accountant and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO 11/16/70 Meeting APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS WRITTEN AND MAILED OUT. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2598 An ordinance of the City of Renton , Wn ., Fixing and establishina an application fee for the Fixing $50 . 00 processing of open space , agricultural and timber Application Fee lands-current use assessment , pursuant to Chapter for Open Space 84 . 34 RCW (Open Space Taxation Act) . Letter was Taxation Act read from Attorney Shellan recommending minimum $50. 00 fee and additional fee for acreage in excess of 5 , 10 , etc. acres to more equitably proportion the levy between more extensive land holders and lesser owners , revenue loss to the City being pointed out where reclassifications are granted. MOVED BY BAREI, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO AUTHORIZE FIRST READING . CARRIED. THE ORDI- NANCE WAS READ. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY MCKAY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 9 Ayes and 1 No , Stredicke opposing . Motion Carried. Ordinance was adopted. ORDINANCE NO . 2599 Ordinance was placed on first reading authorizing appropriation of $4 , 342. 88 from Excess Revenue , Funding Carco Cumulative Reserve Fund Iv,� 2516 unto Cumulative Theatre Construction Reserve Fund 2516 , Acct . 4300/602, and authorizing transfer of $104 ,342 . 88 from the latter fund unto Park Fund Account 1710/605 , for purpose of Carco Theatre Construction payments . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. THE DOCUMENT WAS READ. MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN UNANIMOUS AYES. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE, NO. 2600 An ordinance of the City of Renton , Washington amending Sections 5-2201 and 5-2203 of Title V Updating License (Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, Ordzn.ance for Bowling entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the Alleys , Theat.r.P.s , City of Renton" , relating to licensing of certain and Skating Rinks activities . MOVED BY BAREI, SECOND BY MCKAY, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. 416 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/23/70 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: ORDINANCE NO. 2600 (Cont . ) After second and final readings , it -was To provide routine MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY MCKA Y,TO licensing without ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED Council approval IN 9 AYES AND 1 NO, STREDICKE OPPOSING . MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. ORDINANCE NO. 2601 An Ordinance of the City of Renton , Wn . , amending Section 1-802 of Title I, Accrual of vacation (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 benefits during absence entitled "Code of General Ordinances of from duty - fortemporary the City of Renton" , relating to accrual illness or injury of vacation benefits . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY MCKAY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL RESULTED IN 9 AYE VOTES, AND ONE ABSTAINING , BAREI. RESOLUTION NO. 1719 Resolution was read declaring displeasure with action of Metro Council in raising the monthly sewer rate from $2 . 00 to $2 . 75 Opposing Metro Rate per month for each residential customer, Increase During Currently such action considered ill-timed and un- Depressed Economic Climate necessary in view of the present economic climate , and further urging deferrment of such increase until said conditions improve and undisputed findings reveal such increase to be absolutely necessary to maintain the present facilities . MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . METRO Letter Letter from Metro advised that if State and Federal approved water quality standards are to be met Metro has no alternative but to increase its rates; the Council being ordered by the Department of Ecology to institute improvements ,including expansion of the Renton treatment plant and abandon- ment of the Lake Hills treatment plant ,to meet new water quality standards,for which it must secure the necessary local financing. It was noted the initial rate increase will only provide funding for those projects as required by the regulatory agencies . Dept . of Ecology Letter from the Dept . of Ecology outlined water ;uality standards adopted by the Water Pollution Control Commission , plan of im- plementation and time schedules therefor, and noted need for Metro to secure local financing immediately and thereafter design and construct such facilities . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO DISPENSE WITH READING OF THE BALANCE OF THIS COMMUNICATION. CARRIED. PENDING MOTION TO ADOPT THE RESOLU- TION WAS VOTED UPON AND CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1720 Resolution was read authorizing transfer of $3 ,000. 00 from Building Dep' t. M&O Acct . NQ. Authorizing Bldg. 1165/303, unto 1165/303 Capital Outlay , to Dept. Fund Transfer finance construction of security fence for for Police Security the Police Department parking lot . MOVED BY Fence DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOVED BY BAREI, DULY SECONDED AND CARRIED, TO DEFER ACTION UNTIL AFTER COMMUNICATIONS IN ORDER THAT INQUIRIES MIGHT BE MADE CONCERNING THE TYPE OF FENCING TO BE INSTALLED. CARRIED. 417 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/23/70 Page 3 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: CAG 1548-69 , Final City Engineer Wilson recommended acceptance Payment , Acceptance and final payment on the Lind Avenue S. W. and Lien Period Overcrossing by Ehco Construction Co. , Inc. Commencement, Lind MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, Ave . SW Overcrossing TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE COM- MITTEE OF THE MATTER OF PAYMENT. (See later action) MOTION CARRIED. t CAG 1689-70, Final The City Engineer recommended acceptance , Payment , Acceptance final payment and commencement of Lien and Commence Lien period on the Langston Road Improvement Period, Langston Rd. project completed by Moss , Construction , Inc. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE ,TO CONCUR WITH THE PAYMENT REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Jaycees Request to Letter from Mr . Roger Bechtold , Renton Jaycees Decorate Downtown Club, requested permission to hang Christmas Renton for Christmas Garland in downtown Renton from November 16 , to January 5 , 1971 . Insurance has been filed and Hold Harmless Agreement to be executed. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST. MOTION CARRIED. Seattle-King County MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT COPIES Dept . of Public OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT REPORT BE FURNISHED Health Report for TO EACH COUNCILMAN AND DISPENSE WITH READING Month of October . AT THIS TIME. MOTION CARRIED. Board of Public Chairman Del Bennett reported that the Board Works Report on of Public Works finds no objection to the Kent Annexation- proposed annexation of property to Kent , said BRB File 10-4 area being some distance from the Renton City Inn (Not within School Limits . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, District 403) TO NOTIFY THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD THAT THE CITY HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE ANNEXATION. CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1720 Inquiry was made of Building Director Ruppert Security Fence for concerning proposed fencing and it was reported Police Parking Lot that a chain link fence with wood slats , 8 ft . in height has been planned. After some lengthy discussion concerning deterrent factor as well as landscape enhancement and proposal to locate vehicles at the old city garage site , the motion pending from earlier action , to adopt the Reso- lution , was voted upon and carried. Curfew Ordinance Letter from Mr . Paul W. Houser, Chairman , Mayor's revision to 18 yrs . Youth Guidance Committee , recommended Code re- al age restriction vision to reduce age restriction from 19 to 18 Title VI , Section 6- years . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO 1103, Ch . 11 . CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. POVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BAREI, THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE GOVERNMENT CLASSES OF THE TWO HIGH SCHOOLS WITH ADVICE THAT THE COUNCIL WILL AWAIT REPLY PRIOR TO TAKING FINAL ACTION ON THE ORDINANCE. THE MOTION CARRIED. i.r National League Letter was read wherein Mayor Garrett was appointed of Cities Notice to the Resolutions and Transportation Committee of of Appointment of the National League of Cities ,Annual Congress of Mayor Garrett Cities Conference in Atlanta , Ga . , Dec. 7-11 . AUDIENCE COMMENT Student David Douglas , 3325 N.E. 17th Place, noted his experiences regarding discussions with seniors Remarks regarding of the Curfew Ordinance and Councilman Barei Curfew Ordinance replied that the Ordinance was passed not to create a hardship for the young people but as a control for use in realis-tic enforcement when violations require such action . Delaurenti noted favorable reaction from Government class he had addressed. 418 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/23/70 Page 4 . AUDIENCE COMMENT (cont . ) Air Pollution Control Councilman Barei inquired of Mrs . Margaret by Pacific Car and Evans as to pollution conditions since the Foundry Company new controls had been effected by Pacific Car and Foundry . Mrs . Evans noted less "scum" on her car ,expressing hope that her lungs will now clear up and advised that Mr. Busby , head of the pollution control agency , reported to date it seemed to be working and that it will be watched to prevent breakdown . APPOINTMENTS D. W. Custer-Metro Mayor Garrett reported appointment of former Study Commission Mayor Custer to represent him on the newly formed Metropolitan Study Commission which members "gill be exploring feasibility of consolidating the functions of governmental units in King County . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED. William G . Snyder Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence Civil Service in the appointment of Mr. Wm. G . Snyder to Commission membership on the Fire Civil Service Commission , eff. 1/1/71 through 1/1/77 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL No . 1334 - 1539 FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN EDWARDS REPORTED APPROVAL OF CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS AND MOVED THAT SAME BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME BY THE CITY COUNCIL. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRUCE AND CARRIED. (See attached) aw RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS. 9 :00 P.M . CARRIED. MEETING WAS DECLARED RECESSED FOR 10 MINUTES. After the recess , roll call was taken with all Councilmen present or subsequently returning as previously in attendance. CAG 1548-69 Attention was called to need for revision to Lind Ave . SW. motion concerning payment of final estimate Bonding Company to Ehco Construction Company (Item a of Agenda) Additional Payee MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER,UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COBE INCLUDED IN THE AUTHORI- ZATION FOR PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. ADDITIONAL COMMUNICATIONS: W. C. Frost The City was requested to approve request of Construction , Inc. W. C. Frost Construction Co . for investment of Investment Request retained percentage in time certificates of deposit per escrow agreement with Seattle- First National Bank. (CAG 1733-70) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RECOM- MENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Fire Department Letter from M. C. Walls , Fire Chief requested Request for Fund appropriation of Current Fund revenues into Appropriation Salary Cvertime and Equipment Rental accounts) required as result of unexpected retirement of five men and major repairs to fire apparatus . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUESTS WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Public Safety Committee Recommended by Majority report that Tukwila be Report -Joint Use of authorized use of Renton jail facilities at Jail Facilities $7 . 00 Booking Fee per day for each prisoner. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR, WITH THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK AUTHORIZED TO SIGN COUTRACT AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS. Perry opposed. 419 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/23/70 Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Community Services Councilman McKay submitted majority report Committee Report recommending various revisions to the Sign 11/12/70 Meeting- Code . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, Sign Code Revision TO REFER THE MATTER BACK TO THE COMMITTEE AND INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. FOR FURTHER REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted committee recommenda- Committee Report- tion that the Council accept the low bid ref Bid Award L. D.L. Land Development Company , in sum of $9 ,871 . 58 on installation of on-site storm sewer facilities at Earlington Fire Station- Training site . Further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contract documents . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid call for MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE gravel and fill PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE BE NOTIFIED TO PREPARE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FORMAL BID CALL ON GRAVEL AND FILL MATERIALS NEEDED BY THE CITY. After some lengthy discussion concerning consistency of different pit materials (and having to take the low bid ,)it was pointed out that State and County standards must be met to qualify for bidding . MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO AMEND TO URGE THE COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER BID CALL FOR GRAVEL AND FILL . CARRIED, AS AMENDED. T. V. Cable Service Mayor Garrett reported that both T. V. Cable �.. to be Installed Companies have responded that service will be Edmonds Ave . NE provided and they will participate concurrently with the underground project installations on Edmonds Ave . N. E. and N. E. 27th Street; such cable circuitry now being coordinated in the trench with other utilities , through the City 's Traffic Engineering Department . Special City Council MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, THAT THE Meeting 11/30/70 for 30TH OF NOVEMBER , 1970 BE FIXED AS DATE FOR Installation of City SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING FOR THE PURPOSE OF Councilmen INSTALLING THE CITY COUNCILMEN, AND TO CONDUCT SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL AT THAT TIME . MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Garrett reported that due personal notice was served on each Councilman of Special Meeting. Initiative 43 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT (Seacoast Property) THE SUBJECT OF INITIATIVE 43 BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION, THE COMMUNITY SERVICE AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEES. MOTION CAR.?IED. Air Pollution Councilman Stredicke urged the Mayor to write Control by Pacific Pacific Car & 3oundry Company for completion .r Car & Foundry Co . and implementation of new smokestack and quality of air now being emitted. Mayor Garrett advised he has personally made such commendation . Gravel and Fill - Councilman Grant called attention t) subject of Subject To State gravel discussed earlier and noted that the matter and County Standards of transporting,and removal of screening plant as maL relate to costs ,should also be considered by the administration . He noted his interest and subsequent recommendation letters to the committee and uraea like action by Council on other referrals, 420 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/23/70 Page 6 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Cedar River Salmon Run Councilman Barei called attention to Seattle Historic background newspaper item which anticipated run of a recalled and future million salmon up the Cedar River next year and benefits contemplated commented concerning past and future impact of such event and noted cleanliness of the river has been helped by upstream controls . and Metro in which investment the City would find great dividends . no AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr. Frank Storey commented concerning Indian Burial grounds uncovered in 1910 when the Mr . Frank Storey Railroad came through , 39 arrowheads being Ammunition Dump? given to the City by the Morrow family there- from, responding to historical remarks of Barei concerning the Cedar River. Mr. Joe Sporcic Mr. Sporcic, 1316 Harrington N. E . , remarked concerning conversation with student Dave Douglas , that in trying to get a point across to young people , tha adults should set an example rather than telling them to do something other than what they themselves are doing. Mr, Ken Zehm Library Board Member, Ken Zehm, resident of Rolling Hills , expressed appreciation for the efforts of council which have helped establish a good library image for Renton ,evidenced by response of citizens to the programs . Sunday opening and 3 to 4 week advance scheduling of heretofore seldom used meeting room, large record collection and fine collection of books on Northwest History in constant circulation attributing to establishment of fine facilities . Board meeting are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and invitation was extended to visit . Council President Schellert noted contribution to the record collection would be a worthy project for organizations or individuals and commended the Library Board for a tremendous job. Police Security Purchasing Director Vern Church noted incident Fence concerning Police Patrol Cars with regard to sales representative and pointed out alert officers had questioned the visitor concerning his presence in the area , this being brought to wind with discussion of security fence for the police car parking lot area . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10 :15 P. M. a Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 11/23/70 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Schellert Community Services Maxin Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations 'eco . 11/25 7 :00 PM Stredicke 6th Fl.Conf.Rm. Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant Committee on Committees ues . 11/24 7 .00 PM Grant Grant' s Council Please submit re- Office quests if unable to attend. Budget Committee �ues 11/24 7 : 30 PM Schellert Council Chamber Park Board Presenttn [•rage Group Chamber of Commerce in response to re- quest for meeting to discuss Indus- trial Expansion i 422 Page 1 of 2 VOUCHERS #1334 THROUGH #1539 APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 23, 1970 FUND VOUCHER NOS. AMOUNT CURRENT FUND 1334 THRU 1385 $ 5,606.68 .ARTERIAL STREET FUND 1386 THRU 1386 295.00 CITY STREET FUND 1387 THRU 1400 3,485.01 CEDAR RIVER M AND I FUND 1401 THRU 1401 125.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 1402 THRU 1413 3,047.52 LIBRARY FUND 1414 THRU 1414 39.14 PARK FUND 1415 THRU 1423 469.53 WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND 1424 THRU 1439 92062.11 STREET FWD THRUST 1440 THRU 1479 103588.98 AIRPORT FUND 1480 THRU 1485 282.51 FIREnNS PENSION FUND 1486 THRiT 1498 5,241.01 URBAN ARTERIAL FUND 1499 THRU 1539 43,539.01 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $81,781.50 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11/23/70 PERMITS ISSUED fY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2515 $14,500.00 JOHN M. DENNIS, JR. 1213 N 35TH ST. CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2516 500.00 GERALD R. EVERETT 2525 MORRIS AVE. S ENCLOSE PART OF DECK 2517 3,500.00 HOSP, DIST, 1 KING CO. 400 S 43RD ST. ASPHALT PAD FOR HELIPORT 2518 150.00 MICHAEL BANASKY 226 GARDEN AVE. N CONST, CARPORT 2519 14,000.00 RENTON VILLAGE CO. 800 RAINIER AVE. S. INTERIOR REMODEL B 2520 200.00 TED L. PIERCE 528 WELLS AVE, N CONST, PATIO COVER 2521 100.00 DAVE CLARK'S CYCLE 1054 SUNSET BLVD, NE INST. FIREWALL & PANEL 2522 53000.00 BETTY M. COOPER 802 CEDAR AVE. S REMODEL RESIDENCE MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2693 247.50 J.A. TAYLOR 447 PELLY AVE. N INST, GAS WALL FURNACE 2694 400.00 HARRY DICKISON 6102612 S 5TH ST. INST. GAS CIRC. HEATERS 2695 200.00 VICTOR GIULIANZ 728 S 19TH ST. INST. GAS CIRC, HEATER 2696 6,732.00 PACIFIC CAR & FDRY. 790 GARDEN AVE. S INST, FIRE PROTECTION SYS, 2697 575.00 CITY OF RENTON 800 EDMONDS AVE. NE CONVERSION GAS BURNER M 2698 256.50 RENTON MUSICIANS UNION 126 LOGAN AVE. S INST. GAS FURNACE 2699 200.00 HENRY LAWS 108 LOGAN AVE. S. INST. GAS WALL HEATER 2700 550.00 ROBERT SHANE 2746 NE 24TH ST. INST, GAS FURNACE 2701 550.00 BOB CAVES 1149 GLENWOOD AVE. NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2702 100.00 WALTER FISLER 420 CEDAR AVE. S INST. GAS WATER HEATEF M 2703 590.00 KAMPE CONST. 1206 N 31ST ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXrMLc 2704 900.00 KAMPE CONST. 1.101 N 31ST ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTUREEmm 2705 200.00 GENE McDANIEL 2221 NE 31ST ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2706 585.00 STANFORD WITSOE 1215 N 33RD PL. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES SIGN PERMITS S 104 750.00 PEOPLES NATL. BANK 721 RAINIER AVE. S INST, GROUND SIGN 423 Page 2of2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /i/a3/7a PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Cont. ELECTRICAL PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK " 3114 $4.,000.00 PUGET WESTERN, INC. 800 RAINIER AVE. S REVISE AIR COND. & LIGHTS 3115 31000.00 JERRY ALLERS 95 S TOBIN ST. WIRE WAREHOUSE (REMODEL) 3116 125.00 GERALD R. EVERETT 2525 MORRIS AVE. S INST. LIGHTS & OUTLETS 31.7 425.00 MR. JOHNSON 334 WILLIAMS AVE. N INCR. SERV.,, CIRCUITS, HEA 3118 500.00 HOSPo DIST. 1 KING CO. 400 S 43RD ST. INST. FIXTURES & W=G M 3119 11.,443.00 OLYMPIC PIPELINE CO. 2929 E VA=Y RD. PWR. & CONTROL WIRING 3120 341.00 DON JACOBSON 3608 SE 5TH PL. INST. 200 AMP SERV. & HEAT 3121 400.00 REINHARD DIST. CO. 632 RAINIER AVE. S REMODEL SERVICE STATION SEWER PERMITS S 1425 D.J. DORN 910 N 32ND CONNECT SEWER 1426 W.D. KITTLER 3627 WELLS N CONNECT SEWER 1427 H. DAHLSTROT, 1015 N 38TH CONNECT SEWER 1428 F. DAVIDSON 1002 N 32ND CONNECT SEWER 1429 C.W. WICKLAND 3907 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER S 1430 ANDREA NICOLI 3924 PARK N CONNECT SEWER 1431 HOWARD BANASKY 1.409 N 26TH CONNECT SEWER 1432 S.J. RESTEMAYER 2132 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER 1433 G.K. MULLER 2502 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1434 R.D. BENNY 2604 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER S 1435 S,G, ROBBINS 3900 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1436 D.J. THIBOULT 2603 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1437 WYNE KAMPE 1212 N 31ST CONNECT SEWER 1438 NERVE BELISLE 1122 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Office of City Clerk November 30 , 1.970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute CALL TO ORDER The special meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Garrett at 8 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, for the purpose of installing the new 7-Member City Council , under OMC form of govern- ment ,and to conduct such other business as may be necessary to come before the Council at this time . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Schellert , Clymer , Delaurenti , Perry , McKay , Stredicke , Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce and Edwards Absent : Maxin MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN . MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director, Gene Coulon , Park Director , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer , Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , M. C. Walls , Fire Chief, Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , Mike Brown , Data Processing Manager , M. Deane Seeger, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor , and Bernard Ruppert , the Building Director . OLD BUSINESS Final Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted Personnel and Com- Reports munity Relations report which was read with Council actions taken as follows : Budgeting Funds for 1 . Recommended the Council budget $5 ,000 . 00 for Public Reports citizen information in the Legislative Budget for 1971; to provide for quarterly reports to citizens . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. NLC Convention in 2 . No delegates from the City be authorized to Atlanta , Ga . , Dec. 7 the National League of Cities Convention in through 11 , 1970 Atlanta , Ga . , Mayor Garrett to be attending as AWC representative at no cost to the City . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Format Requested for 3 . That the City Planning Commission_ be authorized Special Environmental to formulate guidelines and format for a special Award Program Environmental Award which the Commission would present to businesses , organizations or individuals who enrich the environment through planning and development . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAU- RENTI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Finance Committee Chairman Edwards submitted report recommending report on W.C . Frost concurrence in request of W.C . Frost Construction request for fund Co . for investment of retained percentage on .r.. investment CAG 1733-70 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BAREI, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Remarks by Council Councilmen Shane , Edwards , McKay , and Barei Members Retiring made their retiring comments expressing pleasure in serving the City , reporting their legacy of leaving the city in capable hands of dedicated people on all levels of the government for the Citu , and expressing their hopes for the progressive future of Renton . 425 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING 11/30/70 PAGE 2 . Remarks by Council Council President President of the Council Henry Schellert thanked the retiring members for help and cou--tesi.es noting their individual contributions for which each will be remembered . PRESENTATION OF Mayor Garrett called for retiring Councilmen AWARD PLACQUES Thomas R. Edwards , Bruce McKay , Louis Barei , TO RETIRING Charles F. Shane to approach the podium to COUNCILMEN accept awards for community service , Paul Maxin to receive his upon return to the City . The Mayor expressed his pleasure at having worked with these members expressing hope that he will be able to call upon them for advice and help in the future and welcoming any suggestions which might help to give the people of Renton the best government possible . Special Award Council President Schellert requested that each from Fellow Councilman return his badge of office which will Councilmen then be framed into a pen holder and submitted to members ,when available , as a token of esteem from fellow councilmen . COMMUNICATIONS King County Letter from Mr. Edward J. Logan , Supt . of Election Dept . Elections , King County Records and Election Dep ' t . , Certification of reported certification of General ?nd Special Elections Elections in Renton on November 3 , 1970 with results of said elections being duly canvassed on November 18. 1970, as follows : Council Position No . 1 Ken Bruce 4 ,422-Elected Paul Maxin 1 ,974 Council Position No . 2 Earl Clymer 3 ,651 Elected Joanne Herber 3 ,115 Council Position No . 3 Charles J. Delaurenti 4 ,315 Elected Bruce McKay 2 ,439 Council Position No . 4 George J. Perry 4 ,539 Elepted Patty Akers Nelson 1 ,863 Council Position No . 5 William (Bill ) J. Grant 4 ,289 Elected Robert J . Hughes 2 ,235 Council Position No . 6 Henry E. Schellert 3,990 Elected Bob Wray 2 ,515 Council Position No . 7 Richard M. (Dick) Stredicke 4 ,383 Elected Robert S. Shane 2 ,393 w.. INSTALLATION OF CITY COUNCILMEN Presentation of Mayor Garrett introduced his good friend, the Installing Honorable Robert F. Utter , Judge , Member of the Official Court of Appeals . Judge Utter administered the Oath of Office to the Council Members as hereto- fore certified and pictures were taken at this time . Council Intro- The Councilmen introduced their family members and duction of Guests friends in attendance this evening. 426 MINUT9S - SPECIAL CITY CuUi�C'IL MEET-LSG 1 -, =011 0 Page 3 . MAYOR ' S APPOINTMENTS Non-Charter Code Letter from Mayor Garrett , in compliance City ,Appointment with requirements of RCW 35A . 12 . 090 , per- of City Officials taining to the adoption of the Optional Municipal Code , reported interim appoint- ments of city officials , to allow for an orderly transition from Second Class City status to that of a Non-Charter Code City , under the Mayor-Council plan of government . Appointees : City Attorney , Gerard M . Shellan ; City Clerk , Helmi.e W. Nelson ; City Engineer and Director of Ut.� lities , Jack Wilson ; City Treasurer , Dorothea Gossett ; Building Director , .rrr B . L . Ruppert ; Municipal Judge , Paul Houser; Planning Director , Gordon Y. Ericksen ; Purchasing Director , Vern D . Church ; Street Commissioner , Victor K. TeGantvoort ; Traffic Engineer , Delbert C . Bennett ; Health Officer Dr . Ja.^.res H. Hartwig. Mayor Garrett called attention to RCW 35A . 12 . 020 requirement for authority , duties and qualifica- tions for all appointive offices to be provided by Ordinance and recommended the Council ,or its appropriate committee , take timely and effective action for implementation of such legislation . Such informatio- will enable the City to secure and retain the best qualified personnel and assist the Council and Mayor 's office to update and modernize our local government . In order to accomplish these ends the Mayor advised he is assigning a member of his staff and the City Attorney 's office thereto . An outline of administrative procedures and proposed legisla- tive actions will be provided in the very near future . Mayor Garrett thanked the Council for cooperation in accomplishing the goals set forth . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENTS REPORTED BY THE MAYC'R . THE MOTION CARRIED. Committee on Recommendations for Committee assignments were Committees - Majority submitted as follows : Report Public Works Bruce , Perry , Delaurenti Public Safety Delaurenti , Bruce , Perry Community Services Clymer , Stredicke , Schellert Finance Committee Schellert , Delaurenti , Clymer Legislation Perry , Grant , Bruce Transportation Grant , Clymer, Stredicke Personnel and Community Relations Stredicke , Schellert , Grant Committee on Councilman Stredicke submitted recommendation Committees Minority that the matter of assignments be referred Report back to committee to effect changes that would place a new chairman in charge of existing committees rather than retaining the same ones ; to allow rotation so each might be well versed in all phases and that length of term be set for such chairmanships on any one committee . Motion proposed by Stredicke died for lack of second . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE MAJORITY REPORT. CARRIED. 427 MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/70 Page 4. INTRODUCTIONS State Representative Mayor Garrett introduced the Honorable Shinpoch Present Albert N. Shinpoch, State Representative , 47th District , and extended welcome , in- viting remarks . Representative Shinpoch congratulated the new Councilmen and ex- tended condolences or congratulation to those outgoing,as the case may be. King County Council Mayor Garrett introduced and welcomed Member Tom Forsythe the Honorable Tom Forsythe , King County bo" Councilman , who commended the Council for its diligence aqd many hours of service dedicated to performance of duty , recalling swift passage of time in the year and 8 months of working together and looking forward to continuing in service together. Remarks of City City Treasurer Gossett , City Clerk Nelson , Officials , Council Councilman Delaurenti , Del Mead, Recorder and Audience and citizen Mr . Lloyd G. Atwood, remarked concerning their associations with the Council In its accomplishments , commending progressive actions in maintaining goals for .good government and leadership among cities and expressing pleasure in working with both retiring and newly elected City Council Members . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 8 :45 p.m. %mom ..�, Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk bow 425 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NOVEMBER 30 , 1970 PERMITS ISSUED BY .THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B2523 $38,120.00 MOBILE OIL 2801 E VALLEY RD CONSTRUCT ROAD & FILL 2524 1,500 CHAD H JENSEN 627 SW 12TH REPAIR ROOF ETC B2525 VOID MECHANICAL PERMITS M2707 3,998 .00 JERRY ALLERS 95 S TOBIN ST INST PLUMBING & FIX 2708 750 .00 MODEL HOMES 1806 JONES N E INST GAS FURN & HTR 2709 400 .00 DR KOOME 1010 S 2ND INST PLUMBING & FIX M2710 100 .00 HERB CURTIS 532 SUNSET BLVD SW " 2711 VOID ELECTRICAL PERMIT E3122 20 , 000 .00 CITY OF RENTON NE 4TH & UNION NE INST TRAFFIC SIG 3123 1,600 . 00 ROBERT L EDWARDS RENTON SHOPPING CTR INST FIXTURES 3124 200 .00 RENTON ELKS LODGE 230 MAIN S CONNECT LIGHTS E3125 250 . 00 VADNEY ENTERPR S 2ND & LOGAN S CON EQUIP FOR RESTR 3126 VOID SIGN PERMITS S105 300 .00 CLARA SPEEGLE S 2ND & LOGAN S INST DF PLEX POLE SN SEWER PERMITS 51439 HERVE BELISLE 2010 NE 27TH LID 271 S1440 ROBERT DICKINSON 2000 NE 27TH LID 271 1441 LEE NEWTON 1901 NE 27TH LID 271 1442 D H WIDEN 2208 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER 1443 HOMER VAN AUSDAL 2422 MEADOW AVE N LID 265 1444 REINHARD DIST 632 RAINIER S CONNECT SEWER S1445 M F VANBEURDEN 1313 N 28TH LID 265 1446 RONALD WERRE 1107 N 33RD LID 263 1447 T G O'NEAL 2716 MEADOW N CONNECT SEWER 1448 PHIL HOGGARD 1916 NE 27TH LID 271 1449 J T DAVIS 2001 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER S1450 C A CULLERS 2507 MEADOW AVE N LID 265 1451 A M YODER 2504 MEADOW AVE N LID 265 1452 0 D HICKERSON JR 1203 N 36TH CONNECT SEWER 1453 J H MC TIGUE 2719 MEADOW AVE N LID 265 1454 D D EADES 2319 NE 27TH LID 271 S1455 JOHN C SMITH 2108 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER 1456 E CROPP 1100 N 33RD PL LID 263 429 RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Office of City Clerk November 30, 1970 R E F E R RA L S PLANNING COMMISSION Authorized to formulate guidelines and format for special v. Environmental Award to be vresented to businesses , organizations or individuals who enrich the environment through planning and development . APPOINTMENTS City Attorney - Gerard M. Shellan City Clerk ,- Helmie W. Nelson City Engineer and Director of Utilities - Jack Wilson City Treasurer - Dorothea Gossett Building Director - Bernard L . Ruppert Municipal Judge - Paul W. Houser Planning Director - Gordon Y. Ericksen Purchasing Director - Vern D . Church Street Commissioner - Victor K. TeGantvoort Traffic Engineer - Delbert C. Bennett Health Officer - Dr. James H. Hartwig �•.•� RUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1970 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 39081.10 Arterial Street 295 .00 City Street 66 973 .45 Cedar River M & I 863 .35 Equipment Rental 8,478.14 Library 8,410.90 Parks 62,576.03 Waterworks Utility 70!1812.11 Street Forward Thrust 20,723.27 Airport 1,598 .26 Firemen's Pension 5,331.30 Cedar River Acquisition 533082.29 Urban Arterial 843112.81 TOTAL CLAIMS FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER $4233138 .01 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $164,997.35 City Street 34 836.60 Cedar River M & I 700.00 Equipment .Rental 53407.42 Library 11,454.56 Parks 283965 .62 Waterworks Utility 24 681.13 Airport 13771.00 Firemen's Pension 100.00 TOTAL CLAIMS FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER 272,913 .68 430 RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING MEETING 1971 BUDGET Office of City Clerk December 1 , 1970 Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance . This being the date set , and public notice having been duly published and posted according to law, the special hearing meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Mayor Garrett announced the purpose of the meeting was to consider adoption of the 1971 Budget for the City of Renton . ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE , GRANT, AND BRUCE. CLYMER ARRIVED LATER DURING THE MEETING . PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS Mayor Garrett invited public comments . Mr . Larry McKibben , Wn . State Council of County and City Mr. Larry McKibben Employees , AFL-CIO , and Local 21R Representative , Representing Local recalled prior wage negotiations with the mayor , 21R and last Saturday with the Council , resulting in indication that a 5% wage increase , 4 reclassifica- tions , wage step increases and moneys to be set aside for a health and welfare plan , were to be effected . Noting list of proposed revisions by the Council to the Mayor 's preliminary budget , he cautioned that , if adopted , the question of unfair practice arises , it being felt the process of col- lective bargaining which was done in good faith has been destroyed , and such action to be resisted with all legal measures available . Mr . Bruce Phillips , Mr . Bruce Phillips , Chairman , Renton Fire Dept . Fire Department Wage Committee , outlined percentages asked for in Wage Committee other cities and by other bargaining units , all much greater than the 5% requested in Renton which although below the national cost of living index , was felt under present economic conditions to be a just and fair amount due , as had been included in the balanced budget submitted by the Mayor . It was felt as shown by low fire loss , that the department is doing a good job and the lesser wage proposed by the Council was not justifiable , along with inclusion of an emergency aid vehicle and deletion of manpower required to man same . Mr . Arnold Hubner, Mr . Arnold Hubner , Chairman , Police Officer ' s Police Officer ' s Guild Wage Committee , recalled meetings with Guild Wage Committee the Mayor and Council and negotiations wherein economic situation was duly acknowledged and 5% increase therefore requested by the two uni- formed groups reluctantly , but in agreement with the Mayor . Sustaining of livelihood had been felt to be more important than many budgeted items , but the 5% had been determined a fair increase under the circumstances . The $30. 00 across the board proposal was to again bring inequity to ratio of differential between patrolman and supervisor which had finally been properly established heretofore . Mr . Kay Johnson , Mr . Kay Johnson , Manager , GR C. of C. , inquired NOW Greater Renton concerning King County-Seattle Tourist Bureau Chamber of Commerce request for fund assistance , requesting that, if granted, the same be allowed the Renton Business Community . Council President Schellert advised the Council has not acted to add any funds for the tourist bureau . Tom Teasdale , Mr . Tom Teasdale , Chairman , Renton Park Board , Park Board of 506 South 15th Street , on behalf of the Board; noted many items had not been requested in view of economic conditions and that this was a time for belt tightening and getting along on available funds , it being important to keep everyone working . 431 MINUTES - 1971 BUDGET HEARING 12/1/70 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Page 2. PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS (Cont . ) Mr. Jim Phelan , Mr. Jim Phelan , Renton Police Department , recalled Police Guild that rank differential had been re-established last year and the Council at that timeurged nothing be done to change the spread, which it was in fact now upsetting itself. The 5% included in the Mayor 's Preliminary budget was deemed fair and equitable . COUNCIL ACTION Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning public presentation of the budget. City Clerk Nelson reported the public had been advised both by publications in the local newspapers and along with legal publications the notice had been posted as required by law advising that the budget had been filed and was available to the public upon request . In response , nearly all copies on hand had been distributed. Mayor Garrett confirmed copies were furnished for evaluation and hearing tonight was for suggestions for changes to the Mayor's budget along with any other comments which might be offered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT THE MAYOR 'S PRELIMINARY BUDGET WITH 46 AMENDMENTS BY COUNCIL PER LIST DISTRIBUTED THIS EVENING. (Attached) Discussion ensued. Council President Schellert pointed out deletion of 5% increase and addition instead,of $30. 00 across the board increase; provision for a salary study; contingency fund allocation of $40 ,000 for making salary adjustments in ranges as may be needed, to be effected July 1 . This to con- cern merit and not automatic pay increment steps . Mr . McKibben noted futility of collective bargaining this action reducing status to hat in hand begging. Further discussion included manner of conducting salary study , prior study , some work from which will not need duplicating , outside consulting, Bellevue study and good wage plan results . Problems facing the Council with regard to maintaining all employees and yet providing satisfactory increase , certain in- equities needing to be resolved and economic crisis were noted. Mr. Harold Caldwell Police Guild Officer Caldwell noted many months of work by the Guild Wage Committee and early submittal to Council and finally mid-year council action commencing the negotiations and subsequent negotiations through a paid negotiator hired by the City and settlement without arbitration for stipulation of 5% increase and the City is now refusing to live up to moral obligations of its own negotiator. QUESTION WAS CALLED FOR AND THE PENDING MOTION WAS VOTED ON AND CARRIED, ADOPTING THE AMENDED BUDGET WITH 46 REVISIONS. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO RECESS. CARRIED. After recess roll call was taken with all members of the City Council in attendance . vow ORDINANCE NO. 2602 Proposed Ordinance was read adopting 1971 Annual Adopting 1971 Budget Budget for the City , balanced at $9,437 ,311 . 00. as Amended by Council MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 6 AYES: SCHELLERT, PERRY, CLYMER , GRANT, BRUCE AND STREDICKE. NO-1 : DELAURENTI. CARRIED, ADJOURNMENTMOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk �3� 20• 4 s RENTON CITY COUNCIL 1971 BUDGET HEARING Page 3 . December 1, 1970 MOVED TO ADOPT THE MAYORt S PRELIMINARY BUDGET WITH THE FOLLOWING AMEIUMNTS 1. Delete the 5% Cost of Living increase. 2. Allow $30.00 Across the Board wage adjustment. 3. Appropriate $940.00 into Legislative Services Acct. 13.1 and $924.00 in Acct. 13.3. wrr' 4. Appropriate $3,000.00 into Acct. 31 and $1'000.00 into Acct. 33. 5. Appropriate $5,000.00 into Acct. 42, all in the Legislative Services Division. 6. Budget entire salary of Clerk Steno II in Legislative Clerical Services. 7. Add $1,000.00 to Extra Help and delete $200.00 from Overtime Acct. in the Judicial Division. 8. Freeze Mayorts salary at present rate. (Reconsidered and failed, Item 36) 9. Delete cost of 1/2 Clerk Steno II from Executive Division. 10. Reduce Transportation Acct. 33.1 by $1,320.00 in Executive - Administrative Services. 11. Reduce Acct. 32 - Civil Service Commission to $150.00. 12. Add to Legislative Records, Overtime Council Meetings - $1,000.00. 13. Increase Acct. 34 - Legislative Records - $600.00. 14. Delete $100.00 Overtime in Miscellaneous Services. 15. Add Acct. 13.7 $5,000.00 Sick Leave Reimbursement and reduce Acct. 42 by $200.00, a11. in Miscellaneous Services. 16, Delete Overtime Acct. from Fiduciary Services and add $600.00 for vacation replacement. 17. Delete $100.00 Overtime in Budgeting and Accounting Division and decrease Acct. 33 by $150.00. 18. Delete all items in Data Processing listed as Contingent on Federal Funds ($97,866) and reduce Current Fund Revenue Account by like amount. 19. Reduce Transportation Acct. 33.1 by $300.00. 20. Increase Acct-13.1 Legal Division to $1,012.00. 21. Add Overtime Acct. to Planning -- Administrative Support in the amount of $450.00 for Commission Meetings. 22. Increase Acct. 33.1 to $1,200.00 in Planning Administrative Division. 23. Delete $50.00 Overtime in Police Administrative Division. 24. Authorize replacement of 1 retired Police Captain with positions of Clerk Steno I and Clerk Dispatcher in Law Enforcement Division. to w RENTON CITY COUNCIL_ 1271. BUDGET HEARING De,;ember is 1970 Page 4 . Amendments to Mayor ' s Preliminary Budget (Cont . ) 25. Authorize 2 new Patrolmen in Jaw E.�nforcement Division and adjust Accts. 13 and 1L•. 26. Delete $29200.00 from Law & forc anent Acct. 64 contingent on Federal Funds and reduce Current Fund Revenue Acct, by like amount. 27. Transfer 1 Firefighter from Fire Prevention to Fire Control Division and reduce Fire Administrative Overtime to $490.00 for vacation replacement. 28. Budget $37,500.00 into Traffic Engineering Capital Improvement Budget as Cityls share toward an L.I.D. to underground the C.B.D. 29. Budget $121,185.00 in Contingency Fund for King County Public Health.. Salary adjustments and Pension costs. 30. Delete Overtime of $100 in Bldg. Administrative. 31. Delete overtime of $400 in Code Enforcement Division. 3'. Reduce Acct. 33. 1 in Bldg. Administrative support by $100. 33. Reduce interest on loan repayment Acct. 42 Interfund Payments by $2,000. 34. Reduce Acct. 31 Police Administrative Division by $1,000. 34. Reduce Acct. 33. 1 Police Administrative Travel to $300. 35. Increase Acct . 33. 1 Law biforcement Schooling by $2,000 35• Reduce Acct. 33. 1 Fire Administrative Travel to $300 35• F-eeze City Engineer' s salary it the 1970 rate. 36. Moved to reconsider item S. Motion to not allow the Mayor the $30.00 increase failed. 37. Reduce acct. 33. 1 Engineering Administrative Service= Travel to $300 38. Reduce Acct. 34 in Park Administrative Support by $1,000 • 39• Increase Acct. 37 Recreation & Facilities Division by $2,000 for heating C:R. Park 40. Increase Acct. 63 Parks-Stations & Buildings by $5,000. $3,000 for Talbot Hill and $2,000 for Tiffany & Kermydale water hook ups. . 41. Reduce overtime in Street Ma intanance Division by $500. 42. Reduce Acct.. 22, Snow & Ice Control by $1 ,000- 43. Reduce Acct.. 33. 1 Street Maintt ance Overhead to $300. ('I'ravei 1 44. Traffic Engineering Overhetto Division, reduce acct. 3;5. 1 ( travel ) to $300 and reduce Acct. 42 (LaurndrN Ser'. ire;) to $300. Delete Acct. 31: ($l00). 45. Allow $350,000 for• prt�posed Citi Shop Building. 46. Reduce Interest & Redemption un proposed 1971 G.O. Bond Issue to $12,bK, . .f3�- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 7 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND*INSURANCE CARRIER *Claim by Miss Ida Pflugrath for personal injury damages Metro Summons and Complaint CITY CLERK To publish Budget Ordinance No . 2602 and thank Mayor for letter concerning the 1971 Budget as amended by the Council CITY ENGINEER Petition for Sanitary Sewer L. I . D. on Edmonds N.E. & vicinity COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Letter from Mr . Frank I . Gilpin concerning use of Carco Theatre FINANCE COMMITTEE Request of City Engineer for loan of Street Forward Thrust Acct . 2000 Funds until receipt of Urban Arterial- Funds , Acct . 7800 LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Appropriation of $45 ,000 . 00 from available surplus unto Firemen 's Pension Fund Acct . 2710/501 and transfer into expending account 200 , plus transfer of $15 ,000. 00 from 501 to 510 and $20 . 00 from 501 to 315 . City Engineer 's request for Loan of Street Forward Thrust Funds , Acct . 2000, unto Urban Arterial Fund 7800 pending receipt of allocation . Wn. Environmental Council , Inc. request to be heard should the City Council review the subject of Initiative 43 (State Shoreline Planning) Legislative Budget Committee letter concerning repeal of obsolete , in- active of duplicatory legislation. Metro Summons and Complaint Resolution expressing opposition to proposed route of SR515 and urging that no additional money be expended for acquisition of right-of--way along presently planned route and to request meeting on the subject woe MAYOR 'S OFFICE Status of"Ride Along Program"concerning police trouble calls and proposed student participation PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Rezone of King County Fire District #25 property from G to B-1 Complaint concerning police action filed by Mr . Paul Godot TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letter from Mr. Hugh Carney opposing route of SR515 PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr. D. W. Custer to Park Board MEETINGS AND EVENTS January 11 , 1971 - Public Hearing, Final Assessment Roll , LID 267 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 7 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF Henry Schellert , Mayor pro tem, in the absence ALLEGIANCE AND of Mayor Garrett , Zed the Flag Salute and CALL TO ORDER called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL SCHELLERT, CLYMER, PERRY, STREDICKE, GRANT AND BRUCE. ABSENT: DELAURENTI. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE ABSENT MEMBER BE EXCUSED. THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett , IN ATTENDANCE City Treasurer, G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , Gene Coulon , Park Director , M. Deane Seeger , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor, and Bernard Ruppert , Bldg. Director , and Mike Brown , Data Processing Mgr. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO APPROVE 11/23/70 , 11/30/70 THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF 11/23/70 and 12/1/70 AND THE TWO SPECIAL MEETINGS OF 11/30/70 AND 12/1/70 AS WRITTEN . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS Ordinance and Resolution adopted by the Council .., as follows : ORDINANCE 2603 Authorizing appropriation and transfer of Appropriating excess Current Fund Revenue ,in sum of $3 ,000 . 00, Excess Revenue unto Fire Department Salary Account 1190/130. to Fire Department MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO PLACE THE Salary Budget ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY PERRY, AND SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN AND THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION 1721 Authorizing transfer of Fire Department Salary Authorizing Fund Account Funds , 1190/110 , in sum of $4 ,000. 00, Transfer within unto Equipment Rental Fund Account 315 . MOVED Fire Dept . BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE Budget Accounts RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO APPROVE Nos . 1540 - 1738 CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS AND L .I. D. PAYMENTS AS and LID 263 Cash LISTED IN FUND BREAKDOWN BELOW: and Rev. Fund Vouchers Nos . 12 , Current Fund 1540 - 1615 $ 10 ,538 . 32 13 and 14 . Arterial Street 1616 1 , 990. 04 City Street Fund 1617 - 1623 1 ,126 . 48 Equipment Rental 1624 - 1651 2 ,270 . 94 Library Fund 1652 - 1695 8 ,456 . 68 Park Fund 1696 - 1720 54 ,841 . 56 Waterworks Utility 1721 - 1732 35 ,988. 25 Street Fwd. Thrust 1733 - 1734 18 ,413. 67 Airport Fund 1735 - 1736 368. 98 Cedar River Acq. 1737 16 ,287. 88 Urban Arterial Fund 1738 49 ,748. 52 Total All Funds $200 ,031 . 32 LID 263, Cash & Rev. Fund #12 16 ,616 . 00 LID 263 , Cash & Rev. Fund #13 6 ,254. 03 LID 263, Cash & Rev. Fund #14 8 ,658. 39 436 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/7/70 Page 2 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Rezone , R-665-70 , Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning King Co . Fire Dist . Director , submitted Planning Commission 25 Property , from recommendation for rezone of property G to B-1 . located on N. 30th Street between Park Avenue N. and the freeway entrance,for proposed use as auto repair shop, which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . St-redicke urged that the Council not be hasty in this action _ recalling prior offer of the Fire District to allow the City the use of the Station and in anticipation of annexation possibility in the Hazelwood area felt that the City may wish to reconsider the offer . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO SUBSTITUTE REFERRAL TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR .INVESTIGATION AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Request for fund Letter from Helmie Nelson , Secretary, Firemen 's appropriation - Pension Board , requested concurrence in the Firemen ' s Pension appropriation of $45, 000. 00 from Available Fund Board Surplus unto 2710/501 and fund transfers to expending accounts , to-wit : 8, 45 .000 . 00 from 2710/501 to 2n0; $15 .0o0. 00 from 501 unto 510; and $20 . 00 from 501 unto 315 . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR THE NECESSARY LEGISLATION . MOTION CARRIED. Request for Fund A Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that Loan pending Re- due to shortage of funds the Urban Arterial Board ceipt of Urban is deferring payment of progress estimates until Arterial Allocation January , 1971 . It was requested that loan be authorized to meet obligations , until the State completes its bond sale , for period of 90 days . Loan to be from Street Forward Thrust Fund #2000 unto Urban Arterial Fund #7800 in amount of up to $125 ,000 . 00 as may be required . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim was read , filed by Miss Pflugrath, 2121 Ida Pflugrath 26th Ave . S. , Seattle for personal injuries sustained when wheel chair hit a hole in the turf at Lake Wn . Beach Park picnic area . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER . MOTION CARRIED. Initiative 43 - Letter from Mr . Jack B. Robertson , President , State Shoreline Wn . Environmental Council , Inc . , requested an Planning opportunity to be heard should the City be con- templating a review of the proposed Initiative 43 , AWC and other public notices having been circulated without presentations having been allowed by the WEC. Seattle newspaper article was attached which had been composed by writer Ross Cunningham--who had talked with both sides prior to making up .his mind . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED. Petition for Petition was read, containing approximately 27 Sanitary Sewer signatures of property owners on Edmonds Ave . LID-Edmonds Ave . N. E. , N. E. 18th to N. E. 27th Street , requesting & Vicinity formation by the City of a Sanitary Sewer L .I.D. for the area . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECOND BY PERRY, TO REFER THE PETITIONS TO THE CITY ENGINEER TO CHECK FOR VALIDITY OF SIGNATURES AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED . tl MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 3. 12/7/70 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) L . I. D. 267, Final Letters from City Engineer Wilson submitted,. Payment and Public and recommended for payment, final cost estimate Hgaring,CAG 1660-70 due Coulee Construction Co . on L . I. D. 267 Amount due $2 ,333 . 70 Sanitary Sewer Project. (Storey LID near North Retained %-$11 ,403. 46 Renton Interchange) Acceptance by the Council this date and commencement of the 30 day lien Jan . 11 , 1971-Public period ryas further recommended with release Hearing Date of retained amount thereafter if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED PY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARnIED. Second letter from the City Engineer submitted and recommended for approval , final costs charged against -,--he LID, which total cost is $156 , 703 .15 . January hearing date was recommended . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY TO CONCUR IN THE COST ASSESSMENT WITH THE DATE OF JANUARY 11 , 1971 FIXED AS DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON TH" rTNAL ASSESSMENT ROLL . CARRIED. CAG 1731-70 Final Letter from Ronald E. Heiret , Park and Recreation Payment , Acceptance Supervisor submitted and recommended for payment, and Commence Lien final cost billing for work completed by T. J. Period-Tiffany McCann & Sons , Inc . on Tiffany Park Clearing and Park Grading Work Grading project . Amount due , $8 ,486 . 35 . It was recommended the project be accepted this date with commencement of 30 day lien period and release of 10% retained amount thereafter if no liens are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PARK DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Legislative Budget Letter from Mr. Gerald L . Sorte , Legislative Committee-Obsolete Auditor ,directed attention to various statutes Legislation Repeal which appear obsolete , inactive or duplicatory, and reveal thereof was proposed by draft bill , and comnents were invited by December 23 , to the Committee .ye Hr. Don Petersen at the Olympia Office , Legislative Budget Committee . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Summons and Com- Metro Summons and Complaint documents requested plaint by Metro declaratory judgment of the Court , per Summons for Court Judgment 731473 , for valid right to rate increase and 0` Relief to issuance and sale of bonds and to require all Exercise Rights Component Agencies , Defendants herein , to collect and remit to Metro the increased rate . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE DOCUMENTS TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ATTORNEY. THE MOTION CARRIED. SR515 - Pro posed Letter from Mr . Hugh Carney , owner of Spring Relocation of the Glen Plaza Shopping center,at Benson and Petrovit- Benson Highway sky Road ,expressed objection to proposed route of SR515 , along with merchants at the center,due to major traffic problems such would pro�-'uce by the elimination of existing access to S. E. 174th and Shereby funnel of all southbound traffic through the busy intersection . It was felt that unfair burden is imposed cn business north of Petrovitsky not to be exper4enced by competition to the South . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE . CARRIED. Transportation Committee report , submitted by Chairman Grant , Committee Report advised that the committee goes on record strongly opposing design and location of the State Highway SR-515 Project (Benson Highway Relocation) as now proposed by the Department of Highways , Dist . #l . 43S MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1217170 Page 4. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Transportation 5 recommendations and suggested actions were Committee Report outlined , with estimate that more than one SR-515 (Benson half million dollars might be saved by using Highway Reloca- existing Benson Highway from S. E . 176th to tion Project) Grady Way . (See separate report) . MOVED BY GRANT , SECOND BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR . Written report from absent Councilman Delaurenti advised of attendance at the various hearings and meetings and concurrence in the committee action . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE REPORT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. It was urged by Stredicke that the Resolution indicate the City would like to meet with the State to discuss the matter , Grant adding that it also should urge that no additional funds be spent to acquire right of way until such meeting has been held . Mr . Carney noted need for early action as the State is proceeding in January . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Local 21R Rejection of Wage Proposal Letter was read from Mr. Larry McKibben , Pres . , Wn . State Council of County and City Employees , AFL-CIO, advising that the local has rejected the $30 . 00 per month wage increase proposed by the Council for 1971 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, AND SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett Letter from the Mayor advised of return of Budget Notice of Rettifn Ordinance to the Council without signature which , of Unsigned if no further action is taken ,will become valid Budget Ordinance without his approval on December il , pursuant urging 5% salary to RCW 35A . 12 . 130 , right of veto not exercised increase for all in view of 6-1 vote by Council to pass the Budget employees with as amended . He urged Council to give consideration proper adjustments to contingency fund allocation for salary adjust- to eliminate in- ments so that equitable transition and salary study equities . can commence . Changes other than pertaining to salary were found acceptable in terms of 1971 citta operation and thanks were extended for the Council 's assistance in this regard . Discussion ensued , it being noted that the Capital Improvement program included by the Council for the downtown area of the City and inclusion of others for park areas ,which had been deleted in the Mayor 's Budget ,were not- acknowledged; for which it was felt employees , being highest paid in the state ,might sacrifice the $4 . 00 to $16 . 00 per month - to improve our city . Ordinance No . 2602 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE CITY CLERK PROCEED WITH PUBLICATION OF THE BUDGET ORDINANCE AND THANK THE MAYOR FOR HIS LETTER. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs . James Pearce , 2528 Burnett Ct.-. S.,on behalf of Mrs . James Pearce citizens concerned with SR515 ,thanked the Council SR 515 (Benson for the action taken on the matter and requested Relocation) to be notified of any further meetings so they might be present . Mr . Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Hwy . South , outlined problems and expressed objection to the proposal for routing along Benson Highway which would create hazard or throwing all the extra traffic on Benson making it impossible for him to come to Renton without goin.- six miles to Petrovitsky . MINUTE'S - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/7/70 Page 5 . AUDIENCE COMMENTS (Cont . ) SR515-Benson It was noted that widening and straightening of Hwy.Route the Benon Highway would alleviate the problems , disruption to areas acknowledged in either route , Mr. Cenkovich also having line of vision diffi- culty from brush and the curve. rr•n Mr. Paul Godot- Mr . Godot requested communication read at this Complaint time concerning complaint filed with the Mayor and Council . Councilman Schellert left the Council Chamber pursuant to private interest . Letter was read concerning altercation at Friar Tuck 's Tavern and seizure of Mr. Godot by poaice during which Mr . Godot felt he had been unduly mistreated by the officers . Investigation of the incident was requested. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. .RECESS Recess was declared at this time . The meeting was 9 :00 P.M. reconvened at 9 :15 p.m. and roll call was taken with all present as previously responding. Additional Letter was read from Mr . Frank Gilpin requesting Communication- to meet with the Council Committee of the Whole F. I. Gi_7peni to present a plan concerning use of the Carco Use of Carco Theatre in connection with youth and drug advisory Theatre committee program. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. THE MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence r D. W. Custer in the appointment of Mr. Don W. Custer to the to Park Board Park Board to fill vacancy created by Mr . Archie Graham. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COM- MUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Air Pollution Mayor pro tem Schellert reported representing Control by Pacific the Mayor and Council today at demonstration by Car & Foundry Co. Pacific Car and Foundry Co. of recently installed Air Pollution Control Facility . Report of Building Inspector B. L. Ruppert , also attending,was read noting results of the new facility to be very gratifying,comparison of clouds of brown smoke heretofore ,and now discharge of smoke, with no visible particulate ,being outstanding factor. It was noted control has been extended beyond required standards and the Company was commended, council tour urged in praises by Chairman Schellert . Pollution Report- Stredicke inquired whether the City Pollution Cedar River Control officer is still in charge in the City and it was pointed out that control by statute has been conveyed to State and County officials . ""' Mr. Stredicke called attention to extreme amount of oil flowing on the Cedar River which should be reported to proper control officials, urging action of the Building Director as prior city pollution control officer. Ambulance Service Recalling former referrals concering franchising for ambulance service , Councilman Stredicke sub- mitted article for duplicating and distribution to council concerning community ambulance and emergency vehicle services , entitled "Is Your Ambulance Service Good Enough . " 4¢ D MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/7/70 Page 6 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Building Security Councilman Perry inquired concerning opening of the Municipal Building doors earlier than 7 : 30 p.m. when they are presently unlocked . Building Director Ruppert advised this policy has been required for security reasons . Mr . Perry stated he would like to discuss the matter further another time . Fire Truck built Councilman Stredicke called attention to article by Kent Firemen in the November 30 issue of the Seattle Times which pictured the new vehicle produced by Kent City Firemen at cost of $20 ,000 . 00 and 3 months of hard work and recalling recent purchase of vehicle for Renton at much greater cost , urged investigation into rebuild possibilities . Ride Along Program Councilman Grant called attention to article During Police from San Diego newspaper concerning a Ride Enforcement Along Program conducted by the police depart- ment wherein young people accompany officers on trouble calls which was felt to be very successful . Attention was called to a like program conducted for a time in the City of Renton and discussion ensued concerning possible insurance problems , the city not beinq self-insured . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. David Douglas , student from Hazen High who Hazen student - attends the council meetings , advised that he David Douglas re felt there would be student interest in partici- Ride Along pating in such a program. Mr . Frank Storey re- lated ride along incident he had experienced Mr. Frank Storey when participating in such a program upon his return from war . Mrs . Margaret Mrs . Evans commented that in her conversations Evans-Pollution concerning pollution control the State was very Control Agency strong in stating that the Council cannot do anything itself but that there should be someone elected to report findings of pollution . She noted that they were out in 20 minutes when she had reported and that a phone call is all that is needed to get action through Mr. Busbyts office . Mr. Ken Zehm Mr. Zehm , resident of the Rolling Hills area of Ride Along Renton , recalled City of Renton Ride Along Program program where citizens and businessmen were invited to participate and he urged investigation as to why the program was discontinued , or if it is still carried on . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE "RIDE ALONG" PROGRAM SUBJECT TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO ADJOURN. 9 :40 P . M. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9 :40 P.M. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk I 1 ! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Schellert Community Services Maxin Finance Edwards Legislation Sat., 12/12 9 : 00 AM Perry hrman ' s Council City Attorney & ffice - 6th Fl . Police Dept. Rep. Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Mon. 12/14 7 : 00 PF Bruce 4th Fl . Conf. Rm. Transportation Grant 442 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK DECEMBER 7, 1970 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS T1'PE OF WORK B 2526 $3,900.00 A & H Drugs �2 2820 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Level Ceiling 2527 3,000.00 Robert M. Brazell 3005 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Install Canopy 2528 750.00 Dr. A. F. Koome 1010 So. 2nd St. Install Partitions MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2712 1,000.00 Model Homes, Inc. 1806 Jones Ave. N.E. Install Plbg. Fixtures 2713 94.50 Ronald Rice 3911 N.E. 7th St. Install Gas Water Heater 2714 300.00 Katie. Richter 812 N. 5th St. Install (,as Furnace 2715 200.00 Donald' W. .Cu:=rur 210 Wells Ave. So. Install Gas Piping 2716 200.00 Walt Cook 345 Burnett Ave. N. Install Sink & Gas Piping 2717 200.00 Vadney Enterprises So. 2nd St. & Logan So. Install Plbg. & Fixtures 2718 125.00 Floyd H: James 303 Sunset Blvd. N. Install Oil Heater 2719 100.00 Orville A. Isham 1209 No. 38th St. Alteration Vent Piping 2720 993.00 Calvin..-Fisher 1711 N.E. 16th St. Install (til Furnace & Tank 2721 440.00 Butko-Starkovich 205 S.W. Langston Road Install Gas Furnace 2722 3,100.00 Jerry A1lerrs 95 So. Tobin St. Install Gas Heaters 2723 1,100.00 James M. RuVprecht 2712 N.E. 6th Place Install Boiler etc. 2724 550.00 Kampe Construction 3431 Shattuck Ave. S. Install Plbg. Fixtures ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3127 300.00 Frank Schmid 436 Wells Ave. No. Increase service to 200A 3128 590.0,0 Kampe Construction 1206 N. 31st St. Wire New Residence 3129 695.00 Kampe ConstiAjtt,. on 1101 N. 31st St. Wire New Residence 3130 625.00 Stanford Witsnf 1215 No. 33rd Place Wire Residence 3131 250.00 J. Barei 226 Wells Ave. So. Remodel 21 outlets 3132 950.00 Betty M. Ca por 802 Cedar Ave. S. Wire House & Electric Heat 31,'3 2,500.00 Wash. Jockev Club Longacres Wire Existing Barns 3134 55.00 Dr. Koome 1010 South 2nd St. Wire Bathroom SIGN PERMITS S 106 1,000.00 Atlantic Richfield Co. 620 Rainier Ave. So. Install Pole Sign 107 50.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 1413 Talbot Road So. Install Directional Sign 108 50.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. Talbot Rd.So. & Puget Drive 11 t1 11 109 50.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. Benson Rd.S. & S. Puget Dr. 11 11 TT 110 50.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc. 402 So. 43rd St. Install Directional Sign 111 50.00 Parkwood Homes, Inc Talbot Rd.S. at S.26th 11 SEWER PERMITS 1457 Wyne Kampe 1101 No. 31st LID 261 1458 E. L. McAllister 1021 No. 35th St. LID 263 1459 Carl Larson 1733 N.E. 28th (N.E.27th)LID 280 1460 R. C. Perantie 1915 N.E. 27th LID 271 1461 Leonard Holma 1409-24th Ave. LID 265 1462 D. McIntyre 1001 No. 33rd Place LID 263 1463 Ronald Lovett 2224 N,.E. 27th LID 271 1464 W. White 3737 Park Ave. N. LID 263 1465 Edward Hammond 2704 Meadow Ave. N. LID 265 1466 .Jerry Alforone 2510 Meadow Ave. N. LID 265 1467 George Lowder 2506 Meadow Ave. N. LID 265 443 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 14 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Drug Ordinance to be held one week to allow public to be advised Requirement of six months Disability Leave felt to place hardship upon cities which must continue full salary payment during such period Job descriptions and salaries of city personnel Mining, Excavating and Grading Ordinance MAYOR 'S OFFICE Letter from Mrs . John Holmes , Pres . , Hazen High P. T.A . , and Executive Board, requesting annexation of Hazen High School to Renton PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Mining , excavating and grading Ordinance TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT To furnish Transportation Committee with information concerning status of underground wiring variance requests TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letter from the Wn . Utilities and Transportation Committee regarding Metro Transit Bus Service reduction as of December 28 , 1970 Application of F. A . Charles , Northwest Cablevision , Inc. , for T. V. Cable Franchise renewal APPOINTMENT Mr . Carl L . Norris , Jr . to probationary period as Patrolman , eff. 1/1/71 444 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 14 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and ALLEGIANCE AND called the regular meeting of the Renton City CALL TO ORDER Council to order at 8 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . ROLL CALL OF CLYMER , PERRY, DELAURENTI , STREDICKE , GRANT AND COUNCIL MEMBERS BRUCE. ABSENT : SCHELLERT. MOVED BY GRANT AND SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBER . CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer, G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Vern Church , Purchasing Director, Gene Coulon , Park Director, Vic TeGantvoort , Street Commissioner , Ted Bennett , Utility Accountant , M. Deane Seeger , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO APPROVE 12/7/70 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Ordinance was presented by Legislation Committee RESOLUTIONS Chairman Perry and read by the Clerk amending Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No . PROPOSED "DRUG" 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the ORDINANCE City of Renton" by establishing a new Chapter known as Chapter 19 , Prohibiting "possession , sale or use of narcotics and barbiturates" and related activities and providing penalties for the violation thereof. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE TO BE HELD FOR ONE WEEK TO ALLOW THE PUBLIC TO BE ADVISED CONCERNING THE PROPOSED LAW. CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO . 2604 Ordinance was read authorizing acquisition of certain property and property rights by eminent Authorizing con- domain ; providing for the payment thereof; and demnation of right- authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a of-way for N . E. 27th petition for condemnation in the Superior Court Street Improvement in and for the County of King and the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for the improvement of N.E. 27th Street in Renton , Washington . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO . 2605 Ordinance was read amending Section 1-2501 (E) of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No . 1628 No Sick Leave to entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City be Accrued While of Renton" relating to sick leave benefits . (For on Disability Leave Uniformed Personnel) . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED maw and Providing for BY PERRY, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READING . Sick Leave Pay Upon CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING, IT WAS MOVED BY Retirement or volun- CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE tary Separation -Not AS READ . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TC provided under LEFF ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RE- System SULTED IN ALL AYES. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE MATTER OF 6 MONTHS DISABILITY LEAVE REQUIRE- MENT BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW IT BEING FELT UNDUE BURDEN IS PLACED UPON THE CITY BY THIS LAW. CARRIED. 445 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/14/70 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont . ) RESOLUTION NO. 1722 Authorizing Loan of up to $125 , 000 . 00 from Authorizing Loan Street Forward Thrust Fund Account No . 2000 Between Funds- unto Urban Arterial Fund Account No . 7800 , St . Forward Thrust for 90 day period, to be repaid not later to Urban Arterial than March 15 , 1971 , bearing interest at the rate of 4% per annum. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1723 Council going on record opposing proposed design and location of State of Washington Highway Opposing Present Project SR-515 (relocation of Benson Highway) Design & Route as presented by Dep ' t . of Highways , Dist . No . 1 . Proposed for SR515 and extending cooperation and willingness to (Benson Hwy . Re- meet to resolve presently existing problems; location) also urging no right of way acquisition until meetings have been held and matters properly resolved. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ . MOTION CARRIED. The City Clerk was requested to forward copies of all correspondence concerning SR515 received to date to the District 1 official . VOUCHER APPROVAL Nos . 1739 - 1884 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO APPROVE and LID Cash and CITY OF RENTON VOUCHERS AND L . I. D. CASH AND Revenue Vouchers REVENUE FUND VOUCHERS AS SUBMITTED PER BREAKDOWN 265 No . 9 and 10 , AS FOLLOWS: 267 Nos . 12 ,13 ,14 , 15 and 16 , and Current Fund 1739 - 1793 $ 18 , 043. 62 265 Nos . 11 City Street Fund 1794 - 1807 9 ,136 . 29 Cedar River M&I 1808 - 1811 63. 30 Equipment Rental 1812 - 1824 1 , 426 . 47 Library Fund 1825 - 1829 547 . 53 Park Fund 1830 - 1851 8 ,070. 07 Waterworks Utility 1852 - 1866 3 ,115 . 64 Street Fwd . Thrust 1867 - 1868 247 . 67 Airport Fund 1869 - 1876 340 . 52 Firemen 's Pension 1877 - 1881 139 . 56 Urban Arterial 1882 - 1884 451 . 80 Total all Funds $ 41 ,582. 47 LID 265 Cash & Rev. # 9 $ 27 . 00 LID 265 Cash & Rev. #10 356 . 25 LID 265 Cash & Rev. #11 1 ,529 . 51 LID 267 Cash & Rev. #12 2 ,233 . 70 LID 267 Cash & Rev. #13 5 , 802 . 86 LID 267 Cash & Rev. #14 400 . 00 LID 267 Cash & Rev. #15 14 , 205 . 17 LID 267 Cash & Rev. #16 908 . 40 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Park Director Coulon transmitted Carco Theatre- Change Order from Algene Construction Co . , Change Order General Contractor on Cedar River Park Develop- CAG 1662-70 ment project . (Carco Theatre) This includes time Time Extension extension for contract completion to 12/30/70 and oh Contract for landscaping to 4/30/71 . The architects and Completion Park Board recommended time extensions and change orders be granted . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. Bus Service to Have Letter from the Wn . Utilities and Transportation Schedule Revision Commission reporting financial difficulty of December 28 , 1970 Metro Transit Corp. and advising of reduction of service on trial basis with 1/3 fewer trips , revised schedule to commence December 28 , 1970 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 446 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/14/70 Page 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Final Payment , LID Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported project 265 , Acceptance and completion by Olympic View Plumbing Co . , Sanitary Commence Lien Period- Sewers (Eldon Acres) ,and acceptance by Council was Eldon Acres Sanitary recommended this date along with final payment of Sewers 1/a51,7o ye,4),,r _ $356 . 25 . Also recommended was commencement of 30-day lien period with retainage of $9 ,541 . 71 to be re- leased thereafter upon proof of payment of tax liabilities and if no liens or claims are filed against the project . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. League of Women Letter from Mrs . Phyllis Shellan , President , League Voters , Renton Area of Women Voters extended congratulations to Council Members on their election to office and pledged the assistance of the League to help further the goals of the transition under the Optional Municipal Code . Objectives concerning recreation program, adequate library program and long-range comprehensive planning for capital improvements and zoning were noted to be facets of government of interest to the League and it was requested that from time to time as such matters come before the Municipal Body the League be so advised . Northwest Cablevision Letter from Mr . F. A . Charles , General Manager , NW Inc . request for re- Cablevision , Inc . , submitted application for renewal newal of Franchise- of Franchise #2157 dated 5/10/65 for construction and Ordinance 2157 operation of a cable television system in the City of Renton . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Petition for City Letter from Mrs . John Holmes , President of Hazen to Initiate Annexa- High School PTA , signed by 14 PTA Executive Board tion of Hazen High Members , petitioned the City for assistance in No School to Renton annexing Hazen High School into the City of Renton . Assistance in any way as may be helpful was offered . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE MAYOR 'S OFFICE. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Joe O ' Brien Mr. OtBrien , owner of Phillips 66 Service Station , 330 Rainier Avenue South , on the corner south of Complaint of problem Dag ' s , called attention to situation in the area to business area where young peop_'.e are meeting , drinking beer, and from young people becoming boisterous causing threat to the safety of employees and expense in repair of damages in- flicted upon the business establishment . He inquired if there were an ordinance providing means for dis- persing the groups who are high school age and on up. Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurent.i advised that the area is being covered , and off-duty police are watching it on weekends . Police Chief Williams ,ack- nowledged the problem in this area , one or two places being involved which are attracti,7_tl to young people . He noted that a lot of time is spent there by officers at present however efforts will ,be dnubled and re-empha- sized , this area being a real problem. Councilman Delaurenti advised the Committee will pursue the matter ej further and report back . Joe Sporcic Mr. Joe Sporcic , 1216 Harrington N. E. requested re Drug Ordinance information concerning the Drug Ordinance noting various facets of the problem . from publication which lists alcohol , coffee , etc. as drugs , in use so long it is forgotten that they act as such . Mr. Sporcic was furnished with a copy of the proposed Ordinance for further information, and it was noted the legislation is being held in order that the public may secure copies and be informed of the various types of drugs , who may distribute and possess and Penalty for T'7.- 7 ?ti o?, 447 - MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/14/70 Page 4 . APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence in the probationary appointment of Mr . Carl Love Norris , Jr . to position of police patrolman , to Mr. Carl L. Norris become effective January 1 , 1971 . Police Chief' s Jr. - Patrolman recommendation for appointment and Civil Service Commission certification was attached. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the President Pro tem , Grant , in absence of Council Whole Report President Schellert , announced that no further Committee of the Whole meetings will be held until the first of the year unless request is made on a given subject which requires earlier attention . Request of Traffic Councilman Grant requested that the Traffic Engineering Dept . Engineering Department furnish the Transportation Committee with information concerning status of underground wiring variance recruests . Job Descriptions- MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE SUBJECT Salaries and Wages OF JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND SALARIES BE REFERRED TO for Employees and THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Dept . Heads NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Mining, Excavating MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE THE MINING, and Grading Ordinance EXCAVATING AND GRANDING ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO ADJOURN. 8 :40 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. t� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 14 , 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Schellert Community Services hurs .12/17 Clymer Planning Dept. Conference Rm. Finance Legislation on. 12/21 5 : 00 PM Perry Personnel & Community Ned. 12/1.6 7 :00 PM 2nd Fl .Conf.Rm. Interview Appointees Relations Stredicke to Boards & Com. hurs . 12/17 7 :00 PM King Co. Crths . B.R.B. Public Hear. Bellevue Annex. Public Safety ed. 12/16 9 :00 PM Delaurenti Chairman' s Fire Chief & Police Council Office Chief Invited. Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant f-/)p OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 12/14/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2529 $800.00 HARRY J. SJOSTROM 2406 MONTEREY AVE. NE CONVERT CARPORT TO GARAGE 2530 7,500.00 HUMBLE OIL COMPANY 3001 BENSON ROAD S ADDN. TO SERVICE STATION 2531 1,900.00 HAROLD HAAKENSON 1004 N 33RD ST. SHT, ROCK, PANEL, ETC. 2532 500.00 DELBERT DORN 910 N 32ND ST. CONST. TRAILERPORT -2533 2,000.00 BULL MANUFACTURING 226 WELTS AVE. S CONST. PARTITIONS B 2534 1,500.00 M. AKA-NA 2540 BURNETT CT. S INST, DRAINS AROUND HOUSE 2535 14,000.00 KANPE CONSTRUCTION 3426 SHATTUCK AVE. S CONST. NEW RESIDENCE 2536 14,000.00 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 3431 SHATTUCK AVE. S CONST NEW RESIDENCE 2537 14,000.00 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 3419 SHATTUCK AVE. S CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2538 14,000.00 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 3422 SHATTUCK AVE. S CONST® FAMILY RESIDENCE B 2539 14,000.00 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 3425 SHATTUCK AVE. S CONST. FAMILY RESIDENCE 2540 15500.00 40 RENTALS, INC. 1100 BRONSON WAY N CONST. MASONRY WAILS 2541 1,800.00 OLIVE TILENDA 3623 TALBOT RD. S CONST. CARPORT MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2725 245.00 BETTY M COOPER 802 CEDAR AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2726 1,000.00 H. A. BRINSON 264 EARLINGTON AVE. SW INST. GAS FURNACE 2727 7,500.00 DONALD W• CUSTER 212 WELLS ANTE, S INST. 2 GAS FURNACES 2728 1,500.00 G. POMEROY 1821 ROLLING HILLS SE INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3135 630.00 MODEL HOMES 1806 JONES AVE,, NE WIRE RESIDENCE 3136 615.00 KAMPE CONSTRUCTION 3431 SHATTUCK AVE. S WIRE RESIDENCE SIGHT PERMITS 112 1,200.00 SAM YOUNKER 3820 E VALLEY RD. INST. POLE SIGN SEWER PERMITS S 1468 BERTHA MILLER 3114 PARK AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1469 KENNETH GATHMANN 1308 N 26TH CONNECT SEWER 1470 LARRY SKELLENGER 1806 JONES AVE. NE CONNECT SEWER 1471 JOHN ANDERSON 2610 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1472 WYNE KAMPE 1206 N 31ST CONNECT SEWER S 1473 NANCY A. MEADOWS 2616 MEADOW AVE. N CONNECT SEWER 1474 E. M. BARNES 3632 LK. WN. BLVD. N CONNECT SEWER 1475 C. SMITH 1008 N 33RD PL. CONNECT SEWER 1476 RENTON CONCRETE PROD, 115 S 7TH ST. CONNECT SEWER 1477 WILLIAM DENTON 2025 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER S 1478 GRACE STUMPFF 2017 NE 27TH CONNECT SEWER 1479 E. D. STRIDE 1317 N 28TH CONNECT SEWER RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 21, 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Expiration of 45-day extension granted Kalin Construction on vacation of Whitman Court NE CITY CLERK AND MAYOR'S OFFICE Execute Sea-King Alert System Contract LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Further study proposed Drug Ordinance Proper Resolution Sanitary Sewer LID Edmonds Ave . N.E. vicinity Proper Resolution purchase Olivetti Coinfax Copy Machine for Library Park Department request for transfer of funds - appraisal park property Amendments to Civil Service law as adopted by AWC Rezone of Fire District #25 property PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Applications for amusement device licenses Physical fitness and psychiatric program FINANCE COMMITTEE Funding for annual physicals and psychiatric examinations PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS Appointment of Mr. Lee Young to Board of Etiics Personnel and wage study TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Colorcable Company TV Cable Servece Franchise APPOINTMENTS Mr. George H. Conklin, permanent position Patrolman, eff. 12/16/70 ; Mr. Roger Mathiason & Mr. James Hayny, probationary patrolmen eff . 1/1/71 Mr. Jerry Slough, Board of Adjustment; Mr. W. M. Snyder, Fire Civil Service Commission 451 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 21 , 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. ROLL CALL OF SCHELLERT, CLYMER , DELAURENTI, PERRY, STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEMBERS BRUCE AND GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR, HELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK, IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT, CITY TREASURER, G . M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY, C. S. WILLIAMS, CHIEF OF POLICE, JACK WILSON, CITY ENGINEER, GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, PLANNING DIRECTOR , M. C. WALLS, FIRE CHIEF, VERN CHURCH, PURCHASING DIRECTOR , GENE COULON, PARK DIRECTOR , VIC TE GANTVOORT, STREET COMMISSIONER , M. DEANE SEEGER, ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. TO THE MAYOR , AND BERNARD RUPPERT, BUILDING DIRECTOR . MINUTE APPROVAL Council President Schellert , invited corrections or 12/21/70 additions to the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion proposed by Perry and duly seconded, to amend Page 4 , Paragraph 5 , by inserting after word salaries , FOR THE TEMPORARILY APPOINTED OFFICIALS- - - - Moved by Stredicke , seconded by Grant to strike word salaries and insert wording of "JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR DEPARTMENT HEADS" . Perry objected stating that this was intended to affect only those interim appointees in the Mayor 's letter of November 24 , 1970. Grant agreed noting his intent in last week' s motion was to include writing of classifications for the temporarily appointed officials and withdrew his second. Original motion to amend was put to vote and the chair ruled that the motion failed. Roll call vote resulted as follows : Aye : Clymer , Stredicke and Grant . No : Delaurenti , Perry and Bruce . Schellert abstained. Mayor Garret voted no breaking the tie and the motion was declared lost . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Proposed Drug Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Ordinance proposed Ordinance amending Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , by establishing a new Chapter 19 , Prohibiting the "possession" , sale or use of narcotics and barbit- urates-'and related activities and providing penalties for the violation thereof. The Ordinance had been on introductory reading on 12/14/70 and second and final readings- were now before the body . AUDIENCE COMMENT ON Mr. Ken Ristine , 8423 S. 115th, Renton , inquired PROPOSED DRUG LAWS as to how the legislation would affect the Berry House as concerns those present at the house and under the influence of drugs , which has become the more or less exclusive catering routine at this time as the Ordinance refers to a place of resort . City Attorney Shellan advised that the ordinance is to be enforced the same for the Berry House as for another private residence; that the law cannot be selectively enforced nor can exceptions be made. Search warrant can ,be secured and arrests made in cases where persons were there in defeat of the purpose of the house and upon repeats the police have obligation to stop the activity; enforcement otherwise is no different and has the same safeguurde as the house next door . 452 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/21/70 Page 2. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Drug Ordinance Comment Milly Layman , Asst . Director of Berry House , and Discussion noted up to 20 persons may be there at once under the influence of drugs to get confidence or help. and if medical attention is needed she or another adult on duty would handle same . She wondered if they would now run the risk of the police coming in , such action to defeat the purpose of the house , the people presently knowing they are allowed to plug in for medical or psychiatric help . Councilman Schellert acknowledged valid and commendable aspects of the Berry House and Councilman Stredicke commented that the pro- posed ordinance is to allow for local juris- diction so people do not have to go into Superior Court , the provisions already in effect under existing State Law. Police Chief Williams confirmed that nothing is changed as far as law enforcement is con- cerned as arrests can be made under present law but that action is a matter of policy . The police are not expertise in theraputics and where there is successful group effort nothing will be done to disturb such relationship. It was noted service is given as may be needed in assisting to the hospital and that confidence in the law enforcement agency is otherwise necessary . Mr. Joe Sporcic presented newspaper article from a panel discussion which meeting Council- man Perry advised he had attended where it was concluded that legislation cannot stop the activity as long as people want to sell they are going to find a market , but that the legis- lation will help deter and make people more hesitant in such transactions . Councilman Clymer objected to Sec. 6-1916 inasmuch as he felt a friend trying to help might be found guilty by association in being present where some- one is under the influence. He urged deletion of this section . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER STUDY. Mr . Frank Storey urged that people be invited to the Police and Courts as everyone is looking for a tool to work with and having primary interest , these agencies might benefit by criticism and suggestions which may be offered . Mrs . Margaret Evans urged the Council not to delete any part of the ordinance as modification would weaken it, noting good judgment is to be used by the police . She also felt open-minded adults who have taken time to look into the problem and to get training might help give the young people '" the support and understanding they seek, noting news item indicating adults are not wanted there . Mr . Mike Low, 609 S. W. 3rd Place advised that 3 or 4 adults are present at all times at the Berry House. Mr. James Grenfell , 4400 N.E. Sunset , Berry House Director , expressed concern for those people wanting to get help and noted Berry House does not have all the answers , no one does , but that they have been operating for some time , doing more right than wrong and helping a considerable number of kids . He favors the ordinance at this standpoint but expressed willingness to meet for discussions , noting such legislation to be a community matter with all persons needing to be involved. THE PENDING MOTION WAS PUT TO VOTE AT THIS TIME AND CARRIED. 453 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/21/70 Page 3. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) ORDINANCE NO . 2606 Ordinance was read authorizing appropriation of Appropriation and $45 ,000. 00 from excess revenue in the Firemen 's Transfer of Funds Pension Fund, unto Available Surplus , F .P.F. , within Firemen 's Acct . 2710/501 , and authorizing transfer of Pension Accounts funds within the Budgetary Classifications . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY bo. SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1724 Proposed Resolution was submitted authorizing the Carco Theatre Area- Mayor and City Clerk to execute easement in Relocation of an favor of Puget Sound Power & Light Company Easement and portion said Company to release and vacate existing of transmission line easement in lieu thereof. Letter from the Park in Cedar River Park Director , Gene Coulon , reported Park Board recom- mendation that Easement be granted with condition of release and vacation of prior easement dated 3/13/61 , Auditor 's File 5264946; all in connection with relocation of easement and portion of trans- mission facilities in vicinity of Carco Theatre, Cedar River Park . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE PARK BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. The Resolution was read. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Schellert , to adopt as read . Carried . RESOLUTION NO. 1725 Resolution Fixing Per Diem for City Officials while Per Dien for Travel traveling on city business , Fixing requirements for and Related Subsis- authority to attend official meetings or conventions tence Rates and Re- pertaining to city business and establishing policy quiring authority for certain subsistence rates in addition to the for attendance foregoing and for computing sane . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Stredicke felt all City Officials and Department Heads should be included and accountable to the public for out of state travel . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : Aye-4 : Schellert , Perry , Bruce and Grant . No-3 : Clymer , Delaurenti and Stredicke . the MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO . 1726 Public Works Committee majority report recommended, in consideration of interest expressed for sanitary Initiating Sanitary sewers and in recognition of fact that sewers should Sewer L.T.D. in the be installed prior to completion of street improve- vicinity of Edmonds ments to Edmonds Avenue , that the Council pass a Avenue N. E. Resolution initiating an L. I.D. for sanitary sewers to serve this area and vicinity . Letter from City Engineer Wilson reported that the petition filed with the City requesting LID for the Edmonds Avenue N.E. area was signed by owners of 45% of abutting property , which percentage is less than required to obligate the City to create the district , however, in view of the strong in- terest (26 of 46 having signed) it was urged that LID be initiated by Resolution , it also being felt this would be the ideal time to install the sewers while the street is being reconstructed and cost would undoubtedly increase in the future. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. 454 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 4 • ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) RESOLUTION 1726 Proposed Resolution was read declaring intent to initiate LID for sewers on Edmonds Ave . N.:�s • Edmonds Ave . N. E. Map of the proposed LID boundaries was disllayed Sanitary Sewers by City Engineer Wilson . The pending motion was subsequently voted upon and roll call requested since vote was dissenting . Aye-4 : Schellert , Perry , Stredicke and Grant. No-3: Clymer ; Delaurenti and Bruce . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND TO GO ON RECORD REFERRING THE PETITION BACK: TO THE PEOPLE . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO AMEND TO INCLUDE REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL BY PETITIONERS ON FEBRUARY 1 , 1971 . AUDIENCE COMMENT The public was invited to speak at this time and those speaking for the LID included Mr. Marion Bunch , 2101 Edmonds Avenue N.E. , Mr. Bill Lightfoot , 2117 Edmonds Avenue N.E. and Mr. David Caton , 2217 Edmonds N.E. and Mr . G . B. Douglas , 2209 Edmonds Avenue N. E. Speaking in ,)ppositio�n to LID initiation were Mr. Amos Huseland, 1916 Edmonds NE. ,Mr: L.Sturman , President , Kennydale Memorial Club, and Mrs . Rebecca Sargent . Pending motion was voted upon. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : Aye-3 : Clymer , Delaurenti and Grant . No-4 : Schellert , Perry Stredicke and Bruce . Motion lost . Resolution was again before the body. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO POSTPONE ACTION ONE WEEK. Debate followed with subsequent dissenting voice vote and roll call as follows : Aye-3: Clymer, Delaurenti and Grant . No-4 : Bruce, Stredicke , Perry and Schellert . Motion lost . MOTION TO ADOPT WAS VOTED UPON AS _FOLLOWS: Aye-4 : CbR77CTED-REFER TO Schellert , Perry, St.redi ke `eand B-i - , No-3 : MINU7L� GF ��y ��� Clymer, Delaurenti and MOTION CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO RECESS.: 9 :45 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. After the recess the roll call was taken with all councilmen present or .subse- quently returning as previouly listed in roll call . VOUCHER APPROVAL Councilman Schellert reported approval of City Nos . 1885-2028 and LID 265 and 271 Vouchers by the Finance and LID 265 #12 , Committee and recommended Council approval at #13 , and #14 , and this time . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY LID 271 #2 . CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Fund Breakdown Current Fund 1885 - 1939 $ 1I ,145 .50 City Street 1940 - 1953 16 ,486 .61 Cedar River M&I 1954 - 1955 129.00 Equipment Rental 1956 - 1967 1 ,330 . 93 Library Fund 1968 - 1968 20 . 97 Park Fund 1969 - 1987 6 ,375 . 66 Waterworks Utility 1988 - 2001 11 ,886 . 84 Street Fwd . Thrust 2002 - 2004 172 . 48 Airport Fund 2005 - 2012 357.84 Firemens Pension 2013 - 2025 5 ,241 . 01 Urban Arterial 2026 - 2028 1 ,552 . 32 $ 54 ,699 .16 LID 271 Cash & Rev. # 2 $ 598 .50 LID 265 Cash & Rev. #12 13 ,171 . 33 LID 265 Cash & Rev. #13 10 ,952. 70 LID Cash & Rev. #14 435 . 00 ¢ss MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/21/70 Page 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Final Payment , 30-Day Letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson sub- Lien Period and Accept mitted and recommended for payment ,final work LID 271 , CAG 1737-70 estimate on LID 271 ,by DiOrio Construction , 27th NE Sanitary in sum of $598 . 50 . Acceptance of the Council Sewers this date was recommended with commencement of the 30-day lien period and release thereafter of $4 ,356 . 86 if no liens or claims are filed and upon proof of payment of all tax liabilities . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr . Rudolph Seppi Letter from Mr . Seppi commended the Engineering Commending City and Street Departments for foresight and good for Earlington judgment in the Earlington Street improvement Street Improvement program the work being completed with little or no inconvenience to the residents of the area . Fund Transfer - Letter from Mr . Clark H. Petersen , Library Library Budget Accts . Director , requested fund transfer from 1970 budget accounts 1610/310 Rentals , $800 . 00 and 1610/315 , Equipment Rental , $355 . 00 unto 1610 606 , Capital Outlay , to cover purchase of new Olivetti Coinfax Copy Machine . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION . MOTION CARRIED. Final Assessment Roll Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted for and Costs for LID 265 , approval the final costs to be charged against Eldon Acres Sanitary LID 265 , Eldon Acres Sanitary Sewers , CAG . 1713-70 Sewers in total sum of $138 ,909 . 98 . Final Assessment Roll was attached and January 25 , 1971 was recom- mended as date for hearing on said roll . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Park Department - Letter from Gene L . Coulon , Park Director , re- Fund Transfer Request quested transfer of $3,000 . 00 from Cumulative For Appraisal of Park Reserve Fund 1689 , Acquisition and Development Properties of Park Sites , to Park Fund 1710/605 , Capital Outlay . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BPUCE, TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED. Application for Letter from Mr . Andy L. Thuney , owner of Christy 's Shuffleboard License Tavern , requested that license be granted to operate a coin-type pool table in said tavern . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Bid Report - 1971 Legal Publications City Clerk Nelson reported opening of bids this date for 1971 Legal Publications . One bidder responded as follows : Renton Record-Chronicle , Circulation 26 , 766 . (See Bid tabulations attached) 1i MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO ACCEPT THE BID FOR 8 POINT TYPE @ $2 . 35 G` for first publication or $ . 27 per line and $2 .10 :10�` each additional publication or $ . 24 per line . MOTION CARRIED. Sea-King Alert Letter from C. S. Williams , Police Chief, submitted CAG 1759-70 Renewal for annual renewal , Sea King Alert System Agreement with King County , approximate increase in cost of $3 . 00 monthly being the basic revision to existing contract . Authorization for execution by the Mayor and City Clerk was requested. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED 4,5-06 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/21/70 Page 6 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS: AWC re Civil Service Letter from Mr. Chester Biesen called attention law amendments to proposals adopted by the Association of Wn . Cities Board of Directors to amend the State Mandatory Civil Service Law to provide for selection of candidates from among top 3 rather than having to accept candidate with the highest grade . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE LETTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Application for Letter from Dennis Vadney , owner of Burger World, Amusement Machine 526 So . 2nd Street , requested that licenses be Licenses granted to operate two coin-type pool tables in said location and that Rainier Amusement Company be granted license for Music Machine at said business location . Letter from Mr . Beach , Mgr . , Riviera Tavern , 2231 Maple Valley Highway , requested license be granted Rainier Amusement Company to operate an amusement machine in said business lo- cation . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE APPLICATIONS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COM- MITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. Wn . State Highway Letter from W. C. Bogart , District 1 Engineer , Department Notice advised of public hearing in Renton on January 14 , of Design Hearing 1971 , in the Board Rm . of the Renton School District Administration Office , 435 Main Avenue South , for Design as concerns (Maplewood Golf Course to SR 405) Highway improvement . Kalin Construction- Letter from the City C1e'rk reported expiration Vacation of Whitman of 45-day extension period granted Kalin Construct- Court ion to complete escrow and title transfer in order that Vacation of Whitman Court might be consumated . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requested concurrence in Board of Ethics the appointment of Mr. Lee Young to Board of Ethics Mr . Lee Young for a five year period . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. George Conklin Letter fror^ the Mayor requested concurrence in the Patrolman Appointee appointment of Mr. George H. Conklin to permanent to Permanent Position position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department , effective as of December 16 , 1970 . Police Chief's Mr . Roger Mathiason recommendation was attached advising of successful and James Hayny to completion of the probationary 6 months period . Probationary status Also recommended for positions of probationary of Patrolmen patrolman , effective January 1 , 1971 were Mr. Roger Mathiason and Mr. James Hayny . MOVED BY PERRY, AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR ' S APPOINTMENTS TO THE RENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT POSITIONS. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported Public Safety Committee Committee Report recommendation concerning Fire District 25 offer for the city to use the former fire station site that Fire Dist . 25 prior decision is again confirmed by majority report Fire Station Site- that the City does not wish to use the site . MOVED Planning Commission BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR . CARRIED . Rezone Recommenda- MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT tion . THE SUBJECT OF REZONE OF THIS PROPERTY BE TAKEN FROM THE TABLE AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO- CONCUR IN THE PLANNING COM- MISSION RECOMMENDATION TO REZONE THIS PROPERTY TO B-1 . CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE REZONE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . THE MOTION CARRIED. I 457 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/21/70 Page 7 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported that the complaint Committee Report of Mr . Paul Godot of 12/7/70 is pending further information and will be held in committee . Personnel and Chairman Stredicke submitted report recommending Community Rela- concurrence in appointments of Mr . Jerry Slough tions Committee to the Board of Adjustment and Mr. Wm. Snyder to Report Confirming the Fire Civil Service Commission . MOTION BY *out Appointments SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, CONFIRMED THE AP- POINTMENT OF MR . SLOUGH, AND MOTION BY SCHELLERT SECONDED BY BRUCE, CONFIRMED APPOINTMENT OF MR . SNYDERy BOTH CARRYING . Bellevue Annexa- Chairman Stredicke reported results of Public tion within Renton Hearing held by the Boundary Review Board at the School District King County Court House as concerns annexation of territory by the City of Bellevue and noted the BRB has 40 days to review the annexation but they indicated agreement to delete that area within the Renton School District . Ambulance Service Councilman Stredicke inquired concerning referral of the subject of additional ambulance service and matter of emergency vehicle and franchise for service ,citing instance of need and no vehicle being available . He urged the Public Safety and Legislation Committees to take early action on the matter . Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti noted meetings and investigations underway in this regard, various companies having been contacted in regard to serving the City . It was noted Shepard will be available January 18 to meet in this regard. Home Burglaries- Councilman Stredicke commended the Mayor 's Office Self-Protection and the Police Chief for the letter that was sent Precautions to all residences concerning precautions to be taken by the citizens to prevent home burglaries . TV Cable Service Councilman Stredicke requested that the Transporta- Franchise tion Committee research the Agreement with Colorcable at the same time it reviews the Northwest Cablevision Franchise. Physical Fitness Personnel and Community Relations Committee Chairman Programs for Uni - Stredicke noted discussions concerning physical formed Personnel fitness program and ability to perform duties and MOVED THAT THE MATTER OF FUNDING FOR ANNUAL PHYSICALS, FOR MEMBERS OF UNIFORMED PERSONNEL, BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND THAT THE COUNCIL GO ON RECORD OF SUGGESTING CHANGE IN THE CIVIL SERVICE REG':LATIONS TO PROVIDE FOR PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS OF ALL UNIFORMED PERSONNEL EVERY OTHER YEAR WITH THE POLICE UNDERGOING EXAMINATION IN 1972 AND FIRE DE- PARTMENT PERSONNEL IN 1971 . MOTION WAS SECONDED BY SCHELLERT AND CARRIED . Question of funding was raised since none was budgeted for such purpose. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE QUESTION OF PSYCHIATRIC EXAMINATIONS FOR RENTON PO- LICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE . CARRIED. Report of the Chairman Bruce submitted report recommending that Public Works the City accept offer to purchase on contract the Committee to property owned by Rudolph Starkovich et al , which purchase site adjoins the city watershed property on Talbot Hill . adjoining city MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR. watershed $43 ,000 . 00 MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE total cost . MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. DISSENTING VOICE VOTE RESULTED IN ROLL CALL AS FOLLOWS : AYE-3: SCHELLERT, CLYMER, PERRY. NO-3 : DELAURENTI, PERRY, . AND BRUCE. STREDICKE, ABSTAIN. THE MAYOR VOTED NO; MOTION FAILED. MOTION TO CONCUR CARRIED. 58MIN458- MINUTES UTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/21/70 Page 8 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Personnel and Wage Grant inquired regarding status of wage study Study referral and Perry noted minute amendment was made so that only Mayor ' s temporary appointments would be in his Committee . MOVED BY GRANT, AND SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE MATTER OF PERSONNEL AND WAGE STUDY, EXCEPT FOR MAYOR 'S TEMPORARY APPOINT- MENTS, BE REFERRED TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke reported having met in this regard with --Bellevue-.and having request- ed material from King County, the State and the Assn . of Wn . Cities , and report is to be returned to Council by the end of January . Perry noted discussions with Everett 's Mayor , that City having had a study and copy of their report has been re- quested with meeting suggested also. Transportation Councilman Grant reported receipt of letter from Committee Report the State Hwy . Dist . #1 Engineer. Mr . W. C . Bogart re SR515 advising of concluding investigation and analysis on 5 items of concern to be presented to the Transportation Committee and it was hoped the full Council in mid January . Central Business Transportation Committee meeting minutes of 12/17/70 District - Renton were noted which listed concensus of items required for the CBD Improvement Plan , copies of which will be distributed through the City Clerk ' s office . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Election of 1971 Nominations were opened for 1971 City Council Council President- President . Delaurenti nominated Grant . Stredicke , Councilman Bill in the interest of ending seniority basis , nomina- Grant - Ken Bruce ted Clymer . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELA- President pro tem URENTI , NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED. CARRIED. GRANT WAS UNANIMOUSLY ELECTED. Nominations were opened for President pro tem. DELAURENTI NOMINATED CLYMER . PERRY NOMINATED BRUCE. MOVED BY STEEDICKE, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED . NOMINATION WERE DECLARED CLOSED. BRUCE WAS ELECTED UNANIMOUSLY. Newspaper Report Councilman Stredicke called attention to newspaper of Mayor's Comments article and statement quoting the Mayor concerning on Budget Sessions staff representation at budget sessions , Mr . Stredic;.e noting the Budget Clerk was present at every meeting on the budget . Grant called attention to discuss.icn with Mr . Frank Gilpin concerning public Public Relations relations work and noted perhaps Council should consider him to do .the news releases . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Paul Godot inquired of Public Safety Committee Chairman concerning complaint he had filed and was advised by Chairman Delaurenti that he will be called in for meeting when all information has been received . Mr. Godot questioned the Council regarding action concerning psychiatric examinations aid was advised referral for funding was made since no money had been budgeted for such purpose , Grant noting his agreement with the need but objection voiced because of way motion was stated it being felt to be headline grabber which Mr. Godot noted so are events where no testsare given . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADJOURN. 11 :25 p .m. CARRIED. HOLIDAY GREETINGS WERE EXTENDED TO ALL. Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 21, 1976 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Schellert Community Services Maxin Finance Edwards Legislation Mon. 12/28 5 :00 PM Perry City Atty. Shellan, Sgt. Phelan, Park & Planning Directors Personnel & Community asked to attend. Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Wed. 12/23 4 : 00 PM Grant 4th Fl .Conf .Rm. CBD Plan Washington State Highway Thursday Board Room Design Hearing Commission 1/14/71 10 :00 AM Administration SR-169 Maplewood Office, Renton Golf Course to SR405 School Dist. No. 403 435 Main So. 460 12/21/70 1971 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS BID OPENING 2 :00 P .M. , First Floor Conference Room December 21 , 1970 BIDDER Renton Record-Chronicle , Circulation 26 ,766 8 POINT TYPE $2 . 35 per column inch for first publication of $ . 27 per line $2 . 10 per column inch additional publications or $ . 24 per line 6 POINT TYPE $2 . 95 per column inch for first publication or $ . 25 per line $2 . 65 per column inch additional publications or $ . 22 per line Published Sunday , Wednesday and Friday 461 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK DECEMBER 21, 1970 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK *.B2542 $ 1,200 .00 BEN COTE 3602 NE 10TH LANE CONVERT GARAGE 2543 2 , 400 .00 PACIFIC CAR 1400 N 4TH ST FOUNDATION 2544 100 .00 R F STORWICK 105 WILLIAMS AVE S INST PARTITION MECHANICAL PERMITS M2729 135 .00 PATRICK ROSS 912 GRANT AVE S CONVERSION BURNER 2730 1,200 .00 PARKWOOD HOMES 807 S 27TH ST INST PLUMB FIX ELECTRICAL PERMITS E3137 VOID 3138 200 .00 BEN CODY 3602 NE 10TH LANE CHANGE PANEL 3139 1,500 .00 GROUP HEALTH 275 BRONSON WAY NE WIRE THREE ROOMS E3140 500 .00 N WESTERN MORTGA 641 WELLS AVE N REPAIR PANELS 3141 750 .00 TOTEM BEVERAGES 1520 SW GRADY WAY INSTL CIRCUIT 3142 500 .00 FHA—MARK 7 RLTY 3324 NE 7TH PL INCR SERVICE 3143 300 .00 DOBI CORP 4353 SO HENDERSON INCR SERVICE SIGN PERMIT S113 600 .00 SUN LITE REST 509 S 3RD ST INST PROJ SIGN 114 300 .00 J E PRIDE 710 S 3RD ST it SEWER PERMITS S1480 ED BERKEY 919 N 32ND LID 263 1481 POLLY CELIGOY 908 N 35TH it 1482 STANLEY CELIGOY 913 N 35TH of 1483 STAN WITSOE 1209 N 33RD PL if 1484 EMATL LESELL 3714 LK WN BLVD N if S1485 ELIS PETERSON 3720 LK WN BLVD N it 1486 G AMBROSE 1012 N 34TH if 1487 JOHN DENNIS 1213 N 35TH if 1488 D SASTEN 1821 RLG HLS SE SIDE SEWER 1489 L E WALMSLEY 2308 NE 27TH ST LID 271 51490 ROGER JOHNSON 1801 NE 27TH ff 462 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk December 28 , 1970 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Matter of appointment of Public Works Administrator Subject of notification to council prior to lay-offs or hiring , other than authorized in the budget Statement of City Personnel Policies prepared by Mr. Seeger , the Mayor's Assistant . LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed ordinance amending Building Code as concerns governmental and public use properties Proposed ordinance relating to holidays - to conform to Federal and State Statutes . PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE . Reappointment of Mr . Gary Dime to Renton Aviation Board PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE - WITH POWER TO ACT Application for License to operate Coin-type pool table at Mike ' s Tavern MAYOR AND CITY CLERK To execute freeway landscaping maintenance agreements with State Hwy . Dep' t . MEETINGS AND EVENTS 12/29/70 - Meeting between Mayor and Local 21R in 6th floor conference Room at 2 :00 p.m. 2/15/71 - Public Hearing on Final Assessment Roll of LID 271 APPOINTMENT Mr. Del Bennett - Public Works Administrator i 463 RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGOffice of City Clerk December 28, 1970 M I N U T E S PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Avery Garrett led the Flag Salute and the regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL Grant , Clymer , Schellert , Delaurenti , Perry , and Bruce. Absent : Stredicke. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT COUNCILMAN . THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS Avery Garrett , Mayor , Helmie Nelson , City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE G. M. Shellan , City Attorney , C. S. Williams , Chief of Police , Jack Wilson , City Engineer , Del Bennett , Public Works Administrator, Vern Church , Purchasing Director , Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director , Gene Coulon , Park Director , Vic Te Gantvoort , Street Commissioner, M. Deane Seeger , Administrative Asst . to the Mayor and Bernard Ruppert , Building Director . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS ordinance which had been on introductory reading on 12/21/70,, and raported recommendation for second and final readings . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. The ORDINANCE No . 2607 ordinance was read amending Title VI (Police Drug Ordinance Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" , by establishing a new chapter known as Chapter 19 , prohibiting "possession , sale or use of narcotics or barbiturates" and related activities and pro- viding penalties for the violation thereof. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Audience comment was in- vited. Milly Laymen , 12637 S.E. 162nd Street , Asst . Director of the Berry House , advised that although it was felt the legislation is needed, the Berry House cannot endorse it inasmuch as they have not been advised as to interpretation and implementation . After discussion regarding discussion at prior meeting and final action by council having been withheld to allow for public information , inquiry and discussion; and apology by Mr . Joe Sporcic for comments of prior week which he felt may have been detrimental to the Berry House , roll call vote was taken on the pending motion to adopt and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Ordinance was read amending Sections 4-706 and Amending Building 4-710 of Title IV, (Building Regulations) of Code as concerns Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General government and Ordinances of the City of Renton . " The Legisla- public use property tion Committee recommended first reading only at this time with referral back for a tTid-641 week period to allow that the public and concerned parties may be informed and render opinions . MiNuTE Gr�'L� l^i i MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE DOCUMENT WAS RETURNED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. PROPOSED ORDINANCE Proposed Ordinance was read amending Sec. 1-801 RELATING TO HOLIDAYS of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton . " , relating to holidays . (To comply with Federal Laws passed by Congress in 1967 and State Laws passed in 1969 , Uniform Holiday Act. ) Clymer urged policy of reading one week and acting on second and final readings the following week or thereafter. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE CARRIED. 464 MINUTES- RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/28/70 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 17'27 Authorizing transfer of $3 ,000. 00 from Cumula- Park Department tive Reserve Fund $1689 , Acquisition and Devel Fund Transfer of opment of' Park Sites , 3010 , unto Park Fund No . $3,000. 00 for 1710 , Capital Outlay Account 605 . MOVED BY apprals31 fees on SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE park site property RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. (Additional Ordinance and Resolution later in the meeting) VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported approval of City of Renton Vouchers Nos . 2029 Nos . 2029 - 2139 through 2139 and LID 263 Cash and Revenue and LID 263 Cash Fund Voucher #15 and recommended concurrence and Revenue #15 by Council at this time . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS REPORTED. CARRIED. Fund breakdown follows : Current Fund *✓AOIOV 2029 - 2059 $ 2 ,48 . 66 City Street Fund 2060 - 2063 201 . 37 Cedar River M&I 2064 139 . 76 Equipment Rental 2065 - 2074 2 , 6 _?2 Library Fund Wata6-V 2075 - 2109 e-99-� , 5 Park Fund 2110 - 2126 9 ,198 . 62 Waterworks Utility 2127 - 2135 13, 786 . 66 Street Fwd. Thrust 2136 13,878 . 42 Airport Fund 2137 - 2138 73. 20 Urban Arterial 2139 141 . 93 Total All Funds $ -44-1-F-54-.6 9 L. I.D. 263 Cash & Rev. #15 $ 25 . 67 COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS Application for Letter from Mr. A . A . Broshem requested license Shuffleboard be issued to Rainier Amusement to operate coin- License type pool table at Mike 's Place, 1055 Sunset NE. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE APPLICATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. THE MOTION CARRIED. O.E.D.P . Committee Letter from King County Executive , John D. Spellman , contributions to transmitted editorial opinion from the Seattle Times economic problems noting $2 ,179, 000 grant awarded the Port of Seattle by the Economic Development Administration . Mr. Spellman noted efforts of Mayor Garrett on behalf of taxpayers ,through the O. E.D.P . Committee ,have brought results with other grants to follow, and appreciation was expressed for the Mayor ' s parti- cipation which was felt to have been a major con- tribution to solution of Iocal economic problems . Wn . Dep ' t . of Letter from Mr. W. C . Bogart , P.E . , Dist . 1 , Hwys. , Report on State Highway Dep ' t . , acknowledged receipt of SR515 Resolution City of Renton Resolution No . 1723,opposing the present location and design of Sign Route 515 , and it was noted that the Dep ' t . of Highways does not intend to acquire right of way prior to complete resolution of the plan and full City too concurrence is obtained - of whatever plan arises . Freeway vicinity Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted, and Landscaping recommended for execution by the Mayor and City SR 405 Areas , Clerk , Landscape Maintenance Agreement with the So . 3rd & Mill So . State Highway Dep ' t . , CS 1743 SR 405 , So. 3rd and Southcenter toy Street and Mill Avenue South . MOVED BY CLYMER, Cedar River, local SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. jurisdictionSto THE MOTION CARRIED. Also submitted for approval , maintain portions and signature by City Officials , was Maintenance inside cities and Agreement for landscaping portions of SR 405 right- outside State fence of way from Southcenter to Cedar River. MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR. CARRIED. 465 MINUTES RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/28/70 Page 3 . COMMUNICATIONS AND CURRENT BUSINESS : (Cont . ) Final Costs and Letter from City Engineer Wilson listed cost Assessment Roll breakdown on LID 271 in total sum of $ 54 ,161 . 05; LID 271 -Public February ,:,21, 1971 suggested for hearing on the Hearing 2/.2.Z/71 final assessment roll . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY PERRY, TO CONCUR . CARRIED. Sign Permit Letter from B. L. Ruppert , Building Director , Extension attached and recommended for approval , request 124 Rainier So . of Mr. Harold I Mellor for extension of Use H. I. Mellor Permit PAG 1679-70 , to include pole sign on a portion of the leased right of way . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUESTS. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Public Works Letter from Mayor Garrett reported appointment ,on Administrator - December 24 , of Mr . Delbert Bennett to position of Mr. Delbert C. Public Works Administrator, and advised of need for Bennett review of the Ordinance creating the Board of Public Works for necessary legislation to get maximum efficiency from 'the change . It was felt this position would provide liaison between the administrative and legislative branches of government and assure follow- up often found lacking in community projects . Respons- ibility and authority will include directing and co- ordinating projects as may be developed by the Mayor 's Office and the City Council . Committee of the Council President Grant submitted report of the Whole Report Committee of the Whole recommending that the matter of a Public Works Administrator be referred to the Committee of the Whole . MOVED BY PERRY, V SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. Discussion ensued, excerpts written at request of Mr . Grant distributed to all members in accordance with prior policy) portion included herein as follows : Grant : I would like the following entered in the record. "That it is my belief that a transfer of funds from Traffic Engineering Department to Position of Public Works Administrator should be submitted by the Mayor 's Office at the earliest opportunity . Until that matter is clarified and Council knows for certain where the traffic engineer is ,ar,,1 drawing salary which is accountable to a certain fund ; whether traffic or public works . This has to be clarified so council is able to act by law which states if a man is working , funds have to be accounted for by the Council and the Mayor . We have to account to the public and answer questions . Is he serving as Traffic Engineer and getting paid from that , or Executive , or where is he receiving funds from. One other item has to be resolved. I realize you have made a temporary or interin assignment of department functions . The duties of a department head have been assigned to the Engineer and we need something other than a news release . There is no assigning of a job to the engineering department in your letter This was only in the news release - - -" The Mayor advised a memo had gone to the City Engineer and copies would be furnished the council . THE PENDING MOTION SUBSEQUENTLY CARRIED, REFERRING THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Appointment of Letter from Mayor Garrett requested council con- Mr . Gary Dime to currence in the reappointment of Mr . Gary Dime another term on to the Aviation Board, said term to expire 11/6/73. Aviation Board MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. 466 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/28/70 Page 4 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL Committee of the Recommended that Council President Grant Whole Report investigate charges by Mr . I . J. Brodell of 1101 Shelton Avenue N .E . Renton , regarding the travel vouchers of Traffic Engineer Del Bennett and Assistant Planning Director Jim Magstadt to convention in San Francisco . (Institute of Traffic Engineers) (Motion follows) AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Frank Storey stated if the Mayor has found a way to make use of Mr . Bennett ' s ability the Mr. Frank Storey City should utilize and take advantage of this ' opportunity , his work having been very well performed . Mr. Harold Mr . Harold Caldwell inquired concerning condition Caldwell of the Police Officer ' s Guild contract and if it had been submitted to the Council by the Mayor. He was advised no action has been taken as yet . Council President MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR to check COm2laint- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION FOR travel vouchers for INVESTIGATION BY THE PRESIDENT CONCERNING TRAVEL Del Bennett and Jim VOUCHERS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Magstadt Letter of welcome Council President Grant called attention to letter to visitors to of welcome and information and to suggestion that council meeting all correspondence be submitted to Councilmen to be brought to each meeting . Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Committee Report recommendation that no action be taken regarding on referral of repeal of obsolete or inactive material relating letter from Mr . to various local government agencies as this Gerald L . Sorte does not affect the city . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, AND SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR . MOTION CARRIED. RECESS Recess was declared at this time upon MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY. After recess , roll was taken with all present as before . Legislation Chairman Perry presented proposed ordinance which Committee was read by the Clerk , Re-adopting the requirement submittal of of Council confirmation of all appointive officers legislation to as specified in Title I (Administrative) and require Council Title II (Commissions and Boards) , of Ordinance confirmation of No . 1628 entitled Code of General Ordinances of appointments the City of Renton . " MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AUTHORIZE SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL AYES ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE UNANIMOUSLY. Force reduction MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT BEFORE ANY or increase LAY-OFF OR HIRING , OUTSIDE OF BUDGETED AUTHORIZATION, IT BE BROUGHT TO COUNCIL ONE WEEK BEFORE IT HAPPENS. After discussion concerning a sp- eciric rumored action , and notation of meeting with Local 21R on Tuesday , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE WHOLE SUBJECT TO COMMITTEE OF ,o THE WHOLE. Dissenting voice vote brought roll call as follows : Aye-3 : Schellert , Delaurenti and Clymer No-3 : Grant , Bruce and Perry . Mayor Garrett voted aye . MOTION TO REFER CARRIED . Ititiative No . 43 It was urged by Councilman Schellert that news publication be given concerning Initiative 43 Zoning review by which affects any person owning properties within State Dept . of five hundred feet of water - Shorelines Protection Ecology on water- Act . This would concern Lake Wn . , Cedar River, front properties Green River , Marg Creek and Springbrook areas of Renton . Bruce requested copy of the Initiative . 467 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 12/28/70 Page 5 . NEW BUSINESS BY COUNCIL (Cont . ) Local 21 -R Council President Grant invited all Councilmen to Meeting attend the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 12/29/70, at 2 :00 p.m. in the 6th floor conference room, as noted by Mayor Garrett , with Local 21R . Statement Perry called attention to letter from Deane Seeger, of Personnel Mayor 's Assistant ,with attached statement of Personnel �..�. Policy Itilicies of the City and MOVED THAT THE LETTER BE RE- FERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CLYMER AND CARREED. Letter to MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER , that the welcoming Council letter to the audience be included on the back of Audience Council meeting Agendas , names of the Mayor, Clerk Attorney and Recording Secretary to be included. MOTION CARRIED. Revenue Councilman Schellert noted November Revenue Report Report - Urban with almost a million dollars included in Urban Arterial Funds Arterial Funds with only 10% being received and that this makes the budget look big, the same money having to be included in next year ' s budget for the same project , not yet complete:: . Status report on Union Avenue to be secured . City Engineer Wilson noted this project is under Forward Thrust and is scheduled to start in the spring of 1971 . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 10 :05 p.m. r.. Helmie Nelson , City Clerk In.n 00 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 28, 1970 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Committee of the Whole Schellert Community Services Tues . 12/29 10 :00 AM Clymer ayor' s Conf . Rm. Finance Edwards Legislation Perry Personnel & Community Relations Stredicke Public Safety Delaurenti Public Works Bruce Transportation Grant Local 21R Tues . 12/29 2 : 00 PM 6th F1 .Conf . Rm. 469 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 12/28/70 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B 2545 $1.7,600.00 PACIFIC CAR & FDRY. 1400 N 4TH ST. ERECT PREFAB. STEEL BLDG. 2546 14,500.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 1103 N 31ST ST. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2547 14,000.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 916 N 31ST ST. CONST. FAMILY RES. 2548 700.00 LELA HENDRICKSON 2412 NE 7TH ST. CONST. GARAGE 2549 5,000.00 GROUP HEALTH 275 BRONSON WAY NE ADDN. & ALTERATIONS MECHANICAL PERMITS M 2731 600.00 G.F. POMEROY 1821 ROLLING HILLS NE INST. GAS FURNACE 2732 250.00 FRED CALLEN 600 CAMAS AVE. NE INST. WALL FURNACE 2733 575.00 JOHN M. DENNIS, JR. 1213 N 35TH ST. INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2734 900.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 3425 SHATTUCK AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIXTURES 2735 695.00 FEDERAL HOUSING AUTH. 601 CEDAR AVE. S INST. OIL FURNACE M 2736 780.00 KAMPE CONST. CO. 3426 SHATTUCK AVE. S INST. PLBG. & FIGURES 2737 100.00 CHUCK PATTOCK 1904 CAMAS CT. SE INST. GAS OUTDOOR GRILL ELECTRICAL PERMITS E 3144 200.00 IRE NE JOHNSON 517 BRONSON WAY NE REPLACE PANEL 3145 500.00 JOHN M. DENNIS, JR. 1213 N 35TH ST. WIRE FAMILY RESIDENCE 3146 300.00 SUNSET CYCLE, INC. 1054 SUNSET BLVD. NE ALTER SERVICE 3147 50.00 J.H. BAXTER CO. 5015 LK. WASH. BLVD. N INST. SERVICE, DOCK LIGHTS 3148 250.00 WALT COOK 345 BURNETT AVE. N INST. SERVICE E 3149 725.00 DURWARD F. CLARE 1818 JONES AVE. NE WIRE NEW RESIDENCE 3150 275.00 RICHARD T. ANDERSON 3500 NE 4TH ST. WIRING SIGN PERMITS , 115 750.00 FOODMAKER, INC. 427 RAINIER AVE. S INST. GROUND SIGN 470 FUND TRANSFERS APPROVED FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1970 FROM TO CLAIMS FUND Current Fund $ 90,473 .95 Arterial Street 1,990.04 City Street 51,877.82 Cedar River M & I 546.95 Equipment Rental 29,310.29 Library 26,096.24 Parks 1121451.63 Waterworks Utility 90,114.74 Street Forward Thrust 33,327.85 Airport 2,021.83 Firemen's Pension 5,709.84 Cedar River Acquisition 16,287.88 Urban Arterial 52,543 .53 TOTAL CLAIMS FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER $512,752.57 FROM TO PAYROLL FUND Current Fund $168,969.85 City Street 34,738 .28 Cedar River M & I 700.00 Equipment Rental 5,407.42 Library 11,700.91 Parks 29,658 .50 Waterworks Utility 24,527.45 Airport 1,771.00 Firemen's Pension 100.00 TOTAL CLAIMS FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER 1222,L73 .41