HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 25 (4/9/1973 - 5/27/1974) t RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeging April 9 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE �... Amendment to zoning ordinance - manufacturing Subject of Landscape Architect Landscaping traffic islands at High School Historical Plaques COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Deficit in Current Fund ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT -*MAYOR' S OFFICE *Establishment of State Park on Cedar River at Milwaukee Bridge Landscaping traffic islands at High School LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Second hand dealer ordinance Sick leave ordinance Preliminary Plat of Crescent View Transfer funds LID 244 Human Rights ordinance HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Petition asking consideration of handicapped and incarcerated Letter from Ms . Versie Vaupel PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Engineering Consultants for LID ' s Bid Opening 4/4 water pipe APPOINTMENTS Mrs . Linda Ritzau - Board of Ethics - term expiring 12/31/74 2 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 9, 1973 Municipal Building Monday, 8 . 00 P .M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Renton CALL TO ORDER City Council Meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT; CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, COUNCIL Council President Pro tem; GEORGE J. PERRY; RICHARD M. STREDICKE; and WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI,ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; IN ATTENDANCE G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; CAPT. JAMES PhEi,AN Police Rep. ; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; JACK LYNCH, Administra- tive Assistant to the Mayor; JAMES MAGSTADT, Assistant Planning Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, MINUTES OF APRIL 2, 1973, BE APPROVED 4/2/73 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment 4643 - 4821 of Warrants 4643 through 4821 in the amount of $368,243.77 plus LID 276 LID 276 R-3/C-1 Revenue-3 and Cash-1, and LID 278 Revenue-1 and Cash-1 Warrants, having $60,193.99 received prior departmental approval and certification as to receipt LID 278 R-1/C-1 of merchandise and/or service. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, $54,325.35 COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report, read RESOLUTIONS by City Clerk Mead, recommending first reading and referral back to Ordinance re committee of an ordinance providing for the administrative handling Second Hand of second hand dealer license applications. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Dealer License BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordin- ance by City Clerk Mead amending Section 5-1503 relating to second hand dealers, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Ordinance re readings of an ordinance revising the proposed sick leave ordinance as Sick Leave it affects uniformed personnel, both Police and Fire. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Amendments, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. City Implementing Clerk Mead read 4/9 letter from Renton Police Officer's Guild President Contract Nibarger and 3/23 letter from Renton Fire Fighters Local 864 President Negotiations Matthew. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON w/Uniformed SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance Personnel relating to sick leave benefits and payment thereof, MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE UNTIL NEXT MONDAY. CARRIED. Ordinance 2774 Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended appointment Auditing Officer of Finance Director as auditing officer and Budget Technician as alternate Finance fulfilling recommendation of Washington State Auditor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Department SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Legislation Committee teport recommended first, second and final readingsfor an ordinance providing for the appoint- ment of an auditing officer and an alternate and designating the Finance Director as the auditing officer and the Rudget-Te-chnician as the alter- nate. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CONCUR IN LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER THAT ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following read- ing it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call vote resulted in negative vote by STREDICKE, and five affirmative, MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes 4/9/73 Page 2 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution 1845 Legislation Committee report recommended adoption of a resolution Grade Elevation requested by the State of Washington Department of Highways setting SR 169 certain grade elevations on Route SR 169 between Maplewood to Half Request for Bridge. Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee State Park report recommending Council adopt the resolution approving the grade & Rest Area elevation of SR 169. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORTS. CARRIED. Transportation Committee report recom- mended the City request the State Highway Department to establish a park and rest area,with access to Cedar River, on surplus right-of-way in the vicinity of the Milwaukee Railroad bridge crossing of Cedar River. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION AND REFER TO CITY ENGINEER AND MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR FURTHER ACTION. CARRIED. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1846 The Legislation Committee report recommended adoption of resolution provid- Funding for ing for total funding for the Kennydale Lions Park Shelter Building. Kennydale Lions MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Shelter Bldg. AND RESOLUTION BE PRESENTED TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Following reading of resolution transferring $3,400 from Cumulative Reserve Fund and Contin- gency Fund to Parks and Recreation, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1847 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Environmental resolution regarding design hearings and setting up proper notification Policy - by the Engineering Department and the Board of Public Works to the Mayor Design Hearings, and the City Council. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CONCUR Need to be IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND PRESENT RESOLUTION TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Determined by City Clerk Mead read resolution implementing the Environmental Policy Council Act of 1971 providing for any changes of existing use or design patterns. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. .,,,,wResolution 1848 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of resolution Construction providing for the appropriate identification of construction projects Identification within the City of Renton. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CONCUR IN REPORT AND RESOLUTION BE PRESENTED. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE APPROVED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1849 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of resolution Proposed L.I.D. setting the date of May 7, 1973 as a public hearing date for the purpose No. 280 of creating an L.I.D. for construction and installation of underground S. 4th Street power and other utilities on South 4th Street between Rainier Ave. S. and Undergrounding Main Ave. South. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT Letter from Planning Director Ericksen forwarded Planning Commission BUSINESS recommendation for approval of amendments to the zoning ordinance adding two new sections: light manufacturing park district and heavy manufactur- Zoning Ordinance ing park district. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE Amendments - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNI.TY Manufacturing SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED Preliminary Plat Letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Crescent View Addition Crescent View Preliminary Plat for Council approval, having prior Planning Commission PP-721-73 approval and recommendation. Assistant Planning Director Magstadt showed area located on N.E. 16th St. and Kennewick Ave. N.E. , on the map, explaining the 3.36 acres project as similar to others in the Kennydale area. Mr. R. W. Wiehoff, 1716 N.E. 16th, being present, explained water and sewer lines. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported April 4, bid opening on Materials for Water Water Pipe Utility Department reporting four bidders as shown on attached tabulation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, BIDS BE REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. '6A 4 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 4/9/73 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued L.I.D. 244 - Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested adoption of a resolution Talbot Hill transferring cash balance of $146.58 remaining in LID 244 Talbot Hill Sanitary Sewer Fund and closing that account by transferring into L.I. Guaranty Fund. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, CONCUR IN THE FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REQUEST AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. L.I.D. 276 Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason withdrew two letters of final L.I.D. 278 estimates on LID 276 and LID 278 as needing some additional work on these projects, final estimate to be submitted at a later date, estimates presented to be classified as partial estimates and processed accordingly. Estimates given as amount due: A&M Construction Equipment Co. Inc. on L.I.D. 278/$72,976.85; O'Leary Construction Inc./L.I.D. 276/$110,102.86. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF ENGINEER AND DEFER FINAL ACTION ON L.I.D.s 276 and 278. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington Ave. N.E. , inquired regarding funding for Metro transit and various items listed in the previous Council minutes. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Council President Clymer presented Committee of the Whole report recom- Whole Report mending Human Rights Ordinance be referred back to the Council to be placed on first reading. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL Human Rights CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF WHOLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY Ordinance -- PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER THAT ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. First Reading City Clerk Mead read ordinance creating and establishing a Commission on Human Rights and Affairs providing for the organization, appointment of members, specifying their duties and authority, defining offenses and providing for penalties. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Human Rights City Clerk Mead read Committee of the Whole recommendation that two Commission communications (Petition asking consideration of rights of mentally, Referrals physically and emotionally handicapped along with rights of those who have been incarcerated and paid their debt to society,and letter from Ms. Versie Vaupel re funding of Commission) be referred to the Human Rights Commission for their consideration. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance and.Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee Report report concurring in the Mayor's appointment of Mrs. Linda Ritzau to the Board of Ethics representing League of Women Voters, completing the Appointment term of Mrs. Susan Ringwood who was previously appointed as representa- Board of Ethics tive of Renton School Board, term expiring December 31, 1974. MOVED BY Mrs. L. Ritzau PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE 2032 Dayton S.E. AND CONCUR IN MAYOR GARRETT'S APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Mrs. Linda Ritzau, being present, was introduced by Councilman Schellert. Current Fund Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert reported deficit in Deficit current fund reported by Finance Director. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER OF DEFICIT IN CURRENT FUND BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Amusement game Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted recommendation, Request Granted along with Police Department recommendation, for granting two amusement Players Tavern games for Players Tavern. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Hearing Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report 4/23/73 requesting Public Hearing April 23, 1973 regarding South 4th Street S.4th St. Improvement Project. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL Design and CONCUR IN TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT. Committee Chairman requested Circulation Director of Engineering to notify in writing all property owners and tenants in area involved. MOTION CARRIED. Consultant MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE MATTER OF CONTRACTING OUT- Engineers SIDE ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS BE REFERRED Reviewed TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. r Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 4/9/73 OLD BUSINESS. - Continued Landscape MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE SUBJECT MATTER OF LANDSCAPE Architect ARCHITECT HIRED FOR STREET DEPARTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Landscaping MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, SUBJECT MATTER OF LANDSCAPING Traffic Islands ON TRAFFIC ISLANDS ON S. SECOND ST. AT RENTON HIGH SCHOOL BE REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Renton Historical MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MATTER OF HISTORICAL PLAQUES BE Markers REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Flood Damage Councilman Stredicke inquired whether or not King County residence elig- ible to file for Federal supported flood damage insurance coverage. Mayor Garrett requested Planning Department to prepare report. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Dixie Ann Johnson, 11555 142nd Ave. N.E. , reported lack of special ramps covering sidewalk under construction on Main Ave. S. asking place- ment of ramp for special meeting. Mayor Garrett directed Engineering Department to see that walk was covered. Congratulations Councilman Grant commended Finance Director Marshall, reporting he had read Auditor's report on other cities. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council 9:32 p.m. meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk m i 6 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 4/49/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS �IoD - -,�-4.9,3 CURRENT FUND 4651 4693 6238629/54 PARK$ AND RECREATION 4694 4712 $50702907 CITY STREET 47138 4720 63+869078 CEDAR DIVER M AND 1 4721 4723 *6703 LIBRARY 4724 4727 61+071045 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 4728 4732 61+693089 REG# AND STREET FWD THRUB'T 4733 4751 + 240671038 URBAN ARTERIAL. 4752 4771 6219+669065 WATERWORKS UTILITY 4772 4788 $440336021 AIRPORT 4789 4796 6360936010 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4797 4819 6550534037 FIREMEN B PENAION 4820 4821 SLA061040 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 6368+243077 WE* THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENtAL CERTIFICATION THAT now MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED+ DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 4653 THROUGH NO# 4821 IN THE AMOUNT OF 6368x243077 THIS 09 OF APRIL a 19720 FINANCE COMM TTEE LID 276 — REVENUE-3 $60, 093.99 LID 276 — CASH —I 60, 193.99 .. w ww"Mom w. ••. w ww COMM TEE ME R LID 278 — REVENUE-1 540,325.35 LID 278 — CASH —1® 540325.35 COMM TEE MEMBER w�p w w w ��• A w w w�� w w • COMMITTEE MEMBER ..■ CITY CIERKIS OFFICE BID OPENING C_/TY Of- REN TON 4/9/73 DATE 4- 4 - /973 WA TER UT/L/TIE 5 DEPT - MA 7Z-RIA L 8/15 B�DI�ER 5C'ED1JLE 5C/NEDU[E SCHEDULE .5CHEDU[E 5C11EDULE- 5C1-1,C,001E' 5Ch DULE A 8 C I; _D E F G AA/EEO - Bid Bond No Bid No Bid $12 ,443. 67 $6 , 330. 58 No Bid No Bid No Bid N. D. Fowler Co. , Inc. 13440 S. E. 30th St. Bellevue, WA 98004 AA/EEO - Bid Bond $34 ,192 . 0 $4, 507. 40 No Bid $1 ,441 . 65 No Bid $657. 40 $657. 40 Pacific States Cast w/o 24" Iron Pipe Co. - 2611 fittings 6th Ave . N. , Seattle AA/EEO - Bid Bond No Bid $5 ,606 . 00 $18 ,256 . 06 $5 , 866 . 68 $5 , 781 . 77 $781 . 61 No Bid Pacific Waterworks Supply Co. , Inc. -2900 1st Ave . , Seattle AA/EEO - Bid Bond $36 ,586 . 00 $5 , 768. 58 $12 ,459 . 13 $9 ,811 . 68 No Bid No Bid No Bid United States Pipe & i Fdry. Co . - 1836 West- +{ lake Ave . N, Seattle i i a CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND OTHERS SCHEDULED AT MEETING OF COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs . , 4119 7: 30 P.M. Clymer 6th F, r. Con F: Rhe. t With 2U andt status f current .fund Wed. , 4111 7:00 P.M. Grant Joint ftg. with Comprehensive COMMUNITY SERVICES 2Planning Comm. re _FarlinZiFlats Thurs . , 4112 4: 30 P.M. Grant Meet w ,john Giese - C(tyRe ort Thurs. , 4112 5 :00 P.M. Grant Meet Reps. from Eng. Dept, Plan- ing Dept. & Landscaper bye Land- scaping Thurs . , 4112 6 :00 P.M. Grant Meet wlPark Board re Request of Lake Washington Sailinq Club LEGISLATION Mon ,m 4116 7:00 P.N. Perry Lhalrman 's Office PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS Wed. , 4111 8: 00 P.M. Bruce 4th Flr. Conf. Rm. TRANSPORTATION Tues . , 4117 8:00 P.M. Perry Chairman 's Office OTHER C� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK April 9 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3302 $ 250. 00 K. Armitage 612 Morris S. Storage shed 3303 18 ,000. 00 Q-M Enterprises 1606 Glennwood SE Fdtn . & residence �. 3304 17,000. 00 Kelso Const . 2047 Aberdeen SE Family residence 83305 25 , 829. 00 K. Martin Const. 2030 Rolling Hills New family residence 3306 4,000. 00 C. L. Scott 608 W. Perimeter Rd. Fdtn . for hangar 3307 31 ,500. 00 Hebb & Narodick 826 S. 28th St. New residence 3308 31 ,500. 00 Hebb & Narodick 808 S. 28th Ct . New residence 3309 32 ,500. 00 Hebb & Narodick 814 S. 28th Ct . New residence 83310 29 ,000. 00 Hebb & Narodick 802 S. 28th Ct. New residence 3311 29 ,000. 00 Hebb & Narodick 820 S. 28th Ct. New residence 3312 4,000. 00 N. C. Anderson 2509 Edmonds NE Addition to residence 3313 367,028. 00 Renton #403 3000 NE 4th St . Renton Vocational School ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4001 250 . 00 Joe Regis 265 Rainier S. Conv. to undergr. sere. 4002 200. 00 Renton Auto Gl . 205 Rainier S. Metal Conduit & Wire 4003 107 ,000. 00 PAC-CAR 480 Houser Way N. New computer center 4004 50. 00 E. Miller 3525 Sunset NE Inst . pipe-undergr. sere. E4005 48. 00 Ray Brown 3225 Sunset NE Inst. pipe-undergr. serv. 4006 25. 00 Sargent Tyee 400 Monroe NE Inst. temp. service 4007 245 . 00 D. Warwick 3536 NE 7th P1 . Add. wiring, heaters 4008 50. 00 R. S. Stigen 3242 NE Sunset Conv. to Undergr . serv. 4009 250. 00 Scott Cleaners 201 S. 4th Pl . Conv. to Undergr. serv. 'mr4010 2 ,000. 00 Hugh Carney 230 Rainier S. Conv. to Undergr. Serv. 4011 75 . 00 N. C. Anderson 2509 Edmonds NE Wire new addition MECHANICAL PERMITS M3473 19 ,000. 00 Safeway Stores 203 S. 2nd St. Auto . fire ext . system 3474 10 ,000. 00 Wash. Jockey Cl . Longacres Race Tr .Sprinkler system/fire M3475 985 . 00 Kelso Const . 1802 Aberdeen SE Plmbg. & Fixtures 3476 500. 00 Vet ' s Adm. 1929 NE 24th St . Plmbg. & Fixtures 3477 600. 00 Ky. Fr. Chicken 603 S. 2nd St . F1r. drains & traps 3478 1 ,800. 00 K. Martin Const. 2030 Rolling Hills Plmbg. & fixtures 3479 225. 00 N. Anderson 2509 Edmonds NE Move drainfield SIGN PERMITS 5281 1 ,100. 00 Union Oil Co. 541 Park Ave. No. One roof sign 5282 250. 00 Wash . Whlslrs . 705 SW 7th St . Two wall signs SEWER PERMITS 1815 Joe Stevens 1803 Lake St. S. Connect side sewer 1816 FHA - Dalpay 2609 Meadow-N. Connect side sewer 1817 J. Robison 3811 Lake Wash Bl . Connect side sewer 10 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regu.�aA MeetingApAit 16, 1973 Munic.ipat Bu-if-ding Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambetz R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE BoundaAy be,t een Renton and TukwZEa COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mobit OiZ agneeme HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMISSION Aptit 16, 1973 etteunam . aupee and Mz. GA"wotd MAYOR'S OFFICE City a cc.ed BookP-et PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Mu,sic c ne Aequez–t ta.ie'b Caje Amusement Device nequest Gov-MaA.t PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bid penings : WateL main S. 43Ad St. at SpAingbAook Rd. S. 4th St. ImpAovement PAoject MatteA o{ sof-id waste dumpste/µ PLANNING DEPARTMENT acant pAopetcty adjacent to FA-caA Tuck',s and paAFii.ng AequiAement6 CusteA Btdg. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Rig - n t—uAcn ne S. GAad y Way and Ra.in.ieA S. Petition bot 200 btock. Ra.inc.et Ave. S. �.. APPOINTMENTS AL. Deaner to MayoA'a youth Guidance Committee, Aepta.cing Mn. B. Jay ll RENTON CITY COUNCIL RegutaA Meeting Aptit 16, 1973 Munict.pat Buitd.ing Monday, 8 : 00 P.M. Counc.it ChambeA6 M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayon AveAy Ga4Aett .Led the Pledge ob Atteg,ia.nce and ca ted the Renton CALL TO ORDER City Counc t Meeting to ordeA. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Councie Pts.a idents GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMEN HENRY E. SCHELLERT and CHARLES J. DELAURENTI BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. PRESENTATION Pus entation o6 AwaAd was made by Mayon AveAy GaAAett to Mts. Haze. O'Hara OF AWARDS 404 6eAvice to the City a6 membeA o6 Munic,i,pat AAt6 Commi6sion. A membeA since 1966, and dectin i,ng reappointment, Maus. O'HaAa noted mitigation of Mu. Haze. 0 HaAa tree and 6towets ing 6hAub ptantings a Bong Aiver bank,6 had commenced C.cty's Munici.pat Atst6 bea.uti.6.ication program. Comm.,ssion Mayon Aveley GaAAett pAesented Mun.ic%pae Judge Paut W. Househ, JA, an award Judge Paul Hoa6eA conveying gAati6ication 60A seAvice extended the City a6 Chai ma.n o6 the MA. BeAnaAd Jay MayoA's Youth Guidance Committee. Judge HocuseA tecatted the 6iAA.t meeting Mayon'6 Youth, o4 the committee on ApAit 21, 1954 when he was appointed cha Aman, having Guidance seAved in that capacity untie the present time. Committee MayoA GaAAett pre6ented award ,to MA. BernaAd Jay 6m 6eAving on the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee. MA. Jay Aepotsted he had enjoyed wotiing on the committee, howeveA was 6o4ced to to ign due to out-off-the area employment. MA. Gordon SaytoA Mayon GaAAett pre6ented awaAd to MA. Gordon Saytor, Di&ecton of the Renton RAYS - Joint Area Youth SeAvices, and asked King County Distkict Count Judge George E66ont Mattson, Prez i,dent o6 RAYS, to be pre6ent. MA. SayeoA, .teay.ing the RAYS Renton Schooa progAam, Seets the drug probtem WiU not just dizappeaA and needs to. 9 City o6 Renton continue a6teA pseot program. Judge Matt,6on expta,i.ned RAYS was embryonic when MA. Sayeor took overs and now community has program to be proud o6. RECESS MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR PICTURE TAKING AND INTERVIEWS. CARRIED. Councie Aecesed at 9:.10 p.m. and Reconvened at 9: 1.5 p.m. with a.Pt Councitmen pre6ent at Rote Catt cis previ..ou6ty 6hown. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, WORDS "RESIDENCE ELIGIBLE" BE 4/9/73 STRICKEN FROM PAGE 4 "FLOOD DAMAGE" PARAGRAPH, MINUTES OF APRIL 9, 1973. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, MINUTES BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the daze set and propeA notices having been pubtizhed and L. I.D. 279 posted as AequiAed by taw, the Pubtie Heating on LID 279, 6an.staAy seweA Tatbot Rd.S. - tine.6 and appu tena.nce6 in the vicinity o6 Tatbot Rd.S. /Sptsingbrook Rd. V.ieto&ia PaAk was dectaAed open, having been continued 6Aom ApAit 2, 1973; with Enq.ineeA- A,teQ Depa4tment having met with to i.dent6 at Pubt ie Work6 Committee meeting, Aeviz ing distts i.but.ion o� pret i.minany a.66 es sment6 by changing method o A deteA- m.inat.i.on, and, mac.?.ing new ",susment not.iee6. Pubtie Wonk6 D.itceetotc Gonnaison expta%ned ttea zusment done on combination o6 zone teAMin.i and area method with a66essment on targe paAeet owned by -T-tanzameAi.ca. Deve.eop- ment Co. being raised and smatt propetsty as6e.66ment6 .toweAed. Upon inquiAy by Mr. L. SwaneA, 3405 Tatbot Rd.S. , Gonnason Aepotsted 25 6t. wide ease- ment with .15 6t. of it a.6 petsmanent, to be test without 6tAu.etuke6.. MR. Atix Mitona,6, 1625 MonteAey Ct.N.E. , -inquiA.ed Ae azzasment detehmination 4�. and i6 tate comets agreement used, method oA detenm.ini.ng eo6t. Public Wo4kz Di4eetoA Gonnason exptai.ned i6 sma.QteA propetsty owneu did not join .into L.I.D. the thunk tine would wwbab.ty be p.ea.eed .A Tatbot Rd.S. , not thtcough property, making cost o{s .late comet agreement h.ighe1%. Gonnaaon adv.csed that pts.opetsty .located South o6 t tcge paAcel .inctud.ing Mr. Lobe, woutd not be inceuded in the L. I.D. but could join on .late eomeAz agreement w.cth eo6t to be determined on same combination method tub cast 06 tiJt pump. MA. and Mrs. Atbetst L. Culp, 3411 Tatbot Rd.S. , w.cthdAew tetteA of p4ote6t. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. City Attorney Shetea.n advised that .in ordeA 12 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 4/16/73 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued L.I.D. 279 to meet .legal requ Aemento, revized assessmentb must be received 15 days be6orce Public Heating. Upon Councilman Stredi.cke's -inqu Ay, negandi.ng anaweA to pAevioua question o� Mr. RobeAt MCBeth oA Victoria Home Owners Assoc., Mt. platter Banks o6 Transamen.ica Development Co. advised had sewetc tAunk been placed .in Valley 6toor as anticipated, cost of sewetcs 25% oA cost oA tine as ppneaentt �noposed. MOVED BY PERRY SECOUVF1) BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO CONTINUE HEARING TO MAY 14, 1973. StASTTTUTE MOTION CARRIED. Mayon GaAAett announced the Public Hearc.ing L.I.D. 279 continued to May 1.4, 1973, 8:00 P.M. VOUCHERS Finance Committee member PeAAy recommended payment o� waAAants 4822 through 4822 - 5021 5021 .in amount o6 $309,022.91, plus L. I.D. 276 Cash-2 wavant in. amount LID 276 o6 $49,908. 87, Cash-3 Warrc.ant $9,053.70 and Revenue-4 plaArant .in amount R-4, C-2 8 C-3 o6 $58, 962. 57, having received pkior depaktmentat approval and ceAti6.ica.- t-ion as to receipt of meAch.and.i.se and/arc seAvice. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee ChaiAman PeAAy presented committee repotrt to City RESOLUTIONS CteAk Mead 6or reading, recommending second and 6.ina.i readings and adoption o6 an ordinance establi.6hing a commission on human nights and a6�aiu providing 6oA .the organization o6 .such commission, thedtc duties Otiinanee 2775 and respons.ibctitiea. City CteAk Mead read .lettere 6rom M6. Jacqueline Commission on GAiswotd, 2011 .14th E.,Seattte,a6king the eommZ6.6 ion be made up o6 Human Rights .individuals committed to the alleviation o6 the problems and needs o6 and A6 bairn those dus ete.im.inated against, i.nef-ud.ing minotity pe a onz, women and senior citizens, with theiA inelurs.ion mandated .in the ordinance. LetteA 6rom Ms. Veu.i.e Vaupe.l, Renton, also read,ask,i.ng the ordinance provide that women seAve on the comm"' sion .in at least the pnopontion o6 the population o6 Renton. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading by the CteAk oA an ond.inance cAeating and establi6 h.ing a Commission on Human Rights and Aj4aiAz, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call Vote ne6utted .in all a66i4mative vote, MOTION CARRIED AND ORDINANCE ADOPTED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, LETTERS OF CORRESPONDENCE WHICH WERE READ, BE REFERRED TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. CARRIED. Ordinance 2776 Legislation Committee report recommended second and 6inat readings and Second Han adoption o6 an orcdinance pnov.iding 6otc the administrative handling oA DeateA Licenses applications o6 second hand dealer .-icenses. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading oA the ordinance amending Section 5-1503 o6 Title V teeating to second hand dea.im6, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roti CaU Vote AesuPted in Alt Aj6iAmative Vote, MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Ordinance 2777 Legislation Committee report recommended second and Sinat readings and Sick Leave adoption of an ordinance revizing the pn.opozed sick leave as it a�jects Amendments un 6otmed pensonnet, both Police and Fite. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON READINGS. CARRIED. City Ctetk Mead head ordinance relating to sick leave bene6itz. As no new co"espondenee had been received and AdminiztAative A.64i6tant Lynch advised Police GuiPd President had detehmined o td inance complied with tetras o6 tabor contract, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call Vote resutted .in All A��i mat.ive vote. MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Resolution 1.850 Legislation Committee report recommended resolution be read and adopted Closing Out requested by the Finance D.itector tranaje Aing $1.46.58 6rom L.I.D. 244 L.I.D. 244 unto L.T.D. Guaranty Fund dor the puApose of etos.ing out the L.I.D. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following of the reading of the re tution, it wa6 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. 13 Renton City Councie Meeting Minutes Page 3 4116173 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Amusement Devices City Ctenk Mead presented appt cat and bon tocati..on appnovat jo,% music machine at Eesie's Cabe by RainieA Vending Co. and 7 amusement devices at Gov-MaAt Baza'n by Mau Amusement Co. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THESE REQUESTS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC_ SAFETY COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Mobil Oil Letter 6Aom Pubt i.e Wonk6 DiAectoA Gonnazon was 4e.a.d, Requesting te6eAAat Agreement to the Committee o6 .the Whote o6 the Mobce Oil agreement 6oA the extension WateA main o6 wateA mains in the Lind Ave. area. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Bid Openings City Ctenk Mead presented two bid openings. Aptit 11, 1973 6or 24" D.I. 4/11/73 WateA main and 1.6" water main on S. 43rd Street at Spkingbnook Road with WateA ,Main three biddeA6, tabutation attached. Aptit 12, 1973 bid opening 6or SW 43Rd St. South 4th Street -tmpnovement pnojeet 6Aom RainieA Ave. S. to Main Ave. S. 4112173 and S. 4th P.E. and pont%on o6 Shattuck Ave. S. , with seven biddeA6, tabu- S. 4th St. talion attached. Councceman StAedieke noted April 23, design heaAing and May 7, 1973 L. T.D. heaAing on the S. 4th St. p4o1eet. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THESE BIDS BE REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS COrAITTEE. CARRIED Dumpster6 LetteA 6Aom PuAehas.cng Agent Church Aequebted permission to .6eU three 6or Soti.d Waste ob.aotete dump6teA eonta.ineu to BAyn Mawr Disposae Co. 6o4 $.1.50.00 total SuAptus a6teA ApAit 30, 1973 when present contract with VaU.ey Disposae. Co. teAmi- nates, having made aA,%angements with new gaAbage eontnacton, GeneAae Dizposai Co. 6o.t nentae o6 dumpster6 to ateeviate obsotescence. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MR. CHURCH'S RECOMMENDATION SURPLUSING DUMPSTERS FOR SALE TO BRYN MAWR DISPOSAL COMPANY. Count tman Stnedieke questioned Aentat vs. puAehasing o6 equipment. Rota Ca.Pt vote ne6utted in two Aye: CLYMER, PERRY three NO: STREDICKE, BRUCE and GRANT. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER PURCHASING AGENT'S LETTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. L.I.D. 270 LetteA 6tom Pubt i..c Wonk.6 D.ctteetoA Gonna6on submitted Finae Assessment Finat RoZe Rott pon L. I.D. 270, Lake Washington SanitaAy SeweA Project, in the amount oS $137, 700. 79, Recommending pub.e.i.c heating be. heed May 14, 1973. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SET MAY 14, AS FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL HEARING. CARRIED. Petition City CteAk Mead presented petition 6ited with hen o�6ice in protest to P' ote.sting the divideA which was necentey pta.eed aeong RainieA Ave. S. in the 200 DivideA Bioek,stating businesses had been advense.ey a6 jected by the di.videA, peti- Ra%.nieA Ave. S. tion bear i,ng 6-ignatu4eA o6 ten pnopeh ty owneAs between S. 2nd and S.3Rd on RainieA Ave. S. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY URUCE, PETITION BE REFER- RED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Mt. Keith Tonkin, signatory present, tinqucAe Ae meefiing.w,ith the committee. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT MA. Joe Sponc%c, 1316 HaaAtington. Ave. N.E. , announced meeting o ' Epcteps y Foundation 7:00 p.m. Wed. night Aptit 18 at G.eacieA High Sehoote eaAyeteAi.a with 6itm "Not Without Hope. " APPOINTMENTS MayoA GaiAett'z appointment o6 Mn. Dean Coe, PAobation 066iceA. of the MA. Dean Coe King County Juven to Couht, L211 E.AtdeA St. ,Seattee, to the Mayor's Youth Guidance Committee, was Aead. MA. Coe Aeptaees MA. BewnaAd Jay, ,,cecentey atesigned. Couneit eoncuAAence not Ae.qu Aed, howeveA, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE APPOINT- MENT TO THE MAYOR'S YOUTH GUIDANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Pubt%e Wonkz Committee Chai4man Bnuee submitted committee Aepont neeommend- ing the 6ottow,i,ng scheduees be accepted 6oA wateA main matetiab ion one PubP,%e WoAk�s yeaA pen i.od,repAesenting .cow bid: Committee RepoAt A - Pac 6ic States Cast I.,ton Pipe Co. $34, 192. 00 ptus tax ContAact AwaAd B - Pacijie States Cast Iron Pipe Co. $ 4,507.40 " to C - U. S. Pipe and Foundry Co. $12,459. 13 " (Paxti.aej D - Paci6ie States Cast IAon Pipe Co. $ 1,441.65 " E - Pac%6ie WateA WoAk,6 Suppty Co. $, 5, 781. 77 " F - Paci is States Cast IAon Pipe Co. 657.40 " G - Patric States Cast IAon Pipe Co. 657.40 " Renton City Counc i.e. Meeting Minutes Page 4 4/16/73 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Award - continued MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT WateA mate4iaez AND ACCEPT LOW BIDS ON WATER MAIN MATERIAL FOR YEAR. CARRIED. S.W. 43rd, S.4-th Pubtic Wotks Committee tepoAt recommended acceptance o6 ,the tow bid on Aitpott/Ra.inieA the S.W. 43Rd StAeet, S.4th StAeet and A,ucpoAt Way-RainieA Ave Ua�a2j-,m TAa6�tc S.ignaU s.cgn.ae equipment to Satiety S.igna,es Sy6.tem4, Inc, in the amount 06 S;fteet Ittumineu and 6oA the stn.eet ittumi.nation equipment to the Stus6er Eeectcic Co, in Cant,cact Awa tcd ,the amount aj $34,252.34. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND ACCEPT LOW BID FOR PROJECTS AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. Phase I-SW 43rd Pubf-ic WoAkd Committee Aepottt Aecommended acceptance V6 tow. 4d on Pha,4e � ContAact Award a6 S.W. 43rd StAeet .c.mp,%ovement, Attehnate 2, to Modd CondtTuct%Qn Co, <i,n. the amount o6 $286, 752.60. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Community Community SeAvtce6 Committee ChaiAman Gtant nepah ted meeting with Lake SeAvice.s Repotct Washington Sa.iei.ng C.eub 6oA .use o6 pub.ei.c tight-o6-way at dead end N. 52nd St. (6otune t y S.E. 72nd St. ) . The ptr i,vate ceub wilt be meeting with Pta.nning DepaAtment. Counc%.eman GAant aes o tcepm ted satin 6actotcy meeting with &ndscapeA and AepoAted attending Puget Sound GoveAnmentae ConjeAence meeting on j uAiz diction o� tand ptanning. City Poteicies Legiztation Committee Chairman PeAAy submitted %epoAt Aecommending the Bookeet matteA o6 City potici.e,s on pubti.c services be u4eAAed to the MayoA'6 066.ice atong with communications 6Aam the departments on po-ei.cies, 6otc JoAmu- eat on o6 a book.eet. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICEK, 4MENDING MOTION TO REFER TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO INCLUDE REPORT BACK TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE ON.BIWEEKLY BASIST MOTION TO AMEND, CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. PeAz onnee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECOMMEND NO SEARCH FOR OR DitectoA HIRING OF PERSONNEL DIRECTOR BE DONE UNTIL REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE BE MADE TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. U.A.B. Warehouse Having tcece-ived Enginee,cing DepaA ment ttepoAt on U.A.B. warehouse and 066.ice Rented on PoAk Ave. N. , Counc i eman Stredicke -inqu Red of Pubttc Woks Di,tectoA Gonnason and was ,told that ,the wa rehouse contained tum6wae.A and signat6 60A StAeet projects undeAway throughout ,the Cray, and that the warehouse to be phased out at end o6 six-month tease extension; exptai.n- ing two ways to pAoceed - con tAacto t can 4urn us h and insta e e equipment oA City can maintain equipment and have conftactot -instaU. Parking MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE SUBJECT OF VACANT PROPERTY ADJACENT P&oviz ions TO FRIAR TUCK'S ON MILL AVE. S. AND THE PARKING RE(UIREMENTS FOR CUSTER OFFICE COMPLEX, BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Right-Hand Turn MOVED BY GRANT, .SECONDED BY CLYMER, QUESTION OF RIGHT-HAND TURN LANE AT Lane Questioned- THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SOUTH GRADY WAY AND RAINIER AVE. SOUTH BE REFERRED S.G4ady Way at TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ra.inie,% Ave.S. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER OF STRAIGHTENING BOUNDARY BETWEEN Crty's _WesteAn CITY OF RENTON AND TUKWILA BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Boundary CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADJOURN MEETING. CARRIED. .,.; 10:30 P.M. Meeting o6 .the Renton City Councie adjourned at 10:30 p.m. De ages A. mead, Cit C eA m 15 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION GATE 4/13/73 DEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CU?2RZNT kUNU 4834 ",873 r,30p830995 PAr"iQ AND ; ;.X,�EATION 4874 4879 48#260*56 ARTERIAL ST' ECT 4880 4681 0234691 o00 CIYY STREET 4882 4890 865*351e29 CLCAR RIVER M AND I 1%891 4892 6162961 LIIRARY 4893 4928 670639.55 Eiltk ENCY EHRL.OYMENT 4929 4930 •2*648 08 R`Z-0 s AND ST'lRET FWD THRUST 4931 4944 $564297 a 4i UR�JAN ARTCRIAL 4945 4959 049001 •03 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND 4960 4962 $693.90 WATERWORKS UTILITY 4963 4976 *44*497942 AIRPORT 4977 4980 6173x60 EGA PMENT RENTAL 4981 4993 112i202o28 FIREMEN 8 PENSION 4994 5021 67*272053 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 6309AO 22.91 r NE* THE UNDERSIGNEDMEM6ERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED, DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/0R SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED* DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 4834 THROUGH N0# 5021 IN THE AMOUNT OF 63090022.91 THIS 13 OF APRIL s 1972• FINANCE COMMITTEE, ,— L.I.D. 276 wwwwww rww• _ wawwwsO•rrwwrwwiw Revenue #4 $58,962.57 -'"COMMITTEE MEMBER Cash #2 $49,908.87 Cash #3 $ 9,053.70 www#a����ww w-�a7adi►wywwwwwar C04MITTEE ,,'M\\L41BER wnwawwwwwwwwwwwwrar•rwwwww•www 16 4/16/73 -BI -D TABULATION SHEET PROJECT: Improvement - 24" D. I. Water Main & 16" D. I. Water Main on S. 43rd Street at Springbrook Road DATE:_ April 11 , 1973 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE BIDDER' S NAME & ADDRESS BB AA BID, TAX & TOTAL EEO Frank Coluccio Const . Co. $53, 747. 00 9600 Empire Way X XX 2 , 848. 59 Seattle , WA 98118 $56 ,595 . 59 Di Orio Construction , Inc. $52 , 352 . 00 2821 S . 200th X xx 2 , 774. 66 Seattle , WA 98188 $55 ,126 . 66 Moss Construction Co. $87 , 360. 00 Zenith , WA X XX 4 ,630. 08 $91 ,990. 08 I i i i r I i fmmLP'City Clerk' s Office r -=, 16/73 BID OPENING 4/12/73 SOUTH 4th STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Rainier Ave. S. to Main Ave. S . and S. 4th Pl. and Portion Shattuck Ave. S. , Renton U.A.B. #8-1-102 (19) BIDDERS SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B TOTAL Westcoast Electric Co. 18250 68th Ave. S. I AA Kent, Washington 98031 BB EEO $163, 507. 00 $ 84,474.00 $247,981.00 A&M Construction Equipment Co.Inc. 1901 23rd Ave. S. AA $159 ,815. 80 $ 89, 749. 55 $249,565. 35 ** Seattle, Washington 98144 BB EEO $159 ,815. 80 $ 89,648.55 $249,464. 35 Bellevue Bulldozing, Inc. 1503 128th Pl. N.E. AA $173,548. 00 $105,136. 07 $278,684. 07 ** Bellevue, Washington 98005 BB EEO $170, 727. 00 $105,136.07 $275, 863.07 Moss Construction Box 89305 AA Zenith, Washington 98188 BB EEO $175 , 733. 50 $100, 321. 85 $276 ,055. 35 Westcoast Construction Co. Inc. 835 N.W. 48th AA Seattle, Washington 98107 BB EEO $174,157. 85 $106 ,929 .24 $281,087. 09 Signal Electric, Inc. 9012 S. 208th AA Kent, Washington 98031 BB EEO $183, 136.19 $ 99 , 340,05 $282 ,476. 24 LDL Land Development Co. Inc. 1503 128th P1. N.E. AA $189 ,008. 60 $103 ,216. 10 $292 ,224. 70 ** Bellevue, Washington 98005 BB EEO $189 ,002 . 60 $103x216. 10 $282 ,218 . 70 * Certificate of Receipt of Addendum Enclosed AA Affirmative Action Report Enclosed EEO Certification of Equal Employment Opportunity Report Enclosed BB Bid Bond ** Engineering Corrections N 00 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of. the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND OTHERS SCHEDULED AT MEETING OFA01i7 16 - 1973 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs . , 4119 7 :30 P.M. Clymer 6th Flr. Conf. Rm, Meet with 21R Representatives Present status of current fund COMMUNITY SERVICES Wed. , 4118 7 :00 P.M. Grant 3rd Flr. Conf. Rm. Meet wlPlanning Commission Compre Thurs . , 4119 6 : 30 P.M. Grant 3rd Flr. Conf. Rm. 'pensive Comm. , Mr. Gonnason to be resent & contact Mr. Wanamaker of King County Eng. to be present . Meet with Shell Oil * LEGISLATION Mon. , 4123 7 :00 P.M. Perry Chairman ' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS Tues . , 41.17 7: 00 P.M. Bruce 4th Flr . Conf. Rm. TRANSPORTATION Tues . , 4117 8 : 00 P. M. Perry 4th Flr. Conf. Rm. Wed. , 4125 8 :00 P.M. Perry 4th Flr. Conf. Rm Meet wlpetitioners - 200 block Rainier Ave. So. OTHER . 19 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APRIL 16 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3314 $ 1 ,500. 00 A . Pelletier 2413 NE 23rd St. Encl . patio for rec. ri 3315 500. 00 N. Knott 2815 NE 7th St. Repair fire damage Inn 3316 60,000. 00 Autotronic Syst. 175 Rainier S. Const , gasoline statioi 3317 572. 00 A. Wright 2516 Dayton NE Inst. patio cover 3318 500. 00 E. D. Stride 867 Pierce NE Construct carport 3319 1 ,000. 00 J. R. Guiliani 1400 S. 7th St. Lwr . Bsmt , new roof B3320 450. 00 J. W. Cone 2725 NE 24th St . Const . patio cover 3321 31 ,000. 00 C. L. Scott 1005 W. Perimeter Const . steel hangar MECHANICAL PERMITS M3480 500. 00 H. W. Alexander 2167 Harrington NE Inst. gas furnace 3481 450. 00 Norma Knott 2815 NE 7th St. Inst. gas furnace 3482 190. 00 J. R. Guiliani 1400 S. 7th St. Repair vent & piping 3483 250. 00 Dalpay & Assoc. 855 Queen NE Plumbing & fixtures 3484 900. 00 R. Zaputil 2033 Jone NE Inst. gas furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4012 100. 00 Mike Lazor 32 S. W. Victoria Meter box & conduit 4013 2 ,000. 00 Roxy Theatre 504 S. 3rd St. Underground conversion 4014 250. 00 D. Mosier 462 Grandey Wy NE Rewire sere, to code E4015 50. 00 E. C. Turny 98 Williams S. Underground conv. 4016 55 ,035 . 00 Renton #403 3000 NE 4th St. Wire Add. to Voc. Schoo 4017 50. 00 Dalpay & Assoc. 4301 NE Sunset Underground conversion 4018 50. 00 Dalpay & Assoc. 4309 NE Sunset Underground conversion 4019 50. 00 C. Custer 118 Wells So. Underground conversion �r E4020 300. 00 F. Hughes 804 Kirkland NE Chg. serv. , add circuit SIGN PERMITS 5283 200. 00 Umberto Barei 116 S. 2nd St. Move pole sign S284 6 , 000. 00 Autotronic Sys . 175 Rainier S. Inst . canopy (wall) sig SEWER PERMITS 1818 John Dennis 903 N. 29th St. Connect side sewer 1819 Wm. Cook 1018 N. 36th St. Connect side sewer 20 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 23, 1973 MU nicipal Building 8:00 P.M. Monday Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages Shaw Bros. Drug COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Channelization of Earlington Flats Area COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Landscaping Rainier Ave. , Airport Way and Sunset Blvd. and Planning Dept. letter LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Harbor Patrol Service Senate Bill 2190 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Matter of S. 4th St. Project Design and Traffic Circulation PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Sewer connection for Eastwood Park WAGE AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Employee membership in County-City Employee Union APPOINTMENTS Renton Police Department Clerk, Kathleen Willson, effective 5/1/73, Probationary 21 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 23, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Renton CALL TO ORDER City Council Meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT: CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, COUNCIL Council President Pro tem; GEORGE J. PERRY; RICHARD M. STREDICKE; KENNETH D. BRUCE: WILLIAM J. GRANT. Now CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Direc- IN ATTENDANCE tor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Department Rep. ; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; DAVID HAMLIN, Traffic Engineer; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE 4/16/73 APRIL 16, 1973 MEETING BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and South 4th Street posted as required by law, the Public Hearing was declared open by Design and Mayor Garrett. City Clerk Mead read letter from Dr. Robert J. Evoy, 235 Traffic Fourth P1. , protesting installation of sidewalks without alternate park- Circulation ing provisions. Public Works Director Gonnason called upon Office Engineer Houk and Traffic Engineer Hamlin for presentation on the proposed S. 4th VTN - Consultants Street Improvement Project funded by 90% U.A.B. and 10% Forward Thrust funds totaling $493,888, improving S. 4th Street between Main Ave. S. and Shattuck Ave. S. ; Shattuck Ave. S. between S. 4th St. and S. 4th Pl. , New Traffic and S. 4th P1. between Shattuck Ave. S. and Rainier Ave. S. which would Signals at include widening of existing travel portion of the street to 44 feet, Main Ave. S. install new curbs, gutters, 8-ft. wide sidewalks, signalization and illumi- Burnett Ave. S. nation with 400 watt sodium vapor lights. Engineer Houk also explained �r proposed undergrounding of overhead utilities on side streets between the in-progress undergrounding of S. 3rd St. and proposed S. 4th St. project. Discussion ensued re the parking on S. 4th P1. , use of S. 3rd P1. rather. than S. 4th P1. because of revised signal, authorization for use of engineering consultants, radius for truck turn at S. 4th P1. and traffic islands on Shattuck. Inquiries were made by Mr. Roger Gavin, Mr.H.Gavin, 201 S.4th Place, re parking; by Mr. Charles Ruud, 801 Houser Way S. ; Mr. Bob Tunstall, 711 S. 4th; and Dr. D. Saboe, 419 S. 4th. re sidewalk. width. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Bruce, Engineer be instructed to file application with Urban Arterial Board eliminating sidewalks on south side S. 4th Place, providing on-street parking in that location, with plans for S. 4th St. referred to the Transportation Committee. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY PERRY, THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH PROPERTY OWNERS AND WORK WITH THEM ON ANY PROBLEMS. CARRIED. Perry asked Engineering notify persons ,involved. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:20 p.m. Roll call resulted in all Councilmen present. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment 45022 - 5157 of Warrants 5022 through 5157 in the amount of $81,964.73, having received prior departmental approval and certification as to receipt of merchan- dise and/or service. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ORDINANCES AND AUTHORIZE PAYMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED, RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report recommend- ing first reading on an ordinance prepared by the Bonding Counsel and Ordinance 2778 presented to the Legislation Committee and City Attorney at 7:00 p.m. Airport Bonds meeting prior to Council meeting, for issuance of Airport Revenue Bonds. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes April 23, 1973 Page 2 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Airport Bonds MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE $565,000.00 REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead Ordinance 2778 read an ordinance providing for the issuance of $565,000.00 par value Continued of "Airport Revenue Bonds, 1973" for the purpose of obtaining part of the funds with which to pay the cost of carrying out the Phase II Develop- ment Project for the Renton Municipal Airport as adopted by the Renton Aviation Board; fixing the form, date, maturities, interest rates, cove- nants and terms of those bonds; creating an airport revenue fund, an airport construction fund, and a bond redemption fund; and providing for the sale of those bonds to Seattle Northwest-Securities Corporation of Seattle, Washington. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Follow- ing readings by the Clerk, IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous affirmative vote by the Council, MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Resolution 1851 Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Fund Transfer transferring funds to Street Fund. Letter from Finance Director Marshall $500,000.00 was read recommending borrowing $500,000 from Street Forward Thrust Fund to City Street Fund for 6-month period pending receipt of property tax monies and TOPICS reimbursement. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. City Clerk read resolution. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1852 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry, in oral report,recommended execution Agreement between of Manpower Agreement with adoption of resolution authorizing the Cities & Mayor to execute certain agreement with other cities in King and Snohomish Counties of Counties, the Counties of King and Snohomish for the purpose of administer- King & ing and distributing certain funds received and to be received from the Snohomish U.S. Government in programs and projects to alleviate unemployment and under-employment. Following explanation of the agreement by Administra- tive Assistant Lynch, it was MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT THAT THE RESOLUTION BE READ. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read resolution whereby City... enter into agreement receiving Federal grant to alleviate unemployment. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT Letter from Mrs. Marge Atwood, President of American Legion, requested BUSINESS permit to conduct annual Poppy Day Sale on May 18 and 19, 1973. MOVED Poppy Days BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PERMIT BE GRANTED. CARRIED. Board of Letter from James C. Hanson, Secretary of the Board of Adjustment, Adjustment requested residency requirement be waived for Mr. Gary Smith, Position #4 Residency of the Board of Adjustment as Mr. Smith has moved outside the city limits, however has a Renton mailing address and owns a business located inside, term expiring September 6, 1974. Waiver allowed in Sec.I of Ordinance #2635 of June 7, 1971. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CONCUR IN RECOMMFNDATION OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SECRETARY AND WAIVE RESIDENCY, REQUIREMENT. CARRIED. Claim for Claim for Damages filed by Shaw Bros. Drug, 220 Wells Ave. S. , for broken Damages sewer line, was read by City Clerk Mead. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Shaw Bros. Drug BY BRUCE, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Upon inquiry of Councilman Grant, City Clerk Mead advised disposition of claims could be checked at City Clerk's Office. Homes to East Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported having received of City Limits request to connect Eastwood Park to the City's sanitary sewer system by �. Request City Lincoln First Federal Savings and Loan Associ_ation., owner or mortgage Sewer Service holder of the 18 or 19 lots where homes were constructed with both dry sewer system and septic tanks and drain fields. Due to septic tank failure, many homes are posted by the King County Health Department for no occupancy. Public Works Director Gonnason requested the City Council in accordance with Resolution #1813, authorize Public Works Department to permit Eastwood Park to connect to the City sewer and assume all cost and fees; and that the City petition Metro for an early extension of the 23 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes April 23, 1973 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued May Creek trunk to provide permanent solution to this problem and allow future development of the area. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read, proclaiming the month of May 1973 as Poppy Month and the days of May 18 and 19 as Renton Poppy Days, urging PROCLAMATIONS all citizens to join in the wearing of this memorial flower in remembrance Poppy Days of the sacrifices of so many in the defense of our freedom. MOVED BY 5/18-19/73 DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. %W CARRIED. In recognition of the Secretary, Mayor Garrett proclaimed April 22 to 28, Secretary Week 1973 as Secretaries Week, urging all business and industry to rightfully 4/22 - 28/73 acknowledge this diligent group of professionals and their many contri- butions to the nation's progress, and pay special attention to Secretaries Day on April 25. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. National YWCA Mayor Garrett proclaimed April 22 to 28, 1973 as National YWCA Week Week to honor the organization for its helpful contribution to our community in 4/22 - 28/73 working for peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all people. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. National Hospital Urging everyone to take cognizance of National Hospital Week and pay Week in Renton tribute to the dedicated people who serve in the hospitals of this 5/6 - 12/73 community providing skilled and compassionate health care to our citizens, Mayor Garrett proclaimed May 6 - 12, 1973 as National Hospital Week in Renton. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Avery Garrett appointed Kathleen Willson to the position of clerk, Renton Police Department, effective May 1, 1973, subject to the customary ls. K. Willson six-month probationary period, having been certified by the Police Civil Service Commission. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL OLD BUSINESS CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Mobil Oil Committee of the Whole Chairman Clymer ymer presented report recommending Council authorize the Mayor to sign agreement with Mobil Oil for instal- Agreement lation of water mains on Lind Ave. , having been reviewed by Committee Authorized of the Whole and the Public Works Department. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Perry, Committee recommendation be Committee of the amended to include provisions for cost recovery over a 10 year period Whole Report rather than 15 years. Roll Call vote resulted in three Aye: Perry, Stredicke, Grant, and four NO: Clymer, Schellert, Delaurenti and Bruce. Motion to amend agreement failed. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, AMEND MOTION THAT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BE REQUIRED WITH MOBIL OIL LATE-COMER AGREEMENT. Roll Call vote resulted in four AYE: SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, STREDICKE, GRANT, and three NO: CLYMER, PERRY and BRUCE. AMENDING MOTION CARRIED. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. City Employee Committee of the Whole report submitted by Council President Clymer Membership in recommending referral to the Wage and Management Committee of the Washington State requirement that any time union membership constitutes 51% of a division Council of or department, all other employees in that division or department shall County & City be required to join, except those specifically exempted. MOVED BY .inployees STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT BE ADOPTED. LFL-CIO Minority report submitted by Councilman Grant,was read, recommending bmw that in order to clarify the Council's intent and interpretation of the contract and union charter, referral be made to the Waqe and Management__ . Committee of that matter included in the majority report, plus the following: If there is no majority union membership within the depart- ment or division, but there is a 51% membership on any job classification, all those employees within that job classification shall be required to join the union regardless of department, division, to which they are assigned, except those specifically exempted; and those exempted from union membership per contract & union charter are supervisors ana classificatio,.s 24 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes April 23, 1973 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Union Membership as follows: Department heads, Division heads, Mayor's secretary, Clarified - Council secretary, Employees holding registered professional engineer- Continued ing license, All supervisory personnel in pay grade 20 and above, Women's recreational supervisor, Temporary employees of six months or' less. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT MINORITY REPORT BE SUB- STITUTED FOR MAJORITY REPORT. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT TO ADD " AND TEMPORARY U.A.B. EMPLOYEES" TO THE EXEMPTED LIST. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADD "EDP MANAGER AND ADMINISTRA- TIVE ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR" TO THE LIST OF THOSE EXEMPTED FROM UNION MEMBERSHIP. At Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Councilman Grant advised as Federal Funds Coordinator has grade classification lower than 20, he would not be exempt. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Clymer advise the in- tent of the recommendation is to clarify Council's intent and not to alter the contract. MOTION CARRIED SUBSTITUTING MINORITY REPORT AS AMENDED FOR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION. ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Upon Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, members of the Wage and Management Committee were reiterated as the Mayor, Personnel Director and Chairman of the Finance and Personnel Committee. Public Works Public Works Committee report was submitted by Chairman Bruce recommending Committee Report the City accept the low bid submitted by DiOrio Construction in the amount Bid Award of $55,126.66 for the S.W. 43rd Street watermain adjustments and reloca- SW 43rd Water tion (April 11, 1973 bid opening) . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. CHANNELS Following verbal Community Services Committee report, Councilman GRANT MOVED,WITH A SECOND BY STREDICKE, THAT THE SUBJECT OF CHANNELIZATION OF EARLINGTON FLATS AREA BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted report for Personnel reading, concurring in the request of the Mayor to begin recruitment Committee Report for a personnel director, the salary level not to exceed $14,400 per year, with the difference in the budgeted funds and the amount requested , Personnel referred to the Legislation Committee for the necessary resolution for Director transfer of funds from the Contingency Fund. Finance and Personnel Committee Member Perry submitted minority report recommending that no recruitment be made at the present time for a new personnel director. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE MINORITY REPORT BE ADOPTED. MOVED LY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SUBSTITUTE THE MAJORITY RE- ___ PORT FOR THE MINORITY REPORT. Roll Call vote resulted in five AYE: CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, STREDICKE and BRUCE, with two NO: PERRY and GRANT. MOTION CARRIED, MAJORITY REPORT ST'RSTITUTED. Motion failed which was made by Grant, seconded by Perry, amend majority report by striking $14,400 per year and inserting $12,000 per year with remainder of tree sentence removed. MOTION CARRIED TO ADOPT MAJORITY REPORT. Public Safety Public Safety Committee report was submitted by Chairman Delaurenti Committee Report concurring in the recommendation of Police Chief Darby in a letter dated Harbor April 19, 1973 to Mayor Garrett recommending the City enter into a Patrol Service contract with the King County Department of Public Safety for Harbor Patrol Service on Lake Washington at a cost of $1,100 per year and that it be transferred from the Contingency Fund. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SEC- ONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee report submitted by Chairman Perry regarding Committee Report information from Engineering and Planning Departments on landscaping Rainier Avenue, Airport Way, and Sunset Boulevard, and recommended that Landscaping this matter be referred to the Community Services. Committee for review and recommendation, along with communication from Ms. Joan Lankford, Planning Department, addressed to the Transportation Committee dated 4/17/73 Progress Report on the landscaping. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTA- TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. S.B. 2190 MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SENATE BILL 2190 GIVING POWER OF INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM TO NON-CHARTER CODE CITIES, BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. MOVED BY Adjournment STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. ��i�Ie �I CARRIED. 11:40 p.m. && `�' m Delores A. Mead, City Clerk � r WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 4/23/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 5044 5084 $35# 149#57 PARKS AND RECREATION 5085 5098 $5j049172 CITY STREET 5099 5108 610j399161 LIBRARY 5109 5109 $19108 REQt AND STREET FWD THRUST 5110 5116 f2e070120 URBAN ARTERIAL 5117 5121 *31427196 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5122 5140 i21i974175 AIRPORT 5141 5145 42P106997 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5146 5157 s1j766e87 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS •81#964173 WEr THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 5044 THROUGH N01 5157 IN TWE AMOUNT OF •81#964 .73 THIS 23 OF APRIL / 19720 FINANCE COMMITTEE � 1 MITTEE Mr ER ��www••.Os•i . ►-'�ftw�ww..R�w� COMhV TEE MEMBER //� COMMITTEE MEM ER f, � i CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND OTHERS SCHEDULED AT MEETING OF 4/23/73 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs . , 5/3 8 :00 P.M. Clymer Council Chambers COMMUNITY SERVICES FINANCE AND PERSONNEL LEGISLATION Mon . , 5/7 7 :00 P .M. Perry Chairman ' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS Thurs . , 5/3 7 : 00 P.M. Bruce 4th Flr. Conf. Rm. TRANSPORTATION Wed. , 4/25 8 : 00 P.M. Perry Council Chambers Meet with petitioners - Rainier Ave . S. between S. 2nd & S. 3rd. Council invited. OTHER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APRIL 26 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS " BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3322 $ - R. Epplin 2109 NE 27th St . Demolish residence 3323 30 , 000. 00 Rigby Develop. Co 908 S. 30th P1 . New residence 3324 - Dalpay & Assoc. 915 N. 1st St . Demolish residence B3325 15 , 500. 00 R. Leber Co. , Inc. 3600 W. Valley Undergr. oil tanks , etc 3326 500. 00 C. Hill 801 Sunset NE Ext . eaves & reroof 3327 400 . 00 J. Van Eyk 500 Pelly N. Const , covered patio 3328 17 ,000. 00 Kelso Const. 1925 Aberdeen SE New Residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4021 450. 00 Standard Oil 2705 Sunset N. Underground conversion 4022 600. 00 Shell Oil 54 Rainier S. Underground conversion 4023 650. 00 Kelso Const . 1802 Aberdeen NE Wire new residence 4024 50. 00 J. Natucci 102 Williams S. Underground conversion E4025 600. 00 R. Zaputil 2033 Jones NE Wire new residence 4026 100 . 00 Renton Sh. Ctr. Rtn . Shop. Ctr. Temp. serv. /carnival 4027 50. 00 G. L. Shabro 116 Williams S. Underground conversion 4028 2 ,200 . 00 Renton Dodge 453 Rainier N. Underground conversion 4029 490. 00 J. Qualls 1614 Glenwood SE Wire new residence E4030 490. 00 J. Qualls 1618 Glenwood SE Wire new residence 4031 110. 00 G. Beaman 99 Williams S. Underground conversion MECHANICAL PERMITS M3485 200. 00 B. J. Erickson 2220 NE 8th St . Gas circ. heater 3486 535 . 00 Dalpay & Assoc. 855 Queen Ave NE Inst . elec. furnace 3487 9 , 400. 00 Rainier Village 522 Rainier S. Plmbg. & fixtures 3488 470. 00 G. K. Muller 2502 Meadow N. Plumbing & fixtures 3489 500. 00 Kelso Const . 1802 Aberdeen SE Gas heating system SEWER PERMITS 1820 R. L. Marsden 900 Harrington NE Connect side sewer 1821 R. L. Marsden 900 Harrington NE Connect storm sewer 1822 Bill Kelso 2007 Aberdeen SE Connect side sewer 1823 Bill Kelso 1921 Aberdeen SE Connect side sewer 1824 Bill Kelso 2047 Aberdeen SE Connect side sewer 1825 Bill Kelso 1802 Aberdeen SE Connect side sewer 1826 Mr. Reese 3619 Lk Wash . B1 . Connect side sewer 1827 PACCAR 480 Houser Wy N. Connect side sewer 1828 PACCAR 480 Houser Wy N. Connect side sewer 28 N MONTH OF APRIL, 1973 C I T Y O F R E N T 0 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL 4/2/73 CURRENT FUND 8,942.49 PARKS 8 RECREATION 4,469.70 CITY STREET 1 ,064.62 LIBRARY CONSTR. FUI' D 19,365.91 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1 ,580.78 AIRPORT 151 . 17 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 417.55 CLAIMS FUND FOP '1OIlTH OF APRIL TRANSFERS $35,992.22 1/9/73 CURPENT FUND S 23,629.54 PARKS 8 RECREATION 5,702.07 CITY STREET 3,869.78 CEDAR RIVER r1 8 1 67.93 LIBRARY 1 ,071 .45 EYERGENCY EMPLOYNEt T 1 ,693.89 REG 8 STREET FWD T PUST 240671 .38 1JP9A'4 ARTERIAL 219,669.65 WATERWORKS UTILIT'f 44,336.21 A I RrOPT 36,936. 10 EOUI o"'ENT RENTAL 50534.37 r I RE'AEN I S PENS 1 ON 1061 .40 CLaI�1S FUND TRAr!5FFRS FOP 11101'ITH Or APRIL $368,243.77 i URr E"dT FUND 30,830.95 `}/►b17� PAoKS F, PECREATIO 80260.56 APTFPIAL STREET 23,691 .00 CITY STREET 651351 .29 CEDAR P! VER "1 8 1 162.61 L151;Ar)/ � 70639.55 EMEOGE'Ir" F'•1PLOYI'!El 2,648.78 F,E:G. P, S . FWD THR! T. 56,297.41 UGBA.' ARTEPIAL 490301 .03 L I PPAPY CONSTRUCT I . ! FiiI:D 693.90 WATEPWnRKS UTILITY 440497.42 A 1 RPnPT 173.60 EOUIP%!ENT RENTAL 120202.28 F I PEEPP'' : PFUS I("I - 7p272.53 CLAPS FUII() ,'RP0jS.FF-S F')P ' ONTH OF APRIL M90022.91 REG R ST. FWD THRUST URBAN ARTERIAL To correct SEPT. 1972 transfer 4/Ib173 P.n.# 19707, Warrant! 911 $40277.22 >' 1953 W & S Reserve WATERWORKS UTILITY To close out 1953 Int&S 20,908.00 4/lb'73 Fund 404 Fund 401 Reserve fund AL dkQ AZZO YOR F p FINANCE DI FCTOR MONTH OF APRIL;1973 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: C I T Y O F R E N T O N DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL 4-23-73 CURRENT FUND $351149.57 PARKS & RECREATION 511049.72 CITY STREET 109399.61 LIBRARY 19.08 REG & STREET FWD T UST 2,070.20 URBAN ARTERIAL 39427.96 WATERWORKS UTILITY 219974.15 AIRPORT 2,106.97 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 19766.87 _ CLAIMS FUND FOR MONTH OF APRIL TRANSFERS $812964.73 4-15-73 CURRENT FUND 89,233.66 PARKS & RECREATION 181073.98 CITY STREET 181,354.14 CEDAR RIVER M & I 389.75 LIBRARY 61,894.99 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMEW 8,952.53 REG & STREET FWD TFRUST 857.50 URBAN ARTERIAL 7,717.53 WATERWORKS UTILITY 12,582.42 AIRPORT 987.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 29679.50 FIREMEN PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND FOR MONTH OF APRIL TRANSFERS P166,823.50 PARK DEVELOPMENT PARKS & RECREATION Resolution No.n 1846 11700.00 CUMULATIVE RES.FUN (Buildings) tow NO.i; 1689 CONTTNGENCY FUND PARKS & RECREATION Resolution No.-- 1846 1,700.00 (Buildings) 4-30-73 CURRENT FUND 5 90, 164.95 PARKS R RECREATION 18.853.82 CITY STREET 170510.25 CEDAR RIVER M & 1 389.75 LIBRARY 6,866.74 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMEN 90435.02 REG & STREET FWD TH UST 850.09 URBAN ARTERIAL 70650.76 WATERWORKS UTILITY 118729.40 AIRPORT 987.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,679.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND FOR k1ONTH OF APRIL TRANSFERS $167,217.78 4-30-73 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTIOJ LIBRARY FUND To correct error made on 5 160452.59 FUND March 5, 1973 Transfer sheet STPEFT FWD THRUST ARTERIAL STREET FUN To correct NOV. , 1972 transfer 96.00 in error: Resolution#, 1826 L. I .C. #244 FUND L. I .D. GUARANTY FUN Resolution # 1850 146.58 STREFT FWD THRUST STREET FUND Resolution # IP51 500,000.00 PARKS: BLDG. PAFKS 8 RECREATION To correct transfer error 10700.00 CUM Reserve 1894 (BLDG) on 4-20-73 - resolution# 1846 PARKS: DLDG. PARKS 8 RECREATION To correct transfer error 10700.00 C41 r'es rve 1804 (ELLI-C) on* 4-20-73 - Reso I ut i on# 1846 OR FTNANCE DIRECTOR, 30 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 7, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Amended Claim for Damages - Gene T. McDaniel Claim for Damages - Clara M. Martin COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Matter of abandoned or closed gas stations FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointments: Mr. Richard K. Clarke, Jr. Mr. Ronald J. Regis Mr. Donald 0. Jacobson Funding for L.I.D. 280, Undergrounding S.4th St. Funding for purchase of garbage containers HUMAN RIGHTS AND ARRAIRS COMMISSION Subject of Mrs. Lucas LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance for transfer of funds - Lake Washington patrol Necessary ordinance for transfer of funds - Park Department gang mower MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute agreement with E.A.A. for financing on utilities PLANNING COMMISSION Matter of closed or abandoned gas stations Broadacres, Inc. application for Land Classification - Open Space PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Pickup truck - equipment from 4/25/73 bid opening Updating Resolution 1669 - Police Uniform & Special Clothing PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Matter of L.I.D. 280, Undergrounding S.4th St. Gasoline bids 4/25/73 Equipment bids 4/25/73 (reported) SPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS Continued Public Hearing L.I.D. 280 - May 21, 1973 31 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 7, 1973 Municipal Building Monday, 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF, EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT; RICHARD M. STREDICKE COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY; CHARLES J. DELAURENTI; Council President Pro tem; and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; CAPT. PHELAN, Police Rep. ; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; GENE COULON, Park Director. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no corrections nor additions to the minutes of Council 4/23/73 Meeting of April 23,1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. BID AWARD COUNCIL APPROVAL GIVEN TO MOTION BY PERRY, SECOND BY CLYMER, TO SUSPEND S.4th St. Project RULES AND PRESENT PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT ON THE SOUTH FOURTH STREET April 12 Bid PROJECT. The Public Works Committee reportrecommended acceptance of Opening the low bid of Westcoast Electric Co. in the amount of $247,981 for U.A.B. and the S. 4th St. Improvement Project as recommended by the Public Works Dir- Forward Thrust ector. Councilman Schellert asked to be excused from the Chambers and did Financed not take part in any discussion nor action on this matter. MOVED BY SCHEL- Project LERT, SECOND BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND ACCEPT LOW BID OF WESTCOAST ELECTRIC CO. Roll Call vote resulted in 3 AYE: I�r CLYMER, PERRY, DELAURENTI; 2 NO: GRANT and STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having been published, posted S. 4th St. and mailed as required by law, Mayor Avery Garrett opened the Public Undergrounding Hearing on L.I.D. 280 for the purpose of determining creation of Local L.I.D. 280 Improvement District to assess the cost of construction and installation of underground power and other utility lines and appurtenances in the vicinity of South Fourth Street between Rainier Ave. South and Main Ave. South including certain side streets. City Clerk Mead read letters of protest from Mrs. Eula Lange, 325 Morris Ave. S. ; Miss Maggis Hansen, 318 Whitworth Ave. S. ; Mrs. Edith F. Friend, 321 Morris Ave. S. ; Mr. Leo A. O'Brien, property on Smithers; and Petition for exclusion from L.I.D. with 34 signatures of property owners on Morris, Smithers, Shattuck Wells, Whitworth Avenues So. , as well as S. 4th Place. City Clerk read Engineer's report giving a total L.I.D. cost of $39,858.65 and reported valuation of the property within the proposed district plus 25% of the existing improvements as $1,241,351.50, adequate to support the district; the City received protests representing 36% of the preliminary assessment costs (the City is restrained by law from proceeding with the improvement if written protests are received totaling 60% or more of preliminary assessment) . Public Works Director Gonnason outlined project and ex- plained that the property owner would be responsible for trenching and hook up of the utilities by an electrical contractor, along with the pre- liminary assessment on L.I.D. of $5.00 per front foot; further explain- ing that the side streets would be included as they formed an island fto between undergrounded S. 3rd St. (CBD) and undergrounded S. 4th St. Protest was registered by Mr. Nicholas A. Maffeo, 400 Shattuck Ave. S. asking that utility companies or City assume cost. Protests were regis- tered at the hearing by the following: Mr. George J. Bing, 329 Smithers Ave. S. ; Mr. Max Tecker, 320 Morris Ave. S. ;Mr.C.G.Meyer, 315 Whitworth Ave.. S. ; Mr. Patrick Hogan, 341 Smithers Ave. S.; Dr. Ralph Huey, 322 Morris Ave. S. and Mr. Craig Brewer, 315 Morris Ave. S. 32 Renton City Council Meeting May 7, 1973 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Public Hearing Mr. Kay Johnson, Director, Renton Chamber of Commerce, asked for con- Continued to tinuation of the hearing in order to present petition supporting under- May 21,1973 grounding project. Board of Public Works Chairman, Bennett advised 90% 8:00 P.M. of the cost of the undergrounding is borneby the power company, leaving 10% tariff of $4.50 per front foot, and that the phone company has 100% cost. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC HEARING BE CONTINUED TO May 21, 1973 AND THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMIT- TEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Councilman Perry pointed out the City is prohibited from participation in any portion of the undergrounding on private property, such as the trenching and hook up. MOTION CARRIED. Recess COUNCIL APPROVED A MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. Council recessed at 9:32 p.m. and reconvened at 9:37 p.m. with all Councilmen present as previously, except Councilman Grant, who returned shortly. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Chairman Schellert recommended payment of Warrants 45158 - 5378 5158 through 5378 in the amount of $173,648.90, having received prior departmental approval and certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or service. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report recommend- RESOLUTIONS ing second and final readingsfor an ordinance vacating a portion of alley located South of South 2nd Street and West of Logan Ave. , first Ordinance 2779 reading February 26, 1973.. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, Vacating Alley CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON Standard Service SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. As City Clerk has verified Tire Co. receipt of the appraisal fee of $2,572.60 and following reading of S.2nd & Logan S. the ordinance by the City Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call vote showed one dissenting vote cast by STREDICKE with the remainder affirmative and MOTION CARRIED. Legislation Committee report recommended that an ordinance fixing the terms for the repayment of a $95,000 loan by the State cf Washington Economic Assistance Authority to the City of Renton for a certain sewer and watermain project on Houser Way North, and Renton Highlands (Sanitary Sewers) and watermain project between Mount Olivet and Houser Way North, be placed on first reading. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Having been so advised by City Attorney, Councilman Perry requested that Resolution 1853 first a resolution be presented authorizing and directing the Mayor Authorizing EAA and City Clerk to sign an Agreement between the Washington Economic Loan - Utility Assistance Authority and the City for aid in financing the cost of public sewer and watermain between Highlands and Houser Way N. and Mt. Olivet and Houser Way N. , in the amount of $95,000. Following -reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER THAT ORDINANCE FOR $95,000 LOAN BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading by City Clerk Mead of ordinance fixing terms for the repayment of E.A.A. Loan for sewer and watermain projects between Ordinance 2780 Houser Way N. and Highlands and Mt. Olivet, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Repayment Plan SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. $95,000 EAA Loan MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY SCHELLERT TO AMEND MOTION BY ADDING TIME Utility STIPULATION WHERE FINAL ACTION IS NEEDED PRIOR TO MAY 15, 1973. AMENDMENT CARRIED. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Unanimous affirmative roll call vote cast by Councilmen and MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance for Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented an ordinance Authorizing Transfer of the transfer of funds,in the sum of $1,100,to provide for Lake WD. boat Funds - Lake patrol services by King County. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Patrol DELAURENTI, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION, AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. J5 Renton City Council Meeting May 7, 1973 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bid Opening 4/25 City Clerk Mead presented April, 25, 1973 bid opening-lawn mower, (bid Gang Mower tabulation attached),and presented letter from Park Director Coulon Bid Award recommending acceptance of the low bid of Northwest Mowers, Inc. , in the amount of $5,227.45 for the 1973 Jacobsen Model F133 gang mower or equal as recommended by the Park Board, and also recommended referral to the Legislation Committee for necessary resolution to transfer funds from Cumulative Reserve Fund to Park Fund. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED Lir BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONTOF PARK DIRECTOR AND PARK BOARD AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Bid Opening 4/25 City Clerk Mead presented April 25, 1973 bid opening for nine items Equipment of 1973 model equipment including trucks, dump bodies, air compressor, (See later award) loader, cab and chassis (tabulation attached) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT THAT THE 1973 Model 3/4 ton pickup truck ui/8' box BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Bid Opening 4/25 City Clerk Mead presented April 25, 1973 bid opening for Gasoline for Gasoline - 1 Yr. one year period with one bid received (tabulation attached) . MOVED BY Overlake Oil Co. SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, SUBJECT OF THE BIDS AND GASOLINE REQUIRE- (Shell) MENTS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Sportsfield . Letter submitted by Park Director Coulon recommending total payment of Lighting $34,784.50 to Service Electric Co.Inc. for sports field lighting at Phillip Arnold Phillip Arnold Park. Contract completed and accepted by Park Department, Park and City Council acceptance recommended as of May 7, 1973 and if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against this project, and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, it is recommended that the retained amount of $3,650 be paid the contractor. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUESTSOF THE PARK DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Claim for Claim for alleged damages was read, filed by Mrs. Clara M. Martin, 684 Damages Dayton Ave. N.E. , for fall on 6th P1. N.E. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND B1 Clara M.Martin CLYMER, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO CITY ATTORNEY & INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Police Uniform Letter from Police Chief Darby was read, requesting amendment to Resolu- Requirements tion 1669 relating to authorized items of uniform for members of the Renton Police Department in order to update the resolution, submitting list of items of Uniform and Special Clothing. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE CARRIED. No-Fee Permit- Letter from L. C. Anderson, Campaign Chairman of the Disabled American D.A.V. Veterans, requested permit to sell Forget-Me-Nots in Renton, proceeds to Forget-Me-Nots- be used for Veteran Hospital and Re-hab work. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED Valley Chapter BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST. CARRIED. Broadacres, Inc. Broadacres, Inc. Application for Land Classification-Open Space Current Land Use Assessment filed with the City Clerk on April 30, 1973 was presented Classification by the City Clerk. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS REQUEST Application BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR PR0CESSING. CARRIED. Claim for Seconded Amended Claim for Damages was filed by Gene T. McDaniel and Damages read by City Clerk Mead for alleged flood damage-May Creek. MOVED BY Amended SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, AMENDED CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY bw ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Avery Garrett proclaimed the week of May 13 through 14, as National Transportation Transportation Week for 1973 in accordance with Congressional resolution Week passed in 1957, with May 18, 1973 as National Defense Transportation Day. 5/13 - 19 MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. Richard K. Clarke, Jr. to a six-year term Police Civil on the Police Civil Service Commission, effective June 1, 1973, expiring Service - June 1, 1979, replacing Mr. Roger I. Lewis resigning as of 6/1/73. Richard K.Clarke MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER APPOINTMENT TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. '34L City Council Meeting Minutes May 7, 1973 Page 4 APPOINTMENTS - Continued Park Board Letter of appointment was read, whereby Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. Mr. R.J. Regis Ronald J. Regis to a three year term on the Renton Park Board, term to 824 Jefferson expire June 1, 1976, Mr. Regis having served since June,1964. MOVED BY Ave. N.E. STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THIS APPOINTMENT TO THE Reappointment FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Library Board Appointment of Mayor Garrett of Mr. Donald 0. Jocobson to a five-year Mr. D.O.Jacobson term or, the Linrary Board, was read. Mr. Jacobson has served on the 2919 N.E. 5th Board since June, 1968, with new term to expire June 1, 1978. MOVED BY Place STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE Reappointment AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Personal Upon inquiry by Councilman Clymer on the Letters to the Editor in both Harrassment the Renton Chronicle and Seattle Times regarding Mrs. Lucas, it was MOVED Report -- BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE SUBJECT OF MRS. LUCAS BE Mrs. Lucas REFERRED TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. CARRIED. Location Request- Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted report recommending Amusement Device denial of request for amusement devices and music machines at Private Social Club, 23031 Main Ave. S. , concurring in Police Department recom- Private Social mendation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE Club RECOMMENDATION AND DENY APPLICATION. CARRIED. Renton Gov-Mart Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted report concurring in Bazaar Police Department recommendation to grant location approval requests for seven amusement devices at Renton Bazaar by Mars Amusement Co. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND GRANT APPLICATION. CARRIED. Elsie's Cafe Public Safety Committee report concurred in Police Department recommenda- tion and recommended granting request for music machine at Elsie's Cafe. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Member Stredicke presented committee report regard- Committee Report ing the matter of purchase versus leasing of garbage containers to serve the City, concurring in the recommendation of the Public Works Director Garbage and Purchasing Agent that containers be purchased, and further recommend- Containers ing that the matter of financing the purchase be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee. The report also concurred in the sale of the existing containers at $50 each. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Ea' twook Park Public Works Committee report submitted by Member Stredicke, reported Sewer Connection review of Lincoln First Federal Savings and Loan Association request for connection of Eastwood Park tD the City sewer system and recommended that the City Council authorise the requested sewer connection subject to annexation of the properties to be served and the City Administration directed to work with appropriate property owners in developing the annexation proceedings; and also recommending that the City Administra- tion file petition with Metro for an early extension of the May Creek trunk to provide a permanent gravity solution to this problem and to provide sewer capacity for additional development in the area. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOTH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. April 25, 1973 Public Works Committee report recommended acceptance of Public Works now Bid Opening Director recommendations on equipment as follows: (See Items as shown Equipment on attached tabulation) : Item (1) Low bid submitted by Wilson Ford Motor Co. , Seattle for the Ford F-7000 diesel units in total amount of (See earlier $19,076.35, recommending diesel units due to longer life and resulting Referral) savings of $83 per year. Item (2) Low bid of Transport Equipment Co. , SeatCle, for the Williamson Dura-Dump in the amount of $4,896.45. Item (3) Bid of Star Machi�_nery, Seattle, in amount of $4,710, recommending acceptance of diesel due to longer life with cost savings of $98 per year. Item (4) Low bid of Craig Taylor Equipment Co. , Renton, for the John Deere JD-544A, including optional bucket, in the amount of $21,324.60 Item (5) Low bid Craig Taylor Equipment Co. , Renton for JD-300 3/4 yd loader diesel in amount of $8,530.70; Item (6) Bid of Loberg Oldsmobile/ GMC for GMC 454 in amount of $2,938.01, giving preference to local firm to facilitate service and delivery, though $5.33 over low bidder.. 35 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes May 7, 1973 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Equipment - Cont. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF COMMITTEE AND ACCEPT BIDS. MOTION CARRIED NEW BUSINESS Spraying for Street Superintendent TeGantvoort reported spray had been obtained and Weed Control project would be underway soon for weed and undergrowth control on public right of ways, upon Council inquiry. Abandoned Gas MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MATTER OF ABANDONED OR CLOSED Stations GAS STATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Animal Control Councilman Stredicke requested report relative to animal control as com- pared with year ago and animal shelter facility. Ecology Motion failed to prohibit smoking in the Council Chambers during Council Meetings, made by Stredicke, seconded by Perry. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADJOURN. Renton City 11:02 P.M. Council Meeting adjourned at 11:02 p.m. t �/ cz, 7 Delores A. Mead, Ci Jerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK May 7 , 1973 BID OPENING, 4/25/73 imw GASOLINE REQUIREMENTS FOR CITY OF RENTON ONE YEAR PERIOD - 5/15/73 TO 5/15/74 75 , 000 gallons first grade premium 70 , 000 gallons first grade regular Net Unit Price Bidder Excl . Federal Tax Atlantic Richfield Co. * Ltr. rcd. - No Bid 515 S. Flower Street Los Angeles , Calif. 90071 Mobil Northwest Sales Ltr. rcd. - No Bid 520 East "D" Street Tacoma , WA 98421 Overlake Oil Co. 75 , 000 gallons $0. 3102/Gallon premium Box 506 70 ,000 gallons $0. 2711/Gallon regular Kirkland, WA 98033 Standard Oil of Calif. Ltr. rcd. - No Bid P. O. Box 220 too Seattle, WA 98111 Texaco , Inc. Ltr . rcd. - No Bid Republic Bldg. Seattle , WA 98101 Union Oil Co. of Calif. * Ltr. rcd. - No Bid 2901 Western Avenue Seattle , WA 98121 * Companies requested notification of the bid award OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK May 7, 1973 BID OPENING, APRIL 25 , 1973 page 1 Q: (2) 1973 model single axle trucks , cab and chassis , 27500 G. V. W. Item 1 Loberg Oldsmobile Bid Bond GMC Model CE 66413 Two-Units GMC Model HV 76413 Two-Units 233 Burnett Ave. S. EEO/AA Gasoline $16 ,096 . 80 Diesel $21 ,496. 00 Renton , WA 98055 853. 13 ST 1 ,139. 29 ST $16 ,949 . 93 $22,635 . 29 No Delivery Date Specified 2 ,000. 00 Trade-In -2 ,000. 00 Trade-In $14 ,949. 93 $20,635. 29 Sea-Tac Ford Truck Sales Bid Bond Ford F-750 Two-Units Ford F 7000 Two-Units 11000 Pacific Highway EEO/AA Gasoline $15 ,990. 00 Diesel $20 , 498. 00 Seattle , WA 98168 847. 47 ST 1 ,086. 39 $16, 837. 47 $11 ,584. 39 No Delivery Date Specified -2,200. 00 Trade-In -2 ,200. 00 Trade-In $14 ,637. 47 $19 ,384. 39 Wilson Ford Motor Co. Check Ford F-750 Two-Units Ford F 7000 Two Units 5433 Leary Ave . N. W. EEO/AA Gasoline $15,189. 64 Diesel $20 ,132. 36 Seattle , WA 9810780505 ST Option . 1 ,067. 01 ST 70 Am Alternator $15 ,994. 69 Option No Delivery Date Specified 1° 70 Amp Alternator $21 .199. 37 $75. 00 2 ,200. 00 Trade-In $75. 00 -2,200. 00 Trade-In 3 . 98 $13, 794. 52 Bid Price 3. 98 '$18,999 . 37 $78. 98 78. 98 Option $78. 98 78. 98 Option $13,873. 50 $19 ,078. 35 (2) 5-6 cubic yard contractor type dump bodies Item 2 Nelson Equipment Co. Check Anthony T6383 Two-Units Optional Equip. $5 ,296. 59 128 Westlake No. EEO/AA Headlift Hoist $5 ,030 . 00 Asphalt Door in 78. 98 Option Seattle , WA 98109 Dump Body 266 . 59 ST Tailgate $75. 00 $5 , 375. 57 Delivery - 60 days after receipt of $5 ,296 . 59 3. 98 $78. 98 order, 10 days after receipt of chassis Transport Equip. Co. Bid Bond Williamsen $4 ,650. 00 3400 6th Ave . So. EEO/AA Dura-Dump 246 . 45 ST Seattle, WA 98134 $4 ,896 . 45 Deliver - 3/4 wks. receipt of order, 1 wk. Inst. Truckweld Equip. Co. Bid Bond Truckweld Model 11-S $5 ,500. 00 739 Ninth Ave. N. EEO/AA 291 . 50 ST Seattle , WA 98109 $5, 791 . 50 Delivery 15/20 daysr receipt of chassis i�rw�rr�c i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK May 7, 1973 BID OPENING, APRIL 25 , 1973 Page 2 (1) 1973 model 2-wheel trailer mounted 160 C. F.M. air compressor Item 3 Cal-Ore Machinery Co. Bid Bond Joy RPQ 150G $4 ,080. 00 $4 ,296 . 24 No delivery date 5930 First Ave . So. AA/EEO Gasoline 216 . 24 ST - 450. 00 Trade-In Seattle , WA 98108 $4 ,296 . 24 $3 , 846 . 24 Total Bid Craig Taylor Equipment Bid Bond Worthington 160 $5 ,255 . 00 $5 ,533. 52 30 days 3100 E. Valley Rd. AA/EEO Diesel 278. 52 ST -750.,00 Trade-In P.O. Box 710 $5 ,533. 52 $4 , 783. 52 Total Bid Renton , WA 98055 Alternate Worthington 160 $4,595. 00 $4,838. 54 30 days Gasoline 243. 54 ST -750. 00 Trade-In $4 ,838. 54 $4 ,088. 54 Total Bid Fray Equipment Co. Bid Bond Jaeger, Model 175 $6 ,695. 00 $7,049. 84 3 weeks 5821 First Ave . So. AA/EEO Diesel 354. 83* ST -1 ,250. 00 Trade-In Saattle, WA 98118 $7 ,049. 84 $5 ,849. 84* Total Bid Alternate Jaeger , Model 175 $6 ,475. 00 $41818.18 3 weeks Gasuline 343. 18* ST -1 ,250. 00 Trade-In $6 ,818. 18 $5 ,618. 18* Total Bid *Bid Correction Pacific Diesel Co. Check Schramm Model 160 $6 ,235. 20 $6 ,565. 67 60 days 340 W. Nickerson AA/EEO Gasoline 330 . 47 ST -950. 00 Trade-In Seattle, WA 98119 $6 ,565. 67 $5 ,615. 67 Total Bid Star Machinery Bid Bond Ingersoll-Rand $5 ,281 . 00 $5 ,560. 89 6-8 weeks 241 S. Lander St . AA/EEO Model DRR-160-5 279. 89 ST - 850 . 00 Trade-In Seattle, WA 98134 Diesel $5 ,560. 89 $4 ,710.89 Total Bid Alternate $4 ,606 . 00 $4 ,850 . 12 Ingersoll-Rand 244. 12 -850 . 00 Trade In Model GRR-160-5 $4 ,850. 12 $4,100 .12 W OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK May 7, 1973 C4 BID OPENING, APRIL 25 , 1973 Page 3 (1) 1973 model 1-1/2 yd. , 4-wheel articulated loader T t A m d Cal-Ore Bid Bond Michigan 45B $24 , 374. 00 Optional 4 in 1 Bucket Bid Total Delivery 5930 First Ave. So. AA-EEO 1 ,291 . 82 ST $3,200. 00 $22. 665. 82 Seattle , WA 98108 $25 ,665 . 82 169. 60 ST 3,369. 60 45 days -3,000. 00 Trade-In $3, 369 . 60 $26 ,035 . 42 $22 ,665 . 82 Craig Taylor Equip. Co. Bid Bond John Deere $22 ,250. 00 $1 , 800. 00 $19 ,429. 25 3100 E. Valley Rd. AA-EFO JD-544A 1 ,179. 25 ST 95 . 40 ST 1 ,895 . 40 P. O. Box 710 $23 ,429. 25 $1 ,895 . 40 $21 ,324. 60 30 days Renton , WA 98055 -4 ,000. 00 Trade-In $19 ,429. 25 N C Machinery Check Caterpillar $27 ,827. 00 $2 ,945. 00 $26 ,001 . 83 10 days 17025 W. Valley Hwy. AA-EE 930 1 ,474. 83 ST 156 . 09 ST 3 ,101 . 09 Seattle , WA 98124 $29 ,301 . 83 $3,101 . 09 $29 ,102 . 92 -3,300. 00 Trade-In $26 ,001 . 83 Alternate Bid Caterpillar $23, 844. 00 $2 ,975. 00 $21 ,807/73 920 1 ,263. 73 ST 157 . 68 3,132. 68 $25 ,107. 73 73,132 . 68 $24,940. 41 -3 ,300. 00 Trade-In $21 ,807. 73 Northwest Roads Bid Bond Allis-Chalmers $25 ,480. 18 $3,042 . 50 $23. 330. 63 Immed. del . 7739 First Ave . S. AA-EEO 545E 1 , 350. 45 ST 161 . 25 ST 3 ,203. 75 on stock P. O. Box 46107 $26 , 830. 63 $3,203. 75 $26 ,534. 38 Fac. delivery Seattle , WA 98146 -3 ,500. 00 Trade-In 29 weeks $23 ,330. 63 Star Machinery Bid Bond Trojan $27,630. 00 $2 ,600. 00 $24 ,594. 39 90 days 241 S. Lander St . AA-EEO 1 ,464 . 39 ST 137. 80 ST 2 , 737. 80 Seattle , WA 98134 $29 ,094. 39 $2 , 737. 80 $27 , 332. 19 -4 ,500 . 00 Trade-In $24 ,594. 39 i OFFICE OF THE CITY axx May 7, 1973 BID OPENING , APRIL 25 , 1973 Page 4 (1) 1973 model 1-1/2 yd. , 4-wheel articulated loader Item 4 Tool Crib Co. of Seattle, Inc. Bid Bond Case W-18 Options Bid Total Delivery 5701 First Ave. S. N/A $23 ,234 . 00 $ 250 . 00 Noise Supp. Kit $20 ,215. 40 45 days P.O. Box 80158 1 ,231 . 40 ST 1 ,400. 00 4 in 1 Bucket 1 ,979 . 64 Seattle , WA 98108 $24 ,465 . 40 230 . 00 Feeders $22 ,195 . 04 -4 ,250 . 00 Trade-In$1 ,880. 00 $20 ,215. 40 99 . 64 ST $1 ,979 . 64 Alternate Bid Case W-14 $19 ,057. 00 $1 , 300 . 00 4 in 1-Bucket $15 ,817. 02 1 ,010. 02 ST 200 . 00 Fenders 1 , 790. 10 $20 ,067. 02 200. 00 Noise Supp. Kit $17 ,607. 12 -4 ,250. 00 Trade-In$1 ,700. 00 $15 ,817. 02 90 . 10 ST $1 , 790 . 10 2 - C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK May 7 , 1973 BID OPENING, APRIL 25 , 1973 Page 5 (1) 1973 model , 3/4 to 1 yd. , 4-wheel backhoe w/loader Item 5 Cascade Tractor Check Ford Model 4500 $12 ,231 . 61 $12 ,819. 96 Delivery 1021 Hiway 88 N. EEO/AA w1740 Loader & - 22 . 12 Excise Tax -3,200. 00 Trade-In Everett , WA 98201 1 yd. Bucket $12 ,209 . 49 $ 9 ,619 . 96 Total Bid 60 days Diesel 610. 47 ST $12 ,819 . 96 Craig Taylor Equipment Co Check Bid Bond $11 ,900. 00 $12 ,530. 70 30 days 3100 E. Valley Highway EEO/AA JD-300, 3/4 630 . 70 ST -4 , 000. 00 Trade-In P.O. Box 710 yd. loader $12 ,530 . 00 $ 8 ,530. 70 Total Bid Renton, WA 98055 Diesel Tool Crib Co. of Seattle Check Case Model 580-B $12 , 394. 00 Option $13 ,050. 88 45 days 5701 First Ave . So. EEO/AA 7/8 yd. loader 656 . 88ST HD 24" Bucket -4 ,000. 00 Trade-In P.O. Box 98108 Diesel $13,050. 88 ILO standard $ 9 ,050. 88 Total Bid $100. 00 105. 30 5 . 30 $ 9 ,156 . 18 Total Bid w/Option $105. 30 (1) 1973 model 3/4 ton truck , cab and chassis Item 6 Loberg Oldsmobile/GMC Bid Bond GMC Model 454 $3,170. 00 $3,338. 01 90 days 233 Burnett St . EEO/AA 168. 01 ST 400. 00 Trade-In Renton , WA 98055 $3,338. 01 $2 , 938. 01 Total Bid Renton Dodge Inc. Check Dodge D200 Custom $3 ,081 . 88 $3 ,245. 22 180 to 210 453 Rainier Ave. N. EEO/AA 163. 34 225. 00 Trade-In days Renton , WA 98055 $3 ,245. 22 $3 ,020. 28 Total Bid Sea-Tac Ford Truck Bid Bond Ford F-250 $2 ,975 . 00 $3 ,132 . 68 90 days Sales , Inc. EEO/AA 157. 68 ST 200. 00 Trade-In 11000 Pacific Highway $3 ,132 . 68 $2 ,932 . 68 Total Bid Seattle , WA 98168 I I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK May 7, 1973 BID OPENING, APRIL 25 , 1973 Page 6 (1) 1973 model 3/4 ton pickup truck w/8 ' box Fire Department Item 7 Loberg Oldsmobile-GMC Bid Bond $3 , 801 . 00 $4 ,002 . 45 GMC Model 454 Delivery 233 Burnett Street EEO/AA 201 . 45 ST -300 . 00 Trade-In 90 days Renton , WA 98055 $4 ,002 . 45 $3 ,702 . 45 Total Bid Renton Dodge Inc. Check $3, 818. 91 $4 ,021 . 31 Dodge D200 Utiline 180 to 210 453 Rainier Ave . N. EEO/AA 202 . 40 ST -175 . 00 Trade-In days Renton , WA 98055 $4 ,021 . 31 $3 ,846 . 31 Total Bid Sea-Tac Ford Truck Bid Bond $4 , 321 . 00 $4 ,550 . 01 Ford F-250 60 to 90 days Sales , Inc. EEO/AA 229 . 01 ST 450 . 00 Trade-In 11000 Pacific Highway $4 ,550 . 01 $4 ,100 . 01 Total Bid Seattle , WA 98168 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK May 7 , 1973 BID OPENING , APRIL 2.5 , 1973 (1) 1973 Lawn Mower - Jacobsen Model F133 Gang Mower or equal Park Department Empire Way Seed & Garden Bid Bond $5 , 565. 00 Jacobsen Model F-133 Three weeks 5715 Empire Way South EEO/AA 294. 95 ST Seattle , WA 98118 $5 ,859. 95 Total Bid Northwest Mowers , Inc. Bid Bond $4 ,964. 34 Jacobsen Model F-133 15 days 1149 N. 98th St . EEO/AA 263. 11 ST Seattle , WA 98103 $5 ,227. 45 Total Bid MP 42 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 5/07/73 BEuIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS 5166 5228 $17#082946 CURRENT FUND PARKS AND RECREATION 5229 5253 •12*939985 CITY STREET 5254 5277 ;3*397 *20 DISASTER RELIEF SERV9 FUND 5278 5278 $4* 100900 REG . AND STREET FWD THRUST VeiD 5279 5301 URBAN ARTERIAL 9..,,,7 5302 5321 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FOND 5322 3322 f17*399o88 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5323 5344 *45*762981 AIRPORT 5345 5352 $12*008. 15 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5353 5378 *2* 415916 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS WE* THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED* DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO* 5166 THROUGH NO* 5378 IN THE AMOUNT OF f THIS 03 OF MAY 1972 • FINANCE COM T EE s wwwrw s • • ••• CO MITTEE MEMBER— _ / w.'-K ww��•www wwwsw�ww j C miTTEE, MEM ��•w w w w w w w w .w"saw w mm w w w w w CONM,I EE MEMBER � r r CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND OTHERS SCHEDULED AT MEETING OF Mau 7 . 1973 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs . , 5/10 4 : 30 P. M. Grant Planning Commission Parking, Planned Unit Developmen Conf. Room FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Tues . , 5/8 4 : 30 P .M. Schellert 6th Flr. Conf. Room Report regarding PEP employees LEGISLATION Mon . , 5/14 7 : 00 P .M. Perry Chairman 's Office PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION Tues . , 5/8 7 : 30 P.M. Perry S. 4th Place Parking Problem OTHER 44 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 7 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 83329 $ 27,400. 00 R. L. Marsden 900 Harrington NE Dairy Store w/gas pumps 3330 250. 00 R. Zaputil 420 Lind Ave . S. W. Blacktopping, burb , c 3331 -- H. McDowell 1210 Bronson Wy N. Move gas station 3332 3,00. 00 Dr. Hancheroff 340 Morris S. Const. add. & enc, pc h 3333 2 ,000. 00 J. Boehme 1402 N. 26th Construct foundation 3334 28,000. 00 McKinney Const. 3411 Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. New family residence 83335 -- Boeing Co. Renton Plant Demolish Personnel Bldg. 3336 VOID 3337 2 , 300. 00 Chamber of Comm. 300 Rainier N. Const. partition 3338 14 ,000. 00 Kero 1400 SW Grady Way Repair Motel/fire damage 3339 2 ,000. 00 Pacific Mutual 15 S. Grady Way Const . partition 83340 1 ,500. 00 D. E. Harris 1728 Shattuck S. Const . bedroom addition 3341 700. 00 C. A. Hagen 1009 N. 28th P1 . Construct carport 3342 8,000. 00 Wash. Jockey Cl . Longacres Repair infield board 3343 1 ,000. 00 Renton Vill . Co . 15 S. Grady Wy . Stairs , handrail , sidewk, 3344 2 , 500. 00 K. R. Pratt 2219 NE 8th P1 . Construct addition 83345 500. 00 Ass . of God 221 Hardie NW Const. canopy over entr. 3346 700. 00 D. Cavaletto 622 Morris S. Inst . new roof ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4032 250. 00 Renton Water Dept . Union NE & Sunset NE - Undergr . service 4033 650. 00 Rigby Dev. 909 S. 29th Ct. Wire new residence 4034 650. 00 Rigby Dev. 908 S. 30th P1 . Wire new residence E4035 50. 00 M. D. Nass 3422 Sunset Blvd. NE Conv. to undergr. wrg. 4036 50. 00 M. D. Nass 3428 Sunset Blvd. NE Conv. to undergr. wrg. 4037 50. 00 M. D. Nass 3426 Sunset Blvd. NE Conv. to undergr . 4038 50. 00 V. Norine 110 Williams S. Conv. to undergr. wi g 4039 55 . 00 Rainier Village 522 Rainier S. Inst, temporary sere il E4040 55 . 00 J. Dennis Const. 903 N. 29th St. Inst . temporary service 4041 55 . 00 Q&M Enterprises 1614 Glenwood SE Inst. temporary service 4042 55. 00 Kelso Const . 1921 Aberdeen Pl . SE Inst . temporary service 4043 55 . 00 Kelso Const . 2007 Aberdeen P1 .SE Inst . temporary service 4044 55 . 00 Lockard Const . 2020 NE 24th St. Inst . temporary service E4045 55 . 00 Kelso Const . Co. 1802 Aberdeen SE Inst. temporary service 4046 55 . 00 West Coast Const . 1501 Talbot S. Inst . temporary service 4047 650. 00 Phillips 66 Sta . 330 Rainier So. Underground conversion 4048 120. 00 Joseph Arko 94 Williams So. Underground conversion 4049 50. 00 L. D. Rosenstrom 95 Williams So. Underground Conversion E4050 600. 00 Kelso Const . 2007 Aberdeen SE Wire new residence 4051 50. 00 Joe Zanga 125 Hayes Pl . S. Conv. to underground wrg. 4052 250. 00 Ch. of Commerce 300 Rainier S. Underground conversion 4053 500. 00 Pacific Mut . Ins . 15 S. Grady Way Remodel 1st flr. ,fixtures i 4054 50. 00 R. T. Cooper 87 Williams S. Underground conversion E4055 400. 00 Rtn . Water Dept .NE 13 & Sunset NE Undergr , serv. pump sta . 4056 250. 00 A. Goodwin 551 Jefferson NE Ground pool & wire pump 4057 900. 00 Earl Mann 333 Main S. Inst. electric heat 4058 55 . 00 Park Dept . N. E. 24 & Aberdeen NE - Inst . temp. serv. 4059 100. 00 D. Winchester 1625 Edmonds N. E. Repair fire damage-wiring E4060 75 . 00 Cedar Rvr. Vet . 3737 NE 4th Temporary serv. MECHANICAL PERMITS M3490 258. 00 R. Montrevil 1720 Kirkland NE Gas piping & inst . d r 3491 250. 00 Nancy Quale 2625 Aberdeedn NE Inst . gas wall furnace 3492 350. 00 W. Sparrow 2033 Jones N.E. Inst . septic tank & sys . 3493 350 . 00 Tartan Realty 3304 NE 6th Inst . 80 ,000 BTU Furnace 3494 182. 50 R. D. Harton 1533 Jones N. E. Inst . gas hot wtr. htr. M3495 157 ,59 Marge Gettermy 3604 NE 8th St. Inst . gas dryer & vent 3496 850. 00 Q & M Enterpr. 1618 Glenwood SE Inst . plmbg. & fixtures 3497 1 ,225 . 00 Q & M Enterpr. 1614 Glenwood SE Inst. plmbg. & fixtures 3498 565 . 00 Rigby Develop. 909 S. 29th Ct . Inst. gas furnace 3499 61 ,495. 00 J. O ' Donnell 933 Thomas SW Inst . sprinkler syst. M3500 985 . 00 Kelso Const. 2047 Aberdeed SE Plumbing & fixtures I 45. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 7, 1973 Page 2 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS MECHANICAL PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK {11�t M3501 $ 650. 00 Kampe Construction 3303 Park Ave. N. Plumbing & fixtures 3502 985 . 00 Kelso Construction 2007 Aberdeen SE Plumbing & fixtures 3503 500. 00 Kelso Construction 2007 Aberdeen SE Inst. gas furnace 3504 522. 00 Hebb & Norodick 814 S. 28th Ct. Inst . gas furnace M3505 20,000. 00 Rainier Village Co. 522 Rainier S. Htg. & air cond. 3506 800. 00 R. L. Marsden 900 Harrington NE Inst . gas stor. tank 3507 11000. 00 Coach ' s Corner 340 Burnett S. Install fixtures 3508 2 ,000. 00 R. Marsden 900 Harrington NE Inst. 1m 3509 450. 00 9 p bg. & fixtu G. Newton 2101 Dayton NE Inst. gas furnace SIGN PERMITS 5285 100. 00 R. Zapputil 420 Lind Ave SW Inst. pole sign 5286 250. 00 Muffler Systems 301 Airport Way Inst . proj. sign SEWER PERMITS 1829 John Julian 1400 S. 7th Connect side sewer 1830 Robert Thein 627 Smithers Repair side sewer bow i i 46 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 14, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Bartell Drug COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Olympic Pipe Line Co. request ..r CITY CLERK Registered letters to property owners re LID 270 ENGINEERING (PUBLIC WORKS) DEPARTMENT Design study re LID 279 for including adjacent property FINANCE AND PERSONNEL C0MMITTEE Appointments to Human Rights and Affairs Commission LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proper legislation for LID 279 Subject of Initiative and Referendum and Public Hearing responsibility Transfer of funds - Federal Shared Revenue - Park Trdnsfer of funds - Airport PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Fireworks Stand Applications Application for location novelty machine - Friar Tucks BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Annexation of King County Water District #107 Olympic Pipe Line request PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Adjustments on LID 270 King County Water District annexation Mr. & Mrs. J. Lieske request to join City sewer system SPECIAL EVENTS Public Hearing L.I.D. 270 - Continued to June 4, 1973 I� now 47 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 14, 1973 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED too BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT ABSENT COUNCILMAN CHARLES J. DELAURENTI BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENCANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; HUGH R. DARBY, Police Chief; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superinten- dent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no corrections nor additions to the minutes of Council 5/7/73 Meeting of May 7, 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This beingthe date t set and proper noticeshaving been published, L.I.D. 279 posted and mailed as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the public Talbot Rd.S. hearing to determine creation of local improvement district in the Sanitary Sewer Talbot Rd. S. area and to determine preliminary assessment against the properties specially benefited. City Clerk Mead read letters of Hearing continued protest from Mr. Frank Nakanishi, 3315 Talbot Rd.S. ; Mr. and Mrs. from 4/2/73 to Jack M. Hawkins, 2825 Talbot Rd.S. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Lobe, 4/16/73 to 5/14 2709 Talbot Rd.S. Public Works Director Gonnason's Engineering Report was read listing total estimated cost as $82,012.00, with the valua- tion of the property within this proposed district plus 25% of exist- 10W ing improvements as $120,230.00, adequate to support proposed district L.I.D. 279 listing 21.68% protest plus two additional protests from outside the Accepted district requesting inclusion. Proposed district reviewed by Public Works Director explaining possibility of supplemental L.I.D. of those property owners south of Talbot Rd. near Transamerica DumDinta station by change in design. Upon inquiry from Mrs. Rosalie F. Lobe, Gonnason reported 8 inch line adequate and would be installed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY PERRY, COUNCIL DIRECT ENGINEERING TO PROCEED WITH DESIGN .STUDY TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL PROPERTY OF LOBE AND OTHERS WHICH ABUT PRESENTLY PROPOSED L.I.D. , FORMING SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 4 AYES: CLYMER, BRUCE, PERRY, SCHELLERT, 2 NO: GRANT and STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ACCEPT PRELIMINARY ROLL AS PRESENTED AND MATTER BE REFERRED TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION FOR CREATION OF L.I.D. AND ORDER CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 4 AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, PERRY, SCHELLERT, 2 NO: GRANT and STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. PRBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, L.I.D. 270 posted and mailed as required by law, Public Hearing was held on the Lake Washington final assessment for L.I.D. 270. City Clerk Mead read letter from Shorelands Mrs.Marjorie M. Reese, Rt. 1, Corro Gordo, Illinois protesting the Sanitary Sewers increase in assessment. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason Final recommended reduction in Ers. Reese's assessment due to construction m. Assessment difficulties. Public Works Director Gonnason reported all assessments higher as line had to be relocated with resulting increase in construc- tion cost. Mr. Wayne Goddard, 3707 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , reported (Preliminary poor stub placement at property line, which was confirmed by Mr. James Hearing Held Denzer, 3613 Lake Washington B1vd.N. Complaints were registered by: Feb. 28, 1972) Ms. Peggy DuBois, 2907 Mt.View Ave.N. ; Mr. B.C. Marshall, 2907 Mt.View Ave.N. ; Mr. Robert Burr, 3013 Mt.View Ave.N. , Mr. Kenji Yoshinaka, I �'i Renton City Council Meeting Minutes May 14, 1973 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued L.I.D. 270 13805 Lk.Washington B1vd.N. ; Mrs. Louis L. Anderson, 3703 Lake Wash- Lake Washington ington B1vd.N. Engineer DeWinne explained contractor responsibility. Shorelands MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT PUBLIC HEARING BE CONTINUED Sanitary Sewers TO JUNE 4, 1973, WITH REGISTERED LETTERS SENT TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS, (Kennydale) AND THE MATTER OF ADJUSTMENTS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Final Assessment Motion to delete mailing of notices by registered mail, made by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, failed. MOTION CARRIED TO CONTINUE Hearing Continued PUBLIC HEARING TO JUNE 4, 1973. MOTION MADE BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 5 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:37 p.m. and reconvened at 9:43 p.m. with roll call showing all Recess Councilmen present as previously, except Grant who arrived momentarily. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment #5379 - 5540 of Warrants 5379 through 5540 in the amount of $94,568.73 plus L.I.D. 276 Revenue Warrant #5 for $288.75 and Cash Warrant #4 in amount of $288.75. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report RESOLUTIONS recommending second and final readings for an ordinance providing for appropriation of $1,100 from the Contingency Fund and transfer Ordinance 2781 to the Current Fund, Police Administration, Professional Services Funds for Lake for the purpose of providing King County Lake Washington Patrol. Washington Patrol Services. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Boat Services LEGISLATION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll call vote had unanimous Council approval and MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1854 Legislation Committee report RECEIVED COUNCIL CONCURRENCE IN A MOTION Transfer for Park BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, which recommended reading and Gang Mower adoption of a resolution transferring $5,227.45 from Cumulative Reserve Fund unto Park Fund for the purchase of gang mower. Follow- now ing reading of resolution, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1855 Legislation Committee report RECEIVED COUNCIL CONCURRENCE IN A MOTION Powers of BY THELLERT WITH SECOND BY BRUCE, recommending reading and adoption Initiative and of a resolution providing for the powers of initiative and referendum Referendum for the City as set forth in Senate Bill 2190 and requested reading of City Attorney communication which explained provisions provided in the Senate Bill from the 43rd Regular Legislative Session and that once adopted ordinances passed by the City Council, unless excepted by the resolution, would not become effective until 30 days from the time of final passage. City Clerk Mead read resolution which requires 90 day waiting period from date of publication of resolution and if no referendum petition has been filed, then City Council may adopt ordinance providing for the powers of initiative and referendum; that ordinance shall provide 30 day waiting period from the time of passage on all ordinances and same shall be subject to referendum during interim except: ordinances initiated by petition; those necessary for immediate preservation of public peace, health and safety or for the support of City government and its existing public institutions which contain a statement of urgency and are passed by unanimous vote of the Council; ordinances providing for local improvement districts; ordinances appropriating money; those providing for or approving collective bargaining; ordinances providing for the compensation of or working conditions of City employees; and ordinances authorizing or repealing the levy of taxes. ResolutionFrovided said ordinance shall further provide that the number of registered voters needed to sign a petition for initiative or referendum shall be 15% of the votes cast for Mayor at the last preceding City election and the powers shall be exercised in the manner set forth for the Commission form of Petition government (RCW 35.17) . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE Signatures Needed RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS COUNCIL 15% of 5,448 APPROVAL. Councilman requested City Clerk notify Council when Votes 60 days of the 90 day time has elapsed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS SUBJECT OF INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM POWERS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THAT COMMITTEE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HOLDING PUBLIC HEARINGS AS MAY BE NECESSARY. CARRIED. 49 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes May 14, 1973 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Transfer of Funds Request for transfer of funds by Finance Director Marshall was read, from Federal that as Park Capital Outlay projects and salary dollars have been Shared Revenue committed from Federal Revenue Sharing monies, transfer of funds Park: $131,714 requested from Federal Shared Revenue Fund in amount of $316,738 Current: $185,024 to Current Fund and Park Fund. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Transfer of Funds Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested transfer of $1,423,511 Airport from the Airport Budget into the Airport Construction Fund Budget which will include Grants, Airport Revenue Bond Funds and Airport revenues as set forth in the 1973 Budget. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REQUEST AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Proposed P King County Boundary Review Board notice of proposed annexation Annexation by King County Water District #107 of Windtree, northeasterly of the of Windtree City, was read. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE NOTICE BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Request to Join City Clerk Mead read letter from Mr. and Mrs. John Lieske, 9913 City Sewer System 133rd Ave. S.E. , near Sierra Heights Elementary School, requesting permission to form local improvement district and hook into City sewer system due to health hazards from existing septic tanks. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Stredicke asked Mayor's Office investigate annexation of this area along with Eastwood Park area, in order to prevent piecemeal annexation. fto Claim. for Damage Claim from Bartell Drug #6, 717 S. 3rd St. , was read, for alleged rock Bartell Drug damage to window. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Olympic Pipe Line Letter from Olympic Pipe Line Co. requested approval and authorization Requests to include additional pipe line on public right of way in order to Additional construct an additional petroleum products transmission pipe line Right of Way from its facility at Allen in Skagit County to its facility at Renton due to growth of this area and increased demand for refined petroleum products. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS COMMUNICA- TION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Upon inquiry from Councilman Bruce, Public Works Director Gonnason advised this new route to be 25% different from the existing route. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Fireworks Stand City Clerk Mead presented 1973 Fireworks Stand Applications, listing Applications 10 applications. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, APPLICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Location Application from Scholton Corp. dba Friar Tucks-A Tavern, was read, Application applying for location approval of novelty amusement machine. MOVED BY Friar Tucks CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, APPLICATION BE REFERRED TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. Councilman Schellert did not participate in any discussion mr action on this matter. MOTION CARRIED. Association of City Clerk Mead reported Association of Washington Cities annual con- Washington Cities vention in Spokane June 20, 21 and 22, 1973, and chat three voting Convention delegates should be named for thepre-registration. MOVED BY GRANT, 6/20-22/73 SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT DELEGATES TO THE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON Spokane, WA CITIES CONVENTION BE CLYMER AND SCHELLERT, WITH THE THIRD DELEGATE TO BE NAMED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE MAYOR GARRETT AS THE THIRD VOTING DELEGATE. Roll Call vote on amendment resulted in unanimous Council approval. AMENDMENT MOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. 50 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes May 14, 1973 Page 4 PROCLAMATIONS V.F.W. Mayor Garrett proclaimed May 17 and 18 as Veterans of Foreign Wars Poppy Days Buddy Poppy Days, urging all Citizens to participate. MOVED BY CLYMER, 5/17 & 18 SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Garrett's appointments to the Human Rights and Affairs Commis- Human Rights and sion, were read, all having served on the Ad Hoc Committee, as follow Affairs 1. Mrs. Jeanne Smith, 1604 Aberdeen Ct. S.E. 3-yr term expiring 4/25/7' Commission Community & Education Coordinator for RAYS. 2. Mrs. Gwen Dupree, 13507 Empire Way S., Seattle, 2-yr term expiring Final 2 members 4/25/75, Teacher Hazen High & faculty adviser-Black Student Union. to be announced 3. Mrs. Helga Karinen, 2705 NE 6th P1., 1-yr term expiring 4/25/74, shortly. member of Fair Housing Commission. 4. Mr. Frank Kinney, 3613 NE 12th St., 1-yr term expiring 4/25/74, member of the Fair Housing Commission. 5. Mr. Christopher Wright, 120 Monterey Pl.NE, 1-yr term expiring 4/25/74, member of the Fair Housing Commission. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENTS OF THE MAYOR. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER THESE APPOINTMENTS TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Because of the many referrals to the committee, Councilman Stredicke urged immediate concurrence. Motion to refer matter to committee having preference, MOTION CARRIED TO REFER APPOINTMENTS TO FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. OLD BUSINESS As Public Safety Committee member, Councilman Grant announced commit- 4/25 Bid Opening tee recommendation to accept low bid of Loberg Oldsmobile in amount Truck Award - of $4,002.45 for 1973 model 3/4 ton pickup truck for Fire Department Public Safety and that no trade-in be made. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Committee Report CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATL0N OF COMMITTEE AND ACCEPT LOW BID. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Grant reported having met on Report - proposed Parking and Loading Ordinance and submitted Planning Depart- Landscaping ment report for reading, listing "11" businesses that have not com- pleted their required landscaping, some pending since 1971. Upon inquiry, Acting Building Director Crews advised passage of proposed Parking and Loading Ordinance would give "teeth" to ordinance and enable enforcement. Animal Control Councilman Stredicke reported receiving animal control information and that 2,243 licenses sold as of May 9, 1973, with 1,216 for the Solid Waste same period in 1972, further requesting information as to number of citations issued and animals taken into custody. Upon inquiry by Stredicke re garbage contract, Public Works Director Gonnason reported two week period given to contractor. General Disposal, to work out schedules, etc. , prior to any fines being levied for failure to meet conditions of the contract. NEW BUSINESS Upon receipt of information from Finance Director, Capital Improvement Capital Committee Chairman Schellert anticipated review of 1974 Capital Improvement Improvement Program in order that 1974 Budget reflects Council action. Program Council adjourned at 11:22 p.m. upon MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY ADJOURNMENT CLYMER, CARRIED. 11:22 P.M. — now Delores A. Mead, City r1erk m 51 VARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 5/1&/73 BEGIN ENDING TUTAL wARkANT WARriANT AMUUr,T JC FUNDuFSCRINTION vtjMBEk NUMBER MARRANTS in. /�'JfICN/NE V, _;;? 536 CURRENT VUND 5387 5,426 $22j384941 PARKS AND RECREATION 5427 5446 539, 252.69 CITY STREET 5447 5455 $3p998996 CEDAR RIVEN M AND I 54)6 5458 $67 *93 LIBRARY 5455 5492 $6i965.98 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 5493 5497 $1167Cold REG. AND STkEET FWD THRUST 549b 5499 $1, 293161 URBAN ARTERIAL 5500 5502 $11,823 .27 WATERWORKS UTILITY 55U3 5515 $3, 743 .00 AIRPORT 5516 5522 $1, 204 .37 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5523 5538 $loIO2 . 73 FIREMEN S PENSION 5535 5540 $1*041960 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $941568 .73 WE, THE UNUERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE C0`9MITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL4 HAVING RECEIVED UEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, CU HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VGJCHERS Nq. 5387 THRGUGr+ NO• 5540 Iy THE AMOUNT OF 654,568 .73 THIS 10 OF MAY 1 1972 . 'FI%JANCL 04t^I EE L. I D. 276: cQ.` Revenue Warrant#5 - $288.75 coll TEE ME MBEk' Cash Warrant #4 - $288.75 COMMITTEE ME ER CGIMITTEE .4LMBLR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND OTHERS SCHEDULED AT MEETING OF May 14 , 1973 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs . , 5/17 8: 00 P.M. Clymer Council Chambers COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs . , 5/17 4 : 30 P. M. Grant 3rd Flr. Conf. Rm. Shoreline Management Ordinance FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Thurs . , 5/17 7 : 30 P .M. Schellert Mon . , 5/21 7 : 30 P.M. Schellert LEGISLATION Mon . , 5/21 7 :00 P. M. Perry Chairman 's Office PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 5/17 7 : 00 P . M. Bruce 4th Flr. Conf. Rm. Tues . , 5/22 8 : 30 P . M. Bruce 4th Flr . Conf. Rm. Bid Opening - 10th Ave NE Sewer LID 277 TRANSPORTATION Tues . , 5/22 Perry 4th Flr. Conf. Rm Eng. to notify petitioners of Rainier Ave S. between 2nd & 3rd Tues . , 6/12 7 : 30 P .M. Perry Council Chambers Staff Presentation - Six Year OTHER Street Improvement Plan .53 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 14 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPTS. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3347 $ 1 , 875. 00 Valley Mortg. Inv. 222 Williams S. Reroof comm. bldg. 3348 5, 000. 00 Cedar Rvr. Vet. 3737 NE 4th Concrete fdtn . 3349 -- Standard Oil 402 Park Ave N Demolish station 3350 -- Standard Oil 3404 Mple Valley Demolish station X3351 5 ,000. 00 McLendon Hdwe. 712 S. 2nd St. Inst. Alum. marquee 3352 19 ,000. 00 Kelso Const . 1915 Aberdeen NE Construct residence 3353 4 ,900. 00 Arron Goodwin 551 Jefferson NE Const . swim pool 3354 25 ,000. 00 D. Lindberg 3610 Park Ave. N. Const, residence B3355 3,000. 00 Ann Hankinson 2013 Dayton NE Const . addition ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4061 1 ,500. 00 R. L. Marsden 900 Harrington N. E. Inst. wrg. , new const. 4062 50. 00 Union Oil 4101 NE Sunset Bl . Underground conv. 4063 1 ,000. 00 Turf Motel 1400 SW Grady Rewire Fire-damage 4064 55 . 00 Riverton Hghts. 2810 Mple Vall . Temporary service E4065 650. 00 Kelso Const. 2047 Aberdeen SE Wire new residence 4066 150. 00 G. L. Newton 2101 Dayton NE Wire addition 4067 250. 00 Renton Village 15 S. Grady Way Wire 5th floor 4068 350. 00 Vets Adm. 1929 NE 24th Bring up to code 4069 250. 00 Williams & Swanson 610 S. 3rd St. Comp. undergr. conv. E4070 350. 00 255 Logan S. Com �� � P• undergr. conv. 4071 600. 00 810 S. 3rd St. Pick up service 4072 55 . 00 McKinney Const. 3837 Lk. Wash. N. Inst. temp. serv. 4073 150. 00 Ch. of Commerce 300 Rainier N. Add elec. outlets , etc. 4074 250. 00 Renton Village 15 S. Grady Way Wire - American Cyanamid F.4075 250. 00 Renton Village 15 S. Grady Way Wire - Tripp Const. '076 60. 00 Metro 2810 Mple. Valley Inst . temp. sere. "ECHANICAL PERMITS M3510 325 . 00 K. Richter 501 Wells N. Cge. oil to gas furn. 3511 999. 00 Rigby Dev. 2910 Morris S. Inst. plumb. & fixtures 3512 999 . 00 Rigby Dev. 908 S. 30th Inst . plbg. & fixtures 3513 6,000. 00 Safeway Stores 203 S. 2nd St. Inst. htg./air cond. 3514 92 ,000. 00 Renton #1403 3000 N. E. 4th Inst. plmbg. & fixtures M3515 500. 00 Kelso Const. 1915 Aberdeen SE Inst, gas htg. sys . 3516 500. 00 Kelso Const. 2047 Aberdeen SE Inst. gas htg. sys . 3517 500. 00 Kampe Const. 3303 Park N. Inst, gas htg. sys. 3518 635. 00 Q & M Enterpr. 1614 Glenwood SE Inst . as htg.9• sys/htr. 3519 635. 00 Q & M Enterpr. 1606 Glenwood SE Inst . gas htg. sys/htr. M3520 635 . 00 Q & M Enterpr. 1618 Glenwood SE Inst . as ht 3521 1 ,180. 00 Joe BoeLme 1402 N. 26th St. Inst. g sys/her. 3522 1 , 350. 00 Royal Homes 2009 Vashon NE Inst plbg. && fixtures . pbg. & fixtures 3 523 135 0. 00 Royal Homes 2003 Vashon NE Inst. plbg. & fixtures 3524 1 , 350. 00 Royal Homes 2015 Vashon NE Inst. plbg. & fixtures M3525 1 , 350. 00 Royal Homes 1907 Vashon NE Inst. plbg. & fixtures SIGN PERMIT 5287 350. 00 Saxton Locksmith 331 Main Ave. S. Inst. proi, sign ?WER PERMITS 1831 R. C. Shaw 2001 Edmonds Dr. SE Connect side sewer 1832 City of Renton 2902 N. E. 12th St . Connect side sewer 1833 City of Renton 2902 N. E. 12th St. Connect storm sewer 1834 Diane Williamson 508 Stevens N. W. Connect side sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 21 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 PM Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Matter of Project Engineer on CBD LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Matter of Fire Department Pickup Matter of Garbage Containers TRAFFIC ENGINEER Coordination of traffic signals with State Hwy. at intersection of Sunset B1vd.N. and Bronson Way N. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Train Schedule Loading Zone Request of Renton I.O.O.F. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Subject of Amustment Device License Fees Review of Dog Ordinance PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids for N.E. 10th LID 277 King County Residents of Adams Vista request to connect to City sewer system BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Matter of Loading Zone Request of Renton I.O.O.F. APPOINTMENTS CONFIRMED Library Board: Mr. Donald Jacobson, 5 yr term to 6/1/78 Human Rights and Affairs: Mrs. Jeanne Smith, 3-yr term to 4/25/76 s Mrs. Gwen Dupree, 2-yr term to 4/25/75 Mrs. Helga Karinen, 1-yr term to 4/25/74 Mr. Frank Kinney, 1-yr term to 4/25/74 Mr. Christopher Wright 1-yr term to 4/25/74 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 21, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding,led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to order. BOLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CHARLES J. DELAURENTI arrived shortly. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Department Rep. Girl Scout Mayor Garrett introduced Girl Scout Leader Mrs. James Saelens and Troup Troup #668 in attendance at the meeting. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, L.I.D. 280 posted and mailed as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened continued Undergrounding Hearing to determine creation of Local Improvement District No. 280 of Utilities in the S. 4th Street, S. 4th Place vicinity for the installation of underground utilities. City Clerk Mead read letters of protest Continued from from: Mrs. Chris Bevan, 809 4th St.S. ; Mrs. Jeanie Nelson, 315 Smithers May 7, 1973 Ave. S. ; Dr. Ralph H. Huey, 322 Morris Ave. S. ; Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Myers, 315 Whitworth Ave. S. ; Mr. Joseph Walen, 330 Whitworth; Mr. James X. Taylor, 317 Smithers Ave.S. ; Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. Neal, 330 Morris Ave.S. ; Mrs. Cunnie Sheridan, 416 Shattuck Ave.S. ; Mrs. Dominick Rockey, 334 Wells S. ; Mrs. Owen Hogan, 335 Smithers Ave.S. ; and Mr. & Mrs. Pagrick J. Hogan, 341 Smithers Ave.S. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported percentage of protest increased to 40% with only the Mrs. Dominick Rockey letter not having been previ- ously recorded in the percentage of protest reported at the May 7, 1973 Hearing (36% protest) . Public Works Director Gonnason urged that Coun- Council Voted cil set maximum assessment against the property at $4.00 per front Not to Proceed foot and that actual hook up could be deferred and in hardship cases, variance be granted; also reporting undergrounding not done in conjunc- tion with a project would run $24 per front foot. Upon inquiry from Councilman Perry, City Clerk Mead reported no petition favoring the undergrounding had been received or filed. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL GO ON RECORD AGAINST THE FORMATION OF L.I.D. 280 AND VOTE NOT TO PROCEED. CARPIED, THE L.I.D. WAS CONCLUDED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. VOUCHERS #5541 - 5746 Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment of Warrants No. 5541 through 5746 in the amount of $336,891.57 havilig received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report recommending readings and adoption of an ordinance ordering the con- Ordinance No. 2782 struction and installation of sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances "OSanitary Sewers thereto in the vicinity of Springbrook Road and relocated Benson Talbot/Springbrook Highway (SR 515) in accordance with Resolution No. 1839 establishing L.I.D. 279 Local Improvement District No. 279. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance by the City Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. ` CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance ordering construction of sanitary sewer lines in the Talbot Rd/Springbrook Rd. area, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll call Vote CARRIED with all affirmative vote except GRANT voting negative. Ordinance adopted. ,D ? 's Renton City Council Meeting Minutes May 21f 1473 Page 2 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution 1856 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Transfer of Funds resolution transferring $316,738 from Federal Shared Revenue Fund Park Capital to Current Fund ($185,024) and Park Fund ($131,714) for the purpose Outlay of Park Capital Outlay projects and salary dollars. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CONCUR IN REPORT OF COMMITTEE AND RESOLUTION BE READ. CARRIED. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1857 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Transfer of Funds resolution transferring $1,423,511 from Airport Fund (Capital Outlay - Airport Improvements other than Buildings) to Airport Construction Fund Construction (Capital Outlay - Improvements other than Buildings) for the purpose Fund of creating the Airport Construction Fund. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading of the Resolution, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Renton Lodge No. 8, I.O.O.F. , 707 S. 3rd St. , was read, requesting conference with the City Council to consider reinstatement Renton Lodge No. 8 of the loading zone at 703 S. 3rd St. needed by Messer's TV and Ben's I.O.O.F. Loan Shop. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE MATTER OF Request for THE LOADING ZONE BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE Loading Zone TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett explained the Staff had been working with downtown merchants regarding the changes for the Central Business District project. Mr. Kelso of the I.O.O.F. Board of Directors was present and expressed desire to retain loading zone. Transportation Committee Chairman Perry requested Board of Public Works report be submitted to the Committee. MOTION C4RRIED. King County City Clerk Mead read letters requesting connection to City sewer system Residents Request from Mr. Donald Sullivan, 9906 134th S.E. and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Riley, Connection to 9905 133rd S.E. of the Adams Vista Addition as septic tanks in the City Sewer area no longer function, creating health hazard. MOVED BY STREDICKE, (Adams Vista) SECONDED BY PERRY, LETTERS REQUESTING SEWER CONNECTION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Bid Opening 5/15 City Clerk Mead reported May 15, 1973 bid opening of Phase II Improve- Municipal Airport ment Project, Renton Municipal Airport, with 10 bidders on Schedule A - Phase II Project Perimeter Road, Fence, Entrance, Landscaping and 7 bidders on Schedule B - Quick Egress Taxiway, Taxiway Lighting (bid tabulation attached) . Bid Award Letter from Airport Director Bennett and Renton Aviation Board President Kosney recommended acceptance of the low bids as follow: Phase II-A: Red-Samm Mining Co. in amount of $975,403.85, Phase II-B: Maple Valley Electric Co. in the amount of $101,169.36. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN AVIATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION AND RATIFY AWARD OF CONTRACT TO LOW BIDDERS. CARRIED. Bid Opening 5/15 City Clerk Mead reported May 15, 1973 bid opening for L.I.D. 277 Sani- Sanitary Sewer tary sewer line N.E. 10th St. between Sunset Blvd. N.E. and Edmonds N.E. 10th St. Ave. N.E. , with 7 bids received. Public Works Committee Chairman L.I.D. 277 Bruce announced meeting with property owners in the local improvement district to be held May 22, to determine desire to proceed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See bid tabulation attached.) .w MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 5 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:05 p.m. and reconvened at 9:10 p.m. Roll call showed all seven councilmen present. OLD BUSINESS COUNCIL APPROVAL GIVEN TO A MOTION BY GRANT, SECOND BY BRUCE, THAT THE Traffic Signals MATTER OF COORDINATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS WITH THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AT THE BRONSON WAY N. AND SUNSET BLVD. N. INTERSECTION BE REFERRED TO THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER. Councilman Schellert did not partici- pate in this discussion nor take part in any action. 57 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes May 21, 1973 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Barking Dogs Councilman Grant reported dog leash problem with neighbors refusing to sign petitions of complaint for problems such as barking dogs and MADE MOTION, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER MATTER OF REVIEW OF THIS ORDINANCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. I. Finance and The Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted Personnel Report committee report concurring in the Mayor's reappointment of Mr. Donald Jacobson to the City's Library Board. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Appointment SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Mr. D. Jacobson Mrs. J. Smith Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Mayor's Mrs. G. Dupree appointments to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission as follows: Mrs. H. Karinen Mrs. Jeanne Smith, 3-yr. term; Mrs. Gwen Dupree, 2-yr. term; Mrs. Mr. F. Kinney Helga Karinen, 1-yr term; Mr. Frank Kinney 1-yr term; Mr. Christopher Mr. C. Wright Wright 1-yr. term. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Garbage Containers Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in report of Purchasing Agent for sale of surplus garbage containers to Bryn Mawr Disposal Co. for $200. and funds ?ae appropriated into Building Department Capital Outlay Account for purchase of new garbage containers. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR Ill COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Report Fire Department Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee report 3/4 ton pickup recommending the 1967 Ford pickup be declared surplus and that the matter be referred to the Purchasing Agent with the monies derived from the sale to be used for the purchase of the replacement vehicle. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED . Transportation Committee Report Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report recommending no changes be made to the right-hand turn lane at S. Grady Way and Rainier Ave. S. following review of the April 16, refer- ral. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. South. Fourth Street Transportation Committee report recommended adoption of revised park- Improvement ing plan for the portion of S. 4th Place between Rainier Ave. S. and Project -- Shattuck Ave. S. , permitting parallel parking on both sides of S.4th P1. Design Hearing with the exception of the northerly portion between Rainier Ave. and Held 4/23/73 the entrance to the K-Mart parking lot; allowing wider driveway opening at Scott Cleaners commencing at a point 15' easterly of Rainier Ave. , Parking Revisions allowing access to parking lot and continuation of vertical parking in front of building; with no variance recommended for the Dr. Evoy property. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION FOR ADOPTION OF REVISED PARKING PLAN FOR S. 4TH PLACE. CARRIED. Amusement Device COUNCIL APPROVAL GIVEN TO A MOTION BY GRANT, SECOND BY STREDICKE, THAT Licensing SUBJECT OF AMUSEMENT DEVICE LICENSE FEES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. C.B.D. Engineer COUNCIL APPROVAL GIVEN TO A MOTION BY STREDICKE, WITH SECOND BY PERRY, + THAT THE SUBJECT MATTER OF RETENTION OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER ON THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PROJECT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Streets Councilman Stredicke reported because of C curbing being installed on Train Schedules the Sunset Blvd. N.E. Improvement Project, many vehicles cutting and through business parking lots and requested Street Commissioner to Wrecked Autos investigate need for repair in the vicinity of 11th Place N.E. IN A MOTION BY STREDICKE, WITH SECOND BY PERRY COUNCIL APPROVAL GIVEN TO REFER MATTER OF PROVIDING TIME SCHEDULE FOR TRAINS THROUGH RENTON TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke also asked the Planning Department to investigate the matter of storage of wrecked autos at the intersection of Grady Way and Benson and also Sunset Blvd. N.E. west of Harrington Ave. N.E. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes May 21, 1973 Page 4 AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. .Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington Ave. N.E. , asked for easy means of identifying size of commercial solid waste containers. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce recommended acceptance of Committee Report gasoline bid of Overlake Oil Co. , Kirkland, for 75,000 gallons premium at $0.3102 per gallon and 70,000 gallons regular at $0.2711 Gasoline Bid per gallon for the May 15, 1.973 to May 15, 1974 period. (Bid opening Accepted April 27 ,1973) MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ACCEPT BID OF OVERLAKE OIL CO. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MOTION BE AMENDED TO INCLUDE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF CITY ATTORNEY. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Adjournment at 10:07 p.m. 6v4e I Delores A. Mead, City Clerk. 5/21/73 B I D � T A B U L A T I ON SHEET PROJECT : NE 10th Place and NE 10th Street from Edmonds NE to Sunset DATE: 1; 11,L7'� _ 2 -nn -ENGINEER' S ESTIMATE Blvd. BIDDER' S NAME & ADDRESS BB AA BID , TAX & TOTAL EEQ A & M Const . Equip. CO, I c > x $24, 542. 27 5. 3% Washington State 'ow 1901 23rd Ave S Sales Tax included Seattle, WA 981.44 Bellevue Bulldozing, Inc x x $22 ,030. 14 5. 3% Washington State 1503 128th P1 NE Sales Tax included Bellevue, WA 98005 $23 , 075.44* F A Breda cc Tx $24, 219. 52 5. 3% Washington State 1216 SW 157th Sales Tax included Seattle, WA 98166 $24, 219. 53* Dyad Construction Inc x x $19, 985. 68 5. 3% Washington State PO Box 1845 sep. Sales Tax included Bellevue, WA 98009 $19, 986. 20* Phillip G Gesner Inc x x $17 , 210.76 5.3% Washington State 11025 142nd SE Sales Tax included Renton, WA 98055 James A Guess Co x x $26, 216. 54 5. 3% Washington State 28020 201st Ave SE Sales Tax included Kent , WA 98031 $26, 311.31* O' Leary Construction Inc x x $27 , 856. 25 5.3% Washington State 1021 118th SE Sales Tax included Bellevue, WA 98004 $27 , 856. 33* * Engineer ' s Correction 60 WARRANT DISTAI3UTION DATE 5/21/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARF.ANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUNGI/ OESCRIPTIUN NumBER tiUMdER WARRANTS Mi9 C-RI,I E Y d l D/ SS`s/- CURRENT FUND 5551 5602 $460537 .02 PARKS AND RECREATION 56D3 5619 $50409963 CITY STREET 5620 5638 $880828#08 LIBRARY 5639 5639 $13#71 REG@ AND STREET FwD THRUST 5640 5656 $750990.67 URBAN ARTERIAL 5657 5671 $740203*99 WATERWOkKS UTILITY 5672 5690 $310447045 AIRPORT 5691 5696 $10231 .95 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1697 5717 $60723 #45 FIREMEN S PENSION 571b 5746 $60505@62 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $3360891957 WE# THE UNDERSIUNEO MEMBERS OF. THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL• HAVING RECEIVED UEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVEO OR RENDERED, 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO, 5551 THROUGH Not 5746 IN TWE AMOUNT OF $3360891@57 THIS 21 OF MAY 0 19721 FINANCE COMM TT E CUM I ' LE ME-MBfR C0; TEE MEMBER C`OM(MITTEE MEMBER i I Ilei 6�� OFFICE OF THE CITY Cf--'* BID TAI ION SHEET " "' 21 , 1973 PROJECT Phase II -A Renton Municipal Airport DATE May 15 , 1973 BIDDER ' S NAME/ADDRESS BB AA _ BID TAX ENGINEER' S ESTIMATE EEO SCHED A SCHED B 1 TOTAL SCHED A SCHED B I T L A & M Construction Co. X I XX $1 ,095 ,666 . 40 $58 , 372 . 00 $1 ,154 ,038. 40 $1 ,053 ,000. 00 $47 ,000. 00 ;$1 '100 '00C 1901 - 23rd Ave . S. Seattle , WA 98144 i Burnham Construction Co. X $ 950 ,128. 05 $55 ,509. 00 $1 ,005 ,637. 05 3136 "B" Street N. W. Auburn , WA 98002 I NON-RESPONSIVE BID I I Frank Coluccio Const . Co. X I XX $1 ,049 ,625 . 17 $65 ,134. 62 $1 ,114 ,759 . 79 9600 Empire Way So. Seattle, WA 98118 � f i Coulee Construction Co. X XX $ 996 , 857. 54 $57 , 751 . 00 $1 ,054,608. 54 738 Bellevue Ave. E. 1 Seattle, WA 98102 Edmonds-Stevens , Inc. X XX 1$981 , 767. 00 NO BID 1 $981 , 767. 00 P.O. Box 504 Woodinville, WA 98072 NON-RESPONSIVE BID ! Ben Holt Const . Co. , Inc. X XX 1 $1 ,105 ,296 . 51 $75 ,082 . 07 $1 ,180 ,378. 58 19411 56th West Lynnwood, WA I SCHED A : Perimeter Road , Fence , Entrance SCHED B : Landscaping OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID TABULATION SHEET May 21 , 1973 PROJECT Phase II -A Renton Municipal Airport DATE May 15 , 1973 BIDDER' S NAME/ADDRESS BB AA BID TAX ENGINEER' S ESTIMATE EEO SCHED A SCHED B TOTAL SCHED A SCHED B I TEAL i LDL Land Development Co. X XX $950 ,828. 70 $57,345. 26 $1 ,008 ,173. 96 1529 West Valley Hwy. N. Auburn , WA 98002 j f t Constructors - PAMCO X XX $998, 332. 00 $65 ,805. 00 $1 ,064 ,137. 00 j 3600 Fremont Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98103 i Red Samm Mining Co. X XX $926 ,240. 60 $49 ,815. 05 $976 ,055. 65 i-- P.O. Box 1379 Bellevue , WA 98004 $925 ,520. 60 $49 ,883. 25 $975 ,403. 85 Engineering Engineering _ Correction Correction Westcoast Electric Co. X XX 1 $937 ,926. 00 $56 ,190. 00 $994 ,116. 00 18250 - 68th Ave. So. i Kent , WA 98031 i i SCHED A : Perimeter Road , Fence , Entrance SCHED B : Landscaping t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID TABULATION SHEET May 21 , 1973 Phase II -B Renton Municipal Airport PROJECT DATE May 15 , 1973 BIDDER' S NAME/ADDRESS BB AA BID TAX ENGINEER' S ESTIMATE EEO SCHED A SCHED B i TOTAL E SCHED B T07AL Burke Electric X NO $25 , 185 . 00 $105 , 309. 00 $130 , 494 . 00 $16 , 260. 00 $100 , 082 . 00 $116,342. 00 P . O . Box 4 X 1 , 334 . 81 5 , 581 . 38 6. 916 . 19 Mercer Island, WA $26 , 519 . 81 $110 , 890. 00 $137 , 410. 19 NON-RESPONSIVE BID Cochrane Electric , Inc . X X $17 , 913 . 00 $ 98 , 935 . 10 $116 , 848 . 10 2121 - N. 35th X 1 , 289. 12 5 , 243. 56 6 , 192 . 95 Seattle , WA 98103 $19 , 202 . 12 $104 , 178. 66 $123 , 041 . 05 Edmonds-Stevens , Inc. X X $26 , 400. 00 $ 99 , 447 . 00 $125 , 847 . 00 P .O. Box 504 X 1 , 399 . 20 5 , 270. 69 6 , 669. 81 Woodinville , WA 98072 $27 , 799. 20 $104 , 717 . 69 $132 , 516. 81 Holert Electric , Inc . X X $ 20 , 472 . 80 $ 91 , 403 . 22 $111 , 876 . 02 2300 S .W. Spokane St. X 1 , 085 . 06 4 , 844 . 37 5 , 929. 43• Seattle , WA 98106 $21 , 557 . 86 $ 96 , 247 , 59 $117 , 805 . 45 Maple Valley Electric X X $19 , 289 . 12 $ 81 , 880. 24 $101 , 169. 36 P . O . Box 316 X 1 , 022 . 32 4 , 339. 65 5 , 361 . 98 Maple Valley , WA $ 20 , 311 . 45 $ 86 , 219 . 89 $106, 531 . 34 Service Electric Co. , Ind. X $26 , 650. 00 $ 80 , 967 . 50 $107 , 617 . 50 P. O. Box 197 NO X 1 ,412 . 45 4 , 291 . 28 5 , 703 . 73 Woodinville , WA 98072 $ 28 , 062 . 45 $85 . 258. 78 $113 , 321 . 23 SCHED A : Quick Egress Taxiway SCHED B : Taxiway Lighting OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID TABULATION SHEET May 21 , 1973 •� 'ROJECT Phase II -B Renton Municipal Airport DATE May 15 , 1973 3IDDER' S NAME/ADDRESS BBi AA BID TAX ENGINEER' S ESTIMATE Y II EEO SCHED A SCHED B TOTAL �SC`� Ems- 5 Q B t_ Westcoast Electric Co. X X $ 26 ,178 . 00 $100, 075 . 00 $126 , 253 . 00 18250 - 68th Ave. So . X 1 , 387 . 43 5 , 303 . 98 6 , 691 . 41 Kent , WA 98031 $27 , 565 . 43 $105 , 378 . 98 $132 , 944 . 41 CHED A : Quick Egress Taxiway ,.HED B : Taxiway Lighting 1_ r r r CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND OTHERS SCHEDULED AT MEETING OF 5/21/73 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMUNITY SERVICES 5/24 Thurs . 7 : 30 PM Grant FINANCE AND PERSONNEL LEGISLATION PUBLIC SAFETY 5/29 Tues . 8 : 00 PM Delaurenti PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION 5/22 Tues . 7 : 30 PM Perry Council Chambers Re Rainier Ave. Channeling between S . Second and S. Third . 1 OTHER 5/24 Thurs . 9 : 30 AM D. Mooney King County Gambling as passed by Legislature Council Chambers I 5/30 Wed. 9 : 30 AM Sheraton-Renton In Planning Association of Washington Work Shop OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 21 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3356 $ 500. 00 J. R. Hardesty 1116 Shelton NE Canopy cover on patio 3357 3, 000. 00 A. Fields 3734 Park N. Const . timber garage 3358 18 ,500 . 00 Witsoe-Nelson 2241 NE 27th New family residence 3359 39 , 400. 00 Park Dept . 2424 Aberdeen NE Shelter - Lions Park B3360 18 ,000. 00 Joe Boehme Const. 1402 N. 26th New family residence 3361 1 ,550. 00 Renton Village 15 S. Grady Way New office partitions 3362 45 ,000. 00 Cedar Rvr. Hosp. 3737 NE 4th St. Small animal hospital 3363 19 ,000. 00 Kelso Const. 2013 Aberdeen SE New family residence 3364 22 ,616 . 00 J. Moliksky 2702 NE 22nd St. New family residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4077 150. 00 George Lamb 691 Shelton NE Inst. 2 circuits 4078 1 , 783. 00 Boeing Co. Renton Plant Inst . projection booth 4079 700. 00 Kampe Const . 3303 Park Ave N. Wire new residence E4080 55 . 00 Ken Martin Const . 2030 Rolling Hills SE - Temp. service 4081 55 . 00 Hebb & Narodick 814 S. 28th Ct. Inst. temporary service 4082 55 . 00 Hebb & Narodick 802 S. 28th Ct . Inst . temporary service 4083 55 . 00 Hebb & Narodick 826 S. 28th Ct . Inst. temporary service 4084 55 . 00 Renton #403 3000 NE 4th Inst. temporary service E4085 1 ,000. 00 Clayton Crane 710 Rainier S. Underground conversion 4086 850. 00 Joe Boehme Const . 1402 N. 26th Wire new residence MECHANICAL PERMITS M3526 980. 00 J. O ' Donnel Whse . 933 Thomas Ave SE Inst . wtr. sere. & Pipi 3527 21 ,000. 00 Pac-Car 480 Houser Way N. Sprinkler sytem Inst . 3528 500. 00 Renton Radiator 64 Logan Ave. S. Inst. propane gas tank 3529 1 ,108. 00 McKinney Const . 3837 Lk . Wash . N. Inst . oil furnace E3530 270. 00 R. J. Bergeron 1500 Blaine NE Inst . gas water heater SIGN PERMITS S288 300. 00 King' s Tavern 207 Wells Ave . S. Inst . projecting sign 5289 385 . 00 B & H Leasing 242 W. Perimeter Inst . wall sign 5290 150. 00 Renton Boiler 535 Garden Ave. N Inst. 1 pole sign SEWER PERMITS 1810 Hebb & Narodick 820 S. 28th Ct . Connect side sewer 1811 Hebb & Narodick 826 S. 28th Ct. Connect side sewer 1812 Hebb & Narodick 814 S. 28th Ct. Connect side sewer 1813 Hebb & Narodick 808 S. 28th Ct. Connect side sewer 1814 Hebb & Narodick 802 S. 28th Ct . Connect side sewer 1835 City of Renton Lk. Wash N & N. 36th - Connect side sewer 1836 Mr. Gebenini 1609 Edmonds Ave. Connect side sewer 1837 Ken Martin 2030 Rolling Hills SE - Connect side sewer 1838 Kelso 1929 Aberdeed P1 SE - Connect side sewer 1839 Renton #403 1000 NE 4th St. Connect side sewer 1840 Renton #403 1000 NE 4th St . Connect storm sewer 1841 Carol Paulson 503 SW 12th St. Connect side sewer 1842 Louie Stotts 603 SW 12th St. Connect side sewer 1843 Mr. Richmond 508 Stevens NW Connect side sewer 1844 Joe Boehme 1402 N. 26th Connect side sewer 67 v C I T Y MONTH OF MAY, 1973 O F R E N T O NTRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL 5-7-73 CURRENT FUND $ 170082.46 PARKS & RECREATION 12,939.85 CITY STREET 3,397.20 DISASTER RELIEF SEV. FUND 4, 100.00 REG &, STREET FWD T RUST 11 ,939.24 URBAN ARTERIAL 460604. 15 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTI N FUND 17,399.88 WATERWORKS UTILITY 450762.81 AIRPORT 12,008. 15 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,415. 16 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of MAY . $173,648.90 CURRENT EP: EMERGENCY Payroll correction for 3/31/73 679.27 . EMPLOYMENT Transferred from PEP in error 5/15/73 CURRENT FUND $ 89, 121 .62 PARKS & RECREATION 18,344.21 CITY STREET 170557.99 CEDAR RIVER M & 1 389.75 LIBRARY 6,755.49 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMEN 8,710.28 REG & STREET FWD TH UST 821 .80 URBAN ARTERIAL 7,396. 19 low WATERWORKS UTILITY 12,419.53 AIRPORT 987.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,679.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND FOR MONTH OF MAY TRANSFERS $165283.86 5/21/73 CURRENT FUND 46,537.02 PARKS & RECREATION 50409.63 CITY STREET 88,828.08 LIBRARY 13.71 REG & STREET FWD T1 UST 75,990.67 URBAN ARTERIAL 740203.99 WATERWORKS UTILITY 31 ,447.45 AIRPORT 1,231 * EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6 7231.45 FIREMEN'S PENSION 6,505.62 4; CLAIMS FUND OR MONTH OF MAY TRANSFERS 336,891 .57 ontingency Fund CURRENT FUND ORDINANCE N 2781 $ 1 , 100.00 UMLATIVE RESERVE PARK FUND RESOLUTION #1854 50227.45 UND NO.N2104 RAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N MONTH OF MAX, 1973 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL 5/14/73 CURRENT FUND $220384.41 PARKS & RECREATION 390252.69 CITY STREET 3,998.96 CEDAR RIVER M d 1 67.93 LIBRARY 6,985.98 EMERGENCY EMPLOYEM NT 10670. 18 REG & ST. FWD THRU T 10293.61 URBAN ARTERIAL 11 ,823.27 WATERWORKS UTILITY 3,743.00 AIRPORT 1 ,204.37 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10102.73 FIREMEN'S PENSION 1041 .60 CLAIMS FUND TRANSFERS FOR MONTH OF MAY $940568.73 5-31-73 CURRENT FUND 91,862.68 PARKS & RECREATION 19,900.63 CITY STREET 18,385.11 CEDAR RIVER M & I $89.75 LIBRARY _6„?18.99 EMERGENCY EMPLOYME 8,988.64 REG & STREET FWD 7TRUST 906.54 URBAN ARTERIAL 89158.93 WATERWORKS UTILITY 12,470.57 AIRPORT 987.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 29684.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND MONTH OF MAY TRANSFERS 171,553.84 Cancelled Claims CLAIMS FUND REG & STREET FWD THRUST I Warrant# 5650 174.10 CLAIMS FUND URBAN ATERIAL Cancelled Claims Warrant# 5665 1,566.90 AIRPORT FUND-#402 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUN Resolution# 1857 S1 ,3510632.05 (#309) FEDERAL SHARED REVS UE CURRENT FUND Resolution# 1856 1850024.00 #199/332.99 # 000/332.99 EDERAL SHARED REVE UE PARK FUND Resolution# 1856 131 ,714.00 #199/332.99 # 101/332.99 zzuo OR FINANCE DIRECTOR RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 4 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 :00 P .M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY CLERK Authorized to sign Federal Grant Offer Authorized to sign LID 277 Contract COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Communications from King County Councilman Mooney and City Attorney re Gambling Communications from Mayor Garrett and Fire Chief Walls re Open Burning COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Matter of landfill by Burlington Northern, Inc. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Franchise Fee Schedule for Oil Products being transported by Pipeline Computer Lease Request Appointment to Human Rights and Affairs Commission - Ms . Pat Sado Fee Schedule for Music Machine Licenses and for Amusement Devices Retirement Contributions for Municipal Judge LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Parking and Loading Ordinance Non-Represented Employee Benefits Ordinance relating to Licensing of Amusement Devices MAYOR Authorized to sign Federal Grant Offer Authorized to sign LID 277 Contract PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Reciprosi.ty on Animal Licensing PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR LID 270 Protests Landfill Matter PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Water District Annexation of Wi_ndtree LID 270 Protests APPOINTMENTS Mr. Richard K. Clarke, Jr. to the Police Civil Service Commission Mr. Ronald J. Regis to the Renton Park Board Mr. Harold Ray Caldwell to Lieutenant with Renton Police Department Mr. Randal Price to permanent position of Fireman, Renton Fire Department rw 10 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 4 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Pro tem Earl Clymer, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF Earl Clymer, Council President; Henry E. Schellert, Charles J. Delaurenti, COUNCIL George J. Perry, Richard M. Stredicke, Kenneth D. Bruce and William J. Grant. CITY OFFICIALS Del Mead, City Clerk; Gwen Marshall, Finance Director; G. M. Shellan, IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney; Del Bennett, Airport Director; Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Wes Crews, Acting Building Director; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Superintendent; Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director; Jack Lynch, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; Hugh Darby, Police Chief; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL MINUTES FROM MEETING OF MAY 21, 1973 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. I PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, posted L.I.D. 270 and mailed as required by law, Mayor Pro tem Clymer opened the Public Final Assessment Hearing, continued from May 14, 1973_ Protest letter from Mr. Robert H. Lake Washington Burr was read, along with Public Works Committee Report wherein the com- Sanitary Sewers mittee investigated protests from the May 14, 1973 Hearing and recommended $70.00 reduction in Goddard property assessment, $304.20 reduction in $132,054.40 side sewer charge for Reese property, $685 reduction in the Burr property Total Assessment assessment, with those reductions being absorbed by the project without changing the total of the project and increasing the total project cost by $1,309 for payment of additional interest on the interim financing through August 1973, making the total project cost: $132,054.40. Protests were registered by 'Mr. George R. Hauth, 3717 Lake Washington B1vd.N. ,La for unsatisfactory stub connection; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Goddard, 3707 ke Washington Blvd. N. , that cost of poor stub connection not picked up by contractor; Mr. Rudy Hasson, 3601 Lake Washington B1vd.N. , for failure of contractor to return dock to original condition, fill had washed out, and assessment on one piece of property too high. MOTION CARRIED, which was made by STREDICKE, seconded by GRANT, THAT COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED, which was made by DELAURENTI, (See Later Action seconded by PERRY, THAT MATTER OF PROTESTS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC j Ordinance 2783. WORKS COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. Adopted) MOTION CARRIED, which was made by STREDICKE, seconded by PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES TO MEET WITH CITY ATTORNEY. Council recessed at 8.35 PM. ,.reconvened at 8:40 P.M..,roll call showing all Councilmen present as previously shown. MOTION CARRIED, which was made by STREDICKE, seconded by DELAURENTI, THAT HEARING BE CLOSED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONFIRM FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL OF L.I.D. 270, AS AMEND- ED, AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment #5747 - 5950 of Warrants No. 5747 through 5950 in the amount of $239,657.56, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Ferry presented committee report recommend- RESOLUTIONS ing first reading, referral back to the Legislation Committee and a copy distributed to all Councilmen.on an ordinance relating to licensing of First Reading certain entertainment devices (non-gambling activities) . MOVED BY Amendment to DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIOn. Licensing oi. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance amending Section 5-1001 Amusement and 5-1004 of the City Code covering amusement or entertainment devices. Devices MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE Ordinance LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT PROPOSED NEW FEE SCHEDULE FOR 1974 BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSON- NEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 71 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 4, 1973 Page 2 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ordinance 2783 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry asked for passage of an ordinance L.I.D. 270 Sewers confirming final assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 270 Kennydale - Lake for sanitary sewers in the Lake Washington shorelands area of Kennydale, Washington — approved at Public Hearing this date. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Confirming BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead Final Assessment read ordinance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call Vote resulted in UNANIMOUS COUNCIL APPROVAL. Ordinance adopted. Ordinance 2784 Legislation Committee Report recommended first, second and final readings Proceeds from for an ordinance appropriating and transferring $200 from Current Fund Sale of Surplus to Building Department Capital Outlay for the purpose of purchasing new Containers Used garbage containers. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO CONCUR IN to Purchase New RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Unani- mous Council APPROVAL given in Roll Call vote. Ordinance adopted. Resolution 1858 Legislation Committee Report recommended adoption of a resolution approv- Grade Elevations ing grade elevations on SR 515, Puget Drive to Grady Way, matter having Relocated received prior 'apgroval of the Engineering Department, Transportation Com- Benson Highway mittee and Council. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution 1859 Legislation Committee Report recommended adoption of a resolution desig- Agent Named for nating Mr. Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director, as authorized Agent Disaster Relief on behalf of the City to obtain certain Federal financial assistance Act Funds under the Disaster Relief Act. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IH COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Following reading, Supersedes it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED Resolution 1794 AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1860 Legislation Committee Report recommended adoption of a resolution declar- Pickup Truck ing Fire Department 1964 Ford pickup as surplus with Call for Bid Declared authorized. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Surplus COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. Upon confirmation by Purchasing Agent Church that nothing would be added to,or taken from the truck,from the time of receipt of replacement�the advertisement for bid and the award. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1861 Legislation Committee Perry presented resolution accepting grant offer Federal Grant of the U.S. government in the sum of $653,029 to be used under the Air- for Airport port Development Aid Program, Project No. 8-53-0055-01 (Contract DOT- Development - FA73NW-0134) , authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement, and committee recommended reading and adoption of the resolution. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT RESOLUTION BE READ. CARRIED. Follow- ing reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, RESOLUTION BE APPROVED AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT Letter from Finance Director Marshall recommended designation of the BUSINESS Community Bank of Renton as an additional fiscal depositary for the City asking Council concurrence. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, Fiscal COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Depositary Letter from Mayor Garrett presented a draft ordinance from King County Councilman Dave Mooney authorizing King County to honor current dog & cat licenses issued by other municipalities within King County for the remain- Animal Licensing der of that calendar year. Mayor Garrett recommended amendment to our Reciprosity animal control ordinance to provide for honoring licenses issued by other jurisdictions in the County for the remainder of the license year, provided the owner of the pet would register with the City and pay a minimum 50� fee. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE MATTER OF RECIPROCITY ON ANIMAL LICENSES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMIT- TEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MOTION BE AMENDED T_6_TffMUDE REVIEW OF CURRENT LICENSE FEES. Purpose explained to be comparison of fees with surrounding area and encouragement of spaying. BOTH CARRIED. 7z Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 4, 1973 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Water District Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett reported no objections Annexation of to the proposed annexation of Windtree track to Water District 107. Windtree MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ACCEPT THIS COMMUNICA- TION AND REFER TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR THEIR INFORMATION. A SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED, THAT WAS MADE BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Public Employees' Retirement Letter from Municipal Judge Houser reported notification from the State System Benefits Public Employees' Retirement System that with the passage of RCW 43..40.120 Become Available (3) , the City was empowered to pay employer contributions in the amount to Municipal of $2,925.80 for his service from July, 1949 through January, 1965, Judge not being previously possible, and asked that the employer contributions be made. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Travel Request Letter from Airport Director Bennett, requested concurrence in Aviation Aviation Board Board members attendance at the 1973 American Association of Airport Executives Annual Conference in Kansas City, Mo. June 17 through 20, funds having been budgeted. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE AIRPORT DIRECTOR. CARRIED. F'inai Estimate Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted Final Estimate due Highlands Bypass Bay Cities Contruction, Inc. recommending payment due of $9,393.47 and Sewer Trunk acceptance of completion May 24, 1973, and if after 30 days no liens or Phase I claims are filed against this project, and proof of payment of tax CAG-014-73 liabilities is received, it is recommended that the retained amount of $1,982.61 be paid the contractor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Project Completed Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended acceptance of Kennydale project as of May 21, 1973 by O'Leary Construction, Inc. , and if after Industrial 30 days, no liens or claims are filed against: this project, and proof Sanitary Sewer of payment of tax liabilities received, retained amount of $12,861.95 LID 276 be paid contractor. MOVED BY DELAUR.ENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, CONCUR IN CAG 009-73 RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Project Completed Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended acceptance as of Earlington May 22, 1973 for project completion by A & M Construction Eauipment Co. , Gardens Sewer Inc. , and if after 30 days, no liens or claims are filed against this LID 278 project, and proof of payment of tax liabilities received, that retained CAG 007-•73 amount of $11,402.73 be paid contractor. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Gambling Letter from King County Councilman Mooney forwarded proposed ordinance Activities for relating to gambling activities for the County and affecting Renton in Charitable accordance with Chapter 218, Laws of 1973 (43rd Leg. , lst Ex.Sess. ) , Organizations asking input prior to King County Council action. Letter from City Attorney Shellan to Finance Director Marshall reported meeting with King County Council on this subject along with other members of Renton government, asking City Clerk to notify all holders of bingo, raffle and amusement game certificates that same will expire as of July 14, 1973 and will be handled by the State Gaming Commission thereaftez , with the City Attorney reporting the status of O.M.C. cities under the new law undetermined at present. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, BOTH OF THE COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Council- man Stredi.cke asked for pull-tab, punch board information from Police Chief and revenue information from the Finance Director prior to com- mittee meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Open Burning - Letter from Mayor Garrett notes outdoor fires in Renton have been Outdoor Fires under the control of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency for the past several years, with no outdoor residential burning of natural vegetation being allowed and enforcement being the responsibility of that Agency; however, Legislature passed HB 862 removing control of outdoor residential burning from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, permits outdoor residential burning of natural vegetation, but allows the legislative body of a fire protection authority to regulate or prohibit outdoor burning. Mayor Garrett attached Chief Walls letter r .� 73 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 4, 1973 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Open Burning - recommending revision of the Fire Prevention Code allowing only small Continued outdoor fires for social purposes granted by permit or fires for test or instructional purposes granted by the Fire Chief, with right to pro- hibit all burning under hazardous conditions. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Joe Sporcic spoke re gambing and drugs. Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE COUNCIL RECESS FOR 5 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:10 p.m. , reconvened at 10:15 p.m. with Roll Call Vote showing all Councilman present. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. Harold Ray Caldwell to the posi- Mr. H. Caldwell tion of Lieutenant with the Renton Police Department, certified by the j Civil Service Commission, effective June 16, 1973, subject to the cus- tomary 6-months probationary period. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR. CARRIED. Human Rights & Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Ms. Pat Sado, 1143 Harrington Ave. Affairs N.E. , to a 3-yr. term with the Human Rights and Affairs Commission, Commission expiring April 25, 1976. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. i Mr. R. Price Letter. from Mayor Pro tem Clymer appointed Mr. Randal Price to permanent position as Fireman of the Renton Fire Department effective June 1, 1973, having successfully completed probationary period. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS 1973 Fireworks Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented committee approval Stands of 1973 Fireworks Stands to the ten applicants for the June 28, to July 5, Approved 1973 period. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Music License MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MATTER OF FEE SCHEDULE FOR Fees MUSIC MACHINE LICENSES BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Petition• Request Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented report recommending Granted - C Curb removal of C-curb channelization from Rainier Ave. S. from S.2nd St. Removed intersection to traffic island, approximately 200 feet south, being Rainier Ave. S. replaced by painted double yellow stripe which permits left turns. 200 Block MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. i Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented report which explained Committee property owners request on LID 277 (N.E. St. Sanitary Sewer Project) Report for review of project after bid opening to determine cost of assessment, LID 277 and the May 22, meeting with property owners and acceptance of the low bid reducing the total cost of the project from $32,542.38 to $24,705.31 Contract Award asking the Council Committee to proceed with the project. The Public Phil G. Gesner Works Committee recommended that Council proceed with the project, accept- ing the low bid of Phil G. Gesner of $17,210.76, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contracts. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Service Community Services Committee Chairman Grant presented committee report Services recommending concurrence in amendments to the Parking and Loading Ordin- Committee Report ance and that matter be referred to the Legislation Committee, explain- ing some amendments such as enforcement by Building Director, landscap- Parking ing provisions, sprinkling systems, etc. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY Loading DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Ordinance Councilman Stredicke asked for a change in Council procedure, wherein an ordinance is introduced to the Council directly by the investigating committee, rather than referral through the Legislation Committee. Finance & Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented report recom- Personnel mending Council extend the same fringe benefits to all non-represented Committee Report employees that were granted as part of the Police and Fire settlement, 74 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes ' June 4, 1973 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Non-Represented which are full dependent medical coverage and 1/2 the cost of employee Employee . and depende,.,; dental elan, effective June 1, 1973 estimated to cost Benefits - $18,250; and recommending referral to the Legislation Committee for Continued the necessary ordinance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE MAYOR NOT BE INCLUDED AS NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEE. Roll Call vote resulted in 2 NO: STREDICKE and GRANT, 5 AYE: CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY and BRUCE. MOTION LOST. Voice Vote on original motion CARRIED, Councilman Grant abstained from voting. Appointments Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented report Concurred concurring in Mayor's appointment of Mr. Richard K. Clarke, Jr. to the Mr. R.K. Clarke Police Civil Service Commission. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance and Personnel Mr. R.J. Regis Committee report concurred in the Mayor's recommendation to reappoint Mr. Ronald J. Regis to the Renton Park Board. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Pipeline MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MATTER OF FRANCHISE FEE Franchise Fee SCHEDULE FOR OIL AND GAS COMPANIES TRANSPORTING BY PIPELINE REFERRED Schedules TO THE FINANCE AND -PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION ON UPDATING. CARRIED. —� Landfill Councilman Grant presented letter from King County Department of Public Works Division Engineer Gillespie forwarding the State Flood Control Zone application and plan submitted by Burlington Northern, Inc. for placement of landfill, asking comments before they file recommendation to the State Department of Ecology. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPLY TO THE KING COUNTY ENGINEER THAT COUNCIL COMMITTEE: IS WORKING ON THE MATTER AND WILL REPLY. CARRIED. NCR Computer Upon reporting receipt of request from Data Processing Manager Salts for 5-year lease agreement with NCR for Century 101 Computer, Councilman SCHELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBJECT OF THE COMPUTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Special Award UNANIMOUS COUNCIL APPROVAL WAS GIVEN TO A MOTION BY STREDICKE, WITH A Former SECOND BY SCHELLERT, THAT COUNCIL GO ON RECORD PROVIDING A SENIOR Councilman CITIZEN'S PASS TO FORMER RENTON COUNCILMAN PAUL MAXIN WHICH ENTITLES Paul Maxin HIM TO FREE DRINKING WATER IN CITY HALL AT HIS PLEASURE. Initiative and Mayor Pro tem Clymer announced receipt of congratulations from -League Referendum of Women Voters, especially noting Councilman Grant, for constructive action to provide power of initiative and referendum to the City citizens. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. elore3 A. Mead, Cit3y Clerk m 75 WARPANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/04/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF F"UNC OESCRItPlTIUN NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS YO1Q - 57777�� CURRENT FUND 5755 5821 $46#948.57 PARKS AND, RECREATION 5822 5846 $18#540017 r.. CITY STREET 5847 5862 62#862.52 CEDAR -2IVER M AND I 5863 5865 $29#86 LIBRARY 5866 5868 $340.50 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 58b9 5871 $549* 14 REQ• AND STREET FWD THRUST 5872 5886 $11#72708 URBAN ARTERIAL 5887 5900 $105*368 *51 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND 5901 5901 $27#481 .93 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 5902 5902 $524056 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5903 5921 $140240041 AIRPORT 5922 5923 $20003 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5924 5948 $9#981078 FIFEMEN S PENSION 5949 5950 $10041060 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $239#65706 WEA THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE C04MITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL# HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENOEREOP UO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 5755 THROUGH NO9 i 5950 IN THE AMOUNT OF $239#657 .56 THIS 04 OF JUNE # 1972• FINANCE CO MITTEE ��.•• • •Aw• • •w•••• CO ITTZE B.6R w••••w�.�.r!y/iLw••••A. ••••wAw•ww CO,41HITTEE MEMS • a•• •••••••• •w•w•••4ww CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND OTHERS SCHEDULED AT MEETING OF 6/4/73 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Discussion to include : COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. , 6/7 7: 30 P.M. `Clymer Council Chambers CBD Engineer, Gambling, Open Burn- ing. Asked Finance Director, Chief of Police, Attorney , Public COMMUNITY SERVICES Wed . , 6/6 7: 30 P.M. Grant Works Director & Puget Sound Air Pollution representative to attend. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL LEGISLATION Mon . , 6/11 7:00 F.M. Perry Councilman 's Office PUBLIC SAFETY Thurs. , 6/7 7:00 P.M. Delaurenti PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION Tues. , 6/12 7 : 30 P.M. Perry Council Chambers Staff Presentation - Six-Year Street Improvement Plan OTHER 77 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNE 4 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3365 $ 2 ,200. 00 James Herman 711 Jones Ave S. Addition to residence 3366 -- H. W. Sachs 351 Union NE Demolish residence 3367 45 ,000. 00 Wiechmann Ptnsg 42.10 Jones NE Construct rental garage 3368 20 ,000. 00 Olga Lissman 3930 Park Ave N. Move Armstrong display 3369 2 , 700 . 00 Wm. Ellison 121 Garden N. Install fence & parkinc 83370 200. 00 D. L. Scalf 2001 Dayton NE Reroof residence ELECTRICAL PERMIT;: E4087 22.5 . 00 John Edwards 3517 SE 6th St. Inst . 200 Amp Service 4088 238. 00 M. L. Sherertz 2712 NE 5th P1 . Correct service & wirir, 4089 300. 00 Max Miller 519 Rainier N. Underground conversion F'40.90 125 . 00 R. W. Hancheroff 340 Morris S. Rewire control panel 4091 500. 00 Pioneer Investozs .331 Williams N. Underground conversion 4092600. 00 Gary Dime 321 Williams S. Underground conversion 409' 50. 00 Calvary Baptist 1032 Edmonds NE Underground conversion 4094 600. 00 Rigby Dev. Co. 2910 Morris S. Wire npw residence E4095 650. 00 Kelso Const . 1925 Aberdeen SE Wire new residence 4096 10 , 000. 00 Wn. Jockey Club Lor.gacres West Grandstand - wirin 4097 1::0 . 00 Dr. . H . H. Adams 21 .5 Burnett S. Underground conversion 40-98 100 . 00 Stokes Mortuary 400 S. 3rd St . Connect to underground 479 ' 30. 00 W. Lee Hurlbut 505 S. 26th St . ,V.iring & outlets-bedroo E4100 325 . 00 Kip Jardine 1068 Sunset NE 200 Amp service-garage 410.7 40. 00 Ann Hankinson 2013 Dayton NE Move existing Meter soc 4102 40. 00 F. Mathiescn 1502 Sunset NE 77t;derground conversion MECH.11 V ICAL FERMITf 1135.31 230. 00 G. Suchdnek 723 S. 19th St . Inst . gas hot water hea 3532 667. 00 D. Dymarkowski 2020 NE 24th St . Inst . gas furna^a 35;53 1 ,400. 00 D. Dymarkowski 2020 NE 24th St . Inst . plumbing fixtures 3534 800 , 00 J . Boehme Const. . 1402 N. 26th St . Inst . oilfurnace/ductwo. M3535 :65 . 00 HUD - Dalpay 813 Camas NE Inst . waste & vent pipij 3536 - 0. 00 Vir. ail Mudd 2626 Lake Youngs Ct . SE - Inst . fixtures 35 %7 7. , 357. 00 Hebb-Harodick 826 S. 28th Ct . Inst . plumbing & fixtur, , 53P -, 00 . 00 C. L•. Scott 608 W. Perimeter Rdc - Inst. plumbing 3` .39 1 ; 080. 00 Kelso Const . 1915 Aberdeen SE Inst. plumbing & fixturo 3540 980. 00 Kelso Const . 1925 Aberdeen P1 . SE - Plumbing & fixture: 3541 250. 00 W. G. Penland 2717 NE 24th St . Repair drainfield 3542 100. 00 Ch. of Nazarene 221 Wells N . Inst . piping for baptise 3543 150. 00 A. Hankinson 2013 Dayton NE Inst . Plumbing fixtures 3544 800. 00 R. S. Shane 3620 Shattuck S. Inst. Plumbing & fixture M3545 3,00. 00 Soft Sam' s Tavern 675 Garden N. Inst. air conditioning L 3546 1 , 800. 00 Park Dept . 2424 Aberdeen NE Inst. gas furnace - air handling unit at Kennyda Lions Park shelter 3547 300. 00 Dalpay & Assoc. 3318 NE 7th P1 . Inst . sink & water heate 3548 550. 00 Rigby Dev. Co. 908 S. 30th P1 . Inst. gas furnace 3549 550. 00 Rigby Dev. Co. 2910 Morris S. Inst. gas furnace M355C 750. 00 Shane Const. Co. .3620 Shattuck S. Inst, oil furnace & tank SIGN PERMITS 5291 3 , 000. 00 Safeway Stores 203 S. 2nd St . Inst. 4 wa11 signs SEWER FERMITS 1845 H. O. McKee 611 SW 12th St. Connect side sewer 1846 Kampi Homes 3303 Park N. Connect side sewer TS RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 11, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Subject of Punchboards and Pull Tabs COMMUNITY SERVICES Gasoline Shortage and increase in Gasoline Prices Subject of Artificial Plantings and Landscaping FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Proposed L.I.D. for Watermains in Aberdeen Ave. N.E. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE ordinance amending Cabaret License (lst Reading 6/11/73) Matter of Outdoor Burning Undergrounding of Utilities on S. 4th St. PLANNING COMMISSION Subject of Artificial Plantings and Landscaping PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Proposed L.I.D. Watermain - Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Proposed L.I.D. Watermain - South 132nd St. , King County & N.W. 2nd St. APPOINTMENTS Downtown Renton Action Committee: John Swanson Clinton Betz Len Williamson Harry Moscatel Nancy Monahan Lorraine Custer Ed Davis Tony Porcello Bill Santi Louis Barei Phyl Thorn Harry Blencoe Don Holm Floyd Hughes I RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 11, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, r COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE, BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Dir- IN ATTENDANCE ector; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TE GANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief. I MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Schellert requested correction of Page 5, Paragraph 1, City 6/4/73 Council Minutes June 4, 1973 - Roll Call Vote to read: 2 AYE: STREDICKE and GRANT, 5 NO: CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY and BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 4, 1973 BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report recom- AND RESOLUTIONS mending first reading with referral back to committee of an ordinance Ordinance revising the cabaret licenses to include 'bne-night stand" i.e. New Year's Revising Eve, for a $25.00 fee. Following reading of the ordinance by the Cabaret City Clerk, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE Licensing BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance 2785 Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented report recommend- Revision to ing amendment to present shuffleboard ordinance to include modern amuse- Licensing of ment devices and that effective January 1, 1974 fees be reduced from $5 Entertainment per month to $20 per year. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry recon- Devices mended concurrence with the Public Safety Committee report and adoption. (Non-Gambling) MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- (1st Reading TIONS OF BOTH THE COMMITTEES AND THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON ITS 6/4/73) SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading of the Ordinance amending Chapter 10, Title 5 of the City Code, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call Vote resulted in unamimous Council approval. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1862 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a reso- Fringe Benefits lution transferring $18,250.61 from the Contingency Fund to various for Non-Rep departments for payment of fringe benefits for City employees not repres- Employees ented by a Bargaining Unit. Councilman Grant was excused from the Council (Medical and Chambers and did not participate in any discussion nor take part in any 1/2 Dental) action on this matter. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ.. CARRIED. Resolution 1863 Public Safety Committee report recommended Resolution No. 1669 "Uniform Uniform and and Special Clothing" for Police Department be revised to comply with Special uniformsworn by department members, submitting Exhibit B. MOVED BY Clothing - SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC SAFETY COM- Police Dept. MITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Legislation Amends Committee Chairman Perry presented resolution recommending adoption. Res. #1669 Following reading of resolution listing Uniform and Special Clothing established as the proper and necessary items for the Police Department, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE & CURRENT A petition bearing six signatures for the creation of a local improvement BUSINESS district for construction of curbs, gutters, watermain and street paving Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 11, 1973 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Proposed L.I.D. in Aberdeen Ave. N.E. between N.E. 27th & N.E. 28th, was read. MOVED BY Watermain PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS PETITION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC Curbs & Gutters WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason advised property owners did not want sidewalks. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed L.I.D. Petition was read, bearing nine signatures for the creation of a local Watermains improvement district for the installation of watermains, hydrants and appurtenances in South 132nd Street, Seattle, King County, and N.W. 2nd Street, Renton, between Taylor Ave. N.W. and Stevens Ave. N.W. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS PETITION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read proclaiming June 16, through June June 16 - 23 23, as Disabled American Veterans Forget-Me-Not Days. MOVED BY CLYMER, D.A.V. SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Forget-Me-Not CARRIED. Days Council President Clymer presented Committee of the Whole report which OLD BUSINESS recommended concurrence in the Fire Chief's report on outdoor burning Outdoor Burning which called for revision to the Fire Prevention Code and allowed only No longer under small outdoor fires for social purposes granted by local permit, or fires Puget Sound Air for test purposes granted by the Fire Chief, with right to prohibit all Pollution burning under hazardous conditions, and further recommended this matter Control Agency - be referred to the Legislation Committee for proper legislation. MOVED Now Has BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF Local Control THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. Committee of Committee of the Whole report recommended concurrence with Director of the Whole Report Public Works Gonnason's report on undergrounding utilities on S.4th St.and recommended the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for Undergrounding proper legislation. City Clerk Mead read Public Works Director's report of Utility Lines explaining reduced scope of undergrounding to S.4th St. only,at a cost of South 4th Street $17,600 (original undergrounding estimated at $40,000) to be paid from King County Forward Thrust, Section 3, F.F. Funds, and in the event of hardship cases alternate connections can be permitted by variance from overhead facilities that will remain on side streets and alleys. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER MATTER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole report recommended City Council reply to King Gambling County Councilman Mooney's May 30, communication regarding the new gamb- Regulations ling legislation, that: (A) The City would approve the operation of Ch.218, Laws bingo, raffles and amusement games by charitable and non-profit corpora- of 1973 tions if the Council so elected, provided, however that the City may (43rd Leg. , elect to change or modify its tentative approval upon a determination 1st Ex.Sess. ) that it is considered a first class city under provisions of O.M.C. , in which case the City wishes to exercise its local option rights. (B) The City would approve the County's determination to levy 10% tax on gross revenue of activities stated in (A) which approval is again subject to City's rights under O.M.C. (C) The City, at this time, takes no posi- tion on licensing of "pull tabs and punchboards" for the reason that a serious question exists as to whether the County and/or the City have any legal right to pass upon this particular issue or whether the State of Washington Gambling Commission has fully pre-empted the licensing of the aforementioned two devices. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, AMEND MOTION, STRIKING ITEM C OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT AND STATING CITY OF RENTON GOES ON RECORD AND RECOMMENDS AT THIS TIME THE COUNTY OR STATE SHOULD ALLOW FOR LICENSING OF PULL TABS AND PUNCHBOARDS. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ... COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. The Council recessed at 9:12 p.m. and reconvened at 9:17 p.m. with Roll Call Vote resulting in all Councilmen present as previously shown. Councilman Grant with- drew previous motion to amend Committee of the Whole report. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, STRIKE ITEM "C" OF THE REPORT AND RECOM- MEND TO THE COUNTY THAT PUNCHBOARDS AND PULL TABS BE LICENSED IF KING COUNTY ELECTS TO DO SO, AND PROVIDED THAT SUFFICIENT REVENUE IS GENERATED BY CITYTO COVER COST OF LAW ENFORCEMENT,WITH THE INTENT THAT THE INTEREST OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC BE SAFE GUARDED. Roll Call Vote resulted in 83 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 11, 1973 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Committee of the 3 AYES: SCHELLERT, STREDICKE and GRANT, 3 NO: DELAURENTI, PERRY and Whole - Cont. CLYMER, WITH MAYOR CASTING DECIDING BALLOT OF NO. MOTION TO AMEND "'C" of Committee of the Whole report FAILED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Punchboards BY GRANT, THAT PARAGRAPH "C" OF THE COMMITTEE REPORT BE AMENDED TO READ THE & Pull Tabs CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, BY VOTE ON JUNE 11, 1973, WILL BEGIN A STUDY TO DETERMINE WHETHER PUNCHBOARDS AND PULL TABS SHOULD BE ALLOWED PROVIDED IT IS PERMITTED BY THE STATE GAMBLING COMMISSION ON A LOCAL BASIS. MOTION TO AMEND CARRIED. MOTION TO ADOPT COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE SUBJECT OF PUNCHBOARDS AND PULL TABS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR STUDY. CARRIED. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted Mayor's report on Services Report formulation of Downtown Renton Action Committee to provide coordination on such items as sign control, marquees, off-street parking, with the Downtown Renton following property owners and merchants having been contacted and agreeing Action to serve on the committee: John Swanson, Harry Moscatel, Ed Davis, Committee Louis Barei, Don Holm, Clinton Betz, Nancy Monahan, Tony Porcello, Phyl Thorn, Floyd Hughes, Len Williamson, Lorraine Custer, Bill Santi and Harry Blencoe. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Sc hellert submitted committee 5951 - 6080 recommendation for payment of Warrants No. 5951 through 6080 in the amount of $90,307.82, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE SUBJECPOF GASOLINE SHORTAGE AND INCREASE IN GASOLINE PRICES BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES Gasoline COMMITTEE. Following discussion of gas stations, MOTION CARRIED. Artificial MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT OF ARTIFICIAL PLANT- Plantings INGS AND LANDSCAPING BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m. ZZyAZJZ C Delores A. Mead M 84 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/11/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS (:URRENT FUND 5956 6007 •120696959 PARKS AND RECREATION 6008 6021 •2j51150 CITY STRKET 6022 6031 •1x282:45 REG• AND STREET FWD THRUST 6032 6046 62#951 #43 lRBAN ARTERIAL 6047 6060 •260535#85 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 6061 6063 s2*469#49 +ATERWORKS UTILITY 6064 6070 •39p421e08 ^AIRPORT 6071 6073 •10362v80 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6074 6080 •1s076*64 'OTAL OF ALL WARRANTS •901307#82 WEr THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL,• HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDs DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO• 5956 THROUGH N0# 6080 IN THE AMOUNT OF 6900307 .82 THIS 11 OF JUNE a 19720 FINANCE CO I EE CO MITTEE M €R 4 .w www ♦ *-www ..www. COMA TEE MEMBER C MITTEE MEMBE f i 1 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND OTHERS SCHEDULED AT MEETING OF 6/11/73 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tues . , 6/26 7 : 30 P . M. 'Clymer Council Chambers Discussion to include gambling, 11th & 41st District Legislators ito be present , also Chief of COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs . , 6/14 8 :00 P.M. Grant 3rd Flr. Conf. Rm. Police and City Attorney . Shoreline Management FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Thurs . , 6/14 7 : 00 P . M. Schellert LEGISLATION Mon. , 6/18 7 :00 P.M. Perry Councilman ' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY Tues . , 6/12 7 : 00 P . M. Delaurenti PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION Tues . , 6/12 7 : 30 P.M. Perry Council Chambers Staff Presentation - Six-Year Street Improvement Plan OTHER ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTO 6/19 - 6/22 Spokane CITIES CONVENTION r ~i\ 86 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNE 11 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK i B3371 $ 29 ,000. 00 McGrath' s Royal Homes 4204 NE 20th St. Single residence 3372 27,500. 00 McGrath 's Royal Homes 1901 Vashon NE Single residence 3373 800. 00 C. L. Greeley 516 Whitworth S. Add. to garage - roof 3374 5 ,000. 00 J. D. Balken 3624 NE 10th St. Add rec rm. & bedroom B3375 900. 00 Joan Gibson 851 Olympia NE Bdrm. , bath , utility 3376 3,000. 00 Standard Oil Co. 301 S. Grady Wy. Bldg. & Canopy Conv. 3377 400. 00 FHA - Dalpay 1217 N. 30th St . Doors & plasterboard 3378 28 ,000. 00 Kampe Const . Co. 2006 SE 18th Ct. Single fam. residence MECHANICAL PERMITS M3551 500. 00 Kelso Const . Co. 1925 Aberdeen SE Gas furnace-Forced airl 3552 500. 00 PAC-CAR 502 Houser Way N Inst. propane tank 3553 1 , 361 . 00 Hebb & Norodick 814 S. 28th Ct. Inst. plmbg. /fixtures 3554 200 . 00 A. E. Frisvold 1508 Blaine NE Gas Hot water heater M3555 845. 00 M. Tibbils 2403 NE 7th St. Gas furnace 3556 150. 00 Wm. Ellison 121 Garden N. Inst. water piping ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4103 750. 00 Renton Park Dept . 635 Park Ave N. Rewire to safety code 4104 328. 00 Colwell Co. 2310 NE 8th St. Rewire to safety A=e E4105 200. 00 Hub Trailer Park 641 Wells N. Wire Mobile homeill 4106 300. 00 Mr. Leavitt 866 Olympia NE Inst . 200 amp. cizi 4107 125 . 00 James V. Duff 801 S. 3rd St. Undergr. conversion 4108 589 . 00 Ken Martin Const. 2030 Rolling Hills SE - Wire residence 4109 245 . 00 Frank Tonkin 817 S. 3rd St. Underground service E4110 50. 00 Rtn . Lutheran Church 419 S. 2nd Underground service 4111 50. 00 Rtn. Lutheran Church 205 Morris S. Underground service 4112 110. 00 Ernie Mathews 4332 NE 10th St . Outlets & light 4113 5 ,606 . 00 Barbee Mill Co. , Inc. 4101 Lk WA Blvd. N. - Wire dry kiln SIGN PERMITS S292 500. 00 Good Chevrolet 617 S. 3rd St. Inst. 2 pole signs SEWER PERMITS 1847 Union Oil Co. 132nd S. & Sunset - Connect side sewer 1848 Mrs. Alexander 1713 Harrington NE- Connect side sewer 1849 A. Franceschina 501 SW 12th St. - Connect side sewer 1890-1854 Not used yet 1855 McGrath 's Royal Homes 4204 NE 20th St. - Connect side sewer 1856 McGrath 's Royal Homes 1901 Vashon NE - Connect side sewer g , i i' i i 87 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 18, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S * CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER *Claims for Damages: Roberts & Anderson Helene May Rothrock John James O'Brien Industrial Leasing Lighting Fixture Matter Limitation of Oil Storage COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Communications re provisions of Initiative 276 DOWNTOWN RENTON ACTION COMMITTEE Matter of Design Review Board and questionnaire LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Dog Licensing Ordinance - Reciprosity Agreement/King County Parking and Loading Ordinance Shoreline Management Ordinance with Amendments Amendment to Music Machine Licenses changing Master License requirements Amendment to Licensing Ordinances for elimination of Council action on "No License Fee" Permits, Amusement Devices and Music Machines Use of Plastic Pipe PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Amusement Devices - Riviera, Dino's & Soft Sams PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Personal injury claim due to bricking of sidewalk APPOINTMENTS low Ms. Pat Sado to Human Rights and Affairs Commission, term expiring 4/25/76 SPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS Public Hearing July 2, 1973 - Parking and Loading Ordinance Public Hearing July 2, 1973 - 6-Yr. Street and Arterial Construction Plan 88 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 18, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLHri J. DELAURENTI, GEORGE J. PERRY, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN HENRY E. SCHELLERT, BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. i MINUTE APPROVAL There being no corrections nor additions to the Council Minutes of 6/11/73 June 11, 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Member Delaurenti submitted committee 6081 - 6312 recommendation for payment of Warrants 6081 through 6312 in the amount Plus LID 276 of $97,809.94, plus L.I.D. 276 Cash 5 and Revenue 6 Warrants in amount & LID 278 of $26.90 and L.I.D. 278 Cash 2 and Revenue 2 Warrants in amount of Cash & Revenue $8,488.40, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Dir- IN ATTENDANCE ector; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Plan- ning Director; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report recom- RESOLUTIONS mending first reading and referral back to the Legislation Committee of an ordinance amending Title V, Dog Licenses, establishing reciprocity for dog license fees with King County, wherein any person moving from Reciprocal the unincorporated area of King County into the Renton City limits Dog Licensing and holding a current King County dog license for their pet, shall be Agreement exempt from the payment of the annual license fees for the remainder of w/King County that license year, provided such person shall register each dog with the City Clerk within 30 days of establishing residence within Renton City limits. Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION, AND REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti reported committee recommendation that person moving within Renton City limits with valid King Countv dog license, register with the City Clerk within 30 days at no fee, and shall be exempt from annual license fee for the remainder of the King County license year. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC SAFETY COMMIT- TEE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Parking & Legislation Committee report recommended first reading with referral Loading back to committee, with Public Hearing to be held July 2, 1973, on an Ordinance ordinanceregulating the standards, maintenance, landscaping, and lavout of parking lots and related matters, to be known as the Parking and Loading Ordinance. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE, PLACE . ON FIRST READING AND REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following reading of the parking and loading ordinance by the Clerk, Assistant Planning Director Magstadt explained strengthing provisions of the new ordinance for enforcement, set back, landscaping provisions and that occupancy will be allowed prior to completion of parking lot with filing of bond. Ordinance 2786 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Cabaret License for an ordinance revising licensing of cabarets to include one day events, One day Events i.e. New Year's Eve, at a fee of $25.00(first reading of ordinance June 11) . Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call Vote resulted in all affirmative vote by all Councilmen present. MOTION CARRIED. 89 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 18, 1973 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Drawing for Drawing for Council positions for the coming fall election for the throe Position Numbers Council positions open, was held and reported by the City Clerk as City Councilmen, follows: Kenneth D. Bruce, Position 1 Primary Election Earl Clymer, Position 2 to be 9/18/73 Charles J. Delaurenti, Position 3 Applications City Clerk Mead reported applications for placement of amusement or for Amusement entertainment games by L & M Amusement at Riviera Tavern 42) , Dino's, Devices Soft Sam's (2) , and by Rainier Amusement Co. at Riviera Tavern (2) . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THESE REQUESTS BE REFERRED TO THE "M" PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Claims for Claims for Damages filed against the City were read by the Clerk as Alleged Damages follows: Roberts and Anderson, 111 Williams Ave. S. , shattered window Roberts & caused from vibrations of construction. Mrs. Helene May Rothrock, Anderson 15035 Jones Rd. , fall due to sidewalk construction. Mr. John James Mrs. H. Rothrock O'Brien, 530 Shattuck Ave. S. , broken window due to street sweeper. Mr. J. O'Brien MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THESE COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUBJECT OF CLAIM RELATIVE TO PERSONAL INJURY DUE TO BRICK SURFACING BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Shoreline Upon presentation of a letter from Mayor Garrett regarding shoreline Management management, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Amendments to Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report Shoreline recommending adoption of the Shoreline Management Ordinance with Management amendments to include a Citizen's Advisory Committee of .7 members appointed Ordinance by the Mayor with concurrence of the City Council Community Services Committee to assist in the formulation of the Master Program, required by Shoreline Management Act of 1971, with the Committee's tenure existing until the Department of Ecology approves and the City Council adopts the Now Master Program. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Oil Storage MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE SUBJECT OF LIMITATION Limitation OF OIL STORAGE FACILITIES IN THE CITY OF RENTON BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Design Review MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY TREDICKE, THAT THE MATTER OF THE DESIGN Board REVIEW BOARD AND QUESTIONNAIRE AND INFORMATION PREPARED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, BE REFERRED TO THE DOWNTOWN RENTON ACTION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Initiative 276 MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY STREDICKE THE LETTER FROM CITY CLERK REGARD- ING CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTING UNDER PROVISIONS OF INITIATIVE 276 AND THE LETTER FROM THE STATE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION. Appointment Finance and Personnel Committee Report was presented by Committee Member Ms. Pat Sado Delaurenti, concurring in the Mayor's appointment of Ms. Pat Sado to 1143 Harrington the Human Rights and Affairs Commission, term expiring April 25, 1976. Ave. N.E. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Amusement Device Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee report approval approving placement of entertainment device (air hockey) at Friar Tuck's Tavern, having received Police Department approval. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Music Machine Public Safety Committee report recommended amendment to Chapter 3, Licenses Title 5, Section 5-301 of the City Code to allow a person to own and operate one coin-type phonograph in his place of business with no Master license required, paying only the $20.00 per year sub-license. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 18, 1973 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Licensing -- Public Safety Committee report recommended no changes be made at the "No License Fee" present time in the Peddlers and Solicitors Ordinance, however, recom- Permits mended that Miscellaneous "No License Fee" Permits be issued by the Entertainment License Division of the Finance Department with no Council action required. Devices MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Music Machies MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE AMUSEMENT (ENTERTAINMENT) DEVICES AND MUSIC MACHINE LICENSES TO BE ISSUED BY THE LICENSE DIVISION OF THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT WITH NO COUNCIL ACTION RE- QUIRED AND MATTER TO BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Hiring of Following discussion of the hiring and funding of outside consultants on Outside public works projects for the City, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Consultants BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE SUBJECT MATTER OF RETENTION OF CONSULTANTS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Further dis- cussion ensued on establishing policy of guidelines for the hiring of consultants, the matter of time limitation on commencement of projects to insure funding and whether or not Council approval needed. MOTION CARRIED. Parking Strips Councilman Stredicke inquired about upkeep of parking strips, City Attor- & Public R/W ney Shellan advised ordinance had been adopted in 1968 that fixed res- Upkeep ponsibility with abutting property owner providing means of notifying same, noxious weed ordinance also adopted. Plastic Pipe MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUBJECT OF USE OF PLASTIC PIPE IN THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Industrial MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MATTER OF FAILURE TO Leasing Lighting REMOVE LIGHTING STANDARDS FROM PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AT THE FORMER ROBINSON LYON FORD SITE, BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR PROPER ACTION. Outdoor Councilman Grant requested reading of letter from Mayor's office regard- Burning of ing residential burning of natural vegetation whereby the Puget Sound Natural Air Pollution Control Agency modified its regulations to allow burning Vegetation of vegetation on originating property, in certain circumstances, if not prohibited by local County, City or Fire District. If prohibited, the Agency will enforce the ban on burning, if burning is allowed then County, City or Fire District must handle the enforcement. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry advised regulating ordinance has been prepared. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Jeanne Masters and Mr. Alex Thornton of the Kent City Council inquired re coordination of street improvements to S. 180th/S.W. 43rd, and were invited to attend the Six-Year Street and Arterial Construction Planning meeting on June 26, by Transportation Committee Chairman Perry. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MEETING BE ADJOURNED. City 10:00 P.M. Council meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. 4(. / Delores A. Mead, C ty Clerk m SEE ADENDUM PAGE 94 ...r CITY COUNCIL COMM ---F MEETING CALENDAR Office of the Cit --erk CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND OTHERS SCHEDULED AT MEETING OF June 18 , 1973 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMUNITY SERVICES Wed. , 6/20 7 : 30 P . M. Grant 3rd F1r. Conf. Rm. Re : Olympic Pipe Line - Cedar River crossing easements thru City/Burlington Northern - Land- FINANCE AND PERSONNEL fill LEGISLATION Mon . , 6/25 7 : 00 P. M. Perry Councilman ' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION Tues . , 6/26 8 : 00 P .M. Perry Council Chambers Six-Year Street & Arterial Con- struction Program OTHER - ASSOCIATION OF 6/19 - 6/22 ; Spokane WASHINGTON CITIES CON- VENTION R . I . B. C. O. Thurs . , 6/28 8 : 30 A. M. Bus Tour of Green & Cedar River Lv. City Basin Water Sheds Areas Hall Park- ing Lot Joint Meeting - Board of Wed. , 6/27 9 : 00 A .M. Re : Olympic Pipe Lines Public Works/Community Services Committee Public Hearing Mon• , 7/2 9 : 30 A .M. King County Seattle/K. C. Court- Re : Gambling/Proposed Ordinance Council house - Room 402 (Revised) �9 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/18/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION p NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS M�N•'Nc ✓c iL - i_-, / CURRENT FUND 6090 6123 *19#52300 PARKS AND RECREATION 6124 6145 6714i6$iO CITY STREET 6146 6168 +1151765$73 :.EDAR RIVER M AND I 6169 6169 *4705 i1.i33. 0.Z_ LIBRARY-Vo,D # L/96 - -?�, 0 6170 6225 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 6226 6227 :1x158$28 REG$ AND STREET FWD THRUST 6228 6233 662395 URBAN ARTERIAL 6234 6239 656615a48 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND 62240 6240 Si1383$ 10 OAYERWORKS UTILITY 6241 6259 6300821 $46 AIRPORT 6260 6267 $11278128 J EQUIPMENT RENTALVoI s bzX� �� 6268 6293 *r � FIFEMEN 6 PENSION 6294 6312 6851x27 s TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS wEp THE WNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILI HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED® DO -lEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT IUCHERS N0. 6090 THROUGH NO$ f� 109 9ly( 6312 IN THE AMOUNT OF THIS 18 OF JUNE ® 1972$ FINANCE COMMITTEE LID 276 - Revenue 6 $26.90 LID 276 - CASH 5 26.90 •owAw_•••w•.+we••.ww•••w•®aw®•o COMMITTEE MER _ LID 278 - Revenue 2 $8,488.40 LID 278 - CASH 2 8,488.40 mmmm om COMMItTEE MEMBER NOW - COM ITTEE MEMBER 93 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNE 18 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 83379 $ 32 , 000- 00 J. M. Penovich 2018 Rotting Hiltz SE Singie Gam. Aes.ide 3380 35, 000- 00 J. M. Penovich 2013 Rotting H.ittz SE itto it 3381 35, 000. 00 J. M. Penovich 2027 Rotting Hittz SE It it " 3382 30, 000. 00 J. M. Penovich 2017 Jones C.incte SE it to " 3383 35, 000- 00 J. M. Penovich 2007 Rotting H.ittz SE If tf '► 3384 30, 000. 00 Rigby Dev. Co. 914 S. 30th Ptace It of B3385 400. 00 T. James 231 W-i.ttiams No . Inst. new noo6 3386 6, 000- 00 E. Smith 3514 NE 4th St. Remodet Aes.idence 3387 650. 00 R. L. Boggs 616 Camas Ave. NE Enct. canpont ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4114 200. 00 Max Pen.ich 220 Ra.in.ieA So . UndengA. conveA6.io 4115 50. 00 Max PeA.ich 224 Rainien So . UndengA. conveAs.io 4116 50. 00 P. B. Detaunent.i 216 RainieA So . Undehgn. conveiLz io 4117 200. 00 D. KeotkeA 532 Cedars So . Rept. etec. aenv. 4118 50. 00 James Henshaw 3233 NE Sunset Btvd. Undehgn. convens.io 4119 650. 00 Ketso ConstA. Co . 2013 Abendeen Pt. SE WiAe new nes.idence E4120 1 , 500. 00 The Boeing Co . Renton Ptant Remodel. mezzanine 4121 50. 00 Joan Gibson 851 Otymp.ia N. E. Misc. etec. wonk 4122 150. 00 Westenn Dental 1126 K.iAktand NE Hook-up o6 X-Aay 4123 101 , 169. 00 City o6 Renton Rtn . Mun.ic.ipat A.iApont New tight.ing 4124 575 . 00 RobeAt Shane 3620 Shattuck So . Wine new Aes.idence E4125 450. 00 McGnath '6 Royat 1907 Vachon NE W-iAe new ne6.idence 4126 450. 00 McGnath ' 6 Homes 2015 Vachon NE Wife new tezidence 4127 50. 00 Lee E. Fond 372 Stevens SW Reptace bent mast 4128 50. 00 Butters JaAv.i6 2810 Maple Vattey hy. Inst-. temp. senv. 4129 650. 00 Kelso Const. Co . 1915 Abendeen SE Wane new tezi dence MECHANICAL PERMITS M3557 500. 00 McGAath' 6 Homes 1907 Vashon NE Inst. gas 4uAnace 3558 500. 00 McGnath' s Homes 2015 Vashon NE Tnst. gas 6uAnaee 3559 500. 00 McGtath 's Homes 2003 Vashon NE Inst. gas 6uAnace M3560 400. 00 J. D. Batkan 3624 NE 10th St. Ptumbing E 6ixtuAez 3561 500. 00 Kekso Confit. Co . 2013 Abendeen SE In6t. gas junnaee 3562 155. 00 June Whitton 4102 NE 11th St. Inst. outd. gn.itt SIGN PERMITS 5293 1 , 200. 00 Ra,inien V.ittage 522 Ra-in.ien So . Inst. 2 watt signs SEWER PERMITS 1850 Sam YounkeA Motons 3820 E. Vattey Hy. Connect side sewers A D E N D U M RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES of June 18, 1973 OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented committee Committee Rpt. report recommending no change be made in the present procedures for filing of complaints under the Dog License Ordinance, Council Review of referral of May 21. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, Dog License COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police Rules Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented committee s Regulations report recommending approval of the Police Department Rules and Regulations, advising Police Guild approval, and that additional copies available from the Police Department. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Delores A. Mead, City Cldrk M Now now s4 w RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 25, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Communication from State Department of Ecology for future meeting COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Communication from State Department of Ecology FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Matter of financing survey of gas station inventory LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Parking and Loading Ordinance Outdoor Burning Ordinance MAYOR'S OFFICE List of Consultants PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Letter and Petition for sewer hook up on 80th Ave. S. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Mowing of: parking strips Letter and Petition for sewer hook up on 80th Ave. S. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Petition for improvement. of S.W. 16th St. POLICE DEPARTMENT Direction of Downtown Renton Merchants Banner Installation �.• STREET DEPARTMENT Direction of Downtown Renton Merchants Banner Installation TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Petition for improvement of S.W. 16th St. SPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS Public Hearing July 9, 1973 Shoreline Management Ordinance RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 25, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ABSENT COUNCILMAN GEORGE J. PERRY BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Direc- IN ATTENDANCE tor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Direc- tor; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief, DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 6/18/73 1973 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment of 6313 - 6477 Warrants 6313 through 6477 in the amount of $255,084.84 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Member Grant presented committee report that pro- posed Shoreline Management Ordinance be placed on first reading and Shoreline Public Hearing on the ordinance be set for July 9, 1973. MOVED BY GRANT Management SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE LEGISLA- Ordinance TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Parking and IN A MOTION BY GRANT, WITH SECOND BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONFIRMED FIRST READ- Loading ING AND HEARING ON JULY 2, 1973 OF THE PARKING AND LOADING ORDINANCE. IN Ordinance A MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY GRANT, AND CARRIED, ORDINANCE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Outdoor Fire Legislation Committee report recommended first reading for an ordinance ordinance regulating outdoor fires and return to Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT. City Clerk Mead read ordinance requiring prior permit issued by Fire Chief or representative for following allowed fires: (1) Small outdoor fires for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking or like social purposes, (2) Fires for instruction in the method of fighting fires, testing fire resistant materials, or testing fire protection equipment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, CONCUR IN LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Fire Chief Walls advised permit not required for fire for cooking purposes if contained. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT Letter from Mr. Martin J. Blum enthall asked permission to hook up to the BUSINESS existing sewer in front of his lot on 80th Ave. S. between 130th and 132nd St. S. , Seattle, and told of petition obtained by Mr. Ed Lopan Request for from home owners in same vicinity favoring sewer service. MOVED BY Sewer Connection STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE LETTER FROM MR. BLUMENTHAL AND 80th Ave. S. PETITION OF MR. LOPAN BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC. WORKS DEPARTMENT AND THE •ter PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Petition for Petitionsbearing 24 signatures of frequent users or abutting property Street owners along S.W. 16th St. was presented and read by the Clerk, which Improvement stated street had not been improved since it was originally built and S.W. 16th St. was in a deteriorated condition, also needing widening and sidewalks. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS PETITION BE REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. t 1 3 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 27, 1973 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued 3 i f Downtown Renton Letter from the Downtown Renton Merchants Association requested waiver Merchants of $25.00 fee for placement of advertising banners across South 2nd Sidewalk Sale and 3rd Streets for the annual sidewalk sale July 5, 6 and 7, 1973. Banner Request MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PERMISSION BE GRANTED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT AND POLICE DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Dan Shane, 3003 Mt. View Ave. N. , inquired regarding shuffleboard and pool table ordinances and fees thereof. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Grant presented committee report stating they have requested the Planning Department to furnish them with Gas Station existing and proposed franchises for Olympic Pipeline Co. Report requested Inventory that the Council approve an updating of the gas station inventory survey and recommended that the financing of survey be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Proposed Landfill Councilman Grant presented letter from State Department of Ecology regarding the proposed landfill of Glacier Park located near Mobile storage tank facility within City, which set forth guideline procedures for City action as the "Responsible Official" under the State Environmental Act of 1971. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS COMMUNICATION a BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND THE COM- MITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR FUTURE MEETING. CARRIED. i N AUDIENCE COMMENT Upon further inquiry of Mr. Dan Shane regarding amusement devices, City Attorney Shellan advised pool tables in pool halls licensed under Title 5, Chapter 18 while p pool tables in taverns licensed under Title 5, Chapter 10 of the City Code , r0ading provisions therefrom. OLD BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Administrative Assistant Lynch <, recapped the Renton Area Youth Services program, advising funded through Coordination June 30, 1974. Councilman Stredicke asked for coordination between City Between State and State during State Highway projects within the City, such as the and City on Sunset Blvd. project in the Highlands, citing unsafe conditions and Public Works street closures. Upkeep of Following discussion of planting and care of public right of way, it was Public R/W MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE MATTER OF MOWING OF PARKING STRIPS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Consultants MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AND CARRIED, THAT MAYOR'S OFFICE FURNISH COUNCIL WITH LISTING OF ALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND OUTSIDE CONSULTING FIRMS HIRED BY THE CITY, WITH AMOUNT OF CONTRACT FEE, SINCE 1970. CARRIED. City's Councilman Grant presented letter from Finance Director Marshall Which Banking and detailed the City's banking and investment practices listing as of June 15, Investments an investment total of $6,468,547.09 which included Firemen's Pension Funds, Street Forward Thrust Funds and Federal Revenue Sharing monies, etc. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Charles Shane, 3003Mountain View Ave. N. , inquired about collection of fees for amusement devices located in taverns and was advised by City Clerk Mead and City Attorney Shellan and Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti that City Code defines devices to be licensed and fees to be i paid , recently reviewed and updated by Ordinance #2785. Reporter Regrets were expressed and applause for a "job well done" offered as Leaving Councilman Stredick6_annOunced-Mr. William Dugovich, reporter for the Record-Chronicle was leaving. Attention was also called that Mr. Phil Proto of the Greater Renton News was leaving the area for Nevada. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. m Delores A. Mead, City Clerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/25/73 4EAIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS /�'1,4C�1iNE- I/o,ip �63/�— 633 CURRENT FUND -✓•ia�63si /'dy,sf 1324 6364 PARKS AND RECREATION 6365 6390 •13705956 ARTERIAL STREET 6391 6392 •337.00 CITY STREET 6393 6408 •52668937 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 6409 6409 *7i00 LIBRARY 6410 6411 •71926 RE39 AND STREET FWD THRUST 6412 6419 ♦831237995 URBAN ARTERIAL 6420 6425 •431822900 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 6426 6427 8735922 WATERWORKS UT14ITY 6428 6437 *51470972 AIRPORT 6438 6444 811128/32 EWUIPMENT RENTAL 6445 6462 $5#589925 P'IFEMEN 4 PENSION 6463 6477 $50951974 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS fly wE/ THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON mod CITY COUNCIL♦ HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT mERCHANOISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 6324 THROUGH NO* c�F-/ er-/ 6477 IN TME AMOUNT OF i2"ilTHIS 25 OF JUNE 19729 7 FINANCE COMMITTEE i w rrww "win www COM ITTEE ME ER �wwwvrwwww � f�'w r r! COMM fTEE MEMBER wwvwanwirorwwrvwrrrMrrrrvrwwrrv� COMMITTEE MEMBER i CITY COUNCIL COA :FETING CALENDAR I I Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 25 , 1973 rte. COP11=E DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS Re : Public Disclosure - Initiative 276 & Gambling - Punch Boards & Pull Tabs /w COM4iL'!"IT;E OF THE WHOLE Thurs , 6/28 7 : 30 P .M. CLYl`ER Council Chambers State Legislators & King County Reps . CaWIMTY SERVICES Wed. , 6/27 8 : 00 P.M. GRANT 3rd Flr. Conf. Rm. To be confirmed by Chairman Wed. , 6/27 9 : 00 A . M. 4th Flr . Conf. Rm. Joint Meeting w/Board of Public Works Re : Olympic Pipe Line FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon. , 7/2 7 : 00 P.M. PERRY Councilman ' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS Tues . , 6/26 7 :00 P . M. BRUCE 2nd Flr. Conf. Rm. TRANSPORTATION Tues . , 6/26 8 : OcrP.M. PERRY Council Chambers Six-Year Street & Arterial Construction Program OTHER MEETIMS AND EVENTS R.I. B. C.O. Thurs . , 6/28 8 : 30 A .M. Bus Tour of Green & Cedar River Basin Lv. City Water Shed Areas Hall Lot PUBLIC HEARING Mon . , 7/2 9 : 30 A.M. King County Seattle/K. C. Court- Re : Gambling/Proposed Ordinance (Rev. ) Council house - Room 402 METRO TRANSIT Thurs . , 7/5 10 : 30 A.M King Co. Adm. Bldg. Regular Meeting of Metro Transit - Pub- Room 854 lic Invited 100 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JUNE 25 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3388 $ 2 ,500. 00 Mrs . V. Pipo 1417 S. 27th St. Remodel & fireproof 3389 2 ,200. 00 A. R. Claboe 1119 N. 35th St. Construct garage B3390 17 ,000. 00 Kelso Const. Co. 2016 Aberdeen P1 . SE New residence 3391 3 ,000. 00 J. E. Oliver 3116 Sunset Blvd. NE - Retaining wall 3392 5 ,500. 00 Riley Landacre 2517 Aberdeen NE Inst. swimming pool ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4130 50. 00 W. L. McLaughlin 3221 Sunset Blvd. NE - Underground conv. 4131 200. 00 Mrs . Stitmater 1110 Edmonds NE Underground conversion 4132 1 , 400 . 00 Std. Serv. Tire Co. 205 Logan So . Inst . 400 Amp-3 Phase 4133 55 . 00 Kelso Const. Co 1915 Aberdeen SE Inst. temporary serv. 4134 55 . 00 Stanford Witsoe 2241 NE 27th St. Inst . temporary serv. E4135 50. 00 Red Samm Mng. Co. Renton Airport Inst . temporary serv. 4136 300. 00 B. W. Goldmann 807 Grant Ave . S. Inst . wiring - new home 4137 1 ,245 . 00 Mrs . S. Baxter 134 Rainier So. Underground conversion 4138 716 . 00 Dr. F. K. Dixon 128 Rainier So . Underground conversion 4139 430. 00 Mrs . C. L. Harre 321 Rainier No. Underground conversion MECHANICAL PERMITS M3563 150. 00 Dale E. Ellis 1159 Shelton NE Plumbing & fixtures 3564 400. 00 Community Bank 439 Rainier Ave S. Comp. for air condition. M3565 200. 00 F. E. Johnson 1924 SE 19th Ct. Gas piping & b-b-que 3566 1 , 020. 00 Kelso Const . Co. 2013 Aberdeen P1 . SE - Plumbing & fixtures 3567 450. 00 D. Dymarkowski 2020 N .E. 24th St. Septic tank & drainfield 3568 1 , 800. 00 City of Renton 2424 Aberdeen NE Plumbing & fixtures 3569 2 ,500. 00 Lee Gilliland 3508 NE 4th St. Plumbing & fixtures M3570 766 . 00 S. Witsoe 2241 NE 27th St . Inst . gas furnace SIGN PERMIT 5294 350. 00 Community Bank 439 Rainier S. Install 1 wall sign S295 300. 00 John Dobson 340 Burnett S. Install 1 wall sign S296 300. 00 J. F. Allers 95 Tobin Ave . S. Install 1 wall sign SEWER PERMITS 1851 Harry Patterson 3217 Mtn . View N. Connect side sewer 1852 Rigby Development 908 S. 30th P1 . Connect side sewer 1853 Rigby Development 2910 Morris S. Connect side sewer 1854 Rigby Development 909 S. 29th St. Connect side sewer 1855 - 1879 DESTROYED - NEW FORM ADOPTED 1880 Q-M Enterprises 1602 Glenwood SE Connect side sewer 1881 Q-M Enterprises 1614 Glenwood SE Connect side sewer 1882 Q-M Enterprises 1618 Glenwood SE Connect side sewer 101 C I T Y O F R E N T O N MONTH OF TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL 6-4-73 CURRENT FUND 46,948.57 PARKS & RECREATION 18,540.17 CITY STREET 2,862.52 CEDAR RIVER M & I 29.86 LIBRARY 340.50 EMERGENCY EMPLOYME T 549.14 REG & STREET FWD TIRUST 1111727.98 URBAN ARTERIAL 1052368.51 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTI N FUND 27,481.93 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 524.56 WATERWORKS UTILITY 14,240.41 AIRPORT 20.03 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 91981.78 FIREMEN'S PENSION 1,041.60 CLAIMS FUNI' Transfers for month of .Tune $2393657.56 6/11/73 CURRENT FUND $12,696.59 PARKS & RECREATION 2,511.50 CITY STREET 1,282.45 REG & STREET FWD TIRUST 2,951.43 URBAN ARTERIAL 261J535.85 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI FUND 211469.48 WATERWORKS UTILITY 39,421.08 AIRPORT 1,362.80 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,076.64 CLAIMS FUND TRANSFERS FOR MONTH OF JUNE $",307.82 Airport Constructio Airport Fund To correct Transfer 5-31-73 1,351,632.05 Fund ##309 *402 Resolution# 1857 CURRENT FEDERAL SHARED : To correct Transfer 5-31-73 185,024.00 REVENUE Resolution## 1856 FEDERAL SHARED REVS UE CURRENT To correct Transfer 5-31-73 185,024.00 Resolution4 1856 ARK FUND. FEDERAL SHARED To correct Transfer 5-31-73 131,714.00 REVENUE Resolutions 1856 FEDERAL SHARED REVSUF: PARK FUND To correct Transfer 5-31-73 1319714.00 Resolution4 1856 EG & ST.FWD THRUST I'RRAN ARTERIAL To correct Payroll Adj. for 268.76 _ January thru may, 1973 6-18-73 CURRENT FUND 19,523.90 PARKS & RECREATION 71,416. 10 CITY STREET 15,765.73 [CEDAR RIVER M A 1 47.55 LIBRARY 90833.02 EMERGENCY EMPLOYME 1 , 158.28 REG & STREET FWD TF UST 623.95 URBAR ARTERIAL 5,615.48 LIBRARY CONSTR. FUI 1 ,383. 10 WATERWORKS UTILITY 300821 .46 AIRPORT 1 ,278.28 EOUIPMENT RENTAL 30491 .82 FIREMEN'S PENSION 851 .27 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of June S97,809.94 CURRENT WATEr O REIMBURSE WATER FOR AWC 42.00 REGISTRATION FOR TED BENNETT 102 C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N MONTH OF JUNE, 1973 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL 6-15-73 CURRENT FUND $ 89,985. 12 PARKS 8 RECREATION 26, 149. 15 CITY STREET 18,481 .35 CEDAR RIVER M & 1 389.75 LIBRARY 6,951 .34 EMERGENCY EMPLOYM T 5,632.90 REG 8 STREET FWD T RUST 782.45 7,042.05 URBAN ARTERIAL WATERWORKS UTILITY 12,552.35 AIRPORT 987.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,684.50 100.00 FIREMEN'S PENSION PAYROLL FUND FOR MONTH OF JUNE TRANSFERS $171 ,738.4 ,_ K 6-25-73 CURRENT FUND $ 400360.46 705 PARKS 8 RECREATION 150 337.55 337 ARTERIAL STREET 337. CITY STREET 52,668.3377 7.00 CEDAR RIVER M A 1 71 '26 LIBRARY 83,237.95 REG 8 STREET FWD T RUST URBAN ARTERIAL 43,822.00 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 735.22 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5,470.72 1 , 128.32 AIRPORT EOUIPMENT RENTAL 5,589.25, FIREMEN'S PENSION 5 951 .74 t CLAIMS FUND FOP 4ONTH OF JUNE TRANSFERS $255,084.84 f CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancelled CLAIMS WARRANT# 6091 $ 42.00 ()? ?51 .':1 7)2,728.7'-' rITY STREET 19,365.69 M38q.75 CEPAR PIVFR %I 8 1 6,641 .92 [ IPPARY EMER(,FNr '/ p.,ipLnY-ir"! :,699.5?_ _ f 632.6� n r;�R'TRF�T FW(` rl,n ��;' 5,61)3.78 UPPAr! PPTrRI AL WATF�'Wr�'K� UTILITY 12,593.32 987.5r. A I c-PnRT 2,684.5`) FOUI I P',+EfJT nr PITA!_ 100.00 r I PF'IF"" nEr�F i nr! IPAYROLL FUMD rr8ocsfers for month of JUIN' ! 7758.58 ley OR FINANCE DIRECTOR 103 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 2, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F F. R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY City Hall Lunchroom Matter COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Policy on Number of Bids Required Wm. Grant letter re Olympic Pipe Line Co. Subject of LID for Aberdeen Ave. N.E. between NE 27th and NE 28th COMMUNITY SERVICES Subject of Port of Seattle Duwamish expansion FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Funding for 6-Yr Street Construction Plan Appointment to Municipal Arts Commission of Mrs. Jean Musselwhite LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Matter of appropriation for watermain construction Ordinance re Amusement Devices Ordinance re Musical Devices MAYOR City Hall Lunchroom Matter POLICE DEPARTMENT Supervision Renton Air Fair banner placement PARK BOARD Bid for pickup trucks 7/2/73 bid opening STREET DEPARTMENT Supervision Renton Air Fair banner placement r.. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Frontage Road - Highlands SR515 from S.2nd to No. Renton Interchange for further study 104 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 2, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; IN ATTENDANCE G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superinten- dent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; GENE COULON, Park Director and DAVE HAMLIN, Traffic Engineer. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no corrections nor additions to the Council Minutes of 6/25/73 June 25, 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Parking and lished as required by law, Mayor Garrett declared open the Public Hearing Loading on the Parking and Loading Ordinance. Planning Director Ericksen explained Ordinance the intent of the ordinance to provide means of regulating parking to pro- mote the health, safety, morals, general welfare and esthetics of the City, that parking should enhance the enjoyment and efficiency of the various land uses maintaining the value and usefulness of the land for future generations. Planning Director Ericksen presented slides depicting park- ing areas before adoption of landscaping requirements, and then those lots installed under present requirements. Snyopsis of the Parking and Loading (See Later Ordinance changes was given, citing that Building Director given the F Action - authority of police officer to expedite enforcement, right of appeal of Ordinance decision of the Board of Adjustment to the Superior Court, granting of Adopted) deferments, maintenance requirement for landscaping, setting minimum of five feet width landscaping requirements for screening, adding bond provisions, requirements for natural landscaping rather than plastic, and others, explaining ordinance does not apply to single family resi- ential but to R-2 and above. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.. CARRIED. -Presentation of Mayor Garrett presented awards to those members of the Downtown Steering Community Committee present: Mr. John Swanson, Mr. Tony Porcello, Mr. Kay Johnson, Service Mr. Ed Davis, Mr. Bill Favro, Mr. Harry Blencoe and Mr. Don Holm. Those Awards unable to attend: Mr. Alex Cugini, Mr. Joel Gould, Mr. Floyd Hughes, Mr. Charles Ferner, Mr. Phyllip Thorn and Mr. Leonard Williamson. In making the presentations, Mayor Garrett expressed appreciation for time and effort extended by the Downtown Steering Committee in coordina- tion with development project by the City. PUBLIC HEARING This being date set, proper notices having been posted and published as Six-Year Street required by law, the Public Hearing on the Six-Year Street and Arterial and Arterial Construction Plan was declared open by Mayor Garrett. Transportation Construction Committee Chairman Perry recommended adoption of 6-Yr Street Plan. Public Program Plan Works Director Gonnason, with the aid of Traffic Engineer Hamlin, up- dated 6-Yr. Construction Program which will be presented to State Direc- tor of Highways per R.C.W. requirement, explaining two additional arteri- Audience Comments als,Oaksdale Ave. joining Empire Way with S.W. 43rd and Park Ave. N. Mr. E. Budd from N.E. 30th St. to Lake Washington Blvd. N. Public Works Director 2803 Burnett N. Gonnason reported the revenue available,$3.5 million, is considerably less than the $16 million required to meet the plan.Mr. Kay Johnson, Mr. M. Gotti Manager of Renton Chamber of Commerce, requested addition of widening 1005 High Ave.S. Interstate Highway 405. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND ADOPT THE 6-YEAR STREET AND ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SEC- ONDED BY BRUCE, TO AMEND PLAN THAT SR515 RELOCATION, PUGET DRIVE TO CARR ROAD, BE CHANGED TO SR 515 RELOCATION, PUGET DRIVE TO S. 196TH, AND BE PLACED AS NO. 1 UNDER STATE ADMINISTERED PROJECTS. CARRIED. MOVED BY 105 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2, July 2, 1973 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued 6-Year Street STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ITEM NO. 2 UNDER STATE PROJECTS BE Construction SR 515 EXTENSION, GRADY WAY S. TO S. 2ND STREET, CARRIED. MOVED BY Program PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT OF SR 515 FROM S. 2ND TO NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT, THE BOEING COMPANY, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, AND THE PUBLIC TO MEET WITH THE COMMITTEE IN FURTHER STUDIES. CARRIED. (See attached MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ITEM NO. 3 BE SR 515, SOUTH 2ND STREET TO NORTH PARK DR. (NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE) . MOVED BY CLYMER, 6-Year Street SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ITEM NO. 4 BE FAI 405 WITH REVISION OF ON AND OFF Construction RAMPS AND ELIMINATION OF "S" CURVES. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Plan) SECONDED BY CLYMER, ITEM NO. 5 BE MAPLE VALLEY HWY. , BRONSON WAY N. TO HALF BRIDGE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ITEMS (See Later 1 AND 2 UNDER SECONDARY ARTERIALS BE TRANSPOSED, REVERSING THEIR PRIOR- Action - ITY WITH S.W. 43RD ST. AS NO. 1. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 5 AYES Resolution AND 1 NO, PERRY CASTING NEGATIVE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY Adopted) STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT GRANT AVE. S. FROM SOUTH 7TH TO PUGET DRIVE SOUTH, RATHER THAN FROM 10TH, BE ITEM NO. 1 UNDER COLLECTOR ARTERIALS. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, BURNETT AVE. N. FROM LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. N. ( S. TERMINAL) TO LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. N. ( N. TERMINAL) , BE LISTED AS NO. 8 RATHER THAN NO. 11. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, GARDEN AVE. N. , N. 4TH ST. TO N. 8TH ST. , BE LISTED AS ITEM NO. 9 RATHER THAN ITEM NO. 3. CARRIED. Question was called for on original motion as amended, CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER SIX-YEAR STREET AND ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM AS ADOPTED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 10:47 P.M. Roll Call showed all Council- men present as previously shown. MOVED BY STREDZCKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommendedI'm a ent of P 6478 - 6594 Warrants 6478 through 6594 in the amount of $123,065.25 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented the Parking and Loading Ordinance 2787 Ordinance to the Clerk for second and final readincA which was on first Parking and reading June 18, with Public Hearing held earlier this date. Following Loading reading it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. Roll call vote brought unanimous affirmative approval by the Council. MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Ordinance 2788 Legislation Committee Chairman presented ordinance requiring permits for Outdoor Fire all open fires, which was on first reading June 25, and recommended Regulations second and final readings. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON READINGS. ' Following readings, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT'. SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. Roll call vote resulted in 5 AYES and one NO, Stredicke casting negative vote, MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Ordinance re Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented ordinance for first Amusement reading relating to licensing of amusement devices, no longer requiring Devices Council concurrence for placement of machines. Following reading,. it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance re Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented for first reading, an F Musical Device ordinance relating to the licensing of coin-operated music machines z Licensingno longer requiring Council concurrence for placement of machines and no longer requiring a master music license for owner/manager with one machine at place of business, but requiring a sub-license only. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following reading, IT WAS MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. 106 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3, July 2, 1973 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution 1864 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented the 6-Year Urban Six-Year Street Arterial Construction Program Resolution reflecting amendments approved and Arterial at Public Hearing this date and attached hereto, recommending adoption. Construction MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION Program OF COMMITTEE AND PRESENT RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Funding to MATTER OF FINANCING SIX-YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN BE FORWARDED TO THE Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended the City Council surplus the two AND CURRENT structures on the recently purchased Mill Ave. S. property, having them BUSINESS removed due to failure of the structures to meet City Code, the City "Williams and to use the lots temporarily as a parking area and for future develop- Allen" Property ment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S Mill Ave. S. RECOMMENDATION, DECLARING THE FACILITIES SURPLUS AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION. In order to determine whether or not one of the buildings could be used by non-profit organi- zation such as the Y.M.C.A. trying to locate in area, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS ITEM BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Frontage Road Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended the City grant Highlands permission to the property owners on frontage road, southeasterly and adja- cent to N.E. Sunset Blvd. between N.E. 10th and N.E. 12th Streets, Highlands) to utilize the area for parking until required for street, f design changes eliminating need of frontage road for street at present. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Appropriation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested excess revenue in of Excess the amount of $11,286 from Container Corporation be appropriated into r Revenue the Water Utility account $401/534/32/63.80 for watermain construction on Monster Road tie line, and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST. CARRIED. Additional Council President Clymer perused additional items submitted for the Agenda Items Agenda and submitted the following items to the City Clerk for reading: Bid Opening City Clerk Mead presented July 2, bid opening for two '73 1/2 ton 7/2/73 trucks pickup trucks for the Park Department with one bid received as shown on attached bid tabulation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, BID BE REFERRED TO THE PARK BOARD FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER OF POLICY ON NUMBER OF BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO AMEND MOTION TO REFER MATTER OF POLICY ON NUMBER OF BIDS REQUIRED TO VALIDATE BID CALL TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. City Hall Letter from Holm Legal Services representing Mr. Alvina Popke requested Lunchroom settlement by the City with the present operator of the City Hall Contract Lunchroom in order that Mrs. Popke can proceed with the operation of the lunchroom as per agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR AND CITY ATTORNEY FOR FURTHER ACTION. CARRIED. Renton Air Fair Letter from Mr. Arnold Hubner and Mr. Bob Anderson requested waiver of July 28 - 29 permit fee for street banner for the Renton Kiwanis first Renton Air Fair on July 28 and 29, 1973 at the Renton Air Port, any monies derived to be used for support of community programs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE FEE BE WAIVED AND REQUEST GRANTED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE STREET AND POLICE DEPARTMENZS MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mrs. Jean Musselwhite, 812 Jefferson Mrs. Musselwhite Ave. N.E. , to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term, expiring January 1, 1976, replacing Mrs. Hazel O'Harra, and requested Council concurrence. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 107 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4, July 2, 1973 OLD BUSINESS Report on Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented report on use of Plastic Pipe plastic pipe within the City from Acting Building Director Crews, 6/18 referral, recommending no changes in present Plumbing Code and report- ing the use bf plastic piping and fittings has given excellent service when properly installed per Code. 1*w Opinion Councilman Stredicke requested a City Attorney opinion report on Attor- Requested on ney General opinion of Optional Municipal Code Cities relative to the O.M.C. Cities new gambling legislation, particularly opportunities available to OMC Cities as opposed to those that are not. Port of Seattle MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE SUBJECT OF THE PORT OF Expansion in SEATTLE DUWAMISH EXPANSION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES Renton and COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Tukwila MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MATTER OF CITY COUNCIL LET- Olympic Pipe Line TER SIGNED BY WILLIAM J. GRANT RELATIVE TO OLYMPIC SPE LINE COMPANY BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Watermain, etc. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE SUBJECT OF PROPOSED LID FOR L.I.D. Aberdeen ABERDEEN AVE. N.F. BETWEEN N.E. 27TH AND N.E. 28TH, BE REFERRED TO Ave, N.E. THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION. CARRIED. Open Space Upon inquiry of provisions of 'gi$stitute House Bill 53 relating to Open Legislation Space Act, City Attorney Shellan advised governing authority consisted of three members of County legislative body and three members of the City legislative body. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE PRESIDENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPOINT THE THREE MEMBERS REPRESENTING THE CITY OF RENTON IN REGARD TO THE OPEN SPACE LEGISLATION. Motion by Stredicke, seconded by Bruce that the matter be referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole for discussion, FAILED. Motion to authorize Council President to chose members, CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Wayne Goddard, 3707 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , inquired regarding Shoreline Management Act and was advised Public Hearing schedule for 7 July 9, 1973. i ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The Renton City Council Meeting adjourned at 12:05 A.M. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk m I t 104 wARRAr,.I DISTRIBUTION BATE 7/C2/73 BEGIN ENDING TUTAL. WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER N-UMBER WARRANTS vURRENT FUND 6486 6544 $42e861 .64 PARKS AND RECREATIUN 6545 6556 $12x786 .55 r-ITY STREET 6557 6566 $2e127 .74 REG% AND STREET FWD THRUST 6567 6571 $1r335 •52 URBAN ARTERIAL 6572 6573 $11e755 .86 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND 6574 6574 $31#304 .80 j WATERWORKS UTILITY 6575 6582 $6,975.30 AIRPORT 6583 6586 $525#35 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6587 6b94 $13,0392.29 I TOTAL. OF ALL WARRANTS $1230065925 WEt THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCII.j HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE ICOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 6486 THROUGH NO@ 6594 IN THE AMOUNT OF $123e065.25 THIS D2 OF JULY a 1972a FINANCE GUMMJTT i CO MITTEE MEMBER • ��`aM�wAlaw�� CO11r, TTEE MEMBER w�w� � Www�wwaw aw ww w' a:;s wa ww wwa C O M M I T T E C.--kt� 7/2/73 BID TABULY� AT1ON SHEET PROJ EC T • Two 1973 1/2 ton pickup trucks for Park Department DATE . July 2, 1973 BIDDER Sam Younker Motors, Inc.3820 East East Valley Hwy So. Renton, Wash. 98055 $2538.50 ea.r�. $5077.00lus0269;,08 S.T,. CITY COUNCIL A _ EE MEETING CALENDAR ! r Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF July 2, 1973 CaMMTEE DATE T]ME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMNLtTTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER camuNITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHE LERT LEGISLATION PERRY PUBLIC SAFETY Tues. 7/10 7:30 P.M. DELAURENTI Meet with Police Guild re Bill of Rights PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION PERRY OTHER. MEETING$AND EVENTS Tues. 7/3 2:30 P.M. Mayor Garrett 6th Floor Conference Rm Meet with Business Men re Garbage Rates METRO TRANSIT Thurs. 7/5 10:30 A.M. King Co. Adm. Bldg. Regular Meeting of Metro Transit •- Public Invited Thurs. 7/5 3:00 P.M. Room 854 Metro Council Cp SAF - 7.02 - 6/73 EXHIBIT "A" Page 5 of 5 Q SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 1974 - 1979 HEARING DATE July 2, 197ADOPTION DATE 7-2-73 RESOLUTION NO. 1864 (CITY) OFRenton, Washington (TOWN) ROAD F C U R LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH COST ESTIMATE _ ITEM OF STREET N A B R IN NO. ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A TYPE OF WORK MILES 1974 1975 1976 1977-79 TOTAL T S N L SPOT IMPROVEMENTS 1. Wells Ave . Bridge, X Construct new bridge. 420, 000 420, 000 Cedar River 2. Shattuck Ave. Railroad X Construct new railroad 293 , 000 293 , 000 Undercrossing unercrossing. TRANSPORTATION STUDY 1. "Renton Area Transpor Type of Work 90 , 000 90, 000 tation Study" (RATS) 1. Review arterial classification 2 . Review public transport tion systems. 3 . Develop priority rating system for transportati n improvements . TOTAL $16, 677 , 000 1 SAF - 7.02 - 6/73 EXHIBIT "A" r—-image 4 of 5 SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 1974 - 1979 HEARING DATE 7-2-73 ADOPTION DATE 7-2-73 RESOLUTION NO. 1864 (CITY) OFRenton. Washing on (TOWN) ROAD F C U R LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH COST ESTIMATE I TE11 OF STREET N A B R IN NO. ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A TYPE OF WORK MILES 1974 1975 1976 1977-79 TOTAL T S N L COLLECTOR ARTERIALS (CONT) 8. Burnett Ave. N.from 2451 C X Reconstruct roadway with 0 . 6 300 , 00 300, 000 Lk Wash. Blvd. N. (S . curb, drainage , sidewalk, term) to Lk. Wash. illumination, landscaping. Blvd. N. (N. term) 9. Garden Ave. N. , N. 4t 2551 C X Reconstruct roadway with 0 . 5 280, OOC 280, 000 St. to N. 8th St. curb, drainage, sidewalk, illumination, landscaping. 10. S .W. 16th St . , Lind AvE 4902 C X Reconstruct roadway with 0. 9 725 , 00 725, 000 S .W. to Monster Rd. curb, drainage , sidewalk, S .W. illumination, landscaping, new bridge. 11. Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , 3251 C X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 3 1, 340, 00 1, 340, 000 Sunset Blvd. N.E. to curb, drainage , sidewalk, N.E. 27th St . illumination, landscaping. 12 . Talbot Rd. S. , S. 19th 5701 C X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 5 1, 141, OOC 1, 141, 000 St . to S. 43rd St . curb, drainage , sidewalk, illumination, landscaping. 3 . Park Ave. N. & N. 40th 2491 C X Reconstruct -roadway with 0.4 195 , OOC 195, 000 St . , N. E. 30th St . to curb, drainage, sidewalk, Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. illumination, landscaping. AF - 7.02 - t/73 EXHIBIT "A" Page 3 of 5 r..� i� SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 1974 - 1979 HEARING DATE 7-2-73 ADOPTION DATE 7-2-73 RESOLUTION NO. 1864 (CITY) OF Renton, 4 shinaton (TOWN) ROAD F C U R LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH COST ESTIIaTE ITEM OF STREET N A B R IN NO. ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A TYPE OF WORK MILES 1974 1975 1976 1977-79 TOTAL T S N L COLLECTOR ARTERIALS 1. Grant Ave. S . ,S . 7th 5405 C X Construct new roadway with 0. 5 $325 , 000 $325,000 St. to S . Puget Dr . curb, drainage, sidewalk, illumination. 2 . S .7th St . ,Rainier Ave 4802 C X Reconstruct roadway with 0 .5 192 , 000 192, 000 S . to S. Grady Way curb, drainage, sidewalk, illumination, landscaping. 3 . N. E. 12th St. , EdmondE 3552 C X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 0 425, 000 425, 000 Ave. N.E. to Union AVEcurb, drainage , sidewalk, N.E. illumination, landscaping. 4 . Taylor Ave. N.W. & 1003 C X Reconstruct Roadway with 0. 6 300, 000 300, 000 Taylor Pl. N.W. from curb, drainage , sidewalk, Renton Ave. Ext. to illumination, landscaping. Stevens Ave. N.W. 5. Union Ave. N. E. , N.E. 3801 C X Reconstruct roadway with 0 .7 355 , 000 355 , 000 Sunset Blvd. to N.E. curb, drainage, sidewalk, 24t?i St . illumination, landscaping. g 6. N. 30th St . , Burnett 2352 C X Reconstruct roadway with 0.4 150, 000 150, 000 Ave. to FAI 405 curb, drainage , sidewalk, illumination, landscaping. 7 . Monroe Ave .N.E. , N.E. 3401 C X Reconstruct roadway with 1.0 507 , 000 507 , 000 4th St , to N.E curb, drainage , sidewalk St. Aw illumination, Ian( ?ing. , SAF - 7.02 - S/73 ' EXHIBIT "A" ge 2 of 5 SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 197+ - 1979 HEARING DATE 7-2-73 ADOPTION DATE 7-2-73 RESOLUTION Nu. 1864 (CITY) OF Renton . Wash. (TOWN) ROAD F C U R LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LENGTH COST ISTIMATE ITEM OF STREET N A B R IN NO. ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A TYPE OF WORK MILES 1974 1975 19' 6 1977-79 TOTAL T S N L SECONDARY ARTERIALS 1 . S.W. 43rd St. E. Valley Reconstruct roadway with 1. 2 771, 000 771, 0001 1, 542 , 000 Road to W. Valley Road 4102 S X curb, drainage, sidewal'ir, (Joint Project with illumination, railroad City of Kent) crossing structure . Lake Washington Blvd. , 2501 S X Reconstruct roadway as 2. 5 263 , 500 891, 000 971, 500 2 . 126 . 000 N. Park Dr. to N. 44th scenic route with curb, St . (Parkway Section) drainage, sidewalk, illumin ation, landscaping. 3 � Sunset Blvd. N. & N.E. 3203 S X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 7 817 , 500 81'?, 500 1 635 . 000 Bronson Wy N. to N.E. curb, drainage , sidewalk, Pare Dr. illumination, landscaping. 4. S . W. Grady Way, Lind 4202 S X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 2 63--5), 500 2 , 967 , 500 3 , 603 , 000 Ave. S.W. to West curb, drainage, sidewalk, City Limits illumination, new bridge, landscaping. 5. Benson Road S . , S. 5303 S X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 8 733 , 000 733 , 000 Grady Way to S . E. curb, drainage, sidewalk, 31st Street illumination, landscaping. o • v - 7.02 - 6/73 EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of 5 N SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM wP 1974 - 1979 H E A R I NG Dr°,TE 7-1-i ADOPTION DATE 7-2-73 RESOLUTION NO. 1864 (CITY) OF Renton, Wa,,h. (TOWN) ROAD F C U R LOCAL NAME OR U L R U LNGTH COST ESTIMATE ITEM OF STREET N A B R IN N0. ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A TYPE OF WORK MILES 1974 1y%j 1976 i977-79 TOTAL T S N L TATE ADMINISTERED PROJECTS i I 1. SR 515 Relocation, Puget Dr. to S . 196th M X Construct roadway with curb 3 . 0 No Estimate Avail ble drainage , sidewalk ; illumin ation, landscaping. j i 2. SR 515 ' Grady r Gra Wy S. to S. 2nd St. M X Construct/reconstruct road- 0. 6 No Estimate Available way with curb, drainage , i sidewalk, illumination, a landscaping. extension, 3 . SSR 51V S . 2nd to N. M X Construct/reconstruct road- 1. 5 No Estimate Available { Park Dr. (N. Renton way with curb, drainage , Interchange) sidewalk, illumination, Y landscaping. Widening, 4 . FAI 405 M X Revision .of on & off ramps & elimination of "S" curve No Estimate Available 5 . Maple Valley Highway 6003 M X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 8 $100, 000 $100, 000 Bronson Way N. to curb, drainage , sidewalk, (City sure only Half Bridge illumination, landscaping. Y 115 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JULY 2 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 833:'.3 $ 5, 00 Robert S. Coad 1632 Jones Dr . S. E. Patio Cover 3394 5. 00 Renton Radiator Shop 62 Logan Ave. S. Demolish Res. W339.5 20. 00 George McNeil 517 Union Ave . N. Const. addit. exist . resi dej 3396 .5. 00 Doug Johnson 2..100 Lk. Wn . Blvd. N. storage shed 3397 5. 00 Edward Thomas Schomberg 2924 Monterey Ave.NE carport into family room 3398 5 . 00 William L. McLaughlin , Jr. 3217 NE Sunset Blvd. demolish bld, ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4140 520. 00 Dan Dymarkowski 2020 N. E. 24th St. wiring new resin 414.1 13. 00 Q M Enterprises .1606 Glenwood Ave. SE rewire new resi 4142 2.5 . 00 Louis Barei 302 Wells Ave. . S undergrd convey 4143 10. 00 Mathewson ' s Rainier Tire 271 Rainier Ave . N. undergrd conver 4144 10. 00 Les Danielson 3030 NF. 12th St. (2) services under, 4145 12. 00 Hungry Wolf Restaurant Renton Shopping Center undergrd convey 4146 2 . 00 Alex Cugini , Jr. 91 Williams Ave. S. undergrd conver 4.247 13. 00 Magrath Royal Homes 2003 Vashon Ave.NE wire new resides 4.148 5 , 00 McGrath Royal Homes 4204 NE 20th St. instl temp. ser, 4149 10. 00 Paul Houser 451 Williams Ave N inst .serv.panel 4150 43. 70 Seattle lst Nat ' l Bank 311 Williams Ave . S. undergrd conver 4151 30. 00 Cora Vandusen 1190 Sunset. Blvd. NE undergrd conver 4152 13. 00 Renton Lutheran Church 200 Whitworth Ave S undergrd conver 4153 22. 20 Dan Davis & Associates 211 Morris Ave S undergrd conver 4154 VOID 41.55 20. 00 Citizens Savings & Loan 201 Williams Ave . S. undergrd Conver IL CHANICAL PERMITS 3571 $.12 . 50 Q M Enterprizes 1602 Glenwood Ave ,SE instl fixtures 3572 7. 00 Earl Arfsten 861 Aberdeen Ave NE inst. gas furnace 3573 8. 00 Group Health Cooperative 275 Branson Wy NE plumbng & fixtui 3574 7. 00 Richard L. Marsden 900 Harrington Ave NE inst . refrigera- tion unit/blower 3575 7. 00 McGrath Royal Homes 2009 Vashon Ave NE inst. gas furnace SEWER PERMITS 1883 Chad Jensen 627 - 12th SW connect side sewer 116 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 9, 1973 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER* Summons and Complaint - Mr. James F. Barnia* Optional Municipal Code Cities - Re: SHB 711 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Communication from Attorney - re Substitute House Bill 53 - Open Space Act COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Chairman Grant to attend Public Hearing - Port of Seattle Expansion Use of City-owned property for temporary Y.M.C.A. Ordinance setting guidelines of Environmental Impact Statement FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Claim - Mr. Charles Shane LABOR AND MANAGEMENT COKMTTTEE Petition re Union. Meiikoet.ship^ LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance re Uniform Building Code PLANNING COMMISSION Limitation of Oil Tank Facilities APPOINTMENTS Mr. Gary Kittelson - Patrolman - Permanent position - Police Dept. 117 RIINM4 CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 9, 1973 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chamh_ers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TEGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; GENE COULON, Park Director; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; and CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no corrections or additions to the Council Minutes of July 2, 7/2/73 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Shoreline as required by law, Mayor Garrett declared open the Public Hearing on the Management Shoreline Management Ordinance. Chairman Perry of the Legislation Com- Ordinance mittee presented report of the Committee recommending that the ordinance regulating developments on the shorelines of the City of Renton by requir- ing permits and approval by the Director of Planning be placed on first reading. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry explained that the Committee had made a change in the ordinance increasing the membership of the Board from seven to eleven, feeling being that there should be more citizen participation. Councilman Stredicke objected to the Committee changing the ordinance from the previous recommendations of the Council, feeling that any changes should be done by an amendment to the ordinance. After some additional discussion, the MOTION CARRIED. The Deputy City Clerk read the ordinance. Mayor Garrett asked Planning Director Ericksen to make a presentation. Mr. Ericksen explained that this ordinance was drawn up pursuant to the Shoreline Management Act of 1971, Initiative 43B, which was approved by the voters. The ordinance establishes certain procedures for processing permits and formalizes some of the procedures that have already been established, providing for penalties for violations. Since Renton has approximately fifteen miles of shoreline within the City Limits, encompassing Lake Washington, Green River, Cedar River, Black River, May Creek and Springbrook Creek, this being a very valuable asset to the City, it was felt necessary to pass legislation to protect them. The State Department of Ecology established the boundaries of the creeks and rivers in the City by the determination based on the mean annual flow of twenty cubic feet per second. The Planning Director will have the admini- strative power and the Building Director will have the power to enforce compliance. No fee schedule has been established at this time. Audience Comments Mr. Yoshinaka inquired if the $1,000 limitation applied to repairs. Mr. Mr. Ken Yoshinaka Ericksen explained that it does not providing the repair is of an emer- 3805 Lk. Wn. Blvd.gency nature. Emergency repair is exempt. Any development that exceeds N. $1,000 will come under the ordinance. Mr. Hauth inquired about private Mr. George Hauth residences below the 35 foot height. These would also be exempt. Mr. 3717 Lk. Wn. Ericksen also explained that they proposed a graduated fee schedule, Blvd. N. rather than a set fee, feeling this would be the more equitable way to handle the fee schedule. Other cities in the area varying in fees from Mr. Tom Teasdale $25 to $200. Mr. Teasdale inquired why only a portion of the Black River 506 S. 15th St. came under the act and Mr. Ericksen explained this was established by the State Department of Ecology based on water flow. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. 118 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 - July 9, 1973 Citizen's Mayor Garrett invited members of the audience or any interested citizen Advisory that might want to serve on the Citizen's Advisory Committee provided Committee for in the Shoreline Management ordinance to submit their names for consideration. Ordinance 2789 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON Shoreline SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. The Clerk read the ordinance Management again. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous affirmative approval by the Council. Audience Comments Upon inquiry by Mr. Clark Teegarden, Chairman of the Planning Commission, Mr. C. Teegarden on the subject of Port of Seattle Duwamish expansion, Chairman Grant 264 Seneca P1. NW of the Community Services Committee submitted the Committee's report recommending that the Port of Seattle not proceed with expansion within Mrs. Patricia the city limits of the City of Renton. They also recommended that the Seymour City Council meet with the Port Commissioners in the immediate future 2534 Burnett Ct. to discuss the proposed expansion. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY South SCHELLERT, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE'S REPORT AND HAVE Port of Seattle CHAIRMAN GRANT ATTEND THE PUBLIC HEARING REPRESENTING CITY OF RENTON. Expansion Mrs. Pat Seymour concurred in Mr. Teegarden and Councilman Stredicke's concern with the impact of the Port of Seattle expansion. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Mike Barden Mr. Barden inquired into the status of using house owned by the City 1020 Tacoma NE on Mill Avenue S. as a temporary Y.M.C.A Headquarters. CITY- City-Owned MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE QUESTION OF THE CITY- CA. in OWNED BUILDINGS ON MILL AVENUE S. BE TAKEN FROM THE TABLE. MOTION City- Property CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE USE OF THE PROPERTY BY THE Y.M.C.A. BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:30 P.M. Roll Call showed all Council- men present as previously shown. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment 6595 - 6722 of Warrants 6595 through 6722 in the amount of $404,587.65 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES & Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented report recommending second RESOLUTIONS and final readings on an ordinance relating to licensing of coin-operated Ordinance 2790 and similar music devices. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT Musical Device THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. The Licensing Clerk read the ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, First Reading 7/2 THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. Roll call vote was unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2791 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented ordinance relating to Amusement Device licensing of amusement devices for second and final readings. MOVED BY Licensing SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION TO PLACE First reading 7/2 ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. The Clerk read the ordi- nance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. Roll call vote brought unanimous affirmative approval by the Council. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Ordinance re Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented ordinance for first Uniform Building reading and referral back to Committee relating to the Uniform Building Code Code, 1970 edition, Volume I, together with Uniform Building Code Stand- ards for Volume I, 1970 edition. This amendment includes the appendix to the Building Code standards to our ordinance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. The Clerk read the ordinance. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. 119 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 - July 9, 1973 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bid Award Letter from Park Director Gene Coulon submitted Park Board recommenda- 2 - 1973 1/2 tion for acceptance of bid for two 1973 1/2 ton pick-up trucks from ton Trucks Younker Motors, Inc. in the amount of $5,346.08, including tax. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD. Upon inquiry, Park Director Coulon responded that the bids had been published according to law in the legal publication and also • in the Daily Journal of Commerce and in addition, a bid invitation had been extended to several local and valley dealers who dealt in trucks . MOTION CARRIED. Petition re The Clerk read a petition submitted by twenty members of the Engineer- Union Member- ing, Traffic, Building and Planning Departments which stated that they ship were happy and content working here without union representation a�la did not want to become members of any union, but that if, in the future, they did need union representation, that they have the opportunity of join- ' ing a union of their own choice. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER TO THE LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilmen Stredicke and Schellert, City Attorney Shellan replied that House Bill 53, authorizing the union shop, was passed by the 1973 Legislature and that the Contract with bargaining unit Local 21R states which departments and divisions of the City have a majority of union members; and advised that legally the City cannot interfere with the right of union membership. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry of the motion to refer to the Committee, Mr. Shellan advised that a member of the Union be present and a letter be sent to each of the people who signed the petition. MOTION CARRIED. Claim Letter from Mr. Charles Shane, owner of the Sahara Tavern, requested and C. Shane re demanded all monies paid to the City of Renton for all fees not covered Amusement under Ordinance No. 1659, covered by Ordinance No. 1628. MOVED BY Device CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Licensing MOTION CARRIED. Summons and The Clerk read copy of Summons and Complaint No. 768123 from Mr. James F. Complaint Barnia regarding alleged illegal impoundment of an automobile. MOVED BY J. Barnia SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. 1 APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. Gary Kittelson to permanent Gary Kittelson position as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, effective 8/1/73, Police Dept. having completed his six-month probationary period. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Bruce inquired regarding removal of barricades placed in the lane of traffic in the North Renton Interchange. Public Works Director Gonnason was requested to look into the matter. Glacier Park Chairman Grant of the Community Services Committee presented a report on Industrial the application by Glacier Park Industrial Property for proposed landfill Property for a 56-acre parcel of property which is zoned Manufacturing Park, the Committee has determined that this is a major action, but there are insigni- ficant effects. Glacier Park Properties has filed an Environmental Assess- ment Statement and have agreed to work with the Committee to set aside several acres of property in this area for the preservation of wildlife. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. Letters were read from Mr. Kevin Daniel, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brewster and Mike Brewster which encouraged preservation of marshland. Olympic Pipe Community Services Committee report concurred in the request of the Line Applica- Olympic Pipe Line Company to make a crossing of the Cedar River; however, tion acknowledged this will not be a determining factor as to whether a fran- chise is granted at a future date. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMUNICATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE SUBJECT OF AN ORDINANCE SETTING GUIDELINES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY 120 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 - July 9, 1973 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Olympic Pipe GRANT, THAT AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BE REQUIRED OF THE OLYMPIC Line Applica- PIPE LINE COMPANY TO ACCOMPANY THEIR APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL FRANCHISE. tion Councilman Grant submitted copy of letter he sent to people living along the proposed pipe line and copies of 35 petitions received from them. The letter expressed his concern to them having an additional pipe line put through parallel to existing pipe line on or abutting their prope Discussion then ensued as to whether some higher authority than the C' of Renton could allow them to go through the City. City Attorney She was requested to pursue the matter of jurisdiction over the City right-of- ways. Moved by Schellert, Seconded by Bruce, to refer to the Committee of the Whole. Motion failed. MOTION TO REQUIRE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT CARRIED. Councilman Schellert abstained from voting. Frontage Road Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted the Committee's report Sunset Blvd. NE on the elimination of the Frontage Road, Sunset Boulevard N.E. for the Clerk to read. The Committee concurs in the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the Frontage Road that extends between N.E. 10th and N.E. 12th Streets on the south side of Sunset Boulevard N.E. be eliminated. They further recommended that the City grant permission to the adjacent property owners to utilize the area for parking until such time as the City may require the area for street purposes. Public Works Director Gonnason gave a presentation with a map showing the designated area and what they proposed to do with it, showing that actual access to the shopping area would be improved and certain traffic hazards, now present, would be eliminated. Discussion ensued on various aspects of the responsi- bilities of the merchants for converting the road to parking area and responsibility for landscaping. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Attendance at Councilman Stredicke asked to be notified of all Committee meetings fz� Committee now on, also Human Rights Commission meetings. He was assured that al Meetings Councilmen would be notified, including the Human Rights Commission meetings. Optional Councilman Stredicke raised the question of the rights of Optional Municipa. Municipal Code Code Charter cities as regards SHB 711 (Gambling) . Attorney General's Cities Opinion that OMC cities did not qualify as Class I cities under this act. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO FILE THE NECESSARY COURT ACTION. Councilman Clymer suggested writing letters to legislators asking what their intentions were to exclude OMC cities and ask them to amend the act, rather than going through the courts. After some further discussion with City Attorney Shellan upon recourse, DELAURENTI MOVED, SCHELLERT SECONDED, TO AMEND THE MOTION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR RECOMMENDATION, MOTION CARRIED. MOTION, AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Broadacres Councilman Stredicke brought up the communication from the City Attorney Application regarding the provisions of Substitute House Bill 53 relating to Open I Open Space Space Act, remarking that according to this, the Planning Commission still has jurisdiction, and upon their determination will still be referred to the City Council for action. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ON THE SPECIAL ACT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Councilman Grant asked that the record show that he left Council Chambers and took no part in any discussion or any action. MOTION CARRIED. Oil Tanks MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE LIMITATION OF OIL TAN FACILITIES BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CJNMER, PhAT ThE MEETING ADJ OUPt4. MOTION CtiRRIED. The meeting adjourned at 11:33 P.M. Maxine Motor, Deputy City Clerk jt Y 13®WU 33111WWOO 3VW3W 331 W00 mmm do N' 3W 33111W 0 i 1 33111 0 30NVNIJ foist t A1nf j0 90 SIMI 994L99fti0M* j0 1NnOW9 3HI N1 'V I •ON HanOWH1 0099 •ON 9N3H3nOA lN3WAVd 009 3ACHddV A03Y3N ; Oa fO1V3ON3b X10 03AI303a N339 3AVH 833TAN39 N0100 3S10NVH3a7JN 1VH1 NOTiV3IJ1ib30 191N3Wlard3a 03AI333N ONIAVH f110003 Alt , NO1N3N 3H1 AO 3311IWWO0 30NVNI9 IHl Aa 8b39W3W 03NOTOMIaNn 3H1 r3A ; 594L99•410*• s1NVNNVM 11V J0 1V101 t 28. 629019 220 ELL9 ,V1NU 1NUdl(153 99.61L• 2tL9 LOL9 la®dWiV 694992141** 9019 9699 AlIltin SNNOM631VM 1E4969092S 41699 1699 ONnj N0110nWISN00 1NOdWIV EE441L9*262* 0699 6L99 1VrH31HV NVQWM 89"Ta rEEs ML99 9999 1snWH1 OMA 133N1s aNV •030 954 *Z** 41999 L5:99 131HIS A111 684Z20r** 9899 EE99 NOI1V3W33N ONV SXMVd 1549E®®2e ZE99 0099 aNnA 1N3da110 sINVNNVM M3gWnN H39WnN NOIldIN383a aNnj Ac lNnowy 1NV98VM 1NVNNYM IVlal DNIaN3 NI03Q EL1901L 31Va NOI1n9IN18I0 1NVSMVM Iv t i 1 � CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF July 9 , 1973 COMMITTEE DATE T CHAIRMAN LOC AT ION RFRy�; COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tues . 7/17 8 : 00 PM CLYMER. Council Chambers CaMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs . 7/12 8: 00 PM GRANT 3rd F1 . Conf. Room Meet with County Flood Control & Burlington Northern FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Thurs . 7/12 5 : 00 PM SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon . 7,116 7 : 00 PM PERRY Councilman ' s Offic PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 7/11 7: 30 PM DELAURENTI Cancel meeting of Tues . , 7/10 - Renton Police Guild to discuss PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE Bill of Rights . TRANSPORTATION Tues . 7117 7: 00 PM PERRY OTHER MEETIMIAND EVENTS Port of Seattle Hearing Tues . 7/10 2 : 00 PM Bell Street Termi- Expansion in Renton-Ea:-lington nal Port of SeattlE Industrial Park Office �"1 123 O-PFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JULY 9, 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS "LIDING PERMITS �® AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3399 $ 139. 00 The Boeing Company PO Box 3707, Seattle Miscellaneous Const , 3400 20. 00 Renton Village Co. 15 S Grady Way Const Partitions 3401 5 . 00 Mario J Favro 3533 SE 5th ST Re-roof residence 3402 89. 00 Kelso Const. Co. 2022 Aberdeen Pl SE Const. SIF residence 3403 29. 00 Charles E Gibson 2008 NE 20th ST 1/2bsmt. Addtn.l . room 3404 9 . 00 M A Melcher 1805 Lake Ave S Storaqe She.d/cF vo-F MECHANICAL PERMITS M3576 $ 17. 00 Rigby Development Co 914 S 30th Pl Install plumbing fxes 3577 18. 50 Alex Cugini 611 Renton Ave S Inst. BTU Furn, air Gond, compressor, air cleaner 3578 17. 00 Kelso Const. Co 2016 Aberdeen P1 SE Inst . Plii-b. & OYtj 3579 21 . 50 McKinney Const. 3837 Lk Wn Blvd N Inst . P1 ., .b. t: 3580 4. 50 Gary F Hoffman 845 Index Ct NE Replc. wtr.htr . ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4156 2Pe. 00 The Boeing Company Boeing Renton P1nt . Misc. .7'lect.rical Work 4157 10. 00 James Balkan 3624 NE 10th ST Inst. New Service 58 5 . 00 Elling Halvorson Inc. 601 SW 7th St Inst . temp. service 59 10. 00 Wilbur L Repp 815 N 3rd ST Inst . elect, pa lic 'ta, !IN60 12. 00 Riley Landacre 2517 Aberdeen Ave NE Pmp. house ,bon y,ligit 4161 10. 00 Evelyn Manifold 78 Williams Ave S Undergnd. Conv6rsion 4162 10. 00 Evelyn Manifold 74 Williams Ave S Undorgnd. Conversion 4163 10. 00 Ms . Victorino Pipo 1417 S 27th St Inst. 200 amp servic* 4 cots & fire alarm 4164 14. 00 Maurice McGrath 's 2009 Vashon Ave NE Wire new residence Royal Homes 4165 10. 00 Williams & Swanson S 2nd & Burnett Ave SConvr � . undergrvcatad SIGN PERMITS S 297 no fee Kiwanis Club, Renton S 2nd & Wells Ave S Inst . Air F4 , , 8annex SEWER PERMITS 1884 Chad Jensen 407 Grandey Way NE Connect 1885 W L Sernaker 1.313 N 38th Connect 'si;. r RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 16, 1973 municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER* Claim for Damages - Storgel-Abney, Inc. Claim for Damages - Kurt D. Pflughoft Claim for Damages - GAC Finance Corporation COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Discussion on Work Incentive Program COMMUNITY SE11VICES CUMMITTEE Ordinance re Uniform Building Code Sign. Code Review - Meeting with Businessmen Appointments - Citizens' Shoreline Advisory Committee LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance - Work Incentive Program Resolution No. 1855 Communication PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Voucher No. 6771. Shepard Ambulance PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bid opening - Traffic Signalization Equipment Sewer Connection Request - Mr. Steve Giovanelli Water Rate Study Now t =l •• RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 16, 1973 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, �. COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; HUGH DARBY, Police IN ATTENDANCE Chief; WARREN GONNASON, Director of Public Works; RICHARD GEISSLER, Ass t. Fire Chief; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; GERARD M. SHELLAN, City Attorney, JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant to Mayor; G. Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; TED BENNETT, Finance Department. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no corrections or additions to the Council Minutes of July 90 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Ordinance re Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted report recommending the Uniform Building ordinance relating to the Uniform Building Code, 1970 edition, Volume I, Code together with Uniform Building Standards, Volume I, 1970 edition, includ- First Reading ing adoption of the appendix, be placed on its second reading and referred 7/9/73 to the Community Services Committee for recommendation. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. After reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY TO REFER TO THE _COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Council- man Stredicke inquired why it was necessary to refer it again to committee. Councilman Perry replied that during the Legislation Committee meeting, the Building Director had some reservations on mining and grading included in the appendix. MO'T'ION CARRIED. Ordinance re The Legislation Committee report recommended the ordinance establishing Work Incentive special fund entitled "Work Incentive Program". be placed on its first, secon Program "WIN" and final reading and adopted. The Committee further recommended that a memorandum from the Mayor to all Councilmen, dated July 3, 1973 be read "New Careers" prior to the ordinance. The Clerk read the memorandum from the Mayor which explained the "WIN" Program, administered by the Washington State Dept. of Employment Security with objectives to place welfare clients in posi- tions with possibility of permanent employment. WIN reimburses the City in full for wages and fringe benefits during the one-year tenure of the program with stipulation that the City absorb these employees after one year. Five entry level positions have been filled with WIN candidates, a Utility bookkeeper, Finance Dept. , parking control officer, Police Dept. , and two laborers, Public Works Dept. Two of the five contribute to affirma- tive Action goals. The New Careers program is part of Manpower Area Plan- ning Consortium of which Renton is a member. This program is for indi- viduals whose incomes fall below the poverty line, are unemployed or under- employed, and are committed to an intensive training program. It combines on-the-job training with academic training and provides 80% of the salary the first year, 40% the second year and then permanent status. A memo was also read from Finance Director Gwen Marshall requesting transfer of $21,508.00 from Estimated Excess Revenue to the Work Incentive Program Fund to pay salaries and fringe benefits until the Grant Funds are reim- bursed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. MOTION CARRIED. The ordinance was read. After some ensuing discussion regarding future need for a second ordinance for the New Careers program and that the personnel hired under the WINS Program were not additional personnel, but replacements, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND READING. MOTION CARRIED. The ordinance was read again. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION TION OMMIT E FOR ONE WEEK. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 - July 16, 1973 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bid Opening Clerk presented July 11, bid opening for Traffic Signal Systems with Traffic two bids received as shown on attached bid tabulation. No departmental Signalization recommendation made as yet. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO Equipment REFER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1855 Letter was read from Deputy City Clerk Motor notifying of the expira- Notification tion of sixty days since Resolution 1855 was published, per the of Passage of request of the City Council at the time of passage. Resolution 1855 Sixty Days declares City's intent to adopt the powers of Initiative and Referendum by ordinance after the expiration of ninety days without a referendum petition having been filed. The resolution was adopted pursuant to Senate Bill 2190. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Damages The Clerk read copy of claim from Storgel-Abney, Inc. , Kent, signed Storgel-Abney, by Perry Abney, President, for alleged loss of portion of pole order Inc. for TOPICS Project. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THIS CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. I Sewer Connection Clerk read request from the Public Works Department from Mr. Steve Request Giovanelli, 8042 Langston Road, to connect his residence to the Mr. Steve Earlington School Sanitary Sewer 'Trunk Line. The property lies out- Giovanelli side the city limits, but is within the service area of the trunk main 8042 Langston Rd. and does abut on said main. Further the property is located within Late Corner that area covered by an agreement for late comers between the City of Renton and the Renton School District. Public Works Director Gonnason Agreement recommended that a permit be granted upon payment of the late comer fee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Water Rate A letter from Daniel J. Reed of Public Service Consultants was read Study expressing the desire to discuss with the Council. or the Utilities Committee his ideas relating to municipal rates for water service. A memorandum from Public Works Director Gonnason to the Mayor was also read stating that he discussed the matter of City water rates with Mr. Reed on several occasions, and was preparing a report for the Finance and Personnel Committee and hoped to have it ready by July 20 so that a meeting could be set up for further consideration. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PRESENTATION FOR MAKING A WATER RATE STUDY BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. After some discussion, a substitute motion was made, CLYMER MOVED, BRUCE SECONDED, TO REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE ON THIS MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Damages Clerk read claim submitted by Frederick D. Pflughoft on behalf of his Kurt D. minor son, Kurt D. Pflughoft, for alleged injuries for an accident on Pflughoft, a the City of Seattle, Cedar River Pipeline right-of-way between S.E. 16th minor St. and 120th Ave. S.E. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE I14SURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Damages Clerk read claim submitted by GAC Finance Corp. , 901 3rd St. , Renton, GAC Finance Corp. for glass damage alleged caused by stone thrown by City truck. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. Audience Comment Mr. William Boyer of Northwest Brokers, 323 S. 3rd St. (formerly SRS Mr. William Realty) said that he received a letter from the Building Department that Boyer the sign over his place of business would have to be moved to conform with the Sign Code, that it was hanging over the sidewalk about four feet. Mr. Boyer stated he had recently purchased this business and was not told about it by the former owner, and had also been requested by the City to furnish insurance for said sign. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE REQUEST TO REVIEW BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY 127 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 - July 16, 1973 AUDIENCE COMMENT (Continued) Sign Code SERVICES COMMIT'T'EE. Upon inquiry, Acting Building Director Wes Crews stated that letters had been sent to all businesses with signs not conforming to the Code. About four years ago Public Hearings were held which were attended by sign owners, sign manufacturers and other people interested and the present sign code was enacted in September, 1969. All nonconforming signs which have a replacement value of over $500 were given four years to be brought up to standards or removed. Councilman Stredicke suggested that if the people in the real estate business want to get together and meet with Council Committee, that the Chairman of the Committee would let Mr. Boyer know of the meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Tom Teasdale Mr. Teasdale commented that he had also received a letter pertaining 124 Williams S. to a pole sign at his place of business which overhangs the street about two feet. Voucher Approval Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schel.lert recommended payment L.I.D. 277 of Warrants 6723 through 6930 in the amount of $109,038.98 having R-1 $11,787.66 received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or C-1 $11.787.66 services rendered. It includes Warrant 6771 for services payable to Shepard Ambulance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED DELAURENTI THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. Councilmen Perry, Bruce and Stredicke questioned the payment .for Warrant 6771. to Shepard Ambulance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PEP2.Y, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO REMOVE WARRANT 6771. FOR FURTHER REVIEW. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER OF PAYMENT OF SHEPARD AMBULANCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY GRAN'T', SECONDID BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:30 P.M. Roll Call showed all Coancilmen present except Councilmen Clymer and Bruce, who appeared L;z-,:i,:my afterwards. AP1?0INTMI'•N1S Letter :From Mayor Garrett was read appointing the following persons Ci.ti.zens' Shure-- -to the Citizens' Shoreline Advisory Board in conformance with Ordinance line Advisory No. 2789: Mr. Don Htunble, 360 Stevens Ave. S.W. ; Mr. Alex Cugini, Jr. , Committee 611 Renton Ave. S. ; Mr. Arthur D. Scholes, .1708 Ferndale Ave S.E. ; Mrs. Dorothy Herbert, 3923 N.E. 6th St. ; Mr. Robert Bigno li, 1308 Thomas Lane, Apt. 107; Petr. Robert W. Schalkle, 664 Sunset Blvd. N.E. ; Miss Debra Gustafson, 909 Union Ave. N.E. ; Mrs. Sharon Neglay, 656 Lind Ave. N.W. ; Mr. W. Stewart Pope, 3713 Talbot Rd. S. ; Mr_ . William Goddard, 3707 Lake Washington Blvd. N. ; Mr. Robert L. Phelps, 3831 Lake Washington Blvd. N. The Mayor's letter urged action as soon as possible so the Committee could start its work. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER OF THE APPOINTMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MO'T'ION CARRIED. Personnel Director Letter from Mayor Garrett was read appointing Mr. Kenneth J. White Mr. K. J. White to the position of Personnel Director for the City of Renton. Mr. White is presently employed as Personnel Director for Billings Deaconess Hospital in Billings, Montana and has a background providing him with a full range of personnel and administrative experience. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT OF THE NEW PERSONNEL DIRECTOR TO THE COMMI'T'TEE OF THE WHOLE. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Grant announced that the Community Services Committee would Glacier Parrs hold an informational meeting with representatives from Burlington- Industrial Northern, King County Department of Hydraulics and the Soil Conserva- Property tion Bureau regarding Earlington Flats area. Port of Seattle Councilman Grant reported that he had attended the Port of Seattle meeting as requested by the Council last week, reporting to them that Renton wouldn't want any action taken on the proposed inclusion of the Earlington Industrial Parks with the Port of Seattle. The City of Tukwila is anxious to be excluded from the boundaries of } Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 - July 16, 1973 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Port of Seattle the Commission. The Port of Seattle excluded Renton anyway. Mr. Dick Ford of the Port of Seattle would like to meet with the Community Ser- vices Committee. Y.M.C.A in City- Councilman Grant requested the Building Director to hold up on any action Owned Property regarding the two homes on Mill Ave. S. that belong to the City until the Community Services Committee has a chance to meet with representatives of the Y.M.C.A to review possibilities of that organization using one of buildings. Funding of L.I.U. Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted a 270 - Sanitary Committee report that concurred in the recommendation of the Finance Sewers on the Director recommending a negotiated sale of LID bonds to the City's Shores of Lake Financial Consultant, Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation. Chair- Washington man Schellert said that some time ago the subject of funding L.I.D. 270 was referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee for permanent funding. The Final Assessment Rolls have been sent out, the amount of funding required is $71,700.87. Because this is a small issue, we would not recommend a public sale of bonds. The Finance Director has recommended that we negotiate for the sale of the bonds with Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CON- CUR IN THE COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Stredicke asked if Seattle-Northwest we had a proposal from our Financial Consultant. The Clerk read the Securities Corp. report from Mr. Richard T. Kennedy that the bonds are to mature on or Mr. R. Kennedy, before August 1, 1985 and are to bear interest, payable annually, at Vice President the rate of 6-3/8%. Bonds will be in the denomination of $1,000 each, with the exception of bond number one, which is in the denomination of $700.87. The offer was subject to certain standard conditions. Mr. Kennedy was in the audience to answer any questions. MOTION CARRIED. When asked what the percentage of interest was on the L.I.D. roll, Mr. Ted Bennett replied that it was at the rate of 6-1/2%. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE OFFER OF SEATTLE- ...� NORTHWEST SECURITIES. MOTION CARRIED. Landlord-Tenant Councilman Perry inquired re Landlords and Tenants Legislation and the Responsibility City's responsibility. City Attorney Shellan said he would look into Act the matter and report. Welcome Back Councilman Stredicke extended a welcome back to the Mayor's Administrative Assistant Jack Lynch from his two-week military leave. Downtown Project Councilman Stredicke brought up the matter of closing the downtown streets, Street Closure saying that traffic at all times was necessary in order to have customers During Con- for the downtown businesses. Councilman Perry also remarked that portions struction of Sunset Blvd. N.E. had been closed and rerouted. Mayor Garrett said that a short closure would probably speed up the project. Public Works Director Gonnason was asked to look into the matter . W.I.N. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE WORK INCENTIVE PROGRAM TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR A SHORT DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED. Conflict of Councilman Bruce said that Councilman Grant had requested an opinion Interest from the other Councilmen on the ethics of his voting, or taking part in discussions, on the question of the application from Broadacres for Open-Space Classification. Councilman Grant left the Council Chambers during the discussion. City Attorney Shellan said it was illegal for the other Councilmen to make a motion deciding whether Mr. Grant had a right to vote. He quoted from the Code of Ethics, that if Councilman Grant had a remote interest, was only a salaried employee, and if his employment was not contingent upon the way he voted, then he has a right to vote, but not to cast a deciding vote. Upon inquiry from other Councilmen about their employment in various industries, City Attorney Shellan said that it was a matter of personal conscience whether they participate in anything that comes before the Council affecting the company they work for, and the same rules would apply. 1 i Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 5 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Barricades on Councilman Bruce brought up the question of the barricades on the North Renton North Renton Interchange. Public Works Director Gonnason said that Interchange Traffic Engineer Hamlin reported the barricades were necessary until the traffic signal system was installed. Airport Improve- Councilman Schellert reported that the Airport Commission had submitted ment Funding an application for additional funding of $50,000 from the Washington State Aeronautics Commission. It has tentatively been approved. Councilman Stredicke asked Airport Director Del Bennett when they will be ready to move into Phase III. Mr. Bennett replied that they were moving into the planning stage at the present time. Councilman Stredicke inquired why the City did not build the restaurant building and then lease it to a restaurant operator. Airport Director Bennett replied the Airport does not have funds to build an approximately $400,000 restaurant, that they would only lease the ground on a long term lease for private enterprise to build and operate the restaurant. It was advertised in the Washington Restaurant Magazine and they have two written requests from restaurant operators at present. Audience Comment Mr. Barden inquired about locating Y.M.C.A. in city-owned property on Mr. Mike Barden Mill Ave. S. He was told the Community Services Committee would meet 1020 Tacoma N.E. with him regarding this matter. Adjournment MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at at 10:45 F.M. Maxine Motor, Deputy City Clerk jt 1 30 WARRANT OISTrtI ?IjTlUrj DATE 1/15/73 bEr;IN ENDING TOTAL vNAgQANT wAkRANT AMOUNT OF FUNt DESCRIPTION NU48ER NUMTsEK wARRA.vT3 CijkRE.NT FUND 6735 67F42 $�19514,b4 PARKS AND RECREATION 6783 6807 $59787,87 CITY STREET 6►i0A 6820 b4s41.3.93 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 6.921 6822 `120.3a LIBkARY hd23 6856 $5:016,50 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 6857 6860 $466.65 REG. ANU STREET FwD THRUST 61461 b867 $1 +504.97 URHAN AKTEPIAL 61468 6874 $139544.54 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 6875 6876 $b9602.08 WATERwriRKS UTILITY 6877 0890 $22627.02 AIRPORT 61491 6897 $1 +582.73 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6898 6915 $229233.43 FIFEMENtS PENSION 5916 b930 $1 .645.24 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 1109, 036.98 i wE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEmsER5 OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTO.v CITY CJUNCILs HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE: AND/OR SERVICES HAVE REIN RECFIVED OR kENUEkED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 6735 THROtIGH NU. 6930 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1099038*96 THIS 16 OF JULY 1972. FINANCE COMMITTEE LID 2770 REVENUE-I $11 ,787.66 LID 277, CASH-1 $11 ,787.66 - - - - --- C MITTEE mLmPER__-� _ CO ' ITTEE MEM COMMI EE mEmREH 131 Office of the City Clerk July 16 , 1973 .�. BID TABULATION PROJECT: TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS BID OPENING: 7/11/73 - 2 :00 PM Eagle Signal Company Bid Bond Addendum Affirmative Action c/o Harlan Baxter & Ass . 10655 NE 4th , Suite 400 EEO Minimum Non-collusion Bellevue , WA 98004 Wage PACKAGE #1 PACKAGE #2 PACKAGE #3 PACKAGE #4 $310, 778. 00 $321 ,086 . 00 $281 ,439. 00 $291 , 747. 00 310, 778. 21 * 321 ,104. 98* 281 ,439. 52* 291 , 766 . 29* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Multisonics Development Corp. C. C. Addendum Affirmative Action PO Box 350 San Ramon , CA 94507 EEO Minimum Non-collusion Wage PACKAGE #1 PACKAGE #2 PACKAGE #3 PACKAGE #4 $313 ,182. 26 $320,975. 46 $292 ,544. 46 $300 ,336 . 66 1-----------------------------------•-------------------•-----------.-- ENGINEER 'S ESTIMATE PACKAGE #1 PACKAGE #2 PACKAGE #3 PACKAGE #4 $308,445. 00 $316,237. 00 $27.9 ,171 . 00 $286 ,964. 00 -------------------------------------------------------------------- * ENGINEER 'S CORRECTIONS .n. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR lND Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF Ju1u 16 , 1973 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tues . 7/17 8 :00 PM CLYMER Council Chambers Mayor ' s referral of appointment of Mr. White as new Personnel Director. Mr Whit will attend. CCMMTY SERVICES Tues . 7/17 1 : 30 PM GRAINT Council Chambers Environmental impact on Orillia Flats area. Tues . 7/17 3 : 30 PM Council Chambers Meet with Mr. Ford on Pt. of Seattle expns Tues . 7/24 7 : 30 PM 3rd FI . Conf. Rm. Meet with YMCA on use of City-owned prop FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Tues . 7/24 4 : 30 PM SCHELLERT Department Reorganization LEGISLATION PERRY Councilman ' s Offic PUBLIC SAFETY Wed. 7118 7 : 30 PM DELAURENT I PUBLIC WORKS Wed. 7118 6 :45 PM BRUCE 4th f 1 . conf.. r m. TRANSPORTATION Wed. 7/17 7 : 30 PM PERRY 4th f1 . conf. rm. Recommendations Joint Study of 3rd por- tion of SR 515 . Joint Study by the Boe- ing Co. , The Transportation Committee , OTHER EETIMgAND EVENTS 2 members of the Chamber of Commerce , 2 members of the Boeing Co . 133 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JULY 16, 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3405 $ 4 ,000. 00 Standard Oil 207 Main Ave S Raise canopies , Inst . facia 3406 6 ,000. 00 Renton School Dist2403 Jones Ave S Remodel Shop Area 34( 25 ,000. 00 Jal Dellevich 2616 Edmonds Ave NEConst . S. Fam. Res . 341 100,000. 00 Payless Store NW 705 Rainier Ave S Alter Dept . Store 34M 28, 000. 00 Rigby Dev. Co. 2916 Morris Ave S Const . S. Fam. Res . MECHANICAL PERMITS '3581 $1 ,500. 00 Barbee Mill Co 4101 Lk Wn Blvd N Inst . 10 ,000 Gal Oil Tank 3582 600. 00 City of Renton 2424 Aberdeen Ave NE Inst . Sep. Tank & Drainfield 3583 1 ,500. 00 Cugini Florist 413 S 3rd ST Inst . Fridg. Engine. Compresso2 3584 150. 00 Mrs . Victorino Pipo 1417 S 27th ST Inst . Plumbing for Kitchen 3585 1 ,025 . 00 Joseph Molisky 2702 NE 22nd St Inst . Plumbing & Fixtures 3586 3 ,860. 00 Hartvigson Const. 3770 NE 4th ST Inst . heatina/air cond. —?it . 3587 1 ,089. 00 Denzil Bowman 2424 NE 9th Pl Inst. Furnace & Fan 3588 1 ,000. 00 Bruce W Goldmann 807 Grant Ave S Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures ELECTRICAL PERMITS '4166 $ 40. 00 James F Bemis 84 Filliams Ave S Underground Conversion 4167 200. 00 Jerome D Balken 3624 NE 10th ST Rewire S. Fam. Res . 4168 1 ,000. 00 Lee Gilliland 3580 NE 4th ST Rewire House 4169 50. 00 John Dobson 906 H 33rd P1 Misc. Repairs 4170 1 ,000. 00 Renton Dodge 720 Rainier Ave S Underground Conversion 4171 650. 00 Rigby Dev. Co 914 S 30th P1 Wire S. Fam. Res . 4172 245 . 00 Gene Meyer ' s Auto 225 Rainier Ave S Inst . Underground Conduit 4173 1 ,200. 00 C L Scott 608 W Perimeter Rd Wire Hanger, Lights , switches , plugs , & Elec. Heat 41 240. 00 Dobson Bros . 231 Williams Ave S Underground Conversion 41.,,,,,,. 150. 00 Stanley Home Prods. 725 SW 7th ST Wire for IBM Machine 4176 1 ,400. 00 Williams & Swanson700 S 3rd St Underground Conversion & Storey 4177 275. 00 Tom Dahlby 2313 Montain ave N Inst . New Service 4178 625 . 00 Joseph Molisky 2702 NE 22nd St Wire S. Fam. Res . 4179 50 . 00 Edward T Shomberg 2424 Monterey Ave NE Wire Rm. Addition (Rec. Rm. ) SIGN PERMITS 5298 $ 250. 00 Sea-1st Ntl . Bank 313 Williams Ave S Inst 1 projct . & 1 wall sign 299 80. 00 Ernesto Barei 902 S 2nd St Inst . Roof Sign SEWER PERMITS 1886 Phillip J Jones 2301 NE 10th St Conncet Side Sewer 1887 Carrie M Gooiran 703 SW 12th Ave Connect Side Sewer 1888 CANCELLED 1889 George M Vedas 2222 Nat 10th Connect Side Sewer 1890 Robert S Johnson 2216 NE 10th Connect Side Sewer 1891 Kenneth W Williams535 Stevens SW Conncet Side Sewer 1892 John W Dobson 906 N 33rd P1 Connect Side Sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regu&& Meeting Juty 23, 1973 Mu.nic.ipat Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Councit Chamb" R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER an Damage6 - Mu. Leta . cVay COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Renton R=Jmptovemen Pugnam COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE cgn Code Review Appointment - C t z en6' Shonetine Adviz ony Committee - Mn. R. McBeth LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Wo,tk Incentive nogAam OnuUnance Count tman Gtrant LetteA Pnopozed L. I.D. - Waten.ma.inz - N.W. 2nd St. Ponce E.scont SeAvice bon. Funenae.6 Di.6continuance PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE ow awn mpnovement Ptoject - Phase II - Asphatt Paving Pnapoz ed L.I.D. - Aberdeen Ave. N.E. between N.E. 27th St. 9 N.E. 28.th St. ONO t35 RENTON CITY COUNCIL RegutaA Meeting i Juty 23, 1973 Munici.pae. Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council ChambeAb M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayan AveAy Gatrtett, pta iding, ted the P.tedge o6 Atteg.i.a.nee and CALL TO ORDER cat-ted the Renton City Counc ie Meeting to O&deA. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Councie PAes.ident; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN CHARLES DELAURENTI. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS IN AVERY GARRETT, Mayon; JACK LYNCH, Administwti.ve Abs"cant to Mayan; ATTENDANCE GERARD SHELLAN, City Attotney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Ditecton; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City C.tenk; DEL BENNETT, A<ApoAt DiAeetot; DAVID HAMLIN, TAa66.ie Eng.ineeA; VIC TeGANTVOORT, StAeet SupeAi.ntendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, P.tanning D-iA ctoA; ARNOLD HUBNER, Po.e ce DepaAtment; RICHARD GEISSLER, A66iztant Fii e Chie6; RICHARD HOUGHTON, UtiUtiea Eng,ineeA; WES CREWS, Acting Buitding D-iAeetot. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no cotucect%ons oA additions to the Cou.nci.e Minutes o6 7/16/73 Juty 16, 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and PeJusonnet Committee ChaiAman SeheUert Aeeommended payment 6931 - 7143 o6 WaAAants 6931 thAough 7143, totae amount o6 $310, 393. 14, p.tu.b L. I.D. L. I.D. 278 278, Revenue #3, $631 . 80, C"h #3, $631. 80, ate having Aeeeived depatct- men tae eeAti.6.ieation as to tecei.pt o6 meAchandits e and/o& s Av.iees AendeAed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. MOTTON CARRIED. RDINANCES AND Committee a6 the Whote Cha-iAman CtymeA 6ubmitted Committee Aepotet RESOLUTIONS Aeeommending adoption o6 the W. I.N. PAogAam OAdinLnee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. OAdinance 2792 Leg-csCation Committee Chai)unan PerAy 6ubm.c tted Aepott that the oAdinanee W.I.N. Ptc.ognam tAan5 SeAte,ing $21, 508.00 6,Tom Estimated Exees6 Revenue Fund unto Wotk Funding Incentive PAogAam Fund, having been p.Paced on 6iAzt tce.a.di.ng on Joey 16th, be p.ea.ced on 6econd and jinat tLeading. A6teA Reading of the oAdinanee, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. Rote eaU vote Ae6utted .in Give Ayes, Councieman Sttcedzcke voted No. MOTION CARRIED. Appointment The Committee o6 the Whote AepoAt was Head Recommending that the Councit MA. Kenneth White concur .in the Mayotc',s appointment o6 MA. Kenneth White as PeA6onnee Pe&6onnee Di&eetotL Duc ec,taA. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION. A6teA same ensuing discussion between the Councitmen and the Adm.inistAation ugatedi.ng the quat i6 ieations o6 MA. White Aegatcding tabotL negoti tionb, the MOTION CARRIED. Resotut%on 1865 The Leg-csta ion Committee AepoAt Aeeommended that the Aesotution Fund TAans�eA tAans 6eArA,ing $7, 136.00 6Aom the Contingency Fund unto Peuonnee Se v ice s PeA6onnee D-cA.ectm CuAAent Fund bot the puApose of payment o6 sa.taAy and bene6it,6 6oA the Satatcy and Peuonnee Vi)LectoA joA the Remaining Give months o6 1973 be Aead and Bene6it6 adopted. The CteAk Aead the Ae6o.tution and it ways MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Puget Sound Power. The LegizZation Committee AepwLt Aeeommended that the jive Redotution 8 Light ContAacts ContAacts with Puget Sound PoweA and Light Co. bot poweA 6oA the Resolution 1866 Montcoe Ave. N.E. booster. pump 6tation (C.A.G. 041-73, Reso.tuution 1866) , Resolution 1867 Laze Washington 4.lutsh 6tation (C.A.G. 042-73, Raotufiion 1867) , Resotut on 1868 Lake Wa6hington Nbtrth tilt Station (C.A.G. 043-73, Resolution 1868) , W e,U No. 3 paweA 6 eAv.iee at Ho uis eA Way and BAo ns o n Way, r � Renton City Counci.t Meeting Minute6 Page 2 - Juty 23, 1973 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Continued) Reso.tution 1869 (C.A.G. 3002-72, Ru o.tution 1869) , and N. 8th St. 8 Pank Ave. N. Rao.tution 1870 tijt station (C.A.G. 3004-72, ResoZut.ion 1870) be tread and adopted. The co nttacts ane jot a ten-ye.aA peA i.o d and ate on Schedu.te 40, which was detetm fined by the Pubt%c Works Depatctment by a s uAv ey to be the most bene6ic i.at to the City and saves the City appnox.i.matety $900.00 pen yeah. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE RESOLUTION CONTRACTS. MOTION CARRIED. Bid Opening City C.teAk tcepotc.ted bid opening on Ju.ty 17, 1973 bon. asphatt paving 7/19/73 Jot ,the Downtown Improvement PAoject with bout bidde;Lz ne.,spondi.ng Downtown Improve.- (tabutati.on attached) and head .tetteA 6Aom the Pubti,c Wotzs DepaAt- ment Project ment Aecommend%ng that the contract be awarded to West Coast EtectAic Phase 11 Co. o6 Washington, Inc. This project is being 6unded by UAB with matching FotwaAd Thtuvst bunds. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY TO REFER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Ctai.m 6oA Damages C.teAk head C.taim 6or Damages 6Aom Mu. Leta S. McVay, 427 Path Ave. N. , MAA. Leta McVay on June 290 1973 bot an atteged batt on zideLvatk on Wittiams Ave. S. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. Audience Comment Mrs. BaxteA and MAs. Todd, both ownetu6 o6 moteLz on Raini,eA Ave. S. Sign Code comp.tai.ned o6 the .tetteAz n.eceived 6nom the Buitding Depa,ttment about Mts. Satah BaxteA theit signs. Both o6 them said ,that a targe sign pnottuuding out was BaxteA's Motet the onty way to atthact thein kind o6 business, because most o6 itwas 6nom out-o6-town, aUo signs very expensive and they weAe AuUy Mtu,. Lota. Todd inzuted. They had been there Jon a great many yea ,6. Councilman Wutwind Motet Grant asked Bu.i td%ng DitectoA Crews tib theAe had been very many comp.taints since the .tettets had gone out. Mt. Crews said theAe had been a numbeA o6 te.tephone comptaints. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED ,NW BY SCHELLERT, THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Councitman Gt ant invited these peop.te who � to the Sign Code to attend the Community SQAvices Committee meet-i.nq and possib.ty they would take a 6ietd trip, he wiU Zet the peop-te know when the meeting w.i fit take p.tace. MOTION CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Mayon Gatucett -tissued a PAoctamation procto tni.ng August 1973 as Renton Renton Aetrie Aeti.e #1722 FtuateAnat OAdeA o6 Eag,tez Month, to cetebAate the<A 75th #1722 Ftcateh.na.t Anni.veuaty this yeaA, having stattted in Seattte in 1898, and the OAdeA o6 Eag-tes Renton AeA.i,e ceiebt at i.ng its sixty-sixth yeaA o6 growth and s eAvice in the City o6 Renton. APPOINTMENTS Mayotc Gatucett submitted a Zetten appointing MA. Robeht E. McBeth, 1632 Citizens Advisory Lincotn Count S.E. in place o6 Miss Debta Gusta6son, who has advised Committee 6oA that due to work schedu.te, she w.Ut be unab.te to accept the appointment. Shoreline Mgt. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER TO THE COMMUNITY Mt. R. MCB eth SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS The Committee o6 the Who.te Aepart recommended the subject o6 the L.I.D. Proposed L. I.D. bon Aberdeen Avenue N.E. Between N.E. 27th and N.E. 28th be ne6entced AbeAdeen Ave.. NE back to the Pubtic Works Committee bon 6untheA study. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED O.tympic Pape Line The Committee o6 the Who.te AepoAt tcecommended the W,il.liam GAant .tettet .... Aegatding O.tympic Pipe Line Co. be Ae6et ted to the LegiztA ion Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. _ Counci man Petty said the purpose is to update out otdinances as to what a Counc tman may on may not do. Councilman Grant gave the C.teAk a .tetteL 6tom City Attorney Shetta.n, dated July 20, 1973, to head, which was addAessed to the City Councit, Re: Committee o6 the Who.te meeting on July 17th. The .tetteA stated that he had been rtiisquoted 137 Renton City Couneit Meeting Minutes Page 3 - Juey 23, 1973 CLD BUSINESS (Continued) Ot ymp.ie Pipe Line in the news papeA negated i.ng Co unc Uman Gha.nt's statements and that his hemarks at the Committee o6 ,the Whote meeting were only genetat in natutc.e. MOTION CARRIED. Bid Award Pubtic Wohks Committee Chaitcman Bruce submitted a minoh i ty nepotc t Tha66ic S.ignatiza- Aecommending that the .how bid o6 Mu ti Sanies Devetopment CotpoAation tion Equipment be accepted in the amount o6 $320,975.46 6oh Package 11 TkaAj ie S.ign.ae Systems be accepted. Counci man Bruce expeained that this was a mino4 ty hepotct only because he was the onty member o� .the Committee present at the meeting. The bid was within 1.. 5% o J the Engineer's estimate. A�teA some discussion between the Counci men and Tna.66.ic Eng.ineetc HamP.in about the technicat ties o6 the bid speci6ieat%ons and the deli a.bit ty o� Package I1, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Pico pos ed L. I.D. The Pubtic Works Committee repotct recommended ( l ) that the Pubtic WateAma,cns - Works Depatctment proceed with the L. I.D. proeeduhe to maze a pie- Vicinity o� Pim.inary assessment and recommend a date o6 heatcing. MOVED BY Stevens N.W. 6 SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE FIRST RECOMMENDATION Taylor N.W. on OF THE COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR A N.W. 2nd St. RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. The CteAk read (2 a e hepoAl hecommend ing that eoneuAAent.2y theAewith an annexation pnogAam .in conjunction with otheA phopeteties in ,the area be commenced with the Pta.nning Depatctment and a petition be prepared Aon that area 6oh annexation. It was decided ,that it was not necessary, at this time, Jots ,the Counci.e to take. any action on the second recommendation o6 the Committee. Ponce Depatctment Councieman Bruce, in the absence of Pubtic Satiety Committee Chaveman Eseotct Service De.P_aurentti, submitted the tcepnt o6 the Pubtic SaAety Committee 6o4 FuneAatz heeommending that the City noti6y at 6unetcat homes that e66ect%ve as o6 August 6, 1973, the City's Police Depatctment Witt no tongeA provide eseotct seAv,ice, but the same shah be phovided by ptcivate business, that the Chie6 o6 Ponce prepare guidetines to be adopted in the regulation o6 6uneraP escotLa, and that this mattete be tceAvzAed to the Legistation Committee. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. A6tetc some discussion as to the reasons 6otc the decizion to continue this seAvice and the prepara- tion oA gui.detines Joh routes th tough the City, etc. , MOTION CARRIED. Citizens ' Shohetine The Community Sehvlees Committee tcepotot was tread by the CZeAk hecommend- Advizory Committee -ing eoncutvicence in the Mayotc's appointments to the Citizens ' Shoheiine Appointmentz Advizohy Committee as 6oUows: Mn. Don Humble, Mr. Alex Cug.ini, Jr. , Mt. Atethur D. Schotes, Mgrs. Dotwthy.HeAbnt, Mr. Robetct B�gno2d, Mr. Robert W. Schalkte, Mr. Robetit McBeth, Mu. Shahan. Negta y, Mr. Stewatet Pope, Mr. W.itfiam Goddard and Mh. Robert L. Phe.Lps. Counci.Pman Grant hepotcted that they had met with most o� the committee members prev-iousty and they heptc.esented a broad cAoss section of citizens. Council con- cuAAence not %equiAed. Pott of SeAttle Councilman Ghant tcepotcted meeting with Mr. Ford and two other repre- s enta t ive,6 o6 the Pott t o6 Seattt e. As o6 this date, there is no punned expansion within the City o6 Renton. ame Phes ehve CounciXman Gant azo n cpotc ted meeting with ntepres enta ti.vez 6rom the Otc itZia Fiats OA4,tti.a Ftatz area. Mone area is being committed 6or a game reserve �. (about 6i Jty acAa) and the State Depate tment o6 Game is going to give us a head-count ob animal li.6e .in the area. Olympic. Pipe Line Councilman SeheUetct asked the Clerk to tread a tetter 6tcom the Oeymp.ie Pipe Line Co. The letteh stated that they were prepatc ing an Env-itcon- menta.P Impact Statement to coven thein apptication o6 May 7, 1973, �otc the proposed second products pipe Zine to be constructed .in the city baits aJ Renton and wowed be 6ohtheom.ing in about a week oh so. CORRECTED-REF"ER MUVUT" A m ) 138 Renton City Couneie Meeting Minutes Page 4 - Juty 23, 1973 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) John K. Pain, Jt. Counc tman Sehetteh t .inquired o6 City Atto tney Shet ta.n neganding Assistant City the condition o6 Mn. Pain who had been in1uned .in an accident oven A,t.tonney the previous weekend. Mn. Shetta.n nepon ted .that, as yet, theAe was no change in his ni ti.cat condition. Renton Hiit Improve- ChaOman Penny o6 ,the. Tta.nzpontation Committee submitted the Committee's ment Program hepo.ct regarding the Renton H.%U Improvement Pnog&am. The Committee de i, es to pee s en t to ,the Committee o6 ,the who.ee .two alternate p.ea.nz bon .the -cmpnovemen-t o6 Ren-ton HiU 6tceetz .including the Gha.nt Avenue Exten ion. These ptanz ane: ( 1 ) as neeommended by the Pubti.e Wotks Depahtment inctuding paAt cipati.on by L. I.D. (2) as oAigina.11y bud- geted in the 1973 budget. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED• BY BRUCE, THAT THE REPORT OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Councitman PeAAy said the Committee had 6o,cmutat two�d wowed -like to have the pnesentati.on to the Council when the peop.Qe on the Hits can be ptezent. MOTION CARRIED. C. Caney DonwoAth MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT C. CAREY DONWORTH AND 9 Associates - ASSOCIATES BE GIVEN THIRTY DAYS NOTICE OF TERMINATION ON DECEMBER 1, Laboh Conzu.lta.ntz 1973. A6teA some diseuzzion on the -teAw ob the contkaet with the fabon conzuttan-ts, .it was MOVED BY STREDTCKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO TABLE THE MOTION UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10:05. axtine o-ton, ep� ut- CityyCTeAF i r 1� r .39 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION VATE 7/23/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 6939 698## PARKS AND RECREATION 6985 7016 $25# 199@23 ARTERIAL STREET 7017 7017 *4o638e00 CITY STREET 7018 7037 468# 138e3U CEDAR RIVER M AND I 7038 7041 *510#24 ..w LIBRARY 7042 7045 i3*357933 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 7046 7049 $20539118 REG# AND STREET FWD THRU6T 7050 7064 ®431023167 URBAN ARTERIA. 7065 7076 636/203/08 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND 7077 7077 *12:426x56 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 7078 7078 SIP263960 wATERWURKS UTILITY 7079 7098 $168550146 AIRPORT 7099 7108 •413147 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7109 7127 $38104122 FIFEMEN S PENSION 7128 7143 $58983194 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $3101393ei WEB THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCI6e HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0, 6939 THROUGH NO* .4 TWE AMOUNT OF •310 393l4 � . THIS 23 OF JULY a 19721 / FINANCw rOMMITTF afar'w w w�►i-LLw a..,. LID 278 - Revenue #3 E631 .80 C MMITTEE MEMBER i LID 278 - Cash #3 $631 .80 rwwl�w`w• •ww p.'r�i••�w• •••w••�w C04MITTEE MEMBER rww•w•w•wpww•r•www•wwww••w•••w dwr � a 7/23/73 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID TABULATION DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT — PHASE II 7/19/73 — 2 :00 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSOCIATED SAND & GRAVEL COMPANY, INC. BID BOND $240 ,986 . 00 NRM DIVISION PO BOX 88770 TUKWILA , WA --------------------------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON ASPHALT COMPANY, INC. BID BOND $242 ,585 . 00 PO BOX 1379 BELLEVUE, WA 98009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WESTCOAST ELECTRIC COMPANY BID BOND $237 , 775 . 00 18250 68th AVE S KENT, WA 98031 --------------------------------------------------------------------- '.rn ENGINEER ' S ESTIMATE $274 ,053. 00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- *ENGINEER 'S CORRECTION $242 ,582 . 00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL BIDDERS MET THE AA AND EEO REQUIREMENTS CITY COUNCIL CONMTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clark COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 23 . 1 9 7 1 COMMTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMNa'1TEE OF THE WHOLE TUES 817 7 : 30 CLYMER COUNCIL CHAMBERS RENTON HILL CITIZENS TO BE INVITED CCY ffmTY SERVICES TUES 7/24 7:30 PM GRANT 3rd FL CONFERENCE SHORELINE ADVISORY COMMITTEE THURS 7/26 10: 30 AM GRANT 3rd FL CONFERENCE RE: YMCA ORDINANCE ON H-1 & L-1. SIGN CODE & CITIZENS REGISTERING COMPLAINTS, FINANCE AND PERSONNEL TUES 7/24 4 :30 PM SCHELLERT BUILDING & PLANNING DIRECTORS & STAFF MEMBERS INVITED. LEGISLATION MON 8/6 7:00 PM PERRY COUNCILMAN'S OFFIC PUBLIC SAFETY DEL URENTI PUBLIC WORM WED $11 7:00 PM BRUCE 4th FL CONFERENCE TRANSPORTATION PERRY OTHER MEETIMIAND EVENTS 142 10E OF THE CITY CLERK JULY 23, 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3410 $ 200. 00 John W Dobson 906 N 33rd P1 Foundation & Misc. Repairs 3411 20 ,000. 00 CFS Continental , Inc601 SW 7th ST Const. foundation warehouse 3412 30,000. 00 William G Snyder 1209 N 31st ST Const. Garage & driveway 3413 51000. 00 David E Thompson 1725 NE 28th ST Const addtn. & reroof r ELECTRICAL PERMITS 4180 155. 00 Earl Sharritt Renton Airport Install Meter base , service entrance. 4181 600. 00 Mr Henderson 1171 Kirkland Ave NE Underground Conversion 4182 250. 00 Bill Santi 217 Wells Ave S Underground Conversion 4183 250. 00 Bill Santi 221 Wells Ave S Underground Conversion 4184 700. 00 Steven Carlmas 3021 SE 6th ST Instll Wire . / elec. heat ' 4185 250. 00 Elezabeth Smith 3514 NE 4th ST Move Service Entrance 4186 50. 00 L M Burnham 82 Williams Ave S Underground Conversion 4187 55 . 00 Joseph Molisky 2702 NE 22nd St Inst. Temp. Service 4188 55 . 00 Wiechmann Partnership 4210 Jones Ave NE Install Temp. Servio:e 4189 55. 00 Kampe Const. Co 2006 SE 18th Ct Inst. Temp. Service 4190 55 . 00 Kelso Const . Co 2016 Aberdeen Pl SEInst . Temp. Service 4191 55 . 00 J E Oliver 3116 Sunset Blvd NEInst. Temp. Service 4192 55 . 00 A Bruce Calkins 2167 Harrington Pl NE Inst . Temp. Service 4193 55. 00 John M Penovich 2017 Jones Cr SE Inst . Temp. Service 4194 55 . 00 John M Penovi ch 2013 Rolling Hills Inst Temp Service 4195 55 . 00 Elling Halvorson , Inc 601 SW 7th ST Inst. Temp. Service 4196 1 ,600. 00 Cedar River Vet Clinic 3770 NE 4th ST Inst Wiring in clinic 4197 2 , 000. 00 City of Renton Renton Airport Inst. Ground Lighting 4198 250. 00 Tony Porcello 955 Edmonds Ave NE Repair Service at apt bldg MECHANICAL PERMITS 3589 1 ,300. 00 Kampe Const. Co 2006 SE 18th CT Inst . Plumbing & Fixtur 3590 1 , 850. 00 McKinney Const . 3837 Lk Wn Blvd. N Inst . Plumbing & Fixtures 3591 150 . 00 M A Obermiller 807 Edmonds Ave NE Inst Gas Dryer 3592 225 . 00 James A Colby 2208 NE 9th ST Relocate gas water heater 3593 978. 00 Harold Alexander 2167 Harrington PL NE Inst . Plumbing & fixture: 3594 500. 00 Maurice McGrath 4202 NE 20th ST Inst BTU Gas heating systm. 3595 500. 00 Kelso Const. 2016 Aberdeen PL SgInst . BTU Gas heating sy.stm 3596 1 ,450. 00 Stanford D Witsoe 2241 NE 27th ST Inst Plumbing & fixtures SIGN PERMITS 300 2 ,500. 00 Payless Store NW 705 Rainier Ave S Inst . Wall sign 301 3,000. 00 Safeway Stores 203 S 2nd St Inst . Pole sign 302 300. 00 Malesis Flowers 313 Rainier Ave S Inst . one roof sign SEWER PERMITS 1893 Clifford Seashore 2221 NE 10th St Connect Side Sewer 1894 Rigby Dev. 849 S 164th Connect Side Sewer '1895 Rigby Dev. 849 S 164th Connect Side Sewer 1896 R Helmholtz Unknown Connect Side Sewer 1897 Bill Kelso 3233 Mountain View Connect Side Sewer 1898 Bill Kelso 3233 Mountain View Connect Side Sewer 1899 Bill Kelso 3233 Mountain View Connect Side Sewer ,1900 Bill Kelso 3233 Mountain View Connect Side Sewer 1901 Bill Kelso 3233 Mountain View Connect Side Sewer 1902 Don Lindberg 1308 N 38th Connect Side Sewer MONTH O � d T Y O F R E N T N TRANSFERS TO TSE CITY 7REASURE,R DATE FROM �0 - - PURPOSE � TOTAL 7-2-73 URRENT FUND S 42086N .84 ARKS A RFCRFATBON 120786.55 9TY STREET 20127.74 EG 9 STREET FWD TH UST 10335.52 RBAN ARTERIAL 1+ 08 ,755086 LIBRARY CONSTRUCT, UND 31 ,304.80 ATERWORKS UTILCTY 60975.30 RPORT F' 525,35 l U N 6'NuNENT RENTAL B3 392.29 Transfers for month of JL!I v 'M$1230065,25 ?�9-73 (;P RRENT" FUND 2036.5I �PAXKS & RECiRLATION 4D022©89 CITY STREET � 424.56 RLG & STNg4:LT FWD TH NIST ,� a 2y4 a 68 URBAN AN8'; TRIM 292x674.33 4IN�4'OR'4' CONSTRUCTIO FUND � 25,596o31 WATERWORKS UTILITY 44,26869 AIIR4'ORT 7I9©86 EQUIPMENT :RENTAL 1 629�E2_� CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of JULY $404 587.65 i 7-f 6-73 CURRFNNT FUND: � 2 N 0 514.64 'ARKS & RFCREAT1ON i 50787.87 CITY STREET 40483.93 CE®AR R@VER M p 20. 5E LIBRARY 50079.50 EMERGENCY EMP'EOYMEN 486.65 RFG $ STRFFT ,FWD TaiZUST � 10504.97 8URBAN ARTERIA. 130544.54 A 1 RPnRT CONSTR. FUN 80602.08 WATERWORKS UTILITY 220627.02 A l RPORT 8 0`5Fi2�73 EnUPrMFNT RENTAL � 220233.43 F1REMENeS PENSION 80645.74 CLAIMS FUND FOR TRANSFFRS FOR MONT[i Off" JULY 109,038 { 'i Ld+lbi-/� m�Jd, ddD "(f �-r/i.�tf dr�es��o FINANCE DIRECTOR 1144 I T Y OF RENTON MONTH OF JULv, 1973 TRANSFERS TO `HE C R TY TREASURER, 17E FROmij PURPOSE. � T07AL 7 - �5-73 CURRENT FUND 910650. 18 PARKS R RECREATION 33 00983 C9 TY STREET y I``90354 .65 CEDAR ROVER M b ' 389.75 1_19RARY 60984.57 PUBO C EMPLOYMENT �(PEPD 40679.63 WORK INCENTIVF (WNO 11099.00 STREET FWC THRUST 584.84 UPRAN ARTFRIAL 5x263.60 WATERWORKS J71LITj 130005079 AIRPORT 987050 FOU1PMFNT Rr_N$,A" 2.0684.50 FIREMEN'S PENS ON { 100.00 PAYROLL FUN® Transfers for month of DULY 61790793084 i -23-73 CURRENT FUND 870041 .86 'ARKS & RFCRE'A''''ON 25 0 1 99 0 23 ARTERIAL SIRE;:" 4,638,,00 CBTY STREET 680138.30 CEDAR ROVER P 510.24 LIBRARY 30357.33 EMERGENCY F'MP`_rvME 20539. 18 REG & STREET `--WO T UST 43902.3.67 URBAN ARTER?A:- 360203.08 LIBRARY CONS"R!"ICT B q FUND 129426056 A I RPORT COTlS,--lR:-;-�'r 1 FUND 1t)263,60 WATERWORKS L'^ .-¢Ty 160550046 AIRPORT 413047 EOUIPMENT RFN7k,-. 30@04.22 FIREMEN°S PENS`nN'i 5 983094 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of ,DULY CLAIMS FUN4-; V CURRENT FUND rance11ed CLAIMS WARRANT# 6771 S 704. 16 i..l,(,J.a 'I re r 25-73 LK.WAS1l.9 F Arl..ms--wD mPUIriT (SPF('9 A L WARRANT) ;MAIMS �p,6C<�j; ZragsFere car am©�r��r� $909,899.44 J a '30/73 CURRENT PUNS a $ 91,9/ 3,22 PARKS IS REECRHSAT`rIO y' 35,698.79 C17Y STREET CFOAR RIVER &. 3 19,8900983�49.75 ' LIBRARY6 o 7 ,�L9 PUBLIC RMP@ OY"*,N9'ri.° 4217P) 6 6 WORK INlCENTTVF (WIN) 4,782� ,782 91 1 2.54 STREET FOdt�'AR'l TTI UST � 72x.84 Ii URBAN AR'DER."_A,.f fir,532. 59 WAT'I? 145 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 6 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Renton Municipal Arts Commission letter supporting Sign Code Review of Sign Code conformance of signs over $500 value COUNCIL'S BUDGET COMMITTEE Payment ot ambulance calls and franchise granted LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance re Escort Service Legislation for LID 277 Legislation for LID 278 Six-month Extension Over $500 Sign Conformance PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids for Backhoe TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Speer request re Highway Divider APPOINTMENTS Ms. Shirley—joy Heath to Clerk, Renton Police Department 146 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 6 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday, 8 :00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS IN AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; GERARD SHELLAN, ATTENDANCE City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; CLARK PETERSEN, Library Director; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director. MINU'T'E APPROVAL Following Councilman Stredicke`s inquiry of July 23, 1973 Council 7/23/73 Minutes, Page 3, Paragraph entitled: Game Preserve Orillia Flats, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE WORD "COM- MITTED" BE STRICKEN AND THE WORD "CONSIDERED" INSERTED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE MINUTES OF 7/23/73 BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Leqislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report recommending first, second and final readingsfor an ordinance Ordinance 2793 fixing the amount, form, date, interest rate, maturity and denomina- L.I.D. 270 Lake tions of Local Improvement District No. 270 Bonds and directing Wash. Shoreline issuance and sale thereof to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. , Sanitary Sewer total principal sum of $71,700.87 bearing interest at rate of 6-3/8% Bonds per annum. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading by the City Clerk, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous Council approval, MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance for Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and referral Escort Service & back to Committee for an ordinance relating to escort service for Matters Relating funerals and other processions. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Thereto DELAURENTI, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING ONLY. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry noted this ordinance changes escort service from Police Department function to private business and that funeral route would be established before adoption of ordinance. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS City Clerk Mead reported four bids received at August 1, 1973 Bid Opening for Hydraulic Backhoe, bid tabulation attached. MOVED BY Bid Opening 8/1/73 DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY THESE BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC Hydraulic Backhoe WORKS COMMITTEE WITH REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Highlands Library Letter from Library Director Petersen recommended acceptance of Fence the low bid of Anchor Fence Co. of Seattle for the installation of a vinyl covered chain link fence at the new Highlands Library, total $2,603.02, having received Library Board acceptance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE LIBRARY BOARD. CARRIED. (Bid tabulation attached) Acceptance of Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended that the City N.E. 10th Project Council accept completion of the N.E. 10 th St. Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. 277 Project (L.I.D. 277) by Phillip G. Gesner, Inc. as of August 6, 1973, having received Public Works Department acceptance on July 12, 1973; and if after thirty days no liens or claims are filed against this project, and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received, the retained amount of $1,309.74 be paid the contractor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 - August 6, 1973 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Speer Service Letter from Mr. Robert Speer, Service Station Owner at 2705 N.E. Station Request Sunset Blvd. , requested modification to highway divider which runs between N.E. Harrington and N.E. 10th St. , claiming business limited to one-way and no way for customers to get back on Sunset Blvd. headed West. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER RE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Councilmen Stredicke and Bruce felt this to be administrative rather than legislative matter. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Grant noted desire for Administration to request landscaping and Bomanite for traffic islands on the Sunset improvement project. Sign Ordinance Permission having been granted to add late agenda items, City Clerk Enforcement Mead read letter from Renton Municipal Arts Commission Chairman Request Richert supportingSign Ordinance provisions and recommending the City Council enforce ordinance as adopted with special considera- tion in hardship cases in lieu of any relaxation of the ordinance. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, SUPPORT REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1974 Labor Contract Letter from Mayor Garrett to Council President Clymer recommended Negotiator review by the Finance Committee that adequate funding be provided Desired to for the City to engage the services of C. Carey Donworth & Associ- Assist New ates for the purpose of negotiating modifications to the labor Personnel agreements between the City and 21R, Wash. State Council of County Director and City Employees and the Firefighters Local 864. Letter recalled the contract negotiations with Firefighters Local provided that the contract could be opened on or after January 1, 1974 for modi- fications regarding overtime pay, pay rate for position of Captain or any article having no monetary impact on the City, also recall- ing the current contract with 21R expires at the end of the year. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT COUNCIL DOES NOT CONCUR WITH RECOMMENDATION OF MAYOR. Grant felt that negotiations by this firm led to strike which could have been averted. Proposed motion by Grant, seconded by Bruce, to table this matter, was subsequently withdrawn. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER MATTER TO FINANCE COMMITTEE TO LOOK INTO AND REPORT BACK. Administrative Assistant Lynch reported the Donworth rates had not been changed since '68, cost being standard rate. MOTION CARRIED. Final Costs Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted final costs Sanitary Sewer to be charged against L.I.D. 277 and recommended approval of the N.E. 10th Street total assessment to District in amount of $22,052.73, and recommended L.I.D. 277 August 27, 1973 for hearing, final assessment roll having been filed with City C1erk.MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND SET AUGUST 27, AS HEARING DATE WITH REFERRAL TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Final Costs Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted final costs to Sanitary_ Sewer L.I.D. 278 and recommended approval of total assessment to the C.D.Hillman's district in amount of $99,846.92, which rlflects H.U.D. Grant, recom- Earlington Gardens mending August 27, 1973 be set for hearing, final assessment roll filed L.I.D. 278 with Clerk. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, SET DATE OF AUGUST 27, FOR HEARING AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Shirley Joy Heath to the position Ms. Shirley J.Heath of Clerk in the Renton Police Department, previously certified by Police Department the Police Civil Service Commission, with the six-month probation- ary period to commence August 1, 1973. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED q..w BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Mr. Roger Peterson Letter from Mayor Garrett asked Council concurrence in reappointment Mr. Ken Swanigan of Roger Peterson and Kenneth Swanigan to Position 5 and Position 6, Renton Board of respectively, of the Renton Board of Adjustment, both members having Adjustment served since September 1971, new terms to expire September 6, 1977. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, REFER APPOINTMENTS TO THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. 148 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 - August 6, 1973 OLD BUSINESS Bid Award Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Downtown recommending acceptance of the low bid of Westcoast Electric Co. of Improvement Washington, Inc. for CBD Phase II, Street Overlay, in the amount of Project - Phase II $237,775. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Asphalt Overlay RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Comm-unity Servicer Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted minority Committee Report report recommending that the sign code ordinance not be implemented Re: Sign Code or enforced for another six months, applicable only to those non- Section 4-1914-3.B conforming signs with value over $500.00, also submitting list of those attending July 26, 1973 informational meeting. MOVED BY PERRY SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF CHAIRMAN OF COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Councilman Schellert called attention to course of action called out in City Attorney letter of August 4, urging that it be followed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THIS REPORT BE REFERRED BACK TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke noted variances could be granted in hardships. Upon inquiry from Councilman Clymer, Planning Director Ericksen related events leading to the adoption of the Sign Code in 1969 and the four year delay for conformance of signs valued over $500 being September 23, 1973, allowing amortization period. Further, Acting Building Director Crews reported letters for removal of non- conforming signs valued at less than $500.00 were sent. in September 1971 and letters covering signs valued at more than $500.00 in July 1973. MOTION TO AMEND, MADE BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW WITH RECOMMENDATION BACK TO COUNCIL WITHIEN SIX MONTHS. Upon inquiry from Mayor Garrett, City Attorney Shellan advised the amendment would be legal. Six-Month Mr. Charles Shane, owner Riviera Apartments and Mr. Ralph Osgood Extension Granted Manager of Renton Village Cinema I & II, voiced objections to meeting For Signs Over provisions of the Sign Code. Motion made by Stredicke, seconded by $500 to Conform Schellert, that the motion before the Council be tabled for one to Code -- week:, failed. Following further discussion, Roll Call vote resulted 9/23/73 Date in unanimous Council approval, MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Moved to 3/23/74 SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PRIOR ACTION OF COUNCIL BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke submitted for the record, letter of City Attorney mention- ed heretofor which was addressed to him regarding time required for arae rtization on signs valued over $500. Councilman Schellert reserved the: right to further extend conformance date for these signs. RECESS MONfED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MI14UTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:50 p.m. and reconvened at 10:00 p.m. with Roll Call showing all Councilmen present. Special Warrant Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert reported Finance No. 7144 Committee approval given Special Warrant No. 7144 drawn 7/25/73 in Acquisition of ttie total amount of $909,899.44 from Lake Washington Beach Forward Lake Washington Tlarust Fund for payment of Court Judgement, Expert Witness and Beach Property Attorney Fees on acquisition of Scott Pacific Property, King County No. 735570. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL GIVE CONCURRENCE IN ACTION IN THIS MATTER. Finance Director Marshall and City Attorney Shellan explained that in submitting amount immedi- ately upon settlement of court case, City saved daily interest on that amount. MOTION CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee Committee Re report which advised the matter of the payments for services to Ambulance Shepard Ambulance Co. has been reviewed and finds the City Adminis- Services trators are carrying out the responsibilities in accordance with ordinances, agreements and the adopted budget, and that any further review should be conducted during 1974 budget review. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE MATTER OF PAYMENT TO SHEPARD AMBULANCE CO. FOR THEIR SERVICE AND THE FRANCHISE THAT WAS GRANTED THEM, TO THE COUNCIL'S BUDGET COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 149 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 - August 6, 1973 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Obnoxious Odor Councilman Stredicke asked that the obnoxious odor at the West point of entry into the City, be again investigated by Administration. Shellan advised this had previously been looked into by the King County Health Department who determined farm corral too small and he suggested they be contacted again. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended #7145 - 7293 payment of Warrants 7145 through 7293 in amount of $168,011.87, all having received departmental certification as to receipt of .... merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. Employee Listing Councilman Schellert reported a break down listing of permanent (salaried) and temporary (hourly) employees was available for inspection and comparison of various pay periods against previous years, noting permanent employees at 341 for last year and 334 this year, reflecting reduction of 7 permanent employees. NEW BUSINESS Appointment to Council President Clymer announced appointment of himself to the Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee, appointment of additional member Personnel having been requested by committee chairman. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Charles Shane inquired re enforcement of Dangerous Building Code, lowering of fire insurance rates in the City, and spoke against Mr. Charles Shane the CBD plan for dividers extending into street, being advised the Mr. Erwin Fey Downtown Action Committee had given approval of the plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City erk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE: 7/25/73 SPECIAL WARRANT: WARRANT NO. TOTAL AMOUNT LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH FORWARD THRUST FUND 7144 $909,899.44 Payment of Court Judgement, Expert Witness$ and Attorney Fees - Acquisition of Scott Pacific Property - King County No. 735570) NOTE: This Special Warrant was written per prior approval of the Council. We, the undersigned members of the Finance Committee of the Renton City Council, having received Departmental Certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered, do hereby approve for payment Voucher No. 7144 in the amount of $909,899.44 this 6th day of August 1973• FINANCE COMMITTEE ommittee em er ommitt®e Me Co tee er 150 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 8/06/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 7153 7199 s14.oi7798 PARKS AND RECREATION 7200 7223 $2t79697 CITY STREET 7224 7234 s8r465960 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 7235 7235 $24@97 RE39 AND STREET FWD THRUST 7236 7246 $16j95702 URBAN ARTERIAL 7247 7252 •60,310119 LKv WASHo BEACH FWD THRUST 7253 7254 *1j26305 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND 7255 7256 s26a498975 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 7257 7258 $1.0548938 WATERWORKS UTILITY 7259 7269 s1j657961 AIRPORT 7270 7272 *786945 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7273 7292 $23# 715s42 FIFEMEN B PENSION 7293 7293 s9J808121 TOTAL. OF ALL WARRANTS s168j011aa7 WEi THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED♦ DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO* 7153 THROUGH NO# 7293 IN THE AMOUNT OF s168oO1i .87 THIS 06 OF AUGUST o 19729 FINANCE CO MITTEE •�i wwrw.w rr w71i�� wwrw CO MITTEE M ER ( i +�i�ww•rwwwr" we�rrww�rrrrrrwrrfw COMA TTEE MEM9ER •wwu�wrrrr��.r••rrw�rrrrrr�rrrw COMMITTEE MEMBER Now 8/6/73 SID TABULATION SHEET PROJECT : HI GLANDS LIBRARY FENCE DATE : 18/1/73 — �—Lo PM -ENGINEER' S ESTIMATE BIDDER' S NAME & ADDRESSB AA BID , TAX & TOTAL EFO Anchor Post Products Inc. X X BASIC BID - ALTERNATE :: 4502 14th NW 52 ,472 . 00 $2 ,151. 00 Seattle, WA 98107 TAX 131. 02 TAX 114 . 00 TOTAL 2 , 603. 02 TOTAL 2 , 265 . 00 United States Steel Corp. X X ATE"�� 1200 Tower Building $2 ,475. 00 $2,174 . 00 Seattle, WA 98101 TAX 131.18 TAX 115 . 22 TOTAL 2 , 606. 15 TOTAL 2 ,289 . 22 - - - - ---- ---- --- -- - 8/6/73 2* AUG. 1019TS B AC K H oc- 0 t ®S te3�ooaw �,.s�e► 0�0 � a�fHt�•+N.Tt Ii�O FRA`! EQui R, Cll Z►JC.. 57, 77000 ---- SEATTLE TAX 3, 061 .81 Ti;�A UC_ 6, 00 0. 00 I CO S i'l 54, 63% . 81 Now,►s�pw 48, 5-15 . 0o 54-, 0(o5. SEATT► E� Tn. 2, 574 . 98 Tat 2 Sb 5. Ao TeAve— ( A 5 A9 . 419 � $0 930.45 E-VAUS E�,CaIUC CO I Sl,00c> OO CPO SE ATTL_� 2.,-703 •C1c> TAW. 322J.Op irrz�oE `L 000, oc� rw•+@ 4 nom• oo _ 49,703 .00 - 100, 22 3. OB I Ha.CaC�w, �gv,vHc► 1 471oc- 40, > '4 g 080.00 " qLZ. No ► i SEATTLE is. 2 5 -3.0,04n, I }',�i 2 1 " 000.00 c� o1 . 24 39, 2 7 o 0o 40, 4��1 ,24 i 45 re. ?-, .1 9 0 .off 37, 280. 05 I 45, a�5. 00 A`l UO. a rA w 3, 4 9 b (o(. Tarte o, 1 I, cv,co,o0 58, i i CITY COUNCIL CON=TEE MEETING CALENDAR CT1 Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF A rJau.s t F . 7 Q7 3 COMMTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMA'BT'I'EE OF THE WHOLE Tues. , 8/7 7 : 30 P .M. CLQ Council Chambers tg. w/Renton Hill citizens , re: Street Improvements Tues. , 8/2 7 : 30 P.M. Library Conf. Room IBCO Developments cam= SERVICES Thurs . , 811 9 :00 a .m. GRANT City Hall Steps - - Visit locations re : Sign Ordinance Tues . , 8/7 4 : 30 P.M. Meet with Y.M. C.A d hoc Committee & Building Dept . reps to attend, use City vehicles FIWCE AND PERSONNEL Mon . , 8/13 4 : 30 P.M. SCHELLERT Discuss NCR Agreement. Arrangements through Mayor's Office. LEGISLATION Mon . , 8/13 7 :00 P.M. PERRY Councilman 's Office PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS Tues . , 8/14 7 : 30 P.M. BRUCE 4th F1r. Conf. Room TRANSPORTATION Tues . , 8/7 7:00 P.M. PERRY Meet at Speer' s Meeting will then move to Council Cham- Chevron on Sunset bers for Committee of the Whole Meeting Blvd. OTHER MEETING$AND EVENTS 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AUGUST 6 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT .NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 83414 $ 9 , 850. 00 Pauline Celigoy 813 S. 3rd St. Rewk. storefront,etc. 3415 26,000. 00 Kelso Const. 1931 Aberdeen Pl . SE - New residence 3416 1 ,000. 00 D. Cugini 413 S. 3rd St. New storefront 3417 -- J. H. Worley 1112 N. 33rd P1 . Demolish residence 3418 7,000. 00 Methodist Church 2201 NE 4th St. Pave driveway 3419 450. 00 Mrs. M. M. Pratt 2025 Aberdeen NE Remodel garage "73420 200. 00 H. L. Powell 209 Lind S. W. Const . porch 3421 1 ,200. 00 Ron Jensen 170 Monterey Pl . NE - Const. carport 3422 1 ,000. 00 Rtn . School Dist. 1601 Lk. Youngs SE- Relocate classrooms 3423 40 ,000. 00 Gil Centioli 980 Harrington NE Const. drive-in rest . 3424 500. 00 L. Christensen 2447 Monterey NE New Patio & Sundeck 83425 400 , 000. 00 Burlington-Northern 3941 E. Valley Hwy . 450,000 yds landfil 3426 800. 00 Rtn. School Dist. 200 S. 2nd St. Walls , door-highschoo 3427 -- St . Luke 's Church 90 Williams S. Demolish residence 3428 1 ,000. 00 H. L. Spracklen 1723 Shattuck S. Bedroom & wall 3429 31 , 000. 00 Hebb & Narodick 908 S. 28th Ct . New residence 83420 19 ,500 . 00 H. L. Belisle 2022 N. 27th St . New SIF residence 3421 500. 00 Chad H. Jensen 2200 NE 16th 1/2 bath/basement 3432 145 ,000. 00 S. A. Delaney 610 Rainier S. New restaurant 3433 17,500. 00 Jack Colombi 3901 Lk. Wn . N. New residence MECHANICAL PERMITS M3597 500. 00 Renton Dodge , Inc. 720 Rainier S. Inst . propane tank 3598 300. 00 Barbara Diaz 412 Windsor Wy . N Inst. water heater 3599 1 ,100. 00 R. Stienmasei 2809 NE 16th Inst . gas furnace M36O0 600. 00 Tony Porcello 955 Edmonds NE Inst. gas conv. furn . 3601 1 ,450. 00 McGrath 's Royal Homes 1901 Vashon NE Inst . plmbg. & fixtur 3602 1 ,450. 00 4204 NE 20th St . Inst. pmbg & fixtures 3603 13,000. 00 Halvorson & Assoc. 601 SW 7th St. Inst . fixtures ,x,3604 200. 00 Dalpay & Assoc. 2207 NE 7th St. Repair & replace M3605 600. 00 Kenneth Pratt 2219 NE 8th P1 . Plumbing & fixtures 3606 1 , 275 . 00 Hebb & Narodick 808 SE 28th Ct. Plumbing & fixtures 3607 1 , 300. 00 11 Ff 820 SE 28th Ct . Plumbing & fixtures 3608 1 ,900. 00 Don Lindberg 3610 Park N. Plumbing & fixtures 3609 1 , 350. 00 Kelso Const. 1931 Aberdeen SE Inst, fixtures M3610 1 , 000. 00 " 112022 Aberdeen SE Inst. fixtures 3611 1 ,200. 00 Rigby Const . 2916 Morris S. Inst, fixtures 3612 900. 00 David Gibson 2821-2823 NE 7th Inst. plbg. & fixture: 3613 7 , 500. 00 O ' Donnel Whse . 933 Thomas S. W. Irrigation system 3614 245 . 00 Larry Gibson 3312 NE 11th Pl . Gas Con v. burner M3615 775 . 00 J. R. Giuliani 1400 S. 7th St. Gas Hot wtr. boiler 3616 538. 00 Hebb & Narodick 826 S. 28th Ct . Gas furnace 3617 522 . 00 Hebb & Narodick 814 S . 28th Ct. Gas furnace 3618 800. 00 Ja1 Drllevich 2616 Edmonds NE Plumbing & fixtures 3619 150. 00 C. H. Jensen 2200 NE 16th St. Plumbing & fixtures M3620 270. 00 Mrs . O. Lissman 3930 Park N. Wtr piping & drainage ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4199 650. 00 Kelso Const . 2016 Aberdeen P1 . SE - Wire new house 4200 1 ,170. 00 Pacific N. W. Bell 225 Williams S. Controls for air cond 4201 2 ,440. 00 Safeway Stores 203 S. 2nd St. Controls for air cond, 1202 800. 00 Renton Concrete 115 S. 7th St. Underground conversion 1203 450. 00 Jim Rosa 214 Williams S. Underground conversiot X1204 1 ,000. 00 First Federal Prop. 209 Wells S. Underground conversiot E4205 500. 00 First Fed. Svgs . 201 Wells S. Underground conversiot 4206 350. 00 Veterans Adm. 1121 N. 33rd P1 . Bring wrg., to code 4207 1 ,000. 00 Strato Lanes , Inc. 585 Rainier S. Underground conv. 4208 2 , 320. 00 Park Dept . 2424 Aberdeen NE Wire Shelter building 4209 50 . 00 Mrs . Mylis Pratt 2025 Aberdeen NE Wire recreation room E4210 1 ,600. 00 Pauline Celigoy 813 S. 3rd St. Ltg. fixtures & recep. 4211 50. 00 Ron Jensen 170 Monterey NE Wire carport 4212 2 ,980. 00 Renton Mazda 601 Rainier N. Undergr. conversion 4213 425 . 00 George McNeil 517 Union NE. Inst . new service 4214 580. 00 Mrs . Sally -Dillard 717 S. 3rd St. Underground conv. E4215 300. 00 E. J. Large 534 Cedar S. Inst . new service 154 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AUGUST 6 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS PAGE TWO ELECTRICAL PERMITS (Continued) NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK E4216 $ 350. 00 Phillips 66 Station 3002 Sunset Blvd. NE-Underground conv. 4217 50. 00 Lissman 3930 Park N. Undergr. conversion 4218 250. 00 Mrs. Azola 315 S. 3rd St. Undergr. conveys ' 4219 250. 00 Louis Barei 322 S. 3rd St. Undergr. conveys E4220 250. 00 Louis Barei 902 S. 2nd St. Undergr. convers 4221 250. 00 Louis Barei 819 Houser Wy S. Undergr. convers n 4222 750. 00 O'Donnell Whse. 933 Thomas SW Inst. low voltage syi 4223 400. 00 Pioneer Investors 336 Burnett S. Underground conv. 4224 700. 00 Payless Stores 705 Rainier S. Lighting circuits E4225 600. 00 Stan Witsoe 2241 NE 27th St. Wire new residence 4226 700. 00 Kampe Const. 2006 S.E. 18th Ct. Wire new residence 4227 650. 00 Hebb & Narodick 804 S. 28th Ct. Wire new residence 4228 650. 00 If It 826 S. 28th Ct. Wire new residence 4229 600. 00 St. Luke ' s Church 99 Wells S. Underground conv. E4230 100. 00 Renton Boiler Works 535 Garden N. Wiring for sign 4231 50. 00 Roberts & Anderson 81 Williams S. Underground conv. SIGN PERMITS S303 1 ,500. 00 Standard Oil Co. 4044 Sunset NE DIF Pole Sign 5304 1 , 350. 00 Standard Oil Co . 207 Main Ave . S. Inst . 3 wall signs SEWER PERMITS 1903 Dale Matteson 2314 N. E. 10th St Connect side sewer 1904 Jack Powell 2203 N. E. 10th Connect side sewer 190 Roger Magee 2312 N.E. 10th Connect siae sewer 1906 Agnes Cox 2209 N.E. 10th it It It 1907 Mrs . D. Cady 710 S. W. 12th It ft it 1908 Hartvigson Const . 3770 N. E. 4th it It to 1909 Hartvigson Const. 3770 N. E. 4th Connect storm ser 1910 Witsoe, Nelson , Witsoe 2241 N. E. 27th Connect side sew 1911 Reed Millhauff 1213 N. 33rd IF it „ 1912 Hebb & Narodick 908 S. 28th Ct. „ If If 1913 Leroy Fox 2326 N. E. 10th Pl . It if 1914 Kampe Const. 200 S. E. 18th Ct . „ it It 1915 Robert N. Irwin 1720 N. E. 16th It 1916 Edward B. Harris 1726 N.E. 16th 155 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13, 1973 Municipal Building 8:00 P.M. REFERRALS Council Chambers *ADMINISTRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT *Proceed with sewer connection Mr. Steve Giovanelli Preparation of Petitions for LID/Renton Hill BUILDING DIRECTOR AND DEPARTMENT* Authorized to dispose of building on property located on Mill Ave. S. (former Allen) *Trailer Storage Facility on Grady Way & Lind Ave. S.W. CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim of Mrs. Carole D. Cleaver (Duncan) COUNCIL'S BUDGET COMMITTEE Utility Plant Value to establish '74 Charge Rate CITY CLERK Notify John C. Rushmore and Assoc. LEGISLATION COMMITTEE King County Noise Abatement Ordinance Initiative and Referendum Ordinance Ordinance re Nonconforming Sign Removal Date PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND COMMISSION* *Broadacres, Inc. withdrawal of Open Space Application Trailer Storage Facility on Grady Way & Lind Ave. S.W. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Recommendation $95,000 EAA Loan Now STAFF Study of cost of removal of lighting standards and investigation of Sign - Grady Way TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Signal Synchronization of Certain Areas SPECIAL EVENTS Public Hearings August 27, 1973: Proposed Annexation Eastwood Park L.I.D. 277 Final Assessment Roll L.I.D. 278 Final Assessment Roll 156 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13, 1973 Municipal Building 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Plege of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, 'Finance Director; DEL MEAD, IN ATTENDANCE City Clerk; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director and DENNIS SALTS, Data Processing Manager. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 8/6/73 1973 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Personnel Mr. Kenneth White, City's new Personnel Director, was welcomed Director with round of applause upon introduction by Mayor Garrett. Award Mayor Garrett presented award for outstanding service to Mr. Earle Mr. E.Van Slyck Van Slyck, Renton Area Youth Services Board Member since shortly after RAYS inception, who reported having enjoyed serving on the Board. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended 07294 - 7506 payment of Warrants #7294 through 7506, #7346 having been voided, with the total amount $158,993.03. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI., COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report that RESOLUTIONS recommended second and final readings and adoption of an ordinance relating to funeral escort service and other processions, first Ordinance #2794 reading of ordinance August 6, 1973. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Escort Service BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. for Funerals & Following reading of the ordinance establishing guide lines to be Processions observed by private escort service for all processions, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. During discussion, Perry advised funeral route would not be out- lined in the ordinance so that any emergency or existing conditions can be advised to funeral parlors by the Police Department. Chief Darby advised private escort firm available in Seattle had been alerted. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous Council approval. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading For The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading for an Ordinance Re Date ordinance extending the date of removal of nonconforming signs over Removal Signs $500 to 3/24/74,reflecting six-month extension. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, Over $500 SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE Replacement Value AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING AND REFER BACK TO LEGISLATION For Nonconforming COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance read. CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter from the Renton Police Officer's Guild President Nibarger CURRENT BUSINESS and Vice Chairman Anthony proposed that the abandoned Burlington Northern track area parallel to Burnett Ave. S. from South 5th St. Proposed Park to back parking lot of Milmanco, be used for children's playground for South Renton as South Renton area from Houser Way S. to S. 7th St. and from Main Ave. S. to Rainier Ave. S. does not have easy access to any of the City Parks for the 250 kids in area under 18 years of age. Letter from Mayor Garrett replied, referring request to the Renton Park Board and asked Park Department to meet with the Guild. Councilman Delaurenti asked no Council action be taken at this time awaiting report from the Park Department. $95,000 Loan Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested referral to Received the Legislation Committee for appropriate action on $95,000 Economic i 157 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes August 13, 1973 - Page 2 CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued E.A.A. Loan Assistance Authority loan for sanitary sewer and water main for Utilities construction in vicinity of the North Renton industrial area, in North Renton agreement for the loan signed with EAA on May 8, 1973. MOVED BY (Trunk Facilities) SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Perry felt that as loan needed to be repaid, City's priorities ■.r. needed to be established, Councilman Stredicke noted project reviewed prior to application. . Roll call vote resulted in 4 AYE: CLYMER, SCHELLERT, PERRY and GRANT. 2 NO: DELAURENTI and STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Eastwood City Clerk Mead presented Letter of Intent for Annexation for the Park Annexation proposed Eastwood Park Annexation, bearing signatures of owners of (Area contains more than 10% of the value of those lands located north of Sunset 90 Residents, Blvd. , east of S.E. 138th Ave. , west of the City limits and south of 33 Homes with S.E. 101st St. (west of Glenco Subdivision) . Planning Director 27 Occupied -- Ericksen pointed out the area on presentation map explaining prop- 30 Acres Zoned erty owners interested in annexation- primarily to acquire sanitary Single Family) sewers as health problem exists in area, for which reason the Boundary Review Board probably will favor such an annexation even though northerly and southerly boundaries of area are not ordinary logical boundaries. Upon Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Ericksen explained only 40% residents of Adams Vista favored annexation and therefore not included. Upon inauiry by Councilman Clymer, matter of benefits vs. services to be rendered by the City, was discussed re annexation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ACCEPT LETTER OF INTENT AND SET DATE OF AUGUST 27, 1973 FOR PUBLIC HEARING. City Clerk Mead explained need to determine acceptance of bonded indebtedness and comprehensive planning in the area, another public hearing to follow circulation of petition. MOTION CARRIED. ftw Claim for Damages Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Carole D. Cleaver (Duncan) was Mrs. C.D. Cleaver read for alleged damage to automobile on Sunset Blvd. N.E. near Harrington N.E. , utility pole in roadway without barricades. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. Upon Councilman Stredicke's inquiry Public Works Director Gonnason advised Sunset project in final stages and the State would be advised of any problems. MOTION CARRIED. Final Estimate Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted request for final Airport Project payment to Moss Construction, Inc. on CAG 1987-72 UAB 8-1-102(13) Airport Way, Renton Ave. , Logan Ave. Project, completed July 27, 1973 and accepted by Engineering Department on August 3, 1973, recommending Council acceptance as of this date. Letter also recommended release of retainage bond in the amount of $28,669.03 and release of balance of retainage in amount of $1,143.81, if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. Upon inquiry, Public Works Director Gonnason advised Logan Street Bridge not included in this project, last conference scheduled August 15, 1973. MOTION CARRIED. Utility Plant Letter from Accounting Supervisor Bennett, Waterworks Utility, in Value accordance with Resolution #1666, notified Council that the Utility Plant value was $10,097,108.08 as of 12/31/73 in order that service charge rate for 1974 can be established. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO COUNCIL'S BUDGET COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Broadacres, Inc. Letter from Mr. Gerald Gr' instein of Preston Thor rimson Ellis Preston, g i Open Space Holman & Fletcher advised that the Washington Jockey Club, acting Application for itself and Broadacres, Inc. the owner of the property known as Withdrawn the Longacres race track, withdraws its pending application to qualify under the open spaces statute and terminates proceedings. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Grant requested r*Go;a to indicalte he took no part in any action nor entered into any digau sic h Ch this mattar, 158 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes August 13, 1973 - Page 3 CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Appeal of Rezone Letter from Mr. John C. Rushmore requested appeal of rezone applica- Denial tion denial,last heard at the regular Planning Commission Meeting John Rushmore & of July 27, 1973, when change of zoning from G7200 to R3 was Associates denied. Motion later withdrawn which was made by Schellert, seconded by Clymer that matter be referred to the Legislation Committee and Community Services Committee. Upon advice from City Attorney Shellan that appeal must be made within 10 days of denial and that request was received on the 13th day, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT COUNCIL REJECT THE REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF THE REZONE DENIAL DUE TO UNTIMELY FILING. Upon confirmation from Planning Director that Rushmore had been notified of the 10 day appeal W period, MOTION CARRIED, City Clerk to notify Rushmore of denial. OLD BUSINESS Authorization to Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee Remove Building report recommending continued discussions with the YMCA and YWCA Former Allen in regard to leasing the Williams property on Mill Avenue, also Property on recommending the Building Director be authorized to dispose of Mill Ave. .S. the building on the property located adjacent to the parking lot on Mill Ave. S. , including call for bid, with retention of as much of the present landscaping as possible, that the lot not be just leveled and blacktopped. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Acting Building Director Crews explained the building to be moved was on the former Allen property and that the building next to Fire Station was being rented. Tour of Business Community Services Committee Chairman Grant reported meeting with Signs Ad Hoc Committee on the Sign Code Ordinance with tour of downtown area, and further tour scheduled, reporting varied reactions. Signalization of Councilman Grant complained signal lights not synchronized on Park Two Areas Ave. N. from the Senior Citizens Center to Boeing complex and Receive Complaint also the Maple Valley intersection, City Center complex including Also Houser Way with bulk of traffic being generated onto Bronson Way. Auto Wrecking MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THESE ITEMS BE REFERRED TO Yard THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Further, Councilman Grant registered complaint on old car storage area on East Valley Hwy. and urged Administration to take additional corrective action. Industrial Leasina rtpon Councilman Grant's inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that Lighting Standards requestwould be forthcoming from Portland attorney for light standard Former Site of owner for continued use of public right-of-way on Grady Way at Robinson-Lyon Co. Rainier Ave. So. , as Ford Motor Co. had indicated desire to use the P.A.G. 1590-69 light standards. Shellan advised that although the Council had P.A.G. 1777-71 requested removal of the standards some time ago, legal complications could arise from the City's removal of the standards. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE CITY HOLD THE MATTER OF REMOVAL OF THE LIGHTING STANDARDS AT GRADY WAY, IN ABEYANCE PENDING COMMUNICATION FROM FORD MOTOR COMPANY. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE STAFF CONDUCT STUDY ON COST OF REMOVAL OF LIGHTING STANDARDS AND ALSO INVESTIGATION OF SIGN, AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Passage of 90 Days Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report Initiative and announcing August 16, 1973 as ending 90-day period since passage of Referendum Resolution 1855, which declares City's intent to adopt the powers Ordinance to be of initiative -and referendum pursuant to Senate Bill 2190, recommend- Drawn ing referral to Legislation Committee to prepare necessary ordinance. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton Hill Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report Street recommending approval of Renton Hill area street development as Development Plan presented to the Committee of the Whole, including portion by local Includes LID improvement district, and that the Public Works Department prepare petitions for citizens in the proposed LID area. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 159 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes August 13, 1973 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Street Channeling Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report N.E. Sunset Blvd, recommending that portion of curbing be removed from Sunset Blvd. between N.E. 10th St. and Harrington Ave. N.E. to provide access to properties at 2705 N.E. Sunset Blvd. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke felt this was administra- tive rather than legislative matter. MOTION CARRIED. Sewer Connection Public Works Committee report submitted by Committee member Perry Mr. S. Giovanelli in absence of Chairman Bruce, reported the Public Works Department has granted request of Mr. Steve Giovanelli, 8042 Langston Rd. , (7/16/73 Referral) to connect to City sewer, that although property is outside City limits, it abutts City sewer covered by late-comers agreement with Renton School District, and fees to be paid prior to connection, action having been taken under Resolution 1813 which set guidelines. Matter being clear cut and established guidelines having been met, it was MOVED BY MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE ADMINI- STRATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROCEED. Councilman Delaurenti requested record indicate he did not participate nor take part in any action on this matter. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested record indicate he voted against this motion. Councilmen Grant and Schellert requested record indicate their Aye's. Trailer Storage MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, STORAGE FACILITY FOR TRAILERS Facility ON GRADY WAY AND LIND AVE. S.W. BE REFERRED TO THE BUILDING DEPART- MENT AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT. Councilman Grant explained proposed ordinance regarding change in trailer storage, being considered by the Planning Commission. Grant interested whether or not storage facility conformed to City ordinances. CARRIED. Railroad Crossing Councilman Delaurenti asked that Public Works Department contact Burlington Northern for correction of rough track crossing at the Maple Valley Y, Public Works Director reporting being in contact with the railroad. Noise Abatement MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE PROPOSED KING COUNTY ORDINANCE ON NOISE ABATEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Former Councilman Mayor Garrett asked for moment of silence in memory of Mr. Steve Honored Tambourini, former City Councilman, recently deceased, Adjournment City Council Meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m. Del Mead, C y Clerk m r CITY COUNCIL CTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clark COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August 13, 1.973 OCHMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COWCME OF THE WHOLE Tues. , 8121 7:30 PM CLYMER Library Conf. Rm. RIBCO CCKKWTY SERVICES Thurs. , 811 9 :00 AM SANT Meet steps - City Field Trip re signs (Ad Hoc Committee) Fri . , 8/17 9:00 AM Hall 3rd F1r. Conf. Rm. Regular Meeting FIWCE AND PERSONNEL SCHEL FRT LEGISLATION Mon. , 8/20 7:00 PM PERRY Councilman's Office PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 8/1 7: 30 PM BRUCE 4th Flr. Conf. Rm. Reschedule of 8114173 TRANSPORTATION PERRY anM MEETINGS AND EVENTS �.4 161 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 8/13/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUNDDESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS , CURRENT FUND klol'b - J�y�_ t�,�Q,�, 7301 7354 11 6, 91 7 i3 PARKS AND RECREATION 7355 7371 $40594958 CITY STREET 7372 7386 i14oO48 .62 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 7387 7390 $107 ®73 LIBRARY 7391 7417 iao782@57 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 7418 7424 x10046939 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 7425 7427 $315985 RE09 AND STREET FWD THRUST 7428 7438 *120254 ®23 URBAN ARTERIAL 7439 7448 •400285A54 LIBRARY CONSTUCTION FUND 7449 7450 $926 #67 AIRPORT CONSTUCTION FUND 7451 7452 :5x195.53 WATERWORKS UTILITY 7453 7470 $410949095 AIRPORT 7471 7476 6144r87 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7477 7504 $5j23607 FIREMEN 6 PENSION 7505 7506 *lo041s60 0.5 . (13 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS WE* THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL* HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0, 7301 THROUGH NO ' /6-1 y9&- ,3 7506 IN THE AMOUNT OF THIS 13 OF AUGUST ® 19721 FINANCE C MMITTEE e + e• ef�f6e epsee iaeee ei s MMITTEE MEMF3ER ecce eeeeepe• eee ` COMMITTEE BERe� 162 Office of the City Clerk August 13, 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3434 $ 250. 00 B. D. Cabreros 1412 S. W. 43rd St. Metal stor. shed 3435 7 ,260. 00 O. V. Beale 918 N. 33rd P1 . Restore fire damage 3436 1 ,800. 00 Rtn . Luth. Church 200 Whitworth S. Repair damage 3437 1 ,000. 00 R. K. Halsen 217 N. W. 7th St. Add two bedrooms 3438 3, 800. 00 W. T. Keesecker 2124 Harrington NE Constr. garage 3439 5 ,000. 00 Olympic Pipe Line 2929 E. Valley Rd. Fill area & grading B3440 1 ,000. 00 G. W. Score 1010 N. 33rd St. Work shop & patio cover 3441 2 ,465 . 00 Production Co. 4232 Jones N. E. Build canopy 3442 30, 000. 00 K. W. Williams 314 Earlington SW New residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4232 985 . 00 McKinney Const . Co. 3837 Lk. Wash . N. Wire new residence 4233 400. 00 McGrath ' s Royal Hms . 4204 NE 20th Wire new residence 4234 600. 00 Bruce Calkins 2167 Harrington NE Wire new residence E4235 150. 00 Rtn . Sch. Dist. 400 S. 2nd St. Inst. duplex outlets 4236 50. 00 S. R. Andrus 346 Wells Ave. N. New panel & conduit pipe , 4237 800. 00 Mary Klepach 515 Morris Ave. S. Rept . serv. , receptacles ) 4238 40. 00 G. R. Everett 2525 Morris Ave . S. Rev. wrg. for attic fan 4239 15 ,000. 00 Sambo ' s Restaurant 610 Rainier Ave . S. Wire, restaurant bldg. E4240 4 ,000. 00 Safeway Stores 203 S. 2nd St. Conn . refrigeration 4241 1 ,100. 00 Oscar Beale 918 N. 33rd St. Repair fire damage 4242 750. 00 Tommy Q' s Rest. 540 Rainier S. Underground conversion 4243 110. 00 PAC-CAR 480 Houser Way N. Pwr. for irrigation sys . MECHANICAL PERMITS M3621 222 . 50 J. Shaw 904 N. 5th St. Inst . gas wall furna 3622 222. 50 J. Shaw 906 N. 5th St. Inst. gas wall furna 3623 3,400. 00 Cedar Rvr. Animal 3770 N. E. 4th St. Inst . plmbg. & fixtuv4s 3624 650. 00 Kampe Const . Co. 2006 SE 18th Ct. Gas air heating system 3625 300. 00 Larry Gibson 3312 N. E. 11th P1 . Gas hot wtr. heater 3626 1 ,200. 00 Hebb & Narodick 802 S. 28th Ct. Plmbg. & fixtures 3627 2, 850. 00 PAC-CAR (Computer) 480 Houser Way N. Inst. irrigation system SIGN PERMITS 5305 2 ,800. 00 Rainier Village Co. 520 Rainier S. Install pole sign i SEWER PERMITS 1917 Leo Hertz 698 SW 12th St. Connect side sewer 1918 Olga Lissman 3930 Park Ave. N. Connect sanitary sewer 1919 Matt Kohl 516 SW 12th Connect side sewer 1920 Matt Kohl 512 SW 12th Connect side sewer 1921 George Houck 3837 Lk. Wash N. Connect side sewer 1922 Gene Bonomi 714 SW 13th St. Connect side sewer 1923 Btuce Goldman 19219-102nd SE Connect side sewer 163 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 20, 1973 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim - J. C. Penney Co. , Inc. tow COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Water Rate Study COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Olympic Pipe Line Co. Environmental Impact Statement FINANCE COMMITTEE Surplus Vehicles LEGISLATION COMMITTEE EAA Loan Ordinance ►� BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Cost for Water Production PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bid Opening - LID 276 - Phase II PLANNING COMMISSION Olympic Pipe Line Co. Environmental Impact Statement TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Petition re S.W. 16th St. Improvement ftw Burlington Northern - Elimination of Monster Road Crossing Maple Valley Highway - Sidewalk and Shoulders Y k Ct 164 i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 20, 1973 Municipal Building 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department; M.C. WALLS, Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; JACK LYNCH; Administrative Assistant to Mayor; JAMES C. HANSON, Building Department and KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1973 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment of Warrants #7515 through 7664, #7507 through 7514 having been voided, with the total amount $188,031.95, all having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE VOUCHERS BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented Committee report RESOLUTIONS recommended that the ordinance extending the date for removal of non-conforming signs over $500 in value be placed on final readings, first Ordinance #2795 reading on August 13, 1973. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, Amendment to Sign THAT THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Code Ordinance After reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Extending Date BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. Roll Call vote was for Compliance unanimous in approval. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading for The Legislation Committee report recommended the ordinance adopting Ordinance Re the powers of Initiative and Referendum be placed on first reading and Powers of the date of August 27, 1973 be set as a public hearing date for this Initiative and ordinance. The Committee further recommended that a letter from Referendum City Attorney Shellan, dated August 17, 1973, to members of the Legislation Committee be read prior to the reading of the ordinance. Public Hearing MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE August 27, 1973 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. The Clerk read City Attorney's Shellan's letter which advised that serious considera- tion should be given to the pros and cons of such legislation; adoption of the Ordinance would change our regular procedure in pro- cessing ordinances such as the waiting period of thirty days except for the special types of ordinances listed. The ordinance was read by the Clerk and Public Hearing date confirmed. Ordinance #2796 Relating to Gam- The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of proposed ordinance imposing a 7% tax rate for duly licensed, bonafide charitable bling and non-profit organizations for the conduct of bingo, raffles and amusement games. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. The Clerk read # the ordinance. Councilman Perry recommended that it be placed on second and final reading and asked City Attorney Shellan to explain the ordinance to the rest of the Council. Mr. Shellan explained that the County Council had passed its ordinance on August 13, 1973, and, as written the ordinance provides for the imposition of a 7% tax from bingo, raffles and amusement games, but excluding pull tabs and advised that it would be better not to have a time lag between the County and City ordinances. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. MOTION CARRIED. The Clerk read the ordinance for the final time. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY ChYMER, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. POLL CALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS, AYE, CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI , PERRY, BRUCE; NO, STREDICKE AND GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. 165 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes August 20, 1973 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported bid opening on August 14, 1973 for L.I.D. 276, L.I.D. 276 -Phase II Phase II, with six bidders responding. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Sanitary Sewers BY CLYMER, THAT THE BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Kennydale FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. (Tabulations attached) . Opening - Highlands The Clerk read letter from Library Director Clark H. Petersen, Branch Library announcing the opening of the new branch library and inviting the 9/16/73 Mayor to accept the Library for the City of Renton and inviting the Councilmen to speak on the occasion as they are introduced. Petition Re SW 16th The Clerk read letter from Chairman of the Board of Public Works St. Improvement Del Bennett recommending that the priority rating adopted by the City Council and as included in the Six-Year Construction Program, which schedules work on S.W. 16th in the 1977-1979 construction period, be concurred with. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Olympic Pipe Line Co. The Clerk read letter from the Olympic Pipe Line Co. which trans- Environmental mitted their Environmental Impact Statement for the construction Impact Statement of a new refined products pipe line through the City of Renton. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE STATEMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Airport Way Land- Letter from Public Works Director recommended for payment the Final Esti scaping Project mate due Westerra, Inc. in the amount of $3,696.80, work completed and CAG 019-73 accepted 8/10/73, plant guarantee bonds in effect through 8/9/74. If, Final Estimate after 30 days, no liens or claims are filed and proof of tax liabilities is received, retained percentage of $5,397.86 will be paid contractor. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIES Surplus Vehicles Letter from Purchasing Agent Vern Church was read listing the eight vehicles within the Equipment Rental fund that have been replaced with new equipment during the past few months. Permission was requested to dispose of the equipment by sealed bid with referral *20 to the Legislation Committee for proper Resolution. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PURCHASING AGENT AND DECLARE THE VEHICLES SURPLUS. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Claim - J. C. Penney City Clerk read Claim from J. C. Penney Co. , Inc. , 700 S. 3rd St. Co. - Window for damages to plate glass windows by flying rocks. MOVED BY Damage BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. I Burlington Northern Letter from Burlington Northern was read describing proposed elimina- Proposed Construc- tion of their crossing on Monster Road and requesting like petition to tion - Vicinity of the Wash. Transportation & Utility Commission in connection with it. Longacres MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Garrett submitted a Certificate of Appointment to Housing Mr. Louie Gebenini Authority reappointing Mr. Louie Gebenini as a Commissioner of 668 Sunset Blvd. NE the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, term to expire 9/10/78. Housing Commission Council concurrence not required for this appointment. OLD BUSINESS The Clerk read the report from Public Works Committee regard- ing receipt of the $95,000 loan from the Economic Assistance Authority EAA Loan - Sani- and requesting that the proposed ordinance for appropriating and �r tary Sewers & transferring the funds to a Capital Outlay Account be referred to Water Mains in the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, N. Renton Indus- TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. TO REFER trial Area TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. After some ensuing discussion, the MOTION CARRIED. and it was further MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE SUBJECT OF COST FOR WATER PRODUCTION AND CHARGES BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR FURTHER STUDY. CARRIED. After review by Mr. Gonnason of consultant's findings in prior rate study and current costs, heretofore presented to the Finance Committee, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER THAT THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS_ GIVE PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AS WAS GIVEN TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MATTER REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. 166 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes August 20, 1973 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Backhoe Bids Public Works Committee report concurred in the recommendation of Water Utilities the Public Works Department to reject all bids received on the Bid Opening 8/1/73 backhoe for Water Utilities, as all four bidders exceeded the budgeted amount. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Grant inquired if the Administration had contacted the State Highway Department regarding further improvements on Sunset Highway Sunset Highway. Mayor Garrett asked Public Works Director Gonnason Improvements to comment on the matter. Mr. Gonnason said the Washington Asphalt Co. was patching around the manholes, etc. and there shouldn't be any big problem with them now, also, there was to be a traffic light installed at the intersection to the access to the freeway. Captain J. Phelan Councilman Delaurenti announced that Captain James Phelan, Renton F.B.I. Academy Police Department, had been attending the F.B.I. Academy in Washington, D.C. and would be graduating from the Academy on September 13, 1973. Sunset Highway Councilman Perry inquired of Public Works Director Gonnason about Driveway for the section of Sunset Highway from 12th St. down to 10th Street Service Station and the removal of curbing for access to the Chevron Service Station. Mr. Gonnason replied that he had talked with the State Highway Dept. , State contractors involved, and they planned to modify this fall. Also, the landscaping along Sunset would be started then also. Councilman Bruce inquired whether the Airport landscaping had an auto- Airport Way Land- matic sprinkler system, as he had noticed a City street cleaner water- System mg Sprinkler ing a portion of the area. Mr. Gonnason said there was a partial System sprinkler system, the street vehicle testing various watering equip- ment. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ms. Campbell inquired if there was any plans for temporary sidewalks Ms. Beth Campbell in the area of the construction on Maple Valley Highway, as there 4027 S.E. 11th St. was no safe place for children to walk, especially now that school is starting again soon. Public Works Director Gonnason said that there will be sidewalks and curbs put in that area, but temporary sidewalks during construction not practical. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THIS QUESTION BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Campbell then brought up the matter of grading the shoulder of the road, as it is full of chuck holes and the shoulder is the only place to walk or ride bicycles. Adjournment MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. Council Meeting adjourned at 9:33 P.M. i Del Mead City Clerk � CITY CLERK AUGUST 20, 1973 BID OPENING L. I. D. 276 , PHASE II August 14, 1973 2 : 00 P.M. KENNYDALE INDUSTRIAL SANITARY SEWER PROJECT Contractor Bid Bond AA/EEO Bid Tax Total Bowers Construction Corporation X X X $107,932 . 50 $5 , 720. 43 $113,652. 93 18600 - 196th Ave. S. E. Renton , Wash. 93055 Coulee Construction Co. X X X $ 99 ,012 . 87 $4 ,983. 55 $ 99 ,012 . 87 738 Bellevue Ave . E. Seattle , WA LDL Land Development Co. , Inc. X X X $110 , 752. 50 $5 , 869. 86 $116 ,622 . 36 1529 West Valley Highway N. Auburn , WA 98002 O 'Leary Construction Inc. X X X $114 ,959. 00 $6 ,092. 83 $121 ,051 . 83 1021 - 118th S. E. Bellevue , WA Constructors-PAMCO X X X $ 93,501 . 50 $4 ,955 . 58 $ 98,457. 08 3600 Fremont Ave. North Seattle , WA 98103 George W. Slater Co. X X X $121 ,080. 50 $6 ,417 . 27 $127 ,497. 77 13236 - 67th N. E. $120 ,400. 50* $6 , 381 . 23* $126 . 781 . 73* Kirkland, WA 98033 * Engineering corrections V i to8 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 8/20/73 SE3IN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND QESCRIPTI0�1 f NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 7515 7571 69#244#21 PARKS AN RECREATION 7572 7587 64# 108104 ARTERIAL &TREFT 7588 7588 51#688900 » ITY STREET 7589 7599 654#929# 19 RE3• AND STREET FWD THRUST 7600 7610 646#755#00 �p9AN ARTrRIAL 7611 7619 634#333*81 9, n WASH* BEACH FWD THRUST 7620 7620 69000 AIRPORT CONSTUCTION FUND 7621 7624 63#845# 1$ kATERWORKS UTILITY 7625 7642 626#303908 AIRPORT 7643 7648 61# 145070 E,;QIPMENT RENTAL 7649 7664 *5j67004 TOTAL OF '-LL WARRANTS ♦188#031095 NF,♦ THE INDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON C !TY COU-CIL# HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED] DO ,IEREBY AI PROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 7513 THROUGH NO* 7664 14 THE AMOUNT OF $188i031 .95 THIS 20 OF AUGUST # 1972o FINANCE COMMITTEE c7'C44MITTEE_ MEMBER _ •w�iw�rwwrmail rrwrA rrrr�wwr COMMITTEE ME ER rlRwllw •s�ww�.��r�i�wwrrrrrwrr• COMMT'TTEE MEMBER I I 1 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF a„q„c t g n 7 0 7 1 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 8/21 TUES . 7 ; 30 PM CLQ LIBRARY CONF , RM, RIBCO REPRESENTATIVES- R PORT ON HEAR- INGS- RIVER BASIN STUDY-�RAINAGE CQTNITY SERVICES �HURS . M GRANT RI � 'UH AM �RD rLOOR �ONF : �MM: AD HOC COMMITTEE RE . PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL 8/23 THURS . 4 . 30 PM SCHELLERT 6TH FLOOR CON F , RM. PUBLIC WORKS TO PROVIDE REPORT QN RIGHT OF WAY LINE-W. SIDE OF RAINIER HVE . N, LEGISLATION 8/27 MON . 7 :00 PM PERRY CHRMAN `S OFFICE OF AI PORT PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI +CLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION 8/28 TUES . 7 :30 PM PERRY MEETING TIME TO BE CONFIRMED AT 8/27 COUNCIL MEETING OTHER. MEETI14GS AND EVENTS 110 Office of the City Clerk August 22 , )973 Permits Issued By The Building & Engineering Departments Building Permits No. Amount Name Address Ty,2e of Work B3443 $ 2 ,000. 00 P. S.P. &L. Co. 620 S. Grady Wy. Const . Concte.Retng. Wall Warehse B3444 Sternco Land Co. 1312 S. W. 43rd St. Demol .Res . &2Sheds&Clr. all Debris B3445 $ 25 ,000. 00 R. Zaputil 2600 NE. 19th St . Const . new sin . fam. B3446 $ 45 ,000. 00 Boeing Co. Boeing Rtn.plant Misc. Bld. prj .w/in Plant &Rtn . Field B3447 $ 4 , 700. 00 P. S. P. &L. Co. Tlbt. Hill Trnsm. Sta. Grading & Filling B3448 $ D. McWms . 801 N. 29th St. Demol . Sin . Pam. Res . W /Detached Gar. Lev. lot& C1r. All Debris B3449 & 165. 00 C. Hawkins 1214 N. 35th St. P1 , mtl . tool shed (pur) Concte . foundation B3450 $ 3 ,000. 00 H. L. Spracklen 1723 Shat.Ave .S. Const . Carport ,Breezwy , Patio & Deck Existng Res . B3451 $ 200. 00 D. C. Allen 2632 Lk. Youngs Ct. SE. Const . Add. 12 ft. frt. of existng Gar. B3452 $ 1 , 000. 00 D. Gouge,Att. 505 S. 3rd. St. Install partitions ex- istng off. Electrical Permits E4244 $ 700. 00 R. McDonald 207 S. 3rd. St . Undrgrd. convs . E4245 $ 250. 00 R. McDonald 208 S. 3rd. St . Undrgrd . convs. E4246 $ 250. 00 F. Collodi 3709 Jones Ave. NE. Chge. serv.panel E4247 $ 650. 00 V. Dellevich 2616 Edm. Ave . NE. Wire new sin . far, E4248 $ 300. 00 Rkt. Serv. Stat. 632 Rain.Ave. S. Instl .new serv. E4249 $ 500. 00 Mrs. R. Mauland 605 Houser Wy S. Incr. serv. & wire elec. heat E4250 $ 180. 00 Loberg Olds. Inc. 233 Burnt. Ave .S. Instl . wire for & con . gas pumps E4251 $ 50,000. 00 Boeing Co. Boeing Rtn. Plant Misc. elec. work Rtn . plant E4252 $ 288. 00 Rtn . Sch. Dist. #403 754 Edm. Ave. NE. Instl . new serv. for comprsr . Hi-lands Annx Bldg. E4253 $ 20. 00 C. M. Goairan 703 SW. 12th St. Connt . hot water heater & set rnge. plug E4254 $ 250. 00 G. Milner 913 N. 2nd St. Chge. serv. panel E4255 $ 650. 00 Klso. Const. 2022 Abrdn. P1 . SE. Wire new SIF res . E4256 $ 650. 00 Rgby. Devel . Co . 2916 Morris Ave S. Wire new SIF res . E4257 $ 50. 00 Mrs. O. Lissman 3924 Park Ave . N. Undrgrd . Conversion E4258 $ 500. 00 D. Gouge 505 S. 3rd St. Remdl . off. bldg. -add or splcng. circts . repl . & rehng. fixtres . & add several plugs IE4259 $ 1,250. 00 Wiechmann Ptnrship. 4210 Jones Ave . NE. Wire new rentl . gar. E4260 $ 50. 00 R. Evans 220 Shat. Ave S. Undrgrd. werv. E4261 $ 800. 00 J. Curran (Pondersa. ) 601 Rain . Ave . S. Undrgrd. service to ... bldg. Mechanical Permits M3628 $ 500. 00 E. Smith 3511 NE. 4th St. Instl . following plumb. & fixtures : 1)basins 2)water closet 3)washei 4)shower M3629 $ 2 ,700. 00 S. A. Delaney 610 Rain. Ave.S. Instl . plumb . & fixture 4 rainwater syt. gas piping w/8 outlts . i 171y Office of the City Clerk August 22 , 1973 No . - Amount Name Address Type of Work M3630 $ 538. 00 Hebb & Narodick 808 S. 28th Ct. Instl 100 ,000 BTU gas Furnace M3631 $ 4 , 700. 00 Boeing Co. Boeing Rtn. Plant Misc. Plumb. work M3632 $ 500. 00 Calkins Const. 2167 Harr. PI .NE. Instl septc. tank & drainfield M3633 $ 400. 00 V. Dellevich 2612 Edm. Ave . NE. Instl . septc. tank & drainfield M3634 $ 3, 000. 00 PAC-CAR 480 Houser Wy N. Instl . one 1 , 470 ,000 BTU hot water heating broiler Sign Permits S306 $ 350. 00 R. Marsden 900 Harr. Ave. NE. Instl . l pole sign Sewer Permits 1924 E. Bodie 2320 NE 10th P1 . Weeds view tracts LID 277 Tax lot 138 1925 Pac. NW. Bell 225 Wms . Ave. S. Parking lot on Wms . 1926 VOID 1927 CFS Contntl . Inc. 601 SW. 7th Tract 4, Earlington Park No . 1 1928 CFS. Contntl . Inc. 601 SW. 7th Tract 4 , Earlington Park No. 1 t RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 27, 1973 R E F E R R A L S Municipal Building 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers CITY CLERK Notify Boundary Review Board of Proposed Eastwood Park Annexation as required COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MATTER OF ANIMAL CONTROL AND TWO LETTERS THAT SUBJECT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE 6 SUBJECT OF ZONING OF ANNEXED PROPERTY LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Matter of Septic Tanks no longer needed Ordinance on Mining, Excavation and Grading PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE L.I.D. 278 to Report Back at Continued Public Hearing PURCHASING AGENT Dispose of Surplus Vehicles SPECIAL EVENTS Continued Public Hearing 9/10/73 Powers of Initiative & Referendum Ordinance Continued Public Hearing 9/10/73 L.I.D. 278 Earlington Gardens Sanitary Sewers WMW law i I 173 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 27, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI, .� COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED AS HE HAD TO WORK LATE. CARRIED. Councilman Grant arrived at 8:30 P.M. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GENE COULON, Park Director; DENNIS SALTS, Data Processing Manager; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no additions nor deletions to Minutes of August 20, 1973 City Council Meeting, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. AWARD Mayor Garrett presented Citizens Award to Miss Terry Wright for service Miss Terry Wright as Board of Trustees Member for Renton Area Youth Services. Miss Wright R.A.Y.S. resigned to attend college. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- L.I.D. 277 lished as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on Sanitary Sewers final assessment for Local Improvement District No. 277 for construc- Vicinity N.E. 10th tion of sanitary sewer in vicinity of N.E. 10th St. between Sunset Blvd. vow N.E. and Edmonds N.E. No protests were registered. Public Works Direc- $22,052.73 Total for Gonnason reported a 33% decrease in project costs. IT WAS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , HEARING ON L.I.D. 277 BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ACCEPT FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL AS PREPARED BY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later, ordinance adopted.) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- L.I.D. 278 lished as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on Sanitary Sewers final assessment for Local Improvement District No. 278 for construc- Earlington tion of sanitary sewer lines in the vicinity of Earlington Gardens, Gardens West of Lind Ave. S.W. City Clerk Mead read letters of protest from Mr. Chad H. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Stotts, Mr. Jay E. Holmes, object- ing to increase in assessment. Public Works Director Gonnason reported 15.43% increase in costs above preliminary estimates due to increased scope of work and need for additional gravel and rock for pipe bedding material, with total roll $99,846.92, preliminary assessment roll was $86,499.05, H.U.D. grant in amount of $42,000 having already been sub- tracted from project total. Persons present and registering complaints due to increase in assessment were: Mrs. Doris Cady, 710 S.W. 12th; Mr. Jim Dalpay, 2435 Monterey N.E. ; Mr. Earl Griffin, 711 S.W. 12th St. ; Mr. Jay E. Holmes, 150 Capri Ave. N.E. Public Works Director Gonnason recalled late comers agreements with no financing, was disapproved in favor of L.I.D. with financing for home owners in this area. Upon inquiry from Councilman Schellert, Public Works Department Engineer Houk reported comparative figures between L.I.D. 's was difficult because of varying conditions, this L.I.D. costing between $18 and $19 per zone termini foot with previous costs at $10 to $15 per foot, that cost of Hearing Continued construction was increasing. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, to 9/10/73 PUBLIC HEARING FOR L.I.D. 278 BE CONTINUED TO MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1973 AND THAT THE SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK AT THAT TIME. MOTION CARRIED. 174 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes August 27, 1973 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Proposed lished as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on Annexation proposed annexation of the Eastwood Park Area, located north of Sunset Eastwood Park Blvd. N.E. , west of 138th Ave. S.E. , east of City Limits (east of Glen- co Subdivision) , and south of S.E. 101st St. No new correspondence having been received by the Clerk, Planning Director Ericksen presented maps and slides of the area giving comparison of 1973millage rates before and after annexation,with .27 mill increase,that is $2.70 additional on a $20,000 house for one year only,upon annexation. Upon inquirer from Councilman Stredicke, Fire Chief Walls outlined access to area, Police 11 Chief Darby did not anticipate any problems and stated area to be patrol led. Mr. W.L. Walker, 1517 Union Ave. N.E. , having circulated petition of intent, acted as spokesman for the area and confirmed inquiry by Copncilman Schellert that residents of the area would accept the pro rata share of the bonded indebtedness, provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning regulations as required by City's Zoning Code. Mr. Walker expressed desire for area to remain residential with no business zoning. Upon inquiry of Mr. John Ladwig, 13620 S.E. 101st P1. , Public Works Director Gonnason outlined sewer line route, stating ultimately that area would be served by the May Creek trunk which is• sdheduled for construction in 1975. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO LOOK WITH FAVOR UPON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION AND THAT THE PROVISIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE AND ASSUMPTION OF THE PRO RATA SHARE OF THE PRE-EXISTING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, BE REQUIRED, AND THAT AUTHORIZATION IS GRANTED TO CIRCULATE THE REQUIRED PETITION FOR ANNEXATION. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, CITY CLERK NOTIFY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Proposed Ordinance lished as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on Adopting Powers the proposed ordinance relating to the powers of initiative and refer- of Initiative and endum as authorized by Chapter 81, Laws of 1973, lst Ex. Session, Referendum which provides procedures and establishes exemptions thereof. ResolurM - tion No. 1855 was adopted May 14, 1973 upon passage of Senate Bill No. 2190 which granted the powers of initiative and referendum to non-charte `` Code City. Ninety days having passed since adoption of Resolution No. 1855 as required by law, City Clerk Mead read the proposed ordinance which states 15% of the total number of names of persons listed as registered voters within the City at the last preceding City General Election are required to sign petition for an initiative or referendum; that 30 days wating period required from the time of passage of any ordinance until it becomes effective except those ordinances authoriz- ing or repealing taxes, those initiated by petition, those necessary for immediate preservation of public peace, health and safety or for the support of City Government and its existing public institutions which contain a statement of urgency and are passed by unamimous vote of the Council, exempting those ordinances providing for local improve- ment districts or appropriating money, or providing for collective bargaining agreements or for the compensation of or working conditions of City employees and agents. Audience comments were made by Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington Ave. N.E. ; by Mr. Sven Johnson, 1520 Index Ave. N.E. ; Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd. S. ; Mr. Ed Eaton, Hearing Continued Record Chronicle reporter. Upon inquiry by Mr. Johnson, City Attorney to 9/10/73 Shellan advised Renton was the first city to adopt Resolution establishing intent to adopt initiative and referendum and that the exemptions listed in the ordinance are verbatim as set forth by the 1973 Legislature. Following discussion on possible effects that could be brought about by passage of the proposed ordinance, it was MOVED BY $TREDICKE, SECOND ' ' BY DELAURENTI, PUBLIC HEARING BE CONTINUED TO MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. MOTION CARRIED following further discussion. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Meeting reconvened at 10:50 p.m. and Roll Call showed all Councilmen present. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report recommend- Ordinance 2797 ing first reading for an ordinance confirming assessments and assessment L.Z.D. 277 roll of Local Improvement District No. 277 for improvement of N.E.10th Sanitary Sewers St. area by construction of sanitary sewers. (See earlier Public N.E. 10th St. Hearing this date.) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. i i 175 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes August 27, 1973 Page 3 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ordinance 2797 City Clerk Mead read the ordinance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY L.I.D. 277 PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL (See earlier ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call Vote showed unanimous Council Public Hearing) approval. MOTION CARRIED. i Resolution 1871 Finance and Personnel Committee report was read recommending concurrence Surplus Vehicles with the Purchasing Agent's request to surplus one 1/2 ton pickup and seven 4-door sedans. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL To be Sold by CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT TO SURPLUS VEHICLES AND REFER MATTER TO THE �aSealed Bid LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented resolution declaring seven 4-door sedans and one 1/2 ton pickup surplus and authorizing the Purchasing Agent to advertise for the sale of the vehicles "as is." Following reading of the resolution by City Clerk Mead, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY .CLYMER, RESOLU- TION BE ADOPTED AS READ. Following discussion that confirmed replace- ment vehicles had been received and that vehicles to be surplussed had been placed in the equipment rental pool for use by other departments as the replacement vehicles were received, MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE PURCHASING AGENT BE INSTRUCTED TO PLACE A ONE COLUMN BY FOUR INCH AD IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION UNDER "AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE" FOR ONE EDITION OF THE SUNDAY SEATTLE TIMES AND P.I. , GREATER RENTON NEWS, AUBURN, RENTON AND KENT PAPERS OF THE VALLEY NEWSPAPERS, PUBLISHING THE SURPLUS VEHICLES FOR SALE. MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS AN� CURRENT BUSINEI�Z; Letter from City Attorney Shellan advised regarding City of Renton vs. Scott Pacific, King County Superior Court Case No. 735570 (Condemnation proceedings for property adjacent to Lake Washington Beach Park) , at City vs. w hearing on appeal for attorney fees and interest by property owner Scott Pacifi4� it was ruled that the attorneys' fees allowable on appeal would be fixed at $15,000. Shellan advised that amount plus interest of $2,034.30 W0 were the only remaining amounts payable by the City to terminate N � Lf) proceedings. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Finance Director ' Marshall advised money had been budgeted for park acquisition and Park too O Z Director Coulon advised as soon as reimbursement funds received Park U Board plans to proceed. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment #7665 - 7778 of Warrants #7665 through 7778 in the total amount of $212,996.39, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services were received. Councilman Schellert called attention that warrant included for settlement of the lunchroom contract with Mrs. Wo` Mavis Madden allowing City to enter into contract with new operator. G4 Schellert also noted inclusion of $17,034.30 for settlement of Scott Pacific condemnation court case. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY W" CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THESE WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. Councilman Grant requested record indicate he has never participated nor taken part in any action regarding the Scott Pacific court cas onbake W shi ton Property as at one time had received contributio whicfi''al91oug� r did not feel was a conflict of interest, he nevertheless wanted to abstain from being involved in any action on this matter. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd. S. , inquired of missing 25MPH speed sign near his home and was concerned for possible danger. Mayor Garrett asked Public Works Director Gonnason to investigate. nT,D BUSINESS Committee Member Clymer presented Finance and Personnel Committee nance & Personnel report recommending Coucil concur with the Administration and enter b.ommittee Report_ into five-year agreement with NCR leasing a Century 101 computer. NCR Computer MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE Century 101 REPORT AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH NCR FOR THE CENTURY 101 EQUIPMENT. Data Processing Manager Salts and Committee Chairman Schellert explained the cost of $4,310 per month, that the present contract with NCR is expired and being renewed on month to month basis, ability to terminate contract prior to 5-year period, explaining program language and other items. MOTION CARRIED with affirmative vote by all Councilmen except Councilman Stredicke and Councilman Perry who requested their negative vote be recorded. 1I Renton City Council Meeting Minutes August 27, 1973 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Community Services Community Services Committee report submitted by Chairman Grant reported Committee Report activities of the Ad Hoc Committee on the sign code ordinance, they are meeting on weekly basis and will be ready with recommendation following several more meetings. Grant invited persons interested in sign code to attend meetings. Mining, Grading The Community Services report recommended minor amendments to the pro- Excavating posed Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance be referred to the Legis- Ordinance lation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. City Attorney Shellan advised City has right to adopt this ordinance as long as it does not conflict with State law and for the purpose of controlling local operators. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Matter of Animal MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE MATTER OF ANIMAL CONTROL Control AND THE LETTER DATED AUGUST 21, 1973 FROM MAYOR GARRETT TO COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THE LETTER DATED AUGUST 23, 1973 FROM CHIEF DARBY TO COUNCIL- MAN STREDICKE, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR RECOMMEN- DATION. CARRIED. Septic Tanks Upon inquiry from Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason advised septic tanks are to be filled with sand upon connection to the City sewers. Councilman Perry inquired into use of septic tanks for gutter and storm drain water. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS PROBLEM OF SEPTIC TANKS NO LONGER NEEDED BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Zoning on New Areas MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE THAT THE SUBJECT OF ZONING OF r'GR rtE` �-D-REFER y ANNEXED PROPERTY INTO HOLDING ZONE,OR G ZONE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE PW SfUDV. CARRIEIS.—'' Water Rates for MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE CITY EXTEND REDUCED Retired Citizens WATER AND SEWER RATES OF $1.00 PER MONTH TO THOSE RETIRED CITIZENS WHOSE INCOME DOES NOT EXCEED THAT AMOUNT SET FORTH IN EXISTING ORDI- NANCE, REDUCING AGE LIMIT FROM 65 TO 62. Councilman Bruce felt renters falling in this category should receive reduced rates, Councilman Perry replying matter clearly spelled out in ordinance. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MATTER OF REDUCING AGE LIMIT FOR SPECIAL $1.00 WATER AND SEWER RATES BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVISED ORDINANCE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED. 12:20 CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 12:20 a.m. 1 elores A. Mead, City Clerk I /79 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 8/27/rJ SE13IN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT ow FUND DESCRIPON NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 7676 7706 $43094504 PARK@ AND RECREATION 7707 7719 82.413989 CITY STREET 7720 7724 635708 CEDAR RIVER M AND 1 7725 7726 •307999 LIBRARY 7727 7727 •22077 REG# AND STREET FWD TMRUBT 7728 7731 $4.091143 URBAN ARTERIAL 7732 7733 8698162 AIRPORT CONSTUCTION FUND 7734 7737 •51.824#20 WATERWORKS UTILITY 7738 7745 •$5.370#88 AIRPORT 7749 7750 •28#09 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7751 7755 8770#67 FIREMEN 6 PENSION 7756 7777 •6• i30#34 LK. WASH BEACH FWD THRUST 7778 i7,034.30 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $212 996.3`: WE• THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE REWTON CITY COUNCIL• HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED• DO E. HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO- 7676 THROUGH NO# $212,99639 7779 IN TME AMOUNT OF • . THIS 27 OF AUGUST • t9721 FINANCE COMMITTEE ?.�f w w wwmww w ww• MITTEE M ER tiallwwwiwwwwwwrwrw Coo* TTEE MEMBER t - wwNiww www wwwm,w •www wwM COMMITTEE MEMBER v CITY COUNCIL CCMmTEE MEETING CALENDAR �Q Office of the City Clark COUNCIL Ca*UTTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 8127173 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMKITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tues . 9/11 8 P.M. CL= Council Chambers Animal Control , Senior Citizens to Speak to Council CCHII+IIJIJITY SERVICES Thurs . 8/3 � 8 A.M. M 3rd flr. Conf. roo Thurs. 8/3 9 A.M. 3rd flr. Conf. roo Ad Hoc Committee on Sign Code-all in- terested persons invited. FIXANCE AND PERSONNEL Mon . 9110 4 : 30 P.M. SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon . 9/10 7 P.M. PERRY Chairman ' s office � PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS Thurs . 8/3 7 P•M• BRUCE 4th f 1 r. Conf. roo Tues ., 8/28 7 P.M. Steps of City. Hall Field -Trip TRANSPORTATION Tues. 8/28 8 P.M. PERRY 4th f1r. Conf. roo following Field Trip Thurs. 8/3 7: 30 P.M. 4th flr. Conf. roo SR515 Corridor Staff to brief Committ e .on status 2 Boeing Reps. & 2 Chamber OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS Reps . invited Wed. 9/12 7:30 P.M. Carco Theatre Candidates Meeting for City & School Board Candidates 179 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS No. Amount Name Address Type of Work 3453 $10 ,000 . 00 Frank Farrow 509 Harrington Ave NE . Const . new entrap and add rear of bldg . 34;= 1 ,600 . 00 Verdam Thompson 455 Jefferson Ave NE. Enlrge . patio $ r roof all patio 34�" 200 . 00 O . E . Marr 205 NW. 6th Str . Const . covered patio . 3456 2 ,350 . 00 Renton Sch. Dist .#403 315 Garden Ave . N . Framing wood stuc wall from floor t ceiling cover wit 5/8 sheetrock at Sartori Sch. 3457 Jessie L . Ridgley 404 Lind Ave NW. Demolish Resid. Clean debris $ lc vel lot ELECTRICAL PERMIT -14262 55 . 00 Val Drllevich 2616 EDmonds Ave NE . Instll . temporary service 4263 55 . 00 Gil Centioli 980 Harrington Ave NE . Instll . temporary service 4264 1 , 100 . 00 Dr. Larry A. Lackie 115 South 3rd Str . Instll . Undrg . ser vice 4265 250 .60 David Thompson 1725 NE . 28th Str . Wire fam . rm . •bdr & master bath 4266 650 . 00 Hebb F, Narodick 820 S . 28th Ct . Wire new sin. fan resid. 42 650 . 00 Hebb Narodick 808 S . 28th Ct . Wire new sin. fan resid . 4268 650 . 00 Hebb Narodick 802 S . 28th Ct . Wire new sin. fan resid . 4269 180 . 00 David E . Harris 1728 Shattuck Ave S . Wire bdrm. addtic 4270 450 . 00 Maurice McGrath ' s Ry al, 1901 Vashon Ave . NE Wire new S/F resi 4271 3 ,000 . 00 Dario Cugini N3. 413 S . 3rd Str . Instll . wiring fc remdl . of Florist shop 4272 100 . 00 Dura Investments 1150 Union Ave NE . Instll . temporary service X4273 900 . 00 Don Lindberg 3610 Park Ave N. Wire new- sin. fan resid. 4274 386 . 00 Max Orofco 509 Grandey Way Install new 200 AMP with main breaker 4275 500 . 00 Tauner A. Jayne 304 Powell SW. Wire add. & Inst] new 200 AMP servi 4276 150 . 00 Herb Short 1855 N. 4th Str. Instll . disconnec & outlet for mixE 14277 600 . 00 Robert Phelps 3821 Lk. Wash . Blvd. N. Instll .new 200 an service -pick up existing circuits add BB heat $ 12 outlets 42� 250 . 00 Baret Hospet 405 Pelly Ave . N. Instll . new 200 amp multibreaker service { MECHANICAL PERMITS M363S 527 . 00 Hebb and Narodick Constr . 820 S . 28th Ct . Instll . 100 ,000 F TU gas furnace 3636 400 . 00 Wm. McLaughlin 652 Redmond Ave NE . Instll . 50 , 000 BI gas wall furnace 3637 450 . 00 Veteran' s Administration 1929 NE. 24th Str . Repair septic tar drainfield 3638 VOIDED 3639 S00 . 00 Kelso Constr . Co . 2022 Aberdeen Pl . SE. Instll . 100 ,000 BTu gas forced ai heating system 180 (CONT) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK No . Amount Name Address Type of Work M3640 $ 500 . 00 Maurice McGrath ' s BLa . 1901 Vashon Ave . NE . Inst11 . 100 , 0 PWIT.Sgas forced a heating syst 3641 250 . 00 Carrie M. Gaoiran 703 SW. 12th Str . Instll . the fo to ing plumbing fix tures , water pip 3642 1 , 261 . 00 Hebb $ Narodick 908 S . 28th Ct . Instll . plumbing fixtures 3643 352 . 00 Albert H . Olofson 4401 NE . 10th Str . Instll . Franklin fireplace 3644 207 . 00 Wilbur L . Repp 815 N. 3rd Str . Ingaslhotgas rang ter heater 3645 600 . 00 David Thompson 1725 NE . 28th Str . Instll . plumbing fixtures for re- model at resid . 3646 750 . 00 Charles Gibson 2008 NE . 20th Str . Instil . basins , bathtub , water closets SIGN PERMITS No . S307 200 . 00 Arnold Hartuigson 3770 NE. 4th St . Instll pole sign 308 2 , 700 . 00 Kentucky Fried Chicken 980 Harrington Ave .NE . Install 2 pole ! 3 wall signs 309 20 . 00 Safeway 203 S . 2nd St . Instll * gral o ing display SEWER PERMITS 1929 Rainier Village Co . 515 Rainier Ave . S . Connect side sev 1930 Emily Conklin 3608 Lk. Wash . B1vd . N Qonnect side sewer onnect side sewer 1931 Hank Loban 1151 Aberdeen Ave NE. Connect lied sewer 1932 Hank Loban 1151 Aberdeen Ave NE. i f i 181 C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N MONTH OF TRANSFfRl: TO THE CITY TREASURER: Now �- FROM TO PUPPOIA, TOTAL CURRENT FUND $ 14, 177.85 PARKS AND RECREATlI N 2, 196. 77 CI'l'Y S'1'ltliE'1' 8,465.60 IlbQ:R(iliN('Y I:MPLOYML: 'l' 24.97 REG. h STREET ',WD. CliRUST 16,957.92 11101AN ARTERIAL bo,:ib0. 19 LK. WAS11. BEACII IV . T11RUST 1,203. 75 L1 3RARY CONSTRUCTI( d 26,498. 75 ALRPORT CONSTRUCT134 1,548.38 WAI'ERWORKS UTILITY 1,657.61 AIRPORT 786.45 EQU I PH-'NIT RENTAL. 23,715.42 1 I ltliMl N'S Pi?NSION 9,808.21 CLAIMS FUND $168,011.87 Conti-nguncy fund Current bund ReSOIIAtlon No. 1865 $ 7, 136.00 CIAIMS FUND CURRI:N'I' FUND Cancelled CLAIMS WARRANT X1/6771 $ 704. 16 !3 73 CUldd.NT FUNll $ 26,002.1.3 PARKS & RLtatl:A'!'l0N 4,594.58 C17'Y S7'1:1:1:11' 14,048.62 (;I:DAi( R I VI.R M ti 1 10 7.73 1,11iRARY 5 ,782.57 LMU:1tG1:ivCY I.:MPI;��YMI: T 1)040.39 WORK lNC1:N`1'1 VI: '.'UN 315.85 4'G & STI<I:L:'I' '1' RUSj' 12,254.23 0101AN ARTLR1Al, 40,285.54 LIBRARY CONSTRUCT1 N FUND 920.07 AIRPORT CONSTitt;CTI N I'UND 5,19:5.153 WATLRWORKS UTILITY 41,949.95 AIRPORT 144.8 7 LQUIPMI:N'1' RI:N't'AL 53,236.77 FIRL'MEN'S PENSION 1 041 ,601 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of AUGUST $1589993.03 MAYJR FINANCE DIRECTOR 182 C T Y OF I: I- NTON 1*40NTN OF TO TriE.-CITY TREASURER i t FROM TO PIJRPOSI TOTAL 5 CIJRIv ! Full") PARK`, R kiE CI1-AT I ON 4. 108.04, APILRIAL S1RFl T 10681'3.00 CI I SII1II `�4,,02`), 1�) KG, R STRI.F..E FWD Ili 'UST 40,7 � A.QO UkCiAN ARTS R I AI_ 340333.081 LK WASH HI-ACH FWD 1 IRUST 9.00 . Al ( P010" CONSTR. FUN ) 30845. 18 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2.60303.08 AIRPORT 1 , 145.70 1OUIPMFNT RLNTAi_ 5,670.74 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of AUGUST 188,0-51 .95 /5 92 426. [a CURRENT FUND , HARKS 8 R1-CREATION 330626.86 CITY STREET 19,467.35 CEDAR R I VFR M a I 3t39.75 L I HRARY h,t31 9. 16 PUHLIC FMPLOYMFNT- (PEP) 4,673.98 WOPK INCFNTIVF---- (WIN) 1 ,3313.73 PFG, 4 STRFFT FWD TI RUST 660.53 L341AN ARTFRIAI, 5,944.74 WATERWORKS UTILITY 12,957,56 AIRPORT 987.50 .0UIPME=NT RENTAL 2,684.50 lRFMEN'S PENSION I00.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of AU(;I1ST !,182,07().84 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND .anceIIed CLAIMS WAK' ANTN,'6973 S 12.00 I CONT I N(,FNCY, FUND CURRENT FUND Resolution No.# 1865 "7, 156.00 i lol,I /14 6 F MA� R FINANCE DIRECTOR. I �3 11,;;.;:;"' �;; C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N MON—H Jf= TIMSFERS ,`O THF. C -Y TREASURER" TO !'I JI'•('(151 TOTAL U.1tk :N'1' FUND w 43P945.94 PARKS & itl Cic �'� 0ION 2,9-13.98 C i'�'Y STRI:I:'1' 357.38 1.1 BwVtY 307.99 22 !tf'; ,1, 5'1'lt?' :'l' FWD '1'I RUST .77 1,091.43 URLAN ARTERIAL 698.6' L LK WASH ;',LA('!! F141) ' fiKUST 17034.30 AIRPORT CONS'PIt!icri( N. , FUND 51 )Y824.20 Id117' .,RwImS UTI LI'1'Y. 85,370.823 AIIt1"ORT 28.08 8 08 LQU11'MCNT RENTAL 770.0 I'IK1:M1:N'S 1'LNStUN 97 6,1:.10.:f4 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of AUGUST p212,996.39 F I REMI:lV 4 S PENSION � CUlflcLNT FUND Jarrant#3510, To ad.j. payment- 11 42.65:° from wrong; fund in terror 7"t CURRENT ' LINT) S 94.843.45 PARKS & RECRI'A' 29, 758. 51 C YIN STREET 19,123.60 C1:DA': RIVER *` £ >. 389. 75 LTHAR" 7, 107. 95 EMERGEI�K'Y l M`1.OY_,4ZN `PEP) 4,816. 14 WORD_ iNCIsN'CIVE 'W1N) 1,462. 54 R.4; S'1'R:`�T "' ' 11H, t INT 704. 57 I IIJR�' 1 Pl'<'ERIAI, 6; 341. ^4. W,1,,F?.FORKS VP TT:*-:'13 13,511.84 A!1t?`�)Id'r 947. 50 J'EQ!.l PIMENT RENV,.,' 2,684. 50 F Difll T i 'S P4 NS u",1.;,i 100.00 '"AYR`.?LL FUND 'Transfers for month of AUGUST $181,831. 59 k .;r . w I CURRENT FUND 1COW. .rYGENCY FUND Resolution# 1865, made 2 times $ 7, 136.00 in error: 8/6/73 & 8/20/73 4. . 9" C a � k OR FINANCE D I�'FCTOR 184 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 10, 1973 Municipal BU�Iding Monday - 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER* Shane Petition Claims for Damages* Puhich, Nick J . Good Chevrolet Mrs . Staffie 0. Dime Christie , Wm. B . BUILDING DEPARTMENT Matter of Permit Request for Ford Dealership CITY CLERK Shane Petition COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE EAA $95, 000 Loan New Careers/Operation Improvement and Attorney to Lynch Letter COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Matter of Permit Request for Ford Dealership FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointment of Robert E . Cotner Special Reduced Sewer & Water Rates - Revenue study renters LEGISLATION COMMITTEE New Carriers/Operation Improvement and Attorney to Lynch Letter Metro Council Proposal re Sewerage Treatment Annual Registration Senior Citizens re Reduced Water & Sewer Rates L. I .D. 278 Revised MP-L & H Zoning Ordinance changes PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Refuse Collection Contract Compliance L. I . D. 278 Revised PLANNING COMMISSION Zoning of Annexed Property into Holding or G Zone (8/27/73) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Mutual Aid Agreement TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Sunset Blvd . N .E . Channelization Matter Proposed vacation Whitman Court N .E . Off-Site Improvement Completion - Kirkland N .E . APPOINTMENTS Board of Adjustment : Mr . Roger Peterson and Mr . Kenneth Swanigan PUBLIC HEARINGS Zoning Ordinances Changes Manufacturing Park - September 24 , 1973 L . I .D. 281 Watermains - October 1 , 1973 / soo RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 10 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday - 8: 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. �ITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; M.C. WALLS, Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; KENNETH WHITE, Person- nel Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL Councilman Stredicke asked that Page 4, Council Minutes of August 27, 1973 8/27/73 Item "Zoning on New Areas" include referral to the Planning Commission. Councilman Grant asked inclusion of Foss Tug and Barge to his comments paragraph 4, Page 3 along with Scott Pacific Co. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ADDITIONS BE MADE. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MINUTES BE APPROVED AS AMENDED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- L.I.D. 278 lished as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on Sanitary Sewers final assessment for L.I.D. 278, construction sanitary sewer lines Earlington being continued from August 27. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce Gardens reported committee not able to meet and had no report. City Clerk Mead Continued from read communication from Seattle Lumber Co. , 500 S.W. 16th St. , protesting August 27, 1973 increase in final assessment. Persons present objecting to increase in assessment were: Mr. Jay Holmes of Holmes Electric, 1415 Seneca S.W. and Mr. Wally Nelson of Wally's Fabrication, 506 S.W. 13th. Public Works Director Gonnason explained need for additional pipe bedding material causing increase in cost of project, that the portion of line relaid by contractor was done at contractor's expense, total amount of project $140,846.92 as of August 6, with H.U.D. grant reducing the total of the roll to $99,846.92. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT Assessment L.I.D. 278 FINAL ASSESSMENT BE REDUCED BY ENGINEERING COSTS IN AMOUNT Roll Reduced OF $8,522.05. Roll Call Vote resulted in 2 NO: CLYMER AND PERRY, 5 AYE: GRANT, BRUCE, STREDICKE, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONFIRM L.I.D. 278 AS AMENDED AND REFER THE ROLL TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR REVISION OF ROLL AND TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Proposed Ordinance lished as required by law, Mayor Garrett open the continued Public Hear- Relating to ing on proposed ordinance relating to the powers of initiative and ref- Power of erendum as authorized by Chapter 81, Laws of 1973, 1st Ex. Session, Initiative and providing procedures therefor and establishing exemptions therefrom. Referendum City Clerk Mead read letter from League of Women Voters of King County Continued from South advocating adoption of the ordinance. Mr. Michael C. Shane, August 27, 1973 3003 Mountain View Ave. N. , presented a petition to the City Council asking for certification as to number of signatures on each of the numbered pages. Also speaking were: Mr. Sven Johnson, 1520 Index Ave. N.E. , favored ordinance but objected to exemptions; Mr. Joe Sporcic 1316 Harrington N.E. MOVED BY STREDICKE. SECONDED BY SCHELLERT HEARING BE- CLOSED. CARRIED. Legislation Committee Chairman reported first read- ing August 20, 1973, committee now recommending adoption. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE RELATING TO POWERS OF INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Follow- Ordinance #2798 ing reading, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE Relating to Power ADOPTED. ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS COUNCIL APPROVAL SHOWN BY ROLL of Initiative CALL VOTE. and Referendum MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. RECESS CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:30 P.M. with roll call showing all Councilmen present. / 4f� Renton City Council Meeting Minutes September 10, 1973 - Page 2 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #2799 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report recom- Special Sewer mending first reading with referral back to committee on two separate Charges for ordinances relating to certain special rates for qualified senior citi- Senior Citizens zens for sewer charges (amending Title VIII) and water charges and water and sewer rates (amending Title III) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Ordinance #2800 BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON Special Water FIRST READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance relating to Charges and certain special rates for sewer charges for qualified senior citizens. Water and Sewer MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE Rates for LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following reading of the second Senior Citizens ordinance relating to charges for water service and special charges for certain qualifying senior citizens relating to water and sewer rates, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER $4.00 Value ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. At Stredicke's inquiry, for $1.00 Perry explained these ordinances reduce eligibility age from 65 to for Qualified 62 for reduced water and sewer charges of $1.O0(representinq minimum Citizens water charge) per month and raises the maXf.MM income to $4,000 Over 62 per year for single persons and $5,100 per year for married couples. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO SUSPEND RULES AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. At Clymer's inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised this legislation would not be considered discriminatory. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk read ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call Vote showed unanimous Council approval, MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL RECONSIDER ACTION ON AN ORDINANCE FOR SEWER CHARGES FOR QUALIFIED SENIOR CITIZENS PREVIOUSLY REFERRED TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE, CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS SUSPENDING RULE OF ALLOWING A WEEK BETWEEN READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call Vote showed unanimous Council approval, MOTION CARRIED. Legislation Committee Minority Report presented by Committee :yember Proposed Ordinance Schellert recommended the proposed ordinance appropriating $95,000 appropriation Economic Assistance Authority loan for the purpose of constructing $95,000 EAA Loan sanitary sewers and water mains in the vicinity of the North Renton Industrial Area, be placed on its first reading. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ADOPT THE MINORITY REPORT AND REJECT THE E.A.A. LOAN IN AMOUNT OF $95,000 AND RETURN SAME. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED, REFERRED TO COMMITTEE. Resolution #1872 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Allen Property resolution surpiusing a certain city-owned dwelling as substandard Declared Surplus located at 211 Mill Ave. S. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND RESOLUTION BE READ. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1873 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Housing and Urban resolution designating the Mayor to requisition payments from H.U.D. Development Grant relative to Project WS-WASH-129, Water and Sewer Grant. MOVED BY Designee SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #1874 Legislation Committee recommended reading of resolution declaring Creating L.I.D. intent to construct and install water mains, hydrants and appurtenances No. 281 thereto in the vicinity of Stevens Ave. N.W. and Taylor N.W. on N.W. Watermains 2nd Street and to create a local improvement district to assess cost with Public Hearing to be held October 1, 1973 by City Council. MOVED Public Hearing BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, RESOLUTION BE READ. CARRIED. Follow- 10/1/73 ing reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment #7779 - 7970 of Warrants #7779 through #7970 in amount of $217,004.48 plus L.I.D. 277 L.I.D. 277 Warrants Revenue 2 in amount of $1,309.74 and Cash 2 in amount $1,309.74. 41 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes September 10, 1973 - Page 3 VOUCHER APPROVAL - Continued Warrants At Schellert's request, Clerk read letter from City Clerk recommending #7779 - 7970 revised billing be authorized for payment on publication charges for Plus LID 277 Ordinance 2787 (Parking and Loading) , the exhibit portion being reduced (Continued) by 50% for total of $491.40, listed as Warrant 7825. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, VOUCHER BE AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. Depart- mental certification having been received that merchandise and services rendered, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, VOUCHERS BE AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Park Director Coulon recommended final payment due Daviscourt Construction Co. for Kennydale Lions Park Shelter Building in amount Final Payment of $24,175.11, recommending project acceptance this date. Letter also Kennydale Lions recommended if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against this Shelter Bldg. project and proof of payment of tax liabilites filed, retained amount C.A.G. 021-73 of $5,612.55 be paid contractor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PARK DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason. recommended first and final S.43rd Watermain payment due DiOrio Construction Co. , Inc. for installation 24" water- W-394 main at S.43rd St. and Springbrook Rd. , amount due contractor $50,080.37. C.A.G. 026-73 Letter recommended Council accept completion as of September 10, and that if after 30 days, no liens or claims are filed against project and proof of payment of tax liabilities received, that retained amount of $5,255.02 be paid contractor. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MOVED WE CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Mutual Aid Letter from Mayor Garrett requested authorization to sign agreement Agreement -- received from King County to update our current law enforcement mutual Police Services aid agreement covering civil disturbances and riots, originally entered into May 28, 1968, having been reviewed by Chief Darby and City Attorney. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS AGREEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ford Dealership Letter from Attorney Schmechel of Davis, Wright, Todd, Riese & Jones Requests Use of asked for street use permit for portion of Grady Way formerly held by Public R/W Robinson & Fyon Ford, Inc. , to be issued to Ford Leasing Development Co. who have been negotiating to acquire property located on Rainier Ave. S. in order to permit a new Ford dealer to open for business during September, 1973. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER MATTER TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton School Letter from Renton School District 403 President of Board of Directors District Mr. Robert L. Hoffman, asked support for the September 18, school levy School Levy proposition in amount of 5.34 mills as opposed to the 17.87 mills 9/18/73 passed in 1972. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT COUNCIL GO ON RECORD AS SUPPORTING THE SCHOOL LEVY. Mrs. Barbara Lally, upon Council inquiry, reported school children would be bringing home litera- ture and that levy included no salary increases. MOTION CARRIED. METRO Resolution Letter from Mayor Garrett asked Council adoption of resolution supporting Request re Metro Council's proposal to bypass the Federal Water Pollution Control Sewerage Act Amendments of 1972 and the requirement for interim secondary treat- Treatment ment, and move directly to define and implement the 1983 Federal stan- dard of best practicable treatment. Mr. Ted Mallery of Metro was intro- duced by Mayor Garrett and explained project. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE MAYOR IN THIS MATTER AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Eastwood Park Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported presentation to the Annexation City Clerk of the 75% annexation petition circulated by Mr. William L. Walker for the Eastwood Park proposed annexation which includes 34 parcels and total '73 assessed valuation of $285,900, with all but 7 parcels and $50,500 being represented on the petition. The letter asked Council to accept annexation petition, authorizing Mayor and staff to proceed with Eastwood Park Annexation. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING DIREC- TOR. CARRIED. /84 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes September 10, 1973 - Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Claims for Alleged City Clerk Mead presented Claim for Damages filed by Nick John Puhich, Damages 424 S.W. Langston P1. , for auto damage. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO REFER THIS CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. Nick J. Puhich CARRIED. Good Chevrolet Claim for Damages for Good Chevrolet, 617 S. 3rd, by Kenneth M. Nieman was presented by the City Clerk (glass breakage) . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Mrs. S. 0. Dime City Clerk presented Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Staffie 0. Dime, 104 Pelly, for glass breakage at Andy's Cafe. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Wm. B. Christie City Clerk Mead presented Claim for Damages filed by William B. Christie, 841 Shoremont Rd.S.W. , Seattle, for damage to plane at Renton Airport. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTOR- NEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. New Careers/ Letter from Mayor Garrett asked Council action to authorize signing of Operation agreement between the City the the New Careers/Operation Improvement Improvement - organization in order to proceed with initial starting date of Hiring of September 24, 1973. The letter recalled Mayor's memo of July 3, and Unemployed further explained the hiring of 4 persons who will receive on-the-job training three days per week and attend school the other two days, with reimbursement to the City of 80% of the salaries for first year and 40% for second year. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND COMMITTEE OF WHOLE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND MOTION AND ADD THAT THE LETTER ADDRESSED TO MR. JACK LYNCH FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY DATED SEPTEMBER 5, 1973 BE INCLUDED IN REFERRAL. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. 1973 AWC Meetings Permission being granted for additional Agenda item, City Clerk Mead read letter from Association of Washington Cities announcing the 1973 Regional Meeting schedule. Each Councilman asked to notify Council President who will in turn notify the City Clerk in order that necessary reservations can be made. PROCLAMATIONS A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read noting imminent energy crisis Energy and called for energy conservation measures to be taken immediately, Conservation asking employees and residents to embark on voluntary program to reduce their consumption of energy wherever possible. MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Appointment of Mayor Garrett was read, announcing appointment of Mr. Human Rights & Robert E. Cotner, 12243 S.E. 184th St. to the Human Rights and Affairs Affairs Commission for a two-year term to expire April 25, 1975, Mr. R. E. Cotner Cotner being insurance salesman residing within Renton School District. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report Community Services concurring in the Board of Public Works recommendation for landscaping Committee Report and curb and gutter replacement at S.2nd St. traffic islands at the High School with combination of ground cover (low-spreading shrubs and S. 2nd St. accent specimen shrubs) at a cost of $5,600 and $3,600 for curb and Traffic Islands gutter replacement around the islands, with Forward Thrust funds avail- Landscaping able to complete project indicated by Public Works Director. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COM- MITTEE.CARRIED. Public Hearing Community Services report also recommended the fifth revised draft on 9/24/73 re MP-L and MP-H zones to the zoning ordinance be referred to the Legisla- zoning Ordinance tion Committee and further recommends that a Public Hearing be held on Manufacturing September 24, 1973 before the City Council on this matter. MOVED BY Park SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION Light & Heavy OF COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes September 10, 1973 - Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Finance and Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented committee Personnel report concurring in the Mayor's recommendation to reappoint Mr. Roger Committee Peterson to Position 5 of the Board of Adjustment, term expiring Report - September 6, 1977. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CON- Bd. of Adjustment CUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Roger Peterson Kenneth Swanigan Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Mayor's recom- mendation to reappoint Mr. Kenneth Swanigan to Position 6 of the Board of Adjustment, term expiring September 6, 1977. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Ttansportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented letter from Public Committee Report Works Director forwarding State Highway Commission Distric Engineer's Sunset B1vd.N.E. reply to Gonnason's request, pursuant to Council action, for removal Channelization of a portion of channelization on Sunset Blvd. N.E. between Harrington Ave. N.E. and N.E. 10th St. , which indicated Highway Commission cannot concur. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO WRITE LETTER TO MR. ROBERT'S SUPERVISOR REQUESTING REVIEW OF AREA FOR RECONSIDERATION. Following lengthy discussion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY TO AMEND MOTION THAT TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE BE INSTRUCTED BY COUNCIL TO CONTACT THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AND ARRANGE MEETING WITH REPRES- ENTATIVES HERE IN RENTON AND VISIT THAT SITE AND SEEK SOLUTIONS. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Environmental At Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen explained Guidelines State Environmental Policy Guidelines and the interim procedures to be used by various departments as guidelines and discussed filing of environmental impact statements. Reduced Water MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, SUBJECT, OF PROVIDING FOR & Sewer Rates ANNUAL REGISTRATION POLICY OF SIGNING UP AND NOTIFICATION OF THOSE for Seniors SENIOR CITIZENS ELIGIBLE FOR REDUCED WATER AND SEWER RATES, BE REFERRED Further Studied TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, SUBJECT OF IMPACT OF CHANGE IN REGULATIONS TO INCLUDE RENTERS VS. OWNERS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS ELIGIBLE FOR REDUCED WATER AND SEWER RATES BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. Proposed Vacation MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY THAT THE CITY COUNCIL INITIATE Whitman Court NE PROCEDURE FOR VACATION OF WHITMAN COURT N.E. FROM ITS POINT OF ORIGIN AT 11TH AVE. N.E. TO THE 120 FT. OR NORTH PROPERTY LINE AND EXISTING END OF IMPROVED ROADWAY OF WHITMAN COURT N.E. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED, REFERRED TO COMMITTEE. Petition Upon inquiry by Mayor Garrett re petition filed by Michael C. Shane filed by earlier this evening, City Attorney Shellan advised that people have Michael C. Shane the right to submit material to the Council at any time, however, at this time the City has no effective ordinance regardinq initiative and referen- dum and such petition would not be valid accordingly. It was subsequently MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE PETITION BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY WITH CERTIFICATION AS TO NUMBER OF SIGNATURES TO BE REFER- RED TO THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. J. Van Osdell Mr. James Van Osdell inquired on items brought to Council a year ago Sunset View Apts. regarding stiffer penalties for juvenile crime, acceptable noise levels for residential areas and re completion of off-site improvements on Kirkland Ave. N.E. behind Wigwam and fabric store. Councilman Delaurenti advised juvenile matter referred to the Youth Guidance Committee for review and report back. Councilman Perry advised noise abatement ordinance in committee and forthcoming soon. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ON KIRKLAND AVE. N.E. BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, REFER TO PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Adjournment FOR REPORT BACK, THE MATTER OF COMPLIANCE TO PROVISIONS OF REFUSE COLLECTION CONTRACT. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjournDDe,,.dat 12::25 p.m. Del Mead, City Clerk 190 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 9/10/73 BEGIN ENING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS /r 4c"1i.✓c Vc/D %i %9- 771'.d- �23 7,v0. 47 CURRENT FUND Voiu ;7g-1J- 51 oj7ylf- *ooj 7,019- loo 7786 7853 - PARKS AND RECREATION 7854 7873 $291728 . 40 ARTERIAL STREET 7874 7874 $7x455.00 CITY STREET 7875 7891 *6pl20v68 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 7892 7893 A20e38 LIBRARY 7894 7897 •677 .53 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 7898 7901 $495 * 48 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 7902 7903 $141028 REQ• AND STREET FWD THRUST 7904 7916 *16s591s59 URBAN ARTERIAL 7917 7924 •62x390.76 LIBRARY CONSTUCTION FUND 7925 7926 i19j580o53 WATERWORKS UTILITY 7927 7944 $451203. 86 AIRPORT 7945 7950 i2r279 *52 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7951 7967 A1j534o52 FIREMEN S PENSION 7968 7970 *IA044 .28 x,21 o o f1e TOTAL. OF ALL WARRANTS - 8 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL,. HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 7786 THROUGH N0# 0044,44 7970 IN THE AMOUNT OF THIS 10 OF SEPTEMBER73 FINANCE COMMITTEE LID 277 - Revenue - 2 $1,309.74 e�L � C-� LID 277 - Cash - 2 $1,309.74 . ...rr �r�..rrrwwrwr.cww'4w�w w.w OMMITTEE MEMBER •�Iw wrrrwrl�wwrrrrrwwwrwwr��w Col14TTTEE AC L, rwwwywwrrwrwwrwrwwrrrrrrw�wrww v CITY COUNCIL COMMIT] ETING CALENDAR i Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 9110173 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMI'MM'EE OF THE WHOLE Thurs , 9/20 8:00 P. CLQ Council Chambers 9/11 Meetin Can cel 1e CQ�'IIJNITY SERVICES Thurs , 9/13 8:00 A . GRANT 3rd Flr . Conf. Rm. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon . , 9/17 7 :00 P. M PERRY Chairman ' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 9/17 7 :00 P .M DELAUR.ENTI Council Chambers PUBLIC WORKS Thurs . ,9/13 7: 30 P .M BRUCE Council Chambers L. I .D. 276 TRANSPORTATION To be A n n o u c e d PERRY OTHER MEETIMIAND EVENTS Wed. , 9/12 7 : 30 P. M ARCO Theatre Candidates Meeting for City & School Board Candidates /474 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SEPTEMBER 10, 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3458 $ 29, 500 L. Purcell 2003 NE 16th St. New residence 3459 655 ,000 C. F. S. Continental 601 S. W. 7th St. Construct whse. B3460 22, 000 P. D. Donohue 1112 N. 33rd P1 . Const. new residence 3461 -- V. O. Forte 114 Park N. Demolish residence 3462 20, 000 A & H Drugs #1 200 S. 3rd St. Remove & inst. partition 3463 2 ,500 P. Erickson 1414 N. 32nd St . New roof framing, gutters 3464 1 ,500 R. Sprague , Jr. 628 Shattuck S. Attached wood garage B3465 1 , 000 0. E. Bressan 809 High Ave. S. Storage shed & work area 3466 35 , 000 Winchell Donut Hse. 3116 Sunset NE Constr. of new Donut Hse. 3467 500 Park Dept . 1902 Lk. Youngs SE Conc. ftg. for rec. bldg. 3468 -- D. D. Michalski 2225 Maple V1y. Hwy Demolish service station 3469 3, 000 Ralph Shafar 1709 SE 29th St. Half carport , half garage B3470 137 A. Delaurenti 525 Morris Ave S. Install patio cover 3471 14,000 Cugini Florist 413 S. 3rd St . Remodel florist shop 3472 1 ,000 N. Renton Clinic 902 N. lst St. New opening, remove sinks 3473 28,000 Hebb & Narodick 918 S. 28th Ct . New residence 3474 5,000 M. D. Bunch 2320 NE 9th St. Add kitchen B3475 28,000 Walter M. .Shook 2501 Meadow N. New residence & garage ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4279 650 Kelso Const . 1931 Aberdeen Pl SE Wire new s/f residence 4280 100 L. H. Purcell 2003 NE 16th St. Inst. temporary serv. 4281 170 Wesley Busch 3405 SE 7th St . Inst. service entrance 4282 6 ,250 A & H Drugs #1 200 S. 3rd St. Relocate Fixtures 4283 44,000 E. Halvorson , Inc. 601 SW 7th St. Wire Whse. building 4284 200 C. M Gaoiran 703 SW 12th St. Electrical corrections E4285 475 Jerome Faull 300 S. 3rd St. Underground conversion 4286 300 Floyd Ness 2301 NE 8th St. Wire dryer 4287 4,000 Ky. Fried Chicken 980 Harrington NE Wire Restaurant bldg. 4288 250 First Fed. Svgs . 201 Wells Ave . S. Wire sign 4289 14,640 Boeing Renton Plt . Renton Plant Rept . elec. panel wrg. MECHANICAL PERMITS M3647 490 Joseph Molisky, 2702 NE 22nd St. Septic Tank & drainfield 3648 4,118 Sambo 's Restaurant 610 Rainier S. Inst . gas Htg. & Cooling 3649 250 Clyde J. Fenn 1710 Kirkland NE Relocate gas hot water M3650 200 Wesley Busch 3405 SE 7th St. Plumbing & fixtures 3651 1 ,100 D. E. Lindberg 3610 Park Ave. N. New oil furnace 3652 3,200 Ky. Fried Chicken 980 Harrington NE Plumbing & fixtures 3653 806 Dr. M. Dolleman 422 Windsor Wy NE Inst. gas furnace 3654 500 Kelso Const . 1931 Aberdeen P1 SE - Inst. gas furnace M3655 479 Hebb & Narodick 802 S. 28th Ct. Inst. gas furnace 3656 559 Rigby Const. 2000 Morris S. Inst, gas furnace 3657 Bruce Goldman 807 Grant S. Inst. gas furnace SIGN PERMITS 5310 1 ,500 Torero Rest. 811 S. 3rd St. 1 wall & 1 prof. sign 5311 400 Paula 's 813 S. 3rd St . 1 wall sign 5312 200 Union Oil Co. 59 Rainier S. 1 roof sign SEWER PERMITS 1933 Mr. Griffin 711 SW 12th Connect side sewer 1934 CFS Continental 601 S. W. 7th Connect storm sewer 1935 VOID 1936 James Simpson 708 13th S. W. Connect side sewer 1937 Jim Gotti 1201 Lind S. W. Connect side sewer 1938 Hebb & Narodick 918 S. 28th Ct. Connect side sewer /y3 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 17, 1973 Municipal Building Monday, 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S COUNCIL MEMBERS Field Trip to Talbot Road S. Sanitary Sewer Area & Lobe Property FINANCE DEPARTMENT Prepare Travel Vouchers for the last four weeks LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Transfer of Funds - Federal Shared Revenue to Current and Park Revenue Funds in amount of $260 ,000 MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF Sign Agreement with King County for King County Mutual Aid PLANNING DIRECTOR Planning Conference at Kelso-Longview October 4-6 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS & PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Cascade Sewer District Petition PURCHASING AGENT Negotiate Sale of Surplus Vehicles APPOINTMENT Mrs. Jean Musselwhite to Municipal Arts Commission PUBLIC HEARING L. I. D. 278 - Earlington Gardens - 10/1/73 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 17, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. s 3 CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; BRUCE PHILLIPS, Fire Department Rep. ; LYMAN HOUK and RICHARD HOUGHTON, Public Works Department Reps; WES CREWS, Actinf, Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 10, 9/10/73 1973 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Election 9/18/73 City Clerk Mead announced tabulation of votes for the three Council Tabulation positions at the September 18, Primary Election at the City Clerk's Office following closing of the polls. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment € APPROVAL of Warrants No. 7971 - 8305 in amount $253,710.86 which have received 47971 - 8305 departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. M OVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, VOUCHERS BE AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report recom- mending first reading with referral back to committee of an ordinance First Reading relating to private sewage disposal and use of abandoned septic tanks Ordinance and adjoining drainfields for proper disposal of storm water upon suit- Relating to able cleaning. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR Septic Tanks IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. L.I.D. 278 Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Earlington readings for an ordinance confirming the assessments and assessment Gardens roll of L.I.D. 278, Earlington Gardens, construction and installation Hearing 10/1/73 of sanitary sewers and appurtenances. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PREVIOUS ACTION ON THIS MATTER WHEREBY IT WAS REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Roll Call Vote resulted in 3 NO: GRANT, STREDICKE and DELAURENTI, and 4 AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, PERRY and SCHELLERT. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL SET DATE OF OCTOBER 22, AS PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSS MATTER OF FINAL ASSESSMENT ON L.I.D. 278. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, AMEND MOTION WITH DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 1, 1973. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Resolution 1875 Legislation Committee Report recommended reading and adoption of a Modification of resolution supporting Metro Council's proposal to bypass the Federal Sewerage Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 and the requirements Treatment for interim secondary treatment, but rather implement the 1983 Federal flu standard of best practicable treatment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED FW BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT Letter from Mr. James E. Denzer, Board Member of the Planning Association BUSINESS of Washington announced the Kelso-Longview Conference October 4-6, Managing our Environment for Fun and Profit, inviting membership and Planning participation. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, COPY OF MEMO Conference BE SENT TO THE PLANNING DIRECTOR. CARRIED. i 195 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes September 17, 1973 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Highlands Letter from Library Director Petersen announced Highlands Library Library Project completed and Certificate of Occupancy issued by the Building C.A.G. 3022-72 Department 9/13/73 with Council approval 9/10 on final payment to Busch Construction Co. The Library Board recommended acceptance of the Building as of September 17, 1973 and if, after 30 days, no liens or claims are filed against this project, and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities, it is recommended that the retained amount of $16,802.56 be paid the Contractor, Busch Construction Co. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Councilman Schellert noted 9/16/73 dedication was excellent. Councilman Stredicke inquired as to whether or not sufiic- ent funds were withheld to insure landscaping, being advised by the Finance Director that sufficient funds were in account. MOTION CARRIED. Fund Transfer Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested transfer of funds from Federal Shared Revenue Fund in amount of $260,000 to Current and Park Revenue Funds in amount of $260,000, asking referral to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF FINANCE DIRECTOR AND MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Cascade Sewer Letter from Cascade Sewer District, Mr. Roger M. Nelsen, Right of Way District Agent, requested the City to join in petitioning King County for Annexation Annexation to the Cascade Sewer District which are will include a por- tion of the City's water shed land, in order that the 60% to validate the petition, can be attained. Presently, approximately 43.84% of the area has been signed, the City to be absolved of all assessments as concerns its Springbrook Acre water shed tracts. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COUNCIL'S PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Bid Opening City Clerk Mead presented September 12, bid opening for L.I.D. 279 Talbot Sewers Sanitary Sewers, Talbot Road South as shown on attached tabulation. L.I.D. 279 MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Bid Opening City Clerk Mead presented bids for the September 14, bid opening Surplus Vehicles surplus vehicles as shown on the attached tabulation. Letter from Purchasing Agent Church recommended acceptance of bid on vehicle A-112, with bids on vehicles A-113, A-114, A-115 and A-118 rejected with permission to negotiate the sale of these vehicles at the highest price above the submitted bid price, with the concurrence of the Finance Committee. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PURCHASING AGENT, WITH THOSE ITEMS RECEIVING BIDS ABOVE APPRAISAL,. BEING SOLD TO HIGH BIDDER. CARRIED. i AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Ernest J. Lobe, 2709 Talbot Rd.S. , inquired as to total amount paid Mr. E. J. Lobe regarding vouchers approved, and especially as pertains to travel by City officials. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT PREPARE TRAVEL VOUCHERS FOR THE LAST FOUR WEEKS AND HAVE THEM AVAILABLE FOR MR. LOBE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read, declaring Saturday September 22, National 1973 as National Hunting and Fishing Day urging wise use and proper Hunting & management of our natural resources. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY Fishing Day PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report recom- Bid Award mending acceptance of the low bid of Constructors-Pamco, Seattle, on LID 276 Phase II LID 276, Phase II, Kennydale Industrial Sanitary Sewer Project, in Kennydale amount of $98,457.08, authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Industrial Sewer contracts. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended acceptance of the low bid, explained the increase in costs from $10.99 per zoned front ft. to $23.87, asking for extended payment period of 20 years rather than 10 years because of the increased project costs, having been discussed at the public committee meeting held at City Hall on September 13, 1973. Councilman Perry noted meeting with both residents and industry explaining the project has gone over the estimated costs by 110%. Public Works Department representatives I 196 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes September 17, 1973 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued LID 276 Phase II Houk and Houghton explained Phase I Project wherein pipe was laid Continued but lift station omitted, decision to use two lift stations which are to be installed in Phase II. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT THIS MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. Roll Call vote resulted in 3 AYE: GRANT, STREDICKE, DELAURENTI and 4 NO: CLYMER, BRUCE, PERRY, SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL Recess RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:25 p.m. and Roll Call showed all Councilmen present except Councilman Schellert who was excused. Public Works Department Engineer Houk presented Written Agreement map of the area, explained project and total construction cost of Requested Before $275,387.52, available funding $177,197.50 with $98,210.02 to be funded. Proceeding City Attorney Shellan asked that before signing of contract for construc- tion, documentation be obtained from all property owners stating agreement to increase in amount of preliminary assessment and also to waive or relinquish any right to protest increased cost. Mayor asking Attorney to prepare. MOTION CARRIED CONCURRING IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Public Works Public Works Committee report recommended award of contract on L.I.D. 279 Committee Report Talbot Road South Sanitary Sewer to low bidder,Threeway Construction, LID 279 Inc. of Bellevue in the amount of $49,643.16,authorizing Mayor and City Talbot/Sewer Clerk to execute contract. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. At Council inquiry, Engineer Houk explained property to the west. would not be included. Mr. Ernest J. Lobe,2709 Field Trip Talbot Rd.S. , asked Councilmen to view area. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED Planned 9/22 BY STREDICKE, THIS MATTER BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK AND COUNCIL: MEMBERS TO MAKE FIELD TRIP TO 1'hE TALBOT ARRA AT 9:00 A.M. TO VIEW PROJECT. MOTION TO TABLE, CARRIED. Finance & Finance and Personnel Committee Report was submitted concurring in Personnel Report the Mayor's appointment of Mrs. Jean Musselwhite to the Municipal Confirming Arts Commission, term to expire January 1, 1976. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Appointment SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Report was submitted concurring with the recom- mendation of the Mayor that the City enter into King County Mutual Aid Agreement for police services during civil disturbances or riots and that the Mayor and Police Chief be authorized to sign agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND POLICE CHI Ek' TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH APPROVAL OF ATTORNEY. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke asked to receive information as to downtown loading Stredicke and taxi zones and crosswalks, information having previously been Inquiries requested, and inquired as to meeting with State Highway Dept. re Sunset Blvd. N.E. , and also that matter of cow in Kennydale be investi- gated. Stredicke also requested matter of printing on both sides of paper for minutes of other boards and commissions be investigated in order to cut costs on office supplies. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting adjourned at 10:27 P.M. 4• Delores A. Mead, ity Clerk M i 197 1 WARRA0 DISTRIBUTION 0A TL 9/17/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF' If M�OAlEND �j SCk p ION Od NUMBER NUMbFR WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 8109 8149 618i851 #98 llrr PARKS AND RECREATION 8150 8164 $3j477 #61 ARTERIAL STREET 8165 8165 $60830 *00 CITY STREET 8166 8161 832j755o46 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 8182 8182 i54oI8 LIBRARY 8183 8220 *6i035r14 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 8221 8222 *621s7J WORK INCENTIVE FUND 8223 8223 $194 #68 REQS AND STREET FWD THRUST 8224 8231 $35i336v20 URBAN ARTERIAL 8232 8235 679a873t55 LKt WASH # BEACH FWD THRUST 8236 8236 62j261 #78 LIBRARY CONSTUCTION FUNU 8237 8243 $7j34408 WATERWORKb UTILITY 8244 8269 $27♦ 155o79 �r AIRPORT 8260 8265 *20#08909 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ✓opo �'.z�6 : �yiS,�_3h, 4z/ 70 9266 8 2 8 6 i7.12 3? v 54 FIREMEN 9 PENSION 8287 8305 66#00600 ,,75?� 7io. e.6 TOTAL OF ALL wAkRANTS s2b*I-tkb-1&.9 wE• THE UNGEkbIc9NLD MEMBERS GF THE FINANCE CO-,imITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY CGUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANG/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED Ok RENDERED, DU HEREBY APPKOVE FOR PAYMENT VLUCHERS NO. 8109 THROUGH NOo 4.?Sj 7l0. J'(o BIOS IN THE AMOUNT OF THIS 17 OF SEPTEMBER 73 FINANCE COMMITTEE C MITTEE MEMBER •..n a .... . mm.... ...name I v 8SEPTEMBER 17 , 1973 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING SURPLUS EQUIPMENT FOR SALE SEPTEMBER 14 , 1973 ITEM A-51 1964 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan Appraised Price - $350 . 00 D. J. Dorgan , Jr. $303. 00 Don Miller $406 . 00 12426 - 79th S. 12415 S. E. 172nd St. Seattle , WA 98178 Renton , WA 98055 Mike Grandinetti $250. 00 Ralph Niemeyer $298. 50 17121 - 125th Ave . SE 16815 Sunset Blvd. E. Renton , WA 98055 Renton , WA 98055 Ron Heiret $376. 00 J. R. Ralston $401 . 78 20845 - 102nd SE 12717 S. E. 167th Kent , WA 98031 Renton , WA 98055 John Iwasaki $200. 00 Ray Scott ,� 89 . 51 614 NW 3rd. 11263 Renton Ave . S. Renton , WA 98055 Seattle , WA 98178 Tom Leonard $181 . 30 Calvin A. Roberts $303. 00 12444 Beacon S. 14600 - 150th Pl . SE Seattle , WA 98178 Seattle , WA 98178 ITEM A-110 1971 Dodge Polara 4-dr. Sedan Appraised Price - $800. 00 Neil F. Holbrook $965 . 58 Michael A. Norman $735 . 33 2307 N. E. 8th P1 . Box 2101 Renton , WA 98055 Lynnwood , WA 98036 John Iwasaki $500. 00 Ray E. Scott $601 . 52 614 N. W. 3rd. 11263 Renton Ave . S. Renton , WA Seattle , WA 98178 ITEM A-112 1971 Dodge Polara 4-dr. Sedan Appraised Price - $800. 00 Michael L. Harding $601 . 50 Michael A . Norman $777 . 77 7236 - 126th S. Box 2101 i Seattle , WA 98178 Lynnwood , WA 98036 John Iwasaki $500. 00 614 N. W. 3rd Renton , WA 98055 ITEM A-113 1972 Ford Custom 4-dr. Sedan Appraised Price - $1 ,400. 00 I John Iwasaki $600. 00 Ed Wypych $601 . 00 614 N. W. 3rd 9832 - 42nd S. Renton , WA 98055 Seattle , WA 98118 ITEM A-114 1972 Ford Custom 4-dr. Sedan Appraised Price - $1 , 350. 00 John Iwasaki $600. 00 614 N. W. 3rd Renton , WA 98055 ITEM A-115 1972 Ford Custom 4-dr. Sedan Appraised Price - $1 ,475 . 00 John Iwasaki $600. 00 614 N. W. 3rd Renton , WA 98055 i j - 199 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SEPTEMBER 17 , 1973 BID OPENING - SURPLUS EQUIPMENT September 14 , 1973 Page Two ITEM A-118 1972 Ford Custom 4-dr. sedan Appraised Price - $1 ,475 . 00 John Iwasaki $600. 00 614 N. W. 3rd Renton , WA 98055 .r ITEM C-31 1964 Ford 1/2 ton Pickup Appraised Price - $550. 00 John Iwasaki $400. 00 Kurt Pedersen $525 . 51 614 N. W. 3rd 20528 - 103rd S.E. Renton , WA 98055 Kent, WA 98031 Samuel Longoria $200. 00 Noel R. Wilkerson $585 . 00 3301 N. E. 7th St . 812 Camas Ave . N. E. Renton , WA 98055 Renton , WA 98055 ITEM Fire 8 1964 Ford 3/4 Ton Pickup Appraised Price - $650. 00 C. E. Dryden $685 . 00 Bruce K. McKnight $660 . 00 607 S. 3rd St. 16233 Sylvester Road SW Renton , WA 98055 Seattle , WA Edwin H. Harmon $879 . 79 George V. Phillips $657. 33 3131 - 192nd S. 12613 Beacon Ave . S. Seattle , WA 98188 Seattle , WA 98178 John Iwasaki $450. 00 Bruce Retynski $650. 00 614 N. W. 3rd 645 S. W. 152nd 'Ir Renton , WA 98055 Seattle , WA 98168 Samuel Longoria $300. 00 Merlin E. Roberts $526 . 01 3301 N. E. 7th St . 3515 N. E. 10th Place Renton , WA 98055 Renton , WA 98055 Tom Leonard $304. 06 Calvin A. Roberts $450. 00 12444 Beacon S. Seattle, WA 98178 Ray E. Scott $259 . 50 11263 Renton Ave . S. Jim Marshall $725 . 00 Seattle , WA 98178 3901 - 155th S. E. Bellevue, WA 98006 Elmer Shaver $831 . 00 739 Shelton Ave . N. E. Renton , WA 98055 Ed Wypych A-51 - $250. 00 9832 42nd S. A-110 $500. 00 (Submitted w/J. Iwasaki 's Bid) Seattle, WA 98118 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BID OPENING SEPTEMBER 17 , 1973 — Talbot Road South Sanitary Sewers L. I. D. 279 Contractor BB/AA/EEO Bid Tax Total Alrick Company X $91 ,310. 80 $4, 839. 47 $96 ,150. 27 10901 S. E. 284th Kent , WA 98031 Bowers Construction Corp. X $65 ,922 . 50 $3,493. 89 $69,416 . 39 18600 - 196th Ave . S.E. Renton , WA 98055 Dyad Construction , Inc. X $77 ,667. 00 $4 ,116. 36 $81 , 783. 36 P. O. Box 1845 $4 ,116. 35* $81 ,783. 35* Bellevue, WA 98009 Lindbrook Construction , Inc. X $49 , 749. 00 $2 ,636. 70 $52, 385 . 70 P. O. Box 1066 -20215 - 64th W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 National Construction Co. , Inc. X $65,771. 00 $3,485. 63 $69 ,256 . 63 P.O. Box 3397 $3,485. 86* $69 ,256 . 86* Midway , WA 98177 O' Leary Construction, Inc. X $70 ,340. 00 $3, 728. 02 $74. 068. 02 1021 - 118th S. E. Bellevue, WA 98004 R. W. Scott Construction Co. X $76,985. 00 $4,080. 21 $81 ,065. 21 9840 Carr Road Renton , WA 98055 L. R. Stanley Construction , Inc. X $61 , 345. 00 $3, 357. 29 $64 ,700. 00 P.O. Box 747 $3,251 . 29* $64 ,596. 29* Issaquah, WA 98027 Threeway Construction , Inc. X $44 ,144. 50 $2 ,498. 66 $49 ,643. 16 P. O. Box 1160 Bellevue , '•"' 980044 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SEPTEMBER 17, 1973 BID OPENING - L. I. D. 279 Talbot Rd. S. Sanitary Sewers Page Two Contractor BB/AA/EEO Bid Tax Total U.D. I. X $59 ,967. 50 $3,178. 28 $63,145. 78 160 N. 35th Seattle, WA 98103 * Engineering Corrections Engineer' s Estimate $78,890. 00 $4,181 . 17 $83,071 . 17 0 F� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CCKIITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF September 17 , 1973 COMI11= DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION RE24AM COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IThurs . 9120 8 :00 P.M CL= Council Chambers CC80St 7Y SERVICES Thurs . 9/20 8 :00 A.M GRANT 3rd Flr . Conf. Rm . Thurs . 9/20 9 : 00 A. M FFAd Hoc Committee on Signs Thurs . 9/27 To be ann unced Representative of Lynnwood Ford FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SC r.T LERT LEGISLATION Mon . , 9/24 7: 00 P .M PERRY Chairman ' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION Tues . , 9/25 7 : 30 P. M PERRY Council Chambers Vacation of Whitman Court N. E. OTHER =INS AND EVENTS FIELD TRIP Sat . , 9/22 9 : 00 A .M Visit Talbot Sewer site & Lobe proper 203 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SEPTEMBER 18,1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPT!S. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3476 $ 45,000.00 R.S. Shane 636 Blaine Ave. N.E. Constr. single fam. residence. 3477 800.00 Franklin D. Harsch 4111 N.E. 11th St. Constr. storage shed. ,78 19,500.00 Scott McBee ;1609 Edmonds Ave. N.E. Constr. single fam. residence. um:19 1,200.00 Martha A. Sandahl 450 Williams Ave. N. Repairs for dry rot infections. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4290 $ 1,;174.00 Paccar 480 Houser Way N. Electr. instll. of air conditionir. and air handling control devices. 4191 50.00 Dolman F. Young 104 Wells Ave. S. Undergr. conversion-conduit pipe weatherhead. 4t9-e 1,100.00 Winchell Doughnut 3116 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Wire doughnut shop. Shop 4193 400.00 Mrs. Clara Speegle 516 S. 2nd St. Undergr. conversion. 4194 50.00 Jack Columbi 3901 Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. Instll. Temporary service. 4195 500.00 Ronald F. Desjardins 1317 N. 34th St. Rewire residence. 4,e96 , 50.00 Renton Village Co. 15 So. Grady Wy. Remove & add outlets-suite 509. 4,c9'1 100.00 Your Tool House 155 Rainier Ave. S. Pull serv. in existing undergr. & MECHANICAL PERMITS connect Meter box. M3658 $ 244.50 H.E. Garfield 2815 N.E. 16th St. Repl. & relocate gas water heater. 3659 115.00 Harry Hughes 1735 Whitman Ave. N.E. Install gas water heater. 3660 650.00 A & H Drugs #1 100 S. 3rd St. Install plumbing & fixtures. 3661 2, 150.00 Winchell's Doughnut 3116 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Installation of plumbing & fixture Shop 3661 175.00 Sandy Needham 716 S. 19th St. Install 35,000 BTU gas furnace. )3 587.00 Max Orosco 509 Grandey Wy. N.E. Install 110,000 BTU gas furnace. 'SIGN PERMITS 5313 450.00 Greater Renton High- 1814 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Install wall sign. lands Shopping CTR. SEWER PERMITS 1939 Millie Burns 11918 S.E. 168th Connect side sewer. 1940 William McCready 1318 N.E. 10th St. Connect side sewer. 1941 Walley's Fabric- 50b S.W. 13th Connect side sewer. ators !r RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 24, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Pacific Northwest Bell COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Matter of Council Attendance at National Conferences COMMUNITY SERVICES Senior Citizens Facility Renton Historical Society Request ADMINISTRATION Senior Citizens Facility LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Zoning Amendment Ordinance on MP-L & MP-H Matter of Resolution for Surplus UAB Office Equipment VFW Request Re Armistice Day Ordinance Re Funeral Processions Unescorted PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Request for time extension on Late Comers Agreement for R. Butts Recommendation from Bd. of Public Works re Cascade Sewer District Petition PUBLIC HEARINGS October 1, 1973 re 1974 Millage Levy December 3, 1973 re Final Budget 1974 las RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 24, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES COUNCIL DELAURENTI, and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI THAT ABSENT COUNCILMEN EARL CLYMER AND WILLIAM J. GRANT BE .WN EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Grant arrived at 8:15 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; R. GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17, 9/17/73 1973 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Proposed Ordinance lished as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on Amending Zoning the proposed ordinance amending the City's Zoning Regulations by add- Regulations ing Light Manufacturing Park District and Heavy Manufacturing Park Adding District. Planning Director Ericksen showed comparison of existing MP-L and MP-H and proposed Industrial Zones with setbacks, uses, landscaping, review and loading areas for Light Industry, Heavy Industry, Manufacturing Park and the proposed Manufacturing Park, Light and Manufacturing Park, Functional and Heavy. Persons present making inquiries were: Mr. Sven Johnson, Esthetic 1520 Index Ave. N.E. , and Mrs. Barbara Lally, 816 Camas Ave. N.E. Industrial MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. Asset to City CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. �... A motion by Grant, with second by Stredicke, to amend the previo!>s motion that the proposed ordinance be reported out of the committee by next Monday nigpt, was ruled Out of Order by Mayor • MOTION CARRIED, Ordinance referred to the Legislation Committee for review and recom- mendation. A motion failed which was made by Grant, seconded by Stredicke, thatthe Legislation Committee make report on the matter at the next meeting. AUDIENCE COMMENT MOTION CARRIED TO ADVANCE TO AUDIENCE COMMENT ON THE AGENDA WHICH WAS MADE BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE. Former City Councilman Charles Mr. C. Dullahant Dullahant was introduced by Mayor Garrett. Mr. Sven Johnson made further inquiries re proposed ordinance adding two new zones, Manufac- Mr. S. Johnson turing Park Light and Heavy, being advised by Councilman Grant L-1, H-1 and MP would still be in effect, the new zones requiring more Mr. D. Campbell landscaping etc. Ms. Beth Campbell, 4037 S.E. 11th St. concerned about safe walkway along Maple Valley Highway during construction Mr. J. Bell period, asked Mr. Sven Johnson to explain alternative which was to cover Metro pump line with wooden walkway, Public Works Director Maple Valley Hwy. Gonnason advised that would be very expensive temporary solution, advised working with the State Highway Department and the contractor to aleviate problem. Mr. David Campbell, 4037 S.E. 11th St. , asked place- ment of fill in curve area to widen shoulder. Mr. Jack Bell, 16405 Maple Valley Highway, told of dangerous situation for pedestrians and cyclist^. Councilman Perry announced meeting with State Highway Department on September 27, to seek solutions. Renton Historical At the request of Mr. Frank Storey, 1326 Kennewick Ave. N.E. , agenda Society item was read from Renton Historical Society asking use of the now Request for vacant Highlands Library as it would give better access for the public, New Quarters more display and storage facilities along with work area. Mrs. Ann Beckley, 655 Ferndale Ct. N.E. , noted the Society desired to exchange their present room in the Highlands Administration Building with the Library site. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. Recess CARRIED. COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 9:55 P.M. Roll Call showed all Council- men present as previously. zoo Renton City Council Meeting Minutes September 24, 1973 Page 2 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2801 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report Abandoned Septic recomending second and final readingsfor an ordinance relating to Tanks and private sewage disposal and use of abandoned septic tanks utilizing Drainfields same for storm water disposal. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN CON1ITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Following First reading reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY 9/17/73 COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. Roll call vote showed unanimous Council approval and MOTION CARRIED, Ordinance adopted. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and referral Amendment to back to the Legislation Committee of an amending ordinance relating Funeral to unescorted funeral and other processions complying with traffic Procession control. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Ordinance COM.'fiTTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, REFER BACK TO LEGISLATIUN COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance 2802 Committee of the Whole report submitted, recommending concurrence in $95,000 E.A.A. the request of the Mayor for approval of E.A.A. loan for sewer and Loan for water project in vicinity of North Renton Industrial Area(9/10/73 North Renton first reading and referral) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED DELAURENTI, Industrial COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER ORDINANCE TO THE LEGISLA- Sewer and Water TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following recommendation for second and Project final reading from Legislation Committee Chairman Perry, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance accepting $95,000 loan from Economic Assistance Authority and placing same in Capital Outlay Account, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Upon request of Councilman Perry, Public Works Director Gonnason explained that 60% of the costs of sewer project would be recoverable through late comers agreements, $55,000 of the E.A.A. loan to be part of that sewer project. Council- man Grant objected claiming subsidization of local industry in amount of $185,000. At Councilman Stredicke's request, Gonnason- explained trunk sewer line to relieve Highlands area and that project was of general benefit, project having three sources of funds: HUD funds, City funds and EAA loan. Further explaining larger water mains through under-developed,industrial zoned area. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 4 AYE: BRUCE, STREDICKE, DELAURENTI, SCHELLERT, 2 NO: GRANT AND PERRY. MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Resolution 1876 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Transfer of Funds resolution transferring $260,000 Federal Shared Revenue to the Current and Park Funds. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT THE THE RESOLUTION BE PRESENTED. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment APPROVAL of Warrants No. 8306 through 8452 in the amount of $366,662.84 hav- #8306 - 8452 ing received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested authorization for final payment of $1,355.54 to A & M Construction Equipment Co. Final Payment for Edmonds Ave. N.E. - Phase II Street Project which was completed A&M Construction and accepted by the Public Works Department on 9/12/73, recommending Equipment Co. Council acceptance as of this date. Letter also recommended that if no CAG-018-73 liens or claims are filed against the project within 30 days and proof of tax liabilities is received, performance bond in amount of $1,000 and retainage bond in amount of $4,000, be released. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. VFW Request For Letter from the Post Commander of the Frank R. Vaise Veterans of Armistice Day Foreign Wars Post #1263 of Renton asked that the Mayor and Council retain November 11th as the official dau of celebration for Armistice Day. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. 207 i Renton City Council Meeting Minutes September 24, 1973 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Mr. Robert Butts Letter from Mr. Robert Butts requested a five-year time extension 9061 New Castle Rd to Late Comers Agreement 1364-68 with the City on the waterline LCAG 1364-68 installation into New Castle Terrace at S.E. 100th P1. MOVED BY' SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Board of Public Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett re Council referral Works Concurs of 9/17/73 on the proposed annexation of City watershed land to the Cascade Sewer Cascade Sewer District, Annexation Petition P-235, reported meeting f.n District Petition with Right-of-Way Agent for the sewer district and determination by No. P-235 the Board that the annexation would not adversely affect the City but give increased protection for the watershed, therefore giving concurrence to the Cascade Sewer District Petition. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim for Damages was presented to the Council by City Clerk Mead, Pacific N.W. Bell filed by Pacific Northwest Bell for buried cable severed by backhoe on July 23, in the estimated sum of $100.00. City Clerk reported sending proper claim form to claimant. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED U.A.B. Office Letter from Purchasing Agent Church reported the City's Urban Arterial Equipment Street Construction Program in final phase, that the majoritu of the No Longer Needed office equipment no longer needed and in order to meet U.A.B. require- ments, requested the equipment be declared surplus and sold to highest bidder with funds to reimburse the Urban Arterial Trust and Forward Thrust Funds. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI,COUNCIL CONCUR IN PURCHASING AGENT'S REQUEST AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Upon inquiry from Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason reported lease on UAB warehouse in North Renton would expire September 30, 1973, and that stored equip- ment being moved. �AWWMaple Valley Hwy Letter from Ms. Beth J. Campbell (see previous Audience Comment) called Construction Council's attention to the September 23, Citizens' demonstration in Demonstration regard to the Maple Valley highway construction. Renton Police Capt. for Safe Walkway Bourasa commended demonstrators for orderly manner. PROCLAMATION Proclamation of the Mayor was read for Fire Prevention Week, October 7, Fire Prevention through 13, 1973. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL Week 10/7-13 CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF MAYOR. CARRIED. Public Hearings City Clerk Mead called attention to scheduled Public Hearing October 1, 10/1/73 Re 1974 to consider the proposed 1974 Budget as it pertains to the millage Millage Levy levy for 1974, noting any taxpayer of the City may appear and be 12/3/73 Re 1974 heard concerning the proposed levy, also noting Public Hearing Final Budget scheduled December 3, 1973 for the purpose of fixing the Final Budget for 1974. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Whole Report submitted by Council President pro tem Committee of Whole Delaurenti recommended concurrence with the Mayor's proposal regarding Report - Hiring participation in the New Careers Program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND Underemployed -- BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF New Careers THE WHOLE AND AUTHORIZE NEW CAREERS PROGRAM. CARRIED. Senior Citizens Committee of the Whole report recommended referral to the Community Facility Services Committee and the Administration to research the possibility of acquiring matching funds for a senior citizens facility and that the matter be reported back to the Council. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. October Holidays Committee of the Whole report recommended that the Council meet on 8th and 22nd Tuesday evenings following the two Monday holidays in October., MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. City Attorney Shellan advised need to amend ordinance or publish agenda. Councilman Grant withdrew motion to refer matter to Legislation Committee. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE MATTER BE TABLED. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 2 NO: STREDICKE AND SCHELLERT, 4 AYE: GRANT, BRUCE, PERRY AND DELAURENTI. MOTION CARRIED. 208 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes September 24, 1973 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Following discussion on Council meetings scheduled during the month of October, a motion failed which was made by Stredicke, seconded by Delaurenti, to schedule special meeting for City Council on Tuesday 10/9. Mayor Garrett noted Staff had been notified no meetings planned and that special meetings could be called in the event of special business. Council President pro tem Delaurenti scheduled Committee of the Whole Water Rates - meeting for Tuesday October 9, 7:30 p.m. At Stredicke's inquiry, Industrial Users Public Works Director Gonnason reported City's present water charges. . L.I.D. 279 MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REMOVE THE SUBJECT OF L.I.D. 279 Talbot Road Area FROM TABLE. CARRIED. Public Works Committee Chairman reported the Sanitary Sewers majority of Councilmen attended the September 22, field trip to the Talbot Hill area viewing Lobe property and reaffirmed recommendation Contract Awarded to award contract for sewer construction to low bidder, Threeway Threeway Construction, Inc. on L.I.D. 279. Public Works Director Gonnason Construction, reported discussion of possibilities for sewers on property to the Inc. west of Talbot Rd. , recommending award of contract to low bidder and construction commended with estimate provided to owners of property below Talbot Rd. determining best and most economical method of providing sewer connections for that property. Following discussion, pending motion from 9/17/73 Meeting was placed before the Council, (MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT TO AWARD CONTRACT TO LOW BIDDER, THREEWAY CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $49,643.16, AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CONTRACT.) Roll Call Vote resulted in 3 NO: GRANT, STREDICKE AND DELAURENTI, 3 AYE: BRUCE, PERRY AND SCHELLERT. Tie Vote Broken by Mayor Garrett casting affirmative vote. MOTION CARRIED, contract awarded. Councilman Delaurenti asked to see bid estimates for deep- ening sewer line to provide sewer service to property west of Talbot Rd. Mr. Mark McCorkel At Mayor Garrett's request, a moment of silence was observed in honor of Mr. Mark E. McCorkel, Aviation Board Member, now deceased. Request for MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE MATTER OF Budget COUNCIL ATTENDANCE AT NATIONAL CONFERENCES BE REFERRED TO THE Information COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE At inquiry of Mrs. Barbara Lally, Planning Director Erickson noted COMMENT Shell Oil Co. would present their case and environmental impact state- ment at the Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday evening. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m. Delores A. Mead, C ' y Clerk WAkkAr, T IIISTrt1dUTIfit, Ti y/c'4/73 BF51N E. NI)1N(I TUT At, OJAki<ANT WAFRANT AMOUNT OF FL;N0v UESCRIPTIUN Q NIi'lHER NUr7H1:R wAkkANT;3 vo OA-3-0 �ui4PENT FUi,iU 8314 8367 $b?125? .92 "A4KS ANO RECRLATIUN 8368 8383 $3, 9c)9 .60 CITY STREFT 9384 8391 510, ?5bood LIBRAPY 8392 8392 527 .35 DISASTER RELIEF SERVt FUND 8393 8393 $409 .65 lFG• AND STREET FWD THRUST 8394 8406 $12o363t69 URBAN ARTERIAL 8407 8412 51P672 . 40 AIRPORT COASTUCTION FUND 8413 8416 $265j299 . 10 4ATER60RKS UTILITY 8417 8430 $80535 .55 AIRPORT 8431 8437 $395o7b LUUIPMENT RENTAL 5436 84522 Slj5*l •74 TOTAL OF ALL MARRANTS $366j662 .84 e4Ej THE UNUERSIGNEU MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE HENTON CITY COUNCIL• HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANOISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREU. UO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VUUCHFRS N0. 8314 THROUGH NO# 8452 IN THE AMOUNT OF $3661662 .84 THIS 24 OF SEPTEMBER FINANCE COMMITTEE . .�... •• •.• •.•w C MITTEE ME.M R L COMM E.E ME MbE r.. ••.r.w.w..aa ..w C ITTE.E MENBL fv CITY COUNCIL CONMTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COEMTTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETIPIG OF September 2 4 , 1973 CCH xITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS CON UME OF THE WHOLE Tues . , 10/9 7 : 30 P . M CLYMER CCIwINITY SERVICES Thurs , 9/27 9 : 00 A. M GRANT 3rd Flr . Conf . R m. Re : Sign Code Thurs , 9/27 11 : 00 A. M 3rd Flr . Conf . Rm. Re : Senior Citizens ' Request Thurs , 9/27 12 : 30 P . M 3rd Flr . Conf . Rm . Meet w/Harris Ford re Right-of-Way Use Thurs , 9/27 1 : 30 P . M 3rd Flr . Conf . Rm . Permit - City Attorney to be present Meet w/Renton Historical Society & Park Dept . representatives LEGISLATION Mon . , 10/1 7 : 00 P . M PERRY Chairman ' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY Sat . , 9/29 10 : 00 A . M DELAURENTI Chairman ' s Office f t e r PUBLIC WORKS Thurs , 9/27 Transport BRUCE Re : Butt ' s Late Comer request & -�scade tion Mtg Sewer District TRANSPORTATION Tues . , 9/25 7 : 30 P . M . PERRY Council Chambers Vacation Whitman Crt . NE - Council Sec' Thurs , 9/27 7 : 30 P . M . to attend Wed . , 10/3 0 : 30 A. M . Meet w/State Hwy . Traffic Eng . re Sunse OTHER MEETINGSAND EVENTS Blvd . NE Traffic Island & Maple Valley Hwy . Tour Renton Boeing Facility PLANNING COMMISSION Wed . , 9/26 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers Shell Oil -.211 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SEPTEMBER 25 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO . AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3480 $ 5 ,000 . 00 Renton Village Co . 15 S . Grady Way Remodel office 3481 30 , 000 . 00 Charles Wiehoff 1613 Kennewick NE New residence 3482 18 ,000 . 00 John Dennis 2820 Burnett Ave .N New residence 3483 5 ,000 . 00 R. R. Senyohl 214 Williams S . Remodel tavern 3484 5 , 500 . 00 W. L McLaughlin , Jr. 4509 Talbot S . Remodel residence 6WrB3485 4 , 500 . 00 PACCAR Houser Wy . N . Const . guard house 3486 500 . 00 G . Everett 2525 Morris S . Fibreglass roof 3487 17 ,000 . 00 R. F. DesJardins 1317 N . 34th New fdtn . , repairs 3488 6 , 000 . 00 Gull Oil Co . 509 S . Grady Wy . Install canopy 3489 300 . 00 R . L . Edwards Rtn . Car Wash Remodel car wash bldg . ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4298 50 . 00 A . R. Claboe 1119 N . 35th Switches , fixtures 4299 200 . 00 R. R. Senyohl 214 Williams S . Relocate light fixture E4300 50 . 00 Baxter Motel 134 Rainier S . Reconnect sign 4301 1 ,000 . 00 Vernon Brunette 3301 S . E . 6th Inst . electric heat 4302 200 . 00 Miclon 806 N . 30th Repl . defective servic 4303 750 . 00 McLendon Hdwe . 710 S . 2nd Underground conversion 4304 750 . 00 Valley Mortgage 222 Williams S . Underground conversion E4305 55 . 00 0 . V . Beale 918 N . 33rd St . Inst . temporary serv . 4306 55 . 00 K. W. Williams 314 Earlington SW - Inst . temp . serv . 4307 20 ,407 . 00 Metro Treat . Pit . 1200 Monster Rd . SW - Cont . of septic tank unloading facilit MECHANICAL PERMITS _ M3664 100 . 00 Cedar River An . Hosp . 3770 N . E . 4th Lawn sprinkler system 3665 Merrick Hindes 2625 N. E . 23rd Repair septic tank F 3666 300 . 00 Garland Coffey 330-1/2 Smithers S . - Gas space heater 6r 3667 2 ,000 . 00 C . F. S . Continental 601 S . W . 7th St . Inst . gas storage tan SIGN PERMITS S314 350 . 00 S & J Leather 224 Wells S . Inst . 2 marquee signs 5315 100 . 00 J . D . Rosa 214 Williams S . Inst . wall sign S316 350 . 00 Stusser Electric 860 Lind S . W . Inst. wall sign S317 1 ,000 . 00 Alaska Fish Fert . 865 Lind SW Inst . 3 wall signs C I TY MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1973 OF RL' rJTONTRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER: OATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL - ►0-73 CURRENT FUND $ 231740.67 PARKS � ALCREATTON 291728.40 ARIIiRIAL STREET 7055.00 CITY STt1EET 62120.68 JCEDAR RIVER M & 1 , 20.38 LI BRARY 677.53 OFMLRGENGY EMPLOYMENC 495.48 WORK II`CZNTIVE FUND 141.28 REG & STREET FWn MUST 16,591.59 URBAN ARTCRIA.1 622390.76 LIBIGIRY CONSTRUCTIO 19)580.53 WATERWORKS UTILITY 45,203.86 JAIRPORT 2,279.52 1)534.52 1,044.28 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of SEPTEMBE $217,004.48 '!JFtR NT $ 18,851 .98 3,477.61 6,830.00 'I Tv 32,755.45 y (,p_0l .j R !.'-t -1 8 54. 18 -1 =A`2Y , 6,035. 14 ME Nt��', ..OYMEj r �N 621 .73 F' 194.68 F ^441' T LST 35,336.20 n. 79,873.55 2,261 .78 i pus, 7,344.38 27, 155.79 20,089.79 6,82.1 .70 6,006.90 Transfers for mol-)t? e' SFPTEMRF L253,710.86 r a r r , cJ T's I POP,r � CUMNT � �, �a„y 0a."?rt-.me correction $ 68.46 c 1 17 ,•,,vl64, E INANCE DIRECTOR MONTH 0; ',:PTEMRER, 1973 C I T Y O F R F N T 0 N TRANSFERS rf 7.0 THE C Z T`° TREASURER: 9 E FRCm TO PURPOSE TOTAL q 20--73 CURRENT FUND 90,955.49 PARKS & RE 'REATION 191050.54 CITY STREET 18,224.85 CEDAR RIVER M & I 389.75 I,I 3RARY 8)000.40 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PEP) 5,118.59 irr.r WORT: INCENTIVE [WIN) 1,289.92 REC & ST. FWP T4RU ' 598.14 UR13AN ARTERIAL 511383.29 WATERWORKS UTILITY 12,90I.99 AIRPORT 987.50 EQUIP'ALNT .1':NTR,u 2,684.50 E'IREMUEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month SEPTEMBER 165,684.96 q-24-73 CURRENT 62,252.92 PARIES & RECREATION 3,909.60 CITY STREET 10,255.08 LIBRARY 27.35 DISASTER RELIEF SEI V.FUND 409.65 REC & STREET FWD T RUST 12,363.69 URBAN ARTERIAL 1,672.40 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 265,299.10 WATT'RWORKS UTILITY 8,535.55 AIRPORT 395.76 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,541 .74 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for. month of SEPTEMBER $366,662.84 91-30-73 CURRENT FUND '$ 90,590.89 PARKS & RECREATION 17,916.71 CITY STREET 18,074.10 CEDAR RIVER M & I 389.75 LIBRARY 79362.88 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (PEP) 51144.70 WORK INCENTIVE 1,048.88 REG & STREET-FwD Tfl<UST 525.98 URBAN ARTERIAL 4,733.88 WATERWORKS UTILITIE 122675.14 r.. AIRPORT 999.95 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,684.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of SEPTEMBER$162,247.36 MAYOR �f-- FINANCE DIRECTOR 214 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Office of City Clerk October 1, 1973 R E F E R R A L S BUILDING DEPARTMENT Hold issuing Building permits for any development Whitman Crt. N.E. area of proposed Street Vacation BUDGET COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL Funds for Senior Citizens * CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER *Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Jeanne Crossett New Lease for Historical Society COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Manufacturing Park Amendment Ordinance Planned Unit Development Ordinance League of Women Voters letter re Shell Oil Storage tank request LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Manufacturing Park Amendment Ordinance (First Reading 10/1/73) Renton Planned Unit Development Ordinance (First Reading 10/1/73) New lease for Historical Society Ordinance L.I.D. 281, Watermain N.W. 2nd MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign agreement for use of public right of way Grady Way and Rainier S. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Matter of motorcycle nuisance Suburban Heights area of Highlands TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Letters Re Monterey Terrace Community Club ingress/egress PUBLIC HEARINGS October 15, 1973, 1974 Millage Tax Levy October 23, 1973, Proposed Vacation of Whitman Crt. N.E. i I f 215. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 1 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 PM Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Pro tem Earl Clymer, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, KENNETH D. BRUCE. Councilman Schellert announced COUNCILMEN WILLIAM J. GRANT AND RICHARD M. STREDICKE delayed because .�- of special meeting , both Councilmen arriving at 8:15 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GERARD SHELLAN, IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; CAPT. PHELAN, Police Department Rep.; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL MINUTES OF 9/24/73 SEPTEMBER 24, 1973 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- 1974 Millage lished as required by law, Mayor Pro tem Clymer opened the Public Tax Levy Hearing to certify the 1974 millage tax levy prior to October 3, as required by State Law. City Clerk Mead reported that the King County Assessor has advised that since the assessed valuation figures are not yet available, the date for cities to file their tax levies will be extended, recommending this hearing be continued. Letter from Mayor Garrett submitted information that estimated revenue projec- tions are anticipated to be $13,753,754 with departmental requests for budget year 1974 totalling $14,929,209, leaving a deficit of $1,175,455,requesting Public Hearing be continued to October 15, 1973, urging Council adopt full 8 mill levy at that time, reporting budget- ary cuts and curtailed spending. Letter from King County Council Chairman O'Brien reported that due to the delayed availability of utility valuations from the Washington State Department of Revenue, Public Hearing the time for budgetfiling with the King County Council is extended Continued to to ten working days after the date of the King Count► Assessor's 10/15/73 notification of assessed values to the various taxing districts of King County, anticipating Assessor would mail these notifications by mid-October. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CON- TINUE PUBLIC HEARING ON SETTING 1974 MILLAGE TAX LEVY TO OCTOBER 15. Mr. W. H. Philipp, 1210 North 5th St. , called attention to passage of SJR 1, constitutional amendment, setting maximum tax levy at 1% of true and fair market value of real estate and property,doing away with millage factor. Councilman Schellert advised assessed valuation not available as yet. Mrs. Doris Cady, 710 S.W. 12th St. , asked re determination of true and fair market value set by the County Assessor, being advised by Councilman Schellert regarding citizens right to protest and be heard. MOTION CARRIED, HEARING CONTINUED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- L.I.D. 281 lished as required by law, Mayor Pro tem Clymer opened the Public Watermain Hearing proposing creation of Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense against the properties for construction and installation of water mains, hydrants, including trunk lines, acces- sories and appurtenances thereto in the vicinity of Stevens Ave. N.W. ..� and N.W. 2nd Street, preliminary assessment roll for the district is $12,605.46. Letter from Mr. Raymond P. Rosa, owner of property at 8825 S.W. 2nd, protested L.I.D. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason listed protest from the one owner represents 9.3% of the total cost or 9.67% of the total area. Mr. Robert Mehner, P.O. Box 98133, Des Moines, co-owner of property listed as L.R. Janes protested the L.I.D. as property has water supply. Mr. Earl Price, 8746 South 113th, Seattle, favored L.I.D. as there was not adequate water supply nor fire hydrants for property on top of hill. Mr. Price indicated desire to annex to the City and thought majority of people in area were in agreement on annexation. Public Works Director Gonnason 21 (1 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 1973 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued L.I.D. 281 displayed map of area and explained the present one-inch line would be Water ins replaced. by the proposed 8-inch water main. Then upon inquiry from N.W. 2nd St. Councilman Perry, City Attorney Shellan advised property not included in the L.I.D. would require payment of equivalent fees on late comers agreement in order to hook up to the water main, such fees having to be paid at one time rather than on 10 year payment plan. Attorney also noted need for two assessment rolls - one for property inside and that outside City limits for bookkeeping purposes. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. With only 18% protest having been received, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO PROCEED WITH THE L.I.D. AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR THE PROPER ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 4 AYE: SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY, BRUCE. 2 NO: STREDICKE AND GRANT. MOTION CARRIED, L.I.D. 281 TO PROCEED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been distributed L.I.D. 278 to all interested parties, Mayor Pro tem Clymer opened the Public Sanitary Sewers Meeting to reconsider prior action taken at Public Hearing September 10, Earlington 1973,continued from August 27, 1973,on L.I.D. 278 construction and Gardens installation sanitary sewers and appurtenances Earlington Gardens, West of Lind Ave at which public hearing final assessment roll was reduced by the Southwest amount of the Engineering costs $8,522.05; action to reconsider prior decision was taken at September 17, 1973 Council meeting. At Council inquiry, Public Works Director Gonnason recalled total amount of project $140,846.92 with H.U.D. grant reducing the total of the roll to $99,846.92 and Council action of September 10, reducing the roll to $91,559.35, that the increase in costs over preliminary assess- ment roll was due to need for additional crushed rock and pea gravel, also noting interest cost for project funding increased by $234.48 for delay due to reconsideration of action. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ENGINEERING FEES BE DELETED FROM THE L.I.D. ALONG WITH THE ONE MONTHS INTEREST. Persons present protesting increase in assessments and favoring deletion of Engineering costs: Mr. Jim Dalpay, 2435 Monterey N.E.; Mr. Jay Holmes, 150 Capri Ave. N.E.; Mr. John Powers, Renton; Mrs. Doris Cady, 710 S.W. 12th; Mr. and Mrs. L. Stotts, 603 S.W. 12th; Mr. Earl Griffin, 711 S.W. 12th. Roll Call Vote resulted in 4 AYE: SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, STREDICKE, GRANT, 3 NO: CLYMER, PERRY, BRUCE. MOTION CARRIED, Final Assessment Roll Confirmed in amount of $91,559.35. Legislation Committee Chair- man Perry presented committee recommendation that ordinance confirming L.I.D. 278 in amount of $91,559.35 reflecting deletion of Engineering and extra interest costs,be read. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENTS AND ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 278 BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance by City Clerk Mead, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE PLACED Ordinance 2803 AND SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read L.I.D. 278 Final ordinance setting final roll at $91,559.35. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, Assessment Roll SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call Vote resulted in Unanimous Council approval, MOTION CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Mrs. Cady and Mrs. Harold McKee, 611 S.W. 12th, City Clerk Mead exlained payment procedure. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, PUBLIC HEARING ON L.I.D. 278 BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at . 9:45 p.m. Roll Call showed all Councilmen present as previously except Councilman Bruce who was unable to attend remainder of meeting. Community Services MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND Committee Report PRESENT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. Community Services Committee Chairman Grant presented committee report Use of Public with ten recommendations for conditions of revocable permit for use Right of Way of City right of way at Rainier Ave. S. and Grady Way by Ford dealer- Grady Way by ship. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE Ford Dealership COMMITTEE REPORT WHICH WOULD PROVIDE FOR LANDSCAPING AND IMPROVEMENTS ON CITY RIGHT OF WAY AND SET FEE OF $1.00 FOR SPECIAL PERMIT, SETTING TIME FOR COMPLIANCE AS MARCH 1, 1974 FOR PROVISIONS #1 THROUGH #10, EXCEPT FOR ITEMS #7 AND #8 WHICH WOULD BE ESTABLISHED BY AGREEMENT BY BOTH PARTIES. Councilman Schellert introduced Mr. John Pearce with 217 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 1973 Page 3 Community Service dealership real estate office of Ford who explained critical time Committee Report schedule for closing all transactions regarding property located at Continued Rainier Ave. S. and Grady Way. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, AMEND MOTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN AGREE- MENT UPON APPROVAL OF SAME BY CITY ATTORNEY. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented committee APPROVAL recommendation for payment Vouchers No. 8453 through 8605(with the #8453 - 8605 exception of Voucher No. 8490)having received departmental certifica- Now tion that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers totaled $113,444.62. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report recommending second and final readings for an ordinance relating to Ordinance 2. 04 funeral and other processions, requiring illuminated headlights for Funeral all vehicles in funeral procession and for unescorted processions, Processions requiring all vehicles to comply with all traffic control. MOVED First Reading BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE 9/24/73 REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance by City Clerk Mead, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call vote resulted in unanimous Council approval. MOTION CARRIED, ordinance adopted. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading for an MP-L and MP-H ordinance creating Manufacturing Park District Light and Heavy with to Zoning Code setbacks and landscaping requirements, Public Hearing having been Ordinance held September 24, 1973. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READ- ING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- Now MITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Councilman Perry reported meeting with Planning Department, City Attorney and Community Services Committee at which time joint referral was suggested in order to answer any remaining questions. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading with referral Renton Planned back to Legislation Committee and Community Services Committee for Unit Development an ordinance escablishing and creating a "Planned Unit Development Ordinance Ordinance." MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of ordinance regulating the uses permitted, design, standards, proceirreG and prescribing penal- ties for the violation of the proposed PUD ordinance,it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE; BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution 1877 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of U.A.B. Office a resolution declaring surplus,office equipment no longer needed Equipment which had been used in connection with the City's Urban Arterial Declared Surplus Street Construction Program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESOLUTION BE PRESENTED TO COUNCIL. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. am Resolution 1878 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Vacation of resolution declaring the City's intent to vacate all that portion of Whitman Ct. N.E. Whitman Court N.E. within Honey Dew Estates No. 1 lying between the North line of said sub-division and the North margin of N.E. 11th St. , setting date of Public Hearing as October 23, 1973 at 8:00 p.m. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry also presented Transportation Committee Rpt. Committee report as a result of September 25, Transportation Commit- tee meeting and recommended that a public hearing be held October 23, 218 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 1973 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution 187_8_ 1973 for the proposed vacation of that portion of Whitman Court N.E. Continued as previously stated and that the City Council hold Special Meeting on October 23, 1973 for purpose of the meeting. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN FIRST PART OF TRANSPORTATION Vacation of COMMITTEE REPORT SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF WHITMAN COURT Whitman Ct. N.E. N.E. ON OCTOBER 23, 1973. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY Public Hearing STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORTS. CARRIED. Following October 23, 1973 reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Monterey Terrace Community Club requested that the City provide ingress/egress to 3rd Ave. N.E. at the intersection of Monterey Terrace Monterey Drive N.E. and Bronson Way N.E. , calling attention to the Community Club increased use of 3rd Ave. N.E. to the East. Cover letter from Public Requests Works Director Gonnason suggested this matter be referred to the Traffic Revision Transportation Committee, reporting that the Public Works Department was proceeding with a study of the situation and would prepare a report for the Transportation Committee. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THESE COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. President of the Monterey Terrace Community Club and writer of the letter, Mr. Warren Parkhurst, was present and explained situation- Also present and verifying need for attention to the ingress/egress problem especially between 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. were: Renton Police Judge Paul Houser, Mr. Harry Blencoe, Fire Chief Walls and Mr. R. Peretti . MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Jeanne Crossett, 2633 Lake Youngs Mrs. J. Crossett Court S.E. , presented by City Clerk Mead, claimed auto damage from unprotected guy wire during downtown construction. MOVED BY , SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. League of Women Letter from League of Women Voters of King County South President, Voters re Mrs. Jane E. Shafer, noted letter also sent to Renton Planning Com- Orillia Flats mission, regarding Shell Oil Co. request for permission to build Planning oil storage tanks on their property on the Orillia Flats, and asked regarding development of the area as to industrial development and open space as regards energy demands,and publicity on environ- mental statement making citizens aware of ramifications of any decision made. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS International A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read, proclaiming the month of Toastmistress October, 1973, as International Toastmistress Month. MOVED BY GRANT, Month - October SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Doctor Pat Smith A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read, proclaiming October 18, Day - 10/18/73 1973 as Doctor Pat Smith Day for dedication to helping Montagnards of South Vietnam. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report Committee Rpt, recommending that the Building Department hold the issuing of any building permits for any development on this entire street until Re Whitman Crt NE public hearing has been held. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, Proposed Street COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Com- Vacation mittee report also recommended that the appropriate department post the area for the public hearing and notify concerned property owners. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Meeting with Transportation Committee report informed Council of the meeting State Highway Rep. with Mr. Don Hoffman, Traffic Engineer for District 7 of the Dept. Re Sunset Blvd AE of Highways, discussing medial curbing on Sunset Blvd. N.E. between N.E. 10th St. and Harrington Ave. N.E. Mr. Hoffman agreed to further study situation, if decidEd not to remove curbing, will again meet with committee for further review. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED GRANT, CONCERNED PROPERTY OWNER BE NOTIFIED OF THE COMMITTEE'S ACTION. CARRIED. 219 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 1973 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Transportation Transportation Committee report informed Council that the committee Committee Rpt. met with Mr. John Hayes, Project Engineer District 1 of the Dept. P y J 9 P Re Maple Valley of Highways and discussed the Maple Valley Highway construction Hwy. Walkway project, being prompted by recent- complaints on pedestrian safety. Mr. Hayes reported progress on project, that temporary walkway should be available by October 3, with permanent one available in six weeks, weather permitting. Mr. Robert Butts Committee member Perry, presented Public Works Committee report LCAG 1364-68 recommending five-year extension be granted as requested by Mr. Public Works Robert Butts for Late Comers Agreement 1364-68 with the City on the Committee Rpt. Waterline installation into Newcastle Terrace at S.E. 100th Pl . Late Comers Agreement would be extended to 10/1/78 with time extended to 10 yrs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Cascade Sewer The Public Works Committee report recommended Council concurrence District Petition in the Board of Public Works report which concurred in the Cascade P-235 Sewer District request to annex City of Renton watershed properties in the Springbrook area. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Suburban Heights At Councilman Stredicke's request a petition bearing 22 signatures Highlands Re of homeowners in the Suburban Heights Area of the Renton Highlands Nuisance of whose property adjoins a vacant City-owned public use area, was Motorcycles read, asking the City pass legislation stopping use of the area for motorcycles or motorbikes, and that the area be so posted. Resi- dents being in the 500-600 block of Kirkland and Jefferson Aves.N.E. complained of the noise and dust. MOVED BY PERRY SECONDED B Y STREDICKE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. At Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Finance Director Marshall reported 60 the only reimbursements for the recent Municipal Finance Officers Conference in Seattle were for registrations. Renton Historical Community Services Committee report submitted by Chairman Grant Society Re recommended that the Renton Historical Society be allowed to use New Location the old Highlands Library site in the Highlands Administration Building and that the Park Department be allowed to use the area previously used by the Historical Society upon vacation of the Community Services total premises by the Engineering Department. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Committee Rpt. SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MATTER OF PREPARATION OF NEW LEASE UNDER TERMS OF PRESENT LEASE FOR HISTORICAL SOCIETY BE REFER- RED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Senior Citizens Councilman Grant reported meeting with Mr. Cenkovich and members of Facility Association of Retired Persons who have requested larger facility with ample parking. Grant also advised receiving call from Former Mayor Custer, now with Washington State Social and Health Services, regarding City filing for possible Federal grant for Senior Citizens facility. Administrative Assistant Lynch advised of time limit and that application had been filed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, GENERAL SUBJECT OF FUNDS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS BE REFERRED TO BUDGET Olympic Pipeline COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Services report recommended Environmental Environmental Impact Statement submitted by the Olympic Pipe Line Co. be returned Impact Statement as not adequate nor acceptable. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY how DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Committee Chairman Grant advised the impact statement had been reviewed by the Planning Department and submitted Planning Department report stating the inadequacies. MOTION CARRIED. Sale of Surplus Councilman Stredicke noted results from sale of surplus vehicles, Vehicles which was authorized at the September 17, 1973 Council meeting, resulted in $7,995.69 net profit to the City as reported by Purchas- ing Agent Church. 220 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 1973 Page 6 AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd.S. , and Mr. Lloyd Bowen, 2113 N.E. 6th Pl.,representing Association of Retired Persons asked to be notified of all meetingsconcerning Senior Citizens. Citizen Reqyest Councilman Grant asked that the Turnbull request, 821 Sunset Blvd. N.E.,be looked into. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 12:03 p.m. �9 Delores A. Mead, City Clerk I moll I i i 221 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 10/01/73 /I1f /i�� �it► .' Avs_-7— f,4/ BEGIN ENDING TOTAL, WARRANT WARRANTAMOUNT o FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS W & S CONSTRUCTION FUND (Special) 8462 8462 $ 4V5001 00 CURRENT FUND VOID Fd190 - 30 .0,51641 8463 3522 PARKS AND RECREATION 8523 8540 149:8141 #22 CITY STREET 8541 8549 $10209129 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 2550 8353 $410002 LIBRARY 85514 8557 $687 #33 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 8558 9561 •498493 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 856E 8563 $120090 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 8564 8571 $80244145 URBAN ARTERIAL 2572 8578 $598330179 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2579 8592 s5a '4704 AIRPORT 5593 8594 220103 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 8595 8603 $504197 I FIREMEN S PENSION 8604 8605 StsO41160 ! TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS4 WE6 THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT 60 MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDA DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. ?+'N2 - THROUGH NOr 8605 IN THE AMOUNT OF V416 THIS 01 OF OCTOBER FI C M TTEE • .w•www l.�iwa•swrwwwwwa•�ww• CO MITTEE Mf.MBER // ✓1i LZ t �f / ff / ,/ -Sw.•••wwswfi w `�w��is+�rwfm��i/ COMM TTEE MEMBER an w .wwwwwwwwww • ww. COMMITTEE MEM R CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 10/1/73 COMMITTTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs , 10/4 9 : 00 A .M. GRANT 3rd Flr . Conf . Rm. Signs 11 : 00 A .M Senior Citizens FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION/COMMUNITY Tues . , 10/9 4 . 30 P .M. PERRY/ Discuss Ordinances re Manufacturing SERVICES GRANT Park and Planned Unit Development PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION PERRY OTHER MEETING$AND EVENTS SHORELINE MANAGEMENT Tues . , 10/2 : 30 P .M . Setting up goals and policy guidelines ADVISORY COMMITTEE Public Invited 223 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OCTOBER 1 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS AVO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3490 $ 500. Group Health Coop . 275 Bronson Way NE Conc . steps & sidewalk 3491 1 , 100. Rex Andersen 1908 Harrington C . NE - Stone fireplace 3492 250. Renton #403 435 Main Ave . S . 2 Walls , inst. door 3493 700. B. O ' Rosco 505 Grandey Way NE New basement 3494 1 , 000. Ted LaValley 3233 Mt. View Ave . N . -Constr. garage B3495 2 , 700. K. Anderson 2505 Meadow Ave . N. Bedroom & rec room 3496 600. Tony Go ' s 3116 Sunset B1vd .NE .Demolish restaurant 3497 60 , 000. Autotronic Systems 175 Rainier Ave . S . Self-Serv. gas station 3498 200 . George Seamster 2200 N .E . 6th P1 . Utility storage shed ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4308 500. Renton Dodge 720 Rainier Ave . S . Inst. circuits-floods 4309 200. Renton Shop . Ctr . Renton Shop . Ctr . Car wash fixtures E4310 300. W. Crockett 80 S . 2nd St . Undergr , conversion MECHANICAL PERMITS M3668 1 , 500. People ' s Nat ' l Bank 105 Wells Ave . S . 5 wall furnaces , htr. 3669 9, 200. Kentucky Fried Chick . 980 Harrington NE 3 Heating/cooling units M3670 484 . Hebb & Narodick 908 S . 28th Ct . Inst . gas furnace 1671 250. Cugini Florist 431 S . 3rd St . Rel . gas unit heater 1672 197 . G . M. Ludwig 633 Union Ave NE Inst . gas water htr . w"673 1 , 200. D. Jacobson 644 Harrington NE Inst . 2 gas furnaces 3674 750. Wallace Sutherland 117 Pelly Ave . N. Plumbing fixtures M3675 260. V. Guiliani 726 S . 19th St . Gas hot water htr. 3676 250. Winchell ' s Donuts 3116 Sunset B1vd.NE Inst . of gas piping 3677 1 ,400. R. Zaputil 2600 NE 19th St . Plumbing & fixtures 3678 567 . Merele Shaw 3197 Mtn . View N . Inst , oil furnace 3679 262. 50 - Dina Fontana 511 Airport Way Inst . htr . & wtr. htr . SIGN PERMITS 5318 700. R. L. Edwards Rtn . Shop . Ctr . Inst. 1 wall sign 5319 1 , 000. A&H Drugs #1 200 S . 3rd St . Inst . 2 wall & 1 roof 5320 1 , 500. Autotronics Systems 175 Rainier S . (Canopy wall sign) SEWER PERMITS 1942 Kenneth Jay 2316 N .E . 10th P1 . Connect side sewer 1943 Thomas Briggs 619 S .W. 12th St . Connect side sewer 224 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk October 15, 1973 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims for Damages filed by: Mrs. Beverly Joan Jones Mr. George Thomas Hall Mrs. Florence McWilliams . COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Letter from Renton Municipal Arts Commission FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr. Gary Dime to Aviation Board LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Rezone Application R-747-73, Adolph C. Brown MAYOR'S OFFICE Community Services Committee Report on Senior Citizens Association PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids Talbot Rd.S. Phase II traffic signals Water and Sewer Rate Study SPECIAL MEETING October 23, 1973 C 225 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 15 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett,presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ABSENT COUNCILMEN WILLIAM J. GRANT AND KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GENE COULON, Park Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director and VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTE APPROVAL There being no additions or corrections to the Minutes of October 1, 10/1/73 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and 1974 Millage published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing Tax Levy to certify the 1974 millage tax levy as required by State Law, Hear- ing having been continued from October 1, 1973 due to unavailability Continued from of assessed valuation figures from the King County Assessor. City 10/1/73 and Clerk Mead read letter from King County Council Chairman O'Brien Continued to reporting delay in receiving utility valuations from the Washington 10/23/73 State Department of Revenue, extending budget filing date by ten Special Meeting working days after receipt of King County Assessor's notification of assessed values to the various taxing districts and that the Assessor will mail notifications by mid-October.. A..letter from City Clerk Mead rc e?rtt d ter 11- w.i f.:h Mr. 6v. r ri: ie K i>.g County Assessor's Office who reported Mr. Hoppe had received the State Dept. of Revenue assessed valuations, however, he has not accepted the report since the new construction portion had not been broken down as needed for the 106% lid projections. The letter further reported plans to keep in close touch with the Assessor until the assessed valuation figures are received. MOVED BY PERRY;- SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS HEARING BE CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 23, 1973 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL AND ADDED TO THE AGENDA. CARRIED. Hearing continued to October 23, 1973 8:00 P.M. (October 22, Monday Holiday) VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented,committee APPROVAL recommendation for payment LID 279 Warrants and Vouchers 8606 - 8919 #8606 - 8919 Plus in the amount of 5607,Q79. 2F having rec(-,,.Lved department certification LID 279: Revenue-1 as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. , MOVED BY & Cash-1 $145.25 ea. SCHELLERT, SECUNDEL) Bi PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE PAYMENT. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, PRESENTATION OF VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT BE ADDED TO SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 23, 1973. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested establishment of new fund to be known as Careers Fund a/c 121 and transfer of funds in accordance with Council 's authorization of the Careers Program, making total fund of $6,524. to cover four employees hired under New Careers Careers Program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED. BY CLYMER, COUNCIL Program CONCUR IN REQUEST OF FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDINANCE.. CARRIED. Legislation Committee report presented by Chairman Perry recommended first,, second and final readings for an ordinance establishing and creating a new fund to be designated as Careers Fund AIC 121 and to pr,-.)vide fox transfer of funds for salaries and fringe benefits. .MOVED BY ;,;, SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. 226 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 10/15/73 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ordinance 2805 MOTION CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY Careers Program SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND Fund Established FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk read ordinance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call vote resulted in unanimous Council approval, MOTION CARRIED, ordinance adopted. Ordinance 2806 Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Ordering readings for an ordinance ordering the construction and installation Construction of water mains, hydrants and appurtenances in the vicinity of Stevens L.I.D. 281 Ave. N.W. and Taylor Ave. N.W. on N.W. 2nd St. in accordance= with Water mains Resolution 1874 establishing L.I.D. 281 and providing the method of assessment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordin- ance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk read ordinance for final readings and it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PF"RY COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll call vote resulted in 4 AYE: CLYMER, SCHELTPRT, ",79E DICKE, MOTION r 4 r,RI E r', n_ __ - - . Legislation Committee report_ recommended reading and adorticn of a P'xpresses resolution. commending The Boeing Employees Good Neighbor Fund in Appreciation the Puget Sound area as a voluntary organization created to better Boeing Good serve the needs of our area, trulq "Peenle Helping People." MOVED Neighbors BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESOLUTION BE READ. CARRIED. Following reading it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from King County Records and Elections De_partment Manager Brooks certified September 18, 1973 Primary Election in the City Primary Election which were duly can-assed on September 28, with results given as: Official Returns Total Vote 3,967 out of 13,644 Registered Voters. rft 29.1% Vote Council Position No. 1 (4 Yr. Term) Position No. 2 (4 Yr. Term) Ken Bruce 1,6.33 Nomznatea Earl Clymer 1 ,655 Nominated Barbara Lally 1,075 Nominated :men (Red) Johnson 965 Nominated Michael C. Shane 772 Royal (Roy) Loomis 598 Position No. 3 (4 Yr. Term) Charles Delaurenti 1,969 Nominated Thomas Trimm 1,210 Nominated Adolph C. Brown Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented Planning Commission App1. R-747-73 recommendation to approve Adolph C. Brown Application No. R-747-73 Rezone request for rezone from G to B-1 for property located approximately 150 feet east of Park Ave. , North on N. 30th St. which is in agree- ment with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, BROWN REZONE APPLICA- TION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PREPARATION OF PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Bid Openings: City Clerk Mead reported October 5, 1973 2?id Opening for traffic signals at the Talbot Road South Phase II Project (see tabulation Talbot Rd. bo. attached) , reporting two bidders. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Phase II CLYMER, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOM- Traffic Signals MENDATION. CARRIED. Phase III City Clerk Mead reported Bid Opening October 10, 1973 for Phase III Downtown Landscaping portion of the Downtown Improvement rroject L.I.D. 274, Improvement reporting three bidders (see attached tabulation) . MOVED BY PERRY, Project SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS Beautification COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See later Committee Report) i 227 I Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 10/15/73 Correspondence and Current Business Bid Opening: City Clerk Mead reported October 3, 1973 Bid Opening for sprinkler Sprinkler System system materials for Liberty Park, reporting three bidders (see Liberty Park attached tabulation) . Letter from Park Director Coulon reported Park Board recommendation that the low bid of Papsco, Inc. in the amount of $8,106.61 be accepted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD AND LOW BID OF PAPSCO, INC. BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED. Claims for Damages City Clerk reported Claims for alleged damages reported by Mrs. Beverly Mrs. B.J. Jones Joan Jones, 1407 Ethier Rd. , for automobile damage because of poor �r Mr. G.T. Hall visibility due to brush. Second claim filed by Mr. George Thomas Mrs. F. McWilliams Hall, 4258 S. 166th, Seattle, for automobile damage due to construc- tion on Sunset Blvd. N.E.. Third claim filed by Mrs. Florence McWilliams, 1314 N. 26th, for personal fall due to crosswalk condi- tion. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE THREE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Sign Ordinance Letter from the Rentor: Municipal Arts Commission reported having gone on record supporting enforcement of the City's Sign Ordinance, being concerned about the status of the ordinance asking for a clarification of the City's position, i.e. , funding for enforcement also whether "grandfather" clause proposed and ramifications of same. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COMMUNICATION BE REFER- RED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. F. Cenkovich Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd. , inquired re progress on Senior Citizens facility plans. was read proclaiming the week of PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrettp 9 National Flower October 21 to 27, 1973 as National Flower Week in tribute to the Week beauty and happiness brought by flowers and plants. MOVED BY 10/21-27/73 DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLA- MATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Appointment to the Aviation Board by Mayor Garrett was read, reappoint- Aviation Board ing Mr. Gary Dime to a three-year term to expire Novemb-ir 6, 1976, having been a member of the Aviation Board since 1966. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR BE REFER- RED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of Whole Committee of the Whole report submitted by Council President Clymer Report - Water recommended that the water and sewer rate study be referred to the & Sewer Study Public Works Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. I Public Works Report Public Works Committee report submitted by Committee Member Perry CBD - Phase III recommended that the low bid of Westerra, Inc. in the amount of Bid Award $86,734.55 be accepted and the contract be awarded for the Phase III Westerra, Inc. Downtown Improvement Project Landscaping, this being in concurrence Landscaping with the October 11, recommendation of the Public Works Department. Councilman Perry noted Downtown Merchants Committee had approved the plans for planter boxes for South 3rd St. Perry further asked that the Downtown Renton Action Committee Minutes of August 6, 1973 be read into record wherein the committee approved the planter box design eliminating 20 of the 42 parking stalls on S. 3rd St. and adding 95 stalls with new lot on Burnett Ave.S. and several additional stalls by elimination of mid-block crosswalks and relocation of loading and taxi zones. Councilman Delaurenti asked number in attend- ance at 8/6/73 meeting, being told 22 including 9 City employees. Councilman Stredicke noted Downtown Action Committee meeting this date confirmed approval of downtown beautification design including planter boxes. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT ACCEPTING LOW BID OF WESTERRA, INC. AND AWARDING CONTRACT. CARRIED. MP-L&H Ordinance Legislation Committee report submitted by Chairman Perry recommended PUD Ordinance that the proposed MP-L and MP-H zone ordinance and Planned Unit Develop- ment ordinance be helot for rurtner review in conjunction with the Community Services Committee and the Planning staff. MOVED BY CLYMER SECOND BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR SN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. 228 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 10/15/73 NEW BUSINESS Community Services Committee member Stredicke submitted Community Services Committee Report - Senior report bearing Chairman Grant's signature only, which recommended Citizens Assoc. the Mayor appoint a Senior Citizens Association for the City, having met with senior citizen groups, administrative personnel and Human Rights and Affairs Commission. The report further recommended that the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) be represented by two members, the United Mine Workers by two representatives and Renton Retired Teachers Association and other interested groups be allowed to represent, submitting a list of persons willing to serve on Senior Citizens Association. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COMMITTEE REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. CARRIED. Meeting Schedule City Clerk Mead read report from Councilman Grant reaardinq schedul- ing of future Community Services Committee meetings that consideration would be given as requested by Councilman Stredicke in recent letter. The subject of application for funds under Referendum 29 for senior citizens facility was discussed. Transportation Committee Chairman Perry reported progress on the SR-515 and FAI 405 assignments from the 6-Yr Street Plan, noting problems through industrial area. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk i 229 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 10/15/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL. WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DE6 RIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT FUND 814 8694 *53s139455 'ARKS AND RECREATION 8695 3718 x17*268960 'I"RTERIAL STREET 8719 8759 $IP976e43 CITY STREET R,72c) 8739 012*686•86 :EDAM= R"uF i, i e P -.y a77Ll 164265o87 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 8779 8782 Ola637o50 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 8783 8785 x33 FEDERAL SHARED REV* FUND 8786 8786 $260 000000 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 8787 8799 $27i687a45 URBAN ARTERIAL 8800 8809 $101x803962 LIBRARY CONSTUCTION FUND 8810 9819 5'814.25 AI P,PCRT CONSTUZ T ION FUND ,,= ��: gA22 #3P S98 a 68 UTILITY BA23 885£? 683j203#90 .AIRPORT 8851 8862 46 012063 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 8863 8889 612P522#70 FIREMEN S PENSION 8690 8919 612*401@97 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $607,9979028 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE; BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 8614 THROUGH NO* 8 IH TµE AMCUNT OF 06079979.29 THIS 15 OF OCTOBER LID 279: R-1 $145.25 FINANCE COMMITTEE LID 279: C-1 $145.25 v - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OCTOBER 15 , 1973 0 BID OPENING SPRINKLER SYSTEM MATERIALS FOR LIBERTY PARK October 3 , 1973 BIDDER BB/CHECK AA BID TAX TOTAL H. D. Fowler Co. , Inc . X X $8 , 953 . 10 $474 . 51 $9 , 427 . 61 P . 0. Box 160 13440 S . E. 30th St. Bellevue , WA 98009 Papsco , Inc . X X $7 , 698 . 59 $408. 02 $8 , 106. 61 P . O. Box 24152 3921 9th Ave . So. Seattle , WA 98108 Polson Co. X X $7 , 848 . 15 $415 . 95 $8 , 264 . 10 625 So. Lander Street Seattle , WA 98134 TALBOT ROAD SOUTH - TRAFFIC SIGNALS PHASE II Bid Opening - October 5 , 1973 Contractor BB/AA-EEO Schedule A Schedule B Schedule C Total Bid Signal Electric , Inc. X X $46 , 825 . 00 $1 , 816. 30 $7 , 013. 40 $55 , 654 . 70 9012 South 208th St. Kent , WA 98031 Westcoast Electric X X $48 , 796. 38 $2 , 227 . 30 $5 , 961 . 50 $56 , 985 . 18 18250-68th Ave. So . Kent , WA 98031 Engineering Estimate $51 , 097 . 75 $2 , 097 . 00 $6 , 191 . 00 $59 , 385 . 75 Office of the City Clerk October 15 , 1973 DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMEN','. PROJECT - PHASE III BEAUTY ICATION BID OPENING - 10/10/73 Contractor BB/AA-EEO Total Bid Alternate Bid Edlund Landscaping Co. X $111 , 395 . 05 $38 , 438. 00 1C130 S .E. Carr Road $111 , 351 . 78* Items 1 , 2 & 3 Renton, WA 98055 Ohno Landscape Const. X X $125, 240. 00 1401 E. Yesler Seattle, WA 98122 Westerra , Inc. X X $ 86 , 734 . 55 $11 , 200. 00 2210 N.E. 95th Street Item 3 Seattle , WA 98115 *Engineering Correction Engineering Estimate - $89 , 259. 40 CITY COUNCIL GP',.L.J EE MEETI:,G CALENDAR ' Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COT-II,LrTTEE 14EETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL 1.1EETING OF 10/15/73 COIUIITTEE DATE TITS CHAIR14AN LOCATION REMARKS COi,:�iITTEE OF THE ',•JHOLE CL)= CC2•1,nITY SERVICES 10/18 Thurs 9:30 AM GRANT 3rd Floor Conf. Room AdBoc Sign Committee FIiIANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION PF,RP.Y PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE. I TRA:ISPORTATIO 1 PER,;` ' I OTHER �IEETINGsAND EVENTS j SPECIAL MEFTINC; j0123 Tu:-s Va:at.3 on c f vihitinan C"orry t h F. I19/4 Mi 1 'age Tax 1.ev t n e y � .:-. .. .... -.. .tea. ...._ .. . ..... ;-. ... ,.....� .., �\ - al V 233 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OCTOBER 15 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 83499 $ 1 , 800 Forte Rentals 1100 Bronson Way N. Re-roof 3500 900 R. H. Ball , Sr. 3607 N. E. 12th St. Construct garage 3501 1 ,250 Bill Santi 217 Wells Ave . S. Reroof Building 3502 1 ,500 Bill Santi 221 Wells Ave. S. Reroof Building 3503 28,900 Hebb & Narodick 917 S. 28th Ct . New residence 3504 28, 900 Hebb & Narodick 923 S. 28th Ct. New residence 83505 31 , 000 Hebb & Narodick 926 S . 28th Ct . New residence 3506 3,000 Earlin gton Assoc. 498 S. W. 7th .Windows , partitions 3507 1 ,000 Leo A. Prellwitz 3413 Meadown Ave . N.Attached gara'je 3508 27,000 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2801 Morris Ave. S. New residence" 3509 29 ,000 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2901 Morris Ave. S. New residence; 83510 28 ,000 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2813 Morris Ave. S. New residence._' 3511 29, 000 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2725 Morris Ave. S. New residence:, 3512 27, 000 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2819 Morris Ave. S. New residence." 3513 26 , 000 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2807 Morris Ave . S. New residence, 3514 1 ,800 R. W. Behm 3609 SE 5th P1 . Room addition, B3515 8 ,000 Sternco Develop. 1600 S. W. 43rd St. Fdtn . - whse . -mill 3516 43, 000 Puget Sound Power 622 W. Perimeter Rd. Steel hangar bldg. 3517 975 Mrs . W. Thompson 3105 SE 5th St. Covered patio, 3518 35, 000 N. H. Schultz 534-536 Williams N. New duplex 3519 26 ,000 Rigby Dev. Co. 920 S. 30th Place New residence 83520 26 , 000 Rigby Develop. Co. 923 S. 30th Place New residence. 3521 28,000 Rigby Develop. Co. 926 S. 30th Place New residence 3522 3, 500 Renton-McCarthy ,Inc. 914 Bronson Wy N. False ceiling ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4311 2 ,000 City Ctr. Motel 112 S. 3rd St. Underground Conv. 4312 250 P. R. Uschins?:-i 401 S. 3rd St. Underground Conv. 4313 720 Mrs . Rosenstrom 309 Pelly N. Change service 4314 50 Marty Overmeyer 3512 Park Ave . N. Underground Conv. E4315 320 D. T. Bleakley 3120 SE 6th St. Rewire residence 4316 2 , 000 Ralph Watt 3301 N. E. 9th St. Ince. serv, heater 4317 50 Dave Clark 1054 Sunset Blvd. NE Temp. service 4318 650 Hebb & Narodick 908 S. 28th Ct . Wire new residence 4319 1 , 800 A-H Drugs #1 200 S. 3rd St . Under_gr. bldg. -vaul E4320 700 Benton-McCarthy 914 Bronson Wy . S. New sub-panel 4321 300 Mr. Shore 1626 Grant Ave. S. New panel 4322 185 L. C. Anderson 1915 Harrington NE Increase service 4323 400 Ron Behm 3609 S. E. 5th P1 . Wire room addition 4324 500 Taco Time S. 2nd & Rainier S. Underground cony. E4325 185 Marks & Thomas 858 Lind Ave . S. Inst . lighting 4326 650 Hebb & Narodick 918 S. 28th Ct . Wire new residence 4327 250 E. V. Donahue 371 Lind Ave. NW Wire 200 amp serv. 4328 250 Dan Walsh 472 Bronson Way NE Wire residence , 4329 800 A-H Drugs #1 301 S. 3rd St. Underground cony. E4330 1 , 375 Boe Messert 300 Rainier Ave . S. Underground Conv. MECHANICAL PERMITS M3680 1 ,200 Hebb & Narodick 918 S. 28th Ct. Plumbing & fixtures 3681 1 ,500 J. M. Penovich 2007 Rolling Hills NE - Plmbg & fixture. 3682 1 ,500 J. M. Penovich 2013 Rolling Hills NE - Plmbg & fixture. 3683 1 , 500 John M. Penovich 2027 Rolling Hills NE - Plmbg & fixture, 3684 56 Lawrence Dickey 370 Earlington SW Gas piping-fireplac M3685 320 W. J. Busch 3405 S. E. 7th St. Septic tank-drainfl 3686 343 B. A. Rost 3700 N. E. 6th P1 . Gas wall furnace 3687 1 ,200 Hebb & Narodick 917 S. 28th Ct . Plumbing & fixtures 3688 1 ,200 Hebb & Narodick 923 S. 28th Ct. Plumbing & fixtures 3689 1 ,275 Hebb & Narodick 926 S. 28th Ct. Plumbing & fixtures 3690 747 B. Orosco 505 Grandey Way NE Gas Furnace inst . 3691 1 ,500 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2801 Morris Ave . S. Plumbing & fixtures 3692 1 ,800 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2901 Morris Ave. S. Plumbing & fixtures 3693 1 ,950 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2819 Morris Ave. S. Plumbing & fixtures 3694 1 ,950 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2813 Morris Ave . S. Plumbing & fixtures M3695 1 ,950 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2807 Morris Ave . S. Plumbing & fixtures 3696 1 ,950 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2725 Morris Ave . S. Plumbing & fixtures 3697 200 W. J. Busch 312 Busch P1 S. Gas unit heater 3698 300 J. H. Simmons 2709 NE 24th St. Gas water heater 234 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - 2 - OCTOBER 15 , 1973 SIGN PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5321 $ 800 Standard Oil Co. 305 S. Grady Way One wall sign 5322 700 Toy World 532 Rainier Ave . S. One wall sign 5323 50 City of Renton Talbot Rd. at Talbotlnst. Real Estate Crest Directional Sign 5324 100 McPherson ' s Realty S. 26th & Talbot Rd Inst. subdivision I. D. Sign S325 50 City of Renton S . 15th St. & Talbotlnst . R. E. direcn- al sign SEWER PERMITS 1944 Olga M. Lewis 519 S. W. 12th St . Connect side sewer 1945 Mr. Kelso 1931 Aberdeen Pl . SE It It 1946 L. Gebenini 668 Sunset Blvd. NE It ff 1947 R . Krzycki 2307 N. E. 10th St. It " 1948 Hebb & Narodick 926 S. 28th Ct. V1 it 1949 Hebb & Narodick 923 S. 28th Ct. of " 1950 Hebb & Narodick 917 S. 28th Ct. It if 1951 L. E. Elzig 2405 N. E. 10th St. It It 1952 Jerry McNeill 3116 Sunset Blvd. NE it 1953 Kentucky Fried Chicken - 980 Harrington NE " i I I `C I E I 235 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Office of the City Clerk October 23 , 1973 R E F E R R A L S LEGISLATION AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEES �.. Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation PUBLIC HEARING 1974 Millage Levy to be continued to first regular meeting following receipt of valuations ARM RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting October 23, 1973 Municipal Building Tuesday 8: 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES COUNCIL DELAURENTI, GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, VACATIONING COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented com- APPROVAL mittee recommendation for payment of Vouchers No. 8920 through No. #8920-9048 9048 in the amount of $468,586.26 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL APPROVE PAY- MENT. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Vacation of published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hear- Whitman Crt. N.E. ing to discuss the proposed street vacation of that portion of Whitman Court N.E. (134th Ave. S.E.) northerly of N.E. 11th Street within the plat of Honey Dew Estates #1. City Clerk Mead read communi- cations from the following: Letter from Mrs. Mary A. and Mr. Michael R. Sands, 4340 N.E. 11th St, favoring the vacation# Petition from abutting property owners for the vacation, Mr. Douglas J. Johnston, 1117 Whitman Crt. N.E. and Mr. Dave Manis and Mrs. Ruby L. Manis, 1116 Whitman Crt. N.E. ; Petition supporting vacation signed by 80 residents of the Honey Dew Estates; Protest letter from Mr. Howard S. Reed, Attorney for Mr. King Dunham and Mr. James P. Mueller claiming vacation would leave five acres landlocked and asked access or compensation; Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported if no other evidence presented at the public hearing, Public Works Department recommended vacation of said portion of Whitman Court subject to the satisfactory solution to the access and circulation of traffic problems and subject to the retention of adequate utility and drainage easements. Councilman Stredicke submitted to the Clerk for record two letters sent to residents of Honey Dew Estates on his personal stationery under his signature on 9/6/73 and 10/3/73 regarding the proposed vacation and development of the property north of the Honey Dew Estates, he also noted ownership of real estate in the vicinity but not adjacent to the proposed vacation. At Councilman Schellert's request, City Attorney Shellan briefly noted laws allowing vacation by petition or resolution of Council and holding public hearing thereon, vacation to be done in the public interest with only adjacent property owners having right to be heard, explaining City's right to retain easements. Public Works Director Gonnason showed area on map. Planning Director Ericksen presented slides showing the possible ingress and egress for multiple family residences (R-3) through single family area. Following lengthy discussion of 1965 rezone and alternate access, Mr. Howard S. Reed whose letter was read earlier, reported no other access in existence to clients property if Whitman Court N.E. were vacated and damages would be expected to be paid if no alternate access arranged. Mr. Steve Schneider, 4325 N.E. 11th St. , favored vacation to prevent traffic situation dangerous to children in Honey Dew Estates. Follow- ing review. of prior construction plans for area north of Honey Dew w Estates by Councilman Stredicke, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Motion was proposed by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that vacation of said portion of Whitman Court N.E. be granted. It was then moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce that the motion to vacate Whitman Court N.E. be referred to the Transportation Committee for recommen- dation. A substitute motion was made by Stredicke, seconded by ft?t) 1 Renton City Council Special Meeting Minutes October 23, 1973 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued Vacation of Portion Perry, that the City of Renton initiate the vacation of the south Whitman Crt. N.E. 100 feet of Whitman Court N.E. from the center line of N.E. 11th Street and that the City retain 20 feet utility easement as recommended by the Engineering Department and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for necessary ordinance, amended to include acquisition of access from N.E. Sunset Blvd. to Whitman Court N.E. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY Alternate Route CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER OF WHITMAN CRT. To Be Determined N.E. STREET VACATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS,SO THAT CITY WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and 1974 Millage published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hear- Tax Levy ing to certify the 1974 millage tax levy as required by State Law, Hearing having been continued from October 15, 1973 and Continued from October 1, 1973 due to unavailability of assessed valuation fig- 10/1 6 10/15/73 ures from the King County Assessor. City Clerk Mead read communi- cation from Mr. D. V. Wirth of King County Department of Assess- Hearing Continued ments that letter forthcoming from King County Council Chairman O'Brien giving notice of further delay of assessed valuation certification to the districts and extending budget filing time. Letter from City Clerk Mead recommended the Council continue the Hearing to the first regular meeting after receipt of the valua- tions as no definite indication of date was made by the Assessor's Office as to when the assessed valuation figures will be available. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND CITY CONTINUE MILLAGE LEVY HEARING TO THE FIRST REGULAR MEETING FOLLOWING RECEIPT OF THE VALUATIONS. Councilman Stredicke noted possible action if County Assessor avoids implementing State law as affects the City's valuation. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. Special meeting of the Council adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Delores A. Mead, City &lerk i i 238 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 10/23/73 593IN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCR PTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS M,4e, 1N, leo,,0 : 'iso — X93 9 CURRENT 4940 8979 •43*536#42 PARKS AND RECREATION 8980 8992 $20271178 CITY STREET 8993 9002 •310354162 REOt AND STREET FWD THRUST 9003 9010 ♦238960172 JRBAN ARTERIAL 9011 9016 •40J110104 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 9017 9020 *317r694o47 WATERWORKS UTILITY 9021 9033 $50760157 AIRPORT 9034 9037 $243#30 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9036 9044 031442424 FIREMEN PENSION 9046 9048 •211196 ;-r; 1, nF ALL w4RRANTB $4680586076 WE, THE UNDSRSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCII,j HAVING RE,CE2VkU UEPA4TMENfAL CERTIFICATIUN THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR BERVICES NAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERQOR DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 8940 THROUGH NOs 9048 IN TWE AMOUNT OF $4680586026 TWIS 23 OF OCTOBER 973 saw FINANCE COMMITTEE r w Awrwww w ewer w Mew w COM ITTEE ME SER �wwave •rw0 a swwwi COMMIT EE MIM6ER r o w w ►+r•t r/i� eJir r r• COMM EE MEMBER I was 239 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OCTOBER 23, 1973 PERNITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK BUILDING PERMITS B3523 $ 3, 000 Evergreen Bldg. 15 S. Grady Way Dem. partition , build new 3524 1 , 000 Renton village 35 S. Grady Way New doors in offices 83525 34 ,000 Hebb & Narodick 920 S. 28th Ct. New residence 3526 3, 000 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Add. for office 3527 7, 800 Dr. V. Clausing 540 Rainier S. Remodel restaurant 3528 3,000 B.R. & T. C. Highland - 230-1/2 Main S. - New bar, back bars , walk-in cooler, repairs 3529 24,000 Ren-Four, Inc. 229 Williams S. Remodel grd. flr - offices ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4331 250 Renton Village Co. 15 S. Grady Wy. Wiring for Office remodel 4332 390 Heap o 'Living Rtn . Shopping Ctr. - Add 11 outlets 4333 1 , 000 West & Wheeler 211 Shattuck S. Inst. underground power 4334 1 ,000 Dr. Frank Donahue 211 Shattuck S. Inst. underground power E4335 50 James Breen 205 NW 6th St . Ext . service pipe 4336 250 Renton Linoleum 505 S. 4th St. Underground conversion 4337 50 Frank Manifold 79 Williams S. Underground conversion 4338 245 T. C. Highland 230-1/2 Main S. Elec. for new kitchen , etc MECHANICAL PERMITS M3699 250 The fold Tavern 214 Williams S. Gas torch , puping, htr. 3700 580 Roger Poquette 328 Garden N. 110 ,000 BTU Gas furnace 3701 1 , 400 John Penovich 2017 Jones Circle NE - Plmbg. & fixtures 3702 1 ,400 John Penovich 2018 Rolling Hills SE - Plumbg. & fixtures 3703 1 ,600 John Penovich 2027 Rolling Hills SE - Plmbg. & fixtures 3704 250 G. G. Johnson 1300 Monroe NE 80, 000 BTU gas furnace -M3705 1 ,650 Lewis Purcell 2003 NE 16th St. Plumbing & fixtures 3706 46 ,442 CFS-Continental 601 SW 7th St. Auto. fire sprinkler 3707 1 ,200 A & H Drugs #1 200 S. 3rd St. Plmbg. & fixtures 3708 300 T. C. Highland 230-1/2 Main S. Alt. piping, sink SIGN PERMITS 5326 2 ,500 Winchells ' Donut Hse . 3116 Sunset NE - 1 Pole Sign , 2 Wall 5327 500 Covey ' s Market 422 S. 3rd St. Move exist. pole sign S328 3, 000 Sambo' s 610 Rainier S. Inst . l pole sign SEWER PERMITS• 1954 R. Wiehoff 1612 Kennewick NE - Connect side sewer 1955 Hebb & Narodick 920 S. 28th St. Connect side sewer 240 C I T Y O F R E N T O N OC'._°�BF..2, 19'13 TRANSFERS 'rY 7REASURERo FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL k i1 cY S ;'INSTRUCTION 'UND �Sgecial) . $ 4,500.00 ICURREN':' ?UND 21,687.55 PARKv & RECREATION 9,841.22 CT'"Y STR 'sE8 1,209.29 C & 410.0 131L,RY 687. 3 4?ZewnLOYMEN 498.93 i�U t�°;K 'l"N!,,ENT rVE FUND 120.90 t s. TREE" 'XI) ^''' 'UST 8,244.45 �MSi Aw('"r?.:A"- 59,330.79 wA ;;421Z-KS 5,347.54 20.03 504.97 r k Oti - 1,041.60 k CIAIMS FUND Transfers for month of OCTOBER $113,444.62 , CU aRENT FUND 892501.57 PARKS & R"-CREATION 171152.46 `ITY STREET 17,638.10 `CEDAR R1NER H & I 389.75 :.IBRARY 79026.01 PURL i. ':M.`LOYMENT (PEP) 41945.11 WOitIC xNCENTIVF (w1l) 1,204.00 1N►'�? :«s6, �£R` 900.00 , <' & 6 tL'-i 1'WC ""1 ,1ST 563.82 ANF►� a" y� 5,074.47 'RWOn - ,—ILJTIII 122961.9$ 987.50 L. RE" :'AL, 21684.50 100.00 N PAYROLL FUND I Transfers for month of OCTOBER 161 129.27 f K' '.�►�!" 89$ 01.57 REFMON � � 17,152.46 Y 6,a K 17,638.10 kR '4I VER & 1 M 389.75 72026.01 LMPl ' t4LNT (!P1 P j 42945.11 1,204.00 ' € '�F t► .:t- 900.00 °1'.'1 (UST 563.82 JAN MY'RIX.. 5,074.47 n1l. ,cWC{hi T.1.T:I 12,961.98 " '•'�' 987.50 ,: �;F;+� ► at. :."til., 21684.50 4` MEN°S PL:, '--0 w 100.00 x M VAYirt` all. FUNb T sa-aaafers for month of OCTOBER '161,129.27 62 YOR F I NANr_E DIRECTOR 241 C I T Y OF RE N T 0 N ti10NTH OF "ICTGIiER, 1973 TIZANSFFRS : TO THE CITY TR`-ASURER: ,PATE FROM TO s'll1:('O51= 101 AL / ,,.)-'-,3-7:; CURRENT " '43,536.42 L'A1tK5 & REC1�kATION �, • 2,271.78 CITY STRL'I:T 31,354.62 1tf:G & STREET FWD Tl LUST 23,960.72 U101AN ARTERIAh 0,110.08 AIRPORT CONSTRUCT1( J FUND 37,694.47 WATERWORKS UTILITY 53,760.57 NI RPORT 2'k3.38 EQUIPMENT RENTAL , 3,442.26 FIRL'MLN'; PENSION CL41IMS FUND Transfers for month of OCTOBER ;:4 8,586.26 /0-24-73 CURRENT FUND CAREERS FUND Ordiance No.# 2805 $4,20.1.00 y /t-31-73 CURRENT $ 90,793.07 PARKS & RECREATION 17,735.36 CITY sTREET 17,642.30 CEDAR RIVER M & I 389.75 LIBRARY ' 7,121.16 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMI:N ' (PEP) 4,970.89 WOUK INCENTIVE (WIN ) � 1,550.27 CAREERS 900.00 I:IiC & STREHLT 1.10 I'll 'UST 550.66 URBAN ARTE:RLAL 4,956.06 14AI RWORKS `UTILITY 13 Mr.93 AIRPORT 1,009.28 1?QUIPM,'NT RENTAL 2,684.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND 'Transfers for montli of OCTOBER $ 103,450.23 r en w K MAYOR FINANCE DIPE:CTOR 242 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Novembar 5 , 1973 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Summons and Complaint - Carole Cleaver *Claim for Damages - J. Truman Chapter 10 Title V revision request COUNCIL'S BUDGET COMMITTEE Mayor's 1974 Preliminary Budget FIRE DEPARTMENT Request for change in Fire Zone FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Reorganization of City Departments LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Request .for revision Chapter 10 Title V Ordinance changing zoning R-747-73 (A.C. Brown) First Reading 11/5/73 Ordinance vacation portion Whitman Crt. N.E. - .First Reading 11/5/73 Ordinance fixing legal holidays - First Reading 11/5/73 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Petition for vacation of portion of Jefferson N.E. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids for watermain N.W. 2nd St. UAW PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Request for change in Fire Zone APPOINTMENTS Ms, Kathleen Willson permanent position Clerk as of 11/1/73 - Renton Police Dept. Mr. Robert E. Cotner to Human Rights and Affairs Commission expiring 4/25/75 I one 243 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 5 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, called the Meeting of the Renton City CALL TO ORDER Council to Order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY ... STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; GENE COULON, Park Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; RICHARD GEISLER, Assistant Fire Chief; CAPT. JOHN BUFF, Police Rep. MINUTES FOR MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 15, APPROVAL AND OCTOBER 23, 1973, BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schelle.rt presented committee APPROVAL recommendation for payment of Vouchers No. 9049 through 9255 in the #9049 - 9255 amount of $66,992.38 plus L.I.D. 279 Revenue #2 and Cash #2 Warrants Plus L.I.D. 279 in amount of $20,695.64 each, having received departmental certifi- Cash & Revenue #2 cation as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF WARRANTS. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report recom- RESOLUTIONS mending first reading, with referral back to committee, of an ordinance Legislation changing the zoning classification from General Classification(G) to Committee Report Business District (B-1) of property located in Kennydale district near the old Fire Station. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, First Reading COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED Ordinance Changing ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of rezone ordinance re Zoning (R-747-73) Adolph C. Brown, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER THE to B-1 Kennydale ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and referral Ordinance Vacating back to committee of an ordinance vacating a portion of Whitman Crt. Portion Whitman N.E. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Court N.E. REPORT. CARRIED. Prior to reading of the ordinance vacating that portion of Whitman Court N.E. within the plat of Honey Dew Estates No. 1 lying between the north line of the sub-division and the north margin of N.E. 11th St. , Transportation Committee Report was presented by committee Chairman Perry and recommended ordinance be placed on first reading and referred back to the Legislation Committee to hold until the access problems are resolved, meetings being planned by the Public Works Department with the property owners in the area. Following first reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry noted Transportation Committee would be meeting with property owners re ingress and egress, therefore anticipated problem of meeting 45 day time limit between readings of the ordinance. Ordinance 2807 Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Relating to readings for an ordinance relating to duties and compensation for Compensation City Councilmen and fixes the salaries of those Councilmen elected of Councilmen and taking office in January of 1974 and thereafter at the rate of $400 per month. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. Roll call resulted in 4 Aye Votes: CLYMER, BRUCE, PERRY, SCHELLERT, and 2 No Votes: STREDICKE AND DELAURENTI. MOTION CARRIED. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. 244 Renton City Council Meeting November 5, 1973 - Page 2 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ordinance 2807 A motion by Stredicke, with second by Schellert, to amend ordinance Continued inserting $300 instead of $400 salary, resulted in roll call with Fixing Salaries 2 Aye Votes: Stredicke and Schellert, 4 No Votes: Clymer, Bruce, Councilmen Taking Perry and Delaurenti. Motion failed. A motion by Stredicke, with Office in 1974 second by Delaurenti, amending ordinance by fixing salaries to reflect and Thereafter 5.5% increase in cost of living at $353.19 per month, resulted in Increased to roll call with 2 Aye Votes: Stredicke and Delaurenti, 4 No Votes: $400/Mo. Clymer, Bruce, Perry and Schellert. Motion failed. MOTION TO PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS, CARRIED. Following readings by City Clerk Mead, Mr. Dan Poli, former City Councilman, suggested ordinance be tabled. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDI- NANCE BE ADOPTED. Roll Call resulted in 4 Aye Votes: CLYMER, BRUCE, PERRY, SCHELLERT, and 2 No Votes: STREDICKE AND DELAURENTI. MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Ordinance Fixing readings for an ordinance relating to legal holidays and bringing Legal Holidays same into conformance with state law. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Follow- ing first reading of the ordinance, it was moved by Delaurenti, with second by Perry, to place ordinance on second and final readings. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, WITH SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE, CARRIED. Resolution 1880 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Conveying Property resolution transferring certain lands to the State of Washington, to State/SR-515 Department of Highways for consideration of $2,500, by means of Quit Claim. Deed, for the purpose of improving Talbot Road,(SR-515.) MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESOLUTION BE READ. CARRIED. Following City Clerk reading resolution and explanation by Public Works Director Gonnason that the City had acquired right-of-way for the State on Talbot Road,project SR-515, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1881 Letter from Finance Director Marshall noted National Bank of Commerce Cremation Agreement has been City's Fiscal Agent (under R.C.W. 43.80) since April, 1971, for Bonds/Coupons and requested authorization to enter into cremation agreement with the Fiscal Agent as it pertains to paid bonds and coupons. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. • CARRIED. Legis- lation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of resolution authorizing a Cremation Agreement between the City and the National Bank of Commerce, the Fiscal Agent. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Follow- ing reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. AWARDS Citizens Awards for Outstanding Service weze presented by Mayor Garrett Juvenile Court to Mrs. Mary Burns, Rev. Wallace Wilson and Mr. J.J. (Jack) Fink for Conference community service on the Renton Juvenile Court Conference Committee, Committee both Mrs. Burns and Mr. Fink having served since 1959. Mr. Carl Erickson, Director of Court Services, King County Juvenile Court, gave commendations. Mr. Fink and Rev. Wilson were unable to attend, however, those from the Mayor's Youth. Guidance/Juvenile Court named and most being in attendance: Mrs. Muriel Barrett, Mr. Don Holm, Mr. Paul Houser, Mr. Dean Coe, Mrs. Mrytle James, Mr. Richard Conrad, Mrs. Sally Hartsock, Mr. Jim Hummelright, Mrs. Marilyn West. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:38 P.M. with roll call showing all Councilmen present as previously shown. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Mayor Garrett's 1974 proposed City Budget was presented balanced in the sum of $14,657,326; approximately $6.8 million is tax-supported 1974 Preliminary and $7.7 million is from Federal, State and other grant sources. Budget The 1974 budget totals 25% less, approximately, than the 1973 budget. The budget projects an estimated assessed valuation , certification not yet received from the King County Assessor's Office. MOVED BY 245 Renton City Council Meeting November 5, 1973 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued 1974 Preliminary SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE PROPOSED 1974 BUDGET BE Budget REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL'S BUDGET COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT (Continued) BACK. City Clerk Mead noted. King County Assessor's Office gave projected mailing date of November 9, for assessed valuations. MOTION CARRIED. Bid Openings: Bid Opening October 23, for surplus logging equipment acquired with Lake Washington property, was reported by City Clerk Mead with one Surplus Logging bid received, Alaska Auto Towing in the amount of $2,718. Letter —Equipment from Park Director Coulon reported Park Board recommendation that bid of Alaska Auto Towing in amount of $2,718 be accepted and the monies deposited in the Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust account. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD AND AUTHORIZE DISPOSITION. CARRIED. L.I.D. 281 Watermain N.W. 2nd The November 1, Bid Opening for watermain in N.W. 2nd Street, L.I.D. 281, was reported by the City Clerk, with tabulation attached hereto showing 8 bids received. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Surplus UAB The October 24,Bid Opening for surplus office equipment from Urban Office Equipment Arterial Board per Resolution No. 1877 of October 1, 1973, was reported by City Clerk Mead with tabulation attached. Councilman Stredicke noted net profit from sale was $896.72, equipment having been purchased used from the Boeing Co. for $1450.16. Reorganization of Letter from Mayor Garrett reported administrative and organizational City Departments changes proposed by consolidation of the Building Department with the Department of Engineering (Public Works) into a new Department of Community Development; and that department will include the combin- ing of building custodial and maintenance functions with the central garage and carpentry functions of the Street Dvn. of Public Works into a General Services Division, and the combining of the plans checking, permit issuance and inspectional services functions into a..• a Division of Developmental Services. The letter stated the proposed consolidation would improve the manner in which services are provided to the public and the internal administrative coordination and func- tioning. Motion proposed by Clymer, seconded by Bruce, letter be referred to the Legislation Committee for proper ordinance and report back, failed - as determined by roll call vote: 2 Aye: Clymer, Perry, 4 No: Bruce, Stredicke, Delaurenti and Schellert. MOTION BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE A119 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Chapter 10 Title V Letter from City Clerk Mead recommended adoption of a new ordinance Ping Pong Parlors amending Chapter 10, Title V of the City Code covering Fntertainment and Shuffleboard Devices which would remove unenforceable and conflicting ordinances and be in compliance with new laws enacted by the 1973 Legislature. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE CITY CLERK AND MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Court Case Superior Court Summons and Complaint No. 771933, Carole D. Cleaver, Auto Accident Plaintiff va. City of Renton, State of Washington, Tri-State Construc- C. D. Cleaver tion Company and Rainier Electric Company, Defendants, was read, for damage to automobile while traveling on N.E. Sunset Blvd. MOVED BY DRLAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. Claim for Damages Claim for Damages filed by Jean F. Truman, 13205 S.E. 136th St. , for J. Truman damages to automobile on Wells Ave. S. involving utility pole, was read. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Coun- cilman Stredicke asked reports be made back to Council on these two auto damage items and also report from Public Works Department as to any other locations that may be hazardous to the motoring public. 246 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes November 5, 1973 - Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Change in Fire Permission having been granted for presentation of items received Zone Requested following agenda deadline, letter was read from Miss Suzanne Upton in order to and Mr. William M. Sterling requesting the area on the East side Sell Antiques of Williams Ave. So. from Cedar River to and including house numbered 102, be changed from Fire Zone 1 to 3 in order that an antique business can be conducted from that residence, which is zoned B-1. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Street Vacation A petition was read by City Clerk Mead, for vacation of Jefferson Petition Ave. N.E. from a point 175.43 feet north of N.E. 10th St. to Portion of Index Ave. N.E., signed by abutting property owners Mr. Roy A. Jefferson N.E. Goodwin and Mr. Jay E. Holmes. It was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, STREET VACATION REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO VERIFY SIGNATURES AND PETITION, REPORTING BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Permanent appointment of Ms. Kathleen Willson to the permanent position of Clerk in the Renton Police Department as of November 1, Ms. K. Willson 1973 by Mayor Garrett, was read. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Public Works recommending acceptance of low bid of Signal Electric, Inc. in the Committee Report amount of $55,654.70 for signalization of Talbot Rd. S. , concurring in recommendation of the Public Works Department. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Contract Award SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND AWARD CON- Talbot Rd. Signals TRACT TO SIGNAL ELECTRIC, INC. Councilman Stredicke inquired re Puget Sound Power and Light Co. request for vacating portion of P.S.P.L. Vacation Burnett Ave. S. and S. 8th St. which would be in area of Talbot Rd. Request Reviewed S. and S. Puget Dr. , first reading of ordinance being 9/11/72. Public Works Director Gonnason reported matter under review and will be reported. MOTION CARRIED. Finance & Personnel Finance and Personnel Committee chairman Schellert submitted com- Committee Report mittee report recommending concurrence in Mayor Garrett's appoint- ment of Mr. Robert E. Cotner to the Human Rights and Affairs Appointment Commission for a two year term, expiring 4/25/75. MOVED BY Confirmed STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND CONFIRM APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report Committee Report recommending signalization of Monterey Terrace at N. 3rd Street be placed on the Six-Year Construction Program as No. 1 priority in Monterey Terrace the major arterial category, that the Public Works Department pro- & N. 3rd St. ceed with design and cost estimates to report back to the committee Signals and that the Police Department exercise greater speed control. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. N.E. Sunset Blvd. Transportation Committee report stated Public Works Department had Channelization been given permission by State Traffic Engineer to remove "C" curb- ing from N.E. Sunset Blvd. between N.E. 10th St. and Harrington Ave. N.E. and that the work was underway, request to proceed having been made by the Transportation Committee. ADJOURNMENT Following further discussions, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. D lores A. Mead, Cit Clerk 24 1 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 11/05/73 W.W. BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS /'1WiNE Un�d - 90'�e9- 906.3 CURRENT 9064 9130 $20i788963 PARKS AND RECREATION 9! 31 9158 $3o324e19 CITY STREET 9159 9176 $2*362081 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 9177 9179 $320@37 LIBRARY 9180 9184 $699@50 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 9185 9188 $498.93 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 9189 9190 $120990 NEW CAREERS 9191 9192 $106010 REO# AND STREET FWD THRUST 9193 9198 $1J384823 JRSAN ARTERIAL 9199 9203 •12.385096 IBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND 9204 9204 $111052 w AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 9205 9206 $824.33 4ATERWORK9 UTILITY 9207 9226 $2$331o34 AIRPORT 9227 9232 $20889 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9233 9252 $20j482•40 FIREMEN PENSION 9253 9255 SIJ042078 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $66099208 WE♦ THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILA HAVING RECEIVED OEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 9064 THROUGH N0. 9235 IN TME AMOUNT OF $66A992.38 THIS 05 OF NOVEMBER 1973 ow L. I .D. 279: Revenue #2 - $20,695.64 FINANCE CO MITTEE L. I .D. 279: Cash #2 - $20,695.64 )=won =w� ....p w TE 2 4 8' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK November 5 , 1973 SURPLUS ENGINEERING OFFICE EQUIPMENT BID OPENING - 10/24/73 Item 1 - Executive Desk Item 21 - Drafting Stool F. R. King & Associates $65 . 00 NO BIDDERS 10500 Valley View Road Item 22 - Drafting Stool Bothell , WA 98005 F. R. King & Associates $15 . 00 Item 2 - Executive Desk Item 23 - Kardex Metal File F. R. King & Associates $85 . 00 NO BIDDERS Cliff Bates $10. 00 Item 24 - Print File - Wood 600 Jefferson Ave . N. E. F. R. King & Associates $20 . 0 Renton , WA 98055 Item 25 - Drafting Stool Item 3 - Executive Desk NO BIDDERS Mrs. Gary Wohlwend $20 . 00 Item 26 - Drafting Stool 604 S. 17th St. Gerry Church $ 1 . 50 Renton , WA 98055 Item 27 - Drafting Stool Item 4 - Executive Desk Gerry Church $ 1 . 50 NO BIDDERS Item 28 - Drafting Stool Item 5 - Executive Chair Gerry Church $ 1 . 50 F. R. King & Associates $15 . 00 Item 29 - Layout Table Cliff Bates $ 5 . 00 F. R. King & Associates $25 . 00 H. Dubigk $ 6 . 10 Item 30 - Layout Table 26460 Witte Rd. S. E. F. R. King & Associates $25 . 00 Maple Valley , WA 98038 Mrs . Gary Wohlwend $10. 00 Vic TeGantvoort $ 6 . 30 Item 31 - Layout Table 1717 Davis So. Harold Johnson $11 . 00 Renton , WA 98055 Item 32 - 2-Tier Metal Tray Item 6 - Executive Chair NO BIDDERS H. Dubigk $ 5 . 26 Item 33 - 2-Tier Metal Tray Cliff Bates $ 5 . 00 NO BIDDERS Item 7 - Executive Chair Item 34 - Secretarial Chair NO BIDDERS NO BIDDERS Item 8 - Executive Chair Item 35 - Drafting Table Cliff Bates $ - 0 - Pic Works Dept . - Kent $50 . 0 Vic TeGantvoort $15 . 20 Dick Houghton _$20. F. R. King & Associates $25 . 00 Item 36 - Drafting Table Mrs . Gary Wohlwend $ 8. 00 NO BIDDERS Item 9 - Drafting Table F. R. King & Associates $65. 00 Item 10 - Drafting Table F. R. King & Associates $80. 00 Item 11 - Drafting Table F. R. King & Associates $95 . 00 Item 12 - Drafting Table Public Works Department $50. 00 P.O . Box 310 Kent , WA 98031 ALTERNATE BID FOR ITEM #35 Item 13 - Drafting Table F. R. King & Associates $25 . 00 Item 14 - Drafting Table F. R. King & Associates $25 . 00 H. Dubigk $ 8. 55 Item 15 - Drafting Stool F. R. King & Associates $25 . 00 Public Works Dept . - Kent $15 . 00 ALTERNATE BID FOR ITEM 20 Mrs . Gary Wohlwend $ 7. 00 Item 16 - Drafting Stool F. R . King & Associates $25. 00 Mrs. Gary Wohlwend $ 7. 00 Item 17 - Drafting Stool NO BIDDERS Item 18 - Drafting Stool F. R. King & Associates $15. 00 Item 19 - Drafting Stool Mrs . Gary Wohlwend $ 7. 00 Item 20 - Drafting Stool R. Houghton $10. 00 3457 12th West Seattle , WA F. R. King & Associates $15 . 00 Public Works Dept . - Kent $15 . 00 Mrs . Gary Wohlwend $ 7. 00 � � r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK November 5 , 1973 BID OPENING SURPLUS LOGGING EQUIPMENT October 23 , 1973 Alaska Auto Towing $2 , 718. 00 Suite 1603 Pacific Building Seattle, WA 98104 CD OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK November 5 , 1973 O BID OPENING L. I. D. 281 8" D. I. WATERMAIN in N. W. 2nd Street November 1 , 1973 CONTRACTOR BB/EEO/AA BID PRICE AB & C Construction, Inc. X X X $12 , 398. 97 3516 S. 146th $12 , 098. 97* Seattle , WA 98168 Frank Coluccio Construction X X X $13, 852. 22 9600 Empire Way Seattle , WA 98119 Di Orio Construction , Inc. X X X $12 , 968. 01 7625 2nd Avenue S. Seattle , WA 98108 Pro Con Construction X X X $12 , 435 . 93 P. O. Box 200 Kirkland, WA 98033 R. W. Scott Construction X X X $14,855 . 72 9840 Carr Road $14 , 887. 31 * Renton ., WA 98055 L. R. Stanley Construction X X X $12 ,947. 69 P. O. Box 747 Issaquah , WA 98027 Bert Robison Construction X X X $15 ,430. 66 5611 Delridge Way S. W. Seattle , WA 98106 Howard Schwicht Const . Co. X X X $15 , 342 . 21 P . 0. Box 278 Auburn , WA 98002 * Engineering Correction ENGINEER' S ESTIMATE - $12 ,605 . 00 CITY COUNCIL COMP47 MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COM@ ITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OFNovember 5 , 1973 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS # COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE Thurs , 11/ 7 : 00 P. M. CI'�� Council Chambers Mayor & Finance Director will present Fri . , 11/9 7 : 00 P .M. budget Director of Public Works CC�R�'I[TNITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon . , 11/12 7 : 00 P.M. PERRY Chairman ' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS Mon . , 11/12 7 : 30 P .M. BRUCE Ichairman ' s Office Re : Watermain - N.W. 2nd TRANSPORTATION PERRY OTHER MEETINGSAND EVENTS r-1 or 252 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK November 6 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPTS . BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3530 $ 24 , 000 Ralph Rutledge 252 Stevens Ave . S .W. Repair fire damage 3531 29 , 000 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Race Track Const . bleacher seat 3532 11000 J . H . Swenning 502 Windsor P1 . N . E. Single garage 3533 3 , 500 J . H . Swenning 502 Windsor Pl . N .E. Bedroom & dining o 3534 Bob Kenkman 1000 Bronson Way S . Removal of block d B3535 -- Dalpay & Assoc . 601 S .W. Langston Rd . Demolish residence 3536 24 , 000 R. P . Rosa 307 S . 19th St . New single residence 3537 9 , 000 The Boeing Co . Renton Mun . Airport Relocate strg. bldg. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4339 590 O ' Donnell Whse . 933 Thomas Ave . S .W. Add 4 circuits 4340 250 Patti ' s Boutique 930 Harrington Ave . NE - Revise service 4341 350 Edward Tiegs 4124 NE 10th Pl . New panel box-wiring 4342 55 Patrick Donohue 1112 N . 33rd P1 . Temporary service 4343 55 Hebb & Narodick 908 S . 28th Ct. Temporary service 4344 55 Rigby Dev. Co . 917 S . 30th Pl . Temporary service E4345 55 Rigby Dev. Co. 926 S . 30th Pl . Temporary service 4346 55 Sambo ' s Rest. 610 Rainier Ave . S . Temporary service 4347 450 Arthur Shaw 220 Wells Ave . S . Underground conv. 4348 1 , 175 Shellan & Assoc . 100 S . 2nd St . Underground conv. 4349 400 Rubattino ' s Rest . 808 S . 3rd St . Underground conv. E4350 250 Maxine Grubesic 924 Ferndale Circ . NE Wire new service 4351 VOIDED 4352 300 Ralph Rutledge 252 Stevens Ave . SW Bring wrg . to code 4353 11000 W. L . McLaughlin 4509 Talbot Rd. S . Rewire for remodel 4354 545 PACCAR, Inc . Houser Way North Wire guard house E4355 200 C . E . Gibson 2008 NE 20th St. New service , additiol 4356 50 , 000 The Boeing Co . Boeing Renton Plant Misc . elec . in- ` nt 4357 450 J . M.Benovich 2007 Rolling Hills SE Wire single res ' nc 4358 450 J . M. Penovich 2018 Rolling Hills SE Wire single resi nci 4359 450 J . M. Penovich 2013 Rolling Hills SE Wire single residence E4360 45 S . Zerw OOdos 122 Wells Ave . S . Underground conv. 4361 50 S . Zerwoodos 126 Wells Ave . S . Underground conv . 4362 48 Hub Trailer Park 641 Wells Ave . N . Move service 4363 110 Alaire Irish 641 Wells Ave . N . Wire Mobile Home I MECHANICAL PERMITS M3709 650 Benton-McCarthy 914 Bronson Way S . Plumbing & fixtures 3710 900 Puget Power 622 W. Perimeter Rd . Plumbing & fixtures 3711 290 D. K . Crepeau 2733 N.E. 24th St . Rpr . septic drnfld. 3712 950 F. H. A. 813 Camas Ave N.E . Plumbing & fixtures 3713 1 , 748 Winchell Donut Hse . 3116 Sunset Blvd . NE Comm. hood & exhaust' 3714 100 Wm. McLaughlin , Jr . 4509 Talbot Rd . S . Sink , piping M3715 150 Coffee & Grill Rtn. Shopping Ctr . Gas piping to grill 3716 650 J. M. Penovich 2007 Rolling Hills SE Gas furnace 3717 650 J. M. Penovich 2013 Rolling Hills SE Gas Furnace 3718 200 R. M. Yothers 3732 N . E . 10th St. Inst . gas range 3719 200 Mrs. B . O' Roscoe 505 Grandey Way NE Plumbing & fixtures M3720 250 Paul C . Wold 4132 NE 17th St. Repl . gas heater 3721 470 Hebb & Narodick 923 S . 28th Ct. Gas Furnace ' 3722 540 Hebb & Narodick 918 S . 28th Ct. Gas Furnace 3723 500 L. H . Purcell 2003 N . E . 16th St. Gas Furnace 3724 1 , 361 Hebb & Narodick 920 S . 28th Ct . Plumbing & fixts M3725 4 , 700 The Boeing Co . Boeing Rtn . Plant Misc . in-plant be 3726 4 , 090 O ' Donnel Whse . 933 Thomas Ave . SW Plumbing & fixtures 3727 725 E. R. Kaiser 527 Wells Ave . S . Gas Furnace 3728 1 , 350 Rudy Zaputil 2600 N.E . 19th St. Gas Furnace 3729 335 Mrs . Monnett 2010 Kirkland Pl . NE Gas Furnace M3730 245 W. E . Waltari 3410 N.E. 6th St. Gas Furnace 3731 4 , 000 N . M. Schultz 534-536 Williams N. Plumbing & fixtures SIGN PERMITS S329 4 , 000 Williams & Swanson 617 S . 3rd St. Combination sign (Good Chevrolet) I 253 2 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK November 6 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPTS , SEWER PERMITS 1956 Sambo ' s Restaurant 610 Rainier Ave . So . Connect storm sewer 1957 Sambo ' s Restaurant 610 Rainier Ave . So . Connect side sewer 1958 Barbara O ' Roscoe 505 Grandey Way NE Connect side sewer 1959 Rudy Zaputil 479 Kirkland Ave . NE Connect side sewer 1960 Robert Shane 2746 N.E. 24th St. Connect side sewer 1961 Louie Purcell 2003 N . E. 16th St. Connect side sewer 254 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk November 5 , 1973 R E F E R R A L S BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Vacation Jefferson Ave. N.E. at Index N.E. Subject of lower tariffs COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Subject matter of Fire Zones COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Assignment of duties of Fair Housing Commission and Human Rights & Affairs LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Bill of Rights for Police Department Ordinance re Entertainment Devices (First reading 11/12/73) Ordinance re Council Procedures (First reading 11/12/73) Vacation Jefferson Ave. N.E. near Index N.E. MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to execute contract L.I.D. 281 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Petition for Sewer, Water, Curb & Gutter L.I.D. Aberdeen Ave. N.E. T 255 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 12 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Meeting of the Renton City Council to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. , DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; BRUCE PHILLIPS, Fire Department Rep. MINUTES FOR MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MINUTE APPROVAL OF 11/5/73 APPROVAL MINUTES BE TABLED UNTIL NEXT MEETING. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented committee APPROVAL recommendation for payment of Vouchers No. 9256 through 9429 in the #9256 - 9429 amount of $83,601.38 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, VOUCHERS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. ORDINANCES AND CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report recom- Committee Report ming second and final readinrsof an ordinance changing zoning from Ordinance 2808 G to B-1 for Adolph C. Brown property near old Kennydale Fire Station, Rezone R-747-73 first reading of ordinance 11/5/73. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Adolph C. Brown STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Following reading by the Clerk, it was �► MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. Roll call resulted in unanimous affirmative vote. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and referral Entertainment back to committee for an ordinance relating to entertainment devices, Devices Chapter 10 Title V. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL Non-GamLling CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. Ordinance Following reading of ordinance amendinq "Shuffleboard"ordinance, covering non-yairwiijty ueviues, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and referral Council back to committee of an amendatory ordinance relating to Council proce- Procedures dures, decorum and related matters, with copy made available to all Ordinance Councilmen. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke urged the ordinance not be placed on first reading until further study had been done and any changes needed. MOTION CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDIN- ANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Mr. Richard T. Kennedy of Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation, City's Financial Consultants, offered to buy Local Improvement W"L.I.D. 277 Bond District No. 277 Bonds in amount of $16,409.24 to be dated 12/1/73 Purchase Offer at par value plus accrued interest to date of delivery, maturing on or before 8/1/85 with annual interest rate of 6 1/2%. Letter from Finance Director Marshall recommended acceptance of offer of Seattle Northwest Securities Corp. in view of the size of the bond issue for L.I.D. 277, N.E. 10th St. sewer project. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF FINANCE DIRECTOR AND ACCEPT OFFER OF SEATTLE NORTHWEST SECURITIES CORPORATION. CARRIED. 2,0 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes 11/12/73 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Petition for Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented Petition for L.I.D. Creation of Local Improvement District bearing eight signatures of Aberdeen Ave.NE property owners adjacent to Aberdeen Ave. N.E. between N.E. 27th St. and N.E. 28th St. for the construction of curbs, gutters, street pav- ing, sewers and watermain. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Proposed Vacaticn Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason regarding proposed vacation Jefferson N.E. of Jefferson Ave. N.E. from a point 175.43 feet north of N.E. 10th St. at Index Ave. NE to Index Ave. N.E. , reported petition represented 100% of the abutting property owners. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, MATTER BE Roy A. Goodwin & REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO PREPARE RESOLUTION SETTING Jay E. Holmes DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Sven Johnson, 1520 Index Ave. N.E. , reported copy of his campaign expense affidavit had been given to Couml] President Clymer and that Mr. Sven Johnson he had taken action to reopen the 1970 City audit, meeting to be held at State Examiners Office, Seattle on 11/14/73. Councilman Clymer advised City ordinance provides for any grievances to be filed with the Board of Ethics. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of the Mayor was read, declaring November 15, as American American Cancer Cancer Society Day urging citizen support of fund raising campaign. Society Day MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLA- 11/15/73 MAT-TON OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Bible Week Proclamation of the Mayor was read, declaring the week of November 11/18 - 25 18 - 25, 1973 as Bible Week urging citizens of all faith to practice "Love and reading of the Scriptures. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, Justice" COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee report Suburban Heights stating that signs prohibiting motorcycles had been installed in the Public Use Area public use area in the Suburban Heights neighborhood of the Highlands (Council referral of 10/1/73) . Request for Change Public Safety Committee report concurred with the recommendation of in Fire Zone by the Fire Chief that the request for changing Fire Zone 1 to Fire Zone Upton & Sterling 3 for the area on the east side of Williams Ave. S. from the Cedar River up to and including the house numbered 102 for the purpose of selling antiques, be denied as this would not be in correlation with the fire limits and the zoning ordinance and would not provide belt or break between commercial and other areas. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN FIRE ZONE BE DENIED. CARRIED. City Clerk asked to notify applicants (request of 11/5/73) of Council denial forwarding City Attorney's suggestion that variance be pursued. MOVED BY STREEICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT NATTER OF FIRE ZONES BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION. CARRIED. Bill of Rights Public Safety Committee report presented and concurred in Bill of Police Department Rights for Renton Police Department and recommended it be referred to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUCNIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Mining and Legislation Committee Chairman Perry noted mining and excavating ordi - Excavation nance still in committee under study. Fair Housing MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MATTER OF ASSIGNVF.NT OF Commission DUTIES OF FAIR HOUSING COMMISSION AND HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMIS- SION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Political Signs MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE SIGN ORDINANCE AS DEALS WITH POLITICAL SIGNS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. 257 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes 11/12/73 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee report which Committee Report recommended award of contract on L.I.D. 281 watermain N.W. 2nd Street L.I.D. 281 to the low bidder, ABC Construction Co. , in the amount of $12,098.97 Contract and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract, this being in concurrence with Public Works Department recommendation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND AWARD CONTRACT. Councilman Bruce noted committee report contained two out of three signatures. Councilman Stredicke refrained from voting claiming amount of benefit questionable. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Sven Johnson inquired re Council salary increase and determining criteria used. Councilman Grant arrived at 9 :05 P.M. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE WHOLE SUBJECT OF LOWER TARIFFS Energy BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR RECOMMENDATION. Council- Conservation man Grant felt City of Renton utility bill should give savings for use of less water or electricity. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. Meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. (:OR RECTE15.tZLFER To MINUTES 9F -0 r cl'ya Delores A. Mead, City Clerk rar I 258 t WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 11112/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS : JRRENT 9344 9372 $15t399159 'ARKS AND RECREATION 9373 9381 63704900 - ITY STREET 9382 9386 64# 884185 h -LUAA RIVER M AND I 9387 9387 654 � i9 . 19RARY 9988 9338 $873#09 "ERRENCY EMPLOYMENT FeJND 9399 9390 9658W .ukK INCENTIVE FUND 9391 9391 =.191 $40 NE«, CAREERS 9392 9392 6295065 Ot—Je AND STREET FwD THRUST 9393 9395 61#676olf# .H3AN ARTERIAL 9396 9398 6404708 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 9399 9403 65i51'0v15 «A •ERWORKS UTILITY 9404 9412 644#825@69 a : ,�PORT 9413 9414 •82 88 _��;IPMENT RENTAL. 9415 9429 61#397056 r3TAL OF ALL WARRANTS 6830601039 -to THE UNDERSIGNED Ml:MSERS OF THk FINANCE CUIMITTE'E OF THE RENTON _ TY COUNCIL# HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT IERCHANOISE ANU/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENUEREDs DO AEREBY APPRQVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 9344 THROUGH NUp 9429 IN THE AMOUNT OF 663#6U1 .38 TW16 12 OF NUVEMBER 1973 FINANCE COM ITTEE a ■r am • ago mm =am" G0 TTLE EMBER w®on COMMITTEE MEMBER�� Asa -A •mss e•�..1ive�aoe•w 10 i CITY COUNCIL COI�f.=TEE PEETLIG CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL C0.10I`i'T ET "EETI;IGS SCHEDTLED AT CITY COTICIL i'EETLIG OF 1i/1 j 7 3 COMMITTEE DATE TLE CHA=IAN LOCATIOiN COUNCIL 'S BUDGET COMMITTE Tues. 11/.73 7:00 PM CLYMER Courtroom #2 - 5th F1r. Wed. 11/14 7:00 PM CLQ,= It to Police Depaztment Budget Fri. 1.7!16 7:00 PM 11Council Chambers Park Deparb- ent COMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs.11/75 4:30 PM GRA-NT 3rd F1. Conference Rm. .gid Hoc F?gn Committee FL TCE AND PEER.SOiy^EL Fr. 7 :/2.3 Before SCIIELLERT Propose=d Depai t z,Ar,t ..i Reorganization C/W .deet. LWISIv?T10N :Non. 1. 'JI 0 7:00 PM PERRY C jai_rman's Office 111; SAFE TP 'TI i PUBY,TC WOR LS 3RU0.�, J + t 260 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NOVEMBER. 12 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS NO . AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3538 $ 1 , 000 Azola Building 315 S . 3rd St . Construct non-bearing Par ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4364 1 , 522 Tek . H. Wong 401 Taylor Ave . NW Wire apt . , inst . 100 Amp 4365 Voided 4366 50 Mrs . F . Swanson 105 Wells Ave . S . Underground conversion 4367 50 R. G. Hansen 121 Wells Ave . S . Underground conversion 4368 50 Mrs . Ruth Newman 77 Wells Ave . S . Underground conversion 4369 249 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres 'Wire office addition E4370 45 Mr . D. Capellaro 75 Williams S . Underground conversion 4371 700 R. Zaputil 2600 N .E . 19th St . Wire new residence 4372 350 H . L. Elisle 2022 N .E . 27th St . Wire new residence 4373 250 Al Meyers 110 Renton Ave . NW Underground conversion 4374 350 Al Meyers 221 Rainier Ave . N . Underground conversion E4375 350 Al Meyers 251 Rainier Ave . N . Underground conversion 4376 943 I . B .M. Corp . 500 S . W. 7th St. Wrg . on heaters & air con 4377 Voided 4378 1 , 000 Jack Priebe 724 S . 3rd St. Inst . underground cony . 4379 600 Jack Priebe 710 S . 3rd St. Inst . underground cony . 4380 40 S & H Tree Farm Rtn . Shopping Ctr . Temp . Service - Xmas 4381 200 Renton & Rainier 315 S . 3rd St . Move wrg. & new outlets 4382 625 Hillis Homes , Inc . 2807 Morris S . Wire new residence 4383 600 Hillis Homes , Inc . 2819 Morris Ave . S .Wi're new residence MECHANICAL PERMITS I M3732 2 , 428 Tek 1' . Wong 401 Taylor Ave . NW Plumbing & fixtures 3733 670 John M. Penovich 2018 Rolling Hills Gas heating system 3734 325 Dale E. Ellis 1159 Shelton N . E . Gas furnace installation M3735 6 , 626 Ren-Four , Inc . 229 Williams S . Gas & Air Gond . systems 3736 500 Hillis Homes , Inc . 2725 Morris Ave . S . Inst . gas furnace 3737 500 Hillis Homes , Inc . 2801 Morris Ave . S . Inst . gas furnace 3738 500 Hillis Homes , Inc . 2807 Morris Ave . S . Inst . gas furnace 3739 500 Hillis Homes , Inc . 2813 Morris Ave . S . Inst . gas furnace M3740 500 Hillis Homec , Inc . 2819 Morris Ave . S . Inst . gas furnace 3741 500 Hillis Homes , Inc . 2901 Morris Ave . S . Inst . gas furnace 3742 550 H . L. Belisle 2022 N .E . 27th Plumbing & fixtures 3743 500 H . L . Belisle 2022 N .E . 27th Gas boiler & furnace 3744 538 Hebb & Narodick 926 S . 28th Ct . Inst . gas furnace M3745 230 J . d . Bonagofski 2015 Vashon N .E. Gas line barbeque , dryer 3746 235 J . L . Harker 2201 N. E . 6th P1 . Gas wall heater 3747 10, 272 I . B . M. Corp . 500 S . W. 7th St . Heater & air cond. unit 3748 999 Rigby Dev . Co . 920 S . 30th P1 . Plumbing & fixtures 3749 999 Rigby Dev . Co . 926 S . 30th P1 . Plumbing & fixtures M3750 999 Rigby Dev . Co . 923 S . 30th Pl . Plumbing & fixtures 3751 1 , 500 O ' Donnell Whse . 933 Thomas S . W . Plumbing & fixtures SIGN PERMITS S330 20 Renton Ctr . Renton Shop . Ctr . Inst . temp . banner 5331 500 Std . Oil of Calif . 701 S . 3rd St . Inst . 1 wall sign ?61 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Office Of the City Clerk November 19, 1973 R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INST�TRANCE CARRIER' *ClaiM for Damages Filed by MX, Charles Fo O'Neil Summons and -On laint Puget Sound Steel 6 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Tariff Schedules m Electricity, latex & Sewer, Natural Cas and Telephone (Rates for Elderly) FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE �. Subject of salaries of Communication Coordinator and Lab Technician matter Of location personnel and charging for false alarms on private burglax systems x LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Policy, mthod Of imprOvement and costs for local improvements Subject Of increasing rship on Park Board c possible memberships Consolidation of Fair Housing Commission with Human Rights and Affairs Commission PUBLIC SAF'EB Y CON-MITTEE Subject of animal contrO2 Matter of location personnel .and charging for false alarm On private burlar systems APPOINTMENTS Mr. Stanley St-one to Aviation mrd, term expiring 1216174 PUBLIC MEETINGS AND HEARINC.g December 3, 1972 Public Meeting - Kleinsasser et al annexation *. Decembex 13, 1973 Public Hearing Auburn Interceptor Project De?,,e ber 17, 2973 Public nearing a Proposed Street vacation portion of Jefferson N.E. N` S RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting bovember 19, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P.Mo Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to Order ROLL CALL OF .EARL CLYMER, Council President, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. COUNCIL PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ABSENT COUNCILMEN KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Bruce arrived at 8:09 p.m. and Councilman Grant arrived at 8:45 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS IN every Garrett, Mayor; Del Mead, City Clerk,; Gwen Marshall, Finance ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. Shellan, City Attorney; Jack Lynch, Administra- tive Assistant,9 Wes Crews, Acting Building Director; Warren Gonnason, Public ,Yorks Director; Vic TeGantvoort, Street Supt.; Hugh Darby, Police Chief; M. C. Walls, Fire Chief; Kenneth White, Personnel Director; Vern Church, Purchasing Agent; Gordon :Ericksen, Planning Director. INTRODUCTION Mayor Garrett presented members of the audience: Mrs. Phyllis Lesmeistez and Troup No. 618,, Senior Girl Scouts. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL Coucilman .Stredicke noted minutes of November 12, to show time 11/5/73 of arrival of Councilman Grant. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY 11/12/73 DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 5, and 12, 1973 BE AP- PROVED AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted 1974 Millage Levy and published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing continued from October 23, October 15, and October 1, 1973, tc certify the 1974 millage tax levy as required by State law. Cit,,, Clerk Mead read letter from Mr. Harley H. Hoppe, King County Assessor, certifying assessed valuation of all taxable property located within the City for 1973 to be $294,840,525 for general Cont.inved levy purposes. Clerk explained that the millage for excess levy to Later on Agenda based on assessed valuation of $287,043,,301 which is .13586 mills. Councilman Schellert inquired of Finance Director Nfarshall regarding 106% levy limit imposed by statute on the °73 regular property levy, ,being told the 106% of the highest levy of the last three years. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CONT.ZNUE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL END OF CORRESPONDENCE ON AGENDA. CARRIED. Councilman Bruce arrived during Public Hearing. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Chairman Schellert presented committee #9430 - 9620 recommendation, for payment of Vouchers #9430 through 9620 in the amount of $301,703.60 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED B&" SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry recommended second and final reading for an ordinance placed on first reading November 12, Ordinance 2809 amending Chapter 10, Title V, relating to "Entertainment Devices" Entertainment Devices (non-gambling activities),the regulation and licensing of same. (Non-Gambling) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND PLACE ON SECOND AND FINAL READ- ING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance amending chapter formerly known as °ding Pong Parlous® ShuffleboarW' it was MOVED BY DELAVRENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll call vote resulted in the unanimous affirmative approval of the six Councilmen present. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1882 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption Proposed Street of a resolution setting the date of December 17, 1973 for Public Vacation of Portion Hearing on the proposed Vacation of a portion of Jefferson Jefferson Ave. N,E. Ave. .N.E. at Index Ave. N.E. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes November 19, 1973 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended Council Moss Construction accept completion of S/SW 43rd St. Project by Moss Construction, Inc. $51,584.11 as of November 13, 1973; and if after 30 days, no liens or claims CAG-020-73 are filed against this project, and proof of payment of tax liabil- S/SW 43rd ities is received, the retained amount of $19,726.42 be paid to Moss Construction, Inc. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, PROJECT ACCEPTED AND FINAL PAYMENT MADE. CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim for Damages filed by Mr. Charles E. O'Neil, 14415 S.E. 128th, a" C. E. O'Neil car towed away, was read by the Clerk. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Intent to Annex Lett&r from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of 10% Letter of Kleinsasser et al Intent for Annexation of property to the City in the general area south of Valley General Hospital, S.W. 43rd St. , in the vicinity of Talbot Rd. by Kleinsasser et a1, of approximately 30 acres, and recommended December 3, 1973 be set for the date of meeting with property owners to determine whether City will require adoption of zoning regulations and assumption of existing bonded indebtedness. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL SET DATE OF DECEMBER 3, 1973 AS PUBLIC MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS REGARDING INTENT TO ANNEX. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Garrett asked Planning Director Ericksen to see that property owners are notified. Summons and Summons and Complaint No. 773006 Superior Court King County, Puget Complaint Sound Steel Co. , Inc. (Plaintiff) , vs. Guy M. Ball and Jane Doe Ball, Puget Sound Steel his wife, dba Guy M. Ball Construction Co. , and Ball, Jones, Seawel & Associates, a joint venture, and United Pacific Insurance Co. , a foreign corporation, and the City of Renton, regarding merchan- dise for use in Logan Ave. Bridge Project in amount of $8,160 plus attorney fees. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COURT CASE BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR ACTION. CARRIED. rr ALburn Interceptor Mayor's letter announced receipt from Metro of the Environmental Environmental Assessment for the Municipality's Auburn Interceptor project and a Assessment copy of the rules for the public hearing to be held on December 13, 1973 at 7:30 PM at the Auburn American Legion Hall by the Sewer Committee of the Council of the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (Metro) . The document is on file in the City Clerk's Office with copy available in the Mayor's Office. PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing on the 1974 Millage Levy continued from earlier Continued on the Agenda was reopened. As no audience comment was made, it 1974 Millage Levy was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE THAT THE FULL LEVY OF 8 MILLS BE ASSESSED AND MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE Ordinance 2810 LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. At Councilman Adopts 8 Mill Levy Stredicke's inquiry City Clerk Mead reported 8 mill levy would Plus .13586 Excess raise sum of $2,397,724 based on assessed valuation of $294,840,525. Millage Ca Bonds MOTION CARRIED. Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented ordinance fixing the estimated amount of tax levies necessary to raise the amount of the estimated expenditures for the year 1974 as required by state law; authorizing the City Clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO PLACE ORDINANCE ADOPTING 8 MILL LEVY ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following read- ing by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, r ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. MOTION CARRIED. Following reading it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Councilman Schellert noted the excess millage to be raised from 1965 General Obligation Bonds from library would be paid this year eliminating the City's bonded indebtedness. Roll call vote resulted in unanimous Council approval of the six Councilmen present. MOTION CARRIED. 264 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes November 19, 1973 Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Charles Shane Mr. Charles Shane, 3003 Mountain View Ave. N. , inquired re initi- ative and Referendum Ordinance, being advised by City Attorney Shellan as to the requirements of the ordinance. Councilman Grant arrived at 8:45 p.m. APPOINTMENTS Renton Aviation Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. Stanley E. Stone, 1911 Jones Board Court S.E. , to the unexpired term of Mr. Marcus McCorkle, recently Appointment deceased; term to expire November 6, 1974. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer presented his Committee of the Whole C. of W. Report report recommending the policy and method of improvement and costs Local Improvements of sidewalks, alleys and storm sewers be referred to the Legisla- Policy and Costs tion Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER MATTER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Private Burglar The Committee of the Whole report recommended that the matter of Alarms location personnel and charging for false alarms on private burglar systems be referred to the Finance and Public Safety Committees. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Two new Positions The Committee of the Whole report recommended that the subject of salaries of the communication coordinator and lab technician positions be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Tariff Schedules MOVED BY GRANT, SE;_'ONDF,D BY STREDICKE, SUBJECT OF PROPORTIONATE TARIFF Electricity SCHEDULES TO THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY CONSUMED FOR ELECTRICITY, WATPR Water and Sewer. AND SEWER AND NATURAL •vAS BE REFERRED Tv THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Natural Gas MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND THE Telephone with MOTION TO INCLUDE SPECIAL RATES FOR ELECTRICITY, NATURAL GAS AND Special Rates for TELEPHONE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS FOLLOWING ,SAME CLd;% Renton City Council Meeting Minutes November 19, 1973 Page 4 OLD AND NEW BUSINESS Park Board MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE SUBJECT OF INCREAS- Membership ING MEMBERSHIP ON THE PARK BOARD FROM THREE PERSONS TO FIVE PERSONS AND POSSIBLE MEMBERSHIPS TO THAT BOARD BE REFERRED TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Animal Control MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUBJECT OF ANIMAL CONTROL BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Immediate recommendation requested due to budget hearings. MOTION CARRIED. Stredicke inquired re prior council referral to the Public Works Committee of water and sewer rate structure and possible bond issue for improvement of water and sewer systems, being advised presentation before full council pending. Community Services Committee Rpt. Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report recommending approval of the proposed ordinance on consoli- Fair Housing dation of the Human Rights and Affairs Commission and the Fair Commission Housing Commission and transferring the Fair Housing Commission and its responsibilities to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Schellert introduced Mr. Leo Jones winner of trip to Reno at recent Renton Firemen's Ball. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MEETING BE ADJOURNED. Renton City Council Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. ff-Z6� a.77e� Delores A. Mead, City Clerk 6 Goer WARRANT 0I87RIBUTION DINE 11/19/73 SEOIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTIUN NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CloRRENT 9442 9489 66►709952 PARKS AND RECREATION 9490 9501 62►660x56 =;,TERIAL STREET 9502 9502 9100018.00 k- REED` 9503 9510 081468.58 . nkARY 9511 9554 63i355r28 ftcs. AND STREET FWD THRUST 9555 9558 646► 421 .07 .rdAN ARTERIAL 9559 9561 61USP03107 ' bRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND 9562 9564 63► 132983 • I .QPORT CONSTRUCTIUN FUND 9565 9568 $990422019 "k *ERWORKS UT'L!TY 9569 9585 62► 777 .41 . RPO";Cr 9586 9591 6434143 e ' UZIPNENT MENTAL 9592 9599 630996976 . . REM4v PENSION 9600 9620 i6►275.40 ; - YAL OF ALL WARRANTS 6301►703t60 t R -Lo THE UNOER6IGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE CUMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CUUNCILi HAVIN5 RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT tRC�,ANGISE ANU/OK SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RkNUEREDs OU LRE6Y APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VCUCHERS NO. 9642 THROUGH NO. ' &'?u IN THE AMOUNT OF 4301► 7U3460 THIS 19 OF NOVEMBER FINANCE CO MITTEE CO ITTEE MEMBER Com.-.�----- /; ' C.04•A 'EE MEMBER . mw✓ .m•. a .ee��ee`ii. eee...e f COMMITTEE MEMBER CI--ice of the City Clenk Cr C cr.121- 1 Ex FZ. Council ' s R rdcret C:ot'; "'_1 =rh Flr. ;court.roc,. ar-k E)e r`l r,p e�art. F ^t Fudce=ts E',. i: e, Air-t:oi-t , E , :. e , E:Xe.C=ui 268CE OF THE CITY CLERK NOVEMBER 19 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE. OF WORK B3539 $ 4, 000. 00 Shaw Drug Store 220 Wells Ave. S . Install. new store front. 3540 8, 500. 00 Northwest Cup Co. 715 Lind Ave . S .W. Install undgrd. diesel tank , concrt. slab ove same pipe. 3541 8 , 000. 00 The Erickson Cc 4020 East Valley Rd. Constr. foundation & slab . 3542 1 , 000. 00 Robert D. Hesting 658 Dayton Ave. N . E . Constr. porch & c er carport to garage.. 3543 500. 00 Eillen Collman 112 So. 3rd Undergrd. oil tank 3544 34 , 000. 00 Hebb & Narodick 3004 Morris Ave. S . Constr. single family Constr. Co. residence. 3545 2 , 500. 00 Pacific Northewest 225 William S . Install parking lot & Bell landscaping. ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4384 250. 00 R. E. Storwick 107 Williams Ave. S . Install electr. entran consiui t . 4385 50. 00 R.E . Storwick 101-103 Williams Ave . Install 2 elect. entr- S . ance conduit. 4386 650. 00 Hebb & Narodick 923 South 28th Ct. Wire new single family residence . 4387 650. 00 Hebb & Narodick 926 South 28th Ct. Wire new single family residence. 4388 450. 00 Marion D. Bunch 2320 N. E. 9th St. Relocate & Increase Serv. for kitchen remoc 4389 100. 00 James Iverson 2202 N. E . 7th St. Install new 200 AMP pai 4390 150. 00 Alfred D. Bevier 1115 N. 32nd St. Install electr . base board heaters & power box. 4391 600. 00 Louis Barei 901 S . 3rd St. Install single phase conversion. 4392 50. 00 Marvin A. Steinke 3507 N. E. 9th Replace old panel i th new AMP panel . 4393 1 , 500. 00 Charles L. Divelbiss 230 Wells Ave. S/ Install AMP single phase service. 4394 150. 00 Delaurenti Properties 812 S . 3rd St. Install undergrd. con- version . MECHANICAL PERMITS M3752 500. 00 William McLaughlin , 4509 Talbot Rd. S . Install the plumbing & Jr. following fixtures. 3753 280. 00 Walter Waine 908 S . W. 3rd P1. Conversion of oil fired furnace . 3754 1 , 240. 00 Charles Wiehoff 1613 Kennewick Ave . S . Install. plumbing & fix- tures . 3755 650. 00 John M. Penovich 2017 Jones Crcl . S . E . Install air heating system. 3756 650. 00 John M. Penovich 2027 Rolling Hills SE . Install air heating system. 3757 200. 00 Marion D. Bunch 2320 N. E . 9th St. Install plumbing & fix- tures in kitchen add. 3758 1 , 200. 00 John Dennis 2820 Burnett Ave . S . Install plumbing & fix- tures . SIGN PERMITS 5332 400. 00 Alper Travel Serv. Patti ' s Boutique ' n Install wall sign. Things 333 150. 00 Community Bank of 439 Rainier Ave . S Install . one canvas Renton banner sign. 334 3 , 000. 00 Dick Giovi 601 Rainier Ave . N . Install D/F pole sign. 335 2 , 000. 00 Dick Giovi 601 Rainier Ave . N. Install one wall sign. 336 500.000 Fancher Flyways 242 West Perimeter RD . Install one pole sigi 269 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NOVEMBER 19 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPTS . SEWER PERMITS NO. NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1962 Bill McLaughlin 4509 Talbot Raod S . Connect San. Sewer . 1963 • Hillis Homes 2725 Morris Ave. S . Connect Side Sewer. 1964 Hillis Homes 2801 Morris Ave. S . Connect Side Sewer. 1965 Hillis Homes 2807 Morris Ave . S . Connect Side Sewer. 1966 Hillis Homes 2813 Morris Ave. S Connect Side Sewer. *01967 Hillis Homes 2819 Morris Ave . S . Connect Side Sewer. 1968 Hillis Homes 2901 Morris Ave. S . Connect Side Sewer . 1969 Hillis Homes 2907 Morris Ave . S . Connect Side Sewer. 1970 Hillis Homes 2913 Morris Ave. S . Connect Side Sewer. 1971 Hillis Homes 2919 Morris Ave . S . Connect Side Sewer. 1972 Hillis Homes 2925 Morris Ave. S . Connect Side Sewer. 1973 Hillis Homes 3007 Morris Ave . S . Connect Side Sewer. 1974 Hebb & Narodick 3004 Morris Ave . S . Connect Side Sewer . 1975 John Penovich 2007 Rolling Hills Connect Side Sewer . S . E . j RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 26 , 1973 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim or Damages - Mrs. Stefanie Sigmund LEGISLATION COMMITTEE r finance relating to Fair Housing Commission (First Reading 11/26) Ordinance relating to Human Rights & Affairs Commission ( First Reading 11/26) Matter of Maffeo Deed and Payment Departmental Reorganization FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Departmental Reorganization NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE Subject of 40-hour week/8 hr. day for Fire Department PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Electric Service Contract for Lift Station at Union Ave. N.E. & Sunset and Resolution covering APPOINTMENT Mr. Gary Davis Gotti to 6-month probationary period Renton Fire Department, effective 12/1/73 271 - RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 26, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to Order. ROLL CALL EARL CLYMER, Council President, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, OF COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISLER, Asst. Fire Chief; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director. !, MINUTES FOR APPROVAL There being no additions nor corrections to the minutes of November 11/19/73 19, 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Chairman Schellert presented committee recom- #9621 - 9742 mendation for payment of Vouchers #9621 through 9742 in the amount of $158,052.41 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. Councilman Schellert noted Voucher 49690 to Renton School District for use of gyms by Park Department due to school levy failure. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report recommending the ordinance establishing legal holidays for emplovees *trdinance 2811 be placed on second and final readings, first reading was 11/5/73. Establishing MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE Legal Holidays REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance returning Memorial Day to 5/30 and Veterans' Day to 11/11, conforming to State law, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call vote resulted in unanimous Council approval, MOTION CARRIED. First Reading: Legislation Committee report recommended first reading with referral Ordinance Relating back to committee of an ordinance transferring the duties of the to Fair Housing Fair Housing Commission to the Commission on Human Rights and Commission Affairs, and also an ordinance amending Chapter 32, Unfair Housing Ordinance Relating Practices, defining the term "Commission" to refer to Commission to Human Rights on Human Rights and Affairs. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY & Affairs Commission SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND ORDINANCES BE PLACED ON FIRST READING AND REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Clerk read ordinances. CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented quit claim CURRENT BUSINESS deed executed by Nicholas A. and Sibyl Maffeo for properties negoti- ated for acquisition in connection with the South 4th Street Improve- Maffeo Deed re ment Project and Mr. Maffeo's request for Council acceptance and S. 4th St. Project $125 payment. Public Works Director Gonnason recommended Council adopt resolution accepting the deed and authorizing payment. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH PUBLIC WORKS DIR- ECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Logan Ave. Bridge Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested Council acceptance Project Completed of the Logan Avenue Bridge Project as of November 26, 1973, and if CAG-1991-72 after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against this UAB Project 8-1-102 roof of g project and P payment of tax liabilities is received, the retained amount (13) be paid to Guy M. Ball Construction Co. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. Gonnason noted Council acceptance of project needed in order to proceed with claims filed, also noting-additional money requested by contractor. MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk confirmed COPY of claims sentto bonding agent as requested by City Attorney. 272 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes November 26, 1973 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Puget Power Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended ratification Lift Station of renewal. contract of electric service for lift station located Union NE & Sunset at Union Ave. N.E. and N.E. Sunset Blvd. covering 10-year period Resolution and with Puget Sound Power and Light Co. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Contract BY CLYMER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Stefanie Sigmund, 335 Lind Ave. SW, Mrs. S. Sigmund who alleged fall caused by rise in walkway surfacing,resulting in personal injuries, was read by the Clerk. MOVED M SCHELLEkf, SECONDED BY GRANT, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSUR- ANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. L. W. Lemon For Council information, letter was read from Mr. Lucien W. Lemon Resigns Planning of 1801 Jones Ave. NE, submitting resignation from the Renton Plan- Commission ning Commission due to work requirements. APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. Gary Davis Gotti to the Renton Fire position of firefighter in the Renton Fire Department subject to Department six-month probationary period effective December 1, 1973, having Gary D. Gotti satisfactorily passed LEFF requirements and being certified by the Fire Civil Service Commission. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD.BUSINESS Committee of Whole Council President Clymer presented Committee of the Whole report Report re recommending that the subject of a 40-hour week, 8-hour day for Firemen the Fire Department be referred to the Negotiations Committee Work Week for study and report back to Council. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett advised Negotiating Com- mittee consisted of Council President Clymer, Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert and himself who would meet with Person- nel Director White. Gasoline Storage Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce asked that information regard- Due to Shortage ing homeowner storage of gasoline be brought to citizen's attention. Mayor Garrett asked Asst. Fire Chief Geisler to investigate and report back. Mill Ave. South Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee Property report recommending concurrence with Acting Building Director Crews, authorizing advertisement for bids &/or sale and removal of build- ings located at 211 and 215 Mill Ave. S. , as YMCA and YWCA have deemed the restoration of the Mill Ave property unfeasible. The committee also recommended the tree on Mill Ave. and all other landscaping in the area be preserved. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton/Tukwila Community Services Committee report recommended that the City of Boundary Tukwila's Administration and Renton's Administration research straightening of the boundaries of the southwestern portion of the City, surveying affected property owners. Planning Director Ericksen explained area on display map and explained plan to straighten boundary at railroad track vicinity. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Sign Code Community Services Committee Chairman Grant reported Ad Hoc Committee on signs had by unanimous vote removed grandfather clause and the Committee looking to amortization schedule with report forthcoming. Departmental Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman SCHELLERT MOVED, SECONDED Reorganization BY PERRY, THAT THE MATTER OF DEPARTMENTAL REORGANIZATION BE REFER- RED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AS WELL AS THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Delaurenti s request for extra time to study animal control for the budget, was granted. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Leo Jones requested doorways be unlocked when sign displayed for use of stairs to conserve power on elevators. ADJOURNMENT DROVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED PERRY, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting followed. 273 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 11/'26/73 BEGIN ENDIN4 TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANT8 CURRENT 9636 9681 0844783046 PARK$ AND RECREATION 9682 9693 $1177915* ARTERIAL STREET 9694 9694 $28354000 CITY STREET 9695 9703 $1000170R9 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 9704 9704 $299099 LIBRARY 9705 9705 032026 RE31 AND STREET FWD THRUST 9706 9709 $8&576162 URBAN ARTERIAL 9710 9712 $120851125 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 3713 9713 $779025 WATERWORKS UTILITY 9714 9725 $230559049 AIRPORT 9726 9729 $40944154 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9730 9742 i80174170 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $1580052141 WEj THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL] HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/0R SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED♦ OO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0. 9636 THROUGH NO0 9742 IN TME AMOUNT OF i158jO52o41 THIS 26 OF NOVEMBER 1973 FINANCE CO MITTEk : •ww••• ww••• C4;17TEE MEMBER at�ftft am" CVT� M ER ter,CMEMOER CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 11/26/73 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOC AT ION REMARKS COMMIT'T'EE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER CaMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs .11/2 4 : 30 PM GRANT 3rd Fl . Conference Establishes regular meeting time Thurs 12/6 9 : 30 AM 3rd F1 . Conference Ad Hoc Committee on Signs Room FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Thurs . 11/2 4 : 30 PM SCHELL RT Joint Meeting with Legislation Committ re Departmental Reorganization LEGISLATION Mon. 12/3 7 : 00 PM PERRY Chairman' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY Thurs .11/29 7 :00 PM DELAURENTI Prior to Budget Hearing PUBLIC WORKS Tues.11/27 7 : 00 PM BRUCE 3rd F1. Conference Room TRANSPORTATION Tues .11/27 4 : 30 PM PERRY 4th F1 . Conference Room BUDGET COMMITTEE Tues. 11/27 7 : 30 PM CLYMER Council Chambers Data Processing, Library and Legal Wed. 11/28 7 : 30 PM 5th Floor Crtrm#2 Judge Houser, Personnel Thurs.11/29 7 : 30 PM Council Chambers Planning, Legislative and Finance Fri. 11/30 7 : 30 PM Council Chambers Modify Budget Sat. 12/1 9 : 00 AM Council Chambers Possible Meeting Sun. 12/2 Open Council Chambers Possible Meeting PLANNING COMMISSION Wed. 11/28 8 :00 PM Council Chambers Shell Oil Re Permit ICE OF THE CITY CLERK NOVEMBER 30, 3973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPTO°S . LDING PERMITS AMCUN:' NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK $ 700. 00 Record Stationary 801 Hoarier Way S . Replace Entrance doors to store. 465. 00 Edward J. Drozd 641 Wells N . Install temp. patio cover. CTRICAL PERMITS ' 95 625. 00 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2828 Morris Ave . S . Wire new Jingle fam. residence . 96 600. 00 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2829 Morris Ave . s . Wire new single fam. residence. 97 450. 00 John M. Penovich 2027 Rolling Hills Wire new residence. Ave. S . E� 98 450. 00 John M. Penovich 2017 Jones Circle 'Wire new residence° S. E. 99 1 ,400. 00 John O' Donnell 933 Thomas Ave. S.W. Install electr. improv Warehouse for tenant #2 . 00 400. 00 John C. Edwards 3106 S . E. 5th St. Rewire & Install new service . 01 100. 00 Pamco Constr. Cc . 5023 Ripley Lane Install tempor. servic 02 250. 00 Hec. Pro Shar 515 Burnett Ave . S. Install new service & picas up circuit. 03 55. 00 H.11.1is Homes , Inc. 2829 Morris Ave. S . Install temporary sery 04 55. 00 Hebb & Narodick 917 S . 28th Ct . Install temporary sery 05 55. 00 Hebb & Narodick 926 S . 28th Crt. Install temporary sery ,NICAL PERMITS 59 500. 00 Kenneth Williams 314 Earlington Ave. Install plumbing & Fix S .W. tures . IER PERMITS X76 Sohn Penovich 2013 Rolling Hills Connect Side sewer. S . E . 77 Joan Penovich 2027 Rolling Hills Connect side sewer. S . E . ,78 John Penovich 2018 Rolling Hills Connect side sewer. S .E. X79 John Penovich 2017 Jones Circle Connect side sewer. S .E. 'Ho Lloyd Rushmire 920 S . 30th Pl . Connect side sewer. iii Lloyd Rushmire 926 S . 30th P1 . Connect side sewer . �82 Lloyd Rushmire 923 S . 30th Pl. Connect side sewer , 83 'yrs. Moffat 540 Rainier Ave. S Connect side sewer. NOVEMBER' 1973 C I T Y O F R E N T O N W7�1 OF TRANSFERS r0 THE CITY TREASURER: tE FROM, TO PURPOSE TOTAL 5 73 CURRENT $ 20,788.63 PARKS & RECREATION 3,324.19 CITY STREET 2,362.8 CEDAR RIVER M & I LIBRARY 320.3 699.5 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMEN, 498.9 0 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 120,90 NEW CAREERS 106.10 REG & STREET FWD Tfl UST 1,384.23 URBAN ARTERIAL 12,385.96 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTIO FUND 111.52 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTIO1 FUND 824,33 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2,331.34 AIRPORT 208.39 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 20,482.40 FIREMEN°S PENSION 042.78 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of . $66,992.38 Wovembec -12-73 CURRENT $ 15,399.59 PARKS & RECREATION 32704.00 CITY STREET CEDAR RIVER M 4,884.85 LIBRARY 54.18 873.02 EMERGENCY VeLeM FUND 658.47 WORK INCENTIVE F 191.40 NEW CAREERS 295.6 REG & STREET FWD UST 1,676. URBAN ARTERIAL 4,04707 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI FUND 5,' 10.1 WATERWO KS UTILITY 44,825.691 AIRPORT EQUIPMENT RENTAL 82.88 1,397.56 CLAIMS FUNDTransfersfor month of $ 83,601.38 1 ov04 e(Yl bv- FUND 2015 1965 FUND 409, 1965 W & S To adjust for error in $ 1025.011, G.O. BOND FUND Revenue Bond Fund November, 1971 � FUND 20131 1965 FUND 409) 1965 W & S To adjust for error in $ 1,425.00 G.O. BOND FUND Revenue Bond Fund May, 1972 FUND 201, 1965 FUND 409, 1965 W. & S. To adjust for error in $ 180.0 G.0, BOND FUND Revenue Bond Fund May, 1968 1 CAREERS FUND CURRENT FUND To correct Coding error $ 2,204.00 CURRENT FUND CAREERS FUND Ordinance #2805 $ 2 204.00 CLAIMS FUND ! LIBRARY FUND Cancelled Warrant# 6839 $ 6.95 i CLAIMS FUND 1965 W&S Construction Cancelled Warrant# 8462 $ 42500.00 Fund r DATE FROM TO PURPOSE 2TA7 l 11-19-73 CURPXNT 6,709.52 PARKS & RECREATION? 2146(0.56 ARTERIAL STREET 10,018.00 CITY STREET 8)468.58 LIBRARY 3,355.28 REG & STREET FWD T UST 46,4 x.07 URBAN ARTERIAL 108,031.57 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTI FUND 3,132.83 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI FUND 99,422.19 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2,777.41 AIRPORT 434.43 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,996.76 FIREMEN'S PENSION 6,275.40 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of NOVEMBER ¢ 301 703.60 11-15-73 CURRENT 90,954.89 PARKS & RECREATION 17,365.48 CITY STREET 17,629.10 CEDAR RIVER M & I 389.75 LIBRARY 70094.75 EMERGENCY EMPLOYME T (PEP) 611138.69 WORK INCENTIVE (WI?) 1,507.37 NEW CAREERS 900.00 REG & STREET FWD MUST 484.02 URBAN ARTERIAE, 4,356.24 WATERWORKS UTILITI S 122964.04 AIRPORT 987.50 EQUIPMENT RENTAL`: 2,684.50 FIREMFNIS PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of NOVEMBER $ _1632556.33 i 11 -26-73 CURRENT 1 84,783.48 Iw PARKS $ RECREATION 1 ,779.54 ARTERIAL STREET 2, 54.00 CITY STREET 10,017.29 CEDAR RIVER M 8 1 299.99 LIBRARY 32.26 REG 8 STREET FWD T RUST 8,576.62 URBAN ARTERIAL 12,851 .25 AIRPORT CONSTRUCT!( N FUND 779.25 WATERWORKS UTILITY 23,559.49 AIRPORT' 4,844.54 EOU' PMENT RENTAL 8, 174.70 CLAIMS FUNDS Transfers for month of NOVEMBER $158,052.41 //-50-73 CURRENT V PARKS � 'RECREA"ON 16 1 ,284.44 ,7?1 . I0 CITY S"REF 17,646.70 CEDAR R i"_tt M & 9 389.75 L!BRAR, 7,279.54 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT .PEP) 4,666.87 WORK Ir'-'ENT!VE WIN) t 1 ,394.45 NEW CAREERS— f 900.00 REG & STREET FWD TIRUST 455. 91 URBAN ARTER'AL 40096. 10 WATERWORKS UTIL!TR S � 12,93 .63 A 6 9 PORT 995.22 EQU!PMEN MENTAL 2,684.50 FIREMENf 'FNSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of November 1162,599.41 �,.� ,''�gYOR FINANCC DIRECTOR RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk December 3, 1973 R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Land fill and excavation operations LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed LID 282 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. between N.E. 27th and N.E. 28th Puget Sound Power and Light Contract for lift station FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr. Larry Gibson to Planning Commission Subject of ambulance service Subject of bonds required for collecting of utility bills PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Kleinsasser Annexation PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Heating problem in Main Library Proposed LID Lower Earlington Hill TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Review all street projects before funding is made. Amendment to Parking Ordinance reducing time limit CBD area Subject of King County Shop Facility SPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS Planning Commission Meeting on Shell Oil request continued to 1/14/74. r `?79 RENTON CITY COUNCIL December 3 , 1973 Regular Meeting Municipal Buildi"19 Monday 8 : 00 P.M. Council Chac`i`_,ers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Pro tem Earl Clyuaer, presiding, led the Pledge -)` Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to Oro_;r. ROLL CALL EARL CLYMER, Council President, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI, OF COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; G. M. SHELLAN, IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; GENE COULON, Park Director. MINUTES FOR Council President Pro tem Delaurenti asked for corrections or additions APPROVAL to Council Minutes of November 26, 1973, there being none, DELAURENTI MOVED, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, PUBLIC HEARING ON FIXING 1974 BUDGET BE HELD FOLLOWING PUBLIC MEETING ON KLEINSA.SSER ANNEXATION. CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and public notice having been properly given Kleinsasser as required by law to consider 10% letter of intent to annex properties et al to the City of Renton, Planning Director Ericksen was invited to Annexation comment. Characteristics of the 31 acre parcel were outlined: General Area: assessed valuation of $138,820 with eight single family units and South of S.W. 43rd population of 23, Comprehensive Plan indicated single family, low East of Valley density multi-family, medium density multi.-family, reason to annex Freeway is to obtain utilities, particularly sanitary sewers and a desire to develop medical-dental. facilities and apartments. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen read. Mr. Allen J. K1ei.nsaseer, 12416 N.E. 37th, Bellevue, confirmed that the petitioners were willing to Two Petitions: accept the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plaa, the zoning ordinance SiRevresenting and the pro rata share of the City's pre-existing bonded indebtedness. 10% Intent to Annex Mr. Grover W. Shegrud, 1821.6 96th Ave. S. , asked that petition for 75% Assessed annexation be recirculated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY Valuation TO ACCEPT THE LETTER OF INTENT, AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF PETITION AND REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO CHECK AND REPOKI BACK. CARRIED. City Attorney Shellan advised Mr. Shegrud if any persons desired removal of name from petition, request should be submitted in writing to the City Clerk prior to certification of the petition by the Public Works Director next Monday, December 10, 1973. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC MEETING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and 1974 Budget published as required by law, Mayor Pro tem Clymer opened the Public Hearing fixing the final Budget for the City for the Year 1974 and Invited public comment. Theater owner, Mr. Erwin Fey and Mr. Kay Johnson of Renton Chamber of Commerce thanked Councilmen for cutting taxes. Mr. Warren Parkhurst, 87 Monterey Dr. N.E. , was given Council assurance that traffic light at N.E. 3rd St. was included in the budget. Councilmen reviewed revisions to the Mayor's preliminary •.� budget cutting supplies and travel expenses, including the transfer of the Building Departmcnt into Public Works Department but not adopting the name Community Development Department, increasing busi- ness license fees. Mr. Leo Jones, 326 Williams Ave. N. , inquired re increase in dog license fees and was given new fee structure if $3.00 for male and spayed females, $5.00 for female dogs with the addition of cat licenses at $1.00. Mr. Frank Cenkovich was informed of the inclusion of $2,000 for senior citizens. Police Department Capt.Phelan objected to change in pay differentia, in administrative officers and deletion of patrolman. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT HEARING BE -CONTINUED TO END OF THE AGENDA. CARRIED. 280 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes December 3, 1973 Page 2 VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented committee #9743 - 9854 recommendation for payment of Vouchers 9743 through 9854 in the amount of $54,594.66 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or service rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee report submitted by Chairman Perry recommended RESOLUTIONS second and final readings for an ordinance transferring the duties of the Fair Housing Commission to the Commission on Human Rights and Affairs, and also an ordinance amending Chapter 32 of City Code, Ordinance 2812 Unfair Housing Practices, defining the term "Commission" to refer to Transferring Duties Commission on Human Rights and Affairs, both ordinances having been Fair Housing placed on first reading November 26, 1973. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Commission SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE BOTH ORDINANCES ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Ordinance 2813 Mead read ordinance relating to the Fair Housing Commission and Relating to Human transfer of duties. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, Rights & Affairs COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call vote resulted in unanimous Commission Council approval, MOTION CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance defining the term "Commission" as Commission on Human Rights and Affairs, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call vote resulted in unanimous affirma- tive vote and MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1883 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Acquisition of resolution accepting Statutory Warranty Deed executed by Mr. and Mrs. Maffeo Property Nicholas A. Maffeo and authorizing payment of $125 in connection with improvement of S. 4th St. , being in concurrence with recommendation of Public Works Director. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading of resolution, MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from City Clerk Mead requested Council authorization to advertise for bids for the Legal Publications for the City for 1974, Legal Publications recommending December 17, 1973 as date of bid opening. MOVED BY 1974 SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE CITY CLERK. CARRIED. Proposed LID Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted petition request- Lower Earlington ing creation of Local Improvement District for sanitary sewers on the Hill - Sewers lower Earlington Hill area southerly of Sunset Blvd. West and west- erly of the Renton Shopping Center, which represented 11..30% of the front footage and 13% of the area in the proposed district. Moved by Schellert, Seconded by Delaurenti, Council concur in recommendation of Public Works Director and refer to the Legislation Committee for _prepa- ration of necessary resolution. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Parking .Limit Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended that the park- CBD Area ing ordinance be amended to reduce parking time from two hours to one hour on both sides of South 3rd Street from Burnett Ave. S. to Main Ave. S. daily from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. except Sundays and holidays, this being in favor with the Downtown Renton Merchants Association. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. a Milwaukee Railroad Letter from Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. , re Lind Ave. Real Estate, Economic & Resource Development Western Director, Mr. Paul. W. Scott expressed desire to work with the City to improve traffic flow and for installation of utilities in the area of Milwaukee's 35 acres lying westerly of Maple Street and between the Pacific Coast Railroad right of way and Sunset Blvd. Mr. Scott noted meeting with Public Works Department administration, concurring in the proposed L.I.D. for sewers in the area, asking commencement by Public Works Department of a study to determine location and cost of proposed Lind Ave. extension northerly from S.W. 7th St. to Sunset Blvd. and noting the proposed trunk sewer line would fall within that r . ht of way, also anticipating construction of an east-west road 281 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes December 3, 1973 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Lind Ave. Extension along the boundary line between the Railroad's property and Sears (Continued) property between Maple St. and Edward Blvd. connecting with proposed Lind Ave. extended. Mr. Scott noted no specific plans for development of the property but long-range plans for property east of Lind Ave. extended as commercial and that property west of Lind Ave. extended for multi-residential purposes. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MILWAUKEE RAILROAD LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Request to Paint Mr. Fred Battaglia Jr. requested permission to paint house numbers of Street Curbing street curbing. As area was determined to be outside City limits, request was withdrawn. Proposed LID 282 Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason regarding petition for Abeerdeen N.E. creation of Local Improvement District for street improvements, N.E. 27th to 28th watermain and sewers in Aberdeen Ave. N.E. between N.E. 27th and N.E. 28th Streets, reported the petition submitted by property owners represents: 74.5% of the frontage abutting the proposed street improvements and 83.71% of the area; 100% of the frontage abutting the proposed sanitary sewer improvements; 100% of the front- age abutting the proposed water improvements. Public Works Committee Public Works Chairman Bruce submitted committee report recommending adoption of Committee Report resolution of intent, cre.ating LID, authorizing preparation of assess- ment roll and setting date for public hearing as January 21, 1974. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Renton businessman Mr. Larry Gibson Mr. Larry Gibson to the Renton Planning Commission, term expiring January 1, 1978, 3312 N.E. lith P1. replacing recently retired Mr. Lucien Lemon. Proposed motion by Delaurenti seconded by Grant to concur was replaced in SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER APPOINTMENT TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of Whole Committee of the Whole report recommended that the matter of solving Report the heating problem of the main library be referred to the Public Library Heating Works Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Ambulance Service Committee report recommended the subject of ambulance service be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee to report back within two weeks. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Utility bonds Committee of the Whole report recommended the subject of bonds required for collecting of utility bills be referred to the Finance and Person- nel Committee. Street Project The committee report recommended the Transportation Committee should Review review all street projects before any funding is made. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT AMEND MOTION TO REMOVE THE WORD "SHOULD." CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Report Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee report recommending that the City contract with King County to provide animal kenneling services commencing January 1, 1974 and the tag rate: Animal Control Male dogs, neutered or spayed dogs - $3.00 per year, Female dogs - New Fees $5.00, Cats - $1.00 per year. The report further recommended the sum Cats Included of $7,200 be added to the Mayor's proposed budget to cover costs of animal kenneling at the King County shelter and $500 be added to the budget to provide part-time animal patrolling assistance as necessary. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Motion failed which was made by Stredicke, seconded by Perry, to eliminate the cat fee from the recommendation. MOTION CARRIED. 282 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes December 3, 1973 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Monster Road Councilman Stredicke inquired re ptatus -of request for closure of RR Xing Monster Road in west and of closing of crossing over railroad tracks, being advised that the matter in committee and awaiting report from Public Works Department and also negotiating with the railroad. Councilman Grant advised Tukwila needed access for service. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report concur- Committee Report ring in the recommendation of the Public Works Department that the contract with Puget Sound Power and Light for lift station at Union Puget Power Ave. N.E., be ratified. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL Service Contract CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Shell Oil Councilman Grant noted Planning Commission meetings on Shell Oil tank Continued storage request has been continued to January 14, 197.x. Public has been invited to furnish input on Environmental Impact Statement by December 14, 1973. King County Shop MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE SUBJECT OF KING COUNTY Facility SHOP FACILITY IN THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Land Fill and Moved by Stredicke, Seconded by Grant, that the Council go on record Excavation placing a moratorium on all land fill and excavation operations i Operations in the City unless exempted by Council action. Acting Building Director Crews advised no new or pending applications. Planning Director Ericksen advised Planning Commission to go on record as recommending moratory of one year pending study, report forthcoming next week. Roll call vote resulted in 2 AYE: DELAURENTI, STREDICKE. 5 NO: CLYMER, SCHELLERT, PERRY, BRUCE AND GRANT, with Grant reserving right to reconsider. MOTION FAILED. Moved by Grant, seconded by Stredicke, Council reconsider action taken on moratorium on land fills and excavations. Roll Call vote resulted in 2 AYE: DELAURENTI, STREDICKE; 5 NO: CLYMER, SCHELLERT, PERRY, BRUCE AND GRANT, who reserved the right to reconsider. MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THIS SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 30 MINUTES, HOLD EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS. AND COME BACK TO SESSION. CARRIED. Council recessed at 10:05 p.m. and reconvened at 10:35 p.m. with roll call showing all Councilmen present. i PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Pro tem Clymer declared Public Hearing open to adopt the City's 1974 Budget 1974 Budget. Councilman Grant reported Council made further amendments (Continued) by reinstating patrolman in Police Department and setting utility tax at 1% rather than 2% as given in the Mayor's preliminary budget. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT THE MAYOR'S BUDGET AS AMENDED. MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TRANSFERRING PERMIT CLERK FROM BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, CARRIED. MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE PAY DIFFERENTIAL AMONG ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS OF THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS REMAIN AT THE PRESENT 1973 LEVELS FOR THE 1974 BUDGET. Councilman Stredicke asked reconsideration, MOTION CARRIED. Motion by Schellert, seconded by Stredicke to amend Mayor's Preliminary Budget setting salaries of incoming Councilmen at 5.7% of the 1973 salary. City Attorney Shellan noted Ordinance setting salaries was adopted prior to election of those Councilmen affected and that the 33.5% increase over 8 year period,not unreasonable,nor the 19% increase over three year period for uniform personnel and felt Federal Commission approval under President's guide- lines could be obtained. Roll call vote on setting incoming Councilmen salaries at 5.7% increase over '73 salaries FAILED having 2 AYE: SCHELLERT, STREDICKE; 5 NO: CLYMER, DELAURENTI, PERRY, BRUCE AND GRANT. Roll Call on previous motion by Grant, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Budget as amended showed ALL .COUNCILMEN-VOTED AFFIRMATIVELY WITH ONE NEGATIVE VOTE CAST BY STREDICKE, MOTION CARRIED, 1974 BUDGET ADOPTED AS AMENDED. (See attached Amendments) i 283 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes December 3, 1973 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued 1974 Budget MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE (Continued) MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed and reconvened at 11:15 p.m. Roll call resulted in all Councilmen present. Council President Ordinance 2814 Pro tem Delaurenti presented ordinance adopting the City's 1974 Adopting Budget. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance adopting the budget. 1974 Budget MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI, -- SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call showed SIX AYES, STREDICKE VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Schellert thanked Finance Director Marshall, -Staff and Administration for aid, Council for hard work. Council President Clymer thanked Council for Yoeman's Job and hard work. Councilman Grant noted negotiations con- tinuing with 21R. Mr. Kay Johnson, Chamber of Commerce, expressed appreciation for efforts by Councilmen in night after night meetings. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADJOURN. Council meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Delores A. Mead, Cit Clerk 284 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 12/03/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL. WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS 1'�,4 e'4lAl vo/L),' 7;711_i — X75-0 CURRENT 9751 .9781 $17,*552.08 PARKS AND RECREATION 9782 9792 $1.648 .68 ARTERIAL STREET 9793 9793 $21563.00 CITY STREET 9794 9801 $1*468.20 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 9802 9803 $20.38 LIBRARY 9804 9807 $687033 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 9808 9811 $521 .39 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 9812 9813 $161 .66 NEW CAREERS 9814 9815 $106. 10 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 9816 9818 $3i396o65 URBAN ARTERIAL 9819 9821 $23P024 .08 WATERWORKS UTILITY 9822 9834 $10506.82 4IRPORT 3835 9839 $155.06 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9840 9848 $653.80 FIREMEN PENSION 9849 9854 $1A129040 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $54,594066 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILI HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED* DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS P.O. 9751 THROUGH NOS 9854 IN THE AMOUNT OF $541594 .66 TWIS 03 OF DECEMBER FjNAp►CLF)CO MITTEE w I wA w ww-/ w w wwww CC�►MMITTEE M k i COy1� TTEE MEMBER � �• r i CITY COUIICIL C0-2-1I 'TFE 2 EETIN3 CI;LEI 2,^.R Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CaOUTTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL :SEETIPiG OF December 3 , 1973 coin ITTEE DATE TIME CHAIM= LOCATION R UIKS CO2 =TEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER CCFZ2iJP1ITY SERVICES Thurs , 12/6 9 : 30 A. M GRANT rd Flr. Conf. Rm. Ad Hoc Committee on signs FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHEL FRT LEGISLATION Thurs , 12/6 4 : 30 P.M. PERRY th Flr . Conf. Rm. Counc-i Decorum Ordinance Mon. , 12/10 7 : 00 P .M. hairman ' s Office PUBLIC SAFETY DELAUFM''TI PUBLIC WORKS Thurs , 12/1 7 : 30 P .M BRUCE t h Flr. Conf. Rm. TRANSPORTATION PERRY C= MEETINS AND EVENTS SHORELINE MANAGEMENT Tues . , 12/1 7 : 30 P . Council Chambers Public Hearing - Preliminary Program ADVISORY COMMITTEE Available at Planning Department or City Clerk ' s Office 286 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK DECEMBER 3 , 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3548 $ 750 E. M. Holm 3414 N.E . 7th St. Roof and overhang 3549 30, 000 R. W. Wiehoff 1619 Kennewick NE New residence B3550 15 , 000 Powell Const . Co. 1600 Camas Ave NE New residence 3551 40 , 000 R. N. Irwin 1720 NE . 16th St. New residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4406 50 W. E. Tomalin 103 Wells Ave. S . Underground conversion 4407 500 Anna Burdulis 232 Wells Ave. S . Underground conversion 4408 550 Chapman-Cochran Bldg. 801-807 S . 2nd Underground conversion 4409 1 , 400 I . Benveniste 910-916 S . 3rd St. Underground conversion E4410 725 Hillis Homes , Inc . 2817 Morris Ave. S .Wire new residence 4411 600 Hillis Homes , Inc. 2901 Morris Ave . S . Wire new residence 4412 800 V. D. Clausing 540 Rainier Ave . S . Remodel of restaurant dba Pepe ' s Villa 4413 850 John Dennis 2820 Burnett N . Wire new residence 4414 800 Citizen ' s Svgs. & 209 Williams S . Undergr. bldg. - temp. Loan Assn. E4415 125 Donald Hurter 1119 Redmond N.E . New 200 AMP Service 4416 1 , 000 Triple XXX Rest. 50 Sunset Blvd. SW Conversion to undergr . 4417 800 Alex Cugini 800 S . 3rd St. Conversion to undergr. MECHANICAL PERMITS M3760 850 Charles Wiehoff 1613 Kennewick NE Install gas furnace 3761 250 Hubert Peacock 340 Smithers Ave . S . Inst . gas wall furnace 3762 350 Gil Centioli 960 Harrington NE Two walk-in coolers dba Kentucky Fried Chicken 3763 1 , 000 Sternoff Metals 1600 S . W. 43rd Sewer line and sump 3764 350 V. Tuntl.and 229 Main Ave . S . Inst . gas unit heater ON SIGN PERMITS 5337 800 Heap O ' Living Renton Shopping Ctr . - Inst . wall sign wr 287 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1974 PRELIMINARY BUDGET December 3, 1973 CHANGES 1. Policy - Reflect 20,$ reduction in 1974 gasoline allotment - Total See individual Decision reduction of $9,960 as shown below: departments. Police Page 134 - go back to 1973 rated - Cut $7,200 Street Page 225 - Cut 2--3/4 Ton Trucks - Cut 2,160 Cedar River M&I (Page 242) - a/c 33.01 Eq. Rental Cut 600 $9,960 2. Policy - Reflect 10% reduction in a/c 21 Office Supply accounts - See individual Decision all funds. Total reduction of $3,034. Also reflected in departments. Central Stores (Page 318). Cuts are shown in each department as an item. LEGISLATIVE 3. Page 42 - CLERICAL SERVICES - Establish a/c 64 Capital Outlay (Mach. & Equipmt. ) and add $350 for new desk. $ 350 4. Page 42 - CLERICAL SERVICES - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 50 5• Page 43 - COUNCIL - Eliminate medical dependent coverage. Cut a/c 13.03 Prepaid Medical. 1,718 6. Page 43 - COUNCIL - Cut a/c 31 Professional Services. 1,000 7. Page 43 - COUNCIL - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 600 8. Page 43 - COUNCIL - Cut a/c 42 Miscellaneous (City Reports). 1,000 9• Page 43 - COUNCIL - Transfer Program/Budget Analyst salary and benefits & 41 from Budgeting & Accounting (Page 68 & 69) to Council Budget for Legislative Aide. No $ Change. JUDICIAL 10. Page 45 - Allow $200/mo. for Police Judge salary but no cost of living & 46 increase. ($12,000/yr. ) Cut $720. 720 11. Page 46 - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 200 1 Page 46 - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 210 AWCUTIVE ADMINISTRATION - 13. Page 53 - Set salary for Administrative Assistant at $1,558/mo. , with & 54 no step increase. ($18,696/yr.) Cut $1,308. 1,308 14. Page 54 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 31 Professional Services. 500 15. Page 54 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 500 16. Page 54 - ADMINIST11ATION - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 90 17. Page 58 - HUMAN RIGHTS & AFFAIRS COMMISSION - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 10 18. Policy - Include Investigation & Survey (019) (Page 187-190) as an Decision Advisory Division of the Executive Department. --- RECORDS SERVICES (City Clerk) 19. Page 61 - Increase a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 100 20. Page 61 - Increase a/c 22 Operating Supplies for Cat Licenses. 100 21. Page 61 - Cut 10% from Office Supplies a/c 21, per Item #2. 200 FIDUCIARY SERVICES (Treasurer) 22. Page 66 - Cut a/c 34 Advertising. 100 Page 66 - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies by 10% per Item #2. 40 AMGETING & ACCOUNTING 24. Page 68 - Transfer Progran/Budget Analyst salary and benefits from & 69 Budgeting & Accounting to Council Budget (Page 41 & 43) for Legislative Aide. No $ Change. 25. Page 68 - Set salary of Finance Director at $1,422/mo. ($17,424/yr. ) & 69 Cut $1, 188. 1, 188 26. Page 69 - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 100 27. Page 69 - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 220 PURCHASING 28. Page 73 - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 60 DATA PROCESSING q4 76 - C ' 10% 131 0£ficp 9--1 i.es per Tte- �42. 90 288 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1974 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Page -2- December 3, 1973 CHANGES LEGAL SERVICES 30. Page 79 - Include Secretary II salary and benefits and deduct from & 80 City Attorney salary. No $ Change. 31. Page 80 - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 15 32. Page 80 - Cut a/c 31 Professional Services. 5,000 PLANNING ADMINISTRATION - 33. Page 84 - Cut 10% from a,`c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 40 34. Page 84 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 300 35. Page 83 - ADMINISTRATION - Allow reclassification for Assistant Planning Director from Grade 21E to 24B. No $ Change. 36. Page 83 - ADMINISTRATION - Transfer Administrative Clerk from & 84 Developmental Services to Planning Administration. Transfer salary and benefits from Page 116 & 117. (Item 53) No $ Change. 37. Page 88 - ZONING & REGULATIONS - Cut 10,% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 45 38. Page 88 - ZONING & REGULATIONS - Transfer $2,000 from a/c 31 Professional Services to Developmental Division (Page 94 & 95) for two HUD Fellowship Students. Transfer to a/c 11 Sal No. $ Change. 39. Page 91 - RESEARCH - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 20 I 40. Page 91 - RESEARCH - Cut a/c 35 Printing & Binding. 100 41. Page 95 - DEVELOPMENT - Add $147 for benefits for two HUD Fellowship Students. (See Item #38). 147 42. Page 95 - DEVELOPMENT - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 25 43. Page 95 - DEVELOPMENT - Cut a/c 35 Printing & Binding. 100 ` `. PUBLIC WORKS (Building) 44. Policy - Concurred in Building Department reorganization, Title Decision to be Public Works. 45. Page 113 - GENERAL SE11V10ES (Bldg. Facilities) - Cut a/c 37 Public Ut:i_lity Service $5,000. 5,000 46. Page 113 - GENIML SERVICES (Bldg. Facilities) - Cut a/c 32 Communication (Telephone) $7,000. 7,000 i 47. Page 113 - GENERAL SERVICES - Cut a/c 42 Miscellaneous. 300 48. Page 113 - GENERAL SERVICES - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 50 49. Page 111 - GENERAL SERVICES - Eliminate position of Supervisor & 113 General Services. Cut salary and benefits, a total of - 17,406 50. Page 112 - GENERAL SERVICES - Cut a/c 12 Overtime. 800 & 113 51, Page 113 - GENERAL SERVICES - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 200 52. Page 116 - DI♦VELOPMENTAL SERVICES (Code Enforcement) - Add one & 117 Building Inspector position at Grade 17AB. Add a total of $13,194. 13,1948; ' 53• Page 116 - DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES (Code Enforcement) - Transfer & 117 Administrative Clerk salary and benefits to Planning Administration (Page 83 & 84 - See Item #36). No $ Change. 54. Page 118 - DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 100 55• Page 118 - DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES - Cut a/c 31 Professional Services. 2,000 56. Page 118 - DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES - Cut a/c 42 Miscellaneous. 200 57. Page 117 - DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 65 28 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1974 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Page -3- December 3, 1973 CHANGES POLICE 58. Page 123 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 42 Miscellaneous. 100 59. Page 123 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2 350 60. Page 134 - PATROL - Cut a/c 33.02 Equipment Rental back to 1973 rates, Per Item #1. Cut $7,200. 7,200 61Page 137 - TRAINING - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools L& 138 as follows: ADMINISTRATION - Cut $200 INVESTIGATION - Cut $150 PATROL - Cut $i�-O Total - $500 500 62. Page 141 - COMMUNICATIONS - Eliminate position of Communications & 142 Coordinator. Cut a total of $17,052. 17,052 63. Page 147 - ANIMAL CONTROL - Add back to Division as follows: & 148 a/c 11 Salaries - Animal Control Officer ------ $10,980 a/c 12 Overtime ------------------------------- 500 a/c 13 Personnel Benefits --------------------- 2,384 a/c 14 Uniform Allowance ---------------------- 100 a/c 22 Operating Supplies --------------------- 450 a/c 31 Professional Services (Kenneling) ------ 8,000 a/c 33.02 Equipment Rental -------------------- 1,080 a/c 42 Miscellaneous -------------------------- 200 Add a total of ------------------- $24,082 24,082 X64. Page 2 - Add revenue to Current Fund per proposed rates and Revenue fines. Add to a/c 322.30 Animal Licenses. 4,500 FIRE 65. Page 152 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 100 66 Page 152 - ADMINISTRATION - Add $100 to a/c 32 Communication ,w (Telephone & Postage . 100 67. Page 152 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut- a/c 34 Advertising. 50 68. Page 1 i� - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 63 69. Page 159 - SUPPRESSION - Cut a/c 22 Operating Supplies. 500 70. Page 159 - SUPPRESSION - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 150 71. Page 159 - SUPPRESSION - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 25 72. Page 162 - PREVENTION - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 100 73. Page 162 - PREVENTION - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 5 74. Page 165 - TRAINING - Delete request on reclassification for Training & 164 Officer (captain) pending negotiations. Cut $384. 384 75. Page 165 - TRAINING - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 100 76. Page 165 - TRAINING - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 18 CIVIL DEFENSE 77• Page 169 - Cut a/c 22 Operating Supplies. 50 78. Page 169 - Cut a/c 38 Repairs & Maintenance. 100 ENGINEERING 79Page 172 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 45 80 Page 172 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 31 Professional Services. 500 81. Page 172 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schooling. 200 82. Page 172 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 42 Miscellaneous. 150 83. Page 176 - PLANS & SERVICES - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 130 HEALTH 84. Page 180 - Eliminate a/c 21 Office Supplies. Cut $100 100 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 85. Page 184 - Cut a/c 42.02 Ambulance Service. 2,480 86. Page 184 - Eliminate a/c 42.03 Animal Control. 15,000 290 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1974 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Page -4- December 3, 1973 CHANGES INVESTIGATION & SURVEY 87. Page 189 - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 40 88. Page 188 - Adopt Airport Director' s Salary proposal: Director's Salary - 25% Investigation & 75% Airport Secretary II' s Salary - 30% Investigation & 70% Airport Saving of $8,047. 8,047 89. Page 189 - Eliminate a/c 33.01. Cut $150. 1 90. Policy - Make Investigation & Survey a Division of Executive Decision Department. --- HISTORICAL SOCIETY 91. Page 192 - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item 2. 20 MUNICIPAL ARTS 92. Page 194 - Add $150 to a/c 42 Miscellaneous 150 93. Page 194 - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 10 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 94. Page 196 - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 10 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 95. Page 199 - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 20 PERSONNEL SERVICES 96. Page 202 - Cut 10% from a/c 21 Office Supplies per Item #2. 47 97. Page 203 - Cut a/c 64 Capital Outlay (Machinery & Equipment) $675 (Typewriter) 675 PARKS & RECREATION 98. Page 206 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 99. Page 206 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut, a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 100 10C. Page 206 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 35 Printing & Binding. 300 101. Page 212 - FACILITIES - Cut a/c 37 Public Utility Service. 7,000 K-2. Page 5 - Add to a/c 343.90 Revenue (Other Physical Environment Fees) Revenue Additional revenue derived from increase on park lighting rates. Add $3,750• 3,750 103. Page 212 - FACILITIES - Add $2,000 to a/c 42 Miscellaneous for Senior Citizens Programs. 2,000 ARTERIAL STREET 104. Page 7 - Cut Gas Tax revenue a/c 335.50 (Motor Vehicle Fuel Taxes). 12,180 Revenue (Approximately a 10% Cut) 105. Page 217 - Reduce Reserve a/c 73 $12,180 to reflect 10% cut in Gas Tax. 12,180 106. Page 217 - Fund Renton Hill Streets (formerly budgeted in Street Construction). Set up new projects from Reserve a/c 73: Renton Hill Streets --- $889995 Cedar Street ---------- $509000 No $ Change. 107. Page 217 - Delete Shattuck I've. Undercrossing and add to Reserve a/c 73 - $40,000 (Project 63.39) • No $ Change. 108. Page 217 - Delete Lake Washington Blvd. Crossing and add to Reserve a/c 73 - $4,000 (Project 63.62). No $ Change. 109• Page 217 - Add Project for Monterey Terrace Signal & Blinker - $5,500 from Reserve a/c 73• No $ Change. STREET 110. Page 223 - STREET CONSTRUCTION - a/c 60 Capital Outlay: Cut Renton Hill Streets --- $88,995 Cut Cedar Street ---------- $509000 Cut total of -----------$138,995 138,995 Projects to be done out of Arterial Street. (See Item 106 111. Page 221 - Eliminate position of WIN Laborer. Cut $3,885 3,885 & 228 291 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1974 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Page -5- December 3, 1973 CHANGES STREET Cont. 112. Page 224 - ROADWAY - Cut a/c 22 Operating Supplies. 5,000 113. Page 224 - ROADWAY - Cut a/c 39 Rentals. 1,000 114. Page 225 - STORM DRAINAGE - Cut a/c 22 Operating Supplies. 3,000 5. Page 225 - SIDEWALKS - Cut arc 22 Operating Supplies. 3,700 Page 225 - SIDEWALKS - Cut a/c 33.02 Equipment Rental by disposing of 2--3/4 Ton Trucks. Total cut of $2,160. (Refer to 2,160 Item #1) 117. Page 226 - SNOW & ICE CONTROL - Cut a/c 22 Operating Supplies. 500 118. Page 229 - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 100 119. Page 229 - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 38 Repairs & Maint. 100 120. Page 229 - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 42 Miscellaneous. 100 121. - Transfer Cedar .River M&I Fund to Street. Delete a/c 31 Professional Services ($5,400); a/c 33.02 Equipment Rental ($600) part of reduction of gas allotment (See Item #1); and a/c 73 Reserve ($2,018). Add $8,018. 8,018 122. Page 8 - Cut a/c 335.50 Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Revenue. 17,140 Revenue 123. Page 228 - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 1.0% per Item #2. 30 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 104. Page 236 - TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION - Cut a/c 63.82 Renton Area Transportation Study. 90,000 */5. Page 8 - Cut State Grant and Local Unit Grant in connection with Revenue Transportation Study. Total cut in Revenue of $78,000. 78,000 126. Policy - STREET LIGHTING - Cut a/c 37 Public Utility Service Decision $22,400 reflecting a 20% reduction in street light energy Page 237 below 1973 appropriation. 22,400 127. Page 237 - TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES - Cut a/c 23 Repair & Maintenance Supplies. 5,000 12". Pi.Ff. 9-3; - TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES - Cut a/c 63 Improvements Other Than Buildings (Capital Outlay) (3 Signal Heads). 2,000 129. Page 237 - TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES - Cut a/c 64 Machinery & Equipment (Capital Outlay) (Ultrasonic Cleaner). 2,106 130. Page 238 - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2. 100 139. Page 239 - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools. 100 140. Page 239 - MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 42 Miscellaneous. 200 LIBRARY 141. Page 246 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10,% per Item #2. 300 2. Page 254 - FACILITIES - Add a/c 38 Repairs & Maintenance and put ar $1,500 in account for aid in heating problem. 1,50u t'tiMIJLITIVE RESERVE #2104 - Park Equipment 143. Page 259 - Cut $9,100 Capital Outlay a/c 64 Machinery & Equipment. 9,100 STREET FORWARD THRUST 144. Page 287 - Cut a/c 63.39 Shattuck Avenue Undercrossing ($273,000 and add back to Reserve a/c 73. No $ Change. LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH FORWARD THRUST 145. Page 292 - Cut $20,000 from a/c 61 Land (Capital Outlay . 20,000 2�2 AMENDMENTS TO 1974 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Page -6- December 3, 1973 CHANGES WATERWORKS UTILITY 14 . Page 4 - Increase In Lieu of Tax 1/2% to a total of 1-1/2% and add Revenue $50,485 (1/2%) to Revenue in Current Fund. (a/c 365.11). 50,485 Policy Decision 147. Page 299 - ADMINISTRATION - Increase a/c 42 Miscellaneous to reflect increase in In Lieu of Tax - $50,485. 50,485 148• Page 299 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 42 Miscellaneous ------------ 300 149. Page 299 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences ----------- 100 150. Page 306 - MAINTENANCE - Cut a/c 63 Improvements Other Than Buildings (Capital Outlay) - Purchase of Railroad Property --------------------------------- 20,000 151. Page 306 - MAINTENANCE - Eliminate position of Maintenance & 304 Man I Salary & Benefits --------------------------- 10,000 152• Page 305 - MAINTENANCE - Cut Overtime a/c 12 ----------------- 1,000 153. Page 305 - MAINTENANCE - Cut a/c 42 Miscellaneous ------------ 1,00() 154• Page 305 - MAINTENANCE - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools ----------------------------------- 500 155. Page 307 - MAINTENANCE - Cut a/c 64 Machinery & Equipment (Capital Outlay) (Desk & Typewriter) -------------- 950 156. Page 305 - MAINTENANCE - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10,% per Item #2. ------------------------------------------ 90 157. Page 299 - ADMINISTRATION - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10,% per Item #2. -------------------------------------- 200 Total Cuts ------------------------------$34,140 34,140 158. Page 307 - MAINTENANCE - Total cuts of $34,140 will be deducted plus $16,345 will be cut from a/c 64 Mach. & Equipment (the difference between $50,485 & $34,140) to keep AIRPORT fund total in balance. 16,345 159• Page 310 - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools ------- 500 160. Page 310 - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10% per Item #2 -------- 20 Total to be added to a/c 73 Reserve ----- $520 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 161. Page 315 - Cut a/c 33.01 Conferences & Special Schools ------- $200 162. Page 315 - Cut a/c 42 Miscellaneous ------------------------------ 500 163. Page 315 - Cut a/c 21 Office Supplies 10,% per Item #2. ------- 50 Total to be added to a/c 73 Reserve ----- $750 164. See Item - Cut the rental rates a/c 22 Operating Supplies 9,960 #1 - Page 315 165. Page 38 - Cut Revenue a/c 391. 11 Equipment Rental Charges 9,960 Revenue {%LNITRAL STORES 166. Page 318 - Cut $3,034 from a/c 21 Office Supplies reflecting 10% reduction in all funds. (See Item #2. ) 3,0?, OTHER REVENUE CHANGES: � 167. Page 1 - Adjust Property Tax - Add 17,94 168. Page 1 - Delete B & 0 Tax - Cut 220,500 169. Page 1 - Add Revenue for Punchboards & Pulltabs - Add 2,000 170. Page 1 - Cut Admissions Tax on Theaters - Cut 17,000 171. Page 1 - Change Longacres Tax from 8¢ to 5¢ - Cut 14,000 172. Page 1 - Increase Business Licenses - Add 6,500 173• Page 1 - Cut Utility Tax to 1% - Cut 65,871 ! Policy Decision - Reduce salaries for non-represented, non-uniform Salaries employees fron 6% to 4,% or $30.00 whichever is greater. This results in a total reduction from the Mayor's proposed Budget of $380,832. I 293 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regu2aA MeetingOj6ice of the City Ctenh DecembeA 10, 1973 R E F E R R A L S COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ec tc.on o6 CouncPAe,6.Ldenx and PAed.ident PAo tem COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE low nnc.ng amm,cziion Aecommendatian .to hold motatoA.i,um .in Va tey a)Lea on ta.nd jilt FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointment to &——o a o6 MA. HaAAy Haight LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ao pod e n�.ng— am GAading OAd.inance Chatted B. Guy Rezone app.ei.cati.on PLANNING COMMISSION ezteA Ae a .6totage Jtom Ametican Ab.sac. of UniveAz ty Women APPOINTMENTS eAmnent appointment Mt. H. Ray CafdweU. .to Lieutenant, Renton Poti.ce Dept. irr w i 294 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Re.gulaA MeetingDecembex 10, 1973 Mun.ic.ipat Bu.i-ed.ing Monday 8 : 00 P. M. Council Chambe&s M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayo& Avery Gatftett, p&es.iding, .ted the Hedge o6 AUegia.nee and CALL TO ORDER caUed the Meeting of the Renton Cita Council to O&den. ROLL CALL EARL CLYMER, Counci.t Pxesident, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES OF COUNCIL DELAURENTI, GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayox; DEL MEAD, City Ctexk; GWEN MARSHALL, F-inanc IN ATTENDANCE Di&ec tot; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attoxney; JACK LYNCH, Adm%n istwtiv Assistant: WARREN GONNASON, Pub?.i.c Wo&hs Ditectox; GORDON ERICKSEN, PZa.nwin.g Dixecto&; KENNETH WHITE, PeAzonnet Ditectox; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISLER, Asst. Fite Ch.ie6; VIC TeGANTVOORT, StAeet Supt.; WES CREWS, Acting Bu td.ing D,iAectox; VERN CHURCH, Puxchazing Agent. MINUTES FOR MOVED TSV CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, APPROVAL 1973, BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. INTRODUCTIONS Fonmex City CounciXnan B&uce Hutze was intAoduced by Mayo& Gatvicett. VOUCHERS FOR APPROVAL Finance and Pexsonnet Committee ChacAman ScheiteAt p&esented 9855 - 9999 and committee gecommendatioyi ,ion naument of VoucheAz Nob. 009 thAouyh 0001 - 0008 Machine 0110 .in the amount of $98,715.30 (Voue ecus No. 9855 - 9999 and Voided 0001 - 0008 Machine voided) , having te.ce,ived depattmentae. eeAt- 00009 #0110 6ication that meAchandi6e and/ox seAv.ice6 have been xece i.ved o& xendexed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BV CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHOR- IZE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Leg-cstation Committee Cha.inman Penny pxesented committee xecommenda- RESOLu1'IONS tion that the Budget OAdinanee be xe-adopted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED BEFORE THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. City CteAk Mead xead O&di.nanee 2814 adopting an annu.ae. Budget 6oA the City fox the YeaA 1974, &eAteeting total 1974 Budget as $14, 276,494 Oxdinance No. 2814 with totat oxd.ina&y expend.ttuAes as $14,276,494, Receipts 6&om Rea 4A.ming Adopti n souxca other than taxation $8,892,805, Suxp.tus eatvu:ed oveA o6 City's 1974 $2,985,965 and totae to be xais ed by taxation as $2,397, 724, tizt- Budget ting jund4 by totat. Upon inquiry JAom Counc tman StAedicke, City CZe k Mead exptai_ne.d Ae-adoption neces6any to eon6iAm AiguAes as not enough time avai a.bZe dutung %eeess at the Budget Hea ing 4ox machine computation o6 changes. MOVED BV SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT BUDGET AS AMENDED, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. FoZ towing Reading by the CteAk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. CARRIED. Roti Batt showed SIX COUNCILMEN VOTING AFFIRMATIVELY AND STREDICKE VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Le.tte& �Aom King County Recoxds and Ef-ec ions ManageA, Mt. Noxwand J. Bxool2s, eeAtij ,ed Novembex 6, 1973 Genenat E.tection having CeAtq- cation obeen duty canvassed by the King County Canvassing Board o6 Etec ion l 1/6/13 E.teetion Retuxns on Novembex 21, 1973 showing the total vote as 7, 753 and the jottowing 6ouA yeaA teAms: Council Position No. 1 Councit Position No. 2 en ce 3, 387 Elected Ea4t CtymeA 3,346 E.tected Baxbaxa S. Laity 2,822 Sven A. Johnson 2,496 Position No. 3 (Red) Chat es uAenti 3,667 Etected Thomas Tximm 2,4 7 8 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THOSE OFFICIALS ELECTED BE CONGRATULATED. CARRIED. Oa StoAage Lette& J&om Ms. Beth Mennen, LegizZ live Cha wan, Lake Washington Faec.P.i.t a .in Manch, Ameni.can Association o6 Univex6ity Women uxged the City Gxeen Rive& Valley &e6use Sheti O.c t and other oit eompanys" &equests box oit stoAage. jacitities in. the Gxeen Rive& Valley, stating eoncenns o6 vatc i.ous agencies box pta c i.ng o6 "tank 6aAw" in the alluvium s o.i Ps as the I 295 Renton City Councit Minutes 12/10/73 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Oit StoA.age a,,c.ea dw i.ns subsuAgaeety to both the Green and Cedars Ri veAz Continued as wete as Lake Washington and Puget Sound. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COPY OF THIS LETTER BE FORWARDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Rezone App. . R-735-73 LetteA 6nom P.tanv,%ng D,itteetoA EA cksen repoAted ,the Ptann.ing ChaAies B. Guy Commission has co r?pteted Review o6 the Chati.>oes B. Guy app.e i.eation Area o6 Grady way jot Rezone 4Aom G to L-.E o6 pnopeAty toeated at 404 S.W. Grady Way of 68/1.00 aches undeveeoped kand proposed 6oA storage o6 Aectteationat vehicees, being Light Industt.-i.ae. on ManuAac_t ging Pante. on the Compnehenwsive Land Use P&n. The tetteA repoAted the appf-icant submitted tuttictive covenants with Aejerenee to setbacks and tands caping and that 6oaotkling Pubt i.e Heating the Planning Commission neeommended that the nezone 6Aom G to L-1 be approved. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Planning D,itc.ectoA Et,i.cksen showed the area on dizptay map and upon .inquiAy o� Councieman Grant %epoAted attea of nezone not within 200 beet o6 proposed P-1 channel. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CITY ACCEPT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS 1-1LEv WITH THIS REQUEST FOP REZONE. Counci.bnan Petry asked to be neti6ied upon ne.conding o' covenants, adoption o6 nezone ordinance pending upon same_. CocinctPman GAant .irriu,i,-Led Ae 6ifl, EAt.Cksen advising propmty had been 6,i wed. CARRIED. Gneen Rivett Vattey Lettett 6Aom Planning Dlitc.ecton Eti.ck�sen asked consideration o6 Land 6iU/Rezone Ptann ng Comm.iss.ion neeommendation .that the City Councit pass Mona to.n ium As ked an oAdinance prohibiting any {y.W,ing and deceate a moratot ium on rezones .in :the Gneen River. VaUey area joA a peuod o6 one yeatc to allow .time {ot Aev.iew o6 :the Compnehensive Ptan in that area, espee iaUy ,in tela tion to the City Councit u6etrtaLs re t m-itati.on o4 o,i e tank storage 6acilities and pipeline request. Proposed motion by Stredieke, seconded by Grant, Aor Counci,e. coneut tenee in Ptanninq Commission recommendation, was supens.eded err by MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER RECOMMENDA- TION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Upon Councit inqui ty, City Atto,,ney -�'Eefan a vie sours reasonz jot monatotium needed, bounda. i els need to be outtined o6 area to be included and a determination as to .inau s,io n o6 industt iaL and/or Resident at property. Counc Uynan Gw;,,,t Aepo,,r ted mining and 9k ding ordinance AepoAt was �o,rthcomin.g. MOTION CARRIED. RIBCJ Meeting Letter 6Aom Mt. Jean DeSpain, ChaiAman, Riven Bas4.n CooAdinating Ae Dka mage and Committee invited .the City Council and City Stab S to attend a Flood PAobtems Rivett Bas.i_n Coordinating Committee (RISCO) meeting in Councit Chambers 9:00 a.m. Deeembett 18, to diseussv,iews and suggestions o6 the South King County eommun.i ie6 as they relate to area ptanning bot dAainage and 6tood problems. AUDIENCE COMMENT MA. Bruce Hu ze commended the MayoA and C ty Council on eoopet a- xion with Renton businessmen and the Aedevetopme.nt o6 the City Mr. Bruce Hutz e center. MA. Robert Boyd Mr. Robnt Boyd, Assistavrt Mann«o7 4 the Bu.hQ.ington Notithe�n and BuAtington Non theAn G.Cac i.eA Park Co., questioned advisability of pZac%ng moA.totium Gtaci.eA Pattk Co. on excavation and ta.nd JiU in the Vaetey area, cY.abni.ng same would be hat m6ut to pt.a.n�s and progress o6 �iti to 40-50 ache Excavation near pattce2 on East Vatley Rd., rrav�ng King County exambivL Aeeommenda- Benson 9 CaAA Rds. tion that pro j eet be eompteted in �outt yeat peAi.od with restora- �,,, 6oA Valley Land Fitt tion 6oUowing, and having City app,,Loval, being to accordance with CompAehevus:ive PPan adopted by the City. MA. Boyd asked that pro j eet be eompteted without disruption. APPOINTMENTS Letter. {,,tom Mayor Ga,7 Lctt api.;ointe.d Mi.. HwArui1u gi�i, 77124 n. Sow Mt. Hwy Haight Sunnycttest Rd. , Seattte to the Board o6 Ethics bor a 6owt-yeatr. Board o6 Ethics teAm exp-iAi.ng Decembe tt 31, 1977, as a member o6 .the Renton ChambeA o4 Commence reptacing Mn. Floyd Hughes Sr. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 296 Renton City Councie Minutes 12/10/73 Page 3 APPOINTMENTS - Continued Mn. Ray CaedweU The peAmanent appointment 06 Mn. H. Ray CaZdwett a6 Lieutenant Lieutenant Renton PoZi.ce DepaAtment was announced in Zetten Aum Mayon GaiAett. Mayo),'s appointment e66ecti.ve DecembeA 16, 1973. MOVED By DELAURENTI, SECONDED By STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chai�unan Gta.nt announced review had Propos ed Mining and been made of the propos ed mining and grading ordinance with the Gna.ding Otdinance City Attorney and the P.?anni,ng Department and atcommended ted to the Legi6tation Committee. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, PROPOSED MINING AND GRADING ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councit EZecti.ons MOVED By GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT OF ELECTION OF New teAms begin COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT PRO TEM BE REFERRED TO THE January 14, 1973 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Upon pees enta tion o A Aun giAt to Mayon Gwftett by Counc iXman Stnedicke 4ot the Mayan's new mustache, it wa6 MOVED BY STREDICKE, ADJOURNMENT SECONDED By BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. Meeting adjouAned at 8:45 p.m. 'Dones ea-d—, City Z en zk 2c ' WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 12/10/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND / DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT � ' ��� 9 49 $18P610o88 'ARKS AND RECREATION 50 60 $3, 105 .52 ►r.r CITY STREET 61 66 $3,605.68 CE-DAP RIVER M AND I 67 67 *54 • i8 r�RaRY 68 68 !871 . 17 ''ERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 69 70 $681 .36 «ORK INCENTIVE FUND 71 71 $201 .68 ,-.W CAREERS 72 72 $125. 12 .DEQ• AND STREET FWD THRUST 73 74 $28 .48 ,—Ip BAN ARTERIAL 75 75 $80096 �ITRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 76 78 $11777 •(12 ^ATERWORKS UTILITY 79 F8 $58, 298 .20 w4RPORT 89 91 $4i75O.66 JUIPMENT RENTAL 92110 $6j524939 "OTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $98j715.30 WEA THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MFPCHANDIGE AND/OR SERVICES NAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED. DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 9 THROUGH N0, 110 IN TWE AMOUNT Or $98#715.30 THIS 10 OF DECEMBER FINANCE COMMITTEE r w www�i�w�3�w www C714 .L `//- www wi/_w_ wwwwwwwww w/w/'✓•/ w Cq�iTTEE MEMBE low ._ wwww w www • www www ww i CITY COUNCIL CMAPKEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COME= MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEI&Trr, OF December 10, 1973 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE hvrs, 12113 8:00 PQM. CLy_MER Council Chambers n1ma-7 Control , Repc2 J water �epies CC10=TY SERVICES CRANT M-ANCF AND PERSONNEL hurs, 12113 7� 15 P.M. SCBEILLEIRT Ne-.tvjce LEGISLATION n]W:A 0 SAF Ev y PUB11),10 WOW- Pbuy-.<:, 12113 7:00 P.M. RRjiCV 401 PJ ) ; -%ANSPORTATTOb OrfW MEETINGS AIS EMT,) RXRC0 A- M. 999 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK DECEMBER 10, 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3552 $ 9, 900 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Restaurant addition 3553 30,000 O' Donnell Whse. 933 Thomas SW Int. office impr. & adc %mo 3554 28,000 Rigby Dev. Co. 911 S. 30th Pl . New single fam. home B3555 27,000 Rigby Dev. Co. 917 S. 30th Pl . 3556 2,000 W. L. McLaughlin , Jr. 4509 Talbot Rd. S - Add. to Clinic ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4418 1 ,100 ' Lily H. Backman 124 Williams S . Undergr. conv. -Li°(j. stc 4419 15n Ernest Holm 3414 N. E. 7th New strike to residence 4420 1 ,500 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres VOID j 4421 115 R. K. Halsen 217 NW 7th St. Wiring of add. bedrooms 4422 250 W. L. McLaughlin , Jr. 4509 Talbot S. Wrg. & ltg. for clinic 1423 75 F. H. Fisler 214 N. W. 2nd Inst. new pipe 4424 1 ,050 Renton Eagles 613 S. 3rd St. Inst . undergr. serv. F4425 250 C. L. Reckling 617 S. 15th St. Inst. new amp service 4426 701 Louis Purcell 2003 N.E. 16th Wire new residence 4427 250 Maverick Steak Hse . 74 Rainier S. Underground conversion 4428 3,000 Dobson & Dobson 229 William S. Rewire office 4 .429 300 , John Dobson 340 Burnett S. Underground wiring R4r30 300 John Dobson 259 Williams S. Underground service 4431 50 Glen Score 1010 N. 33rd Wire one room 4432 50 Mr. Trythall 362 Earlington Attic outlets & 1tg. MECHANICAL PERMITS M3765 1 , 500 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Plumbing & fixtures %W 3766 450 Les Porter, Sr. 1021 Olympia NE Gas furnace & heater 3767 370 Renton-McCarthy Realty 924 Bronson Way S. - Gas unit heatez 3768 522 Hebb & Narodick 920 S. 28th Ct. Inst. gas furnace 3769 275 C. E. English 408 Earlington SW - Inst . gas furnace 3770 885 Fred Boleke 316 S. W. 4th P1 . Inst . gas furnace SIGN PERMITS I 5338 500 M. C. Sevener 924 Bronson Wy S. 1 wall & 1 roof sign 5339 165 A & H Drugs 204 S. 3rd St . Inst. 2 wall signs SEWER PERMITS 1984 C. Wiehoff 1613 Kennwick Ave . NE - Connect side swr 1985 John Dennis 2820 Burnett Ave. N - ONO i R E F E R R A L S RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 17, 1973 Office of the City Clerk COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Shoreline Master Program COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Fire Fighters Local 864 Contract Negotiations Subject of soil conservation and Channelization of Valley area LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Annexation Eastwood Park Area Ordinance amending Police Regulations (first reading 12/17/73) MAYOR AND CITY CLERIC Authorized to sign agreement with Seattle Northwest Securities re LID Bonds FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Subject of Legislative Aide PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Capital Improvement section of the proposed Water and Sewer Rate Ordinance PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Realignment of Lind Ave. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Proposed Vacation of Jefferson Ave. N.E. at Index Ave. N.E. APPOINTMENTS Mr. Thomas Michael Lopez, Patrolman, Renton Police Dept. to 6-month probationary 1/1/74 Municipal Arts Commission: Mrs. Margaret Rose Anderson) Mrs. Harriet Gruhn ) Term expiring 12/31/76 Mr. Roger R. Richert ) A i .301 . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 17 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, CHARLES DELAURENTI, GEORGE J. COUNCIL PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ABSENT COUNCILMAN HENRY E. SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISLER, Asst. Fire Chief; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTES FOR MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY �TREDICKE, MT..NUTES OF DECEMBER 10, APPROVAL 1973, BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Shoreline Management Renton Shorelines Citizens Advisory Committee presentation of Master Program was made by Chairman, Robert E. McBeth, whose letter of presentation was read by City Clerk Mead explaining regular meetings since July 24, through December 13, 1973 to prepare master program to regulate the use and future development of 18 miles of shoreline within the corporate limits of the City. Mr. McBeth reported the Master Program will be sent to the State Department of Ecology by the deadline date of 12/20 subject to Council amendment, recommending public hearing by Council as set forth in Shoreline Management Act of 1971 . Mayor Garrett thanked Chairman McBeth for his efforts and those of the committee and the Shoreline master program, McBeth thanking members of the City Staff for support. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Member Delaurenti presented #1114118 Machine committee recommendation for payment of Vouchers Nos. 119 through Voided 358 in the amount of $228,370.14 having received Departmental #1194358 certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or service (#111 - #118 machine voided) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT FOR PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented Chairman's report recommending first reading and referral back to committee of an First Reading of ordinance amending Police Regulations as pertains to obscenity Ordinance Amending as defined by U.S. Supreme Court recently. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, Police Regulations SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of ordinance relating to public safety and morals, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE. ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #2815 Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Establishes readings and adoption of an ordinance consolidating Local Consolidated Improvement Districts Nos. 277 and 278 and establishing Consoli- ""° LID No. 277/278 & dated Local Improvement Fund, District No. 277/278, fixing Authorized Bonds particulars of bonds and directing the issuance and sale thereof to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. of Seattle. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND THAT THE ORDINANCE BE PRESENTED. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance by the Clerk, letter from Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation was read submitting purchase offer for $88,744.26 Local Improvement Bonds (LID #277 $16,409.24 and LID #278 $72,335.02) to mature 1/1/86 bearing annual interest of 6;1%. Letter from Finance Director Marshall recommended acceptance 302 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1973 Page 2 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ordinance 412815 of Seattle Northwest Securities offer to purchase bonds in LID Bonds the amount of $88,744.26 for the combined LID No. 277/278. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR; SUSPEND RULES AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. Following reading by the Clerk, IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. Roll Call Vote resulted in unanimous Council approval. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH SEATTLE NORTHWEST SECURITIES. CARRIED. Ordinance 412816 The Legislation Chairman's report recommended adoption of ordinance License Fees and setting new fees for business licenses and establishing 1% utility Utility Tax tax. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST Amendment to READING. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, fee structure Business Regulations was discussed along with utility tax. IT WAS MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED. BY GRANT, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND PLACED ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Clerk read ordinance amending fee schedule for business 13r.enses and adopting 1% utility tax (coaxial cable for TV included) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call resulted in the following Vote: AYE-CLYMER, DELAURENTI, BRUCE, NO-PERRY, STREDICKE, GRANT. Mayor Garrett cast affirmative vote breaking tie, MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 412817 Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented ordinance Amending fees and setting annual fees on dogs and cats of $5.00 per annum for fe- Adding Cats to male dogs, and $3.00 for male, Epayed or neutered dogs and $1.00 Animal Licensing for cats with 50cl late fee for failure to license within 30 days. Business Regulations MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call resulted in the following vote: AYE-DELAURENTI, BRUCE, GRANT, NO-CLYMER, PERRY, STREDICKE. The Mayor broke the tie by casting affirmative vote. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 411884 Legislation report recommended adoption of a resolution transfer- Fund Transfer ring Federal Shared Revenue Funds to Current, Park and Street Federal Shared Revenue Funds. Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested Revenue transfer in amount of $526,673 from Federal Shared Revenue Fund to Current, Park and Street Revenue Accounts. City Clerk Mead read resolution, and it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1885 Resolution presented by Legislation Committee Chairman Perry Declaring Intent declared intent to construct and install water mains, sewer lines to Construct and appurtenances thereto, curbs, gutters and street paving on Improvements Aberdeen Ave. N.E. between N.E. 27th and N.E. 28th, and create Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Local Improvement District No. 282, with Public Hearing January I.TD 282 21, 1974. City Clerk read resolution, and it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1886 Legislation report recommended reading and adoption of a resolu- Declaring Intent tion declaring intent to construct and install sanitary sewers to Construct and trunk lines and appurtenances thereto in and near the Sanitary Sewer/Trunk Earlington Addition, create Local Improvement District No. 283 Lower Earlington and hold Public Hearing March 18, 1974. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, (Lind Ave. Extended) SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESOLU- TION BE READ. CARRIED. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Proposed Vacation and published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Portion Jefferson Hearing on the proposed vacation of a portion of Jefferson Ave. Ave. N.E. at N.E. from a point 175.43 feet North of N.E. 10th Street to Index Ave. N.E. Index Ave. N.E. Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett reported no objection and recommended proceeding with public hearing as right-of-way not required for street or 303 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1973 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Proposed Vacation utility purposes and that consideration be given to vacating Portion Jefferson the remaining portions of Jefferson Ave. N.E. and Index Ave. Ave. N.E. N.E. in this block as no utility easements are required. (Continued) Public Works Director Gonnason explained area on display map and upon inquiry of Councilman Clymer, reported appraisal of the proposed vacation portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. had not been made. Mr. James Van Osdell, 3030 N.E. 10th, reminded Council of restrictive covenants placed on Sunset Apt. located on N.E. 10th between Jefferson N.E. and Kirkland N.E. , restricting egress 1r.r to Jefferson Ave. N.E. and asked that restriction be removed in view of street vacation. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Motion by Clymer, seconded by Grant, street vacation be granted and have appraisal made, was later superseded by referral to committee. City Attorney Shellan advised petitioners entitled to know fees to be charged at the time of hearing, that Council has right to waive up to 1/2 appraised value. Public Works Director Gonnason reported approxi- mately 13,100 sq. ft. in the proposed street vacation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Following recess Council reconvened at 9:15 p.m. with 6 Councilmen present at Roll Call as previously listed. Gonnason reported preliminary appraisal valued property at $1.00 per sq. ft. MOVED BY STR.EDICKE, Hearing Continued SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE RE-OPENED. CARRIED. Mr. to 1/7/74 Roy A. Goodwin, petitioner, reported sale and best development of property appears to be contingent upon vacation; southern portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. not included in vacation request because of many hearings re apartment exit. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING TO JANUARY 7, 1974. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, VACATION MATTER BE REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK AT THE CONTINUED HEARING. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE APPRAISAL. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND �r CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from City Clerk Mead recommended the date of January 7,1974 be set for the public hearing on the 75% petition circulated Proposed Annexation for the annexation of the Eastwood Park area to the City, which Eastwood Park Area was accepted by the Council on 9/10/73 and referred to the Bound- ary Review Board and the King County Council. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. i Proposed Annexation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason certified the annexa- Kleinsasser et al tion petition from Kleinsasser, et al, represents 76.39% of the Area South of assessed valuation of the proposed annexation. Letter from S.W. 43rd St. City Clerk Mead recommended February 4, 1974 as date of public hearing and that all petitioners be notified. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF CITY CLERK AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, AND SET DATE OF FEBRUARY 4, AS PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Legal Publications City Clerk Mead announced December 17, bid opening for the 1974 for City - 1974 Legal Publications for the City, with one bid received from the Bid Opening 12/17 Record-Chronicle, 801 Houser Way S. , Renton in the following amount: 6 point type: $3.16 per column inch/.27 cents per line City's Combined for first publication; $2.65 per column inch/.22 cents per line Legal Publications: for additional publications; 8 point type: $2.51 per column inch/ $10,000 per year .29 cents per line for first publication, $2.10 per column inch/ .24 cents per line for additional publications. City Clerk Mead reported receiving phone calls from The Seattle Times and the Post Intelligencer that no bid would be submitted this year. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ACCEPT 8--POINT TYPE BID OF THE RECORD CHRONICLE. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Renton Police Dept. Mayor Garrett's appointment of Mr. Thomas Michael Lopez to the Mr. Thomas M. Lopez position of Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, was read; the 6-month probationary period becomes effective January 1, 1974. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. 04 I Renton City Council Meeting Minutes December 17, 1973 Page 4 APPOINTMENTS - Continued Municipal Arts Mayor Garrett's appointment letter was read, appointing Mrs. Commission Margaret Rose Anderson, 6827 Ripley Lane North; Mrs. Harriet Gruhn, 7714 S. Mission Dr. , Seattle; Mr. Roger R. Richert, 510 Evergreen Building, to the Renton Municipal Arts Commission terms expiring on 12/31/76. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Council President Earl Clymer presented Committee of the Whole Whole Report report recommending the matter of realignment of Lind Avenue be referred to the Public Works Director for study. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Water and Sewer Committee of the Who]ereport recommended referral of the matter Rate Ordinance of the Capital Improvement section of the proposed Water and Sewer Rate Ordinance to the Public Works Committee to report back by January 21, 1974. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Legislative Aide Committee of the Whole report recommended the subject of the Legislative Aide be referred to the Finance and Personnel Com- mittee to prepare a job description. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA- TION. CARRIED. Fire Fighters 4864 Letter from Labor Negotiating Committee, presented by Committee Negotiations Member Clymer, recommended authorization be given to sign Addendum to present contract with Fire Fighters Local 864, contract openers had been included in the contract. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS MATTER OF CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSIONS. Personnel Director White explained changes incorporated into addendum. MOTION CARRIED. No Meeting Upon report that President Nixon and Governor Evans declared December 24, 1973 December 24, and 31, 1973 as holidays, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUF, AND MEETING OF THE 24TH BE DISPENSED WITH, 31ST BEING A FIFTH MONDAY. CARRIED. Election of MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE THAT NOMINATIONS BE OPENED FOR Council Officers PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL. Roll Call Vote: 3 AYE-CLYMER, PERRY, for 1974 GRANT, 3 NO-DELAURENTI, STREDICKE, BRUCE. Mayor Garrett broke the Council President tie vote by casting affirmative v6te. MOTION CARRIED. City Mr. Earl Clymer Attorney Shellan advised Mayor Garrett had the authority to President Pro tem cast vote to break tie on any vote before the Council. Council- Mr. C. Delaurenti man Delaurenti nominated RICHARD STREDICKE. Councilman Bruce nominated EARL CLYMER. After third call, nominations were closed. City Attorney advised votes to be cast in open ballot and that voting limited to elected Councilmen. Roll Call Vote: "CLYMER" received 4 Votes cast by: CLYMER, PERRY, BRUCE AND GRANT. "STREDICKE" received 2 Votes cast by: STREDICKE AND DELAURENTI. Councilman Clymer elected as Council President for second term. Nominations were opened for President Pro tem. Councilman Grant nominated DELAURENTI. Councilman Clymer nominated PERRY. Nomina- tions were closed. Roll Call Vote: ')ELAURENTI" received 4 votes cast by: DELAURENTI, STREDICKE, BRUCE AND GRANT. "PERRY" received 2 votes cast by: PERRY AND CLYMER. Councilman Delaurenti elected Council President Pro tem for second term. Soil Conservation MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, SUBJECT OF SOIL CONSERVA- and Channelization TION AND CHANNELIZATION OF THE VALLEY AREA BE REFERRED TO THE ••� of Valley area COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Councilman Grant requested Soil Conservation Service member and King County Director of Public Works be invited for presentation on that subject. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Garrett extended best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned mat®®10:05 p.m. pts l,� t lam/ Y - !, � Delores A. Mead, City Clerk 305 i WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 12/17/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF ,NND DEiCRIRVON NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT 119 179 $70620125 PARKO AND RECREATION iso 194 i�►t 722 03 t ARTERIAL iTREET 195 196 82JR49000 Irw I CITY' 8TP9ET Aal-o bo�v_ 9°,� �g 197 211 Ate' (.IBRARY 212 2= �►a�!ibe6S REA1 AND STRRET /WD THRU$T �;•h URBAN ARTIERT.AL. $7k i LI&RARY CONSTFUCTION FUND 286 290 83,306146 ++� CONGTRUCTIOrA FUND 291 297 *19j &5801IWATBRWORKS UTILITY 298 309 840929#90 ( AIRPORT 310 317 613106 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 918 330 81e216,03 ( FIREMEN PLN2=ON 931 356 06,383142 TOTAL OF ALL WARRAN98 I ^� 370• /� WE#I THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF TWE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF TWE RENTON r..r CITY COUNCILi HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION; THAT MERCHANDISE AND/DR SERVICES WAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDs DO HCREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO• 119 THROUGH No# KW< IN THE AMOUNT OF TWIIS 17 OF DECEMBER I i FINANCE COMMITTEE p 1Liwi� ars-a� : R� i GAM TTEE MEMBER I � i wOro a wri wwaE ww+�w*www Co ITTEE MEMBER I � wRMliMt+snag,!nwwwwwwwswpRAws.�lww�AwwR� COMMITTEE MEMBER I I CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR � Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 12-17-73 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REKARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 112-19 Wed. 8:00 PM CLYMER Council Chambers Firemen's Contract CCHHUNITY SERVICES 12-20 Thurs. 3:00 PM GRANT 3rd Flr. Conf. Room FINANCE AND PERSONNEL 12-20 Thurs. 4:30 PM SCHEL,LERT LEGISLATION PERRY PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION 12-26 Wed. 9:30 AM PERRY 4th Flr. Conf. Room OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS 307 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Deeemben 170 1973 PERMITS ISSUED BV THE BUILDING 9 ENGINEERING DEPTS. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3557 $ 8, 000 Renton Vittage Co . 15 S. Grady Clay Const. new pantit.ions 3558 1 , 700 Renton Vittage Co. 45 S. Grady Clay Const. new pant.itions 3559 1 , 500 Renton Vittage Co . 15 S . Grady Way Const. new pantit.ions ,a , 560 300 Rev. Percy Jones 1015 N. 29th St. Coven back stains 9 doonwai 3561 5, 500 F. H. A. - Seattte 2625 N. E. 22nd St. -Repair, cteanup 6 pa.int.ii 3562 3, 500 W. W. Watne 908 S. W. 3rd P.F. Add. Fam.ity room 9 Bednm. 3563 45, 000 The Boeing Co. Boeing Rtn. Ptt. Mise. btdg. pno1eets 3564 442;898--5texnee-8�t�--Ee: VOIDED B3565 112 , 000 Stennco Dev. Co . 1600 S.W. 43rd New whse-mitt bu.itd.ing 3566 700 Puget S. Powers 622 W. Pe,%imeteA Int. ptns- waiting room 3567 -- Jchn W. Dobson 906 N. 33rd P2 Demot.ish residence 3568 -- Datpay 8 Assoc. 410 Langston S. W. Demotish nes.idenee ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4433 150 Clash. Natuna2 Gas . K.itktand Ave. SE at Lk. Youngs Way - 1 circ, Service 3/4 conduit 4434 50 FaneheA Flyways 242 W. Penimeten Rd. - Wine Texaco Sign E4435 500 Randatt Foreman 1222-24 K.iAktand N. E. - New senv. 9 etee. hA 4436 400 Pepe's V,itta 540 Ra.in.ien S. Two F.ixtunes , bac o' nest. 4437 50, 000 Fond Motors Co. 750 Ra.in.ien S. Remove existing S.ixtunes , Instat2 new stood 2.ight.ing 4438 1 , 650 Puget Powers 622 W. Pe,%imeten wine Storage Hangars 4439 653 C. Wieho66 1613 Kennewick NE Wine new tezidence E4440 1., 000 John O ' Donne2 Whse. 933 Thomas S. W. Add one 200 Amp Senv.iee 4441 8, 000 Stenno6j Metal Co. 1600 S. W. 43rd Wike Ltg, eoppen shn. mach. 1442 250 Renton Vittage Co . 15 S. Grady way Insta22 wining 1443 250 Renton Vittage Co. 15 S. Grady Way WiAe pen plan T. U. #15- 3A X444 ?50 Date Wehmeyen 240 Rain.ieA S. Undengnound eonvens.ion E4445 200 F. H. A. - Seattte 2625 N. E. 22nd B,%ing up e2ec. senv. to coc MECHANICAL PERMITS M3771 1 , 200 Hebb 8 Nanod.iek. 3004 Mo&&is S. Inst. ptumb.ing 6 jixtunes 3772 2, 000 E. Hatvonson, Inc. 601 S. W. 7th St. Inst. gas piping system 3773 800 R. S. Shane 636 B2a.ine N. E. Inst. ptumb.ing 6 6ixtunes 3774 190 Geonge Pasco 535% Monn.is S. Inst. gas circ, sp. heaten M3775 209 Nancy D. Quate 2625 AbeAdeen NE Inst. gas hot wateA heater 3776 840 F. H. A. 2625 N. E. 22nd Inst. ptumb.ing 9 j.ixtunes SIGN PERMITS S340 100 VOIDED S341 100 Catvany Baptist Ch. 1032 Edmonds N. E. Inst, one pate sign il�■r I 0 c7 C 1 TY OF RI= NTnN MONTH OF ")€:C€:'"IS€= , 197 TRANSFFRS TO THE C h TY TREASURER 04TE J=R(M, TO F'URP()S€: TOTAL /,2-3-73 CURRENT $ 17,552.08 PARKS & RECREATION 1,648.68 ARTERIAL STREET 2,563.00 CITY STREET 1,468.20 CEDAR RIVER M & I 20. 38 LIBRARY 687.33 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMEN ' FUND (PEP) 521. 39 WORK INCENTIV"E FUND (WIN) 161.66 NEW CAREERS 106.1.0 REG & STREET FWD THIUST 3,396.68 URBAN ARTERIAL 23,024.08 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1,506.82 AIRPORT 155.06 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 653.80 FIREMEN'S PENSION 1, 129.40 CLAIMS FUND rransfers for month of December $ 54,594.66 Z-1.0-73 CURRENT $ 18,610.88 PARKS & RECREATION 31105.52 CITY STREET 31605.68 CEDAR RIMER M & I 54.18 LIBRARY 871.17 EMERGENCY `:MPLOYMI: T FUND 681.36 WORK INCENTIVE FUN) 201.68 NEW CAREERS 12:;.12 .REG & STRLET FWD MUST 28.48 URBAN AId`1'L IAL 80.96 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 1,777.02 WATERWORKS UTILITY 581298.'20 AIRPORT 4,750.0o EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6,524.39 CLAIMS 1'UND Tr-ant-1ers for iwwnth of DECEMBER -$ 98.1715.30 Warrant#9750, dated 8/25/71 1--10-73 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancol1ed hocause of stale data 150.00 PAPKS d RV rRI ATION I6,h')0..'5 (,!TY STRFFT 17,646.70 r,fOAR R I VF12 M & I 3BO.75 L1,IRAPY 7,?61).25 PUBLIC I"MnL0Yr4€_NT (rffl) 4 ,`,74.?7 WOPK 11JCr11TIV€- (141N) ` 10446.1'7 NFW CAPr1- f 9nn.00 8 rTpi rT F`IP T1 €1''T 420.80 787.71) WATF5;'OPRK9 !'T I "�I T IIS 12 R05.R6 A w RP<)F1T ()87.50 F')U I RMCN-7 ` FNTAL ?#0H4 .')0 1 R€r!r_N!S �'rr1S 1 Ort 100.00 PAYROLL Z=UNI) Tran>forra for month of 0FCFMf3FR ;16?,317.36 p i F I NANC€: D I VECTOR 309 C I TY OF RErITON MONTH OF hFOFf1BFl? -�47"5 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER DATE FROM, TO PUPPOSF TOTAL /,2-17-73 CURRENT $ 7114?0.25 PARKS $ RFCRFATION 4,722.n3 ARTFRIAL STRFFT 2,849.On CITY STRFFT 4?,057.48 LIBRARY 4,416.69 REG R STRFFT FWD T11 ?UST 6?, 5F30.3:i URBAN ARTFRIAL 69, )09.731.I BRARYrnr•ISTRUCT 10 1 FUND 3,306.46 AIRPORT CONSTRUCT I0 1 FUND 06.3 I WATFRWORKS UTILITY 4,()?().SO AIRPORT FOU I PMFNT RENTAL l �1 .nn 1 ,216.03 F I RFMEN'S ?I=NS I ON f ,-58 5.4 2 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of DFCFMnFR $228,370. 14 CLAIMS FUND CURRENT FUND Cancelled warrant# 61200 becauso $ 4.00 unclaimed by payee CLAIMS FUND FIREMEN'S PENSION Cancelled warrant# 4545, $ 90,00 unauthorized expenditure err CURRENT 1, 97,410.58 PARKS & RECREATION 180239. 13 CI1Y STREET 170481 .06 CEDAR RIVER M & 1 389.75 LIBRARY 70073.26 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (PEP) WORK INCENTIVE 1 ,717. 13 NEW CAREERS 900.00 REG & STREET FWD T 2UST 474.58 URBAN ARTERIAL 48271 .30 WATERWORKS UTILITIES 13,081 .34 AIRPORT 1 ,004.41 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,744.50 FIREMEN'S PENSION + 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of DECEMBER $170,407.29 i YOR FINANCE DIRECTOR 310 C I T Y O F R E N T O N MONTH OF DFCFh1BEF2, 1973 TRANSFERS TO THE CITY TREASURER D*TE FROM TO PURPOSE: TOTAL /Z/31/73 CURRENT $ 580458.37 .PARKS & RECREATION 80108.57 CITY STREET 110828. 18 CEDAR RIVER M & 1 20.38 LIBRARY 687.33 EMERGENCY EMPLOYME T FUND (I'E:f) 521 .39 WORK INCENTIVE FUN (WIN) 161 .66 NEW CAREERS 106. 10 REG 8 STREET FWD TIRUST 51 ,264.94 URBAN ARTERIAL' 1100961 .50 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND 3,675.01 WATERWORKS UTILITY 270990.56 AIRPORT 264.53 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,247.97 FIREMENAS RENSION 1 715.31 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of DECEMBER 9278 011 .80 URRENT $ 52,297.96 PARKS 3 RECREATION 200592.90 CITY STREET 281874.02 CEDAR RIVER M 3 1 817.06 LIBRARY 120801 .66 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMEN FUND(PEP) 1 ,730.75 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 860.37 NEW CAREERS 52.5.69 FED. SHARED REV. FU D 4090400.00 REG & STREET FWD TH UST 4,903.76 URBAN ARTERIAL 39,031 .89 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTIO FUND 845.90 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTIO FUND 3, 147.63 WATERWORKS UTILITY 95, 195. 10 AIRPORT 813.28 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7 289'82 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of DECEMBER $679, 127.79 STREET FUND STREET FWD THRUST Repay loan; Resolution# 1851 $5130533.00 (Prin; $500,000.00 ) ( int; 13,533.00 ) t�,DrDCK �B�X 3(0(XUA(ot0(6�c�cb(xOr�cr�bcX,a�td�a( $ 5c�cX®(6c I STREET FUND CUMULATIVE Per Resolution# 1888 $ 20825.00 RESERVE#2755 YOR v� FINANCE DIRECTOR I i 311 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting office of the City Clerk January 7 , 1974 CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE- CARRIER Claims for Damages filed by: Mrs. Evelyn M. Brunette Mr. Richard William Pohl Mr. Thomas Harold Burton Mr. Ray Clayton Holmes OJMMITTEE OF :HE WHOLE Proposed Ordinance re Council Meetings COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Supplemental Agreements re Green River Watershed Drainage Plan FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Legislative Aide Duties LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Eastwood Park Annexation Ordinance establishing Public Works Department (First Reading 1/7/74) Ordinance re Council Decorum (First Reading 1/7174) Ordinance re Mining, Grading &.Excavation (First Reading 117174) Matter of Surplus Traffic controller +!atter of Council Endorsement of 215174 School Lev?, Subject of City sidewalks for ,sales items _MAYIGR AND CITY C L,' !' ATrls;_Ized to sign Firefighters Addendum to Labor Contract PLAN IN(I.^G COMMISSION Letter-from Victoria Park Homeowners Assoc. , Inc. re oil storage facility in Valley Whi tRun Court Street Vacation r� PLANNING DIRECTOR Environmental Assessment of Lind Ave. S.W. watermain project PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Subject of Overtime Speaking Assignments in Uniformed Departments PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Late-Comers Request of Mr. Wm. McLaughlin Bids for Watermain in N. 3rd TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Vacation of Jefferson Ave. N.E. at Index Ave. N.E. near N.E. 10th St . Porter Parking Problem APPOINTMENTS Mr. Larry Gibson to the Planning Commission, term expiring 1/1/78 Mr. Gary Dime to the Aviation Board (reappointment) , term expiring 1116176 Mr. Harry Haight to the Board of Ehics, term expiring 12/31177 Mr. Ray Peretti to the Renton Municipal Arts Commission, term expiring 12131176 Provisional appointment to Renton Police DepartmentlClerk/Mrs. Deverly Brown 0 1 `? RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 7, 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to Order ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY,-CHARLES DELAURENTI, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN RICHARD M. STREDICKE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke arrived at 8:15 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt.; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aid. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL There being no additions or corrections to the Council Minutes of 12/17/73 December 17, 1973, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MINUTES OF 12/17/73 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Proposed Vacation published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Portion of Jefferson Hearing on the proposed vacation of a portion of Jefferson Ave. Ave. N.E. at N.E. from a point 175.43 feet North of N.E. 10th Street to Index Index Ave. N.E. Ave. N.E. , hearing continued from December 17, 1973. Transportation Committee Chairman Perry reported field trip to site by the CowAait- Continued from tee along with representative of the petitioners and letter of 12/17/73 acceptance to be filed by petitioners agreeing to negotiated price. Letter from Air. Jay E. Holmes, Mr. Roy J. Goodwin, petitioners and Mr. Eugene M. Richards requested Council approval of the vacation of portion of Jefferson Ave. N.E. allowing one year for the neces- sary plans, impact statements, etc. to complete the sale. Letter stated that when Building permit obtained, price would be negoti- ated on the easement, and that if the owners cannot complete the sale as planned, street vacation not desired at this time. Trans- portation Committee report read by City Clerk Mead recommended the vacation be granted subject to the negotiated price of $6,814 which represents 1/2 estimated value at $1.00 per square foot ($13,628) , and further recommended that the vacation, if approved, be referred to the Transportation Committee to hold for a maxi- mum of 45 days or until the petitioners request the matter be taken from the Committee and referred to the Legislation Committee Vacation Approved for proper ordinance. Mr. Jay E. Holmes of Holmes Electrical Subject to Waiting Contractors, explained the request for one-year period to complete Period of sale of property. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, AMEND up to One Year COMMITTEE REPORT CHANGING 45 DAYS TO ONE YEAR. CARRIED. MOVED Plus Negotiated BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TRANSPORTATION Price COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED. CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and notices having been posted and published Eastwood Park as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on Annexation annexation of the Eastwood Park area located north of N.E. Sunset Blvd. , west of 138th Ave. S.E. , east of City Limits (east of 30 Acres with Glenco Subdivision) ; and south of S.E. 101st St. . This hearing 20 Undeveloped to consider 75% petition presented to Co1�nci.l _9110/73, . hearing on 10% petition held 8/27/73. Area to be annexed contains 34 parcels with all but 7 included in petition. Planning Director Ericksen Petition showed slides of the area. Letter from the Boundary Review Board Signatures represent reported favorably on the proposed annexation of property to the 75% of Total I City with the Board not choosing to invoke jurisdiction, no pro- Assessed Valuation tests received. City Clerk Mead recommended Council proceed with of District the annexation and refer same to the Legislation Committee for annexation ordinance. Upon inquiry from Councilman Bruce, Public Works Director Gonnason explained proposed sewers for area. Ericksen noted bonded indebtedness accepted, though none remaining, I X13 Renton City Council Minutes 1/7/74 Meeting - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Eastwood Park matter of Comprehensive Plan and zoning accepted by petitioners. Annexation MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Continued MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ACCEPT ANNEXATION AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented #359 - 386 committee recommendation for payment of Vouchers 359 through 386 Machine Voided in the amount of $278,011.80, plus L.I.D. 279 Revenue-#3 warrant #387 - 585 Plus in amount of $18,844.83 and Cash-3 in amount of $18,844.83, having L.I.D. Warrants received Departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services (#359 - 386 machine voided) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report recommending first reading and referral back to committee of an First Reading ordinance establishing and creating a "Department of Public Works" Ordinance providing for appointment of a Director, specifying his duties, Establishing providing for the establishment and operation of Divisions within Department of said department. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, Public Works COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and Ordinance re referral back to committee of an ordinance establishing procedures Council Decorum at City Council Meetings, powers and duties of presiding officers, rules of debate, enforcement of order and decorum and matters relating thereto. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READ- ING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance by City Clerk Mead, Legislation Chairman Perry noted ordinance presented six weeks ago had been revised that agenda items would be accepted by the City Clerk until noon on Monday preceding the regular meeting and agenda available to the Council members by 3:00 P.M. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and Mining, Grading referral back to committee on the mining, excavation and grading & Excavation ordinance. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CONCUR IN Ordinance REPORT AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. Councilman Grant explained history of ordinance and MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk read ordinance and same referred to the Legislation Committee. Ordinance #2818 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final Amending Police readings and adoption of an ordinance placed on first reading Regulations -- 12117173, relating to public safety and morals, pertaining to Sats Uniform obscenity as recently defined by U.S. Supreme Court. MOVED BY S*a .dard in SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOM- S :ate re MENDATION. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance, it was Obscenity Definition MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. Roll Call showed unanimous Council affirmation and MOTION CARRIED. )rdinance #2819 Legislation Committee report recommended the ordinance creating stablishing and establishing "Central Stores Revolving Fund" for the purchase Central Stores of office supplies, material and equipment, designating the Revolving Fund "Director of Finance" as the official in charge of administering i f said fund, be placed on first, second and final readings. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND PLACE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Roll call resulted in unanimous Council approval, MOTION CARRIED. 314 Renton City Council. Minutes 1/7/74 Meeting -Page 3 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution #1887 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption Cedar River M & I - of a resolution authorizing the Director of Finance to transfer Balance of Funds balance of $30,489.13 in the City's Cedar River M & I Fund unto & Responsibilities the City Street Fund, and latter fund assuming the responsibility Transferred to for maintaining and improving Cedar River as required by law. City Street Fund MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND RESOLUTION BE PRESENTED. CARRIED. Following reading of the resolution by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1888 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of Paths and Trails a resolution $2,825 from Street Fund to Paths and Trails Capital Outlay. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND RESOLUTION BE PRESENTED. CARRIED. Following reading of resolution, Legislation Committee Chairman Perry explained .5% gas tax mandatory for paths and trails. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Mr. William L. McLaughlin, Jr. , 10630 S.E. 176th Request for St. , requested "late-comers" agreement for sewer line to his Late-Comers property at 4509 Talbot Rd. S. in order to recover some costs on Mr. Wm. L. McLaughlin his installation. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COMMUNICA- TION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested final pay- CAG-055-73 ment of the Talbot Road South sanitary sewer project, LID 279, Talbot Rd.S. Sewer in the amount of $18,844.83, recommending that the Council Threeway Construction accept completion of the project as of January 7, 1974. The letter stated due to weather and mud conditions, the contractor, Threeway Construction, Inc. has filed a $1,000 performance bond to guarantee final restoration in the spring. Also, if after thirty days no liens or claims are filed against this project and proof of tax liabilities if received, it is recom- mended that the retained amount be paid the contractor. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Victoria Park Letter from Victoria Park Homeowners Assoc. , Inc. opposed instal- Homeowners Oppose lation of oil storage tanks in the Green River Valley in the Oil Storage Tanks City because of the proximity of the tanks to Victoria Park which may create a fire hazard causing personal property insur- ance rates to increase, because with the proposed Olympic pipe Zine and tank farm only a step from a fully developed refinery, pollution dangers increase, because additional industrialization of the Valley will contribute to smog problems caused by heat inversion, and because the fertile soil would be destroyed as agricultural land. The letter stated the Planning Commission and City Council should give consideration to denial of the tank stor- age permit, asking consideration of alternative site Port of Seattle land near SEA-TAC Airport. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, CONNUMICATION BE FORWARDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Parking Problems Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported objections Vicinity of Mr. Porter of Porter's Marina to people parking on vacant River Road and City property adjacent to property he leases from the City North 6th Street which is near Boeing plant entrance. Letter stated a basic policy question involved if City should prohibit parking on its property to force pay-parking on Porter's lot, with the net result of forcing parking to another free area. The letter recom- mended this matter be referred to the Transportation Committee for further consideration of and disucssions with Mr. Porter. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. I I I i Renton City Council Minutes 1/7/74 Meeting - Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINFSS - Continued Green River Watershed Letter from Mayor Garrett requested authorization for execution Drainage Plans of supplemental work plan agreements with King County Department of Public Works as the coordinating sponsor for the Green River Watershed Drainage Plans with the U. S. Soil Conservation Service. These aqreements replace and supersede the original Watershed Work Plan Agreement executed in 1966, with no change in original intent or basis of the agreement and make no commitment of funds. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. "Claims for Damages City Clerk Mead presented the following Claims for Damages filed with her office: Mrs. Evelyn M. Brunette, 2923 N.E. 8th St. , Renton, alleged damae due to protruding pipes. Mr. Richard William Pohl, 8819 S. 222nd, Kent, alleged damage due to holes in roadway, S.W. 43rd St. Mr. Thomas Harold Burton, 10407 S. . 174th, Renton, alleged dam- age due to holes in roadway, S. 180th St. Mr. Ray Clayton Holmes, 21044-184th S.E. , Renton, alleged dam- age due to protruding pipes. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Traffic Controller Letter from Purchasing Agent Church requested Council concurrence Declared Surplus to declare a Type F19 circuit traffic controller surplus, so that negotiations can be made to sell controller to the City of Auburn. The value of the replaced controller is estimated at $100. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE PURCHASING AGENT AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED aid Opening City Clerk Mead reported December 20, 1973 bid opening for water- Watermain main installation in North Third Street from Houser Way to the bwNo- *_h St. Mt. Olivet stool tank (t._abu7ation attached) with five bidders. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mrs. Beverly Brown to the Police Department position of Clerk in the Police Department on a provisional Clerk appointment to allow the Civil Service Commission time to estab- lish a new eligibility list. Mrs. Brown has been filling a PEP position, but was unable to pass the physical required by Civil Service. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Municipal Arts Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. Ray Peretti, 17819 - 110th Commission Ave. S. to the Renton Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year Mr. R. Peretti term to expire December 31, 1976. The Renton businessman replaced Mr. Robert Lally who was not able to accept reappointment due to business commitments. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of Whole Council President Clymer presented Committee of the Whole report Report recommending Council concurrence in the Labor Negotiation Committee recommendation, authorizing the signing of Addendum with Fire- Firefighters #864 fighters Local 864 agreement. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Labor Negotiations PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, fto MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Overtime Speaking Committee of the Whole report recommended that the subject of Assignments overtime speaking assignments in the uniformed departments be referred to the Public Safety Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT, CARRIED. Legislative Aide MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REPORT PREPARED AND PRES- ENTED TO COUNCIL BY MR. SCOTT HASKINS RE DUTIES OF LEGISLATIVE AIDE OR SYSTEMS ANALYST BE REFERRED TO FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. 316 Renton City Council Minutes 1/7/74 Meeting - Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Lind Ave. S.W. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THE PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBMIT Watermain Project ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT RATHER THAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATE- 16th SW - Tank Farm MENT ON THE LIND AVE. S.W. WATERMAIN PROJECT. Inquiries Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Public Works Director reported working with State on traffic signals at Maple Valley "Y" and that the Traffic Engineer will be reporting back. Also that the traffic signals would be reinstated on S. 3rd at Williams and Wells Streets. Councilman Grant also inquired about gas prices during crises, 21R Representative Malgarini reporting Federal Government asked cooperation in reporting any price gouging. Planning Commission Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted Appointment Confirmed committee report concurring in the Mayor's recommendation to Mr. L. Gibson appoint Mr. Larry Gibson to the Planning Commission. MOVED BY Term expires 1/1/78 PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF Replaces Mr. Lemon MR. GIBSON TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett introduced Mr. Gibson owner of Hilands Barber Shop. Aviation Board The Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Appointment Confirmed Mayor's reappointment of Mr. Gary Dime to the Aviation Board. Mr. G. Dime MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Term expires 1.1/6/76 APPOINTMENT OF MR. DIME. CARRIED. Board of Ethics The Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Appointment Confirmed Mayor's appointment of Mr. Harry Haight to the Board of Ethics Mr. H. Haight representinq the Renton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Replaces Mr. Hughes term expiring December 31 , 1977. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. C'ARRIE'D. W;ii.tman Court Street Transportation Comm itt,_,s ch,_tlrm=in 11r_rry presented rnmmittee Vacation report requesting the Planning Commission review dnd repc.d. hack Planning Commission on the Whitman Court Street Vacation, series of meetings having to review problems been held with the affected property owners with no acceptable re Access and Zoning solution being reached. MOVED BYPERRY, SECONDED BY SCHEJLERT, COMMITTEE REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION To REPORT BACK TO THE CITY COUNCIL. I%ollowing discussions on the need to resolve access and land use and whether to refer matter to Planning Department, roll call vote resulted in 2 NO'S: BRUCE AND STREDICKE, 5 AYES: CLYMER, GRANT, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Clymer presented proposed ordinance amending City Code 1-503 setting regular City Council meetings the first Proposed Ordinance and third Mondays of the month with special meetings or Committee Re Council Meetings of the Whole meetings on the second and fourth Mondays. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COM- MITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION. City Attorney She.11an ad- vised proposed ordinance would meet provisions of the open meet- ing law. MOTION CARRIED. Committee on Council President Clymer appointed Councilmen Bruce, Grant and Committees Perry to the Committee on Committees and named Councilman Flcr.ril as Chairman, asking that Council Committee members be determined. Clymer also submitted to the committee, the matter of City's representative to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, Grant having advised he would be unable to continue serving. I Public Transportation Council President Clymer asked that the Transportation Committee study the matter of public transportation in the Renton area that it serve the people with transportation into Renton, as well as in and out of Seattle. Clymer asked for strong Transportation Committee to look at .intergovernmental cooperation. Endorsement of MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MATTER OF TIEENDORSEMENT February 5, 1974 OF THE SCHOOL LEVY BY THE CITY COUNCIL BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLA- School Election TION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. .317 Renton City Council Minutes 1/7/74 Meeting - Page 6 NEW BUSINESS - Continued Use of Public Councilman Stredicke inquired as to the newspaper stands, gum Right of Way ball machines and other items placed on sidewalks in the core area of the City. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Display of Magazines - Mayor Garrett referred to Police Chief Darby the matter of dis- How Relates to New play of magazines and literature being of questionable nature bmw Obscenity Ordinance in those types of businesses that may be frequented by youths, investigation being requested by Councilman Stredicke. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd.S. , asked that traffic lights be reinstalled on S. Third St. at Williams and Wells Streets Mr. F. Cenkovich due to difficulty in crossing S. Third. Mayor Garrett announced swearing-in ceremony for the re-elected Councilmen would be held January 14, 1974, with Justice Robert Hunter of the State Supreme Court officiating. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. City Council Meeting adjourned at 10:33 p.m. I Delores A. Mead, City dlerk Irr ail I 318 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 12/31/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF Fi- ,ND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS VC,o CURRENT 387 459 $589458.37 PARKS AND RECREATION 460 490 $8. 108.57 CITY STREET 491 506 $11 .828018 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 507 508 $20.38 LIBRARY 509 512 $687.33 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 513 516 5521 .39 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 517 518 $161 .66 NEW CAREERS 519 52.0 $106. 10 RE76s AND STREET FWD THRUST 521 530 $51 .264.94 URBAN ARTERIAL 531 535 $1109961 .50 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 536 538 539675001 WATERWORKS UTILITY 539 561 5279990.56 AIRPORT 552 567 $264.53 EQUIPMENT R N TAL -3 06 0 5 A 2 $2 x 247.97 FIREMEN PENSION 583 585 $19715..31 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS S2T89011080 WE9 THE UNDERSIGNED MEMRERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE PENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OH SERVICES HAVE REEK RECFIVE0 OR RENDERE09 DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 387 THROUGH NO, 585 IN THE AMOUNT OF $2789011 .80 THIS 31 OF DECEMBER 1973 L. I .D./ 279 FINANCE C MITTEE REMENUE-3 $18,844.83 CASH-3 $18,844.83 .t C MMITTEE ME ER COM TEE HEM , I :320 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK January 7 , 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMO "Jm NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 83569 $ 2 , 800 Jerome Faull 300 S . 3rd Street Add 10 ' x 16 ' ft. additior. 3570 450 Banker' s Auto 405 S . 7th Street Repl . fence with ch. link 3571 3 , O00 V. ?dc-ttola 2.817 N.E . Sunset B1 . Remove partitions , ts ":'ound For:': 750 Rainicr S . Usnd car sales office 3573 5 , 00(1 Wash, Jotjkay Ci. iongacres R"i..t, - c-,i-ist . of kiosk 3574 18 , 000 Wash. Jockey CI. Longacres Race Course -- Supply Bldg./Whse. B3575 18 , 500 S . C. Witsoe 2301 N.E . 27th Pl . New family residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4446 600 R. P. Rosa 307 S . l9th St . Wire new residence 4447 1 , 115 Standard Oil 255 Rainier Ave . S . Inst. undergr. conversion 4448 235 Kerry Anderson 2505 Meadow N. Wire new add. -Serv. panel 4449 650 Rigby Constr. 923 S . 30th Pl . Wire new residence F4450 650 Rigby Constr. 920 S . 30th P1 . Wire new residence 445i 6'JO Rigby Constr. 926 S . 30th Pl . Wire new residence 4,152 200 Michael ' s T.V. 228 Wells Ave . S . Inst. 25 outlets for T.V. 4453 250 Dr. R. Evoy 203 S. 4th Place Underground conversion 4454 250 Dr. R. Evoy 229 S. 4th Place Underground conversion B4455 1 , 000 Dr . R. Evoy 215-221-227 S.W. 4th Underground conversion 4456 250 Dr. R. Evoy 231-33-35 S . 4th Pl . Underground conversion 4457 250 Dr. R. Evoy 241 S . 4th Place Underground conversion 4458 75 Hebb & Narodick 3004 Morris 3 . Inst. temporary service 4459 /S S & H Xigas Farms Rtn. Shop . Ctr. .Inst. temporary service cnd 75 Povreli Const . 1600 Camas N.E. Inst. temporary service 4461 600 P . D. T'G:ohne 1112 N. 33rd Pl . Wire new residence 4462 00 ;•,r . Am.es 21407 Meadow . 44E,3 i0 W. A. Thompson 617 ac:,', dryer 44G4 50 St. Luke ' s 81 Wells Ave. S . UnderG: ound sei .-ice ! 44.35 400 Wise Residence 250 Park Ave . N. New serv, for duplex 4466 1 , 700 N. M. Schultz 534-536 Williams N. Inst. wiring - new duplek 4467 300 Mike Smith 1234 S. 3rd St. Chg. serv. to 200 amp 4468 1 , 500 Mrs. L. Backman 300 Blk. - S . 2nd Undergr. serv.-6 units 4469 1 , 455 T .G .O. F. Hall 701-707 S . 3rd St. Undergr. serv. -3 units 4470 625 A. F . Koome , MD 1010 S . 2nd St . Inst . alarm sys . in Clinic 4471 50 E. Wallenberg 108 Wells Ave . S . Underground conversion 4472 650 Hebb & Narodick 920 S . 28th Court Wire new residence MECHANICAL PERMITS M3777 1 , 500 Sambo ' s Rest. 610 Rainier S . Sprinkler System/landsc. 3778 620 Rigby Dev. Co . 920 S . 30th P1 . Gas furnace 3779 620 Rigby Dev . Co. 923 S . 30th P1 . Gas furnace M3780 620 Rigby Dev. Co . 926 S . 30th P1 . Gas fur%ace 3781 600 P. D. Donohue 1112 N . 33rd P1 . Electric furnace 3782 900 P. D. Donohue 1112 N. 33rd P1 . Inst. Plumbing & fixtures 3783 3 , 500 Vince Mottola 2817 Sunset Blvd . NE Inst. Plumbing & fixtures 3784 1 , 700 Winchell Donut 3116 Sunset Blvd. NE Inst. hood and dust M3785 1 , 000 Powell Const. 1600 Camas N.E . Inst. plumbing & fixtures SEWER PERMITS 1986 Patrick Donohue 1112 N. 33rd P1 . Connect side sewer 1987 Void 1988 W. A. Husenspeller 3800 7th N. E . Repair side sewer 1989 Hank Loban 1153 Aberdeen N. E. Connect side sewer 1990 Hank Loban 1151 Aberdeen N.E . Connect side sewer i 1 1 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF January 7 , 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYMER CCMKMTY SERVICES 1/10 , Thurs . 9 : 30 a .m. GRANT 3rd Fir. Conf . Rm. Ad Hoc Sign Committee /10 , Thurs . 8 : 00 p .m. Planning Dept. reps and members of the Shoreline Management Citizen ' s Commitee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL /10 , Thurs . 4 : 30 p .m. SCHELLERT Job description for Legislative Aide & ther referrals LEGISLATION PERRY PUBLIC SAFETY DELA. RENTI PUBLIC WORKS 1/10 , Thur s BRUCE 4th Fir . Conf . Rm . TRANSPORTATION PERRY OTHER MEETINCSAND EVENTS COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES 1/12 , Sat. 9 : 30 a .m. PERRY 6th Fir . Conf. Rm. M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JANUARY_ 7e 1974 WATERMAIN INSTALLATION - N. 3rd STREET Bid Opening - December 20, 1973 BB AA SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE C TOTAL CONTRACTOR EEO The Ballard Co . X $ 74 ,865. 14 $ 9 , 653 . 90 $ 22 , 312 . 54 $106, 831. 58 153% N.W. Ballaxd Way Seattle, WA 98107 Frank Coluccio Constr. Co. X $ 66, 535 . 91 $ 10, 214. 10 $ 20, 110. 19 $ 96,860. 20 9600 Empire Way So. ! Seattle , WA 98118 DiOrio Construction Co. X $ 65 , 528 . 19 $ 11, 418. 73 $ 23 , 778. 85 $1000725. 77 7265 2nd Ave. So. Seattle, WA 98108 LDL Land Development Co. X $103 ,180. 31 $ 11 ,836. 56 $ 30, 601. 23 $145, 61.8. 10 1529 West Valley Hwy. No. $145 ,196. 90* Auburn, WA 98002 L. R, Stanley Const. Co. X $ 78, 387 ,88 $ 13 , 939. 61 $ 22 , 767. 97 $115, 095. 46 P. 0. Box 747 $115,096. 06* rssaquah, WA 98027 Engineering Corrections Engineering Estimate $101 , 000 322 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 14 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Matter of Public-Use Areas in Highlands PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Work with Fire Civil Service Commission on replacement of Fire Chief Matter of purchasing new police vehicles PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Solutions to turn lanes at intersection of Logan Ave. & N. 3rd to Transportation Committee LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Matter of addition of Intergovernmental Affairs TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE BN RR R/W Intersection (turn lanes) Logan Ave. & N. 3rd SPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS Special Meeting of Council January 30, 1974 8:00 P.M. i 323 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 14, 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D, BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI , and .. HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; TED BENNETT, Accounting and Investment Supervisor. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 7, 1/7/74 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. { VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented com- #586-644 Voided mittee recommendation for payment of Vouchers 645 through 890 in #645--890 Approved the amount of $679,127.79 having received Departmental certifica- tion as to receipt of merchandise and/or services (#586 through #644 machine voided by Data Processing) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry recommended second and final RESOLUTIONS readings and adoption of the Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordi- Ordinance No. 2820 nance, which was introduced to the Council for first reading M, ,nr� on January 7, 1974. The various Council committees and Departments g Excavatian had been workino or this legislation for the past several years. and Grading A subsec�uent MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN LEGISLATION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance regulating mining, excavation, grading, site rehabilitation and reuse, standards , establishing procedures, and prescribing penalties for violation, as amended. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll call resulted -in unanimous approval by the Council members. CARRIER Ordinance No. 2821Legislation Committee Chairman Perry recommended first, second and Special Permits _ final readings and adoption of an Ord finance relating to require- for Mining ments and standards for issuance of Special Permits for mining, Excavation excavation and grading. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, b Grading -- COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Following Addition to Zoning reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Code DELAURENTI , COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Clerk read ordinance and it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll call vote ALL AYES, MOTION CARRIED. Resolution No. '1889 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry recommended readina and adop- Renton Sc ----'-w _- tion of a resolution supporting Renton School District special Operating Levy School Operating Levy to be placed on the ballot February 5, 1974 2/5/74 Election - in the total sum of $9,852,941 to be collected in the calendar Support Urged year 1975 for the purpose of maintenance and operation at a minimum amlevel . City Clerk Mead read the resolution calling upon all electors to approve levy and urging support. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. Council- man Stredicke noted urgency of passage of school levy. Councilman Bruce abstained from voting. MOTION CARRIED, RESOLUTION ADOPTED. OATH OF OFFICE MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES, City Councilmen CHANGING ORDER OF AGENDA, THAT OATH OF OFFICE 'TO NEWLY ELECTED Sworn in by OFFICIALS BE PRESENTED. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett introduced the Judge R. H. Hunter Honorable Robert H. Hunter, Judge of the Washington State Supreme Court, who administered the Oath of Office to reelected City of Renton Councilmen Charles Delaurenti , Kenneth D. Bruce and Earl Clymer and presented Certificate of Election to each of the three Councilman elected 11/6/76. Following the ceremony, Judge Hunter 324 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 1/14/74 - Page 2 OATH OF OFFICE - Continued Four Year Terms introduced Charles Delaurenti , II , who had been Law Clerk for him Commencing while serving on the bench for Washington Supreme Court. Judge 1/14/74 Hunter related experiences as City Attorney with Grand Coulee dur- ing construction of the dam. Councilman Delaurenti introduced his wife and sons. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUN- CIL RECESS FOR 30 MINUTES. CARRIED. Congratulations were ex- tended to the newly installed Councilmen and refreshments were served in the lunchroom, coffee and cake furnished by Renton Chamber of Commerce. City Council reconvened at 9:00 p.m. with City Clerk Calling Roll ; all Councilmen present. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Fire Chief Walls confirmed retirement from the City, establishing March 16, 1974 as the effective date, extending appreciation to those who have assisted during his career with the mire Department. Chief Walls noted January 28, would be his last Council meeting, his vacation commencing 2/1/74. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE MATTER OF REPLACEMENT OF THE FIRE CHIEF BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO WORK WITH THE FIRE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ON THE REPLACEMENTS KEEPING THE COUNCIL ADVISED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Dixie Ann Johnson, 11655 142nd Ave. S.E. , Renton, asked investigation of turn lane from Logan Ave. to N. Third St. , deem- Mrs. Dixie Johnson ing same as dangerous. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE TURN LANES AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN AVE. AND N. THIRD STREET BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REVIEW SOLUTIONS AS PRESENTED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRLCTOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS _ Labor Contract Council President Clymer noted Council 's Labor Negotiating Local 21R Committee had placed the proposed contract between Local 21R 1/1/74 - 1/1/76 of Washington State Public Employees and the City before the Councilmen. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN. Upon inquiry from Councilman Perry, 21R Representative Cliff Davis reported agreement as presented was acceptable, had been approved by members of the Union. Councilman Clymer complimented the City's Personnel Director White and the Council ' s Negotiating Committee for work done, noting no outside consultant had been hired as in past. MOTION CARRIED. (See later action. ) New Police Cars MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE MATTER OF PURCHAS- Proposed ING NEW POLICE VEHICLES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Legislative Aide Council President Clymer introduced Council 's new Legislative Aide, Mr. Scott Haskins, who had been interviewed by the Finance and Personnel Committee. Clymer noted Leqislative Aide reported to Council President and indirectly to all Councilmen. 12/20/73 Bid Opening Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report N. 3rd St. - Houser recommending that the N. 3rd Street water main bid be awarded to Way to Mt. Olivet Coluccio Construction Co. , authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk Steel Tank to sign the contract. Frank Coluccio Construction Co. , low bidder in the amount of $96,860.20. The committee report stated their recommendation stipulates Schedule "C" of the contract be financed .. from the Utilities Department Capital Outlay Account, to be re- imbursed from pending bond issue. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Upon Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Public Works Director Gonnason explained project would eliminate tearing up street in the future, this Schedule"C" a portion of one of the projects to be included in proposed bond issue. MOTION CARRIED. Landscaping Councilman Grant inquired of Public Works Director Gonnason re land- N.E. Sunset Blvd. scaping on N.E. Sunset Blvd. , being advised City Project should be Removed Access Road completed in Spring in the Highlands location. 3z.,r Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 1/14/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Railroad Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant, Public Works Director Gonnason Right of Way reported Burlington Norther retains title to right of way, includ- ing river crossing near Logan Ave. Bridge, that a portion of this right of way being recommended for lease to expand water shops and yard and for parking. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, I#IATTER OF LEASING OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY NEAR BOEING FOR PARKING AND COMPLIANCE OF SAME WITH PARKING AND LOADING ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Committee on Committee on Committees Chairman Perry presented committee report Committees Report recommending committee assignments for the Council for the year 1974: COMMUNITY SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY Council Committees Bil Grant, Chairman Charles Delaurenti , Chairman for 1974 Kenneth Bruce Kenneth Bruce Charles Delaurenti Bill Grant FINANCE & PERSONNEL PUBLIC WORKS Henry Sche lert, Chairman Kenneth Bruce, Chairman Richard Stredicke Bill Grant George Perry Henry Schellert LEGISLATION TRANSPORTATION Richard Stredicke, Chairman George Perry, Chairmaj, George Perry Richard Stredicke Henry Schellert Charles Delaurenti MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. New Committee The Committee on Committees report also recommended that for 1974 a special committee of the Council be appointed as follows: GOALS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVIEW Bill Grant, Chairman N Kenneth Bruce Henry Schellert Committee would review all the capital improvements recommended for deletion or addition to the 1974 priorities. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Perry asked City Attorney Shellan re Open Meeting Act as pertains to Council committee meetings, being advised the three-member meetings exempt from publishing, posting and noti- fication, while when a majority of Councilmen (4) named to a Open Meeting Act committee, those meetings would be subject to requireuients of the Act, but that a Councilman ocassionally attending a three-member meeting to which he was not a member, would not constitute a viola- tion; Open Meeting Act being reason for proposed changes to Com- mittee of the Whole Meetings. MOTION CARRIED. Puget Sound The Committee report recommended that the City's two representa- Governmental tives to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference be Mayor Avery Conference Reps. Garrett and Councilman Richard Stredicke, and the City Clerk to so notify. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Alternate Delegate The Committee report recommended that Councilman Stredicke be Metro Council named as the City's alternate delegate to the Metro Council , pro- viding the Council has the authority to make such an appointment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Perry introduced letter to himself from Administrative Assistant Lynch re Metro procedure for designating alternate voting delegates, Metro having reaffirmed decision on 9/20/73 not to allow alternate voting delegates except specific meetings when voting delegate unable to attend and with proper notification. PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Council Committee MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE MATTER OF ADDITION OF Restructuring "INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS" TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE BE REFER- Studied RED TO THAT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 326 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 1/14/74 - Page 4 NEW BUSINESS Open Meeting Act Councilman Stredicke inquired re proposed changes to Councir and Committee of the Whole meetings, whether Special Meetings will require a full City Staff with City Clerk and Recorder, City Attorney Shellan advising "yes" unless Council would retire to Executive Session. Public-Use Areas MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER OF THE PUBLIC-USE AREAS Highldnds IN THE HIGHLANDS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. Labor Contract Personnel Director White presented Agreement with Local 21R, ap- Local 21R proved earlier in meeting, noting need for two changes; first, Page 6 Item C which was agreed to by Union Representative Cliff Davis. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, LABOR CONTRACT BE AMENDED AS OUTLINED BY PERSONNEL DIRECTOR AND IN AGREEMENT WITH LOCAL 21R. CARRIED. Personnel Director White noted second change Page 15, Article 18 - Priority of State and City Laws. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES TO DISCUSS AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 10:15 p.m. and Roll Call verified presence of all Councilmen. Personnel Director CAG-001-74 White again presented changes to Page 15, Article 18 - Priortiy Signed of State and City Laws , adding to the contract that in conflict, State Law would prevail . Local 21R Representative Davis reported addition was acceptable. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CONTRACT BE AMENDED AS OUTLINED BY PERSONNEL DIRECTOR AND AGREED TO BY LOCAL 21R. CARRIED. Agreement then signed by Mayor Garrett , Local 21R (Washington State Council of County and City Employees ) Representative Davis and 21R Secretary Hanis , along with City Clerk Mead. woo Councilman Stredicke introduced Mr. Ken Bechtel , Managing Editor and Reporter of the Greater Renton News. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADJOURN. City of Renton Council Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Delores A. Mead, ity Clerk 327 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 12/31/73 BEGIN ENNNG TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF oo FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT bas 697 $52, 297996 PARKS AND RECREATION 698 717 $20, 592990 CITY STREET 718 731 •28, 874902 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 732 735 $817906 LIBRARY 736 791 $12r8O1966 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 792 795 $1A730975 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 796 798 •860937 NEW CAREERS 799 NOl $525969 FEDERAL SHARED REV . FUND 802 802 64090400900 RE39 AND STREET FWD THRUST 803 815 !4/ 903976 URBAN ARTERIAL 816 822 $39j031989 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND 823 8126 $845990 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 827 831 $3, 147963 WATERWORKS UTILITY 832 8157 $95x195910 AIRPORT 858 865 $813928 u.. EQUIPMENT RENTAL 866 890 $79289982 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $6791127979 WEA THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCILo HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDP DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NOs 645 THROUGH N0. 890 IN THE AMOUNT OF 0679, 127979 THIS 31 OF DECEMBER 1973 If FINANCE COMJITTEE --- ---�""- -•�-- -_ ®ash w �� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR C� Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CO101ITTEE AETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF January 14, 1974 C OMMITTEE DATE TUE CHAIFA"-, LOC AT ION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Wed. , 1/30 7:30 F.M. Council Chambers Special Council Meeting to discuss proposed meeting ordinance CaMMUNITY SERVICES Thurs. , 1/17 8:00 P.M. GRANT 3rd F1r. Conf. Rm. Shoreline Master Plan FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Mon. , 1/21 7:30 P.M. SCHELLERT Chairman's Office Finance Dept. re 1973 appropriations & 1974 Budget Funding LEGISLATION & INTER- Mon. , 1/21 7:00 P.M. STREDICKE Chairman's Office Includes Downtown Parking GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS PUBLIC SAFETY Sat. , 1/19 9:00 A.M. DELAURENTI Chairman's office PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 1/17 7:00 P.M. BRUCE 4th F1r. Conf. Rm. Water Rate Study TRANSPORTATION Thurs. , 1/17 4:30 P.M. PERRY 4th Flr. Conf. Rm Re: Downtown Parking OTHER MEETINGSAND EVENTS f 1120 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK January 14, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS f NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3576 $ 1,000 Burlington Northern RR E. Valley Hwy/S. 43rd Demolish barns & garage 3577 8,000 Donald Faull 804 Renton Ave. S. Const. deck & remodel 3578 4, 355 Ch. of the Nazarene 221 Wells Ave. N. Move 2 walls/aZter Platf02 3579 45,000 Black Angus 95 S. Airport Way Remodel exist. restaurant MECHANICAL PERMITS M3786 785 W. L. McLaughlin, Jr. 4509 Talbot Rd. S. Inst. pZmbg. & fixtures 3787 1,500 City of Renton 800 Echonds Ave. N.E. Inst. plmbg. & fixtures 3788 735 R. S. Shane 636 Blaine Ave. N.E. Inst. gas furnace ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4473 50 City of Renton 1902 Lk. Youngs Way SE Convert meter box/undergr. 4474 900 Vincent Mottola 2817 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Remodel restaurant, add outlets & lighting - con- vert kitchen gas to eZec. E4475 250 Andy Matz 533 Wells Ave. N. Ch. exist. serv. to 200A 4476 1,000 Autotronics Systems, Inc. 175 Rainier So. Inst. elec./sero. station 4477 250 Irene Emmons 349 Bronson Way N.E. Wire new 100 amp. serv. 4478 175 Donald Faull 804 Renton Ave. S. New service entrance 4479 50 Ch. of the Nazarene 221 WelZs Ave. N. Ext. present fixt. boxes E4480 250 P. Utsehinski 217 S.W. Langston Rd. Change 100 AMP Serv. SIGN PERMITS S342 800 Vincent Mottola 2817 Sunset Blvd N.E. Add 96 sq.ft. to sign S343 850 Sound Ford 750 Rainier S. Inst. 2 wall signs/fascia 5344 13200 Forentco 536 Rainier S. Inst. wall sign 1 i I 1 330 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 21 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Beverly Schoenbauer FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Transfer of Funds request for Remodeling Police Department Communications Room Matter of Insurance Subject of Management Salaries EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Furnish listing of those positions considered Management LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Eastwood Park Annexation Ordinance (First Reading 1/21/74) Ordinance No. 2466 granting Clearview TV Cable franchise Resolution re Green River Water Shed Drainage Plans Proposed Escaped Prisoners Ordinance Proposed No Hunting Ordinance Review of Ordinances regulating parking in Downtown area and Parking & Loading Ordinance MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized to sign Green River Water Shed Drainage Plans PLANNING DEPARTMENT Design & Placement study of 1 Hr. Parking Signs on S. 3rd St. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Matter of Debris on Mrs. Grassi Property PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE L. I.D. 282 TRAFFIC ENGINEER Signing of S. 3rd St. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Turn lane, directional signing and Pipe Line Road closure (Renton Hill ) Public Hearing to determine parking on Burnett S. between S. 3rd & S. 4th PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Ordinance re Regulation of Cabarets Ordinance re False Alarm SPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS Public Hearing 1/29/74 4:30 PM Recessed Meeting of City Council 8:00 PM 1/24/74 Continued Public Hearing LID 282 8:00 PM 1/28/74 331 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 21 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AN U Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI , and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; JAMES MAGSTADT. Assistant Planning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF 1/14/74 JANUARY 14, 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and L. I .D. 282 published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Hearing on the proposed improvement of Aberdeen Ave. N.E. between Between N.E. 27 & 28 N.E. 27th and N.E. 28th, to construct and install water mains , Water, Sewer & sewer lines and appurtenances thereto, curbs, gutters and street Street Improvements paving and to create a Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense of said improvement against the properties to be benefited, to be known as L. I .D. 282, with the total assessment roll filed with the City Clerk in the amount of $4,924.54. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported no protests were received to this L. I .D. Mr. Chester Samples, 2732 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , asked that sewer portion of the improvement be withdrawn from his assessment because of the rise in cost from proposed Hearing Continued $1 ,200 to $3,021 .79. Public Works Director Gonnason noted Samples to 1/28/74 was the only parcel on roll with sewer assessment, therefore the improvement would then consist of water mains, curbs, gutters and paving of street. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Gonnason advised City Attorney Shellan's letter of 12/18/73 noted statutory requirements for assessment against property. Gonnason also noted if sewers were later added after completion of street improvement, portion of roadway would need restoration. City Attorney Shellan advised sewer portion of L. I .D. could be stricken as all parties agree, deletion needed from petition and resolution to be amended. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , L. I .D. 282 BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, HEARING ON PROPOSED L. I .D. 282 BE CONTINUED UNTIL OUR NEXT REGULAR MEETING (1/28/74) . CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented com- #891 - 942 Voided mittee recommendation for payment of Vouchers No. 943 through No. #943 - 1150 Approved 1150 in the amount of $86,516.25 having received Departmental Plus L. I.D. certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services (Vouchers No. 891 through 942 machine voided by Data Processing) , plus L. I .D. 276, Phase II , Revenue Fund-1 and Cash Fund-1 each in amount of $1 ,625. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHOR- IZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance RESOLUTIONS providing for and establishing procedures at City Council Meetings and recommended second and final readings. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , Ordinance No. 2822 SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND PLACE Procedure and Decorum ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead City Council read ordinance re City Council Meetings, powers and duties of the Meetings presiding Officers, Rules of Debate, enforcement of order and decorum. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call vote resulted in unanimous approval by the Council . MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance had been on first reading 1/7/74. 332 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 1/21/74 - Page 2 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ordinance No. 2823 Legislation Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance creating Department of a Department of Public Works which had been placed on first read- Public Works ing 1/7/74, recommending ordinance be placed on second and final readings. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance providing for the appointment of a Director of Public Works, specify- ing his duties , responsibilities and qualifications , providing for the establishment and operation of Divisions within said Depart- and the appointment of Supervisors. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call Vote: 2 NO, GRANT AND STREDICKE, 5 AYES, CLYMER, BRUCE, PERRY,DELAURENTI and SCHELLERT. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman presented an ordinance annexing Ordinance re certain territory to the City known as the Eastwood Park area, Eastwood Park recommending first reading, then referral back to the Legislation Annexation Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR 1N RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance for annexation of area located north of N.E. Sunset Blvd. , west of 138th S.E. , east of City Limits and south of S.E. 101st St. , Public Hearing January 7, 1974. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution No. 1890 Legislation Committee Chairman presented resolution for reading Controller declared which declared surplus, circuit traffic controller and authorized Surplus the Purchasing Agent to dispose of the equipment to the City of Auburn at fair market appraisal . Following reading of the reso- lution by the City Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Pending Ordinances Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke noted four pending ordi- nances ro: Regulation of Cabarets, Escaped Prisioners , False alarm on private bugl ar s,;S Lem s and "No Hunting"Ordinance. MOVED BY ••• STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY , THESE FOUR ORDINANCES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Let-`er from Clearview T.V. Cable requested renewal of franchise which was granted by Ordinance No. 2466, Franchise expires 1/31/74 Clearview TV Cable which granted permission to operate cable television system in City. Franchise Clearview President, William Monson, noted he would be willing to meet and explain effects of Federal Communication Commission's regulations implemented in March of 1972. Also that they were installing new microwave receiver in this area. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Transfer Requested Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested transfer of for Remodeling $2,500 from Cumulative Reserve Fund to Building Division by reso- Communication lution to remodel existing office space in the Police Department Facilities to allow for the relocation of communications equipment into larger adjacent room which would satisfy any requirements result- ing from consolidation of police and fire dispatching. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry that funds in Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 had been specified during Budget Hearings for improvement of heating system in the Library, Administrative Assistant Lynch noted Police Department remodeling would be preliminary study to serve as basis for future work. MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Damages City Clerk Mead presented Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Beverly Mrs. B. Schoenbauer Barbara Schoenbauer, 25838 20th Ave. S. , Kent, for alleged damage to auto due to hole in roadway at Rainier Ave. S. and Victoria. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Letter from Attorney David G. Shenton representing Mrs . Josephine Grassi , 422 Cedar Ave. S. , requested removal of debris from prop- erty owned by Mrs. Grassi located at the northwest corner of Grady Way and Williams St. Mr. Shenton alleged unatherized dumping by 333 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 1/21/74 - Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Mrs. Grassi the City and by contractors under supervision of the City officials. Property - Cont. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO REVIEW THE MATTER AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Mario Gotti , 1005 High Ave. S. , inquired about the free turn lane onto Houser Way, and also directional signing for visitors Mr. Mario Gotti leaving the Renton Hill area. Mr. Gotti also inquired about Renton Hill emergency vehicle access to new gate locks on the Pipe Line Road Turn Lane and the matter of having the road open for public use during snow. Directional Signs Public Works Director Gonnason reported trouble experienced in Pipe Line Road keeping the Pipe Line Road closed. Street Superintendent TeGantvoort reported the road had been open for access to the hill during snow and that the key to the new locks for gates to close the Pipe Line Road would be given to emergency services, Police and Fire Depart- ments. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE SUBJECTS OF THE TURN LANE, DIRECTIONAL SIGNING AND THE PIPE LINE ROAD CLOSURE BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Executive Session MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CITY COUNCIL GO INTO EXECU- TIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTER, THAT THE AIRPORT DIRECTOR AND TENANTS OPERATING FACILITIES AT AIRPORT MEET WITH COUNCIL. CARRIED. Council recessed to Executive Session at 8:38 and re- convened at 9:35 p.m. Roll call showed all Councilmen present. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read proclaiming the week of Renton Jaycee Week January 20-26, 1974 as Renton Jaycee Week. MOVED BY STREDICKE, 1/20-26/74 SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Clymer called to the attention of Councilmen the work of Legislative Aide Haskins in regards to Special Legislative Session as affects the City. Councilman Bruce requested additional -0— Comnainity Services week water rate study report. Committee Report Green River Water Community Services Committee Chairman Grant presented committee Shed Drainage Plans report recommending Council concurrence with resolution authorizing Reviewed and execution by Mayor and City Clerk of the Green River Water Shed Approved Drainage Plans for which King County is the coordinating sponsor with the U.S. Soil Conservation Service under Public Law 566. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Senior Citizens Letter from Councilmen Stredicke and Grant addressed to Mayor Programs and Garrett asked that the entire program for our elderly be stepped Facilities - up by naming six more senior citizens to the special citizen com- Study Made mittee appointed by the Mayor. The letter noted the special citizens committee has been working on initiating the nutrition program for senior citizens, ,good cooperation reported between City, Renton School District and other agencies including Area Agency on Aging. Letter noted other needs of senior citizens not being met, that the City facilities at Liberty Park and in the Highlands are inadequate for any expanded or varied programming, that use of elementary school auditorium or gymnasium (no longer used by school district) for programming such as dances , would be desirable. Meeting of interested Councilmen and School Board Members was also suggested, with special citizens committee considering alternatives as construction of new facilities , leasing of privately owned buildings or the joint use of governmental buildings. Immediate investigation asked in the letter so that opening of real Senior Citizens Building would be early Fall , 1974. Councilman Grant thanked Stredicke work on this matter and keeping the Council informed. City Clerk directed to send copies to Secior Citizens Committee, Human Rights Commission, Park Board and President of the Renton School Board. Finance & Personnel Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted com- Report re mittee report recommending job description for the position of Legislative Aide Legislative Aide be approved by the Council , listing nature of work examples of work, requirements and reporting relationship. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. 334 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 1/21/74 - Page 4 Old Business - Continued Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee Report report recommending purchase of six '7a Dodge Coronet 4-door sedans, including air conditioning units, through Renton Dodge, oining with Dodge Coronets other cities to take advantage of the Washington State contract for Police Dept. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Penal Code Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee Amendment - report recommending ordinance amending Police Regulation of the Escaped Prisoners City Code regarding escaped prisoners be referred to the Legisla- tion Committee for review and report back to Council . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL. CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Penal Code Public Safety Committee report recomriiended the No Hunting ordinance Amendment Prohibits be referred to the Legislation Committee for review and report Discharge of back to Council . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , Firearms & Hunting COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER ORDINANCE TO of Game THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Delaurenti noted report forthcoming next week on false alarm ordinance. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report Committee Report concurrinq in the Public Works Department request for a reduction in the allowed parking duration from two hours to one hour on South Parking Duration 3rd Street from Main Ave. S. to Burnett S., which was favored by South 3rd Street the Downtown Renton Merchants Association and recommended that the Main S. to Burnett Traffic Engineer be authorized to accomplish this change by proper signing. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONC- CUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. i Loading Zones Transportation Committee report reco�miended all loading zones in the core area be multiple-uhe ^e< rind p r=ted to allow- public parking except between the hou« of 8:00 a.m. to i 1:oil ;,or which shall be reserved for loading. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Burrett Ave. S. Transportatinn Committec report recommended revising parking on Parking iirrnett ;ve. G. between S. 3rd St. and S. 4th St. , submitting sketch for 88 parking stalls with vertical parallel parking with (See Later Action) island at each of the block being landscaped, center stalls marked by paint. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO REVISE PARKING ON BURNETT. Council- man Bruce suggested angle parking as more efficient. MOTION CARRIED. A motion by Grant, seconded by Bruce to refer the three items of the Transportation Committee report back to that committee for Public Hearings failed with roll call vote as follows : No: Stredicke, Effective Date Perry, Delaurenti and Schellert. Yes: Clymer, Grant and Bruce. February 1 , 1974 MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS r DIRECTOR BE GIVEN ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS BY THE NCIL THAT ONE HOUR PARKING SIGNS ON S. 3RD INCLUDE INFORMATION ON AVAILABILITY OF TWO HOUR PARKING AND THAT THE PARKING RESTRICTIONS GO INTO EFFECT ON FEBRUARY 1 , 1974. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, AMEND MOTION TO REFER MATTER OF DESIGN AND PLACEMENT OF ONE HOUR PARK- ING SIGNS TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. EFFECTIVE DATE REMAINING SAME. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Councilman Schellert explained new traffic signals on S. 3rd St. Councilman Transportation Com. Stredicke asked end to archaic signing, that it be line with CBD Dlan. Public Hearing MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE on Burnett S. HOLD PUBLIC HEARING TO DETERMINE PARKING ON BURNETT AVE. S. BETWEEN Parking - 1/29/74 S. 3RD AND S. 4TH STREETS. MOTION CARRIED. 4:30 P.M. Councilman Grant asked Public Works Director Gonnason and was advised metal plates are designed to cover gutters in crosswalk NEW BUSINESS areas in the downtown redevelopment area. Grant asked about the Redevelopment hardware, kiosk and benches for CBD, being advised by Assistant of Downtown Planning Director Magstadt that design finalized and money allotted Progressing for trash containers, some of the benches have been delivered, but no money available for kiosks but that the Rotary Club may install them at various corners. 335 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 1/21/74 - Page 5 New Business - Continued Citizens Asked Councilman Grant asked for the opinion of citizens on the subject to Voice Opinion of topless dancers which has been referred to the Public Safety of Topless Dancers Committee. Casualty Insurance Councilman Schellert presented letter to the Clerk for reading from Expires 5/31/74 Dan B. Hauff & Associates asking for opportunity to present proposal for the City's casualty insurance, the City's three-year policy expiring 5/31/74. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , " REFER MATTER OF INSURANCE TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO REVIEW. Councilman Bruce asked if City would call for bids as has been past policy and received affirmative answer. CARRIED. Management Salaries MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBJECT OF MANAGEMENT SALARIES BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT FURNISH THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE WITH LISTING OF THOSE POSITIONS THAT ARE CONSIDERED MANAGEMENT. CARRIED. Parking Downtown MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCES REGULATING PARK- ING IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA AND PARKING AND LOADING ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. Autonomous Board Councilman Perry asked for current listing of addresses for Membership members of the Library Board, Park Board and Aviation Board. Addresses Mayor Garrett asked the City Clerk to furnish listing. Meeting MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEETING RECESS Recessed UNTIL 8:00 P.M. THURSDAY JANUARY 24, 1974. CARRIED. The Renton City Council Meeting recessed at 11 :10 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk WARRAt0 DISTRItiWTION DATE. 1/21/74 BEGIN ENDINU TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUNQ DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER 4ARRANTS ego - 6z9/ - 9 � CURRENT 943 1102 *331680112 PARKS AND RECREATION 1103 1109 $858133 CITY STREET 1110 1112 S1e682s00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 111:3 1119 $384095196 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1120 1124 $228053 FIREMEN PENSION 1125 1150 •11j97101 TOTAL OF ALS, WARRANTS 58615lbo25 WEs THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS GF THE FINANCE CUMMITTEE OF TH. RENTON CITY COUNCILS HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN HECEIVEO OR RENDEiEOj 30 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NOt 943 TH*tJJJH 'NO• 1974 1150 IN THE AMOUNT OG $d6r516o25 THIS 21 OF JANUARYf(A)4 A Now ti INANCE C0 11I TTEE sAmam aaa maws MMITT E 103E,R rmmmm. M wrmmmaoa�wamwmwmws L. I .D. 276 - PHASE II G MMITYEE ht `13 Revenue Fund-1 $1 ,625.00 win w aa� I aim r+�w a amain• ammm Cash Fund-1 $10625.00 COMMITTEE 101ER CITY COUNCIL CMUfEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Check COUNCIL CCKKITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF Januaru 21, 19}4 CCF01ITTEE DATE TIME CH -IRKAN LOCATION REMARKS CCHKrrTEE OF THE WHOLE Wed., 1130 8:00 P.M. CLYMER Council Chambers Special Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL Thurs., 1124 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers Recessed meeting from 1121174 CCHHUNITY SERVICES Thurs, 1124 Following GRANT 3rd Flr. Conf. Rm Shoreline Master Plan Council Mt . Thurs. 1 24 9:30 a.m. GRANT 3rd Flr. ConZ. Rm. Ad Hoc Sign Committee FIWCE AND PERSONNEL Sat., 1.126 a.m. r. Office —. Joint Meeting with Public Safety Committee Councilman Delaurenti LEGISLATION Mon., 1128 7:00 P.M. STREDICKE 6th Flr.Conf. Rm. Regular scheduled meeting Thurs., 217 5:30 P.M. Council Chambers Meet with Downtown Renton Action Committee, Downtown Merchant's Assoc., Property owners re PUBLIC SAFETY Sat., 1126 10:00 a.m. DELAURENTI Chairman's Office, incentive zoning for core area and new bldg. Joint Mtg. w/Finance or remodelling. PUBLIC WORKS Thurs., 1/24 7:30 P.M. BRUCE 4th Flr. Conf. lin. TRANSPORTATION Wed., 1/23 7:30 P.M. PERRY 4th FZr. Conf. Rm. Presentation by Wash. State District Engineers Tues., 1129 * 4:30 P.M. " Council Chambers re SR 515 - 196th B Benson to Grady Way to 2nd through industrial area to 405 MUM M 32CSAND EVENTS * Public Hearing re Parking Plan - S. Burnett,4ve between S. 3rd and S. 4th Streets GAB-FAST BREAKFAST Fri., 1125 7 - 9 a.m. Seattle/King Sheraton Inn Special guests - Kang County Mayors County Conv. & Visitors Bureau ..a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK January 21, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3580 $ 17,500 Powell Constr. Co. , Inc. 1722 Camas Ave. N.E. New single family residence 3581 250 W. E. Bowden 1925 S.E. 19th Ct. New patio roof 3582 9,700 Irvin Fitting 2004 Dayton N.E. Fire damage repair 3583 1,000 Aero Plastics 61 Shattuck Ave. S. Move partition 3584 4,000 Dr. Wesley Odoni 227 S. 4th Place Construct interior partitions B3585 -- H. W. Hill Const. Co. 3616 W. Valley Rd. Demolish barn ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4481 900 Virginia Barei 200 S. 2nd St. Underground conversion 4482 170 Virginia Barei 116 S. 2nd St. Underground conversion 4483 4,000 Black Angus - 95 S. Airport Way Rewire lgtg. circuits/outlets 4484 650 Walter Watne 908 S.W. 3rd Place Incr. service/add circuits E4485 45 Joe Ridary 2100 Lk. Wash Blvd. N. Connect mobile home 4486 250 City of Renton Renton Airport Undergr. conversion - hangar MECHANICAL PERMITS M3789 600 Bob Jones 2625 NE 22nd Install gas furnace 3790 680 Curtis Holt, Jr. 501 Wells Ave. S. Install gas furnace 3791 496 Powell Constr. Co. 1600 Camas Ave. N.E. Install gas furnace SIGN PERMITS 5345 480 Sam Younker 3820 E. Valley Rd. Inst. ilium. wall sign S346 1,000 Clinton Betz 413 S. 3rd St. Inst. projecting sign SEWER PERMITS 1991 R. W. Burde 13254 S.E. 117th Connect side sewer 339 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Recessed from January 21 , 1974 January 24 , 1974 Municipal Building Thursday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and reconvened the meeting of the Renton City Council which had recessed on January 21 , 1974 at 11 :10 p.m. to January 24, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF City Clerk Mead, upon direction of Mayor Garrett, called roil COUNCIL of Councilmen as follows : EARL CLYMER, Council President, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, CHARLES DELAURENTI , AND HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN GEORGE J. PERRY BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Perry arrived at 8:02 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; DEL Director; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; WARREN BGONNASONAirport Public Works Director and GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director. AVIATION BOARD C. L. DAY, GARY E. DIME, JOHN J. KOSNEY, B. G. MORRISON, AND MEMBERS PRESENT STAN STONE EXECUTIVE MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL HOLD EXECUTIVE SESSION SESSION TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTER. CARRIED. Councilmen went into executive session at 8:05 and reconvened at 10:43 p.m. Roll Call of Council verified presence of all Councilmen. "` ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Meeting of the Renton City Council adjourned at 10:46 p.m. X,. l r' Delores A. Mead, Citk Clerk 440 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 28, 1974 Office of the City Clerk CITY ATTORNEY AND *INSURANCE CARRIER *Claim for Damages filed by Mr. Gary L. Taylor 1973 Edition of Uniform Building etc. Codes , drafting of ordinance SR 515 North & South portion to be completed, drafting of ordinance Reply re Grassi matter CITY CLERK Notify re Kleinsasser et al annexation COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Subject of availability of Highlands site for Historical Society (old Library) COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES Airport Committee LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance re escaped pris'�ners (first reading 1/28/74) No Hunting ordinance (first reading 1/28/74) Adoption of 1973 Edition Uniform Building Code etc. Resolution re transfer of funds to relocate P.D. communications equipment Ordinance re false alarms Review ordinances re obstructing sidewalks SR 515 Subject PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LID 282 property owners to be contacted for written approval change in financing SPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS Public Hearing L. I .D. 2.82 Continued to 2/4/74 l RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 28, 1 = 74; Municipal Building Mc.. `ay 8; 00 P - V Council Chambers I N U 7 E S FLAG SALUTE AND mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER al'led the Yeeting of the Renton City Council to order. R0 L CALL OF ";AR'- C +""P�i' President, WILLIAM J. GRANT, RICHARD M. 4 COUNCIL ST,REOTCKE , GEORGE �'. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI AND HENRY E. SC�1 PL�RT 'COVE'. 3Y CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETY D. 3RUrE BE EXCUSED, CARRIED. C1`.-v OFFICIALS AVERY GA:RRE7 Mayor; DEP MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN A'TE'NDANCE Attorney, ;ACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; GORDON ERICKSEN, ?Tanrn Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police _hief; M. C. MALLS, Fire Chief; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; °_)N CHURCH", Purchasing Agent; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide and PTer-ARD 0UGHTJN, Acting Public Works Director. MI,9i'TE AP-RO' AL Vere being no additions nor corrections to the Minutes of the regular 1/21 Continues meeting of January 21 ,(continued to January 24, 1974,) it was to 1/24/74 '0C, ED 3v CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MINUTES BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAIt_ED. CARRIED. PUBLIC NEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and L. I.D. 282 or_Fblished as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened Hearing continued Aberdeen Ave. N.E. rom 1/21/74 , on the proposed improvement of Aberdeen Ave. N.E. N.E. 27th to 28t°^ ?etweer N.E. 27th and N.E. 28th to construct and install water ma rs , sewer lines and appurtenances thereto, curbs, gutters and Cortinued from z`.-eet Paving and to create a Local Improvement District No. 282 January 21 , 1974 with total assessment roll filed with the City Clerk in the amount of $44924.54. Committee report was submitted by Public Works Continued to Committee Member Grant that recommended the sanitary sewers be February 4, 1974 `l minated from L. I.D. 282 and that the Utility Division of the Public Works Department construct the main, that the abutting property owners be assessed on a late-comers agreement method of :aymerat ;actual incurred costs to be paid proportionately upon hcok :gyp to sewer line) and that the street and water main portion :Ila P. I.D, proceed with abutting property owners paying cost a'1 materials, rather than the footage rate specified on the e;:=ton and assessment roll . Acting Public Works Director Houghton tx, wined pr000sed project on a display map of area, that property ^?wners had not been contacted regarding the probability of exceed- rate of $1 .50 per front foot watermain installation and $3.50 front foot on street improvements due to rapid increase in cost -s na't and other materials, that recommendation was to base �. on total cost of materials used only. Upon inquiry City ,Attorney She7'an advised a. new resolution wound be required if unit cost as specified in the resolution would be exceeded, unless w-4tter approval obtained from property owners to the effect that .ne c'nange of mode in assessment agreeable and releasing specified &:^',aee rate requested, ordinance would then not refer to specific -r root `mita.tions. 7urther noted by Attorney Shellan, if the SPA _ proceeds as is, no more than the specified amounts can be MOVED 3Y GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONTINUE 4EAAR:NG TO FEBRUARY 4, 1974 AND THAT THE- PUBLIC WORKS DEPART- M A'� CONTACT PROPERTY OWNERS ON REVISING COSTS OF THIS L.:.D.7 CARRIED Leg's at-.on _Q slab^^ Committee Chairman Stredicke noted the following refer- "'Mittee Report ra s, tc the Legislation Committee,- Resolution on House Bill 519 re•=errec? `SrA3; Revenue sharing referred 3/12/73; Preliminary Plat or; rescent View referred 4/9/73; Under rounding of utilities on S> ,* 4th St referred 5/11/73; CounciGrant letter referred 7/23,/75 4nnva' registration of Senio itizens re water/sewer rates re`erred 9/10/73. MOVED BY ETRE KE, SECONDED BY PERRY, NO ACTON BE TAKEN ON THESE REFERRALS AS NON: REQUIRED. CARRIED. 342— Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 1/28/74 - Page 2 ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Ordinance annexing RESOLUTIONS certain territory known as the Eastwood Park Area which had been placed on first reading 1/21/74; Public Hearing 1/7/74, and recom- Ordinance No. 2824 mended that the ordinance be placed on second and final readings. Eastwood Park Area MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COM- Annexation MITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ON READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance annexing area located north of N.E. Sunset Bd,bounded on east by 138th S.F, west by City Limits and south of S.E. 101st St. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. Roll Call Vote verified unanimous Council- approval .. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman presented an ordinance amendinq the Ordinance Re Penal Code relating to Escaped Prisoners and recommended ordinance Escaped Prisoners be placed on first reading and referred back to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONC- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance Ordinance Re for no hunting of game in the City limits, amending Penal Code, No Hunting & and recommended first reading and referral back to committee. Prohibiting MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECCND ED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE Discharge o'' P.EC314MENDATION, PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING AND REFER BACK Firearms TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance prohibiting discharge of firearms & hunting of game, amending the Police Regulations of the City Code. Councilman Perry noted that the ordinance had made no provision for the use of firearms for firing of blanks during training of hunting dogs in the Orillia flats area. Resolution No. 1891 Legislation Chairma^ Stredicke presented resolution authorizing Green River Water- execution of the Supplemental Watershed Work Plans in connection shed Drainage Plan with Green River Watershed Drainage Plan, superseding the original agreement of 1966, directing -the Mayor and City Clerk to sign. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. ... Flistcrical Society Legislation Chairman Stredicke noted 10/1/73 referral , Renton Site - Highlands Historical Society Lease in former Highlands Library site carried Community Services Committee recommendation, however because CORRECTED-REFER To of storage of Public Works Department equipment, that site will militi-FES ol~_�L �. 7 not be available to the Society until March 1 , 1975. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , SUBJECT BE REFERRED BACK TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended adoption CURRENT BUSINESS of the 1973 Edition of the Uniform Building Code and Standards, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Housing Code and Uniform Plumbing 1973 Edition of Code, excepting Sec. 1 .2 and 1 .3 and revising fee schedule for Uniform Building, plumbing permits; replaces , 1970 Edition. Moved by Schellert, Housing, Plumbing seconded by Delaurenti , Council concur in recommendation of the and Mechanical Public Works Direc for and refer matter to the Legislation Committee. Codes IN A SUBSTITUTE MOTION, IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO DRAFT PROPER LEGISLATION AND ALSO REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Renton School Letter from Renton School District 403 Superintendent of Schools, District 403 Mr. Shelby Bewley, expressed appreciation of Resolution 1889 adopted by the Council in support of the 2/5/74 special school levv. ... Claim for Damages Claim for Damages filed by Mr. Gary Lavern Taylor, 14219 169th Ave. Mr. G. Taylor S.E. , Renton was presented by City Clerk Mead. Claim alleged auto damage due to slope of curb. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CLAIM BE REFERRED TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 1/23/74 - Pape 3 "'ORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued L. I.D. 279 Tal b* n Letter from Public Works Di rec t."o, Gonnuson recommended approval of Sanitary Sewers payment in the amount of $2,2£s5. 18 revised to include State sales tax CAG-055-73 c: Zwhich had been inadvertently omitted when submitted to Council on Threeway m m1/7/74 .requesting final payment of the Talbot Road South sanitary Construction luewer project, L. I.D. 279, ThreLWdy Construction Co. Letter also m Usubrmitted final assessment for the LID in amount of $57,088.14, Public Bearing T ong with final assessment roll and recommended March 4, 1974 be 3/4/74 ", et for hearing: MOVED .BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED -BY DELAURENTI , 40LINCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND SET DATE OF 3/4/74 FOR PUBLIC , EARING ON L.I .D. 279 FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL. CARRIED. Mrs. Grass? ;titter from Public Works Director Gonnason advised that the Street Property -- Department has dumped no rubbish, concrete or any other material Council Referra" or :! e Grassi property at Grady Way and Williams Ave. S. , nor 1/21/74 Ie Public Works Department authorized anyone to dump materials op any type on this property. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY -EPT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR iv RESPONSE 10 GRASSI ' ATTORNEY. CARRIED. x AUDIENCE COMMENT This being last official attendance at City Council meeting prior tc vacation and retirement, Fire Chief Walls noted he woulq be back' Fire Chief Walls from time to time visiting and received words of appreciation from Councilmen Schellert, Delaurenti , with Stredicke noting party on 31st. l PROCLAMATIONS The month of February 1974 was declared Renton Heart Month in a Renton Heart Month Proclamation by Mayor Garrett, read by the Clerk, which called February 1974 upor all citizens to support the drive by the Heart Association. 'COVED BY DELAURENTI , SECOND STREDICKE, CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Quality Control The week of April 21 through 27, 1974 was declared Renton Quality Week 4/21 - 4/27 Week in a Proclamation by Mayor Garrett which was read by the Clerk, recognizing the importance of quality control professionals. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Sounc i l , President Clymer reporteu iiiefno from the City Clerk advised receipt of information from they Viatioing Department that the City Kleinsasser et al Attorney has ruled that the 75% petition for annexation of the Annexation - Area Klei!nsasser et al properties is not valid due to procedural error, South of S.W. 43rd and recommended that the Public Hearing scheduled for February 4, East of SR A6 7 -- 1974, be cancelled. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , Hearing Cancelled CITY COUNCIL CANCEL THE PUBLIC FILARING SCHEDULED ON 2/4/74 FOR KLEINSASSER ET AL ANNEXATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CITY CLERK NOTIFY THOSE INDIVIDUALS CONCERNED. CARRIED. Future Use of Councilman Grant expressed desire that human needs would be kept in Fire Station I mind at such a time as Fire Station I would be replaced and the present structure would be put to other uses; noting Renton Histori- cal Society,request for Museum site, as well as Public Works request for field survey crew headquarters. Communications Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee Relocated P.D. -- report concurring in the 1/21/i,} f'ut)'lic Works Director recommenda- Fund Transfer tion to fund the relocation or c.00ifiunication equipment located in the Police Department by transfer of $2,500 froiti Cumulative Resery Fund 1894 to Acct. 011/514/50/23 in 'the Building Division and that the matter be referred to the It Listion Committee for the 1; necessary resolution. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Uniformed Depts. Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee report Overtime that recommended that the matter of overtime speaking assignments Speaking! To Be in the uniformed departments remain as it has been in the past. Handled Chairman Delaurenti explained that the matter was handled adminis- Administrtively tratively and not a legislative matter, that no money was avail- able for overtime pay. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinances re The Public Safety Committee report, submitted by Chairman Delaurenti False Alarm & recommended that the Pr000sed ordinance on false alarms be referred Sidewalk to the Legislation Committee. The report asked Legislation Committee ` Obstruction review or finances regarding obstructing sidewalks. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. ii enton City Council Meeting Minutes of 1/28/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Renton Hill In view of increased costs of asphalt and other materials, Council - Improvement man Perry asked that Public Works Department check with Renton Hill residents' representative regarding formation of local improvement district, it being several months since the residents had proposed circulation of petition. Transportation Councilman Perry reported Transportation Committee meeting with State Committee Report Highway Department Representatives of District 1 and District 7 were SR 515 present at the January 23, meeting on SR 515 from Carr Road to _ Grady Way to S. 2nd through the industrial area. Perry reported the District Engineer outlined plans for the Carr Rd. to Grady Way por- tion to be completed by 1979. District 7 Engineer Roberts reported remaining portion of roadway to 2nd through industrial area was not included in the 6-Yr Plan. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT SUBJECT OF SR 515 BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THAT THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT BE INSTRUCTED TO P REPARE-RESOLUTION THAT DIRECTS THE STATE TO COMPLETE BOTH THE NORTH AND SOUTH SECTIONS OF THE SR 515 PROJECT AND ADEQUATE FUNDS BE PROVIDED. CARRIED. Airport Committee MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, AIRPORT COMMITTEE BE REFERRED TO THE COUNCIL'S COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented Vouchers APPROVAL No. 1190 through 1320 in the amount of $212,886.34 having received 1151 - 1189 voided departmental certification that merchandise and/or services were 1190 - 1320 O.K. 'd received, recommending payment be authorized, lbuchers No. 1151 through No. 1189 were machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. Council Adjourned at 9:35 p.m. De oresA. Mea , Ci y �lerk��` 345 WARRANT Dj0TRjbUT;QN QAT9 i/2117M "91N 9NPYNA TOTAL, WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND94CR;RT;ON NUMO&R NUM4E4 WARRANT$ 1/0 ib ; //S-/ — CWRR9N' ; M tort 06$04115104 RAR94 AND R4MATSON 1154 1961 41#414161 "" AR19RjA6 STREET 1070 trio 140600100 C;Tr 4TA9ET 1971 1991 Ai711A1 4911 AND 4TR99T FWD YNRW$T 19#153 1917 5$1� 517ti# OR1AN AR` I A6 1111+1 19$0 Iii ¢44 t 17 AIRPORT CON4TRUC"ON FUND 1911 1943 95# 157155 N1TtRWOR91 WY161TY 111# 1x01 494#440115 AIRPORT .099 1#11 14/ 015157 11USRM9NT RENTA6 1010 1990 51aR1't16 TOTAL, OF 466 WARRANT$ aa10/ 154lrt14 Mgt 109 WNP94RION99 M[M§gRA OF TM9 FINANCE C0MM;7TE9 OF TM9 MENTON CITY COUNC16i WAViNQ R9G9;V9R 0$AARTM9NTA6 CGRTIrICAT;ON TOAT . M9RGNANOIlK ANQjQR A9RVjG9t NAVE OEEN REM VEO VR R9N0EREP# 09 09494V AF RROV9 FOR RAYM`NT VOUCHRRI NOt $400 TNROU4N Not 1480 1N TW9 AMOUNT 009 11120116144 TM;$ 44 OF JANUARY 974 Atli FjNANC9 CA MITTEE it rr,, COM TTEE MEMBER s r � rs w1�sf rw■s `—�� TT9 EMBER C /�/c�c�. ■ s■ �rss■ .s�■■■�sssw■s� r� COM ITT999 MEMBER CITY COUNCIL CC 1r".L,6 MEETING CALMAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMIUTTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF � .,,,,� 9R 7Qgz C rrEE DATE TIME CHAIR AN LOCATION REMARKS COMMIT'T'EE OF THE WHOLE CLYI4ER COMI�TNITY SERVICES Thurs., 1/31 7:30 P.M. Shoreline Master Plan Committee, review plan FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Tues., 2/5 4:30 P.M. SCHELLERT Chairman's Office LEGISLATION on., 2/4 7:00 P.M. STREDICKE Chairman's Office PUBLIC SAFETY Von., 2/4 7:15 P.M. DELAURENTI Chairman 's Office PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE Luhlic Hearing - Parking on Burnett Ave. So. Nes., 1/29 4:30 P.M. Council Chambers etween So. 3rd St. and S. 4th St. TRANSPORTATION at., 2/2 :30 A.M. PERRY ie Id 'Trip rip to Porter's Marina - Public Works Reps equested GOALS & CAPIT^ IMPROVEMENTS Tues., 1/29 7:30 P.M. GRANT th Flr. Conf. Rn. lanning rep. and Public Works Dept. or Board f Public Works rep requested to be present AD HOC SIGN COhZMITTEE Thurs., 1/31 9:30 A.M. GRANT 3rd FZr. Conf. Rm. ce;, I 347 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK January 28, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3586 $ 2,500 Gentle Toy Company 740 Thomas Ave. S. W. Office add. inside whse. 3587 -- DaZpay & Associates 1103 N. 32nd Street Demolish residence 3588 15, 000 Shannon Hogue 4224 E. Valley Road Repair fire damage 3589 5,000 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Fdtn. for N. Garden Bldg. waW MECHANICAL PERMITS M3792 1,000 Nova Properties 325-1/2 S. 3rd St. Plumbing & fixtures, gas piping 3793 2,400 Fehnel & Associates 750 Rainier Ave. S. Plumbing & fixtures 3794 50 B.R. & T.C. Highland 230j Main Ave. S. Inst. 1 additional sink. M3795 49,052 Pacific Car & Fndry. 1400 N. 4th St. 2-30,000 gal. propane tanks 3796 2,550 Black Angus 95 Airport Way Inst. hood, duct work & fans 3797 400 Walter Watne 908 S.W. 3rd Place Plumbing & fixtures I ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4487 226 Mrs. C. Kessler 719 S. 4th St. Underground conversion 4488 550 Phil Lande 95 Burnett Ave. S. Wire pellet machine 4489 950 Virginia Barei 231 Main Ave. S. Underground conversion E4490 400 Virginia Barei 224 Wells Ave. S. Underground conversion 4491 800 Virginia Barei 229 Wells Ave. S. Underground conversion 4492 900 Galvin Supply upp y 32 9 Wells Ave. S. Undergr. serv.i & incr. service 4493 350 Powell Construction 1600 Camas Ave N.E. Wire new residence 4494 3,500 Kent Metal Processing 710 N. 6th St. Wire new sere.-connect equip. E4495 300 Victor T. Robson 1009 N. 33rd St. Inst. 200 Amp, elec. heat, dryer 4496 400 Irving Fitting 2004 Dayton Ave. N.E. Inst. new service & fire damage 4497 236 Steve Barlow 411 S. 19th St. Service change 4498 100 Renton Schools #403 3000 N.E. 4th St. Inst. 4 outlets in portable P-3 4499 250 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Wire Whse. - S.W. side of area '4500 350 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Incr. sere. & wire add. to cafe Wrr4501 300 Dr. Wesley Odani 227 S. 4th Pl. Rewire office building SIGN PERMITS 5347 500 Continental Arctic 601 S.W. 7th St. Install two wall signs i Luer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting January 30 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk CITY CLERK Record Minutes of Special and Regular City Council Meetings COUNCIL SECRETARY Record Minutes of those Council Committee Meetings as requested by Committee Chairman COUNCILMEN Arrange for one week notice to Council Secretary for recording of Committee Meetings LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Matter of Scheduled Meetings for proposed ordinance FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Financing and Transfering of Funds per Labor Negotiations PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Communication re Ban on Topless 349 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting January 30 , 1974 Municipal Building Wednesday f: : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Council President Clymer, presiding, called the Special Meeting of the Renton City Council to order, proper notices having been posted, published and signed as required by law. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE. RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY AND CHARLES DELAURENTI . ... CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant and SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide. CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter from Renton Rotary Club invited Mayor and Councilmen to NEW BUSINESS attend Thursday 21st noon luncheon at Sheraton Inn, recognition Rotary Luncheon to be given for service to citizens. Proposed Ordinance Letter• from Rev. Robert Weigel , Renton First Baptist Church asked Re Topless that City ban topless dancers and waitresses. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Safety Chairman Delaurenti reported studying matter in King County as well as City. A.W.C. Appointment Letter• to Council President Clymer from Association of Washington Cities announced his appointment to national committee, Clymer indicating his acceptance, that committee to meet in December of '74 in Texas. Retirement Party Upon announcement of retirement party on 31st from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. for Fire Chief Walls, Councilmen asked that such parties be held later in the day so that those unable to leave their place of employment would be able to attend after work, suggesting 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and that the matter be taken up by the Administration. ,... Proposed Ordinance Council President Clymer presented proposed ordinance establishing Re Meetings of regular schedule for Council meetings in compliance with provisions The City Council of the Open Meeting Act. City Attorney Shellan explained provisions of the law and Attorney General 's Opinion, that all Committee of the Whole meetings,'when quorum, even informally, resilt in action and are subject to said provisions; Boards and Commissions as well . Action Later MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE Rescinded - BE AMENDED TO PROVIDE FOR FOUR MONDAY MEETINGS AS REGULAR MEETINGS 4 + 1 Meetings AND THE FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAYS BE SPECIFIED AS SPECIAL MEETINGS Adopted EXCEPT THE FIRST WEEK OF JULY AND JANUARY AND EXCEPT DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER WHEN BUDGET MEETINGS SHALL BEGIN THE FIRST WEDNES- DAY OF THE MONTH AND CONTINUE FROM NIGHT TO NIGHT AS NEEDED, AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Responsibility for MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY , THAT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Minutes AS KEEPER OF THE CITY'S OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, RECORD MINUTES OF THE REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS. Stredicke also noted Council Presi- dent and Administration to determine need for additional help, same to be added if required, acknowledging added expense. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL SECRETARY PROVIDE MINUTES FOR COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS WHEN DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED, ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE BY SCHEDULING COUNCILMAN. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SECRETARY BE GIVEN ONE WEEK NOTICE FOR COMMITTEE MEETINGS REQUIRING DOCUMENTATION. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Five Monthly Motion failed which was made by Grant, seconded by Bruce, that Council Meetings reconsider previous motion changing number of meetings per month from Scheduled 6 to 5, meeting first four Mondays and fourth Thursday. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MEET . FIRST FOUR MONDAYS OF THE MONTH AND FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH EXEMPTING JULY AND JANUARY AND DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER FOR BUDGET MEETINGS BEGINNING FIRST WEDNESDAY AND CONTINUING FROM NIGHT TO NIGHT AS NEEDED. Roll Call NO: STREDICKE PERRY. AYE: CLYMER, GRANT, BRUCE AND DELAURENTI . MOTION CARRIED. S50 Renton City Council Minutes of Special Meeting 1/30/74 Page 2 Mayor Presiding City Attorney Shellan warned against using a Continued Meeting Officer to circumvent the Open Meeting law, however, a Continued Meeting could be held when the business from the meeting had not been completed. Upon further Council inquiry, Shellan advised, the Mayor presides at all Meeting; of the Council , no distinction made between Regular and Special Meetings. Funding of Labor MOVED 3Y STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE SUBJECT MATTER OF Contracts FINANCE AND THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO MEET OBLIGATION OF UNION AGREEMENTS AS NEGOTIATED BY THE CITY'S NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION AND PREPARATION OF NECESSARY LEGISLATION. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED 3Y STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADJOURN. The Special Meeting of the City Council adjourned at 9:47 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk e w7ANlAY, x.974 C II TY OF R E N T 0 N 0l�"T�@ OF TRANSFERS `*0 THE CITY `REASS A mD ATE -- �TO PURPOS>= TOTAL -15-74 CURRENT PARKS & RECREATION $ 98 1)81. 27 18P020,71 CITY ST'R<F,T 17D829,25LIBRARY PUBLIC -_WLOMNT° (PEP) 7,5117.1. WORK INCUITIVE (WIN) W 3,264,,20 0 NEW CAREy:RS 900.00 RF.0 & STREET FWD T' RUST 314.52 URBAN ARTERIAL 2,830068 WATERWORKS UT°ILITII S 13,854038 AIRPORT` EQUIPMENT RENTAL � 1�341.49 FIREMEN°S PENSION 2x789.75 100.00 'PAYROLL FUND transfers for month of �TPQN7JAR'� 169 332.56 w /-28-74 CURRENT $ 693545.58 PARKS &x R �CREATI`ON 2p438.51 ARTERIA1 STRELT 3x490.00 CITY STR?.L 679.81 REG & ST°RELT FWD TUST 91s817.68 URBAN ARTERIAL 6 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND ,534.17 S WATERWORKS UT7.IlTy ,I57.55 AIRPORT 26p420.13 EQUIPMENT UNT°AL 4,985.571,817.34 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for munth of JANUARY $212,886.34 1 r ffi i ,v y YOR F!NANCE DIRECTOR 52 C I T Y O F R E N T 0 N MONTH OF JANUARY, 1974 TRANSFERS TO T,iE CITY TREASURER: i DATE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL J-21-74 CURRENT $330680. 12 PARKS & R'ECREAT'DON 858.33 CITY S?REET 1 ,682,00 WATERWORKS UTILITY" 380,095.96 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 228,53 FIREMEN°S PENSJON 11 971 .30 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of JANUARY $86,516.25 4 U 1 $290671 .67 • soft P21-74 CEDAR RIVER MRI STREET FUND per RESOLUTION NO.# 1887 f� 1-31-74 CURRENT $1000514.28 PARKS 8 RECREATION 180295.34 CITY STREET 170871 , 15 LIBRARY 70567. 19 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENil (PEP) 3,595.04 WORK INCENTIVE (WI ) 10764.77 NEW CAREERS 900.00 REG 8 STREET FWD TiRUST 307.87 URBAN ARTERIAL 2,770.85 WATERWORKS UTILITI S 13,614.36 AIRPORT 1 ,328.53 EQUIPMEN? RENTAL 20789.75 FIREMENIS PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of JANUARY $171019. 13 dAYOR F I FIANCE DIRECTOR t; ♦ 1Elf.) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 4, 1974 Office of the City Clerk REFERRALS CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims for Damages: De ma W. Thorpe Dennis R. O'Leary Vivian J. Raffle CITY CLERK Distribution of Resolution 18?3 Provide comparison fee schedu es from new Uniform Code Ordinance COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Cable TV Matter Use of Right of Way at Grady Way and Puget Drive LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Four Ordinances re adoption of 1973 Editions of Code: Building, Housing (First Reading 2/4/74) Plumbing, Mechanical Ordinance False Alarm (First Reading 2/4/74) FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Funding for Landscaping Burnett Ave. S. Parking Lots Re-negotiations Porter leases MAYOR Distribution 6 keys if desired PLANNING DEPARTMENT Annexation requests Fournier et al PLANNING COMMISSION Commercial Zoning May Creek PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -� Installation water main Aberdeen Ave. N.E. from N.E. 27th to 28th Mr. Barei 's water rate study Proceed with parking lot Burnett Ave. S. between S.3rd & 4th Traffic revisions Logan N. & N. 3rd UTILITY DEPARTMENT Mr. Barei s water rate study SCHEDULED MEETINGS AND EVENTS Public Hearing L. I .D. 283 4/22/74 ,low 354 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 4 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding , led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, GEORGE J . COUNCIL PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, ABSENT COUNCILMAN CHARLES DELAURENTI , BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISLER, Assistant Fire Chief; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Acting Public Works Director and VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTES FOR Upon inquiry by Council President Clymer for corrections or additions APPROVAL to the Council Minutes of January 28, and January 30, correction asked 1/28 - 1/30/74 by Councilman Stredicke 1/28 Minutes Page 2, Historical Society lease, purpose of referral to Community Services Committee that Highlands site be made available by 1/1/74. Correction asked by Councilman Schellert to Page 3, 1/28/74 Minutes , MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO PAY REVISED FINAL PAYMENT FOR L . I .D. 279 AND SET DATE OF 3/4/74 FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL. MOVED BY PERRY SECONDED BY CLYMER, MINUTES OF JANUARY 28, AND JANUARY 30, 1974 BE APPROVED AS AMENDED BY COUNCILMEN STREDICKE AND SCHELLERT. CARRIED. Special Three Hillcrest Elementary School pupils , Tawni Newton, Roxi Johnson, Presentation and Kelli Graham, presented slide show of photos taken in the various Hillcrest City Departments in the Municipal Building. The girls narrated the Elementary slides and introduced parents and teachers , Mr. Bob Thiel and Mrs. School Walkama. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and L. I.D. 282 published as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hear- Aberdeen N.E. ing continued from 1/21/74 on the proposed improvement of Aberdeen N. E. 27th -28th Ave. N.E. between N.E. 27th and N.E. 28th Streets to construct and install water mains , sewer lines and appurtenances , curbs , gutters and street paving and to create a Local Improvement District to assess r ;j cost and expense of said improvement against the properties to be c benefited, to be known as L. I . D. 282. Acting Public Works Director N Houghton reported notifying home owners in L. I .D. of the increased o costs , having received reply from Mr. Chester Samples and Mr. L.Peterson 77 o that they are no longer interested in L. I .D. Mr. James Spencer, F• :u 2733 Abrerdeen Ave. N.E. , and Mr. Michael Crippen, 2717 Aberdeen N.E. , L. I .D. 282 rn questioned the % increase in cost of materials , arrangements having Terminated r" been made L. I .D. to cover cost of materials , City doing work. Follow- ing discussion on price of asphalt, City's lack of equipment to install , 0 original intent to furnish adequate water supply and possibility of City installing water main with parties benefited paying cash for cost of materials ; MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING Water Main to BE CLOSED, THAT L. I .D. 282 BE TERMINATED AND AUTHORIZATION GIVEN FOR Be Installed PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO PROCEED WITH INSTALLATION OF WATER MAIN IN ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. BETWEEN N.E. 27th AND 28th, HOME OWNERS BEARING COST OF MATERIALS. CARRIED. Community Service Mayor Garrett presented special award to Mr. Robert W. Lally, 816 Award to Camas Ave. N. E. , for nine years service as chairman and member of Mr. R. Lally the Renton Municipal Arts Commission. Mr. Lally was unable to accept reappointment due to work commitment. and expressed thanks for award. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested change in date BUSINESS of Public Hearing from 3/18 to 4/22/74 on L. I .D. 283, saliitary sewer and trunk fines, in the lower Earlington ill area whi-n i,, souts; L. I .D. 283 of Sunset Blvd. West and gest of Renton shopping Cente, as et fai•tl Public Hearing in Resolution 1886. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT , DATE OF 4/22/74 PRELIMINARY HEARING BE CHANCIL D TO APRIL -->2, 1914. 7RRI 355 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 2/4/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter of Claim City Clerk Mead presented Letter of Claim filed by Delma W. Thorpe, Ms. D.Thorpe 10245 N.E. 68th Pl . , Kirkland for alleged personal injuries due to fall . Two other claims also presented: (1 ) Mr. Dennis R. O'Leary 13624 S.E. 135th St. , alleged windshield damage and (2) Ms. Vivian J. Claims for Raffle, 539 Williams Ave. S. , alleged personal injuries due to falling Damages sign. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES BE Mr. D. O' Leary REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Ms. V. Raffle Letter from Mr. Louis Barei , 614 S. 18th St. , outlined suggested opera- Water Rate Study tion of the Utility Department by computing cost per cubic foot of Mr. L. Barei water, plus up dating %, with all consumers paying that rate for each cubic ft. of water used and consumers outside the City paying double. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITY DEPARTMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. Annexation Letter from City Clerk Mead presented three letters requesting annexa- Requests, tion to the City from Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Fournier, 18404 96th Ave. S. Fourneir et al Mr. and Mrs. Charles 0. Morehead , Rochester, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Area S.W. of L. Morel] , 18238 Springbrook Rd. , annexation requested with Kleinsasser City petition or separate annexation. City Clerk Mead noted the 75% peti- tion for the annexation of Kleinsasser et al had been ruled invalid and recommended these annexation requests be referred to the Plan- ning Department for feasibility study and findings to be conveyed to the petitioning property owners , noting properties may not be con- tiguous to the City unless the Kleinsasser annexation is effected. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND ANNEXATION REQUESTS BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Mario Gotti , 1005 High Ave. S. , asked that a free-right-tN Mr. Mario Gatti onto Houser Way be provided for Renton Hill residents to faci , u10'r, .... traffic coming off the hill . Mr. Gotti also suggested keys to the Renton Hill gate on Pipe Line Road be given, at cost, to residents willing to Pipe Line Road accept responsibility for opening and closing of gate as an alternate access route from the Renton Hill area, claiming intent of closgre was to prevent Pipe Line Road as thoroughfare and was not to prevent its convenience to the people of Renton Hill in times of snow or trains . Discussion followed and various motions were made to refer matter to committee; remove the lock, chain and barricade; make Mr. Gotti keeper of the key; make key available through the Street Department. A motion to hold Public Hearing on opening of the Pipe Line Rd., carried with roll call vote, Aye: Clymer, Schellert, Perry, Stredicke. No: Bruce and Grant abstained. A later motion to reconsider that action, carried. It was then MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, IF THE ADMINISTRATION WANTS TO DISTRIBUTE KEYS TO RENTON HILL RESIDENTS, COUNCIL AUTHORIZES SAME. MOVED BY STRFQIGKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE MOTION BE AMENDED TO LIMIT THE NUMBER OF KEYS 1-0 SIX AND THAT A HOLD-THE-CITY-HARMLESS AGREEMENT BE SIGNED BEFORE THE KEYS ARE ISSUED. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Mr. Charles Shane Mr. Charles Shane, 3003 Mountain View Ave. N. , supported the proposal submitted earlier in letter from Mr. Louis Barei regarding procedure and policy of the City's Utility Department, being advised by Councilman Bruce that 'the water rates are under study and that a OLD BUSINESS public hearing would be held prior to any change. -- Parking in the Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report Vicinity of of meeting with Mr. Porter of the Portmar Marina on Cedar River on Portmar Marina 2/2/74. because Mr. Porter leases property from the City for park- ing and the City permits free parking on adjacent property, Mr. Transportation Porter requested re-negotiating property leased. The committee Committee Rpt, recommended the matter be referred to the Finance and Personnel Com- mittee for consideration. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR R.E-NEGOTIATION OF LEASES. CARiRi:D. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 2/4/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - CONTINUED Parking Transportation Committee report on the proposed parking lot on Burnett Ave. S. Burnett Ave. S. between S. 3rd and S. 4th Streets reported Public Hearing 1/29 and previous meetings with downtown business representa- tives and concluded that the plan was acceptable solution to parking problems in the area and recommended Council concurrence. Report also noted the Planning Department to develop a landscape plan which will be installed when funding is available. Perry noted Planning Department estimated cost of planter bed preparation and landscaping costs for Burnett Ave. S. from S. 2nd to S. 4th was $33,243, and recommended that the matter of funds for landscaping be referred to CQR«CTCD-RL =LR Td, , the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED MINUTES OF-2' -//- 7 (/-' BY STREDICKE,, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT ACCEPTING PARKING PLAN, THAT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROCEED WITH THE PROJECT AND MATTER OF FUNDS FOR LANDSCAPING BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Parking - Burnett COMMITTEE. Stredicke suggested City develop nursery for landscaping Continued and Park needs. MOTION CARRIED. i Channelization Transportation Committee report recommended the Public Works Depart- Logan Ave. N. ment proceed with revisions to the traffic channelization at the & N. 3rd St. intersection of Logan Ave. N. and N. Third St. with mandatory right turn lane and second lane with right turn, if desired, from Logan N. onto N. Third St. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Comittee on Committee on Committees Chairman Perry reported the manner of manage- Committees Rpt. ment on five other airports in the area , possible creation of Airport Committee under study. Gasoline Councilman Stredicke requested check be made on gasoline storage tanks Storage Tanks at closed stations to determine whether or not Fire Code restrictions were being met. Mayor Garrett requested Asst. Fire Chief Geisler investigate. Councilman Grant noted review of Uniform Fire Code, would welcome oil storage information. Shoreline MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE MATTER OF THE COMMERt-rIL Management ZONING EAST OF FAI 405 AT MAY CREEK BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee 1321 - 1364 Void report recommending payment of Vouchers No. 1365 through No. 1450 1365 - 1450 O.K.'d in the total amount of $85,617.62, Voucher No. 1429 having been voided 1429 - Voided ($48.33) . Vouchers received departmental certification as to receipt L. I. D. #279 and/or rendering of merchandise and service. Vouchers No. 1321 through Revenue - 4 1364 were machine voided in processing by the Data Processing Dept. Cash - 4 Committee report recommended approval of L. I .D. 279 Revenue Warrant #4 in amount of $6,932.47 and Cash Warrant #4 in amount of $6,932.47 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance which RESOLUTIONS was placed on first reading 1/28/74 relating to escaped prisoners recommending second and final readings. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED Ordinance 2825 BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Escaped Prisoners Following reading of ordinance amending penal code declaring gross misdemeanor aiding escape, attempting escape, escape or concealment from custody, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call , ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented four ordinances Adoption of updating Title IV adopting 1973 Edition of the Uniform Building Code' 1973 Edition and Standards, Uniform Housing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code and Uniform Bldg. Uniform Plumbing Code. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE ORDI- Code & Standards NANCES BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read Mechanical the ordinance adopting the 1971 Edition of Uniform Building Code and Housing Uniform Building Standards, Clerk read the ordinance adopting the Plumbing Codes 1973 Edition of Uniform Housing Code, Clerk read the ordinance adopt- ing the 1973 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code, and also read the ordinance adopting the 1973 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code and re-adopting Part I (Administration) of the Uniform Plumbing Code 1970 Edition (deleting Sections 1 .2 and 1 .3 of Part I ) , with revised fee schedule for plumbing permits. Councilman Perry asked rate schedules be distributed to Councilmen. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCES BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COM- MTTTFr -OP nNF WFFK rAP0Trn_ 3.57 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 2/4/74 - Page 4 RESOLUTIONS First Reading Legislation Chairman presented ordinance regulating the use and False Alarm installation of privately owned burglar and/or robbery alarm systems, defining false alarms, prescribing penalties, authorizing certain installations within the Police Department and restricting the use of certain outside audible alarms, and recommended first reading. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 7esolution 1892 Legislation Chairman presented a resolution authorizing the execution 'uget Power and delivery of a contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Co. for •• Municipal Pump furnishing municipal pumping power for 10 years for sewage lift at N. E. Sunset station located at 132nd Ave. S.E./Union Ave. N.E. and Sunset Highway, and Union N.E. and recommended reading and adoption. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 1893 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution re- SR-515 affirming support and assistance for the construction of proposed Relocated Benson SR-515 and said right-of-way of a major arterial throu4h the City, urging the Washington State Department of Highways to proceed, Total Project with the City Clerk to forward same to Transportation Committee of Sen- Supported by ate,House and other public officials . Clerk Mead read resolution re City SR-515,relocated Benson Highway/Talbot Rd . to Grady Way, planned for completion by 1977, proposed SR-515 from Grady Way to S. 2nd on through the City' s industrial area with final connection to FAI 405 at or near the North Renton Interchange, which is being urged by City to alleviate anticipated traffic problems with four-lane major arterial ending at Grady Way. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Perry asked copies be sent A.W.C. Resolution 1894 Legislation Chairman presented resolution transferring $2,500 from Transfer of Funds Cumulative Reserve Fund #1894 to Account No. 011/514.50.23 for the Relocation P.D. purpose of relocating departmental Police communication equipment. Communications Following reading of the resolution by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY Equipment SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Now CARRIED. Cable TV MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, SUBJECT 14ATTER OF CABLE TV BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH CLEARVIEW CABLE TV COMPANY AND OTHERSINTERESTED FOR DISCUSSION. Perry asked re franchise areas and availability of service within those areas. MOTION CARRIED. Use of Right of MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MOVE THAT THE MATTER OF USE OF Way at PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY BY PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT AT GRADY 14AY AND Grady Way PUGET DRIVE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED, MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. ADJOURNMENT CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Delores A. Mea 'City Clerk $50 WARRANT DISTRIAUTION DATE 2 '04/74 BEGIN FNDINQ TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT QF FUN , / DESCRIPTION _ _ � NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT 1365 1l1QrB $111598139 PARKS ANO RECREATION 1409 1416 $10441t73 CITY STREET 1417 1425 $8J879158 REG* AND 8TREEY FWD THRUST 1426 1M¢7 $47♦ 870143 URBAN ARTERIAL 1428 1A+28 •14� 3S7t6l� WATERWORKS UTILITY /� ✓aiQ 1429 144Q n',RPORT 1441 1445 •299i46 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1446 1459 $576151 TOTAL OF ASL WARRANTS WE* THE UNOERSIONED MEMBERS OF TME FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY CQUNCILA HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCWANQISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENOEREDo DO * REBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO# 1368 THROUGH NO* 1450 IN TWE AMOUNT OF ' THIS 04 OF FEBRUARY 4 ffffff FINANCE COMM T E L. I .D.# 279 REVENUE WARRANT-4 $60932.47 . •.rw. • ............. C.M ITTEE MEMBER CASH WARRANT-4 $60932.47 mono ..r. r....r....mm "Y.'r _.. �QMMITT MEMS R nowl� mamma"G� � COMMITTE MEMBER umv CITY COUNCIL C :-Z MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FPhrtary 4. 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COrMII.'rI'EE OF THE WHOLE CL)DM CCF24MTY SERVICES Wed. , 2/6 5:30 P.M. GRANT 3rd Flr. Conf. Room Master Shoreline Plan Work Session Thurs. , 2/7 9:30 A.M. if " " " Ad Hoc Sign Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Tues. , 2/5 Meeting SCHELLERT Cancelled LEGISLATION Thurs. , 2/7 5:30 P.M. STREDICKE Parking Downtown PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION PERRY COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES Wed. , 2/6 4:30 P.M. PERRY Chairman's Office Re: Formation of Airport Committee 360 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FEBRUARY 4, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPTS. BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3590 $ 4,669 Dept. of Housing & Urb. Dev. 3413 N.E. 6th P1. Repair work per specs. 3591 -- Emmett H. Kindle 2617 Jones N.E. Demolish residence 3592 2,000 Gregory S. O'Farrell 415 S. 7th St. Addition for garage use 3593 300 Orville Swift 3613 NE 8th St. Conv. garage to rec room MECHANICAL PERMITS M3798 1,600 Powell Construction 1722 Camas Ave. NE Inst. plmbg. & fixtures 3799 1,200 Con Wiehoff 1619 Kennewick NE Inst. plmbg. & fixtures M3800 1,800 Raymond P. Rosa 307 S. 19th St. Inst. plmbg. & fixtures 3801 500 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres 1 f1r. drain, 1 slop sink 3802 800 R. W. Wiehoff 1619 Kennewick SE Install 150,000 BTU gas furn, ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4502 1,400 Harry Moscatel 920 S. 3rd St. Underground conversion 4503 700 Dr. L. Patricelli 339 Wells Ave. S. Underground conversion 4504 500 Ken Williams 314 Earlington SW Wire new residence x `505 250 Craig Taylor Equip. Co. 3100 E. Valley Rd. Wire 75 HP motor on test enc 4506 500 FHA 3216 S.E. 6th St. Rewire residence, add S. 4507 510 R. S. Shane 636 Blaine N.E. Wire new residence 4508 280 FHA 3617 S.E. 6th St. Inst. 5 outlets & hand tui 4509 800 William Wilkins 1000 S.W. 3rd P1. Inst. 200A serv. , elec. heat E4510 300 Pat Murphy 405 Wells Ave. S. Chg. sere. panel, add heat 4511 250 Jerome Geffre 2717 Meadow N. Replace panel 4512 600 Gentle Toy Co. 740 Thomas Ave. S. Wire office, outlets in shop 4513 50 Jim Nelson 112-114 Wells S. Inst. conduit & weatherhead 4514 50 Jim Nelson 112-1/2 Wells S. Inst. conduit & weatherhead E4515 200 V. L. Tunitland 229 Main Ave. S. Underground conversion SIGN PERMITS 5348 150 Mildred C. Sevener 914 S. 2nd Install projecting sign SEWER PERMITS 1992 Autotronics Systems 175 Rainier Ave. S. Connect sanitary sewer 1993 It 11 it of ifConnect storm sewer 1994 G. L. Scott 1608 W. Perimeter Connect side sewer 1995 Bill Hess 2513 Maple Valley Hy. Connect side sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 11 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Conformance of Open Space Ordinance .0th State Law FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE No Lid Sick Leave Accumulation LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed Resolution re Impeachment community services committee report re signs and Sign Ordin:'(rce Adoption of 1973 Fire Code Aviation Committee of the Council Aviation Commission similar to the Planning Commission Aviation Advisory Board PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Bids of Orillia Sanitary Sewers, L. I .D. 273 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Signs designed for downtown area Gasoline Station discrimination MAYOR Telegram to Senator Jackson SPECIAL EVENTS Public Hearing - Shoreline Master Plan - 2/25/74 i irk $62 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 11 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES COUNCIL DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BR and WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finan IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; GORDON ERICKSEN, Plan- ning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISLER, Assistant Fire Chief; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Acting Public Works Director and VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTES FOR Upon inquiry by Council President Clymer for corrections or addi- APPROVAL tions to the Council Minutes of 2/4/74, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, correction to Page 1 , L. ID. 282 Nearing, in motion by Stredicke, seconded by Bruce, remove the word "Proceed" and insert the word "Negotiate" , so that motion reads : Public Hearing be closed, that L. I .D. 282 be terminated and authorization given for Public Works Department to negotiate installation of water main in Aberdeen Ave. N.E. between N.E. 27th and 28th, home owners bearing cost of materials ; also, Page 3, Parking on Burnett Ave. S. ,"Stredicke" name be removed in 15th line first paragraph "Clymer" inserted. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. Special Presentation Fireman Bruce Phillips introduced his daughter, Julie,and Stefanie Parkinson , Issaquah High School students observing City governmer ' , CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk presented February 7, bid opening for Orillia Sanitar Sewers, L. I .D. 273, reporting five bids received ,(as shown on the- Bid Opening attached tabulation) reporting Engineer's confirmation of bid L. I. D. 273 totals not yet completed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, BID RESULTS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE Mr. Eugene Robel , 3606 Meadow Ave. N. , presented proposed resolution COMMENT which urged the House of Representatives to vote to impeach Presi- ent Richard Nixon so that a full public hearing may be held. Mrs. Resolution Thorun Robel gave further information, along with Mr. Ray Campbell Request Re 114 S. . 12th St. , Renton. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Impeachment SUBJECT OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION REGARDING IMPEACHMENT BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Mr. Robel noted petition bearing 1 ,500 signatures delivered to Mr. Joel Pritchard , U.S. Congressman. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Grant presented committee Shoreline Master report recommend?d Public Hearing, Monday, February 25, 1974 on Plan - 2/25/74 the Shoreline Master Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Public Hearing STREDICKE, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Sign Ordinance Community Services Committee report stated the Ad Hoc Committee on Signs completed review of the Sign Ordinance and made recomme - ;0' tions and will be presented to Council upon completion of typing lylaquil , off- S- �, in approximately two weeks. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRU , COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT AND SIGN ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. 1973 Edition Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented committee Fire Code report recommended adoption of the 1973 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Commi- ttee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. 363 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 2/11/74 - Page 2 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Aviation Committee on Committees Chairman Perry presented committee report Committee that a new Aviation Conmittee of the City Council be formed of the Council with the following powers and duties: (1 ) The Committee on Aviation shall consist of three members , including a Chairman; (2) This Committee shall be primarily concerned with and supervise all matters relating to the Renton Municipal Airport, including but not limited to negotiating leases and recommending execution of same to City Council ; establishing rules and regulations for the operations and management of Renton Municipal Airport consistent with FAA rules and regulations and state statutes; maintain a current Master Plan to properly establish controls for public and private development of aviation facilities. The committee report also recommended that Councilmen Bruce, Schellert, and Stredicke be members of the Council Committee on Aviation, with Stredicke serving as Chairman; and the this matter be referred to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTE ON COMMITTEES RECOMMENDATION AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SCCONDED BY STREDICKE, UNIFORMITY OF NO LID Sick Leave SICK LEAVE ACCUMULATION FOR ALL CITY EMPLOYEES BE REFERRED Accumulation TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Senior Citizens Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Administrative Assistant Lynch Nutrition reported the Senior Citizens Nutrition Program starting date planned for latter part of month, equipment items needed for Sartori site and that plans are progressing. Public Service Council President Clymer submitted letter from Mr.Gary Grant, Presi- & Public Safety dent of the Public Sprvice and Public Safety Employees, Local #674, Employees advising that a petition had been filed by that local with the Local 674 Department of Labor & Industries 1/9/74 representing City supervisory employees and department heads ; that a notification was given to the Mayor by phone that date, notice was forwarded to. him by Dent. ,f -�— Labor & Industries on 1/22/74. The letter cited Aviation Board actions as concerned Airport Director, Del Bennett, cautioning Mayor, Council & Aviation Bd. that discrimination against the members for Union activities is a violation of Sate Law; that a hearing by the Department of Labor and Industries forthcoming; that interference with the rights of employees to freely select a bargaining repres- entative is an unfair labor practice, assuring that members of the City Council and Airport Board desirous of freedom of choice among City employees. New Design of Council President Clymer presented letter from Planning Director Signs for CBD Ericksen (1/21/74 Referral ) re design and placement of one hour parking signs in the downtown area presenting sign design. MOVED 1 Hr. Parking BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, DESIGNS BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPOR- TATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Public Disclosure City Councilmen objected to Renton newspaper article of Sunday, of Personnel 2/10/74 regarding personnel matters and Airport Board, claiming Matter violation to the City's new Rules and Decorum Ordinance in disclos- ure of information from Executive Session. Councilmen noted mis- information given in article. Gas Stations Following discussion on the unavailability of gasoline and discrimi- and nation by gas station operators by requiring credit cards etc. , it Gasoline was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, MATTER OF DISCRIMINATION BY Situation GAS STATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Further discussion ensued, flag system, closed stations, travel lanes blocked due to line-ups , etc. , MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TELEGRAM BE SENT TO SENATOR JACKSON. Perry asked objection be made to forced closing of independent operators , citing example of Spears in Highlands. MOTION CARRIED. Legal MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BE BRUCE, BILLING FOR CITY'S LEGAL PUBLICA- Publications TIONS BE CLARIFIED AS FOLLOWS: $2.51 per column inch on first inser- tion and $2. 10 per column inch on second and subsequent publications , 8 point type. MOTION CARRIED. h 4 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 2/11/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Open Space MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MATTER OF CONFORMANCE Ordinance OF CITY'S OPEN SPACE. ORDINANCE WITH REVISED FEE SCHEDULE BY STATE LEGISLATURE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE.. CARRIED. Renton Hill Councilman Stredicke submitted letter for reading from Mayor Garrett Pipe Line Road to Council President regarding distribution of up to six keys to Renton Hili residents for passage through gate on the Pipe Line Rd. , referral of 2/4. The letter concluded it would be unwise and im- practical to distribute keys because of exposure of City's liability coverage (current suit pending) , frequent checking of the gate to insure locked and possibility of debates with citizens over distribution of the keys. The letter further stated the decision is whether to open or close the Pipe Line Road; if remaining closed sign to be posted at gate indicating phone number for emergency access, keys having been distributed to Fire, Police and Public Works Departments. Councilman Grant asked that City Clerk furnish copy of letter to Mr. Mario Gotti . VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert subriitted com- APPROVAL mittee report recommending payment of Vouchers No. 1468 through #1451-1467 Voided 1573 in the amount of $96,309.97, having received departmental #1468-1573 O.K. 'd certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 1451 through 1467 were machine voided in processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , VOUCHERS BE AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. AUDIENCE. COMMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE AGENDA TO AUDIENCE COMMENT. CARRIED. Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd. S. , thanked two Councilmen for efforts toward Senior Citizens Center and noted equipment needs for Sartori in order• toimplement the 55 meals a day plan. Mr. W. H. Philipp, 1210 N,5th, noted gasoline sold in stations now closed should be allocated to other stations in area. Mr: Torn Teasdale noted possibility of newspaper publishing of open and closed hours of gas stations. mom Aero-Dyne Representative Delafield asked no change be made in Airport Director, noting improvements of last two years and that the fixed-base operators have invested large sums. Airport MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, QUESTION OF ESTABLISHING A NEW Management AIRPORT AVIATION COMMISSION, SIMILAR TO-THE PLANNING COMMISSION, BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY S RET1__CKr, SUBJECT OF REPEAL OF CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE II OF THE CITY CODE, AVIATION BOARD, BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED B L RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:50 p.m. All Councilmen present at Roll Call . ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance reviewed by the Corrrmittee, which repealed Chapter 4, (Avaiation Board) of Ordinance #2826 Title II (Commissions and Boards) of City Code. Following reading Aviation Board of the ordinance relating to Renton Aviation Board, it was MOVED BY Ordinance STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUSPEND RULES AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON Repealed SECOND AND FINAL READING. A motion failed that was made by Delaurenti , seconded by Clymer, matter be laid on table for two weeks. MOTION CARRIED, ordinance placed on second and final reading. City Clerk read ordinance repealing portion of City Code relating to creation of Renton Aviation Board, appointment of members and powers granted. MOVED BY STREDICKE. SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Following discussion, Grant moved for previous question, seconded by Now Bruce, carried. ROLL CALL: NO-DELAURENTI , AYE-CLYMER, SCHELLERT, Establishment of PERRY, STREDICKE, BRUCE, AND GRANT. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Citizens SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER OF ADVISORY BOARD AND AVIATION COMMITTEE Advisory BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Board Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented four ordinances Ordinance #2827 placed on first reading 2/4/74. City Clerk Mead read ordinance Uniform adopting and establishing by reference the Uniform Mechanical Code Mechanical Code 1973 Edition. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE 1973 Edition BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL. CALL: ALL. AYES. CARRIED. 365 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 2/11/74 - Page 4 ORDINANCES - Continued Ordinance #2828 City Clerk Mead read ordinance adopting and establishing by Uniform Housing reference the Uniform Housing Code, 1973 Edition. MOVED BY Code SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS 1973 Edition READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2829 City Clerk Mead read ordinance adopting and establishing by Uniform Building reference the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition, together with Code and Uniform Building Coda Standards , 1973 Edition. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Standard SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 1973 Edition UNANIMOUS COUNCIL APPROVAL. CARRIED. Ordinance adopted. City Clerk read ordinance adopting and establishing by reference Ordinance #2830 a Uniform Plumbing Code, 1973 Edition and re-adopting Part I Uniform Plumbing (Administration) , subject to certain modifications of the Uniform Code 1973 Plumbing Code, 1970 Edition, also revising schedule of fees . Edition Plus MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT THAT COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2831 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance Regulating regulating the use and installation of privately owned burglar/ Burglar Alarms robbery alarm systems , penalizing false alarms and authorizing Penalizing certain installations within the Police Department, also restrict- False Alarms ing the use of certain outside audible alarms. This ordinance was requested by the Police Department, recommended by the Public Safety Committee and Legislation Committee. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COM- MITTEE AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Ordinance which had been placed on first reading 2/4/74, was read by a ty Clerk Mead. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL UNANIMOUS COUNCIL APPROVAL. CARRIED. Ordinance #2832 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance Appropriating and appropriating funds in the amount of $11 ,286 from excess revenue Transferring (Container Corp. latecomer agr^ement) and transferring unto Funds, Monster Water Maintenance Operating Budget, and recommended ordinance • Road Tie Line be placed on first reading. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SUSPEND RULES AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. W. H. Philipp, 1210 N. 5th, offered to appear before the Legislation Committee to review facts of Office of the President. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENT, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:47 p.m. ,1L c cz 'l t Delores A. Mead , 'City C1 ek 366 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 2/11/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS �1r,►�.f��� z I/: AK/ CURRENT 1468 1497 •15P826934 PARKS AND RECREATION 1498 1009 •3A25109 CITY STREET 1510 1016 •20742130 LIBRARY 1517 1520 •752162 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 1521 1524 $353# 83 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 1525 1527 $30000 NEM CAREERS 1528 1530 s126t09 REG• AND STREET FWD THRUST 1531 1534 $2. 598062 URBAN ARTERIAL. 1535 1538 $23, 443, 38 WATERWORKS UTILITY 1539 1548 440,o17506 AIRPORT 1549 1551 •55x05 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1552 1570 f5. 568o14 FIREMEN PENSION 1571 1573 $lP115#85 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $96i309g97 WEi THE UNDERSIGNED r'EMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR S0-VICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDo 00 HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO• 1468 THROUGH N09 1573 IN THE AMOUNT OF $96.v309.97 THIS 11 OF FEBRUARY ffffffff FINANCE COMMITTEE l Illi w w w �� w •w�� COM TTEE MEMBER .rte v f ;�� ww ww www ww •m wwwwwww COMMITTEE MBE 1 (w w'wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww wA COMMIfeTEE MEMBER I i I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FEBRUARY 11, 1974 L.I.D. 273 - Orillia Sanitary Sewers Bid Opening - February 7, 1974 Contractor BB AA-EEO Schedules I & II Schedules I & III Schedules I & IV Frank Coluccio Const. Co. X $194,067. 37 $208,063. 70 $193,395. 77 9600 Empire Way So. Seattle, WA 98118 Constructors-PAMCO X $213,140. 89 $229,086. 47 $213,246. 19 3600 Fremont Avenue No. Seattle, WA 98103 DiOrio Construction Co., Inc. X $360,441.90 $371,435. 22 $383,955. 39 7265 - 2nd Ave. So. Seattle, WA 98108 LDL Land Deve Zopment Co., Inc. X $363,146.00 $366,480. 00 $359,373. 00 1529 West Valley Hwy. No. Auburn, WA 98002 O'Leary Construction, Inc. X $372,772.53 $395,887.99 $333,620.94 1021 - 118th S.E. Bellevue, WA 98004 Engineering Estimate $212,370. 27 $276,403. 20 $201,611. 42 CITY COUNCIL CQMMI= MEETING CALENDAR OBJ Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CCKUTTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF Februarg 11 , 1974 C CFDU= DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS CO?2SL'1`TEE OF THE WHOLE CL= CaKKMTY SERVICES GRAINT FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Thurs ., 2/14 7:30 P.M. SCHELLERT LEGISLATION Mon., 2/25 7:00 P.M. STREDICKE PUBLIC SAFETY Wed,, 2/13 4:30 F.M. DELAURENTI 6th FZr. Conf, Room City Attorney & FoZice Chief invited PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION PERRY OTHER MEETINGSAND EVENTS MEALS ON WHEELS Tues., 2/26 1:00 P.M. CARCO Theatre Nancy Thomas for Manor UhZman Senior Citizens Program t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FEBRUARY 11, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3594 $ 600 Robert GrinneZZ 4008 N.E. 7th St. Rebuild fireplace 3595 500 Bonanza 88 801 S. 3rd. St. Re Z. damaged p g pans in marquee 3596 6,300 Michael Smith 3402 N.E. 7th St. Construct addition to residence 3597 11,265 Dept. Of Housing 634 Harrington N.E. Renovation per HUD specification 3598 2,500 40 Rentals 1100 Bronson Way N. Inst. canopy on back of bldg. 3599 5,000 Alec Bakamus 2811 Sunset Blbd. N.E. Rock retaining wall, pltg. f nc 360 1, 000 HUD - Seattle 2905 N.E. 7th St. Remove chimney & reroof resident '"'3601 350 F. C. Shelton 1055 Aberdeen N.E. Inst.free-stng. firepZ. & chimne; 3602 4, 000 Vince Mottola 2815 Sunset Blvd. N.E. Add 2 roams to rear, cvr. window, 3603 35, 000 George Mortenson 727 Lind Ave. S.W. Structural repairs to warehouse ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4516 300 Jim Kirkman 216 Wells Ave. S. Change service 4517 600 Con Wiehoff 1619 Kennewick Ave. N.E. Wire new residence 4518 150 Kenneth R. Pratt 2219 N.E. 8th PZ. Wire addition to residence 4519 200 Hub Trailer Park 641 Wells Ave. N. #20 Increase mobile home service E4520 230 Nova Properties, Inc. 325-1/2 S. 3rd St. Conn. equip. & tenant finishing 4521 50 City of Renton 800 Edmonds Ave. N.E. Wire heater-checking wiring & far, 4522 250 Renton Village Co. 35 S. Grady Way Relocate Zgtg. circuits & switche I MECHANICAL PERMITS M3803 350 FHA 2625 N.E. 22nd St. geld Re r. drain field.,f� pump septic tan 3804 1, 100 Vince Mottola 2817 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Range hood, duct & fan, fire ext. M3805 950 Rigby Dev. Co. 911 S. 30th Place Inst. Plumbing & Fixtures 3806 480 Robert Cooper 87 Williams Ave. S. Inst. 80,000 BTU cony. burner 3807 1,800 Spot Tavern 4224 E. VaZZey Rd. Inst. 140,000 BTU gas furn.-vent 3808 545 Powell Const. Co. 1722 Camas Ave. N.E. Inst. 100,000 BTU gas furnace 3809 5P,0 Hebb & Narodick 917 S. 28th Court Inst. 80,000 BTU gas furnace Who'810 1, 000 Shannon Hogue 4224 East VaZZey Rd. Inst. Plumbing & fixtures SIGN PERMITS 5349 9,500 Dave Cohan 95 Airport Way 2 po Ze, 1 roof, 2 wa Z Z signs S350 300 King's Tavern 230-1/2 Main Ave. S. Inst. projecting sign S351 250 Rainier Village Co. 520 Rainier Ave. S. Inst. wall sign S352 800 Rainier Village Co. 530 Rainier Ave. S. Inst. plastic electric sign 970 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting February 15, 1974 Office of the City Clerk Referrals MAYOR Halt New Construction of Service Stations by legal means as may be possible COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Conditional Use Permits for Retail Outlets for Motor Fuel - For study and recommendation i i 371 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting February 15, 1974 Municipal Building Friday, 7:30 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Special Meeting to Order. TOLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works IN ATTENDANCE Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MEETING OF CITY A special meeting of the City Council was called by Council President COUNCIL, SERVICE Clymer for the purpose of discussing the distribution, sale, and availa- STATION OPERATORS bility of gasoline within the corporate limits and the nearby vicinity AND CITIZENS TO of the City of Renton. Proper public notice was posted, mailed and DISCUSS GASOLINE published, with waiver of meeting notice signed by all Council members SITUATION in accordance with requirements of the Open Public Meeting Law. DIGNITARIES AND The meeting was convened at 7:30 P.M. Others present, introduced by CITIZEN Mayor Garrett, included the Honorable Gary Grant, State Senator, Mr. ATTENDANCE ` ^ Milton E. West and Mr. Michael K. Ross of the Federal Energy Office; ~ Mr. Larry Storman, Kent City Councilman; and Mr. Les Lindsey, Repre- sentative for the Service Station operators 24 operators and 40 citizens. Mr. Lindsey read press release concerning gas-reZated problems and actions for resolving them. Councilman Bruce noted his involvement as concerned station of Mr. Bob Speers, owner of Standard Station at the corner of Harrington Avenue N.E. and Sunset Highway, whose business had been tentatively to close in April, increased allocation extending the service to May 31st. Station owners/managers/operators introduced themselves as per attached list. Councilman Perry, noting referral of the gas matter to the Transporta- tion Committee, cited problems related to lack of gallonage due to 1972 base factor, but facts warranting greater allocations, including employ- ment level at The Boeing Company and question of stations closing without the reallocation of the gallonage to the City. He outlined conclusions from earlier meeting with F.E.O. representatives that dealers need help in substantiating claims for increase in allocations and the City will help provide factual information for completing F.E.O. No. 17 forms, which are submitted to suppliers, Mr. West urging copy be filed with the F.E.O. Office as well. Upon invitation by Councilman Schellert, the F.E.O. officials commented, Mr. Ross acknowledging familiarity now with the 1972 Boeing employment reduction and revised allocations to which the city should be entitled. Form 17 must go to the suppliers who must respond within twenty days. Dealers must have adequate infor- mation to validate claims for increase. Mr. West added that Form 17 concerns station activities and must be completed by the station opera- tors, the City not having access to the information. He suggested use of 1973 as a base and that copy of the completed form be filed with his office. Various station owners related their experiences regarding sales volume, noting State Highway road construction on Sunset Highway in 1972 con- tributing to the low volume, Mr. West urging the Mayor's documentation of same. Station Owner Burt Lange inquired concerning new stations opening when those already operating could not get adequate supplies. Public Works Director Gonnason noted building permits for additions to existing facilities. Discussion ensued wherein it was noted when stations close (such as Gulf) or leave an area, the allocations remain and may be distributed by the companies to anyone and stored where facilities are available, it also being noted that new stations bring additional gas to the area�any restriction to result in lesser product for the area, the City now receiving 25% less gas than in 1972. 272 Renton City Council Special Meeting Minutes Page 2, February 15, 1974 MEETING ON GASOLINE SITUATION (Continued) Councilman Stredicke pointed out that City ordinances do not contain restrictions on gas stations, that he had inquired concerning limiting the number in operation and issuing conditional permits rather than business licenses. Attention called to the fact that curtailment of free enterprise is not a good practice; further discussion ensued, Mr. West noting that if the City works with the operators and new base volumes can be established, order will be issued for new allocations. The station owners reported their gas pumping hours and various modes of operation, one by appointment only booked into March, noting problems with control of the lines. It was noted FEO approval may not guarantee delivery as allocation varies by company. Mr. Speer questioned whether check is made to see if the oil company follows through on the new orders, Mr. West advising report comes from the refinery outlining distribution and up to five percent can be redistributed. Companies were urged to complete the Form No. 17, secure the necessary documentation, which is being prepared by the City and if they did not agree with their aZZoca- tions, they should resubmit the forms for reconsideration (if previously denied). City traffic count also to help in documentation. Mr. Robert Johnston, Industrial Relations, The Boeing Company, introduced Mr. C. S. Sargent, Facilities Manager and Mr. Dwight Porter, Boeing repre- sentatives who would assist in furnishing data on employment, destination and organization, polls having also been taken regarding use of Metro.+: which might further aid in substantiating the Form 17 requests. Comments followed concerning night filling at non-operating sites, allowances for storage for commercial customer supply and regarding non-delivery of allocations which did not constitute a full tank load. Senator Gary Grant inquired of F.E.O. officials as to government actions, availability of supply nationwide and time element for implementation of plans, indicating wrong emphasis and urging inventory be given priority over allocation procedure. Mr. Ross responded calling attentio to short duration of the F.E.O., receipt of information only as of February 1st, noting 99 percent of oil companies reporting data on inventories not yet compiled. He did not wish to venture a guess on how long it might be before a plan will be effectively working. He outlined Congressional actions and the proposed legislation for develop- ment of new techniques and exploration. Reprisals were cited, Socialism inferred, most entities engaging in free enterprise preferring less regu- lation by Government. It was indicated if increase requested is up to 20 percent, the supplier can adjudicate. If 21 percent or over, the Federal Agency enters. If dealers are not satisfied with suppliers aZZocation, they should file with F.E.O. Citizens related problems in getting gasoline on normal routes of travel between work and home with much fuel being wasted trying to locate a source of supply. Mr. Scott Haskins, Legislative Aide to the City Council, was introduced. Councilman Stredicke urged that the dealers take and complete Form 17's and return to Mr. Haskins on the 6th Floor of the Municipal Building by Tuesday so the Aide and Council Committee can put together a total package which all dealers could attach to the report that is sent in. The dealers felt they were getting additional burden as a result of the 15 or 16 stations which had closed in the Renton area. In discussic of limiting permits, it was noted that every station, by July 1st, must have low lead products on the premises and several stations do not have tanks and must put them in. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE MATTER OF ESTABLISHING CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR RETAIL OUTLET SALES OF MOTOR FUEL, MINOR ACCESSORIES AND SERVICE, IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. 373 Renton City Council Special Meeting Minutes Page 3, February 15, 1974 MEETING ON GASOLINE SITUATION (Continued) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE ADMINISTRATION EXERCISE WHATEVER LEGAL MEANS IT CAN TO HALT NEW CONSTRUCTION OF SERVICE STATION FACILITIES. Some discussion ensued, some dealers noting they did not mind the new stations as long as they got their own allocations, Council- man Stredicke proposing temporary restraining order, stop work order, or withdrawal of permit. Kent Councilman Storman suggested that in lieu of actions proposed, the Council contact the oil companies directly to resolve the problems. Low lead storage requirements were 1rr again mentioned and Councilman Stredicke advised if such was the case, it should be indicated. THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. i Delores A. Mead, City C erk jt I 6 �4 NAME & ADDRESS OF SERVICE STATION NAME & ADDRESS OF SERVICE OWNER, OPERATOR, MANAGER OWNER, OPERATOR, MANAGER Joe's Sunset Shell Don Bain's Exxon Products 330 Sunset Blvd. N. 13805 S.E. Renton-Issaquah Road - Renton Mr. J. D. Skaggs Don Bain, Owner Roy Sehmeck Cascade Exxon Products Renton Hill 3100 Benson Road So. - Renton Gary Masterjohn Dale 's Union 76 Monte'; Union Service 320 Rainier Ave. So. 4101 N. E. Sunset Dale Shagle George L. Caul Reyneir's Shell Service Cascade Vista Texaco 17606 - 108th - Renton 16840 116th Ave. S.E. Mike Reyneir Bob Robbins Highland ARCO Station Southcenter Texaco 3123 N. E. Sunset Blvd. 501 Tukwila Parkway Karl B. L. Miller Tukwila Highlands Shell Bob's Chevron Service 2801 Sunset Blvd. 2705 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Stanley A. Ridley, Jr. Robert Speer Manuel's Union 76 E & S Phillips '66' 3933 N.E. 4th St. Manuel J. Zazueta 311 Sunset Blvd. No. Kenneth R. Scott HiLand Chevron 4044N.E. Sunset Blvd. Renton & Rainier Union Service James Hall 59 Rainier Ave. S. Val AshZy Renton East Exxon 16402 S.E. 128th St. - Renton Ed Cook's Chevron Station ' S. 3rd St. & Burnett Ave. S. Ed Cook Jim Hall Chevron 4020 N.E. 4th Cook's Texaco James Ha Z Z 150 S. W. Sunset Blvd. Renton R. P. Charley Is Chevron James Cooks - Robert Cooks I 207 Main Street Park Avenue Service 541 Park Ave. N. Gary M. Riff le Highlands Texaco 3005 N.E. Sunset Blvd. Les Lindsey p orky s ARCO Service 13857 S. E. 128th St. - Renton Carl L. Lass Highlands Exxon 2800 Sunset Blvd. Burt Lange, Manager 375 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 25 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E . F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND I NSURANCE CARRIER *Claims for Damages: Miss Jeanine Kay Hyatt Mrs. Tina Chapman Mrs. Kathryn Sue Eifving Clarification. o'l Title I , Chapter 11 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Fire tation and bonding procedures w.. Remodeling of old Fire Station for Senior Citizens rx Historical Center Meeting re Green River Valley drainage channels COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Meet with Pacific NW Bell Fee schedule hall field liqhts Suh;ect matter of Shoreline Master Program LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Resolution re Surplus Equipment Ordinance re Council Meetings (lst Reading 2/25/74) Amend Council Meeting Ordinance re Special Meetings Ordinance re Council Committees (1st Reading 2/25/74) Ordinance re Advisory Aviation Board (lstFbading 2/25/74) FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr. Hurner to Library Board Fee schedule ball field lights PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Dog Kennels Police Officer's Guild request re agreement MAYOR'S OFFICE Petition re dogs rrrn TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Crossing at Sunset & Kirkland N.E. SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL March 7, 1974 March 14, 1974 APPOINTMENTS LEFF Board: Councilmen Clymer & Bruce, Fire Rep Parks, Police Rep Hume c>n v RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 25 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES COUNCIL DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISLER, Assistant Fire Chief; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VIC TeGA.NTV00RT, Street Supt. ; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTES FOR Council President Clymer asked for additions or corrections to the APPROVAL minutes of February 11 , 1974. Councilman Stredicke inquired as to 2/11/74 intent of motion made by Schellert (paqe 1- Sian Ordinance) that 2/15/74 Communitv Services Committee Reoort; (which stated Ad Hoc Committee on Signs had completed review of the sign ordinance and made recom- mendations which will be presented to Council upon completion of typing in approximately two weeks), and the Sign Ordinance be referred to the Legislation Committee for review. Councilman Schellert advised intent is that Legislation Committee review material . Councilman Grant advised the Staff presently retyping the proposed ordinance for Legislation Committee review. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, '000NCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11 , 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested correction to Minutes of February 15, 1974 Special Meeting, Mr. Ron Lindsey, rather than Mr. Les Lindsey, to be listed as Representative for the Service Station Operators. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 1974 APPROVED AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. Public Hearing This being the date set and Public Notices having been published Proposed and posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Shoreline Hearing regarding the proposed Shoreline Master Program which was Master completed 12/17/73 by the Citizens Advisory Committee, chaired by Program Mr. Bob McBeth. Community Services Chairman Grant commended the Advisory Committee. Citizens Advisory Committee Chairman McBeth explained the program as a balanced over-view of the City' s shore- lines resulting from passage at 11/72 election of Initiative 43B, Shoreline Management Act of 1971 calling for local control of planning Proposed and management. McBeth outlined t oreline: Cedar River, Green River, Ordinance Lake Washington, portion of May Creek, portion of Springbrook Creek Regulating and Black River, totaling 18 miles; also outlining exemptions to the City's 18 Miles program which covers 20 year period. Community Services Chairman of Shoreline Grant advised no changes proposed. Community Services Committee Member Delaurenti commended Citizens Advisory Committee. Mr. Don Norman of Quendall Terminals commended Citizens Advisory Committee and Chairman McBeth. Mrs. Carol Parks , 5227 Ripley Lane N. , inquired re pre-existing use, McBeth explained grandfather clause allowing pre-existing structures and pre-existing use. Mr. Morris Kayford, Redmond, inquired re bulkhead and was advised of single family exemp- tion. Mr. H. E. Hurst, Milwaukee Road and Burlington Northern Rep- resentative, inquired re Black River area and was advised by McBeth of several governmental agencies for that area would each require permit and noted severe ristrictions on landfill . Acquaculture inquiries were made by Councilman Stredicke, Mrs. Parks and Mr. Robert Marshall , 2909 Mountain View Ave. N. , beinq advised by McBeth of restrictions in Lake Washington. City Attorney questioned restric- tions as to Airport development, McBeth advised intent is to restrict Airport to present boundaries. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT MATTER OF SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTED. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting 3 7 7 Minutes of 2/25/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Claims for City Clerk Mead presented three Claims for Damages which had been Damages filed with her for tire damage by Miss Jeanine Kay Hyatt, for sewer back up by Mrs. Tina Chapman, and for auto hitting pole on S. 2nd by Mrs. Kathryn Sue Elfving. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSUR- ANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Surplus Equipment Letter from Purchasing Agent Church requested street light, radar Traffic plus and signal poles and traffic signal equipment, along with five Back hoe pieces of equipment, be declared surplus by the City Council in Mower order to effect disposition. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Grader DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF PURCHASING AGENT AND REFER Tar Kettle MATTER T ' THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Curb-builder Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended final payment Rainier Electric of $7,293.43 to Rainier Electric Co. for work performed on N.E. Sun- C.A.G. 2060-72 set Blvd. Project, accepting comn?rtion of the project as of 2/11/74. Release of If after 30 days , no ;� ainst this project Retained Amount and proof of payment or tax 1 i abi ; i ti es i s ref.e i veli, h.,y��?er� of retained amount of $13,264.40 to contractor, recommended. '6')V.D By DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Police Officer's Letter from Renton Police Officer's Guild President Nibarger informed Guild re Council of disagreement between the City and Guild over several Agreement Articles of labor agreement, requesting collective bargaining. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Drainage Program Letter from King County Council , Public Works & Transportation for Green River Committee Chairman Dave Mooney, recalled 1960 agreement between Valley Kin- r' ,..-4�, n� mj�nicinalities of Tukwila , Renton, Kent and Auburn S, So i i Lortsprvat i on Corp. . for improved drainage program y _ ;seen River Valley; that Black River pumping station was the first phase; that Soil Conservation people anxious re construction of channelling and called for municipalities to provide 110 acres of property as wetlands. Mr. Mooney requested March 7, meeting at City Hall . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEET MARCH 7, TO DISCUSS DRAINAGE CHANNELS AS REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY COUNCILMAN. City Clerk read Resolution 1891 re Green River Watershed Drainage Plan. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Phil Weston of Bonanza 88, 801 S. 3rd, presented letter from Renton Merchants Association recalling dates for downtown redevelop- Renton Merchants ment as November 1972 to November 1973 and listed as not yet com- Association pleted: Underground utilities , overhead wiring not removed, pedes- & trian and street lights, luminaires, sidewalks , curbs and streets, Mr. Frank King adjustments , alleys. The letter asked for revised completion date, re CBD if penalties had been invoked, why contractors can work in other cities before completing Renton project; and stated goal of 100% building occupancy by 1975. Mr. Frank King, Central Business District Project l0lanager, reported project is progressing and cited r � ;:oration and repairs accomplished and underway, also noting delays due to unusually wet weather and receipt of damaged poles and fixtures. King noted phone and light companies needed to work together to re- move wires and urged expediting by phone company. King also noted shortage of trees and fittings and delays in deliveries; asking business firms notify him of specific scheduling requests re pole removal and street blockage; that completion date appeared to be May. ar.n Upon inquiry of penalty imposed, it was advised by City Attorney that contract contains liquidated damages provision. Mr. Weston suggested a letter be sent to Pacific Northwest Bell to speed up project; that the Burnett Ave. S. parking lot project be speeded up. MOVED BY GRANT, WITH SECOND BY DELAURENTI , MATTER OF MEETING WITH PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett proclaimed the week of March 17, through DeMolay Week 24, 1974 as International DeMolay Week. Present to receive the certi- 3-17 to 24 ficate were the following Councilors , Steward and Deacon: Karl Youells, Larry & Gerald Cluphf, Craig Daniel and Jeff Morris -Reade. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 2/25/'74 - Page 3 APPOINTMENTS LEFF Board Letter from Mayor Garrett reappointed Council President Clymer and Appointments & Councilman Bruce to two-year terms on the Renton Law Enforcement Elections Officers' and Fire Fighters' Board, term expiring 3/1/76. MOVED BY Councilman Clymer SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENTS. CARRIED. Councilman Bruce Letters were read frog Mayor Garrett advising Council of notification Police Rep H..ime from Fire Chief Walls that Ken Parks of the Fire Departwent has been Fire Rep Parks elected to a two-year term on the Renton LEFF Board, term expiring 3/1/76; and advising of notification by Police Chief Darby that Wallace Hume of the Renton Police Department has been re-elected to a two-year term on the Renton LEFF Board , term expiring 3/1/76. Library Board Letter from Mayor Garrett asked concurrence in the appointment of Appointment Mr. James E. Hurner, 659 Blaine Ave. N.E. , to the Library Board to Mr. J. E. Hurner complete the term of Mr. Eugene Harvel who has resigned, term expiring 6/1/77. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDA TION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Grant reported objections had been received to ball field Park Lighting and tennis court lighting fees increased from $2.50 to $6.00 per hour Fees effected in th�Budget adoption. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE AND THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH THE PARK BOARD AND INTERESTED CITIZENS. CARRIED. Renton Historical Following discussion of the availability date of the old Highlands Society Lease Library site for the Renton Historical Society, site being used for Agreement storage of traffic equipment by Public Works, it was MOVED BY GRANT, Highlands SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY LEASE AGREEMENT Administration REFLECT CHANGE IN DATE FROM MARCH 1 , 1975 TO MARCH 1 , 1974 FOR Building AVAILABILITY OF WESTE':LY WING OF A i'iINTS11RAi PuN RUJILDING. MOVED Space Available BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, AMEND MOTION 7!+a A'VAIl.ABILITY DATE BE CHANGED TO MAY 1 , 1974. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS May 1 , 1974 AMENDED CARRIED. i New Fire Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented committee Station Plans report recommending that the matter of a new fire station and the bonding procedures be referred to the Committee of the Whole, that a presentation be made by the architect and Fire Station Committee on Thursday, March 7, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. The Committee report further recommended that the matter of remodeling of the old fire station for a senior citizens center or Renton Historical Center be referred to the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE r0",TT.-TTFE . CARRI LD. ruu i t�_ i e iy uoiaiio ttee report stated committee had met with the Ordinance City Attorney and Police Chief to discuss the proposed ordinance regarding topless dancers , and that further meetings scheduled. Committee member Grant advised meetings scheduled with representa- tives of the community. Petition re Letter bearing signatures of 25 citizens asked for protection and Dog Kennel peace from a dog kennel business at 2803 N.E. 6th Place in a duplex house which is zoned single family residential R-2, asking that number of dogs and rabbits be limited, that th,-� brePdinn, raisin, training and boarding of dogs as a dog kennel business , be removed from that residence, complaining of unsanitary conditions and also dangerous for children and adults walking on sidewalk. Councilman Perry presented the letter signed by Highlands area residents address to the Mayor and Council , asking action taken. Mayor Garrett advise the public Works Director was investigating. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND- ED BY STREDICKE, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR ACTION. Councilman Clymer asked that all those signing petition be notified of action City taking. MOTION CARRIED. (See later motion.) Gas Containers Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, Asst. Fire Chief Geisler advised only metal gas cans with self closing spout permitted under the 1965 Fire Prevention Code, that jeep cans illegal for gasoline storage, that one gallon of gas can be stored at residence in safety can and five gallons in safety can in other buildings. Renton City uou►ici i Meet'ifig 379 Minutes of 2/25/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted report and Committee Report findings of the Committee which was provided to the gasoline dealers of the area to substantiate their request for additional Gasoline gasoline allocations, requesting approval and entry into official Allocation records. The report prepared by the City in cooperation with Report service stations showed the base year for present gas allocations of 1972 as a bad year in Renton with 25% apartment vacancy, employ- ment low, streets torn up by construction, Boeing employment low and a loss of 20 service stations in area. The report signed by Mayor and Councilmen asked immediate action as crisis affecting safety and welfare of citizens, as well as industry and business. Boeing Commercial Airplane Company letter verified increase in employment of more than 16,000 persons in the Seattle-Renton area. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason verified construction and report included a Gasoline Consumption Report which showed realistic base for gallon per month allotments with a 25% increase over the 1972 allocations. Upon request of Councilman Perry, City Clerk Mead read letter of Mayor Garrett which expressed pleasure with cooperation between Executive and Legislative branches of Renton City Government on the gasoline problem to assist residents during gasoline crisis. MOTION BY CLYMER, WITH SECOND BY SCHELLERT, ASKED COUNCIL CONCURRENCE IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry announced meetings being scheduled with the oil companies individually. Legislation Leqislation Committee Chairman Stredicke returned the matter of Committee impeachment of the President of the United States to the Council Report without recommendation as {ie felt the matter of impeachment of the President was an improper subject for a non-political , Renton City Impeachment Council committee, urging those interested citizens to contact their representatives at the national level . Those persons present asking the City to adopt proposed resolution presented 2/11/74: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Robe] , 3606 Meadow Ave. N. ; Mr. Lenus Westman, 19415 143rd Place S.E. ; Mr. Kemper Mullins 15646 S.E. 138th Place. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 10:59 p.m. All Councilmen present at Roll Call . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SUBJECT OF REQUEST FOR RESOLUTION FOR IMPEACHMENT BE TABLED AND INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS BE ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES. CARRIED. Intersection MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , SUBJECT MATTER OF of Sunset & N.E. SUNSET BLVD. CROSSING-AT KIRKLAND AVE. N.E. BE REFERRED TO Kirkland N.E. THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Review of MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MATTER OF DOG KENNELS Animal Control BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Ordinance CARRIED. Salaries MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , SUBJECT OF TITLE I , Elected/Appointive CHAPTER 11 '.)F THE CITY CODE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGAL OFFICE FOR Offices CLARIFICATION. CARRIED. Joint Use of MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE School COUNCIL BE SET FOR THRUSDAY MARCH 14, 1974 TO MEET WITH RENTON Facilities SCHOOL BOARD FOR JOINT USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Letter from Council President Clymer requested concurrence in National League attendance at the National League of Cities Congressional City of Cities Conference in Washinqton, D.C. March 3 through March 6, 1974, Conference announcing appointment to the Human Resources Development Committee with the first meeting durinq the conference. MOVED BY DELAURENTI . a... SECOND PERRY, GRANT REQUEST.. Roll Call : All Aye, Clymer abstained. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee APPROVAL report recommendinq payment of Vouchers No. 1772 through 2048 in j #1574 - #1771 Void amount of $446,264.20 having received departmental certification as #1772 - #2048 O.K. to receipt of merchandise and/or services, asking Voucher No. 1807 Except #1807 be withheld for further review; Vouchers No. 1574 through 1771 were voided in processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #1772 - 2048, EXCEPT VOUCHER #1807. CARRIED. g0 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 2/25/74 - Page 5 ORDINANCES Ordinance #2833 Legislat-,on Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordin«nce Prohibits prohibiting hunting of game in the City limits, 0 Discharge of which had been placed on first reading 1/28/74, now revised to Firearms and allow training of animals with starter gun. MOVED BY PERRY, SEC- Hunting of Game ONDED BY STREDICKE , ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Ordinancr� read in its entirety, thereafter MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call : All Aye. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance, Proposed relating to the time and place of Regular and Special Meetinqs of Ordinance the City Council , establishing the first Thursday of each month Council Meetings as Special Meeting, recommending ordinance be placed on first read- ing and referred back to Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND PLACE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance establishing Special Meetings . City Attorney Shellan advised requirements of Open Meeting Act. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, LEGIS_ LATION COMMITTEE BE INSTRUCTED TO AMEND PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTAB- LISHING SPECIAL MEETING ON FIRST THURSDAY OF MONTH AS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING. Followinq discussion , MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance Proposed relating to Committees of the City Council expanding the Legislation Ordinance Committee to include Inter-Governmental Affairs and establishing Establishing Committe::� on Aviation, recommending first reading. Following read- Inter-governmental inq by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, Affairs and THAT PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING COUNCIL COMMITTEES BE REFERRED BACK TO Committee on LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED, Councilman Delaurenti voted Aviation NO and requested record so indicate. Councilman Schellert requested copy of ordinance be made available to all Councilman. maw 7irst Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance Proposed creating and establishing an Advisory Aviation Board, recommending Ordinance ordinance be placed on first reading. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED Establishing BY SCHELLERT, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ON FIRST READING. Advisory Aviation CARRIED. Following reading , it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY Board SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE AND COPY BE MADE AVAILABLE TO ALL COUNCILMEN. CARRIED, with Councilman Delaurenti voting NO. MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting of the Renton City Council adjourned at 12:10 a.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk ` � 0 ' t ' I WARRANT DI6TRIOWTION DATE 2/25/74 i i { BEGIN EN01NA TOTAL l AARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF /.5 7 DEION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS 1 CURRENT 1772 1857 •79i957j44 PARKS AND RECREATION 1858 $885 074961157 ' ARTERIAE STREET 1886 1887 45i378s74 CITY STREET 1888 IP05 817a85905 LIBRARY 1906 1151 S7# 0300% ; EMERGENCY EMR60YMENT OUNO 1952 Idol •426005 i , WORK INCENTIVE FUND 1954 x,954 •2441t4 NEW CAREER$ 1955 tS55 $125112 IR909 AND STREET FWP THRU6T 1956 1965 ♦R520530128 j URBAN ARTERIA. 1966 1969 SSj 45te 4* � LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUNQ 1970 1,970 450120 AIRPORT C0$TRUCT:ON FUND 1971 %972 •157053 IWATERWORK6 UT16ITY 1973 k993 4480011015; jAIRPQRT 1992 2003 46, 456035 ! EQUIPMENT RENTAL. 2004 2021 43, 313095 i ; FIREMEN PENSION 2022 4048 070164028 i TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $440264120 WEo THE UNUERSIGNED MEMBERS Cif THE FINANCE COMMITTEE, OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCJIj HAVING RECEIVEP DEMARTMENTAE CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED; 00 i i HEREBY APPROVE FOR FAYMENT VOUCHERS Nov 1772 THROUGH NO# 2048 IN THE AMOUNT OF 6446j264t20 THIS 25 OF FEBRUARY iiiiiiii I i FINANCE C MITTEE � � w .�'ir"r.�w« . Iil .rr.� Rirrrr•1�� CO IT - MEMVR wl *rwl_ C� A 1 CITY COUNCIL COMA METING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE I•1EETINGS SCHEDULED "_': CITY COUNCIL MEETING OFFPhr�unra �S, 7g74 COMMITTEE DATE T ITS CHAIFi�M-k1 ICC AT ION P Er"IARK� Thurs., 3/7 7:30 P.M. Council Chambers Meet w/Country Council re Drainage Channels, per COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE CLYI`�.R ve uest of Dave Mooney Thurs., 2/21' 7:30 P.M. GRANT 3rd FZr. Conf. Rm. Meet w/N.W. BeZZ, re pole removal, CBD, Down- town Merchants Mr. Frank King COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. , 3/5 6:30 P.M. GRANT 6th f "r. Conf. Rm.* * Joint meeting w/Finance & Personnel Committee Renton Park Board & Police Guild re BaZlfieZd Tues.- 3/5 8:00 P.M. GRANT :'ours_iZ Chambers*"* Lighting ees FINANCE AND PERSONNELSCHELLERT **- Shoreline Master Program Citizens Committee & hors., 2/�E =:30 P.M. 6th 1�Zr. Conf. Room interested citizens, Planning Dept. rep. & Lanning Dept. recorder LEGISLATION Von., 3/4 7:00 P.M. STREDICKE PUBLIC SAFETY ed., 2/27 4:30 P.M. DELAURENTI Gtr i"'r. Conf. Rm. e: Topless PUBLIC WORKS rhurs., 2/28 8:00 P.M. BRUCE e: L.I.D. 283 ed., 2/27 4:30 P.M. feet with gasoline company representatives TRANSPORTATION hurs., 2/28 :30 P.M. PERRY ri Fri., 3/1 :30 P.M. OTHER. MEETINGS AND EVENTS SPECIAL MEETING OF THE Thurs., 3/14 :00 P.M. MAYOR Chambers feet, with Renton School Board re Joint Use of COUNCIL chool Facilities for Senior Citizens COUNCIL ON AGING Tues., 2/26 1:00 P.1'1. CAfi 1'1heatre 5ociaZ Health Services, Transportation and Legal PUBLIC MEETING ervices for Senior Citizens G`� r JQ� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FEBRUARY 25, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3604 $ 3,604 E. S. Gavin 201 S. 4th Place Remodel front of bldg. , roof 3605 500 Charles A. Gramps 2919 N.E. 8th Place Const. add. to storage shed 3606 23,000 Kenneth Johnsen 1636 Lincoln Ct. S.E. Const. single family residence 3607 7,500 Harold Rector 900 S. 3rd Street Const. int. display, inst. par 3608 34,000 Jack A. Benaroya Co. 920 Thomas Ave. S.W. Install fiberglass canopies 3609 28,500 Dr. Thomas Maxwell 1920 S. Puget Drive Dental Clinic expansion 3610 800 Kent Metal Processing 710 N. 6th St. Inst. 2 devilbiss spray booth., X33611 -- Dalpay & Associates 3436 S.E. 5th St. Demolish residence & garage 3612 7,800 FHA - Seattle Area Office 625 Camas Ave. N.E. Remodel to meet housing code 3613 25,000 Dean W. Bitney 108 Factory Ave. N. Aldition & remodel office fac, ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4523 350 John Malgarini 807 Queen Ave. N.E. Change panel & inst. elec. hez 4524 1,475 Shannon Hogue 4224 E. Valley Road Repair fire damage E452.5 650 Hebb & Narodick 917 S. 28th Court Wire new residence 4526 700 Harold Rector 700 S. 3rd St. Underground conversion 4527 600 Record-Chronicle 801 Houser Way S. Underground conversion 4528 300 Cedar River Vet. Clinic 3770 N.E. 4th St. Inst. lgtg. , outlets, heating 4529 250 Faull Funeral Home 300 S. 3rd St. Wire room addition E4530 500 Gordon Baker 2319 N.E. 6th P1. Serv. panel, meter socket, ad( electric BB heating unit 4531 395 Salvation Army 65 Williams Ave. S. Underground conversion 4532 VOID 4533 200 John F. Harris 1013 N. 30th St. Move serv. & circ. breaker pai 4534 1,000 FHA - Seattle Area Office 625 Camas Ave. N.E. Inst. 200A serv, bring to cod( E4535 900 FHA - Seattle Area Office 1106 N. 31st St. Rewire & inst. new service 4536 900 FHA - Seattle Area Office 634 Harrington N.E. Rewire & inst. new service 4537 175 City of Renton 6023 Ripley Lane Connect dry well 4538 575 Phillips Petroleum Co. 3002 Sunset Blvd. NE Wire for 3rd prod. pump unit 4539 575 Phillips Petroleum Co. 311 Sunset Blvd. NE I. It of If It It 4540 500 "40" Rentals 1100 Bronson Way N. Rem. 5 panels, meters, instal_ raw 1 - wire 2 floods, rem. meter 4t)41 55 Stanford C. Witsoe 2301 N.E. 27th St. Install temporary service 4542 55 Powell Construction 1722 Camas Ave. N.E. Install temporary service 4-43 55 Hebb & Narodick 917 S. 28th Ct. Install temporary service MECHANICAL PERMITS I M3811 750 Don Faull 804 Renton Ave. S. Install 125,000 BTU gas furn. 3812 5,000 Vince Mottola 2817 Sunset Blvd. N.E.Gas installation - 6 units 3813 375 Autotronic Systems, Inc. 175 Rainier Ave. S. Inst. plmbg. & fixtures 3814 200 Dr. Wesley Odoni 227 S. 4th Place Install 8 sinks M3815 9,000 Phillips Petroleum Co. 330 Rainier Ave. S. Install 8,000 gal. stor. tank 3816 9,500 'r of 311 Sunset Blvd. NE Install 10,000 ga. stor. tank 3817 5,400 of If3002 Sunset Blvd. NE Rev. piping on undergr. tank 3818 1,100 Washington Jockey Club Longacres Race Track Inst. new hood over range 3819 200 Wm. Humphrys 639 Ferndale P1. NE Inst. gas water heater M3820 1,300 Stanford C. Witsoe 2301 N.E. 27th St. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3821 4,500 Robert Hawkins, Inc. 1920 S. Puget Drive Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3822 1,000 FHA - Seattle Area Office 625 Camas Ave. N.E. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3823 600 Daniel L. Kiel 2106 S.E. 20th Ct. Install roof drainage SIGN PERMITS S353 10 Wiechmann Enterprises 4210 Jones Ave. N.E. Inst. wooden wall sign ikw8r EWER PERMITS �I 1996 Mrs. Henry 355 Bronson Way N.E. Connect side sewer 1997 Harris Sound Ford 750 Rainier Ave. S. Connect sanitary sewer 1998 Powell Construction 1600 Camas Ave. NE. Connect sanitary sewer 1999 Powell Construction 1722 Camas Ave. NE Connect sanitary sewer 2000 Sherwood & Roberts 209 N.W. 6th St. Connect sanitary sewer 2001 Stanford Witsoe 2301 N.E. 27th St. Connect sanitary sewer 2002 Rigby Construction Co. 911 S. 30th St. Connect sanitary sewer 2003 Rigby Construction Co. 917 S. 30th Place Connect sanitary sewer 384 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 4, 1974 Office of City Clerk BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Sub-Regional Transportation Study L. I.D. 284 Proposed Sewer Jones Ave. N.E FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointment of Mr. Ross to Pinning Commission Listing of Personnel classified as Supervisors, Dept. Heads and Managers COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Communications from Mr. G. 'T.''McDaniels Subject of Discount Taxi Rates for Senior Citizens LEGISLATION COMMITTEE L. I .D. 279, Talbot Rd. S. Sanitary Sewers Proposed Ordinance re-Baard of Public Works (first reading 3/4/74) Matter of No-Smoking in Council Chambers Dissolutson LID 273 Creation 285 (Ordinance 2836 & Resolution 1895 Adopted 3/4) MAYOR ANL) CITY CLERK uta horized to sign Police Bill of Rights Addendum PLANNING COMMISSION Proposed L. I.D. for Sanitary Sewers S. W. 43rd St. and West Valley Hwy, Sub-Regional Transportation Study PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 1: 1.b. 284 Proposed Sewer Jones Ave. N.E. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT L. I.D. 28Proposed Sewer Jones Ave. N.E. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Sub-Regional Transportation Study SPECIAL EVENTS Public Service Employees Local 674 Presentation Hearing 3/19/74 Special Council Meeting 3/14/74 Public Hearing re Proposed Orillia Sewers 4/8/74 4 ' ' � ` | RENTON [ TTY COUNCIL � Regular Meeting March 4 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MlNUTE S | CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and � Called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. � � ROLL CALL OF WILLIAM J. GRANT, RICHARD M. STR[DICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY , CHARLES / COUNCIL DELAUKENTI , Council President Pro ten; HENRY E. SCHELLERT^ MOVED � BY STREDI[KE, SECONDED BY DELAUKENTI , COUNCILMEN EARL CLYMER AND i KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. 5HELLAN° City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; GORDON ERICK5EN, Plan- ning Director; KENNETH WHIT[, Personnel Director; HUGH DAR8Y, Police Chief; CAPT. BRUCE PHILLIPS, Fire Department Rep. ; WARREN GDNNA5ON, Public Works Director; yIC TeGANTUOORT, Street Supt. ; VERN CHURCH, / Purchasing Agent and JACK 'LYNCH, Administrative Assistant. ` MINUTES FOR MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2r, ! APPROVAL 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. � 2/25/74 ' This being the date set and proper notices having been published � PUBLIC HEARING and posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hear- L. I.D. 279 iDg to consider the final assessment roll for L. I .D. 279° Sanitary � Talbot Road S. Sewer Project for Talbot Road South. Clerk presented complaint filed � Sanitary Sewers by Mr. Frank NakaniShi, 3315 Talbot Kd.3. , that assessment Of $2"319'64 was too high, that this benefits the developer that can Sell lots , Final Assessment that the contractor plugged drain field , tore up fence and left t57,088, 14 Total downed trees. Public Works Director GOnnas0n outlined project with the aid of display map, explaining original estimate on project. $82,012.00 and the actual dsS8SS0ent $57,088. 14; that the contractor has filed $1 ,000 performance bond guaranteeing final restoration in the spring; that the Public Works Department recommends protest be overruled and final assessment roll be confirmed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY 3CH[LL[RT , PUBLIC HEARING BE CLO3ED, CARRIED. MOVED � ] BY SCHELLERT SECONDED 8Y PERRY COUNCIL CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL , ` AS PRESENTED BY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED, CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS BU5INE35 Letter from Mrs. Joan Todd, ChainOun, EduCdtiVD Committee of the King [OUOtv Unit of the American Cancer Society enclosed Governor Non-Smokers Evan's statement on not Smoking and the Non-Smokers Bill of Rights , Bill of Rights urging City Council to adopt a resolution prohibiting smoking at Council meetings, as Tukwila has done' MOVED BY 5TR[DICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND REFER THE MATTER OF BAQNTQG SMOKING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS T0 THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED- Proposed LID LID 284 Letter from City Clerk Mead presented Petition filed for creation of Sanitary Sewer Local Improvement District for sanitary sewer installation in the Jones Ave. N.E. vicinity of Jones Ave. N.E' betweSn N.E' 40th and N.E. 44th Streets. N.E. 40 - 44th Letter recommended the Petition be referred to the Department- of Public Works for certification as to validity Of percentage of signa- tures and ownerships, along with referral to the Board Of Public Works and the Public Works Committee for recommendation. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY 3CHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE �ND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, CARRIED. ---` --------------------' SR-515 Letters in response to Resolution 1893 urging completion Of SR 515 �— Response to through the City and connection to 1-405 were read: Senate TranSpOr- R2solutiDn #1893 tdtiOn & Utilites Committee Chairman Gordon L. Walgren, State llƒh District Representative ShinpOCh, llth District State Senator Grant, and Department of Highways Director Andrews who urged a sub--regional transportation Study, both auto and transit, to precede any action modifying the highway system in the [ity. Letter from Renton City Council Meeting ~' '' 74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - CUntinugd SR-515 Mayor Garrett suggested the matter of a sub-regional transporta- tion study be referred to the Planning Commission, the Council 's Sub-Regional Transportation Committee and the Citv'58Udrd Of Public Works for Transportation- further --nsid2ratiQn as he felt it is essential that the City S30]V� �»� long range question of 5R 515, Puget SUund 8Uv8rDm�nt�l Study r u/ � ` ^~~' '- � lg~n ~ 'Transportation Plan and relating to WpdatiDq COmpre- C��f�r�n�g � 99 henaiVS Land '�9-Plan, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, �ECONDEO BY DELAURENTl , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RFC�M�ENDATIDN AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE �� TTEE AND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Upon inquiry oF Councilma:�-�, �tF�dRke as to co , of study Public Works Director Gonnason reported $90,000 total , with $30,600, for transit and $60,000 for highway element, being hopeful of plan and research money on matching program; that al-though funds rerroved' from the 1974 Budget, the study was approved in the 6-year construc- tion program, that application had been made to Puget Sound Govern- mental Conference prior to Budget cut. Gonnason confirmed Council- man Perry that Budget funds could be provided if matching funds availabie. ROLL CALL : 3 Aye, PERRY , DELAURENTI and SCHELLERT: 2 NO, GRANT and STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Historical City Clerk Mead submitted for approval the Historical Society lease - Society Lease to he #est Wing of the Highlands Administration Building, reflect- LAG | 34-72 ingch8nge in date of availability from March l ^ 1975 to May l " Supplement #1 1974. MOVED BY 3TREDlCKE, SECONDED GRANT,h8N\ , LEASc AGREEMENT BETWEEN HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND CITY BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Service Letter from Mayor Garrett presented Department of Labor and Employees Industries Notice of Presentation Hearing on March 19, 1974 from Local #874 Mr. Willard Olson, Assoc. Chief Labor Mediator/ t0 consider petition ! from Public Service Employees Local #574 requeSting CertificitiUD Presentation ' as bargaining representative for Supervisors , Dept. Heads and Mand,iers. Hearing 3/ g/74 Mr. Olson requested listing Of all personnel classified under those ' ' ' headings. Mayor 6arrgtt's letter requested this matter be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee for coordination a consideration Of input from Mayor' s Office, City Attorney and Fina � Personnel Committee prior to the March 19 Hearing' MOVED BY DELAU���Tl, SECONDED BY 3CHELLERT, SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMlTTEE, CARRIED, AUDIENCE COMMENT Purchasing Agent Church introduced Mr' Bob McGirr from Melbourne, Mr. Bob McGirr Australia, visiting Renton, taking delivery On planes for Australian Airlines , who was welcomed by the Mayor. Mr. G T. M�D�Oi8l� Mr. Gene T. McDaniels submitted letter to the Clerk for presentation ` G. to the Cuuncil ' In order that extra cnni83 could be made, it was MOVED BY 5TREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:03 p.m. Roll Call : All present 86 previ- ously recorded. Upon reading of the McDaniel letter listing � flood damage and events leading to the filing of suit against the 0 �g ' �~~-o---ar-h_�3,-l37 ! and objecting to the restrictions which would City on against his property on May Creek by the proposed Shore- line Management Ordinance, it was MOVED BY 5TREDICKE, SECONDED BY ' 'L- R-NTl , COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES -0MMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED' Mr. McDaniel also presented'--'-r- fr—mPhyllisMrs' lArnold and nevartment of Public Assistance t1 U regarding rental property, as supporting ocum ents to his letter. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Gdrr8tt'5 appointment of Mr' Del Bennett as Airport Director Airport Director effective March l , 1974, was read; noting appointment pursuant to ' Mr Del Bennett the effective date of the Ordinance abolishing the Aviation Boa rd and its responsibilities , including appointment of Airport Director.- � MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF MR. DEL BENNETT AS AIRPORT DIRECTOR. CARRIED. ! Letter of reappointment of Mr' Norman L. Ross, Jr' , to the Renton Planning Commission for a six-year term, expiring l/l /79, was read, noting Ross' dedicated membership in the commission since 1968' MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED ICHELLERT° REFER APPOINTMENT TO FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE' CARRIED. ' Renton City Council Meeting 3/4/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee Police Guild report which noted meeting with the Renton Police Guild in Bill of Rights negotiations, submitting "Bill of Rights" and recommended Council concurrence in same, asking that the "Bill of Rights" be made an addendum to the existing contract. The report stated the committee/having already negotiated and recommended changes, did not feel a resolution necessary; and further stated the committee has already recommended that all employees within the Renton Police Department shall be entitled to the protection of the "Bill of Rights. " MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Substitute motion failed which was Made by Stredicke, seconded by Schellert, that this be referred to the Legislation Committee and City Attorney to report back next week. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT BE AMENDED BY SUBSTITUTING THE WORD "GUILD" FOR THE WORD "DEPARTMENT." (Report then reading: All employees with- in the Renton Police Guild shall be entitled to the protection of the Bill of Rights. ) Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. Council- man Grant requested reading of the Bill of Rights and discussion of resolution ensued. Notion as amended, CAPRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN ADDENDUM. CARRIED. " Central Business Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee District Project report,for informational purposes , re meeting 2/28 with representa- Progress tives of Pacific Northwest Bell , Puget Sound Power & Light Co. , Report Renton Downtown Merchants, along with Administration; at which time the power and phone companies assured to "do their best" to removed the overhead wiring and power poles in the next two weeks. The report noted Downtown Merchants Rep, Mr. Tony Porcello, urged those involved to expedite completion, the two weeks prior to the Easter holidays being critical period for merchants; CBD Project Manager King assured the committee that West Coast Electric would install all light poles in the central business district by k, March 15, 1974. Community Services Chairman Grant also noted final draft of Ad Hoc Committee on Signs sent to committee members and to Dissolution Legislation Committee. L. I.D. 273 - Sewers Public Works Committee Member~ Schellert presented committee report S.W. 43rd/Orillia that the committee reviewed report from the Public Works Director recommending L. I.U. 273 be dissolved and that a resolution be adopted by the Council delcaring intent to create a new sanitary sewer L. I.D.,with amended boundaries,which would include all proper- ties benefitting from the construction of the sewer main located in the vicinity of S.W. 43rd St. and West Valley Highway. The Pub- lic Works Committee recommended that (1 ) Existinq L. I .D. 273 be dissolved, (2) A resolution be adopted creating a new L. I.D. and scheduling a public hearinq April 8, 1974. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS Public Hearing COMMITTEE AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY April 8, 1974 STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, AMEND MOTION, THAT THE PUBLIC Proposed L. I.D. WORKS DEPARTMENT INCLUDE THAT PROPERTY FRONTING ON S.W. 43RD STREET Orillia IN THE PROPOSED L. I . D. , _ AND THAT THIS PROPOSED L. I.D. BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR COMMENTS AT THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. (See later Ordinances. ) NEW BUSINESS Motion failed which was made by Stredicke, seconded by Schellert, Councilman Grant act as recording secretary rather than City Clerk at Special Meeting Special Meeting of Council on March 7. Upon inquiry by Stredicke, March 7, 1974 City Attorney advised that transaction of the business of the joint meeting would be made available to the other jurisdictions participating. Taxi Rates MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE SUBJECT OF DISCOUNT RATES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS FOR TAXI FARES BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SER- VICES COMMITTEE. Possible 25% reduction in fares with plan similar to City's sewer and water rates for Senior Citizens, was noted. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting 3/4/74 - Page 4 VOUCHERS FOR APPROVAL Vouchers Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted #2049 - 2057 Voided report recommending payment of Warrants 2058 through 2138 in 2058 - 2138 OK the amount of $46,485.34 having received departmental certifica- tion that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered, Warrants No. 2049 through 2057 having been machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, VOUCHERS BE ADDPnVcD '-GR PAYMENT. CARRIED. i r-a;f i signal a"i,r: s 4(A 1.14is; i.cxr�mi ttee Chairman Perry noted,for informational N.3rd & Monterey purposes, that traffic light at N.3rd and Monterey Drive N.L. would be in operation by the end of March; plans as prepared by Traffic Engineering were reviewed and recommended for approval . ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance relating to Committees of the City Council which had been placed on Ordinance #28: 4 first reading 2/25, expanding the Legislation Committee to include Amending Council Inter-Governmental Ar:=airs and establishing a Committee on Aviation. Committees and recommended ordin::rnce be placed on second and final readings . Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call : AYE: GRANT, STREDICKE, PERRY, SCHELLERT. NO: DELAURENTI . MOTION CARRIED. Ordirianc^ %3.-.5 LnQ40 ation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance relating to time and place of Regular, Special and "Committee of Regular and the Whole" Council Meetings, establishing the first Thursday of each Special Meetings month, except Jan., July and November,as Special or "Committee of of City Council the Whole" meetingsin addition to Regular Meetings on the first four Mondays of each month and updated City Code by provisions of the Open Meeting Act. Ordinance placed on first readina 2/25/7a. Committee Chairman recommended second and final readings. Foll,�wing reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, `CONDED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL. CALL: All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Ordinance #2836 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance for Cancelled LID-273 first reading which repealed Resolution No. 1745 and Ordinance No. Sewers in Area of 2.647 relating t3 i.ocai improvement District No. 273, Sanitary Sewers S.W. 43rd and in S.W. 43rd St. (Oriliia) ,and rescinding said proceeding i^ its West Valley Hwy. entirety. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE B£ ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following reading of ordinance(see earlier Public Works Cormittee report) , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: All Ayes. ORDINANCE ADOPTED. First Reading Legislation Chairman presented an ordinance for first readinq relat- Proposed Ordinance ing to the membership, duties and organization of the Board of Board of Public Works. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, CONCUR IN Public Works RECOMMENDATION OF THE LEGISLATION 'COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN AND PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance creating and establishing a Board of Public Works, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED RESOLUTIONS BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution #1895 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a resolution for Declaring Intent adoption which declared the City's intent to construct and install L. I.D. 285 sanitary sewers in the vicinity of S.W. 43rd St. & West Valley Hwy, Sanitary Sewers and to create a local improvement district, L. I.D. 285, establishing S.W. 43rd April 8, as Public Hearing date. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. (See earlier action Resolution #1896 Legislation Chairman presented resolution, recommending adoption, Surplus Equipment declaring certain signal poles and equipment as surplus and author- izing the Purchasing Agent to advertise for bids on "as is" basis of surplus items. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED RY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Mayor Garrett, Councilmen Stredicke, Schellert and Delaurenti reported unable to attend next meeting as will be out of town. MOVED BY ADJOURNMENT STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, MEETING ADJOURN, CARRIED. Adjournment at 11 :10 p.m. G DOores ores Mea L r .,y erk CITY COUNCIL CM'D:'I'TEE MEETING CALENDAR I Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CCMUTTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MaRcti 4, 1874 C ,E DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS CoM ITTEE OF THE WHOLE hurs. , 3/7 7: 30 P.M. CLYMER Council Chambers eet with King County Council, etc. e: Drainage Channels ues. , 3/5 6: 30 P.M. GRANT 6th Flr. Conf. Rm. all Field light fees GGHN 1ITY SERVICES ed. , 3/6 8:00 P. M. Council Chambers horeline Master Program (Revised Time) ouncilmen Schellert & Stredicke invite ues. 3/5 : 30 P.M. SCHFjJI '►' FINANCE AND PERSONNEL � 6th FZr. Conf. Rm Ball Field light fees on. , 3/18 : 00 P.M. Conference w/Administration re : Bargain ing Unit, Public Service Local 674 LEGISLATION on. , 3/11 : 00 P. M. STREDICKE Councilman Perry to Chair Meeting PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS hurs . , 3/14 10: 00 A.M BRUCE 6th FZr. Conf. Rm. Tues. , 3/5 4: 30 P.M. 6th Flr. Conf. Rm. eet with Texaco representatives TRANSPORTATION Thurs. , 3/7 7: 15 P.M. PERRY th FZr. Conf. Rm. eet with F. E. O. Fri. , 3/8 4 : 30 P.M. th Flr. Conf. Rm. eet with Standard Oil representatives OTHER MMIM$AND EVENTS FIRE CIVIL SERVICE Thurs. , 3/7 7: 30 P.M. th FZr. Conf. Rm. uZes & regulations for selection of ire Chief, Scott Haskins to attend SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Thurs . , 3/14 8: 00 P.M. MAYOR ounciZ Chambers Meet with Renton School Board re: Joint Use of School Facilities :J� 390 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Manch 4, L974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING 6 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3614 $ 45,000 The Boeing Company Boeing Renton Ptant M"c. btdg. att. on Renton F 3615 26,000 John Dennis 1422 Monterey N.E. Con6txuc t 6 cngte dam. n L, 3616 7,500 A. J. D.icka 457 S.W. 4th Pta.ce Repaix 6iAe dam. 6 nem .i 3617 7,200 Stehno66 Meta?.6 1600 S.W. 43xd St. Int. 6twning 6 iin,6h,i o66 ice, xestnoomb, 6t0 r 3618 1,000 AAthuA A. F.ieid 3734 Park Ave. No. Convent garage to tee xoom 3619 10,300 HUD - SeatJ-e 066.ice 3607 N. E. 6th St. Renovate pert HUD specs. B3620 10,600 HUD - Se.atte.e 066.iee 1106 N. 31st St. Renovate peA HUD specs. 3621 9,600 HUD - Seattee 06�ice 1213 N. 30th St. Renovate pet HUD specs. TnlA11'►a! 1 PFVNTTS q .....�, RaCph M. Evans 3306 N.E. 11th P.P..ace Inst. gas conveu.c.on bwLneA 3825 4,700 The Boeing Company Boeing Renton Pta.nt Misc. in-ptant dn6tattation6 3826 800 HUD - Seattf-e 066.iee 1213 N. 30th St. Inatatt 84,000 BTU o.if- �uxn. 3827 1,200 HUD - Seattee 066.iee 1213 N. 30th St. Instal pembg. 6 6.ixtuAe6 3828 1,300 HUD - Seattee Ojb.iee 634 HaAA ngton N.E. In6ta t pimbg. 6 6.ixtune.a 3829 1,200 HUD - Seattee 066.iee 1106 N. 31st St. In6tattg. Pbmbg. 6 6ixtuJce6 M3830 600 S. AndeJcson's Back Angus - 95 Aitpoxt Way In6t. 200,000 BTU bonen 3831 3,500 Exxon Company 3100 Benson Rd. S. Inst. gas stoxage tank ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4544 50,000 The Boeing Company Boeing Renton Pta.nt Mize. .in-pta.nt etec. work 4545 700 HUD - Seattee 066.ice 1213 N. 30th St. Inst. new senv. , add ci&cui4 4546 50 Robert Putnam , 513 S. 2nd St. Convent to undengx. sehv.iee. 4547 50 Robert Putnam 511 S. 2nd St. Convent to undeAgx. 6eh-''ee 4548 50 H.ighta.nd6 Conv. Centex 1110 Edmonds N.E, In-6t. switch on genexa. 4549 250 Mu. Be tinato 603 Sm,ttheu Ave. S. Inst. new 125A seAv.ice E4550 3,400 S. Vendeea.nd 1920 S. Puget Dxive Wi&e add. to dental 4551 200 B&Ace Picketing 909 S. 3xd St. Wi to TV 6 stereo xm. to code 4552 350 FHA - Seattee 066.iee 3413 N.E. 6th Ptace Inch. 6env. to 200A, add eiA 4553 VOIDED 4554 200 Arethur. A. Fie.Ed 3734 Paxk Ave. N. Move meteA, sehv. to 6w. poo E4555 125 Sherwood Robent6 209 N.W. 6th Inst. new 125A sen.v.iee 4556 350 PoweU Con6tnuct%on 1722 Camas N.E. Wife new xea-i.dence 4557 200 P. J. Nangte, Jt. 3409 N. E. 10th St. Inst. new 200A senv.iee SIGN PERMITS S354 300 V4Agknia BoAei 308 WeM Ave. S. In6tatt pxoject%ng sign S355 900 Tood ie Twos 219 Main. Ave. S. In6tatt I pxo jetting 6.ign ax 1 wast sign SEWER PERMITS 2004 FHA 1213 N. 30th St. Conned sanitaAy hewer. 2005 FHA 1106 N. 31st St. Connect sanitaAy 6eweh 391 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Committee of the Whole March 7, 1974 Municipal Building Thursday, 7: 30 P.M. Council Chambers I M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Special Meeting to Order. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; WARREN GONNASON, Director of Public Works; IN ATTENDANCE GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide. INTRODUCTION OF Mayor Garrett introduced mei:1lars of the Renton City Council present RENTON COUNCIL- at this time, remarking that there would undoubtedly be others present MAN & OFFICIALS later, he introduced Councilman Richard Stredicke, as Chairman of the Legislation Committee; Councilman George Perry, as Chairman of the Transportation Committee; and Councilman William Grant, as Chairman of the Community Services Committee. He also introduced Mr. Warren Gonnason, Director of Public Works; Mr. Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, and Mr. Clark Teegarden, Chairman of the Renton Planning Commission. CITY OF KENT Mayor Garrett then called upon Mayor Isobel Hogan of Kent to introduce OFFICIALS the people who were there from Kent. Mayor Hogan said there were five of their Councilmen present and introduced Councilman Larry Storment; Councilwoman Billie Johnson; Councilman Len McCaughan; Councilwoman Jean Masters and Councilman Gary Just. She also introduced Mr. James Harris, Planning Director; Mr. Gerry Ulett, Director of Public Works; and Mrs. August Tonelli, Commissioner, Drainage District No. 1, as a faithful citizen of Kent. CITY OF AUBURN Mayor Garrett then called upon Councilman Hayes Holman, Mayor pro tem OFFICIALS of Auburn to introduce the people from Auburn. He introduced Council- man Ron Craig; Councilwoman Lillian Kitchell; Councilman John Lea; and Director of Public Works Pat Nevins. CITY OF TUKWILA Mayor Garrett called for introductions from the Tukwila group. Council- OFFICIALS man Dwight Gardner introduced Councilman Reid Johanson and Councilman Jon Sterling. KING COUNTY Mayor Garrett introduced King County Councilman Dave Mooney, who had OFFICIALS called the meeting and invited him to come forward and introduce the County Officials and also to turn the meeting over to him. Councilman STATE CONSERVATION Mooney thanked the Mayor and introduced representatives of the Hydraulics Division of the King County Public Works Department, Mr. George Wannamaker BURLINGTON- and Mr. Brad Gillespie; Mr. Lewis Kehne, Assistant State Conservationist, NORTHERN of Spokane; Mr. Merle R. Britton, Area Conservationist; representatives from Burlington-Northern, Mr. Don Cowles, Mr. Art Kemp and Mr. Larry DRAINAGE DISTRICT Jenner; the two representatives from Drainage District No. 1, Mrs. August NO. 1 Tonelli and Mrs. Lucille M. Rasmussen, representing her husband; Mrs. Virginia Burnside, representing the Valley newspapers; representatives SOIL CONSERVATION of the Soil Conservation Service, Mr. LeRoy Shearer, Biologist; Mr. Glenn SERVICE Johnson, Watershed Planning Party Leader; Mr. Francis Roberts, Coordina- tor of River Basin Study and Mr. William Cokely, Washington State Project Engineer. RENTON CHAMBER Mayor Garrett introduced Mr. Kay Johnson, Manager of the Renton Chamber OF COMMERCE of Commerce. DRAINAGE CHANNELS At this time the meeting was turned over to County Councilman Dave Mooney. GREEN RIVER Councilman Mooney opened the meeting by saying that this meeting was caller VALLEY for the express purpose of reviewing what was agreed upon by the County anc the Cities of Tukwila, Renton, Kent and Auburn back in 1960, and that very probably, very few people that were on the Councils in 1960 were now present, but there was no reason why Government, the people and industry 39, 12 Renton City Council Special Meeting Minutes Page 2, March 7, 1974 MEETING ON GREEN RIVER VALLEY DRAINAGE DRAINAGE CHANNELS cannot work together to accomplish what is needed in America, GREEN RIVER especially here in the Green River Valley, to keep payrolls and VALLEY keep the money circulating which is a necessity for good times in any community. The pr<:ject is to bring about good, substantial planning for what each municipality plans to do and one thing that is sadly neglected throughout King County is storm water and proper drainage. This program must be developed if the Green River Valley is to develop to its ultimate. One of the requirements is that King County and the four municipalities buy 110 acres of soil here in the Valley and leave it untouched so that it can remain as a wetland for waterfowl to move in here and migrate. This is not a project for Tukwila, Kent, Auburn or Renton to go separately on their own ways, and when we talk about 110 acres of property for wetlands, it is going to cost money, but by all of the jurisdictions working together, this can be accomplished, so that each of the cities can carry out the programs that have been laid out by your Planning Departments and other officials. Councilman Mooney introduced Mr. Brad Gillespie of the King County Public Works Department to give the audience a little of the historical background of the project. HISTORY OF GREEN Mr. Gillespie explained that what the sponsors, King County, the cities, RIVER VALLEY and King County Soil Conservation District agreed to in 1960 has changed DRAINAGE PROJECT considerably due to the emphasis on environmental protection. There are some new requirements that must be met if the Soil Conservation Ser- vice and the Federal Government are to continue in their efforts to com- plete the project for the Valley. Mr. Gillespie requested Mr. George Wannamaker, King County Department of Public Works, to give some of the background. With the aid of a map of the drainage system and pump- ing stations in the Valley, Mr. Wannamaker pointed out the various channels and pumping stations and gave a thumbnail sketch of the history i of the project. Back In late 1959-1960 when the local residents, primarily farmers in the valley, began to realize that a drainage project was fe 'bl, for the Valley; Howard Hanson Dam was under construction and it wouldA be long until the flow in the Green River Channel would be controlled, so an application for funds was made under Public Law No. 566 to go along with the drainage problem. The County, along with the four valley cities, and the King County Soil Conservation District sponsored this program through the Soil Conservation Service, and a little further along, we had the birth of the Green River Flood Control Zone District, which also became one of the sponsors. The application was made and approved through the S.C.S. and in the early 1960's, they did the planning and development of the project. In late 1965 and early 1966, the sponsors signed the plan and it went to Congress and was approved. It was explained there was one portion of the project completed, the major pumping plant that handles all the drainage on the east side, it was started in August, 1970, and accepted for operation in July, 1972. The Environmental Act was passed by Congress, and while this project had been approved by Congress, the Environmental Act became retroactive legislation and it was necessary to call a halt and to write an Environmental Impact Statement. The S.C.S. has been work- ing on this statement for a little over a year. Mr. Wannamaker explained that there were about sixty miles of channel involved, approximately thirty miles to each side. At this time, Mayor Garrett introduced Councilman Henry Schellert, Renton, who had just joined the meeting. Councilman Perry asked if this was the project that was started in 196 1965, rather than 1960. Mr. Wannamaker replied that the project apply lb- for it was started in early 1960 and when the work plan was completed mf the S.C.S. , it was presented to all the Cities, the County, all the sponsors in late 1965. There are two projects as far as the S.C.S. is concerned, the financial limitation under Public Law No. 566 of $5,000,000 in the initial stage of planning, and in order to havhe projects for both sides, and still stay within the limitations, they'were split, so there is an east side and a west side, and when they were sent to Congress, Congress acted on both plans within the same month. Councilman Perry asked when it was presented to Renton and Mr. Wannamaker replied that it was approved by the sponsors prior to August, 1966, as that was when it was approved by Congress. I i Renton City Council Special Meeting Minutes Page 3, March 7, 1974 MEETING ON GREEN RIVER VALLEY DRAINAGE (Continued) i MR. LEWIS KEHNE, Mr. Kehne was asked to speak on the environmental aspects of the Valley ASSISTANT STATE under NEPA, National Environmental Policy Act of 1970. In order to CONSERVATIONIST proceed with the Green River Valley construction project, certain requirements are needed -to satisfy the environmental concern and the ENVIRONMENTAL S.C.S. feel the sponsors should agree to before money can be put into ASPECTS construction. A supplement to the plan must be developed to go hand-in- hand with the Environmental Impact Statement. Some of the things pro- posed are that the sponsoring organization agree to purchase in title and perpetual easement and maintain public ownership during the life- time of the project an area that combines east and west Green River that will amount to 110 acres of suitable .wetland habitat, locations to be approved by the S.C.S. and Washington State Dept. of Game. Also, the sponsoring muncipalities, with construction permit jurisdic- tion, as conditions fcr granting a permit, work out agreements that a 2% portion of their land be set aside to produce wild life habitat, and that this be landscaped to afford wild life desirable plants and vegeta- tion that would encourage their abode there, and to maintain it for the life of the project. He explained that by using the term "wild life", he was not necessarily referring to game birds, or game, but to song birds, small mammals, etc. It was suggested too that the land, while waiting for development, be left for wild life habitat. The sponsors must adopt a ,Land Use Plan or policy consistent with the regional plan of the Puget Sound Governmental Council, or whatever reasonable authority would have authority. There has to be some agreement as to how the land is going to be used in the future. Councilman Perry inquired if the additional 2% dedication that was being requested was in addition to the 110 acres required or part of the 110 acres , noting it didn't seem reasonable that -in area that was designated "Light Industry", be only partially developed for that use and that the remainder be developed as a semi-wildlife habitat. It was explained that the 2% requirement was in addition to the 110 acres. Mayor Isobel Hogan of Kent inquired if there was a minimum amount of acreage, if developed, where this 2% requirement would not apply. It was established that, as yet, no criteria had been set, but possibly would be; also, there would be no objection to several different land owners combining their 2% section for wildlife habitat to form a larger area; in fact, it would be most. desirable. Councilman Stredicke brought up the question that there was not yet any criteria set up for establishing what percentage each jurisdiction would have to pay for in purchasing the 110 acres of land required and that the meeting seemed premature, since there was nothing concrete to act upon. Councilman Grant asked if it was the intent of these channelizations to make available suitable agricultural land in the Valley. It was explained that the intent of the original project and the scope was to reduce flood damages and to provide drainage for the valley, at the same time, when the plan was put together, it was recognized that there was going to be a certain amount of change of land use from its former of agricultural to industrial use and this was written into the plan. Industrial development has exceeded the rate anticipated. This, however, does not change the fact that the drainage goes in whether it goes to industrial or remains as an agricultural use area, the plan provides drainage and reduces flood damage. There is a limitation if you change the scope of the project, bring in some new element, that you are limited to $250,000, or $500,000, if you look at both east and west sides, before you have to go back to i Congress for approval. There are certain rules in Public Law No. 566 as to what Federal funds can be used for, and one of them is not a single dollar can be spent for land acquisition, either, for the wetlands or or acquiring right-of-way for channels or the pumps. This is all a non- Federal cost. Costs for construction of the pumps and the channels run approximately 95% Federal funds. 394 Renton City Council Special Meeting Minutes Page 4, March 7, 1974 MEETING ON GREEN RIVER VALLEY DRAINAGE (Continued) Councilman Perry brought up a previous bond issue on this that was brought to a vote of the people and was turned down, the feeling being that the people who owned this land in the valley and adjacent hillsides should bear the cost, since they were the ones who would benefit from the construction. Councilman Grant brought out the point that he believed industry owning land in the valley and wanting industrial development on it would be cooperative with the environmentalists and would be willing to set aside portions of their land for this use, as they are the ones who will benefit most from this project. KENT LAND USE Upon query, Mr. James Harris, Planning Director of the City of Kent, PLAN explained a little about their Land Use Plan, where a certain amount of land be used for construction and the balance be approved for beautifica- tion, and remarked that they had excellent compliance from industry. COST SHARING Upon inquiry from Councilman Perry regarding a formula for participation FORMULA in the cost of the project, Councilman Dave Mooney said he thought there was only one fair way to do it, and that was that Tukwila, Renton, Kent, and Auburn, along with King County should contribute equally to acquire the wetlands, regardless of where the parcels of lands were located. Councilman Mooney stated that one of the biggest problems in King County was storm water control, on the hillsides you see many areas where erosion takes place during every storm. He is going to introduce legislation next week that a committee be set up consisting of the Health Department, the Environmental Development Committee, Hydraulics Division, along with the Budget and Long Range Planning Committee and adopt a long-range plan for al.l King County to control storm water. The Committee will report back in six months with what they recommend and how it is to be financed. FUNDING Mr. Johnson commented that first of all we have to agree on plans, secondly provide the amenities through zoning and landscaping and thirdly, the thing that hasn't been discussed directly is the matter of providing funding to meet the local matching funds for this project. These costs, including the 110 acres, right-ot-ways, relocation of utilities, all the local match- ing elements will run in the range of $10,000,000 to $15,000,000. The Federal. share of this project is in the range of $26,000,000. It should come substantially from those properties that are on the valley floor through the means of an appropriately designed service charge. RECREATION IN Councilman Perry inquired if the wildlife area could also be used for WETLANDS recreation. Councilman Mooney replied that as long as the recreation was not in competition with the wildlife use of it, such as bird watching, hiking and photography, there was no reason why they wouldn't be com- patible. ENVIRONMENTAL Mr. Brad Gillespie remarked that the Soil Conservation Service were IMPACT STATEMENT addressing themselves to the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement, and that he thought it was in order that the Valley Cities and the County either accept or not accept this project. It should be accepted by the various legislative bodies, including the King County Council. Mr. Mooney said that they would prepare a proper Ordinance to present to the King County Council and it will be mailed to the May of each municipality, with enough copies for each Councilman. If you desire to have other meetings at individual cities, the Hydraulics Division of the King County Public Works Dept. , and also, himself, would be available to discuss the contents with them. SITES FOR WILD- Upon query, Mr. Mooney said that there had been eight sites selected LIFE HABITATS tentatively to make up the 110 acres in concurrence with the Washington Department of Game and the United States Fish and' Wildlife Service, and they had been presented to the Audubon Society, Green for Tomorrow, the Sierra Club and other environmental groups. Councilman Perry inquired Renton City Council Special Meeting Minutes Page 5, March 7, 1974 MEETING ON GREEN RIVER VALLEY DRAINAGE (Continued) if it was their opinion that the 110 acres be made up of one parcel of land or split up. Mr. Mooney replied that they would not like the land in one parcel and emphasized that these parcels of land were still only tentative and subject to change, however, the Environmental people must be given consideration as to the best approach for the preservation of wildlife throughout the area. It was suggested that a Work Group of the Councilmen for each of the Cities and Councilman Mooney, and whatever technical help was needed �6r for the deliberations, possibly have two or three meetings before the Supplement to the Work Plan is presented to the Councils for final action. Mayor Garrett remarked that if that was what was wanted, and since there was representatives of all the groups there, that each one of the jurisdictions could designate one member of their Councils, or one of their standing committees to work on the problem. In ensuing discussion, Councilman Stredicke asked what would happen if one of the participating agencies, voted against the program. A representative of the Soil Conservation Service said that the S.C.S. would not then be in a position to commit any money to go further with the project, since all the Cities and the County were responsible for the whole pro- ject, not just the side they are located on. SURVEY OF SITES Mrs. Jean Masters, Councilwoman from Kent, asked if wouldn't be worth- while to take a survey and find out if they weren't already in possession of the 110 acres, with all the puddles and streams in the valley that can't be built on, already conducive to wildlife. Councilman Perry suggested that a Council Committee, a Committee of all the Councils in the Valley be formulated to look into this land. The Mayor suggested that Councilman Mooney ask each city involved to notify him if they will agree to that and then set a date a few weeks away to supply members. He asked Councilman Mooney if he would take the responsibility of coordinating with the various agencies to set this up. Mr. Mooney accepted the responsibility. MANAGEMENT OF Councilman Stredicke remarked that in past hearings held on this WILDLIFE HABITAT area, it had been brought up that it doesn't matter how much land is set aside, unless you have management of that land, it is not going to do much good. Councilman Mooney stated that the State Department of Game had indicated interest in assuming management of these wetlands, but he did not know under what conditions they they would assume this. ADJOURNMENT IT WAS MOVED BY GRANT, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. Councilman Mooney took this opportunity to express his thanks to the Mayor and the City Council for making the facilities available for this meeting, and to the Soil Conservation Group for being available, as well as the people from industry, and that King County looked forward to work- ing with the Valley Cities to see that every effort is made to accom- plish what had been set forth that evening. MOTION TO ADJOURN WAS SECONDED BY STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. The Special Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. 2aZe7 Delores A. Mead, City Clerk jt 396 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 11 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY CLERK Notify Councilman Mooney re Rep to Green River Valley Studies FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Appropriation for Remodeling $3,750 Budget Matter LEGISLATION 6rdi_ nance__f'or L. I .D. 248 Closing Ordinance for L. I .D. 2-1'9 (First Reading 3/11/74) Ordinance re "Uniform Fire Code, 1973 Edition" (First Reading 3/11/74) Motor Vehicle Intoxication Fund Ordinance RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 11 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N 11 T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Clymflr, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE COUNCIL and GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMEN RICHARD M. STREDICKE, CHARLES DELAURENTI and HENRY E. SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Assistant Fire Chief; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GENE COULON, Park Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide and KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director. MINUTES FOR MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 4, APPROVAL 3/4/74 1974, BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested appropriation AND CURRENT of funds in the amount of $1 ,700 for purchase of materials in BUSINESS order to remodel the City Shop area to provide for storage of traffic materials now stored in the Highlands Administration Appropriation for Building; materials need to be removed prior to 5/1/74 per City's Remodeling lease agreement with the Renton Historical Society. Letter states remodeling to be accomplished by City forces and that the sale of traffic items recently declared surplus would substantially offset cost of materials. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Motor Vehicle Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested an ordinance .,. Intoxication establishing the Motor Vehicle Intoxication Fund, Revenue Account Fund 606/208.04, as recently amended State law requires the gross pro- ceeds from the penalty assessment for driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor shall be placed in a separate fund, to be transmitted to the State Treasurer monthly. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REQUEST AND REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. L. I .D. 248 Closed Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested a resolution Transfer Balance transferring the cash balance of $2,911 .36 remaining in L. I .D. No. 248 into the L. I . Guaranty Fund , per State procedures, closing L. I .D. 248 as final outstanding bond was paid 12/31/72 and a I I assessments have been collected. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. First Meeting of Letter from Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke announced meeting Aviation of the committee on 3/18/74 at 4:00 p.m. with Airport Director Committee Bennett reviewing airport projects and activities. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Perry reported recommendation at Special Meeting of the Council on 3/7/74 with King County Councilman Mooney, Soil Conserva- Green River Valley tion Representatives along with representatives of other Valley Wild Life cities regarding Green River channelization, that Councilman Mooney Conservation formulate committee on study of wild life conservation areas. MOVED Areas BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRAM , COUNCILMAN GRANT REPRESENT CITY OF RENTON ON COUNCILMAN MOONEY'S WILD LIFE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE AND THAT CITY CLERK NOTIFY MOONEY. CARRIED. Ball Field Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee Lighting Fees report regarding meeting with various baseball leagues , Park Board, Finance and Personnel Committee and recommended the revenue section of the Park Fund be reduced by $3 ,750 which was added during budget hearings , and further recommended the matter of $3,750 to balance 998 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 3/11/74 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Ball Field the budget be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee. The Lighting Fees letter noted the Committee requested Puget Sound Power and Light Continued file a special tariff fee for ball field lighting and that the Community Services Committee will contact the light company to negotiate a new tariff. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Tariff Rates Councilman Grant submitted letters in response to Council referral of 11/19/73 to the Board of Public Works, consisting of letter from Puget Sound Power and Light Co. to the Board of Public Works Com- mittee Chairman Bennett re general tariff filed with the Washing Utilities and Transportation Commission and noted no preferential rate treatment proposed for special interest groups of customers as this would impose corresponding burdens on those customers not so benefited and cause additional administrative costs. The letter from the Board of Public Works to Mayor Garrett reported the tariff schedule review noted all utility tariffs are set by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission and if the City is interested in pursuing a special rate for senior citizens or the economically disadvantaged, the request would be directed to the Commission who could direct the serving utility to give recognition to those groups in the rate structure. The Board of Public Works letter noted the purpose of the utility' s basic minimum charge for providing service whether or not the utility was used, is to establish that all usage is subject to a charge and no amount of energy is furnished free and the alternative of reducing the minimum consumption may result in a higher total cost. The letter noted the three utility companies (Puget Sound Power and Light Co. , Washington Natural Gas Co. and Pacific Northwest Bell ) are requesting rate increases, and if City has questions, notice should be directed to Commission. Letter from Mayor Garrett Forwarded the letters re tariff to Council President Clymer of the Council . Fire Chief Councilman Grant noted Legislative Aide Haskins atter:'" '- - Fire Civil Service Commission Meeting of March 7, representiriy the Public Safety Committee members due to of rnAL+ings , submitting Haskins' repur ; r^pard i ng guidelines ,or ..0,l :ca t i ons and testing for Renton's Fire Chief as determined by the Commission. Report noted Fire Civil Service Commission would be meeting 3/20 at 7:00 p.m. regarding the matter. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee recommended payment of Vouchers 2154- APPROVAL 2296 in the amount of $148,995.87 having received departmental #2139-2153 Voided certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered, #2154-2296 O. K. plus L. I .D. 276, Phase II, Peoples National Bank R-2 and Construc- Plus LID 276-II tors-Pamco C-2 Warrants each in amount of $7,285.79. (Vouchers No. R-2 $7,285.79 2139 through 2153 were machine voided . ) MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED C-2 $7,285. 79 BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Member Perry presented committee report RESOLUTIONS recommending first reading and referral back to committee of an ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for L. I .D. First Reading 279 for sanitary sewers in vicinity of Talbot Rd. S. (Public Hear- Final Assessment ing March 4, 1974) . Following reading of the ordinance conFirl;; Rg L. I. D. 279 Final Assessment Roll in the amount of $57,088. 14, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COM- MITTEE AND REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and referral "Uniform Fire back to committee of an ordinance adopting the "Uniform Fire Code, 1973 Code, 1973 Edition," describing regulations governing conditions Edition" hazardous to life and property from fire and/or explosions. Follow- ing reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. %)99 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 3/11/74 Page 3 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ordinance #2837 Legislation Committee report recommended an ordinance placed on Board of first reading 3/4/74 be resubmitted for first reading, second and Public Works final readings, ordinance having been revised. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance relating to the membership, duties and organization of the Board of Public Works, it was MOVED PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: All Ayes. CARRIED. Memorial A minute of silence was observed in remembrance of recent Police Department retiree, Mr. Raleigh Stone, now deceased. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRUCE, PERRY SECONDED, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting of the Renton City Council adjourned at 8037 p.m. I Delores A. Mead, City Clerk �r 400 -NARKA'NT DISTRIeUTION DATE 3%11/74 bLGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DFIFRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT 2154 2197 $33, 505 * 14 PARKS AND RECREATION 2199 2213 $3i536e61 ARTERIAL STREET 2214 2214 $27h . 73 CITY STREET 2215 2226 $41284s06 LIBRARY 2227 2231 $853 * 64 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUlyJ 223 2235 $353w83 NORK INCE%TI %E F'UNO 2:_'36 2238 $278 * 70 NEN CAQLERS 2239 2241 $126109 REG • A114D STREET FWD THR'.1ST 2F42 2246 $17e943► 61 UR3AN ARTEfR74AL 2247 2249 $804 # 11 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 2250 2240 slj123118 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2251 2273 978A260. 99 AIRPORT ;--1274 2279 $4) 829@79 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2280 2291 $932 # 85 CENTRAL STORES 2293 $721961 FIREMLN PENSION 2294 2296 $l , 164 . 93 ...r TOTAL JF ALL wARRANTS $148, 995087 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED i'°E"':iER'3 OF THS FlNA -,CE CUMMITTLE OF TRE RENTON CITY COUNCILo HAVING Rc::EIVE9 DLPARTMENTAL. CERTIFICATION THAT : MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEN RECEIVED OR ;ZENDEREJP DO < HEREBY APPROVIj FOR PAym-ENT VUUCHER3 NQ , 21.54 THROUGH NO . 2296 IN THE: AMOU14T OF $148p995 .N7 THIS 11 OF PIARCH ffff_ffff L.I.D. 276, Phase I1 _ FIVANZCOMMITTEE Peo;.les Nat' l. Baric; R-2 $7,"L85� Tti ��� E Constructors-Pamco: C-2 $7,285.79 -- C0'1 1 TTEE R a { . .....- ----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK March 11, 1974 BID CPENING - MARCH 12, 1974 ,-.'REET BEAUTIFICATION SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE II SCHEDULE III CONTRACTOR BID BOND EE'DiAA RAINIER AVENUE SUNSET BOULEVARD SOUTH 4TH STREET Total James E. Davis, Contractors X X $32, 847. 67 $36,540. 84 $21,614. 56 $91, 003. 07 10222 - 128th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 Golf Landscaping, Inc. X X $26,.967. ,,0 $421,169. 20 $19,871. 10 $88.,007. 80 24425 - 164th S.E. $34,154. 20* $19,197. 25* $80,318. 85* Kent, WA 98031 f Robertson Landscaping X y $25,95-1. 50 $26,580. 50 $24,746.60 $77,281. 60 Box 178 $25,943. 05* $22., 793. 00* $24, 747. 60* $73,484. 10* Monroe, WA 98272 * ENGINEERING CORRECTIONS Engineering Estimates - Schedule I $65,030. 50 Schedule II $25,497. 00 Schedule III $113,j16. 65 Total $663,544. 15 0 h� CI'T'Y COUNCIL CCNMTEE MEETING CALENDAR � Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL C010a E MEETINGS SC12DULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCP 11 , 1974 C ONIMLTTEE DATE T Il"IE CHAIRMAN "CAT ION RII��.ARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Mon 3/18 4:00 PM STREDICKE F6tf� ;I .Conference Rm. Airport Director to review Airport projects C ONM1=E OF THE WHOLE C LYMER and activities Tues 3/12 7:30 PM Grant 6th Fl .Conference Rin. Puget Sound Power and Light CCIOMTY SERVICES Wed 3/13 10:00 AM GRANT Meet with Police Guild re Public 'Safety Items Wed 3/20 8:00 PM Grant Council Chambers Finalizing Shoreline Master Plan FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT LEGISLATION & Intergovern- STREDICKE mental Affairs PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENT'i PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION PERRY OTHER =ING$AND EVENTS Special Meeting Thurs 3/14 8:00 PM MAYOR Council Chambers Meet with Renton School Board re Joint Use of School Facilities 403 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK March 11, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3622 $ 18, 500 Powell Construction Co., Inc. 1632 Blaine S.E. Construct new residence 369,3 700 Kent Metal Processing Co. 710 N. 6th St. Const. partitions & shed 3624 6,555 FHA - Seattle Area Office 3601 S.E. 6th St. Remodel residence per specs. 83625 1,000 Arnold Hartvisgon 3770 N.E. 4th St. Finish Office area 3626 4, 400 The Boeing Company Boeing Renton PZt. Rep Z. wood flume & separator with permanent concrete 3627 150 T. Warren DonneZly/0. E. Leivestad - 207 Wells Ave. S. - Interior remodel exis ing Store Building 3628 80, 000 Wash:�ngton Jockey Club Longacres Construct garden building 3629 27,000 Q-M Enterprises, Inc. 1704 GZennwood S.E. Construct new residence B3630 27,000 Q-M Enterprises, Inc. 1710 GZennwood S.E. Construct new residence 3631 27,000 Q-M Enterprises, Inc. 1707 S.E. 16th St. Construct new residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4558 1,100 Viola Oughton 919 S. 3rd St. Underground conversion 4559 `188 Dwight T. Bleakley 3120 S.E. 6th St. Ext.to E-4315 add. of eZec. and bigger service E4560 200 Exxon Company 3100 Benson Rd. S. Wire & conn. turbine pump 4,c)1 3,000 Washington Jockey Longacres Wire new garden building 4562 575 Starr Witsoe 2301 N.E. 27th Wire new family residence 4563 160 Donnelly & Leivestad 207 Wells Ave. S. Inst. fixtures & outlets MECHANICAL PERMITS a M3832 154 Paul W. Houser 66 Williams Ave. S. Inst. 65,000 BTU Gas furnace 3833 950 Rigby Construction 917 S. 30th PZ. Inst. Plumbing & fixtures L38363834 700 Warren VaupeZ 1402 N. 2nd St. Convert furnace, oil to gas 3836 1,200 Kent, Metal Process 710 N. 6th St. lnstaZZ gas piping, plumbing X200 Interpace 1500 Houser Way S. Relocate gas burner 3837 1,200 Sternoff Metal 1600 S.W. 43rd St. Inst. plumbing fixt. (rough-i 3838 742 Stanford Witsoe 2301 N.E. 27th St. Inst. 85,000 BTU gas furnace 3839 1,450 Jim's Disrosal Co. 1201 Lind Ave. SW Install 1,000 gal. propane di. M3840 1, 000 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Install plumbing & fixtures 3841 1,000 Dominion Aircraft 305 Airport Way Inst. 2 susp. gas heaters j 3842 500 Don FaulZ 804 Renton S. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3843 125 Donnelly & Leivestad 207 Wells Ave. S. Inst. plumbing & fixtures SIGN PERMITS S356 VOIDED SEWER PERMITS 2006 John Iwasaki 614 N. W. 3rd St. Ins to Z Z clean-out I i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting March 14, 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Senior Citizens Building Bond Issue MAYOR'S OFFICE Mayor Garrett and Dr. Kohlwes, Superintendent, Renton School District to Form Committee to Study Problem of Senior Citizens Facility 4005 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting March 14, 1974 Municipal Building Thursday, 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES 4G SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and ILL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Spectral Meeting to Order ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCILMAN HENRY SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning IN ATTENDANCE Director; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor; RICHARD GEISSLER, Assistant Fire Chief; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, representing the Chief of Police; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; SHELLEY DEWEY, representing the Park Director; JULEE LA COUNT, Human Resources Aide SPECIAL MEETING Manor Garrett opened the meeting by introducing Dr. Gary Kohlwes, WITH RENTON Renton School Superintendent and members of the School Board, Mrs. SCHOOL BOARD Susan Ringwood, President; Mr. Richard Johnson, Dr. Robert Hoffhm RE FACILITIES Mrs. Peggy Hanson, and Mr. Roger Lewis. The Mayor asked Councilman SENIOR CITIZENS Stredieke to present some alidee .taken at the opening of the Nutrional Center at Sartori School. Mr. Stredicke remarked the main reason for getting together with the School Board and the School Administration was to see if there is any possibility of more than one single room being made available for this type of use. There is a need for space for more programs, the auditorium, if vacated, would make an excellent place for dancing. He showed some excellent colored slides of various senior citizens and officials that attended the opening of the Nutrition Center. The Mayor called on Dr. Kohlwes and Mrs. Ringwood to summarize a little about the current use of the Sartori facility. There are two different operations in the Sartori Building Facility, the upper floor has our Alternate School Program with 125 child-ren, 8 to 12 years of age par- tici ating daily. The Sartori facility is used extensively for stor- age for the School District. Dr. Kohlwes mentioned four other facili- ties in the area that were not being used extensively, Orillia property, rppa^fir, Eq—r7ington site on West Hill, the old Administra- tion Building and Spring Glen on the Southeast Hill. He asked the City for some kind of time schedule they were working on and if there was any kind of idea for the range of activities and kinds of spaces avail- able shown of favoring the entire lower floor of Sartori. 77-zis was discussed by the Councilmen and it was agreed that they needed apace fnr rl,*_ing, card-playing, crafts, etc. as well as for the lunch room. It was determined that the Liberty Park Community Building was inade- quate for the number of people who wanted to visit the facility. Mrs. Ringwood said they were interested in cooperating with the City on the question and said that a joint committee of the School Board and the City might be the answer, so the School Board could study their storage problems and get together with the City on problems and report back in a few months to present their findings. It was suggested that a Joint Committee be appointed by the Mayor and the School Superintendent, and Councilman Perry said that there were already two standing conni.ttees `^" of the Council, the Legislation and Intergovernmental Committee and the Community Services Committee, which has already been working with the Senior Citizens, and can work with the Committee of the School Board. 406 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting, March 14, 2974 Page Two SPECIAL MEETING WITH RENTON SCHOOL BOARD (Continued) AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Cenkovich spoke of the wish of the Committee that the School Mr. Frank Board and the City reach some kind of compromise to get the ground Cenkovich, Senior floor of the Sartori facility for the various activities needed, he Citizens Advisory mentioned there were 7,500 retired people in the Renton area, many Committee of whom were in a low income bracket. Mrs. Men Mrs. Delaurenti spoke of the lunch service and said that they had DeZaurenti, barely scratched the surface, and of the need for people who could Outreach Worker not leave their homes, having meats brought to them. Mr. Stanley Mr. Thompson, President of the Association, and member of the Senior Thompson, Retired Citizens Advisory Committee, spoke of the need for a Central Clearing Teachers Assoc. House to organise the many services that were already offered by various agencies, but were unable to give service, because so many people couldn't be reached, those that were not able-bodied. Mr. Lloyd Bowen Mr. Bowen remarked that a lot of the people who come to the Nutrition 2113 N.E. 6th Pl. Center for a meal, some as old as 95 years, would like to have a chance to socialize, but as yet, there is no other jug Zit;; .:o keeT them there. Mr. Leo Jones W. Jones mentioned that there was a free income tax assistance pro- 326 W>Z _,.to=; Library to assist people with their income tax Avenue Nu. returns, the program is for everyone, but primarily for the elderly. The assistance is available Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, from 1 to 4:00 p.m. Mrs. Richards Mrs. Richards remarked that Sartori was an unsafe building, and Mrs. 1107 N. 35th Delaurenti said that if the building was unsafe, the School District would certainly not be housing children there. In further discussion, Ms. Georgie Nupen, Nursing Supervisor of the Health Department of Renton expressed her views of the Sartori Facility being ideal, if there were more room made available for television, eta. Ms. Leona Claibourne, Site Manager, said that they were working for a short term to get the additional room at Sartori, and that she thought the people would pass a bond issue to put up a building for the Senior Citizens. BOND ISC,U? FOE IT WAS 140VED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT A BOND ISSUE FOR A E,"_[t-)R CITIZENS SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER IN RENTON BE AUTHORIZED FOR PLACEMENT ON THE BUILDING SEPTEMBER BALLOT. MOTION CARRIED. During discussion, question was raised as to time element and whether issue should appear on the September or November ballot. Motion was proposed by Perry, seconded by Grant, that the matter of the amount for the bond issue and when it was to be placed on the ballot be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee. IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO SUBSTITUTE REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE RATHER THAN THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Subject was referred to the COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. COMMITTEE FOR Dr. Kohlwes proposed that a special committee be set up to study k SENIOR CITIZENS the problem of the School_ District's storage, the needs of the I .7.,1,l r T-,", +r andrepnrt back on brie by Nu ?,?t 1, 1974. r_, would form m a CorrZitte oC'^ "ised of members of the Actt.oOG DZsii'ict, ttLc Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, and members of the City Council to study the problem and report back, on August 1st at a Special Meet- ing of the Council, on their findings. RECESS IT WAS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THERE BE A FIVE- MINUTE RECESS. MOTION CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:40 P.M. and reconvened at 9:5'! P.M. with Roll Call showing all Councilman present. 407 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting, March 14, 1974 Page Three Petition from Councilman Stredicke announced receipt of a petition signed by 71 Senior Citizens Senior Citizens expressing their appreciation for the Liberty Park facility and expressing wish for continuation of it. FIRE STATION SITE Mayor Garrett called on Mr. Del Bennett, Airport Director, to maks a presentation on the Fire Station Site, it was explained that the 1973 Budget had $10,000 for hiring an architect for the study of the plan and reporting to the Public Safety Committee, Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman. Mr. Bennett explained that a Special Conanittee for the C.B.D. Fire District had been appointed comprised of Fire Chief Walls, Barney Ruppert, Former Building Director, and Jack Lynch, Admini- strative Assistant to the Mayor. Their first task was to evaluate the present Fire Station No. 1, which was built by the W.P.A in 1941, and no additions have been made to it since then. It was determined that the present fire station was obsolete and did not meet the present day needs, Let alone future needs. Joint use of a new facility with the Police Department was ruled out also, as the cost would be prohibi- tive to duplicate the ,jail facilities. The decision was made to recom- mend abandonment of the old facility and to proceed with plans for con- struction of a new fire station facility. The Mayor appointed another committee comprised of Mr. Del Bennett, G. Y. Erickeen, Planning Direc- tor, and Fire Chief WaZls. The Committee reviewed 16 different archi- tectural firms and selected John Morse &Associates. Mr. Morse has had considerable experience in fire station projects. Mr. Evicksen displayed an overlay map, explaining the various reasons why they selected one site and rejected others. Mr. James Magstadt, Assistant Planning Director gave some information on possible future relocation of Fire Station No. 2, and possible future sites for a Fire Station No. 3. Mr. John Morse, Architect, was introduced. The location for the new fire station to be between Mill Avenue South and S. Main St., some of this property already owned by the City, and some would have LAN FOR NEW FIRE to be acquired. Recommended plan called for through access from Main %wiSTATION to Mill Ave. S. Mr. Morse showed plan of the proposed fire station, its facilities and furnishing required. He said it was approximately 240 feet from Mill Ave. S. to S. Main Street, and the building plan interior was outlined, the facility to be comprised of two floors with 10,500 square feet on each floor at an approximate cost of $50 per square foot and total cost of approximately $1,500,000, excluding cost of additional Land acquisition. FUTURE MANPOWER Assistant Fire Chief Geissler, upon inquiry concerning the magnitude REQUIREMENTS of the proposed facility, outlined projected manpower and ladder company increases, along with desirable equipment to maintain required future needs of the City in compliance with Fire Rating' Bureau Standards. After Lengthy discussion on various aspects of the proposal, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONFIRM THE FIRE STATION CON4ITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION ON THE SITE, AND THAT THE PRESENT FIRE STATION NO. 1 STRUC- TURE IS INADEQUATE. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. Delores A. MeXCzt Cler jt I 408 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular fleeting March 18 , 1974 Office of City Clerk R _E F E R R A_L S ADMINISTRATION Communications re Safeway Parking Lot CITY ATTORNEY Question of Animal Kennel License ANIMAL CONTROLOFFICER Communication of Royal Hills Manager COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTE_E_ CityTs Trail System LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Communication from Chamber re Aviation Board Appropriation for City Shop remodeling (Ordinance 2841 Adopted 3/18/74) Open Space Taxation Ordinance Ordinance re Officials Salaries (First Reading 3/18/74) Proposed L.. I .D. 284 Jones N. E. FIRE STATION CO_MMITTEF Earlinyton Flats Training Site MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Authorized tosignStreet Beautification contract award PUBLIC tiORKS Street Beautification Bids (Reported 3/18/74) TRANSi' );"-r/lTIOr4,:COMMITTEE Union (iil 'letter re gallonage base APPOINTMENTS Clerk Alice Barringer, Renton Police Department, 6-Ka. Probationary Period starts 4/1 a RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 18, 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI , HENRY SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARKETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; SCOTT HASKINS, Legis- lative Aide; JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 7, ANTI 3/7 & 3/11/74 MARCH 11 , 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Safeway Stores , Inc. , Vice President and Division Manager, AND CURRENT Mr. Dale L. Lynch, urged Council to study the adequacy of present BUSINESS laws toward solving the continuing problem of large numbers of young people (75 to 100) assembling in groups at their 203 S. 2nd St. Store Problem of parking lot on Friday and Saturday evenings during school months Youths and every night during vacations. The letter noted the behavior Congregating of the youths (drinking, drag racing and fighting) as disturbing, and Safeway Lot that speed bumps had been installed, 2nd Ave. entrances chained off and "No Loitering" and "Unauthorized Vehicles Impounded" signs installed, plus they have patrolled their lot, along with numerous citations issued by Renton Police; however loitering and disturbance problems . ontinue. Le, .-.er from Mr. Floyd A. Henderson, Resident Manager of the Magnuson Apts. , 211 Shattuck Ave. S. , asked action be taken to resolve the problem of congregating teenagers at the Safeway parking lot known as "The Loop. " Letter from Police Chief Darby noted the traffic and liquor problems at the 203 S. 2nd St. Safeway lot had previously been controlled with the on-duty officers, however, the problem had grown making it necessary to assign extra- duty officers to the area, that they had again met with Mr. Turner, Security Officer for the Safeway Stores, and were assured of continuing cooperation, and that the store is considering barricading all of the entrances to the parking lot. Chief Darby's letter noted citations , cars impounded and drivers contacted, that the Community Relations Officer, A. Hubner, will be contacting the leadership of the Student Body of the 3 Renton High Schools making them aware of the problem and requesting their cooperation, with additional personnel on duty during cruicial hours in hopes that problem can be resolved. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Darby noted out of 137 youths interviewed only 11 from Renton, average age 18 or 19. Persons present discussing the matter: Mr. Gaylord Hansen, Safeway Stores Inc., Bellevue; Mr. Ralph Turner, Safeway Security Officer; Mr. Floyd Henderson, Magnason Apt. Manager; Mrs. Tobacco, resident of Magnuson Apts. ; and Mrs. E.. Clymer, 505 Windsor P1 . N.E. Aviation Letter from the Renton Chamber of Commerce, President Mr. Boyd H. Committee and Graves , recommended Ordinance relating to the establishing of an Proposed Aviation Board for the Renton Municipal Airport, not be adopted Citizen as the establishment of an advisory board could create misunderatand- Advisory ing and unnecessary delays in the best utilization of the airport .Board or confusion as to the administration. The letter noted the Chamber's Aviation Committee had met with the Council 's Aviation Committee March 6. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Animal Control Letter from Mr. Fred M. Scott, Manager of Royal Hills Apartments, asked for legislation restricting dogs and cats from the high density complex, noting problems caused by pets. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. Following 410 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 3/18/74 P9. 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Animal Control discussion wherein Councilman Stredicke noted Slezak petition and a (Cont. ) request that Legislation Committee review kennel license in other jurisdictions. Mrs. Myrtle Clymer reported further dog problems. City Attorney Shellan, upon Council inquiry, noted apartment manager could post "No Pets Allowed" signs. MOTION CARRIED. Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported March 12, Bid Opening for Street Beautifica- Street tion for Rainier Ave. N. & S. , N.E. Sunset Blvd. , and S.4th Street, Beautification tabulation attached. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI ,REF BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. (See later report. ) Gasoline Letter from Union Oil Co. of California, Mr. D. S. Bailes, Western Situation Washington Sales Manager, reports giving consideration to our request to increase the total monthly gallonage base of Renton stations, and recommends a tota additional adjustment of 4% to the Federal Energy Office via FEO Form 17 submitted by the Union dealers involved. The letter noted rewarding experience to have cooperation between city government and oil industry. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS COMMUNICATION BE FORWARDED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Grant commended Transportation Committee for fine work on the gasoline problem and Councilmen Stredicke and Perry recognized Legislative Aide Haskins efforts. L. I . D. 284 Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason noted review of petition Sanitary Sewers submitted by property owners in the vicinity of N.E. 44th St. and Jones Ave. N.E. Jones Ave. N. E. for sanitary sewers , that petition was signed by and N. E. 44th property owners constituting 63.7% of the front footage of the property abutting the proposed improvement and 68.9% of the area included within the proposed improvement area and is a valid peti- tion. The letter recommended May 20, 1974 be set as date of public hearing in adoption of resolution creating the Local Improvement District. Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett concurred in the Public Works Department report and recommended passage of resolution creating the L. I .D. setting May 20, as date of public hearing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLU- TION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Robert Holt, representing the First Baptist Church, 255 Hardie S.W. , asked for clarification of burglar alarm ordinance and was advised the Police Chief would give whatever assistance necessary. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett was read , announcing appointment of Alice L. Barringer to the position of Clerk in the Renton Police Department Alice Barringer replacing Beverly Brown, provisional appointment. Appointment effec- tive April 1 , 1974 subject to customary six-month probationary period. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Works Committee Report submitted by Chairman Bruce, noted review of landscaping bids for Street Beautification and recommended Public Works Council award the contract to the low bidder, Robertson Landscaping, Committee Report and .that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute contract. Street MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- Beautification TION OF PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Councilman Grant reported U.A.B. and Bid Award Forward Thrust Funds used for project , some items to be deleted to meet Engineering cost estimate. CARRIED. Open Space Community Services Committee Report submitted by Chairman Grant con- ... Taxation Act curred in new ordinance which repeals Ordinance No. 2598 in view of new State legislation reducing filing fee for open space taxation act from $50 to $30 and requires a refund unto the applicant in the event application is not granted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE AND REFER 'TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Disposition MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, EARLINGTON FLATS FIRE TRAINING SITE Fire Training BE REFERRED TO THE NEW FIRE STATION COMMITTEE_. CARRIED. Site - 6-1, Acres Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 3/18/74 Pg. 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Funding City Shop Finance and Personnel Committee Report submitted by Chairman Schellert Storage recommended appropriation of$1 ,700 from excess :revenue received from Remodeling the sale of surplus traffic control and lighting equipment, into Traffic Engineering budget account 104/542.90.39.00, for the necessary remodeling of the City Shop storage area. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION NEW BUSINESS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Fire Station Council President Clymer announced Special Fire Station Committee Committee consisting of Councilmen Delaurenti , Stredicke and Clymer with first meeting as shown on attached schedule. Trail System MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, QUESTION OF THE TRAIL SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. P.S.G.C. Councilman Stredicke asked Councilmen to note his report submitted re recent trip to Los Angeles as representative for the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, along with Mayor Garrett. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert approved for pay- #2297-2308 Voided ment Vouchers No. 2309 through 2491 in the amount of $145,037.11 #2309-2491 O. K. (No. 2297 through 2308 machine voided in processing), Vouchers having received departmental certification as to receipt of services and/or merchandise_ MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AU T HC R cr PAYMEN i +�t= VOUCHERS, CARR I FD. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted resolution extend- ing provisions of "Bill of Rights" to other officers of the Renton Resolution #1897 Police Department not included when heretofore City and the Renton "Bill of Rights" Police Officers Guild, as part of the Collective Bargaining process, Renton Police amended Article III (Employment Practices) by adopting a so-called Department "Bill of Rights for the members of the Renton Police Officers Guild. Following reading of the resolution by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1898 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted resolution closing L. I.D. 248 Fund L. I.D. #248 Fund and transferring $2,911 .36 unto Local Improvement Closed District Guaranty Fund 602/271 . Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLU- TION AS READ. CARRIED.. Proposed Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution for Resolution adoption prohibiting all smoking in the Council Chambers during Ban on Smoking regular and special meetings of the City •:rg I n ne with Gnve-nor' :.: . .....v u:. cii a Au-iei'1Caoi Soci Pty request. Follow- ing reoding of the resolution, it was moved by Perry and seconded by Stredicke that resolution be adopted. It was subsequently MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE TABLED. Roll Call : AYE - CLYMER, GRANT, BRUCE, DELAURENTI and SCHELLERT, NO - STREDICKE and PERRY. MOTION CARRIED, RESOLUTION TABLED. Ordinance #2838 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented requested by the Motor Vehicle Finance Director creating and establishing a "Motor Vehicle Intoxica- Intoxication tion Fund" in accordance with State law. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Fund BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Follow- ing reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following reading of ordinance creating and establishing revenue fund 606/208.04, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call : ALL AYES. CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. First Reading Legislation comVyittee Char, mail 5-tcea;cke prezented ow-dinance for first Ordinary- m reach-ng c0atiog to salaries of elec004ar*6 appo,nti4e Officers of Officials the city, listing those elective officers as Mayor and Couaci? :en and Salaries appointive officers as those appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council - Fnl l^;•;;ng reading, it was MO1v LD BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED 412 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 3/18/74 Pg. 4 ORDINANCES - Continued First reading BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE TO BE HELD FOR Continued ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant, the appoint- ive officials were listed: Finance Director, City Attorney, Munici- pal Court Judge, Personnel Director, Planning Director,Director of Public Works , Police and Fire Chief per applicable Civil Service laws. The Library Director and Park Directors appointed by the Boards; Airport Director not covered by ordinance at this time. Ordinance #2839 An ordinance which had been placed on first reading March 11 , 1974, wa' L. I .D. 279 presented by Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke for second and Final Assessment final readings. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance confirming final Roll - Sewers assessment roll for L. I .D. 279 Sanitary Sewers in the Talbot Rd.S. area. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2840 An ordinance having been placed on first reading March 11 , 1974 was Uniform Fire Code presented for second and final reading, which adopted and established 1973 Edition by reference a "Uniform Fire Code, 1973 Edition" describing regula- tions governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire and/or explosions. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Discussion of legal gasoline storage cans ensured. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2841 An ordinance providing for appropriation of funds was presented for Appropriation of reading, appropriating and transferring excess revenue to purchase Funds $1 ,700 material to remodel City shop area to provide for the storage of Remodel City traffic materials now stored in the Highlands Administration Bldg. Shops Following first reading of the ordinance and a request from the Public Works Director as to the need for use of the funds , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk read ordinance appropriating $1 ,700. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL.: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Animal Control MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , QUESTION OF ANIMAL ... KENNEL LICENSE OR LIMITING THE NUMBER OF DOGS PER HOUSEHOLD, BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR DRAFTING AN ORDINANCE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Myrtle Clymer, 505 Windsor Pl . N.E. , inquired as to upkeep on FHA repossessed houses and noted number of junk cars in the area. Mayor Garrett asked Police Chief Darby to check cars. Councilman Clymer ncted low standards of FHA on remodeling. School Levy MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL. BY UNANIMOUS VOTE ENDORSE THE MARCH 26, 1974 SCHOOL LEVY. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. Meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. et Delores A. Mead, Cit Clerk 41- 3 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 3/18/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUNq UESCRIPTIUN NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT 2309 2358 $299483968 , PARKS ANO RECREATION 2359 2375 $80825191 TERIAL STREET 2376 2376 s2► 923900 rr CITY STREET 2377 2397 $79150937 LIBRARY 2398 2436 190391999 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 2437 2438 $426991 WORK INCENTIVE FUMD 2439 2439 0203961 NEW CAREERS 2440 2440 $125912 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 2441 2444 . $240308936 URBAN ARTERIAL 2445 2446 $50) 905949 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 2447 2449 $1► 139922 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2450 2465 86► 206.04 AIRPORT 2466 2471 $124929 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2472 2491 93, 823912 i'AL OF ALL WARRANTS $145) 037911 WKP THE UNDERSIU':EU MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL► HAVING RECEIVED UEPARTMENTAI, CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED► DU HEREBY APPROVE Ft7R PAYMENT VUUCHERS NO, 2309 THROUGH NO* 2491 IN THE AtiOUNT OF !!145) 037 . 1 .1 THIS 18 OF MARCH 4 ffftff Fl,DANCE Cot MITTEE T 1EMBER --------------- CGit ITTEE '1F._MB -m4g-- ----- -----• �� CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Mme► Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF March 18, 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS � Y9l AVIATION COMMITTEE Mon. , 3/25 4:00 P.M. STREDICKE Work Session/Airport Review Tues. , 4/9 7:30 P.M. 6th Flr. Conf. Room Establishes regular monthly Public :Meeting on 2nd Tuesday of the month CCWMTY SERVICES Wed. , 3/20 8:00 P.M. GRANT Council Chambers Shoreline Master Plan Thurs. , 3/21 8:00 P.M. Senior Citizens/Invited Mayor's rep. , Assis- tant Planning Director Magstadt, Park Directs' FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT Coulon and Shelley Dewey LEGISLATION & INTER- Mon. , 3/25 7:00 P.M. STREDICKE GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS PUBLIC SAFETY Thurs. , 3/21 4:30 P.M. DELAURENTI 6th Flr. Conf. Room Legislative Aide, Public Works Director, and Traffic Engineer Invited PUBLIC WORKS Wed. , 3/20 7:00 P.M. BRUCE 4th Flr. Conf. Room CANCELLED TRANSPORTATION Wed. , 3/20 4:30 P.M. PERRY 3rd Flr. Conf. Room OTHER. MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION COMMITTEE Fhurs. , 3/21 7:30 P.M. CLYMER 6th Flr. Conf. Room Invited: Del Bennett and Assistant Fire Chief Geissler n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MARCH 18 , 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3632 $ 2,000 S. Anderson's Black Angus 95 Airport Way Inst. facia-on exist. bldg. 3633 40,000 J. C. Kirkman 315 N. Pelly Construct new duplex 3634 119,309 Valley General Hospital 400 S. 43rd St. Construct warehouse loO B3635 8,700 FHA - Seattle Office 659 Edmonds N.E. Repair residence per specs 3636 35,000 Harris, Watson 1319 Kennewick NE Const. single family residence 3637 38,000 Donald C. Dana 5219 Ripley Lane N. New residence, 2-car garage ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4564 300 Don Gouge 505 S. 3rd St. Double meter base, 100A Panel 4565 650 Rigby Dev. Co. 911 S. 30th Pl. Wire new residence 4566 400 Gary's Paint Store 104 S. 3rd St. Add circuits, hang fixtures 4567 100 Mr. Humphries 639 Ferndale Pl. N.E. - Inst. 100 AMP Panel MECHANICAL PERMITS M3844 500 Scott McBee 2609 Edmonds N.E. Install plumbing & fixtures 3845 150 Duane Johnson 3318 N.E. Sunset Repair septic drainfield 3846 15') Duane Johnson 3324 N.E. Sunset Repair septic drainfield 3847 500 FHA - Seattle Office 659' Edmonds N.E. Inst. 85,000 BTU gas furnace 3848 590 Rigby Dev. Co. 911 S. 30th P1. Inst. 125,000 BTU gas furnace 3849 590 Rigby Dev. Co. 917 S. 30th Pl. Inst. 100,000 BTU gas furnace M3850 3,000 Exxon Oil Co. 2800 Sunset N,E, Inst. 8,000 gal. gas tank SEWER PERMITS 2007 Valley General Hospital 400 S.W. 43rd St. Connect side sewer Yr�r too 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 25 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claim for Damages - Myran Ann Price BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Supplement to E. I .S. - Water District 90 LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Ordinance for Rezone Charles B. Guy - First Reading 3/25/74 Ordinance for Open Space Taxation fee schedule - First Reading 3/25/74 MAYOR Support Your Local Police scheduling for agenda PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Gravel on Sidewalk - Monaghan letter TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE P.S.G.C. letter re I-90 Assessment PUBLIC HEARING April 15, 1974 re Water and Sewer Rates i f .rr RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 25 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 PM Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, HENRY SCHELLERT; with CHARLES DELAURENTI arriving shortly thereafter. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Introduction Mayor Garrett introduced and welcomed Mr. Eric Pryne, Record Chronicle reporter. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL 3/14/74 MEETING OF MARCH 14, 1974 AND THE REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1974 3/18/74 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Planning Letter from Mrs. Evelynn Z. Carue, Administrator of the East Valley Commission Area YWCA, announced her reluctant resignation from the Renton Member Resigns Planning Commission due to Job responsibilities . Gravel on Letter from Mrs. Flora R. Monaghan, 324 Cedar Ave. S. , asked solution Sidewalk to the problem of sand and gravel washing from the Pipeline Rd. onto Problem sidewalk at her home. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COMMUNI- CATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Councilman Grant asked that Street Department check. MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Damages City Clerk Mead reported Claim for Damages filed by Myrna Ann Price Myran A. Price of 11515 88th S. , Seattle,for alleged personal injuries due to fall over bolts in sidewalk. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Water Districts Letter from R. K. Doneshvar and Assoc. , Consulting Engineers , submitted No. 90 and 108 copy of the Supplement to Environmental Impact Statement on behalf Project of King County Water District No. 90 for the combined projects of Orton Rd. Interceptor by Water District No. 90 and the Madsen Creek trunk Sewer by Water District No. 108. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PU_3LIC WORKS FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Support Your Letter from Renton Support Your Local Police Committee, Mr. Gerald Local Police R. Unger and Robert Schaefer, Co-chairmen, requested time for Committee presentation of a matter of concern to them, that is Civilian Police Review Boards and Federal Programs affecting localcontrol of the City Police Forces. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MAYOR NOTIFY COMMITTEE FOR AGENDA SCHEDULING. CARRIED. Presentation Mayor Garrett presented a Citizens Award to Mrs. Jean Srgitb. for_out- of Award standing service as member of the Human Rights Commission. Mrs. Smith had been with the Renton Area Youth Services and is leaving the area because of her business "The Cellar. " Mrs. Smith thanked the Mayor noting Renton's farsightedness as concerns .youth. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Grant presented committee report for informational purposes, regarding the March 21 , Meeting of Community bond issue for senior citizens building. The report stated discussion Services Report held as to goals and objectives for a new senior citizens center, type of building, location, funding, social and health problems; -�° Citizens Building being determined the committee would continue to meet through April along with Park Director Coulon, Asst. Planning Director Magstadt, Mrs. Ellen Delaurenti of the SSCI and the Facilities Committee of the Mayor's Senior Citizens Committee to further determine needs and goals; also determining that in order for a bond issue for a citizens building to be placed on the September primary election ballot the Council would have to pass a resolution by July 8, 1974. 418 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 3/25/74 - Page 2 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Public Works Public Works Committee report was submitted by committee member Report Schellert noting the Public Works Committee has reviewed the new proposed sewer and water rates and recommended that :April 15, 1974 Water & Sewer be set for a public hearing on same. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Rate -- BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND SET THE DATE Public Hearing OF APRIL 15, 1974 FOR PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Councilman Grant 4/15/74 asked the Clerk to send copy to Mr. Barei . Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report Committee for "housekeeping purposes" listing Council referrals the committee Report has acted upon asking for Council acceptance so that the items be removed from the referral list. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant regarding the filling of the Human Resources Coordinator position, Administrative Assistant Lynch Human Resources advised memo forthcoming, that P.L.S. Volunteer was performing some Coordinator of the functions of that position, that some PEP Funds available and that recruitment now closed. Puget Sound Councilman Perry presented Puget Sound Governmental Conference Governmental letter regarding Department of Transportation direction to the Conference State Highway Commission to reassess Interstate 90 from the South Bellevue Interchange to Interstate 5, with three options (1) continu- I-90 Assessment ation of the project, (2) withdrawal of support for the project and substitution of projects elsewhere in the state, and (3) modifica- tions of the project; a possible 4th Item: Govenor and local officials may propose to withdraw support for project and substitue mass transportation alternatives. June 1 , 1974 date set for report- ing of assessment and conclusions by the Highway Commission. The P.S.G.C. intends to consider policy position as May 9, meeting. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Burnett Ave. S. Councilman Stredicke inquired re progress of Burnett Ave. S. parking Parking Lot facilities, -and was advised by Public Works Director Gonnason the portion between S. 2nd and S. 3rd Streets has been completed; the portion between S. 3rd and S. 4th Streets is now ready for parking and the "Two Hour Parking" Signs will be installed; the portion between S. 4th and S. 7th Streets is under consideration for a "Park and Ride" lot by Metro when additional rolling stock acquired. Mayor Garrett noted walking tour of the Burnett Ave. S. parking, along with Public Works Director Gonnason; noting installation of the "Two Hour Parking" Signs should eliminate any unathorized parking. Various proposals for area utilization of the lot were discussed. Vouchers for Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented recorn.enda- Payment tion for payment of Vouchers No. 2596 through 2741 in the amount of #2596-2741 O.K. 'd $149,204.79 having received departmental certification as to receipt #2492-2595 Voided of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 2492 through 2595 voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUT:16RI7E PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation. Committee Chairman Stredicke presented for first reading RESOLUTIONS an ordinance changing the zoning classification of the Charles B. First Readina Guy property from (G) to Light Industry (L-1 ) Classification, restric- Char es B. Guy tive covenants having been recorded. Following reading of the ordinance Rezone G to L-1 it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE Ordinance REPORT AND REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for first Open Space reading, which was recommended by the Community Services Committee, Taxation Act adjusting fee schedule-for open space applications.inl-accordance with 'revised State regulations. Following reading of the ordinance by City Clerk Mead, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting -t 1 0 Minutes of 3/25/74 - Page 3 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ordinance No. 2842 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance Salaries of City for second and final readings , which had been placed on first Officials reading March 18, relating to salaries of elective officers and appointive officers of the City. Following the readings by Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Delores A. Mead, C,ty lerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 3583/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL AMOUNT FUN DESCRIPTION NUMBERT NUMIERT WARRANT@F CURRErIT 2596 2645 •541725611 PARKS AND RECOWION 2646 2662 A7a996o21 ARTERIAL, STREET 2663 2663 42C8o16 CITY STAFEET 2664 2675 •24, 103 09 LIBRARY 2676 2676 434x27 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 2677 2482 441e346*04 URBAN ARTERIAL 2683 2683 $175.64 Wo -.RWORKS UTILITY 2684 2694 41!, 872.09 Ar"ORT 2695 2698 4323.08 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2699 2709 41* 545s54 FIREMEN PENSION 2710 2741 46# 855.56 ' TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 4149,# 204.79 WEi THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL# HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDP DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO• 2596 THROUGH NO* 2741 IN THE' AMOUNT OF 41491204. 79 THIS 28 OF MARCH 74 1111.E FINANCE COM ITTEE wwwwwww . • •www �L� w• �. COM ITTEE MEMBER .. www "we =wow ... was ---COMM TTEE MEM R .. • a4rw w_. w7 .w®w . COMMITT MEMBER CITY COUNCIL CCMMIITTEE MEETING CALENDAR fid Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF 3/25/74 COMKI= DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Tues. 4/9 7:30 PM STREDICKE 6th F1 , Conference Rm First Monthly Meeting FIRE STATION COMMITTEE Thurs.3/28 7:30 PM CLYMER 4th F1 . Conference Rm Asst.Ch°ief & Firemen, Mr. Bennett invited COMMIlUNITY SERVICES Thurs.3/28 7:30 PM GRANT 3rd F1 . Conference Rm Thurs.4/18 8:00 PM 11Council Chambers Shoreline Master Plan FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Tues. 3/26 4:15 PM SCHELLERT 6th Fl . Conference Rm 1975 Budget Format and other :. Thurs.3/28 4:30 PM 6th Fl . Conference Rm LEGISLATION & INTER- Tues. 3/26 5:00 PM STREDICKE 3rd F1 . Conference Rm Park Board re Proposed Ordinance GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Mon. 4/1 5:00 PM " PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. 4/1 7:00 PM DELAURENPI Chairman's Office PUBLIC WORKS Mon. 4/1 4:30 PM BRUCE 4th F1 , Conference Rm L.I .D. TRANSPORTATION ________ -3rd-R:-Geei:erenee-RA CANCELLED OTHER MEETINGSAND EVENTS A.W.C. Wed. 4/3 Bellevue Allied Arts of Renton Sat. 3/30 Lindberg Hight School Includes Free Ballet Performance at 3:00 P.M. Public Invited OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MARCH 25, 1974421 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3638 $ 6,893 FHA - Seattle Office 510 Bronson PZ. N.E. Repair exist. residence per spe 3639 22,000 Kelso Const. Co. 2035 Aberdeen S.E. Construct new residence B3640 2,000 Gary E. Smith 104 S. 3rd St. Interior Remodel Exist. Bldg. 3641 -- FHA - Dalpay 3325 S.E. 5th Demolition of Exist. Residence 3642 1,200 Valentino Donati 504 S. Tobin St. Repair fire damage to garage 3643 300 SheZlan & Pain 100 S. 2nd St. Relocate partition, Install new 3644 420 Henry GuiZZen 557 Index Ave. N.E. Const. tool & storage shed B3645 VOIDED 3646 1,200 Shaw Drug 220 Wells Ave. S. Construct new restroom 3647 3,500 Wendel K. St,.wart 1050 Shelton N.E. Const. addition to residence 3648 4,800 Golf West Co. 301 S. 3rd St. Remodel for office space ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4568 600 FHA - Seattle Office 510 Bronson PZ. NE Wire residence per specs 4569 50 Williams & Swanson 223 Burnett Ave. S. Undergr. 1 floodlight sere. 4570 1,500 Dominion Aircraft 305 Airport Way Wire metal shop 4571 250 Louie Barei 819 Houser Way S. U/G Main sere. - 2 - 100 AMP 4572 200 Louie Barei 319 Wells Ave. S. Underground conversion 4573 1,531 Kentucky Fried Chick. 603 S. 2nd St. New U/G Service & sub-feed 4574 50 Donald C. Dana 5219 Ripley Lane N. Temporary Service E4575 150 Exxon OiZ Service 2800 Sunset N.E. Wire for gas pump, repair concur 4576 275 FHA 458 Grandey Way N.E. New 200A sere. & ground washer 4577 240 James W. Dysart 854 Olympic Ave. NE New 200A serv.panel, meter 4578 1,000 Service Laundry 903 S. 4th St. U/G conversion 4579 49 Renton School District 2600 N.E. 12th St. Spec. outlet for Xerox machine E4580 500 FHA - Seattle Office 3612 S.E. 5th St. Rewire per HUD Specs 4581 50 Henry GuiZZen 557 Index Ave. N.E. Light fixtures & wall outlets 4582 600 FHA - Seattle Office 3601 S.E. 6th St. Inst. new serv., bring to code 4583 180 0. A. Maloney 917 S. 3rd St. Rewire clock & window fan.,etc. 4584 55 Kelso Const. Co. 1632 Lincoln Ct. S.E. Inst. temporary service E4585 55 John Dennis Const. 1422 Monterey Ave. NE Install temporary service 4586 55 Powell Const. Co. 1632 Blaine Ave. NE. Install temporary service Now 4587 150 Roger Sykes 867 Olympia N.E. Inc. sere. 125A, reconnect circ. 4588 145 Roger Thordason 1325 Lake Youngs S.E. Rewire residence to code MECHANICAL PERMITS M3851 600 FHA - Seattle Office 3601 S. E. 6th St. Inst, plumbing & fixtures 3852 800 Powell Const. Co. 1632 Blaine Ave. N.E. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3853 200 Lee Roy Madden 3325 N.E. 6th PZ. Inst. 75,000 BTU gas heater 3854 800 FHA - Seattle Office 3601 S.E. 6th St. Inst. 84,000 BTU oil furnace M3855 1,000 City of Renton 1902 Lake Youngs Way SE - Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3856 1,150 Kelso Const. Co. 1626 Lincoln Ct. S.E. Inst. plumbing & fixtures SEWER PERMITS 2008 Norman Schultz 534-536 Williams N. Connect sanitary Sewer 2009 Norman Schultz 534-536 Williams N. Connect storm sewer 2010 PcweZZ. Construction 1632 Blaine N.E. Connect side sewer 422 CITY OF R E N T 0 N OF V,"A7t': a r< 7 ANSEERS TK CITY TREASURER', 7F 7R Owl Tel PURP05a 7,DT L CURRENT S 10©545.20 "ARKS & RECREATION 75102 C°TY STREET 835.65 RI'C ?h ST, FWD THRU T � 2 ,loD8 b�© •^a"""te 'jRBAN ARTERIAL 3 y Oc.co ,V,RI,ORT CONSTRUCT 1( N FUND 3 5Q • : 539 WATERWORKS UT w L 177 50185,39 APRPOgr � 71 .23 tQU!PMENT RENTAL 899,46 CENTRAL SWORE; 82 0 0 a OLA�MS FUN® Transfers for month ®f MARK" AR" $ 46 485.34 ,!L?;`7�x CURRENT ' � � � 33,505.E4 °''ARdKS & RECREATION 3,536.61 ARTERIAL STREET 276.73 CITY STREET 4,284.06 LIBRARY ! 853,64 EYEERCENCY FJ;P 1 E�T KIND 353083 TWCR. K !NCENTIVE FUNO 278.70 NEr" CAREERS 126.09 09 RK & STREET Fw.nl '4R" ST � 17,943.61 7JT,3AYARTEF.iAl 804.11 Ar RPORT CONI STRUCTI N FUNS 1 s J 23.18 WATER,wOR1KS UTILITY, M 78,260.99 4,829.79 EQ`UI? ENT° RENTAL 932,85 CENT ".'Ids=; STORES 721.Ll FIREMEN",-:, PENSION l`A 01c) 3-:8- 4 CL'—,RENT 29,483,68 R Z='w!REV ON 88825 091 ARTERM— _ REE" 20923.00 ('"'ry STRr,--F- 70150.37 Y - 90398 .99 EmrRCENCY EMPLOYME FUND � 426.99 WOr-t' NCENTFvE CUNT, 203.61 NSM CAREERS 125. 12 !RE- & STI?EE's 7WC T9 RU Ss 240308.36 LIR17 pAN AR7R.e AL 500905.49 A''4009dT CONSTRUC" @ 44 FUND 1 , 139.2-)6- o WA`:RW0RKS UT9 � 1" 60206.04 R°"OR'. 124.29 EOL E\ RENT#- ro M CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of MARCH S°45,037. 11 � t a r +.,c. a2w�tac ar aca�r,rxv �.. n9110E DIIRK70R 423 MR/WH OF AAs�' `P, ti4 orrn-w�.r+.wrt� TO THE CITY TREA,dlR R o TE FROM TO PURPOSE TOTAL Jp15-74 CURRENT $101 ,218. 12 PARKS R RECREATIO 88,209,32 CITY STREET 178872,00 LIBRARY 70333,77 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (PEP) 3,686,,26 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 6 ,484,23 NEW CAREERS 900,00 REG & STREET FWD I (RUST 366,03 URBAN ARTERIAL 2,844.33 WATERWORKS UTILIT1 S 63,322.49 AIRPORT 64338. 64 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,789,75 FIREMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of MARCH $171 ,414.44 L. B .D, #248 Local Imp,Dlst.GuarantY to close .out L. 1 ,®,4248 $20961 ,36 Fund# 602, Acct,,# 271 RESOLUTION NO,#1898 CLAIMS FUND PARKS & RECREATION Cancel warrant# 1875 $ 63.00 3.25-74 CURRENT $ 540725, 16 PARKS 8 RECREATION 70996.21 ARTERIAL STREET 228, 16 CITY STREET 24, 603,04 L 113RARY 34.27 REG. $ STREET FWD TIRUST 410346,04 URBAN ARTERIAL 175,64 WATERWORKS UTILITY 61 ,872,09 AIRPORT 323.08 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6 ,545.54 FIREMEN'S PENSION 6,855.56 CLAIMS FUNS: Transfers for month of MARCH $1490204.79 3 -31-74 CURRENT $102,781.06 PAP.KS & RECREATION 19,290.30 CI'T'Y STREET 17,878.33 LIBRARY 7,456.44 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (PEP) 3,336.26 WORK INCENTIVE (WIN) 1,498.94 NEW CAREERS 737.31 REO & STREET FWD ,11 RUST 341.98 URBAN ARIERIAL 3,077.86 WATERWORKS UTILITII S . 13,497.78 AIRPORT 1,338.14 EQUIPM'NT RENTAL 2,789.75 FIRMEN'S PENSION 100.00 PAYROLL FUND Transfers for month of MARCH $174,124.15 3—;1-74 CLAIMS FUND LIBRARY Cancel warrant #1933 $.5.00 D C7- M OR FINANCE 01 REC70R 424 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 1 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER C aim far Damages - Daniel J. McElroy COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Public Service Em loyr s as Proposed Co llective Bargaining Unit 1974 Budget Message COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Maintenance of Landscaping LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Transfer of funds for Park Dept. mower •iAitiAGEM ENT Police Guild Agreement re Working out of Classification NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE Police Guild Agreement re Salary for New Positions Created I PLANNING COMMISSION Zoning of Annexed Property PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TOPICS Publication Requirements SPECIAL EVENTS Public Hearing L. I.D. 284 - May 20, 1974 " llo;irinr; Wl ;bnan Court Area E. I .S. - April 22, 1974 Library Board -Mr. James E. Hurner, term expiring 6/1/77 425 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 1 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI , COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City �. IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; KENNETH WHITE, "orsonrel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; CAPT. BRUCE PHILLIPS, Fire Dept. Rep. ; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; TED BENNETT, Accounting and Investment Supervisor; GENE COULON, Park Director; and DENNTS SALTS, Data Processing Manager. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 25, 3/25/74 1974 MEETING BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter from Park Director Coulon reported March 20, bid opening CURRENT BUSINESS for one 1974 lawn mower, that the Park Board reviewed the bids and recommended that the low bid of Turf & Toro in the amount of Bid Opening/Parks $1 ,995.43 (including Washington Sales Tax) be accepted. The letter Lawn Mower also recommended that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee to prepare a resolution transferring the necessary funds from the Cumulative Reserve Fund to the Park Fund. Upon confirma- tion by the Finance Director that funds available, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Claim for Claim for Damages filed by Mr. Daniel Joseph McElroy was presented Damages by the City Clerk for alleged personal injury due to fall caused by D. J. McElroy hole in pavement in front of the Highlands Post Office. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Water District 9n Letter from the Board of Public Works Director Del Bennett reported & 108 Projects no objections to the joint project proposed by Water Districts 90 and 108 to construct the Orton Road Interceptor and the Madsen Creek trunk sewer, this being in accordance with the comprehensive develop- ment plans of Metro as well as the water districts. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS LETTER BE FORWARDED TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Gerald R. Unger and Mr. Robert Schaefer presented viewpoint of Renton Support Your Local Police Committee of the John Birch Society being fearful of federal control over local police departments, and distributed news release and literature supporting the concept of local police jurisdiction versus regional consolidation. ' Public Service Mr. Gary Grant, President of Local #674 of Public Service Employees Employees as presented letter for reading which listed those positions the Union j Proposed felt should be part of the proposed collective bargaining unit of Collective management level employees, excluding elected officials and their Ba.rgaininq secrPtaries, Mayor's Administrative Assistant, Personnel Director and Secretary, Finance Director, Legislative Aide, City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney, Municipal Court Judge, Court Clerk, Budget Technician/Manager, and all employees represented by other certified bargaining representatives , i .e. , Police Guild,Firefighters Local and 21R. Following discussion of provisions of R.C.W. 41 .56, Public Employees Collective Bargaining Act and the scheduled hearing on April 22, with Department of Labor and Industries, it was MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS MATTER BE PLACED ON THE THURSDAY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA. CARRIED. 426 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 4/1/74 - Page 2 AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Mr. Joe Sporcic Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316 Harrington N.E. , inquired re terms of appointed officials in connection with R.C.W. 41 .56 and eligibility for proposed bargaining unit. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett designated March 29, 1974 as Vietnam Vietnam Veterans Veterans Day and Veteran Job Assistance Opportunity Day in honor of Day those veterans who served our country. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Grant presented committee report for information as well as recommendation purposes of referral Community Services items. (1 ) Rezones - Planning Commission and Staff working to Housekeeping rewrite zoning ordinances; Commission has recommendation pending Report on zoning changes in C.B.D. (2) Publication of Call for Bids in four local newspapers for three issues each - This is a TOPICS requirement; decision forthcoming from State Highway Commission. Committee recommends this matter be referred to the Public Works Director to report back. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CON- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (3) Olympic Pipeline Environmental Impact Statement - Under, . =;;i?w i,= ="-larini.ng Leapt. (4) _ Ordinances setting guidelines of Environmental impact Stateiments - Wit, Planning Dept. , rorrort ftr` ::G�-Iing. (5.) New Uniform Building Code adopted as as new tysini!►^ z^u Grading Ordinapr a. (1) Sian Ce ip rosfor.- /ijn ry ' tOA !7's nF t'tM v�OMt� leg i 31 a vri Mll 1 r .'l3"i'i Y r_ The Commi ttQe V!;_ E tV Ferrea to the Planning i=iiivtu BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. (8) Amendments to Manufacturing Park Ordinance - Committee recommends this matter be referred to the Planning Dept. to report back in three weeks. (9) Planning Commission recommendation to hold Moratorium in Valley Area on Land Fill - Committee holding matter, pEnding meeting with Planning Commission. Library Board Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented corn- Appointment mittee report concurring in the Mayor's appointment of Mr. James E. Confirmed Hurner to the Renton Library Board, term expiring June 1 , 1977. Mr. J.E. Hurner MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented committee Committee Report report re Renton Police Officers' Guild Agreement, Article III, Section 4, Working Out of Classification, stating the committee Working Out of feels this is an administrative matter and recommends no changes Classification be made. Motion by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti , that Council concur in committee report was superseded in SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE CITY'S LABOR/ MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Police Officers Public Safety Committee report re Police Officers' Guild Agreement Guild - V-2 Negotiations - Salary for New Positions Created, recommended Salary for New that the Jail Equipment Custodian and Identification Technician are Positions Created new positions and should be referred to the Council Negotiating Committee. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Premium Pay Public Safety Committee report re Police Officers' Guild Agreement VI-2 Premium Pay, recommended the Juvenile Officer working in the capacity of a detective be compensated the premium pay on completion of 24 month peri nd. MO rrn `„ nr,!I i i �`r perms-[, Iry OLLAukENTI, i HE7 '3ai,�,i UL.: JR Tramp,r}�}i un 1 t wiii i ttee Letters record from the Transportation Committee to the ReEnton Area :)t-: V i .e Static;r Dealers, Mr. Jack Robertson. Director of the Federal Energy Office at Seattle, and Mr. Tom Pryor, Director of the State Depart- ment of Emergency Services at Olympia. The letters listed the City's efforts to deal with the shortage of gasoline in the area, asking continued cooperation and that the station dealers file the neces- sary reports, Forms 17 and 20 prior to May 31 . Councilman Perry thanked Legislative Aide Haskins for fine work, expressing regret at his leaving. I 427 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 4/1/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued City's 1974 Budget Councilman Stredicke suggested the 1974 Budget Message be prepared under signature of the Council President;it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED Senior Citizen Councilman Stredicke submitted for record, 4/1 letter of Mayor. Garrett Facilities addressed to the Council appointing representatives to Senior Citizens Committee Facilities Committee pursuant to the request of Dr. Kohlwes at the special Council meeting of 3/14 as follows: School District - Gil 1i.. Cantu, Hal Kloes and Bill Belmondo; City - Dick Stredicke and Bill Grant; Senior Citizens Planning Committee - Stan Thompson; Evergreen Terrace Center - Helen Spencer; and Liberty Park Center - Jim Anderson. The letter noted Staff support will be provided by the City's Park Department, Human Resources and Planning persom.6el , with first meeting scheduled 4/16. Councilman Stredicke noted the Senior Citizens Facilities Committee matters of joint use of facilities should not be confused with the matter of new facility, etc. with the Community Services Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENTS OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS C.B.D. Progress Councilman Grant reported Pacific Northwest Bell unable to meet Report completion date of March 31, for removal of overhead wiring in the downtown area per Renton Merchants Association meeting report by Coordinator Terry Thatcher; the telephone company having given no firm commitment date. Mr. Arney of Pacific Northwest Bell , being present, noted every effort being made not to interfere with the Easter shopping and asked to be contacted if any problem should arise. Grant noted Project Manager King or Councilman to be notified by businessmen if any problems with the C.B.D. Film for 4/8/74 Councilman Delaurenti noted Agenda item for next Monday,20 minute film, safety cans and storage to be shown by Fire Station I . Environmental Councilman Perry inquired regarding Whitman Court and Honey Dew Impact Statement Apartment Complex Environmental Impact Statement. Councilman Stredicke Honey Dew Area presented letter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Arnsberg, 4100 N.E. 11th St. Public Hearing asked for public hearing on the E. I .S. prepared for the Union Ave. April 22, 1974 complex in order that questions of Honey Dew Estates residents could be answered. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, APRIL 22, BE SET AS DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE HONEY DEW APARTMENT COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT. Discussion ensued and MOTION CARRIED. Landscapifq MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MATTER OF MAINTENANCE OF Maintenance LANDSCAPING ONCE INSTALLED, BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended pay- APPROVAL ment of Vouchers 2752 28 No.through g 42 in the amount of $45,844.87 2742- # 2751 Voided having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or 2752-2842 O.K. 'd services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 2742 through i No. 2751 machine voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for Ordinance #2843 second and final reading (first reading 3/25/74) changing zoning Charles B. Guy classification from General Classification to Light Industry Classi- Rezone G-Ll fication of the Charles B. Guy property, restrictive covenants hav- ing been approved and recorded. City Clerk Mead read ordinance wrr. and it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2844 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for Open Space second and final reading (first reading 3/25/74) fixing and estab- Taxa i t on Act lishin application g an pp cation fee for processing open space, agricultural and timber lands designation, current use assessment and providing for refund of fees in pursuance of RCW 84.34. following reading by City Clerk Mead, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE: ALL AYES. CARRIED. 428­ ,un City Council Meeting Mintes of 4/1/74 - Page 4 RESOLUTIONS Resolution #1899 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution L. I.D. Sewers declaring the City's intent to construct and install sanitary Jones Ave. N.E. sewers and trunk lines in 'Jones Ave. N.E. between N.E. 40th and between NE 40th N.E. 44th Streets and to create a local improvement district to and NE 44th assess the cost and expense against the properties specially benefited thereby, with public hearing on May 20, 1974. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIE Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 4/01#474 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND' DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS M CURRENT 2752 LT83 47*779983 PARKS AND RECREATION 2784 9799 161,0286188 ARTERIAL STREET 2800 91801 SIJO84101. CITY STREET 2802 2813 d1* 816e23 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 2814 2814 *6807 URBAN ARTERIAL 2815 2815 •620177 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2816 2226 *26P35909 AIRPORT 2827 post $4#791W tGUIPMENT RENTAL 2832 1841 611i00S$O9 FIREMEN PENSION 2862 lobe 432#03 NOTAL OF ALLIWARRANTS $45#844187 WE♦ THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON I ; CITY COUNCIL* HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED& DO I HERESY APPROVE- FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO, 2732 THROUGH NO* I 28611 IN THE AMOUNT OR 645PS44o87 THIS 01 OF APRIL 4 111111 FINANCE CO TTE COM ITTEE MEMBER C ITTEE MEMBER • •0•• • ••••••••••••••w COMMITTEE MEMBER I I CITY COUNCIL CCJ MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clark COUNCIL C%U Tl'EE MEETINGS SCL."1 XnAD AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF Apri Z 1, 1974 CCHKITi'EE BATE TIME CHAIRR LOCATION RHKARBS AVIATION COMMITTEE - Tues. , 4/9 7:30 P.M. STREDICK-E 6th Flr. Conf. Room Fir£t Monthly Meeting CITY COUNCIL Thurs., 4/4 8:00 P.M. Cou--ci l Chambers Pub Z 1"c Emp Zoyees Union Mon., 4/8 8:00 P.M. Council Chambe-s CCw4UNITY SERVICES GRA,1T FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELIZIC LEGISLATION & INTER- Mon. , 4/8 7:00 P.M. STRED.ICKE 6th FZr. Conf. Room Sign Code GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 4/8 15 P.M. DELAUYLUTI Chairman's Office PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION PERRY MUM MEE IMS AND EVENTS SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITIES Tues. , 4/16 7:30 P.M. -ounciI Chambers Discus„ goals of Senior Citizens Facility COMMITTEE Commit-t: ,e . Fig s.ri d-rine. 430 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK April 1, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3649 $ 29,000 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2925 Morris Ave. S. New single family residence 3650 500 Church of the Nazarene 221 Wells Ave. N. Construct balcony stairs 3651 9,770 HUD 3612 S.E. 5th St. Repair per specs 3652 700 Richard Welter 2609 Lake Youngs CT.NE Reroof residence 3653 30,000 Hillis Homes 3007 Morris Ave. S. New single family residence 3654 3,000 Edward C. Shemel 525 Smithers Ave. S. Reroof, Zwr. ceilings, rep B3655 30,000 Hillis Homes 1010 S. 31st Court Single family residence 3656 27,000 Hillis Homes 1004 S. 31st Court Single family residence 3657 27,000 H;-1-Zi-s F!cries 1003 30th Court, Single family residence 3658 26,000 Hillis Homes 2919 Morris Ave. S. Single fancily residence 3659 30,000 Hillis Homes 1009 S. 30th Ct. Single family residence B3660 30,000 John O'Donnell Whse. 93.: Thomas Ave ;S.W. Interior Office part, improve. MECHANICAL PERMITS M3857 100 F. L. Scott 326 Smithers Ave. S. Inst. gas piping to dryer 3858 1,400 John Dennis 1432 Monterey Ave. NE Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3859 300 H. A. Hawkins 1920 S. Puget Drive Inst. 2 outlets & gas piping M3860 400 Don KoZZ Northv)est 933 Thomas Ave. S.W. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3861 600 Kelso Construction 1626 Lincoln Ct. S.E. Inst. 100,000 BTU gas furnace 3862 700 F.H.A. 659 Edmonds Ave. NE Inst, plumbing & fixtures 3?63 800 6haw Drugs 229 WeZZs Ave. S. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3864 496 Powell Construction 1632 B?.aiy?e Ave. N.E. Inst. 80,000 BTU gas furnace M3865 400 Don Kol7. N,)-"7 933 Thomas Ave. S.W. Inst. plumbing & fixtures ii+vuJ 6.5041y i/G li✓�^" i' �!. 91! .50th PL!: g C new residen,G; 45:ry E00 ?„'�' 3607 N, F. 8± tit Inst. new 125A sere. & rep s .,� 4591 259 City of Renton Re_ntr-? Grp rt Wire sere. for pumps 4592 City o;' Renton 800 Edmonds N.E. Ground system & correct wi ' 4593 City of Renton. s�3te & correct w�i�rc,1,g 4594 200 Hub Trailer Park r^cbite home 1J, is:°,X' 8w' v7,G2 ui' E4595 450 F.H.4. L _ r^:rc L. Ins 9nn4 nemi. & rep. wiring 4---,-)rary service 4596 100 Paci.;'ir. Grw :�tioe e SIGN PERMITS S357 250 Gary Smith 104 S. 3rd St, Install 2 wall signs SEWER PERMITS 2011 rai-1,? =zY^ = ar; i N. ? t. Connect storm sewer 2012 �;1�., , ,<< .+ r'e 4Fwer 2013 Celia B. Comer - oawer: 2014 Celia B. Comer 3101 Talbot Rd. S. 066,7.1:C eewer I i 431- RENTON 'CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April S , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE City Position Statement on Inventory Tax LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Draft Budget Message for Council President 11�r i 432 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 4 , 1974 Municipal Building 8: 00 P .M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President ; HENRY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CHARLES DELAURENTI , GEORGE J . PERRY , RICHARD STREDICKE , KENNETH D . BRUCE AND WILLIAM J . GRANT CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD , City Clerk ; G . M. SHELLAN , IN ATTENDANCE City Attorney; JOHN PAIN , Assistant City Attorney ; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant , GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; SCOTT HASKINS , Legislative Aide . PROPOSED MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE CITY COLLECTIVE COUNCIL CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR DISCUSSION BARGAINING OF THE PROPOSED COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT OF LOCAL UNIT OF LOCAL 674 . The City Attorney was invited to be present to 674 , PUBLIC insure proper plane of discussion . The press was SERVICE invited with a caution that subjects discussed in EMPLOYEES executive session were not to be disclosed until reported publicly; Mr . Eric Pryne , Record Chronicle reporter, in attendance noted he would be duty bound to report publicly if attending such session . After some discussion concerning propriety of executive session and possible subject matter, and upon Attorney ' s affirmation of proper procedure due to unknown factor as to what discussion would evolve not allowing pre- judgment, the PENDING MOTION CARRIED . The Council retired to closed chambers at 8 : 20 P . M. The Council reconvened at 10 : 15 P . M. Roll call vote showed all Councilmen present as previously shown . COUNCIL' S Motion was proposed by Stredicke that Council accept BUDGET substitute budget message as prepared , that the Council MESSAGE President be authorized to sign the letter and that the Finance Director be instructed to replace the existing Mayor ' s Budget Message with the Council ' s Budget Message . Discussion ensued concerning whether or not both messages might be in order to be included and it was subsequently MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO SUBSTITUTE MOTION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE TO DRAFT A BUDGET MESSAGE TO BE SIGNED BY THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND THAT IT BE INCLUDED IN THE 1974 BUDGET ALONG WITH THE MAYOR' S MESSAGE . Proposed amendment by Perry to grant the Legislation Committee power to act failed . PENDING MOTION CARRIED . ALTERNATE Councilman Stredicke recalled his appointment as DELEGATES TO Council delegate to the Puget Sound Governmental PUGET SOUND Conference and also to Metro . MOVED BY STREDICKE , GOVERNMENTAL SECONDED BY DELAURENTI THAT COUNCILMEN BRUCE AND CONFERENCE DELAURENTI BE DESIGNATED AS ALTERNATE DELEGATES TO THE PUGET SOUND GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE . Councilman Schellert suggested that official delegates to the P . S . G . C . should be appointed by the Council President and proposed that this matter be referred to the Council President for review. After some discussion , the MOTION TO APPOINT THE TWO DELEGATES CARRIED . I 433 I I Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 4/4/ 74 - Page 2 GREEN RIVER Councilman Grant announced that he had attended a FLOOD CONTROL meeting at the Renton Inn with property owners and CHANNELIZATION industrialists from the southwest portion of the City and Councilman Mooney and they had had a very good discussion and were going to form a group to further discuss the channelization of the Green River Valley. Most of the property owners looked favorably on the channelization . INVENTORY TAX Councilman Schellert announced that he had attended the Suburban Mayor ' s Meeting in Bellevue where AWC representatives detailed finances of cities in the future . Potential removal of the Inventory Tax was discussed and serious impact noted as will affect the State and the City of Renton . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE MATTER OF INVENTORY TAX TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR CITY POSITION STATEMENT AS TO REMOVAL AND PHASE-OUT PERIOD . MOTION CARRIED . AUDIENCE Senator Gary Grant urged that the City make its COMMENT position known concerning the Inventory Tax phase-out prior to beginning of the April 15th Session . MEETING MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY , TO RECESS THIS RECESSED MEETING TO WEDNESDAY , APRIL 10TH , AT 8 : 00 P. M . TO FURTHER DISCUSS PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES LOCAL NO . 674 , PROPOSED COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT . MOTION CARRIED . The meeting recessed at 11 : 00 P . M. Delores A. Mead , Ci y Clerk I jt I i, �I 44 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 8 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER CT-aim for Damages - Mrs. Maude M. Adams LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Preparation of Ordinance LID 285 Transfer of Funds for Labor Negotiations (Resolution 1901 adopted 4/8) Resolution - Hearing date L. I .D. 283 Ordinance on first reading 4/8 for Business Regulations SPECIAL EVENTS Pu is Nearing LID 285 Continued to 4/15/74 MAN �.. 435 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 8 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 PM Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENIT, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. w.,. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; JOHN PAIN, Asst. City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF 4/1/74 APRIL 1 , 1974 MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Fire Prevention Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti introduced Fireman Film Glen Gordon for special presentation of film on storage of inflam- Presentation mable liquids explaining the need for self-closing and self-venting containers. Fireman Gordon displayed sample of illegal "Jerry" can and the approved container explaining requirements. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published L. I .D. 285 and posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on the Prelimi- Sanitary Sewer nary Assessment Roll for L. I .D. 285, sanitary sewers on S.W. 43rd Orillia Area Street and West Valley Highway, with Preliminary Assessment Roll in the amount of $247,925.28. City Clerk Mead read three letters of protest, letter from M. W. Lotto,et al, objected to increase of assessment and method of assessment for property between the West Valley Highway and railroad right-of-way; letter from Mrs. Cecilia M. Campbell objected to the L. I.D. because of no direct access from her property to the main line except through private property and cost due to distance is prohibitive; letter from Earl McLaughlin, et al , protested amount of assessment and method of assessment. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason listed valuation of property within the proposed district plus 25% of the existing improvements as $796,835.00, adequate to support the proposed district, also noting assessment against the properties for LID 269 water mains in amount of $85,667.84. Gonnason's letter stated the three protests received represent 21 .36% of the estimated cost of the Local Improvement District. Public Works Director Gonnason recalled the history of L. I .D. 273 sanitary sewer petition filed 4/16/71 for S.W. 43rd and West Valley Hwy., reporting a variety of problems and request for modification of boundaries. Lip 273 dissolved 3/4/74 and LID 285 initiated, Public Works held meeting 4/1/74 detailing L. I .D. for property owners. Gonnason explained the sewer lines for property to the west of railroad must cross tracks and P-1 drainage channel and were assessed accordingly with property east of the railroad right-of- way not bearing the cost of the subject crossing. Alternatives discussed. Gonnason noted payment for assessment could be spread over 20 years, that cost of installation of side sewer could- be included and that in hardship cases assessment deferred until prop- erty sold or estate settled. Those persons in the audience commenting: Mr. Earl McLaughlin noted street widening will take 20 feet from property and requested assessment be computed on remaining portion. Public Works Director Gonnason reported computation on full depth of property, owner to be reimbursed for improved property at time of street widening. Mr. Harold Hill objected to amount of assessment but urged project progress. Engineer Houk showed area on display map. Zoning of the area discussed by Asst. Planning Director Magstadt. Asst. City Attorney Pain noted City Attorney Shellan's letter of 3/30 436 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 4/8/74 - Page 2 L.I.D. 285 Public Hearing - Continued L. I. D. 285 took issue with methodology. Gonnason noted contractor (the Sanitary Sewers low bidder for L. I .D. 273) had extended prices for 60 days ending Orillia 4/26/74 awaiting award of contract for LID 285, Gonnason hopeful pro- Public Hearing ject could proceed on time schedule. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Continued to SCHELLERT, PUBLIC HEARING ON L. I.D. 285 BE CONTINUED FOR ONE April 15, 1974 WEEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PREPARATION OF ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 10:00 p.m. with all Councilmen present at Roll Call except Councilman Bruce. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCILMAN BRUCE BE EXCEUSED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Claim for damages filed with City Clerk by Mrs. Maude M. Adams, 510 AND CURRENT BUSINESS Burnett, for $25,100 personal injuries in fall alleged due to uneven Claim for Damages street. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CLAIM BE REFERRED M. M. Adams TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. Transfer of Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested transfer of funds Funds Covering in amount of $81 ,789 from the Contingency Fund to the various Labor departments to cover cost of recent labor negotiations, requesting Negotiations resolution to cover. Upon Council inquiry, Finance Director Marshall noted transfer covered 21R settlement plus upgrade of three secretary positions. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ACCEPT MAYOR'S PROPOSED UPGRADE OF THREE POSITIONS NOT COVERED BY 21R. Upon inquiry, three positions listed as Mayor's Secretary, Council 's Secretary and Legal Depart- ment's Secretary. MOTION CARRIED. L. I.D. 283/Sewers Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended that the Lower Earlington hearing date for L. I .D. 283, sanitary sewers in lower Earlington Hearing area south of Sunset Blvd. S.W. and north of Milwaukee Road R/W, Extended to be continued from April 22, 1974 to May 27, 1974, allowing time 5/27/74 for study of area re location of utility corridors. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR DRAFTING NEW RESOLUTION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Community Services Committee Chairman Grant reported negotiations Services with Puget Sound Power and Light over schedule rates for ball Ball Field field lights resulted with letter from Puget Sound Power and Lighting Light Co. Division Sales Manager, D. R. Trafford, contributing $100 as token of appreciation for Renton's efforts to provide needed Park service to community. City Clerk also read letter of Park Director Coulon suggesting the Council designate this dona- tion for deposit Park Fund Acct/Rents & Royalties. MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR WITH PARK DIRECTOR AND DEPOSIT CHECK TO PARK FUND ACCOUNT SUGGESTED. Councilman Grant expressed appreciation of the contribution toward ball field light- ing as directly benefiting area youth, also noting contact of Northwest Bell , other industries and labor unions for donations. MOTION CARRIED. Road Side Park Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke regarding road side park on Maplewood Cedar River at Maplewood. Public Works Director Gonnason indicated agreement consummated with State, State to develop and Park Dept. to maintainovith property reverting to the City. Mayor Garrett asked Public Works Director check into deed for property. Street Inquiries Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason advised report to be distributed this week regarding financial aspects of energy saved with reduction of street lights. Upon further inquiry by Stredicke, Gonnason reported overlay planned at N. 3rd and Sunset N. and Maple Valley Y intersection and RR Cross- ing ; proposal to Council planned for gas tax funds to accomplish same. 437 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 4/8/74 - Page 3 NEW BUSINESS Renton Hill Upon inquiry by Transportation Committee Chairman Perry regard- ing proposed L. I .D. for Renton Hill , Public Works Director Gonnason reported original petitions prepared and distributed but not circu- lated; that re-evaluation needed due to increased project costs. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert .recommended #2843-2851 Void payment of Vouchers 2852 through 2978 (excepting #2936 in amount #2852-2978 of $10. 53 Voided) in the amount of $149,345.08, having received Except #2936 departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have O. K. 'd been received or rendered. Vouchers 2843 through 2851 machine voided in processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR AND APPROVE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for first reading which updates the City Code on business regula- Proposed tions, having been requested by the Citv Clerk. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Ordinance SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING AND Business License REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Following reading , CARRIED. Resolution #1900 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution Transfer of Funds for transfer of funds for the purchase of power mower for the Park Park Department Department which was approved by Council 4/1 . Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1901 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution Transfer of Funds for transfer of funds for the payment of salary and fringe benefits Labor for City employees as a result of labor negotiations (See earlier Negotiations letter from Finance Director) . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY $81 ,789.00 STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED, Councilman Grant abstained from voting. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Adjournment at 10:51 p.m. Congratulations were extended Councilman Perry on his tenth anniversary as Councilman with the City of Renton. Delores A. Mead , City C1 rk i WARRANT DISTRIBWTION DATE 4/'08/74 i SERIN ENDING TOTAL' i WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF -y� F D DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS (CURRENT 2882 188A 021A119174 PARKS AND RECREATION 2859 2909 $4, 702114 ARTERIAL, STREET 2910 11910 $4.9977100 •r :CITY STREET 2911 2921 $2832188 'LIBRARY 2922 2925 $752133 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 2926 2929 $353983 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 2930 2932 •278, 70 NEW CAREERS 2933 2935 $125158 REO t AND STREET FWD ?HRUST ✓iD*.-9s`- *ia.i3 2936 2944 URBAN ARTERIAL 2944 2947 $210003158 WATERWORKS UTILITY 2948 2958 $400093117 AIRPORT 2959 2962 $68142 'EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2963 2975 $731 # 15 CENTRAL STORES 2976 2976 $55#02 FIREMEN PENSION 2977 2978 $11061140 j (TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS I I j WE0 THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF TME FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON i I CITY COUNCIL# HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT i MERCHANDISE AND/0R SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO I HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N01 2852 THROUGH N0* i 2978 IN TWE AMOUNT OF THIS 08 OF APRIL 4 lfttld FINANCE COMMTTE A e m m•w;.• •P■ COM EE MEMBER Iowa p• • ••mmm• mamma* • CO ITT E MEM R CITY COUNCIL Cr`"TEE MEETING CALENDAR - �r Office of the City Clerk l COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL IZETING OF April 8, 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE Tues, 4/9 7:30 P.M. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conf. Room First Monthly Meeting CITY COUNCIL Wed. , 4/10 8:00 P.M. MAYOR 6th Floor Conf. Room Continued from 4/4/74. Executive Session planned re Public Service E,nployees No. 674 COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. , 4/16 7:30 P.M. 1RANT Library Conference Rm. Senior Citizens Facility Committee Meeting Thurs. , 4/18 8:00 P.M. " Continued Hearing - Shoreline Master Plan FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCHELLERT FIRE STATION COMMITTEE Thurs. , 4/18 4:30 P.M. CLYMER Meet with architect re future plan for Fire LEGISLATION & INTER- Thurs. , 4/11 7:00 P.M. STREDICKE 6th Floor Conf. Room Station GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Mon. , 4/15 7:00 P.M. Sign Code Changes $ Design Review Board PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 4/15 7:15 P.M. DELAURENTI Chairman's Office PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION PERRY OTHER MEETIMS AND EVENTS SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY Tues. , 4/16 7:30 P Library Conference Rm. Same Meeting listed under Community Services COMMITTEE Committee CG 440 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK April 8, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS MECHANICAL PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK M3866 $ 115 Spot Tavern 4224 East Valley Hwy. Inst. gas piping for fire 1. ELECTRICAL PERMITS i E4597 50 Bud Austin - Shaw Drug 220 Wells Ave. S. Wire restroom - light & plug 4598 650 Kelso Construction 1626 Lincoln Ct. SE Wire new residence 4599 1,800 J. O'Donnell Whse. 933 Thomas Ave. S.W. Wire office, inst. conduit E4600 15 J. O'Donnell Whse. 933 Thomas Ave. S.W. Wire office, inst. conduit 4601 175 Pioneer Real Estate 696 Redmond Ave. N.E. New serv. panel, circuits 4602 650 Powell Const. Co. 1632 Blaine Ave. S.E. Wire new residence 4603 800 Jack Columbi 3901 Lk. Wash. Blvd. N.Wire new residence 4604 500 St. Anthony's Church 406 S. 4th St. U/G conversion E4605 100 Valley General Hosp. 400 S. 43rd St. Wire for sterilizer f I ' I I I 441 i l a RENTON CITY COUNCIL Recessed Regular Meeting April 10, 1974 Office of the Cit Clerk City C e k R E F E R R A L S MAYOR Notify the Department of Labor & Industries to proceed with April 22nd Hearing . 1 { I I I l I 442 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Recessed Regular Meeting From April 4, 1974 April 10, 1974 Municipal Building Wednesday, 8 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE. AND Mayor Avery Garrett , presiding , led the Pledge of CALL TO ORDER Allegiance and called the Renton City Council Meet- ing to Order . ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President ; CHARLES J . DELAURENTI , COUNCIL GEORGE ,J . PERRY , RICHARD M. STREDICKE , KENNETH D . BRUCE and WILLIAM J . GRANT . CITY OFFICIALS IN AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk ; JACK PAIN, ATTENDANCE Assistant City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor ; KENNETH WHITE , Personnel Director . PROPOSED MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE COLLECTIVE CITY COUNCIL CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR DIS- BARGAINING UNIT CUSSION OF THE PROPOSED COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT OF LOCAL 674, OF LOCAL 674 IN THE SIXTH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM. (Mr . PUBLIC SERVICE Gary Grant attending also) MOTION CARRIED . EMPLOYEES The Council reconvened at 9 : 30 P .M. in the Council Chambers . Roll call vote showed all Councilman present that were previocsly shown . MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE COUNCIL GO ON RECORD THAT THE FOLLOWING PERSONNEL BE INCLUDED IN THE BARGAINING UNIT : Data Processing Director, Assistant Library Director, Data Program Supervisor, Assistant Planning Director, Professional Traffic Engineer, Professional Utility Engineer, Professional Theatre Manager, Professional Park Supervisor, Develop- mental Services Supervisor, Recreation Supervisor, Street Superintendent , Office Engineer, Accounting and Investment Supervisor, Purchasing Agent , Women ' s Recrea- tion Supervisor, Street Maintenance Supervisor, Utility Supervisor and Signal & Communications Supervisor . Considerable discussion ensued . ROLL CALL VOTE ON PENDING MOTION : CLYMER, NO; DELAURENTI , AYE; PERRY , NO; STREDICKE, Nn : BRU— , 4YE ; GRANT, AYE , TIE VOTE ; MAYOR, NO . MOTION FAILED . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE MAYOR NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND IN.DUSTRIES TO PROCEED WITH THE APRIL. 22ND HEARING, NO AGREEMENT HAVING BEEN REACHED . MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADJOURN . CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 9 : 45 P .M . Zbl-t,-,v 6 Delores A. Mead, City Clerk jt 443 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 15 , 1974 Office of the Cit Monday 8 : 00 P . M. y Clerk R E F E R R A L S AIRPORT DIRECTOR Authorization to enter into lease negotiations with Renton Aviation FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointment to Human Rights and Affairs Commission of Mrs. Lilly Kodama Lunchroom Contract Negotiations LEGISLATION COMMITTEE * CHAIRMAN) Water and Sewer Rate Schedule for Ordinance —.. L. I. D. 285 Sewers (Ordinance 2846 adopted 4/15) Angelo Calabrese Rezone Ordinance Resolution for transfer of funds - Park Dept. backhoe/loader *AnPear and testify before Legislature re Inventory Tax MAYOR AND *CITY CLERK *Authorized to Execute Agreement Renton/Kent Venture S.W. 43rd St. Improvement *Authorized to Execute Agreement L. I . D. 285 Convey message to Legislature re Inventory Tax (Telegram) PLANNING COMMISSION W. Stewart Pope request for change in Comprehensive Land Use Plan BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Request for L. I . D. Kennydale - Meadow Ave. N. & N. 36th St. (Sewers) PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Request for Sewer L. I .D. Kennydale - Meadow Ave. N. & N. 36th St. °U51- 1C WORKS DEPARTMENT Verify Bid Award L. I . D. 285 Removal of surplus buildings Mill Ave. S. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Bingo and Various Gambling Items PUBLIC HEARING L. I. D. 283 Earlington Sewers - May 27, 1974 444 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 15 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI , COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director: GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; CAPT. JOHN BUFF, Police Department Rep. ; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. , VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; GENE COULON, Park Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; TED BENNETT, Accounting and Investment Supervisor. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED DELAURENTI , COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF 4/4-8-10/74 APRIL 4, APRIL 8, AND APRIL 10, 1974 MEETINGS AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted Proposed Water and published, Mayor Garrett declared the hearing open for and Sewer Rates discussion of the proposed new water and sewer rates which would increase both; homeowner sewer rates being raised by $.50 for a total City charge of $1 .50 per month (Metro charges additional ) . Public Works Gonnason explained water rates which vary with the meter size and volume consumption; proposed water rate establishes a service charge according to meter size (3/4" - $1 .85 per month) which includes no water to allow a basic charge for vacation or periods of closure with no consumption, with commodity rate based Capital on volume consumed a1!4:_­� +n rho sere i u t-iiarge, no change in Improvement rate; % ; Senior Citizens. Gonnason explained the additional Project revenue would be used for proposed bond issue upgrading water and Included sewer lines and facilities . Public Works Department used charts showing comparison of Renton 's rates with surrLunding area. - Mr. Frank Raphael of Service Laundry and Dry Cleaners , Inc. registered complaint of high rates for business including Metro. Mr. Wes Nelson of George A. Hormel Co. inquired when rates would again be reviewed, Gonnason reporting annual review planned of rate structure. Following discussion it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. New Rate Schedule Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Adopted recommending that the water and sewer rates as recommended by the Mayor and Public Works Director and presented at tonights hearing , be approved and that the subject be referred to the Legislation Committee for review of the ordinance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. ROLL CALL: Aye-Clymer, Schellert, Delaurenti , Stredicke and Bruce. Pro-Perry and (,rant. MOTION CARRIED, NEW RATE SCHEDULE FOR WATER AND SEWER. ADOPTED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, L. I .D. 285 posted and mailed, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing on Sanitary Sewers L. I .D. 285 which was continued from 4/8/74 when consideration Orillia Area given to the preliminary assessment roll in amount of $247,925.28 Continued from for sanitary sewers in S. W. 43rd St. and West Valley Highway. - 4/8/74 City Attorney Shellan advised the City Council would sit as Board of Equalization on the assessments. Mr. Harold Hill, property owner of northwesterly parcel in the district, complained of the increase in assessment from the 1971 preliminary estimate and reported investigating portion of that property on the west side of the railroad track joining Tukwila sewer system while the south- erly portion would join Kent sewer system, averting the expense of crossing mainline railroad tracks and P-1 drainage channel , and 14 4 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 4/15/74 Page 2 Public Hearing L. I.D. 285 - Continued requested further delay in the project to determine least expen- sive method of sewering his property. Public Works Director Gonnason advised these possibilities had been studied, that joining the Tukwila sewer would require a pump station for a portion of the property at approximately the same expense as the siphon planned in the present district, leaving a portion of the property without sewers , that the Tukwila rates double those of Renton and that any change in the district boundaries would necessitate creating a new improvement district, that cause a greater expense to those remaining properties. Upon inquiry of Mr. BF�,rtow Fite, prDperty assessment on the zone and termini and area method was explained by Gonnason; Fite anxious that sewer project proceed, having circulated original petition. Mr. John Welch inquired re drainage. Mr. Sternoff of Sternoff Metals L. I.D. 285 favored the L. I .D. project that all properties could be benefited Preliminary noting growing problem of procurement of steel pipe. MOVED BY Assessment PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, HEARING BE CLOSED. MOTION CARRIED. Approved MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY THAT THE PRELIMTNARY ASSESS- MENT BE APPROVED AND MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COM- MITTEE_ FOR NECESSARY ORDINANCE. CARRIED. See later ordinance. SPECIAL Letter from the Board of Certification for the Washington State PRESENTATION Water Works Operators announced that a Certificate of Competency is being issued to Mr. Robert E. Bergstrom, Jr. as a Water Works Mr. Robert Specialist I!I (Cross connection Division). Mayor Garrett Bergstrom presented the Certificate of Competency to Public Works Department Engineer Bergstrom who has recently completed weeklong course. CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter- from Plannjn,.s Director Ericksen presented Planning Commis- CURRENT BUSINESS sion recommendation for granting rezone from R-2 to B-1 for Angelo Calabrese, Application No. R-758-74, property loctntod on Angelo Calabrese N.E. 12th St. between Kirkland Ave. N.E. and Jefferson Nve. N.E. Rezone No. R-758-74 Proposed use is expansion of existing restaurant and parking �-- facilities ( ony Go's) , restrictive covenants h«ving been submitted. MOVED BY STREDICKE. SECONDED BY BRUCE, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS BE ACCEPTED AS SUBMITTED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, GRANTING REZONE, AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Stredicke noted ordinance would not be submitted for adoption Prior to recording of the restrictive covenants. RECESS MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 10:25 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present. Letter of Let" r z L`a •k i:irectar ^u':sr _ _zd IC-iter addressed to Appreciation the Renton Park Department from Mrs. Vesta Bolstad, a Liberty Liberty Park Park Senior Citizen Center participant, who expressed thanks Senior Citizens for the facility and program. Park Director Colon's letter Center noted letter of appreciation written to Mrs. Bclstad, and that Park Board requested forwarding Mrs. Bolstad's letter for infor- mational purposes. Bid Openings City Clerk Mead reported five bidders for 4/10 bid opening of 1974 Backhoe/Loader International (see tabulation attached) . Park Department Letter from Park Director Coulon reported Park Board review of Backhoe/Loader bids with recommendation that the low bid of International Harves- ter in the amount of $8,665.26, be accepted. The letter also -- noted Park Board's recommendation that the matter be referred to i LL ee to Pi rNai't u rAsQ l i,%ion transferring the necessary funds from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2104 to Park Fund. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD. CARRIED. Surplus Buildings City Clerk Mead reported no bids were received at the April 9, Mill Ave. South bid opening for the sale and removal of surplus buildings from premises at 211-215 Mill Avenue South, and recommended the matter be referred to the Public Works Department for disposition. 44 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 4/15/74 Page 3 Correspondence and Current Business - Continued Continued Bid MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN Opening - CITY CLERK'S REPORT AND REFER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Mill Ave. Bldgs. The Mayor recalled the Council had previously authorized removal of buildings , there being no occupancy permitted in- the City owned buildings as they do not meet Code standards, MOTION CARRIED. Surplus Equipment City Clerk Mead reported 4/12 Bid Opening for sale of surplus equipment (tabulation attached) including light poles, strain poles , controllers , grader, mower, backhoe, etc. Letter from Purchasing Agent Church reported bids had been reviewed with Public Works Director Gonnason and Traffic Engineer Hamlin, recommending items be awarded to the highest bidder and that the Purchasing Agent be given permission to negotiate sale of all those items not receiving bids or being rejected. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAUiENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF PURCHASING AGENT. CARRIED. Renton/Kent Venture Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted for approval Improvement of a proposed agreement for joint venture by the City of Renton and S.W. 43rd Street the City of Kent for the improvement of S.W. 43rd Street (S.180th) from East Valley Hwy. to West Valley Hwy. Letter noted Federai Aid Urban funding had been applied for, that Kent had approved the agreement 4/1 , and requested Mayor and City Clerk be author- ized to execute this agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND THAT MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Pope Property Letter from W. Stewart Pope, bearing signatures of Dr. Irvin Request for Change Charat and Dr. Stuart A. Vendeland along with Dr. Walter F. Bolin Comprehensive Plan Jr. rec:,uested that the Comprehensive Plan be changed to designate Area of Hospital - proper-,:y located at 3713 Talbot Rd. S. as P-1 zoning and that Talbot Road S. this matter be considered by the Planning Commission without six-months delay as suggested by the Commission. The letter noted the property located adjacent to the hospital and would ..� be used for medically-oriented purposes. Councilman Stredicke noted the Planni;,g Commission policy restricting review of Comp- rehens ve Plan to October unless such matter significant in terms of time. Planning Director Ericksen noted heavy schedule of the Commission. Mr. Pope asked for consideration prior to summer recess of the Commission. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS LETTER BE FORWARDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REQUEST PLANNING COMMISSION TAKE ACTION ON REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN BEFORE SUMMER VACATION. MOTION CARRIED. Request for Sewers Letter signed by six families located on Meadow Ave. N. and Kennydale Area N. 36th St. , Kennydale, were hopeful that the Public Works Dept. and King County Health Dept. would be submitting request for Sever L. T. D. to be formed in their area and stressed the need for sewers because of septic tank and drainfield problems caus- ing a health hazard. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. rAMIED. Lunchroom Contract Permission was given by Council for late agenda item; letter from Public Works Director Gonnason noted review of the Humming- bird Inn (City Hall Lunchroom) contract with Mrs. Alvina Popke, enclosing copy of her letter of 2/14/74 indicating her desire to cancel the contract in three months or negotiate reduced fees. Letter from Building Manager Williams, also enclosed, recommended subsidizing the desirable tenant/operator. Gonnason's letter noted that Mrs. Popke was bound by the contract which calls for mini- mum period of one year which expires 8/20/74, and recommended the contract be modified to eliminate payment to the City of 5% of the monthly gross operating receipts, which amount to approximately $100 per month. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY PERRY, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. _f 4 .moi Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 4/15/74 Page 4 PROCLAMATIONS Secretaries Week Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared the week of April 21 , 4/21/74 as Secretaries Week and April 24, 1974 as Secretaries Day. MOVED Secretaries Day BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF 4/25/74 THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Appointment of Mrs. Lilly Kodama to the Renton Human Rights and Mrs. Lilly Kodama Affairs Commission, was read. Appointment completes the term 424 Seneca Ave N.W. of Mrs. Jeanne Smith who recently resigned, and expires 4/24/76. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER APPOINT- MENT TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. _.. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS The proposed removal of State inventory tax, referred to the Finance Committee on 4/4/74 was discussed, noting an estimated loss in Inventory Tax revenue to the City of $1 ,000,000 if the proposed bill is passed by the Legislature. MOVED BY CLY'i+ER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL COUNCIL GO ON RECORD- STRONGLY OPPOSING LEGISLATION FOR REMOVAL OF INVENTORY TAX. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND THE MOTION, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO CONVEY THE MESSAGE TO THE LEGISLATURE BY TELEGRAM TOMORROW. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT IN ADDITION TO TELEGRAM FROM MAYOR'S OFFICE, THE CHAIRMAN OF THE GIStATION AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE APPEAR AND TESTIFY BEFORE LEGISLATURE AS TO THE CITY'S OPPOSITION. Coun- cilman Stredicke designated Councilman Perry in his absence. Schellert supported motions but felt inventory tax unfair, noting new revenue should replace any lost by phase-out or removal of the inventory tax. MOTION :ARRTFD. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Aviation Committee Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report Report of April 9 meeting with information of matters discussed on the Airport Master Plan, Construction Progress Report, Aero-Dyne Development Plans, Boeing traffic problems , Airport restaurant, Renton Aviation lease renewal option, Renton Tower compressor replacement and request from private firm to use Seaplane Base for boat demonstrations. Three items acted upon by the Council Aviation Committee were recommended to the Council for approval : MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL GRANT AUTHOR- IZATION FOR AIRPORT DIRFiTOR TO ENTER INTO LEASE NEGOTIATIONS WITH N BRUCE, RF Tnni .LC. `1ii'vEL !;Y u. a KL!1.t i��r , ��l. 'i DE- BY 00ONf_.I! CONCUR TN PVTATION Cr` PAW'li s ��.�. -�� TO AUTHORIZE REPLACE- MENT OF COMPRESSOR I^� AIR CO" D'TT01TK!,, UNIT ;,T RENTO iv:E!�- Discus- sion ensue. MOTTON CARRIED. she C:m ;!tAe ree— 1. ded denial of r� ,;.. ..._ .. . nal. a for uac: ;. ..:ai lade ~ii i{i� or Ey, JG,f2: �fif*r� ? iii r F% RJdL 4" „�c�� a;,u _:a .:5l,i".,..: S Vi�7,..tOn Ui rules a►id regulations for use of airnc-t facility. MOVED BY STR.EDIC :F., SECONDED BY 'PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF AVIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Stredicke asked City Attorney to meet with Aviation Committee to review lease procedures. Gambling MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, REFER THE MATTER OF LICENSE AND TAX STRUCTURE FOR BINGO AND VARIOUS GAMBLING ITEMS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. . MOTION CARRIED. Public Service _Upon inquiry, Mayor Parrptt noted hearinq with State Department of Employees Lahnr and =� ;;-_:- ,_ - - L ^^ 4areement with Local #674 - -A ::,y F,:... Pile: -a`.,+ Gary Grant,arrangeii�c;is fir ing will be made with Mr. Olson. UCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended -APPROVAL payme-t o` Vouchers 2991 through 3215 in the amount of $116,693.06 #2979-2990 Voided having received departmental certification as to receipt of merch- #2991-3215 O.K. 'd andise or service. Vouchers #2979 through 2990 were machine voided during processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PAYMENT. CARRIED. Motion by Grant, seconded by Clymer, to adjourn, failed. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 4/15/74 Page 5 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE #2845 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for Business Regulations second and final readings which had been placed on first reading Changes in 4/8/74, amending Title 5, Business Regulations. Following reading Definitions of the ordinance updating the City Code, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, and Exemptions SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call : All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION #1902 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution Electric Service authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with Puget Cortract i4`th Sound Power and Light Company for furnishing sewage pumping sery►...... Puget Power for (Kennydale Pumping; Station) located on Kennydale Hill . Following Kennydale Sewage reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION Pumping Station BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION #1903 A resolution presented by the Legislation Committee Chairman Bottle Bill requested the House Ecology Committee to pass House Bill 700 out of committee and urge its passage by the Legislature banning non- returnable bottles with switch back to "returnables. " Following reading, it was MOVED BY GRANT; SECONDED BY PERRY, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION #1904 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution L.. I.. D. 283/Sewers declaring City's intent to construct and install sanitary sewers Bounded on East by and trunk lines near the Earliigton Addition (lower Earlington Edwards Way Hili ) and create a local improvement district to assess the cost On North by Sunset against the property benefited thereby, declaring public hearing On South by on May 27, 1974. Following reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, Milwaukee Railroad SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #2846 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance L. I . D. 285 Orillia ordering the construction and installation of sanitary sewer Sanitary Sewers lines in the vicinity of S.W.43rd St. and West Valley Hwy. , L. I.D. 285; 'Public Hearing 4/8 and 4/15/74. Following first reading of the ordinance by the City Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following read- ings , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CtRRIED. ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Public 11.4orks Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee report Committee Report that bids submitted for construction of sanitary sewer for L. I .D. 285 (formerly L. I .D. 273) have been reviewed and the committee Bid Award - LID 285 recommends that the Council accept the bid of Constructors-PAMCO Schedules I and III (ductile-iron) with the siphon alternate in the amount of $229,086.47 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE SUBJECT TO FINAL VERIFICATION BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT.CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADJOURN. Meeting of the Renton City Council adjourned at 12:10 a.m. &AA� 0- 7n'ea� Delores A. Mead, City Cle k 449 i WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 4/15/74 REGI cynlrof; TOTAL OARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUN`,,E4 WARRANTS CURRENT 2991 3064 030P055t8O PARKS AND RECREATION 3065 3086 48040202 ARTERIAL STREET 3087 3088 $875171 :ITY STREET 3089 3102 $13P156s60 6 IBRARY 3103 3151 $6i955o88 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 3152 3154 f'469o27 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 3155 3156 $315p49 NEW CAREERS 3157 3158 $15506 RES• AND STREET FWD THRUST 3159 3166 S4, 573j78 UPBAN ARTF 3167 3170 836, 486# 17 74RPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 3171 3171 $IP587#00 WATERWORKS UTILITY 3172 3186 s9p178t20 AIRPORT 3187 3192 $263133 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3193 3^c15 s4, P18945 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS *116i69306 WFs THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL• HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDP DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO , 2991 THROUGH NO• 3215 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1161693.06 THIS 15 OF APRIL Lfffffff 7 FINAN=-.dr fr r� —E(YMMITTEE MEMBER :3t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APRIL 15, 1974 BID OPENING - APRIL 10, 1974 1974 BACKHOE/LOADER INTERNATIONAL MODEL 3400A OR EQUAL PARK DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR Delivery BID BOND/ EEO PRICE SALES TAX LESS TRADE-IN TOTAL BID PRICE CASHIERS CHECK AA Ray Bock Equipment Co. 30 days CC X $13,000.00 $650.00 $ 4,155.00 $9,495.00 11th N. & River Road $689.00* $9,534.00* Puyallup, WA 98371 Craig Taylor Equip. Co. 30 days BB X $11,216.00 $594.45 $ 2,200.00 $9,610.00 P. 0. Box 710 3100 East Valley Rd. Renton, WA 98055 Hagen Equipment Co. NO BID 19460 - 84th Ave. S. Kent, WA 98031 Tool Crib Co. of 10 days CC X $12,369.00 $655.56 $ 3,024.56 $10,000.00 Seattle, Inc. 5701 1st Ave. S. P. 0. Box 80158 Seattle, WA 98108 International Harvester 30-60 days CC X $12,571.00 $666.26 $ 4,572.00 $8,665 .26 20636 Pacific Hwy S. Seattle, WA 98188 * Correction from 5% tax to 5.3% tax OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APRIL 15, 1974 SAIF OF SURPLUS W 11-= BID OPENING - �U--;R-U, 12, 1974 ITEMS 1 THROUCH 61 BIDDER ITEM BID ON AMi)M OF B"aD Electric Controls, Inc. #54 - Traffic Signal Gcnn oiler $77.50 P. 0. Box 157 #55 - Traffic Signal Contra-ller $77.50 Kent, WA 98031 #56 - Traffic Signal Co--itroller $77.50 Lloyd Medical Eng. Tabora- -es #11 - 30' Limi.naire Fol, $10.00 5463 So. Othello St. #12 - 30' Luminaire Pole $10.00 Seattle, WA 98118 #59 - 1950 Huber Grack-x $150.00 #60 - 1962 Topeka Ili-my Mc h.;er $100.00 Plasm Bros. Paving #59 - 1950 Huber Grader $800.00 14024 - 147th Place S.E. Renton, WA 98055 Renton Aerie No. 1722 #11 - 30' Lt*ninaire Pole $30.00 Fraternal Order of Eagles #12 - 30' lAminaire Pole $30.00 316 S. 3rd Street #14 - 30' Luminaire Pole $30.00 Renton, WA 98055 #15 - 30' Luminaire Pole $30.00 Renton Elks Lodge #1809 #11 - 30' Iuuninaire Pole $30.00 1600 Eagle Ridge Dr. So. #12 - 30' Luminaire Pole $25.00 Renton, WA 98055 #13 - 30' Imdraire Pole $25.00 #14 - 30' Luminaire mi na i re Po 1 e. $25M 00 #15 - 30' Luminaire Pc l.e: $30.00 #16 - 30' Ikudna.ire Pc lf: $25.00 #18 - 30' Luminaire Poli! $30.00 Valley Pacific Co. #1 - 56 All or Nothir;g $307.00 1744 S. 96th #58 - Sargent Backho 933.00 Seattle, WA #59 - 1950 Huber Gr.-°clog 144.00 =n #60 - Topeka Hiway t lv,,ear. 307.00 '1 #61 - Miller Curb bac:dre $166.00 CITY COUNCI" t ,.r'TTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of thea `-ty Clerk COUNCIL C Qvn=TEE ME�,"INGS SCHEDULED AT CITY C OUNG:,:I, %MEETING OF April 15, 19 7.T w.ac•r�3a.:L aha e CCiI"I'E� DATE '1'T.ME CHAIRMAN LOCATION R MARKS 1 AVIATION COMMITTEE es. , 5/14 7:30 P.M. ,"IRMICKE 6th Flr. Conf. 'Regular meeting, review lease procedure t a CQRVITY SERVICE.= s. , 4/16 7:30 P.M. NT Library Conf. Rocir- Bond issue for new facility Wed. , 4/17 7:30 P.M. 3rd Flr. Conf. Rc.;n Pending Ca nittee matters Thurs. , 4/18 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers Shoreline Master Plan FINANCE AND PERSCID't,. TO HE SEI .7C3:x:LLERT Meet with Lunchroan Operator FIRE STATION Ct II'^ ..;: urs. , 4/18 4:30 P.M. i.211 1:9jt 4th Flr. Conf. Rocs; Meet with Architect LEGISLATION & 111L Mon. , 4/22 7:OC P.M. Si t:DICKE Chainian's Office GOVERNMENTAL y PUBLIC SAFETY n. , 4/22 7:00 P.M. D1I ;t;R.ENTI Chairman's Office t PUBLIC WORKS urs. , 4/18 7:00 P.M. Blttf 3rd Flr. Conf. Ra !rn Discuss two Ker.nydale Area L.I .D. 's TRANSPORTATION Tues. , 4/23 4:30 P.M. i fA 3rd Flr. Conf. Ro)m O`T'HER MEETIlVGS AND EVE:aTl' SENIOR CITIZENS FACLLITY es. , 4/16 :30 P.M. Library Conference Rtn. Joint Use of School Facilities COMMITTEE 453 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APRIL 15, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY TIE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING DEPARnEN7S BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 3661 $ 5,000 Robert J. Phelps 3821 Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. Finish interior, fireplace "' 2 — Gene Mack 208 Pelly Ave. N. Demolish garage-level lot 3663 31,000 Hillis Humes, Inc. 2913 Morris Ave. S. Single family residence 3664 -- Dr. Oscar Schmuland 300 Pelly Ave. N. Demolish residence-level lot MECHANICAL PERMITS M`12,,67 $ 1,150 J. C. Kirkman 315 Pelly Ave. N. Inst. 2 Electric furnaces '868 650 John Dennis 1422 Monterey Ave. N.E. Install gas furnace 3869 2,395 J. C. Kirk- pan 315 Pelly Ave. N. Install plumbing & fixtures M3870 1,500 Hillis Hames 1009 S. 30th Court Install plumbing & fixtures 3871 1,500 Hillis Hcws 1003 S. 30th Court Install plumbing & fixtures 3872 1,500 Hillis Homes 1004 S. 30th Court Install plumbing & fixtures 3873 1,500 Hillis Hanes 3007 Morris Ave. S. Install plumbing & fixtures 3874 1,200 Hillis Hames 1010 S. 31st Court Install plumbing & fixtures M3875 1,600 Hillis Homes 2919 Morris Ave. S. Install plumbing & fixtures 3876 1,500 Hillis Hanes 2925 Morris Ave. S. Install plumbing & fixtures 3877 35 William Maas 853 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Inst. pressure valve-tank 3878 700 FHA - Seattle Office 3612 S.E. 5th Street Inst. ldry. tray, water htr. 3879 898.50 HUD 3607 N.E. 8th New Gas Lennox furnace M3880 5,000 Wash. Jockey Club Longacres Install plumbing & fixtures ELEC.MICAL PERMITS 4606 25 Roy Johnson 540 Smithers So. Replace dryer circuit ,x.,4607 300 Covey's Ranch Mkt. 422 S. 3rd St. U/G conv. - 3 weatherheads 4608 2,800 Pacific Car & Fdry. 1400 N. 4th St. Wire office Add. & Computer 4609 140 William Maas 853 Aberdeen Ave. S.E. Inst. 100A switch box, wrg. E4610 240 Rainbow Cafe 130 Main Ave. So. Pipe & hang new fixtures 4611 600 John Dennis 1422 Monterey Ave. N.E. Wire single family residence SIGN PERMITS S215 7-11 Stores 3131 N.E. 12th St. Inst. 1 D/F Pole SEWER PERMITS 2015 Roger Magee 2322 N.E. 10th St. Connect storm sewer 2016 Mr. Hadi 2418 Meadow Ave. N. Connect side sewer A RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 22 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Funding for Fire Chief test Attendance at Municipal Finance Las legas Meeting by Finance Director Street lights and funding Appointments to Human Rights and Affairs Commission: Mrs. Helga Karinen Mr, Christopher Wright Mr. Todd Osborne LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Proposed L. I. D. Kennydale, Meadow N. & N.36th Sewer Ordinance (first reading 4/22/74) Water Rate Ordinance (first reading 4/22/74) BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Annexation matter King County Water District #58 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Boeing Banner STREET COMMISSIONER Street stop sign end of Index Ave. N.E. SPECIAL MEETINGS AND EVENTS Special Meeting of the Council May 2, 1974 I I 1 455 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 22 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Council President Pro tem Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called tie meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President Pro tem; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. Council President Pro tem Delaurenti explained Mayor Garrett absent due to unexpected family business , that Council President ._. Clymer was ill . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCILMAN CLYMER AND"MAYOR GARRETT"BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, Citi Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; JACK LYNCH, Admin- IN ATTENDANCE istrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; KEN WHITE, Person- nel Director; DICK GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; VIC TeGANTV00RT, St.Supt. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 15, 4/15/74 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Environmental published , Council President Pro tem Delaurenti declared the Public Impact Statement Hearing open to consider the Environmental Impact Statement, Honey Honey Dew Dew Apartment Complex, a proposed development to be located at Apartments 1150 Union Ave. N. E. by Dura Development Inc. , Seattle. Public Works Director Gonnason reviewed history of request for Environmental Impact Statement of February 28, 1974 which was made available for review for 30-day period ending April 5, 1974, at which time all resulting letters were attached to the Final Impact Statement which include Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, U.S. Dept. of Agri- culture, Dept. of Public Health, Commissioner of Public Lands , Office of Community Development, City of Renton Planning Department and Mr. and Mrs . Floyd Gabriel , and filed with the City this afternoon. The Public Works Director explained the memo from the Planning Dept. described draft statement as very inadequate and also that the letter from Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel noted that the property at 11F;0 Union N.E. wrongly zoned, that it should be low density residential , with second choice as vacancy of Whitman Court, also preferring apartments to be located at center of property allowing maximum of open area between apartments and homes. Gonnason further reviewed the Final Environ- mental Impact Statement noting adverse environmental effects: Dust from construction; Noise from construction; Car lights and noise in parking lot; Air pollution caused by cars; Runoff into Honey Dew Creek; Added traffic load and Increased number of children in school . Upon inquiry of Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Shellan noted provisions of the Environmental Impact Statement enforced by govern- mental agency, requiring contractor compliance. Gonnason noted the City is charged with the responsibility of filing the Final Environ- mental Impact Statement, however, Applicant assembled same in order to expedite the matter, issuance of a building permit pendinq approval . Mr. John E. Phillips of Hillis , Schell , Phillips , et al , representing Dura Development, Inc. reviewed plans for 164 unit two-story complex which anticipates only 2% of allowable emission density air pollution, 60% of allowable housing density, less than 97 decibels noise pollution (no standards) with no change in present zoning. Mr. Phillips noted less than 1% vacancy rate in area with need for apartments; that no agency viewing the E. I .S. suggested any changes except the Renton Planning Department and those changes were incorporated into Final Statement; stating intent of Applicant to meet all City Code require- ments; and the street vacation of Whitman Court N.E. was favored. Area residents present registering opposition to issuance of building permit: Mr. Floyd R. Gabriel , 4140 N.E. 11th; Mr. C. Majack, 1108 Tacoma Ave. N. E. ; Mr. Henry Downs , 4107 N.E. 11th; Mr. Mike Sands , 4340 N. E. 11th; Mr. Pete Caple, 1055 Union Ave. N.E. ; Mr. Richard Thrasher, 4101 N.E. 10th Place; and Mr. William Fisher, 4316 N. E. 11th Street; and Mr. Don Morgan , 4200 N.E. 11th St. 456 Renton City Council Minutes - 4/22/74 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Environmental Councilman Grant noted the Planning Commission has been studying the Impact Statement matter of down-gradinq rezones. Planning Commission Member Scholes Honey Dew noted report forthcoming' from the Commission re Council referral of Apartments 1/9/74 on Vacation of Whitman Court N.E. , lengthy study having been Continued made of traffic circulation, Comprehensive Land Use Plan and need for buffer zone between single family and any proposed development. Mr. Botch of Philip M. Botch & Associates, used display map to explain apartment building placement. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan noted that in order to solve the Whitman Court N.E. street vacation an in order to prevent land-locked property, L. I .D. proposed to open street northerly to N. E. Sunset Blvd. Mr. Larry Gibson, 3312 N.E. 11th Pl ., agreed with Councilman Stredicke that Council should request Planning Commission recommendation be presented within 10 days. Public Works Director Gonnason noted plans provide for screening and landscaping to reduce problems of glare and noise. Attorney Phillips reminded Council the zoning in effect at time of application for build- ing permit would be applicable zoning. Discussion followed of the 1965 Hokenson Agreement in regard to alternate access street to the North and the right of condemnation; the right of the Public Works Director to issue Uuildiny permit upon compliance with all City ordin- + Building Permit ances and the E. I.S. provisions; the denial of the permit because of Denied the adverse effects noted; and amount of tax revenue. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CITY COUNCIL RECOMMEND TO THE DIREC- TOR OF PUBLIC WORKS THAT BUILDING PERMIT BE DENIED DUE TO SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS. Councilman Stredicke noted desira- bility of delay of issuance of permit until the following had been met sufficiently: buffer zone, screening and landscaping, access to property including acquisition to second major arterial . Councilman Grant noted sufficient documentation from the public, Planning Dept. and E. I .S. to substantiate denial . MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES CARRIED. Council reconvened at 10:37 p.m. All Councilmen present at Roll Call . CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk Mead reported April 18, 1974 raid Opening for two Harley AND CURRFMT ,,nom ,.:; i���l icy motorcycles with one bid received from Harley .`..i 11,FSS ��.,..J °J Fio �;., Idsor, Co. of Seattle in the amount of $4,425.34 for two bikes. Bid Opening 4/18 Letter from Puchasing Agent Church recommended award to the Seattle Police firm. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Motorcycles RECOMMENDATION OF THE PURCHASING AGENT AND AWARD BID. CARRIED. r v-il q­vice Letter of Civil Service Commission Chairman Woodin advised that the tes, the Position of Fire Chief may require additional UiitiS titan those budqeted , the exact amount to be determined and requested at a later date. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Proposed L. I.D. Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett advised that the n - d reviewed her request for sanitary sewers in the Kenn dale Ken dale Boar had viewe t e a Y q Y Kenny dale N. & area at Meadow Ave. North and North 36th Street. Letter from the N. 36th Board recommended that the City Council proceed with the adoption of a resolution of intent to create a local improvement district and that a hearing date be set. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce gave committee concurrence. MOTION CARRIED. J. Boeing Banner Letter from Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, Supervisor Contract Request Construction, W. T. Skartvedt requested permission to hang temporary "Buy U.S. banner over Park Ave. N. along walkway between buildings for six- Savings Bonds" week period April 29 through June 7, 1974. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST SUBJECT TO SUPERVISION BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Upon request for Hold Harmless Agreement, MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Letter from Boundary Review Board of King County notified the City Annexation of King County Water District #58 of proposed annexation (Duncan; Water District Reso. 1398) Boundary Review Board Temp. File #2-6. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, No. 58 SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. 457 Renton City Council Minutes - 4/22/74 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Court Case City Clerk Mead reported the City was served with Summons/Complaint No. Constructors 779583, Affidavit and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Pamco vs. City Order to Show Cause filed by Constructors PAMCO, a Joint Venture, L. I .D. 285 in connection with L. I .D. 285, sewers Orillia, bid award; filed Orillia against the City, Mayor Garrett, Members of the City Council , Public Works Director Gonnason and Frank Coluccio Construction Co. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Shellan noted court hearing set for today, though Mayor was out of town, City honored motion and appeared, having hurriedly prepared documents. Plaintiffs claimed City had made commitment for bid award including siphon• However, determination had been made siphon not required, therefore low bidder was Frank Coluccio. The Judge ruled in City's favor and signed Order; bid can now be awarded to low bidder, Frank Colluccio. Bid Award Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted Committee Report L. I . D. 285 recommending that the City Council rescind its previous verbal award Orillia/Sewers of the contract for L. I .D. 285 to Constructors PAMCO in the amount of $229,086.47 and instead award the contract to Frank Coluccio Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $208,063.70 (Schedules I and III - Ductile Iron without the Siphon Alternate) . The report further stated that King County Flood Control no longer requires installation of the Siphon Alternate, therefore project should be awarded to the low bidder of basic bid, Frank Coluccio Construction Co. , Inc. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESCIND PREVIOUS ACTION OF LAST WEEK AND AWARD BID TO FRANK COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett reappointed Mrs, Helga Karinen, 2705 N.E, 6th Place, and Mr. Christopher Wright, 120 Monterey Place N.E. , to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission for three-year term expir- Human Rights and ing 4/25/77. Both Mrs . Karinen and Mr. Wright served on the Renton Affairs Fair Housing Commission, the former since 1968, the latterfrom 1971 , Commission both having completed one-year terms with the Human Rights and Affairs Commission. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, APPOINT- Mrs. Helga Karinen MENTS BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Christopher Wright Todd Osborne Letter from Mayor Garrett announced appointment of Mr. Todd Osborne to the Renton Human Rights and Affairs Commission for a three-year term to expire 4/25/77, replacing Mr. Frank Kinney who chose not to be reappointed. Mr. Osborne, 710 Aberdeen Ave. N. E. , has studied at Green River Community College and is employed in management train- ing program at Penny's Southcenter. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee Report report that recommended that the existing contract between Alvina Lunchroom Contract Popke and the City be amended to eliminate the 5% gross payment to the City. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Street Lighting Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Bruce, that the Council instruct the Administration to energize the downtown street lighting system and the matter of funding be referred to the Finance Committee. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE SUBJECT OF ENERGIZING STREET LIGHTS AND FUNDING BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSnNNEL CnmmITTEE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Contribution Councilman Grant submitted letter from Pacific Car and Foundry Company i' to City Park General Manager, Mr. John Salathe, Jr. , contributing $100.00 toward Lighting lighting of the city parks. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL DESIGNATE THAT THIS CONTRIBUTION OF $100 BE DEPOSITED TO PARK FUND ACCT. 101,,362. 10 RENTS AND ROYALTIES (ENERGY) . CARRIED. Senior Citizens Community Services Committee Chairman Grant reported meeting with Facilities Senior Citizen Facilities Committee regarding space in Sartori School , decision to be forthcoming by June 1 . Grant advised Mr. Stan Thompson was named as Chairman of the Mayor's Senior Citizens Facili- ties Committee. 458 . Renton City Council Minutes - 4/22/74 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Gambling Revenue Finance Committee Chairman Schellert noted the 1974 Budget includes $19,000 anticipated revenue from bingo, raffles and etc. and feared that unless ordinance was passed by the City, revenue is jeopardized. City Attorney recalled history of legislation and noted that assuming no further changes made by the Legislature in the present mini session, the City would have local option effective end of July or first week in August. Attorney advised Council to determine type of gambling and tax desired for timely implementation. Public Safety Chairman 1191 Delaurenti noted committee working on ordinance soon to be presented . Finance Committee Letter from Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert Chairman Travel requested permission to attend the annual Municipal Finance Officers Request Association Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 2-6, 1974. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF FINANCE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER OF ATTENDANCE AT MUNTCIPAL. FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION MEETING IN LAS VEGAS BY ; INANCE DIRECTOR MARSHALL BE RE"F"ERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. _. y,ore y i ne 'Master Corrniuni t� Serwi ces Committee Chairman Grant Hated review and revisions ,lan completed to the Shoreline Master Plan by the Cifizens Advisory Coin- mittPe, 30-day public review being observed which will end May 18. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman .Schellert recommended payment k`1979-2990 ,Voided of Vouchers #2991 through 3215 in the amount of $116,693.06 (#2979 - "991-31"15 O.K. 'd 2990 Mach i neo Voided') . Vouchers received departmental certification that merchandise and/or, services received or rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. Request for, MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REQUEST FOR STOP SIGN ON END OF Stop Sign INDEX AVE. N.E. BE REFERRED TO THE STREET COMMISSIONER. CARRIED. Councilman Delaurenti asked Police patrol for S. 19th St. past Talbot St:hool due to complaint of speeding cars. Councilman Stredicke asked Police check of drag racing on Union Ave. N.E. ORDTNANCE:S First Reading Councilman Stredicke presented ordinance for first reading relating Sewer Ordinance to Sewer charges. MOVED BY STREDICKL, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE Water Rate BE PLACED ON FIRST READING AND REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEL_. Ordinance CARRIED. City Clerk read ordinance raising sewer rates as approved at, public; hearing. Councilman Stredicke presented ordinance relating to water charges , connection requirements, method for payment of metered water services. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDIN- ANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING AND RFFERRFJ PArk:. TO _.F-G!';LA1ION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution for Resolution #_ 1905 transfer of funds from Cumulative Reserve Fund 2104 unto Park Fund Transfer•- t --rinds in amount. of $8,665.26 for the purpose of purchasing one Backhoe/ Park iident Loader, Internal ior;al Model 34OOA. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1906 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented re=solution re 215-2152 Mill So. buildings known as 215 and 215 1/2 Mill Ave. S. , being substandard Declared Surplus and no longer needed for any public use, same to be disposed of and removed. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL. MFE"LING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 11 :55 p.m. a - Delores A. Mead, City Tlerk I 1 459 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 4/22/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DEBRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS JRRENT 3230 3267 l31j350@71 PARKS AND RECREATION 3268 3292 $13i842s08 ARTERIAL STREET 3293 3296 $2j324o58 CITY STREET 3297 3304 $17# 034@67 LIBRARY 3305 3306 $2p590# 85 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 3307 3307 $447006 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 3308 3308 $554 .67 NEW CAREERS 3309 3309 $306e44 REG. AND STREET FWD THRUST 3310 3313 $4, 65399 I URBAN ARTERIAL 3314 3316 $4j784g46 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 3317 3319 $15A862@43 WATERWORKS UTILITY 3320 3334 411. 366#66 RPORT 3335 3341 $350#20 6OUIPMENT RENTAL 3342 3354 $10, 838906 CENTRAL STORES 3355 3355 $jp849j53 FIREMEN PENSION Vf//)A_���% lie 3356 3383 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 9-125, 025,58 WE. THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED,, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOP PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0 . 3230 THROUGH NO* 3383 IN THE AMOUNT OF � .,rT THIS 22 OF APRIL 4 LLL£tt FINANCE COMMITTEE '(1DP�"fiI,7TfsF R ------------ i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APRIL 22, 1974 BID OPENING Two 1974 Model FLHF Police-Type Harley-Davidson Motorcycles or equal. BIDDER PRICE TRADE-IN TAX TOTAL Harley-Davidson of Seattle $2,9,:,.00 each $906.00 each $156.67 each $2,212.67 each 753 - 9th Avenue No. $2,956.00 each -- $156.67 each $3,112.67 each Seattle, WA 98109 Total of Two Motorcycles with trade-in - $4,425.34 Equal Opportunity Statement Enclosed Total of Two Motorcycles without trade-in - $6,225.34 Bid Check for 5% of Bid Harley-Davidson of Yakima NO BID 921 S. 1st Street Yakima, WA 98901 • L . COUNCIL CITY C CIL COH)aTTEE )WMINa CALENDAR � �+ Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL CCKUTTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED COUNCIL NESTING OF April 22, 197 _ COMMITTEE DATE TDIE CHAIRMAN LOCATIOK RMAAES AVIATION COMMITTEE Mon. , 4/29 7:00 P.M. STREDICKJ '. .h Floor Conf. Room Requests Airport. Director & City Attorney atte CITY OOUNCIL Thurs. , 5/2 8:00 P.M. MAYOR 'outicil Chambers Special Moeting/Tegularly Scheduled Tues. , 4/23 7:30 P.M. GRXTF ;rd Floor Conf. Room Meet w/Planning arm. re Comprehensive Plan CCt+WTITY SERVICES Thurs. , 4/25 10:00 A.M. GRANT J! TV it Meet w/:Senior C?,, izens re Questionnaire FIRE :'TATION OO 1MI= Thurs. , 5/2 4:00 P.M. CLI IffiR Floor Conf. Roan 1 LEGIS.t,ATION & INTER- Mon. , 4/29 7:30 P.M. STFi.1DICfh ] 6th Floor Conf. Roan Rc-aquas':� Pul;lic 1,orks Director & City Attorney GOVERNMErPrAL ! to attEnf'. �7 PUBLIC SAFETY Mon. , 5/6 7:00 P.M. DELAUFMT1 1 Chairman's Office PUBLIC WORKS Thurs. , 4/25 7:00 P.M. BRUCE Floor Conf. Room Heating I%_•oblem in Library TRANSPORTATION Wed. , 4/25 4:30 P.M. PERRY 3rd Floor Conf. Roan Revised &to OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS MAYOR'S SENIOR CITIZENS Tues. , 4/30 7:30 P.M. School District Adm. Joint Use »` School COMMITTEE Building 462 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APRIL 22, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK BUILDING PERMITS B3665 $ 300 Dean Dietrich 702 N. 5th St. Construct cellar under exist. bldg. ! 3666 4,960 FHA - Seattle; Office 1024 N. 36th St. Remodel residence per HUD spec; 3667 VOIDED 3668 25,000 Bob Edwards 150 S.W. 7th St. Const. fdtn. for Marina & reta blc 3669 1,500 James Kent 2109 N.E. 6th Place Const. add. to existing residence B3670 25,000 Tim & Sue Downs 2301 Jones Ave. N.E. Const. new single family residence ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4612 550 Renton Dodge 515 Rainier Ave. S. U/G conversion 4613 13,365 Valley Gen. Hosp. 400 S. 43rd St. Wire new whse & office 4614 1,200 J. C. Kirkman 315 Pelly Ave. N. Wire duplex E4615 199 F.H.A. 1919 Vashon Ct. NE Wiring per F.H.A. specs 4616 300 HUD 1024 N. 36th St. Per HUD specs 4617 500 Renton Boiler Wks. 501 Garden Ave. N. Wire 200A pole for temp. welding 4618 200 Seventh-Day Adv. Ch. 1031 Monroe N.E. Inst. 2 floodlights in park area 4619 55 Funtastic Tray. Shows - Rtn. Shop. Ctr. Inst. temporary service E4620 200 Martin R. Hill 3535 N.E. 10th Lane Install new service panel MECHANICAL PERMITS M3881 3,106 Bob Edwards 1010 S.W. 7th St. Install plumbing & fixtures 3882 350 R. L. Smith 2427 Aberdeen N.E. Install grease trap & drainfield 3883 400 Valley Gen. Hosp. 400 S. 43rd St. Install new steam sterilizer 3884 250 FHA - Seattle Off. 1.024 N. 36 th St. Replace water heater M3885 400 FHA - Seattle Off. 3607 N.E. 8th St. Inst. plumbing & fixtures b 3886 155 Russell L. Aag 662 Jefferson N.E. Install gas grill 3887 300 Roger L. Brown 855 Redmond N.E. Repl. & relocate gas water htr 3888 895 Kelso Construction 2035 Aberdeen S.E. Install plumbing & fixtures 3889 900 Tim S. Downs 2301 Jones Ave. NE Install septic tank SIGN PERMITS S359 400 Seventh Day Adv. Ch. 1031 Monroe N.E. Install pole sign 5360 1,000 James Rosa 214 Williams Ave. S. Inst. wall sign - Hold Tavern SEWER PERMITS 2017 P. A. Primeau 1524 Kennewick N.E. Connect side sewer 2018 Frank Nakanishi 3315 Talbot Rd. S. Connect sanitary sewer 2019 John Dennis 1422 Monterey N.E. Connect side sewer E I T V a F I, F N T 0 14 mu I11 Ube ARA I L-, 1974 I�;iu� ,1 W, L1 P)3- 10 I I lt. MY I Y 1 Itl.A'.PURL 1l DATE FROM TO I F'URIIOSE TOTAL 4-8-74 CUPUN I $ .�I , I 11), /4 PAW, R RCCRFAT I ON 4,702. 14 ARTERIAL STREET ) 40971.00 C I TY STRF ET 20102.58 L I RRARY 7511.3-5 fMMANCY I-HPLOYMFN FUND (PFP) 3'J 3.tt3 WORK I NCEN F I VI- FUND (VII N) 278.70 NE-W CARLI_RS 125.58 I&G $ ,F. FWD. 11-IRU T 514, 190.44 URIIAN ARTERIAL 210003.58 WATERWORK; UTILITY 400093. 17 A I RPM 00.42 I.QUIF'M1.NT RENTAL 731 . 15 CENTRAL STORES 55.0? F I REMLId'S PENSION 9 OEC 1 .40 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of APRIL $149,545.06 4-1 �-1 CURRENT 300055.80 PARKS & RFCREATIOIJ 8,402.32 ARTERIAL STREET 875,71 CITY STREET 138150.60. LIBRARY 6,955.88 EMERGENCY FMPLOYME1 T FUtJD 469.27;• WORK INCENTIVE FUMI 31 `>;4f) NEW CARL'ER.S 155+�t I>� REG 8 STREET FWD T1 RUST 40573 76` URBAN ARTERIAL 36,486.,1;7. AIRPORT CONSTRUCTI N FUND I ,587.n0•', WATERWORKS UTILITY A I RPORT 263.3 FOUI11MFNT RFNTAL 4 0 218."45,- CLAIPIS FIJtJI) Transfers for month of APRIL $IJ6,693.66 ('LAIt)iS FUND 25,00 CLAIM'_; I UIJL) ('UPI'I t I k'.ince I warrant #1807 h 6.OFJ I I { MA40R F T SCE TD E RECTOR 464 C I f Y OF ILE1`JT0N MONTH OF SPR I I , I"/4 Ft:1:5 JO-THE CITY TREASURER: DATE FROM, TO I�I JF;!'OSI' TOTAL- A- 4-15-74 c)Tial~A4-15-74 CURI'I;P1T O9,�►`�:', 14 PAPKS n PI-CPFAT I ON CITY SIR1 ET 17,971 .h(l, L I(3 R A PY I PUBLIC fHPLOYI.110 0T11) VJORK. NEW CARE-!-RS STREET FORWARD THRI .J 230.03 URIAN ARTTRIAL "?,070.30 VJATFRW0kKS UTILITIIS 13,504.60 AIRPO1:T I ,338i. 14 E-0U I f'MI.tJT RENTAL ?,789.75 F 1 REMFN°S PFN>10N 100.00 PAYPOI L IUNt) Transfers for month of APRIL $170,073. 10 f ART EP I AL STRFFT RFG,.X STRFE-T' FWD TIIPUST Psi i d from wron0 fund in error $ 447.8 Wairrant n?44? CITY STRFFT 111 PO' )1 T FUNt) Dcpos.i t to wron0 fund in error 8300,00 14;cc+i p i #?"SCJ -22-74 CURRENT S 31 ,350.71 PARKS & RECREATION 13,842.08 ARTERIAL STREET 2,324.58 CITY STREET 178034.67 LIBRARY 2,590.85 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMEIT FUND 447.06 WORK INCENTIVE FUN ) 554.67 NEW CAREERS 306.44 REG 8 STREET FWD TTRUST 40653.99 URBAN ARTERIAL 4,784.46 AIRPORT CONSTRUCT! N FUND 150862.43 WATERWORKS UTILITY 11 ,366.66 AIRPORT 350.20 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10,838.06 CENTRAL STORES 10849.53 F I REMEW s PENS I OI'J 6,752.21 CLAIMS FUND Transfers for month of APRIL 124,GOg �� t�A YOR � r� FINANCE DIRECTOR 465 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 2, 1974 Office nf the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S BUDGET COMMITTEE Mayor and Council President Jointly Concur in Budget Message for 1975 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Petition re Mosquito Problem - Talbot Hill Parking Situation on Sunset Highway W. PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommendations for More Parking in Downtown Area FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Pl--)posal from Dobie Construction Co . re Removal of Buildings from 211-215 Mill Ave. So . MAYOR Mayor and Council President Jointly Concur in Budget Message for 1975 Mayor Authorized to take City Clerk to Lunch during Municipal Clerks Week Mayor Issue Proclamation for Senior Citizens Month in May Mayor to Discuss Work Load with Planning Director re Planning Department POLICE DEPARTMENT ,.. Unsightly Junked Automobiles COUNCIL PRESIDENT Interview Applicants for Position of Legislative Aide 466 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 2 , 1974 Municipal Building Thursday , 8 : 00 P .M . Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Garrett , presiding led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President ; WILLIAM J . GRANT , COUNCIL KENNETH D . BRUCE , RICHARD M . STREDICKE , CHARLES J . DELAURENTI . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , THAT THE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS BE EXCUSED . CARRIED . CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor ; CAPTAIN J . BOURASA , represent- IN ATTENDANCE ing HUGH DARBY , Police Chief; JEAN F . TRUMAN , repre- senting DELORES A . MEAD , City Clerk . CORRESPONDENCE The Clerk read the proposal from Dobie Construction Company of Renton for tide, removal of tl-e "i_ty ' s Surplus Build- surplus buildings from 211-215 Mill Avenue South ings on Mill for the total sum of $3 , 292 . 73 with salvage rights Avenue So . belonging to the Contractor. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT TO REFER THE PROPOSAL TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. Councilman Stredicke remarked that this proposal was for the City to pay the Contractor , and that he had had an inquiry from Forest-Wheeler of Sno- qualmie to dismantle the buildings for salvage rights , if we are not in any rush to have the buildings removed and ground leveled off right away . Then we could have the grounds built up to specifications by another company or have the City crews do it . The Mayor remarked that when this is done , it sometimes goes over an extended period of time , but that it was certain:i_y something the Finance Committee could look into . MOTION CARRIED . Petition from The Clerk read a petition signed by 200 residents Residents of of Talbot Hill regarding the serious problem of Talbot Hill uncontrolled breeding of mosquitoes in the marshy re Mosquito areas at the base of Talbot Hill and urged the Problem City of Renton to initiate action to bring this to the attention of the appropriate health authori- ties and to seek a solution to the problem in the public interest . Councilman Delaurenti said that this was a matter that he had discussed with Warren Gonnason, Director of Public works, several weeks ago and he contacted the King County Health Department , receiving a leiter rack from them that they were going to spray or fog this area the first part of May. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT A COPY OF THIS PETITION BE FORWARDED TO THE KING COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND THE DIRECTOR OF Pi1RT,IC' WORKS FOR ACTION. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Antone Mola Mr. Mola said he understood the Soil Conservation Service 516 S. 15th St. was planning on preserving one of these areas for a wild Talbot Hill life preserve area which is below the Talbot Hill area, but they had stated in one of the meetings that they were going to provide drainage. He felt that this area should be filled and set it up for something other than the bird and wild life that they had considered, he thought there were other areas more suitable for migratory birds. i i 467 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Minutes - 5/2/74 - Page 2 PROCLAMATIONS Sister City A Proclamation by Mayor Garrett proclaimed the week of Week, 5/5 May 5 through 11, 1974 as Sister City Week marking the thru 5/11/74 continued friendly relationship between our nation, state Nishiwaki, Japan and cities therein and their counterparts in other nations Renton Sister throughout the world. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY City CLYMER, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Lions White Cane A Proclamation by Mayor Garrett proclaimed May 3 and 4, 1974 Days as Lions White Cane Days to benefit those in our area and 5/3 & 5/4/74 the State of Washington who may have need of the valuable services provided by the eye bank. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY _DRt T;, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMA- TION. CAF-RIED. Municipal Clerks A Proclamation by Mayor Garrett proclaimed the week of Week 5/5-5/11/74 May 5 through 11, 1974 as Municipal Clerks meek to honor Municipal Clerks throughout the world for their dedication to their work of keeping the records and serving the public. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO TAKE THE CITY CLERK TO LUNCH. CARRIED. National Senior Councilman Stredicke proposed that the Mayor issue a Proclama- ' Citizens Month tion for the month of May as Senior Citizens month calling attention to the Senior Citizens Program, the Nutritional Center and the need for expanded facilities. The Mayor agreed it would be appropriate. OLD BUSINESS The Mavor called on Councilman Stredicke who had proposed that a Budget Message signed by Council President Clymer be included Council's Budget i:, t P 19711; Budget. Councilman Stredicke presented copies of Message the proposed message to the Councilmen and explained that it was not the Mayor's Budget, but the Council's Budget. He went on to explain the differences between the Mayor's proposed Budget and the Budget that was finally adopted by the Council. Council. President Clymer said he felt there was nothing to be gained in putting another letter in the Budget, those people concerned enough about the City Budget are already familiar with the action that the Council had taken and felt another message would be redundant. Considerable discussion ensued and it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THIS BE REFERRED TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE AND THAT THE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL PRESr- D-LNji JOINTLY CONCUR IN THE BUDGET MESSAGE FOR 1975. CARRIED. Pos: 4i:.. of The question of hiring a replacement for Mr. Scott Haskins , Legislative Aide Legislative Aide, ti:ho recentiv resigned, was brought up. R to 11 anpllca- tiors __fico: fur the position and he had interviewed two of them, but wanted clarification from the Council as to whether or not t.ie- :canted to rill the position at this time. Con- oiderable discussion. ensued. IT WAS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKF, THAT THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT CONTINUE TO INTER- VIEW QUALIFIED PERSONS. After some further discussion, the MOTION CARRIED. �Mrr• Stop Sign on Councilman Grant inquired concerning requested stop sign in Jefferson Ave. NE the Highlands, on Jefferson Avenue N.E. behind the Safeway Store, noting none installed to date. Parking in Down- Councilman. Stredicke requested that the Planning Department town Area make some reccmmen:,:�`icns for increased parking in the down- town area that will include a couple options of a property j owner L.I.D. or a city ownership of downtown area parking. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAKE SOME'RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MORE PARKING IN 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Minutes - 5/2/74 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) THE DOWNTOWN AREA. MOTION CARRIED. ?a—_king or, Sunset Councilman Stredicke requested a report from the Public Hwy. W. & N. 3rd Works Department on the parking on Sunset Highway W. west St. of North 3rd where there are considerable cars parking on the shoulder of the road blocking access to mailboxes and legitimate parking spaces. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT ON THE PARKING SITUATION ON SUNSET HIGHWAY. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Bruce brought up the issue of people using their front yards for "junked" cars and that it was very unsightly Unsightly Junked and asked if there was any ordinance covering this question, Automobiles and if not, then the Council should do something about pass- ing an ordinance. The Mayor asked Captain Bourasa whether the Police Department was doing anything about this. The Police Department does not have jurisdiction over private property, only if the cars are parked on the public right- of-way, but that the Building Department does and they worked tog-ther on these problems. Councilman Stredicke, on the same subject,mentioned that there was a dismantled jeep at the closed Gulf Station in the Highlands and that it was very unattractive in an area whore the City had just spent several thousand dollars for beautification. The Mayor asked the POLICE DEPARTMENT to check into this. Councilman Grant called attention to work load in the Planning Department and urged that the Mayor discuss the subject with the Planning Director, this being an administrative matter. He also remarked concerning the Attorney's letter to the Council members regarding the Honey Dew Apartment Building Permit which he did not feel solved the problem. Councilman Stredicke, on the same subject, remarked that the developer has been working with the Planning Department to come up with a solution to the major objections that were made. Those changes should be brought back before the Council so that it could find out what action has been taken before the per- mit is granted. Council President Clymer asked if the Admini- stration had taken any action on this. Mayor Garrett replied no permit issued as yet. Municipal Building Councilman Stredicke reported that the Allied Arts of Renton Fountain had voted to ask the City to continue one of the City's beauti- fication programs now that water is not such a major problem, and turn the fountain back on. Councilman Clymer said that there had been trouble with detergent being put in the fountain and that probably the pump was not working. Closed Time Sta- Councilman Stredicke remarked that he thought there was an tion on N.E. 4th ordinance in the City that a service. station going out of business be secured, boarded up, and the gas tank either removed from the ground or filled. Windows have been shattered and the building is hazardous for children. Captain Bourasa reported that this has come to the attention of the Building Division and they have been trying to contact the owner, who resides in the State of Pennsylvania. It is being worked on. Adjournment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Delores A. Mead, City Clbrk jt I I I 469 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 2, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3671 $ 32,000 Rigby Development Co. 3116 Morris Ave. S. Construct new residence 3672 24,000 Kelso Construction Co. 1808 Aberdeen S.E. Construct new residence 3673 20,000 Central Puget, Inc. 550 S.W. 7th St. Fdtn. for whse. & off. Bldg. 3674 350,000 Puget Sound Pwr. 620 S. Grady Way Remodel garage & const. offices MECHANICAL PERMITS M3890 200 W. E. Bowden 1925 S.E. 19th Ct. Install gas barbeque 3891 600 Hillis Hanes, Inc. 2913 Morris Ave. S. Install gas furnace 3892 600 Hillis Homes, Inc. 1009 S. 30th Court Install gas furnace 3893 600 Hillis Hames, Inc. 2925 Morris Ave. S. Install electric furnace 3894 625 Kelso Constr. Co. 2035 Aberdeen S.E. Inst. gas furnace & gas log ltr M3895 600 Hillis Hanes, Inc. 3007 Morris Ave. S. Install gas furnace 3896 600 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2919 Morris Ave. S. Install gas furnace 3897 600 Hillis Hames, Inc. 1010 S. 31st St. Install gas furnace 3898 600 Hillis Hames, Inc. 1004 S. 31st Ct. Install gas furnace 3899 600 Hillis Fees, Inc. 1003 S. 30th a. Install gas furnace IIECIRICAL PERMITS E4621 570 ads George Pasco 205 S. 3rd St. U G Conv. - 2 weatherh g / e 4622 50 Kirkman Construction 315 Pelly Ave. N. Install temporary service 4623 50 Kelso Construction 2035 Aberdeen S.E. Install temporary service 4624 50 Harris Watson 1319 N.E. Kennewick Install temporary service E4625 50 Hillis Homes 2925 Morris Ave. S. Install temporary service „ 4626 50 Q-M Enterprises, Inc. 2707 S.E. 16th St. Tnstnll tr—nmrary service 4627 1,041 Cattlemen's Restaurant 109 S. 3rd &ro t U/G Convorsiw. 4628 250 Bob Nevxna.n 432 Shattuck S. U/G Conversion 4629 150 Donald Gouge 505E S. 3rd St. U/G Conversion E4630 150 Ernest Lobe 2709 Talbot Rd. S. Relocate weatherhead 4631 475 Scott McBee 2609 Edmonds N.E. Wire new single family residence 4632 650 Kelso Const. Co. 2035 Aberdeen S.E. Wire new single family residence 4633 235 Gerhard K. Muller 2502 Meadow Ave. N. Wire addition - Incr. service 4634 500 Lew Rogers 326 Pelly Ave. N. Inst. 200 A Serv. & baseb. heat E4635 750 Hillis Hanes, Inc. 3007 Morris Ave. S. Wire new single fam. residence 4636 750 Hillis Homes, Inc. 1010 S. 31st Court Wire new single fam. residence 4637 750 Hillis Hames, Inc. 2925 Morris Ave. S. Wire new single fain. residence 4638 50 W. H. Fenwick 2601 Lake Youngs Ct. SE =Update elec. for min. hsg. SIGN PERMITS 5361 200 The Boeing Co. Renu- P-1 banner SEWER PERMITS 2020 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2925 Morris Ave. S. Connect side sewer 2021 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2913 Morris Ave. S. Connect side sewer 2022 Hillis Homes, Inc. 2919 Morris Ave. S. Connect side sewer 2023 Hillis Homes, Inc. 3007 Morris Ave. S. Connect side sewer 2024 Hillis Hanes, Inc. 1009 S. 30th Court Connect side sewer 2025 Hillis Homes, Inc. 1003 S. 30th Court Connect side sewer 2026 Hillis Homes, Inc. 1004 S. 30th Court Connect side sewer 2027 Hillis Homes, Inc. 1010 S. 31st Court Connect side sewer 470 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 6 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Authorize Sale of surplus poles and standards through Purchasing Agent Investigate funding - improvements to Grady Way bridge Further disposition Transportation Committee report re Interstate 90 M ie Valley Electric - Matter of final payment and acceptance CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Claims for Damages - Kenneth J. Rone Clarence V. Harshman LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Glacier Park Rezone The Living Memorial Assoc. of Kennydale Rezone Harold W. Hill & Louis B. Rowley Rezone Proposed L. I. D. Kennydale Ar ea N. E. 24th St. etc. Ordinance re Calabrese Rezone - First Reading 5/6/74 Ordinance re Vacating Portions Burnett Ave S. & S. 8th St. - First Reading 5/6/74 Appropriation for Consultant Library Heating PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Metro Environmental Assessment for sewer increase Geo. Oistad letter re LID 285 PIIBI_Tr WORKS DIRECTOR r^ r:;riro^ e }a1 assessment for sewer increase Geo. Oistad letter re LID 285 Authorized to proceed Consultant Library Heating Heating and Air Conditioning in City Hall Water Rate Ordinance FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Appointment to Planning Commission of B. G. Morrison TRANSKPTA-i i0P11 COIMMi[TEE CBD Signs Crosswalk Kirkland N.E. & Sunset Speed Limit - N. E. Sunset Blvd. SPECIAL EVENTS Public Meeting - May 13, 1974 - Honey Dew Apartment Plans Public Meeting - May 17, 1974 - Proposed Annexation 1'38th S.E. Public Hearing - May 14, 1974 - Seattle Center re Metro Representation Hearing - May 17, 1974 - Labor & Industries 471'', RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 6 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI , AND HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, "" Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; KEN WHITE, Person- nel Director; DICK GEISSLER, Assistant Fire Chief; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Superintendent; and VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent and GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 22, 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. Special Award Mayor Garrett presented a Special Award to Mr. Frank Kinney for Mr. Frank Kinney outstanding service as member of the Fair Housing Commission, appointed 7/1/71 and Chairman of the Human Rights and Affairs Commission, appointed to that position in 4/25/73 when the Fair Housing Commission was absorbed by the Human Rights and Affairs Commission. Mr. Kinney expressed appreciation and thanked the Mayor and City Council for support given to the Commission. CORRESPONDENCE AND Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission CURRENT BUSINESS recommendations for three items: The Planning Commission recom- mended approval of the Glacier Park Co. , Appl . #R-757-74; request Request for Rezone for rezone from G to M/P (Parcel #1 ) 3.5 Ac. near West Valley Glacier Park Co. Highway for proposed restaurant and possibly a bank building, No. R-757-74 being in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan for the area. Living Memorial The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Living Memorial Assn./Kennydale Association of Kennydale, Appl .#R-761-74 for rezone from P-1 to No. R-761-74 G-7200 of property located on N.E. 27th St. between Edmonds Ave. Hill & Rowley N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E. of 0.9 Ac. for the proposed use of No. R-762-74 single family residential , being in agreement with Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Planning Commission recommended approval of Mr. Harold W. Hill and Mr. Louis B. Rowley, Appl .#R-762-74, request for rezone from G to M/P of 2.33 Ac. located on West Valley Hwy. , south of the Ralph Leber Co. for the proposed use of warehouse and office, which is in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Planning Director Ericksen used map and slides to give details of the three rezone requests. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVE GLACIER PARK REZONE, THE LIVING MEMORIAL ASSOC.- OF KENNYDALE REZONE AND THE HAROLD W. HILL & LOUIS B. ROWLEY REZONE, AND THAT THE MATTERS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDIN- ANCES. CARRIED. Metro/Sewers Letter from Metro enclosed copy of the Environmental Assessment for Proposed Rate the Municipality's proposed sewerage rate increase, January 1 , 1975, Increase and a copy of the rules for the public hearing to be held May 14, in the Orcas Room, Seattle, Center, asking that the document be Public Hearing on file for public review. Mayor Garrett noted the Metro staff has Seattle Center recommended 80� per month increase in order to meet bonded indebted- 5/14/74 ness and meet commitments. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COM- MUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC + WORKS DIRECTOR FOR REPORT BACK. Mr. Charles Shane made inquiry. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, CITY COUNCIL REQUEST METRO CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS IN THE GREEN RIVER VALLEY AREAS FOR CITIES. It was noted that hearings are planned. CARRIED. Public Service Letter from Department of Labor and Industries, Assoc. Chief Labor Employees Mediator, Williard G. Olson, notified that a Representation Hear- Hearing ing will be conducted on May 17, 1974 at 9:00 A.M. at their offices 5/17/74 300 West Harrison, Seattle in regards to the representative case of Bargaining Unit Public Service Employees Local No. 674 involving certain employees. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 5/6/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued George Oistad Letter from George C. Oistad, 2336 N.W. 94th St. , Seattle, owner L. I .D. 285 of property included in L. I .D. 285, sanitary sewers Orillia , Sewer Placement suggested sewer line placement for development along S.W. 43rd Street, objecting to sewer placement, as permits will not be issued to erect a building over a sewer easement. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR STUDY. CARRIED. Negative Letter from Mr. Galen S. Bridge, State Conservationist of the United " Declaration States Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Spokane, Tukwila Pump enclosed copy of the "Negative Declaration" and "Public t :e o{ Plant & Channel Negative Declaration" on proceeding with construction of the P-17 Plant and Channel , West Side Green River Watershed, Kinq County. T!:c .Pt,ter noted Notice of Negative Declaration to appear 'n Federal Rcgister,and the atte!!iptl to alert all interested parties . Final Estimate Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended payment of AB&C Contractors the first and final estimate due A B & C Contractors, Inc. for Water Project work performed on the installation of watermain in N.W. 2nd St. W-403, CAG 063 from Taylor Ave. N.W. to Stevens N.W. (LID 281 ) in the amount of LID-281 $9,412.75. The letter recommended Council accept completion as of May 6, 1974. The letter noted liens in the amount of $8,273.90 have been filed against this project and that the progress payment was being withheld until such a time as the Cit, receives clear- ance on all liens and has received proof of payment cEf all tax liabilities, such as the Dept. of Revenue and Department of Labor and Industries; progress payment of $9,412.75 plus $987.70 retainage = total contract price of $10,400.45. It was M0'JED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY nELAtURE'!T I , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. , ilai Estimate Letter from Airport Director Bennett requested final payment to Maple Valley Maple Valley Electric Co. for Renton Airport Phase II-B project, Electric Co. recommending acceptance by the City Council of the project as of CAG-0034-73 March 25, completed and accepted by FAA March 7, 19/4. The ADAP Project No. letter stated the 30-day period elapsed and no liens or claims 8-53-0055-01 have been filed against the project, and recommended release of retained amount of $5,921 .60, subject to receipt of final clear- ances from Olympia, including proof of payment of tax liabilities . The letter also noted that after this portion of the ADAP project has been audited by FAA, a $50,000 grant will be received from the Washington State Aeronautics Commission as the matching share of this project. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Bruce. Council concur in, recommendation of the Airport Director. MOVED BY STREDTCKE, -�_ C,VNEDI ;nUCE, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE AVIATION LE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED, REFERRED TO COMMITTEE. COMMITT Proposed Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of Letter of Intent to Annexation Annex properties to the City, filed on 5/3/74, bearing signatures of 138th S. E. and residents/owners of 10% of assessed valuation for area in vicinity Renton Issaquah of 138th S.E./Renton Issaquah Rd./ Sunset Hwy. City Clerk's letter Road recommended Council set date of 6/17/74 to meet with initiating parties to determine whether the City will accept the proposed annexation, Public Meeting require adoption of comprehensive plan & bonded indebtedness; recom- 6/17/74 mending the matter be referred to the Planning Dept. for certifica- tion of signature ownerships and validity of the letter of intent. The letter noted map showed an area was excluded between the proposed annexation and the recently annexed area to the north, Eastwood Park, Whz.,h May ue ^u-est cned by the Boundary Review Board. MOVED BY PERRY, SFCOi`DED BY BRUCE, THIS COMMUNICATION RE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO CHECK VALIDITY OF SIGNATURES. MOVED BY -.. STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, AMEND MOTION TO REFER MATTED. TO THF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO CERTIFY SIGNATURES AND TC THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR RECOMMENDATION ON THE ANNEXATION. CARRIED. Claims for City Clerk Mead presented Claims for Damages filed by: Mr. Kenneth Damages J. Rone, 830 Sunset Blvd. N. E. , for auto damages due to collision in K. Ron2 connection with Police vehicle, filed in amount of $243. 12. C. Harshman Mr. Clarence Vernon Harshman, 12662 S.E. 169th St. , Renton , filed in amount of $119.06 for auto damage due to open catch-basin. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE CLAIMS BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ALT2RNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. 473 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 5/6/74 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continded 1974 Fireworks City Clerk Mead recommended approval of 9 Applications for Fireworks Stand Stands , that 10 stands would be permitted as determined by the popula- Applications tion , and outlined in the City Code. Those applications received were: Renton Democratic Club, 11th District Democrats , Renton Emblem Club #185, Kennydale Lions, V.F.W. Auxiliary Post #1263, Payless Store #2830, Coalfield 5-Star Club, St. Andrew Presby.Youth, Ace Fireworks Co. Following discussion of the limitation of fire- works stands to non-profit organizations, City Attorney Shellan advised the State Legislature deemed such limitation as unconsti- tutional . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CON- CUR IN CITY CLERK RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVE THE 9 APPLICATIONS. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Charles Shane, 3003 Mt. View Ave. N. , objected to increase in water rates and the handling of the fund, recalling items of the CH,M report of 1969. Mr. Joe Sporcic, 1316-Harrington N.E. , objected to-increase in utility rates. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared the month of May 1974 as Older Citizens Older Americans Month and urged all members of the community to join Month - May in showing respect and recognition of their past responsibilities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Appointment letter of Mayor Garrett, announced appointment of Mr. B. G. (Bev) Morrison, 3011 Mountain View N. , to the Renton Planning Planning Commission to complete the term of Mrs. Evelynn Carue, resigned, Commission expiring 12/31/78. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , Mr. Bev Morrison THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Emergency Services Letter from Mayor Garrett announced appointment of Acting Fire Chief Coordinator Geissler as the City's Emerqency Services Coordinator to achieve Geissler implementation of the "Action Plan to Improve Emergency Response Capabilities for Renton," copy also presented. SOLD BUSINESS Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee report recommended $750 be appropriated from Cumulative Fund #1894 to Heating Consultant employ an engineering consultant to ascertain improvements to Main Library the heating and air-conditioning in the main library; further recom- mending that the Public Works Director be authorized to proceed with employment of the - consultant and report back to the Council results of the study by consultant. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER OF APPROPRIATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Gonnason noted study to determine what to do and range of cost. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING IN CITY HALL BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. E Proposed L. I.D. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee report Kennydale Area concurring in the Public Works Department recommendation that a N.E. 24th St. resolution of intent be adopted to create a sanitary sewer in the Sewers Kennydale area ad,jac_nt to N.L. 211th, N. F, 23rd, N.E. 24th Streets anJ ua� on Ave. N.E. , and also set a date of hearing. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION_ COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Sewers/Eastwood Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant re circulation of petition for Park sewers in the recently annexed Eastwood Park area, Mayor Garrett asked Public Works Director Gonnason to investigate. Honey Dew Following discussion of previous action on the Honey Dew Apartment Apartment Plans Complex Environmental Impact Statement in order to obtain building Public Meeting permit for 1150 Union Ave. N.E. , it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY May 13, 1974 DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MEET WITH DEVELOPER AND STAFF TO REVIEW REVISED PLANS AT NEXT MONDAY'S MEETING. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND MOTION THAT PUBLIC NOTIFICATION BE GIVEN TO THOSE PER- SONS PRESENT AT THE APRIL 22, PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. 474 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 5/6/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman presented committee report and Committee Report asked each item be considered separately: (1 ) The Burlington Northern has requested consideration be given to closure of the Monster Road Monster Road railroad crossing, located north of Grady Way and RR X'ing and west of S.W. 16th St. ; Burlington Northern would concurrently Grady Way Bridge remove the tracks and bridge which cross S.W. 16th St. west of the entrance to Longacres Race Track. The Transportation Committee recommended the City not concur in the closure of the Monster Rd. crossing until the structurally defective Grady Way bridge is improved in order to handle the diverted truck traffic, requesting the staff to investigate funding for structural improvements; also recommending Burlington Northern be encouraged to remove track and br'idgE at Longacres entrance to eliminate the overhead clearance restriction. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. Councilman Bruce noted 14 Ton limit on bridge, and that most of the trucks are from the rock quarry. MOTION CARRIED. Parking (2) The Transportation Committee recommended against adoption of Regulation Signs the non-standard signs developed by the City for parking regulations C.B.D. in the Central Business District as the State and Federal agencies will not approve the use of non-standard regulatory signs on State routes or Federal Aid projects. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke asked the Administration proceed with signing locations of public parking lots , usinq the City design; these being non-regulatory signs, it was confirmed Public Works would proceed. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MATTER OF NON- CONFORMING SIGNS BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, Councilman Stredicke felt com- mittee could request special permission from the State Highway Department and Commission to use non-conforming signs in a re- vitalized area and that a special effort should be made. Council- man Schel1ert explained the Federal interest in uniformity of signs. MOTION CARRIED. :rosswalk (3) The Transportation Committee reviewed request for pedestrian Kirkland N.E. & signal at the intersection of Kirkland N.E. and N.E. Sunset Blvd. N.E. Sunset Blvd. and recommended no signal be installed at this time nor crosswalk marking in order to encourage use of safer crossing at N.E. 12th St. Moved by Schellert, Seconded by Perry, Council concur in recommenda- tion of the Transportation Committee. Following discussion of the pedestrian use in area, recommendation of Traffic Engineering and complaint by Joe Sporcic being confirmed by Councilman Bruce of the short timing for pedestrian and auto traffic at the 10th N.E. and N.E. Sunset Blvd. intersection, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, MATTER BE REFERRED BACK TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Speed Limit (4) The Transportation Committee concurred in the Public Works N.E. Sunset Blvd. Department recommendation that the speed limit be raised from 30 MPH to 35 MPH on N.E. Sunset Blvd. from Edmonds Ave. N.E. to the East City Limit. Moved by Delaurenti , seconded by Stredicke, Council con- cur in Committee report. Following discussion that fear of a free- way preceded Sunset Improvement, that any increase in speed should commence with N.E. 12th St. rather than Edmonds N.E. , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS PORTION OF COMMITTEE REPORT BE REFERRED BACK TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Interstate 90 (5) The Transportation Committee after review, recommended the City cncojrage fileHighway Commission to proceed with th-- completion of T nterstate 90 corridor from the South Bellevue Interchange to I-5 in Seattle. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND THAT REPORT BE FORWARDED'TO THE HTGHWAY COMMISSION, PUGET SOUND GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE, AND TO THE MAYOR' OFFICE FOR FURTHER DISPOSITION. ROLL CALL- 6 Ayes and 1 No: Grant. CARRIED. I 75 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 5/6/74 - Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Telephone Books MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CITY'S 1973 TELEPHONE BOOKS BE DECLARED SURPLUS AND THE ADMINISTD TTON DIRECT DONATTON TO THE LION'S CLUB. CARRIED. Surplus Standards MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, DECLARE SURPLUS POLES,EQUIT PMrNT AND LIGHTING STANDARDS THAT ARE TO BE REPLACED AND THE CITY ADMINIS- TRATION AUTHORIZE SALE THROUGH PURCHASING AGENT WITH APPROVAL OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND FINANCE DIRECTOR. Council asked the Public Works Director that no items be surplussed that can be utilized elsewhere by the City, and MOTION CARRIED. Senior Citizens Councilman Stredicke submitted letter from Senior Citizens Facility Committee to King County Councilman Forsythe with copies to Congress- man Adams and Senator Jackson, signed by Stredicke and Grant, noting the City's work in surveying needs and programs for senior citizens with the problem of identifying and locating the senior citizens. Letter of reply from Senator Jackson was submitted which noted he has contacted the Social Security Administration and will forward response. Councilman Grant asked the matter of stop sign at 9th N. E. and Index Index Ave. N. E. Ave. N. E. be resurveyed. Mayor Garrett asked Public Works Director Stop Sign Gonnason furnish report with copy to Grant. NEW BUSINESS Upon inquiry Personnel Director White reported the oral test, written test and possible manual test for promotion within the Water Department is the result of negotiations with 21R. Donation Councilman Grant submitted check in amount of $5.00 from Office Park Lighting and Professional Employees Local No. 8 `or the Park Program. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CITY ACCEPT DONATION AND SAME ut REFERRED TO THE PROPER BUDGET ACCOUNT. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended pay- #3384-3397 Void ment of Vouchers #3398 through 3591 in the amount of $211 ,885.01 #3398-3591 O. K. (#3384-3397 machine voided) plus L. I .D. 276-Phase II Revenue Warrant L. I.D. 276-Ph. II #R-3 in amount of $6,601 .61 and Cash Warrant #C-3 in amount of L. I. D. 281 $6,601 .61 and L. I .D. 281 Revenue Warrant R-1 for $31 . 50 and R-2 in amount of $9,412.75 and Cash Warrants C-1 $31 . 50 and C-2 in amount of $9,412.75, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DEL ;URENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance which Second and Final was placed on first reading 4/22/74 relating to water charges, Reading connection requirements and method for payment of metered water nater services. Following second and final readings by the City Clerk, Ordinance it was mnwca by Schellert, seconded by Stredicke that the ordinance be adopted as read. Motion failed which was made by Perry, seconded by Grant, that this ordinance be laid on table. SUBSTITUTE MOTION GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, WATER RATE ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR ONE WEEK. Followinq discussion wherein Grant ask- ed for 25% reduction, questioning capital improvement items :censor and shop. ROLL CALL 5 Aye: GRANT, BRUCE, STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI , 2 No: CLYMER AND SCHELLERT. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #2847_ Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance which had Sewer Charges been placed on first reading 4/22/74 relating to sewer charges and provisions for assessments. Following second and final readings by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Upon inquiry Gonnason reported home owner rate would be increased from $1 .00 to $1 .50 per month. ROLL CALL - 6 A-Ye and 1 No: Perry. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinana_e changinq Ordinance the zoninq classification from Residence District R-2 to Business Calabrese Rezone District B-1 and B-P with Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for setbacks and landscaping and screening requirements. Following reading of the Restrictive Covenants and first readinq of the 476 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 5/6/74 - Page 6 ORDINANCES - Continued Calabrese Rezone ordinance covering rezone of property in Renton Highlands at Continued Tony-Go's restaurant, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CITY ACCEPT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented an ordinance which Ordinance had been placed on first reading 8/28/72 and second reading 9/11/72 Vacating Portions with recommendation that signatures and publication be withheld Burnett Ave. S. until conveyance to the City of easements. Easements having been & S. 8th St. received, Legislation Committee recommended ordinance be placed on first reading and referred back to committee. Following reading of the ordinance vacating certain portions of Burnett Ave. S. and S. 8th Street (to P.S.P.& L. Co. ) , it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Sign Code Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant, Legislation Committee Chairman Ordinance Stredicke reported the changes to the sign code ordinance under review, public hearing to be scheduled before end of month. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council Meeting adjourned at 11 :37 p.m. m_zwe Delores A. Mead, City Nerk pw WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 5/06/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUNDESCRJPTION � NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS _ �AC'tii,c% cip. 33J5/ 3397 CURRENT 3398 9455 $61022154 PARKS AND RECREATION 3486 3481 $110120.99 ARTERIAL STREET 3482 3483 $28043 CITY STREET 3484 3502 $40937147 LIBRARY 3503 350? $835.87 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 3508 35: < SR-919 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 3512 3514 $278# 70 NEW CAREERS 3515 3517 893004 REO• AND STREET FWD THRUST 3518 3928. $200210#38 URBAN ARTERIAL 3529 3833 $460389144 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 3534 3534 $550100 )ATERWORKS UTILITY 3535 3554 $270679#27 "AIRPORT 3555 3566 $50275007 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3367 91186 $310409019 CENTRAL STORES 3587 3587 $33200 FIREMEN PENSION 3588 3591 510118/ 43 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $2110885.01 WE* THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF TWE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON C*Tv T0Wk' '%j HAYTN1 pFCFTVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT !�LR4HANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDEREDO DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO• 3399-S-339. THROUGH NO• 3591 IN THE AMOUNT OF 112110$85.01 THIS 06 OR MAY 4 ttttEt L. I .D.276-Phase II Revenue Warrant #R-3 $6.601 .61 F NANO MMITT ash Warrant #C-3 $6,601 .61 L. I .D. 281 COMMI M E $e%u%e Ara nt Cash Warrant #C-1 $ 31 .50 ■■ �•• •• •-•••■•• •■ Cash Warrant #C-2 $9,412.75 CITY COUNCIL CCWn'TTEE MEE'."r' ';JUMAR Office of the City Clerk "30NCIL CQIOlITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL, MEETING OF May 6. 1974 CG.Y=EE DA ,. TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS a g 1i�.1s: C3t�]®1"C.1 i1'tA S1L . AVIAFION C(�,la= Te:es. , /'14 7:30 P.M. S'IREDIM 2rid F1r.. Chambers or All Councilmen Invited FIRE STATIC CCt+'QTi'EE Them s. . J/16 4:00 P.M. CLYM'ER Cafeteria CaMV.-Ii'Y S'1.11VICESThir.�.;. , j c� 9:30 A.1,6. 3rd 3rd F1 r. Conf. Roam Public lnbrks Director re Find Ave. Ext. , Irptt from Asst. Planning Dir. re Senior Citizens FINANCE AND 'ilEMSONNEL SCHEIJ ERT Review MP Zones LZGIS .gITION E, Ie ,.Z- {tan. , 5/1.:� 7:00 P.M. SIRMICKE 6th Fl:r. Conf. Roam PUBLIC ISAFRCY Man. , /l? ; 30 P.�i. DELAURENTI ;bairman's Office City Attorney Invited PUBL,"C WORK: BRUCE TRA143PORTAT.V(i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 6, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAIL ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 83675 $ 500 Ralph H. Wisher, Jr. 1429 N. 36th Street Install chain link fence 3676 1,500 Ralph H. Wisher, Jr. 1429 N. 36th St. Construct detached garage 3677 600 Joe Ribary 2100 Lk. Wash. Blvd. N.-Carport & storage room 3678 150 J. W. Nation 1.832 Aberdeen N.E. Construct utility shed ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4639 50 Tim Downs 2301 Jones Ave. N.E. Install temporary service 4640 743 Mrs. Williams 617 Camas Ave. Inst. 200A Serv, elec. heat 4641 76,188 City of Renton Renton Airport Airport ltg. & undergrounding 4642 100 Paul Carman 410 S. 3rd St. Inst. mast & wthrhd.to ent. linE- 4643 250 Al Youst 1172 Park Ave. N. Repair work lights & service MECHANICAL PERMITS M3900 200 John O'Donnell Whse. 933 Thomas Ave. S.W. Install gas piping 3901 1,950 Hillis Homes 2913 Norris Ave. S. Inst. plumbing & fixtures 3902 2,300 Harris Watson 1319 N.E. Kennewick Inst. plumbing & fixtures SIGN PERMITS S362 500 Payless 705 Rainier Ave. S. Install. wall :;41-5--n 480 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 13 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S ADMINISTRATION Enter into Agreement re Honey Dew Apartment Covenants Research Monthly Water Payments Voting Delegate AWC Convention 6/11-14 CITY ATTORNEY Agreement re Honey Dew Apartments COUNCILMEN CLYMER AND DELAURENTI wow Voting Delegate AWC Convention 6/11-14 FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE L. I .D. 279 Bonds Completed Don Custer Appointment to Park Board PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR greement re Honey Dew Apartments LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Transfer re Federal Shared Revenue Shoreline Master Program Amendments Glacier. Park Rexone Ordinance (First Reading 5/13/74) Hill & Rowley Rezone Ordinance (First Reading 5/13/74) Living Memorial Rezone Ordinance (First Reading 5/13/74) PUBLIC HEARINGS: Puget Sound Air Polution Control - 6/20/74 L. I.D. 286 - 7/1/74 L. I .D. 287 - 8/5/74 .aw* 481 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 13, 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI , AND HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief;KEN WHITE, Personnel Director; DICK GEISSLER, Assistant Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL MINUTES OF MAY 6, 1974 MEETING BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been published, Honey Dew posted and mailed to persons in attendance at the 4/22/74 Public Apartments - Hearing concerning Environmental Impact Statement for Honey Dew Revised Plans Apartments , Mayor Garrett opened the meetinq to consider the revised plans for the Honey Dew Apartment Complex submitted in application for building permit at 1150 Union Ave. N.E. by Dura Development, Inc. , Seattle, for proposed 164 unit complex. Councilman Grant presented letter from Mr. Donald 0. Norman of Quendall Terminals, Renton, regarding Environmental Impact Statement of the Honey Dew Apartments pertaining to storm water runoff. Letter of Norman, Chairman of May Creek Urban Drainage Steering Committee (part of RIBCO Urban Drainage Study) advised Council that because of March 1972 ten-year storm, study made indicates land use changes of this type with unres- trained runoff would be catastrophic to the lower May Creek basin, asking that no proposed action discharge a greater volume of storm water than the existing level and the developer be required to 60 demonstrate to the Public Works Director that existing level will not be exceeded, noting brief retention of storm water is indicated. Mr. John E. Phillips of Hillis , Schell , Phillips, et al , representing Dura Development, Inc. , Mr. George E. Schneider and Mr. George Mueller, noted plan revisions encompassed Council and audience comments of 4/22 hearinq, and introduced Mr. Andrew Sinclair of Richard Carothers Assoc. , Seattle, landscape architectural firm contracted for plan revisions. Mr. Sinclair displayed drawings and explained fencing with poplar trees for screening, set back from fence of buildings and parking lots, cul-de-sac installed, relocated recreation area with open spaces and landscaping. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke re L. I.D. , Mr. Phillips noted that petition was being circulated by them for the $100.000. 60-ft street from cul-de-sac at apartments northeast to N.E. Sunset Blvd., allow- �n9 vacation of Whitman Court N.E. between Honey Dew Estates residential area and the apartment complex with no land-locked property; Dura Developers not objecting to the vacation. Councilman Perry noted the vacation of Whitman Court N.E. was referred to the Transportation Committee, report pending outcome of Planning Commis- sion study. Stredicke inquired re access of emergency equipment, being advised by Assist.Fire Chief Geissler that certain changes in turn around needed to enable emergency services. Questions from the audience were raised by: Mr. Bernard Primer, 1060 Whitman Court N.E. ; Mr. E. J. Martinson, 1105 Vashon Ct. N.E. inquired as to date of zoning, and was advised by Planning Director Ericksen that property zoned R-3 was zoned in 1965 and the area to the south was platted in October 1963. Mr. Mike Sands, 4340 N.E. 11th St. inquired of landscape maintenance. Mr.Lloyd Bowen, 2113 N.E. 6th Place, inquired re sewer provisions, and was advised by Engineer ' Houghton of the proposed Metro May Creek line for 1975, and that present lines were adequate. Mr. Floyd Gabriel , 4140 N.E. 11th, noted special attention to drainage needed to prevent his yard from flooding, Gonnason presumed black top would be sloped to accommodate i Renton City Council Minutes of 5/13/74 - Page 2 PUBLIC MEETING - Continued Honey Dew Councilman Grant inquired what provisions were made to meet request Apartments of Mr. Norman re storm water runoff, and was advised by Mr. Phillips that though the City has no Code requirements and the letter was not submitted within time period for consideration of the E. I .S. , and providing holding tanks would be an added expense, however, they would comply if required. Councilman Grant noted developer has sub- stantially met adverse effects , landscaping havinq been increased by $23,000. Following further discussions of proposed L. I .D. for exten- sion of Whitman Court N. E. , placement of poplar trees , need to reduce agreements to writing, time limit of financial commitment to develop- er of 5/20 giving urgency to determination on building permit, motion made by Perry, with second by Stredicke that the public meeting be continued to Thursday night. A substitute motion by Grant, with second by Perry that matter of written agreement between the develop- er and City be drawn up with parties concerned , referred to the Legis- lation Committee with power to make recommendation;motion later with- drawn. Motion to continue , failed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, Recess COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council meeting reconvened at 10:03 p.m. , all Councilmen present at Roll Call . City Clerk Mead reported terms of tentative agreement between the City and Dura Development, Inc. , an Arizona Corp., owner- ' developer, reached during recess : As condition of issuance of a building permit and in compliance with all requirements of the E. I .S. and all City ordinances and regulations , the site, landscaping, plant- ing and fencing plans of 5/9/74 are incorporated; that poplar trees shall be planted and maintained so as not to encroach upon adjoining Restrictive property and that abutting property owner may request within 120 days Covenant of execution hereof that poplar trees not be planted adjacently and Agreement - thereupon no planting shall take place on Owner-Developer property. Condition Further conditions : Storm drainage not exceeding present ru,iuff and of Building preservation of existinq drainage patLern; acquisition , construction Permit and improvement of right of way to the north to Sunset Blvd. ; petition for vacation of portion of Whitman Court fl.E. ; these covenants runninc_ with the land and binding upon successors and assigns. MOVED BY C!YMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ADMINISTRATION, CITY ATTORNEY, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ALONG WITH ATTORNEY FOR OWNER-DEVELOPER ENTER INTO AGREEMENT AS STIPULATED HERE TONIGHT. CARRIED. CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Mr. Richard T. Kennedy, Seattle-Northwest Securli.ic L. I . D. No. 279 Corporation, City's bonding counsel , submitted offer to purchase Bonds L. I .D. District No. 279 Bonds in amount of $54,993.04, to be dated June 1 , 1974, maturing on or before 6/1/86, bearing interest payable annually at rate of 6 3/4 per cent. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later report) Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended City Council L. I . D. 276 acceptance of the Kennydale Industrial Sanitary Sewer Project as Phase II of 5/13/74 with final payment of $1 ,650.40; if after thirty days CAG-057-73 no liens or claims are filed against this project and proof of pay- ment of tax liabilities is received , payment of retained amount of $9,168.89 to contractor (Constructors PAMCO) is recommended. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. King County Letter from Board of Public Works Acting Chairman Ericksen noted Water District review of the proposed annexation by King County Water District 58 #58 Annexation (Duncan; Res. 1398) of area located westerly of Springbrook Rd. BRB T-File 2-6 between S. 196th and 200th. The Board reported no detrimental *+�' effects to the City and has no objections to the proposed annexation and Boundary Review Board review unnecessary. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. Report of Washington State Auditor, Mr. Robert V. Graham, filed official Examination post audit examination report of the Water-Sewer Utility, City of 1972 Renton, for the period 1/1/72 to 12/31/72. State Auditor Graham filed official post audit examination report of the City of Renton for period 1/1/72 to 12/31/72. These documents are on record in the City Clerk' s Office for inspection. I 48.1 Renton City Council Minutes of 5/13/74 - Page 3 CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Federal Shared Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested transfer of funds Revenue from Federal Shared Revenue Fund in amount of $415,384. 10 to the Transfer following Revenue Funds: Current ($7,603.10) , Park($200,250) , Street ($110,929) and Library ($96,602) . Council concurrence was requested and transfer to the Legislation Committee for necessary Resolution. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF FINANCE DIRECTOR AND MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilman Schellert re anticipated Federal Shared Revenue of $300,000, Finance Director noted half of revenue has been received. CARRIED. Puget Sound Permission granted additional agenda items. Public Notice from Air Pollution Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency gave notification of Control public hearing Thursday June 20, 1974 in the Seattle Center to Public Hearing consider proposed amendment to Regulation I establishing verifica- 6/20/74 tion fee for land clearing burning, inviting participation by interested persons appearing or directing correspondence to the Board. Eastwood Park Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason noted two petitions for Sewers sewers were being circulated in the vicinity of Eastwood Park and not yet submitted to the City, having no knowledge of success of the petitions. APPOINTMENTS Reappointment of Mr. Donald Custer to the Renton Park Board by Park Board Mayor Garrett was read, asking Council concurrence, Custer having Don Custer served on the Board since February 1971 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONUED 1916 Jones Ct SE BY CLYMER, REFER APPOINTMENT TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Clymer reported complaint against downtown redevelopment Complaint of contractor with his refusal to accommodate local business , i .e. , CBD Contractor State liquor store; Gonnason noted he would investigate. too A.W.C. Convention MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CITY'S VOTING DELEGATES TO Delegates JUNE 11-14, 197+ ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES CONVENTION IN SEATTLE BE DESIGNATED AS COUNCILMEN CLYMER AND DELAURENTI AND MAYOR GARRETT. CARRIED. Water Billings MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH POSSIBILITY OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF WATER BILLS OR ACCEPTANCE OF ADVANCE ESTIMATES. CARRIED. Pacific Coast RR Community Services Chairman Grant presented committee report which Deed Amendment concurred in the recommendations of the City Attorney and Public (Original Deed Works Director for a modification of quit claim deed and a hold- Variance Request harmless agreement from Pacific Coast Railroad Co. and a reduced by Central Puget)setback to approximately 25 ft. from right-of-way on Lind Ave. S.W.. for Central Puget, Inc. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Shoreline Master Community Services Committce Chaii-tan Gram presented ie�;er � r Program Shoreline Citizen's Advisory Committee Chairman, Mr. Robert McBeth , reported committee reviewed the Amendments the Community Services Committee proposed to the Preliminary Master Program and has no objection to any of the proposed changes, recommending that these changes be incorporated in the Preliminary Master Program and adopted by the Council as amended. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED ,BY STREDICKE, r THAT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS AS RECOMMENDED BE REFERRER 'O THE too LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. CBD Lighting Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended Public Works Director Gonnason initiate pedestrian lighting in the core area May 23, 1974, and that the lights be turned off at midnight; Gonnason asked to report cost of pedestrian lighting for one month period. MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL j' CONCUR IN REQUEST. CARRIED. Public Works Director Gonnason noted this was 6 hour burn,set with clock. Upon inquiry by Councilman Clymer as to damaged new standard, Purchasing Agent Church noted damage due to campers when parking.. 484 Renton City Council Minutes of 5/13/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Seattle Northwest Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted com- Securities mittee report concurring in Finance Director recommendation to L. I .D. #279 accept the bid of Seattle Northwest Securities for sale of L. I .D. No. 279 Bonds , bond issue being too small and interest rate too low for anyone to buy issue. (See Correspondence earlier. ) MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment of Vouchers APPROVAL #3601 through 3763 in the amount of $161 ,928.53 having received #3592-3600 Void departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise acrd/or #3601-3763 O.K. services. Vouchers #3592 through 3600 were machine voided. Also Plus L. I.D. 276 recommended for payment: LID 276-Phase II Revenue Warrent R-4 Phase II $1 ,650.40 and Cash Warrant C-4 in amount of $1 ,650.40. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for Ordinance #2848 second and final readings which had been placed on first reading 5/6 Calabrese Rezone changing the zoning classification from Residence District R-2 to Business District B-1 and B-P with restrictive covenants for cer- tain requirements for property located at Tony Go's in Highlands. Following readings it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. Roll Call : ALL Affirmative. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #2849 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented water rate ordi- Water Charges nance which had been placed on first reading 4/22/74 and second and final readings 5/6/74 and referred to the Public Works Director for one week to consider the effect of 25% reduction. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason substantiated original recommendation for 35% increase in revenue which will be offset by increased Labor costs , increased materials cost, electrical power rates and copper pipe prices , approximating the 25% decrease. The letter included two alternate commodity rates which would reduce either across the " board or a heavier reduction for small residential customers; also noting the need to adopt ordinance tonight in order to facilitate effective date of June 1 , as our coding structure for each account makes it impractical to change sewer without water. Followinq read- inqsof the ordinance, .MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CONCUR IN LETTER AND ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED STREDICKE, AMEND ORDINANCE REDUCING CUSTOMER SERVICE CHARGE BY $.30. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2850 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented street vacation ordi- Vacation of nance which had been placed on first reading 5/6/74 (placed on read- Certain Portion ings in 1972, easements now received) vacating portion of Burnett Burnett Ave. S. Ave. S. and S. 8th St near P!;oet Sohn, Power & Light Co. Fallowing the & S. 8th St. readings , MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call : All Affirmative. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Glacier Park. Glacier Park rezone ordinance for first reading and referral back to committee. Rezone R-757-74 City Clerk Mead read the ordinance for rezone of 3.5 Acres near West Valley Hwy. for proposed business G to M/P. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented rezone ordinance Rezone Ordinance of Mr. Harold W. Hill and Mr. Louis B. Rowley for first reading. Hill & Rowley City Clerk Mead read ordinance rezoning 2.33 Acres located on West R-762-74 Valley Hwy. from G to M/P for proposed warehouse and office. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Readinq :Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented rezone ordinance kezGne Ordinance of Living Memorial Association of Kennydale for first reading. City Living Memorial Clerk Mead read ordinance rezoning property located on N.E. 27th R-761-74 St. between Edmonds N.E. and Aberdeen N.E. of .09 Acres for use of single family residences P-1 to G-7200. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 485 Renton City Council Minutes of 5/13/74 - Page 5 RESOLUTIONS Resolution #1907 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution declar- Kennydale Sewer ing the City's intent to construct and install sanitary sewers , Meadow Ave. N. trunk lines and appurtenances thereto in and near Park Ave. N. , L. I.D. 286 Meadow Ave. N. and FAI 405 between N. 40th and N. 28th, Kennydale, Public Hearing creating L. I .D. 286, establishing date of Public Hearing July 1 , 1974. 7/1/74 Resolution was read by Clerk. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1908 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution declar- Kennydale/ ing the City's intent to construct and install sanitary sewers , Highlands trunk lines and appurtenances thereto in and near Dayton Ave. N.E. Sewer Dayton NE between N.E. JLpth and N.E. 27th St. , and to create a Local Improve- Public Hearing ment District No. 287, establishing date of Public Hearing as 8/5/74 August 5, 1974. Following reading of the resolution, MOTION BY GRANT SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED, Resolution #1909 Resolution transferring x750 from Cumulative Reserve #1894 to Library Transfer of Funds Facilities for Construction Projects in order to employ engineer- Library Heating ing consultant to review heating and air-conditioning in the main library, was presented by Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke. Following reading of the resolution, MOTION BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council meeting of the Renton City Council adjourned at 11 :59 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 5./13/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS /ylpC,�i.✓F 1114 : 3S9z— 3(eoa CURRENT 3601 3639 $22r295e60 PARKS AND RECREATION 3640 3659 68x94201 ARTERIAL STREET 3660 3661 $4s531e89 CITY STREET 3662 3674 $4r490r92 LIBRARY 3675 3720 $10, 23508 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT FUND 3721 3722 $483®27 WORK INCENTIVE FUND 3723 3723 $208v87 NEW CAREERS 3724 3724 $96017 REG* AND STREET FWD THRUST 3725 3728 $38P27100 URBAN ARTERIAL 3729 3732 619x657#46 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 3733 3734 $1x082-934 WATERWORKS UTILITY 3735 3746 642t192t42 AIRPORT 3747 3749 $41804 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3750 3763 $9xO22e1[i TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS $161x928#53 VAN WEx THE 1!NDERS.IGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL♦ HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO* 3601 THROUGH NO* 3763 IN THE AMOUNT OF $161x928 .53 THIS 13 OF MAY iffiffif L.I.D. 276— PHASE II FINANCE CO I TEE REVENUE WARRANT—R-4 $1,650.40 CASK WARRANT C-4 $1,650.40 ...,.w.w..w .. wwwwrw.ww w. CO TTEE MEMBER ww •aw r ww��`.�.w. www.www � COMM ITTEE MMEMBER CITY COUNCIL CaMMrrTFE MEETING CALENDAR i Office of the City C2AW1 COUNCIL CCWrTTEE MEETINGS SCHEDUIRD AT CITY COUNCIL FETING OF May 13 , 1974 CCM4Kr= DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION CCRMITTEE Tues. , 5/14 7:30 P.M. STREDICKE 2nd Flr. Chamber or Financial Consultant to be present Cafeteria FIRE STATION COM = Thurs, , 5/16 4:00 P.M. Cyd 4th Flr. Conf. Roam CC14 MTY SERVICES Thurs. , 5/16 9:00 A.M. GRANT 3rd Flr. Conf. Roam M-P, H & L with Planning Staff FINANCE AND PERSONNEL SCIiELI RT LEGISLATION & INTER- Wed. , 5/15 4:30 P.M. STREDICKE 6th Flr. Conf. Room Sign Code G Mon. , 5/20 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION Thurs, 5/16 4:30 P.M. PE2RY 3rd Flr. Conf. Room OTHER MEETINGSAND EVENTS WAS'HINGDON STATE DEPT. OF Fri. , 5/17 9:00 A.M. Room 407, 300 West Representation Hearing on Public Service LABOR & INDUSTRIES Harrison - Seattle Employees Local No. 674 PUGET SOUND AIR POLLIT ON Thurs. , 6/20 9:30 A.M. Seattle Center - Orca.s Proposed amendment to Aar Pollution Control Room Reg. 1. 488 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 13, 1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3679 $ 70,000 Bob Edwards 150 S. W. 7th Street Const. 50' x 102' Marina bldg. 3680 -- A. Calebrese 1208-1210 Kirkland N.E. Demolition of duplex 3681 5,000 Golf West 301 S. 3rd Street Remodel restaurant area 3682 230,000 Central Puget, Inc. 550 S.W. 7th Street Construct 2-story office bldi 3683 100 Arthur C. Boyd 508 Windsor P1. N.E. Construct carport-fibreglas 3684 17,000 Hebb & Narodick 906 S. 29th Court Single family residence-garage F3685 26,500 to it 912 S. 29th Court Single family residence-garage 3686 35,000 ifit 914 S. 29th Court Single family residence 3687 30,000 " 918 S. 29th Court Single family residence l 3688 28,450 if it1021 S. 30th Court Single family residence 3689 29,500 William Arrigonir 907 N. 34th Street Single family residence B3690 5,000 Larry E. Halvorson 819 Jefferson Ave. N.E. Recreation room and cone. patio 3691 150 Walter Dalrymple 4217 N.E. 10th Place Enclose garage 3692 -- General Investments 710 N. 4th St. Demolish single family residence 3693 4,000 Shaw Drugs 220 Wells Ave. S. Alt. to fountain lunch area ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4644 800 Pantry Restaurant 301 S. 3rd Street Connect kitchen equipment 4645 250 Golf West, Inc. 301 S. 3rd Street Wire cubicles in office space 4646 240 Dave H. Swayne 411 Williams Ave. S. Inst. new box - 15A to 200A 4647 50 Walter Dalrymple 4217 N.E. 10th Place Add 4 wall outlets 4648 750 Hillis Homes 2919 Morris Ave. S. Wire new single family residence 4649 750 Hillis Homes 1009 S. 30th Court Wire new single family residence MECHANICAL PERMITS M3903 9,500 Central Puget, Inc. 550 S.W. 7th Street Install Plumbing & Fixtures 3904 6,500 The Boeing Co. Renton Plant Misc. in-plant installation M3905 999 Rigby Dev. Co. 3116 Morris Ave. S. Install Plumbing & Fixtures 3906 1,100 Q & M Construction 1714 Glenwood S.E. Install Plumbing & Fixtures 3907 1,100 Q & M Enterprises 2707 S.E. 16th St. Install Plumbing & Fixtures 3908 1,100 Itto 1707 Glenwood Ave. S.E. Install Plumbing & Fixtures 3909 1,000 Shaw Drugs 330 S. Wells Remodel plumbing in drug store SEWER PERMITS 2028 Bill Kelso 1808 Aberdeen S.E. Connect side sewer 2029 Bill Kelso 2035 Aberdeen S.E. Connect side sewer 2030 Hebb & Narrodick 906 S. 29th Court Connect side sewer 2031 " if 912 S. 29th Court Connect side sewer 2032 if if914 S. 29th Court Connect side sewer 2033 it it918 S. 29th Court Connect side sewer 2034 if it 1021 S. 30th Court Connect side sewer RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 20 , 1974 Office of City Clerk R E F E R R A L S AVIATION COMMITTEE Position of Deputy Director of Public Works CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER Aero-Dyne Lease Assignment Four-year terms for Boards & Commissions; Uniformity of residency requirements Sartori Schnol Anreement for Joint Use *Skyway Towing Claim & Notice COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Chamber request re Green River Flood Control Zone LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Agreement for Joint Use of Sartori School Ordinance for L. I.D. 284 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTC`? Proceed with L. I .D. 284 Speed Limit N. E. Sunset Blvd. APPOINTMENTS Mr. Gary Gotti - Renton Fire Department, Permanent Position of Fireman Mr. Norman Ross - Planning Commission Mr. Christopher Wright - Human Rights and Affairs Commission Mr. Donald Custer - Renton Park Board Mrs. Helga Karinen - Human Rights and Affairs SPECIAL EVENTS Public Hearing - 6/6/74 - Sign Code Revisions TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Pedestrian Xing at Kirkland Ave. N.E. & Sunset PLANNING DEPARTMENT Request Non-standard Regulatory Signs Mini-Park Proposal at Airport 490 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 20 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers A G E N D A CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES DELAURENTI AND HENRY SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City mom IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; JACK LYNCH AND DON STARK, Administrative Assistant To The Mayor; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Plan- ning Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. ; GENE COULON, Park Department; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; CAPT. J. BOURASA, Police Rep. , CAPT. J. COLOMBI , Fire Dept. Rep. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 2, AND MAY 13, 1974 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. F PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and L. I. D. 284 posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to consider the pre- Kennydale liminary assessment roll for L. I .D. 284, sanitary sewers and trunk Jones Ave. NE lines and appurtenances in and near Jones Ave. N.E.between N.E. 40th Sanitary Sewers and N.-L. 44th St. ; total preliminary assessment - $77,062.99. Letter of protest from Robert A. Fawcett and Clarissa M. Fawcett, 4008 Meadow Ave. North, declined participation in the district. Letter of protest from Vernon Schei and Helen Schei , 4108 Jones Ave. N.E. , asked that additional property be included in the L. I .D. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason listed the protests as 32.86% of the total project, or $25,323. 19. Utilities Engineer Houghton used dis- play map for description of area which can be assessed and that area not benefitted for inclusion in the district but which can use late- comers agreement for connection at the time of development of property. Houghton reported application has ')een made to Department of Ecology for grant for this project and a good chance of approval noted. Persons present making inquiries : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fawcett, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schei , Mr. Bruce Helberg for Production Co. , 4232 Jones Ave. N.E. Upon inquiries of addition/Jeletion of property from proposed district, City Attorney Shellan advised any chanqes to the district would necessitate adoption of a new resolution creating new L. I . D. with new preliminary assessment roll . In order that Public Works Director Gonnason and Engineer Houghton meet with property See later action owners , MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, L. I .D. 284 BE TABLED UNTIL LATER IN MEETING. CARRIED. SPECIAL Metro Director, Mr. Tom Gibbs , assisted by Mrs. Penny Wilson of the PRESENTATION Community Relations Division presented slides explaining Metro plans Metro and reouirements necessitatinq rate increase amounting to 80¢ for each Sewerage Rate month per housebold for total charge of $3.55 per month, or 80� raise Increase for 900 cubic feet of water as Federal law does not allow charging on sliding scale or a different rate for different class of people. Mr. Gibbs noted Metro encourages metering of sewerage as a means of cutting expense for those using large volumes of water. Factors causing the rate Increase were listed: (a) Inflation; (b) Interest and principal payments on existing bond issues; (c) Continuing require- ment to provide utility service & preserve rate payers investment in sewerage facilities; (d) Federal water quality regulations , explain- ing Federal law 92500 necessitates change in handling of sludge, and of Metro' s desire to meet 1983 Federal requirements. Upon inquiry from Councilman Schellert re May Creek Interceptor, Mr. Gibbs noted CORRESPONDENCE & input would be invited prior to implementation. CURRENT BUSINESS City Clerk Mead reported Renton Justice Court Notice of Suit #11540-74 Skywav Towing and Coriplaint for Damages in amount of $977 . 59, plus attorney fees, filed Notice of Suit by Kenneth B. Powell and Donna Powell , his wife, dba Skyway Towing against PACCAR, INC. , THE BOEING CO. , City of Seattle and City of Renton. City Clerk noted earlier claim filed by the plaintiff in 1971 , for same charge of flood damage of business property due to 491 Renton City Council May 20, 1974 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Water Damages broken water line near 5th N. and Garden Ave. N. on or about 5/28/71 . Continued MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Interim Financing Letter from Finance Director Marshall recommended that the bid of L. I.D. 285 Peoples National Bank of Washington be accepted for the interim financing on L. I.D. 285, sanitary sewers Earlington Industrial Area; informal bids received 5/15/74. Interest rate submitted by Peoples was 5.19%, next low received was 5.75%, per letter. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF FINANCE DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Senior Citizens - Joint letter of Mayor Garrett and Renton Superintendent of Schools, Joint Use of Dr. Gary Kohlwes , reviewed history of the Senior Citizens Facilities Sartori School Committee comprised of School District personnel , Council members and Senior Citizens , with Mr. Stan Thompson as Chairman. The letter notes the joint committee concluded the lower level of Sartori School should be made available and attached proposed lease agreement with projected contract date of July 1 , 1974, asking concurrence with proposed lease arrangement. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MAT- TER OF JOINT USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS ACTIVITIES BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR PREPARATION OF NECESSARY AGREEMENT. CARRIED. Green River Flood Letter from Renton Chamber of Commerce submitted report re the Green Control Zone River Valley Drainage Program, its history, purpose and sponsors. The Chamber urged the City to continue as sponsors of the Green River Flood Control Zone District and adopt a resolution of intent to meet the requirements of the five points outlined by the U. S. Soil Con- servation Service: Fish passage provisions; environmental control with development of permits for landfill or urban development; preser- vation or relocation of existing habitat for non-wetland wildlife; acquisition of wild life wetland habitat (110 acres total project) ; and adoption of land use policy consistent with regional land use plan. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY , THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Local 21R Letter from Washington State Council of County & City Employees Request Re Represent,,tive, Mr. John S. Malgarini , requested Memorial Day Memorial Day holiday observance. May 27, 1974 rather than the scheduled May 30, covered in Local 21R's working agreement. The letter noted the local schools were observing May 27, 1974. Letter of reply from Mayor Garrett noted that when State and Federal laws differ as with Memorial Day, the ordinance of the City honors State-designated holidays, therefore observing May 30, as advised by City Attorney. PUBLIC HEARING Matter of L. I .D. 284, sanitary sewers Jones Ave. N. E. between N.E. 40th LID 284 and N.E. 44th St. , was tabled during Public Hearing in order that the CONTINUED property owners could meet with the Public Works Director. Gonnason noted those. properties that are not included in L. I .D. but would have late-comers area charge, would bear approximately the same costs with- out the benefit of financing over the 10-20 years, and that those properties being specifically benefited must be included in the L. I. D. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THATL. I .D. 284 BE APPROVED AND THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED, L. I. D. 284 THAT THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER APPROVED ORDINANCE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared May 24 and 25, 1974 as Veterans of Foreign Wars Buddy Poppy Days urging all citizens to support the V. F.W. Buddy sale of the poppies for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans. Poppy Days MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE 5/24 & 25/74 PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. American Legion Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared Renton Poppy Days as May 24 and Poppy Days 25, 1974 for sale of the Memorial Poppy by the American Legion and 5/24 & 25/74 Auxiliary for child welfare and rehabilitation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF MAYOR. CARRIED. 492 Renton City Council Meeting of 5/20/74 - Page 3 PROCLAMATIONS - Continued National Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared May 19 through 25, 1974 as Insurance Women National Insurance Women's Week giving commendation and recognition Week 5/19-25 for their outstanding accomplishments in this profession; 17,000 membership in the National Association of Insurance Women. MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION BY THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Ms. Karen Haag of Wm. F. Davis Insurance Agency received the Proclamation. APPOINTMENTS Letter of Mayor Garrett announced permanent appointment to the Fireman G. Gotti Renton Fire Department of Mr. Gary Gotti who has successfully Permanent Appt. completed his six--month probationary period as a fireman 5/31/74, Fire Department appointment effective 6/1/74. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Council President Clymer of solutions to broken lamps on new standards due to oarkinq campers and trucks with wheel overhang Broken Lamps affected by crown of certain streets , Public Works Director reported further investigation underway such as removal of one set out of four sets of lights. Legislation Legislation Committee report submitted by committee chairman Stredicke Committee Report recommended that the City Attorney prepare legislation to change the terms of all boards and commissions of the City of Renton to Uniformity of four year terms , including terms presently being served, and to give Boards & uniformity to residency requirements for boards and commissions. Commissions MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOM- MENDATION OF THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND LEGISLATION COMMI)'TEF. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee Mr. N. Ross reports concurring in the recommendation of the Mayor to reappoint Planning Com. Mr. Norman L. Ross to the Renton Planning Commission; concurring in Mr. C. Wright the Mayor' s recommendation to reappoint Mr. Christopher Wright to Human Rights the Renton Human Rights and Affairs Commission; concurring in the Mr. D. Custer Mayor' s recommendation to reappoint Mr. Don Custer to the Renton Park Board Park Board; concurring in the Mayor's recommendation to reappoint Finance Committee Mrs. Helga Karinen to the Renton Human Rights and Affairs Commission. Report MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THESE FOUR APPOINTMENTS OF THE MAYOR AS RECOMMENDED BY THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Boeing Commercial Councilman Schellert submitted letter received from Mr. Robert G. Airplane Co. Johnston, Director of Civic and Governmental Affairs, Boeing Commer- re Inventory cial Airplane Co. , advised of Substitute House Bill 1301 passed by Tax House and Senate on 4/23/74 phasing out the inventory tax over a 10-year period to 1983 during which time there will be no loss of revenue to the City. The letter advised those concerned with local government support after 10 years , two points pertinent: (1 ) The phase-out of the inventory tax should broaden the industry base creat- ing more jobs , increasing revenues; (2) If this does not happen, the biennual review by the Dept. of Revenue should provide information for corrective legislation. Councilman Schellert noted that H.B. 1301 subject to legislative review. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report that Committee Rpt. recommended the Public Works Department proceed with the necessary action to accomplish the Whitman Court N.E. L. I .D. proposal providing Whitman Court NE for the construction of a cul -de-sac roadway from N. E. Sunset Blvd. L. I. D. and extending southerly to a point North of the existing northerly termi- Vacation nus of Whitman Court N.E. , concurrently with the proposed Whitman Court N.E. vacation. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , MOW COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason noted the Honey Dew Apartment documents and covenants were executed by the applicants and the matter is in escrow pending delivery to the City of title report certifying that Dura Development, Inc. is owner of property with right to enter into agreement. Gonnason agreed to pro- vide copies of the signed agreement to Councilmen. Renton City Council Meeting of 5/20/74 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Transportation Transportation Committee report recommended the planning Department Committee Report resubmit the request for usage of non-standard regulatory signs in the central business district of Renton to the Department of Highways Non-Regulatory and the Federal Highway Administration. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Signs CBD BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Pedestrian Xing Transportation Committee reported the reconsideration of the matter of Kirkland N. E. & pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Kirkland Ave. N.E. and N. E. Sunset N. E. Sunset Blvd, recommending that the Public Works Department be requested to provide appropriate signs and markings for a pedes- trian crossing at this location. Committee chairman Perry noted the pedestrian crossing is on the south side of intersection and crossing signs would be erected by Traffic En ineerin . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN C('.MMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Speed Limit Transportation Committee report recommended that adjustments to the Revisions to speed limit on N.E. Sunset Blvd. be made as follows: From Edmonds N.E. Sunset Ave. N.E. to Monroe Ave. N.E. , raise the speed limit from 30 MPH to 35 MPH. From Monroe Ave. N.E. to the East City Limit, raise the speed limit from 30 MPH to 40 MPH. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT SECONDED BY BRUCE, AMEND MOTION TO TERMINATE 35 MPH SPEED LIMIT AT N.E. 12th STREET AND RETAIN 30 MPH FROM N.E. 12th ST. TO EDMONDS AVE. N.E. Public Works Director Gonnason reported concurrence in the Transportation Committee report. Councilman Bruce noted need for near stop while turning from N.E. Sunset into businesses because of narrow entrances and urged 30 MPH limit for business section. Council- man Schellert urged 30 MPH limit due to new pedestrian crossing with- out signal , heavy pedestrian and McKnight Middle School crossings. ROLL CALL FOR AMENDMENT: AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE AND SCHELLERT. NO: PERRY, STREDICKE AND DELAURENTI . MAYOR GARRETT broke the tie with NO Vote. Amendment to Motion FAILED. Original Motion CARRIED. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report Committee Rpt. recommending acceptance of Phase II-B of the Airport ADAP Project completed by Maple Valley Electric Co. (CAG-034-73) . Report noted Maple Valley this portion of the project was approved by FAA on 3/7/74 and that Electric work included construction of quick egress taxiways and airport light- CAG-034-73 ing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENIT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDyTION 0.- C(1"MITI TE :.. _......_i... Airport Mini-Park Aviation Committee report recommended Kiwanis Club proposed "mini- Proposed park" with commitment of manpower and $'3,000 seed money on Airport property, Rainier Ave. south of Chamber of Commerce, be referred to the Planning Department for preparation of design for submittal to Park Board for review. Report noted the mini-park could have relevance to comprehensive trails system, which will be taken into consideration. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Aero-Dyne Lease Aviation Committee report recommended approval of assignment as request- Assignment ed by Aero-Dyne Corp. for transfer of leasehold interests under LAG-02-73, covering the former State Patrol property, to Volco, Inc. for sublease to Aero-Paint Systems , Inc. The report noted this assign- ment was internal change to finance proposed expansion, both Aero- Dyne and Volco being owned by Jack Volkel ; Airport Director recommended approval and referral to City Attorney for preparation of necessary docu- ments. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR AND IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Kiwanis Air Fair The Aviation Committee report recommended concurrence in Kiwanis Club Renton Airport proposal for scheduling of its second annual Renton Air Fair on 8/17 8/17-18/74 & 8/18/74. Report stated the Airport Director will work with the Kiwanis Club to secure the necessary hold harmless agreements , insur- ance, etc. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting of 5/20/74 - Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Public Hearing Legislation Committee Notice of Public Hearing set date of June 6, Sign Code Thursday meeting 8:00 PM to review changes to the City's Sign Code Revisions proposed by the Committee and an Ad-hoc Committee which has worked Thursday 6/6/74 with the Council 's Community Services Committee for several months, as well as accept additional comments from the general public. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED REVISIONS TO SIGN CODE BE HELD JUNE 6, 1974 AT 8:00 PM. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, LETTER FROM MAYOR GARRETT TO COUN- Newly Created CIL PRESIDENT AS RELATES TO PROPOSED,ADDITIONAL APPOINTMENT OF AIRPORT Position within DIRECTOR BENNETT AS DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS, BE REFERRED TO Public Works Dpt.THE AVIATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council Reconvened at 9:51 p.m. with all Councilmen present at roll call as previously shown. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended approv- #3764-3771 Void al of payment of Vouchers No. 3772 through 3920 in amount of #3772-3920 O.K. $254,077.04 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 3764 through 3771 were machine voided during processing by Data Processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Glacier Park Ordinance #2851 Rezone ordinance for second and final readings, having been placed Glacier Park on first reading 5/13/74. City Clerk Mead read ordinance changing Rezone R-757-74 zoning classification from (G) General to (MP) Manufacturing Park, prop- erty located on West Valley Hwy. ,. for second an.d final readings. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2852 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented rezone ordinance Living Memorial of Living Memorial Association of Kennydale, which had been placed Association on first reading 5/13/74, rezoning property located on N.E. 27th Rezone R-761-74 St. between Edmonds Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E. for use of single family residences (P-1 to G-7200) . Following second and final readings , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- CIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. I Ordinance #2853 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented rezone ordinance Hill & Rowley of Mr. Harold W. Hill and Mr. Louis B. Rowley for second and final Rezone readings; first reading 5/13/74. Following second and final read- R-762-74 ings by the City Clerk of ordinance rezoning West Valley Hwy. property from G to M/P for proposed warehouse and office, MOTION BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2854 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented ordinance for first L. I. D. 279 Bonds reading which fixed the requirements for L. I.D. 279 Bonds and directed the issuance and sale thereof to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. , Seattle, the City's Bonding Counsel . Following first reading of the ordinance, MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance authorizing L. I .U. Bonds in amount of $54,993.04, MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS Resolution presented by Legislation Committce transferred $415,384. 10 Resolution #1910 from Federal Shared Revenue Fund to Curent Fund, (Security of Persons %am Transfer of & Property) , Park Fund (Phvsical Environment) , Street Fund (Transpor- Shared Revenue tation) , and Library Fund Accounts (Intellectual Environment) . Funds Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Delores A. Mead, 'Uity U IPr e�� 495 WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 5/20/74 BENIN ENDING TOTAL! WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS CURRENT� v/D -� 3772 3513 f9, 958044 PARKS AND RECREATION 3814 3830 f5* 210077 ARTERIAL STREET 3831 3831 f94177 CITY STREET 383E 3845 $11# 772926 REGs AND STREET FWD THRUST 3846 3852 $640959043 URBAN ARTERIAL 3853 3887 $64* 094174 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 3888 3861 $810290132 WATERWORKS .UTILITY 386E 3875 f6e853 05 AIRPORT 3876 3804 $10525059 EQUIPMENT RENTAL' 3885 3899 f1* 141i46 FIREMEN PENSION 3896 3990 f7a175 0 9 TOTAL OF` ALL WARRANTS SES40 077104 WEP THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF! THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL# HAVING RECEIVED DERARTMENTA610ERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANOISE• AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED* 00 WERESY 'APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS N0# 3772 THROUGH NO• 3920 IN THE AMOUNT OF. •254#077.04 THIS 20 OF MAY 22888tH FINANCE C MMITTEE C MITTEE MEMBER • mam mamma"" mamma= C ITTEE MEMBER .Nm .. as = .Nm=Noma■ MITTEEiMEMSER CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Q'J Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTE,' Z=INGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF May 20, 1974 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COMMITTEE STREVICKE COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT FINANCE AND pgRSONNEI, Wed. , 5/22 4:00 P.M, S("HELLERT In conjunction with Legislation C rrmittee LEGISLATION & INTER- Wed. , 5/22 4:30 P.M. STREDICKE Shoreline Master Plan a0VEHQ=s, Mon. , 5/27 7:00 P.M. It6th Flr. Conference Rm. PUBLIC SAFETY DELAURENTI PUBLIC WORKS BRUCE TRANSPORTATION Iues. , 5/28 4:30 P.k4. PERRY 4th Flr. Conference Rm Mr. Gonnason invited. 6 Year Street Program Renton Hill Project. CI ER MEETINGS AND EVENTS FIRE STATION CCWTTEE • , 5/23 4:00 P,M. CLYMER 4th Flr. Conference Rm. Architect Design SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY COMaTTEE SENIOR CITIZENS NUTRITION Wed. , 5/29 11:30 A.M. Sartori School King County Councilman Forsythe PROGRAM 497 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 20, 1974 I PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3694 $ 21,000 Kelso Construction 2029 Aberdeen Ave. S.F. Single family residence 3695 20,000 Jack Colobbi 1015 N. 31st St. Single family residence 196 -- A. Calabrese 1218-1220 Jefferson NE Demolish duplex -97 FHA - Dalpav & Assoc. 662 Dayton Ave.. N.E. Demolish residence �98 1,200 Merriam Colis 1004 Shelton Ave S.E. Garage & access. bldg. 3699 2,500 William Schreven 1324 Monroe Ave. N.E. Bedroom & dining rm. add. B3700 300 Theodore Adler 3804 N.E. 6th St. Const. patio cover 3701 150 Robert Wonio 3629 N.E. 6th St. Remove garage door, add wind 3702 1,700,000 Dura Dev. Co. 1150 Union Ave. N.E. 164-unit apt. complex 3703 through 3721 - VOIDED 3722 -- A. Calabrese 1215-1217 Kirkland N.E. Demolish duplex F IT xECrMICAL PERMITS E4650 100 Bill Schwartzenberger 116 S. 2nd StreeL Install 100A service 4651 150 Norman Jacobs 630 Tacoma Ave. N.F. Install elec circ. breaker 4652 250 Dave Whitlock 115 Pelly Ave. N. Wire lights, new fixture, connect X-ray 4653 50 City of Renton 3000 N.E. 16th St. Misc. repair & grounding 4654 350 Q-M Enterprises, Inc. 2707 S.E. 16th St. Wire new family residence E4655 750 Hillis Hanes 1010 S. 31st St. Wire residence 4656 750 Hillis Hanes 1004 S. 31st Ct. Wire residence 4687 150 James Kent 2109 N.E. 6th Place Wire new addition 4658 1,050 Austin Drug Store 220 Wells Ave. So. New elec. for lunchroom " ECKVICAL PERMITS 910 500 Rod W. Pfeifle 916 Ferndale Circle NE Replace plumbing fixtures 911 400 Dave Woodcock 115 Pelly Ave. N. Install two sinks 3912 2,000 Golf West 301 S. 3rd St. Inst, plumbing & fixtures SIGN PERMITS 5363 500 The Bag Shoppe 800 S. 3rd Street Inst. D/F Projecting sign 5364 500 Ang's Glass 217 Airport Way Inst. D/F Plastic Sign I i 498 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 27 , 1974 Office of the City Clerk R E F E R R A L S CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER* Letter from Mr. R. A. Fawcett asking deletion from L.I .D. 284 Claim for Damages - Wm. G. Weaver* Claim for Damages - W. E. Thompson* COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE Letter from Mr. E. R. Coleman re Planned Unit Development Let'cer from League of Women Voters re PSGC Agriculture Land Use Plan DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Letter from Mr. R. A. Fawcett asking deletion from L. I .D. 284 Bicycle Trail Adjacent to SR-515 - Work with Planning Department to formulate plans LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Recognition of Renton Bicentennial Steering Committee by legislation Ordinance authorizing construction of L. I .D. 284 - Sanitary Sewers Ordinance relating to Terms of Park Commissioners Ordinance relating to Terms of Members of Planning Commission Ordinance relating to Terms of Members of Commission on Human Rights and Affairs PLANNING DEPARTMENT Letter from Mr. E. R. Coleman re Planned Unit Development Bicycle Trail Adjacent to SR-515 - Work with Public Works Director to formulate plans APPOINTMENTS Virginia Lee Shinn, Clerk in Renton Police Department, for six months probationary, effective June 1 , 1974. Mr. Bev Morrison to Planning Commission, to expire December 31 , 1978, Confirmed by Council PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE iOpening - One Year Supply of Cold Water Meters - Reported out and awarded to Carlon Meter Sales Co. , Inc. i 499 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 27, 1974 Municipal Building Monday, 8: 00 P. M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, Zed the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES COUNCIL DELAURENTI, AND HENRY SCHELLERT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUTE, ABSENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT CLYMER AND COUNCILMAN GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief, RICHARD GEISSLER, Acting Fire Chief; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 29, 1974 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date se- and proper notices having been published L.I.D. 283 and posted, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to consider Lower EarZington the preliminary assessment roZZ for L.I.D. 283, sanitary severs, Addition trunk Zines and appurtenances in and near the EarZington Addition; Sanitary Sewer total preliminary assessment - $193, 794. 70. Letters of protest from Carl W. Niemi, 4005 S.W. Donovan, Seattle, and from Mr. and Mrs. James M. Corbin, 315 - 4th N.E. , Auburn were read. Letter from Pub- Zic Works Director Gonnason was read listing the two protest Zetters as 1. 73% of the total cost of the L.I.D. Public Works Director Gonnason displayed a map of the area, showing the portion of the total L.I.D. which was initiated by a petition that rep»esented 11.9% of the total area proposed to be assessed. Milwaukee Land Co. , which owns 67% of the land area represented, signed a Zetter of concurrence and this was the basis upon which the project was initiated. Mr. Gonnason expZained the boundaries of the L.I.D., using the map to illustrate the various portions of Zand. At the request of CounciZman ScheZZert, Public Works Director Gonnason explained the processes of the L.I.D. procedure for the audience. The audience was asked for comment. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Rudolph Zaputil, 420 Lind Ave. S. W.; Mr. S.P. OsboZt, 430 Maple Ave. S. W.; Mr. Charles Stahl, 591 S. 4th Place;- Mr. Alvin Martin, 617 S. W. 4th Place; Mr. Kenneth Crabtree, 423 Lind Ave. S. W.; Mrs. Harry F. Zimmerman, 509 S.W. 4th Place; Mr. William Taylor, 469 Maple Ave. S. W.; Mr. John Anarde, 436 Stevens Ave. S. W; aZZ registered protests against the assessments, although Mr. Crabtree said he would favor it with Federal funding and Mr. Taylor was in favor of the sewer on his property at 469 Maple Ave. S. W. , but opposed to it at 513 Stevens S. W. Public Works Director Gonnason commented that some adjustments might be made in the final design. Councilman Stredicke inquired if this was the property proposed for an apartment complex some time ago. Mr. Robert Argue, Attorney for Milwaukee Railroad, 800 Skinner Bldg., Seattle, stated that the company was not planning to develop the property for industrial use, that they were making studies. Some discussion ensued. It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES TO ALLOW THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TIME TO TOTAL THE PERCENTAGE OPPOSING THE L.I.D. MOTION CARRIED. I i i i 500 Renton City Council May 27, 1974 - Page 2 Greater Renton Councilman Stredicke introduced Mary Smith, reporter from the New Reporter Greater Renton Nems. CORRESPONDENCE AND City Clerk Mead read the tabulation of the bid opening of May 22, CURRENT BUSINESS 1974 on a year's supply of cold water meters. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Bid Opening - Cold SECONDED BY PERRY TO REFER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Water Meters L.I.D. 284 A protest letter from Mr. Robert A. Fawcett was read asking deletion R. A. Fawcett from L.I.D. 284. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT 4008 Meadow N. THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Planned Unit A letter from Mr. E. R. Coleman, 222 Williams Ave. S., was read eveZopment urging the adoption of an ordinance allowing a Planned Unit Develop- ment for the City. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED STREDICKE, THAT THE LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton's Diamond City Clerk Mead read letter from Mayor Garrett requesting official J'.biZee and recognition by the Council of the Renton Bicentennial Steering Bicentennial Committee which was formed early this year to develop ideas for Celebration the nation 's bicentennial celebration in 1976, which year also marks Renton's 75th anniversary of incorporation as a city,. Renton's theme is to be lasting GIFTS to the community. A list of the present members of the committee was attached. It was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S REQUEST, AND THE LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGIS- LATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. MOTION CARRIED. Puget Sound Letter from League of Women Voters of King County South urged City 's Governmental Conf. review of the third draft of the study prepared by PSGC, Agriculture Agriculture Land Land Use in the Central Puget Sound Area. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Use Plan BY PERRY, TO REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Claims for Damages Clerk read Claim for Damages filed by Mr. William G. Weaver, 20344 Mr. Wm. G. Weaver 34th Ave. S., Seattle, for damage to airplane propeller allegedly due to a chuck hole in the asphalt at the Renton Airport. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested that the Aviation Committee be furnished a copy. Mr. W. E. Thompson Clerk read Claim for Damages filed by Mr. Weldon E. Thompson, 5215 South Holly, Seattle, for damage to tire allegedly caused by a nail in traffic counter. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED SCHELLERT, TO REFER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett requesting concurrence in appointment to Virginia L. Shinn position of Clerk in the Police Department, subject to the six- Police Department month probationary period, effective June 1, 1974. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Delaurenti reported receipt of a check for $25. 00 from Ball Field Lighting the Public Service Employees, Local #674, for contribution toward Contribution Ball Field lighting for youth activities. Councilman Stredicke inquired as to guarantee that donations would benefit Little Leaguers. Bid Award Public Works Committee report submitted by committee Chairman Bruce Year's Supply recommended acceptance of the low bid submitted by CarZon Meter Sales Cold Water Meters Company for supplying cold water meters 3/4" through 2" for a period of one year in the amount of $10,214.31 be accepted. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Sol Renton City Council May 27, 1974 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Bicycle Trail Councilman Perry reported he had attended State Highway Commission Adjacent to meeting last Thursday on its 6-Year Comprehensive Road Program and SR-515 that SR-515 (Relocation of Benson Highway) has now been scheduled for commencement in July of 1976, rather than January, 1975, acquisi- tion of right-of-ways still in progress. Bicycle paths were also discussed, 2 of 1% of traffic funds available for such trails and they would work with the City if bicycle trails are desired adjacent to SR-515. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT MATTER OF BICYCLE TRAILS ADJACENT TO SR-515 BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING DEPART- MLENT TO WRK WITH THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR IN FORMULATING PLANS. MOTION CARRIED. Appointment - Finance and Personnel Committee report submitted by Chairman ScheZZert, Mr. Bev Morrison recommended concurrence in the Mayor's recommendation to appoint Mr. Renton Planning Bev Morrison to the Renton Planning Commission. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, Commission SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONFIRM THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman ScheZZert recommended #3921 -3934 Void approval of payment of Vouchers No. 3935 through No. 4029, with #3948 - Void the exception of No. 3948, which was voided, in the amount of #3935 - 4029 O.K. $504, 762. 31. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE FOR PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke recommended for first L.I.D. 284, reading the following ordinances: unitary Sewers Ordinance was read by the Clerk ordering construction and providing for mode of assessment on L.I.D. 284, Sanitary Sewers and Trunk Lines and appurtenances in the vicinity of Jones Ave. N.E. between N.E. 40th and N.E. 44th Streets. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION AND INTER-GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Terms of Park Ordinance was read by the Clerk relating to terms of Park Commissioners. Commissioners MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Terms of Members Ordinance was read by the Clerk relating to the terms of members of of Planning the Planning Commission. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, Commission TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Terms of Members Ordinance was read by the Clerk relating to the term of members of of Commission on the Commission on Human Rights and Affairs. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED Human Rights and BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Affairs MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL TAKE Recess - 9:45 P.M. A FIVE MINUTE RECESS. MOTION CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:52 P.M. with all Councilman present at roll call as previously shown. PUBLIC HEARING Public Works Director Gonnason reported that 18.55% of the entire RECONVENED cost of the L.I.D. had protested. If all of the non-railroad property and the OsboZt property is included as protesting, the percentage represented would be 47. 54%, if just the residential property to the west, it would be 29. 635%. The Mayor noted that this L.I.D. had been initiated by City Resolution and inquired of the City Attorney as to the legal processes to kill the L.I.D. Mr. SheZlan said that if the protesters amounted to 60% of the cost- sharing property owners, the L.I.D. would be defeated, but that the City Council could kill the L.I.D. for any reason, -otherwise the L.I.D. could be redesigned for new boundaries and a new L.I.D. created. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT L.I.D. 283 BE TERMINATED. After considerable discussion, MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10.07 P.M. jt Delores A. Mead, City Cierk WARRANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 5/27/74 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUND DESCRIPTION NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS /hA(a�tir' ✓,7ib - ,;93y- ��� x'"09 // CURRENT veio"jy,�(l- 3935 3967 "6;0 =26- PARKS AND RECREATION 3968 3982 64, 110@58 ARTERIAL STREET 3983 3983 6330@00 CITY STREET 3984 3994 69A494t11 LIBRARY 3995 3995 6112@67 FEDERAL SHARED REV . FUf�D 3996 3996 $415i384t10 REG• AND STREET FWD THRUST 3997 4000 611P6350 1 URBAN ARTERIAL 4001 4003 67j291@30 1965 W AND 9 CONSTR• FUND 4004 4004 64j000t00 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUN) 4005 4005 649185 WATERWORKS UTILITY 4006 4018 651238v88 AIRPORT 4019 4021 638@88 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4022 4029 6567902 �So y% lz, ai TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS WEA THE UNDERSIGNED MFMdERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTOm CITY COUNCIL] HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED] DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO* 3935 THROUGH 1409 4029 IN THE AMOUNT OF 76 � THIS 27 OF MAY ffffffff FINANCE COMMITTEE C �MITTEF� MEMd R COMMITA-E MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 27, 1974 CALL FOR BIDS COLD WATER METERS BID OPENING - MAY 22 , 1974 COMPANY BIDDING BB -. AA-EEO PRICE SALES TAX TOTAL PRICE I Carlon Meter Sales Co . X X $ 9, 700. 20 $514 . 11 $10, 214 . 31 20012 N.E . 96th Street Bothell , WA 98011 H. D. Fowler Co . , Inc . 13440 - S .E . 30th St . X X $10, 271 . 25 $544 . 38 $10, 815 . 63 Bellevue, WA 98007 t Hersey Products , Inc. NO BID 1800 Westlake Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98109 I Pacific Water Works X X $10 , 839. 15 $574 . 47 $11 ,413. 62 Supply Co . , Inc. 2900 First Ave . So. Seattle , WA 98134 j CITY COUNCIL COWI= MEETING CALENDAR 01 a Office of the City Clerk COUIK:IL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHE1X1A-D AT CITY COUNCIL METING OF May 27, 1974 CONI= DATE TIME CHAIFWAN LOCATION REMARKS AVIATION COiIITTEE Tues. 6/11 I 7:30 PM SIPMICXE x 2nd Flr. Conf. Roan Councilmen urged to attend. CX]MJNITY SERVICES CANT FINANCE AND PERSONNEL. Wed. 5/29 4:00 PM SCHELLE T 6th Flr. Conf. Roan City's Insurance Program IEGISLATION & INTER- Mon. 6/3 7:00 PM S=ICKE 6th Flr. Conf. R.ocm GOVERNMENTAL PUBLIC SAFETY DEIAUREN T I PUBLIC MCFK;S BICE TRANSPORTATION rues. 5/: 8 4:30 PM PERRY Ftri Flr. Conf. Room 6-Yr, Street Construction Program and F?Pnton Hill Project =91 MEETINGS AND EVEt?TS rhurs. 6/6 8:00 PM Council Chambers Regular Meeting of City Council FIRE STATICN CCNdITTEE CLYMF PtiLlic Hearing on Sign Code Revisions SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY CX;�IITTEE sb� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MAY 29,1974 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMITS NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK B3723 $ 3,000.00 Renton Village Company 35 S. Grady Way Remodel Office Space 3724 38,000.00 Q-M Enterprises, Inc. 2332 Talbot Crest Dr. Cbnstruct Single Fam. Res. 3725 35,000.00 Hillis Hanes 2907 Morris Ave. S Construct Single Fam. Res. 3726 250.00 Mrs. Sheridan 416 Shattuck Ave. S VOID 3727 2.000.00 FHA - Seattle Area Office 1002 N. 31st St. Repair Per Specs 3728 40.000.00 McKinney Construction Inc 1725 Lincoln Cr. S.E. Construct Single Fam. Res. 3729 Dalpay & Associates 629 Cedar Ave. S. Demolish Residence 3730 250.00 John J. Brawley 1508 Beancon Way. S.E Demolish Res. 3731 Standard Oil. Co. 2705 Sunset Blvd. N.E Demolish Res. 3732 L.B. Breezee 126 Pelly Demolish Res. MDQTANICAL PERMITS M3913 1.000.00 Erickson Ccmpany 4020 E. Valley Rd. Plumbing & Fixtures 3914 1.500.00 Kelso Const. 1808 Aberdeen Ave. S X,.Plumbing & Fixtures 3915 200.00 Golf West 301 S. 3rd St. Install Gas Piping ELECTRICAL PERMITS E4659 200.00 Harry E. Halvorson 819 Jefferson N.E. Light Circuits 4660 950.00 Renton School Dist#403 400 S. 2nd St. Floor Outlets 4661 4.050.00 Bob Edwards 150 S.W. 7th St. Power in Marina Building 4662 800.00 Q-M Enterprises. Inc. 1710 Glenwood S.E. Wire Single Fam. Res 4663 800.00 Q-M Enterprises. Inc. 1710 Glenwood S.E. Wire Single Fam, Res. 4664 750.00 Hillis Homes 2913 Morris Ave. S. Wire Single Fam. Res. 4665 250.00 Mrs. Sheridan 416 Shattuck Ave. S. U/G Conversion 4666 10.000.00 Erickson Construction 4020 E. Valley Rd. Wire & Fixtures 4667 350.00 Virgel Warren 4301 N.E. 11th Wire Addition 4668 700.00 Rigby Development 3116 Morris Ave. S Wire Single Fam. Res. SEWER PERMITS 235 Ray Rosa 307 S. 19th St. Connect Side Sewer 236 City of Renton Tiffany Park Connect Side Sewer { 1 1 ' � r